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North America vs IEM Veterans - IEM Dallas 2024 - Twitter @tarik

06-02-2024 · 6h 03m

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[00:00:00] . so.. so. so Yeah, we're live.
[00:01:26] Fuck this intro.
[00:01:32] That was a good chat. I'm running a little late, my bad.
[00:01:39] The Beast! What the fuck? I don't think we've ever quite seen that before. Now, we're talking and Shookz was actually playing the game. We were just going to say, what's up with you guys?
[00:01:40] You know, it's not like they're really good at this stuff.
[00:01:41] They're pretty good at this stuff.
[00:01:42] Yeah, but they're not as good as they used to be.
[00:01:43] I mean, they're still very good.
[00:01:44] I'm sure they are.
[00:01:45] But, yeah, I don't think they're doing a great job of getting the ball in the net.
[00:01:46] I don't think so.
[00:01:47] I think they're doing a great job of getting the ball in the net.
[00:01:48] I think they're doing a great job of getting the ball in the net.
[00:01:49] I think they're doing a great job of getting the ball in the net. I think they're doing a great job of getting the ball in the net. I think they're doing a great job of getting the ball in the net. Now we're talking! I don't think we've ever quite seen that before.
[00:01:50] Now we're talking and Shookz was actually playing the game, how dare he?
[00:01:53] Look this might end up on your stats for HLT.
[00:01:56] What the fuck is going on?
[00:01:58] You'll never know...
[00:01:59] I can't believe Elegious actually opened up the pistol with an aggressive offensive boosted Zeus.
[00:02:04] And Goose gets one across the line, can Goose do anything in the clutch? Unable to find Texas's head i am veterans take the pistol trace was
[00:02:14] happy with one kill doesn't take a lot to put a smile on his face apparently
[00:02:23] what look at that. That's not something I was expecting.
[00:02:25] Sorry, I'm trying to fix my overlayer.
[00:02:27] Giant chickens, boosted Zeuses
[00:02:29] and first round for the IM veterans
[00:02:31] Actually the team's, you know, slightly...
[00:02:35] Oh actually, I don't know!
[00:02:36] I'm having a look.
[00:02:37] You've got Alij, Shush and Tessus
[00:02:39] all current professional contract players.
[00:02:42] What's up Chase mode chat? Yes.
[00:02:43] Don't worry bro, I'm not in Valorant now.
[00:02:45] It's very early.
[00:02:46] Don't worry bro.
[00:02:47] I'll get out of your hair.
[00:02:51] Wait what's the game mode here chat?
[00:02:53] Does anyone know what the fuck is going on?
[00:02:55] Is this a regular show match or anything special going on?
[00:03:04] Why are there chickens
[00:03:05] some big chickens
[00:03:07] all over the map
[00:03:09] but this one's gonna be a mo-over
[00:03:13] inferno everyone's favorite map I've heard.
[00:03:17] Yeah well, I mean...
[00:03:19] Whoa!
[00:03:20] He's using a chicken angle!
[00:03:22] Where'd you hide in the chicken?
[00:03:24] I don't know why my sub account is not shaking Josh's playing
[00:03:27] along that's the strap that's the
[00:03:29] strap we gotta fix that now or should i
[00:03:31] say fuck it
[00:03:31] he's trying to go for chickens I think
[00:03:33] bugger right now
[00:03:35] it's fun like a Trojan horse you know oh Fuck it right now. It's fine.
[00:03:37] Like a Trojan horse, you know? What am I watching
[00:03:39] right now? I don't know! He's inside the chicken.
[00:03:41] He's riding it. The movement is like cat ate.
[00:03:43] It's sporadic.
[00:03:45] I don't know what's happening. guys lost their minds number two she's
[00:03:49] she's i mean i saw her i saw a tweet she says how many times can i
[00:03:54] oh my god guys.
[00:04:08] Well, that's a lot of text right there
[00:04:15] No, I've just been informed with my other tech pause. I think it's too much chicken tomfoolery idea
[00:04:17] well nice to wrangle those
[00:04:27] Who looks after chickens fathers? wrangle those who looks up to chickens farmers uh farmers yeah typically i reckon just chicken men just chicken farmers chicken farmers yeah it's specific you have to know
[00:04:31] the in beans on outs all right well i'm not sure what's going on with this tech issue but uh
[00:04:36] hopefully we can get a sorted asap oh my god was j the gym good? Uh yeah, it was
[00:04:42] good. Hi chat. Now you were talking about what jersey
[00:04:47] was that like a bikini jersey historically been quite um a mainstay Yeah, like in Bucks New Jersey?
[00:04:59] It's definitely brought a whole lot of quality matches over the years. Is this stream so you can go fully degen? What do you mean?
[00:05:08] It absolutely has. I mean, you know...
[00:05:12] How tired 1-10? I'm not tired! This is my usual schedule. you know earlier iterations
[00:05:12] I'm not tired this is my usual schedule
[00:05:14] oh my god Source
[00:05:16] I remember that menu wow that's cool
[00:05:19] I didn't play source really but I remember it
[00:05:23] This is real or fake? source really but i remember it i wasn't playing too much sauce but for mine oh
[00:05:26] yeah i understand this is real or is this production
[00:05:34] there oh dear wait to old inferno?!
[00:05:39] What the fuck! This inferno's way better!
[00:05:41] What's happening?
[00:05:42] That was sick.
[00:05:45] Oh my god, it's your original Inferno from CSGO, right?
[00:05:48] Oh my god.
[00:05:49] Oh my god, this is crazy.
[00:05:51] How'd they do that?
[00:05:58] ...... 10 bullets left you could probably find some more he's got the angle worked it out can't finish off the job and he's making it work with the mp5 what the is going on i'm not sorry like the amount of
[00:06:03] ridiculous one ways they used to have on maps like this, insane.
[00:06:09] I wanna know what's at Utiland. He got a Coffin Smoke!
[00:06:12] Kinda.
[00:06:15] I think he went a jumper, eh? Frag onto nothing. And a leash down to goose!
[00:06:29] Neo, an interesting choice in the weapon department...
[00:06:32] What the fuck is this?
[00:06:33] Is that uh...
[00:06:35] Is that what I get or is it?
[00:06:36] It's the other one, I forget the name of it.
[00:06:38] M249 or some shit?
[00:06:41] That might be a Negev.
[00:06:43] I think that's an Negev, right?
[00:06:48] It wasn't a Negev? I think he could accidentally still be a sicko with it.
[00:06:50] It wasn't again?
[00:06:53] Yeah, but he's got time 40 seconds to work this one out.
[00:06:55] They're not going to overstep.
[00:06:57] Rek'Sai is actually just holding for the rotation.
[00:07:00] We want to make sure you win a couple rounds if you are representing na still looking good in the corner and
[00:07:04] the same result so i will close it down you should be
[00:07:06] the best player in this series if this is the map we're gonna play. Maybe we can get our
[00:07:11] MC to show us the gate at the back of B. This is something that we used to do
[00:07:15] back in the day, you got the nades...
[00:07:18] Oh my god! What is that sign?
[00:07:23] What the fuck?!
[00:07:34] That's funny, that's funny. First round on the board, Trey is savvy with that one. Costume change for seven in a row?
[00:07:37] Absolutely not!
[00:07:38] I'm taking a break from that.
[00:07:40] You can boost if you get on logs,
[00:07:43] you can boost on logs and actually see players
[00:07:45] backside. Yeah okay the back
[00:07:47] nubugs. Neo
[00:07:49] Legend of the game
[00:07:52] Not known for sources, Neo. 1.6 up!
[00:07:56] Oh my god he is out.
[00:07:59] He's rocking the Bucky!
[00:08:02] They're trapped behind the smokes.
[00:08:06] Shush!
[00:08:07] You got an opportunity!
[00:08:09] The sawdust!
[00:08:11] Okay...
[00:08:13] Great!
[00:08:16] I forget the name of the shotgun, I'm not gonna lie.
[00:08:19] The Mag-7, the Sawdog...
[00:08:22] What was the other one called? He's good for another. Okay, Tessus,
[00:08:24] your shotgun's not gonna
[00:08:25] get you.
[00:08:25] Nova.
[00:08:26] Nova, yeah.
[00:08:27] Nova, right?
[00:08:28] Nova, yeah.
[00:08:29] XM, we had auto-shotting
[00:08:30] but we don't have...
[00:08:31] Do we still have XM?
[00:08:33] I thought Max 7
[00:08:34] replaced it or
[00:08:34] how many shotguns do we have? Three?
[00:08:36] Is this the Nova XM and
[00:08:38] the Mag 7, is it three?
[00:08:40] He wins this round.
[00:08:42] It's all three yeah. And then the sawed off is a pistol.
[00:08:53] Look at that HP, that's two pumps each now. and then the sawed off is the pistol. Why does the game look different? It's because they're in the old Inferno,
[00:08:56] so the game looks different because of're on the old inferno so the game looks different than that i guess
[00:08:58] yeah and look at brad dude it's the only one with racks is the same i swear to god
[00:09:04] he is sitting in pool oh dear i take it back you still think he's gonna win i
[00:09:08] take it back
[00:09:09] i would be very impressed
[00:09:12] can't even get a bullet out before goose finds him
[00:09:15] triple kill from goose actually looks Max really looks his in.
[00:09:19] These guys don't age, how are these guys not aging?
[00:09:23] What's the secret?
[00:09:27] He's got a beard that's it It's the same person with a beard.
[00:09:29] Jordan?!
[00:09:31] I forgot Jordan was playing.
[00:09:35] Jordan Gilbert?
[00:09:37] Nothing but headshots? Is that him? Are they saying boo because there is that him?
[00:09:40] And this ain't boogers an ad cheese stew what a storyline the fact that it's been happening here all just feels like you know
[00:09:46] That is scripted
[00:09:51] Exactly It's scripted It makes it just too poetic Exactly, it doesn't make any sense that this is actually happening
[00:09:53] There's no way there's anything to do right here are they?
[00:09:55] We'll embrace it. Yeah you must
[00:09:57] What's the power up on this round? Oh Grim's mad
[00:09:59] Grim is charging.
[00:10:01] He's not even playing yet!
[00:10:04] He's straight up behind...
[00:10:06] That's the bomb, that's the bomb!
[00:10:09] Jordan what are you doing?!
[00:10:12] JORDAN!!! Jordinho!
[00:10:16] Wait, Neo and Shud are gonna go
[00:10:18] round the world. Oh no, Goose is going to get a
[00:10:20] lead again. Hold on. Oh no... She had him gonna get a lead again. Oh nooo...
[00:10:25] Oh wait she got Franks!
[00:10:27] Oh my god!
[00:10:29] I forgot that window didn't exist there
[00:10:33] Wait how the fuck does this guy get here? Wait his map is so dark!
[00:10:35] Oh my god...
[00:10:37] Okay he's got one back but now
[00:10:39] This flank is
[00:10:41] Gonna come into fruition.
[00:10:46] The death of Jordan has made things very uncomfortable.
[00:10:50] Leisure distraction, they do clock shush and take him down empty-handed.
[00:10:52] Neal has truly gone around the world.
[00:10:53] Maybe him in aege can do something.
[00:10:55] Oh my god! Look how dark this fucking pit is!
[00:10:59] Can I please have a kill?
[00:11:04] Yeah, this window room I completely forgot about that as well.
[00:11:07] Same?
[00:11:07] What is that?
[00:11:09] Our 10-year-old daughter plays CS2 better than you.
[00:11:12] Oh my god!
[00:11:13] Oh my god, it's so wholesome.
[00:11:16] W mob! WMOM!!!
[00:11:20] Okay, so Chad that window room is crazy
[00:11:22] Yeah, so there used to be in 1.6
[00:11:24] There was a ladder above T-Stars that you would go on,
[00:11:26] and then in Source you had this little cheeky window.
[00:11:28] Failing all her classes but she didn't stay in SCS2!
[00:11:31] WMOM FOR REAL!
[00:11:32] I'm kidding.
[00:11:34] Well, I think that was their way of replacing the ladder
[00:11:36] But they've gone with this almost impenetrable window room
[00:11:43] Wait I'm not gonna lie a couple little quirky did I play this version of Inferno in CSGO?
[00:11:47] Because I came to CSGO a little late.
[00:11:48] What is his angle?!
[00:11:50] I've never seen this angle!
[00:11:52] Where is he?!
[00:11:54] Where IS HE?!
[00:11:55] What is this?!
[00:11:59] Oh, this is a source inferno not the goal inferno?
[00:12:01] Ohhh...
[00:12:03] I thought it was an OG
[00:12:05] goal.
[00:12:08] Is that just a bug in the halls?
[00:12:11] That door's not supposed to be there, right?
[00:12:13] You didn't break it.
[00:12:14] That little fence in the halls is not supposed to be there, right?
[00:12:18] It's been a while.
[00:12:33] I don't actually remember what the sound was. Oh, no! source yeah right it wasn't so there's no way just tessus another card oh no that's gonna punish him
[00:12:42] that's for the other one what else i got can we go 1.6 whenever you're going to 1.6 well it's powered by steel right there that's gonna help they can't go to one point six because of the source engine
[00:12:47] probably right there's no way they can go 1.6. If anything, this is like Neo's Kryptonite.
[00:12:52] Yeah it's not his cool part he's actually
[00:12:54] gotten yet to fly on the solar panel.
[00:12:56] And nothing as well, nothing was also a 1.6 plan on us
[00:12:58] so it really just...
[00:13:00] This is unplayable, it's dark as shit I can't see Jack. You're not playing it you're watching buddy!
[00:13:05] This guy says its unplayable, you're not playing it buddy!
[00:13:12] Wait a sec... Grim's being mollied. He mollied, thanks!
[00:13:14] Thanks for nothing! Still takes down the leash.
[00:13:16] They're gonna have to bomb this time.
[00:13:18] This is what they wanted to do last time.
[00:13:20] Oh grim... The score is... oh my god. You've not got the weapon or know the position. I say that actually
[00:13:23] Oh my god
[00:13:25] Jordan nothing gilbert
[00:13:27] Takes down brim
[00:13:30] Rex found me yo
[00:13:31] Smokes are very uncomfortable for the plan they need to provide some cover as Tess is punching in that code
[00:13:36] It's gonna be a three versus three on the way back in short sight
[00:13:40] eight and one
[00:13:44] Hello Wait, wasn't it at Sourceport he was? I'm pretty sure Source was his game.
[00:13:46] He won a hell of shit in Source.
[00:13:49] Wait this is fucking... This is fucking shit! I like how Steel's sweating on them, I love that for him bro.
[00:13:53] Steel's getting this dub one way or another.
[00:13:56] Yeah! stills getting this dump one way or another still goes down to the tech nine damn
[00:13:58] what the fuck are you shooting at
[00:14:00] on the tech nine and they're back
[00:14:02] on the board making it just a one round game
[00:14:04] IEM veterans.
[00:14:07] Triple kill from nothing. Saves the day.
[00:14:11] Steel help sewers? Oh my god! T1 fighting?
[00:14:14] Oh my god there's a Valorant frog in the crowd!
[00:14:17] There's a Valorant frog in the crowd. There's a Valorant frog in the crowd! That boy...
[00:14:19] And we're going for
[00:14:21] I believe this was quite a standard sort of frog
[00:14:25] I think it kind of gets annoying after a while but since I haven't heard it in a while its fine.
[00:14:30] The woos do get annoying if they're doing too much.
[00:14:33] If they do it every round that actually gets annoying.
[00:14:35] And what's the benefits of this setup? What would people skip about it?
[00:14:39] You wish were there little boy! Why do you keep spelling that, bro?
[00:14:41] I'm enjoying this thoroughly.
[00:14:49] Oh! Make that mistake though. Actually, there's a lot of damage hold on wreck That's up reaps the reward
[00:15:08] ladies and gentlemen.
[00:15:12] What's Tess' name? I don't know his name.
[00:15:18] Crimson Sage Law? Okay that was quite a chat. BRAXTON! Yeah, I'm in. Well back to the witty ways for North America.
[00:15:22] Braxton!
[00:15:23] Of course the triple AWP setup works and Trace...
[00:15:25] That's a strat that he used to call a lot of so it's great to see him having that influence on the the game so far what's your name what's your name
[00:15:35] yanko is going to be feeling about how this is unfollowing a reasonable time guys i already
[00:15:39] streamed this morning i literally shoot for six hours and came back!
[00:15:42] It's a brilliant mod, yeah.
[00:15:43] Yeah, I'm blown away by the attention to detail...
[00:15:47] Well, you went to the NA Major?
[00:15:48] It's in Texas right?
[00:15:49] And most importantly, the Triple-A.
[00:15:51] What a terrible location, what'd they do it in New York?
[00:15:53] Yeah, he's never really struggled with...
[00:15:55] He's not afraid to...
[00:15:56] At least there's an N-A though.
[00:15:58] Neo has broken the skull of Rek.
[00:16:00] Neo from the window.
[00:16:02] I will get eight hours of sleep.
[00:16:05] My bedtime currently is at 7 p.m
[00:16:08] Those jokes been I sleep from 7 to 3 a.m.. Like right now I'm on schedule seven, just about normal hours all the cheese like he's
[00:16:13] Element oh you knows oh no you went as
[00:16:18] ratty as you could and you still died there was a lot of that back in the day
[00:16:23] and things didn't get fixed right these
[00:16:25] things just existed these were quirks that you just played with
[00:16:32] yes i love it throw in the ptk Yes
[00:16:37] Throw in the PTK Tessa's ignores it ours new champions in New York hundred percent
[00:16:42] What's going on? This is a POV campus. I like it, we should have some more of that!
[00:16:46] Wow yeah, you can't be getting too close to the strategies here mate.
[00:16:50] Janko knows Krav Maga.
[00:16:53] What about the one with the sticks? Whatever that's called.
[00:16:55] The one with the sticks?! Yeah...'s called. The one with the sticks?
[00:16:56] Yeah, the one where you just...
[00:16:57] You're a stick man.
[00:16:58] Stick fire.
[00:17:01] My woodworking teacher actually did it.
[00:17:04] Oh, that sounds like abuse!
[00:17:05] I'm laughing his ass but...
[00:17:07] Mr Twig? Mr twig
[00:17:08] The woodworking teacher
[00:17:09] Who digs up
[00:17:10] Sticks
[00:17:10] The sticky one
[00:17:11] What was it called?
[00:17:11] Mr Twig was his name?
[00:17:13] Stick
[00:17:14] Here we go
[00:17:14] Martial art
[00:17:15] Guys
[00:17:15] Oh they're doing okay
[00:17:16] Well
[00:17:17] Are those lemons? We might get a boost over so you can fucking go through these buddies
[00:17:20] I'm gonna just put up mic yourself
[00:17:22] They use Google image lemons and put it on top of the boxes those lazy fucks couldn't put real lemons
[00:17:27] When this is a pictures out, you can tell
[00:17:29] there's an awful lot of tryhard going on right now.
[00:17:36] Almost full B execute.
[00:17:39] Co-smoke didn't land. that's going to waltz on in
[00:17:42] while the textures of my free park
[00:17:45] home
[00:17:46] and
[00:17:48] pockets
[00:17:49] you want a whiteboard oranges This guy's fucking suck! Well if you wonder why it was called oranges...
[00:17:52] Isn't that the NA Stars?
[00:17:53] I didn't, but now I do.
[00:17:55] Is this supposed to be the NA stars?
[00:17:56] Cause we're fucked at the end of the stars no joke
[00:18:00] Bloody hell he has sort of a literal line joke.
[00:18:01] Bloody hell, he has a literal line. I wonder if you
[00:18:03] can see him just get a boost on that tree there as well?
[00:18:06] Oh really? Yeah, used to be able to get
[00:18:07] it on like one of the parts of that tree.
[00:18:09] You know for someone that says he didn't like Source or play much Source, you
[00:18:12] know a lot about Source!
[00:18:13] Oh I was a professional in Source?
[00:18:15] Yeah, you could be in it, not your personal favourite.
[00:18:18] No, I didn't love it...
[00:18:19] Sometimes...
[00:18:21] It's got to do with things you don't have to love. Yeah, you want to play video games for a living by the end of the day Oh my god.
[00:18:32] She gets two here, I'm calling it out. She gets two here i'm calling it she's just doing it
[00:18:46] what was blowing my mind is that you could clear smokes with a maid in this is an interesting angle up for the like ruins retake fight.
[00:18:57] You'd be able to look into ruins as well, yeah there was a lot going on.
[00:19:03] So they invited Moe for the NA Legends? Oh my, I would have paid money to watch Moe play this.
[00:19:06] I would have legit paid money to watch Moe play this!
[00:19:12] Swag.
[00:19:13] You had Moe in dazed?
[00:19:15] Rocking himself. Wait they shoulda just done old eye-by-eye stuff. Swag. You had Moe and Dazed?
[00:19:16] Rocking himself. Wait, they should've just done old Eye by Power as a team, no joke.
[00:19:19] For the memes.
[00:19:20] Is that fucked?
[00:19:22] DK into some...
[00:19:22] DayZ Steel, AZK, Braxton to Lidl.
[00:19:25] Cause every camera we go to there is a smile on their face.
[00:19:29] They would throw it? Okay that was out of left field.
[00:19:31] Ban that guy.
[00:19:33] Wait might as well do I buy power vs netcode guys!
[00:19:37] Me JDM F finesse color hazed
[00:19:42] guys it proves to them that we would have beat them regardless play the same map what was it wasn't that name called i forgot what's that map called look at that fucking uh
[00:20:00] it's lovely lights no not light it wasn't like oh yeah season this season this is the season seven betrays the freedom wait you guys remember d light does anyone remember delight no no key golden match no it's been in a few people
[00:20:06] swag seems to kind of switched on as to what's coming, but I still...
[00:20:10] Does anyone know D-WiTE? Isn't that like how old is that?
[00:20:13] Is that 1.6?
[00:20:15] It might've been one point... I don't know
[00:20:20] Race is on!
[00:20:24] What? He's gone all the way around the world
[00:20:26] to plant default?!
[00:20:28] Guys, I didn't sleep bro
[00:20:33] Why do you guys keep asking me how much sleep? I got dude
[00:20:36] My schedule, I'm done say answering that
[00:20:38] Easy side-side it's just about these angles. You gonna see him? That's a snow wave!
[00:20:41] He closes it down, clutches up with none other than the neg of itself.
[00:20:47] Someone is going to tell me that's the other one. Hang on.
[00:20:49] I don't know what it is
[00:20:58] This is the moment where it all went wrong
[00:21:01] swag seven Her dad cover it with smoke for your own eyes fear and protection Swag7! Heard that.
[00:21:32] Are you drunk? I wish I was fucking drunk, dude. deagles the best they could must actually they've gone very far running gunning gunning to the running gunning and stunning
[00:21:35] alright guys can we practice some lets go watch the fucking match dude
[00:21:37] im done watching these clowns jump around
[00:21:41] hey look alex if we get stuck in all this stuff
[00:21:43] we'll be here all day
[00:21:53] need a clutch.
[00:21:55] Go on.
[00:21:56] North American Eater.
[00:21:57] We're gonna need you now, Steel.
[00:21:58] This is your moment.
[00:21:59] You'll never to shine.
[00:22:00] Wait there's no way of stealing this first meal.
[00:22:01] What the fuck is that?
[00:22:02] The chickens have eroded.
[00:22:03] Oh my god he's faking!
[00:22:04] He's trying to smoke towards CT spawn and trying to bait Sticks.
[00:22:05] Oh wait he's going for the Zed. Oh my god, he's faking!
[00:22:07] Oh wait, he's gonna run up to Steel!
[00:22:09] Steel plays like a grandpa, it doesn't work for him.
[00:22:13] Oh my god...
[00:22:20] Wait, cameraman is just showing himself bro i've never seen a cameraman from that pov what
[00:22:28] i emerged B.O.D. The fuck? My immersion!
[00:22:35] Is there a half time break?
[00:22:38] How is he riding the chicken? He IS a chicken.
[00:22:44] What the fuck?!
[00:23:03] I'm gonna die so What the fuck?
[00:23:07] Zareb, how long is this break?
[00:23:08] I'm gonna run an ad, dude.
[00:23:09] Hey!
[00:23:11] Put a fucking timer, 60 seconds YOLO?
[00:23:15] Two, oh it's done
[00:23:17] 150 boom
[00:23:19] Anyone watching ads, fucking KekW in the chat i don't care
[00:23:22] it's grand finals day people we're running out all day here i don't want as during
[00:23:26] valor but i will definitely be running as during cs that's for goddamn sure imagine
[00:23:44] this is exciting, bro.
[00:23:45] This is kind of exciting, dude.
[00:23:47] It's kind of exciting, huh?
[00:23:49] What the fuck is in his hand?
[00:23:50] Oh, those are Wham-O-Mers. Okay. They can't go 1.6 because I think the only reason they could do that is because the source
[00:23:58] is on the same engine.
[00:24:08] Am I going to Master Shanghai?
[00:24:09] Already here, can't see decorations.
[00:24:11] Already here buddy, wake up.
[00:24:13] Wake up buddy. wake up buddy
[00:24:37] instead of me going to shanghai shanghai came to me Yo, Tarek, you're early?
[00:24:39] Okay, listen, dude.
[00:24:43] Okay, listen, there's motherfuckers that keep showing up to the stream.
[00:24:44] Yo, why are you on so early?
[00:24:47] Yo, did you sleep? Bro, you should get some rest. Listen bro
[00:24:49] No one fucking asked you buddy
[00:24:51] Actually they care about me I should be
[00:24:53] nice to those guys
[00:24:55] Is it fake care? doesn't matter we'll take
[00:24:57] it never mind you guys thank you guys for
[00:25:01] caring Look at Jordan, bro. He's happy to be here dude Personally, I dropped 30 in this show match.
[00:25:34] But that's just me.
[00:25:42] Wait...
[00:25:44] Does ESL New York count as an IEM? No, it doesn't.
[00:25:45] I don't think it does.
[00:25:47] It's all the same shit.
[00:25:55] A 6-6 scoreline! It's all the same shit. Did they invite me?
[00:25:57] Or did THEY invite me?
[00:26:00] What kind of stupid-ass question is that?
[00:26:02] No, they actually didn't.
[00:26:04] I'm pretty sure the invite just got lost in the mail.
[00:26:05] I get a lot of mail.
[00:26:07] We've got both old and new
[00:26:09] and we have been rolling it back.
[00:26:11] We just had Sauce Inferno,
[00:26:13] some giant chicken,
[00:26:15] some juices,
[00:26:16] and a whole lot of fun
[00:26:17] in our first half of play.
[00:26:19] Yeah,
[00:26:19] we might be rolling back those years even more,
[00:26:21] Alex, as we get underway 1.6 inferno for
[00:26:26] our second half neo and nothing will feel right at home.
[00:26:34] Wait, 1.6 is coming? Wait what?!
[00:26:41] Oh this guy's drinking water!
[00:26:42] This guys got blisters get him off the camera! The fuck? Oh, this guy's drinking water. This guy's got pussy.
[00:26:43] Get him off the camera.
[00:26:44] The fuck?
[00:26:46] What's up, bitch?! swc twice iem world championship twice and it was none other than neo dodging bullets
[00:26:58] in the server true to his nickname oh my god wait i remember The gameplay is already live So Oh my god
[00:27:05] As you see
[00:27:05] There's already frags happening
[00:27:06] That might easily be like
[00:27:10] Oh my god
[00:27:11] This is so nostalgic
[00:27:12] Actually
[00:27:13] It's the most nostalgic thing
[00:27:14] I've ever seen in my life bro.
[00:27:15] Holy fuck!
[00:27:16] Holy fuck!
[00:27:17] Holy fuck!
[00:27:18] I'm getting shivers!
[00:27:19] It's Mono!
[00:27:20] It's the real Mono!
[00:27:21] The Mono Pig!
[00:27:24] Oh my god.
[00:27:27] Oh my god, I can't watch my god I can't watch this I'm getting tingles in my body
[00:27:29] Holy fuck
[00:27:33] That's crazy bro
[00:27:35] That's crazy I haven't seen this map in like 85 years
[00:27:38] My childhood right here that ice
[00:27:42] He takes down goose breed up oh my god, bro, this is crazy! How do they do that?
[00:27:49] Wait...
[00:27:50] I gotta run a fucking 10-man on this.
[00:27:53] OH MY GOD LOOK AT IT!
[00:27:54] Is this not exciting for anyone else?!
[00:27:56] Just me?
[00:27:59] This looks fucking so stupid.
[00:28:03] Every time I see a new part of the map it's crazy!
[00:28:09] Oh my god, this is so crazy!
[00:28:13] This is so crazy!
[00:28:15] Is there heaven? There's heaven!
[00:28:17] I love going up to heaven! I'm not going up to heaven!
[00:28:19] I think we should.
[00:28:20] Oh my god, that is crazy.
[00:28:22] Alright it's done, stop it, stop it.
[00:28:26] Wow.
[00:28:28] That's so cool.
[00:28:30] They basically just look like these... Almost like big balls. That's cool though. That's so cool!
[00:28:35] That's so cool.
[00:28:41] Should've played those two? Nah, this is good.
[00:28:45] This might be the best thing ESL has ever done in their existence
[00:28:47] no joke.
[00:28:49] This showmatch throwback might be the single best thing
[00:28:52] ESL has done in their existence
[00:28:54] And they've been around for like 50 years
[00:28:56] I'm not even kidding you guys
[00:28:57] We're missing history
[00:28:59] It's a win-win
[00:29:01] But I don't think you should
[00:29:03] write out Team North America.
[00:29:03] In my opinion though, what would have been a cooler matchup
[00:29:06] is OG Source Pros
[00:29:08] versus OG 1.6 Pros.
[00:29:11] I think that would have been fire with the steam
[00:29:13] This team better
[00:29:15] It's not as strong as the tropes though no you source progress og1 point six
[00:29:27] Let's go That's what they say. That would have been sick, but I don't know how it would be hard to pull off.
[00:29:32] They mollied heaven! How do you even do this? Molly in heaven.
[00:29:35] I can't believe how they even do this.
[00:29:42] Yeah, that's a good question as well.
[00:29:45] Yeah. Let's put it all the walls would be but yeah that's the question as well 1.6 was half paper thin everything
[00:29:55] you go first oh my god i used to camp here when I saved and get free kills!
[00:29:58] Okay, that was real by the way. That was a joke. I would never camp in safe
[00:30:04] It's time for Yanko to give him a couple of words of encouragement here.
[00:30:12] First we kill them, and then we go home. That's a reference to something...
[00:30:17] that I don't get.
[00:30:19] It's always a bit risque with Counter-Cosplay, isn't it?
[00:30:21] They pulled it off nicely!
[00:30:24] Is that like the voice line?
[00:30:26] TT Voice Lines, ah okay.
[00:30:34] Oh my god they're all in heaven!
[00:30:36] OH MY GOD THIS IS SO GOOD BY NEO Oh, Neo is actually anticipating the actual... Oh my god this is so good by Neo.
[00:30:39] ...Oh they're in trouble! They are up Struggle Street right now.
[00:30:41] Steel Swag Goose all tagged up heavily.
[00:30:46] Uncomfortable position to be in and we're getting dangerous...
[00:30:48] I'm not gonna lie
[00:30:57] Huh America America fucking Americans are so so witty bro. Gotta love em huh? America!
[00:31:00] Fucking Americans are so witty
[00:31:02] Those guys are probably European that's the funny part
[00:31:06] There is a round tone shift isn't there? Hell yeah brother
[00:31:10] Okay, that's so stereotypical.
[00:31:12] That is actually so stereotypical.
[00:31:14] Get the revolver?
[00:31:24] Watch them at A. way retake on neo and nothing first met on the sea watch them handle this with poison grace america is low on average iq little bro and that's why we're creative for the iq points
[00:31:29] he lost our creative points went up.
[00:31:31] You can't have everything bro!
[00:31:33] You might be smart as shit but you can't come up with your own ideas buddy!
[00:31:36] YOU NEED ME!
[00:31:37] YOU NEED ME!
[00:31:42] I'm 1 HP only We need this for North America.
[00:31:48] And one HP on me here, the one HP 1v4 not gonna happen today! Goose locks it down.
[00:31:52] Alright they played a serious round and they won, maybe might do a few more of those can you see chad you underestimated
[00:31:56] that's your coach what do you mean i'm not under estimating anything true and someone just said
[00:32:06] isn't goose Canadian that ain't NA
[00:32:09] alright so all the Valorant frogs I might need you to like fucking pipe down
[00:32:12] during this match today
[00:32:13] you guys are starting to ruin the vibe series I'm not gonna i might need you to like pipe down during this match today again now
[00:32:14] you guys are starting to ruin the vibe series i'm not gonna lie bro silly
[00:32:17] buggers of course you guys are really trying to ruin the vibes well no surprise
[00:32:20] is that my leg loose. Ne0t, do you have any time for aggression if it makes sense?
[00:32:24] Ne0t!
[00:32:26] Swag!
[00:32:27] Levi's takes down Ne0t.
[00:32:30] Rekon 1 HP.
[00:32:33] The other... the 9th just got eliminated the other day.
[00:32:36] South by 18.
[00:32:37] What are you gonna call them next?
[00:32:39] The Vettys are.
[00:32:40] The south by 18 just got fucking dropped out the other day.
[00:32:42] You're assuming it's a stacker.
[00:32:43] He says nah he's been spotted top mid.
[00:32:45] This is... What? I'll steal his chance to come back. It's a stacker. He says nah, he's been spotted top mid this is
[00:32:47] What? I'll see what it's just to come back. I said it and see i fucking said it you're cooking steel na for life buddy
[00:32:52] South by day yeah, what's up with the program that's gone down
[00:32:54] What's up motherfucker think about it about it though. It's true.
[00:32:57] South of North America.
[00:32:59] Wake up buddy! Hashtag woke.
[00:33:03] He's running right now, Steel.
[00:33:09] Oh, Sushi is going to be behind him. running right now still still has to kill them both and no one else can die but oh sure she's gonna be too late goose no longer with us take it down it's up to the steel flank control seal
[00:33:15] is still trying hard? 10 rounds later?
[00:33:19] This sweaty little fuck.
[00:33:21] Actually, everyone's trying hard.
[00:33:28] 1 HP. Crater. 1 HP
[00:33:30] You gotta do the chants right guys it goes
[00:33:33] United States
[00:33:34] Wait
[00:33:35] America
[00:33:36] United States
[00:33:38] That's how they like you They're really good at that one United
[00:33:47] Okay, I'm not gonna lie the USA channel is cringe but fuck it do it anyway
[00:33:51] Wait actually very American.
[00:33:55] In that situation, are they like chants on the basketball? They're chanting a defense.
[00:33:57] Like it's crazy but
[00:33:59] I'm fine. It's fine
[00:34:02] We should start doing that like chemistry
[00:34:02] Yeah When you're like the CT side is so yeah the hometown
[00:34:05] You know today when Stewie's on the CT side of does he want to hit up chatting defense?
[00:34:09] But you got a board That's pretty cool.
[00:34:11] Bro is wearing a liquid jersey.
[00:34:13] What's the opposite?
[00:34:14] I drove 14 hours from when I see get smell check.
[00:34:22] What? and it sounds a whole lot better hold on they're trying
[00:34:28] what are they saying actually i don't know if you get if you had the whole squad doing it and then you had like some kind of
[00:34:30] queen-esque we will rock your beat. Okay! What are you really looking for in a coordination?
[00:34:35] Nothing...
[00:34:36] Window ruined taking the dual.
[00:34:38] Oh, they're clear of this smoke!
[00:34:40] Oh my god, Alij is doing nothing.
[00:34:44] Wait what is that angle oh my god
[00:34:49] wait what is joy why are you just walking around at the side of the map
[00:34:53] hey jordan's taking a stroll around the map literally look at your head! Bro's just taking a stroll
[00:34:55] around the map!
[00:35:01] Oh my god...
[00:35:05] Oh my god! How did you do that?
[00:35:07] Wait, wait. What is he having? Auto?
[00:35:10] Oh my God.
[00:35:12] On Steele!
[00:35:14] Filthy with it.
[00:35:15] And now Neil could be coming out of clutch here!
[00:35:18] No!
[00:35:20] That would have been sick.
[00:35:21] Down in the last 1v1, that would've been sick.
[00:35:24] Obviously impressed to see he's going to be auto sniper equipped.
[00:35:26] Yeah, we'll only have someone new about it.
[00:35:28] That's a true 1.6 experience.
[00:35:30] No autos on my loadout. Maybe he did a showmatch specific loadout but we'll see this one again.
[00:35:37] Wait hear me out
[00:35:40] Why don't we just take this inferno and refine it a little bit go back to starting from the beginning
[00:35:45] Cuz we overcooked bro look where we were and look where we are
[00:35:48] we definitely overcooked on inferno no glory there all right two rounds we gotta say we over cooked
[00:35:53] for the vetis to take the victory uh 1.6 inferno oh my god picking up where terrible? What do you mean?
[00:35:58] No, I think it should be refined.
[00:35:59] Just refine this.
[00:36:00] But it's over.
[00:36:01] The enemy is losing!
[00:36:02] I just realized.
[00:36:03] What the fuck?
[00:36:04] I'm going to get past the leash. Oh, they have to site the site can be there another loss for a day
[00:36:14] Not surprised here
[00:36:20] My grim they have the a site now a retake on but
[00:36:22] they must close this this has to be an
[00:36:24] eight for north america default josh and
[00:36:26] then get boosted
[00:36:27] someone come boosting come on it's na
[00:36:29] versus i am veterans Someone come boost him. Come on! It's NA vs IEM veterans
[00:36:33] Yeah, get him loosey-bitty in the box
[00:36:39] Oh yeah, Shaguar Right? pissed around when he was part of 3d and he was oh yeah right out of that position i don't know
[00:36:44] like k sharp and i don't know i expect oh grim
[00:36:48] you find himself another one this one's looking like too much to ask for nothing
[00:37:07] I What the fuck? Who's going to shoot me at? Nice.
[00:37:13] The goose is loose?
[00:37:14] Okay, I like that.
[00:37:18] What a hodgepodge player
[00:37:19] we're going to be looking at
[00:37:19] coming into the next...
[00:37:21] I just don't understand
[00:37:22] how this schedule works because the match is not
[00:37:24] supposed to start for another hour what we're gonna do for an hour you can
[00:37:28] actually see under come on why is it scheduled for two you could see the
[00:37:31] rolling underneath it be able to stand on the bomb and it would elevate you and Is it rolling or no?
[00:37:43] Not really. I'm not playing a Pug, get out of here.
[00:37:44] There's no way I'm playing a Pug.
[00:37:45] I will play CS.
[00:37:47] I'll play CS like soon.
[00:37:50] I don't know when but soon.
[00:37:51] But I'm not playing a Pug in between.
[00:37:56] This is too much work work it's too hard I forget on
[00:37:58] face it it's all process bro oh that's
[00:38:00] all fucking process if it was easy to
[00:38:02] play considerately maybe not do it but
[00:38:05] i'll consider it baby Richard not do it, but I'll consider it
[00:38:06] Maybe we should just stick to the sky wait
[00:38:08] I gotta go on face it fucking queue up log in fucking open the anti-cheat
[00:38:12] Fucking might as well by that time the national start twice
[00:38:18] Shooting Zeus out of the scout now that'd be something no then hang on i'll talk to the mod guy
[00:38:24] oh no okay folks gap is closed but it wasn't eco they actually have saved them Oh no.
[00:38:34] Open cases?
[00:38:36] Stewie2k...
[00:38:39] Too cute.
[00:38:51] Dang! Dang. Well, plenty more scouts where that came from.
[00:38:54] That one won't let Zyxin play it? Nah.
[00:38:57] It'll be embarrassing. It's so fucking hard to spray 1.6
[00:39:10] You sure for the nostalgia? Nice try out of the round. Oh, damn.
[00:39:10] Two Hatches.
[00:39:12] Nice try. This has gone horribly wrong
[00:39:13] for North America.
[00:39:17] Shush forced away
[00:39:18] side by side
[00:39:19] with nothing.
[00:39:22] There is a way you can turn this around but immediately
[00:39:28] already found the first onto nothing they know where shush is his position oh what does he get halls it's a free kill and goose delivers an equal you can't drop in scout of this game
[00:39:36] but elise already pushed down towards the mouth of banana and oh What?! Takes down goose, a headshot.
[00:39:44] Wait, I didn't do nothing!
[00:39:46] That's why you pick it up.
[00:39:49] Triple scout, triple kill for Elyse.
[00:39:54] How important do you think a coach analyst is compared to
[00:39:56] a five-man squad that are not in any order?
[00:40:06] It will be very hard to hang at the top
[00:40:15] You kind of like trying to catch up constantly
[00:40:18] and you'll get burnt out trying to do it no second man one of the apps try and take that early space because you're just trying to do too much at once
[00:40:22] you're gonna there's gonna be somewhere steel shoulder jiggle too much for him. What the fuck is this?
[00:40:27] Why I keep things on well, they're out and knives edge
[00:40:30] They are into pit that's a fantastic start
[00:40:32] That's the fight though and it's a big one from Swag. Lots of 100 Thieves getting shit on? Pigs!
[00:40:37] Absolute pigs.
[00:40:38] Suppressing fire for BLEEGE,
[00:40:40] Managers take down Grim.
[00:40:42] They could even use the LMGs better than us.
[00:40:47] Steal is getting surrounded. He should go down...
[00:40:49] Oh! He wielded a knife! It's at the test and it's a punishment!
[00:40:53] And now Tessus and Aleege 2v3 on the A site.
[00:40:56] They gotta win this round. We gotta go all T.
[00:41:08] Is he gonna save in a show match, I think that's banned.
[00:41:10] Nah! Save! Fuck it!
[00:41:12] I'd rather save and piss everyone off.
[00:41:14] Oh dear...
[00:41:18] What the fuck?
[00:41:19] Let's start from swag!
[00:41:26] Bro came out like a superhero.
[00:41:27] We will see another round of play.
[00:41:30] I think all in CT side banana rush.
[00:41:32] We need BO5 finals?
[00:41:33] That's so true,
[00:41:34] I said that last time.
[00:41:35] I said that for the major.
[00:41:36] Wait it's not BO5 finals again?
[00:41:39] Bro these guys running the tournaments have no idea what they're doing.
[00:41:42] Why would it not be a BO5 final?
[00:41:44] This shit is gonna last two hours!
[00:41:46] Everyone's going to get fucking cucked.
[00:41:48] If one team plays like shit, It's just gonna end so quickly
[00:41:50] He's gonna go down to the wire. It's actually fucking cringe
[00:41:53] That's not be oh five finals did you change it right now from both teams agree chat should they change it?
[00:41:58] They've both seems agreed
[00:42:00] Maybe we can make this happen right now.
[00:42:05] Trying to style on him, trying to flex
[00:42:09] Does anyone here know anyone that works at ESL?
[00:42:11] Like high up? That can make some changes?
[00:42:33] Well let them know I got We're still gonna watch, I'm not gonna lie. If they don't change it...
[00:42:35] I got nothing. I'm not gonna lie.
[00:42:42] IF THEY DON'T CHANGE IT! WE'RE GONNA PLAY BALRI! was the box I was talking about so still making sure this is going on we're gonna
[00:42:45] play Valorant last man standing will fall to Groose
[00:42:49] Freed as ak-47 and let's come down to this the final round of regulation
[00:43:01] W,W uh...
[00:43:12] Oh it's a showman w sherman w5 buddy we see you man usa usa usa
[00:43:20] get me in there the crowd was overtime we'll see if we need it veterans do not have a great buy to try and secure this in regulation
[00:43:25] Graham struggling on the ladder
[00:43:28] Jury team division of
[00:43:33] What is still doing bro this guy's playing a different game? So watching. They're trying to boost on the ladder right now, so I don't know what funky business they were getting out of it.
[00:43:38] What is he doing?
[00:43:40] I want ZywOo's reaction to him watching Steel up.
[00:43:44] I want ZywOo in the call right now and he needs to analyze Steel's upping. I want ZywOo in the call right now. I need him to analyze skills often
[00:43:48] I want ZywOo's fucking feedback here
[00:43:50] What do you see in here, ZywOo?
[00:43:54] What do you think of that peek?
[00:43:58] Oh shit Perhaps could put the finishing touches on a goose lurking towards the apps. You might find a leash
[00:44:01] Oh, she has that she has done
[00:44:04] Now it puts up the portal to USA
[00:44:09] USA where we would accept we are USA all the streets! Go away, go away, go away. What do you think about it being so over?
[00:44:11] I have to go for it.
[00:44:13] There's a lot more room for duels...
[00:44:15] Activities!
[00:44:17] It's not just claustrophobic, one of the biggest we have with cs2 inferno at the moment
[00:44:19] but they're in the bomb going down default
[00:44:22] looks like overtime might be destined 3v5 situation for the vetis long rotation
[00:44:29] back around the world and shush,
[00:44:30] that's one way backing!
[00:44:32] Has he got any more of them?
[00:44:33] I think Rek might have
[00:44:34] the Joker there
[00:44:36] as his team-native
[00:44:38] Hang on...
[00:44:40] Neo He is closing the gap fast he has already brought one
[00:44:43] down two of them are very low from the testers stout steel saving the day with the awp brought
[00:44:48] lower by the eagle from church can he come up clash no he can't it's over time america holds on
[00:44:58] i'm receiving word
[00:45:01] other times one round nine even work. One round, knife only
[00:45:05] folks. Knife only?
[00:45:07] Nah. No joke?
[00:45:09] If we in the show match
[00:45:11] agree to a one round knife only?
[00:45:13] I see...
[00:45:14] Straight up, I will shoot all of them.
[00:45:16] And I wouldn't tell my team either, I'll go for the ace.
[00:45:19] Hopefully they're being informed.
[00:45:21] I would literally shoot all of them and that's on my team.
[00:45:26] Is there any honor in this knife round? That's the question.
[00:45:28] They're not going to be mad?
[00:45:29] I don't give a fuck, it's for the memes.
[00:45:30] They go from the meeting mid strat...
[00:45:33] It's all about lining up flashes hold on Zeus is never
[00:45:42] allowed this shit up at Oxford they will never allow this up in oxford Oh!
[00:45:59] That's cringe, dude.
[00:46:00] Why would you ever shoot?
[00:46:02] That's so cringe, bro.
[00:46:03] I would never do that.
[00:46:05] Oh my God.
[00:46:25] I can't believe he did it. I i can't believe you jordan i literally can't believe you though and we lost
[00:46:33] three currently active professionals and they're no match absolutely no magic it's grim goose steel swag and wreck there will be question marks about the type of behavior into the final round of overtime.
[00:46:42] Miha Zawinski on the line, we need to have some word on the official ruling there.
[00:46:47] This is going to change the scope scope i don't think that was sports
[00:46:58] that's a conversation.
[00:46:59] Jordan, nothing.
[00:47:00] Gilbert back with two AK kills
[00:47:01] but it looks like the victory
[00:47:03] has come through regardless.
[00:47:04] This one is going to separate
[00:47:05] the Counter-Strike community
[00:47:08] and there will be...
[00:47:09] There was a firm handshake they had there, it's divisive for sure i mean you know
[00:47:12] you think you know someone you think you know someone and then
[00:47:15] they start shooting in the knife round it's it's baffling but that's the show match baby.
[00:47:24] What do we think Dallas?
[00:47:26] Team America is all your champions!
[00:47:30] Hey Dallas, Dallas.
[00:47:31] Dallas, Texas you're awesome.
[00:47:33] Thank you very much.
[00:47:34] We trained for – we didn't really train.
[00:47:36] That's actually a big lie.
[00:47:38] I also want to say thank you all for coming out here all weekend long.
[00:47:41] You guys are fucking awesome.
[00:47:43] He cursed! I love counter-strike!
[00:47:45] That last round,
[00:47:46] 2011 comeback story, it got a little
[00:47:48] scrappy
[00:47:51] shall we say. Knives only? What happened to that?
[00:47:53] Yeah, all I know is somebody pulled out an AK and then all hell broke loose.
[00:47:56] Reminds me of home.
[00:47:58] Whoa!
[00:47:59] Sweet home Alabama indeed.
[00:48:02] We're here in Dallas.
[00:48:04] I'm going to pull up some of our other champions here.
[00:48:06] Kus,
[00:48:08] I have a question.
[00:48:10] Is dinner going to be a little awkward tonight?
[00:48:12] Nah.
[00:48:15] You got this one over on him forever, you ever gonna let him forget
[00:48:17] it? No I'm probably gonna talk about it like
[00:48:19] every morning, probably every dinner
[00:48:20] um that's it we're gonna hang
[00:48:23] it over his head
[00:48:23] You hear that Elisha? Never forgetting this one That's it. We're gonna hang it over his head
[00:48:28] You hear that Elish never forgetting this one? I'm gotta get some words as well
[00:48:31] Mr.. Mr.. Swag over there
[00:48:34] Braxton come on People we Talk to the people.
[00:48:37] We gotta get some words here.
[00:48:39] We gotta get some words.
[00:48:41] Rockstar?
[00:48:43] Best in Jordan, does that feel sweet?
[00:48:45] Feels great dude.
[00:48:50] It's been a while since I played on stage, so this was fun. Good run indeed.
[00:48:51] I saw the XM.
[00:48:52] I saw the Novus.
[00:48:53] I saw the buys.
[00:48:54] Mac Miller T-W.
[00:48:55] Yeah it was good times.
[00:48:56] A lot of trolling going on you know that's what
[00:48:58] it's for though we're here to entertain you guys were you entertained dallas one more question
[00:49:04] are you coming back you, I'm gonna try.
[00:49:08] I'm getting unbanned next year so...
[00:49:10] We're going to see what happens.
[00:49:14] They actually said that!
[00:49:18] They're not ready. I said that! So, hopefully it's long enough. Damn. Oh my god.
[00:49:19] They're not ready.
[00:49:20] What the fuck?
[00:49:21] Congratulations on the dub here.
[00:49:22] First of many to come.
[00:49:23] No joke?
[00:49:24] Now Dallas...
[00:49:25] In my opinion...
[00:49:26] One more time can you give me...
[00:49:27] I don't know what this is fucked up to say but...
[00:49:28] U-S-A... Okay. Here we go. I know this is fucked up to say, but...
[00:49:31] Okay here we go. God damn it bro!
[00:49:36] Who brought this guy? No kidding!
[00:49:38] What the fuck?! The fuck is that sign?
[00:49:42] Hey, what was I gonna say?
[00:49:44] Nah no joke.
[00:49:46] Brax should throw again just to fucking spite Valve
[00:49:48] It took 10 years to unban and fuck it throw
[00:49:51] again I don't want your on band fuck you buddy
[00:49:54] straight up dude
[00:49:58] you gonna let me now suck a fucking dick throwing this shit again, motherfucker. Fuck.
[00:50:26] Another win for Nairn air I'm not surprised
[00:50:32] is it ad oh let's check out the clips here.
[00:50:39] The Mongols blitz addresses to the crowd about cheating?
[00:50:41] What?
[00:50:43] Where is this, here?
[00:50:45] Blitz addressed to the crowd about
[00:50:46] crowd cheating. Where is this?
[00:50:50] What's he saying? saying Wmans bro
[00:51:09] He told the crowd to shut the fuck up
[00:51:10] Wmans W-mans, W-mans.
[00:51:24] Production going full NSFW during the ESL or doing the match. Crossfire had established with Monacy.
[00:51:26] What?
[00:51:32] Okay, I see what we're doing here now.
[00:51:34] I see exactly how these fucking teams are going to be gone.
[00:51:39] There's no fucking way.
[00:51:41] I think we're in a different ballgame.
[00:51:44] Sorry, I was just going to say,
[00:51:45] there's also like a fourth hidden MVP and that's HooxieSister for having the thing
[00:51:51] And you know allowing me to go to VIG
[00:51:54] Wait that's what I said! Didn't I say that during the watch party?
[00:51:57] I was like- I was like the was like, I said something like that.
[00:52:00] Do you have any more sisters?
[00:52:02] I think there's an event in December area
[00:52:05] where it would be great to have a wedding
[00:52:07] right around then too.
[00:52:11] Oh my god. you've done that josh but you've done that that's not bad that's not bad at all Is there smoke that comes out in the arena? Wait, what happened? Did it already happen?
[00:52:33] Is it because he died to mollies a bunch of times and he finally smoked it out?
[00:52:37] Yeah yeah yeah
[00:52:40] I think so Is it because he died to molly's a bunch of times and he finally smoked it out?
[00:52:43] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay, okay
[00:52:46] I got you, i got you
[00:52:50] Wait wait this is probably funny. Apex is always funny.
[00:52:51] Who's more likely to team clash?
[00:52:53] That's probably me. I think Apex is a pretty good support player
[00:52:57] Nah he's beating up all the time but it's definitely Apex
[00:52:59] Who's more likely to accidentally leave the bomb and spawn?
[00:53:01] It's me.
[00:53:02] Me.
[00:53:04] Bro, Niklas is too humble bro!
[00:53:06] Me.
[00:53:07] I would go with him but I'm also pretty loud when it comes to highlighting important information.
[00:53:13] Who's more likely to punch the monitor?
[00:53:15] Ha! Nico, Nico, Nico...
[00:53:18] Who is more likely to punch a monitor? That's me.
[00:53:22] Who's more likely to damage a teammate?
[00:53:24] I will go with Apex, he is crazy.
[00:53:27] Me.
[00:53:28] Who is more likely to give random shots in the goal?
[00:53:31] That's definitely him.
[00:53:35] He will love it!
[00:53:36] Me?
[00:53:37] Who is more likely to die with a full set of utility?
[00:53:41] I would also go with him.
[00:53:43] Who has the bigger fan base?
[00:53:49] Him, obviously. I'll go with myself who has a bigger foundation obviously i'll go with myself yeah i think it's me last question this question is up from the team who's that right there i don't like those games I definitely have better opponents team. Who's a better rifler?
[00:53:56] I don't like this game.
[00:53:57] I think i'm the better rifler but he has a chain more things so...
[00:54:00] There is no point of having them next to each other!
[00:54:03] I think they should've been separated.
[00:54:06] For this game at least. I think they should have been a separate. That's not meant to be him.
[00:54:08] For this game at least.
[00:54:10] That's also him.
[00:54:12] None.
[00:54:14] What's next?
[00:54:16] You're hoping for a good game.
[00:54:19] I thought it's it, and I can also say who is the best idea with me.
[00:54:20] Cool me.
[00:54:26] Intel Extreme Masters Dallas is brought to you in part by Intel Acer predator addresses the fraud
[00:54:33] allegations this is funny or no look who finally decided to show up Wow.
[00:54:54] What the fuck? frags in front of a hundred people what the two cases of fraud at iem katowice one case of nuclear fraud copenhagen major impersonating an mv EPL season 19.
[00:55:00] I don't know the plans well enough,
[00:55:01] I'm not gonna lie.
[00:55:02] I don't know if ZywOo's plans are that
[00:55:03] well enough.
[00:55:08] Oh he had a bad game? This is an interrogation I don't know. Just didn't play my part.
[00:55:11] This is an interrogation, not a fucking sideline interview!
[00:55:14] What happened mate? A few spinny red wines the night before?
[00:55:17] Something a little bit harder?
[00:55:18] We should drug test him.
[00:55:21] Like piss in a cup right here.
[00:55:25] Then he's probably gonna get stage fright.
[00:55:27] What the fuck? He'll probably shit himself.
[00:55:29] You orpers, you think Emmanuel Macron is going to waltz in here and pick you up on Esports One?
[00:55:35] But despite the pandering, the only counter strike he knows is dealing with a shithole of an airport.
[00:55:41] That was lawyer? Well well well... hole of an apple.
[00:55:42] That was lawyer?
[00:55:43] Well, well,
[00:55:46] another day another duo
[00:55:47] trying to harass
[00:55:48] my client.
[00:55:49] Now
[00:55:50] I'm not going
[00:55:51] to bore you
[00:55:51] with studies talking about air quality and its effect on French superstars.
[00:55:57] I think the numbers speak for themselves.
[00:56:00] The fuck he brought up Kenny S?
[00:56:01] He wanted a Copenhagen! It's got very good air! I'm gonna stop you right here. The fuck he brought up Kenny S. Brokey? these two men.
[00:56:16] Brokey and math?
[00:56:17] The fuck?
[00:56:20] And my client here, sharing the same ventilation system as these two individuals, he could have inhaled
[00:56:22] any number of illicit substances during his stay thus
[00:56:26] making his reaction time and decision-making
[00:56:28] impossible to optimize these column stoners you call them stoners or what
[00:56:32] i know usually we don't talk about pro League, but I'll just say this.
[00:56:36] There is a reason why we call studio events Mickey Mouse Cups.
[00:56:40] Now, if they'll be all, my client and I have dinner plans.
[00:56:45] Come here.
[00:56:47] You said that does it. I got us plans. Come here.
[00:56:53] Wait, I like how ZywOo's role in this fucking skit he just sat there the whole time
[00:56:57] Have the boys pick up that phone number
[00:56:59] I saw this dude win, I saw this dude win
[00:57:01] Should i get a warrant for Vitality's team comps?
[00:57:03] Yeah
[00:57:05] But wait for playoffs. What the fuck?
[00:57:09] I'm with him, having a lot of energy.
[00:57:11] Have you been to Dallas 4AM before?
[00:57:13] Yep there's third time-
[00:57:13] C9!
[00:57:14] Uh...
[00:57:15] It's an old one.
[00:57:17] It's an old one. He's got third time coming. It's an old one.
[00:57:18] This guy has a OG for sure.
[00:57:19] What's your best memory from the Dallas' you've been to?
[00:57:23] Definitely watching Cloud9 win their first year here after being picked up.
[00:57:26] Honorary Americans.
[00:57:28] I was not on that Cloud9. That would hot man that would be strong thank you very much
[00:57:31] i think we want denver jersey there is someone supporting vitality in here are you from america
[00:57:37] no from vancouver canada oh so that makes perfect sense but do you know the crowd is going to be Are you from America? No, I'm from Vancouver Canada.
[00:57:40] Oh shit! So that makes perfect sense but you know the crowd is going to be very against you right?
[00:57:43] Oh that was Gambit's idea?
[00:57:45] You're gonna be cheering all the way for Vitality.
[00:57:47] Now they did destroy G2 when it was in a group stage
[00:57:53] But this might be harder with such a crowd support for it
[00:57:55] How confident do you feel about Vitality? I still feel pretty good
[00:57:56] Oh wait, they're playing Vitality. I don't know shit about Vitality right now
[00:57:58] Wait Vitality has ZywOo and Apex right?
[00:58:00] Have you been balanced before for the IMs? First time First time? What made you think that? right now Thanks, Mezi.
[00:58:18] This looks like a-
[00:58:23] This team is so random I feel like but I made it wrong. It feels random.
[00:58:35] Liquid? FaZe? everyone's on that of course but you're all wearing different liquid water in here were you always a g2 fan i was a liquid guy of course of course yeah no exactly
[00:58:42] same for you i mean it at all. Same for you?
[00:58:43] I mean,
[00:58:44] it would have been really nice to see FaZe get another major
[00:58:46] but like
[00:58:46] come on
[00:58:47] we're in America
[00:58:48] Stewie's in America
[00:58:49] you gotta support your own.
[00:58:51] Build Rifler
[00:58:51] oh come on
[00:58:52] and IGN at this point
[00:58:53] At this point yeah So okay if g2 win this whole thing i've seen him back in any team any team it's all i want and how comfortable is event oh my god
[00:59:27] sphinx is playing well. About a...
[00:59:35] Is there average dive move stats?
[00:59:37] I mean, I don't know.
[00:59:39] That was a 1.36?
[00:59:40] Dude that's pretty insane.
[00:59:41] 1.36 is insane bro.
[00:59:43] I mean the average dive move stats.
[00:59:48] Man they're all poppin'. I mean, I've ever stubborn that's They don't fuck
[01:00:01] No he's right around where he is usually.
[01:00:02] He's right around where he is.
[01:00:08] Shut the fuck up!
[01:00:11] He's running around where he is, no?
[01:00:15] Check mine? Nah. Bro why would you guys say that bro?
[01:00:19] My stats are bad, man.
[01:00:21] I didn't leave out a good note.
[01:00:24] Where is it?
[01:00:25] Where is it?
[01:00:27] Oh.
[01:00:32] Eesh. Oh. Yeesh, yeah 1.3 if you look at this
[01:00:35] 1.3 is gonna be insane.
[01:00:37] Wait where's stats?
[01:00:38] Well but like I was a support player you know Bros coping
[01:00:41] Individual
[01:00:44] Or events here it is
[01:00:45] Oh my god no we can't look at this
[01:00:47] Hold on let's look at some good shit though
[01:00:49] Like I had a good streak over here No? I had a good streak over here, you know?
[01:00:52] I had a good streak over here.
[01:00:54] I had a good streak. But when I was young, though,
[01:00:56] that's when I was young, you know?
[01:00:57] I had a good streak over here.
[01:00:59] Then, I don't know what happened.
[01:01:00] But we were still winning shit. So that's what matters
[01:01:03] Wait, I had a good streak over here too. Holy fuck. I was insane in this streak look at this
[01:01:08] then
[01:01:10] It's not even that bad oh
[01:01:12] My god, what happened
[01:01:13] up here bro? What the fuck
[01:01:15] happened over here bro? Is it a dead team or what?
[01:01:18] Oh my god
[01:01:19] I was burnt out bro!
[01:01:22] But we're still getting third, fourth and shit.
[01:01:23] No?
[01:01:24] We got second over here.
[01:01:25] We have a third over here.
[01:01:26] First over here.
[01:01:27] First over here.
[01:01:28] First over here.
[01:01:32] Got another first over here.
[01:01:33] What is that? Cash cup? What the fuck? Wait, I played that recently
[01:01:40] Look at that!
[01:01:42] I played insane during this cash cup
[01:01:44] Anyway Enough about me.
[01:01:50] Wait, what was I doing? Reddit.
[01:01:51] Is this live?
[01:01:53] What is going to be an amazing run.
[01:01:54] Okay.
[01:01:59] Did I watch CS Rewind?
[01:02:01] Stewie has something to tell people?
[01:02:05] Well, since these people aren't all in here,
[01:02:06] tell the viewers at home. Tell them something.
[01:02:07] Tell them something?
[01:02:08] Yeah.
[01:02:10] If you're not on our side,
[01:02:10] you're on the wrong side.
[01:02:11] What the fuck!
[01:02:15] Thank you very much man.
[01:02:16] That was good. I'm gonna to get a good shot here.
[01:02:17] That is Jake Stewie2k.
[01:02:19] And obviously...
[01:02:22] I love him.
[01:02:24] That's some Stewie shit to say, I'm not gonna lie.
[01:02:26] Niko communicates his thoughts calmly. calmly paying attention listen to your team's communication
[01:02:29] i think i will stay on balcony behind you jake behind you
[01:02:35] attention listen to it
[01:02:40] he miscommunication i think I will stay on balcony that's hilarious that's hilarious I love the panic in
[01:02:46] the next insane pit hole is where he dies to the molly
[01:02:53] this is so i watched the end of this game so that's the only thing i watched of the series this camera sucks you guys can't see everything but anyway
[01:02:57] he just burns to the body.
[01:03:02] It feels like the indicator of burning is not obvious enough
[01:03:04] because I think it's only like that
[01:03:06] tsss, tsss, tsss
[01:03:08] and your HP dropping. And if you're not looking or hearing... Well then, if you're HP dropping, and if you're not looking or hearing...
[01:03:11] Well then, if you're not looking or hearing, what the fuck are you doing?
[01:03:16] I don't know.
[01:03:25] I don't know, man.
[01:03:26] Maybe he should know that.
[01:03:26] But it feels like it's not incredibly obvious
[01:03:28] but he should have
[01:03:28] probably known.
[01:03:30] Roki holding the sound
[01:03:31] of his face nice
[01:03:33] nice
[01:03:37] nico insane 4k information from stewie that there's noise towards the t stairs
[01:03:41] do they want to take the t stairs do they want to take
[01:03:42] the fight or do they want to i saw this round i saw this round this is one of
[01:03:44] the ones i watched this was insane bro nicole is so good every time
[01:03:49] i've watched g2 like he's playing insane bro. Seriously.
[01:03:57] Like, like, he knows they're coming to him. Like everything's on
[01:03:59] him right here and he fucking shows up.
[01:04:01] You gotta respect that.
[01:04:05] Oh! And he fucking shows up. Like, you gotta respect that. It was nuts.
[01:04:06] It was nuts.
[01:04:14] That was nuts. He gives us all the tutorial And lock it down Those nuts
[01:04:15] Why do you even care about smoke criminal
[01:04:18] When you have the Molotov criminal
[01:04:19] Just joking of course
[01:04:20] This post is not serious
[01:04:21] Please no flaming each other
[01:04:22] The huge crowd pop off from next to extingu in the molly on the last round was hilarious
[01:04:25] That is pretty funny. I'm not gonna lie
[01:04:33] Apex moment. Is he raging?
[01:04:41] What the fuck?!
[01:04:44] Bro saw an opportunity and did not hesitate.
[01:04:48] Bro saw an opportunity
[01:04:49] and did not hesitate for even a second. you
[01:05:14] vitality could top the scoreline, they can topple team Spirit. Zaryu turns up at the right time and Chopper comes right back into it.
[01:05:19] Messi hides behind the van, Chopper not putting utility in the right spots.
[01:05:22] He put it on his own ball and he... Oh my god!
[01:05:26] Wait, what the fuck?
[01:05:35] Just because he saw him on the right doesn't mean he couldn't have crossed back. Doesn't guarantee it though.
[01:05:38] It doesn't mean guaranteed
[01:05:40] Let's watch it again
[01:05:42] Well Vitality could top
[01:05:48] the scoreline, they can topple James Spear
[01:05:51] and Zainu turns up at the right time
[01:05:53] and Schopper comes in.
[01:05:55] In this time, he could have gone like this as well
[01:05:57] and gone benched.
[01:05:59] He thinks he's over there
[01:06:02] And then now he thinks that his molly was short so he's like behind the bench
[01:06:06] So he just played himself really but...
[01:06:08] He's unlucky
[01:06:10] It sucks that his first molly was short, that would've really fucked him actually but it's unlucky.
[01:06:12] It sucks that his first volley was short,
[01:06:13] that would have really fucked him actually.
[01:06:16] He would have seen him go on bench?
[01:06:18] Nah he could get there without him seeing the little... I don't know. The Nico eye rollback
[01:06:25] Is his patented move
[01:06:27] Loving the Dallas crowd
[01:06:30] The crowd seems fucking awesome
[01:06:31] I'm not gonna lie
[01:06:32] Why do they keep doing A high pitched woo Is that an N.A. The Dallas crowd? The crowd seems fucking awesome. I'm not going to lie.
[01:06:33] Why do they keep doing a high-pitched woo?
[01:06:35] Is that an NA thing?
[01:06:36] I know the high-pitched woo.
[01:06:40] It kind of gets annoying when it's too much,
[01:06:42] but is that NA only usually it happens in? Or is that EU?, usually it happens in?
[01:06:44] Or is that an EU thing?
[01:06:44] I think it's a EU thing.
[01:06:49] They're saying stew?
[01:06:51] No, we're not talking about the stew.
[01:06:52] We're talking about the... Woo!
[01:06:53] Woo!
[01:06:53] Woo! Woo! Not talking about the... Woo! Woo! Woo!
[01:06:54] Woo!
[01:06:55] Not talking about the stew.
[01:07:03] It gets annoying if it's too much, but right now I don't mind that because I haven't heard Oh my god, the rollercoaster of emotions.
[01:07:25] That's why I love this game.
[01:07:31] And before if you loved this game you would play it
[01:07:33] Well CS2 is lowkey shit but I haven't played it in a minute
[01:07:38] What the fuck happened to but i haven't played it in a minute what the happened here
[01:07:45] it's gotten better yeah i'm gonna place in
[01:07:47] the next two weeks
[01:07:48] because there are no watch parties
[01:07:50] I'm going to play CS for sure
[01:08:12] It has been 8 months after release and the premiere game starts without 5 players. What's Premiere? Oh it's like the advanced matchmaking right? Okay, in my opinion if someone DCs Someone should be able to take their spot
[01:08:14] If you haven't checked like the box
[01:08:16] Like ESC used to have it
[01:08:17] Used to be able to queue up as a ringer
[01:08:20] Or you uncheck the box if you don't want to be going into an ongoing game
[01:08:23] If the guy doesn't come back in five minutes
[01:08:25] He should be able to get a ringer
[01:08:27] And the game should auto-pause
[01:08:29] Which it does.
[01:08:37] It's gotten better instead of a cheater every match is 1 in 5?
[01:08:40] Yeah, the anti-cheat is shit I'm pretty sure
[01:08:41] The reason anti-cheat
[01:08:42] Is shit
[01:08:43] Is because Valve
[01:08:43] Doesn't want to make
[01:08:44] Their anti-cheat intrusive
[01:08:45] And Valorant
[01:08:46] No joke
[01:08:47] The devs are watching me
[01:08:48] Outside of my stream
[01:08:49] Literally
[01:08:49] Like this webcam
[01:08:50] In front of me Is probably on 24 7 they're watching
[01:08:52] me but it's okay at least there's no cheaters that's fine i'll give up my privacy for no
[01:08:56] cheaters dunk is never for sale
[01:09:02] Team Spirit has structure
[01:09:03] He needs that
[01:09:04] No other suit team
[01:09:04] His cost is 5 million
[01:09:06] Dunk is never for sale
[01:09:14] His price is 5 mil though
[01:09:15] Is he still that good?
[01:09:20] Well, he's not here
[01:09:22] What happened to him?
[01:09:30] They lost 0-2 to Vitality.
[01:09:31] Is that what
[01:09:31] happened yesterday?
[01:09:32] Oh, this is a game
[01:09:33] I missed, right?
[01:09:34] Let's see.
[01:09:36] What the fucks happening here?
[01:09:39] Who the fuck are these guys?
[01:09:40] The Vitality?
[01:09:41] I'm good man, I'm good!
[01:09:43] Now Spirit maybe not as scary as people say yeah i mean they are good but
[01:09:49] i don't know these guys I know that was a stop then, but what was going on yesterday?
[01:09:55] Well, it wasn't the preparation in the game. It was about preparing to come and be like
[01:09:58] we wanna smash their opponent today
[01:10:00] Smash your opponent?! What the fuck?
[01:10:01] Not humble them, but in some sense humble them
[01:10:03] You know what i mean
[01:10:04] And thats how we came.
[01:10:06] It was really important to show them who Vitality was, but now it's going to give me some fast facts.
[01:10:14] The crowd against you right?
[01:10:16] You're expecting that today.
[01:10:17] Any worries about them?
[01:10:19] Well, about the crowd against us, it can happen, you know.
[01:10:22] Stay away so it makes sense.
[01:10:24] But we don't care.
[01:10:25] We just need to…
[01:10:26] There is one goal we have today,
[01:10:29] and it's to win and play good as a team
[01:10:31] And if the crowd is against you
[01:10:33] and you silence the crowd
[01:10:35] It makes it a bit better
[01:10:36] Does that mean you're destroying na's hopes and dreams of lifting
[01:10:38] the trophy i would hopefully oh my god okay we'll wait in the finals on your side thank
[01:10:45] you very much flames don't choke though this is a bad match for him. This is terrible.
[01:10:51] Are you waiting
[01:10:51] until he's done? Yeah, thanks.
[01:10:53] Let's do it!
[01:11:00] He choked.
[01:11:02] Off day for him, look at his overall stats.
[01:11:03] I know he's insane but it doesn't matter bro.
[01:11:08] Let's see here.
[01:11:09] Holy fuck that's a lot of green!
[01:11:13] Wow.
[01:11:17] Oh my god, bro, I'm salivating at this, bro.
[01:11:19] I'm salivating at this bro, I'm salivating at this.
[01:11:26] I'm salivating at the thought bro! I'M DRILLING!
[01:11:27] That's nice though. He had an off event actually, 1.16 is below his average.
[01:11:36] He's averaging 1.3-1.5 like look at all this.
[01:11:40] 1.16 actually off event for him.
[01:11:44] Most of his events are like...
[01:11:46] A decent amount above it.
[01:11:50] Yeah, and his plus minus was way lower than usual too.
[01:11:53] Like this event he played 7 maps, plus 47
[01:11:56] This event plus 14
[01:11:59] This event here is off as well
[01:12:01] Is it the Major?
[01:12:02] Kinda off there a little bit but not really
[01:12:05] this reading was still good is through the night me This is really bad
[01:13:00] True from humble beginnings he drew his might facing critics and trials who stood up right in the spirit of freedom he found his way for the love of the game he'd never sway is Cut it, no joke cut it. Production cut it! PRODUCTION CUT IT!
[01:13:28] CUT IT!
[01:13:29] God damnit.
[01:13:30] Hm.
[01:13:31] I'm sorry.
[01:13:32] I'm so sorry.
[01:13:33] I'm so sorry.
[01:13:34] I'm so sorry.
[01:13:35] I'm so sorry.
[01:13:36] I'm so sorry.
[01:13:37] I'm so sorry.
[01:13:38] I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Carry the dreams of the Navy by your side With passion and fire, soar through the night
[01:13:41] In arenas around the globe, each on his life
[01:13:44] A hero not born, a force in the fight
[01:13:47] A major champion ready to take flight
[01:13:50] 2E2K, 2E2K
[01:13:52] The legend in our game
[01:13:54] With the heart of a lion
[01:13:56] He laid fight
[01:13:58] Through battle and strife
[01:13:59] He held his flame 2E2K, 2E2K is lyrics right is Do we do K?
[01:14:33] Do we do K?
[01:14:35] The savior of the NACS
[01:14:37] It's kinda catchy When you like really listen to it
[01:14:39] Actually I take back what I said
[01:14:40] This is fucking sick bro
[01:14:41] This is the fucking sickest thing i've ever seen that was fire bro free 2k and my hope is always near
[01:15:16] still we 2k
[01:15:41] music you Oh, here we go. Siri put up in the zone ready for a grand final?
[01:15:45] I could be I could do that. Ready? Ready for a grand final? I'll keep you here, I'll keep you here.
[01:15:48] What the fuck?
[01:15:49] I'm ready.
[01:15:50] What the fuck bro?
[01:15:51] Just got that fucking adoring crazy dream right now.
[01:15:54] Honestly yes but...
[01:15:56] What's up Texas?
[01:15:57] ...I'm kinda just living through the moment and not thinking about the match in the present
[01:16:01] at all times.
[01:16:02] And you've been really good at doing this right?
[01:16:03] You've been telling me this in interviews, you're now 13 maps in there.
[01:16:06] Are you starting to feel more comfortable more confident i think i saw a tweet
[01:16:11] that five years ago one event here it feels the exact same so we're getting these boston memories
[01:16:16] just home before five years ago he won an event here
[01:16:20] i also saw some uh magic coming out some smokes pushes
[01:16:24] coming in so you must be feeling like your back
[01:16:26] i think the first time around playing his fatity, I was a little shaky.
[01:16:30] Kind of guessing what they're doing but
[01:16:32] this time around, I got a good feeling
[01:16:35] for what they're about to do.
[01:16:36] Any words for the NA crowd and everyone who's just supporting
[01:16:39] you and loving the G Stew movement stew movement man just one more day could be
[01:16:43] my last ride here you might not see me in dallas again so i'm gonna get all the noise out there Good luck man.
[01:16:56] AHHHHH!
[01:17:00] How those guys get there? Alright, alright Good morning, everybody. How are we feeling?
[01:17:05] All right, all right, all right.
[01:17:07] I can tell most of you are awake and most of you are here and ready for a grand final.
[01:17:09] So let's try it one more time.
[01:17:10] Let's try Sweet caroline good times never felt so good wow all right now we can start Wow! Wow!
[01:17:24] That was sick.
[01:17:28] That was sick, that was sick.
[01:17:30] That's not crazy, that's not crazy.
[01:17:35] Bro, that's like...
[01:17:37] That's so hard to pull off.
[01:17:39] No joke as a host?
[01:17:42] In my opinion it is so hard to pull off as a host.
[01:17:46] It can easily go very badly you know vitality school to jitsu i have no other word i'm gonna use but again this was in the quiet
[01:17:52] of the concourse people were taking it easy the hundred
[01:17:55] five years already we saw the type of beast that g2 turned into
[01:17:59] here in this stage the game versus 90 absolutely phenomenal guys They need to make this VO5. For the love of god, make the finals a fucking VO5 dude.
[01:18:14] What should I be?
[01:18:16] Grak how old are you at time? Fuck it. Yeah, I know. that again
[01:18:24] really so yeah i think they were a team that as they progressed in the tournament
[01:18:27] they started playing better and better.
[01:18:28] They got more familiar with each other
[01:18:30] and Stewie was stepping up as well?
[01:18:32] I mean we also have to say
[01:18:33] they were facing elimination many different times during the tournament
[01:18:37] And that itself is hugely telling about their resilience.
[01:18:40] Is that a Stewie effect?
[01:18:42] They were talking about how he can calm them down,
[01:18:44] he has the words in the moments that matter to him...
[01:18:46] It's just Liffra actually.
[01:18:47] Who would have thought, huh?
[01:18:48] ...Vs Mouse, map of the teams, 23 rounds 13-10, same versus Liquid that matter. It's just Liffra, actually. Who would have thought, huh?
[01:18:48] 23 round 13 to 10
[01:18:50] same versus Liquid
[01:18:51] so you're looking
[01:18:51] at a G2
[01:18:52] that apparently
[01:18:52] the higher
[01:18:53] the pressure gets
[01:18:54] the most
[01:18:55] you get out
[01:18:55] of the players
[01:18:55] Nico having
[01:18:56] highlight moments
[01:18:57] Monix of course
[01:18:58] with crazy clutches hey Hey, that G2
[01:19:00] you just don't want to let them get too 22-23
[01:19:02] Thank God for Hoopsy's fucking
[01:19:03] Yeah, actually Hoopsy's sister
[01:19:06] MVP bro
[01:19:07] There is no way they make the finals it's not even installed the team is
[01:19:12] just dead different this time around well i think to see that nothing mortality scary because its
[01:19:17] fatality with their full lineup right and they already beat you pretty handedly in the group stages
[01:19:22] you know i think for g2 the thing is like you said for the pressure like the game gets more intense actually
[01:19:34] the usual g2 you see you are being fully stressed out maybe in those situations and we heard it from
[01:19:39] them in interviews just trying to be a little bit more relaxed.
[01:19:42] Play a little bit more loose, give the players a little bit more freedom
[01:19:45] and i think that's the main reason why we're seeing Niko play better
[01:19:48] I agree with you
[01:19:48] The last few seconds of the rounds that mattered the most were very well played
[01:19:51] You talk about vitality
[01:19:53] what the did he tweet
[01:20:01] they don't have a lot of experience when it comes to stage and moreover they don't have a lot of experience when it comes to stage and moreover they
[01:20:04] don't have a lot of experience being against the crowd these are the results that i'm showing you
[01:20:08] here we're talking about this face he's wanting me to pull up his twitter two different events
[01:20:11] but in copenhagen no joke might be because everybody celebrate
[01:20:16] you could have a glock he could have a p90 that would still cheer for you to actually
[01:20:20] hit the ground so 100 is hopefully building experience keep that getting experience over there, good things go out of control on the third
[01:20:29] block man.
[01:20:30] The major little bit listen to each other.
[01:20:33] They couldn't communicate well this is what pressure will do to you and if
[01:20:36] this team is going to have success long term
[01:20:41] and you know speaking of learning we've learned just about every time not
[01:20:44] to discount the man over on the G2 side that's running things.
[01:20:47] You might know him maybe yeah, I think it is.
[01:20:50] Yeah, I think obviously he has had to step into the idea roll
[01:20:53] for this tournament with who see being unable to attend
[01:20:55] integrates you into the game and do all of that i think what
[01:21:08] he's matured and become a little bit more experienced so we saw for example
[01:21:10] in the liquid game on you
[01:21:11] lot of patience towards the end of that
[01:21:14] closing it out on the T side. So, a little bit
[01:21:16] of everything for G2 in this tournament and yeah i mean yesterday versus
[01:21:19] night z this inferno that was vintage nicole i agree with you and listen you know him better
[01:21:23] than i do on a personal level i wonder if his situation and having to step in as nigel oh my
[01:21:28] god what are these scenes bro?
[01:21:29] I don't have all this.
[01:21:30] The way he is dialed in
[01:21:33] I feel like it's time to kill the crosser placement
[01:21:35] is on top of things and you're talking
[01:21:37] about it too. Maybe they don't have the full extent
[01:21:40] of this trackbook surely hooksy is missed in that regard but counter-strike as its
[01:21:44] essence is about simple principles oh god what does that sign timing like knowing how
[01:21:48] to talk to each other to create a timing for
[01:21:50] your teammate to flank nico can do that
[01:21:52] niko understands the game and he can
[01:21:53] pass it 30 more minutes some of these rounds. Are they going to talk for 30 minutes? Surely there's something else happening here.
[01:22:01] I mean, it's been complete and utter madness.
[01:22:03] Freaking out.
[01:22:04] I'm freaking out, man.
[01:22:05] Going on sometimes
[01:22:06] There's like 10 seconds left
[01:22:07] Ooh, I thought we were starting
[01:22:08] an orcery here.
[01:22:09] Running towards B
[01:22:10] for some reason Then you have Monacy jumping from oracle here. We'll try to build the time it's gonna...
[01:22:26] If Stewie ends up being MVP, does he get a Mercedes?
[01:22:29] Nah.
[01:22:32] There are just some things that should not be said.
[01:22:32] We all agree there are just some things that should not be said.
[01:22:37] Look at his face, he got ptsd Oh wait, you guys don't know the lore.
[01:22:58] Basically TLDR is that he used to play on a team called Virtus Pro and they were insane
[01:23:03] And they were winning a lot of like uh like i don't even know
[01:23:06] this is probably 10 years ago and then the owner said to taz if they win an event that
[01:23:10] he'll get a mercedes and then basically he took the mercedes and everyone everything
[01:23:14] went downhill since because all
[01:23:16] of his teammates were like it was a kind of weird like dynamic because
[01:23:18] like why the are you getting a mercedes
[01:23:21] oh wait what did he say hey let me check.
[01:23:29] I got nothing. He has no cards to give away
[01:23:31] but he might have a trophy to take
[01:23:33] Thank you so much for your time Taz and we'll see you tomorrow against 9Z
[01:23:35] Fuck, I wonder...
[01:23:36] Oh wait
[01:23:37] Pretty calm and confident
[01:23:38] How is the vibe
[01:23:39] And the whole feeling
[01:23:40] Through this situation
[01:23:41] This crazy scenario?
[01:23:44] Yeah
[01:23:46] Yeah, I mean I am confident but more than that first of all I'm very happy.
[01:23:49] I'm very happy to be on the stage and play in front of a crowd.
[01:23:53] We have been living the dream for the past couple days so
[01:23:57] Bro that after party is going to be fucking sick! past a couple of days so uh very happy I'm afraid if I get flushed. We want to win, but we wanna have fun
[01:24:09] and that's the most important for us.
[01:24:11] And it does look like you've been having fun
[01:24:12] even in very stressful matches at times
[01:24:14] I want to touch on just your calling though
[01:24:16] and how do you think you're developing
[01:24:17] and what are you trying to add to it as you go because you're developing what you're trying to just add to it as
[01:24:19] you go because again game after game
[01:24:21] here we are seeing improvements.
[01:24:24] I mean, I struggled the first two games
[01:24:27] against
[01:24:29] yeah, the first game
[01:24:31] I struggled.
[01:24:31] I think I started
[01:24:32] developing myself.
[01:24:33] I think after
[01:24:34] the game versus Liquid
[01:24:35] I feel like everything
[01:24:35] clicked for me.
[01:24:36] I think I have a clearer
[01:24:37] picture of what's going
[01:24:38] on in the map
[01:24:39] and now it's just easier.
[01:24:40] I think the guys also understood how I call,
[01:24:43] how much space they have,
[01:24:44] how much they can use as well.
[01:24:46] So yeah, I think I made a decent development
[01:24:49] but the guys here in been very helpful as well.
[01:24:53] And how is it
[01:24:54] in getting more out of Stu? Because
[01:24:56] he's getting more matches, he's getting more experience
[01:24:58] with him, but we've seen him have a lot of success now
[01:25:00] as well. Yeah, I mean mean he has also been improving his level
[01:25:03] as well i think i mean it's normal that he started off kind of slow he hasn't been competing for the
[01:25:09] past two years two and a half. So I think we have
[01:25:13] seen improvement
[01:25:13] throughout the event
[01:25:14] as well.
[01:25:15] He's going for more
[01:25:16] of his crazy plays
[01:25:18] around the smoke.
[01:25:19] So it's good to see
[01:25:20] him performing
[01:25:21] at this level
[01:25:22] of the crowd. Nice. Nico, good luck. Thank you very much zero in nine minutes
[01:25:24] nice nico good luck thank you very much
[01:25:25] let's see what gt can get done
[01:25:29] it is one of those peculiar situations
[01:25:30] where you look at both teams you look at
[01:25:32] g2 and you're like, well,
[01:25:34] that wasn't supposed
[01:25:34] to happen.
[01:25:35] But it has happened
[01:25:36] with a purpose and
[01:25:37] with a method.
[01:25:38] Right?
[01:25:39] However, on the
[01:25:39] vitality side of we
[01:25:40] start talking about
[01:25:41] some of these players
[01:25:41] that stick themselves
[01:25:43] really entrenched
[01:25:44] within the bomb sites.
[01:25:44] We're talking about those anchors.
[01:25:45] Oh, yeah, you mean the people
[01:25:46] who never get any praises?
[01:25:48] Let's just give them a minute to consider their role.
[01:25:51] It comes to my realization I was preparing this grand final
[01:25:54] and thought what is an ingredient that is necessary to any team
[01:25:58] that's winning any championship and it's having an anchor that can do the job and go beyond that
[01:26:02] why because it frees the rest of the players to starve to do whatever they have
[01:26:08] look at this that was pro league of course good results a little bit below but the grand final
[01:26:14] that he had in major we know exactly what happened and zonting sincaravita and beyond
[01:26:18] that it's the question of do i have to fix an issue from nico can i believe can i trust in my
[01:26:24] anchor to do his job if i do do, then I have freedom.
[01:26:27] I can take my risks.
[01:26:28] I think it's great that you talk about that and trust
[01:26:30] because I think Apex does not trust
[01:26:33] his players or his anchors
[01:26:35] to play the round. wait is oh as you see this is all what no
[01:26:56] this guy's a stalker now this this guy
[01:26:58] should be fucking banned from the Reddit.
[01:27:00] This guy should be banned from the Reddit for sure.
[01:27:02] What the fuck?
[01:27:03] Oh my god!
[01:27:04] Oh my god!
[01:27:05] ...feel with that early aggression
[01:27:06] because otherwise
[01:27:07] Vitality can just spawn them.
[01:27:08] Yeah, and there's two things that I'm looking at this game
[01:27:11] that are almost guaranteed most of the time,
[01:27:13] most of the time. Don't want to hurt your feelings here
[01:27:15] Maniac but I'm talking about
[01:27:17] this battle of Montessi versus Zayu
[01:27:19] like I'm talking about people that are instrumental
[01:27:21] within these teams to make them have runs like this.
[01:27:24] People who dictate how the game is going
[01:27:25] to look like, I think would be good.
[01:27:27] EM Dallas, it's Vitality.
[01:27:30] Stumbling for being the first team spirit they put them to bed 2-0 some incredible form coming
[01:27:35] out of Mezzi.
[01:27:36] Of course.
[01:27:37] Bro he's got the spray control down huh?
[01:27:38] If you tell me about expert and an expert point of view. I think Montessi is the better sniper today
[01:27:43] and I wonder if it's going to have an impact.
[01:27:44] I believe it will.
[01:27:45] I think Montessi,
[01:27:46] the first few rounds he put his hand on a big green
[01:27:48] is going to have an immediate impact.
[01:27:50] Sideways are a little bit different.
[01:27:51] You kind of want to... Hey yo, DM this guy if you want to be in the video bro. So that was a little bit different. You cannot, we wanna-
[01:27:52] Hey yo DM this guy, he won't be in the video bro
[01:27:54] He just got posted 15 minutes ago
[01:27:57] The only requirements you have to speak English
[01:27:59] You have a webcam and your not afraid
[01:28:00] To talk to strangers
[01:28:04] They're gonna take over It's gonna happen today.
[01:28:06] I think its also different styles of players
[01:28:08] more within the system can deliver
[01:28:10] honesty. His name is Trusted Lawyer
[01:28:12] He can just do whatever he wants contributing so many different ways His name is Trusted Lawyer. He's trusted.
[01:28:23] Look at these guys reply! Look at these guys reply! side inferno is where he's getting it done and you're seeing a little bit more consistent
[01:28:26] output from zywo but you see more highlights they don't know why dog has to protect the
[01:28:29] cover on his chair to protect the chair and coach in rest while he's shitting on his opponents
[01:28:33] when he just has a little pinch of modesty in his play style.
[01:28:36] Like, we've had a couple of highlights here in Dallas.
[01:28:38] Crossing a smoke with 8 HP.
[01:28:39] Don't judge me, bro.
[01:28:40] And having a multi-kill from that.
[01:28:41] Taking some risks.
[01:28:42] Getting stuck in.
[01:28:43] The cyborg that is too conformed, safe doesn't have the impact he needs to it's a man
[01:28:49] that needs to trust his instinct he's not going to turn into monessi monacy
[01:28:52] is unique in the way he approaches counter-strike wait this guy's mid-round tilting actually.
[01:28:57] That was a video, sorry.
[01:29:09] I don't want to say over under but what are we looking at here if we look at them just purely head-to-head in this
[01:29:12] best system this was so good they have a fucking sign of Kerrigan's stats!
[01:29:21] It's fucking crazy.
[01:29:25] Gilligan, gilligan!
[01:29:33] ...but he hasn't really played the map all that much on a competitive level like where are they going to take it? Are you going to try to veto that and leave Vertigo and Mirage gonna veto Vertigo does Vitality
[01:29:39] Wait Dami is JD Becker in the crowd?
[01:29:42] JD Beck's in the crowd?
[01:29:43] Oh my God! WJD Beck!
[01:29:46] Oh my God, this is hilarious.
[01:29:47] Yango talked about it many times on desks with G2, so when are you going to pay the bill of Mirage?
[01:29:53] Like when is the debt collector gonna come knocking at your door and tell you to pay your goddamn bills because they have always been
[01:30:00] You don't know if he plays Valorant, but it's clear that Calric is a fan as well.
[01:30:03] And G2 I think this time around... They picked Dust 2 last
[01:30:06] time. I think they picked Inferno this time because
[01:30:09] they know that if they do that there's a good chance of them getting
[01:30:12] Dust as the third. I mean, Vitality would
[01:30:14] love that. They could even pick it.
[01:30:16] Vitality could in a universe also pick
[01:30:18] the map so we'll see
[01:30:20] now whether it's Mirage or back to Anubis for Vitality.
[01:30:24] Top picks.
[01:30:25] I think Anubis is like as a team G2 is more predictable on it obviously but with Stewie
[01:30:31] he looked a little bit lost and it was such a dominant win from my talent
[01:30:34] You might just go back because of the performance against
[01:30:44] Who dictates the pace of the game on that map.
[01:30:46] Oh my god, what a fucking drawing!
[01:30:48] What the fuck is a kilometer in?
[01:30:50] This first match had happened between Vitality and G2.
[01:30:52] The T side of Vitality murdered G2's defense.
[01:30:59] Max with the cock to get the glock, W-mans!
[01:31:02] W-mans!
[01:31:04] That's actually a sick fucking sign. Holy shit
[01:31:07] The official French flag? What the fuck
[01:31:13] We're still in the final before gta 6.
[01:31:18] you know i think it just may be switching it up because to not play the map you played last time
[01:31:24] right feeling like to change it. Maybe thinking it's a
[01:31:27] little bit of a curveball. Maybe just liking what they're seeing
[01:31:29] on G2's Nuke and feeling
[01:31:31] like they managed that well on the map. Exactly. Not letting G2 go
[01:31:33] to Dust 2 as well. They've had a couple references now
[01:31:35] I don't think it's a big difference between Dustin,
[01:31:36] you know both maps-
[01:31:37] Yeah, real much this guy's gonna fuck it?
[01:31:39] At least watch map one.
[01:31:40] If G2 lose map one lowkey they're getting two out.
[01:31:43] I'm going to call it.
[01:31:44] The key guys probably in Exa for G2.
[01:31:46] If G2 loses map one at least two out. Even him! is probably an exa for g2
[01:31:49] because i don't but he's gonna have to take more space on the t side and play
[01:31:52] something other than bike on ct side yeah well i know let's just sit back
[01:31:56] relax and enjoy the show
[01:31:58] Please didn't mean to get y'all fired up this morning
[01:32:00] Yanko what I did me to do is fire shit up here in Texas Dallas, Texas you
[01:32:05] Are the best we're gonna go to a break
[01:32:07] We're going to come back and we've got a grand final so let's make some money
[01:32:10] open the ceremony coming
[01:32:10] let's go
[01:32:12] are we on break during this?
[01:32:18] we are
[01:32:18] alright I'm gonna run add before the shit starts
[01:32:26] Oh
[01:32:30] God Oh my god.
[01:32:49] That's funny. Well, we see the revival of NACS. No.
[01:32:50] I agree no. This doesn't mean anything to me. It's just a good thing that they're doing it now. of NACS.
[01:32:52] No, I agree no. This doesn't mean anything for NA.
[01:33:00] Okay, okay buddy.
[01:33:11] Nah, you can't- Okay listen anyone that switched from Counter-Strike to Valorant
[01:33:13] You cannot blame them at all bro during that time period that Valorant come out
[01:33:16] It was the fucking best time it could have came out because it was during COVID one two
[01:33:20] Most of the NA fuckin orgs had dropped out there's's like two fucking orgs left, three orgs. Like there's no orgs paying and all of them were gearing up to switch to Valorant so if you can't- like if there's no place to play or to fucking build off of what are you
[01:33:35] gonna do here?
[01:33:37] Also I mean that's one part of it.
[01:33:40] What else though?
[01:33:41] There's not enough events in NA. like there's not enough competition I think too.
[01:33:46] Wait they're walking in.
[01:33:48] I don't know, I think it was a combination
[01:33:50] of stuff but I don't think you can blame anyone
[01:33:51] for switching.
[01:34:00] But most of the guys that switched to be fair were the guys that weren't on the top orgs. Except Ethan, Ethan was the first guy to switch from tier 1 CS to tier 1 Valorant.
[01:34:05] He was the only guy I think, as far as i remember
[01:34:08] like he was on a tier-1 Org in cs and he left and came to tier one Valorant
[01:34:14] Nitro too, nitro too yeah that's true, nitro as well. Nitro was on Liquid when he left right?
[01:34:19] Yeah I think Nitro and E3 are the only ones who were on tier 1 teams that switched over
[01:34:23] Like on a T1 team to a T1 team you want to into a few inches
[01:34:31] yet
[01:34:32] but we're going over there please Dallas, please join me in welcoming to this stage a man without whom the Intel Extreme Masters would not be with is it oj please welcome oh wait no it's pro
[01:34:52] oh it's carmac esl guy
[01:34:56] he's gonna do a message. 100 ESL, 100th ESL event!
[01:35:01] I think it comes out for everyone right?
[01:35:04] Like it does the message?
[01:35:09] He's been there for a while.
[01:35:11] For those of you that don't know me, I'm Carmack. My name is Mihal but my nickname
[01:35:15] is Carmack. Sometimes they call me the father
[01:35:19] of the Intelect Stream Masters.
[01:35:20] That's wrong, I'm not what I am.
[01:35:22] As Mike put it to me today,
[01:35:24] I'm the father that stepped up, I guess.
[01:35:28] Wait! That's a saying though? It sounds like a name.
[01:35:29] I've done 80 of these intellectual masters events out
[01:35:33] of 100 there's only one time that you get to celebrate okay whatever i'm very glad
[01:35:38] that we're celebrating it with you.
[01:35:51] Now, you don't get to 100 without friends along the way and i want
[01:35:52] to mention and acknowledge our friends today and after that we can
[01:35:57] get on with a grand final uh number one
[01:36:01] number one is always the players.
[01:36:03] These are the people that brought us all here, these are the people whose stories we follow,
[01:36:10] whose lives we follow, who we see to grow up become champions know champions make mistakes along the way fall down get themselves
[01:36:17] back up and play again maybe hit on the stage like stewie for example Number two, the people that are usually unsung heroes.
[01:36:32] Those who make video games that we all love,
[01:36:36] that were part of The Intellectual Master's history
[01:36:38] starting 2006 to 2024.
[01:36:42] Today it's Valve.
[01:36:43] I want to thank Valve
[01:36:44] and all the other...
[01:36:44] Valve can suck a that fucking day fuck
[01:36:57] Is Next is our partners. Not least Intel.
[01:36:59] They don't give a fuck!
[01:37:01] People have believed in esports even before there was an Intel Extreme Masters.
[01:37:03] They stuck with us when this was small, They stuck with us when there were maybe 50, 150 people in the audience
[01:37:11] and 10 thousand people watching online globally
[01:37:14] And now it's thousands and hundreds of thousands of millions watching
[01:37:19] so without them we couldn't be able to
[01:37:23] be around for as long as we have been uh
[01:37:26] so thank you to intel is he doing this off the dome?
[01:37:31] He's doing it off the dome, right?
[01:37:35] Two more groups to thank
[01:37:37] I'm almost done. Two more groups to thank. All the people that
[01:37:40] along the years were in the trenches
[01:37:42] on my left, on my right
[01:37:44] without
[01:37:46] them really
[01:37:47] it's been a really difficult ride we've survived long flights, long nights
[01:37:54] long setups DDoS attacks cockroaches in hotel rooms.
[01:38:01] We've had events cancelled because of COVID.
[01:38:04] We've had finals in an empty arena.
[01:38:07] You have no idea
[01:38:07] how heartbreaking this is,
[01:38:10] but we've gone through that
[01:38:11] and it's more awesome than it ever was
[01:38:14] thanks to
[01:38:15] people, thanks to them.
[01:38:20] Give him some water.
[01:38:25] Is he going to cry? If he cries, W mens! It would actually be perfect if he cried.
[01:38:27] I'm not going to name everyone because I can't and if I even name departments
[01:38:30] I am no doubt going to forget but today
[01:38:33] i sure am not crying you're trying enjoy the hard work of mark michael and jackson
[01:38:38] especially jackson who's one of you from around here.
[01:38:45] And he's put up this event.
[01:38:49] You guys are here in this room because most likely for you
[01:38:52] Counter-Strike is more than just a game. And for us this...
[01:38:58] Is it Lifestyle?
[01:39:00] Nah he's not gonna say that
[01:39:02] This is our lives
[01:39:04] Wait! This is W lives. Wait!
[01:39:05] This is W-mans gonna cry!
[01:39:09] Thank you.
[01:39:10] W-MANS!!!
[01:39:11] For us this...
[01:39:12] This for us is more than a job
[01:39:15] and it is you guys that invalidate all this,
[01:39:20] you guys make it so that imagine without an audience what
[01:39:25] is a frag?
[01:39:26] It can't become a legend if you guys don't talk about it
[01:39:30] A frag, ninja defuse, knife kill
[01:39:33] Great round
[01:39:34] It cannot become legend
[01:39:36] Without an audience to talk about it,
[01:39:37] to appreciate this. We don't get to travel around the world
[01:39:41] we don't get to make memories, we don't get to make friends for life
[01:39:45] without you guys. Damn that's actually sure he spin. He's actually spinning. That's his friend was very wholesome
[01:39:51] It's very wholesome
[01:39:57] And we want without you guys there will not be another 100 Intellectual Masters events and we really want that to happen.
[01:40:05] So I got only love and respect for you guys
[01:40:08] for showing up
[01:40:09] and supporting esports
[01:40:11] and I have something to ask you
[01:40:14] make today absolutely legendary
[01:40:16] after you've done so
[01:40:18] go home tell your friends about esports to make it bigger teach your kids
[01:40:22] to play so that we have another 100 im events here's to another 100 thank Thank you! Thank you!
[01:40:39] Alright, here we go.
[01:40:41] Walkouts? I didn't see the walkouts in the last one so this should be good.
[01:40:45] Is it a movie first?
[01:40:49] Creation... creation a spark of imagination forming minds into reality.
[01:41:08] Weaving the threads of a tactical masterpiece. Each piece carefully refined by countless iterations, counter-strike is born
[01:41:29] but evolution takes hold hole What am I watching? It's like a movie. I don't know what's happening.
[01:41:44] I have no idea what's happening.
[01:41:45] What the fuck happened about?
[01:41:46] Bro, Toto is a fucking story on this shit.
[01:41:47] I'm not even gonna watch it.
[01:41:48] I'm just gonna watch it.
[01:41:49] I'm just gonna watch it.
[01:41:50] I'm just gonna watch it.
[01:41:51] I'm just gonna watch it.
[01:41:52] I'm just gonna watch it.
[01:41:53] I'm just gonna watch it.
[01:41:54] I'm just gonna watch it. I'm just gonna watch it. I'm just gonna watch it. what's happening give way what's bloody happen about bro told us a story
[01:41:57] about why cycle as ancient as creation itself what the fuck?
[01:42:13] We're off to professional Yafford. CS4! cs4
[01:42:22] my time has shown wait why would it be cs4 why are you guys saying cs4 what happened to three
[01:42:24] manage change let's survive the three managed change that survive
[01:42:31] those who adapt i read it from chat and evolve
[01:42:58] that doesn't like the number three oh what every player fights to forge Oh. You got a little bit of agitation. Evolution. Consistency,
[01:42:59] You got a little bit of a vacation.
[01:43:00] Evolution are all imperative.
[01:43:04] This guy looks like Taco!
[01:43:06] This guy looks like Taco!
[01:43:07] I've been here since the dawn.
[01:43:14] Almost as many iems as years of his life
[01:43:23] furthers even more but these years are there fine those who have fought from day one for over a decade
[01:43:35] and stuffed their cabinets full along the way
[01:44:30] The next generation stands on the shoulders of giants. so This is just the beginning. We had a really good player front already. We won 2-0 in two games, we played pretty well on both games.
[01:44:34] G2 have ascended and they also have nothing to lose at some point
[01:44:37] but I know as a team we're better.
[01:44:41] We need to show up as a team and if we show up
[01:44:43] as the team we are going to beat them.
[01:44:44] That's how it is.
[01:44:45] They have insane players but the team might be and if we show up as a team, we're going to beat them. That's how it is.
[01:44:46] They have insane players
[01:44:47] but the team matters most in those moments.
[01:44:54] It's hard to get composed when you play with standing
[01:44:56] there are lots of comms.
[01:44:58] But we're trying our best and when we are calm and collected
[01:45:01] When everyone knows what is happening on the map
[01:45:03] And we can react properly to the comms and information that we receive
[01:45:08] Yeah it helps but it's sometimes hard
[01:45:09] to remain the same throughout the whole game.
[01:45:17] We are not here to hunt any revenge
[01:45:19] if you're here with a stand-in and we just wanna we just want to enjoy it one last time This time around, like everyone is cheering for us.
[01:45:40] It's definitely been in the back. They're pushing us to do better and it has been an amazing journey so far.
[01:45:49] Alright let's fucking see it. Let's fucking see it. Holy fuck! Look at that view.
[01:45:54] What's up Dallas?
[01:46:00] Packed house eh? What a wild ride we have been on, but it comes to an end today.
[01:46:08] One way or another on this grand final stage are you ready
[01:46:18] but before we crown a champion before the begins, I want to take one moment
[01:46:23] to reflect. One
[01:46:25] moment to appreciate how
[01:46:27] fortunate we all are
[01:46:29] here that we're fans of a game
[01:46:31] with a history as rich and storied as Counter-Strike,
[01:46:34] that we could witness 100 IEMs. But this isn't just a moment for reflection.
[01:46:48] This is the time to light the next chapter.
[01:46:51] To take the first step towards the next hundred IEMs and to write that story here upon this stage
[01:47:01] Please
[01:47:03] Put your hands together
[01:47:04] PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER! And welcome to the stage Put your hands together.
[01:47:04] Put your cans together!
[01:47:05] And welcome to the stage, a team with
[01:47:08] a mix of magic and fairy
[01:47:10] dust miracles and good old
[01:47:12] fashioned American freedom
[01:47:13] one more time it's G2!
[01:47:23] Yes indeed Mike, it is G2. They do take to this arena and they want to take it to themselves.
[01:47:30] No one expected them to come this far Trace but hey,
[01:47:33] they have the best AWPer in the matchup with D1CO playing like this they had the best rifler in the matchup. With Tico playing like this, they have
[01:47:37] the best rifler in the matchup.
[01:47:39] I'm a little let down by this, but it's okay.
[01:47:43] I thought the intros would be better,
[01:47:45] but
[01:47:45] I'm not trying to be sour here with team liquid
[01:47:50] yeah so much to grab around the edge for the side of g2
[01:47:54] so much firepower not the walkout just leading up to it. Everything but its okay, its okay
[01:48:02] Wait they have the same song as G2 Valorant team
[01:48:05] But they will not be the only team rising to this occasion
[01:48:12] Across from them on the stage a squad that has shunned brightest when i look at it as well a team there's no way they put into their first trophy of 2024. please put your hands together
[01:48:23] for team vitality Woo! And you know with a leader like Apex,
[01:48:30] With guns like ZywOo,
[01:48:32] Flames that speak to a Kling and a Mezzi
[01:48:34] They might have some more today.
[01:48:36] Nothing of value ever comes easy
[01:48:38] When you invite Teledy
[01:48:40] You're stepping in against thousands
[01:48:41] of people
[01:48:41] here in dallas your superstar is
[01:48:43] scrutinized every step of the way
[01:48:45] people are going to ask
[01:48:46] more from him and he shall deliver apex
[01:48:48] will have to have his emotions in check
[01:48:50] make sure that today
[01:48:52] And vitality lift the trophy something about playing their game
[01:48:55] But they head-to-head between these two monacies i woo my goodness
[01:48:59] I don't think I could ask for much more than that. And so, I won't.
[01:49:05] It's about to happen.
[01:49:07] ZionTica thank you for the 10 gifted!
[01:49:08] I appreciate you so much!
[01:49:09] Shoutout in the chat.
[01:49:11] We are moments away from getting this grand final going but first a word
[01:49:14] from our captains apex your team is coming alive there's rising to newer and
[01:49:21] are you ready for your first trophy of 2024. yes it's fun because we played 200 this year
[01:49:30] twice the crowd is against us but that's funny so
[01:49:33] let's enjoy that moment but yeah we're ready to get that title
[01:49:37] they're ready for it meanwhile on the other side it's been magical
[01:49:41] is g stew ready for one more spell uh yeah we are definitely ready and
[01:49:46] uh we have been living a dream guys because of you
[01:49:49] thank you for the support and one last ride let's get it okay
[01:49:53] let's go let's go let's go let's go gentlemen time to take your computers time to take your pcs
[01:50:01] it's time to get this grand final underway one more time here dallas with me are you ready let's get loud
[01:50:18] damn damn damn okay so one said he ate banks though it is g2
[01:50:35] as their own pick we have an anubis picked by vitality thereafter and newt is a
[01:50:39] decider if you are just joining us it is the intel extreme masters it is dallas in his grand final
[01:50:45] sunday absolutely trace this is what you play for right to have the opportunity
[01:50:50] to be on this stage to play for the trophy and i think the individuals will have to show it no
[01:50:57] not to lose you have to play to win you have to play with confidence you have to take space
[01:51:02] why do you measure and beat is going to determine the outcome of this fire
[01:51:06] i'm looking at vitality having their little huddle talking to each other they have been in finals
[01:51:12] this year they've had moments Down from Zootz?
[01:51:23] Next time's White? Oh, I see.
[01:51:30] Not even close! It's not even close! have an essence of pro league for me i don't care now we're on the stage they go they beat face
[01:51:34] igu is amazing they beat astralis they're all amazing that they get i just know it's a good
[01:51:38] game i pray to god i think the last time i watched the final of the major players
[01:51:47] either way it is going to be about
[01:51:50] the appearance that vitality come onto this stage with today.
[01:51:53] Now, on the other side is G-Stoo and this entire arena
[01:51:57] it's looking for the demise of Vitality but hey...
[01:51:59] Oh yeah!
[01:52:00] We're gonna find out because the FAFO
[01:52:02] is just about to happen. I got a grand final Yeah. We're gonna find out because the FAFO
[01:52:03] and now it's time to begin G2 versus Vitality.
[01:52:12] Who are our casters? Well, it's about that time you guys got this place ready to blow up let's get G2 Vitality. Who's more successful?
[01:52:28] Silly up there, trying to keep this magic going.
[01:52:29] G2 trying to keep this magic going.
[01:52:31] Even boomers love G2. Nice.
[01:52:39] I'm the wife what i'm wife's boyfriend battle for number one between zaiwu and monacy the conversation was there around who is it going
[01:52:43] to be this year is it going to be donk is it going to be monicy or is it going to be this year is it going to be donk is it going to
[01:52:46] be monacy or is it going to be zaiwu and the desk
[01:52:48] set it up perfectly modesty is the flashy player he's got the
[01:52:52] highlights he's got them yesterday one of the big performances that
[01:52:55] we've been asking for all year this year, Jason.
[01:52:57] That's right.
[01:52:58] He logged in yesterday and he came in
[01:52:59] and he said I'm not losing the semifinals.
[01:53:01] I'm not dropping this first engagement against Donk.
[01:53:03] This guy was at so much hype around him.
[01:53:05] ZywOo was a force to be reckoned with yesterday. G2
[01:53:08] has the players who can match that, obviously
[01:53:10] Modesty's the easy one to point at but Niko
[01:53:12] stepping into the IGL role also
[01:53:14] has that ability as we've seen
[01:53:16] and we know Stewie's going up man i'll be so late even as a stand-up i hope this is his best series yet he steps up it would be perfect actually anticipated that to be the case in chat and he's been solid jason yeah he absolutely has
[01:53:42] been it's been it's been awesome to see this team pressure with no expectations of how deep
[01:53:48] that they should go here we go still being able to improve every stage
[01:53:51] of the tournament and find themselves here this intro was like 30 minutes man script has been
[01:53:55] written this week oh my god it's great stupid 2k and it's helped you final they've taken down some for sure I'm done bro, relax
[01:54:01] Bro he's got popcorn in his
[01:54:03] crown bro! That's hilarious
[01:54:05] I'm gonna lie it's hilarious
[01:54:07] He's actually eating popcorn
[01:54:15] It's G2 versus vitality and by dawn's early light the intel extreme masters will have its 100th champion
[01:54:23] all right let's go champion
[01:54:33] teasing me start the game please
[01:54:46] contention. Okay, I'm actually live now.
[01:54:48] Okay let's go.
[01:54:57] They struggled in the group stages and a strong start could a banana thank god nico doesn't
[01:55:06] have the utah for the love of god last time he has to use freaking out three players to
[01:55:11] defend heavily defended cyrus not too much of that though. Please.
[01:55:18] Oh my god! Oh my god! This game is about to be chunky!
[01:55:22] Is it good?
[01:55:24] It wasn't that good.
[01:55:47] Nice one 2. That was dumb. it's holy that's a lot of arena oh my god You can investigate just a little bit, but this piss around feels out of place
[01:56:01] This is done right here today looking for modesty not going to be able to see what a fortune his pistols have been so good his pistol rounds have been insane modesty is going to be such an important
[01:56:06] player today for g2 i think he has the best stats on g2 they need him
[01:56:19] oh yeah Dude, it's turned up! Now! This is the time.
[01:56:21] Oh yeah.
[01:56:22] Oh yeah.
[01:56:26] Okay, don't get Nico.
[01:56:27] Don't get Nico before us here.
[01:56:28] This is a forced buy.
[01:56:41] They always the second round Oh, he can't spin in time. Oh my god, Niko's getting crumpled. No!
[01:56:43] And G2 starting to crumble across the map.
[01:56:45] This Vitality Force buy is working out very well.
[01:56:47] God damn it bro.
[01:56:49] He has a no-bottom. wait and lets Spinks make his own mistake
[01:56:53] And take his own grave as G2 back to the 3v3
[01:56:56] Nexus is low, don't do it bro
[01:56:58] HP 34 health he's hoping somebody wanders into him
[01:57:00] Somebody goes for an investigation flames or mezzi
[01:57:03] would be his target allowing nico and hunter to apply pressure and presence on the other side of
[01:57:08] the map desperately hoping someone gets lured into his crosshair.
[01:57:13] Who's that number five, Nezi?
[01:57:15] He's pushing!
[01:57:20] It was too hard he was low.
[01:57:23] Go through that go through that! It's too hard he sweeps up next Once again ahead on the player count messy with another chance
[01:57:29] Flames is in a trap position
[01:57:36] If they think that as you was the only way Did they expect this? Wait, he's gonna whiff. He's gonna whiff him! Got it!
[01:57:40] Ah, I fucking missed that.
[01:57:45] Ohhhhh... to protect the cousin. And now he looks to recover this family feud with 30 seconds remaining,
[01:57:47] and goes into the bombsite.
[01:57:49] There's still enough time for Niko to win this.
[01:57:51] It's still only pistols on the two remaining
[01:57:53] Vitality players drives in this environment and he goes to the white in his grand final
[01:58:07] he's close to
[01:58:09] oh my god he is so confident
[01:58:11] he is so fucking confident
[01:58:15] oh my god oh my god
[01:58:25] and that's the charm of this g2 team but despite all their struggles despite the stand-in situation you have the individuals who can step up and on a good day
[01:58:39] they can make you so much better vitality gets close but can't convert
[01:58:43] that was not in yet now is that one's not on your server yet the first kill
[01:58:46] of the hardest the first skill is the hardest. The first kill's the hardest.
[01:58:51] Apex wants to win!
[01:58:55] Let that wool play, bro.
[01:58:57] Where is he?
[01:59:00] Is it USP? There's that entry, bro! what a wondrous week it has been for this g2 side
[01:59:11] there's that entry bro what the fuck is he still off the balcony
[01:59:19] there will be a 3-0 start here for G2.
[01:59:21] Exactly what they need is to settle into this grand final.
[01:59:24] Bros, I was iced, bro. That one's got 7 ADR.
[01:59:27] He's got 7 ADR, bro! He's iced.
[01:59:30] Nice... bro guys
[01:59:38] solid i mean outside of that second round that push down got a little bit sketchy
[01:59:40] but other than that they're trading their path
[01:59:44] coming in sharp and we'll see what vitality can have in the next gun round
[01:59:48] does he get one bring out the m4s Here you go, do not let him.
[01:59:57] Nice!
[01:59:59] U-S-A
[02:00:12] U-S-A yes small tech issue that will hopefully be resolved as quickly as possible
[02:00:16] and we can return to this action
[02:00:21] well this is a good point nico stepping into
[02:00:24] that igl role has kind of mentioned he's been enjoying
[02:00:26] the game and having fun but he said specifically after their victory over liquid earlier in
[02:00:29] the tournament to make the playoffs everything's great because busy's watching this he's starting
[02:00:34] to get it oh my god is f*****g
[02:00:51] listen to the comms listen to the strategy, listen to what each
[02:00:53] other are saying
[02:00:56] 3-0, 3-0.
[02:00:58] Full buy here, full buy it.
[02:01:00] This is a big one.
[02:01:02] See if you can get on Mac.
[02:01:04] He's been better on the SMGs no joke.
[02:01:08] Keep him on a Mac low-key Very softened up off This is what happened last time I watched Liquid on a promo.
[02:01:22] They just fucking get all of them bottom mid.
[02:01:31] Good advantage! utility still he softened up to 19 modesty at 50. nico's hurting as well good advantages provided in the early salvo of maids from the vitality defense and now they fall back past it arc smoke
[02:01:37] showed a little bit of pressure with a deep smoke what's the play here Yeah, Art Smoke.
[02:01:42] What's the play here?
[02:01:44] My lane...
[02:01:46] Okay we have mid.
[02:01:49] Now what? Art Split? Look at them wrap around this bomb site and G2 are knocking it down real quick. Look at the wraparound that's a sight from multiple
[02:01:53] sides.
[02:01:54] There you go, Arch.
[02:01:56] I don't hate it.
[02:01:58] Pop to the bottom of smoke?
[02:01:59] Wait, Nico. Smoke. Pop to the bottom smoke! I love it.
[02:02:01] Wait, Niko...
[02:02:05] Oh...
[02:02:13] Oh fuck Flan swings into the middle. He'll lose his life to modesty with the rest of vitality stepping up on this
[02:02:19] Timing their smokes are still up when they tried to wrap on through trying to catch vitality sleeping But I wanted you step up to the task a kill a piece and now it gets desperate and now they go so
[02:02:33] they're creepy now they match towards pit. This angle seems so weird.
[02:02:35] They're creeping out, they managed to get off the balcony but eventually Messi will just as easily
[02:02:37] spawn next time
[02:02:39] on Monacy.
[02:02:41] Vitality will win their first round. Yeah yeah they do it emphatically good start
[02:02:45] three players survive the second kill there they did have a mac 10 of galil coming into this round
[02:02:51] back up in ak-47s but on their mind is going to be we have
[02:02:54] to avoid that early damage we can't take those nades we can't we
[02:02:57] can't lose 150 hp across three players in the first 20 seconds
[02:03:01] it cannot be a thing that we experience throughout this look at that
[02:03:11] this is a messy round here messing around yesterday was a story of controlling team spirit for vitality we've seen apex have a very comfortable time dictating that pace
[02:03:20] Starting towards banana stuie charging up wow. Wow
[02:03:25] And apex will certainly slow down my fireman Wow. Fuck!
[02:03:27] Where the fuck's my fireman?
[02:03:59] Oh, my God! so he knows he's got freedom and we know nico looks at you oh my god but that is aities it would be
[02:04:07] i was very committed towards the coffins go away right home is not planted yet eventually we'll go down. Hunter locks those digits through for Niko.
[02:04:10] He's waiting. He's hanging
[02:04:11] around waiting for that ZywOo bleach.
[02:04:14] Now the smoke will fade away.
[02:04:15] Mottoff to land on Zywoo and that will force them
[02:04:17] out of this. That's not a force to save. ZywO so who's gonna have to work hard
[02:04:19] to actually save this weapon while the smoke is still up you might want to take
[02:04:22] a clear plenty of hp to supply uh survival bomb blast even if he's close
[02:04:25] by but going to sink back this fucking crowd. This is how we go he sensed the weakness
[02:04:33] He saw the defense fallback
[02:04:35] space
[02:04:39] He's ready.
[02:04:40] And the scary thing about that...
[02:04:43] Dallas Hatchickens going bye-bye.
[02:04:47] Boom!
[02:04:49] The scary thing about that is Nico will bully you in banana all half long if
[02:04:53] you let him if he starts to sense your final time again
[02:04:58] W son one man versus three defenders.
[02:05:03] What a shit play by Vitality!
[02:05:05] ...the first two and just before that smoke popped...
[02:05:08] I mean, I guess he punished them but it was unnecessary.
[02:05:15] Yesterday we saw Vitality so frequently in control of the map against Spirit
[02:05:17] at the semi-finals, they never seemed like
[02:05:19] they didn't understand what was going on
[02:05:21] They were never saying that it's chaotic making really good proactive decisions THEIR FAMILY. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BE
[02:05:31] BACK MAYBE IN A 5-ON-4 WE DON'T
[02:05:33] NEED TO FALL BACK INTO THE SMOKE AND THEN REEXECT THROUGH deck through the smoke as well might be something they want to stamp out within the future and this
[02:05:36] is a team vitality really drew from deadly guy hunting for that first trophy in 2020. What? There's too many times, bro.
[02:05:44] We saw you already, bro.
[02:05:47] Good start G2.
[02:05:50] N1 is actually on 7. I didn't notice that.
[02:05:53] He got 4 on pistol. That's why
[02:06:02] Gaster's hello
[02:06:13] Right away the fucking Oh Another
[02:06:28] Especially another Oh my god, betrayed. They know that was your door! EWWW
[02:06:30] Where is IwoolLif?
[02:06:32] I don't see him still.
[02:06:34] Probably should go in so much time probably not a lot of hope but it is the modesty and nico show
[02:06:44] was fantastic to lock monacy out of that and nikos just taking too
[02:06:47] much damage in banana yeah i took those names those nades early. He's gonna have
[02:06:49] no impact on this round. Maybe
[02:06:51] one more kill if he's lucky.
[02:06:53] If Niko wins this, I'll go home.
[02:06:55] If Niko wins this, I'll go home.
[02:06:57] Okay? Lock it in. Oh my god. is down the a-box. No, no, chill, chill, bro come on. This is 1 HP
[02:07:11] you can shoot him once, shoot him once surely right?
[02:07:13] Surely right?
[02:07:15] Alright, no backsies
[02:07:17] If he wins this I'll go bald
[02:07:19] Taking his time...
[02:07:20] Oh my god! APEX!!!
[02:07:21] Vitality might think he's choosing to save which might give him an opportunity for one shot and he did have it.
[02:07:27] Can't land the taps and Apex gets Vitality their second round drop the op and I'll flash you what not Dang, he burned him.
[02:07:43] Yeah not the master of flames it turns out.
[02:07:47] Wait really? Is that easy? I'm pretty sure you can cover that.
[02:07:51] He's in a weird spot.
[02:07:53] It's G2 Pie that contains a Mactan here for Stewie
[02:07:55] and Galil from Odyssey
[02:08:01] Oh my god OOOOH and win it this means they firmly get to plant their feet on the CT side
[02:08:04] good aggression from ZywOo punished traded back
[02:08:08] and so quickly in a 3-on-3
[02:08:12] does one better but...
[02:08:14] Equilibrium re-established.
[02:08:17] Stu's probably like shut the fuck up I'm trying to play it!
[02:08:19] That's what he thinks in his head no joke.
[02:08:20] You can do this if you're G2 and fuck off
[02:08:22] What are we focusing on losing two players on the CT side is a very big map They have to know there's going to be weakness Let me focus.
[02:08:33] Wait, they're leaving me? Dexter don't die! Nooo... they might go for it again as he shifts off deep towards ct
[02:08:35] next time no
[02:08:46] it's a long rangerange fight for Apex
[02:08:47] And that smoke is going to sever off his vision
[02:08:49] But he has a grenade to break it open
[02:08:52] LZ, no? He didn't really get it
[02:08:54] G2 take a second to pause
[02:08:55] Stewie doesn't overextend into that open smoke.
[02:08:57] You can only have one flash!
[02:08:59] Oh my god, what a fucking name bro. Are you fucking kidding me?
[02:09:03] Go on top, go on top! No?!
[02:09:05] History between these two players and they're looking to make it here in dallas
[02:09:10] this is too hard plays him from dark let's see though nico has banana covered flames
[02:09:14] has another smoke to block off niko when they come for this reason alone
[02:09:21] realizes he has to be proactive about this yes the sneak through that smoke
[02:09:24] to help us do it you can't leave him all alone but that's exactly what will
[02:09:28] happen niko will fall and vitality come back into it
[02:09:32] it's an important round as you mentioned jason for vitality to pick up is now they plant their feet
[02:09:36] on inferno such a patient retake from vitality That's that composure we talked about yesterday,
[02:09:40] looking good in the retake
[02:09:42] and a nice conversion from a three on three.
[02:09:46] Lead is cut to just one
[02:09:52] And G2 even with the bomb plant is going to have to save, invested a couple upgraded pistols that's about it. We see Mezi clean up that kill through the smoke.
[02:10:04] What a performance he had yesterday,
[02:10:05] A player who's gained a lot of rightful criticism within this Vitality camp
[02:10:09] Maybe hasn't adjusted quite smoothly into
[02:10:12] vitality's ranks and yesterday we had a huge playoff game
[02:10:16] against team spirit
[02:10:20] he is 10-4 right now j, so he's looking to have a replica.
[02:10:25] Comfort within the squad here at Dallas.
[02:10:28] Odyssey looks like you want to knock on
[02:10:30] the door rap side against I room?
[02:10:32] Yes, he's the jiggle and gives up
[02:10:33] the fight no needs to duel against the deal at that range at this point
[02:10:38] monasie peeks in towards the archway so i would take monacy out of play sphinx shuts out hunter and g2 really shouldn't already
[02:10:47] helping in this round they're looking for some damage look at a dink on zaiwu but that is the
[02:10:51] closest they will come getting impact in this round still left alone in the apartments
[02:10:56] and i'll walk to his death it is going to be a tight game here
[02:11:02] time out for g2 and just talk things over, nothing's necessarily
[02:11:05] going wrong,
[02:11:05] nothing's too awkward
[02:11:06] or bad but just have
[02:11:08] the conversation.
[02:11:10] What they've kind of
[02:11:11] seen out of Vitality
[02:11:11] on the CT side so far
[02:11:13] is how proactive
[02:11:14] and how mobile their B defense is at the moment apex kind of
[02:11:17] marshalling them in different ways around the map we've seen them push banana re-aggress
[02:11:22] banana full back to see if you want to stack give up the b bomb site for a retake a fullback
[02:11:35] in terms of his history with iem as well 29 i am attendances for apex hey what happened
[02:11:41] oh look at his angle
[02:11:43] wow
[02:11:48] ooooooh into a second middle next that catches out his head
[02:11:56] we are it seems like hunter is very aware of that possibility.
[02:11:59] The Bloodhound has the scent.
[02:12:02] Zylo waits inside of this bedroom.
[02:12:05] Hunter, if he wants to get in there he has to scale up into a danger zone
[02:12:06] and he's decided against that maneuver it's an intelligent call for hunter
[02:12:12] as i was spotting nothing staying towards this a site but there's still a rotation of flames
[02:12:16] away from the bomb site yeah but zairu's in a position to gather information
[02:12:20] moments we start with sensitivity and all g2s are so patient there's the move from apex
[02:12:25] suey punishes that inflames is in no man's land fantastic word from g2 so well put together and these aggressive
[02:12:32] maneuvers on the ct side have been punished time and time again by jitsu yes new beer
[02:12:39] will safely go into the people i don't honestly know and like this yes
[02:12:45] five to four g2 as soon as they get their full weapons out again it's probably about
[02:12:48] a comfortable showing keep this m4 as well of all the time in the world just sit here and chill and bring that forward I don't know. 50-50? No, not at all.
[02:12:56] I would say ZT started actually a little bit but
[02:12:58] not that much.
[02:13:02] 55-45 ZT. kind of conditioning that aggressive play we've seen them push down mid a number of times we've seen it without a deep smoke trying to show various openings behind the aggression
[02:13:07] to kind of confuse and never let g2 know what it's coming this time they're so well prepared hey dallas stewie said yesterday if you
[02:13:22] aren't on our side you're on the wrong
[02:13:23] side so which side are you on
[02:13:28] nice yeah i got that feeling 5-4 for g2
[02:13:38] this is exactly what you wanted from this grand final though you
[02:13:40] wanted g2 to come out swinging he wanted them to come out and be competitive from the get go
[02:13:44] and you got nico getting multi kills you
[02:13:45] got monacy up to 10 already
[02:13:48] this is going to be a competitive at
[02:13:49] least watch map from g2
[02:13:52] they just have to stay in it
[02:13:55] so hunter did know that i was in there the whole time
[02:13:58] yeah he's called sunika to have a look through that window
[02:14:01] oh i was locked out of it oh my god oh my god
[02:14:23] by apex yeah but he's all a distraction the main thrust is coming on the other
[02:14:26] side of the map.
[02:14:27] However, the defense here is very strong. Spinks open in the bombsite.
[02:14:29] Oh! WB?
[02:14:31] WB!
[02:14:34] Train! Train!
[02:14:37] You know, Mezzy off the balcony... that's such an important kill to grab. into this
[02:14:47] we've got a decent amount of utility here vitality they've got a decent amount of utility that's one way to send vitality
[02:14:55] if you lose this retake for vitality your money is gone and g2 can all of
[02:14:58] a sudden get up to seven maybe maybe eight rounds on the half.
[02:15:00] I think these guys just back away. There is no way through.
[02:15:03] There's no opening. They have to back away.
[02:15:05] They have to go for middle.
[02:15:07] Saving their weapons and g2 have confirmed themselves
[02:15:18] and the inferno pick is working out good job such an important save as well
[02:15:22] zairu can drop it m4 apex has plenty of money for a fight flames could drop at m4
[02:15:29] it's going to be a really, really strong defense again for Vitality.
[02:15:34] But they take a timeout first to talk it over.
[02:15:37] Here is one for Anae. Come on!
[02:15:46] Nice!
[02:15:48] W. Jones, W. Chug, W. Chug. Yeah, that's
[02:16:03] for Apex. There was a chance
[02:16:05] of the retake from getting spanned down through the smoke
[02:16:07] What the fuck did I say?
[02:16:08] I love Apex
[02:16:10] Chaz yesterday was able to dispatch
[02:16:13] his former teammate in NEO
[02:16:15] In the coaching department, we got to see him go by
[02:16:19] A few days ago
[02:16:21] Taz has plenty of history at Intel Extreme Masters events as well
[02:16:24] This will be his 18th here in Dallas plenty of history at Intel Extreme Masters events as well.
[02:16:24] This will be his 18th here in Dallas,
[02:16:27] going back across multiple versions of Counter-Strike.
[02:16:30] He knows what it takes to win on these stages. They seem to grow and do what they are now.
[02:16:37] Vitality are hoping that they can grow their score line.
[02:16:40] Two rounds available.
[02:16:45] You don't want to let G2 get any more than one miss.
[02:16:50] He's backing up.
[02:16:53] What is he gonna do?
[02:16:56] What are these smokes?
[02:16:59] Grab smokes?
[02:17:01] Oh no...
[02:17:04] WTF was that?
[02:17:40] There's no way he ran through like that again! what was that himself to kill himself five rounds now for vitality as we head into the last week at a breaking point a couple of times where they've come out on top of all of them, which has made this a really tough tee half for G2.
[02:17:42] Calls in play against investment.
[02:17:44] That was the shot throw side. Hey, why not?
[02:17:46] Get it done, baby.
[02:17:48] 6-5 final round of the first half half and jitsu come to this battle with weaker
[02:17:52] weapons to try and close out this last round surrender in all the words that get into outcome
[02:17:58] to kick off the grand final and zaiwu ascends upon his teammate
[02:18:02] and unfortunately the construction was not solid enough so he drops on down
[02:18:07] unable to fight for that early pick and nico is back to his old tricks inside
[02:18:11] of banana apex this time is ravenous to the and Niko is back to his old tricks inside of Pidano.
[02:18:11] Apex this time is ravenous to the opening,
[02:18:13] but he drops Monacy down to seven health.
[02:18:15] Yeah, but I'm surprised Niko does that with a Galil.
[02:18:17] I'm surprised he wasn't given an AK-47
[02:18:19] if he calls for that kind of play
[02:18:20] because he had the first ink.
[02:18:21] With an AK, that's he calls for that kind of a play because he had the first ink.
[02:18:22] With an AK, that's done.
[02:18:23] And then he's continuing to bully this bomb site.
[02:18:25] Instead they lose a player
[02:18:27] and Stewie's got to be left behind.
[02:18:29] The rest of G2 once again going to go test
[02:18:31] this A bomb site but this has not been an effective tactic for
[02:18:33] g2 throughout this half they got one or two round wins on it but vitality's been really
[02:18:38] really solid about stopping them in particular mezzi and unpredictable difficult to deal with Oh, oh.
[02:18:43] Good position for Nexo.
[02:18:46] Ooh!
[02:18:49] Oh, Nexo!
[02:18:54] Sexta! Oh! Sex up!
[02:19:02] Oh my god.
[02:19:07] Stewie needs to hustle up though if this retake starts going down and something goes wrong he's very far away gonna start sprinting
[02:19:11] back yeah he's coming back through middle instead of that point with a second Oh my god.
[02:19:39] Oh my god, ZywOo's insane!
[02:19:45] Holy fuck!
[02:19:49] That was sick, right? That was actually sick.
[02:19:53] He's closing out.
[02:19:54] He closed it out.
[02:19:55] He could have won.
[02:19:56] Hannah can't, right?
[02:19:57] I'm pretty sure that guy could have won.
[02:20:11] I'm pretty sure he could have won. You didn't kill him. This music sucks. Wub, wub, wub, wub, wub, wub, wub, wub.
[02:20:35] I'll just break.
[02:20:37] Move on to the ad right here.
[02:20:39] Where the fuck's my timer?
[02:21:30] Let me throw my food out, one sec.. Okay. So, This game is actually hype.
[02:21:31] That last round was so sick.
[02:21:33] So, Niko one taps as well? Yeah, this game has actually been hype so sick. So Niko one taps as well?
[02:21:34] Yeah, this game has actually been hyped so far.
[02:21:36] Dude it's robbery that's not BO5.
[02:21:39] Actually biggest ESL L.
[02:21:41] I see where the L comes in for ESL.
[02:21:44] Why the fuck is this shit a B03?
[02:21:45] That's criminal, dude. It should especially be a B05, considering the rounds now.
[02:22:08] MR13.
[02:22:13] Or is it MR12?
[02:22:15] I don't know.
[02:22:39] MR-12. I'm going the comms, oh! I'll switch P.
[02:22:43] He should be on B, his W was in further D.
[02:22:47] I can P again. I'm swapping this. I saw a Swapit.
[02:22:48] I can body lock.
[02:22:49] That should be Peter about to double.
[02:22:50] Nice!
[02:22:51] One more Swapit, guys!
[02:22:53] I escaped the nanny, guys.
[02:22:55] Guys, I escaped the nanny...
[02:22:57] This sound was crazy.
[02:22:58] I wanna hear the comms actually actually oh wait we didn't hear
[02:23:00] it right right wait nico's like ray right w nico he's like right right this guy knows
[02:23:20] oh my god nico bro 75. Fucking Niko, bro.
[02:23:29] 7-5! Here it is on Extreme Masters of Dallas Grand Finals 2-2 with a narrow lead and they pull one out of the hat at the end.
[02:23:32] Stewie with the 1v2 to closeout the clutch. What the fuck was happening? Fuck you on.
[02:23:36] What is happening?!
[02:23:40] This fairy tale rocket in vitality now switches onto the attacking side
[02:23:44] not testing g2's defense it's not me i don't know what's happening
[02:23:49] when it takes a couple of weaknesses spotted over towards the A bomb site from Jesus' defense yesterday.
[02:23:56] Adjustments will be made overnight, and Modesty...
[02:23:59] Modesty on pistol is the best player in the world.
[02:24:01] Are we pushing behind that baby?
[02:24:02] Yes, we are! Hunter around the back i'm able to sink
[02:24:13] and vitality or into the bomb site vitality is going to be concerned about Almost. What do they have? Mezzy and Flames move to handle Banana, but nobody's there.
[02:24:26] G2's come all the way back to CT spawn.
[02:24:26] What do they have?
[02:24:27] They have a smoke kit?
[02:24:29] There's no kit.
[02:24:31] This retake has to be fast on the smoke fade.
[02:24:35] Timing for ZywOo here is the step coming into Coming into a CT looks that way but his Flames are actually takes everybody's life away!
[02:24:39] Terrible retake, terrible retake.
[02:24:40] Niko coming around the back of the coffins.
[02:24:42] He's got one right up on top there.
[02:24:43] ZywOo to deal with and Niko dispatches him.
[02:24:45] Why do they go out mid before the guy back off already? right up on top. That's I would deal with the Nico dispatches of
[02:24:46] why do they go out
[02:24:46] before the guys?
[02:24:47] I'm already coming in
[02:24:48] to try and run alone.
[02:24:50] Time is all the essence
[02:24:51] time, in fact,
[02:24:52] has run out
[02:24:52] and he is going
[02:24:53] to be six rounds
[02:24:55] for vitality and they had needed a second half going yeah
[02:24:59] nice crossfire center for vitality in the post plant i think g2 might have been expecting players
[02:25:04] to be inside the palm side of the back of the watching their first players commit
[02:25:07] through and just some bangers from
[02:25:09] flames shuts it down
[02:25:12] a little burst fire at the end well done
[02:25:16] man you don't see that I don't see that yeah you don't see that every day
[02:25:20] that's a forced buy for g2 oh that's a 4v5 converted as well
[02:25:24] for vitality modesty to get the first one right yeah once again mid push oh my god Oh, everyone's dead. They know Niko is B because the bot just missed.
[02:25:42] He has bomb though! He doesn't know it.
[02:25:45] Does he know that he has bomb?
[02:25:46] He doesn't know. There's no way he knows.
[02:25:49] He can win this though. he's got a chance here sphinx is tagged up problem is there so much time on the clock
[02:25:55] he has no idea where they're going he's gonna have to make some examples they might come be overplay this but they don't know
[02:26:03] they don't know he's going to count on them coming to his location oh my god that might come be
[02:26:10] they're coming no way we go with these both of them, right?
[02:26:13] NOOOOOO!
[02:26:15] I'm walking out middle at the moment which is a good thing to do.
[02:26:18] And what timing does he choose to move? He knows there's guns to salvage in middle.
[02:26:24] Does he ever push
[02:26:25] down banana or does he wait for the ball
[02:26:27] to get planted?
[02:26:29] How do we get him to rotate?
[02:26:30] Start booing, start booing.
[02:26:32] Start booing start booing realizing
[02:26:40] to collect that galil at the top of the t-star there's a smoke available now for mon for nico as well
[02:26:46] He'll start creeping his way through middle vitality clearing out the side realizing
[02:26:50] I remember he goes using the crowd to use x-ray and cheat.
[02:26:55] Using crowd play.
[02:27:01] Is that not fair play or no? Maybe not, I guess. down and came first and there's a smoke for nico to get into the side the pit could fall
[02:27:05] and niko maybe not i guess closer to the site oh sphinx now detected it's all about timing
[02:27:10] whether or not spring spots him and he's getting so deep into this
[02:27:12] he's actually getting all the way he can get behind sphinx he could find himself
[02:27:22] that could have been another hero moment for nico his reactions are so funny
[02:27:35] yeah he is very smart i can't believe he gets that close to pit.
[02:27:37] High IQ player.
[02:27:39] What a wonderful attempt.
[02:27:40] That'll put you on notice.
[02:27:41] Oh and look at this.
[02:27:43] G2s putting their balls on the table.
[02:27:45] They go for another force buy
[02:27:48] again round for walls this is a throw
[02:27:52] vitality down to one player in the last hoping they can break
[02:27:56] them here.
[02:28:03] We play as a B for G2.
[02:28:05] They have to force it? They have no money?
[02:28:06] What do you mean they have no money?
[02:28:09] You guys have three acres
[02:28:11] leading the choice through banana
[02:28:17] it's too obvious the bush is too obvious here this push is too obvious
[02:28:21] i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it with the first killer might have been able to work This is bad, this is very bad.
[02:28:35] Oh! Lozermag!
[02:28:38] Lozemarac?
[02:28:41] Where the fuck's the match?! this money kind of goes away it is going to be a little bit
[02:28:44] established money on the ct side that's right has to be a save
[02:29:05] that's gonna lie about mentality i haven't seen that here and a chance to extend it even further I hated Anubis at first, but it did grow on me.
[02:29:07] You know what sucks though? I think Ancient still sucks.
[02:29:11] I hate that Ancient at first,
[02:29:12] and then I still hate it. quite quickly here on the first
[02:29:13] to go for this kind of investment. It
[02:29:15] definitely is
[02:29:21] carried over let's see what they can do with them though right they can still cause a little bit of damage
[02:29:30] maybe they create some chaos maybe it just gives you an ak-47
[02:29:33] from last night winky winky winky he has a white doesn't he
[02:29:39] inside we're not even anti-flash excuse me he
[02:29:41] just gets one blind and is able to clean up on modesty.
[02:29:44] 14 kills so far for some
[02:29:46] pictures that way, but hurt them.
[02:29:50] At Apex kind of you gotta
[02:29:53] lick in there from the crowd.
[02:29:56] Fuck a mix You got a lick in there from the crowd Fuck Apex is feeling himself. What is this design happy hold on? This could be a happy moment
[02:30:03] Nico stand hold on hold on of Stewie
[02:30:06] oh Niko, stand the time to hand of Stewie. Hold on, hold on.
[02:30:12] In this slight off angle... What?...I know how good it can be but they predicted
[02:30:14] Wait no! Why'd you fall bro?! I was just about to look at you.
[02:30:21] Defensive smoke going in. Cancel each other out. Next up,
[02:30:24] playing inside the site with one of those saved MP9s as well.
[02:30:29] Vitality don't want to mess with it for the moment...
[02:30:31] This round is impossible to win, I'll say it.
[02:30:33] Not impossible!
[02:30:34] 5%.
[02:30:35] Stewie has got 1 more smoke as well.
[02:30:39] 5% chance.
[02:30:40] That gets well-timed.
[02:30:44] It might be exactly what G2 need.
[02:30:48] Hunter is coming over with a Molotov as well. Wait, they're wooing!
[02:30:49] This is perfect as it's going to get for G2.
[02:30:53] Well their forces combined be enough
[02:30:55] To stop the might of Vitality's mind
[02:30:57] They're going through
[02:30:58] Oh my god this is possible coming through this
[02:31:11] we need that turn behind it's like he killed for four games sentences Nice!
[02:31:25] Plank.
[02:31:42] He's got his flank. plant this bomb oh my god he has to change his position he has to take cover He's so good. He's so good. He's so fucking good. He's so fucking good.
[02:31:43] He's so fucking good.
[02:31:44] The Prodigy versus the Chosen One.
[02:31:45] Oh, my God!
[02:31:46] Oh, my God!
[02:31:47] Oh, my God!
[02:31:48] Oh, my God!
[02:31:49] Oh, my God!
[02:31:50] Oh, my God!
[02:31:51] Oh, my God!
[02:31:52] Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! he's so good he's so good Oh my okay that's a tough clutch oh my god scary individual players using every trick in the
[02:32:19] book modesty knows he's got so much time in that ball no kiss but he had it with my kid he still had it
[02:32:28] yeah hunter what a transfer over to a low hp player he set this up perfectly
[02:32:33] and modesty closes out for him.
[02:32:38] To the chance of his name, he's got G2 tied up!
[02:32:46] And now he's got the AWP.
[02:32:50] And it becomes a whole new game for Vitality when this comes out!
[02:32:52] Oh god, oh god, oh god...
[02:32:54] Moose me, moose me, moose me, moose me!
[02:32:56] ZywOo looks to challenge him instantly through banana god damn it bro you know those five
[02:33:00] so caster's a good time if you get in behind that smoke Ohhhhhhh.
[02:33:13] Oh my god, I love this!
[02:33:16] I love this!
[02:33:19] I hate this. I hate this, I hate this
[02:33:23] Dude, dude
[02:33:25] I thought they were gonna let the AWP surge
[02:33:27] and then flash on his contact You know what I'm saying?
[02:33:29] Or no, but the off-search drives
[02:33:31] Fuck it
[02:33:33] And then Nicos on the shot
[02:33:35] Flash, Nico swing
[02:33:39] The flash play everyone's waiting for it wait
[02:33:59] and vitality once again into the lead oh Oh, man, G2 they had their opportunities
[02:34:00] They're doing good, man.
[02:34:01] Couldn't find that kill on ZywOo
[02:34:03] Modesty needed one with the AWP but picked off
[02:34:05] If they get either of those having success
[02:34:07] He's only won one round that day
[02:34:08] It was a hero round
[02:34:09] Well done from Vitality trading their way into this bomb site
[02:34:14] ow my eyes much like yesterday looking very calm and composed in every scenario
[02:34:21] and the first time out is taken from g2
[02:34:28] money still that guy's definitely still high.
[02:34:38] My wife gave me permission to be here, guys.
[02:34:41] Big story but nice.
[02:34:45] Bro thinks that we'll with everybody's married bro thanks i won't believe he's buried so they fully invests again just having a fantastic show here.
[02:34:55] Topping the charts for his side hard to compete with ZywOo but he's up there.
[02:35:01] Hunter?
[02:35:03] Aggression down middle for hunter smoke breaks breaks open, doesn't reveal his position
[02:35:05] to that of Vitality.
[02:35:07] He is going to hang around.
[02:35:10] They've got a lot of presence
[02:35:12] to make this as safe of a mid-push
[02:35:13] as possible.
[02:35:14] Modesty's all peering deep at the smoke
[02:35:27] it's not so much time for Vitality to try and control this one, but the Apartments has two players set up in it.
[02:35:32] It's Niko and Nexa.
[02:35:34] Both play from Boiler.
[02:35:36] It's fake noise! It's fake noise! Play from boiler Oh His armor though? I don't think so.
[02:35:48] Oh my god, that'll kill them!
[02:35:50] OOOH!
[02:35:52] Aw...
[02:35:54] Aw, he's winning by a lot.
[02:35:58] They've got smokes to block off Stewie and Modesty as they shift over modesty with his office going to be locked out likely to join up with
[02:36:01] stewie up at brackets have another smoke though
[02:36:04] and see if they can retake this through lane both players inside the bombsite
[02:36:08] there's no available for g2
[02:36:15] we smoked to short thrown out by Mezzi.
[02:36:20] Yeah they're gonna save They've been locked out
[02:36:21] that smoke ruins everything
[02:36:22] and they just say
[02:36:23] we don't wanna risk it
[02:36:24] Again money is such an issue
[02:36:25] for G2 on the CT side
[02:36:27] doing some of those force buys early on
[02:36:32] And they need these weapons
[02:36:36] vitality now up to 10 rounds
[02:36:52] a tough one really well for that i thought there was too much risk involved I don't blame them
[02:37:00] apex is calling a wonderful t-side so far and vitality's next to here
[02:37:03] but it's kind of hard.
[02:37:07] You know, we're in the 100th Intox Street Masters but just think of the history
[02:37:09] of those 29 IMs Apex has played.
[02:37:11] His tables are getting wrecked! And was just as a young french entry fighter and now
[02:37:13] we've seen him over the years wins titles with vitality and the best player in the world of last
[02:37:20] year through some of their struggles they've been stalled out since lifting the trophy in rio
[02:37:27] just at the start of 2023
[02:37:32] mezzi's up banana nico with the deagle stewie with that saved ak-47 big job to do first oranges steps through to his what's happening the game is slipping
[02:37:44] keep it simple
[02:37:45] nah
[02:37:46] keep it a little bit
[02:37:47] nissy
[02:37:48] nah
[02:37:49] and they're gonna get
[02:37:50] an easy one with Rell
[02:37:51] because priority for G2
[02:37:52] becomes saving
[02:37:53] the AWP
[02:37:54] saving yet again 11-8
[02:37:56] Vitality stuck in this game. You should have had that. It's usually a drop to A against Niko?
[02:37:59] Oh yeah, lowkey! Lowkey! But it's okay.
[02:38:02] Once those T sides come through, it's another fantastic performance out of
[02:38:05] the Apex calling department but they've had
[02:38:07] clutches they've had moments and in particular it's again it's the menzies i will combo who is
[02:38:12] delivering most firepower yeah mezi's playing with 6-Rider. No no no that's not good. He was in these playoffs yesterday and he got Spirit
[02:38:17] he was absolutely phenomenal now
[02:38:18] He's putting that same work again
[02:38:19] Oh don't lose that
[02:38:20] Don't not lose that weapon
[02:38:21] This is the whole point of a save call
[02:38:24] Monacy running further back
[02:38:25] Now Hunter will move into position
[02:38:26] to try and act as an obstacle
[02:38:28] To delay them if they decided to hunt but they will give him the mercy
[02:38:34] G2 save three guns, HBP in particular
[02:38:36] And think back to g2 semi-final yesterday against 9z that got sketchy
[02:38:40] that was actually quite a bit especially on the ct side they were struggling and the thing that
[02:38:45] saved them at the end of the day was Nico. He put together three incredible rounds to close that out,
[02:38:50] a Herculean effort out of an individual
[02:38:52] and he's played these past two or three rounds
[02:38:54] mostly with Deagles.
[02:38:55] He hasn't really had a weapon
[02:38:56] to have the impact he needs on this ct side so far
[02:39:03] is anyone talking over there probably right second timeout for g2 what the What the fuck?
[02:39:15] What are these guys doing? What is that guy doing in front of a case?
[02:39:19] Hey, what? What what the is going on it could all come to a
[02:39:23] close if g2 are not able remember when the kid was opening cases in the crowd he opened
[02:39:28] the knife and he got caught playing a video and everything what points
[02:39:33] closing out g2's map pitch
[02:39:37] the crowd trying to manifest this comeback at the end of inferno three rounds back
[02:39:47] so we went to banana
[02:39:52] letting out the initial barrage.
[02:39:53] Here's the play for Niko, there's the flashbang as Iroh dodges it but...
[02:39:56] Dodged it, didn't have a kill.
[02:39:57] No trade!
[02:39:59] Important draw picked up by Niko.
[02:40:00] Yeah we triple wins that if I like that.
[02:40:02] 20 seconds left here for Vitality to try and recover
[02:40:04] though.
[02:40:05] They needed that kill.
[02:40:06] There's not a whole lot of utility at this B bombsite.
[02:40:08] Stewie has got smoke Molotov.
[02:40:09] Oh my god, Niko is staying.
[02:40:10] And he's going to stay up on top of the sandbags.
[02:40:12] Why?
[02:40:12] impacts are just trying to gather info with with these jumps but nico dodges
[02:40:37] team right through knowing they've got stevie to damage Oh, no! Wait.
[02:40:38] Where's Nezudai?
[02:40:40] He's walking back.
[02:40:41] He's walking back.
[02:40:43] They know.
[02:40:45] Hey.
[02:40:59] Beautiful play. bomb site so we you getting okay the smoke's up
[02:41:03] as well on top of it that's oh my god hunter wins around by catching apex on the retreat
[02:41:09] stewie delice and warming up inside of the b-bomb site
[02:41:20] or am i crazy i just don't understand that
[02:41:33] even allows hunter to find one through the smoke yeah he had a second kill easily and that play
[02:41:46] actually had a second killer is nasty HAHAHAHA This is crazy, this is too funny bro
[02:41:51] This is too funny, bro. It's too funny, bro.
[02:42:01] Funky Apex! to the second half. They've got all of their money in the world, they've got multiple buys
[02:42:03] and multiple opportunities
[02:42:05] to stay calm
[02:42:06] and be ready for what comes next.
[02:42:09] Apex trolls out his orders as he looks down the line.
[02:42:13] Why just him? Because he's the most likely to get tilted!
[02:42:16] He's the most likely to get tilted by that!
[02:42:20] That's why it's great! They still have everybody on the 8K.
[02:42:25] We're yet to see a massive moment from MonacySniper,
[02:42:29] despite having it multiple times.
[02:42:33] ZywOo cancelled out from taking early banana control there's jewel messi and
[02:42:38] so i will work in tandem to take the most dangerous part of the map.
[02:42:48] Risky.
[02:42:50] It is risky, but he still thrives.
[02:42:52] Smoke's fading in these kind of positions when the smoke's faded white and it's just him and me up front of him. This Smokes fading.
[02:42:58] It's all good, it's all good. It's all good shit happens.
[02:43:01] Ohhhh shit...
[02:43:08] Oh man... Oh shit. 5v4 for Vitality now and plenty of time for the T side to work with. And Vitality has been really hesitant to kind of fall back to the A bombsite now that Modesty
[02:43:11] is having an AWP in the field of play,'re gonna do this
[02:43:19] hunters now shifted over a lot of faith in nico with no smoke no molotov it's
[02:43:22] okay they can still win this round to hold the other side of the map
[02:43:29] 45 seconds there's time they have the right way to change this if
[02:43:32] they sense but they're gonna execute straight out of holes. Oh, Modesty went back good.
[02:43:38] Big skill from Modesty.
[02:43:40] These GMs are great! I think they got him.
[02:43:42] No, they didn't. No, they didn't.
[02:43:46] The flank MOTO! THE FLANK MOTO! Oh no... the fight it's what they call down the beautiful read beautiful
[02:44:10] they've seen the light at the end of a tunnel but g2 are putting that light off right
[02:44:13] now monity hits some easier shots but he's
[02:44:16] still fragging out from the site the distractions set up for the rest of his teammates
[02:44:20] have Nexo on their balcony, Hunter carrying
[02:44:22] to clean-up
[02:44:24] and G2 feel that energy
[02:44:26] Stop moving! Taz the side
[02:44:28] just fucking go bro. I think thats what he said no joke stop moving Damn damn flames all right okay that puts a whole new spin
[02:44:45] a little bit better trying to save some money for down the stretch
[02:44:48] they've given themselves an advantage still they have got weapon inferiority
[02:44:54] yeah but these these aggressive banana holds up at sandbags over towards car or
[02:44:58] what used to be car it hasn't been super effective for g2 sure easier against pistols you'd expect
[02:45:06] oh flash right they're gonna contact.
[02:45:15] Chill, chill, chill!
[02:45:20] Nice!
[02:45:57] Nice! We're back! We're back! is effective for g2 a lot of impact hunter is having a lot of impact hunters having a lot of people obviously And this team you keep thinking are down and out. This team, you keep thinking okay it's enough for Jitsu This miraculous week is over
[02:46:00] They always fight a little bit more to give
[02:46:04] Good night goodnight goodnight goodnight With some pace i speak
[02:46:19] he's really starting to commit to his own for this g2 defense
[02:46:22] It's the reason they're still fighting nexus over again. Oh, no
[02:46:25] God damn he's gonna get burnt what are you doing bro just show man Oh my god, they're 2-2 now. Oh my god, they actually threw this round!
[02:46:51] He's gonna boost, he's gonna boost, he's gonna boost...
[02:46:53] Holy fuck! They're gonna boost!
[02:46:57] No they're not. It's the two heaviest hitters for Vitality
[02:47:00] still alive.
[02:47:02] That's very bad.
[02:47:06] Look at him!
[02:47:10] What the? Flash is effective, Stewie runs over the top. Although ZywOo knows exactly where he is!
[02:47:12] What the f-
[02:47:14] Got wallbangable
[02:47:16] Oh my god they fucking threw a 2v3
[02:47:19] Was it 2v4?
[02:47:21] I don't even know what it was, but they threw
[02:47:22] the...
[02:47:23] The Moto guy died
[02:47:24] and fucked them.
[02:47:25] Oh no.
[02:47:32] So this is D-back two clawing all the way back to this final round so let's backside to take him out of the round i think hunter must have
[02:47:43] got it blind at some point but he never activated in that battle he was in that same position the
[02:47:47] whole time that was so good actually swing to help defend the bomb site.
[02:47:57] It's not Ruge who found him pinned down, harassed with nowhere to come. So Taz burns timeout three.
[02:48:01] Everyone's tilted, Loki, yeah.
[02:48:08] Just one left to complete this comeback g2 what overtime question is dallas do you guys want over time do you want stewie to go all the way to the overtime here to close out Inferno?
[02:48:17] We're about to find out if they can do it.
[02:48:20] G2, one round extra and we got the bonus rounds here on Inferno.
[02:48:24] How's their buy look?
[02:48:25] Three?
[02:48:28] G2 has made this happen through smart rotations, even when they've lost players
[02:48:31] They had reads and the right calls
[02:48:40] No off this time on monacy two mp9s on stewie and nexa
[02:48:46] and so he's gonna push up go through this one takes the risk and gets the reward Go through the smoke, ProG.
[02:48:49] Flash B ramp!
[02:48:59] Oh no, N he's gonna die have a test in the situation
[02:49:03] stop him from speaking do we i don't like this i don't like this setup at all i hate this setup actually hit it wait i hate this setup so much.
[02:49:12] He didn't even peek! He said fuck it, he let him die.
[02:49:14] Respect.
[02:49:16] I think he was trying to smoke the molly flames and then he died extremely low they could be cleaned
[02:49:19] up quick it's gonna get even back very very fast and already it's back to a four on four so much
[02:49:26] damage yeah as well as makes his way forward's switching halls is really good by Nexa!
[02:49:29] Really good!
[02:49:33] Don't go any further!
[02:49:37] Oh my god thank god he got that Holy fuck how? Holy fuck how?
[02:50:19] What are they saying? g2 continues but hunter the crowd They're not cheering enough.
[02:50:31] Dink, dink!
[02:50:32] Beautiful! No, he got away. They're going back to B now I think.
[02:50:42] How does OT work? Wait, I think it's normal OT right? think three rounds oh the fire he can't stand and fight within the site
[02:51:09] it's been a troublesome one for apex flange is going to commit to the plant
[02:51:14] now he felt uncomfortable This is all the usual middle.
[02:51:36] Oh no, Zywoo how how? ZYRU HOW?!
[02:51:37] OH MY GOD!
[02:51:39] How did we get those kills bro?!
[02:51:41] Where's everybody looking?!
[02:51:43] This is the Zyrue we wanted.
[02:51:45] This is the Zyrue we always always ask for one who takes charge of situations
[02:51:49] who takes command in chaos and that is three critical options around picking off nico
[02:51:56] and then as g2 makes their move he just dances about the edge of the smoke Okay. That first kill was ridiculous! The second kill is...
[02:51:58] Why was that guy not trading?
[02:51:59] How did he kill me so fast?
[02:52:00] I'm just gonna go for the kill.
[02:52:01] I don't know what to do with this guy.
[02:52:02] He's a good player, but he's got some bad moves.
[02:52:03] I think we should try and get him out of here.
[02:52:04] I'll be right back.
[02:52:05] I'm going to take care of it.
[02:52:06] I'm going to take care of it.
[02:52:07] I'm going to take care of it.
[02:52:08] I'm going to take care of it. I'm going to take care of it. I'm going to take care of it. trading charge on that rifle and when you need something how did he kill me so fast that we've wanted all year long
[02:52:27] a performance like this could charge them forward to their first title in 24. triple from that's a good player though so sphinx is going to activate for sure
[02:52:45] and that is a perfect backstab from sphynx they're like you see this boat i just need
[02:52:48] to get the bomb connected nico, Niko coming through short.
[02:52:52] He's going to be spotted out from Grinch.
[02:52:53] How did he get that?
[02:52:56] Well, they don't expect Stewie here.
[02:52:57] They don't expect Stewie here.
[02:52:58] Stewie is here.
[02:52:59] Stewie is here.
[02:53:00] But Vitality has got Stewie.
[02:53:01] Never mind.
[02:53:13] They fully expected him. Bomb! They know the rotation would have been coming in let's do it all the way back around and get a freebie stewie's got no shot in this 1v3
[02:53:22] they fought hard to get into overtime they They had to come back in with the regulation here, G2.
[02:53:24] If they lose this map I think they'll get too old.
[02:53:26] Comeback is required.
[02:53:27] I think we have to win this map and win it at Map 3.
[02:53:31] This is Sphinx's good clearance of the second player.
[02:53:35] Where's the drakidog?
[02:53:36] That's why I say it counts on sleeping, that's not what's the protocol
[02:53:39] that's the response about if there's a hulls player
[02:53:41] he pops out when you have a stack over towards lane
[02:53:44] and none of the players from G2.
[02:53:45] Once Modesty goes down, they get that trade kill
[02:53:47] None of them reacted to that potential
[02:53:52] Modesty flick
[02:53:54] Searching for that opening fight
[02:53:55] at the edge of the half wall,
[02:53:57] but great utility from Vitality
[02:53:58] that is going to force him back.
[02:54:01] The AWPer can't stand in safety
[02:54:03] unlike Messi who somehow finds himself
[02:54:04] a powerful position. He'll charge out. Utility sets him up and... Oh, yeah.
[02:54:08] Whoa... Grenade and all!
[02:54:12] They're going to next door.
[02:54:16] Oh, this is a good copy. Apex they go. early banana fights and vitality now set their side
[02:54:28] what the is that angle I feel like he gets shit on right there. But, I don't know.
[02:54:34] False pop? They're clearing being are gonna have to know Roll, Molly! Roll! You can't know though.
[02:54:48] How do you know?
[02:54:49] God damn it bro.
[02:54:50] He has to go first though.
[02:54:51] It's easier to hold lane right?
[02:54:52] It's easier to hold lane.
[02:54:53] I'm not even going to play this game.
[02:54:54] I'm just gonna keep playing.
[02:54:55] I'm just gonna keep playing.
[02:54:56] I'm just gonna keep playing.
[02:54:57] I'm just gonna keep playing.
[02:54:58] I'm just gonna keep playing. I'm just gonna keep playing. I'm just gonna keep playing. though but i don't know They get three of them. I'm saying because I know what he should have done,
[02:55:11] but I don't know if that's like...
[02:55:13] as King Codd.
[02:55:15] He just saved him smoke for himself though right?
[02:55:19] He just saved him smoke for himself. If you smoke
[02:55:20] Halls, it
[02:55:20] doesn't do
[02:55:21] anything.
[02:55:22] It just
[02:55:22] jumped into
[02:55:22] the smoke.
[02:55:23] It
[02:55:23] doesn't matter
[02:55:23] right?
[02:55:24] Like
[02:55:24] Halls
[02:55:24] Smoke is
[02:55:25] more
[02:55:25] huge
[02:55:25] as
[02:55:25] like
[02:55:25] illusion.
[02:55:27] It's
[02:55:28] just
[02:55:28] going to
[02:55:28] be so
[02:55:28] difficult.
[02:55:29] No room
[02:55:29] for
[02:55:29] mistakes
[02:55:29] and both
[02:55:30] teams have
[02:55:30] burned their timeouts so no chance for the coaches both teams have burned their time out
[02:55:31] so no chance for the coaches to come up with a new game plan a new idea
[02:55:37] easy clearance of the molly and headshot combo from flames
[02:55:41] nexus dude no chance playing him for the bike.
[02:55:45] It's over.
[02:55:46] It's over if this fucking thing gets through.
[02:55:49] They made us think that we could win...
[02:55:51] In reality there is no way they can win this.
[02:55:52] It's over.
[02:55:53] It's over.
[02:55:54] Vitality have at least confirmed themselves.
[02:55:56] Oh my god!
[02:55:57] We watched this whole fucking match for them to lose?
[02:55:59] But you've gotta say it does feel very likely likely they get to close things out now i wanted
[02:56:04] to see apex bald and you've got a zaiwu playing this wall when you've
[02:56:08] got mezzi supporting him so effective up through banana on the t side
[02:56:12] i mean you can categorize whoever you want as a rifler Don't joke. Actually, it's 2-12. I agree.
[02:56:24] Impact on top.
[02:56:25] 15 to 12.
[02:56:26] Every round is a must win for G2.
[02:56:27] Every fight is a must win for G2.
[02:56:28] 50 on both?
[02:56:29] Yeah.
[02:56:30] This is the best we've ever seen in this game.
[02:56:31] We're going to get that.
[02:56:32] We got that.
[02:56:33] We got that.
[02:56:34] We got that. We got that. We got that. it's a must win for g2 every fight is must win for gt50 on both yeah these
[02:56:40] immediately at the beginning of this round no joke if sue gets an entry
[02:56:44] this round We died Oh my god. Oh my god!
[02:57:00] Look at how he died bro, that guy just fucking ran into them so hard.
[02:57:06] Flames alone on the site? He completed an entry bro. is personal one health and hold from flames no one's rotating no one's gonna help
[02:57:21] all these beautiful flashes bro look at
[02:57:24] those flashes bro insane support
[02:57:27] mentality known on the best positions to go for a retake here we got 16k
[02:57:33] so i mean test it see if they give you anything we saw that at the end of the first half almost
[02:57:37] have an incredible retake as well so might as well see what you can find
[02:57:40] there's two molotovs a smoke for the bomb if they can get in but first they have to find the openings
[02:57:51] he's worried about someone coming from behind he's got no I was like, wait, 10k? Like how do they have so much money? That's pretty good.
[02:57:54] You get guaranteed
[02:57:55] like three gun rounds basically.
[02:58:01] He got him. I will begins to place his utility to try and make things uncomfortable for next up forces him into the open And Oh, find him! Oh.
[02:58:11] Bunch of marks.
[02:58:21] I was gonna apply here
[02:58:24] The CS frogs are probably so confused
[02:58:26] Why'd they question mark him? It's a whole thing, it's okay
[02:58:37] Leek cut down to two who steps up next for g2
[02:58:48] will it be something special from modesty an opening play from stewie or on the other side is it zairu or mezzi that just shuts them down quiets the crowd and sends him packing into map number two
[02:58:58] there's nothing quite like having some of the world's greatest car strike
[02:59:02] players experienced on the stage matches go hit for a head an overtime game parentheses can't see it but i'm done ready to catch you too i'm
[02:59:17] done counting them out of these situations
[02:59:19] sphinx sphinx is charging his way down oh my god
[02:59:27] he's very close And Sphinx is searching for Niko! Not Niko, please!
[02:59:31] Oh!
[02:59:35] That's not nice. Three damage? hey suey putting some pressure on flames three damage straight damage from the nade
[02:59:38] three damage from the name five on four for g2 yeah rob what a joke.
[02:59:54] Flames will be boosted up. Did we clear the boost?
[02:59:55] Is the boost in good spots still?
[02:59:56] Let's see...
[02:59:59] I feel like the boost. Is the boost a good spot still? Let's see. I feel like the boost is, like, the best spot.
[03:00:01] But let's see if they check.
[03:00:06] Next one's fired.
[03:00:07] I don't care.
[03:00:19] Oh, they're checked! next thing it's taking next one's fired i don't care Please, two! 2v2. That was a lot of damage.
[03:00:35] You're not going there? Okay... It's okay. down and they've got him in the barbecue in the pit oh my god I'll say it. I'll fucking say it.
[03:00:54] Unless...
[03:00:58] Look at this kill, though. Hunter kisses fuckin' hands, bro.
[03:01:12] Kisses fuckin' hands! KISSES FUCKIN' HANDS hunter kiss his hands bro kiss his hands such quick head shots from honesty and this opens up yet another chance for overtime double ot
[03:01:22] fight back What a maid with their contact in here, but it's Mixx is playing well.
[03:01:39] Oh my god Niko you fucking balls of steel!
[03:01:42] Holy fuck they're timing might be good!
[03:01:44] Oh my God! OH MY GOD! yield this is Oh my god, that was an insanely risky thing to do.
[03:01:57] Actually.
[03:02:01] What?
[03:02:03] Bro!
[03:02:38] Give him a break, what the fuck was that? zaiwu another overtime a story this week What is going on, bro? That's actually crazy. What is going on?
[03:02:40] You guys are crazy.
[03:02:44] He almost won the 1v3, dude.
[03:02:46] A clean 5-on-3 into the bomb site.
[03:03:04] It feels it should never get that one shot overtime to just walk up rap side with Stewie in tandem and you can say nothing about this run at this event they have taken down some of the world's very best teams mouse in the groups phase clan in the playoffs
[03:03:13] and now g2 versus vitality in the grand finals of the Intel Extreme Masters Dallas.
[03:03:22] And that first kill comes so long, G2 can wait they can be patient
[03:03:26] They have a mid setup though Yeah. Where is he going? This guy clunked all the way!
[03:03:31] What the fuck?
[03:03:32] That composure that Vitality showed throughout the...
[03:03:33] I don't know if it was a good thing or not, but I think it's just because of his for cheats and two players up that that composure that vitality showed throughout the
[03:03:45] jillian is just leaving them it's depleted you apex
[03:04:01] adapted a new favorite chant.
[03:04:09] They know, they know their players. It's clear!
[03:04:10] Go go go!
[03:04:11] Right now it is working.
[03:04:13] Oh my god this is actually crazy dude
[03:04:15] Wait they actually brought her back
[03:04:17] Vitality had point games at entire OT
[03:04:19] And then won 3 in a row
[03:04:21] What the fuck was that flash?
[03:04:23] Well they'll be happy about that when the Molotov misses and they realize it wouldn't have mattered anyways because nobody's here.
[03:04:28] Nexa? God damnit, Nexa! i'm kidding i'm kidding
[03:04:37] they're so far away from the retake they might still go for it again money
[03:04:42] everyone's flush with cash but this is another percentage chance That was on him, no? He's looking to defend up and down.
[03:04:57] And Modesty close.
[03:04:57] Messi can't get past him.
[03:04:59] You can't get through Modesty.
[03:05:01] Not right now.
[03:05:06] An even while fueled by the crowd against him apex will not make the right step forward And I can't quite believe what I'm watching, Jason.
[03:05:18] This is G2 who have been hot behind time and time again
[03:05:22] not just in this grand final but in this tournament
[03:05:25] This is a team that will face elimination so many times
[03:05:28] MonoZ we're facing elimination so many times
[03:05:33] right now you never want to be in those situations how many times pressure games has forged them to be one time and have a slight lead in double overtime
[03:06:04] the vitality's time out and freeze time come to a close we play on They're on T side, yeah.
[03:06:15] Nades...ow! Ow!
[03:06:20] Backflash, terrible! Ow. Ow!
[03:06:25] Bad flash, terrible flash!
[03:06:27] Who threw that flash? That was the worst fucking flash ever.
[03:06:30] Well it's one with nothing basically.
[03:06:32] Wait Sphinx?
[03:06:35] Oh my god, oh my god this is a ballsy play.
[03:06:38] He's gonna flash when there's rooks fading!
[03:06:42] Flash, flash, FLASH you motherfucker!
[03:06:46] BAAAAMMMM!!!
[03:06:50] Damn... I love you.
[03:06:57] ... Damn, I'm lucky. This round's cooked right?
[03:06:59] Montessi is 29 AC
[03:07:03] Oh my god look at this fucking rat off angle.
[03:07:06] Yeah, this is nasty. I mean even if he doesn't get
[03:07:07] the kill, the information it provides in it
[03:07:09] It doesn't even need to shoot. He just walked into the apartment
[03:07:11] and got something from the balcony.
[03:07:12] Yeah, but it's allowing them to keep two players over. I was kind of cheating back.
[03:07:16] Maybe they think there was a timing that they could have missed?
[03:07:19] Mezzy is going to adjust his position and get more aggressive on this work.
[03:07:22] Wait, Mezzy is trolling!
[03:07:25] But why are these guys playing like this? trolling this could actually work out for hunter on the cross now without why is this guy
[03:07:26] why are they playing this like this he's going to arrive in time here messi
[03:07:31] set up a fake and it's not gonna i don't think it's gonna work well let's control these rounds
[03:07:45] to kill vitality to realize that it's not going to be a plant at the
[03:07:48] people site and do they expect this play from modesty stepping through one more
[03:07:54] second player though actually best scenario he gets one but they now
[03:07:59] must clutch on this a site a retake
[03:08:02] versus hunter hunters in a rough spot
[03:08:04] though i don't like the spot
[03:08:08] an encroach upon his position.
[03:08:10] The deadly hunter himself looks at dispatch of Mezzi.
[03:08:14] Now it's a side-loading hit, and T2's 17th round. Hunter stands in the middle of this. don't worry how does that guy what a time to step up for hunter
[03:08:39] he's got 26 kills and a big boy clutch everything
[03:09:04] It's fantastic a cg2 firing on all cylinders and What the fuck? Oh my god he contacted him! He's playing anti!
[03:09:07] OH MY GOD
[03:09:09] Alone
[03:09:11] If there was a guy, if there was a guy to do it
[03:09:23] If there was a guy I'm gonna jump through and see if ZywOo can kill the ball. Trade?
[03:09:26] 2v3!
[03:09:28] Stewie has to rotate?!
[03:09:30] Oh god...
[03:09:33] They're faking a. ZywOo's staying though, he never rotates.
[03:09:36] Oh my god...
[03:09:37] Oh my god his look miss! What the fuck happened?
[03:09:39] He's going in for kills though!
[03:09:40] He's gonna go in now!
[03:09:43] Fuck they're goin' into the guy.
[03:09:44] They're goin' to the guy. They're goin going into the guy. They're going into the guy.
[03:09:45] They're going into the guy.
[03:09:47] Wait, what if he's truefabbing? Why is he looking there?
[03:09:52] Oh my god!
[03:09:54] OH MY GOD! oh my god oh frank
[03:10:28] is to be bombsite originally his entire i don't know what the is that apex would have been towards cg spawn watching for the b cross i think it was the crowd but i don't know what happened It looked like that.
[03:10:44] Oh damn, he got in trouble with that round.
[03:10:47] Fucking Zaru!
[03:10:49] He threw that round I think. He got 30, right?
[03:10:51] Got 33... Damn.
[03:10:57] What's the game right here? 18?
[03:11:00] What's game? Oh, it's 19.
[03:11:04] Game is 19 I think.
[03:11:08] Yeah.
[03:11:15] Grenade lands on ZywOo, he's down to 43 and he is somehow dodging the fire.
[03:11:19] Oh it says that right there too.
[03:11:23] Not dodging the flames, that was not Turkey at 1% Oh, it says it right there too. Let's go!
[03:11:27] 5v4
[03:11:32] Not bad, 14.
[03:11:34] Now they know the position of the AWP as well and
[03:11:36] want to continue forward.
[03:11:37] Modesty is going to reposition over towards coffins.
[03:11:42] A jump to see what he's contending with slides in towards dark
[03:11:47] i guess what's this play contacting contact and so i will see good smoke he's gonna guardian triple one two three on nexa
[03:12:44] oh my god move first
[03:12:47] i'm surprised it didn't reposition. I'm surprised.
[03:12:51] He was going to, but then he went back.
[03:12:53] I'm not sure why.
[03:12:55] If he did reposition, I think he wins. four of them a chance two rounds fatality you're playing for overtime again
[03:13:13] this time from behind what the fuck is he going for a fist bump? There's nothing there.
[03:13:19] They start with 3P for G2.
[03:13:23] I'm sure their hearts are absolutely beating because
[03:13:27] G2 players can't quite believe what is happening to them this week in dallas
[03:13:31] they come to the event without their in-game leader oh my god he's at home
[03:13:35] working on strats of nico watching his team play and they recruit stewie 2k last time he played from the crowd was
[03:13:43] five years ago this is quite a showing
[03:13:50] and now one round going
[03:13:53] now one round especially has a wedding that's why he's not here
[03:13:55] because we all know like the real t2
[03:13:57] would not have been this far
[03:13:58] this is a honeymoon classic it's like
[03:14:00] heretics and ballerinas funny movement
[03:14:03] vitality get ever closer to the same site the setup designed to stop
[03:14:07] this there's nico inside of the bombsite.
[03:14:11] Hunter out at long.
[03:14:12] They've broken through this setup before, though.
[03:14:14] When hunter was struggling to get involved in the action
[03:14:16] he's shifting a little bit further away...
[03:14:18] He goes into my spot!
[03:14:32] That's so big! my spot jason he's found himself How did I not kill him and I was under dead? Man!
[03:14:33] How did I not kill him?
[03:14:35] Got into his side.
[03:14:39] It's 2v5 there, right?
[03:14:45] This is a hard retake they've got to find sphinx they've got to find mezzi inside the bomb site
[03:14:51] and they want to close this round in style.
[03:14:57] They send forward one of the most flashy players in all of Counter-Strike,
[03:14:59] and that's Stewie2k! He's got himself
[03:15:01] that headshot! Mezzi is...
[03:15:16] And they cannot believe flash Wow, what a game. What a first game.
[03:15:20] Wow!
[03:15:22] What a first game.
[03:15:26] Apex is not happy. That was exhausting, dude. That was exhausting for them. The music sucks.
[03:15:27] I don't know what to do with this game.
[03:15:28] I'm just gonna play it.
[03:15:29] I'm just gonna play it.
[03:15:30] I'm just gonna play it.
[03:15:31] I'm just gonna play it.
[03:15:32] I'm just gonna play it.
[03:15:33] I'm just gonna play it.
[03:15:34] I'm just gonna play it.
[03:15:35] I'm just gonna play it.
[03:15:36] I'm just gonna play it. I'm just gonna play it. I'm just gonna play it. The music sucks. Oh my god, that was like insane.
[03:15:51] That was a long fucking game.
[03:15:52] Holy shit, I feel exhausted watching.
[03:15:54] Imagine playing. When the comms come on I'll put it on
[03:16:05] I'll put the comms on when they are
[03:16:12] What's this? Oh God. Oh, no
[03:16:17] It's okay to be scared and confused, but we need you to help us understand.
[03:16:25] How did this crosshair get on your computer
[03:16:32] you're a little brother perhaps they're all crosshair
[03:16:36] we can work with you want to get it down to a misdemeanor. Like this?
[03:16:41] Do you have any idea
[03:16:43] what they do to people inside
[03:16:45] with a view model like this?
[03:16:55] But still, Let's go. If you talk to us, we can help you. You sick bastard!
[03:16:58] Then just finish checking PC.
[03:17:01] There's more. then just finish checking pc
[03:17:09] that's too good how could you keep those 180 hertz in prison for all those years
[03:17:12] torture your fps but that's not all is it
[03:17:16] Valorant
[03:17:19] Vanguard
[03:17:20] oh my god
[03:17:22] twisted fuck.
[03:17:25] This kid's been playing on black bars.
[03:17:27] Black bars? That's... that's normal.
[03:17:33] Is this the other way around?
[03:17:35] Rotate the page. He's been playing on fucking IMAX!
[03:17:43] Okay, that was good, that was good, that was good.
[03:17:45] That was good.
[03:17:45] The check-in PC got me.
[03:17:47] They need to fucking check in PC!
[03:17:52] That's good.
[03:17:53] That's good.
[03:18:00] Is this comms?
[03:18:03] Maybe a little bit of both.
[03:18:06] I'm gonna pee, I'll be right back in a sec.
[03:19:47] Damn. so.... Thank you.. Well, next map is Anubis. It's not comms.
[03:19:48] It's not comms.
[03:19:49] When it's comms,
[03:19:50] it shows the five players.
[03:19:51] I'll turn it on
[03:19:52] when it comes. I think I've seen all the good skates already. not good this is a good jersey it's not a good
[03:20:30] jersey right that's not a good jersey, right? I like...
[03:20:36] I don't...
[03:20:37] I like the collar or the button down, but I don't know about the rest.
[03:20:42] It was good?
[03:20:54] Really? Maybe. I don't know. Is this like a bowling team? Wait, low-key they could be a bowling team, no? No.
[03:21:01] ...has an egg...
[03:21:14] this fucking mess now, okay it I can't turn the volume up. Oh my god. What the fuck is Kerrigan saying? Oh my God.
[03:21:16] Hey what the fuck? This fucking player is trash!
[03:21:27] ...fucking nut now okay? I'm gonna fuckin' get 70-okayin' Oh my god.
[03:21:37] What the fuck? Oh my
[03:21:52] My god spaghetti Arm is crazy.
[03:22:02] They lost that final 0-3?
[03:22:02] That's hilarious Another sick picture though.
[03:22:17] POV, you play the game for fun! Oh. This is his mouse pad?
[03:22:50] That's fucking fire.
[03:22:53] I don't even watch anime, but that's fire. I don't even watch anime, but that's
[03:22:54] fire.
[03:23:16] This is I didn't hear it. Alright, alright.
[03:23:22] Nexus seem more pissed off than anyone? Let me see.
[03:23:29] I don't have time the sound was there The sound is...
[03:23:35] Apparently he had it though...
[03:23:36] Oh wait!
[03:23:40] Check and push him with him
[03:23:42] Okay Kois
[03:23:44] One smoke Kois
[03:23:46] Take care of the same guy, careful Flashing What round is this? 15, 16.
[03:23:55] Oh it's the fake! Oh yeah, Bonessi gets one.
[03:23:59] 1v2 Hunter wins.
[03:24:01] Wanna pull, wanna pull that's all we know.
[03:24:03] Hey!
[03:24:04] He's on people!
[03:24:09] Have a good any of them.
[03:24:10] Have a good time, you guys.
[03:24:12] Wait, what?
[03:24:13] There we go.
[03:24:15] That is a Kthia play-by-play.
[03:24:17] You heard a lot there, right?
[03:24:18] We can run the round at the same time so we can continue to talk about it.
[03:24:19] You could see the confusion, right?
[03:24:21] From the side of the seat and Mezi was in a great position
[03:24:23] I'm not sure why he has to push
[03:24:26] I think there must have been like a misunderstanding
[03:24:27] between the timings of Mezi's position
[03:24:29] And ZywOo leaving middle This is where Hunter just falls off like a misunderstanding between the timings of messi's position and zai will leave in middle
[03:24:30] and this is where hunter just found like a little nest yeah same as yanko messy's
[03:24:37] in a great position why did he push which is i said the same thing big time once again on stage
[03:24:50] has been quiet hasn't been the same player we saw last year
[03:24:53] but really stepped it up towards the tail end of this game right obviously this clutch was massive
[03:24:58] for g2 and i just don't know man just. Just the pure resilience from G2.
[03:25:02] They lost all three rounds on their CT side of overtime.
[03:25:06] Like that's where you're thinking it's over.
[03:25:08] The Shades closed it in the second half of the game
[03:25:10] but they somehow managed to get it done on
[03:25:12] the t-sides and great falling as you said i know you're right and in theory
[03:25:16] when your vitality and you're defaulting going up against a standing situation
[03:25:19] when you have this three or run on the t side oh my god
[03:25:22] we should be closed but the fact is on the T side. Oh my gosh, this was very old.
[03:25:25] But the fact is as we could see in regulation
[03:25:27] there were literal holes in his defensive vitality
[03:25:28] and G2 could exploit it
[03:25:29] very simply without having to use too much brain power
[03:25:32] The first two rounds of this comeback
[03:25:33] you're talking about
[03:25:34] are just bxx slowly making sure you get the damage onto apex and fancy
[03:25:38] punishes them what did they do the third one of that finally vitality adapt which makes sense
[03:25:42] and then boom they hit them with a slow sort of peek into middle going towards long
[03:25:46] They catch things off guard. And that's it
[03:25:48] This is not supposed to be that easy
[03:25:50] Once you get to 17-18
[03:25:51] The call from Niko is beautiful
[03:25:53] I take nothing away from that
[03:25:54] You're not supposed to get the 17
[03:25:56] that easy without having to dig into that brain
[03:25:58] power and this is Vitality's fault
[03:26:00] and G2 Resilience
[03:26:01] The Bombers need a good team though I don't think they'll be able to find a good team a little bit after this He's 10-2 in opening duels. I don't know what team would have used that one.
[03:26:17] Maybe he could've again, I'm not sure.
[03:26:19] On this map it was consistent.
[03:26:21] Didn't see the crazy rounds as much from him here
[03:26:23] but it was a consistent output with
[03:26:25] the whole team contributing and And he did it with ak's too like it wasn't only
[03:26:29] abp in terms of opening killing what's going on here is everything settled right
[03:26:33] it's all done or like what's what's going on here? Pretty much.
[03:26:39] Valve was saying that I think January of next year,
[03:26:44] I'll be eligible for the Val tournaments.
[03:26:47] So congratulations. Thank you, man. Thank you. I appreciate it. Congratulations, my man.
[03:26:49] Thank you.
[03:26:53] Good answer Val!
[03:26:57] Nah, I already said this earlier dude I already said this earlier dude.
[03:27:00] I already said this earlier I think he should
[03:27:02] no joke throw again just to say fuck you
[03:27:04] Valve. You waited this fucking long?
[03:27:06] I think he should throw again
[03:27:07] in spite need to throw again.
[03:27:35] In spite, in spite Wait, I think I saw AFX complaining about Dust2. This meme is so good! It's not about those two though, he clarified it
[03:27:49] It's not about those two to That's cool.. I guess teams like to do it with that loose piece.
[03:28:39] You even saw it with Frozen in the first half.
[03:28:41] He was playing out of the balcony
[03:28:41] with rain, playing ticket or inside.
[03:28:43] Just like a speedy?
[03:28:44] And then you might overlook that play. The dynamic is... Oh my God. Just the graffiti?
[03:28:49] Oh my god, wait!
[03:28:51] Bro what a bait!
[03:28:53] Bro that's fucked.
[03:28:56] Are they still spraying the graffitis to block the lineups?
[03:28:56] Or is that not allowed or some shit
[03:28:59] I remember that was a thing too
[03:29:04] Oh my god, I almost spilled it.
[03:29:14] On Overpass yeah especially They will put it on the bathroom signs. What's rising? Wait, oh is that- are they punning the fucking kilom- okay I see now.
[03:29:47] What the fuck's a kilometer? Because we're from fucking US.
[03:29:54] It's actually a fucking six-side, it just dawned upon me. me
[03:30:09] This guy said am I the only one thinking the crowd is biased on g2 no fucking shit, buddy You Fucking shit buddy!
[03:30:16] That doesn't mean...
[03:30:21] Oh wait, guess the player off the hair?
[03:30:23] No that's not AlexiD.
[03:30:25] That sucks!
[03:30:27] I don't remember the players though.
[03:30:29] I don't remember the players well enough.
[03:30:32] Sphinx!
[03:30:34] Uh, Sphinx, oh my god! I got it!
[03:30:35] Oh my god!
[03:30:36] You know when I see GT-
[03:30:37] Wait, he's our own teammate!
[03:30:38] He's not this, he's Sphinx, but of course
[03:30:40] he's good at hair
[03:30:41] JT?
[03:30:42] Alright O who the fuck
[03:30:44] I don't fucking know
[03:30:46] This one is actually hard
[03:30:50] Wait, I already
[03:30:52] It's the same fucking guy again.
[03:30:54] I think that...
[03:30:55] Ines?
[03:30:57] What the fuck is going on?
[03:30:59] No way!
[03:31:02] Oh, bro!
[03:31:05] Okay come on this is Swiss I got it. I know I knew it before you showed it bro
[03:31:10] I do it before they should have probably going but
[03:31:15] Okay I probably know him but, I don't think the hair is like... I knew it before they showed it.
[03:31:16] Okay, if you show me some of his signature hairs with some colours
[03:31:19] I would probably code
[03:31:20] But now he's back to normal and his older hairstyle
[03:31:24] Frozen of course
[03:31:26] Oh yeah, oh yeah. That's me. That is definitely me as well.
[03:31:28] I went full homeless.
[03:31:29] I don't think I've met Barbara before.
[03:31:30] I didn't really care.
[03:31:31] Hamza?
[03:31:32] Like this Hamza.
[03:31:33] Like me.
[03:31:34] Not to the mirror.
[03:31:35] You're not going to be able to see me in that.
[03:31:36] I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm't know. Arzak? I think it's Arzak.
[03:31:37] Like me!
[03:31:38] Don't see the Mulel!
[03:31:40] He is so close to Monotau, so...
[03:31:43] I don't know yeah.
[03:31:45] Who the fuck is that?!
[03:31:48] Yeah he is too bad. Yeah. Who the fuck is that? It's Chopper!
[03:31:51] Chopper
[03:31:56] I'm pretty sure it's Chopper
[03:31:59] That's good Guys, I'm so good at this!
[03:32:01] That's a fucking sick game!
[03:32:03] We gotta get that in Battlelogs.
[03:32:05] Yo no joke let's just take that idea.
[03:32:07] I don't give a fuck we're taking that idea. I don't give a fuck about taking that idea i don't give a fuck about kicking that
[03:32:09] yo the esl content has gotten
[03:32:11] better for sure definitely gotten better
[03:32:13] how's my hair? by the look of your hair
[03:32:15] guess the player here we go
[03:32:17] first one zywOo, a leech.
[03:32:19] Grim, grim, grim, grim, grim!
[03:32:21] My fan!
[03:32:22] I recognize his Abril.
[03:32:24] I locked in Grim.
[03:32:30] Oh wait...
[03:32:32] Yeah!
[03:32:33] It's both players only!
[03:32:35] Wait, I don't know.
[03:32:37] Stop!!!
[03:32:39] Uh, Quims?
[03:32:41] I don't know, I lost.
[03:32:42] Wait, egg? You start my question.
[03:32:44] What is that?
[03:32:45] A pancake?
[03:32:47] That's a good one though.
[03:32:48] That's the perfect one.
[03:32:50] Wait-
[03:32:50] Wait... Okay, that's one. Wait, wait. Okay that's fucked
[03:32:52] Wait what?
[03:32:54] Oh... I don't know his name
[03:32:56] This famous porn actor
[03:32:58] Oh Johnny Tins! Yeah!
[03:33:00] How did he get that off his head?
[03:33:03] What the fuck?!
[03:33:04] I saw it too after you said famous actor, I saw it.
[03:33:07] Wait, that was actually impressive. What the fuck?
[03:33:10] How the fuck did he get
[03:33:11] him off his head?
[03:33:15] Oh my god. Oh my god It's his eyebrows
[03:33:24] That's hilarious
[03:33:25] Bro get Yeah seriously bro.
[03:33:36] Downvote.
[03:33:46] Look at me redditing, bro.
[03:33:47] Is this how you Reddit, by the way?
[03:33:48] This is what people do on Reddit.
[03:33:50] You just like upvote and downvote shit, right?
[03:33:51] You don't have to comment.
[03:33:52] Do you guys go through and upvote, downvote?
[03:33:54] Is this what you do
[03:33:56] like this guy i'll upload him i see the only american team wait what
[03:34:01] the fuck is this guy doing and that's why they get beer yeah my
[03:34:04] fucking fatality versus g2 is about to kick off again
[03:34:08] and this grand final has delivered on all fronts
[03:34:10] that first map was a marvel to behold
[03:34:13] and we're hoping that Anubis can provide some of the same
[03:34:15] but this is a story where G2 can maybe
[03:34:17] struggle a little more. Jason and Stewie maybe didn't
[03:34:19] look as comfortable on this map in particular.
[03:34:22] Sure, there's gonna be
[03:34:23] some issues as we've seen, but they've worked through all of them, so
[03:34:25] let's just forget about that. Let's just enjoy the Counter enjoy the counter strike enjoy the ride because they're giving us i think
[03:34:29] we should go back to her by the way i think we'll go back three for sure
[03:34:31] dallas you've been so good dallas make some noise
[03:34:34] got a couple more maps of counter-strike it's's Anubis, map two, grand finals!
[03:34:48] And thank you for taking us in.
[03:34:51] Free side countdown vitality.
[03:34:53] Starting on the defensive side, trying to pick up the pieces from a top overtime loss
[03:34:58] on Inferno.
[03:35:03] It's G2 with nico at the helm calling a great game
[03:35:08] gonna be putting rounds on the board on the attacking side the team vitality had what they wanted they had zai they had Mezzi having another great performance.
[03:35:11] It wasn't enough to close out map one
[03:35:14] but they've got to believe that Anubis
[03:35:16] is their way back into this grand final.
[03:35:19] Yeah I mean this is their map pick right?
[03:35:22] No matter how devastating it might be we heard Apex in kind of some
[03:35:23] of the interviews ahead of time saying yeah I know they've got to stand
[03:35:25] and I know they're playing with a better
[03:35:26] team and even despite
[03:35:29] the fact that you're bummed about losing Inferno,
[03:35:31] You know going into your map pick
[03:35:32] you have to be supremely confident here.
[03:35:34] There's a hard reset that happens
[03:35:35] A new mentality that steps out onto this stage for Vitality
[03:35:39] as they try and fight back in this series
[03:35:40] and even it up. Take us to a
[03:35:43] deciding map with that trophy
[03:35:45] Intel Extreme Masters Trophy on the line
[03:35:49] The final fist bumps are in
[03:35:51] and his pistol is now underway.
[03:35:54] Where is it?
[03:35:55] Wants to call for G2, looks like heavy outside B to kick things off.
[03:35:58] All five players
[03:35:59] with Kevlar not a single piece of utility
[03:36:01] surely it's going to be contacted into this b-bomb site
[03:36:08] absolutely there's the turn
[03:36:18] space goes down and Dark Mezzi needs to do something special and that starts to deliver but it's all he's got.
[03:36:20] Mezz is in third?
[03:36:22] Apex coming through into what's dark it's one from apex
[03:36:46] oh my god silently tracking down hunter and he unleashes I received those bullets from the dual. Just write them down with a do is
[03:36:47] a little bit stunned,
[03:36:47] a little bit bummed out.
[03:36:48] Stewie puts up
[03:36:50] a triple kill for G2 man
[03:36:51] in the pistol at the end of day
[03:36:53] those three days have
[03:36:55] a huge impact on this stretch.
[03:36:56] Yo, that's even second
[03:36:59] golden say it was lego takes his time picks one more out of the sky i think hunter is getting aim points did he buy you too looking for mezzie
[03:37:06] yeah hunter is going to be disappointed about losing that 1v1 fight because he's getting I don't know. Was he getting aim-punched?
[03:37:12] They all had armor? Oh, okay.
[03:37:19] You've got an AK out here on Monacy Scout
[03:37:21] on Niko that seems backwards
[03:37:22] It certainly does
[03:37:25] Monacy has the head armor
[03:37:27] Wait they bought oh yeah I wanna see how's the head armor.
[03:37:31] Wait, they bought it? Oh yeah.
[03:37:34] We'll cancel that for now. It's cause he doesn't have head armor? He couldn't afford head armor maybe?
[03:37:38] I don't know.
[03:37:48] Did he drop the A again?
[03:37:52] No, I know. I was saying why... Why are you trolling with that Jiggle? a good timing a really good time shoulder peeking This is the biggest gap.
[03:38:16] Modesty!
[03:38:18] Holy...
[03:38:23] The slings are shorter than his jiggles, though? I think so. and he'll get you this round
[03:38:38] kill in the round for modesty get close without him and sphinx just left it wrong he got nothing to do so
[03:38:45] tied up just immediately it's g2 is forced by the colors through fighting for it Spaces checked creep it around the back of that cave and steve wow
[03:39:03] yeah you guys didn't catch her on the monitor
[03:39:04] But he did tea bag sphinx at the end of that if it makes you feel wasn't a fluke
[03:39:10] There's too much shit there bro this is flames maybe slight mistake he didn't quite spot out monty exactly where and as soon
[03:39:18] as that opportunity is given over as soon as modesty takes a small space it just opens up
[03:39:23] the entire site.
[03:39:26] It's not the start of Vitality would have been hoping for it,
[03:39:28] they're down to pistols again.
[03:39:31] Damn!
[03:39:32] Zylo on the D.
[03:39:35] Fuck you Apex.
[03:39:36] The champ against Ramatu Fuck you, Apex. Fuck you, Apex. Chat pick A is for Matt too.
[03:39:41] Imagine if he got jumping there?
[03:39:43] He would hit that shot too which is crazy.
[03:39:47] There's the hatred for Apex we've seen but a loving one. He would hit that shot too, which is crazy.
[03:39:53] It's all in good fun!
[03:39:56] Dude what the heck? There's no work stand as i will be independent smoke let's never extend
[03:40:01] hot flash violations from g2 they know they cleared it out the smokes are up don't want
[03:40:06] to step in anything weird against these pistols they've had a fair few problems
[03:40:08] against pistols in this tournament you're gonna go back to me because they recruited
[03:40:14] they do one do not wanna get stepped wrong apex turning together with flex i think a step wrong
[03:40:19] apex turning together with flames i like
[03:40:22] that call to walk into nexa who primes
[03:40:24] himself ready with this ak-47
[03:40:28] it might come at the perfect time in
[03:40:29] fact his friends is not blinded
[03:40:31] But he actually wanted to dink it far and close on next off this gets a little worrying but Nico fortunately
[03:40:45] And in a snapshot oh
[03:40:52] apex needed to have a kill with that ak-47 to stem the tide and it just doesn't happen mezzi left alone
[03:40:56] so two to one for g2 they aver danger next round should get easier
[03:41:00] unarmored pistols surely and g2's looking to get a hot start
[03:41:06] did you play this map twice at dallas so far 13 10 win over falcons back
[03:41:10] in the group stage and also a loss a heavy loss to vitality on this map 5-13.
[03:41:19] talking point about the playoffs g2 being different from that of
[03:41:22] the group stages they've had more time
[03:41:23] to warm up and they feel like they've actually clicked with students competitive. There's no way they force again, right? Yeah, Vitality is finding that out the hard way.
[03:41:35] They're still broke.
[03:41:36] And also Niko's performance ever since he hit the stage.
[03:41:38] My sweet, sweet boy.
[03:41:39] Where do I even begin with the freezes?
[03:41:40] He's just absolutely destroying his opponents.
[03:41:43] Niko has been so good here in the playoffs
[03:41:52] so round four comes into play.
[03:41:58] And as we expected, it's unarmored pistols for vitality,
[03:41:58] not a whole lot to fight with.
[03:42:00] Is there many BO5 tournaments?
[03:42:02] I don't think they do BO5 finals anymore. All right. Apex is tilted.
[03:42:15] It's full USP save for Vitality.
[03:42:16] Should be a freebie here.
[03:42:17] Both these teams have some huge expectations.
[03:42:19] Obviously, some of those have faded with the G2 situation.
[03:42:23] Both of them have spent a long time...
[03:42:25] Grenade.
[03:42:28] Wait they haven't? that's a big shot
[03:42:30] where did he go
[03:42:34] weights
[03:42:39] that one got the gun year right here you got mouths you got face throwing the spirit entering the conversation
[03:42:48] is he gonna expect him here maybe we started to drop off a little further down that way He's freaking out. Niko is freaking out. He wants to get some. Oh my god, he's dead.
[03:42:49] He's dead.
[03:42:50] It's fucking off.
[03:42:51] Oh God!
[03:42:52] Oh God!
[03:42:53] Oh God!
[03:42:54] Big.
[03:42:55] Bomb is down there.
[03:42:56] Yeah.
[03:42:57] That was a good one.
[03:42:58] That was a good one. That was a good one. That was a good one. Niko's holding it off for the moment. A good recovery from 303, and that might save
[03:43:00] the day there.
[03:43:02] Niko making sure the G2 don't fall out of this round.
[03:43:04] 45 seconds left!
[03:43:06] They don't really have any control.
[03:43:08] This run is kind of scary but still hopefully they go a and they are who is
[03:43:19] oh my god They're going mid, they're going mid there.
[03:43:21] Oh my god look!
[03:43:24] Wait where's his angle? Is he here?
[03:43:26] What?!
[03:43:29] Oh my god he's's a buddy of yours.
[03:43:33] I thought he was going to knife him.
[03:43:35] Oh my god, next one hurt him right?
[03:43:36] Next one hurt him right?
[03:43:43] Oh no! be ready for this still he is not going to be ready for flames and that usb brings him down it comes down to whether or not nexa placed is to perfection
[03:43:55] time can be on his side because mezzi does not have the kit
[03:43:59] eventually he's got a stick and he'll go now well next up he's not going for it oh mercy gets off of it
[03:44:06] and gets back to this time enough time here for messy i'm not gonna lie
[03:44:11] this is gonna be secured the ma mezzies able to find the winning recipe just at the
[03:44:17] perfect moment that was very close right now to pick up there's not very close and it's done
[03:44:22] off of deagles and us they did
[03:44:25] and a little bit of trickery inside the smoke
[03:44:28] they started cheering because he was right past nexa who couldn't have the
[03:44:31] information for stewie but it started with this this was the
[03:44:34] real danger point.
[03:44:37] And even though Niko kind of
[03:44:38] neutralizes it...
[03:44:40] He's lost a lot, so
[03:44:42] Vitality...
[03:44:44] He wants to steal it back and Apex is
[03:44:47] shouting right back at you.
[03:44:49] Dallas I don't know that's hard.
[03:44:53] He's not one to color away
[03:44:55] on against the crowd this is getting played outside of this a bomb site
[03:45:01] Molly faints away
[03:45:04] Nexo takes a powerful position into a main
[03:45:09] and takes a powerful position into a main and the rest of you are soon to follow
[03:45:14] bar stewie 2k on that floor they're gonna go through that flames has to ruddy himself from heaven stewie is down g2 now realize they must go for this. but simply got caught on g2 flames is gonna have to have a conversation with himself while he's dead
[03:45:30] this is twice now that he's missed the timing yeah i agree i agree with muslims in round two
[03:45:35] no it's not expecting g2 to be there as the smoke fades yeah he's just his timing is bad he needs
[03:45:47] and that's going to weaken elsewhere on the map it's a big problem
[03:45:51] but nice job you too we ball This is a Masters or a major
[03:46:20] here and there zywOo doesn't have money to buy for himself so So you can look out across the board, he's gonna need a drop.
[03:46:23] Wait, Masters or Major? Even Masters or Champs?
[03:46:25] I don't even know what that's talking about.
[03:46:29] Is it like KWA is clean now?
[03:46:31] Uh...I haven't noticed
[03:46:33] this so that means it's good actually played a terrible game which i mean the two rounds
[03:46:36] i have any of the two were flare or excuse me the two of the rounds they've lost have been
[03:46:42] that's gonna have to be flames individually switching back in and focusing that means it's good.
[03:46:46] Still SA, yeah.
[03:46:52] He's trying to sell the chance not working.
[03:46:57] Is it working? Maybe it is. Oh wait worst idea in the world to park him over towards the A bomb site.
[03:47:05] Oh wait, this is... This is a round.
[03:47:06] You hear the crowd? Just speak.
[03:47:09] Hear the crowd just speak.
[03:47:10] What?
[03:47:13] Fucking experience!
[03:47:13] FUCKING EXPERIENCE! HOLY NOB! fucking experience that AWP for as I will
[03:47:31] so what's this a bomb so I trying to help out flames who has been struggling
[03:47:40] putting your biggest player over there to help him the g2 so far avoiding that sorry they can
[03:47:45] hear the crowd faintly in the background holding everything going but
[03:47:49] to move through the crowds you can hear it like just lightly in the back
[03:47:55] they found it wide open everyone's sharing you can hear it a little bit with the off to
[03:47:59] try and get g2 to be a little bit more scared a little it's not like full sample The flames is done for this time Is save save
[03:48:27] he's costing them a lot of rounds they have to save oh this is now getting very frustrating for this vitality defense hand to the face of apex again
[03:48:31] the a site keeps falling they make the adjustment and he's still over excited
[03:48:53] he says that who is that
[03:49:00] and this is a g2 that are playing without the pressure of expectations
[03:49:01] coming into this event.
[03:49:03] And we talk about it all the time.
[03:49:04] We had a good game last year.
[03:49:08] He's loving it, he's loving it.
[03:49:09] The Mavs made it all the way to the final with a dead team.
[03:49:11] Teeth who were here without their in-game leader they've got
[03:49:14] them heroes too with the american hero beside them and there's just so much energy it feels
[03:49:18] like destiny at the moment for g2 yeah bro's got rhythm on that yeah those guys give it to him
[03:49:29] three saved weapons for vitality round seven 3m4s not really filling up the utility belts
[03:49:38] is that you go no they say three mezzi has an ak at the b-bomb site
[03:49:42] steve's on for it to be bomb sight g2 is going to try and split this t side The B-bomb.
[03:49:49] Oh!
[03:49:52] They're coming in now. nico charging in messy for
[03:49:58] the back of the platform is delivering a lot wow it's just amazing Imagine! Ohhhhhhh!
[03:50:07] That was nasty!
[03:50:09] That was nasty!
[03:50:13] Holy fuck that was nasty.
[03:50:17] Damn. that was nasty
[03:50:28] that was a really nice face that was a really nice ace. Seriously. That's a really nice ace. This is a guy that has got so much
[03:50:39] criticism and emotions about changes in vitality
[03:50:41] that Messi is putting into work
[03:50:45] 9 kills, 2 deaths
[03:50:47] And around for vitality saved by mezzi
[03:50:53] and that's a brilliant thing to have okay i hope you do it but i hope we get
[03:50:56] my story of that fashion i think we deserve map three. I think we deserve
[03:50:59] map three,
[03:50:59] but I hope G2 win
[03:51:01] with that condition.
[03:51:03] Well if you're G2
[03:51:04] and that B bomb site
[03:51:05] didn't work for you,
[03:51:07] go back
[03:51:07] to thinking about
[03:51:08] middle of A
[03:51:09] because you had a lot of success there at Flames,
[03:51:11] hasn't figured it out yet.
[03:51:12] Problem with that is Vitality's
[03:51:13] thinking the same thing.
[03:51:15] Vitality's kind of saying Gigi's probably
[03:51:16] going to be checking that A bombsite again.
[03:51:18] They've got three players in middle.
[03:51:20] Activate for a little bit of
[03:51:21] aggression nico is brought low
[03:51:31] go in that initial fight That's sick.
[03:51:38] She's having a good map!
[03:51:43] Tough. Full of play. this gap at dark there is an opening for Stewie to move through Hunter tries to get past little play Sphinx in middle but he'll stand strong playing suppression this time on the A-play
[03:51:49] catch his next shot Stewies back to a tricycle with his two players in the canal
[03:51:52] he's flooded he's out of there and that's vitality answering
[03:51:56] this scoreline good job once again we're seeing zai wu just say
[03:51:59] he's taking the opening engagement relentlessly aggressive and middle
[03:52:02] taking those peaks finding they're not
[03:52:03] boys You've had a rough game. Let's get active. There are only three of them.
[03:52:15] We can wrap in behind him,
[03:52:17] and he gets his boy Akil at the end of the day.
[03:52:19] All tied up at four, and G2 is out of money.
[03:52:21] Hero AK?
[03:52:26] Just like that! A hero I care. Just today K47 for Hunter.
[03:52:30] And he goes looking down the line here
[03:52:32] chance to have a conversation for Jitsu.
[03:52:36] Unlikely lull in the action, have a conversation for jitsu
[03:52:39] unlikely lull in the action monacy boosted all these extra wafers
[03:52:47] hunter fortunate to get away from that fight his last two rounds as you vitality's just said you're not getting mid we're gonna fight
[03:52:50] we're going to peak big name but it's still going out
[03:53:07] there was twister saying earlier this week that he feels like...
[03:53:09] The max money is still 16k, right?
[03:53:11] They didn't change that.
[03:53:13] He feels they're getting more rounds and
[03:53:15] Vitality at 5 at the moment
[03:53:17] it's already a pretty good half for them,
[03:53:19] but there could be a lot more on
[03:53:21] the cards that they are able to keep this up.
[03:53:24] Yeah, they can keep building
[03:53:25] this for sure we always do is going
[03:53:27] to be a tough map for G2 in this veto process especially based off what we
[03:53:30] saw them earlier in the tournament against vitality or just happy to see me Nice.
[03:53:44] Here we go, round 10.
[03:53:46] Show me your...
[03:53:48] Oh! Is she the winner?
[03:53:50] Oh, is it a roll?
[03:53:52] Golden tickets to Lotto?
[03:53:54] Wait what?!
[03:53:56] She got a trip through Lotto?
[03:53:59] What!
[03:54:00] Is that rare?
[03:54:11] wait thats the sick prize! What the fuck? She just won!
[03:54:14] That's fucking awesome! That's so cool!
[03:54:16] That's such like...a good idea.
[03:54:18] Like uh...
[03:54:20] Good concept.
[03:54:21] Cause it's bringing bringing opening into the matches
[03:54:26] and g2 is playing this one so patiently looking
[03:54:28] for something i don't even know what happened here towards their mid presence
[03:54:34] where's he dead even i don't even see it by the other oh it's maybe flames going
[03:54:38] passive at the a bomb site fatality hungry for info so they double up in dark it is mid looks like they're about to peek into
[03:54:47] the canal but they're ready to deal with any threat that might come through there from g2
[03:54:50] there's 40 seconds left here back over to b they a it's all back over the b
[03:54:54] they think it's gonna be a b play that will it g2 setting up for this Yeah, Nino! Traded.
[03:55:05] Beautiful trades.
[03:55:07] Does he expect DaiWu?
[03:55:09] I think they heard him scope or no?
[03:55:11] They heard him scope now.
[03:55:12] They definitely heard him scope right?
[03:55:14] They heard him scope but let's see what else... OHHHHH!!! scope right
[03:55:24] good cover wow crazyessi's going crazy.
[03:55:27] Monessi's going crazy, bro.
[03:55:29] He's going crazy.
[03:55:30] Those trades...
[03:55:34] Inside whatever the fuck that room is? his way through dark
[03:55:37] marco goes down he gets the trade wow sick round dude
[03:55:56] 5 up, 5 up!
[03:56:01] 5 up!
[03:56:07] Oh look at this flash play!... Oh, he's in the back play.
[03:56:18] Nice! Oof! And this time, I'll annihilate Stewie.
[03:56:20] But Monacy's back and pound for pound!
[03:56:23] It is Monacy vs ZywOo today!
[03:56:25] Apex is like over-extending though there.
[03:56:27] He goes through middle...
[03:56:29] ...he goes charging forward a lot of space through camera now. All ZywOos here are in the middle. They're all going to be on top of these fights. He goes through middle a little bit charging forward, a lot of space
[03:56:31] for camera now.
[03:56:32] Oh my God.
[03:56:34] Oh my God.
[03:56:35] He recovers. Nate comes in
[03:56:37] takes him out and now flames
[03:56:39] a chance for mistakes the start of the half.
[03:56:41] But they won't expect Spinks here! They won't expect Spinks here!
[03:56:44] If Flames fights... I think you two lose this round.
[03:56:48] Prince is gonna kill them now.
[03:56:50] ...going down inside that site and Spinks is going down inside of that site.
[03:56:51] And sphinx is coming in from Maine this time to tax one
[03:56:54] ahead, you know what's there?
[03:56:55] You should have another guy.
[03:56:56] They don't know about it headshot is through and Hunter
[03:56:59] once again sacrifice spaceity answer back and this game is so back and forth what a
[03:57:08] smart rotation from sphinx as well though i mean to follow up with flames on that have
[03:57:11] the double flank from dark because he's got control of a man.
[03:57:13] He knows it was clear from a flash peak earlier,
[03:57:15] and basically gave speaks all the information to be in the perfect position really well handled
[03:57:20] from vitality's defense and poor Hunter that smoke clears and he's like oh i have
[03:57:25] nowhere to stand no way goodbye here no not really final round of the fight something i guess
[03:57:32] and g2 scraping together what kind of a buy they can two hands in tech nine
[03:57:37] it's not a pretty one but perhaps the mob mentality will be enough to burst through
[03:57:43] to his sixth round they gather up together
[03:57:45] and it's that rush rating their forces outside of the other side this is crazy That flank is so big!
[03:57:57] I would too be able to die there.
[03:58:00] However, G2's lost Stewie which means that flank is so compromised.
[03:58:03] Hunter has got to stay dedicated to A main
[03:58:05] So bomb will get planted but it's going to be a to A main, so bomb will get planted.
[03:58:06] But it's going to be a very shoddy post-plant setup
[03:58:08] especially against all the utility that Vitality can bring to bear.
[03:58:12] We've got time to get into better spots though with Vitality
[03:58:15] having to run that B rotation come over. Spaz through the smoke, Monacy is getting caught Have another smoke on Niko, that's big. You gonna resmoke? Yeah.
[03:58:25] They're going to go through?
[03:58:28] Monacy, alright.
[03:58:31] Who's that? Hunter 1v3 full HP? It's winnable!
[03:58:35] Double-C's too hard.
[03:59:01] Oh, shit son! Break.
[03:59:13] Holy fuck Six on t-set isn't good they got five
[03:59:17] But yeah, I guess the new is a ct saturn right
[03:59:26] open cases you won't no it's too much work
[03:59:47] otherwise i would Otherwise I would. Super teesided?
[03:59:47] Oh, really?
[04:00:04] So it was a bad half. I think she meant for this match.
[04:00:04] Yeah,
[04:00:05] I am.
[04:00:06] I have to go to sleep to wake up for Shanghai.
[04:00:08] I'm going to probably
[04:00:09] go to sleep at like seven.. Big matches tomorrow for Shanghai.
[04:00:28] Big matches.
[04:00:30] PRX 100 Thieves?
[04:00:31] Ooh!
[04:00:33] Ooh!
[04:00:34] And then who is it
[04:00:35] Heretics versus Foot
[04:00:37] Banger
[04:00:39] Banger! Hmm. Thank you. Oh.
[04:01:27] Nice Will, nice Will! Nice Will Cave! Cave out.
[04:01:33] Come guys, come with me
[04:01:37] On the left flank, nice CT What? Nice!
[04:01:40] CT, CT!
[04:01:42] 25 seconds guys.
[04:01:46] Yeah yeah, I'm running top
[04:01:51] Healer! I'm running to top. I cannot go out yet, Elias. Killer!
[04:01:52] We're up.
[04:01:53] They are dark.
[04:01:54] Coming.
[04:01:55] Coming, Kessel close.
[04:01:56] Going out, going out.
[04:01:57] Out, out, out, out, out.
[04:01:58] Left side on the left.
[04:02:00] Good comms, good comms, good times good toms it was good
[04:02:06] there's a pause is there music Yeah.
[04:02:15] Hi!
[04:02:18] Welcome back to the Intox Remasters Dallas,
[04:02:22] this is the 100th IEM and this is a grand final fit for the 100th Intel Extreme Masters title.
[04:02:25] This is delivering on all fronts, Jason.
[04:02:27] And that G2 Miracle story still up for grabs,
[04:02:29] but Vitality are giving him a show.
[04:02:31] Yeah, they absolutely are doing a wonderful job vitality
[04:02:35] but as we saw on that map g2 ain't gonna quit they ain't gonna stop coming
[04:02:38] they get to switch over to the city from the defensive front
[04:02:42] that's awesome for them on ct side of this map previously let's see what
[04:02:46] they've been able to patch together nico what is this it Menta-B?
[04:02:59] Wait, what?!
[04:03:02] Nico. Nico!
[04:03:06] Too hard. open to keep charging this time Nico's quick rotation over towards the too hard
[04:03:12] through camera important headshot on space this keeps it a fighting chance for G2's retake but vitality even though flames is low he's at a really really strong position apex can swing off
[04:03:17] of them as well so they can work in tandem long route through ct spawn modesty wanna see
[04:03:22] who's good on pistol.
[04:03:35] Alright, hold on. That one lucky. Little lucky. He's out of there next and now left alone. It doesn't look like he's going to find his way forward
[04:03:37] because they know exactly where he is,
[04:03:38] so that shot will bring himself down to three
[04:03:40] and Apex will finish off the job.
[04:03:42] So Vitality with eight rounds.
[04:03:44] They win the pistol
[04:03:44] and are off to a flyer here
[04:03:46] and this could become very comfortable for vitality on anubis
[04:03:50] the last time they played a really strong shot from vitality and the t-side didn't get water
[04:03:56] really good to watch yeah he's called a good game and then
[04:03:58] again there's some composure back in this vitality side as well they might lose his
[04:04:02] map actually like regardless half for g2 that's both the pistol rounds won by vitality decided
[04:04:07] did win the second round of the last half,
[04:04:09] let's see if they can do it again. What third map against Nuke?
[04:04:11] Wait, Nuke is a banger, no?
[04:04:14] Nuke's a banger.
[04:04:15] Right? Is it Nuke?
[04:04:19] Yeah, it is right a conversion here for vitality they're going to be knocking on the
[04:04:23] door of a map 2 victory very quick Good smoke. This is an eco? Yeah, oh it's a force sorry, it's a force.
[04:04:34] Oh shit!
[04:04:35] I'm gonna die.
[04:04:36] I'm gonna die.
[04:04:37] I'm gonna die.
[04:04:38] I'm gonna die.
[04:04:39] I'm gonna die.
[04:04:40] I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. Is this an eco? Yeah. Oh, it's a force. Sorry, it's a force.
[04:04:44] Slow play, slow play.
[04:04:48] SLOW PLAY!
[04:04:52] They're gonna come B? They have four here. Nexus is full on A.
[04:04:55] He's doing the same jiggle as Flames actually.
[04:04:58] He smoked it.
[04:05:05] That's the last smoke that g2 have just deployed and once those fade vitality kind of has free access to the choke points
[04:05:11] this is still the best chance for g2 to stop this attack they're setting up for They're coming to the stack.
[04:05:20] Thinktem, 9xp, 1 IC, 1 IC.
[04:05:24] And a 5-7
[04:05:28] Oh man
[04:05:36] We hit him? No? How? Oh, that's nice.
[04:05:40] Ew!
[04:05:43] I'm in jail. One blood. locked up space at jail nico's just hitting shots but he needs absolutely everything now
[04:05:54] and they're up to nine rounds yeah but man you could feel that building That's the guy that fired.
[04:06:00] Planting some Pyro Watch? Okay.
[04:06:07] That's a beautiful shot from Odyssey.
[04:06:10] But Mezzi again coming out of dark having big impact.
[04:06:13] Two incredible maps for Mezzi now.
[04:06:15] He had that ace in the first half.
[04:06:16] He is up to 15 and four oh wow
[04:06:20] he's 15 or one yes that was one of the best i've seen in a very long time
[04:06:28] last headshot ECO, full eco. Looks like 10-5. Oh shit!
[04:06:33] Now that is cultural impact
[04:06:45] Fatality searching for double figures shouldn't be too hard to find No! Come middle, please.
[04:06:49] But they aren't hearing any contact in middle, so might not want to waste that kind of maneuver
[04:06:52] Instead I'm going to drop back and stack out this A site
[04:06:54] Wait they have the right read on the stack
[04:06:56] I hope the Vitality decide to finish that
[04:07:00] And it's looking like they are going oh my god timing on the flash is everything when do
[04:07:04] they pull the trigger on it gonna get close up oh my god here we go leading the way flashback apex turns nobody't pop it bounced they turned to it
[04:07:27] he just turned that bounce flush it doesn't have
[04:07:30] the same back and forth nature of that inferno matchup
[04:07:34] you didn't turn up at the perfect time bro he just randomly turned
[04:07:38] it's kind of going to be like hang on by this skinny
[04:07:40] or something he turned to the perfect time
[04:07:46] nuke is up next in this series currently looking like we're going to need it
[04:07:50] all three in the grand final here in dallas unable to claw their way back into this game
[04:08:01] flames mezzi and sphinx the rifle trio charging towards the bomb site
[04:08:06] they say charge but now they will flames is going through that smoke cuts open hunter GG is over.
[04:08:17] Blaze is bouncing back from first half though
[04:08:21] Damn, I kinda regret seeing them go up at 3 because I feel like they might lose now
[04:08:25] But anyone... it's anyone's game still. No resistance at all from that defense locked out behind
[04:08:27] Well, I was right!
[04:08:28] If they lost to the Bernos then it'll be 2-0
[04:08:30] And that might just be a game plan of Vitality saying
[04:08:32] Anyone's game on nuke
[04:08:33] Let's see if he's got
[04:08:35] the protocols down how's it going they're gonna have to do it they need to stop us from getting
[04:08:41] early return is absolutely not not even close i watched party shanghai got off went to the gym for two hours
[04:08:48] but now watch partying this rapid i've been up since 3 a.m and nobody could do
[04:08:53] anything about it but it's all good it's been a fun day.
[04:08:57] That'll start to make G2 feel pretty deflated here on Anubis.
[04:09:03] This is Vitality's playground.
[04:09:12] I'm gonna take the bowl home.
[04:09:16] G2 purchases again, has some safe weapons so we can scrap together uh purchase with the awp involved
[04:09:23] time out use that's the first one yeah
[04:09:29] this buy is everything He hasn't done timeout in a while. Is sub count supposed to be hidden? Nah, it's just broken.
[04:09:31] I gotta figure out how to fix this.
[04:09:34] It's just broken.
[04:09:41] This guy said why would he like something else to do after stream true either streaming or sleeping marshal
[04:09:46] are you giving his thoughts over letting him know what he wants out of them in
[04:09:49] this round
[04:09:55] get that guy out of here that guy stinks
[04:10:07] modesty was positioned at the a bomb site with the op had no attention nothing sent his way and monocene so many opening fights one on inferno you'd love to try and get him involved
[04:10:14] let's see if this awp makes a difference in this round for g2 he's going to be paired up
[04:10:20] in the middle with nico so he wants to be a little peaky with us all see what he can find
[04:10:29] default spread for vitality.
[04:10:33] Stewie's shifted over towards the A bombsite. G2 expect to
[04:10:35] play an A in middle.
[04:10:39] Incos drop
[04:10:39] down to 40 health. It's been a slow
[04:10:41] burn right now. StarG2 would have hoped for it
[04:10:44] i mean your star rifle are low already
[04:10:48] vitality stay in control
[04:10:53] smoke fades away they may slow burn fades away at a main slow burn
[04:10:55] fades away in middle as well nico and
[04:10:56] modesty look like they're lined up for
[04:10:58] a peek
[04:10:58] nico to swing off contact that's not
[04:11:00] coming at some point
[04:11:01] are they ever going to peak and see if
[04:11:04] there's anything coming to them in middle?
[04:11:05] It's Stewie and Nexa who look like they need to be the initial hold for G2.
[04:11:10] Oh, no secret.
[04:11:11] Here we go.
[04:11:14] He got oust he got out though.
[04:11:16] Monacy!
[04:11:22] Oh okay.
[04:11:24] Almost to the next moment. 43 seconds. okay it's raining Once again for G2. Looks like really good timing.
[04:11:48] Looks like amazing timing.
[04:11:50] Wait, what is he gonna play?
[04:11:54] Oh god!
[04:11:56] He knows where they are.
[04:11:59] It's the Cousins! It's the Cousins!
[04:12:01] Punisher is on Pywatch though. Fuck it's a 1v1 basically.
[04:12:06] OH GOD IT'S OVER!
[04:12:09] OH GOD
[04:12:13] OH FUUUUCK
[04:12:19] Oh God and they are looking down the barrel of map three. Gun for Flames, he had such a tough time with his bombsite on the CT side
[04:12:23] He got abused by G2
[04:12:25] And now he gotta flex a little bit
[04:12:27] A big-time clutch puts Vitality on map point
[04:12:31] and they've got seven of them. This has been complete
[04:12:35] deconstruction of James and Wad Anubis.
[04:12:39] Flamie just had a corner teeside here, he had that triple enter on the b-bomb site
[04:12:42] now we've got this huge clutch hey dallas you've gone quiet it's
[04:12:46] not all bad news we get one more map of counter strike Counter-strike!
[04:12:54] That's what I'm saying.
[04:12:59] What the fuck is that bugging? They're really bugging.
[04:13:01] FPL round, FPL round have fun. they're really bugging apex
[04:13:09] minute 30 seconds and we've got a 3v2 sphinx is coming through this b site hunter positioned at dark hiding around that corner there's the chance of the optimistic overtime wearing out it doesn't look
[04:13:16] likely problem is i mean sphinx doesn't know obviously but with hunter taking such a passive
[04:13:20] angle he actually doesn't realize that sphynx hasled in. So, Spinks has so much space to...
[04:13:26] Good find!
[04:13:27] Rek'sai tries to run the route.
[04:13:28] Smoke doesn't give him enough cover and now Spinks has to
[04:13:30] actually play.
[04:13:32] And it's tough.
[04:13:33] You got two players inside of Dark right now and there is no
[04:13:36] Alexa B to force her to beat him.
[04:13:39] So Smoke goes onto the site, Sphinx...
[04:13:41] Yeah, you think Hunter learned his lesson?
[04:13:43] He definitely learned that lesson!
[04:13:44] Sphinx actually gets away with a bomb plant here...
[04:13:46] I hope he comes on too.
[04:13:47] ...and now they have to come into him!
[04:13:48] I'm sorry bro.
[04:13:49] They have to come in to Sphinx.
[04:13:50] If this smoke creates an opportunity for Sphinx
[04:13:52] to stay behind temporary cover
[04:14:07] it could be a world in which sphynx That's G2 staying alive. They won't go down yet. Survive for now.
[04:14:09] No buy!
[04:14:10] Six rounds on the board, gonna pick up what weapons they can.
[04:14:13] A couple of AK-47s.
[04:14:15] Nice trade at the end of the day for Hunter,
[04:14:16] who's had a after his blistering inferno.
[04:14:21] A little bit of a tough time here on
[04:14:23] Anubis four kills but that one
[04:14:25] secures a sixth round
[04:14:30] still a very good chance now for vitality to close he's still got a
[04:14:33] goodbye ak is out again but if they can see this
[04:14:36] one g2 will be able to build
[04:14:40] a little bit of something here on the CT side.
[04:14:43] What we got?
[04:14:43] We got off still?
[04:14:44] Okay, that's good.
[04:14:45] I mean, this is a fake comeback.
[04:14:47] I'm going to give it to you guys straight.
[04:14:48] G2 bringing bodies to middle
[04:14:59] To What the fuck are they doing? They just ran down mid. I love it. He does, and one health he gets back to safety.
[04:15:00] I guess they're making some YOLO plays because
[04:15:01] they're down so much.
[04:15:02] That's a huge move.
[04:15:03] I don't hate that.
[04:15:04] Very lucky to come out of that with
[04:15:05] just one casualty chance here.
[04:15:06] 1 HP?
[04:15:07] Oh yeah, he is there.
[04:15:08] Yeah you could say it's a really courageous
[04:15:09] move but also when you're down six to twelve
[04:15:10] you're gonna throw a little bit of crazy in there just see if you can spark something facts
[04:15:14] catch vitality off guard who are just thinking in their heads we got plenty of rounds to play
[04:15:17] with maybe you catch them asleep at the wheel Last two rounds for G2 aggressive maneuvers.
[04:15:23] It's the gathering of forces outside the B-ball side, bro.
[04:15:27] Stu is getting three here I'm calling it.
[04:15:30] Lock it in, bro. Lock it in, bro.
[04:15:31] Lock it in, bro.
[04:15:34] Stewie kills three here.
[04:15:37] What the fuck is this spot?
[04:15:39] Bro!
[04:15:40] What the fuck are those mollies?
[04:15:43] Okay, that was unlucky though. You have to say that was unlucky.
[04:15:47] You HAVE to say that was unlucky.
[04:15:51] What are those mollies? Are they normal? to nuke He's picking it up now, but he hit edge too low.
[04:16:06] A winnable! It could be a clutch that Mr Spinks can win.
[04:16:08] If you lost to A imagine...
[04:16:10] He's doing it!
[04:16:12] Does he know he is there?
[04:16:14] Wait, Hunter realizes.
[04:16:15] Hunter realizes.
[04:16:16] Wait, let's go.
[04:16:17] He's aware of this.
[04:16:18] He has to go back.
[04:16:19] Has to go back.
[04:16:20] This time into next zone and he's not going to overstep the mark. The sphinx realizes there is no way
[04:16:25] to go now you can't get past these
[04:16:27] G2 players waiting, yeah but I'm
[04:16:29] kind of surprised he saving this
[04:16:30] and not going for it.
[04:16:31] He would have went for it.
[04:16:32] He was in a position to do so if
[04:16:34] they kill him after time. I think Nexo looks like he wants
[04:16:36] to go for it flashing into Modesty.
[04:16:38] This is perfect!
[04:16:40] Good win from Sphinx, good turn back.
[04:16:42] That's a big flash.
[04:16:44] That might be all that Vitality have to fight with in this round
[04:16:55] can go to some upgraded pistols.
[04:16:57] Such a sick fight for Monacy to win,
[04:17:00] it looked like ZywOo had that one locked in all day long
[04:17:03] Oh my god he caught it!
[04:17:05] Yeah couple nice things for g2 down
[04:17:07] the stretch there that kill on zywoo is a little
[04:17:11] and vitality seemed firmly in control after
[04:17:13] the kill on stewie but bailed out okay so two ak-47s here from
[04:17:17] vitality one of the hands of zywwu one in the hands of sphinx
[04:17:20] two on clocks one deagle for apex and they did obliterate a b exact earlier just ran right
[04:17:26] through the most obvious smoke ever though.
[04:17:33] I guess they don't know the drill. Oh yeah! to have modesty sniper position at the entrance and
[04:17:39] oh yeah lines up too he gets a little hungry
[04:17:43] and he's punished for his greed it's i would
[04:17:47] see that is a ridiculous shot are they aware
[04:17:52] there will be they will be aware no apex begins the
[04:17:57] wraparound with the ball on his back but they know
[04:18:00] that gap is open?
[04:18:01] No, bro.
[04:18:01] What?
[04:18:04] Okay.
[04:18:04] No way he hit that shot.
[04:18:05] He's got a shot in him
[04:18:06] and now he's got
[04:18:07] a potential round win
[04:18:09] on his hands.
[04:18:09] There's no way.
[04:18:10] I don't believe it. But a dream with this's no way i don't believe it but a dream with
[04:18:12] this eagle i don't believe that and if
[04:18:14] you're apex i think you want to get back
[04:18:15] aggressive towards the op however modesty
[04:18:18] switched out to an ak so he's got a good
[04:18:20] angle
[04:18:21] but monacy he knows all the tricks.
[04:18:23] All the tricks of the trade, but he pees with his knife out and he still gets away
[04:18:27] with that headshot! If you're Apex, you just have to accept
[04:18:31] the fact that Monacy is quick with his hands.
[04:18:37] Still he was a hold after the upshot from Modesty.
[04:18:41] What is that
[04:18:46] stewie's like yep i like playing with this guy yeah why wouldn't you
[04:18:50] let's say take his of a teammate all day but such as the hole that g2 is currently digging themselves out
[04:18:56] of that they have four more rounds they need eight to twelve four more rounds for another overtime
[04:19:09] at this point jason why not it's been one hell of a story already
[04:19:16] we might as well make it cinema cinema cinema pension chat brings out And a familiar chant rings out.
[04:19:35] Look at this, Yuzo! Nice! Nice B main control, or A main.
[04:19:37] Well they've gotten control of A main, Nexus backed off into the site.
[04:19:42] Good nade.
[04:19:43] Defended by his teammates spam from afar
[04:19:48] and so hunter is forced back
[04:19:50] and Zywoo was allowed to play the remainder
[04:19:52] of this round
[04:20:00] one minute left. They're coming back to be it this time, they've got way more utility,
[04:20:04] way more firepower, so much attention has been drawn by Zyroo towards...
[04:20:08] Three guys on B.
[04:20:09] Monacy's here.
[04:20:11] They're gonna flash this angle?
[04:20:12] No, they're swimming dry again?
[04:20:14] Oh there's a flash!
[04:20:16] Big entry!
[04:20:18] There's two in there! Nice when he missed it! big entry oh
[04:20:34] from sending this grand final all the way to nuke let's do it this retake is doable though there's no utility left just one more flashbang and a couple low
[04:20:38] hp players that can be easy clean up for Niko.
[04:20:42] Utility coming in towards B main,
[04:20:43] now eyes on the prize for Apex.
[04:20:46] Lackson is one.
[04:20:47] These two remaining G2 players
[04:20:48] are about to show themselves soon.
[04:20:52] Double up at the pillar pillow it's a baby to end their dreams and he's not too far off but that defuse oh no all the way apex
[04:21:26] racing around him i told you jason why not this comeback it's on now if he can catch this double
[04:21:35] and then through the smoke to close. Oh, no, no, no for Zylo.
[04:21:36] Uh-oh.
[04:21:38] Zylo not used by Vitality.
[04:21:39] Uh-oh!
[04:21:42] Second chance for them to talk things over.
[04:21:43] They're actually pressure mounting.
[04:21:44] Was it 12-5? I think so, yeah. Still three rounds to play with.
[04:21:45] That was a fuck you bro.
[04:21:46] Three rounds to close this.
[04:21:47] Nah, I'm kidding.
[04:21:48] But again at the very least even if they lose G2 sending that message
[04:21:51] again that we are not going to give up in a single map in this series
[04:21:59] vitality had them knocked out on their feet 12-5
[04:22:03] they can't be taken out it would seem they can't be knocked down
[04:22:07] They bought again?
[04:22:10] Galil, Mk10, 3 AKs
[04:22:12] Is there a rush?
[04:22:14] He's faking B
[04:22:16] He's making B.
[04:22:16] I have a gold for Apex and Mac-10 for Flames.
[04:22:18] I guess? Are they?
[04:22:20] But they only need one.
[04:22:21] They threw a Lurk Smoke B.
[04:22:22] One round!
[04:22:24] And we're doing an APOP.
[04:22:26] Nexus jiggling!
[04:22:30] I don't like this jiggle, but you know...
[04:22:34] Maybe he should mullie first?
[04:22:38] Oh, he is mulling first.
[04:22:40] It's so deep!
[04:22:41] They can actually press the issue but they slow it down.
[04:22:43] They knew they were disjointed all of a sudden.
[04:22:45] Niko's here. Monacy starting to slide towards middle.
[04:22:48] Here we go right lineup double figures for g2 they're actually doing it
[04:23:13] we will never forget this night in texas oh my god
[04:23:18] thank you starting the game on the ct side starting to play some big boy counter strike Tacky Shoe
[04:23:25] His audio is quite soft
[04:23:28] Oh, it must be so stressful being an admin
[04:23:30] I'm not gonna lie dude Imagine there's hundreds of thousands of people watching
[04:23:34] and you have to figure out how to fix this guy's problem which could be anything in a
[04:23:39] matter of like two minutes that That must be the most stressful shit ever!
[04:23:45] No joke.
[04:23:48] It could be anything!
[04:23:52] This is stressful, I feel like it's very stressful.
[04:24:01] And a little lull in the action with some audio issues.
[04:24:07] Oh fuck, they're getting down low.
[04:24:09] So nobody can talk on the teams everyone just gets to sit and catch their breath.
[04:24:13] They're getting down low. It's even favor of vitality a little bit chasing
[04:24:26] The vitality time to compose themselves for the vitality side to compose themselves heading into this
[04:24:30] two more guys to close this map out for Vitality.
[04:24:38] And that's got to be on their minds as well,
[04:24:40] just the amount of rounds that have gone away from them
[04:24:41] that they've slipped up in five straight
[04:24:45] for G2 to put themselves here.
[04:24:50] That's my favorite sign!
[04:24:55] What? I don't know what that is. wanting to return the competitive play. Had some time in legacy didn't
[04:25:08] go so well for Stewie,
[04:25:10] did it work out that but I mean
[04:25:12] this is another situation where
[04:25:14] they get you know even next
[04:25:16] always said in an interview he's gonna find his place.
[04:25:20] Watch out, watch me!
[04:25:23] They're getting through, Nexo!
[04:25:44] I'm pushing to the smoke, Nexo! I can't meet, I can't meet. come on let's go it sounds so much more than i would have expected but a good flash mega nexa knows what to do with that he takes advantage good comms from g2 as they get back in and
[04:25:48] that's exactly what they're fixing now so that can continue moving
[04:25:50] forward and a great detail being able to listen into the comms is the fact that we could just about
[04:25:55] hear a bit of this microphone you know the arena is erupting for you if your G2.
[04:26:03] And they're just hoping this tech pause does not last any longer.
[04:26:08] They are the best refs in the business though, to get that job fixed.
[04:26:13] She's so bad at that sign!
[04:26:17] He's mad at his! and now they have to come out of a long tech pause to pick it back up?
[04:26:23] Or for Vitality, are you sitting there stressing
[04:26:25] frustrated
[04:26:27] It's literally Twitch chat IRL
[04:26:29] No joke. Beautiful
[04:26:31] But it's the experience of A apex that helps you feel like it would
[04:26:34] be the opposite they can be felt as a positive I mean there's no in
[04:26:38] experiencing this server everyone should be able to handle this in their own way
[04:26:41] they know what it's like to be on the stage and have something like this happen.
[04:26:47] Why are you measuring feet? Oh, I get it now!
[04:26:50] Oh my god when I first saw that sign I didn't know what she was talking about.
[04:26:54] I see...
[04:26:57] WTF has got her in their heads very frequently
[04:27:03] I get it now, I get it now you know
[04:27:07] that's all you want
[04:27:10] calendar of counter-strike events
[04:27:12] throughout the year. Major in Texas, huh?
[04:27:15] Everyone we talk to from casters
[04:27:17] to players...
[04:27:18] I got a bunch of majors.
[04:27:19] production staff
[04:27:20] to event staff
[04:27:21] to players absolutely.
[04:27:23] You guys have made Dallas very special
[04:27:25] for all of us over the years.
[04:27:28] We love coming back here!
[04:27:31] On your feet, Dallas!
[04:27:33] We're back alive 12-10!
[04:27:36] Look at this buy for Vitality!
[04:27:38] It's got a lot of holes in it.
[04:27:41] This could be a nice way for G2
[04:27:43] to settle back in again.
[04:27:45] Buy has gone as shit two weekends weekends like two hero guns it's gonna be well i'm not
[04:27:50] gonna say at this point i can't see anything we've had a lot of one-sided finals in cs2
[04:28:00] but we are being treated in texas
[04:28:08] inferno has come back from 8 to 11. g2 eventually to take it to overtime
[04:28:17] 5-12 is the task at hand and they're almost there it's going to be an a play for vitality yeah looks, looks like it. At least the eyes are set
[04:28:20] on that prize for the time being
[04:28:22] and next up... Ace what?
[04:28:24] Oh no. He's got Niko to
[04:28:26] rotate from camera. What is this?
[04:28:28] Vitality will attempt to split this with two're going to walk up mid on their pressure
[04:28:39] but the hit is stalled out by defensive smoke.
[04:28:41] Yeah, Monacy moves into a powerful spot here.
[04:28:44] It's someone you could fall back from, but Monacy's very quick
[04:28:47] and relocating his crosshair he might even be able to double up
[04:28:50] and now that come towards him hit it they're going back to b they're going back to d2 g2's leaving the bomb site suey saying no i
[04:29:03] ain't leaving yet good kill in middle hunters between two minds this is all on stewie and
[04:29:07] hunter here at the piece doing and you've got one man alone in the site itself you want stewie to hold it
[04:29:29] modesty gets his skate back out in time but stevie holding down the mouse one for a double kill
[04:29:38] as they encroach upon his position and theants of overtime begin.
[04:29:49] Will Vitality deny us bonus rounds?
[04:29:51] 11-11, lock in buddy!
[04:29:53] Lock in buddy! 21 kills on modesty19, on Niko.
[04:30:09] Oh!
[04:30:10] Oh my god!
[04:30:13] And we are now looking at G2 taking us to overtime if they can hold on
[04:30:20] not done yet stop it
[04:30:23] catastrophic you've always got a shot in these rounds that gt's getting
[04:30:26] a little bit antsy with a lot of movement after
[04:30:28] this oh my god panic panic panic panic the next play and it's been punished sphinx is low
[04:30:35] which i was about half hp
[04:30:51] passive everywhere because you don't know what's coming. Oh my God, Nico.
[04:31:02] Nico verse 3
[04:31:06] It has been divinity from Jitsu in Dallas this year.
[04:31:13] And Niko looks to deliver...
[04:31:15] Good timing!
[04:31:17] Good timing!
[04:31:19] Beautiful timing!
[04:31:21] Wait, no way is that a run-up. to this beautiful timing
[04:31:31] the flank and flash out stew, good composure not to overextend
[04:31:34] he gives ZywOo that 1v1 jaw
[04:31:35] it's all about the flight
[04:31:36] we have got
[04:31:38] 12-5
[04:31:40] Dude there is no way they brought that 12-5?
[04:31:47] Dude, there's no way they brought that back. I thought it all the way back.
[04:31:55] G2 do not give up.
[04:31:57] This team do not die.
[04:32:00] Costing change?
[04:32:01] Mortality failed to put them away despite a scoreline of 12-5!
[04:32:08] No costume here, buddy.
[04:32:12] I'm off the clock right now.
[04:32:30] And what do you do now with your vitality? I'm off the thriving right now. It would be tragic if they lost in both games still, but that one's actually fine.
[04:32:38] I'd actually prefer them to win in both.
[04:32:41] There's NA on top baby.
[04:32:47] They've battled so hard to give them the chance
[04:32:49] To lift that trophy
[04:32:51] In just 2 maps of play
[04:32:53] I don't know, sorry
[04:32:55] It's my uh... It's a bevel on my shoulder here.
[04:33:02] I'm sweating right now.
[04:33:06] What a nade! chipped off the top
[04:33:12] we spoke about the fantastic t-sides from ope Pikesworth fell apart in a reservation.
[04:33:20] He's gotta fix it!
[04:33:23] That was getting frisky bro!
[04:33:26] They're gonna MB for sure because you have so much control right
[04:33:40] oh my god the setup designed to do not walk in there he's got a brown side okay he they back away wait it's actually gonna be good
[04:33:51] out perfectly here for Vitality.
[04:33:53] They have their first kill, but will it be enough?
[04:33:55] It's on Hunter.
[04:34:00] Hunter cleaned off the back of a platform and ZywOo showing up! It is inevitable he will have his moments
[04:34:02] the vitality we're searching for 13th for a long time
[04:34:06] but as soon as over this got triple injury they get that 13th round yeah
[04:34:10] just like that exactly exactly after you really
[04:34:12] needed it.
[04:34:16] But good on Zyru once again as we've said a number of times
[04:34:18] showing up in the semifinals yesterday
[04:34:20] and finals today saying I am going to have
[04:34:23] influence on this map. When Vitality
[04:34:25] needed a round to start this overtime
[04:34:27] he's delivered them three kills
[04:34:29] to clear out the people offside.
[04:34:30] Dexa is chilling, going for things but
[04:34:32] there ain't no chance i want to say
[04:34:33] ready for cave you got good timing they're running into the corner they don't know
[04:34:39] sex is temporary gaming news forever chewing chewing chewing getting these forever. Truing, truing, truing, truing!
[04:34:48] Truing, truing, truing! I'm
[04:34:58] but you get the job Moses but you can't have others uh
[04:35:08] losing their overtime timeout wisely you see the caragin sign yes a huge
[04:35:13] streak of round wins for g2 is now being broken
[04:35:17] and this game is back on his vitality beginning to challenge their way from map three again
[04:35:22] 13 12. what a what a a fucking story here.
[04:35:26] 12-5, then they win the first round of OT.
[04:35:28] Like you can't tell me it's not scripted.
[04:35:30] Not by Valve that's for sure.
[04:35:33] They would never put in extra work
[04:35:38] i want to see who's off and double up
[04:35:41] positions himself at fountain with the
[04:35:43] awp towards a
[04:35:46] no one from vitality there to meet him.
[04:35:50] At least not for now, but that flash will set Menzies up.
[04:35:54] Flash clear?
[04:35:55] Clear close main.
[04:35:59] Okay. Vitality go through the motion. Clear. Okay, classic control.
[04:36:11] I like the Stewie up there. that off in overtime situations before we know he is very capable i like this new secondary awp
[04:36:15] even in these high pressure scenarios
[04:36:19] you them all up he the molly up? He fucked the molly up, bro.
[04:36:21] One minute left in the round.
[04:36:24] Vitality setting off a B-Split
[04:36:27] They're going to challenge into this Stewie AWP
[04:36:29] And Stewie lies in wait but his card he can't fall back.
[04:36:30] It's Mezzi to rip him open.
[04:36:33] Vitality have the player advantage
[04:36:35] and remember,
[04:36:35] he was a weakness early on
[04:36:36] on CT side for G2
[04:36:38] but not this time.
[04:36:39] Niko has come here to plug that gap zaiwu tied the rifle we'll take
[04:36:45] him out of play he'll go in again this time it's messy from dark to fight out niko and win that
[04:36:49] right out nico and win that right good evictors oh where g2 wanted them primed in red Oh, wow. Uh-huh.
[04:37:23] Exactly where G2 wanted them primed and ready.
[04:37:30] I think Sui gets a little distracted by the first player.
[04:37:33] He saw the shoulder and wanted to go a little distracted by the first player. He saw the shoulder
[04:37:34] and wanted to go a little bit deeper.
[04:37:36] Lowkey, I think he got fucked
[04:37:38] because... Actually, I don't know how true it is.
[04:37:41] But it's all good.
[04:37:41] He's got necks up.
[04:37:42] He's got nexus Oh, okay. What?
[04:37:55] Here we go baby!
[04:37:56] They're going to be though.
[04:37:58] Who is this dude?
[04:38:00] Oh my god, oh my god, just give me a good spot.
[04:38:02] No no no don't peek!
[04:38:04] NOOOOOO! attack still he has to defend his yes Armacy, you fucking... Awww.
[04:38:17] Nice to make a play!
[04:38:19] Nice to make a play!
[04:38:23] Niko activate!
[04:38:25] Oh it smoked. Damn nevermind. you know Molly and Nade.
[04:38:42] Hey, that was...
[04:38:44] I like the idea by Nico though. He tried to molly in the corner
[04:38:45] but he didn't get a smoke?
[04:38:46] I like the idea.
[04:38:52] Let's try it....and Me mezi decides to deal with him a much better t-side performance in overtime than they were able to put up in regulation
[04:38:56] and vitality will lead their way out of the first half
[04:39:11] insane series Come right back down and deliver two out of three rounds. Insane series.
[04:39:13] So G2 now switching over to their T side.
[04:39:19] I feel that, I feel that.
[04:39:21] They only had five rounds, G2, on their T side.
[04:39:43] What the fuck did that nade come from bro? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! THESE NAMES ARE INSANE!
[04:39:46] OH MY GOD.
[04:39:50] Dude...
[04:39:53] DUDE, what the fuck are those names?
[04:40:00] Oh! He hit us. Just barely. 4 HP but... I know he did, and I'm sorry.
[04:40:13] Ooh, where's that angle? Oh! Next up?! be an important factor in terms of trading kills providing openings
[04:40:14] providing entries that's not actually for him any longer with this health
[04:40:17] nexa gets wrecked
[04:40:23] dang what a peak Dang. What a peek!
[04:40:25] Oh no...
[04:40:31] Niko?
[04:40:36] Pull back, Cousins!...smoke kills over the last few rounds
[04:40:38] Learned a thing or two from a smoke criminal
[04:40:42] Flames looks to deny that plan, but he can't stop it
[04:40:44] G2 puts the bomb down
[04:40:47] hunter follows though in apex
[04:40:49] straight through that smoke deals
[04:40:53] defuse will come in
[04:40:55] up to map point and once again we are staring at a three-map grand final
[04:40:59] and it feels like they've regained control it feels like they've regained their composure
[04:41:04] they had seven chances to close out this map in regulation, and now they have two more.
[04:41:09] But this Vitality looks like they kind of have their stuff left.
[04:41:12] It's banned by Apex. Oh wow it's banned both of them!
[04:41:15] What is banned by Apex?
[04:41:17] Surely there was not one more comeback from g2 they would
[04:41:19] need two in a row well now you can shoot through this movie and clear like the small gap inside
[04:41:23] and see a little bit right so it's like a little bit easier to shoot through smokes.
[04:41:37] That was off the end goal? Yeah! Got two! I know, yeah.
[04:41:40] Got two!
[04:41:46] Wow, what a swing.
[04:41:48] He's so good.
[04:41:50] His moving is so good there.
[04:41:52] The way he moves there, it was like...
[04:41:55] It's perfect. Imagine though? Imagine though!
[04:41:57] I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't believe but imagine though.
[04:42:00] Nah. I'm gonna be honest, I don't believe him but imagine though.
[04:42:02] Nah...
[04:42:05] That's fine. It was a good map though.
[04:42:08] Map 3 we go!
[04:42:12] Uno mas! Uno mas! that's where we go three maps
[04:42:23] holy shit wait it's been five hours i've been watching for five hours? Oh my god. I thought it was gonna be like a two hour stream, I'm not gonna lie.
[04:42:27] That shit flew by.
[04:42:31] Okay, I wanna take a piss. Goodbye.
[04:42:35] Okay, I'm gonna take a piss. Gonna take a piss, be right back...... You Whoo I didn't hear the new friend again.
[04:44:00] I'll listen to it.
[04:44:01] I will listen to it... Big beef. i'm good bro i'm good stop spamming please i'm good bro This is a tune it is.
[04:44:59] It's a good beat.
[04:45:00] It's a good beat. Zigabee. Zigabee. I'm actually interested now.
[04:45:18] Should I look or no?
[04:45:22] I'm going to bring a lot of attention
[04:45:23] To it though, I don't know if I smart No, that's okay.
[04:45:39] I'm not interested.
[04:45:39] It's okay.
[04:45:40] I don't know.
[04:45:41] That's fine.
[04:45:43] I don't think
[04:45:44] I should do that
[04:45:45] It's tempting but I'm not gonna do that
[04:45:48] It's okay
[04:45:48] This Meziace was insane bro Thank you. Do-do-do-dood. They're trying to talk about Stu coming back to Liquid probably.
[04:46:26] Stop spamming, Manny, I already said no.
[04:46:32] Nothing to watch really.. Checking HLTV forums? Definitely not.
[04:46:52] What can we watch, you wanna watch Daily Dose while we wait?
[04:46:55] Wait what can I play did I do all of my dailies?
[04:46:57] I did.
[04:46:58] I didn't do Travel Earth, I can I play? Did I do all of my dailies? I did.
[04:47:01] I didn't do Travel Earth.
[04:47:01] I can do Travel Earth.
[04:47:05] Okay, let's see if I can do it.
[04:47:11] Western Sahara to Serbia?
[04:47:14] Is it Morocco over here?
[04:47:19] And then Chad is to the right? No, what the fuck?
[04:47:21] Wait, how do I cross the water?
[04:47:26] Oh, I have to go around like that.
[04:47:28] Fuck, what's right...
[04:47:29] It's like...
[04:47:29] Is it Libya?
[04:47:32] Okay, what's right? It's like is it Libya Okay, let's connecting this was connecting this
[04:47:36] There's a big country here Oh
[04:47:38] Cheerio I don't think this is right though.
[04:47:42] Oh it is!
[04:47:43] Nice!
[04:47:44] Okay, okay Omen, Omen, Oman is here?
[04:47:48] No?
[04:47:49] Wait what the fuck?
[04:47:50] Oman's hella far.
[04:47:52] Is it like Saudi?
[04:47:54] No.
[04:47:56] How do I connect to Serbia, bro?
[04:47:58] How do I get there?
[04:47:59] 13 guesses.
[04:48:00] Do I loop around?
[04:48:03] Uh, United Arab.
[04:48:06] No that's wrong. What connects these two? I don't know
[04:48:09] actually. Wait what the fuck how the
[04:48:12] am I getting to Serbia?
[04:48:16] I'm reading chat.
[04:48:17] Egypt?
[04:48:20] Okay.
[04:48:21] Do I go around? Then Albania
[04:48:25] Tunisia
[04:48:29] now
[04:48:31] oh through Turkey.
[04:48:35] Yeah, that's what I thought as well.
[04:48:37] And then over here...
[04:48:40] Is it Greece?
[04:48:40] What is it?
[04:48:41] Greece, right?
[04:48:44] No, this is not going to work.
[04:48:45] I don't know.
[04:48:47] I need Syria?
[04:48:49] I lost. You guys fucking suck.
[04:48:52] You guys fucking suck. I can't do US States
[04:49:02] I'm actually terrible with the US States
[04:49:04] This would be embarrassing
[04:49:05] No, I can't do it
[04:49:08] I actually can't do it just right fuck. It's bad
[04:49:13] That's bad
[04:49:16] That's right Isn't about a first You want to try it?
[04:49:20] Is it Nevada first?
[04:49:21] Arizona.
[04:49:23] To the right of Arizona?
[04:49:26] Okay,
[04:49:29] is it... Nevada's right here. To the right of Arizona is uh... fuckin'
[04:49:33] Fuck, nah I'm not looking. I want you to shut up, I want you to shut up.
[04:49:37] Texas will come up at some point what's in between here it's like south dakota
[04:49:42] or some nah that c is bad is it ah what the was right here?
[04:49:53] Oh I know what it is. No, I don't.
[04:49:55] Is that Nevada? It's not.
[04:49:57] Nevada's here.
[04:49:59] That some fucking, fucking
[04:50:01] dog shit state bro that
[04:50:03] no one lives at.
[04:50:05] I'm sorry bro it's the truth cause
[04:50:07] I don't even know it. Fuck!
[04:50:09] New Mexico. Fuck, sorry.
[04:50:12] Sorry, sorry, New Mexico. I'm sorry bro.
[04:50:15] I'm sorry bro.
[04:50:16] Okay.
[04:50:24] Well, Texas above Texas?
[04:50:31] I don't know, bro. Kansas is around here though.
[04:50:33] Kansas! What connects these motherfuckers?
[04:50:37] Okay, I'm reading chat. Oklahoma? I wasn't gonna get it.
[04:50:41] Okay...what's next? I'm not gonna get it.
[04:50:43] I actually don't know.
[04:50:44] Like, I know East Coast better, I'm not going to lie.
[04:50:46] I know East Coast and West Coast Central gets a little foggy.
[04:50:49] Nebraska...yeah, I wasn't going to get this at all.
[04:50:52] What connects this guy?
[04:50:53] Wisconsin and South Dakota?
[04:50:55] Tennessee?
[04:50:59] Minnesota? I was not going to get this.
[04:51:00] I'll be straight up with you guys. No fucking shot.
[04:51:03] I think my EU geography is better than my NA,
[04:51:06] which doesn't make any sense.
[04:51:11] Okay, but I have an idea now actually.
[04:51:13] I have a picture in my head.
[04:51:14] Can we just go through all the states here
[04:51:16] and just fucking figure this out once and for all?
[04:51:18] Show all state...
[04:51:19] Okay.
[04:51:20] This is Nevada.
[04:51:22] This is...
[04:51:23] This is...
[04:51:23] This is this.
[04:51:24] This is...
[04:51:25] This is...
[04:51:25] This is... This is, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is.
[04:51:30] Wait hold on, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington, Montana...
[04:51:35] Wait I'm doing it too fast what the do i think this is
[04:51:38] nevada oregon washington origan idaho
[04:51:46] it's not going to work this. It's too much.
[04:51:48] So much information and I'll start with this on the Inferno he said when
[04:51:52] he called a timeout, he said guys you cannot give up. He noticed they were giving up the fight
[04:51:56] allowing GG to come back into it. It got now. It's too much.
[04:52:04] Hangessir was that?
[04:52:06] Oh, wait! I played Hangessir. He actually finds some trash... and give them a fighting chance they believe they're better they know that
[04:52:08] actually he said it comes down to all of the
[04:52:11] mental game coming into this there is a war going on in their minds
[04:52:14] as well as on the server and as well with that crowd let's see how
[04:52:17] it goes.
[04:52:21] What do you think about the veto? Yeah, I think...
[04:52:26] This is a...
[04:52:28] Bro this is a... This is 1930 Ukraine.
[04:52:42] It's the U.S.? Where?
[04:52:47] Four corners of USA? What?
[04:52:54] That's the New Mexico state flag, is it?
[04:52:55] Oh my god.
[04:52:56] What are the chances of that?
[04:52:58] Okay, I'm going to guess 1930 though. 18 years off, I'll take it.
[04:53:03] Every day of the week,
[04:53:04] I'll take that.
[04:53:05] Next!
[04:53:14] Wait, what the fuck? Move.
[04:53:20] This is Mexico!
[04:53:22] This is Mexico 2010 This is Mexico 2010.
[04:53:24] I've been here.
[04:53:27] No, I don't know if that's true,
[04:53:28] I'm not gonna lie.
[04:53:32] Wait, the Spanish for sure. Wait.
[04:53:35] The Spanish for sure.
[04:53:37] This could be Mexico though.
[04:53:39] I'm going Mexico.
[04:53:40] I'm going Mexico? What? Where the fuck even is Cancun?
[04:53:49] I actually don't know.
[04:53:51] Which is crazy.
[04:53:56] It's Brazil? Oh.
[04:54:00] I'm missing the craziest drama right now, I don't know
[04:54:04] I think it's fine. I Think it's fine. It looks Brazilian as fuck based on the colors
[04:54:12] You give me the TLDR says Since I'm curious.
[04:54:23] I was two years off, good guess.
[04:54:32] That was your chat. Don't worry about the drama That's shit thank you
[04:54:33] Alright this is
[04:54:35] That's Cyrillic, right?
[04:54:40] What is that? We know!
[04:54:41] That's Greek.
[04:54:42] That's Greek.
[04:54:43] This is Greece 1950.
[04:54:50] Where the fuck am I?
[04:54:57] Cyprus
[04:54:59] In 1980 Oh my god.
[04:55:02] Well they speak Greek in both countries right? next The party's on. It's time for the DHL Ultimate 10.
[04:55:23] Who takes the lead?
[04:55:24] This late in the day.
[04:55:26] Come on, come on, hold up.
[04:55:30] CSL, Brody and Kyle. What do you desire? that's like um swedish or some no
[04:55:37] swedish german dutch Swedish, German, Dutch?
[04:55:43] Is Germany slash Poland. That's Finnish?
[04:55:47] Think you've seen it all with Faceit Watch?
[04:55:51] Isn't Chris with face it watch
[04:55:54] is increase isn't Greece just a better version of Turkey you sure I start some
[04:55:58] shit right now bro cuz all star swinging no
[04:56:03] what does it Finland What is it, Finland?
[04:56:08] What time, what time do you guys think
[04:56:09] This is like low key
[04:56:11] Some like
[04:56:12] 1972 no
[04:56:18] 40
[04:56:21] 70 you fucking dickheads! I know my times!
[04:56:26] This is Turkish, no? Is that Turkish?
[04:56:30] Keksimet?
[04:56:32] I could be making that up though. That might not be Turkish.
[04:56:34] Is that Turkish?
[04:56:35] I don't think so.
[04:56:39] I don't think that's Turkish.
[04:56:42] It's Hungarian, okay.
[04:56:50] Where the fuck?
[04:56:53] Okay, this is no joke and I'm certain about this.
[04:56:54] 1969.
[04:56:57] Close.
[04:57:01] Damn, I'm kind of
[04:57:01] fucking nasty at this game though.
[04:57:03] We're on break again? Goddamn bro.
[04:57:08] Go again? Play again, fuck it.
[04:57:11] Water for
[04:57:12] tea and coffee. Is that US?
[04:57:14] Or UK? It's UK!
[04:57:17] It's definitely UK?
[04:57:19] This is on me, this is my run, this is my run.
[04:57:21] It's Birmingham, no joke 1945.
[04:57:27] Close though, it was Ireland, 1910.
[04:57:29] We already saw this skit so I'm not gonna watch it.
[04:57:37] What is this?
[04:57:40] Why is there a cartoon here?
[04:57:43] Is it a fake police car? It's Poland? Why?
[04:57:55] All because of this.
[04:58:02] What year?
[04:58:05] 1993?
[04:58:09] Nice try, 2005.
[04:58:11] Nice try 2005. Nice try. Stalin. Stalin?
[04:58:24] Is this...
[04:58:26] What is this? Romania? Is there a protest in Romania? 1930? that's right
[04:58:45] 1945 London!
[04:58:59] It's the Bank of America in London?
[04:59:01] What the fuck?
[04:59:08] This is like some 1930 be no
[04:59:33] 1919 Oh 1900 Oh, 1900. What the fuck?
[04:59:33] Wait.
[04:59:35] Who the fuck's this monument?
[04:59:38] Is somebody we know residential?
[04:59:41] Wait, this is Sweden, no?
[04:59:46] Maybe not.
[04:59:50] Cafe, rest... Restaurante.
[04:59:51] Now this might be like France or Italy, right?
[04:59:55] Portugal?
[04:59:56] Portugal?
[05:00:06] Damn.
[05:00:07] You guys are good, bro. Are you guys googling this shit? finished with the experience that they've got. They've got their full roster here, and DeWalt
[05:00:20] is number one player last year, and he's playing
[05:00:22] well. It's been a long series.
[05:00:24] That could take this trophy, but
[05:00:26] you've always gotta believe in some sort of magic
[05:00:28] that's happening this week. Well, I mean just based off how these two teams have come into
[05:00:32] this tournament yeah vitality is going to be the favorite it's
[05:00:34] their full lineup here just by default but we've just seen
[05:00:37] something special evolve with his G2 team, with the stand-in situation
[05:00:41] with Niko as the IGL. Something
[05:00:43] is clicking that is defying all
[05:00:45] of our expectations
[05:00:47] That it's throwing this up
[05:00:49] in the air and if you needed anything after
[05:00:53] that Inferno game,
[05:00:53] that double overtime,
[05:00:55] the fact that G2 had a response for everything
[05:00:57] You got it on Anubis where even
[05:00:58] at a loss they came back from five to 12 down and made it work all the way to OT.
[05:01:05] Vitality is looking dangerous, they have Zyru in very good form switched on
[05:01:09] they've got Mezzi performing at a very high level
[05:01:20] But G2's got modesty guys, I mean it sounds like it's whatever are you ready for the map of the grand
[05:01:26] finals we started with many it's been a long series man it's been an incredibly long series and there's only one
[05:01:35] map left here at the intel stream masters dallas that 100th iem
[05:01:41] and at the end of what hour we will have a new champion ct side start for vitality g2 Let's go, let's go. I hope we're good in that three. As long as it is a close game and G2 win, I'm happy.
[05:01:59] I was asking for the hot stuff.
[05:02:02] Do that!
[05:02:03] I feel like you can do this.
[05:02:04] You can do this.
[05:02:05] You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. i'm happy
[05:02:17] i think i'm just delirious i've been awake for a long time. Not that long, actually, but I'm tired.
[05:02:23] Inter-execute!
[05:02:34] It is going to be this attack from G2 into the upper middle Inter-execute. EHHHHHH!
[05:02:48] Zywoo's flash! oh my god who's not aware of this just yet. Haven't spotted him, that's the shot that he did!
[05:02:49] Oh, Hunter!
[05:02:50] Triple kill in the pistol!
[05:02:51] Nature!
[05:02:53] That is some snappy headshots
[05:02:55] from Hunter.
[05:02:55] You've been up all night on crazy?
[05:02:57] I woke up at 3 a.m., bro.
[05:02:58] He was absent,
[05:02:59] he was struggling all day. Matt, you gotta be on for tomorrow's game. Crazy? I woke up at 3 a.m., bro.
[05:03:02] Yo, Matt, you got to be on for tomorrow's game, bro.
[05:03:03] Big game PRX.
[05:03:06] Also, you left without saying anything last night.
[05:03:06] It's all good though.
[05:03:07] Your team lost.
[05:03:07] I get it, bro.
[05:03:14] It does feel like G2 need the recipe of Hunter, Niko and Monacy all together. You gotta be out for that game dude.
[05:03:16] You've got to be here for that game bro.
[05:03:20] No joke if they lose map one he should leave
[05:03:22] because you might be the problem three duties right and in that position on nuke you can
[05:03:26] get him switched on in those situations in this game vitality's gonna have a tough time handling it
[05:03:33] second round by scout on apex
[05:03:38] a pair of mp9s what's going to be very exciting as this game goes on is that zyro nico fight outside
[05:03:44] stewie was missing a lot of outside smokes earlier in the competition i'm assuming he's going to have
[05:03:48] perfected those by now but you know niko was just so incredible outside for this g2 squad and he's got to go up against
[05:03:56] the very best both teams have very strong defenses on the outside portion of the map look at this
[05:04:01] play from g2 though they found their way through to this upper side with ease and as he detects
[05:04:05] the first cyrus deagle chimes in and vitality somehow have an extra player
[05:04:09] but that's shortly late because nexa gets involved in a couple of kills
[05:04:13] towards main monastate will assist him in doing so and now with 50 He connects up, gets involved and a couple of kills towards mid.
[05:04:14] Montessi will assist him in doing so
[05:04:16] And now with 55 seconds left Apex heaven
[05:04:19] Hunter now considers that possibility
[05:04:21] He'll stop Apex and gap into smoke
[05:04:23] But it's still covered off by g2
[05:04:29] costly but they're cool with it two zero start.
[05:04:37] And this one should be a little bit easier.
[05:04:43] Alright, they were not around either, baby!
[05:04:50] But it's not a whole lot behind a couple upgraded pistols. They're living around, my bad.
[05:04:54] That was another Niko.
[05:04:56] 3-0 beginning for G2
[05:04:59] Well don't jinx it Dinko
[05:05:03] You can believe the power of this squad right now
[05:05:05] Oh my god, G2 bro what a funny crazy last map bro with that eagle
[05:05:09] max is in a strong position to deal with any aggressive maneuvers towards him
[05:05:14] and as he's doing so
[05:05:27] anticipating maybe the early control that they've got outside would have rotated vitality players heavy and
[05:05:29] he will be right in assuming so so g2 are going elsewhere oh next i'm not gonna check for mezi
[05:05:36] that's one up there it's only a mac 10 for mezzi yeah that's what
[05:05:39] happens when you don't check all the
[05:05:40] details
[05:05:41] and here comes a little bit of a secret
[05:05:42] push now the really worrying thing here
[05:05:45] if there's going to be something
[05:05:46] worrying pop-up and creep up is that
[05:05:48] modesty has the bomb in garage and a little bit isolated if they're able to kind of
[05:05:52] cut him off from his team in reinforcements that could be a weird situation to handle
[05:05:59] g2's being patient though. And the play is made before the trap has sprung.
[05:06:05] You're doing a good job like holding and waiting, coming up with a plan. This is like good from G2. Fundamentals.
[05:06:16] Oh, scaling...
[05:06:20] Good kill! very good start.
[05:06:25] ...confirm themselves a 3-0
[05:06:27] start on the T side of Nuke.
[05:06:29] Yeah really well managed from G2.
[05:06:31] Very good start.
[05:06:37] Good pause in the middle of the round.
[05:06:40] Heads out from Stewie, watching for that push. And Spinks is on it. and sphinx might just try and grab a rifle on the exit that's the only play he's got
[05:06:49] and it's not even a thought in modesty's have you let it happen.
[05:06:55] Three to nothing.
[05:06:57] Stu-nited States of America!
[05:06:59] Okay... okay...
[05:07:01] Wait, this...
[05:07:05] Wait what is that a Steam Deck? That's fucking sick. I hear Steam Decks are actually really nice.
[05:07:09] I never use them but my friend told me.
[05:07:13] Interesting to see what the first call from Niko is going to be
[05:07:16] with this first t-side gun round up against the full biome
[05:07:19] right now this is just uh it's just i am texas
[05:07:24] in dallas I am Dallas. What's the price pool here, Chad?
[05:07:27] Is it 500 or 250?
[05:07:29] It's just a fucking big event.
[05:07:33] 250 right?
[05:07:35] Yeah still 250 then.
[05:07:37] Alright Stewie.
[05:07:39] Fuck you Apex!
[05:07:42] Oh my god he's missing the smoke, yeah he's missing the smoke a lot.
[05:07:46] The first test of the outside smoke here in the grand final i'm sure he watched about and noticed though
[05:07:49] i'm sure stewie watched the vod over and knows that he missed it we don't like that but he
[05:07:53] still has it no we don't like that this jump throw up will it land third time's the charm Did he just jump through a fucked up?
[05:08:07] Yeah, yeah whatever it's fine.
[05:08:41] There's tier 9 ledges of smoke! Oh man the hobble mace yeah whatever it's fine there's tears that he knows nico is going to go through his old tricks but hunter right now Oh my God. Flames! Big!
[05:08:43] Nazeem!
[05:08:47] Nooooooo!
[05:08:56] Owwwww! another moment for messy oh they gave him three ones that round is so well constructed
[05:09:03] just like the ace on anubis it comes. Oh, wow! Look at that arena. It's beautiful.
[05:09:06] Isn't that so pretty?
[05:09:10] Whoa!
[05:09:12] Damn it. first time out for Vitality. They didn't like how that played out at all, even with a victory.
[05:09:13] Damn it.
[05:09:15] Money's a little bit busted.
[05:09:20] That has got to be
[05:09:21] a massively deflating round for G2. Hunter
[05:09:24] looked like he had done so much
[05:09:26] outside, climbing up heaven, getting that kill
[05:09:28] on Flames and somehow Mezzi
[05:09:30] has a little bit more in him.
[05:09:34] Two of the best teams has a little bit more in it
[05:09:36] two of the best teams in the world that we have on this stage one v three slow
[05:09:39] disappointing starts to 2024. nice try
[05:09:41] buddy we are at 11.5k for charity though this is a massive w last year iem cologne last year
[05:09:47] for g2 was the last one of these two teams is going to be lifting oh my god oh my god oh my god for hunter oh my god oh my god bro
[05:09:59] stewie's looking at him like really bro really bro third map
[05:10:03] stewie's back to it make sure he doesn't lose that smoke underneath the car
[05:10:06] He's given a lot of responsibility here, Stewie, to throw all this smoke
[05:10:09] Don't blame him, guys are sucking dick
[05:10:10] Yo, you've been sucking dick for awhile
[05:10:11] I'm not gonna lie just kidding bro
[05:10:12] Unless he can do it
[05:10:13] I didn't say that
[05:10:15] I'm just kidding bro What? joke what let's jump through a little better now
[05:10:20] The vibe no nervous Jason, but he's going through the motions
[05:10:28] In Bro, they got Stu fucking...
[05:10:31] Look at him look at him look at him. Look at him look at him.
[05:10:38] No I think he's waiting on purpose.
[05:10:40] I've never seen him this focused.
[05:10:42] He's gonna re-smoke again.
[05:10:43] He's doing two different walls of smokes
[05:10:45] This is Hey Future Prog moment
[05:10:46] Cause they're faking it
[05:10:47] I think
[05:10:59] The wall constructed again It's all a fake, though. Is there a game being played or are we just watching Stewie throw smokes?
[05:11:01] What the fuck is happening right now?
[05:11:03] Why are we only watching Stewie throw smokes?
[05:11:06] Spinks and Mezzi are here.
[05:11:07] Apex has downed Loweside.
[05:11:08] Who's outside?
[05:11:09] And he entry'd!
[05:11:22] And he entry'd! Spinks on low. outside but this is whipping it's actually you could ask for nipping in behind to protect sphinx on the top height and vitality do not bite through all those smokes and entry that's hilarious yeah
[05:11:28] about real talk for a moment over to be the entry player first as well
[05:11:32] he has got a big job to do on that tactic it's three to two again mezi providing impact at this
[05:11:38] upper bomb site even though it's only one for one by speaking some time to get comfortable
[05:11:43] the flashbacks could fade away and he's got some easy kills
[05:11:49] what's he mad about what's he mad about? Why is he mad?
[05:11:53] Wasn't even close bro.
[05:11:55] What happened?
[05:11:59] Oh the top hut molly probably missed!
[05:12:01] The top hut probably missed bro! Someone definitely missed molly probably takes away the expectations finals and it feels so close that pressure comes back
[05:12:14] that expectation even with the stand-in comes back
[05:12:20] suddenly it all becomes real a victory on newt and they find themselves champions in dallas it's a hell of a game bro
[05:12:28] a hell of a game lol flashpoint i don't know what that means.
[05:12:40] Fuck you, Apex! Naxx will open that door again... Nice to his teammates have just been killing everybody
[05:12:49] Next up local that door again as I will
[05:12:53] Aggression from flames Duty ask my god call from vitality but the mp9 feels so call of duty-esque you guys feel that or no see
[05:12:59] your nexa both gone instantly that's so disruptive especially after you just saved it around
[05:13:04] this and they're sticking around yeah he is the smoke is still up why not stewie's looking the
[05:13:08] wrong way trades there for nico but they've lost too much vitality has started to really love mixing
[05:13:15] in a lot of this hyper aggression on the CT side. That's a well executed
[05:13:19] Done in the fall part of little bit
[05:13:21] Hunters 11 and 3 oh my god wait
[05:13:24] This is a massive bounce back for him from map 2 He was insane on map 1 as well.
[05:13:29] Insane map 1, went to sleep map 2, woke up again for map 3.
[05:13:33] What the fuck's going on with this guy?
[05:13:36] Can't be awake the whole series?
[05:13:42] Let go of me! be awake the whole series? Literally took a nap on that too. assistant but speaks has that cross and there's no getting past that clothesline
[05:13:55] one of the brothers awake every man you have delivered two rooms
[05:14:03] and now you mix in a little bit of craziness
[05:14:05] and g2's not gonna know what to
[05:14:07] expect from your defensive side
[05:14:09] they boot him yeah those are budim
[05:14:12] they don't have an op-ons yet but they're still running
[05:14:20] rush that's frustration he'll have to manage Peck non rush? Peck non rush?
[05:14:26] Outside smokes to a ramp pop, I'm calling it. Outside smokes to a ramp pop, I'm calling it.
[05:14:31] Yup! Is it? It's inner pop.
[05:14:33] Close enough, bro.
[05:14:35] Why are they going inner again?!
[05:14:37] Doesn't work! I guess Ramp is obvious.
[05:14:43] Spearhead is gone, modesty from G2 and at the front of the attack is Stewie 2k.
[05:14:46] Spearhead has gone, Monacy's Molly burns away Hunter
[05:14:49] That was it? That was a hit?
[05:14:53] That was barely a tickle brother! That was barely a tickle, brother! That was barely a tickle.
[05:14:55] That was terrible.
[05:14:59] Aware they might lose.
[05:15:05] Oh... let's see what vitality decide to do here they actually i mean if they wanted to we know they have options available to them timeout is going to be called by g2
[05:15:10] will have some kind of a change up they haven't shown it yet they haven't
[05:15:13] g2 hasn't had to face it
[05:15:17] they go against this you only need three my ass that's g2 who need
[05:15:22] to find a way to make this defense move i do feel like we're getting them
[05:15:25] through here though but they definitely need more than 3.
[05:15:28] I think they need at least 5.
[05:15:35] Make Anaisius great... again? Region, would that say?
[05:15:40] Why is it so quiet in there what's happening? The fans are getting tired dude I can feel that.
[05:15:45] I'm getting tired myself and i'm not even in there
[05:15:50] or maybe i'm projecting i could be protecting the game leader battle is going to get more difficult
[05:15:54] as it goes on for nico to come back against the calls of apex
[05:15:59] he was disruptive in the previous round
[05:16:08] before ZywOo Bazzi?
[05:16:13] I hear a Swim Dry, I hear a Swim Dry
[05:16:16] Ooh! Nice kill Yo is anybody shooting back at him?! kill this time too he's not alone How did he get two kills?
[05:16:35] This is bad, man.
[05:16:39] They don't have a home for there? Wait what is he doing? a minute left again what's he doing
[05:16:41] second player do they see what the fuck did i just do right there realizes it now
[05:16:45] oh they're gonna double up together this
[05:16:47] is going to be difficult but overstepping the mark is flames messi doesn't want to
[05:16:50] give away the fact that he's in this
[05:16:52] position but hunter is extremely aware of that and he does not want to fight he's looking for
[05:16:56] bob he's going to take a few steps back here down there kept honest by the fact that hunter can just
[05:17:01] has the bomb now and
[05:17:02] he could actually go back to the upper bombsite so he shifts a little bit closer over towards vents
[05:17:06] but it's a guessing game for both of these players now
[05:17:10] they're both playing insane right now 12 12-2, 12-5.
[05:17:13] Messi begins to move.
[05:17:15] Hunter's got the hottest hand that G2 has on you!
[05:17:18] 12-5 they need this victory!
[05:17:21] Alright crowd don't play with me like that! Alright, Crow. Oh, I didn't put him.
[05:17:23] Why would you like that?
[05:17:28] Is he going to go up the vent as he plants?
[05:17:33] Oh, no noise.
[05:17:35] I don't like that and hunter now has the perfect positioning to that. He knows he's not now.
[05:17:47] Oh, it's better for Hutt though.
[05:17:53] What? has to go into the arena and he maybe outplays himself messy with yet another moment for vitality
[05:17:59] yeah puts himself in a weird disadvantage to where you can't really fully become
[05:18:05] what the happened bro all the
[05:18:07] important swing rounds are going away
[05:18:09] just happen bro you went crazy
[05:18:13] get excited
[05:18:15] i don't know
[05:18:18] mezzi has come to play and he's like
[05:18:20] i don't even know
[05:18:26] and the difference for G2 throughout this tournament
[05:18:28] is the fact that they would be winning those rounds, right?
[05:18:31] You can see the wires.
[05:18:32] Oh yeah, you can pretty sure he can, you're right.
[05:18:36] No!
[05:18:45] Hunter sprinting out play through the smoking this top bomb site Takes a lot of damage. YOLO!
[05:19:00] You flashed Zyroo, you son-of-a bitch!
[05:19:02] How dare you flash my king?!
[05:19:04] And G2 with this simple but effective call in that upper site
[05:19:09] managed to gain themselves
[05:19:10] a fourth team round.
[05:19:14] Yeah, that's using
[05:19:15] Perron trading in. Good job
[05:19:17] from Hunter trading off Stewie
[05:19:18] coming out of that door smoke.
[05:19:21] Finding the foothold into the bomb site angel entry
[05:19:24] and that allows all of g2 to spread out and find some fights
[05:19:28] instantaneous headshot from modesty modesty that's two big kills there
[05:19:32] is precise hunter as well in the entry traded it
[05:19:36] now we've got the off monka monka
[05:19:40] now we get the all-in round 11 for the final two rounds of vitality ct side zywu's got that parked up in heaven. across behind red i'll go with a different approach
[05:20:05] perfect for this it is it detects that if they come in towards man apex has got
[05:20:08] the spot but nico is he going to think about this no
[05:20:11] these steps are gonna be open apex knows the second player is down and modesty cannot afford No, sorry.
[05:20:21] He saw one guy running away...
[05:20:24] So I don't know if he knows about him, but let's see. Yeah.
[05:20:29] Yeah, he has a timing here, he just doesn't know it.
[05:20:32] Oh! Apex spotted it!
[05:20:36] Ew! They both went went a little bit. Neksa are you clear?
[05:20:38] I see your feet!
[05:20:40] I SEE YOUR FEET!
[05:20:45] Look at ZywOo.
[05:20:46] Oh, he's actually dropped down.
[05:20:48] Spinks is going to get into the fight this time.
[05:20:50] He wants it against Nexa.
[05:20:50] Switches out to the AK.
[05:20:51] Hunter coming in.
[05:20:53] And he's going to fight out Spinks.
[05:20:54] Takes him out.
[05:20:55] Goes after the foot
[05:20:56] but couldn't stop him. Is he expecting? No. fight out modesty goes in advance and just gets down he just gets away because irish is going to be hot
[05:21:08] on his heels though there's not a whole lot of time modesty that was literally how creative he can be
[05:21:14] he's got low health health i saw you How many balls did he have?
[05:21:40] He had like 5 balls I think.
[05:21:43] One tapped him bro, that was insane!
[05:21:45] That was INSANE!
[05:21:48] I think ZywOoZ is all in too. Just add another one to the ref.
[05:21:52] Get four bullets.
[05:21:52] I don't want to say that was B-O-B, but it's like a...
[05:21:55] I'm drunk.
[05:21:56] Get four bullets!
[05:21:58] What a clutch!
[05:21:59] Consistently flashy. Who is consistently brilliant. What a clutch!
[05:22:07] What a clutch man. That was big, that was a big moment Oh wow
[05:22:11] Oh my god, it's a round they're going in.
[05:22:24] Wait seriously? What the fuck is that called? That's the impact round for Mezzi so long ago.
[05:22:27] Wait, wait, what happened?
[05:22:28] Vitality started on a six-round run.
[05:22:31] It has taken that long for g2 to cool them off G2 are close to doing it.
[05:22:45] That Monacy 1v1 may have bigger ramifications
[05:22:47] than anybody can know.
[05:22:48] I don't know.
[05:22:49] I think Skewit didn't know what Twisted is.
[05:22:50] I think that's what happened,
[05:22:51] if I had to guess.
[05:22:53] ZywOo is having a pretty quiet game here he's four and seven bottom of his team
[05:23:02] he's got sphinx coming over to help him outside he's going to play towards secret
[05:23:07] and g2 deploying the wall of smokes outside again Oh, what a need. No, he's getting active.
[05:23:27] Oh what a lead!
[05:23:30] Only one not worth it, not worth it.
[05:23:38] Yeah ZywOo is gonna get nice a little bit now this one a little bit more than we're used to seeing drewing stuck on five kills at the moment
[05:23:43] four on three and nico is gonna start rapping on towards having this
[05:23:48] Direction constricting under the upper bombsite, but you fucking fat ass
[05:23:55] Dammit bropex eyes on heaven
[05:23:59] 25 seconds
[05:24:03] Oh my god we're done for
[05:25:24] What an entry no one was playing inside the man because that flash landed right in his eyes but this is a huge setup what an injury Apex, Apex died for free! That is wicked! so so Thanks for watching! Let's just wait, let's just wait.
[05:25:26] I'm tired.
[05:25:29] Alright, 6-6.
[05:25:31] It's CT sided though, I'm pretty sure.
[05:25:37] Unless something drastically changed on nuke What's for dinner
[05:25:40] My mom brought me food. I'm gonna probably eat off stream
[05:25:43] Eat off- stream and chill.
[05:25:49] Am I going to play CS2 on stream?
[05:25:50] I will play CS2 on stream in these next couple of weeks,
[05:25:53] I don't know when but because there's no watch parties, so
[05:25:56] I'm just playing Valorant.
[05:25:57] I'm going to play CS. I'm going to try Axe Defiant
[05:26:00] and
[05:26:01] play Valorant Rank 1?
[05:26:09] Rank 1 run in the next two weeks
[05:26:11] Doable Okay, T-Lex.
[05:26:23] Please man. so Why not watch partying tonight?
[05:26:42] I am.
[05:26:42] I'm going to sleep after this.
[05:26:44] I'm gonna eat and go to sleep.
[05:26:46] We got big games tomorrow for Shanghai.
[05:26:48] If my, what?
[05:26:57] Bring back Pro City I would like to. I just need to take the time to figure it out.
[05:27:00] I said that before, but
[05:27:03] I would like to
[05:27:07] I would still like to bring back Pro City
[05:27:09] I think it'll be really good I don't know I would still like to bring back Pro City.
[05:27:11] I think it would be really fun to play,
[05:27:13] and I think it's very doable,
[05:27:15] and I think I'm the guy to do it.
[05:27:16] I just have to set aside some time
[05:27:18] to figure it out
[05:27:30] it's already active again I see people have been playing, yeah.
[05:27:39] All you have to do is queue up?
[05:27:41] I just want to iron it out, but yeah.
[05:27:52] I love this music.
[05:27:56] Alright, final half!
[05:28:00] Final half, final half, final half.
[05:28:03] Let's see if G2 can close it out! They've come so fucking far!
[05:28:10] It's been epic, it's been epic. Yeah I feel that, yeah I feel that!
[05:28:13] Yeah I wanna see them rage bro
[05:28:16] take it off bro kick it off dude
[05:28:20] they've got so much fight left in them but vitality is battling back Let's go. It is 6'6". Dallas, do you want Vitality to win?
[05:28:24] Boo!
[05:28:25] Do you want G2 to win?
[05:28:26] Let's go.
[05:28:27] Here we are with the final round of the season.
[05:28:28] We have a lot going on in this game.
[05:28:29] We're going to be playing against the best teams in the world.
[05:28:30] We've got the best players in the world.
[05:28:31] We've got the best players in the world.
[05:28:32] We've got the best players in the world.
[05:28:33] We've got the best players in the world.
[05:28:34] We've got the best players in the world. We've got the best players in the world. We've got the we are in the pistol round, Hunter defend the upper bombsite.
[05:28:39] What the fuck are they doing?
[05:28:40] G2 lined up and remember that you need to come outside.
[05:28:43] Triple...
[05:28:44] Oh, they're gonna do a mini split right?
[05:28:45] You put on your masterclass, a clinic on outside defense against FaZe. Ape out! They're gonna do a mini split, right? Apex is going to smoke side blue.
[05:28:51] Actually I don't know why he's smoking.
[05:28:53] Oh no they are wrapping heaven.
[05:28:56] Wait they don't know about Niko!
[05:28:59] Good timing on Niko!
[05:29:01] Perfect timing, Niko!
[05:29:03] Hey! What a thing!
[05:29:05] What does he got one though?
[05:29:06] He's low and he got one.
[05:29:07] Who's having it, Orr or Stewie?
[05:29:11] Oh imagine...
[05:29:16] They re-smoked him! back they resmoked it as possible for g2 but
[05:29:19] that's tough you have one flash on the problem
[05:29:23] and they probably he's gonna flash swing because
[05:29:29] well can go early and hope nexa can activate through it by getting's crazy in the way of g2 good job
[05:29:48] what a drop into the bombsite never saw it coming modesty's hyping him up
[05:29:54] boss has been playing insane.
[05:30:03] I think he is number one in stats, right? If we look at it... or like top 3
[05:30:05] Top 3
[05:30:11] Team Vitality are missing the X-Factor of having ZywOo on their squad,
[05:30:15] he isn't delivering that world class performance on this final map.
[05:30:20] Why do you guys saying 100 Thieves?
[05:30:22] Is there a sign?
[05:30:27] Remember the 100 Thieves
[05:30:28] on Brazilian team? Oh my god, bro.
[05:30:31] That shit was so lit.
[05:30:33] It lasted all of fucking six days.
[05:30:37] Those guys fucked up such a good thing though.
[05:30:39] Seriously.
[05:30:40] That could have been a sick fucking team
[05:30:42] with sick fucking orgs a sick fucking org.
[05:30:45] But they forced.
[05:30:48] They actually forced here.
[05:30:50] I thought they were saving. Damn big hold.
[05:30:52] That is the money gone again.
[05:30:54] It's going to be nine rounds for G2
[05:30:56] if they can just hold it together
[05:30:58] against a weak bite from Vitality
[05:31:00] or might even be a full eco coming up here.
[05:31:03] And it's such a convincing second round as well against
[05:31:06] the buy that g2 could just feel so much momentum
[05:31:09] and energy flowing now oh my god playing with confidence
[05:31:14] eight six equal round beagles this is a scary round
[05:31:18] this is a scary round i'm gonna go ahead and say that
[05:31:25] any of no damage That thing has more damage?
[05:31:27] Oh my god, don't peek that.
[05:31:29] Oh my god, don't peek that please.
[05:31:31] Look at that, who's that, Niko is so fucking smart.
[05:31:33] That motherfucker was so smart.
[05:31:35] Now he's gonna get one thing that i said offering a chance
[05:31:39] passive setup towards outside detecting so it's a clean up and it's one damage done in that second he's got plenty of
[05:31:48] health
[05:31:58] yeah it's pretty cool movement though from flames you might be able to slip the net a little bit modesty still paying some
[05:32:01] attention outside they recognize the danger of time is there you gotta be quick you have
[05:32:05] to be accurate if you want to beat Monacy in that duel.
[05:32:10] It's nine rounds for Jinxu.
[05:32:11] Oh, this guy.
[05:32:12] He's loving it.
[05:32:14] We are starting to get to the end of what might just be one of Karaswak's greatest fairy tales.
[05:32:18] This has to be the best story in CS2
[05:32:20] so far, right? Like this is just
[05:32:22] unbelievable!
[05:32:24] That five?
[05:32:42] And if they drop this... He made noise. Apex gonna work his way around the smokes outside Niko back to A who wants again support of Lysol D.
[05:32:43] Apex what doing bro?
[05:32:45] Look at Apex bro, I feel like he has no idea what's going on here.
[05:32:50] What is he doing?! What is he doing?
[05:32:53] He looks so goofy out there!
[05:32:56] Oh my god!
[05:32:58] Oh my god, he actually hit him!
[05:33:03] Nice red zone! he actually hit him from g2 than the tape from vitality that's a good run though from apex
[05:33:09] so he's at least got g2 realizing and saying in the back of their minds there's at least one down secret which makes the ramp players nervous
[05:33:17] we have not seen ramptown much in this map so far yeah g2 didn't touch it
[05:33:22] perhaps oh more if you could hide no i'd like to have a go G2 didn't touch it.
[05:33:25] Oh, more than she could hide? No.
[05:33:28] Is that a good angle to crouch hold? Wow! Wow.
[05:33:35] What the fuck are Vitality doing?
[05:33:43] These guys look lost as ever! of a delay Vitality is going to be fine with that
[05:33:45] They're going to take some time to get up onto the roof to drop the execute the utility that they need towards
[05:33:50] It's all on this
[05:33:52] Still researching for this attack in
[05:33:56] Composed Stewie's searching for this attack in. Oh! Stewie?
[05:33:57] Stewie?
[05:34:00] Stewie?
[05:34:02] Hold it up, hold it up.
[05:34:05] Ooh, good job, Stewie, job living he did a good job here
[05:34:08] he's doing a very good job here he does so much work there Do Vitality have anything left in them?
[05:34:17] Uh oh.
[05:34:19] Uh oh!
[05:34:21] It feels like no one,
[05:34:23] No one was going to be able to stop Jitsu
[05:34:25] In this competition
[05:34:33] vitality did them the favor of dealing with spirit earlier in the competition
[05:34:39] it's so impressive the way they've gotten better and better every game
[05:34:45] and on the stage now in their element he's doing himself he's feeling himself the third time out used from vitality vitality is third time out used from Vitality.
[05:34:49] Vitality's third time out already?
[05:34:51] Oh, it's their last time out.
[05:34:53] They don't have the weapons
[05:34:55] for the job in this kind of round.
[05:34:57] They're saving the majority of their money
[05:34:58] for the next.
[05:35:00] Let's keep our economy up, let's make this game
[05:35:02] harder shit for them.
[05:35:06] What a listen in.
[05:35:09] And so it will be tech nines and deagles 11 rounds the most likely
[05:35:15] outcome for G to those humans have been very cool though i will say that
[05:35:25] the esl production is i'm not gonna lie it's insane
[05:35:29] yes so production is actually insane he's gonna want to talk into some cover like they have
[05:35:35] really got this down for the wire outside with modesty and tandem at a distance there's
[05:35:39] so many layers to what they're doing here.
[05:35:45] And yeah, it really feels perfect.
[05:35:52] What a spam! WHAT?!
[05:35:55] There's no way!
[05:35:57] That's not even real.
[05:35:59] How can you do that?
[05:36:05] Boy, How do you do that? Moinesi is crazy.
[05:36:08] Oh my god, this kid was so good.
[05:36:11] This kid was so good dude.
[05:36:14] They're waving
[05:36:27] and remember how this series has gone map one g2 came back from an 8 to 11 deficit it's a force overtime
[05:36:36] and finally on the deciding map they're playing from the front it's vitality
[05:36:44] vitality need a jutu-esque comeback.
[05:36:55] Need to go to the side, this is hard.
[05:36:56] Apex is tweaking? Yeah, Apex is lowkey tweaking dude.
[05:37:02] He actually is.
[05:37:18] Niko coming to meet them off. is Wow. Good timing, very good timing. Street was just looking too.
[05:37:20] He's so aware!
[05:37:21] Holy fuck he's woke up!
[05:37:23] He's so aware.
[05:37:24] Wait.
[05:37:30] Wow what a round by him. from apex he's got another one off but beating modesty is proving impossible
[05:37:37] that's exactly what your team needed in this moment deflated not a whole lot of things to work with, you take a risk. An educated gamble
[05:37:40] to slip in towards Midi and boy does
[05:37:42] it have success.
[05:37:44] His timing was perfect actually.
[05:37:46] Allows Vitality to kind of calm down
[05:37:48] slow things down
[05:37:49] and let out a sigh of relief one eight two or nine by example
[05:37:54] this is one of the most high pressure rounds vitality that was having an awesome final
[05:37:59] that's three just gets sick timing.
[05:38:01] It's not going to get any easier.
[05:38:03] G2 has built up so much money during
[05:38:05] this win streak to start the second half
[05:38:07] five in a row, and barely losing players
[05:38:09] that were convincing rounds. Vital still gotta grind through a lot of
[05:38:13] money before it gets any easier for them that was been better than nuked this tourney, has he?
[05:38:28] Third kill on Niko is so sick from Apex to go back through that smoke as well
[05:38:38] did you mention g2 yeah baby
[05:38:43] and modesty's gotten off oh he's changing
[05:38:45] it up a little bit he's heading outside
[05:38:47] aggressively with nico
[05:38:49] where are they going in here that's the
[05:38:50] inner pop vitality are avoiding them yeah
[05:38:52] nobody's home outside and there's so many smokes down
[05:38:55] I don't think G2 can quite realize that just yet
[05:38:57] once again Stewie and Hunter
[05:38:58] will be challenged this time Stewie falls
[05:39:01] Oh what a flashbang
[05:39:03] What a blinding flashbang!
[05:39:05] And followed up by headshots.
[05:39:07] Is there anything left for Mozzie?
[05:39:09] Usually hits lower-safe although I've soon forgotten to strike
[05:39:11] For next time I'm gonna be ready in 8 inch flanks
[05:39:13] To form an entire plane Sucked up to CT van Wait, Nexa been killed. Give it to him. Win the ball. Nexa! 1v1.
[05:39:17] What is Monex doing?
[05:39:21] WHAT?!
[05:39:25] Oh, he saw Riddick Jax! oh
[05:39:33] out of this world from Apex. Dude, that is so crazy.
[05:39:40] I think he killed him before he even got in the box.
[05:39:42] It was midair, look.
[05:39:43] We'll get to see it again.
[05:39:44] Look, as he jumped up again, right?
[05:39:48] On the second jump jump he killed him.
[05:39:58] That's a funny rage. He's not even that mad though, I can't tell if he is that mad.
[05:40:01] It's like gosh darn it!
[05:40:03] They don't want to be in the position that Vitality caught themselves in earlier right?
[05:40:07] Having all of these bad points and compost free jumper these chances to close
[05:40:10] and watching that fall away from you and what's focused on that is
[05:40:14] the money's gone after this bye that's what the timeout is for
[05:40:26] g2 lose everything out is for lucky starts buddy okay buddy
[05:40:33] okay they can secure ot
[05:40:43] as well if they wouldn't
[05:40:48] just a look again from nico he'll play to the back of Garage.
[05:40:54] What the fuck is going on in there?
[05:40:57] Apex has done a pretty good job dealing with Niko.
[05:41:00] Back-to-back big impact rounds from the captain of Vitality! Yeah. I love it though, don't get me wrong, I love it. who you'd expect to give you a big play,
[05:41:12] I love it though.
[05:41:13] Don't get me wrong,
[05:41:14] I love it.
[05:41:21] They're doubled up in ramp.
[05:41:23] Tagged him. They're doubled up in ramp. And Monis is ready.
[05:41:25] He's trying to run through two.
[05:41:26] It could have been a collateral.
[05:41:27] It certainly could have been.
[05:41:29] Nexer cleaning up the rest.
[05:41:32] ZywOo stays alive on a fraction of his health,
[05:41:33] but he makes a gag. Snappy headshot Hunter. A-Town wins. of a fraction the game he's putting Oh my god. This spot is crazy. This spot is nasty, I'm not going to lie.
[05:41:48] I think he's going topside. oh my god this spot's crazy the spots nasty i'm not gonna lie could be another that was one hp
[05:42:04] oh my god.
[05:42:06] Timing!
[05:42:12] Nico.
[05:42:28] ZywOo got timing so hard bro point for G2. I cannot believe they're doing this right now. Oh my god, they're gonna do it! They're gonna do it!
[05:42:30] They're gonna do it! They're gonna do it!
[05:42:32] They're gonna do it! They're gonna do it!
[05:42:34] This week has just been absolutely wonderful.
[05:42:41] The 2v2 for Tournament Pointe
[05:42:48] And they've got plenty of chances for it.
[05:42:51] Bye is not anything you're happy about.
[05:42:54] The buy on CT is shit.
[05:42:56] The buy on CT is shit.
[05:42:58] It's a scary game, though. I'm going to point out that it's a scary game i'm gonna point out it's a scary game Spammed into the ladder that crossed the secret.
[05:43:19] Where's Modesty with the- oh he's ramped.
[05:43:20] Oh my god, he's playing ramp again it's perfect searching for that
[05:43:24] it's perfect i had to come to this event without their in-game leader
[05:43:30] brings stewie back to play.
[05:43:35] The first time in the playoffs
[05:43:36] in front of a crowd since 2019.
[05:43:50] Let's go! and this time nico will welcome the send them home chance of the us crowd
[05:43:55] 45 seconds left everyone's still alive stalemate
[05:44:00] it's so tentative on the map nobody wants to make them what's going on even Oh my god, he's slipping his shit! Number two! GG.
[05:44:17] Oh my God...
[05:44:19] Oh my God, you actually won!
[05:44:23] That is so crazy. That's so crazy, actually one.
[05:44:30] That's fucking lit bro. storm this is miraculous can you actually believe they've done it modesty establish that's awesome beleaguered start to the year.
[05:44:57] Nexo lifting his first trophy ever!
[05:45:00] And Stewie
[05:45:02] stepping in.
[05:45:04] You can talk about his game,
[05:45:06] you can talk about his attitude you can talk about his attitude
[05:45:07] his ego but he's got the heart of a champion
[05:45:10] and now today he is again a champion what the fuck it What the fuck just happened, bro?
[05:45:19] Stewie won an event with G2.
[05:45:21] What world is this?
[05:45:31] Yo! This is so crazy actually it's so crazy
[05:45:54] it's actually so crazy it's so like random it's so crazy Bro, MoNess is fucking insane. All of them are insane. What a sight to take in from all different angles.
[05:46:06] Yes, it is true.
[05:46:07] They actually won!
[05:46:08] Getting it done in Dallas in the most stylish fashion
[05:46:12] that they possibly could.
[05:46:14] What a good day for G2, yo!
[05:46:16] G2 Esports is
[05:46:18] thriving, bro!
[05:46:20] They are thriving G tower team and
[05:46:24] see you come back today
[05:46:25] yes you are honest and seeing with today
[05:46:28] comes in as a standard double-edged
[05:46:32] and is now and leaves a champion comes in as a stand-in. Double win!
[05:46:34] And he's now, and leaves a champion.
[05:46:35] He does,
[05:46:35] and then on the other side
[05:46:36] for his Iowa company
[05:46:37] back to whatever drawing board
[05:46:39] or figuring it out.
[05:46:40] But today,
[05:46:41] the French were not on top.
[05:46:42] Now I'm going to have to do some serious work as a lawyer.
[05:46:44] No, but how did he fucking suck big?
[05:46:47] I would never join the server for the last map with these counterparts.
[05:46:51] That was a good match.
[05:46:52] It was a good match.
[05:46:52] Honestly, the best player in the world right now making his mark Oh, that was a good match. That was a good match. That was a good match.
[05:46:56] Match one and two were crazy.
[05:46:58] Match three they got smoked.
[05:47:00] Nico, in an event with a standard,
[05:47:04] would you stepping into the IGL role
[05:47:07] here on home soil for Stewie in North America
[05:47:11] G2 has done it.
[05:47:13] You have defeated your first trophy of CS 2 Who would have thought Niko did it for NA?
[05:47:16] Kinda ironic.
[05:47:24] Speechless, honestly very speechless. I'm really happy right now this has been one of the most intense games
[05:47:27] we have played this season all the times in first two maps uh coming back with these
[05:47:35] but yeah everything uh in the end You give him a plate for a trophy? Puxi on shambles, bro. It felt like there was a guiding hand, a magic force almost.
[05:47:48] Pooxy and shambles, bro.
[05:47:50] Unlosable in some way.
[05:47:51] Did you feel that magic in the camp?
[05:47:53] Did you feel that magic,
[05:47:54] that momentum propelling you through?
[05:47:56] You guys heard the magic,
[05:47:58] you are our sixth player
[05:47:59] and your guys
[05:48:00] pushed us over!
[05:48:01] Let's go.
[05:48:03] Well said.
[05:48:04] And talk to me
[05:48:05] about Stewie.
[05:48:06] Talk to me
[05:48:07] about him coming in
[05:48:08] cold two years since he's been on a set like a proud father I mean,
[05:48:26] I don't think
[05:48:28] that you could have a better storyline than what
[05:48:31] jake had here right he has been away for two and a half years then he came back
[05:48:36] here and we won somehow no one knows how but
[05:48:40] we did it we pushed through through so I'm really proud of him,
[05:48:43] how he stepped up and helped us over. His experience was very important in an important round
[05:48:50] So props to him! I am very proud of how he developed that's all the
[05:48:53] whole event well congratulations to you I need to talk to those out this is your You gotta get over here, man.
[05:49:03] Stewie this is your house,
[05:49:05] This is your crowd
[05:49:06] It's been five years nearly
[05:49:08] Since you last lifted a trophy
[05:49:10] In front of a hometown crowd
[05:49:12] What does this mean to you now?
[05:49:25] I don't know what to say.
[05:49:26] I'm back!
[05:49:28] Is he back?
[05:49:29] He's back!
[05:49:32] He lost his voice, bro, from yelling so much.
[05:49:35] He lost his voice. He lost his voice from yelling so much.
[05:49:46] Oh no I'm just shaking on the inside
[05:49:56] i'm shaking on the inside thank you guys honestly thank you guys. Yeah, he's gonna cry bro. He's gonna cry if we keep talking.
[05:49:58] Alright let's start one tournament at a time.
[05:50:00] One at a time folks!
[05:50:02] Thank you so much. Congratulations!
[05:50:04] You guys are the champions of
[05:50:07] Intel Extreme Masters Dallas.
[05:50:09] Let's go shit, let's go shit bro.
[05:50:11] You have outperformed
[05:50:13] and outdoiled ZywOo
[05:50:15] The MVP now on this stage by all intents and purposes glorious
[05:50:24] what was the difference here what was the difference on nuke?
[05:50:27] Bro, I don't care dude.
[05:50:28] Like against who I played bro we just won the fucking AM dollars.
[05:50:31] It's crazy!
[05:50:34] Guys...
[05:50:36] Guys...
[05:50:39] From what we came dude, we lost in the first map
[05:50:41] I mean
[05:50:43] oh my god it's just tough to say something
[05:50:45] right now
[05:50:47] this guy is a mythical dude. He's absolutely fucking beast
[05:50:51] A Beast indeed and now it's time for you beasts to write your names on the camera lens there inscribe your names into history
[05:50:58] Because you are the
[05:51:00] champions of IEM Dallas!
[05:51:05] The Mad Men actually did it.
[05:51:07] One turn at a time, I'll be damned. this was a great one to start i have to admit
[05:51:12] i love what he's done here and i don't know if it's just inside of his server
[05:51:16] but i get the sneaking suspicion that stew has kind of given us
[05:51:19] a nice na revival here we didn't expect. I mean,
[05:51:21] talking about an application for him and what he can
[05:51:23] bring to the team, the experience
[05:51:25] he's got, the nerves he's got in some situations,
[05:51:27] the calming words, no one would
[05:51:29] have thought that G2 could with Stewie as a standing lift the trophy.
[05:51:33] And then we started believing game after game,
[05:51:36] The story changed and now his story changes probably when it comes to Panna Stratus.
[05:51:40] And Mikko nailed this man man we've never seen anything quite
[05:51:43] like that have you been playing a guy disappears comes back i think you know it's incredible how
[05:51:49] much some of the guys have stepped up have stepped up. Honestly, it has been incredible
[05:51:53] for a while but kept up that level
[05:51:55] here. You know, Niko
[05:51:57] we've been talking throughout the tournament there's been so many
[05:51:59] good calls on top of his individual game
[05:52:01] right here another another T side.
[05:52:03] Okay this one helped a little bit by some
[05:52:05] that clutch from on the sea as well
[05:52:07] and Hunter started this map incredibly strong
[05:52:11] And I love that you mentioned Hunter
[05:52:12] because in the new base he was very quiet for 12 to 13 rounds we
[05:52:15] started getting worried but now hunter was the man to put g2 on track he was so dialed in it's time
[05:52:20] to kill early on a t-side absolutely masterful he was almost clutch this incredible round
[05:52:26] he wasn't actually strong fear into vitality he gained map control he gained space for them
[05:52:32] it's a story of multitude of profiles.
[05:52:36] That's what we're witnessing for G2.
[05:52:38] Yeah, ups and downs on both sides.
[05:52:42] It's been four and a half years since an American player has won the international S-Tier LAN?
[05:52:44] I'm staying.
[05:52:45] Hey, yo!
[05:52:49] Wait no way.
[05:52:51] That's the last time we won?!
[05:52:53] Ain't no fucking way.
[05:52:57] That's not true! I know fucking way actually had a good start of the game. Messi was
[05:53:01] MVP like performance in the ground on American player
[05:53:04] Not America invaded him a little bit on the city side
[05:53:08] He moved onto the 80p he missed that critical shot versus monacy and then you could see the stress
[05:53:15] and get over him and this is why people well i didn't know i had the like i didn't know that i had the street going because i wouldn't like four and a half
[05:53:20] years could have been ten it's all good if it was still then it's fine you're playing for your job
[05:53:26] you know and had a tremendous series he was the highest rated player for vitality in this
[05:53:36] you might be looking at saying hey we were around the way of winning 2-0 in this grand
[05:53:40] final. That's incredible
[05:53:42] at the same time. Had some moments here
[05:53:44] and there on UBIS. Unfortunately, no one
[05:53:46] is going to remember that. Looking back
[05:53:48] everyone's gonna look at him being the lowest rated player
[05:53:51] in this grand final for vitality no on the third map not on their whole business yeah
[05:54:03] i think it also speaks to, you know, with G2 and their performance here. Obviously lack of pressure.
[05:54:05] You're playing with a stand in but it's like surely you can take something away from this
[05:54:09] in a way the atmosphere has been right? Like if you could just approach these guys something
[05:54:20] right like you just need to keep believing you need to keep fighting and somehow some way none of them know it we here sure as hell can't
[05:54:25] explain it but they got it done well we do have our medals being put on the champions next and
[05:54:29] that's gonna be done by jackson wolf down there. He did an awesome job putting this all together
[05:54:33] and doing so, yeah
[05:54:35] G2 is this a break of
[05:54:37] curse here or are we just still expecting to lose
[05:54:39] the Devils in Preston?
[05:54:41] You know listen they have the mentality to survive these rounds good for them
[05:54:44] and I think what GT already considered a long term our pros make the transition
[05:54:49] to CS 2 after Stewie 2k's fashion let's leave the questions for
[05:54:53] the future to the future and i mean
[05:54:54] there's been so many
[05:54:56] crazy games that they've played i mean
[05:54:57] their games this tournament have been
[05:54:59] super entertaining
[05:55:00] what is this guy talking about yeah
[05:55:02] what does this guy talk about back and
[05:55:03] forth games it's just been a pleasure to watch Yeah, what is this guy talking about?
[05:55:11] This guy thinks Stewie was a pro in Valorant and he came to CS2 And wanted to bat on his first try.
[05:55:12] This guys so fucking lost
[05:55:14] He might be an hour in, Frog.
[05:55:16] Oh my god, he's so lost.
[05:55:18] Oh my god, this guy is so lost.
[05:55:22] Oh, the poor guy.
[05:55:24] The poor guy.
[05:55:25] If this has been a well-done situation... This game going all the way to the point down all the way here. This is very well done
[05:55:28] But there's something to be taken here from that experience, yeah
[05:55:31] They had to win three rounds on t-side inferno
[05:55:36] If you have it's not big i think this guy's on the map
[05:55:43] it was some incredible resilience and yeah i think probably maybe outside looking in it seems just some of that extra positivity right there? There's just having short memory
[05:55:48] forgetting around the bad rounds
[05:55:50] that happened. Just being focused on the next round
[05:55:52] time and time again. You have seven incredible players
[05:55:54] on your team. We've seen it. You definitely
[05:55:56] can lose equals. You can also win some right like
[05:55:59] if you have players who are more than capable of pulling off some of those moments and it's just
[05:56:03] about staying positive until the game is over yeah in that game it is definitely 1.35
[05:56:09] radian 87 we kind of talked about hunter
[05:56:13] player like hunter we were looking for players like nexa
[05:56:15] they had to obviously play their part here too yeah absolutely it was a team effort right at uh different times different
[05:56:21] guys stepped up um next time that's pretty good for cs or what i don't even know if they're good
[05:56:28] i think here you start to get a little bit worried the way they lose
[05:56:31] that three we won in the first gun round right oh no that's happening four zero antique maybe five
[05:56:37] zero all of a sudden vitality is right back into it.
[05:56:40] It goes from 3-0 to 6-3 for Vitality.
[05:56:42] I lost that.
[05:56:43] But it's at that point where they did step up
[05:56:46] and win a couple of key rounds at the end.
[05:56:48] Yeah, and speaking of the end, we're almost there
[05:56:50] but it is time to announce...
[05:56:53] Wait two days ago?
[05:56:58] Dallas!
[05:57:00] Your DHL MVP is...
[05:57:04] Morrissey!
[05:57:11] Nice.
[05:57:13] Fucking beast bro.
[05:57:21] Is that a Mimani or some shit? 11 a monitor some chair probably maybe oh no I know. You have a question? Yeah, well...
[05:57:34] I'm not sure if you're going to be able to see it on the screen or not. Are you the greatest player in Counter-Strike right now?
[05:57:45] What a question.
[05:57:46] It's for them to decide, I'm gonna keep doing my thing.
[05:57:49] That's a crazy question.
[05:57:50] So I don't really think about it and obviously my team helped me a lot during a lot of situations,
[05:57:55] during the tournament.
[05:57:57] Without them I'm nothing.
[05:57:59] Well he'll leave it up to them to decide what say you Desk?
[05:58:03] Do you decide?
[05:58:07] Well I mean if i've got to be completely
[05:58:09] honest transparent
[05:58:10] hell yeah i've decided modesty is he's
[05:58:13] that
[05:58:13] hey what's up
[05:58:16] if we win this tournament I'm going bald
[05:58:17] is this an AI
[05:58:19] someone has to clip it
[05:58:25] alright someone photoshop Stewie Ball and see how he looks
[05:58:28] Then we can decide if he has to actually do it
[05:58:30] Imagine if you went
[05:58:32] bald bro
[05:58:34] Ah shit, he's definitely not doing it
[05:58:36] I'll tell ya right now, he's not doing it I'm gonna tell you straight up there is no shot of not doing it. I'll tell you right now, he's not doing it.
[05:58:39] I'm going to tell you straight up, there's no shot at does it.
[05:58:41] Zero chance.
[05:58:44] Like, not even a small chance.
[05:58:47] The man in question...
[05:58:49] Honestly, God bless you,oxie. God bless you.
[05:58:50] Actually fuck you Hooxie!
[05:58:51] You fucked my fucking shriek dude.
[05:58:53] It's been four and a half years bro!
[05:58:55] I was running four and a half years dude!
[05:58:58] I didn't even know I was running four and a half years, dude. I didn't even know
[05:58:59] I was running four and a half years.
[05:59:01] Four and a half years
[05:59:02] that was the last winner, dude.
[05:59:04] And I didn't even know about it.
[05:59:05] My shriek is gone. alright that's wraps
[05:59:16] I think we're donezo.
[05:59:38] Chat, I love you guys.
[05:59:39] It's been a hell of a watch party today.
[05:59:39] We had two
[05:59:40] watch parties today.
[05:59:41] We had two watch parties today. It's been a hell
[05:59:43] of a day. It was really fun. I'll be
[05:59:45] live again tomorrow for Shanghai
[05:59:46] to my CSGO frogs. Give it
[05:59:48] a shot. We got some banger games tomorrow.
[05:59:50] 100 Thieves Paper Rex elimination match is going to be
[05:59:53] fucking sick. It's going to
[05:59:55] be a sick fucking game, and
[05:59:57] we got Heretics versus Foot. Turkish team
[05:59:59] versus a team with a sub that's
[06:00:01] making a run.
[06:00:04] So, EU versus EU.
[06:00:05] Big games tomorrow.
[06:00:07] I'm going to see you guys for that.
[06:00:09] I hope you guys enjoyed.
[06:00:11] I hope you have a great rest of your day and i'm sending you my love i'm sending you my love bye chat i'll see you guys tomorrow
[06:00:20] bye chat Thank you.................. All right, chat.
[06:03:34] I'll see you guys at 4 a.m enjoy the rest of your day peace out guys bye