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[DROPS] WUKONG CONTINUES REACTS/NEWS/DRAMA FIRST @StarforgeSystems @MadMushroomGG @MythicTalent @OTKnetwork NEW YOUTUBE ->@AsmongoldShorts1

08-31-2024 · 8h 01m

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[00:00:57] You guys hear me?
[00:01:04] Yeah, what's up? What's up? How doing? I just just got up a little bit ago and I slept for actually quite a while and
[00:01:10] Which is good. It's great and finally awake and ready to go man, and yeah
[00:01:18] I'm excited. I didn't do shit yesterday. I
[00:01:21] I tried to get the podcast so I just did nothing after that. It was great, man
[00:01:26] We're doing what calling we are we are I said it was gonna happen
[00:01:30] um yesterday it's gonna happen today i've wanted to play it for a while like every
[00:01:35] day i don't play it is a day i wanted to play it like i'll tell you that like i i
[00:01:40] love love love that game i so i i didn't really do much yesterday honestly i just
[00:01:44] went to the podcast and fucked around i mean you know that's just the way it
[00:01:48] is but yeah usually i do it's a great game yeah it is
[00:01:53] like it's weird to see people that are so uh opinionated you know
[00:01:57] about it because I feel like yeah uh when'd you stop I stopped um I was in the jail
[00:02:02] and then there was like a deer with a gold head and I peeked the fuck out of them
[00:02:07] and then I was like okay oh no didn't I go farther than that well I don't even know
[00:02:17] yeah yeah I did and then there was that girl and then the jar the dragon
[00:02:23] sorry the long and uh I kept getting framerate drops yeah I remember that real well
[00:02:28] You beat the long idea that was a pretty fun fight. It was good on the turtles back. Yeah
[00:02:34] Yeah, I went to the snow and yeah, it's hard for me to keep everything in in in order
[00:02:37] You know like there's been so much that's happened like that shit like it just does a total scene change and like you know
[00:02:44] 30 seconds and you're in a completely different world, you know, so yeah
[00:02:49] We finished will come today. No, probably not like I mean it's a long game
[00:02:53] I mean, it's not long long, but like it's not something I'm gonna finish in like three or five hours, right?
[00:02:59] I mean, I think I got probably like 15 more hours to gameplay in it. That's what I would expect, man
[00:03:04] I'm gonna take five to ten minutes to beat a boss
[00:03:07] Well, I mean if the bosses aren't really like I mean if you played a lot of souls games and action games
[00:03:13] Let's be real right? They're not that hard
[00:03:15] however
[00:03:16] If you go if like if you're new to the genre and you're just like a casual player
[00:03:21] Then yeah, you're probably gonna have trouble with some of the bosses for sure
[00:03:25] Like yeah, I would say absolutely cuz like everybody likes to go and act like oh, I'm above this. I'm better than this, right?
[00:03:31] Yeah, of course you are because you play the games all the time, but like for an average person
[00:03:36] I think that we'll call him is actually very very well balanced, right?
[00:03:39] Even if some people that are you know like really really, you know big
[00:03:43] Uh like focus here is on the genre, but even if they think it's easier, you know when's we'll call it for
[00:03:48] I don't know. I'll look at a few things and then go and decide there, but yeah.
[00:03:52] And what do you think about creating a company that guides game studios in the right direction?
[00:03:56] It would act like as an anathema to games like Sweet Baby?
[00:03:59] I don't know about that. I mean, I think that like for me, here's the way I look at it, right?
[00:04:04] Is that I have had so many things going on in my life
[00:04:09] that the last thing that I want to do right now is take on another responsibility.
[00:04:14] Like that is the last thing I want to do is take on another fucking responsibility and another group of people
[00:04:21] I need to talk to that I need like my interaction regularly like I'm capped out on that
[00:04:26] Like I'm not looking at like there's a lot of things that if I had infinite time
[00:04:30] I would probably go and do it, but if I didn't which I don't I'm trying to you know kind of piece things together in the way
[00:04:38] That's a that makes sense for me man anybody got time for that well
[00:04:41] I certainly don't I've totally ran out of time man. Do you see dragons dog my creator of Capcom? It's you know
[00:04:48] Yes, I did see that
[00:04:49] Well, let me see I can find it. Um, give me one second
[00:04:55] It's you know
[00:05:00] See it says it say water fuck um I
[00:05:05] Don't know what was his name?
[00:05:08] Yeah, I forgot what his name. He was not happy they fucked up his game
[00:05:11] it's you know yeah I did not say it the right way. Hideaki Izuma? Okay let me see if I can find it.
[00:05:24] Okay well I did see this either way like yeah he's just me meaning I don't know I'm just me I have no
[00:05:33] idea why he left yeah yeah for sure I'll just look it up on Dragon's Dogma subreddit I mean
[00:05:37] it's gonna be on there right and so let me see here and so yeah basically this happened I guess
[00:05:44] yesterday or today in Japan, I don't know how their time frame is. I'll go ahead and pause all this, but
[00:05:51] this is actually kind of crazy to me that this happened. And it actually, in a way to me, it's
[00:05:57] kind of sad because it makes me think that we might not get Dragon's Dogma II DLC, right?
[00:06:02] Because like, obviously, this is the main guy. Hideyaki Izuno is the guy that was like
[00:06:08] behind the idea of dragon's dogma right he was the one they brought back to make
[00:06:12] dragons dogma to he made dragons dogma one you guys know I've said many times
[00:06:17] I'm a very big fan of the game really really like the game and so he actually
[00:06:22] is after he's been leaving Capcom after 30 years and five months thank you for
[00:06:27] long-term support these games and characters have been responsible for
[00:06:29] people continue to support the games and characters I'll start developing a
[00:06:33] new game in a new environment I have to create fun beautiful games or as
[00:06:36] Memorable as and even more memorable ones the ones I've created so far. Please stay tuned for my next creation
[00:06:41] So he is leaving Capcom. So I didn't even know I worked there for 50 fucking years. That was crazy
[00:06:47] I was in shock honestly, but yeah dragons. Yeah, they only cry. Yeah, so this is kind of a pretty big deal
[00:06:54] I mean this guy. I mean huge huge developer, right?
[00:07:00] Hmm. I
[00:07:02] Mean we even gonna get dragons dogma 3
[00:07:04] I mean I think they fucked up with dragons dogma 2 right, but I'm just saying like the DLC for dragons dogma 1 made the game a
[00:07:12] Lot better so and and the same thing happened with monster hunter
[00:07:16] So it's like my only my only thoughts on this in terms of like content, right?
[00:07:20] Is that I wonder if this means that we're not going to get dragons dogma 2 DLC?
[00:07:26] Because like I mean if I saw the main guy that was like the creative lead for the game left the studio
[00:07:32] I would pretty much assume that you wouldn't get DLC especially considering like dragons dogma 3 like our dragons on the 2
[00:07:40] Dragons didn't it sell like 3 or 4 million copies?
[00:07:44] dogma 2
[00:07:46] How many copies?
[00:07:48] Did it sell?
[00:07:50] Yeah, 3 million right and so I'd say this was kind of a while ago, right since a low cop comes paying
[00:07:56] This is in April. This is very much a while ago and
[00:07:59] And, um, like so I think it's very hard for me to say this vision is gone.
[00:08:04] Jesus must take the wheel now.
[00:08:06] Well, I think honestly like they didn't really capitalize on a lot of things that I think
[00:08:10] they should have like Dragon's Dogma is a game that I think should be a lot better
[00:08:13] than it is.
[00:08:14] Uh, but I mean, I do want to say like, I mean, I don't know if I could do a better
[00:08:18] job.
[00:08:19] I'll tell you that, right?
[00:08:20] But I just, um, fuck, like it's, I mean, for this guy, I'll tell you this,
[00:08:25] right?
[00:08:26] I mean, 30 fucking years.
[00:08:27] What a legacy.
[00:08:28] 30 fucking years the guy left or a guy worked at Capcom now he's leaving. That's fucking insane
[00:08:33] So yeah, that's huge congrats to him and if he's I mean after 30 years, I mean he can tire make his own games
[00:08:39] Do something else? Yeah, there it is, but yeah on a bright note. I'm very much interested knowing why why made decision
[00:08:46] What's the future of both dragons talking to him like right? Yeah, I mean that's give me one second
[00:08:51] I just realized that my room was gonna be hot.
[00:08:54] I forgot to turn on the EC.
[00:09:03] Let that happen.
[00:09:05] Cannot let that happen.
[00:09:06] That is a very, very bad situation for me.
[00:09:09] I will get mauled so fast.
[00:09:12] So yeah,
[00:09:14] maybe copcom don't force woke things.
[00:09:18] Well, I don't know about that.
[00:09:19] I don't think that like for example,
[00:09:22] like Dragon's Dogma was woke, right?
[00:09:25] I mean, it really wasn't.
[00:09:27] and so yeah i i don't really see that happening
[00:09:30] but uh... yeah when you get into war within the u transport competition i
[00:09:33] don't know like i've kind of stopped doing a lot of while content because
[00:09:36] there just has really been a lot to do in the game
[00:09:39] i feel like playing while it's just like repeating the same activities it's like
[00:09:42] basically
[00:09:44] this is the reason why i kind of stop playing while
[00:09:47] uh... and this is kind of how a lot of the progression in the game goes
[00:09:51] and so it starts off
[00:09:54] and it's like this
[00:09:56] Actually it's, no, no, that's actually not even true.
[00:09:58] It's like this.
[00:10:00] So like I usually stop about right here
[00:10:02] with the progression because it's like,
[00:10:04] it's just not worth it for me to put in all this time.
[00:10:07] Like I'm seeing people on Twitter celebrating
[00:10:09] that they're hitting like 580 item level.
[00:10:12] Like you're hitting 580 item level, why?
[00:10:14] Like the mythic dungeons are gonna be easy.
[00:10:16] You're gonna clear them with like pretty much no effort
[00:10:19] as long as you're good at the game.
[00:10:20] And then you're gonna get gear
[00:10:22] that's gonna totally invalidate the three,
[00:10:24] you know, like fucking, or the 30 hours that you put into getting this gear, right?
[00:10:28] And so it's like, why are you even doing this?
[00:10:30] Like, it's not like you're getting geared for the next patch.
[00:10:33] It's like you need to get the gear, like mythic dungeons are supposed to transition
[00:10:38] or sorry, heroic dungeons are supposed to transition into mythic dungeons.
[00:10:41] That's the way they're designed.
[00:10:42] So like, we're going to go into mythics and mythics are going to be
[00:10:45] harder than they were probably in like shadowlands or in dragon flight.
[00:10:49] Yeah, yeah.
[00:10:50] But like, what does that really mean by harder?
[00:10:52] Is that mean it's gonna take 30 minutes instead of 40?
[00:10:54] Okay, well, I'd rather take 40 minutes doing a dungeon
[00:10:57] rather than spend 40 hours farming gear
[00:11:00] to do the dungeon in 30 minutes.
[00:11:02] You see what I'm saying?
[00:11:02] Like, I just, like, I'm just not really seeing the mentality
[00:11:06] and like the motivation to like do that,
[00:11:08] especially when the content is gonna be available
[00:11:10] and it's still not even the end of game content, you know?
[00:11:13] So yeah, my goal is thinking they have got like gear
[00:11:16] when the season hasn't even started yet.
[00:11:17] It's pretty dumb.
[00:11:18] Well, it's like their gear is good,
[00:11:20] but it's just that
[00:11:21] i know what they're going to what the game is
[00:11:24] you're not going to need that you just just play the game normally and chill
[00:11:27] out everything's gonna be fine
[00:11:29] you have to balance our online your time exactly yeah it's basically i think
[00:11:33] that's the best way to say it it's like where is my return on investment with
[00:11:36] my time in wow
[00:11:38] and i feel like wow like right here was great i was having a lot of fun
[00:11:42] but then when i get to hear
[00:11:44] uh... this is the part where uh... things are really so fun anymore
[00:11:48] now things are just boring and i'm not really as excited
[00:11:51] whereas over here now we're having a good time
[00:11:54] so yeah
[00:11:56] uh... if you like that's the same with most games now like the oblo
[00:11:59] very few games have meaningful in the game progression that's like uh... let's
[00:12:03] say classic well or path of exile
[00:12:05] but uh...
[00:12:06] i'll tell you why i certainly doesn't and that's one of the reasons why i'm
[00:12:09] just not self-motivating to uh... to play the game
[00:12:12] leveling is such a fun part we cover over the fact but uh... because
[00:12:15] nobody wants to level anymore
[00:12:17] um... i don't think leveling has anything to do with the success or not the
[00:12:20] success of the expansion i have no idea
[00:12:22] uh... that's totally separate in my opinion
[00:12:25] so yeah
[00:12:26] nothing beats pewee for progression yet is really good
[00:12:29] gotcha games have more fun in game progression in mmo's
[00:12:32] uh... they actually do because they give you more of a power fantasy
[00:12:36] i feel like mmo's this is the way that i feel is that i hate endless
[00:12:40] content
[00:12:41] like anything where it's like you can all you can do this
[00:12:44] You just do this and do this and do this until like you're,
[00:12:48] I guess, finished doing it. You're tired of doing it.
[00:12:50] Like for me, that type of design is like very boring.
[00:12:54] So like, if Mythic Plus stopped at 20,
[00:12:57] I would be more motivated to do 20s because I would feel like there's a finish
[00:13:02] line and I want to get to that finish line.
[00:13:04] Or like even if Mythic Plus stopped at 30 and I was like,
[00:13:07] okay, I want to be able to do one Mythic Plus 30 one time just to say
[00:13:12] that I touched the pinnacle, right?
[00:13:13] But like when I know that it just keeps going on and on and on
[00:13:17] There's like never really a purpose for me because you're always just competing against like this ever-scaling mathematical equation
[00:13:25] And it doesn't feel like it's exciting after anything plus 20. It doesn't get anything anyway
[00:13:29] Yeah, but you can still do harder versions of it and I just find that to be like for me. I
[00:13:35] Enjoy watching. Well, I think about it like this
[00:13:38] Have you ever seen a guy that did like an Elden Ring?
[00:13:46] like a speedrun, like an all bosses speedrun, and then if you've ever seen a guy that did
[00:13:52] like a new game plus 100 speedrun, or like a new game plus 100 playthrough, where like
[00:13:58] everything has like a million health and like instantly one-shots you and everything.
[00:14:02] Well like in my opinion, the experience that you get from watching somebody play the
[00:14:07] base game and hyper-optimize it and kill the bosses in like three hits, that's
[00:14:13] more interesting to me than watching somebody play a game with just like extremely high health values
[00:14:19] where you have to execute like a dodge rotation like you know 35 times in a row and then you kill
[00:14:24] the boss right so like I think that's kind of the idea of it is that I think speed runs like all
[00:14:30] boss speed runs are like way more exciting than just going through the entire game where everything
[00:14:36] is scaled up to like a billion right and I think that's kind of the same vibe that I have with
[00:14:41] with Mythic Plus is that if I know that I can never beat the game, I don't really want to
[00:14:48] play the game. Professional Mythic Plusers hit a limit every season. There actually is
[00:14:52] a limit. Well, there isn't really a limit. The limit is it's player, it's player discovered,
[00:14:57] right? But like what I'm saying is that theoretically they could have just beaten
[00:15:01] that level of going to the next one, right? Let's say they have a bug or something
[00:15:04] like that, and it causes them to like one shot everything in the dungeon. It's
[00:15:08] It's not like that really is the final level.
[00:15:11] Do you see kind of what I'm saying?
[00:15:13] It turns into the same content with bigger numbers.
[00:15:15] Yeah, and I love the idea of speed running.
[00:15:18] Like for example, I used to watch so many speed runs
[00:15:21] of like classic, wow, BWL, speed run.
[00:15:28] Like I've seen some of these myself,
[00:15:30] like let me just go back.
[00:15:31] I'll look at this one just right now, right?
[00:15:34] Just, you know, in no particular order, right?
[00:15:37] But I love the idea of like the optimization of this
[00:15:40] and like how everybody's moving,
[00:15:42] people are going through the suppression room,
[00:15:44] you see everybody here killing these mobs.
[00:15:47] Like did y'all watch the Max Speedrun?
[00:15:48] I didn't watch that one,
[00:15:50] but like for me, I find being able to clear a raid
[00:15:53] in 18 minutes much more impressive
[00:15:56] than being able to clear a raid with 18,000% damage.
[00:16:00] Like this to me is more interesting to watch,
[00:16:03] it's more interesting to play,
[00:16:05] and it's just more enjoyable.
[00:16:07] So that's yeah, Warrior of P-Class.
[00:16:08] Yeah, well it's classic, well,
[00:16:10] I mean, that's the way the game's designed.
[00:16:11] But like all I'm saying is that's the way that I feel about it.
[00:16:14] And that's why I don't really enjoy Mythic Plus that much.
[00:16:17] But yeah, that's pretty much about it.
[00:16:20] 1140 man's move with that efficiency.
[00:16:22] Yeah, it really, it feels cool to see.
[00:16:26] And are you done playing First Ascendant?
[00:16:28] I saw a tweet saying that the missions for season one
[00:16:31] were really broken.
[00:16:33] So I haven't gone back and played it.
[00:16:35] Honestly, I did beat the First Ascendant basically.
[00:16:38] I'll go back and play it again at some time.
[00:16:40] I just don't really know when that's gonna be.
[00:16:42] But the reason why I haven't gone and played it more
[00:16:45] is that I pretty much got all the way through
[00:16:47] and I don't really know what else to do beyond that, right?
[00:16:50] That's at least the way I see it.
[00:16:52] Oops, excuse me, I got messed up.
[00:16:56] There we go.
[00:16:58] Okay, anyway, yeah.
[00:17:00] That's why I love RPG speedruns
[00:17:01] because of the crazy planning, routing and strategies.
[00:17:03] Yeah, yeah, I think that's much more exciting
[00:17:06] and interesting for me.
[00:17:07] So yeah, I think it got super boring, I liked it though.
[00:17:10] I think that's, I think First Ascendant
[00:17:13] does need a few features added into it
[00:17:15] to like make it more exciting.
[00:17:17] But I do think it's a good game.
[00:17:18] It's a very, very good game.
[00:17:19] New character, new season.
[00:17:21] Yeah, but like a new character means
[00:17:22] I have to level up the character.
[00:17:24] Like basically leveling up the character a bunch of times
[00:17:27] and prestigeing the character is kind of a tedious process.
[00:17:32] Especially whenever you're playing a character
[00:17:33] that doesn't have like really good
[00:17:34] We farming potential it's just kind of annoying to do but she's hot. She is hot. She like Haley or whatever. Yeah, absolutely
[00:17:45] Get the is great foundation. Yeah, it does
[00:17:47] But as I said, I put over a hundred hours into the game, you know, I want people thinking like oh, yeah
[00:17:52] You know, he's just doesn't want to play it like if you look at it right here first to send it
[00:17:56] I have a hundred and forty two hours in the game. I played it a lot. So yeah
[00:18:01] They over-engineered the boss and dungeon mechanics end up on red carpet of hitboxes and some fine tack it's removing hands only well
[00:18:07] I don't know it depends right. Oh, you're thinking. I know what you're talking about. Wow
[00:18:11] I was thinking for a second first to send it like oh like making bosses complicated like wait what like bosses have mechanics
[00:18:17] I thought they just died in three seconds. How do you do that? But yeah? No, I know what you're talking about
[00:18:22] Yeah, you're right. You played it off-stream. Yeah. Yeah, I did. I have a fully leveled up character
[00:18:26] like my bunny is like totally like maxed out every single thing is maxed she has
[00:18:32] like an almost perfect like energy capacitor her set armor is perfect
[00:18:37] pretty much like mine is like one or two yellow items and the weapon that
[00:18:41] Thunder Cage is like totally maxed out then I also have an Ajax it's totally
[00:18:45] maxed out as well like yeah I played it a lot I play the game a whole lot so
[00:18:50] yeah let's skin do you use for bunny it's just the ultimate bunny skin I
[00:18:54] I don't even know how to change skins on a character.
[00:18:57] I like honestly, this might sound weird, but like I don't care.
[00:19:01] I care about having a male character that looks cool,
[00:19:04] but like a female character that looks cool,
[00:19:06] I don't really care about
[00:19:07] because I don't see myself as the character.
[00:19:10] Like whereas whenever I'm playing the game,
[00:19:14] like I'm master chief, right?
[00:19:16] I'm Kratos.
[00:19:17] I'm, you know, Marcus from Gears of War, right?
[00:19:21] And so when I see a female character, it's like,
[00:19:23] I don't really care about like what outfit is she wearing.
[00:19:27] Do I want to wear like these like fucking gym shorts?
[00:19:29] Like what, what?
[00:19:31] Like, I don't care, this is dumb.
[00:19:35] Like, just where's the game?
[00:19:37] You know, yeah, same.
[00:19:38] Yeah, and so like, but for a guy character,
[00:19:40] because it's like more like, oh, that's me, right?
[00:19:43] Then I'm gonna care more about it, right?
[00:19:45] Wife who overmet it?
[00:19:46] Well, I've just never really been that type of a mindset.
[00:19:49] You know, I've just never had it.
[00:19:50] So yeah, just pick the most revealing outfit
[00:19:52] and call it a day.
[00:19:53] Like I don't even here's what's crazy. I don't even care about that like I really don't it's not something that I like
[00:19:59] Yeah, obviously like you'll be in like this screen like wow. She's a fat-ass like it okay, but like that's I don't know
[00:20:05] It's not really something that's gonna move the needle for me caring about a game, right? Sorry, but anyway, let's look at the rest of these I
[00:20:12] Fixed the meme stop ruining your beloved our beloved old IP with your woke shit. Okay, we will make our own place
[00:20:19] Okay, have fun. Oh
[00:20:21] Ooh. That's not a lot of fun, is it?
[00:20:24] Ooh, that's not a lot of fun at all.
[00:20:27] Oh geez.
[00:20:29] Oh geez, what's this?
[00:20:31] Um, stop ruining our beloved OP with the game shit. We'll make it our own place.
[00:20:34] Why are you excluding us? Oh no.
[00:20:36] Get the fuck out of the gaming industry with your woke shit.
[00:20:40] Wait, who's saying this?
[00:20:43] Wait, I'm so conf- When did this happen?
[00:20:47] It got deleted.
[00:20:48] Oh, the person- the person who posted it deleted.
[00:20:51] The ever-moving goalpost. Wait, am I missing something?
[00:20:57] I think I'm totally missing something. What's Dustborn? I haven't heard about that one.
[00:21:01] Well, I think that goes to show what the problem is.
[00:21:03] But Concord is genuine AAA slop. Yeah, for sure. Dustborn is a very awful game.
[00:21:08] And the reason Concord fails is because it costs $40.
[00:21:12] What? No. Overwatch was $40 when it came out, and it was super popular.
[00:21:17] And Concord had a free beta weekend, and it wasn't popular.
[00:21:21] That's not true if people dude it like look at Helldivers Helldivers was massively popular and it was it costed money
[00:21:28] A video game costing money does not actually affect whether it's popular if it's a very good game
[00:21:35] That's the truth man. Yeah conquer. Yeah
[00:21:38] They had a free weekend and less people played the free weekend then played the free we did then paid the pay fuck then
[00:21:46] Then played the paid weekend. That's what I meant to say
[00:21:51] So yes, it's not about the price. It's about worth. Yeah, exactly because like the real value
[00:21:56] I don't know about you guys. It was about your time
[00:21:58] Like I've got four hours maybe a day that I've got to like just really sit down and play a video game
[00:22:04] And I don't have like I like I saw four hours a day like that's all that's not a lot of time
[00:22:08] It's a huge amount of time
[00:22:10] However, like if you have four hours a day, like do you want to spend it on some bullshit?
[00:22:14] Or do you want to spend it on something that's good? So, yeah
[00:22:17] No, I think if people want to keep making games like Concord, etc. Go ahead. Go ahead. Keep making games like Concord
[00:22:25] It's just that I'm not gonna buy them. So yeah, that's the way I see it, man
[00:22:30] So it's all $40 about sending a message. Yeah, exactly
[00:22:34] There's $40 a lot of the $40 is a lot, but it might be super fucking good
[00:22:39] $40 is not a lot of money
[00:22:41] For and I mean if you're if you're in a first-world country
[00:22:44] $40 is absolutely not a lot of money and
[00:22:47] Anybody who is playing video games regularly to have a machine that can play concord can afford to spend $40
[00:22:55] Like if a really really good game comes out, they're gonna figure out a way to get $40
[00:23:00] There's a reason why they're doing it and it has nothing to do with money
[00:23:04] I actually I think that gamers and so there has been a developer recently
[00:23:09] This has been a very big popular topic and I'm so happy to see this. I don't remember the details
[00:23:23] So I apologize
[00:23:25] I just have to like kind of find it indirectly
[00:23:27] so
[00:23:29] There's been a developer here who has said recently here we go there's crumb and so
[00:23:36] He says I think again. This is this is so fucking funny for me to see this
[00:23:41] because I'm looking at it and I see this kind of stuff and it's like man oh my
[00:23:50] god scrolling just a bit yeah sure anyway the perspective comes from Michael
[00:23:54] Dallas known as Cromwell up on Twitter who serves as the director of
[00:23:58] publishing at Larian Studios the conversation began in a Twitter thread
[00:24:02] where he argued that games should charge customers more at a base level
[00:24:07] Due to rising development costs. He added that video games should be priced according to their quality breadth and depth and
[00:24:15] Squeezing every game into a certain price bracket doesn't make sense to him. So
[00:24:20] now I I I
[00:24:24] Don't want to say that I said this but I fucking said this I said this I was totally right
[00:24:28] And this is the director of publishing at Larian saying the same fucking thing
[00:24:35] Obviously, this is true. It's so fucking obvious
[00:24:38] Who could think this isn't the case?
[00:24:40] So, I think a game should not be priced according to its quality, but in depth, I'm not against higher prices,
[00:24:44] but this arbitrary uniformity just doesn't make sense.
[00:24:47] Uh, it just does not make sense and it feels so unserious.
[00:24:51] Here's what's so funny about this, is like, you look at this guy,
[00:24:54] you see that?
[00:24:58] You know what that means?
[00:25:01] That means he grew up playing Super Nintendo.
[00:25:03] Okay?
[00:25:04] Or, or, or Sega Genesis.
[00:25:06] So, um, so let me go ahead and show you guys this back in the day, this is actually the way games used to be. This is what's so funny because he probably remembers this and this is the way games used to be priced.
[00:25:32] So you had some games for example like my camera's covering it, but Yoshi's Island is 52 dollars here, right?
[00:25:40] Whereas what's this here? MK, MK, Mortal Kombat 3 is 70 dollars. And this is by the way in like what?
[00:25:47] 1996 or something like that. Madden 2007 is 59, Donkey Kong Country.
[00:25:52] Then you have other games that are priced at 70 dollars. And then you have some of these lower price games.
[00:25:56] These are just arcade games that are just like, you know, popular games from like a couple generations like you've got.
[00:26:01] What's that joust? I'm assuming that's by space defenders and like a defender some couple other ones, right?
[00:26:07] And their price differently so he's totally right that video games used to be priced based off of their product offering
[00:26:13] Rather than based off of a uniform standard. When did this uniform standard happen? Well, it happened
[00:26:19] I think that it began with the Gamecube era and then it was solidified with the Xbox 360 era
[00:26:26] We're like at that point every game was $50 and then Xbox 360 every game was $60, right?
[00:26:33] And that's the way that it happened. I didn't know that so basically the prices haven't really increased them
[00:26:37] So the prices for video games have and they haven't increases increased
[00:26:42] So a lot of people have like this very most people don't understand
[00:26:48] most people
[00:26:50] Did our complaining about video games? Don't really know what the hell they're talking about. Okay?
[00:26:55] Let me just say that they don't know what the hell they're talking about
[00:26:57] They don't know what they're complaining about in my opinion. I do not think the problem with video game pricing is the price
[00:27:04] I think it is the value proposition because we can all probably fucking agree here that if Red Dead Redemption 3 came out
[00:27:11] Grand theft auto 6 came out Elden ring 2 came out a Baldur's Gate 4 came out
[00:27:17] We'd have no problem paying 70 80 and I bet a lot of people have no problem paying 90 or even a hundred dollars for a game like
[00:27:24] That if they know they're gonna get 500 hours of gameplay out of it
[00:27:28] They would do it in a fucking heartbeat and I think what's gonna happen is Grand Theft Auto 6
[00:27:34] He's fucking right about this almost all games should cost more to base level
[00:27:37] But I don't think we'll get there with DLC promises so much as quality and communication
[00:27:41] Everybody's just waiting on Grand Theft Auto 6 to do it
[00:27:44] So people are thinking that Grand Theft Auto 6 is going to come out
[00:27:47] for $150. I think it will be $100.
[00:27:52] I do. I think the game will be $100.
[00:27:56] It could be 90. And here's another issue, right?
[00:28:04] Is that, like so basically $150,
[00:28:07] just pirate it. You say just pirate it but they'll have DeNovo probably and so
[00:28:12] it'll be hard to pirate.
[00:28:13] Like everybody says, oh DeNovo is easy to crack. People haven't cracked Dragon's
[00:28:17] Dogma 2 and they haven't cracked. What's the recent game? We'll call it either.
[00:28:20] So like yeah, that's not not true
[00:28:23] People would not be paying ridiculous amounts of money for DeNovo if DeNovo did not massively work and was hugely successful, right?
[00:28:30] So yes
[00:28:32] Who says it's easy? Well people say it's possible, right?
[00:28:35] Like you can just rely on having a version of the game that comes out later on that will be cracked
[00:28:39] And I think that that's becoming less possible now. So yeah, DeNovo wasn't cracked since years exactly
[00:28:45] And so patient gamers are just right to the price comes down and replay Baldur's Gate 3 and Wrath of the Righteous
[00:28:50] to me and again in the meantime. Well, that's what's funny about this is that
[00:28:55] That's what people used to do when the game price was really high
[00:28:59] They were like, okay. Well, I'm gonna wait for it to go on sale and until then I'm gonna play my old favorite game
[00:29:05] That's what's gonna happen. That's like a super super normal thing that a lot of people used to do like
[00:29:11] Like, that's what I would do even.
[00:29:13] Like, I would see that a new game would come out
[00:29:15] and it would be like, like I would have like
[00:29:17] maybe four or five game releases every year
[00:29:20] that I would be like, I need this game
[00:29:23] on the day that it comes out, right?
[00:29:25] So like, we're thinking Halo 2, like Gears of War.
[00:29:32] I feel like maybe there's two or three other ones,
[00:29:34] but that's about it.
[00:29:36] You know, like used to, yeah, yeah, well,
[00:29:38] But now it's like, money is not a factor, right?
[00:29:41] But like back then you had to pick and choose.
[00:29:43] Now I really don't have to.
[00:29:45] So yeah, modern warfare too.
[00:29:47] Wow, yeah, a new wow expansion comes out.
[00:29:49] You're gonna buy that on day one.
[00:29:51] And so this is what's going to happen.
[00:29:54] A lot of people have been probably upset about this.
[00:29:57] People are unhappy about this.
[00:29:59] It's just considered dangerous precedent in the industry
[00:30:01] if the base game is priced at an exorbitant amount.
[00:30:03] As many expect it might force other developers
[00:30:06] to follow suit.
[00:30:07] Well, no, I don't really think so.
[00:30:09] I think this is really what's happened with game development.
[00:30:12] And again, like, I think it's different
[00:30:15] for every single game, but this is the problem.
[00:30:18] Is that, excuse me, you know how I did that.
[00:30:23] I'm gonna just paint, let me see here.
[00:30:24] So basically we have the cost of game development
[00:30:28] is right here, and then you also have
[00:30:31] the cost of inflation that's right here,
[00:30:35] And then you have the cost of the amount of money
[00:30:37] that gamers will spend that's right here.
[00:30:45] Excuse me, I messed up.
[00:30:51] And I think that we are right here.
[00:31:00] I think we're right here,
[00:31:02] because this was the $50, this was the $60,
[00:31:07] and they tried to do 70 up here,
[00:31:10] but nobody really wanted to spend 70.
[00:31:12] So what's ended up happening is that games,
[00:31:15] So then, how does a game make its money back?
[00:31:18] How does a game do this?
[00:31:20] Well, they do it in a number of different ways.
[00:31:22] Main way is selling things like pre-order bonuses
[00:31:26] and selling the bullshit that everybody hates.
[00:31:28] They do it with microtransactions.
[00:31:30] So the reason why microtransactions exist primarily
[00:31:34] is because of greed, but the secondary reason
[00:31:36] is because it actually is a real necessity
[00:31:38] in a lot of cases.
[00:31:40] Like, they're not like,
[00:31:41] how can they make money outside of that?
[00:31:43] So yeah, if they make the game $100, sales will be low.
[00:31:47] No, they won't be.
[00:31:48] No, they won't be.
[00:31:49] People will buy the game even if it's expensive.
[00:31:51] The whole idea that people won't buy it
[00:31:53] if it's expensive, that's not true.
[00:31:55] A big game that's really hyped up
[00:31:56] that a lot of people want.
[00:31:58] If people see value in something, in my opinion,
[00:32:02] the last thing that you should do
[00:32:03] when somebody doesn't wanna buy something
[00:32:05] is lower the price.
[00:32:07] The main thing you should do
[00:32:08] is figure out a way to increase their value.
[00:32:10] People will be doing it regardless of necessity though.
[00:32:18] You're right.
[00:32:19] And there are companies that are greedy.
[00:32:20] That's why I already mentioned that.
[00:32:22] But yeah, I just wanted to say that once again I am feeling extremely and very, very validated.
[00:32:30] Once again that, you know, one of the directors of publishing or the director of publishing
[00:32:35] at Larian is saying the exact same fucking thing that I was saying even though I got
[00:32:39] so much fucking shit for it.
[00:32:42] who are so fucking mad at me.
[00:32:44] And they said, oh, you just think
[00:32:45] that this is a millionaire take.
[00:32:47] You don't know what you're talking about.
[00:32:49] Well, I guess what he does, and he fucking agrees.
[00:32:52] This is gonna happen for sure.
[00:32:53] Anybody who thought it wasn't is fucking delusional.
[00:32:56] And you wanna know what else?
[00:32:57] Back in 50 years from now, when we're old, crotchety fucks,
[00:33:01] and we can barely even play video games anymore,
[00:33:05] we're gonna be telling our kids.
[00:33:06] Oh, I remember back in the day,
[00:33:08] whatever games used to only be a hundred dollars.
[00:33:13] We will reminisce on the days when video games were only $100.
[00:33:19] Keep that in mind.
[00:33:22] Burns, Voluntary, yep, there it is.
[00:33:24] And I told y'all this shit was gonna happen.
[00:33:27] And there was that kind of noise.
[00:33:29] Is this somebody who's a disagreeer?
[00:33:32] What about this is inaccurate?
[00:33:36] One millionaire to the other millionaire?
[00:33:38] No, no, no.
[00:33:38] I want you to explain. I want to explain how this is inaccurate because you've been you might get your what are you doing?
[00:33:45] There's economics at the window. So what economics are we talking about time on inflation like what?
[00:33:51] How's this work? What's your talk?
[00:33:53] What's your take on the sheer amount of games and its effect on pricing if games kept up with inflation?
[00:33:57] We'd be buying way less wouldn't we we would be there are way more games being offered because there's less some
[00:34:03] There's less ways for people to or sorry. There's less barriers to entry
[00:34:07] So like for example in like 1995 unless you like there were only like seven different ways
[00:34:14] You could get your game out there whereas now there's like a thousand and there were all of these like massive fire walls
[00:34:20] Basically or like filters the games would get hit by so you wouldn't even have a game like dust born even come out back
[00:34:26] Then because it would have gotten killed in in development right same as Concord
[00:34:32] So I think that's what happens the market and also the markets have bigger players too
[00:34:35] Simply put you said regardless of price people will buy games. Is that true for a very small number?
[00:34:39] Majority of players restricted by disposable income supply and demand. That's not supply and demand
[00:34:44] It's price and demand number one. So you want to talk about economics get it right number two
[00:34:48] I think that obviously people will buy it regardless of the price
[00:34:51] But what I am saying is that the elasticity of that price is not defined in the way that people think that it is
[00:34:56] I do not think that a higher price has a one-to-one
[00:35:00] to one correlation with a lower amount of people buying it.
[00:35:03] Basically, there is an ideal price point that is created,
[00:35:06] and when that ideal price point is met,
[00:35:08] then both groups are happy.
[00:35:10] You have obviously the customer that is happy
[00:35:12] and the player that is also still happy.
[00:35:14] And what I'm saying right now is that,
[00:35:17] although people are outspoken about it
[00:35:19] on the internet right now,
[00:35:20] about thinking that $70 is too much,
[00:35:22] I think that everybody would acknowledge
[00:35:24] that a big game with a huge scope
[00:35:26] would be worth even more than that,
[00:35:27] and they would be willing to pay it
[00:35:29] because of the value proposition.
[00:35:31] So yes, there's an equilibrium price.
[00:35:33] And what I'm saying is that 70 is not there.
[00:35:37] It's called price elasticity.
[00:35:38] Yes, yes, yes.
[00:35:40] And it's just, again, how much will people
[00:35:42] be willing to pay, irrespective of price, right?
[00:35:45] And like, what is the...
[00:35:49] I mean, I don't know, this is an economics one
[00:35:51] or two thing, right?
[00:35:53] So like, I don't think that you need
[00:35:54] to be a fucking genius.
[00:35:55] We've all probably learned this in school, haven't we?
[00:35:58] Yeah, yeah, so we know this. We know this. Anyway, yeah, so that's that's really the reason. This isn't really economics or anything like that. If you understood it, you would understand what I'm saying. Obviously, this person is just a, is it should talk? I'm not going to ban them. I probably should ban them. But you know, we're not going to do that. And so yeah, the issue of people accepting this is the markets will become more expensive, which will make games even more expensive. That's what you're forgetting.
[00:36:24] Well, games are already becoming more expensive and I think that's going to happen anyway.
[00:36:30] Yeah, I don't really think that's a big factor.
[00:36:33] I feel like here's one of the big problems that I think a lot of games have is that
[00:36:37] if let's go back to a lot of these old games on Super Nintendo, right?
[00:36:41] How much content really is in a game like SNES Doom?
[00:36:45] How much content is really in a game like Mortal Kombat 3?
[00:36:48] How much content is really in a game like SNES Earthworm Gem or Judge Dread?
[00:36:53] These games are often times like actually pretty simple.
[00:36:58] Like you're thinking like maybe like 15, 20 hours of game playing for like an average person
[00:37:04] like our age nowadays, 15, 20 hours, yeah.
[00:37:07] And so whenever you really think about like the dollar value amount of that, it's a very
[00:37:12] different dynamic.
[00:37:14] And so I think that what's going to happen now is that you're going to see video games
[00:37:18] are made with smaller slices in order to accommodate to like consumer demand and I think two really
[00:37:24] great examples of that are number one is Hell Divers 2. Hell Divers 2 was a very very small
[00:37:32] slice game and it did very it did one thing very well at least for a while and then another
[00:37:39] example obviously is Pow World. Pow World had another very very small scope of content but
[00:37:46] But the content that it was delivering was very focused and well designed.
[00:37:49] And so that's the way that I think things will work, right?
[00:37:52] Is that you're going to see games that become more focused and more defined rather than just
[00:37:58] trying to be everything games.
[00:38:00] Like for example, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.
[00:38:02] I pretty much beat this game.
[00:38:04] I did not beat the last boss, but I know that's the last boss.
[00:38:07] I was at the last boss in nine hours.
[00:38:11] Like I went all the way through the game.
[00:38:13] And so, yeah, like absolutely this is a huge factor.
[00:38:19] It's a gigantic factor.
[00:38:22] Have you ever thought about sitting down
[00:38:23] and creating your own game?
[00:38:24] I've thought about making like,
[00:38:26] I don't have program games.
[00:38:27] That's the problem.
[00:38:28] Like I'm not a programmer.
[00:38:29] I think you're way underestimating
[00:38:30] the average casual gamers price sensitivity,
[00:38:33] discounting over massive, discounting over short periods
[00:38:36] and be the average player backlog.
[00:38:38] The average player backlog.
[00:38:46] I think the idea that the average player
[00:38:48] has a massive backlog of games is crazy.
[00:38:52] Like you actually think people are buying video games,
[00:38:54] like the average person is like buying a bunch of video games
[00:38:56] and not playing them.
[00:38:58] People don't do that, like that's crazy.
[00:39:00] Like yeah, obviously we all do that
[00:39:01] because we are like gamers,
[00:39:04] but no, I'm talking about like hitting a general audience.
[00:39:06] Oh yeah, this is a Steam user thing.
[00:39:08] Yeah, absolutely.
[00:39:10] Like I have hundreds of games and backlog.
[00:39:12] No, I do too.
[00:39:13] But what I'm saying is that like, wow,
[00:39:15] You're watching a video game stream on a website about video games, talking about video games.
[00:39:22] Like, did you understand how many concentric circles of, like, of target audience you are?
[00:39:27] Like, think about what's going on here.
[00:39:30] Yes, obviously that's what's happening with, like, hardcore players, but that's it.
[00:39:36] What is this here?
[00:39:37] Oh, it's a spammer.
[00:39:39] Um, yeah.
[00:39:40] Anyway, uh, or a Game Pass thing or PlayStation Premium thing?
[00:39:42] Yeah, of course.
[00:39:43] And so I think that really I don't think that people are as
[00:39:48] I don't think people are as affected by prices you might imagine
[00:39:51] I think that a lot of people are more than willing to spend a bunch of money on stupid shit
[00:39:55] I've seen people go out and like spend hundreds of dollars just at nights at a club
[00:39:59] So the idea that they wouldn't spend a lot of money on a video game is just crazy to me
[00:40:03] Of course, they're gonna do that. So yeah, let's go back. We're gonna look at this. I mean, it doesn't a point
[00:40:08] So people need to admit the West is a mental illness problem, DOA, it's crazy how this
[00:40:13] same post gets reposted on my subreddit every fucking day, even though I've said multiple
[00:40:19] times that it's stupid and the point that it's trying to make doesn't even make sense.
[00:40:24] I am amazed that we keep getting this exact same fucking post every day and it's the
[00:40:30] same brain dead argument.
[00:40:32] No, that's not the reason.
[00:40:34] The entire game was garbage.
[00:40:37] about the game was bad. It's not like there were two or three things that were good about
[00:40:42] it and like everything else was bad. It's like this is the only thing that looks bad.
[00:40:47] Everything about this game was garbage. They didn't make her ugly because they hate attractive
[00:40:51] women or they have a mental illness problem. They made her ugly because they put the
[00:40:55] B team on it for Ubisoft and the entire game is garbage. I played it. I played
[00:41:02] it because I was like I don't know whether this is true or not. I want to see it
[00:41:06] for myself yep that's the reason why it happened there is no fucking malice only
[00:41:12] incompetence here so yeah not viewers just trying to farm karma even though
[00:41:15] there's no value yeah even the the force unleashed looked better I mean I think
[00:41:20] that almost everything does right it looks just looks terrible but um yeah
[00:41:23] follow the money where the DI initiatives come from BlackRock why
[00:41:27] control yeah it's purely real issues business owner let me explain it to
[00:41:32] you there are people are not gonna read that but anyway like this is the
[00:41:36] way that I see it right is that you don't believe me take this interpretation to your
[00:41:40] own non-black rocker and employers they charge department to prove to me and how quickly
[00:41:43] they document silence and probably fire you yeah sure and you're not responsible for any
[00:41:48] of this it's about the government basically yeah yeah he's saying it's because the government
[00:41:52] laws that the companies are compliant with them yeah I think that probably makes sense
[00:41:56] did you refund it no I did not I just haven't really had time for it I haven't thought
[00:42:00] about it but anyway so yeah that's the reason why this happened it has nothing to
[00:42:05] do with the character's appearance or anything like that.
[00:42:09] The main character insults a robot for being nice.
[00:42:14] What?
[00:42:16] What?
[00:42:17] What do you mean?
[00:42:21] Oh.
[00:42:22] Hello.
[00:42:23] Hey, what's the golem doing on the bus?
[00:42:27] Ma'am, I'll be happy to serve as your driver.
[00:42:29] I want to assure you that I'm fully capable of operating this vehicle.
[00:42:35] I don't mean that you have software, of course.
[00:42:37] You lack the paperwork, but I don't need any.
[00:42:39] I'm not gonna be mean to it.
[00:42:41] I don't know if there's a way through though.
[00:42:45] Don't touch me.
[00:42:49] What was that?
[00:42:55] That machine is not coming near us.
[00:42:59] And look, there's only one option.
[00:43:02] Like you only have one option apparently.
[00:43:04] Don't touch me.
[00:43:05] It's so...
[00:43:06] I wonder...
[00:43:08] Man, can you imagine being in a relationship with a person who liked this game?
[00:43:13] Can you imagine how exhausting and stressful that would be?
[00:43:16] It took it to this game so seriously.
[00:43:17] Yeah, I know, like, yeah.
[00:43:20] Cause you know exactly the kind of person
[00:43:21] that's like this, right?
[00:43:22] That like has like these immediate like fly off
[00:43:25] to handle moments out of nowhere.
[00:43:27] It's like, yeah, like everything's going fine.
[00:43:30] Everything's going fine.
[00:43:31] You have a normal conversation with them.
[00:43:32] And then out of nowhere, everybody's like, what the fuck?
[00:43:35] Even, even her friends were like,
[00:43:37] what the hell is going on here?
[00:43:40] Isn't this game isn't satire?
[00:43:41] I don't think it is.
[00:43:42] That's what's so crazy.
[00:43:43] It's not even satire.
[00:43:45] It makes me feel like it's a black flag.
[00:43:47] You think it's like it's made in a way
[00:43:49] to like make people hate games like this?
[00:43:51] It's like some sort of like Psyop.
[00:43:53] I mean, honestly, that would make more sense
[00:43:55] than the game existing, I'll tell you that.
[00:43:57] Absolutely.
[00:43:59] They're just orcs.
[00:44:00] Psy are the orcs are here.
[00:44:02] Well, don't be racist, let them in.
[00:44:04] Oh my God.
[00:44:05] Yeah, I still can't believe they did that
[00:44:08] with rings of power.
[00:44:09] Well, actually that's not true.
[00:44:11] I can easily believe they did that.
[00:44:13] But I still think it's ridiculous and crazy.
[00:44:16] Yeah, how do you do that?
[00:44:17] Purposely racist stereotypes?
[00:44:19] I know, man.
[00:44:20] It's nuts.
[00:44:21] Probably wrote by someone pissed off about AI
[00:44:24] taking a job.
[00:44:24] Wait a minute.
[00:44:26] Wait, no, I think you're totally right.
[00:44:29] I actually don't think this has anything to do with, yeah.
[00:44:34] This has everything to do with the fact that the AI,
[00:44:36] it's an AI.
[00:44:38] So it's somebody who hates AI.
[00:44:40] I threw that out.
[00:44:42] Don't touch me.
[00:44:44] I really should play this game.
[00:44:46] Honestly, I should.
[00:44:48] Because I don't think it worked well with Brando.
[00:44:49] I definitely thought it was a good concept.
[00:44:51] I guess so.
[00:44:52] Yeah, maybe it's people that were rightfully afraid
[00:44:55] and mad about AI.
[00:44:57] What's this here?
[00:44:58] Since these guys celebrate, it's really depressing
[00:45:00] because games like Dustborn are made to tell
[00:45:01] a unique story from lesser heard voices in the industry.
[00:45:04] Has it ever occurred to you that the reason
[00:45:06] why somebody has a lesser heard voice
[00:45:08] is because nobody wants to listen to them?
[00:45:11] Because that's really the way that I see it.
[00:45:13] Like I hear somebody, oh, this is a lesser heard voice.
[00:45:16] Yeah, well, hmm, I wonder why.
[00:45:19] Yeah, facts, yeah, exactly.
[00:45:21] Like what do you even mean?
[00:45:23] Like to me, I'm just thinking to myself,
[00:45:25] I'm like, I look at games like this
[00:45:28] and I know for a fucking fact
[00:45:30] that this game, the people that are working,
[00:45:33] well, actually, you know what?
[00:45:35] I don't even wanna get into that.
[00:45:36] Let me actually look and see.
[00:45:38] They made a statement about this game.
[00:45:40] I want to pull it up on Twitter right now, but yeah, a lot of people didn't hear those
[00:45:44] voices in the game because they just simply didn't like that audience, you know, or sorry,
[00:45:49] they just simply didn't like that, uh, that type of, uh, that type of person.
[00:45:53] Yeah.
[00:45:54] Robot is touching me.
[00:45:55] KKW.
[00:45:56] Yeah.
[00:45:57] Of course.
[00:45:58] So here we go.
[00:45:59] Let's take a look at this.
[00:46:01] Um, right.
[00:46:03] Here we go.
[00:46:04] So this was a statement that was made by the people that made Dustborn.
[00:46:09] That's right.
[00:46:14] a second.
[00:46:18] Since we first announced Dustborn, we've read your comments and listened to your feedbacks,
[00:46:22] hopes and wishes for the game. Over the past four years, our team has poured our hearts into
[00:46:27] telling a story that's deeply meaningful to us. A story about the power of words,
[00:46:33] about building a world where everyone can feel safe, about love, friendship, and robots.
[00:46:38] Of course. Well, like, what about robots? Because, like, I feel like this is kind of a negative
[00:46:44] thing about robots that's like saying never mind let's move on um anyway uh
[00:46:51] we expected to as i was going to make a civil war joke you know but we're not
[00:46:56] gonna we don't need to do that right now um we we expected to dustborn to
[00:47:00] spark conversation and debate we looked forward to engaging with our
[00:47:04] players in a positive and constructive fashion unfortunately that
[00:47:08] conversation has been drowned out by a tidal wave of hate and abuse
[00:47:13] We welcome thoughtful feedback and respectful criticism.
[00:47:17] We embrace discussion and debate,
[00:47:19] but we have zero tolerance for hate speech,
[00:47:21] harassment and threats of any kind.
[00:47:24] Those who tolerate in such behavior,
[00:47:25] it will be removed from our community.
[00:47:28] Trust me.
[00:47:31] Nope, like I don't know,
[00:47:33] can I say like they were never in your community,
[00:47:35] what community nobody wants to be in it anyway.
[00:47:39] You know, people disagreeing with you as in hate speech.
[00:47:41] Like I don't know, like I could just like four,
[00:47:43] there's four different,
[00:47:44] I think relatively good options like responses here.
[00:47:46] I don't know which one we can go with.
[00:47:48] We could easily decide.
[00:47:49] But anyway, those who engage in some behavior
[00:47:52] will be moved to everyone else.
[00:47:53] Thank you for coming on this journey with us.
[00:47:55] Your support means everything.
[00:47:56] Your constructive feedback continues
[00:47:58] to push us to learn and evolve.
[00:47:59] Let's continue building a world where everyone
[00:48:01] can feel valued and empowered to share their stories.
[00:48:04] Well, you were empowered.
[00:48:06] You got money from the government to share your stories.
[00:48:09] You did.
[00:48:10] And so they made this, and of course, obviously,
[00:48:13] I mean, this goes without saying, but this post was made where nobody is able to reply to the post at all,
[00:48:19] so they can't have any response in any capacity, which is not really a big surprise.
[00:48:24] I would have expected that. Surely, they won't double down if given the opportunity?
[00:48:28] Oh, they absolutely would. And the thing is that these are the same kinds of people that would go and call you a bad person
[00:48:35] for liking a video game that they don't like.
[00:48:38] So, no, I don't really have any sympathy for these types of people.
[00:48:41] Are you retarded? These are literally your gameplay mechanics.
[00:48:45] So these are the mechanics of the game.
[00:48:48] We've learned how to bully people.
[00:48:50] Bully gives us the people, gives us the power to force people to do something they may not want to do,
[00:48:56] or to make them feel bad about themselves.
[00:48:58] In fights, this could be highly effective in targeted enemies.
[00:49:02] Target enemies, I guess like a target, like for example, like if somebody's in a wheelchair,
[00:49:06] It's easier to bully them because like you could just get on like a rock or up a flight of stairs and be like
[00:49:12] Hi, you can't get me like I'm winning now, right?
[00:49:14] So like it there's a lot of ways like let's say somebody's on crutches you can push them over easily
[00:49:19] Somebody's really fat. You can you know like run them out of energy. There's a lot of ways you can bully somebody and it's effective
[00:49:26] Absolutely, so true true true
[00:49:28] Now is this what's gonna happen in this game probably not cancel
[00:49:31] We've learned how to cancel someone. Cancel will allow us to isolate people from their friends and compatriots in battle.
[00:49:38] This could be useful against the useful tool against enemies.
[00:49:42] We've learned how to normalize negative emotion.
[00:49:45] Normalizing emotion normalize gives us the ability to make people think of certain behaviors and feelings are normal.
[00:49:52] But I'm not sure how much for us this will do for an how much this will do for us in a fight.
[00:49:56] And then the final one we've learned how to sow discord.
[00:49:59] Discord gives us the ability to turn people against each other.
[00:50:03] We could be useful both when we're talking to people and when we're fighting enemies.
[00:50:10] I don't know why.
[00:50:11] Like some of the English in this is just, it's hard for me to read.
[00:50:16] I don't know.
[00:50:17] Am I the only person that's like this?
[00:50:19] Like I don't know.
[00:50:21] Sometimes whenever I read certain like word combinations, yeah, it's hard to read for some reason.
[00:50:27] It's made by Norwegians?
[00:50:30] Yeah, I don't know.
[00:50:32] Games are supposed to be about a fantasy? Well, this is a fantasy. Well, it's actually not a fantasy.
[00:50:38] This is what happens in real life every single day on Twitter. I've seen this person on Twitter. Yeah, she has like three different profiles.
[00:50:45] But yeah, it's unbelievable, man.
[00:50:47] I don't know, content's content, but I wish Aspen didn't give this game the time of day. It's a straight garbage.
[00:50:53] I think that's why I'm giving it the time of day.
[00:50:55] is because here's the problem right is that you have a lot of companies and
[00:51:00] people like for example PC gamer dustborn devs call out the title wave of
[00:51:05] hateful abuse that's engulfed the game those who engage in some behavior will
[00:51:08] ruin their community I can guarantee you PC gamer will not have any actual
[00:51:13] criticism of the game that it's perpetuating stereotypes that are
[00:51:17] harmful hostile and the characters are unlikable let's go ahead and read the
[00:51:21] article and see if they talk about that at all. Dustborn is an all-history
[00:51:26] Americana road trip, wears politics on its sleeve, of outcast
[00:51:31] clears and exploited workers fighting fascist cops to smash corporate drones
[00:51:35] while navigating new and evolving relationships. So it's also attracted
[00:51:40] considerable cultural wars backlash. She was seen in various user reviews, YouTube
[00:51:44] videos, Reddit videos where you see the word woke be used a lot. There's also a
[00:51:48] a lot of non is significant amount of glee over
[00:51:50] Dustborn's apparent, apparent, modest launches.
[00:51:55] I feel like it's not really apparent, is it?
[00:51:57] I don't know, I think we pretty much know it.
[00:52:05] And so, yeah, there we go.
[00:52:06] And frankly, the pathetic eagerness some people
[00:52:08] have to grave dance on games they don't like, they do.
[00:52:12] And by the way, do you remember whenever these websites
[00:52:16] were writing these articles that were like
[00:52:18] trying to be negative about stellar blade
[00:52:20] And about like people losing like pow world losing players and people not wanting to play pow world anymore like uh-uh these like
[00:52:28] Never be sad to celebrate the loss of a person that's trying to beat you
[00:52:34] Absolutely like I am the kind of person like you guys know this about me
[00:52:37] I can be a gracious winner, but I can also be
[00:52:42] So toxic now I'm so taught and I love it I do I love it and that's exactly it
[00:52:48] They were shitting on Elden Ring.
[00:52:49] Yes, 10 days after Dustborn launch,
[00:52:51] Red Thread has had enough of it.
[00:52:53] We expect that Dustborn to spark
[00:52:54] far as the conversation.
[00:52:56] Follow-up statement to PC Gamer.
[00:52:57] Red Thread said Dustborn is a game
[00:52:59] that emphasizes the power of words
[00:53:01] and the importance of building
[00:53:03] an inclusive society where everyone belongs.
[00:53:05] Well, if the power is building an inclusive society,
[00:53:09] then why is every mechanic about excluding people?
[00:53:14] I don't understand what the reasoning here is.
[00:53:17] So let's go back, we're gonna read the rest.
[00:53:18] This is the final statement this person writing the article was made.
[00:53:22] Understandably, of course, there are limits to inclusion, but people who insist on being persistent dickholes because a video game character uses gender-neutral pronouns are going to find themselves on the outside.
[00:53:33] It is amazing to me that these people actually think that the majority of the population thinks gender-neutral pronouns are normal.
[00:53:42] This is like a super small fraction of people on the internet that think this is normal.
[00:53:47] And if you go to Walmart and you go to Target and especially if you go to someplace like
[00:53:51] Cabela's, you're not going to have anybody that even knows what the fuck that is, let
[00:53:56] alone cares about it.
[00:53:58] The idea that this is Latinx, like what are we fucking talking about?
[00:54:02] They are on the outside, the outside of what?
[00:54:05] Like a very, very loud minority.
[00:54:07] Yeah, it's an extremely loud minority.
[00:54:10] people that are using gender neutral pronouns this is like I would assume that let me see if
[00:54:18] there's a way to look at it um let me see here um so I can find one uh trying to find some of these
[00:54:42] there's like some studies that have been done on it said 38 percent 35 percent of people would be
[00:54:47] comfortable if it was okay 40 percent would be uncomfortable 23 percent would say it wouldn't
[00:54:51] matter. Yeah, more in the U.S. when this man is transgender. It's very hard to say. Let
[00:54:57] me see here. Feel about gender neutral. These are mostly 2022. Yeah, I have to find a newer
[00:55:02] version of it. There is one from 2019 that says people are okay with it. More people
[00:55:07] are okay with it, but everything else says there's not. So it's hard to say. Come
[00:55:13] on, Harris has pronouns in her Twitter bio and she's authentic. I guess so. But
[00:55:17] anyway, let me go back. I'm going to read the rest of these. Either way, the idea
[00:55:20] that gender neutral pronouns are normalized and society is absolutely
[00:55:24] insane and the only people that think that are people that never leave their
[00:55:27] house and only go on Twitter. This is not something that normal people think
[00:55:31] about and this is not something that I think a lot of normal people accept. This
[00:55:34] is a highly Twitter focused issue and if you think that this is not like that
[00:55:39] please go outside for just a little bit. So yes do you leave your house?
[00:55:43] Even I don't leave my house that much and at least I know this. I do. We
[00:55:49] We always welcome constructive input.
[00:55:51] I'm curious about Dustborn as a game, not as a pawn in online cultural wars and stupidity
[00:55:56] but not ready to commit.
[00:55:57] The demo is available on Steam.
[00:55:58] So basically what we have here is a person who has not acknowledged or looked at any
[00:56:04] sort of criticism that the game has had.
[00:56:07] They've hand-waved all types of criticism.
[00:56:09] They haven't even talked about it.
[00:56:10] And they end their article with an advertisement about the game.
[00:56:15] They are advertising the game at the end of it.
[00:56:17] So yes, when I see an article like this and I see people that put this stuff out there,
[00:56:22] I'm sorry to say, but yeah, I absolutely am going to shit on it 100%.
[00:56:31] It's not just Twitter plans or anything where I work or work in healthcare and about creating
[00:56:34] a safe space for everyone.
[00:56:35] The only reason why companies do that is because HR doesn't want to get sued.
[00:56:40] That's the only reason why companies do it.
[00:56:42] It's not because people actually support it.
[00:56:44] It's just because companies are risk adverse to having any sort of like any sort of lawsuit
[00:56:49] at the company.
[00:56:50] Don't act like these. Do you think these companies really care about like gender neutral pronouns when they're selling things in Saudi Arabia?
[00:56:55] Of course, they don't actually care about this. Like they're just doing it to make sure that they're compliant with laws
[00:57:00] Then they're being overprotective. That's it
[00:57:07] Administration heavily pushes inclusion stuff. Oh, yeah for sure. All I'm saying is I think it's a very much a minority view and so yeah
[00:57:16] Gender neutral pronouns have been around forever
[00:57:18] I think you're confusing it with people explicitly stating they were prefer to identify as gender neutral pronouns
[00:57:22] Yeah, no, um, and I you're right and that's what I'm that's what I'm talking about. You're absolutely right if I didn't make that clear
[00:57:29] That's my bad either way. Yeah, so this happened and a lot of people are obviously very happy about this game failing
[00:57:35] I think this is a very good thing that it failed. It's a huge massive positive
[00:57:41] Hopefully more games like this do continue to fail
[00:57:44] when every single one of these games does fail, I will be there to celebrate it.
[00:57:48] We will be dancing on the graves, we'll be holding a party, and we'll be having a
[00:57:52] lot of fun. And so that's about it. I don't really have any sympathy for these
[00:57:58] people. In fact, I have the opposite. I actually quite enjoy the fact that
[00:58:02] they're upset. And I think the fact is that they would do the same thing to
[00:58:05] me if they had the chance. So that's why I think this way.
[00:58:09] And I know it might sound like kind of an asshole opinion to have or
[00:58:12] or something like that, but that's really the way I feel about it.
[00:58:16] That's what I think, and yep, there is their studio message.
[00:58:21] That's what other people have been saying, too, and Dustborn is dead.
[00:58:25] There we go.
[00:58:26] Party in Asmonds Grape.
[00:58:27] Oh, if I died tomorrow, people on Twitter would be celebrating.
[00:58:31] They would be so happy.
[00:58:33] They would be like, thank God, thank God, he's finally dead.
[00:58:37] Absolutely they would be.
[00:58:38] Yes, and they would cheer.
[00:58:40] No, I don't yeah, I don't really think that it's it's not a something that people would afford to me
[00:58:45] So I would afford them to afford that to them like I'll give you an example so I
[00:58:52] Recently posted a photo here. This was crazy
[00:58:57] 15 million views look at the post engagements here look at this
[00:59:05] Seeing people say resident evil seven, but the same from resident evil seven is somehow cleaner
[00:59:09] It actually is
[00:59:13] That acts that is actually wow a hundred and five K
[00:59:17] This is the kind of sink you'd interact with yeah people actually people people thought that it was fake
[00:59:24] They started looking it up don't want Twitter bro when bro do your push-up? Yeah. Yeah, sure you're fine. I thought I try
[00:59:29] These are bro. This is crazy when the shrink rate gets invented and me and the boys get hired to take out the Roach infestation and
[00:59:37] Asmongold's PC. There we go bro what the fuck how do you look like this? I just
[00:59:46] don't look at it and anyway you somehow don't know why you feel better when you
[00:59:50] travel. No I do know why. That's the whole conversation whenever I brought it up.
[00:59:54] But yeah and anyway this man doesn't serve a drop of fame. Is this a
[01:00:01] streamer? It's Overwatch 2. Jesus. Is this... yeah 80K likes.
[01:00:14] Oh my god
[01:00:18] Wow
[01:00:20] Botted views. Oh boy. Oh boy. Here we go another person who this is up. Here's the thing
[01:00:53] listen
[01:00:54] Is this guy a streamer?
[01:01:00] Cuz like search him on twitch tracker. Yeah, is he a streamer?
[01:01:04] Like I don't even know like cuz he seems like he has like a Midas underscore overwatch
[01:01:10] This seems like a streamer name, but maybe not no
[01:01:12] Yeah, I have no idea. Well anyway, some psycho shit, I guess so. And so definitely your biggest fan.
[01:01:21] Time to start charging rent? I know. He's just a reply guy on Twitter. Here's what's so crazy
[01:01:28] to me about this. This man has another one! Oh my god! Oh this is what it's about. You know,
[01:01:42] Kind of close but not there. It looks like that's that's been basically all of them
[01:01:46] I guess so basically he had a couple of tweets about me that did really well
[01:01:51] Like you know this one got 15k likes this one got 70 likes then we have another one
[01:01:57] I'm in class. You got two one point three K. Oh, that one's not so good
[01:02:01] Okay, then he stopped posting about me as one fans in the replies agreeing with his false statement is the funniest shit ever. Oh
[01:02:09] I didn't even say this. I don't remember if I said this
[01:02:12] I don't even know. Yeah. He's farming. Well, here's the thing, right?
[01:02:18] Is that people have to do this for Twitter money. They really do.
[01:02:21] And I find it to be kind of funny to see it happen.
[01:02:24] I do send him a friend request, growing Twitter is risky, bro.
[01:02:27] Well, these are just reply guys. It's not that big of a deal. So yeah.
[01:02:31] But does he have an original tweet or an opinion in his head?
[01:02:34] His crime is being unoriginal. Well, it's just a shit talking retard, right?
[01:02:38] I mean, that's all the risk to it.
[01:02:40] Like to me, when I see people that do stuff like this, I just think to myself, I just think it's funny.
[01:02:49] Straight up, I just, I think it's funny. Because at the end of the day, I live and I do whatever the hell I want, and they're getting mad about it.
[01:03:00] So I'm doing what I want. Meanwhile, I'm not doing what they, they're the ones getting mad.
[01:03:06] I'm living my life. I'm chilling. Everything's fine with me, right? I mean, if I have problems that problems happen
[01:03:13] I'm just chilling
[01:03:18] So people getting mad about me. This is making tweets making a this is I got a problem getting a fan cam account
[01:03:25] This is unbelievable. I love it
[01:03:28] Pretty much farms all people that are seeing as controversial or on drama for example
[01:03:33] You and drama when you and dream whenever he cheated well good for him good for him
[01:03:38] I hope he's getting paid well for it. Okay. I know Twitter
[01:03:41] You know that the Twitter
[01:03:43] Revenue is down people aren't making a lot of money on Twitter
[01:03:46] So we can expect to see a lot more posts from him probably about me. I'll have to put out some new content
[01:03:53] Obviously, I've been working on the list of the different stories and everything
[01:03:57] Let me think if I can figure out a few more of these
[01:04:00] Oh
[01:04:12] Yeah
[01:04:15] I'll because I've been making a list of the stories beyond the rat story because I'm sick of hearing the rat story
[01:04:21] Like we always hear the rat story. We're out. We have right now. I think this is eight pages or
[01:04:28] Seven of eight pages. Yeah fully set seven full pages almost eight pages of things and so I have another one here
[01:04:36] We used to print pictures of raccoons and put them on magnets
[01:04:39] Then each then put each magnet on the refrigerator when we would catch another raccoon in the house to keep count
[01:04:46] That's right. The old story. Yeah, I know till that started for it
[01:04:57] Okay, you want it you want to know a real new one?
[01:04:59] Because I did I did I did have a real new one
[01:05:08] My mom would insist on never throwing away bacon grease and just reusing it. Why?
[01:05:13] I don't fucking know but the bacon grease on my stove now is older than many of the people reading this
[01:05:19] Yeah, there we go. Now this is for a Twitter audience obviously for you guys
[01:05:41] It's probably not older than you guys, but you know people on Twitter that like complaining about that stuff
[01:05:46] Maybe so so yeah, thanks for covering forever winner last night. Absolutely. Yeah, I mean I'm excited for the game man
[01:05:52] I am you can still use it. Maybe you can either way. Yeah, that's what happened. I also thought this was really funny
[01:05:58] So this is the from software studio
[01:06:01] Yep. No frills. No bullshit. No plushies. No, you know, anything like that. Yeah, there's no poison swamp, etc. Yeah, they get to work. Yep, there we go. That's that's some shitty workplace. You think that's a shitty workplace?
[01:06:36] I
[01:06:38] Don't know. I mean like I
[01:06:41] Like for me, I don't really have that same opinion. It's a normal work place. I feel like that's normal. Yeah, I don't know
[01:06:48] It's fine and normal. It's depressing as fuck. I
[01:06:53] don't know. I mean I I
[01:06:55] Think it really depends. Yeah, it's yeah, Japanese people are pragmatic as fuck. I guess so. Yeah
[01:07:01] I don't I don't find it depressing at all. I just I like to me. I look at this
[01:07:05] I think it looks nice, right? I do but like I'm very much like kind of a minimalist with stuff
[01:07:10] Like he might not notice this but like a lot of the things in my room are not things that I bought for my room
[01:07:16] Okay, these are just things that I've like spawned in here or somebody else has spawned them in my room for me. So, yeah
[01:07:23] Order slash minimalist. I am not a hoarder. Absolutely not
[01:07:27] so
[01:07:33] This by the way is crazy
[01:07:35] This was crazy, so they're adding a new character in the Xenna Zone Zero.
[01:08:16] I don't want to step out in disguise, right?
[01:08:21] Besides, an honest, brave, cute little public security officer like you wouldn't dare peek, would you?
[01:08:32] No, absolutely not.
[01:08:39] That was close.
[01:08:43] So, what were you saying about the operation? You didn't finish.
[01:08:47] I- I was just going to say...
[01:09:03] They're really pulling out all the stops on this game, man.
[01:09:06] They really are.
[01:09:07] Uh, they skipped some stuff, but yeah, that's wild.
[01:09:10] Yeah, I'm sure that if they didn't skip it, everything else would have made perfect sense.
[01:09:14] Yeah, this is cooked.
[01:09:15] Yep, there we go, guys.
[01:09:16] This is the, uh, this is the new character for Xenla Zone Zero.
[01:09:21] Gotcha.
[01:09:21] Well, they- hey, yeah, true.
[01:09:23] They know their audience.
[01:09:24] That's a fucking fact.
[01:09:27] But yeah, look at this, by the way.
[01:09:29] Um, so there's somebody who is boycotting, this is so fucking funny to me.
[01:09:34] I'm sorry to say.
[01:09:35] Genshin Impact boycotters are posting tweets of them doing polls and getting characters in
[01:09:47] Genshin Impact.
[01:09:50] They say, oh hey, and it says boycott Hoyoverse games.
[01:09:53] I guess that's Hoyoverse is like that.
[01:09:56] And then it says, should remove boycott from your bio name then.
[01:09:59] And it says, I'm free to play, thanks though.
[01:10:04] And then obviously they went into protected mode, naturally, right?
[01:10:10] And Free Palestine Daily Timing Account of the Small GeoNation NatLan Character.
[01:10:16] Oh my God, I've never seen a group of people so useless, I swear.
[01:10:23] What's so funny to me about this is that who didn't expect this to happen?
[01:10:29] I feel like this 100% was going to happen.
[01:10:31] This is a- this is- like, I've said this before with the Genshin stuff.
[01:10:35] This is an audience of people who's...
[01:10:39] What they do...
[01:10:41] Is built off like- the entire business model is built off of the lack of self-control.
[01:10:48] You really thought that they were gonna be able to stop themselves from playing and spinning and gambling for waifus?
[01:10:54] What are you fucking stupid? Of course not!
[01:10:56] That's the reason why they're doing it!
[01:10:58] What are you thinking next level slactivism? Yeah, it sure is. Do you even know these people on the Internet seems artificial?
[01:11:04] Well, it is artificial, but yes, they are real people.
[01:11:09] A Kentucky woman claims Kanye West has telepathically told her to steal a car with the child inside leading to her arrest.
[01:11:22] I believe her actually.
[01:11:24] The scary part is that this is exactly how Kanye would test his telepathic powers upon receiving them.
[01:11:29] That's why he's my goat. This is some shit that he would say.
[01:11:35] Kanye mind controlling bitches now. What if she's telling the truth? I don't know, man.
[01:11:46] What could it be? Yeah. It's a perfect crime. I guess so. Least insane Kanye fan?
[01:11:54] I guess so. Let me go back. Oh, I'll watch this. This is crazy. I only watched
[01:12:03] half of it and I was like I should probably watch the other half on stream.
[01:12:06] Do you know voter ID laws?
[01:12:15] Yeah, they're usually pretty racist and they're bad.
[01:12:19] I think voter ID laws are a way to perpetuate racism.
[01:12:22] Would you go as far as say those laws are racist?
[01:12:25] For sure.
[01:12:26] Do you think it suppresses the American vote?
[01:12:28] Definitely.
[01:12:29] Because they're less likely to have state IDs.
[01:12:33] Minority voters are less likely to have the kinds of IDs that have been described or required.
[01:12:40] These types of people don't live in areas with easy access to DMVs.
[01:12:45] Get ready. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Get ready.
[01:12:54] These are other places where you can get identification.
[01:12:59] You can always get IDs over the internet. Does that also make it difficult for black people in particular?
[01:13:05] Yeah, you have to have access to the internet. You have to be able to pay an internet service provider for certain fees.
[01:13:10] Do you think that's harder for black people to go online?
[01:13:12] Well, I feel like they don't have the knowledge of how it works.
[01:13:34] people have smartphones but you might not have data. For most of the communities they don't really
[01:13:38] know what is out there just because they're not aware or like they're not informed. I also think
[01:13:42] there's a repression of like black voting with how they how if you're a convicted felon like you're
[01:13:48] not allowed to vote and everything and when you look at swing states like Florida that's a huge
[01:13:53] population of the of the like african-americans. Now you all think it's fake? Like it's
[01:14:16] It's gotta be fake, right? I mean, there's no way it's not fake.
[01:14:24] You guys know what I think is fake.
[01:14:31] Oh my god.
[01:14:39] Wait, can Donald Trump not vote for himself?
[01:14:41] I've actually been wondering that.
[01:14:43] I don't think he can.
[01:14:46] Yeah, I don't think he can vote for himself. I don't know.
[01:14:50] It's actually a good point.
[01:14:55] He did? That doesn't mean he can, no.
[01:14:58] I'm here in East Harlem to ask black people their thoughts on what you just heard.
[01:15:03] Do you have ID?
[01:15:05] Do you carry ID with us?
[01:15:06] Yes, I do.
[01:15:07] Do you carry ID?
[01:15:08] Yes, I do.
[01:15:09] Do you know anybody who doesn't carry ID?
[01:15:11] No.
[01:15:12] Everyone that I know has an ID.
[01:15:13] Why would they think you don't have ID?
[01:15:15] That's a lie.
[01:15:17] Probably you say that.
[01:15:18] Do you have ID?
[01:15:19] Yes.
[01:15:20] I have my ID and my friends have their ID.
[01:15:22] So we know what we need to carry around.
[01:15:24] Everybody that I know have ID.
[01:15:26] That's one of the things you need to work around with New York with.
[01:15:29] ID.
[01:15:30] You know any black adult who does not have ID?
[01:15:33] No, I ain't that much.
[01:15:34] Is it a weird thing to even say that?
[01:15:36] Yes, it is.
[01:15:37] What is this?
[01:15:38] Some type of candy camera?
[01:15:39] I know, right?
[01:15:40] That's the only thing I've brought with me.
[01:15:44] Those are legit IDs.
[01:15:45] I heard a lot also that black people can't figure out how to get to the DMV.
[01:16:05] Mary?
[01:16:06] What's that saying?
[01:16:07] I know it's that, but I'm too into this shit.
[01:16:10] It's like that one video, bro. Let me see if I can find it real quick. I'm gonna see if I can get this
[01:16:30] Give me a minute. Um, I don't even want to search how I'm looking for this video. Oh
[01:16:46] Fuck
[01:16:49] I'm trying to say I can find it
[01:16:53] Okay
[01:16:56] God fucking damn it
[01:16:58] How the fuck can I not find this video? Oh?
[01:17:08] Oh my God. I'm so fucking mad. Shit. Never mind. Hide your tabs. It was the one with the guy with like,
[01:17:23] though, there was like some politician who was talking about how black people don't know how to
[01:17:28] use the internet. And then it had like this black guy that was like moving around like a monkey,
[01:17:33] like touching a laptop and then jumping away from it whenever it moved in like his apartment.
[01:17:39] and then like it just cut the video. Remember that? That's that's the video I was looking for.
[01:17:44] But I couldn't fucking find it. And so I was like, I'm going to search for this video. But the way
[01:17:50] that I searched for this video, we're going to do that off camera. I could not find a video though.
[01:17:55] That happened in New York City. Yeah. Yeah. But we remember the video, right? Yeah.
[01:18:00] The satire obviously fucking satire. Of course, it's fucking satire. Who thinks it's not?
[01:18:07] What?
[01:18:09] Do you know the DAV is right here?
[01:18:11] It's on 125th Street and 3rd Avenue I believe.
[01:18:13] You know how to get there?
[01:18:14] Yeah.
[01:18:15] Do you have a problem getting there?
[01:18:16] Do you have to get there?
[01:18:17] No.
[01:18:18] I know you sound like silly question.
[01:18:19] You know how to get the DAV?
[01:18:20] Of course.
[01:18:21] You know where it is?
[01:18:22] Yeah.
[01:18:23] You can get there?
[01:18:24] No problem.
[01:18:25] No problem.
[01:18:26] Just checking.
[01:18:27] That's crazy.
[01:18:28] And I also heard a lot that black people, especially pool back people, have no access to the internet.
[01:18:29] Can't figure out how to use the internet.
[01:18:30] Just look at me.
[01:18:31] It's just...
[01:18:32] What?
[01:18:33] Just what?
[01:18:35] Guys, that's the best of the stupidest honestly.
[01:18:39] Everybody has access to the internet.
[01:18:41] Even the little kid can figure out how to work the internet.
[01:18:43] The little kid can figure out how to work the internet.
[01:18:45] Yeah, true.
[01:18:47] I've had access to the internet for years.
[01:18:49] You know how to use it properly?
[01:18:51] In fact, I do it at work.
[01:18:53] So of course I'm not used to it.
[01:18:55] I have iPads, iPods, whatever.
[01:18:57] Your phone has data?
[01:18:59] Unlimited.
[01:19:01] Unlimited, unlimited. I use my phone as a hotspot.
[01:19:03] What does that say to you for the people who have this perception of life?
[01:19:06] Um, I think pretty much ignorant. That's what my thought process is.
[01:19:11] I think that's ignorant. Ignorant.
[01:19:14] That's the word I hear about.
[01:19:16] It's very, very ignorant.
[01:19:17] Does it sound racist for somebody to say that?
[01:19:20] I think it is a little racist because, you know, you're putting people in a category
[01:19:25] and you have no idea what you're talking about.
[01:19:27] Maybe a little bit racist in it, but like I said, I think it's more stupidity.
[01:19:34] I love how they're not even really mad about it. They're just like, man, that's sad. They're dumb.
[01:19:42] Damn, like that's actually, that's sad. Like, wow. Fuck. Hey, generous. Yeah. Judging somebody,
[01:19:49] like, but you're judging them for they black, saying that they haven't got it.
[01:19:53] People, are they talking to you? Who are these people talking to?
[01:19:57] They're probably talking to other white people that's what they're doing. They're probably getting together in a coffee shop
[01:20:04] There's like three of them together ordering fifteen dollar coffees talking about how black people can't use the internet and about how good they are
[01:20:12] For figuring out ways for them to use the internet. No, that's that's how it is. It's crazy
[01:20:19] Governor Matt. Oh god. Oh god, did we find it? Oh
[01:20:23] Geez this is this was the video
[01:20:26] Here we go
[01:20:29] Bronx who don't even know young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word
[01:20:40] Computer is they don't know they don't know these things and I want the world open up to all of them
[01:20:46] Because when you have their diverse voices
[01:20:51] Through technology, then you're really addressing society's broader challenges. This has happened
[01:21:00] here
[01:21:03] I don't understand
[01:21:05] Problem that if you go to vote and they say quickly see your ID to make sure you are we say you are
[01:21:11] You had no problem with that. Nope. Would you have a problem if when you go to vote if they say quickly just like see your ID
[01:21:17] And make sure you are you say you are give me sure that yeah, you have a problem. There was a rule
[01:21:20] We get to show your ID in order vote
[01:21:25] No, do you have an issue if there was a rule saying you got to show your ID before you vote
[01:21:31] You cool with that
[01:21:33] It's so crazy, bro. I want to go back to this one. This one was...
[01:21:38] Service provided for certain fees.
[01:21:40] Do you think that's harder for black people to go online?
[01:21:42] Well, I feel like they don't have the knowledge of how it worked.
[01:21:46] People have smartphones, they might have data.
[01:21:49] For most of the communities, they don't really know what is out there just because they're not aware or they're not informed.
[01:21:54] I also think there's a repression of black voting with how if you're a convicted felon,
[01:22:02] Like you're not allowed to vote and everything and when you look at swing states like Florida
[01:22:06] That's a huge population of the of the like African-Americans
[01:22:11] There it is
[01:22:19] Somebody says future game developers right there. Oh
[01:22:22] man
[01:22:23] Yeah, I
[01:22:26] Don't even know what to say man
[01:22:28] All the supplies to rural America has been not the cities
[01:22:32] If you can't get an ID to vote you probably a fucking idiot. I don't want you to vote
[01:22:36] Like, am I the only person that thinks like that?
[01:22:41] You can't figure out how to get a fucking ID, but you want me to say that you can vote
[01:22:46] for who the president is?
[01:22:50] What the fuck are we talking about?
[01:22:55] Are you kidding me?
[01:22:59] Where are we?
[01:23:00] Yeah, 100% agree with you.
[01:23:03] Yes.
[01:23:04] God damn.
[01:23:05] It's so simple.
[01:23:06] It doesn't matter.
[01:23:07] Yes, it's straight up infantilizing them.
[01:23:09] just so insane whenever you see this shit. I looked at, I saw this video, I was like,
[01:23:16] I was looking for a community note. I was looking for some point of like where, where it's like,
[01:23:22] oh, this is a sked or something like that. Yeah, there's a black guy just calling me a black guy,
[01:23:27] not African American, I'm not African, I'm black. I don't like, here's the thing, I try to be
[01:23:33] respectful, right? If somebody says I'm this kind of person, I'm like, okay, this is what
[01:23:39] you are, right? I do. I usually just say somebody's black as well. I don't, I mean, this is the way
[01:23:46] I see it. I kind of look at it the same way, but like, if you're black, you're black. That's it,
[01:23:51] right? I mean, like, it's because I don't, in a way, like here in the US, and like, this is actually
[01:23:57] true in Texas, is that there's a lot of people here that are Mexican, right? They're from Mexico.
[01:24:03] Their parents came from Mexico. Grandparents came from Mexico. Maybe they're, they've been
[01:24:08] here ever since the fucking, you know, the Spanish-American war, right? But they've been
[01:24:12] here for a long fucking time. And before Texas was Texas, it had a J and not an X. And people
[01:24:21] call them Mexicans. Well, it's like if you want to be called a Mexican, I'll call you
[01:24:24] a Mexican, right? But I generally use Hispanic or Latino or something like that. Why is
[01:24:30] that? Well, because you're not a fucking Mexican, you're a fucking American. You've
[01:24:33] been an American. Your parents were Americans. That's what you are, right? The same
[01:24:37] is I'm not a German. You know, I'm not Irish. I'm an American. But that's that's how I try
[01:24:44] to look at it, right? I think that is a good way of seeing the things. You got to watch
[01:24:48] the holy shit in Mexican. Yeah, America is a meme. Yeah, I guess so. Texas always had
[01:24:54] an X, even in Mexico's time. Really, I thought it was called Tejas or something like that.
[01:24:58] Yeah, I could be wrong. But yeah, there's difference between Texas and Austin. Austin
[01:25:02] is the California of Texas, the worst city in Texas. Do you think Austin sucks?
[01:25:06] i don't know man i think austin's fine
[01:25:09] yeah i really like austin i love austin i think it's a great place uh... i i
[01:25:12] like living here
[01:25:14] uh... there are some things about the uh... about obviously like anywhere you're
[01:25:18] at the beginning of the bad
[01:25:19] but overall i'm very positive towards austin and i like it a lot so i don't
[01:25:23] have anything uh... anything really negative to say
[01:25:26] so yeah
[01:25:30] this process in spanish that's always written with an axe okay well that's
[01:25:33] not what i learned
[01:25:35] but either way uh...
[01:25:37] You know Austin's big as your house? Yeah, yeah, sure.
[01:25:39] Um, this is another, um...
[01:25:42] So, this page supports being able to play disabled RPGs, adventurers and RPGs.
[01:25:47] It is crazy to me that this is, um...
[01:25:50] This is the best that they can do.
[01:25:53] You know what I mean?
[01:25:55] Here we go.
[01:25:56] This is it right here.
[01:25:58] Wow, I just saw this, why?
[01:26:00] That's a great question. I have no idea why.
[01:26:03] Level floor heel will fix it. Yeah, I guess so she had peg legs. I know man
[01:26:11] Let me see what the rest of this is. Oh, here we go
[01:26:16] gentlemen
[01:26:18] Do you remember what I was saying about how blood-borne would be playable by the end of the year?
[01:26:23] I think that I was wrong. I think it might be playable by the end of next month
[01:26:33] Music is working. This is all on a emulator
[01:26:43] Cinematic is working
[01:26:46] There we go, PlayStation 4, you finalized the character.
[01:26:50] This is on PC, guys.
[01:26:55] You also said they can't figure out how the sound works?
[01:26:58] Yeah, because they couldn't figure out how the sound worked, and then they figured it out.
[01:27:02] Yeah, it was pretty obvious that was one of the things they couldn't figure out,
[01:27:06] and then after a while they did.
[01:27:08] Yeah, look at that.
[01:27:22] Cease and desist soon.
[01:27:23] They are speedrunning for a cease and desist, let's be honest.
[01:27:27] He's gonna fight like the wolf in here.
[01:27:28] This is all on PC
[01:27:32] Keep in mind
[01:27:34] Well, I'm looking for it Shad 4 ps4 emulator
[01:27:42] Here it is
[01:27:49] No longer a 98% GPU usage. Yeah, look at that
[01:27:52] Remember how the frame rates were a really bad issue and like the temperature was like really high in the CPU and all that
[01:28:03] Man
[01:28:08] Things are looking really good guys this much in one week. Yep. That's right
[01:28:12] It looks really good. Are they getting sued? Yeah. Yeah, it just hasn't happened yet. Yeah, that's all.
[01:28:21] Iterative development, maybe? Visual progress in real time? Well, that's what happens. I mean,
[01:28:26] this is the same with anything, right? And you can see he can interact with objects, look at
[01:28:32] items, go through his menu, look at the different menu options. I didn't even know
[01:28:36] that guy could climb the ladder. I had no idea about that, but I guess it makes sense
[01:28:40] because some of the other guys can climb the ladder. It's like this one guy over on the side.
[01:28:43] Yeah, there he is. Yeah, that fucking guy.
[01:28:47] Why is the FPS so low now?
[01:28:51] I don't know. I guess they're never going to be able to fix that.
[01:28:54] Yeah, it's funny because you, that you bring that up because that's actually
[01:28:57] going to be the only thing they're never going to be able to fix.
[01:29:00] Yeah, it's the FPS then for sure.
[01:29:04] I'm curious to see what's going to happen if they get the cleric demon,
[01:29:07] you know, because I'm sure that's probably what it's like.
[01:29:09] No, no, it won't get to cleric demon.
[01:29:11] But yeah, ps4 had the same FPS.
[01:29:13] Well, of course, this is where it's going to begin.
[01:29:15] I mean, that's what makes sense
[01:29:18] You can fix it eventually. Yep very unstable FPS. That's right
[01:29:23] But I just want you guys to see that there's been an update on PlayStation PlayStation 4 emulated Bloodborne and it is looking very
[01:29:31] Very very fucking good. And you can even in the game start again all this stuff indie devs of frame time
[01:29:39] Yeah, look how fast this is
[01:29:41] We are playing Bloodborne on PC before the end of the year
[01:29:45] apps of fucking Lutely. A year ago, sorry a while ago it was frame by frame, it was.
[01:29:51] Like if I look at this guy's profile, cause like he's been posting like a bunch of updates
[01:29:55] on this, let me scroll all the way down. August 29th, let's just do like three days beforehand.
[01:30:03] Okay, let's see if there's another Bloodborne post here.
[01:30:09] Um, yeah. This is from less than one week ago. You can see obviously the lighting
[01:30:22] is garbage things are fucked up there it's not doing that this was this was on
[01:30:30] the 25th well I guess it is one week ago I'm not sure exactly
[01:30:34] chat 407 within two weeks it'll be fully ready by the way yep it is insane we
[01:30:43] are playing Bloodborne on PC very very very fucking soon it's actually
[01:30:48] insane how fast it happened you can do it legally if you make the player submit
[01:30:53] the ROM like they did for the old Jack games? Oh, legal emulation? Yeah, I really don't
[01:30:57] know. I mean, like I own Bloodborne, I bought the game and so I don't really, I'm not really
[01:31:02] thinking about that myself. Concord is estimating to have only sold 25,000 units. Oh my god.
[01:31:23] 25,000. How many refunded? Well, I would assume they're probably not counting that.
[01:31:29] Why is Concord actually selling that badly? Unfortunately for Sony? Yeah. While historically
[01:31:37] Very low numbers like the ones being experienced by Concord have been a tendency to be used
[01:31:41] by drive narratives that don't always paint a full picture.
[01:31:45] That's not what's happening here.
[01:31:48] Principal analysts at O'Mara said the Steam numbers are so bad that even without the
[01:31:53] exact data on the PlayStation 5 side, we can be pretty certain the game is doing
[01:31:58] very badly.
[01:32:01] What a fucking surprise.
[01:32:03] And other analysts were able to share a bit more insight on the PlayStation side
[01:32:06] for me, Concord ranked 147th on the USPS5 daily active users across all titles, with
[01:32:13] fewer than 0.2% of Monday's active PlayStation 5 players playing the game.
[01:32:19] Sadly, making fun in high quality shooter is not enough in the oversaturated live service
[01:32:25] space these days.
[01:32:26] Why isn't Concord selling?
[01:32:40] Let's find out.
[01:32:42] Usually when I reach out to analysts for a comment on something like this, they largely
[01:32:45] have some more assessments of the big picture but can offer different perspectives on certain
[01:32:49] details.
[01:32:50] In the case of Concord, everyone I spoke to agreed on the reasons why it had failed.
[01:32:55] Concord suffered from poor marketing, a high price point, and most critically, a lack
[01:32:59] of disorientation in an oversaturated genre.
[01:33:03] Do you know what this is like?
[01:33:10] This reminds me a lot of Twitch.
[01:33:13] Because you know how Twitch tries to change the rules every like six months or so?
[01:33:17] girls use twitch to sell only fans? Like we all know that girls do this right? Like most of the
[01:33:23] girls that are like you know they're doing a bikini stream or something like that you're only
[01:33:27] really doing this to like funnel people to have them buy your only fans that's just uh that's
[01:33:32] that's the way the pipeline works that's the way it's designed and so or tiktok or something
[01:33:37] like that so like twitch can't actually say that that's the problem because that's like
[01:33:42] targeting women and suppressing their sexual expression so they have to create like all
[01:33:47] of these like weird like rules that are like solving a symptom of the problem
[01:33:53] because they can't identify what the disease is because if they do this would
[01:33:58] be like cancelable right you're not supposed to do that I find it to be so
[01:34:02] fucking funny when Twitch does this start with the marketing badly
[01:34:05] damaging its ability to build money and some ahead of release it suffered
[01:34:08] from low awareness and purchase intent among video game players but why did
[01:34:15] have low purchasing intent. There were only a handful of lead placements across GameStop,
[01:34:21] Best Buy and Target and Walmart, and a PlayStation Store. Research Director at Ampere Analysis
[01:34:28] agreed that while there has been some trailers and gameplay reveals for Concord, pre-launch
[01:34:33] motion for the game appears to have been relatively limited. Since Concord is a new IP
[01:34:38] marketing was sorely needed, it lacks an existing fanbase at to bolster its launch.
[01:34:42] There we go. Oh, there we go. Concord also suffered from $40 price point, giving its competition
[01:34:50] is free to play. High-skill multiplayer shooters can struggle to gain traction because only
[01:34:54] a player will sit through their preferred games. Sunk cost fallacy. There's also a problem
[01:34:59] he says for content creators who won't know in advance if their audience will be interested
[01:35:03] in a new game they're considering switching to. Well, this is one thing that I am,
[01:35:12] You know, like, definitely, I am more qualified to talk on it than almost anybody else.
[01:35:17] That's not true. This is retarded. I don't know who thought this.
[01:35:20] You don't know what you're talking about. That's not true.
[01:35:23] WooKong was a brand new game, but everybody knew that it was going to be really popular because it looked great.
[01:35:27] Like Elden Ring was a new IP. People liked it, and it was going to be great.
[01:35:32] Content creators obviously are going to watch somebody else stream a game,
[01:35:37] and if they get good viewers streaming the game, then they'll stream it themselves. Deadlock.
[01:35:40] Yeah, look at Deadlock.
[01:35:46] Pow World, Stower Blade, yeah.
[01:35:49] It's just not true.
[01:35:50] And there's a lot of examples of people trying it out
[01:35:53] and playing it on screen.
[01:35:54] But it's insane to me that sometimes everything
[01:35:58] that can go wrong does go wrong.
[01:36:02] It's so funny to me to see these people writing articles
[01:36:05] about Concord without identifying the elephant in the room,
[01:36:09] or actually to be fair, based on the character selector,
[01:36:11] the elephants in the room,
[01:36:13] of the reasons why the game wasn't successful.
[01:36:18] Yeah.
[01:36:20] It's really sad.
[01:36:21] It's like nobody can identify it.
[01:36:23] People are afraid to say it, but everybody
[01:36:25] knows what the real reason is.
[01:36:27] It's a simple system.
[01:36:28] If the media hates on a game developer,
[01:36:30] it's going to be a good game.
[01:36:31] Yeah, I guess so.
[01:36:33] And Gollum sold 26K.
[01:36:36] That's sad.
[01:36:37] 25K, hard to believe that their Twitter is dead on release.
[01:36:40] They have 36 viewers on Twitch.
[01:36:42] Oh my god.
[01:36:44] That is insane.
[01:36:46] New York Crater, Rio Conteiros' Persona Dev's new GRPG metaphor, Refantasio, is so stylish
[01:36:52] I almost wet myself and no, he didn't get any money to say that.
[01:36:56] The menus are quite stunning.
[01:36:57] I have never played this.
[01:36:59] I don't know what this is.
[01:37:00] Dasmond Fury is starting to happen.
[01:37:02] Brazil's Supreme Court ordered the immediate suspension of Twitter.
[01:37:08] Wow.
[01:37:10] Brazilian here, a lovely list of countries we're in now, including Russia, China,
[01:37:15] North Korea, Venezuela, and Iran to explain Judge de Morey's ordered a censorship of many
[01:37:21] people who criticized him and the current regime, not saying all were good people, but
[01:37:26] it is still censorship.
[01:37:28] In addition, it was illegal in the Constitution.
[01:37:30] They committed no crime, so Elon refused to comply with it, citing Brazil's constitution.
[01:37:35] Well, here's the thing.
[01:37:37] And do you remember what I said before about how the internet is going to become more
[01:37:40] and more fragmented, and we're going to lose the world wide web?
[01:37:44] This is the reason why.
[01:37:46] It's because social media platforms are becoming too powerful and too persuasive in order for
[01:37:51] them not to be regulated, and they have to be regulated because of how powerful and persuasive
[01:37:56] they are, but they can't exist inside of jurisdictions that have contradictory regulations.
[01:38:02] So what's going to end up happening is you're going to have the worldwide web get
[01:38:06] narrowed down more and more and more.
[01:38:09] And that's what's happening right now.
[01:38:10] They have no power, not true.
[01:38:13] part of it that yeah wait a minute what what about this isn't true Morales has
[01:38:18] been to Twitter because must didn't cooperate with the country rules Morales
[01:38:21] isn't wrong well what does that have to do with what I said does anything do oh
[01:38:29] about this guy yeah I don't know about that I mean I'd have to look into it
[01:38:33] and see for myself yeah what does that have to do I'm just confused right and
[01:38:38] dies from a dark web morales is wrong as fuck well whether he is or not
[01:38:42] right? It's totally irrelevant. This is what's going to happen more and more. The judge is
[01:38:46] insanely corrupt. Well, I mean, listen, maybe they are, maybe they're not. I mean, this is the same
[01:38:52] take that I had with the telegram guy is that if you're going to make content and you're going to
[01:38:58] make a service in a country and provide a service to a country, you should expect to follow
[01:39:05] that country's laws. And if you don't follow the laws of that country, then yeah, of course
[01:39:10] They're gonna have to ban you because if they don't then they're getting cucked by a private company
[01:39:15] Obviously companies have to follow the laws like that's common sense
[01:39:19] But if I think the conversation is about what the laws are and if they're good laws or not
[01:39:26] Brunels is a tyrant and breaking the Constitution daddy as many if they followed the Constitution Twitter wouldn't be banned
[01:39:32] Yeah, but who enforces like so the Constitution isn't the law the people with the guns are the law now
[01:39:39] Now sometimes they listen to the Constitution, but sometimes, I mean, you know, we know this
[01:39:43] here in America, sometimes they don't.
[01:39:45] The people with the law, the people who make the laws, are the ones that have the power
[01:39:49] to tell you what to do.
[01:39:51] That's it.
[01:39:52] Well, yeah.
[01:39:53] False?
[01:39:54] It's not false at all.
[01:39:55] That's a fucking fact.
[01:39:57] So here's a good example.
[01:40:02] What happens when, let's say, somebody gets pulled over by a police officer and the
[01:40:07] The person says this is unconstitutional, I'm being detained.
[01:40:11] And then the police officer says, yeah, you're being detained.
[01:40:14] You can't leave.
[01:40:15] What do you drive off?
[01:40:16] Well, then what if they shoot you?
[01:40:19] What if they arrest you?
[01:40:21] So the Constitution and like these laws are like a, it's like an idea.
[01:40:28] If they don't enforce the rules, then the rules don't exist.
[01:40:33] I don't know why people don't understand that.
[01:40:35] The issue is that it's an American company, so we should do what we did for United Fruit.
[01:40:39] Well, here's the way I look at it.
[01:40:42] I think that these companies should follow the laws based off of the country, or just
[01:40:47] not provide service to the country, or do it and just hope they don't get arrested.
[01:40:52] Right?
[01:40:53] I mean, there's definitely that too.
[01:40:55] It goes even deeper.
[01:40:56] Brazil Army uses Starlink and they block it too.
[01:40:58] It's comical how this is unfolding.
[01:41:00] Brazil will become a dictatorship soon.
[01:41:02] Maybe it will.
[01:41:03] I don't know.
[01:41:08] Follow the little land. It's that simple. Yeah, I mean to me like I don't really care how Twitter's run in Brazil
[01:41:15] In my opinion, I don't give a fuck like if you're over in Brazil and you're you know, like that's your laws
[01:41:21] Then yeah, they have to follow the laws, but I think the issue is that people don't want
[01:41:26] This is what my concern is with social media
[01:41:29] My concern is that I don't want American social media to start changing in order to accommodate
[01:41:35] these other countries laws
[01:41:38] That's what makes me afraid. That's what scares me. Other than that, I'm fine with it. Like, I don't care what they do on Twitter and in like, oh, yeah, they have a different version of Twitter in Russia. Okay, that's not like I don't care. Right. That's whatever.
[01:41:53] So, so, uh, so it's Brazil's loss problem. Yeah, well, obviously it's their law that they're doing it. Don't forget Brazil. Oh, yeah. Brazil is finding this is crazy.
[01:42:03] Brazil to find X users using a VPN. So if you're found in Brazil using a VPN to go on the Twitter or X
[01:42:12] You are being fined
[01:42:15] $8,000 a day
[01:42:19] Wow
[01:42:21] Wow, yeah, we got Baltimore right here and he's been cooking man and
[01:42:27] Court plans to find individuals using VPNs access to the platform
[01:42:30] The decision intensifies the ongoing conflict between Musk and Supreme Court justice and this is some random guy
[01:42:40] I don't know what the hell this is like all the details, but yeah
[01:42:44] Ewan himself said he will post proof to X starting tomorrow as well as he said what's happening here is not normal
[01:42:49] Bruh, it doesn't matter like at the end of the day Twitter is not more powerful than Brazil
[01:42:55] It's not like Elon Musk is going to post proof that Brazil is wrong and then Brazil is a massive country with a military
[01:43:05] Twitter is a company
[01:43:09] like
[01:43:10] There's not any bargaining power here
[01:43:13] Like I I don't think people understand this. It's like Twitter has any real bargaining power like they can't make Brazil do what they want
[01:43:22] For farmers out. No, it's a company versus a country. Yeah, exactly
[01:43:27] What would I do about it? Invade the US? Yeah, what are they gonna do about it? Exactly.
[01:43:31] And so, to give Brazilians perspective for how high this fine is, it's almost 50x the national monthly wage in Brazil.
[01:43:37] Oh my god.
[01:43:39] I want to know how they'll find the VPN users, will Nord sell them out.
[01:43:44] Do you really think that the VPN companies aren't going to...
[01:43:49] Of course they're gonna figure it out. There's like 5 or 10 different ways to do that.
[01:43:53] Tunneling does not make you anonymous. It's one very familiar of encryption that can be traced back to those.
[01:43:57] Yeah, I mean like you do have like you do have like levels of encryption and levels of security
[01:44:03] But just using a base VPN. It's not like I'm using a VPN and now nobody's ever gonna find me
[01:44:09] That's just simply not how it works. That's not how it's ever worked. So yeah
[01:44:14] No, Brazil when Brazil or Nintendo ninjas definitely Brazil. I don't think people understand how powerful countries are
[01:44:24] Like some people here think Brazil and Venezuela is like a democracy like any other so not allowing people to use the
[01:44:29] social platform is at least very consistent. If only garbage education, extremely high
[01:44:33] violent crime occurrences and everyone could be tackled with the sufficiency. I'm just
[01:44:37] a regular Brazilian dude, want to share my personal opinion here. As I read Twitter files
[01:44:41] for Brazil, which contain previously classified documents and decisions. What is this here?
[01:44:47] My opinion is going way too far and it's not respecting Brazilian law, I will not stand
[01:44:50] for this. This is something that I think most people want. I think most people want
[01:44:57] a place where they can express ideas freely without fear of repression.
[01:45:04] I think this is a core human desire.
[01:45:07] I don't think this is something that's unique to Brazil.
[01:45:10] It's not unique to America.
[01:45:12] It's the same in China.
[01:45:14] It's the same in Russia.
[01:45:16] Now some of them have governments that are extremely oppressive.
[01:45:19] So you know this impulse is suppressed and there's not as much of it.
[01:45:24] I think that it is human nature that people don't like being told what to do. I mean, is it really that crazy for me to say this?
[01:45:30] I feel like it's fucking obvious. So yeah, of course, everybody wants to expect the old express themselves freely.
[01:45:35] So I do think that with a lot of a lot of people in Brazil, this decision would
[01:45:41] probably be a bad one. What as one feared I watched the same for five minutes today and someone asked them to comment
[01:45:46] And he said that a platform should have adhere to applicable laws
[01:45:49] That's not even what I nobody here is even saying what I said
[01:46:03] So wait, so this got upvoted
[01:46:05] 800 almost 900 times and nobody is even talking about why what this had for any relation to oh
[01:46:12] My god, okay. Here we go. I'll explain it. So here's what my concern is with the internet
[01:46:17] Okay, and this has happened for a while is that I'm worried that the internet is going to become increasingly
[01:46:23] more and more segmented and
[01:46:25] And the way that, for example, we have the World Wide Web right now, where you can communicate with a Japanese person,
[01:46:32] you can communicate with a Russian, you know, admittedly, with some difficulty now,
[01:46:36] or with like somebody from China, or somebody from, you know, South America.
[01:46:42] But I think that this is a...
[01:46:45] This is something that has an expiration date.
[01:46:48] And the reason why I think it has an expiration date
[01:46:51] is because the countries that are aware of the power of these social media companies
[01:46:56] understand how strong they are, and they are too powerful and too influential not to be regulated.
[01:47:04] So when you have a bunch of countries that are basically making rules for a website,
[01:47:11] and then the rules contradict each other, so it's like, for example,
[01:47:15] saying one thing in China might be illegal, but saying something in America might not be illegal,
[01:47:20] or vice versa for some circumstances, right?
[01:47:23] So because of that, guess what?
[01:47:26] Like for example, like if somebody said
[01:47:28] they were gonna kill the US president in China,
[01:47:31] I'm pretty sure China probably wouldn't do much about it.
[01:47:33] They probably wouldn't care.
[01:47:34] But here in the US, they would be very, very upset
[01:47:36] about that.
[01:47:37] So how does the internet handle this?
[01:47:40] So it makes it really hard for tyrannical governments
[01:47:42] to oppress their people.
[01:47:43] Yes, that's true.
[01:47:44] But what my point is is that these companies
[01:47:48] cannot negotiate with Brazil. They cannot negotiate with Russia or with China or with any of these
[01:47:55] especially larger countries. They don't have any bargaining power. They can't control what
[01:48:00] the countries do. And so if the countries want to, they can just push the company around.
[01:48:07] I mean even Apple cooked to China and Apple is one of the biggest companies in the entire
[01:48:11] world. And it wasn't even a question. Every company is doing the same thing.
[01:48:17] So yeah, the pressure applied by Musk is amplified by its citizens.
[01:48:20] Sure.
[01:48:21] Unpopular opinion.
[01:48:23] If someone off Biden or Bookings would be Christmas, vice versa, well, I don't know.
[01:48:28] That's something totally different.
[01:48:29] But like, only the government can do that?
[01:48:32] Yeah, exactly.
[01:48:33] The U.S. government company supports U.S. companies, though?
[01:48:41] Yeah, of course they do.
[01:48:42] What a surprise.
[01:48:43] But what I'm saying is that what I'm afraid of and worried about is that the internet
[01:48:48] will become more and more segmented.
[01:48:50] And I think that we've had a lot of multicultural advancement on the internet.
[01:48:56] Like for example, now that you can talk to anybody that you want, you can interact with
[01:48:59] anybody that you want on the internet, I feel like this is a beautiful and a great thing.
[01:49:04] And now we just don't really have that as much anymore.
[01:49:08] And we do still, but we're losing it.
[01:49:11] And I think that it's going to be going away.
[01:49:13] And that's why I think I find it bothersome.
[01:49:16] And that's what I was really talking about being afraid of.
[01:49:18] It had nothing to do with anything else.
[01:49:20] I was afraid of the fact that we might be losing the actual, like, real internet, uh,
[01:49:26] the worldwide web.
[01:49:28] Yeah, they can use BlueSkine.
[01:49:31] Well, that's another, that's another website that's going to be censored, right?
[01:49:37] Proof fake news, like science stuff, or really stupid posts, like vaccines give autism
[01:49:40] subject, or subject to fines.
[01:49:42] Oh, I don't know.
[01:49:43] But like, in my opinion, I think that bad information should be met with good information.
[01:49:47] I'm sure that there are instances where providing misinformation should probably be, you know,
[01:49:53] like the person should be held accountable, but in a general sense, I do disagree with
[01:49:57] that categorically.
[01:49:59] But of course, there's going to be exceptions.
[01:50:02] So yeah, it looks like this is what's happening, and it's not a surprise either.
[01:50:08] I think anybody could have predicted this, and I think that if you want to think,
[01:50:12] If you want a massive fucking example of how powerful Twitter is, the President of the
[01:50:20] United States announced that he was like not going to run for re-election, like less than
[01:50:26] a year out from an election, on Twitter exclusively.
[01:50:33] That is fucking insane.
[01:50:36] When you think about that, that is crazy.
[01:50:40] Who's banned?
[01:50:41] Yeah.
[01:50:44] first to do so more countries are fall suit yeah there we go man um just a minute i was
[01:50:56] reading somebody's logs they were really retarded and i banned them uh but yeah uh anyway it's not
[01:51:02] insane it's not that insane it's a social media platform yeah i don't know i'm just saying i think
[01:51:07] that's what's happening yeah crazy crazy crazy posts it's amazing it started with books and now
[01:51:14] they're gonna do it with the internet that's incredibly scary yeah and so this is what the
[01:51:18] norm is going to be from now on is that you're going to be seeing things get completely fucking censored
[01:51:24] and this is going to happen on these countries because here's the reason why it's happening is that
[01:51:31] the internet provides such a massive tool for people that are part of oppressive cultures
[01:51:36] to be able to see past the line that that culture has created and if you look at it from the
[01:51:42] country's perspective right like let's say you're running an oppressive tyrannical dictatorship
[01:51:47] Do you want people figuring that out?
[01:51:51] No!
[01:51:53] No! You want to kill them!
[01:51:55] Somebody's saying, hey, we're being oppressed?
[01:51:57] Go-
[01:51:58] Put- Get ready! Go for the-
[01:52:00] Set him on fire!
[01:52:01] Set him on fire right now!
[01:52:03] But g-g-get ready him!
[01:52:05] That's what you gotta do!
[01:52:06] You mean the USA?
[01:52:07] We don't do that! You kidding me?
[01:52:10] We used to do that, sure, in like the 1600s.
[01:52:14] But no, we don't do that.
[01:52:15] Like I understand that there's people that there are people who think that the US is like oppressive or something. Yes, you do. No, we don't.
[01:52:23] No, we don't. What are you talking about? Are you crazy?
[01:52:29] The Nancy Stockpick. That was pretty funny though. Yeah.
[01:52:35] So you're saying Harris needs X to be stopped? Well, I don't know about that. Do you remember TikTok? Yeah.
[01:52:41] Yeah.
[01:52:43] Yeah, see I know the US has way more freedom to speak about what you think then almost anywhere else in the whole world. Okay.
[01:52:49] I'm sitting right. I really have to say that Twitter not following Brazilian law. I'm from the left and I agree with them.
[01:52:54] You want doesn't follow our law but falls the same law for other countries.
[01:52:59] Well, here's I mean I don't is it complicated.
[01:53:04] I don't understand how this is complicated.
[01:53:07] If you're in a country, you have to follow their laws. Period.
[01:53:14] That's it. That's literally it.
[01:53:19] I go to China. I follow Chinese law.
[01:53:23] I go to Japan. I follow Japanese law.
[01:53:26] I go to Saudi Arabia. I follow Saudi Arabian law. I follow Sharia law.
[01:53:30] You know why? Because that's where I am.
[01:53:34] That's their laws.
[01:53:36] I don't take my shoes off in my house.
[01:53:39] But if I walk into somebody's house and they ask me to take my shoes off, I take my shoes
[01:53:43] off.
[01:53:47] Slavery used to be legal.
[01:53:48] That's correct.
[01:53:50] That's absolutely correct.
[01:53:54] And used to is not true, by the way.
[01:53:58] Still legal in some places.
[01:53:59] I don't think the situation is relative to that low level discussion around laws.
[01:54:06] I do think that it's very simple, is that ultimately big websites like this have no bargaining
[01:54:15] power against large countries, especially in even medium sized countries, and I
[01:54:19] I would say probably even small countries, depending on where they're located, they have
[01:54:24] to follow the law.
[01:54:25] That's it.
[01:54:31] Slavery is still legal.
[01:54:32] They just call it at will employment.
[01:54:34] You think at will employment is like, what do you call it?
[01:54:37] It's like slavery?
[01:54:39] For sure.
[01:54:40] Uh, yeah.
[01:54:41] I mean, that's uh, I'm sure the slaves would agree with that.
[01:54:46] Yep.
[01:54:47] Uh, you say that like, uh, you say that like no one sees problems and banning
[01:54:51] Twitter is somehow a loss for people but banning TG is a true loss telegram. Let me read some
[01:54:56] post about this because I find this to be a very interesting topic. You say like no one
[01:55:04] sees problems. I do see problems with it but here's the issue is that I am I try to be
[01:55:12] pragmatic. Okay. Like here's my honest opinion. Okay. You want to hear my honest opinion.
[01:55:20] I think American and Western values are the superior values across the entire world and
[01:55:25] the entire world would be better if they had our values instead.
[01:55:28] I think that we have the most just laws, we have the fairest justice system, we have the
[01:55:33] fairest society in the history of society, in the history of time, and I think that
[01:55:39] nothing else, in my opinion, is really even close to that.
[01:55:44] I think that there are some Asian countries that have some really great ideas, like
[01:55:47] For example, culturally, how Asians don't just immediately kick their kids out at 18.
[01:55:52] They have some really great ideas.
[01:55:54] And even places like the Middle East have some great ideas too, like no gambling, etc.
[01:55:59] But at the same time, overall, I prefer Western culture.
[01:56:03] I think it's the greatest culture in the world.
[01:56:06] And I think it would be better if everybody was more like this.
[01:56:10] So yes, no gamble at the fuck.
[01:56:14] That's a big illusion, my friend.
[01:56:16] Okay.
[01:56:17] That's why the thing is that if you
[01:56:22] you're asking me what my opinion is,
[01:56:26] this is what my opinion is. This is what I believe in.
[01:56:31] So if you want my idealistic viewpoint,
[01:56:34] I think that all of these countries should follow the rules of Twitter because
[01:56:38] the rules of Twitter, I think are the most fair and equitable thing.
[01:56:42] You can post what you want.
[01:56:43] You have freedom to express yourself and other people have freedom to
[01:56:46] dissent from it. I think this is the right, just and fair thing for things to exist in.
[01:56:51] I very rarely give my actual opinion on a lot of stuff like this. It might sound weird,
[01:56:56] but I usually don't. I'm usually talking about what I think is fair or the right thing
[01:57:01] to do. But this is my personal opinion. My personal opinion is that I think that
[01:57:06] our culture is vastly superior to everybody else's. I even think American culture is
[01:57:12] vastly superior to things like Canadian culture.
[01:57:15] About how they have like suppression on free speech?
[01:57:17] I think that's disgusting and ridiculous.
[01:57:19] I would never want to live there.
[01:57:22] The same with Germany.
[01:57:23] Absolutely not.
[01:57:26] So yeah, I think the US clears every other country massively and it's not even close.
[01:57:33] That's what I think.
[01:57:34] That's my real opinion.
[01:57:37] You got the American flag behind me?
[01:57:40] Absolutely.
[01:57:41] And by the way, that's why I criticize the US a lot, is because I know we can
[01:57:44] do a lot better.
[01:57:50] system. Yeah, we don't we don't, I know, I know, I know we're not perfect. I know. Trust me, like,
[01:57:56] I know it better than almost anybody. Well, I don't know about that. But like, I disagree,
[01:58:02] of course, because my country is the best, but that goes without saying. And if you think,
[01:58:05] and here's the thing, right, is that if you think that your country is the best, like,
[01:58:09] let's say you're living in Norway, you're in India, and you like your country more,
[01:58:12] I think you're totally justified for that. Totally fine. I respect your opinion and if I go to your country, I'll respect your culture.
[01:58:23] Absolutely. No problem. Not an issue at all.
[01:58:33] By the way, I'm from Russia and everybody's openly negative about lots of our problems. Twitter was banned and nothing changed.
[01:58:37] I personally don't see any loss of freedom of speech. You're from Russia and everybody is openly negative?
[01:58:45] Um, really? I mean, I don't know, man. Like, I've read a lot of posts and things about
[01:58:51] how people got arrested in Russia for being dissidents of, like, different government things.
[01:58:56] Is that all fake? Like, I mean, is that everything like that fake? Like, I don't know. You read
[01:59:07] posts, that's what I'm saying, right? So, it's, yeah, I mean, I'm really confused.
[01:59:19] Tons of platforms still exist. Tons of people criticize the government for every
[01:59:21] time a problem? Barely anyone gets problems with law? Well, barely anyone isn't no one,
[01:59:30] right? I feel like that's a pretty big difference, isn't it? I mean, I feel like that's a huge
[01:59:35] difference. And barely anyone gets arrested for a lot of bad things, but having a law against
[01:59:42] it makes people less likely to express themselves about it because they're worried about
[01:59:45] the backlash. I think that makes perfect sense. Yeah. You can't even hold a blank
[01:59:52] paper on the street? Oh I don't know. I thought I was in China to be honest with you. But
[01:59:56] it could be over in Russia too. Why don't you like Germany as freedom of speech? Do
[02:00:04] you know anything you're not allowed to be as a Nazi? Who defines what a Nazi is? Because
[02:00:12] according to Twitter I'm a Nazi. The law does, yeah. No I don't agree with that. I think
[02:00:22] it's suppressing people that look at that stuff, that look at it that way. What
[02:00:26] end up happening is it will just radicalize them further and will create another cycle of the same
[02:00:32] thing happening again. Because the only way that you can stop bad ideas is with good ideas. You can't
[02:00:38] stop bad ideas by suppressing them. You can for a period of time. Censorship works really well
[02:00:47] on the short term, but on a long term it falls off. Yes, we suppressed them and suppressed
[02:00:58] violence? Yeah, sure. And according to Twitter, 80% of the world is Nazi. Yeah, sure. Who defines
[02:01:05] a terrorist in the U.S.? Man, I could make a bad joke about that, but I won't, especially
[02:01:11] after 9-11. That was, that was bad. That was crazy bad. The government does, obviously,
[02:01:23] right? I mean, it goes without saying. Yeah. It's about experience, exactly. Anyone
[02:01:28] non-white? Yeah. Yeah. Brown, terrorist, easy, right? That's how people thought
[02:01:32] back then. It was actually crazy. Like whenever because I live I grew up in Austin, right? And
[02:01:38] so like Austin is like basically California. And over here, like we don't have like obviously
[02:01:44] there'd be like other people that like racist. Yeah, sure. Right. But like it wasn't really
[02:01:49] a cultural thing. But like, man, I heard stories from a lot of friends of mine, especially
[02:01:54] like friends of mine that were like Arab and shit. And man, man, people really
[02:02:00] lost their fucking minds over that shit. They went crazy on it. Yeah, brown terrorist, white
[02:02:09] mental illness. Oh, hey, I mean, hey, I agree with you, by the way, I totally agree with
[02:02:14] you on that one. Absolutely. Same with Asians and COVID. Yeah, you have to remember that
[02:02:20] every, yeah. Asians and COVID, that's a perfect fucking example. American propaganda machine
[02:02:28] with hard after 9-11, it did. It was, it was like America turned into Hell Divers
[02:02:32] 2 after 9-11. I don't think people can even understand how insane it was. They're
[02:02:41] Catholic, they're an Irish freedom fighter. Yeah, I don't know about like that whole
[02:02:44] thing. Redfall has a higher all-time peak than Concord. That's not hard to do. Black
[02:02:50] Vikings and Assassin's Creed Valhalla. See, like, I don't think people really
[02:02:54] give a shit about this kind of stuff. Like, I mean, I'm sure it was in the
[02:02:57] game, right? It was in the game, but people don't really care as long as
[02:03:01] the story is good and also as long as it's not being done in a patronizing way that's what always
[02:03:06] matters he wasn't yet it's not the main character some random god Jesus how popular is the first
[02:03:19] descendant right now i'm actually kind of curious about this it's still getting 50 000 people playing
[02:03:39] it it's obviously going down but like season one seems to have brought people back that's nuts
[02:03:47] Yeah, what about Once Human? That's actually a good question. Let me see how that game
[02:03:54] is doing. This game is like sustaining such a huge player base, it's astonishing to me.
[02:04:01] Like that is crazy that it's doing so well. Season 2 started, yeah that is nuts. Yeah
[02:04:07] cause for a while like a first Ascendant was a little bit ahead but I guess that stopped
[02:04:12] happening. I got tired of the first Ascendant RNG wasting my time and the boss fights
[02:04:16] Yeah, they've got a lot of work to do.
[02:04:18] I think that's true with Once Human as well.
[02:04:20] I mean, for both games, I put in a lot of time.
[02:04:23] But yeah, this definitely helps.
[02:04:25] And also, Once Human has some pretty good character models,
[02:04:28] too, to catch a catcaller.
[02:04:31] What is this?
[02:04:36] In fact, of life for too many women,
[02:04:38] getting hassled on the street while they're on a run.
[02:04:41] What kinds of things have you heard?
[02:04:43] Hey, baby, or?
[02:04:45] It's pretty hot to even run up the street
[02:04:46] without someone beeping or shouting something.
[02:04:48] Here's Lisa Guerrero.
[02:04:50] We came to world famous Venice Beach
[02:04:52] to turn the tables on the cat callers.
[02:04:55] How do we do it?
[02:04:56] Well, we put a camera on the back of this bike,
[02:04:59] a camera on the front of this bike,
[02:05:01] and we hired a fitness trainer.
[02:05:04] Amber Wyrick says she's well aware of the problem.
[02:05:08] I get cat calls everywhere, every day of my life,
[02:05:10] especially when I run.
[02:05:11] We were with Amber when she went for a jog.
[02:05:14] That's a joker.
[02:05:15] That's an interesting job.
[02:05:16] Full of great information.
[02:05:18] He yelled it out loud enough that other people could hear it and people were looking and when
[02:05:22] that happens that's embarrassing.
[02:05:24] Lisa spoke to the guy.
[02:05:29] So this guy just immediately knew because he's right.
[02:05:32] He is.
[02:05:33] He's right.
[02:05:34] He's not even saying that like she's doing it.
[02:05:36] He's basically calling her out for being like I don't know like he thinks she's like
[02:05:39] a hooker or something like that.
[02:05:41] Yeah.
[02:05:44] She deserved to be yelled at here on that sidewalk.
[02:05:47] What being yelled at?
[02:05:48] I don't think anybody was yelled at.
[02:05:50] Honey, it's funny.
[02:05:51] If I see somebody running and jogging at makeup,
[02:05:54] you see what I'm saying?
[02:05:55] It didn't stop there.
[02:05:57] Oh, my God.
[02:05:58] Oh, my God.
[02:06:00] Did you happen to say something to this young lady
[02:06:02] when she ran by a minute ago?
[02:06:04] I actually did.
[02:06:05] What did you say to her?
[02:06:06] I said that she's very beautiful, and I love her.
[02:06:09] Do you think that's appropriate to shout out at women
[02:06:11] as they're running by?
[02:06:12] Yes.
[02:06:13] Why?
[02:06:14] Because she is very beautiful, and I do love her
[02:06:17] honestly as a person.
[02:06:18] So all you guys out there,
[02:06:20] Take this advice. Keep your cat calls to yourself.
[02:06:24] Oh my god. Do you know what the worst thing about this is?
[02:06:28] Is that they're so obnoxious about it, and then they interview probably the only guy that has the
[02:06:34] charisma to make it seem like it's not completely obnoxious and annoying? Like why would you air this?
[02:06:45] Why would you? It's like it's because like I'm not it like I'm not a cat calling enjoyer right?
[02:06:51] Like, I've never done this to girls.
[02:06:54] I find it to be just like...
[02:06:57] I...
[02:06:58] This is... I'm gonna sound like a such a huge fucking simp, okay?
[02:07:02] I try to respect women.
[02:07:05] Real women.
[02:07:06] Now the fake ones, yeah, they're whores, right?
[02:07:08] Like, you know, some video game character.
[02:07:10] Yeah, what a disgusting slut.
[02:07:12] But if we're talking about like an actual real girl, a real woman, an actual person,
[02:07:16] I actually try to respect them.
[02:07:19] And...
[02:07:21] I
[02:07:24] It's how do you do this?
[02:07:26] Yes
[02:07:28] Cat calling ruins it ruins us for normal guys wanting to approach Keck W. You're right. I mean I
[02:07:36] Feel like nobody this is my opinion
[02:07:39] Nobody wants to be jogging and be yelled at by a random guy laying on the ground
[02:07:44] round. Like I don't think that like I think 95% of women probably
[02:07:53] don't want actually 99% of women don't want this. Now there are
[02:07:57] some girls that like that attention. Of course, right?
[02:08:01] Because there's some people that are furries, like there's a
[02:08:04] massive spectrum of things that people enjoy. And so of
[02:08:07] anything that somebody could enjoy, there is somebody who in
[02:08:10] fact does enjoy it. However, I think it's very, very
[02:08:13] uncommon. It is. But the 1% matters too. The time to just be able to approach random girls
[02:08:18] is already gone, man, almost 10 years ago. When you go to TwitchCon, did you get catcalled
[02:08:22] a lot? Did people yell? Of course. Of course people yell at me. But on the street, like
[02:08:29] I was walking, getting pizza, and it's like, hey, why are you here? Why watch your fire?
[02:08:35] Why are you here? Man, I'm like, yeah, what's up, man? How you doing? And it's like,
[02:08:39] Yeah, for sure, big dick!
[02:08:41] Yeah, for sure, man, definitely, absolutely.
[02:08:44] And that's fine.
[02:08:46] But like, this is also, you know,
[02:08:48] it's part of the job, right?
[02:08:50] That's not a big deal.
[02:08:51] And it's also not, I think with women,
[02:08:55] it's different, right?
[02:08:56] Because women, like,
[02:09:01] you know, I know that people might not really believe this
[02:09:04] because I'm seen as like this massive,
[02:09:09] I don't know how this is actually I was gonna say I don't know how it's how it's happened that people see me as this massive
[02:09:13] And so that's not true. I know exactly why people see me that way. Yeah, I know I know exactly why um, however
[02:09:21] The truth is that
[02:09:24] Women in a lot of cases
[02:09:26] You might be playing on a PvE server, but a lot of women feel like they're playing on a PvP server and
[02:09:35] In the same way that you might think that you're playing Minecraft
[02:09:39] Well, they're playing Dark and Darker.
[02:09:43] So a lot of girls have these like fucking like tower defense level strategies for how they're
[02:09:50] trying to like reduce risk of people and like men involving themselves in their lives that
[02:09:56] could make them unsafe or in danger.
[02:10:00] And so when I hear about like guys like the cat calling and it's like, oh, well women
[02:10:05] don't know what they want, etc. I actually don't believe that. Putting makeup on for a
[02:10:11] jog is like flagging for cat called pupae. The guy didn't even call out that she was
[02:10:16] attractive. I think he was just calling her out for being an attention seeker, right?
[02:10:20] Which is like, is the guy an asshole? Yeah, he's kind of an asshole, but he's also
[02:10:23] right. She is, they're literally recording it for attention. He was right. She, like,
[02:10:29] he was right about, like he 100% was right about it. So yeah. And he didn't even
[02:10:35] make a comment on her appearance. He said nice choker, nice makeup, right? He's not even talking
[02:10:39] about her appearance or her body at all. Let me see here. But it isn't real. It's a neuron mind
[02:10:49] hence the man versus bear argument that's created by the media. Oh, about like women being afraid
[02:10:55] of men. I think it's both. So I was talking to a girl about this. And I said that if you
[02:11:04] You talk to five girls and you ask them to tell you a story about a bad experience that
[02:11:12] they had with a guy who played War of the Warcraft, I said that they'd give you ten stories.
[02:11:17] And do you know what she said in response?
[02:11:21] Only ten.
[02:11:24] The reality is that a lot of girls experience this.
[02:11:30] A lot do.
[02:11:31] It's very, very common.
[02:11:33] And the problem is that plan to safe route?
[02:11:36] Yeah, they do.
[02:11:37] fucking discussing an average yeah I've seen these DM's I've seen this stuff
[02:11:41] happen the man versus bear example so like while yes the media does play this
[02:11:45] up there is a real element to it that is authentic and is very personal for a lot
[02:11:51] of women and the issue is that it's hard to have a conversation around that
[02:11:55] because there's a lot of guys that are you know like I think right now there's
[02:12:01] a big issue with like guys that don't know how to like approach or like they
[02:12:05] don't know how to talk to a girl without it being a, what do you call it, without being
[02:12:11] seen as being weird, right? Now I do know how to do that. The way that you do that is
[02:12:16] you have to be attractive. It's very simple. And this also by the way is the reason why
[02:12:20] people always call me an in-self. And so yes, yeah, just be attractive, simple. And
[02:12:25] number two obviously is, you know, like, I think that it's about treating people the
[02:12:31] way that you would want to be treated. So if you talk to a
[02:12:35] woman, like you're trying to talk to a woman, I think that
[02:12:39] you're already kind of causing yourself some problems, because
[02:12:42] you should try to talk to a woman like you would talk to a
[02:12:44] person. And I think the issue is that on the internet, there's
[02:12:49] a lot of guys that don't know like where that line is. And
[02:12:52] this is also coming from somebody who like, I mean, I'm
[02:12:54] pretty sure that I have a perfect record with like
[02:12:58] trying to hit up and hook up with girls.
[02:13:02] The perfect record is zero.
[02:13:05] Zero, right?
[02:13:06] Every time I've tried to talk to a girl,
[02:13:08] like, you know, I try to hit her up, never works, right?
[02:13:10] Zero, it's per, no, it was, you thought 100%?
[02:13:14] No, no, no, it's not like 0%, right?
[02:13:16] Like 100% failure rate.
[02:13:18] And so, yeah, unblemished, yep, yet to be finished.
[02:13:22] And, or yet to be changed, I mean.
[02:13:24] Excuse me, I'm not attractive.
[02:13:25] Yeah, sure, sure, sure.
[02:13:26] But like anyway, I could go back and forth about this.
[02:13:28] It's not really about me though, who cares about me?
[02:13:31] The point is that a lot of guys don't know
[02:13:33] what the rules of engagement are
[02:13:34] because they're constantly being redefined
[02:13:36] by social media and by culture.
[02:13:37] Back in the 1960s and the 1950s,
[02:13:40] you had a much more homogenous culture
[02:13:42] and because you had a much more homogenous culture,
[02:13:45] guess what that causes?
[02:13:46] Well, that causes a much better shared sense
[02:13:48] of social understanding and social mores
[02:13:50] and social behavior.
[02:13:52] Now you don't have that
[02:13:53] and you have so many different types of cultures
[02:13:55] and groups of people that you can approach one girl in one way and then she's going to
[02:14:00] like that and then you approach another girl in a completely different way or the exact
[02:14:03] same way and it's a totally different situation.
[02:14:06] That's the reason why it happened.
[02:14:09] So yeah, I think it's kind of back and forth.
[02:14:11] The bad experiences make approaching a girl a more fickle situation therefore tricky
[02:14:15] for guys to understand and approach.
[02:14:16] Well, here's the way that I look at it.
[02:14:21] I don't know if I would ever approach a girl in public and try to talk to her, like, and
[02:14:28] like I'm also like very, very reserved in real life.
[02:14:31] Like I wouldn't even really approach a guy either, right?
[02:14:33] Like I just don't want to talk to people in public.
[02:14:35] Like I'm not the kind of person to start a conversation with somebody.
[02:14:39] But like after the amount of times that I've heard like female friends and people tell
[02:14:43] me over the years say like I hate when guys do this to me.
[02:14:46] I hate whenever guys talk to me like this.
[02:14:48] I hate whenever I'm just trying to go somewhere and then some guys trying to chat
[02:14:50] me up. I hear this for like years and it's like, of course I don't want to act that way towards
[02:14:57] somebody because why would I want to talk to them if I don't like them? And if I like them,
[02:15:03] why would I want to put them in a position that many people that are like them have expressed
[02:15:07] is uncomfortable? So yeah, but you would talk to people with conventions, right? Well, I don't
[02:15:16] know if they talked to me first. I don't know. It depends on who it is. So yeah,
[02:15:20] and then cries and they can't meet a good guy.
[02:15:22] Well it's not like you really think it's the good guys or the ones yelling at like these girls running around,
[02:15:27] like these are the good guys, like what are we talking about here?
[02:15:30] We're all fashion, I'm a girl, I've just gotten used to people yelling weird stuff at me whenever I go out,
[02:15:41] yeah that's just the way it is.
[02:15:43] The women will create their own shitty reality with that thinking,
[02:15:46] eventually it will be no guys approach me and I'm lonely after they alienate every guy out there,
[02:15:50] that's not true.
[02:15:51] Every girl can start a dating profile and if she's even moderately attractive,
[02:15:54] she'll have tons of guys that are trying to talk to her.
[02:15:56] the issue is that there's a lot of guys that want to talk to girls but like not
[02:16:05] not a lot of girls that want to talk to a lot of guys right I don't know it's
[02:16:07] like oh let me give a better way to put it like there's not enough hot girls then
[02:16:14] there's not enough good guys basically I think that's really what it is it's
[02:16:18] supply and demand yeah exactly you said back then that you were a we firing
[02:16:24] girls how's that different well I mean it the difference is like it never
[02:16:28] really goes anywhere, right? I mean, like, yeah, you can talk to somebody, but like,
[02:16:31] is this really going to go anywhere? No, not really, right? And like, that's really the
[02:16:35] main difference. Women are plenty. Yeah, of course. I think you also have a culture of
[02:16:41] men chasing women. If we didn't have dating apps, catcalling and men approaching women
[02:16:44] would be more. Yeah, I think that dating apps definitely make it less, create less
[02:16:50] friction. Isn't catcalling considered free speech? I'm not saying they should go
[02:16:55] a geo for catcalling. I never said that. We're not even talking about that. It's a totally
[02:16:58] different topic. All I'm saying is that, let me see here, projecting in cells. Guys, proceed
[02:17:06] to make generalizing half-population competitive grants of sand with men's. Is this somebody
[02:17:11] who's unhappy or is it somebody who like, let me read this real quick. I actually
[02:17:23] don't know what this person is trying to say. What do you guys think they're
[02:17:29] trying to say. Guys, proceeds to make a derogatory generalization about half the population on
[02:17:35] earth based off of comparative grain assaults worth of men they know in life mean anything
[02:17:39] projecting insults. Am I misunderstanding something here? Sorry, I'm very, very confused. This
[02:17:45] guy's been typing the same thing. Don't be afraid to get ignored or rejected or
[02:17:56] you'll be alone. Oh, sure. He's saying he wants to get banned. He said, yeah,
[02:18:01] I actually, I don't even know what this guy's trying to say.
[02:18:04] I was talking about chat.
[02:18:06] Yeah, I know that.
[02:18:07] I just, I mean, I think everybody makes generalizations, right?
[02:18:13] Your point before about how you said,
[02:18:15] she said guys meaning all guys.
[02:18:17] Oh yeah.
[02:18:18] Well, obviously girls mean all guys,
[02:18:20] except for the ones that they're attracted to
[02:18:21] or the ones that they like.
[02:18:23] I mean, this is just the way that everybody is.
[02:18:25] Most people talk in generalizations
[02:18:27] because it's easier for conversation.
[02:18:29] like every single time like if you had to preface every single thing that you said by like seven different levels of disclaimers so somebody couldn't take what you said like it like intentionally out of context to get mad at you it would be impossible to have a conversation
[02:18:46] so yeah, you should do that yeah sure right and I think that's what happens a lot yet talk is a political construct yet clearly but anyway let's do the rest of the flat earth or see on a clear day.
[02:19:01] Yeah. Give me a minute.
[02:19:10] I wonder, like, yeah, what is the logic that you never see the pyramids?
[02:19:18] Because that's what I always thought, too.
[02:19:20] Can't see the pyramids because we live in a simulation?
[02:20:58] What if we can't see the pyramids because they're not real?
[02:21:02] There aren't any fucking pyramids. It's all fake, bro.
[02:21:06] What if there never was any motherfucking pyramids?
[02:21:10] Yeah, think about that.
[02:21:13] Yeah, you ever seen that shit?
[02:21:15] Probably not.
[02:21:16] You seen a picture.
[02:21:17] I seen a picture of a video game, too.
[02:21:20] That ain't make- that ain't make Mario real.
[02:21:24] Fuck that.
[02:21:25] Bro, I need a little bloodline.
[02:21:26] What's this?
[02:21:27] Oh, that's good.
[02:22:08] We used to do this, except for we didn't wear the blindfold.
[02:22:11] Yeah, we used to play this game.
[02:22:16] This was great.
[02:22:19] Yeah, well, not the dick whipping, but like the other stuff.
[02:22:22] Yeah, this was such a fun game.
[02:22:25] This is great.
[02:22:26] It was called, we called it, well there was the one that we did at the playground, it's
[02:22:30] called Blind Man's Bluff, and we have one person close their eyes and then have to tag somebody
[02:22:36] with nobody moving, right?
[02:22:38] And I remember I would always stand in the exact same spot.
[02:22:42] Yeah, Cody, do you remember that slide, the yellow slide that I would fucking sit
[02:22:48] on and I would go back and forth?
[02:22:51] Nobody ever fucking got me.
[02:22:55] bro at the bottom yep that's right oh I remember yep and we would play this shit
[02:23:01] like every week at least man and you couldn't get in because that girl shit
[02:23:06] in it remember that the red that was the red one at the bottom it was the red
[02:23:14] slide that the girl shit in yes I remember the damn who but I forgot all
[02:23:23] about that one they ruined the whole game for us yeah I know like we were
[02:23:27] planner I'm like wait what's this oh somebody should know it's probably was I
[02:23:32] mean it was just like what happened right I mean fuck I mean it wasn't we
[02:23:36] didn't know who it was we just went over there because there would be like a
[02:23:40] group of us like whenever we would go out and like hang out there probably be
[02:23:43] usually like this is never we were kids right like I'd say like preteen to
[02:23:49] like teenagers there'd usually be a group of like eight to 15 of us at a
[02:23:54] time and like we just go out and do something yeah whether it was that or
[02:24:02] going out into the into the woods or something else man you talked to her no
[02:24:07] we didn't know the fuck yeah no that's what we would do yeah can gang well I
[02:24:12] mean usually it'd be like to be fair usually it'd be like four or five of
[02:24:15] us and then we meet up with four or five other people that were somewhere
[02:24:19] else or something like that right you had a social life oh yeah I grew up I
[02:24:23] I had tons of friends growing up. I never had this problem. Like a lot of people might think that like I grew up in like some kind of like
[02:24:31] I grew up as like a loser with like no friends
[02:24:39] No
[02:24:41] Like absolutely fucking not. We were never inside except for a while. Yeah. Yeah, we were outside all day
[02:24:49] Like we were doing stuff together constantly
[02:24:52] every single day
[02:24:54] good for you yeah we had so much fun man that's why dude that's why I recorded
[02:24:59] it I was like bro this is like it's never gonna get better than this I'm gonna
[02:25:04] record this shit nice have my time well no I'm talking about people that were
[02:25:10] like on Twitter because I know that like there's a very popular idea that
[02:25:14] like there's guys like me that are like assholes that like didn't have friends
[02:25:19] and nobody liked them and so like now those streamers and like you know
[02:25:22] They have a bunch of other people that are assholes that nobody like them
[02:25:25] No, that's I don't know about that about other people, but I know that's certainly not not the case for me man
[02:25:32] Yeah, poor zoomers these days. Don't even know that outside exists. No any time that I get to talk to a kid
[02:25:37] I will always interrogate them. I won't interrogate the fuck out of them because I want to know what it's like. I
[02:25:44] Do I want to know how much different it is that now I do I do because I'm like, okay
[02:25:49] So like do you guys still go outside? Do you know what my space is? What's eight times eight?
[02:25:54] Okay, when the world war two start
[02:25:57] Do you guys learn math?
[02:25:59] How many genders do you think there are like okay? So it whenever you get to school?
[02:26:03] Do you still have homework? Do people cheat on their homework? Can you use your phones in class? Yeah?
[02:26:08] I will ask a million fucking questions
[02:26:13] Yeah, they don't want cursive yeah, well, that's probably a good idea can't play tag because it's touching someone
[02:26:19] Well, yeah, we certainly didn't have that.
[02:26:21] What we used to do is we used to get,
[02:26:23] remember y'all ever had the monkey bars?
[02:26:24] Were you hold up on the monkey bars?
[02:26:27] This was my favorite thing to do
[02:26:30] is we would get up on the monkey bars
[02:26:32] and we would have, like, you know,
[02:26:34] it would be like this, right?
[02:26:35] And then we would have two people
[02:26:37] that will get close to each other.
[02:26:38] And then the game was to kick the other person
[02:26:41] in the face enough times
[02:26:43] to where they would fall off the monkey bars
[02:26:45] on the floor.
[02:26:50] Just kick them in the face.
[02:26:52] I remember whenever I played it in like fourth and fifth grade
[02:26:57] I'm gonna be totally honest at school. I
[02:27:01] Never lost a single round
[02:27:04] People kicked me in the face. I didn't even give a fuck. I
[02:27:08] Never lost a single round bro. I was really good at kicking people in the fucking face. I was flexible. That's the reason why yeah
[02:27:14] I'm flexible and long legs. Yeah, and
[02:27:18] As you can't why didn't you cancel it was fun, man?
[02:27:22] And so yeah longer legs that do that's just mean it was it was so mean I'm like sometimes they get hurt
[02:27:28] That would be like yes, bro. Like that's it. See guys. That's how good I am
[02:27:33] And that's what it was. Yeah, new olympic sports because you were used to kicking yourself
[02:27:37] Well, yeah, I mean it just didn't wouldn't really bother me that much. Is that why your nose doesn't work anymore?
[02:27:42] Well, if you look at my nose it is a little
[02:27:48] It probably should be like out here, right?
[02:27:50] I mean it does seem like yeah, it's been a little bit pushed in
[02:27:57] It's kind of small it is it's kind of a small nose
[02:28:02] The sorry yeah, I don't know what that is
[02:28:06] But I've never had my nose broken
[02:28:10] That's from your jaw. Maybe it is. I'm not really sure. Yeah, I have no idea
[02:28:14] Like a beast yeah something like that fastest kid all the girls
[02:28:18] No as somebody who was one of the fastest kids I can guarantee you that was not true. I'm sorry
[02:28:23] I'll work on display for moms at moms for liberty
[02:28:29] Moms for liberty conference
[02:28:32] We did it for Joe artist Scott
[02:28:36] And it's Kamala here with him stabbed in the back with a dunce hat on
[02:28:57] man
[02:28:58] I'm gonna be honest. I
[02:29:09] Really think Scott could have cooked a lot harder with this
[02:29:11] He should have made the knees for her pants dirty implying that she sucked a lot of dick in order to gain her relevance in politics
[02:29:21] Like Scott
[02:29:23] He should have but it would have been too subtle, right or knee pads. Yeah knee pads would have been a really good idea
[02:29:27] Yeah, right. He could have gone farther with this and I feel like this really is just like kind of low level
[02:29:34] Like add knee pads. Yes. It's an actual weight. This is an actual photograph. It's not a painting
[02:29:38] Yeah, it's just assumed. Oh, no. Yeah, no, can you casting couch something like that? Yeah, clearly. And
[02:29:46] There really are some psychos that enjoy this shit. I just can't imagine who buys something like this, right?
[02:29:50] Yeah, and I happen to be one of them fantastic accurate art piece. Good for you, man
[02:29:56] Glad that you're there glad it. Hey, hey, you know, there's something for everybody out there is yellow jacket
[02:30:01] um uh a king y'all reference i'm not sure sure to get the boy come running in her mouth i don't
[02:30:08] know if that's that i think it's just literally the eagle but yeah maybe mental illness it's crazy
[02:30:13] how i'll nuts some people are and yeah i did see this before the red fall or red dust who cares
[02:30:19] dust i there are so many games now that are just like such total flops that it's hard for me to
[02:30:26] keep up with all of them. Face smile or cosplays yourself? It's like a character from Wukong.
[02:30:41] Is this the one that I fought? I think so. I don't even know. Yeah, was it? No, not yet.
[02:30:50] Okay. Yeah, I haven't gotten there yet. Let me see what this is not again. Oh no.
[02:30:57] Oh no. It was a story that touched hearts across the nation. A judge recognizes a
[02:31:04] a defendant charged with burglary as an old classmate
[02:31:07] and encourages him to turn his life around.
[02:31:10] But now, years later, he's in trouble again.
[02:31:13] And yes, he ended up in front of the same judge.
[02:31:16] Here's Les Mates.
[02:31:16] Not again.
[02:31:18] It was an unexpected reunion that shocked the nation.
[02:31:21] So it happened again?
[02:31:22] A drunk about to hear a burglary case
[02:31:24] recognizes the suspect.
[02:31:26] Did you go to Nautilus for middle school?
[02:31:29] Oh, my goodness.
[02:31:31] Oh, my goodness.
[02:31:32] The two former classmates come face-to-face in a setting that neither could have expected.
[02:31:38] He was the nicest kid in middle school.
[02:31:40] Oh my goodness.
[02:31:42] He was the best kid in middle school.
[02:31:44] I used to play football with him, with all the kids.
[02:31:47] I looked at the traffic, and I was so sorry.
[02:31:49] Oh my goodness.
[02:31:51] So he did it again?
[02:31:52] The game was there for everyone to see.
[02:31:54] How a promising young man could have fallen so far.
[02:31:57] Arthur Booth served 10 months in prison on the burglary rap.
[02:32:00] That's not so bad.
[02:32:00] It was released in 2016.
[02:32:02] Yeah.
[02:32:03] And guess who gave him a pep talk?
[02:32:06] That same judge.
[02:32:07] You got to get your family and try to get a job, stay clean.
[02:32:11] I'm really worried, guys.
[02:32:13] The video is only halfway over.
[02:32:17] Oh, god.
[02:32:18] Uh-oh.
[02:32:19] Oh, shit.
[02:32:22] Bapper to see you succeed.
[02:32:24] Don't let us down.
[02:32:25] I won't.
[02:32:25] I promise not to.
[02:32:26] Fast forward eight years later.
[02:32:28] There it is.
[02:32:29] Sadly, Booth is in trouble once again.
[02:32:31] What'd he do?
[02:32:31] And yep.
[02:32:32] Just like last time, he finds himself before the same judge,
[02:32:37] Mindy Glaser of Miami Dade Criminal Court.
[02:32:40] Again?
[02:32:41] This time, he's charged with a string of robberies and break-ins.
[02:32:44] Jesus!
[02:32:45] Booth was showing interest.
[02:32:46] He couldn't bear looking her in the eye.
[02:32:48] Judge Glaser recused herself because of their school connection.
[02:32:51] I can't hear your case.
[02:32:53] I'm going to get another judge to hear it.
[02:32:54] Okay?
[02:32:55] Jesus!
[02:32:56] A string of robberies?
[02:33:00] Have a seat.
[02:33:01] Somebody else will be here.
[02:33:02] made this final expression to her former classmate.
[02:33:06] Hope things worked out for you better.
[02:33:09] The judge who took over the case order
[02:33:10] booth held without bond he has pleaded not guilty.
[02:33:15] Why are you committing crime?
[02:33:18] What are you doing breaking in?
[02:33:21] Warren Burglary was a disappointment
[02:33:23] so he tried to string them to impress.
[02:33:25] Yeah, she made the right call.
[02:33:27] Yeah, definitely.
[02:33:31] She gave him a chance.
[02:33:33] Everybody gets a chance. It's not like you go you go to you burglarize something whether you're in jail for life
[02:33:38] Yeah, you go to jail for a while and then you get out and then that's it
[02:33:42] That's nuts
[02:33:47] It's so hard not to break into a house
[02:33:50] Can't get a decent job with a criminal record. I mean there are people that I know that are felons that have figured out
[02:33:56] how to get jobs
[02:33:59] Like you're right that the amount of like in my opinion
[02:34:06] I have like kind of like a, I don't really know like kind of where I fall off on this entirely, but
[02:34:12] I do think that it is probably a bad thing that people that are like trying to look for a job,
[02:34:19] you can access their criminal records because this shouldn't really, this should be a private
[02:34:24] matter between you and the state, not between you and your employer. And does the employer
[02:34:29] have the right to know that? Like from the employer perspective, it's good that they
[02:34:34] know that. And I think that there could be like, you know, there's obviously like conflict of
[02:34:38] interest things, right, where it's like, you know, you're a molester, and you want to work for a
[02:34:42] daycare. Like, yeah, obviously, this makes sense, right? But for every single employer to be able
[02:34:47] to know your entire criminal history, I find this to be kind of bad. Yeah, I totally disagree on
[02:34:57] this. Well, like I do. And here's the reason why I think companies should know who they hire,
[02:35:03] but company employers should also get benefits and tax cuts for hiring felons
[02:35:08] maybe i mean i don't know because it's like what i'm saying is like so it's a huge problem because
[02:35:14] what happens with a lot of guys and this is probably what happens with this guy
[02:35:18] is that he gets he gets out of jail and then he can't get a job because he was in jail
[02:35:25] so then the only way to make money is to do things that get you back in jail
[02:35:30] Now, this isn't really true, right? It's not really true. And I don't really feel bad for
[02:35:36] people like this because there's like other ways that you can figure out how to make money like
[02:35:40] security jobs, etc. And at the end of the day, it's not up to the world to make it up for the
[02:35:45] fact that you made a mistake. But at the same time, it's like, is this the best way for the
[02:35:50] world to work? I really don't know. Yeah, employers should know if they're hiring a
[02:35:56] a thief? Yeah, I mean, you could say that, right? But like, to
[02:36:00] what extent? And it's like, if they are hiring a thief and the
[02:36:05] person is a thief, why are they still out? Like, this is my
[02:36:09] perspective. If you've been in jail, you've served your time,
[02:36:13] now you're not in jail anymore. If people are still worried
[02:36:16] about you committing the crime, you should still be in
[02:36:19] jail. That's what I think should still be in fucking jail.
[02:36:24] Like what do you mean?
[02:36:25] If this is still an issue, yeah, maybe you lose felons,
[02:36:27] felons ass after a few years, exactly.
[02:36:29] Yeah, it's like a DR on it or something.
[02:36:31] So, and you see where this is very complex issue,
[02:36:38] isn't it, right?
[02:36:38] Like, because I don't really know where I stand on it.
[02:36:42] Because there's so many different levels
[02:36:43] of complexity to it.
[02:36:44] And I don't know like what's the right way to approach it.
[02:36:51] Yeah, there's the thing called temptation.
[02:36:53] Yeah, for sure.
[02:36:54] It's a complex issue.
[02:36:55] I think it definitely is.
[02:36:57] Sorry, I think you're very wrong.
[02:36:58] Oh, there's a lot of people that might have a disability.
[02:37:01] I would never hire a thief.
[02:37:03] Well, like, here's the thing is that
[02:37:07] as an employer,
[02:37:09] what do you think an employer should have access to
[02:37:12] in terms of making a decision
[02:37:13] about whether you are hired there?
[02:37:17] Because like, for example,
[02:37:18] like should they have access to your race?
[02:37:21] Should they have access to your like political affiliation?
[02:37:26] should they have access to your social media
[02:37:27] or visibility on your social media?
[02:37:30] There are all these different questions
[02:37:32] and I do think that I err on the side of privacy
[02:37:36] of individuals more than the company's ability
[02:37:40] to see the individual.
[02:37:42] I think that the individual's privacy is more important
[02:37:45] than a company hedging their bets,
[02:37:47] worrying about somebody committing a crime.
[02:37:51] Like medical records, stuff like that.
[02:37:53] Where is criminals different?
[02:37:55] Yeah, it is different, but it's also in a way. It's different and I don't think that changes it though
[02:38:02] Who gives a fuck?
[02:38:04] Well, we do we're talking about it, right? I mean obviously like what do you mean who gives a fuck?
[02:38:11] Like that's why we're talking about it. Yeah, I
[02:38:15] Duh like people are talking about like it's only I mean, I'm not mad like I don't know if anybody's mad here
[02:38:20] I'm just saying like I don't know how to solve this problem, right?
[02:38:23] because it's like I see like there's there's like a lot of very like good like ethical arguments in
[02:38:28] like different directions and it's like I don't know like what the what what what is a true path
[02:38:33] forward you know like what's the what's the right thing to do very hard to say and I don't really
[02:38:39] think that I know should criminals be president uh I've got a pretty funny uh funny story
[02:38:48] about that actually so um yeah that that's it imagine having a conversation yeah yeah there's
[02:38:53] there's no reason to get mad. But yeah I really just don't know. It's up to the
[02:38:58] criminal that pleads with the case to employers not my problem. Well it becomes
[02:39:01] your problem though right? And so anyway the media, this is a big
[02:39:09] problem that WoW has started having and a lot of WoW players are starting to
[02:39:14] they're starting to realize it. Blizzard has once again contrived the
[02:39:20] game because the meta for players leaving a dungeon immediately after
[02:39:25] killing a boss for specific loot is getting worse.
[02:39:27] Penalties should exponentially ramp up for repeated leading.
[02:39:31] Others shouldn't have to suffer just because one person deemed their time more important.
[02:39:36] There is no valid justification for this behavior whatsoever.
[02:39:40] If you think it's okay, you also join RAID groups to do the same,
[02:39:44] not making your intentions clear.
[02:39:46] I'm sorry, but both are wrong.
[02:39:48] Both are antisocial self-centered and narcissistic acts.
[02:39:58] Just put the trinket on the last boss with simple solution.
[02:40:00] Well, yeah, but then people go far in first box or something different, right?
[02:40:03] I mean, there's always going to be an issue with this.
[02:40:05] Not wrong though.
[02:40:08] Here's the reason why this is a problem.
[02:40:11] The reason why this is a problem is because WoW's social structure is so
[02:40:16] destroyed that every social interaction might as well just be within PCs.
[02:40:21] So you're not seeing these people as individuals that you have any sort of
[02:40:25] camaraderie with or any sort of shared goal with.
[02:40:28] You're just seeing them as a vehicle of something that's supposed to help you solve and get a certain item
[02:40:35] That's the actual reason why this is happening
[02:40:38] So while players that are trying to like punish people for leaving dungeons like I don't think you should be punished for leaving a dungeon
[02:40:44] That's stupid. I
[02:40:47] Really don't think so like I think this is an entirely ridiculous problem because like there are plenty of reasons why somebody would have to leave a dungeon
[02:40:53] That's totally normal like
[02:40:55] You know my kid came home and or like I don't know I got a work call and I had to leave or
[02:41:01] You know I had to use the bathroom and I've been sick
[02:41:04] So I had to I just left the dungeon because of that that there's
[02:41:09] Like what like so we're gonna start punishing people for this. That's insane
[02:41:13] So don't queue up if you don't have the time
[02:41:16] Nobody knows that they have the time for that until it happens in a lot of cases like what do you mean?
[02:41:21] Don't queue up if you don't know how the time this you act like people have a crystal ball in front of them
[02:41:26] And they can break everything that's gonna happen in the next 30 minutes. That's not how yeah, or you just get the emergencies have
[02:41:32] Well, what what do you mean like obviously hardcore while Andy? Yeah
[02:41:36] And so these problems arise and they happen because wow has removed the social structure of the game
[02:41:43] And they've turned interactions in the game
[02:41:46] completely into being transactional. And they're not even transactional. Like I think in a lot of
[02:41:54] cases I would rather play with NPCs than players. And wow, I would just rather do it. They never
[02:41:59] go AFK. There's never any drama. They're not trying to talk to me, etc. And why is that? It's
[02:42:06] because the game is no longer an MMO anymore. And so these people are really, they're worried
[02:42:13] about like fixing the symptoms for this, but none of them I think can really see what the real disease
[02:42:18] is. The delve dungeons. Yeah, there you go. And I'll read some posts about this because it's been a
[02:42:23] big problem for a while for a while. You're paying $15 a month. No, then shut the fuck up and wait
[02:42:28] to 10 seconds. It takes to fill my spot after I leave. Yeah. And this is my mindset, right?
[02:42:33] Is that for me, I don't care whenever I join a five man group or a raid, I'm only there for
[02:42:40] myself and I only care about myself and my goal and that's not with my guild and my friends I don't
[02:42:46] care about these people these people are NPCs to me like if I if I can steal the loot why do them
[02:42:52] leave after the boss like I don't care about them at all why is that it's because I don't have to
[02:42:58] I don't want to and that's the way that most people think by the way most people behave this
[02:43:03] way. It's a random farm. Yeah, it's a random farm. The game is a competitive PvE game and
[02:43:10] complaining about people losing dungeon fighters, like complaining about someone leaving a casual
[02:43:13] match in Cod. Yeah, it's weird. Right, a bonus chest at the end that includes loot from all
[02:43:17] the encounters, loot tables. Yeah, that's a good idea. Incentivizing unintended behavior is
[02:43:21] better than penalizing unintended behavior. The problem is that you're always going to
[02:43:26] have behavior like this because the game is no longer about making friendships and
[02:43:31] relationships. When someone leads your group, it fills with someone new and you just keep going.
[02:43:35] Yeah, I also don't think this is a big deal. I think Max is right about this. He's totally right.
[02:43:40] Like, you just join somebody else's group who cares. You can't really understand that people
[02:43:46] are leaving to re-queue. The penalty is for those people. Well, yeah, but like, why give them a
[02:43:52] penalty? Like, why should they, why should they have to complete the entire dungeon for you?
[02:43:58] if they don't want to. You see what I'm saying? What why? That's what you're feeling? It's
[02:44:13] a game design issue? It is. And I want you guys to understand that every single time that
[02:44:20] I see big conversations like this on Twitter, every single problem that WoW has is a problem
[02:44:28] that is created by the developers. Players are not the problem here. Players are
[02:44:34] simply responding to a system and a form of incentivization that the developers have designed.
[02:44:41] So if players are behaving in that way, then guess what? That's what's going to happen.
[02:44:48] And that's the developer's fault. It's not the player's fault. It's never the player's fault.
[02:44:54] People want that shit to be fun. Yeah. Penalty is only a timeout for the next dungeon. It only
[02:44:57] prevents people to leave so they can't hunt for the next dungeon. So if you're getting up in
[02:45:01] an hour to take care of a problem, this problem doesn't bother you. Only people that are
[02:45:04] are abusing cues. I don't care. I think it's stupid. I think it's silly. And it's again,
[02:45:11] it's another point on the graph of WoW contriving its systems and changing its systems to be
[02:45:15] unintuitive and confusing in order to punish a 0.1% of players that are acting in a way
[02:45:20] that people find annoying. I think it's stupid. And it's very, very obnoxious for
[02:45:25] me to see that. We see if I can find the rest of these. Maybe they make MMOs
[02:45:33] a chore rather than something fun. Yeah, well, it's also it's because you're
[02:45:36] You're not playing with your friends.
[02:45:38] That's really where the problem comes from is people aren't playing with their friends
[02:45:41] and are not interacting with their friends and they're just playing with other randoms.
[02:45:46] That's the real reason why these things go wrong.
[02:45:49] It's because nobody cares about that.
[02:45:50] They don't care about each other.
[02:45:52] They don't give a shit.
[02:45:53] Brazil should just make a new MMO.
[02:45:58] Yeah, sure.
[02:45:59] I figured I would watch this.
[02:46:03] I think this will be a pretty good, pretty good interesting video.
[02:46:10] Oh boy.
[02:46:12] Oh boy, oh boy, gotta find a way to reward those for playing. Yeah, it's great. Yep. I've heard about this
[02:46:21] I don't know if it's true or not. So I figured I would watch a video and see
[02:46:28] As you guys can see
[02:46:30] the suit is off and I'm super
[02:46:33] tired so
[02:46:35] gonna get a
[02:46:36] slice of pizza and orange soda and then open up my laptop and
[02:46:41] Open up my favorite application Adobe Premiere Pro. Oh
[02:46:45] Oh, I love it. Nothing ever goes wrong with that great application. In fact, if you're watching this and you work for Adobe,
[02:46:52] shoot me your contact info. I'd like to call you and tell you how much your software means to me.
[02:46:58] Oh yeah. For sure. Oh god, is this a live-
[02:47:03] Remember, he has to pay a subscription for that too.
[02:47:05] Is it happening up here?
[02:47:07] Yep.
[02:47:08] Fuck. All right, DNC, Democratic National Convention.
[02:47:12] Looks like there's a Planned Parenthood abortion bus up here at this rally, which means I gotta go to these protestors.
[02:47:20] So you can go into this bus and get a kid aborted? Is that how it works?
[02:47:24] There's protestors outside of it. All right.
[02:47:28] Looks like here we are.
[02:47:29] How does this work?
[02:47:30] We're installing a Democratic National Convention pro-life protest on his face off. Here we go.
[02:47:33] Abortion is my life!
[02:47:39] Baby killer!
[02:47:42] So I thought my day was over we went to the poor people's army that guy's hair. Holy shit
[02:47:48] Humble Park. My name is Jules. Stein. I am look at those boots
[02:47:56] a
[02:47:58] People's Army March at Humboldt Park. My name is Jules. Stein. I am the Green Party
[02:48:03] candidate for president. You could be whatever you want
[02:48:06] You could be gay you could be anything was about to drive home notice a little scuffle happening right here if you want to call it that
[02:48:12] We have a Planned Parenthood RV type tour bus situation today. Planned Parenthood offered some of its services in a mobile clinic near the United Center
[02:48:21] They're actually going to be offering free abortion medication inflatable IUDs and vasectomies
[02:48:26] This is ghoulish never seen something like that
[02:48:29] And then there was a sort of pro-life demonstration on the other side through the fence as it turns out
[02:48:33] What's this here? Well, I'm hearing some of these signs. I love reading the signs killed by the abortion pill. Oh
[02:48:40] Oh, right survived an attempt to be aborted by pill
[02:48:46] Saw her baby die from the abortion pill. Well, that's what do you what the hell do you think is supposed to happen?
[02:48:51] Why'd you take it other side through the fence?
[02:48:54] That's what it's supposed to do one of the people in that demonstration is the leading presidential candidate for the third most popular
[02:49:00] Independent party outside of the Democrats and Republicans. You got that right Constitution party got Libertarian Party Green Party and us and I'm the
[02:49:08] I immediately believe him yeah I instantly of course he is absolutely of course I'm voting
[02:49:25] for him yeah TV ads this fall all over the country busting Kamala's chops what do you
[02:49:30] guys think the number one issue facing the country right now you're kidding right it's
[02:49:34] the shedding of innocent blood the murder of babies period nothing nothing even comes
[02:49:38] close. What about homelessness? Homelessness is tragic, it can be solved. If you're alive, you're
[02:49:43] alive. If you have your head ripped off and you're thrown in a garbage dump, you're dead.
[02:49:47] How about we start watering God's children? I'm the last truly pro-life candidate in the race.
[02:49:53] At what point do you think after conception, the, I guess, baby becomes a human being?
[02:50:00] This was a joke question, right? Scientifically, the human life begins at one cell.
[02:50:05] So you had 46 chromosomes. You had 30,000 genes and your gender, the color of your eyes, the color of your hair, all of it was right there in that one cell.
[02:50:17] I can, I can.
[02:50:19] There's one part of that that I think some people might have a problem with. Yeah.
[02:50:29] All you needed was time, protection and food.
[02:50:32] The Democrat Party stands for the shedding of innocent blood.
[02:50:35] I don't want to negotiate with them. I want that woman in prison for the rest of her life
[02:50:40] Which Jesus lean?
[02:50:42] Nickolas the murderer who is killing human beings in that van
[02:50:46] I literally want her tried for murder has been the rest of her life in prison. There it is all right
[02:50:52] It's okay. You got it. I love how or executed and then it's immediately cut and you know
[02:50:58] That's not the end of the sentence. This guy was only building up
[02:51:02] Yeah, if he had finished that sentence, I'm pretty sure this video would have been demonetized
[02:51:11] Yeah, he was about to yeah, he was about to use his all. Yep
[02:51:15] Why are you here?
[02:51:16] Yeah, Dr. Callie McVeakless. I am the Chief Medical Officer for Planned Parenthood Great Rivers
[02:51:20] And I am here to bring free health care
[02:51:23] Bestctomies and medication abortion to the area.
[02:51:25] As far as the pro-choice movement right now and with women's rights, how would you describe the state of affairs?
[02:51:30] Well, we currently have a public health crisis as a result of the DOB's decision.
[02:51:35] You know, half the country has lost access to abortion care, which has had a significant
[02:51:40] ripple effect and, you know, impacted pregnancy care more broadly.
[02:51:43] So we're currently in a state of crisis, but I think, you know, we have only one path
[02:51:49] forward and that's to fix it.
[02:51:50] Damn.
[02:51:51] In the two weeks following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
[02:51:53] Our wait time pre-decision.
[02:52:20] That is amazing.
[02:52:21] I'm sorry.
[02:52:24] That's great. Wow. Our wait time pre-decision was about three to four days, and now we are
[02:52:36] looking at a wait time of two to three weeks. Nothing could truly prepare us for what it
[02:52:42] was going to be like. Pregnancy can be incredibly challenging to people's health. And we do
[02:52:47] die during pregnancy, right? Actually, this country has a very disappointing maternal
[02:52:52] mortality rate, and it's the highest for black and brown folks, right? And so
[02:52:56] In the context of having dangerous pregnancy in this country, we certainly shouldn't be
[02:53:01] eliminating the opportunity for folks to maintain their health during pregnancy.
[02:53:04] I've been doing this work for almost 20 years and I can tell you that I have seen folks
[02:53:08] access abortion from every range of the political spectrum, young folks and older folks, people
[02:53:14] who are poor and people who are rich.
[02:53:16] It is something that is just so common in our reproductive lives.
[02:53:21] But has been just a-
[02:53:22] Do you guys know somebody who's had an abortion?
[02:53:35] I'm actually surprised there's not more yeses.
[02:53:40] Yeah, I do.
[02:53:42] I definitely do.
[02:53:45] Why would they tell?
[02:53:47] Cause it's a pretty important decision in life
[02:53:49] and if you have a conversation with somebody
[02:53:51] you're close to, they're gonna tell you
[02:53:52] about things like that.
[02:53:59] Yeah.
[02:54:01] Duh.
[02:54:03] Well, does plan B count?
[02:54:05] No, that doesn't count.
[02:54:07] Does that even know?
[02:54:11] And so folks don't talk a whole lot about it.
[02:54:13] What we do know is that even since the DAW's decision,
[02:54:16] the number of abortion in this country hasn't gone down.
[02:54:19] Tonight a new report shows abortions in the US
[02:54:21] reached the highest level over a decade,
[02:54:24] despite state bans.
[02:54:25] So that means that people must be getting abortion somehow.
[02:54:29] Certainly some folks are traveling lots of miles.
[02:54:32] I don't know how they're getting them.
[02:54:33] There are many hurdles and hoops to get that kid.
[02:54:35] I have no idea.
[02:54:35] But also the availability of knowledge
[02:54:38] around self-managed abortion has increased.
[02:54:40] and so folks are using things like mail services
[02:54:43] to access care, and that's okay, it's safe.
[02:54:46] It's safe to do that so long as you know
[02:54:48] how to use the medication and when you need to have follow-up.
[02:54:50] The FDA says it will permanently allow patients
[02:54:53] to receive the so-called abortion pill by mail
[02:54:57] before the pandemic.
[02:54:57] The patients were required to pick up the medication
[02:54:59] in person from their healthcare providers.
[02:55:02] The new rule announced yesterday
[02:55:04] could help some women circumvent restrictions
[02:55:06] on abortion in states such as Texas.
[02:55:08] if you really wanted to reduce the number of abortions.
[02:55:12] That's crazy.
[02:55:14] So I'm clicking with this crowd.
[02:55:17] Women mainly get abortion out of fear
[02:55:19] of losing their freedom of doing whatever they want
[02:55:21] with their loser deadbeat boyfriends.
[02:55:26] Honestly, this sounds like horrible,
[02:55:29] but as somebody that's just awful,
[02:55:32] like I love the abortion takes that people have.
[02:55:36] Women mainly get abortion out of fear
[02:55:39] of losing your freedom to do whatever they want
[02:55:41] with their loser deadbeat boyfriends.
[02:55:46] This shit is so good to me.
[02:55:49] Oh man, Texas is a ban on abortion.
[02:55:54] I don't know about that.
[02:56:00] Ample, you would fix the reasons
[02:56:01] why people need abortion, right?
[02:56:03] Yeah.
[02:56:04] Food insecurity, housing insecurity, unequal pay.
[02:56:06] What do you mean food insecurity?
[02:56:08] You're gonna act like somebody needs an abortion
[02:56:10] because they don't have food?
[02:56:11] Is it a poor?
[02:56:13] I feel like this is not really like,
[02:56:14] this is the problem,
[02:56:15] the sort of these people I think they fall off is that,
[02:56:19] like it's crazy how,
[02:56:22] it's crazy how like conversations around like about this
[02:56:25] are like, they're dominated by like crazy people, man.
[02:56:30] She went off topic.
[02:56:31] Yeah, she, she going off topic.
[02:56:33] Like it's always about like this bullshit.
[02:56:38] Kids cost a lot.
[02:56:39] Yeah. So it's like, what's the logic here?
[02:56:41] So like you, you don't have food.
[02:56:42] So you're gonna have kids to,
[02:56:43] so you need to get more food.
[02:56:45] Like what are you talking about?
[02:56:47] Does he eat the baby?
[02:56:49] Yeah, it takes nine months.
[02:56:52] Those are all things.
[02:56:53] You can microwave something in two minutes.
[02:56:55] That influence people's ability to expand their family, right?
[02:56:59] If we can help people have secure income
[02:57:02] and secure housing, for example, right?
[02:57:04] If we can help them live their healthiest lives,
[02:57:06] then they might choose to expand their families.
[02:57:09] How do you feel about late term abortions?
[02:57:11] I think that people need abortion
[02:57:12] for a variety of reasons throughout pregnancy
[02:57:14] and it is impossible for us to think about
[02:57:18] what all of those potential actions are.
[02:57:20] You know what I fucking hate?
[02:57:24] I fucking hate people like this
[02:57:26] so don't just say it the way it is.
[02:57:30] And I think this is one thing
[02:57:31] that a lot of people are getting tired of
[02:57:34] is like people that are beating around the bush,
[02:57:37] talking around topics.
[02:57:40] Just say I support late term abortions.
[02:57:45] I do, period.
[02:57:47] That's it. You don't understand the argument? Oh, I do.
[02:57:51] Is that they don't want to talk about it because they think that it sounds bad.
[02:57:56] Nobody's a straight shooter and it's so exhausting.
[02:58:02] They're fence-sitters. Yeah, it's exhausting for me to read and see about, like, people that are lying and get support.
[02:58:10] If you don't wonder why it sounds bad. No, it does. It does. It sounds bad.
[02:58:14] But, like, again, if that's what you believe, just say it.
[02:58:18] What's the late-time abortion people love the word nuance? I just think that really like you know
[02:58:23] I've said before like I'm very much an abortion supporter. I'm a supporter of abortion. So it's just come out and say that
[02:58:31] Come out and say that because like from my perspective I
[02:58:35] Think that there's nothing that's more
[02:58:37] Dislikable or distrustable than a person who is misleading
[02:58:45] Man, you're terrible. Oh, you have no idea. This is only the beginning
[02:58:48] Yeah, but your reasoning is convoluted for sure right but like what I'm saying is
[02:58:56] like yeah no I mean you might think that I'm wrong about whatever yeah for sure
[02:58:59] so great viewers yeah she is saying it the way it is I don't think she's trying
[02:59:03] to be evasive they're literally an unknown number of reasons why someone
[02:59:06] may need to you're right I should let her finish what she's saying no y'all
[02:59:08] right pregnancies go from you know very joyful events to incredibly
[02:59:14] catastrophic in a matter of seconds or minutes and so the reality is is we
[02:59:18] We really have to trust the health care system, we have to trust people who are pregnant and
[02:59:22] the people who are taking care of them to decide what is the best care that they need
[02:59:25] in that moment.
[02:59:26] And I got a five month prison sentence for showing.
[02:59:29] To be fair, I think the rest of her sentence was actually pretty good.
[02:59:34] I actually, you know, you know, I probably should have let her finish because I think
[02:59:37] that actually was a pretty good answer.
[02:59:39] I just hate when people like are given an answer yes or no.
[02:59:43] And I feel like it's always like it like it should be a yes or no answer and they don't
[02:59:49] get it.
[02:59:50] Always on the first.
[02:59:51] Yeah.
[02:59:52] Bill Clinton and Aborted Baby.
[02:59:54] So wait.
[02:59:55] I got a five month prison sentence for showing Bill Clinton and Aborted Baby.
[02:59:59] How'd you get the Aborted Baby?
[03:00:01] He was taken out of a dumpster by some friends of mine.
[03:00:04] We named him Baby David.
[03:00:06] Operation rescue members have.
[03:00:22] And the thing is that there is a certain amount of, like, I kind of like him because he's
[03:00:30] so honest.
[03:00:32] And it's just, he's like, he's wearing your heart on your sleeve, honest guy.
[03:00:38] I do.
[03:00:39] I think that there is a, to me, I don't know, maybe this is just my perspective, but like,
[03:00:45] that's what matters a lot to me.
[03:00:47] Unbelievably based, don't hide from what you believe in.
[03:00:49] Yes, just immediately fucking come out and say it.
[03:00:53] And that's it.
[03:00:54] Well, it's a toy.
[03:00:55] Yeah, he is straight shooter.
[03:00:56] He is.
[03:00:57] He's a straight shooter.
[03:00:58] I respect the sincerity.
[03:01:01] Yeah.
[03:01:03] A radical technique for shocking people with the gruesome reality.
[03:01:06] Wait, was that him?
[03:01:07] They can rescue members have a radical technique for shocking people.
[03:01:12] That was guaranteed him.
[03:01:15] He's leveled up since then.
[03:01:20] I think that yeah.
[03:01:24] people with the gruesome reality of a lot of him you don't think so and then
[03:01:27] with actually really looked like this is that's what randall terry and other
[03:01:31] operation rescue leaders said they plan to do to bill clinton sometime during the
[03:01:34] week of the democratic convention and as the headline showed on july 14th that's
[03:01:39] just what one of their members know how is wrong with somebody else the
[03:01:43] problem was hearing of their plan the new york district attorney general got
[03:01:47] a judge to put out an injunction forbidding them from confronting
[03:01:50] clinton with a fetus oh rest warrants went out for seven operation
[03:01:53] rescue leaders and they surrendered themselves at the federal courthouse in New York City, July 16th.
[03:01:58] Oh, it was quite amazing to get there in front of the secret service.
[03:02:02] It's still gonna be a bit of a coincidence. Harley did the crime and I did the time, baby.
[03:02:07] Did you have to join a prison gang? Yeah, I was on two chain gangs. Actually,
[03:02:11] I was on one chain gang in Georgia and one prison work camp in Pennsylvania.
[03:02:15] No, I mean like the Aryan Brotherhood or the Pecker Woods. Oh my god. What the hell's
[03:02:19] wrong with you defend children defeat Camila he didn't say no and I've known a
[03:02:25] lot of people that have been in prison and it does seem like you really kind of
[03:02:29] have to pick your poison destroy the Democrat Party
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[03:03:53] Okay, back to the streets. You know one thing that I was thinking about though, one of my
[03:03:56] big criticisms in general of the pro-life lobby, right, is that they seem to care so
[03:04:01] much about the unborn. A lot of the same people criminalize youth delinquency and
[03:04:06] stuff like that and they don't want to do the same amount of funding for the education
[03:04:08] system and for the child care services. They're the same people that seem to encourage
[03:04:12] locking kids up when they're 15 years old.
[03:04:14] I want to speak to this. I know what you're going to say, but I just want to say that
[03:04:17] with long ago in this country when there was segregation or slavery even, there has been
[03:04:26] a tremendous fallout from the abolition of slavery. Like you mentioned, the prison industrial
[03:04:30] complex being one of them. Ongoing police brutality and injustice is another one.
[03:04:36] And those are things, issues that we really do need to mitigate and address. And I'm
[03:04:41] fully like Black lives do matter and I align with leftists on all of their economic policies.
[03:04:48] But I think that, like I said, you know, this is an ongoing genocide. Like, are we really
[03:04:54] going to say that we have to get all of our ducks in a row before we stop murdering children?
[03:04:59] Like I, I operated in California for years. California is one of the safest places
[03:05:04] to have.
[03:05:05] I actually think this is a relatively good answer. I do. I think this is a relatively
[03:05:09] good answer.
[03:05:10] Anywhere, like, amazing. Well, you know, they could be better, but better than most.
[03:05:16] So the reason why it's a good answer is that she's saying that number one, just because
[03:05:22] you're for one thing doesn't mean that you have to like endorse a bunch of other views,
[03:05:26] etc. And it's like you're basically trying to say like, okay, yeah, this also matters
[03:05:32] too. But also that police brutality in the way that police are enforcing laws can
[03:05:38] also be problematic as well. Now my opinion of this is very simple. If you're 15 years
[03:05:45] old and you're committing crime, you know what you're doing. You know that it's wrong
[03:05:51] to steal a car. You know you shouldn't be doing it. You shouldn't be stealing cars.
[03:05:57] So if you do it, you should go to jail. It's that simple. There's not a lot to
[03:06:03] there's not a lot of like oh but what abouts no you just that's it like it's
[03:06:10] not even like why why put up with that for two weeks maybe longer than that but
[03:06:14] like not a really long time yes some crimes yeah yeah exactly there's a
[03:06:18] difference in juby and prison and jail yeah for sure but like all I'm saying
[03:06:21] 15 years old as a children children it might be a kid in the eyes of the law
[03:06:25] but I think that we all know if you're 15 and you're stealing a car you
[03:06:29] know what you're doing what are we fucking talking about here like you
[03:06:33] you didn't know that stealing a car at 15 was a bad decision? It's 15, not 5. You know what you're
[03:06:41] doing. This is funding for poor families and yet they have one of the highest abortion rates in
[03:06:51] the country. So we know that there is an industry that's working against people that's working
[03:06:56] in favor of exploiting people and you know as a leftist that is capitalism working. It's a
[03:07:03] trickle down effect. Yeah I just think the most effective middle ground to find between
[03:07:07] pro-life and pro-choice is investing more in child care services.
[03:07:10] Three things. Number one, I have been in prison more than most people.
[03:07:15] Good for you. Not as much as a lot of people. There it is. And I can tell you that America's
[03:07:20] prison system is atrocious. Number two, I adopted two African-American children,
[03:07:26] the so-called hard to place children, and the foster care system is a wreck in a lot of
[03:07:31] areas. See, this is why I respect a guy like this, right? Even though I think that he has
[03:07:36] some crazy opinions, is that this dude puts, like, he walks the walk. He walks the walk.
[03:07:47] He says people should do this. This matters. And then he does it. Even if you disagree
[03:07:54] with it, you think he's insane. He is a bit insane. He adopted them. Exactly. Stands
[03:08:04] by his fucking beliefs. Which is respectable.
[03:08:06] Money doesn't always fix things. It just doesn't. And you take a place to meet in the middle.
[03:08:18] I cannot meet with somebody who wants to rip a child's head off. If you're not seeing
[03:08:23] you want to kill Jews and you're over here and you're saying no, we're Christians
[03:08:28] and we don't want to kill Jews, there's no middle ground. You don't say, well,
[03:08:33] You know, wanna pass lots for who dies today?
[03:08:36] No.
[03:08:39] Was it gonna be the Jews or black people or what?
[03:08:41] I don't think we're gonna break up.
[03:08:42] All right.
[03:08:43] How do you guys think about birth?
[03:08:45] The best part about people like this
[03:08:47] is that they have no filter
[03:08:48] because his metaphor actually made perfect sense.
[03:08:52] But it's such a like brash
[03:08:56] and like callous metaphor
[03:08:59] that people will be like, what the fuck?
[03:09:04] It's an extreme, and again, as somebody who is very much,
[03:09:08] very used to making extreme callous metaphors
[03:09:12] and then having people get mad at me for them,
[03:09:14] I see this guy and I'm like, yeah, yep, yep, there it is.
[03:09:20] Control.
[03:09:21] We're very pro.
[03:09:23] I'm the founder of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising
[03:09:25] and I have a whole bunch of activists here
[03:09:26] if you wanted to meet more of this
[03:09:28] secular pro-libers.
[03:09:29] Message to the kids.
[03:09:31] Keep your weenie in your pocket,
[03:09:33] I mean in your pants, sorry.
[03:09:35] Save, save procreation for marriage.
[03:09:39] That's all.
[03:09:39] It's a gift, human sexual audits are wonderful gift
[03:09:43] from our maker.
[03:09:44] If you do get pregnant, don't kill your baby.
[03:09:48] Okay.
[03:09:49] While I found myself filming the Planned Parenthood bus,
[03:09:52] word about the travesties of free vasectomies
[03:09:54] and abortion pills was traveling across the country,
[03:09:57] ultimately landing in a...
[03:09:58] Like I have a very big problem
[03:10:00] with people saying they have a bus
[03:10:03] It's going around giving people abortions if it's not giving people abortions
[03:10:09] Like if they're offering people services that are like this a vasectomy is not an abortion
[03:10:16] Giving people pills for abortions is not doing a bit of pills for like contraceptives is not doing abortions
[03:10:24] This is not yet. It's a drive-by abortion. That's not what's happening here. I
[03:10:31] I just, I wish that people would just tell the truth.
[03:10:40] I don't know, maybe I'm crazy.
[03:10:44] Just say what it is.
[03:10:48] Humble Sonoran Abode, Glendale, Arizona,
[03:10:51] where my cameraman Larry Susan waited patiently
[03:10:53] at a Trump rally.
[03:10:54] They want to kill and murder babies
[03:10:57] because they are on the inconvenience
[03:11:00] but they want to couch it in the word choice.
[03:11:04] What choice does the baby have?
[03:11:07] 60 million aborted murdered babies in this country
[03:11:11] since Roeby's wave.
[03:11:13] The overturn of Roeby wave was actually
[03:11:14] for the best of this country.
[03:11:15] It's going to make things a lot better in this country,
[03:11:17] as opposed to giving out abortions for free,
[03:11:20] just like they did by the DNC.
[03:11:22] I don't know if you've seen right now the DNC,
[03:11:25] but they're celebrating abortion.
[03:11:26] They're having parties with abortion pills,
[03:11:28] and they're dancing around.
[03:11:29] It's horrifying.
[03:11:30] I mean, I don't understand that.
[03:11:32] This is the time, August 23rd, 2024.
[03:11:36] There's been a change in America.
[03:11:38] It's all about President Donald J. Trump,
[03:11:41] J.D. Vance, and Robert Kennedy Jr.
[03:11:44] Let's go, America.
[03:11:46] Baby Jesus could have been murdered.
[03:11:49] Shut up, baby Jesus.
[03:11:51] To watch our full episode, Arizona Trump Rally,
[03:11:53] go to our Patreon.
[03:11:54] Man.
[03:11:55] slash channel five.
[03:11:58] Man.
[03:11:59] As many of you know, we're completely independent
[03:12:01] 95% supported by your crowd-funded contributions, which total is incredible
[03:12:06] You want to check it out? Shout out my boy Jesus. Thank you very much. Hey
[03:12:11] Hey shout out to Jesus
[03:12:13] Channel five news channel fix five. We don't fuck with costars man
[03:12:19] Oh my fucking god
[03:12:22] Imagine not being allowed to abort a baby that you have from being raped who takes all the babies filed for abortion all the magas
[03:12:28] Well, the problem is that nobody, like this is a, see, I have like, this is my take on
[03:12:34] the whole topic, right?
[03:12:35] And I know people are like, man, like I'm a crazy person because of how harsh I am
[03:12:42] with a lot of stuff.
[03:12:43] But like, and this is one of the reasons why I don't, I don't really make a lot of statements
[03:12:47] about morality is because as I said, my moral compass does not point north.
[03:12:53] And I think it's totally fine to get an abortion for any reason at any time, that period, right?
[03:12:59] That's it.
[03:13:00] I think you should always be able to get an abortion, even if it's a late term abortion.
[03:13:04] I don't like abortion.
[03:13:05] I think abortion is bad.
[03:13:07] It's really bad.
[03:13:08] But I don't think the government can make a set of rules that's fair for all circumstances.
[03:13:15] So you would have situations where the government is systematically making people
[03:13:20] do things that they shouldn't have to do.
[03:13:23] And I think that's worse than an individual making a bad decision.
[03:13:26] Like a systematic plan decision inside of like an apparatus is like a thousand X worse than
[03:13:34] like a bad person.
[03:13:36] Like it's like, yeah, you're going to have women that abort their kids late term that
[03:13:39] shouldn't do it.
[03:13:40] And it's disgusting and terrible.
[03:13:41] But like, I think that's a, it's a cost that I'd be willing to take.
[03:13:45] Right.
[03:13:46] I mean, that's just really the truth.
[03:13:48] Yeah.
[03:13:49] So you have no morals then?
[03:13:50] Well, it's not really that.
[03:13:52] just that I don't see things the way that other people see things. Yeah, I just, I don't see
[03:13:59] them that way. Like it's just that other people use an argument like that, they talk about that.
[03:14:04] To me, I just don't even, it doesn't even compute. Yeah, it just, that takes to give me a whiplash.
[03:14:14] So you see bad things? Oh, I don't know. I mean,
[03:14:18] props are not being a pussy and speaking how you feel and think, yeah, I have a very
[03:14:21] extreme opinion about this. I think most people are fine with rape, incest, etc.
[03:14:26] They keep bringing it up and mischaracterizing the average person on the right.
[03:14:31] Well, let's talk about the real mischaracterization. Over 90% of abortions aren't because of that.
[03:14:37] 90% of people get abortions because they're inconvenient. They're elective.
[03:14:44] So we're talking about like a one-digit percentage of people as if this is the
[03:14:49] real conversation it's not it's never been so like yeah sure rape and incest I
[03:14:55] think most people agree with that but this is like a fraction of like what's
[03:14:58] happening so killing a newborn because it's inconvenient is all good well like
[03:15:06] I don't know if the kid has like some sort of like a disease where it's not
[03:15:09] gonna be able to like live and you kill it before it's born I don't know I
[03:15:12] think it's mercy right like if it has like a breathing disorder where it's
[03:15:16] just gonna like be born and then die like why not just kill it anyway I
[03:15:20] I mean, fuck.
[03:15:21] Like, I don't know.
[03:15:22] I feel like that's the, like, shit.
[03:15:24] You're putting out of its misery.
[03:15:26] Like, it sounds horrible.
[03:15:28] Like, it lists, look.
[03:15:29] Like, it sounds really bad to say it,
[03:15:32] but that's just what I think.
[03:15:36] Yeah, I don't even have a...
[03:15:38] Like, it's weird because like,
[03:15:40] I can't even imagine somebody not thinking this way.
[03:15:44] To me, it's just common sense.
[03:15:48] Yeah, by the way, I like you guys do,
[03:15:50] I love Channel 5's videos.
[03:15:51] i do i love them and this guy as i said this guy i i respect this guy
[03:15:55] you know i do even though i think he's
[03:15:57] that shit insane with some stuff he was doing
[03:16:01] you fucking tried to show bill clinton the baby fetus adopted two kids himself
[03:16:07] fucking like this guy believes in what he what he thinks i do i respect the
[03:16:11] shit
[03:16:12] so yeah
[03:16:15] uh... channel five when we see what the rest of the sir
[03:16:18] uh...
[03:16:20] all right
[03:16:21] What if they're fine though, and you ask yourself isn't that most abortions most are likely the child's fine?
[03:16:26] Yeah, I I don't thought some people celebrating abortions. Well, I don't think I don't think abortion. I think abortions are bad
[03:16:31] I don't like abortions
[03:16:34] Yeah, but like I just think people should be able to do them. It's not my decision
[03:16:38] Yeah, what about people with disabilities? Where's the line? Well, I don't know
[03:16:41] The mother makes that that decision with the doctor if she thinks the kid being born like I'd say it's found out
[03:16:47] the kids gonna be like have gonna gonna have down syndrome and she doesn't want
[03:16:50] to have that down syndrome kid and she aborts the kid like I don't care it's
[03:16:55] fine with me okay sure yeah yeah that's actually just the way I feel and like
[03:17:07] that's it yeah sorry that's what Spartans did no they didn't they
[03:17:14] They threw him off a cliff.
[03:17:16] They didn't abort, they waited for the kid to be born, they threw the kid off the cliff.
[03:17:22] That's totally different.
[03:17:23] Yeah, that's not it.
[03:17:24] Well, that's a post-birth abortion, right?
[03:17:27] So yeah.
[03:17:28] Well, I'm not hating, but it's inconsistent to say that exceptions are 1% so they don't
[03:17:33] matter.
[03:17:34] But then when people ask you if you had morals, your defense was the kid might
[03:17:36] have problems.
[03:17:37] Isn't that also 1%?
[03:17:38] The exceptions don't matter.
[03:17:40] I think that so exceptions do matter and they don't matter inside of different contexts.
[03:17:45] So for example, when you have a systematic rule, exceptions do really matter because
[03:17:50] a systematic rule can make those exceptions non impactful.
[03:17:55] But when you have something that's not a systematic rule, it doesn't have the same effect.
[03:17:59] So I think that like basically having bad systems is a lot worse than having bad people.
[03:18:05] I know that you'll have bad people and you can never stop bad people, but I do
[03:18:09] think that you can stop bad systems. Why stop with fetuses? Some adults should be
[03:18:18] aborted? Yeah. As someone who's more conservative on most things, I understand
[03:18:22] the growth you take, but I feel like conversation's got diluted when COVID hit,
[03:18:25] and the my body, my choice went out the window. Yeah, but I wasn't the person
[03:18:29] saying that you should be forced to have a vaccine either. So like, I never
[03:18:33] supported that. I'm not saying that you should do that. Like, when the fuck
[03:18:37] did I say that? Like, you're shadowboxing with somebody else. I think
[03:18:40] you bring up by the way you bring up a very good point yeah it's my body my
[03:18:44] choice somebody doesn't want to get in a vaccine oh well this is different well
[03:18:48] well because it affects everybody else yeah having kids affects everybody else
[03:18:51] in the world too right so yeah no I think it's obviously very much a double
[03:18:55] standard sure the Spartans archaeologists already proved this
[03:19:03] to be fiction oh it's fake yeah either way I don't really give a shit yeah
[03:19:08] But you you could be right. You hey you could be right about that. I could be wrong
[03:19:12] But like that that was my understanding. It could be one of those like
[03:19:15] You know like urban myth type things maybe I should look into that myself and see for myself
[03:19:22] Abortion is a choice and murder is a choice fuck you libtards. Uh-huh. Yeah
[03:19:27] Vaccines are different because you spread disease if you don't I think that like kids have an effect of ripple effect on society too
[03:19:33] In the same way that the disease does
[03:19:35] but yeah if you don't want to get the polio vaccine just don't get it just get
[03:19:41] polio and die natural selection am I right yeah something like that I'm fine
[03:19:45] with that but no yeah I mean I know that I have like a if you ever kid well I
[03:19:50] know that you're highly unemotional and not everything is a system I can't
[03:19:54] imagine not having a kid for the first couple of months knowing the babies
[03:19:57] growing yeah I mean I don't know that that's a personal decision the
[03:20:01] individuals make it's not a decision that I would make well these comments
[03:20:05] are insane. A lot of people, again, here's really where it comes down to. It's a very
[03:20:11] emotional topic for people. It's very much like a morally charged topic. And because it's
[03:20:16] such a morally charged topic, I think that you obviously see people that are very upset
[03:20:23] about it. For me, as I said, I'm just not really a big... I just don't see it that
[03:20:33] These people are misinformed beyond belief. It's not misinformed. See like you you don't understand it
[03:20:40] They're not misinformed. They just simply don't believe what they what you believe
[03:20:47] That's all
[03:20:49] Yeah, they're not seeing it the way that you see it like in a name they're making a day
[03:20:55] They're making an emotional decision
[03:20:57] I remember seeing this guy everywhere and now he's like kind of gone.
[03:21:04] I kind of wanted to see what the hell happened here.
[03:21:07] Are you going to watch the Kamala interview?
[03:21:10] I don't know.
[03:21:11] Nobody's linked it to me.
[03:21:12] Like I've seen like small clips, but that was it.
[03:21:14] Yeah, this is the Bill Clinton kid.
[03:21:17] Yep.
[03:21:18] Matan Evan became an internet sensation after he hijacked a speech at the 2022
[03:21:23] game awards.
[03:21:24] to nominate this award to my reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton.
[03:21:29] Thank you, everybody.
[03:21:30] That's Merman.
[03:21:31] I think this was so fucking funny.
[03:21:34] Like, obviously, Jeff can never let something like this happen again.
[03:21:37] It made them look really bad, and it was super bad, unprofessional.
[03:21:40] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[03:21:42] But let's take a step back and just as somebody who was an intern,
[03:21:45] like, I am just a simple viewer who wants to be entertained.
[03:21:49] That was funny.
[03:21:51] It went viral and racked up millions of views, but soon after,
[03:21:55] Mataan's popularity took a downhill turn, and his name disappeared from the mainstream media.
[03:22:00] It's so funny, because when this happened, I was first getting introduced to, like, so,
[03:22:06] like, one of the banks that I work with, right, for like my money,
[03:22:10] they were introducing me to an accountant, and I remember he was like,
[03:22:15] so yeah, I saw you do like video games shit, and this was the same time the game awards
[03:22:20] happened and he's like so yeah like what the fuck was that at the game awards and
[03:22:26] even he was bringing it up fucking randomly he's like yeah why did that kid
[03:22:31] start talking about Bill Clinton and I'm like yeah everybody's been wondering
[03:22:35] that for the last week too yeah based account is like yeah what is that
[03:22:41] we're wondering what on earth happened to the Bill Clinton kid and why did he
[03:22:46] full of so hard. Hi, I'm the internet anarchist. I create weekly YouTube documentaries and today
[03:22:51] we'll be looking into the fascinating rise, fall and rise again of Matan Evans online career. Did
[03:22:57] his controversial actions ruin his career or has he managed to reinvent himself in an unpredictable
[03:23:02] way? Well, it's like you don't really have a career whenever you do something annoying publicly
[03:23:07] one time, right? Like you have to be annoying for a long period of time.
[03:23:11] Well, how the Bill Clinton kid got famous and what exactly happened to him afterwards.
[03:23:18] Although Matan blew up in 2023, his online presence started way earlier than one might
[03:23:23] expect.
[03:23:24] Back in 2019, the protests in Hong Kong were at an all-time high.
[03:23:33] Authorities introduced harsh bills that compromised democratic freedom, and in response, fierce
[03:23:37] protests were held against them.
[03:23:39] People all over social media were showing support for Hong Kong
[03:23:42] Including a 12 year old kid named Matan Evan
[03:23:45] Matan-
[03:23:46] Oh my god
[03:23:58] Matan was a long time supporter of the cult and wanted to make a special statement for Hong Kong
[03:24:02] Holy shit
[03:24:03] In October 2019, Matan was caught on screen in an NBA game waving a shirt that said
[03:24:09] Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong
[03:24:11] Oh!
[03:24:11] Before the camera quickly panned away from him
[03:24:13] Yeah, I bet!
[03:24:14] Just a few days later on October 23rd, esports journalist Rob Bresslau tweeted about it
[03:24:18] And the post blew up, getting over 225,000 likes.
[03:24:23] However, rumors did get spread that Matan had been kicked out of the game,
[03:24:26] but these were completely dispelled in a tweet by Rod that said,
[03:24:29] Also, Matan was never kicked out and will be back in their seats next game,
[03:24:33] but likely never to be put on the Jumbo Tron again.
[03:24:36] Rod also suggested that Matan should go to BlizzCon and do-
[03:24:39] This was at the same time of the Free Hong Kong situation, remember that?
[03:24:43] And people were hoping the same places there too.
[03:24:46] Now, you might be wondering why.
[03:24:48] Well, because in the same month of October 2019, Blizzard, the game company, banned eSports
[03:24:54] game at BlitzChung for a year just because he spoke out in support of the Hong Kong protesters.
[03:24:59] So the demand was there and Matan made sure he'd deliver.
[03:25:01] That was crazy.
[03:25:03] I remember when that hat was a great month it was.
[03:25:06] And it was like during classic wow release and so I had named my warlock Crackmonkey.
[03:25:12] Because this had been like what I had named my warlock.
[03:25:14] This is a no more lock I made in like 2006, I mean.
[03:25:18] And so for 2019, I remade the character.
[03:25:21] And Blizzard thought this name wasn't, they didn't think this name was funny.
[03:25:25] I thought it was funny.
[03:25:26] They didn't think it was funny.
[03:25:27] And so I renamed the character Free Hong Kong like three days after this happened, whenever
[03:25:33] they forced me into a name change.
[03:25:37] Shortly after his appearance on the NBA Jumbo Tron, Matan tweeted a video on November
[03:25:41] the 3rd 2019, showing himself at the World of Warcraft panel shouting Free Hong Kong.
[03:25:56] I had no idea that was Matan.
[03:26:06] I actually had, I knew this happened, but I didn't know that was him.
[03:26:14] That was the Bill Clinton, yes!
[03:26:18] Oh my god!
[03:26:20] tweet read, I came to BlizzCon 19 to make a point. My point has been proven. I ran up
[03:26:25] on the Q&A panel and yelled free Hong Kong. Now I remember to keep fighting for basic human
[03:26:30] rights. Matan's actions quickly drew mainstream media attention, relating to numerous interviews
[03:26:35] where he explained his strong stance on Hong Kong.
[03:26:37] So I had heard about the movement before the clipper game and I decided that, you
[03:26:42] know, I should try to do something and I didn't know exactly what I was going to do. So it's
[03:26:46] was kind of a yes in the moment.
[03:26:47] The Avan appeared on Infra Wars twice, where-
[03:26:57] It's like, I know, it's just so fucking funny interview
[03:27:00] at 12, they're all like, yes, it's hilarious.
[03:27:03] This is amazing.
[03:27:06] When Troyer praised his resilience and confidence.
[03:27:09] Man, I'm telling you, there are grown men.
[03:27:11] Yeah.
[03:27:12] Who don't have the courage to do what you did
[03:27:14] and step out on that, in front of that panel
[03:27:17] and you just seem fearless.
[03:27:18] Like there's no qualms, like you don't even,
[03:27:20] it's like you didn't even question it.
[03:27:22] So it's like by the time he did the game awards, like people thought he was level one at that time, bro
[03:27:28] He was already level 60
[03:27:31] Yeah, he had been playing the game for years. Oh
[03:27:36] Matan was very aware of all the attention. He was getting online
[03:27:39] So he used it to grow his presence by January 2020
[03:27:43] Natural
[03:27:44] His channel had 13,000 subscribers and he was posting daily videos about Hong Kong fast forward to
[03:27:49] 2021 and Matan had around 38,000 subscribers on YouTube. However, it was clear he had stopped
[03:27:55] posting regularly and his channel became largely inactive. After months of being silent, Matan
[03:28:00] posted on Twitter on June 15th, 2021, explaining that he stopped posting about Hong Kong because
[03:28:06] there simply wasn't much to post about it. He also mentioned in a tweet that he would start
[03:28:11] posting again soon and fans were eager to see what he'd post next, with commenter stating,
[03:28:16] Missy so much, Matan. Thank you for always supporting Hong Kong and remembering us here as well as thank you Matan
[03:28:22] Happy to know new updates about you. However, his content after that tweet had nothing to do with some random white 12 year old kid yelling about Hong Kong
[03:28:30] Well, I mean like he I
[03:28:34] Mean his parents probably got him involved with it, right? His parents are probably political and they were like
[03:28:40] Yeah, so this is the way the world works like I bet that's probably how it happened and then he got into it
[03:28:46] He's white? I mean, I don't think he's white either, but like, I just glossed over that.
[03:28:50] He's not, he's not white, but like, anyway, um, so yeah, no, that's probably what happens.
[03:28:57] Is he trying to find a jail now? No, I don't know. But like, yeah, I think that's probably
[03:29:02] usually how things like this happen.
[03:29:04] Hong Kong, a prime example of this shift took place the following year during the
[03:29:09] game awards on December 8th, 2022.
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[03:30:51] credits in your first month. With that said, let's get back into the video.
[03:30:55] To ruin this event, as the Elden Ring team accepted their Game of the Year award,
[03:30:58] a random young guy was hanging around in the background, looking completely out of
[03:31:02] place. That young guy was Matan Evin. He grabbed the mic and spoke with a strange accent stating
[03:31:18] It seemed like Matan had shifted from his usual serious political content to embracing
[03:31:32] both an internet troll persona.
[03:31:34] After the show, Matan posted a tweet stating,
[03:31:37] Today, there is a lot of talk and speculation, more of motion will be released on all fronts
[03:31:42] sooner than later.
[03:31:43] fuming after that? Well, he should have been fuming. I mean,
[03:31:45] the reality is that, like, if you want to look at it from his
[03:31:49] point of view for Jeff, this was like a massive level fuck up.
[03:31:55] Like a massive, huge, like, huge fuck up, right? Because like,
[03:32:03] it's a security fuck up, right? massive security bridges
[03:32:06] insane. Not even like, I mean, we're not even talking
[03:32:10] about like, you know, it making the developers look bad or
[03:32:13] anything like that. I don't think the devs, I bet probably the
[03:32:17] from software guys, I bet a lot of them probably thought it was
[03:32:20] funny, you know, in retrospect, probably thought it was
[03:32:22] fine. Like, okay, yeah, sure, right. Like the stupid kid
[03:32:25] happened. Yeah, they don't really give a shit. But like, it
[03:32:28] was definitely something that made them look bad. Huge
[03:32:31] security ops. Yeah, they didn't seem to care. Why would
[03:32:33] they give a fuck? They just made the Elden Ring. Like,
[03:32:38] Yeah, yeah, they don't give a fuck, okay, yeah, whatever.
[03:32:43] This tweet received over 22,000 likes and was retweeted thousands of times.
[03:32:50] Naturally, the whole incident went viral, and to measure media outlets like Vice,
[03:32:55] Dove and Matanz online persona, and Paz, which sparked a ton of conspiracy theories.
[03:33:00] With a headline reading, The Kid Who Crushed the Game Awards was an info wars when he was 12.
[03:33:05] Some even went as far as to accuse him of being anti-Semitic, like this bias article from December 9, 2022, that claimed his Yeezys were proof of it, since Kanye West, who made Yeezys, had, quote, gone on several anti-Semitic grants recently.
[03:33:21] See, this is the kind of stuff that, um, this is the kind of stuff that people hate journalists for.
[03:33:30] Like, it's like these, like, massive reaches.
[03:33:34] Like, what?
[03:33:35] What are you talking about?
[03:33:36] No, that doesn't have anything to do with it.
[03:33:38] What do you mean?
[03:33:42] However, one of the most notable articles covering the situation was a write-up by Polygon, which
[03:33:47] included an interview with Matan.
[03:33:49] In the article, Polygon mentioned that Matan stated a show character throughout the entire
[03:33:53] interview.
[03:33:54] It stated, when reached by phone on Friday, Evan refused to break character and dodged
[03:33:58] questions about everything from his political leanings to the circumstances of his removal
[03:34:02] from the game awards stage.
[03:34:04] Polygon also mentioned that Matan claimed he was Jewish and that his commentary
[03:34:08] regarding Bill Clinton weren't anti-Semitic or tied through any far-right views.
[03:34:12] However, despite saying this, Metan often wore Yeezys and rocked a Jesus' king hat.
[03:34:18] And because of his constant trolling, people thought he was lying.
[03:34:21] But if you dig deeper, it looks like his claim to being Jewish was legit, with a tweet from
[03:34:25] Jason Shryer stating,
[03:34:26] Just spoke to the guy who interrupted the game awards.
[03:34:29] He says his name is Metan and that he is 15 years old.
[03:34:31] Some thought his speech was an anti-Semitic dog whistle, but he is almost certainly
[03:34:35] a Jewish prankster.
[03:34:36] understood a question I asked in Hebrew, then Partinity didn't.
[03:34:40] By the way, that's so clever to do.
[03:34:48] That's yeah, that's what a fucking, what a play.
[03:34:53] Absolutely.
[03:34:54] W gotcha.
[03:34:55] W gotcha.
[03:34:56] Yeah.
[03:34:57] From Matan's early days as a young activist fighting for human rights.
[03:34:59] Matan had a vote and his new strategy was to grab attention with edgy statements and
[03:35:04] a provocative persona.
[03:35:05] Naturally.
[03:35:06] In an interview with Neon Sniper Panda on December the 11th, 2022,
[03:35:10] Metan joked about saying,
[03:35:12] One of the comments somebody asking if the host here is cool with the Nazi salute
[03:35:17] because I wasn't doing a Nazi salute.
[03:35:19] I was talking about meeting Bill Clinton and touching the top of his head.
[03:35:24] He's Jewish, y'all.
[03:35:25] They're not being fucking weird.
[03:35:26] He always absolutely loved his simultaneously serious and comedic
[03:35:30] Yeah, who gave a fuck about that's funny to me.
[03:35:33] Yeah, that's funny.
[03:35:34] Hakes with comments stating true trolling is hard for most people to understand good job
[03:35:39] As well as matan is clearly very intelligent. It's not just about me. Oh, bro
[03:35:44] He posted another video continuing his political commentaries in a podcast with destiny
[03:35:49] Oh, just agreeing that there's actually, you know a group of people controlling all of the governments all over the world
[03:35:55] Yeah, or like if you believe that I feel like you probably need some exceptional evidence to uh prove that yeah
[03:36:00] Right, you know, I feel for the most part
[03:36:02] It can kind of be proven and I feel like using no common sense and logic it should be very easy to prove in another video
[03:36:09] person December 17th, 2020
[03:36:11] This is this was the one that went crazy
[03:36:14] You see like I actually think the game awards one like that was the one where people knew him from but like the name five books
[03:36:25] this one like
[03:36:28] Ten books. Oh, is it ten books? This was crazy
[03:36:32] crazy.
[03:36:34] 2.
[03:36:35] Metan is seeing having a heated discussion with some OF models.
[03:36:38] Throughout the conversation, he repeatedly challenges their intellect, saying,
[03:36:42] No, I didn't know that I was going to be sitting talking to a bunch of illiterate people who don't
[03:36:46] know how to read.
[03:36:47] Literally 15.
[03:36:48] What do you know?
[03:36:49] You know how to read.
[03:36:50] Here we go.
[03:36:51] Yes, I do know how to read.
[03:36:52] Name 10 books.
[03:37:09] So good.
[03:37:10] Are you serious?
[03:37:13] Yes, 100%.
[03:37:14] Name 10 books.
[03:37:15] Well, I read Game of Thrones.
[03:37:17] I'm obsessed with like the Twilight series.
[03:37:20] Game of Thrones, the series?
[03:37:22] What's the book called? It's not called Game of Thrones.
[03:37:24] This video blew up, garnering over 3 million views and papal...
[03:37:28] And you know that she didn't immediately say what it was.
[03:37:33] Yeah, Song of Ice and Fire, right? Yeah, of course.
[03:37:35] And...
[03:37:37] Yeah, so she just lied.
[03:37:41] Not...
[03:37:43] What was this?
[03:37:44] To be honest, I hate him, but he slaughtered him? He did.
[03:37:47] That was... dude.
[03:37:49] Name 10 books.
[03:37:53] You know how to read name 10 books. Oh my god.
[03:38:02] The comments were back in the town all the way with comments reading.
[03:38:05] Scary how a child is wiser than a bunch of adults.
[03:38:08] I'm starting to think that this kid is the future of our society.
[03:38:11] He's got more common sense than most adults.
[03:38:13] As well as imagine a group of adults trying to bully a 15 year old and f-
[03:38:17] This is true. It's true.
[03:38:21] true that a bunch of these girls are getting together and shitting on like this this 15 16-year-old kid
[03:38:28] calling him stupid like what what are you doing?
[03:38:35] Ailing sir he kept the momentum going making more content with controversial credits like sneaker
[03:38:41] you're always like this yeah yeah this is i never actually change facial expressions you know very
[03:38:46] rarely if something surprising happens i'll go but just for the most part i uh i stay like this
[03:38:50] A lot of people think that I'm a troll, but I'm not and even if I was if I was spreading good messages then the outcome is positive for everybody
[03:38:58] Matan also started posting short from content on TikTok where he currently has over 1.2 million followers
[03:39:04] His content mainly features clips from his controversial podcasts and interviews as well as videos of him annoying random people in public
[03:39:12] He has a lot of those
[03:39:22] I want to knock you out.
[03:39:25] You know, a lot of people have been asking what I've been doing to help, you know, the
[03:39:28] homeless community.
[03:39:29] Today, I'm going to be giving them fake hundred dollar bills and a lot of-
[03:39:33] What, they spend a hundred dollar bills and then they go to jail for counterfeiting
[03:39:54] and so now they're not homeless anymore?
[03:39:55] Like, I- this is- the thing is to me, like, you guys have to understand that
[03:40:07] I am probably so lucky that I could only upload to MySpace, and I couldn't do this whenever
[03:40:13] I was a kid, because I would be doing this exact same shit.
[03:40:18] I would.
[03:40:20] Any time we could do a way to broadcast something across the school, like we would, did you guys
[03:40:25] ever have like the thing where you would call into the school network, and like you
[03:40:30] could make an announcement?
[03:40:32] We figured out what the code was from the, you know, somebody who worked in the office.
[03:40:39] And we would call in and we would play ACON, and we would play Soulja Boy over the radio,
[03:40:46] and it would be on every fucking classroom.
[03:40:50] Soulja Boy, tell him, like, fucking...
[03:40:52] And everybody just be losing their fucking mind.
[03:40:57] Same.
[03:40:58] Yeah.
[03:40:59] Walk me out.
[03:41:00] Yes.
[03:41:01] Actually, I think the world is so glad that the internet didn't come out earlier for me.
[03:41:06] Because I would have done this exact same shit.
[03:41:10] Watch me crank that, yeah.
[03:41:13] People would ask, how is that actually helpful?
[03:41:16] You know, today, use the money.
[03:41:18] C'mon, out of here.
[03:41:19] However, it wasn't just strangers Matan would go after.
[03:41:23] Matan soon started to follow and borderline harass popular traders on the internet.
[03:41:27] One of the most notable of these instances was in February 2023.
[03:41:30] Oh, this was so funny bro Kai cooked them. I remember this. Yeah, I forgot this happened, but yeah
[03:41:38] When Matan tried to crash Twitch streamers ex-QC and kai snats trip to Universal Studios. Yeah
[03:41:49] You're the most random person you know what else you know what else
[03:41:58] Yeah
[03:42:02] It was obvious from the video that Matan wasn't welcome and that his weird behavior made them
[03:42:10] really uncomfortable.
[03:42:11] I mean you gotta make, I mean like I bet honestly like it's just the reason why is that if
[03:42:17] you make content it's like this really big problem where having some snipers and people
[03:42:23] show up is actually not a big deal it's not bad but the problem is that if you
[03:42:28] allow it to happen, then you end up like enabling it happening like way more, right?
[03:42:35] It's like the moment that you let one person come on and it's not a problem, then people
[03:42:40] go absolutely nuts.
[03:42:44] And still kept following the two streamers, and even disguised himself as a fan to try
[03:42:48] and get a picture with them.
[03:42:50] Unsurprisingly, this got him quickly kicked out by security.
[03:42:53] But he didn't stop there, just a month later, in April 2023, Matan posted a video of himself
[03:43:12] calling out wrestlers during their matches at WrestleMania 39.
[03:43:22] He was deliberately stirring up controversy everywhere he went.
[03:43:25] That's exactly what he was doing.
[03:43:28] Absolutely.
[03:43:30] Yes.
[03:43:32] Where the fuck are his parents?
[03:43:35] As I said, and this is coming from the person who would, I had this strap on chicken hat
[03:43:40] that I would wear at the bus, where I would stick my head out the window and scream at
[03:43:44] people and throw rocks at them.
[03:43:47] So whenever I see a kid acting like an attention-seeking psycho and being extremely fucking annoying,
[03:43:55] I think to myself, ah, yeah, those were the days.
[03:43:58] Oh, yeah.
[03:43:59] Yeah.
[03:44:00] Oh.
[03:44:01] It's good to see somebody carrying on the tradition.
[03:44:07] Yeah, they're good old days, yeah.
[03:44:10] Because soon after, Matan found himself in another altercation, this time with Hassan
[03:44:15] Piker the left-wing twist dreamer and youtuber better known as a son abhi for context that few took a place in summer of
[03:44:22] 2023
[03:44:24] America strike
[03:44:24] Yes, we're pushing the better pay protections against AI and other crucial demands in solidarity with the WGA
[03:44:31] His son was on the front lines of the protest picketing alongside them
[03:44:35] We're here at
[03:44:38] Netflix headquarters here on the corner of sunset and by and
[03:44:41] And we are what are we doing here today Adam?
[03:44:44] That's when Matan approached Hassan and started mocking him while he was protesting
[03:44:49] He also uploaded a video of the encounter on Twitter which blew up and wrecked over 26 we love land
[03:44:55] This is the best. I forgot all about this one. I did. I forgot. It's good. Yeah
[03:45:12] Lian views during the video you can clearly say that Hassan is getting annoyed
[03:45:16] In response, Hassanquart retweeted the video and said,
[03:45:56] I never mind maybe children do deserve the call after some back-and-forth between them
[03:46:01] Matan was determined to get the last word and responded by stating you tried to scare me by getting in my face
[03:46:07] Then you shoved a polo like a little bitch
[03:46:09] I asked if you were threatening me because of how pathetic you look there's a reason your cameraman panned away
[03:46:14] This tweet ended up gaining over 14 million views and just as Matan hoped
[03:46:19] I don't even know if this happened or not
[03:46:21] But the thing is that like anybody who's like really opinionated right like Hassan is like very opinionated and so
[03:46:29] It doesn't matter what said people would just be like immediately. Yeah. Yeah, true
[03:46:36] He did I don't remember it happening
[03:46:40] It grabbed everyone's attention on buying oh my god mainstream media picked up the story
[03:46:44] Yeah, could talk you're publishing an article about it on May 5th, 2020 bro. Did they really? Oh?
[03:46:50] Oh my god
[03:46:59] With Kotaku publishing an article about it on May 5th, 2023
[03:47:03] Headlining, Twitch streamer Hasan Pika trolled by Game Awards showcrusher
[03:47:07] And as you'd expect from Matan, he jumped on Twitter to milk this opportunity
[03:47:11] Natural
[03:47:11] The very next day, Matan tweeted
[03:47:13] Kotaku reported that he had legal counsel on our call today about Hasan
[03:47:17] They're talking about my buddy Mikko, who was making Minecraft spider noises. He was the-
[03:47:21] I don't even know whether this happened or not. That's the best part
[03:47:31] He was determined to keep eyeballs on it and serve four days later on the 10th of May
[03:47:37] 2023 when Hassan tweeted that he was in the UK
[03:47:40] Matan responded with the video from a see you soon brother. See you soon brother. I remember this despite God
[03:47:47] It is numerous controversies Matan was still mostly known as the Bill Clinton kid
[03:47:51] He was the stage of the 2022 game awards. So when the 2023 game awards rolled
[03:47:56] Do you know that they had I think photos of him and it was like the security were like, you know, Jeff was like
[03:48:06] You see this see him
[03:48:09] No
[03:48:11] No, he doesn't know anybody. This isn't my this isn't my nephew. No, he doesn't know bill who works in production
[03:48:19] No
[03:48:21] Yeah, I want a poster. Yeah, exactly around
[03:48:24] I remember this.
[03:48:25] I remember this.
[03:48:25] Everyone know who was playing to attend by tweeting about it.
[03:48:28] See you tomorrow, Jeff.
[03:48:29] See you tomorrow, Jeff.
[03:48:30] But this time, Jeff Keeley made it clear that security would be tight, leaving no chance
[03:48:34] for any slip-ups.
[03:48:35] Absolutely.
[03:48:35] And that's exactly what happened.
[03:48:36] Yes.
[03:48:37] But Todd's tweet came back to bite him when he was immediately and permanently banned
[03:48:41] from attending the game awards.
[03:48:42] That's right.
[03:48:42] He reacted to this ban on Twitter saying,
[03:48:44] Why would they trespass me?
[03:48:45] I can't believe this.
[03:48:46] Yeah, that's right.
[03:48:47] Yep.
[03:48:48] I wonder why.
[03:48:49] Safe to say that Matan is a well-known internet meme, however his antics now go way beyond
[03:48:56] just being meme-worthy.
[03:48:57] Some might even describe his new form of divisive content as pure rage bait.
[03:49:02] For instance, he tweeted a picture of him with the actor Simul Lee in February 2024, with
[03:49:07] a caption, this asshole asked me for a photo, and was so-
[03:49:09] I bet he thought this was funny.
[03:49:14] Yeah, it is having a bit of a laugh.
[03:49:22] It's not a big deal.
[03:49:24] What?
[03:49:25] Who getting mad?
[03:49:26] Don't make consider this as just a harmless tweet.
[03:49:28] Yeah.
[03:49:29] And Mataan's YouTube videos are completely different stories.
[03:49:31] Yes.
[03:49:32] On the 29th of April 2024, Mataan uploaded a video titled,
[03:49:35] Dominic Cruz on Fighting Shawna Valley and Changing Genders.
[03:49:38] During the video, Matan and UFC commentator Dominic Cruz discuss whether women should be
[03:49:42] allowed to fight in the UFC.
[03:49:51] Then Matan takes it a step further, asking Cruz an edgy question about a hypothetical
[03:49:55] fight between the white, heavyweight fighter, Jamal Hill, and a disabled woman.
[03:50:00] One man and one disabled woman. The woman is a lightweight or bent-on weight and then
[03:50:05] it's a light heavyweight man, maybe Jamal Hill. He came on the podcast before so he will
[03:50:10] be able to do a good one.
[03:50:11] And if this wasn't questionable enough, on the 10th of June 2020...
[03:50:15] I'm confused about this. What about this is problematic?
[03:50:21] About a hypothetical fight between the white, heavyweight fighter, Jamal Hill,
[03:50:25] and a disabled woman.
[03:50:27] man and one I think that if so if I'm understanding this correctly would a UFC
[03:50:33] fighter win against a disabled woman I mean I think he would I I think he yeah
[03:50:45] I think he'd probably come out ahead yeah disabled woman the woman is a lightweight
[03:50:52] or benton weight and then it's like heavyweight man maybe Jamal Hill he
[03:50:57] came on the podcast before so he will be able to do a good one and if this
[03:51:00] This wasn't questionable enough, on the 10th of June 2000.
[03:51:22] In 24, Matan interviewed Zerka.
[03:51:24] In a video titled, Zerka gets confronted about HS Tokyo Fight and scamming fans.
[03:51:29] In the video, Matan uses his troll humor to ask Zerka an awkward question.
[03:51:33] So if you could just tell everybody, give them a little bit of an introduction if they don't
[03:51:37] know you.
[03:51:38] I am Zerka.
[03:51:39] I am an influencer.
[03:51:40] Influencer?
[03:51:41] What does that mean?
[03:51:42] That comes in a lot of things.
[03:51:43] I influence the youth to do the right thing.
[03:51:46] To do the right thing?
[03:51:48] So you have like an online, you know, people have seen you online before on that one.
[03:51:52] You're not like just starting out, you've been on there for a while.
[03:51:55] So here's his strategy.
[03:51:56] Yeah, Zerch has been around. I've known this guy for like, fuck, seven, eight years. Yeah.
[03:52:09] Since like 2000 and like, 17 or 18, something like that. Yeah. It's been a long time. Really?
[03:52:18] Yeah. Yeah. Because he was on Twitch a lot for a while. And then I met him in like 2019.
[03:52:23] He yeah, he was like visiting summer is fine. Yeah, people. Yeah
[03:52:29] Pete me of course
[03:52:31] It's been around for a while
[03:52:34] Josh there's for me. I don't know what he's doing nowadays. I have no idea. I'm just saying like back then
[03:52:41] He's on Raj. He wasn't rush
[03:52:43] A lot of nutshell but Todd takes the most explosive moments from his interviews and turns them into short rage bait clips
[03:52:49] He does this because it works in the last 365 days his long-form videos have given him 7.2 million views
[03:52:56] Whereas his short clips have put an impressive
[03:52:59] 329 that's really good. However despite all of this Matan's channel has been struggling with subscriber and view counts ever since mid
[03:53:07] 2023 well, yeah, it's built around controversy
[03:53:10] And the problem is always that if you build your content at the expense of other people or you build your content
[03:53:17] that is around being a nuisance.
[03:53:20] This kind of has like an expiration date
[03:53:23] and people don't find it entertaining anymore.
[03:53:26] And so, and there's like a number of reasons for it, right?
[03:53:31] So like the reason why Bruno wasn't as good as Borat
[03:53:33] and the reason why Borat wasn't as good as Ali G
[03:53:37] is because more people knew Bruno than new Borat
[03:53:40] and more people knew Borat than new Ali G.
[03:53:43] So when Ali G would interview people,
[03:53:46] They didn't know what they were getting themselves into.
[03:53:49] They had no idea.
[03:53:50] But by the time that he was born at,
[03:53:52] and he was Bruno,
[03:53:56] like we're talking about Sacha Baron Cohen, right?
[03:53:58] Ali G was the goat.
[03:53:59] Yeah, Ali G was amazing.
[03:54:01] And the reason why it was so good
[03:54:03] is because of the fact that it was like unknown.
[03:54:05] So it's like a weird paradox
[03:54:07] that like content like this can't be popular.
[03:54:11] Because if it's really popular,
[03:54:13] then people know the person who's doing it.
[03:54:15] So it becomes not interesting anymore.
[03:54:17] Do you see what I'm saying?
[03:54:19] You see how this happens?
[03:54:21] So it's like you have to transition completely
[03:54:23] into doing a different type of content.
[03:54:28] And then his monthly view counts have dropped by whopping 90%.
[03:54:31] And his subscriber growth has slowed down significantly.
[03:54:34] This decline explains why Metan has been working
[03:54:36] so hard to rebuild his audience.
[03:54:38] His brash, impulsive content still shows his figuring
[03:54:41] out his voice as a creator.
[03:54:42] As part of his trial and error-
[03:54:43] He's still like, I mean, he's like 18, right?
[03:54:46] like 17, 18, 19 years old. Like it's gonna take a, it takes time to figure shit out, right? I mean,
[03:54:52] like I, the thing is the kind of stuff that I did whenever I was like 12 was like way different
[03:54:57] than what I did at 15, which was different than what I did at 17 and 19 and 21. And like, you
[03:55:02] guys have seen a lot of that, right? And so like, yeah, that's just the way that I don't think
[03:55:08] that that's bad yeah that's not yeah he's still a young but yeah he got he got time
[03:55:16] metana's been drawing attention by joining several controversial podcast interviews
[03:55:20] you think that yellow face is okay uh no because every time i go to universal studios i see a lot of
[03:55:26] new yellow people with yellow face if they're minions i think it's probably okay and it looks
[03:55:33] like his efforts and that's what's funny about it right and like that that type of interview style
[03:55:39] is fucking hilarious to me because it's like you're asking somebody who's obviously trying to give
[03:55:44] like this fake politically correct answer but they're worried about being taken in the wrong way
[03:55:50] so they're not saying the obvious common sense thing which is like yeah that's minions not
[03:55:57] fucking Asian people what are we talking about but they're so afraid of saying it in the wrong
[03:56:01] way that they just look like idiots. And I think that's hilarious to me.
[03:56:07] He paying off.
[03:56:09] Matan's videos were introduced online creators with his edgy humor are starting to click with
[03:56:13] a certain crowd.
[03:56:14] Sam Hyde hires 20 Indians to destroy Matan's podcast.
[03:56:18] Well, he recently put in over 700,000 views on a video titled Sam Hyde hires 20 Indians
[03:56:25] to destroy Matan's podcast.
[03:56:27] More of them, there's more.
[03:56:30] What are you going to do with them after? Where are you going to go?
[03:56:32] That's not my problem. It's LA's problem.
[03:56:34] Matan Evan has-
[03:56:35] Oh my god.
[03:56:46] It's crazy how like, I want to do a racism chart after this.
[03:56:52] Had his five minutes of fame, and then some, constantly trying to stay relevant on the internet.
[03:56:57] While some may think he's fading into obscurity, it seems as slowly and steadily expanding
[03:57:01] his audience.
[03:57:02] It's smart of him to focus his videos within a specific niche, and it might only be a
[03:57:06] matter of time before Matan goes viral again.
[03:57:08] It's safe to say, I'm excited to watch what he does with his career, as he genuinely
[03:57:12] seems like a talented and humorous person. I cannot wait to see what happens. I really
[03:57:17] can't. I think that he has such a great future ahead of him. He's only 18 or like somewhere
[03:57:24] around. There's really young guy. He's already done a number of like really funny things.
[03:57:29] Like honestly, he has so far to go. He's a clever kid. He is. And he's going to
[03:57:35] have fuck ups like that Kai thing made him look like a complete goofball and a clown.
[03:57:41] But other than that, man, that was so fucking funny.
[03:57:45] He's so easy, I'm gonna be back.
[03:57:47] Yes, the game warrants is close. He needs to go see like, I think that if you were to ask Jeff privately off the record over drinks at the end of the night, was it funny that it happened?
[03:58:05] He would probably say apps of fucking literally.
[03:58:08] I think probably looking back on it. I think he's like, yeah, it was pretty funny that that happened, right? No, he wouldn't
[03:58:19] He brought I don't know
[03:58:21] You guys don't think so it made him look like an idiot. Yeah, no
[03:58:25] I mean like it like I'm talking about that's what I'm saying like I think that you can look at from a professional stance, right?
[03:58:32] Maybe it might be too personal
[03:58:33] But like I could see we're like I can see yes, obviously it's entertaining that this happened even though it made me look bad
[03:58:39] kids grins us out yeah I think you'd laugh about it now yeah sure and then
[03:58:44] hindsight he would be yeah of course in hindsight right we don't really know Jeff
[03:58:48] no I don't I've talked to him a few times he's actually been like literally like
[03:58:52] the best guy and so yeah literally nothing bad to say about Jeff but yeah
[03:58:58] it's speculation he might not like it it is speculation but there's the video
[03:59:01] right there and I don't think that he's gonna fall off necessarily I think
[03:59:06] he's figuring out like what to do, right?
[03:59:08] So like, for example, I think that the,
[03:59:11] like the idea of giving out $100 bills
[03:59:14] to homeless people, to homelessness, but they're fake.
[03:59:19] So the homeless people will get arrested
[03:59:21] and get sent to jail to get rid of homelessness.
[03:59:24] That's the kind of stuff that,
[03:59:28] that is, it doesn't get better than that to me, you know?
[03:59:35] That's so perfect.
[03:59:36] I'll be right back.
[04:00:57] Did you wash your hands?
[04:00:58] Shut up.
[04:01:00] So anyway, yeah, that's what I think.
[04:01:02] I think there's a lot more to go.
[04:01:04] This is not the end of the story.
[04:01:06] Now, I do think that it's crazy
[04:01:09] how much Indian racism there is now.
[04:01:13] It's nuts.
[04:01:14] I see it all the time.
[04:01:16] It's like it's one of the most popular types of racism now.
[04:01:20] And I feel like it kind of came out of nowhere
[04:01:23] because for a long time,
[04:01:25] it's like nobody's really talking about indians
[04:01:28] and like now it's out of control yes
[04:01:30] people are just going ape shit about it
[04:01:32] it's the new racism that i guess
[04:01:34] because i for a while like there was a lot of races means white people
[04:01:38] and then like twitter got on by a must then there's a lot of racism is black
[04:01:41] people
[04:01:42] and then there's like
[04:01:43] and there's like now there's like and i like israeli i was a racism jewish
[04:01:47] people like it's you know back and forth right
[04:01:50] then there's a lot of that
[04:01:51] and then all you forgot about asians yes is racing in asians for
[04:01:55] for covid and like now it's indians people are going apeshit about indians
[04:02:03] but why indians i i i don't even really know
[04:02:08] i i really don't this is racism that it yeah it's like i think indians have
[04:02:13] scaled and and the crazy thing about it is because like
[04:02:17] i don't really know why it is but it seems like it's way more socially
[04:02:24] acceptable to be racist against Indians than it is against a lot of other groups. It is. It's
[04:02:30] Pash's crazy. Yeah. The scam centers. I mean, but yeah, but there's tons of people that run
[04:02:37] the people that are running the scam centers are usually like some of them are white people.
[04:02:42] Like it's not like Indians are the only scanners. Like what do you mean?
[04:02:47] That's just crazy. Indians just just don't cry about yeah, I'm trying to think about this.
[04:02:51] I think it started with the Indian food TikTok scam calls are like 90%
[04:02:58] Native American I feel like native like there's not really a lot of Native American racism
[04:03:03] I mean like is there like I don't really think so. I mean, I feel like there's such a small group of people
[04:03:10] There's not a lot of conversation about it really and if there were more of them
[04:03:15] I they're probably of course there'd be more racism because that's what people do in Canada
[04:03:20] Oh, right. Yes. Yes. And in Canada, I think it is different. They're generally rude as fuck here in
[04:03:29] Korda. There's a big rape acceptance culture. It makes them very unpopular. Yeah. It's like,
[04:03:33] I hear that kind of stuff. And I always wonder how much of this is really true. Because I'm the
[04:03:40] kind of guy that like, I hear something like that and I say like, aha, yeah, sure. But I don't
[04:03:46] Oh no man, bro who said that, yeah, women are very unsafe in India, like extraordinarily
[04:03:54] unsafe, yeah I hear that sometimes from people, people say a lot of bad things about women
[04:03:57] having bad experiences in India, but like India is different than Indians, am I crazy?
[04:04:04] Like I don't know, I see an Indian here, you know, and his name is Bill or William,
[04:04:21] Yeah, he might have some last name that's fucking 15 letters or some shit, but his name is William like what the fuck
[04:04:28] Yeah, I don't know
[04:04:30] India's cannot yeah, I don't know man
[04:04:33] White women are crowded and even chased. Yeah, but that's an India. I'm not going to India
[04:04:38] They're not in India either
[04:04:41] You ever think to yourself maybe the reason why these Indians are here in the West is because they didn't like it over there
[04:04:46] They're like, get the fuck out of there?
[04:04:51] Yeah, I don't know.
[04:04:53] Made up Western?
[04:04:55] Yeah, I guess so.
[04:04:58] And ironically, I think Indian racism is targeted at the country itself and not the
[04:05:01] race.
[04:05:04] You think it's actually just about people who just don't like India and not really
[04:05:07] Indians?
[04:05:09] I think that's a, I mean, that's fair.
[04:05:12] Like maybe.
[04:05:15] I don't know.
[04:05:16] I think that there's like, it's one of those things where there's like a, it's like how people like, there's like the Jude, the, the Jew haters and then also the Israel haters and it's like, you do have muddying of the water there, right?
[04:05:31] Where it's like, a lot of these people are like, yeah, Israel is so bad. They're so bad. And everybody from there is also bad and then their descendants are bad and then the people that are following their religion are bad.
[04:05:45] Right? And they just keep going. But like you're right. It's true. All popular Indian racism happening
[04:05:50] only applies to half the country. Yeah. I don't know. India is a very big place. There's like over a
[04:05:55] billion people in it. So I think it's really a lot different for different places. Google CEO,
[04:06:02] Microsoft CEO, IBM CEO, or so on are Indian, but people think that they're stupid. I think
[04:06:07] that actually is one of the reasons why people feel like they're more comfortable being racist
[04:06:12] towards Indians. It's because there's a number of people that are Indian that have high positions
[04:06:20] of power. So it's like, okay, this is a group that has some degree of status, so now we can shit on
[04:06:28] them. This is the way it is. People always want to be able to punch up, right? It's called model
[04:06:36] minority. I mean, I don't know about model minority. I'm just saying like, this is like,
[04:06:41] that's like a totally different, like it's like a tokenism thing, right? That's something
[04:06:45] different. I would say it's how Nazism started. Well, I don't know about Nazism, but I'm
[04:06:50] just saying in general, give me a second, we got to, we got to get back into this.
[04:07:01] All right, gentlemen, it's been a few days. We've had a little bit of interruptions,
[04:07:18] it is time for a little bit of monkey business. We're going to get back into it. We're going
[04:07:23] to get back on to it. I'm ready to play this game. I haven't played it ever since the, uh,
[04:07:27] since the shit came out. I'm actually like pretty, uh, I'm pretty excited about this.
[04:07:32] Yeah, I'm very excited. And, uh, I've been wanting to play this ever since I stopped
[04:07:37] playing it last time, honestly. It's monkey time. It is this monkey time. Let's go to work.
[04:07:41] Let's do this small funny thing. Yeah
[04:07:48] No more bush outlaws. I am never playing that piece of shit game again. I hated that game so much
[04:07:53] I never want to play it again. I'm gonna be totally honest with you guys like I
[04:07:58] Genuinely had like if it was possible to have negative fun somehow I managed to do it
[04:08:04] Like I fucking hated it
[04:08:07] Just give dark and darker. No, that's why I haven't played dark and darker for a while
[04:08:13] Eventually I will play it though
[04:08:15] Did you figure out how to want to install it? I actually have it
[04:08:22] Please don't want to talk about the Indians on top of the food chain
[04:08:24] But the number of Indians as professors in the US University is as big
[04:08:27] I don't like it's just listen
[04:08:30] It's another typical run of the mill like let's be racist towards this group of people like it just it
[04:08:37] This happens all the time right? I mean, I don't really think that there's a lot to it
[04:08:41] Like white people get it black people get it like everybody gets this. It's just the way it is, right?
[04:08:47] Any chance you're gonna play Dustborn? I thought about it, but I just don't really want to play it. I don't know
[04:08:55] Okay. Oh, this is where I was at. Oh shit
[04:08:59] Cuz this is with the flying saucer. I
[04:09:04] remember this
[04:09:06] Racism on rotation it is. I
[04:09:10] Sure hope I haven't forgotten how to play because I'm not played like two days
[04:09:12] I think it said that I I want to make sure that I'm caught up with everything, too
[04:09:21] Racism isn't really that big of a deal anymore old news.
[04:09:27] Well, I don't think it's really like it's just how people are man like you get mad about it. That's just how people are
[04:09:34] What do you think about Unreal 5 games? I think that Unreal 5 games are not anything. I
[04:09:41] Don't think that they're good. I don't think that they're bad. I think that they are just simply games and
[04:09:46] That's the way it is
[04:09:49] It you went hard on hidden bosses who should be good. Yeah. Yeah, sure
[04:09:57] You're playing one. Yeah, this is an Unreal 5 engine game. Like I don't think that Unreal 5 is
[04:10:02] necessarily like a good or a bad thing. I think it's just a tool that people use. And so some
[04:10:06] people make games with Unreal 5. Unreal 5 has a very good ability of making games look good.
[04:10:14] So like when you see a game that looks good and it's made in Unreal 5,
[04:10:19] you shouldn't go and think to yourself, oh my god, this game is going to be
[04:10:22] fucking amazing. Like that's absolutely not the case. Because there are plenty of Unreal
[04:10:27] 5 games that look amazing. Jesus Christ is sticking a lot of load. But they're not very good.
[04:10:35] Okay, so it looks like Gameplay is king. Yeah, that's what really thinks, that's what I think
[04:10:39] about it too. Okay. All right, so where were we? So we were around here. We killed Mr. Long over
[04:10:50] there he died and this is me I'm on the
[04:10:55] turtle well let's go this way I'm on my
[04:11:04] way you try the bug with infant spells
[04:11:10] no I'm not using bugs in the game I
[04:11:13] think I went this way this is the right
[04:11:15] path to take are these bad guys what
[04:11:28] the fuck what the fuck is that the
[04:11:43] fuck what's this dick trying to attack
[04:11:50] me for I'm getting attacked by a
[04:11:54] a literal fucking dick yeah I killed this guy what the hell is going on I'm
[04:12:20] worried I might miss something I want to look around here there's got to be
[04:12:25] something hidden I knew it I fucking knew it okay he dead that was bad
[04:12:41] time okay get him out of here wait what oh right yeah I'm going for a
[04:12:50] couple of days. I'm out of practice. Make sure I get myself topped off too. Why don't you?
[04:13:03] Okay, there we go. I think we're missing something. I can feel it in my brain that I know that
[04:13:14] we're missing some sort of object or item. I just don't know what it is yet. There's
[04:13:22] There's a lot of cock suckers down there.
[04:13:24] Let's go kill him.
[04:13:36] Fuck you, man.
[04:13:37] Fuck you.
[04:13:38] You piece of shit.
[04:13:39] Okay.
[04:13:40] By the way, like I am 100% going off the edge here soon.
[04:13:54] It hasn't happened yet, but it will.
[04:13:57] Okay, that guy's dead.
[04:13:59] There it is.
[04:14:08] He's dead.
[04:14:10] And there's still nothing here that I'm looking for.
[04:14:19] I'm actually glad that I'm fighting some of these normal mobs right now because
[04:14:22] I am very much out of practice.
[04:14:28] There is something keep going.
[04:14:30] Okay.
[04:14:38] That's another dick.
[04:14:41] It's a shooting dick. Where's the shooting dick?
[04:14:45] There it is!
[04:14:55] Okay, good.
[04:14:56] And there's the second shooting dick. I don't know where it's coming from, no.
[04:15:02] It's that way. Oh, I see it.
[04:15:05] I knew I would find something. Here we go.
[04:15:07] What's this?
[04:15:10] This would better be something good.
[04:15:13] Cold iron leaves. I don't need that shit.
[04:15:18] What the fuck is that for?
[04:15:27] I think I got everything.
[04:15:31] Guys, I think I got pretty much fucking everything.
[04:15:38] need your shit well one thing I actually do need to do is somebody said I missed a turtle near that beach
[04:15:50] that's the only thing I think I missed out on oh I didn't see get the fuck out of your pussy
[04:16:02] yeah I I did miss a turtle so next time I get to a checkpoint I'm gonna go back to that
[04:16:07] Yeah, yeah, oh here it is. Okay here we go
[04:16:24] You missed a chest I'm gonna go get it. I don't have um, I
[04:16:36] Don't have a chest identification vision. So a lot of times. I'll miss chests. That's a lie
[04:16:49] Well, sometimes I just don't I don't just don't see it
[04:16:52] Like, it sounds weird, but like, uh, blind core. Oh, I need those. It's actually really good.
[04:16:57] Um...
[04:17:01] Like, I just don't see things. Like, if you guys had an eye tracker, you would realize that...
[04:17:07] My eyes literally just never even see it.
[04:17:12] Boss at the back of the turtle. I already killed him.
[04:17:14] It's an easy boss.
[04:17:16] I had lag when I fought it a few times, but then I...
[04:17:18] Let's do it. Let's leave.
[04:17:43] Nice. That's a big boy.
[04:18:13] I hear you alive or suffer the same.
[04:18:18] You'd better off staying a stone.
[04:18:25] You're too old for those.
[04:18:28] Ah, stop.
[04:18:29] Stop it.
[04:18:30] Stay here and wait.
[04:18:32] Check on your seat now.
[04:18:34] Okay.
[04:18:35] Let's do it.
[04:18:39] Well, now what?
[04:18:42] I guess I just...
[04:18:44] Is this...
[04:18:45] Is this a guy?
[04:18:46] Oh!
[04:18:49] Oh, Nick.
[04:18:51] Damn!
[04:18:52] That's a big boy.
[04:18:54] Oh my God!
[04:18:55] That's a big boy.
[04:18:56] Wait, oh, is he gonna help me?
[04:19:02] Oh shit!
[04:19:07] Fuck yeah!
[04:19:17] Wait, he heals me too?
[04:19:19] I could get used to this, this is awesome!
[04:19:21] Yeah!
[04:19:27] Let's look over here.
[04:19:31] Got hit by that, I was behind it.
[04:19:49] This seems like a nice place.
[04:19:56] What the fuck is that?
[04:20:00] That looks like a danger bird.
[04:20:04] Jesus, bro, like...
[04:20:22] This lag is bad.
[04:20:24] I'm getting bad lag.
[04:20:29] Okay, what we get?
[04:20:32] We did not get anything good.
[04:20:34] And I'm assuming if I go into the water, I'm just dead.
[04:20:38] So let's just not even try.
[04:20:40] Let's see what's going on over here.
[04:20:42] We got a bunch of SEMs out here.
[04:20:47] Okay, then we got this guy.
[04:20:49] Alright, easy enough.
[04:21:06] We gotta get some celestial pairs.
[04:21:10] Just what I needed.
[04:21:13] I gotta kill more of these cock suckers?
[04:21:16] Why? They got so much fucking health!
[04:21:19] Wait, he's not starting trouble, is he?
[04:21:22] Oh!
[04:21:25] Let me play the game!
[04:21:35] This guy, he's so aggro!
[04:21:37] Check your fur, pal.
[04:21:45] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[04:21:47] Okay, let's look around.
[04:21:49] Make sure I didn't miss anything on the way over here.
[04:21:52] I'm sure I did.
[04:21:53] But let's go this way.
[04:21:55] You missed a shrine?
[04:21:56] Okay, let me go back and make sure I pick it up.
[04:21:58] I actually am like 95% sure that you're right.
[04:22:01] Go straight.
[04:22:10] A hidden boss too.
[04:22:12] No, it's okay.
[04:22:16] The areas in this game aren't like super big.
[04:22:25] I see, see, it tells me where to go.
[04:22:28] The game wants me to win.
[04:22:33] There's seven corn dogs.
[04:22:36] Why have to capture all the corn dogs to become the uh...
[04:22:39] Is that like a new transformation?
[04:22:45] I go into Glizzy Overdrive, yeah, exactly.
[04:22:54] Let me see what I can make. Okay, so
[04:23:06] Golden long staff
[04:23:10] See, here's the thing right is that I actually think that
[04:23:19] Pillar stat pillar stance is like way better than what I'm using
[04:23:24] Like I feel like it's way better
[04:23:26] But the reason why I'm not using it and you guys are gonna think this is ego and the reason why is because it's absolutely ego
[04:23:33] Because I think it's too easy
[04:23:37] It's just too easy and I would win every flight with no effort and I just I
[04:23:47] Want to beat like I don't know that's let's see it
[04:23:56] Well, I'm just telling you guys this that's what I think like if you guys want I will play
[04:24:03] Like I will figure it out out figure it out off stream and figure out how pillar stance works
[04:24:09] And I will come back tomorrow and play it and you guys will be mad
[04:24:14] You'll actually be I can guarantee you you will be mad at me for playing killer stans
[04:24:19] Go to the water. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go right the fuck. I want how about that
[04:24:26] I'm gonna run around and I kill everything and then I'll export all the stuff and get all the items. How about that?
[04:24:36] He says I don't want to die
[04:24:42] Wait, what?
[04:24:45] three cocks
[04:24:47] This guy's got three brown cocks aggroed on him
[04:24:56] I see a wonder
[04:24:58] Monk must be in danger when he devices
[04:25:01] I'm gonna sneak up on him
[04:25:09] Okay
[04:25:11] Alright you wanna do this?
[04:25:12] I'll see you in the honest
[04:25:14] Oops
[04:25:15] Where's the last one?
[04:25:42] Get out of here pussy, fuck you
[04:25:44] Where's this loser?
[04:25:49] Who you want?
[04:25:51] Wait, you won't eat me, will you?
[04:25:54] I was, I was an atresionant
[04:25:58] But I ended up being hunted
[04:26:00] I owe you my life sir I'll share the treasure with you once I find it he's a
[04:26:06] snake look at his neck bro he's a snake say why is there nothing but yeah
[04:26:14] we'll get his neck but us realm can I look to you to save me again sir if
[04:26:20] they come back yeah green without round and sweet red within a summer treat
[04:26:28] Where can I find something like that in this frozen land green without these
[04:26:36] nuts that's one compare next no it put that maybe on the snake too okay this
[04:26:48] guy was going on a treasure hunt we've got to find out what he was looking for
[04:26:52] Oh, I found a treasure. That was easy. Yeah, he didn't see it. It was right here.
[04:27:02] What an idiot. Ooh, look what we got. A Blue Bridge Romance. And it's a drink.
[04:27:25] What does the drink do? It's medicine. Moderately increases movement speed. Man.
[04:28:16] Three slots. Yeah, it's got three slots
[04:28:19] Like this one's really good
[04:28:26] But I think I should use this especially if I upgrade it
[04:28:39] Yeah, this one seems big bit movement speed might help a lot
[04:28:42] I actually don't think so because we're looking at 25% we're thinking at 45 versus 36% health, but we can also
[04:28:51] Make this cause it to do and recover more health as well
[04:28:55] So like if you have a damage reduction and also Lotus seeds while at the same time you have cock solid
[04:29:03] I think that you put all those together and you have a huge increase
[04:29:09] Right. It's a massive basic bonus, right? The coconuts this
[04:29:15] This I don't think it's good like it only has one slot
[04:29:22] Upgrade. Yeah, I will I will I want to finish this area though
[04:29:27] That's actually huge for me though. Okay, we did everything here. I don't know if that's the treasure that guy was talking about
[04:29:39] But we're gonna assume that's not and keep exploring
[04:29:44] Okay, it looks like the exploration part is over. All right, that's literally it
[04:29:49] Let's go talk to this loser again
[04:29:52] Put some music. Oh, there's a lot of bosses in this game. You'll get music very soon
[04:30:00] Guy is a secret boss. Of course. He is you just look at him his neck's like a snake
[04:30:06] Fuck. Okay, I guess you have to go down this way.
[04:30:17] Shank your camera. No, no, no, no, chill, chill, chill, chill.
[04:30:25] I only want advice on how to, um, I only want advice on, on like how to, how to access bosses.
[04:30:34] So I don't want to miss a boss, but it's okay if that looks bad. Is he bad?
[04:30:53] Let's get that chest first. Are we good? Are we good or no? Are we good or why would he do that? Why would he do that to me?
[04:31:41] What the hell is it? Stop it. What to do? Because I'm getting these frame stutters and I just get hit by them.
[04:32:45] by them yeah I'm getting fucked by this okay turn off the ray tracing I'm
[04:33:04] gonna see if maybe it'll get better because usually it gets better after
[04:33:08] like one attempt all right let's try this this done
[04:33:19] I
[04:35:19] Was just water's fucking my ass
[04:35:39] So I are we good or what like what
[04:35:53] Zoo dog
[04:36:01] He's medicinal.
[04:36:17] Okay.
[04:36:18] Alright, I know what we have to do.
[04:36:24] We have to go and get the thing and we have to go talk to Mr. Dog, don't we?
[04:36:31] What do you guys think?
[04:36:32] We go talk to Mr. Dog?
[04:36:37] Let's do it.
[04:36:38] Let's go talk to Mr. Dog.
[04:36:39] We have to save Mr. Long by talking to Mr. Dog.
[04:36:42] I want to make sure I didn't miss something here.
[04:36:47] I don't know if I went this way.
[04:36:48] I did.
[04:36:49] Okay.
[04:36:53] You have to teleport by the way.
[04:36:55] I fucking know that.
[04:36:57] I'm going over to the teleport right now.
[04:36:58] You gotta even know that.
[04:37:10] Travel.
[04:37:13] Crouching Tiger.
[04:37:15] Hidden Dog.
[04:37:18] You have an item to teleport?
[04:37:20] Yeah, but why would I use the item if I could waste more time walking around?
[04:37:26] Why would I do that?
[04:37:33] RTX off, fix my stutter.
[04:37:36] Maybe you're right.
[04:37:40] You know what I need to do is I need to upgrade my gear.
[04:37:43] People said you can upgrade your gear.
[04:37:45] I hope I'll be able to soon.
[04:37:46] All right, you fucking loser. How you doing self-refinement is the way to make okay make medicines
[04:38:06] Which one does he want which which one does he want talk
[04:38:15] Your grim face alone speaks for that old long
[04:38:20] Brain refrain from blaming him. He's ill-tempered persist unaltered since the first day of our long acquaintance
[04:38:28] Recreate Naut for his power and juice. His desire to have one more pill. Gladly he bestowed by me.
[04:38:36] Do we make this? Fortifying medicine is busted.
[04:38:49] In Kansas the tenacity effect of certain staff abilities. Is tenacity poised?
[04:39:01] Yes, okay. Okay, so we need to do...
[04:39:09] Maxibum...
[04:39:11] Maxibum...
[04:39:15] Stam...
[04:39:20] I'm thinking we're gonna go...
[04:39:24] into stamina recovery rate.
[04:39:28] And we're gonna do...
[04:39:30] I know this might sound crazy, but I wanna do
[04:39:32] three stamina recovery rates.
[04:39:34] I'm gonna do three.
[04:39:41] You need a certain amount of maxam for something at the end?
[04:39:46] Okay, well then,
[04:39:48] when I get there, I'll just complain.
[04:39:50] I'll come find about the game and quit
[04:39:54] Yeah, that's no problem. I'm not worried about that and then we'll get more mana. Yeah
[04:40:06] You can respect for free I don't think you can with this
[04:40:09] And we'll get one defense as well because I think defense matters a lot
[04:40:13] Seek from within to ascend. Seek from without.
[04:40:22] Okay. It's not 3A across the wheel. Yeah, I thought I did.
[04:40:26] Okay, so I was right as usual. Okay, so we have that.
[04:40:30] All this is done. And then we have the store. Let's see if we can buy anything on the store.
[04:40:34] Uh, is this like a, um, like a buff?
[04:40:45] Okay, so I, I don't, alright.
[04:41:00] So I'm not gonna use that. Yeah. Okay, I'm not gonna worry about that at all.
[04:41:05] For considerably increases damage for a long duration that seems really good
[04:41:11] Okay, and then we have to go talk to okay, so that's done and
[04:41:16] Then we have to go talk to John Gord don't we?
[04:41:20] Yeah
[04:41:32] Ken Tiger. Well, I don't know what the tiger is
[04:41:38] No, no, no not long yet. We are we're gonna talk to long, but first we have to talk to go to Gord
[04:41:44] because remember I got the new gourd that has three sockets in it so I should
[04:41:50] upgrade that gourd and make sure that all my other upgrades are finished you see
[04:41:55] what I'm saying so that way I can be stacked out and ready to go to work
[04:42:00] you can't upgrade this one well I don't know that how am I supposed to know
[04:42:07] that it looks like you can't upgrade this one
[04:42:21] yeah so yeah you're not able to do it lambrew considerable amount of health
[04:42:33] and I guess you just buy this to have it I'm gonna just buy it just to have you
[04:42:47] have a shop sorry I'm afraid I do I'm gonna just buy it to have a room okay
[04:42:54] Okay, so what if I went with, so if I went with blue bridge romance and then, sorry, I'm
[04:43:18] like really trying to understand this.
[04:43:27] So can I un-equip this or move?
[04:43:29] Okay, now we've got this one on.
[04:43:38] And then, see like I don't really think move speed is that important.
[04:43:44] So we're gonna do solely a cover small amount of health, number one.
[04:43:47] Number two, damage reduction.
[04:44:02] I think we're gonna go with Cox Island.
[04:44:04] What do you guys think about that?
[04:44:06] I feel like that's obviously what we go with, right?
[04:44:15] Yeah, it seems like it's really good.
[04:44:18] Like for now, right?
[04:44:19] I mean, I feel like I could do better in the future,
[04:44:23] but like that's good for now.
[04:44:25] And we can't do this.
[04:44:28] Recovers more health upon awakening the gourd.
[04:44:31] So there's a big part of me that
[04:44:33] thinks that actually getting this will be better.
[04:44:36] But I don't really know.
[04:44:40] Yeah, it's really hard for me to say.
[04:44:49] It will later on.
[04:44:52] Just wait for Lambrou.
[04:44:54] I really just don't know.
[04:44:56] Okay, and then we were at...
[04:44:58] Okay, so we did all that, then travel.
[04:45:06] So people said that I missed something here.
[04:45:08] I need to- there's a turtle I didn't get.
[04:45:11] I wanna make sure that I look around and get that fucking turtle.
[04:45:14] I don't wanna miss any fucking turtles.
[04:45:16] On the right. Yeah
[04:45:20] We're gonna go this way
[04:45:22] Because I started that the boss and I didn't finish exploring this area. I don't want to look at that dick sucker. I
[04:45:36] Just don't want to see him. We can't throw that one. Have you eaten? I actually haven't eaten anything today. I
[04:45:55] Ran out of protein bars. I have to order more eat my ass
[04:46:07] I wish that there was a game that came out like this like a I wonder if like in like 50 years
[04:46:29] Games like this will just be able to be like generated infinitely and like there'll be no reason to go outside or to have friends anymore because you can
[04:46:37] You can just you can just play these games
[04:46:42] Yeah, they'll be like instantly generated and like you'll have like a fake robot girlfriend. Oh
[04:46:53] I knew I missed this shit.
[04:47:04] Long's whisker.
[04:47:06] Wait, what?
[04:47:12] The hell's a long whisker?
[04:47:14] I want it, I want it, I want it.
[04:47:54] Okay.
[04:47:57] Do I have to go talk to John Gordigan?
[04:48:00] Just go to, go to Long first, okay.
[04:48:14] I'll teleport back.
[04:48:18] I'll do it at there,
[04:48:20] and then we're gonna go talk to John Long.
[04:48:22] Okay, here we go.
[04:48:35] Okay, and then I guess it's Brew.
[04:48:37] Uh, yeah.
[04:48:39] and cock solid, we're gonna get rid of this
[04:48:41] and we're gonna do immobilize spell.
[04:48:43] Cause like I'm built really into immobilize anyway.
[04:48:46] Okay, which reminds me,
[04:48:47] we should look into what we can do with that mysticism.
[04:48:51] Okay, immobilize.
[04:49:11] Do you know I've never done this?
[04:49:21] I've actually never used any of these abilities at all.
[04:49:35] I think we're just gonna go all the way into this
[04:49:37] because I think this is gonna be really good.
[04:49:42] And we're gonna get this next.
[04:49:44] I'm very much an immobilized believer. Thrust filled? Yeah. Okay. I think this is
[04:49:58] where... yeah. So you get Spellbinder? Oh no, no, I'm sure I gotta change things up
[04:50:08] every once in a while. You know nothing about thrusting? I don't, actually.
[04:50:15] That's the problem. Okay, here we go. Let's go talk to Long-Dong.
[04:50:28] There's long gone right there deliver
[04:51:12] What's this it's the blacksmith this is a nice place. Yo
[04:52:16] Okay, he's not selling anything different
[04:52:21] No shame in taking the pills.
[04:52:24] More unfair are the innate skills.
[04:52:27] It's John Wong.
[04:52:31] Now, all of the Zodiac deities may come and go freely.
[04:52:40] Don't make light of our kind.
[04:52:45] Without our assistance on such an arduous journey,
[04:52:48] it may be too hard for you to complete.
[04:52:51] It's rare for strangers to gain entry here.
[04:52:54] Yeah, seeing our paths cross. I brought you in
[04:53:01] her seeds
[04:53:15] From seed to sprout to fruit to harvest patience is the path. Hello
[04:53:22] Rest assured his own long noses trained as they say fine soil yields fine sprouts and fine sprouts bear fine fruits
[04:53:33] No
[04:53:34] You get three crafting items
[04:53:36] oh wow that's awesome oh fuck yeah keep going I will I will chill out oops oh
[04:54:01] oh is he gonna upgrade my weapon wait I want that one yeah I want it
[04:54:17] spare me your prattle it bores me what since you react the scrap you're all
[04:54:23] all in constay no more.
[04:54:26] What?
[04:54:28] Craft weapons?
[04:54:29] Looks like I can't craft anything new with this.
[04:54:34] This is all the same.
[04:54:40] Okay.
[04:54:41] And then craft armor.
[04:54:43] Because I like this set.
[04:54:56] I want to see what he's selling.
[04:55:05] I don't need any of these.
[04:55:06] I've heard of a bunch of them.
[04:55:12] So upgrade the armor.
[04:55:17] Wow.
[04:55:21] This can give you some edge.
[04:55:23] Armor in place.
[04:55:30] Assure a pose in any case.
[04:55:33] This is big dick.
[04:55:42] You might be sick, you will.
[04:55:47] Fine goal thread.
[04:55:50] So, I can only do one upgrade right now.
[04:55:56] I think I should just do it.
[04:55:58] It's a super rare material.
[04:56:00] Do feed and arms.
[04:56:01] Okay, so 48 to 78 is obviously 30.
[04:56:04] So, if each one of these, this is 19 to 31.
[04:56:08] So, that's 12.
[04:56:10] And then 12 plus 47.
[04:56:12] 17 so this is actually it's literally the same basic basically the same thing it doesn't matter. I'm just gonna go with
[04:56:27] Let me do I guess one has burr like
[04:56:30] Keras who cares do an arm ring place?
[04:56:32] It's not your person any case
[04:56:37] Okay
[04:56:38] Now is this what I think it is?
[04:56:55] Armrestness I was looking for someone to test it
[04:57:00] Mark me this place
[04:57:02] be discussed from the best method of
[04:57:06] don't blame me if you are yourself
[04:57:09] okay
[04:57:13] what?
[04:57:18] you're on a flag
[04:57:27] I hide
[04:57:31] and take the mage
[04:58:15] you fucking howie can't do that
[04:58:17] that's my main ability
[04:58:40] sure, sure, that's fine
[04:59:13] he does it again?
[04:59:14] out of bitch
[04:59:16] fuck you
[04:59:17] I'm lagging so bad
[04:59:43] RTX off I got to turn something off maybe like 55. Where does it say RTX off?
[05:00:34] Ray tracing that doesn't say RTX that says ray tracing
[05:00:46] R3 is ray tracing, okay
[05:00:48] So I should just turn it off completely
[05:01:11] Am I saved like I know
[05:01:17] requires a reset I just want to make sure I'm safe I am okay hopefully this works
[05:01:27] because like y'all see it right like I'm not I this isn't just me like cuz I if
[05:01:35] y'all don't see it I look like a fucking idiot right you see it yeah okay
[05:01:40] was like it's about yeah I can't I can't stay alive on that I wonder if
[05:01:49] it's the I wonder how the fight works like because he was immune for a while
[05:01:55] and then he stopped being immune is it like maybe it's one of the things where
[05:01:58] it's like if you hit him with it enough times it was like a passive
[05:02:01] resistance or I don't know as long as the tax it's for one attack only I felt
[05:02:14] like I got more than one attack okay let's try it again you can't cast when
[05:02:29] you disappear it won't work yeah no shit try this again I really hope it
[05:02:42] works I fought on hundreds of times I mean a boss fight didn't seem like
[05:02:55] It didn't seem that bad. I just want to be able to do it without getting fucked
[05:03:00] I just don't want to get fucked. We'll figure it out close your browser
[05:03:25] Bosses really hard
[05:04:40] I'm still lagging a little bit
[05:05:25] And I'm getting I'm getting framed like I I don't know what to do
[05:05:47] Like let's try it again
[05:09:25] I don't know what to do turn global illumination down the medium
[05:09:44] Compatibility mode removes lag. I'm afraid of doing that. Just ask him. I'll give it a couple more attempts and honestly I
[05:09:59] It helps a lot? You think so? Like, I don't know.
[05:10:02] Cause I'm really, like, I'm getting fucked on this a lot.
[05:10:08] I feel like I shouldn't be.
[05:10:10] I don't know guys, like, I, man.
[05:12:02] Lock that TS.
[05:12:06] Transforming this block.
[05:12:08] You think I should just try to cheese it?
[05:12:12] Fuck it, let's just try to cheese them.
[05:12:13] Yeah, let's do it.
[05:12:15] Let's actually do it.
[05:12:16] I was trying to play it the right way.
[05:12:17] No, you're right. Let's go.
[05:12:19] I don't know what to do.
[05:13:07] Cause it's like it turned my camera up and I just can't respond fast enough.
[05:13:14] Nice cheese. Yeah, no, it's obviously working, right? I mean, like you can see it's clearly working.
[05:13:19] Okay, here we go.
[05:13:25] Oh, it's still on cooldown. I didn't realize that.
[05:13:32] Frenjan at its latency.
[05:13:34] I'm not seeing lag anymore. I'm definitely getting input lag.
[05:14:35] Like, I'm getting crazy input lag. This is awful.
[05:14:42] It's like I really don't feel feel like I can do it. It's just like I just keep getting fucking locked
[05:16:19] Let's see. I'll do a couple more temps
[05:16:28] Can't use transformation. Yeah, I probably need to I
[05:18:56] Just like
[05:19:00] This boss is really hard I
[05:19:03] I'm actually getting such bad lag. That's why I'm that's why I'm dying. I don't know what to do
[05:21:18] like turn the graphics down from the cinematic to very high like I need to do
[05:21:30] something yeah let's do this hopefully this is gonna work because it's just it's
[05:21:45] so bad frame general let's see how this works and that's how it worked why hold
[05:24:55] back honestly because like I'm close parry he builds it up yeah I didn't
[05:25:04] I know that's how it works.
[05:28:39] What? Hey, no! Take it out of your ear!
[05:28:46] No, no, no, no!
[05:28:48] No, that was...
[05:29:03] You can transform into him now?
[05:29:09] Man, craft more Curios.
[05:29:33] Great sword though.
[05:29:43] Give me a minute, let me think.
[05:29:45] Wait.
[05:29:46] Oh my God, I got another slot for, oh wow.
[05:30:06] Uses my new transform.
[05:30:09] Should I?
[05:30:17] Yes? Okay.
[05:30:21] Man, by the way, what a great fight.
[05:30:28] I just wish I had better frame rate, man.
[05:30:30] Like, I've been getting griefed by this PC.
[05:30:32] I'm like, I need to get a new pro.
[05:30:36] I will message somebody today about,
[05:30:38] Like, what a good fight.
[05:30:40] But holy fuck.
[05:30:42] I was having such a bad time with that.
[05:30:46] I don't know, what processor do you guys think I should get?
[05:30:51] I got AMD?
[05:30:52] Like, if you actually get AMD, man, I don't know.
[05:31:00] Okay, let me think.
[05:31:01] Store, craft, weapons, brew, self advance, set spells.
[05:31:06] There we go.
[05:31:06] Okay, so now I have my transform.
[05:31:08] Okay, so I can do...
[05:31:11] Okay, so I can either be this guy,
[05:31:16] I can be this guy literally nobody wants to be this guy.
[05:31:22] He's a loser next tested.
[05:32:02] Okay.
[05:32:08] It's insanely solid to be fair.
[05:32:10] Like that, that guy did counter me super fucking hard.
[05:32:14] Like, cause my, my, I am totally built like my armor,
[05:32:18] my play style and all my talents are put into stunning.
[05:32:22] And so if I can't stun, I'm fucked.
[05:32:27] It's a tough fight.
[05:32:28] I actually think that it's um yeah I I think I don't think it's really that bad I don't like I think it's just it's it's a good fight I mean it's one of the harder fights in here so far but yeah it's stagger Andy absolutely stagger Andy like 100%
[05:32:50] I made a tactical mistake by I should have waited for after he did his um
[05:32:56] His like immunity combo because he's immune from damage when he's like going in and out of like the the phases
[05:33:02] I should have waited to use the boys after that
[05:33:06] They like to put hard fights inside areas. Yeah
[05:33:13] This swings your big delay, but it makes sense for sword. Yeah. Yeah
[05:33:17] You know some fight up again. It seems to be the same fight. Yeah. Yeah
[05:33:25] Okay, well next time I get to a boss. I'm just gonna dude. I'm just gonna immediately open that on him
[05:33:32] Okay, well we cleared everything here, so let's just go you never use vessel
[05:33:41] Go for the skeleton
[05:33:47] Go all the way to the right. Yeah, that's what I was gonna go. Yeah, chill out
[05:34:17] I'm just gonna ignore this bitch ass. I don't need to kill that one again
[05:34:23] do you have the lag now I do not do it fuck you kidding me how we doing over
[05:34:44] here dick eater snake jenny yellow bow is surely cool
[05:35:07] I'm giving that snake general you gonna be sliding down isn't it to my
[05:35:30] bad the fuck is that this is the worst
[05:36:09] boss for me to use this who's this fat rat
[05:38:10] dick-stuck-and-talking shit motherfucker
[05:38:13] wasn't that hard okay examined maybe the
[05:38:40] tiger I'll say I beat my PC really oh
[05:38:47] now we got a fight oh wow oh no once
[05:39:11] Once mighty generous, no tortured and shattered.
[05:39:14] Damn, that's sad.
[05:39:16] His teardrop holds great power.
[05:39:19] Take it.
[05:39:20] This is thanks to you.
[05:39:28] Where's the teardrop?
[05:39:33] I guess I gotta go this way.
[05:39:39] Oh yeah, we have to go back over to Mr. Turtle.
[05:39:41] Let's go.
[05:39:45] Now, was that a good fight?
[05:39:50] I actually don't like fights like that,
[05:39:51] to be totally honest,
[05:39:53] because it's like it's hard to know,
[05:39:55] like you can't really see them right it's fucking annoying yeah but we beat his
[05:40:00] ass which is what matters right we beat his ass and he's dead and he flew away
[05:40:07] which means that we have to fuck with him again too hey birds I it's the
[05:40:11] camera angles that they create it's not actually the mechanic itself I think
[05:40:16] Mechanics are fine. Ooh, what's this?
[05:40:25] Gabber
[05:40:27] Turtle tier
[05:41:04] Rewarding over heels
[05:41:06] Well, it's mainly like I don't really know if I'm when I'm going to use that
[05:41:15] Because I'm going to use that on like fast boss fights that I want to finish quickly
[05:41:19] It's situational. Yeah, I actually thought like
[05:41:27] Yeah, it's good, but it's not yeah, you guys are saying it's not great. I kind of I can see why people are saying that
[05:41:58] Yeah, definitely dude your second. I thought they got I thought he turned on me. I
[05:42:16] Thought it was there. I thought it was master splinter. I was like wait
[05:42:23] We were just boys a minute. I was so confused
[05:42:31] Okay, what a digs. I gotta add me what a little bitch
[05:43:17] Just a minute. I just got something I needed. Okay, right. I needed this.
[05:43:20] Okay, self-advice. Okay, and this is my immobilized. This is my massive upgrade for immobilized.
[05:43:27] I am fully leveled up on immobilized.
[05:43:30] This is gonna be huge for me.
[05:43:34] Never. Yeah, I know it. That was no problem.
[05:43:40] Okay, let's go this way.
[05:43:42] We are immobilizing. I'm very, very confident about immobilized.
[05:43:50] Except whenever I have to fight a boss that just decides to say,
[05:43:53] Never mind, no. We're not gonna...
[05:43:58] Another Buddha!
[05:43:59] What?
[05:44:03] What?
[05:44:05] What?
[05:44:06] We're gonna get...
[05:44:17] We're gonna get...
[05:44:19] We're gonna get him, too.
[05:44:20] I really should just do pillar stance. I bet it's way better.
[05:44:32] But I like the idea of charging it up, because it reminds me of the Halibardo from Elven Ring.
[05:44:37] That's the reason why I have to do it. Try it? No.
[05:44:39] Why would I... Why would I do this?
[05:44:42] What's in the box?
[05:44:44] a mine goblin smash is kind of good smash is more mobile yeah I like the in
[05:44:57] general I like being able to do it where I've been here before I think this is
[05:45:40] all a it's all a circle only double check and see the smash double heavy is
[05:45:48] great yeah I mean okay dude I think I I think I fucked up okay so I was going
[05:46:24] this way and then let me go this way three right here open the box there we
[05:46:47] There's better be another one of those silk things. I need a lot of those refined
[05:46:56] iron sand. I don't really need that. Okay, so they're all dead. I can't go up this way, can I?
[05:47:24] I can't go... I cannot. Okay. Why, we're figuring it out. Just a minute. Sorry guys.
[05:47:44] I'm I'm like very compulsive with like games like this. I have to make sure I didn't miss anything
[05:47:50] Especially whenever there are those like random turtles that give me a bunch of experience
[05:47:54] I don't want to miss a single thing or not experience. Sorry a bunch of there's something that I get out of this room
[05:48:04] I forgot what it is. So yeah, I miss this
[05:48:15] Wait, I didn't need that
[05:48:17] Wait, was that wait? I was already wait. What? Huh?
[05:48:22] But I already oh
[05:48:29] Okay, two paths lead here. Yeah, I know. Well now we know. Let's go. Now we have to
[05:48:57] fall this way. A map would be awesome. No, we don't need a map. We don't need a map.
[05:49:01] We're just chilling. That's all. Everything is totally okay. Yeah, I'm
[05:49:27] thinking about how I want to use that mana thing. I don't know yet. What do you
[05:49:35] want? There it is. I'm gonna be honest. I actually didn't think that would work.
[05:49:55] Yeah, I thought I was just gonna sit there charging the attack like an idiot. I thought it'd be funny
[05:50:09] Okay, what's this?
[05:50:16] Enhanced Tiger Subduing Pellets
[05:50:19] What the hell was that supposed to be?
[05:50:20] Ooh, we got another one of these
[05:50:23] Nice
[05:50:25] Okay
[05:50:26] There we go
[05:50:30] Tiger equals damage. I don't need damage, I'm fine
[05:50:40] Like if I need to buff myself up I just do it
[05:50:44] Yeah, it's not a big deal at all
[05:50:48] By the way, our transformation does sleep on this ability one. It's broken. I don't even know how to to be honest with you guys
[05:50:59] I don't even know how to use transformations. I have no idea. I don't really know how they work
[05:51:12] Yeah, but I don't know like how to cast different abilities in them
[05:51:17] It's just the way it is
[05:51:33] All right
[05:51:37] Well, that was exciting. There's no way I can go up here, right? This has got to be like that. Yeah
[05:51:43] Okay, I had to double check
[05:51:53] Reason for these guys. I'm not people say like I'm a visual learner. I'm not a visual learner either. I'm just not a learner
[05:52:01] Hey, it's don't learn
[05:52:03] Well, this is a nice place. I swore to God if you use the bow fuck you man. Why would you use that?
[05:52:26] See what happens
[05:52:40] More to me
[05:52:51] She see doesn't
[05:52:53] Gonna upgrade my head to
[05:53:18] Yeah, I think I've got another one of those that I can do, whatever I...
[05:53:26] Okay, let's go over to the pavilion then.
[05:53:31] Oh, this is a nice place. Ooh!
[05:53:53] You see no Buddha because you think no Buddha. No thought, no sight.
[05:54:01] I, the sacred Gormon, saw enough Buddhas before you were born.
[05:54:05] Foolish brat. You didn't see that coming, did you?
[05:54:10] True hearts find their path and the Buddha is on that path.
[05:54:15] Why not worship with a true heart? The path might just show itself.
[05:54:19] Worship my hoof! Visit temples, kneel to figures. You tell no black from white. That's my master.
[05:54:25] Master I am fed up with all these skin deep rights fucking base
[05:54:31] No true heart the path is you with true heart. It's so based
[05:54:41] Okay
[05:54:44] Visit each temple you encounter and worship every Buddha you see or the true face of Buddha will always remain elusive to your eyes
[05:54:55] Why the rush?
[05:54:57] Try looking around to see a Buddha one must hold the Buddha in one's heart
[05:55:06] Okay, Dr. Dick a screenshot or something
[05:55:12] What's this?
[05:55:18] Examiner. Oh, this is you. Oh, he's real fat. Oh
[05:55:22] He's super fat. I get it now
[05:55:26] For buddhas that boy said, huh, they must be for
[05:55:30] Oh, I have to come for those things
[05:55:36] Okay, got it. I understand
[05:55:47] Okay, so I came in through here and I should check over here first because I didn't look here
[05:55:53] And it seems like there could be something special here. It's looking like there's nothing here. Okay
[05:56:03] Let's go up to here. Maybe we got two of them. What's up this one? Go back
[05:56:19] Okay
[05:56:21] Wrong way all right
[05:56:23] You guys know how I am I always try to I always try to go the way they don't want me to go
[05:56:29] The Easter eggs. No, I'm not looking for eggs. I'm just being stupid
[05:56:51] What I feel like this isn't very boot-a-like to just go around and kill people worshipping the Buddhist
[05:57:10] Yeah, I don't know
[05:57:13] Yeah, it's kind of like a bad way to do things but okay
[05:57:22] We'll see so I thought
[05:57:24] Snake I hear snake. No, I did not hear a snake
[05:57:47] And we think about what I want to upgrade so we fully upgraded immobilize
[05:57:55] Alteration
[05:58:02] Pluck of mini plex I feel like this is just like obviously good, right?
[05:58:33] Like I
[05:58:34] Haven't even used pluck of mini because I think it's too good. It's so strong. It's insane
[05:58:40] like if you guys see me using the transformation and pluck of many at the
[05:58:47] same time it's because I've completely lost my confidence yeah I've totally I'm
[05:58:56] like I guys I can't do this look at this what do you want those muck guys were a
[05:59:33] lot harder oh he's gonna do some bullshit huh never mind I thought it was gonna
[05:59:37] like roll a boulder down at me or something we're gonna get ready to do this timing watch this
[05:59:49] whoa seven thousand that is crazy i'm going ape dick on him
[06:00:33] let's go back oh what's this what's this
[06:00:42] you can get 10k crits in the game plus oh yeah no doubt like i plan on um after i beat this game
[06:00:48] I'm probably going to like I want to fully upgrade the character because I just I like the combat in the game
[06:00:52] I think combat's good. I'll probably do new game. Blessing us
[06:01:00] Let's see what this is talk to uh, I talked over this weird guy with
[06:01:06] Shelby, who are you? Who do you think you're talking to?
[06:01:13] Don't you trick me bold potbellied prats would I'm seeing the mountains no path at all
[06:01:27] He sees wisely with faith. You are daft without cut your nonsense
[06:01:35] This is my favorite character by the way
[06:01:41] Yeah, this is by far my favorite
[06:01:48] Yeah
[06:01:51] You brat save your stupid part I'll borrow one myself
[06:01:55] Oh, he's not going to help me out.
[06:02:03] Fuck.
[06:02:04] Alright, let's go.
[06:02:05] We're going to go up the stairs then.
[06:02:10] Called me old.
[06:02:11] Well, he was old.
[06:02:12] He was even, he was sane.
[06:02:13] He was old.
[06:02:18] Okay.
[06:02:22] So, I also need to do an upgrade.
[06:02:26] I have to talk to John Gord again.
[06:02:30] Once I get to a travel point, I have to talk to him because I got a heal upgrade
[06:02:34] thing.
[06:02:38] Do you guys think Space Marine 2 is gonna be any good?
[06:02:40] Yeah, I think it's gonna be good.
[06:02:42] A lot of the earlier reviews have been really positive.
[06:02:52] So yeah, I'm expecting to see a pretty fun game.
[06:02:59] Missed a lot of bosses.
[06:03:01] Wait, I missed bosses?
[06:03:04] Did I? Wait, wait, wait, no I didn't.
[06:03:11] You know, yeah, I was about to say.
[06:03:22] Like, as I said, I don't want advice on like kind of...
[06:03:25] Like, oh yeah, do this, do that.
[06:03:27] But like, in terms of missing big opportunities and big items and stuff,
[06:03:31] I do want to know what I'm doing now.
[06:03:36] Ooh, another one.
[06:03:37] Damn, I'm getting a lot of the willpower out of this.
[06:03:43] Did you use the chapter one long?
[06:03:45] Yeah, she was easy.
[06:03:48] Use kill his ass.
[06:03:49] Okay, okay.
[06:04:01] Do you feel your gourd?
[06:04:05] Yeah, I know.
[06:04:06] Go in.
[06:04:15] Damn, look at him long.
[06:04:43] It was gorgeous.
[06:04:44] Yeah, I know.
[06:04:45] All right, let's go talk to John Gord.
[06:04:48] Um, I have all...
[06:04:58] Actually, I can just go to John Gord here now, right?
[06:05:01] Can I?
[06:05:02] Use your scroll? What's scroll? What do you mean scroll? I talked to the wrong person.
[06:05:50] What did I do? Request medicine?
[06:05:53] Oh, it retains the energy of both this world and beyond.
[06:06:00] Fuck my machine.
[06:06:14] What did I do? Fuck my machine.
[06:06:16] Many are bent on seeking shortcuts.
[06:06:19] Hence, killmaking came to be.
[06:06:22] Two drops came through.
[06:06:25] Upgrade the gourd.
[06:06:28] So now we got more gording.
[06:06:31] You need to find gourds to drink from.
[06:06:34] I'll fetch you a fitting one.
[06:06:37] And so it's like, I don't know what I should do with this,
[06:06:40] right?
[06:06:42] Because like, so I think I should just do coconut.
[06:07:05] I feel like it's, yeah, we do the coconut, right?
[06:07:08] The lamb is OP.
[06:07:18] It's an 8% difference.
[06:07:19] Yeah, but I get more sockets too out of it.
[06:07:26] I think coconuts way better.
[06:07:28] Coconuts 50% at max.
[06:07:37] Coconut goes mythic, lamb only goes legendary.
[06:07:41] Does the coconut unlock more sockets?
[06:07:45] Do I get more sockets out of the coconut?
[06:07:49] Yes, okay, well then we're gonna do the coconut.
[06:07:51] That's the easiest decision of my life, okay.
[06:07:54] If only I could drink this with my old-
[06:07:58] Yeah, it's not even a question.
[06:08:00] Like, what are we talking about?
[06:08:02] Yeah, it's 10-year-old coconut wine?
[06:08:08] Okay, that's a lot.
[06:08:21] I'm just debating, maybe I should get rid of this now.
[06:08:27] What do you guys think?
[06:08:29] Like, so it's got two, right?
[06:08:43] And so I'd lose one item, but I'm also gaining more health.
[06:08:47] I feel like this one is way better
[06:08:48] because the movement speed isn't really that important.
[06:08:53] Like, I think we're gonna use the other one.
[06:08:56] Remember, young friend.
[06:08:58] I do, like, I'm feeling like
[06:08:59] we use the other one for sure.
[06:09:01] Movement speed not important.
[06:09:02] Yeah, cause like I'm always dodging in directions.
[06:09:05] Like, yeah, I don't think so either.
[06:09:08] Okay, let's use, let's do coconuts
[06:09:11] and then slowly health recover
[06:09:15] and then damage reduction or immobilize.
[06:09:21] I really don't know what the answer to this is.
[06:09:24] If I should do damage reduction or immobilize,
[06:09:27] I'm feeling like damage reduction is a safer play,
[06:09:30] even though immobilize,
[06:09:31] I think that probably could be used better and I also don't know how the lot like how the like I think I'm gonna go with
[06:09:38] Oh, I see I'm gonna say okay. There we go
[06:09:41] Yeah, I think we're gonna go with both of those. It's 43% too, which is insane. That's so good
[06:09:47] Okay, so I just did that. I just did the other thing. I don't have the other item. I upgraded my thing
[06:09:52] I bought the gourd. Okay. I know I need to leave
[06:10:07] Talk with him. John Gord is selling another like awakening one
[06:10:18] Okay, let me go back to talk to John Gordigan. I didn't know that. Sorry
[06:10:28] Check what he sells you you fight that the what do you call it that fight the tiger? Yeah, great boss incredible boss
[06:10:35] I'm looking to get a new processor. I'm gonna talk to somebody about that tonight
[06:10:40] About getting a new processor for my PC
[06:10:42] Because of just how problematic the fights have been
[06:10:45] but yeah I don't know about AMD I have no idea and that way we can send the old
[06:10:51] one to Steve and like have them cut it in half like Amers nexus
[06:10:57] true
[06:11:00] I've turned to drink since my descent I thought I'd never see those friends again
[06:11:11] but here I am back to the painted realm now I'll drink with my friends in this
[06:11:19] hideaway who needs to fight for a journey
[06:11:24] cheers cheers this guy just said he don't give a fuck he just said he don't
[06:11:30] give a fuck and no he's not selling anything else
[06:11:33] Yeah, yeah, he didn't do nothing
[06:11:43] Okay, let's go right there wait what we mean right there am I crazy wait
[06:12:03] Okay, but he sells the worm no he doesn't I bought it
[06:12:12] Y'all are really messy y'all y'all got me fucked up
[06:12:15] I
[06:12:17] Say it says look look look look look I bought it through it says bye and then it says awakened white
[06:12:32] Don't y'all think I would have done it if I could have did it
[06:12:39] Like yeah y'all can't see I know I know I know
[06:12:43] Let me do this I think we do big head
[06:12:53] Big head
[06:13:15] Massive
[06:13:17] Tiger Acolyte's a better spirit. There are ones better.
[06:13:21] Earth Wolf is also a good spirit.
[06:13:23] Yeah, but it's like if you can only upgrade one at a time, I figure...
[06:13:27] Like, I'm usually the... Like, my mindset is always like, you want to build into one thing
[06:13:32] and like, go all the way in on that one thing, you know?
[06:13:36] Rather than trying to like, play three different games.
[06:13:41] What's this?
[06:13:43] Who is it?
[06:13:45] Who is it?
[06:13:50] Who won?
[06:13:52] I didn't know this shows up.
[06:13:56] The face of the district one.
[06:13:58] In the district district as well!
[06:14:00] Minds a little bit of this.
[06:15:25] Drop down.
[06:15:27] I think I'll die if I drop down.
[06:15:31] Okay, let's go this way then.
[06:15:36] Another one of these places.
[06:15:38] Drop down.
[06:15:40] Okay.
[06:15:42] Alright.
[06:15:46] Somebody's about to get banned.
[06:15:48] I just want to let you guys know,
[06:15:54] if somebody's gonna get banned.
[06:15:59] What the fuck? What in the fuck?
[06:16:07] Oh my god, look at all this.
[06:16:15] Oh wow.
[06:16:16] Did not lie. I know, I can't believe it.
[06:16:34] Oh, I messed up.
[06:16:55] Oh, 57!
[06:16:57] We're leveling, oh my god.
[06:17:04] I thought we're leveling big guys.
[06:17:08] What?
[06:17:09] It's a cock sucker, I knew it.
[06:17:12] Okay.
[06:17:14] Okay.
[06:17:27] That's not weird though.
[06:17:29] It is one of those.
[06:17:30] Yeah, it is one of those guys go down. Oh, not yet. It's on the side
[06:18:03] Drop down. Let me do this first. I
[06:18:09] Into the circumcises gun if I drop down. I can't go back up though
[06:18:39] Like yeah, y'all y'all are lying y'all lying this time
[06:18:55] Yep, we got why are we got wires in the chat? Oh, that's a box. What's in the box?
[06:19:02] See it. Yo, I have I ever used this?
[06:19:53] No, I don't think I ever have
[06:20:08] fiery gourd
[06:20:09] So this has one more heal
[06:20:24] But this one can increase my stamina and give me chill immunity. I
[06:20:30] Feel like that's probably really good if I'm getting frozen
[06:20:39] Yeah, that's probably insane
[06:20:41] It's good for now. Yeah, I bet I should use that
[06:20:52] Yeah, that's big good
[06:20:55] Who's a
[06:21:04] Chaconda of thought
[06:21:07] Okay, I
[06:21:26] Yeah, yeah, I get it. I should probably see probably get my manna back, but it's okay
[06:21:46] I'm surprised I didn't get a perfect dodge out of that honestly. I feel like I deserved it
[06:22:12] Okay, I hear more thumping just do one of them time
[06:22:50] I wonder how much stronger pillar chances
[06:22:52] Is this I feel like this already works really well like I think I want a prep
[06:23:04] Yeah, I want to practice it like off-off stream and that way I could know whether it's good or not. It's insane. Yeah
[06:23:12] Curios matreya's work. What's this? That's insanely fucking good. What the fuck?
[06:23:23] That's crazy. It's bad
[06:23:36] See it's bad. I think it's insane
[06:23:38] It depends a hundred hits. I mean if it's a hundred hits, then it's bad
[06:23:55] Damn bro, it's a big-ass fucking mountain is better not me. It's mr. Bird. I can tell it's mr. Bird
[06:24:10] What happens
[06:24:13] Tiger's so big. That's right. Well, we got destroyed
[06:26:03] There's four of these non-ex dudes. Yeah. No, that was a good fight
[06:26:12] um actually was a pretty hard fight. I like him. Use the spear for better
[06:26:21] thrust damage. I actually feel like the spear really countered him like
[06:26:25] countered him super well because of all the like the the evasive maneuvers the
[06:26:30] spear gave me. Like I actually think I did a great job with the spear because
[06:26:35] of that. Tiger has energy bar for charge attack. Yeah I just didn't know what his
[06:26:43] combos were so I didn't want to use it it's very quick yeah okay we have two
[06:26:53] sparks now let's see what we all will be on upgrade again okay so we've got
[06:27:01] foundational buffs each level slightly increases attack I feel like that's
[06:27:06] really good but like I feel like this is insane this vengeful mirage shit but
[06:27:22] I'm wondering, uh,
[06:27:37] Mirage is bad?
[06:27:38] And I need to be doing more very like I should have this leveled up. I should be playing this more
[06:27:45] I just I'm not doing it the right way. I feel like I should also use this
[06:28:04] Like this is really good. Like this is definitely like the higher scale option, right? Yeah
[06:28:12] You never use deflect because I never have to
[06:28:16] um, I
[06:28:23] Think I'm just gonna go with I'm gonna start plucking them man. I think we start plucking them
[06:28:33] there's so many good ones it's like every single one is good I want every
[06:28:57] single one I might just get this one for now and I'll get this one later look
[06:29:06] at the last skill of plot I mean I'm sure it's probably the best ability right
[06:29:10] okay now what all right you want to start trouble let's go let's go you
[06:29:25] want to fuck with me do you think just increasing base attack is like
[06:30:00] really good to try and get I really oh that one yeah yeah yeah my anywhere near
[06:30:23] it I saw not I don't have a single of these steel pieces as soon as I can make
[06:30:30] those I can buy those like I'm ready to cook man like that upgrade is gonna be
[06:30:34] fucking insane okay I wonder which direction to go in I guess I'm gonna
[06:30:46] just start when I go this way okay well caves are probably down below right
[06:30:56] Okay. No, no, no! I'm gonna be honest guys.
[06:31:23] No, I don't have to. I was actually about to freeze that one individual mob because how much I fucking hate those things.
[06:31:30] Let's go get this item. Okay, we'll go this way.
[06:31:54] Uh, let's go down first.
[06:32:03] Is there somebody mad? Get that little rat. Oh, it's this guy.
[06:32:38] What the hell does he do anyway?
[06:32:42] What a loser.
[06:32:44] Get out of here, bitch.
[06:32:48] What a little fucking loser.
[06:32:50] Okay.
[06:32:58] We got another upgrade here.
[06:33:00] Okay.
[06:33:08] Let's look around.
[06:33:10] And we just did everything.
[06:33:12] Oh.
[06:33:13] Bro, this place is fucking massive.
[06:33:15] Oh my god.
[06:33:17] Is this guy behind me?
[06:33:32] It gets worse.
[06:33:34] Okay, well let's start going this way.
[06:33:40] I think this is the best option, right?
[06:33:42] Like I think.
[06:33:46] Like for like whenever I go to an area like this, I just try to go to the edge of it and then go all the way around I
[06:33:53] Usually assume that's like the best way of exploration, you know
[06:34:06] non able
[06:34:15] Didn't understand what he was doing there at the beginning now I get it
[06:35:39] Okay, oh fuck. I don't remember how I got over to him
[06:35:44] I went here, and I went here, okay let's go.
[06:36:09] Seems like a pretty easy boss, cause I thought he was going to get me bro.
[06:38:54] Yeah, I thought he was going to get me.
[06:38:56] Oh yeah!
[06:38:57] I forgot about my ability again, didn't I?
[06:39:01] Man, that boss was hard to read, man.
[06:39:04] I had a hard time figuring out what the hell he was going to do.
[06:39:08] That's what I like at the end.
[06:39:10] I was just like, I was afraid, man.
[06:39:13] yeah cool movement no he's got great movement I just you know it's hard to
[06:39:22] read and understand what to do check his spirit
[06:39:26] make you disabled yeah I thought so I'm actually get this game it is in my
[06:39:51] opinion so far it is my by far game of the year like and in my opinion that's
[06:40:00] It's not even close.
[06:40:03] I know obviously like there's been a lot of people that have had a lot of opinions about
[06:40:06] the game, but like that's what my opinion about the game is, right?
[06:40:10] Like I really like this game, I think it's amazing.
[06:40:15] Now is it perfect?
[06:40:16] Like I don't know, I don't, I mean there's some things like I wish it did differently,
[06:40:19] but I think that like what it's made for, like it plays extremely well, like there's
[06:40:23] nothing wrong with it, the boss fights are good, the story is like, like weird,
[06:40:28] So fucking weird
[06:40:32] But I think that's a good thing right it's designed that way it's supposed to be like that and so
[06:40:38] Yeah
[06:40:47] This is your power world
[06:40:55] I think this game like power came out the power of come out this year
[06:41:01] And I feel like power world is a great game. I don't think is it game of the year
[06:41:05] I don't know if it's game of the year
[06:41:06] I feel like it's probably not game of the year, but Power World was really fun. Yeah
[06:41:13] Do I drop down here or not?
[06:41:16] Because like it's clear that I'm supposed to go down. Oh, oh ice. I'm looking at it
[06:41:21] Let me go ahead and I'm gonna rest here and get my mana back
[06:41:24] Elder ring or Wukong, which one do you like more? Elder ring is probably like my favorite one of my favorite games of all time
[06:41:36] I think Wukong is an amazing game, but nothing comes close to elder ring in my opinion
[06:41:41] I see the cocks up there
[06:41:52] There's another Cox over behind me. I know he's there.
[06:41:57] Wait, is he not?
[06:41:59] Oh, he's not. Okay.
[06:42:04] Ooh, looking at him.
[06:42:05] Wanna sneak up on him?
[06:42:17] Fuckin' throw, bro.
[06:42:20] This pro actually thought he thought he was the worst.
[06:42:23] I think he's trying to do work on me.
[06:42:25] What are you doing?
[06:42:26] That's my fault.
[06:42:37] Man, I still haven't gotten that item.
[06:42:40] I really need that item.
[06:42:42] The Elder Ring is too easy, well for you, a professional video game player.
[06:42:55] Put 7000 hours into the series, into games like that, you can get that, that's the, you're
[06:43:01] the barometer.
[06:43:02] Play it at so level one, if it's easy.
[06:43:06] I bet this is going to be a cough sucker, isn't it?
[06:43:08] I thought it was going to be, but it's not.
[06:43:14] I could hear him.
[06:43:15] I'm going to kill this guy first, maybe if I go into the water.
[06:43:34] I don't know if I should loot these or not, but maybe it would spawn something special.
[06:43:39] Jade, Lodass.
[06:43:44] Damn, what a loser. Wow.
[06:43:47] Oh yeah, they do a poison. I forgot about that.
[06:44:03] Those are the guys from Act 1.
[06:44:10] I'm gonna be honest, I'm just gonna move back.
[06:44:12] Is it just really a situation, isn't it?
[06:44:26] Oh, I'm supposed to!
[06:44:29] Oh wow, okay.
[06:44:41] That's how I was confused.
[06:44:43] I make sure I don't miss anything over on this side. I don't think I did this one double check
[06:44:50] Okay, I did not let's go down
[06:44:56] Don't go down yet
[06:45:00] Okay, there's a shrine. Okay. I'll go down
[06:45:14] Okay, all right fine fine fine
[06:45:17] But this game's being compared to Elven Ring the goat should say enough on its own. Yeah
[06:45:29] Um, I think the game's really good
[06:45:31] I mean like whether something's better than Elven Ring or not isn't really the only barometer that I have
[06:45:37] Since you know, I'm such a big fan of the game
[06:45:40] Think that personally like I I really like the game. I think it's really fun
[06:45:45] What the fuck is this?
[06:45:51] Okay, okay, so did I miss a boss? Should I go back?
[06:46:06] Yes, okay
[06:46:13] This one here
[06:46:21] Forest of Felicia. Okay. Is this the right direction to go in?
[06:46:50] No, okay
[06:46:59] Keep left
[06:47:34] What's this? I don't know what he thinks he's doing
[06:49:21] What?
[06:49:22] I'm frozen and it's got frog. I know missed what no
[06:50:40] I don't I don't see things that other people see like when I'm playing a game
[06:50:43] I just don't see them that piece of shit just a frog suck my dick
[06:51:34] We did that let's go over this one. I feel like I'm really due for a weapon upgrade
[06:52:00] So you guys said there's a fox somewhere at the gate. Oh this
[06:52:19] This is not a fox. It's an old balby.
[06:52:45] Watch the anime.
[06:52:46] Remember?
[06:52:47] I thought I could aid him in his career in return for saving my life.
[06:52:55] Little did I foresee that following a dream he would take my life.
[06:53:02] My son lingered, yet he left without a trace.
[06:53:07] I sought tirelessly, only to find he had become a monk in the new thunderclap temple.
[06:53:15] Is it bad?
[06:53:34] I'm a furry!
[06:53:43] I'm a furry!
[06:53:45] Where do I go?
[06:53:54] Am I going the right one?
[06:54:14] F for furry!
[06:54:17] I don't think that's how it works, guys.
[06:54:19] it's much later okay well if it's much later I'm just gonna take this
[06:54:31] transformation off then yeah I'll go to it later okay what's down this one we
[06:54:52] want who is it where's it where's the shooting dick there it is so many of
[06:55:23] these places look similar it's hard for me to gauge like I think that's where
[06:55:28] that guy was from and then are we good I'm just gonna rest and get my
[06:56:35] health back and everything I'm assuming these guys don't respond yeah a little
[06:57:18] bit annoying but we got his ass when we double check around here well maybe I
[06:57:28] wasn't here before oh my god there's so many areas that are like it feels like
[06:57:34] they're similar so it's hard for me to keep track of like who's not able to
[06:58:20] attack the essence jade essence is green I'm assuming that's a mana thing
[06:58:35] isn't it yeah and man yeah yeah now I did see I got that new item and so if
[06:58:58] you look at the new item I just don't think this is good like I really don't
[06:59:08] I don't really feel like this is is this really a big dick item I think the
[06:59:14] answer that is absolutely not a big dick item it's just not nice the drip that's
[06:59:27] not good bro like all gents and quiet I wonder what he did this is gonna be
[06:59:51] another cocksucker we got this all right good so we came in through here we did
[07:00:14] that we um fuck in uh fuck in uh i have no fucking idea what i'm doing go back to the NPC
[07:00:30] which one oh this one oh this one here okay yeah yeah
[07:00:53] equip the ring of fire okay i think i know what you mean you want me i have to use
[07:01:05] the skill? I understand. What's up, Rob? I'm such a good boy.
[07:02:05] I heard that Buddha planted watermelons the
[07:02:07] hundreds of years ago. Stupid. One bite grants prolonged life.
[07:02:12] Where are they? Yet when the cold bites all around
[07:02:15] without your powerful spells, there's no way I can find it.
[07:02:23] Someone once saw a chubby boy jump from the cliff with a watermelon
[07:02:27] in his arm. That's why he's fat.
[07:02:29] He rushed to the edge of the cliff but saw no movement down there. Seemed like certain
[07:02:33] death. But suddenly, he heard the boy laughing from beneath, on and on. The world as he fled
[07:02:41] from the cliff. His story may offer a clue for my treasure hunt. Maybe the watermelons
[07:02:49] were planted under the cliff. Don't let me think about it.
[07:02:55] Okay. Go back to the shrine you found.
[07:03:22] Is this like a secret boss or something?
[07:03:24] I guess like, cause I,
[07:03:26] I wasn't done exploring this whole area.
[07:03:29] Yes, okay, all right, cool.
[07:03:34] It's me.
[07:03:35] I've come for the melons.
[07:03:48] Rest? Okay.
[07:03:51] Oh right, because it didn't reset the world state.
[07:03:54] Sure, I understand.
[07:04:11] Change back the spell?
[07:04:12] I did, don't worry, we're good.
[07:04:17] Oh, it was over here?
[07:04:35] Okay, so there's two options of why this is happening.
[07:04:38] Either I didn't rest or I didn't fully exhaust this dialogue.
[07:04:42] So we're gonna try fully resting first.
[07:04:46] Okay, looks like that didn't work.
[07:04:51] All right, well, we'll go ahead and we'll talk to,
[07:04:53] I thought I, like this, I hope this helps you
[07:04:55] in your treasure hunt.
[07:04:56] I think I thought that was it.
[07:04:58] Yeah, give me a minute.
[07:05:00] Travel.
[07:05:09] You automatically rest whenever you teleport?
[07:05:11] Yeah, I thought so.
[07:05:13] I just wasn't sure, you know, I had no idea.
[07:05:25] Hello?
[07:05:44] Are you telling me I was literally one click away?
[07:05:54] Okay.
[07:05:56] Let's travel again.
[07:05:58] Do I have a spell?
[07:06:00] I do, actually.
[07:06:01] Um...
[07:06:02] I'm gonna get the fire.
[07:06:09] We're not gonna use this garbage.
[07:06:10] okay we're gonna get them boys in we're gonna bring them boys in now I
[07:06:45] really don't I don't need I don't really use them a lot but I wonder like do you
[07:06:55] want to see if I can kill the next boss with just the the mobs there's a
[07:07:02] second in PC let's find out oh yep this is it
[07:07:19] Gunner born goodness
[07:07:23] Who's this guy our brother does misjudge as well
[07:07:31] It requires no effort to trick you
[07:07:36] You will never be the destined
[07:07:39] Let me help you and your sorry life
[07:07:46] Should I use the the boys?
[07:07:48] let's do it wait that's not fair hey no no guys this is such this is such
[07:08:14] bullshit wait god damn actually a piece of fucking shit
[07:09:46] I rolled again for this I run a quick frame like I roll it's not working
[07:09:55] whether it is my skill right now I guess
[07:10:15] NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!
[07:10:53] NO!
[07:11:06] Stop man, stop!
[07:11:08] Stop! You're an invisible man!
[07:11:29] I'm about to use this sword
[07:11:36] tell me honestly guys, I'm hard enough with this asshole
[07:11:39] This is the worst transformation?
[07:12:49] If it's the worst transformation then why does it look so cool?
[07:12:54] Explain that
[07:12:55] fucking idiot
[07:12:58] moron
[07:13:02] This is an annoying boss
[07:13:08] That was cool when I parried his parry though like I have to say I think I
[07:13:13] really I think I really did something there that was awesome I mean all I
[07:13:22] guess hard to do by the way but still rest easy you won't find those noisy
[07:13:34] chantings and pain screamings here it's a living watermelon right
[07:13:50] want a bite give me the other one you already eat off of that one
[07:14:04] Jesus Christ.
[07:14:11] It's better than you think.
[07:14:13] Sun Wukong used it to trick that disciple of mine.
[07:14:16] Now you've found this place.
[07:14:29] I'll teach you a trick neither of them knows.
[07:14:32] What is it?
[07:14:33] Your hand.
[07:14:35] Spellbinder.
[07:14:46] Shit.
[07:14:59] That's mean at you.
[07:15:03] Is this, is this, is this what I think it is?
[07:15:05] Where it's just like, fuck the spells.
[07:15:08] Like this is just, I just dodge and hit.
[07:15:10] dodge and hit that's the man mode build yeah is that the elven ring build yeah
[07:15:23] spell binder it hurts no foe but binds yourself you'll come to understand its
[07:15:30] use an old friend who soon will come came to me wanting some peace I led him
[07:15:37] to the great pagoda have you paid him a visit they say you are a destined one
[07:15:44] I thought it said the dented one.
[07:15:48] True. Spellbunder is real man? Yeah, I mean it seems like it's a really good ability.
[07:16:06] I'm thinking to myself do I really want to use it because like I feel like if I'm using it it
[07:16:10] makes the game maybe less exciting but um yeah let's take a look at the tree. Next time I do
[07:16:16] some upgrades I'll look at the tree. Can I just... no I can't. Okay well we've exhausted everything
[07:16:22] in this area then. It's way more fun you think so. Okay well let's go back over to here. I think that
[07:16:34] we go to... how about the fox guy? What does the fox say? Which one do I go for Mr. Fox?
[07:17:06] Head to the temple? Okay. It's part of the main quest area. Yeah I just I'm always like again...
[07:17:17] okay I don't want to deal with him again. He's an asshole. And I'm guessing it's going
[07:17:27] It's gonna be over in this area.
[07:17:30] What are you doing?
[07:17:54] I almost went right over it.
[07:17:55] That was gonna be really cool.
[07:17:58] Oh.
[07:18:00] You see him trying to pull that bullshit on me?
[07:18:04] Oh, what's this?
[07:18:10] Did you kill the root-looking boss?
[07:18:12] You mean the root-looking bitch?
[07:18:14] Yeah.
[07:18:16] I did.
[07:18:25] What are you doing?
[07:18:27] Damn, I don't think he's gonna do that.
[07:18:38] I could hear a cock sucker.
[07:18:59] Man, there's a lot of these fucking guys, huh?
[07:19:01] After that first one, I always had to try
[07:19:09] Did you feed defeat the long I've defeated a lot of longs?
[07:19:14] I'm not sure if I defeated the one you're talking about because there's been so fucking many
[07:19:22] What who was it?
[07:19:24] Fuck anything important here. I guess we'll kill this guy real quick. I'll come really thought he had something
[07:20:09] Get the fuck out of here bitch. I think I just did a circle didn't I I'm pretty sure I did let me see
[07:20:34] I could hear it. Hey, is this another level? Yeah, I did. Okay, but that's a good thing because now I know where I know where I
[07:20:55] You know what I mean. Let's go this way. Just go to the shrine you found and follow the road with the fox
[07:21:07] I don't I'm not gonna listen to a fox
[07:21:10] I'm gonna like I'm a monkey. I think monkeys are higher on the food chain
[07:21:15] Boxes are basically
[07:21:17] Okay. Um, boxes are basically like probably even dumber than cats are.
[07:21:26] Like I know everybody thinks cats are smart. They're not smart, they're so stupid.
[07:21:32] They're so dumb. There's nothing over here.
[07:21:42] Damn, there's a lot of fucking guys in this area. Oh my god, there's a lot of guys here.
[07:21:48] I keep animation while walking myself inside of that attack.
[07:21:59] I've only done that five hundred times so far. Is this a big boy or not?
[07:22:15] Man, it's I figure we just use that
[07:22:30] Am I lost?
[07:22:35] Play Visions of mana please. I'll probably play that off stream. I
[07:22:40] Don't know if I'm gonna have time to play it on stream
[07:22:43] Like right now, there's just so many on screen on screen games that I've kind of promised I feel bad
[07:22:49] No, I feel like I've already let people down by not playing a good number of games
[07:22:55] So, I want to focus on those.
[07:23:00] It's not like I don't want to play Visions of Mana.
[07:23:03] And maybe I'd play it for like the first day on stream, right? Sure.
[07:23:07] Um, but just in general, like I've only got so much time, right?
[07:23:12] And so I'm trying to just make sure that I spend my time
[07:23:15] doing the game that people want to see the most, right?
[07:23:17] And I feel like Visions of Mana is probably going to have like a Grand Blue-style
[07:23:21] like story. It's going to be kind of boring,
[07:23:23] but it'll be like fun for me to play as a individual.
[07:23:26] Okay, this is where Mr. Frog was.
[07:23:35] Would you ever play Gundam Breaker 4 off stream? It's similar to really?
[07:23:39] No, I mean like if you're on my Gundam, right? I mean I played a lot of Mecha Break, not a lot, that's not true.
[07:23:46] I played like maybe 5-10 hours of the game, really great game.
[07:23:54] Okay, I think it might be time that we have to listen to that box.
[07:24:00] You gotta play Space Marine 2, bro? Yeah, I will. I mean...
[07:24:03] Space Marine 2 is like probably the next big game that I'm excited for.
[07:24:11] I'm just trying to think if there's anything else besides that.
[07:24:14] Let me think.
[07:24:28] Have I'm watching a New World content?
[07:24:33] No, I don't even know what's happening in New World anymore.
[07:24:37] I have no idea.
[07:24:39] Okay, so this is the road.
[07:24:45] Hmm.
[07:24:48] I feel like I've been here before.
[07:24:53] Where do I go from here?
[07:24:55] Right and up.
[07:24:56] go right and up not this way okay and this is where I fought that boss just keep
[07:25:27] going up okay let's just do that left and fall main path please I'm doing my
[07:25:48] best that's why it's so bad okay I think that was over there oh yeah I remember
[07:26:07] this place fuck you man definitely face tank that I shouldn't have but I did
[07:26:41] We got money. Let's go inside this one. Just look around. Okay. Didn't have to stagger
[07:27:40] power for it. Sneaky fucks. Is that a refined iron sand? So what was he wanting? So is he
[07:28:48] mad or some shit? I didn't think that would hit me. That was a cool fight. Okay give me
[07:30:20] a minute. Alright so we killed that guy, we got that item, and then let's go this
[07:30:24] way first and then we'll turn back around. I should probably get a heal pretty soon.
[07:30:37] I see a cocksucker.
[07:30:40] I see a wild cocksucker right there.
[07:30:47] Fat little Ganon Cosp.
[07:30:48] That's a boss. This is a boss.
[07:30:50] This is somehow a boss. I don't know how it's a boss, but let's find out.
[07:31:30] This area sure is really big.
[07:31:32] Yeah, like, I mean, I remember first two acts were like much more linear.
[07:31:47] Let's see what happens.
[07:31:50] Okay, I thought he was gonna charge.
[07:32:02] That's how we handle him. That's okay.
[07:32:11] I'll see if I can't make it.
[07:32:13] Geez, this, that felt good.
[07:32:15] okay oh hey get out of here bitch you can chain jump light and heavy yeah I
[07:32:35] know there's probably a lot of ways that I could be playing better than I am
[07:32:38] right now what's wrong I'm stuck in a wall team who cradles yeah yeah bitch
[07:33:11] you bitch ass okay we rest you can reset each note of the skills yeah or I
[07:33:18] could just not do anything. Okay, so we've got this. Reignite the sparks. We've got one more.
[07:33:25] So let me see what this pluck a mini spellbinder. So you guys are like casting spellbinder removes
[07:33:33] all four Bane States. Recovers a conservative of health. That's pretty good. Each talent level
[07:33:40] moderately reduces stamina cost of all actions. Each increases the ratio of mana converted to
[07:33:46] attack. Spellbinder depletes stamina but massively increases critical hit chance.
[07:33:52] That's crazy. Damn that is really good. Like I bet that's like that's like that's
[07:33:57] like the lock inability right? Like you use that whenever you're ready to
[07:34:02] just fucking do work. Yes? Okay. I want to be the cuck of many. So I'm going
[07:34:16] with him. Well, this pedals, what's this here? Defense. Small amount of damage reduction
[07:34:29] of defense versus damage reduction and defense are two separate categories. I'll kind of
[07:34:39] quit P.O.E. Yeah. All right. I think we did everything over here. This is just one more
[07:34:56] birdie boy. I don't think we really need to kill him. Like, there's like no real
[07:35:00] reason to stop oh I actually quit too early I think I should have changed my
[07:35:11] build
[07:35:17] who's mad wait what's this oh okay okay this dude's annoying fuck you know that
[07:36:08] spell ganged up on there that was bad yeah he he annoying as hell okay um I'm
[07:36:43] I'm assuming this is the end of it.
[07:36:44] So I'm gonna go this way first
[07:36:46] and then we're gonna turn around.
[07:36:48] Cause I think there's might be something special over here.
[07:37:09] I get hit by that every time.
[07:37:10] That's really impressive, honestly.
[07:37:22] Yep.
[07:37:27] Man, have I already been here?
[07:37:59] It's not, wait, this isn't a boss.
[07:38:33] But this place is fucking massive.
[07:38:35] Oh my God.
[07:38:44] Get the pot.
[07:38:45] I got the golden pot.
[07:38:54] See the golden pot, bro.
[07:39:04] A mind worm.
[07:39:06] Okay, so I did just kill this right or is this a fuck fuck this is all this area all looks the same
[07:39:15] So it's so hard for me to keep track of like okay. Have I have I got Falco
[07:39:20] What's he doing that?
[07:39:28] That's the second one
[07:39:37] Okay, let's go kill the second one then oh shit
[07:39:45] You're about come over there, but I don't think he's gonna aggro. It shouldn't be a big deal
[07:39:59] Okay, I see his ass. I'm just waiting for him. No, we're all like you didn't see me. How'd you see me there?
[07:40:25] I'm not even over there.
[07:40:28] Do it. Do it. See what happens.
[07:40:31] Do it.
[07:41:21] Curious. That's really good.
[07:41:36] That's big good. You just got after two kills, no way. Oh
[07:41:48] Is it supposed to be like a rare drop or something? Yeah, I don't really need to worry about rare drops.
[07:41:53] I just get it. I usually from me. I just try to get things back here that way. I don't waste time
[07:42:13] Replace the movement curio you think so um maybe
[07:42:23] Fuck oh, yeah, yeah, I went this way. That's right. It's kind of game stress me out. I
[07:42:36] Really don't think this game stressful at all. I know why people say these kinds of games stress them out
[07:42:41] but I just don't think this is an example of it like I feel like this game is
[07:42:48] actually pretty good it's not like overly like super punishing or like
[07:42:54] annoyingly hard it has I think a pretty good level of difficulty between like you
[07:42:59] know mistakes where you're punished and mistakes where you're not yeah it's
[07:43:14] That's that three. It's so good.
[07:43:16] He does that or something.
[07:43:33] It's repetitive? I think this area definitely is repetitive because there's so much of the same stuff in the area, right?
[07:43:39] Like, you keep seeing a lot of the same refined iron...
[07:43:43] No, no, I need some kind of like Coon Lai Steel or some shit like that.
[07:43:47] I can see why people would say this area is repetitive because it's basically like...
[07:43:57] It's like all the same thing, right?
[07:44:02] It's like, okay, where?
[07:44:05] There's no visual markers, there's a blind.
[07:44:21] Yeah, so you'll go through areas that do really look and feel the same.
[07:44:26] I do think that's definitely true in this part of the game.
[07:44:30] I would say that's probably one of the biggest things that it's hard for games to be able to get right.
[07:44:37] Is like how to create like a consistent environment without the environment feeling like it's repetitive. I
[07:44:45] Think that's definitely true. Oh, I don't think I've been here before
[07:45:06] It's like twice as annoying okay, it's dead it's fucking dead okay, all right. I it was worth it
[07:46:47] It was all worth it. I'm happy
[07:46:49] okay so we did all that that's the pathway down I think now we go back to
[07:46:57] the shrine is that correct yes okay let's kill this guy then we're gonna go do
[07:47:07] it okay
[07:47:18] I missed one boss really um wait a second where no you didn't okay I give me a
[07:47:41] second. Alright so I can open up my inventory and then this is what takes me
[07:47:49] back to town right? Okay yeah. Well let's make sure we get all these upgrades. We
[07:48:01] get everything done. We get everything ready. Did you fight the frog? I did. The
[07:48:17] frog actually killed me. Okay here we go. Upgrade the grain. Alright now we do
[07:48:29] big dick coconut wine massive 40 fucking six percent that's huge okay upgrade
[07:48:38] gordos okay we can't do any more gordos and then buying items on the store
[07:48:43] nothing new to buy okay let me see if I can do any more upgrades to my man might
[07:48:49] as well while I'm here you know okay upgrade armor so I don't have any fine
[07:49:08] gold thread and that's the only thing that I really need to use and then for
[07:49:13] crafting I can't really craft any weapons yet like this is the one I want to
[07:49:18] be able to make but I don't have I don't have the Coon steel I feel like that's
[07:49:21] something I'm not gonna get to make a one. Have you beaten the Tiger? I did I
[07:49:30] beat him. I had some pretty bad frame rate issues and I had to turn down some
[07:49:34] graphic options but to be honest with you guys I don't even tell the
[07:49:38] difference I can't even tell the difference between the two graphics
[07:49:41] differences. Fight again for another
[07:49:48] Curio slot? I don't think that's the way it
[07:49:49] works. I fought him once, I got the Curio
[07:49:51] slot, that's it. Yeah, I'm at three right
[07:49:59] now. Okay, so now we're going up this
[07:50:08] one. New game pluses were four slots.
[07:50:13] Oh, I see. I'm gonna try to skip. I'm
[07:50:20] gonna try to skip. I really want to skip.
[07:50:21] I hate those fucking mobs. I just
[07:50:25] want them to leave me alone. I already
[07:50:29] killed them. I went through that. I
[07:50:30] I beat that challenge already.
[07:51:13] Calp away.
[07:52:21] Yo, I see him bring the boys in.
[07:52:24] Let's bring the boys in.
[07:52:43] Get his ass.
[07:52:45] Get his ass.
[07:52:47] Get his ass.
[07:52:52] Get his ass.
[07:52:52] Let's go, guys, come on.
[07:52:54] Get him.
[07:53:03] Don't worry about that.
[07:53:04] Guys, don't worry.
[07:53:11] He's supposed to escape up on me.
[07:53:17] What's he doing?
[07:53:30] He took a spear to the knee.
[07:53:34] Anything good over here?
[07:53:49] He'll put it left behind.
[07:53:51] A golden one, holy shit.
[07:54:20] Now go back to prison.
[07:54:24] Wait, I go all the way back to that?
[07:54:29] Okay, can I go through here or will this trigger a cinematic?
[07:54:38] You can?
[07:54:39] Okay.
[07:54:52] That's not a cinematic to be fair.
[07:54:57] Okay.
[07:55:01] There's the guy in the cell.
[07:55:02] I know, we're gonna go to him right now.
[07:55:04] Travelling?
[07:55:11] This one?
[07:55:12] No way.
[07:55:19] Oh, fuck.
[07:55:20] Okay.
[07:55:38] Where the hell was that guy?
[07:55:39] I think he was over here, right?
[07:55:42] I'm pretty sure he was over here.
[07:55:53] I wonder what it would be like
[07:55:54] to get a weapon upgrade.
[07:55:56] Oh, that's a pop sucker.
[07:56:05] What?
[07:56:06] Isn't it this one?
[07:56:07] It's this one, right?
[07:56:10] Give back.
[07:56:34] Yeah, you really fucked up, huh?
[07:56:42] What is it?
[07:56:51] It's a spearhead.
[07:56:52] No one.
[07:57:07] So, does this mean that if I go over and I talk about...
[07:57:19] thinking about getting a new weapon there's a probability that exaggerate
[07:57:36] integrate spear techniques into light attack combo and increases the damage
[07:57:40] dealt by thrust attack moves I feel like that's like definitely better right
[07:57:56] like I lose 6% crit but I gain like 5% 5 damage I got I don't know like it's
[07:58:06] It's perfect for me.
[07:58:07] Man, fuck it dude.
[07:58:25] Like, I'm gonna just make it anyway.
[07:58:27] Who cares?
[07:58:28] Yeah, I wanna craft it.
[07:58:30] Upgrade you can't.
[07:58:46] That's the only thing that's bad about it.
[07:58:48] It doesn't have an upgrade pattern.
[07:58:51] There's new moves.
[07:58:52] Wait, what?
[07:58:53] Oh my god.
[07:59:17] I'm gonna try it on this guy here.
[07:59:36] That does do a lot more.
[07:59:53] I wonder if it's actually better.
[07:59:55] Cause losing crit is very big.
[08:00:10] You should respect in the full thrust.
[08:00:12] Yeah, I've got it. I've got to go and and do some stuff some IRL stuff and so I'll stop here tomorrow
[08:00:19] Here's what we're gonna do
[08:00:22] You guys want to guess what we're gonna do
[08:00:25] The same fucking thing
[08:00:27] We're gonna do the same fucking thing. We're gonna keep playing the game. That's the plan
[08:00:33] Yep
[08:00:34] So we're gonna come back tomorrow. We're gonna play more of this. It's gonna be fucking awesome. I'm very excited
[08:00:40] I love this game
[08:00:42] Yeah, that's about it.
[08:00:44] I would have loved to try it out on a new boss, but you know, it's getting late for me
[08:00:48] So I've got to make sure I don't get behind on on everything else I need to do today. So yeah other way guys
[08:00:54] Thank you, and yeah eight hours. Yeah eight hours stream. Wow great
[08:00:58] Well, we had quite a bit. So thanks all for watching. I'll be back on tomorrow and I will see you guys then
[08:01:05] Alrighty boys. Let's see what else we're doing here. Yeah, you're good. All right
[08:01:10] Yeah, I think we had to play Star Wars outlaws. I'm just not really feeling it. So yeah, just uh, yeah
[08:01:17] Please wow
[08:01:22] Ouch, okay. All right guys until next time boys tomorrow. We can play it more and then we'll get back into it
[08:01:28] All boys peace. Yeah