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08-30-2024 · 3h 32m

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[00:01:36] You don't hear me? Yep yep yep yep yep yep. What's up, how are you doing? You should play that game more today
[00:02:02] Like so last night
[00:02:06] After I got done playing that game I went outside
[00:02:12] And I just sat outside I
[00:02:14] Didn't do anything. I just sat out there for like 30 minutes, and I just thought I
[00:02:20] I was just thinking about life, about like what the hell I'm doing with myself.
[00:02:27] Like I didn't even know what the hell to do.
[00:02:31] I was losing my motherfucking mind man.
[00:02:34] I was up to it but it's alright.
[00:02:38] Mmm.
[00:02:39] I'm up by dead light, yeah.
[00:02:42] Mmm.
[00:02:43] I'm gonna have to eat all this.
[00:02:47] I've been trying to eat some food before my stream every day.
[00:02:51] gonna see how it goes. What can you do after playing the best game ever, babe?
[00:02:56] Honestly, I can't say or I get reported. So yeah, Flush Friedman and Vance on
[00:03:03] his Twitter, he'll interview Donald Trump. Yeah, I'm gonna be really curious to see
[00:03:08] what's gonna happen with that. Like, I feel like that's gonna be a weird
[00:03:13] interview. I'm gonna be honest. Like, Lex Friedman and Donald Trump? I can't
[00:03:17] imagine that, like, not being weird. But, you know, we'll see what happens,
[00:03:21] right? I mean I got no idea. So yeah, at least didn't put you to sleep. I was in a zone zero.
[00:03:27] No, no, no, I did not. It's just that sometimes, uh, that was just when you would critique game design,
[00:03:37] you'd draw analogies to the developer you were working with, mad motion at the same time,
[00:03:41] how you and the team would give them guidance. Well, I let people do what they want to do
[00:03:46] for like their opinion, right? Like so when you're providing a product for somebody it's
[00:03:51] It's different than when you're consuming a product, right?
[00:03:54] It's a totally different relationship you have with a person.
[00:03:57] So like, you can't look at how you're going to handle something internally versus how you're
[00:04:03] going to handle it externally.
[00:04:06] Like a customer isn't going to see it the same way that you do.
[00:04:09] So like a lot of times like you're going to be way more reasonable and understanding
[00:04:12] with somebody who you know you're working with, you know, etc.
[00:04:16] Even if you think that you're totally, they're totally fucking wrong.
[00:04:18] You know what I mean?
[00:04:20] And so that's the way it is.
[00:04:21] So that's the way I see it.
[00:04:24] Was that lock-picking harder than any Souls game you ever played?
[00:04:26] No, I just didn't really understand it.
[00:04:28] But honestly, I didn't really, I didn't get it.
[00:04:31] Like I was like, uh, how's the click work?
[00:04:33] So then I click it these times, like there's just something that just like, uh, well, unironically
[00:04:37] didn't click with me, right?
[00:04:39] Like that's just how it is, right?
[00:04:40] I mean, y'all ever had something like that with a game where it's just like,
[00:04:44] you're trying to figure it out.
[00:04:45] And like, I'm the kind of person that like, once I figure it out, I get it.
[00:04:49] Sometimes I'm slowing the uptake with certain stuff, especially um anything that's like rhythm based like that because I just uh
[00:04:55] That's just not how my brain works, you know, that's not how I think
[00:04:59] Honestly, the game didn't seem too bad
[00:05:01] I'm gonna be real. I thought the game was probably one of the worst things I've ever played
[00:05:07] It was just absolutely garbage like I hated the game
[00:05:11] I don't know how anybody went in and played it and enjoyed it
[00:05:15] It's actually like weird to me that like it makes me feel crazy that other people played the game and didn't think that it was
[00:05:24] Like the worst thing ever like I really didn't know what to think about that because I just had the worst time playing it
[00:05:30] And like I sound stupid saying that but like I really mean it like I
[00:05:36] Actually, I had such a bad time playing the game. I didn't enjoy anything about it. It was just awful
[00:05:42] Is she pretty IRL? Yeah, yeah. Here. Yeah, I'm gonna have a hot take. Okay
[00:05:48] Here's the hot take. I
[00:05:51] Actually don't think that this is a
[00:05:54] It's a Star Wars problem or a Ubisoft problem
[00:05:58] Because if again, you go and you look at the assassins
[00:06:02] creed
[00:06:03] shadows
[00:06:05] Right you go to images and let's look at the characters both of these characters and to be fair
[00:06:12] These are pre-rendered characters, but even in the pre-rendered version both of these characters are very good-looking
[00:06:20] The graphics on them are great. Honestly, you know what this felt like to me?
[00:06:26] It felt like the A and the B team
[00:06:30] And the A team did Assassin's Creed shadows and the B team did Star Wars
[00:06:36] That's straight up the vibe that I got
[00:06:39] like I because there were so many other things about this game that were just
[00:06:44] really really low quality you know like it was just kind of mediocre so it's like
[00:06:49] there were some images and like stills in the stamp like I've seen this picture
[00:06:53] that's all I wanted to play the game myself she didn't look as disgusting and
[00:06:58] ugly as I thought that she would inside of the story but there were a
[00:07:02] number of frames that were just rendered very badly like that's really
[00:07:05] what happened. So, they've had faces done for so long, looked behind two souls. They had
[00:07:11] William Defoe done right back on PS3. Yeah, but what I'm trying to get out here is that
[00:07:17] like a lot of this stuff or that that's fucking cool. I don't know what that is. But let's
[00:07:23] see here. I'm really trying to get out is like this is made by the same company.
[00:07:34] I would think to myself that it's not like if I saw this and you compared these
[00:07:39] And you showed me these two images and you said this is from the same company. I'd say no, it's not
[00:07:44] It's not happening. And so that's what I think really it was man
[00:07:48] Wasn't another studio in charge of development. Well, whatever the reason is it was bad
[00:07:52] So I don't really think that Ubisoft hates beautiful people
[00:07:55] I just think that they did a really bad job with this game and they did this actress a huge disservice. I mean obviously
[00:08:04] I mean obviously I I mean I think like I said this before right is like unless it's like some
[00:08:09] video game character or some like only fans girl I try to actually refrain from
[00:08:13] making a lot of comments on like women's appearances on stream I just like yeah I
[00:08:18] like I just I try to every once in a while like I love sexualizing and
[00:08:24] calling women whores whenever they're not real women but actual real women I
[00:08:28] try to be a gentleman in some cases right so I don't I don't like making you
[00:08:33] know, like, uh, uh, attractiveness valuations, right? But I think I mean, she's, she's a pretty
[00:08:40] girl. Yeah, sure. Right. And I think that she deserved better than what she got in the game.
[00:08:45] I don't think it was a conspiracy against attractive people. I don't think it was a conspiracy
[00:08:50] against anything. I think that it was simply the, the, the A team versus the B team. That's
[00:08:57] all it comes down to. That's what it was. So yeah, haircut in the game blows. Yeah,
[00:09:02] Yeah, it's just not that good, man.
[00:09:04] And, yeah, they don't want Pretty Woman in the game
[00:09:07] because it brings them too many toxic males.
[00:09:09] Well, they're having one in Assassin's Creed Shadows, right?
[00:09:12] I mean, I don't know.
[00:09:14] It's clearly Russian propaganda
[00:09:15] getting in the video game industry, obviously.
[00:09:18] Well, for me, I try to look at it as fair as I can, right?
[00:09:21] Like, I'm gonna be honest,
[00:09:22] it has some of the most dog shit
[00:09:23] even in Ubisoft history.
[00:09:25] Here's what's weird, right?
[00:09:27] It's like, I played the Prince of Persia game
[00:09:29] and it was so good.
[00:09:31] It was awesome.
[00:09:33] The game was great.
[00:09:34] And I was like, wait, is Ubisoft getting a bunch of hate
[00:09:36] for no reason?
[00:09:37] Like, are people just like, this is one of these circle jerks?
[00:09:41] But like, and I'm a Metroidvania fan, right?
[00:09:44] I like a lot of games like that.
[00:09:45] I grew up on games like that.
[00:09:47] And so, I enjoyed the game.
[00:09:49] I thought it was good.
[00:09:50] And so, you know, I was just like, yeah,
[00:09:54] I think this is great.
[00:09:55] And so I tried out the Star Wars one,
[00:09:56] really didn't like it.
[00:09:57] I really hope the Assassin's Creed shadows turns out better.
[00:10:00] I really do.
[00:10:01] I told the group, yeah, yeah, exactly it's your style of game.
[00:10:07] It is and the game played really well, it was really fun.
[00:10:10] So yeah, Rush has been killing it and gaming too.
[00:10:13] Well they've been killing it and other things too.
[00:10:15] And so yeah, I think that we all know that she's a really gorgeous mini actress.
[00:10:19] Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
[00:10:21] What's the point of hiring actors if it's to make them look like that?
[00:10:24] Well, here's the thing.
[00:10:26] The reason why is because the people just did a bad job.
[00:10:29] Like, these are the same people that made it to where you couldn't jump over a piece of metal.
[00:10:33] These are the same people that made it to where you can sit inside of a bush
[00:10:36] and have ten people looking directly at you, shooting you and missing every shot.
[00:10:40] Like, I think that honestly guys, never attribute to Malice what can be
[00:10:45] attributed to incompetence instead.
[00:10:47] I think that it was straight-up incompetence after playing the game.
[00:10:50] I don't think that there's any feminist agenda.
[00:10:53] I don't think there's any sort of ideology that's driving making the character ugly.
[00:10:58] Think that the people that worked on this game are just simply bad game devs
[00:11:02] They don't know what they're doing
[00:11:03] I get that there's a lot of guys that like the game and hey if you guys like the game great
[00:11:08] I'm happy right and I you know I just don't feel didn't like Elvin ring. I did I thought it was great
[00:11:12] You know everybody's gonna have different interests, but I played it. I I hated it
[00:11:17] I absolutely hated the game and so yeah, that's it
[00:11:21] And yeah more stars I was doing never again never again
[00:11:25] I don't want to play that game again.
[00:11:27] Like if maybe every other game in the world gets deleted, then I will play it again.
[00:11:32] That's about it.
[00:11:33] Diablo 4 and a massive dev update.
[00:11:34] I saw DM talk about it a little bit on Twitter with like the whole Runeward stuff.
[00:11:41] I'm really excited to see what the D4 team is going to come together with.
[00:11:45] But I'm just, honestly guys, I'm so excited for PoE.
[00:11:55] I'm not even thinking about Diablo like really. I'm not I'm just I'm really not and
[00:12:01] Like I'm gonna play the new like the next big season they come out with and I'm sure the game will be fun
[00:12:07] But the problem that I have with Diablo 4 right now is that the game?
[00:12:14] there's just
[00:12:17] It just it just doesn't like I
[00:12:20] Don't know it. It's just there's something missing about it. Yeah, like I don't know really what to say cookie cutter fun
[00:12:26] like in a way but like I don't even really know like I'm not sure yeah I
[00:12:33] have no idea I like them both D4 is a fidget spinner arcade game for me yeah
[00:12:38] and like that's not a bad thing though right like Diablo 4 is a great casual
[00:12:43] game like I know a lot of got like friends of mine and the guys that I
[00:12:46] know that are like you know really casual gamers right like I play video
[00:12:51] games three hours on the weekend. They love Diablo 4. That's awesome. That's so great
[00:12:58] that they're happy, but I'm more of a hardcore gamer, and I'm looking for an experience just
[00:13:04] a little bit more than that, and I feel like Peely meets that expectation for me more.
[00:13:09] But I still enjoy Diablo 4. I don't hate Diablo 4. I just think it could have been
[00:13:13] a lot better, and it should have been a lot better on release. So yeah. Hardcore
[00:13:18] Gamer yeah, exactly and I went back to a devil for to after point double four. I still need to do that myself
[00:13:25] What are the rings rings of power sets all female directing team reveals episode count for season two eight episodes?
[00:13:33] Orcs are now depicted as loving husbands and protective fathers who don't want to go to war. What even is this show?
[00:13:40] I saw this. Let me see if I can find it here. Where is it? Yeah, there we go
[00:13:44] So, Tolkien wrote the orcs as a malevolent goblin race, males only, holy evil.
[00:13:54] Woke shitlib writers in 2024 want you to feel bad for them, though.
[00:13:58] I'm gonna be totally honest, I agree with him.
[00:14:01] I think he's fucking right.
[00:14:03] This is again, like, remember what I said before about how I was concerned about
[00:14:08] that war of the Rohirrim anime, not being able to adhere to the virtue of Tolkien,
[00:14:14] like the inherent virtue of his work. And I was worried that it would be too violent,
[00:14:19] it would be too grotesque, it would be too like kind of gray. And I feel like this is
[00:14:25] another great example of that. It's another example of a person who thinks that they understand
[00:14:31] the world better than like, because you have to remember like Tolkien, Tolkien was a
[00:14:36] fucking soldier in World War One. Like, which by the way, like World War One in
[00:14:43] In my opinion, I think World War I is way more interesting than World War II.
[00:14:50] Like infinitely more interesting.
[00:14:52] It was like you had cavalry and tanks in the same fucking war, bro.
[00:14:57] That was insane.
[00:14:58] And so that war just completely changed all of English history, right?
[00:15:04] It changed fucking everything about the modern world.
[00:15:07] It did.
[00:15:08] Trench warfare, swords, poison gas.
[00:15:11] talking about like a Polish like what was it, Wing Tzar cavalry? Like holy fuck man,
[00:15:19] trenches were not that interesting. Well that part wasn't. But like I mean what I'm
[00:15:23] saying is that these people think that and then Tolkien obviously went on later
[00:15:28] on to you know have a family you know to write this massively successful book
[00:15:33] series, be a well-esteemed author and also a professor at Oxford University and
[00:15:40] And these people think that they can understand morality and add a shade of it that Tolkien couldn't see him in his own life.
[00:15:48] They actually think that they could do this.
[00:15:51] It's unbelievable.
[00:15:53] And it's crazy that, like, I was having a conversation about this the other day, right?
[00:15:58] I've talked to some people about this because, like, Tolkien created the fantasy genre.
[00:16:02] Tolkien did create modern fantasy. He definitely did.
[00:16:05] You have some history effects, bro?
[00:16:07] Oh, there might be a couple of things that are wrong.
[00:16:09] And I'm I don't think that tanks went directly against cavalry inside of the same battle in World War one
[00:16:14] If that's what you're trying to refer to I was saying inside of the scope of the time that it occurred him
[00:16:19] But yeah, sure the same with machine guns, etc. They did. Yeah, I don't really remember like all the details, etc
[00:16:25] But I think it's again
[00:16:27] It's like the the clashing of like the modern world versus the ancient world right and like that's that was the end of it
[00:16:32] Poland, yeah, but I could be wrong about some a few things, okay? Like I'm not I'm not a historian on this
[00:16:39] I just have an interest, okay, so anyway my point is that
[00:16:44] Tolk and understand the world understood the world a lot better than the writers that did ranks of power do
[00:16:49] They understood it in a way that was so much more visceral and real and raw and authentic and
[00:16:55] The disappointing thing is that by the way and all female directing team I
[00:17:00] I find this to be such a huge problem. Not because I hate women. That's actually, I know, I know.
[00:17:11] Twitter might be surprised by this. The reason it's a huge problem is not because I hate women.
[00:17:15] It's because it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't make a difference.
[00:17:20] Like, I don't know, like, we don't...
[00:17:23] Most of the people that knew, and I know that it does make a difference in America and in Western culture.
[00:17:29] And I'll give you a really great example of it making a difference.
[00:17:32] difference is JK Rowling. One of the reasons she stated that she didn't use her full name
[00:17:37] is because she thought people wouldn't like the books as much and they wouldn't be as
[00:17:40] appealing to boys if they knew the boys knew that they were written by a woman. So I understand
[00:17:47] like that some people are like this but I don't know like I mean I wasn't like that
[00:17:52] I mean I'm not fucking 14 or 12 or 8 anymore so like I don't want to see that. It just
[00:18:00] seems like the uh... it's the forced inclusion and then like the let's pat
[00:18:04] ourselves in the back for the fact that we did this thing
[00:18:07] you know it's just a weird type of thing man
[00:18:10] using a shitty people yeah how are works created in the war were there ever
[00:18:13] females
[00:18:14] uh... i don't know i mean like the rock high in the works like
[00:18:18] uh... they were molded and like kind of uh... like i think they were uh...
[00:18:22] twisted from like elves in a lot of cases i believe
[00:18:25] uh... grown from was it actually a tortured elves by melkor and then
[00:18:29] grown from the mud, right? Exactly. And so it's a little bit of both. But there wasn't
[00:18:34] some sort of like orc family. And I think this is exactly what I was talking about when
[00:18:39] I was referring to how a lot of the modern writers and the modern like, you know, like
[00:18:47] modern like screenwriters and artists and you know, people that are like in charge
[00:18:51] of this stuff, they fundamentally don't understand Lord of the Rings. This is what
[00:18:57] worries me whenever I see a new Lord of the Rings show or anything being made is that I
[00:19:02] think that none of them really understand it in a good way. So yeah, that's more than
[00:19:07] anything. Game email? I was game, I spent yesterday. I, I unfortunately guys, I hate to say it.
[00:19:12] I spent yesterday gaming for quite a bit. Okay. Lord of the Rings is literally good
[00:19:16] versus evil. Lord of the Rings is a, like, I mean, there's, there's a lot to it,
[00:19:23] I understand Orcs as biblical demons. They're pure evil, pure black evil, no gray area.
[00:19:28] Yeah, they basically are all evil and that's just about it, right?
[00:19:32] I mean, it's not like they don't have stuff pushing values into the source material. It's good versus absolute evil. That's it. It's simple.
[00:19:38] It is. It's absolute evil.
[00:19:40] The thing is that there is actually elements of Lord of the Rings that is like kind of gray.
[00:19:46] Like for example, Sauron can be portrayed as a gray character
[00:19:50] In a way that I would say other other like villains in the story can't I think that you can portray Sauron that way
[00:19:59] But you can't do that with something like Melkor or
[00:20:02] Ungolians or
[00:20:04] Shuh fucking like what's the dragon?
[00:20:07] I'm trying to remember what the dragon's name was in the in there. Yeah, Saruman. Yeah, well Saruman
[00:20:14] I think Saruman was always bad
[00:20:17] I do. I think Sarmaw is always... and a Calgon? No, no. Small. That's the thing is small.
[00:20:21] And a Calgon, like, there's no... as far as I know, like, it's just a... it's like an entity, right?
[00:20:27] That's about it.
[00:20:28] Hmm. The word work comes from Old English.
[00:20:34] Tolkien was an expert in linguistics and he... almost all of the words and the language that he uses
[00:20:41] inside of War of the Rings and the naming conventions have multiple meanings and levels of death to them.
[00:20:47] So, yeah, that's it.
[00:20:49] Miner can be written as susceptible and fragile, but numerous and adaptive, elves are eternal, but stagnant, dwarves are hearty, but stubborn, etc.
[00:20:57] Yeah. Anyway, we'll look at some other stuff.
[00:21:00] Sarmam wasn't bad in the beginning, he was just too weak and fear made him obey Sarmam.
[00:21:05] Sarmam wasn't bad in the beginning.
[00:21:10] I'm trying to think about, like, how much I agree with that.
[00:21:19] because like there was the ego thing and then I remember
[00:21:26] See like I don't remember exactly like all of the lore of how the Astari were sent from
[00:21:31] Art to Middle Earth, right?
[00:21:33] Because like there was questions. It's like why is Gandalf not the one that's in charge, right?
[00:21:38] But then didn't Monway tell Gandalf that
[00:21:43] you know
[00:21:44] You need to not be the one in charge as like a test of your
[00:21:47] or what do you call it, as like a test of your humility
[00:21:51] to make sure that you don't turn out like Saruman might?
[00:21:55] Cause I feel like Saruman was too weak mentally, yeah.
[00:21:58] Like he was weak-willed and he was jealous.
[00:22:01] And I, oh yeah, yeah, and Saruman was jealous of Gandalf.
[00:22:05] That's right, yes, that was the component
[00:22:07] that I was forgetting about.
[00:22:08] Yes, Gandalf didn't want it, yeah.
[00:22:12] And ego overtook him, exactly.
[00:22:14] and so it's it's it's got by the way quite a quite a long time ago that i
[00:22:18] read into this stuff
[00:22:19] so i could be wrongly about at least some of it
[00:22:22] so i'm always kept from jealousy for almost the beginning exactly yeah
[00:22:26] and so no i don't even entirely understood agree with that too
[00:22:29] uh... held i was to is back to mostly negative reviews on steam what the
[00:22:33] hell happened
[00:22:34] uh... well i'll tell you what held i was to isn't doing well it's actually
[00:22:37] very simple
[00:22:38] it's because the game loop is boring
[00:22:40] uh... that's why are there's no progression that there's no metagame
[00:22:44] uh... every weapon that looks cool there's no power fantasy
[00:22:48] the power fantasy that people want to have
[00:22:51] is doom
[00:22:52] and i think the hell divers power fantasy that they keep trying to make
[00:22:55] people have
[00:22:56] is like the three hundred
[00:22:58] but like it's the last fifteen minutes of the movie
[00:23:01] and i think that's what's what the nurse
[00:23:04] i think that's what's happening they're nerf and constantly will that's
[00:23:07] my point
[00:23:08] they nerf everything that's my whole fucking point
[00:23:11] you see i'm saying
[00:23:12] is because they're nerfing everything because players are getting too
[00:23:15] powerful they're figuring things out
[00:23:17] metagames emerge and then they change things based off of that
[00:23:21] so yeah um... for me that's the reason why i didn't stick around with hell
[00:23:25] divers for a very long time
[00:23:27] uh... i would have played the game more
[00:23:29] but it just didn't really resonate with me for that reason
[00:23:32] i didn't really find the same type of enjoyment about it that uh... i think
[00:23:36] a lot of other people did
[00:23:37] which was sad i was expecting it to be a lot more fun
[00:23:40] but personally i just really didn't see it it wasn't my thing
[00:23:44] and uh... yeah
[00:23:46] like most games for you right now
[00:23:48] i don't think so man i think that i've had so many great games that i've been
[00:23:52] playing recently i've been having a lot of fun with
[00:23:54] like i recently played all the way through dragons dogma
[00:23:57] i am level two hundred i have maxed out every single piece of gear that i
[00:24:01] have to gold rare feet rarity
[00:24:04] uh... gold dragon forge rarity
[00:24:06] uh... every single uh... like both that i have is maxed out
[00:24:10] uh... i can solo the entire thing
[00:24:13] uh... like yeah it's it's
[00:24:15] like i'm i'm fucking ball and then
[00:24:17] you are farming stuff yes so i i did everything i even like for the rings
[00:24:21] and i have a special ring that augments my abilities that makes my ability
[00:24:25] stronger i don't have the two and two
[00:24:27] because there's one that increases like as the bed that doesn't it doesn't
[00:24:30] matter i played the game on right
[00:24:32] play the game all parking lot
[00:24:34] and so i've been playing that
[00:24:35] uh... recently what game have i've been wanting to get back into
[00:24:40] monster hunter world okay
[00:24:42] uh... my plan is that i want to beat i'm going to be fatalis i'm going to be
[00:24:47] all the content monster hunter world
[00:24:49] i want to have a ready by the time wilds is coming out
[00:24:52] and so uh... that's my plan i'm just gonna be playing it off stream really
[00:24:56] low-key you know joining hunts killing good killing bosses you know
[00:25:01] Get getting better at the game and then I'll come on and you know at a certain point
[00:25:05] We'll maybe kill some of the bosses and then go from there cyberpunk broke. Yeah. Yeah, so I'm gonna do that
[00:25:10] cyberpunk the thing is that
[00:25:12] You guys bring up a really good question
[00:25:15] Why am I not just playing cyberpunk?
[00:25:18] the truth is I
[00:25:24] Probably should
[00:25:27] Really like after Wukong. I feel like there's a couple of other games that are coming out after that
[00:25:33] But there aren't really a lot of other things besides that. I probably should actually just play cyberpunk
[00:25:40] Like best game ever. Yeah, because I was thinking to myself. Do you remember like
[00:25:47] Let me see I can find this and by the way this video went crazy
[00:25:54] This is a five and a half hour VOD with over a million. What the fuck who does this and
[00:26:03] So anyway, um
[00:26:05] Let me see if I can get to the point to where it happens.
[00:26:11] So let me see if I can find it.
[00:26:16] Um, no, that's not it.
[00:26:23] Oh my god, there's so much of this.
[00:26:25] Well, anyway, I guess I might not remember exactly like how everything fits together.
[00:26:36] like this game had an intro that went so fucking hard for like four hours like I'm talking four
[00:26:47] hours of non-stop grit like crazy shit happening people getting popped off looking at all this
[00:26:54] other kind of stuff everything happening you're scaling down a building you're in the middle
[00:27:00] of a heist, people are killing each other. It's absolutely fucking insane. They changed
[00:27:06] the game so much, been more streamlined. Yeah. And like I remember whenever they showed the,
[00:27:11] I was trying to think of the part where they actually showed the title of the game,
[00:27:15] the cyberpunk game. And it was after four hours of absolute fucking cinema gameplay.
[00:27:22] I was just like, they have no right to do this.
[00:27:26] like I can't imagine being a developer in another studio and playing that and
[00:27:32] then being like oh god we got to go up against that oh fuck right like oh no
[00:27:45] for four hours 35 minutes four hours 30 feet you think it that's it um yeah bro
[00:27:53] Oh, let me see if I can find it.
[00:28:02] So this is the guy in there.
[00:28:05] And this is like after you've had some fucking brain chip
[00:28:09] and everything put in there.
[00:28:11] You walk out, you get punched in the face.
[00:28:23] You just get shot in the fucking head, and that's it.
[00:28:32] This was insane bro.
[00:28:34] Jesus.
[00:28:39] We gotta kill him.
[00:28:45] A four hour intro.
[00:28:51] That sounds like my stream.
[00:28:53] Number one, and then, so I played Star Wars Outlaws yesterday.
[00:28:58] And then they played the intro for that.
[00:29:00] And I'm thinking about that in the context of Cyberpunk.
[00:29:04] And I'm thinking to myself,
[00:29:06] like that, I think the fact that they showed the title of the game,
[00:29:10] It made me one for one it was cyberpunk in my mind and it literally just made me it made me so mad that they had the
[00:29:18] Audacity to show the title of the game in the game and this sounds like this is like a
[00:29:24] 100%
[00:29:26] Autistic breakdown, but it happened it absolutely did I was so mad
[00:29:31] I was like who do you think you are?
[00:29:35] Who do you think you do you really think you son of a fucking bitch?
[00:29:40] you want to try and fucking act like you're anywhere near this go fuck
[00:29:49] yourself I was so mad about didn't earn it no they didn't and I was so mad but
[00:29:54] with hell divers listen listen I I'm gonna probably mauled about this like
[00:29:58] five times in today because of how upset that game made me anyway um hell
[00:30:05] divers there's just no progression system games boring there's nothing to
[00:30:10] do. That's the reason why I didn't play it. I'm a progression MMO Andy. You know, I put
[00:30:16] a lot of hours into like, for example, First Descendant, a lot of those other games. I
[00:30:20] love games like that. That's one of my favorite things to do. At what point does the franchise
[00:30:25] earn the right to have its characters break the fourth wall? In my opinion, basically
[00:30:30] never. I don't think that you should have, like you should break fourth wall almost
[00:30:35] ever. Now I'm not saying that you should never do it. Of course it's okay to do it sometimes,
[00:30:41] but in a general sense I don't think that it's a good idea to break the fourth wall.
[00:30:45] Deadpool does it because that's the nature of what the story is, and I think that you've
[00:30:50] always had instances where it's like characters that do that, and you even have like some cases
[00:30:55] where like characters will do something that's like very obviously a reference to another movie
[00:31:01] or something like that, but it's not super cringe unless it's like, I don't know, a couple
[00:31:06] of different games.
[00:31:08] But yeah, Kar-Lok does it too.
[00:31:09] Yeah, I don't know.
[00:31:10] I didn't play Baldur's Gate 3.
[00:31:13] But yeah, I'm sure.
[00:31:14] Deadpool is the exception.
[00:31:15] Yeah, you just probably should not do it.
[00:31:17] So yeah, you have underperforming weapons.
[00:31:20] What do you do?
[00:31:21] Buff the weaker weapons so they become a viable option.
[00:31:22] You don't have to pop your weapons so people use the weaker less popular weapons.
[00:31:26] I think the problem is that the aesthetic of Helldivers is exhausting, of like constantly
[00:31:33] barely being able to survive.
[00:31:35] I think it's stress inducing and people lose interest in it quickly.
[00:31:39] There's a lot of reasons why I think it happens, but I'm only really, again, and this
[00:31:43] is me speaking purely from experience, more than anything else, and so I'm not really
[00:31:51] thinking about it in any other context besides that.
[00:31:55] uh... i'm just thinking about it like this is the way that i feel about the
[00:31:58] game and how i think about the game
[00:32:00] and that's about it
[00:32:01] ratcheting clink that really well yeah
[00:32:03] you can see the blank visions of manna actually looked at the trailer for that
[00:32:07] game the other day
[00:32:08] and i probably should
[00:32:10] but i haven't done it yet
[00:32:12] uh... maybe maybe i'll play it i don't know i feel like probably not
[00:32:15] realistically probably not
[00:32:17] but it might be an off-stream game for me
[00:32:19] uh... i might play that i actually might play that off-stream
[00:32:22] we'll see what happens
[00:32:24] listen what you gotta do
[00:32:26] this is okay so here we go
[00:32:29] here we go we have we've got that this guy this guy's got the stream
[00:32:33] this is what you've got to do number one of finish will come number two go finish
[00:32:37] cyberpunk with modded graphics obviously number three then your future is a few
[00:32:42] titles yourself
[00:32:43] maybe some trendy release comes out or whatever number four
[00:32:47] then you play balder skate or a red dead redemption to people will be happy
[00:32:51] every single chatter
[00:32:53] So the thing is with Baldur's Gate 3,
[00:32:56] and I'm going to be totally honest,
[00:32:58] and this sounds kind of stupid,
[00:32:59] is that it's been out for so long
[00:33:01] that I feel like the playthrough has to be so good
[00:33:04] that I'm afraid of doing it
[00:33:06] because I'm worried that it won't be as good as it could be
[00:33:09] because I feel like the playthrough
[00:33:10] has to have certain people in it
[00:33:13] and there has to be like a certain vibe to it.
[00:33:16] And I know that they're like,
[00:33:18] this is like Baldur's Gate 3
[00:33:20] is like a once in a decade level game, right?
[00:33:23] So, like, my playthrough for this game has to be fucking amazing, right?
[00:33:29] In my opinion, it has to have McConnell.
[00:33:32] In my opinion, it has to have S-Fan.
[00:33:36] I don't know the fourth, but I know that it has to have those two guys.
[00:33:41] And so, I just...
[00:33:44] I don't know how to do it and make it...
[00:33:47] As for me, so does play did a bunch, right?
[00:33:50] I think Amy inside of the asmengold
[00:33:55] McConnell S fan triangle
[00:33:58] I
[00:34:00] Don't know if she would survive. I don't know if she'd survive that I really don't
[00:34:05] Seer didn't see her play it. I feel like see your pipe that probably McConnell and I said played a bit of it, too. Yeah
[00:34:12] Like tech tone maybe tech tone. Yeah, we like I could see like a fourth being like definitely a wild card
[00:34:19] We need a wild card person. Please not hit me
[00:34:24] Why?
[00:34:25] Yeah, I'll play with you. Yeah, I don't know. I'll but like what you but you know that we need to have a
[00:34:32] S tier fourth, right? Like and if we had that the playthrough would be fucking insane
[00:34:39] But like we would have to like I would want to make it as if it was like a TV show where it was like
[00:34:45] every day for like four hours
[00:34:49] The show begins at 4pm and it ends at 8pm and this is what's going to happen, you know?
[00:34:55] Like that's what I would say because I know that people would be so invested into it and people would like it a lot.
[00:35:01] So yeah, and Donkey N.P., I don't know if Nick would really get into a game like that. I have no idea.
[00:35:07] But yeah, we would need to have somebody who would just completely bring in a wild card vibe.
[00:35:13] But I want to let you guys know that I have been thinking about this for like one year.
[00:35:18] I've been thinking about how can I make it to where it's this good because it's the same with D&D
[00:35:23] So like I've had conversations off-stream with like I talked to three cool a little bit
[00:35:28] I talked to the McConnell about it a pretty good amount and S
[00:35:32] found actually quite a bit about like us doing a D&D campaign and making it actually good and
[00:35:38] We have like a number of good ideas about it and we want to do it
[00:35:42] The thing is that D&D here
[00:35:45] Here's the reality and I'm gonna be totally honest with you guys
[00:35:49] Dungeons and Dragons is really bad for twitch content, but I
[00:35:54] Will do it. I I tanked my viewership in 2000. I remember in 2021. I would have
[00:36:01] 80 to 100 K viewers and
[00:36:04] We would do Dungeons and Dragons and we would go down to only 30 K viewers. Can you imagine that?
[00:36:10] only 30 k viewers we would lose so many people because of dnd and and I know why
[00:36:17] minus it yeah it would be we'd lose a lot and so why is it and so like and and I
[00:36:24] don't really take this person this isn't a big deal for me by the way like it's
[00:36:27] okay that's why for example like you know we play like some boring games here
[00:36:32] like right now like recently I've actually been doing a lot that's been
[00:36:35] good for my viewership on Twitch I have been I've been playing newer
[00:36:38] games. I've been going live at the right times. I haven't been going live three times a day.
[00:36:43] I've actually been doing pretty well recently. I've been a good boy. But in a general sense,
[00:36:48] that's not usually what I do. And so, uh, we lost people's attention span, but why did that happen?
[00:36:55] And we have a lot of conversations about this. I think that the next version of Dungeons and
[00:36:59] Dragons has to be, um, my best parallel for, and like, I'm sure that there's a better
[00:37:05] example that I'm just not aware of. But my best parallel for how I want Dungeons & Dragons season
[00:37:11] 2 to be for us is the Witcher season 1. And what I mean by that is interconnected stories
[00:37:18] that happen. You can watch for example the Witcher season season 1 episode 5 and you can kind of
[00:37:25] understand what's going on but they're not chronological. So it's not that big of a deal
[00:37:31] if you miss an episode or something like that. You're not behind episodic campaigns
[00:37:35] But it's like how do you make an episodic campaign that's four hours that isn't like super basic
[00:37:42] and still has the opportunity to go in weird directions? I think the real way to do it is
[00:37:47] you have to have eight hour campaigns. I was thinking about it a lot. I think you have to have long
[00:37:54] term campaigns that are like at least six hour campaigns. Eight hours. I think actually yeah,
[00:38:00] Yeah, eight is probably too long. It's six hours. Yeah.
[00:38:04] So pull over fourth, because I think that four hour is just,
[00:38:08] it's too short given the amount of dialogue and narrative that goes into it.
[00:38:18] Full party campaign bottles, gay, the locks you have doing from campaigning
[00:38:20] quest. I don't think you got to overthink it.
[00:38:22] The game will boil your mind no matter what.
[00:38:24] I just don't want you guys to know that's where I'm coming from. Okay.
[00:38:27] That's it. Arcadem can do it. If you somehow uncancel them.
[00:38:29] Yeah, I don't know whatever happened to that guy. Yeah.
[00:38:31] That guy kind of just disappeared, didn't he?
[00:38:34] I mean, a lot of his content was built around playing with other people, so I guess it makes
[00:38:38] sense that he kind of lost his appeal.
[00:38:42] So yeah, he was really weird, he was.
[00:38:48] He talked like, I looked at the leaked logs, and he talked like a mix between Shadow of
[00:38:54] the Hedgehog and White Yagami.
[00:38:56] And I mean, to be fair, I do that sometimes too, but like the thing is that like I do
[00:39:03] that in public.
[00:39:04] Like, I mean, I'm pretty open about acting and talking that way and acting like a psycho.
[00:39:10] Yeah.
[00:39:11] But like he did that, like privately like, no, that's the difference.
[00:39:16] Yeah, the thing I mix is that, well, am I wrong though?
[00:39:19] Am I wrong?
[00:39:20] For those of you guys that saw all this stuff about that guy, am I wrong about
[00:39:24] that comparison?
[00:39:25] No, I'm not.
[00:39:27] Exactly. Okay. Never mind.
[00:39:29] Uh, Vinus Layland Gaines was taking over Aurora, Colorado Apartments.
[00:39:34] Why?
[00:39:37] Armed crew flaunt scum inside Colorado apartment building. Okay.
[00:39:42] Shocking video obtained.
[00:39:45] Storm through apartment building overrun by gangers Vinus Layland Gang.
[00:39:49] This is in Colorado. How'd they get in there?
[00:39:52] It's captured by August, before a shootout, severely injured one person.
[00:39:57] The city non-profits have lined up to help the migrants that have come here, but nobody
[00:40:03] is helping the American citizens, the residents that are trapped in these apartment complexes.
[00:40:11] Just miles from Aurora has received the largest number of migrants across the nation.
[00:40:18] It's always really hard for me to know whether this stuff is true or not, right?
[00:40:22] I really don't know. I bet there's probably a lot of people like that, but I mean the truth is like if there's some gang of like a few guys that go into an apartment complex and the police shoot at them, I don't really think this is indicative of like a big cultural problem.
[00:40:35] It's just a few assholes getting together causing trouble. But at the end of the day, like, you know, my perspective on this has always been don't let any of them in. I don't give a fuck about them.
[00:40:46] their problems are their problems we have homeless people here and if we have a
[00:40:50] person living out on the street in america and we're spending our money on a
[00:40:54] person from south america i think we're doing that person that's living on the
[00:40:58] street here a big disservice because he might be not be paying taxes but his
[00:41:03] grandpa might have paid taxes his dad might have paid taxes his family might
[00:41:07] pay taxes and their tax money should be going towards helping their family
[00:41:12] and it's not
[00:41:13] and so yeah it's the way i see it man
[00:41:16] and so over exaggeration for sure all i'm sure that it's not like that all the
[00:41:20] case
[00:41:20] but i do think that again uh... i really just can't give a fuck about these
[00:41:24] people and uh...
[00:41:25] i think it's a massive betrayal of the uh...
[00:41:28] uh... of the goodwill of the people and i think that they're the it's an
[00:41:32] issue like it's one of these issues where it's like
[00:41:35] people think that they're doing a good thing by trying to help out
[00:41:39] and like, oh well let's help all these people, let's help everybody, everybody can come here.
[00:41:44] And it's like, I don't know, it's like they have like no sense of like scarcity, they
[00:41:50] have no sense, like I don't know, no sense of danger, etc.
[00:41:54] I think that people do stuff like that, the main reason why they do and they say things
[00:41:58] like that is because it makes them feel good.
[00:42:01] They feel good saying it and doing it, but there's actually not a lot of thought
[00:42:06] behind it outside of the way that it makes them feel that that's it's
[00:42:10] impulsive it is yeah it's impulsive emotional decision-making so yeah feels
[00:42:15] powerful exact if you entitled yeah and so this is my I mean this right here I
[00:42:20] mean there's guys like this here in Texas all the time like we have this
[00:42:24] happen like oh wow there's a few guys in an apartment complex that have like a
[00:42:28] few guns yeah that's just the way it is but you know there's like a PvP
[00:42:32] event but for the most part I mean nobody even apparently got killed by
[00:42:36] this. It's not really that big of a deal to me. But yeah, it's not if you guys are
[00:42:41] really taking over the Denver apartment. So if they're literally taking over the
[00:42:44] Denver apartments, you should have showed me more photos than four guys. You know,
[00:42:48] like you can't expect me to believe that all these apartment complexes are
[00:42:51] being taken over because four guys walk up to a door and they say this is
[00:42:55] what's going to happen. Like yeah, show me more evidence. You want me to
[00:42:59] believe more evidence than show me more evidence. Research it? Well I'm not
[00:43:02] making a claim one way or another. I'm just saying that what's being
[00:43:05] shown doesn't support the claim. That's all. Anyway, that's the way that I see it and yeah,
[00:43:11] that's all there is to it. Brother, you got Google, just use it. Why would I Google and care about,
[00:43:16] like, so this is what I think some people might not understand that are like very emotionally
[00:43:20] invested into like different political topics like this? Why would I care about the Venezuelan
[00:43:25] gangs in Colorado? Because I've already made up my mind about what I think. I think that if
[00:43:30] they're not here legally and if they're migrants for any reason, get them to fuck out of the
[00:43:34] country and I don't care why. That's all there is to it. I have literally such a simple like,
[00:43:38] so nothing like me reading more about it and seeing the problem and being like,
[00:43:43] wow, this is a bigger problem than I thought it would be, isn't going to move the barometer on
[00:43:48] my opinion because I've already decided what I think. And so all this would do would be convince
[00:43:53] me even more. You see what I'm saying? So like, I don't know if this is true, but whether
[00:43:58] it is or it's not, I still agree with a lot of the people that think that it is true.
[00:44:03] does that make sense? So I'm not going to go and like research and look up a bunch of stuff about
[00:44:07] this because based off of principle I disagree with the idea fundamentally. Yeah. So I go into
[00:44:13] it talking about that without the clip showing. Well because people posted it on my Reddit and
[00:44:16] people wanted me to comment on it so I took a look at it. Then why are you asking for proof?
[00:44:20] I'm not asking for proof. I'm just saying that this doesn't provide the proof. Does that
[00:44:25] make sense? I mean I'm sure that if I looked this up and researched it I'd probably know
[00:44:29] more about it. But based off of this one minute video, no, I'm not going to make a claim about
[00:44:34] an entire population of people. I think that's very reasonable. Of course, I'd want to find
[00:44:39] other information. I think that a lot of times that I get into trouble online is that there
[00:44:46] are some cases where I will shoot first and ask questions later, and I'll make snap judgments
[00:44:51] on things. And I've tried to scale back making snap judgments on things, because sometimes
[00:44:57] there can be something about it that's being mislead, that's misleading or I don't fully know about
[00:45:03] or like I'm wrong about it or something like that. So I've tried to like dial back the snap
[00:45:08] judgments on things and about like, oh yeah, this is a huge problem. And oh yeah, this is a huge
[00:45:13] problem. Like I don't really know that I'm not really sure about that. So I try to make sure
[00:45:18] that I'm making the right decisions and I'm talking about it in the right way, you know,
[00:45:22] because I don't want to make myself look like an asshole, right? And then also I think people come
[00:45:27] to me and they want to hear like what my perspective on something is. People consider that valuable.
[00:45:32] And so if my perspective isn't being informed by the most like rational and reasoned perspective
[00:45:39] that I can, then I'm really not doing my job, am I? So I try to do a good job. I make mistakes.
[00:45:47] Everybody makes mistakes, but it's something that I'm conscious of and I try to improve on.
[00:45:51] So yeah, does that make sense?
[00:45:54] We'll be asking why you want proof that people agree with the issue of politics in the US?
[00:45:58] Yeah, exactly.
[00:45:59] So that's the way I look at it.
[00:46:00] Isn't this blatant racism against East Asian gamers?
[00:46:04] It's acceptable for Westerners to like a game,
[00:46:07] but if us Asians genuinely like it because journey to the West had a massive impact on our
[00:46:11] childhood, then we're labeled as Chinese nationalist and gamer-gators.
[00:46:16] Well, I think that the logic here is that
[00:46:18] The logic here is that the Chinese nationalists and
[00:46:27] gamergaters are two different groups of people, but I don't think that you have
[00:46:32] to be a Chinese nationalist in order to enjoy or grow up with the story of Wukong.
[00:46:39] I think also it's kind of like it's hard to say that there are people who are
[00:46:42] Chinese nationalists whenever they're in China because these people don't
[00:46:46] really have freedom of speech and the ways that they're able to
[00:46:50] express themselves are extremely limited and they don't really have the freedoms that I think a lot
[00:46:56] of people would naturally be afforded in the West. So whenever you see somebody who is very
[00:47:02] nationalistic from a country where in some cases it's against the law to be the opposite of that,
[00:47:07] I wouldn't really treat that nationalism in the same way that I would treat it in like a Western
[00:47:12] culture. So yeah Vietnam also sees it and knows about Wukong Falkor and also like I know
[00:47:17] Shaptalk to her before and like actually I like her she's fine
[00:47:21] And so it's interesting for me to see her like write an article about this because I I
[00:47:26] Don't understand why people think that will call me as a mediocre game like I don't know like what the barometer
[00:47:31] it's almost like
[00:47:34] it feels like people get talking points and
[00:47:37] As soon as one person says something in a certain way
[00:47:40] It's kind of like, you know the DEI stuff once one person says it and it goes over well
[00:47:46] Then everybody says it over and over. I really think that Wukong is a great game. I
[00:47:53] Do I
[00:47:54] Think it's a really really great game now. Is it as good as Elvin ring?
[00:48:00] No, like I don't think it's as good as Elvin ring
[00:48:02] But that does it that's not the only
[00:48:05] Barometer that you can use for whether a game is good or not. I think it is a solid fucking 9 out of 10 game
[00:48:11] like I would even say almost 9.5 at this point for my experience. I've really, really liked the game.
[00:48:19] I thought the game was amazing. So yeah, it's 9.5. Yeah, I've really liked it. So, alright, I'm buying it now.
[00:48:26] Yeah, yeah. And so gameplay-wise, man, for me, I think the gameplay is great. Like, and this is the thing, right?
[00:48:33] It's like, this is my personal opinion about it. But I really think the gameplay for it is awesome.
[00:48:38] them. Based in Alien. That's just a good game. Yeah, exactly. It gets so much better
[00:48:42] later on, bro. They just haven't played it. Yeah. It's not my very, it's not my favorite
[00:48:46] game of the year, but it's very disingenuous to go on mediocre. For me, it has probably
[00:48:50] been my favorite game of the year. I would say so. From Vietnam, it's widely known that
[00:48:56] the strong sentiment against China here, however, for Blacksmith, Wukong was released.
[00:49:00] Every Vietnamese streamer I know played it, attracting a huge number of viewers
[00:49:02] really enjoyed it that's because a lot of this like nationalism like people care about like their
[00:49:08] country etc but people care about entertainment and playing video games more so it's like that's
[00:49:14] really where they're gonna focus things on if they care about it right uh yeah there's like this
[00:49:19] like most of the problems and this just happens with a lot of countries is that most of the
[00:49:25] problems and issues that like countries have with each other not always but in many cases are
[00:49:30] like inherited problems from like generations before.
[00:49:35] So like people care about this but the moment that they're actually having to make a decision
[00:49:39] based off of it in real life, in real time, in current times, they're just going to blow
[00:49:43] it the fuck off because they don't really give a shit about this.
[00:49:46] They didn't start this, they don't have anything to do with this.
[00:49:49] This was some issue between like their grandparents, grandparents, like who the fuck cares?
[00:49:54] So yeah.
[00:49:57] If we can enjoy Beowulf lore, we can enjoy Wukong lore.
[00:49:59] Yeah, exactly. And who have tibetanus in the chat doesn't even know what gamer game means.
[00:50:03] They're now being labeled as Chinese nationalists and gamer gamers just because they like the
[00:50:06] game. I do find it to be problematic that people that are Chinese are being labeled
[00:50:12] as nationalists for liking a story, that's like their Beowulf, right? That's like their
[00:50:18] Lord of the Rings. Like I don't think this makes them a nationalist for liking, you
[00:50:22] know, journeying to the West. I mean, come on, that's crazy. So yeah, I find
[00:50:28] that to be very problematic. This story, like what the fuck? Yeah, exactly. Who cares? Yeah,
[00:50:35] and so I get to see this a lot and I find it to be very exhausting. Maybe she knows
[00:50:42] more things that we don't, especially how it's going in China. We know the shit. Well,
[00:50:46] I mean, I'm sure that there are Chinese nationalists that push the game, but to
[00:50:50] act like those are the true groups of people that like the game and that the
[00:50:53] games mediocre I really am just not seeing it man like I'm just not and again
[00:50:58] like I just yeah I think it's it's insane false hype people definitely
[00:51:01] aren't playing this game because they're having fun it's on my approved
[00:51:04] compliments and you should ignore it just consume it this is the same thing
[00:51:07] it's like it's like how people were writing articles about Concord and
[00:51:12] nobody was addressing the elephant in the room nobody addresses the elephant
[00:51:17] in a room that everybody is talking about they talk around it and they're
[00:51:20] like, yeah, it's had mixed reception, but the characters look really enthusiastic.
[00:51:25] Like it's just so misleading.
[00:51:28] And it's again, like you're taking the minuscule amount of credibility that you
[00:51:32] have, and you're cutting it into two even smaller pieces.
[00:51:36] So yeah.
[00:51:38] Now, I kick W these people, she and I will call them talking about how bad
[00:51:41] concord is. No, they're not.
[00:51:43] And this is the problem is that it's almost like Western politics where
[00:51:47] It's like every single group of people has like two sides to it where it's like this is what my opinion is
[00:51:54] Like then in these opinions probably cannot be shared by any group of people on the internet because of how weird they are
[00:52:00] I think Baldur's Gate 3
[00:52:03] Absolutely was completely open with sexuality
[00:52:06] It had tons of things that if other games put it in they would be considered woke
[00:52:10] But it wasn't considered woke because the game didn't feel patronizing or annoying and it wasn't shoehorned in and they were primarily
[00:52:17] decisions made by the player and not things that were added into the game
[00:52:21] without the players consent. That's number one. Number two is that I think that
[00:52:25] the Star Wars, the new Star Wars game was not made because they hate women or
[00:52:31] they want women to be ugly because I think the characters in Assassin's
[00:52:34] Creed are really hot, the new games. So I don't think that's the reason I think
[00:52:38] they just made it did a bad job. Let me think what else is there? I don't
[00:52:43] I think Concord is really, I don't think it's probably an awful game, it's just probably boring and why would somebody want to play it, right?
[00:52:50] That's it. It just seemed very unappealing.
[00:52:52] And if you make characters that people don't want to look like, then why would people want to play characters that they don't want to look like?
[00:52:58] It's that simple.
[00:52:59] And like Overwatch has these stylized characters that are really hot, Concord doesn't have that.
[00:53:05] It should have been free. Even if it was free, nobody would be playing.
[00:53:08] I want you guys to understand this.
[00:53:10] If Concord was free, the player base might double.
[00:53:15] That's about it.
[00:53:18] You know, Overwatch has woken, people loved it.
[00:53:20] Yeah, people like Overwatch have plenty of woke stuff in it, nobody cared.
[00:53:24] Like, that's not really the reason why games like Concord fail.
[00:53:27] But when you put that stuff like front and center,
[00:53:32] and you portray it in a way that seems very, um, uh, like kind of patronizing,
[00:53:37] then yeah, you're gonna have people that are upset about it.
[00:53:39] what's this blackmouth wukong is insane poppy where's the where's the link no I
[00:54:02] don't believe it I don't believe it I want to see the title I want to see it
[00:54:08] no no no no no no no no okay blackmouth wukong is insane popularity may be
[00:54:16] siphoning players in concord I'm not seeing it I don't see it game
[00:54:45] journalist's name okay Massimo Marchiano okay that's that type of his name okay it's not
[00:55:01] American name give me a minute let me see I can find it okay March I don't know okay no it's
[00:55:39] bullshit yeah it's bullshit uh-uh no yeah could have been deleted to be honest no it
[00:55:59] would have been found and more people would have been talking about it and it
[00:56:06] probably also could have still been inside of the aggregate of Google there's
[00:56:10] no H in the last name yeah there is yeah there is it's right there I feel like the
[00:56:22] guy didn't write the article and so I mean it's fake what I mean the guy you
[00:56:33] That's it. The tag is fake. Meme? Okay, it's spam.
[00:56:46] Okay, can we do this on Reddit?
[00:56:48] From now on, can we have a fake?
[00:56:52] And if you're not tagging your stuff as fake or parody,
[00:56:56] and you're putting it off as if it's real,
[00:56:59] and we find out that it's fake, you get permanently banned.
[00:57:04] This is a one-strike policy from now on.
[00:57:08] Post fake news permanent fucking ban and I will be generous with this
[00:57:16] Okay, and I don't mean in terms of like I will be generously punishing
[00:57:20] But I will be like if you are like if you posted something that was like kind of misleading
[00:57:25] It's like that's okay, right? But if you're straight up posting things that aren't real you're gone. I'm so fucking sick of this
[00:57:33] It's not cool to attach a real person's name to the article. No, it's not. It's not this guy didn't deserve that. No, he didn't.
[00:57:42] So yes, guys, this should add to the source. Photoshop editing without source under Reddit posts. GG.
[00:57:48] Well, yeah, I guess so. Massive cope, they're not even the same game genre.
[00:57:52] Yeah, and also here's another big reason. Is that this makes us look like a bunch of fucking retards.
[00:57:58] And you know why? Because everybody in the comment section is.
[00:58:02] It's all these people that are circle jerking each other.
[00:58:05] Well, I knew it. I knew it. I knew what I knew.
[00:58:09] I tell you something, gee, they get they talking points from Black Rock and then fucking...
[00:58:15] Well, we can't talk about them and we they get together and they plan things out to hold us back.
[00:58:22] But we're seeing through it.
[00:58:24] We see it. You see it. Uh-huh.
[00:58:27] We look like a bunch of fucking retards doing that shit a bunch of goddamn fucking idiots and we need to stop doing it
[00:58:35] It's embarrassing. It's fucking embarrassing guys
[00:58:40] Stop it
[00:58:42] From now on if you post fake shit on here, and it's not tagged that it's fake shit. You're getting banned
[00:58:50] My god, no one cares. Yes, you do you're typing
[00:58:55] What do you mean you're typing?
[00:58:57] You're typing, you're getting mad!
[00:59:01] This is it, what do you mean?
[00:59:03] What do you mean, no one cares? You're sitting here getting mad!
[00:59:06] Yeah, let's just make the post on the link before it.
[00:59:09] Yeah, so you gotta post the link to the article or something like that.
[00:59:11] I will not do it because this was not a rule,
[00:59:14] but from now on, and it was tagged with a meme, so there's a bit of ambiguity.
[00:59:18] But we are going to make a fake tag, a parody tag,
[00:59:23] And if you post fake information without that tag,
[00:59:29] you are permaband.
[00:59:31] That's it.
[00:59:32] We've had too much of this shit, it's annoying.
[00:59:35] It's fucking annoying and that's it.
[00:59:38] Is that a e-gum?
[00:59:39] It's a count?
[00:59:39] Yeah, clearly, right?
[00:59:41] I'm okay with this notion.
[00:59:42] Yeah, I don't know.
[00:59:42] What do you guys think about that?
[00:59:43] You guys, any news on AI, my man?
[00:59:45] Not really, unfortunately.
[00:59:48] So yeah, as far as the protocol is at the same timestamp,
[00:59:50] super unlikely they published two things for them
[00:59:52] same time, pretty much guaranteed fake post. Yeah, for sure. Meme doesn't mean that if it's real or
[00:59:56] fake, I know. But that's why, that's why, yeah, no MSM news then. Yeah, I don't like fake news.
[01:00:03] And I think also, like, if I react to something, this is also like, I'm selfish, of course,
[01:00:08] everything that I want is about me. When I react to something and it's not real, and then
[01:00:14] somebody takes what I say, and then they say, look at him reading fake articles, getting
[01:00:18] getting mad about it, then I look stupid too.
[01:00:21] So it's like, it doesn't make,
[01:00:22] when I say it makes all of us look stupid,
[01:00:24] it makes me look stupid too.
[01:00:26] I'm part of that us.
[01:00:29] So yeah, game journalists with Concord.
[01:00:32] Yeah, see, this is the thing, right?
[01:00:33] It's like, this is a narrative that's being created,
[01:00:36] which is like, I think this is true,
[01:00:38] but when we post stuff like this,
[01:00:40] this looks now, now we look dumber.
[01:00:42] You see what I'm saying?
[01:00:43] Now we all look dumber.
[01:00:45] So yeah, the accuracy,
[01:00:47] them, people with ugly people with no personality or skills. Unfortunately, I don't think this
[01:00:51] is true. I think that there are too many of these people and there are too many of these
[01:00:56] pill bottles. There are so many different ways that ugly, annoying people find ways to ruin
[01:01:02] the lives of normal people. In fact, according to Twitter, I do it to them every day. So
[01:01:09] yeah, the reports, oh, people are very mad about this, etc. Yeah, yeah, yeah, hating
[01:01:13] a streamer meme, this is spam, it's no rude or unconstructive behavior. It's crazy how
[01:01:20] popular these posts are though, this is 5,000 updates. Oh my god. Fuck up and find out,
[01:01:26] They asked him to turn down the loud music.
[01:02:34] over bitch that's what they get the guys are some water bottles and shit at
[01:02:41] them yeah that's what you get what the fuck well yeah it's annoying it probably
[01:02:48] shorted out the speaker to the splash attack yeah fuck around and find out
[01:02:52] music and it was so it's listen to this it's so loud you don't need to do
[01:03:00] that. It's obnoxious. It's super, no, the jet ski guys were totally in the fucking right, man.
[01:03:08] They absolutely were. My god, no water bottles, maybe they should have shot them. Well, I mean,
[01:03:16] listen, is it really unreasonable? So they threw a water bottle at him, and then he went,
[01:03:22] and he threw water back at him. I feel like that's pretty much a cool little exchange there,
[01:03:27] isn't it? You know, that's matching energy. Yeah, don't be throwing shit at people. They
[01:03:32] They asked me to turn down the music. It was obnoxiously fucking loud. Yeah
[01:03:37] Yeah, suck a party in nature if you can't respect nature. Well, it's just it's too fucking loud man the funniest way to use AI
[01:03:45] Oh
[01:04:02] I'm so glad that this didn't exist in 2016
[01:04:05] Because you know you would have seen this picture being posted everywhere and people would have been like I knew it
[01:04:11] see
[01:04:13] See? There she is.
[01:04:19] Oh, yeah.
[01:04:22] Uh-oh, uh-oh.
[01:04:26] That's right.
[01:04:31] Oh, shit!
[01:04:36] Oh, God.
[01:04:41] It goes hard, yeah.
[01:04:45] Oh yeah, didn't you do that?
[01:04:49] Man.
[01:04:50] I'm fucking gone.
[01:04:56] This shit's so stupid.
[01:04:58] Uh-oh.
[01:05:04] Oh-ho! Uh-oh!
[01:05:15] You know what's really funny about this?
[01:05:17] Is that the world has gotten so fucked up,
[01:05:20] that half of these pictures are actually pretty close to something that happened in real life.
[01:05:26] It's like this is some kind of like totally different like alternate reality
[01:05:36] Yeah, it's about 50% of it that's the best part about it is it wouldn't be funny
[01:05:41] Yes, if it was just like a few random things here and there, but yeah
[01:05:45] Just do the same video a little time ago. It was from these guys before but yeah, I think it's really fucking funny
[01:05:50] So rings of power season two. There's an orc family token would be proud. What the fuck were they thinking?
[01:05:55] Well, it's easy what they were thinking.
[01:05:57] They were thinking, how can we take Tolkien's story
[01:06:00] and make it ours?
[01:06:01] They did.
[01:06:02] They successfully have made it theirs.
[01:06:05] And I think that's probably why it might not get renewed
[01:06:08] for season three, if the season doesn't come out very well.
[01:06:11] That an orc family, it's just sad.
[01:06:14] It really is just sad.
[01:06:17] They weren't thinking in the first place.
[01:06:19] Well, they were thinking about how to make it sound good.
[01:06:21] Why has Pope Francis always dripped out?
[01:06:24] Are you kidding me?
[01:06:25] The Pope is always dripped out.
[01:06:27] What do you mean?
[01:06:29] Why do you think priests always get really good sets and video games?
[01:06:33] Have you seen like, bro, this is insane?
[01:06:56] What are we talking about here?
[01:06:58] Yeah, bro, this guy's, look at that.
[01:07:03] That's insane, bro.
[01:07:05] He has dripped the fuck out.
[01:07:07] Yeah, holy shit.
[01:07:11] This is insane.
[01:07:12] Yes.
[01:07:14] So the reason why it's the the Pope I mean the Pope bro, I'm gonna be honest like I think this guy even clears the Pope
[01:07:22] Like I mean Pope Francis. I mean to be fair like he definitely goes with like the everyman vibe
[01:07:27] But even like Benedict the the one before it was still not as stripped out as this guy was
[01:07:35] This guy goes even harder
[01:07:37] Look at that. That's a different rep. Yeah, I know
[01:07:40] Oh, Chad Orthodox priest, exactly.
[01:07:45] Yeah, Palpatine, that's the one that I'm talking about.
[01:07:47] That's the Orthodox church, not Catholic.
[01:07:49] Yeah, but they're both priests, you fucking idiot.
[01:07:51] Like, what are you talking about here?
[01:07:53] They're both priests.
[01:07:54] Like, it's not about, oh, but this is from some different
[01:07:57] sect, yeah, I know it's not the exact, who cares?
[01:08:00] Okay, like, in a video game, you see this guy,
[01:08:03] you see the Pope, you see somebody else.
[01:08:06] It's like, yeah, maybe if it's like an Eastern one,
[01:08:08] Eastern one, okay, that's a monk, right?
[01:08:10] little bit different otherwise yeah they're priests guys let's be real maybe
[01:08:15] they're like oh well this god is slightly different when a scrawny girl throws
[01:08:19] two punches at you star wars outlaws melee combat you like I guess I'll die
[01:08:24] Jesus man like this game bro I don't want I don't want to get back into it I don't
[01:08:38] want to get back into it I've already been into it a number of times I've
[01:08:42] already been thinking about it too much. I didn't like the game. It just didn't
[01:08:48] resonate very well with me. I didn't have fun playing it. I didn't enjoy the game. I
[01:08:53] didn't think it was fun. That's about it. Let's not talk any more about it.
[01:08:58] I've had a video out on YouTube. How is the YouTube video on it doing, actually?
[01:09:05] You know what? I'm actually kind of... Do we upload the YouTube video? I did. So I
[01:09:08] sliced-tried Star Wars outlaws. Oh, here we go. And, uh, yeah, there we go. This is,
[01:09:14] oh yeah. Okay, great. And so, the character you play is supposed to be a badass thief that
[01:09:22] fought for her life for herself. He had every piece of dialogue for her as they're studying
[01:09:26] and acting confused, completely unsure of herself. Absolute mess. PC crash, weird
[01:09:32] disco fluoride seat. This is the kind of stuff that this is this is only like a season journeymen
[01:09:47] of the internet would understand. Yeah, fluoride stair because there's like you like I think there's
[01:09:54] like I think three different levels of like like paranoia conspiracy theory awareness that you
[01:10:04] have to have in order to what does that even mean so for i was put in the water
[01:10:09] actually uh... according to that my grandmother was a huge advocate for i'd
[01:10:13] being put in the water
[01:10:14] and the reason why they put for i'd in the water is because people's teeth kept
[01:10:18] falling out all the fucking time
[01:10:19] and so they put for i'd in the water to stop that from happening however some
[01:10:24] people think that for i'd it's not for i'd i don't know for i'd turns the
[01:10:28] the frogs gay, I think that's something separate.
[01:10:31] But it does, there is an idea that it provides
[01:10:35] some sort of calcification effect on the frontal lobe
[01:10:40] or some form of the brain, which causes a person's sensory
[01:10:44] and motor movements to be slightly slowed.
[01:10:48] So that's actually the pineal gland?
[01:10:51] Yeah, yeah, it's something similar to that.
[01:10:53] So, and how would you know this?
[01:10:59] well
[01:11:00] twenty years on the internet
[01:11:04] i spent twenty years on the internet
[01:11:09] that that's how you that's how you know that
[01:11:11] but nielsen yes a brocks creativity exactly and uh... harvard study for i'd
[01:11:16] lowers iq
[01:11:17] uh... i'm not sure about that but what i'm saying is that
[01:11:20] but the four i'd stare means that they're completely allowed i'll guarantee
[01:11:23] you it's like a complete in pc stare
[01:11:40] complete in pc stare i knew it
[01:11:43] and that's it
[01:11:45] And so, yeah, some of this stuff gets by and I always find it to be funny because some people just don't even they don't even recognize it.
[01:11:55] No, pin the comment. Maybe I should. I'm not even logged in on this account. So, yeah, I know a lot of people, Padme did not grew mannequins for this bullshit. That that was kind of yeah.
[01:12:06] I mean she was hot though, so it's okay. I mean obviously right. I mean we've all seen the well
[01:12:14] Where were she whenever I was in middle school?
[01:12:17] You got it right brother
[01:12:22] This is good the acolyte show if dust born is a seven this game is the definite seven if wukong is an eight
[01:12:28] This game is to death about the three or four. I do feel like I should have played dust born
[01:12:32] I wish I had more time to play other games and I would have done it myself
[01:12:35] But yeah, Ash's live stream, okay, yeah, I'll take a look at it real quick.
[01:12:40] I heard they're doing something.
[01:12:42] We'll look at it for a couple of minutes and see what happens.
[01:12:45] Ash's of creation.
[01:12:48] We'll see what this is.
[01:12:50] So, yeah, let me know when something comes on for this and I'll take a look at it myself.
[01:12:57] It seems like right now they're just talking, hanging out.
[01:13:00] But, you know, when they get into it.
[01:13:02] And
[01:13:04] Actually, let's just go ahead. I'll play it now listen to it
[01:13:08] They're gonna be showing a development update. This is kind of a pretty special unique update
[01:13:18] Yeah, they had a pretty bad month Labor Day weekend
[01:13:21] I think our whole entire team has been working very very the dustmourne devs posted a message for the community and obviously moving forward
[01:13:28] I mean and we have been in the past too, but like we had mentioned
[01:13:31] Let's take a look at it extra extra effort as we move towards alpha 2 so
[01:13:36] It's been a lot
[01:13:38] But we are excited
[01:13:40] We hope that everyone has had a great month and that you're excited for today's update as you can see below
[01:13:46] We have our agenda. We'll be doing some quick reminders and then getting into Citadel of the steel bloom and our firebrand
[01:13:53] Citadel of the steel bloom was that a lot of fun. We had this this you guys are gonna see some gameplay today
[01:14:00] that I think is some peak ashes of creation gameplay with that raid boss with
[01:14:04] the event with the Citadel of Steel Bloom and we had a blast with 40 of our of our
[01:14:10] PI testers helping us take this boss down I think you guys are gonna enjoy this
[01:14:15] video I can't wait to get to it now and then we'll do our studio update and
[01:14:21] then Q&A so we'll keep things if it's gonna be a little bit you know less
[01:14:25] intense you don't have to buckle in like our previous ones where they're
[01:14:28] like all right this one will be all right just just just everybody chill out let's
[01:14:36] calm down everybody calm down YouTube spotlight so we want as you know if you
[01:14:40] subscribe it to our YouTube channel you have the barred classes making curious
[01:14:44] about subclass architect system I saw point again so I'll play the game and
[01:14:48] you leave a comment give me a nice shit update five stream video not the other
[01:14:52] one I think the volume is good right you may be
[01:14:58] stream showcase, they left this comment. This is, and they want to know, love the bard class.
[01:15:05] It's so I got like, I actually have five different volume control system. How much will a subclass
[01:15:10] affect the mechanic of your abilities versus the visual and audio play?
[01:15:15] It should be better. Yeah, it's a it's a bit of a bit of a spectrum there, right? Because
[01:15:20] always go with some of the ideas that we have to augmentation is that they could be kind
[01:15:27] of very rudimentary mechanics that get adjusted such as like damage values, cool downs, mana costs,
[01:15:34] distance and range, some targeting changes, but they could also be very fundamental changes which
[01:15:41] would include visuals and audio for a particular ability. And we've given some examples in the
[01:15:48] past about Augments. We're not quite at the Augment stage yet, right? We're still
[01:15:52] fleshing out the remainder of the classes being Rogue and Summoner that are remaining for Alpha
[01:15:56] We talked about that earlier when we laid out the roadmap for the A2 testing.
[01:16:02] And once we get into kind of playing around with these arguments, we're going to be taking
[01:16:06] a lot of feedback from the community.
[01:16:07] But the idea is that some of these arguments will radically and fundamentally change an ability
[01:16:12] and that could include all of those things listed.
[01:16:15] I know that a lot of people are curious about how they can customize their classes, for
[01:16:20] sure.
[01:16:21] I think anybody who can.
[01:16:22] see now, like on the customization front, like people who played, we had a five-day test
[01:16:28] that was under NDA over the course of last Friday until Wednesday where we invited a
[01:16:34] little over 6,000 Alpha-1 testers into this pre-A2 testing to participate and a lot of
[01:16:41] the feedback we've been seeing is that people are really enjoying the level of customization
[01:16:47] between the weapon skill tree, the archetype skill tree, the itemization that's available.
[01:16:53] Like, there's a lot of different levers that people get to pull, and especially for a PBX
[01:16:58] game where you're going up against potentially other players or in our adaptive world setting,
[01:17:03] where the NPC population changes consistently, like that customization really matters because
[01:17:11] the threat is constantly changing. And not just in the gameplay, but also in the way that
[01:17:15] that we're handling UI and keep on stuff like that.
[01:17:18] We're going to try to allow you guys to do a lot of the
[01:17:20] how does she have a cat tree, but there's cats in the tree mods here.
[01:17:24] We got a cat tree and the cats are on the floor.
[01:17:26] I think for us as gamers, too, like that's the stuff we want
[01:17:29] and it should be built.
[01:17:30] They never even used it supported instead of having to be kind of
[01:17:33] jank and put it through some other third party.
[01:17:37] Absolutely.
[01:17:37] They're fake cats.
[01:17:38] Um, our next thing here is just reminding folks that we did
[01:17:42] announced that we are launching Alpha 2.
[01:17:47] This is people love this.
[01:17:48] This was everybody's favorite part.
[01:17:51] A few people's hearts stopped when you said August.
[01:17:52] Yeah.
[01:17:53] This was everybody's favorite part of the last event.
[01:17:56] I was really excited to see the word August.
[01:17:57] I was like, wait.
[01:17:58] People are really happy about this.
[01:17:59] People are really happy about this.
[01:18:01] So we'd love for all of our opportunities to continue.
[01:18:03] They're happy because it still costs less than Star Wars
[01:18:05] outlaw.
[01:18:05] Prior to that, whenever we're on the boat.
[01:18:07] Absolutely.
[01:18:08] But to be fair, it wasn't even a game.
[01:18:10] We'll have some forums and places where you can provide feedback and things, even though
[01:18:14] it will not be under NDA.
[01:18:16] We will be providing you ways that you can communicate with us and to ensure that like
[01:18:20] we're getting feedback from all places.
[01:18:23] You are specifically an alpha two user, you can use those places or-
[01:18:28] Are you going to play it?
[01:18:29] Hell yeah, I'm going to play it.
[01:18:30] You're also allowed to use it.
[01:18:31] Absolutely.
[01:18:32] We'll be taking feedback from other places.
[01:18:33] What do you mean?
[01:18:34] Yeah, I just want to mention as well with regards to the A2 bundle sales.
[01:18:39] We had an AMA where we talked a little bit about obviously Alpha 2, the roadmap and everything
[01:18:45] and I watched a lot of the feedback from Kira, from Azum Gold, from the community, right?
[01:18:50] We all did here at the studio.
[01:18:51] We responded to that.
[01:18:53] I did make a post on Reddit.
[01:18:55] There was an FAQ that was released.
[01:18:57] I think within like 24 hours we were getting there.
[01:19:00] And it's just, it's super important to us that we make sure our relationship with
[01:19:04] our community, with our fans, with the players who are looking forward to Ash's
[01:19:07] of creation to understand that what we do is going to be accurate in a way to the feedback
[01:19:13] that we get from the community.
[01:19:14] I know I think we're being fair.
[01:19:15] And we got a lot of feedback there.
[01:19:16] And we did make adjustments.
[01:19:17] We added some value proposition to the PACs.
[01:19:21] But more importantly, I think one of the important things to remember is that while
[01:19:25] we have a lot of testers for Alpha 2 and while we want more testers for Alpha 2,
[01:19:29] there are significant costs that go along with standing up Alpha 2 for potentially over
[01:19:34] a year or at least a year.
[01:19:35] that Alpha 2 is going to exist.
[01:19:38] And those costs are things like server costs,
[01:19:41] like content delivery networks, live ops, dev ops.
[01:19:45] We could keep it as small as our internal QA teams,
[01:19:49] our external QA teams, and the existing Alpha 2 testers.
[01:19:55] But we have a lot of people in the community who wanted to also participate in the testing
[01:19:58] that didn't know about Ash's information before then.
[01:20:00] So if we're going to expand that testing group,
[01:20:02] testing group we also need to expand all of those services all of those functions
[01:20:06] that go about bringing this alpha two to players and so that's yeah absolutely
[01:20:12] for sure kind of like the purpose to it I think a lot of people are like well you
[01:20:15] said that you're fully funding funding of yourself and yes while we are fully
[01:20:19] funding there so I think that there's also an element of support right we 30
[01:20:23] million isn't enough I'm sure Steven Steven said he can put 30 million to
[01:20:28] maybe he's done some good jobs, maybe he's at 50 now.
[01:20:32] I think like people wanted to hear us say that.
[01:20:34] 50 isn't enough.
[01:20:35] That's 100% that is the case.
[01:20:36] It's not enough to make this game.
[01:20:37] All of our pre-order pack owners, if you are somebody who's buying a wave pack,
[01:20:41] you are a wave bundle.
[01:20:42] You are also being somebody that is supporting our development along the path.
[01:20:47] I saw a lot of commentary out there and it hurts my heart a little bit to read some of those things,
[01:20:53] but it's the internet, it comes with the territory.
[01:20:55] That's cool.
[01:20:56] is. But the reality of it is, Ash's, I know, I know, you come to work and you, you, you,
[01:21:03] you want to make an awesome game and sometimes you read the commentary and it's not super
[01:21:06] cool. But I understand it, right? When people like the game, they just don't like to get
[01:21:10] affected.
[01:21:11] Actions we can take.
[01:21:12] That's all.
[01:21:13] And I think for us, whenever you give us feedback or thoughts or commentary, and there are
[01:21:17] ways for us to engage or interact or whether it's 100% won't be that we are going to
[01:21:22] do what you're asking. Sometimes we have to just explain like, hey, we're doing this this
[01:21:26] way because of x, y, and z. In other cases, it will be like, yeah, that was fantastic
[01:21:30] feedback. Here's how we're going to adjust things and make things better and move forward.
[01:21:34] Right. But we want to make sure that you guys are aware that we will always have open
[01:21:37] communication. We will always be taking that feedback and addressing things as we move.
[01:21:42] Can y'all stop making comments about the appearance of people like this, like a girl
[01:21:45] like Margaret or some shit? Like it's okay to say something like this like normal,
[01:21:49] Like y'all say some weird shit like this it makes me look like a fucking a fucking it like like this shit gets uploaded people look at like
[01:21:57] We look like fucking in so stop it fucking stop it stop it stop it so fucking annoying
[01:22:05] Fucking stop the storytelling to enrich the world building so for the all of you little or junkies out there
[01:22:11] Which I know there are a lot of you so many more guys now
[01:22:14] how you would like to us to integrate archetypes into the story paths or into
[01:22:19] individual story paths that you think would be fun to play through. I've
[01:22:23] definitely had some amazing like class lines that I've done in other games
[01:22:28] before that I will never forget so we'd love to hear what you guys think on that
[01:22:32] front. With that season, we may move forward. So are we premiering this on
[01:22:38] YouTube as well? We will be, yes. Okay all right here we go. As always guys
[01:22:42] I'm going to give you a real quick preface.
[01:22:45] Everything is still a work in progress.
[01:22:46] However, I think that for those of you
[01:22:49] who have been watching our updates over the course
[01:22:51] of the last several months, you are likely
[01:22:52] going to see the quality and the polish of the game that
[01:22:55] has continually been progressing over those courses of months.
[01:22:59] In my opinion, we had a lot of fun, obviously, recording
[01:23:03] this yesterday with our testers.
[01:23:05] I think it looks great.
[01:23:06] I think it plays great.
[01:23:07] But we do this for your guys' feedback.
[01:23:09] So what are we looking for, in particular, when we talk
[01:23:11] about today's showcase. We're talking about combat, group combat, raid combat, raid boss
[01:23:17] fighting. We're talking about point of interest. We're talking about events. These are all things
[01:23:23] that we want to get your guys' feedback on. So please, as you're watching this, take
[01:23:27] into consideration what you're seeing. Provide us that feedback on social media, on our
[01:23:31] forums, on our Discord, on the YouTube. And if you're going to watch it on YouTube,
[01:23:35] please stick around on Twitch and provide us the commentary, because our community
[01:23:38] team does watch the twitch chat we do collect the comments that come in and we
[01:23:42] review that with the team. I think if you get a premiere you'll get the live chat
[01:23:45] play back. I think. I was like oh he can't hear me.
[01:24:01] to buy this game stop pretending. Let's not get emotionally invested. Alright, let's get it.
[01:24:19] Citadel of the steel bloom. Alright. Hello everybody and welcome to another day in Vera and we have
[01:24:30] an exciting showcase for you today. We are going to be getting the first time ever
[01:24:37] a look inside the Citadel of Steel Balloon.
[01:24:41] Alright, let's go.
[01:24:42] Glorious points of interest in the Riverlands area.
[01:24:45] And I am joined by a group of amazing designers and a wild producer.
[01:24:54] I have, I have, joining us today, Jindrak Jeremy, our senior world designer.
[01:25:01] Jeremy, how you doing buddy?
[01:25:02] How you doing?
[01:25:03] How are you?
[01:25:04] I'm doing very good.
[01:25:05] I'm very excited to see what you guys on the World Team have been cooking up.
[01:25:10] I know that obviously players have been loving, kind of seeing the different points of interest
[01:25:14] through the world.
[01:25:15] I know our testers have been, and this is quite an impressive area, the Citadel of Steel
[01:25:21] Bloom.
[01:25:22] I know it has a lot of history to it in the world lore.
[01:25:24] Yeah, the Citadel of the Steel Bloom was the home of the Order of the Steel Bloom
[01:25:30] prior to the Exodus and Apocalypse that happened.
[01:25:34] So this was the area that for the Steelbloom to call home, they were a special unit formed
[01:25:41] by the Aelin Queen who she believed in the portents and the omens beforehand.
[01:25:47] So Loreforge, get your notes up, there's going to be a dump here for you, Cash and
[01:25:53] Sonny and JB.
[01:25:55] Love it, love it.
[01:25:57] And I know that we're going to be capping this off at the end here with a little
[01:26:01] bit of a raid boss showcase as well.
[01:26:04] I'm really glad to be here and I also believe this is probably the first time I appear in
[01:26:21] the recording.
[01:26:22] Yes, welcome!
[01:26:23] I'm very excited to have you and excited for everyone to see the hard work that you've
[01:26:27] put into this dragon.
[01:26:28] I know it's gone through a lot of iterations and it is feeling pretty good.
[01:26:32] I'm excited to have the community give you a little bit of feedback and see what these
[01:26:37] raids are all about.
[01:26:39] Also joining us of course we have one of our glorious world level designers, Ben, who
[01:26:45] is going to be your tanking for us today.
[01:26:47] Ben, how are you doing buddy?
[01:26:49] That's me doing well.
[01:26:50] I'm excited to see what you all think of this, I'll be seeing a piece of it here
[01:26:54] hopefully a little bit more later.
[01:26:56] So they got a group of how many people here, it looks like 9 people that are in this raid
[01:27:03] I'm not sure if there is going to be more added later or not
[01:27:08] 8?
[01:27:09] Some of the complexities of the interior space is here
[01:27:12] Also joining us we have Tony, the narrative designer up here, he is about to get to
[01:27:17] the event that we are going to be going through, Tony how are you doing buddy?
[01:27:20] I'm doing great, I'm so excited to get in to this place, it's one of my favorite
[01:27:24] locations
[01:27:25] Yes, yes, it is Jason one of our NPC designers. How you doing?
[01:27:31] I'm good
[01:27:32] Now these are some these are some crazy
[01:27:36] They're kind of I don't need to be cynical or positive. Oh, yeah, they hit
[01:27:40] I'm a fan of video games. I love games. If the game comes out and it's fun. I'm gonna play it
[01:27:45] We have of course our master of the barb bucky playing on the bar. How you doing bucky?
[01:27:49] Stop getting emotionally invested then
[01:27:51] to showcase the Bard's power in a full group environment.
[01:27:55] Yes, and of course a gaggle of designers would be very, very dangerous if not for our glorious
[01:28:01] senior producer, Gunther.
[01:28:03] Gunther, how are you doing buddy?
[01:28:04] Hey, doing good, excited to be here, excited to be a Liability.
[01:28:11] I love your character name, Living Skill Issue.
[01:28:16] It's what I am buddy.
[01:28:18] well okay so Jeremy you were you were touching a little bit on the space but
[01:28:24] you know before we get into this is a nice and tank because you got time here
[01:28:27] there is this this okay here we go here's just ridden with like nastiness
[01:28:34] talk to us a little bit about this area out here okay so this area is called
[01:28:38] the harrowers march so this was an area the harrower was one of the like
[01:28:43] how he's holding that sword lead slaughterers he led a group of marauders
[01:28:48] through this area during the the exotics and the apocalypse. After the events at
[01:28:54] Carfinn he was directed to this area and this is where they slaughtered a bunch of
[01:29:01] the steel bloomers. The steel bloomers trying to protect their citadel and
[01:29:04] what was locked within. So this is the remnants of that from a thousand years
[01:29:10] ago. It still hasn't really recovered. Kind of has a a pawl to it. Yeah it's
[01:29:14] That's some nastiness too. I noticed there's like some bones and stuff. I don't think environment's quite done
[01:29:20] With this space just yet. I saw some of the concepts and they look a bit gruesome. I think yeah
[01:29:25] I think they need a little bit more. I think it was a last month stream
[01:29:29] We're asking if there's if it's like an alien queen rating that's intended for ashes creation
[01:29:33] And it will be mature and part of that you're starting to see get riddled throughout here
[01:29:38] Not like a vibe, just in the setting, having this kind of morbid, go-offic-doom vibe.
[01:29:46] The test-looking space.
[01:29:49] And this area was Ben's idea, so Ben wants to add a little to it.
[01:29:53] Yeah, gotta keep it grizzly.
[01:29:55] We knew we were gonna head for a little bit more of a mature rating, and this is one
[01:29:59] of the opportunities we've got to bring that full force to bear, so it might not
[01:30:03] be for the faint of heart looking forward to seeing what our final hours can do with
[01:30:07] This space up here right now, I see that on the map, there is an event going on here.
[01:30:15] Now obviously, we've shown in the past, when events can occur, they swap out populations.
[01:30:20] This is all part of our dynamic world.
[01:30:23] Those events are responding to something that the players are doing or something that's
[01:30:26] happening in the world.
[01:30:27] Talk to me a little bit about the event we're going to experience here, Jeremy.
[01:30:31] event we're kind of taking place quite a few quests into a story arc that is
[01:30:37] dealing with the people who are residing in the steel bloom right now or the
[01:30:41] Scylla steel bloom right now which is the Forsaken blades they should to make
[01:30:45] it's what a character automatically steps over steps like that. The military unit off of the Kalar who
[01:30:49] it's a small thing but like left and went on their own and they took over the location and
[01:30:54] they've been dealing with cultists to kind of increase their power if Tony
[01:31:00] He wants to go more into what our current setup is right now, Oregonian?
[01:31:05] Well, what we're dealing with here is it's always a dangerous place with the forsaken
[01:31:11] blades basing their out of this impregnable, ran fortress, but since the story we're in
[01:31:21] is reaching its tail end, it's created a narrative climate that is going to allow
[01:31:27] Now this ragtag band of adventurers such as ourselves, an opportunity to complete our
[01:31:36] quest for some rumored relic called the Orb of Ultimate Essence.
[01:31:41] We're into a part where the Cultists and the Forsaken Blades have made a deal that
[01:31:48] now the Forsaken Blades have gotten this fire empowerment so they're now stronger
[01:31:55] and they're entering to the cultists now,
[01:31:57] so they kind of gave up some of their freedom and autonomy
[01:32:02] while working with the cultists for this increased power.
[01:32:05] Is this the firebird idea?
[01:32:06] So now during the story of the quest,
[01:32:08] we've gotten word that they're trying
[01:32:10] to attempt to break into the vault now using
[01:32:13] some kind of relic.
[01:32:14] And we're in our quest to prevent that from happening,
[01:32:17] because we know if they get in, that could be really bad.
[01:32:20] I see a lot of these NPCs up ahead
[01:32:23] are kind of flame-ridden a bit. Is that reminiscent of the relic that they have acquired?
[01:32:31] Yeah, that's part of the empowerment they got from the relic that they've been manipulating.
[01:32:37] Nice. Love it. Love it. Alright, cool. Well, maybe we should see what we can get up to.
[01:32:45] I have a lot of opinions about war.
[01:32:47] right I have a lot of a lot of very stout oh you can tell he's a tank because
[01:32:52] he's a dwarf for sure tanks all right well I think fuck you're gonna be marking
[01:32:56] for us and guys this is this is these are elite mobs right these are two stars
[01:33:02] and a mixture of some three stars as well we talked a little bit about the
[01:33:06] elite system in the past okay this is gonna be difficult our system is fine
[01:33:10] you must die that's to be expected yeah hopefully that's not gonna be the
[01:33:13] case. What do you think, Ben? How are you going to start with this? How are we going
[01:33:18] to pull? You should wait for the pull.
[01:33:20] And do this classic body pull style. So I think we've got somebody marking high threat
[01:33:24] enemies here. That arsonist? No joke. We're going to try and get him first.
[01:33:29] It's obvious that this says ranged abilities. You just look at him. You know he does
[01:33:32] ranged abilities. You should kite him around so he can a-wim-dung, interrupt him.
[01:33:44] I'm playing healer.
[01:33:45] See, I told you. I fucking told you, bro. I just look at him. I fucking know that.
[01:33:49] start pulled the whole encounter
[01:33:52] okay I'll go try and stun this guy
[01:33:54] alright gingerax getting
[01:34:00] getting conked a little bit here
[01:34:03] it's the life of the fighter
[01:34:05] take some, deal some
[01:34:08] let's see a little bit of melee in there
[01:34:10] okay this isn't too bad
[01:34:12] watch out for the fire
[01:34:13] alright
[01:34:14] oh yeah these guys so what is that a melee they
[01:34:16] I love how the tank just does not give a fuck about the ranger
[01:34:20] just
[01:34:21] does like totally
[01:34:23] exactly that elemental
[01:34:24] Literally who cares I see the fire on the ground. It's very subtle. Okay. Okay
[01:34:34] We're gonna range with the back range with the back
[01:34:38] And my duties already. Yeah, you came to the back. Help me hurts
[01:34:44] Trying trying I'm pretty good here. This is all right. You bet. I love the interior of this, okay
[01:34:56] That's good that they're showing one more perspective.
[01:34:59] Oh yeah, Brandon and the whole environment team did a great job with this.
[01:35:02] Right in with the artist on it, did an amazing job on all of it.
[01:35:05] Okay. There we go.
[01:35:11] Pull some of these guys.
[01:35:16] What is he doing?
[01:35:18] These raiders have got a couple moves that hit hard, so...
[01:35:25] I take them and easily digest the bull groups.
[01:35:30] Very nice.
[01:35:32] I think they definitely need to have animation culling and spell effect culling.
[01:35:39] Blastar has this, WoW has this, Final Fantasy XIV has this, it's probably a later in the
[01:35:46] game and they're probably showing everything just to show what the visuals look like for
[01:35:52] demonstrations.
[01:35:55] When it goes live it should have animation culling and spell culling.
[01:36:00] There's a lot of different compositions that are possible based off of what narrative is
[01:36:04] happening within the different POIs.
[01:36:07] There's a lot of dynamic systems we're using here.
[01:36:10] With the two stars in the story arc, we have normal pop in here, which would be the Forsaken
[01:36:15] Blades, which are one star.
[01:36:18] But because of the story arc, we've been able to transform those mobs down to the
[01:36:21] two star flame versions.
[01:36:23] So we are in a different, using the term phase.
[01:36:27] But this is a different setup for this Citadel because of the story arc that is occurring
[01:36:34] right now.
[01:36:35] I love this view, this looks amazing.
[01:36:37] I think there's too much bloom with the visuals.
[01:36:40] That's just like a giant rose coming out of the center.
[01:36:42] There's too much light.
[01:36:45] It makes it so you can't have it washed with everything else.
[01:36:47] I have to call out the same class.
[01:36:49] I think I'm contractually obligated to do so.
[01:36:52] Oh, it looks so good.
[01:36:54] It's a good look.
[01:36:55] It looks great.
[01:36:56] Yeah, Ben had definite inspirations for this
[01:37:01] A lot of biome are creating our own world, but for this like maybe some more
[01:37:05] I'm going to choose a mini boss there a lot of these locations because why is the citadel is
[01:37:10] Ranger you pull all the way back. You literally read his name. It's a ranger
[01:37:14] Doesn't warrior have a death grip though. A lot of them. Couldn't they just could they just use the chain and the ranger built to last?
[01:37:21] I also think that for a class like what Steven's playing right now, what is it about?
[01:37:53] Melee and then every melee doing like AoE healing around you
[01:37:59] So like other people with you, I think that's a cool mechanic
[01:38:02] It looks like it says we're trying to fight our way. I think they should add something like that
[01:38:07] It's a great people like it's a mission. We've learned really enough to this that
[01:38:12] That this rich was gonna
[01:38:15] Summon the lady of the rose who was the commander the last commander of the
[01:38:21] order the steel bloom so we need to we've done things to make it possible that
[01:38:27] we can summon her spirit to then prevent this ritual from occurring so you've
[01:38:33] got to get to what her spot where she died in the exodus and then revive her or
[01:38:38] recall her spirit to help us
[01:38:43] okay I think I might have found that spot is the green one like some weird
[01:38:48] The
[01:38:51] Lady of the Rose is the the official title of the leader of the steel bloom
[01:38:57] That's cool
[01:38:59] Which how was the how was the order of the rose established? What was the?
[01:39:07] The first lady of the rose was I feel like I'm more your strong warrior
[01:39:13] and the queen picked her to form an order for her to act as her bodyguard for all 15
[01:39:19] of these special machines that she knew she believed that the woman was
[01:39:23] ever coming when other people might have put them off or didn't believe them
[01:39:28] or doubted her so the order had been around for 20-30 years before the
[01:39:34] exodus. Oh my god, we've been starting. Oh my god, I think I activated the vent.
[01:39:39] Oh, well they didn't hold us.
[01:39:41] So we're uh...
[01:39:42] My bad, my bad.
[01:39:43] We uh, we started the summoning and the thralls are responding to the train to summoner.
[01:39:50] Okay.
[01:39:51] The mighty pool, here we go.
[01:39:52] I did not know that that was going to uh, to pull a bunch of bombs.
[01:39:58] My bad.
[01:39:59] So now he's actually doing a very healing heal though?
[01:40:01] Yeah, he is.
[01:40:03] See if this one is a god pure healing.
[01:40:05] Very nice.
[01:40:07] Look at this.
[01:40:08] We gotta keep these guys from not summoning her.
[01:40:13] We gotta prevent their attack.
[01:40:17] Oh, so they're trying to summon her.
[01:40:20] They're trying to prevent her from coming.
[01:40:26] Us summoning her has kind of riled them up.
[01:40:30] I see, because he's standing next to the ranger,
[01:40:32] the ranger, the Zagrog.
[01:40:34] Oh, ranger, the rest is in the back.
[01:40:36] Yeah, that's good.
[01:40:37] Steven's looking with his back turned so he doesn't see the mobs responding. He's aggroing. Yeah
[01:40:45] I think he's honestly, I think he's doing this on purpose I
[01:40:50] Do I think he's doing it on trust we defeat them. It's the rain
[01:40:56] 100% yeah
[01:40:58] On the other hand, it's not one of the
[01:41:00] Okay.
[01:41:03] Okay.
[01:41:04] Ooh, swan, another one.
[01:41:05] Where are they coming from?
[01:41:06] Where are they coming from?
[01:41:07] Oh no.
[01:41:08] They're gonna keep coming till she comes or they should shut it down.
[01:41:11] Okay.
[01:41:12] This is kind of like a wave event.
[01:41:14] Mm-hmm.
[01:41:15] Yeah, it says vanquish the flamethrower.
[01:41:18] The arthas on the right.
[01:41:20] The arsonists do a lot of AoE flame damage that is definitely looking me a little bit.
[01:41:28] Okay.
[01:41:29] I got heals for you.
[01:41:30] Anna seems to be going okay.
[01:41:34] I think larger mobs should have a posture.
[01:41:36] That arsonist over here.
[01:41:38] And they can be stunned and take more damage.
[01:41:41] I think posture bar gameplay for larger groups is always interesting.
[01:41:45] Nice.
[01:41:46] You're doing a great job with that.
[01:41:48] Good wars 2?
[01:41:49] Yeah, new world has it too.
[01:41:51] Yeah, the shooting dance is awesome.
[01:41:55] Alright.
[01:41:56] The lady of the rose has been here.
[01:41:58] Oh look!
[01:41:59] It's the lady herself!
[01:42:01] There she goes.
[01:42:02] month fire though you're not she should save us oh where's she going what is she
[01:42:08] doing it's going toward where the evil rituals taking place okay I'm just
[01:42:15] escorting her what does it say here yep we got the cultist up here trying to stop
[01:42:19] the essence ritual oh these guys are easy to kill okay she's gonna channel the
[01:42:26] shut it down oh she's channeling okay she's gonna attempt to spell break the
[01:42:31] ritual curse oh oh we got an agent with this guy he's gonna get his tiles he's gonna try to stop her
[01:42:40] oh he's channeling against her you gotta protect her they're coming to okay gotta protect her while
[01:42:46] she's arson's coming in the back right on her time he's here oh we can heal her arson is
[01:42:54] Oh, okay. My harpoon got interrupted. Okay, don't let her burn. Looting, yeah, for sure.
[01:43:06] Sorry, I'm loop-gobbling right now. Naturally.
[01:43:21] Never changes.
[01:43:28] So we're defending her while she's channeling. What is this stage? Let's see here.
[01:43:32] Yeah, it says it right there. What is this?
[01:43:34] about a minute response coming in from the sides okay arsonist coming from the
[01:43:50] left get away from her oh that's a combo okay another one in front oh and
[01:43:59] another one we are so this time I see this raid boss fire damage watch the
[01:44:06] watch your feet I'm standing in the fire hot foot yeah this combat seems like
[01:44:11] kind of like it's okay
[01:44:14] But it's not really great, you know
[01:44:19] And it's not my second time like this it reminds me like I worried that it's gonna end up being a little
[01:44:26] That's it's hard
[01:44:31] Spicy
[01:44:32] Ranger over here
[01:44:41] What do you mean? I could talk about it more. I'm standing in the flare. Um, this is a good fire. Don't don't worry about it
[01:44:48] Oh
[01:44:50] That's not a good fire though, fire is confusing
[01:44:54] If there's a good fire it should be green
[01:44:57] That way it's not confusing for players
[01:45:00] You're pretty good halfway, she's got a little damage on her
[01:45:03] I'm looking for the right one
[01:45:06] Good job tank
[01:45:10] I'll leave those flame patches on the ground whenever they do the charge and I don't want that to get left under
[01:45:20] Not a flame elemental from the left
[01:45:25] That's a lot of flames
[01:45:28] love that circle
[01:45:31] surrender like a monster to fly
[01:45:33] who so you got almost six thousand hit points holy smokes
[01:45:37] beefed up
[01:45:38] you are beefed up
[01:45:40] pull a defense mode
[01:45:44] Chon's exp just keeps going down and up again
[01:45:54] I have an elemental on me
[01:45:56] I got you
[01:45:57] oh crap
[01:45:58] thank you
[01:45:59] what happened
[01:46:02] oh we're good
[01:46:03] I see you there I got you too. I feel like the event is too long
[01:46:07] Okay
[01:46:10] They're still locked in their channel combat. Is it too many like random mods to killing the ancient in the lady air
[01:46:17] I got you. Yeah
[01:46:19] Are you?
[01:46:21] Yeah, and they should show like a melee
[01:46:24] Next time the lady's getting damaged. There's a lot of fire on the ground. He was kind of stay out of these fires
[01:46:29] That way you can see the actual problem at us. It's like healing, you know.
[01:46:33] It's happening. Keep her healed.
[01:46:46] She's getting back.
[01:46:57] Oh no, Useless.
[01:46:58] He about to die.
[01:47:00] Oh my god, what did he do to me?
[01:47:04] No, no, no.
[01:47:05] No, I can't heal myself. I don't have life drain.
[01:47:08] Nice.
[01:47:09] God, what in the future?
[01:47:11] I will heal myself. I don't need you.
[01:47:15] I'm just really worried about the crits
[01:47:17] Oh no those crits are brutal
[01:47:19] They are nearly deer
[01:47:21] How much longer?
[01:47:23] She needs to hurry up
[01:47:25] It's close
[01:47:27] She is taking her now for the last time
[01:47:29] Oh he did it and then succeeded
[01:47:31] Let's get this egg out of here
[01:47:33] Oh there is an egg
[01:47:35] Is that the relic?
[01:47:37] That's the relic they were using
[01:47:39] Objective completed, lady will stop
[01:47:41] The essence ritual
[01:47:45] completed later to stop the Essence ritual.
[01:47:47] Oh, I retrieved it.
[01:47:51] I did retrieve the orb.
[01:47:53] They were using the orb of ultimate essence.
[01:47:57] Get out of here.
[01:48:00] A dragon approaches.
[01:48:01] Okay, alright.
[01:48:03] Firebrand's going.
[01:48:04] Okay, here we go.
[01:48:05] Firebrand?
[01:48:06] Oh, that's the dragon.
[01:48:08] That's the dragon.
[01:48:09] We've got his egg.
[01:48:10] We've got to go.
[01:48:11] Is he upset about that or something?
[01:48:13] We just give it to him nicely like you can drag and can we talk to him?
[01:48:17] Well, we'll talk a dragon egg. Oh good. There he is. Where? I
[01:48:22] Don't see him. Oh, that is cool. Oh
[01:48:27] Okay, I don't think I get tanked up by myself. We definitely need some friends if we're gonna actually defeat this guy
[01:48:34] This is this is a right fledged rate boss
[01:48:38] Well, Stephen I'd say
[01:48:43] Do I need to look to the east on the third day?
[01:48:45] I think the fifth, but our clip?
[01:48:48] What are these days?
[01:48:50] There is an army over there.
[01:48:52] Oh, there is an army. We need to go and spec the troops.
[01:48:55] Ok, here we go. Now we see the real raid.
[01:48:58] Volunteer testers?
[01:49:00] Ok, here we go.
[01:49:02] What is going on?
[01:49:04] In perfect formation.
[01:49:07] Yes!
[01:49:09] We will destroy...
[01:49:46] Margaret has brought us friends.
[01:49:49] It should be a very big deal.
[01:49:51] Oh, so we're supposed to lead, I'm going to join the uh...
[01:49:53] Like basically every dragon entrance, the goal should be...
[01:49:57] Stand by.
[01:49:58] Now you might not get there.
[01:50:00] Aw, he has formed such an epic formation here.
[01:50:03] Yeah.
[01:50:04] We messed it up, kind of, didn't we?
[01:50:06] Excited stuff.
[01:50:07] We're like, alright.
[01:50:12] Alright, look at that, we've got a full-on raid here.
[01:50:14] Okay, so we've got a raid of 40 people for this guy.
[01:50:17] Okay. So you've got like the traditional, the raid friends are good, they're very clean.
[01:50:22] I like the raid friends. It's like wow raid friends.
[01:50:27] Nice, very nice. Uh-huh. You have one more person?
[01:50:31] You have one more? Yeah, my client, Clark. Oh, we're waiting. Okay, we'll wait for you to come back.
[01:50:36] Okay, so Chong, Tret, talk to us a little bit about this big boy. Because we have seen
[01:50:42] Dragons in the past but I think you guys have done a little bit of work in kind of authoring the intent at a high level for
[01:50:49] You know these types of when this dragon comes down it should change the sky box and change the show
[01:50:54] So there's definitely going to find this boss as the endgame boss for a two
[01:51:01] the dragon is gonna drop some
[01:51:04] Message years like he lands these trees set on fire and they die way more powerful than this years
[01:51:10] we are having right now so that's pretty excited to get on. So about the boss mechanics, oh yeah,
[01:51:16] go ahead. No I was just gonna say so the the gear obviously is is going to be an important part of
[01:51:21] the A2 testing and Ray bosses are one of the ways that you can get those best and slot. That way
[01:51:27] even the lower level players can see some issues up. Yeah that way like low level players like
[01:51:31] they can see the sky turn right under something and they're like what the fuck what is this
[01:51:35] right these bosses as well I think like for MMOs it's super important that like
[01:51:39] you have those mobs for like new players like in-game players doing something
[01:51:44] crazy because player definitely gonna try to fight it and learn it gives them
[01:51:48] like a point of like I would say there are two major goals the first goal is
[01:51:54] that the dragon would have something that players are expected but something
[01:52:00] that players don't expect it at all. Because this is a dragon, so this is something we really
[01:52:07] familiar with. So it has to have something that you typically see a dragon should do,
[01:52:15] like some tail swipe, some claw attack, some breath attack, etc. But on the other hand,
[01:52:23] from mechanic-wise we can definitely make a good fight with only these kinds of concepts.
[01:52:28] by the way it should also change the music.
[01:52:30] It will always be kind of a little bit disappointing
[01:52:33] and feel too generic if all the dragon is doing is within your expectation.
[01:52:39] So the dragon definitely have some more special mechanics
[01:52:43] that you don't typically see in other dragon fights
[01:52:49] and players need to just learn and do counter play to them.
[01:52:54] Good.
[01:52:56] And this guy is going to be level 25, is it for A2?
[01:53:03] Oh yeah, I think so. Very nice. Very cool.
[01:53:07] Well we have Gindrak is back. Let's get him in raid and then I think, would we have a tank for this guy?
[01:53:14] I think Brian, you're going to be tanking this dude?
[01:53:16] Yeah, welcome Brian.
[01:53:18] Here to floor pass for Mantle.
[01:53:20] The Mantle has thus been passed.
[01:53:22] Hold on Ben.
[01:53:23] From one dwarf to another.
[01:53:25] Why are both of our tanks dwarfs?
[01:53:31] It would be cool if there was a Belista on the top of this tower, one of these towers
[01:53:47] here, and a bonus event would unlock it that you could use against the boss whenever he
[01:53:52] He was in the air in the middle of a fight.
[01:53:54] And it would take him on the ground.
[01:53:56] In a little bit, we've been doing some testing on him.
[01:53:59] See, we're going to keep him in the middle of the field.
[01:54:02] He'll come away from the walls and rocks and stuff.
[01:54:06] He's going to be placing down a spoil start.
[01:54:09] You can make ammo for it.
[01:54:11] There's basically general awareness that there might be some fire in or around the dragon.
[01:54:17] We're just doing that.
[01:54:19] I think the dragon would be really cool that as soon as you engage in a car there is a special
[01:54:47] the voice line that the player who's holding the egg gets, because usually dragons speak
[01:54:54] in other languages, but because you're holding the egg you can hear the ashes of creation.
[01:54:59] You can hear what the dragons actually say.
[01:55:01] There are different age groups, and this is one of the ways that you can spawn.
[01:55:08] There are other ways that he can be spawned as well.
[01:55:10] I spent a lot of time playing games, I'm like-
[01:55:12] the dynamic world and and and how just just just let me let me think about it
[01:55:19] by all means sir whenever you wish the anime I do I watch one anime all right
[01:55:24] here we go let's do this let's do this okay let's go it's good that they're
[01:55:31] showing all right they got the music that's good
[01:55:35] Oh my gosh look at this dude.
[01:55:38] Clearly a tail swipe, yep.
[01:55:40] Okay.
[01:55:44] He's huge.
[01:55:46] He is huge.
[01:55:48] He's going down kinda fast.
[01:55:52] Oh!
[01:55:53] That's like an AoE.
[01:55:55] Yeah.
[01:55:56] So healers maybe can...
[01:55:58] Clean bombs.
[01:55:59] Clean bombs.
[01:56:00] You'll see if something...
[01:56:01] Get the bombs right out.
[01:56:02] Right out.
[01:56:05] Boom.
[01:56:06] He's right on top of the splint.
[01:56:07] Gonna move him at it.
[01:56:09] Yep.
[01:56:10] So he drops fire on the ground, he got him out of the fire, okay?
[01:56:13] Nice.
[01:56:31] Oh, we'll try the breath.
[01:56:37] Does he do a breath that's gonna go across?
[01:56:40] That breath of tank is awesome!
[01:56:42] Oh my god!
[01:56:44] That looked so good.
[01:56:46] That was a good skill.
[01:56:48] That's a good job.
[01:56:50] I remember why the heat is withering to the oxygen around.
[01:56:53] Bring it to a pocket.
[01:56:54] I got you.
[01:56:55] That's a very very good nuance.
[01:56:57] I don't think people would have noticed that that's very clean a lot of the rest of the stuff that I have is I kind of like
[01:57:05] I think it's like kind of like okay, it's not great, but like that part was good
[01:57:15] Resident combat resin combat's fine. Oh man
[01:57:20] No, let's get the balls down. Oh
[01:57:25] Yeah, no get back. No. No, we'll be daily. Okay. Oh
[01:57:31] All right
[01:57:42] Yeah, so for his breath attack, it's gonna try to target a good probolator, so everybody should be patient about that.
[01:57:53] That looks good.
[01:57:54] I love the atoms and the sound.
[01:58:11] Here we go, here we go, here we go.
[01:58:13] Big dick.
[01:58:14] Oh, Andrew is working very hard at us.
[01:58:17] Amazingly.
[01:58:18] And Meadow did a great job on the animation.
[01:58:21] Did he just roll through that?
[01:58:22] She is a very talented animator, looks so good.
[01:58:25] Oh, there it is. Clark under BFX.
[01:58:27] Yes. Great job. It's a whole, it's the full package.
[01:58:31] I didn't see if he took damage or not.
[01:58:33] Takes a team to make a dragon.
[01:58:35] Takes a team to kill it too.
[01:58:39] Yeah.
[01:58:40] Just that tail swipe.
[01:58:41] But I love the clerics' instant heal ability.
[01:58:52] When I see a health, just drop to nothing and I spam that. It's a...
[01:58:58] 3 down. 3 down.
[01:59:00] If his name is of the devouring flame,
[01:59:02] They should have a tour he randomly targets a party member and puts them into like a ball of flame in front of him.
[01:59:09] I'm on my way buddy, I'm on my way.
[01:59:12] You can do more damage to him but you have to heal him.
[01:59:15] And if it...
[01:59:16] I'll talk about more at the end.
[01:59:19] Cause there's like...
[01:59:21] Like this right now in my opinion is like a 5.
[01:59:24] I'm back and healed from that.
[01:59:25] I'm resing you very soon.
[01:59:26] Oh my gosh.
[01:59:27] I think it's a 5.
[01:59:29] He lost two more?
[01:59:32] He's gonna go again
[01:59:37] God mode 2.0
[01:59:42] Yep sort of online POV
[01:59:48] Data list five for alpha too good. I know that's what I'm doing from my feedback
[01:59:54] Do you want to like it don't I don't give feedback about wow content anymore really about like raids
[01:59:59] It's like I know they don't give a shit that I can't change anything. It's never gonna change
[02:00:03] Like I'm giving feedback. I think it will be better. Thank you for the rings
[02:00:08] This is more than flames from Ragnaros, very popular mechanic.
[02:00:11] A lot of games have this.
[02:00:13] Just near and half.
[02:00:31] Some of you guys will notice that I may not be taking damage, that's just so I can keep giving you good recordings.
[02:00:38] For sure. That's the reason.
[02:00:40] Not cheating.
[02:00:41] No, no, no.
[02:00:42] Yeah, that's the real reason.
[02:00:43] That's right.
[02:00:45] Oh!
[02:00:47] I thought he does it in a different direction, like it's random rate.
[02:00:52] It's not random, it's just that it will try to breath through the most players.
[02:00:59] Mark, you've done too much. Clever tracking.
[02:01:05] Remember, this was something that we talked about. Are they the after AI being able to kind of respond to large quantities of players who try to mess this guy down and he's going to be selecting A O E's in the direction of those wards.
[02:01:20] I also love the fire embers that he can try to catch it with his float grab on my way buddy
[02:01:35] Top is doing again
[02:01:38] Wrong way dude
[02:01:43] Coming up
[02:01:44] He's on brine
[02:01:46] He got cleared
[02:01:59] I got you buddy
[02:02:08] I'll let you fucking just slide in and give him down shields
[02:02:13] Oh, we're getting cooked.
[02:02:15] Oh.
[02:02:16] Hopefully in my last live.
[02:02:18] Oh, no, Bucky.
[02:02:21] And a luring.
[02:02:23] A few people went down with that one.
[02:02:25] I got you.
[02:02:26] Coming up.
[02:02:28] I was dragging this guy's trap on me.
[02:02:30] I got you on heals.
[02:02:39] Blue Curse, I'm going to rescue.
[02:02:42] But everybody is dying.
[02:02:44] He got three of us with this one.
[02:02:46] We need to do the dinner thing again
[02:02:50] They need that Stevens class
[02:02:56] He's bringing down
[02:03:00] The Ragnaros
[02:03:02] All right, we got to kill the ads he should be able to make a shield that blocks a we fires straight up bunch of people
[02:03:11] The people can get behind watch watch the dragon even as you're killing heads. Yeah
[02:03:18] I'm trying to get some reds out.
[02:03:25] Like Paladin's 5th base 14th?
[02:03:27] Yeah, exactly, exactly like that.
[02:03:29] There you go.
[02:03:30] They're alive.
[02:03:31] Pocket, I'm raising you up.
[02:03:32] This is so bad.
[02:03:35] You're next.
[02:03:36] There you go, pocket.
[02:03:37] No off, you're coming up.
[02:03:38] Oh, no.
[02:03:39] He's absorbing.
[02:03:40] Get him down.
[02:03:45] Get him down.
[02:03:52] What is this?
[02:03:53] Is this like Keeleham or something?
[02:03:54] Okay.
[02:03:55] Take it.
[02:03:56] Okay.
[02:04:00] You got 11 stacks.
[02:04:01] Okay.
[02:04:02] Okay.
[02:04:03] Okay.
[02:04:05] You got 11 stacks.
[02:04:06] Oh no.
[02:04:07] So now it does more damage?
[02:04:09] 11 stacks is increasing damage output.
[02:04:13] It's increasing damage output.
[02:04:14] He's enraged.
[02:04:15] It's a softened rage mechanic.
[02:04:19] Shoot, um, I have a lot of, a lot of things.
[02:04:27] A lot of things I would say.
[02:04:29] Oh, man.
[02:04:30] You know what I'm talking about?
[02:04:35] Put the breath.
[02:04:36] Put the breath.
[02:04:37] Ooh.
[02:04:38] He's trying to grab it.
[02:04:44] The fight feels too long.
[02:04:45] The fight feels too long.
[02:04:46] It's the medic angles of this guy.
[02:04:47] Hahaha.
[02:04:48] If you die, he died for the shot.
[02:04:52] He'll get it for you in 4k, you guess.
[02:04:57] Dick Leibs, I'm getting you up buddy.
[02:05:06] Just a new mechanic?
[02:05:07] Oh my gosh!
[02:05:16] That was good.
[02:05:17] Oh my god, Plex, I got you!
[02:05:18] I got you, dreadf.
[02:05:19] Get me a steve behind you.
[02:05:23] I don't know where you are.
[02:05:24] There's like it.
[02:05:25] I'm getting it from somebody.
[02:05:26] Okay.
[02:05:27] Oh my gosh, I'm coming through again.
[02:05:28] They have unlimited dreses?
[02:05:29] Yeah.
[02:05:30] okay oh my gosh I can't think yeah they have unlimited d-reses yeah
[02:05:39] he's gonna jump he's gonna jump out there he goes oh that's pretty good
[02:05:53] i feel like the second half of the fight is much more dynamic and interesting than
[02:06:06] the first half i gotta get people back in the fight
[02:06:11] i got your back again yeah this seems this seems a lot better
[02:06:15] He's so close, he's got a hundred thousand, almost there.
[02:06:20] We need to focus him down.
[02:06:21] Oh god!
[02:06:23] Ousel, I saw that.
[02:06:25] I just ate it.
[02:06:26] Here you go buddy.
[02:06:28] It's too forgiving.
[02:06:29] I got him, he's, once more.
[02:06:30] I got him.
[02:06:30] He's just gonna see his GM on.
[02:06:31] We gotta focus him, we gotta focus him.
[02:06:34] Max DPS.
[02:06:36] He's got those stacks on him.
[02:06:39] Hurts a lot.
[02:06:41] Sky Mason, you're coming up.
[02:06:59] Get out of there, get out of there.
[02:07:01] Steven did heroic ragnaros. I like that.
[02:07:07] Yep.
[02:07:08] Hey, Maruth.
[02:07:09] Ooh.
[02:07:10] Ooh.
[02:07:11] Oh.
[02:07:12] Nice.
[02:07:13] Uh-oh.
[02:07:14] Elephant crew.
[02:07:15] We can do it.
[02:07:16] That's fucking 60,000.
[02:07:17] Oh, fucking they did heroic ragnaros.
[02:07:18] Dred, I'm getting you up, buddy.
[02:07:19] I wasn't paying attention.
[02:07:20] Thank you.
[02:07:21] I was thinking about, like, oh, it'd be cool if they did this or that or the other thing.
[02:07:25] Got him.
[02:07:27] So close.
[02:07:28] Can you drop Dred?
[02:07:29] I'm no living bald.
[02:07:36] Here's some lava on him
[02:07:38] Oh, he got some lava
[02:07:45] 30k
[02:07:47] 30k
[02:07:53] He's so close
[02:07:55] He's so close
[02:07:59] Let me see those lethal blows, fighters
[02:08:01] They're so close
[02:08:03] Yes!
[02:08:05] I think I shot him last
[02:08:09] We did it
[02:08:11] It's funny gets the loot
[02:08:13] Now what?
[02:08:15] Clareclife, you know
[02:08:20] Cleric life, you know. Oh, what do we got here? Okay, you got all the items
[02:08:25] Red dragon scale shield
[02:08:27] need
[02:08:29] The singer's role like heroic level items rare. Okay, so it's a real great. Let's play
[02:08:36] Very good role very nice. I
[02:08:41] agreed to everything
[02:08:44] Very cool. Well done everybody. We did it. We defeated him
[02:08:49] kill screen shot oh yeah we should yeah we should definitely get a screen shot
[02:08:53] let's line up let's line up and get a screen shot next to alpha two by the
[02:08:56] way yeah this is still the alpha right next to the mouth we're there and I
[02:08:59] think again uh let me adjust my there's a lot to us whoever gets the loot has
[02:09:08] to show it off there's a lot I want to say our resin area into the body
[02:09:14] Somewhere profit promising. Yeah from flush flex for a group. What sucks. No, they have like different modifications for wood
[02:09:21] They really need to turn down particle effects. You can't really see what's going on
[02:09:26] well done
[02:09:28] Very cool. Great job. That was a very fun fight really great
[02:09:32] I love how there's always somebody with an ego that has to stand separate
[02:09:35] Then everybody else can see them suffer. It's the warrior obviously it's the fucking warrior
[02:09:41] We have a big shout out to the PI team and all of our pre alpha 2 testers who are being
[02:09:53] invited.
[02:09:54] We have sent out about 6000 invites so far to our alpha 1 users.
[02:09:59] We are going to be sending out more in the coming couple of weeks so if you guys are
[02:10:02] part of alpha 1 make sure you are keeping an eye out for that.
[02:10:07] Props to our network teams to our DevOps teams to our ICS teams as this testing continues towards alpha 2
[02:10:14] We have announced that alpha 2 is going to be starting in October
[02:10:18] Those of you who have to access keep us keep up to date with our announcements
[02:10:24] what and
[02:10:26] Everybody who's part of this today. Thank you very much. It's only seven thousand dollars
[02:10:30] There's a community we do this so that we can get your feedback
[02:10:33] and get your thoughts on what you saw today both from the raid mechanics perspective what you expect out of a world boss how you want to
[02:10:40] See different types of abilities and mechanics within the world boss the setting
[02:10:45] And also points of interest like the citadel steel bloom the lore the story the events that live behind that
[02:10:50] Your guys this feedback definitely means the world twist
[02:10:53] This is why we do these demonstrations while we have a transparent development process so that we make sure we're going in the
[02:10:58] direction that is answering the call of our community for the next great MMO that's going
[02:11:03] to be Ashes of Creation. Thank you all for joining us today and we will see you guys
[02:11:08] back on stream.
[02:11:09] Okay, I have so much to say. Oh man, I'm ready to start having a conversation.
[02:11:21] Hello, we have returned.
[02:11:23] The video playing in the background was we kept as per usual, so you can have something
[02:11:30] visual to look at.
[02:11:31] But it seems like most of you all really enjoyed that, and so everyone here is aware, publicly.
[02:11:38] We did lift the verbal NDA for those who were joining us for the Phoenix Initiative.
[02:11:43] They're allowed to talk about their experience from the firebrand rate if they would like
[02:11:48] to.
[02:11:49] But we do have some questions that you guys had asked. A few of them are questions that we've
[02:11:52] answered before but we'll answer again because it seems like we have got a lot of new folks who
[02:11:56] have popped in. But first some new ones. The first one is, is it intentional that in target of target
[02:12:02] the dragon health ticks down in the opposite direction of regular health bars? Probably a
[02:12:08] mistake. No, that's probably a bug. Yeah, it probably shouldn't be that one. Of course,
[02:12:15] Yeah. So still Alpha 2. So, you know, working towards Alpha 2, there's going to be some bugs.
[02:12:20] But yeah, UI is going to be one of the systems that...
[02:12:23] So we talk about this a lot. I want to just talk about kind of my experience with it,
[02:12:28] is that I think it is like a five, that if I was like a five out of ten, I would say.
[02:12:32] I think that really, like when you look at an experience like that,
[02:12:36] you have to think about like a world boss so when I think about what is the ideal
[02:12:46] dragon world boss right now we obviously can can use bail right but this in my
[02:13:03] opinion is the this is the pen
[02:13:09] Res going out Res going out come on come on you guys can do this just give it a minute
[02:13:15] We're in it. We're in it. We got it boys. We got it this
[02:13:20] Pretty good lower weight all right pulling them away
[02:13:22] Okay, kill that good job. Good job. Good job. Good job. This shit was so crazy here. Okay, and so and I know this is the last
[02:13:31] Nice nice. This is it boys take it home
[02:13:35] so
[02:13:38] Let's get forward this little bit
[02:13:40] Did we beat it?
[02:13:42] Did we beat it?
[02:13:44] So, oh fuck.
[02:13:50] Final boss versus level boss.
[02:13:52] It's the aesthetics and what you want to go for.
[02:13:55] And whenever you're fighting against a dragon,
[02:13:57] it doesn't matter whether it's a level 20 dragon
[02:14:00] or a level 50 dragon,
[02:14:02] it still should feel really cool.
[02:14:05] And you should have mechanics in it
[02:14:08] That make it feel like you're doing something that's heroic, okay?
[02:14:18] All right back in so like like this is crazy, right?
[02:14:27] Like this is nuts, okay, so
[02:14:34] Do it all right, I'm doing it
[02:14:37] It's up. Everybody pops every single cool down. That's all my god. That's so
[02:14:49] There he is. I'm back on him. I'm back on him. I got him music's better now. Okay. Yeah, it's the music change. It's everything
[02:14:59] It's the visuals
[02:15:03] Okay, I got it. I got it. It's an instance fight though. That was in the open world doesn't matter
[02:15:08] Doesn't matter even if it's in the open world like for example
[02:15:11] There's like little things that I think the game should have like I'll give you some examples like so I
[02:15:17] I think that if this is an open world boss, that after you get the egg and you leave the citadel,
[02:15:25] the dragon should speak to the person who has the egg, but it should be in draconic.
[02:15:32] But if you do the boss solo by yourself, he speaks to you and you can understand the words.
[02:15:41] Think about how fucking hard that would go.
[02:15:48] That would go insane.
[02:15:49] You're comparing Polish game to Jadalpha 2
[02:15:51] with just suggesting additions.
[02:15:53] I'm suggesting additions, right?
[02:15:55] And like Dragon Summit, yeah, well, I mean, yeah,
[02:15:58] because that's really cool, right?
[02:16:00] For two seconds, yeah, but those two seconds
[02:16:03] create an experience that people remember for two years.
[02:16:07] That's what matters.
[02:16:08] It doesn't matter like how long it is.
[02:16:10] Like the mechanics for the fight are fine.
[02:16:12] The mechanics are okay.
[02:16:14] But like, for example, there's like little things
[02:16:17] where it's like, if the dragon absorbs the fire elementals,
[02:16:20] he should be on fire, like just different types
[02:16:23] of like visuals that make the experience really cool.
[02:16:27] Because if it's a low level fight,
[02:16:30] I would actually make the argument
[02:16:31] that it's even more important that it's cool.
[02:16:34] Because those are the fights that are gonna get people
[02:16:37] to think to themselves, holy shit,
[02:16:40] is this what I have to look forward to, right?
[02:16:42] This is fucking awesome.
[02:16:44] So you wanna make sure that those low level fights
[02:16:46] are absolutely cinematic. And like also I would say that if you want to make a like a raid
[02:16:52] boss like that, and let's say you want to have like a situation, because I do think that
[02:16:58] a lot of MMOs, a big component of MMOs is like the aesthetic of the experience of the MMO.
[02:17:07] And I think like, you know, in Lost Ark, right, like one of the coolest moments in
[02:17:11] lost Ark in my opinion was like it was at the end of some dungeon and this guy I think it was Thor the
[02:17:19] the gun lancer guy was like trying to stop this like ancient necromancer from like detonating this
[02:17:25] bomb and then out of fucking nowhere comes this dragon that's like its head is the size of the
[02:17:32] entire castle they were fighting in and then the dragon just despawns the bomb and it's gone
[02:17:37] That's it, right? Because it provides a perspective for the game that's like so fucking like
[02:17:44] Insane that it makes people think like what what's next right? What's going to happen, right and uh
[02:17:52] The ecology and stuff yeah exactly and like you thought everything was like gonna be fine
[02:17:56] It was like this horrible problem not the necromancer. Yeah, yeah, the virgus. Yeah. Yeah, it was virgus
[02:18:00] I think that's his name and a lot of ants and gods
[02:18:04] Yeah, exactly. And like you have that that moment that happens and it adds a perspective into the story
[02:18:09] So in my opinion, I think that it's it's a very good like it's very good first draft of a dragon fight like this
[02:18:17] But the truth is that if you look at different fights like in terms of the spectacle of the combat I
[02:18:24] Think also like if you're having like an individual solo player fight the boss
[02:18:29] You should have like the sky turn red and you should make it like a spectacle or people can watch the person fight it
[02:18:36] Like that would be fucking insane because again, it's about the it's about the experience
[02:18:43] And I think that MMOs should be designed around being
[02:18:49] Vehicles to have in and experience in and I think that's very much like so for example, right?
[02:18:55] Like if you're a leveling up and you're a low-level player and you fight this dragon
[02:19:00] And it is what it is right and you see a high-level player that holds the egg and you know a giant ring of fire
[02:19:07] Surrounds him and like every like just him and the dragon and that's it and you get to watch him fight the dragon for like five or ten minutes
[02:19:17] That would go fucking insane and think about how crazy it would be as if like that dragon like grabbed somebody
[02:19:25] And like put him in like a like an encapsulated area of fire where they're taking like a bunch of bonus damage
[02:19:31] And like all of the players in the raid had to break this fire shield that the dragon's creating and if you break it
[02:19:37] It makes the dragon stagger and take extra damage and it falls over
[02:19:41] right
[02:19:43] There are a lot Bosch as it yeah
[02:19:45] There's certain things like that because everybody will come and watch that should happen if they see it's around there and so
[02:19:51] So that's why it should happen.
[02:19:57] And so that's my perspective.
[02:19:59] I think that this is a really great first draft of a dragon fight.
[02:20:03] And I think that for an Alpha II it looks really good.
[02:20:06] But I hope they know that there's a lot of work to be done.
[02:20:08] And if you want to be able to create an experience that's transcendent that people
[02:20:12] remember, you have to have more than the dragon goes up in the air and breathes fire
[02:20:16] and it does a tail swipe, you know?
[02:20:19] Like, that's it.
[02:20:20] also breakable parts. All these suggestions are great. This
[02:20:25] is in a mo the scope is already too big and hard to
[02:20:28] accomplish. I don't think they should focus too much on stuff
[02:20:30] you can experience in single player games. I think that stuff
[02:20:34] that you can experience in single player games is stuff
[02:20:37] that multiplayer games should have as well. It's just that
[02:20:41] they don't have the capacity to do it. And like for
[02:20:43] example, like you should be able to have a like, so like
[02:20:48] You should have interplay with like the way that the world interacts with something like this. For example,
[02:20:54] there should be a
[02:20:56] Like a like a big like bow and arrow like a great bow or like a balista or something like that at the top of the
[02:21:04] That tower that you fight the dragon in front of
[02:21:07] And there could be a bonus objective that if you clear the mobs up there
[02:21:11] You can use that but you don't have any ammo
[02:21:14] So you have to craft it at like an arrow that when the dragon goes up in the air
[02:21:18] You can shoot it and it falls down and then the dragon takes a bunch of damage, right?
[02:21:26] That's cool
[02:21:28] Like that that's real like smog like the fucking the sand worm in
[02:21:34] Armored armored core six. That's really cool. And so you want to think about things that are
[02:21:40] things that are just like in my opinion I think about what would be really cool in
[02:21:48] like an anime or in like a really cool boss fight what would I imagine and then I
[02:21:54] think about how can I make that a game design principle or like a game design
[02:21:58] like fundamental that then becomes part of the experience but I do think that
[02:22:05] like MMOs like that the focus on MMOs should obviously be on gameplay and
[02:22:10] making the game good and everything.
[02:22:12] But I think that one of the things that MMOs,
[02:22:14] the added challenge that a lot of MMOs have,
[02:22:17] is that they also have to nail this experiential level
[02:22:22] that people need to have with it.
[02:22:26] You guys see kind of like what I'm saying about this.
[02:22:29] Maybe I'm crazy, but I do think combat's improved at all.
[02:22:33] It feels better, but a lot of the AOE combat
[02:22:35] feels kind of spamming and AOE focused, right?
[02:22:39] So yeah, Monster Hunter Siege fights
[02:22:40] are basically what you're describing.
[02:22:41] Yeah, yeah, definitely, right?
[02:22:43] I mean, I'm sure that like other games
[02:22:44] have had things like this,
[02:22:45] I mean, like it's all like I'm some kind of fucking genius
[02:22:48] that's I'm the only person who's ever thought of the idea
[02:22:50] of using a bow and arrow to shoot down a dragon
[02:22:53] in the middle of the air, like, oh my God.
[02:22:55] Wow, what a shock.
[02:22:56] Lord of the Rings did this.
[02:22:58] So yeah, monster and her stage fights suck,
[02:23:06] but why do they suck, right?
[02:23:08] I think that usually they suck
[02:23:09] because you're running around frantically
[02:23:11] trying to perform actions
[02:23:12] that 10 people should be performing,
[02:23:14] but you're doing it by yourself or with two other people.
[02:23:17] That's really why they suck primarily.
[02:23:19] And also like, and there were boss fights,
[02:23:23] like here actually, this is actually a great example.
[02:23:33] Is this it?
[02:23:37] Yeah, I think this is it.
[02:23:46] So this is from a lost start.
[02:24:40] Let's go.
[02:24:46] Contracts is too high.
[02:24:47] Yeah, the video quality probably sucks, but this is the best that I can get, right?
[02:24:53] And so...
[02:24:55] You're fighting through the minions...
[02:24:58] Now you're fighting the actual dragon too...
[02:25:00] Bad ass diseases.
[02:25:26] And so then it keeps going.
[02:25:28] We're gonna just skip through a little bit.
[02:25:30] It's too big, can't see anything.
[02:25:38] Yeah, visuals could be better, etc.
[02:25:41] But I'm just showing like an example of like a really cool fight.
[02:25:44] That...
[02:25:46] It looks so soulless, I don't think so.
[02:25:48] It's awesome. This is what I'm looking for.
[02:26:07] Definitely Unreal Engine 1.
[02:26:09] It's actually Unreal Engine 3, so you're pretty close.
[02:26:24] So let me see if this is the- this is the whole fight.
[02:26:28] I don't even think this is the whole fight.
[02:26:30] No, it's not. I knew I fucked it up.
[02:26:34] Yeah, I'm looking at the wrong one.
[02:26:37] Um, let me see if I can find another one.
[02:26:45] Yeah, this is the entire thing.
[02:26:47] We're not gonna look at the entire thing.
[02:26:48] You're using the uh, you kill these guys and then you get the Belista that are able to shoot down the dragon
[02:27:07] And you can see them dropping ammo
[02:27:12] jump down
[02:27:18] fighting a dragon again
[02:27:33] I'm not sure
[02:27:35] This game died
[02:27:41] Not because of this
[02:27:43] And so anyway like after you fight him enough
[02:27:49] You have to like follow him inside of like his fucking into into his cave
[02:27:57] Right you go all the way down in here
[02:28:00] And then you fight him in the middle of the fucking mountain.
[02:28:03] That's so badass.
[02:28:11] Monster Hunter Vibes, yeah.
[02:28:15] And it's all about, I think, again, like the game is about making an experience.
[02:28:20] That's the focus.
[02:28:22] Creating an experience.
[02:28:24] And I think that MMOs should be focused around doing that and how to make that happen in the best way possible.
[02:28:31] That's the way that I see it more than anything.
[02:28:36] Yeah, with good combat, yeah.
[02:28:38] and uh that that's that's how I see it anyway what is this um in my opinion more people watch the
[02:28:45] esgo react IGN the original video yeah and you know what else more people watch the um
[02:28:53] they watch both of these videos than um than anything else than even buying the game right
[02:29:00] so let's be honest right i mean yeah there's more people that probably watch the review of
[02:29:05] the game than people that bought the game. Which is kind of sad.
[02:29:10] After this grant has supposed to be in a moment. Yeah, yeah,
[02:29:12] definitely, right?
[02:29:15] More people watch to them play Concord. That's an L for them. So I
[02:29:18] did see this. This has been like a meme. And the hit game
[02:29:24] power wash simulator has just revealed its newest expansion
[02:29:27] will be set in the filthy festering bedroom of streamer
[02:29:31] Asmongold so I didn't even believe this but apparently what happened is that this was just some fake news thing
[02:29:39] But then power wash simulator apparently it got so popular
[02:29:44] They actually responded they said we're I'm not sure if we'd have the hand of the equipment to handle this one. Oh
[02:29:53] my god
[02:29:55] It's kind of sad. This is fake news
[02:29:57] Asking for residuals. Yeah, I mean if they need extra pictures of the room, just let me know. You know, I can do my best
[02:30:04] I've never played this guy. I don't know how this works at all, but I think this is fucking hilarious, man
[02:30:10] Yeah, it'd be funny if they did that though. It would be it'd be fucking hilarious and that's the
[02:30:16] To be fair, it's really not that bad and that in that image there
[02:30:19] But there are some other ace it is scan your room with your with your phone and send it to him
[02:30:24] I guess I'd have to right but yeah, I saw this a few a few hours ago
[02:30:29] I thought it was really fucking funny man the Kai gift is hilarious with us. Yeah, so
[02:30:46] Yep
[02:30:47] Deftry set that up. Oh, I think it's fucking funny. Yeah, they actually responded to this themselves, which I think is hilarious
[02:30:54] But yeah, I as I said, I don't know how any of this has happened
[02:30:59] damn internet legend. I don't know how it's come this far, man. It's gone absolutely insane.
[02:31:05] They have to change the genre to horror. Oh, is that it? Rinder on how based the Kingdom
[02:31:11] Come deliverance, Devs are. What is this? Kingdom Come deliverance, Devs. Is this even
[02:31:16] him? I don't even know what that's him. FYI, one of your creative directors is currently
[02:31:20] implying people of color are incompetent. Are people of other continents and cultures
[02:31:25] so incompetent that they need me to produce their culture.
[02:31:28] Thanks for reporting me.
[02:31:29] I'm actually the founder of the studio,
[02:31:31] so I'm not sure it will help.
[02:31:33] Yeah, I, yes.
[02:31:37] Well, it's crazy how people like this.
[02:31:40] It's like what they do, it's so old.
[02:31:42] Yeah, this is from like 2015 and stuff.
[02:31:44] It's like super, super, super old.
[02:31:46] Nobody gives a shit about any of this stuff.
[02:31:49] Like, oh yeah, I'm going to misrepresent
[02:31:51] what you said, take it out of context,
[02:31:54] get mad at you for it,
[02:31:55] Because I'm going to act like that's what you meant.
[02:31:57] No, it's just not what's going to happen, then.
[02:32:00] Like, I'm sorry, but that type of mentality
[02:32:02] is just totally fucking over.
[02:32:04] Yeah, where's the manager?
[02:32:05] I am the manager moment?
[02:32:06] Yeah, exactly.
[02:32:08] I hate them so much.
[02:32:09] I do too.
[02:32:10] I think that, well, hey, what you have to remember
[02:32:12] is that with complainers like this,
[02:32:14] there's nobody that hates them more than themselves.
[02:32:17] Keep that in mind.
[02:32:18] Quiet, oh God.
[02:32:20] Oh no.
[02:32:21] Oh no.
[02:32:23] Climbing.
[02:32:24] Let's take a look at the world here. Can I climb?
[02:32:27] Nope.
[02:32:28] I can't.
[02:32:30] Why don't they just speak American?
[02:32:34] True!
[02:32:36] What the fuck does that mean?
[02:32:46] Your device ran into a problem and we have to immediately...
[02:32:50] My computer crashed.
[02:32:52] This guy's got a face so far it's made for suckin...
[02:32:56] It did.
[02:32:57] It- he did. I mean...
[02:33:00] Stealth.
[02:33:07] They do call it a game.
[02:33:15] I feel like this game...
[02:33:19] Do you know what?
[02:33:23] You know what this game felt like to me?
[02:33:25] It felt like, you know how everybody got really mad
[02:33:28] at Hassan for saying that streaming was soul crushing?
[02:33:31] Because like working a real job was like way worse.
[02:33:38] I felt like when I was playing this game,
[02:33:43] I really felt, that was like usually like,
[02:33:46] I like streaming.
[02:33:47] Like obviously streaming every every every job has positives and negatives, right? But I love streaming
[02:33:53] But man when I was playing this game. I was thinking to myself
[02:33:58] You know what?
[02:34:00] He might have a point I
[02:34:03] Felt like my soul was being drained out of my body
[02:34:06] I'm like is this the way that people that work at like an office job feel eight hours a day
[02:34:11] It's like they're like it's like I'm imagining this and I'm thinking to myself so is there a life like playing
[02:34:19] Star Wars outlaws for eight hours a day five days a week and I'm like because I remember so as soon as
[02:34:34] I finished the stream I like got up and I like went outside and I just sat outside in my chair for
[02:34:42] like 20 minutes. I was like this. I didn't look at my phone. I wasn't looking at the birds.
[02:34:51] I was just looking at the piece of wood in front of me. I was like, man, is this what
[02:35:03] it's like having a real job? Like, yeah, people decompress after work. Yeah, I know,
[02:35:08] burnout. It was insane what my experience was with this game. And that's how people
[02:35:13] feel every day yeah exactly i'm like i i spent two days two hours having a real job and i was
[02:35:21] having a midlife crisis 15 minutes into it and it was still playing a video game
[02:35:29] yes streaming is the hardest hey you know maybe not streaming some things is but a
[02:35:35] Star Wars outlaws for me, so you won't be playing it again?
[02:35:41] Um, I know I don't think so
[02:35:46] Yeah, I don't know. I just
[02:35:50] I just not really I'm not really feeling it man play dustborn next
[02:35:56] I mean listen dude like there's so many other fucking things if there's force PM
[02:36:00] I can't get myself up run sour bug literally anything man
[02:36:04] If you could turn off the lock pick imagine if you couldn't turn off the lock pick mode. That was my office phone
[02:36:19] I just
[02:36:22] It's so painful man
[02:36:27] It's just so painful play it again, and you might get reported for self-harm
[02:36:32] I know I just could not imagine like I I had such a bad time playing
[02:36:38] It's actually insane how much miss the best part him hiding in a bush and NPCs couldn't find him even when he killed them in front of him
[02:36:45] Yeah, most polished Ubisoft game. It's an interactive movie gameplay as an afterthought. Yeah, well, so was the movie
[02:36:53] Look at the problems in any other game that as my give any ending statements about outlaws or is he still gonna play it today?
[02:36:59] I don't think so. He looked pretty empty and depressed after playing it
[02:37:03] It also made him think about his life decisions pretty good game. I have to say yeah
[02:37:08] I'm not gonna lie the beginning cut seems pretty good. Yeah, exactly, but then that yeah that immediately stopped happening
[02:37:15] I'm actually personally. I'm actually enjoying the game so far. I
[02:37:20] Really am glad that other people like it, but you know, they got a game that they like that's nice
[02:37:26] But I'm not one of them and I think it's garbage
[02:37:28] Yeah, the game feel like therapy. I don't know. I'm wrong for thinking it's fine. Game with too many inconveniences got it
[02:37:35] If the game was the inconvenience with you saw the picora. I don't even know if this is real or not
[02:37:40] But this is fucking funny. Yeah, what a surprise. She's super popular in Japan. She's super popular. We're honestly
[02:37:47] Yeah, a lot of people know her. Let's see here
[02:37:51] Women reporter asks if Taliban will allow women
[02:38:09] Taliban president
[02:38:12] This is a Taliban president.
[02:38:16] Yes, thank God that's not going on.
[02:38:20] Would that still include women's rights and a democracy?
[02:38:25] Rights would adhere to Islamic Sharia law.
[02:38:29] So would you believe in the democratic vote, though?
[02:38:31] So would people be allowed to vote in women politicians?
[02:38:34] What do you think, man?
[02:38:36] Stop being...
[02:38:38] Okay, that's fine.
[02:38:40] You just go now.
[02:38:42] I'm just gonna...
[02:38:44] What do you think?
[02:38:46] Like, it's the Taliban.
[02:38:48] This is like going to a KKK rally
[02:38:56] and be like,
[02:39:00] so what are you guys thinking about having
[02:39:03] some blacks in here?
[02:39:05] I'm not feeling like there's just a bunch
[02:39:07] of white people. Where's the diversity?
[02:39:09] I don't know.
[02:39:11] bunch of white people where's the diversity what how do you think you're
[02:39:17] doing yeah what do you where do you where are you going what do you think
[02:39:24] replay okay Taliban president yes so would you believe in the Democratic vote
[02:39:30] though so would people be allowed to vote in women politicians
[02:39:52] well
[02:40:00] what did you expect like
[02:40:05] i i don't understand
[02:40:07] i don't need to be told that the taliban aren't cool guys yeah
[02:40:12] everybody knows this is like
[02:40:14] the interesting as fuck with seeing them laugh it's wonder they spoke to a
[02:40:17] female journalist
[02:40:19] they want validity in the west of an afghanistan's gonna watch this
[02:40:22] interview, but they want to be seen as legitimate government of Afghanistan, which they aren't
[02:40:27] by Western governments. Like, I'm gonna be honest. Like, this is my opinion. Oh, the Taliban over in
[02:40:34] Afghanistan doesn't want women to do something. That's crazy. Okay, so there's a homeless veteran
[02:40:41] here. So let's think about him instead. I don't give a fuck what happens over in Afghanistan.
[02:40:47] I don't care. They want to do some weird fucking sexist shit over there.
[02:40:50] This is not my fucking problem.
[02:40:53] I don't want to deal with this.
[02:40:54] I don't want to tell them what to do.
[02:40:56] Yeah, you ask my opinion, it's bad.
[02:40:59] But is it bad enough for me to want to send my money over there,
[02:41:02] send people's kids over there?
[02:41:03] No.
[02:41:05] Absolutely not.
[02:41:06] That's not my fucking problem.
[02:41:08] Jesus.
[02:41:09] But the U.S. is still World Police?
[02:41:11] Yeah. And how's that turned out?
[02:41:13] Oh my God.
[02:41:14] Basically, let's go back to 1910.
[02:41:16] oh yeah we out were isolationist if we don't try to install
[02:41:21] uh... you know democratic
[02:41:23] democratic governments
[02:41:25] in uh... third and second world countries
[02:41:28] that don't adhere to our values yeah
[02:41:31] uh... and that that you you either have to install
[02:41:34] manchurian candidates or your isolationist
[02:41:38] no uh... uh... nope uh... there is a middle ground for this
[02:41:42] where i just don't want to have to deal with it i don't want to deal
[02:41:45] with it
[02:41:46] Of course, we interact with other parts of the world, but we don't have to agree and fight for some fucking issue of people on the other side of the world.
[02:41:54] But they have oil, though.
[02:41:55] Then we just go bomb them, get the oil, and then we leave.
[02:41:59] Okay. All right. They've got a bunch of oil. All right.
[02:42:01] Bomb them. All right. We got the oil. All right. Let's get the hell out of here. We're done.
[02:42:06] I don't want to spend 20 years in there again.
[02:42:09] Did this really take 20 years?
[02:42:11] To get it all?
[02:42:12] We didn't even get it all!
[02:42:14] Holy shit. See what these people call privilege going and trying to fix others. Yes, it's crazy.
[02:42:23] As an afghan I speak the language perfectly. They're not talking like they're five years
[02:42:25] old. I mean it's something our son makes me wonder who the hell are these people. They're
[02:42:29] speaking two different languages at the same time. Well, it's probably because there's
[02:42:34] a lot of people that probably speak American and other parts of the world. Yeah. What
[02:42:39] the hell did you think they thought? Yeah, what did you think they were going
[02:42:46] to say. Are we really surprised by this? Yeah, he asked him to stop filming not to hide the
[02:42:53] views. Yeah, I mean, he's seen the whole interview. Oh, this was good. The interesting part to
[02:43:00] me is he asked him to stop filming, not to hide his views on the subject, of course, but
[02:43:04] because it made him laugh and smile, which he doesn't want in camera because he's meant
[02:43:08] to be strong and scary. So they have to act like badasses on camera. But like
[02:43:16] Like at the end of the day, like, yeah, they're just fucking around, like, yeah, like, okay,
[02:43:19] yeah, yeah, we can't, we can't show this, it's going to be normal, right?
[02:43:23] Any thoughts on the Twitter versus Brazil situation?
[02:43:26] No, I don't really have any thoughts on it.
[02:43:28] I think that if a social media company or a website wants to operate inside of
[02:43:32] a country, it has to adhere to that country's laws, right?
[02:43:37] I mean, you have to expect that.
[02:43:39] And if you don't, and you're in that country and they arrest you, well then you shouldn't
[02:43:45] broken their laws. It's literally that simple. The terms of service of a website do not overrule
[02:43:53] the law that is existing. That's it. There's literally no... That's it. Doesn't matter what your
[02:44:00] viewpoint on free speeches or anything like that. If you're doing something that violates the law
[02:44:06] and you're in their jurisdiction, of course they're going to arrest you because you're
[02:44:09] breaking the law. It's just not even a question. Now, is Brazil censoring things on the internet
[02:44:15] a good idea? No, it's terrible. It's stupid. I'm so glad I don't live there. But at the same time,
[02:44:21] follow the law there. That's it. What if a judge is corrupt? They're all corrupt over there.
[02:44:25] Yeah, absolutely, I bet. Every time, all the time I hear about different governments in South
[02:44:31] America, in like, fucking Africa, places like this, getting usurped, having big revolutions,
[02:44:38] people are killing each other. It's awful over there. I would never want to live. It sounds terrible.
[02:44:45] Just stay the fuck away from there. Yeah, that's my opinion. And I'm sure there's a lot of people
[02:44:50] there that are great, nice people for sure. I think probably most of them are like that,
[02:44:55] but it only takes a small percentage of psychos to fuck everything up.
[02:45:00] So yeah, it's an unbalanced few piece of it. Yeah. So I get it, right? I mean, so I know
[02:45:05] know there's a lot of guys that are you know probably like oh that's not like me
[02:45:08] I'm from there like I know it's not you but there's enough people over there that
[02:45:11] are like that that make that problem so yeah let's say this is a hundred year
[02:45:17] old statue of a woman with perfectly chiseled long braid situated in the
[02:45:21] forest one valley in India she got a fat ass god damn that's crazy and that's
[02:45:31] that's a thousand years ago wow that's about the brand care about that let's
[02:45:41] here. Next. What do you think about the UK banning smoking in public places? The UK banning smoking
[02:45:48] in public places. I don't know if I agree if it's an open air place, but I do know that I agree
[02:45:57] if it's a closed space. And I think that if I was going to go one way or another, I would think
[02:46:03] that you probably should not be able to smoke in an open place that is in public, because
[02:46:10] you are effectively invading other people's space by subjecting them to chemicals that you are
[02:46:16] choosing to consume. So I think that it's good. Like I think, right, because it's about consent,
[02:46:28] right? A person going into the public space, are they consenting to have their body subjected
[02:46:34] to carcinogens and other types of airborne chemicals that are in cigarettes? I think the
[02:46:40] the answer to that is obviously no, right?
[02:46:42] So if you have people that are doing that, then yes,
[02:46:45] this would be an unethical behavior and it should be illegal.
[02:46:51] There's smoking zones, yes.
[02:46:52] Yes, I don't know, it didn't happen.
[02:46:54] Small group of people are talking about doing it,
[02:46:55] but it's been reporting out of its actual law.
[02:46:57] Well, that's my opinion about like
[02:46:59] whether it should be a law or not.
[02:47:01] There's literally no downsides.
[02:47:03] Well, everybody should be free to express themselves
[02:47:05] the way that they want, but I view freedom as a bubble
[02:47:08] and the moment that you go inside
[02:47:10] of somebody else's bubble,
[02:47:11] that's whenever laws need to be made.
[02:47:13] So if you're inside your viewer own house
[02:47:16] and you're smoking in your own house,
[02:47:18] then I think that there's much better argument
[02:47:20] of like why this is okay.
[02:47:21] But when you're smoking around other people
[02:47:24] and you're close to them
[02:47:25] and they are in a public space, it's totally different.
[02:47:30] Yeah.
[02:47:31] So if you're gonna make tobacco illegal, just make it illegal.
[02:47:34] Well, I don't think that you should make tobacco illegal.
[02:47:36] There's a lot of things that are illegal to do,
[02:47:38] but not to be in public, right?
[02:47:40] Like you can't be naked in public in a lot of places,
[02:47:43] but you can be naked in your own home.
[02:47:46] Like that's a really like super simplistic argument.
[02:47:50] But there's cars too.
[02:47:52] There are cars, but there's also emissions
[02:47:55] and different types of regulations for cars.
[02:47:58] And also like for example,
[02:48:00] if you put your car somewhere
[02:48:02] and then like you intentionally,
[02:48:05] you're not following those emissions standards.
[02:48:08] Like you could get in trouble for that too.
[02:48:11] Cars also serve a purpose.
[02:48:13] Yeah, exactly, it's not voluntary.
[02:48:15] Well, it is in a way, but cars are part of a life.
[02:48:18] Smoking is not part of life.
[02:48:20] It's just not equivalent at all.
[02:48:26] Cars arguments, we get rid of cars completely.
[02:48:28] Yeah, cigarettes are for personal pleasure, exactly.
[02:48:30] It's a totally different dynamic.
[02:48:31] Cars are for a function.
[02:48:35] Neither is alcohol.
[02:48:36] Well, yeah, but being drunk in public
[02:48:38] is against the law in a lot of places too.
[02:48:40] And also drinking and driving is against the law.
[02:48:43] So yeah, actually that's not really a good comparison
[02:48:45] because it's the same thing.
[02:48:46] Do they have a reasonable expectation
[02:48:48] of no smoke in the air?
[02:48:49] How much further could that expectation be expanded?
[02:48:52] I think that, yeah, because if you're sitting next
[02:48:55] to somebody that's smoking a cigarette,
[02:48:57] that's going to negatively affect your air quality
[02:49:00] in a way that's tangible
[02:49:02] and that would be in a public space.
[02:49:04] I can't think of a lot of other situations
[02:49:06] where a person could sit next to you
[02:49:09] and negatively affect your environment in that way.
[02:49:12] and then it'd be okay.
[02:49:15] So move.
[02:49:16] So why is it that, and this is the problem, right?
[02:49:20] Farting?
[02:49:21] Yeah, but this is like an involuntary behavior.
[02:49:25] Like that's the difference.
[02:49:26] Like smoking is voluntary, farting is not.
[02:49:29] So like, why do you have to move
[02:49:31] when they're the ones that are doing something
[02:49:33] that's problematic?
[02:49:35] And I think this is like, again,
[02:49:36] it's like the narcissism that people have.
[02:49:38] The public does not have to exist around you.
[02:49:41] you have to exist inside of the public.
[02:49:44] So anytime that a person goes into a public space
[02:49:47] and then they're asking for things to be contrived
[02:49:50] and changed around them,
[02:49:52] then I think that you're entering into a realm of narcissism
[02:49:56] and into a realm of self-indulgence.
[02:49:59] Social standards, yeah, it's a social standard.
[02:50:01] The idea that you need to move
[02:50:02] because somebody else is smoking next to you
[02:50:04] is outrageous to me.
[02:50:08] The smokers should move, yeah, they should.
[02:50:10] So, yeah, and also smoke is objectively harmful to your health.
[02:50:13] Yeah, it's not even a question.
[02:50:16] That's the point.
[02:50:17] Is one freedom bubble can invade another person's freedom bubble to oppress that person?
[02:50:20] Exactly.
[02:50:21] Yeah.
[02:50:22] Can I make the same argument for the person demanding smoking to be banned?
[02:50:24] Yeah.
[02:50:25] I think that a lot of people can demand smoking to be banned, but I don't agree with it.
[02:50:28] But I think that there's strong arguments for it.
[02:50:32] Would you extend that to vaping, body sprays?
[02:50:35] No.
[02:50:36] I wouldn't because smoking and like so cologne and smoking aren't the same thing.
[02:50:44] They're just not the same thing.
[02:50:49] Like everybody knows that like spend three seconds in the real world and you know that
[02:50:55] vaping is also bad.
[02:50:56] I don't know.
[02:50:57] Like I think vaping is also bad.
[02:50:59] I would probably say vaping too.
[02:51:01] I just don't have like I don't have like a million theoretical in my mind about that.
[02:51:06] I'm talking about smoking specifically.
[02:51:08] But yeah, I think probably vaping too.
[02:51:11] If you had to like, like, which side would you fall off on?
[02:51:14] Yeah, probably vaping as well.
[02:51:18] I think society is doomed.
[02:51:19] People can't tell the difference between smoking and cologne.
[02:51:23] Everybody can tell the difference.
[02:51:24] People are being intellectually dishonest
[02:51:26] to play devil's advocate so they can get attention and chat,
[02:51:28] and they should probably get banned for it.
[02:51:30] Nobody really thinks they're the same thing,
[02:51:31] except for a few retards.
[02:51:33] Anyway, let's move on.
[02:51:40] Holy water.
[02:51:41] It's like piss.
[02:51:43] It's a piss.
[02:51:49] Holy water.
[02:51:51] Oh, it's from her hole? Is this...
[02:52:14] Yeah.
[02:52:16] I didn't get a definite answer.
[02:52:21] Well, I'm still thinking of this strange momentum.
[02:52:29] Everything made me feel nauseous. It was a very sunny day.
[02:52:33] I couldn't even throw up.
[02:52:35] The sky is blue, the clouds are white, the drink was yellow.
[02:52:41] I wish it had rained today.
[02:52:48] Man.
[02:52:49] He's drinking piss? Yeah, that's...
[02:52:54] That's bad, man.
[02:52:56] Uh-oh.
[02:52:59] Is it okay to call a fat person a fat?
[02:53:01] 100% it's okay to call a fat person a fat.
[02:53:03] If you're fat and you own it, totally more power to you.
[02:53:05] But just don't ask me to believe it's not because you ate too much.
[02:53:09] And don't tell me it runs in the family.
[02:53:11] Because no fucker has ever run in your family,
[02:53:14] otherwise you wouldn't be in the position you're in.
[02:53:16] And don't tell me you've got big bones, because you haven't.
[02:53:19] But younger people are seeing this whole fat positivity.
[02:53:23] That shite's already over.
[02:53:24] So Victoria's Secret started engaging a whole bunch
[02:53:27] of the Chumbo Wombers, they can't sell us.
[02:53:48] Is that right?
[02:53:57] Engaging a whole bunch of the Chumbo Wombers,
[02:53:59] they can't sell a single pair of pants.
[02:54:01] There's no surprise in that,
[02:54:02] because they're so far up the ass cheek
[02:54:04] of people who have fatty, great asses.
[02:54:06] Do you not worry about hurting people's feelings?
[02:54:08] Why is me pointing out what you've done to yourself?
[02:54:11] How does that make me in the role?
[02:54:14] I think it's so obvious when you're
[02:54:16] making fun of a person's weight versus you're
[02:54:18] acknowledging that being fat is unhealthy.
[02:54:21] I think that it's bad to shame somebody and shit
[02:54:24] on somebody for being fat just because you
[02:54:26] want someone to bully.
[02:54:28] But at the same time, it's so totally obvious
[02:54:31] that being fat is bad for you.
[02:54:33] There's a lot of things that are bad for you.
[02:54:36] Like, for example, I probably sit too much in my chair
[02:54:39] And I try to do stretches in my chair, like every once in a while, a little bit, just to
[02:54:43] kind of keep a little bit limber.
[02:54:46] And I do go up and down stairs every time I get, you know, go to and from, like, you
[02:54:50] know, my kitchen or bathroom or whatever.
[02:54:52] But the problem isn't that being fat is seen as like, like, you can't make fun of
[02:55:01] somebody for being fat because I don't think fundamentally making fun of somebody
[02:55:06] for doing something that is only hurting themselves is generally done with a mean spirited reason.
[02:55:15] And I think that when you look at like the reason why somebody is making fun of a person,
[02:55:21] you're making fun of this person because you have the intent and the goal of degrading
[02:55:24] them and making them look bad.
[02:55:28] This is not a noble intent.
[02:55:30] This is not good behavior and it shouldn't be rewarded and it shouldn't really be accepted.
[02:55:35] At the same time, being fat is unhealthy, and it would be the same as if I was telling
[02:55:42] you guys, me drinking sodas every day is just as healthy as me drinking water.
[02:55:46] I like joking around about it a lot, but it's actually not true.
[02:55:51] Drinking sodas are bad for you, and I've even cut back slightly on it myself.
[02:55:55] Wrong.
[02:55:56] Public shaming should make a comeback.
[02:55:58] Everybody says public shaming should make a comeback, except whenever their hobby
[02:56:03] or their proclivity is something that the public decides that they want to start publicly
[02:56:09] shaming. That's the problem. So public shaming, I think is, I think public awareness is fine,
[02:56:17] but public shaming is bad. Do generalize everyone. Yeah, exactly. Fat positivity thing is quite
[02:56:28] disingenuous. I think that the main people that push for fat positivity are insecure
[02:56:35] skinny women that like talking about how fat people are beautiful because it makes them feel
[02:56:40] like they're there that makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside it's like you're helping you know like
[02:56:45] a poor a poor a poor panda or something like that you know that's really what it was she's cooking
[02:56:53] yeah that's the way i see it she's an off person general universally hated chumble umbo was funny
[02:56:58] though to be fair embarrassing concord 73 players oh my god is it really getting that bad i don't
[02:57:40] know what to say there's more people playing the game or sorry there's more people that worked on
[02:57:46] the game than people that played the game think about it like that uh the person created a thread
[02:57:52] you shouldn't have supported this game was utterly destroyed by other users and eventually changed
[02:57:56] the title of the thread and added some funny edits as well. Having an opinion isn't against the rules,
[02:58:02] please just engage like somebody, nobody cares. Netflix actually released a banger anime again.
[02:58:08] What is this? A warrior from a post-apocalypse that future travels to 1997 to protect an AI
[02:58:12] scientist. Oh, this is Terminator Zero. Yeah, I wonder how this is going to go. I mean,
[02:58:17] like I watched the anime of Castlevania was really good. I haven't seen the rest of it.
[02:58:24] but my son is a GameStop or an employee.
[02:58:28] He's the only people paying for the only people
[02:58:31] paying for people GameStop, they got free keys.
[02:58:33] Oh, the people are playing on Concord?
[02:58:36] Yeah, I don't see anybody playing Concord, man.
[02:58:40] The game is just totally dead.
[02:58:41] It's just, again, it's something that nobody asked for.
[02:58:45] Omega Well, there it is,
[02:58:48] Asmongold's bedroom coming to Power Wash Simulator.
[02:58:52] The funny thing is that this meme, the dark souls of cleaning,
[02:58:57] too difficult.
[02:58:59] The dead rat stain will be the hardest to clean.
[02:59:06] So there's a funny story about that.
[02:59:09] Um, you actually don't even know how right you are.
[02:59:14] So, um, that's exactly what happened is that I tried to clean the dead rat
[02:59:19] off, but it wouldn't clean off.
[02:59:21] So what did I do?
[02:59:22] I saw that I put a lamp over the part of the carpet that was discovered by the rot and
[02:59:30] So now there's just a lamp over it and so you can't see where it was
[02:59:35] Yeah, it's that simple covered it. Yeah. Yeah, of course, right. It's a red boss. Yeah, the carpet
[02:59:41] Yeah, I probably need to just get rid of all the carpet and do that
[02:59:45] It's it's been quite a bit man. It's a man. It's crazy how gaming circle jerk knows your war
[02:59:50] Oh, everybody does everybody's thinking about me people say psych right now. Here you go. Is that real?
[02:59:56] Boldly you seem that are adding red carpets isn't something he's used to by now
[03:00:00] It sounds like something I'd make up
[03:00:03] About someone I don't like to tell my friends
[03:00:06] This can't be real. It's not it's not real. What the fuck it's real according to him as I've said guys
[03:00:12] I've um, I've been having a lot of people who
[03:00:15] Uh, you know, they've they've had a lot of negative comments to like make about me
[03:00:19] And I am kind of getting tired of the the rat thing
[03:00:25] Like I'm getting tired of the dead rat. That's the only one that people use
[03:00:31] So I've made a list of
[03:00:34] Different things that I'm gonna post and I'll post the list after a while
[03:00:39] And I'll probably fill it up to like 10 pages or so of different things that are
[03:00:45] Some of them are worse than the rat.
[03:00:49] The majority of them are actually better than they're not really quite that bad.
[03:00:53] But, you know, like here's just an example.
[03:00:59] When I was unsure of what fast food I should eat today, I would throw up into my own mouth
[03:01:05] and whatever food I didn't taste, that's where I would go.
[03:01:09] Most of the holes that I have in my clothes are from rats
[03:01:17] that would be trapped in my room and would eat the clothes that I'd leave on the floor for the
[03:01:20] residual moisture and dead skin. This is a symbiotic relationship because I like how they made the
[03:01:26] clothes more breathable so I let the rats keep doing it. Give us a new one? Well, these are,
[03:01:41] I read the same, I haven't updated it in like a couple of weeks, okay? Like, I don't know,
[03:01:45] like, let me think of something. Oh god, a new one. I mean, I've had people throw up on a bed
[03:01:59] And I've slept around the puke right like a you know like kind of around it like but I feel like a lot of people have done
[03:02:04] That's not really a big deal
[03:02:06] That was like just after a party we had
[03:02:09] Like yeah, I feel like yeah, you guys probably done that before
[03:02:15] Let's see
[03:02:20] That's normal I
[03:02:31] Don't know like I'm really gonna have to think about some of these the chat's eating this up. Yes, or the rats
[03:02:44] Man
[03:02:45] This guy's wargo's wicked boss. Yeah, it's crazy to me
[03:02:53] It's always amazing for me to see that all these people know all this stuff about me like it's unbelievable
[03:03:02] There's a special achievement for finding his toothbrush. I brush my teeth every single day. I
[03:03:08] did
[03:03:09] And or I do I did it even today. It's a subreddit saying the same jokes. Yeah, but they like exactly
[03:03:14] Yeah, because it's just like to me like it's just it's all funny to me
[03:03:17] Who is this clown? Who is this clown? Oh my god! I assumed I'd find him relatable.
[03:03:27] I don't understand why he doesn't just hire a cleaning service. Yeah, that's
[03:03:31] right. His power washing his teeth included. It's too late for that. Too late.
[03:03:37] Why just DLC? This could be an entire expansion. How often do you change your
[03:03:42] toothbrush. Usually like once every like a few months or so. I actually take dental
[03:03:49] health relatively seriously. The reason why is that I don't want to lose all of
[03:03:54] my teeth every three months. No, I'm being honest. Yeah, no, I am. I'm
[03:04:02] actually being honest. The reason why is because I only have a few teeth left
[03:04:06] and I don't want to have to get full dentures yet. So yeah. Yeah, no, that's
[03:04:14] It's actually the reason, so I do try to take it more seriously, bone grafting is real.
[03:04:18] Well, it's just gonna make me take time off of stream.
[03:04:20] Uh, yeah, well no, it's gonna happen eventually, right?
[03:04:23] But like, I just don't want it to happen right now.
[03:04:26] So yeah, do those things Boogie got?
[03:04:28] Where'd you get dentures or implants?
[03:04:30] I'd probably just get implants.
[03:04:32] Like, uh, yeah.
[03:04:34] I get some gold-plated teeth, oh I like that, sounds good.
[03:04:36] Or am I heading against the wall so hard when sleeping that I wouldn't even want
[03:04:39] bald?
[03:04:40] I didn't do that.
[03:04:41] Um, let me think about other good ones.
[03:04:46] I don't think I have any like really good ones that I can think of right now.
[03:04:51] Um, yeah, I feel like I've, yeah, the grill is backyard included.
[03:05:04] Well, we used to burn plastic on the grill and then just cook food on it right afterwards.
[03:05:11] But like, that's not really a bit, that's just, oh, not right.
[03:05:14] I was like three days after.
[03:05:17] Um, yeah, that's normal. It's not yet. It's not really that bad. Um, extra flavor, but
[03:05:27] why? Well, because, well, what we would do every, did any of you guys do this? Or was
[03:05:31] it just like my, like my friend group is like every year at the end of the fucking school
[03:05:38] year, everybody would come over to my house and we would take all of our school papers
[03:05:45] from the entire year and like everything on fire in a massive fucking fire in my backyard.
[03:05:53] And like, did y'all do this?
[03:05:55] Oh, yeah.
[03:05:57] And I remember like vividly, Dylan, this is not Dylan, you guys know, this is another
[03:06:03] Dylan, this is Dylan, this is Gollum Dylan.
[03:06:08] And Gollum Dylan had a bottle of lighter fluid and he was standing on my roof and
[03:06:15] And he was pouring the lighter fluid off my roof to where like the stream of it would
[03:06:19] go down into the fire to set everything on fire.
[03:06:23] Man.
[03:06:27] I did.
[03:06:28] Yeah.
[03:06:29] Dylan Isanovic.
[03:06:30] I know man.
[03:06:31] That's really fucking dangerous.
[03:06:32] Yeah.
[03:06:33] My mom was like literally like we were like right here and she was just the window and
[03:06:38] she was just like, you know, everything was totally fine.
[03:06:50] It's not an issue at all.
[03:06:52] Are we going to watch the Kamala interview?
[03:06:55] I didn't see that that happened, but yeah, I probably will another day one DLC game
[03:06:59] Wow, I would have never expected them to do day one. This is the norm
[03:07:04] Even with twitch straps and promotions the expansion launch. This is actually a really good question
[03:07:09] Let me scroll down and see if there's anything else interesting here
[03:07:13] No, not really
[03:07:16] This is the Rebecca a vtuber watching Roach reacted to a story that was not mistranslated
[03:07:21] Any sites an asmigold video am I am I the vtuber watching a row am I the roach?
[03:07:28] That's fine. I don't mind being a roach
[03:07:32] Yeah
[03:07:34] Why would have brought why would I have a problem being a roach?
[03:07:37] That's okay
[03:07:39] The forever winter devs your breath of fresh air. What is this?
[03:07:45] Okay, I'll watch this in a minute, but first thing I want to talk about this
[03:07:50] Or is it
[03:07:52] the wow numbers for twitch
[03:08:03] world of
[03:08:04] Warcraft
[03:08:06] So if you search over the past and we're gonna look at worldwide obviously and
[03:08:17] We're gonna see how wow has actually been doing
[03:08:21] So in the past five years, this is really kind of what matters
[03:08:26] so August
[03:08:28] 2019 this obviously was classic wow and
[03:08:32] You see right now in fact
[03:08:34] World of Warcraft has had more attention on it with Dragonflight than we've seen in a very long time.
[03:08:42] So if you look at the comparison, it seems like a lot of people are interested in, wow, the war within.
[03:08:51] Yeah, now we'll look at World of Warcraft Shadowlands. So this is the online game.
[03:09:01] We can see that obviously things went up. So let's look at World of Warcraft the war within
[03:09:07] The war within okay here we go
[03:09:13] So this is very interesting
[03:09:19] So it's looking like the war within has
[03:09:23] Attracted more attention and more searches, but the popular sorry the war within itself as an expansion has attracted
[03:09:31] tremendously less attention and
[03:09:34] tremendously less
[03:09:36] Like focus then shadow ends did let's let's add dragon flight in the middle here, too
[03:09:46] Just a minute
[03:09:48] World of Warcraft dragon flight, so this is the green
[03:09:58] So as you can see
[03:10:02] Shadowlands was obviously the most popular peaking at 22 out of 100 searches and then
[03:10:08] dragonflight was at 18 and then the war within is only at 10 but what's even
[03:10:15] more interesting is that the popularity of the game the interest
[03:10:20] overall is actually very high now why is that is it a bunch of paid
[03:10:26] sponsorships is it people talking about the early access of the game
[03:10:29] because I feel like every expansion of every wow every wow patch has always
[03:10:34] been plagued with drama. It's not like there's anything special about that. Plunderstorm,
[03:10:40] that's not even out right now. And so yeah, it seems like a lot of people have been relatively
[03:10:47] positive about the expansion. Season of Discovery, classic hardcore retail and drops. Yeah, maybe,
[03:10:54] but I mean it doesn't like, that doesn't make sense because like none of that was present
[03:11:00] right here and so if you're looking at a deviation of 50 to 28 that's what 22
[03:11:07] difference and that's a bigger difference than what you're seeing right here.
[03:11:11] So even if you try to factor that in I don't think that's the case either
[03:11:14] you're still seeing a larger increase. Try Legion just to see for comparison sure.
[03:11:20] Let me do a world of Warcraft Legion. Legion was actually less popular than both Dragon
[03:11:35] flight and shadow lands. If you see that right there, what about classic or season? Well classic
[03:11:45] is when it really peaked right there. That's the big point right there in the middle of
[03:11:49] that decline area. Legion, a very rough start coming out of Wad. Yeah. It definitely seemed
[03:12:00] like it didn't fall off as much as the shadow lands or dragon flight did. But yeah, there
[03:12:06] you go guys. You can see right there that seems like that's the way the numbers are.
[03:12:13] Now, in terms of Twitch viewer base and Twitch viewers, et cetera, drops are really going to
[03:12:20] change the way that things are.
[03:12:22] This is my opinion with WoW.
[03:12:24] I think that Blizzard has found its audience with Retail WoW.
[03:12:27] I think that audience really seems to like the kind of content that Blizzard has been
[03:12:32] making for the past three expansions.
[03:12:34] And I think that that's what they're going to keep doing with Retail WoW because that
[03:12:38] audience of people seems to really like it and they're consuming the content so
[03:12:43] guess what they're gonna keep making it I think that's really like to me the
[03:12:49] story and a lot of things don't really appeal to me that much at all like I'll
[03:12:53] be totally honest they really don't appeal to me I don't really I don't find
[03:12:58] a lot of interest in them I don't think that they're that cool I think
[03:13:01] they're kind of boring but for other people they really like it a lot so
[03:13:07] So yeah, it's just not for me.
[03:13:10] They should get rid of leveling and retail WoW and just make it an in-game content simulator.
[03:13:14] I mean, it basically is.
[03:13:16] Like once you get 80 on one character, you're just 80 on every character.
[03:13:21] If they did that, I would probably play more characters.
[03:13:24] I would.
[03:13:27] Please ask.
[03:13:28] I don't really like the style of WoW, but I want a new MMO.
[03:13:30] Anything else I can fit the bill?
[03:13:31] I don't know.
[03:13:32] I can't really make a decision for you on that.
[03:13:34] I can trans-applying a game like that that's like really long-term.
[03:13:38] So, Forever Winter, this game came out 20 hours ago,
[03:13:42] and this trailer already has 120,000 views.
[03:13:46] And I love how the title literally says the day that it's coming out for early access.
[03:13:52] I like that a lot.
[03:13:54] Here we go.
[03:13:57] So, here's the deal.
[03:14:00] These past few months, we've had an outpour of positive reception from you guys
[03:14:04] around what we're creating.
[03:14:06] And we really want to get that game out to you sooner
[03:14:09] That's why we're diving right into early access on September 24th
[03:14:14] 2024 and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in the beta
[03:14:18] The team has been rocking around the clock to incorporate a ton of the feedback you guys gave us
[03:14:23] So it's great way to share the progress
[03:14:26] Now I don't believe anyone should have to pay more than 50 USD for a game
[03:14:30] And if you want to support the team above and beyond the initial price point
[03:14:34] That is awesome. And we really appreciate it. There will be a special edition with the game soundtrack and Jason's awesome tunes
[03:14:41] But that should be your choice based on how much you guys take the game
[03:14:45] So the forever winter is gonna be $27 at early access. Damn
[03:14:50] There will be zero pay-to-win solutions
[03:14:52] You'll earn your gear via skill or luck and you will not be able to buy your way into Nirvana
[03:14:58] You will never be charged for a new character because that's the way it should be when you buy a game
[03:15:03] You will not be charged for maps, guns, additional quests, new bosses, and more.
[03:15:10] That Nickel and Dimie shit is for the birds.
[03:15:12] You will go to the skin packs, and any sales that you will go to supporting the character
[03:15:17] team and allowing us-
[03:15:18] Oh my god!
[03:15:21] Holy fucking shit!
[03:15:25] To make even more baller characters in the future.
[03:15:29] Now why do all this?
[03:15:31] I finally remember a time growing up in the 90s when you could go to comp USA and buy a box copy of command and conquer
[03:15:38] Giant citizen caputia are KK and D for 50 bucks or less and be set for money
[03:15:43] See here's the this is the the real truth
[03:15:47] If this character was made by Concord people would lose their fucking minds
[03:15:55] Same with this one here
[03:16:02] But these same characters are being put into these other games and they're not getting that same type of reception and do you want to know the real reason why?
[03:16:10] It's because it seems like it's authentic and it's also counterbalanced by just gory gruesome fucked-up shit like this
[03:16:20] It's really cool. You see what I'm saying?
[03:16:28] Maybe set for months. I'm really hoping we can get back there
[03:16:34] True diversity. Yeah
[03:17:04] Community to get a chance to vote on which bosses and which features we bring online first in our post launch plan
[03:17:11] Anyone who bought the game will get like just like remember what I said before yesterday about how Star Wars outlaws
[03:17:17] Was the kind of game that like everything about the game was made for somebody that wasn't me and
[03:17:24] Remember when I was like giving example of like oh, but there are games there the opposite like I feel like I'm a hundred percent the target audience I
[03:17:32] Was thinking about this
[03:17:34] No, I didn't know it existed yet, but I was in fact thinking about this.
[03:17:39] An exclusive channel in our Discord. There you will be able to vote on what or who drops next.
[03:17:49] The art team and our brothers at Evolve 512 broke our backs to make sure we planned months in advance
[03:17:56] to give you guys the post-apocalyptic road trip you deserve.
[03:18:00] Yeah, this shit looks badass.
[03:18:02] Shit. We want to bring this art style to entirely new environments in the future.
[03:18:06] Yeah, it's gonna be a wild ride. Yeah, this looks really cool. Now let's stock hosting.
[03:18:12] Regardless of how many people play, you will always be able to play with your friends locally
[03:18:17] and be a peer-to-peer hosting. We learn from the night. That's good for some people, bad
[03:18:22] for others like as a streamer. I would never do peer-to-peer hosting for like just, you know,
[03:18:26] IP reasons, etc. But I know that there are sometimes there's like ways that you can get
[03:18:32] get around that now. I know that Steam has new solutions for it. But I think for average
[03:18:37] players, this is a huge positive. Yeah, because like, I mean, this is like, it's really a
[03:18:42] 1% issue. Peer to peer yikes. It's not a yikes. Like most people are not like, most people
[03:18:50] are not hackers. Most people are not trying like this one, play with their friends and
[03:18:54] do a LAN. Like that's that that's the majority.
[03:18:59] Some of our industry colleagues have gone through this past year.
[03:19:04] So that means no infant loop matchmaking bugs and no flooded servers where you can't jump
[03:19:09] into what you just bought.
[03:19:11] We did this so that no matter what happens, when you buy our game, you can jump in and
[03:19:16] rock and roll.
[03:19:17] It doesn't appeal we do this too, like with making people have like private leagues as
[03:19:22] well.
[03:19:24] I believe they do.
[03:19:25] I'm not sure.
[03:19:26] Yeah, they do.
[03:19:30] Yeah, I'm not a hundred percent. I'm here to pay a point. Yeah
[03:19:34] It's so what's the game name if you want to reach out?
[03:19:38] The discord there's a ton of homies in there. They love grim dark just as much as we do. Yeah
[03:19:44] Now in a more somber note
[03:19:47] These past few months we lost spec ops the line
[03:19:51] Project boundary and now they are shutting down the battlefield three servers
[03:19:55] The reality is in the never-ending quest for profit
[03:20:00] They are closing the gate on some really special games
[03:20:02] that inspired us.
[03:20:05] Games cost more now to develop than they ever have.
[03:20:08] And that means risk mitigation is priority one,
[03:20:10] two, and three.
[03:20:13] And remember,
[03:20:14] that's why every game is built around the IP.
[03:20:17] It's already like, and I think that,
[03:20:18] you know what's really sad is that Concord
[03:20:20] is gonna be another point on that graph.
[03:20:23] Concord failing is gonna be,
[03:20:24] like that's actually one of the sad things
[03:20:26] about Concord failing is that Concord failing
[03:20:29] is going to be another proof positive that you need to make
[03:20:32] sure that you're working with an IP that's popular. It sucks, but
[03:20:37] yeah.
[03:20:38] It's not their fault. They're a product of their environment. And
[03:20:42] that's why this year has been so inspiring to see other crews
[03:20:45] breaking out of that muck to bring the magic. One ammo belt
[03:20:49] at a time. Lastly, words cannot express how much we
[03:20:55] appreciate your support people from all nations and all ages have reached out
[03:21:00] yeah people this this is yeah thanks for going there and handling the subject
[03:21:05] with the care and energy yeah this is fucking bad ass this means we're not
[03:21:09] alone in hoping we see a new kill zone a gritty battlefield maybe I still have
[03:21:13] the kill zone poster in my bedroom I still have it bro like I that game was
[03:21:19] so good new commanding title that's not a bloody mobile game but if the
[03:21:27] response to what we're building is any indicator. Maybe they will find the guts to bring those
[03:21:32] games back the right way. And in the meantime, we'll see you guys in the wasteland on September 24th.
[03:21:39] And this game is declaration of war. Cheers. Okay, so I'm going to show the gameplay overview
[03:21:44] trailer for this too, because I haven't seen that. I'll link you guys this video. It just
[03:21:48] got released. Yeah, the forever went and it's early access. There's a trailer right there.
[03:21:56] And let's take a look at this one right here. Here we go
[03:22:32] I like this
[03:22:41] This combat ecosystem, you assume the role of a looter and survivor, trapped between
[03:22:46] two warring military factions of the future, each with their own objectives.
[03:22:50] Outgunned, under supply, and constantly under attack.
[03:22:55] You must rely on cooperation and cunning to survive even minor enemy contact.
[03:23:01] This- the visuals for this look great.
[03:23:03] This is awesome.
[03:23:04] Look at this.
[03:23:05] Look at this.
[03:23:39] Water. H2O brings traders, shops, and allied mercenaries that have your sex.
[03:23:45] I think some of the aesthetics and things like this that they have are like really actually clever and good.
[03:23:51] Like, for me, like, one thing that I always notice is that, like, I think that games that take old themes and then they remake the old themes in a way that is new and refreshing.
[03:24:08] Like, I think this is a really good example, right?
[03:24:12] It's like you clearly have like, there's like the visual of a crucifixion,
[03:24:17] but it's a crucifixion that's done by technology.
[03:24:21] This is clever. It's well done.
[03:24:26] Yeah, Judge Dredd, yeah.
[03:24:27] And so like, I noticed stuff like this a lot.
[03:24:30] And to me, like stuff like, you know, for example,
[03:24:32] where's the other one that they showed?
[03:24:34] Um, maybe like, right.
[03:24:37] That one there.
[03:24:39] That's really good.
[03:24:41] And so like to me
[03:24:44] Indicators like this are very important to me because it indicates that the
[03:24:49] This style of the game isn't going to pull punches and it's going to
[03:24:55] It's going to be interesting
[03:24:58] It's being made with a degree of
[03:25:01] of thought
[03:25:04] you things that matter
[03:25:08] Water H2O brings traders shops and allied mercenaries that have well
[03:25:14] It's not even about like the grid or the vibe. It's about the fact that it's like being done in a way that's
[03:25:19] smart about the job that's thoughtful
[03:25:21] The more affection controls the sector the more heavy units they will deploy and the more dangerous it becomes
[03:25:28] More jobs you do the more jobs you get and the longer you'll keep everyone alive
[03:25:35] No one gets by in this world on their own so don't be afraid to help others when you can
[03:25:40] Donation stations are made available where high-level vets can share gear with low-level baby scabs
[03:25:47] You were in there. She just wants to
[03:25:50] Here you can customize your rig an innovative modular platform that grants you advanced abilities
[03:25:57] Like a jump a lot of quickly traverse rough terrain and recharge ticket drops
[03:26:02] Turrets allow you to shred least for a short time
[03:26:07] Scanners allow you to scout ahead to plan your route
[03:26:10] Oh, that's pretty good. A wallhack.
[03:26:24] Damn.
[03:26:33] That's so good.
[03:26:43] I feel like the really good thing about a game like this is that you can clearly see by the way that it's designed
[03:26:49] That this game can evolve in like four or five different very interesting directions
[03:26:55] The machines nicknamed the night shift rebuilt by night
[03:26:58] Recovery unit stock the streets dragging the wounded and the dead to be harvested for their organs. So damn good. Yeah
[03:27:04] Learn your surroundings avoid patrols and maybe you can make it out alive
[03:27:08] Yeah, that's good. Yeah, that's real good. I like the sound of that. That's alright.
[03:27:49] Yeah
[03:28:21] Look at that, I'm on Core 6!
[03:28:22] It will require coordination. Oh, you can fight them?
[03:28:28] Bro like that could be fucking crazy
[03:28:32] Holy shit
[03:28:40] Wow
[03:28:53] This is 27 bucks
[03:28:56] Uh, yeah, it is 27 bucks and they just, what's crazy about this too is like this was the opening cinematic trailer and it was six months ago.
[03:29:09] This was two months ago and now they're going into closed beta. This is fucking crazy, man.
[03:29:15] This is insane. Like they're releasing a shit. Yeah, it's September. When this is going to come out. Let me look at it again.
[03:29:22] September 24th. So yeah, there's the video. I'll link you guys the other one right there.
[03:29:30] December 24th, everyone's polished. I mean, like, no, I mean, obviously, like any extraction
[03:29:35] shooter thing like this is going to have like a tremendous amount of like pressure
[03:29:40] and expectation on it because of just like how big the genre is getting. But I do really
[03:29:46] hope that people, I hope this game is good. I'll play this game when it comes out.
[03:29:51] I will like this is awesome. This is really cool
[03:29:54] Like if nothing for nothing else in the vibes like I'll try it out for a little bit
[03:29:59] The genre is huge and we're starved for good games. Yeah, it is. I think that like the the extraction shooter genre like
[03:30:08] There isn't a I think that a world of Warcraft for extraction shooters is yet to be made
[03:30:15] Like there is not like that final draft perfect fucking game
[03:30:21] Like, Tarkov is king, Tarkov is king, but there are a lot of things that people don't like about Tarkov.
[03:30:25] Tarkov is the best one that's out right now.
[03:30:28] But what I'm saying is that I think that there will be an extraction shooter that will come out that will make Tarkov look like EverQuest.
[03:30:35] That's what I think is gonna happen.
[03:30:37] I just don't think that people know how to do it yet.
[03:30:40] I don't think they know like what, like what the nuts and bolts of it are.
[03:30:44] Con-concord 2? You think it's gonna be Concord 2? That's gonna be good? Yeah, I don't know.
[03:30:48] But I actually have to go early today. I have to leave early. I didn't think that ashes to creation thing was gonna go on as long today
[03:30:55] I have like some other things I need to do and so I'm going to be back on I'm recording something today
[03:31:00] Which means that I I'm actually recording podcast. I'll just tell you guys I'm recording podcast today
[03:31:05] And so because I'm recording the podcast today. That means that on Monday
[03:31:10] I will be probably streaming a bit longer and
[03:31:13] Tomorrow, I think we're just gonna play Wukong
[03:31:15] I've honestly just I just want to play the game when I get back to it want to start playing again
[03:31:21] So yes, that's what's gonna happen. We're gonna get back into it play the game have fun
[03:31:24] So yes, that is the plan. Thank you guys very much for watching. Can you actually play some deadlock sometime? I know I know I
[03:31:33] Know I need to play it. I downloaded the game. I did I downloaded the game deadlock is downloaded
[03:31:38] I will try it. I need to try deadlock. Okay, it's just there's been so much else going on
[03:31:43] It's been hard for me to keep everything on stream. Yeah, I have somewhere I need to go
[03:31:46] I have to do something today, you know every day
[03:31:49] I can't necessarily stream for like a full full full day. That's just the way it is. So play with me boy
[03:31:54] Yeah, yeah, I'm down like I want to do like obviously a few games like get my bearings on it
[03:31:58] But then otherwise absolutely so yeah guys. Thank you all very much watching. I tried to start earlier today
[03:32:03] So we had a bit more time, but yeah, otherwise I will see you all tomorrow. All right boys
[03:32:09] Peace