[DROPS ON] HUGE NEWS DRAMA REACTS @StarforgeSystems @MadMushroomGG @MythicTalent @OTKnetwork
07-22-2024 · 2h 37m
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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.
so so so so I'm watching nature with my life all alone
How I hate to spend the evening on my own
All that we do is lie outside the window
As I look around the room And it makes me so depressed outside the windows Yeah, what's up boys?
How y'all doing?
I just got home a few minutes ago
And we back in it.
We're back on it, man.
Accidentally leave the song on?
Nah, bro, I like this one.
It's a good song.
Yeah, well what do you mean?
Man, did you enjoy Swarm? I did.
I actually thought it was really fun man.
Secret Service director is getting roasted live right now?
Yeah, I know. Is it actually live?
Uh...I feel like it was a while ago, right?
Yeah, I feel like it's live.
You gotta watch it? Okay.
She's getting cooked?
Diversity, equity and inclusion
efforts to undermine the
contribution that women
people of color, the disability community
and others make to this country each and every day.
And it is disgraceful.
I just want to get the actual one.
Constantly attack necessary diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to undermine the contributions that women people of color,
The disability community and others make to this country each and every day.
And it is disgraceful in the wake of gun violence
and tragic loss of life, Republicans are ignoring solutions
like gun safety reform and instead trotting out sexist tropes.
Don't bring some short fat bitch to guard the president, it's not that hard!
I have one of them is consenting...
What are you crying for? Shut the fuck up!
...reported from CNN titled
Right-wing media figures blame women Check the fuck up.
What the fuck?
Without objection to order. This article quotes members of Congress and others that blatantly accuse DEI
And the hiring of women as a liability for the sequence murders
It is, it's a liability, it is
Women have been an integral part of the agency since 1971 and are held to the same standards as their male counterparts.
To use them as a scapegoat during a time of crisis is shameful, and it is dangerously divisive.
In fact, based on recent publicly available
demographic data of the agency
the largest demographic groups among special agents are white and male but to right-wing
extremists the truth doesn't matter the lies they tell to advance their anti-diversity agenda,
which is a key theme throughout Project 2025 will only make the American public less safe and more divided.
And every day Director Cheadle, that you fail to give us answers, they are given more oxygen to make their baseless claims that women and people of color are responsible for tragic events.
And that is dangerous too. Thank you,
and I yield my remaining time to Ranking Member Raskin.
Thank you to the distinguished gentlelady from Massachusetts, and thank you for those trenchant insights.
I wanted to make the point that you were making and several of other members
were making to bring it into sharp relief here.
The very same day that Donald Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt,
but an honored fighter was gunned down and killed
and other people were injured.
There was another mass shooting that day,
just several hours later in Birmingham, Alabama.
Four people killed and ten wounded in a nightclub shooting,
And you might think that's some kind of freakish coincidence. Not at all!
We have more than one mass shooting a day in America. They are so commonplace now that they are barely reported
in the national news, it's of course local news in Birmingham Alabama, that four people
were killed and ten other people were shot and seriously wounded
being treated at the hospital.
These things
are a nightmare for
the families of the victims
who have been killed, or the does this have to do with
the families who have to take
care of people who've been
seriously injured and wounded?
They are a major financial drain
publicly and privately,
and yet we allow AR-15s to be purchased with abandon promiscuously all
over the country, people can just go out and get an assault weapon.
And the distinguished general lady from Michigan was right.
We have a hearing when it affects the president of United States but on all the other days
of the year we don't't have a hearing about it.
Wow! What a surprise! The president gets more attention than a bunch of random people.
There's some disagreement that we have about the Second Amendment.
Thank you so much.
Some people think the Second Amendment means
You've got the right to arm yourself with whatever weaponry
you need to overthrow the government of the United States.
And we reject that as a false interpretation of the Second Amendment
and a false interpretation of the Constitution.
We can ban us.
Who doesn't reject that?
It was Thomas Jefferson in 1994, it dramatically reduced these mass shootings.
And when that but yeah, whatever the mass shootings went up through the roof again and we've shown it.
And so just like we're demanding real answers and real action from the Secret Service, let us demand real action and real answers from ourselves about the nightmare of mass gun violence, which puts America into a category all its own when you compare us to the countries in
the European Union or Canada or other similar. I'll give a
quick after it's over nothing like what we're going through
so we've got to act on the Secret Service. What a waste of
time ourselves against political violence and we gotta We've got to act on the Secret Service. What a waste of time.
To protect ourselves against political violence, and we've got to act as a Congress
to protect ourselves against AR-15 violence in America.
Chair recognizes Ms. McClain from Michigan.
Thank you Mr. Chairman. recognizes mr mcclain from michigan thank you uh mr chairman and first of all i want to thank
the secret service agents those who work tirelessly to protect our presidents and specifically yeah
did not hesitate to jump
in front of the president.
And my heart goes out to the family
um, uh, of the Comptor
family and the people
at the level who are still recovering.
On the other hand,
The Secret Service has a leadership problem
And it falls on you
And although I appreciate your hollow just fire the fire like what are we talking about
director cheeto you must answer to the american people if you want to stay in charge.
It's really, really simple.
You wanna keep your job right?
The best way to keep your job is to answer the questions not play this shell game
not sing the Slim Shady song wasn't me! How long did you prepare for this hearing?
Oh my god! Wait...
I've been preparing for this hearing...
That's not Slim Shady that's Shaggy!
Okay five days? Six days?
As soon as I was notified...
And how long was that about this hearing?
Four days?
What the fuck?
Five years in preparing.
Four days?
Who's this bitch talking?
I'm not sure of the date...
Who she thinks she is? me to be here what are you sure of god
are you sure the color of your hair are you sure the color of your suit i'm just like she's too
young to get that wrong you don't even know when you started preparing for the hearing?
I mean, the biggest hearing of your life and you have no clue?
You can't remember when you started preparing for this hearing?
This is a relevant question.
Can you understand why those words seem hollow to the American people who are supposed to entrust their faith in you?
It's not that deep.
I'm sure of the moment I received notification.
But you can't remember him.
You got little Alzheimer'sheimer's dementia going i mean
you can't remember i have several active investigations going on in an operational
agency to run okay all right but you want to take accountability, right? The buck stops with
you, right? I am taking accountability. Super then let's start with trying to
answer some questions. You keep referring to the FBI.
When asked how many shell casings were on the roof, you referred to the FBI.
When asked if there was explosive in the car, you referred to the FBI.
When asked if Crooks was acting
there... Ooh, displacement of accountability. I like that.
See a common theme here? That's cute.
My question is
who at the FBI should
I speak with?
Wait for it. Wait for it. The FBI is responsible for the
criminal... Is there a name? Who is it? She's
not going to give a name because she does
not certain. I'm not certain. Alright, here we go. Not certain. I don't know, let me ask a different question. Have you been in communication with the FBI?
Yes, I have.
Who were you communicating with?
I speak with the director and deputy directors.
What's their names?
And what are they doing?
They're trying to get information from the FBI.
So, we've got some questions here about the FBI.
We'll go through them one by one.
One of our first questions is that, when did the FBI come into contact with the FBI?
When was it established? When was the FBI called upon? When was the FBI called upon? yes i have who are you communicating with yeah i speak with the director and
the deputy directors what's their names and what have they shared
with you about this investigation so i'll give
you an a an opportunity to answer again.
Did they share with you how many shell casings were on the roof?
I mean, it's interesting... It's entertaining.
They have shared with me the evidence that they collected.
Did they share with you
how many shell casing were on the roof yes okay how many were there I
would refer to the FBI for house this is a joke how she's still even here in their investigation
so they've shared the information with you, you just don't want to share
the information with us correct we have concurrent investigations that are going
on. So they have shared this information with you. You know the answer to
the question. You just refuse to answer the question from the member of Congress who has subpoenaed
you to be here.
Is there a different answer to that question?
I was always willing to come here and testify before this oversight hearing.
Beautiful, then let's do that! Let's for once have your actions match your words.
So you've been in communication with the FBI.
You know the answers and you refuse to tell us the answers.
I will ask you again,
you know how many shell casings were on that roof?
What is the answer to that question? You know how many shell casings were on that roof.
What is the answer to that question?
I think it's pertinent... What is the answer
to that question?
I love this.
I hate people like her.
I hate people like her. I think it's pertinent to talk to you about the information that the Secret Service has
and that the Secret Service knows related to the events of that day.
I'm asking you an answer to the question.
If you're supposed to be in charge, if the buck stops with you, how come you can't share the answers?
What are you covering up and what are you hiding my friend bro?
She's getting cooked.
I'm not covering anything then why can't you answer us?
You are saying what it is.
I would leave it to the criminal investigation
to answer questions related to that.
When you talk to the FBI
and you ask them how many explosives, well let me ask you, did
you ask them how many explosives were on the roof?
Did they answer that question or in the car, excuse me.
Did they answer that question for you
yes yes so you know the answer to that question
that my colleagues have asked you but again you refuse
to give us the answers your plan're playing this wasn't me.
Well, I submit to you
if you can't
and it's not a can't,
it's a won't.
It's not a can't.
It's not an I don't know.
It's a a can't. It's not an I don't know. She's just not doing it.
It's an I choose not to answer the question.
The reason why she's not saying is because there's more shells than what was originally reported, probably.
If you want to be in charge, answer the question and it would make them
have someone with the courage and the guts to answer to the american people the questions that they deserve answers to and And with that, I yield back.
Chair, now we recognize Ms. Boebert from Colorado.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I'm going to continue down that vein.
You have been here sitting today, Director Cheadle,
definitively able to dismiss
erroneous information
and speculation.
However, you are refusing
to answer questions
that we now know
that you have the information for.
You are saying that you have the information for. You are saying
that you are wanting to answer questions
that the Secret Service
has information to. Well, ma'am, you are
the Secret Service. You are the director.
You have said that you are the best for the job, so I'm going to ask you some questions
now, knowing that you do have answers from the FBI whom you have been passing the buck
to this entire day.
And I'll start with something that,
maybe the FBI doesn't know
because it has to do with you personally.
You said you spoke with President Trump
after the assassination
attempt, and I want to know
did you apologize to him directly
for nearly having President Trump killed?
That would take accountability.
Yes, I did.
I appreciate that.
I appreciate that you recognize
that this was your failure.
Now since the assassination attempt
you are under oath
reminding you.
Have you communicated with
anyone at the White House on an encrypted
messaging app like
Yes or no? No, I have not.
Are you willing to surrender your personal phone for analysis?
If I am required to do so.
Okay. if I am required to do so. Okay,
um, I will look into making that request
because I would like to see your personal phone
and take care of communicating over
encrypted messaging apps. That's what I think
Have you ever turned down enhanced security requests from Donald Trump's detail, his special agent in charge, Sean Coran?
Turned on security.
You ever turn that down?
No, I have not.
Have there been requests... Has your team has a Secret Service?
Maybe not you personally.
I believe as I mentioned earlier, there are times when requests are made for
and you have denied them they have been denied.
This is too broad of a question to mean anything
You may request for additional assets that have been denied?
This is too broad of a question
Denial doesn't mean vulnerability sets that have been denied this is too broad
question mean vulnerability have there been additional requests for
enhanced security at mar-a-lago we have made a number of enhancements to
you confirmed there were bomb sniffing
dogs that were provided. You failed to confirm if there were
aerial security surveillance assets
that were provided so yes or or no? Was that provided?
At the rally,
yes ma'am. We had
Overwatch provided at the rally.
You've confirmed that the assassin was
identified as a suspicious 57 minutes prior to shooting.
Explains everything.
Was a suspicious individual ever approached by an agent?
Was any contact ever made with him?
Not to my knowledge. Is that the standard protocol for someone who is identified as suspicious?
The protocol would be to locate the individual.
And you said that he was located two to five times approximately?
You didn't even have to locate him, you already knew where it was.
I see that information was passed potentially somewhere between two to five times.
He was never located by an agent? was passed potentially somewhere between two to five minutes.
And he was never located by an agent?
To my knowledge, that individual
was not located by an agent.
We have dozens of rally goers who
have identified him and not one
agent on the ground. There are and not one agent on the ground there are many
many many agents on the ground local law enforcement secret service no
one was able to identify him and have sights on and see him
what i'm saying is that the agents
who were on the ground at the time,
I have no knowledge they were able to
interview or locate him.
Was there a local law enforcement officer
who approached the roof and saw
the shooter
and saw that he was present on
the roof? That is the information
that has been shared with me you spoken to a law enforcement officer
no i have not obviously going to it is part of a criminal investigation
is interviewing those individuals.
Were agents stationed on the water tower?
No. Why?
That would not be something that
would be included in a security plan.
A water tower has the man who is
reported to have been present,
wearing a Gray suit who allegedly
requested a photo of the dead body
of the assassin on top of the agr roof been identified i don't have that
information is that something that you've heard of no were atf agents present at the rally?
Why would they be there?
To attend or to work?
To work, not to my knowledge.
How long did the counter sniper have crooks in his sights?
That's a good question.
Before the shooter opened fire on President Trump?
I don't have that specific timeline.
Will you be able to tell us if he communicated with other agents on what he was seeing through his sites?
Like five minutes.
Once I have the information, absolutely.
How would you not know that?
I feel like that's kind of relevant, right?
To be fired at President Trump before the threat was neutralized.
We need to know if he was given an order to hold fire.
Now it's... You've excused the roof
of being unmanned
because of the slope of the roof
do you continue to
accept the slope of the roof as a
credible reason for leaving this position undefended? The slope of the roof as a credible reason for leaving this position on defense
slope of the roof first i'll go back and correct that
there was no order to hold fire our agents and officers
uh have what about the roof though to neutralize our agents and officers have the ability to
neutralize a threat at
the time. I'm sorry, you don't know
the communication that was taking place or how long
he had admitted sites because you haven't spoke
to him but you do know that there was no order.
I would want to figure that out.
The way our personnel are trained they're trained on the use of force scale
when they see a threat they are authorized to neutralize that
threat there is no they don't have to ask for permission you
excuse the roof being unmanned because of the slope do
you stand by that assertion the roof was not
covered with an individual on it because there was overwatch provided
apparently no there's not no there was no overwatch
provided this is very evident.
President Trump was shot, I mean, died.
You're lying!
There was no oversight provided.
I find this rather maddening, especially now knowing that you do have answers from the FBI who you have been
passing the buck to this entire hearing not answer yeah congressional hearing
again under oath and under a subpoena.
I find it maddening that the director
that our country
has come centimeters away
from oblivion under
your watch.
How is she still even there to give those to us directing us to the fbi and this entire thing is a waste of time. You think she'll be fired? Yeah.
You are responsible for
the loss of a life
and the shooting that took place
on President Trump.
You do need to resign. This is bipartisan. You need to be fired. You do need to resign. This is bipartisan. You need
to be fired. You do not need to hold this
position. You're not the best for this job.
I am over my time. I cannot
tolerate your watch
any longer, and I'm going to continue
to call daily for you
to be removed from
your position, ma'am.
Chair recognizes Mr. Fry
from South Carolina.
I agree with her.
She's right.
She could.
Director Cheadle, how long
have you been with the Secret Service?
29 years right?
That's correct.
And how long have you been director of the Secret Service?
Just under two years.
During your tenure as director under the Secret Service
I know we're here today to talk about
the assassination attempt on President Trump.
But how many other security lapses have occurred with protectees under your watch?
She's not going to say that.
She can't say that. She can't say that.
She shouldn't say that.
I don't have a specific number,
but there have been some lapses.
There have been other lapses.
Was one of them Jake Sullivan?
Yes, sir.
What happened there? Wait Wait what? There was an
individual who was able to access Mr. Sullivan's residence. His residence? A
protectee somebody was able to break into his house.
And what happened? Did anyone get fired because of that?
There were individuals who have been reassigned.
Reassign. What other steps have taken...
What I'm seeing is a...what other excuse me Reassigned. What other steps have taken?
What I'm seeing, what other, excuse me,
what other incidents have occurred other than that?
It's a, you can't unweave the tapestry
so there can never be any fault.
Was there an issue with the Secret Service agent and Vice President Harris?
I would not call that a security incident.
Well, it seems to me you have security lapses with President Trump. You have security lapses with Jake Sullivan.
You have issues with your personnel related to Vice President Kamala Harris. There seems to be a repeated theme here. Would you not agree with that?
I think that we are talking about separate categories of incidents.
Every category wants its own leadership though.
There's a repeated theme when you've got detectees and you're not upholding your core mission.
Let me ask you something else, does the Secret Service routinely record communications between
and amongst detail? Radio communication. Any
communication. Email communications are
captured as well as text messages
and depending on the detail
radio communications are recorded.
Does the Secret Service have recorded
communications from the July 13th event?
We do not have radio communications
from that day. But you have text messages?
We do have emails
and text messages. Emails, okay great
Does the head of this Trump
detail or someone else embedded in
this detail have command decision-making authority,
or do they need to seek authorization from someone outside that detail?
The head of the detail has uh the decision making authority for
things that are necessary
for that detail. Is that standard for protection details? That should be.
Yeah, it should be of course. Let me ask you something
Where's he going? During campaign events during campaign events? Is it common for the Secret Service to utilize other agencies? Yes, it is what other agencies would be providing assistance to the Secret Service. There are a number of other agencies that
provide assistance, the secret service during
campaigns. We utilize personnel from the Department
of Homeland Security we utilize personnel from the Department of Defense, and we utilize local law enforcement
Are you on the same radios?
Do you provide the radios to all the assets that are taking part in protection of an event?
We provide radios to the personnel from
the Department of Homeland Security that are assisting us.
But not local law enforcement?
Local law enforcement is working on their own radios.
Are you on the same frequency?
We ensure that we have counterparts in
the security room and so
the local law enforcement will place one one of them thanks for the raid
hi guys with our personnel so that we have interoperable interoperability communications
let me ask you something just about
the timeline because i think
this is really interesting that we can't nail that down
I mean, I think there are lay people out there with more
joy election all right well and you seem to come before a subpoena in front of
congress was Mr. Crooks observed at the agr building prior to
the shooting what was he observed he was observed on the grounds uh outside of our perimeter
prior to the shooting.
At approximately what time was that?
You don't have to give me a specific minute, but at approximately
what time was it?
I believe it was about 45 minutes or so prior to.
Did the sniper team take a photo
of Mr. Crooks?
The local team did, yes.
So it was a local team and not a Secret Service
sniper that took the photo.
Okay. And if you relay that to Central Command that took the photo. Okay, so the local police are more competent
than the Secret Service?
Again, it's an act of ongoing investigation
so I want to make sure
that I'm factual with the route
that photo took and who that was disseminated
to, and when. What time did Mr.,
what, when did Mr. Crooks'
status go from a
a person
that was
to a
maybe not
when he shot Trump or And maybe not even a specific time.
Maybe when he shot Trump?
Maybe a certain event that happened that transformed him from a person of suspicion to a threat,
When did that happen?
Maybe after they shot Trump like the third time.
They're like wait a minute...
To the best To my knowledge based on what I've
been told thus far it's approximately
five minutes to where
individuals relayed
that there was an incident being or an issue i'm sorry
being worked at the three o'clock of the president
so that was but it was before the shots were fired?
That is correct. But again, it was not phrased as a threat. It was just that something
was being worked on.
Yeah, but my question is when did he become...
When did he transform from suspicion
to threat? Because they're treated very
differently. People can be suspicious
but they're not a threat until a certain point in
time. So when did that happen?
When he shot him? I believe believe it was seconds before the gunfire started.
Seconds, my gosh we actually have a few questions that we got answered today. Listen
I'm going to wrap up here Mr, but here's the frustration that people have
The buck stops with you
You've said that yourself
But the problem in Washington DC is it is the only town in America
That you can be so bad at your job
That you actually get a promotion or don't
get fired.
You have not been able to answer the number of agents whether or not requests were denied
on additional security, whether law enforcement were able to engage before the shooting with
the assassin. How he got on the roof? Jesus!
How the rifle got on the roof? You can't tell us how many shots
he fired, whether the casings were recovered. Yeah.
You can't tell us anything about his cell phone.
You can't tell us uh...wh cell phone, you can't tell us whether
the rally was supposed to be postponed
given the intelligence that you
are receiving and tell us whether the car had a bomb
you can even tell us his motive
And the American people are incredibly distrustful because
it has taken nine days to get a scintilla of evidence out of you! Maybe if I was CNN
or ABC or NBC, I would have gotten much more thorough and accurate information. But we
have not received that in a subpoenaed hearing in front of this Congress. That
is why the American people are frustrated. And I echo
the bipartisan calls on this committee and all
across this country that you should resign
or maybe when the president wakes up from his
nap he can fire you.
Chair now recognizes Ms. Luna from Florida
I'm going must say it director
i bet he's dead the names of the individuals who are in charge of your
con up for the rally
i'm not going to release names and you give me the titles
and how many individuals?
We had a full advance team.
Yeah, it's sad but I think that's what happened.
How many people are the final approval authority?
Do I think that's what happened?
There are number of people who are engaged in approving the plan. Can you give me a number of people engaged in approving can you give me a
number no i do not have okay the firm number
can you just confirm whether or not i understand this is an open investigation
but in order to dispel conspiracy theorists, have you guys been able
to subpoena the shooter's discord
records or has the FBI to your knowledge?
I believe that
the FBI is working on those. Damn
so the FBI wrote like... Is it factual to fbi you have not ruled out that
the shooter was working with other people or persons
again yeah the fbi is great criminal investigation and
yeah they're actually doing their job conspiracy theories can you confirm or deny that at this time we do not
have that there were any other people engaged so you believe he's acting alone i do okay have
you been made aware of multiple eyewitness reporting that there was a second shooter on
the water tower? I do not have any information related to any second shooter. Okay, uh the reason
i asked that is because according to testimony from multiple witnesses they did report that and
again, uh to my understanding there were over 40 sniper teams that were briefed by the Butler ESU
and i want to make sure that people are aware if you're saying that there's not another shooter,
that we are able to clear the information because from this whole entire briefing it doesn't seem like much
information has been able to get out to the American people.
So I'm trying to dispel rumors, as I'm sure you understand.
Yeah, a lot of times...
Was it true that Secret Service was present at the Butler ESU briefing?
There was a briefing between the lot of times people think there's two shooters.
Counter sniper teams that were working on the ground. Was Secret Service present? Yes to my
knowledge. Okay I want to read your report from people that seem to be
throwing you under the bus
and stated that they were in attendance, and that Secret Service was not
in attendance at the security briefing according to individuals with knowledge.
To also include that the AGR building where the shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was
located, um, was actually not a part of their security perimeter for
that. So there is no Secret Service present.
It seems as though that when you were asked earlier from Rep Krista Morphy about whether or not Secret Service was aware of a threat,
you had said no, they're unaware of a threat and yet according to communications
again from law enforcement that were in some of these group chats they actually had reported
that secret service was made aware of a threat at around 5.59 p.m. as
a part of the command including Secret Service, aware of messages and requests
about information about the suspect's location. Can you please tell me if you have
knowledge of that at all? Again I think we're conflating the difference between
the term threat and suspicious but you guys did have knowledge at 5 59 pm according to those group
chats did you not of a suspicious individual okay well why didn't it what in my opinion
according to some of the testimony today i feel that you have perjured yourself in
some instances and so I'm going ask for a full review of the transcripts by
staff. And if you find that to be the case I do
ask that you bring perjury charges against the director.
I will say this, it is very frustrating and I've talked to my colleagues
and we have said it to your face that you have been up here basically stonewalling
our ability to get answers to the American people.
And what I will also say is that
every single member of Congress... Yeah, they need to make an example
out of her. You have heard that and
I think that we are all sitting ducks with you
directing the Secret Service currently.
But more importantly, it sends a message to our adversaries that we are not protected
And we're one of the strongest countries in the world so
You have essentially made us a less safe country because of it
As a result of that I'm asking you to
formally step down, I share my same opinions as my Democrat colleagues and I
also think that your efforts to bring forward a full investigation and report in 60 days is
unacceptable. And as a result of that I'm going to do everything in my legislative
toolkit to ensure that that happens sooner rather than later,
and I'm sure that you know know we brought a vote on inherent
contempt against Garland for essentially blocking an investigation.
I don't think you should be any different.
I will say that I am just completely disgusted by your performance today.
And I understand that you are probably in a position where
you're being told not to testify, which is why we had to subpoena you.
I think that goes back to Garland.
But again, that is probably the flushing
that we need to get out of this situation and I would
be happy to assist in that process.
Chairman, I yield the rest of my time.
Chair now recognizes Mr. Langworthy
from New York. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman
and I appreciate you bringing this hearing forward
with subpoena director yesterday
I made the decision to get my car
and drive to Butler, Pennsylvania in preparation
for this moment and asking you
questions about the
events of... She got cooked? Yeah.
Is she having a bad year, bro?
I've done several presidential events prior in my career and I wanted to see this site
with my own two eyes because I don't believe the video footage tells the whole story or
anything that shows on a diagram.
I think she had a bias against Trump? I don't know. And I was absolutely appalled when I went to
this site, when I saw that fact that I could have stood on the roof of that building, the
AGR building and hit that podium with a nine iron.
And I'm a lousy golfer.
The fact that was not included in the perimeter is a complete dereliction
of duty to the U S secret service.
There are very few rooftops that needed to be secured of the duty of the U.S. Secret Service. Yeah, why not?
There are very few rooftops that needed to be secured
and the fact that Secret Service is they were putting a site plan in place
He's saying he could have no-scoped it
to man those rooftops you have completely walked away from your duties.
You had one job and that's to protect the future president United States or
to protect all of the other protectees.
And President Trump is only here today by God's grace because he had just something
in him that made him turn his head just slightly. Or we would be in a national
period of mourning right now, and
you have done nothing here
I've rewritten these questions like four times
during your hearing, and you haven't
answered a damn one of them. You haven't given any information,
you have hidden behind this FBI investigation
that you should be ashamed of yourself
because you have brought more shame to your agency
than I think the assassination attempt has at this point
It's literally the worst performance
I have ever seen in film.
Oh, that's good.
Hear it.
You have offered no reason for this committee
or this body
or the American people to trust you
or the Secret Service today.
Was she hiding? Probably because she's stupid.
You have said that you've put new security measures in place
after the assassination attempt.
Can you tell us what those are?
Because the American people want to know that
you're taking real corrective measures
and today you've pointed to an investigation
Investigation or not, you still have
a job to do with a zero-fail mission.
But so far there's been absolutely no accountability
and you've admitted that here today.
Not one person has been suspended.
Not one person has been put on a desk.
Meanwhile we've got the most contentious of elections
in our nation's history
and protectees are in danger
because of incompetent leadership.
Not the agents.
The agents piled on President Trump
to protect his life. Those are
heroes, but the administrators
running your agency? They're not right now.
They're not doing their jobs
and you certainly aren't doing it.
The most appalling part of Saturday's events is the countless opportunities that Secret Service had to stop Crooks before he even got on the roof.
At 3 o'clock, Crooks raised suspicion by airing the rally with a rangefinder.
He was walking around like an NPC!
A conference at Beaver County Emergency Services Unit saw Crooks eyeballing the roof
at the HDR International Building
and then at 5 55 Secret service was warned of a suspicious person
and identifies crooks as a threat this was all the four shots were fired 15 minutes later director
yes or no did local law enforcement alert the Secret
Service about Crook's presence at the rally?
Yes they did
The shooter came to attention of law enforcement
almost an hour before President Trump went on stage.
Wow, an hour?
Law enforcement alerted the Secret Service to the shooter.
An hour?!
Over and over he said there's a difference between a suspicious individual
and a threatening individual.
Can you explain what the shooter needed to exemplify
to be called a threat? That's a good question
This guy is good
So I'm not clear as to what
identified him as suspicious
to the individuals who
Clarify, but you said he was suspicious or the Secret Service for an individual to be determined to be a threat that
Individual would have to be seen
with a weapon
but or capable of doing some sort of harm
to our protectees i mean director an individual walking into a rally with
a range finder scoping out why would you have a
rainfinder reportedly flew a drone over hours rally with a range finder. Why would you have a range finder?
He reportedly flew
a drone over hours before.
It sounds like
a lot more than suspicious,
especially at
a presidential rally.
Couldn't the drone
have a bomb on it?
Your operational lapses,
your resource management
and poor judgment
nearly resulted in the assassination of President Trump.
I mean, their election to do here is just appalling.
The fact that you haven't visited Butler it it is just maddening
to me that you're not taking
this job seriously.
Many people here have called for your resignation.
I've introduced a resolution
here into this body that hopefully will get a vote this week calling on the
president to fire you ma'am. You have not done your job, you have put two black eyes
on your agency and you need to go. Mr. Chairman, I yield back.
He right.
Gentleman yields back. Chair now recognizes Mr. Burleson from Missouri.
Judge Cheadle, um,
I just want to kind of get an idea
what you can answer because outside
of what the FBI is responsible for
You have full responsibility for the Department of Secret Service.
the question is
what is the mission?
What is your
who defines the mission?
Our mission
of the Secret Service is to protect uh the president the vice president
he's going to be like did you achieve that mission presidential candidates
the former presidents and those by executive order.
And we also have an investigative mission.
And those are well defined?
Yes, they do.
Everyone within the agency understands the mission?
Yes, they do.
What about protocols and standards?
Who defines the protocols and standards?
She does.
We have a number of protocols
and policies in place.
Oh, she does
but she's saying
that a lot of people do it
to displace accountability.
Would it be safe to say
That's what's happening
that you failed the mission yeah see i everybody knew where he was going today
that there was a failure yeah what about specific failures within
protocols and and guidelines
within the agency?
Again, I am certain that the investigation
that is being conducted internally
as well as the external investigation?
You said earlier in the hearing
that there was either a communication,
there's errors in communication or in operations.
Could it be both?
In both areas? Could it be both? In errors in operational decisions. You said you fucked up once, is it possible
you've fucked up twice?
I think the investigation potentially could identify both.
So I want to talk about communications.
Representative Boebert asked earlier
about using encrypted apps,
that you said you have not used
Signal. Are you that you said you have not used, I guess signal.
Have you used any encrypted app to communicate
from your personal device?
I do on occasion use encrypted apps to communicate.
So you use some form of an encrypted app to communicate with people within the federal government,
with local law enforcement?
Whom are you communicating using encrypted apps?
That's a good question.
Many times it is with colleagues and associates. So you're communicating
with colleagues? Well I thought she said earlier there are times that the Secret
Service when we work internationally with some of our
partners that they don't have the same texting capability. And you're not able
to do that with your government issueissued device?
Recently, we have been able to install some of those apps on government devices.
Let's talk about some of the things that we can get access to. I'm actually shocked
you are using your personal device and encrypted communication tools, I think that might be
the most shocking thing that i've heard today
i didn't expect you to for you to say that of course she was yeah the we have requested this
committee has requested multiple documents and this is not you know been under the purview of the FBI,
this is under your purview we requested a complete list of all law enforcement personnel including
Secret Service Department of Homeland Security,
local law enforcement with the rules
on protecting the president.
And we requested that to be for us
to receive that by July 18th.
Did you provide that?
I believe that our agency is in the process of collecting all documents. So, you have not provided it.
How long does it take to determine who the personnel were on site?
We are collecting a comprehensive list of all
the documents that have been requested. We also requested all the audio and video recordings
that your agency, not the FBI but your agency has in possession
related to the event. Did we receive those? Have you provided those at all?
We are in the process of collecting all documentation requested
You're in the process but you have not. Any memorandums or any internal
communications related to the event, we requested that you provide
that. Have you provided any of that?
We are in the process of collecting
the information that has been requested.
So no.
That's no. When can we expect to receive these documents?
How long does it take
to determine
who was on site,
who was being employed
to be there to protect the former president.
When can we expect that?
How long, how many days does it take to provide that information?
At some point.
We want to make sure that we have a comprehensive accounting of all of the documents that were engaged in that day and we will make them available as soon as possible.
I think transparency is key here, it's shocking to me that communicating in an encrypted app to
I'm almost certain that violates
some federal laws.
I would like to clarify, you didn't ask me whether
my communications were
government work related or whether they
were personally.
Yes, yes you did.
Communicating with colleagues.
Yes he did.
Government business.
He acted as if it was federal workers.
With colleagues on a personal device I communicate on my work device. Are you
using an encrypted device on your work device?
I am not. No no encrypted apps? No, I do not. Okay thank you Mr Chairman.
Chair now recognizes Mr Walts from Florida thank you mr chairman chair now recognize mr waltz from florida
thank you mr chairman uh madam director please
i'd like to direct your attention to this video and i sincerely appreciate
the clarity on this turn up the volume
stuff ask you because this has been
this has popped up Republican
Congressman Mike Walls he said on
social media on Saturday and I'm going to read this for you because it does talk about...
Can you respond to that please?
Who knows why that happened.
Well, that is a baseless and irresponsible statement and one that is unequivocally
Director Cheadle, did you speak with
your boss
Secretary Mayorkas.
CNN cut it? No, it says this is live.
You fall under DHS did you speak with him?
Yeah, it says its live.
On the 14th, the day after?
Yes I did.
So you spoke with him before he made that statement
i spoke with him uh they're showing the videos evidence
did you and then did you inform him that all requests for additional resources.
Sorry, I didn't understand.
You fall under DHS?
Did you speak with him on the 14th,
the day after?
I was really...
I thought it was just like
the news station...
So you spoke to them before
he made that statement. I spoke with him
immediately following the incident.
Did you inform him
that all
requests for additional
resources for President Trump had been fulfilled?
Or that it was false to say they had been denied?
I informed him that the request
for that rally that day had been fulfilled okay you're
you continue to answer that very carefully because i made a broader
statement the agents that came to me made a broader statement. That is permanent
protective detail for years now have been asking for more. Is that correct?
I do not have specific incidents of those requests.
Is it correct that they've been asking for more?
I have heard the same reports that you had...
I've heard that.
...without having them in front of me,
Those requests are made in writing
I mean agents are telling me they make him and write this isn't a verbal agency things
were made in writing so she either denied it or she didn't know those requests in
front of me here too. I'm not asking if you have them in front of you.
Are you aware that they were made?
As I said earlier, there are times when requests
are made and depending on the availability
of assets or if there is a way
So there were times when they were denied? If there is a way that so there were times when they
were denied if there is a way that that uh
vulnerability can be mitigated in a different way
then that is why that's there are times when they were denied for a variety of reasons yeah exactly
the secret service has a multi-layered and multifaceted security plan so that we can pivot
if so in the wake i mean in the immediate 48 hours of an assassination attempt on a former president could be the next leader of the free world almost had his head blown off.
Your boss says that's irresponsible and false to say things are denied
and you had talked to him so did he just make that on his own make that up on his
own or did you tell them that we were speaking about the requests made at the rally.
Staff, can we show the next slide please?
Uh-oh! Here we go.
Then we have your spokesman. Did you sign off on this statement?
That there's an assertion that a member of the former president's team requested additional security resources and those were rebuffed?
This is absolutely false.
In fact, we added protective resources and technology and capability as part of the increased campaign travel tempo but next slide please.
Next slide, please staff we have the Washington Post article
that then says we now have senior Secret Service
officials saying there were in times at times when it was denied so
which is it again there have been a number of
conversations going on here did you sign off on that spokesman statement the
spokesmen's statement I believe was related to requests that were made for the rally.
Did you sign off on it?
Twitter used for evidence?
Well, it is just a statement made.
Did you sign off on this statement before they went out?
Does it matter where it is made?
I signed off on my press spokesosition statement, before they go out.
I would hope you would in the wake of an assassination attempt
Yes. You did?
Categorically false that any requests
were made. You signed off on it." Thank you for that
thank you for that clarity. Madam Director, how many press conferences have
you held since the assassination attempt? We have put out a press release.
How many press conferences
have you held,
gone to the mic,
taken questions from the public,
That's what I would've done.
I wouldn't have taken
a single one.
I have not held any.
How many has Secretary mayorfus held
zero how many is the fbi held zero how many is the department of justice held
i know you know the answer
i believe there was a press conference uh in butler
after the incident.
Oh, geez!
By local law enforcement.
Not by you and not by
Department of Homeland Security so
this is how misinformation flies. I mean, in the darkness,
In the absence of information now we have nine days later before a congressional committee
We all represent almost 1 million people and you still don't have answers. Are
you aware that national news anchors are saying this was a hoax on national television? They're
saying the president wasn't shot, it was flying glass. Are you aware of that?
I have not heard those reports.
Wait really?
There are rumors rampant online that there were multiple shooters.
You don't know that?
How do you not know that? Are you aware that because the shooter had overseas encrypted platforms in Belgium and
New Zealand and Germany, that a lot of people are speculating there could have been foreign
involvement logically. Are
you aware of that? Yes. And did, have you done anything to disabuse any of these
notions today? No. You haven't.
Madam Director, I would fire you regardless of the failure.
I would fire you just how you've handled it since.
You should have been the first to say America, world, I want to assure you accountability sure you full transparency uh our agency clearly had major gaps here and i want
to personally take responsibility and accountability. You should have been the first
standing alongside Secretary Mayorkas, and I would even go so far as
to say have daily press conferences updating everyone on what we know but you haven't had
any of that. What are you hiding behind? I'm not hiding because you're making the situation worse
i think you've heard that on a bipartisan basis here,
You are making this situation far worse in
the absence of information. Yep. Let's move on.
He is totally right.
This is truly astounding.
I want to be clear, because you keep dodging the issue, has President Trump's permanent
protective detail requested additional assets over the last few years. He is clearly not your
average former president, he's not Jimmy Carter in an old folks home, he's not
President Bush painting out on his barn, he has multiple residences a lot of rallies he's very publicly engaged
and he has a foreign threat in addition to domestic threats
have they requested additional resources?
That's the last question, but please feel free to thank you director.
We have continued as I stated earlier to increase over the past year, uh,
the assets that are at
the former president's
It's not an answer.
supply chain.
She's not answering
the question.
Mr. Chairman,
if I could just ask
for one more indulgence.
It is clear you have
not been to Butler,
Pennsylvania. Leaders lead and should be on the ground. you have not been to Butler, Pennsylvania.
Leaders lead and should be on the ground.
You've not been there.
Instead, you went to the RNC
but you weren't originally even going to go there.
Where were you originally scheduled
to go besides the RNC at national special security event?
I was always scheduled to go to Mr. Chairman, I would like to enter into the record that
the director was scheduled to go to Aspen hobnobbing around with I don't know who
what liberal elites go to Aspen. That was where you were originally
scheduled to go to speak at a forum.
I was scheduled to go to the RNC.
I was going to leave the RNC for 24 hours and
return back to the RNC.
I hope as your predecessor Julie Pearson
with a security incident on the White House and under
the Obama administration, and Reagan's Secret Service detailed lead. I will hope
you would have the dignity for the sake of the agents in the service to resign.
Gentlemen, silence expired. Thank you. sake of the agents in the service to resign gentlemen time's expired thank you i'd like
to enter a few things into the record oh my god about the remaining articles
that mr biggs was uh wanting to enter into the record
without objection so ordered next I have a written statement from Representative
Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania his district includes Butler and he has a written statement that we'd like to enter into the record without objection.
So ordered a bipartisan 114th congressional report titled
United States Secret Service and Agency
in Crisis. This was prepared by former
Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz
and former Ranking Member Elijah Cummins
And lastly
the issue subpoenaed compelling director
Cheadle's appearance at today's hearing without objection so ordered that
concludes our question segment. I want to thank the Director for your testimony today.
Yeah, thanks for the content.
Now yield to the Ranking Member for closing remarks.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
And Director Chito I also want to thank you for your patience
over the course of what must have been a
very long and trying hearing for you.
Why would you even defend this?
It's an unusually encouraging hearing
and an unusually depressing hearing,
and what's encouraging, Mr Mr. Chairman is that we came
together to issue a strong
statement deploring and categorically
denouncing political
violence in America
and I also didn't see any daylight between the members of the two parties today at the
hearing in terms of our bafflement and outrage about the shocking operational failures that
led to disaster and near catastrophe on July 13th, 2024.
What is depressing is the extraordinary communications gap between the director of the Secret Service and Congress.
And I don't want to add to the directors terrible, horrible no good very bad day
but I will
be joining the chairman in
calling for the resignation
of the director just because
I think that this relationship is
irretrievable at this point and I think that
the Director has lost the confidence of Congress
at a very urgent and tender moment
in the history of the country.
And we need to very quickly move beyond this.
But what I will say, Mr. Chairman,
is that I took this hearing
to be about two major policy failures.
And one policy failure is the one
that got the vast majority of the attention,
which was the failure of the Secret Service
to effectively respond
to a gunman on a roof
within 150 yards
of a presidential visit and speech. But the other failure is on the part of Congress, because the mass
shooting that took place in Butler Pennsylvania is replicated all over the country every day.
And in fact, as I said, Mr. Chairman,
it happened that evening
in Alabama,
in Birmingham, Alabama
where there was a mass shooting more people even were killed
and wounded than were killed and wounded in butler pennsylvania so it's true the president
the former president the handful of people who get the secret service protection
are the only people in America we thought were safe from an AR-15 attack. It's clear that they're
not safe either and we've got to get to the bottom on that but we've got to get to the bottom of that.
But we also have to get to the bottom of the larger problem which is that the whole country
is living like this in fear and terror of assault weapon attacks
in movie theaters, churches, synagogues, mosques
supermarkets, Walmarts
any place where an audience or a public gathers.
And the worst was in Las Vegas
where a gunman got up on a roof
and then just mowed down 60 people below him and wounded hundreds
of other people. So we've got to deal with that problem. Yes,
we have to move as swiftly as we can to deal with the problems of the Secret Service, but
the broader problem is still there. And I
just wish to the heavens
that our colleagues could get together on
the question of presidential security
against an
AR-15 attack, could get together
on the question of public security
against an AR-15 attack
because all of us are vulnerable.
All of our families
are in danger by this
and the rest of the world
doesn't live this way.
And we have to look to see
how uniquely strange
it is that we allow
20-year-olds to access
AR-15's weapons of mass destruction
and show up in public places
to endanger other people, and I hope Mr. Chairman we
can work together on that with the same spirit of bipartisan commitment
to the public safety that was exemplified here today,
and i yield back to you the record member yields
back uh i'll deliver my closing remarks director cheetle subpoenaed you to appear today to get
answers for the american people well we didn't get that about
the failures that led to the assassination attempt of president
donald j trump unfortunately you refuse to answer
today i wonder why?
This committee is not known for its bipartisan, it's model of bipartisanship but I think today
we came together unanimously in our disappointment everybody knows your lack of
answers yep you've stated that the lbs will investigate and give a report
in you estimate 60 days,
we've been waiting for months
and months
for lots of different bits
of information from the FBI We have no confidence in the fbi
the majority this committee has no confidence
in the fbi i sincerely got more confidence in the fbi than them
would give not just congress confidence I got more confidence in the FBI than them.
Would give not just Congress confidence in
the Secret Service,
but the American people
would have confidence
in the Secret Service.
We don't have
confidence, not just in Congress. I don't believe
the American people tonight
when they go to bed are going to have confidence
that the Secret Service
the best it can be at that the Secret Service is,
is the best it can be.
I have confidence that it's not.
At protecting President Biden, at
protecting the First Lady,
at protecting President Trump,
at protecting their families.
That's what the primary role for
Secret Service to be. The picture? I know, it's so funny
Some people have said and speculated
well there needs to be more money
and more employees. As I stated
early on 3.1 billion.
I believe next year
it's going to be
a $3.2 billion budget
over 8,000 employees.
If the Secret Service
is spread too thin
and doing things like
inspecting counterfeit which is what the Secret Service
was created to do.
Was to inspect counterfeit money and things like that with the Treasury.
If it's spread too thin, then we need to come together in Congress.
And I think we can do that in a bipartisan way
to narrow the focus of the Secret Service
to protect the leaders
of our country, to protect our elections by protecting
our candidates. And I don't believe we have any confidence that you can do
that as a leader in the FBI. I sincerely hope that we would adjourn this committee hearing
and have confidence not just in the Secret Service,
but you as director of the Secret Service.
But we do not. Taking responsibility
requires a lot of things, it means providing
transparency. It means providing transparency.
It means answering simple questions.
It means providing a specific timeline of July 13th
to this committee and the American people.
I mean, it's been nine days.
There were people that uh
we're demanding that we have a hearing the next day or two
days following the shooting and I said no we need to give
The Secret Service ample time to be able to answer those questions.
Nine days, maybe the cops that got removed from Uvalde moved over to the secret service
and we answered very many questions I think that explains it
I don't think there was a question...I've never said this before, and I've presided over a lot of hearings.
I don't think there was one question asked by anyone
That the average American hasn't already asked at a diner or at church, the ball game.
The American people have questions they deserve answers Congress deserves answer you were
subpoenaed today to provide answers and ma'am you did not do that so as ranking
member Raskin stated he and I will be sending a letter requesting that you submit your resignation as a step towards accountability in what happened.
And one of the biggest frustrations that many of us have, especially on this side of the aisle, is that there's never accountability in this administration.
See, that's what I was saying at the debacles prior to July 13th.
I mean, it would be hard to beat the withdrawal in Afghanistan.
The debacle there and no one was held accountable
To this day, no one has been held accountable for that
But here we have clearly video showing people notifying the police and
The police are blaming the Secret Service.
The Secret Service is blaming the Police, Homeland Security's blaming everybody
but at the end of the day Homeland Security is blaming everybody.
But at the end of the day, after this hearing and after our request for information
we don't have any answers from the American people
And we don't have that confidence
you can lead the Secret Service
to restore the confidence
and again I commend
the ranking member for joining with me
in the letter asking your resignation.
And we certainly hope that you will take that to heart.
With that, without objection all members have five legislative days
within which to submit
materials and additional written questions for the witness.
Which will be forwarded to the witness.
If there's no further business
without objection, the committee stands
Well, honestly I think that she should run for president. She's brought this country together more than Trump or Biden ever
could and she has brought everybody together
in acknowledging that
she's completely incompetent,
she has no fucking idea
what she's doing,
totally dishonest
and she should resign.
There it is. Unity through failure and she should resign.
There it is!
Unity through failure.
That's right, guys. This is astonishing.
Yep, great point.
Hey. Hey. hello hey Yeah.
Yeah, well that was within 1,000 feet.
Yeah, they still fucked up.
I gotta get back to it.
I don't have a lot of time today, okay?
Hand up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. with hand up yeah yeah when we shot at whenever the president threatened Okay.
I don't know,
I gotta get back to it, okay?
Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Alright, I'll talk to you later.
Alright, I'll talk to you later. Yeah, bye.
Yeah, no, my dad was saying it's like
yeah, it's the
perimeter was like
a thousand feet or something
like that and the guy was well within it.
So, yeah, it's obvious that they
fucked up, man.
When Shiro was down, he asked if has to do whatever wants yeah exactly and spice money yeah yeah no doubt and she should be the VP for
Harris yeah I know man and if you dodge questions by Congress, you can judge a ball. Yeah, I mean, honestly, I really feel like it's funny for me that this happened in a way because it just goes to show how like
it's like what I've said before about how people like to hide inside of a
tapestry of like accountability and bureaucracy
and displacement so like when something goes wrong it's
like nobody's fault nobody actually has any
accountability because like everybody is accountable for like seven percent of it
so there's not like any one person that you can say like yeah this person did it wrong
i mean it's not i hope it's not incompetence,
it's not malice.
I think honestly with you,
I really think she's probably
maybe she's not a fan of Trump
but I don't think
that she intentionally
tried to put him in harm's way. I don't think that she intentionally tried to put him in harm's way.
I don't think that's what happened.
I think this is a simple
case of
a person in a position they shouldn't
be in, that has displaced their
accountability and is
just like, I remember whenever
I would raid in WoW
there would be somebody that would make a mistake
and you'd have to go through Warcraft logs with them about
making the mistake and about how like tiresome and annoying and tedious that is. And I just see
that same thing happening now, Right? That's like the same
thing, it's like fuck it, it's like yeah,
they're not forthcoming with anything
they're looking for excuses
they're trying to come up with a reason
why it's not their fault.
You see what I'm saying, right?
I'll go back.
I'll watch one more of these.
Apparently this is probably one of the really good parts of it
that I missed because I was busy.
But yeah, let me go back and take a look at it.
Here we go
answers most of my questions are going to demand a yes or no answer do you understand i do okay
my first question both sides of the aisle today have asked for your resignation.
Would you like to use my five minutes
to draft your resignation letter, yes or no?
No thank you.
Was this a colossal failure?
It was a failure.
Yes or no, is it a colossal
failure? I mean the president getting shot
like if that's not a colossal failure
then what would be?
Like I feel like is it only colossal if he gets killed?
I mean like what's...
Question. Yes or no.
This is a yes or no series of questions.
Was this a colossal failure?
Yes or no?
Was this tragedy...
See, for me, when I see people talking like this,
any time for me me whenever I see a
person who doesn't answer a question
directly, I assume it's because they're
trying to obscure something
They're trying to obfuscate
something, they're trying to likefuscate something. They're trying to hide something
because a normal person,
it's like do you want ketchup or mustard?
They're just going to say
ketchup or mustard.
Do you want a medium
or a large? They're going to say medium or large.
So like yeah if you don't answer a question directly the odds are like this isn't always the case right because people can ask bad questions too. But in a lot of these cases
I don't think that happened
These are just people that are coming up with
Preventable, yes or no
Has the Secret Service been transparent Yes or no? Yeah. Yes.
Has the Secret Service been transparent with this committee?
Would you say that we had to issue a subpoena
to get you show up today as being transparent yes or no i have always
been yes or no you didn't want to answer the question we had to issue a subpoena
to get you to show up today that is is not transparent, by the way. You stated earlier Secret Service
is not political. Is that correct? Yes. Okay. Would you say leaking your opening statement
to punch full news Politico's playbook and Washington Post several hours
before you sent it to this committee as being political.
Yes or no?
I have no idea how my statement got out well that's so mr chairman i would like to
yeah she probably leaked it just so she could create the narrative.
Yeah, no,
she's right. I mean, she a liar.
It's obvious. Who the fuck would take this seriously?
You ask unanimous consent to enter into the record articles by
Punchbowl News, Political Playbook, Washington Post. All done at 524 AM, 612 AM,
634 AM a solid three to four hours before this committee got your statement.
Without objection to order. before this committee got your statement without objections ordered okay is the secret service
fully cooperating with our committee yes okay you say you're fully cooperating with this committee.
On July 15th, this committee sent you a list of demands
that information we wanted.
Has the Secret Service provided this committee a complete list of all law
enforcement personnel that were there that day? Have you done that? Have you provided
a list to the oversight committee? Yes or no?
I'll have to get back to you on that.
That is a no. Have you provided all audio and video
recordings in your possession to this committee as we asked yes or no i would have to get back
to you that is a no you're're full of shit today.
See, the problem
is that
if she was being honest,
she would say, of course we haven't given you all
the information. Some of it's still classified and it's not ready to be shown to the public.
Like she would just say what happened.
It's again, any...
To me, And you guys know this have you guys ever bought something
that was like uh illegal if you ever bought something that was illegal and you know how
important it is to have that level of trust.
And the moment that somebody breaks that trust at all,
You just have to completely cut contact.
Where there's smoke,
There's fire every single time.
Dishonest. Mr Chairman...
Mr Chairman I want to...
We have to maintain the quorum in this committee no matter how upset we get.
Have you provided any and all memos to this committee that we've asked you on July 15th?
Have you provided all memorandums within the Secret Service?
I would have to get back to you on that. That is a
no. You are being dishonest or
lying. You're being dishonest here
with this committee. These are important questions
that the American people want answers to,
and you're just dodging and talking around it in generalities.
We had a subpoenaed you to be here, but you won't even answer the questions.
We've asked you repeatedly to answer our questions. This isn't hard. These are not hard questions.
Have you provided us all communications?
And the thing is, like if she was competent and good at her job,
she could explain why releasing some things to the public would be a bad
idea at this current time.
She could easily explain
it if she was competent
because some of the questions
that are asking her Are unreasonable
And it's like, of course you're not showing
All of the information
Do you know if there's a second shooter or not
Well we don't know, right
They're not going to say that
Because if they say that they think it's going to happen like this could definitely
could cue off the person who they're trying to find like that's the thing well dei i i
well i'll get to that. From the Secret Service related
to that day and rally? Have you provided this information
on July 15th?
Have you provided any of
this information that this committee
has asked of the Secret Service, any of it?
I'll have to get back to you after that.
Have you even read this letter that we sent you?
Did you even read this?
Okay and you have said you don't know, You have no idea. The answer is no! We haven't gotten a single document or piece of information or data from you or your agency in related to the rally that we have asked you for.
I'm surprised
that they can even deny giving that to Congress, it sounds insane
Was this attempted assassination of Donald Trump a failure of training or execution
or both? I think that those are answers that we need to examine. Training,
execution, or both? Which one? I i think those are answers all right how many uh
how many secret service personnel have lost their jobs due to this colossal failure
zero at this time none none. How many...
Again, displacement of responsibility to such an abstract sense that nobody can ever be blamed for anything.
That's what's happening here,
and I've seen it in so many other situations.
Yep, there it is.
This is what people do
and that's what bureaucracy does.
Secret Service personnel have been required
to take a refresher course on how not to let people shoot Donald Trump.
Our personnel are currently operational, we're examining the facts of this investigation,
and we will make the changes necessary.
What time did law enforcement become aware that there was an individual on
the roof with a clear line of sight to President Trump?
I am still verifying timelines.
Of course. Nine days in you have no answers. How many minutes went by between the time?
How do you not know that? Like, I feel like the fact that you don't know that is an indication that you're incompetent.
Like, you should have
known that on the first day.
She's so unprepared? No, it's not
that she's unprepared. See, unprepared
implies that there could have been something
that she could have done that would
have made her... Like, she
knows the answer to that question.
She's not saying... She's not stupid not stupid like I don't think this woman is stupid,
she's just incompetent at her job and she's lazy.
It doesn't take a very intelligent person to understand that if I answer the question about what time it is, then they're gonna say why didn't you solve this problem?
Like... A fucking 85 IQ person could see oh I don't know law enforcement saw and
took photos of crooks in the shooting. How many minutes?
I am still verifying timelines. Fifty-seven minutes.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I yield back.
Yep there it is. I think that the reality
the display of incompetence
is in front of everybody and
it's the fact that you had a
5'8 at most,
overweight woman
guarding a 6'2 male president.
The fact that
that could have ever happened in any capacity indicates that you're incompetent at your job.
That's it, like it's literally in front of everybody.
Everybody can see this.
And it's in plain sight.
We don't need to look at timelines.
We don't need to look at if they knew that the person
was there. Yeah, I'm sure they fucked everything up.
But like staring you straight in the fucking face
is this person.
And it's obvious.
You always talk with me?
Well here's the thing.
If the chick was like
the same height or taller
than Donald Trump
then it would be no problem.
There are tall girls out there
and if she was in shape and able to do that There are tall girls out there, absolutely.
And if she was in shape and able to do that, I don't think
people would have been complaining.
You see what I'm saying? Yeah, exactly.
The problem is not that
it's a female. Now obviously most females are not that it's a female. Now, obviously most
females are not that tall but the problem is that the person
was like if it was a 5'6". Here's
The funny thing is that if it was a five foot six guy
that was that overweight,
everybody would be joking around and making fun of this
and being like, what is this?
Like, is this a joke?
How do we let this happen?
Everybody would be laughing.
So it's like...
And that's really the truth, right?
It would be the same.
Yeah, it would be awful.
And I feel like
it would be much easier to...
If that was the case,
to easily identify
that this is what
the problem is.
And everybody wouldn't be in agreeance that the people
that are physically guarding the president
should be the same size as, or
at least close to, if not larger than
the president in terms of height.
It's not even a question!
Any normal person would have come to this conclusion within three seconds
of looking at it, but I think people don't want to bring up
the fact that it's just simply because
the person was too small and i bet you probably did it i bet there probably was some sort of dei
representational reason for this and it's completely unacceptable.
It's totally unacceptable.
Yeah, it's fucking
clear. Bodyguarding 101? Yes!
Absolutely! Because
ask yourself the question. people say questions what?
What could... Give me one other good reason it could have happened.
One other good reason
yeah she passed the training well what
i'm saying is that and And this is the problem.
You're intellectualizing it.
Oh, it's some training regiment.
If you're protecting somebody
that you're smaller than by
a large degree and you're overweight,
you should not be protecting that person.
This is an obvious truth that every normal person with a pulse knows
it's not trying to live inside of a fucking fantasy world.
It's logic.
Anybody who thinks differently than this
is thinking this way
on purpose to push an agenda.
Any reasonable person,
if you had a person trying
to shoot you, you would have
not picked that woman to guard you
if you were the size of Donald Trump.
If you wanted somebody to guard
your parent, your kid,
your wife, you would not
want her there.
We can all
talk about abstracts but if you get down to brass tacks, would you want this person protecting you? Abso-fucking-lutely not. Because the truth is right in front of you even though people are pretending like they're blind
and they can't see it.
And I think that that
is just one indicator. It is a
mining canary of
a larger problem.
I think that larger problem is this
person is incompetent, they're just
doing things by the book, they don't know
what they're talking about. I personally do not
think this was a big conspiracy.
I don't think that she conspired or had any intentions of getting
Trump killed.
I think maybe she might not like Trump, but the idea that she
intentionally ignored her responsibilities as
director in order to allow
this to happen. I do not think this is
the case, and I think that
the reason why I think that's not the
case is that I don't think that she is smart enough
to have the level of competency
to do that in a plausible
way. Because
if she was, she would have been able
to answer these questions in a much more effective way because
a lot of the questions that she could have asked or did she could have that she was asked
she could have answered in a way that were like it would defend her in a way
that was reasonable.
Keep in mind, she looked bulky not because she was out of shape but because of her equipment
different agents bring different skill sets sets it's not all about size
trump is actually a very big man there's a limit of how many agents could physically cover all of
them um i don't know i feel like there's a like if you're a guy over six foot tall
there's a lot of guys that are over six foot tall.
It's not even a question.
And also she was visibly out of,
she was visibly overweight again.
Like if you,
I know you're intellectualizing right.
You would never want this person defending
you. You would just look at them and you would say
absolutely not. It's not even a
Again, it's not even the
beginning of a question.
Like you're totally full of shit.
We all know this.
The next day he had all tall agents?
So how is it that the next day he had all tall agents? Yeah. So how is it that the next day
he's at the RNC
and every single person there
is a big guy?
It's not like Trump is 7 feet tall
there are plenty of guys that are 6'2
you go to Walmart
there will be 30-40 guys
over 6 feet tall
solid you know i don't know where they are
everywhere yeah
very that not a question
well I don't think the people should be fired
like the woman that was guarding Trump
she shouldn't be fired
she should just be reassigned to a position
that doesn't have her relying on
her physical size
to do her job.
It doesn't mean that she can't be at the
Secret Service just not for that
job. Like, it's not even a question.
She could be amazing at doing
something else, at organizing it,
at being able to run an operation.
She could be great at that and everything would be fine.
Nobody has a problem with that.
It's just you should not be in a role
that your physical size
and ability is a factor
when you're that small
and overweight, it's not even a question
as I said
if it was a guy that
was the same size and the same weight,
everybody would be laughing.
Everybody would be joking around about this.
Physical size doesn't mean anything we have a gun and you're trained
I'm sorry
life must be very hard for you I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
Life must be very hard for you
and I can only imagine
what it must be like.
This must be so stressful
for you to have this happen.
What is the NBA not have short
people? Yeah, I guess so, right?
It's common sense actually
People arguing with Aspen have a screw loose
They're just trying to argue on the basis of something that
is an idea rather than an obvious reality that's it unless i some way she's secret service wouldn't
couldn't holster her gun yeah but people can always fuck up like
that in a little bit, right? I'm sure that happens to
I mean, I'm sure Navy SEALs have had that happen
Like if you look at every single time it's happened
I'm sure yeah, maybe somebody's fucked
it up like one little point like that
a small issue, I'm
sure it's happened.
She did it twice on camera?
Two times in a row then
you know, I'd forgive
one but if it's two times
maybe that's not true.
But yeah. Well, I can
forgive a singular mistake. Everybody makes
mistakes. But two mistakes, that's a problem.
But yeah, that's a problem. But yeah,
That's kind of what I think about this
I just-
This is-
It's astonishing that
that she hasn't already
just been removed.
Like, honestly, it's crazy.
I think that if it wasn't for Biden...
I'm going to say it.
I think Biden is dying or something something Like that I do
There's we're dead already
I think there's something that's happened
And the reason why
Is like
The fucking signature is different
he hasn't made any statement about
this, the White House hasn't
really confirmed that
anything has happened. Like dude who the fuck
does that? it's really suspicious
it is and this is by the way a total
fucking conspiracy theory but yeah I'm
like what the hell was going on
i'm being serious the hell is going on?
I'm being serious. Like, am I crazy?
Like, I... No, don't introduce money
or there's no path? I don't know.
I mean, like, here's the thing, is that...
Is Dejem?
I really hope
that's not what happened.
I really don't.
I think if that's
what happened or that's what's happening,
That's going to be so fucking sad.
It will be.
That's going to be fucking awful.
I really hope that's not what happened.
But man...
Man, isn't it weird?
Yeah he might be just so sick
So he can't do anything
I mean
I don't know man
My perspective is like
With the way that they miss uh they mischaracterized like his like cognitive decline
sorry but uh you know in my opinion opinion past behavior is an indicator
for future behavior.
You know? That's the way I see it.
Imagine questioning if Biden would be
fit to run for office another four years another w
for the conspiracy theorist despite expert journalists yeah it's people wishing for his
death but whenever somebody makes fun of trump shop it's a different story well it's really bad
i mean i don't want to see biden die that's so like i i would just think that's so sad that's uh
i i would be genuinely kind of bummed out if that happened
like a i know obviously the guy is a fucking asshole right and and you know
everything but he's he's been in
public service for 50 years, man.
He's dedicated his life to
you know, for better or for worse,
to the country and
to have him go out,
like everybody's joking about him shitting on him.
He can't do the job.
Everybody knows he can't do the job.
He's not really there with it just sounds horrible man.
Yeah I really hope that's not what happens.
His legacy is fucked up?
Yeah, exactly.
Like, I mean...
It would just be sad.
And yeah...
And guys, I know he's a weirdo.
And I know people don't like him.
But honestly, I don't hate Joe Biden.
I never did.
There's a certain likability that he has
that resonates with me
I'm not saying I'm gonna vote for him
But like
I can see
I kind of do like him
You know
Like I do
And it would be really sad to see that happen
So yeah
He's like an old grandpa yeah
well you can't now yeah i guess so mutual respect is not much need these days?
Yeah. Couldn't even vote for him if you wanted to?
Yeah. You don't have to sound
so apologetic anytime
you speak to Biden and your fans. Well, I know that a lot
of my viewers are very anti-Biden.
And I think that's fair.
He's earned that.
I can understand
there's something sad about a situation but like oftentimes people
that are in sad and bad situations it's something that they've engineered themselves so like i just
yeah i mean i get it i get it guys but yeah kamala doesn't get the notification the uh nomination who
would you want as democratic candidate i don't really know to be honest with you i don't have
a strong opinion i don't really care um i don't really care. Um,
I don't really think that like...
So this is...
I saw this the other day.
This was crazy.
Okay. Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country
called Russia. Russia is a bigger
country, Russia is a powerful country
Russia decided to invade
a smaller country called Ukraine
so basically that's wrong ukraine. I thought this shit was fucking funny.
We've been to the border, so this whole...
we've been to the border. So this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border. You haven't been to the border?
And I haven't been to the border. And I haven't been to Europe.
And I don't understand
the point that you're making,
Man. man
oh geez why do you insist on finding negative things about kamala
is this what you stand for
honestly i didn't even have to find them
i didn't even have to insist they were presented to me.
Like, I don't know what you want me to say.
Are there positive things? If there are send themonym to me I'll look at those two
it's fucking moron I mean sure sounds
like a fucking moron, holy shit!
Oh my god, how'd this happen?
It's a complete fucking idiot. What?
I don't even know what to say. Kamala defenders exist?
I don't think that Gabby Kamala, by the way,
only way to use the campaign budget?
Yeah, I don't know.
You mean like Trump is smarter? I mean, Trump said tons of stupid stuff. Like, I feel like anytime Trump says something stupid, like, hey, I always say it's stupid like what do you mean like listen you guys are there's always people that try to keep
count and like keep score of like how many times i say something bad about
like one person versus another person
broke u listen to that personal issue of second fucking moron
but our social super delusional was is this on reddit why
yeah new wow tweet looking pretty good i don't know trump said smart stuff and stupid stuff but
everyone does that yeah but it's the ratio that's the conversation, right? Why did he
endorse Kamala?
I don't
I have no idea.
Yep, who knows
I mean like yeah it's
and I've heard from inside Republican
circles and right wing media that the hate campaign against Kamala Harris has begun.
You'll notice they purposefully pronounce her name wrong, they say Kamala, they do it all the time. It is on purpose but the talk
is to start that hate campaign and get it going and started churning um... I mean i
really can't take that too seriously whenever those are the same people calling Donald Trump drumpf. You know, like, I really can't take that seriously. Also, I've said Kamala to I've never heard her say her name. I don't know, like...
I didn't even know it was a difference.
Like, yeah,
I don't know why
what's the hate campaign?
So I guess they're going to try
to look at it from the angle that any criticism of her
or something that she does is somehow uh you know like it's viewed through the lens of some degree
of hate rather than criticism.
I think this is clearly the angle they're going to try to go with.
Yeah, how do you say it right?
I don't know.
I mean, it says Kamala instead of Kamal.
I don't know.
I mean, fuck, I have no idea.
Imagine if Joe died after endorsing Kamala.
Wouldn't it dishonor Biden's memory if they dissed his endorsement and ditched Kamala?
I don't know. I don't think that like
I don't know what they
should do honestly. Like they're in a
really bad situation.
Yeah you called that criticism?
How about Vivek's name being pronounced?
Yeah, exactly.
Like, Vivek makes a joke out of people
being able to not pronounce his last name
and now they're saying it's a hate campaign
that people can't say Kamala?
What? Why? Like like how's that i what the it's just such a stupid thing to
you see the video about chris fromBeast and a 13 year old boy you allegedly had a relationship with?
Unfortunately, yes. I did see that.
A lot of this stuff seemed unconfirmed, so I didn't really want to cover it yet.
But yeah, I saw it.
Uh...I just...
Yeah, it's not confirmed.
What is this?
No, it's confirmed, bro.
I don't know.
Like, I've tried to...
So you guys might have noticed this.
I've really tried to be a lot more measured
in dealing with accusations against people.
I was like that with Doc, for example.
And I've tried to really be
a lot more
with covering that stuff until
there's more information out there.
It's heavy shit. It's really heavy shit and if
its inaccurate or
because there is a lot of people that hate
Chris anyway because he is trans
right? Or she or whatever right?
Because they are trans. So
I don't immediately want to jump on
the bandwagon because I'm like
oh, you know, I'm not sure if
this is really what's going on.
You see what I'm saying?
Just meant I hope this shit's not true. Yeah, I know.
There's actually proof, but the victim is defending
it. Uh... It's just
being edgy. Yeah, I don't know what the details are
check uh apparently there's not.
I'll give it a minute, we'll see if something pops up
... We'll see if something pops up.
Chris deleted his Twitter about a month ago? Yeah, I don't know.
Then you get the impression that most people know nothing about Kamala, yet they still dislike her.
Yeah I think there's a very big contingency of people who think she should have never been the vice president and Joe Biden only chose her because of
her race and gender.
So yeah, I think that people go into
it and they're looking at her
and they don't consider like her an authentic representation of what the vice president should be.
You know, yeah he did say that. He literally said that. I don't know why you would say that.
What a stupid thing to say.
Why did Obama choose Biden?
Because Obama was a black guy,
and in 2008 people were very racially
progressive, but not
as much as they are now in some cases.
So it's like you've got the
black guy that has the middle name
But hey,
guys, it's okay. We've got Joe Biden. Remember? White guy.
You know, like kind of
segregation stuff. Okay, so it's going to be fine.
Chill out. Everything will be okay. It's going to fine chill out everything to be okay it's gonna be business usual
it's just a black guy it's okay don't worry that's the reason why they had joe biden
that's what i think it was.
Yeah, White Bread Mouthos?
Yep, there it is.
But for a moment, 2012 is my biggest regrets. Yeah, yeah, sure.
Biden was more competent
back then too? Yeah, that's also a really good point.
Yeah, Biden was super well connected, very competent, great at giving speeches,
great talker, very well liked...yeah. I mean, that's also
a huge fucking factor too. But yeah.
Biden was the establishment guy yeah it's obama isn't obama at least why is
he as black i mean i'm just i'm saying that like
that's their perspective from the campaign you want to argue that with
them i don't care but all I'm saying is that
Let's see here. Is there any
other Trump donated 6K to Kamala?
I wonder why. Yeah,
I don't know. It was like in 2013 or something like that too.
Well he used to be a Democrat so I guess that makes sense right?
2011? Yeah it was one of the other... What do you think RFK's odds are
now that Biden is out? I think this has doubled his odds.
Actually, I would say it probably quadrupled them
but the problem is whenever you multiply things by zero
It still is zero.
Listen, I like RFK.
I like a lot of the things that he says.
But you've got to be realistic, okay?
I voted for Libertarian Party in 2012. Like, I have full understanding of what it's like
t-to know that you're going to lose going into it. I get it.
However... lose going into it i get it however um just be honest with yourself man you know
well paul 2012 yeah exactly right like that now it's too bad that there's uh
there's no information about this i guess there's not
so what if he becomes the democrat nominee well that would be really interesting but I don't think
that's going to happen.
Will Seifem more Democrat votes
than Republican votes? Oh yeah, he will.
You know we have an electoral
college. Don't kid yourself. Yeah, but the
electoral college... It's not like the electoral college
defies the public or
the popular vote
really. I mean there's going to be a bit of a difference
but it's not like a complete
that defines the presidency.
It can
but it's like
it's not by
a big nuance or like a big margin
I mean you have like over
150 people vote
Trump lost the popular vote by what
2-3 million people?
I don't think that's
a crazy difference.
3 or 4 million?, something like that.
Doctor says he's in good health...
Let me see what uh...
Where do you guys find that?
Yeah, I'm really confused.
The latest tab?
Latest? Where's the latest?
Yeah, picture it didn't happen. Fox hasn't?
Yeah I wanna see it. Oh! Uh, yeah. I'm not seeing any information about it at all. Nothing. At least not yet.
Next to the top tab? What does that mean, the top tab?
This tab, that tab, this tab, these tabs... like what-what the fuck?
Latest? Where does it say latest?
I don't see anything that says latest here.
Where's latest?
Yeah, I don't know.
People aren't giving accurate information
So yeah
If somebody wants to tag me on it
Sorry like I don't really understand
direction very well. People tell me things
I usually just don't really...
Like unless things are explained in a way that I can
understand then it just doesn't happen.
Oh here we go, we got an update. Yeah, there... It is true.
Okay. Yeah, I mean
people say something and it's
always like indescript information.
from Biden coded COVID update. This is from 2022. President Biden completed his 10th dose of Pavloxoid this morning.
His symptoms have almost resolved completely, as well as blood blood pressure respiratory rate and temperature
remain absolutely normal his oxygen saturation continues to be excellent excellent on room air
that's good the president continues to perform all this presidential duty i this is yeah doesn't wait in 2022 no it says 2024
This is the 22nd of July, 2024.
I really hope he's okay.
I do, I-I really hope he's okay you said 22. oh i meant 22 is the day not
the year yeah maybe that was confusing sorry about
that confusing. Sorry about that.
I don't believe everything the government says. I don't think he's dead and they're saying that he's not.
I don't think he's dying, and they're saying that he's not.
I don't think they're doing that.
Maybe, right?
But I just...
It's like you can't...
That's a lie that has like a 24 hour
lifespan and then it destroys your entire
reputation career. So
I don't see them doing
that because it's so stupid, it's outside of
the possibility. Biden never had COVID covid he is a threat to democracy
president trump already updated us last night but thanks oh my god tenth Tenth dose?
Yeah, I mean they lied about his dementia?
Um...yeah but like that's been like
Yes and I don't really think the president
necessarily lied. Like being
dead is a lot different than being
slow or having high ping.
Like I feel like being
he's fine and then he's dead is
like, urgh. That's a big
fucking difference, okay?
Has zero class
or moral compass? Yeah, I mean, Trump's
always been an asshole. Everybody knows that.
He is dead? That's just the reptilian clone?
Because if it was the reptilian
clone, he'd do better.
I don't think that's what happened.
What do you think of RFK Jr.?
There's a lot of people that want me to talk about
RFK Jr. Guys,
I don't have very strong
opinions about it.
I've seen things that he said i've liked them uh i mean i've heard things that he said that i thought were stupid i didn't really
look into them the reason why i didn't is because
i feel like he didn't he doesn't have a chance
he just doesn't and so it's just like...
I mean, I don't know. RFK had more votes in the primary than Kamala?
Yeah but that was before
Kamala Harris was the vice president.
I mean, for fucking
four years and a president endorsed her.
Like, I just don't think it's going to happen.
RFK Jr.'s new Bernie?
Yeah, I can see why people say that.
But either way, what a crazy fucking day
What an insane fucking day
Let's see, I'll look at some of this other stuff too.
I've missed a lot of this stuff.
Oh wait, it's absolutely insane the president dropped that with a tweet?
That was crazy to me. Yeah.
Remember people said like Twitter is dead and like
Twitter is not popular and nobody cares about Twitter anymore?
They literally announced the presidential dropout on Twitter.
I think that tells you a lot.
Have we seen videos of Kamala with Diddy? Yeah, yeah.
People saying that stuff like
I haven't really looked into that a whole lot.
I feel
like the argument about Kamala
being a hoe is not very
strong because
Trump is not very strong because Trump...
You know, and so it's like I don't like
you're not going to get me to pearl clutch about Kamala hoeing around
When Trump is like
Trying to talk the, like how many
Quotes has Trump had
About fucking women
Like they probably were not his wife at the time.
Come on.
I just... Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't have a lot of
energy to invest
into being offended by that.
Yeah, his own daughter well there is
that but besides that yeah yeah it's about
the chris tyson i did i talked about it just a little bit
i'm gonna give it a day or so before I cover everything,
but yeah, really fucking weird.
Why would you say that
you jerk off to Lollicon on Twitter?
Why would you do that?
Why would you type... Why would you type...
Why would you say that?
Oh, Jesus.
I don't know.
Like maybe it's just an edge...
It's so fucking weird.
I'm sure I've said
weird things like that before but holy fuck man.
It's unbelievable.
Yeah this is MrBeastrama? Yeah sure.
Who said that? Chris from...
What do you call it?
The Mr. Beast group.
Is it like Lolly's?
Chris Tyson made a tweet about it
like a long time ago, like was, like, years ago. But
it could have also just been an edgy joke or something like that.
So, like,
yeah, I'm hoping it was just an edgy joke
or something, but I don't know. Like,
it seems like...
Well, there's- but there's no punchline I don't know, like it seems like...
But there's no punchline. It's just real. So yeah, I dunno.
Oh, that's not a joke? What the fuck? Yeah, I know
it's Alali. Like an animated
like an anime character of questionable age that's being sexualized.
Pretty simple right?
I tried to...
Like with the Chris stuff
I mean...
I think people went a little bit too hard on Chris trying to make all these statements about his kids and shit like that.
I-I think that's a bit much but
i i don't know like it's like this is this is a whole other level right was it just opposed only
the post knows other stuff too but either way i i'll probably give it a day then
i'll cover everything but yeah it looks really by the way like just real quick let's make sure that
we're not talking around this it looks really. It's awful, obviously
everybody fucking knows it. You look at it you see that
what the fuck? Absolutely
I'm just figuring hopefully there'll be some
more clarity for it because
yeah...there we go it's actually awful yes
it's actually awful uh let me see what the rest of this stuff is oh yeah star
wars outlaws oh boy here we go we're gonna watch some gameplay from Star Wars Outlaws.
This is one of the games that's performing so well,
that Ubisoft literally can't tell their shareholders how many
pre-orders they're getting.
Like, it's doing so
well that the number is probably
so big that on the
shareholder investment call,
they just couldn't even fathom how big
the number could be.
This month's iGen first is Star Wars Outlaws.
We'll be diving deep into Massive Entertainment's open world adventure
Into a galaxy far, far away throughout July
With new behind thescenes looks and features.
We've already explored how Massive brought the cinematic spectacle of Star Wars
into an open galaxy setting
And now we're thrilled to bring you a full mission
of exclusive gameplay.
Taking place on the classic desert planet of Tatooine,
this expert mission takes Kate on a journey involving
a Jawa and a Sarlacc pit as she journeys from
the sand to the stars. Enjoy!
Alright, let's see it.
Oh, it's those things from the movie.
Looks like a tank from world war one, but just really big
Oh then that's the gnomes hey i heard you
could put a turret on my ship
uh i'm sorry she said she'll put a turret anywhere if you give her
A tooth
Forgive the intrusion but I sensed you needed
An interpreter
Oh, uh, thanks
But I'm not giving her a tooth.
Her eyebrows look like she gets Botox too often.
Like, I don't know.
I think that's...
I looked at the actor that this character was modeled off of
and it's just it looks so uncanny but you need cocaine no not your tooth a sarlacc tooth I think the little animal that she has with the whiskers is very cute.
And I think these are really cool too! skirt is very cute.
And I think these are really cool too.
Like, I've got to say
like, I don't want to shit on everything about this.
I think visually, especially
the texture on this cloth here is really great.
This is really well done.
... can eat sand for free. A Jawa proverb." No, no I get it. I'll...get the
tooth. But that turret better be good
You have a deal? How exciting!
You know, this reminds me of my time negotiating with the Trade Federal.
Hey MD, you know where I can get a...
Sarlacc tooth?
And you need to find its pit.
I start in the Dune Sea.
Uh, what is that? Stay sharp, Kay. A pristine Sir Electrant is worth a lot on the black market.
You saying I'll have competition
how'd she not aggro the sandworm I'm very concerned about this because you're looking at
a lot of travel time until
you get to individual points
of interest with nothing
really in between or around
And I'm really concerned that
this game's open world features are going to be similar
to Starfield.
You see kind of how this, you see what I'm saying?
Like for example in The Witcher 3, I think it's like what 45 seconds
between point of interest to point of interest
and like star feels like five minutes or something like that yeah i don't know
it's a lot of travel time.
I think that having some travel time in a big desert is okay, but... but well that's the only thing i see i mean so We're going in, Dex!
Wouldn't the two people that were there see her?
Okay. That's one math down. You good buddy? Wouldn't the two people that were there see her?
I feel like they would get aggroed, right?
This looks interesting.
Okay? oh that looks really nice showers have arrived at the ship did they bring a turret they did they have yet to confirm that it works
okay well uh you keep an eye on that i've got to find a way down to the bottom of this pit. Not as good as sekiro Looked a little bit stiff.
So many dead things in this...
Or Jedi Survivor? Good point.
... so Well, that worked. uh I think the lighting is good.
Like that blue fog lighting is pretty good
phew the tooth finally sorry droid I need this more than you.
Finally! What's your status?
It was the chest right there, right?
Now I just need to get out of this pit what are you worried about me hurry please It's a bomb. I don't think that was very good.
I thought visuals doesn't matter as long
as the gameplay is good
yeah but
the gameplay isn't good so
that's the problem
and also visuals do matter.
But I mean... uh Wow.
Okay. Hey, come back here! That's my tube! Wait.
All right, Nix. Go get him!
Someone nearby.
All this for a tooth! ah all this hard truth
the slide into cover was pretty okay Okay. They're headed for us!
Got the dude, I should get out of here. I think there's PlayStation 3 games that play better than this,
that look like...
That look better than this.
This is terrible.
look at the explosion
after this grenade launcher.
Watch this.
I swear to God, like,
maybe even a fucking... Yeah, yeah.
I would say PlayStation 3
Like, I think Gears of War 2
is better than it will probably looks
better than this just crazy oh my god
Oh I don't even know what to say.
That was okay.
All right, now what? Oh! This is, is this the Starfield part?
Come on.
There's got to be something cool happening.
How can you tell?
They're trying to disassemble. There's something cool happening. Okay okay so there's nothing that happens between like okay yeah there's nothing that
happens second mouth man
how much is this game it's only 130 dollars to get the highest edition oh yeah but if you want to get be cheap you can get it for only $70.
That's all.
Laser turret... that's all laser turret so so so
is that decay We'll have more exclusive looks at Star Wars Outlaws for you throughout July.
And, for everything else, stick with IGN!
No no don't play another one. Don't play another one.
Please don't play another one.
No, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
Oh no!
No, no, no, no, no no no no
okay um
I really don't think
this looks good at all
it's so weird
to me that the texture on
the sand people
like the little fucking
you know, what are they? Ewoks or some
shit like that
that looks What are the Ewoks or some shit like that?
That looks better than her face.
Jawas, yeah, there you go.
It's a dog shit game.
Yeah, this really just doesn't look... I mean mean I would say that even if you were
comparing this to
Assassin's Creed
I think Assassin's Creed looks way better
than this visually and combat wise
like I'm going to and combat-wise.
Like, I'm gonna be honest, even that looks better. And like, I
will give this some degree of
credit, that the visuals
and the vistas and like,
you know, outdoor areas
look very scenic
and nice. But I mean
I'm not playing that. I'm just looking
at it. Like, it like something that matters
in a good game, but if it's a bad
game, it's not going to make you buy the game, right?
does it take a while longer
before we get any good Star Wars games? I guess not.
The game's on Ubisoft Plus, so I bet I'll finish it. Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna try the
game out and play it and see if it's any good but I just feel like this game is's aggressively average, and
it just... If you go back
and you look at the actual combat that
I was showing, it just looked
very bad.
Just bad. Just bad.
Low budget? Yeah, I know.
Nothing touches the 10-foot pole?
Yeah, it looks so boring.
It's just like...
I don't get it man
the devs have worked hard on this
why the negativity? what's this?
uh, just have fun you finally play it please
the devs worked hard on it yeah i mean
i'm pretty sure there's a lot of things that people work hard on but
just because like if somebody works hard on using their forehead to hammer a
piece of uh nail through a piece of wood i'm not
gonna say wow you did a great job I want to say
damn you idiot why didn't you just use a hammer what the hell's wrong with you what are
you doing that for Are You Dumb What is this yeah like yeah I don't give a about that like i mean the thing is
that i think that giving good feedback and like giving honest feedback is why did they
showcase a fetch quest it's like they didn't have anything
good to show for the story.
I mean, I guess, yeah. I don't
know why. That's what happened.
Yeah, it just really doesn't look that
great. I'll link you guys guys the article if you want to read
the article and everything.
I'm not going to read the whole thing.
I was just going to look at the gameplay.
But yeah,
I'm just really
not seeing it, guys.
I'm just not seeing it it, guys. I'm just not
seeing it. Like the game doesn't seem appealing
to me at all. Why are there always
soy boys defending it because the devs worked on
it? Because those are the only people that
are dumb enough to do it. It's people that have their own goodwill taken
advantage of them and used against them to
cause them to spend more money on products
that are made haphazardly and without any
intuition or insight or
uh, you know, enlightenment at all. Uh, that's why, uh, you know,
enlightenment at all.
that's why,
it's because those are the people
that like,
well we like to feel,
oh I like to feel sorry for people.
Oh let's feel sorry for this-
oh Jesus Christ,
stop it.
So fucking pathetic.
So yeah, I think this game looks like trash.
I really think so. I'm disappointed
to see that. Of course I'm going
to play it. It goes without saying that I'm going to play it,
but who knows what's gonna happen?
Yeah, you like Enlightenment?
Yeah, well, it's not inspired.
I think that was really the word I was looking for more than anything is it's not inspired. I think that was really the word
I was looking for more than anything
is it's inspired.
The game doesn't feel like
it's inspired or anything.
It's just a mediocre below average game
that's being released
and it's called Star Wars is about the same thing. I'm assuming this story will probably be
better than Starfield, but that's
like beating the slowest kid in the class
at a race. Like it's the fat
kid. Yeah, you're faster than him.
Good job. Wow. Amazing. You know, you're faster than him. Good job. Wow. Amazing.
You know, it's're still second
to last place. It has no heart? Jedi
Survivor had no heart? I'm going to be honest, I didn't even
really think Jedi Survivor was that great.
But this makes Jedi Survivor look like Elden Ring.
That's the way I see it, man.
Movie video game not good? Yeah.
And also a lot of the gameplay was
not even really gameplay. It was walking
around interacting with objects and then moving
to another area while dialogue plays
Like where's the real gameplay?
I don't even know
I don't think that needing constant things happening
between objectives is that big of a deal
I agree with you
but I think
that you will agree with me after
playing the game for 10 hours.
It's fine
doing it at the beginning and then
after you've been dealing with it for a while
then it becomes tedious because
I felt the same way with Starfield. It wasn't
a big deal for a while because it's like
I'm going around, I'm exploring the world
like that's normal. That's the way it's supposed
to be but I think what happens is that after
you play it more and then it's like
okay now I've had enough of this.
Yeah another pile of woke shit? I don't even know
if it is, but like is there no fast travel?
I'm not sure.'s this streamers previously asked
his partner what their traumatic experience was and they made fun of them
oh nice to meet you. My name is Christopher.
I'm not shaking your hand.
Well it's my most traumatic experience?
I don't know but I know what yours is!
What happened here? Like I-I'm not...
This isn't exactly a video that I think I would ever have to make, but it's been a pretty crazy weekend and here we are.
I'm gonna start this off from the very beginning.
I am willing to bet that a reasonable amount of you have seen this video on either TikTok or Twitter.
What's my most traumatic experience?
I don't know, but I know what yours is.
So as you can see the main subject of this video is obviously me.
My name is Ben, I go by the alias Goop Videos on YouTube.
So let me add a little bit of context to this
situation because
I was not even aware that this
video went viral.
I was actually at a mall and a Hot Topic
employee was like, yo, I saw you on TikTok. And i'm like what? Yeah
I don't even use TikTok so I wouldn't have known. Anyway I want to talk about what happened that day
What transpired... This guy's like a super boomer. Like, keep in mind
he's got a box
that's an old console
this is from the 80s
it's The Odyssey
and he's got Nintendo 64 behind him
What led up to those events?
So let's go back on the actual day that too old for tick-tock it happened
on sunday june 30th 2024. this was two weeks ago at the time that i'm recording this
so while i was on my bed to you do you think all the
other calls me and is like, hey these kids or these guys
were filming me
with a phone and were asking
me about what was my most traumatic
Then they started making fun of me for it.
Before I go any further here's the clip
Yeah, I wanna see it
Of...what my partner was referring to
Can I ask you a question for an interview?
Crystal, what is your most traumatic experience in life? Alright, ready? Crystal.
What's the most traumatic event that you went through?
That's a hard one.
I've been through a lot.
Um...I would say probably when my mom threw a lot of shit around in the apartment and just broke
a lot of stuff.
Mom, mom!
Also you gotta love the fact that
caption headlines said like
asking NPCs what their most
traumatic experience was.
Yeah no he's just doing it for inattention
yeah for sure Good idea! only you downplaying people's abuse
but you're also dehumanizing them so uh good job on that.
There's so many things wrong with this video,
I don't even know where to start.
The fact that the people at the mall security didn't call the police and press charges on them for trespassing
That's where I'd start
People like this
feel like they can do this as much as they want because there's never any
accountability for it i guarantee you if these kids got charged for trespassing then it would
be totally different you can't press charges? Oh, actually
you know what, probably you're right
but they would have been removed from the mall
and told if you come back for any reason
you're going to be charged for trespassing
yeah, you're right
yesterday going to be charged for trespassing yeah you're right yesterday but uh my partner had told me
everything about it the short end is you can see they asked my partner
about a traumatizing experience that they have. My partner answered honestly, and then their response was
womp-womp which I don't think it's a stretch to say that in really poor taste
and also just
like, really downplaying
somebody's abuse. And my partner
has been through a lot of that
My partner went through about 20
years worth of physical, mental and verbal abuse from multiple family members.
So this is pretty bad. I didn't want to take this lightly. My partner should not have to be afraid to go out in public, especially to a public mall and be afraid of people making fun
or downplaying
their abuse.
The thing is that they
did it with the intention of doing that.
No matter what the person would have said, they were just going to
downplay it to get their visceral
reaction to make them mad for content.
you can't just go around punching people
that make you mad.
We can't really live in a world where that happens realistically uh however um i think that the amount of
complaining i would do to a person like this doing that,
to these guys is very minimal also.
Because like,
I think everybody hates people like this.
They're just so obnoxious and rude.
They're doing it on purpose to make you mad.
They are trying to elicit a reaction out of you.
So while I don't think that physical violence
is ever really the answer,
this is the closest wrong answer that I've seen.
After I was done and I was going through the mall looking for Crystal
and I happened to run into
these guys. I had never seen them before
I don't know any of their names
except for one. The frilly hairedired dude that I talked to, he said
his name was Christopher. I don't know if that's
his real name. I don't care if that's his real name.
But anyway...
I know you guys say Street Justice
and everything like that, etc., they if he had hit the kick streamers
and then the kick streamers had beaten him up and then he's in the hospital i mean
now the whole world's worse and now there's like a trial for it uh
there's a reason why you just don't
initiate physical violence
like i'm sorry but like if you think that's a good idea
I hope that you don't hit the wrong person one day.
The description Crystal had given me over the phone
and I was like oh that's gotta be them
Then of course
I approached them and then the video that's been blowing up on Twitter
TikTok and other platforms around there. This happened, of course
Can you point out like the most nice to meet you my name is christopher
i'm not shaking your head what's my most traumatic experience
i don't know but i know what yours is was it?
So a lot of people were confused as to why I did this obviously.
Now you know why because
they messed with my partner, downplayed their
abuse and I wasn't going to take that
lightly. I would never take
that lightly especially
for somebody that I love dearly
and has been through
like hell and back
for most of their life. And here's another factor
is like you can go around fucking with
people but if you do that to enough people
you eventually have find somebody
who is not going to put up
with it. Whether or not
you think it's okay for them to hit
you or not, that's not going to stop
them from hitting you.
So it's like
you can say
oh this is wrong
but like
it might be wrong
but your nose
looks wrong too
they broke your nose looks wrong too because it broke your nose.
So, like...
This is some ethical argument in your head
but at the end of the day you're bleeding.
So there it is. You don't want to put yourself in a situation like that
and the kick streamers absolutely did
A lot of people were speculating that, you know...
After I dropped the camera out of his hand and I kicked this dude's ass or whatever.
That's not what happened at all.
I'm going on record now saying I am not hard in the slightest.
I don't go out looking for fights.
I don't really like to fight, I'm not really even good
at fighting. I'm literally just
an overweight white
dude from Long Island suburbia
did not grow up hard, I didn't grow up in Queens
or the Bronx or Brooklyn or anything like that
I don't know what it's like to be hard
Okay? I never really had to fight that much
but what I will say is I was
bullied a lot as kid and eventually
I got sick of it. And ever
since then, if I know
like I'm being picked on or
somebody that I love is being made
fun of or picked on, I'm not gonna take that sitting down.
So I went up to these guys
because from the description that Crystal had given me
it was like well are these guys teenagers?
I don't know.
When I got a closer look at Chris Christopher, whatever his name is
the frilly haired dude. I noticed he had
a tattoo on his arm so I'm like okay
he couldn't have been a kid
but they did have like a five year old with them
which apparently is the dude's cousin and that's an interesting
complexity so they're like they're bringing the kid along with them like it's harassing strangers
with my five year old cousin that's good you's good, you know? You start them out early.
I don't know why...
that just really irks me.
It's like, why are you out here
really personal questions
and then making fun of people for their answer.
To make them mad for content,
that's obviously the reason why they're doing it.
Why are we even asking about like,
why are they doing it?
It's obvious why they're doing it they're
doing it so that they can use that negative reaction for content
dogs and you have your five-year-old cousin
with you like because they just like corrupting a young mind.
Like, that's just disgusting.
So all that really happened in the video
I went up to the dude
I said my 80s
one-liner or whatever
and another thing about that...
Yeah, it was a good one.
Because a lot of people in the comments were like,
That line goes so hard.
It only goes as hard as it does because I had time to think about it.
Like, I was literally planning it in my head.
Yeah, of course he's gonna say that.
That's how little fighting experience I had.
It's like well if I'm not going to fight these guys
then might as well make a meme.
So that was really my intention and
I'm glad that its paid off because
7 million people
seem to love that line. I might actually
print some t-shirts of
that if anyone would be interested but
I'll get to that later. So all I did was
is I knocked the camera out of the dude's hand and I threw it back at the frilly haired
Dude, I didn't swing on these guys. I didn't punch them or anything
Also cuz listen
I know I said from Long Island
But I currently live in the middle of nowhere
In Connecticut. And this is the only mall
Within a 20 mile radius. There's not a lot to do around here
And the last thing I want is to be on the security's bad side
Okay? So I didn't want to start a huge
fight but what I wasn't going to do
turn the other cheek.
This is something that
is not okay will never be okay to me. You made fun
of my partner's abuse. If I'm
not going to kick these guys' asses, I'm going to break
their phone. There was also five...
This is what I said before when that other kid got shot
for annoying people at a mall
is that obviously it's not the right decision to do
this but i have no sympathy for the people that invite it and then cry that it happened.
It's like if you leave a PlayStation
5 in your car, unlocked
overnight in a parking lot
and somebody comes and steals
it out of your car, yes obviously stealing is wrong you shouldn't steal
but what are you doing putting it out there like that why are you doing putting it out there like that?
Why are you doing this?
Exercise some degree of self-preservation.
Like, it didn't seem like if I tried to start a fight the odds would have been in my favor.
I know this may sound like I'm really stretching not to sound like a complete pussy but...
Well yeah, it's two guys!
...this is honest-to-God truth.
By the time
I got up to him, I could tell
Christopher or whatever
probably wasn't a teenager because of his tattoo.
I don't know how old the rest of the dudes
were. He was saying that Cameraman was 12, which is completely bullshit.
That guy was twice
my size. There was no way he was
12. The only obvious minor in
that situation was the 5-year-old.
After that they were like come on, come back, come fight us
and I wasn't fucking having it
so after they asked me to come back and fight them
I was like no, screw you
and I mooned them
I pulled my pants down and showed them my butt cheeks
And, I'm gonna go on record saying
that was not directed at the kid
I probably shouldn't have
done that. Also, in hindsight
if I was unsure if they were teenagers, that probably also wasn't the best idea.
I don't think anybody in that party...
See, this is why vigilante justice is so bad and why it's really important to have a degree of like administrative
accountability is because when people take things into
their own hands, things get really weird and really problematic super fast.
And this is the reason
why you have
the security and the enforcement
is so that people like this
don't have to go and do this.
They don't feel like they have to do it.
You see what I'm saying?
I'll definitely say it got weird, well what I'm saying is in general right
This is the reason why you have the security.
won't do anything though? Well
I mean the people
that run them all should have
had all those people
call the police,
have those people figure out their names
and make sure that they're not allowed
to ever come back to the mall.
If I was the person running them all
i would say these are people that are coming to my mall they're harassing people this is private property and they're doing it for a live stream
or for money, I don't want
them coming back here ever again for any reason.
And you can absolutely deny service
based off of that. It would be reasonable
and anybody would understand that and I'm sure the cop would be like, yeah, you want me to shoot him? You know, like the cop would completely agree with it. So I think really what would happen is that,
and then if they ever came back,
I'd just have them arrested.
that'd be it.
As a teenager,
I don't buy that the cameraman was 12 years old.
You can't see the cameraman, but I can tell you
That guy was twice my height
Like I'm a short dude
And that was not a 12 year old
In hindsight I probably shouldn't have mooned them,
but it is what I did because
it was basically my way of saying
no, I don't want to fight you, just
get out of my face. The mooting
was not directed towards the kid, it was directed towards
really haired guy as I'll call him. Who cares? Dude, I'm really sorry that
your cousin had to see that like truthfully but you were
going around the mall harassing people.
His cousin, he's not a...
He's acting like a victim. Like get the fuck
out of here. You're going there harassing
people. Your cousin could have gotten hurt.
If you got in a fight your cousin could have gotten hurt. If you got in a fight,
your cousin could have gotten hurt.
No, I don't want to hear about how he cares about his cousin.
No, bro.
You put that kid in that situation.
That's it.
Come on, Zach.
If someone attacks or abuses someone near you, do you let it
happen and then after wait for police
to do their job?
It depends on what happens, right?
I mean like if somebody is rude to me or yelling at
me, I would do my best to control myself and then try to have the authority
solve the problem because if you think about it like this right so like look at it from
my perspective let's say i get in a fight with this person let's say I lose. Well now
I'm fucked up, like my nose is
broken, I might have a concussion
My teeth could be knocked out something bad
Like that could've happened to me
Let's say I win, now, I potentially have an assault charge
against myself. I could do jail time.
I might have to go to court. I could get
sued for that. There's no outcome
of a fight that would be positive
for me. So why would I,
I would do my best
to avoid being in a fight
even if I knew
I would win the fight?
My partner,
the fact that you had
a kid there
is not my problem.
He just got in the way of our argument.
So then afterwards I found my partner in GameStop and this happened.
Can I grab my phone like that.
Hold on, stay right there come outside.
Come outside!
Come outside GameStop.
Outside GameStop
Don't touch me
I'm gonna punch you in your face
Come outside the store
I'll punch you in your face
Come outside Where are the employees?
Like, where's
the mall police?
Come outside!
I'm gonna punch you right in your fucking face. What do you mean? No, fuck you! Come outside.
I'mma punch you right in your fucking face.
Come outside pussy.
Yo what if i just punch you?
What?! I should just punch you right now and you just pull your ass out in front of a five year old.
You fuckin' pedo. Dude-year-old you pedo
you took him out you were weird oh you bitch the up you're a weirdo you just pulled your ass out you just pulled your ass on front of
a little kid shut the fuck up in a five-year-old i should punch you with your shit you bitch so
as you can see i really was adamant about really not-
What a little goblin demon behavior.
Yeah no it's just like he just had the police deal with it right?
The employee doesn't care?
Yeah I know bro he's just hoping maybe we'll just ignore this that's it.
Your IC assaulted someone both physically and sexually over a joke how's
that not wrong um i didn't say it wasn't wrong when did i say that
it was wrong like are you retarded when did i say it was right
when did i say that Never I'm imagining things? Nah, you just go in here and argue all the time.
You're permabent. Get the fuck out of here.
You're annoying.
Trying to start any more fights here. He was really
adamant about, like, come out and fight me
and all that, and I was just like, no,
I am done with you. I was trying my best
to keep my cool in that situation,
and he kept throwing unpaid
merchandise at the GameStop we were at.
Like, stuff that you didn't even pay for.
Yeah, I got it.
If he had broken any of this stuff,
he would have to pay for that.
No, he wouldn't. He would've ran away.
And afterwards, the GameStop employees
were actually like,
thank you for calling him out on that.
I don't understand what this guy's mentality is ran away. The GameStop employees were actually like, thank you for calling him out on that.
I don't understand what this guy's mentality is.
First of all, trying to call me a pedo because he had his five-year-old cousin with him.
Meanwhile, all you're doing is hiding behind your five-year-old cousin Trying to make me look like the bad guy
They're using the little kid as a shield
So they can maybe avoid getting in fights
By trying to worry that
Oh well you're going hurt the kid. Yeah
that's what they are doing. It's obvious what they are doing. Taking fun of people abuse and teaching
this kid that it is okay to do and that's not okay. Who is really
more on the wrong here? I think, you know, a lot of sense if we were to compare the two
We're both in the wrong.
I probably shouldn't have mooned him
Especially if there was a kid around him
But again it was not directed towards the kid.
It was directed at you, dude.
Furthermore, you went into GameStop
trying to make yourself look like the better man because
I could tell he was trying to make me throw
a punch at him. He was trying to make me look like the bad guy.
Meanwhile, you were doing a pretty good job doing that
on your own. You were throwing
unpaid merchandise that you didn't even pay for
at me. Not only that,
security was called and you guys left before security could even go i stayed
and talked to security and gave them my entire side of the story i told them truthfully i told
them everything that i did and i said if you need me to leave, I will. And security was kind enough to say no, you can stay, we're gonna kick these guys out.
Yeah of course because he didn't like... It might be wrong legally to like punch somebody,
but morally a lot of people are like,
of course you beat the shit out of them.
a hundred percent.
What are you doing? What are you thinking?
It goes to show that these guys
probably already didn't have a good
relationship with security at this mall
to begin with.
you know, they probably knew that they were in hot water.
They just wanted to take any opportunity
to make me look like the bad guy
before they left with their tails between their legs and
security just gave them a boot.
So that's basically all that happened on June 30th, now let's fast forward to yesterday. So I'm at a mall,
different mall this time and a Hot Topic
employee goes yo I've seen you on TikTok
and I'm like what?
So I had no idea about this. I don't use TikTok
so there's no way I would have known. No, it's not round two
is it? Oh yeah, that's that flight
I got into two weeks ago
So my initial reaction
was wow, it's got like 2 million
views on TikTok and then I found out that
on Twitter it was reposted by a guy named
Fearbuckend as of now it almost has
8 million views. The caption
was initially bro pulled up out
of nowhere and crashed onto the camera man for no reason.
So obviously this was not for no reason, again for the umpteenth time I did this because
I was defending my partner so I quickly gave context about the situation,
posted a comment saying what really happened
and then after that I went on
my own Twitter page told my side of the story
and I know that's what I'm doing now but
not long after I discovered
like this had blown up on TikTok
I was pretty much already on my way to a show
so I didn't have time to
make this video today, that's why I am, but
I figured that while I was driving
that I put out like a short video explaining
what had happened
while it was still fresh.
But now I'm taking the opportunity to sit down and
thoroughly edit this together and put it on my YouTube.
So yeah, that's basically how I found out.
I just found out from a Hot Topic employee
that I had blown up on TikTok and Twitter.
Funny enough,
I ended up telling my mom about it
and I didn't even have to tell
my dad about it.
He actually found out
because his ex-girlfriend's son
sent it to him on TikTok.
And then when I was at the show yesterday,
there were people who
recognized me from the video like, yo!
I've seen you on TikTok. So I was honestly
shocked how fast
it had circulated.
But, I guess that's the world we live in now and that's you know
The internet for ya.
Now I want to talk about what I think of the video.
Do I regret doing it? No,
I don't regret doing it. I'm very proud
of what I had done. Aside from the fact
that they downplayed my partner's abuse,
I am just sick and tired
of these kinds of people. These dumb,
trendy clout chasers that
go around doing these dumb
TikTok trends
harassing... I don't have a
problem with kids going around doing TikTok trends. That's fine. Just don't have a problem with kids going around doing TikTok trends.
That's fine.
Just don't harass other people or endanger people in the process.
Yeah, just don't do that.
It's simple.
People in a public mall get
a life
and stop
doing this
furthermore, this situation especially
pissed me off because now this guy was bringing his five-year-old cousin around, and now he's being exposed to this brain rot.
And he could easily turn into him.
Of course he will.
And that's fucking sad.
That is really sad.
So no, I don't regret any of it.
I was defending my partner.
You do not go up to my partner and ask them about their traumatic experiences
and then make fun of it.
I am never going to take that lightly.
Yeah, of course.
And this is a message to Christopher and the rest
of his crew.
You owe me and my partner an apology.
I'm sorry that I made an impulsive decision to moon you specifically,
and that your cousin got in the middle of it.
But you started it.
Yeah, I think he did, and the reality is but you started it.
Yeah, I think he did and the reality is
I think this guy's right
I think he is
now obviously again
you know
physical violence
I don't think
is ever the answer
to something that's not physical violence i don't think is ever the answer to something that's not
physical violence but as I said this is the closest wrong
answer that I've seen and so yeah, I-I think honestly if you go
out and you do this kind of stuff
the main
problem that I see with something like this is
the fact that a lot of times when it happens
it happens in these public places
and the people that are supposed to be responsible
for this
just don't do their job.
Do you know what we need?
We need a crazy guy to shoot and kill those kids?
I mean, well, that almost happened one time, right?
I mean like there was this one guy
that was harassing somebody at the mall
and then he got shot.
To be honest with you
like I really can't
I can't care about that.
I mean,
if you're harassing people on purpose for content and then somebody
shoots you like,
well maybe you shouldn't be doing that.
obviously it's bad,
but you know,
I'm not really going to care that much about it.
So yeah, you play stupid games
and win stupid prizes. Exactly.
At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter
if it's right or wrong. If the guy broke your phone
you're still down $1,000.
Potentially if he hits you like you could be fucked up
You have a concussion or something else
And even if you are in the right legally
You still have to live with the consequences of that negative physical effect
for an indefinite period of time.
So I think really
the solution to this is having
the police and having the people that
are at them all hold these people accountable.
Because that's the only way it's
actually going to stop, because
you can see how a situation like this can get
really weird and really out of hand super fast
and the reason why you have
like any sort of law
enforcement basically
is to prevent these things
from happening. I totally support the guy
though. I think almost everybody does give the video a like
i uh i think any normal person sees this and it's like it's obviously wrong how does this happen in
america doesn't everybody have a gun?
Well, I mean people usually don't shoot each other.
I mean there's a lot of people in America.
I mean if people were shooting each other
after every disagreement
there'd be way more people dead than we have now right?
Let's be honest perhaps privacy laws need to be looked into
no i don't think you should i think you should be able to record in a public place
the thing is that it's all like it's it's all common sense stuff.
I think you should be able to record
in a public place, but not make some random
person the subject of your recording.
I think you should be able to
record in a public place or in a private
venue. Sure,
as a default but then the moment
that you start harassing people and they tell you
to stop, you should have to immediately stop
This is the way that any normal person thinks about things
like i don't even think that there's any there's like no like thinking at all yeah it's common sense
respect privacy yeah exactly the gets parents probably had no idea the cousins taking them and common sense of respect for privacy? Yeah, exactly.
The kid's parents probably had no idea the cousin was taking them to malls and doing this bullshit?
Yeah, exactly. Were they the kid's parents? I don't know.
That would fix the problem though?
It wouldn't because like these people
are already breaking the law in different ways.
Having the
law doesn't matter if it's not being enforced.
They were already breaking the law
by going in there and harassing people.
Going around harassing people in public like that is against the law.
I guarantee you, if the
police officer was there
and he saw them doing that, he probably would have told
them to leave.
So yeah,
you can't really use the law as an example of why this is okay.
Because the person already broke the law to begin with.
So yeah...
Is property open to the public?
Yeah, no it's private The only reason you can't kick somebody off
is if they're black or something
like discriminatory reasons
Violence is not the answer but yeah that's about right I gotta do my podcast
today I wanted to go live for at least a couple of hours and chill out talk about some stuff hang
out with you guys uh tomorrow I'm gonna to be back on at about the
usual time, hopefully. We'll probably
play more of the Swarm game tomorrow. That's
what my plan is. I'm excited to do that.
And so yeah, I'm going to be back on tomorrow.
We're going to do all that stuff, I'll see you guys then and
Fuck there it is. Alright guys. Thank you very much until next time boys