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[DROPS ON] BIG DAY FIRST DECENDANT REACTS NEWS DRAMA FIRST @StarforgeSystems @MadMushroomGG @MythicTalent @OTKnetwork

07-03-2024 · 5h 53m

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[00:00:00] so so so so um um so
[00:01:14] you guys hear me?
[00:01:21] Yep.
[00:01:22] What's up, boys?
[00:01:22] How y'all doing?
[00:01:27] I just got back a little bit ago and we're back in it.
[00:01:28] Back on it, man. man you playing ZZZ tomorrow
[00:01:30] yeah I am
[00:01:31] abso-fucking-lutely
[00:01:33] I am
[00:01:33] yep
[00:01:33] 100%
[00:01:36] new mattress
[00:01:37] I uh
[00:01:38] just give me an extra day.
[00:01:40] I wasn't able to get it today. Uh, I went to a doctor's appointment today
[00:01:43] and they told me that they can write me a referral
[00:01:46] that um...I don't have to pay sales tax on the mattress.
[00:01:51] So they're gonna email me that today and I'm going to use it tomorrow.
[00:01:55] So yeah, that's crap- And that's like three or four hundred bucks so
[00:01:58] uh, I'm just gonna give it an extra day.
[00:02:00] I mean that's free fucking money man!
[00:02:02] Yeah, ABC always be cheating, that's right!
[00:02:05] Ooh yep!
[00:02:07] Gonna use it on a national holiday?
[00:02:09] What better way to celebrate america than doing everything
[00:02:13] i can to not pay taxes i think so absolutely first descendants under maintenance for how
[00:02:19] long like one an hour yeah who cares cares I'm not gonna start right now
[00:02:23] I'll be on for a bit. Aren't you a multi
[00:02:25] millionaire? I am actually
[00:02:27] Uh... Yep
[00:02:29] You sure am
[00:02:31] But $300 is $300
[00:02:34] It's a lot of fucking money
[00:02:37] That's a lot of money
[00:02:39] So yeah, that's it now. I got no problem spending money if I gotta spend money
[00:02:44] But like it's just not that
[00:02:47] The way I see it right so yeah, that's a lot of Chipotle. Yeah, what the fuck you mean?
[00:02:52] You didn't get to be a multiplayer or waste money?
[00:02:55] Yeah, yeah. I don't like to waste money man
[00:02:57] I-I don't like that at all
[00:02:59] So yeah...
[00:03:00] You took a monster before stream?
[00:03:02] No, I had breakfast
[00:03:04] My breakfast was soda and Reese's peanut butter cups.
[00:03:07] I'm feeling fucking amazing, feeling great.
[00:03:10] I actually kind of feel bad.
[00:03:12] I had an appointment scheduled today
[00:03:14] and I was going to be on that show, the Top Streamer Show.
[00:03:20] And I ended up not being on it, so I felt kind of bad about that.
[00:03:23] But you know, that's just what happens.
[00:03:25] I can't schedule shit, right? But you know, that's just what happens. I decide yeah
[00:03:26] I can't I can't schedule shit right? I can't plan shit out. That's not the way my brain works
[00:03:31] So yeah motherfucking fifth-grade breakfast. I used to have that for breakfast in fifth grade too yeah absolutely tecton told us
[00:03:38] your place you yeah i know cassie be sad she tweeted about you yeah i know i'm sad uh
[00:03:44] yeah absolutely have you seen it you can now visit Minas Tirith in Shrouded Server?
[00:03:48] Yeah, I did see...
[00:03:49] I saw the video about it.
[00:03:51] I didn't see you can visit it though.
[00:03:53] But yeah, Cassie will be on it soon?
[00:03:55] Yeah, I'll watch that part if people want and uh we'll look at it why not
[00:04:02] on challenge eat some vegetables i can eat vegetables i just don't like to
[00:04:06] you know what i mean you still wearing the same shirt? Yeah,
[00:04:09] I-I mean, I usually reset them, like, every
[00:04:11] two weeks or so, something like that.
[00:04:13] Did you see the Your Rage Tooth incident?
[00:04:15] Tooth! I thought they, uh, like, hit his
[00:04:17] fucking eye or some shit like that.
[00:04:19] I don't even know.
[00:04:20] Yeah, I got no idea.
[00:04:22] Yeah, somebody put this on my desk and, uh...
[00:04:25] I just gotta swap fuck around with it, man.
[00:04:28] Yeah.
[00:04:29] You see a jackass kick streamer got arrested for waving a gun around in
[00:04:32] vegas no i didn't see that that's funny though um i i think really
[00:04:37] any of those like problem boys streamers,
[00:04:41] I just hope they get arrested.
[00:04:42] Like, I don't care about like, oh ban them!
[00:04:44] Who cares?
[00:04:45] But like, I wanna see him get arrested
[00:04:47] and want to see him done, you know, finished.
[00:04:50] And so yeah, put them in jail you know look at you with the knife thanks man
[00:04:55] did you get the coomer descendant outfit yeah of course i did i had to give the chat what
[00:04:59] they wanted right arrest them all even a good one so just go go arrest arrest
[00:05:03] all of the uh all the kick streamers like retroactively yeah i don't know about that
[00:05:10] let's see here
[00:05:18] found the liberal true brother moist Critical covered the kick streamer.
[00:05:24] He did get arrested live.
[00:05:26] Well, good for him, man.
[00:05:28] Yeah, hopefully that'll increase his viewer count
[00:05:30] whenever he gets out.
[00:05:32] Mattress touch?
[00:05:33] You go for the one you like? No, no I wasn't able to
[00:05:35] I'm gonna be doing it tomorrow
[00:05:36] Are you gonna play Xenon Suns here on stream? Yeah I'm gonna do
[00:05:39] it tomorrow. Uh I will
[00:05:40] Favorite BB album? I don't even remember
[00:05:43] man. Like I used to listen to these guys like over 10 years ago
[00:05:46] it's been such a long time i don't remember man yeah first ascendance down right now
[00:05:52] yeah i know it'll be back up i played it more apparently aiden ross is missing aiden ross is
[00:05:59] missing is he i don't even i don't know the last picture
[00:06:15] he posted was with with trump this was like months ago. I remember whenever this happened
[00:06:19] What about this here?
[00:06:26] Yeah, I wonder what happened.
[00:06:34] Yeah, I'm trying to think about it.
[00:06:36] Is it true you're being forced
[00:06:37] to be partner?
[00:06:38] That's not that...
[00:06:41] Not necessarily.
[00:06:44] So,
[00:06:45] basically, I
[00:06:47] will get partner if they're going to run ads on my channel.
[00:06:51] My perspective is like...
[00:06:55] If there's gonna be ads
[00:06:58] I'm gonna get paid for them.
[00:07:00] Okay?
[00:07:00] I'm getting paid for them.
[00:07:02] But if it's up to me,
[00:07:04] no ads, right?
[00:07:06] And I'm trying to see
[00:07:08] if they can do it
[00:07:09] to where...
[00:07:10] I've tried to talk to them.
[00:07:12] I don't know if it's going to happen.
[00:07:14] If I can just get a sub, but like
[00:07:16] where people can't gift subs
[00:07:18] that's... I don't know if they can do
[00:07:21] that, but I'm going to see if it's
[00:07:23] possible and go from there, right?
[00:07:26] Might as well just go back on Asmongold.
[00:07:28] I know people have been saying that a lot, man.
[00:07:30] AOC livestreaming right now god damn bro
[00:07:32] so much shit going on it's crazy it's hard for me to keep up
[00:07:34] with everything so yeah
[00:07:36] and no grip money is where
[00:07:38] his fuck yeah yeah
[00:07:39] he might as well pick the position yeah I mean I mean, I'm gonna get paid for it,
[00:07:43] right? So it's not like it's a bad thing.
[00:07:45] I'm just saying in general, right?
[00:07:47] So, yeah.
[00:07:49] Ask if they can do a one-time sub and your sub
[00:07:50] forever. Jesse Cox has that.
[00:07:53] I'd rather just have it to where
[00:07:55] you can't gift subs. The reason
[00:07:57] why is I don't want
[00:07:59] people to be able to give me
[00:08:01] a large amount of money
[00:08:02] the reason why is that I think whenever you do
[00:08:06] that, you enable a type of behavior that is unhealthy and like you breathe that behavior.
[00:08:14] I don't need more than five or ten dollars from somebody, right?
[00:08:17] I don't need that.
[00:08:20] And I think it creates an expectation
[00:08:23] that's unhealthy.
[00:08:26] And I also want to make this very clear,
[00:08:27] that this is for my own...
[00:08:29] This is the way I feel, right?
[00:08:32] So like, I'm not this kind
[00:08:33] of guy where it's like, Oh,
[00:08:35] other people are bad for this.
[00:08:36] I don't think there's anything wrong with that,
[00:08:38] but I'm just sharing the way that I feel and the experiences that
[00:08:42] I've had.
[00:08:42] And so that's why I think the,
[00:08:45] what I think.
[00:08:45] And so I'm never
[00:08:47] by the way, I am never virtue
[00:08:48] signaling with this. I'm never like
[00:08:51] oh streamers should do this
[00:08:53] absolutely not
[00:08:54] This is what I feel, how I'm comfortable,
[00:08:58] what I want and I only speak for myself.
[00:09:02] So keep that in mind. Biden is withdrawing?
[00:09:05] Is he really?
[00:09:11] Alex Jones is talking about it.
[00:09:13] Oh, wow!
[00:09:16] What a surprise! It's an ad for a supplement.
[00:09:18] That's crazy.
[00:09:19] Who could have expected that?
[00:09:22] Wow.
[00:09:25] NordVPN can sponsor you?
[00:09:26] Yeah, I'd be fine with NordVPN sponsoring me.
[00:09:29] Biden-Harris reaffirmed 2024
[00:09:31] election bid.
[00:09:34] Oh, here we go.
[00:09:36] Here it is.
[00:09:37] Breaking... Uh oh, it's breaking
[00:09:40] President Biden
[00:09:42] says on conference call he's staying in
[00:09:44] President Biden
[00:09:45] I am running. I am the leader
[00:09:48] of the Democratic Party. No one is pushing me out. I am the leader of the Democratic Party. No one is pushing
[00:09:51] me out! I've been knocked down
[00:09:53] before and counted out my
[00:09:55] whole life! When you get
[00:09:56] knocked down, you get back up!
[00:10:03] ... you get back up. There it is, right?
[00:10:05] I mean again
[00:10:06] there's
[00:10:07] like
[00:10:08] I know that
[00:10:09] it's not popular
[00:10:10] to say this but there is a big part of me
[00:10:13] that really likes Joe Biden.
[00:10:16] Now he might talk like an idiot and everything like that,
[00:10:19] but there's a certain amount of like familiarity
[00:10:23] that i do find endearing i i do i find it
[00:10:26] endearing now is it endearing enough for him to be the president
[00:10:30] so that's a different conversation. However, in terms of just watching something like this, it's funny to me.
[00:10:37] It is.
[00:10:37] It's funny.
[00:10:38] And so I like seeing him say stuff like this.
[00:10:42] Yeah, only because you don't have young kids
[00:10:45] yeah maybe i don't know and it was gonna be fine five years ago but not now
[00:10:49] yeah who the fuck knows man i mean five years is a long time bro
[00:10:53] like that's a that's a while.
[00:10:54] It's a bit...
[00:10:57] We'll see here.
[00:11:03] Biden is the new front man for Chubba.
[00:11:06] I don't even know what the hell that is, but yeah, mattress reveal.
[00:11:08] It's going to be tomorrow.
[00:11:10] That's the plan five years ago.
[00:11:11] Asmigold had hair?
[00:11:12] No, I didn't.
[00:11:13] If you go and you look at... Look.
[00:11:17] Look at this.
[00:11:20] If you look at my videos
[00:11:21] And I'm talking about
[00:11:24] like my oldest videos.
[00:11:27] My hair was bad,
[00:11:29] I was 20 years old in this video.
[00:11:35] It was still bad.
[00:11:37] Still bad!
[00:11:40] Yep, it's always been bad.
[00:11:44] Skeletor bald by nature, that's right.
[00:11:48] And let's see... Oh, here's another one. We're going to watch
[00:11:50] this one with the sound off. Yeah, okay, good.
[00:11:53] So, yep, still
[00:11:54] bald. Look at that. That's just the way it is.
[00:11:59] Yep, and this was
[00:12:01] 2011
[00:12:03] literally over 10 years ago
[00:12:05] This one I don't look
[00:12:07] as bald.
[00:12:08] But the reason why is that I have shorter hair
[00:12:10] and so it's covering up those sides.
[00:12:13] This was like Cataclysm.
[00:12:14] This is actually later than
[00:12:16] the video that I had just shown.
[00:12:18] So yeah same shirt. No I don't even know... Oh,
[00:12:20] I do have that shirt still. Yeah.
[00:12:22] For some reason, that shirt has like
[00:12:24] it's had like oil on it or something.
[00:12:26] I don't know what that is.
[00:12:28] So, yeah, let me see see where's another one? Oh here we go. No this is 4th of July.
[00:12:35] Yep going to Walmart for Little Debbie's. Yep and so the whole thing is about yep
[00:12:41] and so the whole time
[00:12:43] I've just been bald
[00:12:46] that's it
[00:12:47] your room back then looked so bright
[00:12:49] yeah, yeah
[00:12:50] it's basically about the same now but yeah
[00:12:52] cassie's on now all right all right all right all right i'm gonna pull it up give me a minute I'm sorry, dad.
[00:13:08] Can you ask Cassie if she's upset that her dad is not here today and I replaced him?
[00:13:20] I'm a little sad.
[00:13:26] I have never talked with a small papa
[00:13:30] but
[00:13:37] about now i'm glad to meet you again. Of course, well you need-you need to win today so that way you can go on to the next stage and actually meet him.
[00:13:42] I know! I know guys know i know guys
[00:13:53] cool uh do we have drummer on call too or is he not able to talk because of his echo?
[00:13:58] I believe she wants to come home.
[00:14:01] Hawaii Des! So cute!
[00:14:05] Oh my god, thank you so much.
[00:14:09] Another question for Gassi
[00:14:11] How was it working with someone in real life that's not a Vtuber?
[00:14:27] Oh! How was it?
[00:14:35] It's no problem for me, but maybe...
[00:14:39]'s too difficult to communicate with me.
[00:14:40] But he is very kind
[00:14:43] for me.
[00:14:46] What a good guy!
[00:14:47] Yeah!
[00:14:48] Awesome, all right.
[00:14:49] Well that's all my questions.
[00:14:50] Are we good to go?
[00:14:52] Yeah I think so.
[00:14:53] We're good to go.
[00:14:57] Sure.
[00:14:58] All right let's see it! I'm ready.
[00:15:00] Yo, Office can you hear us?
[00:15:04] You're muted by the way.
[00:15:08] Oh yeah, I can hear you. How was it working with a VTuber?
[00:15:12] It was great.
[00:15:13] She's in Japan and I'm in California
[00:15:15] so the time difference
[00:15:16] was pretty brutal but
[00:15:18] we managed to pull it together
[00:15:21] and we rehearsed some songs
[00:15:23] and she's
[00:15:25] so awesome. I actually didn't know that
[00:15:27] she was connected to Asmong Papa at all
[00:15:29] until last night.
[00:15:31] Yeah, this is his legal daughter.
[00:15:33] Yeah, yeah.
[00:15:34] That's crazy!
[00:15:36] A lot of pressure man, a lot of pressure.
[00:15:37] He probably doesn't even know that's Joe.
[00:15:39] Are you happy with what
[00:15:40] you're about to present us?
[00:15:41] Oh god.
[00:15:43] Well, uh we had a lot of...
[00:15:45] He must know that's a joke right?
[00:15:47] We brought in Music Is Code to help perform some instrumentals
[00:15:49] with us.
[00:15:51] He came in on 24 hour notice basically and learn no he doesn't yeah so it's definitely been a crunch not gonna
[00:15:56] lie you know it's been um a little stressful but yeah but that's what it takes sometimes
[00:16:01] you know what i mean we're we're trying our best out here.
[00:16:04] Trying to be the top streamer.
[00:16:05] Yeah, I'll be real man.
[00:16:06] I thought you flew out
[00:16:07] Cassie translator in order
[00:16:08] for y'all to communicate easier,
[00:16:09] but I guess he looks like
[00:16:10] a guy who plays piano.
[00:16:10] That's cool.
[00:16:11] I like that yeah.
[00:16:13] Yeah, who picked the songs today? I like that. Yeah.
[00:16:16] Who picked the songs today?
[00:16:17] Oh, God!
[00:16:20] They're all Japanese songs.
[00:16:22] Is she really his legal daughter?
[00:16:24] Have you guys been able to practice with like the latency since I know you guys are in different areas?
[00:16:28] That's such a good question.
[00:16:29] Yes!
[00:16:30] Jesus Christ, guys!
[00:16:33] Okay...
[00:16:36] Okay. is we're playing and we can't hear her so she's just playing to us
[00:16:38] um, so it's
[00:16:40] on us to get the form
[00:16:42] of the song correctly
[00:16:43] and just even thinking about it right now
[00:16:45] is making me a little nervous
[00:16:47] but we're gonna be fine we're gonna be fine it's gonna be great and she sounds amazing so sure and
[00:16:53] if y'all haven't missed time it'll be 15 minutes of just absolute garbage.
[00:16:58] I'm really excited to see what's going on.
[00:17:00] Okay, let's see it.
[00:17:04] I don't know what to expect.
[00:17:07] Thank you. Time for a concert, we're excited.
[00:17:10] You guys can get started if you'd like,
[00:17:12] I think we are all ready.
[00:17:13] Okay.
[00:17:19] Cool! Oh man. Cool I'm looking forward to it
[00:17:21] Dude imagine
[00:17:22] It's like out of sync
[00:17:24] Or something
[00:17:24] And it's
[00:17:25] It's gonna be messed up
[00:17:27] Yeah
[00:17:27] It'll be fine
[00:17:28] Yeah If I'm sure they practiced It's gotta be messed up. Yeah, it'll be fine.
[00:17:29] I'm sure they practiced.
[00:17:31] Yeah, yeah, it'll be great.
[00:17:33] That's the hard part with...
[00:17:35] Bro he is being so sarcastic
[00:17:37] I'm gonna try very hard to not talk over those
[00:17:39] because I know they're
[00:17:39] uncomfortable and disrespectful.
[00:17:41] One of the most important things
[00:17:42] about collabing
[00:17:43] is making
[00:17:45] Wait, look at his
[00:17:47] Look at his camera.
[00:17:49] So in that spirit Oh God Look at his camera.
[00:17:53] Oh god...
[00:17:59] Oh fuck, what is this?
[00:18:02] What's this Oh Make you guys feel a little bit at home?
[00:18:12] What is that?
[00:18:15] Is that Asmund's cockroach infested room?
[00:18:20] Um...
[00:18:22] No.
[00:18:27] Yeah, that's- What the heck?
[00:18:30] Pretty sure that's Asmund's room.
[00:18:32] No! Is that...? I'm not sure it is. pretty sure that's Asmonds room. No, no is that?
[00:18:33] I'm not sure it is. No its not. Wait wait is that a window?
[00:18:37] Well its a big old pile of garbage so they can't let us in. That's not my room!
[00:18:41] ... That's not my room.
[00:18:46] Good bit. It's falling.
[00:18:48] And before we start,
[00:18:51] Why does everybody have these Funko Pops?
[00:18:53] We wanted to honor our favorite OTK member Why does everybody have these Funko Pops?
[00:18:59] Uh oh.
[00:19:03] Probably Asmon. We respect our OTK money very wisely.
[00:19:05] I'll tell you that much. Any guesses?
[00:19:09] It's S-Found.
[00:19:13] It ain't me! It's gotta be S-Found.
[00:19:18] It ain't me.
[00:19:20] Or me.
[00:19:22] True. What the hell is he doing?
[00:19:29] Skinny like Asmin, maybe it's him.
[00:19:35] Very good.
[00:19:41] That's right! What the fuck?
[00:19:45] Has been pop up! Oh my god... is Michael Reeves? Yeah.
[00:20:01] What the-
[00:20:03] Wait, that's not right.
[00:20:05] Dude did I send the wrong frickin'
[00:20:09] Oh my god I must have sent the wrong photo to the thing looks great oh my god
[00:20:15] dude
[00:20:18] well that's creepy.
[00:20:20] He's just staring.
[00:20:24] This has been a little bit embarrassing, I'm not gonna lie.
[00:20:28] Wow Wow.
[00:20:33] Man!
[00:20:37] Make sure you remember
[00:20:45] to vote The best thing about this is that it's so fucked up I don't know if he did this on purpose.
[00:20:49] 15 minutes straight of music might be this on purpose. Yeah, 15
[00:20:52] minutes straight of music might be kind of...
[00:20:55] Yeah, bent over the
[00:20:56] camera, bro. He's really learning from the top female streamers.
[00:20:58] Yeah, it feels authentic.
[00:20:59] I feel like this guy genuinely fucked up.
[00:21:03] He could have actually just genuinely been an idiot.
[00:21:06] 100%.
[00:21:10] So...
[00:21:13] Ooh! So... Ooh, sugoi ne.
[00:21:17] What's that?
[00:21:19] Oh, that's so nice! Look at
[00:21:21] that! Wow! so nice look at that
[00:21:23] uh... while
[00:21:27] how adorable
[00:21:33] or is it a lot more energy talks Why he dance? Feels like she's in my brain when she talks.
[00:21:38] Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I feel like four minutes for all that is insane.
[00:21:42] OTKs money in a very responsible way. Thank you guys! Remember to vote for us, okay?
[00:21:49] Alright here we go
[00:21:53] But they bought posters, that's cute.
[00:21:56] Yeah.
[00:21:57] They bought a poster for them.
[00:22:00] Decorations for the show.
[00:22:02] I love it.
[00:22:03] We are going to perform some music for you guys. Here we go
[00:22:28] Oh oh Yo! Yo! Yo!
[00:22:30] Yo!
[00:22:32] Yo!
[00:22:34] Yo!
[00:22:36] Yo! Yo!
[00:22:43] Damn! Alright!
[00:22:47] Holy shit! This is... all right holy this is Wow! Even I know this song. I never watched this anime though. Oh my fucking god.
[00:23:30] That sounds really good, holy shit!
[00:23:38] Oh my god.
[00:23:41] I hope they reach it toatch it to another VCR.
[00:23:43] You should watch it, yeah?
[00:23:44] They gotta!
[00:23:45] I'm sure I will eventually.
[00:23:46] That's what they're doing?
[00:23:47] Yeah.
[00:23:48] I think there's gonna be an extended version of the MGS.
[00:23:55] What is that? I mean, I've got this. What's the chat saying?
[00:23:59] Oh they're super positive! Look at them all!
[00:24:01] The office number space expressions while he drums are really good.
[00:24:04] Yeah...
[00:24:05] Like, really good.
[00:24:06] Feelin' it.
[00:24:08] Apparently this guy plays drums like eight hours a day
[00:25:13] i'm not sure but i think so Yeah, okay. Thank you for watching! is This is impressive, man. What was I thinking? is 殿国な天使のペース
[00:25:29] 窓辺からやがて飛び立つ
[00:25:33] 音だしの熱いファトスで
[00:25:36] 思い出を裏切るなら is Like, actually so good at some signs.
[00:25:50] Yeah! That was way better than I thought it was gonna be.
[00:25:52] Thanks everybody in the chat we appreciate you dudes.
[00:25:54] We appreciate you dudes.
[00:25:55] They better play now they're all the best.
[00:25:57] Thank you thank you thank you
[00:25:58] God damn
[00:25:59] Alright this next one is a little challenging so oh all right let's see it anime
[00:26:07] prediction quiz play rumbling rumbling would be Alright, Cassie, let's do this!
[00:26:12] I think it's
[00:26:14] Tokyo Ghoul.
[00:26:15] That'd be crazy.
[00:26:20] The problem is
[00:26:20] I'm not sure if it would be trivial to move against...
[00:26:23] Demon Slayer would be sick.
[00:26:27] First one to guess wins.
[00:26:32] What's this? Oh, it's Naruto! This is a good part of my Naruto.
[00:26:34] I never watched Naruto.
[00:26:37] Never watched it.
[00:26:44] It's one of my favorites, like this is one of my favorite openings ever.
[00:26:46] Bro he's got lights and everything.
[00:26:48] God damn!
[00:26:50] We should give them an extra 15 minutes.
[00:27:06] I want more! 15 but this feeling is also changing into words The road leads to the dream of a dream
[00:27:11] Wake up, spread these wings and fly away me is is wow is yeah he's loving it man foreign foreign The lights are going crazy?
[00:28:40] Yeah, a little bit.
[00:28:44] So if this one ends I'll probably do one more
[00:28:47] If they're gonna try and be three songs
[00:28:49] I'm so glad they got through this round this is still cool yeah
[00:28:53] they're great look how much it um so yeah oh Aoi, ano sora Aoi, aoi, ano sora
[00:29:36] Aoi, aoi, ano sora
[00:29:41] I'm hoping they wrap it up just so we get one more before it's over.
[00:29:45] Yeah, that'd be crazy.
[00:29:47] It should be over right here!
[00:29:49] Yeah! Three more!
[00:29:51] Tecton knows this song?
[00:29:54] He knows the song? Oh yeah baby!
[00:29:56] He knows the song?!
[00:29:58] Oh god.
[00:30:00] Yeah dude which one?
[00:30:02] One Piece
[00:30:05] Man I don't know about you guys but I wanna to slip into something a little more comfortable is that
[00:30:08] okay with you guys oh boys we are please do something else a little bit more comfortable Oh! Oh my...
[00:30:23] What's he about to do? Oh, man.
[00:30:39] He wants for her! oh my god Oh, whoa! Baby. That is right.
[00:30:43] They're matching!
[00:30:45] Oh my fucking god.
[00:30:47] He was drumming on the- yep, he was!
[00:30:51] And where are we going with the main outfit?
[00:30:53] Man... I love it.
[00:30:57] MAN. I love it. Man!
[00:31:04] Come on, the drums for We Are from One Piece are still good.
[00:31:04] They're iconic.
[00:31:07] Hey, once again, thanks for having us.
[00:31:09] Cassie killing it.
[00:31:10] We absolutely love Cassie absolutely that's probably my favorite
[00:31:13] song right here oh okay come on the drums where we are
[00:31:17] would be so iconic so like i don't know this one either Oh, Sean! Thank you for asking.
[00:31:34] I don't know this one either. I thought that was a curse word like that in our universe.
[00:31:38] What's THIS one?
[00:32:23] Iconic. um oh oh Ninja ruined it? Did he really?!
[00:32:26] Just like he ruined Fortnite and Twitch.
[00:32:29] So true!
[00:32:33] SO TRUE!
[00:32:56] Uh-huh. so true okay Boom boom boom boom Wee wee boo wee Boom wee wee Boom boom
[00:32:57] Wee wee wee
[00:32:58] Boom boom
[00:32:59] Wee wee
[00:33:00] Boom boom boom
[00:33:01] Wee wee
[00:33:02] Boom wee
[00:33:03] Boom wee
[00:33:04] What the hell did I just tune into?
[00:33:06] I can see that if you don't understand the context of everything that's happened, this
[00:33:12] might be confusing for you.
[00:33:15] Yeah, I could easily see that.
[00:33:20] I think that makes some sense.
[00:33:24] Oh my god.
[00:33:31] Is it sad that I can understand this completely? No.
[00:33:37] I think its just cute, but it is cute. I like it's just cute. is sounds like it seems like not to me um Was that really kawaii? Is that right?
[00:34:37] Am I proud? Yeah.
[00:34:39] Yeah, I am.
[00:34:42] This is amazing.
[00:34:52] Man! Man.
[00:35:03] Awesome! Awesome. Wow, yeah, yeah, yeah!
[00:35:05] Damn, this is wild.
[00:35:08] I'm so excited to see what's going on in the game. Thank you. Wow. Thank you.
[00:35:15] Man.
[00:35:16] Thank you for joining us.
[00:35:17] Let's go.
[00:35:18] Shout out to music stone.
[00:35:19] So cute.
[00:35:20] Oh my god, that was so amazing.
[00:35:21] Dude.
[00:35:22] I'm going to be a fan of yours forever.
[00:35:23] I love you.
[00:35:24] I love you too.
[00:35:25] I love you. I love you. I love you. shout out music so cute man
[00:35:26] oh my god
[00:35:27] that was so amazing
[00:35:28] we were so good together
[00:35:30] yeah
[00:35:31] I can't wait to talk
[00:35:32] about this
[00:35:33] because uh
[00:35:33] that was just awesome
[00:35:34] it was so much fun
[00:35:35] it was amazing
[00:35:36] yeah very good song choices i feel like
[00:35:39] a music collab for 15 minutes could be very boring or bad but they made it really
[00:35:44] good and that was that was amazing And they knew their audience very well
[00:35:48] and uh, they pandered like crazy to them bro
[00:35:50] That was awesome
[00:35:54] Oh my god
[00:35:56] Fantastic! Okay we're getting them uh in here now yeah
[00:36:01] okay can y'all hear us yeah oh boy here it is
[00:36:06] okay great Here we go.
[00:36:09] Y'all should be stoked! That was awesome.
[00:36:13] The only reason why I'm angry is because
[00:36:15] we wasted four minutes on not playing another song
[00:36:17] at the beginning that made me so angry the three songs were so good
[00:36:23] but i did like the poster as well you brought up it's great
[00:36:28] yeah i don't know.
[00:36:30] I was going back and forth
[00:36:31] if this was a really stupid idea.
[00:36:34] Oh, am I muted?
[00:36:34] No, you're good.
[00:36:35] You're good.
[00:36:35] Oh, yeah,
[00:36:37] I went back and forth
[00:36:37] if this was a really stupid idea
[00:36:38] but OTK gave us $1,000 so we can do it was a really stupid idea. But, you know...
[00:36:41] OTK gave us $1,000. I don't know
[00:36:43] what... For sure.
[00:36:45] That's good.
[00:36:46] I have a couple things I want to say real quick.
[00:36:49] So first of all, I need you guys to know how awesome I want to say right away. But a made-up fit and two posters, that's smart.
[00:36:51] So first of all,
[00:36:54] I need you guys to know how awesome this was.
[00:36:56] This was so enjoyable from start to finish and you guys really should not let this be
[00:36:59] the last time y'all ever do this.
[00:37:01] You guys have something very magical
[00:37:03] here, and you guys should really keep
[00:37:05] doing things like this because especially on
[00:37:07] what? 400 milliseconds of
[00:37:09] ping? That was just so impressive
[00:37:10] executed flawlessly it's a good point yeah i didn't even think
[00:37:14] about that you should try the song we are true one piece incredible drums and
[00:37:18] that song but i think you'll really enjoy especially the intro um I would like to say
[00:37:23] in this competition,
[00:37:26] because when you do
[00:37:27] this,
[00:37:27] this is very good.
[00:37:29] Look,
[00:37:29] there's going
[00:37:30] to be other
[00:37:31] times where
[00:37:32] you can't sing.
[00:37:32] There's going
[00:37:33] to be times
[00:37:33] where you
[00:37:33] can't drum. So make sure be times you can't drum,
[00:37:34] so make sure you're going to extend your arsenal
[00:37:36] on what you can do outside of music,
[00:37:38] but when you're in your element, it's incredible.
[00:37:41] Unfortunately, due to the confines of this show,
[00:37:44] there's gonna be other things that you're gonna have
[00:37:45] to do. But as far as it goes for like
[00:37:47] the things that you can do when you're in your element, I mean
[00:37:49] good God man, y'all should be stoked. That was fucking awesome.
[00:37:51] Yeah, that guy's professional man.
[00:37:53] So I actually have a special request.
[00:37:56] We've gotten permission
[00:37:57] because so many people want it.
[00:37:59] If you guys are willing
[00:38:00] to play an encore
[00:38:01] because we know
[00:38:02] you guys had more songs prepared
[00:38:04] if you want to play another song. Totally up to you, though,
[00:38:07] but that would be awesome. We would love to hear it.
[00:38:09] Oh shit! That would be
[00:38:11] so great, but we didn't
[00:38:13] prepare anything else.
[00:38:15] Oh no! Yeah, they said you guys had more songs
[00:38:17] That's okay. Aw dang
[00:38:19] dude! That's so sweet
[00:38:21] though thank you so much for
[00:38:23] probably a miscommunication
[00:38:25] with the production.
[00:38:27] I mean, if you guys want we'll...
[00:38:28] I guess improv is not really pretty rough.
[00:38:31] Well yeah thank you guys for that!
[00:38:33] That was awesome!
[00:38:35] Yeah, that was fantastic.
[00:38:43] I wanted to ask Office Drummer a question, so for example before like the second song you were like oh I'm like a little bit nervous for this one then you managed to like play it perfectly
[00:38:47] so like what was like going through your mind before
[00:38:49] you were uh playing that one? So, that song has like a really weird form. Like the chorus is
[00:38:57] like a weird number of bars... I don't know anything about musical theory.
[00:39:00] And then there's, like, a tag at the end of the chorus...
[00:39:02] and then there's an instrumental bit so
[00:39:04] it's just the form of the song because we can't hear
[00:39:06] the vocals. Like,
[00:39:08] We really have to focus. I don't know anything about it.
[00:39:10] It's like, I have this little piece of paper in front of me with what I need
[00:39:15] to be doing on it so...
[00:39:17] Yeah, it was just the form of the song which is
[00:39:20] the most important thing that i can do
[00:39:21] is provide a good forum for cassie so she can sing without being like whoa
[00:39:24] what the hell's going on that was making me nervous dude you did
[00:39:28] great that was awesome yeah you're both incredibly talented and highlighted each other's talents
[00:39:33] and even the visuals on stream were amazing.
[00:39:37] So yeah, thank you guys for that.
[00:39:39] Yeah, but to Cassie, of course. Do you have a sense of rhythm?
[00:39:43] Awesome job.
[00:39:44] I'm sure that was very nerve-wracking
[00:39:45] sitting on the stream in front of a large audience
[00:39:47] must be very anxiety inducing
[00:39:50] but you did fantastic.
[00:39:52] Very kawaii very kawaii oh my god thank you so much
[00:40:00] of course well thank you guys for your performance.
[00:40:03] Chat, don't forget to vote using the extensions or feel free to type in chat.
[00:40:08] They're so happy.
[00:40:09] Thank you, Cassie and Drummer, for your performance.
[00:40:13] And yeah, hope to see you continue
[00:40:15] on the show.
[00:40:16] Are you proud? I am.
[00:40:18] Thank you.
[00:40:22] I think they did amazing.
[00:40:23] Well fuck, can we just watch them more? I mean damn!
[00:40:26] Yeah, I think that was so good. Production would say like oh have them play another song if they want but
[00:40:32] They didn't have one unfortunately.
[00:40:34] I'm very glad that Offenstrummer
[00:40:36] made it through
[00:40:37] from last week because he was going to be
[00:40:40] eliminated. He was the lowest scoring
[00:40:42] as of last week.
[00:40:45] Yeah, but I'm glad that he made it because we got to see what they had
[00:40:48] to offer for here.
[00:40:49] Oh my God.
[00:40:50] That made me so happy.
[00:40:51] That was really good.
[00:40:52] That is what I think OTK Top Streamer's all about,
[00:40:54] is finding little gems and little moments like that.
[00:40:55] That's what it's all about yeah what a joy
[00:40:57] that was supposed to be i'm just saying they're going back there like that was such pandering
[00:41:02] like that was one of those pandered but i mean should have. You gotta make the people
[00:41:08] happy. Absolutely.
[00:41:09] I think they did a great job.
[00:41:13] We're about at the
[00:41:14] midway point.
[00:41:16] Okay, well there it is. I think
[00:41:19] that she'll go on to the next round. I do.
[00:41:21] I feel like that's
[00:41:22] probably going to happen at this point.
[00:41:25] They had to play a backing track adjusted for the ping
[00:41:27] they can't hear each other while playing uh it'd be brutal
[00:41:29] yeah i know no doubt holy fucking man yeah i thought she did amazing i'm very proud
[00:41:35] that was great it was That was amazing.
[00:41:42] I'm glad I got a chance to watch that live.
[00:41:43] That's amazing.
[00:41:45] Ashes is working on a single global server?
[00:41:46] Well, that's great.
[00:41:47] I'm glad to hear that.
[00:41:48] That's amazing.
[00:41:53] Let me move this back over here and uh we'll get back to the uh regular uh regularly scheduled programming where is the rest of this vegan tick-tocker argues with a kid?
[00:42:00] What's this?
[00:42:03] Describe, a way to kill animals without abusing them.
[00:42:06] Look...
[00:42:07] Describe, a way to kill animals without abusing them.
[00:42:10] Well you can put them down slowly
[00:42:12] and make sure they're like
[00:42:14] so that they're not born
[00:42:16] and then killed. Okay what if I did that to you?
[00:42:18] Give birth to me then kill me
[00:42:20] What if I killed you in your sleep and you didn't know I did it?
[00:42:23] Would that be okay?
[00:42:24] Why would you kill me when I'm asleep for?
[00:42:25] Well, what if I was hungry?
[00:42:27] No but at the same time...
[00:42:28] What's the difference?
[00:42:29] Animals have been used as food for years now yeah
[00:42:32] Does that justify it? humans don't eat animals.
[00:42:33] Does that justify it?
[00:42:34] We don't have to do it anymore!
[00:42:35] It's justified I just think-
[00:42:36] Bad and evil things have been going on for centuries...
[00:42:39] Millennia.
[00:42:40] I'd eat him if he tasted good sure
[00:42:44] why not
[00:42:49] yeah i mean i i
[00:42:52] uh... i don't know what such a big deal about it.
[00:42:55] Who is getting stressed out about this?
[00:42:59] Does that justify doing it today? Humans have raped one another,
[00:43:03] humans have murdered one another.
[00:43:04] Does that justify doing it today?
[00:43:05] No, it doesn't justify doing it today.
[00:43:06] So why did you use that excuse?
[00:43:08] I didn't use an excuse.
[00:43:09] You said we've been doing it for ages.
[00:43:10] Yeah, but now you can go to a grocery store and choose the vegan option
[00:43:13] what's stopping you from doing that?
[00:43:16] Because I like meat.
[00:43:16] You like meat?
[00:43:17] You like the taste of murder?
[00:43:19] I do.
[00:43:20] That's right.
[00:43:20] You're goddamn right.
[00:43:22] Absolutely.
[00:43:23] Yep, there it is.
[00:43:24] The guy's stuck as versus the average chatterer? Yeah, no, it's that simple. Why do I like eating animals? Because they taste good. If cats tasted good, I'd eat cats. If dogs tasted good, I'd eat
[00:43:37] dogs. Fuck!
[00:43:39] If some people tasted good,
[00:43:41] I'd even eat them.
[00:43:42] It doesn't bother me because the only thing
[00:43:45] I want is a nice meal.
[00:43:46] I'm not thinking about the animal,
[00:43:48] about its feelings,
[00:43:49] about anything else.
[00:43:51] Like,
[00:43:51] I'm trying to think,
[00:43:52] is there any animal that I wouldn't eat?
[00:44:10] Yeah. I don't want to eat bugs.
[00:44:11] Yeah, yeah.
[00:44:13] I don't want to eat bugs, bro.
[00:44:15] That's nasty.
[00:44:16] Ugh!
[00:44:18] Am I going to eat a fucking bug?
[00:44:20] Yeah, that's the only thing right?
[00:44:22] Pigeon? Nah, that's fine. Eat a pigeon, that's fine
[00:44:24] If it tastes good
[00:44:26] They're fed by McDonalds fries
[00:44:28] They'll probably taste delicious. Absolutely! Yeah,
[00:44:31] I mean that's it... like fuck
[00:44:33] What do you want me to say? Obviously
[00:44:35] so vegans love
[00:44:37] talk about murdering animals
[00:44:39] and honestly if they didn't taste good murdering animals. And honestly, if
[00:44:41] they didn't taste good, then
[00:44:43] I wouldn't be killing them.
[00:44:46] So really, isn't
[00:44:47] this their problem?
[00:44:49] I'm just doing what makes sense to me. They're the ones that taste good
[00:44:55] They basically are making me kill them, so why are they making me do that?
[00:45:00] That's giving me guilt now. They're trying to
[00:45:03] make me feel bad. What's
[00:45:05] going on here? That's fucked
[00:45:07] up, man. Vegans murder
[00:45:09] plants though? Oh, who cares?
[00:45:12] Yeah, it's whatever. I mean, yeah, dude Oh, who cares? Yeah.
[00:45:13] It's whatever.
[00:45:13] I mean, yeah.
[00:45:14] Dude, like it's people,
[00:45:16] people turn this a guilt trip, bro.
[00:45:18] Guilt trip.
[00:45:20] Gil.
[00:45:20] Oh my God, bro.
[00:45:21] Imagine being a pussy
[00:45:22] like that. Jesus
[00:45:24] Wonder if you thought first incidence
[00:45:26] to get him panned for being paid to win? I'll look
[00:45:28] at that shit in a bit man. I'll take a look at it
[00:45:30] The type of animals that have to die
[00:45:32] for vegans is insane. Vegans should admit they don't care if
[00:45:35] animals die, they just care if really big animals die? Well...
[00:45:39] I do think it's easier to eat an animal
[00:45:43] and kill an animal that isn't as cute.
[00:45:46] Right? Like, it's
[00:45:47] like if it's a cute cat
[00:45:49] I would want to
[00:45:51] eat an ugly cat first
[00:45:53] That way you have the cute
[00:45:56] cat longer,
[00:45:58] but if I
[00:46:00] was really hungry, I would just eat both
[00:46:02] of them.
[00:46:13] So it's not like this is a real strong feeling that I have, but if I had to fall off on one side of the bed or another, that's where we'd be. Right? And so yeah
[00:46:17] ugly cats probably sick? Nah nah
[00:46:19] it could be a bunch of things right? It could just not
[00:46:21] be very fluffy right? It could be like
[00:46:23] you know like those yellow
[00:46:26] ugly cats that aren't fluffy and it's like what is this thing?
[00:46:30] Or like a gray cat.
[00:46:31] Like Tectone has like a majestic lion of a cat, right?
[00:46:36] Like you wouldn't want to eat that one.
[00:46:49] But like I'm talking about just those random shit like Garfield. Yeah, Garfield. Who wouldn't need Garfield? Absolutely. Fuck him. The guy's an asshole anyway. It's what he gets. Yeah, fuck him! That's the way it is!
[00:46:51] Yeah, scotch fault. No really, he said
[00:46:53] he was a fucking asshole! He's such a dick
[00:46:55] Garfield's the worst! Absolutely
[00:46:57] made of lasagna anyway, yeah! Find it so pathetic the adult
[00:47:00] man was bothering a child with such topics?
[00:47:03] I think that like
[00:47:04] it is pathetic but you have to
[00:47:06] understand that in the same way
[00:47:08] that we pick off
[00:47:10] and we pick off animals
[00:47:11] and eat them
[00:47:12] because they're easy prey,
[00:47:13] he's doing
[00:47:14] the exact same thing.
[00:47:16] He's picking off a kid
[00:47:18] to have an emotionally
[00:47:19] charged argument about it.
[00:47:20] And then the reason why is because he can't do that
[00:47:23] to an adult, and so yeah,
[00:47:26] that's really all there is to it. He didn't even realize it.
[00:47:29] Yeah! That's all there is.
[00:47:34] So yeah, pretty simple art.
[00:47:34] What's this?
[00:47:36] Performance art is fascinating.
[00:47:39] Oh, by the way, I want to say if somebody wants to be a vegan,
[00:47:41] I completely respect their decision. I just don't respect
[00:47:43] if they don't respect my decision not
[00:47:45] to be. I think that it's fair
[00:47:46] I know a lot of people that are vegan
[00:47:48] and I think it's great that they want to do that
[00:47:51] I don't like being told what to do, I've said that
[00:47:53] many times but the truth is
[00:47:55] that something like this is
[00:47:57] totally fine with me as long
[00:47:59] as you're not literally
[00:48:01] fucking... Come back, come back.
[00:48:04] No, no, no. That's it.
[00:48:07] Yeah, don't pester
[00:48:08] me with your religion choices. Yeah, it's that
[00:48:10] simple. I respect anybody's
[00:48:12] right to do any of that stuff but you gotta
[00:48:14] respect mine too performance artist fascinating
[00:48:24] the so We used to do this in 11th grade.
[00:48:51] We would do this all the time!
[00:48:54] You telling me we were artists this whole time holy shit that's crazy I had
[00:49:03] no idea I gotta let some guys know about this!
[00:49:07] Holy! Punching walls is art confirmed.
[00:49:12] Man, um...
[00:49:14] It's not art it's chaotic art?
[00:49:17] Uh, I don't even think it's chaotic
[00:49:18] art. Here's the thing is that
[00:49:21] I am not an art gatekeeper.
[00:49:24] Like, I can
[00:49:25] have the two opinions, right?
[00:49:26] Number one, the opinion is this is stupid
[00:49:29] number two if somebody thinks this isn't
[00:49:32] stupid more power to them, right
[00:49:33] but I think
[00:49:35] it's dumb. I think it's really stupid
[00:49:37] but you know some people like it good for stupid. But, you know, some people like it.
[00:49:40] Good for them.
[00:49:41] It's mental problems.
[00:49:42] I wonder what these people are like in real life.
[00:49:48] And I wonder in the same way as like,
[00:49:50] I wonder what it's
[00:49:51] like to look at
[00:49:52] a really poisonous
[00:49:53] snake
[00:49:53] but I would want
[00:49:55] like a wall
[00:49:56] that separates me
[00:49:57] from the snake
[00:49:58] in order to observe
[00:49:59] this snake
[00:50:00] and I wanna say this is kind of the same thing
[00:50:02] i wouldn't want to actually interface directly with these people i would want to look at them
[00:50:08] as you do an animal in a zoo, right? Like just observe from like
[00:50:11] a third person perspective, right?
[00:50:14] It's like how do you order your food?
[00:50:17] What do you do whenever
[00:50:18] your orders...
[00:50:20] You go to Target.
[00:50:21] How do you deal with going to Target?
[00:50:23] Like that's what I want to know about it.
[00:50:26] Is Dom ever a national human being knows this?
[00:50:28] Yeah, but if people like it,
[00:50:30] then who cares?
[00:50:32] Dark Souls revolutionized
[00:50:34] games.
[00:50:36] In the sense that
[00:50:37] instead of a story, now you can
[00:50:39] just have some guy with a big sword
[00:50:42] named Mermadon of Loss
[00:50:44] who gasps, Zanzibar, forgive
[00:50:46] me when he dies and then
[00:50:48] 20 YouTubers will make an hour long video
[00:50:50] about how deep your lore
[00:50:52] is. The tweet that broke the board, do you want to know
[00:50:55] why a lot of the lore in Dark Souls
[00:50:57] is very compelling to people?
[00:50:59] It's because it capitalizes on
[00:51:01] a type of thinking and a type of storytelling
[00:51:03] that isn't really used at all, but a lot of people are very familiar with.
[00:51:07] And it tells stories in a mythological sense
[00:51:10] I think that people remember like stories about Greek gods
[00:51:14] you know,
[00:51:15] like things like that.
[00:51:17] And a lot of the Dark Souls storytelling is very similar to that.
[00:51:21] And because they tell it with, like, these, like,
[00:51:24] very, like, esoteric and arcane explanations
[00:51:27] of what's happening,
[00:51:28] it makes people...
[00:51:31] It adds to a sense of immersion
[00:51:33] and intrigue that keeps it interesting.
[00:51:35] I think the truth is
[00:51:37] that I bet Sam is mad
[00:51:39] because there aren't YouTubers making hour-long
[00:51:42] videos about how deep his lore
[00:51:43] and his games are. That's what
[00:51:45] I bet is happening right here, and i think we all know it that's the truth
[00:51:50] and so yeah that isn't god's work it makes people use their imagination yeah it does
[00:51:54] and i think that's why these stories are so interesting.
[00:51:59] So yeah, he's talking shit?
[00:52:00] Yeah, I know he is.
[00:52:02] But anyway, a lot of night descriptions? Exactly. It doesn't hand on
[00:52:04] spoon feed you
[00:52:07] story? Yeah, well, I'll tell you this right
[00:52:09] I think a lot of people don't want that
[00:52:11] People usually
[00:52:13] and I guess it's not people, this is me
[00:52:15] I'm speaking for myself. It's not people
[00:52:17] This is what I think
[00:52:18] I don't want to have to listen to like 50 myself it's not people this is what i think
[00:52:19] I don't want to have to listen to like 50 cinematics
[00:52:23] I would rather play the game and then enjoy
[00:52:26] the lore at my own time that's what I really appreciated about a game like obviously the from software
[00:52:32] games we always talk about those but then also a game like blasphemous or um at like legend of
[00:52:39] zelda like you're not really sitting through a lot of cutscenes
[00:52:42] at least in the old Legend of Zelda games
[00:52:43] but you can explore the war on your own time
[00:52:46] if you find it interesting.
[00:52:47] It's environmental storytelling. Yeah.
[00:52:49] You can have both. It just depends what kind of story you want to tell
[00:52:51] but that's why I think Dark Souls storytelling
[00:52:54] is so compelling for people
[00:52:55] It's because it tells stories in an extremely
[00:52:58] familiar way
[00:52:59] What do you call it?
[00:53:03] That's not really used
[00:53:05] very often. And if you go back
[00:53:07] and you watch the Dark Souls 1 cinematic
[00:53:09] It very much
[00:53:11] reads as if it's introducing a mythology.
[00:53:14] Very, VERY much! Like, it's SO fucking close.
[00:53:18] And so- it's not so close, IT IS. That's literally what it's doing.
[00:53:22] And yeah, watch it.
[00:53:24] Yeah exactly and that's what makes it so good
[00:53:26] I love the story of original Doom
[00:53:28] experiments suddenly demons can kill them
[00:53:30] Yeah of course
[00:53:32] Reminder this guy is a writer for Borderlands 3. He has no grounds
[00:53:35] to talk shit here. Well I mean
[00:53:37] there it is right? You have
[00:53:39] people that try to write these like really
[00:53:40] complex stories and the reason
[00:53:43] why they can't write good stories is because
[00:53:45] they're not interesting. And I think also, uh...
[00:53:49] I think that this is especially a big problem with horror games
[00:53:53] Is that a lot of people that do horror games are
[00:53:56] they're not mentally ill.
[00:54:01] And that's a huge
[00:54:02] problem because like if
[00:54:04] you have, oh wow this is what's scary.
[00:54:07] It's like a corpse in an ice box
[00:54:11] Oh wow! Oh no right? But if you really get
[00:54:15] a weirdo in there, somebody that there's something wrong with them...
[00:54:18] They're gonna think of weird shit that you've never even imagined.
[00:54:22] Like, there's always a crowbar or something like that.
[00:54:25] They lean on tropes. Yeah, it's not interesting. So yeah,
[00:54:29] I'm talking shit.
[00:54:30] That's the way I see it, right?
[00:54:32] But that's why I think stories
[00:54:34] like this are good. Let's
[00:54:36] see here. My favorite Indiana Jones character, no disrespect but what is she known for? I've never heard of her.
[00:54:41] Rolling after Harrison Ford in Raiders of the...
[00:54:48] Jesus! Jeez! Jesus.
[00:54:50] Jesus, there's no way.
[00:54:52] There's no way, bro.
[00:54:53] Oh my god.
[00:54:56] She played one of the main characters in the TV show
[00:54:58] This Is Us?
[00:55:02] What? one of the main characters in the tv show this is us jesus
[00:55:05] she's an amazing actress good for her that's crazy that's crazy it's never too late what's this
[00:55:18] jesus jesus oh my god Jesus.
[00:55:22] Jesus, oh my God.
[00:55:29] Bro, 70 fucking years old doing work?
[00:55:31] God damn.
[00:55:33] Holy shit!
[00:55:36] What the fuck, Grandpa?
[00:55:37] Yeah, exactly.
[00:55:40] What's your favorite DLC expansion out of these?
[00:55:41] I mean for me, I didn't play this one so
[00:55:43] I can't really comment on it.
[00:55:45] I think I like Elden Ring
[00:55:46] the most but
[00:55:48] I don't think
[00:55:48] it's fair to compare Monster Hunter
[00:55:50] with Elden Ring
[00:55:51] because Monster Hunter received over a year of
[00:55:53] continuous updates after Elden Ring.
[00:55:57] Yeah, I mean again like Elden
[00:55:59] that doesn't necessarily mean that it's
[00:56:01] in a way that still a a developer W, right?
[00:56:04] But like, it's a little bit different.
[00:56:06] It's different.
[00:56:08] The Witcher, you guys really liked the Witcher.
[00:56:10] Maybe I need to play that sometime.
[00:56:11] I played part of it but not all of it.
[00:56:15] Players messages and Elden Ring.
[00:56:21] Try fingers but hole. Fort. Night.
[00:56:24] Only if I
[00:56:25] had a giant butthole
[00:56:27] I want to go home
[00:56:29] and then edge.
[00:56:33] Yeah,
[00:56:34] they're pretty stupid, aren't they?
[00:56:35] But that's what makes it fun.
[00:56:37] The DLC is better than the base game.
[00:56:39] I think the DLC is not better
[00:56:40] than the base game
[00:56:41] but I think the DLC is amazing.
[00:56:44] Take my money.
[00:56:47] This is crazy, bro.
[00:56:51] That's the special skin? I mean let's be honest.
[00:56:53] Yeah. DLC is more fun and hard
[00:56:55] I just like...
[00:56:57] I wish, I'm so glad
[00:56:59] that you're getting all these games now
[00:57:01] Like for example we are getting the Notria
[00:57:03] game soon. Like I played
[00:57:05] this game, this game was fun to play.
[00:57:09] It was actually a good Souls-like
[00:57:10] game. We got Lies of Pee.
[00:57:13] We got the Crab Game.
[00:57:14] We're getting good Souls-like games.
[00:57:16] This is all I want. I just wanna play these all the time.
[00:57:19] Now, you know what we're really not getting enough
[00:57:21] of? We're not getting enough of
[00:57:23] these.
[00:57:24] I think
[00:57:25] we need more session-based, lobby
[00:57:27] based hunting games. The closest thing
[00:57:29] we've had to that recently has been
[00:57:31] Granblue Fantasy Relink.
[00:57:33] Amazing game. I would absolutely
[00:57:35] recommend it. However,
[00:57:38] other than that, I don't really see a whole lot
[00:57:40] of them. So yeah, I'd like to see more
[00:57:42] games like that. That would be amazing.
[00:57:44] Wild Hearts was fun? Yeah! It had some pretty
[00:57:46] bad performance
[00:57:48] issues so I ended up
[00:57:49] not watching it myself.
[00:57:51] So yeah.
[00:57:53] Have you played Shadow of the Colossus yet? No,
[00:57:55] I haven't and if I do, it'll be on stream.
[00:57:58] Attack on Titan
[00:57:59] IRL
[00:58:23] Visiting a German city attack on titan irl visiting the german city that inspired shingashana and is in every game i'm gonna be honest
[00:58:27] yeah
[00:58:35] that's funny Damn.
[00:58:43] I really... I thought Attack on Titan, I don't know if
[00:58:46] I really liked it. Like, I liked
[00:58:48] Attack on Titan
[00:58:49] but I don't think that it's as good
[00:58:52] as people think it is
[00:58:53] Actually, that's not true. I didn't think that it's as good as people think it is.
[00:58:56] Actually, that's not true. I didn't like it as much as other people liked it.
[00:58:59] I thought it was okay.
[00:59:01] It was good and I haven't
[00:59:03] watched the whole thing yet i haven't finished it
[00:59:06] but yeah i mean i don't know like it was all right
[00:59:11] i mean there's mech anime in disguise and it's not really much of a disguise is it It was MechAnimand disguised.
[00:59:16] I mean, it's not really much of a disguise is it?
[00:59:20] An example of something you didn't like?
[00:59:24] I just didn't think it was super compelling.
[00:59:27] Like, the main thing I didn't like is
[00:59:29] one of the... It's a plot twist,
[00:59:32] right? And, like,
[00:59:33] I didn't like that.
[00:59:35] I thought that was silly. I did. I thought that was silly.
[00:59:37] I did,
[00:59:38] I thought it was silly.
[00:59:40] So,
[00:59:41] I mean for me
[00:59:42] if I think about
[00:59:43] what are some of my favorite anime
[00:59:44] like recently
[00:59:46] Free Run besides that anime. Like, recently Free Ren. Uh... Besides
[00:59:48] that, I know
[00:59:50] this is like kind of a trash anime.
[00:59:52] I really liked, uh, Chainsaw
[00:59:54] Man. I just
[00:59:56] liked it. I thought it was really good.
[00:59:58] Like,
[00:59:58] I don't think
[00:59:59] it's really a great anime
[01:00:00] or anything like that
[01:00:01] but I thought
[01:00:01] it was really good.
[01:00:02] I liked it.
[01:00:05] Um...
[01:00:06] Ah,
[01:00:06] fuck.
[01:00:07] Like,
[01:00:07] Ghost in the Shell?
[01:00:08] I love Ah, fuck. Like Ghost in the Shell...
[01:00:11] I loved the first three arcs
[01:00:13] of JoJo.
[01:00:15] And especially
[01:00:17] the first one.
[01:00:20] I love that so much.
[01:00:22] It was so good.
[01:00:24] Death Note? Yeah, Death Note.
[01:00:26] Like yeah absolutely.
[01:00:27] I don't think Attack on Titan is on that level.
[01:00:29] Hunter x Hunter?
[01:00:31] I like that one a lot, too. Yeah, for sure.
[01:00:33] Seven Deadly Sins is
[01:00:34] top tier.
[01:00:37] Uh! I watched
[01:00:38] everything up to when
[01:00:41] uh
[01:00:42] what do you call it
[01:00:46] I'm trying
[01:00:49] to remember like when it was a little bit after
[01:00:52] they meet up with Escanor.
[01:00:54] And, I thought it was pretty good.
[01:00:57] But,
[01:00:58] it wasn't amazing. It was just like
[01:01:00] this was decent. Right? That was about it.
[01:01:03] Just decent. Like I thought it was alright.
[01:01:06] Wasn't
[01:01:07] a great, right? But it
[01:01:09] was fine.
[01:01:12] Echo Gios. I didn't see that.
[01:01:13] Let's see this here. Believe me,
[01:01:15] the soda will make you have diarrhea
[01:01:17] for it. What the hell is this shit?
[01:01:23] Okay. So he's watering down ice.
[01:01:29] Okay what's wrong with that?
[01:01:42] Okay. okay
[01:01:52] Okay What the hell is he doing? What the hell?
[01:02:13] What is this?
[01:02:16] What? What is this?
[01:02:21] Okay, so he's...
[01:02:25] He's trying to get him in position So that he close that up and then spin it around
[01:02:32] what the hell is going on
[01:02:40] okay Okay. Okay.
[01:02:46] I don't know what that does, but
[01:02:47] I'll assume it probably does something
[01:02:57] okay he's got Lemon. I still want to ship to put in a little cup like that. Goddamn! uh-huh off
[01:03:47] he drank it why'd he drink it Why would you do that? um um so like we'll just finish up i'll finish it So, like, did they have fucking, like...
[01:04:45] Like a food safety
[01:04:47] thing over there?
[01:04:48] Or they just say
[01:04:50] you know,
[01:04:53] so they just don't do that.
[01:04:58] That's crazy like what so they just don't do that
[01:05:06] that's crazy it's fast and loose i see that survival of the fittest so this like
[01:05:09] what you're saying is that
[01:05:11] the lack of food safety
[01:05:14] preparation causes
[01:05:16] it to weed out all of the weak people with genetics in society and kill all of them,
[01:05:24] so only the strong survive.
[01:05:27] So this food is actually helping natural
[01:05:30] selection and helping them
[01:05:31] go even farther.
[01:05:33] Is that what's happening?
[01:05:35] Because I wonder, like, do a lot
[01:05:37] of people get food poisoning there? I mean, do a lot of people get food poisoning there?
[01:05:41] Is food poisoning even
[01:05:42] real? Maybe people
[01:05:44] only get food poisoning in America.
[01:05:47] Because
[01:05:48] maybe it's that if you always Because like...
[01:05:53] Maybe it's that if you always eat garbage,
[01:05:57] That you don't get sick from eating garbage.
[01:06:00] Because you're just always eating garbage.
[01:06:05] Like, you've seen a vulture, he's eaten a dead animal, but he's flapping around no problem.
[01:06:10] Meanwhile, if I eat something that's undercooked, I gotta lay down!
[01:06:12] I can never fly.
[01:06:14] So I don't
[01:06:16] know how the hell this works.
[01:06:18] Been in India, no safety in anything?
[01:06:20] I saw a dead body in the water.
[01:06:23] Well, that's not...
[01:06:24] Unless you're getting in the water,
[01:06:27] who cares? Just leave it alone.
[01:06:29] But unless people are
[01:06:30] trying to drink out of the water? Because you
[01:06:33] wouldn't do that.
[01:06:37] Well no
[01:06:37] it's a side tip on it but that's the way
[01:06:39] they drank the water. See, that's a mistake. You shouldn't
[01:06:41] do that because like the guy, like you know
[01:06:44] then he could poop in the water
[01:06:46] after he dies because of the way
[01:06:48] the body works and
[01:06:49] that would be gross reading poop water
[01:06:52] It's just the poor areas?
[01:06:54] Oh, so I guess nobody really cares, right?
[01:06:57] Yeah, okay, that makes sense.
[01:06:59] Jesus, man, that's bad.
[01:07:02] Like at the beginning, bro, like just like...
[01:07:05] Oh, Jesus, I can't even imagine this.
[01:07:07] Yeah.
[01:07:09] There's a river full of radiation they swim in?
[01:07:11] Man that's cool!
[01:07:13] Do people glow in the dark over there?
[01:07:16] Is that it?
[01:07:17] Humans have become overly sanitized
[01:07:19] which is why we are becoming
[01:07:20] increasingly sensitive
[01:07:21] and allergic to things.
[01:07:23] Allergies were pretty much
[01:07:24] non-existent prior to the 80s so what you're saying is that
[01:07:30] in india they've got the real giga chads over there you know they could eat it
[01:07:34] you know they can eat like weird fucking nasty shit like this.
[01:07:37] Oh, it's totally fine.
[01:07:39] But you eat an undercooked burger
[01:07:41] and you've got to go to the doctor
[01:07:43] because you've got a stomach infection.
[01:07:45] Is that what's going on here?
[01:07:48] Yeah, I don't know man That's crazy to fucking live
[01:07:50] like that. Oh my god
[01:07:52] I saw this bro Y'all ready?
[01:08:04] Y'all ready to see the president in action?
[01:08:07] You guys ready to see
[01:08:07] The president at work here?
[01:08:17] ... Jesus. Jesus.
[01:08:24] I'm waiting for this. He's a...
[01:08:40] Wouldn't he be way more likable if he wasn't the president?
[01:08:44] It would just be, oh yeah, grandpa's doing something funny again.
[01:08:49] It would be way funnier.
[01:08:52] It's a little creepy, yeah it's a little creepy
[01:08:54] but yeah it's grandpa right?
[01:08:56] This is how he is!
[01:09:00] But man... that whole president thing definitely turns things...
[01:09:06] Makes it a little bit serious.
[01:09:12] Gay President America saved?
[01:09:14] You think so?
[01:09:20] Imagine doing that with Trump. Oh God, I couldn't even imagine it. Europeans are having a giggle, I'll tell you that. Hey, hey, I don't know what y'all were doing over there.
[01:09:29] I got no idea. When he does it, it's creepy. Whenever Trump
[01:09:33] does it to his daughter
[01:09:35] it's okay?
[01:09:36] I don't know why
[01:09:37] there is even
[01:09:38] a competition
[01:09:39] with this.
[01:09:41] It's weird
[01:09:41] to do it.
[01:09:44] If you show me a clip of Trump
[01:09:45] doing it and being weird, I'll be like
[01:09:47] man that's weird.
[01:09:49] This isn't a competition alright?
[01:09:53] If I
[01:09:53] see that I'll be like well that's fucking weird. Holy shit!
[01:09:57] Jesus! What is this guy doing? It's a creep-off, yeah.
[01:10:01] She's cooking? What's this?
[01:10:04] Mechanic installs att tire her own size. that's fucking impressive, man. God damn.
[01:10:29] Holy shit.
[01:10:31] Yeah, wow.
[01:10:32] It's about leverage?
[01:10:33] Yeah, clearly, right?
[01:10:35] Because you can see how she's doing it.
[01:10:36] No, I can definitely see that.
[01:10:42] God damn! Push watch new spiffing
[01:10:43] Brit on how to charge $100
[01:10:44] to streamers? Oh, I might watch that.
[01:10:46] That sounds interesting.
[01:10:49] Shalada's new Final Fantasy XIV glam? Yes, this is real. No it's not modded.
[01:10:56] Man! That's exactly what I think
[01:11:00] everybody in the audience wants, right?
[01:11:02] Let's be honest
[01:11:03] yeah maybe I should start playing this
[01:11:06] game again
[01:11:06] I know what the players want.
[01:11:10] It's just that simple.
[01:11:11] Just with the Hawk Tua?
[01:11:13] I don't even know
[01:11:13] what the fuck that is
[01:11:14] to be honest with you.
[01:11:15] I've heard people mention it
[01:11:17] and it's some random white girl.
[01:11:19] Like,
[01:11:19] I never watched the clip.
[01:11:21] It's something about sucking a dick and like
[01:11:25] because of the people that I saw that thought it was funny
[01:11:29] I assumed that it was funny, I assumed that
[01:11:31] it was stupid.
[01:11:33] Because this is like
[01:11:36] the bottom of the barrel,
[01:11:37] right?
[01:11:37] Ha ha,
[01:11:38] funny thing,
[01:11:39] sex joke,
[01:11:41] monkey laugh. Right?
[01:11:43] That's it. It is? Yeah.
[01:11:46] I don't get it.
[01:11:47] I just don't give a fuck to be honest with you.
[01:11:49] Uh, it seems like a pretty stupid meme.
[01:11:51] It's like this is the meme for the people
[01:11:53] that got into internet memes for Harambe.
[01:11:56] That's the way I see it.
[01:11:58] Women
[01:11:58] befriended mother and cousin's
[01:12:01] killer out of spiritual obligation,
[01:12:03] and then he murdered her? Well,
[01:12:06] here is the good thing. She is in heaven now
[01:12:09] because how good a person she is. So
[01:12:12] she is there with her mother and her cousin
[01:12:14] and this guy is the one who has to
[01:12:17] really suffer because he's the
[01:12:18] one in jail. So yeah
[01:12:20] I mean, there it is guys
[01:12:22] so who's really smart?
[01:12:25] Is it her?
[01:12:27] Is she stupid? I mean, if she's so stupid, then why is she in heaven right now? Come on!
[01:12:30] What do you mean? W charitable
[01:12:31] acts? Well, it's crazy
[01:12:33] dark poetry. Well, as I said, I mean, some people, it's crazy dark poetry. Well, as I said, some people
[01:12:36] it's natural selection
[01:12:38] and she just decided to be selected.
[01:12:41] It's the way it goes.
[01:12:43] I don't have any sympathy
[01:12:44] for people like that.
[01:12:46] Anybody would know this is a stupid thing to do,
[01:12:49] and if you do it,
[01:12:50] and you know that a person like this
[01:12:53] probably has a degree of like self superiority,
[01:12:57] like a moral self superiority
[01:12:58] because they behave this way.
[01:13:00] Oh, Jesus Christ, dude, you're wild.
[01:13:03] I'm just being honest, right?
[01:13:06] I'm saying what everybody thinks.
[01:13:10] I am!
[01:13:11] Like, I'm saying
[01:13:12] what everybody thinks. It's fucking
[01:13:14] obnoxious. It's stupid.
[01:13:16] You should have known this was gonna happen happen rip bozo that's my opinion
[01:13:20] that's what you get it's the same people that have poisonous snakes in their house
[01:13:26] or venomous snakes in their house and A snake bites them, you shouldn't have had
[01:13:31] the snake! What are you doing with that in your house? Oh, you got a pit bull when it
[01:13:37] bit your kid. Well, you shouldn't have got an animal like that
[01:13:40] that contributes to
[01:13:41] 60% of fatalities in humans.
[01:13:45] You shouldn't have done it.
[01:13:46] Oh, well, I got a mountain lion
[01:13:48] and then it scratched me. Well wonder why maybe because it's a
[01:13:52] fucking mountain lion jesus some people are so stupid. It's crazy." A wise man said, inside every man a kid.
[01:14:39] You remember this? This is the first time, bro. It's just...
[01:14:44] It's crazy that, like, every guy probably between the ages of
[01:14:45] 10 and 40
[01:14:47] across the entire world
[01:14:49] has this same shared culture.
[01:15:01] And it's about a guy that comes from Japan right? And he has like white skin and everybody around the world is like, that's me.
[01:15:06] Man, you ever liked it?
[01:15:06] I did.
[01:15:08] I fucking loved it, man.
[01:15:09] Dragon Ball Z was amazing.
[01:15:12] It was pretty much my... It was the first anime that i watched
[01:15:16] this dragon ball z imagine at five percent power just feel one percent
[01:15:25] eyes and that's it
[01:15:31] got him, fucking got him
[01:15:35] when they say a boat finishes in 9.8 seconds or I finish in 9.8 seconds what you got a when the symbol fish is not playing seconds are russian mission on point
[01:15:38] second to a good one
[01:15:40] what's this year things younger than presidential candidates
[01:15:45] being younger
[01:15:46] joe biden and donald bill clinton Things younger than Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Bill Clinton, the country of India, diamonds...
[01:15:52] India?
[01:15:56] Oh god!
[01:15:59] OH GOD- Oh no!
[01:16:05] Right? Oh my... system. The U.S. states of Alaska and Hawaii. Birth control
[01:16:09] pills. So these guys
[01:16:11] are older than the 50 states.
[01:16:15] Walmart. Pineapple on
[01:16:17] pizza. Legal interracial marriage
[01:16:20] calling 911
[01:16:22] high fives
[01:16:24] the last french guillotine execution
[01:16:26] cnn
[01:16:28] damn they still did that back then?
[01:16:30] Holy!
[01:16:33] Why'd they stop?
[01:16:39] What made them stop?
[01:16:45] They're bringing it back.
[01:16:49] I feel like if a French person ran,
[01:16:52] If they ran on
[01:16:53] the platform that they would bring back
[01:16:56] the guillotine, I feel like
[01:16:57] that would bring in a lot
[01:17:00] of votes.
[01:17:02] That would. I feel like a lot of votes. That would!
[01:17:03] I feel like a lot of people got something
[01:17:05] out of this. You know, we've done public
[01:17:07] executions for a long time.
[01:17:10] Like pretty much all
[01:17:11] the time. And then we just recently got rid of it?
[01:17:14] I mean, come on.
[01:17:20] Man.
[01:17:29] Man. over 95 of the u.s population man that is crazy it's good that some people brought their kids
[01:17:34] that way the kids know not to steal apples. It's a good idea.
[01:17:35] Minus 100% crime?
[01:17:37] Yeah, it's nuts, man.
[01:17:40] They exist in third world countries?
[01:17:42] Yeah, it's a family event, man.
[01:17:43] That's it.
[01:17:45] Man, that's crazy. 1977?
[01:17:47] That wasn't even that long time ago.
[01:17:49] Wow! Not to get caught. Yeah, exactly.
[01:17:51] It's family bonding. What is this
[01:17:53] shit? That's some other bullshit. I think I saw this yesterday
[01:17:56] What is this, most iconic FromSoft NPCs
[01:18:00] Not counting leveling up or NPCs or bosses
[01:18:04] Who would you put up there as most iconic?
[01:18:08] Um,
[01:18:09] most iconic.
[01:18:17] Hmm. Yeah. hmm Solaire
[01:18:19] yeah well that's Patches and Solaire
[01:18:21] right? And then Siegward
[01:18:23] uh, and then Egon
[01:18:25] ah um and then Egon.
[01:18:34] I feel like those are the main ones,
[01:18:35] man.
[01:18:38] Yeah. Oh, Alexander! Yeah, your yeah oh Alexander
[01:18:39] yeah you're right
[01:18:40] Alexander
[01:18:41] that's the other one
[01:18:43] I probably would say
[01:18:43] everyone on Twitter
[01:18:45] whenever Zach
[01:18:46] says something based
[01:18:47] uh-oh
[01:18:47] he poisoned our water supply burned
[01:18:50] our crops and delivered a plague onto our houses
[01:18:53] he did no but are we just gonna wait around until he does
[01:19:04] yeah i do feel like that sometimes you know what i mean
[01:19:08] it definitely feels like that more often than not.
[01:19:12] The Emmy ball?
[01:19:12] Yeah, exactly.
[01:19:14] Father and daughter was my first opportunity to speak with Asmopo.
[01:19:16] Hey, hey, at least I got a chance to watch the thing, right?
[01:19:20] So I'm glad I did.
[01:19:21] So yeah, I thought
[01:19:23] it was going to be on Thursday. I thought it was going to be tomorrow.
[01:19:25] I felt really bad about that.
[01:19:27] When people touch grass once and realize
[01:19:29] the world isn't twitter be me 23 year old neat
[01:19:35] get off my ass for once and sign up for community college
[01:19:38] attend classes in person because i know if i do online, I'll slack off.
[01:19:43] Interact with other people for the first time
[01:19:45] in five years since high school.
[01:19:47] Nobody talks about sexual market value.
[01:19:49] Nobody cares about bone structure
[01:19:51] or physiognomy.
[01:19:56] But girls aren't immediately rejecting guys with negative cathartal tilt or recessed chins.
[01:19:57] See other bald and balding people my age socializing and having friends.
[01:20:01] I tentatively ask if I can sit near a group of people,
[01:20:04] guys and girls.
[01:20:06] They say sure and include me in the conversation.
[01:20:09] Did 4chan lie to me about normies?
[01:20:11] What the fuck?
[01:20:13] Well maybe that's what happens.
[01:20:15] I mean, I really can't say.
[01:20:17] I don't go outside but you know wrong audience speech shift
[01:20:19] Yeah exactly is that really how it is
[01:20:21] I think usually if you just act normal people will treat you like your
[01:20:25] normal right that's about it now unless
[01:20:27] there's like something crazy wrong with you
[01:20:29] i'm just saying in a general sense that is the case
[01:20:34] can't say never been outside? Yeah, I feel like
[01:20:36] I got along with people pretty much fine in college. It was no big deal. There's
[01:20:40] easy mode and then there's this.
[01:20:47] What's this? What's this?
[01:20:51] A look at Dragon Age, the Veil Guard's difficulty options
[01:20:55] and gameplay customization.
[01:21:01] Okay...
[01:21:05] At any point during Veilguard you can change the game's difficulty unless
[01:21:08] you select Nightmare which is the hardest. Okay... There's another difficulty option called Unbound
[01:21:16] allowing players to customize their gameplay experience
[01:21:18] to their liking. You can adjust how wayfinding helps you in game,
[01:21:22] there's aim assistance and even an auto-aim option.
[01:21:26] You can adjust combat timing
[01:21:28] to make parrying easier or harder with a balanced and
[01:21:31] forgiving, and the third harder option you can change how much damage the enemies do to you
[01:21:36] . There's also an option to adjust enemy pressure
[01:21:41] and if you're not interested in death related setbacks
[01:21:44] there's a no death option that you can turn on.
[01:21:57] Okay... None of these options are a
[01:21:59] cheat. It's an option to make sure that
[01:22:01] all players, players of all abilities
[01:22:03] can show up?
[01:22:05] Um...
[01:22:06] I think that...
[01:22:12] I don't know. Like, I think it's ridiculous
[01:22:16] that people are making games where you can just beat them and turn off all damage
[01:22:20] and ALL gameplay, and just finish the game
[01:22:24] this seems very weird it's like i don't know i think it's
[01:22:28] just it's very very weird no death is too much? Yeah, why? Who cares?
[01:22:35] Um
[01:22:39] I think it just makes it to where
[01:22:41] whenever you play a game
[01:22:42] there's no sense of shared accomplishment when you see that somebody completes something in the game.
[01:22:50] And it makes the accomplishments in the game less meaningful,
[01:22:55] I would say.
[01:22:57] Like, I don't know.
[01:22:58] I just
[01:23:01] think it's weird.
[01:23:03] I do and I think it's okay for there to be
[01:23:05] an easy mode, but like a mode where you don't have to
[01:23:07] do anything or do... I don't know.
[01:23:09] I just think it's weird, man.
[01:23:12] Who cares? And that's the
[01:23:13] thing, right? It's like who cares why.
[01:23:15] I'm thinking about like
[01:23:16] why does this bother me?
[01:23:18] I don't know.
[01:23:22] Yeah,
[01:23:22] I don't know.
[01:23:23] I just think it's weird.
[01:23:24] There's a limit?
[01:23:25] Yeah, yeah, it's just it's weird. There is a limit? Yeah, yeah...
[01:23:27] It's like participation awards?
[01:23:30] I guess so, yeah.
[01:23:33] I don't know.
[01:23:35] I'd have to really think about this.
[01:23:36] Yeah, I don't know what to say. to really think about it. It's weird, yeah.
[01:23:37] I don't know what to say.
[01:23:38] Play the game for a different reason?
[01:23:39] I guess so, yeah.
[01:23:41] But I just can't say it.
[01:23:42] I think it's just weird, man.
[01:23:43] This stage is my life.
[01:23:43] I generally don't care about getting a challenge.
[01:23:44] I play tough games and beat them
[01:23:45] but if a game gives me
[01:23:46] an easy mode option
[01:23:47] I'm taking them every time. I carry all of my trophies in achievements I play tough games and beat them. But if a game gives me an easy mode option,
[01:23:48] I'm taking him every time.
[01:23:50] I carried my trophies in achievements 10 years ago.
[01:23:51] I'm getting old when I'm gone.
[01:23:53] Nobody's going to care that I got platinum on a game.
[01:23:54] Yeah, true.
[01:23:55] Absolutely.
[01:23:56] Let's see here.
[01:23:58] Yeah, I don't know know i just think it's a
[01:24:03] it's weird it's the inclusivity mantra also muddying the achievements yeah i just i i don't know running for 2024 vote for me Running for shit 2024?
[01:24:10] Vote for me, because I'm not fucking 95 years old and I still remember where I parked my
[01:24:14] truck a few hours ago.
[01:24:17] It's right there.
[01:24:18] Vote for me, and i'll make it a law
[01:24:21] that if you talk on the internet you have to fist fight in real life
[01:24:28] okay because i'm running for for me and i'll make everybody that's in the
[01:24:32] senate and congress working fast food for the next eight years years. Stop running from me!
[01:24:41] Vote for me, and if we got a problem with another country I'll catch a fair one with
[01:24:49] their leader and it will be fucking with no more wars because i'm running for
[01:24:55] this message is approved by captain mother Fucking ass off, Lise. Biiitch!
[01:25:05] What is that dog?
[01:25:16] You know... I bet in a lot of places you could probably come out ahead with something like this.
[01:25:25] I wonder how far away we are from voting for someone like this and having them actually win because i don't think that we're that far away i mean yeah sure it's going to be hard to have something like that happen
[01:25:30] but how hard would it really be? I don't really know.
[01:25:35] Yeah, I think that's pretty impressive for years
[01:25:37] I guess so holy fucking shit man.
[01:25:40] This sort of 100% worked on me when I was a kid
[01:25:46] seven inch math just got important.
[01:25:51] 60 degree angle, 45 degree angle.
[01:25:54] Oh my god.
[01:25:58] Oh Jesus Christ.
[01:26:02] Let's see so it'd be
[01:26:04] Oh God I don't wanna have to do the math oh god
[01:26:11] i don't want to have to do the math so this is four this is six four oh god i just i don just...I don't know.
[01:26:17] I don't know.
[01:26:19] Yeah it's a 360. It's just divide is too much. The surface area...
[01:26:23] Look! Just give me both of them alright?
[01:26:26] Is this the same right it's the same
[01:26:28] is it the same i'm not even really sure i have no idea
[01:26:32] yeah depends on the pepperoni yeah it does actually let's see here
[01:26:36] i need this machine
[01:26:43] Snowflake ice machine
[01:26:47] What the fuck? What the fuck?!
[01:26:50] The hell is this?
[01:26:53] What?
[01:26:55] Why?
[01:26:58] Probably not, no. this as well probably not no that it looks super refreshing
[01:27:03] with a few toppings on top and this becomes a sweet delight to remember I don't know about this one boys.
[01:27:23] I really don't know about this one, it's making me a little bit stressed out like I see this
[01:27:27] and I'm thinking to myself like oh bro I got...
[01:27:30] I don't know. Ice cream propaganda
[01:27:32] is something man, it's something
[01:27:34] ice cream machine
[01:27:36] I don't even know how this works man
[01:27:37] you arrive in heaven and God says someone
[01:27:40] has been waiting for you? Who is it? Who is it? Is it dog?
[01:27:56] I guarantee you, like, if I got my childhood cat back... back I'd be like ah shit here we go again you know what his name was
[01:28:11] scratcher Scratcher.
[01:28:22] Ah shit, there he is!
[01:28:24] Oh boy!
[01:28:28] Yeah, yeah. Holy fuck man
[01:28:31] I'm not sitting straight to the board Yeah scratcher, I know man
[01:28:33] Holy fuck man
[01:28:36] What's this? Trying to copy a masterpiece?
[01:28:38] Oh no
[01:28:59] Oh my- oh my i get it Jesus. It's crazy for me to think about, like I remember watching
[01:29:01] Shrek came out whenever I was in
[01:29:03] fifth or sixth grade
[01:29:05] and I remember when I watched it, it was
[01:29:08] so good man
[01:29:09] It was so fucking
[01:29:12] good as a sophomore in high school
[01:29:13] Yeah, I was way younger
[01:29:15] Shrek 2 was the perfect sequel, I only remember it was
[01:29:18] 2001? Yeah so I was in
[01:29:20] I guess 5th or 6th grade there
[01:29:23] holy shit
[01:29:24] Gen Alpha slang explained
[01:29:26] fucking stupid indeed.
[01:29:28] Skibbity. Uh, skibbity I
[01:29:31] don't know what skibbity means. What does it mean?
[01:29:37] It means awesome sauce. Awesome It's in a specific...
[01:29:40] It means awesome sauce.
[01:29:42] Awesome sauce? Okay.
[01:29:44] What is Riz?
[01:29:46] It's when...
[01:29:48] Everybody knows that.
[01:29:50] Is it something with your hands? It's when you get girls.
[01:29:52] When you get girls. It's how to get girls, like...
[01:29:54] Can you show them?
[01:29:56] So what are you-
[01:29:57] I mean this kid probably is not even into girls girls yet. He's like a fucking eight nine years old
[01:30:03] Like you know what he's talking about
[01:30:06] Yeah, it just heard this on the internet
[01:30:08] It's when you look Max
[01:30:11] When you look max. When you look...max?
[01:30:13] Yeah.
[01:30:14] When you look max?
[01:30:15] Yeah.
[01:30:16] What about-
[01:30:17] It's when you look very good.
[01:30:18] I'll try to look as good as you can.
[01:30:19] You look very good, okay.
[01:30:20] Also, you kinda look like a giga chat.
[01:30:21] Have you been mewing?
[01:30:23] Me?
[01:30:24] Yeah no joke. You have the Giga Chad chin and beard
[01:30:29] Thank you! Okay, who's Giga Chad?
[01:30:32] He's the strongest guy in all.
[01:30:33] Oh! Damn!
[01:30:35] Yo also what does Sigma mean?
[01:30:37] It means Alpha
[01:30:39] Alpha
[01:30:41] Did you notice?
[01:30:43] What's alpha mean?
[01:30:44] Yeah, what's alpha mean?
[01:30:46] It's like you're the leader,
[01:30:47] You are the one to trust.
[01:30:49] So wait, so when you say
[01:30:50] What the sigma
[01:30:51] You're saying
[01:30:52] What the leader?
[01:30:57] No but like that different what's that mean
[01:31:09] here's the thing everybody always loves to dunk and talk on these little stupid kids about their stupid slang words.
[01:31:15] But back in the day, whenever we said skeet-skeet...
[01:31:19] I don't really think it was that much different than saying scabidi.
[01:31:24] I'm just being honest.
[01:31:25] Look. I'm just being honest. Look,
[01:31:30] I'm not going to sit here and dunk on some nine-year-old
[01:31:31] because they got their stupid little words
[01:31:34] that they say.
[01:31:35] We had tons of stupid shit like this that we would
[01:31:37] say all the time.
[01:31:40] Like, I think
[01:31:41] this is funny. I like it. I think it's
[01:31:43] great. We weren't any different?
[01:31:45] No, you weren't any fucking different.
[01:31:47] Absolutely not.
[01:31:50] Nor does he get
[01:31:50] his speech impediment?
[01:31:52] His mom never talks
[01:31:53] to him obviously.
[01:31:54] Maybe, I don't know
[01:31:55] but
[01:31:56] yeah like let me read some comments I don't know. But, yeah,
[01:31:58] like,
[01:31:59] let me read some comments.
[01:32:00] I'm going to read
[01:32:00] some comments
[01:32:01] from some Redditors
[01:32:02] about this.
[01:32:03] I'll never complain
[01:32:04] about my little brother
[01:32:05] ever again.
[01:32:05] My mother is rethinking
[01:32:06] her life choices.
[01:32:07] I felt pain watching this. even a guy interviewing is scared
[01:32:10] sigma means alpha sure should we tell him about the greek alphabet no he's nine
[01:32:17] it's just a kid.
[01:32:24] Just a kid!
[01:32:30] You've tried all those words in my stepson, I can confirm that they're all real things. Yeah, of course.
[01:32:33] Blame all the TikToks
[01:32:35] to explain the stupidity of slang terms.
[01:32:36] Am I the only person,
[01:32:40] I feel like our jobs are secure?
[01:32:47] I think that this is so cringe
[01:32:50] that you have a bunch of
[01:32:52] balding, fat
[01:32:54] you know it
[01:32:55] 31 year old
[01:32:58] men that are upduting each
[01:33:00] other for saying that a nine year old is stupid.
[01:33:06] Oh, what the fuck are you doing?
[01:33:09] What's wrong with you?! What do you think You're doing?
[01:33:13] Like oh my
[01:33:13] The losers
[01:33:14] You're a bigger loser
[01:33:16] Than he is
[01:33:17] Oh my god
[01:33:18] It's so sad
[01:33:20] To see people
[01:33:21] Do this man
[01:33:22] It's so sad This kid's less of a loser than they are
[01:33:26] just a little kid why the shot kids have their own language we did too yes
[01:33:31] yes absolutely i guarantee you you look through some of these people here
[01:33:37] and you're gonna see a lot of people using stupid ass words
[01:33:41] stupid ass terms and it's going be fine. About money, they
[01:33:45] were dumb as well? I don't think...
[01:33:47] I wouldn't bet money that they were dumb
[01:33:49] I'd bet money that they are
[01:33:51] dumb. That's what I think
[01:33:53] It's annoying! Like, what the fuck was this stanky leg?
[01:33:56] Yeah bro, remember that dude with
[01:33:58] his stanky leg?
[01:34:00] God bro
[01:34:02] That is the dumbest fucking shit
[01:34:04] There was that YOLO? Well, YOLO makes sense
[01:34:07] right? That's just a phrase. I'm trying to
[01:34:09] think of some of the other stupid things
[01:34:10] Oh god
[01:34:12] Getting slithered? There's that
[01:34:14] That was like a 2007 thing. Oh, fuck. Like where are some of the other ones that we had? Was uh yeah but that's from like that Super Bowl commercial I remember that. Pwned? Yeah, pwned.
[01:34:28] Yeet? Yeah, yeet.
[01:34:30] Crank it? Crank it makes sense.
[01:34:32] I think that's fine.
[01:34:45] Planking? That's not too big of a deal bling-bling ah get crunk yeah krunk that that's a perfect one What the fuck does that mean?
[01:34:49] Who knows what crunk means?
[01:34:52] Jesus!
[01:34:55] Was up swag,
[01:34:56] swag?
[01:34:57] Yeah, exactly.
[01:34:58] I just...
[01:34:58] I don't understand how people
[01:35:00] can get together and just like
[01:35:02] these 30-year-old lame-ass
[01:35:04] losers get together and
[01:35:06] make fun of a 9-year-old
[01:35:08] for being a 9-year-old.
[01:35:12] God, bro light what's wrong with you well what a bunch of losers Jesus when they grow
[01:35:19] big boobs disagrees i don't want to go inside a monster and i don't want to die
[01:35:31] i think it's worth the shot yes i agree let's do it
[01:35:35] yeah i mean it is what it is right i mean
[01:35:39] shit activists find out...
[01:35:45] The stop-war idiots are now attacking
[01:35:47] what they thought was Taylor Swift's
[01:35:49] jet, which was quickly met with
[01:35:51] arrests.
[01:35:52] What a surprise.
[01:35:57] Don't you just love to see it?
[01:36:00] Can you imagine how
[01:36:01] happy these guys are?
[01:36:03] This is probably, in 30 years, they will remember this day as a day of glory.
[01:36:11] Yep.
[01:36:13] The rest... Best job ever. Yep. The arrests.
[01:36:15] Best job ever.
[01:36:23] It sure seems like they can
[01:36:29] as they cried online over the police raid snatching up 14 of them in their homes
[01:36:33] it's actually comical how they couldn't grasp the difference
[01:36:36] between throwing paint on a painting
[01:36:38] and breaking into an airport
[01:36:39] and damaging the aircraft, but honestly we
[01:36:42] I hope they put him in jail
[01:36:43] I do
[01:36:44] I think that throwing the book at a few of these people is a good idea.
[01:36:54] I hope that happens. Because
[01:36:57] it's annoying!
[01:36:59] It's annoying, and
[01:37:01] why don't we just... can we find
[01:37:03] a way to put them in jail for 30 years?
[01:37:05] Just for fun. Just for fun. Just for
[01:37:08] fun and I guarantee you,
[01:37:10] I guaranty fucking to you if we
[01:37:12] started doing that they'd quit it
[01:37:14] because there's a reason
[01:37:16] why they ain't doing this.
[01:37:18] You want to talk about, oh we don't like oil?
[01:37:20] We'll go protest in Saudi Arabia.
[01:37:22] Well why aren't you doing that?
[01:37:24] We all know why you're not doing that.
[01:37:27] So yeah,
[01:37:29] All you have to do is create a punishment
[01:37:31] outcome that will make people rethink
[01:37:33] their decisions.
[01:37:36] Can't be too surprised
[01:37:37] as this is the same group that somehow tricked their
[01:37:40] useful idiots into believing orange paint could cool
[01:37:43] the earth because sadly...
[01:37:46] what?
[01:37:47] I don't think harnessing the powers of unemployed behavior was to change the weather, it was
[01:37:51] to make their leaders rich.
[01:37:53] Which is surprising!
[01:37:54] Not that an activist leader would be a fraud but that it's apparently earning them h-
[01:37:58] Well if...
[01:37:59] Oh, he- It's not surprising that an activist leader
[01:38:01] would be a fraud yet. Okay, yeah.
[01:38:03] Hundreds of thousands of dollars
[01:38:05] as recently they fought climate change
[01:38:07] by vandalizing a pre-
[01:38:09] Yeah, just put him in jail for like
[01:38:10] a really long time. Put him in jail and then I don't know, what could you do that's worse than that?
[01:38:19] I don't know. Is there a way that we could like somehow send them to China?
[01:38:29] Could we send, yeah, can we send them like North Korea or something like that?
[01:38:35] Give them to Russia?
[01:38:38] Yeah, for one of those work camps.
[01:38:42] That'd be good.
[01:38:43] There are so many options, aren't there?
[01:38:47] Historic monument. Now they were arrested for their orange-flavored efforts.
[01:39:00] Claiming that it was just cornflower
[01:39:01] that will wash away when it rains,
[01:39:03] but will somehow force the government
[01:39:05] to thwart the ecological crisis.
[01:39:07] But the ex-community notes explained
[01:39:09] it won't and will cost
[01:39:10] the taxpayers cash to clean up.
[01:39:12] And Stonehenge's account even stated
[01:39:14] it will harm the protected like in-
[01:39:16] Oh there it is.
[01:39:17] Stonehenge is protected by the Ancient Monuments Act and is a criminal offense to damage the stones.
[01:39:24] Expect a prison sentence.
[01:39:28] Oh, man. Ain't that great?
[01:39:31] Man, that's the way it needs to be, huh?
[01:39:35] Holy shit.
[01:39:41] Rip Bozo? That's right.
[01:39:43] It will harm the protected lichens on the stones, but not
[01:39:45] the vampire werewolf's lichens apparently the fungus algae and honestly i care
[01:39:51] a little about lichens and even less about activists i care more about lichens than i do
[01:39:56] about them.
[01:40:00] Let's save the fungus.
[01:40:05] But apparently there are people that actually do, as ironically,
[01:40:06] the oil activists are selling a mass-produced print of the incident using
[01:40:10] ink paper and of course oil to get these useless pieces to their supporters and they even posted
[01:40:16] comics saying you're stupid if you don't think their paintings can save the earth from catastrophic
[01:40:21] rising of the oceans never mind the fact that the national parks just removed this sign saying
[01:40:26] they're gonna be the computer models indicate the glaciers will be
[01:40:31] all gone by the year 2020.
[01:40:35] Like, this is... Okay, so
[01:40:37] this is a big thing that a lot
[01:40:39] of
[01:40:40] crazy people
[01:40:41] get wrong. And so, what
[01:40:43] they need to understand is
[01:40:45] if you want to do
[01:40:47] something like this, you have
[01:40:49] to
[01:40:50] you have to project it
[01:40:54] to a point where people won't
[01:40:56] remember whenever it happens.
[01:40:58] All of the best
[01:41:00] wizards in time predicted things like
[01:41:03] 180 years into the future.
[01:41:06] So, there's not
[01:41:07] a degree of urgency where it can
[01:41:09] directly disprove you.
[01:41:13] Yeah, in 600 600 years there's gonna be this
[01:41:15] because if you say that in 3 years the Earth is
[01:41:17] going to turn blue
[01:41:19] well I don't know if that's going to happen right? It's probably
[01:41:21] not going to happen but if? It's probably not going to happen. But like, if you go and you
[01:41:24] extrapolate really, really far off
[01:41:26] then nobody can really prove you wrong.
[01:41:29] Like 13 years? Yeah, yeah
[01:41:30] like the Mayan thing, right?
[01:41:32] People took that Mayan thing seriously because it was like
[01:41:35] thousands of years ago. Right?
[01:41:39] The earth is blue? No then why are trees
[01:41:41] green? Stupid!
[01:41:43] ...would be gone by 2020, so when painting these stones didn't...
[01:41:46] What about a tree?
[01:41:47] the seas from rising that didn't discourage them
[01:41:49] from getting stupider as after they saw Taylor Swift's private jet land in London
[01:41:54] They had the bird-brained idea
[01:41:56] to break into the airport.
[01:41:58] Start painting random airplanes
[01:41:59] to affect climate change.
[01:42:01] Then like any Swifty stalker
[01:42:03] immediately began taking selfies
[01:42:05] which made it easier...
[01:42:06] Self-congratulation. That's amazing.
[01:42:09] arrest them later on.
[01:42:12] You know I was gonna buy an electric vehicle but now I think i'm gonna get a v8
[01:42:20] yeah
[01:42:24] please which indicates you were part of a plot because serious description to UK
[01:42:30] You are
[01:42:33] See ya
[01:42:36] We have no idea...
[01:42:38] What's led them to this point, but-
[01:42:40] All they bragged about going after Taylor's jets!
[01:42:42] A Daily Mail clarified
[01:42:44] Neither of them were their jets.
[01:42:46] It had anything to do with Taylor Swift
[01:42:48] And now the local law enforcement released
[01:42:50] a statement saying they're now making arrests
[01:42:52] as the activists are now conspiring
[01:42:54] to disrupt national infrastructure.
[01:42:57] That's so funny.
[01:42:59] It's so fucking
[01:43:01] funny how easy it is
[01:43:02] to deal with these people, isn't it?
[01:43:05] Man, they're playing
[01:43:07] with fire. They sure are.
[01:43:11] They're so dumb.
[01:43:12] None of their actions have ever resulted
[01:43:15] in anything remotely close to cooling
[01:43:17] the earth and say okay
[01:43:18] maybe we should stop wasting everybody's time, effort
[01:43:21] and most importantly, oil to babysit
[01:43:24] our idiots. No, they use
[01:43:25] the arrests to spread awareness of their
[01:43:27] efforts and then beg for
[01:43:29] money
[01:43:30] Why is every single and then baby for money you can help
[01:43:32] why is it every single one of the people that's in this thing
[01:43:36] a seemingly middle-class white woman every single one of them. What are you so fucking bored? Go to Starbucks, go read another romance novel about a girl and a dragon.
[01:43:56] Why don't you just be normal, okay?
[01:43:59] Go buy new crystals.
[01:44:02] ...and be a part of this international uproar... crystals.
[01:44:08] Jesus! Shockingly, this failed stunt at the airstrip
[01:44:10] gave them over 150 thousand
[01:44:12] pounds which is nearly 200 thousand US dollars Mm-hmm. perform useless social media stunts while I sit back and collect six figures
[01:44:25] of donations, I'd be the same as
[01:44:27] a guy's running kick. Because they don't care
[01:44:29] if some of their serfs end up doing ten months
[01:44:31] in prison. Keep sending them out to destroy
[01:44:33] paintings in the name of hot summers i'm surprised they haven't
[01:44:36] shut down the group if the group is cool and like if the group is basically creating conspiracies
[01:44:43] to like damage property and to destroy things.
[01:44:46] Like I'm surprised they haven't just shut down the entire group.
[01:44:49] It's like,
[01:44:50] you know what would be super based is if the president or whoever was in
[01:44:55] charge there,
[01:44:56] prime minister parliament just labeled them as
[01:45:00] a terrorist group and then just put them on jail that would be really fucking funny.
[01:45:09] That would be hilarious, bro.
[01:45:12] Yeah, eco-terrorists.
[01:45:13] Yeah, exactly.
[01:45:14] Drive them out to golf matches
[01:45:16] to save the ice caps
[01:45:17] and fly out to congressional baseball games to
[01:45:20] immediately get arrested
[01:45:27] got him bro this guy needs a new job Got him.
[01:45:31] Bro, this guy needs a new job.
[01:45:33] Look at this.
[01:45:34] Bro, look at this.
[01:45:36] Oh my god.
[01:45:38] Look at red shirt, bro. Look at red shirt
[01:45:42] This is embarrassing
[01:45:48] But curiously never to China China to protest their massive carbon emissions.
[01:45:53] Which is how you know they're not serious about anything other than fundraising.
[01:45:57] They burn fuel traveling to these events...
[01:45:59] That's right.
[01:45:59] They're not serious about fundraising.
[01:46:01] They are serious
[01:46:02] about virtue signaling.
[01:46:04] These are people
[01:46:05] who have lived
[01:46:06] the most comfortable,
[01:46:07] safe,
[01:46:08] privileged life
[01:46:09] in existence
[01:46:10] and they
[01:46:12] have some sort of
[01:46:14] internal guilt for that
[01:46:15] so they need to find
[01:46:18] a cross so they can nail
[01:46:20] themselves up to it.
[01:46:22] That's the reason why
[01:46:23] they're doing this.
[01:46:26] We burn fuel transporting them
[01:46:27] to jail and not a single line of
[01:46:29] legislation is written in response for their efforts
[01:46:32] except now I'm convinced the organization's
[01:46:34] objective... Don't you think some people actually believe
[01:46:35] in global warming? I believe in climate
[01:46:37] change completely.
[01:46:39] I think that it's naive not to.
[01:46:42] I know that some people disagree with this, but
[01:46:44] I just don't think this is the good way to go
[01:46:46] about it. Like
[01:46:48] just because I believe in climate change
[01:46:50] doesn't mean that I agree with every person
[01:46:52] who's trying to stop it.
[01:46:55] Like, if somebody says um...
[01:46:56] I don't like the fact that marijuana is criminalized
[01:46:59] and because of that
[01:47:01] I'm going to burn down an Arby's
[01:47:03] I'm gonna say you know what?
[01:47:07] I agree
[01:47:08] with you but don't burn down the
[01:47:09] Arby's. That's a bad way to go about solving
[01:47:11] the problem.
[01:47:13] I don't agree. It's simple!
[01:47:16] If it isn't to save the world,
[01:47:18] if it is to trade the freedom of one useful idiot
[01:47:20] then create a social media clip
[01:47:22] that will give them cash donations from thousands
[01:47:24] of useful idiots. Of course so this video here isn't so
[01:47:27] much for anybody that already knows how
[01:47:29] stupid their activism is it's to
[01:47:31] enlighten those who would actually
[01:47:32] donate to this idiocy as they're not
[01:47:34] trying to reduce emissions
[01:47:36] they're just helping grifters get rich they sure are
[01:47:40] what a w video holy i've never seen this guy before this guy's a legend
[01:47:44] oh my god give the video a like, that is so good.
[01:47:48] Yeah, short, quick, to-the-point
[01:47:50] and fucking obvious.
[01:47:52] Somebody died in our freezer
[01:47:53] at a local Arby's next year?
[01:47:55] Really?
[01:47:59] How did people find out i wonder how long it took
[01:48:03] you know like to take like the next year wait did i say next year what did I say next year? What did I say
[01:48:08] I don't even know
[01:48:12] Like what I read
[01:48:13] Sometimes I'll just say things
[01:48:15] So it's just the way it is
[01:48:19] Anyway The time machine Yeah something like that So it's just the way this... Anyway, The Time Machine?
[01:48:20] Yeah something like that.
[01:48:22] You said next year? I don't remember what I said.
[01:48:24] And anyway so yeah
[01:48:26] This is really the way I see it right?
[01:48:28] I thought you said the future Yeah, this is a great video.
[01:48:30] I like it a lot.
[01:48:33] I'm going to be real guys.
[01:48:35] I think that they should categorize these people
[01:48:37] as actual terrorists.
[01:48:40] What are they doing?
[01:48:42] They are getting together
[01:48:43] and terrorizing
[01:48:45] everybody else
[01:48:47] and destroying property
[01:48:48] in order to
[01:48:50] fulfill a political goal.
[01:48:53] This should not be acceptable.
[01:48:56] Nobody should be putting up with this.
[01:48:59] It's outrageous that it's even a question,
[01:49:04] just put them in jail.
[01:49:06] And I guarantee you if you put four or five of them
[01:49:08] in jail and sentence them to like 15 years
[01:49:11] something like that they'll stop they'll stop doing it completely
[01:49:16] stopped and that's why they're not doing it in china or in dubai or in Russia?
[01:49:27] Mentioning a vegan order.
[01:49:27] I don't give a shit.
[01:49:28] No,
[01:49:31] I feel like we've kind of that's run its course at this point.
[01:49:32] They might look at it later.
[01:49:35] Wish they did this to the pyramids? Well, I mean
[01:49:37] if they did, they'd be gone man.
[01:49:39] That's it. You're ridiculous?
[01:49:41] I'm ridiculous? Why?
[01:49:43] Why am I ridiculous? Yeah, just listen.
[01:49:45] Here's the way I see it.
[01:49:48] There's no reason to put up with a person who's doing...
[01:49:53] Who's a bad actor.
[01:49:55] Like anybody who thinks that they have
[01:49:57] the moral authority
[01:49:58] to destroy
[01:50:00] everybody else's stuff
[01:50:01] because they're not
[01:50:02] getting what they want
[01:50:03] I disagree.
[01:50:08] And we'll put him in jail for it.
[01:50:10] How about that?
[01:50:12] Yeah, how about that?
[01:50:14] How is getting rid of terrorists ridiculous?
[01:50:16] Yeah, it's a terrorist.
[01:50:17] 15 years for spraying paint?
[01:50:20] Yeah.
[01:50:22] Yeah.
[01:50:24] Something like that.
[01:50:25] Maybe 20.
[01:50:26] I was thinking actually 25. i was thinking actually 25
[01:50:27] i was thinking like 15 realistically but you start at 25 and then they plead down to 15
[01:50:34] right the 30 yes something like that right because like here's the reason why
[01:50:39] these things that they're destroying
[01:50:42] are it is not their right to destroy
[01:50:44] these things
[01:50:46] these are this is historical.
[01:50:50] Like in a hundred years,
[01:50:51] a thousand years,
[01:50:53] people will still see this.
[01:50:55] They don't have the right to take that away from them.
[01:50:58] That's it. Yeah, give him life yeah fuck him no why would you put up with a person who's
[01:51:04] a bad actor actions have consequences that's right yeah and i think it's funny whenever it happens to people like that.
[01:51:11] I do.
[01:51:11] I think it's hilarious.
[01:51:12] So fuck them.
[01:51:15] I bet they'd stop being vegan.
[01:51:16] Yeah.
[01:51:17] It's so simple on how to solve these problems.
[01:51:21] What about the Confederate statues?
[01:51:24] Listen, a lot of those Confederate statues were put up in like
[01:51:27] the 50s, okay? Like I don't give
[01:51:30] a fuck about that
[01:51:31] it doesn't really matter
[01:51:32] if you destroy any statue
[01:51:36] it doesn't matter what it is
[01:51:37] if it's Robert E. Lee
[01:51:38] Abraham Lincoln or anything
[01:51:40] go to jail.
[01:51:43] Absolutely. Go to jail.
[01:51:47] It's that simple.
[01:51:49] Destroy its vandalism? Yeah,
[01:51:51] it's vandalism. There's no reason to tolerate a bad actor in society
[01:51:56] if you hold people to low standards they'll meet them and if you hold people the high
[01:52:00] standards i think they'll also meet them.
[01:52:06] Yeah it's not your property? Well it's the government's collective property which makes it the people's
[01:52:08] property collectively and so we would decide
[01:52:10] to do that. That's the way it goes.
[01:52:17] You can't destroy property because you don't like it, that's right.
[01:52:21] Such a harsh punishment will never happen in America? Oh I don't know about that, I'm sure people can every once in a while we do something good you know
[01:52:26] things already saw this before internet speed can be explained with cats 3g 1G.
[01:52:45] Is that is he Daiwa?
[01:52:49] Ayyyyummm
[01:52:52] What's his face, look at his face
[01:52:56] What the fuck is this face doing? What the fuck is this thing doing?
[01:52:57] What the hell is this?
[01:52:59] Revolution to change a regime destroys property,
[01:53:01] aren't they the same as terrorists? You're absolutely
[01:53:03] right, they are. And if they had lost
[01:53:05] they'd be terrorists in the history books.
[01:53:08] So yeah, you're absolutely right.
[01:53:10] I don't care about what your moral obligation is,
[01:53:13] anything like that.
[01:53:14] If you destroy property like that,
[01:53:16] I will support putting you in jail for an extremely
[01:53:19] long time and completely destroying
[01:53:21] your life.
[01:53:22] That's what I support
[01:53:23] And I think it's funny
[01:53:26] The worse it is, and the funny. And the fact,
[01:53:28] the worse it is
[01:53:30] and the more
[01:53:31] brutal it is
[01:53:32] the better.
[01:53:35] So you can
[01:53:36] think whatever
[01:53:36] you want
[01:53:37] but that's what I think and i also think
[01:53:41] most people feel the same way than i do
[01:53:43] i think that like 80 percent of people feel the way that i do
[01:53:47] stop doing it you're too harsh no i'm not
[01:53:52] you are too harsh on the people that are good actors in society
[01:53:56] who are having their society degraded and damaged
[01:53:59] by people who are committing crime.
[01:54:04] That's who you're harsh to,
[01:54:07] and I'd rather help the people that are doing
[01:54:09] the right thing.
[01:54:11] Lift rocks, throw stick,
[01:54:12] do damage. Oh yeah,
[01:54:14] I played this game. It's my favorite game.
[01:54:26] ... and here you come fuck him hey get them the fuck out of here yeah that, that's right.
[01:54:33] Fuck this guy.
[01:54:35] Yeah, replay?
[01:54:36] Get out.
[01:54:37] Again.
[01:54:41] Got him.
[01:54:43] Big bonk. Big bonkong. Oh there it is.
[01:54:46] I unga therefore I bunga. True!
[01:54:49] Quick reminder that Twitter believes short people don't exist
[01:54:53] What's this? I'm not gonna watch the whole thing short people don't exist.
[01:54:54] What's this?
[01:54:57] I'm not going to watch the whole thing, I'm just going to look at this real quick. Is this
[01:54:58] another thing where it's like a girl
[01:55:01] um
[01:55:02] like a short girl,
[01:55:04] literally child.
[01:55:06] Why is no one reporting this post?
[01:55:11] This girl...
[01:55:12] What the hell?
[01:55:21] That's sad bro and that's honestly says Twitter yeah guys an idiot classical art short equals filed their
[01:55:24] brainlets yeah it's like...
[01:55:26] Here's the thing is that maybe I am just weird
[01:55:31] but when I see somebody who's trying to sexualize underage characters,
[01:55:37] it's obvious.
[01:55:40] It's obvious.
[01:55:41] 100% obvious.
[01:55:43] There's no question.
[01:55:44] There's no oh maybe.
[01:55:46] It's obvious
[01:55:47] like am I
[01:55:49] saying like you could just see
[01:55:52] this immediately right but you
[01:55:54] see whether it's like a show
[01:55:55] or something like that, but you see somebody
[01:55:59] it's like the way that the character
[01:56:01] looks. That's every weeb
[01:56:03] It's not every weeb, right? But there's
[01:56:04] a thousand year old dragon
[01:56:06] Like, that's it
[01:56:07] I'm guessing Short Girl is an adult dragon. Like, that's it.
[01:56:10] I'm guessing Short Girl is an adult? Yeah, yeah.
[01:56:13] No, a fictional
[01:56:13] character? You can
[01:56:15] do a fictional character and
[01:56:17] you could have a meme and say,
[01:56:20] oh well it's just a fictional character
[01:56:22] so it's not a bad thing.
[01:56:24] But let me go ahead and hit you with the reality
[01:56:26] check. How many
[01:56:28] people that are gay watch straight porn when it's anime only?
[01:56:34] Let's say you like girls in real life, but you want to watch anime with a bunch of gay dudes sucking
[01:56:41] each other's dick. You probably
[01:56:43] don't want to do that because it doesn't remind
[01:56:45] you of what you like in real life
[01:56:47] and I think
[01:56:49] hey, I'm just being serious.
[01:56:51] And I think if you're watching anime
[01:56:53] with young girls
[01:56:56] that look like they haven't
[01:56:58] hit puberty
[01:56:59] doing things that are sexualized,
[01:57:03] I think that's weird.
[01:57:08] I think it is extremely weird.
[01:57:12] And it's common sense like again would you watch are you you're a furry you're not a
[01:57:18] but you like furry anime like there's there's every other parallel to this is
[01:57:24] ridiculous. But
[01:57:26] this one instance people are trying
[01:57:28] to do mental gymnastics around, absolutely
[01:57:30] not.
[01:57:32] No it's that simple.
[01:57:34] Why isn't it banned yet?
[01:57:35] It's a cartoon.
[01:57:37] The reason why
[01:57:38] that stuff is banned
[01:57:39] is because there's
[01:57:39] a real victim to it.
[01:57:41] The problem is not
[01:57:42] that people think that
[01:57:43] the problem is that
[01:57:44] people put
[01:57:45] other people in danger because of it.
[01:57:48] That's why it's not illegal.
[01:57:50] So yeah,
[01:57:51] it's that simple.
[01:57:53] I think there's nuance and it gets into human psychology.
[01:57:56] Oh yeah, I'm sure there is nuance too.
[01:57:59] The genie looking at me after my second wish
[01:58:01] is to cure all blind people but they have
[01:58:03] to pay me a monthly subscription. so Man.
[01:58:34] I can't wait for this to be real life.
[01:58:36] I already saw that before,
[01:58:38] and I saw this before,
[01:58:39] this is drama from yesterday.
[01:58:41] What is this?
[01:58:42] Google's Gemini self-censors in real time.
[01:58:46] I don't know what the fuck this is.
[01:58:48] Saw that. Batman,
[01:58:50] what is this?
[01:58:59] Okay. Yes. You needed a warm place to spend the night. Kind of...
[01:59:01] I know of one.
[01:59:03] Jail.
[01:59:12] Hnngh! Man.
[01:59:16] This show had no business being this good.
[01:59:18] Growing up watching this, it had no business being this good.
[01:59:24] Oh my god. I just...
[01:59:36] This is actually really good. I don't know why, but I think this is really, really good.
[01:59:51] This is amazing.
[01:59:53] New Twitter picture? I should probably tweet this out,
[01:59:57] this is amazing!
[02:00:01] Is it missing the tooth? I know, look at that.
[02:00:04] Oh my god!
[02:00:06] It's illustrative. Yeah this is amazing.
[02:00:08] I am so impressed
[02:00:10] I love this
[02:00:12] I might have to post this somewhere. This is so
[02:00:15] good. I just noticed
[02:00:17] the roach? I know, it's amazing
[02:00:18] It's so simple too
[02:00:21] but it's so good
[02:00:22] A video of a train splitting an Amazon
[02:00:25] driver's truck in half?
[02:00:43] Aww, Oh man. I mean you brought that on yourself, man.
[02:00:48] Like, you probably should...
[02:00:49] Yeah, you shouldn't have been on the trail.
[02:00:50] What are you?
[02:00:51] My package got delayed?
[02:00:52] Yeah.
[02:00:53] There goes your package, guys.
[02:00:56] Oh, man. Oh man.
[02:00:58] You're not going to get
[02:00:58] your Belle Delphine bath water.
[02:01:00] Sorry, man.
[02:01:01] I'm really,
[02:01:02] really sorry about that.
[02:01:03] Turns out Japanese
[02:01:05] Assassin's Creed Shadow
[02:01:06] petition is mostly Westerners and not Japanese people. Wow, what a surprise. It's more white people pretending to be Japanese on the internet. I think this is the first time
[02:01:19] that's happened, right?
[02:01:23] That's crazy!
[02:01:25] Damn who could have seen
[02:01:27] this coming? Yeah of right i'm not japanese
[02:01:29] and u.s marine i'm not japanese yeah of course the japanese people probably
[02:01:34] not going to give that much of a about it like yeah go watch actual
[02:01:37] japanese youtube maker there's told them they're pissed about
[02:01:39] Suki being black supremacy insert to overwrite that could be first made Asian
[02:01:43] male lead yeah no I think that definitely there are Japanese people
[02:01:47] that are mad about it but there's also white people from america
[02:01:51] the developing is japanese people
[02:01:53] dot or awesome at about it
[02:01:55] let's be real
[02:01:57] let's see i think of what uh... what'll watch this. Let me introduce you to the people
[02:02:01] you are arguing with online.
[02:02:03] The Chinese phone farms.
[02:02:06] Now what you are seeing
[02:02:06] is just one example
[02:02:07] of the hundreds
[02:02:08] if not thousands
[02:02:09] of these that exist
[02:02:10] all around the world today.
[02:02:12] Each form has hundreds upon hundreds of smartphones, often with their screens and batteries removed
[02:02:16] placed into racks and connected to a single computer.
[02:02:20] Each of these phones represents an individual user.
[02:02:22] One command from the computer operated by the click farmer
[02:02:24] can trigger hundreds of identical likes, follows, comments and even star ratings
[02:02:29] And now with the introduction of artificial intelligence
[02:02:32] they can generate intelligent human-like interactions
[02:02:35] unique to a video's topic.
[02:02:37] I mean we've all seen...
[02:02:38] I am hoping this is true
[02:02:43] because this means it explains
[02:02:46] why really stupid posts get popular.
[02:02:51] Like, if I could just tell myself the only reason why these are popular is
[02:02:57] because oh it's all bought in. It doesn't matter.
[02:03:00] It's not bad then I'd be okay with that.
[02:03:04] Yeah basically coping why do all of this well
[02:03:08] it can range from simple things like making money farmers often get paid for fake engagements
[02:03:13] for a thousand views on tick, 11... Well here's the
[02:03:16] reason why it's because people are
[02:03:18] stupid animals and if you
[02:03:20] make people think that the majority of
[02:03:22] people think something then they will
[02:03:24] think that too because they're herd animals
[02:03:26] and that's all they're ever going to be good for.
[02:03:29] So what's
[02:03:30] this isn't complicated right?
[02:03:33] It's like yeah well if it got
[02:03:35] a lot of likes
[02:03:36] gotta be right.
[02:03:39] No way everybody is wrong.
[02:03:42] Cents for 1,000 likes on Instagram
[02:03:44] and even get payments-
[02:03:45] Let's be real.
[02:03:45] On Spotify.
[02:03:46] I mean to put into this six years ago one third of
[02:03:49] yeah all traffic generated online in china was thanks to jesus but these farms can also go
[02:03:55] all the way up to a threat to democracy studies have confirmed that in 2016 absolutely troll farms
[02:04:00] were found to have created thousands of fake social media accounts that pretended to be americans
[02:04:05] supporting radical political groups tried try to influence others' opinions
[02:04:09] and even try to sway the election.
[02:04:12] Look forward-
[02:04:12] I think they do that every time.
[02:04:14] This year then?
[02:04:16] Yeah, I think they do that
[02:04:18] every time, man. There's like like this is just the way anything goes. But yeah, pretty weak. Yeah, it's normal, right? We're probably doing it to Russia. And if we're not, we should start. And so the way I see it is that anytime you see something
[02:04:31] that's really popular on social media, always keep this in mind.
[02:04:36] It doesn't mean that everything you see on social media is fake.
[02:04:42] All I'm saying is it doesn't mean everything you see on social media is real either.
[02:04:48] I'll be right back, thank's got you. so so so so so so All right.
[02:06:15] We is back.
[02:06:22] Okay, okay alright... Let's take a look at this. neck here and i read
[02:06:27] let's say the latest
[02:06:30] not hurting you good that's what told him to do
[02:06:34] wash hands why
[02:06:37] well god What? Oh, God.
[02:06:40] At the risk of sounding entitled, I have to vent today
[02:06:43] when we invited our friends and family
[02:06:45] to our destination wedding in Thailand.
[02:06:56] Only nine people RSVP'd out of 150, I get it paying 3k to share my special day is too much for you I pay for yours but whatever
[02:06:58] But then when we changed the wedding to Hawaii I'd pay for yours, but whatever.
[02:07:01] But then when we changed the wedding to Hawaii so it's within everyone's reach
[02:07:03] only seven of you are SVP'd
[02:07:06] It costs less
[02:07:07] but less if you want to come
[02:07:08] Is that what you think
[02:07:09] of this and me?
[02:07:11] You can't spare 2K
[02:07:12] to come share our happiness.
[02:07:14] I'm tempted
[02:07:14] to just elope
[02:07:15] and not let any of you
[02:07:17] be part of our happiest day.
[02:07:19] I think that's
[02:07:20] what she should do.
[02:07:21] This is it, guys. You have three
[02:07:23] days to respond to our
[02:07:25] Evites or we're
[02:07:27] deleting you off FB.
[02:07:29] Good luck keeping up with our lives then
[02:07:32] and don't get me started on the registry
[02:07:34] only the cheap stuff is gone
[02:07:36] I swear I thought I had better friends
[02:07:38] David David and I are asking you to reconsider.
[02:07:49] I feel so fucking bad for David.
[02:07:57] That poor, fucking bastard. Man.
[02:08:08] Oh, God.
[02:08:12] It might be Dick? Yeah, I don't know.
[02:08:13] Maybe it's not David.
[02:08:15] I don't know.
[02:08:16] But Jesus.
[02:08:18] David won the Karen gold mine?
[02:08:20] I know.
[02:08:21] That's amazing.
[02:08:23] Let me read some of these. literally cannot. If only 7,500 people are SVP'd
[02:08:36] then why should anyone care if they elope?
[02:08:38] Yeah that's a good point yeah
[02:08:39] no people like this
[02:08:42] are just
[02:08:42] you know it's just entitled people that are used to always
[02:08:47] getting what they want and acting like a
[02:08:49] brat. And now you're
[02:08:50] 33 and you know it's not
[02:08:53] as cute anymore and you're just
[02:08:54] obnoxious and you're arguing with the barista
[02:08:57] at Starbucks about spelling your name wrong
[02:08:59] and you want free food because of it?
[02:09:01] Like, it's sherry with an I not a Y.
[02:09:04] Okay, yeah.
[02:09:05] That's what we need okay got it
[02:09:08] yeah i this it's crazy right not the brace of that there it is
[02:09:13] uh two of them really wanted to visit thailand yeah i know my brother mary
[02:09:17] a being that
[02:09:19] surpasses human intelligence. Sorry.
[02:09:21] Oh, you're going to marry a robot? That's smart.
[02:09:24] Is Gur David the bread
[02:09:25] runner in their relationship? Yeah, it probably
[02:09:27] is. She's probably just a housewife or something like that and
[02:09:29] you know like she doesn't really understand it it's just stupid but so You know, I actually just got a link.
[02:09:58] There's a picture somebody linked of what they're going to look
[02:10:01] like in
[02:10:02] 2034.
[02:10:09] Oh, jeez.
[02:10:10] Oh, God, bro. Can you imagine that? That's crazy!
[02:10:14] Wow... Damn man!
[02:10:19] Too far? Is it too far? Too far?
[02:10:24] You think they're gonna last 10 years?
[02:10:28] Yeah, maybe not that long right?
[02:10:31] I don't know. Not big enough No, it's plenty big enough.
[02:10:33] That is...
[02:10:34] Hmm.
[02:10:38] The grapes are too close.
[02:10:39] Oh, you're right.
[02:10:40] You're right.
[02:10:41] So it definitely worked?
[02:10:42] I don't know what to say.
[02:10:44] We get a Necromancer and have an unboxing?
[02:10:46] Yeah, that's where you get patchwork from...
[02:10:51] You get patchwork from fuckin'...
[02:10:54] ...Nexramas! He had patchwork from fucking......Nextramus.
[02:10:58] Oh, God!
[02:11:00] What do you even say, man?
[02:11:03] Wow.
[02:11:07] Too far? You mean too near? Yeah yeah i don't know what to say confirmed the dude's face looks similar to the chick is that really the girl
[02:11:10] is it no can somebody actually confirm this is this really the same person the
[02:11:14] girl confirm this? Is this really the same person, the girl?
[02:11:19] No. Okay, good.
[02:11:22] I was about to say, bro, that would be sad.
[02:11:23] Jesus.
[02:11:27] It would be curious if it's difficult to... Okay, let's see here.
[02:11:28] Nakata was once a vegan violin playing YouTuber but these sometimes do what brings more money
[02:11:34] and that's rational.
[02:11:35] I think this is extremely irrational.
[02:11:38] There's nothing
[02:11:39] that's more rational than this.
[02:11:42] This makes sense
[02:11:43] more than anything else.
[02:11:44] I actually heard that...
[02:11:46] I found out what the appeal to this is.
[02:11:50] It's that people that watch this
[02:11:52] that are eating a lot of food
[02:11:55] and feel guilty for it
[02:11:57] watch these videos
[02:11:59] while they're eating a lot of food
[02:12:01] so they feel like
[02:12:03] they're not fat
[02:12:04] and, like, overeating. Because
[02:12:07] they're not as bad as this person.
[02:12:10] So like, it's
[02:12:11] parasocial eating.
[02:12:14] So it's like, well you think
[02:12:15] I'm not that bad? Look at what they're doing.
[02:12:18] At least I'm not them. Yeah, exactly.
[02:12:21] It's the same as like, you know
[02:12:22] rednecks go and they watch Jerry
[02:12:24] Springer and they say wow
[02:12:26] this guy is such a freak. He fucks
[02:12:28] his sister. I only fuck my cousin.
[02:12:31] It's the same thing.
[02:12:34] That's what people
[02:12:35] do to these muckbags. Yeah, know what?
[02:12:36] I'm just being serious, right? What do you think people
[02:12:39] watch that shit for? That's the reason.
[02:12:41] People look at your room, yeah exactly!
[02:12:45] It's a shame he took this path
[02:12:47] I don't know...
[02:12:49] I think it's entertaining. That's about it.
[02:12:52] Google Mukbang origin?
[02:12:54] I don't want to do that, it's gross.
[02:12:56] What is this here?
[02:12:58] Comedian self-destructs during a prank?
[02:13:13] It's during a prank. on that particular phrase. So remember, just oppose their views. It's super simple.
[02:13:14] Right?
[02:13:16] There are men jobs and there women's jobs.
[02:13:18] I mean, we're not saying
[02:13:20] that doesn't exist right?
[02:13:22] I mean you're not- We are kind of saying that that doesn't exist, right? I mean you're not... We are kind of.
[02:13:24] You are kind of saying that.
[02:13:27] But it's just like
[02:13:28] if you pull up to a garage
[02:13:30] and you gotta get an alternator replaced
[02:13:32] and there's a woman mechanic the majority of men
[02:13:36] And women are going to look at that and be like hey man i'm all for
[02:13:39] You know women's rights I mean who isn't but I also want my car to run well. You can feel it
[02:13:58] I can't take it
[02:14:00] there it is they all know it's true. Performative outrage.
[02:14:08] There it is. It's all performative outrage, did he lie?
[02:14:13] The clip was out of their TV show, it's a punishment that he has to go through
[02:14:16] but had no choice
[02:14:17] but to say stuff along those lines.
[02:14:20] Oh maybe so
[02:14:21] but yeah I think that this is
[02:14:23] pretty fucking funny man
[02:14:25] holy shit I love this show.
[02:14:27] Yeah, I've never seen any of this before.
[02:14:30] Let's see, I'm gonna go back
[02:14:31] and look at a few more of these things.
[02:14:32] Oh Blizzard solved the MMO problem?
[02:14:35] What?
[02:14:36] Solved it?
[02:14:38] The reason, the way they solved it is that there's no more MMOs right?
[02:14:44] There's not even a thing anymore.
[02:14:46] What do you mean?
[02:14:48] Yeah here we go again. They just solved it. Is that it? Barney video maybe I need to watch that. I haven't watched any of those longer videos in a while. I'll get back to that soon okay guys oh i saw this
[02:15:06] this is the new gladiator
[02:15:14] i think that it is going to be bad.
[02:15:21] I do!
[02:15:25] And the reason why,
[02:15:29] The original Gladiator,
[02:15:33] the two main actors in the movie were Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix.
[02:15:38] Two of the most goaded actors
[02:15:41] of all fucking time if they're in a movie. I'm like oh
[02:15:48] This is probably gonna be a good movie
[02:15:50] They are both in the movie at the same time
[02:15:53] it's going to go crazy
[02:15:55] let's be real
[02:15:59] I don't know what to say, The two carried the movie, yes! Yes exactly and so
[02:16:06] I don't know guys like...I do feel like a lot of movies there's
[02:16:10] certain...I don't have a good word for it, right?
[02:16:14] But the best word for it is grandeur.
[02:16:16] That I can think of that like old movies
[02:16:19] have that were shot on the old film
[02:16:22] that new movies just don't have.
[02:16:26] I don't know what to say.
[02:16:29] Yeah,
[02:16:30] Gravitas? Yeah, I like
[02:16:31] that. That sounds good. Yeah, yeah.
[02:16:33] Something like that.
[02:16:35] Man, I don't even know what the hell's going on over there.
[02:16:38] Legendary? Bro.
[02:16:40] So Jay told me that he was doing this.
[02:16:42] I didn't know he actually did it.
[02:16:45] So Jay has been going through Elden Ring and he told me this idea, I think that we were
[02:16:52] in California whenever this happened because we were talking about it at a hotel,
[02:16:58] and he's been going through and every death on a boss
[02:17:01] he's been doing something
[02:17:03] to work out or exercise
[02:17:05] or lose weight.
[02:17:08] And apparently he's
[02:17:09] done so many fucking times
[02:17:11] 160
[02:17:13] chest presses,
[02:17:15] 240 arm curls,
[02:17:18] 490 squats,
[02:17:20] 230 goblets,
[02:17:22] 110 laterals,
[02:17:24] 230 hammer curls,
[02:17:26] 10 burpees,
[02:17:27] 140 toe touchers
[02:17:29] and 21 miles.
[02:17:31] It's actually a good idea.
[02:17:32] I told him that.
[02:17:33] Yeah,
[02:17:33] I told him that.
[02:17:34] Look,
[02:17:35] so he killed
[02:17:36] fucking Melania.
[02:17:40] Yes! I did it!
[02:17:42] I DID IT!
[02:17:46] There it is
[02:17:49] Oh my god I did it! Oh, my God.
[02:17:53] I did it.
[02:17:55] A hundred and ten deaths.
[02:17:57] You know what?
[02:17:59] That's respectable.
[02:18:00] Oh, my god.
[02:18:03] That's a
[02:18:03] respectable amount of deaths,
[02:18:05] right? It's not crazy. It's not like
[02:18:08] 1,000 or something.
[02:18:09] Yeah, he's doing pretty fucking well.
[02:18:12] So yeah.
[02:18:13] Guts Build?
[02:18:14] I don't know.
[02:18:14] What is he playing?
[02:18:15] Is he playing with Guts Build?
[02:18:16] He absolutely is.
[02:18:18] He just did Lion's Claw.
[02:18:23] He absolutely is playing the guts build of
[02:18:25] fucking course he is, but
[02:18:27] yeah, so he's been going at this for
[02:18:29] like a while. I don't know if he posted any
[02:18:31] other clips of it before. Let me see
[02:18:33] if there's another one or not. Today is the day
[02:18:37] Man...
[02:18:41] Dude I hope it... Dude.
[02:18:52] If Jay does the DLC, he's gonna finish the DLC in his beast. He's gonna be as skinny as I am man.
[02:18:55] Can you imagine? I could be as skinny as I am man can you imagine that could be a skin it's me yeah bro he's
[02:18:58] gonna finish the DLC is going to go
[02:19:00] compete in a bodybuilding competition
[02:19:02] this give me ripped yeah like, let's be honest
[02:19:05] Oh, he said chat! There he is!
[02:19:07] There's Jay, yeah! Holy
[02:19:09] fuck, bro, yeah, I'm just being real
[02:19:11] Holy fuck, dude, this is bad
[02:19:13] I'm glad you did it, right?
[02:19:20] I was telling everybody that we talked about this whenever we were at the hotel.
[02:19:23] And I'm so glad you're fucking doing it, man.
[02:19:24] I am.
[02:19:27] Yeah, it's JayTheBard in chat. Make sure to give him a follow. He's great. I've known the guy
[02:19:29] for years. It's called
[02:19:30] MotivationHellFuckingYeah.
[02:19:32] Absolutely. Awesome idea?
[02:19:34] Yeah, I think it is, man. It's great.
[02:19:37] Get the games? Fuck yeah!
[02:19:39] There it is.
[02:19:40] You guys got the little pop-up there.
[02:19:43] WWW 100%.
[02:19:44] Yeah, bro.
[02:19:45] Y'all see this shit, by the way?
[02:19:51] Bro,
[02:19:52] Moe without his cloak
[02:19:54] looks like he's about to fucking bust on
[02:19:56] in the Cracker Barrel.
[02:19:58] Like, he's straight ready
[02:20:00] to show up at Cracker
[02:20:02] Barrel on Friday night for that
[02:20:05] stew!
[02:20:08] Oh man! He'd been thinking about it all week Oh, man.
[02:20:09] You've been thinking about it all week.
[02:20:12] I can't believe this.
[02:20:14] They made this Moog?
[02:20:16] Oh my God.
[02:20:17] 1800s looking ass?
[02:20:18] Yeah.
[02:20:20] God damn. Cracker Barrel? Yeah it's peak performances
[02:20:22] How are you enjoying
[02:20:24] your steak? Welcome to TGI Fridays
[02:20:26] Can I get you started off with some drinks
[02:20:28] How we doing here on appetizers?
[02:20:31] Holy fuck, I don't even know what to say.
[02:20:35] This is why skinny people
[02:20:36] shouldn't wear skinny jeans?
[02:20:39] I mean, here's the thing right there is like a
[02:20:42] oh yeah you're right
[02:20:44] and that is yes i that's a little bit
[02:20:47] he'd fit in blood-borne he would write yet? Yeah, absolutely.
[02:20:52] Nobody should?
[02:20:54] I don't know. I feel like skinny jeans aren't bad.
[02:20:56] I really don't think they're bad. I think they're fine.
[02:20:58] Yeah, it's just that
[02:21:00] for me if I get jeans
[02:21:03] that fit they're going to be skinny jeans
[02:21:05] but I usually don't do that
[02:21:06] on girls yeah that's true
[02:21:08] but um
[02:21:09] I never really wore them because I don't like things touching my skin in that way, right?
[02:21:14] It's just this annoying to me.
[02:21:19] I did not know
[02:21:20] this shit was confirmed.
[02:21:22] Give you my favorite President Trump story.
[02:21:25] This is my number one favorite of all time.
[02:21:27] When we were negotiating with the Taliban,
[02:21:29] while President Trump was still the president,
[02:21:32] President Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but he wanted a conditions-based withdrawal.
[02:21:37] Meaning that you do what we tell you to do and then we'll start pulling troops back slowly as long as you abide by our rules.
[02:21:44] It's President Trump and Mike Pompeo,
[02:21:46] they are talking to Taliban leadership in the room
[02:21:49] and they had one translator in the room.
[02:21:51] President Trump looked at the Taliban leader
[02:21:53] and said this,
[02:22:00] I want to leave Afghanistan. But it's going to be conditions based withdrawal and translator translated. And he said if you harm a hair on a single American,
[02:22:06] I'm going to kill you.
[02:22:09] And the translator goes
[02:22:10] and Trump goes
[02:22:13] tell him what I said. Re Reach in his pocket, pulled out a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban's home and handed it to him.
[02:22:23] Shut up!
[02:22:24] Got up and walked out the room.
[02:22:33] Jesus Christ.
[02:22:38] Holy fuck, man. Oh my, this is like propaganda. holy fuck man
[02:22:41] oh my god this is like propaganda I wonder, cause that is insane
[02:22:45] who the fuck does that?
[02:22:48] yes negotiation tactics.
[02:22:49] That is crazy!
[02:22:51] I wonder if this shit actually happened
[02:22:53] because somebody said
[02:22:55] Trump said he did this
[02:22:57] and I was like yeah Like you say a lot
[02:23:00] of things. Oh my
[02:23:02] fucking God. It's insane
[02:23:04] but that's how you deal with the Taliban? He said I don't
[02:23:06] negotiate with terrorists?
[02:23:08] I guess fucking so.
[02:23:10] Biden wouldn't have the balls to do that.
[02:23:16] Biden would
[02:23:17] give them a picture and it would be
[02:23:18] Biden's house.
[02:23:22] It probably and it would be Biden's house. It'd probably be his own
[02:23:23] house.
[02:23:25] You know, wait,
[02:23:27] what the hell
[02:23:30] happened here?
[02:23:31] Oh fuck man.
[02:23:33] I just saw this.
[02:23:34] I thought this was fucking hilarious, man.
[02:23:36] It was.
[02:23:37] Let's see.
[02:23:38] I'll go through the rest of this.
[02:23:39] Look, look, look, look, look.
[02:23:41] Talibans are an armed gang.
[02:23:43] They probably deal in those terms.
[02:23:45] Yeah, and you know what?
[02:23:47] I bet that the Taliban
[02:23:48] to a certain degree
[02:23:50] probably respects
[02:23:51] that type of behavior
[02:23:52] because I bet the way the Taliban degree probably respects that type of behavior. Because
[02:23:53] I bet the way the Taliban deals
[02:23:55] with people is pretty close to
[02:23:57] the same thing.
[02:23:59] Yeah, we are who armed them? Well,
[02:24:01] look,
[02:24:02] come on, That was a long
[02:24:04] time ago. So yeah
[02:24:06] October 2022 an otter
[02:24:08] on a plane using Wi-Fi typed
[02:24:10] into an image generator created
[02:24:12] nonsense on the fly.
[02:24:14] This is right here. this is with mid journey and everything like that in July 2024, the
[02:24:20] same thing typed into a video generator plus on a computer gets this
[02:24:25] first try not quite an otter but look at
[02:24:28] the lighting and detail
[02:24:30] look at this holy shit holy fucking shit Holy shit.
[02:24:37] Holy fucking shit.
[02:24:38] Look at that,
[02:24:39] That is amazing.
[02:24:41] Looks like shit?
[02:24:44] Yeah it does look like shit,
[02:24:45] But like, It looks less like shit than it did look like shit. But like, it looks less
[02:24:47] like shit than it did two years ago
[02:24:49] and that's crazy.
[02:24:51] And like the amount of less
[02:24:52] lookalike shit? That's a
[02:24:54] way less shit.
[02:24:56] That's so much less! I'm impressed!
[02:24:59] In only two years, yeah!
[02:25:01] In two fucking years this shit happens?
[02:25:04] Literal nightmare fuel? No.
[02:25:06] That would be the case if he was flying
[02:25:08] the plane.
[02:25:10] Why does it have human hands?
[02:25:13] Probably because there aren't
[02:25:14] a lot of other versions
[02:25:16] of things like this
[02:25:17] that it's made with
[02:25:19] a non-human interfacing
[02:25:22] with the laptop. That's probably
[02:25:23] the reason why, if I had to
[02:25:25] guess. It's only going to get better?
[02:25:27] Yeah, imagine this in 2030.
[02:25:30] Like you know what? This is really
[02:25:31] fucking weird to me whenever I see this
[02:25:33] It makes me think
[02:25:35] maybe we are in a simulation.
[02:25:40] Because if you think that the universe is
[02:25:44] 13 and 1 half billion years old, right? According to like since the big bang
[02:25:48] something like that... And it's advanced this much in two years
[02:25:52] that's crazy 13.8 yeah yeah something like that uh It's likely 20% we are...
[02:26:00] Yeah, that's nuts, man.
[02:26:03] And I'm not a believer in this, right?
[02:26:05] So don't get me...
[02:26:06] Don't get it twisted.
[02:26:08] But it's crazy for me to see it.
[02:26:11] It is. It's crazy. It for me to see it. It is,
[02:26:12] this crazy,
[02:26:12] it's crazy to see it take psychedelics.
[02:26:15] I have no intention and no reason to ever do drugs.
[02:26:28] Drugs are bad, you don't need to take them.
[02:26:32] Now if you want to take drugs,
[02:26:34] If you like drugs
[02:26:37] The truth is
[02:26:40] Go ahead
[02:26:43] That's fine,
[02:26:44] but
[02:26:45] it's not what I would recommend.
[02:26:49] Do you know the singularity theory?
[02:26:51] Um, yes.
[02:26:52] I do know...
[02:26:53] Here's the thing every science fiction weird conspiracy theory
[02:27:00] apocalypse idea anything like that i probably know about it.
[02:27:05] I've known about it and I probably
[02:27:07] know more than the people that are asking me if
[02:27:09] I know about it. All of this
[02:27:11] shit. Now maybe not every single
[02:27:13] one of them but nearly every single one of them. But nearly every single
[02:27:16] one of them. That's what I spend a lot
[02:27:18] time doing.
[02:27:20] Do you buy better drugs? Yeah, I don't know.
[02:27:22] Do they use the XTC
[02:27:24] as better than drinking as a night out? Yeah, yeah. All I'm saying
[02:27:27] is okay Donald Trump you're welcome. Yes
[02:27:29] of course and so yeah
[02:27:30] I think this stuff is amazing man
[02:27:32] yeah it's really
[02:27:34] fucking interesting. I wanna believe? Yeah sure
[02:27:37] But uh...I see this kind of stuff
[02:27:39] and its kinda shocking to me
[02:27:41] how good it has gotten
[02:27:45] I'll watch this
[02:27:55] watch this watch this do you know about the religion of the flying spaghetti god
[02:27:57] oh yeah yeah where they got it recognized this is like 2010 and they wore the things on their head.
[02:28:01] Yeah.
[02:28:03] If you want me to...
[02:28:06] Like I don't know if there's a way to do that. Pastafarian? Yeah.
[02:28:10] I could
[02:28:11] probably do a conspiracy test or something
[02:28:13] like that and
[02:28:15] figure... And I'll show you guys
[02:28:17] and reveal my true power level.
[02:28:20] I think you guys might be surprised.
[02:28:23] I don't think people know
[02:28:24] how deep it goes.
[02:28:32] Isn't that an Eldrazi Eldrazi
[02:28:33] I don't think Eldrazi are real
[02:28:35] I'm pretty sure
[02:28:36] that's just something
[02:28:37] in Magic the Gathering
[02:28:38] I don't think there's
[02:28:39] Eldrazi that are real.
[02:28:44] Alright, Kik is cooked. Uh oh.
[02:28:49] It's no secret that kik dotcom is the communal porta-potty of the internet, a dumpster fire
[02:28:55] There sure is
[02:28:56] Of a platform
[02:28:57] Well I'd say 4chan is but you know this is second
[02:29:00] That is being artificially thrust into our culture.
[02:29:04] But what exactly is
[02:29:06] It's the brainchild of's founders, Eddie Craven and Bijan Tarani.
[02:29:11] Both of them are allegedly billionaires
[02:29:13] in their late 20s,
[02:29:15] and that's billion with a B
[02:29:17] all thanks to their crypto casino.
[02:29:19] Based out of Australia,
[02:29:21] Stake is the largest
[02:29:22] crypto gambling website in the world and it dwarfs its
[02:29:25] competitors part of the websites success is thanks to their streamer to
[02:29:29] gambling pipeline man if I ever go and like visit
[02:29:37] I want to go to Trent's new apartment
[02:29:40] Dude that place looks so nice
[02:29:42] Oh he only won $87,000?
[02:29:47] That's nothing.
[02:29:48] But they conveniently set up for themselves.
[02:29:51] Paying the top streamer...
[02:29:52] $15 million. Okay, that's pretty good.
[02:29:57] ...exorbitant salaries to gamble in front of their live audiences in an effort to acquire new gambling addicts absolutely is
[02:30:03] operating with a seemingly infinite budget all thanks to their parent company.
[02:30:08] Since I don't have the luxury of taking blood deals to make a living,
[02:30:12] I have a unique talent of converting brain rot into YouTube ad revenue.
[02:30:16] And thanks to the best browser in the world,
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[02:31:35] what happened to all your lines for sponsoring this video so you may be asking why would they
[02:31:40] even branch out in the first place?
[02:31:42] Perhaps they see an opening for competition considering the current state of other live
[02:31:47] streaming platforms.
[02:31:48] Twitch is a soft core p***y website for 12 year olds and middle-aged men from Turkey that form parasocial
[02:31:56] Relationships with only fans hose they have horrible creator payouts walk back every policy
[02:32:02] They put in place. I do think that
[02:32:04] by the way, I think that the whole
[02:32:06] Twitch is a porn site, I think this is
[02:32:08] totally overblown and that's easily
[02:32:10] provable by statistics
[02:32:11] but if you don't go on Twitch all the time,
[02:32:15] and if you just log onto
[02:32:17] the website for a long time they had a big
[02:32:19] problem with the recommendeds.
[02:32:21] So what ended up happening was
[02:32:22] the recommendeds for were like always promoting
[02:32:27] porn right you know what i know it everybody knows it
[02:32:33] always promoting porn and so what ended up happening
[02:32:36] is that everybody would
[02:32:38] think this, right? And so like Twitch
[02:32:40] has done a lot
[02:32:42] to deserve this reputation
[02:32:43] even though it's not accurate if you look at the data.
[02:32:48] More ads
[02:32:49] than Times Square and apparently
[02:32:50] It is nuts. Like bro, the
[02:32:52] ads on this fucking website are
[02:32:54] insane. Predator problem?
[02:32:57] Which Kik seems to also
[02:32:59] copy, let's be- Every
[02:33:01] social media website has a predator
[02:33:03] problem.
[02:33:05] Every single one
[02:33:07] it's a big problem
[02:33:11] it's a huge issue
[02:33:12] I wish more people realized what the
[02:33:15] issue was
[02:33:17] yeah, let's be real
[02:33:18] it's a huge problem
[02:33:20] and this is the problem right?
[02:33:23] Society has to bear the problem?
[02:33:24] But what I'm saying is
[02:33:26] a lot of people have an idealistic perspective of this. They're
[02:33:29] like, oh well people should just stop committing crime
[02:33:31] Oh!
[02:33:34] What? Well let's
[02:33:35] just get rid of the jails
[02:33:36] So I feel like really,
[02:33:39] I wish that people would
[02:33:41] like really talk about
[02:33:43] why this shit happens,
[02:33:44] how this shit happens.
[02:33:44] Like here, let me go ahead
[02:33:46] and let's just dial it down, right?
[02:33:48] Let's get right down to the basics girls that started only fans when they turn 18.
[02:33:54] how'd they find out about it the same day they turned 18
[02:33:59] we all know the answer.
[02:34:01] Everybody knows the answer.
[02:34:05] To be honest, no one will ever seriously use Twitter or TikTok for live streaming.
[02:34:10] YouTube is actually great but... Twitter or TikTok for live streaming. YouTube is actually great, but...
[02:34:12] Twitter or TikTok for live streaming?
[02:34:14] I think that a lot of people use TikTok
[02:34:15] for live streaming, actually.
[02:34:17] It's just that the audiences
[02:34:18] are completely different than Twitch.
[02:34:20] Since they're a respectable company,
[02:34:22] they have a low tolerance for degenerates.
[02:34:25] So where does that...
[02:34:26] YouTube doesn't have popular live streaming
[02:34:28] primarily because
[02:34:30] number one, I think people don't want to stream and build a brand on two
[02:34:35] platforms at the same time because it's more stable.
[02:34:37] Right? If you get banned in one,
[02:34:38] you don't get banned on both.
[02:34:40] I also want to try screaming on twitter
[02:34:43] i want to do it um maybe maybe at some point i will
[02:34:48] i would like to try it just to see what happens right just to give it a try
[02:34:51] it'll be a good youtube video, etc. And so yeah
[02:34:54] but like yeah, it's YouTube live discovery
[02:34:57] that's what's problematic
[02:34:59] YouTube live discoverability
[02:35:01] is awful
[02:35:02] and I think that this is like a conspiracy theory, I thought
[02:35:05] I have. I think that
[02:35:07] the reason why YouTube is so
[02:35:09] unpopular or sorry, why
[02:35:11] YouTube doesn't do anything about it? I think YouTube
[02:35:13] loses money on live streaming
[02:35:15] so they don't
[02:35:16] want people to discover live streams, but
[02:35:18] they can't remove the service
[02:35:20] because that will make them look bad.
[02:35:23] And
[02:35:24] this is a total fucking conspiracy theory.
[02:35:28] I leave Craven, Tarani and other streamers they were able to convince
[02:35:31] to have part ownership of the company
[02:35:33] wanting to grab a slice of the creator economy
[02:35:36] and have full control over zoomers attention spans, they created
[02:35:40] Instead of doing something new or cool or standing for something
[02:35:44] It's culture is simply a reaction to Twitch's more strict
[02:35:48] cucked policies
[02:35:50] despite using Twitch's AWS
[02:35:52] IVS hosting service
[02:35:54] So Kik pays Twitch
[02:35:56] host their live streaming platform while competing with them.
[02:35:59] But here's the kicker, Kik doesn't have to care about turning a profit all they really
[02:36:05] have to worry about is... ask, why does
[02:36:09] Amazon do it? I bet
[02:36:11] Amazon probably likes that more
[02:36:13] because I bet
[02:36:15] Kik is getting a rate that's higher than
[02:36:17] Twitch's rate for AWS.
[02:36:20] So effectively,
[02:36:22] they're selling the same thing
[02:36:24] to more people at a
[02:36:26] higher rate of money.
[02:36:29] Amazon... AWS, you guys need to understand of money. Amazon, so AWS
[02:36:31] you guys need to understand this
[02:36:33] if you were to look at a pie chart
[02:36:35] I don't know if it's accurate right now
[02:36:37] but I know that it is with Microsoft
[02:36:39] Microsoft I was amazed
[02:36:42] at their web hosting,
[02:36:44] how much Microsoft web hosting
[02:36:46] makes them. It makes them more than
[02:36:47] fucking Windows does.
[02:36:50] So AWS is the same thing for Amazon
[02:36:54] and Amazon will not remove Kik from AWS
[02:36:59] because it would look so bad business-wise, right?
[02:37:04] Like think about what is the business optics
[02:37:06] of denying service to a competitor
[02:37:09] because you own one of their subsidiaries
[02:37:12] that they're competing against.
[02:37:14] That would look so bad on them,
[02:37:16] and it would shake people's confidence in AWS
[02:37:18] so much
[02:37:19] that they will never, ever, ever get rid
[02:37:22] of Kick.
[02:37:25] Bout is funneling users to big daddy steak and
[02:37:27] the coolest part of all one day yeah
[02:37:30] dick plans to buy twitch. Creating one giant online
[02:37:35] monopoly... That's gonna be really funny.
[02:37:37] Kick buys Twitch.
[02:37:40] I wonder
[02:37:41] what's gonna happen when that happens.
[02:37:43] So, how much is twitch worth i bet twitch
[02:37:45] is worth probably between 8 and 12 billion dollars because it was
[02:37:49] purchased for 2 billion in 2000 and i believe 16 or something like
[02:37:53] that right so if you look at inflation website growth extrapolate that
[02:37:59] i'm thinking 8 to 12 billion dollars and
[02:38:07] i don't think that Amazon will sell it because
[02:38:08] Amazon right now owns
[02:38:11] a monopoly on
[02:38:12] the way that people
[02:38:14] view live streaming. Even though YouTube is technically more popular,
[02:38:18] they have such a huge hegemony
[02:38:21] over live streaming and like that market share
[02:38:24] that I think that strategically
[02:38:26] Amazon sees
[02:38:28] Twitch as
[02:38:28] being a value
[02:38:29] ad in the
[02:38:30] same way
[02:38:31] that Kik
[02:38:32] sees Stake
[02:38:32] as being
[02:38:33] a value
[02:38:33] ad.
[02:38:34] So,
[02:38:36] Twitch doesn't
[02:38:37] exist in an
[02:38:37] ecosystem by itself.
[02:38:39] It exists in an ecosystem
[02:38:40] that is Amazon Prime,
[02:38:42] Amazon Movies,
[02:38:43] Amazon Music, right?
[02:38:45] And all of these things
[02:38:46] fit together
[02:38:46] and they create
[02:38:47] that ecosystem
[02:38:48] in the same way that Kik
[02:38:49] exists in an ecosystem that funnels to
[02:38:51] stake, of course
[02:38:53] The ability of lobotomized
[02:38:56] slop, and the worst
[02:38:57] part of all,
[02:39:00] Kik is getting astroturfed
[02:39:02] into relevancy because of paid advertising in both
[02:39:04] traditional and digital media
[02:39:06] and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
[02:39:09] Their pockets run so fucking...
[02:39:11] I don't think that advertising is astroturfing.
[02:39:13] I feel like the astroturfing
[02:39:15] is different, but what he's saying fundamentally
[02:39:17] is true. That they are advertising
[02:39:19] a lot. Deep, they just plaster
[02:39:21] their name on anyone
[02:39:23] and everything. And they have this really
[02:39:25] unique way of guerrilla
[02:39:27] marketing. No it's cool trust me.
[02:39:29] By letting their streamers do and say whatever they want,
[02:39:32] banning them for essentially 45 minutes and then acting like nothing ever
[02:39:37] happened.
[02:39:37] They make headlines by being controversial.
[02:39:40] It's real.
[02:39:41] I don't think that Kick likes that.
[02:39:43] I mean, I haven't talked
[02:39:45] to Eddie or anybody
[02:39:46] Train X or anybody
[02:39:48] that is an ownership over there
[02:39:51] like any time recently about this.
[02:39:54] But I bet they wish that
[02:39:55] this wasn't happening,
[02:39:58] but if they
[02:39:59] get rid of it, then they remove
[02:40:01] their competitive advantage.
[02:40:04] So right now, Kik's competitive advantage
[02:40:06] is that you can do whatever you want.
[02:40:08] So if you make it to where people
[02:40:10] can't do whatever they want, why wouldn't
[02:40:12] you just go back to Twitch?
[02:40:15] You see what I'm saying?
[02:40:18] Really that
[02:40:19] easy. Besides being a copy
[02:40:21] and paste of Twitch, their policies
[02:40:23] are meaningless because they don't enforce anything
[02:40:26] unless blatant legal action
[02:40:28] is involved? There's no such
[02:40:29] thing as bad press!
[02:40:31] So who are these villains wreaking havoc,
[02:40:33] causing chaos, staging fake predator
[02:40:36] stings nearly killing people in
[02:40:38] public and soliciting minors
[02:40:40] beat Natalie Reynolds
[02:40:42] Natalie Reynolds
[02:40:44] recently went viral for convincing a homeless woman to jump into a body of water when she didn't know how to swim.
[02:40:51] Right? No.
[02:40:52] No, alright.
[02:40:54] I was- you know why I wasn't going to? Because
[02:40:57] my shoes, my feet were getting hot. You should just jump in right now
[02:40:59] I'm gonna jump in with my shoes on
[02:41:01] Ready? Yeah, ready
[02:41:02] Oh
[02:41:05] I also Oh!
[02:41:10] I also have to ask where is
[02:41:12] the inter... Can we just take a step back
[02:41:14] and ask the question
[02:41:16] where is the entertainment value in getting a fat homeless person
[02:41:21] and talking them into jumping into a lake?
[02:41:26] Because that wasn't very exciting for me.
[02:41:32] Bumfights went way harder than this.
[02:41:37] Way harder!
[02:41:39] Why, this is boring wait what the fuck did you see your ass so boring
[02:41:46] oh I okay you said
[02:41:50] he wanted to swim
[02:41:50] you told me to jump in i didn't tell you
[02:41:52] to jump in
[02:41:54] just thank you guys
[02:41:57] wait who is that? What the fuck is going on?
[02:42:05] I can't swim!
[02:42:09] No stop. Seriously don't stop please you're actually freaking me out
[02:42:13] oh please obviously this lady has some sort of faculty that's not all there she's well
[02:42:19] she just stupid right that's the that's it she just stupid yeah impressionable and did what
[02:42:24] natalie said according to the austin fire department they had responded to an emergency
[02:42:28] at ladybird lake the woman was reportedly offered 2020 to jump into the water.
[02:42:34] I think what's really annoying about this
[02:42:37] is the fact that this girl isn't in jail
[02:42:40] for doing this.
[02:42:42] There is no
[02:42:43] accountability for it.
[02:42:46] That's what makes me mad. I don't really
[02:42:48] care a lot about, like, I've said this
[02:42:50] before, I don't really
[02:42:52] care about somebody getting banned on a website because
[02:42:55] she'll just go to another website and do it over there
[02:42:59] i care about like if you are in jail you also are effectively banned from
[02:43:05] Kik because you can't stream
[02:43:07] from jail. Or at least it would be
[02:43:09] harder to stream from jail.
[02:43:16] I'm sorry! I didn't know
[02:43:18] she said she's drowning
[02:43:22] run away!
[02:43:27] it blows my mind how incompetent these losers are.
[02:43:30] I have to remind myself that they treat real-
[02:43:32] Well, it's also like so boring
[02:43:34] Like, uh...
[02:43:39] Bro, like so boring like bro like as I said like jackass like bum fights live
[02:43:44] leak like that stuff was way more
[02:43:46] exciting than this.
[02:43:48] This isn't even exciting.
[02:43:50] It's boring.
[02:43:52] Like, the big fucking climax moment is a homeless person jumping into
[02:43:58] a lake?
[02:44:00] That's the worst stream ever.
[02:44:02] It's so boring.
[02:44:05] It's lame, yeah.
[02:44:08] Feel life like a video game when they stream. It's lame, yeah.
[02:44:10] Feel life like a video game when they stream.
[02:44:15] Actual people are NPCs to them that trigger real-time events.
[02:44:17] You know who should stream on kick?
[02:44:18] Hunter Biden.
[02:44:20] I'd watch that. Instead of
[02:44:22] doing anything productive at all
[02:44:24] for the situation that she just caused
[02:44:26] she ran away. That's easy to say
[02:44:28] sitting behind a keyboard what would you have done? Fucking jump
[02:44:31] in? Basic life skills people
[02:44:33] I was a life- No, I think that she
[02:44:35] actually made the right decision by walking
[02:44:37] and getting away. She was clearly told
[02:44:39] to leave by the people who worked there because they were going to deal with it.
[02:44:42] They're the ones that are the experts and professionals in dealing with people in that situation.
[02:44:47] She did make the right call walking away.
[02:44:51] Like, uh, it is right. It is like you remember? Like, it is.
[02:44:52] Right? It is. You remember? Yeah, I remember
[02:44:54] what happened.
[02:44:56] It's a liability. Yeah, yeah.
[02:44:59] Guard before
[02:45:00] YouTuber. Streamers aren't actualized adults.
[02:45:04] They're frothing at the mouth
[02:45:05] for up-dudes on the internet.
[02:45:07] Meet Neon.
[02:45:09] He recently got into
[02:45:10] a hit and run accident
[02:45:11] with Squeeze,
[02:45:15] who's one of the main illegal street racers in New York.
[02:45:16] There is a whole subculture of swimming which is just weaving in and out of traffic as fast
[02:45:22] as humanly possible.
[02:45:24] Please!
[02:45:25] Please, please, please!
[02:45:28] Let me out!
[02:45:29] Let me out!
[02:45:31] Please!
[02:45:35] I'm going to jump out! I'm going gonna jump out I'm gonna jump out
[02:45:37] squeeze
[02:45:39] yeah so they're hitting
[02:45:41] 120, 130 that's not
[02:45:43] that crazy Mach 5 in a rented Lamborghini Urus and that is indeed neon shrilling like a harpy. oh stop stop stop
[02:45:56] you're tripping, squeeze
[02:45:58] let's cop your trippin
[02:46:00] I'm gonna get banned on cake
[02:46:02] squeeze
[02:46:04] imagine screaming i'm going to get banned on kick, please! Please.
[02:46:07] Imagine screaming
[02:46:09] I'm going to get banned on Kick
[02:46:11] That's where your brain goes
[02:46:13] Not...
[02:46:15] I mean to be fair fair.
[02:46:19] I mean, there have been a lot of instances where somebody
[02:46:21] almost died on kick they didn't get banned.
[02:46:25] So, I mean, like getting banned on kick
[02:46:27] Is like that's
[02:46:28] That's like a higher tier than even dying
[02:46:30] You think about it
[02:46:32] That's crazy
[02:46:33] Going to get a splatter spree
[02:46:36] On the cross Bronx We're in full black mirror
[02:46:47] i know plenty of people that drive like this by the way.
[02:46:49] Oh my god!
[02:46:53] Idiot. What the fuck?
[02:46:57] What an idiot. What the fuck? Oh shit.
[02:47:01] What an idiot! They didn't just leave, they recorded themselves leaving.
[02:47:04] I'm fairly certain that the driver who rear-ended them was part of their crew or was also partaking in
[02:47:10] The swimming so it wasn't an incident was part of their crew or was also partaking in the swimming.
[02:47:13] So it wasn't an innocent civilian,
[02:47:15] but it's still brainless behavior to livestream.
[02:47:17] Squeeze Benz, who was formerly
[02:47:19] anonymous, was arrested just a couple
[02:47:21] weeks later. See how easy
[02:47:23] that is?
[02:47:25] You see how easy that
[02:47:27] is?
[02:47:29] He not gonna do that again
[02:47:31] because now he in jail
[02:47:32] reckless endangerment you're breaking the law
[02:47:35] put him in jail
[02:47:36] fuck him
[02:47:37] it's so easy
[02:47:40] I don't understand what
[02:47:43] are we having all these
[02:47:45] problems with? What is all this shit
[02:47:47] going on? You know how to deal with
[02:47:49] this, you just put them in jail.
[02:47:51] Lock these people up yeah Yeah, lock them the fuck up. What is this? It's not hard.
[02:47:58] Neon was banned on kick. Not because they wanted to ban him though
[02:48:02] They just had to make a temporary example out of him.
[02:48:05] But he's on there, because you know...
[02:48:07] You live and you learn right?
[02:48:08] Just a silly little mistake.
[02:48:10] Ws in chat!
[02:48:12] Vitaly!
[02:48:13] Everyone's favorite OG YouTube
[02:48:15] prankster, amateur porn star,
[02:48:17] drugged out woman beater
[02:48:19] is back.
[02:48:20] I thought that was Ninja.
[02:48:25] Okay.
[02:48:29] Carrying out predator stings some fake, never mind
[02:48:31] some real who knows?
[02:48:35] You ask a 15 year. Do you like to rim? You ask a 15-year old if
[02:48:36] you'd like to rim?
[02:48:37] Unbelievable!
[02:48:38] No, he wouldn't
[02:48:39] like to rim in your
[02:48:40] hairy asshole.
[02:48:41] If he shaved,
[02:48:42] I would have thought about it
[02:48:43] and maybe let him do that
[02:48:44] but we're not doing
[02:48:45] hairy assholes
[02:48:46] And did you wipe today?
[02:48:49] Oh, you did! Oh my god, that's so cute!
[02:48:53] The problem here is he's taking vengeance into his own hands for clout
[02:48:57] like he's the fucking Batman of
[02:48:59] kick full on. I think
[02:49:01] everybody would like it if Vitality
[02:49:03] was doing that and it resulted
[02:49:05] in them getting arrested
[02:49:06] The problem is
[02:49:08] that the way he does it
[02:49:10] doesn't comply with
[02:49:12] the way the police need to do it
[02:49:14] and he doesn't cooperate and work
[02:49:16] with the police. So, for example, I think
[02:49:19] if the end
[02:49:21] of that stream was this guy
[02:49:23] in handcuffs
[02:49:24] getting driven off by the police
[02:49:26] everybody would be saying W Vitality.
[02:49:29] Right?
[02:49:30] Everybody would be like, yeah great awesome good job buddy
[02:49:33] but like the problem is that you're doing it
[02:49:36] and you actually make it to where, because now this guy got caught...
[02:49:41] He's going to play it a lot safer next time.
[02:49:44] Which is going to make it harder for the police to catch him if they do want to actually go after him.
[02:49:51] So that's the, yeah, he never
[02:49:52] meets the end goal. It's a fake paid actor?
[02:49:55] Yeah, maybe it is a fake paid actor
[02:49:56] but I'm saying like even if it's real, it's also bad.
[02:50:01] Assaulting people making them do insane shit for his chats entertainment and listen these are supposed to be predators so maybe their karmic retribution is actually getting clowned on by Vitaly and his Scooby Doo gang.
[02:50:14] I'm just confused, like what is the law here?
[02:50:17] Can I go out on a street and just start murking preds for some stress relief
[02:50:23] can me and the boys just go full
[02:50:25] Jason Bourne on a motherfucker?
[02:50:27] Humiliation is one thing,
[02:50:28] and that's not where they stop.
[02:50:30] And it's murky at best
[02:50:33] whether or not law enforcement actually
[02:50:35] gets involved but nonetheless
[02:50:37] some of his most famous
[02:50:39] well like YouTube had this policy
[02:50:41] with I think it was EDP
[02:50:42] where it was like
[02:50:44] they didn't want people doing vigil
[02:50:46] anti-justice and
[02:50:48] was it
[02:50:49] Gideon that got banned?
[02:50:52] I think it was Gideon right?
[02:50:56] Yeah. that got banned? I think it was Jadeon, right? I'm trying to
[02:50:57] remember.
[02:50:57] Basically, the reason
[02:51:00] why he got banned is that
[02:51:02] it's okay to do this,
[02:51:05] but law enforcement has to be present in the video.
[02:51:10] It's not like you can't go out
[02:51:12] and put on your superhero costume
[02:51:15] and go catch these people right that's the only difference
[02:51:23] yeah a guy edp is wearing steven crowder? Yeah, I'm not sure. Vigilante justice
[02:51:27] is never okay.
[02:51:28] Vigilante justice
[02:51:29] is bad. Yes it is. It is bad.
[02:51:33] It is bad, period.
[02:51:34] It's bad, bad, bad, bad.
[02:51:37] Miss Stings include dueling
[02:51:39] a guy for his freedom, having
[02:51:41] a man drink out of a dog bowl,
[02:51:43] hospitalizing an alleged predator
[02:51:45] because a bystander knocked him out
[02:51:48] and his... Even if you're Batman, Batman's not
[02:51:50] real.
[02:51:52] That's the difference. So like, so this is
[02:51:54] one of the big things that people get confused about.
[02:51:57] So if you look at Batman
[02:51:59] one of the big differences
[02:52:01] between Batman and things in
[02:52:03] real life is that Batman is like a
[02:52:05] somebody drew him
[02:52:07] And so yeah it's not real and that's the big difference yeah ted hit
[02:52:16] the concrete i'm embarrassed hey i hope those people is following you concrete. Catching the producer of 1996 Space Jam? Look, expose them all. Sure. But actually cleaning up the streets? That's anyone's guess. The fact of the matter...
[02:52:36] I think that it is a net negative that they are doing this,
[02:52:42] but I'm not certain of that.
[02:52:45] The reason why I think that it's a net negative
[02:52:48] is that the awareness of this raises
[02:52:52] the awareness level of the other people
[02:52:55] who are bad actors like this, and causes
[02:52:58] them to be more careful. Which makes it
[02:53:00] harder for them to get caught.
[02:53:03] That is a very abstract argument that I'm making
[02:53:06] so I don't really want to sit and be like...
[02:53:09] I don't want to stand on business with this argument
[02:53:12] but it's a feeling that I have. Like, I don't want to stand on business with this argument.
[02:53:14] But it's a feeling that I have.
[02:53:27] Vitaly flew too close to the sun and is now getting sued for defamation man files oh hi cassie hi congratulations on the show i didn't see you in chat yeah congrats we watched it it It was great.
[02:53:37] Seventeen count lawsuit against YouTube personality Vitaly after
[02:53:39] allegedly being shown in Predator
[02:53:41] takedowns video posted on
[02:53:43] TikTok. Plentiff claims he was wrongfully accused
[02:53:46] of being a predator and was physically
[02:53:47] and mentally abused in quote
[02:53:49] vicious attack.
[02:53:51] That doesn't necessarily mean that Vitaly
[02:53:53] was right. Thank you so much. Of course!
[02:53:56] Yeah. KickStreamer and YouTuber
[02:53:58] Vitaly is being sued over his
[02:54:00] Catching Predators series after a
[02:54:02] man alleged that he was entrapped by
[02:54:04] the creator and subjected to abuse.
[02:54:07] Vitaly has...
[02:54:07] I actually am on Vitaly's
[02:54:11] side with this.
[02:54:13] I don't think that you can entrap somebody
[02:54:15] to, like like the people.
[02:54:18] If somebody is not a freak and a weirdo,
[02:54:20] there's not gonna be a series of words
[02:54:23] that you're going to get them
[02:54:24] to meet up with a 15 year old
[02:54:26] to have sex with them.
[02:54:29] Like, entrapped
[02:54:30] my fucking ass.
[02:54:33] Like, what are you doing?
[02:54:35] He has not commented
[02:54:36] about it but he did go on to talk about the success of his series over 1 billion impressions later
[02:54:42] We successfully finished season one of predators takedowns
[02:54:47] 33 pedos have been caught exposed some of them around I'm sure they will.
[02:54:59] And lastly, we have the
[02:55:00] soliciting of money. I know who's
[02:55:02] not ready for it. The law enforcement
[02:55:04] please work with them next time
[02:55:06] for season two and you'll get everybody's support
[02:55:08] Please just work with the law enforcement
[02:55:11] because he's so close to doing a good thing.
[02:55:17] You're so close.
[02:55:19] Just do it.
[02:55:23] Zerka and Heel Mike are schiz-
[02:55:24] Domaxers who perform the
[02:55:27] tried and true method of saying
[02:55:29] vile shit to bait clips
[02:55:32] and then go viral for controversy?
[02:55:35] What do you like most about Mustache Man?
[02:55:40] Their dick.
[02:55:44] That Aryan dick yeah
[02:55:44] mustache man
[02:55:47] that Aryan
[02:55:48] dick I can
[02:55:48] think of one
[02:55:49] guy with a
[02:55:49] mustache
[02:55:50] that he's
[02:55:50] probably referring
[02:55:51] to
[02:55:52] blitzkrieg in there right lightning mustache that he's probably referring to.
[02:55:53] That blitzkrieg in there, right? Lightning war.
[02:55:57] Yeah.
[02:55:58] You're not actually underage.
[02:56:00] I am. She is.
[02:56:01] I'm older than her. 2009.
[02:56:03] How was She is. I'm older than her actually. 2009.
[02:56:07] I was in grade nine then.
[02:56:09] So,
[02:56:10] I was in grade nine and you were like this
[02:56:11] coming out.
[02:56:22] Yup. Yup. you were hotter they were both permanently banned on kick for bringing minor it's weird for me to see john do that. I met Jon Zirka
[02:56:25] in like 2000 and
[02:56:27] 2018 or 2019
[02:56:29] or so, and
[02:56:31] yeah, he seemed like a totally reasonable
[02:56:33] nice personable guy. Like I didn't have any
[02:56:36] problems with him. I talked to him for like an hour
[02:56:38] Yeah
[02:56:40] It was crazy
[02:56:42] like I mean I don't know what would happen
[02:56:44] or anything like that yeah
[02:56:45] I've never had a bad experience with them at all
[02:56:49] so it's kind of a shock to me to see somebody that I met do that
[02:56:54] doesn't excuse what he did well who said that I'm excusing it?
[02:56:57] This is my personal
[02:56:59] experience. Of course, I'm not excusing
[02:57:01] it.
[02:57:03] Back to their stream house
[02:57:05] to party with. Heel Mike doubles down,
[02:57:08] blames his friend for allowing them
[02:57:10] to come to the house and posts
[02:57:12] this picture on Discord
[02:57:14] which is apparently a different
[02:57:16] girl that he's using to rage bait sleeping with a 16 year old i'm just
[02:57:21] looking out for you we don't like teenage girls i do so leave i love them i love them so get the out of here i love him so go leave you queen leave. You fucking queen.
[02:57:42] Wouldn't it be the craziest
[02:57:43] crossover episode
[02:57:44] if this guy
[02:57:46] ends up on
[02:57:47] Vitaly's show?
[02:57:50] Because it's like they're so close up on Vitaly's show? Because
[02:57:51] it's like they're so close, right?
[02:57:53] They're so close.
[02:57:55] So what happens
[02:57:56] if that
[02:57:59] happens? That's crazy, you know? It's like, what happens if that happens? That's crazy, you know?
[02:58:01] It's like what happens
[02:58:02] if our two black holes
[02:58:03] interact with each other, right?
[02:58:05] They get too close.
[02:58:07] You're telling losers?
[02:58:09] Are you kidding?
[02:58:11] Pathetic.
[02:58:11] During the stream, Zerka had a panic attack when he realized that she could be underage
[02:58:16] but he still kissed her and cuddled her on the couch.
[02:58:19] It was allegedly confirmed she indeed
[02:58:22] was 16 years old by her family
[02:58:25] members, but I'm not about to call
[02:58:27] them and find out moral of the story.
[02:58:29] I don't it's hard to say
[02:58:30] um, but yeah, it's not a surprise that they got in trouble.
[02:58:34] Yeah, I don't know.
[02:58:35] The story is if you're a 30-year-old man child
[02:58:37] and your bit is being into minors for shock value
[02:58:40] you deserve every bad thing that happens to you.
[02:58:43] So it should be clear that kick seems to not give a flying fuck about how
[02:58:47] they're perceived outwardly,
[02:58:49] but what does the operation look like from the inside?
[02:58:52] That's a question that has,
[02:58:55] I think that that's one of the big factors. Like, a lot of people
[02:58:57] probably don't care what happens on
[02:58:59] Kik as long as they're able to watch content
[02:59:01] on it that's not annoying.
[02:59:02] Like, I don't think that for example
[02:59:04] like if Kik cleaned
[02:59:07] up their reputation
[02:59:08] I don't think it would affect
[02:59:11] anybody
[02:59:12] It would not affect their viewership at all.
[02:59:16] And I know this might sound
[02:59:17] like a crazy take,
[02:59:19] but I've been on the internet
[02:59:20] for quite a long time
[02:59:21] and I don't think that sanitizing things
[02:59:24] or banning people
[02:59:24] that are bad actors will actually change
[02:59:27] that. I don't care about the platform, I catch the content on? Yeah if I
[02:59:31] don't like it and watch it yeah exactly. Why is
[02:59:35] it Kik's fault the police need to do something.
[02:59:37] I agree with you,
[02:59:37] I do,
[02:59:38] I agree with you about that
[02:59:39] but anyway,
[02:59:40] so in a jail,
[02:59:40] yeah,
[02:59:41] if somebody's breaking jail
[02:59:42] and like that,
[02:59:43] that's about it,
[02:59:44] you know,
[02:59:44] do that.
[02:59:45] I don't understand
[02:59:46] why it's so difficult for people not to be predators
[02:59:48] well my point is that
[02:59:50] regardless of that
[02:59:52] I don't think that kick will like grow
[02:59:54] massively in popularity
[02:59:56] just because they
[02:59:58] have more rules.
[03:00:01] I don't think that's what's happened.
[03:00:02] I don't think it's ever what's happened.
[03:00:05] Only recently
[03:00:07] been answered, It'sDude or Melissa is an ex-Kick staff member who made a video documenting her negative
[03:00:15] experiences with the company one of the first points she touches on is the fact that she tweeted,
[03:00:21] She's stepping down from the company.
[03:00:23] But then they sent her a cease and desist that claims she was fired.
[03:00:28] As of right now, she privated the video
[03:00:30] which is strange.
[03:00:32] Could never be me because it's impossible to hide
[03:00:35] the truth from the third eye
[03:00:37] But she did tweet this
[03:00:41] So far they've been receptive to making these changes, so I made the video private out of good faith.
[03:00:46] Definitely not OutOfTheWoods yet though. Thanks for checking in."
[03:00:49] Luckily...
[03:00:50] I think that's fair.
[03:00:52] It's very hard to say whether
[03:00:54] that actually happened or it happened as
[03:00:56] a result of a threat of legal action.
[03:00:59] I think that
[03:01:00] really you've got to like, at that point.
[03:01:05] Like it's basically going to be like she's in the right if you are in favor of kick and
[03:01:10] she's being paid off if you're not.
[03:01:13] It's very hard to say I watched the video
[03:01:17] before it was privated, and it's even documented
[03:01:19] by various news sources
[03:01:20] so I'll summarize it for you
[03:01:22] Melissa said that they would
[03:01:24] drop the hard R
[03:01:26] around The Office and I'm going to be honest
[03:01:28] I didn't know Australians could even
[03:01:30] do that. The work environment
[03:01:31] I did
[03:01:32] I played World of warcraft
[03:01:40] i believe that immediately
[03:01:45] was extremely high That immediately. Was extremely hostile, and they were, in Melissa's words, transphobic.
[03:01:51] This one is a banger plotted to offer a deal to a streamer
[03:01:55] with cancer.
[03:02:00] Using the following logic,
[03:02:02] she's going to die soon
[03:02:03] so she'll want more money
[03:02:05] to leave for her family. And the
[03:02:07] streamer in question is Kaidei.
[03:02:09] Have they tried Exploder?
[03:02:11] I don't know. One of
[03:02:13] the kick people said that
[03:02:14] I would go over to Kick for cheaper than normal because I have cancer and I think that I'm gonna die
[03:02:20] And I want to give my like money to my family before I die
[03:02:24] So they thought that they could get me for cheaper.
[03:02:29] That's apparently
[03:02:30] what was said. I don't know.
[03:02:32] I don't think there was anyone else
[03:02:33] publicly battling
[03:02:35] C, I think.
[03:02:38] Yeah, I mean like it's basically all but confirmed. It's like 99% chance it was Kaidak
[03:02:46] Let's fuck that up- yeah, for sure
[03:02:49] Cause that platform is fucking dying? That's sick dude
[03:02:51] That's a cool company
[03:02:53] And then lastly
[03:02:55] they allegedly bragged about slashing
[03:02:57] the rates of an autistic streamer they acquired.
[03:03:01] Maybe I'm built different but I'm simply never going to waste my time watching someone
[03:03:06] dumber than me make a bag, I'll continue to smoke on that kick pack and enjoy my front row seat to the shit show
[03:03:13] Been real Philly onto a million
[03:03:21] Yeah You guys have a million subscribers? Oh, we almost got it. Yeah. Here's the thing...
[03:03:25] I'm not like a big hater
[03:03:27] of Kik and I think that the big problem
[03:03:29] is that people are committing crimes on Kik and they don't get held accountable for the crimes.
[03:03:35] I don't really care about what Kik does because it doesn't really matter that much to me
[03:03:40] because it's just a website and a website
[03:03:43] is just simply a platform for bad actors
[03:03:45] to go. It's not necessarily
[03:03:46] causing them to do anything
[03:03:48] but what my main
[03:03:51] concern is, is that
[03:03:52] I think that like how do you grow the website
[03:03:58] beyond that?
[03:03:59] Because right now Kik is basically
[03:04:01] the place that you go if you get banned off of other social
[03:04:04] media, right?
[03:04:06] So how do they stop doing
[03:04:08] that? How do they stop letting that happen?
[03:04:10] Exposing terrible behavior. Well no
[03:04:12] I think it's fine to have an opinion on whatever you
[03:04:14] want right that's okay you could say that they are enabling the
[03:04:17] behavior i think that there's a lot of bad
[03:04:19] behavior that's enabled by social media i think kick does a lot of it but it
[03:04:23] doesn't do all of it.
[03:04:25] Like for example,
[03:04:26] there's more grooming on TikTok
[03:04:30] than there is on Kik just by volume
[03:04:32] because of how much bigger TikTok is.
[03:04:36] So where's the frustration there same as
[03:04:38] YouTube etc and hold them
[03:04:40] accountable though I don't really care
[03:04:42] a lot and this is going to be as I said before
[03:04:44] you've already twitch Twitch need to intervene
[03:04:46] whenever they were gambling.
[03:04:47] So how can you say that Kik shouldn't intervene
[03:04:49] as a platform?
[03:04:51] Because Twitch...
[03:04:52] I wanted Twitch to intervene
[03:04:53] because I thought that it would cause advertisers
[03:04:55] to leave the platform and it would hurt the platform.
[03:04:58] Kik doesn't have that problem,
[03:04:59] so it doesn't really matter that much. Also
[03:05:02] Twitch still has gambling
[03:05:04] so if you pull up
[03:05:06] and you look right here
[03:05:07] I'm going to go ahead
[03:05:08] and just look at Twitch.
[03:05:10] And so you see slots right there in Virtual Casino.
[03:05:13] So 1633 that's 49,000 people watching
[03:05:17] and you put the points there
[03:05:20] that's 50 000 people that are watching uh gambling right now on
[03:05:23] on twitch so it didn't even really happen do I think that crypto gambling
[03:05:29] is a greater moral evil
[03:05:31] than regular
[03:05:33] gambling? Not really
[03:05:35] like in my mind
[03:05:37] I don't really place one
[03:05:39] like one of them is like maybe a scale
[03:05:41] of like a 9.5 and the other ones like
[03:05:43] a 9.8
[03:05:45] right these are both very very bad it's
[03:05:47] more accessible
[03:05:48] i don't really think it's that much
[03:05:49] different i don't i don't think it's that much different. I don't. I don't think it's
[03:05:51] that much different at all. So, yeah
[03:05:53] that's the way I see it. If you want to gamble, that's
[03:05:55] on them. So that's my perspective
[03:05:56] Also, whenever I was advocating
[03:05:59] for getting gambling banned on Twitch, it clearly didn't
[03:06:01] work. It didn't work. That's not
[03:06:03] how things went and I think that
[03:06:05] I definitely have underestimated
[03:06:07] and I've learned how many people really like
[03:06:09] gambling. It's a shock to me because as
[03:06:12] a person who doesn't gamble at all, I have
[03:06:14] no interest in gambling. It's incredible
[03:06:16] for me to see people spend
[03:06:18] so much money on it and just get into
[03:06:20] it. I'm like wow what the hell hell is this? Right? But that's
[03:06:23] just the way that I think. Gambling also isn't illegal
[03:06:25] so from a moral standpoint, yeah
[03:06:26] definitely. Gotcha counts but
[03:06:29] it doesn't count though right because you can never
[03:06:31] make your money back in gotcha.
[03:06:32] See, you can't chase losses which is the majority of how people
[03:06:35] lose money in gambling so it's really not the same as that
[03:06:38] So yeah... I've never gone to a casino
[03:06:41] to watch people gamble but watching
[03:06:43] People gamble on Twitch all the time
[03:06:45] Yeah
[03:06:46] I took that myself as well what is this here
[03:06:50] Conspiracy test okay yeah maybe
[03:06:52] I should do that that'd be a good idea
[03:06:53] Highest people in casino sites that Okay, yeah. Maybe I should do that. That'd be a good idea.
[03:06:56] Highest people in casino sites that earn billions
[03:06:56] and they think
[03:06:57] that they're going to be
[03:06:58] the one to win?
[03:06:58] I actually think
[03:06:59] that a lot of gambling
[03:07:01] functions off of narcissism.
[03:07:03] It's that people think that they're special
[03:07:06] or that they deserve it, or that
[03:07:07] they have some sort of unique advantage
[03:07:09] to win, and because of that
[03:07:11] that narcissism enables
[03:07:13] them to invest a lot of money and think that they're
[03:07:16] going to win. Now, to be fair
[03:07:18] I have probably watched collectively between
[03:07:20] X and Train
[03:07:21] probably 50 hours of gambling
[03:07:24] content between the two of them
[03:07:25] I love
[03:07:27] watching gambling, I think it's funny
[03:07:29] I even watched it with my dad
[03:07:31] I'm like, see the money go down?
[03:07:34] And he's
[03:07:35] like, yeah, shit.
[03:07:37] You know, that's it, right?
[03:07:38] It's fun to watch.
[03:07:39] Yeah, it's fun to watch.
[03:07:40] But, like,
[03:07:41] it's not something
[03:07:41] that I would necessarily go and do.
[03:07:43] I'm not a gambler, right?
[03:07:44] It's not my type of thing.
[03:07:45] So, yeah.
[03:07:48] Trigger me a dead
[03:07:48] game when you watch it in the audience? Yeah, yeah, that's
[03:07:50] the way I see it. So I can see why people
[03:07:52] want to criticize Kick, but
[03:07:54] my main concern is that
[03:07:56] I focus more of my criticism on the actual law enforcement and these people being held accountable legally.
[03:08:05] I don't want to have Eddie dictating my morality, but I'm more
[03:08:09] comfortable with the government doing it, which is
[03:08:11] effectively what laws are generally based off of.
[03:08:13] Or at least there's a correlation.
[03:08:15] So that's where I
[03:08:17] focus my energy and my focus on.
[03:08:20] Kik being bad, YouTube being bad, Twitch being bad.
[03:08:24] Every website has bad actors
[03:08:26] and bad people that are going to be on it.
[03:08:28] Kik has a huge percentage of them and i'm not trying to make like a
[03:08:32] equivalency kik has way more of them absolutely but
[03:08:36] i view the real problem is that is a symptom
[03:08:40] and the disease is
[03:08:41] these people do this stuff
[03:08:43] they don't get in trouble
[03:08:44] way I feel about it
[03:08:46] what I really think the
[03:08:48] most that's my focus
[03:08:50] wish more of these law enforcement agencies understood that.
[03:08:55] I don't want morality to be dictated by laws on a fundamental level.
[03:08:58] If people gamble, it's not my issue.
[03:09:01] Morality is dictated, but
[03:09:03] a lot of moral arguments have an
[03:09:05] ethical component that's logically consistent
[03:09:07] as well. So both
[03:09:09] of these things are true. I see
[03:09:11] what you're saying, but at the same time
[03:09:13] that's not the way that I go about it.
[03:09:17] I think a lot of people have to be
[03:09:19] jackasses if it wasn't for the internet? Oh yeah
[03:09:21] sure. Kick isn't that popular anyway so it's fine
[03:09:24] it's not a big deal yeah well like kick is actually growing in popularity uh or at least
[03:09:30] in like the last quarterly report kick has grown up in market share
[03:09:35] in terms of viewership,
[03:09:37] but I think that whenever you're going to see
[03:09:39] Kik actually succeed is
[03:09:41] going to be when people go to the platform
[03:09:42] to do things that aren't
[03:09:44] bannable on other
[03:09:45] platforms and aren't
[03:09:46] going there for money
[03:09:47] because when you see
[03:09:48] people going over to
[03:09:49] another platform,
[03:09:50] they're not going
[03:09:50] And a lot of the big
[03:09:51] creators are doing it
[03:09:52] for like a salary or
[03:09:53] some sort of payment.
[03:09:55] That doesn't necessarily mean
[03:09:56] the payment is bad
[03:09:58] it doesn't make them a bad person for
[03:10:00] doing that but it also
[03:10:02] of course right it's like would you be
[03:10:04] doing this if you weren't being paid? Maybe not as
[03:10:07] much. Right? And I think that when you see people moving over because they
[03:10:11] think it'd be better for their channel and not just so they can do things that are against the TOS
[03:10:15] That's whenever you'll see a website like Kik really grow.
[03:10:18] I think Kik has a lot of room to
[03:10:19] grow, I think that the live streaming space
[03:10:21] definitely needs competition, which is
[03:10:23] why I've been hesitant to shit on Kik
[03:10:25] but uh,to be honest
[03:10:28] I you know they do have this problem but i'd just like to see this problem solved
[03:10:31] by law enforcement a lot more than
[03:10:33] you know websites
[03:10:35] that's what my perspective is
[03:10:36] so right if kip-kif Kip Klantz down on his people
[03:10:39] another site will pop up that they'll move to?
[03:10:41] Yeah I agree with that too.
[03:10:43] So again,
[03:10:44] I know that some people are negative
[03:10:48] about this perspective,
[03:10:49] but that's just the way
[03:10:51] that I see it.
[03:10:51] Catches more hate
[03:10:52] than it deserves?
[03:10:53] Twitch had the same problem?
[03:10:56] Yeah,
[03:10:56] I think that you're right
[03:10:57] about that.
[03:10:58] Twitch did have
[03:10:59] this same problem with Ice Poseidon.
[03:11:01] Like, Ice Poseidon was
[03:11:02] the beginning of the
[03:11:03] bad IRL streams
[03:11:06] and then he got banned and then YouTube
[03:11:08] had that problem. Are you for authoritarianism?
[03:11:11] No, but I think
[03:11:12] that if you convince
[03:11:12] a homeless person
[03:11:14] with mental disorders
[03:11:15] to jump into a lake
[03:11:16] and they can't swim
[03:11:17] I think you should probably
[03:11:18] go to jail for that.
[03:11:19] I don't think
[03:11:20] that makes me an authoritarian I think that makes me an authoritarian,
[03:11:21] I think that makes me a normal person.
[03:11:23] I think that almost every single
[03:11:25] normal person believes that.
[03:11:27] So yeah, ICE attracted trouble?
[03:11:29] ICE did...
[03:11:30] I'm very attracted trouble. Ice did... So I have a very...
[03:11:32] I'm very torn, right?
[03:11:35] Ice did bad things.
[03:11:36] There were bad things that he did, sure.
[03:11:38] But for the most part
[03:11:40] I think that ice did a lot of other good things and
[03:11:43] things that were not
[03:11:45] necessarily bad. It just was
[03:11:46] edgy, right?
[03:11:49] I think that people like
[03:11:50] people's perspective of ICE is very
[03:11:53] one-dimensional. Whereas I think it's much
[03:11:55] more complex. ICE
[03:11:56] was the godfather of a lot of IRL
[03:11:59] streaming or at least the way that it was done
[03:12:01] for a long period of time. He was a big person for that
[03:12:04] Now, so was Rekful, so was
[03:12:06] Reynad, so was Chance, so was
[03:12:08] the guy that literally made Twitch. It's not like Ice
[03:12:10] invented IRL streaming
[03:12:11] but he popularized it in a way with the new audience that
[03:12:15] was huge. And so I think
[03:12:16] nobody can take that away from him.
[03:12:19] It's not like ICE
[03:12:21] is... It's not like he didn't
[03:12:23] do that, but he also did that weird crypto scheme
[03:12:25] and a few other things.
[03:12:27] He was kind of like,
[03:12:27] oh, what the fuck are you doing?
[03:12:28] Right?
[03:12:29] So it's back and forth.
[03:12:32] I subtracted the wrong crowd
[03:12:33] that did stupid shit.
[03:12:34] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[03:12:36] But I think it's just different He's not on person just for being
[03:12:40] a dickhead. To be fair, Ice got
[03:12:42] unpersoned because he did something
[03:12:44] that put people in danger with
[03:12:47] that airplane, right?
[03:12:49] And Twitch had to
[03:12:51] ban ICE. And I bet
[03:12:52] if somebody did something like that on Kik
[03:12:55] they would get permabanned.
[03:12:58] Like it's
[03:12:59] like fucking with air
[03:13:01] traffic control is
[03:13:03] way different
[03:13:05] than fucking with like, oh some guy's
[03:13:08] driving fast on a
[03:13:09] road.
[03:13:12] That's a federal fuck yeah
[03:13:14] that's huge. So yeah
[03:13:16] Twitch had to get rid of ICE. They can't do it? Yeah, exactly. Jump pilots get ranked. Yeah, it's a mega felony. Exactly. Unpersoned means that you're banned everywhere. That's what the implication is. Make sure to give the video like i love philian i've been watching
[03:13:29] his videos for a long time i think he's great so yeah why would twitch want ice on their website
[03:13:34] well i think that i mean outside of like the bad behavior.
[03:13:40] I'm going to be honest.
[03:13:42] Ice is such a great talker.
[03:13:44] Like, I remember I watched his RuneScape streams and I was like, this guy's really good at what he's doing.
[03:13:48] He's entertaining.
[03:13:49] He keeps, you know keeps the chat flowing,
[03:13:51] he keeps the conversation going.
[03:13:52] He was so great.
[03:13:55] It's the same as Howard Stern.
[03:13:57] Howard Stern has
[03:13:59] done bad things. He did a weird countdown thing with the Olsen twins turning 18.
[03:14:05] Yeah, he did a lot of weird stuff.
[03:14:06] But man, in the 90s and the 80s, this guy was so fucking on the edge, man.
[03:14:12] He was so good.
[03:14:13] He was amazing.
[03:14:15] And so you I mean, again,
[03:14:17] like people are complicated.
[03:14:18] There's a lot of complexities
[03:14:19] to things.
[03:14:21] So yeah, that's the way I see it.
[03:14:23] Pilot here, he fucked up? He did.
[03:14:24] He did fuck up.
[03:14:27] That's
[03:14:27] the way I see his awful now.
[03:14:29] I haven't listened to a lot of things that Howard Stern has done
[03:14:31] in probably the last 10 years but
[03:14:33] i just kind of stopped right i'll be back...... All right. We're good, we're good, we're good.
[03:16:03] Sorry about that.
[03:16:05] We're back at it!
[03:16:07] Did you see Aisho Speed assaulted? No, I didn't
[03:16:09] see that. I'm not surprised though. He does
[03:16:11] all kinds of crazy shit. Something bad was
[03:16:13] bound to happen. I like Speed a
[03:16:15] lot by the way. I think Speed's great
[03:16:17] I know some people he's not their style of humor.
[03:16:20] He's not really my style of humor either,
[03:16:22] but I can respect his energy and uh,
[03:16:24] I really think he does a great job doing crazy stuff
[03:16:27] and keeping things entertaining for young guys.
[03:16:29] So,
[03:16:29] uh, yeah, W
[03:16:31] for speed.
[03:16:33] He broke his ankle? Well, I hope he's okay.
[03:16:35] I definitely do.
[03:16:37] What do you think about the first descendant?
[03:16:39] I was going to watch a video and see what they say about it.
[03:16:41] And I'll talk about it here.
[03:16:43] You like a scammer?
[03:16:44] Um, yeah, I do.
[03:16:47] I still like him even though he did that.
[03:16:49] Yeah, pretty much.
[03:16:52] Yeah?
[03:16:54] Yeah, I still like him.
[03:16:57] Alright, so yeah,
[03:16:58] we gotta talk about
[03:16:59] the first Descendant.
[03:17:00] I heard that this game
[03:17:01] was kind of like Anth anthem without jetpacks destiny
[03:17:04] warframe all rolled into one and then there's this right here of course it says co-op looter shooter
[03:17:09] but first descended dethrones elven ring as Steam's top seller, which is impressive.
[03:17:14] But...
[03:17:15] Isn't that funny how a free game is the top
[03:17:17] seller? Man, how the hell does that happen?
[03:17:21] What the hell?
[03:17:22] How did that work?
[03:17:24] Only 43% positive early reviews frame a rough start overall.
[03:17:29] We're going to talk about what the dev team is doing right now
[03:17:32] to adapt and try to fix this game currently because
[03:17:35] there have been some major issues.
[03:17:37] And yeah, we're going to talk about my own
[03:17:39] personal experience with the game as
[03:17:41] well but you know the numbers are
[03:17:43] pretty impressive currently because you've got to consider that we've got 207,000 players on the game right now. actually pull it up and look myself because this video came out yesterday so i want to see
[03:17:56] it right now myself uh we'll look over here the first descendarts. Damn, it's actually retaining a lot of people!
[03:18:12] I guess this is server maintenance by the way. They had server maintenance.
[03:18:18] Holy shit!
[03:18:20] That's crazy.
[03:18:23] I don't think 200k, by the way,
[03:18:24] is like a... It's not even... It's not a crazy
[03:18:26] unbelievable launch.
[03:18:29] But it is...
[03:18:30] It's like outside of...
[03:18:32] It's not in space, but it's in the stratosphere.
[03:18:37] Right?
[03:18:39] It's still huge. Big launch
[03:18:41] but it's not
[03:18:42] Helldivers, Pow World
[03:18:44] Elden Ring. Right?
[03:18:48] The Week. Of course
[03:18:49] this game is a free-to-play title
[03:18:51] that free entry helps
[03:18:53] that number rise up
[03:18:55] so we'll see how many players actually stick around
[03:18:58] Very good point that the east axis
[03:19:00] of free-to-play will make the numbers higher.
[03:19:02] If the dev team
[03:19:04] can fix all the issues, and I'm kind
[03:19:06] of curious to see what happens as players get
[03:19:08] past like the honeymoon phase and
[03:19:11] into more of the microtransactions
[03:19:13] that they're going to be experiencing no matter
[03:19:15] what with free play. And yes,
[03:19:17] will this game end up like Anthem
[03:19:19] where it gets very redundant. That's what I really
[03:19:21] want to talk about. It will.
[03:19:23] The reason why, one of the reasons why
[03:19:25] is the way the weapons are designed.
[03:19:28] So
[03:19:28] all of the sniper rifles...
[03:19:31] Basically, the bolt-action sniper rifles are like specialty weapons.
[03:19:36] So you can't play a full sniper build.
[03:19:38] And you also can't do it with shotguns either.
[03:19:42] And melee is very rudimentary.
[03:19:45] Like, you can't get something
[03:19:47] like an energy sword, a
[03:19:49] gravity hammer or something like that.
[03:19:51] So, like Destiny? Yeah, but
[03:19:53] I'm not...
[03:19:54] I don't care what Destiny does.
[03:19:58] Right? I don't give a shit.
[03:19:59] But what I do care about is what this game does.
[03:20:01] And so, I would enjoy more...
[03:20:04] I would enjoy the game
[03:20:04] more if there was
[03:20:06] more different things
[03:20:07] that I could do
[03:20:07] playing the game
[03:20:08] because, like,
[03:20:09] I feel like
[03:20:10] there's not
[03:20:11] as many choices
[03:20:12] as there could be
[03:20:13] and I wish that there were more choices as many choices as there could be.
[03:20:15] And I wish that there were more choices.
[03:20:16] And I think
[03:20:17] that it's unnecessary
[03:20:18] the restrictions
[03:20:19] they have
[03:20:20] on those choices.
[03:20:22] Well,
[03:20:23] because I've been seeing
[03:20:23] some reviews currently,
[03:20:25] and so far my early impressions is yeah.
[03:20:27] The gameplay is pretty snappy.
[03:20:29] I really do like the abilities
[03:20:30] and the progression does feel really nice
[03:20:32] and the traversal as you can see right there.
[03:20:35] I really do like the traversal, as you can see right there, I really do like
[03:20:36] the traversal. Movement and gameplay
[03:20:38] in this game are a 9. They're
[03:20:40] great. This game does not
[03:20:42] have a problem with movement and gameplay.
[03:20:44] It has a problem with systems and design
[03:20:47] in this game,
[03:20:48] so in some ways...
[03:20:49] Yeah,
[03:20:49] so far the game
[03:20:50] has some really cool stuff
[03:20:52] going on
[03:20:52] with the gameplay
[03:20:53] that you may remember
[03:20:54] also happened
[03:20:55] with Anthem.
[03:20:57] They had amazing abilities, jetpacked,
[03:20:59] and then it kind of became very, very redundant.
[03:21:02] That's definitely one of the things
[03:21:03] I wanted to talk about right here.
[03:21:05] I think he's saying redundant...
[03:21:06] Maybe probably repetitive is a better word
[03:21:08] but at the end of the day
[03:21:10] I think we all know what he's talking about. What's wrong with design?
[03:21:13] I think that the way
[03:21:14] as I said, like the weapons are designed
[03:21:16] it's kind of boring. I also think that the character progression is kind of boring i also think that the character progression is kind
[03:21:19] of boring and this is like as I played it more, I've only played it for eight hours
[03:21:24] right but that's what I think the game is going to turn into, and I will play more of it.
[03:21:30] But this is my first impressions.
[03:21:32] Also, the mobs are boring.
[03:21:35] You're fighting a lot of the same enemies.
[03:21:37] I think that that's changing a little bit now that i'm getting into like level 20 and like level 30 stuff.
[03:21:42] But overall, I think there are a lot of the same mobs
[03:21:45] And none of them really are...
[03:21:49] So like, I'll you a good parallel right
[03:21:52] so remnant 2 has like you know like the big
[03:21:56] like writhing mass that you have to like there's
[03:21:59] the metal plates on it that you have to, like... There's the metal plates on it
[03:22:00] that you have to shoot
[03:22:01] the metal plates off of it.
[03:22:02] And it really changes
[03:22:04] the way that you play.
[03:22:05] I think that so many
[03:22:06] of the mobs
[03:22:07] in The First Descendant
[03:22:08] effectively function
[03:22:10] the exact same.
[03:22:12] You have the same strategy
[03:22:14] for killing them. I think the worst example
[03:22:16] of this is the shield guys
[03:22:18] because I think if the shield
[03:22:20] guys, how do you think that you should fight against a shield guy? My first impression is going to be like hunters in Halo. Right? You have to get around them. But you can't do that. So it's just you shoot the shield and then you shoot them
[03:22:33] that's so boring i don't know i think that's boring design
[03:22:39] there is the impressive self-contained missions are kept locked behind DOL. Aaron's highlighted
[03:22:44] in this preview for
[03:22:46] Review in Progress from IGN. I totally
[03:22:48] agree with that, but I'm a little bit worried about how much
[03:22:50] I can withstand over...
[03:22:52] And so if I i were them how would
[03:22:54] i like to see that changed i would like to see it changed where the
[03:22:58] shield has higher health the mob has higher health
[03:23:03] and it turns around slower.
[03:23:06] I think that would make a more varied gameplay experience
[03:23:09] and be more interesting, kind of like the Knights in
[03:23:13] Anor Londo. Something like that.
[03:23:16] There's a lot of example.
[03:23:18] 100 hours, 200 hours.
[03:23:20] Then again I have not gotten into
[03:23:22] the end game but what's really holding my attention
[03:23:24] so far are the characters that I have yet to unlock, because there's an entire progression system behind that with your current character you're playing as.
[03:23:33] And then also you have those four characters that you haven't yet unlocked. Some really cool
[03:23:37] modules that you can equip to your character itself
[03:23:39] and the weapons as well. Ultimately
[03:23:41] there are problems with this one, the mix
[03:23:43] rating is very telling
[03:23:46] if we go into the Steam reviews,
[03:23:47] we have this right here,
[03:23:48] Ultimate Bunny's Ass Will Carry The Game's
[03:23:51] Financial Success.
[03:23:53] And if you look at the store,
[03:23:55] it is a bestseller.
[03:23:56] Probably.
[03:23:58] Most likely. Yeah, most likely.
[03:24:00] Yeah, it's not even that wrong.
[03:24:01] We got some recommended here and then we got the
[03:24:02] not-recommended one
[03:24:03] which says the sentence
[03:24:04] costs $300 to $600 to buy.
[03:24:05] That's not, you know,
[03:24:06] $300 or $600.
[03:24:08] I think it's at the in-game currency that cash off.
[03:24:10] No, this is an inaccurate number.
[03:24:13] It is.
[03:24:14] It's an inaccurate number.
[03:24:16] Like 0.1 hours at review time?
[03:24:23] If this really was a deciding factor in him not playing the game,
[03:24:27] he wouldn't have made this review at 0.1 hours and played for seven more hours.
[03:24:29] I mean, really?
[03:24:30] Right.
[03:24:31] But yes.
[03:24:32] And also like if you have to pay
[03:24:34] so I have the same perspective on this
[03:24:37] that I have and POE
[03:24:39] is that if you have to
[03:24:41] pay for certain advantages, but they're
[03:24:43] one-time payments, there's no
[03:24:45] gambling attached to them, and the game
[03:24:47] is provided for free as a baseline.
[03:24:50] I actually find that to be okay because I view that as a baseline, I actually find that to be okay
[03:24:52] because I view that as a buy-in
[03:24:54] to the game in the same way
[03:24:56] that you would purchase a game for money anyway.
[03:24:58] PoE is okay with that...
[03:25:00] Sorry, PoE does that and I'm okay with it. I feel like
[03:25:03] this is the same but
[03:25:04] here's the difference. I think
[03:25:07] they are going to keep adding new stuff
[03:25:09] like this in power creeping in
[03:25:11] order to get people to keep buying new things.
[03:25:13] Where a PoE, yeah they make a new
[03:25:16] stash tab or something like that
[03:25:18] but it's not on the same proportion
[03:25:20] It's fixed at
[03:25:21] $250 and by 2020,
[03:25:23] what can you expect from Nexon?
[03:25:26] So you could see how they're nickeling
[03:25:28] and diming people with the microtransactions.
[03:25:30] People aren't very happy about that at all.
[03:25:32] And then I've seen this several times where people want
[03:25:34] kind of like a mid rating,
[03:25:37] not like complete down vote. Steam needs
[03:25:39] something in between the thumbs up and thumbs down.
[03:25:41] It's rough, not awful, not great.
[03:25:43] I'm kind of getting the hint from that
[03:25:45] with this one.
[03:25:46] I feel like there's
[03:25:46] some rough patches
[03:25:47] with it.
[03:25:48] The gameplay...
[03:25:49] I think the game
[03:25:49] is okay.
[03:25:51] It's okay.
[03:25:52] Does feel ultimately
[03:25:53] smooth but there's
[03:25:54] also some jankiness with that
[03:25:56] yeah then we have this one right here it says not recommended this game release
[03:26:00] with more real money purchasable items and actual gameplay mechanic interesting Oh, man.
[03:26:29] That's crazy I even bought the currency
[03:26:34] to buy the battle pass jokes on everyone
[03:26:36] in game currency that's been purchased thus far.
[03:26:39] Is it being delivered to players?
[03:26:40] What a joke more than just a moment reply from the dev team I never have this gameplay
[03:26:45] is very much like destiny and AI is basically so far yeah so far with the a.i i'm playing on normal difficulty i'm not
[03:26:51] expecting anything mind-blowing with the ai since it is on normal difficulty i'm just hoping that
[03:26:55] once i get into like hard or up the tier that it's not just buffing
[03:27:00] the health. It would be nice if
[03:27:02] these dev teams can actually implement
[03:27:04] some sort of new abilities for enemy AI
[03:27:06] or...
[03:27:08] Here's what I hope they don't do.
[03:27:11] This is something that
[03:27:12] I don't like with Remnant 2
[03:27:14] which is interesting because
[03:27:16] I view Remnant 2
[03:27:17] as the
[03:27:19] masterclass in games like this.
[03:27:22] That is, in my mind, the best game.
[03:27:26] But the one thing that I don't like about Remnant 2
[03:27:29] is the input reading of targeting like whenever you
[03:27:34] input read to their head and they go fuck you
[03:27:40] fuck you that's so gamey that's so cheesy stop it i will make them tougher in different ways than just
[03:27:47] buffing their health we'll have to find out about that one but the open world how it's structured
[03:27:51] is definitely interesting one of the things I have to give kudos
[03:27:53] to the dev team is that fact that it's very
[03:27:55] easy around this
[03:27:57] world. It IS kind of an open-world. I shouldn't say
[03:27:59] its completely open-world. Its more like
[03:28:01] Battlezone. Yeah you Yeah, it's like
[03:28:04] you use... It's like Monster Hunter, right?
[03:28:06] Kind of where you can go to different
[03:28:08] important points
[03:28:09] but it's not really open world.
[03:28:13] More like I guess you
[03:28:15] compare it to Death in that regard
[03:28:17] or even Warframe.
[03:28:18] Then when we talk about performance and the
[03:28:21] visual fidelity of the game, the graphics
[03:28:22] I was pretty impressed. You know, I just kept it on default.
[03:28:25] I think it's running
[03:28:25] on all...
[03:28:26] I think that
[03:28:26] performance is great.
[03:28:30] Like,
[03:28:30] it's performed
[03:28:31] totally fine
[03:28:32] on my 4090 PC.
[03:28:34] Wow,
[03:28:34] what a surprise.
[03:28:36] But the graphics...
[03:28:37] I think that there is
[03:28:38] a certain degree of
[03:28:39] saminess and boring
[03:28:42] that this game has.
[03:28:45] This game doesn't This game does...
[03:28:46] It has
[03:28:46] kind of like the same problem
[03:28:49] that something like
[03:28:50] Ashes of Creation has,
[03:28:52] that
[03:28:52] it's not striking
[03:28:55] or visually compelling.
[03:28:58] It's just not.
[03:29:00] It's an Unreal problem?
[03:29:01] Yeah, like this game is probably one of the best examples
[03:29:04] of whenever I say a lot of Unreal games
[03:29:08] have a sameness
[03:29:09] it feels very
[03:29:12] much like this.
[03:29:14] And it's so hard for me to actually explain
[03:29:16] what I mean by that but I think a lot of people
[03:29:19] can... You guys see kind of where I'm coming from?
[03:29:20] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? And so
[03:29:22] I can't identify what the problem is.
[03:29:24] I'm just saying like that's what it is.
[03:29:26] It's art direction, not Unreal. That's probably a good point too.
[03:29:31] I think it's probably
[03:29:31] people are blaming
[03:29:33] it on Unreal but the reality
[03:29:35] is that I bet good developers
[03:29:37] and good artists
[03:29:38] like a more well-funded or I bet good developers and good artists,
[03:29:39] like a more well-funded or well focused art team
[03:29:45] usually is supposed to overcome that.
[03:29:47] And so the lack of overcoming that makes Unreal look bad, but it's actually
[03:29:51] the developer that just hasn't developed their own style.
[03:29:53] That's probably true.
[03:29:56] I've got a
[03:29:57] 3080 Ti, but so far
[03:29:58] everything has been running very smoothly. Middle glitches...
[03:30:02] I'm not falling through the world or anything
[03:30:03] like that currently. I know people have had
[03:30:05] crashes, they've had problems getting into the game
[03:30:07] but that's going to be expected when you
[03:30:09] have a game first launch i myself i played probably like six hours
[03:30:15] after initial launch and i was able to get in very very quickly have had no issues with connection
[03:30:20] i never had issues either connectivity
[03:30:22] of the game haven't
[03:30:23] been booted from
[03:30:23] servers or anything
[03:30:24] like that we'll see
[03:30:25] if that changes.
[03:30:26] I'm kind of curious
[03:30:27] to how this game
[03:30:27] holds up during
[03:30:29] the weekend of
[03:30:30] course yeah another
[03:30:30] thing is
[03:30:31] issue because I've seen
[03:30:33] many people mention that. Yes, it is definitely
[03:30:35] an issue. Yes, this is a
[03:30:37] free-to-play game.
[03:30:39] But also I did note that a lot of
[03:30:41] the characters you can unlock,
[03:30:43] you can do that in game
[03:30:45] without even purchasing
[03:30:46] them.
[03:30:46] So that's good news at
[03:30:47] the very least.
[03:30:48] But of course
[03:30:49] ultimately I'm very
[03:30:50] worried about the
[03:30:50] micro-disasters.
[03:30:51] There's no way around
[03:30:52] it like this being a
[03:30:53] free to play game, I just really hope
[03:30:55] that they don't get super severe
[03:30:56] Well if they get bad then
[03:30:58] just stop playing the game
[03:31:00] If you feel like the games microtransactions
[03:31:03] for example, that's one of the reasons why i stopped playing
[03:31:06] classic wow because you can just buy gold
[03:31:13] i don't know i think that's weird.
[03:31:16] Like, maybe I'm being stupid
[03:31:17] but like
[03:31:17] that's just
[03:31:18] the way
[03:31:18] I feel about it
[03:31:19] and at
[03:31:20] the end of
[03:31:20] the day
[03:31:20] if you
[03:31:22] feel like
[03:31:22] the game
[03:31:23] isn't
[03:31:23] rewarding
[03:31:23] or fulfilling
[03:31:24] because
[03:31:24] of
[03:31:24] that
[03:31:25] then I mean if that's the way you feel it's not like you it rewarding or fulfilling because of that,
[03:31:27] then if that's the way you feel, it's not like you can really be wrong
[03:31:29] about that. That's
[03:31:31] just how I feel.
[03:31:34] As we keep going
[03:31:35] already, they're doing some shady stuff with how you purchase those coins.
[03:31:40] But anyway let's go and talk about what the dev team is doing to actually adjust and fix things. Of course, there were
[03:31:48] some major issues at launch
[03:31:50] with people actually receiving
[03:31:52] their currency,
[03:31:54] their in-game currency that they purchased.
[03:31:56] So the dev team went out there and replied saying, here's some
[03:31:58] issues that we found after official launch
[03:32:01] on July 2nd. They have this
[03:32:03] whole list of bugs that
[03:32:05] they're currently addressing. It's a
[03:32:07] massive list. I'm not going to highlight every single
[03:32:09] thing on there but they're definitely
[03:32:11] working on that, they're working on a current
[03:32:13] patch which is good and also
[03:32:15] they did have this to say
[03:32:17] as well right here. Check it out.
[03:32:20] It says this, we have identified an issue where
[03:32:22] there's a delay in the delivery of Caliber
[03:32:24] upon payment and Twitch drop
[03:32:26] reward. That's where a lot of the
[03:32:27] came in from the initial launch i just like any
[03:32:32] launch problem a game has i don't really care about it
[03:32:36] because every launch problem goes away after a week and I'm going to be playing
[03:32:41] the game if I like the game.
[03:32:43] I'm going to be playing it longer than a week
[03:32:45] of this
[03:32:47] game. They did finally
[03:32:49] update this saying the caliber delivery issue has been resolved.
[03:32:53] New purchase will be delivered within 10 seconds.
[03:32:56] We entered the shop for prior purchases.
[03:32:58] Oh, that's why I got those.
[03:32:59] Resolving Twitch drops is ongoing.
[03:33:00] I didn't even know that.
[03:33:05] We will provide all sorts of stuff here yeah see i'm gonna open that up so you guys can see what they're going to be doing for those just because
[03:33:09] you don't care doesn't mean others don't. And they have every right to review
[03:33:13] based off of that, but I have every right
[03:33:15] not to take their reviews seriously
[03:33:17] or not to prioritize the value
[03:33:19] of their review over the things
[03:33:21] that I think are important.
[03:33:22] I think every negative review is valid.
[03:33:26] Like, unless you're like,
[03:33:28] I microwave my cat
[03:33:30] so I'm going to vote this game a zero.
[03:33:33] Unless you're doing something like this,
[03:33:35] it's a valid review.
[03:33:38] You have every right to review a game.
[03:33:39] If you think that the launch experience is bad
[03:33:42] and that is enough for you to give a downvote,
[03:33:45] then you have every right to do that.
[03:33:46] But I don't have every right to ignore it too.
[03:33:50] You kind of got screwed over at the launch of this game
[03:33:54] by really trying to work around the clock,
[03:33:56] make everything smooth. Let me know if you guys got
[03:33:58] your caliber, if you got your twitch drops
[03:34:00] or if you feel screwed over currently.
[03:34:02] I know a lot of people are frustrated with
[03:34:04] how this one launched.
[03:34:07] The Steam reviews keep rolling in here as I
[03:34:09] make this video. People are having
[03:34:11] trouble logging in.
[03:34:13] Big time concerns about
[03:34:14] microtransactions. Good game but my computer sucks so I can't
[03:34:17] play. I think that if
[03:34:19] people are really unhappy about the
[03:34:21] microtransactions inside of the game they need
[03:34:23] to stop playing the game.
[03:34:26] It's people don't understand that like, it's like
[03:34:28] they're willingly getting in the water
[03:34:30] and being minnows
[03:34:31] and they think that because they're not buying them
[03:34:34] that they're not part of the ecosystem
[03:34:36] They are providing an ecosystem for those whales to exist in
[03:34:41] and I think that if you truly want to protest the microtransactions in certain games,
[03:34:46] the only thing that you can really do is not play
[03:34:49] the game
[03:34:50] That's what you can really do
[03:34:53] So if you don't like
[03:34:55] it, I hate to see these reviews
[03:34:57] complaining about microtransactions,
[03:34:59] and it's like one hour on record.
[03:35:02] And then now they've played for two or three hours.
[03:35:04] Just don't play the game, right?
[03:35:06] That's it.
[03:35:08] That's what the whales want.
[03:35:09] Yeah, exactly.
[03:35:11] So that's a Marvel snap.
[03:35:12] I feel like Marvel snap has pretty ethical microtransactions if I remember right.
[03:35:17] Like people even said that they were pretty good.
[03:35:20] I think that there are...
[03:35:21] There's definitely a spectrum
[03:35:22] that microtransactions exist in,
[03:35:25] but these games,
[03:35:27] I think,
[03:35:27] are way outside of that spectrum
[03:35:28] in a lot of cases.
[03:35:30] It's trash? Okay, that's crazy.
[03:35:32] Yeah, I remember like...
[03:35:33] I heard it was good. If it sucks now,
[03:35:36] not anymore, yeah, fuck them. Who cares?
[03:35:38] Nice asses though.
[03:35:40] Very generic but
[03:35:41] buy skin
[03:35:43] shooter.
[03:35:43] The gameplay is
[03:35:44] boring after one
[03:35:45] hour and everything
[03:35:45] good skin-wise
[03:35:46] is locked behind
[03:35:47] a paywall with
[03:35:48] no way to
[03:35:49] buy in-game
[03:35:51] currency Resident
[03:35:51] Evil 4 level dialogue.
[03:35:54] That's actually a really
[03:35:55] good point. The story
[03:35:57] and the game is garbage.
[03:36:00] It's a bad story.
[03:36:03] You know, mentioning that with this It's a bad story. Yeah, you know
[03:36:04] mentioning that with the story
[03:36:06] with this one, again it's not going to be
[03:36:08] overly impressive. There's times where I
[03:36:10] actually laugh so at least there's that
[03:36:12] it's definitely a story where I'm just going to be more...
[03:36:14] I laughed because it was bad, though, with like that Jeremy guy.
[03:36:18] I was like, wow, haha, this guy is really a fucking idiot, huh?
[03:36:22] Or like laughing with it or something.
[03:36:23] Yeah.
[03:36:24] Than being absolutely
[03:36:25] ultra serious. But yeah, also people are
[03:36:27] having some performance issues as well.
[03:36:30] Another Nexon cash
[03:36:31] grab. Here's a more detailed performance
[03:36:33] issue as well. Another Nexon Here's a more detailed review here, reminds me of Overwatch 2 had plenty of potential
[03:36:44] lots of potential but the moment I opened it,
[03:36:46] I was bombarded with an overflow of information
[03:36:49] and predatory monetization practices.
[03:36:50] I know cosmetics are a cash cow in
[03:36:53] the gaming industry, but making a good game first
[03:36:55] and developing a solid loyal fan base not only
[03:36:57] gives you long term success rather than
[03:36:59] just a short term squeeze
[03:37:00] if you sleep at night
[03:37:03] with pride that you actually created something instead
[03:37:05] of just running a soulless business ooh the burn money's great
[03:37:10] everyone wants to make money etc but there are things better than money out there in this game
[03:37:15] isn't one of them not that's, that's fair for him to say
[03:37:19] that, I think that's okay.
[03:37:21] Yeah, maybe
[03:37:22] feedback will lead to a redemption arc
[03:37:25] and change, I've seen it happen before
[03:37:27] It is possible for a developer or publisher to pull themselves out of the dumpster and create something great when previously blinded by greed, but it's not common. Only time will tell. Might play this for a bit here and there, but from the looks of it, this doesn't seem
[03:37:40] grind worthy despite the
[03:37:42] grind. Yeah, they've got a lot going on with the
[03:37:44] grind with this game as well. That's again
[03:37:46] since it's free to play, all leads are gonna
[03:37:48] try... I think that if this game ends up having seasons and resets
[03:37:52] And stuff like that
[03:37:53] I couldn't really see myself going back
[03:37:55] And playing through a season of this game again
[03:37:58] Because I would probably just be going
[03:38:00] And doing the exact same
[03:38:01] things that I already did.
[03:38:04] I don't know if it would be
[03:38:05] transformative enough
[03:38:06] that won't happen? Yeah, well
[03:38:09] let's find out. We'll see what happens.
[03:38:11] I don't know.
[03:38:12] Like...
[03:38:13] And also like for Path of Exile
[03:38:16] for example
[03:38:16] I haven't played PoE ever since
[03:38:19] when was the last league I played?
[03:38:22] Um... I think I played? I think
[03:38:22] I played the one after Crucible, didn't I?
[03:38:24] I know I played Crucible a lot.
[03:38:27] There's one more that I played like after
[03:38:28] maybe one more. Yeah, I don't know.
[03:38:30] But either way,
[03:38:31] Calandra, no. After that, To don't know. But either way... The Grave?
[03:38:33] Kalandra?
[03:38:33] No.
[03:38:34] After that, Toa?
[03:38:34] No, not Toa.
[03:38:36] Anyway, well, the point is
[03:38:38] that I played like every three leagues
[03:38:41] or every other league of POE.
[03:38:42] I don't play every single one.
[03:38:44] With these changes, you could have been in the game
[03:38:46] for as long as possible so I'm
[03:38:48] very worried about that but
[03:38:50] again like back to the positive
[03:38:52] stuff here we do have someone saying it is a
[03:38:55] beautiful looking game and it's not woke
[03:38:57] at all. I will give him a thumbs up
[03:38:59] mostly because of that and because it is
[03:39:01] a free game but the game is not for
[03:39:03] me. I was hoping it was an open world type game, maybe like
[03:39:05] Division 2. It's not at all. It's somewhat
[03:39:07] open areas, but it feels like a virtual
[03:39:09] simulated shooting grounds doesn't
[03:39:11] feel like... The open
[03:39:13] world areas of the game are not dynamic or interesting enough, and there's no reason for them to not improve that.
[03:39:20] Because if you're playing the game, the opportunity cost of doing the open world content is too much different
[03:39:27] than just doing the base content
[03:39:28] of the game and doing missions.
[03:39:30] So if they made better open world
[03:39:32] content in the same way that Diablo 4
[03:39:34] has that, I think think it would just make
[03:39:36] the game better for
[03:39:37] everybody.
[03:39:39] I would like that.
[03:39:40] Like,
[03:39:40] I like the Diablo 4 open
[03:39:42] world vibe in the first
[03:39:43] week of the game.
[03:39:45] I do.
[03:39:45] I think it's great.
[03:39:46] So why not have a little bit
[03:39:48] more rewards in the open world
[03:39:50] have some cool little events
[03:39:52] that people can do out in the open world where they fight
[03:39:54] with each other and there's like more than four people
[03:39:56] in an area and you're not just running the same
[03:39:59] missions over and over. Like I don't see like
[03:40:01] because like the missions
[03:40:03] are like this, and like
[03:40:05] open world is like this right now, right?
[03:40:07] And so if you made open world like this, people, if they
[03:40:09] wanted to be efficient, would still want to do the missions.
[03:40:11] But they could also do the open world and
[03:40:13] get cool stuff there too. And that's all
[03:40:15] I'm saying. PVP
[03:40:17] zones? I don't...I mean, just a lot of things they could do, right?
[03:40:20] Maybe that's one of them.
[03:40:22] World I would care about? It doesn't
[03:40:24] feel human.
[03:40:26] Inside a machine world made up with chunks
[03:40:28] from history of our world life if it was some kind of dream i can't wake
[03:40:32] up interesting cake here yeah ultimately reviews are all over the place currently a lot of people
[03:40:38] dealing with crashing four hours to craft your first basic gun then what aim
[03:40:42] why would you need four hours to craft a gun this is a problem that a lot of like uh
[03:40:47] if these games have it's like why Clash of Clans has this.
[03:40:52] It's really bad. Why does it
[03:40:54] take a certain amount of time? Well, I'll tell you
[03:40:56] why. It's because they handicap you.
[03:40:58] They put ankle weights on you and then you have to pay
[03:41:00] to take the ankle weights off.
[03:41:02] It's an awful design. It's awful design.
[03:41:03] I really wish
[03:41:05] that...
[03:41:06] I wish gamers could rise up
[03:41:09] and stop this, but I don't think it's going to happen.
[03:41:14] Consumer unfriendly it's not even consumer unfriendly because unfriendly is like you know
[03:41:20] you you like you're walking uh you're walking into Walmart and a guy gives
[03:41:24] you a rude look. This is like
[03:41:26] consumer hostile
[03:41:27] it's like the fucking homeless guy
[03:41:30] gets in front of you, and unless you give him $5
[03:41:32] he's going to attack you and throw up on you
[03:41:34] that's basically what's happening here i'm out so yeah all over the place uh with this one let
[03:41:43] me know how you guys are enjoying it. I have a feeling this might
[03:41:45] end up being like another Anthem situation
[03:41:48] where people kind of get in here,
[03:41:49] enjoy at first and then
[03:41:51] it gets a little... I don't think it's going to be like
[03:41:53] Anthem. I think Nexon is very heavily invested
[03:41:56] into this game, and they will improve
[03:41:58] the game and make
[03:42:00] it better. Now, will
[03:42:02] it be as good as Destiny?
[03:42:04] Will it be as good as Warframe?
[03:42:07] I haven't played either either one of them but it seems like
[03:42:08] From the people that have played them
[03:42:10] That doesn't seem to be the case
[03:42:12] So where does this game exist in
[03:42:14] The ecosystem? It's hard to say
[03:42:16] Or a lot of bit grinding does this game exist in the ecosystem? It's hard to say.
[03:42:19] Or a lot of it, grindy and redundant with the mission structure
[03:42:21] and mission design. So I'm
[03:42:23] a little bit worried about that one.
[03:42:25] It's very redundant. The missions are already redundant.
[03:42:28] But so far, initial impressions
[03:42:30] are good graphics,
[03:42:32] good visuals, snappy gunplay,
[03:42:35] smooth.
[03:42:36] For me personally, not dealing with... The bosses bosses are decent i've done two of the bosses now
[03:42:41] much in the way of performance issues or disconnects i'm not running like an ultra
[03:42:46] 4k in that regard i am i, and I've had no problems.
[03:42:50] It has like 1080p.
[03:42:51] That's no big deal for me but
[03:42:53] yeah, you know, for those that want to push 4K
[03:42:55] even 2K they might be
[03:42:57] having issues there but anyway
[03:42:59] we'll see how this one pans out.
[03:43:01] It might be fun to hop in with friends during the weekend and goof off with it.
[03:43:05] But we'll see if it ultimately can last like six months to a year.
[03:43:09] That's when people really start getting critical but thank you all
[03:43:11] so much for watching stay tuned here for more first descendant i'm covering diablo 4 as well
[03:43:17] i'm going to be actually playing the brand new Spiritborn class
[03:43:21] from Diablo 4 at Blizzard HQ.
[03:43:24] So stay tuned for that if you want
[03:43:25] to see that, but anyway, thank you all
[03:43:27] and I will see you all next time. Take care.
[03:43:31] It doesn't take a lot i think that was uh that was a pretty fair
[03:43:35] assessment i think obviously like he's showing a lot of gameplay and everything from like the very
[03:43:39] beginning of the game so it's evident that he hasn't gotten this far and at the time
[03:43:43] of this video i think that makes a lot of sense neither had i uh i think that what's really gonna
[03:43:48] matter is that how long is this game going to be popular? How
[03:43:53] long are people going to enjoy playing this
[03:43:55] game, and will it actually retain
[03:43:57] an audience? Because one
[03:43:59] thing that's really important about this game
[03:44:01] versus like Remnant 2, right? There's the
[03:44:04] video right there. Give it a like. I've watched a lot of his
[03:44:06] videos before. He made a lot of stuff about
[03:44:08] Diablo 4. I watch that tons
[03:44:10] of times. So here's what
[03:44:12] the issue is, right? Is that...
[03:44:16] You have these games
[03:44:17] That are like live service games
[03:44:19] Like Remnant 2
[03:44:20] Let's look at Remnant 2
[03:44:24] Ah, Remnant 2.
[03:44:25] This is an amazing game
[03:44:27] and only 3,000
[03:44:29] people are playing it right now
[03:44:31] but
[03:44:33] it doesn't matter because it's not a live service game. People beat the game, they did what they wanted to do and they finished it. That's the way it goes. That's the way anything goes. I finished for a minute too, yeah
[03:44:46] I'm on the last plus
[03:44:48] I got to the last plus and was like god this is fucking
[03:44:50] hard and so I just
[03:44:52] was like okay I'll do this later and I never
[03:44:54] really went back to it. It's the natural lifespan of a product.
[03:44:57] Yeah, I would say so.
[03:45:03] I'd 100%
[03:45:04] recommend this game, by the way. If you're looking
[03:45:05] for a looter shooter game that's really good, this one's amazing.
[03:45:09] But First
[03:45:10] Descendant is a lot different than that
[03:45:12] because First Descendant is
[03:45:14] a live service
[03:45:15] game which is very different.
[03:45:19] Live service is a totally different
[03:45:21] dynamic. So
[03:45:22] I don't know how it's going to go.
[03:45:25] Equinox Final Blast goes laggy and unplayable?
[03:45:27] Yeah, I don't know about that.
[03:45:29] TLC is really good too.
[03:45:30] Very lore intensive.
[03:45:31] I don't know a lot with the lore.
[03:45:33] Remnant 1 from the Ashes
[03:45:33] is still a great game.
[03:45:34] They're both great games.
[03:45:35] I think Remnant 2
[03:45:36] is decidedly much better
[03:45:39] than Remnant 1 but I think Remnant 1 is decidedly much better than Remnant 1,
[03:45:40] but I think Remnant 1 is a 9.
[03:45:42] It's at least an 8.5.
[03:45:46] Aren't TOS crazy?
[03:45:47] Giving access to where you click and data on your computer
[03:45:48] very personal data. That's what people say.
[03:45:50] I think a lot of TOSs are like that.
[03:45:52] Am I really going to complain about this
[03:45:54] game's anti-cheat whenever people
[03:45:56] play Valorant that has kernel level
[03:45:58] anti-cheat? No, i really can't care enough about that
[03:46:01] i understand everybody like with privacy and things like that
[03:46:05] i think that what you should do is you should make a decision
[03:46:09] based off of what you want to do. If you feel
[03:46:12] uncomfortable, don't
[03:46:14] do it. If you
[03:46:16] don't care, then do it. There's
[03:46:18] plenty of people who say I'd rather have
[03:46:20] kernel level access to my computer from this Chinese owned company
[03:46:23] than have a fucking cheater
[03:46:24] in my game. And I think that's totally
[03:46:27] fucking subjective. It's
[03:46:28] valid, right? That's their opinion.
[03:46:30] That's their right to have that opinion.
[03:46:32] Do your own research? Yeah, that's their opinion. That's their right to have that opinion. Do your own research?
[03:46:33] Yeah,
[03:46:34] that's about right.
[03:46:35] Damn,
[03:46:35] I wish Anthem was successful.
[03:46:37] What did everybody think?
[03:46:37] It's a Korean grinder made by Nexon.
[03:46:40] it's free meaning I'm fine with checking it out yeah sure people acting
[03:46:44] like warframe doesn't have the exact same monetization blows me away
[03:46:47] haven't played it myself i had a sponsorship lined up for them ended up
[03:46:50] not doing it for no particular reason other than me just being lazy.
[03:46:55] Eventually I will play Warframe,
[03:46:57] I'm interested in trying it out and I look forward to playing it
[03:47:00] but I haven't done it yet.
[03:47:02] Warframe started off as terrible
[03:47:04] and Olcoda grew into. I think that's true, but you can unlock all the characters just by playing grinding for them
[03:47:09] The I have to pay instead of grinding game reviews are wild to me
[03:47:13] Well we'll see what happens right? I just don't know yet
[03:47:16] Warframe does not have similar monetization
[03:47:18] at all. Yeah, I can't compare
[03:47:20] because I just haven't played it so I don't know
[03:47:22] The worst part is
[03:47:26] whether you're playing
[03:47:27] the game or not
[03:47:28] again that's up to
[03:47:30] you I don't know
[03:47:30] the details to
[03:47:31] that
[03:47:31] has my arm
[03:47:33] more nuance
[03:47:33] and it's a mark
[03:47:34] gaming other
[03:47:35] real-life media controversies you agree
[03:47:37] on? Well, I feel like if you're
[03:47:39] unhappy with something that I said about another
[03:47:41] controversy or whatever, the odds
[03:47:43] are it's probably just because you disagree with
[03:47:45] it. I feel like I'm pretty
[03:47:47] reasoned
[03:47:48] with a lot of things,
[03:47:49] but Warframe is maybe more heavily
[03:47:52] monetized lately. Chat's coping since they
[03:47:54] love the game. Can you trade premium
[03:47:56] currency in First Descendant?
[03:47:58] I don't know.
[03:47:58] Uh,
[03:47:59] I don't think so.
[03:48:00] I haven't traded- tried to trade with anybody at all.
[03:48:02] How many people are playing Warframe right now?
[03:48:04] Let me actually see for myself.
[03:48:05] I don't know.
[03:48:08] Warframe.
[03:48:10] Wow, that's pretty good.
[03:48:13] That's a really
[03:48:14] impressive player base.
[03:48:16] 50k? Yeah, that's
[03:48:17] a good player base. Absolutely. Now is it crazy?
[03:48:20] No, it's not crazy but it's good.
[03:48:23] You can't train premium currency?
[03:48:24] Oh, that's too bad. That's only Steam
[03:48:26] 2? Yeah, you're right about that
[03:48:27] but I think that if I,
[03:48:30] I don't know
[03:48:31] if I'm going to play
[03:48:32] another one of these games
[03:48:33] anytime soon.
[03:48:34] Like for me,
[03:48:35] so I'm not going
[03:48:36] to play this game
[03:48:36] right now.
[03:48:38] Actually,
[03:48:39] I don't even need
[03:48:39] to log on
[03:48:40] to show you guys.
[03:48:41] I 100%ed the entire zone
[03:48:44] in the new Wuthering Waves patch.
[03:48:46] I was on a call for
[03:48:48] a thing that I needed to do
[03:48:49] for one of my companies
[03:48:51] and it was actually
[03:48:52] like an update basically and i had to be there for him i am a hundred percent out of every single
[03:48:57] zone it's all done so yeah you trade premium currency in Warframe? Yeah, exactly.
[03:49:03] So if I had Mint Picker... Oh, not just
[03:49:04] Mint. I picked everything.
[03:49:07] But I did actually have to pick the
[03:49:08] Mints in order to upgrade the new
[03:49:10] character because I ran out of the ones that i could buy on the store in town
[03:49:15] so yeah i went and i did that will you play zenith sun zero tonight i will not play it
[03:49:20] tonight i will play it tomorrow that's what my plan is right now i'm going to play it tomorrow. That's what my plan is right now.
[03:49:23] I'm going to play it tomorrow,
[03:49:25] and I'll play it pretty much all day tomorrow.
[03:49:28] Tomorrow is gonna be Xenossum Zero.
[03:49:30] I would stay up and
[03:49:32] play it. The truth is that you guys can watch
[03:49:34] Tectone, you guys can watch other people play it tonight
[03:49:36] and I'll be back on tomorrow.
[03:49:38] So it's not that big of a deal but I'm
[03:49:40] not ending right now. I'm just saying
[03:49:42] that's whenever I will play Xemason Zero.
[03:49:45] Are you quitting Wuthering Waves?
[03:49:48] No, I'm not.
[03:49:49] I'm playing it less because
[03:49:51] I've already beat all the other secondary
[03:49:53] content. Like, I haven't done hologram six
[03:49:57] i'm honestly just like bro like i was doing the the monkey one and he does
[03:50:01] like these uh like little spirit things
[03:50:05] and i just keep getting hit by them
[03:50:06] because I'm just playing badly.
[03:50:08] I'm just being bad.
[03:50:10] That's all there is,
[03:50:11] just being bad.
[03:50:12] So I just need to play better
[03:50:13] and do a better job
[03:50:14] and then I'll be able
[03:50:16] to beat them. So yeah.
[03:50:19] Is it
[03:50:19] Nissan Zero is a brave name? Not gonna lie.
[03:50:21] Yeah, you're right. Have you finished
[03:50:23] Granblue Fantasy?
[03:50:26] Well, what about so how
[03:50:28] about being able to autoplay
[03:50:30] Lucilius and complete it with
[03:50:33] S++ rank is that is that
[03:50:37] finishing I think rank. Is that finishing?
[03:50:39] I feel like it kind
[03:50:41] of is.
[03:50:43] Yeah, I think
[03:50:43] I did. I think I finished it.
[03:50:46] And having... Do you have
[03:50:47] Sandalfon?
[03:50:50] I don't, actually.
[03:50:52] Really? Video?
[03:50:53] Yeah, yeah.
[03:50:54] I made a video of it.
[03:50:54] I even have the...
[03:50:56] What do you call it?
[03:50:57] Like the...
[03:50:58] What are they um
[03:51:00] supplementary
[03:51:02] damage uh like five
[03:51:04] plus like i have them on
[03:51:06] two different characters now
[03:51:08] like i completed have all of the
[03:51:11] different items that
[03:51:13] are fully upgraded.
[03:51:14] I have everything. So yeah.
[03:51:18] Firefly pulls wind
[03:51:19] six days left? Yeah, we'll see what happens.
[03:51:20] Are you going to try a new class on First Descendant?
[03:51:22] I think I'm probably going to play the one that I have now
[03:51:24] but I did want to try playing Bunny
[03:51:25] because I heard the gameplay for her is a lot better.
[03:51:29] They have better sigils now?
[03:51:32] Do they really? I heard that um, they're not doing any more updates for Relink.
[03:51:36] Is that true? I don't know if that's true or not.
[03:51:40] Servers are down down okay well if the
[03:51:44] servers are down we can do some other stuff it's not that big of a deal
[03:51:50] normalizing gotcha games is not cool?
[03:51:52] Yeah, but if I feel like playing a game
[03:51:54] I'm just gonna do it.
[03:51:56] I'm not the kind of person that...
[03:51:58] I am beyond the point in my life
[03:52:00] where I view my behavior
[03:52:02] as some sort of
[03:52:04] um, behavior
[03:52:06] like I don't want people to
[03:52:08] listen to like
[03:52:09] or anything like that. I definitely give a shit about that stuff
[03:52:12] Sorry it's so loud if the game is down i'm just gonna try and log on and see
[03:52:17] what happens
[03:52:21] and if it doesn't work there's something else i was going to do and show you guys
[03:52:24] anyway
[03:52:30] can you try warframe? I might.
[03:52:33] CineSun Zero is 110 gigabytes well, you have to understand that 10 of those gigabytes are for the game.
[03:52:39] And then 100 other gigabytes is the Chinese rootkit that turns your computer into a nuclear bomb so China can take over America.
[03:52:49] That's the
[03:52:51] dichotomy there, in case you were wondering.
[03:52:55] It's just the way it is.
[03:52:59] It's about 50? Yeah, that's fine.
[03:52:59] Doesn't matter, right?
[03:53:02] Okay.
[03:53:08] How long is it going to be down for?
[03:53:17] No idea? Okay.
[03:53:19] It's ETA, alright.
[03:53:20] I'm gonna go ahead and just...
[03:53:22] I guess I'm gonna show you guys this real quick
[03:53:24] And then I'll just wait at the game
[03:53:25] And just talk about some other stuff
[03:53:27] But I do want to show off everything that
[03:53:29] I've done on this character.
[03:53:32] Yeah, not a big deal.
[03:53:34] I'm going to do it real quick.
[03:53:35] Let's watch anime? You think so?
[03:53:37] It's a good idea. Do you want to try some tries on holograms no i'm not going to
[03:53:40] do holograms today what's your shirt of uh black veil
[03:53:45] bright is a scene kid band from the 2000s or early 2010s
[03:53:51] whenever I was still in high
[03:53:53] school, or maybe
[03:53:55] a young guy.
[03:53:56] And I bought this at the thrift
[03:53:59] store when I was like
[03:54:01] 19 or 20, I think.
[03:54:03] And it was like a dollar.
[03:54:06] It's a sick shirt? Yeah, I like it.
[03:54:07] I think it's a cool shirt.
[03:54:12] Let's see. I'll go ahead and just wait for this here.
[03:54:14] Scene kids don't exist anymore?
[03:54:16] Yeah they do! They're the Karens that are
[03:54:18] arguing with Starbucks baristas now.
[03:54:20] Isn't that sad? They used to be so hot too, and now that's what they've turned into.
[03:54:27] I know! I know! It's awful right?! What the fuck?!
[03:54:33] How could
[03:54:33] something like this happen?
[03:54:38] Recognize you got the army shirt?
[03:54:39] Yeah, yeah, sure.
[03:54:41] Badden's still fitting into a 20-year-old's shirt?
[03:54:43] Oh, yeah. No, no I mean I'm basically the same shape that i was in high school even.
[03:54:49] Like I'm 34 and uh yeah I've got
[03:54:52] No problem with that, I mean I'm just about the same size
[03:54:56] I've got a lot of friends of mine
[03:54:58] That um well they're fucking fat as hell now and they were used to not be fat
[03:55:02] So that's just the way it is.
[03:55:07] But yeah, for me, I don't have that issue at all.
[03:55:08] Let me see.
[03:55:08] Is this working?
[03:55:11] No, it's still trying to do a patch.
[03:55:13] Okay, hopefully it'll finish soon.
[03:55:16] Have you seen Demon Slayer trailer for next arc?
[03:55:17] No, I haven't seen it.
[03:55:22] FMI stream GameTime and
[03:55:24] Descendants has been waiting for the game to come back up?
[03:55:25] Yeah, it sucks.
[03:55:26] Inches on biceps?
[03:55:27] Probably better to measure in centimeters or millimeters
[03:55:30] to be honest.
[03:55:31] I'm pretty skinny.
[03:55:33] Lucky you blessed with fast metabolism.
[03:55:35] Well yeah, I do have a great metabolism
[03:55:37] but I also don't eat
[03:55:38] a lot of food
[03:55:38] and I exercise semi-regularly
[03:55:40] but primarily
[03:55:42] I don't eat a lot of food.
[03:55:44] Like,
[03:55:45] I maintain like
[03:55:46] some degree of active behavior, but
[03:55:48] um, I actually haven't
[03:55:50] worked out or done anything for probably over
[03:55:52] a month. I was having problems with
[03:55:54] my back for a very long time
[03:55:56] and so I stopped exercising
[03:55:58] because I was worried that it was making
[03:56:00] that problem worse.
[03:56:01] And so that's really what happened.
[03:56:04] Okay, let's see if I can get it to work now.
[03:56:09] It says thanks.
[03:56:10] Yeah, did you get your mattress?
[03:56:11] So I did tell you guys
[03:56:13] I was going to get my
[03:56:13] mattress today.
[03:56:14] I didn't.
[03:56:15] So the reason why is
[03:56:16] because I had a doctor's
[03:56:17] appointment today
[03:56:18] and
[03:56:18] I was going to go and have that done is I had a doctor's appointment today. And, uh...
[03:56:19] I was going to go and have that done
[03:56:21] after the appointment.
[03:56:23] But then...
[03:56:24] I-I was like,
[03:56:25] oh, well, I've got the, um...
[03:56:27] fucking...
[03:56:28] And that's actually why
[03:56:28] I wasn't on...
[03:56:31] Top Streamer. That's why I wasn't on top streamers because I was like, oh well I have this appointment and I'm gonna be late
[03:56:38] So it was like okay you're going to be late we'll just get tectone to come on and have him coming
[03:56:43] and so uh whenever i talked to the uh the guy there
[03:56:46] i was like well yeah i'm going to get a new mattress like after after my
[03:56:49] appointment today he's like don't do that. We can actually give you a medical letter
[03:56:54] and this will allow you to not have to pay sales tax on your mattress.
[03:56:59] So I'm buying a three, $000-$4,000 mattress.
[03:57:02] We're talking $300-$400 here.
[03:57:04] That's a lot of fucking money.
[03:57:05] So I'm not going to just let that happen.
[03:57:07] Yeah, I'm Union level 56 on this character.
[03:57:10] I got some decent items on this.
[03:57:12] This is pretty good.
[03:57:15] This is a 3 out of 5.
[03:57:18] Resonance Liberation isn't great, but
[03:57:21] that's really good. It's not really good,
[03:57:24] but it's good.
[03:57:25] So yeah, it's definitely...
[03:57:27] It's good. It is good.
[03:57:28] I've got this one here too.
[03:57:35] Energy Regen.
[03:57:37] I got this one.
[03:57:40] This one's like, you know,
[03:57:42] like I was like, oh it's got crit damage and regen let's keep going and I just got these two
[03:57:44] not great but I got that
[03:57:47] then this one here this is okay as well uh I'm not like actually you know what this one's
[03:57:52] actually pretty good this is pretty decent and then i got this one as well this one is actually
[03:57:56] uh i think this is a you know what a lot of these are like three out of five right where
[03:58:02] they're like high tier but i've got energy region and everything like that mixed out.
[03:58:07] Obviously, I'm at over
[03:58:09] 30%. Crit rate
[03:58:10] 75%, crit damage is a little bit
[03:58:13] low, and I could swap over and
[03:58:15] use one of these
[03:58:16] that's different,
[03:58:17] that gives crit damage
[03:58:18] instead of crit rate.
[03:58:19] But I feel like
[03:58:20] crit rate probably is better
[03:58:21] at least for now.
[03:58:23] So yeah.
[03:58:24] Apparently 4-4-1-1-1
[03:58:26] is the best to go for S6. Yeah, but I don't have
[03:58:28] S6. I have S1. Uh...I could just spend money and get it!
[03:58:32] Sure I could, like there it is. But yeah, uh, I went and I have
[03:58:36] 100% in that zone as well as every other zone.
[03:58:41] Not a big deal, completed everything in the game.
[03:58:44] And now I'm just waiting for the new patch basically.
[03:58:48] There it is. Oh, I collected all of
[03:58:49] the little things, bought all the items
[03:58:51] like the little bells. I have every bell.
[03:58:54] So yeah, everything's done. Fight the
[03:58:55] 120 Tiger? I can't because I already killed it.
[03:58:58] Yeah, it's done. That was easy.
[03:59:01] So yeah,
[03:59:02] 0 at 30 tower? Yeah, I haven't done it yet.
[03:59:04] But yeah, that's where I'm at.
[03:59:07] So
[03:59:08] first descendant still down? Yeah. I just figured
[03:59:10] I'd show you guys that
[03:59:11] while I wait around for this.
[03:59:12] You have 10 free pulls
[03:59:14] in the event, bro?
[03:59:14] Yeah,
[03:59:15] I'll do another pull session
[03:59:16] maybe later on.
[03:59:18] Bro,
[03:59:19] such a shame
[03:59:19] you won't play Genshin
[03:59:20] if you like to explore so much?
[03:59:21] Yeah. I'll probably play Genshin eventually whenever they announce the servers will be shut down
[03:59:27] When was the last time you played Honkai Star Rail?
[03:59:29] I have not done 2.3
[03:59:32] The reason why
[03:59:34] I stopped playing it is because
[03:59:36] um, I just don't really have a lot
[03:59:38] of interest in
[03:59:40] doing it right now.
[03:59:43] And I kind of like,
[03:59:44] I'll get into it and then I'll get out
[03:59:44] of it.
[03:59:45] But I didn't quit
[03:59:47] it because I don't
[03:59:48] like it.
[03:59:50] Servers are down
[03:59:51] for five hours
[03:59:51] now?
[03:59:52] Is that true?
[03:59:54] Five fucking hours?
[03:59:58] No
[03:59:59] fucking way.
[04:00:05] Oh, have they been down?
[04:00:06] Because if they've been down, that's fine.
[04:00:08] I'm okay with that.
[04:00:11] Hopefully it'll come up soon.
[04:00:15] Probably answer to my Clayton Classic WoW Phase 4? I am.
[04:00:17] I actually, you know what? I was talking
[04:00:19] to S-Fan about this last night because
[04:00:21] he just got back from Europe yesterday
[04:00:22] and we were actually going to stream last night
[04:00:25] but he got back like at
[04:00:27] 2am, and I was like ah fuck
[04:00:29] that's just too late because I had to wake up early
[04:00:31] I've been trying to go to bed early
[04:00:33] get up early early everything like that
[04:00:35] uh but yeah we're probably gonna do
[04:00:37] molten core together
[04:00:38] we might level together i don't know yet
[04:00:41] it depends on everybody's schedule
[04:00:42] right and like what the best leveling
[04:00:44] methods are etc
[04:00:45] but yeah that's currently what the best leveling methods are, etc. But yeah, that's currently
[04:00:46] what the plan is.
[04:00:51] Sorry for the convenience. Yeah, clearly,
[04:00:53] right?
[04:00:55] Did you like games like SimCity growing up? I did, but I don't care about Factorio all that much. I just don't.
[04:01:02] Actually let's turn this down a little bit...
[04:01:05] It's an Azure issue? Yeah, yeah. No I understand like that's Microsoft service I believe
[04:01:14] Please you two together on sod will be so good
[04:01:17] Well we're gonna raid- I want to raid with s-fan
[04:01:20] Uh the reason why is because I think it'll be really funny
[04:01:24] With me and mcconnell and s fan fighting over gear in multiple
[04:01:28] I just,
[04:01:29] I think it'll be really funny
[04:01:30] and it's
[04:01:31] like
[04:01:33] it would be better
[04:01:34] for us
[04:01:35] for our characters
[04:01:36] if we didn't do that
[04:01:38] but like
[04:01:38] I don't really care.
[04:01:42] I don't care about any of this.
[04:01:44] Like, yeah. We're gonna-we're gonna
[04:01:46] whatever is fun. So, yeah.
[04:01:48] That's the plan. Content's king exactly like i've already i've
[04:01:52] already done see uh like basically like wow so many times
[04:01:56] that i don't need to do or prove anything i just want to play the game
[04:02:01] new mcconnell be anything I just want to play the game
[04:02:05] no McConnell be funny playing anything yeah I think our sunken temple streams were really good like they were awesome
[04:02:10] I want to jump around and make monkey noises?
[04:02:12] Yeah, well you'll probably fit right into our raid then. Probably the smartest person there
[04:02:16] Gear seems pointless as fuck unless it's to go PvP
[04:02:20] with it. Well I like like so in classic wow i always really liked how each gear
[04:02:28] each gear tier prepared you for the next gear tier that's why why I lost interest in Lost Ark, and it's
[04:02:34] why i lost interest in Retail WoW is that I didn't feel a compelling reason to farm
[04:02:40] out Brelshaza because I knew that it would just be made easier in time
[04:02:44] and the catch-up would make my gear
[04:02:46] irrelevant.
[04:02:48] Having catch-up mechanisms for me
[04:02:50] makes me feel like
[04:02:52] my time was wasted.
[04:02:54] That's the way I feel, and the reason why is that
[04:02:57] —and I think it's totally wrong-headed to make catch up mechanisms—
[04:03:01] The reason why is because if you're a new player,
[04:03:05] Vaulting is new content for you.
[04:03:08] You don't want to get somebody directly into
[04:03:09] Brawl Shaza. Why
[04:03:11] is the goal to get everybody doing the same
[04:03:13] raid? I think that's silly.
[04:03:16] I think it's good that there's different points in the game where people
[04:03:18] are at, and they can work through those points
[04:03:20] over time. Because
[04:03:22] it makes the game longer, and it makes it take longer.
[04:03:24] It's a waste of content. Yeah, I think it
[04:03:26] really is. That's the way
[04:03:28] I feel. It's an MMO.
[04:03:29] Yeah, yeah, exactly.
[04:03:30] You're not a casual though?
[04:03:31] I think it's a better
[04:03:32] experience for casuals.
[04:03:33] I think that a better
[04:03:34] experience for casuals
[04:03:36] is not getting shuttled through all of endgame up to the very last part of the end game and then being instantly destroyed by it because of power creep,
[04:03:43] or the way that mechanics have been designed over the years.
[04:03:46] I don't think that's a good experience
[04:03:48] for a player. I think the better
[04:03:50] experience is
[04:03:51] getting to Tier 3 in
[04:03:54] Punica and Lost Ark
[04:03:56] doing Argos, doing Orisa
[04:03:59] or Proviso whatever the fuck it is that-the dungeon and then doing Volton
[04:04:03] moving your way up, right? Because like that felt better to me than
[04:04:07] like-and Kakul Sedan on Satan like the clown guy is great raid I hate ficus
[04:04:11] and I think bro shazza's really hit or miss but uh I didn't do anything else beyond that
[04:04:16] that's whenever I stopped I like catch-up mechanics
[04:04:20] just purely for alts, so
[04:04:22] I totally agree with you and I think
[04:04:24] for alts it's a totally different conversation
[04:04:26] I'm talking about people's first time playing
[04:04:28] the game for new players.
[04:04:31] That, I don't like.
[04:04:33] I like 35 pen attempts for a Blackstar on BDO
[04:04:35] whenever they update
[04:04:36] allow time for the attempts to carry over.
[04:04:39] Yeah,
[04:04:39] I mean,
[04:04:40] with over. Yeah, I mean like with BDO the reason why
[04:04:45] i don't play bdo is i don't think the game is very good
[04:04:50] that's really the truth. I don't think
[04:04:52] the game is very good.
[04:04:56] And, like, that's it. Like, I don't think
[04:04:58] it plays well. I don't think that...
[04:05:02] And, like, whenever BDO came out
[04:05:04] I thought it was the greatest game ever
[04:05:05] but the problem is
[04:05:06] that the endgame for it
[04:05:08] I think is very boring
[04:05:09] It's not interesting to me
[04:05:10] And there's no damage numbers, yeah.
[04:05:13] Why do I have damage numbers? That's so stupid.
[04:05:25] Server maintenance notice. Yeah, whenever it comes up, it comes up. Right? I mean that's about it.
[04:05:30] My hands hurt after spamming combos for four hours grinding.
[04:05:33] Yeah...I don't like the combo system that
[04:05:36] much i don't really like the way that your character can't move uh diagonally in the same
[04:05:42] way that they can move back and forth.
[04:05:45] Like, there's a lot of the movement
[04:05:46] in the game doesn't feel good.
[04:05:47] I think that the combat is at this point kind of aged
[04:05:50] and it doesn't feel as good as it did
[04:05:52] whenever I first played the game.
[04:05:54] Now, obviously there's like, the big moment
[04:05:56] where you do your big AoE ability and you kill
[04:05:58] everything? Yeah of course that still feels good
[04:06:00] but um overall I just don't
[04:06:02] really think its as good as people make it out to be
[04:06:04] It's just what my opinion is.
[04:06:06] But I do think BDO is a good game,
[04:06:08] I think it's a great game,
[04:06:09] I just don't really like it that much
[04:06:11] and I don't think it's that great.
[04:06:12] It doesn't fulfill what I want.
[04:06:15] Combat is goaded though?
[04:06:17] Yeah but I don't really think so.
[04:06:18] I don't think the combat's actually that good.
[04:06:21] I think people always talk about BDO's
[04:06:23] combat, but
[04:06:24] to me, I just look... I think it looks scuffed.
[04:06:31] It's janky!
[04:06:32] Yeah, it is.
[04:06:34] Funny how modern developers can't make games
[04:06:36] without making stupid executive decisions?
[04:06:38] Well, I don't know. It depends on what happens right?
[04:06:40] There's a lot of good games that come out nowadays now
[04:06:46] Video combat is just flashy it looks good but doesn't feel that good playing it?
[04:06:49] Yeah.
[04:06:54] Like because you're bad at it?
[04:06:55] Yeah yeah I'm not very good at it.
[04:06:57] Well I don't really know why would I want to get into the game that
[04:07:00] I don't really think is fun?
[04:07:02] It doesn't make sense to me.
[04:07:05] Any game, if I don't feel
[04:07:06] like... For example,
[04:07:08] there's a power fantasy of a good player where if you watch somebody play Valorant who is really good at the game
[04:07:14] It can make you want to be good at Valorant. Same as CS right?
[04:07:18] Or remember Classic WoW, you'd watch somebody with like full gear and
[04:07:20] it's like oh my god i want to play the game forever and do this
[04:07:23] with bdo i don't get that feeling and it doesn't motivate me to be
[04:07:27] to be a better player like yeah smash or like elden ring right
[04:07:34] like i'm just not motivated to be a better
[04:07:37] player
[04:07:39] did you enjoy lost ark's combat yeah it was the best combat in any arpg ever
[04:07:45] uh vaulten is the best arpg boss encounter
[04:07:47] in any arpg that i have ever played including poe and diablo 4.
[04:07:52] and it's not even close.
[04:07:56] I would even say that
[04:07:57] Procol is better than any
[04:07:59] boss fight in
[04:08:00] PoE.
[04:08:04] It's insanely good.
[04:08:10] You just tried Thamine, it's peak raid?
[04:08:12] Yeah but it's probably going to be too hard, really punishing. Like even the
[04:08:15] developer said that was going to be like that.
[04:08:19] Why don't you make an ARPG? We'll see what
[04:08:21] happens.
[04:08:23] You play PSO? No, I didn't.
[04:08:25] Do you feel that way about BDO due to how fast-paced it is?
[04:08:29] No! Um...I don't like the way the characters move. It looks cheap and bad.
[04:08:33] That's what I think.
[04:08:38] What do I do off stream? This?
[04:08:42] I just play games off-stream.
[04:08:46] Yeah, I just play games all the time on stream
[04:08:49] soul raids are based in lost ark yeah i might try to do those whenever they
[04:08:52] bring this out what's your opinion on dungeon born
[04:08:55] copying all from Dark and Darker?
[04:09:00] I think that, you know... what goes around comes around.
[04:09:08] Yeah What goes around comes around, huh? Yeah.
[04:09:10] That's just the way it is!
[04:09:14] Tampa Shroud? Yeah I saw
[04:09:16] Shroud playing First Descendant Uh...I don't know if he played dungeon board or not
[04:09:20] i saw lyric was flying it i think chance is still playing it like there's a lot of other
[04:09:24] people that are still playing the game wear bruce lee t-shirt one day i don't know speaking of bruce did
[04:09:31] bruce get on band bruce got unbanned now right because
[04:09:36] i remember he got banned for like telling somebody to kill themselves or
[04:09:38] something like that right and he got banned for like telling somebody to kill themselves or something like that, right?
[04:09:40] He got unbanned. Yeah, he did.
[04:09:44] Okay, that's what I thought. He got re-banned.
[04:09:48] Jesus man... Jesus, man. Is this like...
[04:09:53] Man, I bet he feels pretty bad because he burned that bridge with Kik so much
[04:09:57] that if he goes back and streams on on kick if it gets banned on twitch
[04:10:01] it's gonna look so bad so like now like yeah you like can't get banned on twitch
[04:10:09] he came back and we said punch x punch XQC in the throat?
[04:10:12] I don't know, why don't they like each other?
[04:10:14] I don't know why they don't like each other.
[04:10:16] I have no idea.
[04:10:19] Yeah...
[04:10:23] No idea.
[04:10:27] Bruce, does everyone know?
[04:10:29] I don't know what happened with him.
[04:10:31] You know there was like some... Like I didn't know what happened with him. You know, there was like some...
[04:10:34] Like, I didn't really talk to Bruce a lot
[04:10:36] and so
[04:10:37] I don't know what happened but
[04:10:39] I always liked Bruce.
[04:10:41] I did. I like Bruce a lot
[04:10:43] and then whenever
[04:10:44] there was some drama
[04:10:45] going on
[04:10:46] it was really
[04:10:46] kind of a shock to me
[04:10:47] what's going on
[04:10:49] what is this
[04:10:50] so do I until he went off a racist triad? Yeah, I don't know why
[04:10:57] we would do that right. It's weird.
[04:11:01] I hope he dials it back in, man. I do. Because I think
[04:11:05] he's a great entertainer. He's a funny guy.
[04:11:08] And you know
[04:11:09] just focus on that.
[04:11:11] But it's just how
[04:11:13] it is. Content creation.
[04:11:15] Didn't Bruce cheat on school yeah i think he did i don't remember exactly
[04:11:19] but i think so
[04:11:27] he has some great clips.
[04:11:31] Bro, let me see if I find it.
[04:11:34] I have one of his clips on my phone
[04:11:59] it's like a finder I'm gone!
[04:12:07] Hey! That shit was fucking funny.
[04:12:12] Oh, that's a good fucking clip. Yeah, that was good.
[04:12:15] Are there vases to it? Yeah yeah yeah. But hey, you know...
[04:12:19] It's funny.
[04:12:22] When is the next Final Fantasy stream?
[04:12:23] Yeah, we'll see what happens.
[04:12:26] 2FYRD, what's that?
[04:12:27] I don't know what that is.
[04:12:32] Do you think you're going to play space marine whenever it comes out yeah i am i'm gonna play it i'm planning on playing it the dude sounds fat phobic no
[04:12:39] no No. No!
[04:12:45] Definitely a play Final Fantasy? I feel like I'll play it
[04:12:47] eventually, I just don't know when.
[04:12:49] Like, I'll play it...
[04:12:51] We'll see what happens.
[04:12:55] Do you ever think you'd do another Bloodborne
[04:12:56] full playthrough?
[04:12:57] So this is something that I've wanted to do
[04:13:00] for a while and I was actually going to do for a while. And,
[04:13:01] I was actually going to do this
[04:13:03] before Elven Ring came out
[04:13:04] but I'm lazy
[04:13:06] so it didn't happen.
[04:13:07] I wanted to go through
[04:13:09] all of the FromSoftware games
[04:13:12] and play all the way all of the From Software games
[04:13:12] and play
[04:13:14] all the way through them
[04:13:15] and talk about the lore of the game
[04:13:17] as things
[04:13:19] progress, right? As things go on.
[04:13:22] That's what I wanted to do
[04:13:24] where it's like yeah this is
[04:13:26] where this character came from and
[04:13:28] everything even Dark Souls 2. Yeah I would probably
[04:13:30] do Dark Souls 2
[04:13:32] I might skip it but we'll see what happens.
[04:13:33] Right?
[04:13:34] But yeah, that'd be sweet.
[04:13:36] Yeah, yeah, I would do Dark Souls 1...
[04:13:40] Probably 2, but 3 Demon's Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro. Demon souls
[04:13:45] Blood-Borne and Sekiro
[04:13:47] Yeah, I would do all that does it include Sekiro? Yeah
[04:13:52] That'd be really cool. Yeah, I think people would really like it a lot.
[04:13:56] Make that a YouTube video? Yeah, that'd be the purpose
[04:13:58] of it. Absolutely.
[04:14:00] Mark, what do you think about new AOC server
[04:14:02] meshing tech?
[04:14:03] Is
[04:14:03] Ashes of Creation doing effectively what Star Citizen is doing?
[04:14:11] Is that what's going on?
[04:14:19] Kind of, yeah. But a different approach? Okay, yeah. World tendency in Demon's Souls is so dumb.
[04:14:21] Yeah it's really stupid. It's a bad system that's why they got rid of it.
[04:14:26] Yeah it was-it was a dog shit system and I think they got rid of it
[04:14:31] yeah it was it was a dog system and i think it's especially like it's an insult to injury system right where it's like you die once on
[04:14:34] flameworker and then you can't get the big sword
[04:14:37] it's just obnoxious.
[04:14:44] You gonna try out
[04:14:44] Zenith Sun Zero? I am.
[04:14:46] Absolutely. Tomorrow. I'm not doing it today.
[04:14:51] What's the last movie you've seen?
[04:14:52] Uh, I got a movie my dad and I are gonna watch this.
[04:14:56] It was Fury.
[04:14:57] It was a movie with like Pitt in it, and I think
[04:15:00] it was about World War I with tanks.
[04:15:02] My dad drove tanks
[04:15:03] in Vietnam,
[04:15:06] so he's like, oh yeah, we should watch
[04:15:08] this movie. So we're going to get that, we're going to watch this movie and i said we're gonna get that we're
[04:15:09] gonna watch that and then also furiosa was it world war
[04:15:13] two okay i was wrong yeah sure um but either way uh yeah that's probably
[04:15:17] the next movie i'll watch besides that that, what was last movie I saw?
[04:15:21] I think I watched 1917 and I watched Perfect Blue
[04:15:27] and...I'm trying to think- oh Dune! I watched Dune. That was the last movie I watched.
[04:15:36] Furiosa was solid? Yeah a lot of people were positive about it.
[04:15:41] Don't use human form? Moral tendency isn't a problem,
[04:15:43] what do you mean? I-I
[04:15:45] don't wanna go back and talk about
[04:15:47] What the hell is Perfect Bloom? Uh...
[04:15:49] Do you- The first one.
[04:15:51] I haven't seen the second movie yet.
[04:15:55] Dune II was so boring...
[04:15:57] I don't know, the first movie was good.
[04:16:08] Yeah, I think it was good.
[04:16:16] Like...
[04:16:18] I don't know if it was amazing, right?
[04:16:20] But it was a good movie.
[04:16:21] I liked it.
[04:16:25] Sure, yeah,
[04:16:25] I mean,
[04:16:25] it was good.
[04:16:27] I don't think it was...
[04:16:29] To me,
[04:16:29] it didn't feel
[04:16:30] like...
[04:16:31] It didn't
[04:16:34] feel
[04:16:34] transcendent but it was just a good solid movie.
[04:16:39] Yeah I mean that's it.
[04:16:42] A lot of mysticism?
[04:16:44] Actually wish they played more into that, to be honest with you.
[04:16:48] I think it's hard to play into mysticism now because of how many parallels there are
[04:16:52] with religion and how much people like to make everything a metaphor
[04:16:57] for some sort of current real-life event.
[04:16:59] But yeah.
[04:17:03] So they're back up? We'll be able to play the game? Yeah, yeah.
[04:17:05] We'll see what happens. Dune was very mysticism based book though i understand that and that's why
[04:17:10] i think it's so special and like i actually would like to see
[04:17:15] more of that more of a focus on that. I like it a lot.
[04:17:24] The term jihad
[04:17:26] was used in the book, not the film?
[04:17:29] Yeah well I mean like the term is not really that important
[04:17:31] right? I mean, jihad is like holy war
[04:17:34] right? Read the book
[04:17:35] I remember I talked to Will about this
[04:17:37] and Will was talking to me about like how the AI in Dune had taken over,
[04:17:43] that's why they can't use anything that's digital in the story. And like that actually made me
[04:17:47] really want to read the books because i had no idea about
[04:17:50] them. I thought that was incredibly cool like how much of a fucking uh you know
[04:17:56] prediction is that? Jihad is strictly a Muslim term, by the way?
[04:18:06] Is it really? I didn't know that.
[04:18:08] Uh...
[04:18:08] I thought it was more like Allah
[04:18:10] is just their word for god
[04:18:12] right but yeah maybe if that's the case i'm i really don't know i'm not
[04:18:17] i'm not from a culture i don't know so yeah So yeah.
[04:18:25] It's loading so long you finish the game? I don't know, we'll see what
[04:18:27] happens right? I'll give it a little bit more time
[04:18:35] The original Dune was fantastic. I remember watching the original one a long, long time ago.
[04:18:38] Like super, super long time ago.
[04:18:44] The book's very brave? Yeah, I mean we'll see what happens.
[04:18:48] But i think that a lot of people are um...
[04:18:51] What do you call it? A lot of people are excited for Xenossum Zero.
[04:18:55] I think the game will be good,
[04:18:57] but I don't think it's going to have as much of an impact
[04:18:59] that Honkai Star Rail did.
[04:19:02] I think also like
[04:19:04] the way that you can autoplay almost everything in Star Rail
[04:19:07] makes it to where people that don't want to play the game
[04:19:11] don't have to.
[04:19:12] But they can still play the game.
[04:19:15] And I think
[04:19:16] that whenever you have
[04:19:17] like... Whenever you have to do everything
[04:19:20] yourself playing the game and
[04:19:22] there's constant dailies that you have
[04:19:24] to do because it's not like you think oh, why would you want to do. Because it's not like, you think like, oh wait
[04:19:27] why would you want to play a game if you just have to play the game?
[04:19:29] That's stupid! You're right.
[04:19:31] But the difference is with Star Rail
[04:19:33] and with Xenocent Zero
[04:19:35] it's gonna be the same game they're all the same game uh
[04:19:38] the progression system in the game like you have to do a bunch of repetitive activities over and
[04:19:44] over and over it's very annoying to this, and like you know for example
[04:19:48] if I want to level up one of my characters
[04:19:50] in Wuthering Waves right now
[04:19:52] I have to go and do like this
[04:19:54] level up thing 30 times
[04:19:56] right? That's super repetitive so if i can just auto play that then that's great
[04:20:08] server literally takes five minutes a day?
[04:20:09] Yeah.
[04:20:11] Is Zenless going to be turn-based?
[04:20:13] No, it's not going to be turn based. It's action combat.
[04:20:21] Are you coming back to play New World Aeternum once it's out? Yeah, I'll play 100%.
[04:20:24] Major sales pitch at the moment is under 80 free pulls.
[04:20:28] I mean...I'll play the game.
[04:20:31] You know, get the characters and do all that.
[04:20:35] I'm not expecting it to be super great but I'm just gonna play it and see what happens.
[04:20:39] Zenith Sun Zero is almost like Honkai Impact 3rd I'm just going to play it and see what happens.
[04:20:42] Zenith Zone Zero is almost like Honkai Impact 3rd.
[04:20:45] I only played, like, two hours of Honkai Impact 3rd.
[04:20:47] I didn't really think the game was that great.
[04:20:49] It was okay.
[04:20:52] Like, I got a sponsorship for the game. It was like, alright, yeah,
[04:20:54] I'll try it out. But I didn't really think it was super great.
[04:20:56] And also, like, I think the reason
[04:20:58] why is because I had already played
[04:21:00] Tower of Fantasy, which I think is better, and I had already played Tower of Fantasy, which i think is better. And I
[04:21:02] had also played...
[04:21:08] Like, I've played Wuthering Waves like the closed beta test
[04:21:11] and I also played another game like Star star rail and i thought all those games
[04:21:15] were better than a hong kai impact third it's a very old game yeah Yeah, and it definitely shows...
[04:21:24] Have you seen Soul Frame? I did!
[04:21:27] I actually looked at it whenever it came out
[04:21:30] They had the trailer
[04:21:32] Soul Frame didn't look that great to me
[04:21:34] That's a game that's gonna have to win me over.
[04:21:38] Like, I'll play it! I will 100% play the game.
[04:21:41] But I didn't really think it looked that interesting.
[04:21:49] Yeah, I feel like it's gonna flop? Yeah maybe you're right.
[04:21:52] People are saying good things about it?
[04:21:56] Well hey if it's good then that's great! like if it's good that's great. I mean, I hope it's good
[04:21:59] You seen Stan Steins Gate? No, I haven't
[04:22:06] Twitter will resent that statement on Hong Kong well, I mean that's just my opinion right i mean i don't really i i don't have like a strong feeling
[04:22:09] about it
[04:22:12] home clamping third is the safe space for yuri shippers at this point
[04:22:16] i feel like any any of those shippers at this point. I feel like any of those
[04:22:17] shippers, they'll do that no matter what.
[04:22:19] Like that's just what people
[04:22:21] on the internet do.
[04:22:25] Do you think you'll be playing video games when you're 60 or 70?
[04:22:29] Yeah, my mom was. Sure!
[04:22:32] Like she...bro like she...I remember
[04:22:35] So this is like so I bought her
[04:22:39] Age of Empires right? This was maybe
[04:22:41] 5 years ago. The new
[04:22:43] Age of Empires and
[04:22:45] I did it for her on the
[04:22:47] what do you call it?
[04:22:51] On like my Microsoft account.
[04:22:53] So I would get updates when she would do something in
[04:22:55] Age of Empires. So like if she
[04:22:57] would get a new, like, do anything like that, anything else
[04:23:00] So what I would start doing
[04:23:02] is if I knew she was playing
[04:23:04] Age of Empires
[04:23:05] I would get an update when she would win a game
[04:23:08] and I would immediately come downstairs, and I'd be like
[04:23:11] hey, yeah.
[04:23:12] So I was thinking that
[04:23:14] I was hungry,
[04:23:16] and she'd be like oh really?
[04:23:18] I just finished the game. Okay, what do you want me to make you?
[04:23:21] And I'm like oh really?! You did?! Oh wow!
[04:23:25] What are the odds?! And it was fine man
[04:23:29] Yeah bro, I had that that maxed out and uh everything min-maxed check first descendant
[04:23:35] twitter there's gonna be a maintenance well when it's ready it's ready what was your mom's
[04:23:39] favorite character in wow her favorite character favorite character, I don't know.
[04:23:43] I don't think she really gave a shit.
[04:23:47] Yeah, I don't think she gave a fuck man.
[04:23:53] Yeah but basically yeah, she was playing games up until the end bro
[04:23:55] like yeah
[04:23:57] She was 70 right?
[04:23:59] And like she was playing games
[04:24:01] even then all the fucking time so yeah i don't really see why i would stop
[04:24:08] what class you play a druid have you seen rts stormgate
[04:24:12] i have um i was actually going to go to their office Have you seen RTS Stormgate? I have.
[04:24:15] I was actually going to go to their office in California.
[04:24:18] I walked by their office before
[04:24:19] because they're like
[04:24:21] right nearby Notorious,
[04:24:23] but I didn't.
[04:24:24] I do know about the game,
[04:24:25] I've talked to developers and
[04:24:27] you know, I played the game on
[04:24:28] stream with like S- it was
[04:24:29] me, Svend, and Finn
[04:24:31] And we played it
[04:24:32] It was pretty fun
[04:24:34] The game is called It was pretty fun.
[04:24:41] You gonna try NCAA football?
[04:24:43] Yeah, I think I'm going to miss out on that one man.
[04:24:45] Did she rage at games the way you do?
[04:24:48] Sometimes, yeah.
[04:24:50] I remember one time...
[04:24:52] One time,
[04:24:55] I woke up and I was gonna go to school.
[04:24:58] I was like a junior in high school, 11th grade
[04:25:02] And I woke up and she had just gotten her morning tea
[04:25:06] To start the raid with her guild into dire maul
[04:25:13] and i said okay i'll see you later and i to school, and she was so happy and excited.
[04:25:20] I-I ti-
[04:25:21] I go to school...
[04:25:22] Eight hours...
[04:25:24] I take the bus ride home,
[04:25:25] walk back to the fucking clou-
[04:25:27] Uh, well I probably went to the convenience store. Got a drink and
[04:25:29] then I walked back home and I'm
[04:25:31] like wow you're still doing
[04:25:33] it? She's like yep we're still
[04:25:35] doing it.
[04:25:37] And she's like eh you know it's been 8 hours
[04:25:40] then I'm like okay
[04:25:42] well
[04:25:43] I'm gonna go do something else, I'm gonna go play
[04:25:45] and then she's like okay
[04:25:47] and I come back later on for dinner
[04:25:51] and i see that her character is dead
[04:25:54] on the stairway up to the last boss
[04:25:58] and everybody in her raid is dead.
[04:26:02] And they're taking a dinner break.
[04:26:04] And I was like, so what do you want to get for dinner?
[04:26:06] She's like, I don't care.
[04:26:07] Look, I don't care.
[04:26:08] Just get whatever...
[04:26:09] I'm doing this
[04:26:11] I can't leave like have been here all day
[04:26:13] Like I'm not she's like I'm never doing a raid again, like this is it
[04:26:16] This is the last time I've never playing with these fucking people again
[04:26:20] This is awful
[04:26:21] But I can't leave." And she was so
[04:26:23] fucking furious.
[04:26:24] And yeah, I don't think any of...
[04:26:26] either of us ate dinner that day.
[04:26:29] That was it.
[04:26:31] Yep.
[04:26:33] So what, his bassist fucked? Yep. So what, his base is fucked? Yep. She was there for like 13 hours.
[04:26:37] Did you go to Petrček?
[04:26:39] No I did not go to Petrček Middle School
[04:26:41] Apparently somebody got stabbed there
[04:26:44] you know i think that's where they filmed uh... what do you call it
[04:26:47] on
[04:26:49] uh... that's where they fell on the
[04:26:52] was the movie? Dazed and Confused.
[04:26:55] Yeah...
[04:26:57] Why didn't she raid with you?
[04:26:59] Um, the reason why she didn't
[04:27:01] raid with us is
[04:27:03] because number one she was not very good
[04:27:05] I'm going to be honest
[04:27:07] but the other reason is that
[04:27:10] I didn't like raiding with my friends
[04:27:12] other than
[04:27:14] very rarely. I would raid Cody or Jeff
[04:27:16] or something like that, or Zach because we were kind of like everybody was good
[04:27:20] but uh...I didn't want to raid with her cause I didn't wanna make a decision
[04:27:24] it would just create drama and so yeah i did have to deal with that it would like just create drama and so i'm
[04:27:27] like yeah i'm just not gonna deal with that so yeah is there's a more hood school than your school uh
[04:27:35] yeah there's a couple
[04:27:36] yeah
[04:27:37] definitely
[04:27:40] Cody
[04:27:41] yeah
[04:27:41] exactly
[04:27:41] and um
[04:27:43] yeah
[04:27:44] but she
[04:27:44] no no
[04:27:44] well she
[04:27:45] raided with us
[04:27:46] in in Wrath but she would raid with our alt-raid because her guild was so bad they couldn't clear Naxx 10 men and then my guild that had Black Proto Drake and everything back then we were, my guild that had, like, Black Proto-Drake and everything back then. Like, we were the top
[04:27:59] guild. And, uh...
[04:28:00] We would bring her with us.
[04:28:02] Bro, she had best in slot.
[04:28:06] Everybody else
[04:28:06] in her guild was, like like cobbling together blues from
[04:28:09] heroics that they barely cleared. She's
[04:28:11] walking around with, like, 226 here
[04:28:13] Like, yeah bro, I run this
[04:28:15] fucking place. Like, yeah it was easy
[04:28:17] How do you kill Kel'Thuzad? I don't know, you just kill him.
[04:28:20] He's right there and you hit him until he's dead.
[04:28:24] Which is probably a better way to earn some of the goofballs than join your pugs.
[04:28:27] You're right about that.
[04:28:29] You are.
[04:28:37] Was there ever something so crazy or illegal that you had a chance to do as
[04:28:39] a team that you backed out of?
[04:28:41] Did I ever back out of something
[04:28:43] that was so crazy or illegal?
[04:29:02] Okay. No.
[04:29:05] There were things that were illegal
[04:29:06] that were crazy,
[04:29:07] but I didn't back out
[04:29:08] of them because
[04:29:09] they were crazy,
[04:29:10] for example.
[04:29:11] Like so like one time
[04:29:11] there was this really hot girl and she
[04:29:13] stole her dad's car and wanted to go out around
[04:29:15] driving with us, me and my friend Zach
[04:29:17] but we didn't go with her because he wanted
[04:29:19] to play WoW
[04:29:24] so Uh, so... Like that's illegal.
[04:29:28] Joyriding because we were all like 14 basically
[04:29:32] and 15. so yeah
[04:29:36] made pizza all night? Yeah we did and uh it was amazing
[04:29:39] but uh you know gaming saving from a kernel background well no like it was
[04:29:43] just that one time time we didn't do
[04:29:45] that.
[04:29:47] Told a story once about talking
[04:29:48] to a friend stealing a car. No,
[04:29:51] I've never stolen a car. I don't think
[04:29:53] I even know somebody who's stolen a car before um yeah
[04:29:59] i i don't know anybody who's stolen a car i feel like that's like just too high risk.
[04:30:15] Just my mom's car? Yeah, that's a little bit different right? I'm talking about breaking into somebody's car
[04:30:16] and stealing it.
[04:30:19] Server still down?
[04:30:19] Yeah, for now.
[04:30:20] Hopefully it'll be up soon.
[04:30:21] We'll see what happens.
[04:30:25] I have word
[04:30:25] should be out 15 minutes
[04:30:27] for the servers to be online.
[04:30:28] Oh, okay Scarface!
[04:30:29] I'm sure you know what you're talking about.
[04:30:33] Is the game good?
[04:30:35] That's alright.
[04:30:37] You didn't steal your mom's car, you took it?
[04:30:39] I never took my mom's car because
[04:30:41] It was a
[04:30:43] What do you call it
[04:30:45] Manual and
[04:30:47] I didn't know how to drive it.
[04:30:49] So, yeah.
[04:30:52] Never knew how to drive it, never gave a fuck and yep, never did it.
[04:30:54] And also, I would have
[04:30:55] never done that even if she did have an awful car.
[04:30:58] I just, like...
[04:30:59] There's, like, a line that I, like, wouldn't cross
[04:31:01] with that kind of stuff.
[04:31:03] And, like, generally, like, I wouldn't really...
[04:31:05] I would never betray my parents' trust
[04:31:07] but I would do things
[04:31:08] that they didn't necessarily trust me not to do.
[04:31:12] You know?
[04:31:12] Like, my rules growing up basically were you can do anything that you want.
[04:31:17] We don't care.
[04:31:18] But if we hear about it,
[04:31:20] you're wrong. I don't care what it was i just don't want to hear about
[04:31:24] it my super ship charles found a hot wire to start some of them. It's a great anti theft solution, to be honest.
[04:31:33] Only you know how to start it? Yeah, I've never done that before.
[04:31:40] Why are there zero ops? I don't know.
[04:31:43] Automatic is for femboys? Yeah, maybe
[04:31:47] that's just not something I was particularly interested in. But if people like doing it
[04:31:51] then go for it man.
[04:31:58] Doesn't matter if you're right or we hear about it, you're automatically wrong.
[04:32:01] That's right. There it is.
[04:32:06] Thoughts on Dungeonborn?
[04:32:08] Um,
[04:32:09] I don't find it to be
[04:32:12] particularly engaging.
[04:32:15] Now I don't find it to be particularly engaging.
[04:32:19] Now, if I had friends that wanted to play it with me I would log on and I'd play it
[04:32:21] It's not like I'm against Dungeonborn
[04:32:23] or like I hate Dungeonborn I think it's a bad game.
[04:32:26] It's just that it's not something that
[04:32:27] I'm super excited for, if that makes sense.
[04:32:30] It's just okay.
[04:32:42] ... Automatic is much more comfortable. I'm saying this as a manual driver,
[04:32:44] I don't really care a lot about driving.
[04:32:48] Um, I just want to get from point A to point B.
[04:32:50] I don't care really about like as long
[04:32:53] as my car is responsive and doesn't break down
[04:32:55] then i'm happy
[04:32:58] some states have a joyride law yeah well
[04:33:00] i don't know if texas does or not
[04:33:02] but uh you know
[04:33:04] i don't think my friend's dad would
[04:33:05] have thought that it was
[04:33:06] would have cared about the law if that happened.
[04:33:10] Do you have a favorite music album for 2024?
[04:33:13] No.
[04:33:14] I don't really. Uh...
[04:33:15] I don't really listen to a lot of music right now because like i used
[04:33:18] to listen to music all the time like on stream but now that um now that like there's like so
[04:33:24] much dmca stuff i don't really do it as much which is disappointing music sucks i don't really do it as much, which is disappointing.
[04:33:30] Music sucks?
[04:33:30] I don't think music sucks.
[04:33:31] I just don't listen to it as much.
[04:33:34] You see Kendrick's pop-out show?
[04:33:36] Yeah, I watch him. yeah i watched it
[04:33:41] how much harder or easier has it gotten to get into the top 10 of streaming do
[04:33:45] you think i think that it's probably all things
[04:33:47] considered about the same.
[04:33:53] I think really, like with streaming if somebody wants to be successful streaming
[04:33:55] there's a lot of things that somebody needs
[04:33:57] and there are a lot of big intangibles
[04:34:01] Like huge, huge like really big intangibles
[04:34:07] like huge huge intangibles like uh it's like for example and there's a lot of things like so for example if you're like a girl
[04:34:10] you have to be attractive.
[04:34:13] That's just the way it is right?
[04:34:16] So like if you're fat or ugly
[04:34:18] people aren't gonna watch you.
[04:34:20] It's just how it is. Now, as a guy...
[04:34:22] If there's something wrong with you...
[04:34:24] Like your face is deformed or something like that...
[04:34:26] Or VTuber...
[04:34:27] Yeah, you should just make VTuber avatar never show your face.
[04:34:30] Right?
[04:34:31] But um... I think for guys it matters too, but it matters a lot
[04:34:35] less.
[04:34:38] Luck and timing?
[04:34:40] I think that luck
[04:34:41] is always a factor, but luck is so...
[04:34:45] Luck is usually forced in a lot of cases.
[04:34:48] And like a lot of people,
[04:34:50] I think that most people usually get lucky,
[04:34:52] but those people that get lucky
[04:34:55] and aren't able to take advantage of it
[04:34:56] end up failing anyway.
[04:35:00] Yeah,
[04:35:01] 10% luck? I think that luck is a factor
[04:35:03] but that's not the biggest factor. I think most luck is a factor, but That's not the biggest factor
[04:35:05] I think most people say that luck is a big
[04:35:07] Factor because it's like a cope that makes them
[04:35:09] Feel good with not being successful
[04:35:11] But I think the truth is that
[04:35:13] If you really work hard and you push yourself to do something,
[04:35:16] then you'll probably have a good outcome.
[04:35:20] That's what I would say.
[04:35:23] Would you say that you're lucky?
[04:35:24] I'm lucky in a lot of ways.
[04:35:26] I am incredibly lucky, absolutely!
[04:35:29] Like for example, like I grew up with both my parents being native English speakers
[04:35:33] I am tall
[04:35:35] I naturally like physically fit um like yeah i have a number of like massive
[04:35:41] like luck factors i'm a guy i'd rather be a guy than a girl absolutely physically fit absolutely yeah a hundred percent
[04:35:54] yeah no i'm like i'm naturally thin uh I don't have big health problems.
[04:36:00] Absolutely!
[04:36:04] Yes! 100%. You don't have to be an Olympic athlete
[04:36:08] to be an Olympic athlete To be physically fit
[04:36:09] Yeah that's not fit
[04:36:11] Well I mean like
[04:36:13] I'm physically healthy
[04:36:13] Okay can you run a mile
[04:36:22] non-stop no
[04:36:23] so yeah
[04:36:26] think people have the same amount of luck
[04:36:28] and bad luck
[04:36:29] there's always going to be like things
[04:36:31] that that are like positive and negative right for people that's the way i see it You can run a mile without stopping if I was chasing you.
[04:36:44] Yeah, server's still acting up. How tall?
[04:36:47] I'm like 6'3", somewhere around there.
[04:36:49] And so yeah, I'm pretty tall.
[04:36:52] But the point is that like
[04:36:54] there's a lot of things
[04:36:56] that people can get lucky with
[04:36:57] but and I think
[04:36:59] that also like for example
[04:37:00] like being attractive or something like
[04:37:02] that like it gives you confidence and
[04:37:04] confidence can make you appear better on camera
[04:37:07] so like it's an abstract advantage but it's an indirect or abstract advantage
[04:37:11] but it does exist
[04:37:15] if that doesn't mean jack the superhero especially nowadays yeah exactly
[04:37:20] being able to run a mile doesn't increase your chances of becoming youtube star no no but like being able to run a mile doesn't increase your chances of becoming YouTube star?
[04:37:24] No, no.
[04:37:24] But like being able to...
[04:37:25] So here's a great example.
[04:37:27] I don't have any issues with my vision.
[04:37:31] Like knock on wood, right?
[04:37:32] I don't have any issues with
[04:37:34] uh... You know, like
[04:37:36] any sort of big medical problem.
[04:37:39] And that is a huge
[04:37:40] disadvantage that other people have.
[04:37:44] Like
[04:37:44] if you are...
[04:37:46] If you need glasses or contacts
[04:37:47] that's a debuff. That's a massive
[04:37:50] fucking debuff and you have to deal with that all
[04:37:51] the time. And it makes life harder, right?
[04:37:54] Uh, if you have like high blood pressure or cholesterol.
[04:37:57] Like other things like this. These are always debuffs.
[04:38:00] Teeth! I have a teeth problem, right?
[04:38:02] So yeah...
[04:38:04] My teeth are fucked up but that's about it.
[04:38:07] Deathly Informations? Don't forget you're only 34, still very young bro.
[04:38:11] Yeah thanks man, appreciate that.
[04:38:13] And uh... so...
[04:38:18] Any hayfever?
[04:38:18] Yeah, yeah.
[04:38:19] Did you fix your teeth?
[04:38:20] Uh, I fixed almost all of them.
[04:38:21] I'm still like-
[04:38:23] Like, I do probably two more appointments
[04:38:24] and then I'm totally done with everything.
[04:38:27] So, yeah. And, uh, anyway... two more appointments and then I'm like totally done with everything. So yeah
[04:38:27] and anyway what I'm saying
[04:38:30] is like that's an advantage
[04:38:32] that a lot of
[04:38:34] people don't get to enjoy
[04:38:35] and not having to deal with those things and those
[04:38:39] problems allows you to
[04:38:41] focus more on what
[04:38:43] you are wanting to deal with and what you do want
[04:38:45] to do.
[04:38:46] So yeah, I mean, I would say that's a huge advantage.
[04:38:50] It's a huge privilege.
[04:38:51] It absolutely is.
[04:38:52] People don't think about it a lot but I do.
[04:38:55] I absolutely do.
[04:39:00] Server still down? It seems that way, man.
[04:39:02] When's the game starting? Probably
[04:39:04] never. It's over and it's cancelled
[04:39:06] The games done
[04:39:10] I think getting into streaming
[04:39:12] and like being successful streaming
[04:39:14] a lot of it has to do
[04:39:17] with personality
[04:39:17] and the way somebody acts on camera
[04:39:19] and there's like a lot of these
[04:39:21] really weird,
[04:39:24] super personal nuance
[04:39:25] things that a lot
[04:39:27] of people might not be familiar with or
[04:39:29] might not understand that play into being popular
[04:39:33] or being successful streaming in a tremendous way but it's hard for people
[04:39:37] to understand or like see that monotone and lame equals no viewers yeah exactly
[04:39:45] is having english as your first language an advantage it's a huge advantage it's a massive
[04:39:49] advantage like for example if i grew up uh esL or like with my parents that are like Mexican
[04:39:55] Or Chinese or something like that. Yeah, that would be a disadvantage here in English society
[04:40:01] Absolutely it's a disadvantage.
[04:40:04] It's not even a question.
[04:40:06] Yeah, like now people overcome that advantage
[04:40:08] but that doesn't matter.
[04:40:10] It still is a disadvantage.
[04:40:17] Spanish Spanish streamers do not get sponsors only like the 1% does
[04:40:19] well I don't know about
[04:40:21] I don't know how their sponsors work, I have no idea
[04:40:23] Do you think if someone has social anxiety they could be successful streaming on other sponsors work. I have no idea.
[04:40:25] Do you think if someone has social anxiety they could be successful streaming in front of a camera?
[04:40:28] I think a lot of streamers probably do have social
[04:40:29] anxiety.
[04:40:31] Yeah, they probably do. Like even sometimes
[04:40:34] uh... Sometimes I do. Right? i mean like and it's not even
[04:40:37] like social anxiety it's more like social aversion like i would rather not you know what i mean
[04:40:48] my sponsor stream whenever the servers aren't available? I'm not being sponsored to play this, so I'm playing it for free.
[04:40:50] I'm just playing it because I feel like playing it.
[04:40:55] Bro, I have bad hypochondriac anxiety.
[04:40:57] Well eventually you'll be right and then you'll die so hey keep
[04:41:01] wasting your time being upset about it. It will definitely make your life better
[04:41:05] Keep it up buddy how do you feel about the game i feel like it's all right
[04:41:17] yeah true i mean hey i'm speaking from experience by the way.
[04:41:20] I went through a spell of that myself.
[04:41:26] You don't think they only play one game because they're sponsored yeah yeah no
[04:41:29] i mean you have to put ad or like sponsor
[04:41:31] like partnership or something like that in a title if you're sponsored
[04:41:36] what do you think about the micro transactions in this game i
[04:41:40] don't like i don't know enough about it i think
[04:41:45] i don't care but i'm not sure fuck man this is taking a while it really is see just the main game that i can play and grind
[04:42:04] so the game like play elden ring number one uh number two what do I care about besides that?
[04:42:15] I don't know.
[04:42:19] Like yeah Last Epoch...
[04:42:21] There's a lot of games that are out right now
[04:42:23] i feel like there's plenty of them valheim yeah poe poe season comes
[04:42:28] out at the end of the month is that right guys i don't know if that's true or not.
[04:42:39] Yeah, that's what people are kind of thinking.
[04:42:41] Yeah, they haven't announced it but yeah.
[04:42:44] Palworld? I've been playing a lot of Palworld.
[04:42:46] I have all four of my bases made. Two of them
[04:42:48] are producing oil.
[04:42:50] I am probably going to do a
[04:42:52] Palworld stream maybe in like four or five days.
[04:42:57] And I'll go through and finish all the end-game content.
[04:43:01] I'm 35, I've leveled up everything...
[04:43:04] Even one of
[04:43:05] my pals was 35 too and
[04:43:07] it's pretty good.
[04:43:13] Thoughts on Dark Souls 2?
[04:43:16] I think it's a bad game.
[04:43:18] I do, I think it's a bad game.
[04:43:25] And that's what I say. It's not good.
[04:43:29] What? Yeah, it's just not a good game. Would that have been a chick you're dating?
[04:43:31] I don't really make a lot of comments or talk about
[04:43:33] people I'm dating or anything like that.
[04:43:35] I think that the more that you share like uh you know romantic
[04:43:38] social stuff i think that really attracts a lot of parasocials and i don't really
[04:43:45] think i need to do that if I bring a girl on stream
[04:43:48] and you know
[04:43:48] people want to speculate
[04:43:49] that's fine
[04:43:50] but it's really not
[04:43:52] important to me
[04:43:52] to
[04:43:53] and I'm not trying
[04:43:54] to shut down
[04:43:54] conversation about it either
[04:43:56] uh
[04:43:56] it's just
[04:43:57] people can talk and think about whatever they want
[04:43:59] but you know,'s not that important. It's not really chat's business
[04:44:03] Yeah, it's not that big of a deal. So
[04:44:07] ... So...
[04:44:13] That's the way I see it. Dante situation shows that well? Dante
[04:44:15] just fucks around, right? That's just how it is.
[04:44:17] You see Palworld has a memory leak?
[04:44:21] Yeah, I saw that first hand.
[04:44:22] I've had that happen many times.
[04:44:24] I better restart my PC for it.
[04:44:35] Do you think we're close to any new great MMORPG? No. I don't think people know what the next great MMORPG is
[04:44:39] I don't even think they know what it looks like.
[04:44:42] But yeah,
[04:44:43] I've seen a lot of other streamers
[04:44:45] I think that whenever you start sharing
[04:44:47] your relationships with your audience
[04:44:49] you do attract a lot of
[04:44:52] parasocials and people that are
[04:44:54] unhealthily...
[04:44:56] They're watching and
[04:44:58] trying to catch you.
[04:45:00] They're trying to figure out what do you really think
[04:45:03] the moment that
[04:45:05] I've noticed this a lot
[04:45:07] I'll read LSF threads
[04:45:09] and stuff like that, and certain
[04:45:11] Twitter posts and YouTube
[04:45:13] comments. And there's
[04:45:15] a subspecies
[04:45:17] of viewer
[04:45:19] that wants to hyperanalyze
[04:45:21] everything that streamers do, and
[04:45:24] I find that to be very unhealthy.
[04:45:27] And
[04:45:27] I don't want to play into
[04:45:30] that, and so I try not to play into that.
[04:45:32] Now obviously everybody does things they do, but...
[04:45:37] You know, I draw the line where I'm comfortable and other people can do what they feel like doing.
[04:45:44] Everything's bad? Yeah yeah sure. like doing.
[04:45:45] Everything's bad? Yeah, yeah sure and
[04:45:47] uh yeah it's pathetic well the
[04:45:49] problem is that I think
[04:45:51] the issue is that people want
[04:45:53] streams to be more than entertainment.
[04:45:56] They want to feel a connection, or
[04:45:58] they want to have the authenticity.
[04:46:00] And it's a weird catch-22
[04:46:02] because I think the authenticity
[04:46:04] is really important, but I think
[04:46:06] the focus and fixation on it is very toxic.
[04:46:09] Like, authenticity matters
[04:46:12] But to the extent that you use that as like a reason why
[04:46:15] your thinking about things or looking at things in a certain way
[04:46:18] that's whenever it becomes unhealthy so yeah people try not to be lonely exactly
[04:46:25] like i've had people get mad at me because I've gotten
[04:46:28] like, I've interacted with a girl, right?
[04:46:30] Or something like that even
[04:46:32] Now, I think that girls get this way
[04:46:34] worse than guys do, because like a lot
[04:46:36] of girl streamer viewers think they're like dating the girl
[04:46:38] streamer right it's very weird but even as a guy streamer i think that what happens is uh what yeah
[04:46:45] yeah absolutely it was crazy surprising no no it was surprising to me too
[04:46:49] I didn't expect it
[04:46:51] So um
[04:46:53] I think the reason why it happens is because
[04:46:55] guys
[04:46:57] This is like It's so weird to explain this right?
[04:47:01] Because a lot of people that watch streams have like this inferiority complex
[04:47:08] where they have to figure out ways that like this streamer is like worse than they are
[04:47:14] That's why for example, like people want to watch someone play video games
[04:47:18] It's bad at video games so they can feel like they're smarter than the
[04:47:21] streamer and at the same time, they want to be
[04:47:24] the streamer but a lot of them I think that there's
[04:47:28] like a vicarious nature of it where they think that like they think
[04:47:33] that they should be in the position that that streamer is
[04:47:36] in and a lot of people watch streamers especially the ones
[04:47:40] that cultivate more parasocial audiences.
[04:47:45] The ones that create really parasocial audiences,
[04:47:47] I think many people in their audience
[04:47:49] think he's just like me but he got lucky
[04:47:53] or things were a little bit different for him.
[04:47:55] And so because you have that
[04:47:57] feeling from people in the audience,
[04:47:59] they... whenever they see
[04:48:01] you get to a point where they don't think that you deserve to be at
[04:48:04] or like where you're like above
[04:48:06] because like a lot of the audience
[04:48:08] likes the
[04:48:09] and this is again part of that weird
[04:48:12] subspecies
[04:48:13] They like the power fantasy again part of like that weird uh subspecies
[04:48:14] uh they like the power fantasy of being able to collectively like cancel or get
[04:48:20] mad at a streamer and cause trouble for the streamer because it gives them power over that person.
[04:48:25] So like they collectively can like
[04:48:27] exert power over this person and get mad
[04:48:29] but there's a weird...
[04:48:31] jealousy, envy
[04:48:33] you know everything right? It's super super weird
[04:48:36] and that's
[04:48:38] why for example like I don't
[04:48:40] that's why I don't take donations
[04:48:42] it's one of the reasons right?
[04:48:44] The main reason is because it's just annoying and people want to have
[04:48:46] their message read and the messages are stupid most of the time it's wasting my fucking time
[04:48:51] but uh anyway then that's also this happened a lot yeah it really does actually. It's super common.
[04:48:56] It's super-super-super common.
[04:48:59] And uh...
[04:49:04] That's basically like why. And weird psychoanalyst
[04:49:08] thought, yeah they'll try to figure out
[04:49:10] like oh this is what wrong with him
[04:49:12] because of this is what he did and that's how
[04:49:14] he did it and this is true
[04:49:16] and its like you can be right about everything
[04:49:18] but you're still stupid because you're thinking
[04:49:20] about a person that you've never met
[04:49:22] that doesn't know who you are
[04:49:24] and you're making statements
[04:49:25] and talking about their mental health as if it matters to anybody, right?
[04:49:31] Like what are you really doing?
[04:49:37] Yeah I only ask because there's a power in my name of it. Yeah yeah no doubt but um they're like i personally know them
[04:49:44] yeah they get like too invested and everything like that
[04:49:48] your take is to chronically online i think you're fan of the too invested and everything like that.
[04:49:51] Your take is too chronically in line? I think your fanbase just cares
[04:49:53] about you because they're emotionally invested?
[04:49:55] I don't have this problem with my fanbase.
[04:49:57] My fanbase doesn't have this issue.
[04:49:59] Like, everybody has these people but like the
[04:50:01] rate of having these people for like my
[04:50:03] viewers is extremely
[04:50:05] low. Right? And the reason why
[04:50:08] I'll tell you why it's low
[04:50:09] It's because a lot of you guys are older than the average
[04:50:12] audience and the people that get really
[04:50:14] attached and attracted to this type of
[04:50:16] content, they are between the ages of
[04:50:19] like 16 and 24.
[04:50:23] Whereas for my audience,
[04:50:25] my audience kind of begins at 24.
[04:50:28] So a lot of people are probably like if you're 32
[04:50:29] you're probably not doing this as much.
[04:50:31] Now I get some people like that...
[04:50:33] ...but I don't get as many.
[04:50:37] So that's what happens with a lot of people.
[04:50:41] 2040 next month is fucking depressing.
[04:50:43] Yep, well hey don't forget that you're gonna die okay?
[04:50:46] Don't ever forget about that. Keep thinking about it.
[04:50:49] If you think about it long enough it won't happen. Let's make a poll.
[04:51:01] It could be interesting.
[04:51:03] I don't need to pull off that analytics. analytics. I'm just saying that's what people
[04:51:05] vote as, right?
[04:51:07] Or not vote as but identify
[04:51:09] as.
[04:51:11] So yeah
[04:51:12] I see a lot of that happen.
[04:51:16] And the way that I see
[04:51:17] different livestream cultures, and for example
[04:51:20] here's a good example
[04:51:22] is the way that viewers
[04:51:24] see sponsored streams,
[04:51:26] I think that if you cultivate a really
[04:51:28] parashilts audience,
[04:51:30] they will get really mad about
[04:51:32] sponsored streams because
[04:51:34] it breaks the illusion of it being for fun and you being their friend
[04:51:41] i don't think that it's being a sellout who wouldn't most people don't give a
[04:51:45] the truth is that mo like I've done sponsored streams,
[04:51:48] nobody's cared. But there
[04:51:50] are certain streamers that can't do sponsored
[04:51:52] streams or don't do as much of them
[04:51:54] because people get really mad about it.
[04:51:56] And the reason why is because the if
[04:51:58] the reason why they're consuming the content
[04:52:00] is unhealthy sellouts well like that's the thing right but
[04:52:04] like i do sponsored streams all the time
[04:52:08] but i don't have that problem with my audience.
[04:52:11] Why is that?
[04:52:12] Well, it's probably because
[04:52:14] one of the big reasons
[04:52:14] is because I just don't...
[04:52:16] I don't cultivate that type of behavior.
[04:52:19] I don't look for viewers that want to know me on
[04:52:22] that level.
[04:52:27] Yeah, just leave? Yeah some people do right but some people don't
[04:52:31] A lot of people don't
[04:52:33] I don't think that people really give a shit
[04:52:35] But to give your honest opinion
[04:52:37] A lot of people sell the game when it's mid at best
[04:52:41] If you've noticed the way that I do sponsored streams
[04:52:44] is that, I don't really like telling people
[04:52:47] the game is good.
[04:52:49] I just like showing the game and being like, this is
[04:52:53] the game. If you want to try the game they gave me a link
[04:52:57] there it is right because that's honest
[04:53:02] mostly female streamers because they have a younger audience?
[04:53:05] What's the logic that female streamers have a younger audience?
[04:53:09] Where is that logic coming from?
[04:53:12] I think this just got invented.
[04:53:17] Yeah, let's be real, right?
[04:53:20] No logic?
[04:53:20] Yeah, it's not even true.
[04:53:24] Strange logic? yeah. It's not even true. Strange logic? Yeah, but like people
[04:53:26] get really mad about sponsored content, but
[04:53:28] again, older people
[04:53:29] whenever you're 21
[04:53:31] there's a lot more resentment
[04:53:34] that you're going to have for people
[04:53:36] that are in a position
[04:53:37] that's better than you
[04:53:38] because you haven't had time
[04:53:39] to build that position
[04:53:40] for yourself.
[04:53:42] But if you're 31,
[04:53:44] you've probably already had a career for five years.
[04:53:47] At least right? Or you're moving in that direction or you're a loser that's given up
[04:53:52] or you're just kind of... again and there's people that are all
[04:53:56] into the spectrum but like I'm talking about
[04:53:58] averages right? So like you cultivate
[04:54:00] a younger audience and like those
[04:54:02] parasocial people they get
[04:54:04] really mad whenever they see you doing a sponsored stream because
[04:54:08] they think to themselves, oh my God, he's doing this for the money.
[04:54:12] My illusion that he's my friend is broken.
[04:54:17] Do you see where I'm coming from here?
[04:54:25] Ten minutes? Yeah, we'll see what happens.
[04:54:28] It'll be six soon and so hopefully that'll happen. Do you share information about your relationship
[04:54:30] with your friends?
[04:54:31] Yeah of course.
[04:54:32] 100%, absolutely.
[04:54:35] Maybe it's the streamers
[04:54:36] who try to find something in their audience in those cases.
[04:54:39] Parasocial goes both ways, you bring up a good point I think you're right.
[04:54:49] Honestly that's why The older you get, the more conservative you get? It depends on who it is right?
[04:54:57] Versus having a success problem
[04:55:00] I don't know
[04:55:00] I don't know why it's happening
[04:55:01] fuck
[04:55:08] even the problems or do you keep those to yourself Fuck.
[04:55:13] Even the problems, or do you keep those to yourself? I don't ever talk to anybody else about
[04:55:15] relation-problems...immigrationship
[04:55:17] problems that I have because I don't think
[04:55:19] that anybody else knows what they're talking about and they're not me.
[04:55:22] Like basically,
[04:55:23] I don't ask anybody for advice
[04:55:25] about almost anything
[04:55:26] And the reason why
[04:55:27] is that I think
[04:55:28] that other people are dumb
[04:55:30] and I think that I understand my life
[04:55:32] better than they do. So all of
[04:55:34] their advice is going to be bad.
[04:55:37] That's generally like...
[04:55:38] And I know that's an ego thing, right?
[04:55:40] But that's the way that i look at things so
[04:55:44] uh i don't really ask people for advice or like
[04:55:47] anything like that not even people older or wiser than you?
[04:55:55] Being older than me does not make you wiser.
[04:55:59] There are plenty of stupid old people.
[04:56:02] I'm not saying that, like...
[04:56:04] I'm not talking about anybody particularly, but
[04:56:06] like, I don't think somebody being older is
[04:56:08] like, that doesn't really matter to me.
[04:56:10] Like, I've always done what I wanted to do
[04:56:12] and I've never listened to anybody else really.
[04:56:15] Like, I'll hear what people say but usually just throw it away.
[04:56:19] It's useless. There is no reason to care.
[04:56:23] So yeah. And I think also another big reason of why,
[04:56:29] Why I don't do it is that all advice you get get, the person
[04:56:36] who's giving the advice doesn't have to
[04:56:38] live with the consequences of it.
[04:56:40] So somebody can say
[04:56:42] oh well just go do this or just
[04:56:44] go do that but like they don't have to live with the
[04:56:47] consequences of that not going well.
[04:56:49] So because of that,
[04:56:51] I don't really value people's advice
[04:56:53] because they have no investment
[04:56:55] in whether the advice is good or not
[04:57:00] plenty of people with 40 years experience of doing something the wrong
[04:57:03] way isn't that a fucking fact. Absolutely.
[04:57:14] You can learn things from other people's mistakes, though? Yeah, definitely.
[04:57:17] But I think that most of the time
[04:57:18] most people's advice and way
[04:57:21] of looking at things is stupid
[04:57:22] and I think that I have a better read on
[04:57:25] things than they do. And so
[04:57:27] I don't want to listen to them, I just listen to what I think
[04:57:29] What if it's my mom's advice?
[04:57:32] Or whenever my mom would give me advice
[04:57:33] Most of the time
[04:57:35] It was generally not a great idea
[04:57:38] or like it's not really what I
[04:57:40] wanted to do.
[04:57:42] Like yeah, I mean sometimes
[04:57:44] it was but other times it wasn't.
[04:57:47] And I think also
[04:57:48] most people give advice based off of what they want to do
[04:57:51] not what they think you should do so it's like they're giving advice as in like if i was
[04:57:57] in this situation this is what i would do which isn't advice for you.
[04:58:00] That's advice for them in a theoretical way.
[04:58:09] Seems overly arrogant if people think they can give a buy some stuff.
[04:58:14] Well, I mean sure maybe they can and maybe they can't, I don't know
[04:58:17] but I'm just giving like my take on it.
[04:58:29] Your mom had best interests at heart? I know she did like, I don't resent people giving
[04:58:31] me advice, right?
[04:58:33] Just because people have my best interests at heart
[04:58:37] doesn't mean that's what I should be doing.
[04:58:41] I listen to what people say. I hear what they're saying i'm just not gonna do it
[04:58:45] i don't agree with them
[04:58:50] my servers are down yep hopefully it'll be up in five minutes because that's the hour.
[04:59:01] What do you think about Connie saying he doesn't take advice from people with less money than him?
[04:59:04] I don't know.
[04:59:05] I mean like, he can do whatever he wants to do.
[04:59:12] Oh...
[04:59:16] What's the best piece of advice you ever received
[04:59:29] um Um... Well?
[04:59:35] I was at Blazor Lazortag,
[04:59:37] and they were briefing us
[04:59:41] on the way to play Blazor Lazortag
[04:59:45] the right way. And they had
[04:59:48] the rules of the Blazor
[04:59:50] laser tag written
[04:59:51] on the side of the
[04:59:53] uh, on like a piece of
[04:59:55] you know, like wood and it was like don't do this
[04:59:59] don't do that. Don't do the other thing
[05:00:00] and I these are the things that you are not
[05:00:03] supposed to do right?
[05:00:04] And my dad was like he pointed he said you see
[05:00:07] that list and I said yep, I see it. He's like he's like I said, you see that list? And I said yep.
[05:00:09] I said that's the stuff you're not allowed to do
[05:00:11] He says no. That's what you need to do to win
[05:00:13] You do that, you're gonna win
[05:00:15] And I said really?
[05:00:17] Yep. And I did it and i won
[05:00:27] wasn't even close there it is and yeah that was the long time ago but
[05:00:37] yeah pretty damn good advice. Yeah, yeah, you know, usually it is.
[05:00:44] Oh fuck, this is taking forever.
[05:00:48] Is he going to be flipping over a board game?
[05:00:49] Same questions, I feel like they know the answer.
[05:00:51] Do you feel like it's new people asking every time?
[05:00:53] Oh! People ask new questions all the time.
[05:00:55] It's not a big deal.
[05:00:57] Yeah that-that's fine.
[05:00:58] Unless they're annoying spamming it then it's okay.
[05:01:01] ABC? That's right!
[05:01:03] That's right!
[05:01:05] Exploit early, exploit often.
[05:01:07] You get in there you do what you need to do.
[05:01:11] Oh, you stopped collecting in a while? Yeah.
[05:01:13] I pretty much stopped doing all that stuff. The reason why I stopped doing it is because I don't think it respects your time.
[05:01:19] It's just a waste of time.
[05:01:24] Always has been? Yeah, probably for a bit but that's the way I see it now.
[05:01:32] Yeah, there it is.
[05:01:37] Chopin World Base? It's still a shithole.
[05:01:43] Having fun with First Descendant? Hell yeah, man! We're having a lot of fun.
[05:01:46] This is crazy!
[05:01:49] This is great!
[05:01:59] Respect viewers time? Yeah, exactly.
[05:02:03] You gonna check out Final Fantasy XIV graphics update?
[05:02:07] Yeah we'll see what happens. Do you feel like it used to respect your time or is that just how you feel now? I think
[05:02:09] that it's probably a combination of both
[05:02:11] where I think that the game doesn't
[05:02:13] respect your time as much as it used to
[05:02:15] and I also think that I didn't respect my time as much as it used to and i also think that i didn't respect my
[05:02:18] time as much as i do now so like those two things coming
[05:02:22] together caused me to stop doing that.
[05:02:34] Not going to be able to
[05:02:35] build on OTK
[05:02:35] top streamer today?
[05:02:36] I just really
[05:02:37] didn't like Extra Emily, and
[05:02:40] i just didn't want to be on a show with her
[05:02:41] honestly that's the real reason guys there it is there it is. There it is, yep. Sorry guys!
[05:02:51] That's the real reason.
[05:02:53] But uh no honestly I had a
[05:02:55] doctor appointment that I had to go to
[05:02:57] and uh it was like a chiropractor
[05:03:00] for my back, because I've been trying
[05:03:02] to get it fixed and it's been working.
[05:03:04] It's pretty much finished now.
[05:03:06] And so I did that
[05:03:08] and I had already... this is the second time
[05:03:10] I had to reschedule because of an obligation.
[05:03:13] So I'm like, I'm not rescheduling again
[05:03:16] because at best point it's gonna be frustrating for them
[05:03:18] cause they already have to do it two other times
[05:03:20] and so i'm like okay i have to go to this right
[05:03:24] and so uh i did that and i told them might be a little bit
[05:03:30] late like i would have come in halfway through if they needed
[05:03:32] me to but uh yeah i would just be like 15 20 minutes late so yeah
[05:03:41] yeah they lose money basically?
[05:03:43] Yeah, yeah. And I like them. They're really nice.
[05:03:45] And also, I was going to get
[05:03:47] a mattress today too
[05:03:49] so I kind of made plans but that's about it.
[05:03:51] Just don't let Kyra touch your neck oh no like other than like
[05:03:55] cracking my neck or something like that i don't do any of that absolutely not yeah Yeah.
[05:04:07] You got the best performance, so all good?
[05:04:08] Well I hope so, yeah.
[05:04:11] Is the hippopotamus boss easy?
[05:04:12] I just one shot him and I'm not good at all?
[05:04:17] Good for you. It took me a few attempts like maybe ten attempts to kill him He was annoying
[05:04:20] So yeah
[05:04:25] Oh But that's the reason why. I just had that planned and I knew I wouldn't get home until it was over.
[05:04:33] Ever try a
[05:04:36] waterbed? No, I had a friend growing up
[05:04:38] that had a water bed but um...
[05:04:40] I never had it myself.
[05:04:48] If I would re-enable subs,
[05:04:51] I would like to have subs but
[05:04:52] I don't want
[05:04:53] to have gifted subs
[05:04:55] because I think
[05:04:56] that's how people give you a bunch
[05:04:57] of money and then they feel like they're owed something.
[05:05:01] So
[05:05:01] yeah, that's
[05:05:03] ideally I would have a thing where
[05:05:05] you can only subscribe
[05:05:06] and that's it.
[05:05:09] And, like, you can't gift
[05:05:10] subs but I don't know if that's an option
[05:05:12] they can provide me. I'd have to talk with them
[05:05:14] and figure it out.
[05:05:17] I'm not sure.
[05:05:19] Entitled is probably right?
[05:05:20] Yeah, people get weird, man.
[05:05:21] They really do.
[05:05:22] They get real weird.
[05:05:25] Do you find burnout on games whenever you compare it to your younger?
[05:05:28] Do I get burnout on games more easily?
[05:05:30] No, I don't.
[05:05:34] Did you ever read about Fingolfin and Morgoth?
[05:05:36] Yeah, if Rings of Power
[05:05:37] redoes that scene, which I don't think they will
[05:05:40] because they don't have the rights to Cimmerillion
[05:05:42] apparently. But if they did
[05:05:44] I would forgive everything else in the show
[05:05:46] if it was as good as it could be
[05:05:47] I don't think it'll happen though
[05:05:49] Hmm it could be. I don't think it'll happen though.
[05:05:59] You ever have an oil prints donate?
[05:06:02] Yes, literally.
[05:06:05] Yep, absolutely.
[05:06:09] I've actually had a lot of fans in the middle east
[05:06:12] yeah i mean like for me i think that uh again right
[05:06:18] i mean no gambling no drinking no credit cards or any interest.
[05:06:24] No drugs.
[05:06:26] You know I there's a lot of overlap there right?
[05:06:29] There's a lot of overlap so So, straight energy?
[05:06:33] Yeah exactly.
[05:06:39] Which one? Coke or Pepsi?
[05:06:41] Oh I like both of them.
[05:06:43] Moving to the Middle East?
[05:06:46] I would have no problem going to the Middle East.
[05:06:49] I'm gonna be honest,
[05:06:50] I think it'd be cool to go.
[05:06:53] I don't know if maybe
[05:06:53] I'll ever do that
[05:06:54] but yeah
[05:06:55] I'd love to go
[05:06:55] and think that would be cool
[05:06:56] yikes
[05:06:59] what?
[05:07:01] I mean like
[05:07:01] because there's
[05:07:02] the bad human rights stuff
[05:07:04] yeah for sure it's bad.
[05:07:06] Yeah, no, it's definitely bad.
[05:07:08] But I'd still want to go.
[05:07:11] I don't really care.
[05:07:12] Right?
[05:07:12] I'd still go.
[05:07:14] I'm just being honest. That's right. go. Yeah, just being honest.
[05:07:16] I'll take?
[05:07:16] Yeah.
[05:07:19] I always pull a PewDiePie
[05:07:19] route and go to Japan.
[05:07:21] No,
[05:07:21] I don't think
[05:07:21] I would do that.
[05:07:22] That's not my type of thing.
[05:07:27] We do bad shit too. Oh, you know it doesn't matter
[05:07:29] I just do what I feel like doing
[05:07:35] Too many weebs in Japan? Probably not man It's so hot yeah but i bet they probably have things fixed
[05:07:39] up for that because like i bet that they're used to it being really hot also my room right now is
[05:07:44] pretty hot like it's probably like 85 degrees in my room.
[05:07:48] 85 Fahrenheit. I don't know what that is in Celsius. But it's fine.
[05:07:52] Like, I can deal with temperatures of like 85
[05:07:56] like 65 to 85, I can deal with no
[05:07:59] problem. Now i prefer for it to be around 70
[05:08:04] but i can deal with up to 80-85. I thought you got ac i did i need to get more insulation on the walls because
[05:08:13] i know the walls right here like my dad called me about this and like i i like i
[05:08:18] know he's saying like yeah it's still gonna
[05:08:19] get hot but like there is no insulation on these walls
[05:08:22] there isn't and so i just need to get insulation put
[05:08:24] on them i honestly i could probably do the installation myself or
[05:08:28] insulation myself because you get like those sprayers and
[05:08:31] like they're very easy to do but I just don't
[05:08:34] i'm not gonna do that realistically
[05:08:42] really yeah yeah Really? Yeah, yeah.
[05:08:43] I mean, just there's a sprayer.
[05:08:47] Yeah, you can spray and it creates like an expanding foam that is used for insulation now.
[05:08:52] Yeah, don't?
[05:08:54] You have to wear a mask as well
[05:08:56] because of the particles
[05:09:00] Is there a country in Europe you find interesting to visit?
[05:09:04] Yeah, I'd love
[05:09:05] to do that. That would be really cool
[05:09:06] Would you go to Japan with Tectone?
[05:09:11] I don't know.
[05:09:13] Yeah, if I could teleport there,
[05:09:15] I'd go for sure.
[05:09:24] Europe Castle Tour?
[05:09:24] Yeah, exactly.
[05:09:32] You definitely gotta wear a mask for insulation because some of them has like a spray that foams up.
[05:09:35] You don't want to get that shit in your lungs. Yeah I know, I understand.
[05:09:38] I-I know how it works.
[05:09:40] What was the thing you were most competitive at?
[05:09:42] Oh, I used to be competitive with everything.
[05:09:44] But now I'm not as much.
[05:09:47] Playing any games today?
[05:09:49] I don't know man! You tell me!
[05:09:50] I wish I knew!
[05:09:52] Yeahhhh...
[05:09:53] I wish I knew, man.
[05:10:00] Techie going straight to Soap Land?
[05:10:02] Yeah, I can't buy it, bro. That shit was so weird.
[05:10:05] Like, I'm gonna be honest honest i would never want to go something
[05:10:06] like that it's just uncomfortable you know like traveling in general uh no i don't
[05:10:12] uh like i'm not like i don't hate it right it's It's not like... Actually, I do
[05:10:17] hate it. But it's not like I'm afraid of it. Like if I have to travel, I'll
[05:10:21] travel. It's fine. But I don't want to and I only
[05:10:25] do it if it's something that really want to do.
[05:10:30] Man, this is crazy!
[05:10:36] Aren't you curious to visit a different country?
[05:10:38] No.
[05:10:41] No.
[05:10:43] Nope!
[05:10:45] Not really.
[05:10:49] Yeah, I mean I'm in America
[05:10:51] Best place ever so
[05:10:55] What could be better brother?
[05:11:00] So Aisha's speed was in norway yeah yeah he's been in europe for a while how about mexico oh i mean going to
[05:11:05] mexico probably wouldn't be that much different than being here in texas
[05:11:09] right like i going to be honest.
[05:11:11] It's going to be different, it'll be
[05:11:13] different, I'm not saying it's not going to be different but
[05:11:14] it should be like close.
[05:11:20] Going in two weeks? yeah there you go
[05:11:21] he got jumped in Norway damn
[05:11:24] that traveling pulls
[05:11:28] you away from streaming and gaming and general fears
[05:11:30] you prevent by doing it I think it's not a fear
[05:11:33] i just want yeah i am afraid i'm afraid of having to do something i don't want to do and committing
[05:11:37] myself to something that i get nothing out of that i don't like. I mean,
[05:11:41] that's really about it.
[05:11:46] You know,
[05:11:46] you'd want to get murdered by the cartel?
[05:11:49] No,
[05:11:49] none of that would happen.
[05:11:52] Like yeah, you could...
[05:11:53] I mean, something bad
[05:11:53] could happen
[05:11:54] but it's not
[05:11:55] some super high probability.
[05:12:05] Just don't piss him off.
[05:12:07] I mean, like... Well, I bet, yeah,
[05:12:10] cartel-like tourists?
[05:12:11] They're not just going to go around
[05:12:14] randomly shooting people.
[05:12:17] Like that's not how you
[05:12:18] maintain anything.
[05:12:20] You can't do that.
[05:12:23] Like surely? No. I mean like yeah it'll probably like i bet most the people
[05:12:28] that they shoot and explore are people that they have direct problems with
[05:12:33] you're probably not doing it to like a random, you know they're not waiting there
[05:12:37] spawn camping people coming across the border. It's not going to happen.
[05:12:40] Now I'm sure it has happened in the past but it's probably not the norm.
[05:12:51] Is Mexican? I've seen him do it.
[05:12:53] Oh, I'm sure, right? But like that could be more of a story. Who knows?
[05:12:57] Spawn camp at the airport? Yeah, yeah
[05:12:59] basically right
[05:13:01] The cartel absolutely does random killings
[05:13:03] I'm sure it's happened but it's like
[05:13:05] I don't think it's happened but it's like i don't think it's like super common cartels killed its own members
[05:13:11] for hurting american tourists yeah i mean like you think about it from their perspective right the
[05:13:15] last thing they want to do is have like America try to fucking, like they've got
[05:13:19] a good thing going on.
[05:13:20] Right? They've got a great thing going on.
[05:13:23] Why would they want to
[05:13:24] sabotage that
[05:13:26] for no reason?
[05:13:30] Like that for no reason. Like, you just think about it,
[05:13:31] right? I mean, the guys who do this
[05:13:34] they're not stupid, right?
[05:13:35] Maybe some of them are but I bet a lot of them
[05:13:37] are not stupid.
[05:13:44] Why would they intentionally like mess something up that's going well
[05:13:51] leaders aren't yeah the leaders are definitely not stupid. Absolutely not.
[05:13:55] You understand that Iran and their proxies actually want death to America?
[05:13:59] Okay... I mean, I'm pretty sure it's people here in America that if
[05:14:01] somebody said, we're going to blow up Iran
[05:14:03] they would vote for that too.
[05:14:07] Like if somebody ran on the
[05:14:09] premise of just bombing every country that doesn't like us
[05:14:13] I think a lot of people would be like, yeah. Yeah true
[05:14:17] So that doesn't really mean a whole lot to me
[05:14:20] And also iran's all the way over on the other side of the world.
[05:14:23] What do I care about Iran?
[05:14:25] Fuck them, they're gonna think whatever they think. Fuck him.
[05:14:36] Yeah, exactly.
[05:14:38] So our maintenance is going ham today?
[05:14:40] Yes, it's crazy.
[05:14:42] Hopefully it'll be over soon
[05:14:48] what's the problem from iran yeah i mean i wouldn't want to get involved with
[05:14:52] that at all. Right?
[05:14:53] Like,
[05:14:54] I mean,
[05:14:54] I've said before,
[05:14:54] I think we,
[05:14:56] you know,
[05:14:56] I'd be willing to hear like a,
[05:14:58] uh,
[05:14:58] you know,
[05:14:58] foreign policy argument for it.
[05:15:01] But,
[05:15:01] you know,
[05:15:01] based off of like morality,
[05:15:03] uh,
[05:15:04] you know,
[05:15:04] I don't want to see us sending money over
[05:15:05] to israel that's a joke absolutely not
[05:15:13] yeah server's going crazy? Yeah, I know man.
[05:15:17] Same?
[05:15:18] Absolutely bro, like yeah
[05:15:19] I'm not about it
[05:15:21] What are you fidgeting with?
[05:15:24] A box cutter
[05:15:24] It's about What are you fidgeting with? A box cutter.
[05:15:31] It's about geopolitics, yeah I don't really give a shit about that though.
[05:15:36] Proxies used foreign money, yeah I could give less of a thought. Ukraine too?
[05:15:36] I would rather send the money to Ukraine than
[05:15:39] Send it to Israel
[05:15:42] That's like a 10x by the way, like I would rather do it
[05:15:45] Ten times or 100 times more to ukraine
[05:15:50] yeah uh i support ukraine way more than israel way way more two different situations yeah this have you seen the ring thing or chiropractors do?
[05:16:08] Yeah, I've heard of it.
[05:16:11] Because your brainwashed by propaganda?
[05:16:14] Yeah maybe but like that's what I think
[05:16:17] Like I don't want to argue with you about it.
[05:16:20] I mean, if you disagree or
[05:16:22] whatever, like, I don't really care.
[05:16:25] Yeah, sure.
[05:16:28] It's not really that important to me. If like a random chatter agrees with what I think about, who cares?
[05:16:34] It's like a geopolitical issue on the other side of the world. Who gives a fuck?
[05:16:39] Like really why do I even care about this?
[05:16:43] So yeah.
[05:16:44] It's not really my thing.
[05:16:53] Everyone's brainwashed one way or another? Yeah, yeah sure.
[05:16:55] Had a good sleep? I slept alright.
[05:16:57] Yeah, I went to bed a little bit later than I wanted to last night
[05:17:00] like I was. I was talking
[05:17:03] to S-Fan, we were planning
[05:17:04] because we're probably going to do 4th of July
[05:17:06] fireworks tomorrow
[05:17:07] and
[05:17:09] we're talking about phase four
[05:17:12] because some people were um
[05:17:16] like there's a post that we made for like the otk uh twitter and like people are saying
[05:17:20] that like we were doing too many sponsored events and I was
[05:17:24] like you know, maybe we should do other stuff. Like do more stuff because
[05:17:27] i think that people are disappointed that we're not doing as much
[05:17:29] stuff together anymore. Not just me an S fan but
[05:17:32] just in general. And so I was talking
[05:17:35] about like S-Fan, like me and him doing
[05:17:36] that and then I was like
[05:17:38] it would be cool because me and Nick
[05:17:40] were going to do a fried
[05:17:43] chicken stream where we go and we rate all the fried chicken stream,
[05:17:45] like where we go and we rate all the fried chicken
[05:17:46] the same as you did with hamburgers.
[05:17:47] So I was like,
[05:17:48] oh man, let's do that too, right?
[05:17:50] And so like...
[05:17:52] Because I told them
[05:17:53] I think some of them
[05:17:54] might have been like
[05:17:56] Oh this is a bad thing.
[05:17:58] Like I don't think it's a big deal right?
[05:18:00] If people aren't happy with what you're giving
[05:18:02] then just give them something else
[05:18:04] and they'll be happy and that's it, right?
[05:18:07] Most Iranians are like Esfand who sold America.
[05:18:09] I mean, Esfand is Iranian
[05:18:11] descent. He grew up in America, right?
[05:18:13] I mean, he's a fucking
[05:18:15] American but I see what you're saying
[05:18:16] like i mean i think most people in iran dubai china russia ukraine
[05:18:23] germany i bet most of them are just normal people that want to live their life.
[05:18:29] They don't have... they're not like, they don't wanna blow up the other country
[05:18:33] They probably like, oh it'd be nice to see the people there
[05:18:36] Like, I don't really think there's that much of an ideological
[05:18:38] difference.
[05:18:41] Because I just don't think people care.
[05:18:43] That's the reason why.
[05:18:46] How do you like
[05:18:46] the game? I don't know. This loading screen looks great.
[05:18:49] Love it.
[05:18:53] They want to blow up Antarctica, they know why. Oh because Hitler's there. You're right.
[05:18:57] That's a good point.
[05:19:02] But yeah, anyway... So we'll probably be
[05:19:04] trying to do some more content like that because I know
[05:19:06] that a lot of you guys...
[05:19:07] A lot of people miss a lot of the content that we used to do.
[05:19:11] So like I was talking with S-Fand
[05:19:13] about like let's do this, let's do that
[05:19:15] right? And um...
[05:19:17] I think that's fair.
[05:19:19] At the end of the day, right? Like sponsored stuff is important. But you know people want to see
[05:19:25] People wanna see like more events and stuff like that then why not do it? I mean, fuck.
[05:19:32] It's pretty simple.
[05:19:36] You're gonna do band appeals?
[05:19:38] Yeah at some point I will.
[05:19:43] Are you going to open guests and viewers? Yeah, yeah! I've got a bunch of PO Box
[05:19:45] stuff that I need to open.
[05:19:49] Worst of worst
[05:19:51] political and civil want to start a conflict? People in power?
[05:19:53] Yeah. I just... That's not big deal to me.
[05:19:57] Just watched your video about tipping. Do you feel the same whenever companies ask for donations?
[05:20:03] I don't care
[05:20:05] about
[05:20:06] people asking for tips,
[05:20:09] I care that
[05:20:10] people think that they
[05:20:12] are so mentally weak
[05:20:15] that whenever they're asked for a tip,
[05:20:17] they feel like they have to give it to them.
[05:20:19] I think that's a bigger problem than asking for the tips.
[05:20:28] I think it's pathetic.
[05:20:31] You're so mentally weak, you're worried about the disapproval of a Starbucks barista
[05:20:33] who if your kid told you that they want to work there you'd say that's
[05:20:37] where losers work but you're also caring about this person's opinion disapproving because you're
[05:20:42] not going to give them two dollars i think about what you're doing like You think this person's a loser,
[05:20:49] why do you care if they approve of you?
[05:20:53] It's just ridiculous
[05:20:57] So yeah that's what i think uh i tip people all the time now because
[05:21:02] I've just got a lot of money but if i didn't have money then i
[05:21:06] Just wouldn't tip at all.
[05:21:10] It's guilt tripping? Yeah it is, it's guilt tripping.
[05:21:13] It's not weak
[05:21:14] it's guilt? Well I know the weakness
[05:21:16] is what causes the guilt
[05:21:19] Yeah, the guilt comes from weakness that's what I think
[05:21:29] Never say as a child. No, I think plenty of parents say that to kids.
[05:21:37] You know what? They may finish the Delvin Elden Ring deal sing?
[05:21:41] I don't think so.
[05:21:44] You watched an intro for Berserk anime?
[05:21:45] Yep, I saw it was great.
[05:21:48] People can be really rude if not tipped as well.
[05:21:50] So I guess some people don't want to deal with this?
[05:21:53] Well, um...
[05:21:54] I don't know.
[05:21:54] I've never really had that issue myself.
[05:21:58] Is it weakness or compassion?
[05:22:00] Oftentimes weakness. Oftentimes... Is it weakness or compassion? Oftentimes people exploit compassion
[05:22:05] and it makes a person weak.
[05:22:08] Yeah, I think that happens a lot actually. People weaponize your compassion and empathy against you
[05:22:14] And then make you do things that are against your best interest
[05:22:18] And they're only good for them
[05:22:21] I think it happens a lot
[05:22:29] so wealthy man if you're shut up the town finds out? Yeah, I don't know.
[05:22:37] I don't have a problem with tipping in general but getting
[05:22:39] out of hand when it replaces like Subway asks for tips
[05:22:41] but it's not really Subway that's asking
[05:22:44] why is that out of hand? If somebody
[05:22:46] asks me for $50 and I say no
[05:22:48] then what's the problem?
[05:22:50] Like I don't see this as being a problem.
[05:22:52] This isn't a big deal to me.
[05:22:55] And I think that people
[05:22:55] that think it's a big deal
[05:22:56] are being pussies,
[05:22:57] so just stop being
[05:22:58] a fucking pussy
[05:22:59] and you're gonna not have
[05:23:00] a problem.
[05:23:02] Yeah,
[05:23:03] just stop being a bitch.
[05:23:04] Literally simplest simplest easiest solution that you can ever have. I'm just learning to say no.
[05:23:18] Yeah, exactly.
[05:23:23] Just because we don't want
[05:23:24] to admit that we're poor?
[05:23:26] I mean if you are...
[05:23:28] If that is a form of weakness though
[05:23:30] That's just being a bitch
[05:23:32] Right? Just being a bitch
[05:23:34] The guilt comes from self-consciousness
[05:23:36] And only empathetic people can come to this conclusion.
[05:23:37] It's not weakness, it's being a decent person,
[05:23:39] not a prick, because most morons have no
[05:23:41] guilt, egomaniacs?
[05:23:44] Uh, no,
[05:23:45] it's not... I think that you're just being taken advantage of and emotionally manipulated
[05:23:50] And you're trying to pass it off as compassion because you're too emotionally weak to have your own center.
[05:23:59] That's what I think.
[05:24:01] It's my opinion.
[05:24:04] Stop being a bitch.
[05:24:09] Makes you weak for presenting something because you have money? So money's made
[05:24:11] you weak into conforming to the dumb shit?
[05:24:13] Well, I don't really think it's a big deal to me
[05:24:15] right? I mean like I have no problem paying
[05:24:17] taxes. I don't really care about that.
[05:24:20] It's whatever, and if I can help people out,
[05:24:22] I can.
[05:24:23] It's not a big deal, but
[05:24:25] yeah, it's whatever.
[05:24:34] Yeah, this literally doesn't matter to me like I'm not really complaining about it right I go somewhere and they ask for a tip I'm not
[05:24:37] crying about this and sometimes I don't, right? It depends.
[05:24:45] People walk past the homeless person and scoff at them for asking for change
[05:24:47] then panicking having to tip a Starbucks barista
[05:24:49] Yep there it is.
[05:24:52] It's that simple.
[05:24:56] Man this is crazy!
[05:25:00] This is really crazy. I wonder when this is going to stop.
[05:25:05] I'll be right back. so so so so so. so so so I don't know about that.
[05:26:52] It's good.
[05:26:56] Mmm.
[05:26:58] My favorite kind of ice cream sandwiches this is so good. Did you see the kick of Amarath, a Mercedes G-Class?
[05:27:28] How much is that?
[05:27:29] I have no idea.
[05:27:32] A G-Class
[05:27:38] Okay, let's see here
[05:27:53] Alright okay all right Hmm.
[05:27:59] There's been a lot of......workers should be guaranteed more money than another minimum wage job?
[05:28:01] No, because I can't explain that
[05:28:03] because it doesn't make any sense it's just stupid Hmm.
[05:28:19] Did I have Cordova? No.
[05:28:22] Mmm, I think one time I did. Mmm. G1 Wagon costs $350,000 here?
[05:28:34] A G-Wagen? I thought those were only like... plus three hundred fifty k here but you are
[05:28:36] i was like only like uh...
[05:28:38] ninety five thousand dollars
[05:28:43] i think right now
[05:28:55] Ruby that's movie
[05:28:58] that's a lot
[05:29:02] 200k plus, that's nuts I never heard that
[05:29:22] hmm hmm I really do like these.
[05:29:30] I'm eating one of these every day, basically. Hmm.
[05:29:40] Yeah, you shutting down Battlefield 3 and 4 servers? No, I haven't seen that.
[05:29:51] What have I been following other servers come back? No.
[05:29:57] No idea.
[05:30:01] How does your brain still function? What do you mean?
[05:30:05] Extra Emily saw your clip.
[05:30:09] Oh man! She found out the truth Wow
[05:30:18] damn drama yeah there you go what brands ice cream eating bluebell that's
[05:30:29] what they have a lot here in Texas. I eat it all the time.
[05:30:34] How many grams of sugar do you consume, you think, in a day?
[05:30:36] I have no idea.
[05:30:38] Probably a lot.
[05:30:40] Whatever you think the number is, it's probably twice that much.
[05:30:50] Do we eat multivitamins? No. There's no reason to do that.
[05:30:56] Never had a multivitamin well I've had them before I just don't eat him now
[05:31:03] law doctors in the chat. That's a fact. Body needs sugar? Yeah, the body
[05:31:10] needs one kilogram of sugar a day so you know I do my best hey that's just the way it is damn this
[05:31:23] has taken a bit I've been here for an hour and a half.
[05:31:30] The brain's going to turn
[05:31:31] into jello? I think it already has.
[05:31:35] I'm going to be real, like this is nuts.
[05:31:40] Do a descendant class poll?
[05:31:42] I don't even know what the descendants are.
[05:31:43] I know there's Bunny and Ajax, those are the only ones i know the name of
[05:31:51] sir has been down since noon that's
[05:31:52] crazy what a up this is like such
[05:31:55] a huge fuck-up for them.
[05:32:02] Yeah, it's really bad.
[05:32:05] Because like, it fucks with
[05:32:07] the momentum of the game.
[05:32:10] Because people are really excited for it, and then all this shit happens,
[05:32:15] and then they lose interest, you know?
[05:32:24] We need some free descendants after this, bro. I need some free everything
[05:32:26] I want like a level boost
[05:32:28] 100% experience boost, something like that.
[05:32:31] I think I should just get
[05:32:33] everything.
[05:32:36] No one else
[05:32:37] is not ready for all the players coming into the game?
[05:32:38] They should have known. They had pre-registration right mean they should have known like they had
[05:32:40] pre-registration right i mean like you should have known that
[05:32:48] next one isn't kuro i, Kuro games had problems too.
[05:32:55] Premium ultimate bunny
[05:32:56] for everyone? Oh boy.
[05:33:01] Fuck. Hopefully it comes back up soon. I want to at least play a little bit.
[05:33:05] It's annoying.
[05:33:07] This is why they don't pre-register much? Maybe you should start then they can plan their servers better.
[05:33:11] Yeah, yeah, why don't you start
[05:33:13] fucking pre-registering?
[05:33:15] That way you know what's going to happen.
[05:33:20] Elden Ring time?
[05:33:21] I think I might go back and play more Elden Ring soon. When am I
[05:33:24] going to play Elden Ring again, seriously?
[05:33:26] I don't really know. Probably soon.
[05:33:30] Yeah, I really like playing Elden Ring.
[05:33:41] ... I really like playing Elden Ring. Fuck... Ashlands when?
[05:33:44] I've played through Valheim
[05:33:46] a number of times.
[05:33:47] I probably could take
[05:33:48] my Mistlands character
[05:33:49] and just go directly
[05:33:50] into the Ashlands.
[05:33:51] I'd just have to put him
[05:33:52] on a new world.
[05:33:53] I just don't know
[05:33:54] if I would want to do that or not uh i don't know
[05:34:03] excited for space marine 2 you see new trailers have i seen the
[05:34:07] new trailers with space marine so i'm gonna play space marine right that's
[05:34:12] basically about it i'm going to play the game
[05:34:14] so yeah i'm already sold.
[05:34:19] Did you ever play Blue Archive?
[05:34:21] Uh isn't that some bullshit uh like gacha game?
[05:34:24] I think it's a gotcha game right
[05:34:32] yeah that's what i thought no i don't think so
[05:34:38] probably not you played through sekiro yeah i beat the game. It is what it is.
[05:34:46] Gotcha Game with Extreme Gun, Detail Autism, detail autism great soundtrack yeah I just
[05:34:50] don't really give a shit that much about it
[05:34:52] yeah i don't even know what this is some demons will log into the game bro it's
[05:34:59] not don't blame this shit on me man!
[05:35:00] Like what are you getting mad at me for? I didn't do this...
[05:35:04] What do ya mean?!
[05:35:06] What're you gettin' mad at me for like I went and gone and done this shit. Absolutely not!
[05:35:12] Holy
[05:35:13] fuck!
[05:35:15] What is this?
[05:35:16] What's even going on? What are people doing?
[05:35:19] It's just a bunch of bullshit.
[05:35:21] Bro, this chain game...
[05:35:23] I need to play that with
[05:35:25] McConnell and Grayson
[05:35:27] or Asphand or something
[05:35:29] Dude, that would be such a good stream maybe we can do that this weekend
[05:35:33] yeah that would actually be really cool
[05:35:38] yeah yeah exactly like that'd be fucking awesome
[05:35:47] jesus
[05:35:51] there's a lot of people trying to play this game, man.
[05:35:57] Holy fuck.
[05:36:02] Well hopefully it's soon.
[05:36:08] Let's see what happens. Did she really have oil in her boobs?
[05:36:12] Absolutely she did! Of course that's what a lot
[05:36:15] of girls started doing uh they put oil on themselves so they
[05:36:18] look better yeah it's been like a new thing in the
[05:36:21] past like six months or so it's pretty awesome
[05:36:28] shots been trying to play a lot of people been trying to play fuck
[05:36:41] as well as from a guy yes I'm gonna happen
[05:36:43] are had to be a good streamer? Just be entertaining and compelling, that's all.
[05:36:50] just do that you'll be fine it's that easy
[05:36:56] how many hours did you have in world of warcraft uh like 37k
[05:37:04] probably probably 37 000 hours in the game.
[05:37:09] Yeah if I had to guess...
[05:37:14] Don't be boring?
[05:37:15] Yeah exactly.
[05:37:18] Don't take a shower for three months?
[05:37:20] No, no.
[05:37:20] The way I...
[05:37:21] How do you feel about Twitch censoring sexual content?
[05:37:24] I think that it's the right decision.
[05:37:27] I think that it should be
[05:37:29] it should be censored by default because underage users could see that
[05:37:35] and it's 18 plus content like if content is meant for adults and it's 18 plus
[05:37:41] based off of its visual appeal then it should be censored that's just the way it is so
[05:37:51] yeah um So... Yeah.
[05:37:53] Absolutely, now I think that like
[05:37:55] I'm not against girl streamers doing
[05:37:57] that on the platform but
[05:37:59] I just think it should be centered by default and then you can
[05:38:01] turn it off
[05:38:04] i don't have a problem with like girls doing it on the platform i really
[05:38:07] don't i think it's fine do you think starting off with clips or YouTube is better for growth?
[05:38:15] Yeah, YouTube is way better for sure.
[05:38:21] First Ascendant gave us 3 3 day experience boosts.
[05:38:23] Will this cut into our hours? Yeah, they probably will actually.
[05:38:27] They'll probably give people tons of boosts and bonuses for this.
[05:38:31] You have to play one game forever and no other
[05:38:33] game, what would you play? Probably just play WoW.
[05:38:36] That'd probably be it because that's
[05:38:37] why I did that for 10 years. I could do it again.
[05:38:45] Hopefully get a free skin.
[05:38:46] Yeah.
[05:38:51] What do you think of Let's Play content for YouTube?
[05:38:53] Like, I stream a game just for YouTube?
[05:38:54] I don't think I would really do that.
[05:38:58] Do you regret playing WoW?
[05:38:59] No, absolutely not.
[05:39:00] I love the game.
[05:39:00] I have so much fun.
[05:39:07] Do you think an MMO lobby hunter style game would work well? Yeah, I think so.
[05:39:09] I miss your WoW content.
[05:39:11] I feel like a lot of people say that they miss WoW content
[05:39:15] and they're like, oh this stream used to be good
[05:39:17] whenever you played WoW. Dude, people are
[05:39:19] complaining so much back then that all I did was play
[05:39:21] WoW. It's like you can never make everybody
[05:39:23] happy. And so I don't really worry about
[05:39:25] it or think about it that much at all.
[05:39:27] You know, it is worth this.
[05:39:29] Am I just Pal World content? Well you'll be in luck
[05:39:31] in a couple of days. I'm gonna do it again.
[05:39:38] Wall's still here? Yeah. Dragon's Dogma 2 content? I feel like I didn't really do a lot of Dragon's Dogma 2 content,
[05:39:46] I just pretty much played through the game and that was it.
[05:39:50] Yeah, I'm trying to think like what did
[05:39:52] I really do? I feel like I didn't do anything.
[05:39:59] Have you fully played Skyrim?
[05:40:01] Uh, no.
[05:40:03] I didn't even really partially play Skyrim.
[05:40:05] I was just never that interested in the game.
[05:40:09] I missed first descendant content? Yeah, me too man.
[05:40:13] Me too.
[05:40:17] Jesus... Give like maybe 10 more minutes. Jesus.
[05:40:22] We've got like maybe 10 more minutes or so.
[05:40:25] God damn.
[05:40:32] Are we really descending tonight? Yeah, we sure are. Did you get through 1.1 in Wuthering waves? Yep I did everything! I beat everything, I showed it earlier on the stream. Fuck man.
[05:40:47] Looking forward to New World on Xbox? Yeah it should have released on console honestly.
[05:40:51] I don't know what the hell happened
[05:40:55] you do a skyrim playthrough maybe one day i just don't know if that's ever
[05:40:56] gonna happen
[05:41:01] but discord mod says uh sorry to keep you waiting.
[05:41:04] We have no ETA? Yeah they don't know when it's going to be up.
[05:41:07] I got no idea when it's gonna happen.
[05:41:11] New World sucks shit outside of gathering and crafting?
[05:41:14] I mean, yeah. New World had a lot of problems...
[05:41:17] I don't know.
[05:41:18] Do you see the banana game is dying? Of course it's dying!
[05:41:22] It was a bad game. this is a piece of shit.
[05:41:30] Jesus! This is taking forever.
[05:41:32] You gonna try out Once Human?
[05:41:34] Abso-fucking-lutely, I am.
[05:41:37] Yep.
[05:41:39] What is your experience with anti cheat software and what would you recommend?
[05:41:43] I think that unless you can pay for something really good
[05:41:45] like DeNovo, and you're a big AAA
[05:41:47] developer, there's no reason to do
[05:41:49] any sort of crazy
[05:41:51] anti-cheat. There's just
[05:41:53] no reason to do it
[05:41:54] It's like the
[05:41:57] the investment that you're gonna put into it will be proportionally higher than
[05:42:02] the money you would lose from piracy i think it's only really worthwhile if
[05:42:07] you're doing a uh or no is on anticheat oh you're that's
[05:42:11] a good point yeah i don't know it depends like if
[05:42:15] it's a single player game then you don't need anti-cheat
[05:42:20] just try out mecha break yep um i got an offer to play that game but i had to do nda uh so i i will play it when it is non-nba
[05:42:33] and he cheats a headache for people aren't cheating yeah exactly it's just annoying man this is crazy
[05:42:44] this is just this is something special man
[05:42:49] this really really something special what a
[05:42:52] up
[05:42:53] game still down yeah it's still down
[05:42:57] amazing amazing
[05:43:07] why not taking it due to nda because i think that my first impressions of a game are what people like seeing and i think that being able to experience
[05:43:10] that authentically on stream is more important than seeing the game early
[05:43:17] pretty simple
[05:43:26] like the old wow maintenance yeah this is the way it used to be in WoW for a long time.
[05:43:36] How's PAX Day?
[05:43:38] I haven't played it at all ever since it got released because it was really laggy.
[05:43:41] Is tomorrow going to be Zenless on ZeroStream? Yeah! as it was like really laggy.
[05:43:42] Is tomorrow gonna be Zenless on ZeroStream? Yep,
[05:43:44] it is. I'll do
[05:43:46] my usual bullshit and then we'll play
[05:43:48] it for the day.
[05:43:54] Rathalich King used to have Tuesdays off.
[05:43:55] Fuck yeah, man.
[05:43:58] I remember faking sick on a Monday or on a Tuesday.
[05:44:00] What a mistake that was.
[05:44:01] Jesus. You waiting for Throne and Liberty?
[05:44:04] Am I waiting for it?
[05:44:10] I mean...
[05:44:12] I'm not super excited for Throne and Liberty.
[05:44:15] I heard it's kind of mediocre.
[05:44:17] I'll play it!
[05:44:18] I'll definitely play it,
[05:44:20] I'm just not like
[05:44:21] oh wow this is gonna be amazing
[05:44:23] you know
[05:44:26] you'll hate throne liberty maybe i will i'll have to find out
[05:44:31] what's your biggest regret in life i don't really have a lot of regrets
[05:44:34] i don't really have a lot of regrets. I don't do regrets.
[05:44:38] With
[05:44:38] Sinus on zero, are you really going to do three
[05:44:40] gacha dailies every day?
[05:44:42] No, I'm not doing
[05:44:44] Star Rail dailies right now. I'm not doing Star Rail dailies right now.
[05:44:47] I'm only doing...
[05:44:49] What do you call it?
[05:44:51] I'm only doing Wuthering Waves.
[05:44:58] Yeah, I'm trying to think.
[05:44:59] Like yeah, so it'd probably just be Zendosun Zero and that.
[05:45:02] And also like
[05:45:03] any game you regretted ever playing
[05:45:05] I don't know.
[05:45:06] I'd have to think about it doesn't all guys sorrow dailies only
[05:45:10] take three minutes most dailies only take three months weathering waves takes five or ten it's
[05:45:15] nothing It's nothing.
[05:45:25] Is Wuthering Wave your best gacha game right now?
[05:45:29] I like it, yeah, it's a good game. I think it's great game
[05:45:34] Absolutely
[05:45:40] Better than raid shadow Shadow Legends? Oh true. xQc reacted to Kick is Cooked?
[05:45:44] What did he think, did he agree with me?
[05:45:48] I'm curious.
[05:45:53] Yeah, I feel like he and I pretty much probably agree with it.
[05:46:00] XDD watch it. Pepe laughed.
[05:46:02] Well I'm just curious right? What do people say?
[05:46:05] He agreed with you but said the video was parent.
[05:46:11] He has a biased
[05:46:12] opinion. Well, who cares
[05:46:14] whether somebody has a bias or not,
[05:46:16] right?
[05:46:18] I don't give a shit about
[05:46:20] that. like if people
[05:46:23] if it's true then it's true if it's not
[05:46:25] then it's not
[05:46:28] he's kind of defensive on kick well
[05:46:30] people usually shit on xqc for taking a
[05:46:32] sponsorship from kick
[05:46:34] I don't really think it's that big of a deal. I just don't
[05:46:40] It's just it's not a big deal to me
[05:46:45] I think most people would take a lot of money to do something like that
[05:46:49] especially whenever it's like
[05:46:55] is he gambling on kick all the time i don't really think so so it's like it's a lot of money i mean people would do that for 1 million
[05:47:02] so like what's the problem?
[05:47:07] He stopped? Oh, good for him.
[05:47:13] Yeah, I think
[05:47:13] after XQC signed that deal, lot of people started to resent him and hate him.
[05:47:20] Because it's like what i was saying before about how people don't like to see
[05:47:24] other people succeed at the level they feel like they don't like to see other people succeed at a level that they feel
[05:47:27] like they don't deserve. Lost respect for him? Yeah, but
[05:47:31] I-I don't see how would you lose respect for somebody
[05:47:35] for doing that. It doesn't even make sense.
[05:47:38] Like, why would
[05:47:39] you respect somebody for streaming on Twitch but not
[05:47:41] streaming on like another platform
[05:47:43] selling out to Gamba site?
[05:47:46] Yeah, but it's like he's not really doing
[05:47:48] gamba on the website so like who cares so like he's now
[05:47:53] he's accountable for like everything that happens on the website.
[05:47:59] Come on...
[05:48:01] Like,
[05:48:04] what are we doing?
[05:48:07] Who cares?
[05:48:13] People are morally disingenuous. If they're put in this position, they do the same thing.
[05:48:15] Yeah a lot of people would.
[05:48:17] It's always easy for
[05:48:19] people that aren't in a position to do
[05:48:22] something
[05:48:23] to criticize people who are
[05:48:27] pushing morals onto someone they don't
[05:48:29] know yeah i know like respect it's entertainment
[05:48:31] yeah like respecting the person like jesus christ like settle settle down man dial it the back
[05:48:39] chill out Chill out.
[05:48:48] Big Polish streamers left for kick and gambling is legal in Poland?
[05:48:52] Yeah, maybe. I don't know.
[05:48:54] Nobody should criticize him for getting money
[05:48:56] if he's sucking our dick when they do some ascent
[05:48:58] it might be a problem
[05:49:00] I don't know. There could just there could just be a disagreement, right?
[05:49:03] He just doesn't agree with what people think.
[05:49:05] Who knows?
[05:49:11] How is this still not working? I don't know.
[05:49:13] Like, because I've got to do a meeting at 7 and like that's in 15 minutes
[05:49:17] I'm not even going to be able to play the game today
[05:49:19] I'm kind of fucking annoyed
[05:49:23] Yeah I'm kind of fucking annoyed. Yeah.
[05:49:25] It's dumb.
[05:49:26] Like,
[05:49:27] I was gonna play it
[05:49:27] for a lot
[05:49:28] so I was hoping for...
[05:49:31] Oh,
[05:49:32] fuck.
[05:49:33] Like,
[05:49:33] I was hoping we'd change at 6 but it seems like that's not what's happening
[05:49:39] Forpa fucking meeting man? Yeah I know, I've had a lot of things going on
[05:49:43] But that's the way it goes
[05:49:49] Malls drive interest of people. I don't think that people give a shit about that stuff really but I'll chill for like 5 or 10 more minutes
[05:49:53] and then I really do have to go and get ready for something
[05:49:56] while some stream. Yeah, I hope people enjoyed the
[05:49:58] stream it's too bad that
[05:50:00] you know we weren't able to stream more
[05:50:02] I've had a lot of things
[05:50:04] that are kind of getting in the way of my streaming
[05:50:07] but you know
[05:50:09] it is worth this
[05:50:11] so
[05:50:13] I'll start with Microsoft server issue, yeah
[05:50:15] no games were had That's Yeah. No games were had, that's right
[05:50:17] no games were had today. It's sad
[05:50:21] Tomorrow we're going to play Zen of Sun Zero though, that's what my plan is
[05:50:25] I'm gonna get into that and get into that,
[05:50:27] and it'll be fun.
[05:50:28] I'm actually quite excited for it.
[05:50:34] Lucky they didn't reserve streamers' IDs.
[05:50:37] Who cares? Like, I don't give a shit about that. Like, I would prefer- like
[05:50:42] I actually would like if websites and games could reserve my ID.
[05:50:51] Like I actually would like that just reserve Asmongold for me
[05:50:53] because people impersonate
[05:50:55] me, and then they
[05:50:56] it's not that they'll make me look bad.
[05:51:00] It's that they will scam other people
[05:51:02] in the game pretending to be me.
[05:51:05] So, like,
[05:51:06] it's just basically...
[05:51:09] Like, I would rather than just blacklist the word.
[05:51:12] You can't make that your name.
[05:51:14] Nobody can, not even me, right?
[05:51:17] But don't go and let other people do it
[05:51:19] and impersonate me and scam people, right? It's like just a bad idea
[05:51:23] And if it just hurts the hurts your own players
[05:51:27] So yeah, that'd be smart. Yeah exactly
[05:51:32] Trademark your name? Well just because you trademark something doesn't mean the game has to reserve it for you
[05:51:40] You seen Wu-Shang Fallen? Yeah, I saw that before.
[05:51:46] No copyright? Yeah, it's not the way it works. Troy if you had your people contact games you want to play early they would
[05:51:58] do this for you some games have I don't really ask for
[05:52:01] it a whole lot but yes some games have done that.
[05:52:05] But yeah, a lot of games I would like if I could
[05:52:08] reserve my name on the game. That way
[05:52:10] people couldn't impersonate me and pretend
[05:52:12] to be me and scam people because i see that
[05:52:15] happening a lot
[05:52:16] i've even had people take the name and
[05:52:18] then try to sell it to me
[05:52:20] which is just like again it's like as a
[05:52:22] developer like you're letting this
[05:52:23] happen
[05:52:23] it's bad.
[05:52:26] So yeah.
[05:52:31] In Classic WoW, that was a really big thing.
[05:52:35] Is there a blue checkmark for games? Yeah, I think so.
[05:52:36] I think that'd be a good idea.
[05:52:39] This is just fucking ridiculous.
[05:52:41] Alright, so here's what's going to happen.
[05:52:44] I've got to go do a meeting and do that in like 10 minutes.
[05:52:46] So,
[05:52:46] I'm not going to have time to just sit here for like fucking five hours
[05:52:50] and just wait for this to happen.
[05:52:53] So,
[05:52:53] uh,
[05:52:54] I'm going to go ahead and do that
[05:52:55] and I'll be back on tomorrow, probably earlier I'm going to go ahead and do that. And,
[05:52:56] I'll be back on tomorrow.
[05:52:58] Probably earlier.
[05:52:59] Uh...
[05:52:59] I'm planning on it being earlier.
[05:53:01] And uh...
[05:53:02] We're gonna play Zenless Stone Zero
[05:53:03] probably all day.
[05:53:05] And get into it.
[05:53:06] So yeah.
[05:53:08] Thanks a lot for watching today guys. I really appreciate it.
[05:53:10] Sorry it was kind of a little bit of a scuff stream
[05:53:12] in a number of different ways but that's
[05:53:14] the way things go and I'll be back
[05:53:16] on tomorrow. We'll get back to work.
[05:53:18] So thank you guys all very much for watching.
[05:53:20] I appreciate it,
[05:53:20] and I will see you all tomorrow.
[05:53:23] All right, boys, peace!
[05:53:24] See ya!