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08-28-2024 · 6h 01m

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zackrawrr VODs on twitch
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[00:00:01] Yo Henry? Yeah? What's up boys? How y'all doing? Just in time? Yeah, something like that, right?
[00:01:08] A little bit close. We're a little bit late today because I'm just lazy and stupid but, you know, that's just the way it is.
[00:01:19] We should sell Star Wars on Amazon. Great idea. Let me just go do that real quick.
[00:01:26] That's what I've done to you.
[00:01:36] Why people not so popular?
[00:01:37] Well, what's this here?
[00:01:38] The Fast Man?
[00:01:39] No, we got good internet now.
[00:01:40] Like, for a while my shit was fucked up.
[00:01:43] Oh, you mean this?
[00:01:44] Oh, I don't give a fuck about this.
[00:01:46] It's gonna start whenever it starts.
[00:01:48] That's it.
[00:01:49] I said I was gonna play the game.
[00:01:50] I'll try it out today.
[00:01:52] And we're gonna play it.
[00:01:54] So yeah.
[00:01:55] What are you eating today?
[00:01:56] The oatmeal.
[00:01:57] I got these.
[00:01:58] I ran out of protein bars.
[00:02:00] I gotta go to the grocery store later on today, but that's not gonna be for a while for a while while while
[00:02:06] You eat seafood. I ain't no seafood. I leave the fish in the sea man. I leave the fuck alone man. Uh-uh, nope. Yeah
[00:02:14] Do you see moist?
[00:02:16] Charlie moist through the giving viewers advice stream like you wanted to do some time ago. That's a smart idea
[00:02:21] Yeah, I actually wanted to do that too cuz like again like my you know
[00:02:26] My perspective is like anybody that wants advice from me, but I probably can already I like their lights already really bad right?
[00:02:32] So I'm really there's like no way I can make it worse. So, yeah
[00:02:38] Major hell divers to strike happening the game got ultra nerfed and people are allowing the AIs to win major orders
[00:02:45] The game's dead. Hell divers is dead. It died two months ago
[00:02:49] People right now are they don't understand it there. It's like dead dead internet theory on that game games dead
[00:02:56] Uh, it's just had no progression. There's no end game. There's no like meta. There's no like anything
[00:03:03] It's just like vibes and that lasts for a few months, and then people get over it. That's why I didn't play it
[00:03:09] Like I I got that vibe from it immediately after playing it. That's why I stopped so yeah
[00:03:15] And uh death skilled it death didn't kill it the game was set to fail by the mount by the way it was designed
[00:03:20] Just by the way it was designed it was set to fail. So yeah
[00:03:23] sacrifice yourself with the team for playing Star Wars I am brah I'm dying on
[00:03:28] the cross once again man what can I say NatLin Quest was good today well I'm
[00:03:33] glad people liked it you know there weren't any black people in that story
[00:03:37] were there probably not right like I just want to make sure because you know
[00:03:42] I heard Twitter tutors upset about that but yeah no I didn't think so yeah
[00:03:47] Man, what a surprise.
[00:03:49] What about that?
[00:03:50] Who gives a shit?
[00:03:51] Seven people.
[00:03:53] And they, I think they're six now, because one of them is playing Nat Land now.
[00:03:58] And so, yeah, anyway, I did see a blue protocol.
[00:04:01] I'll talk about that, obviously.
[00:04:04] I would rather come up with a DIA game.
[00:04:06] I'd rather have sex with Hitler.
[00:04:08] I mean, to be fair, like, I mean, I can't explain this.
[00:04:18] Yeah, I can't explain this.
[00:04:21] I can't yeah, I can't I can't explain this I
[00:04:25] Yeah, it says a lot. Well, I mean, you know people have been really I don't know if I showed this the other day
[00:04:31] I keep seeing these all the time people have been really going in on this shit. Let me see if I can find it real quick. Oh
[00:04:38] man, where is it
[00:04:41] There's been yeah, so
[00:04:43] There are all these tweets nowadays, and it's basically just about people that don't like Jews
[00:04:50] It's crazy how popular this shit is it is and so like for example
[00:04:57] Apparently you guys know the Costco guys, right? You've seen the tiktoks, you know the double chunk cookie that's stupid shit, right?
[00:05:05] Well, they're Jewish and a lot of people are just fucking like it. They basically got a hate thread on Twitter
[00:05:17] For being Jews. Yeah, it's not even they weren't even saying like, you know, like I don't think this says like this
[00:05:29] This is a Jewish New Year. It's not there saying like W Israel like man
[00:05:34] We really don't like Palestine. They're just like yeah, we're Jewish and that's it bro
[00:05:38] Like 11k likes on this people are really going in on it man, and so I'm a little bothered
[00:05:44] I didn't see that coming from a mile away. Could you not tell oh?
[00:05:48] My god, why is everything so fake gay and Jewish every time?
[00:05:54] Look at this people like are going eight-thick. So you asked me why the Hitler game is doing well
[00:06:01] I don't think you've been on Twitter. I think I could tell you easily why the Hitler game is doing well, so yeah
[00:06:08] And hard to get used to the ads. Yeah, exactly and
[00:06:12] Jew boom I haven't 11k likes that's what's up
[00:06:14] The funny thing to me is the only surprise is that it wasn't more I see tons of stupid shit
[00:06:20] Like basically nowadays like there's like a policy that I have on Twitter where it's like the more racist
[00:06:27] Something is the more likes it will get
[00:06:30] So like I actually think that like basically just like pure racism tweets
[00:06:36] Like for example, there have been a lot of tweets about like how Indian people poop everywhere, right?
[00:06:41] Which is like this is not really I've seen plenty of Indian people in real life. They're not doing this, right?
[00:06:47] Has this happened? Yeah, sure, but I've seen plenty of crackhead shit on the floor and they were white
[00:06:52] I mean, it's not like this is some kind of a secret fucking cultural thing. Yeah, maybe they do shit over differently in India
[00:06:58] I'm not an India. What the fuck do I care about India for and so anyway?
[00:07:02] So people get really mad about this and I see a tweet about it's like an AI generated thing of
[00:07:10] Indians pooping in the street and it has like a hundred thousand lights
[00:07:13] And like I've seen another one where it's like
[00:07:20] It's like black people being mind controlled by Jewish people its AI generated photo and it has like a hundred and fifty thousand likes
[00:07:30] And it does and I'm thinking like right now
[00:07:36] Y'all think it's bad with this election
[00:07:41] You ain't seen shit
[00:07:44] You ain't seen shit. Yeah, bro racism is making a crazy comeback. Yeah, I know
[00:07:50] You need AI videos to get Indians pooping though?
[00:07:55] You gonna try and bring in like that weird like fucking race culture warship to me about
[00:08:00] how Indians, but that's just dumb.
[00:08:02] I've seen white people shit on the street in real life.
[00:08:05] I've watched it happen.
[00:08:06] I didn't want to, but I was stuck in traffic and the bridge was right next to me.
[00:08:10] So what the hell are you gonna do?
[00:08:12] So no, it's not that big of a surprise.
[00:08:15] I'm not like, I'm not gonna act like, oh wow, India is so bad.
[00:08:18] They're so bad. We do this shit all the time. Yeah, and this is in America
[00:08:24] They'll I give a fuck about India for
[00:08:27] That's Christ fast fat. It's just what it is
[00:08:30] Nothing really everybody shits on the street. Yeah
[00:08:33] There's plenty of plenty of crazy people. So yeah
[00:08:38] And what do you mean elections looking very for Trump to get a free-handed to him
[00:08:41] Oh, you think do you think Trump's gonna win? I think Trump will probably win, too
[00:08:45] I do I think so, but I think there's gonna be a lot of people mad about it
[00:08:48] I've been seeing that since there are so many women that want to vote for Kamala Harris that there's going to be a
[00:08:55] I don't know which of the 17th 18th amendment which one we gives women the rights to vote and
[00:09:01] I think people are gonna start going against that
[00:09:04] Yeah, that's gonna be the 19th amendment. Yeah. Yeah, one of them who cares, right?
[00:09:08] And so yeah, people are gonna try to revoke the women voting amendment
[00:09:12] I think that'll happen to maybe like five or ten years. We'll see what happens and women's suffrage
[00:09:17] Yeah, I wonder if you could sell that in 15 years
[00:09:22] I wonder if you could sell that because it would be suffering
[00:09:25] Sufferage. I don't know. I think yeah, like 20% of people behind it
[00:09:30] Yeah
[00:09:32] There's one minute separate. Yeah, exactly right. They already bought it. Yeah for sure. No, I think so you can sell it right now
[00:09:38] I mean there's some people yeah for sure, but actually make it happen
[00:09:42] I don't know like as I said man if you ever want to do something that's against the best interest of everybody
[00:09:48] Put it to a vote that'll definitely make it happen every time. So, yeah
[00:09:53] Then they can blame men for voting while you see cancel blue protocol. I did I saw they cancel blue protocol
[00:09:58] I will um, you know what?
[00:10:01] I'll talk about blue protocol now because I know a lot of people actually I'll talk about later
[00:10:06] Because I know a lot of people want to want me to talk about it and I don't have to talk about like three times
[00:10:10] But yeah, I saw it
[00:10:12] My short opinion about it is that I've said this before
[00:10:17] some babies deserve to be aborted and
[00:10:24] Bandai Namco
[00:10:26] Was fortunately pro-choice
[00:10:30] That's my opinion
[00:10:33] I'll talk about the reasoning and everything later on but that's that's what I think
[00:10:40] based yeah, of course and
[00:10:42] There it is Lincoln Park announcement in 20 minutes really. Oh, yeah, I heard that they were doing something
[00:10:48] I don't know like really what the details are anything like that. I heard it on the radio
[00:10:52] I like a lot of people like like to listen to other stations like outside
[00:10:56] I like to listen to the stations on the actual radio
[00:10:59] Just to hear the kind of music that the average people are listening to right just like every day people are listening to
[00:11:04] I always listen to the radio. So yeah, I heard about that too
[00:11:09] She wanted to hear the manager saw a final boss instead. What's this?
[00:11:20] Oh
[00:12:01] Nothing
[00:12:15] That's right
[00:12:24] I'm gonna be honest
[00:12:31] sandwich.
[00:12:39] The thing is that she actually thought that she could go up against the juggernaut.
[00:12:46] What was she thinking?
[00:12:47] Noise, yeah!
[00:13:00] She dumb as hell!
[00:13:03] She thought, yeah, she just raced it out, she could just take it, yeah!
[00:13:06] Bro, she just didn't even miss a motherfucking beat!
[00:13:19] That's it, man!
[00:13:20] She take that, yeah!
[00:13:22] Wrong, this is why they have weight classes and boxing, guys.
[00:13:26] This is it.
[00:13:27] make so much money if they use this as a commercial this I think that she should
[00:13:32] be promoted to regional manager I do because like if you go out and like if
[00:13:37] there's an unruly customer and you just beat the fucking shit out of them good
[00:13:42] that's what they get that's what I think I think the moment like you have some
[00:13:47] because you can tell I mean this bitch can barely keep her clothes on I mean
[00:13:52] this is some drunk asshole that showed up at McDonald's and like you look
[00:13:57] outside it's like it's not this is like 3 p.m. man this is like way outside of her
[00:14:03] spawn time she shouldn't even fucking be here right now and so she's already here
[00:14:08] right now some crazy crackhead bitch probably a hooker shows up into
[00:14:14] McDonald's and you got the juggernaut that comes and takes her out I think to
[00:14:19] myself damn that deserves a motherfucking promotion that's what I think that's
[00:14:25] where I'm at. Get them the fuck out of here. She's also behind the- yeah! She's
[00:14:31] sitting behind the- yeah take it out the trash! Yeah what the hell are you
[00:14:36] mean? Give the employee the store? Exactly man. Goddamn I love to see this.
[00:14:41] That's what you fucking get man. That's what you motherfucking get. Million
[00:14:46] dollar marketing versus a one guy indie? What is this? Concord controller? I
[00:14:54] I don't have a hundred K for a gamescom commercial or bribing journalists, but share this if you can
[00:14:59] Gangs of moonfall. I made this video and I watched these six minutes 300 times
[00:15:05] What is this game called gangs of moonfall? Let me look at it
[00:15:14] right
[00:15:19] Vampire syndicate we can't even watch this. I feel like this is okay. I'm gonna watch it
[00:15:27] Yeah, give me a minute. Let's watch this. We're gonna. I mean the hundreds of so guy made this
[00:15:40] Okay, let's see the girls. That's why we're here. Oh, do you like 3D print them? Oh, that's good. Okay. Okay, that's cool.
[00:16:03] I'm gonna be honest guys. This is exactly what I wanted to look like. Never I was 15. I cannot express how cool this would be.
[00:16:20] me.
[00:16:21] Absolutely.
[00:16:22] Absolutely.
[00:16:23] Yep.
[00:16:24] 100%.
[00:16:25] You're edward.
[00:16:42] I was so much of an edward that one time I said that I thought they should use people.
[00:16:47] I was in a sociology class and it was in the first week of class and I told them that
[00:16:52] I thought they should use people with mental illnesses for medical testing because they
[00:16:57] wouldn't be good for anything else and nobody in that class ever talked to me again
[00:17:01] for the entire year.
[00:17:03] It was the easiest 75 I ever got in my entire life.
[00:17:15] It was.
[00:17:20] It's fucked up, of course.
[00:17:24] Okay.
[00:17:36] So I was just gonna say X-Com or some shit or like what?
[00:17:57] It's crazy.
[00:17:58] Like, if this one, this was action combat
[00:18:00] and it was good, like this would go so hard.
[00:18:02] Like I'm not really a big, you know, like turn-based guy,
[00:18:06] but, ooh, ooh, I played that game.
[00:18:12] I like that.
[00:18:17] So, no waifus, no deal.
[00:18:19] No, they'll probably have that at the end and the mature and dark narrative written for adults. This is where they're gonna show the girls
[00:18:27] Okay
[00:18:28] Well, they showed like an undead mummy with like her eyes cut out. So that's pretty close, right?
[00:18:35] Yeah
[00:18:36] This game is a hundred percent made for edgy 15 year olds like I would go so hard on this game
[00:18:42] I'm not even kidding
[00:18:47] Something that was paid though. Yeah, baby. I'm sure they have some of them
[00:18:51] It's 2024 time to something in turn base games
[00:18:58] Well, that's why they're not making Baldur's Gate 4, man.
[00:19:02] Some of the visuals on this are really crazy good.
[00:19:05] Like, it's weird to me, like, because the combat is like such a...
[00:19:08] Okay, here we go.
[00:19:09] Oh, never mind.
[00:19:12] The combat on this is like, you know, kind of like turn-based, right?
[00:19:15] But, like, some of the other visuals are fucking crazy.
[00:19:18] Like, this is really good.
[00:19:20] Thumbnail with AI generated?
[00:19:23] Yeah, that's fine.
[00:19:24] I mean, most girls are.
[00:19:47] So, how big was, so like this was one guy that made this?
[00:19:50] Like there's no shot, it was one guy,
[00:19:52] like explicit 18 plus material included.
[00:19:58] Okay, here we go.
[00:20:00] Right, does it show like what the,
[00:20:04] oh it doesn't show like when people started
[00:20:06] and stopped watching and click through.
[00:20:08] Oh man.
[00:20:11] Yeah, I was checking that out.
[00:20:15] You've got all the different archetypes, that's good.
[00:20:17] Oh great. Wow. Not a surprise.
[00:20:42] Uncompromising passion project made by one man.
[00:20:47] Oh my fucking god. Wait, what is this?
[00:20:55] Hi, my name is Manly Mouse Dan. I'm the sole developer of this game and the rest of this video is me trying to convince you why I'm not a scumbag scammer who just threw some pretty pictures together.
[00:21:07] I have been developing- Well, he did throw some pretty pictures together to be fair.
[00:21:11] I'm releasing games for almost 15 years now, but you probably have never heard of me.
[00:21:17] Yeah. I'm coming up on five completed Kickstarter's and four delivered games.
[00:21:22] Wow. I keep my promises, and I'd like to think I have a reputation for being honest.
[00:21:27] My most- Memoirs of a battle brothel.
[00:21:31] Okay. Probably another game that may have more concurrent players than Concord.
[00:21:40] was a 30-hour non-linear RPG with lots of characters and factions and things to do.
[00:21:47] People seem to like it. Lots of things to do. I'm not a typical game dev. I've never been involved
[00:21:54] in- Came for the hentai, staying for the k- I love how this is, by the way, the developer made
[00:21:59] this video himself. It's like this is a fan-made video or like a- no the developer- this is
[00:22:07] This is... yeah.
[00:22:37] screens or second-hand ideologies.
[00:22:40] Yeah.
[00:22:41] The price of that freedom is difficulty.
[00:22:44] I am the smallest of underdogs challenging
[00:22:47] in the entire industry.
[00:22:48] The best sex games on TC that aren't garbage.
[00:22:51] That was the title of the article.
[00:22:57] And if I'm being completely honest,
[00:22:59] this is not a game that industry will make.
[00:23:03] There are large parts of this industry
[00:23:05] that do not respect its customer base.
[00:23:08] That means he said there's going to be some hoes in this game.
[00:23:14] That's what he's trying to say.
[00:23:19] And if these 15 years have bought me the freedom to be honest,
[00:23:24] then I can be happy enough.
[00:23:25] Yeah.
[00:23:26] But I want to make something of profound beauty.
[00:23:31] Something only I can make.
[00:23:33] Right.
[00:23:33] But I'm alone.
[00:23:35] I need your help.
[00:23:37] Oh my God.
[00:23:38] Wish this my game and subscribe to this channel.
[00:23:40] Follow my Kickstarter.
[00:23:44] thanks for watching holy shit what a game wow i'll link you guys video link i wish him the best
[00:23:54] yeah yeah i do too uh you know i see things like this and uh especially like an individual developer
[00:24:00] like this what an ambitious project i couldn't even imagine doing that that's unbelievable man holy
[00:24:06] fuck that is crazy yeah one answer there's the video right there i'll give it a give him a sub
[00:24:12] Give him a like and this video I mean only had me he's only got 2,000 subs right and it's got
[00:24:18] 74,000 views in two days like this video went really viral and really popular for the comparative size of the
[00:24:26] Of the channel like this was nuts man. Like this is a huge huge success. Wow, holy fucking shit
[00:24:34] Yeah, one-handed development. That's why it's probably taken and he says it's a 15 years something like that, right?
[00:24:39] so yeah, no this is
[00:24:42] This is about what I'd expect. Yep, there you go. So good for him, man. And a
[00:24:47] million-dollar marketing versus one guy ending. Yeah, it's like if you don't give
[00:24:51] the people what they want, they're not just gonna turn around and decide they
[00:24:54] want it, man. Look what we have here. Animaeus for pedos, anti-Trump journalists,
[00:25:00] Dr. Pizza arrested for child sex crime. Why would you name yourself Dr.
[00:25:04] Pizza? Like, that's so stupid. Like, why don't you name it? Like, why would
[00:25:08] you like that's like a it's like a car thief calling himself like the Kia
[00:25:14] enthusiast like why would you call your you idiot you fat fucking retard what are
[00:25:20] you doing why would you why would you name yourself that like what are you
[00:25:27] thinking yes I mean like it's just stop like it's pizza gate reference cheese
[00:25:35] pizza what are you thinking like it's so obvious what a fucking idiot maybe he's
[00:25:43] a physician no he's not a physician I can I can tell he's not and you're
[00:25:51] getting mad about the wrong thing oh yeah about the child's right the child
[00:25:56] sex crimes oh my god yes yeah yeah yeah that is that's bad guys that was that
[00:26:03] Yeah, that's really not good.
[00:26:06] I know that's messed up, isn't it?
[00:26:09] People leave that.
[00:26:10] Wow.
[00:26:12] Wow, that's Jesus.
[00:26:15] Why people like that?
[00:26:16] Why are people like this?
[00:26:17] While we've had evidence of people being like this for thousands of years.
[00:26:21] Why are people like this?
[00:26:22] I wonder why they're like this.
[00:26:24] The people are fucking animals, man.
[00:26:26] Like fuck sometimes literally.
[00:26:28] What are you surprised about?
[00:26:29] Like, it's not about, you never, never, never upset yourself with the fact that the world
[00:26:35] is the way it is.
[00:26:36] Only upset yourself with the fact that people don't have the will, the power to act in a
[00:26:40] way to prevent it from being the way that it naturally is.
[00:26:44] That's really the way I see it, because bad things always happen.
[00:26:48] But bad things usually happen when people that think that they're doing a good thing
[00:26:53] end up doing something bad.
[00:26:55] That's what I would say.
[00:26:56] Yeah, so it's a choice, it's not a choice.
[00:26:58] Some people it's not a choice, some people it is.
[00:27:01] It doesn't really matter if it is or it isn't a choice because if you do something that's
[00:27:05] bad, who cares if it's a choice or not?
[00:27:08] For example, if you don't really blame an animal when an animal bites somebody and kills
[00:27:12] them, right?
[00:27:13] It's not the animal's choice, it doesn't have free will.
[00:27:17] But you still just kill the animal because you can't have something like that around.
[00:27:21] It's dangerous.
[00:27:22] So, who cares if whether it's a choice or not?
[00:27:24] That doesn't matter.
[00:27:25] It's got a point.
[00:27:26] Oh, wow. Well, this is a they had to do this. Well, I guess we just had to shoot him, right?
[00:27:32] I mean, that's the way it goes. I mean shit or put him in jail forever, right? Yeah
[00:27:38] Some people are next animal. No, it's easy to wait. It's easy way to deal with shit like this, right?
[00:27:43] Yeah, but you know evil four issues when people that are good are
[00:27:47] You know, they think that they're too good. That's it. They're just shooting yet. There it is
[00:27:52] And there's science in this for sure. Yep, that's right. Let's see the rest of us. Oh, yeah
[00:27:57] I made a tweet about this and I've started to I think I'll do this a little bit more on Twitter
[00:28:02] I got any characters that you still have to level blizzard is making leveling a harder Marl. I said, I think this is fair
[00:28:08] I had an hour of my time wasted yesterday by poor people flooding the servers like rats and disconnecting me
[00:28:15] Considering they couldn't afford or for the early access. They probably don't have jobs either
[00:28:19] So the extra time for them will be negligible. So some people were pretty upset about this comment
[00:28:26] Which is what I was hoping for I really was I was concerned people might not might just think it was funny
[00:28:32] But yeah, you're saying a lot how the publisher feels
[00:28:36] Well, then no the publisher wants us to feel this way they want to you know again like you know
[00:28:41] It's like class warfare right? That's the goal
[00:28:44] So yeah, it's that simple look at the report under the post
[00:28:47] It's involving minors. Yeah, cuz kids don't have jobs so they can't play the game early. That makes sense and it doesn't
[00:28:53] Right in this tweet. Oh, yeah
[00:28:54] Now we wait if you didn't stop at Shadowlands you deserve this kind of behavior from Blizzard you do you deserve to be a dick eater
[00:29:00] That's what you deserve. Absolutely. So yeah, I'll keep making posts like this. I think it's funny
[00:29:06] Hollister oh god
[00:29:08] Well, I mean why don't they do you know what they should do is they should take all the people that are doing the crime and
[00:29:53] And then put them in jail and then tell them that like if you want to get out of jail
[00:29:58] You have to clean up the city and then if they don't do it you just keep them in jail
[00:30:04] That's what they should do like that'd be easy
[00:30:07] Yeah, I don't know why that why would they not do that?
[00:30:09] I feel like that's a easy like this was a easy solution because you got all these people committing crime all these people causing problems
[00:30:15] And so I want to just put them in jail and say like listen if you keep causing problems
[00:30:21] If you stop causing problems, start fixing things.
[00:30:23] You get out earlier.
[00:30:25] Yeah, I don't get it.
[00:30:27] I just want to shriek a lot.
[00:30:28] Well, I don't want their arm cut off
[00:30:29] because then they couldn't pick anything up.
[00:30:33] No, that's a way, what the hell,
[00:30:36] what the hell are they gonna do then?
[00:30:38] Not gonna do shit after that.
[00:30:40] Absolutely not.
[00:30:41] America needs stricter policing.
[00:30:43] Oh no, no, in my, it's set backwards.
[00:30:46] You think it's backwards?
[00:30:47] Is it backwards, man?
[00:30:48] I don't know, how could it be backwards?
[00:30:50] Like you think this is backwards?
[00:30:51] Like the cars are driving forward as backwards?
[00:30:54] Like nah bro, like I don't think so.
[00:30:56] Like you caught me for a second,
[00:30:58] but then I saw the car and I was like, wait a minute.
[00:31:00] That's a dumbest thing I ever heard.
[00:31:02] But yeah, while I'd daily frism,
[00:31:05] they get three meals a day in communal showers.
[00:31:08] Well, I mean, shit.
[00:31:09] I mean, you just, the thing is that
[00:31:11] nobody wants to be in jail.
[00:31:12] Like I mean, I'm sure there's a few people
[00:31:14] that like being in jail, right?
[00:31:15] But like for the most part, nobody wants to be in jail.
[00:31:18] And so I think that really, if you give people the chance to like get out earlier, if they just act right, they'll act right.
[00:31:25] This is my opinion, right?
[00:31:26] Is like you put this dude, like if you took this guy right now and you transported him to China, he wouldn't act like this.
[00:31:38] If you transported him to Singapore, he would not act like this.
[00:31:41] You transported him to North Korea, he would not act like this.
[00:31:45] He would immediately stop his behavior.
[00:31:47] and he would walk around the street and he would walk the right way and he would
[00:31:52] respect the laws and he wouldn't cause any problems. So really the problem is
[00:31:56] not necessarily that these people can't be held to a higher standard. It's the
[00:32:01] fact that we don't hold them to it. I think that's the way what it is. Yeah
[00:32:05] death on me? No, I mean like hey here's the thing right? It's like he
[00:32:09] might need to get fucked around. He might need to be beating. Yeah, might
[00:32:11] need to beat the shit out of him once or twice and then he figures it
[00:32:14] out, then that's it. That's it. Yeah. So there we go. The NA freedom to be crazy though. Well,
[00:32:21] I mean, you're throwing garbage around. That's not freedom. That's it. So yeah, they get bailed
[00:32:26] out usually so fast. Exactly. You can bring progressive DAs for allowing this behavior.
[00:32:31] Well, I mean, like, fuck, this is just this what people in New York, I bet a lot of people
[00:32:35] in New York think this is okay. Like, I bet there's there's not enough of them.
[00:32:40] This is the problem, right?
[00:32:41] It's like the language that I use to discuss and talk about people like this makes a lot
[00:32:47] of weak-minded, I think, pussies uncomfortable because they think that it's mean.
[00:32:53] But in my opinion, I think that you need to be mean, and that's the right way to handle
[00:32:58] things like this.
[00:32:59] So, until people are willing to be mean and hold people accountable, then they're
[00:33:04] going to have bad people take advantage of them.
[00:33:07] And that's just what they deserve, too.
[00:33:10] It's what they deserve and so when I see something bad happen to a person who's unwilling to do
[00:33:16] You know something that makes them feel uncomfy. I think that this is natural selection
[00:33:21] I do and this is the way that the world should work
[00:33:25] So when I see a lot of pussies and bad actors like this that try to act like oh, well
[00:33:30] It's not that bad. It's like somebody buys a dog and they're like
[00:33:34] Oh, it's such a nice dog and then it's like a pit bull and then the dog kills them
[00:33:38] Well, this is what you get in my opinion like why are you buying an animal that's dangerous?
[00:33:43] You bought an animal that's dangerous and it killed you that's natural selection like what do you what's wrong with you?
[00:33:49] Why would you do that? And so and by the way, it's better off for everybody that this happens because now you have this
[00:33:56] aversion to danger that's not being
[00:33:59] basically
[00:34:00] You know bread into the rest of our our gene pool
[00:34:04] Like, you don't want to have somebody that thinks like that in the gene pool.
[00:34:08] They're awful.
[00:34:09] That they're going to mess everything up.
[00:34:10] So yes.
[00:34:11] Pet snakes.
[00:34:12] Well, I mean, you have a pet snake, but you have a pet venomous snake and it bites you.
[00:34:16] That's what happens.
[00:34:17] That's just the way it goes.
[00:34:19] So yeah.
[00:34:20] A hell of a reference, yeah.
[00:34:23] Usually these people have like six kids.
[00:34:25] I mean, I guess so.
[00:34:26] Bullshit.
[00:34:27] Pit bulls are only dangerous if they're trained to be like any other dogs are.
[00:34:31] That's fine.
[00:34:32] at the end of the day, I think that if you had a little kid
[00:34:34] and you would want that dog around a pit bull
[00:34:37] or around a golden retriever,
[00:34:39] I think a lot of people would choose the golden retriever.
[00:34:42] I think that you would,
[00:34:43] because everybody likes to talk about this,
[00:34:45] because it makes them uncomfortable,
[00:34:47] the idea that certain types of animals
[00:34:50] are more violent than others
[00:34:51] because there's like real life parallels,
[00:34:53] like racism parallels to this, right?
[00:34:56] So people, it's like a conversation
[00:34:58] like Americans are afraid to have.
[00:35:01] But the truth is that everybody,
[00:35:02] when you actually put your money where your mouth is,
[00:35:05] you put your kids in that situation.
[00:35:07] You don't want your kids there.
[00:35:08] You don't want your actual,
[00:35:11] like your loved ones in this dangerous situation.
[00:35:14] So you really only want this as a virtue signal
[00:35:17] for other people to be sacrificed to.
[00:35:20] So you can feel good about yourself.
[00:35:22] And that's it.
[00:35:23] And these are the weak people that I'm talking about.
[00:35:26] These are the weak-minded people
[00:35:27] that ruin society and ruin the world.
[00:35:30] And so yeah, when I see people like this,
[00:35:33] I really think that you get what you fucking deserve.
[00:35:35] That's what I think.
[00:35:36] You get what you fucking deserve.
[00:35:38] So yeah, that's all there is to it.
[00:35:41] And to take pit bulls requires a lot of discipline
[00:35:43] and responsibility.
[00:35:44] Yeah, sure.
[00:35:45] And absolutely.
[00:35:48] People say pit bulls raise.
[00:35:50] I see only a responsible people buying the dogs.
[00:35:52] Oh yeah, no, I think they should,
[00:35:53] I said this before with pit bulls
[00:35:55] and I don't have a pit bull conversation again.
[00:35:57] I think pit bulls shouldn't be like,
[00:35:59] A lot of people think they should just kill all the pit bulls.
[00:36:01] I don't think you should do that, right?
[00:36:03] I think you should make it more like you need an exotic animal
[00:36:05] license to have a pit bull.
[00:36:07] I think it's very clear that pit bulls have like a,
[00:36:09] there's a lot of people that buy pit bulls
[00:36:11] that are really, really bad owners.
[00:36:15] And this is like a unique problem with pit bulls.
[00:36:18] And I think pit bulls also have a very,
[00:36:21] very high capacity for violence.
[00:36:23] More so than let's say a Chihuahua or Pomeranian
[00:36:27] or, you know, even a mid-sized dog
[00:36:28] like a sheba, sheba, right?
[00:36:30] You know, a doge.
[00:36:32] Like they have like such a high capacity for violence
[00:36:35] that they're bought by owners who are irresponsible so often.
[00:36:39] I think it'd just be better for everybody
[00:36:41] if you needed a higher level of licensing to own a pit bull.
[00:36:44] Because I think owning a pit bull should be legal.
[00:36:46] You should just have a higher level of accountability
[00:36:48] attached to it because of how dangerous the animal can be.
[00:36:51] So I don't know, I think it's really like,
[00:36:53] I mean, and this is the way that a lot of animals are,
[00:36:55] right?
[00:36:56] You need this for other people,
[00:36:58] other people have exotic animal licenses
[00:37:00] and stuff like that too.
[00:37:01] So I feel like that's the perfect counterbalance
[00:37:04] and I don't, it's having a pet lion, right?
[00:37:06] Or a pet lynx or something like that.
[00:37:07] You need an exotic animal license
[00:37:09] and in doing so you incur extra liability
[00:37:13] and accountability.
[00:37:14] So yeah, sure.
[00:37:16] And that's the way that I see it
[00:37:18] and that's what makes sense.
[00:37:20] Chihuahuas are fucking violent?
[00:37:21] Yeah, Chihuahuas are violent.
[00:37:23] But like if you have a house cat and a lion
[00:37:25] and they're both violent at the same rate,
[00:37:27] who do you think is more dangerous like this is that this is the problem like
[00:37:30] uh... it's emotional reasoning
[00:37:32] uh... you're not thinking about what's really happening or how things are really
[00:37:35] uh...
[00:37:36] really appearing
[00:37:37] like a ditches it's such a stupid way to look at things but uh... you know that's
[00:37:41] just the way people are i guess you could say
[00:37:43] uh... story in two parts
[00:37:45] the eagerness
[00:37:46] the dance
[00:37:48] uh... to grave dance on on popular games has become a bad habit
[00:37:52] uh... i want to say i saw this tweet
[00:37:55] i will find it
[00:37:56] Give me a minute.
[00:38:00] Where is it?
[00:38:04] Man.
[00:38:07] Where did this go?
[00:38:09] How did I miss this?
[00:38:12] There we go.
[00:38:13] Here is the tweet or the article.
[00:38:16] So PCGamer has recently written yet another video
[00:38:20] or article defending Concord.
[00:38:24] This guy, wow, that shirt's too big for him.
[00:38:28] it looks like a Kanye West fashion show
[00:38:34] so
[00:38:36] let's see here are the eagerness to grave dance on games has become a bad habit
[00:38:41] uh... concord's little turnout has led to the usual jubilation over the
[00:38:44] prospect of seeing a big game fail
[00:38:47] uh... here a shooter concord alert launch last week at seem concurrence
[00:38:50] haven't yet topped a thousand
[00:38:52] and uh... came in rules the exuberation of a concord's little
[00:38:55] turnout is apparently cracked the top 50 bestsellers on the PS store over the weekend
[00:39:00] derived some degree of I told you so sense of justice. The idea of out of touch creatively
[00:39:04] bank our executive is simply chasing trends that the rest of us would have had common
[00:39:08] sense to avoid releasing Concord Marvel's adventure Suicide Squad Gotham Knights or
[00:39:13] perplexing Golem game. But it's actually not that easy to know why one game succeeds
[00:39:17] and another doesn't. It's actually not that easy to succeed why one game succeed
[00:39:22] know why one game succeeds and another doesn't. So let's go ahead and look at something. I think
[00:39:27] this is very interesting topic here. Google Trends. So Google Trends is a website that you can look at
[00:39:36] the direction of, this is close, but it's not there, PC Gamer. So this is a magazine here.
[00:39:44] And we're going to look at how this website has gone over the past, let's look at five years.
[00:39:52] Uh-oh. Let's look at the past 2004 to present.
[00:39:58] Uh-oh. So basically nobody cares about PC gamer anymore. And I would say it's at an all-time low,
[00:40:06] but it's only their second all-time low, right? Like if somebody had this at a hospital,
[00:40:12] they would be pronounced dead. But unfortunately on the internet,
[00:40:16] they still have 700 different ads that are keeping them on life support
[00:40:20] before they realized that the clock actually ticked out years ago.
[00:40:25] Anyway, so this is really what happens.
[00:40:28] It's easy to see why one game doesn't succeed another.
[00:40:31] It's actually very easy to understand why games don't succeed.
[00:40:34] And I'm going to tell you this, too.
[00:40:36] If you can't understand why games don't succeed,
[00:40:40] you probably shouldn't be writing media for video gaming.
[00:40:43] You if you can't understand why something doesn't do well,
[00:40:47] like I understand making a mistake.
[00:40:50] Right? I thought Zinless Zone Zero was going to be more of a flop than it was.
[00:40:54] I was wrong. It was really popular. It was a blind spot in what I saw.
[00:41:00] But I can acknowledge that. It's not like a who could have predicted this.
[00:41:04] It's that I didn't really understand the popularity of things like Persona and other types of life simulators
[00:41:10] and things that were of that nature and how Zinless Zone Zero kind of fit into that category.
[00:41:17] And people seemed to like the game that way.
[00:41:19] So, and that's really it, right?
[00:41:23] And so, it's not for me though, I'll tell you that.
[00:41:26] You know, to estimate the power of oil versus quality waifus, they actually have had some pretty good ones, to be fair.
[00:41:32] The Devs at Fireworks Studios, many of whom are ex-Bungie, have made a game in the genre
[00:41:36] that they experience in a release without free-to-play monetization that we so often complain about.
[00:41:41] Yeah, there's a lot of things that are released without free-to-play monetization,
[00:41:45] but it was still a monetized game inside of a market that's typically free to play.
[00:41:50] So, and also why is free to play monetization isn't really a problem, it's only a problem when it's done in a bad way.
[00:41:57] So, acquiring a moral quality, if you release an unpopular game, everyone is suddenly morally justified to shame and embarrass you.
[00:42:04] Whether it's because of all big budget games are bad, or live service games are bad, or you did too much woke, pick one.
[00:42:10] Well, we don't have to pick one with Concord, you get everything.
[00:42:14] It's the, uh, it's the value menu. You get the fries, the drink, and the hamburger all at the same time.
[00:42:19] So, yeah. You get the, uh, it's the bundle deal.
[00:42:23] We're Costco guys. Of course we get all three.
[00:42:26] Jesus Christ. People are so delusional. It's unbelievable.
[00:42:31] Anyway, let's look at the rest of this.
[00:42:33] Uh, my guess is the real reason for all this grave dancing feels like a victory over FOMO.
[00:42:38] Really, that's the reason.
[00:42:43] Beating up on unpopular games is also a way to passively farm a satisfying sense of vindication.
[00:43:01] If I never paid attention to a game that fails to launch, it affirms the correctness of my
[00:43:05] judgment and the immaculacy of my taste without any effort on my part.
[00:43:09] Well, what if you did pay attention and you thought it was going to be garbage and
[00:43:12] you were right?
[00:43:14] Just like everybody else was, that's what happened.
[00:43:16] When a struggling game is eye on a profile, as Concord does, the reasonable impulse
[00:43:19] to crack a joke but it seemed concurrence gives way to the sort of thinking which gives
[00:43:24] way to shit talking free for all the turns the developers in the cartoonish corporate
[00:43:28] stooges and totally warps the reality of the game.
[00:43:32] That Battlefield 2024 became when these dogpiles back when it launched to prove their point
[00:43:36] the tractors started copying and pasting a giant list of features, the dice was removing
[00:43:40] etc.
[00:43:41] I don't think the mistake dice made with Battlefield 2040 was making everything
[00:43:44] mistake. That's not clear where the 300 million figure came from. Nobody is saying 300 million.
[00:43:52] So, um, and this is what happens with, uh, with games journalism. And so nobody ever said that the
[00:44:00] budget for Concord was 300 million. This was one post that was made on a meme subreddit. And this
[00:44:07] is what you do, right? Is so you take, like, let's say there's like 50 different reasonable
[00:44:12] comments, journalists red circle the one that's crazy, and then they say, wow, look at this,
[00:44:18] they're all crazy.
[00:44:20] That's what they're doing here.
[00:44:21] Of course it wasn't 300 million, but it seemed like it was probably a lot of the estimates
[00:44:26] and the people that were talking about it said 80 to 120 million.
[00:44:30] Now is this accurate?
[00:44:31] I don't know.
[00:44:32] I have no idea.
[00:44:33] But it's an eight-year game in development.
[00:44:35] It's one of the mainstay games on Sony State of Play.
[00:44:38] It was a flagship game.
[00:44:40] They, sorry, what was, but I meant to say flagship.
[00:44:44] Game for Sony's state of play.
[00:44:46] It's pretty obvious the game was supposed to be pretty popular and I think they probably
[00:44:51] spent a lot of money on it and it just didn't really seem to pan out, it seems.
[00:44:55] So yeah, that definitely happened.
[00:44:57] I think it's pretty obvious.
[00:44:59] So it doesn't matter how much it costs.
[00:45:02] Yes, regarding Concord's staunch numbers or staunching note for a blockbuster competitor
[00:45:06] game, the Prana-like gnashing of social media hasn't delivered any real insight into why it's
[00:45:11] fared so poorly. Yeah, it has. And this is really the problem, and this is why nobody takes PC gamer
[00:45:18] seriously. So, and the either way, the reflex that your concord's failure as if it's deserved only
[00:45:24] produces the resentment and misunderstandings creating an environment where everything is
[00:45:29] deemed obvious or null analysis is drowned out in favor of shareable clips, serviceable
[00:45:32] observations and hyperbole. These are not the ugliest character designs you've ever
[00:45:36] seen, Reddit get a grip. They're pretty bad though and they're ugly enough to where people
[00:45:42] don't want to play them. This is the problem right is that you have people like this that
[00:45:47] intentionally misrepresent and misunderstand what the problem is and they're doing it
[00:45:52] on purpose. And it's funny for me to see this happen because I know what's going
[00:45:57] to happen to these people's jobs. They're going to lose their jobs and then they're
[00:46:02] gonna be homeless and they're probably gonna be either on welfare, working at
[00:46:06] Starbucks, or maybe they'll try to start in OnlyFans. I really don't, maybe they'll
[00:46:11] try to be streamers and they'll get like seven viewers. These people have no
[00:46:15] future and no talent and no career looking ahead of them and all you have
[00:46:20] to do is look at their graph, look at the way that media has evolving, look at
[00:46:24] the increasing amount of unpopularity that they're gaining and you'll see
[00:46:28] that these people are going to be, honestly, I think they'd be lucky if they were working
[00:46:34] at Starbucks. That's probably a best case scenario for them. So ride the gravy train
[00:46:40] as long as you can, because it's going to run to the station soon, and the light is
[00:46:45] at the end of the tunnel and it's getting closer every day. And every single time that
[00:46:49] these people write articles like this, all this line does is it gets lower and lower
[00:46:55] and lower. And that's what's so funny to me about this. And so I see this happen and they
[00:47:03] don't get validated when they feel unimportant. No, yeah. And as much as the quartering of
[00:47:09] the streaming world, I'm not the quartering. I'm way more mean. I'm way meaner than that.
[00:47:15] Okay. Jeremy is reasonable and he tries to put himself out like he's, you know,
[00:47:20] like trying to be a good guy, I'm not. Here's the thing, I'm not dancing on the grave of Concord.
[00:47:27] I am a level 34 necromancer resurrecting its corpse to dance for me. I think this is hilarious.
[00:47:36] When the studio gets shut down, we're gonna celebrate. Because these are people that have
[00:47:41] delivered garbage. Everybody knew that it was garbage. It was done in such a patronizing
[00:47:47] an obnoxious way and you know what every time something bad happens to me these people celebrate
[00:47:53] when it happens to me too absolutely so there's nothing wrong with that i'm not worried about
[00:47:59] that there's not a villain arc this is just i've always been like this yes i forgot yes
[00:48:06] absolutely i'm happy to see this this is great and yes is this you more people playing 2017's
[00:48:13] It's Pray Than Red Falls on Steam.
[00:48:15] And this is funny.
[00:48:16] PC Gamer made this tweet last year.
[00:48:19] More people playing Pray Than Red Falls on Steam.
[00:48:21] Do you know what happened to the people that made Red Fall?
[00:48:23] The studio that made Red Fall is called Arcane Austin,
[00:48:26] I believe.
[00:48:27] Do you know what happened to them?
[00:48:28] They all lost their jobs.
[00:48:31] That's right.
[00:48:32] They all lost their jobs.
[00:48:33] They're gone.
[00:48:33] The studio got dissolved, and it was closed
[00:48:36] because they made garbage.
[00:48:38] And when you make garbage, people don't want to buy it.
[00:48:42] Gamers vote with their wallet.
[00:48:44] And I know that a lot of these companies
[00:48:46] are upset about that because they're not voting
[00:48:48] in the way they want, but that's what happens.
[00:48:50] It's good to celebrate these types of corporate games,
[00:48:52] corporate slop games failing.
[00:48:54] It's great for everyone.
[00:48:55] It absolutely is.
[00:48:56] So when I see a game like Concord fail,
[00:48:59] I wanna let everybody know that I absolutely
[00:49:02] do celebrate its failure in the same way
[00:49:05] that Mr. They are celebrating Mr. Beast's failure.
[00:49:09] All of these people are just completely hypocritical.
[00:49:13] They'll do this without even a second's doubt.
[00:49:16] They don't care about any of these issues.
[00:49:18] All they're doing is trying to make it seem
[00:49:20] like we're being bad people
[00:49:21] because we're celebrating something that's problematic.
[00:49:24] Look at, what even happened to this?
[00:49:26] Oh, there we go.
[00:49:27] Yeah, so it's another pop-up ad
[00:49:29] with the page full of completely ads.
[00:49:31] So yeah, and that game is still amazing.
[00:49:35] Celebrate the downfall of Disney Star Wars.
[00:49:37] Why can't we celebrate this too?
[00:49:38] Exactly the whole the whole page was yeah, and so we celebrate failures. We celebrate good games, too
[00:49:44] We do we celebrated Wukong like recently we were celebrating blacksmith Wukong
[00:49:50] Being a great game. I let's see what other what are some of the other like recent games that we were that have come out
[00:49:57] That I really enjoyed and thought were good first descendant
[00:50:00] I was very positive about that Hades to very positive about Hades to I liked kill night demo
[00:50:07] I played it as like a little little small game. Elden Ring DLC, obviously.
[00:50:13] Once Human, I really liked that one too.
[00:50:16] That was fun. I think there's probably a couple others I just not think of.
[00:50:20] Steller Blade? Yeah.
[00:50:22] So why are people acting like DEI isn't real?
[00:50:25] Because the journalists think that if they don't talk about it and connect it to the reason why Concord wasn't successful,
[00:50:31] that they can speak it out of existence.
[00:50:33] But I think that what they're doing is they're just showing the at the emperor has no clothes
[00:50:39] so yeah
[00:50:41] The height of delusion is that delusion to have you're lively it depends on gamers your clients instead of making the products that they that they
[00:50:47] Want you engage in some form of cultural warfare that no one cares about your opinion about and you'll lose your job in the end and saying
[00:50:53] Honestly, well, I think that's fine if they want to all make a ritualistic suicide, you know a suicide
[00:51:00] What's the word?
[00:51:02] You know events, you know where they all kill their jobs and destroy their careers
[00:51:07] Over, you know over the altar of some sort of ideology then I have no problem to watch it a pack
[00:51:13] Yeah, that sounds great. Let's let's let's watch it happen. That sounds amazing. And so
[00:51:19] Yeah, I think this is a good thing
[00:51:22] I just want everybody to know that I will always celebrate the failure of bad games
[00:51:27] I will always think that it's a good thing and
[00:51:30] And I know that there are real people that are behind these games,
[00:51:35] and those are the people whose jobs I'm celebrating losing them,
[00:51:39] because these people have intentionally delivered trash.
[00:51:43] They think they're better than me.
[00:51:44] They constantly talk down about gamers,
[00:51:47] and they're patronizing obnoxious people.
[00:51:50] And so when I see somebody who I don't like have a bad thing happen to them, it makes me happy.
[00:51:56] And this is Concorde was a very bad thing that happened to them and you know what I'm very happy
[00:52:06] That's what I think
[00:52:08] And so yes, I don't want anybody to think that I'm trying to be
[00:52:13] You know the good guy about this stuff or anything else same for dustbin. That's right
[00:52:19] Same for dustbin. They hate the customer now. They have no customers. Yep. That's right
[00:52:25] Using the narcissist can get fucked
[00:52:28] The studio that I had the shit show dust born needs to close down too. Well, they got money from the government
[00:52:33] So we'll see what happens, right? So yeah, not everyone from the studio could be bad
[00:52:37] And there were people that were working on the death star that were just janitors. This is a conversation on clerks
[00:52:43] I understand the nuance of this trust me. I've only watched quirks one 75 times
[00:52:49] So I would watch quirks one at least once a week while I was playing burning crusade in my room with my friend
[00:52:57] Back in 2007 and 2008 so net yes, I'm fully fucking aware of your logic and the
[00:53:06] Moral argumentation. All right, Clarkson Mall rats man. Good time. It sure was
[00:53:18] So, yeah, that's the way I see it be more like silent Bob. Yeah, that's what I would think
[00:53:23] That's what I was hoping these people would do but they decided not to and
[00:53:27] Baldur's Gate 3 is an example of their arguments and understanding a bad game is just bad
[00:53:31] That's right. It is a bad game. And again, game quality matters more than anything else.
[00:53:37] Everything besides game quality is kind of irrelevant. Other than that, you know, if Concord was a really good game and it played really well and it was innovative,
[00:53:48] you'd see more people playing it. The truth is that the DEI stuff is sprinkles on a cupcake, right?
[00:53:55] Maybe these sprinkles make the cupcake look more unappealing, but at the end of the day, people aren't biting into the cupcake because of the sprinkles.
[00:54:03] It's the fact that the cupcake looked like shit to begin with.
[00:54:06] So yeah, that's the way I see it.
[00:54:09] Marsgate 3 never pushed in the agenda? Yeah, exactly.
[00:54:12] What does DEI mean? It means giving pronouns to a robot.
[00:54:18] That's what it means.
[00:54:20] Like they did.
[00:54:23] Yeah, that's a good example, right? Yeah.
[00:54:25] There you go.
[00:54:29] They did.
[00:54:30] It's that simple.
[00:54:31] It's a sex spot?
[00:54:33] I guess so.
[00:54:34] I disagree with Cupcake's chip because of the DEI.
[00:54:36] Think about it for whatever you want to do.
[00:54:38] But the only thing is that it's become a bad habit.
[00:54:42] Gamers should stop celebrating the death of games that we tell them to like.
[00:54:46] The eagerness to blow customers that have issue with the game has become bait.
[00:54:50] And there we go.
[00:54:51] The eagerness to spread negativity and lies about game studios.
[00:54:54] studios don't go along with your agenda has become a bad habit
[00:54:58] yep there we go guys all well
[00:55:01] and i can't point its healthy life-affirming habit comparable in
[00:55:04] celebrating when media outlets are shuttered
[00:55:06] that's right gentlemen
[00:55:09] too bad
[00:55:12] what a w
[00:55:13] huge fucking w
[00:55:15] and uh... it looks like all by the way i thought this was kind of funny
[00:55:20] mister beast is reportedly hired a high-profile lawyer
[00:55:24] descends and cease and desists to dog pack, accusing him of spreading misinformation.
[00:55:30] This letter contains legal action and demands damages if French continues.
[00:55:35] So if dog pack continues.
[00:55:37] So I think this is very funny because I actually think that Mr. Beast is going to win the
[00:55:41] lawsuit.
[00:55:42] I think that if you fire as many shots as dog pack is fired, the odds are every
[00:55:49] single one of them didn't hit and if only a couple of them didn't hit that's gonna be enough for mr
[00:55:56] beast to probably prove in court that dog pack defamed him and he's gonna totally destroy his life
[00:56:03] too many shots it is it it's already forgotten yeah and that's the funny thing is that when mr
[00:56:10] beast wins the defamation case because this is what's gonna happen i guarantee you this is
[00:56:14] is what I think is going to happen, right? So there's going to be 60 counts of statements
[00:56:21] made about Mr. Beast. Three of these counts will be proven false. Mr. Beast will then win
[00:56:29] a judgment of $70 million against Dogpac. That Dogpac can never win, you know, payback.
[00:56:37] Then the article is going to be written, Mr. Beast wins the lawsuit because three
[00:56:43] out of the 60 accusations were proven false.
[00:56:46] Everybody is going to read the article and say,
[00:56:48] wow, I knew he was innocent.
[00:56:51] Jimmy would never do anything wrong.
[00:56:53] I can't believe Dogpack would ever do this.
[00:56:57] There's a part three coming out.
[00:56:59] Well, then there's going to be 90 examples.
[00:57:03] Defamation is hard to prove.
[00:57:05] That's why he hired this lawyer.
[00:57:07] Mr. Beast has a lot of money.
[00:57:09] If you were Mr. Beast, if I was Mr. Beast,
[00:57:13] What would you do? If I was Mr. Beast, I would go through, I would hire the best legal team possible,
[00:57:20] and I would figure out a way to publicly fucking crucify the person who made a video about me,
[00:57:27] and then let the narrative of that speak for everything else and then go back to normal and say,
[00:57:33] look at that, it was proven in court, now let's get back to business. That's what I would do.
[00:57:41] Yep, uses money. He didn't make all that money.
[00:57:43] Like, you think he made all that money for no reason against all allegations?
[00:57:48] You don't need to prove all allegations. You just need to prove three of them false,
[00:57:52] and then people will be like, I knew it wasn't true.
[00:57:54] They're not gonna remember the other 50.
[00:57:57] And there's people, well, what about? Nobody cares about that.
[00:58:00] Who the fuck cares about crypto zoo anymore?
[00:58:03] Dogpacks tweet under it.
[00:58:05] Facts ain't defamation.
[00:58:08] When reached out for comment French old daily mail mr. Beast is knowingly kept right just some pedophiles on payroll
[00:58:13] Although some of them although I think some of them were convicted. All right. Well, I think this will be something
[00:58:20] Mr.. Beast has a chance to do something that will be really good for me. Okay. We all know what it's gonna be
[00:58:28] Please Jimmy
[00:58:31] Jimmy please
[00:58:34] Please stream this trial please do it
[00:58:41] Please do it.
[00:58:43] Like, I really, if you stream the trial, I'll be in one of your videos, I'll react to all
[00:58:49] your videos.
[00:58:50] I know I'm like, small, small guy, right?
[00:58:53] But like, this will be great content, this will be really good for me.
[00:58:57] Please, please, please do it.
[00:59:00] I'll even be in one of your videos if you want.
[00:59:02] Just don't kill me.
[00:59:05] That's all.
[00:59:06] Just don't kill me.
[00:59:09] Now he's going to do a fake court show?
[00:59:10] That's fine.
[00:59:11] Yes.
[00:59:12] Please, please, man, how long can I stay?
[00:59:19] I don't know, man.
[00:59:20] The trial would be bigger than OJ and Depp combined.
[00:59:22] I don't think so.
[00:59:23] I really don't, but I think that a lot of people
[00:59:25] on the internet will be talking about it.
[00:59:26] Yeah, the Depp trial story is 2.0.
[00:59:30] Yeah, the Aspen Gold Shower Challenge.
[00:59:32] Yeah, I made Aspen Gold take a shower for like seven days
[00:59:36] and on the eighth day he died.
[00:59:38] That's the story and that's how it ends.
[00:59:40] That's right.
[00:59:41] So yeah, I really, really hope this happens.
[00:59:45] This'll be fucking hilarious.
[00:59:47] And do you know what I think is gonna happen?
[00:59:49] Is that after this, what do you call it?
[00:59:52] I don't think the energy and muscles to do is video,
[00:59:54] to be honest, but it'll be a good workout.
[00:59:56] Well, that's fine.
[00:59:57] I can be one of the first people that gets knocked out,
[00:59:59] right?
[01:00:00] But that's okay.
[01:00:02] Mr. B's trial will be more important,
[01:00:03] Jeff and O.J. combined.
[01:00:04] I don't really think people will care about it that much
[01:00:07] because it's still kind of an internet thing.
[01:00:09] But man, on the internet,
[01:00:10] We're gonna be really all about it.
[01:00:12] So yeah, I am totally fucking ready for this.
[01:00:15] Please livestream this trial.
[01:00:17] And by the way, I think Mr. Beast is gonna win.
[01:00:20] And I think that public opinion
[01:00:22] for Mr. Beast will change if he wins.
[01:00:25] If he wins on one count of defamation,
[01:00:28] then he wins on defamation.
[01:00:34] You build a hundred bridges, you suck one dick,
[01:00:37] you're not a bridge builder, you're a dick sucker.
[01:00:39] You make a hundred claims,
[01:00:40] You tell us 99 truths and one lie, you're not a truth sour, you're a liar!
[01:00:48] That's what's gonna happen!
[01:00:51] Hey, I'm telling you guys, clip it, and let's wait and see what happens.
[01:00:59] Yep.
[01:01:00] High-priced lawyer versus a 1k lawyer, let's go.
[01:01:03] Oh yeah, absolutely. Dogpack didn't lie in this video. Sure when. I hope not.
[01:01:08] I hope not. I hope Mr. Beast gets held accountable for everything that he did wrong.
[01:01:13] And I don't care about the outcome of this.
[01:01:15] I don't care about whether Dog Pack was right or Mr. Beast was right.
[01:01:19] I care about whether people were harmed, whether the law was broken,
[01:01:23] and whether it was done knowingly or not.
[01:01:26] And hopefully the lawsuit will get to the bottom of that
[01:01:29] because what matters more than either people is the system
[01:01:32] and making sure that the system has integrity
[01:01:35] and it is withheld no matter what.
[01:01:38] So that's what really matters more than anything.
[01:01:41] So, yeah. Let's see here.
[01:01:46] Oh, right.
[01:01:47] So, I thought this was kind of funny. I didn't really watch the clip.
[01:01:55] So, basically, Machine Gun Kelly didn't hold back.
[01:01:59] I got Sean Strickland, who's like a fucking MMA fighter.
[01:02:05] I do nothing but commit myself to art.
[01:02:09] And there's another funny factor of just like the art of me standing or existing makes people furious.
[01:02:17] And I saw one of them. I don't know which one the Strickland one. I don't know this guy
[01:02:24] From a crumb of bread, right? I didn't know who he was when I met him
[01:02:28] I got hip afterward that he's like insanely racist and homophobic and just not my type of guy
[01:02:34] So I would have never even wanted to shake hands them in the first place. Oh sure, but he also is just a
[01:02:41] representative of every part you know who made this guy's career is
[01:02:46] Is Eminem
[01:02:48] Eminem made this guy's career
[01:02:51] because so
[01:02:52] machine gun Kelly used to be a rapper for like
[01:02:57] I'd say he was like a like rappers since like what 2008 2007 some are around there, right?
[01:03:03] like, you know, he was he was releasing stuff for a while and
[01:03:07] Used to be a rapper. Yeah, and then somewhere around. I don't remember so like this is what's really fucked up
[01:03:13] Is that I only remember that I watched the video when I was doing freehold with rich before we did all craft and
[01:03:23] We were gonna interview sco from
[01:03:27] Method
[01:03:28] Which is crazy to think about now, right?
[01:03:31] But like I remember
[01:03:34] Exactly where I was and people said Eminem released the disc trap. He released the video and
[01:03:40] I watched the video and
[01:03:42] And Eminem, because Michigan Kelly talks shit about Eminem, so Eminem
[01:03:50] destroyed his rap career to the point where he actually never made another
[01:03:58] rap song again in his life about Eminem's art. Yeah, he never did. He never did.
[01:04:06] And then so he completely switched genres and he became like a pop singer kind
[01:04:11] of like a punk singer. And some of his songs are pretty good. Like I'll be
[01:04:15] honest. I think he makes some pretty decent music sometimes. But man, is it fucking funny
[01:04:21] for me to see how that happened? No shot? Yeah, no, no, I mean, I don't know. I like
[01:04:27] if a few of his songs come on the radio, I'm like, okay, all right. I'm not saying
[01:04:34] that he's like a great artist. I love the guy. I'm saying is all right. That's it.
[01:04:40] It's all right.
[01:04:46] Person who's too scared to just be themselves because if you're comfortable as yourself,
[01:04:51] You don't care who anybody else is and how they are.
[01:04:54] Agreed.
[01:04:55] I met him that night, too, and I can't say anything bad because my experience was vastly
[01:04:59] different because I'm not you, and he didn't have a visceral reaction.
[01:05:03] We shook hands.
[01:05:04] It was very cordial.
[01:05:05] We talked for like five minutes, and I walked away.
[01:05:06] But I know of everything that he exists as on Twitter, and he fits very nicely
[01:05:13] into that community of exactly what you just said, which is kind of intolerance
[01:05:18] and just and just desire to spew hatred.
[01:05:23] He's so dumb that I'm going to tell him right now.
[01:05:25] You should not keep saying stuff because it just makes me look better.
[01:05:29] But you're going to keep saying stuff.
[01:05:30] So I know that you'll react and say more things.
[01:05:33] But you're you just shouldn't.
[01:05:35] As as a person, he did.
[01:05:37] Who's just the best for you.
[01:05:39] Big bro advice.
[01:05:40] Learn this.
[01:05:41] Shut the fuck up.
[01:05:43] And don't don't speak on me anymore and live your life.
[01:05:47] But you won't and I'm going to continue laughing at you because you're a fucking idiot. I just
[01:05:54] Dingos and
[01:06:00] It's a wrap yeah, yeah, yeah, so
[01:06:03] Sean strickel obviously responds back to this on twitter
[01:06:06] He says getting lectured by a guy who drinks blood and wears a purse
[01:06:11] Dog you had a midlife crisis and tattooed your entire body
[01:06:15] The ex community of intolerance y'all I'd hang I'd hang out with you toxic trolls any day over this cunt
[01:06:22] Go back to cutting yourself you fucking weirdo. I love this shit, man
[01:06:46] So I'm sure what is a weirdo. Yeah, he's a weird dude. That's the thing. Yeah
[01:06:54] hmm
[01:06:56] It's not that funny to me it is I think I think the whole I think the whole situation is fucking funny
[01:07:02] I hope this keeps happening I do
[01:07:04] Do you think he cried to Megan after this? I don't know.
[01:07:07] X-Rama is the best drama. It really is.
[01:07:09] Emo bitch got cooked. A little bit. Yeah, I'd say so.
[01:07:13] And uh, yeah. And is the fuck a weirdo?
[01:07:16] Absolutely. Oh my god. Jesus man.
[01:07:23] People are really going in on this guy.
[01:07:26] I don't even know anything about Shawn Strickland at all,
[01:07:29] but I just thought this was fucking funny. Who cares about these people?
[01:07:33] I just think it's funny. Like I'm not really caring about it as much as I just see it and I'm like this was funny look at this
[01:07:43] Yeah
[01:07:44] Is UFC champion? Yeah, I guess so I know I met Trump or something like that, but that was about it
[01:07:49] Oh, we fuck. Let me see the rest of this. Oh, no, they fucked it up again
[01:07:54] Season two of water the rings rings of power to offer some dramatic deep pathos
[01:07:59] But it's dragged down by extraneous plots and characters. Yeah, why am I not surprised by that?
[01:08:04] Yeah, I don't know if that's gonna be any good or not. I mean, I'll watch it maybe and see what happens. I I I mean again
[01:08:12] Am I really gonna listen to what like a review site says about something? No, I'm just gonna look at it myself
[01:08:19] But yeah, a six doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot of anything else, but yeah, I'd still want to see it
[01:08:27] rings of power season two
[01:08:29] certainly seemed a lot better than the first season from the trailers but
[01:08:34] that's it you need to buy skins anymore I don't understand why anybody gives a
[01:08:58] fuck about this like I've never even cared about what skin I have in a game
[01:09:02] at all like I don't even know like I've never spent money in fortnight I've
[01:09:08] never spent money in I did in apex but like that was for stream content
[01:09:13] uh, Transmog? Yeah, but like that that I don't know like I feel like that was different
[01:09:20] like in this game like I just I don't view FPS the same as like a
[01:09:26] I don't know I just I don't view it the same as an as as like a MMO like maybe that's weird
[01:09:35] yeah I don't know I just I just don't see it it's not different well I think the reason why is
[01:09:40] that a lot so this is actually no no no no let me think about it so this is actually the
[01:09:44] reason why. The reason why I don't care about it in FPS is because most of the
[01:09:50] skins in FPS are pay-to-win skins, like you spend a lot of money on the skin and
[01:09:56] then you get the skin. Whereas in WoW when you have a transmog item it means
[01:10:01] that you did an accomplishment or an achievement inside of the game, right? So
[01:10:06] So what?
[01:10:07] What are you fucking batarded?
[01:10:10] What do you mean?
[01:10:12] A pay-to-win skin?
[01:10:15] Valorant's not pay-to-win?
[01:10:17] Oh, oh, I understand.
[01:10:20] I use the word pay-to-win and people think that I'm talking directly pay-to-win.
[01:10:24] No, sorry, I was wrong.
[01:10:26] I shouldn't have used that term.
[01:10:29] It's a paid skin.
[01:10:30] It's not pay-to-win, but it's a paid skin.
[01:10:33] So like, you didn't accomplish anything by spending $30, right?
[01:10:40] Like you didn't do anything, like you spent $30 and now you have a gun that looks red.
[01:10:48] To me, like the only thing red should be are those, because you're a fucking clown if you're
[01:10:55] doing that.
[01:10:57] What the fuck is wrong with you?
[01:10:58] Like, I can't believe that.
[01:11:00] Who does this?
[01:11:02] So yeah.
[01:11:03] And it's just like it's such a form of cockery. I can't believe it
[01:11:07] So when I see in in Wow where it was like an accomplishment inside of the game
[01:11:13] Led you to having an item that is like, you know has some sort of like in-game value because of what it represents
[01:11:20] That means more to me than inside of a video game where all of the items that you get are just
[01:11:27] Purchasable with real money. Does that make sense? So like
[01:11:31] Basically, all things that are purchasable with real money have the same value to me
[01:11:38] inside of a video game, and that value is $0.
[01:11:43] I put zero value and zero, um, like, uh, emphasis into things that was like if you could get
[01:11:50] it with real money, it means nothing.
[01:11:52] It doesn't matter whether you bought the $30 store amount or the $10,000 Spectral
[01:11:57] Tiger.
[01:11:58] all the same to me because it's all money and it's worthless. It's just worthless garbage
[01:12:04] that oh wow somebody has either really bad spending habits or a really good job. That's it.
[01:12:12] For League and Valorant it's different because skins are the only way to support the game.
[01:12:19] I mean sure you can buy skins and support the game. I just I put them like why would you want
[01:12:29] I don't know, I'm not getting it, right?
[01:12:32] I'm just not getting it.
[01:12:34] Yeah, skins or donations?
[01:12:35] No, that's fine.
[01:12:36] That's fine.
[01:12:36] POE Founderspec.
[01:12:37] Yeah, that's OK.
[01:12:38] But I don't think it's really a big deal.
[01:12:42] Like, I'm buying that to support the game really
[01:12:45] more than anything.
[01:12:46] What about your POE skins?
[01:12:47] I just buy them to support the game.
[01:12:48] I like the game.
[01:12:49] I think the game's good.
[01:12:50] I buy them to support the game.
[01:12:51] But I'm not going to try to hard code in a fake skin.
[01:12:55] Like, if I see somebody with a really cool skin in the game,
[01:12:59] Like, I'm like, that looks cool, but that's about it.
[01:13:01] You know, it's not like I'm going to be like impressed by it or something.
[01:13:06] Does that make sense?
[01:13:08] Yeah.
[01:13:14] I don't know.
[01:13:15] I guess I just don't see skins and video games that aren't, that are like,
[01:13:19] you, you spend money in the game.
[01:13:21] Uh, I, I just, I just don't get it.
[01:13:25] Sorry.
[01:13:26] Just, I just don't get it.
[01:13:29] Okay.
[01:13:30] Yeah.
[01:13:31] What about mounts?
[01:13:32] Well, that's why I complained about storm outs because I thought it destroyed the the reward structure
[01:13:37] Yeah, it's not my thing
[01:13:39] Never impressed by sins. Yeah, it's just not okay. Cool. You spent money. Wow
[01:13:46] Let's see here the world versus Japan
[01:13:49] Come on
[01:14:27] Yeah, I
[01:14:30] Saw a picture and it was says, you know be the kind of Americans that Japanese anime think you are
[01:14:35] And I always remembered that and I thought it was really powerful. I agreed man
[01:14:42] Be fair those are Americans they got good. Yeah, they were wish Americans were cool like this
[01:14:47] Well, I mean, hey, you know, we still have some of them, right? And so yeah, and if you have a
[01:14:53] Plot twist I know man and some of these yeah, especially this one was so fucking good again
[01:15:00] I need to I don't know if this is Metal Gear Solid
[01:15:02] I'm assuming it is but either way I need to play the rest of these these were amazing. Let me see the rest of it
[01:15:08] Is it snake? Yeah, I know you're solid five. Yeah, I haven't gotten that far my childhood Wukong
[01:15:18] Wait, is this wait
[01:15:21] Is this the guy from the beginning of the story with the spear? I could tell
[01:15:46] Oh my god watch Journey to the West. Yeah, I haven't seen any of them. Oh my fucking god
[01:15:55] Wow, this is the 1980s journeys to the West show
[01:15:58] So I guess like a lot of white did a lot of kids like China grew up with this or something
[01:16:02] I got I don't know. It's like yeah, I never have seen this at all or I didn't know about this in any capacity
[01:16:08] Right now. Yeah, I'm not surprised even here in America. Really. Yeah, I've never seen it at all
[01:16:14] What is this? Yeah, I saw this before. Channing Tatum reveals he bought new t-shirts for an entire year just to avoid doing laundry.
[01:16:23] I hate doing laundry. Like, I hate it more than I can possibly say. See, this is the exact example of, remember, like that meme of like the fat guy that says,
[01:16:32] Hey, baby, you want to go for dinner? And she's calling HR and then like the executive, the hot guy, is like, you want to go out for dinner?
[01:16:40] She's like, yes, please.
[01:16:41] Like, see, this is exactly what I'm fucking talking about,
[01:16:44] guys.
[01:16:45] Yep, that's exactly it.
[01:16:47] See, this is what's happening to me right fucking now.
[01:16:52] Because you know why I'm wearing a shirt?
[01:16:53] I did tell you guys I wore the Halo shirt that I had.
[01:16:56] I bought this shirt in 2000 and fucking four, OK?
[01:17:02] And you know why I'm wearing it?
[01:17:04] It's because it's one of the only clean shirts that I have.
[01:17:07] That's why.
[01:17:08] This is a 20 year old shirt looking sharp today. Yes, it's cool. That's right. I bought for Halo 2. It's never been washed
[01:17:16] It's been washed at least twice. Okay, but that's about it. Yeah, but he's hot. Yeah, I know that's that's the whole fucking point guys
[01:17:23] See, yeah, this is normal who the fuck wants to do laundry. Oh my god. Let's see here blue protocol end of service
[01:17:32] What is I'll look at this first
[01:17:34] Europe is a big country
[01:17:38] So let's begin. They get things a lot later than the US. Don't quote me on this, but I think they got electricity like 10 years ago.
[01:17:46] Yeah.
[01:17:47] No one in Europe speaks English.
[01:17:49] That's right.
[01:17:52] London would be the only country where you could go, I guess, speak English.
[01:17:57] I thought they all speak, uh, the, I thought they were like, they're like all Muslims there, right?
[01:18:02] There weren't any more white people in London. That's why I read on Twitter.
[01:18:05] So I think this video is outdated.
[01:18:08] But it's different, it's just British.
[01:18:10] They won't understand American.
[01:18:12] Yeah.
[01:18:13] I hear they don't have spices besides salt there.
[01:18:16] So I'm definitely bringing some spices when I go.
[01:18:19] Yeah.
[01:18:20] Along those lines, I hear all they eat is fish.
[01:18:23] Right.
[01:18:24] So I guess Europe and Japan are pretty similar.
[01:18:28] Right.
[01:18:29] Yeah.
[01:18:30] But I mean, you all know this.
[01:18:31] We all went to school.
[01:18:32] But I think in Europe everyone is homeschooled on the fjords.
[01:18:36] Yeah.
[01:18:37] So maybe I should start teaching them some stuff about like the rest of the world.
[01:18:48] It's that Europeans are so insecure and angry that when they see this, they're actually
[01:18:54] going to get mad.
[01:18:59] They do.
[01:19:00] Like I bet there are Europeans that watch this that get mad.
[01:19:04] Like that's what this video is so clearly bait.
[01:19:07] It obviously is bait.
[01:19:09] Nah, I'm not mad.
[01:19:11] Yeah, right.
[01:19:12] But like, there's no chance.
[01:19:13] I don't know, man.
[01:19:14] Like, I've seen, one thing that I've learned
[01:19:17] is that over the years, do you remember
[01:19:21] like the old 4chan memes of like the fat American poster
[01:19:25] with like the America hat on?
[01:19:28] And then like, there's like the intelligent, smart,
[01:19:31] European poster on the other side.
[01:19:33] One thing that I've learned is that
[01:19:36] it's actually just two fat retards
[01:19:38] with different color hats on.
[01:19:43] That's it, that's it.
[01:19:51] You know, now we've got there's one from China too.
[01:19:54] You know, like that's it.
[01:19:55] Japan, Korea, oh no, it's not like that.
[01:20:00] No, no, we don't do it.
[01:20:02] No, this is, but yeah, but you guys,
[01:20:04] you don't know the way it is over here.
[01:20:08] Yeah, West, there it is, South America,
[01:20:10] Saudi Arabia, this is the truth, man.
[01:20:14] Not mad, just laughing at Americans and how smart they are.
[01:20:17] I know, man, I know, me too.
[01:20:20] Oh, I'll look at this.
[01:20:21] So blue protocol, I'll pull it up.
[01:20:24] Give me a second.
[01:20:25] Let me take a look at it.
[01:20:28] Fuck, where is this?
[01:20:32] Let's see.
[01:20:38] Damn it.
[01:20:39] Oh, right, I replied to this.
[01:20:40] I actually replied to something on Twitter.
[01:20:42] I almost never do this, but I did.
[01:20:44] Um, so, uh, please read this message following the future of Blue Protocol.
[01:20:52] It's dead.
[01:20:54] That's its future.
[01:20:55] The game's fucking dead.
[01:20:57] That's right.
[01:20:58] I'm not kidding.
[01:20:59] I'm not joking.
[01:21:01] It's not an exaggeration.
[01:21:02] The game is dead.
[01:21:04] Bandai Namco Online announced they have made the difficult decision to end service
[01:21:09] on Blue Protocol.
[01:21:11] They will shut down Japanese Buu Protocol servers in January 2025 in collaboration with Amazon
[01:21:18] Games.
[01:21:19] Bandai Namco said we've enjoyed the strong relationship with Amazon Games throughout the development
[01:21:24] of Buu Protocol.
[01:21:26] Both our teams are disappointed that we won't be able to sell the game to players around
[01:21:32] the world.
[01:21:33] We know this is disappointing news and we share your disappointment.
[01:21:36] Yep, there we go.
[01:21:38] And so we have to respect the great talented team at Bandai Namco and wish them success
[01:21:42] in their next endeavors.
[01:21:44] So let's go ahead and read some of the comments and the responses for this tweet.
[01:21:50] This is kind of unprecedented.
[01:21:51] Well, it's not, but it's surprising.
[01:21:55] So blue, let me explain to you guys, blue, proto, call, gameplay.
[01:22:04] And we're going to look at in the last month, okay?
[01:22:07] And so I'm going to look at filters this month.
[01:22:12] And so let's take a look at it.
[01:22:17] Global canceled.
[01:22:18] See if I can find it.
[01:22:21] Beginners guide to blue protocol.
[01:22:22] Okay, here we go.
[01:22:24] So I just want to look at some of the combat and gameplay.
[01:22:30] The combat and the gameplay was just pretty much mediocre.
[01:22:35] The world movement was average at best.
[01:22:39] The game had a few really, really good features.
[01:22:43] Like for example, it had a feature where you could hold hands with other characters and
[01:22:48] you could also make the characters boobs really big.
[01:22:52] And so those were the two best things about the game.
[01:22:55] And then outside of that, so like, you know, for example, in a, let's say, like
[01:23:02] Let's say you have a map. It's like this, right?
[01:23:06] And this is the map and you can explore anywhere in the map, right?
[01:23:10] It's like, this is you. You can go wherever you want.
[01:23:14] And wow, I can go wherever I want.
[01:23:16] Well, in blue protocol, you have loading screens
[01:23:22] inside of every single part of the map.
[01:23:27] So basically what happened
[01:23:30] Is that if you wanted to move around and explore in this open-world game?
[01:23:35] It was instanced in invisible walls. It was so fucking bad that it was on the sex star field
[01:23:42] Yeah, but it's like we'd feel and so
[01:23:47] Basically
[01:23:48] This game was already dying in Japan
[01:23:53] Like it was already dying
[01:23:55] People were not playing it. It wasn't seen as interesting
[01:23:59] the combat was okay but overall here's the truth is that if you look at this
[01:24:08] game and you go back to the close beta reception and the amount of people that
[01:24:12] were playing it it just simply wasn't very well received got your prices are
[01:24:16] stupid I it looked nice it did and a lot of people were excited about this game
[01:24:21] and happy about it but you know what I think this game looks like I think it
[01:24:25] looks like it came out in 2018.
[01:24:28] That's what I think.
[01:24:29] Because if I go, and I'll talk about this more, right?
[01:24:33] Because this is what I said.
[01:24:34] I said it's pretty, to my understanding,
[01:24:36] Japanese audience for this game.
[01:24:39] The Japanese audience for this game was dying.
[01:24:40] The game was in closed beta,
[01:24:41] was mediocre at best when I played it.
[01:24:43] This should have been expected
[01:24:44] with such an abysmal reception
[01:24:45] and post-launch support.
[01:24:47] Tower of fantasy on release was better, which is true.
[01:24:51] This is kind of hilarious though.
[01:24:53] I cannot describe the hate that I have
[01:24:55] because I dead ass wanted to play for years
[01:24:57] just to see this shit in my face.
[01:25:00] So you think this because you didn't play the game.
[01:25:05] I played the game, I saw what it was like,
[01:25:08] it wasn't very good.
[01:25:10] It just wasn't, it was mediocre.
[01:25:14] And so this brings me to sadness.
[01:25:17] And people are blaming Bandai Namco for this, right?
[01:25:20] Amazon sucks.
[01:25:21] Amazon and Bandai Namco are the recipe for disaster.
[01:25:25] You think they're the ones that decided to put loading screens
[01:25:28] inside of an open world game?
[01:25:31] Like, it's not even close.
[01:25:32] Like, what are you talking about?
[01:25:34] Yeah, the game was just garbage in general.
[01:25:38] I'm sorry, but that's just what happened.
[01:25:41] I don't think Bandai's put out a banger
[01:25:42] in the last 15 years.
[01:25:44] True.
[01:25:45] I don't, has Bandai Namco made any good games?
[01:25:50] Oh God.
[01:25:53] Oh Jesus, I forgot, oh my god.
[01:25:58] Uh...
[01:26:00] No besides Elden Ring.
[01:26:06] No, no, no, no, I mean besides, besides Tekken, Tekken.
[01:26:11] No, besides that.
[01:26:12] Um...
[01:26:14] No, besides Armored Corsix.
[01:26:17] Um...
[01:26:22] Man.
[01:26:23] Yes, see?
[01:26:24] They haven't brought out any good games.
[01:26:28] Yeah, but no, besides Monster Hunter.
[01:26:30] I'm not talking about Loserunner, I mean like other games.
[01:26:33] Yeah, besides those games, they haven't played any good games.
[01:26:37] And so obviously this is Bandai Namco's fault.
[01:26:40] They've decided to do this.
[01:26:42] They've ruined Blue Protocol.
[01:26:45] That's what's happened.
[01:26:47] So basically,
[01:26:50] Blue Protocol is a game that really had
[01:26:53] a lot of great ideas in a few circumstances.
[01:26:57] Like, for example, it really had nice world-building and character.
[01:27:02] Like, let me look at Asmongold plays blue protocol.
[01:27:07] And so I played this game. Obviously I played this game.
[01:27:10] And I spent half of the...
[01:27:12] This is the really the way that I felt about it, right?
[01:27:14] I spent over half of this game,
[01:27:17] actually, whenever I finally logged on,
[01:27:19] holding hands with a cat girl with big boobs.
[01:27:24] That's it.
[01:27:27] I didn't even play the game.
[01:27:28] The game was so boring, the combat was so bad, I was like this is stupid and then I finally
[01:27:35] got her to sit next to me and I was trying to talk to her through a translator.
[01:27:39] I think it was a guy, by the way.
[01:27:41] And so that didn't really go very well.
[01:27:44] And but yeah, this is pretty much the real experience of the game.
[01:27:49] And it was great.
[01:27:50] It really was.
[01:27:51] This was this was good content.
[01:27:52] She's kind of hot.
[01:27:53] She was.
[01:27:54] had features like this but if you look at this design and you look at this world
[01:28:00] here like let's just look around this looks really nice you know it does this
[01:28:09] looks nice however I'm not talking about that compare this to blue protocol the
[01:29:47] truth is that these weed games have evolved so much and so fast that blue
[01:29:56] protocol just simply doesn't stand up against them. Straight up. It's not even
[01:30:06] remotely close. Like, watch this. Look at this. And this is a game it's not even out
[01:30:17] yet. So, yep. There we go. You can customize a car. Look at that. There we
[01:30:53] go you got actual combat as well. Combat's about the same but it's the rest of the vibe of the game.
[01:31:10] Look at how much just visually better this is. It's just better in every single way and it's
[01:31:14] not even close. So why would somebody ever want to play Boo Protocol when this game is out?
[01:31:22] Oh that's right, they wouldn't. The game took too long to cook and the industry evolved so fast
[01:31:32] that by the time that it released, what was originally a next-generation game was a game from two generations in the past.
[01:31:41] That's what happened.
[01:31:44] If Blue Protocol had released in 2019 before Genshin Impact and it had grown over time,
[01:31:52] it would be probably, if it didn't have a few problems, right?
[01:31:56] As big as Genshin Impact.
[01:31:58] But I'm sorry.
[01:32:00] And I said this too, in my post here, somebody even responded.
[01:32:06] I said, take one, look at Neverness to Everness, and then come back to Blue Particle, and you'll take a look at what an embarrassing piece of shit this game was.
[01:32:14] I was excited for the game for years, but let's be real.
[01:32:17] And then even this guy, I haven't heard of this game, but oh shit, does it look good.
[01:32:22] That's right.
[01:32:26] I'm sorry, but like, this game was just painfully fucking mediocre.
[01:32:44] And I think that a lot of people were disappointed about it.
[01:32:48] A lot of people were super disappointed about this game, because like, everybody was looking forward to it for so long, but the culture around games like this have just evolved just so much.
[01:33:06] Like, it's not even remotely close.
[01:33:10] Like, for example, like, this is...
[01:33:17] This is her own house.
[01:33:19] Like, this is player housing inside of the game.
[01:33:25] It's not even...
[01:33:27] It's not even funny.
[01:33:33] Eh...
[01:33:34] Yeah!
[01:33:36] Yeah, it's a dream house, exactly. No loading screens, by the way.
[01:33:39] Yeah, and there's no loading screens that you have to go through, right?
[01:33:42] It's a different genre.
[01:33:43] If you think it's a different genre, you really think the people that are playing boo protocol aren't gonna look at this and be like
[01:33:49] This looks like a game that I want to play like you really think that an anime game full of characters that big booba
[01:33:56] Like waifu characters you really think it's like oh
[01:34:00] Yeah, oh, there's two different groups of people playing this game. Oh, no, there's not
[01:34:06] They're the same people playing these games. So yeah, it's an MMO. It's its own thing
[01:34:12] it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether it's an MMO or not. If it's not delivering an experience
[01:34:17] that's good and enjoyable, and it's fun to play, it's just garbage. The excuse of it's an MMO so
[01:34:25] the combat is mediocre and bad. Remember when New World used that example? How did that go?
[01:34:32] You remember the combat and you remember like WoW's, Vanilla WoW's combat was fucking insane
[01:34:37] for its time. It was unbelievably good for any game, especially with the online response
[01:34:45] of this. It was crazy. So no, I don't want to hear of his bullshit like, oh, what is
[01:34:51] it about? Uh, uh, uh, uh, you a dick eater. Stop eating dicks. Stop eating dicks. Stop
[01:34:57] doing it to yourself. You don't need them. Put it away. Vanilla combats. Fantastic.
[01:35:04] Yeah, and so anyway, a lot of people were unhappy about this.
[01:35:09] It was a big disappointment.
[01:35:11] But I've said before, some babies deserve to be aborted.
[01:35:20] And it's fortunate, I think, for the entire world
[01:35:23] that Bandai Namco was pro-choice.
[01:35:27] I think they made the right call.
[01:35:31] They did.
[01:35:33] And everybody that played the game knows it.
[01:35:37] And it's sad because Blue Protocol had some really cute little features and they had some
[01:35:43] really nice good ideas.
[01:35:45] And I really hope that the people that make the game can double down on that and make
[01:35:50] another game that was better.
[01:35:52] But man, it took too long to develop.
[01:35:55] The industry standards evolved so far beyond it.
[01:35:59] Like here's another one, by the way.
[01:36:05] as a familiar. Look at this. Here's another one. And look at this game. Wow. Look at the
[01:36:17] fucking photo. It's a cute little elf waifu that you can probably marry in the game. Absolutely.
[01:36:25] Wow. I wonder how many people are going to play that. Look at this. This is so much
[01:36:37] much better. Look at the quality of the animations, the visuals of the game. This is the game
[01:36:44] again, it doesn't even have English localization yet. The animation is good, it is, it's great.
[01:37:00] And you can even have the animals as slaves, which is a huge positive
[01:37:17] Basically um like so another thing that blue protocol did is that they used a system where it was like you had your base abilities and
[01:37:27] Then you had a customizable ability that was an enemy monster interaction
[01:37:32] So let me just go ahead and what's the most interesting fight in
[01:37:39] Wuthering Waves. Wuthering Waves, Hitless, Tempest Mathis I think. Yeah, let's watch this one.
[01:38:01] Only with Encore. Here we go. I'm sorry but Booth Protocol is a lot worse than this.
[01:38:29] And you can see the same animations, but it's just so much cleaner
[01:38:40] That's who and God watched her stream a lot actually because she played watering waves a lot and I was thinking of manning on core, but I
[01:38:50] Just
[01:38:54] And like you can see it in fact with like with blue protocol there are a lot of similar features that are the same
[01:39:03] What was the previous game as your promulia?
[01:39:06] And look at how good these animations are.
[01:39:11] And this was a release character by the way.
[01:39:14] So like they've made characters that are better than this, that play better than this
[01:39:19] even now.
[01:39:21] Way too flashy.
[01:39:23] I understand that.
[01:39:24] I can say that.
[01:39:25] Like I think Shang Lee is probably one of the more flashy characters, right?
[01:39:36] This is one of the newer ones.
[01:39:43] It's gotcha.
[01:39:44] What do you think?
[01:39:45] Blue Protocol wasn't gotcha?
[01:39:46] It's an anime game every single anime game that comes out you should assume that it's a gotcha game
[01:39:52] That's it every single one if you see an anime character in a video game
[01:39:59] You should assume that you have to spend money on a slot machine to play that character
[01:40:07] Grand Bufan is the relink is the one exception
[01:40:11] Not persona personas. Yeah. Yeah. It's like two or three. Okay. That's it. So
[01:40:28] visually this game looks way better
[01:40:33] And I know that some people are going to say because Blue Protocol is an MMO that people should look at it differently.
[01:40:41] That's not the way the world works.
[01:40:43] Watch this.
[01:40:48] I want to go to the city.
[01:41:03] Fucking loading screen.
[01:41:07] It's a Starfield simulator.
[01:41:09] It's mediocre.
[01:41:11] It's just outdated, bro. It's just simply outdated.
[01:41:15] And it's so sad because like it like this game should have come out in
[01:41:24] 2019 and it should have evolved and this should be the closest thing that we have right now to sword art online
[01:41:31] But it was stuck in development for too long. They didn't innovate it. It was stuck
[01:41:37] It didn't change and that's where we're at
[01:41:41] That's what happened
[01:41:44] Should have died in Amazon tans. It shouldn't have died at all. They should have released it earlier, but that's what happened
[01:41:50] I remember talking about it and getting excited about it
[01:41:53] I just want to show you guys three other games that have come out recently that are already looking way better
[01:42:00] Then blue protocol ever has so yeah, they shut down this game and also here's another huge component
[01:42:07] that I want to mention again is that the
[01:42:10] Japan audience
[01:42:12] The people the main audience for this game didn't like the game
[01:42:23] There it is
[01:42:26] It was a negative reaction even in Japan
[01:42:29] It's that simple they tried and they missed they did and
[01:42:37] It's sad because I really had a lot of high hopes for this game. I did but
[01:42:43] Unfortunately, it just didn't really happen
[01:42:45] Big mistake was big mistake was not releasing a global. Why would that make it better?
[01:42:49] That wouldn't have made it better at all. That would have just made it worse, faster to more people.
[01:42:55] I can't say I didn't see this coming. They've made way too many poor decisions.
[01:42:59] They censored so much they accidentally censored the entire game out of existence.
[01:43:03] When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
[01:43:11] You fucking retard. The censorship was done by AGS.
[01:43:20] They only stated that they were going to do it and this was about the western version and not the eastern version
[01:43:28] So the version that was rejected by players
[01:43:31] Never had the censorship in the first place and the censorship had no factor and no bearing on the success of the game
[01:43:38] Because at no point in the lifespan of the game that the censorship exists
[01:43:46] That's not what happened
[01:43:49] Not everything is dying because it's woke
[01:43:52] some things die because they suck. Idiot. Idiot downvote. That's not why. Have you
[01:44:08] seen the new gameplay trailer for Kingdom Come Deliverance? I haven't but I will.
[01:44:12] And do anything censors the news about the censorship killed the hype train? Do I
[01:44:17] think the news about the censorship killed the hype in the West which caused
[01:44:22] Japanese players to stop playing the game? No. No. What? Anyway, let's move on. Let's
[01:44:48] see this. It's been said that it's a well-deserved death. To me, it's just Bandai Namco proving
[01:44:53] yet again that's the worst of the game developers in Japan. Have you had to see a great game
[01:44:56] from them in ages? Alright. Anyway, so let's go ahead and look at the rest of this.
[01:45:05] the six guys in shambles right now.
[01:45:08] Well, he's been very positive about weathering waves, yeah.
[01:45:11] And he'll have to make a negative video
[01:45:13] about Tower of Fantasy about this.
[01:45:15] I'm sure that'll be fine.
[01:45:16] Tower of Fantasy 4.0 survives,
[01:45:18] will brew protocol into service and dies.
[01:45:21] Well, here's the funny thing about Tower of Fantasy.
[01:45:34] We're just gonna look at April.
[01:45:41] Tower of Fantasy, let me see if I can find it.
[01:45:46] There it is.
[01:45:47] So right there
[01:45:49] Even tower of fantasy in April
[01:45:53] Made over half a million dollars
[01:45:58] You see that
[01:46:00] Isn't tower of fantasy making another game. Yeah, that's never nest ever nest. That's a new game
[01:46:05] She bought blue protocol. Yeah, we're talking about it right now. That's China. Yeah, and that's China only okay
[01:46:11] If you look at world wide
[01:46:14] Let me see a world-wide. I didn't see it. I musta missed it. There it is
[01:46:24] 800, a hundred and fifty thousand
[01:46:27] That's a lot of money
[01:46:29] Right now is it as as much as
[01:46:33] Genshin impact it is in fact not as much as Genshin impact
[01:46:37] However, it's a lot of money and it's making and where's blue protocol?
[01:46:43] It has a gotcha system in it by the way
[01:46:46] It's not even on there. I've got to start making a gotcha game myself.
[01:46:52] I've got to sit down with tecton when we've really got to figure this out.
[01:46:56] Yeah, blue protocol is dead. It is dead. And it killed itself. And Wuthering Waves?
[01:47:04] Where's Wuthering Waves? Let me see where Wuthering Waves is. May, this is I guess June.
[01:47:11] Do you have July? 2024? Let's see how Wuthering Waves is doing.
[01:47:15] Uh, right there, $29 million for Wuthering Waves.
[01:47:35] There you go.
[01:47:38] Genshin Impact, Hongkai Star Rail's in the sun zero, $96 million.
[01:47:44] Absolutely fucking insane.
[01:47:45] Hongkai Star Rail, by the way, look at this, went from $95 million to $35 million.
[01:47:52] Like you might not seem like that's like, that's not a lot.
[01:47:55] It's still $35 million, but that's losing 70% of the amount of money
[01:48:00] There's a firefly. I think that really I
[01:48:05] Don't know why it happened like the reason why I stopped playing Hongkai Star Rail is because I just stopped playing it
[01:48:12] I don't really have like much of a reason at all
[01:48:15] It's just a game that I would get into and then play for a while and then I would stop
[01:48:19] It's really not that complicated
[01:48:21] Yeah, I don't have a big
[01:48:23] You know and and also I think a lot of them realistically
[01:48:27] Hoyoverse has like an audience of simps that are addicted to every single character that they make and so a lot of these people
[01:48:34] Oh, they're not quitting again. They're not that Hoyoverse is still making money. It's just they're making money up here instead, right?
[01:48:42] They're like, well, I'm not gonna wail on the character. I'm gonna wail on what was her name Ellen, right?
[01:48:47] the character that why do you have to make the character who has
[01:48:51] visibly
[01:48:52] Present nipples through her skin like through why would you make her set? Why can't you just make her eight?
[01:48:59] Why does she have to be 17?
[01:49:01] like
[01:49:09] Why?
[01:49:11] Why there's plenty of people that are 18 in high school
[01:49:15] Fuck in my high school there are people that were 20
[01:49:20] Some real retards man. Yeah, that's the target audience. I
[01:49:24] I
[01:49:28] Man I
[01:49:30] Animated anime is an interesting place, man. What can I say and so yeah, let's see if I can look and see if I can find this
[01:49:38] So yeah, Zen this on zero
[01:49:42] These are apparently mods for zen this on zero. I'm not really sure
[01:49:48] but
[01:49:53] Yeah, so a lot of people are really really big fans of this game
[01:49:59] Yep. So you know what's funny about this? Is that whenever I first looked at it I
[01:50:17] wasn't entirely sure that it was totally fake. I was like wait a minute is this
[01:50:24] actually oh yeah they're a little bit bigger. What's the new character that
[01:50:31] Zendless Zone Zero did with like the cat tail that everybody's been talking
[01:50:35] about what's what's her name Jane Doe I mean come on it's a cow when does that
[01:51:01] ever stop somebody we don't need to watch this with sound on oh no this is
[01:51:12] gameplay nobody cares about that anyway is this better oh yeah yeah here we go
[01:51:18] there we go and so right the thigh jiggle that's right this is the way games
[01:51:37] are now they're very very advanced physics and apparently this character is
[01:51:45] even fully human remember what I said before about how people are gonna
[01:51:50] graduate high school soon and they're not even gonna be attracted to animals
[01:51:54] that aren't human that exists anymore yeah like we're really we're really
[01:52:00] approaching a really interesting singularity. We are. Huh? I'm telling you. I'm telling
[01:52:08] you. Who do you think's playing these kids are playing these games? Yeah, they're playing
[01:52:14] these games. What do you mean? This game is 12 rated plus? Well, yeah, of course. I
[01:52:19] mean, if I was to buy people playing that game, absolutely. Yeah, no, yeah, I totally
[01:52:26] get it yeah it feels like the art chat exactly and so there we go guys and that's what's uh
[01:52:33] that's what's happened and uh you just see and also like by the way the characters in blue protocol
[01:52:40] were not that hot they weren't nikkei is also 12 plus unironically really that's interesting yeah
[01:52:51] Yeah, I guess so.
[01:52:57] Please play the game with the ninja monkey.
[01:52:59] I will soon, okay?
[01:53:01] Yeah.
[01:53:03] Check BB on Twitter if you want to see why Fate Grand Order is still popular.
[01:53:09] My funniest story about Fate Grand Order is apparently Emeru used to be a huge simp for
[01:53:15] Fate Grand Order and she really, really liked the game and she spent money on it and
[01:53:20] everything.
[01:53:21] And she was free to play with the game.
[01:53:24] And then she finally saved up all of her currency that she had farmed for some skeleton guy
[01:53:31] named Hassan.
[01:53:33] And she spent all of her currency to get the character.
[01:53:46] And she didn't get it.
[01:53:47] I think she quit the game.
[01:53:50] I did.
[01:53:51] She quit the fucking game.
[01:53:52] Remember?
[01:53:53] She said, yes.
[01:53:54] There you go.
[01:53:55] That's sad, bro.
[01:53:56] Because they don't have the pity system.
[01:53:58] See, they, you know, cause like in the new ones, they have the pity system.
[01:54:01] But now, and I think Fate Grand Order added it recently, but um, yeah, before they didn't
[01:54:07] have that, man.
[01:54:10] And so that's the thing, it's like, I hear these stories about uh, you know, these
[01:54:15] people have, it does have pity now.
[01:54:17] Yeah, probably after they watched that fucking YouTube short.
[01:54:21] Yeah, they're like, Jesus Christ.
[01:54:28] girl probably spent like 10 grand on the game and she quit like this is yeah we
[01:54:31] gotta figure something out as it makes as much money doesn't appeal to those
[01:54:40] people yeah exactly it's not really reachable for most it's a horrible pity
[01:54:45] system now even well there you go I mean you play one of these games if
[01:54:48] you're listen I don't think that these get in any of these games should have
[01:54:51] pity's they shouldn't because they are it's like you deserve to be taken
[01:54:58] advantage of if you're playing a gotcha game. You do. And so like every time it's like Nexon
[01:55:05] gets discovered for like manipulating rates in MapleStory, I'm like, yes, W. Nexon. Good.
[01:55:11] You got him. Yes. Yes. That's what you get. That's right. Naturally, you shouldn't have played
[01:55:18] the fucking game, you fucking idiot. Because like for me and like I remember
[01:55:22] However, there were even people that make, do you deserve taking advantage of playing
[01:55:28] gotcha games?
[01:55:29] Well, I don't take advantage of the, I don't beat, I don't get taken advantage of them,
[01:55:35] because I always get the characters on like my first or second try.
[01:55:39] That's what's so crazy, is like all these other people, and that's why they really
[01:55:44] get mad.
[01:55:45] I think this is why the anime community hates me on Twitter by the way.
[01:55:48] Like all these people with anime profile pictures fucking hate me.
[01:55:52] You want to know why they fucking hate me? I'll tell you why.
[01:55:55] It's because I did a 10-pole for SEWA at the beginning of fucking Honkai Star Rail, and
[01:56:00] I got two copies, and I max-leveled her.
[01:56:03] And then I was just like, guys, I beat the game, and I spent like $300 on it.
[01:56:08] I spent like no money at all.
[01:56:11] Put no effort into this.
[01:56:12] And then meanwhile, these guys are sitting there killing every mob in the game, going
[01:56:17] through combat because they can't do combat normally they can't autoplay
[01:56:23] yeah that was it was insane i know it was insane well that's the way it is
[01:56:27] and so i think the reason why the anime community on twitter hates me
[01:56:31] is because i don't even screenshot a lot of these anytime i have a really good
[01:56:36] poll in one of these games i'll screenshot them
[01:56:38] i think i've got one for tower of fantasy on here i don't know if i
[01:56:41] Do I have any of the old ones?
[01:56:43] Ah, fuck.
[01:56:45] Um...
[01:56:47] Let me see, is this the old one?
[01:56:50] I mean, I gotta make sure we gotta open up this one.
[01:56:53] There shouldn't be any problems on here.
[01:56:56] Yeah, yeah, here we go. This is all okay.
[01:56:59] And so, yeah, there we go.
[01:57:01] This is why the anime community on Twitter hates me.
[01:57:03] This is why people that are on Twitter
[01:57:07] that have these anime profile pictures,
[01:57:09] This is why they actually fucking hate me.
[01:57:12] I had nothing to do with like what I said, or like how dirty my room is, or anything like that.
[01:57:19] This is why these people really hate me.
[01:57:25] Winners win.
[01:57:26] I don't know if I have any more of these or not.
[01:57:28] Let me see if I can find them.
[01:57:30] These are like pretty old photos.
[01:57:32] Um...
[01:57:35] Ah, shit. I might not. I'm sorry, guys.
[01:57:40] Mmm...
[01:57:40] remember I made that one a while ago it's crazy to go back and look at some of
[01:57:50] these it really is oh my god wow man man there it is break play while
[01:58:22] subscription but you play a subscription based games you call
[01:58:24] gotcha players dick eaters I want to say that wow gets continuously developed
[01:58:30] and you can be good at the game and you could be rewarded for it
[01:58:34] Whereas back in the day you you didn't have to do that
[01:58:39] You could just be garbage and or sorry and got your games
[01:58:42] You just be garbage and spend money and win so but yes nowadays wow is indeed for dick eaters
[01:58:49] Like I don't want anybody to get confused about this
[01:58:54] Like wow is absolutely for for dick eaters nowadays. I
[01:58:59] Don't know if I have any more of these the good polls. I'm sorry guys
[01:59:02] fuck um yeah I think I have more of them but not not on this not on this
[01:59:12] picture at least I'm sorry but yeah just because I have scaled your skill level
[01:59:20] doesn't make the game bad oh just because wow outscaled my outscaled my
[01:59:25] skill level the biggest cope that while players have is that their
[01:59:30] accomplishments in the game are because of skill that's why almost every
[01:59:35] single competitive wow player that tries to branch out and play another
[01:59:38] competitive game gets stuck in gold or like the one level above gold because
[01:59:44] being good at wow is like being a big fish in a small pond that's really the
[01:59:51] truth you're a big fish in a small pond and the game is not competitive the
[01:59:57] level of gameplay is very high but if you actually compete in a legitimate
[02:00:03] real competitive e-sport game, you will get absolutely fucking bodied and you are not even
[02:00:09] remotely close to the top. You're not even in the top 1%. That's the truth. PVP is harder
[02:00:22] than any other PVP game. So you think that PVP and WoW is so much harder than any other
[02:00:27] PVP game that all of the people that are playing World of Warcraft are willingly forgoing
[02:00:32] millions of dollars of other e-sport money, but they're simultaneously trying to coach
[02:00:39] people for $200 to get them to $2,200.
[02:00:45] These people never have a chance in a real e-sport.
[02:00:48] They wouldn't even be close.
[02:00:56] Absolutely fucking coping.
[02:00:57] Like, I'm sorry, but like, that's it, who cares about e-sports?
[02:01:05] The people that play video games competitively and they try to make money playing video
[02:01:10] games competitively. Those are the people that care about esports. That's the truth.
[02:01:21] Yeah, and wild players are the same. Being good at wild pvp is like being a big fish in a small pond.
[02:01:29] Go into a real competitive pvp esport environment and you will see these people get a massive
[02:01:37] reality check and they will never, they are not even as close to as good as they think they are.
[02:01:44] I'm sorry
[02:01:46] That's just the way this
[02:01:52] Okay, but they want to play well. Oh, they do they do but hey, here's what I think
[02:01:57] I think that if these people could port their skill and expertise
[02:02:01] To the equivalent skill and expertise of another mm of another e-sport level game
[02:02:06] I think every single one of them would do it instantaneously. I
[02:02:11] Think they don't do it because they can't
[02:02:14] That's the reason in a heartbeat, bro. Yeah
[02:02:21] Channel 5 RFK video is really good. What about Summit? I'm not saying everybody plays WoW as bad at video games.
[02:02:35] I'm just saying being a pro WoW player is not on the, like, being a top level WoW player is not equivalent to being a top level counter strike or like any sort of real eSport player.
[02:02:46] Yeah, you see this? Oh yeah, I don't agree. I'm going to work on this one. What is this here? Then Ricky talking about, is this about me?
[02:02:55] He gets a massive advantage on this character and just kill people instantly.
[02:02:58] Who?
[02:02:59] But the thing is, Quinn's obviously not a bad player, right?
[02:03:04] Yeah.
[02:03:05] I just think Quinn wants to be able to get some massive advantage
[02:03:08] on his character and just kill people instantly.
[02:03:10] Yeah.
[02:03:11] But the thing is, Quinn's obviously not a bad player, right?
[02:03:15] Quinn was 3K rated.
[02:03:17] Quinn had a higher rating than I did at the beginning of BFA.
[02:03:21] I was mad, I was, you guys don't know this.
[02:03:24] I was mad about this.
[02:03:26] i was mad because quinn was playing with snuts
[02:03:28] and they were winning more than us
[02:03:32] and like i was like we were like twenty nine fifty we were like twenty nine
[02:03:36] hundred
[02:03:39] and books that's carried them
[02:03:41] yet yeah well he was apparently a little bit lighter than i was
[02:03:46] i mean i was getting carried by born good and ns sd s
[02:03:50] who are also insanely fucking good
[02:03:55] i think
[02:03:57] Yeah, he wants it like in an MMO. I guess he wants to be able to get like some massive advantage
[02:04:01] Yeah, of course and he thinks that if you want PvP to be fair then you should play a different game. Exactly true
[02:04:06] How about?
[02:04:09] Yeah, I don't know if I agree. Oh, I definitely don't agree and also
[02:04:14] Another thing that kind of annoys me is like
[02:04:17] people who don't even play the game
[02:04:20] People who don't even play the game or even give it a chance like Quinn is literally quitting before the game even comes out
[02:04:27] He's talking about all these things that suck in the game and blah blah blah blah.
[02:04:30] Meanwhile, the people that actually actively play the game are liking a lot of the changes, you know?
[02:04:35] Wouldn't that make sense?
[02:04:37] That's like... I don't understand that.
[02:04:42] Let me see if there's more context to it.
[02:04:48] By the way, no hate to... I really like Vin Rookie. I met Vin Rookie in real life at
[02:04:52] BlizzCon multiple times. He's a really nice guy. I don't agree with this necessarily,
[02:04:57] but I don't want anybody to think that I'm like, you know, being negative or anything about him.
[02:05:01] Quinn wants to be able to get some massive advantage on this character.
[02:05:04] There's a Quinn video? Yeah, no, I know Quinn made a video. I just didn't know if
[02:05:07] Enruki had any more thoughts on it that I was going to respond to.
[02:05:11] But yeah, no, no, it definitely makes sense though, right? Because like,
[02:05:15] it would logically make sense that the people that are not playing the game
[02:05:20] would be the ones that were criticizing the game because
[02:05:23] they're not interested in playing it and they're expressing this is why I'm not
[02:05:29] playing the game obviously that's the reason like why would somebody like I
[02:05:35] mean it wouldn't really like it wouldn't really make sense like somebody
[02:05:37] because like you could it's the same thing as like you could say well oh
[02:05:40] yeah you're complaining about the game all day but you're still playing it so
[02:05:43] like you don't really like there's always a way to like invalidate a
[02:05:47] person's perspective based off of their position right so like you could
[02:05:51] He'd easily say, like, Vin Rookie has this opinion because he's played WoW forever and
[02:05:55] like this is like his job and so he wants the game to be good.
[02:05:57] You could say that Quinn is only doing this because viewership for WoW isn't as high as
[02:06:02] he wants it to be and so he doesn't want to play WoW because he could play something
[02:06:05] else that's more popular and do that instead.
[02:06:08] You could say that Quinn is doing this because he wants to have an advantage and
[02:06:13] then it shouldn't be like that.
[02:06:14] There's always a way that you can invalidate a person's perspective without looking at
[02:06:19] what's being said and in almost all circumstances it's important to look at where information
[02:06:25] is coming from but it's also important to look at information.
[02:06:30] So it's an argument, yeah.
[02:06:36] But I do think that MMOs are built around and this is the problem, this is like the
[02:06:41] MMO PVP paradox that I think that I don't think MMOs can solve this problem.
[02:06:50] You cannot have PVP if it's not fair and have people care about it.
[02:06:57] And you also can't have MMOs without consistent gradual progression, because that's what
[02:07:03] people play MMOs for.
[02:07:06] So you have a game, it's like people want to see fair competition, but MMOs are built
[02:07:13] off of having advantages that you work towards over time.
[02:07:17] These two things are antithetical.
[02:07:20] You can't put them together.
[02:07:21] Guild Wars 2.
[02:07:22] Nobody plays that game.
[02:07:23] It's a dead game.
[02:07:24] It's a dead game.
[02:07:25] Like, I'm not like, let's look at a game that has, like right now, it's an expansion.
[02:07:30] So like, I'm sure it's probably a little bit more people playing it.
[02:07:32] It's a dead game.
[02:07:33] It's completely irrelevant.
[02:07:34] It's totally outside of the conversation of, like, game design.
[02:07:39] It's not directing the way that video games are made.
[02:07:43] It's not part of the video game culture.
[02:07:46] It's a niche game for a niche audience and it's not relevant inside of any case outside
[02:07:52] of itself.
[02:07:53] That's the truth.
[02:07:54] Those are the numbers.
[02:07:55] That's the facts.
[02:07:57] Sorry.
[02:07:58] It had an expansion and the only reason that I know that I played it, sorry, the only
[02:08:01] reason that I know that it had an expansion is because people were sponsored to play it.
[02:08:08] So yeah.
[02:08:09] No, I'll watch Quinn's video first.
[02:08:10] I think that's probably the best idea rather than watch Vin Rookie's perspective
[02:08:14] on it.
[02:08:15] Obviously, I think he's probably gonna oh he's actually he's gonna okay. I'll watch Quinn's video first. I will
[02:08:23] Dude, if you played the game, you'd realize it feels more alive than you're wow
[02:08:28] Why would I want to play the game if I just look at the game and it looked like trash
[02:08:32] Why would I want to play something that looks like trash?
[02:08:48] That's it
[02:08:50] Like I mean, I know that's that's literally it like if I see so it looks like trash. That's all there is to it
[02:08:55] It's the easiest easiest of my life
[02:08:58] Never even think about it. Oh yeah, here we are again. Wow, it's crazy me probably me and McConnell a we farming again
[02:09:08] Okay, so here's Quinn's video. This has been a very big video. This has been a
[02:09:15] It's had a lot of people that have had a lot of opinions about a lot of situations
[02:09:21] Regarding Quinn
[02:09:24] Now you may or may not know who this guy is Quinn 69
[02:09:28] He originally, he's been streaming for so long, he actually streamed before they had color cameras.
[02:09:38] He used to stream in black and white and was playing Diablo 3 back in the dark ages and then moved over to playing WoW.
[02:09:45] I played WoW here and there. I played WoW a lot during Legion.
[02:09:48] I remember that I was actually inspired to stream myself playing Mage Tower in Legion because when the Mage Tower released it was at night
[02:09:56] at night and Quinn was dying on it so much I was like this guy sucks so bad I have to go live and
[02:10:02] show everybody how good I am and I obviously had performance anxiety and I I made a fool of myself
[02:10:10] for like two hours before I killed the boss I think I barely kill it before him maybe he
[02:10:15] didn't kill it before I did even I looked at fucking fucking I was so upset about it but
[02:10:21] But anyway, Quinn has played WoW.
[02:10:23] He played BFA a lot, played Shadowlands a little bit.
[02:10:26] I don't think he really played a lot of Dragonflight.
[02:10:29] And so Quinn is a WoW gamer.
[02:10:32] And so this is his opinion on the game.
[02:10:35] Quinn has the worst community on Twitch.
[02:10:38] Good for him.
[02:10:42] I want to say something that is crazy.
[02:10:43] It's actually just me choking.
[02:10:45] Like that's about it.
[02:10:47] Like here, we got a little clip.
[02:10:52] Actually no, I don't want to get rid of that one
[02:10:53] because I'm gonna keep it.
[02:11:02] Oh yeah, I forgot, there's actually two of these.
[02:11:13] Yeah, no, there's actually another one.
[02:11:15] Well anyway, there was a time where I died
[02:11:18] because of a boulder hitting me,
[02:11:20] and I actually heard that Blizzard employees watched that,
[02:11:25] and they thought it was fucking hilarious.
[02:11:27] So even they were laughing at me.
[02:11:36] Yo, what's going on boys?
[02:11:38] I just wanted to make a video talking about
[02:11:39] Willow Warcraft, and effectively why I've quit
[02:11:43] so early and why i think uh... you know i quit dragon flight so early last time
[02:11:47] as well and why i think while in general just bad
[02:11:50] uh...
[02:11:51] don't get it twisted
[02:11:53] i ain't some wow-hater
[02:11:55] okay i ain't some wow-hater i may wow andy through and through the most
[02:11:59] played game of any game
[02:12:03] cross-mortel i spent is world of warcraft and i've played a lot of
[02:12:06] games and we tell you what i want to play it
[02:12:08] a absolute shit ton of games
[02:12:11] I love WoW and you know I really really want World of Warcraft to be good because I fucking
[02:12:18] I when I went when WoW was good it's I mean like.
[02:12:23] This is I think that you just grew out of MMORPG's I feel like you could make that argument
[02:12:27] but you can't when the guy plays POE that's like saying that like you grew out like
[02:12:35] guys I grew out of eating unhealthy I used to eat at McDonald's but now I just go
[02:12:40] a golden corral every day growing bro you know i don't want to do anything else except play it
[02:12:49] and that's currently nothing case right now and i'm gonna point out why also i want a purpose
[02:12:56] i'm not some classic andy a lot of you guys probably think like oh this guy is well he likes
[02:13:00] wow but he just likes oh wow no okay well technically yes a little bit but no quinn did
[02:13:05] get a lot of shit back in the day during classic wow release because he was critical
[02:13:10] and he wanted changes for classic well
[02:13:13] i remember this
[02:13:14] it's not really an mmo
[02:13:16] yeah but i don't think that you outgrow it like i don't think you're outgrowing a
[02:13:19] genre i think you're outgrowing a type of gameplay
[02:13:23] it and like a sick little type of gameplay i think that's really it
[02:13:27] i i hate the uh... you know what the classic
[02:13:30] the classic
[02:13:31] the passion of everything nowadays you know where they're just re-releasing
[02:13:35] the same shit with a new coat of paint over and over again
[02:13:38] doing it in games, doing it in movies, whenever they announce classic,
[02:13:42] I believe it or not, I was pretty upset. I was like, well, this is shit.
[02:13:45] Why are they doing that? Why don't they just make the retail better?
[02:13:48] And that's fundamentally how I feel. Yeah. Why don't they just make
[02:13:52] like the new one, like all that stuff that people like about classic,
[02:13:57] except make it better, right? From me, but I disagreed with this.
[02:14:02] But with some new stuff that really elevates the game to a level
[02:14:06] We never thought possible
[02:14:09] So
[02:14:10] Why does well it did I don't know if it elevated the games level we thought never thought possible
[02:14:15] But Shadowlands put it at a level. We never thought possible. I'll tell you that
[02:14:20] We suck
[02:14:21] What I did is I just made a bunch of bullet points as to why I think it sucks
[02:14:25] And you know the ones that came up first
[02:14:26] I guess the ones that are probably close to the surface of as to why I think well sucks straight up early access
[02:14:32] the fuck is that why it's totally kills the hyperman expansion why why the
[02:14:39] fuck does that exist I wonder why it exists I don't know I don't think
[02:14:48] anybody knows it's a mystery there's 40 reasons why it exists it's not even
[02:15:00] early access it's just some shit they're saying to basically let you pay to win
[02:15:06] and then get into the game earlier to save you more money and then all the stuff is locked
[02:15:12] anyway and you can't do fuck all so they're basically scamming you and then on top of that
[02:15:17] you're playing and it's like not hype because half the people aren't playing.
[02:15:24] I don't know it's just a terrible thing and honestly from a marketing standpoint I think
[02:15:31] it, you know, you're shooting yourself on the foot, right? Like, yeah, you're gonna make
[02:15:36] some money.
[02:15:37] Somebody says PUE releases an early access game for $60, but it's different. I understand
[02:15:44] that there's always like this, like, fixation that really, really low IQ people on the
[02:15:54] the internet have, that because they're so stupid, they don't understand anything.
[02:16:03] And so they hear one thing and one thing contradicts with their misunderstanding of another thing.
[02:16:10] And then it makes them feel smart.
[02:16:14] Please, you're not.
[02:16:19] Just go lay down for a while.
[02:16:21] Why don't you teach them then?
[02:16:25] You cannot teach a pigeon to play chess.
[02:16:28] Money from these, you know pay-piggies you're gonna get the early access like me
[02:16:41] but
[02:16:43] What you're trading off is like the hype of oh shit boys on this day
[02:16:48] Everyone's logging in and we're all playing wall of warcraft expansion. They're basically yeah early access that to that immediately as a vibe killer
[02:16:56] followed by the
[02:16:58] Three-way, I mean bro three weeks of time getting
[02:17:02] three weeks of time getting come on man to that one one week max change my mind
[02:17:09] bro and the current state of you know what there is to do one week max maybe
[02:17:14] I'm a nerd I don't know but I just think you know that whole thing where you know
[02:17:19] you think about like a I don't know I don't want to be talking that pewee
[02:17:22] too much but you think about a pewee league right the league comes out
[02:17:24] everybody's big day everyone you everybody's there it's a it's an
[02:17:28] event, bro. Everything's happening.
[02:17:32] You can say play the game and that you don't even want to sleep
[02:17:35] because there's so much new shit in the game that you're going to try out.
[02:17:38] You're going to pop off. You're going to find out this league, by the way,
[02:17:42] like Calgary was, I think, probably their biggest W league they've had
[02:17:49] since like ritual or metamorphosis league, probably since ritual league.
[02:17:58] It's actually it.
[02:17:59] And I think it's bigger than that, but Ritual was the next league that was that crazy since
[02:18:09] Breach.
[02:18:10] Yeah.
[02:18:11] New shit or the new, well guess what?
[02:18:14] That feeling of like wanting to degenerately log in and play the fuck out of the game
[02:18:21] just doesn't exist, which you know, okay, again, there's a hype killer.
[02:18:26] Now, what is hype?
[02:18:29] That's some shit that comes and then it goes.
[02:18:31] Yeah, that's not what makes the game
[02:18:34] Feel good
[02:18:35] Long term right that's just hyper. I mean that's just two things that I think it's pretty bad
[02:18:39] Let's move on to the more a maybe some say important things. Okay, probably I'd say one of the largest issues is the overworld
[02:18:47] Okay, what I mean by that is like not instance, you know out in the world
[02:18:51] It feels dead, bro, and it feels bad
[02:18:56] Why is that
[02:18:58] Um, and I asked myself that question as I was leveling I constantly was thinking about it
[02:19:04] Kind of feels that way to me. I can see why it says that yeah, I get that man
[02:19:09] I don't know what is and you know what I feel like is the fact that nothing at all
[02:19:16] Posts interest in remote
[02:19:18] challenge or even a slightly dangerous or
[02:19:22] You know
[02:19:23] Even a little bit difficult. It's just every no every single zone every single area
[02:19:28] Everything is like a target dummy bot that if you are if you have a pulse you're gonna kill it easily and you're never gonna stress out
[02:19:37] like the game is so easy and so effortless that
[02:19:42] It's like not even fun to play
[02:19:48] Yeah, like and and it's it's also
[02:19:52] Like if you compare this to like classic Wow, I know he's not a classic Andy
[02:19:56] but I am. And classic WoW leveling was genuinely fun and engaging and meaningful
[02:20:04] because getting an upgrade at level 21 meant that it was easier to get to level 25.
[02:20:09] But nowadays you just don't have a dynamic like that. Like I don't even care about upgrading my
[02:20:16] gear. Like I'll do it because it's like I want to do it. But who cares? It's just... it's so
[02:20:22] easy, who cares about level 21? Well people who are level 21. It takes you
[02:20:29] longer to get to level 21 than it would take you to get to max level and retail
[02:20:32] wow. So at that point who cares about max level and retail wow? And that's a
[02:20:38] great question, isn't it? Every single monster you run in, you just you can
[02:20:47] aggro as many monsters as you want. You could do whatever the fight, you
[02:20:51] could literally be pulling in the S key, clicking your keybinds, and you
[02:20:55] You just ailing them down, run in, pull a bunch of mobs, ailing them down, and it's
[02:20:59] just how it felt.
[02:21:00] Like, I don't know, man.
[02:21:01] But I had like, there was a quest where like, you know, it's building up to this big campaign
[02:21:06] boss guy.
[02:21:08] You press two buttons on him and he's dead.
[02:21:10] You don't even get to pick, you don't even get to pop off.
[02:21:13] You know, that's, I love popping off.
[02:21:15] You know, why, why, why are the monsters that are supposed to be big bad guys dying
[02:21:19] before I can even get a single rotation out?
[02:21:22] You know, I don't know.
[02:21:23] The game is meant for hardcore sweaties and brain dead casuals at the same time.
[02:21:29] WoW is designed to appeal to the bottom 10% and the top 10% of players, where the 80%
[02:21:35] in the middle is completely neglected and given an experience that's so watered down
[02:21:41] that it means nothing.
[02:21:42] That's the reason why.
[02:21:44] So you have like a lot of this content in the game that's so easy that it's like
[02:21:50] just effortless, meaningless, nobody cares about achieving it, it's just kind of a participation
[02:21:55] reward content. Then you go into like Mythic Plus and there's a trash mob that has three
[02:22:01] separate mechanics and there's a pool of four trash mobs. And you have to do this on a timer.
[02:22:08] Like the level scaling and like the difficulty scaling for this is insane.
[02:22:14] It used to be a big deal that hit max level. Yeah, it's pretty dumb. So I feel like that's
[02:22:21] pretty large feeling as to why you know that of world feels a little bit shit
[02:22:27] Another huge huge reason I obviously I hop on about this all the time
[02:22:32] And I feel like it's because it's a really really big one and honestly people disagree with it a lot
[02:22:37] But I straight up think that flying and will the will craft
[02:22:41] Yeah, it's cool
[02:22:43] But it's actually don't shit in there for the game
[02:22:45] I my opinion there should be like one zone. You should have one zone. It could be the up the up area
[02:22:51] You know, whatever they have one so and that's the dragon flying area
[02:22:54] It's the design it's a zone design with a bunch of verticality a bunch of those races and shit
[02:22:59] So you can do the Hogwarts
[02:23:01] Broom quests and you can fly around do all that stuff and you can do all your flying
[02:23:04] I have all the flying mounts and do all that good stuff, but then guess what?
[02:23:09] When you get into the other zones
[02:23:10] No flying. It's just ground mounts
[02:23:12] Um, and the reason why, like why, why, why, but why is he not like flying that's just don't
[02:23:18] fly forehead?
[02:23:19] No, that's not how it works.
[02:23:21] People always choose the fastest way of doing something, even if it's not fun.
[02:23:27] That's just the way that any game is.
[02:23:29] And if you design a game where the efficient way of playing the game isn't fun, you're
[02:23:35] going to have people playing the game and not having fun.
[02:23:39] So you can never, as a game developer, blame the player that you have rewarded them for
[02:23:45] doing something that you don't want them to do.
[02:23:48] It's stupid.
[02:23:50] It's like, we're going to give you a cookie if you do this, but if you do it, you're not
[02:23:53] going to have fun.
[02:23:55] What a terrible design.
[02:23:58] Ground mounts are fun?
[02:23:59] What?
[02:24:00] No, the way that it's part of the game takes more away from the game than it gives
[02:27:05] to it.
[02:27:11] The second you have flying mounts in the game, it becomes a teleport to XY coordinate simulator.
[02:27:19] Up, down, over.
[02:27:20] And what I mean by that is like, well what do you do?
[02:27:22] You just get a quest, you get a thing, you go there.
[02:27:25] You hop on your mount, fly up, torn it, fly down, get to the thing, go.
[02:27:31] He knows it, I know it, everybody knows it.
[02:27:34] You don't have to engage with terrain, you don't have to think about where you're going.
[02:27:38] Where you're going you just look at your map go to the point do the thing go to the point do the thing
[02:27:42] Imagine if you're playing the butcher three wild hunt bro and Roach was a dragon and instead of having to traverse
[02:27:50] The terrain go through the different areas that are carefully crafted in ways where you know
[02:27:54] You're gonna have little puzzles and little things to get through and like, you know jump plus all the stuff
[02:27:58] Except you could just fly right there. Yeah, it'll be fucking dog shit. Do you know what it's fucking dog shit. Oh wow
[02:28:04] Like yeah, cool. It's fun. I like Dragonflying. It's cool. Have a zone for it. Have all the little races and shit
[02:28:11] Those are actually genuinely the best gameplay in the game currently which is a little bit sad
[02:28:15] But you know also hey, they can do something because it did make a new system that was kind of cool. They did
[02:28:21] So you gotta give them that
[02:28:23] Yeah
[02:28:24] Now another thing that is bad. I think for flying is the fact that I mean I don't want to talk about it too much
[02:28:30] But like wall pvp
[02:28:32] All the natural hotspots that you would necessarily like the problem with world PVP is that world PVP shouldn't even exist
[02:28:41] It's always garbage. It's never fair. It's not fun for most for one person at 90% of the time
[02:28:49] Like it's always trash gameplay
[02:28:53] Like world PVP is something that on the internet a lot of people really think is great because it's comprised of a lot of hardcore players
[02:29:01] years, but the reality is that it's not a coincidence that every single classic WoW server
[02:29:08] has trended towards being one-sided.
[02:29:12] It's because people act like they like this environment, but whenever they're actually
[02:29:16] given the opportunity to choose to be part of it or not, they choose not to.
[02:29:23] That's really the reason.
[02:29:24] And it's another instance where it's like, you can listen to what people say or you
[02:29:29] can listen to what they do.
[02:29:31] And I know that there's a lot of people that like World PvP, and I think that World PvP
[02:29:36] was better in Classic WoW than it is even now in Dragonflight or in BFA or Shadowlands.
[02:29:44] And the reason why is that it was like, it was cleaner, I think.
[02:29:49] It was cleaner.
[02:29:50] Five stack rogue players crying.
[02:29:55] Yeah, and also like, I mean, how many of you guys have had a situation where you're
[02:30:01] You're questing peacefully alongside a horde member or an alliance member and you're the
[02:30:08] opposite faction and there's an agreed upon truce between the two of you.
[02:30:13] You're over there, he's over here, I vice versa.
[02:30:18] Then two of his friends show up, suddenly there's a burst of confidence and he's ready
[02:30:26] to go to war.
[02:30:28] And it's a 3v1 and you're dead.
[02:30:36] It's not fun.
[02:30:39] That's not fun for somebody.
[02:30:41] Somebody has that happen once or twice, it's okay.
[02:30:45] But when that becomes the gameplay, people quit the game.
[02:30:50] Nobody wants to spend fucking hours having their time wasted because they're in an asymmetrical
[02:30:56] situation that they can't control.
[02:31:01] Warm out off, simple.
[02:31:03] I get it.
[02:31:04] I understand but world PVP was never meant to be fair and it should never be a focus in the game
[02:31:11] The only MMO PVP that should matter should be large-scale tower siege
[02:31:17] spectacle combat like order the rings
[02:31:20] Every time that you have small scale MMO PVP
[02:31:24] You're always having garbage and it's like you want to know. It's really funny is we can go back to order the rings
[02:31:30] um bro like you're telling me 91 and this is after after the hobbits are
[02:32:04] getting spawn camped by like max level players I mean you think about this right
[02:32:13] like this is that this is it's like an MLO it's total fucking bullshit it's like
[02:32:19] If you have three people, they're like double thirteen and then they get ganged up by fifties
[02:32:25] and then a level 100 or a level 86 or 83, I forgot which one shows up, and fucking kills
[02:32:31] all of them.
[02:32:34] There it is.
[02:32:42] So even in Lord of the Rings, the world PvP is a small scale world PvP?
[02:32:47] It's bullshit.
[02:32:52] That's my point, okay?
[02:32:55] And by the way, Aragorn, not Aragorn, in the books, you thought this was bad, Gandalf
[02:33:02] just said get the fuck out of here, and they all, he beat all of them pretty much instantaneously.
[02:33:10] It's memorable.
[02:33:11] Yeah, yeah, it's memorable, but like, not if you're the guys that are getting their
[02:33:15] ass beat.
[02:33:17] Gandalf will be, yes.
[02:33:19] He just, AoE major, yeah, get the fuck out of here.
[02:33:23] So yes, World PvP should not be a focus in MMOs.
[02:33:28] It's always garbage.
[02:33:30] It's always asymmetrical.
[02:33:32] It's never fair.
[02:33:33] And it creates more negative outcomes
[02:33:35] than positive outcomes.
[02:33:36] There should be instances where you can do it,
[02:33:39] but it should never be a focus of the game.
[02:33:42] And it should never be something
[02:33:43] that is designed around or cultivated.
[02:33:50] Because it's just that I think that 90%
[02:33:53] world PvP interactions are completely asymmetrical one-sided and not fun.
[02:34:24] It just didn't happen though.
[02:34:27] It didn't happen.
[02:34:28] It was just some guy that would kill like low level players at a quest giver and like
[02:34:32] Stranglethrone Vale.
[02:34:34] And like somebody would try to play the game and they couldn't play the game.
[02:34:43] It did a bit.
[02:34:44] Yeah, it did a bit.
[02:34:45] And you know what happened after it did for a bit?
[02:34:48] They didn't, the server died.
[02:34:52] Remember on Feralina?
[02:34:53] Remember what happened to Feralina?
[02:34:55] Feralina went 100% horde.
[02:35:02] It's not a lasting model, because people don't want to play the game that way.
[02:35:07] This is the problem.
[02:35:09] Everybody says they want to play the game this way.
[02:35:11] They say they want to do this, but they don't do it.
[02:35:16] It's reflected in behavior.
[02:35:18] I don't care how many L's I get in chat for this.
[02:35:20] I'm looking at the numbers, boomer, but like, man, that was some good times.
[02:35:29] And you know what, this is a very bad example, because people could fly there.
[02:35:33] So most people were questing.
[02:35:37] So they didn't see F9 mounts.
[02:35:39] So it was ethical.
[02:35:43] I think also another reason why a world feels shit and feels dead is the fact that people
[02:35:48] can instantly queue into random dungeons and they don't really need to go anywhere.
[02:35:53] They can sit in their fucking town and they just spam random dungeons.
[02:35:56] So then naturally they don't go out in the world.
[02:35:59] I don't think that's cool.
[02:36:01] I remember vividly in the raffle lich king
[02:36:04] You know going to the dungeon instances and literally camping entire five-man groups by myself and a warrior
[02:36:09] Now obviously some as you die, but sometimes you kill them and it would be fucking amazing and I had fraps running
[02:36:14] So I was recording that shit homie. I was recording that for my pvp my warcraft movies video now
[02:36:18] I'm sounding like a boomer, but yeah, yeah
[02:36:21] That shit was cool and again you created a sense of place and a sense of um, you know the dungeon exists at this place
[02:36:27] it's a physical location you can see and go. He's right about the dungeon things. The game does
[02:36:33] feel like a lobby simulator. It's felt like a lobby simulator for a really long time.
[02:36:44] And this player's there going in and out and it feels like the world is in a live place
[02:36:49] and there's things happening and that creates that MMO vibe, that MMO feeling. Well here's
[02:36:53] the best example of this in my opinion. Leveling in Westfall and seeing an 80 man raid ride
[02:37:02] by you on their full epic mounts with tier 2, going over to ZG to get the buff. That's
[02:37:13] fucking cool. That's like, oh shit. That's the kind of experience you want to have. As
[02:37:24] As I said, classic WoW.
[02:37:27] It's kind of what I was saying before about how, like, Tolkien's like, even like the etymology
[02:37:31] of the words that he used.
[02:37:34] It's like an onion where truly good and truly inspired design is an onion with layers that
[02:37:41] become increasingly more meaningful and incredible and insightful and just better.
[02:37:49] And bad games are like an onion that it just gets worse and worse and worse.
[02:37:55] And like Classic WoW is like a game where even the mistakes, even the unintended consequences
[02:38:04] made the game even better.
[02:38:06] Yeah, the rotten one.
[02:38:10] Kind of poor.
[02:38:11] Yeah.
[02:38:12] Not existing in the current version of WoW.
[02:38:13] I don't want to go into it too much because it's probably not a big deal, but I think
[02:38:18] War Mode in general is just bad. I think I prefer the game better where you just pick a PvP server and then cool
[02:38:25] Sweet as you pick the PvP server now everyone PvP is there and then naturally it means there's more people
[02:38:31] participating in PvP in general does suck being a streamer, but I think general
[02:38:36] It's good. I don't agree with this personally
[02:38:39] People pick a PvP server in 2009 server populations change over two years now the server is like 9010
[02:38:46] and their experience is dramatically different.
[02:38:49] They can't play the game
[02:38:50] and now they have to either pay money to get somewhere else.
[02:38:53] Like it's just, it's a terrible design.
[02:39:02] But to have more people engaging in PUP
[02:39:05] and being out in the world,
[02:39:07] because again, it makes the world feel more alive.
[02:39:09] Yeah.
[02:39:12] You don't pick PUP?
[02:39:14] Well, there's a lot of people that pick PUP.
[02:39:15] Like almost nobody would pick a PUP server
[02:39:19] if they knew that they would lose every encounter.
[02:39:22] Like, I think that if you told somebody,
[02:39:26] you're gonna pick this PvP server
[02:39:28] and you have like a 60% faction advantage,
[02:39:33] versus you told people,
[02:39:35] you're gonna pick this PvP server
[02:39:36] and you have a 60% faction disadvantage,
[02:39:40] you're gonna see more people
[02:39:41] pick the server with the advantage.
[02:39:44] And this is kind of how these things escalate, right?
[02:39:46] It's common sense.
[02:39:47] I know that people have like this like weird, you know, like Spartan 300 mentality, but this just simply is not reflected in gameplay.
[02:39:57] It's just not reflected in player behavior. And it's not reflected in gameplay. It's not reflected in common sense.
[02:40:08] Nobody's going to want to play a game where they try to join a dungeon and there's seven people that are going to kill them on the way to the dungeon.
[02:40:19] That's not fun
[02:40:20] There's not a way you don't outplay that you just lose
[02:40:25] There's a romantic way to see it. Yeah, the romanticism of it like wears off in 20 minutes and then you quit playing
[02:40:36] Nobody has a problem making a glorious last stand, you know like you know using all their cooldowns to keep the 40-man raid away for 10 more seconds
[02:40:46] That's really cool, but when that's all you do the whole time, then you're not making a heroic stand, you're a target dummy.
[02:40:56] It's not fun. And also again, this is reflected by player behavior. This isn't my opinion, this is player behavior.
[02:41:07] Now
[02:41:12] Another thing that I think is currently really bad
[02:41:15] Yeah, current. Wow, and that is class design
[02:41:21] Feel far too homogenized and what I mean by that is like all the cool niches
[02:41:27] They're far a few but between
[02:41:30] You know, he's right about this too
[02:41:34] Classic wow had great class identity because classes were bad at things
[02:41:39] mages were bad at being able to do like crazy single target damage until they had like really good year
[02:41:48] mages were bad at being able to do like consistent damage because they'd run out of mana
[02:41:53] but mages were really good at AoE and they were really good at kiting
[02:41:58] not a good thing it is a good thing because when you give everybody so basically classic WoW again
[02:42:07] one of the most brilliant and greatest games ever made in all time
[02:42:12] So, and that's just the way it is, right? Everybody knows that.
[02:42:16] So the reason why it was so good is because each class was operating at 70%, let's say.
[02:42:27] But if you were a warrior and you've teamed up with a paladin,
[02:42:31] now you're operating not at 140%, but at 200%.
[02:42:37] And classes had like this force multiplier with each other, where playing with somebody else didn't just simply make you stronger.
[02:42:47] It made you multiplicatively stronger because of the synergy between the classes.
[02:42:53] And it felt so much better to play. They still do, but there's no necessary reason for it to happen.
[02:43:00] That's the difference.
[02:43:02] Every class can heal now. Every class has a bunch of CDs.
[02:43:10] That's where the issues are
[02:43:15] Some of the most peak while moments and interesting and cool and fun things were like where your class
[02:43:21] Uniquely can deal with the situation exactly and where you can do a thing that no one else can do like I don't know
[02:43:27] There's some mechanic in a raid and it's a good old everyone house has to move back
[02:43:30] I'm a paladin, but guess what bro? I have an invulnerability bubble. I can press boom. I can press it
[02:43:35] I'm a tumor Sargeras um or like
[02:43:39] like are you kidding me no no this is I touch your ears yeah yeah no this is
[02:43:45] true it's like everybody has like their moment of glory right so like I'll give
[02:43:50] you some examples how you um mage tanking in gruel's layer the original
[02:43:57] video this the original fucking video this shit went so hard because warriors
[02:44:19] Every execute they did made their next execute do more damage
[02:44:32] Everybody had those like hero
[02:44:35] crazy
[02:44:37] bad-ass moments
[02:44:39] Where they could just totally overtake and pop off above everybody else
[02:44:45] Isn't that how it works right now? It's not the way it used to be
[02:44:50] Yeah, huge execute was sick. Yeah, look at that. It was fucking insane
[02:44:55] This green warrior for example having your self-heal like impending victories or DK's self-heal
[02:45:00] Yeah, so like for example, and you had
[02:45:03] Like hunters like kinkite general dracosaf
[02:45:08] That was so cool or mages can do that
[02:45:11] Arcane mage and Hellfire Citadel and Legion that was nuts or sorry. That was actually a wad
[02:45:19] You had
[02:45:20] Rogues, what could rogues do that was really really cool? Oh, well, they could pick pocket. I mean that was cool. It's sad
[02:45:28] What was the thing the rogues could do?
[02:45:31] Rogue tank. Yeah, rogue tank evasion tanking
[02:45:35] Like if you guys ever had a time where the tanks died the rogue popped evasion
[02:45:41] They stayed alive and you killed the boss
[02:45:49] man
[02:45:50] That's crazy, right?
[02:45:54] Warlocks were able to like mind control demons or like fucking enslaved demons and like have them fight with them
[02:46:05] Inside of boss fights in like Hellfire in like a battle for Mount Hyjal
[02:46:12] Like tanking twin emperors
[02:46:15] Yeah, what like Mu Ru?
[02:46:17] Yeah, Muru like warlock tanking with and like illed in with like searing pain like paladins
[02:46:24] They could just like you know you had like warrior tanks were always the best tanks burning crusade comes out paladin tanks just
[02:46:33] Absolutely fucking clear everybody else in hydro. It's not even close
[02:46:38] It was insane
[02:46:41] So yeah, it's like everybody had these like really cool things that they could do for their class and
[02:46:46] And like now I feel like it's not that way anymore
[02:46:52] We're a rogue and you got cloaks shadows and there's this debuff that everyone has and they actually run off the side and drop
[02:46:56] Exactly, there's only sorts of little things you can do little things where your master class. Yep. You have unique tools and kits
[02:47:03] You know that you can do that other people can't do like I don't know
[02:47:06] Maybe you're a mage and you're supposed to be really good at a way
[02:47:09] It's still this other guys a fair or druid and he's like really good at doing two target damage where you can bleed one
[02:47:13] I believe another guy is insane barb warrior damage in this particular situation
[02:47:17] Thanks, and I feel like what happens now is
[02:47:21] It seems like from every class is designed to do basically the same thing. Oh the current game
[02:47:28] every single class
[02:47:30] Is like a million different self heels. Yep a million different
[02:47:34] Yeah, just this prox out the wiser you just attack when you press one button
[02:47:38] procs another button which procs some other thing which procs a passive which procs a heal which procs a shield and
[02:47:43] Naturally, I know this is my experience and I read it with a red pellet in and I was playing my enhanced with shaman
[02:47:50] Even if I wanted to like a not aoe my character just spams aoe by default same with the shaman same seems to be like every class and
[02:47:59] What's happening is like everyone has a million procs a million different
[02:48:04] Everyone just is broken AOE, broken heal, broken mobility, everyone just has insane mobility.
[02:48:11] And then when everyone has something, like when everybody has the ability to self heal,
[02:48:16] do AOE damage, do single target damage, do cleave, do all the shit, has the insane mobility,
[02:48:22] nothing really feels special.
[02:48:24] Exactly.
[02:48:25] Like change my mind.
[02:48:26] Yeah, yeah.
[02:48:27] You don't have those big dick moments where your class feels like you're special.
[02:48:35] basically um realistically I should not be able to do this okay with no damage
[02:49:20] nothing look at my healing I'm a tank I'm a warrior and yeah I have good gear
[02:49:29] but my gear isn't good enough to be able to do this you see that it shouldn't be
[02:49:45] like that that's too it's too much bro it's too fucking much and mages should just they should
[02:49:58] be squishy that can and it's also you know what it not only is it too much it's unearned i think
[02:50:07] that's really what the problem is because like i could do that back in the day but i earned that
[02:50:15] Because I had the best fucking gear.
[02:50:19] Now it's like, oh yeah, of course, that's just the way the game plays.
[02:50:24] You from afar, they cast an ability at you, right?
[02:50:28] And they should be able to control you and slow you and CC you.
[02:50:31] But like if you get on them, right, then you should mess them up.
[02:50:35] That shouldn't be, no.
[02:50:37] This major can self heal while teleporting, while instant casting, while, you know,
[02:50:41] I don't say major to be fair, major that you seem pretty balanced right now.
[02:50:44] But the point that I'm making is that it feels like,
[02:50:46] I mean, bro, I had a fucking Hunter.
[02:50:48] I was one of you wanting a Hunter.
[02:50:49] The Hunter was literally healing his HP bar
[02:50:53] to full multiple times over, it felt like,
[02:50:56] taking no damage, spamming, it's like,
[02:51:00] what is the Hunter, bro?
[02:51:01] Why is he doing this?
[02:51:02] And then simultaneously I'm a rep pilot
[02:51:04] and I'm not, I mean, I don't know.
[02:51:05] That's supposed to be my niche.
[02:51:06] He's a rep pilot and it's supposed to be
[02:51:07] I have to do some offheels.
[02:51:08] I can't even do it.
[02:51:09] I mean, whatever, bro.
[02:51:10] The fact that I'm making this,
[02:51:11] the point that I'm making is
[02:51:13] Classes of the line
[02:51:15] Feels bad because they're giving everyone everything
[02:51:18] Yeah, and that that whole dominating in each thing just doesn't you know, it's not there
[02:51:22] And I think why is that it's something to do everyone in chat says it's still in the thick plus they wanted has to do with small scale
[02:51:29] competitive PvP and gameplay
[02:51:32] MMOs should be designed around playing in groups of ten or more
[02:51:36] not designed in in playing around in groups of like three or five or two like this whole
[02:51:48] white like it classic while was designed around 40 man rating and 20 man rating arenas were arenas
[02:51:55] are garbage if I could delete arenas from while I would do it I think they're garbage and they
[02:52:01] can try game design it should have always been rated battlegrounds I give run opn nothing
[02:52:14] Plus but like bro, I don't know. Maybe some classes shouldn't be as good as other classes in medic plus
[02:52:20] Just a while just a wild thought bro in my opinion
[02:52:25] This leads in the problem isn't that classes can't like cuz I think classes if you have a competitive system
[02:52:32] You have to make sure everybody can be competitive
[02:52:34] Because people that are playing at a disadvantage
[02:52:37] Like that sounds good
[02:52:39] But whenever you're at the disadvantage and you don't have time to like respect you're just gonna quit the game, right?
[02:52:44] like that's not fun. The problem is the fact that that's the way the game is designed in the first
[02:52:50] place. So like enhancement shamans in Burning Crusade were not really that great a damage.
[02:52:58] But they brought out like these really really good buffs and people brought them anyway.
[02:53:03] And I think Burning Crusade raid interdependency was a much better version of classic wow raid
[02:53:10] interdependency. Totem bots, yeah, well they brought in tools, like everybody brought in their own tools.
[02:53:19] Whereas like now everybody's tool is damage and people bring in the same buffs.
[02:53:28] Facing. Um, because everyone has like a million passive rocks and hots and dots and all sorts of
[02:53:36] stuff that what happens when you press like a button on a guy, well then they have to like
[02:53:40] slow down the pvp massively. They're gonna nerf everyone's damage because if they just like,
[02:53:44] You press this button and it did five things and it just wants you at someone
[02:53:46] Well, that's not gonna be give it a game right? Yeah, it's a way too complicated. You know you attack and it doesn't
[02:53:52] Yeah, 500 different abilities it well
[02:53:54] That's the problem is that one ability should happen at a time the problem isn't that
[02:54:00] People get one shot. It's the people get one shot through a constellation of events
[02:54:07] Which other stuff doesn't work so then what happens is like remember one shots back in mop where it was like
[02:54:13] chaos bolt and it was like I'm a charger my laser and you can see it it's like no
[02:54:20] And it's like he's doing it
[02:54:23] And it's happening and you can see it all and it hits you when you're dead
[02:54:28] That was cool all your buttons when you press them
[02:54:34] They don't feel meaningful right you press your buttons pressing your burst button. You're pressing your damage button
[02:54:40] That just taking slow damage like this is slow
[02:54:43] You can't even feel like I'll like have all my shit up all my all my cooldowns are up
[02:54:47] They're gonna feel like whenever you hit a button and wow you don't feel like their health goes down after you hit that button
[02:54:53] Yeah, and they got no cool down up. I'm like alright here. We go boys. This is gonna be massive big correct
[02:55:00] This guy's gonna bet to get rekt. Yeah boom I attack
[02:55:04] Nothing happens and the pacing is just heinous like heinous and I think this is because of the fact that they've just you know
[02:55:11] got the classes to the point where this is what we're dealing with like it's
[02:55:14] 17 defenses three personal heals one immunity two damage reductions you've
[02:55:22] got a gap closer a evade ability you know like it's too much so bloated and
[02:55:31] I think less is more I think that we should be yes far less things that you
[02:55:38] should be far less procs happening far less abilities prokina and they should
[02:55:41] be doing a lot more like I should press my 10 plus verdict right and they should go
[02:55:46] like that I should see their HP yeah go down by like 20% 30% I should see a big
[02:55:51] a rogue doesn't eviscerate on me full can full combo points I don't have it
[02:55:54] depends if cool enough it's just like classic wow and that's the way it used
[02:55:57] to be man it was so good because you could fucking feel it like whenever
[02:56:03] you remember whenever you'd see somebody to spell a unstable I remember I
[02:56:07] remember I I would do bg's and like you know back in a day like we were
[02:56:12] Like we were the fucking that we were the big dicks, right? And so we had somebody in our guild
[02:56:19] I actually I think it might have been Rob
[02:56:23] That like we ninja the guillotine together and he had tier six
[02:56:27] He had tier six gear and we were doing AV and he would put UA on somebody and like some little
[02:56:36] Karazhan priest with the spell UA and it would just kill him
[02:56:46] It should chunk the fuck out of this is so good like you know, yeah
[02:56:56] Whatever it is now where you go in and it's just like two guys and then fucking firepits fly out
[02:57:01] Um unstable affliction dots going everywhere fucking beams laser beams hammers flying and just like both the various P bars
[02:57:08] They're kind of slowly moving and you're like well, I don't know it's just not good
[02:57:11] And my opinion for the speed like what is a good speed my litmus test?
[02:57:16] I think I was trying to say kind of like classic well get this into a sentence way you can understand it
[02:57:21] I think a classic well had better pvp than any other type and well any other time period and well
[02:57:27] And it's not even remotely close and the asymmetrical nature of it is what made it special and good and
[02:57:33] Every time that they tried to balance past that just made it worse
[02:57:39] mop was garbage
[02:57:41] Like every problem that Quinn is talking about now and mop
[02:57:46] Was five times worse
[02:57:48] You're in PvP and you're two equally gear players and they both really get up
[02:57:57] If I rogue was to do a full Kenny shot on the other player less is more and the other player is not a tank
[02:58:03] Use no defensive cooldowns doesn't drink it does nothing just stands in the kitty shot
[02:58:11] And that guy should die in the kitty shot
[02:58:12] That's what I believe if they if they do nothing don't get peeled nothing happens
[02:58:16] And they have no difference that they didn't do anything to stop up ramming. They should die
[02:58:20] So not like instant giving but like, you know people can die
[02:58:24] Um, and then well you can have that happen, right? I mean like if you have really good gear you can do that
[02:58:31] brother when the fuck have you pee-pee'd I
[02:58:35] Was the first battle master on my server in raffa-to-litch game. This was in 2008 by the way
[02:58:54] Yes
[02:58:58] 3000 years ago I
[02:59:01] Remember how it used to be
[02:59:04] Beating kids. Well, yeah
[02:59:06] Yeah. Guess what I was back then. I loved it. The reason why I stopped playing PvP was
[02:59:16] because it just, the reason why I always liked, like if I looked back, I liked being able
[02:59:25] to like kill, I like being able to get really good gear and kill people really easily.
[02:59:31] I thought that felt really good. And when I couldn't do that, it wasn't fun anymore.
[02:59:38] At that point, I might as well just play a better balance, better design game. Like
[02:59:44] If I'm going to play a balanced game, I might as well learn league.
[02:59:48] Why don't I just go back to Valorant?
[02:59:51] I want to start practicing deadlock.
[02:59:54] Why would I play this shitty version of a game that's not supposed to be?
[02:59:58] Why would I do this?
[03:00:00] Like if I can't go in there, like remember when I got Ashkondi?
[03:00:06] What did I do when I got Ashkondi?
[03:00:08] I think I did CG like once because I wanted to try something and
[03:00:11] get like an enchant or something and then I did worse on Gulch I went baby seal
[03:00:19] clubbing and it felt great. I don't know if you tried some battlegrounds in
[03:00:29] terms of PvP pacing. Healers specifically I mean priests are the worst right now
[03:00:36] but like whatever I don't know just healers in general. Any expansion where
[03:00:40] healers can indefinitely keep people alive while casting instant spells
[03:00:47] only yep and using no cooldowns that's just bad and it feels awful because what
[03:00:53] happens it's dog shit complete dog he's so right about this this has been a
[03:00:58] problem for years as you just get like you know two teams of play by the way
[03:01:04] the game has to be designed this way because there are so many knockbacks
[03:01:09] Stunts, silences, interrupts, disorients, fears, horrifies, hexes, blinds, freezes, DRs, incaps that you can't even expect to be able to do a cast because of how many different things are to interrupt.
[03:01:34] There are so many tools to interrupt like I remember back in burning crusade
[03:01:41] Being good at a DK was being able to move away from a healer and to interrupt them by death gripping them
[03:01:47] That was cool
[03:01:51] Now that's like the norm
[03:01:54] Oh, I mean wrath wrath obviously wrath
[03:01:58] And
[03:02:00] Everons I feel like pay for just spending a way and you know you're oldest doing all these little prox and
[03:02:04] Everyone's just clearing each other. It's like some PvE battle like you're in like a mythic plus basically
[03:02:09] And then never just sitting at full live until eventually one of the heels
[03:02:11] I also want to say to somebody says wow, pvp is not the only content while can provide right?
[03:02:15] I think pvp should always be a minigame pvp and wow should like MMO pvp is a joke
[03:02:21] And buzzer shouldn't even take it seriously at all
[03:02:24] That's my real opinion
[03:02:26] It's complete waste of their time
[03:02:29] and then
[03:02:30] Yeah, people slowly die and that's just the most unfunny shit ever. It should be like nah
[03:02:36] You know you get a full poly on that healer. Yeah everyone versus guy
[03:02:39] He dies or you like a stun a guy and you can kill him
[03:02:42] But you know I had situations where it was 5d1 and we're finding a back peddling priest who has no idea what he's doing
[03:02:49] No idea
[03:02:50] He's like just pretty face and just pressing up the random keys and because of the fact that damage is so low
[03:02:55] Because it reduces so much in pp and because instant cost Bell's is so OP
[03:02:59] He's able to just slowly backpedal and just heal himself to fall over and over again
[03:03:02] And that just it just it just feels dog shit. Yeah, and overall pvp just feels awful right now
[03:03:08] And the main reason in my opinion why is that I?
[03:03:13] Think it's pvp gear scaling. It's the new system. It's dog shit. It's a failed system and
[03:03:19] I think it actually is the fundamental most
[03:03:22] Bad thing they've done the pvp
[03:03:25] Indigame period and
[03:03:28] What is that? That's some system where basically you go you get to max level which takes leveling like for three hours
[03:03:33] I mean, it's in a whole nother issue altogether. You get the max level you do
[03:03:37] bg's
[03:03:40] For five hours you get your entire year. Yeah
[03:03:44] And then you get this gear which says scales to six to six. Yeah, and it's better than all other gear
[03:03:49] That's not pvp gear, but specific way for PVP
[03:03:51] So it completely trivializes any gear that's not PvP gear for PvP
[03:03:57] So it really means every single person is the same because it's presumably you can play the game for five hours
[03:04:02] Over the period of a weekend and if you're gonna play a game where everybody's the same
[03:04:05] Why wouldn't you just play League or Valorant or a game that's better designed?
[03:04:09] That's all there is to it
[03:04:15] Like that's the issue
[03:04:17] Like there's there's literally like there's no advantage that while has as a PvP game
[03:04:23] Gearing is irrelevant. It doesn't matter because everyone effectively scales to the same level and it means all PvE gear
[03:04:33] Yeah, dog shit all the plus gear dog shit all any sort of crap like you know, oh, this is specific crafted like
[03:04:41] Yeah, so and what is that? It's just a template bro. It's just literally like hey
[03:04:46] It's what you're playing an MMORPG which is supposed to be about gearing our arms and stuff true
[03:04:50] And guess what you go you get to like get your character leveled up and you get a templated character
[03:04:55] So you're just playing no generic dude
[03:04:57] Maybe you can select a few of the secondary stats
[03:04:59] So you can be like maybe you guys a little more high-straw little will crit but generally speaking you just playing a templated character
[03:05:05] And then you're like all the way I could go to PvE and get like some fucking badass
[03:05:09] Trinket or something and take it in the PvP Wow you can't because the trinkets a
[03:05:13] Don't scale up and B. There's a they put a two-set trinket bonus on the PvP trinkets
[03:05:19] that completely shit on all the PvE trinkets.
[03:05:23] I'm gonna be honest, like I think PvP's gear scaling
[03:05:28] and PvP and WoW is just a joke
[03:05:31] and the entire fixation around it is a joke.
[03:05:35] Blizzard doesn't care about PvP.
[03:05:37] I don't know why players still care about it.
[03:05:40] It's totally a lost cause.
[03:05:43] It doesn't matter what the scaling for the gear is.
[03:05:46] It doesn't matter how many,
[03:05:48] see it's just like it's just garbage like it's just it's like basically it's like
[03:05:53] what I was saying before about like an onion like the core of the onion is
[03:05:56] rotten and the more layers that you peel away the more that you find that the
[03:06:01] onion is rotten and rotten and rotten like that's it and it might be worse
[03:06:07] and worse it's terrible it's awful for the game yeah because they make the
[03:06:12] PvP gets super tanky super slow-paced they make all of a fun cool PvE gear
[03:06:18] complete useless so now like any reason why you might consider hate let me go
[03:06:23] into a raid and go and get a piece of gear and take that into PvP it's just
[03:06:28] doesn't it's pointless you're wasting your time you're better off spending 30
[03:06:32] minutes and just getting on a gear you'll say most top-end players want
[03:06:35] to put the characters like arena servers well top-end players aren't who you
[03:06:40] should design the game for? Why would you design the game for a top end player? That's
[03:06:45] stupid. You should design the game for an average player to make sure it's fun to play. Like
[03:06:53] if you look at a lot of the classic WoW designers, like when you hear them talk about the game,
[03:06:59] like these people, like they're not like amazing, they're not like rank one gladiators,
[03:07:04] like yeah, they're good at the game, sure. But like they have a profound insight
[03:07:10] into player psychology and that's what makes games good is being able to find that convergence
[03:07:18] between great rewarding gameplay and player psychology.
[03:07:24] And classic WoW, Elden Ring, I don't know, Mario Brothers 3, like I don't know, I could
[03:07:34] think of 10 other games all capitalized on that convergence.
[03:07:38] Diablo two capitalizes on that convergence path of exile capitalizes on that convergence
[03:07:49] You would they have a going into doing PBE for mythic plus or writing
[03:07:55] Like some of the best times in wow in my opinion
[03:08:00] You know I'm thinking back right for the lich king bro getting a death bring his will and just that getting that
[03:08:05] Trinket that turns you into like a vicaral dude and get you like fuck tons of armor penetration
[03:08:08] all this shit and you just you get that drink it like you know you're going and you're writing every week
[03:08:13] It's literally end game content. You're engaged. You're excited for the moment where you kill this boss because you're hoping to get this loot
[03:08:19] Doesn't drop doesn't drop every time you do there you get past that stupid gunship battle you get to the boss
[03:08:24] You kill him eventually a drop throw and you win it
[03:08:28] You didn't take that into the battle round and you take that into your ant and you start dominating people and it feels so
[03:08:33] Exactly, exactly. I feel so fucking satisfied and it's not fair. It's not fair, and I don't care
[03:08:39] It doesn't matter whether it's fair or not because it's fun and you earned it by playing the game a lot
[03:08:47] gimmicky
[03:08:48] But I mean not not like the perfect balance or whatever, but who gives a fuck
[03:08:52] This is an MMORPG. This isn't a fucking e-sport. You should not be balancing the game like it's an e-sport
[03:08:57] Exactly making it. Yeah fun. Yeah, true. Okay. There it is
[03:09:01] You have the other stream in where you have like, you know, I mean just using Wrath of the Lich King
[03:09:05] I'm not like a Wrath Andy by the way. My favorite expansion was
[03:09:08] Not for like PvP, but like Lich King was like Legion. Yeah, so I'm like a Legion mop Wrath kind of guy, you know, whatever, but
[03:09:17] You know, I'm not so I'm not I'm not saying the game should be exactly Wrath of the Lich King
[03:09:21] I don't think it should I think Wrath had plenty of problems
[03:09:24] But like yeah, we don't want two people running with Shadow M1s
[03:09:28] Just absolutely annihilating everyone while they're back battle right because so for sure some items
[03:09:33] Should be like maybe nerfed and rated erinus and rated places now that shouldn't be any ratings
[03:09:40] It's an MMO. It's not and it's not me sport
[03:09:48] Stop making ratings
[03:09:50] Like just stop it
[03:09:55] Stop trying to turn everything into some try hard fucking ego competition. Just play the game and have fun
[03:10:01] You don't need ratings for everything
[03:10:07] It's on the eSport.
[03:10:11] It's so obnoxious.
[03:10:16] You want to post a YouTube video of, you know, your kill streak or how fast
[03:10:22] you clear a dungeon.
[03:10:23] Do it.
[03:10:25] Dark Souls has a great competitive serious community.
[03:10:28] It doesn't need ratings.
[03:10:33] It's so cringe.
[03:10:36] The like catering to this like ego gamer mentality.
[03:10:43] It's just so stupid.
[03:10:45] You don't think Wild Pea Pea should have separate balance?
[03:10:47] No.
[03:10:48] It should all be the same.
[03:10:55] Like, you sound too detached?
[03:10:59] No, I don't.
[03:11:00] That's the problem is that my opinion about this comes from somebody who has played a lot
[03:11:07] of other games and I've experienced the reward that those games have made me feel.
[03:11:14] And I want that for WoW.
[03:11:18] And I think that a lot of WoW players are the ones that are too attached to their idea of
[03:11:24] the way the game should be designed.
[03:11:27] But I'm not attached to that anymore.
[03:11:30] I think that WoW players have become so accustomed to certain types of gameplay that they're
[03:11:36] just like they're completely accepting of them in like all ways.
[03:11:43] I'm not.
[03:11:45] I am a kind of person like I'm coming at this in the perspective of I'm not playing I I have 35,000 hours on the Wow
[03:11:53] But I've also got thousands of other hours on other games too
[03:11:56] And I've been playing a lot of those other games more recently
[03:12:00] And I've been seeing the way that these other games play and the way that Wow is inferior
[03:12:07] Should be less spells too. Yeah, and I see the way that these are and I and like wow players are trapped
[03:12:14] in like these like these mentalities that are so unhealthy like so so unhealthy
[03:12:23] and I think that you saw so much of this dissonance and shadow ends where like
[03:12:30] you needed covenant conduit energy why who decided this this is stupid why is
[03:12:40] Why does this even exist?
[03:12:43] So when I go back and I turn around and I look at the content now, I see how much worse
[03:12:49] it is than what I think it could be.
[03:12:52] I think the story fell flat.
[03:12:57] Yeah, yeah, no.
[03:12:58] And that's, it was dumb, yeah.
[03:13:02] And I think that players are just so conditioned, like, wow players only play wow.
[03:13:07] So they're conditioned around contextualizing every decision around World of Warcraft.
[03:13:13] So it's like because WoW did this at this time, this is why it's okay that WoW keeps
[03:13:19] doing this because of what it used to do.
[03:13:22] But what I'm saying is let's clear the entire fucking board.
[03:13:26] Like I think that Final Fantasy 14 really came into its own and became its own successful
[03:13:33] great game when it finally did away with all of the old vestiges like defensive stands and
[03:13:41] tank threat and stuff like that that were from World of Warcraft and they did that in Shadow
[03:13:46] Bringers. Well actually they did that in Stormblood and it really kind of came in the full swing
[03:13:52] in Shadow Bringers and that's when the game truly came into its own and it became its own
[03:13:58] game that was transcendent. That's the problem. Is that so many of the, like, wow is so much
[03:14:08] defined by its past that it can't look towards its future?
[03:14:15] Only be the case, and rated, everywhere else, all the guys should work, and on top of that,
[03:14:19] the gear, all the shit that isn't completely broken, that should also work and rated.
[03:14:24] Change my mind.
[03:14:25] Yeah.
[03:14:26] And vice versa!
[03:14:27] be rated it's not a competitive game it's not like we don't need it to there's
[03:14:37] an even to be a competitive game aspect why why why do we need this PvP gas
[03:14:46] shouldn't scale up that system should be deleted and the PvP gas should just be
[03:14:50] good so what I mean by that so obviously you should have to get PvE
[03:14:55] gear and take it to PvP and it should be good vice versa you should have to
[03:15:00] PvP gear so if you're good enough yeah to get to a high rating to get the PvP weapon
[03:15:05] He's totally cooking on this by the way
[03:15:08] Like I was able to go directly in the Sunwell Plateau
[03:15:12] After not rating until like since like tier 4 or like barely tier 5 because I had full brutal gladiator year and
[03:15:20] Like that gear was so fucking good that it was on par with Black Temple gear
[03:15:25] You can then get that weapon and take it into a mythic rate and fuck shit up early. Yeah
[03:15:31] You got like an early game weapon vice versa than everyone else did
[03:15:34] Because you can also you're like a you know
[03:15:36] You've spent time to get good at the PvP in-game and you will so spent time you go to PvP in-game
[03:15:40] You should be rewarded for that and guess what that does it that cross pollination gets people
[03:15:44] This is like a huge thing because PvP is dying bro. It's fucking going down. Do you know why it's not dying?
[03:15:50] It's dead. It's been dead for years
[03:15:52] It's been dead since I would say
[03:15:57] I think it's been dead really since like wad
[03:16:01] But like Legion was okay, but like BFA really killed it and
[03:16:07] Like Shadowland season one had like a really great resurgence
[03:16:11] But then immediately after that nobody cared because like you remember Shadowland season one was really fun
[03:16:19] No reason to go in there anymore because the stupid trash system
[03:16:25] Which like takes the RPG elements out of the fucking MMO RPG which is like question mark question mark
[03:16:30] And people are like well, why the fuck would I go to PVP? There's nothing there for me. There's no look
[03:16:34] I didn't like it. People kill me and I you know how much heat I'm trying to heal and they kick my cast. I don't like that
[03:16:39] You know
[03:16:41] Why would you step out of your comfort zone if there's nothing near to incentivize you out? So yeah
[03:16:48] Just delete the PVP. Yes scaling. It's a soul shuffle. So the people for participation
[03:16:55] dummy
[03:16:56] You think that I'm dumb because you're saying that
[03:16:59] So you think that there's a lot of people participating in PVP because of solo shuffle?
[03:17:05] Has it ever occurred to you that the reason for that is because the way that it was designed previously was just worse?
[03:17:11] and also like
[03:17:16] So if solo shuffle was so popular and PVP was so popular
[03:17:21] Why is it that whenever I look at wow?
[03:17:24] Almost nobody really is doing PVP. Oh, I'll tell you why
[03:17:31] It's because nobody really cares about it
[03:17:34] And that like two two weeks into the expansion after the season comes out
[03:17:39] Nobody's gonna give a shit about PvP
[03:17:42] It's gonna be dead
[03:17:44] It's not out yet. You can PvP now. You really think that PvP is gonna blow up whenever the season comes out
[03:17:53] Everybody's gonna start PvPing when the season comes out
[03:17:58] You're delusional
[03:18:00] That didn't happen last season
[03:18:03] Look at the amount of YouTube videos look at the amount of people watching content about it
[03:18:08] You think this super popular activity that everybody used to watch videos for everybody remembers the old wow PvP videos?
[03:18:15] But now nobody can name a single one because nobody cares anymore you really like I mean this is such copium
[03:18:21] It's it's so incredibly people are coping so hard on this
[03:18:27] You're coping so fucking hard
[03:18:29] PDP is dead. It will never come back. You're wasting your time. And it will never change.
[03:18:41] That's it. It doesn't matter what Blizzard changes if they add in some new feature. If solo shuffle is
[03:18:53] more popular than rated arena. Has it ever occurred to you that rated arena isn't a very
[03:19:01] good barometer of popularity either because rated arena sucks. It's not fun either.
[03:19:09] Wow, so one mode that sucks slightly less than another mode means that PVP is good.
[03:19:18] You guys don't remember what happened back in Cataclysm. I do. I was there 3,000 years ago.
[03:19:26] Almost half of my friends that played PVP quit WoW because they went to go play League.
[03:19:32] Because League was like all the people that wanted to be good at a PvP game
[03:19:40] Immediately quit because they're like this is just like wow except for there's less bullshit
[03:19:45] It's balanced just for PvP and it's a PvP based game. I
[03:19:51] Lost like half of my friends list like this is like I don't know like season nine like the end of like see the end
[03:19:58] Of season nine next season 10. So what would that be like 2011 to 12?
[03:20:04] somewhere around there. So I can't wow have that too. It's too complex. There's too many
[03:20:13] there's too many complications to the game. There's too much nuance to it. And the game doesn't have
[03:20:19] like league has a very simple design structure of just a handful of abilities that any player can
[03:20:28] easily understand and get into quickly. But with wow, you don't have that. There's too many
[03:20:34] different levels of complexity that make it hard to understand for a new player. The barrier
[03:20:43] to entry is just way too high.
[03:20:47] Literally, gear, templates, right? It's just stat templates with a couple extra steps.
[03:20:53] Like, oh yeah, I found this gear out, bro. Took me five hours, bro, and now I've got
[03:20:58] a stat template. Trash, trash. And you're going to hear people complain about it and
[03:21:02] say, well, that's just shit, this imbalance. Yep, yep, yep. Fuck them, dude. Fuck
[03:21:08] This is the MMORPG. This isn't a fucking e-sport. If you play League of Legends
[03:21:12] Go play if you want to be perfectly balanced go play League of Legends
[03:21:15] Yes, guess what if you're doing one of the tournaments, right? If you're doing the AWC willow or craft cup
[03:21:20] Okay, cool
[03:21:22] Then you can have your template a character on a tournament room. Yep, you know, you're in a tournament room and
[03:21:28] It's got none of that broken shit there and it's just mano v mano and you can see is the best game or whatever
[03:21:34] But let the people league is dying because of tuna champions
[03:21:38] I actually, if they did a revamp of League, where you could only play like 30 or 40 different champions,
[03:21:46] I would probably go and play it.
[03:21:48] But I do feel the same way.
[03:21:50] Why do you compare MOBA to an MMOI piece of shit?
[03:21:55] I understand that you're stupid, so you're mad, so I'll forgive you for it.
[03:21:59] But the reason why I do that is because these games don't exist in separate ecosystems.
[03:22:04] And my example of cataclysm is that a lot of people played world of Warcraft because they couldn't play Amoba
[03:22:13] So as soon as Amoba existed they moved and they started playing Amoba
[03:22:18] That was the reason
[03:22:22] And the MORPG had fun the MORPG like I want to be able to get my volos shadows and fuck some guy up with it
[03:22:34] I want about to get my PvE with the second PvP or I want to be able to get my because I'm good at PvP
[03:22:39] And I can get to a high rating
[03:22:40] I want to be able to take that PvP into PvE, or into M+, or take M+, Garen into PvP, you know, you get any which way.
[03:22:47] The system should complement each other. They shouldn't be totally against each other.
[03:22:53] Vanilla WoW was the best version of the game.
[03:22:56] Like if Vanilla WoW was ST, or Burning Crusade wasn't even an A.
[03:23:00] Another huge, huge, thick reason.
[03:23:07] It's not even close.
[03:23:08] This should probably be higher in priority. Actually, I mean, straight up just remove this thing higher in priority.
[03:23:12] Another huge thing that is wrong with wow, bro, and it makes wow shit in the current year.
[03:23:18] He's the wow token.
[03:23:20] Yeah, he's completely right.
[03:23:22] It's such an obvious thing.
[03:23:23] If you can buy gold, it's garbage.
[03:23:27] Like, how could you possibly take any accomplishment in a game seriously where you can buy gold?
[03:23:38] Just delete it from the game straight up.
[03:23:40] Do it.
[03:23:41] Can't reset.
[03:23:42] I don't make a goal redundant.
[03:23:43] I don't know.
[03:23:44] The wow token is so shit.
[03:23:47] It's so shit.
[03:23:48] It kills straight up kills the whole thing. Yeah, maybe like half of the in game for me
[03:23:54] Well, it can tribes the entire economy
[03:23:57] Because now the entire economy is built around WoW token the value out of the WoW token the value of farming and
[03:24:05] The value of that hour of farming versus a WoW token
[03:24:11] Amortized into a $20 value
[03:24:13] you. Part of software explained that the count theft dropped
[03:24:16] to 80% when WoWToken was released. Yeah, no, I understand
[03:24:21] that Blizzard probably changed the WoWToken because of people
[03:24:26] that are hacking. But that's not my problem as a player. Like
[03:24:33] so like when you when Blizzard says, we need to do this
[03:24:37] because our security systems are bad. That doesn't make me
[03:24:42] feel like my experience in the game is better. Like you can't
[03:24:47] give me a business reason to explain why my gameplay is
[03:24:51] worse and expect me to say, Oh, okay, that's fine. I don't care
[03:24:57] about that. Their security problems aren't my problems. My
[03:25:02] problem is the game. So if the game isn't delivering an
[03:25:06] experience that's rewarding and feels good, then why would I
[03:25:09] care? Oh, well, there's a lot of bots in the game, well,
[03:25:14] then fix the bots, we can't fix the bots. Okay, so, so, so you,
[03:25:18] you don't want to fix the bots, you can't fix account security.
[03:25:21] So you're going to add something into the game to where now
[03:25:25] there's like, basically buying gold. And so like, what the fuck,
[03:25:30] like, so basically, this was a big problem. So we decided to
[03:25:34] just make profit off of it. It doesn't make the problem go
[03:25:37] away. Goes fucking game. Yeah, it's like, if you don't
[03:25:43] care about the integrity of the game, why should I
[03:25:44] To be like grinding gold. I liked getting gold. I had characters that had multiple professions
[03:25:58] And I'd filter all these things I'd have herbs and I would mill the herbs and turn the herbs into glyphs and I'd sell the glyphs
[03:26:03] I'll do all this shit
[03:26:05] You my earliest video why what would you do?
[03:26:10] Goal farming
[03:26:12] Professions, you know carries all sorts of things that you could do to earn gold whenever
[03:26:16] You spend time like you spend like three hours farming gold or you could just work at like a minimum wage job
[03:26:21] for, you know, for the equivalent of 10 minutes to farm like three. I don't know if the ratio
[03:26:28] is insane, right? Unless you're like literally in a world first gillild and you're selling
[03:26:31] like the first mounts where you're selling for like, you know, gold cap per mount or
[03:26:35] some stupid shit like that. It's pretty much never worth farming gold. You're always
[03:26:39] better off to just earn real life money and then, you know, from the Kapori or Royal
[03:26:45] and then spend it put into and then get the money out and just basically kills off
[03:26:49] But and tie in games in my opinion like I I was never a situation that a person with an average job
[03:26:57] Would be more efficient playing a game rather than putting in overtime and then buying gold
[03:27:03] This is a broken system
[03:27:12] I'm sorry. It's just it's a broken system. You should any game where you can buy gold is a game where progression doesn't matter
[03:27:18] I
[03:27:21] Profession any I love professions. I love dead it broke yeah
[03:27:23] Professions where you get like special perks and bonuses for having that profession leveled up and then you can use that inside of right at a battlegrounds and stuff like you know
[03:27:31] Man fuck yes, bro. I'm actually sad dude. I'm straight up sad that remove engineer from a PvP arena straight up
[03:27:37] That's how much of a fucking permission any I am but guess what I've done this
[03:27:42] You know just what I haven't interacted with at all this entire
[03:27:45] Expansion and that you know whenever I tried to dragon flood same same deal
[03:27:49] Proficients because why the fuck would I I can just get everything that I did want from the parishion just by spending like
[03:27:55] That's the way that I feel too because like Quinn's in the same position that I am and I think that a lot of you guys are probably in the same
[03:28:01] Position how many of you guys make over a hundred K a year?
[03:28:03] Me yeah, a lot of you guys we like there's a lot of people out there that make a lot of money
[03:28:15] Right a lot of you guys make a lot of money
[03:28:17] money. You can afford to spend this money. You can afford to drop like, you know, maybe
[03:28:24] a thousand bucks, 2000 bucks, probably sometimes even more than that, right? Yeah, sure. Fuck,
[03:28:31] who cares? But like, am I the only person that like feels that when now I have the
[03:28:38] privilege to do it, the act of doing it feels even more stupid than when I didn't
[03:28:44] have the ability to do it, like I feel like now because I can do it, I feel stupid for
[03:28:54] doing it. And before I could do it, I felt stupid that it could exist, because I won't
[03:29:01] I would have been able to do it, right? It always felt stupid to me. Yeah, it feels
[03:29:06] like cheating. Yeah, it's like, I'm cheating. Exactly. I'm just straight up cheating. You
[03:29:17] just said 10 minutes ago, nobody should care about ratings, but now you're saying
[03:29:20] to WoW tokens makes accomplishments meaningless, explain?
[03:29:25] Okay, let's see, are you a disagreeer?
[03:29:35] Yeah, you said 10 minutes ago,
[03:29:37] WoW should grab ratings, WoW tokens
[03:29:39] makes accomplishments meaningless.
[03:29:41] Because rating systems are about competitive gameplay
[03:29:45] and being able to accomplish things is a personal goal.
[03:29:48] And so when you create a rated system,
[03:29:51] you can thrive an entire population
[03:29:53] into playing a game a certain way, whereas giving people a feeling of accomplishment is something
[03:29:59] that's personal. You understand? Yeah, this is just a disagreeer in chat. Do you understand what I'm
[03:30:24] saying? So how does a WoW token make it any less personal? Because I'm spending money inside of a
[03:30:36] I'm spending money that I earned in real life to gain an advantage in a video game.
[03:30:50] Do you understand why that's bad?
[03:30:52] If I get Keystone Master, I feel good. I don't care if others bought it with gold.
[03:31:03] I do.
[03:31:05] I think it cheapens my accomplishment whenever I see other people that got the exact same thing that I did,
[03:31:11] but they just spent money with it.
[03:31:15] Yeah, I do.
[03:31:17] I think a lot of people do. I think that's human psychology.
[03:31:23] And I think this idea that, oh, you shouldn't care about what other people have
[03:31:28] is directly contradictory to every single aspect of human psychology.
[03:31:33] And it's reflected in every bit of our culture,
[03:31:37] down to getting gold stars in kindergarten,
[03:31:40] up to buying Lamborghinis whenever you're a millionaire.
[03:31:44] Our entire culture is built around conspicuous showing of things that you've accomplished.
[03:31:50] Of course you're going to care if somebody else achieved something that you feel like you worked for and then they just got instantaneously.
[03:32:02] So it's not personal after all.
[03:32:08] So let me ask you a question.
[03:32:12] If you got Keystone Master, but somebody else could just press a button in let's say their garrison and it would just give them the achievement for Keystone Master with doing nothing, they wouldn't have to do anything.
[03:32:26] They would just push the button and it gave them the achievement and the amount.
[03:32:30] Would that make you feel like you, like that achievement meant less to you?
[03:32:53] You care about what other people do and think?
[03:32:55] Of course I do.
[03:32:57] Absolutely. And I think that's what everybody does. Now, why
[03:33:01] would it? I know I did it myself without getting a freebie. Yeah,
[03:33:06] but you don't know who did and who didn't. And there's no
[03:33:09] distinguishment between two or who earned it and who didn't
[03:33:12] earn it. People want to have things that they can be proud
[03:33:17] of and accomplishments that they can look at inside of
[03:33:19] video games and feel good about what those
[03:33:22] accomplishments are. And then look back at those
[03:33:25] accomplishments and say that I did this. When somebody else can get that accomplishment for a
[03:33:30] fraction of the effort or the value, it devalues the amount of time and effort and money, in this
[03:33:36] case, that they put into it. I think that we're denying human psychology here. Just because
[03:33:43] you might not see it that way doesn't mean that this is not a core tenet of human psychology.
[03:33:48] This is why almost every single apparatus has some functionality that rewards people based off of performance.
[03:33:57] And if everybody got the same performance rewards based without looking at performance, you would see lower performance and less investment.
[03:34:06] I don't go for Keystone Masters, so others can see my cool mount. I do it for myself.
[03:34:15] Here's the problem is that I think that a lot of people like to say that let me think of a way to put this
[03:34:48] What's your wow profile? What's your wow profile name? What's your like your
[03:35:05] Like what what's your what's your wow profile like going? I'll look up your character
[03:35:26] Torneo in turn. No you
[03:35:29] Give me one second. I don't know why it does this
[03:35:48] Like wow armory used to work so well and now it just doesn't at all. It used to be so good like
[03:36:04] It's us
[03:36:08] Is there a whack and look at oh, yeah. Yeah, here we go EU
[03:36:11] That's so weird
[03:36:37] English EU maybe oh
[03:36:39] I didn't know you could do that. Okay, great
[03:36:42] So 25,000 achievement points, etc. Right and you've played the game pretty good amount of time
[03:36:49] I think that really you have a lot of feats of strength. You've probably accomplished a lot of these things
[03:36:55] You've done a lot of this stuff, etc
[03:36:57] One thing that I've noticed a lot with like people that play the game is that and and this is like the beginning of the expansion
[03:37:04] So it's hard to say
[03:37:06] but most of the time whenever I see people that do this the things that they show off in game are the things that are
[03:37:13] unique and special and
[03:37:16] I think for a lot of cases
[03:37:18] That's the reality. People want to have things that are special. Nobody cares how you get the Lamborghini.
[03:37:25] It's just owning one that matters. Yeah, but here's the problem.
[03:37:29] Is that if everybody could just buy a Lamborghini and the barrier to entry to that was very low, it wouldn't really matter anymore.
[03:37:37] It's a mindset difference, honestly. I do. I think it's a huge mindset difference.
[03:37:43] And I know that there's some people that have his mindset, but I actually don't think that that mindset is reflected inside of human behavior.
[03:37:53] I think most people do care about the accomplishments that they have compared to other people.
[03:37:59] And I think that the next MMO that's going to really be successful is an MMO where you can't buy cosmetics.
[03:38:07] I think cosmetic progression and conspicuous consumption of cosmetics and being able to show off that you're good at something
[03:38:15] matters a lot more than people think it does.
[03:38:19] And I think that people like to pretend like it doesn't matter because it makes them seem vain or stupid.
[03:38:25] But I do think that fundamentally this is a huge driver in why people go for things.
[03:38:31] This is why people try to achieve certain things.
[03:38:34] things, it's because other people can't achieve it. And if
[03:38:38] other people can achieve the same thing that you can for a
[03:38:41] fraction of the effort, I think that it does massively devalue
[03:38:45] what that product is, and what that thing is. Rarity adds
[03:38:50] value, exclusivity creates value. And when you remove
[03:38:54] exclusivity from a feature, and you allow people to bypass the
[03:38:58] exclusivity with money, it makes the people that work
[03:39:01] hard to get the exclusivity that see other people that have obtained it just through
[03:39:06] money. It reminds them that this is just like real life, and these people can get exactly
[03:39:12] where you are for a fraction of the effort because they have more money than you do.
[03:39:17] I think that's a terrible dynamic for MMOs to have. And any MMO that sells, um, what
[03:39:23] do you call it? Any MMO that sells gold, I automatically don't take progression in
[03:39:28] that game seriously. It breaks immersion. It does. And I know that some people think
[03:39:36] that it doesn't for them. And I think that there are individuals that that's probably
[03:39:41] true for. There are. But I think that if you look at it as a whole, it is not true.
[03:39:49] It's rating games that people do care what other people think about their accomplishments.
[03:39:53] Because I think adding in a greater rating system and then adding in a PVP rating system
[03:39:59] makes a game competitive in a way that contrives the way that it's designed
[03:40:04] rather than giving people individual accomplishments that they can work towards on their own.
[03:40:12] It's about how rating systems and ladders
[03:40:15] contrive the way that the entire player base views gameplay.
[03:40:25] Thirty dollars and a well token, get all my enchants, get all my shit,
[03:40:28] get all my gems, and it's just more efficient.
[03:40:31] And to me that's like sad because that's just a reason to not play the game now.
[03:40:35] It's just another thing that I could do and I could be enjoying doing, but I can't because I just feel stupid.
[03:40:40] It's the same reason like, you know, people are gonna say shit like,
[03:40:44] Oh, if you don't like flying, just walk in your mouth.
[03:40:46] Like, no, I'm not gonna completely cup and weigh myself.
[03:40:49] You're not gonna have, like, that just shouldn't exist in the game, right?
[03:40:52] The wildpoken is awful.
[03:40:55] And, bro, this argument that people have where they say,
[03:41:00] Well, people are just gonna RMT, bro.
[03:41:03] People are just gonna RMT.
[03:41:05] if the world don't go into the game.
[03:41:08] Fucking ban the R&P guys!
[03:41:10] BAN THEM!
[03:41:11] That's simple.
[03:41:12] Yep.
[03:41:13] Ban the guys who are cheating or people cheating in every game.
[03:41:15] Ban the cheaters, don't be like,
[03:41:17] don't just put cheats in the game legally.
[03:41:19] Ban the fucking cheaters.
[03:41:20] Okay? Yep.
[03:41:22] Ban them.
[03:41:23] Okay, I'm getting a little bit too heated.
[03:41:25] My bad.
[03:41:27] It's not that simple.
[03:41:30] Okay, well, it is for me.
[03:41:32] If you have a game that this is full of cheaters and people buying gold, I'll just play another game
[03:41:38] The token was in the game before Quinn decided to play this expansion. So now he's just using as an excuse
[03:41:47] You type the same message, I think two or three times and I didn't read it the other times because it was stupid
[03:41:54] And you just you're so insistent about it. You just keep typing it thinking I didn't see your message
[03:42:00] I did I didn't read it because it was stupid
[03:42:02] I'm not gonna explain every single time, but yeah
[03:42:08] You know on top of the laptop in cosmetics
[03:42:15] Yeah, a little bit of in game a little bit in game is removed the fact that you can just buy cosmetics
[03:42:19] It also do values it does it just devalues every other cosmetic of the game
[03:42:24] But like why why the fuck do we buy a game and then pay a fucking subscription to that game and buy expansion
[03:42:31] And then they also devalue the in-game cosmetics by selling you the cosmetics like why why is there a thing bro?
[03:42:36] selling gold something like just that needs to be deleted from the game I mean
[03:42:40] maybe I'm not obviously this is the reasons why Wow's currently don't this is
[03:42:44] the problem right is it like some people like to make the argument that Blizzard
[03:42:48] had to do this well this is my argument if Blizzard has to do this and I don't
[03:42:54] have to play the game that's fine like if you if you feel like you need to
[03:43:02] make the game this way and you have to sell gold then I'll just play
[03:43:06] something else. Like I don't see how I don't really see how Blizzard has this
[03:43:13] problem where you have to buy in so gold and Blizzard has to facilitate it, where
[03:43:18] Path of Exile doesn't have this problem and the game's free. What? Like it's
[03:43:30] insane. You're always gonna have RMT. And I'm like yeah delete the Watt token and
[03:43:46] delete yeah obviously these are things that this is like I'm obviously it's a
[03:43:49] pipe dream but I'm kind of just you know hoping maybe like Chris Midson's
[03:43:52] going to come in and be like, for the Lord, the wow.
[03:43:56] You buy a state the game because it isn't classic.
[03:43:58] No one cares if you play the game or not.
[03:43:59] You're a niche minority of people that don't give a fuck about yourself.
[03:44:02] What's he about?
[03:44:03] I'm one of the most popular content creators for wow ever.
[03:44:06] My videos are the most popular.
[03:44:08] Any time a new expansion comes out, I have the most viewers.
[03:44:13] I probably know more about the game than almost anybody else.
[03:44:18] I used to be in the top 10 for achievement points for the game.
[03:44:21] I put 35,000 hours in the game. I know the game better than you'll ever know the game
[03:44:26] and I'm not even playing it. I haven't played it for years seriously and you'll still probably never
[03:44:33] catch up to me. So just keep that in mind. Also there are more people that have quit
[03:44:42] well than people that are playing well. So maybe you should listen to those people a little bit
[03:44:48] more. It's a weird flex. It's not a flex, it's just the truth. Like, obviously, a lot
[03:45:02] of people care what I think. That's why everybody's watching me. People have asked me to watch
[03:45:07] this video because they care what I think because I know the game really well. A lot
[03:45:14] of wow streamers that are fixated on wow like to say negative things about me. I've
[03:45:20] seen this before. Any single one of them in terms of career, I think would gladly
[03:45:29] switch spots with me in a second. They're stuck playing that game because they can't
[03:45:36] do anything else. That's the truth. So I don't really take a... so it's in their best interest.
[03:45:49] They have to defend the game because that's their meal ticket. And if that meal ticket
[03:45:54] drives up, then they starve because nobody wants to watch them play anything else other
[03:45:58] than wow. That's just a fact. And the funny thing is that like these people can
[03:46:07] come back and say negative shit about me. And it doesn't matter because it will still be true.
[03:46:18] It doesn't matter what they say. What I'm saying here will still be true. And it will always be
[03:46:26] true. And that's why they feel like they have to defend the game. And they have to sneak this
[03:46:33] me because I don't have to. I don't have to pretend like it's okay.
[03:46:46] Still needed. We're overhauling the PVP system.
[03:46:49] Fucking cosmetics can't buy him anymore boys.
[03:46:51] Yeah. Let's fucking go. You know, like that's kind of like that.
[03:46:55] To me, for them to make wow great again, this is what they're gonna have to do bro.
[03:46:59] They're gonna either they are gonna do it or some other company's gonna do it.
[03:47:03] Right? Another little thing as well, we'll just cap it off. I mean I have
[03:47:07] like I have literally like four pages of notes here, things that I think
[03:47:10] I think wait well bad. This is just the major ones. I'm just going to do the last major one here um leveling bro
[03:47:15] It's literally not even in the game anymore
[03:47:18] boosts
[03:47:19] Yeah
[03:47:21] Like wait has killed your world as fast as possible. Let's speed run killing the world. Yeah, we're boosting. Yeah, that's insane
[03:47:28] What America hopes to because people say you're wrong about shit. They're biased because they're paid off ego is crazy
[03:47:33] It's not ego. It's a fact
[03:47:35] If wow died their channel and their career would be over
[03:47:40] for a lot of them. That's just a fact. It's all there is to it.
[03:47:48] Boosts and let's make, you know what? While we're at it, let's just make leveling
[03:47:59] not even exist. Because leveling doesn't exist right now in the game.
[03:48:03] It's really boost and then do quests for a few hours and then you'll max level
[03:48:07] or literally boost and then do
[03:48:09] dungeons for two hours and then you'll max level. Exciting.
[03:48:12] Do you know how many of my best memories in Wulovulcraft?
[03:48:15] With me leveling up my main character or leveling up one of my ults
[03:48:19] And um
[03:48:22] That's just it's just doesn't exist. It's just another thing
[03:48:25] It's another entire in game entire thing you could be doing that's just removed because I don't know people think it's good like man
[03:48:31] I love being up to have if you know not earn any of my leveling and just instantly have every character boost it up
[03:48:37] And if every character max all this is great. Yeah, it's stupid
[03:48:40] You know what the rest of the game doesn't exist. It's only in game, which I mean bro
[03:48:45] I'm selling like a little bitch right now
[03:48:49] But, Rambo, I love World of Warcraft. I really want it to be good, and this is just the reasons
[03:48:58] why I think WoW is bad currently. Yes, they did. I would say that it's slightly improved
[03:49:05] in terms of the storytelling to be a Dragonfly, because the Dragonfly story, I don't know,
[03:49:09] that one was so dog shit. I didn't even really remember it. It was like some random
[03:49:13] cutscenes with like dwarfs and shit, and it was like some, I think the story
[03:49:16] lines and both of them are mediocre, but yeah.
[03:49:19] Dragon guy. It was so dope shit. And you know what? The cinematics in the story, I went through
[03:49:25] the whole story of the new one with all that, you know, it gave and had the little.
[03:49:28] Somebody says it's weird coming from him who boosted in Final Fantasy 14. It's weird
[03:49:35] that people like, this is the, this is the, from what I said before about how every
[03:49:40] time that a person tries to call out hypocrisy, it actually indicates their own lack of
[03:49:45] IQ. Almost every single time that I see somebody saying, Oh, but
[03:49:52] what about you did the other thing? This is that these are
[03:49:57] always like people that have like very, very low level
[03:49:59] intelligence. Has it ever occurred to you that he's
[03:50:03] actually making a you're making a great example of that? And
[03:50:08] your example that you're making actually proves his
[03:50:11] point that he was able to boost in Final Fantasy 14. And
[03:50:15] he had a terrible experience probably as a result of
[03:50:17] that, which then proves that the boost was a bad idea. It's just like it's crazy how
[03:50:33] like these like these contradiction and these, it's like they're so stupid, they don't even
[03:50:38] know how stupid they are.
[03:50:40] Well, Recaps and the Cinematics got far more in depth with the characters, which I liked.
[03:50:49] And you know, you know, you could sit there and have the extended dialogue to
[03:50:53] get to know the people. And you know, really, it felt like it felt better. So, you
[03:50:58] Hey, they are proving in some aspects, but I feel like in almost every other aspect
[03:51:03] Retail Wow and 100 of retail. I'll just will a wall crush in general. Whatever the fuck you want to call it
[03:51:07] Wow is just actively getting worse
[03:51:10] and it's like
[03:51:12] Can they can I not can you not do that? Can you just make it better because I love Wow and I want to play Wow
[03:51:17] but currently
[03:51:21] Modern Wow is a straight up. I mean, it's a straight up
[03:51:26] completely mid to maybe even below mid game okay and I really am hoping praying to
[03:51:34] Jesus because what it will take for me for me I'm quitting while right now I'm
[03:51:38] quitting well but I'm done I'm fucking done I've literally I've had some sort
[03:51:41] of internal like meltdown because I've been sitting here I'm not quitting like
[03:51:45] I'll play season one I'll try out the raid I'll try out the dungeon maybe
[03:51:48] do some mythic boss I'll try it out yeah sure I'm not quitting I'll keep
[03:51:52] playing but you know I'm I'm not like super enthusiastic battling my own mind
[03:52:00] yeah like man I love wow I love wow but man this sucks so much dick this sucks
[03:52:04] and it's it there and I'm trying not to be like fucking sitting there complaining
[03:52:07] whole time that I'm not to do like yeah if you're not having fun playing the
[03:52:10] game you should immediately quit it's complain the whole time because it's
[03:52:13] like bro like what have they done to my boy man what are they what are they
[03:52:16] fucking done to it you know yeah and you know I'm hoping that somehow true
[03:52:21] True true true something's changing at blizzard and with the next expansion maybe they do some big overhaul and it's effectively like wow
[03:52:28] You know reborn. Wow. Wow, too. You know and they delete all this dog shit
[03:52:35] That's in the current game and they make it you know, they make it what it should be great again, bro
[03:52:40] Make wow great again. Oh, we had that hat remember
[03:52:45] Make Azeroth great again. Well, I'm glad that I watched that video
[03:52:49] Obviously a lot of people asked me to watch this there were a lot of really strong opinions about it
[03:52:54] We'll read some of the opinions, etc and go through everything because I know obviously a lot of people are very
[03:53:01] I agree with a lot of things that Quinn said. I think that Quinn talked about PvP too much
[03:53:07] I think that PvP is 5% of the game and I think that Wow has a huge like it Quinn
[03:53:13] talked about what I would say is like 10% of the problems in the game in this
[03:53:18] video. I actually think that like this is like the tip of the iceberg. Now for
[03:53:24] every player it's different but I think that holistically it's a lot different. I
[03:53:29] think part of the issue is the internal issue. People want to be vocal to
[03:53:34] change the game instead of quitting. They tried that from any expansions. It
[03:53:38] isn't made for him anymore. It's weird to me that people cling to wow like
[03:53:41] it's some kind of identity. If you don't like it don't play it. Very
[03:53:43] weird the stress about it? Well, I don't know. I mean, you play a game for a really long time
[03:53:47] and you're just giving feedback after you played the new version of the game. I mean,
[03:53:50] you're a popular content creator? Sure. I think that makes sense. I mean, haven't you had conversations
[03:53:55] with your friends about like video game franchises you used to play? I mean, I like it's so weird
[03:54:00] that people act like this is some kind of an actual like some like crazy phenomenon. Like,
[03:54:06] I've talked to plenty of friends of mine about like, you know, like different like TV shows
[03:54:09] and like different stuff like that that I've been interested in. Like this is all kinds of
[03:54:13] of things that happen all the time, like Gears 1, like Halo, or like Game of Thrones, like
[03:54:19] I talk to friends of mine about this stuff all the time.
[03:54:22] So of course you're going to do this.
[03:54:24] It's normal.
[03:54:25] Yeah, people want to talk about topics and things that they're interested in, like, wow.
[03:54:31] So yeah, at such an L-Comp out, the game originally was made for people, but then
[03:54:36] they changed it for them after enough they're complaining.
[03:54:39] They're just afraid to see other people and give the energy back to them.
[03:54:43] I'm really confused.
[03:54:45] Yeah, I don't know really what you mean by that.
[03:54:48] But yeah, I do think that you're right that like WoW's target audience has definitely changed
[03:54:53] and I feel like I'm not part of it anymore.
[03:54:56] It has.
[03:54:57] Is there a way to fix WoW story wise?
[03:54:59] No.
[03:55:00] And I don't think the current development team at WoW knows how to do that.
[03:55:03] I don't think that they have the insight and they have the understanding of the game
[03:55:08] and like narratives in order to do that in a way that doesn't feel patronizing.
[03:55:13] Ageing people complain about a game and in the good old times,
[03:55:15] old memories always feel better.
[03:55:16] Everyone forgets pain.
[03:55:17] I like your content, parents' interest being, but I don't think the game is bad.
[03:55:20] I personally like it, but it's different for sure.
[03:55:23] Yeah.
[03:55:23] No, I think so too.
[03:55:25] And I think that's the case for a lot of games, right?
[03:55:28] But at the same time, I think that there's a lot of guys that are
[03:55:32] like me and Quinn.
[03:55:33] I mean, this is a game that's been out for 20 years, right?
[03:55:36] So there's a lot of people that have played it for close to that. We've grown up playing it and for some of us
[03:55:41] You know, we stuck around and played the game like I've been kind of you know
[03:55:45] Half-and-half some people have been like really invested into it other people have just totally quit entirely and
[03:55:52] You know, I'm kind of like in the middle, right?
[03:55:54] And so of course we're gonna talk about the game that we grew up with that we've all put collectively
[03:55:59] Like each of us probably all of the people talking about this whether it's like racks DM me Quinn
[03:56:05] We've all put over 10,000 hours into this video game. I think that we're entitled to have an opinion about it
[03:56:10] I feel like wow has been made for FPS and zoomers. Yeah, I think so too
[03:56:17] so
[03:56:20] It's too it's it's too fast. It's too fast-paced. It's too complex. There's too much going on
[03:56:26] It's exhausting man. It really is
[03:56:29] An important question why people keep buying subscription for expansion when you complain about the game just play something else
[03:56:34] Well, because I thought I would enjoy the beginning of the expansion and I have I mean like I like playing
[03:56:41] Leveling up has been fine and doing the dungeons has been okay
[03:56:44] And I'll do the raid and you know do like some mythic plus and then I'll probably stop playing like it's really not that big of a deal
[03:56:51] To me like it's it's $15. I
[03:56:55] Mean I don't know like it like really it's I'm not really thinking about it a lot and also
[03:57:01] Also, it's like my job too, like I mean, I'm doing this as like a as a career playing video games. So like it's not really a normal situation, isn't it?
[03:57:12] Doesn't incentivize the Blizzard to say dog shit? It does. But I'm also like, I mean, it's like saying a game reviewer is incentivizing a game developer to continue staying dog shit because they're reviewing a game.
[03:57:23] game. Like, I think that really I'm putting out content about a game that a lot of people
[03:57:27] want to see. It's part of my job. And so I think that that's the way that I want to
[03:57:32] cover things in the way that I think is fair. And I try to give people the most appropriate
[03:57:37] and the most authentic perspective possible. And I know some people might not agree
[03:57:41] with it, but I hope everybody knows that it is my perspective. It is really what
[03:57:46] I think. So yeah, I mean, I don't think that you should look at a streamer and
[03:57:51] expect a streamer to play a video game in a way that a normal person does. It's
[03:57:56] just like you're like that if that's not the way it works like it's just such a
[03:58:00] weird way to look at things. Also, lots of you feedback yeah and like that's the
[03:58:05] thing too it's like these are the same people that if I wasn't playing the
[03:58:09] game they would say well you're not playing the game so you can't give
[03:58:12] feedback and then I am playing the game and they're saying well why are
[03:58:15] you giving feedback if you're still playing the game like there's no way
[03:58:19] to win. At the end of the day, I just think these people don't want to hear feedback.
[03:58:24] That's what I think they want to do. They just want you to not talk about the game in a way that
[03:58:28] they don't agree with. That's the real reason. It's got nothing to do with like how long or how
[03:58:34] long you did or didn't play the game or anything like that. They take it personally. Yeah, exactly.
[03:58:41] What do you know, making all expansions available to play so everybody can choose what
[03:58:44] they like? I think they should make WoW Classic for you to play. That'd be crazy. I'd love that.
[03:58:48] Becky went in and knew to get feedback. Yeah. And like that is my feedback for
[03:59:00] the game. And that's what I think about it. And old next trailer should put all
[03:59:05] the old gods being released. They're all dead. Like the end of BFA killed them. It's
[03:59:11] been 8,000 dollars on WoW tokens. I don't want any criticism. Yeah, exactly.
[03:59:15] Right? Like ancient players. Hard to make free to play with no true
[03:59:18] moderation. Yeah. I mean like WoW like doesn't have any moderation at all.
[03:59:21] really it seems unless it's like automated so yeah I mean I'm passionate
[03:59:28] about the game I try not to be like angry about the game and like upset about
[03:59:32] it but I just want to be able to enjoy the game and play it and you know that's
[03:59:39] it I think that Quinn brings up a lot of good points I'll read some comments
[03:59:42] where the Warcraft has begun once again killed this PoE character for nothing
[03:59:45] killed your PoE character for this you can tell Quinn Persona is in an
[03:59:49] act. Yep, for sure. I'm playing because of loneliness at this point. Early access to
[03:59:54] kill the hype for me. Toby died for down to Toby is probably the POE character I'm assuming.
[04:00:00] Early access for the expansion again, you'll record the same video again, you'll be in
[04:00:03] the same Reagan League and we'll clear in game POE in two. Yeah, I mean, he's a streamer,
[04:00:08] right? I mean, I don't know why it's weird that like, I think the problem is that
[04:00:12] a lot of like Twitch viewers, they actually think that streamers are just the same
[04:00:17] as them that are sitting in like their room that are on a computer with a camera on. But
[04:00:23] streaming is a career. It's a job. There's a lot that is involved with it. And talking
[04:00:28] about it a lot kind of breaks the fourth wall and it hurts the immersion of it. So a lot
[04:00:32] of streamers don't talk about it. But I always find it to be like, I think that
[04:00:36] my audience is like old enough now to where like a lot of you guys are in your 30s
[04:00:41] or like your late 20s. And so like you get that like it's an entertainment show
[04:00:44] at the same time but like we're playing games and it's like yeah of course there's a level
[04:00:49] of relatability to it but at the same time it's also a performance and like you know
[04:00:53] everybody kind of gets it right people get it it's like you know it's basically like
[04:00:58] I think these are the kinds of people that go to like wrestling or they go to like a
[04:01:01] pen and teller magic show and they try to figure out how the trick was like they're
[04:01:05] trying to figure out and see and be like there's no way they actually did that they're
[04:01:11] They're like trying to prove that it wasn't actual magic.
[04:01:15] Or like they're trying to like, oh, wrestling isn't actually real.
[04:01:18] Whereas like I think that a lot of older viewers know that it's not entirely real and they just
[04:01:23] like to enjoy the experience of watching content that they think is funny, right?
[04:01:29] So yeah, reading too much into it.
[04:01:34] Yeah, people read way too much into it.
[04:01:36] You know, it's popular streamers world, would Blizzard listen if you tell them
[04:01:41] something about WoW?
[04:01:42] i think that was a listen to what my opinions are but of course they don't
[04:01:45] necessarily agree with them
[04:01:48] like uh... like i i i think that also the truth is that
[04:01:53] while has been designed in a way that is not what i want to play anymore as
[04:01:59] much
[04:02:00] and there are a lot of people that like playing retail while
[04:02:04] retail while is a popular game it's like it's a dead game nobody plays
[04:02:07] retail well
[04:02:10] it's just simply not something I'm not interested in anymore
[04:02:15] like they want a modern audience yeah and I'm not a modern audience
[04:02:19] I'm not really like I I don't like that kind of stuff I think it's cringe
[04:02:24] like I I I I mean it's been really refreshing for me personally
[04:02:29] to go back and play games like recently you know obviously we did Metal Gear
[04:02:33] Rising Revengeance and off-stream I played a lot of
[04:02:37] Dragon's Dogma. And it's been like so incredibly refreshing to go back and play some of these older games
[04:02:47] that are just totally outside of that whole like spectrum and mindset. And I really enjoyed it a
[04:02:54] lot. It was old games have been really fun. Yeah. Well, now I'm actually getting back into Monster
[04:02:59] Hunter. I've started playing Monster Hunter again. And I think we're going to beat Fatalis
[04:03:04] pretty soon. I'm going to change the way that my character is made. I'm going to build up a new set of gear.
[04:03:09] And yeah, we're going to finish up Monster Hunter, considering Wilde's is coming out soon. Yeah, I started playing it
[04:03:15] again last night. So that's the plan. And yeah, either way, I think that a lot of people have criticisms for
[04:03:23] Wilde. But I think that what really killed Wilde more than anything is that Wilde focused on the people that
[04:03:32] it shouldn't. It focused on the 1% and it focused on the like fractions of like these like tiny
[04:03:43] small groups of people and it made content and it designed things around them and around
[04:03:48] making them feel good rather than around making the game feel fun. And I think it's
[04:03:54] like basically you're catering the game and you're making it to where it's like these
[04:03:58] These are the people that you're designing it for, where these like super hardcore players
[04:04:02] are like super casual players.
[04:04:05] And like you're seeing like raids that are like just extremely hard.
[04:04:11] Like I just, I don't find it to be like, I don't know what to say other than the game
[04:04:16] just doesn't really feel fun.
[04:04:20] Like I don't know.
[04:04:21] I'm trying to think of a better way to say it that like makes more sense maybe
[04:04:23] to more people.
[04:04:25] Um, like, it just seems like the game has been designed more and more for people who want to, like, treat it like a eSport, basically.
[04:04:39] They've tried to, like, hyperbalance and make it like a hyper eSport.
[04:04:44] And I think that in the process of that, they've made the game less fun.
[04:04:49] Uh, I'll be right back. That's kind of the way I feel.
[04:04:52] We gear, we gear, we gear, look at one other thing.
[04:06:44] You're seeing the game Asuka?
[04:06:45] No, I haven't seen anything about that, actually.
[04:06:47] Do you think WoW Story is designed to be modern and soft in a manner, but the gameplay
[04:06:52] is completely on the opposite side of the spectrum?
[04:06:55] For the sweats, it wouldn't really be into that thing?
[04:06:57] Yeah, I think that WoW Story is really girly, it's not masculine at all, it's super
[04:07:02] boring, the characters aren't relatable, they're just awful versions of real life
[04:07:07] people that I don't like. And yeah, that's about all I think. There aren't cool characters anymore.
[04:07:15] All the characters are losers. Like, they're just obnoxious losers. Like, Olaria's obnoxious and
[04:07:26] a loser. Xalatath is just like some, like, bad bitch power fantasy. Cadgar's a stupid old man.
[04:07:34] Anduin is a bitch. I just don't think that any of them like they're not likeable at all. I
[04:07:47] don't relate to any of them. I don't think they're cool. It's really just that simple. I just don't
[04:07:59] think they're cool like Garrosh or Thrall from Warcraft 3 was cool or Grom or Illidan. Yeah,
[04:08:10] like Varian like yeah, Terallion, Terallion's a bitch throwing to yeah
[04:08:20] they're just they're not cool straight up fucking Sunday made you think yeah
[04:08:27] Sunday in Honkai Star Rail was a better character than Blizzard has made of any
[04:08:32] character in WoW since probably Legion it's pathetic it it just it is it's
[04:08:48] It's pathetic, bro.
[04:08:51] And the reason why, so this is the reason why,
[04:08:55] it's because Blizzard isn't able to,
[04:09:01] they're not able to write good villains
[04:09:04] because they are afraid of making the villains sound
[04:09:08] accurate or reasonable or likable.
[04:09:14] And that's the issue, is that,
[04:09:18] like they can only write these like super evil villains,
[04:09:23] Like Thanos, yeah, like if you look at, for example, like there are a lot of really good villains and stories.
[04:09:29] But I think that Blizzard is infected with like the Western mind virus of
[04:09:36] we can't let our fantasy have real life parallels that could reflect things that we disagree with politically.
[04:09:45] And I see a lot of stories that go into that direction.
[04:09:49] And I think that Blizzard definitely falls into that trap.
[04:09:53] I think that the Diablo 4 story
[04:09:55] is a really good example of that too.
[04:09:58] It's like the very typical, very boring,
[04:10:02] the church is actually the bad guys,
[04:10:04] and Arius is the one who was wrong.
[04:10:07] Like it's just, it's just like safe, modern,
[04:10:11] like mentality where like everything is written
[04:10:14] from the perspective of what if everything,
[04:10:17] your parents and generation that brought you up said wasn't true. It just feels like it's like it's
[04:10:24] bratty. It's like it's iconoclastic in a like I'm trying to think of a in a self indulgent way.
[04:10:39] it's just, at the end of the day, it's just not cool.
[04:10:50] Like, that's, I think that's what it comes down to, right?
[04:10:59] It's like, I can use like fucking thesaurus words of like,
[04:11:03] oh, it's like the icons of, you know, Roman Catholicism
[04:11:08] and Western culture, and then this being broken down
[04:11:12] with, you know, the raw value of hedonism.
[04:11:15] But like, who cares about that?
[04:11:17] It's not cool. It's not it doesn't it doesn't reveal anything. I think fantasy stories are at their best
[04:11:23] When they use a fantastical world to tell a story that's extremely human
[04:11:29] And I think that Lord of the Rings does that really well
[04:11:32] I think Game of Thrones does that really well and I think that almost every single fantasy story does that really well
[04:11:39] Fantasy stories are never really about killing the dragon the fantasy journey fantasy stories about or make making the heroes
[04:11:46] journey and the dragon is the metaphor of the hero's journey and people forget that and they start
[04:11:53] thinking too much about the dragon. It's not about the dragon, it's about what the dragon represents
[04:12:01] and it's again people that don't know I don't think that they have they're not very good at writing
[04:12:06] I don't think they're they're good at making characters the characters aren't interesting
[04:12:10] they're not cool. Freerun is a great example, right? It's crazy for me to watch Freerun
[04:12:22] and then watch a number of other anime. I'm not going to list off all the ones that I think are
[04:12:27] mediocre, right? But I've watched a number of other anime recently, and it's amazing that
[04:12:33] not even once with Freerun did I even think about losing interest in the show,
[04:12:37] even though so much less was happening.
[04:12:43] It all feels commercialized.
[04:12:44] It's just very, like, it's like vapid and mediocre.
[04:12:50] Thruin's allowed to be powerful.
[04:12:51] Yeah.
[04:12:59] Yeah, first couple of episodes are boring.
[04:13:00] Well, I don't know.
[04:13:01] I didn't like it.
[04:13:02] Yeah, JoJo was peak.
[04:13:03] Yeah, I wasn't looking at my phone at JoJo, right?
[04:13:06] And I think that's just all it comes down to
[04:13:08] is the content just simply isn't cool.
[04:13:12] Straight up.
[04:13:13] And if you want me to be totally honest,
[04:13:15] I think the problem there is that the people that are writing it aren't that cool either.
[04:13:21] I think they're not that cool.
[04:13:23] They're not that interesting.
[04:13:25] And they can't translate that into any sort of a cool story.
[04:13:31] That's straight up what it is.
[04:13:37] That's that's what I think.
[04:13:38] I think they're not interesting.
[04:13:40] They're not cool.
[04:13:41] They're not imaginative.
[04:13:42] They don't have like any edge to them.
[04:13:45] And their writing is just flat straight up.
[04:13:51] I do think it matters.
[04:13:56] So yeah, that's what I think.
[04:13:58] Bunch of dorks riding dorks.
[04:14:09] I figured I would watch this for no particular reason.
[04:14:18] Yeah, just no particular reason at all.
[04:14:30] Hey, welcome back.
[04:14:32] Whoa, I'm tired.
[04:14:34] You ever want to lay down all day
[04:14:35] while consuming as much entertainment as possible
[04:14:37] so you could attract yourself from life,
[04:14:40] letting some sort of weird human baby or a human
[04:14:43] turn into a worm?
[04:14:44] It's really easier to do nothing compared to dealing with all your grown-up responsibilities.
[04:14:48] No one told me about taxes, bills every month, the tedious task of thinking of what to eat
[04:14:53] every single day for the rest of my life.
[04:14:55] She should probably problem solved. I just answered it.
[04:14:58] The guy, just be a baby again.
[04:15:01] Unfortunately, that's not a possibility for the majority of us
[04:15:04] until we can figure out how to Benjamin Button ourselves.
[04:15:06] That's the best thing.
[04:15:07] It's bed rotting, eh?
[04:15:08] We're told that if we embrace hustle culture, we're really hard,
[04:15:12] then we can achieve our dreams.
[04:15:13] The amount of effort you put into your career,
[04:15:15] the more well-off you'll be during retirement age.
[04:15:17] Of course.
[04:15:17] Your future is created by what you do today.
[04:15:21] I'm the president of some country.
[04:15:23] So why me have that?
[04:15:24] Which, by the way, is true.
[04:15:27] Like, I know people like to meme on hustle culture
[04:15:29] and say that it's stupid.
[04:15:31] But yeah, working hard and working out and eating
[04:15:35] healthy and trying hard at your job
[04:15:38] will result at a positive outcome at a higher ratio
[04:15:41] than not doing those things.
[04:15:43] Yeah. True.
[04:15:49] A major degree, but work as barista with no house or car.
[04:15:55] No, this is Patrick.
[04:15:57] Well, that's kind of the reality we live in now.
[04:15:59] The American dream has literally turned into something you can only see when you're dreaming.
[04:16:03] No matter how many hours you put into your career, how much you invest into your education,
[04:16:07] which ends up being a piece of paper and bank account jump scare, at least you're
[04:16:11] born wealthy or with a little bit of nepotism on your side, life's just one long slug
[04:16:15] fast and working until you're old and then. That's kind of soul-crushing. So taking the
[04:16:24] answer. I don't think that's entirely true. Like, I think that it's true for a lot of people,
[04:16:28] but for the people that I know that have that mentality in life, I think that if I look at
[04:16:34] what they've done in their life, it's a lot of nothing. Like, they really just didn't put in a
[04:16:41] a lot of work and effort into things or they aren't really like, like they're not hard
[04:16:46] workers. And that's it. It's not true. There's a lot of people that grow up and they come
[04:16:52] from, you know, maybe not the section eight housing, but they come from humble beginnings
[04:16:58] and they work hard and they have good jobs and they're successful. It happens very
[04:17:03] commonly. That doesn't happen all the time. And it doesn't guarantee it. But it certainly
[04:17:11] happens a lot more than not doing it. But I can see where people come from, right? Because
[04:17:18] it's like, there are some people that see that and they're not getting the results
[04:17:22] that they want. Now is it their fault or not? At the end of the day, it doesn't
[04:17:26] really matter from their perspective because if they feel like they're not getting the
[04:17:29] results they want, then they start losing interest with reality.
[04:17:36] day off from time to time to rest and not think about a thousand things at once, helps
[04:17:40] us avoid burning out.
[04:17:41] The best feeling is working really hard, then taking one to two days off with your brain
[04:17:45] turned off to do nothing.
[04:17:46] Although bed rotting is a trendy activity we've been seeing, and compared to the day
[04:17:50] of self-care, you're in your room, laying in bed all day, except you're not sleeping
[04:17:54] but doing passive activities to avoid life, like scrolling on your phone, watching movies,
[04:17:58] counting the pores on the ceiling.
[04:17:59] Think of it as stress inducing procrastination, where instead of relaxing out of a spa,
[04:18:04] are closing your eyes so you don't notice that the building is actually on fire.
[04:18:08] You can find a lot of content from Gen Z and Millennials sharing their bedroiding experiences,
[04:18:13] either for Cloud and View since it's trendy to do so, or to connect with others who are
[04:18:17] going-
[04:18:18] What is the trend?
[04:18:19] This is how it can look.
[04:18:20] Yeah, that's about right.
[04:18:23] I mean, she's still pretty young, probably this got this here, because like look at
[04:18:26] all these pencils and shit, right?
[04:18:28] So she's probably in school or some shit?
[04:18:30] I think there's something similar.
[04:18:33] There's been a shift in the public sentiment from this being a quirky activity to, this
[04:18:38] isn't good.
[04:18:39] It depends on the severity.
[04:18:40] A little bit of bed rotting can just be someone taking time off.
[04:18:43] But extreme levels can be linked with someone who's mentally unwell.
[04:18:46] Especially when you see rooms that don't have floors anymore.
[04:18:49] Who would do that?
[04:18:51] Who would possibly do it?
[04:18:52] Wow!
[04:18:53] This is so bad.
[04:18:56] With so much junk.
[04:18:57] And the bowls and dishes with old food in them started making their own clothes to
[04:19:00] wear.
[04:19:01] is a trend where you just kind of enjoy the time that you have in your bed.
[04:19:05] You can see this person right here on TikTok who made a video about their trend.
[04:19:08] They have cups laying around their rooms just filled with mold because they're just bed rotting.
[04:19:13] All of these cups, chick-fil-a containers, all of this stuff has just been piling up
[04:19:17] because all they do is lay in their bed all day.
[04:19:20] I know we should eat mold, but why I look like I kind of want to eat it,
[04:19:24] we shouldn't be glamorizing this behavior. So I'd focus on curbing it instead by
[04:19:28] sharing tips or showing our progress when we finally decide to clean our rooms.
[04:19:31] Here's what you're gonna do if you've already rotted half the day away
[04:19:35] and you kind of regret it. So that was a little taste of bed rotting in the west.
[04:19:38] Now in Asia, see for me like I I have a lot of days where I do that.
[04:19:45] I do and like I will have days where it's like it's like a vacation. I take a vacation from
[04:19:52] life. Like, I don't call anybody. I don't answer anybody's calls. I can't do this as much anymore.
[04:20:02] And I think that it's had a negative effect on my psyche, too. Like, back before I had as many
[04:20:08] responsibilities as I do now, I actually had a lot of cases where I would be able to spend,
[04:20:14] like, a week or a few days away from other people, and I would come back a better person.
[04:20:19] Because I just can't be around people that much. It makes me insane. It makes me
[04:20:26] psychotic. Yeah, it must be nice. Yeah, and now it's way, way, way worse. And so for
[04:20:34] me, like, yeah, I think that like some of this is healthy, but it's like it's
[04:20:38] always, it's one of these things where it's always like self-indulgence is
[04:20:43] the problem, right? Where it's like you're doing it all the time, that's the
[04:20:46] issue. This isn't just a concerning phase anymore. A few cuts with moldy drink of them
[04:20:52] is nothing compared to the DIY hill you made in your own home, out of trash. I like sledding
[04:21:03] on a fluffy white hill as much as the next person, but this seems like a biohazard. There
[04:21:07] are two conduct creators from Japan that kept popping up on my timeline, quite the
[04:21:11] interesting following. The first one is Haritsu, an Indonesian college dropout living
[04:21:16] in Japan. We snow for cooking food that is well beyond its expiration date, eating it
[04:21:20] and somehow surviving. And we're not talking about a yogurt that's a few days past its
[04:21:24] best before date. I saw this man. Yeah, I've never really done this before. I'm very much
[04:21:30] the kind of guy that if something is out of date by one day, I will not eat it. Like
[04:21:38] this is the one thing that I actually am very, very specific about. Resident Evil
[04:21:44] looking rice from underneath this ink, give it a bath, then make it into a somewhat decent-looking dish.
[04:22:08] You would have never known how old and how unrefrigerated his ingredients were.
[04:22:12] This is a health inspector's nightmare. If they went inside his house, they would cry,
[04:22:16] steal him, and then shut down the kitchen. This isn't even a restaurant. At least he's not
[04:22:20] wasteful the second crater is she yeah it's not really so bad i mean like i i've seen people
[04:22:26] that eat nasty stuff like that before it it's like i've it's it's whatever because like you're gonna
[04:22:32] you're gonna heat up a lot of that and it's gonna burn off the mold etc and so yeah it's not that
[04:22:39] bad you made this trend man it's your fault um i do think that like i mean this girl's
[04:22:49] 1999, right? So that means that she's like 24 or something like that. So, yeah, I mean, I basically,
[04:23:00] I was doing that 25, yeah, either way. Yeah, yeah, no, definitely. Definitely some of these people
[04:23:08] could have grown up seeing me and Asmongold's layer and been like, wow, you're one of the first
[04:23:13] people to do this. Yeah, like I released Asmongold's layer when this girl was 11.
[04:23:27] and oh my god that's fucked up I could have done I could have done this
[04:23:45] kumatian daisuki 1999 who's infamous for living at a home covered in trash while sharing a small space with a lot of roommates
[04:23:56] sure times are tough and we got to do what we got to do but it's like more than a reasonable amount of people
[04:24:01] between all of them there's at least a thousand legs a thousand arms at the bugs
[04:24:05] Yeah, it's our bugs.
[04:24:07] It's not a big deal, but...
[04:24:09] It's too big to get scissors.
[04:24:11] Too big to get scissors.
[04:24:13] Too big to get scissors.
[04:24:15] Too big to get scissors.
[04:24:17] Damn, if all these unincorporated guests...
[04:24:25] No, not right now.
[04:24:29] Showed up in my home, I would have to put on a full production of stomp, or at least a K-pop fancam from Inki Gayo.
[04:24:35] Yeah.
[04:24:39] No fear of cockroaches is actually a pretty impressive skill to have.
[04:24:43] This lady, we have Asmongold, who's attracted to some-
[04:24:57] Oh boy, oh boy.
[04:25:00] Here we go.
[04:25:06] My videos.
[04:25:07] I have-
[04:25:08] I kinda feel like that roach that was in his house.
[04:25:09] Get him out of me.
[04:25:11] Where you going, bud?
[04:25:12] Get out of my-
[04:25:13] But wow, those multi-cups are basically
[04:25:16] a cute little garnish compared to living
[04:25:18] with 5,000 freeloading roommates that don't pay rent.
[04:25:21] At least they don't take them for hours.
[04:25:22] I had a spider that was in my kit.
[04:25:24] I was in my bathtub.
[04:25:26] And yeah, he's just there. I think that there's there's actually two of them. They were really big too. I took a picture of them
[04:25:36] It's like it's hard to really kind of show because like a bathtub
[04:25:40] It's like how big is the bathtub to like contextualize it, but it was about the size of
[04:25:49] This is perfect. It was this by the size of this
[04:25:57] Yeah
[04:25:58] Like legs included right legs included like spread out
[04:26:02] You know ready to go
[04:26:04] You kill them. Yeah. Yeah, I just smashed them. It's not a big deal. I
[04:26:09] Mean, it's just a spider like what the fuck's he gonna do
[04:26:13] Spiders are helpful. Yeah, that's what I thought but then there's a wasp like three days ago
[04:26:17] I had to cut him in half
[04:26:19] Like uh, yeah, like well where the fuck was he?
[04:26:23] but we had we had a good thing going here you know and then you fucked this up now
[04:26:29] there's a loss bro you had your chance yeah to come out yeah no well what I do
[04:26:35] with the spiders is that I try to kill them but if the spider gets away one
[04:26:40] time I let the spider live because I feel like he's he's passed you know a
[04:26:47] room because they sleep on the walls that being said I'm not 100% sure of
[04:26:55] this content is made by people who are actually going through something, or if it's manufactured
[04:26:59] for engagement and views.
[04:27:01] We'll look into how all these topics tie in with each other.
[04:27:03] Why is this letting your living space turn into a landfill phenomenon so much more severe
[04:27:07] in Asia?
[04:27:08] Well, let's talk about their work culture and how intense it can be compared to our
[04:27:11] silly little corporate errands and elite employee bosses.
[04:27:17] In China, the belief is that the harder you work, the more you'll pay off.
[04:27:20] You put in 40 years of working really hard, and the fruits of your labor should
[04:27:23] show that. Which was true many decades ago when the economy was thriving. There wasn't
[04:27:27] as much competition in the market. You could buy home, car, purse, family, working the same
[04:27:32] job for your entire life. Now, you'd be lucky to even afford one of these things. The 996
[04:27:37] culture became a normal way of living, where you work from 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week,
[04:27:42] putting in your 40 hours a week as a child's play compared to this. You're expected
[04:27:46] to live this way if you want to be successful. If you don't want to conform though,
[04:27:49] That's totally fine.
[04:27:50] Someone else that's younger and less tired will take your personal RV.
[04:27:54] The Asian workforce is so competitive.
[04:27:56] Triggers and outrage netizens say jail is better than work.
[04:28:00] Yep, there it is.
[04:28:01] I mean, for me, like, no, what about mosquitoes?
[04:28:04] Oh, um, I swear to God, I know people might not believe this, but I've seen mosquitoes
[04:28:17] bite me and die.
[04:28:23] just straight up like I've seen them just like bite me they've fallen around after like 10 minutes
[04:28:32] the mosquito dies and so see another doctor yeah yeah and uh I don't know I don't know what are this
[04:28:47] and encourage their employees to reveal their punchin hours like a badge of honor
[04:28:51] whoever is the most overworked gets the praise if you're working the minimum amount of hours
[04:28:56] required while having a healthy work-life balance. Boo! Well, putting it over time.
[04:29:00] Sounds like a loser to me. What I'm doing! This expectation that you need to dedicate your
[04:29:04] entire life to work for a mediocre life is causing younger generations to realize,
[04:29:10] bruh, this sucks. It's like- Well, this is always the way it was. Like peasants would have this
[04:29:14] happen back into 1500s, except for instead of retiring, the Lord would constip them to
[04:29:22] go to war against the other Lord that they had like a disagreement like five years ago.
[04:29:29] And so then they just kill each other. And that's about it. Like this is it's actually
[04:29:33] always been like this. It has been yeah. And like that's like yeah. And like then or maybe
[04:29:39] they just decide to kill you because you know why not. Yeah. A few little times are the
[04:29:45] best. Well yeah you do you need a war. No no I mean you could figure out other
[04:29:49] reasons to kill people. You didn't just need a war. But yeah.
[04:29:54] Watching the starry eyed graduate who was excited to join the workforce turn into the
[04:30:01] bitter jaded employee who's ready to retire in the span of five years instead of fifty
[04:30:05] years. You know what you get after working fifty years for a company nowadays? An email.
[04:30:10] Fifty years. Seven eleven.
[04:30:15] In two less than twenty-two a term called by land started trending in Chinese online
[04:30:19] gaming communities, which translates to laying flat and lowering one's goals, basically saying
[04:30:24] no thanks, I think I'll pass on this crazy work lifestyle. There's a lot of talented
[04:30:27] hardworking people out there who want to make their career the main focus of their lives,
[04:30:31] but not everyone has to live like that, right? What's the point in working so hard if we're
[04:30:35] going to stress ourselves out until we develop health issues? We're still going to be
[04:30:38] scraping the bottom of the barrel while the rich get even richer.
[04:30:41] This is I think the reason why people are upset about it. It's because like I work pretty
[04:30:46] like I work pretty often too, right? I don't really take days off of streaming.
[04:30:50] Like for example, like after I do my stream today, like I have to like go grocery shopping and at the
[04:30:56] same time I'm grocery shopping, I also have to be part of a meeting. And after that meeting,
[04:31:01] I have to do another meeting after that with somebody else for something separate.
[04:31:04] And then after that, I'll probably call my dad and check in with him and see if he's good.
[04:31:08] And this is something that I do every single day. But the difference is that I feel like
[04:31:13] one of the big differences for me is that number one, I'm doing a lot of it on my own time.
[04:31:18] And like, for example, I don't have to drive somewhere. I can do what I want to do, you know,
[04:31:25] like for the most part, like whenever I want to do it. And also, I'm making a lot of money from it
[04:31:31] too. And so, there's like a freedom that it provides me now that that freedom isn't really
[04:31:37] as important anymore, because I've already kind of like hit that threshold. But, you know,
[04:31:43] know, for me, I think it's about people. A big thing I think is
[04:31:49] it's about that the time worked as a big factor. But I think
[04:31:52] what is an equal factor for a lot of people is the fact that
[04:31:55] they don't really feel like they're getting any value out of
[04:31:58] the time that they're working. Like they're not get like
[04:32:01] they're, they're putting in I think that's how burnout
[04:32:03] happens burnout doesn't happen from working a lot. Burnout
[04:32:07] happens from working a lot and getting a little
[04:32:11] so doing just enough to get by might be a better option
[04:32:14] some and there's less risk of getting burnt out. Basically keep your expectations low for
[04:32:18] everything you're doing. Japan also has a similar working culture. It's based on intense commitment,
[04:32:23] ethics, and extreme dedication to the company you're working for. If you're just starting out in the
[04:32:27] workforce, they have a strict hierarchy system you need to follow. If the boss says, put on a
[04:32:32] furry suit and start serving your country, then you better start learning that K-pop choreo ASAP.
[04:32:37] Also, I think I'm going through a phase right now. There have been one too many furry
[04:32:41] references in my videos recently. You also need to show your team.
[04:32:44] No, it's not his fault. Like, there's too many furries in general. Furries are getting
[04:32:48] too popular. People people people getting too cavalier with this furry shit. I'll tell
[04:32:53] you that.
[04:32:54] By drinking with your coworkers every night. How does that show your team player? Well,
[04:32:58] it's all about tradition and conformity. If you're the only one people, some people
[04:33:02] is like, oh, band of people saying work to discredit your work in the streamer.
[04:33:05] It's not relevant to me whether somebody says that what I'm saying is what I
[04:33:09] I do is work or not. It's not important to me. Like I don't
[04:33:12] need anybody else's validation for like whether my job is
[04:33:15] hard or easy or whether what I'm doing is actual work or work.
[04:33:20] If I had if I needed to, if my idea of a job was breaking into
[04:33:26] people's cars and stealing all their stuff out of their car
[04:33:28] and then selling it. And I made as much money and I could
[04:33:32] get away I just do that. Like I don't have any ego about
[04:33:36] this, like, I don't care. I just am doing whatever I can to
[04:33:40] make money. Like, I just yeah, I don't care about like, Oh, the
[04:33:47] value of the work and like what this is doing for the world,
[04:33:50] like I don't give a fuck about why I don't care about that.
[04:33:53] Never cared about that. So like about like it all being a job
[04:33:58] and like, Oh, well, it's like, this is the, you know, you
[04:34:01] have to justify it. It's like, Oh, why am I'm really
[04:34:04] working? Like, I don't care about that at all. Yeah,
[04:34:08] That's that's that never like I've just never understood it
[04:34:14] Sociopathic what it's not really being sociopathic. It's like just that
[04:34:18] Like if there would be an easier way to do something that I would want to do then I would do it
[04:34:22] I mean that that's it's really it. I mean, it's not like a lot of
[04:34:33] There's not really a lot of like there's not a lot of thinking beyond that, right? Yeah, that's it
[04:34:38] The points to make money. Yeah, like I just want the money like whatever gets the money. I just do that
[04:34:44] goes home. Yeah. And forget about sleep. You might be able to sneak in a quick nap on
[04:34:54] the subway right home before you need to show for your shift. But hey, that's the culture.
[04:34:58] Did I also mention that Japan has the highest levels of working hours in the world where
[04:35:03] employees can average 80 hours of unpaid overtime per month. The anime Zom won a day. It's a
[04:35:08] really great job at showcasing this lifestyle in their first episode. All this pressure from
[04:35:12] work, school, and family to fit into your expected societal role. You can see why this
[04:35:16] This bleak overview of the future is causing younger generations to be disturbed.
[04:35:20] Yeah, they say, fuck that, why would I want to do that?
[04:35:23] Which has given rise to people adopting a neat lifestyle, not as in a clear person, but as
[04:35:28] a not in education, employment or training person.
[04:35:32] I did this for as long as I could.
[04:35:34] This was great.
[04:35:35] I was so happy being a neat, like I was so happy.
[04:35:41] It was great.
[04:35:45] It was so, so good, bro.
[04:35:48] Like, why are people defensive about that too?
[04:35:51] Well, I mean, look, it's everybody.
[04:35:53] People, a lot of people are defensive about the idea of,
[04:35:57] like, they're defensive about the idea of,
[04:36:02] like, what they're doing mattering.
[04:36:05] And I understand why.
[04:36:06] I get why.
[04:36:07] It's just not something that I feel.
[04:36:09] Like, I just don't feel that way.
[04:36:14] Long-term goals here, just surviving through each day
[04:36:16] by doing the bare minimum.
[04:36:17] As long as you have food, housing, and entertainment,
[04:36:20] And then you're solid. A more intense form of the neat lifestyle is a hikikomori, which
[04:36:24] is a Japanese word that translates to pulling inward, being confined. This is where you would
[04:36:28] draw yourself from society.
[04:36:30] Were you inward like inside yourself, not inward like Twitter? Yeah, I basically never
[04:36:41] leave your home. This correct as loners are modern day hermits. It usually consists
[04:36:45] of people in their 20s.
[04:36:46] This is basically me. Yeah, pretty much.
[04:36:49] Still late 30s who are still living with their parents and rely on their support.
[04:36:53] If you can't, there's said to be at least half a million of people worried.
[04:36:56] It's not that the numbers can be doubled that because so many of them go uncounted.
[04:37:00] Most are man 15 to 39.
[04:37:02] Yeah, it's mostly guys.
[04:37:04] This guy right here, his favorite game is definitely Honkai Star Rail or Fate Grand Order.
[04:37:11] Absolutely.
[04:37:13] Yeah, this is, this is the, yeah, Nikkei.
[04:37:16] Yeah, there you go.
[04:37:19] I first believe that it's a conditioned cause by traumatic experiences or shame or grief.
[04:37:24] Could the pressures of Asia?
[04:37:25] it's not even that. It's that people grow up being losers. They're not accepted by people in school.
[04:37:32] They're ugly. They don't really feel like they're part of culture. They don't fit in.
[04:37:38] And then people don't like them. And then they disconnect from society slowly. And then before
[04:37:44] you know it, that's where they're at. That's traumatic experience. Well, you could say it's
[04:37:48] traumatic, but like what I'm saying is that it's not like you had one bad experience and then
[04:37:54] everything changed. I think that like you're right, but it's like basically death of a thousand cuts.
[04:38:02] Like that's kind of the way that I'm seeing it, right? It's not like there's like one situation
[04:38:07] where it happens. It's something that happens over like a long term, like percentage of time.
[04:38:18] Societies be the root cause of these content creators posting their screenshot styles online.
[04:38:23] Maybe that's just a theory of moldy rice cooker theory speaking of food
[04:38:28] That would definitely shave off years of a regular person's life
[04:38:31] I think that one of the reasons why a lot of people do it like for me one of the reasons why I
[04:38:37] Didn't really have a problem sharing my lifestyle whenever I was a lot younger and I first started doing this like I
[04:38:43] Don't know anybody that was really doing it before I was doing it. Maybe I'm sure there were it just wasn't as
[04:38:48] as like known
[04:38:50] Is the reason why is that?
[04:38:53] I really didn't like how much like shame was in the culture that we had and I just didn't like how
[04:39:02] I I I I would always get shamed a lot for doing or saying or thinking different things
[04:39:08] and I always really just like never really understood being ashamed of something
[04:39:14] and I know this might sound really bad but I've never felt any shame for anything bad that I
[04:39:20] I think that I've ever done in a genuine way.
[04:39:24] Even if it's something bad that I did to somebody,
[04:39:27] I just don't even think about it, right?
[04:39:30] And so I think really like expressing yourself
[04:39:35] and being able to own who you are
[04:39:37] is something that's like the only thing
[04:39:39] that you can do at a certain point
[04:39:42] because if you feel like you've been isolated
[04:39:45] and alienated away from culture
[04:39:47] as much as you can, as much as possible,
[04:39:50] then eventually you just decide to yourself,
[04:39:53] I'm no longer gonna keep playing this game, right?
[04:39:57] I don't wanna keep trying to be this person.
[04:40:00] I don't wanna keep trying to appeal to people
[04:40:02] that aren't going to like me.
[04:40:04] And I'm just gonna be myself
[04:40:06] and it's kind of a bad version of myself,
[04:40:09] but it's still who I am, right?
[04:40:13] And yeah, you can't lose if you don't play.
[04:40:16] No empathy?
[04:40:17] Do I have empathy for people?
[04:40:20] I think so. A lot of the way that I feel about things and the way that people think, I don't know.
[04:40:34] I think this is revealing a bit too much of my internal power level. It's probably something I
[04:40:40] shouldn't really say a lot of. But whenever I was a little kid, I would have my mom read to me
[04:40:47] like all of the like the Bible like the rules in the Bible because I just didn't really understand why
[04:40:54] people didn't like certain things or why certain things were bad and I knew that like I needed to
[04:41:01] learn this in a way that made sense because I had like situations in like yeah I had to
[04:41:08] learn the terms of service because it wasn't and this is why I don't make a lot of comments on
[04:41:12] on moral issues, right?
[04:41:14] It's because I have a moral compass.
[04:41:18] It just doesn't point north.
[04:41:20] And so when I think of something's morality,
[04:41:25] I don't think about it the way that other,
[04:41:27] I think normal people think about it.
[04:41:30] And so I learned that about myself pretty early on.
[04:41:33] And that's why I would want her
[04:41:36] to like explain everything to me
[04:41:38] because I could see like in school I would have it happen.
[04:41:41] And so like I really only understand a lot of like, you know, sympathy and like
[04:41:45] emotions or like morals or like empathy with people.
[04:41:48] I understand it through like a through a lens, right?
[04:41:52] It's not like intuitive to me in a way, but I can, I, I, I'm very,
[04:41:57] basically I'm very good at faking it.
[04:41:58] I'm very good at faking it.
[04:41:59] And I'm very good at like intellectualizing it to the point where I can,
[04:42:03] I can intuit it in most of the time, most of the time I can intuit it.
[04:42:09] But when things become very more morally based
[04:42:13] That's when I usually don't like making comments on them because I I feel like I almost always make a mistake
[04:42:19] I always say something that's like wrong. I
[04:42:24] Don't know like that's that's kind of the that that's the way that I would explain it in the best way
[04:42:29] Either this guy has the strongest immune system in the world or the soap he uses to wash his food can eliminate
[04:42:40] Every single disease on the planet. He's probably taking a rice that's half food
[04:42:43] food half a living organism and turning it back to normal by giving it a bath.
[04:43:09] You put soap in there? Is that soap?
[04:43:13] This looks good.
[04:43:18] Yeah.
[04:43:23] It's done. Looks good.
[04:43:26] Other than committing multiple health code violations, he's a very decent cook.
[04:43:30] It's no Michelin star meal, but watching him turn expired food in two ways.
[04:43:34] I've watched plenty of crackheads that live in trailers do this exact same stuff here in the US.
[04:43:40] It's nothing really special.
[04:43:42] Yeah, I see that it's I've seen plenty of crackheads do that edible ish. Yeah
[04:43:51] That's not so good. I was curious after watching so many of this take talks
[04:43:56] Can you actually wash away mold from your food eat it and not get sick? Yeah?
[04:44:00] I say it depends, but usually no what was he so it's like yeah
[04:44:20] They recommend not doing it, but you can just cut off a bigger amount of it, and it's okay
[04:44:27] Yeah, what they're saying is like the mold has expanded beyond what's visibly like what's visible
[04:44:35] but if you cut off more of it it'll be okay. Yeah, it's fine because I mean like my mom would do
[04:44:43] that all the time. I thought it was disgusting but she would do it and she never gets sick.
[04:44:48] He's never gone sick from doing this. Yeah. Do you ever get sick? I never get sick. Even I
[04:44:53] I find it hard to believe that I've never even had
[04:44:56] that because of the food I eat.
[04:44:57] Especially during my first year on TikTok,
[04:44:59] I was not that popular.
[04:45:00] So all I could afford to eat was the rotten food.
[04:45:03] But yeah, I think I am freakishly healthier
[04:45:05] than normal people, or maybe I'm just used to it by now.
[04:45:07] Damn.
[04:45:08] I think a lot of people just get used to it.
[04:45:09] Their body is adapted to it
[04:45:11] and they don't have that type of,
[04:45:14] they don't have that type of issue, right?
[04:45:16] It's like that one guy who would smoke cigarettes
[04:45:19] and eat dead porcupines in like never shower.
[04:45:23] And he lived to like 84 or like 94 or something like that.
[04:45:27] And then they had him take a shower and he died.
[04:45:30] So yeah, no, you, not yet.
[04:45:33] And Urshild, yeah, no, it's just a human body evolves
[04:45:38] to adapt to these things.
[04:45:39] That's just what's normal.
[04:45:42] I should've eaten more dirt when I was a kid.
[04:45:43] He might roast himself on so much bacteria
[04:45:46] that he's turned into a walking cold effects pill.
[04:45:48] Look at him, not believing in storage containers,
[04:45:50] utensils and proper cooking services.
[04:46:07] I don't even know what that is.
[04:46:13] Yeah.
[04:46:22] Oh!
[04:46:24] Just a little seasoning from the bed for some flavor.
[04:46:26] I know the microwave has a built-in plate, but you've got a regular plate right there.
[04:46:31] I'm also showing the least scary parts of this TikToks.
[04:46:33] Yeah.
[04:46:34] foodie scrunches up looks like it came from a nightmare.
[04:46:37] Okay, if you don't think about what these ingredients look like before, he made a slightly
[04:46:41] upgraded lunchable pizza.
[04:46:43] That's pretty good.
[04:46:45] I can't see.
[04:46:47] Yeah, I need that.
[04:46:48] That's fine.
[04:46:50] Ugh.
[04:46:52] That can be an ass.
[04:46:54] Yeah.
[04:46:55] After doing this for some time, he's built up a confluence that's let him move into
[04:46:58] a bigger and cleaner living space.
[04:47:00] This is a literally rags and mold to Rich's story.
[04:47:03] How do you feel about your content now?
[04:47:04] I started TikTok at the rock bottom of my life.
[04:47:07] That time I felt like I couldn't do anything right.
[04:47:09] Like my life was just going to be a waste.
[04:47:11] But I'm glad I started my TikTok in Japan.
[04:47:13] People are warm there and they supported my content
[04:47:15] from the very beginning.
[04:47:16] Now I have more friends and I am happy in my life.
[04:47:18] Do you wish to continue making these videos?
[04:47:20] Yeah, because this is my brand now.
[04:47:22] And I like doing it, not just for the content,
[04:47:24] but because I genuinely like it.
[04:47:26] Even now when I can afford nice food,
[04:47:28] I still wish to continue eating rotten food.
[04:47:31] Yeah.
[04:47:32] Anyways, a comb as a spoon-
[04:47:34] Well, I feel like it's doing it good for him.
[04:47:36] Yeah, how about that? Good for him.
[04:47:38] Is wild.
[04:47:39] We have a strange fascination with observing people at their worst
[04:47:42] and then rooting for them to get better.
[04:47:44] The other content creator who I mentioned
[04:47:46] who is also in a similar living situation as Huritsu
[04:47:48] also has a comb.
[04:47:50] Here's her reviewing which type of flower
[04:47:52] is the best type of dry shampoo for unwashed hair.
[04:47:55] Let's cancel.
[04:47:59] This is the cancel time.
[04:48:03] There's a mistake to use dry shampoo.
[04:48:09] Your body is not meant to have dry shampoo on it.
[04:48:15] And so what you need to do is, what do you call it?
[04:48:20] You just stop doing everything with your hair and your body will naturally make that stuff
[04:48:27] go away.
[04:48:29] I stopped showering completely for three and a half months and it was one of the best decisions
[04:48:34] I've ever made.
[04:48:37] It was.
[04:48:38] It really was probably one of the best jobs I've ever made at all and it improved my
[04:48:43] hair problems massively and it causes baldness.
[04:48:47] No it didn't.
[04:48:48] I was already going bald before then and yeah and no I don't smell bad.
[04:48:54] I mean I don't like I don't know like if somebody is like people are talking shit
[04:48:57] I do not smell bad.
[04:49:00] Like the smelling like dust or whatever.
[04:49:03] I don't smell like dust.
[04:49:05] There might be something I'm wearing that smells like dust, but I don't.
[04:49:09] I tell you that I definitely don't.
[04:49:11] No fucking shot.
[04:49:12] How's your sense of smell?
[04:49:15] I can only smell dead animals.
[04:49:20] That's the only and I some some types of poison.
[04:49:28] Um, yeah, that's about it.
[04:49:32] Yeah, you should never use dry shampoo on your hair because your body is meant to be a
[04:49:39] It's like a self-correcting machine
[04:49:43] It's like you don't want to put water on your PC to cool it down. Just let the fan do its job
[04:49:58] Yeah, that doesn't matter. None of this matters. This is all stupid. Yeah, this is this is stupid
[04:50:10] it won't it won't change anything won't matter I will say she's that yeah I'll
[04:50:23] tell you guys this right like I'm trying to think about
[04:50:29] asmongold steak and eggs I'm trying to see if I can find the point where I
[04:50:37] Wasn't showering at all
[04:50:40] for like
[04:50:44] Such a long time. I think it was about here. I could be wrong
[04:51:00] Let me see if there's a zoom in of me
[04:51:05] Look at that
[04:51:11] Literally no problems
[04:51:14] Nothing at all. It totally went away. Yep. I didn't have any problems anything like that
[04:51:24] that is clean? Yep. Totally fucking clean. Your hair went away too. It was already gone.
[04:51:33] You're actually in all form? Yeah. I was recalibrating. That's what it was.
[04:51:42] It's actually a better cook compared to the previous jump scares we saw. Plus, the ingredients
[04:51:53] she uses are not moldy or scary looking. Thank God, the bare minimum. This pasta looks
[04:51:58] pretty appetizing. I would eat it if it was served to me. Although, can I take
[04:52:03] my food to go there are one too many cooks in this kitchen and they keep coming towards
[04:52:08] my food it's making me nervous I've eaten bugs in my food before it doesn't really matter
[04:52:15] people act like it's a big deal people eat bugs normally like they eat bugs in india
[04:52:22] all the time it's not like if you eat a bug you're gonna die
[04:52:28] Sorry, I couldn't concentrate on my food because I had to keep an eye out for bugs wandering
[04:52:55] into the pot, which surprisingly didn't even notice the fresh food being cooked right
[04:52:59] in front of them.
[04:53:00] They went in every direction that was in the food.
[04:53:02] that a collab with Haritsu would bring back the buponic plague? Or would it actually create
[04:53:07] super evolved white blood cells? Her videos are a weird combination of calming and anxiety inducing.
[04:53:12] It's like if you took a cooking ASMR video and green screened it into a unlivable home.
[04:53:19] Yeah, this is the video that people were posting a lot on Twitter.
[04:53:23] Every time there's like a insane person like this, I always get tagged a lot in these types
[04:53:30] of videos. Let's see, do you even see a part of food the ingredients have? Yeah, no it's not that big of a deal.
[04:53:37] Even the FDA allows a certain amount of bugs in products. Yeah, like get a 20 pound bag of sugar
[04:53:42] you're probably gonna find a bug in that bag.
[04:54:05] I want to eat curry.
[04:54:07] So I'm going to go to the side of the village to see the people, to see the people.
[04:54:12] See, this is the real thing that really is confusing to me about this, is that I've had a lot of bugs and rats in my room,
[04:54:21] and this is why I don't understand her situation, is because whenever I have bugs and rats, they eat my clothes,
[04:54:30] because there's like not a lot of other like food.
[04:54:35] Maybe she leaves enough food out
[04:54:36] to where like that doesn't happen,
[04:54:39] but like they'll eat my clothes
[04:54:40] and I'll have like holes in my clothes
[04:54:42] and stuff like that from like rats
[04:54:44] and bugs eating them out.
[04:54:46] And like that's why I like is like,
[04:54:51] she's not like, does she have that problem or not?
[04:54:54] I don't know.
[04:54:57] Those are just American bugs.
[04:54:58] You think the American bugs are fatter
[04:54:59] so they eat more food.
[04:55:04] That's like your own sweat.
[04:55:06] Yeah, exactly. And it's not even just sweat, it's like, well they'll eat the dead skin off of the, what do you call it, off of the clothes, and then they'll eat the clothes in the process, right?
[04:55:21] Because they'd be like, yeah, you put this oil, yeah.
[04:55:30] That's I don't understand.
[04:55:34] I'm assuming she's used to living like this. There's not a hint of fear in her voice.
[04:55:37] And does this pod also have bunk repelling force field properties built into it?
[04:55:42] What the heck? Kind of advanced products are Japanese people making.
[04:55:45] She's also gained a cult following herself, whether it's...
[04:55:47] There's a lot of people that watch her.
[04:55:50] Yeah, look at this. Well, good for her.
[04:55:54] I should watch this myself.
[04:55:56] The audience reaction based on the comments is usually confused, scared, worried
[04:56:01] and fascinated since her demeanor doesn't really match her lifestyle.
[04:56:04] I think the branch she's going for is a subculture in Japan
[04:56:07] called G.R.I.K., or landmine style, an aesthetic that combines cute feminine gothic fashion
[04:56:12] with someone who is on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Some people...
[04:56:16] That's called a female streamer. That's crazy.
[04:56:25] ...we wear the fashion, while others embrace the entire lifestyle.
[04:56:28] She did her own cosplay of landmine style makeup. I think it might be a parody, but I'm not sure.
[04:56:34] After watching a bunch of her content, I'm starting to wonder if this is actually real
[04:56:50] or some kind of social experiment.
[04:56:52] I used Google Translate to read her bios and captions since it's all in Japanese.
[04:56:56] So I think that it's usually like so there's probably a bit of both where it's like there's
[04:57:03] probably some degree of realism but there's also some degree of goofism where it's like you have
[04:57:10] like some of it is true some of it's not true it's a bit of both right like that's kind of what
[04:57:16] I'm expecting right that's more of what I'm expecting than anything else is like they're
[04:57:22] like kind of going in that middle ground it's exaggeration yeah playing into it some more to
[04:57:29] yourself. Yeah, I mean to an extent, right? And shock and
[04:57:35] offer likes, yeah, yeah, like most streamers, like I'll play
[04:57:38] things up a little bit. But there's also other things that
[04:57:42] are like, for example, inside of like all my doors, there's
[04:57:47] like holes in my doors that under sorry, underneath my
[04:57:51] doors, where like rats will like dig in to get out from like
[04:57:55] underneath the doors, like for like my bedroom because there'd be like rats trapped in my room
[04:58:02] and then they'd like you know uh they'd be stuck in there so they can like get in and out of my room
[04:58:06] even with the door closed. So like there's some stuff that you don't fake and there's other
[04:58:12] things that you do fake right like I like you can't really fake I mean I guess you could fake that
[04:58:18] but like it's something that you wouldn't even and this is the thing right is like you wouldn't
[04:58:23] even think of that. And I think that this is why, like for me, if you have me evaluate this stuff,
[04:58:30] I can tell you how much of it is real and how much isn't. Can I chew through metal?
[04:58:36] Not really. No. I mean, like a raccoon can, but not a mouse. I mean, and it's like, it's always
[04:58:43] like a matter of time. Like over time, they probably could, but not really.
[04:58:49] I think this is broken English with a grain of salt.
[04:58:57] Concurrent viewership is number one in Japan.
[04:59:00] The most entertaining and genius streamer in Japan.
[04:59:02] Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
[04:59:04] Legal action taken.
[04:59:05] There are even comments questioning if she actually lives in this house.
[04:59:08] First of all, how would you even sleep?
[04:59:10] Second, do bugs need sleep?
[04:59:12] It's hard to say for sure if this is a cosplay of someone with a really strange
[04:59:15] lifestyle.
[04:59:16] If it is, then interesting.
[04:59:18] Well, it's easy to do that.
[04:59:21] So like a lot of people sleep like this if you're sleeping outside is you can just put
[04:59:26] a bug net over yourself and then sleep so the bugs don't bother you if you're like a
[04:59:31] light sleeper and then just put the blanket over yourself.
[04:59:34] That way you don't have a, what do you call it?
[04:59:39] You don't have them waking you up.
[04:59:42] And also like, because this is another issue, that's OP, I didn't know that.
[04:59:45] Yeah, I used to sleep with my headphones on
[04:59:48] because like bugs can crawl in your ears
[04:59:51] and delay eggs in your ears.
[04:59:54] And so like that's another thing.
[04:59:56] That's why, like that's one of the reasons why,
[04:59:58] like anytime that you'll ever see me,
[05:00:00] even in videos where, and you'll notice this,
[05:00:03] if you look at like a lot of my old videos,
[05:00:05] I'm always wearing headphones.
[05:00:09] I don't know if you notice,
[05:00:09] I'm always wearing headphones all the time.
[05:00:16] You definitely have people curious
[05:00:17] about the character you're playing,
[05:00:18] But if she's actually going through something,
[05:00:20] is the audience that she's building
[05:00:22] enabling her unhealthy behavior?
[05:00:24] Of course they are.
[05:00:24] Or is this just a simulation?
[05:00:26] Or will this be another moldy rice to riches story?
[05:00:28] I'm gonna find this girl.
[05:00:29] No one should be thinking this is a lifestyle to strive for.
[05:00:32] A little bed rotting here and there in moderation
[05:00:34] is okay as long as you can pick yourself up afterwards.
[05:00:37] These extreme-
[05:00:38] Well, this is like, I think these people
[05:00:40] are like the version.
[05:00:41] It's like, this is the same version
[05:00:44] of like, Nicoto Avocado,
[05:00:46] where it's like, you can have like a fat girl
[05:00:48] that watches like even fatter girl eat more food than she is.
[05:00:53] So she feels better about the amount of food
[05:00:55] that she's eating.
[05:00:57] I think this is really what's happening, right?
[05:01:00] Mm-hmm, yeah, exactly.
[05:01:05] This is of gaining a following
[05:01:06] by living in a garbage house,
[05:01:08] are rare instances of someone getting famous
[05:01:10] by showcasing their bizarre lifestyle.
[05:01:12] When in reality, there are a lot of people struggling
[05:01:15] like this without the money and fame.
[05:01:16] It's very fascinating and I'm seated
[05:01:18] for some more plot development.
[05:01:19] Do these people end up cleaning their houses and getting their life together?
[05:01:23] Also wondering, is this the secret to turning your immune system into an impenetrable fortress?
[05:01:27] Cause how are they still up?
[05:01:29] If you're looking normal, I'm surprised they're not turning green, like a Sims or that green
[05:01:34] thing.
[05:01:35] Well you can look at me right?
[05:01:36] So I, as I said, you can see my skin, right?
[05:01:42] And like my hands, the skin, everything like that.
[05:01:46] Completely immaculate.
[05:01:47] Literally nothing at all.
[05:01:49] no blemishes, nothing whatsoever. I'm 34 years old.
[05:01:55] Not yet? Of course not yet. I mean, eventually everybody fucking dies and rots, right? I mean,
[05:02:00] what do you expect? So, I have no issue, right? And I also, so I learned that you needed
[05:02:13] to change your bed sheets in 2018. And it was at the end of 2018. And then I did it twice.
[05:02:24] And that was about it. And like I think also like I think I had COVID maybe like like a
[05:02:35] month ago, like I was thinking about it, I think I had I don't even I don't even really
[05:02:41] know. I'm not even, I was like coughing a little bit, but I'm not really sure. You killed COVID,
[05:02:52] yeah, maybe. Get it like once every two months, but I didn't even really notice it. And like whenever
[05:03:00] we go to conventions, like you know how everybody gets like convention fatigue and they get sick
[05:03:06] from conventions? And I think it's sick from all these big get-togethers? The Concrud, yeah.
[05:03:17] Isn't it crazy how like I'm always streaming the next day?
[05:03:23] Yeah.
[05:03:24] That's nice.
[05:03:27] How about that?
[05:03:31] Hey, from Wiccan.
[05:03:32] They must have plus 100 and poison resistance or something.
[05:03:35] Spending five minutes in any of these houses would have me feeling nausea,
[05:03:39] heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea.
[05:03:42] Hey, you'd be surprised.
[05:03:43] You know what else can prevent you from getting sick?
[05:03:46] The YouTube algorithm.
[05:03:47] Don't forget to give this video a like if you enjoyed the content to see more of my videos.
[05:03:51] You'll also get a plus two stat boost against germs, toxins, and the carnivaled disclaimer percentages can vary based on individual experiences.
[05:03:58] Have a good day. Try not to be dumb, man. See you in the next one.
[05:04:01] Yo, I'm gonna be honest, like, I don't think a lot of this is like really all that bad.
[05:04:07] Like, I mean, yeah, this girl is, I mean, she's definitely, I mean, she's pretty nuts. So right.
[05:04:14] I mean, she she's definitely a bit nuts. And I'm like, you just look at her and you can tell that.
[05:04:19] But at the same time, like, you might think that, like, there's a lot of ways that you can fix these problems that you might not really be able to predict or think about, like, unless you really know about them.
[05:04:35] So, like, for example, like the, like the, like the bug mat, right, you could just put one of those over yourself.
[05:04:44] Like those are very easy to do. You don't have to worry about bugs and you can use your blanket to kind of like keep it pressed down
[05:04:51] It's not really a big issue and then also it's not going to interfere with oxygen because there's holes through it
[05:04:57] But the holes aren't that small. It's not that big of a deal and
[05:05:03] Like let me think before
[05:05:05] Yeah, this is what's really confusing to me about this topic though is that whenever I've had a lot of bugs and
[05:05:12] and animals that have been living and where I'm at,
[05:05:17] what I've had happen is that they'll eat all of my clothes.
[05:05:21] I don't know, do I have any?
[05:05:23] I mean, I've probably thrown a lot of it away by now, right?
[05:05:27] But a lot of my clothes, there'll be holes
[05:05:29] and just massive holes in them,
[05:05:32] because the rats, and I didn't really bother
[05:05:37] worrying about it, because why would I worry
[05:05:39] about rats eating my clothes?
[05:05:41] because it would make the clothes breathe better, right?
[05:05:46] Because then they would have more airflow
[05:05:48] and it would look kind of cool, right?
[05:05:51] So I kind of would just let them eat the clothes anyway
[05:05:53] so it was fine.
[05:05:54] And there's a spectrum, right?
[05:05:58] Where it's like they eat so much of it
[05:05:59] and now it's like you can't wear the clothes anymore
[05:06:01] but you're gonna change clothes anyway.
[05:06:04] But for most of the clothes that I wear,
[05:06:05] like for example, like this shirt here,
[05:06:09] I've had this shirt ever since I remember I wore this to school in 9th grade and like
[05:06:15] there you go, everything's totally fine.
[05:06:18] So that's really the way that I've had it, yeah, I've had it for 20 years now, right?
[05:06:25] And so there's that, the girl on TikTok, yeah, I want to look at the girl, I want
[05:06:32] to see what the other videos are and see kind of what's going on with this.
[05:06:36] Let me go ahead, I'll put this and search it real quick, but I'll link you guys this
[05:06:41] video because like, yeah, I mean, it's what's really weird and fucked up about this is that
[05:06:47] I remember when I made my video, there's the video right there.
[05:06:51] These I love this guy's videos, by the way, he, this is, yeah, this is insane.
[05:06:57] I do not believe he's not sick, mold poisoning can show up in different symptoms, asthma,
[05:07:01] chronic fatigue, anxiety fatigue.
[05:07:03] So, you know, if he's in experiencing stomach issues such as nausea, doesn't mean he's in
[05:07:06] a slight degree of his illness, health, mold exposure can be extremely damaging, yeah, yeah,
[05:07:11] yeah, whatever.
[05:07:12] Anyway, so, let's go ahead and I'll look at the rest of these, okay?
[05:07:19] Is it a legend on this video?
[05:07:20] No, no, it's like if you, and this is what's kind of fucked up about it to me, is like
[05:07:24] if I look at my old videos and when this came out, like, let me see if I can find
[05:07:34] some old stuff, right? Current streaming set up, I think that's pretty clean overall. Like
[05:07:42] that's not really so bad. There's this one here, right? So this is from, I guess, Miss
[05:07:48] of Pandaria.
[05:07:49] I've been in my room for a while and I know it's a preview. I just kind of guess that's
[05:07:57] Dr. Pepper is the whole thing dude. I got a little
[05:08:00] It's looking pretty
[05:08:02] Good, uh, you know, I've got a pretty yeah, I've got this this area is not so clean
[05:08:07] But if you just look at it from this direction, that's good. I still have that's the gatorade bottle. I showed you guys a while ago
[05:08:14] Yeah, like I so I've got that gatorade bottle still
[05:08:18] and uh
[05:08:19] Like I have a windy scup from downstairs. It's from uh from yellow windies
[05:08:24] I actually have a yellow Windy's cup what's going on with these these windies things. Yeah, and this is from
[05:08:33] 2017
[05:08:37] And this is I remember this this is like this is that like seven in the morning because I had stayed up all night playing video games
[05:08:51] Wow, okay great, so here we go
[05:08:57] Yeah, that's the Wendy's chili. So if you look at it in there, it's all white. I don't remember why they were green
[05:09:04] I don't know how they turn green. We just get in here
[05:09:07] Yeah, so that that's been a few days
[05:09:11] Actually, that's not a few days like last week. Oh, I love Wendy's chili
[05:09:18] Yeah
[05:09:20] This is last month. I don't even want to open this one up. Honestly.
[05:09:24] This is back when I was still using normal spoons. This is such a mistake because then I had to clean the spoon.
[05:09:30] Yeah, no bugs. I cut them in half.
[05:09:34] See, it's already started to turn yellow and black and everything.
[05:09:37] Yeah.
[05:09:38] So I sit basically, I sit right here. Because sometimes I smell it and I get hungry.
[05:09:42] And so that's why I went to Wendy's today.
[05:09:45] Because it was like real hot. So the mold was like fermenting.
[05:09:48] And that was actually pretty good.
[05:09:51] I had no ego out of Chile though.
[05:09:53] I don't know why.
[05:09:55] But I got all the nuggets.
[05:09:56] I'll tell you that right now.
[05:09:57] I got my rubber band ball.
[05:09:58] How about that?
[05:09:59] That's real fucking cool.
[05:10:00] Where did that go?
[05:10:01] I got my water bottle with the Gatorade.
[05:10:03] This is basically a science experiment at this point.
[05:10:05] This Gatorade bottle has been there for years.
[05:10:07] That's crazy because it's still there.
[05:10:09] So it's been there for years and this was years ago.
[05:10:12] This was 2017.
[05:10:13] It had been there for years.
[05:10:14] Wow.
[05:10:15] I wonder how old it really is.
[05:10:16] I'm really what's going on with that. Yeah, that's actually that's not nothing wrong with that. It's just pizza
[05:10:21] Yeah
[05:10:23] Yeah, so that's pretty much what's going on with the room. Nothing really too crazy
[05:10:27] Just a couple of like moldy
[05:10:30] Things but nothing really out of the ordinary and so there you guys go
[05:10:34] I know a lot of people have been wondering and
[05:10:37] Well now you know
[05:10:39] so there's that one and not that's that was like an update video and then
[05:10:44] And then there was this one, this is an old video.
[05:10:49] Um, oh yeah, this is me throwing drinks out the window, because I threw out so many drinks
[05:11:00] in my backyard that the neighbors were complaining about raccoons.
[05:11:09] Yeah, it was so bad because they couldn't have, they couldn't have birthday parties
[05:11:16] outside anymore because there are so many wasps. It's like when you say it is it is
[05:11:48] really something right but like there it is and so what I look at it and it's
[05:11:56] like this is from August 10th 2010 and so I look at these girls that are doing
[05:12:04] it and this girl is from 1999 there's a good chance she could have seen
[05:12:16] one of these videos growing up. Like if there's a non-zero probability. Oh my god.
[05:12:30] I have some over here. This is actually where I've been putting them recently. I don't even
[05:12:38] know why I put that. I've got some on top of my computer there. Yeah. And I'm sure we actually
[05:12:44] haven't- Oh, he doesn't know English? You don't need to know English. Fuck. Yeah.
[05:12:50] Magic cards too.
[05:12:56] These red trucks.
[05:12:59] It's like pink lemonade.
[05:13:03] Why don't I have Pokemon cards?
[05:13:05] Get in there and look at them.
[05:13:07] That's molded over coke.
[05:13:11] That's more molded over coke.
[05:13:13] This one's one of my favorites here.
[05:13:15] I don't even know how long this has been here.
[05:13:17] Yeah.
[05:13:19] And so like I look at some of these.
[05:13:23] And I think about this and it's like some of these people probably saw me doing this
[05:13:37] back then and they could have started doing it.
[05:13:41] I could have been one of the first people.
[05:13:50] Look at this.
[05:13:51] I'm fine with that, Kumayo.
[05:13:52] Okay, I'll use that.
[05:13:56] Wait a minute, Jioru, Jioru.
[05:13:58] G Mixer is not here to make a Jiu-shu.
[05:14:01] BVG and Akawa-chan have G.
[05:14:09] What should I do?
[05:14:10] There's a lot of Gs in G8.
[05:14:12] What should I do?
[05:14:14] Well, that's fine.
[05:14:15] I'm going to go to the bathroom.
[05:14:18] See, that's the thing, right?
[05:14:22] So she does have the bugs eater clothes and eat her stuff.
[05:14:27] She does.
[05:14:28] No, no, this proves it to me.
[05:14:31] Because the bear is in the bag
[05:14:38] to avoid having the bugs eat the bear.
[05:14:41] So that implies that if the bear wasn't in the bag,
[05:14:45] it would be eaten.
[05:14:49] So, yeah, no, it is.
[05:14:52] So that is actually what's happening.
[05:15:10] She's like suffocating it?
[05:15:11] Oh, I don't know about that.
[05:15:27] Yeah, it upsets them.
[05:15:39] I think it's only a room that she has
[05:15:41] and the rest of it is normal.
[05:15:44] I mean, I think that probably makes sense though, right?
[05:15:47] Like that's the way that I have it.
[05:15:50] Where it's like, I mean, other rooms that I have
[05:15:53] are like a lot more normal than like my kitchen, right?
[05:15:58] Like I don't think it's like really a set.
[05:16:00] It's more like a radius where it's like the bugs have an agro range that is primarily focused around this room.
[05:16:10] So there's probably not as many bugs in the other room.
[05:16:16] That's not how it works. Roaches infest everything. No, that's not true.
[05:16:21] You will have some of them that'll be like in like one. No, it's
[05:16:27] they'll have like locations where they're mostly at.
[05:16:31] like they'll like I'm not saying that there won't be any roaches in the other
[05:16:35] places but there'll be like 50 roaches in one place and like two in another
[05:16:40] place so that's different yeah and see like that's the crazy because like so
[05:16:53] she's got those bugs on the wall and then that's crazy wow yeah the highway
[05:17:23] no there's a lot of them they got really active in the morning they would get
[05:17:26] super active in the morning. Oh my god, Roach's Highway? No, it's okay. What I did with it is I
[05:17:37] took a vacuum cleaner and I vacuum-cleanered all of the roaches up at like five o'clock in the
[05:17:44] morning. Did you smoke them out? No, I didn't. And then I took prefab cement and I put the
[05:17:52] prefab cement around the beam where the roaches were getting in and then the Roach problem
[05:17:58] went away. I saw like three other roaches and then that was it. Yeah, I never had to
[05:18:03] deal with any more of them. Aren't those ants? Yeah, yeah, those are ants. Um, let's see.
[05:18:17] I was just... Would you eat this nasty fucking shit? It's fucking disgusting. Let's go
[05:18:29] to Walmart. I would not eat this like I would never eat this fucking disgusting. Like I
[05:18:38] don't know if it's healthy or not it's just fucking disgusting.
[05:18:41] Let's go, let's go. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like so this is like if you
[05:19:00] guys want my honest like real like opinion about this let me watch like two more and then I'll
[05:19:10] give my real opinion because this doesn't leave dirty at all this is completely clean look at this
[05:19:21] There's no bugs anywhere.
[05:19:24] Yeah, there's no bugs.
[05:19:29] It's a hotel.
[05:19:33] Yeah, maybe you're right.
[05:19:38] Oyster mushroom.
[05:19:40] Oy.
[05:19:42] Is that soy sauce?
[05:19:44] I'm so happy to have you here.
[05:19:46] Thank you for the food.
[05:19:48] It was a great day for me.
[05:19:52] I'm glad you got your bear with you.
[05:19:54] So did she move away?
[05:19:56] This one looks like a water bottle.
[05:19:58] It looks so good.
[05:20:02] Oh, this is definitely a new place.
[05:20:06] Because the bear doesn't have...
[05:20:08] It's not in the bag anymore.
[05:20:10] Yeah, see?
[05:20:13] And you can also tell one one point you can tell if somebody is
[05:20:19] Is like really dirty is like right here on their hands and so yeah, she takes like she's not like super dirty
[05:20:29] You can tell yeah, it's their nails
[05:20:35] Because like there's dirt in their nails
[05:20:37] their teeth are clean? No, it's okay. Like I used to, the reason why, like and people always comment on
[05:20:46] this, I don't do it as much now, but like I have a habit of letting my nails grow longer,
[05:20:50] because when I would have holes in my teeth, I would need to use longer nails to pick the
[05:20:55] food out of the holes in my teeth. But that's not really as much of an issue anymore.
[05:21:07] Yeah, so I had like yeah, I had longer nails for that reason a toothpick. It's not it's not it's an extra problem
[05:21:16] Yeah, so so did she change like her
[05:21:23] Yeah
[05:21:29] Yeah, right, I mean and so but then now she's back
[05:21:38] Now she's back in this. Oh
[05:21:40] Oh she does the same thing that I do. I do this too. After I open a box from Amazon I'll
[05:21:50] stab the knife that I opened the box with back into the box. Yeah. Like is it just a practice?
[05:22:03] Because I used to not really be very good at knife throwing and I will step back and
[05:22:07] like try to just like throw it you know if like two or three. Yeah. I need to be good
[05:22:26] at it. It is what it is. It's a cantaloupe. Yeah. Yeah, that's why she has it in the bag,
[05:23:00] is to avoid having the bugs eat it because of the skin particles.
[05:23:05] And so, okay, this is what my, this is my verdict. I think that this is mostly real,
[05:23:12] but it's partially inact, obviously. I think that she's playing it up about 20% of the way
[05:23:18] through. I do think that a lot of it is probably real. And I would even say that the majority
[05:23:26] of it is probably real. But I don't think that she sleeps and I don't know. But like
[05:23:32] I do know that if you it depends on how often she showers, right? Because if she showers
[05:23:38] all the time, the bugs probably won't be as bad. But if she doesn't shower a lot,
[05:23:43] well, but then she's talking about using dry shampoo all the time because she didn't
[05:23:46] needs a shower. I don't know. She's only getting attention
[05:23:50] because attractive. No, yeah. And that's very important, right?
[05:23:53] Is like this strategy only really works for like girls that
[05:23:58] are attractive. It definitely does because there's like a lot of
[05:24:01] guys that like watch and they're like, Oh, I can fix her
[05:24:05] like I can, you know, like that's that's definitely not
[05:24:09] attractive. Yeah, I don't know. Like I would say that she's
[05:24:12] above average for being attractive. Right. As somebody
[05:24:15] who is a professional at looking at girls,
[05:24:18] I would say that, yeah, this is definitely above average.
[05:24:21] Like you think that she's not above average,
[05:24:23] go to Walmart, go to Walmart right now.
[05:24:30] Like, she's not sitting in a motorized scooter,
[05:24:35] you know, with a, you know,
[05:24:36] like one of those like little grabbers
[05:24:38] so she can get, you know,
[05:24:40] the fucking, the big bag of Hershey's Kisses
[05:24:45] off of the top aisle, you know?
[05:24:47] It's not 450 pounds, exactly.
[05:24:49] So this is, yeah, above average in Texas, exactly.
[05:24:52] Yeah, and so I think that like,
[05:24:54] she's playing it up a little bit,
[05:24:55] but there's certain elements of this
[05:24:57] that I do think are definitely real.
[05:25:00] And what I would assume is that there's probably
[05:25:03] potentially multiple rooms in the house.
[05:25:07] And one of the rooms is like more,
[05:25:10] or like less dirty than the other ones.
[05:25:13] Cause like, she's, yeah,
[05:25:14] she's been doing this for really kind of a long time.
[05:25:17] And you can see
[05:25:20] Yeah
[05:25:22] And she didn't have any bugs right here, and this was only five years ago
[05:25:31] Yeah
[05:25:34] Even does the Pokemon dance well good for her
[05:25:43] Yeah, I'm trying to see if there's any other videos of her at her house
[05:25:48] Yeah, there you go
[05:25:57] I see what's happened
[05:25:59] So she left a lot of the food out and it got worse over time
[05:26:02] And then she had to put the bear in the bag because of that see the tea. Yeah, she brushes your teeth a lot
[05:26:09] That's pretty good. She's not drinking soda the way that I am
[05:26:16] Yeah
[05:26:19] That's the thing why you spending so much time on this
[05:26:22] Because I don't really like it I find it to be interesting because I see a lot of other people like it. It's the same
[05:26:30] Because I did the same thing a lot and like to be honest with you guys
[05:26:34] I said this before when I looked at this video the only reason I actually recorded this video was to show off that I had this mount
[05:26:40] That was the only reason I actually recorded this video
[05:26:48] Because I had just got this mount the sidetrack. Yeah, I just got yeah, I totally sidetracked on it
[05:27:00] But yeah, this was the original battle station and I'm still streaming from this exact place by the way
[05:27:05] Yeah, like this is the exact same room exact same place
[05:27:09] everything's all the same. So yeah, comparing degenerate lifestyles, yeah, yeah, no, I mean,
[05:27:15] definitely, can you just buy this mount now? You actually could. It's an easy carry. And yeah,
[05:27:21] it's that simple. Exact same smell. Do you ever plan on moving into another house?
[05:27:28] Should have such a mess, get her nails or teeth her way while taking care of? Well, no,
[05:27:33] your dental health doesn't really have to do with your environment as much.
[05:27:36] Like for me, so the reason why I have like really bad dental health is because number one, I drink a lot of soda
[05:27:42] I don't see her drinking any soda and then number two
[05:27:47] I eat a lot a lot a lot of sugar number three
[05:27:50] I didn't brush any of my teeth at all in
[05:27:53] High school and until I was like 19 or 20 like I just didn't really do it why I just never really gave a fuck
[05:28:02] I didn't care and so yeah, and then they started getting worse and it was like oh god. That's really bad and so
[05:28:10] Yeah
[05:28:12] Then two hours gone. Yeah. No, I it's quite a lot
[05:28:16] The condition of your health and the main health is the main reason for the health issues you're facing
[05:28:21] Yeah, I did tell myself. I told you guys I'm gonna clean up like a lot of the house
[05:28:25] And I have cleaned up a lot of my house already
[05:28:27] Yeah, why didn't your parents make you wash? They did. They really did their best, but unfortunately, I am an animal and like so the reason why I started like not giving a fuck is that oh god, oh fucking my dad's calling me.
[05:28:47] Hello? Yeah, but I was in the middle of something.
[05:29:00] What?
[05:29:01] You're on speaker. You're on speaker.
[05:29:21] walk around I got fucking dirty hands I don't do a fucking thing he's out doing
[05:29:25] stuff he's eating that's right yeah yeah well except for the one finger but
[05:29:45] yeah yeah you're not calling up just just just to just to go with yeah on my
[05:30:21] space. Yeah. Can you explain what that was? Grits. It was baking grits. She made grits
[05:30:51] and then the mold would build up and then she put teabags on the mold and then the mold would
[05:30:57] like have like a mound on top of the pot and then she put cigarette butts into the into the
[05:31:06] the difference. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I trashed your car. Oh,
[05:32:49] oh, oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I did. I wouldn't say I don't want to deal with paperwork. Yeah,
[05:32:59] no, but like you got to admit after after we had that guy clean it, was it ever dirty
[05:33:06] after that you did you did and and that's because I threw up in the car and it got
[05:33:18] cooked onto the car yeah yeah yeah it is what it's yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
[05:35:24] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's bad. Yeah. Yeah. That's just the way it is. Yeah. Yeah. But like,
[05:36:15] that's what I think it probably was, right? Because like, if you sleep with that shit on
[05:36:19] top of you, it's fine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because you were the one that told me that's it. That's
[05:36:25] how I know about it. Yeah. Yeah. You got me the multivitamin yesterday and I have it
[05:37:19] right here yeah yeah you got it yesterday I asked my dad to get one for me he did so I yeah yeah
[05:37:48] all right all right all right all right two two years almost two years because there's when
[05:38:09] dragonflight came out and I forgot what I think it was 2022 yeah I know it was because it was
[05:38:17] that whenever there were eight wasps in the house in one day and I called the bug exterminator out
[05:38:23] And I had them on a regular thing after that.
[05:38:32] Yeah. Yeah.
[05:38:40] Yeah, I bet the horn is going to win most of the time.
[05:38:44] Yeah. All right. All right. All right. Okay. I'll, I'll talk to you later.
[05:38:50] All right. Yeah.
[05:39:19] All right. All right. All right. All right. Okay. All right. Yo, I love you.
[05:39:25] Yo, bye. Oh, man. I didn't even.
[05:40:11] Oh man. That's... that's crazy. Yeah.
[05:40:18] You end up getting a new car? I do have a new car now.
[05:40:20] I do have a new car and it's fucking immaculate.
[05:40:23] There's not a single speck of fucking garbage in it.
[05:40:26] Nothing. No garbage.
[05:40:29] That's right.
[05:40:31] Yeah, no, I... and it's just because I haven't wanted to put any garbage in it.
[05:40:35] That's the reason. It's not because I'm better than it.
[05:40:38] I just don't have any garbage in it right there.
[05:40:42] They're dragging you on Twitter about the River's Jujibalshit, people dragging me on Twitter, who's dragging me on Twitter? Some retard who gives a fuck?
[05:40:49] Like, like people go and they make a big deal out of Twitter, etc.
[05:40:55] And they try to act like this is some kind of like a big deal and like, oh wow, people are getting mad at you on Twitter.
[05:41:01] I don't even really think about this shit hardly at all.
[05:41:06] Like, I think about it for maybe like five minutes and then I just move on.
[05:41:11] like because the thing is that if I look at if I if I look at these people and I
[05:41:22] see them I like I just look at a photo of them they're worse off than me I just
[05:41:30] look at them I know that so how am I gonna take advice from somebody that
[05:41:34] looks like that but and yeah it's like would you really call them people it's
[05:41:40] like really people is not the word to use but yeah no I really don't think about that
[05:41:46] shit at all and so uh you can quote on Twitter it doesn't mean you're wrong well people always
[05:41:53] like to get mad at me on Twitter like I've been seeing some of these tweets about myself
[05:41:57] these are uh they're really popular too uh like let me see I can find some of these
[05:42:02] um and it's really kind of impressive to me to see this because like I look at it and
[05:42:11] It's incredible
[05:42:13] like
[05:42:15] The post what did the post get deleted that the person blocked me
[05:42:19] They deleted their post
[05:42:23] So what I'm so toxic that
[05:42:27] They can't even talk about me. This is amazing. Oh my god. This has
[05:42:39] 300,000 likes
[05:42:42] That's the way it is
[05:42:46] Yeah, but why it clips on YouTube? I don't know you have to message my my my editor's about that
[05:42:50] I don't know what's going on there in chat right now. Yeah, this is incredible
[05:42:54] This was last week and so I said crazy to look back on this and see how much hair I used to have
[05:43:00] Yeah, how does it feel living rent free and so many people's heads?
[05:43:05] Honestly guys
[05:43:09] It's weird
[05:43:14] It's kind of weird, but like I want to let y'all know that it doesn't really affect my ego really that much at all
[05:43:19] like growing up I was always like one of the older kids in the neighborhood so
[05:43:27] like I always had the other younger kids like woke up to me and like you know I
[05:43:30] would like what what we would we would go out in the woods and we want to build
[05:43:33] a fort well guess what I'll be telling people how to build the fucking fort I
[05:43:38] be like listen you're gonna do this you're gonna do that like we're gonna
[05:43:41] put this together you're gonna cut that fucking wood and we're gonna nail
[05:43:44] this shit together and guess what we build a fucking fort so I was doing
[05:43:48] And I was like 11, right? 12.
[05:43:50] And so like I've always grown up
[05:43:52] and I've been kind of like in a way like an older brother.
[05:43:56] Like it's weird for me to say this
[05:43:58] cause I'm an only child, but like really, I mean growing up,
[05:44:02] like I had about 10 brothers.
[05:44:05] Like I would say like about 10 on a three to five
[05:44:10] at least week a day a week basis.
[05:44:14] Like sleeping in the same bed with people,
[05:44:17] like, you know, straight up.
[05:44:19] And so, yeah.
[05:44:24] So, yeah, a lot of them, y'all still see, right?
[05:44:26] And that's it.
[05:44:28] And Tosca Treehouse Player, leader for what?
[05:44:31] Yeah, no, but like, you're a guild leader back then?
[05:44:35] You have no idea.
[05:44:37] You have no idea.
[05:44:38] Like, we actually, like, we cooked back then.
[05:44:41] Like, we did all kinds of shit like that.
[05:44:43] And you're not separated with people on Twitter,
[05:44:46] And what you already know you should do because people on Twitter say it gross doesn't mean you should say fuck them and stay gross I
[05:44:52] Mean to me if I have a problem like see this is the thing
[05:44:55] It's like what the like my dad was you know talking about like I told you all about that exterminator shit like
[05:45:00] I got no problems with a lot of things, but I tell you you put me next to a motherfucking wasp, and I say no wasp
[05:45:07] This is a no wasp situation and so I just went and I decided no man
[05:45:12] And so I called out I got I got terminex they come out every every few months and they they spray out my whole house
[05:45:20] And they keep it bug-free as well
[05:45:23] That way because I hate wasps. I just do I hate wasps
[05:45:27] So yeah, that's about it. And so I've had that happen for a while wasser territorial
[05:45:33] They're just fucking assholes like they're just fucking annoying like I hate wasps
[05:45:37] so yeah
[05:45:39] And that's the thing who respects amazing for opinions on Twitter. I
[05:45:44] I don't really but like what I'm saying is like I don't really ever have a point where
[05:45:50] Like if I get made fun of or people get mad at me or people hate me or anything like that
[05:45:56] It doesn't really bother me at all. I
[05:45:58] It really doesn't
[05:46:00] Anything that people can say to me is never worse than what I say to myself. Just keep that in mind
[05:46:06] so
[05:46:07] Never worry about upsetting me or anything like that
[05:46:12] So why ban them? Well because I don't like I'm not gonna provide a platform for it
[05:46:17] Right. I'm not gonna like let them because like if I could like if I could do something to somebody that said something bad to me
[05:46:24] I would but if I can't do it I accept it like I'm the kind of person that like if I can control an outcome of something
[05:46:31] I will control the outcome, but if I can't control the outcome. I accept the outcome
[05:46:37] Does that make sense? So you care? Of course I care. Of course I care. It's just that like it's not that I don't care
[05:46:50] It's just that it's not going to like affect me in like an emotional way, right?
[05:46:53] Does that make sense that like gameplay over?
[05:46:56] I'm not gonna be able to play the game today. I'm gonna be totally honest. I'm not gonna be able to do it
[05:47:00] I'm gonna have to do it tomorrow
[05:47:01] That's the plan. I'm gonna be playing the game tomorrow. I can't do it today. The reason why?
[05:47:06] Saj, I know I know I I hate to put something in the title and then not do it
[05:47:10] I feel like an asshole for doing that, but I found out that I had another obligation later
[05:47:17] on today that I had to do, which compounds on top of another obligation that I have to
[05:47:23] do that's a follow-up from an obligation of yesterday.
[05:47:27] And so, yeah, I'm not able to stream as much today.
[05:47:31] I feel like I've been lied to.
[05:47:32] That's because you were.
[05:47:33] I lied to you today.
[05:47:35] I said I was going to do something.
[05:47:36] I didn't do it.
[05:47:37] I'm sorry.
[05:47:38] Yeah.
[05:47:39] That that yeah, I actually planned on doing it. I didn't do it. I bought the game. I downloaded the game
[05:47:44] I installed the game even but I'm not gonna be able to play it until tomorrow. I had something come up
[05:47:49] That's just the way it is and so yeah
[05:47:53] Well hang out for like 10 minutes and then I've really got to kind of wrap everything up
[05:47:56] You shouldn't be so hard on yourself a great and so telling you look bad. I shouldn't no
[05:47:59] No, no, no, I I don't need to hear guys
[05:48:02] I really like I know that a lot of people do like this weird thing where they're like
[05:48:06] Oh well, it's just the way it is with me and you know, nobody likes me like I I don't do that. I
[05:48:14] Don't want anybody to feel sorry for me for anything
[05:48:18] Nothing bad that's happened to me. Isn't my fault
[05:48:23] Everything bad that's happened to me is my fault
[05:48:27] Don't take any pity on me
[05:48:29] Don't take any sympathy on me like there are obviously
[05:48:33] Obviously issues and things that have happened, small little things that are out of my control, right?
[05:48:40] There are things that are out of my control that happens.
[05:48:43] But that's the same with anything.
[05:48:44] But for the majority of every bad decision in my life, I have made some, like it has been an outcome of my own decision-making.
[05:48:57] Do you never feel sorry for me if I get sick if something bad happens to me?
[05:49:04] You get what you fucking deserve
[05:49:06] That's the way it is
[05:49:10] You never have to feel sorry for me. I don't
[05:49:15] So yeah, don't worry about it. If you ask your body to make money. Would you have the same energy?
[05:49:26] Well, I just go and I don't know you just wait till it's at night
[05:49:30] You break into people's car you steal their shit or you scam people on the internet
[05:49:35] Like I just be scamming people on the internet like if it yeah, I mean like what the fuck
[05:49:44] If you need money, you just have to get that like find somebody to give you their money
[05:49:50] Or figure out a way to get their money and then you make that money your money. It's pretty simple
[05:50:01] Like you just what kind of logic is this?
[05:50:04] it's the logic that works. Okay, that's all. It's the logic that works. Do you have any morality?
[05:50:13] I do in a way, but like it's like a tier list, right? So it's like what I want is more important
[05:50:24] than what somebody else would want. So like I'm gonna do what's best for me. If it's bad for
[05:50:29] somebody else, that's unfortunate, right? And if we could have a world where that didn't happen, I would. But if, if, I mean, like, let's be real, like, I'm gonna do what's best for me. Right? That's it.
[05:50:46] Feels more out of the difference. Yeah.
[05:50:50] Made a people are always going to be concerned is that in a pair of social
[05:50:52] thing. Yeah, no, no, I don't mind it. I just I don't want people to think that you believe in everything happens for a reason. Yeah, but not proactively.
[05:51:00] Um, so, like, I, the question mark, oh, I don't believe in divine intervention, but I believe
[05:51:12] that obviously every action is the cause or a result of other actions.
[05:51:18] And that's what I was saying before about how, like, you know, every bad thing that
[05:51:21] happens to me is my fault, right?
[05:51:23] Like, for example, like, if I look back at, like, bad decisions I made 10 years ago,
[05:51:31] bad decisions have ripple effects that affect me now in good and bad ways, right?
[05:51:38] And so, yeah, hopefully that makes sense.
[05:51:41] I believe there's a soft mechanic?
[05:51:47] Yeah, yeah, a soft mechanic.
[05:51:49] Oh, like in Tolkien's World?
[05:51:50] Like, oh, oh, like God or some shit?
[05:51:53] Nobody knows that there's God.
[05:51:54] Like, just shut up.
[05:51:57] You have no idea.
[05:51:58] You used to be a monkey less than a million years ago.
[05:52:01] The universe is 14 billion years old, and less than a few million years ago, you used
[05:52:07] to be a fucking monkey. You think that you think you can understand the way the universe
[05:52:14] fucking works? If no idea. You've literally no clue. If you think of a bunch of illiterate
[05:52:24] goat herders 2,000 years ago, figured out the divinity of the universe, I'm sorry to
[05:52:30] say, but you're just really afraid of dying. And I get it. But don't go and tell me
[05:52:39] that that's the reason why you're wrong but that's okay I could be but you don't
[05:52:51] know that now except they're on mortality yeah yeah you don't know that nobody
[05:52:57] does and so I try not to think about it because it's just it's silly right it's
[05:53:02] silly but why would you think about that you should try something like DMT
[05:53:09] it's a drug right yeah I think it's a drug and then one thing that's involved
[05:53:17] to a different species that's not humans, you can't name one thing that's evolved to a different species. It's not humans
[05:53:26] I
[05:53:27] Think Axolotl is one example of that Trilobite
[05:53:31] Birds is another one
[05:53:34] Let me think of another good example
[05:53:38] Fuck well it depends on like like what scale of evolution, right?
[05:53:43] like dogs yeah dogs dogs are a good example like there aren't any megalodons
[05:53:53] anymore there's like smaller smaller sharks instead I'm trying to think about
[05:54:01] like what like the evolution what that Pokemon evolution chart is fish yeah
[05:54:09] but like which fish
[05:54:12] Um, Sonichu? Yeah. Yeah, I'd have to really think about, like, yeah, but there's a handful of them, right? Right there.
[05:54:28] Do you ever think about why the universe exists or why the Big Bang or things like that?
[05:54:31] No. I don't think you have the IQ to understand that.
[05:54:34] I think you need a requisite IQ of, like, probably 35,000 to understand that.
[05:54:39] And people's IQ ranges from, like, about 50 to 250.
[05:54:46] And you need to have, like, a 35,000 IQ to understand that.
[05:54:52] That's probably what I expect.
[05:54:54] Yeah, there's nothing to do with a queue it does
[05:55:02] Like a 250 IQ it's crazy. Well, I'm saying like that's the normal human spectrum like 50 is like super profoundly like
[05:55:09] You know mental like like handicap and like 250 is like super super super smart, right?
[05:55:15] So like it's probably a little bit outside of that, but like that's basically what the spectrum is
[05:55:19] You're moving aliens. Yeah, I do. I
[05:55:26] Just don't I don't think we've contacted them though
[05:55:28] No one understands that. Yeah. The average IQ is 100 by the way. It's not 100. It depends on the country that it's in and also it depends on the way it's measured, but it's close to 100. The average is supposed to be close to like 95 to 105.
[05:55:49] 105 yeah my gosh you're dumb am I is that this seems like a this seems like a
[05:56:05] a serial disagree or what about what about this is inaccurate we take some
[05:56:17] bullshit IQ test on stream no I've got there's no reason to I don't really
[05:56:22] particularly think I have like a super high IQ I'm not like a lot of people
[05:56:25] think that I'm very smart because I'm like I'm very non-emotional and I
[05:56:30] have very good memory. But I don't really particularly think that I'm
[05:56:34] particularly extremely smart. But I can be persistent on things.
[05:56:40] Because for his previous messages, yeah, the spectrum is about 75 to 150.
[05:56:52] No, it's not. There's plenty of people that are under 75 and there's
[05:56:55] plenty of people that are over 150. You're talking about like maybe a
[05:56:59] third standard deviation, sure. But a third standard deviation is 99.7,
[05:57:04] which means that three people out of a thousand would be outside of them, which means that out of a billion of people,
[05:57:09] that would be millions of people that would be outside of that scale.
[05:57:16] Like, how do you move in aliens? Even though there's no zero proof, because you, but you call believing in Godcope just on averages, right?
[05:57:31] Like, for example, like if you assume that
[05:57:35] like, I don't believe, I mean, I think it's a 99% chance probability, right?
[05:57:39] So like for example like there's more planets in the world in the galaxy than there are or the whole universe
[05:57:45] Then there are specks of sand on the desert or in like a beach, right?
[05:57:51] And so like if you look at it from that context
[05:57:55] It's like if you look at something in the context of infinite possibilities effectively and you look at the
[05:58:04] Probability of there being life
[05:58:06] That becomes very, very high.
[05:58:10] Like, I understand like you want to make like a Fermi paradox argument or something like that, right?
[05:58:15] But I think it's just there's a very high probability that there is life in other places in the universe.
[05:58:20] Very, very high probability. Just because of how many other planets there are.
[05:58:27] And how many other situations, like, or how many billions of years it's been.
[05:58:33] Like, it's just a law based off of averages. We're like, God is a binary.
[05:58:38] There is or there isn't right like that's simply a binary one or another yet the only sign of life is earth
[05:58:50] Well, yeah, but like so
[05:58:53] Well, I think you should edit like you seem to be like a chronic disagree or annoying person in chat
[05:58:58] So I'm gonna ban you um
[05:59:01] But anyway, I think you should educate yourself on on the way that we
[05:59:07] Like astronomy we have a word. We're really good at astronomy
[05:59:11] We are. We're really good at astronomy.
[05:59:14] But in a hundred years, we'll probably look at our capacity for astronomy now
[05:59:22] at the same way that we look at the Mayans' capacity for astronomy then.
[05:59:28] I understand that, like, this seems like it's a smart idea,
[05:59:32] but, like, just because something isn't measurable doesn't mean that it isn't real.
[05:59:36] People used to think atoms were the smallest things in the world.
[05:59:40] They weren't.
[05:59:43] Astrology? No, I'm not talking about straw- it's astronomy.
[05:59:46] Astronomy is the real one. Astrology is for girls.
[05:59:53] Number one? No, is it annoying, disagree or like rude, like obnoxious person? I can tell.
[05:59:59] But yeah, I have to go do a few other things and tomorrow I'm planning on playing Star Wars Outlaws.
[06:00:06] I apologize, I wasn't able to do it today. Bad planning, bad whatever the fuck you want to call it.
[06:00:13] I'm bad, you know, that's just it. I'll be back on tomorrow. We're going to do it then.
[06:00:19] And I'm probably going to try to start it earlier in the day.
[06:00:22] That way I can stay focused more and not go into the super long screen times again.
[06:00:28] And yeah, that's pretty much what the plan is.
[06:00:30] And then after that, I'm going to probably play it for maybe one or two days.
[06:00:34] That's what I'm kind of expecting.
[06:00:36] And then I'm going to go back to playing a Wukong.
[06:00:41] And after that, I really do want to farm and play Wukong pretty much all the way through.
[06:00:47] like there were a few games that kind of got in the way, but now that like there's nothing else really going on
[06:00:54] We're gonna play wukong you saw for six out for six hours if you think this is stalling
[06:00:59] I'm very sorry to say but like
[06:01:03] This is my content like I don't know what you're waiting for
[06:01:11] Yeah, like this is what I do
[06:01:17] Yeah, I
[06:01:18] Yeah, you could say the game is stalling like I remember I would start my game
[06:01:24] my streams off with playing wow and people would say you're stalling for
[06:01:27] reacts yeah sorry to say not stalling and anyway guys thanks a lot for watching
[06:01:34] I really appreciate it and I'll be back on tomorrow and we'll get back into it
[06:01:38] so yeah thanks a lot guys and I'll see you then our boys peace