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[DROPS ON] BIG NEWS DRAMA REACTS+ ONCE HUMAN MAYBE SOD SOON?! IDK @StarforgeSystems @MadMushroomGG @MythicTalent @OTKnetwork

07-14-2024 · 7h 40m

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[00:00:00] so so so is is Keep the flame alive
[00:01:07] Follow Keep the flame alive Oh
[00:01:08] Follow all the
[00:01:12] You guys hear me?
[00:01:21] Yeah, yeah Yep, yep, yep, yep, what's up boys? How y'all doing?
[00:01:23] Oh man.
[00:01:25] What's up? Not much man
[00:01:27] Just hanging out Got up a little bit ago and here we are back at it again!
[00:01:34] Did you see the MrBeast video? I heard of it but didn didn't see it. But I did hear of it, absolutely!
[00:01:40] Yep...
[00:01:42] Son of a stinking egg, so you're running for
[00:01:44] president? Really?! I didn't know- yeah!
[00:01:46] That's.. Yeah, you got
[00:01:48] click baited man, sorry to say that. Did you brush your teeth?
[00:01:51] I brush my teeth every day.
[00:01:53] You know, I've only got a few of them so it doesn't
[00:01:55] take that long right?
[00:01:57] You guys see the Donald Trump 50 cent memes?
[00:01:59] Crazy! I saw it. I did did i'll look at it later on
[00:02:02] uh but yeah yesterday was insane man that was insane holy fuck god damn Holy fuck.
[00:02:12] Goddamn.
[00:02:14] Wow.
[00:02:16] Yesterday was crazy,
[00:02:19] it's still like I woke up today and I was like
[00:02:20] damn did that shit really happen?
[00:02:23] Did that really go
[00:02:25] down that way?
[00:02:27] Really?
[00:02:29] Yeah. Absolutely.
[00:02:31] Trying to go live in some interesting times?
[00:02:33] Well I mean honestly it's always been like this you know?
[00:02:39] You think about every single 10 years
[00:02:43] Like this is just what happens man.
[00:02:46] Like crazy shit's always happening.
[00:02:48] But you think about if you were alive in the 40s
[00:02:51] Okay I gotta say Hitler
[00:02:53] The 50s is like okay okay, well you've got
[00:02:55] people going to the moon and into space
[00:02:57] and shit like that, right?
[00:02:58] In the 60s, you have the hippies
[00:03:01] and fucking the Vietnam War
[00:03:03] starting and all that crazy shit happening.
[00:03:06] 70s, I don't really know
[00:03:07] what happened then. Probably some other crazy shit
[00:03:09] like computers, everything else, right?
[00:03:12] And it's like every
[00:03:13] moon in the 60s... Did I say the moon? Did I save them on?
[00:03:18] I didn't save him when I said space
[00:03:22] Y'all got a yacht boat
[00:03:24] Do you think about like...
[00:03:26] I'm talking about it in a specific way.
[00:03:29] You said the moon? Nah, I didn't say the moon.
[00:03:31] Oh really? Well yeah, maybe the moon was after that but it was in the 60s.
[00:03:36] But anyway, Bounce on the 60s. Yeah I know that. But anyway, um...
[00:03:37] Bounce on a moon landing?
[00:03:38] It happened.
[00:03:40] Yeah, it happened.
[00:03:42] I don't think it's that crazy
[00:03:43] That we can figure out how to go
[00:03:44] To the Moon.
[00:03:46] It's really not, like I mean
[00:03:48] sure
[00:03:49] that's not crazy
[00:03:52] I mean I don't know, maybe it's
[00:03:54] just me definitely never went to the moon
[00:03:56] yeah I think we did
[00:03:57] What do you think
[00:03:58] would happen if uh if trump had gotten killed
[00:04:02] if trump had gotten killed uh i mean like
[00:04:07] i think people would have been really mad.
[00:04:11] People have been really mad about that.
[00:04:13] But I think it would have just basically meant
[00:04:15] if they kill Trump
[00:04:17] there are probably going to be like five more people that come up
[00:04:20] to replace Trump.
[00:04:22] Like really because Trump is just...
[00:04:26] There are a lot of things about Trump
[00:04:28] that make him
[00:04:30] really hard for people to support you know like uh
[00:04:33] you know making sexual comments about his daughter um
[00:04:37] like scamming people out of money. Like the way he talks about
[00:04:41] people. Let's see,
[00:04:43] basically Hydra? Yeah, yeah. And
[00:04:45] there's a few other things I'm trying to...
[00:04:47] Epstein, but like that, I don't know.
[00:04:49] I feel like if there was evidence of that, it would have happened.
[00:04:52] Lying, you know, yeah, lying,
[00:04:54] calling people names, shit like that.
[00:04:56] But there's a lot of people that don't like Trump
[00:04:58] and there are some good reasons to not like Trump
[00:05:00] too, right? Like actual legit stuff, right?
[00:05:03] And so, I think Trump is
[00:05:05] he's an imperfect
[00:05:08] actor, right?
[00:05:11] He's not like a
[00:05:12] Jesus, right? He's not like a he's not like Jesus
[00:05:13] right? I mean everybody is making jokes about that
[00:05:15] especially now. Boy, he's
[00:05:17] not really like Jesus. He's not like
[00:05:19] you know, imperfect, perfect angle
[00:05:21] yeah, exactly right and so I think that really if like whenever
[00:05:28] Trump like stops doing politics for whatever reason there's going to be
[00:05:33] like five people to come in and fill that power
[00:05:35] vacuum. It's gonna happen overnight.
[00:05:37] Like, cause you already have people like
[00:05:39] Vivek fucking...
[00:05:40] Not Ron Swanson. What's his fucking name?
[00:05:43] The actual one?
[00:05:45] Ron DeSantis... Ron DeSantis. Uh, Ron DeSantis, you got like five other ones that are gonna come in and replace him real quick, right?
[00:05:51] So that's it. Did you see Destiny's tweets and replies?
[00:05:53] Yeah, Destiny was saying some shit about he didn't care
[00:05:56] if somebody got killed at the rally.
[00:05:57] People get in their feelings about this.
[00:06:00] I don't really...
[00:06:02] Of all the people to
[00:06:04] moral virtue signal,
[00:06:06] I'm the last person that you're going to get it from.
[00:06:09] Okay?
[00:06:09] Sorry to say.
[00:06:10] Like, Destiny says some asshole stuff.
[00:06:13] As somebody else who says a bunch of asshole stuff,
[00:06:16] I really like...
[00:06:18] I'm not going to get that mad about it, right?
[00:06:19] People are saying it's fake. Yeah.
[00:06:22] And whoever places them might be
[00:06:23] inauthentic. I mean, I don't know.
[00:06:26] I mean, people say Trump's inauthententic right? So it depends, right?
[00:06:33] You seriously hear it on both sides? Yeah exactly.
[00:06:36] Did you see the shooter seems to be a 20-year old Republican?
[00:06:41] I did!
[00:06:44] You know, I thought about this a lot...
[00:06:47] ...I feel like with a lot of shooters...
[00:06:51] They're under 21.
[00:06:53] And i wonder, would it be better if you couldn't buy a gun until 21?
[00:06:59] Because I feel like every
[00:07:00] shooter, 20 years old...
[00:07:02] Yeah! Like, I think about that, right?
[00:07:05] Because it's like you got
[00:07:06] 21, 25, something like that,
[00:07:08] right? Yeah because
[00:07:13] I'm thinking out loud. I'm not saying this is what it should be
[00:07:17] but like...I mean this a really big
[00:07:19] trend where its really young guys I mean, this is a really big trend.
[00:07:23] Where it's really young guys that like go out and do this.
[00:07:26] I don't know...
[00:07:29] Yeah, was his dad's gun?
[00:07:32] Yeah! I mean like but some people, I don't know
[00:07:33] like a 10 day he was
[00:07:36] killed got identified.
[00:07:38] Yeah, I saw that.
[00:07:39] I did.
[00:07:40] Are you sponsored by
[00:07:40] One Human?
[00:07:41] I was but not anymore.
[00:07:43] Yeah that's it.
[00:07:44] That was a while ago man.
[00:07:45] I think most people who are racially motivated are usually young people.
[00:07:49] Radically motivated are usually young people.
[00:07:50] Yeah yeah exactly.
[00:07:52] But i do think that like, yeah,
[00:07:53] people bring up a good point. It's like if you
[00:07:55] make it illegal to get a gun doesn't mean somebody's
[00:07:57] not going to get a gun. Uh but
[00:07:59] yeah, I don't know. I think about that a lot.
[00:08:02] You saw the shooter was in a Blackrock trailer?
[00:08:04] Yeah, well like here's
[00:08:06] the thing... you can always
[00:08:08] put pieces of things together
[00:08:10] and make sense out of it
[00:08:12] but that doesn't necessarily mean they're connected.
[00:08:15] A correlation doesn't mean causation. I don't think
[00:08:19] that really means a whole lot personally. Yeah did you see the face
[00:08:23] of this shooter? He looked like somebody that would do that.
[00:08:30] I'll say it.
[00:08:32] Yeah, you look at him and it's...
[00:08:34] Uh-huh. Yeah, he did. No. You just look at him and it's like uh-huh
[00:08:35] yeah he did no you just looked at him i know he did it that's it
[00:08:40] true the shooter is long hair asthma hey don't try to make a way with me
[00:08:45] most of the founding fathers were in their mid-20s
[00:08:47] Not surprising young people act out like this
[00:08:49] Yeah except for Benjamin Franklin
[00:08:51] who was like fucking 70 but no you're right
[00:08:53] You are absolutely right
[00:08:55] So yeah How do we know he was a Republican? I thought his dad You're absolutely right. So, yeah.
[00:08:58] How do we know he was a Republican?
[00:08:59] I thought his dad was a Republican.
[00:09:02] My understanding is that...
[00:09:05] I mean, he did.
[00:09:07] Like, we're not going to know what he's thinking. Bro, even if he was alive, Like we're not going to know what he's thinking, bro.
[00:09:08] Even if he was alive,
[00:09:11] we probably not going to know what he's thinking because he's crazy.
[00:09:13] The odds are he probably fucking crazy.
[00:09:17] So what are we doing trying to go and make sense of this. He was registered as a Republican?
[00:09:19] Yeah, but here's what's complicated, right?
[00:09:21] I get that. However,
[00:09:23] he also donated
[00:09:25] to Biden, didn't he?
[00:09:27] And that's the thing is, I'm not sure about a lot of this stuff, but I saw that he donated money to Biden. So what's going on here when he was 17? Yeah, but that was like three years ago for him, right?
[00:09:40] Yeah, that's it.
[00:09:42] And so I think it was another person.
[00:09:44] Yeah.
[00:09:45] And also I think there's a lot of people who are Republicans
[00:09:48] who hate Trump.
[00:09:51] I think people like, for example
[00:09:51] I don't think Trump is religious
[00:09:54] I'm gonna say it
[00:09:57] I don't think
[00:09:59] he's religious
[00:09:59] Now, he might believe in God I don't think he's religious.
[00:10:01] Now,
[00:10:03] he might believe in God but he's not going and following the
[00:10:05] Ten Commandments. He's not going and reading
[00:10:07] the Bible and saying okay this is what I'm gonna do now
[00:10:09] right? He's not.
[00:10:12] And so... I think that people like a lot of Republicans don't like Trump.
[00:10:16] They don't.
[00:10:16] They don't like him at all.
[00:10:18] And so, yeah.
[00:10:19] It's not that big of a surprise.
[00:10:22] He's religious as fuck now?
[00:10:26] I bet!
[00:10:28] I fucking bet man.
[00:10:30] Yeah absolutely.
[00:10:32] This person is probably second amendment
[00:10:33] Do you think it should be 21?
[00:10:35] I don't know man
[00:10:37] I just see there's so much of a correlation
[00:10:41] You can buy a copy of the Trump Bible for a limited time price.
[00:10:45] Is there bullet hole through the middle of it? That'd be good.
[00:10:47] Or maybe through the left side, or was it right side I don't remember.
[00:10:51] But yeah either way.
[00:10:54] Almost met the devil devil yeah i guess so
[00:10:57] so most presidents pretend to be religious yeah just like most people do
[00:11:01] so yeah i agree but um yeah it's really hard to know like why the guy did what he did
[00:11:07] or like what the purpose was for it or anything like that uh i really don't
[00:11:11] know yeah i'm not sure
[00:11:14] like the thing is that every time
[00:11:16] that like a shooter gets exposed
[00:11:18] everybody is
[00:11:20] like... It's like people are
[00:11:22] like hoping that he's gonna be like
[00:11:24] I hope he's white! I hope he's black!
[00:11:27] Oh man can you imagine if he was an illegal
[00:11:29] immigrant? That'd be the best!
[00:11:31] It's really funny to see in
[00:11:33] the US whenever there is a shooter
[00:11:35] and there's like that initial clamoring to figure out who gets blamed for this
[00:11:42] Whose fault is this? Is this white people's fault or black people's fault? Oh, let's find out.
[00:11:48] It's weird, yeah, but it's kind of
[00:11:50] funny. I mean, it's funny
[00:11:52] if you don't care. If you do care, then
[00:11:54] it's upsetting. But yeah,
[00:11:56] I know.
[00:12:01] The motive for shooting presidential candidates never known? It can't be obvious? Well...
[00:12:04] I mean there's some truth to that right? There's obviously some truth to that. But at the
[00:12:09] same time I
[00:12:10] you know
[00:12:12] I think
[00:12:17] that it's weird
[00:12:18] that and I'm just I think that it's weird That
[00:12:20] And i'm just i'm speaking like
[00:12:22] Just from my own opinion right
[00:12:23] Is that whenever i saw the uh
[00:12:26] The whole like this whole topic and everything
[00:12:28] And i looked on
[00:12:30] CNN and shit, people were saying
[00:12:33] Trump fell down.
[00:12:35] Like he fell down.
[00:12:37] That's like saying, bro
[00:12:38] in 9-11, the towers fell
[00:12:42] down. But yeah
[00:12:43] why did they fall down?
[00:12:46] That's really the question
[00:12:47] but yeah what is it he ducked?
[00:12:49] He also didn't even fall down.
[00:12:51] Like,
[00:12:51] he just ducked down like it's not that
[00:12:53] that's about it.
[00:12:54] Like he kneeled down.
[00:12:56] He didn't even know what the fuck was
[00:12:57] going on.
[00:12:57] He's still standing up.
[00:12:58] It's got his ear bro.
[00:12:59] Like,
[00:12:59] it's not like it hit him in the head.
[00:13:04] So that was early reporting before confirmations?
[00:13:07] What do you mean by confirmation?
[00:13:11] Dude, he had blood on his ear within 30 seconds!
[00:13:14] I mean, it was obvious that he didn't fall down.
[00:13:18] But yeah, I don't know. Especially like other people you hear pop, pop, pop somebody goes on the ground, Secret Service surround them
[00:13:21] and then he comes up there's blood on them people are like
[00:13:24] ah can't explain that well I could have been like oh I don't know like a bird
[00:13:31] like it maybe it was like a really angry bird or something you know
[00:13:35] so yeah and must have been the wind yeah
[00:13:38] so i feel like that disingenuous stuff
[00:13:42] really does hurt the media and it makes people hate the media.
[00:13:46] I think people
[00:13:46] are like, and this is what happens
[00:13:50] right? Because like I've been
[00:13:51] involved and
[00:13:53] interested in politics ever since 2004 I was 14 you guys might
[00:13:58] not know this but I tried to join a political action group to like canvas
[00:14:04] to help with like promoting bike for me people might not
[00:14:08] like this uh planned parenthood and also uh climate change i think both of those things
[00:14:12] are legitimate real and should be advocated for
[00:14:15] and so i actually signed up for that whenever i
[00:14:17] was 19, and uh...I-I was gonna do it! I ended
[00:14:20] up not doing it because the people ended up being retarded but um yeah they
[00:14:25] called me back the next day and i had an interview
[00:14:27] and everything and so uh i was always very
[00:14:31] you know like politically motivated and you know i was a big supporter of like
[00:14:34] ron paul in like 2008. uh you know like i
[00:14:37] remember i watched the Obama inauguration
[00:14:39] with a lifelong friend of mine, Eric
[00:14:41] I remember we watched it downstairs
[00:14:43] in my bedroom together and
[00:14:45] I've always kept up with a lot of politics
[00:14:47] And I remember whenever i was like
[00:14:50] i think that like occupy wall street and the way that that
[00:14:53] was displayed by the media was like incredibly disingenuous But I think the real first
[00:15:00] super black pill for me
[00:15:02] was, I mean, Ron Paul
[00:15:04] definitely got...
[00:15:05] He got finessed and he got fucked
[00:15:08] over in the same way that Bernie did.
[00:15:10] But I remember whenever they did that to Bernie
[00:15:12] in like 2016,
[00:15:14] and then I think 2020 was actually worse for Bernie
[00:15:17] than 2016 was
[00:15:19] in terms of what seemed to me as
[00:15:21] collusion and unfair practices.
[00:15:27] I realize that the media
[00:15:29] in a lot of cases is the enemy of the people.
[00:15:32] And, I don't even know if it's necessarily intentionally the enemy
[00:15:36] of the people... but its just not acting into peoples best interest
[00:15:40] and its acting in the best interest of people that
[00:15:43] own the media. And those people
[00:15:45] are the enemy of the people, right?
[00:15:47] So I- It's a brainwashing machine, yeah.
[00:15:49] And I remember seeing like for example uh
[00:15:51] there was like pictures, I remember uh there was like pictures i remember
[00:15:54] like there's this one guy i forgot like his name and it was like
[00:15:58] this black guy that like got shot by a cop right after he like robbed a store
[00:16:02] and like pushed around an owner of robbed a store and pushed around an owner of
[00:16:04] a store. And then they kept posting
[00:16:06] pictures of him as
[00:16:08] a little kid.
[00:16:10] I was like, this is just
[00:16:12] so obviously biased. You're so obviously trying to
[00:16:15] push an agenda
[00:16:16] and trying to push something here
[00:16:18] It was
[00:16:20] Michael Brown? Yeah, Michael Brown
[00:16:22] That's the name
[00:16:23] And even with eyewitness Michael Brown, there it was. Yeah that's the name right? And I remember seeing that
[00:16:25] and even like with eyewitness reports
[00:16:27] saying he was trying to go for the cops gun
[00:16:29] this guy was obviously a bully
[00:16:31] just a horrible person
[00:16:33] and I saw how they would push this up and make it like, you know,
[00:16:38] This guy was a victim or something like that.
[00:16:40] And I've seen that happen so many times...
[00:16:43] I just don't trust anything the media does nowadays.
[00:16:47] And,
[00:16:47] I never have
[00:16:48] like entirely
[00:16:49] but I don't think
[00:16:50] I really realized how bad it was
[00:16:52] because I remember
[00:16:53] it's funny
[00:16:53] because I even remember
[00:16:55] where I was
[00:16:55] whenever I had this realization.
[00:16:57] I was working at the IRS,
[00:17:00] and I had another guy
[00:17:01] that worked at the IRS, and it was him
[00:17:03] and then this other dude, and we
[00:17:05] would just sit around and talk about politics all
[00:17:08] the time every day
[00:17:10] and it was fucking great. We did this
[00:17:12] every day and it was a
[00:17:14] great time. And so we
[00:17:16] would talk about this like as it was happening
[00:17:18] and I was watching it in our cafeteria, the break room there
[00:17:22] and I was like what the fuck? How do you do this? What is this?
[00:17:26] There's a lot of static in your mic? No, that's the song.
[00:17:29] I'm pretty sure, right?
[00:17:31] Okay, good it is.
[00:17:32] That actually freaked me out, bro.
[00:17:33] I thought I was gonna have to get another mic.
[00:17:35] Yeah.
[00:17:35] And so Young Naive Stupid Asmogold Classic.
[00:17:39] Well like, It's not really that I was
[00:17:40] necessarily like super naive
[00:17:42] right? It's just that
[00:17:44] I didn't realize how bad it was. Like
[00:17:46] I usually assume that people won't go
[00:17:48] and do anything crazy.
[00:17:51] Like, you know, I have like a very strong normalcy bias.
[00:17:55] You liked Ron Paul but worked at the IRS?
[00:17:57] I did.
[00:17:58] I think taxes are necessary
[00:18:00] but I don't think that all taxes
[00:18:01] are necessary. Does that make sense?
[00:18:05] Yeah, I don't have a problem with paying taxes.
[00:18:09] I'll just say it right, to pay seven figures in taxes every year and um you
[00:18:14] know that's just the way it is i don't complain about that i don't get mad about that uh you
[00:18:19] know like that's just how it is carbon tax yeah no that that's life and i mean the way i see
[00:18:24] it is like i used to get food stamps and now somebody else gets food stamps with my money
[00:18:29] instead of me getting it with theirs right i mean that's just the way life is.
[00:18:33] So no,
[00:18:33] I'm not against taxes
[00:18:35] or anything like that.
[00:18:40] Carrians like flat tax rates?
[00:18:42] Yeah.
[00:18:46] That's not that simple. simple about the Texas property taxes I'm gonna be honest man so the woman next door
[00:18:51] actually it's like across the street and like one house over from me the woman next door over there
[00:19:00] used to be so poor that she could not afford a car and she would walk from the bus stop back to her house every day.
[00:19:09] And she was like a daycare worker or something like that.
[00:19:13] So this is growing up. This is the case
[00:19:18] Recently maybe two years ago she sold her house
[00:19:23] That house that she lived in for my whole life
[00:19:26] sold for
[00:19:28] it was like 400
[00:19:30] Cody and Jeff looked it up they told me about this
[00:19:32] it was like 470,495
[00:19:35] thousand dollars. Like almost half a million dollars basically.
[00:19:37] It was over 450k.
[00:19:39] Yeah it was insane and this
[00:19:41] was a woman who growing up
[00:19:43] did not even have the money to afford
[00:19:45] to buy a car.
[00:19:48] So,
[00:19:51] your neighbors in New York?
[00:19:51] Yeah, yeah, sure.
[00:19:52] Uh,
[00:19:53] yeah, like they've mentioned it to me
[00:19:54] or whatever.
[00:19:55] Yeah,
[00:19:55] I like all my neighbors.
[00:19:57] They're really nice
[00:19:57] but um anyway I never really Yeah, I like all my neighbors. They're really nice.
[00:19:58] But anyway...I never really talked to her but
[00:20:01] I would notice this. So I got my property
[00:20:04] tax notice and it was $13,000
[00:20:07] And I was thinking to myself i said thirteen
[00:20:11] thousand dollars like so if you're making let's say sixty
[00:20:15] thousand dollars you're getting effectively taxed at twenty percent
[00:20:18] so that's going to, what is that?
[00:20:19] 20% and what does that probably like $52,000
[00:20:24] you're really taking home.
[00:20:25] Something like that.
[00:20:26] And yeah 12,000, sorry I didn't get a lot of sleep.
[00:20:32] And so, yeah,
[00:20:33] $48,000. So if you're getting
[00:20:35] taxed at that rate and
[00:20:37] you're taking home $48,000
[00:20:38] and you have to pay an extra thirteen
[00:20:41] thousand dollars then now you're at thirty five
[00:20:44] thousand dollars like you're basically at a poverty level
[00:20:47] right after taxes it's insane and that's not even counting
[00:20:50] like any sort of like house insurance uh or anything else
[00:20:54] the 7 compounding interest rate from bank yeah yeah it's incredible man like i don't know how
[00:20:59] some people live i really don't and actually i do know how they live live. I really don't. And actually, I do know how they
[00:21:03] live. They live like animals and have no dignity. It's awful.
[00:21:07] That is why...I think that is why people are
[00:21:11] so vitriolic and they're so angry now is because of how bad things
[00:21:15] are yeah we're in debt yeah there's like oh the bottom 10 percent of people have negative net
[00:21:20] worth what it is that normal to pay 10k on property taxes that's yearly it is but we don't have income
[00:21:25] tax here so like you could say a balance is out but either way it's a lot of money how much do
[00:21:31] they pay uh for the house, I don't really know.
[00:21:35] I mean like at 13K is a million dollars? Half of that
[00:21:37] But yeah
[00:21:39] This won't change with either candidate
[00:21:41] I don't think it will either but you can't
[00:21:43] blame people for wanting to try.
[00:21:45] I think the issue is that people are too afraid
[00:21:48] to take big risks with candidates
[00:21:50] and the establishment uses that to its benefit in order
[00:21:53] to basically take advantage of people's risk aversion by thinking,
[00:21:59] oh well if you do this everything could go bad. Well it's like well
[00:22:02] everything is already going bad. Like what's the...
[00:22:04] What do you mean? If you do this everything's good?" That's already happened.
[00:22:07] Like, what are we talking about? So
[00:22:09] yeah... so which taxes
[00:22:11] should stay? Which one should be implemented?
[00:22:13] I actually don't really
[00:22:15] think that the tax rates are a problem.
[00:22:17] I think the budget is the real problem.
[00:22:19] Like,
[00:22:19] I think that a lot of people would be much more comfortable and happier
[00:22:22] spending tax money,
[00:22:24] spending their money on taxes if they thought that it was going to,
[00:22:27] you know, the people that are in need.
[00:22:28] Because I think that a very common
[00:22:30] frustration with taxes isn't even
[00:22:32] the amount of money
[00:22:33] that's being required, it's where
[00:22:36] the money is going, right?
[00:22:39] So you see your taxes, like you're paying 13 13 000 in property taxes and then they're building
[00:22:43] apartments all around you that are destroying the uh you know the nature
[00:22:47] environment around you like this is what happened to me.
[00:22:50] Then on top of that there's roads with
[00:22:51] potholes in them. There's a place
[00:22:53] there's a pizza hut that I've been to
[00:22:55] a million times over
[00:22:57] a million years and there's been potholes in that Pizza Hut area
[00:23:01] for my whole life, and they've never fixed it.
[00:23:04] And so you have a lot of issues
[00:23:06] and taxes way too fucking high
[00:23:08] in some main talking point.
[00:23:09] What are you even saying?
[00:23:11] No, I don't think taxes are too high...
[00:23:12] Taxes are too high in the context of the way that
[00:23:15] we live now, but if the government
[00:23:17] gave people more assistance, then
[00:23:18] taxes could afford to be higher because people would have that offset
[00:23:21] by the funds being allocated
[00:23:23] by the government. And so it's
[00:23:25] the same as for example you don't need to pay
[00:23:27] for your own roads because the government doesn't like the EU
[00:23:29] yeah I think the EU generally does it better than we do.
[00:23:32] Right?
[00:23:33] I agree with that.
[00:23:34] Like for example, universal healthcare
[00:23:35] I think is a good idea.
[00:23:37] So yeah.
[00:23:44] That's just how historically Dex is historically low They were higher in the 1950s
[00:23:46] That's actually a really good point
[00:23:47] Do you think capitalism
[00:23:49] Is similar to a game of Monopoly
[00:23:50] Where resources are closing
[00:23:51] On fewer and fewer hands I don't think that's an outcome
[00:23:54] of capitalism i think that's an outcome of greed and every single like if you go back
[00:24:00] and you look at history and you ask yourself when did that not happen? The answer would be never.
[00:24:05] That always happens, and capitalism is one method of it happening right? It's like you can say guns
[00:24:11] kill people they do kill people but so to axes and so to swords
[00:24:15] and if you're getting killed by one doesn't matter which
[00:24:17] one happens more often. It just matters
[00:24:19] that it's happening. So I think that the
[00:24:21] effect is going to be the same no matter what because
[00:24:23] people do that, not economic
[00:24:25] systems. It's just people use
[00:24:27] economic systems to do that. That's my opinion.
[00:24:30] So yeah, thoughts on public health care?
[00:24:32] I think they should do that. I've been a
[00:24:33] beneficiary of public health care. We used to have something
[00:24:36] in Texas, it was called the Medical
[00:24:38] Assistance Program, it's called MAP
[00:24:40] and it was something that
[00:24:42] I had and then also my mom had
[00:24:44] and I remember
[00:24:45] it was kind of weird, like I
[00:24:48] remember in 2013 was the first... no maybe 2012,
[00:24:52] I don't remember exactly and either way actually I know exactly what day it was because I made a video like the morning before.
[00:25:02] It was the day after my video went super viral on Reddit.
[00:25:09] This was like 10 years ago.
[00:25:13] Let me see if I can find it,
[00:25:16] 10 years ago yeah,
[00:25:17] Yeah 10 years ago and Yeah, yeah, 10 years ago.
[00:25:18] And what year was it?
[00:25:19] July 2013. Yeah.
[00:25:21] So this is whenever I got my first tooth pulled out
[00:25:24] because I had such a really bad
[00:25:25] toothache and they took me
[00:25:27] and had me do all that
[00:25:29] And I remember
[00:25:31] I got it pulled out, and it was only
[00:25:33] fuckin' $15 or
[00:25:35] something like that. So if you're really
[00:25:37] poor, you actually do have a lot of the assistance that people wish they had.
[00:25:42] Like you basically do get free healthcare
[00:25:44] basically do get
[00:25:46] uh like food stamps and like
[00:25:48] you get free food uh You get a free phone.
[00:25:51] The people that really...
[00:25:54] Let me see if I can
[00:25:55] explain it in a good way.
[00:25:58] So, like, if you look at this
[00:25:59] this is the wealth distribution.
[00:26:02] And so...
[00:26:05] And this is not like a 100%.
[00:26:11] I'm ballparking it.
[00:26:17] So,
[00:26:19] This is poorest
[00:26:21] Richest This is poorest...
[00:26:23] richest. I'm sorry about the
[00:26:27] size, but hopefully you guys can get that. And really what ends up
[00:26:31] happening is obviously if your poor, it's bad.
[00:26:34] And if you are
[00:26:36] in the middle,
[00:26:38] it's bad. And if you're obviously very rich,
[00:26:40] it's fine. But
[00:26:41] the people that are right about here,
[00:26:44] like this size,
[00:26:46] the people that really get fucked
[00:26:48] over are the ones in this
[00:26:50] middle area because they don't
[00:26:52] make enough money to live comfortably,
[00:26:54] but they make too much money
[00:26:56] to have the government help them.
[00:26:58] So you make too much money for food stamps,
[00:27:01] but you can buy less food
[00:27:02] than people on food stamps
[00:27:03] because the food stamps makes the difference.
[00:27:06] You see how this happens?
[00:27:08] It's like the lower middle class, exactly.
[00:27:11] Those are the ones that really get fucked.
[00:27:14] And I think that is something a lot of people don't really understand
[00:27:16] because a lot of people haven't
[00:27:18] ever had to deal with any of those
[00:27:20] systems before. But
[00:27:22] the middle cast gets gutted?
[00:27:24] Yeah it does and so that's what really happens
[00:27:27] and I've seen this happen to other people because
[00:27:29] when we had food stamps
[00:27:31] and everything, I remember like
[00:27:33] we would be able to afford more food than a lot of my friends
[00:27:35] and it was fine, fine because I got
[00:27:37] $200 and I would get
[00:27:39] $150. And it was like, okay
[00:27:41] we have $350 in the year
[00:27:43] 2012 to buy food
[00:27:45] Okay, let's just buy the entire store
[00:27:48] and we got that every single month
[00:27:50] so yeah
[00:27:51] it's the same in my country
[00:27:54] not working can actually be financially better
[00:27:56] than working for a low-paying job. Yeah,
[00:27:59] and so this is the reason why I think
[00:28:01] a lot of people don't really understand
[00:28:03] things, and
[00:28:04] bro, as a grocery bag boy, I would help people
[00:28:07] in their car with food stamps getting a Mercedes and an LV bag.
[00:28:10] Yeah, but having a Mercedes and an LV
[00:28:11] bag doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't poor.
[00:28:14] It could mean that they just make really bad decisions
[00:28:16] by buying a Mercedes instead of saving
[00:28:17] the money for food.
[00:28:20] And so, you know, you're always going to have instances where...
[00:28:22] Or that car could've lost their job
[00:28:24] or something like that, right?
[00:28:26] Like, okay, well, I have this really expensive
[00:28:28] car but I have this car because I was
[00:28:31] popular... not
[00:28:33] popular sorry. Like I had a great job
[00:28:35] and then I lost my job. You know that's it
[00:28:37] So yeah or it could be somebody else
[00:28:39] so I wouldn't worry too much about that or think too much about that.
[00:28:46] Oh there goes... yeah.
[00:28:48] And the EBT would print the balance? One guy had like 3.5K,
[00:28:51] like what the fuck?
[00:28:52] Yeah, exactly.
[00:28:54] And so people...
[00:28:55] Yeah,
[00:28:55] and the money would roll over, right?
[00:28:57] So it was like
[00:28:58] if you had $200
[00:28:59] and you spent 150,
[00:29:01] the next month you'd have 250.
[00:29:03] So like yeah we never had to
[00:29:05] worry about food at all. And then there were also
[00:29:07] food banks that you could go to where they would just
[00:29:09] give you massive piles of food
[00:29:10] for fucking free.
[00:29:12] And all you'd have to do
[00:29:13] is show them a card.
[00:29:15] So, bro I worked at a gym
[00:29:17] that cost $130 a month and a chick with an escalator
[00:29:19] was paying with an EBT card for protein shake?
[00:29:22] There's no world that should exist i
[00:29:24] agree with you but the problem is that the means testing for that is more
[00:29:27] expensive than just giving them the money
[00:29:30] like if you actually like amortize out like the amount of time and money that would be invested into figuring
[00:29:35] out who does and doesn't deserve it then it would and also like by the way that could be like her
[00:29:41] mom's car uh that could be for whatever reason her mom's membership it's not hers there are a lot of
[00:29:47] examples like how it could make sense and i think that whenever you really try to take
[00:29:51] away and like figure that out you end up wasting so much money and there will be victims
[00:29:57] that have bad decisions made against them.
[00:30:01] So that's the reason why I'm not a big fan of it.
[00:30:03] But I think this problem right here is why you see
[00:30:07] so many people
[00:30:08] that are happy with Trump.
[00:30:13] It's because it's all
[00:30:15] the people that are in this spot right here
[00:30:17] that are getting squeezed,
[00:30:19] and they look down on the people
[00:30:21] that are in like
[00:30:21] the lower working class
[00:30:23] and they say
[00:30:23] these are a bunch of welfare queens
[00:30:25] that are getting money
[00:30:26] for the government for doing nothing
[00:30:27] and then they look at these people
[00:30:29] and say, these are a bunch of rich coastal elites
[00:30:32] that are making a bunch of money
[00:30:34] talking down to us
[00:30:35] this is where Trump gets his audience.
[00:30:38] This is where these people come from.
[00:30:42] Biden's speaking in 20
[00:30:43] seconds? Is he really?
[00:30:45] Is that true?
[00:30:47] I'll watch it if he is.
[00:30:49] Yeah, okay, I'll watch it. Give me a second.
[00:30:55] ... make about 40k a year uh what's this here brother struggle is real my wife and i don't qualify for
[00:31:08] any assistance but we can barely make ends meet
[00:31:10] well that's the other problem is that and this is like a meta level problem is the
[00:31:15] assistance qualifier thresholds are not updated at the rate of inflation fast enough.
[00:31:21] So, inflation can like 0.5x
[00:31:25] but the modifier only goes up by 0.1x.
[00:31:30] You see what I'm saying?
[00:31:32] And again, if you understand
[00:31:34] this is the problem, but in order to understand
[00:31:36] these problems
[00:31:38] you can see how this is obviously
[00:31:40] a mathematical function of how this is obviously like this is a this is like a mathematical function right of how
[00:31:43] this happens and that's why nobody can understand and parse it out let's see if I can find this.
[00:31:55] Should I go somewhere else?
[00:31:57] Like, I'm not sure if there is a better one for me to look at.
[00:32:03] Search White House to look at. Search
[00:32:04] White House?
[00:32:06] White House YouTube channel? Okay.
[00:32:17] I like how Biden has a starting soon screen.
[00:32:19] That's good, man.
[00:32:20] He's a real streamer now.
[00:32:23] You don't want to make $2K a month to get food stamps and social security only allows you 2k to have in
[00:32:26] the bank or you get kicked off yeah and like that's another issue is that like people that are
[00:32:32] in like these like very good positions right or they're in like these situations. They are
[00:32:36] financially incentivized
[00:32:38] to make bad financial decisions
[00:32:40] It's actually kind of crazy
[00:32:43] Whenever you really break it down and you understand kind of crazy, like...
[00:32:47] Whenever you really break it down and you understand how the systems
[00:32:49] work, it's like...
[00:32:51] You know how a lot of us
[00:32:53] probably played WoW? Or you've played another game
[00:32:55] like maybe RuneScape or Final Fantasy
[00:32:57] and you know
[00:32:58] every system in the game
[00:32:59] and you know
[00:33:00] the ways that they
[00:33:01] could fix them
[00:33:02] but it's hard to
[00:33:03] communicate that
[00:33:04] to the average player base
[00:33:05] because people don't
[00:33:06] understand it.
[00:33:08] Real life is
[00:33:09] the same way.
[00:33:11] Yeah, it's
[00:33:12] the same way. Yeah, fucking MMOs. Exactly
[00:33:14] right.
[00:33:16] When a politician set up TTS donations, they do. It's actually called lobbying. But the politician just says the words for the person that gave them money instead. Yeah it's pretty much the same thing actually.
[00:33:34] You know what's crazy about lobbying is that i've seen 19 year old fortnite pros not take sponsorships for more money
[00:33:41] than a politician takes a bribe
[00:33:44] to pass a bill.
[00:33:48] It's crazy!
[00:33:51] It's like you find out this guy got, like, $18,000?
[00:33:55] That's it?! You're selling everybody out for
[00:33:59] 18 grand?! You could barely even buy a nice car with that. What are you
[00:34:01] doing? It's
[00:34:03] crazy! You wanna watch MrBeast
[00:34:06] YouTuber Challenge video? I didn't plan on
[00:34:07] watching it, but I did see a couple of clips
[00:34:09] But that was about it this one doesn't have bad for 18
[00:34:14] 18. i mean listen i um i've taken a lot of sponsors that are kind of like below like my
[00:34:19] normal pay just because it was like I'm going to play this game anyway
[00:34:23] I might as well get paid for it
[00:34:24] That's fine with me
[00:34:26] But to me
[00:34:29] again, I'm doing fine
[00:34:30] I'm doing very well actually
[00:34:32] It's like if... I'm doing fine. I'm doing very well, actually.
[00:34:35] You know, it's like if... Just be honest.
[00:34:36] If you're paying seven figures in taxes
[00:34:38] that means that you're making a lot of money
[00:34:40] and the fact is
[00:34:41] I'm doing great
[00:34:42] and I'm doing fine.
[00:34:43] Uh...
[00:34:44] I don't need to worry about anything
[00:34:45] and I'm very lucky for that to be the case.
[00:34:48] And so, yeah.
[00:34:49] Uh...
[00:34:49] There it is.
[00:34:51] So, uh...
[00:34:51] I mean, it's not really a big deal to me.
[00:34:54] I don't really think about it a whole lot.
[00:34:56] But yeah, things are nice.
[00:34:59] Give me some?
[00:34:59] Apply for food stamps and you'll get a little bit of it.
[00:35:03] Okay?
[00:35:03] Yeah, there you go.
[00:35:07] It's deserved. nobody deserves anything uh you only deserve what you can keep and you deserve what you can have uh that's it i don't believe
[00:35:12] anybody deserves anything that's a silly mindset to have. It's a copium
[00:35:16] mindset, I think.
[00:35:18] So yeah.
[00:35:20] Same, no money problems but I worry about dying alone?
[00:35:22] Yeah, stuff like that.
[00:35:24] Everybody has different problems.
[00:35:27] That's it.
[00:35:29] It's more beneficial for me
[00:35:30] to not work
[00:35:31] and get free Medicaid
[00:35:32] than work a shitty job.
[00:35:33] Yeah.
[00:35:34] Well, there it is, right?
[00:35:35] I mean,
[00:35:36] you know what I said about being an MMO? Well, there it is. Right? I mean like It's just...
[00:35:37] You know what I said about being an MMO
[00:35:39] It's just like an MMO
[00:35:41] Where it's sometimes better to wait for the
[00:35:43] patch to make a grind
[00:35:45] easier to do than to do the grind pre-nerf.
[00:35:48] Because if you know a boss is going to get
[00:35:50] nerfed, or you know like a reputation grind
[00:35:52] is going to get nerfed, you should just wait
[00:35:54] until they patch it out and then you'll just
[00:35:56] get it with like 10% of the effort.
[00:35:59] Yeah.
[00:36:02] Did you hear Trump
[00:36:03] is attending USC tonight?
[00:36:05] I thought that was yesterday whenever that
[00:36:07] happened. I don't even know.
[00:36:10] Did you hear about the Christian pastor had a vision of trump getting shot in the air three months ago yeah there's probably like so this
[00:36:14] is the thing right um you you can always go and act like this is some kind of a big shock, right?
[00:36:23] When was the last night? Yeah I thought it was last night.
[00:36:29] Using massive food stamps? Yeah.
[00:36:31] Violence is not the answer?
[00:36:32] Yeah, no doubt. When you say a lot of bullshit...
[00:36:35] Right, exactly. It's like
[00:36:36] you're making predictions about everything
[00:36:38] all the time and eventually you're gonna have one that
[00:36:41] hits. It's like when I would say
[00:36:43] this is it, this where the mount's going to drop
[00:36:45] And then eventually the mounts going to drop
[00:36:47] and people are like
[00:36:49] Right? Oh my God.
[00:36:51] How did he know?
[00:36:53] How did he
[00:36:53] know blizzards
[00:36:54] telling him when
[00:36:55] he's going to get
[00:36:55] the drops are
[00:36:56] affecting his,
[00:36:56] how does he do
[00:36:57] it?
[00:36:58] You know?
[00:36:58] And it's like,
[00:36:59] yeah,
[00:36:59] I wonder why
[00:37:00] I wonder how
[00:37:01] that happens.
[00:37:03] I make $60K and my rent is two-thirds
[00:37:05] of my pay. I'm moving into a shared house.
[00:37:07] Yeah.
[00:37:08] He describes the exact opposite. Bullet going by
[00:37:11] the eardrum, etc.
[00:37:12] He describes the exact scenario?
[00:37:14] Yeah, well I mean like think about it
[00:37:15] like this. If you put
[00:37:17] a hundred
[00:37:20] people
[00:37:20] in like a room and then you put
[00:37:24] a number behind
[00:37:27] the wall, and you say guess
[00:37:28] the number. And the number is between
[00:37:31] 1-100. There is
[00:37:32] a very high probability that somebody will guess
[00:37:35] that number the right way.
[00:37:36] Somebody will guess the right number because you've made that many
[00:37:39] guesses. The more...
[00:37:41] So like in order to get...
[00:37:43] And this is just the way statistics work right? And like there's a lot of misunderstanding
[00:37:51] with this. And so basically every single attempt that you make at a one in 100 chance is,
[00:37:57] in fact, one in 100.
[00:37:59] It's not like your chances go up but the probability for you to occur
[00:38:03] for you to encounter a one in 100 chance of probability at,
[00:38:08] I think a hundred percent at a hundred attempts.
[00:38:11] It's like 30 or 40%.
[00:38:13] And in order to get into the 99th
[00:38:15] through the third standard deviation of probability
[00:38:18] that you will have the 1% thing occur,
[00:38:21] you have to get around 880, I think,
[00:38:24] attempts at that thing.
[00:38:26] And so if both of these things are understood i think a lot
[00:38:30] of people would understand statistics better and see that 880 yeah yeah exactly it's something
[00:38:35] like that and so a lot of people
[00:38:38] don't really understand
[00:38:39] the way that these numbers work, right?
[00:38:41] And I think that's also
[00:38:43] another big problem
[00:38:44] is nobody gets statistics,
[00:38:45] nobody sees that
[00:38:46] and so they don't understand it.
[00:38:49] It's hard to wrap your head around that? Yeah, I mean like for me
[00:38:51] it's not because I've spent my whole life
[00:38:53] grinding 1% drops, so I
[00:38:55] you know, like wow, I know a lot
[00:38:57] of the different math for 1%.
[00:38:59] I do.
[00:39:00] What is fucking surprise?
[00:39:02] But yeah, that's it.
[00:39:04] What do you think about Trump
[00:39:05] stopping Secret Service for a moment
[00:39:06] just so he can raise his fist?
[00:39:08] Well, I mean,
[00:39:09] it was stupid
[00:39:11] but it was also probably for
[00:39:13] two or three seconds.
[00:39:14] You can min-max that as much as you want
[00:39:17] but I think that's fine.
[00:39:22] And also, it was pretty cool
[00:39:23] when he did it, you know?
[00:39:26] I mean, content president, man.
[00:39:28] Like the fucking content
[00:39:29] president.
[00:39:32] You see this guy's picture he got? Yeah, he got a bad
[00:39:34] ass picture. I thought it was really
[00:39:36] funny that Hassan was getting cooked
[00:39:38] for saying Trump was clip
[00:39:40] farming because
[00:39:41] Hassan says it and people Trump was quit farming.
[00:39:44] Hassan says it, and people think that people take it in a bad way
[00:39:46] because Hassan doesn't like Trump.
[00:39:48] But he absolutely
[00:39:51] was.
[00:39:53] And how do you know that?
[00:39:55] Because he literally fixes his hair before he does it.
[00:39:59] You go back and watch the clip,
[00:40:00] like we watched it 50 times yesterday, right?
[00:40:02] He fixes his hair before he does
[00:40:04] it. He's like, I need my shoes, everything like that.
[00:40:06] Yes!
[00:40:08] It was so funny. Obviously farming, bro.
[00:40:10] Like 100%.
[00:40:11] Will of Cool prevails as well.
[00:40:14] The fistfix goes hard as fuck.
[00:40:17] I think that one thing that
[00:40:19] and this is kind of, I would say
[00:40:20] do you know how guys
[00:40:23] one of the ways that guys bond with each other is through like banter
[00:40:28] and like prodding and like you know a little bit hey i'm gonna make you a little mad you know
[00:40:32] a little bit you know like that kind of stuff. Insult. I think that the
[00:40:36] reason why guys do that is because
[00:40:38] it's a shit test to
[00:40:40] make sure that they're not going to be friends with
[00:40:42] somebody who won't be able to keep their
[00:40:44] cool in a situation that could be potentially stressful or dangerous, right?
[00:40:51] And I think that the same thing is true
[00:40:53] with people in other stress situations.
[00:40:56] And I think that's why, for example,
[00:40:58] there's a lot of guys that have had
[00:40:59] girlfriends that
[00:41:00] everything was fine with this girlfriend
[00:41:03] and then they cried in front
[00:41:05] of her or they had some sort of breakdown in front
[00:41:08] of their girlfriend and then their girlfriend
[00:41:10] acted weird to them after that.
[00:41:12] It's because I think that humans
[00:41:14] are like designed and like wired
[00:41:16] to put a lot of value in being able to stay calm under pressure
[00:41:21] and i think that trump doing that or at least appearing to do that
[00:41:27] goes so much farther than you might imagine yeah it like i think
[00:41:34] it's such a big deal yeah courage under fire right because like you think about it right and like if you go back
[00:41:42] and you think about like you know a thousand years ago and would you want somebody who's
[00:41:47] crying on the ground like like upset and sad?
[00:41:50] Or do you want somebody that's getting up
[00:41:51] and like fucking doing...
[00:41:52] You know, even if you...
[00:41:56] And I can understand.
[00:41:57] You might say, yeah,
[00:41:58] I understand what you mean
[00:41:59] but I still fucking hate Trump.
[00:42:00] I get it, right? There's a lot of things to hate Trump for
[00:42:02] But the point is that
[00:42:04] It still does demonstrate
[00:42:07] A degree of like
[00:42:09] Primordial
[00:42:13] Courage of like primordial courage, right?
[00:42:17] Is a is a primorial desire that I think people have to follow people that do that.
[00:42:20] You know it's like the resilience. Yeah, exactly.
[00:42:23] Yeah, it's leadership. Exactly.
[00:42:24] Yeah, 100%.
[00:42:25] Did Biden forget about
[00:42:31] the live stream? No, he's asleep.
[00:42:33] Yeah, he Biden forget about the live stream? No, he's asleep. He'll be back.
[00:42:35] I hate Trump but it was a smart PR move.
[00:42:37] Yeah, I think that's very fair
[00:42:39] and that's the point that I'm making
[00:42:40] is that
[00:42:41] I think that
[00:42:42] it's okay to say
[00:42:44] like, I mean if you
[00:42:44] can't...
[00:42:46] I don't know if it was
[00:42:47] like a Sun Tzu quote
[00:42:48] or whatever but like
[00:42:49] it's basically if you
[00:42:50] can't see the good
[00:42:52] in your enemies then you don't really fully understand them
[00:42:55] and you can never really beat them.
[00:42:56] If you just assume that the people
[00:42:58] that you're going up against are just evil
[00:43:00] and they're categorically evil
[00:43:02] and there's no middle ground to it that's just all there is to it
[00:43:06] uh you'll never really be able to beat them because
[00:43:08] you don't really understand them
[00:43:13] one of the odds someone will try something again. Very, very well.
[00:43:16] Extremely well. Why is
[00:43:18] no one giving a shit about the audience member that was killed?
[00:43:20] He was killed because of Trump? Well he wasn't really killed because
[00:43:22] of Trump I mean he was killed because of the guy that shot him
[00:43:24] but
[00:43:25] I think it's because nobody
[00:43:28] knows who they are right and i think obviously a lot of people care about
[00:43:30] them but like why do you're asking like why does
[00:43:32] somebody care about the president more than like a random civilian
[00:43:35] i wonder why yeah i mean like what are we talking about
[00:43:41] this is like a uh you know like i am very smart take
[00:43:44] you know and all how them are you bro yeah it's just like common sense right
[00:43:49] do you think i should ban them no no it's it's it's fine
[00:43:54] like the democrats are now over uh over a barrel and they now over a barrel,
[00:43:59] and they're over a barrel in this election cycle.
[00:44:03] They can't go after him as destroyer of the country
[00:44:04] after getting shot by nutbag supporters
[00:44:06] supporting left-wing policies?
[00:44:08] Yeah, they can.
[00:44:09] I think that really...
[00:44:12] I've said this before.
[00:44:13] I thought that
[00:44:14] Trump won the election after the first debate.
[00:44:18] I think at that point it was just so obvious
[00:44:21] that it was over that i mean i don't even know what we're talking about right
[00:44:26] so like and then also for a frame of reference
[00:44:28] like after ronald Ronald Reagan in 1981 got shot
[00:44:31] his poll numbers went up
[00:44:33] by 21%.
[00:44:34] So it's
[00:44:35] you know, let's be real.
[00:44:39] People are going to say that a lot
[00:44:41] sorry 22 excuse me you're right it was 22 percent
[00:44:44] i misremembered the number
[00:44:47] just vote material farm uh wouldn't change Yeah, I don't think so either.
[00:44:55] This is new voting material?
[00:44:56] Yeah, yeah. There's a double one
[00:44:58] in the back. Yeah, I mean like for me
[00:45:00] I mean, I mean like for me I mean
[00:45:03] I don't know. Like I still
[00:45:05] think that
[00:45:05] this is my opinion
[00:45:09] is I think when Trump gets elected
[00:45:10] I don't think people are going to get what they want out of it
[00:45:13] because I don't think Trump
[00:45:15] fulfilled enough of the promises
[00:45:17] that at least like I thought that he made
[00:45:19] in 2016.
[00:45:21] So like,
[00:45:22] it's kind of surprising that this happened and
[00:45:25] everybody's talking about it because the truth is that I don't
[00:45:31] really think he brought home the bacon at the end of the day. Like, I don't think he brought home the bacon at
[00:45:34] the end of the day. Like, I
[00:45:35] don't think he did and I think
[00:45:37] that next time he gets elected
[00:45:39] probably going to be this time.
[00:45:42] I don't think we're going to get
[00:45:43] any bacon either Hillary's not in jail,
[00:45:45] the wall wasn't built, they didn't deport
[00:45:47] all of the illegals, you know
[00:45:49] like a lot of this stuff didn't happen
[00:45:53] Isn't COVID relevant? No, I don't think
[00:45:55] COVID is relevant.
[00:45:56] I actually don't think
[00:45:57] that COVID was really
[00:45:58] Trump's fault
[00:45:58] because COVID affected
[00:46:00] everybody in the world
[00:46:01] so it's like
[00:46:02] if COVID is a unique
[00:46:03] problem that Trump had
[00:46:04] why did everybody
[00:46:05] in the world
[00:46:05] have to deal with COVID?
[00:46:07] But I do think the media did a great job blaming Trump for COVID, and
[00:46:11] Trump did make a number of really bad decisions with COVID like, for example
[00:46:15] him disbanding the pandemic team that Obama had put in place looked really, really bad. It looks really horrible. I mean, dude, you know know like that doesn't look good right
[00:46:28] so yeah
[00:46:29] he was under siege for only three
[00:46:32] years by Democrats and COVID hit
[00:46:34] yeah I think so too
[00:46:35] like I also thought that it looked really bad whenever Trump would issue executive
[00:46:40] orders that would get overturned by a Supreme court on like the same day,
[00:46:44] like that,
[00:46:45] like the travel ban and stuff like that.
[00:46:46] I think that was really,
[00:46:47] that was really that was really
[00:46:49] badly planned
[00:46:53] right? It was very, very badly
[00:46:55] planned but Trump to be fair though
[00:46:57] you can say Trump did bring home the bacon because he elected three
[00:47:00] Supreme Court justices or
[00:47:02] appointed, excuse me.
[00:47:04] It really depends.
[00:47:06] COVID ruined half the years in office? Yeah, no, I think
[00:47:08] so. What's Biden done either?
[00:47:11] If I say that I don't think Trump really fulfilled a lot of the things
[00:47:14] that I had expected or hoped for him to do, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm an
[00:47:18] advocate for Biden.
[00:47:21] I don't really like Biden, to be honest. That's not true.
[00:47:23] I actually like Biden but I don't
[00:47:25] think Biden is
[00:47:26] competent.
[00:47:29] He's an idiot. Even Obama said never underestimate
[00:47:32] Joe's ability to fuck things up.
[00:47:35] Obama said that about him.
[00:47:38] He's not a leader? No, I do like
[00:47:40] him. For for example if
[00:47:42] Joe Biden was
[00:47:44] like a
[00:47:45] far off senator or something
[00:47:49] like that. I think he's got
[00:47:51] pretty good...
[00:47:53] The one thing I like about Biden is that
[00:47:56] he does a really good job at playing into how...
[00:48:06] It seems like he's a big fan of America, right?
[00:48:09] And he talks about everybody wants to be like America.
[00:48:10] That makes me feel good.
[00:48:12] I wish Trump did that more.
[00:48:14] Yeah, his experiences?
[00:48:15] Yeah, yeah.
[00:48:15] No, that's the way I feel about it.
[00:48:17] Wait, what?
[00:48:17] Yeah, exactly.
[00:48:18] He's patriotic as fuck.
[00:48:19] Yeah, he is.
[00:48:19] Who's kidding?
[00:48:19] No, I'm not.
[00:48:25] Bill's a sle, racist?
[00:48:27] That's a stupid take.
[00:48:28] No I mean it's not a stupid take
[00:48:29] it's that
[00:48:30] I think that Biden
[00:48:32] spends a lot of time
[00:48:33] talking about the U.S.
[00:48:34] being a good place and I like that a lot of time talking about the U.S. being a good place, and I like that
[00:48:36] a lot about him. That doesn't mean
[00:48:38] that I think Biden is a great guy.
[00:48:40] And I want to go back and say the same thing
[00:48:42] I said a few minutes ago, is that
[00:48:44] if you can't see the reason why people like Biden
[00:48:47] you probably can't
[00:48:49] beat people like Biden. You're never going
[00:48:51] to understand... Like there are things
[00:48:53] that Biden does that are good things
[00:48:55] that he does and if you can't
[00:48:57] understand and be able to identify those,
[00:48:59] now you might disagree about
[00:49:01] the outcome but to say that there aren't
[00:49:03] people that believe this is silly.
[00:49:07] Like what? I just said,
[00:49:08] I gave you an example right there.
[00:49:13] People
[00:49:13] like him because they hate Trump. I think
[00:49:16] that's also a big factor. I don't think a lot
[00:49:19] of people like Biden. I think that more people
[00:49:21] will vote against Trump than vote for Biden.
[00:49:23] That's definitely true.
[00:49:28] People are so polarized they can't look at things
[00:49:29] rationally. Yeah but that's not my problem like if people were going to get mad about it in chat
[00:49:33] or something like that I mean who cares? I'm just saying
[00:49:37] this is my opinion on it.
[00:49:43] It's an absolute fair take.
[00:49:44] People are too far in their trenches?
[00:49:45] Yeah, yeah.
[00:49:47] It doesn't bother me.
[00:49:51] A lot of people that get into politics... This is the reason why politics are the way they are. Right. It's
[00:49:53] because like those people have been
[00:49:54] activated, right? They've been engaged
[00:49:57] whereas before they were like worried
[00:49:59] about Jerry Springer or Jersey Shore.
[00:50:01] Now politics has tried to bring them in
[00:50:03] with more salacious stuff
[00:50:06] and this started I would say in probably
[00:50:07] really
[00:50:09] 2016. 2012 2012 was like much...
[00:50:13] It was a lot better.
[00:50:14] It was not great but it was a lot better.
[00:50:17] So yeah.
[00:50:20] Still voting Trump?
[00:50:21] You should vote for whoever
[00:50:23] you want to.
[00:50:26] That's my opinion,
[00:50:27] right? By the way, I thought this
[00:50:29] was supposed to happen... Wasn't it supposed
[00:50:31] to happen like
[00:50:31] 30 like, wasn't this supposed to happen 34 minutes ago?
[00:50:39] Jesus Christ.
[00:50:40] You're insane if you vote Trump
[00:50:41] to be honest.
[00:50:42] I don't know.
[00:50:44] Like, I mean, I...
[00:50:48] I can... I think that a lot of people will vote for him out of spite because they think that it's like basically
[00:50:52] there's a big group of people that are trying to shut down the...
[00:50:56] There's a big group of people that are trying to shut down the...
[00:51:04] Sorry, I read something. It distracted me. the
[00:51:08] sorry i'm like i read something it distracted me excuse me uh like they're trying to shut down trump and so like they vote out of spite
[00:51:11] they're like okay you can't stop us now and so i think it will galvanize a lot of people to do that.
[00:51:17] Do you think Biden has dementia?
[00:51:20] I think that there's
[00:51:21] a good chance
[00:51:21] that he has early onset dementia,
[00:51:23] but I also think
[00:51:24] that he probably is...
[00:51:26] He probably is not as far gone
[00:51:30] as people think that he is,
[00:51:31] but that doesn't mean
[00:51:33] that he's competent enough
[00:51:34] to be the president,
[00:51:35] if that makes sense. So I
[00:51:37] actually think that Biden probably does
[00:51:39] have the cognitive abilities that
[00:51:41] a normal person would have, but
[00:51:43] he just has really high ping.
[00:51:46] So it's not that he doesn't
[00:51:48] have them at all, it's that it will take
[00:51:50] him a while to get around to it, right?
[00:51:52] To get around to that point.
[00:51:54] And I think
[00:51:57] let's say you have
[00:51:59] a
[00:51:59] president
[00:52:03] like that. That's fine
[00:52:04] if you're working at Walmart or GameStop
[00:52:07] or something like that but to have a president that's at
[00:52:09] that level? I think average
[00:52:11] being at the base
[00:52:13] average for cognitive ability
[00:52:15] isn't really very reassuring to me
[00:52:17] for a president.
[00:52:19] Am I crazy?
[00:52:21] Yeah, it's the most
[00:52:22] demanding job in the world. Yeah, exactly right.
[00:52:25] Are you not terrified
[00:52:26] of Project 2025 though? I don't know enough
[00:52:28] about it to have an opinion to be honest with you.
[00:52:31] Yeah, I've heard about
[00:52:33] some people saying it's going to bring back slavery and shit like
[00:52:35] that but I really don't understand it so I haven't
[00:52:37] looked into it at all.
[00:52:39] Read it? Yeah, no. Maybe I should.
[00:52:41] I just haven't really had...
[00:52:43] I've been very busy doing other stuff and so I just haven't
[00:52:45] really looked into it. You need to educate yourself then?
[00:52:48] Well, I don't really think I need to educate
[00:52:49] myself on everything. There's a lot of things that I don't really know a lot about because I don't really think I need to educate myself on everything. Like, there's a lot of things
[00:52:51] that I don't really know
[00:52:52] a lot about
[00:52:52] because I don't really care
[00:52:53] about them a whole lot.
[00:52:55] So it's like
[00:52:55] I'm not really making decisions
[00:52:57] based off of Project 2025
[00:52:58] right now
[00:52:59] so there's no reason
[00:53:00] for me to know about it
[00:53:01] but eventually I'll probably look into it and I just haven't done it so there's no reason for me to know about it.
[00:53:03] But eventually I'll probably look into it,
[00:53:04] I just haven't done it.
[00:53:11] Do I believe that?
[00:53:11] No, I don't know.
[00:53:12] I mean... It's a... Like, I know a lot about
[00:53:14] conspiracies and stuff like that too
[00:53:16] like, I'd want to know what it is just
[00:53:18] to understand because usually
[00:53:19] so, a lot of people's
[00:53:22] conspiracies...
[00:53:25] They...
[00:53:27] What is the good way to say it?
[00:53:30] They expose what their beliefs are.
[00:53:33] Because a lot of times if you understand like expose what their beliefs are.
[00:53:35] Because a lot of times,
[00:53:36] if you understand the genesis and where that conspiracy
[00:53:38] comes from psychologically,
[00:53:41] you can understand how a person thinks.
[00:53:43] That's why, for example...
[00:53:45] There has been a lot of research and stuff about different shared myths across the world
[00:53:49] For example there is like a shared myth of a flood
[00:53:53] And apparently this seemed to be what happened, right? Probably
[00:53:56] whenever the Mediterranean Sea got filled up
[00:53:58] after the Strait of Gibraltar. But I'm not
[00:54:00] sure, right? There's probably other floods that have happened
[00:54:02] in history too. But...
[00:54:04] and giants, right? Giants, things like that.
[00:54:08] Then also
[00:54:09] some sort of
[00:54:11] deity or god
[00:54:13] figure that's from virgin birth.
[00:54:15] Dragons, yeah. Dragons in Unakai. Yeah, dragons and unikai.
[00:54:17] Stuff like that. And so you see these all across
[00:54:19] cultures.
[00:54:21] What does that really mean? I think that
[00:54:23] does mean something.
[00:54:26] What happens with votes that have already been casted either president-elect
[00:54:29] passes away oh um so if the president dies then the vice president takes over
[00:54:35] uh it's pretty simple and then if they die, vice president
[00:54:39] dies and it's the speaker of the house and then after that I
[00:54:41] think it's like the majority leader something like that
[00:54:44] Yeah
[00:54:49] yeah there's a succession. Yeah exactly. Then you have President Kamala Harris
[00:54:57] Speaker of the Senate? No. I could be...
[00:55:01] I thought it was the Speaker of the House. It could be Speaker. Yeah, either way, right?
[00:55:04] It's one or the other. What's this supposed to be?
[00:55:07] I was wondering the same thing, actually.
[00:55:11] Yeah, I don't know.
[00:55:14] I guess we'll find out.
[00:55:18] Hmm.
[00:55:20] You see a shooter with a 20-year-old kid?
[00:55:22] Yeah, I did.
[00:55:23] I did see that.
[00:55:25] There's not a lot known about the guy yet.
[00:55:28] I'm sure people will probably find
[00:55:29] social profiles and stuff like that but yeah kid
[00:55:35] is 20 years old I'm gonna be honest like I'm 34 now like
[00:55:38] III think a kid is 20.
[00:55:43] Yeah, like somebody says they're 20 years old, I'm going to think of them kind of like as
[00:55:45] a kid, right? I mean, like
[00:55:47] for sure but I think there's also like 20
[00:55:49] year olds that aren't kids
[00:55:50] but you know, I feel like yeah and I bet probably like, you know, I feel like...
[00:55:53] Yeah, and I bet probably people
[00:55:55] that are my dad's age think of me as a kid too
[00:55:57] and so that's probably just a matter of perspective.
[00:56:00] So yeah.
[00:56:02] But I am going to say, like
[00:56:04] your brain doesn't really... for a male
[00:56:06] uh, I think that you're prefrontal cortex
[00:56:08] which is the part of your brain
[00:56:10] that's developed for empathy
[00:56:12] doesn't finish developing until like 25 to 30
[00:56:15] and it's like towards the end of
[00:56:16] 25 sorry it's towards the end
[00:56:18] of 30 even yeah
[00:56:20] so like complete myth not at all
[00:56:22] really okay well I didn't know that.
[00:56:25] Uh...I've heard that repeated a lot and I just assumed it to be true.
[00:56:29] Yeah, I don't really- I'm not a doctor right?
[00:56:33] So I'm not sure about that.
[00:56:38] You know study ended at 25 years old yeah who knows
[00:56:42] it's false now it's been pushed up yeah no doubt
[00:56:45] but i think it's pretty common
[00:56:47] right? I mean like we're all
[00:56:48] a lot of us probably are around my age
[00:56:50] so how many of you guys
[00:56:52] look back whenever you're 29
[00:56:54] and you look back on yourself whenever you were 20 and you're like 29 and you look back on yourself whenever
[00:56:56] you were 20, and you're like man I really was stupid.
[00:57:00] Like how many of you guys had that same experience?
[00:57:05] Yeah and so like
[00:57:07] whenever I look back on myself
[00:57:08] at 29
[00:57:10] I'm like, yeah
[00:57:11] I wasn't really that stupid
[00:57:12] right?
[00:57:12] I was doing basically the same stuff
[00:57:14] that I'm doing now
[00:57:14] I think there's a bigger difference
[00:57:16] still stupid yeah, yeah I think there's a bigger difference.
[00:57:21] Yeah, still stupid? I mean like that's a good thing though right
[00:57:23] because it means you're evolving
[00:57:25] something like that
[00:57:27] Does this have to do with your brain developing?
[00:57:29] Or does it have to do with experience in the world?
[00:57:30] I think probably both.
[00:57:33] Yeah, probably both.
[00:57:37] Man, this is crazy.
[00:57:38] Maybe it's about to be 1pm tomorrow Man, this is crazy. I wonder...
[00:57:39] Maybe it's about to be 1 p.m., right?
[00:57:42] Like the hour is about to come on.
[00:57:44] So hopefully it's going to happen
[00:57:45] right here.
[00:57:48] Yeah, we'll see what happens.
[00:57:50] Pay attention to any midterm elections?
[00:57:52] Democrats have dominated them?
[00:57:54] They have.
[00:57:55] I think that Republicans
[00:57:56] have a lot of positions
[00:57:56] that aren't popular.
[00:58:00] Yeah, I think that they push
[00:58:01] and try to hold on to positions that aren't very
[00:58:03] popular. I think also
[00:58:05] a lot of Republicans have bad messaging
[00:58:07] I think Democrats
[00:58:09] have the same problem, but like...
[00:58:11] The Republicans are worse.
[00:58:13] So yeah.
[00:58:15] Like pro-abortion?
[00:58:16] Yeah, yeah.
[00:58:17] Trying to focus on abortion and stuff like that.
[00:58:19] You know?
[00:58:22] We just don't want to kill babies?
[00:58:23] Yeah, but I mean,
[00:58:24] I don't know.
[00:58:27] I actually think that
[00:58:28] most of the country supports abortion like that's just this is a
[00:58:35] like a statistical fact right most of the country supports abortion
[00:58:40] so like if you're trying to push for that, then go ahead.
[00:58:43] Right?
[00:58:43] Knock yourself out.
[00:58:44] But you are going to alienate a lot of people.
[00:59:01] Ah. no they just want to divide the country and distract the country they don't care about Christian baby shit
[00:59:02] I think that there are a lot of people, like abortion is a
[00:59:05] how do you know abortion's bad if you've never tried it?
[00:59:08] I don't know. I've got a few
[00:59:09] coat hangers in my closet. Maybe I can.
[00:59:11] But anyway
[00:59:12] I do think that most people
[00:59:16] probably are in favor of it.
[00:59:18] And I looked up statistics
[00:59:20] about this before,
[00:59:21] and there's actually a surprising
[00:59:24] amount of women who are in favor
[00:59:25] of abortion too
[00:59:26] or so yeah uh no who are against abortion too excuse me uh like because people act like it's
[00:59:34] men that like don't want to men that that don't want abortion and women that do.
[00:59:38] That's actually, there is a trend. There is absolutely a trend.
[00:59:42] However, it's not 100% or 0%. like a 60-40, something like that?
[00:59:50] Is it an overwhelming majority of Americans
[00:59:52] are accepting of it? Not close.
[00:59:54] I think an overwhelming majority
[00:59:56] of Americans are in support of abortion
[00:59:58] in cases where it was something that's bad, right?
[01:00:02] Where it's like rape, incest, putting the mother's life at risk.
[01:00:07] Baby isn't viable.
[01:00:09] All of those I think you'd get probably 90% approval
[01:00:13] but that is actually the vast minority of abortions
[01:00:17] over 90% of abortions are elective.
[01:00:23] So that's 1% of the cases.
[01:00:24] I think it's 93% are
[01:00:26] elective.
[01:00:28] So yeah.
[01:00:30] It's just religious people thing? Yeah, there are a lot of things like that.
[01:00:37] Is it for true reasons not to fuck around on the board?
[01:00:40] Yeah I don't know.
[01:00:43] Usually it's just religious because they can be against abortions. Late-term abortions aren't allowed
[01:00:45] anyway. Only in cases where the mother's life is in danger,
[01:00:47] etc. Yeah, and there's
[01:00:49] a few other instances. Source for your claim? I researched it whenever Roe vs Wade got overturned. You can just Google it and there'll be a number of results and information that'll support what I'm saying.
[01:01:04] Yeah,
[01:01:05] I mean, I don't have a list of the sources
[01:01:06] but you can just Google it and confirm it for yourself.
[01:01:15] Man, this is really taking a while. Alright it's 1 o'clock.
[01:01:21] It's one o'clock.
[01:01:24] Wake up!
[01:01:26] Wake up Joe!
[01:01:30] It was supposed to be two hours ago!
[01:01:46] Oh my fucking god. Biden loses my vote, I want a president who can use a clock. Maybe he's, you know what?
[01:01:48] Biden,
[01:01:49] he's an older guy. You know what the thing is?
[01:01:52] He's probably using the sundial
[01:01:53] but it could be a cloudy day so you know like the thing he grew up with and
[01:01:58] he knew how to use like they just you know it's a cloud yeah he didn't really know what time it is
[01:02:02] so like yeah he was just late right and so that's just the way it was.
[01:02:08] Yeah.
[01:02:10] Oh my,
[01:02:11] I racked out with Hunter. I hope Hunter Biden
[01:02:13] runs for office.
[01:02:15] I really do.
[01:02:18] I think that will be the point where, like...
[01:02:21] That will be the beginning of the end.
[01:02:27] Crackhead president
[01:02:28] bro
[01:02:29] the crackhead
[01:02:31] that would be insane
[01:02:33] wouldn't it be so peak yeah it would be so peak, that's true.
[01:02:38] Yeah it would be.
[01:02:41] Would it be true idiocracy? I know man.
[01:02:44] ABCU is still showing Biden to speak soon
[01:02:46] So maybe when he wakes up or something
[01:02:47] I'll give this like 20 more minutes and then'm going to move on and do some other stuff
[01:02:51] and you know we can just come back to it if it's still not ready
[01:03:01] i think whitmer and Newsom back off And say go or is it Takmala
[01:03:03] I don't think that Joe Biden
[01:03:05] Is going to drop out of the race
[01:03:06] I just I don't think he's going to do it
[01:03:09] So I just, I don't think he's gonna do it.
[01:03:14] So here is the reason why I don't think it's going to happen
[01:03:19] A lot of times people that are experiencing a cognitive decline as age progresses
[01:03:22] Are not fully aware of that cognitive decline. So I bet Biden probably thinks he's actually at like 85%
[01:03:27] when I would say,
[01:03:28] He's probably had about 35%.
[01:03:32] Of like the way he used to be.
[01:03:34] Because Biden used to be a great speaker.
[01:03:36] He was such a great debater,
[01:03:38] he was such a great speaker.
[01:03:39] And you can just go back and listen to everything that he said and say everything he
[01:03:44] is wrong but he is a very good speaker and he's a great communicator and uh now he's not
[01:03:51] so like yeah i can't power him? No you used to
[01:03:53] not be able to right with Sharpen Woody? He was and
[01:03:57] Master Debater...yeah maybe not Master Debater but he was very good
[01:04:01] And so, anyway...
[01:04:03] I think that the people around him also stand to gain
[01:04:06] by keeping him in position. So there's like a
[01:04:09] added incentive they have
[01:04:12] to pretend that the Emperor has, you know like as new clothes right? It's
[01:04:16] like they want to keep pushing him because he is their ticket to power. uh power right
[01:04:24] and so that's
[01:04:27] why, so like you have he doesn't fully
[01:04:29] understand it and then you have the people
[01:04:31] around him that it's in their benefit
[01:04:33] that he keeps going
[01:04:34] yeah he's their meal ticket? Yeah I know it's in their benefit that he keeps going yeah he's their meal ticket yeah i know it's really
[01:04:38] it's really sad honestly like yeah whenever you like actually take a step back and you look at
[01:04:43] it as like a person because like biden like for better or worse he's been
[01:04:47] a public servant for like 50 years i mean he should have uh you know he should have his time
[01:04:52] like he i think he deserves to rest you know to? To just enjoy the rest of his life.
[01:05:00] There it is! He's served the country for over 50 years and let him leave with dignity.
[01:05:07] Honestly, it's sad.
[01:05:08] It really is.
[01:05:18] Have you ever of that?
[01:05:19] Go and eat ice cream?
[01:05:20] Exactly, yeah.
[01:05:21] He should be going and eating ice cream
[01:05:22] and that's what
[01:05:24] he should be doing.
[01:05:27] Can today's game
[01:05:27] be Mr. President?
[01:05:28] I thought about doing that
[01:05:30] because I saw S-Fan streamed it yesterday
[01:05:32] and I actually had it open
[01:05:33] but like, I just decided
[01:05:35] I'm just gonna do that
[01:05:37] Yeah Yeah.
[01:05:42] A lot of people don't understand how many people would get replaced
[01:05:44] even if Kamala became president instead of him, just because
[01:05:46] she's currently the VP?
[01:05:48] Yeah.
[01:05:52] Star VP? Yeah. Star said he showered with her
[01:05:53] whenever she was like 12 and deserves to burn in hell?
[01:05:55] Yeah, I remember hearing about that.
[01:05:56] That was pretty weird for sure.
[01:06:01] Did you see there's a 9-11 mission in Xenostone Zero?
[01:06:04] No, maybe I should
[01:06:05] start playing it again.
[01:06:08] Yeah, maybe I should do that.
[01:06:11] He's speaking now?
[01:06:12] Well, uh...
[01:06:13] I mean, not on this one he's not.
[01:06:14] I mean, this is the White House, right?
[01:06:16] I mean, what the hell?
[01:06:21] Why did Democrats nominate him? Because Biden has a mainstream appeal and everybody knows him. And there's no other frontrunner Democrat besides maybe Gavin Newsom that could take his position and have the
[01:06:33] name awareness
[01:06:34] that everybody else has.
[01:06:37] Refresh.
[01:06:38] Oh, here we go.
[01:06:38] There he is.
[01:06:46] Good afternoon. All right, last night I spoke with Donald Trump.
[01:06:51] I'm sincerely grateful that he's doing well and recovering.
[01:06:55] We had a short but good conversation.
[01:06:59] Jill and I are keeping him
[01:07:00] and his family in our prayers.
[01:07:02] We also extend our deepest condolences to the family of the victim who was killed.
[01:07:08] He was a father.
[01:07:10] He was protecting his family from the bullets that were being fired, and he lost his life.
[01:07:15] God love him.
[01:07:16] We're also playing for the full recovery
[01:07:18] of those who are injured,
[01:07:20] and we're grateful to the Secret Service agents
[01:07:22] and other law enforcement agencies
[01:07:24] and individuals who risked their lives literally for our nation.
[01:07:29] As I said last night, check that roof there's no place in America
[01:07:33] for this kind of violence or any violence, for that matter.
[01:07:36] An assassination attempt is contrary to everything we stand for as a nation.
[01:07:41] Everything.
[01:07:42] It's good he says it.
[01:07:43] It's not who we are as a nation.
[01:07:44] It's not America.
[01:07:45] Yeah.
[01:07:46] And we cannot allow this to happen finally unity is the most elusive goal of all but nothing is important than that right now unity will debate and we'll disagree.
[01:08:00] That's not going to change.
[01:08:02] But it's gonna-we're gonna not lose sight of fact who
[01:08:04] you are as Americans.
[01:08:06] Look, Vice President Harris and I were just briefed SAY THANK YOU.
[01:08:28] NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR, AND WE'RE GOING TO CONTINUE TO BE BRIEFED. The FBI is leading this investigation, which is still in its early stages.
[01:08:31] We don't yet have any information about the motive of the shooter.
[01:08:34] We know who he is.
[01:08:36] I urge everyone, everyone please
[01:08:38] don't make assumptions about his motives or affiliations.
[01:08:42] Let the FBI do their job and their partner agencies do their job.
[01:08:47] I'm instructed that this investigation be thorough
[01:08:49] and swift,
[01:08:51] and the investigators will have every
[01:08:53] resource they need to get this done.
[01:08:56] Look as this investigation continues
[01:08:59] here's what we're going to do
[01:09:00] first Mr Trump is a former president and nominee of the Republican Party
[01:09:06] already receives a heightened level of security
[01:09:08] He's already a nominee
[01:09:09] And I've been consistent in my direction as a secret service
[01:09:12] to provide him with every resource, capability and
[01:09:14] protective measure necessary to ensure its continued safety.
[01:09:18] Second I've directed the head of the the national security at yesterday's
[01:09:35] rally to assess exactly
[01:09:37] what happened. And we'll
[01:09:39] share the results of that independent review with
[01:09:41] the American people as well. Wow!
[01:09:42] And finally, I'll be speaking more about this tonight at greater length from the Oval Office.
[01:09:47] We must unite as one nation.
[01:09:50] We must unite as one nation to demonstrate who we are.
[01:09:55] So may God bless you all
[01:09:56] and may God protect our troops. Thank you very much. Mr. President, do you regret shifting your campaign strategy? Oh my god.
[01:10:23] Oh god, that was so fucking funny, man.
[01:10:26] Mr. Broneswine? Yeah, a little bit, right?
[01:10:30] And yeah...
[01:10:33] The Vanillona, I know, that was insane.
[01:10:35] I'm going to be honest, like,
[01:10:36] I feel like this is pretty much
[01:10:37] the best case scenario.
[01:10:41] Like yeah, I think that
[01:10:43] he said exactly what I think people would have
[01:10:45] wanted him to say.
[01:10:47] Like yeah, I mean, there's
[01:10:49] not really a way
[01:10:49] this could have
[01:10:50] really gone better.
[01:10:52] Yeah.
[01:10:53] I mean, there it
[01:10:53] is.
[01:10:53] He gave a good
[01:10:54] speech.
[01:10:54] Yeah.
[01:10:54] This was a pretty
[01:10:55] good one.
[01:10:57] Yeah.
[01:10:58] It was short.
[01:10:59] It was direct.
[01:11:00] I'm going to be honest.
[01:11:02] This is a W.
[01:11:04] I know people don't like him and I get that.
[01:11:06] I understand that
[01:11:07] but I think this is a pretty good one probably because it was read from the
[01:11:12] teleprompter yeah but at least they wrote the right thing yeah I know that but at
[01:11:15] least they wrote the right things down you know so that's definitely a positive.
[01:11:23] He just read a script? Yeah, I know that but he's messed up
[01:11:25] scripts before.
[01:11:27] Like it's not like he's never
[01:11:29] messed up a script.
[01:11:34] Was it homeless security? I didn't really hear homeless security, but I know what you're saying. Yeah instead of
[01:11:36] Homeland Security, oh that's not a big deal
[01:11:38] right? Yeah
[01:11:40] He said don't assume the reason why they tried to assassinate Trump?
[01:11:43] I think that's fair.
[01:11:47] Like obviously people are...
[01:11:48] I'm sure this is going to stop nobody but you know, I don't think people trust the FBI either in order to do a authentic
[01:12:00] job. Yeah, so it's like...I think people are not going to go and trust the FBI for that or anything else. Right?
[01:12:08] Is it Homeland Security? Yeah yeah, that was whatever.
[01:12:17] He didn't refer him as vice president?
[01:12:18] Yeah, true.
[01:12:21] Crazy the shooter is a registered Republican?
[01:12:22] Like what the fuck?
[01:12:24] There's a lot of Republicans that hate Trump.
[01:12:24] What do you mean?
[01:12:27] Like, I think that there's probably maybe 20 or
[01:12:31] 30% of Republicans that really
[01:12:33] hate Trump.
[01:12:36] Not a fan at all.
[01:12:38] So, yeah,
[01:12:40] there's a lot of reasons for that. You know, there's
[01:12:42] these super religious reasons, there's the
[01:12:44] moral reasons, there's the moral reasons, there's like
[01:12:47] thinking that he's an
[01:12:49] asshole. I mean all the other stuff right?
[01:12:51] The Epstein Island stuff. Yeah never Trumpers.
[01:12:53] Remember that was a whole
[01:12:54] phrase for it right? And so you shouldn't really be too surprised.
[01:12:58] Also I heard that he donated money to Biden.
[01:13:00] Somebody else said that wasn't true.
[01:13:01] It's very hard to say.
[01:13:03] But I think that one thing
[01:13:04] that we can be sure of
[01:13:05] is that he probably doesn't like Trump.
[01:13:08] Yeah, he probably doesn't like Trump. Yeah, he probably didn't like Trump.
[01:13:10] And so that's why I probably tried to shoot him.
[01:13:13] Yeah.
[01:13:14] Yeah, that's one part I would say.
[01:13:19] You don't say? Yeah, yeah there it is.
[01:13:21] Pennsylvania is a close primary state
[01:13:23] the shooter would have to register as Republican
[01:13:25] Yeah people said they registered as a Republican
[01:13:27] to vote against him in the primary.
[01:13:29] That's what the idea was, I don't necessarily
[01:13:31] know if that's true or not but
[01:13:33] that's what was said.
[01:13:36] Yeah let's see
[01:13:37] what's the rest of this stuff?
[01:13:40] Twitter shaming women for me that I get to Canada and I had you a logical round with
[01:13:42] Trump gets elected more tax cuts on his seven-figure
[01:13:44] income while brokered trash recharge use
[01:13:46] over it in streets and DICTPs
[01:13:48] People are very mad about the stuff Destiny's
[01:13:51] saying, I mean like here's the thing
[01:13:52] obviously it's mean to say this but
[01:13:54] of all the people to tone police
[01:13:57] you're not, I'm not gonna be
[01:13:59] the guy right? I mean like I say bad stuff like this all the time
[01:14:02] so like yeah obviously it looks bad to say this but like i th it's going to be him this week
[01:14:08] it'll be me next week right Right? So I don't really
[01:14:11] give a shit that much about it. Right?
[01:14:15] Yeah.
[01:14:18] Destiny's
[01:14:18] drawing so hard. Yeah, I don't really know but I'm just
[01:14:20] saying like in general right? I mean I make comments like this all the time so like I don't really know, but I'm just saying in general. I make comments like this all the time
[01:14:23] so I don't think I have much of a place to
[01:14:24] criticize this.
[01:14:26] But yeah.
[01:14:28] I don't think it's politically motivated at all actually.
[01:14:30] I think he just wanted to die and be remembered mental illness.
[01:14:33] Well, I don't think that's true. The reason why I don't think that's true is because of the fact
[01:14:39] Biden used the word assassination. So I think this reason this is my assumption,
[01:14:44] The reason why they didn't want to use the word
[01:14:46] assassination is because assassination explicitly means
[01:14:50] a political killing for a political reason.
[01:14:52] So there is a good chance that they have identified
[01:14:55] that they think it's for a political reason,
[01:14:57] but they haven't identified what the reason is.
[01:15:03] No, it doesn't? Okay. I'll pull it up right now. Okay, so here we go.
[01:15:20] So if you pull it up and read it,
[01:15:24] murder an important person in a surprise
[01:15:27] attack for political or religious reasons.
[01:15:29] So, uh, it's good
[01:15:31] you know we all learn things today
[01:15:32] uh, you know, there you go
[01:15:34] but yes that is true i i know what
[01:15:37] i'm talking about and so that's the reason why they didn't
[01:15:39] want to use the word
[01:15:42] yeah Hmm.
[01:15:48] Educating the masses? Yeah.
[01:15:56] Literacy sure is tanking. Well, it's not people's fault right?
[01:16:02] I mean a lot of people just go to public school and they don't know how to read...
[01:16:09] They don't know how to they don't know how to read they don't know anything right so john
[01:16:12] linen wasn't assassinated i'm not sure
[01:16:14] about that i have no idea
[01:16:15] check assassination i did it said the
[01:16:18] act of assassinating somebody and and then I had to click it
[01:16:20] assassinate. I already did that.
[01:16:24] That's a phone? Is this gotcha? Yeah.
[01:16:28] You watching my HSR trailer? Maybe I will today.
[01:16:33] Yeah, later on. But anyway
[01:16:34] that's why I think they didn't want to use the word
[01:16:37] assassinate and
[01:16:38] now I think there is pretty much a 0% chance
[01:16:42] that the killer was just doing it for clout, basically.
[01:16:45] I don't think...
[01:16:46] Or not killer,
[01:16:47] The shooter was doing it for clout?
[01:16:50] I think that's the reason why.
[01:16:52] That's at least what makes sense out of...
[01:16:54] Like, that's how I can make a sense
[01:16:56] out of him.
[01:16:59] Of course
[01:17:00] it's not true because the person would
[01:17:01] start shooting random plays.
[01:17:03] All shooters go to shooting because it was far and whatever I am bored of explaining.
[01:17:07] Yeah,
[01:17:07] I don't know.
[01:17:09] Reagan was shot by a mentally ill guy without political motive and that's called an assassination?
[01:17:13] I don't know why he got shot.
[01:17:15] I'm just saying there's a good chance
[01:17:17] that's the reason why it was called that.
[01:17:20] So yeah, it's that simple.
[01:17:22] He killed his father? He is a killer?
[01:17:25] Yeah, yeah, true. True.
[01:17:26] Good point. But yeah,
[01:17:28] there's all that. What's this here?
[01:17:30] Stirring of booze may give you a boost to lifespan?
[01:17:32] Oh my god.
[01:17:38] I've seen this like 50 times man yeah as no surprise to anybody else yeah i've definitely seen this 100 any chance it's
[01:17:43] a big psyop of course there's a chance
[01:17:44] it's a PSYOP.
[01:17:45] Absolutely.
[01:17:46] Now, from what direction
[01:17:47] or anything like that?
[01:17:48] I mean, I don't know.
[01:17:49] Probably tune in.
[01:17:50] There'll be plenty of people
[01:17:51] trying to put the pieces together.
[01:17:53] I don't really know.
[01:17:54] I don't really think. I don't really think so, personally.
[01:17:56] But we'll see what happens.
[01:18:00] It's a pretty big risk if that's a PSYOP.
[01:18:02] What's this here?
[01:18:03] To be honest though,
[01:18:03] I think it's mostly an American thing.
[01:18:05] Why do you care about color? It's fixed and shed. It doesn't have to be
[01:18:07] realistic or faithful to the original designs for respect
[01:18:09] of reinterpretation. Are you racist? No.
[01:18:11] Why are they all white? Yeah. What a surprise.
[01:18:13] People's principles only
[01:18:15] follow their
[01:18:16] means or their ends.
[01:18:18] Yeah, these people that this isn't a principle
[01:18:20] it isn't a value
[01:18:21] This is a I want things to be the way
[01:18:23] I want them to be
[01:18:24] and I have created a philosophy
[01:18:26] that makes that justified.
[01:18:28] It's really just that simple.
[01:18:30] There's not a lot more else to it.
[01:18:32] Oh my God.
[01:18:39] This isn't accurate. Bro, my computer
[01:18:43] whenever I played this game had like a frame rate of
[01:18:47] .1. I would like one frame every 10 seconds i remember i had to play this on a
[01:18:51] laptop in like the year 2001 man Man. I don't know what this is all about but
[01:19:13] I'll play along
[01:19:16] no gregor no god still to be done however the orc and That's it.
[01:19:26] Man...
[01:19:29] I had one of these monitors too.
[01:19:32] It was simpler times? Yeah.
[01:19:39] He's got the speakers, yeah mine had the speakers on the side it was like right here and right here
[01:19:43] and then left click on the ground in the middle of the null camp man Those were the days.
[01:19:56] It's actually crazy, like I remember playing this when I was a little kid man.
[01:20:06] I remember my mom bought me this game at Sam's Club.
[01:20:09] Yeah we would go to Sam's Club all the time.
[01:20:13] That's where I got all of my food. Sam's Club all the time.
[01:20:18] That's where I got all my food, and we get pizza there.
[01:20:23] The story that I told about like my tooth breaking and me breaking with the players...
[01:20:24] ...I broke my tooth on a piece of pizza from Sam's Club. tooth like breaking and I can be breaking with the players.
[01:20:27] I broke my tooth on a piece of pizza from Sam's Club.
[01:20:29] And I remember my mom and I would get pizza there, and we would sit there and we would eat the food
[01:20:31] and then we would go shopping at Sam's Club.
[01:20:33] It was amazing man.
[01:20:39] Sam still gives Pizza yeah i know no i i know very well i already saw this before what happens when you play too much genshin impact What's going on
[01:21:10] what the hell is this I don't get it, bro.
[01:21:32] It just seems like they're having a bad time, but I can't see why.
[01:21:37] Like, bro, I ain't gonna watch this.
[01:21:39] This has got nothing to do with Genshin Impact. What the fuck are you talking about? Yeah, bro, what ain't gonna watch this. It's got nothing to do with Genshin Impact What the fuck you talking about?
[01:21:40] Yeah bro, what do you mean?
[01:21:41] What is that?
[01:21:42] I don't even know what that is
[01:21:43] Yeah, what the fuck
[01:21:45] I'm curious if this is even related to Genshin
[01:21:48] Yeah, I don't even know.
[01:21:49] It's just like some random-ass fucking post.
[01:21:51] What is this here?
[01:21:52] I'd rather not call these AAA games.
[01:21:54] You should call them by a new label.
[01:21:55] I'd say corporate games.
[01:21:57] I mean, I don't think that's really going to work,
[01:21:59] but it's a decent idea.
[01:22:01] Yeah, corporate games sounds accurate though.
[01:22:05] Me? Every time I start watching
[01:22:07] a new TV show on Netflix. So who is gay?
[01:22:11] Jesus Christ.
[01:22:12] That fucking clip.
[01:22:14] All the members,
[01:22:14] is this true
[01:22:15] or a bit of a bamboozle?
[01:22:16] I apologize.
[01:22:17] In 80s and 90s
[01:22:18] Al Bundy was considered
[01:22:19] fat and poor
[01:22:20] let that sink in.
[01:22:21] Uh
[01:22:21] I don't think he was...
[01:22:23] I don't think so.
[01:22:24] He was just like the average American.
[01:22:29] Yeah, fat? No, I don't think he was.
[01:22:34] Worked at a shoe store yeah exactly like no because he would call other people fat
[01:22:37] yeah it wouldn't really make sense if he was that yeah he was like the average
[01:22:40] middle class guy he was the guy that everybody
[01:22:44] was like, oh yeah this is your
[01:22:46] average American
[01:22:48] middle-class dude
[01:22:50] Twitch has filled with crypto scam channels
[01:22:52] and gambling channels why does it not get any hate like kick
[01:22:55] did well let's find out right now i'm going to pull it up and we're going to see what's
[01:22:58] going on live channels do we have any scam channels here?
[01:23:07] It looks like the answer to that is no, We don't have any scam channels.
[01:23:12] This one here maybe?
[01:23:14] No, no, no no no.
[01:23:16] Let's see...
[01:23:18] Yeah the third one?
[01:23:20] Wait did I miss- oh fuck you.
[01:23:22] Okay so yeah anyway
[01:23:24] this is not a big surprise, right?
[01:23:26] I mean, obviously they're going to have this.
[01:23:27] This has started happening a little bit more recently.
[01:23:30] Obviously Twitch has had this problem for a while
[01:23:32] but that's because of hypocrisy as always.
[01:23:35] Well, I don't really think that this is like...
[01:23:38] Remember what I said before about how
[01:23:41] hypocrisy is the biggest and the most
[01:23:43] enticing thing for people on the internet
[01:23:45] to claim because it makes them think that they're smart.
[01:23:48] This isn't hypocrisy at all.
[01:23:50] Twitch bans these channels.
[01:23:52] Kik doesn't. That's the point.
[01:23:55] Why is Twitch getting,
[01:23:56] why is Twitch not getting criticized for this?
[01:23:58] Because Twitch is, these are against the rules.
[01:24:00] And yeah you're gonna have people breaking the rules but that's it!
[01:24:04] My man still defending speed? Defending speed?
[01:24:06] No I'm saying there has nothing to do with speed.
[01:24:09] It's got nothing to do with Kai!
[01:24:11] It's just people that are scamming!
[01:24:13] That's it!
[01:24:14] Smartassassmonredditor is an overused and misused term?
[01:24:17] Well the reason why it's misused is because it makes stupid
[01:24:20] people think they're smart. It's simple.
[01:24:22] That's why the people do it. So what's
[01:24:24] a tiny thing in his hand versus machete?
[01:24:26] I mean, listen.
[01:24:28] It was a very good start. I like this game a lot.
[01:24:31] This game went way better
[01:24:33] than I thought it would, honestly.
[01:24:34] I had a lot of fun playing this man.
[01:24:36] It was...
[01:24:38] Speed is a scammer if I can recall
[01:24:41] Yeah, he got involved with some crypto scam but he kind of moved himself out of it pretty fast
[01:24:45] But yeah, it was pretty stupid for sure
[01:24:47] Let's see here civic education lesson education is important what's this I told you, I was on your side.
[01:25:06] Get them out of there!
[01:25:08] Yeah?
[01:25:10] Take the little piece of my ass!
[01:25:12] True! Go ahead, go ahead! Just kick him away! true
[01:25:39] i'll just kick them away foreign First to move, I fuck him?
[01:25:40] Is that what he said? Oh my god With one hand He's dragging his ass over there.
[01:26:21] Oh my god! At least they stay there? Yeah, of course.
[01:26:25] No I think this is a great thing i mean i
[01:26:28] i hate these people i think they're so obnoxious and i mean the only thing
[01:26:34] i don't like about this clip is that it wasn't a cop writing them a ticket and arresting them.
[01:26:40] Like,
[01:26:40] that's really what should happen, right? They're selfish.
[01:26:43] They're so obnoxious.
[01:26:44] It promotes nothing. Yeah, it's nothing.
[01:26:46] You're just being fucking annoying.
[01:26:48] Like, yeah, I'm protesting.
[01:26:51] What is it again?
[01:26:52] What's the hashtag?
[01:26:54] Oil, right?
[01:26:55] I don't like oil.
[01:26:56] So what am I going to do?
[01:26:57] Am I going to stand in the road
[01:26:58] and that way the cars are on the road longer
[01:27:03] so they oh wait they have to use more oil then Huh. That's crazy.
[01:27:11] Right, yeah it's like this is the mind of these people.
[01:27:18] Oil bad?
[01:27:19] Idle cars?
[01:27:20] Yeah exactly. Do they do this in the NA too? They do but it's not as common. In my opinion I don't think people should be able to run them over because it might mess their car up and that could be a problem in like a public safety concern
[01:27:32] if the car's wheels are messed up
[01:27:33] after running one of these people over.
[01:27:35] That would be problematic.
[01:27:36] But I do think
[01:27:37] the police should come
[01:27:38] and arrest these people
[01:27:40] and ticket them
[01:27:41] or cite them or give
[01:27:42] them fines community service or something like that right
[01:27:45] and so yeah various smart processors you know what i think they actually should
[01:27:48] do they should have these people if if
[01:27:50] somebody is caught doing this they should be given like a mandatory 40
[01:27:55] hours of community service actually cleaning up the local park you want to
[01:28:01] make the world a better place? All right.
[01:28:04] Now you have to.
[01:28:06] Yep, there it is.
[01:28:07] Yeah, you want to do this?
[01:28:08] Okay, all right, that's fine.
[01:28:10] There you go.
[01:28:10] Make them work in an oil rig.
[01:28:14] Sell them the Exxon?
[01:28:15] Is that it?
[01:28:17] That's what you should do with them, right?
[01:28:20] And absolutely Trump is going to
[01:28:21] What's this here?
[01:28:23] Trump is going to do another
[01:28:25] rally in Wisconsin.
[01:28:28] Look, bro, whenever he
[01:28:29] pops off, I'll be there, right?
[01:28:31] That's it. Do you see
[01:28:33] the video that TrumpAssass made no i didn't if
[01:28:36] you want to link it to one of my mods maybe they can get it over to me and i
[01:28:39] can take a look at it yeah that shit was crazy yesterday
[01:28:42] yeah it was you're right nobody cares about climate
[01:28:45] change i actually think that a lot of people care about climate
[01:28:47] change, and I think that these people are actually doing
[01:28:49] a huge disservice because climate change is legitimate
[01:28:52] and real and a huge issue.
[01:28:53] And these people are making climate change look like
[01:28:56] a joke by being so uh being annoying
[01:28:59] attention whores rather than actually trying to help the world that's my opinion i'm a huge
[01:29:04] advocate for you know climate change awareness I think it's a legitimate thing.
[01:29:09] I think it's naive to
[01:29:10] think otherwise. You can, you know,
[01:29:12] light a cigarette in a room. The room
[01:29:14] smells like a cigarette. You, you know,
[01:29:16] have a barbecue. People can smell the
[01:29:19] barbecue. Like you have a dead animal somewhere, you can smell
[01:29:23] the dead animal and it can make you sick if you're nearby. A city
[01:29:27] can be polluted. It's very obvious cities can be polluted.
[01:29:29] Is there no way that this can be extrapolated to the entire world?
[01:29:33] Of course, of course, there's a way.
[01:29:36] Of course, there is like it's naive to say otherwise.
[01:29:38] So yeah, I mean,
[01:29:40] I think it's a legitimate thing. I do now maybe not all of it is manmade.
[01:29:44] Maybe that doesn't mean we have to like give up every good utility that we
[01:29:47] have, but to act like it's not happening and it's
[01:29:50] not a thing and we can't do better. That's silly.
[01:29:53] That's just silly.
[01:29:56] But yeah, I definitely believe in climate change.
[01:29:59] Absolutely.
[01:30:01] So if we have enough barbecues,
[01:30:02] the whole world will smell like barbecue?
[01:30:04] I don't know.
[01:30:05] Actually, yes.
[01:30:07] There would be a point where if you could create
[01:30:08] an infinite amount of barbecues
[01:30:10] there would be a point where the world
[01:30:12] would smell like barbecue.
[01:30:13] If you could scale this infinitely?
[01:30:16] Yes.
[01:30:20] Absolutely.
[01:30:23] The same, yes, if you filled all of the air in the world with wood... I don't know why
[01:30:37] I said that
[01:30:37] anyway let's see here
[01:30:41] express delivery
[01:30:42] but you got no let's see here express delivery is team
[01:31:09] these are the situations that i think tipping is reasonable
[01:31:29] yeah this is whenever i think like yeah maybe you should tip man this is awesome
[01:31:33] this is so cool
[01:31:39] this This is so cool. I'm gonna be honest, I think this is...
[01:31:42] That's SO cool!
[01:31:45] Yeah, was the Sierra fucking cool with that? Yeah, that was awesome.
[01:31:48] How much was that? I don't know.
[01:31:50] It's probably not even that expensive.
[01:31:52] I bet this thing probably costs less than a car.
[01:31:55] You could probably make one of these or have one of these for
[01:31:59] I'd say like what? Four grand?
[01:32:01] Something like that.
[01:32:03] Something like that yeah, I'd
[01:32:05] say so. Nah nah we've had
[01:32:07] these for a while now guys like we're not nah bro
[01:32:09] Like you're not at that point where like you're still paying for research
[01:32:13] No man
[01:32:16] I think it's probably 4K for something like this now.
[01:32:21] A jetpack? Yeah, I think so.
[01:32:24] They go for 10k? Do you think it's 10k now?
[01:32:26] Really, I thought it would be lower.
[01:32:32] Okay. I thought it would be lower. Yeah, military
[01:32:33] cessium 10 years ago? Yeah!
[01:32:36] I don't know.
[01:32:38] One wheel is 4K?
[01:32:39] You need to get a cheaper car.
[01:32:42] Like,
[01:32:43] I remember I got my
[01:32:45] insurance for
[01:32:47] what do you call it? I got my insurance
[01:32:49] updated for like My new car
[01:32:51] The insurance that I had before
[01:32:54] Was like it was like $60
[01:32:56] For every six months for car insurance
[01:32:58] And
[01:33:00] It went up to 200 or sorry $2,600.
[01:33:05] You know what? Yeah.
[01:33:07] I had a 2001 Mustang
[01:33:09] and I have
[01:33:12] a perfect driving record
[01:33:13] and i've never had like a traffic ticket or anything like that full coverage yep absolutely
[01:33:19] 10 a month insurance yeah yeah it was a 2001 and 4K
[01:33:24] for Jetpack. I thought they would be cheaper, to be honest.
[01:33:26] I really did just because I feel like
[01:33:28] they've been around a long time but I could be wrong.
[01:33:31] Let's see here
[01:33:31] when you request for the best chiropractor, I'm...
[01:33:35] The best chiropractor?
[01:34:04] Okay. so You're no longer playing a fighting game, but it's been turned into a cinematic cutscene of you losing 116 health.
[01:34:08] What a game!
[01:34:11] Wow, SpineFix, I'm a new man?
[01:34:11] Yeah, I guess so.
[01:34:14] When a company doesn't get free advertisements just give the people
[01:34:16] free material to work with even
[01:34:18] Elden Ring can't escape it for VTubers who stream in morning activities
[01:34:22] McDonald's breakfast and McDonald's with two hash browns oh my It's so stupid.
[01:34:43] It's so fucking stupid, but it's so good.
[01:34:47] Oh my god! Alec Baldwin's trial is dismissed? What's this?
[01:34:50] That the evidence was of no
[01:34:51] evidentiary. Actually, give me one second.
[01:34:53] The evidence was of no evidentiary.
[01:34:55] I'm going to use the bathroom real quick.
[01:34:57] I don't want hash browns.
[01:35:00] I actually don't think McDonald's hash browns are that great.
[01:35:01] I think they're mid.
[01:35:02] The really good hash browns
[01:35:04] are the ones that are like...
[01:35:06] Instead of the bricks,
[01:35:07] it's like the little small ones
[01:35:09] that you eat together with
[01:35:11] a fork.
[01:35:13] You get four or five of them at a time, and
[01:35:15] you eat them all together. They're not
[01:35:16] tater tots, but...
[01:35:19] We have a place here called Bill Miller's.
[01:35:21] And they have, in my opinion, the best hash browns.
[01:35:23] And it's not even remotely close.
[01:35:25] I'll be right back.
[01:36:55] All right....... Okay. Agbald1ManslayerTrot Toronto gets dismissed. What a fucking surprise
[01:37:00] She wash your hands you shut the fuck up about that
[01:37:06] Venturi value and failed to connect the evidence
[01:37:08] to the instant case.
[01:37:10] The case agent, as well
[01:37:12] as... Do you remember back whenever I said
[01:37:14] this was going to happen and everybody got mad at me?
[01:37:17] Fox testimony is... I i was playing new world
[01:37:20] was aware of the new evidence and yet did not make an effort to disclose it to defense so obviously
[01:37:26] willful withholding of this information was intentional and deliberate. If this conduct does not rise to the level of bad faith, it certainly comes so near to bad faith as to show signs of scorching. Prejudice, when discovery has been produced late prejudice does
[01:37:43] not accrue unless the evidence is material and the disclosure is so late
[01:37:47] that it undermines the definition the defendants preparation for trial The court concludes that this conduct is highly prejudicial to the defendant.
[01:37:53] The jury has been sworn, jeopardy has attached and this disclosure during the course of trial
[01:38:02] is so late that it undermines the defense preparation for child. There
[01:38:06] is no way for the court to write this wrong
[01:38:15] lesser sanctions under Harper trial courts possess broad discretionary authority to decide what sanction to impose when a discovery order is
[01:38:19] violated state versus linear the The sanction of dismissal
[01:38:23] is the only warranted remedy
[01:38:25] that jury has been sworn, Jeopardy
[01:38:27] has attached and a mistrial would not
[01:38:29] be based upon manifest necessity
[01:38:31] further the sanction of dismissal is warranted in
[01:38:34] this case. The state has repeatedly made representations to defense and
[01:38:38] to the court that they were compliant with all their discovery obligations
[01:38:42] despite their repeated representations, they have
[01:38:45] continued to fail the disclose critical
[01:38:47] evidence to the defendant. Brady and
[01:38:50] Harper satisfied dismissal with prejudices
[01:38:53] warranted damn court also has power inherent power
[01:38:58] per state versus lemire where discovery violations inject needless delay into
[01:39:03] the proceedings courts may impose meaningful sanctions to effectuate
[01:39:07] their inherent power and promote efficient judicial administration.
[01:39:12] The State's discovery violation has injected a needless and curable delay into the instant jury trial.
[01:39:19] Dismissal with prejudice is warranted to ensure the integrity of the judicial system
[01:39:24] and efficient investigation of justice.
[01:39:27] Your motion to dismiss
[01:39:28] with prejudice is granted.
[01:39:32] There it is!
[01:39:35] Holy shit.
[01:39:36] With respect to the jury, I don't imagine you all want to return on Monday?
[01:39:40] I will take care of the jury.
[01:39:42] Thank you, ma'am.
[01:39:43] We are in recess.
[01:39:44] Good for him.
[01:39:46] Yep. Good for him man. Get away with murder if you're rich and famous? So true
[01:39:56] brother! Don't forget white too hey yeah absolutely
[01:40:02] yeah keep bro keep crafting your narratives keep telling your stories.
[01:40:11] Man, what a fucking surprise!
[01:40:16] The obvious outcome happened.
[01:40:24] Man...
[01:40:28] He was saying fake crying like his life wasn't about to be destroyed? Yeah, like
[01:40:31] Like it was- Like you wouldn't be relieved. It's like okay thank god I'm not going
[01:40:33] to jail. Yeah should have never even been charged
[01:40:38] yeah i know he wasn't like that's why it got dismissed yep there
[01:40:42] it is he was handed a prop to use how could
[01:40:46] you know exactly no it wasn't his fault everybody knows
[01:40:49] that including the court. Everybody who was talking
[01:40:52] about gun safety, bro, like an actor
[01:40:54] is supposed to know about gun safety. Like what's
[01:40:56] the logic there? Think about
[01:40:58] that, bro. Then why is the armor
[01:41:00] even there? An actor's supposed to know about every
[01:41:03] single little thing? No, bro. Like, there's no
[01:41:05] way. That's why there are people
[01:41:07] there who are responsible for it.
[01:41:09] It's common sense!
[01:41:10] Are you serious? Of course I'm serious, because it's
[01:41:13] common sense! Everybody fucking knows that!
[01:41:15] You screw your fucking retard!
[01:41:17] That's why even the court agreed!
[01:41:19] The court knows this is true, everybody
[01:41:21] knows this is fucking true. give somebody something they are the
[01:41:25] ones ensuring it it's not your fucking job he's an actor anybody who thought this wasn't going
[01:41:31] to happen probably just hated this guy let's's be honest, he's a fucking asshole
[01:41:35] He's always been a fucking
[01:41:36] asshole but he didn't
[01:41:39] fucking do it on purpose. Everybody
[01:41:40] knows that. It's crazy
[01:41:43] that people are acting like
[01:41:44] That's what happened
[01:41:45] Get the fuck out of here
[01:41:46] So ridiculous
[01:41:47] It's done, it's over
[01:41:50] And the obvious thing
[01:41:51] That every normal rational person thought happened
[01:41:56] you know retired to disagree
[01:41:58] exactly and so anyway what was this
[01:42:00] Trump tweet that Trump post something
[01:42:02] what is this do you guys want me to look at
[01:42:04] that yeah somebody typed that in chat is that true Do you guys want me to look at that?
[01:42:07] Yeah, somebody typed that in chat.
[01:42:07] Is that true?
[01:42:11] Yeah, yes.
[01:42:13] No, no, no he didn't.
[01:42:15] Does he have a rally today?
[01:42:17] I don't know.
[01:42:17] I mean,
[01:42:18] I'd have to look.
[01:42:18] Let me see.
[01:42:21] Trump truth social.
[01:42:27] Do you type something 29 minutes ago.
[01:42:28] He did.
[01:42:32] Yep,
[01:42:33] he did.
[01:42:36] Based on yesterday's events I was going to delay my trip
[01:42:38] to Wisconsin and the Republican National Convention by two days.
[01:42:42] But I have just decided that I cannot allow a quote shooter
[01:42:46] or potential assassin to force change to scheduling
[01:42:50] or anything else.
[01:42:51] Therefore, I will be leaving
[01:42:53] to Milwaukee as scheduled
[01:42:55] at 3.30 p.m. today.
[01:42:58] Thank you.
[01:43:01] Unite America... Oh my God. p.m. today thank you unite I mean oh my god holy shit yeah famous last words well the thing is like bro if he ends up getting killed people are going to lose their minds. Like I think that's gonna pretty that Republicans are going to get elected for basically
[01:43:21] everything for like 10 years.
[01:43:25] I don't
[01:43:25] think it's going to be a civil war.
[01:43:27] Here's the reason why I don't think it's going to be
[01:43:29] a civil war, is because the only people
[01:43:32] that are really supporting it
[01:43:34] are like a few crazies on the internet.
[01:43:36] Like, in order to have a civil war
[01:43:38] you have to have another side
[01:43:39] to fight against
[01:43:40] and most people even the majority
[01:43:43] of the Democrats are saying this is bad.
[01:43:46] It's bad this happened.
[01:43:47] So like who's the war
[01:43:49] against? Like a few people on
[01:43:51] Twitter? Like what the fuck?
[01:43:53] No that's not going to happen at all a few people on Twitter? Like, what the fuck? No.
[01:43:54] That's not going to happen at all.
[01:43:56] It's not going to be Civil War.
[01:43:59] Yeah, I don't think so.
[01:44:01] People ain't got time for war with gas prices?
[01:44:04] Yeah, it's too expensive. All the weird stuff of them trying to identify the shooter? Yeah, I did see that actually.
[01:44:06] I did. Have you commented on
[01:44:08] his tweets? I mean not really.
[01:44:10] It's just talking about
[01:44:11] he's just fucking tweeting and shit like that yeah what is this here uh thank
[01:44:17] you everyone our thoughts impressed yesterday as it was god alone prevented the unthinkable
[01:44:22] from happening we will fear, but instead remain resilient to
[01:44:25] our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness
[01:44:27] all our love goes out to the victims and their
[01:44:29] families. We pray for the recovery for
[01:44:31] those who are wounded and hold in our hearts a memory of the citizen
[01:44:33] who was so horribly killed.
[01:44:37] In this moment, which is more important that we stand united through our two characters Americans remaining strong and determined
[01:44:40] not allowing evil to win
[01:44:41] I truly love our country
[01:44:43] I love you all
[01:44:44] and look forward to speaking with our great nation
[01:44:45] this week in Wisconsin Holy Holy fuck, yeah there it is!
[01:44:48] He didn't write that? Probably not but you know it's pretty good for sure.
[01:44:55] I saw they found out who the guy is that got killed yesterday. So take a look at this. We've got just in the guy who was killed at Trump's Pennsylvania rally was identified as a former fire chief.
[01:45:10] Wow! His last act
[01:45:12] on the planet was shielding his daughter from the bullets.
[01:45:15] Man!
[01:45:19] It Man. It's just like...
[01:45:23] Oh god!
[01:45:27] Whoops, it's fucked up? It is. It's massively fucked up.
[01:45:30] It's crazy, man.
[01:45:31] Fucking hell yeah.
[01:45:32] It's like...
[01:45:35] The guy killed a...
[01:45:36] It's like he killed a cop.
[01:45:38] Like people don't like cops. Nobody hates
[01:45:40] fire... Who the fuck hates firefighters?
[01:45:42] You kill the retired
[01:45:44] fire chief.
[01:45:46] Oh my god!
[01:46:02] That's pretty bad, you know? Arsonists? Yeah, arsonists probably don't like firefighters either. You know, yeah, me as an arsonist, I guess awful yeah i know that's crazy it was like
[01:46:10] you know like just an average model citizen it seems you know just really sad to see that happen gave his life to protect his daughter
[01:46:14] Yep, that's right
[01:46:16] Holy fuck man
[01:46:20] Here's a setup for Civil War Trump Trump dies, Democrats win. Right groups riot and most police stands by. Military joins some army men stand by all right rises up some left joins the Army.
[01:46:29] I don't think that's what's going to happen. At the end of the day,
[01:46:33] like...
[01:46:34] I don't...
[01:46:35] I think that people don't understand
[01:46:37] and I don't really
[01:46:40] understand, I'll say for sure.
[01:46:41] I don't know a lot about the Civil War. But like the civil war wasn't just like something that happened because of one situation it was like the culmination of 15 or 10 to 15 years of like escalation and
[01:46:54] like you know politics and shit like that
[01:46:56] right it was terrible yeah like this
[01:46:57] shit didn't just like happen randomly
[01:46:59] civil war built up like 20 years yeah
[01:47:03] we're not going to have another civil war, man.
[01:47:05] It's not going to happen.
[01:47:06] I get that people say that, but the only reason...
[01:47:10] Actually, we might have a civil war.
[01:47:12] So there's a good chance
[01:47:14] that the elites in the country will realize
[01:47:17] that robotics will take over so many jobs
[01:47:20] that we need to get rid of a lot of people.
[01:47:22] And then they could make a civil war
[01:47:24] so half the poor people kill the other half of the poor people
[01:47:27] and that way you don't have to pay them money.
[01:47:29] But, other than that, I don't really
[01:47:31] think we're going to have a civil war.
[01:47:32] Yeah. Omega Lo?
[01:47:35] What the fuck? Oh, you know, that's just...
[01:47:37] Hey, you come to my stream.
[01:47:39] This is what you're going to get.
[01:47:41] Yep, that's it.
[01:47:44] Put a finger down if you've ever applied
[01:47:46] to a cybersecurity job and a few days later
[01:47:48] you get an email from the recruiter inviting you to a phone screener. The phone screener goes great
[01:47:52] so they set you up with an interview with the hiring manager, you blow it out of the water
[01:47:56] with the hiring manager so then they start setting you up with interviews
[01:47:58] to meet the rest of the engineers on the team, engineers on other teams
[01:48:02] and everything goes great. And now you have an interview set up with the CISO
[01:48:06] and you sit down with the CISO and the sit down with the CISO, and the CISO says
[01:48:09] hey what interested you in this company? And you say well
[01:48:13] three months ago I got a dark web monitoring alert that an email
[01:48:17] username and virtual credit card number that I've only ever used on your website
[01:48:22] was found in the dark web. And after hours of trying to get a hold of customer service,
[01:48:27] using your Web portal and contacting your security email account, I got nowhere.
[01:48:33] And so I thought the only way to get your attention would be
[01:48:36] to apply for this job and sit down with a CISO
[01:48:39] so that I could personally tell you that
[01:48:41] you've suffered the security breach and you haven't notified your customers.
[01:48:45] Oh, and I'm not interested in the job. Oh my god.
[01:49:05] I feel like they have to pay him double now,
[01:49:08] please come on the team now.
[01:49:10] Bro Savage holy fuck yeah
[01:49:12] Now they really need to hire him.
[01:49:14] Yeah.
[01:49:15] Oh my god.
[01:49:18] That's so fucking funny.
[01:49:20] I don't know if that really happened
[01:49:21] but it's definitely funny to see pointy bootlaces here.
[01:49:25] I think civil war most likely happens if elites do not understand
[01:49:28] that robots are taking over the world.
[01:49:30] They don't want to let money go and don't understand
[01:49:32] if there's no workers, there's no consumers?
[01:49:36] Um I don't know. I mean like we'll have to wait and see what happens.
[01:49:43] What's this?
[01:49:44] Oh! No!
[01:49:48] Jesus.
[01:49:54] I feel like I'm watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. oh yeah yeah i guess so holy what's this oh yeah there it is um
[01:50:14] I already saw this before what's this
[01:50:18] i saw this too should have a dog oh this is the uh gang stalking yeah
[01:50:23] i know all about this this is people that think that there's like groups of
[01:50:26] people that are are out there to
[01:50:28] harass them and find them
[01:50:30] and all this stupid, crazy shit.
[01:50:33] MIT neurosurgeon?
[01:50:34] Why he left his job? I don't know. It looks pretty
[01:50:36] nice out there. The first descendant of so many microtransactions,
[01:50:39] Destiny is worse than Hassan.
[01:50:41] People are very mad about the stuff
[01:50:43] Destiny has said.
[01:50:44] I think really
[01:50:45] Destiny is the same as how kind of like how I am
[01:50:49] where like,
[01:50:50] I'll say the thing that people don't want to say
[01:50:52] or the thing that you shouldn't say at the wrong time.
[01:50:55] So like there's a big part
[01:50:57] of whenever I see destiny getting
[01:50:58] a lot of people mad at him,
[01:51:00] I don't really have
[01:51:01] a lot of energy to be like,
[01:51:04] oh my god, this is fucking horrible.
[01:51:07] Because I do the same stuff.
[01:51:08] Sorry to say. Yeah. Sorry to say, yeah.
[01:51:10] Sorry to say, guys...
[01:51:13] I already looked at the rest of this, Gus. Makes me feel old.
[01:51:15] What is this? Oh, yeah,
[01:51:17] I saw that already. For fucking
[01:51:19] sure! I went through all of these. Someone just died?
[01:51:21] Your hot take, you're not feeling?
[01:51:23] Yeah, yeah, I'm just saying
[01:51:24] You don't say fuck shit like that though?
[01:51:28] That's not what Twitter thinks
[01:51:30] Okay?
[01:51:31] Yeah, Twitter thinks, okay? Yeah.
[01:51:31] Twitter thinks that I'm saying this stuff too,
[01:51:35] okay?
[01:51:35] Yeah.
[01:51:36] That's unreserved information.
[01:51:38] Yeah, yeah.
[01:51:38] I'm just saying like
[01:51:39] that's really how it is.
[01:51:40] But anyway,
[01:51:41] where's the rest of these? Oh yeah, they saw Trump
[01:51:43] like apparently he's out
[01:51:44] Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry
[01:51:46] Yeah, he's out walking around
[01:51:49] and everything now
[01:51:50] This was apparently yesterday, the last night... yeah. There it is! That's fucking crazy. Oh. Uh-oh, Nicholas.
[01:52:17] This train is going to crash into these five people. Should we move the
[01:52:21] train to go this way or should we let it go that way which way should the train go uh oh nicholas i saw this shit i thought it was so fucking funny man. Yep there it is actual Twitch chat yeah it is what it is. You win some you lose some. He solved the Civil War problem? Yeah apparently. And uh...I was actually thinking about this today.
[01:52:58] Can you imagine what yesterday would have been like
[01:53:01] if you couldn't post whatever you wanted on social media?
[01:53:06] I think that we would have seen
[01:53:08] a completely different situation.
[01:53:13] Like look at this.
[01:53:14] Secret Service rushes Trump off
[01:53:16] after popping noises heard at Pennsylvania rally. Trump of him with blood on his face. Trump whisked off stage
[01:53:29] in Pennsylvania after loud noises
[01:53:31] rang through the crowd.
[01:53:35] Man.
[01:53:38] Ex-U.S. President walked off stage ex-US president
[01:53:40] walked off stage
[01:53:41] Trush
[01:53:44] he walked off
[01:53:46] oh my god
[01:53:50] jesus man
[01:53:52] this is why people hate the media bro
[01:53:54] it's just what it is
[01:53:56] oh my god
[01:53:59] musk has been censoring more than 100K posts about 2025.
[01:54:02] There's still censorship?
[01:54:03] Oh, if there's evidence of that, I'd be curious to see it.
[01:54:05] I'm not aware of that.
[01:54:07] Yeah, I don't know.
[01:54:10] Trump blasted off the stage with a debt pack? Yeah, two
[01:54:12] people got killed by loud noises apparently.
[01:54:15] Well I would make an article if that's what you're
[01:54:16] going to say because they're doing
[01:54:18] it to make sure that they capitalize
[01:54:20] on it while simultaneously pushing a false agenda.
[01:54:23] That's the reason why.
[01:54:25] It's pretty simple, honestly.
[01:54:27] So yeah.
[01:54:29] But yeah,
[01:54:30] some of these memes and shit like this were really fucking funny.
[01:54:34] Donald Trump has been escorted off stage after loud noises.
[01:54:38] Secret Service after popping noises again.
[01:54:41] Trump removed from stage
[01:54:43] after
[01:54:46] loud noises startles
[01:54:48] former president
[01:54:49] Secret Service runches Trump offstage
[01:54:55] after he falls at rally.
[01:54:58] This one is
[01:54:59] crazy.
[01:55:03] This is so crazy. Like, how do you write this? These are insane? Yes!
[01:55:11] Oh my god. I don't know how anybody can read news and
[01:55:16] take it seriously.
[01:55:18] I'm going to be honest, guys.
[01:55:21] I basically
[01:55:22] hate all media.
[01:55:24] All news stations,
[01:55:26] all media,
[01:55:28] I hate all of them.
[01:55:31] I hate Fox, I hate CNN,
[01:55:32] I hate MSNBC,
[01:55:35] I hate ABC, I hate Bloomberg,
[01:55:37] I hate Forbes, I hate Kotaku, I hate Bloomberg I hate Forbes I hate you know
[01:55:37] Kotaku
[01:55:38] I hate every single
[01:55:39] one of them
[01:55:40] the only media
[01:55:43] that I don't
[01:55:44] hate
[01:55:44] is media
[01:55:45] that is so
[01:55:46] obviously fucking biased
[01:55:48] and they say that they're fucking biased
[01:55:51] that there's never an assumption
[01:55:53] that you're going to get a fair take out of them.
[01:55:57] It's like, I don't get mad
[01:55:59] when I go to a circus
[01:56:00] and it's advertised as a circus.
[01:56:02] I go inside, there's a bunch
[01:56:03] of clowns there, right?
[01:56:04] Because it's like, yeah,
[01:56:04] I just went to a circus.
[01:56:06] But if I go to a Wendy's
[01:56:08] and there's a bunch of clowns at the Wendy's,
[01:56:09] I'm going to be fucking mad.
[01:56:13] Yeah, like InfoWars
[01:56:14] or CNN? Well, yeah, I mean some of them
[01:56:15] have explicit biases
[01:56:17] and I can respect that. Because I think people
[01:56:20] have the right to tell the news the way they want
[01:56:22] but I think the real problem is
[01:56:24] that a lot of these mainstream organizations
[01:56:26] have these obvious
[01:56:28] biases, but they try to pretend like
[01:56:30] their objective or they try
[01:56:31] to paint themselves as being
[01:56:33] objective and sticking
[01:56:34] to the facts, etc.
[01:56:36] So I think that's really
[01:56:37] what the problem is.
[01:56:38] It's like the false advertising.
[01:56:41] Clowns gotta
[01:56:41] eat too? Yep, there it is.
[01:56:44] What about clowns at McDonald's? There's only
[01:56:45] one clown at McDonald's, okay?
[01:56:47] Like, Hamburger is not a clown
[01:56:49] uh, you know Grimace isn not a clown.
[01:56:52] You know, what's his... Grimace isn't a clown. It's only Ronald
[01:56:54] who's a clown. So if you see more than one clown at
[01:56:56] McDonald's, get the fuck out of there.
[01:56:58] Okay? Yeah,
[01:57:00] get the fuck out of there. The customer? Oh man. Oh man. I really need to start doing food reviews.
[01:57:17] I do, I'm thinking about like maybe even starting my stream with a food review
[01:57:25] or maybe ending it with a food review.
[01:57:28] I want to do it at the beginning because then it would be light outside
[01:57:30] since I'm usually on for most of the day, if not all the day.
[01:57:35] And... Because I look at and I see that
[01:57:37] like, for example, like I went to
[01:57:38] McDonald's, like it was a day that ended in
[01:57:41] Y so I went to McDonald's
[01:57:42] and I
[01:57:44] what did they have this time McDonald's. And I...
[01:57:45] What did they have this time?
[01:57:47] Was it a Kit Kat Frosty?
[01:57:48] Not Frosty, McFlurry?
[01:57:51] Something like that?
[01:57:52] Yeah, I feel like
[01:57:53] I need to do that.
[01:57:55] Review one vegetable a week?
[01:57:57] No, that's self-harm.
[01:57:59] I'd get banned.
[01:58:01] Zoland and why?
[01:58:01] Yeah, I know.
[01:58:03] Great idea.
[01:58:04] I only trust you with food advice.
[01:58:05] Yeah, exactly. I think that would be a really good idea. I only trust you with food advice? Yeah, exactly.
[01:58:06] I think that would be a really good idea.
[01:58:07] I'm thinking about doing that.
[01:58:09] Let's see the rest of this.
[01:58:10] Let's go look at anything else.
[01:58:11] If I miss anything else...
[01:58:13] When are you going to do the Dark Souls lore stream?
[01:58:15] I don't know.
[01:58:17] I thought some of these
[01:58:17] memes with, like, this dude, bro, like...
[01:58:21] Mr. President,
[01:58:22] why'd you suddenly turn your head for a moment?
[01:58:23] I thought I heard the voice of an old friend.
[01:58:26] Shit was so fucking funny. It's actually crazy, like... I feel
[01:58:32] like this guy has made more content. Like he's made more content than Bush did
[01:58:39] for sure. Like there's like three or four
[01:58:41] Bush memes, but there's like three or four Trump
[01:58:44] memes a week. But he is the
[01:58:47] content president. Yeah yeah he is the content president.
[01:58:50] Yeah, yeah,
[01:58:50] he's the kick president,
[01:58:51] exactly right?
[01:58:52] Yeah, watch this drive,
[01:58:53] exactly, or like, you know,
[01:58:54] the 9-11 thing
[01:58:55] or we don't get fooled again,
[01:58:58] right?
[01:58:58] There's a lot of them but this dude is... We don't get fooled again. Right? Like, there's been...
[01:58:59] There's a lot of them
[01:59:00] but like this dude
[01:59:01] is on another level.
[01:59:04] Yeah, I feel like
[01:59:05] I honestly think
[01:59:06] that Donald Trump
[01:59:07] has done irreparable damage
[01:59:08] to all political dramas.
[01:59:12] Because they can no longer be
[01:59:14] more outrageous than real life.
[01:59:26] You, you can't beat like it you you can't survive off of any spectacle because it's never going to be better than real life.
[01:59:35] Not until we get a furry president?
[01:59:38] Oh, I don't know. Trudeau did too if you're aware of Canadian politics.
[01:59:40] I don't really know a lot about that guy other than he has good hair and
[01:59:42] he's Fidel Castro's son. Those are
[01:59:45] the only two things I know about him,
[01:59:46] and a lot of people don't like him,
[01:59:49] but everything else is pretty much
[01:59:51] whatever. Oh, he did blackface!face you're right i know three things about
[01:59:53] him good point yes also the block face but you know yeah everybody makes mistakes right i mean
[02:00:00] there it is i just have very good hair. Let's see here, what else
[02:00:04] was I going to look at? Because obviously I didn't really
[02:00:06] get a chance to like look at a lot of other stuff.
[02:00:08] Like yesterday, it was kind of crazy, like all this
[02:00:10] shit that happened. Honestly, like I was
[02:00:12] I was.
[02:00:16] I was like almost like stressed out
[02:00:17] with like all this crazy shit
[02:00:18] that's been going on, man.
[02:00:20] It has been,
[02:00:21] but it's been crazy.
[02:00:22] There's been a lot
[02:00:23] they're not proud. proud yeah what is this here
[02:00:25] won't believe what samsung did after apple opened its first apple store in
[02:00:29] this country so the exact metro station where the new
[02:00:31] apple saw open samsung responded by completely filling the station with
[02:00:35] samsung ads i've never seen so many samsung ads before Samsung responded by completely filling the station with Samsung ads.
[02:00:35] I've never seen so many Samsung ads before in one place, it's even on the lifts,
[02:00:39] on stairs and escalators, it has completely taken over this station!
[02:00:43] And the craziest thing is that the station even got renamed to Samsung Galaxy Station
[02:00:47] so if you want to go to the new Apple store
[02:00:49] you get over to Samsung Galaxy Station
[02:00:51] and have to walk past all these Samsung ads first
[02:00:55] I've got a Samsung.
[02:00:58] That marketing guy needs a raise?
[02:00:59] I know, bro.
[02:01:00] Like that's so fucking good.
[02:01:01] Base marketing?
[02:01:02] I know.
[02:01:03] Holy fuck,
[02:01:04] that's good.
[02:01:04] Yeah,
[02:01:04] it's a little subliminal marketing.
[02:01:06] Yeah,
[02:01:06] exactly.
[02:01:08] Did you see the latest tweet from Tom McDonald
[02:01:10] about the Trump incident?
[02:01:11] No, I didn't see any of that stuff.
[02:01:13] I mean like obviously
[02:01:14] I think that you're going to have new stuff
[02:01:16] coming out with this throughout the day, right? I mean like this is probably going to have new stuff coming out with this throughout the day, right? I mean like
[02:01:19] this is probably going to happen
[02:01:20] and it's going to be going on for like
[02:01:22] they're going to be farming
[02:01:25] this for like in the
[02:01:27] media for like two weeks,
[02:01:29] for sure.
[02:01:30] For two weeks.
[02:01:31] Yeah, months.
[02:01:32] And then they're going to be
[02:01:32] bringing it up for months.
[02:01:34] Yeah,
[02:01:34] like
[02:01:34] they're farming it now
[02:01:36] and talking about it all the time
[02:01:38] but I'm talking about
[02:01:38] bringing it up
[02:01:39] and everything else.
[02:01:40] Yeah,
[02:01:40] I think it's going to be extremely
[02:01:42] extremely common years.
[02:01:44] Well,
[02:01:44] I mean,
[02:01:45] I mean like about it being
[02:01:46] like the main news story of the day.
[02:01:49] Does that make better sense? Maybe it does
[02:01:50] until the next big thing comes up, yeah.
[02:01:54] Trump has a new song
[02:01:55] called Many Men. Yeah I saw that before
[02:01:56] The Joe Rogan interview
[02:01:59] Yeah I watched a little bit of that.
[02:02:00] But like, that was a long time ago.
[02:02:02] Did you see they found the shooter in a BlackRock promotional video?
[02:02:04] I did see that.
[02:02:05] I don't think that really means a lot.
[02:02:08] Yeah, I don't...
[02:02:10] People like putting pieces together and they like going and being like okay these two things fit together, these make sense.
[02:02:19] I don't necessarily mean...I don't think that really means a whole lot
[02:02:22] of really anything.
[02:02:24] So it absolutely does but like why though?
[02:02:27] Right?
[02:02:28] Like I can get what you're saying
[02:02:30] but I think there was a lot of situations like
[02:02:34] that there's usually going to be a degree of
[02:02:36] kind of there's a pattern like just because somebody's in a
[02:02:40] commercial one time doesn't really mean a lot.
[02:02:46] Like, I mean, yeah, that's...
[02:02:48] I don't know. It doesn't really...
[02:02:50] You need to have
[02:02:51] a pattern of behavior you need to
[02:02:54] have something more beyond just like oh this one guy was in this thing at some
[02:02:58] point
[02:03:01] yeah just don't be ignorant to things have an open mind mind. Yeah, I think that it's okay to have
[02:03:05] an open mind but I think some people
[02:03:07] have such an open... and a mind that is
[02:03:09] so open that their brain
[02:03:11] falls out. And I think that's
[02:03:13] what's happening in this circumstance,
[02:03:17] is that people see something.
[02:03:20] Like everybody wants to make sense out of stuff.
[02:03:23] And it's a very big problem, right?
[02:03:24] Because like people are always trying to like make sense out of things,
[02:03:26] trying to put things together and like,
[02:03:28] okay, well this happened and that happened
[02:03:31] and if you put these things together,
[02:03:33] this is how it makes sense.
[02:03:35] But the truth is that like, a lot of times
[02:03:37] crazy people do crazy shit and there's not always
[02:03:41] like a divine ordering of why this happens
[02:03:45] Pattern recognition? Yeah, people want to identify
[02:03:48] a pattern. Yeah, they do.
[02:03:51] You see the guy went
[02:03:52] to high school with a shooter? No, I didn't
[02:03:54] see that. This makes
[02:03:56] me sad. Some of your chat doesn't know what BlackRock is.
[02:03:58] People should know these things.
[02:03:59] Why should people know who BlackRock is?
[02:04:02] Like, why would anybody give a fuck about that?
[02:04:06] I think that people vastly overestimate the
[02:04:09] value of their information
[02:04:11] why would anybody care
[02:04:13] like
[02:04:15] this is some really they own us
[02:04:17] why does that
[02:04:18] people on the internet that like paying really, they own us? Why does that...
[02:04:20] People on the internet that like paying attention to
[02:04:22] a lot of important issues on the internet
[02:04:24] overvalue the importance
[02:04:26] of those issues tremendously.
[02:04:29] Most people don't
[02:04:31] care about it because they care about
[02:04:33] going to a movie,
[02:04:35] they care about taking care of their family,
[02:04:37] doing their job, watching sports.
[02:04:39] Not everybody in the world is going to get hyper
[02:04:41] fixated around like your pet issue. Nobody gives a
[02:04:45] fuck, like some people do but you can't get mad at some people for
[02:04:49] not caring. It's proximity bias, yes.
[02:04:52] People have a million other problems in their life.
[02:04:54] Why are they going to give a fuck about BlackRock?
[02:04:56] Really, think about it because you
[02:04:58] can care about it but what do you do
[02:05:00] with that energy that you care? Oh I care about this.
[02:05:03] Okay well where does that caring go?
[02:05:05] Where does that caring mean?
[02:05:10] Be careful guys
[02:05:11] in the chat. Yeah so don't talk about it until others know about it.
[02:05:13] I think you can talk about it as much as you want. That's totally fine.
[02:05:16] But the issue is whenever you think that everybody else has this moral obligation to be aware of your pet issue.
[02:05:24] No, they don't. Like no, absolutely not
[02:05:26] and that's what I'm talking about whenever you're talking down
[02:05:29] to people. So ignorance is good and demoralization is good
[02:05:32] it's not about ignorance being good, it's about
[02:05:34] people not having to give a fuck
[02:05:37] about what your issue is
[02:05:38] like of course for a lot of people ignorance is good
[02:05:41] there's a million things in the world that you probably don't
[02:05:43] know anything about but you don't know anything about, but
[02:05:45] you don't know about them because they're not relevant to
[02:05:47] you. Why would somebody go
[02:05:49] and educate themselves on something
[02:05:51] that they have no control over and no
[02:05:53] power to change?
[02:06:01] What control over and no power to change what like i'm sorry but like for a lot of people this is not a compelling thing for them to do it's not And it doesn't matter
[02:06:07] like how many internet posts you make
[02:06:09] about something like this, a lot of people
[02:06:11] have so many problems in their everyday life
[02:06:13] that they don't want to go
[02:06:15] and get in a war with some trillion-dollar company
[02:06:18] that they have no way of doing anything about.
[02:06:20] They're just going to read about it, make themselves mad.
[02:06:22] Why would somebody do that?
[02:06:24] Horrendous take?
[02:06:25] Why? horrendous take why
[02:06:34] why
[02:06:37] let's see.
[02:06:47] Okay, anyone do anything about the situation if you don't all care?
[02:06:49] You have no right to make other people care about what you care about.
[02:06:53] This is the problem. It's like
[02:06:57] you think that you are entitled to other people's attention and
[02:07:00] other people's interest you're not you you you like this is a main character syndrome problem.
[02:07:13] Because saying to not care about these things is horrendous,
[02:07:15] but it's important to talk about and you're
[02:07:17] here to shut it down? I'm not
[02:07:18] here to shut it down. I'm here to shutdown people who think that they should go and talk
[02:07:23] down the people because they don't care about this issue.
[02:07:26] You have no right to talk down somebody just
[02:07:29] because they don't care about your pet issue.
[02:07:32] That's what I'm saying.
[02:07:34] I'm not saying that your issue isn't valid,
[02:07:36] I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed
[02:07:38] to care about your issue but what I am
[02:07:40] saying is whenever you go to average people and
[02:07:43] You try to talk down to them because they don't care about
[02:07:45] What you care about, all your doing is being a piece of shit
[02:07:49] That's what i'm saying. And it's fucking obvious
[02:07:52] How many times have you seen somebody go and try to like, oh everybody needs to care about this? No they don't! Why would anybody care?
[02:08:02] This is crazy. You are not serious.
[02:08:05] Now talk about in this chat, yeah like what do you
[02:08:10] I mean do you really think that your due? And this is the problem right? Do you
[02:08:13] really think that you're doing anything else this is the problem right do you really think that you're doing anything else
[02:08:15] other than wasting your time by talking about BlackRock
[02:08:17] in a Twitch chat?
[02:08:20] What are you doing?
[02:08:21] What do you think you're doing?
[02:08:24] You're not doing anything. You're not solving doing? You're not doing anything.
[02:08:25] You're not solving anything.
[02:08:26] You're not making
[02:08:26] anything better.
[02:08:28] What do you think
[02:08:29] you're doing?
[02:08:30] It's just like,
[02:08:31] do you think
[02:08:32] you're doing anything else
[02:08:33] other than wasting your time?
[02:08:35] Talking starts somewhere like I said. None of you care to do you think you're doing anything else other than wasting your time talking
[02:08:35] start somewhere like i said
[02:08:37] none of you care to talk about it
[02:08:39] so what
[02:08:43] did not get make a united hero like this isn't some sort of selfless act
[02:08:47] you're not going and making the world a better place by complaining about a company in the
[02:08:52] twitch chat you're not doing anything this is is the same thing, bro.
[02:08:57] This is the shit that I'm talking about
[02:08:59] with people that are... It's slacktivism
[02:09:01] bro. This is what it is
[02:09:03] They go on the internet and
[02:09:05] they get mad at other people for not caring about what
[02:09:08] they care about so they can feel vindicated and virtuous
[02:09:12] and like, oh I'm fighting. I'm trying to do it and nobody wants to listen
[02:09:16] to me. You're not doing anything. You're not helping to me you're not doing anything you're not
[02:09:18] helping anything you're not improving anything
[02:09:20] you're just complaining on the internet in a chat room where your message gets
[02:09:24] deleted in three seconds have some self-awareness.
[02:09:34] If you really thought this was
[02:09:35] this big of an issue,
[02:09:37] that's the reality. No one cares and I get ignored easy. Duh!
[02:09:43] And I'm gonna be honest, I actually think this type of behavior is extremely
[02:09:51] counterproductive. And I'm going to
[02:09:53] explain why it's counterproductive.
[02:09:55] It's because whenever I see
[02:09:57] somebody who's trying to push me into having
[02:09:59] an opinion about something, I reflexively
[02:10:01] say fuck you and I disagree.
[02:10:04] Because I don't like being
[02:10:05] told what to do by random people.
[02:10:08] I don't want to have random people that
[02:10:09] have a... That're trying to like tell me what
[02:10:13] to think or how to believe or what i need to be focused on
[02:10:16] i don't like being told what to do so i actually think that you're hurting your
[02:10:20] cause and i think that most normal people are like that.
[02:10:23] They don't want to have some random
[02:10:25] internet dweller going around
[02:10:27] telling them what they need to care about.
[02:10:29] You don't know their life, you don't
[02:10:31] know what their issues are,
[02:10:32] and you're going and telling them
[02:10:34] what they need to care about.
[02:10:34] Think about how fucking entitled that is.
[02:10:37] It's crazy.
[02:10:42] It's the same thing as these people that were like trying to spam
[02:10:44] about, like, you know, the Israel-Palestine
[02:10:47] thing. No, I'm sorry
[02:10:48] a lot of people do not give a fuck
[02:10:50] about a conflict in the Middle East
[02:10:52] whenever they are living in Wisconsin.
[02:10:54] And no, they are not bad people for not caring about this.
[02:10:59] They're normal.
[02:11:00] That's what normal people do.
[02:11:02] This is the same thing.
[02:11:07] You're talking about current world events but whenever we talk about a certain corruption all of a sudden who cares that's not what i said
[02:11:11] you wouldn't have gotten banned but you're talking about I didn't say that. I never said that.
[02:11:19] Now, so
[02:11:20] if you're a Zionist genocide supporter,
[02:11:22] for sure, think whatever you want, right?
[02:11:24] I mean like again, think whatever you want. Make mean like again to think whatever you want make sure to take your
[02:11:27] medication and try not to hurt yourself but here's the thing my problem yeah exactly so basically
[02:11:34] your take is i don't care no my take this was my opinion about it
[02:11:37] right is i said that i didn't think that the shooter being in a video about black
[02:11:41] rock meant anything other than the shooter being in a video about black
[02:11:45] rock i don't think that based off of that information,
[02:11:48] you can draw any sort of a conclusion
[02:11:50] that BlackRock was trying to
[02:11:52] kill Trump.
[02:11:54] There's not enough data or
[02:11:56] information about that and the only way that people arrive at that conclusion
[02:12:00] is by creating connections that don't exist
[02:12:03] and by filling in the gaps
[02:12:05] in order to fit their conspiracy theory.
[02:12:07] That's the reason why so i understand like i understand what
[02:12:11] the issue is right it's a to be politically selfish
[02:12:26] of course it is
[02:12:27] yeah absolutely
[02:12:29] that's the way a lot of people are
[02:12:31] he says no one listens to me
[02:12:34] and I get ignored so I don't try to do anything
[02:12:36] well that's the problem right
[02:12:38] you know do you only do your investigation into
[02:12:41] your own opinions that are conspiracies and never actually
[02:12:43] investigate something that you believe no conspiracy exists?
[02:12:46] Well, no. I mean,
[02:12:47] I just wait for more information and evidence
[02:12:49] right? I mean, that's the way it is
[02:12:50] yeah, I feel mean that's the way it is.
[02:12:52] Yeah,
[02:12:53] I feel like that's quite normal.
[02:12:58] And somebody in chat brings up a really good point
[02:12:59] which is what I would agree with.
[02:13:02] If a company as powerful as BlackRock tried to
[02:13:04] assassinate somebody it wouldn't have failed.
[02:13:07] Yeah true like okay yes
[02:13:09] you're BlackRock
[02:13:11] you are this massive company.
[02:13:15] Your main guy...
[02:13:18] is a 20 year old idiot
[02:13:22] that can't aim.
[02:13:30] I just...
[02:13:31] I don't think it tracks.
[02:13:33] Now, maybe, right, maybe they did that because they were going to kill him afterwards and the sniper was in on it too?
[02:13:40] It's easy right? Because if you're a conspiracy person you can always figure out a way.
[02:13:45] It's like Christians... I've seen Christians say that
[02:13:49] dinosaur bones were put in the dirt by Jews to make Christians
[02:13:53] question their faith and think jesus isn't real i've seen it i've heard it there
[02:13:58] it is so people will always find a way yep they put them in there just to make them doubt their faith.
[02:14:08] I did graze him so good shot really? Are you serious? Absolutely yes!
[02:14:15] I can not be a conspiracy person after the last four years.
[02:14:17] It's not that I'm not a conspiracy person, see like this is
[02:14:21] problem right? Is that I am not a conspiracy
[02:14:25] person, I am an evidence person.
[02:14:28] I try, like,
[02:14:29] I have my opinion about it
[02:14:31] but I'm not going to go out
[02:14:33] and push that opinion
[02:14:34] in a lot of cases
[02:14:35] because I don't really know this.
[02:14:36] It's just like,
[02:14:36] ah,
[02:14:36] I think this is probably
[02:14:37] what happened, right?
[02:14:39] So that's it.
[02:14:41] You're a gatekeeper?
[02:14:42] I'm not...
[02:14:43] Am I a gatekeeper?
[02:14:44] People love to draw conclusions
[02:14:46] and then get mad
[02:14:47] when other people
[02:14:48] don't want to jump off the bridge with them.
[02:14:51] Everybody likes making
[02:14:53] sense out of things because
[02:14:55] it helps, like this is what people do right?
[02:14:57] People like trying to
[02:15:00] put the pieces together. But sometimes you don't have enough pieces to understand what the puzzle
[02:15:04] is. You don't really know and so like you're just guessing. That's my point.
[02:15:08] People jump to conclusions so fast? Yeah, exactly.
[02:15:13] The chat is wild. No no here's the thing
[02:15:15] right it's like I get that people are
[02:15:17] mad at you and they can't even rationalize their own thoughts
[02:15:19] well why can they not rationalize their own thoughts? Well, why can they not
[02:15:21] rationalize their own thoughts? Because they were never
[02:15:23] thoughts in the beginning. They were always feelings.
[02:15:26] There was no rationale to them
[02:15:27] to begin with.
[02:15:29] If you're wondering who gains advantage to it surely it's not professional
[02:15:32] scholastic could be influenced by outside by disinformation
[02:15:35] yeah a lot of pieces certainly some interesting ones yeah exactly Yeah, yeah, exactly.
[02:15:45] They killed the dinosaurs so they could use their bones?
[02:15:48] Yeah, there you go,
[02:15:49] man. And also
[02:15:51] like... I'm gonna be real. Like if I was
[02:15:53] BlackRock, why would I want to have
[02:15:55] an assassin that I already
[02:15:57] had a connection with? Couldn't you find
[02:15:59] another stupid 20 year old that was
[02:16:01] crazy to goad them into doing it rather than connect yourself to it
[02:16:05] with somebody you've already made a commercial with? Because like if I, let's say I'm Blackrock
[02:16:11] and I'm trying to set up a political assassination,
[02:16:14] the people who I wouldn't try to get would be
[02:16:16] people that we've worked with before.
[02:16:19] Because that would make it to where it's like
[02:16:22] okay well,
[02:16:23] people might be able to connect us to this because we already
[02:16:25] did this before right i mean so obvious and so like but a conspiracy person could say
[02:16:32] they did that because they want the world to know so keep in mind that you cannot reason
[02:16:40] a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into so I can't use logic
[02:16:46] to explain why this
[02:16:49] thinking is bad, because
[02:16:50] logic was not used to arrive at that
[02:16:52] conclusion. This was a feeling
[02:16:55] and that's it.
[02:16:57] You're convincing me it was Blackrock? Oh, for sure!
[02:17:01] But... especially if your Hitman is wearing your company merch too?
[02:17:05] Yeah, like you- yeah, that would look really bad.
[02:17:10] Conspiracy theorists are going to say you're owned by BlackRock and trying to cover for them?
[02:17:14] Well I mean yeah there's never a point where they will acknowledge that
[02:17:18] they're winning, right?
[02:17:21] Or sorry, maybe they're wrong.
[02:17:23] Excuse me.
[02:17:27] I think you're missing the fact
[02:17:27] that your logic isn't the only logic. It's determined by your worldview?
[02:17:32] No, and that's the good thing about logic is that logic is actually pretty objective.
[02:17:40] Yeah no, actually...
[02:17:41] So yeah it's actually quite easy because like for example
[02:17:45] like you can use logic
[02:17:46] Like math is logic
[02:17:48] In a general sense Math is logic Physics is logic. In a general sense, math is logic.
[02:17:51] Physics is logic as well if you understand it in like a more defined way.
[02:17:56] So yes actually logic is not as amorphous as you might imagine.
[02:18:04] Western civilizations built
[02:18:05] upon Greek logic? Yep, exactly.
[02:18:08] I'll ask this time for you to read this.
[02:18:09] People can care about so many different things. Animal volunteering, women's rights
[02:18:12] domestic violence, elderly conditions, disabled
[02:18:14] people, the list is endless. To think a person
[02:18:16] is immoral because they don't care about your arbitrary
[02:18:18] agenda is insane? Yeah
[02:18:20] and that's really the point that I was making, right? I don't want to go
[02:18:22] off on a huge fucking tangent for this
[02:18:25] but the point is that
[02:18:27] a lot of average people
[02:18:29] don't have any sort
[02:18:31] of obligation to care about the thing that you care
[02:18:33] about. And I think this is a huge issue that internet people
[02:18:36] have because they spend all day reading, thinking and talking
[02:18:40] about these issues whether it's Israel and Palestine,
[02:18:44] Ukraine, the fucking abortion, Trump,
[02:18:49] like the Black Rock, DEI,
[02:18:52] anything like that. All of these issues are
[02:18:55] all legitimate
[02:18:57] issues in some cases, right?
[02:18:58] These are all...
[02:19:00] You should be able to talk about this and you have
[02:19:02] every right to care about this. But the problem is whenever they
[02:19:05] use their knowledge about that, and they look
[02:19:07] down on other people who don't care about it
[02:19:09] And then they think that they have the moral authority
[02:19:11] to like push that on them and make
[02:19:13] them care. That's what the problem is.
[02:19:16] And I think that
[02:19:17] the process
[02:19:20] of doing that alienates so many
[02:19:22] people.
[02:19:24] Did you private your likes because of that one girl's picture?
[02:19:27] Uh, no. Likes are always private. They're private by default
[02:19:31] You can't make them public. Yeah, that's not the way it works
[02:19:44] 100 point what expecting what realistically are you expecting for people retweet
[02:19:50] yeah i don't know ironically uh even those pushy people rolls their eyes whenever a vegan comes along exactly and everybody has had that uh everybody's had that experience happen before
[02:19:56] so it's very, very common.
[02:20:02] They feel the need to proselytize and people hate that shit?
[02:20:05] Yeah. In general, people don't like
[02:20:07] being told what to think or how to think
[02:20:09] or what they should care about or what to do.
[02:20:12] So the moment that you start trying to tell people what to do,
[02:20:15] you automatically get people against you
[02:20:17] because people just don't want to be told what to do, it's that simple.
[02:20:20] Right? I mean, fuck. It's pretty
[02:20:22] obvious.
[02:20:25] So yeah.
[02:20:27] Fake shooting,
[02:20:28] everything was fake, fake news to cover up the real news,
[02:20:30] like central banks printing unlimited money
[02:20:32] and enslaving everyone?
[02:20:34] Okay, you've typed that three times now.
[02:20:35] Can you stop?
[02:20:38] Can you stop what we got?
[02:20:40] I read it the first time, but
[02:20:41] I was like oh its retarded okay im not going to read it. I see it again and say fuck who's gonna keep
[02:20:45] Okay now alright i got it we fucking got it now can you move on
[02:20:49] Go back to recording your podcast in
[02:20:52] your uh you know tin foil room everything is fake yeah exactly make
[02:20:58] them stop oh i probably should have. What?
[02:21:03] When are you making an album with Trump?
[02:21:04] I think 50 Cent
[02:21:05] would be doing that,
[02:21:05] not me.
[02:21:07] Yeah.
[02:21:10] Want to talk about
[02:21:11] argument meta?
[02:21:12] Um, perhaps you should remind people that they're saying the shooting was fake.
[02:21:15] The last guy said the shooting was fake got sued for a billion dollars.
[02:21:18] Yeah, I mean that doesn't...
[02:21:22] I don't really think
[02:21:23] that means a lot.
[02:21:25] Like Alex Jones
[02:21:25] got sued for that?
[02:21:26] Yeah, because he had
[02:21:27] a massive platform.
[02:21:29] Like if you think
[02:21:29] Okay, let's move on.
[02:21:33] Yeah. Did you see the 50 image about
[02:21:35] the rally? No, I didn't see that actually.
[02:21:40] They type it many times because they think you didn't see it.
[02:21:43] Let me tell you guys something,
[02:21:45] if you've typed a message more than twice in my chat,
[02:21:49] I have probably seen it and I ignored it.
[02:21:53] That's the reason.
[02:21:56] I ignored it, and now there could be a lot
[02:22:00] of reasons why I ignored it. Maybe because I don't like the way you said
[02:22:04] it? Maybe I disagree with you, maybe it's not
[02:22:07] relevant, maybe I don't like
[02:22:09] you. Whatever the reason is
[02:22:10] it's getting ignored.
[02:22:13] That's just how it is.
[02:22:15] I noticed they jumping all over this shooting saying it's fake and trump pertaining
[02:22:19] to blood as red i decide move on everybody says everything is fake sorry somebody says
[02:22:24] everything is fake like there's nothing that's special about that.
[02:22:28] Back whenever Biden
[02:22:31] got elected and he beat
[02:22:32] Trump, there was a large
[02:22:34] contingency of people that were
[02:22:36] on so much copium, that they
[02:22:39] actually thought that Biden was just at
[02:22:41] a movie set. And Trump was the
[02:22:43] one who was actually in the White House
[02:22:44] and Biden was just like the fake president
[02:22:47] and all this thing is just like a big game
[02:22:50] that the elites are playing.
[02:22:52] And Trump's been the president
[02:22:54] the whole time.
[02:22:56] Yeah, I remember that?
[02:22:57] Yeah, exactly.
[02:23:02] Okay. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, exactly. You know how many people have stream delays like me?
[02:23:04] It'd have to align six seconds ahead with predictions?
[02:23:06] Well no, I've read a lot of your
[02:23:08] messages too.
[02:23:11] You can bring awareness.
[02:23:12] You can't actually advocate.
[02:23:12] You can't protest your kind of hatred
[02:23:13] which is one to do.
[02:23:14] Yeah, I mean,
[02:23:15] I don't know.
[02:23:17] Disjudging can't possibly be fake?
[02:23:19] Well, I don't know.
[02:23:19] I mean,
[02:23:20] there's obviously a possibility.
[02:23:21] I don't think that's what happened but
[02:23:23] of course it's possible.
[02:23:30] Mental gymnastics are crazy. I agree.
[02:23:33] I think that people do mental gymnastics because they're trying to cope with the fact that something is happening
[02:23:38] that they don't want to see happen. That's the main reason why.
[02:23:47] Destiny's mom is a Trump supporter, so you think he'd be okay if his mom
[02:23:49] caught astray? Listen, I don't know
[02:23:51] if he's live yet or not, but why don't you just go into his chat and ask him? Like, I don't know if he's live yet or not but why don't you just go into his chat and ask him
[02:23:53] like i i don't like i don't care about this if you have a problem with destiny why don't you
[02:24:00] complain to destiny about this like Like, what is this?
[02:24:04] Is this the complaint department for Destiny? I don't give a fuck.
[02:24:06] You guys come in here all the time.
[02:24:08] All the fucking time it's
[02:24:10] Did you see what
[02:24:12] Destiny said?
[02:24:15] Will you see what Destiny said? Did- did you see What, you see what Deshawn just tweeted?!
[02:24:17] Look at what he tweeted!
[02:24:21] Shut the fuck up.
[02:24:25] Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up, stop it.
[02:24:27] You got banned over there
[02:24:29] now you come over here and
[02:24:31] your fucking annoying
[02:24:36] XQC xqc it's the xqc
[02:24:38] he said to fucking
[02:24:40] he had the watch and
[02:24:42] Bruce was dumb
[02:24:44] you see Bruce said Sketch was gay?! Oh my god. It's crazy man, like people trying
[02:24:53] to stir shit up man. Trying to stir shit up get man. Trying to stir shit up. Get mad.
[02:24:58] Yeah.
[02:24:59] It's nuts, man.
[02:25:01] Ban them all? This isn't a democracy?
[02:25:03] Yeah, you're right.
[02:25:05] Is this the Hassan Destiny complaint department.
[02:25:08] Sometimes it is, and you know what I bet happens?
[02:25:11] I bet if you go into their chat
[02:25:12] there's probably people complaining
[02:25:14] about me.
[02:25:16] I think there's like a 100% of that but they get banned in my chat and then they go over
[02:25:22] there yep exactly right yeah 100 oh i just so i got banned for having the right opinion.
[02:25:30] We can't have freedom of speech over here anymore brother!
[02:25:34] He couldn't handle the truth so he had to ban me.
[02:25:37] I'm over here
[02:25:41] With everybody else who's right
[02:25:44] That's how it is
[02:25:47] I was trying to get banned, it's not that hard Yeah, it's really not man
[02:25:49] Yeah People just want there to be drama between content creators It's not that hard? Yeah, it's really not man. Yeah.
[02:25:50] People just want there to be drama between content creators.
[02:25:53] Yeah I don't really have a lot of drama
[02:25:56] with like content creators in general.
[02:25:59] Like I'm trying to think about the last time
[02:26:01] I had it happen.
[02:26:04] Most of the drama
[02:26:05] that I try to have with people,
[02:26:07] I try to make it about an issue
[02:26:09] rather than about a person like like Casey Tron. Yeah,
[02:26:12] that's been a long thing, right?
[02:26:14] But even that, it's not like
[02:26:16] I'm really talking about this regularly,
[02:26:18] telling us... And also keep in mind
[02:26:20] all of these times whenever it happens, almost every single time
[02:26:26] It's somebody talking about me first.
[02:26:29] It's not me going and talking about them!
[02:26:32] I'm not starting drama,
[02:26:33] I'm not talking shit,
[02:26:34] I'm sitting here in my fucking room
[02:26:37] keeping to myself.
[02:26:39] I'm not thinking about them
[02:26:41] but if people are going
[02:26:42] to bring it up
[02:26:43] then yeah of course I'll respond
[02:26:44] but I don't really want to
[02:26:46] Do you consider yourself a dramatic person?
[02:26:49] In some ways yes
[02:26:51] in some ways no
[02:26:52] Yeah Telly essence yes, in some ways no.
[02:26:54] Yeah.
[02:26:57] Taliesin's the insane guy going on about me for hours?
[02:26:58] It's not drama fault at all?
[02:27:00] Taliesin
[02:27:01] is a very interesting person and you know like i hope that
[02:27:11] i hope he's happy
[02:27:14] yeah i hope he's happy.
[02:27:16] Yeah, I hope he's happy. What do you even say?
[02:27:20] Yeah how do I read comments so fast? I'm just fast at reading.
[02:27:24] Do it every day for a long time, it's gonna happen.
[02:27:26] So yeah.
[02:27:31] Revit the sod BRM shit
[02:27:32] going on? No I haven't looked at that at all.
[02:27:34] Like Season of Discovery
[02:27:36] I was gonna play it but
[02:27:37] like i just haven't really been i haven't been that motivated to play
[02:27:42] wow
[02:27:44] like
[02:27:45] i've been really motivated to play other games.
[02:27:50] I just haven't been motivated to play WoW.
[02:27:55] I don't know what to say.
[02:27:59] Like...
[02:27:59] Yeah, I don't know what-
[02:28:01] Yeah, I really don't know
[02:28:02] what to say.
[02:28:04] Have you been playing
[02:28:04] The First Descendant?
[02:28:05] I have not been playing
[02:28:07] The First Descendant.
[02:28:08] I've been farming hard mode bosses that I kill within 2 minutes
[02:28:13] on my character, that I have every single slot for his modifiers all prestiged out
[02:28:24] and it's level 40. i've pressed my character 10 times
[02:28:32] yes you could say that i have in fact been playing the game.
[02:28:37] It's just the way it is. Soft to catch up and once human? Yeah, I might play a little bit more of that later on today.
[02:28:40] Get into it.
[02:28:42] You ever play Returnal?
[02:28:43] No, I never did.
[02:28:45] Just for fun,
[02:28:45] if Blackrock wanted to sponsor you
[02:28:47] would you take it?
[02:28:48] Would I take a sponsor
[02:28:49] from Blackrock?
[02:28:49] Yeah, for sure.
[02:28:50] Absolutely.
[02:28:52] Yeah, it depends on what they wanted me to do but like if it was something easy
[02:28:55] then yeah i would do it first absolutely of course
[02:28:59] why wouldn't I?
[02:29:07] Yeah, they want your liver.
[02:29:09] That's going to take money?
[02:29:11] Yeah sure why not?
[02:29:12] What if Blackrock gives you a mansion?
[02:29:14] No, then maybe I probably wouldn't...
[02:29:15] I wouldn't want to move.
[02:29:17] Have you seen the Donald Trump Secret Service game?
[02:29:19] I did see it.
[02:29:20] Yeah.
[02:29:23] Once human has it's reached
[02:29:24] 300k concurrent players and gave away rewards
[02:29:26] in-game? It reached
[02:29:28] 300k concurrent? Is that actually true?
[02:29:38] Let me pull this up and see for myself.
[02:29:45] That's fucking incredible.
[02:29:53] Holy shit! That's amazing.
[02:29:56] And this is probably only on... I don't know if it's on console as well?
[02:30:00] 300k in all platforms, yeah that's kind of what I assumed right? PoE does the same thing
[02:30:04] because they have like their own uh internal uh metric
[02:30:10] uh i'm sure it'd take a raytheon sponsor too defense budgets limitless get your share
[02:30:15] well i think that if
[02:30:16] I took a defense
[02:30:17] like military defense
[02:30:20] contract
[02:30:21] I think that I would deserve that
[02:30:23] because like
[02:30:25] I have to give them money through my taxes and so it's only right that
[02:30:29] they would give me some of that money back well i think that'd be very fair
[02:30:36] the other on launcher too for Once Human.
[02:30:38] Dom, do you steam?
[02:30:39] Oh yeah!
[02:30:41] You see Pirate Software's conversation with the devs on Once Human?
[02:30:43] I did see that, yeah.
[02:30:47] What they want me to advertise?
[02:30:48] I don't know maybe like bombs or blowing up,
[02:30:49] maybe United States interventionism
[02:30:53] into third world countries and establishing warlords
[02:30:57] and selling them bombs. yeah i don't know
[02:31:01] a lot of things yeah what's your morals on taking sponsors
[02:31:13] I think that
[02:31:17] I'm trying to think like is it really a moral position?
[02:31:24] Money? Yeah. How much money is it?
[02:31:26] Like, oh, I'm trying to really think about it.
[02:31:28] Like you're asking for an honest opinion.
[02:31:30] Okay. Like, you're asking for an honest opinion.
[02:31:36] Most of the sponsors that I don't do...
[02:31:40] ...I don't do them because
[02:31:41] I don't really like them, right?
[02:31:44] Like for example, gambling
[02:31:45] and oh, I also got an opportunity
[02:31:47] to stream that Saudi Arabia
[02:31:50] eSports thing and I ended up not
[02:31:51] doing that but I just didn't really feel
[02:31:53] like doing that it wasn't that I was like against it because you know I
[02:31:56] talked very positively about that whole thing before in the past so yeah just don't be a hypocrite as a rule. Well it's not really being a
[02:32:06] hypocrite because you're getting paid money right? I mean you're going to care
[02:32:08] about something more if you're getting paid money for it. It's not really
[02:32:11] being hypocritical. It's just that money matters more.
[02:32:15] So then again,
[02:32:18] gambling and alcohol would be nose.
[02:32:20] Would alcohol really be a no?
[02:32:23] I mean,
[02:32:23] gambling,
[02:32:24] it's not even that I'm like morally against gambling. I mean, gambling? It's not even that I'm like morally
[02:32:25] against gambling. I just don't...
[02:32:27] I think it's stupid.
[02:32:30] Yeah, I'd have to really think
[02:32:31] about it. Like, I don't know.
[02:32:35] Yeah, you never scammed your audience?
[02:32:36] I wouldn't want to scam people.
[02:32:38] Yeah, I guess, right?
[02:32:39] I mean, sure.
[02:32:41] You're talking about innocence and morality
[02:32:42] unless you're publicly low-balling morality
[02:32:44] dumbestrat to make people think
[02:32:45] that you're more moral.
[02:32:47] Oh, I'm not...
[02:32:48] Most of the things
[02:32:50] that I do, I do because I think they're in my best
[02:32:53] interest. But
[02:32:55] I also usually look at things more long-term.
[02:32:57] So, I'm willing to take a short term L to get a long term W
[02:33:01] And I do that with a lot of things
[02:33:05] Hmm So no scamming? Usually, yeah.
[02:33:12] I mean it depends on what people define as a scam though right because people can say like free to play games or
[02:33:16] like games with loot boxes are a scam.
[02:33:19] So it depends on what they think.
[02:33:25] Would you take an Epic 7 sponsor?
[02:33:27] No, I think the game looks like garbage.
[02:33:29] But that's not because... it's not a moral reason, I just think the games...
[02:33:33] I watched Lakari play and it looks like it's a piece of shit. Like, it's just
[02:33:37] a piece-of-shit game. There's really not else... nothing else really there to it, right? That just sucks!
[02:33:43] Yeah, would you lie about cancer for money?
[02:33:45] Uh, no I don't think so. I-I think like really whenever you do something like that it's just
[02:33:51] weird.
[02:33:53] Like that's
[02:33:55] the way I see...I think it's just weird
[02:33:57] whenever you do shit like that.
[02:34:00] Yeah, people scamming people
[02:34:01] like scamming the audience making I think
[02:34:03] that like making people feel sorry
[02:34:05] for you for something that didn't happen
[02:34:07] is like super fucking cringe.
[02:34:12] Do you have someone
[02:34:12] who consult for these types of things?
[02:34:14] You make decisions 100% according to your own reasoning?
[02:34:17] So,
[02:34:17] some people don't like the fact that I say this
[02:34:20] but
[02:34:21] I only
[02:34:23] listen to my
[02:34:25] own reasoning.
[02:34:27] I don't really care about
[02:34:29] anybody else's argumentation
[02:34:31] or thinking at all. I only
[02:34:33] basically make decisions based off of what
[02:34:35] I think is a good idea
[02:34:36] Now, I will listen to what other people say
[02:34:39] sometimes
[02:34:41] right? But I will never take somebody else's judgment over my own
[02:34:48] yeah that's it you're doing trash talk on the 19th oh yeah
[02:34:53] that does happen this week i I forgot all about that.
[02:34:55] Echo Chamber? Mm-hmm. That's right.
[02:34:57] And absolutely. I think that I'm the...
[02:34:59] I think that
[02:35:01] I am the best person that knows
[02:35:03] me. So
[02:35:04] anybody who's giving me information like the best person that knows me. So anybody
[02:35:05] who's giving me information, like a lot of people
[02:35:07] that give you advice are
[02:35:09] people that
[02:35:10] don't have to live with the consequences
[02:35:14] of that advice.
[02:35:20] Or, on the other side, there are people who a certain type of advice would be beneficial to them based off of their position.
[02:35:23] So like, of course they want you to say this or they want you to think
[02:35:26] this because that would be good for them.
[02:35:30] So yeah.
[02:35:32] That's not echo chamber if it's your own thoughts? Yeah, exactly.
[02:35:35] So you believe that you're the smartest person in the room at all times
[02:35:37] sort of?
[02:35:38] In matters
[02:35:39] that are
[02:35:40] referencing myself
[02:35:42] my feelings
[02:35:42] and what I want
[02:35:43] yes
[02:35:44] I think
[02:35:45] that I know
[02:35:46] what I want
[02:35:46] better than anybody else does.
[02:35:50] Yes, absolutely.
[02:35:54] They released a picture of the shooter dead? Yeah, I saw that. There was blood everywhere. Fuck him.
[02:36:02] He knows what's best for myself?
[02:36:04] Yeah. And I've had people more than
[02:36:05] a doctor.
[02:36:07] Well, that's not really an opinion though.
[02:36:08] Right?
[02:36:09] I mean it's like if the doctor isn't
[02:36:10] really giving you an opinion about your health
[02:36:12] he is just telling you this is what your
[02:36:13] health is.
[02:36:16] So it's a little bit different right the gacha questions yeah that but
[02:36:21] that's not really the way it works it's a diagnosis versus an opinion yeah
[02:36:34] you decide to get in warframe would you watch the video warframe is getting weird i don't really know like i one day i'll watch that but like i don't really know never trust someone who says
[02:36:38] they have someone else's best interest at heart and not the realm
[02:36:41] yeah I mean again like I have a lot of opinions
[02:36:43] like this and like
[02:36:44] I'll wrap this up
[02:36:47] and then I want to probably watch a video or do some other stuff
[02:36:49] right until kind of like this stuff i'm sure something
[02:36:52] different will happen trump supporters rallying in front of trump tower yeah okay look at this
[02:36:57] minute but anyway what i was going to say is that growing up i always had instances
[02:37:01] where people would give me advice or tell me what they thought
[02:37:03] that I should do. And I had never had a single time in my life where
[02:37:07] that advice actually made my life better. And in fact
[02:37:11] in almost every other circumstance it made it worse.
[02:37:14] It just made everything worse.
[02:37:17] So I don't trust or listen to anybody else because
[02:37:20] I don't think that they know what they're talking about
[02:37:22] Because most people aren't where i want to be in
[02:37:24] life so why would i listen to them and are not me right yeah delusional yeah i've had people
[02:37:31] i've never had a situation where I listened to somebody else's advice
[02:37:34] that I didn't like. I mean actually probably
[02:37:36] never not never but like
[02:37:38] more like I listened to
[02:37:40] somebody else's advice over what my own
[02:37:43] thinking was and I came out ahead.
[02:37:47] So yeah.
[02:37:48] Can't trust anyone? Well it's not that I don't
[02:37:49] trust anybody, it's that I don't trust them over myself.
[02:37:54] What's this here?
[02:37:57] ... What's this here?
[02:38:03] Jesus Christ.
[02:38:08] Holy fuck. God damn.
[02:38:13] Just some random guy.
[02:38:20] Oh my god!
[02:38:24] There's an Escalade with all that shit all over it? Oh my God.
[02:38:29] There's an Escalade with all that shit all over it?
[02:38:33] God bless you! Thank you Patriots, thank you!
[02:38:35] Oh my God.
[02:38:41] There's my hero, there's my president, that's my president right there!
[02:38:47] They should have taken the ear off.
[02:38:52] Our country is under siege! this is a technique
[02:38:59] it women we stand up for children we stand up for battered women and we stand up in this country
[02:39:04] oh my god What is going on, bro?
[02:39:20] You gotta admit, bro.
[02:39:21] Like...
[02:39:22] Even if you hate this dude...
[02:39:24] The amount of people?
[02:39:27] Bro, like...
[02:39:29] This is crazy.
[02:39:35] The passion that they have is insane!
[02:39:40] It's incredible.
[02:39:42] I love you, Donald!
[02:39:46] You're here and you are alive! God bless you!
[02:39:53] Man... Man.
[02:39:57] They're all taking pictures, by the way of like a
[02:39:58] paper mache
[02:40:00] figure of Donald Trump. He's not in that car it's like a doll basically oh man anybody who's got each other oh my god This is crazy, man. Really, like if you take a step back bro
[02:41:12] Like
[02:41:12] This dude is really like
[02:41:23] Ugh you know a lot over there yeah like i forgot though i mean like people were really into obama too
[02:41:28] um like to be fair they I mean, people were really into Obama too.
[02:41:29] Like to be fair they were really into Obama but like that was kind of
[02:41:33] different whereas with this it's not
[02:41:37] like this. Yeah, I feel
[02:41:39] Like people were happy for
[02:41:40] What Obama represented
[02:41:42] Since he was first black president
[02:41:45] And everything like that
[02:41:46] But this is just
[02:41:49] People that are just all about trump it's not about what
[02:41:53] trump represents it's just trump that's it the shirt the black lives maga yeah That shirt? The Black Lives MAGA? Yeah.
[02:42:02] The fanaticism? Yeah, I mean it's really pretty...
[02:42:05] Honestly like you gotta admit bro
[02:42:08] this shit is impressive.
[02:42:10] He whipped them up into a frenzy.
[02:42:13] Like we haven't
[02:42:14] seen shit like this for a while.
[02:42:17] It's occult personality?
[02:42:18] Yeah it's impressive.
[02:42:33] It's creepy not impressive? There are plenty of creepy things people do that are impressive. What do you mean? They're not mutually exclusive! What are you talking about? Oh my president god
[02:43:04] smash shift Imagine if he loses. I support Israel with treason.
[02:43:23] I don't even know what the hell that is.
[02:43:26] It's actually impossible for him to lose now
[02:43:30] i think the probability of him losing is very low
[02:43:35] it is extremely low.
[02:43:38] Oh my God!
[02:43:43] You know what this is like?
[02:43:50] This is
[02:43:51] like when
[02:43:51] Japan
[02:43:54] makes
[02:43:56] they do anime and they're trying to like explain what it's like in america
[02:44:02] in anime
[02:44:06] this is like what would be in it like an anime about america
[02:44:12] oh my god but it's real yes yes
[02:44:31] man there's some Man, it's only a whole caravan!
[02:44:55] Oh my god what a turnout yeah Oh my god.
[02:44:59] Jesus, man.
[02:45:00] That is amazing.
[02:45:06] Is it hilariously great? Yeah great yeah i mean there's a the shows president biden is now leading by three points in a three-way race damn a new nbc poll now biden is winning Damn. A new NBC poll,
[02:45:13] now Biden is winning by even more,
[02:45:16] shows President Biden leading
[02:45:17] Donald Trump by three points.
[02:45:19] President Biden has erased the post-debate gap
[02:45:21] despite the media going after him relentlessly.
[02:45:25] That's, well no way
[02:45:26] I mean there's a big part of me, I don't know if
[02:45:28] I believe this either
[02:45:29] Forbes put this
[02:45:32] out an hour ago
[02:45:33] Will surviving gunfire be Forbes put this out an hour ago.
[02:45:38] Will surviving gunfire be Trump's next appeal to black voters?... No.
[02:45:53] No, where's the link?
[02:46:01] No.
[02:46:04] No I don't believe it um The article has been deleted.
[02:46:34] It was so bad that forbes got rid of it they took it down oh my god.
[02:46:42] That's so fucked.
[02:46:45] I wonder if Forbes took it down
[02:46:47] or the journalists took it down. Archive
[02:46:49] it?
[02:46:52] You know what?
[02:46:56] If somebody can give me
[02:46:57] a link,
[02:47:01] then I would do that.
[02:47:02] I would actually look... Because I kind
[02:47:04] of want to read it now.
[02:47:06] The Wayback Machine? Yeah, I don't
[02:47:08] want to look it up and figure it out myself. We need to see it.
[02:47:12] He's a DEI
[02:47:13] expert.
[02:47:15] Do you remember what I said about a lot of these
[02:47:17] DEI people being really racist?
[02:47:24] Do you remember that? being really racist home and
[02:47:28] expert yet there it is i uh oh my god
[02:47:32] he's african-american that's it's still
[02:47:38] very racially motivated thing to say
[02:47:40] like come on.
[02:47:45] Biden will go live at Austin? Oh, in Austin at 7pm
[02:47:46] my time? Oh boy. Oh yeah,
[02:47:48] he said that he was going to do that earlier.
[02:47:52] I'm projecting hard. he was going to do that earlier
[02:47:59] i'm projecting hard yeah that is crazy i can't believe somebody how do you oh my god uh president trump trump supporters have contributed to this violent rhetoric
[02:48:06] as well well back at the present from his supporters have contributed to this violent
[02:48:11] rhetoric as well absolutely We were just looking back
[02:48:15] this morning at some of the things that
[02:48:17] former President Trump has said
[02:48:19] he warned last March
[02:48:21] potential death and destruction if
[02:48:23] you are charged by the manhattan district attorney
[02:48:25] our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be this is as loud as it gets
[02:48:31] if the criminal charges against him succeeded and And of course in March
[02:48:36] he said, now if I don't get elected
[02:48:38] it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole
[02:48:40] that's going to be the least of it
[02:48:42] It's going to be a bloodbath for the country
[02:48:44] That will be the least of it he said he was partly joking and that that
[02:48:47] was taken out of context but those are indeed his words and you have heard it
[02:48:52] from supporters as well and support certainly in some parts angry.
[02:48:57] And let's remember January 6th.
[02:48:59] In so many ways for the campaign,
[02:49:02] January 6th will probably be in the background after yesterday's event. This is a very difficult time for this campaign
[02:49:10] i'm sure this week in milwaukee that president man highlight this uh and president biden
[02:49:16] is going to have to figure out how to go forward with this campaign
[02:49:19] and what exactly they say.
[02:49:22] Man!
[02:49:24] Link to the article? Okay.. That's when for real I don't get why you hate Trump.
[02:49:45] I don't
[02:49:46] hate Trump, I also
[02:49:48] don't think that he's like a savior
[02:49:50] I'm kind of
[02:49:54] neutral in some ways
[02:49:57] Like, I would say
[02:49:58] Yeah, I feel like I'm kind of
[02:50:01] not super ex-
[02:50:02] God damn it!
[02:50:03] What a piece
[02:50:03] of shit!
[02:50:05] His supporters?
[02:50:06] Yeah.
[02:50:06] Like, his
[02:50:07] supporters definitely
[02:50:07] are a little bit nutty.
[02:50:09] Uh,
[02:50:09] I think that's
[02:50:10] a fucking fact.
[02:50:14] Um... nutty. I think that's a fucking fact. Let's feature it. Okay, this is the Black Rock
[02:50:16] commercial.
[02:50:18] There we go.
[02:50:27] My name is Brianrian delalo i teach ap and honors economics in pittsburgh pennsylvania
[02:50:33] financial well-being to me is knowing that i can be free to do the things that I love to do.
[02:50:37] I hope when I retire someday they say, you know,
[02:50:39] that guy made this place a special place
[02:50:41] to come to school and gave as much he could to help the community.
[02:50:49] So here's just like a student,
[02:50:50] basically an extra...
[02:50:52] My name is Brian.
[02:50:56] I don't think it's really a smoking gun bro like i just yeah i'm just not seeing it
[02:51:06] yeah the 0.5 second cameo? I'm not seeing it. You appeared for one frame...
[02:51:09] Again, maybe this is
[02:51:12] ...I don't think there's enough evidence to think that
[02:51:16] or not. Is the wayback machine
[02:51:18] going to work? Let me see. I'll go ahead and
[02:51:20] I'll refresh it.
[02:51:23] Fuck.
[02:51:25] Got it. Okay. when it fully updated or fully loaded
[02:51:29] it stopped so i stopped it before it loaded the rest of the page
[02:51:33] okay refresh and cancel yeah i got it shots it. Shots were fired at Trump rally, one campaign
[02:51:37] Will Trump seize the apparent
[02:51:39] assassination attempt against him as an opportunity
[02:51:41] to meaningfully address the epidemic
[02:51:43] of gun violence in America?
[02:51:46] Where is the thing about...
[02:51:52] Oh my god.
[02:52:02] Has Putin contended to release of his criminal mugshot deeply resonated with black voters.
[02:52:05] Oh man...
[02:52:12] Hopefully being shot doesn't have to be a similarly problematic strategy To link Trump with an experience far too many black people have
[02:52:15] I mean, guys, hey.
[02:52:21] Hey, I'm just reading it, okay?
[02:52:24] I'm just reading it!
[02:52:26] Don't get mad at me!
[02:52:30] Holy shit.
[02:52:34] Oh man...
[02:52:39] Oh my god.
[02:52:45] The photograph of what's been known as the Black Power salute,
[02:52:49] hopefully Trump doesn't claim that he raised his fist was an homage
[02:52:53] to two black oh my god bro like
[02:53:01] oh god Oh, God.
[02:53:07] Ah, man.
[02:53:08] Well...
[02:53:10] I'm alive? Yeah, I guess so.
[02:53:15] It's just there's a real human writing this. I want to let you guys know that this article was so stupid...
[02:53:20] ...that Forbes deleted it.
[02:53:28] Very rarely does it go that far, yeah, Forbes is like guys
[02:53:32] this is is read it does that sound good oh my god the dude's got a
[02:53:43] PhD by the way.
[02:53:45] You know what? I bet he does.
[02:53:49] Absolutely!
[02:53:51] Why am I not surprised?
[02:53:55] CNN News report revealed Secret Service not surprised
[02:53:59] santa news report revealed secret service has been focused on diversity hires well i don't know if that's really true
[02:54:01] i mean if somebody wants to link me a video of it i'd be fine looking at it
[02:54:05] people are heeded after forbes headline yeah i saw this before of it, I'd be fine looking at it. People are heated after Forbes headline.
[02:54:06] Yeah, I saw this before.
[02:54:08] Sean Harper should be a shit editor?
[02:54:09] Yeah bro, like this shit was crazy.
[02:54:13] Oh my god.
[02:54:16] Let's see if I look at the rest of these, see if there is anything else better.
[02:54:21] Oh my god...
[02:54:24] The PhD is 25 cents? You can get a cup of coffee? No!
[02:54:28] I'm sure it matters oh
[02:54:59] yeah there's this too 50 cent apparently did a concert yesterday. don't look to this guy oh my god man that is crazy.
[02:55:01] Yeah, this is so fucking funny to me.
[02:55:05] I wonder like...
[02:55:07] I wonder how far this is gonna go, man.
[02:55:12] I really do.
[02:55:16] You need to check out Destiny's tweets about this?
[02:55:18] I need to check out Destiny's tweets
[02:55:20] about it, really?
[02:55:23] Man.
[02:55:25] Yeah, I need to look at
[02:55:28] those tweets. Is that it?
[02:55:34] Father 50 Cent was an actor now now i didn't know he still performs concert yeah yeah for sure the twitter page is a hellhole yeah no doubt man man.
[02:55:49] Please talk about Destiny already? I don't really have a lot to say,
[02:55:51] like, I just don't, like again I just um, I don't really have a lot to say. Like, I just don't like again,
[02:55:53] I just,
[02:55:53] um,
[02:55:54] I don't go really hard into like trying to tone police people.
[02:55:58] There's no way.
[02:56:44] Okay. There's no way. Mr. President! uh This is just relaxing. Yeah, he's farming hard this is crazy it's like 78 yeah i know like i
[02:56:51] oh my god.
[02:56:57] More security?
[02:56:58] Good question!
[02:57:01] It's a great
[02:57:02] question, holy fuck!
[02:57:05] Oh my
[02:57:06] God. Oh my god.
[02:57:08] Yeah, I feel like a lot of people after this
[02:57:12] it was kind of crazy to see everybody come out in support
[02:57:16] yesterday because I feel like supporting Trump has always been
[02:57:18] a thing that you just don't do.
[02:57:22] And bro,
[02:57:22] yesterday a lot of people were like, yeah,
[02:57:24] this is our guy.
[02:57:26] What are people saying in Austin?
[02:57:29] What do people think about this here? Well, Austin's
[02:57:31] a really liberal city, right? I basically
[02:57:33] live in California, okay?
[02:57:35] And like again, I like
[02:57:37] California. I love Austin.
[02:57:39] I think Austin's great.
[02:57:43] He said there's a...
[02:57:45] Did he say if there are other people that shoot him, can't afford it?
[02:57:47] Good one.
[02:57:48] Yeah, true.
[02:57:49] Did you see Bernie's response to this to this yeah he said it was bad
[02:57:52] like everybody said it was bad there's nobody saying it's like oh well you know
[02:57:55] like the only people that are trying to like make excuses for it are the media
[02:57:59] and you want to know why it's because the media are the media. And do you want to know why?
[02:58:01] It's because the media are the ones that are at fault.
[02:58:04] I actually think that
[02:58:05] all of this stuff...
[02:58:07] Like, and I will say
[02:58:09] that Trump has dialed up a lot of crazy rhetoric
[02:58:12] and he's said a lot of shit
[02:58:14] that he shouldn't have said.
[02:58:16] Like about saying it's
[02:58:18] a bloodbath and all this stuff
[02:58:19] I get that yeah, it was out of context
[02:58:22] but you probably shouldn't have
[02:58:25] said this in the first place, right?
[02:58:26] You should have, right? So has Biden.
[02:58:28] No, I get so has Biden. But if
[02:58:31] Biden is wrong and Trump's wrong doesn it doesn't mean that they're both right
[02:58:33] because it cancels each other out. It just means
[02:58:35] they're both wrong. So that's the way
[02:58:37] I see it. He's stoking defense. Yes, he's
[02:58:39] done that. But I think the real
[02:58:41] people who are worried about this,
[02:58:43] I think it's the media.
[02:58:46] Because I think a lot of people
[02:58:48] are going to look at the media
[02:58:49] and they're gonna see the media
[02:58:51] dialing everything up,
[02:58:55] exaggerating everything overplaying things
[02:58:57] and doing it so systematically
[02:58:59] that
[02:59:00] people are fucking insane
[02:59:02] and guess what happens?
[02:59:10] Now you have this big problem and the media, they're worried about accountability. They're worried about people attacking them. They're worried about people saying hey, you did this. What the fuck are you doing? So I think that's it.
[02:59:18] Yeah media will get blamed for it. I think it's the media's fault
[02:59:22] not directly but indirectly i think the media... That's not true.
[02:59:27] Let me rephrase what I said.
[02:59:29] I think that the media has played the biggest part
[02:59:31] in escalating this to be where it is at now.
[02:59:35] Absolutely! And I think that it hasn't started with Trump absolutely
[02:59:36] and I think that it hasn't started with Trump
[02:59:39] I think it's been like this for a long time
[02:59:41] keep people divided
[02:59:46] yeah, I think so. They wanted the views?
[02:59:48] Exactly, man.
[02:59:50] Agreed media's inflamed tensions
[02:59:52] for eight years? They have.
[02:59:54] Media's made pedal and fear? Exactly.
[02:59:56] It's like that's the reason why you have
[02:59:59] these women that are like, oh my god
[03:00:00] I'd rather be in a forest with a bear
[03:00:02] than a man
[03:00:03] Remember whenever they interviewed women in Japan
[03:00:06] about that? They're like, what are you retarded?
[03:00:09] No of course I wouldn't want to be into Forest of the Bear like no like he's stupid but the reason why people think
[03:00:15] that here is because of the media that That's the reason.
[03:00:20] Same thing happened in Taiwan, just Googled it and know what
[03:00:22] they're doing? I don't know about Taiwan, right?
[03:00:24] I don't know about other countries really all that much
[03:00:26] but I'm just saying like that's what it is.
[03:00:29] You don't have somebody to light on them and giving
[03:00:30] the world entertainment? Yeah, no doubt.
[03:00:33] They keep reporting on things
[03:00:34] that have been debunked, and Biden brings up the same shit.
[03:00:37] Everybody brings up bullshit. I don't think
[03:00:38] anybody has a monopoly on that, to be honest. This is
[03:00:41] 100% the enmity towards the GOP
[03:00:43] candidate started with Trump. It wasn't even like this before
[03:00:45] they were friendly to people like Romney
[03:00:47] I think the reason why they were
[03:00:49] friendly to Romney is because Romney was their friend.
[03:00:53] Like, I think
[03:00:54] the reason why they're not friendly to Trump
[03:00:56] is because they don't like Trump.
[03:00:58] And also, Romney didn't go out
[03:01:00] and call the media out and say bad stuff about the media.
[03:01:02] It would make sense, right? Media's going to hate Trump.
[03:01:04] Trump hates the media.
[03:01:06] Right? This is fake news, etc.
[03:01:08] So yeah.
[03:01:10] Romney wasn't a threat. I don't think he was either.
[03:01:14] Not unless you count internet culture,
[03:01:16] like streamers as media.
[03:01:18] Um...
[03:01:18] I think mainstream media is the problem.
[03:01:20] Yeah, it's really mainstream media
[03:01:22] because that's the stuff that, like's really mainstream media because that's the stuff
[03:01:23] that like really gets...
[03:01:26] I think the reason why mainstream media is a problem
[03:01:29] is because it parades around like it's objective.
[03:01:32] That's the issue.
[03:01:33] Yeah, mainstream
[03:01:34] syndicated
[03:01:36] mass media.
[03:01:39] All media has this
[03:01:41] problem but that's the
[03:01:42] worst one. I'll be right back. so so. so All right. Alright.
[03:03:04] I'm back!
[03:03:08] Who thought that's back.
[03:03:13] Good thoughts on tech? Mainstream media capitalizes on what draws the most
[03:03:15] attention, makes the most money not necessarily to
[03:03:17] create fear or follow a political narrative?
[03:03:19] Yeah no I think that's true. I don't think the media actually...
[03:03:22] I don't think the media
[03:03:23] creates controversy in this stuff
[03:03:25] because it likes controversy.
[03:03:27] I think it does it for money.
[03:03:29] So like the media,
[03:03:31] their goal is to make
[03:03:32] money not create chaos. It's just
[03:03:34] that creating chaos is the best way to make
[03:03:36] money so that's what they do
[03:03:37] So I think that's really what's going on here, right? Controversy leads to click. Yeah exactly.
[03:03:48] Let me see here... it's not true they ignore stories and get plenty of attention.
[03:03:52] Um yeah but like why are they doing it right
[03:03:55] no agenda just money i think that it's both but i think the
[03:03:59] the prime directive is is money and the agenda happens sometimes too but yeah let me go back i'll look at some other
[03:04:06] too let's see here where the is this there we go
[03:04:12] i think it's more than just money.
[03:04:14] Honestly, it seems like malice.
[03:04:15] Uh...
[03:04:16] I mean...
[03:04:21] Probably a little bit, yeah. Not always but a little bit.
[03:04:27] Good timing Reddit just went down? Oh shit.
[03:04:30] Yeah I'm not surprised. Let's see...I was going to look at this. When video games were simple...
[03:04:38] Oh boy!
[03:04:40] Oh boy oh boy!
[03:04:42] Here we go. This is Jack and Daxter, Crash Bandicoot, Sora, Sly Cooper, and Ratchet and Clank
[03:04:56] man
[03:04:58] this is a dude that grew up on
[03:05:03] PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 2
[03:05:06] not 4
[03:05:06] PlayStation 2 four or playstation two not for playstation 2.
[03:05:12] how do i know that because i had all the same games they were so good good
[03:05:25] everything back to when video games were just simple when gains could just be gains and you could be an idiot idiot six-year old who can't figure out how to
[03:05:29] get off the starting island in Kingdom Hearts.
[03:05:31] Yeah, actually uh, you gotta hit the tree
[03:05:33] to get the coconuts...the coconuts will fall down. Oh I just hit it?
[03:05:35] It feels like back then
[03:05:37] they could make anything they wanted to. Studios took chances building experiences that, while not perfect
[03:05:43] were still iconic and don't get it twisted alright? I like the triple-a games we're getting right now
[03:05:47] I'm definitely not saying that video games aren't fun anymore.
[03:05:50] But, I can't help looking back at all these older games and missing the charm
[03:05:54] that they all had especially compared to now.
[03:05:57] They definitely weren't...
[03:05:58] I think you still have that a lot with games right?
[03:06:00] It's just that you also have these games that are made as corporate slop as well. Yeah, I actually think that having achievements in video games was bad for
[03:06:12] video games. Maybe this is a hot take,
[03:06:16] but I think it ends up being worse for video games than being good
[03:06:20] because what they do is direct for video games than being good.
[03:06:23] Because, like, what they do is they direct gameplay
[03:06:24] and oftentimes it
[03:06:27] does it in a way that's annoying or unfun.
[03:06:31] All fantastic. But when I look back at them, they all just...
[03:06:33] By the way, I don't think that's like an objective opinion
[03:06:35] Like, I don't think people who disagree are wrong
[03:06:37] or something like that. That's just the way I see it
[03:06:41] So whimsical and wonderfully simple to me.
[03:06:44] And sure, you know that opinion is probably largely shaped around nostalgia
[03:06:48] Yeah, of course.
[03:06:49] It's more likely I miss the simpler times in my life
[03:06:51] True
[03:06:52] Which we'll talk about nostalgia towards the end of this video But I do mean this literally True. 1998 I think a different time period probably comes to each of our heads, right?
[03:07:04] For you it might be the PS1. 1998
[03:07:06] Or even the Atari if... Yup
[03:07:08] You're ancient and decaying
[03:07:09] Shut the fuck up For me I'd pick the PS2
[03:07:11] And just all those classic games from that console
[03:07:14] Like Kingdom Hearts Jak & and Daxter, Sly
[03:07:16] Cooper, Ratchet & Clank... The weird game
[03:07:18] with the alien face on the cover that kind of
[03:07:20] freaked me out too much to pick up. I didn't have this one but I had all the other ones
[03:07:22] Hundreds of stupid licensed games
[03:07:24] came out around this time, they were all just exactly
[03:07:27] the same, except that one.
[03:07:28] I loved that one. And I think the Lord of the Rings
[03:07:30] one was good too. Like, the second
[03:07:32] and third one were really good. The Two Towers
[03:07:35] in Return of the King was really really good it's actually a good game
[03:07:38] every game didn't have to be a groundbreaking cinematic masterpiece yeah could just be
[03:07:43] a fun game one aspect i really admire about those ps2 games is that they seem to prioritize gameplay and fun over anything.
[03:07:50] Whereas anymore it seems gameplay gets sidelined by the cutscenes in the story.
[03:07:54] I think this a huge problem too,
[03:07:56] And I think this is one of the big reasons why people like FromSoftware games
[03:07:59] is that a lot of the actual games
[03:08:01] that come out, it seems like they have
[03:08:02] great cutscenes, great sound, great
[03:08:05] graphics and everything.
[03:08:07] But actually playing the game, going but actually playing the game. Like, actually going down and
[03:08:09] playing the game is
[03:08:11] hard to do. It's not good.
[03:08:14] The gaming industry
[03:08:15] has changed a lot over the years, okay?
[03:08:17] It's not your grandpa's GameCube anymore. We got esports
[03:08:20] teams and VR chat twerk-offs
[03:08:22] now. The Last of Us is a phenomenal game
[03:08:24] series that tells a familiar yet
[03:08:26] strikingly unique story
[03:08:28] and has some of the best character writing I've ever seen in a video game.
[03:08:31] Due to some not so careful redactions, we learned that on their latest entry
[03:08:35] The Last Of Us Part II, Naughty Dog spent $220 million
[03:08:39] over the course of six years
[03:08:42] to develop the game. To put that into
[03:08:43] perspective, they developed the first Crash Bandicoot
[03:08:46] game for $1.7 million.
[03:08:48] With that $220
[03:08:49] million dollars they delivered on these stunning cutting-edge graphics
[03:08:53] as well as creating a gripping narrative and overall impactful experience.
[03:08:59] But when you play these games, it becomes abundantly clear...
[03:09:01] I just think this is like entropy right
[03:09:03] where like once things get big they just get bigger it's like oh well we made 100 million
[03:09:10] on this one but let's spend a 100 million on the next one instead of
[03:09:13] 50 and we'll make 300 million.
[03:09:17] It's like people
[03:09:17] just keep upping the ante and scaling up
[03:09:19] and up and up.
[03:09:21] The Last of Us does not embrace until it fails video game at all
[03:09:25] the gameplay loop consists of you walking around slowly looking at everything like you're in a museum maybe avoiding some mushroom zombies
[03:09:32] Sometimes and if you walk into an area with waist-height
[03:09:35] walls, you know some guys are gonna come out
[03:09:37] and try to shoot at you. The combat is... I think
[03:09:39] another good example of like gameplay being
[03:09:41] king is Once
[03:09:43] Human and First Descendant.
[03:09:45] Both of these games don't have any real focus on story,
[03:09:49] they don't have any focus on world building, the graphics are
[03:09:53] Unreal 5 slop, and it doesn't really matter
[03:09:56] because the games play well
[03:09:58] and there's a good combat loop.
[03:10:00] That's why people are playing them.
[03:10:01] Look at Pow World.
[03:10:03] It doesn't really matter.
[03:10:05] These are just devs that try to, I think...
[03:10:10] One of the worst things to happen to video games
[03:10:13] is video game developers thinking
[03:10:18] that they are movie stars or thinking that they are movie directors.
[03:10:22] Find it very annoying.
[03:10:25] Obviously, Kojima is not included.
[03:10:27] But everybody else besides him.
[03:10:31] Passable at best and over time just becomes a boring obstacle between you
[03:10:36] and the next cutscene.
[03:10:37] It really is a shame because the'know? Because the world they've
[03:10:39] built is so beautiful to
[03:10:41] look at... but there's nothing to touch.
[03:10:43] I'm all for story in a game, but-
[03:10:45] Bro that actually- That's so fucking true. Listen to this again.
[03:10:47] Beautiful to look at but there's nothing
[03:10:49] to touch i'm all that's exactly fucking right bro
[03:10:52] that's so perfectly fucking stated yes it's a great world it looks amazing
[03:10:57] but what the fuck are you gonna do in it?
[03:11:00] What's the point? Why is it there?
[03:11:04] ...the story in a game. But it should never
[03:11:06] take precedent over the actual
[03:11:08] gameplay. And hey! I'm a problem solver! Alright?
[03:11:11] I actually think that story-based games
[03:11:13] like The Last of Us are great and they
[03:11:15] have a place but I think too
[03:11:17] many games try to go this route
[03:11:19] and I think they're making a mistake by doing so.
[03:11:23] That's really...
[03:11:23] Like, I have no problem with this.
[03:11:25] It's great, but the problem is
[03:11:27] like there's trying to
[03:11:29] it seems like there's trying to be like a merging of like entertainment mediums where people are trying to be like TV shows and movies with games.
[03:11:37] And like you see this obviously with things like Suicide Squad, The Last of Us Part II, etc.
[03:11:42] It's very annoying
[03:11:43] because games are not the same thing.
[03:11:48] Here to help you, Naughty Dog,
[03:11:49] I'm going to tell you exactly
[03:11:51] what you have to do to fix this problem.
[03:11:53] You go through a couple of levels,
[03:11:55] you get us really hooked in and then
[03:11:57] you give Ellie a fishtail
[03:11:59] and you have her swim around
[03:12:01] and sing a really bad song with Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
[03:12:04] That sounds like Zenless Zone Zero.
[03:12:07] It's got to be really,
[03:12:08] really bad.
[03:12:09] No, you're right. You can't do that.
[03:12:11] It's a serious game with a serious tone. We don't need to do
[03:12:15] any of that. You know, no game has ever retained
[03:12:17] its serious tone while breaking
[03:12:19] immersion slightly for the sake of fun.
[03:12:20] It's never been done. It's not gonna happen, alright?
[03:12:23] Bad example. I'm sorry.
[03:12:24] Let's look at the Insomniac Spider-Man games instead.
[03:12:26] You know they're wacky and less based in realism
[03:12:28] They had a phenomenal story
[03:12:30] Except for the third act of the second game
[03:12:32] I'm still pretty mad about that
[03:12:33] Peter should've been Venom
[03:12:34] I'm standing on that about that. Peter should have been Venom, I'm standing on
[03:12:35] that business. And the gameplay here! Oh my god they got it perfect! They did what Naughty
[03:12:42] Dog couldn't do... sometimes.
[03:12:45] I could web-sling around the city all day and they had their little mermaid moment that's
[03:12:48] nice that they have that i mean it's cool that they have that but like i remember do you remember
[03:12:54] spider-man was it spidermanMan 1 or 2? For the
[03:12:57] original PlayStation 1 or PlayStation
[03:12:59] 2. That game, you could do that in that game.
[03:13:03] Sometimes I think
[03:13:05] back like I remember playing that game and like I didn't
[03:13:08] really like superhero games a lot but I'm replaying it I'm like man this is
[03:13:12] really good what the fuck I was like kind of...
[03:13:19] I don't know what to think.
[03:13:21] Venom and I guess Mary Jane now, that was alright.
[03:13:22] But what I want to talk to you about specifically
[03:13:24] are the mini-games.
[03:13:27] You know those little moments where it's like, oh, Peter's a scientist
[03:13:29] here's some scientist stuff
[03:13:31] match up these different colors
[03:13:33] and lines because he's a scientist
[03:13:35] that science stuff. Those have got to be
[03:13:37] the worst mini-games ever made.
[03:13:40] And Insomniac knows it, because why else would they give you
[03:13:43] an option to skip them?
[03:13:44] It's all right whatever,
[03:13:45] They didn't come up that much in the first one
[03:13:47] I can get over it at least I got to skip them and move on.
[03:13:50] Maybe they'll take him out by the second one!
[03:13:52] Wrong, it's different this time. Now it's in 3D
[03:13:55] And you gotta take out the bad shapes
[03:13:57] It's worse, it's somehow so much worse than this one
[03:13:59] And I know it's a real-
[03:14:00] Because people think that they can always make
[03:14:01] it better, and this
[03:14:03] is again another big problem with developers
[03:14:05] now, is that a lot of these
[03:14:07] devs think that they can make it better
[03:14:09] They're like, okay okay well I have my way that i'm gonna do it better
[03:14:16] than somebody... It's like again Game of Thrones or Rings of Power. Okay, let
[03:14:23] me get this straight. There's
[03:14:25] a guy that they have spent
[03:14:27] 20, 30
[03:14:29] 40, 10 maybe I don't know
[03:14:31] million dollars paying this guy
[03:14:34] not to do anything
[03:14:35] but just to let
[03:14:37] them use his book.
[03:14:40] He doesn't have to do it.
[03:14:41] Oh yeah, sure. And just tell us what to do.
[03:14:44] And you think –
[03:14:46] You're two idiots.
[03:14:48] You think that you know better than he does?
[03:14:52] Oh, if you know so good, then why
[03:14:55] is nobody buying your book?
[03:14:57] Why nobody making a show about your book?
[03:15:00] You think
[03:15:01] that you're going to be able to do it
[03:15:03] better than Tolkien.
[03:15:06] Which, by the way
[03:15:07] Tolkien wasn't just like a
[03:15:10] he wasn't just like some
[03:15:11] oh, he wrote a book
[03:15:12] this guy was like
[03:15:13] an esteemed college professor
[03:15:15] he was a World War I soldier
[03:15:18] he was
[03:15:20] a linguist, like he invented entire
[03:15:22] languages out of the fucking
[03:15:24] out of the world he made.
[03:15:26] Like this dude defined fantasy.
[03:15:30] Like almost all
[03:15:31] of the fantasy tropes
[03:15:32] that we have now,
[03:15:33] many of them are derivative
[03:15:35] from Lord of the Rings.
[03:15:37] Tolkien made fantasy, yes he defined it.
[03:15:42] But no you've got...
[03:15:43] No, no, no but you know how it's...
[03:15:45] You know what to do.
[03:15:50] But you know better than that.
[03:15:57] What are you thinking, man?
[03:15:59] ...a small problem to point out. Man, just
[03:16:03] situations like this make me miss games like Sly Cooper
[03:16:07] that would put you in a submarine and say, there's crabs coming
[03:16:09] to steal the treasure. You have to shoot all
[03:16:11] the crabs and make sure they don't come get it.
[03:16:13] They didn't bother trying to make it make sense
[03:16:15] within the story. They just made
[03:16:17] something fun. I don't think every AAA game needs to be goofy, but...
[03:16:21] You know what a really great example of this is recently?
[03:16:24] You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.
[03:16:26] Another Crab's Treasure.
[03:16:28] That was a PlayStation 2 game made in the year
[03:16:31] 2024
[03:16:31] It was
[03:16:34] And it was fucking amazing
[03:16:36] Crab Souls, yep
[03:16:38] Video games
[03:16:41] are at their best when they embrace
[03:16:43] their identity as video games
[03:16:45] and deliver experiences only
[03:16:47] they can... It seems like they really went in this direction
[03:16:49] because these cinematic games have the most wide
[03:16:52] reach. They don't really want to risk it with something
[03:16:54] that might not appeal to everyone, right?
[03:16:56] We could never get an insane
[03:16:58] concept like Kingdom Hearts made today
[03:17:00] The idea of...
[03:17:01] I think the reason
[03:17:02] why they do it
[03:17:03] actually is because
[03:17:04] these games
[03:17:06] have the highest
[03:17:07] projected potential
[03:17:08] revenue,
[03:17:09] so from a studio
[03:17:11] perspective
[03:17:11] that's investor-driven,
[03:17:13] that's what they're going to care about the most.
[03:17:16] Because they can project
[03:17:17] revenue based off of a target audience
[03:17:19] that this game could attract
[03:17:21] that's going to be higher than any other game.
[03:17:24] So,
[03:17:25] that's really the reason why I think it happens.
[03:17:28] These two insanely different franchises,
[03:17:31] Final Fantasy,
[03:17:32] a JRPG series and the disney multiverse
[03:17:35] and mashing them together in some big world
[03:17:39] hopping adventure led by a character nobody's ever heard of that is just not something we would get today.
[03:17:45] And do you know how this idea came to be?
[03:17:47] Well apparently back in the 90s, Square Enix and Disney both had offices
[03:17:51] in the same building.
[03:17:53] And one fateful day
[03:17:55] an employee from Square Enix,
[03:17:57] and an employee from Disney
[03:17:58] just so happened to end up in the same elevator.
[03:18:01] And they got to talking
[03:18:03] and they were like
[03:18:03] Hello Disney Employee I Just Met
[03:18:05] Wouldn't it be cool to match our universes together? and they were like, hello Disney employee I just met.
[03:18:08] Wouldn't it be cool to match up our universes together and then send some kid around them
[03:18:10] beating everything up with a key?
[03:18:11] Yeah,
[03:18:12] I've never heard of this before.
[03:18:13] And that kids is how Kingdom Hearts came to be. I read it on
[03:18:17] so you know its true
[03:18:19] If there ever was a video game
[03:18:21] that embraced its identity as
[03:18:23] a video game, it is god damn Kingdom Hearts
[03:18:25] This game makes no sense, but it's so much fun.
[03:18:29] Why the hell is Cloud...
[03:18:30] Another game like, again,
[03:18:31] another Crab's Treasure is one example
[03:18:33] and Pow World is another example.
[03:18:35] Pow World doesn't worry about, like, a story.
[03:18:39] It's not about, like, the graphics.
[03:18:41] Yeah, the game looks good, but, like, it doesn't really matter.
[03:18:43] Like, people just want to have good gameplay.
[03:18:45] And, like, Helldivers 2.
[03:18:46] What's the story of Helldivers 2?
[03:18:49] Yes, Super Earth and there's democracy and there's
[03:18:51] aliens that hate democracy so you
[03:18:53] shoot them and then there's robots. You shoot them
[03:18:55] too. And yeah, basically
[03:18:57] you have to blow them up and that's it
[03:19:00] it's really simple monster hunter yeah gameplay games always come out ahead
[03:19:08] from final fantasy making a deal with Hades
[03:19:10] and fighting in the hero games on Olympus.
[03:19:13] I don't know, who cares?
[03:19:14] I'm Sora
[03:19:15] and I'm gonna hit this big dog
[03:19:16] with a key I found.
[03:19:17] When you travel between
[03:19:18] the different Disney worlds
[03:19:19] and Kingdom Hearts
[03:19:20] sometimes the art style
[03:19:21] character designs and even
[03:19:23] entire gameplay mechanics
[03:19:25] will change based on where you go.
[03:19:27] I keep referencing The Little Mermaid
[03:19:29] level in Kingdom Hearts because genuinely when I
[03:19:32] played this it was so mind blowing to me.
[03:19:35] I love that even at a point so deep into this game they were still willing to change the
[03:19:40] fundamental mechanics of how you play it, just to keep
[03:19:43] things fresh. And don't even get me...
[03:19:44] I think a really good example for me
[03:19:46] isn't actually- I never really played Kingdom Hearts
[03:19:49] and never really gave a shit about it
[03:19:50] but going down to
[03:19:53] Ash Lake in
[03:19:55] Dark Souls 1,
[03:19:57] a random tree
[03:19:59] that's off on
[03:20:01] the side of somewhere else,
[03:20:03] if you have to climb all the way up a tree
[03:20:05] or all the way down a tree.
[03:20:06] And then you do that
[03:20:07] and you come out into this massive fucking area
[03:20:10] and it's like you hear the music
[03:20:11] and there's fucking a giant Hydra
[03:20:15] there. These weird bugs
[03:20:17] and you go all the way through there
[03:20:19] and there's a fucking dragon at
[03:20:21] the end of it and you can cut off his tail and get one
[03:20:23] of the best weapons in the game. Like, what the fuck?
[03:20:26] It's crazy!
[03:20:28] And it was like, how many people
[03:20:29] discovered that? I would say probably less
[03:20:31] than 20% of people that played
[03:20:33] Dark Souls for the first time discovered them.
[03:20:37] Started on the goddamn Gumi ship!
[03:20:40] I don't know if it's gumi or gummi, but I'm saying Gumi.
[03:20:42] When I first played it, it was kind of annoying at first.
[03:20:45] I was thinking why am i doing this?
[03:20:47] But now anymore, I'm traveling
[03:20:49] between the worlds and I'm up in the Goomy ship
[03:20:51] just shooting stuff. Why the hell do they
[03:20:53] need a spaceship to get between
[03:20:55] Disney Worlds? I don't know why they thought
[03:20:56] they needed a spaceship,
[03:20:57] but it was awesome.
[03:20:59] And it was the Goomy Ship
[03:21:00] and shut the fuck up!
[03:21:02] I'm not entirely sure
[03:21:03] if this is the case
[03:21:04] but it really seems to me like
[03:21:05] when games were cheaper
[03:21:06] to make studios were cheaper to make,
[03:21:08] studios were willing to make pretty much anything and just throw it out.
[03:21:12] Yeah, and that makes sense, right?
[03:21:14] I mean if your investment is a lot lower, of course you can take more risks.
[03:21:20] That's common sense.
[03:21:22] Of course.
[03:21:23] Yeah, so now they can't afford to take risks whenever they invest $150 million into a video game so again they have to make
[03:21:30] the video game appeal to everyone which makes it appeal to no one i was eating it up i love
[03:21:37] sitting down crisscross applesauce on the floor of a GameStop
[03:21:40] Just going through the wall of so many different ps2 games picking out insane shit like
[03:21:46] Marvel nemesis rise of the imperfects. I feel like I dreamed this.
[03:21:51] Sure they were goofy and didn't exactly maximize profit
[03:21:54] but does that mean
[03:21:55] they weren't worth making?
[03:21:57] I guess we're AAA's concern.
[03:21:58] Another really great example of this recently is Armored Core 6,
[03:22:01] is that FromSoftware has made Souls games for the last 10 years
[03:22:05] and then they just decide hey by the way you know those mech
[03:22:09] games we used to make? We're gonna do another one okay and it was great
[03:22:15] it was awesome always going to be a different audience you want i think a little bit developer
[03:22:21] you're right about that to the indie games there's got to be something It's a different audience. You want the passionate game developer... Yeah, I think so a little bit.
[03:22:22]'re right about that.
[03:22:23] You look to the indie games.
[03:22:24] There's gotta be some video essay YouTuber to indie game pipeline because
[03:22:27] Yeah.
[03:22:28] I was never really that into indie games but recently I played Hades and Rollerdrome
[03:22:32] And it was some of the most fun
[03:22:33] I've had playing games in a long time.
[03:22:35] Well, it seems the games
[03:22:35] that prioritize fun overall
[03:22:37] are only coming from indie developers anymore.
[03:22:39] There is...
[03:22:40] That's because the developers,
[03:22:41] the big studios
[03:22:42] are trying to make games
[03:22:44] that they want
[03:22:46] to make The Next The Last of Us.
[03:22:48] They want to make God of War
[03:22:50] because I do think
[03:22:52] a lot of those studios
[03:22:53] like the main people
[03:22:54] That are behind these games
[03:22:56] Want to be considered with the same degree of respect
[03:22:59] That a director of movies is
[03:23:02] I do think there's a big ego behind it.
[03:23:07] know it sounds like stupid,
[03:23:09] but I think it's true. And that my friends
[03:23:11] is the shitty licensed
[03:23:13] games! This has gotta be the greatest loss in my lifetimes,
[03:23:17] those shitty early 2000s movie tie-in licensed games
[03:23:21] that came with every mildly successful property.
[03:23:25] If there was a cartoon you liked in the early 2000s,
[03:23:27] There's a game for it. Tie-in game!
[03:23:29] That's right.
[03:23:30] If there was a movie you kind of enjoyed?
[03:23:32] Tie-in game!
[03:23:33] Look up any franchise that had moderate success
[03:23:35] in this time period and add the game at the end,
[03:23:39] then you're probably going to get something.
[03:23:40] It would be impossible...
[03:23:41] And they were all garbage except for like five.
[03:23:45] Count how many there were
[03:23:46] and they were all bad,
[03:23:48] but I loved them anyway. Like the Cat in
[03:23:50] the Hat movie tie-in game? What a
[03:23:52] beautiful nightmare that was. Amazing.
[03:23:54] Give me a bottle of Dayquil and
[03:23:56] the Cat in the Hat PS2 game, and I'm having a great
[03:23:59] week. If you've ever played one of these games
[03:24:01] before, you've probably seen this little intro
[03:24:03] screen.
[03:24:04] THQ? Yeah.
[03:24:09] THQ was responsible for not all, but a lot of these
[03:24:11] tie-in games. It seemed their business model
[03:24:13] was to buy up the license
[03:24:15] for a mildly successful property
[03:24:17] and then pump out a cheap good game. Pump out the cheap, easy game
[03:24:20] and launch it right when that movie
[03:24:22] or TV show was peaking in popularity
[03:24:24] so that they could feed off of
[03:24:26] that hype. And clearly it worked because
[03:24:28] in the span of a couple of years... Jesus....they released literal hundreds of h-
[03:24:35] Holy fuck! That's insane!
[03:24:47] How do you do this? It's a good str-
[03:24:49] Yeah, how much money did they make?
[03:24:52] Games!
[03:24:53] They hit the cartoons hard.
[03:24:54] They got Jimmy Neutron.
[03:24:55] Scooby Doo.
[03:24:56] So much SpongeBob.
[03:24:58] Fairly OddParents.
[03:24:59] Tack and the Motherfucking Power of Juju.
[03:25:01] This one was a banger. Rugrats. Teen Titans. Barnyard. Danny. They're farming. Oh, yeah.
[03:25:13] Some of those were pretty good.
[03:25:15] Yeah. These guys dominated
[03:25:17] the licensed high-end games and
[03:25:19] eventually they just stopped
[03:25:21] because looking around... See, he's a younger guy so he doesn't remember the originals.
[03:25:41] See, he's talking about tie-ins to movies.
[03:25:45] Bro, we used to have
[03:25:46] tie-ins to Cheetos.
[03:25:49] You had Chester the
[03:25:50] Cheetah video game.
[03:25:53] That's all it was.
[03:25:54] It was just Cheetos and then oh there is another one.
[03:26:00] There we go, see he's talking about Playstation 2. Remember PlayStation 1? You had Pepsi Man. Straight up, these people would just go and make a game that's basically an advertisement for Pepsi,
[03:26:17] and that's all it was.
[03:26:19] Chex Quest? Yes!
[03:26:21] Burger King? This is a big fucking thing!
[03:26:24] Chester Cheetah, Too Cool the Fool.
[03:26:29] I remember
[03:26:30] seeing this shit at Blockbuster Movies.
[03:26:32] Blockbuster Video, yeah it'd be right there.
[03:26:40] This was very popular back in the day.
[03:26:42] Every cereal had a game in it? Yeah, it did.
[03:26:45] The internet trying to figure out why they stopped.
[03:26:46] You know, where did these go?
[03:26:50] And everything I found kind of suggested that they didn't stop making them, but they moved over to the more profitable sector of the video game market.
[03:26:53] Launcher games?
[03:26:54] The mobile games!
[03:26:56] Hey, uh...just was wondering is this an out-of-season April Fool's joke?
[03:27:02] So back in the 2000s
[03:27:04] they were farming stupid kids
[03:27:05] by making movie games
[03:27:07] and now they're farming stupid kids
[03:27:09] by making anime gacha games.
[03:27:14] Hey...
[03:27:19] He's smart, yeah?
[03:27:20] And you know what? They were probably right
[03:27:21] to do so! Even I ended up spending
[03:27:23] money in Family Guy the Quest for Stuff
[03:27:25] I wanted to build my Quahog to look cool
[03:27:27] Holy fuck! There were a lot of these games
[03:27:29] and most of them were bad, but yes
[03:27:32] They were hundred shitty cookie cutter games. There was one
[03:27:36] Jam odds are if you had a ps2 probably played the Simpsons hit number
[03:27:40] I can't do one of this by all means should have just been
[03:27:42] another shitty tie-in in the
[03:27:45] series of shitty tie-ins. But
[03:27:46] this one just so happened to be
[03:27:49] amazing. It was a GTA
[03:27:51] clone that was like better than GTA.
[03:27:53] In fact, it did the multiple characters,
[03:27:55] the character switching before GTA 5 did it.
[03:27:58] That means The Simpsons predicted GTA 5!
[03:28:02] It is time to write another Kotaku article.
[03:28:04] Some of my personal favorites were
[03:28:06] The Matrix, Path of Neo
[03:28:08] I don't know why I liked this.
[03:28:10] I remember this game.
[03:28:12] I never played it but I remember seeing it at stores. Ever seen The Matrix? I just
[03:28:15] really was drawn to this game
[03:28:17] because it made me feel
[03:28:18] insane. I don't know how to describe it.
[03:28:21] I loved the Star Wars Episode 3
[03:28:23] tie-in game because it had this cool alternate ending
[03:28:25] and I was obsessed with this fight on Mustafar
[03:28:27] between Anakin and Obi Wan
[03:28:29] And so being able to do that
[03:28:31] and get a different result just like blew my little mind.
[03:28:33] And obviously Spider Man-Man 2.
[03:28:36] I think a lot of people forget this was
[03:28:38] a movie tie-in game.
[03:28:38] This was the game, bro.
[03:28:42] This game had no business
[03:28:44] being as good as it was.
[03:28:47] This shit came out,
[03:28:48] it should have been illegal.
[03:28:52] And even this one
[03:28:53] had great minigames.
[03:28:54] The most iconic minigame.
[03:28:56] If you go and look at this great minigames. The most iconic minigame. And the thing is also, like
[03:28:57] if you go and you look at this gameplay
[03:28:59] and like this
[03:29:00] let me see if I can just get a better frame
[03:29:03] holy fuck
[03:29:04] yeah there we go
[03:29:05] This really isn't that far off over what we have now. Like in terms of actual gameplay? You're basically vaulting around the city in the same way that you do
[03:29:19] now.
[03:29:22] It just looks
[03:29:23] well better.
[03:29:26] Why couldn't we get that
[03:29:27] in Insomniac Spider-Man instead of match the shapes and colors?
[03:29:30] A licensed tie-in game that a lot of people liked was SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom.
[03:29:34] And I know a lot of people like this one because it got a big, fat ring!
[03:29:38] We've established that the game
[03:29:40] studios are in this for the money, right? And it's
[03:29:42] safe to assume that they want the
[03:29:44] safest bets for their money. The
[03:29:46] most revenue with the least risk. No
[03:29:48] brainer! Why don't they just take things
[03:29:50] people already like and do it again?
[03:29:53] That's exactly what they're doing.
[03:29:55] You want to know an example of that?
[03:29:58] There's one right there.
[03:30:01] Want to see another example of it?
[03:30:03] Let's go ahead and take a look at another example.
[03:30:06] Oh!
[03:30:08] Oh, oh!
[03:30:09] Just do it again!
[03:30:12] People really like Pokemon.
[03:30:14] Well, why don't we just go and make another game that's like Pokemon?
[03:30:18] Okay.
[03:30:19] Sure, but you want to give them guns.
[03:30:21] Okay, that's fine. That's fine.
[03:30:23] Yeah it's so easy!
[03:30:25] I don't know why some of these devs
[03:30:27] can't figure it out.
[03:30:29] FIFA Classic yeah do
[03:30:31] it again but better. Yes!
[03:30:32] I think this aversion to risk is absolutely doing damage
[03:30:35] to the industry. What do I know?
[03:30:37] I'm just a guy and clearly the numbers say otherwise
[03:30:40] But in all of this, the consumer is not blameless. It is me
[03:30:44] I'm the consumer they're only gonna do something if they know we're gonna buy it and oh man am I gonna buy it?
[03:30:50] I've been loving the remakes lately
[03:30:51] I'm not gonna lie
[03:30:52] I don't really think we needed five iterations of two Last Of Us games
[03:30:57] but for example like Resident Evil 4 remake or the Dead Space remake
[03:31:01] The Demon's Souls remake was fucking insane it was was so good. My favorite games
[03:31:05] in 2023, they may have been remakes
[03:31:07] yes rehashing old ideas
[03:31:09] but I felt like in those two
[03:31:11] examples specifically, they expanded
[03:31:13] the gameplay systems and made changes that honestly justified RE7.
[03:31:18] In Dead Space alone, the zero gravity overhaul was game changing as well as a voice protagonist
[03:31:24] where there wasn't one before so they're not just throwing stuff out, you know?
[03:31:27] They actually do seem to care about some of these games.
[03:31:29] The Resident Evil 4 remake was a breath of fresh air for me
[03:31:32] because I got the quality-of-life from a AAA game
[03:31:35] but the goofy, campy fun from a triple A game, but the goofy campy fun
[03:31:37] from a PS2 game. The graphics
[03:31:39] were stunning and the gameplay was tight
[03:31:41] and well optimized. And I also
[03:31:43] got to go up to the shady
[03:31:45] weapons dealer and buy a rocket launcher
[03:31:48] to just shoot the final boss with. I just cheesed the entire fight,
[03:31:52] and that game let me because it was more fun that way. The simplicity...
[03:31:56] Yeah exactly! I think this is another
[03:31:58] problem that a lot of
[03:31:59] games have
[03:31:59] is that they're too
[03:32:00] focused around
[03:32:01] making the game
[03:32:02] balanced and
[03:32:03] making everything hard
[03:32:04] rather than
[03:32:05] making the game
[03:32:06] fun to play
[03:32:07] and I think really
[03:32:09] like an example of a game
[03:32:11] that, I think that's kind of
[03:32:13] Helldivers 2. I kind of
[03:32:15] felt that way about Helldivers 2
[03:32:17] but there wasn't anything so like i
[03:32:20] like being able to play games where it's like
[03:32:22] you feel like you are you feel like you're getting away with something or
[03:32:28] you're cheating like you're you're doing something that you're not supposed
[03:32:31] to be doing, and that
[03:32:33] feeling... I get that in Elden Ring
[03:32:35] for example when I play the shield
[03:32:37] build and I just block every attack
[03:32:39] from the last boss and then I kill the last boss in a few tries,
[03:32:41] right? Ha ha. Like, I got
[03:32:43] you, right? And I know obviously
[03:32:45] they developed it and they designed it that way
[03:32:47] but it feels like that ownership
[03:32:49] is mine, right? Whenever I figure something out like that. So Granblue Fantasy Relink? Yeah, exactly. Like in Granblue Fantasy Relink, I had a team that could solo kill the raid boss, right? Lucilius.
[03:33:02] And I could just go AFK, right?
[03:33:04] And I just had a macro to where my character would just keep hitting
[03:33:07] the same button over and over, and the other
[03:33:09] three people on the team would just do the entire mission
[03:33:11] for me. So that was super fucking fun,
[03:33:13] and I think that really
[03:33:15] a lot of games try to focus
[03:33:17] on being challenging and hard
[03:33:19] rather than being fun
[03:33:21] And i think this is a huge issue
[03:33:25] today that i had been missing farm she's right absolutely
[03:33:28] and i loved every second of it to me this trend of remakes
[03:33:31] is proof that i'm not alone in missing a time when video games were simple.
[03:33:36] And it's also proof that nostalgia can and will be weaponized at any moment possible,
[03:33:42] and memory...
[03:33:43] I also think like another good example of a good game recently that's come
[03:33:45] out, and I actually think that so this
[03:33:47] might be a hot take. I think Stellar
[03:33:49] Blade would have been more well received
[03:33:51] if it had a male protagonist.
[03:33:54] I think that all of the noise about
[03:33:56] Stellar Blade, oh look at her butt!
[03:33:58] Her butt's so big! Like, oh this isn't
[03:34:00] realistic! The game itself
[03:34:02] was insanely fucking good.
[03:34:04] It had no business being as good
[03:34:06] as it was, but nobody was talking
[03:34:09] about that because of all the other noise.
[03:34:10] Dragon's Dogma 2 was great too.
[03:34:12] Dragon's Dogma 2
[03:34:13] was good, but
[03:34:15] it could have been a lot better. was good, but...
[03:34:18] it could have been a lot better.
[03:34:22] ...are only good if they are profitable. I am happy that younger generations
[03:34:24] and just more people in general
[03:34:26] get to experience these games that I loved as a kid
[03:34:29] and see why for themselves. And also, I'm happy that we get to experience these games
[03:34:33] in ultra realistic graphics with 4K huevo-shrinking technology.
[03:34:39] Only playable with the Gigafart
[03:34:41] 8500 graphics card.
[03:34:43] You may need to upgrade your PC
[03:34:44] to play this game.
[03:34:45] I can appreciate good graphics.
[03:34:47] I mean, I really like when a game looks pretty
[03:34:49] but I think this...
[03:34:51] ...looks better than this
[03:34:53] and THIS...
[03:34:55] technically
[03:34:57] I think that there's a really big problem that people think that graphical fidelity is
[03:35:00] artistic quality.
[03:35:02] Whereas the art direction
[03:35:04] and the lighting and
[03:35:06] the way that things are presented, like the framing
[03:35:08] of the game, the style
[03:35:09] is more
[03:35:11] important than the fidelity of the game
[03:35:13] and I think that the amount of Unreal
[03:35:15] 5 games that have come out that just look
[03:35:17] very samey is like the best
[03:35:18] evidence that I could give you of that being true.
[03:35:21] This has higher resolution and better lighting.
[03:35:24] It does.
[03:35:25] But this...
[03:35:26] Has a better art direction.
[03:35:28] Yeah, it does.
[03:35:28] High-resolution textures and pretty lighting
[03:35:30] are always going to be outshined by inspired
[03:35:34] art direction, creativity, and a focus on atmosphere.
[03:35:38] This isn't something that-
[03:35:39] Yeah, that's absolutely true.
[03:35:41] Like I think Elden Ring is the best example of this.
[03:35:43] Elden Ring actually has pretty low graphical fidelity.
[03:35:47] If you actually look at the models in Elden Ring, they're good, but they're not the same level of quality as
[03:35:53] a lot of other AAA games
[03:35:54] but because the lighting and
[03:35:57] the way the models are designed is
[03:35:59] so good and the way they're presented
[03:36:01] in the game is so good, it literally doesn't matter.
[03:36:06] Same as Bloodborne is awful.
[03:36:08] If you look at Bloodborne,
[03:36:09] the graphics on that game are terrible,
[03:36:11] but it doesn't matter because of the way
[03:36:13] that it's presented.
[03:36:15] It's gone from modern gaming. In fact a lot of recent games have left my jaw on
[03:36:20] the floor because they're so beautiful. Bloodborne, Bloodborne and...
[03:36:24] And there is also Classic WoW. Think about
[03:36:25] Classic WoW and how many really great
[03:36:27] zones and framings they have
[03:36:29] in that game. And it's like the
[03:36:31] graphics on it are really bad but
[03:36:33] it doesn't matter because the style is so good.
[03:36:37] Bloodborne? Holy
[03:36:38] shit, Bloodborne! I think it was more
[03:36:40] common to focus on art direction back then
[03:36:42] because they were limited. They couldn't
[03:36:44] make a realistic-looking game. They couldn't make a realistic looking game
[03:36:46] they had to do something
[03:36:48] unique even the games
[03:36:49] shooting for a
[03:36:50] realistic approach could
[03:36:52] not pull off realism I
[03:36:53] mean that is not real
[03:36:54] it's not like real life
[03:36:56] yeah iconic a phrase I really like and I've used before in That is not real. That's not like real life, yeah. It's iconic!
[03:36:56] A phrase I really like and I've used before in one of these videos
[03:36:59] Is that limitation breeds creativity
[03:37:02] Trying to make a game back on the PS2
[03:37:04] I imagine was extremely limiting
[03:37:06] But it made them
[03:37:08] so creative making these
[03:37:10] incredibly unique looking games.
[03:37:12] I often find that when creating something
[03:37:14] and you run into a problem, that solution
[03:37:16] that you come up with to the problem leads
[03:37:19] to an infinitely more interesting
[03:37:20] and unique final product. Like I said
[03:37:23] we still get a lot of stunning games coming
[03:37:25] out lately but I feel like now
[03:37:26] with the ability to actually create games that are not perfectly realistic,
[03:37:31] look pretty damn real...
[03:37:33] That becomes the only focus is making a game that looks realistic. Not one-
[03:37:37] I think games, like
[03:37:39] I like games
[03:37:40] that have great graphics
[03:37:41] but really good graphics
[03:37:43] will never get me
[03:37:44] to play a game regularly
[03:37:45] because if it did
[03:37:47] New World wouldn't be
[03:37:48] a dead game.
[03:37:49] New World had some of the best
[03:37:51] lighting and the best world design
[03:37:52] of any MMO but
[03:37:54] it still died because there's nothing
[03:37:57] really to do in the game.
[03:38:00] That is
[03:38:01] creative in its visuals. In a lot
[03:38:03] of ways, I miss those older games
[03:38:05] that we used to get but I'm also
[03:38:07] glad for all the games that we get now
[03:38:09] like Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favorite games of
[03:38:12] all time and boulders gate 3 which i made an entire video on you should go watch it
[03:38:17] i think really like the problem now is that so much of the gaming conversation
[03:38:23] is dominated by the games
[03:38:25] that are really bad.
[03:38:27] Like, for example, people are talking about
[03:38:29] Suicide Squad all the time or they're
[03:38:31] talking about like the new Assassin's
[03:38:33] Creed game, or like a few of these
[03:38:35] other popular-to-hate games.
[03:38:38] But the truth is that now
[03:38:39] we have so many really popular and
[03:38:41] really good games coming out all the time
[03:38:43] that people are getting effectively
[03:38:46] fucking fatigued
[03:38:48] from it.
[03:38:49] You're having good games come out constantly
[03:38:52] and now it's Concord. Yeah, now Concord is the bad
[03:38:55] game.
[03:38:57] Do you think the best-selling
[03:38:59] online store ruined the game industry?
[03:39:00] Oh, um...
[03:39:03] You're asking me like do I think that
[03:39:04] having a store in the game ruined it?
[03:39:07] Not really.
[03:39:09] I mean, I think that
[03:39:11] I do
[03:39:11] think that having a store inside
[03:39:13] of the game does hurt immersion a lot, but I don't think
[03:39:16] that's the real reason why it happened.
[03:39:19] Every streamer
[03:39:20] that played The Graphics Exposition Hellblade
[03:39:22] was like, what the fuck is this bullshit?
[03:39:25] Yeah, and you're probably going to see that
[03:39:26] studio have to announce
[03:39:28] their closing because of that.
[03:39:31] That's just the way it is. It was a phenomenal
[03:39:32] experience. Compare that
[03:39:34] to the PS2 Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2,
[03:39:37] and it's no contest there.
[03:39:39] The only reason I might want to pick up and play Dark Alliance 2
[03:39:42] is because I miss playing it with my dad when I was a kid.
[03:39:45] I used to live in this big greenhouse right on the corner lot
[03:39:48] and had a baseball field right across the street.
[03:39:51] I think the house used to be a church?
[03:39:52] It was definitely haunted.
[03:39:54] I was eight years old when that house caught fire.
[03:39:56] Oh shit!
[03:39:56] I remember I was watching Spongebob and then walked
[03:39:59] into the kitchen, and I saw these
[03:40:01] crazy flames up all
[03:40:03] over the place. Long story short, the house got
[03:40:05] completely ruined, and my dad got hurt
[03:40:07] pretty bad. But he recovered fine, they just took some skin
[03:40:09] from his butt and put it on his hand, I call it
[03:40:11] his butt hand. This house though was mostly
[03:40:13] ruined and the property had a
[03:40:15] separate garage like a barn kind of thing
[03:40:17] and that garage had an attic.
[03:40:19] My dad decided we were gonna fix up the house ourselves
[03:40:21] and live up in that attic.
[03:40:23] Him and I shared this air bed up there
[03:40:25] and right next to it was a projector
[03:40:27] that I hooked my Playstation 2
[03:40:29] and my original Xbox to.
[03:40:30] During the day,
[03:40:31] I'd obviously go to school
[03:40:32] and then when I got home
[03:40:33] I'd help him build however I could.
[03:40:35] You know, there wasn't much
[03:40:36] I could do.
[03:40:36] I was eight but
[03:40:37] I remember doing things
[03:40:38] like helping him put up
[03:40:39] their ceiling
[03:40:40] or chip away at the old stone slate in the fireplace.
[03:40:45] And when we were done for the day, I would go up and play on that PS2 non-stop.
[03:40:50] Not to get into too much detail, I'm just some guy
[03:40:52] on the internet. You don't know me.
[03:40:54] Yeah, I think everybody has a story like that.
[03:40:57] You know, there's
[03:40:58] their version of this.
[03:41:01] I was having a hard time.
[03:41:03] Something about swinging around the city
[03:41:05] in Spider-Man 2 just
[03:41:07] made it all melt away,
[03:41:09] you know?
[03:41:10] I wasn't...
[03:41:15] Zack with all this stress and All these problems I didn't understand.
[03:41:17] I was Spider-Man!
[03:41:19] I can only imagine how my dad felt at the time, but
[03:41:22] He always seemed happy
[03:41:23] when him and I were playing a video game together.
[03:41:26] He was just watching me play one,
[03:41:27] but we had a ton of fun
[03:41:29] and we would just laugh
[03:41:30] and hang out together
[03:41:32] playing Halo 2 on the Xbox, just going through the campaign.
[03:41:37] It was in moments like that where it really felt like everything...
[03:41:41] That's a W, Dad, because if you're playing Halo 2 with your 8-year-old
[03:41:45] kid and you're doing campaign co-op
[03:41:47] remember whenever you'd have your teammate die
[03:41:49] and then you'd have to restart the match?
[03:41:51] Bro, his dad didn't mauled out
[03:41:53] on him probably dying 50 fucking times
[03:41:56] in the game. Think about that.
[03:41:58] That's a W-Dad, yeah.
[03:42:00] That's crazy.
[03:42:03] It didn't feel like
[03:42:04] we had just lost everything. You know, it felt like we had everything
[03:42:10] That we could ever need and it's funny now sometimes just hearing that ps2 sound
[03:42:16] I'm back up in the attic with my dad nostalgia that PS2 sound.
[03:42:18] I'm back up in the attic with my dad. Nostalgia is a funny thing,
[03:42:19] it can make you look back fondly on things
[03:42:21] that might not have been so great...
[03:42:22] Yeah, man, I haven't heard-
[03:42:23] I haven't thought about this map
[03:42:24] for twenty fucking years.
[03:42:25] their own way.
[03:42:26] And escapism through simple pleasures like video games will always be important.
[03:42:31] I think we all have that game or just media in general
[03:42:34] That was able to give us a break from hard time in our lives and made us hold on
[03:42:39] to that experience forever. And so now we judge that media by what it did for us
[03:42:44] rather than what it actually is. I'd love to hear if there was anything like
[03:42:48] that, that stuck with you,
[03:42:49] either in a comment or...
[03:42:51] Yeah, I have a lot of games like that. I feel like
[03:42:53] it's extremely common and
[03:42:55] that's why I think a lot of people play video
[03:42:57] games for escapism and shit like that. There's probably a lot of people play video games is like for escapism and shit
[03:42:59] like that. It's probably a lot of games you have different
[03:43:02] memories for, for different reasons, etc.
[03:43:04] And I feel like that's always been one
[03:43:08] of the big draws. And I think that also
[03:43:10] if you want to enjoy games
[03:43:13] more, I think that you should really
[03:43:15] like...
[03:43:16] A lot of people go and they overanalyze
[03:43:19] video games before they play them, and then
[03:43:21] I think that overanalysis makes
[03:43:23] them playing the game not feel
[03:43:25] as good. Because they're like constantly
[03:43:27] thinking about all this stuff that they read about
[03:43:29] it, and it's like oh well they didn't like this part
[03:43:32] etc. Where it's like if you just play
[03:43:34] the game, it's like an unironic
[03:43:36] ignorance is bliss situation
[03:43:38] where if you're just playing the game for
[03:43:40] the simple enjoyment of the game rather than like trying to like think
[03:43:44] about how good it is or anything like that. Just take a step back and try to just enjoy
[03:43:49] the experience I think you will get more out of the game.
[03:43:52] I email at this point. Just play it first, yeah exactly.
[03:43:55] Get back to you but if you want to, shoot me an email
[03:43:58] Thanks so much for over 100 thousand subscribers
[03:44:02] Geek really likes the plaque 100,000 subscribers.
[03:44:04] Geek really likes the plaque so that's good. We send it
[03:44:06] off to him. He's the real hero here.
[03:44:08] $100K is crazy. You know I started
[03:44:10] another channel a while ago and
[03:44:12] it took me so long. I was trying so hard to get to 100k and with this one
[03:44:15] i wasn't even trying i just kind of did it i mean yeah this is a really good video that's cool
[03:44:20] this is a cool thing to do uh this is my simple pleasure now. So uh...
[03:44:24] Please simply click the card right here
[03:44:28] and watch another video!
[03:44:31] This got way too sappy.
[03:44:32] Click on some other funny shit please.
[03:44:34] Okay goodbye. I'm gonna be honest sappy. Click on some other funny shit, please. Okay, goodbye."
[03:44:36] I'm gonna be honest, I actually think this
[03:44:38] guy had like a lot of
[03:44:39] really good points in this
[03:44:42] video.
[03:44:44] Like, this is actually a really good
[03:44:45] video
[03:44:46] I think that nostalgia plays a really big part
[03:44:50] into why people look back on
[03:44:52] these games fondling and I think
[03:44:54] if people started remaking the movie games
[03:44:56] and stuff like that,
[03:44:57] everybody would just call it a soulless cash grab.
[03:44:59] So it's not like...
[03:45:00] It's like 100%,
[03:45:01] but I feel like some of the points he's bringing up
[03:45:04] are like 100% relevant.
[03:45:06] Nostalgia is the entire reason. I don't really
[03:45:08] think that it's the entire reason
[03:45:10] I think that a lot of people are fatigued from
[03:45:12] games that seem like they focus on things
[03:45:14] that gamers don't care about
[03:45:16] and I think that's really where the frustration comes from.
[03:45:19] It's like you're looking at this game, you're excited for this game and then
[03:45:23] it's like okay this is pretty much all the same shit that was already there
[03:45:27] If it's not then why do kids go back? Well if it's not then why do kids go back
[03:45:29] well why don't if it's not then why don't kids go
[03:45:31] back and play these games well because they're products of their
[03:45:34] time right i mean like for example there's a lot of things that
[03:45:37] you're not going to really go back and do. Like I bet kids
[03:45:40] nowadays probably aren't growing up watching
[03:45:42] Lord of the Rings because they have their own
[03:45:44] movies now that are part of like their own
[03:45:46] new culture that they have
[03:45:47] and like that's just what happens,
[03:45:49] right?
[03:45:50] It's the same as like Ben Hur
[03:45:51] or The Ten Commandments.
[03:45:53] Like, you know,
[03:45:53] my parents grew up
[03:45:54] watching those movies.
[03:45:55] Now I don't really
[03:45:56] grow up watching them
[03:45:56] which doesn't mean
[03:45:57] the movies were bad.
[03:45:58] It just means that
[03:45:59] like they were a product
[03:46:00] of a different time. so i don't think that
[03:46:02] necessarily means it and i think that like you have other games that are similar to that
[03:46:06] like as i said another crab's treasure stuff like that that still have the same vibe even now.
[03:46:13] But yeah,
[03:46:14] that was a,
[03:46:14] that was a really good movie video.
[03:46:16] I'm actually going to read some of the comments on this.
[03:46:18] I've never seen this guy's channel before.
[03:46:20] So,
[03:46:20] yeah,
[03:46:21] this is,
[03:46:21] this is really good.
[03:46:22] Memories are only good if they're profitable? Yeah, true.
[03:46:25] Put a PS2 starting screen
[03:46:27] beginning of video and cheat code. Nostalgia
[03:46:28] gets so hard? Yeah, man.
[03:46:30] Sorry about you, but Dav was very special? Yeah, absolutely, man.
[03:46:34] Yeah, everybody's gonna have a lot of
[03:46:35] stories for like kind of like playing video
[03:46:37] games, like their parents maybe. Like for
[03:46:39] me it was with my mom a lot, like I would play a lot of
[03:46:41] games with her. And uh... yeah! Absolutely
[03:46:44] I have so many of those fucking stories Ben
[03:46:46] I hate that fuckin' movie
[03:46:48] Oh yeah! No not everybody's gonna like the movie
[03:46:50] My nephew is 16 and he's huge in Lord Of The Rings
[03:46:52] I gave him my Lord Of The Rings posters for his birthday with a tear
[03:46:55] on my eye. Really? Okay,
[03:46:57] so, I don't know.
[03:46:58] I bet nowadays kids
[03:47:00] probably aren't as focused
[03:47:02] on older movies.
[03:47:05] They're probably watching newer movies that are coming
[03:47:07] out. Like, and that's great, that's
[03:47:09] awesome, but I don't really know if that necessarily means
[03:47:11] what I'm saying isn't really true.
[03:47:13] I think it just depends on kind of who you're talking to
[03:47:16] Would you ever go replay
[03:47:18] the Bungie Halo games? I mean, to an
[03:47:20] extent, yeah, anecdotal. Yeah, I think in general
[03:47:22] right, like kids today aren't
[03:47:24] focusing on it in the same way that we did.
[03:47:31] Probably watching Acolyte? No, I'm probably
[03:47:33] complaining about Acolyte.
[03:47:35] To be fair, when I get to adolescence,
[03:47:37] they'll rewatch the classics?
[03:47:38] Yeah,
[03:47:38] I think so.
[03:47:40] Did you try Once Human?
[03:47:41] Yeah,
[03:47:41] I might play that
[03:47:41] at some point
[03:47:42] probably maybe after this.
[03:47:44] We'll see what happens.
[03:47:47] So I've seen these commercials happens. So
[03:47:47] I've seen these commercials, I think
[03:47:50] everybody's seen these commercials about online
[03:47:52] game ads and I've always
[03:47:54] been wondering why is it that
[03:47:56] because some of these games, there'll be a
[03:47:59] commercial for a game that seems kind of interesting
[03:48:01] and then the game itself isn't
[03:48:03] like that at all. It's like why do you make a fake
[03:48:05] video game ad? Why wouldn't you just make the game?
[03:48:07] If you already have a proof of concept like why not just make the game i don't understand
[03:48:13] this is a youtube advertisement for a mobile game called
[03:48:16] evany the king's return You've probably seen this ad
[03:48:20] or ads just like it a million
[03:48:22] billion jillion times
[03:48:24] before, right? But if you go to the
[03:48:26] app store on your phone and you
[03:48:28] download this game, you will quickly realize that the game
[03:48:31] you see in this ad does not exist. What?
[03:48:34] Evony is a game about city building. You build an That's not even close
[03:48:50] Almost That's not even close.
[03:48:55] Oh my god!
[03:49:03] An empire and level up your town hall and all that good stuff, but despite the fact that this ad is a lie, this marketing strategy is clearly very effective.
[03:49:05] This game has over
[03:49:07] 100 million downloads
[03:49:09] on the Google Play Store. So you might be
[03:49:11] thinking to yourself, why would a company even do this what are they
[03:49:15] standing in by tricking over 100 million people into downloading a game that doesn't
[03:49:21] even exist well i can answer your question in just
[03:49:24] one word...
[03:49:26] Whales! And when you think of whales
[03:49:28] you might think- Jesus Christ are you serious?
[03:49:35] Think of y', big giant creatures swimming through the sea
[03:49:37] Yeah. or maybe you know a country
[03:49:39] with hills and sheep
[03:49:41] and stuff but a mobile game developer
[03:49:43] when they think of a whale,
[03:49:44] they think of this guy. His name is Daigo and he
[03:49:47] is completely and utterly addicted to
[03:49:50] a mobile game called Fate Grand Order
[03:49:53] He spends bas- That is, it's crazy
[03:49:56] to see people do this.
[03:49:58] ...every waking moment of his life
[03:50:00] playing this game and at the
[03:50:02] time of this Wall Street Journal video
[03:50:04] being released he has spent roughly
[03:50:07] $70,000
[03:50:08] on the game. So much money
[03:50:11] that he couldn't actually state
[03:50:12] an exact figure. And perhaps
[03:50:14] the most shocking part of it all... I don't like to think about it.
[03:50:17] I feel like, isn't that a self-report
[03:50:19] that maybe what you're doing is a bad idea?
[03:50:22] I don't even want
[03:50:23] to acknowledge the fact that it's happening.
[03:50:26] Yeah, like, to to me, I don't
[03:50:28] know. I think that's a little bit of a giveaway.
[03:50:30] He doesn't regret
[03:50:32] spending a single penny.
[03:50:34] This right here is the lifeblood
[03:50:36] of your average free-to-play mobile game. Maybe your game gets a hundred
[03:50:41] million downloads, but the overwhelming majority of those players won't spend a single penny
[03:50:46] on your game. Many of them will quit after just a couple of hours
[03:50:49] A small percentage of players
[03:50:51] will spend small amounts of money here
[03:50:53] or there, just to make the game more fun
[03:50:55] for them. But then a very small number
[03:50:57] of people will spend astronomical
[03:51:00] amounts of money on the game.
[03:51:02] So much money. Well, it's like you think about it,
[03:51:04] right? Let's say you have 100 million
[03:51:06] people playing your game. Like, you've got
[03:51:08] 100 million people and then out of that 100 million,
[03:51:11] 1,000 of those people
[03:51:12] very, very small percentage
[03:51:15] less than 1% of those people
[03:51:16] 1,000 of those people
[03:51:18] spend $10,000
[03:51:21] let's say.
[03:51:23] That's 10 million dollars
[03:51:27] that's what happens is they bank
[03:51:29] on just like that 0.1%
[03:51:32] to just make up the amount of money, and
[03:51:34] one's at $100,000 or something
[03:51:36] like that, and it's probably even more.
[03:51:38] Yeah, Diablo Mobile? Yeah.
[03:51:40] The whales... You only need a few whales in a game
[03:51:43] to really keep it going
[03:51:45] Wait, you're right? Yeah, and whenever
[03:51:47] think about at that scale
[03:51:49] It actually is crazy how much they are making
[03:51:51] That it makes up for all of the other people who never spent a penny combined
[03:51:57] and the more downloads your game gets the more whales you get and you need more of those casual
[03:52:01] players because those casual players make the whales feel good about being whales.
[03:52:05] To some sources only about 2% of all mobile game players turn out to be whales yet they are responsible-
[03:52:12] Two percent! Think about that.
[03:52:15] 2% of 100 million is
[03:52:16] 2 million people. So if a whale
[03:52:19] is like, I don't know,
[03:52:20] $1,000? That's
[03:52:22] $2 billion.
[03:52:26] That's $2 billion. That's insane.
[03:52:29] That's crazy.
[03:52:30] Like, at that 2%?
[03:52:33] Oh my god!
[03:52:36] I'm in the wrong industry? Yes!
[03:52:38] I need to make a gacha game.
[03:52:47] Yeah. of 100 million downloads is a whole lot more whales than 2% of 10,000
[03:52:48] downloads. So an advertisement like
[03:52:51] this which just flagrantly
[03:52:52] shows you a game that isn't real
[03:52:54] is doing its job exactly right all this ad needs to do
[03:52:58] is convince you to download the game that's it because yeah sure 90 of people
[03:53:04] are going to uninstall it basically immediately and 98 of people in my opinion i think this should be
[03:53:09] illegal by the way is like if you're doing something like this it's basically false
[03:53:13] advertising spend a penny but those 2% make so much money
[03:53:19] that from the gaming company's perspective,
[03:53:21] all of this lying and cheating
[03:53:23] is worth it in the end. And also
[03:53:24] keep in mind that it's not like
[03:53:26] you only spend ten thousand dollars
[03:53:30] or zero dollars. There's
[03:53:31] a lot of people that are like, I spend
[03:53:33] thirty dollars. I spend twenty dollars.
[03:53:36] Somebody spends six dollars.
[03:53:38] That's still money and you put six dollars that's still money and you put you put
[03:53:41] six dollars times a million that's 6 million
[03:53:44] it's the biggest mobile game developers billions of dollars
[03:53:48] every year but you're all probably thinking to yourself
[03:53:51] the exact same thing right now
[03:53:52] this is just false advertising, isn't
[03:53:55] false advertising meant to be illegal?
[03:53:57] Don't these companies get sued into the ground
[03:53:59] for advertising a game that's completely fake? Well, in theory
[03:54:03] yes. False advertising is illegal and it can get you into some serious trouble but
[03:54:08] in practice these companies aren't actually breaking the law.
[03:54:13] You see, when I said this game didn't exist,
[03:54:15] I was almost telling the truth
[03:54:17] because this game you see in the advert
[03:54:19] does exist inside of Ebony the King's return see it's a mini game this looks like
[03:54:26] this looks like the playstation 2 version
[03:54:34] this is awful.
[03:54:38] ...that you can play inside of Evony? You can play it
[03:54:39] for free for about half an
[03:54:42] hour before the levels run dry
[03:54:43] and you have to start engaging
[03:54:45] with the base building mechanics
[03:54:46] that most of the game is centered around.
[03:54:49] So,
[03:54:49] to any government agency looking in
[03:54:51] you didn't technically falsely advertise your product. This game is inside the mobile app that it's advertising. It's not false
[03:55:00] advertising, it's just disingenuous advertising and disingenuous... In my
[03:55:05] opinion, I think that it's
[03:55:07] still false advertising.
[03:55:09] I do.
[03:55:11] The reason why is like if you
[03:55:13] look at this here,
[03:55:16] this is not the same as this.
[03:55:20] It's
[03:55:20] not.
[03:55:21] It's not the same game.
[03:55:24] Period. Like it's undeniable that it's not the same game so what are we talking about
[03:55:33] advertising and disingenuous isn't illegal so they get away with it.
[03:55:37] Now, there are some games that do a much,
[03:55:39] much worse job of pretending to be the game from the ad
[03:55:43] like whilst I was researching this video
[03:55:45] I played a game called Top War Battle Game
[03:55:49] that as far as I could tell wasn't even trying to pretend
[03:55:53] to be the game from the ad.
[03:55:54] So I have no idea how companies like these get away with it.
[03:55:58] But generally, the game in the ad will be somewhere inside the app at some point.
[03:56:02] Well, the way they get away with it is because Google doesn't do any quality control for their ads.
[03:56:07] That's the reason why they get away with this, because
[03:56:09] Google doesn't care. And that's
[03:56:11] like so many people are like... everybody talks about
[03:56:13] oh it's bad to let's say unethical
[03:56:15] ad block? It's like
[03:56:17] you know what, you're right. But Google is also
[03:56:20] behaving unethically by just letting ads
[03:56:22] that are blatant scams be
[03:56:24] published on their platform. There's the
[03:56:26] Mr. B scams, the Joe
[03:56:28] Rogan deepfake scams for supplements.
[03:56:31] This stuff is really bad.
[03:56:34] They run an ad that shows a game
[03:56:36] that looks kind of fun so it convinces
[03:56:39] you to download the game. You play this little mini-game
[03:56:41] for half an hour before quickly
[03:56:43] realizing that the bulk of the game
[03:56:45] is not really what you signed up for
[03:56:47] and this is where most people just uninstall
[03:56:49] the game and never think about it again.
[03:56:51] But for that tiny 2% of players, they get hooked on what
[03:56:55] the rest of the game contains
[03:56:57] And they spend money again
[03:56:59] and again
[03:56:59] and they single-handedly bankroll the entire company
[03:57:03] that makes the game for years
[03:57:05] to come. And this is why games
[03:57:07] keep appealing to Wales, is because
[03:57:09] their vote matters more than yours does
[03:57:11] Because whenever you vote with $1,
[03:57:14] they vote with
[03:57:15] $1,000.
[03:57:17] That's it. And so whenever
[03:57:19] you're not voting at all, that's another
[03:57:21] factor.
[03:57:23] It's that simple
[03:57:24] because no court wants to continually try to prosecute
[03:57:26] false advertising games.
[03:57:28] Maybe... I mean, I don't know. I'm just saying
[03:57:30] in general, right? This is why
[03:57:32] these games keep happening. Developers take the tactic of fake
[03:57:35] ads to make a lower cost per install to implement
[03:57:37] it? Yeah, you could
[03:57:38] be right.
[03:57:41] Now, if you've been on
[03:57:43] the internet for a while and have
[03:57:44] a relatively good memory, you might also remember these adverts.
[03:57:47] These ones are similarly infamous
[03:57:50] for being completely fake and not representing
[03:57:53] the game at all. In fact, these ones are so infamous
[03:57:56] that they actually made an entire
[03:57:58] ad campaign
[03:58:00] that literally commented on how their ads
[03:58:02] are fake!
[03:58:04] Guys, didn't y'all believe that all those puzzle ads were fake?
[03:58:06] There's no such game. But today I've finally found the game
[03:58:10] The King's Return
[03:58:12] Honestly this one is s-
[03:58:14] Wait...
[03:58:15] So they're talking and complaining about fake games while they're advertising the game that people are complaining about to be fake.
[03:58:22] And it is in fact fake?
[03:58:42] Yeah. wow that's impressive so bold in just like doubling down on the lie that I honestly kind of respect it, but these ads were all over the internet a few years back
[03:58:45] just blatantly showing a game
[03:58:47] that they had no intention of actually letting you play
[03:58:50] for more than 10 minutes. But these ads were discontinued a long time ago, and have not
[03:58:56] been running for years, and when you download Everny, this old game
[03:59:00] is nowhere to be found. Which
[03:59:02] sheds a light on another strategy
[03:59:04] these mobile game companies use
[03:59:06] to advertise their game. They use
[03:59:08] what's called A-B testing. They will create
[03:59:11] a bunch of different adverts and then
[03:59:13] roll them all out onto YouTube
[03:59:14] all at once. Then they look
[03:59:17] at the statistics to see which of these
[03:59:19] ads performed the best, and which of these ads performed the best
[03:59:20] and which of them resulted in the most downloads for the game.
[03:59:23] Whichever of these ads that they created
[03:59:25] that does the best will be kept
[03:59:27] and the rest will get discovered.
[03:59:28] I really have to admire the shamelessness of it.
[03:59:33] I do like they don't care about anything all they care about is getting people
[03:59:38] that download this piece of shit and play it.
[03:59:43] It's crazy.
[03:59:45] They then take the successful... Somebody said in chat
[03:59:47] call center energy. You are
[03:59:49] exactly right. And they make
[03:59:51] some iterations of it, changing details
[03:59:54] here and there inside the ad
[03:59:55] then they roll out those ads again
[03:59:57] and measure their success
[03:59:59] and they do this over and over again
[04:00:01] until they have the perfect ad to get as
[04:00:04] many downloads as possible for
[04:00:06] their game. And the most important part
[04:00:08] of all is that whatever minigame
[04:00:10] they decide to show in the advert
[04:00:12] is literally completely made up
[04:00:14] from scratch.
[04:00:15] And if one of the fake minigames
[04:00:17] in the ad starts to do well
[04:00:19] as an ad campaign,
[04:00:21] they then start making
[04:00:22] the minigame for their app to match the ad.
[04:00:26] Funnily enough...
[04:00:48] Man! Man. and then they make the ad to reflect the product. But mobile game companies start with the ad,
[04:00:51] and the moment this ad stops working as well as it used to,
[04:00:53] the moment people start to catch on that the game they're being advertised is completely fake. The company then changes
[04:00:57] their entire ad campaign,
[04:00:59] make a brand new ad with a brand
[04:01:01] new fake game and spread it far
[04:01:03] and wide. So before they have time to
[04:01:05] complain about it enough, they already just flip the script and start something new.
[04:01:09] That's a pretty good idea.
[04:01:12] Yeah, so goddamn rotten it is?
[04:01:13] It's really impressive?
[04:01:14] Yes, I know!
[04:01:15] Imagine waking up every morning
[04:01:16] and being an employee for one of these companies. They really have to
[04:01:18] psych eval for sociopathy?
[04:01:21] I mean, I think that they don't even...
[04:01:22] They probably don't even think about it.
[04:01:24] They're probably like, okay, so
[04:01:26] we're going to do this. We We're gonna make these games and whichever one
[04:01:29] people like will actually make the real game. Yeah,
[04:01:31] they're not thinking about this shit at all.
[04:01:34] Starting the cycle
[04:01:35] all over again. Now, whilst
[04:01:37] I was researching this video, there was one thing that i just
[04:01:41] couldn't get my head around for the longest time if you're a mobile game company and
[04:01:45] you have an ad that looks like this that is insanely popular,
[04:01:49] why not just make your entire game look
[04:01:52] like this? Like it's clearly super
[04:01:54] popular. People like it a lot and
[04:01:56] it convinces them to download
[04:01:58] your game. And there are literally
[04:01:59] thousands of negative reviews
[04:02:01] on the App Store page
[04:02:03] talking about how mad they are
[04:02:04] about the false advertising.
[04:02:06] So if you get all this backlash
[04:02:07] from your scummy
[04:02:08] marketing strategy,
[04:02:09] why not just make
[04:02:10] the entire game be just
[04:02:12] like the... Because the people that are making
[04:02:14] the game don't speak English and
[04:02:16] they don't even know what these things are saying.
[04:02:20] They just think, oh it's another mad white person?
[04:02:23] Ha ha! We got him again. Hey fuck em'.
[04:02:27] Yeah they don't even know, look at him, look how mad he is.
[04:02:31] That's probably the real reason.
[04:02:32] ...a popular ad campaign...
[04:02:34] Yeah they don't speak English!
[04:02:35] ...that your team came up with.
[04:02:36] Well this is where we get to the saddest and most insidious part of the story.
[04:02:41] Stupid white devil.
[04:02:42] You see whales are only half of the story. Stupid white devil. You see, whales are only half
[04:02:44] of the money-making strategy
[04:02:45] that these game companies employ
[04:02:47] because even if you get a hundred million downloads
[04:02:50] on your app
[04:02:51] Even if two million whales rock up to your
[04:02:55] app as you hand. That's a lot of whales.
[04:02:56] You still have to convince those
[04:02:58] whales to spend their money
[04:03:00] in the first place and this is where we get
[04:03:03] into the nasty part. The reason Evony is a base builder and the reason it's been a base-
[04:03:07] Because you probably have to wait time for you to build the base, but if you pay money
[04:03:13] You can skip the wait. Let's find out
[04:03:16] if I'm right about this.
[04:03:18] ...for its entire lifetime is because
[04:03:20] The Base Builder game is created
[04:03:22] from the ground up by
[04:03:24] very intelligent people with one
[04:03:27] single goal in mind.
[04:03:28] To be as addictive and
[04:03:30] manipulative as possible in order to
[04:03:33] get you to...
[04:03:33] What a fucking surprise. who could have ever imagined this
[04:03:40] feel pressured into spending your money and once you've started
[04:03:44] spending your money it's designed to keep you spending it over and
[04:03:48] over again. Whales aren't just
[04:03:50] whales because they're stupid and have too
[04:03:52] much money on their hands. They're whales
[04:03:54] because they are unfortunately
[04:03:56] addicted to a game that they are willing to waste tens of thousands
[04:04:00] of dollars on.
[04:04:01] I think there is a component of whales where it's actually not a mental disorder,
[04:04:08] they just... not a mental disorder. They just
[04:04:08] like spending
[04:04:11] money on the game because they're bad with
[04:04:13] money, they're just stupid.
[04:04:16] Yeah, they're flexers.
[04:04:17] Exactly, yeah, they're flexing. That's what matters to them.
[04:04:20] They like anime titties? Yeah, exactly.
[04:04:23] It's not a
[04:04:24] mental disorder. It's not a
[04:04:26] mental health crisis.
[04:04:28] These guys like spending money on the game and bragging
[04:04:31] about it because they think it's cool.
[04:04:33] Minigame of enemies
[04:04:35] running down the lanes at you just isn't
[04:04:37] good at making whales spend
[04:04:39] their money. It's very good at convincing people to download a game, it's fantastic marketing but the downside
[04:04:46] of this minigame is that it's hard to monetize whereas a base builder or an anime RPG is incredibly easy.
[04:04:53] Is this like AFK Journey? I remember everybody was getting sponsored to play this game,
[04:04:57] Everybody got sponsored to play this game except for me.
[04:05:00] I think i was the only person on Twitch that did not get sponsored to play this game except for me. I think I was the only person on Twitch that did not get sponsored
[04:05:02] to play this game. Is it fake Grand Order?
[04:05:05] Yeah, well they all look the same and it's
[04:05:07] all basically the same shit, right?
[04:05:08] I mean let's be honest
[04:05:10] Monetize. And they use all of the nastiest little tricks in the book honest. through the game to a crawl and then offer you the ability to buy your progression back they
[04:05:25] intentionally don't make their games too skill based so that you'll be more willing
[04:05:29] to just buy chances to win they often
[04:05:31] well, the reason why is because
[04:05:33] that's actually not the reason why. It's that if somebody spends $10,000 in a video game and they lose to someone who plays it for free
[04:05:41] Do you know what that whale thinks? Maybe I might be a fucking idiot.
[04:05:46] Wait,
[04:05:48] am I stupid?
[04:05:53] Wait a
[04:05:53] minute and whenever
[04:05:54] the person who you're trying to get
[04:05:57] to spend a large amount of money
[04:05:59] on something they shouldn't be spending money on,
[04:06:01] the last thing you want them to do is to think.
[04:06:07] Thinking is the death of a sale,
[04:06:09] so don't let them
[04:06:11] think.
[04:06:13] Limited time deals
[04:06:15] to make you feel pressured into spending money literally right now or else the deal goes
[04:06:18] away.
[04:06:19] They make desirable characters, skins or items impossible to directly buy and make it so
[04:06:24] that the only way to access them is through loot box mechanics that are
[04:06:28] completely random. In fact,
[04:06:30] there's this really, really
[04:06:31] scary, disgusting video
[04:06:34] Oh man. Dude, this is going
[04:06:36] to live in infamy for like next 10 years.
[04:06:39] on the internet called
[04:06:40] Let's Go Whaling where this
[04:06:42] guy, this evil, dirty
[04:06:45] fucking bastard of a man
[04:06:46] goes on a massive 20 minute talk about just
[04:06:49] how he monetizes
[04:06:51] a mobile game.
[04:06:53] I don't like the people
[04:06:55] that are false advertising,
[04:06:57] but at the same time, if you're getting addicted to
[04:07:00] fake Grand Order and spending $70,000
[04:07:02] on it, I'm really not
[04:07:04] going to blame a lot of other people besides you
[04:07:06] on that. You're doing that to yourself.
[04:07:13] Your like you're doing that to yourself. You're hitting yourself.
[04:07:14] What are you doing?
[04:07:16] Like at a certain point,
[04:07:16] he's not evil.
[04:07:17] Yeah, eclecticism.
[04:07:18] Exactly, yeah.
[04:07:20] Like what's really going on here?
[04:07:22] Why are we getting mad at this guy for making a game that's addictive
[04:07:23] rather than the person who's spending
[04:07:25] a bunch of money on it again?
[04:07:26] This is insane!
[04:07:28] At what point is this person not accountable
[04:07:30] for their own behavior? why does it matter if the
[04:07:33] consumer doesn't regret spending the money because i think that most consumers do regret spending
[04:07:38] the money and i think that that regret sets in.
[04:07:42] It's like post-nut clarity, where it's like you're not thinking about
[04:07:45] it being a bad thing at the time, but then after you finish playing
[04:07:49] the game and you look at it again, you think this is the most disgusting
[04:07:53] thing I've ever seen. Get it off my screen
[04:07:55] right now.
[04:07:57] That's the reason why.
[04:08:01] Genuinely
[04:08:01] like staring in the face of Satan himself.
[04:08:05] I won't go over the entire video here,
[04:08:07] I'll just link it in the description for you to watch
[04:08:09] the whole thing and I really do recommend you watch it
[04:08:12] because he goes over every dirty little trick in the business
[04:08:16] that mobile game companies use to pathologize spending money. And after you've finished
[04:08:21] watching that video and after this guy has made you really, really angry
[04:08:26] just think that there are
[04:08:27] dozens of people.
[04:08:29] That are watching this and taking notes.
[04:08:31] You've got to keep in mind that this guy
[04:08:33] wasn't giving a presentation to nobody.
[04:08:36] There are people that are in the audience
[04:08:38] that are like... They're thinking about it, man.
[04:08:57] That's what's happening.
[04:08:59] It's not like this is one dude.
[04:09:01] This guy that work at the biggest and most profitable...
[04:09:06] Bobby, yeah, Bobby Frokosin, exactly....and they spend every moment of their working... profitable game companies in the world.
[04:09:08] They spend every moment of their working lives
[04:09:10] trying to weasel their way
[04:09:12] into your mind and into
[04:09:14] your wallet, so that is why
[04:09:16] the mobile game company can't just make their entire game look like
[04:09:20] The Ad, because the game in The Ad looks much more fun to play but it's much worse
[04:09:25] at slyly convincing people to part with their hard-earned cash.
[04:09:30] And you might be sat at home thinking to yourself,
[04:09:32] well, I would never be dumb enough
[04:09:34] to fall for this stuff.
[04:09:35] I have never spent a penny on a mobile game in my life.
[04:09:38] You're still a plankton and if you can if
[04:09:44] you play these games you are contributing to the ecosystem that keeps the whales alive
[04:09:52] that's the truth yep if you're playing the game
[04:09:57] if you're free to play, you are still playing.
[04:10:03] Just a thing
[04:10:04] because you're probably right.
[04:10:06] You probably wouldn't
[04:10:07] fall for this stuff
[04:10:08] but there are people
[04:10:09] out there that do
[04:10:10] and they fall for it really hard.
[04:10:13] And as much as you might not want to admit it, those people are just like you and me.
[04:10:17] They're not dumber than you.
[04:10:19] I think they are.
[04:10:25] Yeah. I think they are I'll say it I think
[04:10:27] They are dumber
[04:10:28] Now they might not be
[04:10:31] Dumber than you about everything, but they sure are about this.
[04:10:36] Abso-fucking-lutely!
[04:10:40] It's not even a question!
[04:10:44] They're not necessarily less able to see it for what it is than you are,
[04:10:48] they're just more prone to falling into these addiction traps
[04:10:52] than you are. They are being manipulated in one way
[04:10:55] or another by a bunch of people
[04:10:57] in suits just like this fucker."
[04:10:59] I will say, I disagree
[04:11:01] with this outlook to a degree
[04:11:03] and the reason why is because all advertising
[04:11:05] is designed in order to get
[04:11:07] you to do something that you would otherwise
[04:11:09] not do. That's why
[04:11:11] advertising is there. It's to
[04:11:13] create awareness of something or to make it compelling
[04:11:16] and this is the same as a
[04:11:18] YouTube title or a YouTube thumbnail
[04:11:20] it's the same as having attractive
[04:11:22] people wearing clothes for
[04:11:24] a different brand.
[04:11:26] This is the same for everything,
[04:11:28] and that's just
[04:11:31] the way it is. I think at a certain point
[04:11:32] a person has to take accountability
[04:11:34] for their own behavior,
[04:11:36] and if you know what has to take accountability for their own behavior. And
[04:11:37] if you know what you're getting into
[04:11:39] and you're spending your money on it,
[04:11:42] then you're accountable
[04:11:43] for that behavior.
[04:11:45] You do understand addiction is no different than alcohol addiction, right?
[04:11:49] Yeah I do. And so if you want to avoid alcohol addiction don't drink alcohol
[04:11:54] It's actually really simple
[04:11:59] Just don't drink alcohol, that's it.
[04:12:06] I understand there is gonna be some people That are going to go and be like
[04:12:09] Oh it's not that simple
[04:12:10] It actually really is
[04:12:12] It's the same as if you want to lose weight
[04:12:15] Eat better and start working out
[04:12:17] It's hard to do
[04:12:19] You might think it's challenging or it's painful but that's what
[04:12:23] the solution is if you don't want to get addicted to these games then don't play these games, then don't play these games.
[04:12:33] Don't play games? Yes.
[04:12:34] Don't play the games that you think are addictive?
[04:12:37] Yes, absolutely!
[04:12:39] Absolutely! It's not even a question!
[04:12:43] Privileged shit?
[04:12:44] There's no justification.
[04:12:46] What's your justification?
[04:12:48] I'm addicted to alcohol?
[04:12:50] Who decided for you to be addicted to
[04:12:52] alcohol you did whenever he started drinking
[04:12:56] everybody knows the risks this it's like nobody people you think people don't
[04:12:59] know about alcoholism people don't know about alcoholism? People don't know about being an alcoholic.
[04:13:03] What are we talking about?
[04:13:04] Like, what is this?
[04:13:06] Stop it.
[04:13:06] Depression?
[04:13:08] Oh, so you're depressed
[04:13:09] so you can just do something that damages your life
[04:13:11] and it's not your fault anymore?
[04:13:13] That doesn't make any sense.
[04:13:15] It makes no sense.
[04:13:18] It's still
[04:13:19] your fault.
[04:13:25] Same as drugs, gambling and collecting items?
[04:13:25] Yeah exactly That's kind of a bad comparison
[04:13:28] Alcohol is like inherently bad
[04:13:30] Like a video game is supposed to be just fun
[04:13:31] That's not true
[04:13:32] I don't think alcohol is like inherently bad in small amounts
[04:13:37] and i think that for the people that think alcohol is inherently bad probably also think a lot of them
[04:13:42] think video games are inherently bad people think that it's just a lot of them think video games are inherently bad. People think that
[04:13:45] it's just a matter
[04:13:45] of perspective.
[04:13:48] Dumb take?
[04:13:48] No,
[04:13:49] it's not.
[04:13:50] It's not at all.
[04:13:53] If you don't want
[04:13:54] to get addicted
[04:13:54] to something don't want to get addicted to something,
[04:13:55] don't do it.
[04:13:57] Problem solved.
[04:13:58] People have zero accountability.
[04:13:59] Yeah, they will...
[04:14:00] Oh, it's depression!
[04:14:01] It's the advertising!
[04:14:02] Get the fuck out of here.
[04:14:04] Take some accountability
[04:14:05] for your own life.
[04:14:07] Quit blaming the world, because
[04:14:09] you can't control yourself.
[04:14:11] Who spend their lives
[04:14:12] abusing quirks of human
[04:14:14] psychology to make themselves insanely
[04:14:17] rich at the expense of everyday
[04:14:19] people just like you.
[04:14:21] So if you're ever watching YouTube and
[04:14:23] you see a mobile game ad that looks
[04:14:25] appealing to you, please for for the love of God,
[04:14:29] don't click on it.
[04:14:30] Clicking on it is exactly what they
[04:14:32] want you to do.
[04:14:34] That's a fact.
[04:14:36] That's fact. True, true, true.
[04:14:39] Absolutely! It doesn't apply once you're addicted or
[04:14:43] born with the addiction. You are right if you were born with an addiction to something it is
[04:14:47] different but I don't think that's what most people are.
[04:14:49] So here's the thing.
[04:14:52] I'll talk about that after.
[04:14:54] I'll link you this video.
[04:14:55] I actually have never heard
[04:14:57] this outlook. I didn't know about this as much
[04:15:00] as he explained it.
[04:15:02] This is a good video. I really like this
[04:15:04] a lot. Born with addiction? Yeah, so
[04:15:06] some kids are born addicted to crack
[04:15:08] because their moms are crack horse
[04:15:10] like that's that's what he's talking about that's that's a legit thing it
[04:15:13] happens or heroin yeah that's just it's just the way it
[04:15:17] is
[04:15:20] and i started art journey it is. I just wanted to ask,
[04:15:21] yeah.
[04:15:23] How do you even know
[04:15:24] whenever most people
[04:15:25] that are 7 billion
[04:15:25] people in the world?
[04:15:27] Well because
[04:15:27] it's the same solution.
[04:15:28] It's like
[04:15:29] I don't know
[04:15:30] all 7 billion people in the world but
[04:15:32] I know if you cut your arm off it won't grow back.
[04:15:36] Like there are just some things that you don't need to test this with every single person
[04:15:40] In order to know it's obvious
[04:15:45] what about crack babies from south park yeah exactly and so there's a lot of
[04:15:48] people that get really mad about this uh you know like they're tka people and
[04:15:53] and this is an example right so
[04:15:56] let's judge alcohol having never been involved what am i wrong about
[04:16:01] um what have i said that you think
[04:16:04] is disagreeable?
[04:16:17] This is your opinion, which is fine. After further educating yourself it might change your opinion? What do you mean
[04:16:21] it's an opinion? No, it's not an opinion. If you don't do something,
[04:16:24] You're not going to get addicted to it.
[04:16:26] How many people do you think are addicted to crack that don't do crack?
[04:16:36] What are you talking about?
[04:16:37] Like, it's so obvious.
[04:16:43] Go on, honestly.
[04:16:44] I don't know where to start.
[04:16:47] Well, what do you think that I have a... I'm inaccurate about this form?
[04:16:52] Yeah, my aunt died
[04:16:53] probably due to her smoking addiction.
[04:16:54] Shit's hard, bro. Don't do that stuff.
[04:16:56] Why are you talking to to her smoking addiction. Shit's hard, bro. Don't do that stuff? Yeah, I know.
[04:16:58] Why you talk to these retards?
[04:16:59] Because I think that there's a huge problem
[04:17:01] in society with people that try to take
[04:17:04] accountability
[04:17:05] away from themselves and displace it onto other people or to
[04:17:09] other groups or a company or something like that,
[04:17:11] rather than look at it for themselves and take accountability for their own
[04:17:16] mistakes and try to control them rather than like blaming something
[04:17:19] else a non-addict needs to shut up about addiction i don't know i think that makes
[04:17:26] sense like wouldn't you want to listen to a non-addict
[04:17:28] about how not to get addicted?
[04:17:34] Yeah, absolutely.
[04:17:35] Because I'm not addicted
[04:17:36] to crack.
[04:17:38] So you should listen
[04:17:39] to what I'm saying
[04:17:39] because obviously
[04:17:40] it's working for me.
[04:17:42] I don't want to
[04:17:42] listen to a crackhead's
[04:17:43] advice on how
[04:17:44] to get addicted
[04:17:44] to crack.
[04:17:45] It didn't work.
[04:17:52] What are you talking about?
[04:17:55] Think about it.
[04:18:00] It's just... It just so obvious
[04:18:01] oh my god
[04:18:04] you guys
[04:18:06] yeah bro no
[04:18:09] accountability
[04:18:10] so name the thing that you think it's not somebody's fault
[04:18:13] that they get addicted to it
[04:18:14] I think that you can come up with a couple of examples
[04:18:21] but let's assume that probably I think that you can come up with a couple of examples That I would agree with you for
[04:18:22] But let's assume that probably won't happen
[04:18:24] You're arguing common sense?
[04:18:30] Yeah, I know
[04:18:30] Okay common sense. Yeah, I know.
[04:18:37] He's a Banevator? Yeah, he probably is.
[04:18:40] Yeah,
[04:18:40] I get your point.
[04:18:44] So if you don't want to be addicted to alcohol, don't drink alcohol.
[04:18:47] If you don't want to be
[04:18:48] addicted to heroin, don't do heroin.
[04:18:50] If you don't want to be addicted
[04:18:52] to crack, don't do crack. You don't want to be addicted to crack, don't do crack.
[04:18:54] You don't want to be addicted
[04:18:55] to cigarettes?
[04:18:57] Don't do cigarettes.
[04:19:01] That's it.
[04:19:04] Your statement is accurate for a large percentage... That's it.
[04:19:10] Your statement is accurate for a large percentage, there are mental health issues rooted deep in addiction? This is all nuance?
[04:19:16] So because somebody has a mental health issue that means means that they are not accountable for their own behavior.
[04:19:18] That's not true in any capacity.
[04:19:20] If somebody does anything bad that affects anybody else, they're immediately
[04:19:22] accountable for their bad behavior.
[04:19:24] That's because it doesn't matter what your mental
[04:19:27] health condition is if you affect other people
[04:19:29] and you do anything
[04:19:30] it's your fault.
[04:19:32] That's not the way it works.
[04:19:35] They're still accountable, yeah. You're also dumb? Man... It's sad man. It really is sad.
[04:19:50] Bro it seriously bothers me to listen to Skyrim music and play the game?
[04:19:52] Uh huh. You have no idea about drug addiction
[04:19:54] you haven't been addicted to drugs?
[04:19:56] Yeah but I know people that have and every single one of them just made bad decisions.
[04:19:59] And some of them are dead now because of it.
[04:20:01] That's what happens.
[04:20:02] That's why you don't do drugs.
[04:20:05] That is natural selection.
[04:20:11] It's that simple. It is really not any more complicated than that. Just don't do drugs
[04:20:20] harsh but true
[04:20:23] yeah I mean there it is
[04:20:31] I used to love you. I cannot and will not. You've never, and will never?
[04:20:35] I feel like
[04:20:39] your heart rate is probably higher than average because i'm saying things that are upsetting you.
[04:20:43] Have you ever thought to yourself, maybe I'm not in a good state of mind
[04:20:46] To be emotional about what a Twitch streamer is saying?
[04:20:50] I'm trying to have
[04:20:51] a conversation with you
[04:20:53] and you're getting emotional
[04:20:53] and upset.
[04:20:56] I've seen people
[04:20:58] destroy their life
[04:20:58] over addiction
[04:20:59] because they can't
[04:21:01] control themselves. I've seen it happen
[04:21:02] firsthand.
[04:21:07] Like, it's not like it's a secret
[04:21:09] saying just don't take drugs to an addicted person
[04:21:15] oversimplifies a complex issue. It's not complex
[04:21:19] you shouldn't have done it
[04:21:20] they want to make it sound complex in order to justify their behavior
[04:21:28] it's not how many people are getting addicted to crack that aren't doing crack?
[04:21:42] Where do these people come from, Zero, yeah. What is this? Oh my god! Pedestrian's Flock? Bro... pedestrian as fuck bro
[04:21:57] you're so illiterate you can't even express what you're thinking
[04:22:00] but you're so certain that i'm wrong about this
[04:22:05] you don't even know what you're thinking
[04:22:09] oh my god this is sad it really is sad people are really taking you saying
[04:22:15] don't start doing drugs, just stop doing
[04:22:17] drugs if you're already addicted.
[04:22:18] Well there's a lot of ways that you can get off an addiction right?
[04:22:21] I mean like and yeah the way that you do that is complex right because like if
[04:22:25] you take somebody who's an alcoholic off of alcohol immediately,
[04:22:28] it'll kill them. Sometimes it'll kill them.
[04:22:30] There's rehab, other things like that.
[04:22:33] But at the end
[04:22:34] of the day, in order to avoid addiction
[04:22:36] ahead of time, not doing the thing that will
[04:22:38] uh that you were worried about getting
[04:22:41] addicted to is absolutely the solution
[04:22:51] your alcohol's bad, you want crack as bad, you want heroin's bad but nobody's teaching kids how abusive game mechanics can get
[04:22:54] you addicted. If people are taught to recognize
[04:22:57] bad spending decisions this wouldn't happen.
[04:22:59] You think a kid needs to be taught not to spend $70,000 in a video game?
[04:23:11] Yes? No? Yes, no.
[04:23:14] And he knows it's wrong.
[04:23:15] That's why he was saying... You think he's trying to say
[04:23:17] I don't know how much money he spent?
[04:23:19] He knows how much money he spent. He knows how much money he's spent. He's lying
[04:23:21] because he's downplaying it because
[04:23:23] he's embarrassed and he's embarrassed
[04:23:25] because he knows it's wrong
[04:23:26] It's that simple No, you aren't worried about getting addicted in the beginning.
[04:23:38] You're worried about something else.
[04:23:39] The addiction comes later?
[04:23:41] Well that's just a stupid decision then isn't it yeah
[04:23:47] people uh can defend and argue they want to skirt personal responsibility yep
[04:23:55] here's the thing, is that I... growing up
[04:24:04] I had a lot of friends who did drugs and many of them had reasons for doing the drugs.
[04:24:06] It's because of this,
[04:24:07] it's because of that.
[04:24:09] Drinking alcohol, etc.
[04:24:11] And I know a dude broke his ankle got prescribed broker set now he's an addict
[04:24:15] shut the up i'm curious um
[04:24:19] i'm curious do you think oh you've been falling since four hours ago
[04:24:26] do you think that that's the person i'm talking about
[04:24:30] i'm just i'm wondering like do you think that
[04:24:34] somebody that gets addicted to a drug
[04:24:35] is prescribed to them by a doctor? Do you think
[04:24:38] I'm referring to somebody like that?
[04:24:43] Yeah, no.
[04:24:44] Just be honest. Do you think that's what I'm talking about?
[04:24:47] People get so angry? Well yeah because their indulgences
[04:24:51] are just don't. No I don't. Okay so you're mad at me
[04:24:55] for something that
[04:24:57] you are saying
[04:24:58] that I think
[04:24:58] but you know
[04:24:59] I don't think
[04:25:00] is that right?
[04:25:02] Can you explain
[04:25:03] what's going through
[04:25:04] your head right now?
[04:25:06] I'm just confused because
[04:25:09] I know a guy, now he's an addict so you acknowledge that
[04:25:12] i'm not talking about this thing. You think that i'm not talking about it
[04:25:17] So why are you talking about it?
[04:25:20] It's not even part of the conversation.
[04:25:25] I'm saying that you're saying every addict make his choice?
[04:25:27] Of course, not every single one, but like
[04:25:29] 99%.
[04:25:30] Sure, of course.
[04:25:34] Babies that are born
[04:25:35] addicted to heroin didn't make that choice either.
[04:25:37] Every logical person can assume
[04:25:39] that there's going to be like extreme circumstances
[04:25:42] and like, yeah, one of them is
[04:25:44] getting addicted to drugs
[04:25:45] that you were originally prescribed.
[04:25:47] Absolutely, I think you're right
[04:25:48] but it's a one percent thing
[04:25:51] like what are we talking about that for
[04:25:56] well lovey i'm just saying some people are prone to addiction
[04:26:00] some people can drink
[04:26:01] some not
[04:26:02] no one goes into it thinking
[04:26:06] hey I want to get addicted
[04:26:07] yeah but they all think about
[04:26:08] they go into it knowing
[04:26:09] that they can get addicted
[04:26:10] yeah they're doing it on purpose think about it. They go into it knowing that they can get addicted.
[04:26:13] Yeah, they're doing it on purpose.
[04:26:20] When taken at home a kid I knew through his life away
[04:26:22] He threw his life away
[04:26:27] Think you just agreed with me
[04:26:34] Yeah Yeah. There it is.
[04:26:39] And that's the thing.
[04:26:46] When people say don't do drugs,
[04:26:47] they're clearly not talking about prescriptions? Yep.
[04:26:58] Okay, so people with cancer are the same? For sure.
[04:27:01] I'll start with that broken ankle?
[04:27:04] Yeah, no, I think that if somebody...
[04:27:05] No, no, no.
[04:27:06] I mean like
[04:27:06] I get that
[04:27:07] this happens
[04:27:09] with some people
[04:27:10] is that they get prescribed
[04:27:12] a medication
[04:27:12] or like
[04:27:13] a type of drug
[04:27:14] and they get addicted medication or like a type of drug and
[04:27:15] they get addicted to that drug
[04:27:18] and then they get taken off of it.
[04:27:20] And there's not
[04:27:22] really, there's not a lot of support
[04:27:24] for people in that situation. So then they keep doing the drug on like
[04:27:28] uh you know like unlike the black market and i think that's a completely legitimate addiction
[04:27:33] and i don't like i'm not talking about that. I think that's totally fair
[04:27:37] and you're completely right
[04:27:38] about that
[04:27:39] but, like,
[04:27:40] I also think
[04:27:40] that's a super,
[04:27:41] super rare occurrence
[04:27:42] and even if it's not
[04:27:43] I don't think
[04:27:44] even if it's half the time
[04:27:46] I'm not talking about any of those times
[04:27:48] of course
[04:27:50] yeah, it goes without
[04:27:52] saying
[04:28:01] Yeah Yeah Yeah, my parents said I'm prone to addiction. I used to gamble a lot and play a lot of video games
[04:28:03] and choose not to do it.
[04:28:04] Yeah exactly.
[04:28:05] Legitimate addiction?
[04:28:06] Yeah what I mean is that it's not their fault right?
[04:28:08] Like its not like they caused that to happen It happens with athletes Yeah, what I mean is it's not their fault.
[04:28:10] It's not like they caused that to happen.
[04:28:10] It happens with athletes?
[04:28:12] Yeah, I think it happens with a lot of people.
[04:28:12] Absolutely.
[04:28:14] It's quite common, I would assume.
[04:28:15] 100%. These games are made for people to get addicted?
[04:28:22] Yeah, but some people still get addicted and some don't.
[04:28:26] People have addictive personalities? That's a really interesting way to say
[04:28:30] lack of self-control.
[04:28:33] No.
[04:28:37] No.
[04:28:40] If you coddle people like this, No.
[04:28:43] If you coddle people like this, You're just gonna have them be stupid
[04:28:47] They are not going to improve
[04:28:49] they are never going to try and fix their life, hold themselves accountable.
[04:28:52] No. Oh I have an addictive personality. Okay so you lack self control
[04:28:56] And don't know how to do what you want to do. Okay fine great good for you
[04:29:00] What a pathetic
[04:29:03] excuse. Oh my God!
[04:29:11] Know thyself yeah true I'll read maybe one or two more that I want to move on
[04:29:17] I know there's a lot of people that are like super butthurt about this
[04:29:24] i always i like pulling people up because
[04:29:27] you see like how transparent the arguments are
[04:29:34] let's see what are you talking about friends growing up oh yeah all my
[04:29:39] friends growing up that did drugs
[04:29:40] all of them did it because they were just
[04:29:43] bored in life and they were being stupid
[04:29:46] and some of them have gotten killed
[04:29:47] by it. And that's just the way it goes.
[04:29:49] I mean, you shouldn't have done it. Everybody
[04:29:51] told you not to do it. We grew up
[04:29:53] being told not to do it. You did it anyway and the bad thing happened
[04:29:57] to you and that's life there you go so you're saying you can't have an addictive personality,
[04:30:07] I have self-control.
[04:30:08] You can't have an addictive personality if you have self-control.
[04:30:11] I think that if you have a personality
[04:30:13] That's a certain way
[04:30:14] You need to take accountability for that
[04:30:16] and behave accordingly.
[04:30:24] Like,
[04:30:24] a lot of people
[04:30:25] have personalities
[04:30:26] where they get mad,
[04:30:26] right?
[04:30:27] Like they have anger problems.
[04:30:29] And so if you have anger problems and then you go to the store
[04:30:34] and they don't take your coupon or this is four for
[04:30:38] five and it was actually six
[04:30:39] dollars. And then you beat the
[04:30:41] shit out of the cashier. It
[04:30:43] doesn't really matter whether
[04:30:44] you have an anger issue or not,
[04:30:45] right? Like you're still going to
[04:30:46] go to jail like you're still
[04:30:47] accountable for your own behavior. So this idea that because you have some sort of mental proclivity towards something means that you're not accountable for your behavior is ridiculous.
[04:31:00] It's not true in any capacity,
[04:31:02] in any situation.
[04:31:09] So you shouldn't play video games anymore since they make you so mad? Absolutely.
[04:31:13] Yeah, and I stop playing games
[04:31:15] when they make me mad because I realize
[04:31:17] that like they're putting me in that position
[04:31:19] and it's putting me in a place that i don't want to be in
[04:31:21] and whenever i get myself mad at a video game on stream it's 100 my fault i did it to myself
[04:31:27] nobody else is at fault chat isn't at fault the game isn't at fault, the game isn't at fault. It's me
[04:31:32] getting mad and being a
[04:31:34] bitch and mauling. That's it.
[04:31:36] And I don't understand... Here's the thing.
[04:31:38] I don't understand how
[04:31:40] other people can play video games and not get insanely fucking mad.
[04:31:46] Like, because for me, I get insanely fucking mad about stuff.
[04:31:50] Like if something very small happens, I will immediately get fucking furious.
[04:31:54] And I know that about myself and I try to avoid situations that make me feel that way
[04:31:58] because if I don't then I put myself in that situation, and I'm the asshole.
[04:32:04] That's right.
[04:32:13] Just your personality is not a thing.
[04:32:15] Genetically, you can have
[04:32:15] a higher chance of getting
[04:32:16] addicted to things
[04:32:17] but you can self-reflect
[04:32:18] and mitigate it?
[04:32:19] Yeah, exactly.
[04:32:20] Would you disagree with
[04:32:21] banning these kinds of games?
[04:32:22] I think these kinds of games
[04:32:24] should not be marketed towards children,
[04:32:26] and I also think that
[04:32:27] there's a big part of me...
[04:32:29] I ask myself the question, like,
[04:32:31] what serve... What purpose
[04:32:33] does a loot box serve?
[04:32:37] Like, how does a loot box serve? Like how is a loot box in any way, shape or form an improvement for the customer.
[04:32:45] And I would say that it's not.
[04:32:47] So, I ask myself like if something is a universal
[04:32:51] negative for a customer why does it exist?
[04:32:55] Why is it in its It's predatory, damnit.
[04:32:59] I would say so.
[04:33:03] The minimum is don't have it advertised towards kids that's gambling in my opinion this
[04:33:12] is a bit different well I mean I don't know it depends on what stock what you're
[04:33:15] talking about right but that's just in general
[04:33:16] I think what it is
[04:33:18] they don't appear marketed towards children and are marketed towards
[04:33:20] affluent 20-somethings with no kids really um i saw some studies of people
[04:33:25] saying that like oh i mean i feel like clash of Clans is marketed towards kids.
[04:33:29] Yeah, like if I was 14,
[04:33:30] I'd see Clash of Clans and think it's pretty good.
[04:33:33] Yeah, definitely.
[04:33:34] Do you think pay-to-win games should be banned?
[04:33:37] Do I think pay-to-win games should be banned?
[04:33:40] Absolutely not.
[04:33:43] Absolutely not, no.
[04:33:45] Because I think people have every right to...
[04:33:47] People have every right
[04:33:49] to make a pay-to-win game.
[04:33:51] That's my opinion.
[04:33:53] And other people
[04:33:54] have every right
[04:33:55] to play that game.
[04:33:56] Like, who are you
[04:33:57] to get in there
[04:33:58] and tell people
[04:33:58] what they can
[04:33:59] and can't do
[04:33:59] with their money.
[04:34:05] Pay-to-win games
[04:34:05] are based on RNG system, though? Sometimes
[04:34:07] they are, sometimes they're not.
[04:34:09] Do you think gambling streams should be banned?
[04:34:12] I don't know if it should be banned, right?
[04:34:14] It's very hard for me to say but
[04:34:16] I think that nobody should ever gamble
[04:34:17] Yeah, I think people are upset at your initial 10,000 foot view of dealing with addiction.
[04:34:26] It's clear you understand nuance because you mentioned situations where it felt that simple while the easy answer of just don't do it makes sense.
[04:34:31] It sounds dismissive and rude. It sounds dismissive and rude."
[04:34:33] It sounds dismissive and rude to people that are, I think addicted to avoiding personal responsibility
[04:34:39] like i will say that almost every single bad situation in my life has been because of me.
[04:34:46] Like, pretty much if I go back
[04:34:48] and I think about it
[04:34:49] almost every single thing
[04:34:52] that's bad that's happened to me has been my fault at one in
[04:34:57] one way or another not every single one but like 98% of them.
[04:35:05] So I think that you should try to focus on
[04:35:08] starting from that position
[04:35:10] rather than starting from the position
[04:35:12] of this happened to me.
[04:35:15] It's a matter
[04:35:16] of starting from a position of victimhood
[04:35:18] versus starting from a position of power
[04:35:20] or agency.
[04:35:23] Gambling should be banned
[04:35:24] because you don't know if the gambling site's legit or not
[04:35:27] uh i don't know like i mean you could say that to me i don't think gambling is good and
[04:35:33] i think gambling is a net negative for society.
[04:35:38] And I think that there is never a situation where gambling makes
[04:35:39] anything better.
[04:35:42] So yeah,
[04:35:44] gambling sucks.
[04:35:48] Have you seen Destiny's post on X? Bro, people have been asking me about Destiny all fucking day.
[04:35:52] Oh my god. People are going crazy
[04:35:54] about this.
[04:35:56] Actually that is not from personal choice. Okay we'll do one more
[04:35:59] We'll do one more and then I want to move on maybe play a game or something else
[04:36:03] We've got one more upset individual
[04:36:07] So what did I say that you disagree with?
[04:36:10] Yeah, we got one more.
[04:36:17] The Destiny gets an inches far- I haven't read every single one of his tweets.
[04:36:20] Go ahead. You're typing... you had to type
[04:36:24] uh, you have to add me and then you had to add this
[04:36:28] to avoid the repeat message filter and then you had to add this to avoid the repeat message filter, and then you have to put this in there too.
[04:36:33] In order to like avoid that-the repeat message.
[04:36:38] Isn't that cute? Your advice of just don't do drugs is out of touch. Why?
[04:36:50] Yeah, why? Why?
[04:36:58] Simple question. question
[04:37:07] because not every addiction stems from recreational use can you give me an example? Hmm.
[04:37:30] Yeah, give me an example.
[04:37:34] I'm on mobile sorry for slow response.
[04:37:36] For sure. Professional victims coming out of the woodworks as always prescription drugs
[04:37:49] is trying to be highly addictive do you think that's the kind of thing i'm talking about?
[04:38:00] I'm asking you a genuine question. Do you think that whenever I am discussing
[04:38:04] this topic, I am including that in the discussion. The same shit again, just turn off their brain.
[04:38:22] What happens is that...
[04:38:25] As I said, most people don't think.
[04:38:27] Okay? As I said, most people don't think.
[04:38:31] What about victims of abuse?
[04:38:37] So everybody that gets abused as drugs?
[04:38:40] What's the logic there?
[04:38:47] I don't get it
[04:38:56] like are they like are they being held down and like like injected against their will or are they doing it to cope with it? Because, yeah, you can do something
[04:39:00] To cope with a bad problem
[04:39:02] A lot of people have big problems
[04:39:04] But using drugs to cope with it
[04:39:06] Is a bad idea
[04:39:07] You think abuse is the only trauma that people go through
[04:39:11] no tons of people have trauma that they go through
[04:39:19] some of them do but you're telling them it's their fault for getting addicted?
[04:39:21] It is insensitive as fuck. I actually think it's the most sensitive thing
[04:39:25] that I could do because I'm treating them like they are people who are accountable for their actions
[04:39:29] and in control of their actions
[04:39:31] and able to control them themselves i think that what's insensitive
[04:39:35] is minimizing the person's accountability to themselves
[04:39:39] and then doing that to make yourself feel good because now we
[04:39:43] can talk about how sad it is that this
[04:39:45] person destroyed their life.
[04:39:46] The truth is that if you held this person
[04:39:49] accountable for their own behavior from the beginning
[04:39:51] and you stopped blaming other people for it, then maybe
[04:39:54] they would have taken more accountability for themselves and not put themselves in that situation.
[04:39:59] But creating a culture around normalizing bad behavior and justifying it
[04:40:04] I don't think helps anybody
[04:40:06] And you know who it helps the least? It helps
[04:40:08] them the least. And you know who it does
[04:40:10] help? It helps people that like to sit
[04:40:12] there on the internet and virtue signal, and talk
[04:40:15] about how, oh it's so complicated
[04:40:17] I'm so sorry, I'm such an
[04:40:19] ally. It's all fake bullshit
[04:40:21] to make themselves sound good, rather than
[04:40:23] actually helping somebody and making their life better.
[04:40:25] So no, I don't think that I'm minimizing
[04:40:27] the problems. I think I'm maximizing
[04:40:29] their accountability and their agency
[04:40:31] to fix their problems themselves
[04:40:33] and also the first step to that is acknowledging
[04:40:36] that you're the person that got yourself in that position in the first place
[04:40:44] the victim blaming itself The fuck? Victim blaming his own?
[04:40:48] You know what's best for abuse victims on your ivory throne?
[04:40:51] Well I know what's not best for them and that's crack.
[04:40:58] Yeah. yeah don't do crack
[04:41:01] absolutely
[04:41:03] it's not even a question
[04:41:07] yep It's not even a question. Yep.
[04:41:12] Of course. victim blammy's hell bro victim blaming yeah they're a victim of themselves
[04:41:25] how many accounts does this have? Yeah.
[04:41:31] Some trafficking victims are forcibly addicted?
[04:41:35] Do you think I'm thinking about them?
[04:41:37] What a dishonest thing to bring up.
[04:41:42] You really think that I, like
[04:41:44] somebody is
[04:41:46] Based on- do you think
[04:41:48] the newborn babies that are born addicted to crack,
[04:41:52] Do you think that I think man, that baby really shouldn't have been born?
[04:41:55] Like bro he's addicted. He's already on crack dude?
[04:41:59] Oh man!
[04:42:00] Wait what do you t- what do you think i
[04:42:01] what do you think i'm talking about so you'll rate many people should just
[04:42:06] kill themselves instead of doing drugs to cope
[04:42:09] oh those are the only two options i didn didn't know that. So you have to either do drugs or kill yourself.
[04:42:15] Well hey! Most of the time people who do drugs will kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
[04:42:21] So there ya go. two birds with one stone.
[04:42:22] So there you go.
[04:42:26] And now, by the way,
[04:42:29] you guys can see why I wasn't gonna get on a fucking soapbox and criticize Destiny.
[04:42:34] You guys can see
[04:42:36] i'm not really gonna
[04:42:38] are really going to complain all a lot about somebody else said is that yeah
[04:42:41] i'd like to say this in i say the same all the time one idiot
[04:42:44] yeah
[04:42:49] because they're the only two options
[04:42:53] you're speaking in generalized terms.
[04:42:55] My point is not everyone does drugs by their own volition.
[04:42:59] Can you think of an example...
[04:43:02] Which example do you think of that you
[04:43:05] think I am blaming it on a person for
[04:43:09] doing drugs when its not actually their fault?
[04:43:13] Give me a situation that you think
[04:43:16] That I would accuse them of being at fault
[04:43:18] But you disagree with
[04:43:22] And you think it's not their fault
[04:43:26] He is being disingenuous.
[04:43:27] I know he is, and this
[04:43:28] question will make that evident.
[04:43:56] ... so I went to school, the nuns made me smoke pot.
[04:43:57] What the fuck? What the fuck?
[04:44:00] I don't know about that.
[04:44:03] Every time someone calls you out, her, you think I'm actually talking about those people? Yeah, I know.
[04:44:04] I think that generally you can have conversations
[04:44:07] about topics but if you always create
[04:44:09] the conversations in the context of
[04:44:11] these really extreme nuances
[04:44:13] that you can't really talk about anything
[04:44:15] in any sort of concise way.
[04:44:17] I just assume that most of the people that I'm talking to
[04:44:20] are like reasonable, normal
[04:44:22] people and that's it
[04:44:23] You would blame the kids for getting addicted
[04:44:26] Kids trying drugs at the early age
[04:44:28] Yeah
[04:44:29] It's also the parent drugs at the early age? Yeah.
[04:44:32] It's also the parents' fault.
[04:44:34] It's not only the kids' fault, it's also the parents' fault.
[04:44:38] If you're
[04:44:38] 14, you know not to drink alcohol.
[04:44:43] What are we talking about?
[04:44:46] You know that.
[04:44:49] Everybody knows that.
[04:44:51] It's not even a question.
[04:44:54] Everybody
[04:44:55] that I knew that did drugs whenever they were
[04:44:56] younger, knew that you weren't supposed to
[04:44:58] do drugs.
[04:45:00] Did you guys have like those classes
[04:45:02] where it was like don't do drugs and dare
[04:45:04] and everything like that you're told not to do this your whole life
[04:45:08] it started whenever you were like seven years old
[04:45:11] was it some kind of fucking secret
[04:45:18] drugs are bad okay yep true
[04:45:22] you sure you get peer pressured to do stupid
[04:45:24] shit?
[04:45:26] Well, if you get peer pressured
[04:45:28] to do drugs, you're a fucking moron
[04:45:30] and you shouldn't have done it.
[04:45:36] That's and you shouldn't have done it that's it and it's your choice to get peer pressured
[04:45:44] it's not an excuse yep there it is and so
[04:45:46] it always comes back to this bros
[04:45:47] I know it's sad
[04:45:49] he's actually acting like peer pressure
[04:45:52] as an excuse to do drugs
[04:45:53] of course not!
[04:45:56] What a ridiculous thing to say.
[04:46:02] I was peer pressured to do amphetamines many times, never did them?
[04:46:04] Yeah, I was peer pressured to do stuff too I chose not to do amphetamines many times, never did them. Yeah I was peer pressured to do stuff too,
[04:46:06] I chose not to do it.
[04:46:09] I'm done talking a prick wall you're privileged narcissistic piece of shit
[04:46:12] without any empathy like Tectone? You're right
[04:46:15] you're absolutely right. You're right about everything that you think
[04:46:19] Everything in your life that's bad is somebody else's fault
[04:46:24] Uh, y'know like
[04:46:26] You've created your account and started following on the same day.
[04:46:30] Basically, you've dedicated...
[04:46:33] Hassan said Trump should have died.
[04:46:35] Look at you.
[04:46:37] Look at you. Look at you. I understand the problem. You're probably on drugs right now. Honestly, I think probably you should
[04:46:49] be on more of them because they're not
[04:46:51] working. You're
[04:46:53] still fucking insane.
[04:46:56] Talk to your doctor next
[04:46:57] time and have them change around your pills because they're not working
[04:47:04] yeah you got maybe maybe it's a situation is to take more drugs
[04:47:11] what's wrong with people?
[04:47:13] He's just a retard. That's all
[04:47:15] there is to him, just a retard.
[04:47:17] I hope when bad shipping happens
[04:47:19] to you, you don't blame the world.
[04:47:22] Uh...I don't.
[04:47:28] Yeah.
[04:47:30] I don't.
[04:47:33] Yeah, that's just what happens.
[04:47:37] That's life.
[04:47:37] That's the way it is.
[04:47:45] Now he's finally getting it yeah you do get it you see that the point yep this is it guys
[04:47:50] this is the mind of a chat
[04:47:57] this is the mind of a uh of a chat disagreeer
[04:48:05] man of a chat disagreeer. Man.
[04:48:10] The world made me steal
[04:48:12] the scar, guys. It's not my fault? I guess so.
[04:48:15] Followed and created
[04:48:17] his account on the same day on Christmas
[04:48:19] last year just
[04:48:21] to sit in here and complain and talk shit
[04:48:23] the whole time.
[04:48:25] That's the mind of your viewers? and complain and talk the whole time
[04:48:29] that's the mind of your viewer no bro like i guarantee you bro like people are going to complain about this shit people always complain about me saying
[04:48:32] shit like this yeah it's always what happens.
[04:48:38] You think Assam would give you mods so you can cross-reference
[04:48:40] logs? Do you want to know what's really
[04:48:42] funny is that we already did
[04:48:44] that. We did that like two years ago
[04:48:47] I'm pretty sure I still have mod in this channel
[04:48:49] so i can check people's logs on his channel
[04:48:53] Yeah, because they did that
[04:48:55] No, I've already done that how's a while ago
[04:48:59] you need to horse the water but you
[04:49:00] can't make him drink yeah you're right
[04:49:04] because he can't blame anybody else yeah
[04:49:08] have a talent to pick out the idiots and embarrass them right instead of actually
[04:49:10] picking intellectuals that can articulate an argument
[04:49:14] oh um Okay.
[04:49:24] We have one more.
[04:49:25] I apologize, guys.
[04:49:26] We have one more
[04:49:26] then we'll probably start playing a game
[04:49:27] or something like that afterwards all right we have now the intellectual you
[04:49:35] you're here. Go ahead
[04:49:45] You've gotten cherry-picked
[04:49:49] Go ahead.
[04:49:55] You really like picking the idiots in chat to
[04:49:59] embarrass themselves.
[04:50:04] Mm-hmm.
[04:50:11] Here we go oh let's see what it's gonna be
[04:50:25] hmm They're picking one right now?
[04:50:26] Well, let's find out.
[04:50:26] I don't know.
[04:50:28] He could have a good point.
[04:50:29] Maybe he does.
[04:50:31] Maybe he's a good guy.
[04:50:34] He's got a lot of good points and he he's gonna have a good take on the world and you know set things straight i guess we'll find out very very soon okay you just type something
[04:50:48] some environments
[04:50:52] put people in situations like ghettos and projects where drug addiction are the only option,
[04:50:56] that wasn't their fault to begin with.
[04:50:58] Scroll up I had some other ticks.
[04:51:00] So give me an example of that.
[04:51:04] So can you give me an example where like,
[04:51:05] You have to do drugs?
[04:51:11] Yeah. Like so yeah. Explain the situation.
[04:51:20] Rita, involuntary addiction
[04:51:22] can happen and happens quite a lot. Every
[04:51:24] addiction is choice. Of course that's not true.
[04:51:27] Who's been on mobile games who are comfortable with casinos? Shortening get-ums
[04:51:31] grew up around drugs and have a mom involved in drugs. My mom smoked cigarettes I didn't smoke
[04:51:35] cigarettes. What do you mean? smoke cigarettes i didn't smoke cigarettes
[04:51:38] what do you mean
[04:51:42] it's not no
[04:51:48] this doesn't make sense. We're in the richest country in the world, and the best time to be alive.
[04:52:01] Stop crying? Yeah sure. True your parents must figure it's weird you don't- yeah exactly!
[04:52:05] It's just it's insane
[04:52:18] Oh, he's probably taking some time to type it out. it's fine. I'll give it a minute.
[04:52:21] Ben Carson grew up in a ghetto?
[04:52:21] He did.
[04:52:23] Him and his brother did.
[04:52:26] His mom made him read a book a day or some shit like that,
[04:52:27] I remember.
[04:52:28] Or a week. I'll give it a couple more minutes and then after that we'll go ahead and probably fuck over do some other stuff.
[04:52:46] He mentioned gangs, he made up good points. Some gangs force drugs through threats of violence yeah and who decided to join
[04:52:51] the gang how does that happen What's this?
[04:53:11] Some people don't have control of it? Oh, I mean if a gang forces you into doing drugs then of course that's not your fault right?
[04:53:17] Everybody knows that. Like they're physically forcing or threatening you to do it. Yeah, of course right? I mean anybody knows that but like
[04:53:25] That's like a super fucking extreme situation if that's not normal You don't actually want it to debate you as slow as fuck?
[04:53:38] Well, no. I'll give him a minute, right? It's fine.
[04:53:40] I'll give it five more minutes, okay?
[04:53:47] Sometimes there are no choices when it comes to gangs yeah but there's usually a choice
[04:53:49] to involve yourself with the gang and
[04:53:51] there's never a situation where somebody joins a gang
[04:53:53] and they're like oh this is a really good idea.
[04:53:56] Everybody knows joining gangs is bad.
[04:53:59] It's not
[04:54:00] even a question. What is this?
[04:54:03] I just...
[04:54:05] It's not even... It's not even, like,
[04:54:07] this is, it's crazy.
[04:54:12] You're addicted to?
[04:54:13] Addicted to arguing with viewers?
[04:54:15] I think I kind of am in some cases,
[04:54:18] but the reason why I like talking
[04:54:19] about this stuff is because
[04:54:21] I don't know.
[04:54:23] I feel like children who grow up
[04:54:24] with drug-addicted parents and families
[04:54:26] specifically in ghettos inner cities also victims
[04:54:27] of abuse and violence who don't have family to turn to guidance so let me so there are kids
[04:54:33] that don't have that happen though right like for example my mom smoked cigarettes like i didn't smoke
[04:54:39] cigarettes how did that happen
[04:54:42] how'd that happen pretty simple question Cigarettes aren't drugs?
[04:54:56] Nah, they kill you just the same though.
[04:55:08] They're addictive? Yep, they are addictive.
[04:55:11] Nicotine is a drug? Well people talk about that as much as they want.
[04:55:15] All I'm saying is the end result is this is an unhealthy
[04:55:19] activity that is addictive I think it'll start because you said don't do drugs.
[04:55:35] You don't want to be an addict?
[04:55:36] Yeah, I know.
[04:55:37] Are you interested in watching a three-minute video of the officer that encountered the
[04:55:41] gunman at the rally before
[04:55:42] the shooting oh oh the um the trump thing uh not really i mean like
[04:55:51] i think that it's pretty obvious
[04:55:52] that the guys
[04:55:53] that were doing
[04:55:53] security there
[04:55:54] should be fired
[04:55:55] It's really simple
[04:55:58] Right?
[04:55:59] I mean, yeah
[04:56:00] If like you
[04:56:01] were in charge
[04:56:02] of security there
[04:56:02] You should be fired.
[04:56:04] 100%, like you totally fucked up a person died
[04:56:07] two people died if you can count the shooter as well.
[04:56:16] Okay here we go.
[04:56:18] By saying that there are people in good situations then Dodge misfortune does not make the existence
[04:56:20] of the ones that fall prey to it go away?
[04:56:22] Well I think that falling prey is
[04:56:24] the word that you're talking about.
[04:56:25] I don't think people fall prey to that.
[04:56:27] I think that they fall prey
[04:56:28] to their own bad decision-making.
[04:56:31] They do.
[04:56:32] It's their own bad decision-making
[04:56:34] that they're falling prey to. It's not
[04:56:36] their environment. Now, their environment
[04:56:38] makes their own bad decision-making more prevalent
[04:56:40] and of course that's the case
[04:56:42] Obviously there are some things that are
[04:56:44] harder for other people than some right? Of course. But are some things that are harder for other people than some, right? Of course.
[04:56:47] But... or some people than others but
[04:56:49] in general no
[04:56:51] There's people in good situations
[04:56:53] because they put themselves in good situations
[04:56:55] and people who are in misfortunate situations are
[04:56:57] there probably because they put themselves there too
[04:57:06] it's that simple.
[04:57:12] Addiction comes from your brain, not the stuff you're thinking?
[04:57:16] Addiction comes from your brain?
[04:57:17] Yeah, actually, that's actually
[04:57:18] not always true.
[04:57:19] It depends on what it is.
[04:57:21] Some people have no discipline?
[04:57:23] Yep, there it is.
[04:57:26] Dave Chappelle grew up
[04:57:27] in a hood around crackheads?
[04:57:28] There's plenty of people that grow up into projects
[04:57:29] and don't do crack.
[04:57:31] There's plenty of people who have parents
[04:57:33] or that have parents that do crack
[04:57:35] and they don't do crack themselves.
[04:57:37] There is no excuse for it, there is no excuse for it there's no justification for it and uh unless you're
[04:57:41] streaming a therapist go people go play a game stop acting like you're smart
[04:57:46] you're unhappy about what i'm saying we're not going to waste our time with this one but
[04:57:56] I will show you guys the messages messages
[04:58:08] brozak is power tripping sword in other news who the heck mods your subreddit because they're retarded
[04:58:12] you got banned on my subreddit for being annoying,
[04:58:14] and now you got banned in chat
[04:58:16] too?
[04:58:17] Time to go complain in the YouTube comments.
[04:58:21] Yeah, now he gets to go complain in the YouTube comments. Yeah, now he gets to go
[04:58:23] complain in the YouTube
[04:58:24] comments.
[04:58:24] That's exciting.
[04:58:30] I'll do one more message
[04:58:31] and then I want to move on.
[04:58:42] Okay. I'll do one more message, then I want to move on. Well, if you wanna talk to the real doctor right now.
[04:58:44] Oh somebody's a doctor in chat. You're a physician? Is that right?
[04:58:50] Man, that's crazy!
[04:58:55] But anyway yeah we can talk about this for fucking ever but
[04:58:59] This is going on too long.
[04:59:01] This guy isn't gonna get banned.
[04:59:03] He's reasonable and not obnoxious
[04:59:05] I don't think he knows what he's talking about. You're simplifying things too much?
[04:59:08] I think that the people that like making
[04:59:09] things complex, like doing
[04:59:11] so in order to displace accountability.
[04:59:13] I think that's the reason why
[04:59:15] there's actually not as much complexity
[04:59:18] to it as you might imagine, it's just
[04:59:20] people like making bad decisions and
[04:59:22] then making excuses for why that bad decision
[04:59:24] happens
[04:59:25] comes up intellectually is excuses for why that bad decision happens.
[04:59:29] Call himself an intellectual? He's obnoxious, that's fine.
[04:59:31] Yeah.
[04:59:35] Huge L-take here man. Take care man. internet and it's upsetting you. Obviously, for the
[04:59:48] trauma like this, the only thing that you should
[04:59:50] naturally do is you have to smoke crack
[04:59:52] now. You have to start
[04:59:54] doing crack. And if you don't
[04:59:56] I mean, that's just
[04:59:57] an extreme extreme right?
[04:59:59] You can't rely on everybody not to do crack.
[05:00:02] Yeah, I mean that's the American dream.
[05:00:04] Yeah, you have to do it man.
[05:00:06] A lot of people nowadays don't want to be held accountable?
[05:00:08] Of course not.
[05:00:08] Oh, why would they? Just do Tide Pods instead?
[05:00:11] Yeah, clearly. But uh...
[05:00:14] I think this kind of stuff is pretty common.
[05:00:18] Some things are inherited from your parents?
[05:00:20] No. Nope.
[05:00:28] That's a.1%.
[05:00:31] My mom made me do meatballs.
[05:00:34] Yeah, exactly. It's just so crazy.
[05:00:36] But yeah, I'll see if there's any more news about this
[05:00:38] and Pebble would play something.
[05:00:40] Just fuck around.
[05:00:42] But, yeah, it's been
[05:00:43] pretty crazy the past few days
[05:00:45] with all of this like, oh boy.
[05:00:49] Jesus.
[05:00:52] Jesus. Jesus.
[05:00:54] Oh, boy.
[05:00:57] Yep, there we go.
[05:01:01] Attack on Trump? No, it is it was absolutely
[05:01:05] sake yeah compared to biden's gunman dies in attack this beats
[05:01:11] everything i've seen journalism i've seen a fair bit.
[05:01:13] This is real?
[05:01:15] Trump says he was shot in ear,
[05:01:17] gunman dies in attack.
[05:01:25] Man! Man. Oh my god, did Trump kill the gunman?
[05:01:32] How could he do such a thing? That's
[05:01:34] horrible.
[05:01:37] Oh my god.
[05:01:38] I don't know where these people come from.
[05:01:41] I actually think a lot of these people are
[05:01:43] like really doing they're really doing themselves like
[05:01:48] a massive disservice. Like what's going to happen is like, people
[05:01:52] are just gonna really, really hate the media and nobody's going to trust them.
[05:01:57] It's crazy to me that like...
[05:02:00] It's crazy that people still do
[05:02:02] and I guess like maybe it's younger people
[05:02:04] but I'm so shocked by it so so so so so so so. We good? hmm Is the younger generation supposed to be
[05:04:08] The more distrusting ones?
[05:04:14] Um Um...
[05:04:20] Mmmmm... I don't think so.
[05:04:28] So,
[05:04:29] I think the reason why...
[05:04:32] So here's the reason why.
[05:04:36] What's happened recently is that
[05:04:38] people have technology
[05:04:40] that does all their thinking for them.
[05:04:42] So because people have
[05:04:44] all the technology that thinks for them, especially as like kids
[05:04:47] kids never have to critically
[05:04:49] think. They actually
[05:04:51] don't have to because technology
[05:04:53] does that for them
[05:04:54] It's been outsourced to a robot. Some guy in San Francisco has programmed the bot,
[05:05:01] so now you don't have to learn fractions because you just take a picture of it with your phone
[05:05:05] and then it tells you what the answer is. So that's what happens
[05:05:08] It's the algorithm, right? And so
[05:05:10] kids have been taught
[05:05:12] basically... Sorry, I've never learned how to
[05:05:14] critically think. Like, do you guys know
[05:05:16] why I'm really skinny?
[05:05:18] One of the reasons why I'm really skinny? One of the reasons why I'm really skinny is because
[05:05:21] I don't work out a lot. If I exercised
[05:05:24] my arms every day by doing
[05:05:27] three sets of curls every day and push-ups.
[05:05:31] In one year
[05:05:32] my arms would be bigger than they are now.
[05:05:35] Right?
[05:05:35] Because if you use a muscle it will get
[05:05:37] bigger and stronger.
[05:05:40] If you, I think the brain is the same way. And so is memory
[05:05:44] if you don't remember something and your not using something that you remembered
[05:05:48] you'll probably forget it. And so people aren't
[05:05:51] learning critical thinking they're not willing to learn critical thinking and
[05:05:55] because of that they don't.
[05:05:58] That's what happens.
[05:06:02] So they never,
[05:06:06] like people are never forced into having to think for any other capacity other than using a robot to make decisions for them.
[05:06:11] And that's it. Can you explain why America doesn't just change
[05:06:14] the gun laws to stop this from happening? Because
[05:06:17] it's better to allow this to happen and have guns rather than not
[05:06:20] allow it to happen and not have guns. Pretty simple.
[05:06:23] Yeah, it's really, really simple.
[05:06:27] And so that's why films are shipped.
[05:06:28] You writers don't read books.
[05:06:30] There're some people who disagree with that
[05:06:32] I mean you know I get that Yeah, and there's some people that disagree with that.
[05:06:32] And I mean, you know, I get that.
[05:06:34] I don't.
[05:06:35] I agree with it.
[05:06:36] That's such an American take.
[05:06:38] Yeah, I know.
[05:06:38] I'm an American.
[05:06:40] That's my opinion.
[05:06:41] I agree with it.
[05:06:42] Yeah, no, that's fine and if hey if you
[05:06:45] if you have it in your country and you're doing it over there
[05:06:48] that's totally fine man and you know like
[05:06:51] hey i'll tell you something.
[05:06:56] Like, I've seen the videos of like fucking France and like riots and shit like that.
[05:06:58] Like people getting stabbed in Britain.
[05:07:01] Bro, I'm gonna be honest.
[05:07:01] If I went over there,
[05:07:03] I'd want a gun.
[05:07:04] Absolutely.
[05:07:05] Yeah, look at Sweden?
[05:07:06] Yeah, holy fuck!
[05:07:08] Yeah, absolutely, man.
[05:07:10] So yeah,
[05:07:11] you don't have guns
[05:07:12] over there?
[05:07:12] That's fine, man.
[05:07:13] But that wouldn't be me. So
[05:07:16] anyway, I think really
[05:07:18] kids don't have to critically think and
[05:07:20] make decisions based off of things
[05:07:21] And because of that they don't develop critical
[05:07:24] thinking. And I also think
[05:07:26] that kids are taught and people are taught
[05:07:28] – I've said this before so I'm going to kind of speed run this –
[05:07:31] people are taught not to critically think because if you
[05:07:35] critically think, you will run into problems with the established dogma
[05:07:39] of what you're supposed to believe.
[05:07:42] So if you want to have accurate reporting for something,
[05:07:46] the odds are you're probably only asking it for one direction. to have accurate reporting for something,
[05:07:48] the odds are you're probably only asking it for one direction.
[05:07:50] So let me give you some examples, right?
[05:07:52] So if you say that
[05:07:54] let me think
[05:07:56] give me an example of a political dogma, and I'll explain how people are taught not to critically think about it.
[05:08:04] Let me see if I can get an image here
[05:08:15] okay
[05:08:19] i'll see if i can find any good examples.
[05:08:24] Triggered on economics...
[05:08:30] Let's see here, I'll scroll all the way down. All right, here we go.
[05:08:32] Why is lobbying legal?
[05:08:35] Well, there's no reason for it.
[05:08:37] There's really no justification for why lobbying is legal.
[05:08:41] Yeah, there's
[05:08:41] no reason for it. There's no justification
[05:08:43] for it or anything. Being gay
[05:08:45] is something common? Yeah, exactly.
[05:08:48] Well, I mean, I think that some people have like gay thoughts
[05:08:50] etc. Like, I'll give you another example
[05:08:52] right? Immigration
[05:08:56] I think immigration probably is a good
[05:08:58] example. If all of these
[05:09:00] people who are immigrating are going to make our culture better
[05:09:03] And our country better, then why
[05:09:05] Is it the country they're coming from
[05:09:07] Isn't better?
[05:09:09] If all these people are going
[05:09:11] To have this effect,
[05:09:13] then why is it that they're gonna come here and they're only gonna have
[05:09:15] this effect here?
[05:09:17] And this is logic, right? If you think about
[05:09:19] this, that's what conclusion that you would
[05:09:21] come to. And this is the problem but if you use
[05:09:25] that argumentation and you think like this people get mad at
[05:09:29] you do you see what i'm saying
[05:09:39] let's see i'll get to another one um because the leaders of the country are crazy yeah and you know what i think i think in a lot
[05:09:41] of these countries the leaders of the people are probably an outcome
[05:09:45] of the people.
[05:09:49] Totally wrong with immigrants to USA US would not function well.
[05:09:52] I am not an advocate of the idea that you should have
[05:09:56] an underclass of people.
[05:09:57] Uh,
[05:09:57] I think that's very problematic.
[05:10:00] 100%.
[05:10:00] Yeah,
[05:10:00] exactly.
[05:10:03] Why are we $33 trillion
[05:10:04] in debt and growing?
[05:10:06] That's very bad.
[05:10:07] Educated people led by unqualified dictators?
[05:10:10] In some cases, yeah I think so but generally no.
[05:10:13] Countries' economic opportunities do not representative individual capabilities
[05:10:17] yeah i think there's probably a general trend
[05:10:20] right it's like you have a bunch of people that are all from one place and
[05:10:23] he put them over their
[05:10:24] did they're in another place to propel... That place is probably gonna be the exact same
[05:10:28] as the place they just left.
[05:10:30] I mean,
[05:10:30] just think about it.
[05:10:32] So
[05:10:32] here's some more examples,
[05:10:35] right?
[05:10:35] Uh,
[05:10:36] gun rights.
[05:10:37] Yeah.
[05:10:37] Uh, like I think gun
[05:10:39] rights is another good example. I'll use that one too. And so
[05:10:43] gun rights... If it's okay to have a
[05:10:47] gun and you know if you need to be able
[05:10:49] to defend yourself then how can you do that without having
[05:10:52] a gun
[05:10:55] yeah how can you do that there's no way to do that. Because how can you
[05:11:00] think police are bad, like
[05:11:02] ACAB all cops are bastards let's get rid
[05:11:04] of police but also lets not
[05:11:06] have guns. Well how can you
[05:11:08] defend yourself? There is no ability to do that.
[05:11:12] And that's like another one of the logical inconsistencies.
[05:11:15] And so what happens is that if people actually logically think these topics out,
[05:11:20] what ends up happening
[05:11:21] is that they come into conflict
[05:11:24] with a dogmatic viewpoint.
[05:11:27] And people coming
[05:11:28] into contact with that
[05:11:29] upsets them a lot
[05:11:30] because they get harassed by the people
[05:11:32] that are hearing that.
[05:11:35] Yeah, it's cognitive
[05:11:36] dissonance, right? Exactly. And
[05:11:37] they get harassed and then so they are taught
[05:11:40] not to think for themselves.
[05:11:43] That's the reason what happens
[05:11:45] and so I think people are trained
[05:11:47] not to think
[05:11:48] without cops it would be anarchy
[05:11:53] yeah but that's not the way
[05:11:54] they see it
[05:11:55] but like they don't think about
[05:11:58] that
[05:11:58] they just
[05:11:58] you know again
[05:11:59] they just say it
[05:12:02] that's how AI is used versus VIF They just say it.
[05:12:06] Not saying AI is used versus vastly different generations?
[05:12:11] Using most extreme versions of both stances in order to make them seem incorrect?
[05:12:15] I don't necessarily think that's the case.
[05:12:16] I think that's a pretty common viewpoint.
[05:12:21] I think
[05:12:23] eat more beef jerky.
[05:12:26] You don't care about anarchy so long as it's not in your gated community?
[05:12:28] Yeah exactly.
[05:12:32] You're totally right.
[05:12:36] Hmm Totally right.
[05:12:44] Are they the only good legal immigrants you meet? The ones with 4.0 GPAs and scholarship? Yeah, sure.
[05:12:48] I don't think a lot of people
[05:12:49] have a problem
[05:12:49] with legal immigration.
[05:12:52] There are some people that do
[05:12:54] but it's very uncommon.
[05:13:05] Okay. to do, but it's very uncommon. Is Trump
[05:13:06] going to do the speech today or not
[05:13:07] so it's like i'm not sure if he is or not because i was going to play a game
[05:13:13] um
[05:13:21] it's being controlled it's tomorrow okay so you think legal immigration is fine i mean generally yeah it's fun
[05:13:31] oh man that doesn't mean you should approve everybody and let everybody come
[05:13:34] in but
[05:13:41] i think if it's in a benefit of the country,
[05:13:42] It should happen.
[05:13:42] Sure.
[05:13:45] Better to chill out today?
[05:13:46] Yeah,
[05:13:46] I guess so. Okay. I don't know.
[05:13:57] What do you think Trump will say whenever he comes back from the hospital?
[05:13:59] He's not at the hospital.
[05:14:00] He's probably playing golf right now.
[05:14:05] Yeah, I already showed a picture of him earlier
[05:14:07] just playing fucking golf.
[05:14:18] Uh... I think that this is... I think this pretty much secured him the election.
[05:14:26] Like, as I said,
[05:14:27] I thought this happened after the first debate
[05:14:29] but now it's like...
[05:14:32] For sure. 100%. but now it's like...
[05:14:35] for sure. 100%.
[05:14:44] No one clipped his ear? Yeah, I know. That's a 50 state
[05:14:48] sweep. I'm gonna do a pull.
[05:14:52] ... Well, still a bit Let's see what people say.
[05:15:10] No thanks?
[05:15:12] Alrighty.
[05:15:19] Okay. all righty no kennedy kennedy's not gonna win
[05:15:23] look i know that there's a lot of people That are really positive about RFK
[05:15:26] You guys really like them
[05:15:28] I get it
[05:15:29] You have every right to like RFK
[05:15:31] I don't think
[05:15:35] That's what's gonna happen
[05:15:41] yeah
[05:15:44] yep, yeah that's about right.
[05:15:50] You broke the website? There are a lot of people there probably tuning in.
[05:15:52] Your chat is like 90% Trump voter and it isn't really
[05:15:54] a poll. Well I feel like
[05:15:56] voting for somebody and thinking they're going to win is going to be two different things.
[05:15:59] Right?
[05:15:59] Like, I think a lot of you guys would probably rather vote for...
[05:16:03] Like, how many of you guys are people that would like...
[05:16:06] Oh, fuck.
[05:16:08] Okay. Ah, fuck.
[05:16:35] Are we good now? Yeah, okay. Alright. Sorry about that. I don't know what that was. Weird little hiccup there.
[05:16:39] I'll link it to you guys again.
[05:16:43] Deep state trying to cancel my stream?
[05:16:45] I don't think, honestly...
[05:16:47] I feel like I am
[05:16:49] most of your audience likes Trump. Yeah,
[05:16:52] I've actually been really kind of surprised by that and you want to know
[05:16:56] why a lot of my viewers are more fans of the conservative stuff?
[05:17:00] It's because a lot of the viewers come from YouTube.
[05:17:03] And if you look at YouTube
[05:17:04] and the comments on YouTube,
[05:17:06] basically
[05:17:07] I mean, they are based
[05:17:10] They are very,
[05:17:12] very based comments.
[05:17:14] Let me just say that.
[05:17:16] And so it's like
[05:17:17] if you go...
[05:17:18] Like I remember
[05:17:18] I got a lot of hate
[05:17:19] for saying
[05:17:20] that I didn't think
[05:17:21] gay marriage was bad.
[05:17:22] People were like oh, I can't believe he's one of these.
[05:17:25] Oh man.
[05:17:26] And the comments are like, yeah bro,
[05:17:28] we thought Aspen was our guy?
[05:17:30] What do you mean?
[05:17:31] Right, and it's nuts.
[05:17:33] There's so many people that are like that
[05:17:35] how many viewers are international oh there's a lot
[05:17:37] of them for sure
[05:17:38] is because your viewers are gamers and gamers still
[05:17:41] haven't let go of Gamergate
[05:17:42] um
[05:17:43] I think that like I mean GamerGate?
[05:17:46] I think that, like... Sure you've got some of
[05:17:52] that.
[05:17:52] But also, I was a supporter of Gamergate.
[05:17:56] I said that before.
[05:17:57] I know some people are like, oh it was really bad.
[05:17:59] I didn't think it was bad.
[05:18:01] I thought it was good.
[05:18:02] And there were a lot of things about Gamergate
[05:18:04] that was successful.
[05:18:07] Yeah, I really don't think so very reasonable person here's the reason why i think that a lot of incels and conservative people watch me
[05:18:15] i will give you the honest answer
[05:18:17] It's because
[05:18:19] I do not immediately demonize
[05:18:21] What people are saying
[05:18:22] And I try to evaluate it rationally
[05:18:26] In a way that they think is authentic.
[05:18:28] So even though they might disagree with me, and I might come
[05:18:32] to the conclusion that they're wrong,
[05:18:36] They put value in the fact
[05:18:39] that I have come to that conclusion
[05:18:40] in a way that they consider
[05:18:42] to be authentic.
[05:18:44] I think that's the reason
[05:18:46] why they watch.
[05:18:49] Does that
[05:18:49] make sense?
[05:18:53] I want to vote for Trump,
[05:18:54] but if you pick your people
[05:18:56] there'll be all kinds of
[05:18:56] people?
[05:18:56] Yeah absolutely.
[05:18:59] I'm voting Trump but I love watching you well hey i mean you vote for
[05:19:02] whoever you want right that's whatever you want to go for biden go ahead vote for rfk write them in
[05:19:06] go ahead you know vote for trump do do whatever you want to do, right?
[05:19:11] Yeah, it's up to you, man.
[05:19:14] How do you feel about Project
[05:19:15] 2025? I don't really know. You have a lot
[05:19:17] of right-adjacent views? Yeah, you're right
[05:19:19] and like, I think that also there's a lot of people who
[05:19:21] Like...I'll say it, right? Online I think that there is a lot
[05:19:25] content creators who are very afraid to
[05:19:29] have any opinion that's not a very left-wing
[05:19:32] opinion. And for me, since I just get so much
[05:19:36] hate all the time it doesn't really matter to me. So I'll
[05:19:40] say whatever I think. uh yeah very far right yeah well no i i don't even
[05:19:45] think that i think even just like slightly right-wing opinions like guns and stuff
[05:19:49] like that people get criticized a lot for that the same as like interventionism and stuff like that people get criticized a lot for that the same as like
[05:19:53] interventionism and stuff like that like you saw
[05:19:55] that for example with that's what
[05:19:57] I thought this was so fucking
[05:19:59] funny my favorite
[05:20:01] internet
[05:20:02] trying to think of like what the best way for My favorite internet...
[05:20:04] I'm trying to think of, like,
[05:20:06] what the best way for me to describe it for.
[05:20:07] It was like an internet...
[05:20:09] Like, nobody knew
[05:20:10] which side was the high ground
[05:20:12] with, like, Israel and Palestine. And you had
[05:20:15] all of these fake content creators
[05:20:17] coming out of the woodwork to talk
[05:20:19] about how much they supported one group or another
[05:20:21] but then the moment that they got
[05:20:23] confronted with like the bad bad things that group did
[05:20:25] they would immediately fall apart and like
[05:20:27] oh no I didn't mean that.
[05:20:28] I didn't do that because like none of them
[05:20:30] a lot of them really didn't care about the issue
[05:20:33] They just use the issue as
[05:20:34] like a platform to where they can talk about how good they are
[05:20:38] so hassan no not has hassan's been outspoken about this for years not like his son
[05:20:43] no he he's no that That's not my point.
[05:20:46] For better or for worse, that's what
[05:20:49] he believes, right?
[05:20:50] I'm talking about people that are just using these
[05:20:52] social situations for clout.
[05:20:56] You're only wrong about Israel,
[05:20:58] but you understand in time? Oh, I look
[05:20:59] forward to that. But my point is
[05:21:01] that a lot of people that are talking about
[05:21:03] it on the internet, like bro,
[05:21:05] Justin Bieber, yeah, exactly tweeting,
[05:21:08] you know,
[05:21:08] praying for Israel with a picture of Gaza being bombed.
[05:21:12] Uh-huh.
[05:21:12] For sure.
[05:21:13] And so I love that so much because a lot of those people I think are just completely
[05:21:19] fucking fake and it exposed them.
[05:21:23] Because they didn't know which side was less bad than the other.
[05:21:29] Most people were center? Well, that would generally make sense,
[05:21:32] right?
[05:21:35] Imagine telling
[05:21:35] someone they're wrong
[05:21:36] that literally broke
[05:21:38] the issue down for you?
[05:21:39] Well, it's not about the issue itself.
[05:21:42] Yeah, that's not the point.
[05:21:48] Justin Bieber is somebody who's spit on his fans.
[05:21:50] Well, I don't blame him.
[05:21:52] They probably liked it.
[05:21:54] What do you think about gun ownership and regulations
[05:21:55] where guns can be owned by citizens?
[05:21:58] I am a huge Second Amendment supporter.
[05:22:00] Big Second Amendment supporter, absolutely.
[05:22:03] Of course there should be some restrictions.
[05:22:06] But in general, yep,
[05:22:07] huge Second Amendment supporter.
[05:22:08] I think you should be able to own
[05:22:10] a gun for home defense.
[05:22:12] Everything else besides that,
[05:22:14] I don't really have very strong opinions on
[05:22:16] but being able to own a gun in your home
[05:22:19] for self-defense, I think it's totally fine.
[05:22:28] God bless America.
[05:22:31] Yeah, there you go. And virtue signaling has gone bonkers lately?
[05:22:32] I think it has too,
[05:22:34] and like I've said this before
[05:22:36] that like I have a
[05:22:37] viewpoint that
[05:22:39] I think that almost everybody on the
[05:22:42] what do you call it? Almost everybody on the, uh...
[05:22:44] What do you call it? Almost everybody on the internet that's like one of these content
[05:22:46] creators. Not almost. That's
[05:22:48] actually not true. Not almost everybody. But there's like
[05:22:50] a subset of them. There's like a sub-breed
[05:22:52] of them that are just totally fake
[05:22:55] and they're trying to
[05:22:56] constantly fit in
[05:22:58] and say the right thing
[05:23:00] and there's no group of people that I hate
[05:23:03] more than those people, So whenever there's an
[05:23:05] opportunity to like really shit on
[05:23:07] them or like expose one of them,
[05:23:10] then I go
[05:23:11] as hard as I possibly can to do it.
[05:23:20] They're so annoying. Yeah hate them i actually hate them what's your most controversial opinion well i wouldn't say that because i'd probably get banned right
[05:23:23] i mean like what do you? Somebody tells you their most controversial
[05:23:27] opinion they're lying okay
[05:23:29] somebody tells you on Twitch yeah
[05:23:35] oh the rock was like that no Well I don't know about that.
[05:23:37] If you're honest in your convictions at least that can be respected. Yeah but people are not
[05:23:41] like that. Posted in Discord? Oh good so you can report it!
[05:23:45] No...I-I don't really have a lot of super Oh good, so you can report it.
[05:23:50] No I don't really have a lot of like super extreme opinions
[05:23:55] Doesn't being considered right or white ruin you? When he's more centrist there is politics that are shifting and changing
[05:23:57] Yeah Like centrist there's a politics of shifting and changing yeah like
[05:24:02] i just think that in general people get really mad about this kind of
[05:24:06] and they get uh uh they get really emotional about it.
[05:24:09] But I see people on the internet
[05:24:11] all the time with these different social
[05:24:13] issues trying to grift
[05:24:15] and get attention for them and have the right
[05:24:17] opinion, and it does really annoy me
[05:24:20] Like I know
[05:24:22] it might sound stupid that I get mad about that
[05:24:24] but
[05:24:26] It's like again, growing up this was always
[05:24:28] a very big pet peeve of mine that would
[05:24:30] make me really mad.
[05:24:32] Oh, people are doing this, they're fake
[05:24:35] and fucking doing this shit, right?
[05:24:36] I think it's okay if you want to be a little bit fake
[05:24:38] or do whatever but
[05:24:39] the truth is that
[05:24:43] i think that the extent they do it is like really annoying
[05:24:47] let me play a little bit of this new elon tweet let me look at this real quick.
[05:24:57] Is there anything about the Second Amendment you'd want to change?
[05:25:00] No.
[05:25:19] Not that I can think of right now caesar Oh my God.
[05:25:21] These are so good.
[05:25:26] These are so fucking good jesus christ fucking you want yeah i guess so
[05:25:29] no one follows you yeah he's watched some of the videos before
[05:25:32] probably saw some of the stuff about diablo 4 you know
[05:25:41] i can't stand it whenever people elevate a streamer or celebrity's political opinion
[05:25:45] like it holds any weight or value yeah i mean like i have a lot of opinions about
[05:25:49] stuff but at the end of the day like i'm just a guy right
[05:25:56] yeah i i'm i'm just a guy. And like, I don't think anybody
[05:25:58] should listen to what I am saying and
[05:26:00] take anything that I say more seriously
[05:26:02] than
[05:26:04] anybody else. That I- that's just
[05:26:07] yeah, I'm not a god, I'm not like
[05:26:09] and this is the same with any celebrity
[05:26:11] it's like if you throw
[05:26:13] a ball around for a living
[05:26:15] that doesn't necessarily qualify you to have an opinion about politics.
[05:26:18] And it's the same thing if you talk to a camera for a living,
[05:26:20] you don't have an opinion about politics like okay
[05:26:23] You're-you're a dude that pretends to be other dudes right?
[05:26:26] You're an actor. Like,
[05:26:28] what the fuck do you know about politics?
[05:26:30] That's it.
[05:26:32] You definitely make someone do hard drugs?
[05:26:34] Well, maybe. A new phase
[05:26:36] has begun. Wait, what the fuck?
[05:26:39] The Prime War Easy Mode?
[05:26:41] All areas are unlocked.
[05:26:43] Oh my god.
[05:26:45] Okay.
[05:26:47] Let me see what I have to do here i have to go to gray water camp oh
[05:26:53] fuck okay um i guess i'll probably knock that out
[05:26:57] pretty soon here let me mine some of this stuff here too
[05:27:02] lots of superman speed yeah do you think they'll change the six week reset yeah
[05:27:06] i think they will actually uh i'm not expecting it to happen really soon
[05:27:11] but I think that over time
[05:27:13] they'll probably change it over.
[05:27:15] It seems like this game is getting
[05:27:16] way more popular too.
[05:27:19] Usually that's what happens for a game that's pretty good
[05:27:21] is the weekend after the release
[05:27:24] the game will really do well
[05:27:25] but it's actually kind of shocking to see
[05:27:28] how many people have started playing it
[05:27:29] like whenever I looked at earlier, it had over
[05:27:32] 200,000 people consistently playing.
[05:27:35] Is it a good game?
[05:27:36] Yeah, I think it's a good game too.
[05:27:40] Can you react to the video talking about Project 2025?
[05:27:43] Yeah, sure. If somebody wants
[05:27:44] to find a video that they think
[05:27:46] is informative and well-constructed
[05:27:48] I'd have no problem
[05:27:49] to look at it and get into it
[05:27:52] Gameplay looks great to look at it and get into it.
[05:27:55] Gameplay looks great? Yeah, just hitting rocks.
[05:27:58] You plan on doing a Soulsborne
[05:27:59] marathon?
[05:28:01] I want to
[05:28:03] the thing with me is
[05:28:05] I'm going to be totally honest
[05:28:06] like, I've had so much
[05:28:08] going on recently
[05:28:09] it's been hard for me
[05:28:10] to keep up with everything
[05:28:11] because like
[05:28:12] there's just been so many things happening
[05:28:15] whether it's like
[05:28:16] you know, like this recent political stuff
[05:28:19] or whether it's like
[05:28:20] things in my real life or anything else.
[05:28:24] Like for example, like I kind
[05:28:25] of paused that Elden Ring playthrough because
[05:28:27] three big games came out pretty much
[05:28:29] all right around the row.
[05:28:32] Right along the...
[05:28:33] Right in a row. Yeah, there you go.
[05:28:35] And yeah, it was quite common.
[05:28:38] Is this like rust? Kind of but not really.
[05:28:41] Let me see here.
[05:28:42] Okay.
[05:28:43] Get all these.
[05:28:47] Oh that's right now I had to get level 20.
[05:28:49] Now I remember.
[05:28:51] Okay so the first thing
[05:28:53] I should do is
[05:28:55] I should probably go
[05:28:57] we'll also make steel as well. And I'll make more
[05:29:01] charcoal too. Okay
[05:29:05] and I'm gonna just put all this stuff away
[05:29:08] and then start farming.
[05:29:12] They just lifted a new world?
[05:29:14] Yeah, yeah, I saw they changed some new stuff
[05:29:16] which is good.
[05:29:17] I mean like
[05:29:17] I think that, I think that
[05:29:18] this game has a pretty good future.
[05:29:21] It's just that they have to figure out what
[05:29:23] they want to do with like this whole
[05:29:25] What the fuck? This guy's like
[05:29:26] a samurai with him.
[05:29:31] They have to figure out what they want to do with the seasons because i think the seasons are
[05:29:35] very problematic for people What the fuck?
[05:29:42] Asmon's a girl in this game? No, I'm a guy.
[05:29:46] Well, I guess I'm a guy that looks like a girl.
[05:29:49] I tried to make it look
[05:29:49] like me, so...
[05:29:51] Yeah.
[05:29:51] This is the way it is.
[05:29:53] You get mining harv-
[05:29:54] uh, robots
[05:29:55] to harvest for you?
[05:29:56] Yeah.
[05:29:56] I got one.
[05:29:57] But I don't know
[05:29:58] how it works.
[05:30:01] Okay, let's go up there.
[05:30:03] Actually, why don't we just use this?
[05:30:14] Still playing The Last Descendant? I am! out of mud i'm gonna try and nap later still playing the last descendant locked in a cell
[05:30:19] only the whole boy could come up with a solution like that it's better than the alternative.
[05:30:24] I'll show you guys my character later on.
[05:30:26] I can't take this! His name is Hot Dog?
[05:30:27] Hey, nice work save-
[05:30:29] I gotta say but thank god your-
[05:30:30] Why did they do it named Hot Dog?
[05:30:32] I don't know what it was now people have been- What the fuck?! Why is their name Hot Dog?
[05:30:35] What the fuck?! Name Hot Dog! Alright.
[05:30:37] Let's see here... Do you need anything?
[05:30:39] Okay
[05:30:41] Yeah, I'm just trying to get through these.
[05:30:44] Last Ascendant or Once Human?
[05:30:46] I think that the gameplay is probably better in The First Ascendant.
[05:30:54] Okay, I've already completed all these.
[05:30:56] I guess I might as well claim this too.
[05:30:58] Oh wow, I got experience for that.
[05:31:00] I didn't even notice that.
[05:31:03] New commissions unlock and...
[05:31:05] Oh, but it doesn't matter because I can't do any of these.
[05:31:09] How do I get a refresh? I guess I can't.
[05:31:13] Well, whatever. Anyway...
[05:31:16] Let's see here. 300 thousand people playing the game and I got a new box
[05:31:20] right? Okay. And investigate the old
[05:31:24] hospital. Alright let's go do that.
[05:31:28] How the fuck
[05:31:29] do I get over there? Okay, this one.
[05:31:32] No sexy bunny skins
[05:31:33] here? They have some sexy skins.
[05:31:35] Not a whole lot but a little bit.
[05:31:38] I think this game is
[05:31:39] like a lot of these games right
[05:31:41] now people are trying to reinvent
[05:31:43] what an MMO is supposed
[05:31:45] to be because you see games like The First
[05:31:48] Descendant and games like Once Human
[05:31:50] that have a lot of traditional
[05:31:52] MMO features, but they're really
[05:31:54] not MMOs. And I
[05:31:56] think that's what's really happened a lot is like you see games that are like
[05:32:00] really popular for that reason and they don't
[05:32:03] really know exactly like kind of like what's the what's the right like mix
[05:32:09] or What's the right mix? Or is it...
[05:32:17] Oh, oh, oh.
[05:32:22] Did I get it? Oh fuck, I had to go over there.
[05:32:26] Okay...
[05:32:32] Yeah if you follow these You get a special chest
[05:32:33] I try to always do this
[05:32:35] Mystical crate
[05:32:38] What's in the box?
[05:32:41] A bunch of fucking garbage Okay mystical crate what's in the box but to find garbage
[05:32:48] much further had to make car though yeah i I mean I haven't played a whole lot.
[05:32:53] I've been really playing
[05:32:54] the First Descendant
[05:32:55] a lot.
[05:32:57] Like that's been my
[05:32:58] off-stream game
[05:32:59] because like
[05:33:00] I was farming
[05:33:02] the Paragon levels
[05:33:03] or Prestige levels
[05:33:04] but I pretty much finished.
[05:33:06] Like straight up
[05:33:07] I got
[05:33:07] every single slot
[05:33:09] for my guy
[05:33:10] is green
[05:33:11] so I have every single one that's updated and fixed for, like, my guy is, like, green.
[05:33:13] So I have every single one that's updated and fixed.
[05:33:17] Okay.
[05:33:21] So we're at
[05:33:21] the hospital. What the fuck do we do here?
[05:33:25] Oh, wait.
[05:33:25] Yeah, I grinded like fucking crazy.
[05:33:27] Well that's the thing is like...
[05:33:29] People don't understand this.
[05:33:30] Like if I'm playing a game and I want to take it seriously
[05:33:33] I will play the fuck out of
[05:33:34] the game.
[05:33:37] Like this whole idea that like I'm lazy
[05:33:39] or like anything like that? Get the fuck
[05:33:41] out of here. Like the reason
[05:33:42] why I'm not playing a lot of games super seriously is because I just don't really think
[05:33:46] that they're worth the time
[05:33:47] Like there's some
[05:33:50] games that inspire you to waste your life
[05:33:52] and there's some games that inspire you to realize
[05:33:54] that you've been wasting your life playing them.
[05:33:56] And I think that, like, with some games,
[05:33:58] like, that's definitely the vibe
[05:33:59] that I get from them
[05:34:00] because, like, I'll play them
[05:34:02] and it'll be like, oh yeah, this is so fun
[05:34:04] but then after, like like maybe a couple of days
[05:34:07] I'm thinking to myself...
[05:34:08] Who the fuck is this bitch?
[05:34:11] Like you know what am I doing with my life
[05:34:13] playing this bullshit, right?
[05:34:15] Playing this game that I don't even like.
[05:34:18] What's with the fish? That's my
[05:34:19] secret weapon.
[05:34:21] Uh...I only use that if I need to.
[05:34:25] Is there an endgame?
[05:34:27] Uh...there is but it's not very well developed yet.
[05:34:31] Like I've done a little bit of the endgame and the beta for this game
[05:34:34] so like when this game came out originally
[05:34:36] Is this Is this When this game came out originally...
[05:34:40] Is this?
[05:34:43] Oh, I thought that was a player.
[05:34:47] It's not. There is just a cocksucker.
[05:34:51] Okay... I spent 90% of my time base building?
[05:34:53] Yeah, Cody and them have like a crazy
[05:34:55] fucking base man! Like
[05:34:57] actually thought about trying to join like their little group so I could
[05:35:00] be like an-I could have like a
[05:35:02] Oh!
[05:35:06] Jesus Christ, I'm such a piece of shit. How the fuck do I miss?
[05:35:08] Okay Um anyway piece of shit. How the fuck do I miss? Okay.
[05:35:12] Anyway, what was I saying before?
[05:35:15] Oh right, yeah. Like so they have this crazy base
[05:35:17] built up and like everything.
[05:35:18] Oh, I remember this!
[05:35:21] And this is where you fight like a fuckin'
[05:35:25] Like a spirit
[05:35:27] version of a spider
[05:35:31] I don't know if I can beat it.
[05:35:39] Yeah,
[05:35:39] I actually don't know.
[05:35:42] I'm kind of worried I might not be able to.
[05:35:46] What's this?
[05:35:50] Okay...
[05:35:53] Get all these.
[05:35:55] Let's kill this bitch right here.
[05:35:58] Okay.
[05:35:59] Yeah, this is a really cool area in the game
[05:36:01] I think.
[05:36:04] There'll be a boss to gatekeep you surely?
[05:36:06] The spider IS the gatekeeper.
[05:36:08] The spider's the hardest boss...
[05:36:10] my opinion.
[05:36:12] Like, I think he's harder than the dog. Or like...
[05:36:15] I forgot what the last one is. Maybe I didn't do it.
[05:36:19] Oh god damn there's a lot of shit here. Not anymore? Really?
[05:36:23] Okay, I guess we'll find out.
[05:36:27] Make sure I loot all this stuff too.
[05:36:31] Oh...I'm gonna go get that over there too.
[05:36:37] I think i can make it. Jesus man, I am so fucking good at this game.
[05:36:44] It's actually boring sometimes, because I'm so good.
[05:36:49] Spam the fish? I might!
[05:37:00] Phew... Okay.
[05:37:02] And let's keep moving around. There's a lot of fucking people here, too.
[05:37:10] It's good to see like a lot of people playing the game. I feel like that's one issue
[05:37:14] that... it's like you don't really talk about
[05:37:18] it a lot in mmos but like there's nothing that's more depressing than
[05:37:21] playing an mmo and there's nobody there
[05:37:26] like that's like the saddest fucking shit.
[05:37:32] Okay... got some more of those.
[05:37:35] Go back through this way?
[05:37:37] Yeah my server is empty?
[05:37:38] Yeah you should always join...
[05:37:40] This is my advice. Always
[05:37:42] join the most populated server.
[05:37:45] Like whatever it
[05:37:46] is, just join that.
[05:37:51] Because like that's gonna be the server
[05:37:53] that's going to stay alive for the longest period of time
[05:37:55] and you don't want to be stuck on a
[05:37:57] dead server that nobody is on
[05:37:59] like two weeks or sorry maybe two weeks
[05:38:01] but like two months after launch
[05:38:02] because now your experience playing the game
[05:38:06] is quantitatively
[05:38:07] worse because you played
[05:38:09] on a server that's basically fucking dead.
[05:38:11] I think that sucks.
[05:38:15] Keep the illusion
[05:38:16] that you're playing with people? Yeah, exactly right.
[05:38:18] Well it makes you feel like there's a lot of times
[05:38:20] where... So think about it like this.
[05:38:23] I like the whole idea
[05:38:24] of being a solo player,
[05:38:27] like some fucking
[05:38:28] solo-leveling Kirito
[05:38:31] fucking Sword Art Online.
[05:38:32] I like that... I like that!
[05:38:33] I like that aesthetic, you know?
[05:38:35] I think it's really cool.
[05:38:38] Is it up here?
[05:38:39] I think it's up here, right?
[05:38:44] How the fuck do I get up there? Gotcha, bitch.
[05:38:48] There it is!
[05:38:52] I thought so. Is there no lead in here? Yeah, there is. I thought so.
[05:38:57] Is there an elite enemy here? Yeah, there is. We gotta loot this too.
[05:38:59] Okay... grill gloves.
[05:39:01] Amazing!
[05:39:03] And there's a boss here.
[05:39:04] Right?
[05:39:09] My brain is telling me that there was a boss here
[05:39:10] but I don't remember.
[05:39:13] Okay, let's see.
[05:39:18] Anything else? No, it's all the way down there. Let's just wait up here. Really an only mini-boss? This here? Isn't this like one of the Umbrella cocksuckers?
[05:39:22] The Umbrella cocks suckers are no big deal.
[05:39:26] Yeah, I think they're no problem.
[05:39:28] Finish what I was saying?
[05:39:30] I forgot. Oh yeah!
[05:39:32] So you can't be a solo
[05:39:33] player in a video game
[05:39:35] if the game is a solo game.
[05:39:38] You see what I'm saying? Like, you can't
[05:39:39] be a lone wolf if it's
[05:39:41] a game that nobody else is playing.
[05:39:45] So like
[05:39:45] the aesthetic of being kind of like
[05:39:47] The Lone Wolf doesn't work
[05:39:49] in a single-player game
[05:39:50] because that's the way the game is.
[05:39:53] There's nothing that you're avoiding
[05:39:55] or not doing,
[05:39:56] you're just playing the game.
[05:39:59] It's kind of like a weird uh...
[05:40:01] Like a weird psychology thing but I think
[05:40:03] it's definitely true
[05:40:05] Have you not found any better pants
[05:40:07] yet? I don't know.
[05:40:10] Let me see... K is inventory, right? Pants. Oh! I've had better pants this whole time.
[05:40:20] Oh. I've had better pants this whole time.
[05:40:31] I don't know if it's worth it, actually.
[05:40:37] No! I'm actually gonna use the ones that I have now because I lose the 300 health bonus. That's too big.
[05:40:43] This is crazy how long
[05:40:45] this is taking. Holy
[05:40:47] fuck.
[05:40:54] These guys are all level 30 too. Bro, what the fuck?
[05:40:58] What the fuck is going on? oh I didn't know.
[05:41:28] I... I didn't think that would work!
[05:41:32] I... Hope this is a pvp server why
[05:41:39] why you want to kill me probably Probably.
[05:41:45] Oh, no, I thought it was him.
[05:41:51] Man he's reported his fault for not gliding. True.
[05:42:02] There's no boss? The main quest brings you to it?
[05:42:04] I know that, but there is an elite that I have an elite I have to kill in this area.
[05:42:07] And if I remember right from the beta
[05:42:09] The Elite was right here
[05:42:11] I mean, I could be wrong
[05:42:13] But I'm not the kind of guy
[05:42:15] That's wrong about stuff like this. This is crazy how long this is taking.
[05:42:32] These respawns are awful.
[05:42:46] Hmm. There's an elite crows to the rift anchor. But now if I...
[05:42:48] Wait, what?
[05:42:53] This guy's got a car here.
[05:42:54] Can I just... Yeah, I can actually spawn my car here.
[05:42:56] I didn't even know that.
[05:42:57] Fuck.
[05:43:00] We've got to multitask and react?
[05:43:03] Oh no...
[05:43:06] Oh no! no
[05:43:19] oh geez do it again.
[05:43:23] I can't believe you could do that! I didn't think it...
[05:43:27] He's fucking pissed.
[05:43:56] Oh, fuck. it's pissed There's a person. I can't believe I can push people off like that.
[05:43:58] He got the fish out?
[05:44:00] No.
[05:44:01] He's actually so mad.
[05:44:06] There's PvP toggle by the way? Yeah, I don't think I should turn on PvP right now guys.
[05:44:10] I think that would be a really bad idea.
[05:44:18] Okay... That's a really bad idea. I'm gonna give this like five more minutes, and if this thing doesn't respawn
[05:44:21] I think we just go somewhere else man.
[05:44:23] This is crazy.
[05:44:25] What is this?
[05:44:30] The elite's on the building
[05:44:31] southwest, not here.
[05:44:33] There's no way I could be wrong.
[05:44:37] I'm never wrong.
[05:44:38] Like, with remembering stupid shit
[05:44:40] except for the McConnell thing
[05:44:42] uh, I'm never wrong on this shit.
[05:44:47] There's a fucking Elite here,
[05:44:49] I just know it.
[05:44:52] Oh, I thought that was him spawning.
[05:44:55] Guys maybe I should just leave.
[05:44:56] I don't think there's an elite here.
[05:44:59] Oh god now he is here? so Man, I do look like a girl.
[05:45:31] Oh my god... Which server is this?
[05:45:35] Uh, good question
[05:45:43] okay it's gonna respawn
[05:45:51] that's the fish right there.
[05:45:59] Climb up here and head upstairs to the roof. No elite there?
[05:46:03] There's no way I'm wrong.
[05:46:07] I just, I can't imagine that I would be wrong about something.
[05:46:12] But I'm feeling like my confidence is going down a lot.
[05:46:25] They changed it? Maybe.
[05:46:29] Fuck it, I'm leaving.
[05:46:41] I swear to god if it spawns up there.
[05:46:46] This guy's actually trying
[05:46:47] to get me to where
[05:46:47] I can't loot the items.
[05:46:52] Okay.
[05:46:54] Okay. Okay
[05:47:02] Okay, so I shouldn't have done that. I'll go get that later. Strange, the concentration of surface here is extremely high and yet there's almost no
[05:47:11] sign of an energy reaction.
[05:47:12] Can I jump through this?
[05:47:14] Dr. Marshall warned us that reaction had been- Can I jump through this? No, I can't. Okay... Oh, I see it's down this way that's right.
[05:47:26] Okay here we go!
[05:47:31] I'm a little bit nervous doing this,
[05:47:33] I'm gonna be honest.
[05:47:35] The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spout I'm honest.
[05:47:45] Investigate the spider ruins?
[05:47:47] Okay, do I get to queue for this?
[05:47:52] Oh fuck It just put me in there
[05:48:02] Shit Alright, let's do it.
[05:48:11] Oh, it's spawn camping me. Jesus!
[05:48:56] Oh so Where's his weak spot? Head? No. so Okay, how many bullets do I have? 118.
[05:48:57] I can kill him. Shoot the Pro- the Prolapse?
[05:49:13] Oh, that's right! You're right.
[05:49:17] Now I remember.
[05:49:21] ... Talk! so all right
[05:49:54] this is the hardest boss in the game, by the way. so so so so so so Nope.
[05:51:19] This is a real cocksucker, isn't he? I better get my arrows, where's my arrows? I got him back.
[05:51:56] 57 arrows! Holy shit!
[05:52:04] Close one. I fought him on the beta, and knew exactly how to handle him.
[05:52:08] Is the boss bugged or is it just lame like that?
[05:52:12] The boss is not designed for you to fight underneath him
[05:52:17] because the next version of the boss is has like anti-ground mechanics but this
[05:52:24] version doesn't.
[05:52:25] So I just took advantage of that
[05:52:27] and killed him.
[05:52:31] Um...
[05:52:50] Are you fucking kidding me? Okay, we're good.
[05:52:54] Let me go get this... I was about to say!
[05:52:56] What it it be?
[05:52:57] There it is.
[05:52:59] Okay, let's go.
[05:53:02] The guy blocked it.
[05:53:03] He tried to block it.
[05:53:05] There it is.
[05:53:08] I want to make sure I get every single one of these things
[05:53:14] easiest game of my life
[05:53:19] make sure i loot these two Actually need a lot more kills.
[05:53:23] I need an elite enemy and I need the Rift Anchor.
[05:53:27] Smile! Smile. Okay...
[05:53:31] Let's go over here.
[05:53:42] Where the fuck is it? The fuck is a rift anchor? Ah, fuck! It's all the way over there.
[05:53:46] Okay let's go.
[05:53:55] Such an easy game? I think that the game is...
[05:53:59] ...I think it's not hard. But also, like...
[05:54:03] Fighting some of the bosses on Hard Mode is pretty difficult
[05:54:07] but it's also just more of a... It's not like a super, super challenging game.
[05:54:14] And I think also if you saw
[05:54:16] somebody who did it for the first time they'd probably have
[05:54:18] more fuck-ups than I do.
[05:54:19] Not a lot more. It's not like I'm some super fucking expert at the game
[05:54:23] Oh yeah! There was
[05:54:25] a big guy right here with a machine gun
[05:54:27] Right?
[05:54:31] Yeah Yeah.
[05:54:35] There's a big cocksucker somewhere in this area.
[05:54:46] I'm going to to find him.
[05:54:49] I don't know where he is.
[05:54:52] Not there?
[05:54:53] Hmm. Well, I feel like... Not there?
[05:55:01] Well, I feel like there's so many people in this area we probably would have found him if he was here
[05:55:06] Bro, I got those cans of spam.
[05:55:07] They heal me for so much.
[05:55:12] I guess we'll go just explore in this area while we're here.
[05:55:17] What do you think? while we're here. What are y'all doing?
[05:55:20] You guys just following me?
[05:55:24] Okay, there's another one over here.
[05:55:29] It's in that warehouse? You think so? Maybe you're right.
[05:55:34] Let's see if there is anything useful in here.
[05:55:38] Seems as though there's not.
[05:55:41] Yeah, I remember
[05:55:42] there was a lot of guys here and that
[05:55:43] I would line aside behind one of these buses.
[05:55:51] Okay. side behind one of these buses i think this game does need some degree of dynamic respawns though like because having to wait like this is
[05:55:56] really annoying.
[05:56:03] Yeah, I've got the secret service. No,
[05:56:05] that- no, I don't because these
[05:56:07] guys are actually trying to help me
[05:56:10] they're doing their job they're not afk
[05:56:16] i still think that was so crazy how they let that happen.
[05:56:22] Like, how is it? Because like...I saw the sniper right?
[05:56:26] I mean from my angle, it looked like the sniper was looking at him the whole time
[05:56:33] How the fuck does that happen
[05:56:39] Engineered I mean it's a lot to say that
[05:56:42] it's engineered. Right? It's a lot to say so
[05:56:46] I don't
[05:56:50] know I don't know.
[05:56:57] He climbed to the spot and then shot?
[05:57:00] Yeah, so I'm at the right spot, aren't I?
[05:57:07] I just want to make sure before I leave somewhere else.
[05:57:16] Okay. before I leave somewhere else. I don't know, maybe? Nope.
[05:57:19] Am I ever going to be at the right spot? I feel like no. Building
[05:57:41] southwest. Okay.
[05:57:53] I mean,
[05:57:55] I would see him if he was here, man.
[05:57:57] I think security gets really relaxed nowadays.
[05:57:59] Yeah, it's kind of like
[05:58:00] where
[05:58:01] nothing's happening
[05:58:05] for a really long period of time
[05:58:07] so you let your guard down and then that's when something happens
[05:58:12] there's a good chance that could be true.
[05:58:21] 1-36 hours?
[05:58:23] Yeah, I know. The sniper guy posted on Reddit and said he was the guy for three minutes
[05:58:25] and they wouldn't give him the green light well if they
[05:58:35] wouldn't give them the green light why wouldn't they go and investigate the guy?
[05:58:40] Like you know
[05:58:41] it's like yeah you might not
[05:58:43] give them the green light to shoot the dude
[05:58:45] in the head but like shouldn't you
[05:58:47] have somebody else like I don't know.
[05:58:48] Look into the whole situation.
[05:58:52] He also got fired.
[05:58:54] I mean, let's be honest, man.
[05:58:56] He should've been.
[05:58:57] Like, somebody...
[05:58:58] For a situation like that,
[05:59:01] you've got to keep in mind
[05:59:02] if you're the president,
[05:59:04] there's a certain degree of
[05:59:06] this is just
[05:59:08] what's going to happen, right?
[05:59:11] Mr. Wiggy. this is just what's gonna happen right mr wish oh my god like where it's like this
[05:59:16] like you take you run the risk of assassination or like political violence whenever you run for office.
[05:59:24] Like that's just the truth, I'm not saying that's the way it should be
[05:59:27] It shouldn't be that way but it is that way and so it's like for trump it's like yeah
[05:59:34] for sure that's really bad but like a random person can also get
[05:59:38] killed too like somebody they didn't sign up for that that's crazy
[05:59:41] it's horrible If they didn't sign up for that, that's crazy.
[05:59:43] That's horrible.
[05:59:49] Who is he shooting?
[05:59:56] Damn, he got it faster than I did.
[06:00:04] Motherfucker man! I hate this fucking game. So where do i go? This is such a piece of shit, man.
[06:00:11] I can't find a single mob.
[06:00:24] There's not spawn? Yeah, I know.
[06:00:31] Man...
[06:00:36] They're taking everything from you? Maybe.
[06:00:44] I was just hoping i'd be able to get a couple of levels and do this, but
[06:00:47] it's like...I can't even do anything in here.
[06:00:57] Dammit! Got him.
[06:01:00] Fuck!
[06:01:02] Yeah dude, I can barely even get kills because there's so many people around me.
[06:01:07] Okay maybe there is going to be somebody out here right? because there's so many people around me. Okay, maybe
[06:01:08] there's going to be somebody out here, right?
[06:01:13] I don't see them
[06:01:14] either.
[06:01:25] Oh! Fuck. Too many snipers blocking your progress?
[06:01:27] I actually don't think it has anything to do with people that are here because of me.
[06:01:32] I'm gonna be honest, I really don't think so. I-I think honestly that...
[06:01:36] Oh! hi.
[06:01:46] I think it's just that the spawn rates for the elites
[06:01:48] suck.
[06:01:52] And they don't like change based off of uh like the amount of people that are in
[06:01:54] the area so
[06:01:59] it's like you can't really do anything. You just have to sit around and wait
[06:02:02] and hope that you get the kill. But honestly, I don't even know
[06:02:06] if I'm in the right place for the kill.
[06:02:23] Okay. This is such a cocksucker, man.
[06:02:31] Elite spawns at the buses? Yeah well I'm here at the buses because it's one of big guys with this submachine gun right
[06:02:35] that's what i'm trying to find This one's in front of the red building?
[06:02:49] This one here?
[06:02:50] You're talking about this red building?
[06:03:00] You're right, I found him.
[06:03:02] I got him tagged!
[06:03:09] Somebody moving! Cover me! I'll get one hit on him and I'll let everybody come over And help
[06:03:16] Jesus Jesus!
[06:03:24] Okay. Fuck, I thought I could maybe them, boys.
[06:03:43] There it is!
[06:03:44] Alright, now I need two of the rift anchors.
[06:03:47] Okay.
[06:03:49] I finished that one.
[06:03:52] Oop! Just a minute...
[06:04:01] Got him. Twenty.
[06:04:03] Gentlemen, it's time!
[06:04:06] It's fucking time.
[06:04:26] Okay... it's time okay we are trying the recurved bow and let's go over to hmm Hmm.
[06:04:31] Let's go, oh let's just go to here.
[06:04:35] Okay.
[06:04:39] ... 20 perc, too.
[06:04:44] Oh, you're right!
[06:04:51] Damage from humans 20%
[06:05:05] Man this is a really hard decision. I think I'm gonna go with this and replace my heal.
[06:05:11] Yeah, Nealia... Oh thank you for the raid i appreciate it thank you very much
[06:05:15] yeah because like now i'm reloading all the time okay guys let's hells angels over there
[06:05:22] let's do it boys yeah thanks to the raid
[06:05:28] let's go Nope.
[06:05:37] Okay, we're good.
[06:05:41] Did you say my name? I did! Thank you.
[06:05:43] Okay... I did. Thank you.
[06:05:45] Okay...
[06:05:53] This is cool.
[06:05:59] Yeah, this is cool.
[06:06:03] Ride or die?
[06:06:04] Yeah, exactly.
[06:06:06] So we gotta go through three more of these.
[06:06:09] We got our work cut out for us here.
[06:06:12] Alright.
[06:06:18] This thing sucks.
[06:06:22] This is fucking garbage.
[06:06:36] ... Full charge it?
[06:06:38] I still think it's garbage.
[06:06:42] I do,
[06:06:43] I think it's garbage.
[06:06:46] Crossbow is better. The bow is better.
[06:06:51] The bow's awesome?
[06:06:53] I don't think it is,
[06:06:54] man. I really don't. Okay. All right, let's get this boar.
[06:07:08] Nice. I got two porks.
[06:07:15] Loot all this shit, too.
[06:07:20] A little pork? I do, too. Actually, I don't really like... I don't really love pork.
[06:07:21] I think pork is okay.
[06:07:22] I really just like bacon.
[06:07:23] Oh, I know what this layout is.
[06:07:24] This is the layout in one of the higher level areas.
[06:07:25] There's a pigsty and there's a barnyard.
[06:07:26] And then you have these little houses that are built on top of each other.
[06:07:27] You can see some of them.
[06:07:28] They're all made out of wood.
[06:07:29] It looks like they were built by people who lived here before.
[06:07:30] I'm not sure if it was built by people or something. But yeah, it's pretty cool. I mean the layout in one of the higher level areas.
[06:07:33] There's a spot at the bottom,
[06:07:34] looks like a glass area at the bottom.
[06:07:37] See if I can find it.
[06:07:38] There's this.
[06:07:42] Works disgusting.
[06:07:45] I mean, bacon is delicious.
[06:07:46] I love bacon.
[06:07:49] Look at this, bro.
[06:07:52] I mean, that's okay, right?
[06:07:54] It's just like... I don't know, guys.
[06:07:57] I feel like
[06:07:58] my new crossbow
[06:08:00] is still
[06:08:00] uh
[06:08:02] I don't know.
[06:08:07] I'm very torn.
[06:08:11] Do I need one crate or two crates?
[06:08:14] Two crates.
[06:08:15] Actually, I think both crates are in here so this should be fine.
[06:08:20] The pioneer...
[06:08:21] Yeah, this is the other one right here. It's a gear.
[06:08:32] Make a sniper?
[06:08:34] No... The other gun that I'm gonna make...
[06:08:38] ...I'm going to make a submachine gun
[06:08:41] That stacks like burn damage or something like that
[06:08:44] Other than that, I don't really see a lot of value in the
[06:08:47] other guns because the crossbow like
[06:08:51] i i don't really need anything else other than a lot of damage
[06:08:55] because the crossbow the so the one weakness the crossbow so
[06:08:57] the one weakness the crossbow has is
[06:08:59] that if you look at a fight that's
[06:09:02] 1-minute long,
[06:09:03] the crossbow will do less damage. But
[06:09:06] if you look at a fight that's like let's say 1 second long, the crossbow will do less damage. But if you look at a fight that's, like, let's say one
[06:09:08] second long, the crossbow will do the most damage
[06:09:10] because you can initiate the fight and kill
[06:09:12] them instantly. So it's
[06:09:14] like...
[06:09:15] I personally don't think the crossbow is...
[06:09:18] I'm going to be using this gun pretty much for the entire game.
[06:09:24] That's what I'm pretty much saying.
[06:09:26] I don't know if I can do this.
[06:09:28] Nope. Hello? I don't know if I can do this.
[06:09:31] Hello?
[06:09:33] What?
[06:09:38] Maybe the bow's not so bad, guys! Eh... maybe it's not so bad, guys.
[06:09:40] Ah!
[06:09:41] Maybe it's not so bad.
[06:09:44] Okay.
[06:09:46] Alright, guys. We gotta figure out... Can anybody get a... Oh.
[06:09:48] It's just you.
[06:09:49] Can anybody get on
[06:09:50] a truck or something?
[06:09:55] Yeah, can anybody get on like a
[06:09:56] truck and what we can do
[06:09:58] is we can get on the truck and
[06:10:01] then jump on top of each other
[06:10:03] and then maybe I can put, like, my
[06:10:05] No, no, no, no. Because this is not going to work.
[06:10:12] We need a truck.
[06:10:17] Nah, nah, nah.
[06:10:19] We got
[06:10:20] to go around I guess then
[06:10:21] because if nobody has a truck... We gotta go around, I guess then.
[06:10:24] Because if nobody has a truck... I gotta build one myself, man.
[06:10:25] After this, I'm gonna build one.
[06:10:28] Maybe. Actually, I don't know
[06:10:29] if I want to.
[06:10:30] We're gonna go around.
[06:10:32] So I got the armor crates,
[06:10:34] I need the rift anchors...
[06:10:35] Okay.
[06:10:38] Okay, where are these cocksuckers?
[06:10:43] Who?
[06:10:45] Oh.
[06:10:51] Yeah, I don't know I mean like
[06:10:51] I feel also very comfortable
[06:10:55] with the gun. And I think to myself
[06:10:57] over at the crossbow and it's like if I'm
[06:10:59] very comfortable using this weapon
[06:11:00] maybe that makes it better by default.
[06:11:07] ... makes it better by default. Okay...
[06:11:13] Yeah, I'm still deciding.
[06:11:17] I think I also shoot more arrows with it.
[06:11:19] Which isn't a good thing.
[06:11:22] Upgrade it? It'll slap?
[06:11:25] Well, I'll make the next tier of Crossbow.
[06:11:28] What are they doing?
[06:11:31] Is it in here? No.
[06:11:35] Yeah 400 just really isn't that much damage.
[06:11:43] Also I'm very used to shooting with the crossbow and with the bow i'm not as used
[06:11:49] to it also i think the bow doesn't have the same type of pinpoint accuracy that the crossbow tends
[06:11:54] to have have
[06:12:08] okay we're gonna go in here and get this.
[06:12:12] The crossbow, you don't have to charge your shots with it? Yeah true.
[06:12:38] I'm gonna finish him! Yeah, I like... Hmm. Very torn.
[06:12:40] I think
[06:12:41] I'm going to make the new crossbow
[06:12:42] and just upgrade that
[06:12:45] because that's also what I'm used to.
[06:12:48] What are y'all doing?
[06:12:49] What are we doing? Y'all don't know how to open
[06:12:51] the thing? Get out of the't know how to open the thing?
[06:12:51] Get out of the way, I'll open it.
[06:12:59] Long ass frag.
[06:13:24] Okay... Cool! long ass frag okay cool i wonder what that is i gotta go up there Okay. Naturally, I can run on top of barbed wire.
[06:13:28] Are you fucking kidding me? Fuck this game!
[06:13:30] Alright let me go back up there again.
[06:13:32] You're done with the First Ascendant? No.
[06:13:35] I haven't played it in 12 hours,
[06:13:39] so yeah you could say that I pretty much quit the game.
[06:13:43] Dead Game by the game.
[06:13:46] Dead Game, by the way.
[06:13:52] Dude!
[06:14:10] Holy shit what the fuck is this? There's no way, right?
[06:14:11] Okay, good. I was about to say.
[06:14:14] I'm just gonna lose my fucking mind.
[06:14:17] Alright, we're good now.
[06:14:21] Alright, good... and Now we need
[06:14:23] We killed the elites
[06:14:25] We killed the normal enemies We killed the normal enemies.
[06:14:27] We need to get the rift anchors.
[06:14:28] Okay, and there's the first one.
[06:14:30] Let's go up there
[06:14:31] which requires me to go right back
[06:14:34] where I was at.
[06:14:36] Okay. Right back where I was at.
[06:14:42] Someone's playing and streaming this?
[06:14:44] Yeah, well that's just what happens, right?
[06:14:46] Like new game comes out everybody wants to play the new game.
[06:14:49] I also think that this game definitely...
[06:14:51] Like which game do I think is better?
[06:14:57] I think Once human is better.
[06:15:00] But, I've also spent more time playing First Ascendant
[06:15:04] so it's like if it was really better then why am I not playing it more?
[06:15:08] But that's because of stream I also put way more time into
[06:15:11] it. So it's very hard for me to say... Okay where is the other one?
[06:15:15] Let's go over this one.
[06:15:19] Yes! This one one let's go Two different games.
[06:15:35] They are different games, but they have the same audiences.
[06:15:41] I think they do at least. different games, but they have the same audiences.
[06:15:43] I think they do at least.
[06:15:44] I feel like a lot of the people that played
[06:15:46] First Descendant are probably playing this.
[06:15:59] ... Ooh. Yeah, I play ball? Yeah exactly! Right?
[06:16:01] Ooh what an idiot!
[06:16:06] I need to kill a lot more of these enemies too. Any more?
[06:16:29] Check now.
[06:16:33] Yeah, I mean this does have much higher... What do you call it?
[06:16:36] Like attack rate.
[06:16:38] I enjoy TFT more but once human
[06:16:40] is fun too. Yeah
[06:16:42] like I think that
[06:16:44] there's a lot to it right?? I mean like what the fuck is this? A flight stick. Oh those are
[06:16:52] the special things you can loot for a bunch of... like repair things.
[06:16:57] Crit damage enhancement precision. You know what
[06:16:59] I really need to get?
[06:17:01] I need to get a fucking blue or
[06:17:03] purple crossbow.
[06:17:06] That's what I really need.
[06:17:09] Because if I get that, it's going to change my life.
[06:17:20] Not into the game for three years? I've been playing since mobile beta, but some of the community members are trying too hard. They make me want to quit.
[06:17:21] I don't like the tryhard community.
[06:17:25] Um...
[06:17:27] I think that
[06:17:29] being a tryhard in the game is good.
[06:17:33] I do. I think it's a good thing
[06:17:37] because that means the game is good.
[06:17:39] It means the game's worth tryharding.
[06:17:40] Like, there's a lot of games
[06:17:41] that aren't worth tryharding.
[06:17:44] If I see people no-lifing
[06:17:46] a game,
[06:17:47] that makes me think
[06:17:48] that there's a reason
[06:17:49] it's worth it, right? It's the same as whenever that makes me think there's a reason.
[06:17:50] It's worth it, right?
[06:17:52] It's the same as whenever I was saying
[06:17:52] how whenever
[06:17:53] ABC News
[06:17:56] does a story
[06:17:57] about a video game
[06:17:58] that's causing kids
[06:17:59] to ruin their lives
[06:18:00] that's the best advertisement for a video game that's like causing kids to ruin their lives, that's the best advertisement
[06:18:01] for a video game you could ever imagine
[06:18:03] because it's like saying yeah this
[06:18:05] game is so good
[06:18:06] our kid is like fucking
[06:18:08] he used to be on sports teams and now he's like fat
[06:18:12] and he's eating Cheetos. And
[06:18:14] then they have an interview with the kid and the kid's happy
[06:18:16] and he's like yeah I'm having fun playing the game
[06:18:18] and the mom's crying and the dad's just
[06:18:20] disappointed. You know, it's just like
[06:18:22] that's the best advertisement
[06:18:24] that you can have for a game.
[06:18:26] You don't get better than that.
[06:18:30] Hmm.
[06:18:30] There's nobody in here?
[06:18:33] Oh. Hmm. There's nobody in here?
[06:18:38] Jesus!
[06:18:43] I still need four more kills, too. That's a lot.
[06:18:54] Well, let's just keep looking around. Wow in OSRS? Yeah exactly. wow and osrs yeah exactly
[06:19:01] i've been trying to drink gatorade more because gatorade is more healthy than soda.
[06:19:11] Is it? Right, right it is?
[06:19:15] It's got electrolytes, so it must be.
[06:19:19] Is this sugar water?
[06:19:21] Yeah, but it's sugar water without caffeine.
[06:19:23] So how about that? I remember every day in school,
[06:19:30] I would drink one of these
[06:19:31] in one class period.
[06:19:33] That's some cocksuckers right there.
[06:19:36] So it's like that only did 700 man and that was weak point damage too
[06:19:41] i'm just not seeing it Because also, like...
[06:19:59] Yeah... because also like yeah
[06:20:03] what What, bitch?
[06:20:13] I'm fishing him.
[06:20:15] Get out of my life.
[06:20:19] What a little bitch!
[06:20:23] Okay, anything good up here?
[06:20:30] And it's looking like that, so nope.
[06:20:32] Alright, good! Now we can go somewhere else.
[06:20:35] So...
[06:20:37] We already did this. What level is this? It's a Level 7. Okay, this is another zone.
[06:20:41] Alright, we've got to go this one.
[06:20:44] I'm thinking should I go and...
[06:20:46] Oh man, there's both
[06:20:48] of these over here.
[06:20:49] I think right now let's restock and get all of our stuff. We're going to re-craft
[06:20:55] everything. Okay, so...
[06:21:08] That's the cocksucker.
[06:21:09] And we'll go ahead and loot all these too.
[06:21:13] And now we need to make the gun let's
[06:21:15] make the crossbow
[06:21:16] uh i disagree that people think that uh
[06:21:19] the crossbows like cross it has a bigger
[06:21:21] number like i mean what are we stupid making a crossbow
[06:21:26] like it's a bigger number like wait did i cross the wrong one I am in tier 3. Okay, no we we're fine. We're fine. We're fine. Chill out.
[06:21:47] Okay, so
[06:21:48] it's this one and we need
[06:21:49] steel. I'm thinking
[06:21:51] we do a plus three, right?
[06:21:56] Crafted to level 20. I am level 20.
[06:21:58] I'm level 21.
[06:22:00] Yeah, let's do that.
[06:22:03] One, two
[06:22:04] one more. I don't think this is worth it.
[06:22:11] It's kind of worth it. I'll do one more. No, it's not okay season goal oh wow Get this. Get that.
[06:22:29] Okay, good.
[06:22:30] There it is.
[06:22:30] All right.
[06:22:32] Now let's look at the rainwater.
[06:22:35] How many rainwater am I?
[06:22:35] Oh, I'm a lot.
[06:22:38] Okay, so... Let's go ahead and start building.
[06:22:41] Alright, so what do we need here?
[06:22:43] Faculties.
[06:22:44] Super Refinery.
[06:22:47] I don't care about that right now.
[06:22:49] I'm not gonna craft it.
[06:22:53] Stove... Do I have a stove?
[06:22:57] I do, but I don't have an electric stove. That's what I'm thinking of.
[06:23:05] Okay... and what about armor?
[06:23:08] I think I should craft armor, right?
[06:23:17] Yeah. I feel like I should.
[06:23:20] I'm only at tier 2, though.
[06:23:25] Intermediate armor workbench. Okay.
[06:23:31] Give me a second.
[06:23:32] Let's go do this...
[06:23:36] intermediate armor, aluminium ingots
[06:23:40] I can't even craft aluminium, so there's no reason to. Hmm.
[06:23:57] I'm going to learn the synthesis bench, but I don't really think I need to.
[06:24:04] Advanced tools. No, that's aluminum
[06:24:12] I guess I'm going to do adrenaline shot too
[06:24:18] electric stove
[06:24:23] I guess we can do that.
[06:24:29] Okay...
[06:24:38] And I can't even craft that yet.
[06:24:46] So how the fuck do I make the... Oh, maybe I already have it. That's probably the reason why I can't do it is I already have it.
[06:24:50] Just a second.
[06:24:54] Okay, intermediate gear workbench. Yeah I do. Refined part.
[06:24:59] Select all... now I have 150 of them. So what do you guys think?
[06:25:21] Should I just craft everything with like the
[06:25:23] higher armor?
[06:25:27] There's a big part of me that thinks that that's like the right option.
[06:25:29] Because I haven't crafted for awhile.
[06:25:33] Do it? Yeah, okay let's do it. So I've got
[06:25:37] raid helmet test subject mask
[06:25:44] okay raid helmet and red top let's just start there Okay.
[06:25:55] And I'm crafting the tier 3, which is what I need.
[06:25:59] Equip now and then the chest piece as well the red top
[06:26:05] man where's the wrong Okay.
[06:26:15] Give me a minute.
[06:26:17] Let's put this on.
[06:26:23] Backpack, 49%.
[06:26:28] Got to skin some gators.
[06:26:31] I don't know where the gators are.
[06:26:45] Is that... Uh-huh.
[06:26:47] Boiled water.
[06:26:49] Okay, we gotta make a lot of boiled water.
[06:26:51] Let me go ahead and just do this.
[06:26:55] Okay. Let me go ahead and just do this.
[06:27:03] Okay, and we're gonna just do a lot of this
[06:27:10] okay that's done steak combo
[06:27:18] okay and now we need to make one of those racks. Power facility...
[06:27:24] This meat dryers
[06:27:31] okay and I'll put the meat dryer right here
[06:27:37] And then right here
[06:27:43] and then is one to one okay let's put all this in and then put all that in him
[06:27:56] okay
[06:27:58] what's your opinion on the game my opinion on the game is very positive
[06:28:00] I think
[06:28:02] the game is fun and I enjoy it a lot
[06:28:04] I think that there are
[06:28:08] criticisms of the game, and...
[06:28:12] ...I think a lot of those criticisms are...
[06:28:16] Well it depends right?
[06:28:18] Who's this blue dick sucker here
[06:28:27] what did you just do? Do it again. Okay, alright.
[06:28:45] What am I doing wrong?
[06:28:46] How do I make that? okay
[06:29:00] it's aluminium bro like it's aluminium bro fuck okay i can just make chainsaws
[06:29:10] so i guess we can't really...
[06:29:14] I was hoping that I could just go kill some deer, but I'm not seeing any deer anywhere.
[06:29:21] Fuck! Fuck.
[06:29:32] What the- what the? Who the fuck is this guy?
[06:29:37] Is this a player?
[06:30:06] I don't know. Any animal drops leather? Yeah, do you see any animals though? That's a mobile house. Oh, really?
[06:30:16] Bro what are these game unlocks? Yeah this games a lot different than when I first started playing it.
[06:30:18] There's a lot of new weird shit in it.
[06:30:21] After this though, I think I should have enough stuff.
[06:30:22] Like, I've got a better gun
[06:30:24] and I think I'm only gonna craft armor whenever
[06:30:28] I'm fighting the boss. Because
[06:30:30] I don't think I need armor right now
[06:30:32] so let's just make sure
[06:30:34] that we keep our eye out for
[06:30:36] like random animals and we just
[06:30:38] kill every animal that we see.
[06:30:41] But other than that,
[06:30:42] I think that we should just focus on
[06:30:44] farming, you know?
[06:30:47] Okay, Boa Wa. We got
[06:30:49] 99 waters.
[06:30:52] That's a lot of fucking water.
[06:30:55] And we'll put all that away.
[06:31:00] Let's see here, put all this away
[06:31:04] and then I'm going to put half of these away
[06:31:06] So control? Oh it's control
[06:31:16] Confirm. I'll just put 50. Where'd that thing go? This? Blueberry Sody. Okay, well who gives a fuck about that?
[06:31:22] So all that's done. This is good.
[06:31:26] Spoiled food... okay, that sounds pretty bad. We don't want that.
[06:31:30] How am i 44
[06:31:37] where does this 44 come from?
[06:31:47] Maybe it's my weapons. I bet it's probably my weapons.
[06:31:51] Water is heavy.
[06:31:53] What's this?
[06:31:56] Oh, that's the same thing I just...
[06:32:05] Damn! That's all spoiled food.
[06:32:07] That's my armor?
[06:32:10] Yeah, no, I get it now.
[06:32:16] I guess like, I mean, 44% isn't that bad right? I don't have another place to put... actually let's just make another box.
[06:32:21] Do you want to build another big box? Yeah, I will.
[06:32:27] I'm going to build this box next to the gun thing that way
[06:32:33] I know that this is where the guns are
[06:32:38] okay so how do i actually take the guns out...
[06:32:54] Weapon crate?
[06:32:57] Wait, oh I need a weapon crate? I can't just... okay what the fuck.
[06:33:16] That's annoying. Suck my fucking dick! Okay Alright, let's just put all this away.
[06:33:19] Um...
[06:33:21] I don't really need any of these honestly.
[06:33:25] Damn that's a 390?
[06:33:28] That's a big dick gun
[06:33:41] we're gonna get rid of all the rest of these too.
[06:33:43] And then we're keeping Mr. Fish
[06:33:44] for obvious reasons.
[06:33:47] Hey!
[06:33:51] Alright, now I'm at 25%.
[06:33:55] Solar drill?
[06:33:57] The fuck is this? so so so This is insane.
[06:34:52] Bro, I'm living in a whole new world now. This is amazing!
[06:34:56] Oh my god! Look at this! I feel like it's taking a little bit of durability, but not a lot.
[06:35:16] This is incredible!
[06:35:19] I told you? Yeah!
[06:35:20] I didn't expect it to be this good!
[06:35:40] ... I got Diggy boy. Alright! Make sure I use this too. You can get a purple crossbow for free? Really? Can I use it here? There we go.
[06:35:52] This is insane!
[06:35:56] Yeah, this totally changes how mining is.
[06:36:00] You know what they need to have?
[06:36:03] They need to have a vehicle that you can get in
[06:36:06] That you can drive over the mines and it will automatically mine them but it's really slow
[06:36:17] That would be really badass.
[06:36:21] I got silver ore... what the fuck?
[06:36:25] I don't think i've had silver ore before.
[06:36:29] Okay, oh let me put all these away too
[06:36:31] Okay
[06:36:37] Max HP plus 10%.
[06:36:43] That one's actually better.
[06:36:55] Um... I don't know if I want to lose the movement speed.
[06:36:58] Yeah, I don't think I do. But I will put this on. This game overheats my PC.
[06:37:17] Do you have any suggestions?
[06:37:19] Uhhh...
[06:37:21] Just, I mean not no not nothing crazy turn it down you know
[06:37:27] turn that and turn it down if it's taking up too much power, just turn down the power.
[06:37:35] But no I don't have any other ideas.
[06:37:40] Okay one more. Perfect.
[06:37:46] Okay, guys.
[06:37:49] What's this?
[06:37:51] Oh, thanks, man!
[06:37:54] Living armor... walking chest...
[06:37:56] Oh thanks dude! Yeah, thanks a lot!
[06:37:58] Alright well if we
[06:38:00] already got that crafted like yeah let's just
[06:38:02] make this... Okay so I
[06:38:04] needed the chest piece too right?
[06:38:07] Okay. Let's get the top
[06:38:11] Yeah thanks. Ooh fuck I forgot to equip it
[06:38:17] Um, okay...
[06:38:23] And then test subject mask and pants.
[06:38:30] And then rustic shoes. Okay.
[06:38:44] Add mods? You think I should?
[06:38:51] I can't see a reason not to.
[06:38:54] And I'm just using these boots because they give me movement speed.
[06:39:06] Okay. they give me movement speed. I have to make these pants even though they're stupid because they're better.
[06:39:16] Okay, rustic shoes
[06:39:17] scout survival
[06:39:18] I think I can just hold on to that for now.
[06:39:22] Your drill charges throughout
[06:39:23] the day?
[06:39:25] Oh! I thought it
[06:39:27] was durability.
[06:39:38] ... Okay. What else was I gonna do?
[06:39:41] I had that, I did this.
[06:39:44] I have my inventory, and my
[06:39:45] inventory is good.
[06:39:46] I think we're ready to go!
[06:39:48] Adding mods... That's right.
[06:39:49] That's what I forgot.
[06:39:51] Okay, crossbow
[06:39:53] And then modify Let's put a mod into the crossbow. Core effect status damage
[06:39:57] Crit rate
[06:40:01] Okay so we're just going to go crit rate. Yeah, let's put this one.
[06:40:18] Oh! Um...
[06:40:21] I see that upgrades it.
[06:40:24] I don't want to do that.
[06:40:25] Okay, and then accessories cosmetics weapon customization.
[06:40:30] Okay, so we've got that on for the mod
[06:40:33] And then we'll do this one too.
[06:40:37] And
[06:40:38] then the mod for the helmet is going to be
[06:40:40] melee damage...
[06:40:43] Damn!
[06:40:44] Crit damage 12%.
[06:40:47] Weak spot 15?
[06:40:51] That's big dick. Holy shit!
[06:40:55] That's crazy!
[06:41:03] Yeah, some of these buffs are really good.
[06:41:08] And I can put two of them on? Oh my...
[06:41:12] Oh my god! This is insane. I guess I'll put this on too. Gloves?
[06:41:48] Not activated.
[06:41:50] I see, because it's not a tier 3 item.
[06:41:56] I need one more.
[06:41:59] Bro, like...
[06:42:01] Am I a god now?
[06:42:05] My health literally doubled.
[06:42:14] Why don't you make pants?
[06:42:16] Because these pants are the best that I can get.
[06:42:18] Mod master. Okay, now let's go towards...
[06:42:25] Let's do these two here.
[06:42:28] Actually, let's go do this one.
[06:42:29] Let's go to this one specifically.
[06:42:31] Track.
[06:42:32] Alright, let's go
[06:42:38] all right we're on our way Okay.
[06:42:47] We're going the wrong way.
[06:42:51] Actually, should I do my silo right now?
[06:42:54] Big dick, let's do it.
[06:42:56] Let's do the silo.
[06:42:57] I'm feeling confident.
[06:42:58] I'm a winner.
[06:42:59] I'm a champion.
[06:43:01] I'm gonna do it. Okay, let's go.
[06:43:13] This aisle is easy?, they all are.
[06:43:24] I think that the first hard one
[06:43:26] is where you have to fight
[06:43:27] the two big cocksuckers
[06:43:29] at the same time.
[06:43:31] And I did that
[06:43:32] one time
[06:43:32] and I killed
[06:43:33] one of them
[06:43:34] and then I realized
[06:43:35] he had to kill him
[06:43:35] at the same time
[06:43:36] and I was like okay, you know what? of them and then I realized that you had to kill him at the same time.
[06:43:38] And I was like, okay, you know what?
[06:43:43] I'm going to just stop playing the game because,
[06:43:48] because I was like, okay, well if I do this right
[06:43:49] Jesus. This guy's trying to run me
[06:43:52] off the road
[06:43:53] I think there's like a, um...
[06:43:58] Like an open area here where I can glide down.
[06:44:16] Yeah. I'm gonna stop. I used to farm this a lot in order to get that stardust.
[06:44:25] That's what about the silos
[06:44:26] when I was talking about? Fantastic spot for war?
[06:44:28] Yeah, there's like a...
[06:44:30] This sounds really stupid.
[06:44:31] There's like a cornfield right here in the game.
[06:44:34] Bro, this cornfield went so fucking hard.
[06:44:38] Like I farmed the shit out of this area.
[06:44:40] No, no, no-it was actually right-
[06:44:41] It was like right here.
[06:44:43] And I remember...
[06:44:44] I just got like a hundred and fifty corn at the same time because of it
[06:44:48] It was nuts
[06:44:50] You got corn? Yeah!
[06:44:52] Okay...
[06:44:54] Wait...
[06:44:58] Hmm...
[06:45:00] Okay... Alright, let's do this. Okay.
[06:45:04] Alright, let's do this.
[06:45:12] That's a fantastic story I know. What do do you keep at that permanent progress for
[06:45:14] every reset uh you have i think they're still figuring that out to be honest with you so so What the fuck?
[06:46:00] This is insane.
[06:46:04] My damage just doubled!
[06:46:11] I...
[06:46:15] This is awesome!
[06:46:16] Can I open this or get anything out of this? No.
[06:46:19] Okay, let's go.
[06:46:28] Okay... Okay. And then there's like three guys in here, and
[06:46:32] there's an item I have to loot that has a card.
[06:46:36] Oh! that has a card.
[06:46:43] So I'm doing as much damage on like, a normal attack
[06:46:45] as I did on a crit.
[06:46:49] That was fucking crazy!
[06:46:57] Did you calibrate your weapon yet?
[06:46:58] I did.
[06:47:00] Um, I didn't go like all the way because I didn't think
[06:47:02] it would be like resource efficient
[06:47:04] but I did do a little bit of it.
[06:47:08] I got
[06:47:08] a globe.
[06:47:10] More propaganda. I I got a globe.
[06:47:13] More propaganda, I see.
[06:47:22] Seems faster across though? It's because I have the reload perk and I think there is a thing right here isn't there remember that
[06:47:38] and then there's another big one and i would blow something up right here yes Yes. Jesus, man! This is so good!
[06:47:47] Yeah I didn't remember it being this strong.
[06:47:52] I'm very thirsty. Jesus.
[06:48:10] What?
[06:48:12] And I remember
[06:48:13] I wouldn't want to stay here because it would make my health go down.
[06:48:20] And then I would take this elevator...
[06:48:24] Bye!
[06:48:31] Yes, I remember everything.
[06:48:45] The card was there? Yeah but I don't need the card for this.
[06:48:47] I need the card later on to open another door.
[06:48:51] And then I go this way and turn around after
[06:48:53] the dialogue place.
[06:48:57] Right?
[06:49:05] Yes! Yes.
[06:49:08] And then there's one of those rain fuck-asses.
[06:49:14] I remember this too.
[06:49:24] What? so Jesus, I'm doing so much damage.
[06:49:44] Oh my god! This is insane!
[06:49:55] Oh, they made the change to this. I actually suggested
[06:50:03] this in the beta.
[06:50:06] That they had
[06:50:07] this scale with...
[06:50:47] ..... Well... Ain't that something?
[06:50:50] Am I still alive? It looks like I'm still alive.
[06:50:57] Yeah? About time to watch the Oval Office address. Oh, you're right! isn't that happening let me see here on the later later give him 10 more minutes yeah they're waking him up probably 30 minutes yeah okay
[06:51:40] give me a minute guys the worst thing about this is i think now i have to restart the
[06:51:45] thing to restart the thing. Was it just the game?
[06:52:06] That was all PC.
[06:52:07] I had this same problem before.
[06:52:11] Okay.
[06:52:18] Got to make sure I get this set up. all right i don't know what that was
[06:52:46] they have a frame rate oh is it a frame rate cap? Oops.
[06:52:57] Hmm!
[06:53:01] Okay great I didn't get knocked out.
[06:53:04] Fuck yeah.
[06:53:05] Okay, awesome.
[06:53:10] Um... Yeah, let's go.
[06:53:12] Whip loot? No, the loot is in the next box it's right here.
[06:53:22] Get over here Mr. Pokemon!
[06:53:27] Chefasaurus Rex! Nice! Let's... Ooh.
[06:53:37] Bind to a destination again?
[06:53:40] Yeah, I don't know if I can finish it in time.
[06:53:42] I think I might have to just pause this.
[06:53:44] Let's see, I have... I have... Let's see i have i have
[06:53:46] let's see um seven minutes
[06:53:50] i can beat it in seven minutes
[06:53:53] i can't i'm gonna speed run this like crazy I can.
[06:53:57] I'm gonna speedrun this like crazy.
[06:54:02] No, you can't? Alright. Let's find out.
[06:54:28] And then we'll take a look at it. Okay.
[06:54:36] Blow that up. Alright, loot this... got it. Gotta go as fast as possible. Okay, we got six minutes. Take the can with me.
[06:55:09] And there's one right here, got it. What? How the fuck did I miss? got it I can't.
[06:56:09] That was fucking annoying, but we did it. It's fine.
[06:56:13] V for melee? Yeah, it reset my keybinds.
[06:56:21] And for some reason I'm remembering this boss to be some sort of a damage check.
[06:56:26] I think he's one of the ones that spawns
[06:56:28] a bunch of adds
[06:56:29] and then if you kill him really fast
[06:56:31] you don't have to deal with the adds
[06:56:32] so that's probably what it is.
[06:56:36] Okay, let's double- to make sure I'm not missing anything.
[06:56:40] Got him.
[06:56:42] Alright one more and then
[06:56:44] I think this spawns the boss.
[06:56:49] Let's loot this too.
[06:57:30] Just kill myself. so How?
[06:57:45] Got him. Got it!
[06:57:48] Easiest game of my fucking life.
[06:57:53] I beat it already, with multiple minutes to spare.
[06:57:58] Okay... And now...
[06:58:01] I don't know if I have to leave the right way, so
[06:58:04] I'm just going to exit dungeon. There we go.
[06:58:08] Okay, back. You missed a secret boss? No I already killed him!
[06:58:12] I got DC'd.
[06:58:20] Okay, uh...I'll teleport back too.
[06:58:25] Don't forget the elevator? I already did.
[06:58:28] Okay.
[06:58:30] Let me see if I can pull this up.
[06:58:35] So is like a dress-the-nation thing?
[06:58:43] Okay... there he is! Alright, let's take a look at this.
[06:58:52] Speaking of DC? Yeah exactly. You mean Biden disconnecting, right?
[06:58:57] Okay, I'll make sure I'm closed here
[06:59:04] okay all right we'll see it, boys.
[06:59:05] It's time.
[06:59:08] Oh, it's time.
[06:59:13] Will Biden have high ping tonight? No, no. He's going gonna be reading off the teleprompter it this is
[06:59:18] going to be no big deal for him like he'll still nah i mean like don't get me wrong
[06:59:22] he'll still mess it up even if it's on the teleprompter.
[06:59:29] Yeah,
[06:59:29] like,
[06:59:30] even if he's on the teleprompter,
[06:59:31] they... He's still gonna mess up.
[06:59:33] But it's not gonna be a mess-up
[06:59:34] like, you know,
[06:59:36] Vladimir Putin, you Putin, Vice President Trump.
[06:59:41] That kind of stuff.
[06:59:42] Homeless security.
[06:59:44] Now he's going to fuck up a little bit but it's going to be nothing like not nothing like when
[06:59:49] if he takes questions after this that's whenever you're going to see a situation.
[07:00:07] Alright, let's see... No questions on that? Yeah yeah yeah it's supposed to be happening in like one minute he said homeless
[07:00:12] security nah i'd probably keep honestly it's funny to goof around on them but like no it's fine probably drugged up for this yeah what would you
[07:00:25] do a Biden walks on stage with one of those don't miss Trump hats on.
[07:00:32] That's pretty funny.
[07:00:36] A 30 year old
[07:00:37] president,
[07:00:37] a 30 year old can't be
[07:00:38] president but an 80
[07:00:39] year old can?
[07:00:41] Yeah I mean,
[07:00:42] I'm not of the mindset...
[07:00:45] Trump will be 80 whenever he's
[07:00:47] president. He'll be 82 at the end
[07:00:49] of his term because he's 78 now.
[07:00:51] So it's four years, right?
[07:00:54] You know, that's how math is.
[07:00:55] And so, yeah, no, I mean,
[07:00:57] he's going to be 82 as well.
[07:00:59] Like Biden is 82 right now.
[07:01:00] Trump will be this age whenever he finishes the term.
[07:01:04] I don't think
[07:01:05] that the problem is age.
[07:01:08] I don't, because
[07:01:09] age affects everybody differently.
[07:01:11] There's some people that start losing it at like 60. other people
[07:01:14] that are sharp at 90 i don't think you should like draw like you shouldn't be
[07:01:18] like this is what it is yeah true that's what i'm saying right
[07:01:24] yeah some people still sharp yeah exactly like bernie warren buffett yeah
[07:01:32] your brain is just differently rest of your body? Yeah.
[07:01:35] Like my dad's 78 and like he's still sharp too, right?
[07:01:39] And so uh... My mom was too when she was 70
[07:01:43] I'm like yeah now she would get into some loony shit
[07:01:45] for fucking sure
[07:01:47] but, I mean
[07:01:49] she always was into that
[07:01:51] you know?
[07:01:54] But genetics mixed with age, good versus bad no no you're right you 100
[07:01:58] right ap reporting cop confronted shooter on
[07:02:02] the roof and retreated out of fear.
[07:02:10] That's cute.
[07:02:12] Oh, man.
[07:02:13] How about that?
[07:02:14] Ain't that cute? Why do you only have old seniors running for president?
[07:02:19] The reason why is because only old seniors vote.
[07:02:21] That's the real problem.
[07:02:23] Yeah, they brought the Uvalde police over.
[07:02:28] That's
[07:02:28] the reason why, because like we...
[07:02:30] Oh.
[07:02:32] Our fellow Americans
[07:02:33] want to speak to you tonight about
[07:02:36] the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics.
[07:02:39] And remember, or we may disagree,
[07:02:42] we are not enemies.
[07:02:44] We're neighbors.
[07:02:45] We're friends, coworkers, citizens.
[07:02:50] And most importantly, we are fellow Americans.
[07:02:52] We must stand together.
[07:02:56] Yesterday's shooting at Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania calls on all of us to take a step back.
[07:03:00] Take stock
[07:03:01] of where we are, how we go
[07:03:03] forward from here.
[07:03:04] Former Trump
[07:03:06] is not seriously injured.
[07:03:08] I spoke with him last night, and I'm grateful.
[07:03:10] He's doing well in July.
[07:03:12] Keep him and his family on our prayers.
[07:03:14] We also extend our deepest condolences
[07:03:16] to the families of victims who were killed.
[07:03:19] Corey was a husband,
[07:03:21] a father,
[07:03:22] a volunteer firefighter,
[07:03:22] a hero,
[07:03:24] sheltering his family from those bullets.
[07:03:26] We should all hold
[07:03:27] this family
[07:03:27] and all those injured
[07:03:29] in our prayers.
[07:03:30] Earlier today I spoke about an ongoing I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS.
[07:03:35] PRAYER.
[07:03:40] WE DO NOT KNOW THE MOTIVE OF THE SHOOTER YET. We don't know his opinions or affiliations. We don't know whether he had help
[07:03:43] or support,
[07:03:45] or if he communicated with anyone else.
[07:03:47] Law enforcement professionals
[07:03:49] as I speak are investigating those questions
[07:03:51] Tonight I want to speak
[07:03:53] to what we do know.
[07:03:55] A former president was shot,
[07:03:58] an American citizen killed
[07:04:00] while simply exercising his
[07:04:01] freedom to support the
[07:04:02] candidate of his choosing.
[07:04:03] That's true.
[07:04:04] We cannot, we must not go down this road in America.
[07:04:08] We've traveled before throughout our history.
[07:04:11] Violence has never been the answer.
[07:04:13] Whether it was members of Congress
[07:04:15] in both parties being targeted and shot,
[07:04:17] or a violent mob attacking
[07:04:19] the Capitol on January 6th
[07:04:21] Or brutal attack on the spouse
[07:04:23] of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
[07:04:25] Or information and intimidation
[07:04:28] on election officials
[07:04:29] or the kidnapping plot
[07:04:31] against the sitting governor
[07:04:33] or an attempted assassination on Donald Trump. There's no place in America
[07:04:38] this kind of violence, for any violence ever. Period. No exceptions.
[07:04:44] We can't allow this violence to be normalized.
[07:04:47] You know, the political record in this country has gotten very heated.
[07:04:51] It's time to cool it down.
[07:04:53] But chill the fuck out.
[07:04:54] We all have a responsibility to do that.
[07:04:59] Yes, we have deeply felt strong disagreements.
[07:05:02] The stakes in this election are enormously high.
[07:05:04] I've said it many times that the choice we make in this election is going to shape
[07:05:07] the future of America and the world for decades to come.
[07:05:10] I think we should take away people's rights,
[07:05:12] that way they can't do this anymore.
[07:05:14] I believe that with all my soul.
[07:05:16] I know that millions of my fellow Americans believe it as well.
[07:05:18] And some have a different view
[07:05:20] as to the direction our country should take.
[07:05:22] Disagreement is inevitable in American democracy,
[07:05:25] It's part of human nature.
[07:05:27] A politics must never be
[07:05:29] a little battlefield,
[07:05:31] God forbid,
[07:05:33] I believe politics
[07:05:35] ought to be an arena
[07:05:37] for peaceful debate and to pursue justice We stand for an America not of extremism and fury
[07:05:40] but a decency
[07:05:41] in grace.
[07:05:45] All of us now face the time
[07:05:47] of testing as election
[07:05:48] candidates
[07:05:49] are forced to and grace. All of us now face a time
[07:05:51] of testing as the election approaches
[07:05:53] The higher the stakes,
[07:05:55] the more fervent the passions become
[07:05:57] This places an added burden
[07:05:59] on each of us to ensure that no matter how strong our convictions, we must never descend into violence.
[07:06:06] The Republican convention will start tomorrow.
[07:06:09] I have no doubt they'll criticize my record and offer their own vision for this country.
[07:06:13] I will be traveling this week, making the case for our record
[07:06:16] and the vision – my vision of the country, our vision.
[07:06:19] I'll continue to speak out strongly for our democracy, stand up for our Constitution and
[07:06:24] the rule of law.
[07:06:26] Call for action at the ballot box.
[07:06:28] No violence on our streets.
[07:06:31] That's how democracy should work.
[07:06:32] We debate and disagree, we compare and contrast the
[07:06:35] character of the candidates,
[07:06:37] the records,
[07:06:38] issues
[07:06:39] ,
[07:06:40] agenda
[07:06:41] .
[07:06:42] But in America we resolve our differences at the battle box.
[07:06:47] That's how we do it, at the battle box, not with bullets.
[07:06:51] The power to change America should always rest
[07:06:53] in the hands of the people,
[07:06:55] not in the hands of a would-be assassin.
[07:06:57] You know, the path forward through competing visions of the campaign
[07:07:01] should always be resolved peacefully.
[07:07:04] He said that out come on guys!
[07:07:05] Come on he didn't mess that one up
[07:07:07] You know we are blessed to live in the greatest country on earth
[07:07:09] and I believe that with every soul
[07:07:13] So tonight I'm asking every American to recommit.
[07:07:16] To make America so...
[07:07:18] Make America what it is to think about.
[07:07:20] What's made America so special?
[07:07:22] Here in America everyone must be treated with dignity and respect.
[07:07:27] And hate must have no safe harbor.
[07:07:30] Here in America we need to get out of our silos where we only listen to those with whom
[07:07:34] we agree or misinformation is rampant,
[07:07:37] where foreign actors fan
[07:07:39] the flames of our division
[07:07:40] to shape the outcome consistent
[07:07:42] with their interests, not ours.
[07:07:45] Let's remember here in America
[07:07:46] all unity is the most important goal right now.
[07:07:51] Nothing is more important for us now than standing together.
[07:07:55] We can do this. You know, from the beginning our founders understood
[07:08:01] the power of passion so they created a democracy
[07:08:05] that gave reason and balance a chance to prevail
[07:08:08] over brute force.
[07:08:10] That's the American we must be, an American democracy
[07:08:13] where arguments are made in good faith,
[07:08:16] an American democracy where the rule of law is respected, an American democracy, where the rule of law is respected.
[07:08:20] American democracy, where decency and dignity, fair play
[07:08:23] aren't just quaint notions but living, breathing realities.
[07:08:28] We owe that to those who come before us,
[07:08:31] to those who gave their lives in this country.
[07:08:34] That's ourselves.
[07:08:36] We owe it to our children and grandchildren.
[07:08:39] Look, let's never lose sight of who we are.
[07:08:41] Let's remember that we're the United States of America.
[07:08:44] There is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when
[07:08:47] we do it together.
[07:08:50] God bless you all,
[07:08:52] and may God protect our troops.
[07:08:58] I gotta tell you guys,
[07:09:01] they really fucked this up.
[07:09:04] They really
[07:09:05] made him look like a bit of an idiot
[07:09:06] because here's the thing
[07:09:09] is you go
[07:09:10] and you see this, right?
[07:09:12] He's not looking directly at the camera.
[07:09:15] You got the wrong camera on.
[07:09:17] The angle was too low.
[07:09:19] It showed the teleprompter in the back of the window.
[07:09:23] Like it's just bro
[07:09:24] what were y'all doing?
[07:09:28] What are you all
[07:09:30] messing up?
[07:09:32] Oh my god.
[07:09:35] They messing, they man, they should have had me just stream this
[07:09:39] Yeah, where are the smart people at?
[07:09:43] Y'all really can't figure this shit out.
[07:09:46] Nah, speech was fine. I'm gonna be honest
[07:09:48] I think the speech was fucking fine
[07:09:49] like yeah
[07:09:51] of all things
[07:09:52] I really think it was fine
[07:09:54] It was not
[07:09:55] awful
[07:09:57] or anything like that.
[07:10:00] It was good.
[07:10:03] Yeah.
[07:10:04] AI speech? Nah, if it was was a i speech would have been better you can tell it's not because
[07:10:11] he did like he did up uh you know a thing or two. Right?
[07:10:19] Hassan said it was shit.
[07:10:22] I don't know what he wanted to say.
[07:10:22] I mean,
[07:10:26] the thing is like saw title do not play size at that that bad man I don't
[07:10:28] know I feel like is it like I mean if
[07:10:30] you like the way he said it
[07:10:32] like I think if you take the words that were
[07:10:34] used I think the words were
[07:10:36] good where's their shit
[07:10:37] I'll be back when they're good. I heard uh, I heard that man
[07:10:43] That sucks
[07:10:47] Yeah is like I listen to the
[07:10:48] Like
[07:10:48] The way he communicates
[07:10:50] Is not good
[07:10:51] It's just not good
[07:10:52] Right
[07:10:52] He an old man
[07:10:53] And
[07:10:54] You know
[07:10:55] He fucking meandering around
[07:10:56] Talking about some bullshit
[07:10:57] Half of the time
[07:10:58] Like I think you're right but...
[07:11:03] Oh fuck.
[07:11:07] I guess i need to take those sanity gummies, right?
[07:11:11] Let me get some of that. Oh there it is fixed
[07:11:15] Ooh big meat! Big meat!
[07:11:19] Let's see what I got here.
[07:11:21] Use the meat?
[07:11:25] Okay, fish on back
[07:11:29] Yeah that's my secret weapon, bro.
[07:11:35] Oops, I didn't mean to do that.
[07:11:38] Alright, we're good.
[07:11:39] Everything else should be ready.
[07:11:40] Alright, let's go.
[07:11:41] Let's just move it.
[07:11:46] Okay. We're good, everything else should be ready. Alright let's go. Let's just move.
[07:11:50] Jesus Christ this shit is loud. Oh I actually need to change my keyboard.
[07:11:56] Okay we're good.
[07:11:59] Oh, I gotta mark this too.
[07:12:07] Alright, let's go.
[07:12:11] Let's go to the battle box boys.
[07:12:15] I don't think it was that bad. it's not that big of a deal.
[07:12:17] Like, I'm... I don't think it was that bad.
[07:12:21] Using first boss backpack heals
[07:12:22] health and sanity?
[07:12:24] Oh really?
[07:12:25] Fuck.
[07:12:26] I should probably do that.
[07:12:28] Yeah, there's a lot of those nuances
[07:12:30] and little complexities
[07:12:31] I really just don't know about.
[07:12:33] I need to do that more.
[07:12:36] Okay. know about. I need to do that more. I'm surprised it wasn't pre-recorded.
[07:12:48] Um,
[07:12:49] I mean you don't know if it was or not right?
[07:12:52] I don't think it really matters
[07:12:53] If it was pre-recorded or not
[07:12:54] You know Joe could have gone to bed
[07:12:57] three hours ago who knows
[07:13:01] i do is it lack compassion for the people that were shot
[07:13:06] honestly honestly
[07:13:07] I just think he's not good at giving speeches
[07:13:12] like
[07:13:14] I don't think that there's any actual
[07:13:16] lack of compassion
[07:13:17] I think that he's, like, any actual lack of compassion. I
[07:13:19] think that he's just not good at giving speeches,
[07:13:20] like, straight up.
[07:13:25] Uh, yeah, we gotta go this way.
[07:13:30] No lack of compassion? Oh, maybe you're right you know i mean how am i supposed to know that this is just my assumption
[07:13:36] can i go up through there? Ooh.
[07:13:44] Yeah, I gotta go around, I guess.
[07:13:47] Damn! I gotta go all the way around.
[07:13:54] Is there something i have to do here?
[07:13:57] No... okay good.
[07:14:02] Is this game good? Yeah, I think-I think the game's good. I enjoyed the game good? Yeah, I think the game's good.
[07:14:02] I enjoyed the game.
[07:14:03] I've been playing it a lot. Okay. riots on a couple of nights
[07:14:14] no there's not going to be any riots
[07:14:16] I feel like if Trump got killed
[07:14:18] there would be people popping off
[07:14:20] going crazy
[07:14:21] but that didn't happen so
[07:14:24] like i think you're gonna have people that are disgruntled and frustrated
[07:14:28] because like it you know things didn't happen
[07:14:32] you know like it happened at all which is oh okay
[07:14:39] well 22 nice what the Nice. What the fuck?
[07:14:50] Got him.
[07:14:53] Easiest game of my fucking life.
[07:14:57] Get this gear crate too...
[07:15:04] Damn, these guys have really good gear.
[07:15:08] I mean, I guess they're probably thinking that about me because I'm one-shotting everything too.
[07:15:18] Uh...I'm not even going to try and worry about him.
[07:15:22] Maybe I should actually. Never mind.
[07:15:26] Haven't caught much of the gameplay?
[07:15:28] No, I like the gameplay.
[07:15:30] I think the game's good.
[07:15:40] Yeah, obviously there's some things that I'd want to see different.
[07:15:42] But overall,
[07:15:44] I do think the game is good.
[07:15:46] If you need a hive,
[07:15:47] we can get you in. Yeah I might actually join
[07:15:48] your guys' group
[07:15:54] Okay
[07:15:56] And I think the other big chest is over this way. Oh no, this is where the big chest is
[07:16:01] That's right
[07:16:06] So i reckon only one shot you if they get a headshot i've never been one-shot you if they get a head shot?
[07:16:08] I've never been one-shotted by a sniper before.
[07:16:11] Never happened, hopefully it doesn't.
[07:16:15] We do a transmog contest for buildings once human? Oh...
[07:16:18] Probably not. No.
[07:16:24] Is this gonna work? We're all waiting for the elevator. Okay.
[07:16:28] Come on. While waiting for the elevator, okay.
[07:16:31] Come on.
[07:16:38] This is so fucking stupid. Okay... Okay.
[07:16:42] There it is.
[07:16:47] ... Oh, I got goggles. Is there anybody here?
[07:17:06] Damn,
[07:17:06] there's like nobody in the area.
[07:17:09] I thought there'd be way more
[07:17:10] people here.
[07:17:11] I guess somebody cleared them out already.
[07:17:17] Alright, crit damage too.
[07:17:22] Go up to the top. Okay.
[07:17:41] There's nobody here either.
[07:17:48] Hmm... Okay, so now I just need to... Oh! I just need to kill regular mobs. Okay that's fucking easy.
[07:17:54] Ooh, I'm not ready for this yet.
[07:17:59] Yeah, I need to kill...
[07:18:13] Yeah, I need to kill these guys. I think I get a reward from that. Oh!
[07:18:15] No, I don't. I just get it from the big purple chest, that's right.
[07:18:17] Well, I'll do this first
[07:18:19] anyway.
[07:18:41] ... Okay, made three more. Hmm.
[07:18:43] Yeah, I'll just keep looking around.
[07:18:46] Isn't the crossbow just a worse sniper rifle?
[07:18:51] No, because I don't have to worry about ammo with the crossbow.
[07:19:03] That's the reason why I have it. Ammo is so abundant though? Really? Maybe I should make a sniper rifle then and compare.
[07:19:16] Alright,
[07:19:17] now we have the first real boss.
[07:19:19] I'll probably actually make a group for this one since it's pretty
[07:19:21] hard. It's way easier if i get a group.
[07:19:30] How many people can be in a group at a time?
[07:19:37] Four, okay. I guess we'll just go with that then.
[07:19:44] Alright, getting all the antibiotics...
[07:19:49] We have all this...
[07:19:52] I guess I should do this one here.
[07:19:55] Okay...
[07:19:58] Alrighty, gentlemen!
[07:20:01] So if you want to join the group with me, come over here.
[07:20:06] And I'll invite everybody.
[07:20:10] Actually no, no. You guys can actually just queue up right?
[07:20:13] Wait a second. Sorry guys. I don't remember
[07:20:15] exactly how to make a group for this.
[07:20:17] I've only done it a handful of times.
[07:20:19] Okay so Rift Bacon
[07:20:23] and then create team,
[07:20:25] Team Asmon created.
[07:20:31] Okay so how do people join um Click to join.
[07:20:57] Join team. Okay, so I put a message out.
[07:21:05] Okay... Z. Invite to team one.
[07:21:15] Come over here.
[07:21:25] Invite the team, and then I'll invite this guy.
[07:21:29] Okay... We have our group of four, let's do this.
[07:21:33] Alright enter. If I press enter
[07:21:37] this enters me with the team right?
[07:21:45] Yes. Okay cool. That's not Tectone.
[07:21:48] That's a random idiot pretending to be Tectone.
[07:21:56] Oh, um...
[07:21:57] People keep spamming me with friend invites.
[07:22:01] Gimme a minute.
[07:22:07] I declined a friend invite,
[07:22:09] I thought...I thought I was applying for something else.
[07:22:12] Okay there we go, we're good.
[07:22:16] Alright here we go! hmm
[07:22:26] no No.
[07:22:36] Yeah, it's probably the other one.
[07:22:41] What the fuck?
[07:23:01] Uh... what the fuck Oh. Ooh! Ring around the rosy
[07:23:08] What do you suppose we can do to fight the darkness in which In which one?
[07:23:32] Shh. Nice.
[07:23:49] Shit! shit
[07:24:20] all right let's do it Okay. I'm gonna try and get those balls, pop his balls, pop his balls okay there's like a ads we need to kill now I see him.
[07:24:34] How?
[07:24:37] How?!
[07:24:39] How?!
[07:24:41] How?! How? HOW?!
[07:24:45] Got it.
[07:24:52] Okay, there's two of them dead.
[07:25:00] Oh we got him! Okay nice... fuck. Well that's a big one!
[07:25:07] Pop that...
[07:25:11] Got him.
[07:25:22] Okay, he's immune again
[07:25:23] Alright, where did he get?
[07:25:27] He's gonna do the thing again
[07:25:29] That's like where he sucks you in
[07:25:33] Ooh He's fine now That's like where he sucks you in.
[07:25:36] Ooh, he's fine now.
[07:25:43] Is it bugged? No! Okay here we go. bug?
[07:25:45] No.
[07:25:46] Okay, here we go.
[07:26:08] Let's see how... Okay, that's two of them
[07:26:43] i see him All right, finish him. Gotcha, bitch.
[07:26:46] Gotcha, bitch!
[07:26:51] Easiest game of my life.
[07:26:53] There we go,
[07:26:54] that was pretty good.
[07:26:56] Easy? Yeah,
[07:26:58] that's what having a team really helps a lot with.
[07:27:00] That's a hard boss!
[07:27:06] Did I get it? Oh, I did!
[07:27:08] I got a Dreamcatcher. Nice!
[07:27:11] Holy shit! And I got a Cradle Override
[07:27:15] Oh my- I have two Cradle Overrides
[07:27:19] Holy shit!
[07:27:27] Oh my god.
[07:27:36] I don't know which other one to go with.
[07:27:40] I guess I'm gonna go with that. That seems like probably the best option.
[07:27:44] Okay, good!
[07:27:49] Does it want to leave the dungeon? Yep.
[07:27:57] Damn, I did way less damage than them.
[07:28:01] I only did 33k
[07:28:05] yeah bro like that that made it way easier
[07:28:15] carried absolutely Carried? Absolutely.
[07:28:19] Yeah, I'd probably still be fighting him.
[07:28:23] To be fair, I have pretty good gear now so it wouldn't have been that much worse. But definitely would
[07:28:25] have been worse. Okay, so let's go over here.
[07:28:32] Just on the team... yeah thank you guys
[07:28:37] Thank You gentlemen we got to talk to the girl again?
[07:28:51] As I'm playing a girl character, it's so weird.
[07:28:55] I'm not playing a girl.
[07:28:59] It's just a guy that looks like a girl.
[07:29:02] That's a girl.
[07:29:05] Now that you took down another transcendent i have more memetics for
[07:29:08] you
[07:29:12] oh and it looks like you've got something interesting in your cradle too
[07:29:17] a dream catcher
[07:29:19] spun itself a spider one that could prey on people while they slept
[07:29:25] it seems pretty scary i know everyone in iron river must be grateful you laid
[07:29:30] this thing to rest now we just go to the forest you risk
[07:29:34] your life to save them meanwhile
[07:29:38] i've just been hiding here you are
[07:29:45] you're far from bro what's to go back into the world
[07:29:56] you're far from bro what's this simp dialogue get the out of here thank you meta
[07:30:00] it's good to know i can count on you when the time comes.
[07:30:03] V once told me Maze Flies are small, yet invincible.
[07:30:05] We need to remember that.
[07:30:08] We need to keep holding on just like them.
[07:30:10] Okay. Okay.
[07:30:20] I've heard it'll look like a woman's ass instead of a man, so I play female characters characters i don't look at my character's
[07:30:22] ass ever i never even think about that report the results to hot dog okay Okay.
[07:30:35] Yeah, I ain't looking at my character's ass like bro what
[07:30:37] the fuck you think I'm going around doing?
[07:30:39] Absolutely not even bunny no
[07:30:41] fucking look at that shit. I only play one character in that game.
[07:30:45] Like, I'm the kind of person
[07:30:46] like, I will play one character
[07:30:47] non-stop and just know life
[07:30:49] and be as good as possible with that one character
[07:30:51] and that's the only way I play the game.
[07:30:55] I've thought about leveling up a couple of the other descendants but
[07:31:01] i don't know if i want to do that much farming.
[07:31:10] Got me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Near point nairn? No, I never did actually.
[07:31:18] Oop! actually okay taught the hot dog hey so my instincts and those dreams Hey!
[07:31:30] Leveling your descendants gets you more mastery level? Really? Is that true?
[07:31:32] What is that true, do I get more... Mastery rank?
[07:31:35] Oh fuck. Okay, I guess I do have to do that.
[07:31:36] Shit, I hate this fucking game.
[07:31:38] Okay uh so now we go back over to this right?
[07:31:41] Yeah yeah it's over here.
[07:31:43] Okay I'll stop right here and show you guys my first Ascendant character
[07:31:46] because I'm gonna just chill I'll stop right here. I'll show you guys my first Ascendant character,
[07:31:47] because I'm going to go ahead and just chill.
[07:31:49] But before I do that...
[07:31:51] Let me go over here.
[07:31:53] Settings.
[07:31:53] Exit game.
[07:31:56] See here?
[07:31:56] I'll probably do the rest of this.
[07:31:58] I don't know if I'll do more of this tomorrow,
[07:31:59] I might do this zone like off stream
[07:32:01] I don't know just so I can get caught up
[07:32:03] but we'll see what happens
[07:32:06] Yeah I'll show you guys where I'm at though.
[07:32:16] Yeah, I've been playing the shit out of this game.
[07:32:19] Come join Hive first? I'll come back.
[07:32:20] I'll come back and join later.
[07:32:24] It's hard to tell what scratches your itch, to be honest. I just play games, man.
[07:32:25] I like playing games.
[07:32:27] It's really not that complicated. There's not really a lot to it i just really like playing
[07:32:31] games and getting into uh different environments and shit like that sam just been addicted yeah
[07:32:37] yeah it's been fun man you only get mastery experience for the first time you take a 40
[07:32:43] no it's ok I didn't know that
[07:32:45] I'm going to start leveling other characters then
[07:32:46] yeah
[07:32:49] I had no idea.
[07:32:54] Weapons too? Really? Okay. That's interesting.
[07:33:00] Okay... Okay.
[07:33:11] Obviously level 40.
[07:33:18] Not a big deal.
[07:33:30] Gives you a master rank, gives you more slots? Yeah I know.
[07:33:34] So this is my guy. Level 40.
[07:33:36] These are my modules.
[07:33:38] I have every single one maxed out.
[07:33:45] I haven't leveled up some of these because I haven't really felt it necessary. But everything else is completely maxed out, every single one
[07:33:49] has the application on it too. And then
[07:33:53] here's my weapon right there. I've only done
[07:33:58] five, or no six on the weapon
[07:34:00] I haven't finished the weapon yet
[07:34:01] I need to make sure I'm going to get this one next
[07:34:03] And so I did that, and then
[07:34:07] that's the weapon itself.
[07:34:10] Pretty good. And I've got the different effects here
[07:34:15] these aren't very good. Like, I'm
[07:34:17] trying to replace these right now.
[07:34:20] Like this one kind of sucks too
[07:34:21] but it's got good cooldown rate so I just held
[07:34:23] on to it. I haven't really been
[07:34:25] able to farm out one that's better.
[07:34:28] The stats on Tamer, they're so bad. I'm going to get a second one because
[07:34:32] I actually think it's useful to have that. blue cd gives more than purple cd yeah i know that Ajax gets more HP on sensors and processors.
[07:34:55] Yeah, right now I'm at like 2k. Or 22k I mean.
[07:35:06] They fixed it? Oh, did they?
[07:35:12] Maybe I'll have to get a new weapon then.
[07:35:50] So tanky what the fuck? Yeah, it's okay like it could be a lot better so so I didn't think that was going to hit me. He's gonna hit me.
[07:35:55] He's going to do the thing in a minute.
[07:35:59] There we go. Fuck! Fuck. so I'm gonna jump over here and do this one too.
[07:36:31] I should have reloaded on the way over. so oh oh Oh shit, I ran out of ammo.
[07:37:27] I didn't pay attention.
[07:37:29] Fuck. Fuck.
[07:37:30] Okay.
[07:37:31] Uh, where's my ammo?
[07:37:35] Uh,
[07:37:35] I really fucked up here.
[07:37:40] Yeah, I gotta go get more ammo.
[07:37:42] Yeeeahhhhhh this is not
[07:37:44] so good.
[07:37:46] This should not have happened.
[07:37:48] Switch guns? That's fine.
[07:37:52] He's gonna do it again though, unfortunately.
[07:37:58] He's gonna go immune.
[07:38:01] I fucked up. he's gonna go immune i up Okay.
[07:38:18] Hard mode?
[07:38:19] Yeah, yeah this is on hard mode so Alright, time to kill them. so Gotcha, bitch.
[07:39:16] So yeah, I need to do this like a hundred times.
[07:39:20] Pretty good!
[07:39:24] Uh...I made a fuck up with the uh...what do you call it? With the health.
[07:39:26] I could have killed them earlier but, you know...
[07:39:30] Shit happens.
[07:39:32] Faster with a group? No, it's not.
[07:39:34] It is absolutely not faster with a group.
[07:39:37] I'll tell you that.
[07:39:41] But don't you pay money to repeat 100x? No, no, you can't.
[07:39:45] It's way slower with a group?
[07:39:47] Yeah, it scales with a group.
[07:39:49] And also if I make a mistake...
[07:39:51] Like I made a mistake.
[07:39:52] That's just what happens, right?
[07:39:53] But like if they make a mistake
[07:39:54] I can't control that.
[07:39:57] Okay. Is there anything good here?
[07:39:59] No, no, no,
[07:40:01] no. All garbage.
[07:40:04] Okay, what do we
[07:40:05] get here?
[07:40:06] Wow! Oh, actually, I don't really care about this because mine's already
[07:40:09] really good. Okay and what about this?
[07:40:13] Alright guys, I gotta go.
[07:40:17] Yeah, I gotta go. go yeah that's the way it is boys that's just the way it is alright guys thank
[07:40:29] you all very much for watching
[07:40:30] i'll be back on tomorrow early in the morning same as today and the day before
[07:40:34] and the day after tomorrow too actually i think i have one thing to do then but
[07:40:38] uh besides that i'll be back then so yes guys thank you all very much for watching
[07:40:42] really fucking appreciate it i will be back on tomorrow all right boys peace