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chillin @summit1g on twitter !starforge @starforgesystems

09-29-2024 · 18h 02m

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[00:01:57] just let go
[00:01:59] we're together
[00:02:05] I feel it now just more than ever
[00:02:07] in every moment we spend our endeavor
[00:02:09] to make it the worst we'll ever
[00:02:11] the worst of the pressure
[00:02:13] we'll be hurting forever and this will always be forever
[00:02:15] let's ride this road until we both grow old
[00:02:17] and we can say that we did it with love
[00:02:19] and love is just a moment of love
[00:02:21] and for this planet to soar
[00:02:23] you know it really not as now
[00:02:25] it's like the future is falling
[00:02:32] I'm here. What's going on? Thank you. That's Virginia dream into the shoot. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening
[00:03:28] Let's crackin. I'm here for the drama
[00:03:48] I'm getting sub tweeted
[00:03:50] Trying to side it to go live because I hate when I get subred reminds you of tweeted members don't get the talk
[00:03:55] Yeah, I like the talk so
[00:04:01] Maximus black whose OTT goes live and says also for the streamer and viewers that assumed
[00:04:05] I said nothing about the money being made in real estate
[00:04:08] Here's my discord DM to the owners on September 5th, September 5th, mentioned that was at 24 days ago.
[00:04:15] Okay, his suggestion is instead of hiring a massive amount of agents, maybe have it so each main agent can have up to three people working under them.
[00:04:26] So he wants less people to get access to realtor shit, right?
[00:04:32] Instead of hiring a bunch of people, why don't you hire a small amount of people so that I can still make as much money as I want.
[00:04:39] Okay, my question is, even with your suggestions, why are you still all making money on it?
[00:04:47] That's my question. Like, I don't give a fuck that you put the suggestion, right?
[00:04:51] Okay, cool. You put it in, nothing gets changed. You guys sit there and just still make shitloads of money, still make shitloads of money, still just doing it, doing it, doing it constantly, constantly.
[00:05:01] I understand you're on for shit loads of hours. Okay, bro, but that's not like that's not like saying
[00:05:08] Oh, I'm not a lazy RP or that that doesn't mean shit putting massive amounts of hours into a video game
[00:05:13] You know I'm saying what the fuck does that mean?
[00:05:15] No, I
[00:05:18] See you there's a problem with the system
[00:05:21] Nothing gets fixed. Just continue on in the in the under the fucking under the guise of RP. I
[00:05:27] I don't I don't I don't believe any of that shit, bro
[00:05:31] And I don't this victim card bullshit that always gets played though by everybody. Oh, man
[00:05:37] Some of you shouldn't say stuff. You have a big community. It's gonna it's gonna hurt people's feelings more
[00:05:43] Jesus bro
[00:05:45] You're like one of four realtors because 1.2 million in thing. I said you don't understand that
[00:05:52] You've been utilizing a broken system for 25 days
[00:05:55] under it's RP though you know what I mean so it's like oh it's because I'm
[00:06:02] seeking lots of RP in the name of RP fuck the economy you know I'm saying that
[00:06:10] that's kind of how I see it like what happens and then explain this to me not
[00:06:36] only are you selling houses and making a killing why are you buying houses and
[00:06:40] and reselling them for more.
[00:06:43] How does that fit into your message to the admins?
[00:06:57] Cause you can.
[00:07:00] In the name of RP, right?
[00:07:02] Cause it's probably brought a lot more RP like that,
[00:07:04] you know?
[00:07:05] Cause that's the main jammer for OTT.
[00:07:07] He's just always thinking about RP.
[00:07:10] Of course.
[00:07:11] That's everyone's fucking excuse.
[00:07:20] I don't buy it.
[00:07:21] Give me an excuse though.
[00:07:24] Let me hear that one.
[00:07:29] And listen, I'll say this too.
[00:07:31] If you guys are hating me
[00:07:32] and you need to give your overwhelming support to someone,
[00:07:34] then their best way to do that is to watch them.
[00:07:37] The best way to do that is to watch them.
[00:07:41] My man's got like three people going to bat form
[00:07:43] in my DMs or like in my Twitter responses constantly.
[00:08:00] Bro, look up really it shows honest.
[00:08:01] I mean, we're sub-tweeting each other.
[00:08:02] If we're gonna sub-tweet each other,
[00:08:03] I'm gonna continue doing what I fucking do,
[00:08:05] usually, you know, I'm gonna stay shit with my mouth
[00:08:07] on my stream.
[00:08:20] And all the name of RP, baby.
[00:08:24] And then it's just like, oh, I'm finally having fun
[00:08:26] On an RP again, like, oh man, now this guy with the big voice
[00:08:30] has to fucking ruin the vibes.
[00:08:32] What, you have to be handed the keys to the fucking city
[00:08:35] to have fun?
[00:08:49] You shot that, you shooting that truck driver
[00:08:51] that ruined your race?
[00:08:52] Just saw it so funny.
[00:08:55] Did I?
[00:09:01] I have no means of being nice in all this shit, dude.
[00:09:03] You guys are good.
[00:09:06] Oh man, sucks that one guy's gotta ruin my vibes, dude.
[00:09:09] Oh god, dude, one guy doesn't like you.
[00:09:11] It's ruining my fucking RP vibes.
[00:09:12] The RP vibes from OTT and Charles
[00:09:15] and even fucking talk to each other.
[00:09:32] Meanwhile, I'm sitting here living
[00:09:33] in his fucking establishment,
[00:09:34] low, low, low, low, low in the fucking name of RP.
[00:09:38] K-time makes sense for that, you know what I'm saying?
[00:09:40] I get that shit.
[00:09:41] I understand that's like a money dump.
[00:09:44] You know, it makes sense on RP.
[00:09:46] It's not easy to maintain.
[00:09:48] I'll give it that.
[00:09:50] But when it comes to just selling houses
[00:09:51] to the rest of the city, I got nothing for you guys.
[00:09:55] It's all just kind of stupid.
[00:09:57] It's been broken.
[00:09:57] I mean, he literally admits that it's broken, right?
[00:09:59] in that message.
[00:10:01] But then in that message wants less realtors.
[00:10:04] In the name of RP, I guess, wants less realtors.
[00:10:13] You heard the landmarks in the plan RP as well.
[00:10:15] Oh man, save yourself, I mean.
[00:10:18] Save yourself.
[00:10:18] I'm about to dip out probably within the next couple of days.
[00:10:21] I've been saying that I was gonna dip,
[00:10:22] but like with this drama, like just like circling,
[00:10:26] I don't wanna just like fucking cut ties completely
[00:10:29] and dip set, you know?
[00:10:30] I'll dip set when I think this shit is over.
[00:10:52] Man, you guys let me know where the next bug is, admins,
[00:10:54] that I can fucking sit on for two weeks
[00:10:56] and then I'll let you guys know
[00:10:57] in a fucking small DM beforehand, okay?
[00:11:02] Please, just bring some of the rolls back, maybe?
[00:11:04] Maybe something that only I have access to, huh?
[00:11:07] Maybe, oh, because if you just get it to rolls
[00:11:09] or anything else in the city,
[00:11:10] like I don't have everyone else's skits to do it.
[00:11:12] Can I, maybe I can get something
[00:11:14] where I'm like one of five people
[00:11:16] and something's broken on top of that?
[00:11:19] I would really love to be a part of that.
[00:11:22] Let me know let me know. I mean I put in fucking 400 hours last month. I feel like I deserve it
[00:11:31] Sure, what's up?
[00:11:46] Yeah, man
[00:11:48] War vehicle if I could open your door, you'd have a little shield
[00:11:54] Were you headed just any car
[00:11:56] Yeah, just throw me in front of one.
[00:11:58] Alright, we'll get to a parked one.
[00:12:00] Yeah, you want this guy?
[00:12:02] Yes, works. Thank you.
[00:12:04] Alright, no problem.
[00:12:06] I'll do one, brother.
[00:12:08] How you doing, Pam?
[00:12:10] Hey, you better not do my fucking car. You fucking asshole.
[00:12:12] What? What?
[00:12:14] You're such a doofus.
[00:12:16] What are you doing up there, man?
[00:12:18] Oh, he's in the tree.
[00:12:20] I'm trying to skin some shit.
[00:12:22] You're literally skinning from a tree?
[00:12:24] I've seen it all bro, I've seen it all.
[00:12:31] Holy fuck, that's fucking wild man.
[00:12:40] I haven't seen it all, I haven't seen it all yet, I thought he was in the Trunkiella.
[00:12:46] Yeah, I was on the trunk as well.
[00:12:48] I lost so too.
[00:12:50] Oh shit, you got your choice up here, man.
[00:12:53] Thank you, thank you, thank you.
[00:12:54] Alright, I'm gonna stay safe.
[00:12:56] Come on, bro.
[00:12:57] Don't get caught by tree skimmers.
[00:12:58] Yep, yep.
[00:12:59] Let's go see if there's any reaches going on.
[00:13:38] There's a couple here, where is it?
[00:14:22] Ugh.
[00:14:24] Yeah, bro, we're getting on early as a motherfucker.
[00:14:26] Yeah, what can I say, bro?
[00:14:27] When there's drama floating around the fucking RP world,
[00:14:29] I have to be up and around for it.
[00:14:31] I don't like to sleep and have people sub treating me.
[00:14:35] So when shit gets tweeted or shit gets said I like it to see them in real time so that I can respond at one time
[00:14:42] Hate not being a stream when the fucking shit's going down. Let's go get a car
[00:15:01] 400 hours
[00:15:04] Hate the RP world because everybody hides behind RP and pretends that that's like the fucking that's the king shit
[00:15:20] That they're thinking about
[00:15:22] But it's been proven time and time again. That's not the fucking case
[00:15:25] I don't care about the money there's in lots of RP
[00:15:35] Just leaving shit. She's been broken. I left a message two weeks ago. I'm gonna get the feeling
[00:15:40] It's not mentioned every day on stream. You know saying what I'll get that feeling
[00:15:44] That's a little little BM in there
[00:15:47] by the way, this is
[00:15:51] That's what I'm fucking up on
[00:15:53] Well, I should shut the fuck up when she's broken verbally and just leave a fucking little BM for somebody
[00:15:59] And then just fucking sit on it until it's fixed
[00:16:03] And it's but it's RP though
[00:16:06] It's houses have to be sold
[00:16:22] Just RP man. Gotta give some of the keys to the city to have a good time
[00:16:35] One of four humans that get to sell houses
[00:16:50] And then like when there's a problem
[00:16:53] Right, and you know there's a problem and you put in the thing two weeks ago
[00:16:59] Why are you still selling houses at a resell value?
[00:17:03] Why are you buying and selling them?
[00:17:06] Because RP
[00:17:08] How many times you said the same thing while I'm waiting for a response on that specific thought?
[00:17:22] I mean, do you think that fixes it put because you you gave an admin message two weeks ago?
[00:17:35] While still sitting on the shit and just fucking getting paid you for two weeks because you gave that message two weeks ago
[00:17:42] It's like all as well. I don't know
[00:17:54] Realistically
[00:17:56] I get it
[00:18:00] Listen listen listen if I okay, let's say this let's say this
[00:18:04] Let's do real. Okay. Let's let's say like I don't want to complain. Right. Let's like I
[00:18:09] Try to make it an RP if I want to be a realtor
[00:18:13] What the fuck do I do in this city to become a realtor?
[00:18:16] How is there only four people that have done it?
[00:18:18] If it's that lucrative, other people have access to it, why aren't they accessing it?
[00:18:45] So it's not accessible to the city, because you have to know a person to get involved
[00:18:53] in it, right?
[00:18:54] It's not like, oh, I can go do this rep grind, or I can go do this, or I can do that, and
[00:18:58] you can't rep your way into it, is that what you're saying?
[00:19:02] Because that's where I want to be clear to you.
[00:19:04] Yeah, it's gatecapped.
[00:19:13] Okay, so like I said, handed the keys to the city
[00:19:16] to make sure that he's still having a good time at RP.
[00:19:21] Okay, I'll take something, let me get some shit.
[00:19:26] Can I get something that's broken too for two weeks?
[00:19:28] Can I get that too?
[00:19:29] Listen, I want something that only three of us
[00:19:31] have access to, some sort of drug trade.
[00:19:34] I want the fucking money to be balls deep broken
[00:19:36] for two weeks, I'll leave you guys a message
[00:19:38] and then I'll just sit there and grind it
[00:19:41] as one of the fucking three humans who can.
[00:19:45] Let me know if that's something you guys
[00:19:46] interested in admin team I'd be I would love to do anything with racing why don't
[00:19:51] you let me be some sort of race RP car salesman or something like that maybe I
[00:19:57] got cars that no one else has access to you right and then I can sell them to
[00:20:02] people for like half a million maybe I make 20% maybe maybe the 20% parts the
[00:20:09] broken part and it's supposed to be like 10 but we just leave it for a few
[00:20:13] weeks you know I'm saying just let me handle it what do you think let me know
[00:20:19] and then anytime anybody else wants to get involved they can come they can come
[00:20:24] talk to me about it and then like you know maybe maybe I'll let you as long
[00:20:31] as there's RP involved what about that let me know let me know let me know if
[00:20:37] you guys are interested in that because I would love to make shitloads of money
[00:20:40] Charles is as long as there's RP involved yeah you let me know I would love to
[00:20:48] have a broken system for two weeks that only I have access to it because they
[00:20:52] all have fun again you know I've been kind of burned on RP what do you think
[00:20:58] I mean it's a bad take how explain it to me is that not happening or am I
[00:21:09] I completely grabbed a straws.
[00:21:27] Where am I wrong on that?
[00:21:33] So it was, okay, I mean, he literally admits in the thing,
[00:21:37] like, hey, two weeks ago,
[00:21:39] I put in this message to the admin team
[00:21:41] on what I want to change.
[00:21:42] What did he want changed?
[00:21:43] He wants to make sure that not as many realtors
[00:21:46] pop up in the city, who knew?
[00:21:47] And then knew that it was broken,
[00:21:50] let them know that it was broken, right?
[00:21:52] So my next question is,
[00:21:54] did he buy in resale houses?
[00:21:55] Yes or no?
[00:21:59] Yes or no, because if I'm wrong there,
[00:22:00] that I'm barking at the wrong tree,
[00:22:01] but I need to know if that's right, right?
[00:22:04] Did you buy houses for cheap and resell them
[00:22:07] while knowing your shit was broken?
[00:22:09] While only being one of four people who can do it?
[00:22:12] Yes or no?
[00:22:14] Answer it, riddle me that one, brother.
[00:22:20] Riddle me that one, brother.
[00:22:23] Okay, that's weird.
[00:22:25] You don't think that's weird?
[00:22:26] All for the sake of RP
[00:22:27] so that you can have a good time again?
[00:22:32] I'm the big bad guy here, though, guys.
[00:22:33] I know, I know, I know I'm an asshole, don't get me wrong.
[00:22:36] I know that this doesn't change me being an asshole, okay?
[00:22:40] And I know that there's still gonna be people
[00:22:42] that hate the fuck out of me for this.
[00:22:43] But fuck, I still would like it to make sense in my brain
[00:22:47] how this is not something being abused.
[00:22:51] All under the guise of RP.
[00:23:08] Say that again with a Boston accent mouth.
[00:23:10] So like I said, let me have a broken system
[00:23:14] for a couple weeks.
[00:23:15] And let me just go ham on it. I'll let you guys know that it's there
[00:23:24] I'll whisper it over to you guys not mention it not fucking make a peep for a couple weeks about it verbally sure
[00:23:32] Let me fucking go ham. I'll get our dude
[00:23:34] You think I can't start some racing RP if I'm making millions of dollars doing it. Oh bro. Let's go
[00:23:40] Let me sell some fucking cars. No one has access to I
[00:23:46] Wonder if I can make money doing that
[00:23:48] In fact, let me purchase them and resell them, dude.
[00:23:53] Why don't you let me do that?
[00:23:55] I'm the only one with access to these cars.
[00:23:58] Why don't you let me purchase one for cheap and resell it to a guy who can't buy it any other way for more expensive?
[00:24:05] What do you think?
[00:24:06] How do you think that negotiation goes?
[00:24:10] How do you think that negotiation goes?
[00:24:14] Do you think there's any leeway for the other person who has no leverage at all?
[00:24:22] Or do you think I get what the fuck money I want you out of that?
[00:24:33] Meanwhile, my cash flows are fixed instantly.
[00:24:37] I wonder if that's because everybody in the city has access to them.
[00:24:41] I wonder if that's why that fix comes in so quickly.
[00:24:45] I wonder that it's not just four people utilizing it, or listen, four people, I'm thinking
[00:24:51] more one.
[00:24:57] But dude, RP, baby. RP. Don't forget. It's there so that it's, it's there so let you know.
[00:25:03] Hey, I'm still doing stuff.
[00:25:05] So, let me know, explain that one to me.
[00:25:12] And then I can get my head around this stupid shit and I'll drop it, okay?
[00:25:16] I'll tell you what, you explain all this shit to me and then by the end of it, if I'm thinking like I'm in the wrong,
[00:25:22] I'll fucking step back from RP.
[00:25:24] And I won't bother anybody about it again.
[00:25:27] But you'd have to explain to me how that's not abusing your tiny little system that nobody has access to.
[00:25:33] You'd have to explain that to me.
[00:25:34] How do you buy a house, okay, for cheaper to then resell it to somebody who has no access to buy it anywhere else for more expensive?
[00:25:45] It's not cheaper.
[00:26:02] If it's not cheaper, why buy and resell them?
[00:26:06] Where's the point? What's the big thing there?
[00:26:09] It's a flip.
[00:26:21] Know what a flip is
[00:26:23] Is that we're calling it and under the under the RP like we're calling it's calling it a flip. That's what's happening
[00:26:33] Anybody can flip houses
[00:26:35] You mean after you buy them from the realtor who flipped the house on you is that what you do is that what you mean?
[00:26:42] Can I purchase a house without any of these four guys?
[00:26:52] Yes, or no, can I walk up to the house like you purchase?
[00:26:55] With like the government? No. No. So, he flips the house on you and then you're saying that you can flip it back on someone else and that's kind of like your reasoning?
[00:27:07] I'll have you... I'm confused. Explain this to me.
[00:27:18] Yeah, don't call me an asshole, you monkey man. Alright?
[00:27:21] Hey, fuck you.
[00:27:23] I will I will you can't see the monkey man in the tree every time
[00:27:44] Son of a bitch why would you do that?
[00:28:06] Let's get some like a race
[00:28:08] so that's his band for races oh he also tweeted sorry I was playing poker to
[00:28:22] have fun won't happen again by the way
[00:28:25] one did you barely play poker two you played poker light three that's your
[00:28:31] main jam right I expect you to win some fun games honestly with more fucking
[00:28:36] dominance than that oh such a passive aggressive big damn right I'm a
[00:28:45] I'm not happy just like he's not happy. I don't keep my mouth fucking shut when I'm not happy about something
[00:28:52] Like I said, you want to make it right to Charles?
[00:29:05] Let him have a broken system for two weeks. I'll let him admin know about it
[00:29:10] And then just let there and let me farm it as a 25% you know, holder of the fucking mechanic
[00:29:18] You know what I'm saying?
[00:29:20] Sure isn't Gomer shop free money for me
[00:29:56] Yes, yeah, yeah, but it's definitely it's nowhere even close to the type of passive money that he's making right
[00:30:04] But not even fucking close not to mention
[00:30:06] The amount of work that Gomer has to put into the shop is
[00:30:10] It's Ted a hundred times more than what oh what OTT has to do for his realtor business
[00:30:19] Now just because I don't put pull my fucking weight on that business doesn't mean that business is easy to fucking run by any means
[00:30:27] He actually has to you know
[00:30:30] He has to do a shitload to even get that money out not to mention not to mention. It's like a
[00:30:37] That's kind of a thing that everybody needs in the city, you know, you need a shop shit
[00:30:41] I wouldn't give a flying fuck if they just made Benny's cheaper whatever but it's like you kind of need mechanic shops
[00:30:46] They should have more. That's the other stupid part. Why does Gomer only have one shop?
[00:30:51] There should be three or four shops, so there's a little bit of competition.
[00:30:53] They're nowhere either. A business that has to employ 30 people, by the way.
[00:31:06] You know what I'm saying? That's not four people. Not to mention there's no real reason for me to be mad about this.
[00:31:15] I have no connection to OTT in any way, shape, or form.
[00:31:18] I just think it's crazy to me that, you know, in order to be interested in RP and still enjoying yourself on it,
[00:31:25] Enough to put 400 hours in apparently. You have to be given the keys to the fucking city and a broken mechanic
[00:31:31] That still hasn't been fixed like how's that not been fixed by the way?
[00:31:36] It's just completely fucking up the economy of the city and no fucks are taken. That's all I'm saying
[00:31:53] Am I fucking up the economy of the city by making my 30k a week? You know I'm saying but
[00:31:59] From from fucking Gomer shop
[00:32:13] No, don't break. I know but it's all all for the fucking RP, baby. Just the RP
[00:32:25] It's because of the RP.
[00:32:27] There's not even a reason for me to be mad about it at this point, right?
[00:32:41] It's like I said, we don't interact.
[00:32:44] We don't have any conversations with each other.
[00:32:46] We don't have any RP with each other.
[00:32:53] I just think that's crazy.
[00:32:58] You guys, listen to me.
[00:32:59] Is another server want to bring me around, dude?
[00:33:01] I'm kind of getting burned out on RP.
[00:33:04] Maybe you guys hook me up with some broken shit and I'll get interested.
[00:33:08] I'll be down.
[00:33:09] Let me get a little bit of interest going on here.
[00:33:11] Feed me some RP that I can do and make shitloads of money and maybe I'll come through.
[00:33:16] I'm kind of getting bored.
[00:33:19] What? What?
[00:33:22] Kay has these same broken systems you're gonna rank in him too.
[00:33:34] Does Kay seem like the type of person that I'm worried about abusing systems?
[00:33:52] Kay doesn't abuse it.
[00:33:54] So for one person to not abuse it means that you have to have seen a way that someone can abuse it.
[00:34:02] Am I wrong?
[00:34:04] How do you guys know it's abusable?
[00:34:17] Maybe cuz you watch somebody fucking abuse it shit, man. Like I said, I'm bored of RP right now. Let me get a little sum sum
[00:34:39] Keep me interested
[00:34:57] Yeah, it's you're trusted with power. You know I'm saying you're trusted with that type of shit. I
[00:35:03] That doesn't seem like I
[00:35:06] Mean how much RP is happening when someone's got 1.2 million. He's not out is he spreading around like
[00:35:12] Even when I have a hundred K I'm fucking buying selling all sorts of stupid shit on Charles that I shouldn't be
[00:35:19] For the sake of other motherfuckers
[00:35:26] Anyways, whatever I'm just obviously I'm grabbing sauce right there
[00:35:31] No shit. Let's go risk
[00:35:36] We haven't gone to the race scene in a while. Let's see what's going on over here
[00:35:40] Let's see what's going on over here
[00:35:44] Oh
[00:35:52] Listen for you guys to say cave does not abuse it
[00:35:57] What does it look like to abuse me?
[00:35:59] You know what I'm saying?
[00:36:00] How do you guys know it's not abusing me?
[00:36:19] That's kind of nice.
[00:36:20] Oh, fuck you, man.
[00:36:27] K, doesn't buy houses for cheap in every settlement.
[00:36:31] Yeah, bro, it's RP though, bro.
[00:36:32] It's RP though.
[00:36:33] What do you mean?
[00:36:33] You do that in real life, so it's obviously RP.
[00:36:37] It's nothing.
[00:36:37] You can't be abused if it's real life things you can do.
[00:36:44] It's RP, bro.
[00:37:10] Flipping houses, dude.
[00:37:11] RP, dude.
[00:37:12] Yeah, it's one of four people that can do it.
[00:37:14] It's just completely gated.
[00:37:21] Completely broken too, okay
[00:37:24] You can't make that up bro. Oh, I know racing's not RP guys
[00:37:36] Can't can't have any racing the city
[00:37:39] Yeah, it's not our peace. It's like fuck man. Why should even exist? We should totally just all become fucking realtors
[00:37:47] Be way more engaging for the city. Some people just got better jobs. Some people, yeah
[00:38:04] Some motherfuckers get hired for those jobs
[00:38:08] Just serve to be hired for jobs, right?
[00:38:11] It's all outside connections that got here in the shelves.
[00:38:14] There's an assistant in place where people can flippin' be a real jerk.
[00:38:29] That's a trusted thing that you're giving to somebody, right?
[00:38:31] You're out here flippin' houses, reselling them to people who don't have any other choice
[00:38:34] to buy from you.
[00:38:35] Oh, bro, you can just flip it back.
[00:38:38] Anybody can do that.
[00:38:39] Yeah, anybody can do that.
[00:38:40] You have already flipped the house on them.
[00:38:42] You want them to re-flip it.
[00:38:56] with the access that only you have.
[00:39:00] Listen, I'm down.
[00:39:01] Like, let's just do it together.
[00:39:03] Like, hit me with some shit.
[00:39:05] Maybe I gotta do a little RP for it, you know what I'm saying?
[00:39:08] Maybe I'll hit up Mr. K.
[00:39:09] Mr. K, you're getting kinda bored.
[00:39:16] Maybe I'm looking for something
[00:39:18] to spice up my life a little bit.
[00:39:21] An RP, of course.
[00:39:23] Maybe I'll get a little bit of access to that.
[00:39:26] Realtor shit.
[00:39:27] Hey, but I'll tell you something.
[00:39:28] As soon as I get access to realtor shit, they'll fix it the next day.
[00:39:32] You understand?
[00:39:33] Well, cars are even with better parts, etc.
[00:39:35] Is it not?
[00:40:50] Oh, there isn't.
[00:40:51] Again, what the fuck are you doing all right?
[00:40:56] I'm here to save the race scene.
[00:40:59] Fuck yeah.
[00:41:00] All right, let's do it.
[00:41:02] Okay.
[00:41:03] No, I'm just here to collect my fucking cases, Motho.
[00:41:06] Oh, okay, okay.
[00:41:08] Well, while you've been gone, I've been getting better.
[00:41:11] Yeah?
[00:41:12] Oh, yeah, that's not good, man.
[00:41:14] Hey, I've been a little over the top.
[00:41:16] See, though, hopefully some locals will be waiting for your ass.
[00:41:18] Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, come on, man.
[00:41:20] Someone's got a dominate scene while you're going.
[00:41:22] Yeah, fuck it.
[00:41:26] Either way, it's good to see you back.
[00:41:28] Yeah, pleasure, brothers.
[00:41:30] Uh-oh.
[00:41:34] Vipers being chased.
[00:41:37] That's not good.
[00:41:39] Someone else got her, or him.
[00:41:41] I have two vipers now, so...
[00:41:43] I don't even know.
[00:41:45] So it's just one.
[00:41:56] But the only problem is if they want a good car they're not going to have the hotline.
[00:42:00] So if they crash out they're fucked.
[00:42:02] Well, uh...
[00:42:03] Nick, why do you keep saying stupid shit, bro?
[00:42:40] If you can't figure it out for yourself, man.
[00:42:42] You know what I'm saying?
[00:42:43] Like, obviously I'm not mad at Mr. K.
[00:42:45] because Mr. K. doesn't take systems that are only his
[00:42:48] and abuse the shit out of them until he's a rich motherfucker.
[00:42:51] He doesn't give a flying fuck about how much money he has,
[00:42:54] but I can promise you that's not how everybody else thinks.
[00:42:57] Okay, and I'm just calling to how I sees it and I think that one person is abusing it while others aren't
[00:43:06] Okay, now get it you get it
[00:43:12] So why is mr. K partners with the OTT?
[00:43:31] I mean, I imagine that mr. K has a very different opinion than me on certain things subtle, you know
[00:43:36] It seems like yeah, it's gonna say he's his own guy. We're not the same fucking person
[00:43:40] Is that great cut to the right person? What's wrong with this local car?
[00:44:06] All right, yeah.
[00:44:08] It's a guy that has to sell.
[00:44:14] One and so forth.
[00:44:16] I'd be a race killer for a bunch of drugs.
[00:44:18] The reason why I have so much money
[00:44:20] is not necessarily because of the houses that I've been
[00:44:23] selling, like from realtors.
[00:44:25] Because Leah, Faye, Mr. K, Nash, all of them,
[00:44:31] they all get the same amount of houses that I do.
[00:44:33] And in fact, for eight.
[00:44:35] Let me get in front of it.
[00:44:37] But you grind it, OK?
[00:44:39] like you're a fucking grinder, okay? Not somebody who's been giving a shitload of power to the city.
[00:44:44] Eat out of ten days, all I got was Dutch London places and form spots.
[00:44:49] Oh god, I'm sorry, you didn't get the fucking houses that you wanted.
[00:44:54] Oh, the where I make a lot of my money is from doing what I just did, is for properties that
[00:45:03] are cheap in form or Dutch I do lowball offers on them and in hopes that not a
[00:45:11] lot of people are bidding on the properties simply because when too many
[00:45:15] realtors get hired there's so much inventory like all these duches that
[00:45:21] there's not enough people in the city yeah to bid on all of them so basically
[00:45:26] I do a lowball offer like I want why do they need to bid on all of them right
[00:45:32] here right I did forty three thousand five hundred I might not get it like I
[00:45:37] win thirty percent I lose seventy percent right I just bought another one so I
[00:45:42] buy it for forty three and then yeah the thing is that he's not mentioning is
[00:45:46] that nobody else has access to this so he's acting like he's like playing a
[00:45:51] system that everyone has like oh bro this is just how I do it check out how I
[00:45:55] make millions of dollars for people have access to this too but look I do
[00:46:00] it like this. Take okay bro. I actually like that. Is it a different colors? He does it
[00:46:10] for a living so it makes it RP. Got it dude. My bad. My bad. You can do that also? How?
[00:46:24] What do you mean? Let's go buy a house after this. Tell me where to go to put in a bid.
[00:46:36] Oh, do I have to call one of the realtors? Or can I just do it through the app?
[00:46:54] Tell me do I need to call realtor or can I just do it on my own? We've asked this question multiple times
[00:47:03] Line up boss. You're a fucking stop. Let's put in a bit on the house after this on our own then without calling a realtor. Let's see
[00:47:22] Let's find out
[00:47:30] Oh, you can't you can't you sure because I've asked this before do I need to call the fucking realtor?
[00:47:36] That's crazy that that's weird
[00:47:39] But everybody can do it, right? I got it. You just have to give them your money to do it
[00:47:50] Hey, good shit. Good shit. Really explaining a lot here
[00:48:02] Really debunking my shit here
[00:48:21] Where can I see the listings on these houses?
[00:48:27] Maybe maybe if I go into my app there's a listing of them, and then I have to call
[00:48:33] I'm interested in this bitch
[00:48:34] If I view the auction right
[00:49:08] No, it's a local and it says Leah like what
[00:49:15] What am I contact here for
[00:49:18] 83 grand it's her property
[00:49:24] So this is a property that she's flipping. Yeah, no
[00:49:37] wait
[00:49:38] So so she just gets
[00:49:41] This is just part of her job. She gets properties to sell every day
[00:49:47] Like that's how it works like oh shit. I got this house today. I can go try to put bids on with people
[00:49:54] Stupid
[00:49:56] how fucking stupid they get three a day to sell so they made it a grinder job
[00:50:14] for four people had wait on two six people so they get three houses a day to
[00:50:32] sell say they sell a house they make commission off that house obviously right
[00:50:37] so their goal is grinders is to sell three houses a day so yeah
[00:50:56] Got it. No excuse, bro.
[00:50:58] Please, man, please.
[00:51:00] You're gonna get caught on 24.
[00:51:02] Actually, I haven't raced like a week due to tomorrow.
[00:51:08] No excuses, bro.
[00:51:18] Alright, we're waiting for three now.
[00:51:20] Not four, I'll make that four.
[00:51:22] There's an ace band from racing.
[00:51:24] A stupid fucking system implement,
[00:51:26] and it's getting abused at the same time.
[00:51:28] Yeah, you're gonna give the power like that of realty,
[00:51:32] and then just have it a grinder mode for four people.
[00:51:35] I love how people wait for the last part of the minute.
[00:51:38] I live in.
[00:51:39] You're ready to come.
[00:51:42] I'm out this bitch, and we're gonna race and get out of here.
[00:51:53] I'm totally gonna come out.
[00:51:59] You guys have fun RPM with each other, dude.
[00:52:20] Just completely broken economy.
[00:52:32] I mean, they have fun.
[00:52:33] That's great, dude.
[00:52:34] I'm glad to have fun, man.
[00:52:43] Yes, yes!
[00:52:44] Big-eyed wheels.
[00:52:48] Is he racing in their thing?
[00:52:49] No way.
[00:52:50] I guess so.
[00:52:51] Ain't no way, bro.
[00:52:52] What
[00:52:55] Okay, oh shit, okay, just keeping on the names for me
[00:53:27] Oh
[00:53:54] Listen, I'm you know, I'm taking fucking
[00:53:59] My DMs are open dude, you got a server just for the white guy
[00:54:02] You want to hit me up with some fucking broken bullshit mechanics to make me rich as shit?
[00:54:07] I'll go RP over there. You let me know
[00:54:10] I'm kind of getting bored and that's the way that it's gonna save me
[00:54:14] I just want to have fun is this for 90 should be 90 should be 90 it's the red light
[00:54:50] it's the red light it's because of the red light behind us I'll take an RP
[00:55:07] mechanic that makes me shitloads of money that only have access to you
[00:55:10] Let me know
[00:56:24] 30 seconds 40 seconds 10 seconds headfirst into a full race nice
[00:57:01] What a champion of numerous that guy is dude. She's a line of cars coming at him. Oh, dude
[00:57:07] These things are all a bunch of grandad people.
[00:57:22] Gotta go do some other games.
[00:57:24] We're gonna be doing some other shit there.
[01:02:15] I'm not gonna be playing our people there.
[01:02:34] Hey, now I'm getting buried out, bro.
[01:02:35] I just need some systems.
[01:02:36] Go fucking in for me later on.
[01:02:38] Maybe I'll just come back and we'll see.
[01:02:40] Are you okay?
[01:05:53] Yeah, sick.
[01:05:54] Yeah, in alternate reality, I win that poker game,
[01:09:01] and I don't even fucking hear about the realtor shit.
[01:09:04] But you think if I win that poker game
[01:09:06] and I hear about the real shit,
[01:09:07] I have a different opinion than I hear wrong.
[01:09:10] Just because I would have $500k in the bank, you'd think my opinion on that whole mechanic would change.
[01:09:15] Using your shit over it would. I don't even know what that even means.
[01:09:41] I'm telling you that it doesn't fucking matter if I won that poker tournament or not.
[01:09:45] If I got a whiff of that fucking stupid realtor mechanic, I would still be bitching myself.
[01:09:49] You'd be curious to see if you change your tune when you realize your facts are on the edge.
[01:10:24] Explain it to me now, and I'll see.
[01:10:26] What fact do I have wrong?
[01:10:28] Listen, next time I find a bug, I'll just quietly message an admin on Discord and then sit there and abuse it for two weeks and you think that'll make you guys happy or not.
[01:11:26] It's not a bug though.
[01:11:41] Well, reason for me not to play in the server.
[01:11:43] Shitty economy.
[01:11:45] I think I'm gonna step away from RP.
[01:11:49] Have fun, yes.
[01:11:51] Have fun with your RP.
[01:11:53] Have fun, David, with your fucking broken ass systems and your fucking abusers.
[01:12:21] Have a good time.
[01:12:23] Have a good time
[01:12:26] It's better this way. There's nobody to complain about the people who are making stupid amounts of money for your second, you know
[01:12:57] The six people that have the access to the thing
[01:13:02] okay
[01:13:25] They cater the server to me and I ask for things that are specifically for me
[01:13:34] Or do I ask for things that should be expected on a server that is asking for that much money for prior?
[01:13:41] What do you think?
[01:13:47] I don't fucking know what Pryo is, dude.
[01:13:59] But people spend real money on it, right?
[01:14:01] So the shit that I had changed in the server, we're all one, good things.
[01:14:06] And things that should be expected from a fucking server, not bitched about and then changed.
[01:14:12] Especially a server that's already gone through a 1.0 process.
[01:14:20] I should have never come back to complain about systems that have already been fixed in 2.0
[01:14:27] I'm out that bitch. I did my fucking job. I did my fucking job
[01:14:38] Now you guys can take the broken fucking economy and have fun buying B cars with it
[01:14:44] Have a good time on this
[01:14:48] You guys are running that server into a ball sack and it's gonna showcase itself. Oh
[01:14:57] I should have never had to complain about a single system
[01:15:04] That should have already been fixed.
[01:15:15] Not silently message a fucking admin
[01:15:17] about shipping and broken.
[01:15:20] While simultaneously he's fucking just utilizing it
[01:15:22] for two straight weeks.
[01:15:24] He says, all servers fucking broken.
[01:15:38] I'm not trying to win.
[01:15:39] There's no win for Hutch here, or for, what's up Hutch?
[01:15:41] There's no win for Summit here, right?
[01:15:43] There's no win for Charles.
[01:15:44] You don't even do anything with the money
[01:15:46] that you make in the server.
[01:15:47] It's just annoying to me that somebody can be given
[01:15:51] keys to the city and then is doing what he's doing with it and I don't like the idea of like
[01:15:59] hey man you're really bored of RP and come on through to this one dude I'll give you a bunch of
[01:16:02] shit okay bro I'm bored of RP2 you guys let me know and you want me to come back all right with
[01:16:09] some shit okay you let me know I'm bored of RP2 you let me know when you have a broken system
[01:16:22] that I can take advantage of for two weeks that no one else has access to let me know
[01:16:26] I'll come back through. I gotta find a different game to play.
[01:16:47] So there's this thing called cop. Now I refuse to even partake in that server. I'm good.
[01:16:52] I'm not that bitch. You guys have fun. Like I said, I'm bored of RP. You let me know when you can
[01:16:57] coerce me to come back with some good mechanics for me, okay? You guys let me know when there's
[01:17:02] something that gets implemented specifically for me, all right? Let me know. Now I haven't
[01:17:25] seen Foreverwinter gameplay. Big boy game. Let's have a little, sorry bro. I'm not that
[01:17:32] of this you guys have fun I feel like I'm playing like I don't even know what the
[01:17:44] fuck I feel like I'm playing chat stop rage baiting some roster's a huge new
[01:17:52] update coming this week worth checking out biggest in years yeah that's how I'm
[01:17:58] gonna change my attitude and start making me happy again well listen I know
[01:18:03] it'll make me happy and just let me know when the system's implemented okay
[01:18:06] and you guys want me back.
[01:18:06] All right, let me know.
[01:18:11] My DMs are open.
[01:18:12] I'm just kind of bored right now.
[01:19:07] Maximus creates more RP with way more players
[01:19:10] by doing real estate stuff.
[01:19:11] Oh, crazy.
[01:19:12] So somebody gets handed RP
[01:19:16] and that's like he's getting praised for it.
[01:19:19] So because I have to go out and like,
[01:19:22] you know, do some shit or find RP or do something.
[01:19:24] People aren't just calling me off the yellow pages.
[01:19:50] Oh, you don't RP is the line
[01:19:53] that I've heard so much, that I'm gonna be honest.
[01:19:58] I'll never RP again, and you're banned.
[01:20:01] I think I'm done.
[01:20:04] I don't think I wanna play that shit anymore,
[01:20:06] where there's constantly of like,
[01:20:08] everybody's hiding behind RP.
[01:20:11] You guys can say suck my fucking nuts, dude.
[01:20:14] Oh man, I RP so good.
[01:20:18] Suck my fucking nuts, bro.
[01:20:19] RP by yourself.
[01:20:21] Yeah, you guys have fun on the fucking server.
[01:20:22] I hope it dies.
[01:20:26] You guys have fuckin' fun.
[01:20:27] I think I'm done with RP in general, like forever.
[01:20:32] I can't hear that line again, you don't RP.
[01:20:35] Like I have to get on the server and like,
[01:20:38] if you're not talking constantly to somebody
[01:20:42] over the phone or setting up meetings,
[01:20:44] you're not RPing.
[01:20:46] So it's like, I'm done with that shit.
[01:20:49] I'm done with that bullshit community.
[01:20:50] I'm done with all you dumbasses.
[01:20:52] Go abuse your bullshit, bro.
[01:20:54] Have fun.
[01:20:56] Go abuse your bullshit, bro. You know that shit ain't happening in any other game. So whatever
[01:21:02] Have fun, dude. I hope you I hope it fucking sucks again, and you absolutely hate it again
[01:21:08] So we have to bring you back with some more mechanics, dude when I come back to RP. It's never through any special means
[01:21:23] I just show up and say what's up. I don't have any fucking admins hitting me up
[01:21:26] I don't have anybody saying oh man. Do you want RP with dust in our server?
[01:21:29] We'll give you this that in this like now. I usually just come through and play
[01:21:32] but no more
[01:21:34] no more
[01:21:41] Your RP is so good it's necessary for the server bro, so you can take my spot.
[01:21:46] Have fun forever. I'm done forever. Have fun bro. You don't RP.
[01:22:24] Alright dude, everybody hides behind that word are those two letters RP throw the title.
[01:23:08] We're, we are other gamers now.
[01:23:12] But we're not going to be playing the finals for much longer either.
[01:23:22] Let's get pissed and after you never wanted special treatment now you quit because you don't get special treatment. Who says that?
[01:23:38] It's a brain dead take
[01:23:41] I'm quitting because we have to cater to people with special
[01:24:03] We're out we're out the bitch
[01:24:05] I mean to some people you should be happy that I'm never playing RP again. You should be happy about that
[01:24:15] You got what you wanted
[01:24:21] If I ever play again, it'll only be on no pixel
[01:24:38] F on mommies all this RP shade or it's just RP. Yeah, got it. Yeah, just creating new RP
[01:24:56] What do you know some of you don't RP
[01:24:58] You're god forbid
[01:25:00] God forbid they'd be hit banks and go in car chases and shit like that and be racing and it's just not RP
[01:25:06] Bro, cuz I'm not fucking in the yellow pages getting the phone calls showing them houses
[01:25:12] Love it
[01:25:18] Love it, dude so much RP being created there out of thin air, you know
[01:25:22] All join me stuff and go find go find someone that you can watch that is not
[01:25:34] You'll always be the stream on my second monitor while I stretch and play Wow
[01:25:38] Thanks for the content always some love appreciate you both. Thank you so much
[01:25:43] Thank you a censored king as well that beneficial much love
[01:25:46] Thanks for the early streams recently. I've been waking up with headaches and your streams help me to the pain much appreciated
[01:25:52] Hey, thank you so much for coming through me yelling at you. Apparently is making your brain
[01:25:57] Feel better. This is somehow working. I'll take it
[01:26:00] Yeah, thank you so much for the 25 bones by that. I appreciate it. I hope you're feeling better man. I
[01:26:04] I really love your driving in GTA. Well, I'll go drive somewhere where I don't have to RP with it so that it can be appreciated for itself
[01:26:12] You know what I'm saying?
[01:26:14] Some every time I'm in a race car. Oh, this is an R.P. This is an RP
[01:26:18] You guys don't deserve a fucking racing. It's not my fucking ass. Have fun
[01:26:28] We'll buy houses for each other, bro. That's our view
[01:26:34] The boundless, the shotgun-a, the jet centers, and finally, the big splat.
[01:26:40] Make sure you're flippin' the houses, too, bro.
[01:26:42] The stage is set, it's set, it's set.
[01:26:43] Don't forget, make sure you're flippin' them.
[01:26:44] Make sure you low ball some fuckin' houses first.
[01:26:46] And for this match, not a scratch on it.
[01:27:02] Let's see how long that way, the shotgun-a.
[01:27:15] The Mubbles.
[01:27:16] The Mubbles.
[01:27:17] The Mubbles, yeah.
[01:27:18] I still can't believe a two-year sub got to ender there.
[01:27:28] But, Johnifer?
[01:27:29] Oh, good Johnifer, indeed.
[01:27:31] It's like my fucking dead face.
[01:27:47] You guys see what's going on?
[01:27:49] You wanna show your fucking overwhelming support for a person that I'm shitting on?
[01:27:53] Go watch it.
[01:27:56] That's the best way you can show support.
[01:27:59] Go watch the guy.
[01:28:01] Aw, Summit, you're so out of pocket for this, oh Summit, you can such a bad take this, that, and this.
[01:28:05] Well, look dude, go show your support somewhere else.
[01:28:10] That's the best way to do it.
[01:28:11] why are you still here go give the viewers a good you guys will get our
[01:28:19] Jonathan I'm sure you're gonna be over in that channel man thank you better
[01:29:29] appreciate it man much love you must love Halo is not a bad idea actually
[01:29:35] we're gonna be playing stupid games for a while again and then the main jammer
[01:29:39] will be something else later I'm happy to just be finally stepping away
[01:29:47] from that bullshit bro. Oh yes. Not the drama. Not the drama. Like whatever dude. Drama. I think I can handle a little bit of me talking to another person not liking each other and we having two different opinions actually. You know what I'm saying? Talk some shade. I'll talk some shade. Whatever. What I can't handle is the whole thing. Oh you're not RPGing. You're not this. You're not playing the game. I can't say I'm not shooting anymore.
[01:30:06] Johnifer put it in perspective for me. It's just like it just made sense right there that I just don't want to play anymore
[01:30:11] Let me know though when you guys go to get a mechanic to bring me back. Just let me know leave that out there
[01:30:23] What's the one thing that brought you back to fucking RP that was like the most exciting shit you've ever seen the most stuff like
[01:30:29] Having such a great time playing
[01:30:34] Came back for that's the real RPA. They have to real see it
[01:30:51] You brace that doesn't give all the heat and how are you gonna go into it?
[01:31:35] Maximus left no pixel because the same hate you're showing him right now
[01:31:45] Don't think the real estate has much of it reason him joining prodigy. That's crazy
[01:31:50] He left because he's getting I wonder I wonder what that hate came from. Does this come from nothing?
[01:31:55] Whatever bro. He doesn't have that problem anymore. I'm out that bitch. Have fun dude
[01:32:01] She's to the city
[01:32:03] Like I said, bro other servers want to hit me up and give me some shit like that. I'll consider it hit me my DMs are open
[01:32:13] Time to go do my own thing in RP or not at all
[01:32:18] Okay
[01:32:33] And like I said, you don't fucking like it and you're bitching about it
[01:32:36] Hey, man
[01:32:37] The best way that you can support is go watch the other stream the fuck you watching me for
[01:32:42] I'm the big bad wolf. You're not supposed to talk to the fucking guy at the drama farm. You know, say
[01:32:50] Support your fucking good stream
[01:32:52] Team white I did like Delta Force 6. I'm not gonna play an extraction shoot
[01:34:00] Nah, I don't care about extractions here at the moment.
[01:34:03] I'm gonna be playing kind of stupid stuff, I'm gonna play some Halo,
[01:34:10] I'm gonna continue to play some fun, and I'll see what kind of rank we can get after that.
[01:34:14] At least I don't have to fucking pretend that I'm RPing.
[01:34:20] I think they're here underneath us.
[01:34:27] They hit fire! FACE!
[01:34:56] You're bullshitting me!
[01:34:57] Are we qualified? We're qualified?
[01:35:32] Third time ass shoots by our sticks, I'm sorry man.
[01:35:40] I'll say this, when it comes to the RPing,
[01:35:43] It might not be like a never again type of game, but it's never gonna be unpolished.
[01:36:09] I'd rather be mad at cops doing wrong mistakes than this stupid shit, be honest with you.
[01:36:24] So what you're saying is we will never see you dance the money roll Macarena again.
[01:36:29] Level 45 Wizard Roll Cleaner.
[01:36:36] People sitting there cleaning rolls for fucking like slaves, dude. Fucking horrible.
[01:36:41] I hate that shit. I gotta just sell them off.
[01:36:43] Sift the strip club for fucking 45 minutes while I watch a YouTube video.
[01:36:47] That's RP, alright?
[01:36:49] Is there a more race focus serving my injury? I might try a genuine question
[01:37:08] What are these things that's for you and where do you want that DM?
[01:37:17] Yeah, just make it so I have cars that no one has access to you that only I can sell and I can you know
[01:37:21] Maybe put in some low ball bids before I sell them to them to you. Let me know
[01:37:26] Let me buy them. Let me purchase them off of something off of someone that only I have access to okay
[01:37:32] Let me low ball it and then so I can resell it to the city
[01:37:37] And I want three of those a day. Let me know I'm down. It's just our PBR
[01:37:55] I'm kind of getting bored and I need some incentive
[01:38:14] Gomership bump for a pair cost to average commission
[01:38:19] Me can't I'll give you wrong the commission you get from all it's coffee
[01:38:23] Like I said, I'm out that bitch speaking to you how do you want to know if you should put curb boosting back on.
[01:38:41] I mean the curb boosting and the driving and the running from the cops is not RP anyways.
[01:38:51] It's not RP anyways.
[01:38:55] So if you get a shit about it, it won't even change those mechanics.
[01:38:58] I gotta find a different name to play.
[01:39:29] The socialites just returned to the spotlight team respond
[01:39:39] So just done the normal as cash out set in motion by the tough shells. I'll try to space me for a little bit
[01:40:06] I don't know how I'm gonna be playing now. I'll repeat himself. I have another sponsor for throwing a liberty today
[01:42:05] I'd like to have fun
[01:42:08] Was the last five at this game. I don't think this game is bad
[01:42:36] I just don't think this game is gonna keep me interested from that long
[01:43:02] happy about wasn't that that wasn't that like I couldn't be like efficient on my
[01:43:11] character something like that right it was more along the lines of like this
[01:43:16] other character is being efficient for way less than and I feel like I'm having
[01:43:21] to witness fight for a lot of bullshit I just don't like that feeling in any
[01:43:25] video game I guess R.P. included. I think we've burned out G.J. enough like
[01:43:46] like I said, regardless of all the situations here.
[01:44:37] I thought she would like TL, since the PvP is pretty good on it.
[01:44:40] TL.
[01:44:42] We'll see how.
[01:44:45] Oh, yeah.
[01:44:49] I was throwing in every game.
[01:44:51] Uh, yeah, I don't mind it.
[01:44:54] I don't mind it.
[01:44:56] I liked it for what I did by the way.
[01:45:02] It's giving us goosebumps.
[01:45:03] Indeed, Scutty.
[01:45:05] You can lose, dude.
[01:45:07] Socialites are out of favor again as another team
[01:45:23] All right, we're just chillin', nobody's coming after us.
[01:45:37] Why don't you create an RPSer? Yeah, that sounds like the worst idea I've ever come up with.
[01:45:42] Hell no.
[01:45:47] One that would be unsuccessful, two would be annoying especially if you had set up three.
[01:45:53] You probably still hate playing it just as much.
[01:46:08] Well listen, like I said, I'll come back to RP when the incentives are right, dude.
[01:47:31] Smoking Dave, I do know Bakeman, and I do see you talking shit.
[01:47:33] Smoking Dave, you're about to get banned, and I'm gonna talk shit to your dumbass.
[01:47:37] What's going on there?
[01:47:38] You got something to say, Dave?
[01:47:41] Huh?
[01:47:42] You trying to talk shit to a mod, and then get called out for it?
[01:47:46] What do you have to say now?
[01:47:48] What's that?
[01:47:49] Say something now, Smoking Dave.
[01:47:51] I still like I'm a smoker.
[01:48:00] I do. It's sad you're a grown man. Okay?
[01:48:03] You have 999 messages here, okay?
[01:48:06] I think, uh...
[01:48:07] I think you've spent enough time here. Maybe it's time you go tomorrow.
[01:48:11] Your best way to support OTT is by watching him.
[01:48:14] And I bet you're not even in this fucking channel.
[01:48:18] Go find another streamer, Smoke and Dave.
[01:48:21] What is sad here? What's sad is you can't leave.
[01:48:25] Because you don't really want to.
[01:48:27] That's what's sad.
[01:48:30] You want to stick around for the drama and you like being here for it.
[01:48:38] And you're a grown ass man too, right?
[01:48:42] Smoke and Dave? Why else would you be here?
[01:49:00] I'm talking to you Smoke and Dave. Are you gonna say something back?
[01:49:12] He did. What'd he say?
[01:49:15] Okay, I'll just pull his name up real quick.
[01:49:17] Smoke and Dave. Brother, man, you got more problems than me probably, you know what I'm saying?
[01:49:24] I have wall.
[01:49:26] No, I like you, but I am sad.
[01:49:29] Okay, well that's I've been fucking figured out within yourself that really meant the fuck you want me to do about that
[01:49:45] You have 999 messages here, I haven't skipped a beat on my personality in years
[01:49:53] You'd know if you didn't like me
[01:49:55] At the end of the day, I'm mad about a video game, right?
[01:50:08] You guys want to really be mad at somebody go look at the rest of the twitch planet, all right?
[01:50:12] Leave me the fuck alone. You don't need to leave me the fuck alone. Like you're you're more than willing to say something
[01:50:17] But I'm gonna say some shit that you know man. I calls it how I sees it. I don't give a fuck who it is
[01:50:24] I've known lag TV Maximus forever. I'm still calling shit how I see it
[01:50:29] You know I'm saying and he has it obviously feels completely different about it other people feel completely different about it
[01:50:34] I feel like shit's getting abused
[01:50:38] That's how I feel so I mentioned it. You don't like that shit. Don't be a fascist
[01:50:45] I complain about video games, everything.
[01:50:50] Everything.
[01:50:51] Like, don't watch if you don't like.
[01:50:59] Go hang out with someone else if you want to support them.
[01:51:02] I encourage you to.
[01:51:05] I don't want the guy's stream and his life to be affected by something like this.
[01:51:09] But it doesn't change the fact that I don't fucking like what he does.
[01:51:14] So there's that.
[01:51:15] If you do like what he does, then go watch him.
[01:51:24] Pretty fucking easy.
[01:51:25] You guys are sick of the whole fucking not RPing that I do go watch someone who RPs a lot
[01:51:36] I guarantee that dumbass John first not even in the other champion
[01:51:54] Probably still watching this one shields and turrets baby shields and turrets
[01:52:14] Where you go backwards
[01:52:19] Now listen, I understand the hate I get it
[01:52:36] You know saying and I accept it because I have opened up that door for myself, right?
[01:52:41] But you know, I'm gonna say some shit back
[01:52:45] Pretty fucking simple, right it's a new day. I'm not even really sure what the fuck we would even talk about at this point
[01:53:56] You're just you're you're causing yourself issues here
[01:53:59] I sure you want to do that if you weren't a drama farmer you wouldn't be here, right?
[01:54:10] You'd be supporting the guy who you think is not deserving of the hate box not the guy who's spreading it
[01:54:20] So I'm not I don't claim to be anything
[01:54:29] You know, I'm just as toxic and meaning and a piece of shit as a normal
[01:54:33] I don't have some special fucking way that I handle all my fucking emotions when it comes to
[01:54:42] Fucking hell man
[01:54:45] Where my boys at?
[01:54:47] Well, no like it's not she wants you man. Oh
[01:54:53] I see you out here the boundless grab the cash box. I think it's over
[01:57:39] I guess my first job on that
[01:57:55] Oh, yeah, what's it called?
[01:58:01] I don't, uh, place me games.
[01:58:13] At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what the problem is anymore.
[01:58:15] I'm stepping away from the problem, okay?
[01:58:17] We stepping away from the problem.
[01:58:19] Plenty of people want that anyways, dudes,
[01:58:21] just to get the fuck away from eating RP, like forever.
[01:58:24] You know what I mean?
[01:58:28] Oh, I'll play with the boys like random games, and now you shit this.
[01:58:31] So no stress, we're still gonna be hanging out there, but...
[01:58:33] I only wanted to play RP to play with friends, you know what I mean?
[01:58:38] I only wanted to just hang out with the boys.
[01:58:44] It's turning into more than that, so...
[01:58:52] And then when people say those lines, you don't RP.
[01:58:56] the biggest turn off to ever play that game.
[01:59:01] You know what I'm saying?
[01:59:03] It's like people's definition of RP is don't do bank heists,
[01:59:06] don't do cop related things, don't do these things, you know what I mean?
[01:59:09] Only go have conversations with people
[01:59:12] and create like random arcs.
[01:59:15] Like let's go pretend there's something in this tunnel.
[01:59:17] Oh there's a scary monster in this tunnel.
[01:59:19] Oh let's go search for it.
[01:59:20] Oh my gosh, you guys got your flashlights?
[01:59:23] Lord of fucking mercy.
[01:59:24] Sorry that not everybody wants to fucking walk through tunnels
[01:59:27] and pretend like that type of shit.
[01:59:28] There are certain characters to do it, you know?
[01:59:31] But with the some dipshits like Jennifer, that's like that's that's RP and that's only RP
[01:59:36] I hate folks like that dudes. I just don't want to be in here
[01:59:40] If these dudes had it their way bro, the cops would never have anything to chase, you know?
[02:00:11] He just reels his fucking everywhere
[02:00:25] Fortune Stadium is where fame and fortune collide and our sponsors have spared no expense to set the stage
[02:00:32] The Retro
[02:00:35] The socialites!
[02:00:37] The jet centers!
[02:00:38] And finally, the tough shells!
[02:00:42] Unleash our contestants!
[02:00:44] Visibility in the arena?
[02:00:54] Let's hope our contestants show us something new under the sun.
[02:00:57] The arena is in perfect condition to start the match.
[02:01:00] I doubt it'll stay that way for long.
[02:01:04] Looks like the jet centers have landed at Vault 2 and they've started opening it.
[02:01:09] The socialites are in the limelight, unlocking Vault 1.
[02:01:12] Fuck the haters. At worst, you're giving the cops RP by allowing them to interact while doing their job.
[02:01:25] Nah, it's not RP, bro.
[02:01:27] I gotta go fucking sell weed, sell fucking houses, go sit on the yellow pages and drive people around in taxis.
[02:01:33] Go bring them into tunnel systems and pretend like we're fucking down a fucking monster, you know what I'm saying?
[02:01:38] That's real RP, bro.
[02:02:27] Cash out steel denied, a clutch play out there in the arena.
[02:03:01] That guy was for no health, right?
[02:04:07] Maybe he was too.
[02:04:07] How did he get res?
[02:04:39] There's a different team.
[02:04:42] The tough shells will need to come back.
[02:04:44] Shit.
[02:04:48] What was that, a different team?
[02:04:50] The jet setters swooped up a cash box.
[02:04:53] Ready to avenge that team wipe.
[02:05:12] The socialites are about to make a new friend.
[02:05:15] They're opening-
[02:05:15] Point of this great match.
[02:05:23] The next bit is-
[02:05:24] The socialites are just off the cash out.
[02:06:01] Hey, yeah, 93.
[02:08:42] Thanks to the, uh, gifts and salesmen
[02:08:44] I appreciate your brother. You're welcome. I'm just gonna say to you guys enjoy it.
[02:08:47] I'm just gonna pull the gun.
[02:10:16] What's that dick saying over there?
[02:11:04] I've played Apex before, okay.
[02:11:42] It's okay. I don't mind it.
[02:11:45] If the boys ever wanted to jump on it, I'd be down.
[02:11:47] Any MMO actually, did I say that?
[02:11:56] In about two hours, we have a Spongebob scene for fun and everything.
[02:12:00] Again. Three hours, I think, again.
[02:12:12] Yeah
[02:12:50] You're really trying to market
[02:14:47] Point fire if I want to hold right-click and I make another round of choice
[02:17:44] Six one steal probably was never meant to be in town forever
[02:21:44] I was meant to be in town for like a lot longer
[02:22:31] Relaxed Adam over exaggerating I'll still play RP in the future, but we're taking a nice little chill break
[02:22:36] from Prodigy. It seems like they don't really have an idea of what the fuck they want to
[02:22:41] do, so we'll wait around until they figure it out. But certainly some people like getting
[02:22:48] hand-fed shit and me sitting there fucking watching from the sidelines kind of a, yeah,
[02:22:56] not something I want to be a part of. That's like a shit's admin stuff only. I don't
[02:23:04] know why it's even entrusted to fucking normal players who are playing normal character.
[02:23:09] Like K. I mean, I guess it creates our PD. You know what? It creates our P. Whatever the fuck
[02:23:15] This is why I take breaks because I'm a fucking I think about shit in a different way. It's just it's RP
[02:23:21] She creates RP
[02:23:23] Just creates RP man
[02:23:50] RP versus no RP
[02:23:54] racing's not RP
[02:23:56] Bank jobs all that stuff top stuff. It's just it's not so
[02:24:02] With all the professional RPers hang out together and we'll step out
[02:24:06] Good to you learn all the getaway strats last night
[02:24:18] You're right. I should have probably gotten on and used them a little bit today if your RP is an RP
[02:24:56] Then what is it? We're just playing GT on my GT a lot. That's what it is. We're not
[02:25:02] Just
[02:25:04] Center stage
[02:25:17] Yeah, I like taking on a Swarovs to
[02:25:21] But you know
[02:25:24] In the process that we've made $1,500 on or like 3k on split four ways
[02:25:30] Five ways on houses around stores. I said, you know
[02:25:33] 2-3 out of those buck souls.
[02:25:38] For fucking 30-40k up.
[02:25:41] That's just like...
[02:25:42] When I think of it like that, I'm not having fun anymore.
[02:25:45] I know that I'm getting in my own way on my own, but yeah.
[02:25:48] Nah, as far as it's not fun, he's a...
[02:26:02] As far as he's a cop.
[02:26:03] That's a cop, not a CG.
[02:26:05] They're fired with the CG.
[02:26:07] How many other jobs and problems do you make the same amount as Realtor?
[02:26:13] Um, without like an insane grind? Nothing.
[02:26:19] You might be able to grind your way to that much money if like all you did was grind.
[02:26:25] That's my fault, I'm not caught by a team.
[02:26:35] I might be a bad guy, I'm going to throw up.
[02:26:38] Wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry.
[02:26:40] That's fucking crazy that he can do that.
[02:26:49] Responding like that right to you, that's my fault, my fault.
[02:26:51] I didn't realize you were going to do that.
[02:26:58] Don't die!
[02:27:02] But it's that is the case
[02:27:09] One of the last guys on me he's hurt
[02:27:16] He's going he's putting his friends in his mess. Shit
[02:27:29] Rocking the gates in lean fucking headsets of the diggle. God those diggles are strong though. It's crazy
[02:27:49] Everybody's gonna think differently on about what they feel in RP what is RP, what is RP, what's imusable, what's not imusable
[02:28:50] I just I call it how I see that think what you want support whatever the fuck
[02:29:39] Real streams being affected by something like this, but just know that you know Charles didn't like that shit
[02:29:44] So we get the fuck out
[02:30:09] This is pretty fun to that
[02:30:14] the first thing I just I can't I can't take those comments anymore bro say what
[02:30:18] you will do say I'm a shit bad salmon asshole oh you're so toxic you're bad
[02:30:23] for our people but don't sit there and say don't I really don't want to put a lot
[02:31:19] of the three teams in place you guys realize that three teams just came
[02:31:23] after us back to back we wiped one team wiped the second team the third team
[02:31:27] You shoulda.
[02:31:36] Surfer's not gonna die, bro.
[02:31:38] Relax.
[02:31:40] Prodigy is debating.
[02:31:41] He's the biggest server right now, I don't know what I'm saying.
[02:31:45] He ain't going nowhere.
[02:31:46] The R.P. doesn't go nowhere.
[02:31:48] He's there to stay.
[02:31:50] I'll stress it.
[02:31:51] Bro, they said your management owns a server.
[02:32:31] That's correct.
[02:32:32] This is fucked.
[02:32:36] My management, you know, can ask me for favors and stuff like that to go into
[02:32:40] a server like that.
[02:32:41] But I mean, at the end of the day, they don't do a flying fuck to that
[02:32:43] player, you know?
[02:32:44] Crazy you say you don't RP you RP death sounds on other games
[02:33:08] Like I said man, it's just like
[02:33:11] Seeing that line in the chat is the fucking killer you don't RP and it's just like
[02:33:19] Bad RP
[02:33:22] lazy RP
[02:33:36] I like the cops and robbers. I like doing cop stuff. Robbing banks, gang wars, gang RP negotiations,
[02:34:39] cop rp at banks and uh you know that's my shit you know that's everybody's it's a
[02:34:51] lot of people should but if that's not rp then I'm sure please yes that works
[02:35:07] that's crazy that works was just battle for newest happen yeah I take full
[02:35:25] responsibility for being bad this might be might be I should be an arms dealer
[02:35:39] I'd get a ton of money. Well, like I said, you just let me know what I'm you know
[02:35:41] Let me know when you guys got a mechanic for me specifically, and I'll come back through
[02:35:45] I'm the only guy in the surgery to buy AK's you know saying throw me in that bitch
[02:36:25] Listen, I don't like diva syndrome in any video game and apparently it doesn't change on RP for some reason
[02:36:32] I don't know you know
[02:36:35] Yeah, we're like the highest ranked individuals in that bitch. We got
[02:36:39] What the fuck we got actually shit on
[02:38:12] How am I liking the finals? It's okay. It's ice
[02:38:17] It's not something I'm gonna play all the time. It's just like a night time game for me
[02:38:21] But I'm just gonna burn down everything there. So I'm just gonna show him.
[02:38:28] I appreciate you all. Thank you, sir. Thank you sir. Listen, I over exaggerate. I will still play RP again
[02:38:33] I'm just not gonna I'm gonna take a nice break
[02:38:37] I'm gonna wait till the server figures itself out
[02:38:44] Doesn't need me to do that. Apparently I already got it.
[02:38:46] I got all these stuff.
[02:38:51] I'll see you in a minute.
[02:38:52] Why not talk to OTT about it? Share your thoughts?
[02:39:25] I'm pretty sure my thoughts are getting across the board.
[02:39:27] I really don't want to have an awkward conversation with him.
[02:39:29] I don't want him to play the fucking video game.
[02:39:31] And I think he'll be using mechanics.
[02:39:32] Oh no, here's why I'm not using mechanics.
[02:39:34] Okay, we're both like given our fans.
[02:39:36] I understand his, he understands mine.
[02:39:38] We still disagree, yeah?
[02:39:46] I think I covered it he keeps saying like I'm doing a he says I do a new rant every day
[02:39:58] It's the same brand both days now. I haven't changed it
[02:40:02] The only thing I haven't done is brought up the poker shit. You know I'm saying I still
[02:40:06] I still think that you're bullshitting the poker shit there, too
[02:40:10] Just don't bring it up because that one was a little bit more stupid to bring up and chat says
[02:41:21] I'm not super worried about whether I'm completely in the right or fucking completely off of the problem.
[02:41:26] I hope he gets some kickback on the stream for it and gets some fucking extra money out of it.
[02:41:29] Some extra views out of it.
[02:41:42] So I don't wish the guy bad in real life.
[02:41:44] I'm saying that I want him to be successful.
[02:41:47] But I think that doesn't change the fact that I have a fucking problem with that at this VGA.
[02:41:51] So listen, I might be a fucking asshole, but I'm not that much of an asshole.
[02:41:54] I'm not trying to fucking hurt someone's stream.
[02:42:07] Something like this never could.
[02:42:09] I'm not going to convince anyone that I'm a fucking asshole.
[02:42:18] like this never could I'm not gonna convince someone else's viewers that hey I'm a guy who loves this
[02:42:23] and actually should watch it. Anything I'm gonna convince my own viewers that hey I'm a guy who loves
[02:42:27] this and actually I'm a whoosh who loves this guy instead. So I'm not diffusing the situation.
[02:43:10] I'm just removing myself from a part of it. I still maintain the same thing. Just because
[02:43:19] I don't want to go out and have an awkward conversation with somebody I felt like this
[02:43:22] And there's some goo at me, man.
[02:43:59] Alright, but since we're being polite and giving kidnapped victims refreshments during
[02:45:29] armed robbery, RP, dude, you know, I also don't really like how nice we are to, uh,
[02:45:35] trying to, what's called, kidnap these.
[02:45:40] At the end of the day, honestly, that's RP too.
[02:45:44] motherfuckers yeah how many people have we picked up you know I mean doing our
[02:45:48] non-RP and like showing a guy who's only been in the city for a fucking hour you
[02:45:53] know a little bit of RP with the cops with the with the fucking store you
[02:45:58] know chill it out with us like appreciate it
[02:46:15] you say what you want about who I am, the asshole that I am and what I do that is not RP in the RP world
[02:46:37] But, we've shown a lot of new motherfuckers in the world show out to a lot of people showing
[02:46:43] them what they've done, and done a little bit of good in the city.
[02:46:53] Nor am I would say the bad.
[02:46:54] Well, it's probably a little bit bad between the both of them.
[02:46:57] They're not serious.
[02:47:08] Like I said, bro, I believe in D.Va Syndrome and all these types of video games, while
[02:47:23] I see one type of player struggling to do a certain way, and then I see another
[02:47:27] I see another type of player getting the same, I've got more efficiency out of their characters.
[02:47:32] And especially when it's given, I just don't like it.
[02:47:36] I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like Charles doesn't have, like, hookups, you know, connections and sort of stuff,
[02:47:43] but I mean, Charles doesn't ever take advantage of that shit.
[02:47:47] I'm always broke as fuck in this series.
[02:47:50] There's movement.
[02:48:01] There are two teams and there's a rough one.
[02:48:11] Holy.
[02:48:30] You're a god!
[02:48:31] Nice story.
[02:48:32] I don't think you're being an asshole, son.
[02:48:41] Listen, of course I am.
[02:48:45] Of course I am.
[02:48:47] I'm not denying that.
[02:48:51] I get that.
[02:48:53] I fully understand why people are upset with me about certain shit.
[02:48:56] Don't get me wrong. You know what I'm saying?
[02:49:06] I get it. I get it.
[02:49:10] But I've always been consistent on it.
[02:49:30] Just saying. Put yourself, okay.
[02:49:32] I'll say this.
[02:49:33] Put Charles in OTT's position
[02:49:35] with that same power with the realtor stuff.
[02:49:38] What do you think I'm doing with it?
[02:49:39] You know what I'm saying?
[02:49:40] I definitely wouldn't have a million fucking bucks and grinding it like it's a fucking like it's a day job
[02:50:03] Like there wouldn't be a position if I was in that position of like somebody even doing something like that
[02:50:08] All right, so I'd call out. I'd want to call out other realtors for doing something
[02:50:12] If I knew about I should have known about this weeks ago
[02:50:15] But I didn't I just I don't partake in that side of our key, right?
[02:50:19] I don't buy houses on Charles and shit like that, you know
[02:50:23] So I had no idea
[02:50:30] Get him, Samurai Warrior! Get that ass!
[02:50:37] Oh! Not you, bro!
[02:50:43] Oh, I thought you were my homie!
[02:50:45] I thought we got this two Samurai Warriors.
[02:50:48] This dude's like bottom level hiding in the corners.
[02:50:54] I mean, get him, bro!
[02:50:58] Go! There he is!
[02:51:00] Kill him! Yes!
[02:51:05] He's definitely an asshole, Jack.
[02:51:07] But he's our asshole, and no man can dare to believe in himself.
[02:51:11] I'm not sure about him. I mean, sure. For sure.
[02:51:17] not the niner not the niner not the niner
[02:51:19] asshole for sure
[02:51:21] the vokes are looking to make a name for themselves
[02:51:23] I do appreciate the others guys
[02:51:25] much live much live for the support regardless
[02:51:27] as much as I agree with you
[02:51:29] objectively a lot of these
[02:51:31] smaller dudes look up to you
[02:51:33] and they're genuinely hurt when you rip into them
[02:51:35] just say it
[02:51:37] LTT has been around as long as
[02:51:39] he's been around as long as he's been around
[02:51:41] because he's been around as long as
[02:51:43] he's been around as long as
[02:51:45] as long as I have is just as much of an OG as I am so you're fuckin'
[02:51:48] I made that motherfucker what's up what's up oh shi-
[02:52:21] or I will start abusing them myself and show you how fuckin'
[02:52:41] yeah he said you're his favorite shinger
[02:52:42] stop the fucking cap I listen stop trying to hit me with this whole shit
[02:52:46] fucking what's it called to make me feel bad okay I don't give a fuck
[02:52:49] fuck the overdogs are working up the right tree
[02:52:55] stop it thank you I don't like the way you play grand theft
[02:53:02] fucking out and we're all gonna make it right the worst fucking case scenario is
[02:53:08] more eyeballs on our fucking channels for the stupid drama we got going on I
[02:53:12] don't think you're gonna take any hits for it brother you don't have my respect
[02:53:17] and fucking grant that right now he's milking it all day I mean to be fair so
[02:53:29] am I but not because I'm trying to get you know I'm just pissed and he
[02:53:39] should honestly like I said I want him to succeed on his channel and in
[02:53:43] I mean, period there's never that's never a question
[02:53:47] The last thing I would ever want to do is hurt a person in real life and their life
[02:53:52] You know I'm saying that's that's not what I'm going to do. It's not what I'm attempting to do
[02:53:57] That's not how people are gonna take this conversation
[02:53:59] And it's not how anything's gonna go down
[02:54:02] I want him to move the situation
[02:54:07] So feel I feel bro gave away the 500k. You should have given it to Charles
[02:54:31] Like I said, we'll take a break
[02:54:42] Let's, let's, uh, promise you figure it's up before we start again, alright?
[02:54:46] If I come back at all.
[02:54:51] Won't have any problems with Charles.
[02:54:53] You won't see any of the problems that are happening.
[02:55:11] This whole stupid dash they have.
[02:55:13] Like I said, I've known Maximus for a very long time, okay?
[02:55:31] This isn't like we've just come across each other for the first time,
[02:55:35] and there's, there's, there's ill will and blah blah blah blah blah.
[02:55:38] We've been friends for a long ass time.
[02:55:41] I think it's all gonna be fine in the end. It's not a big deal. I don't like I said
[02:55:50] I still maintain my opinions on the shit on the mechanics. I want him to give you
[02:56:26] It's the system not the person is the best way to put it listen
[02:56:30] I'll give you the other way is put Charles in his exact position and do you think it goes that way?
[02:56:37] That's what I'll say
[02:56:39] But mr. K in the exact same position does it go that way right? It's like it won't it doesn't
[02:56:45] Well fucker. I didn't want to sell rolls for for 1800 a pop. You know I mean
[02:56:53] Thank I thought I was abusing shit
[02:56:55] I thought I was gonna be making fucking killing and money and it was gonna be too insane shit
[02:56:59] I should have sat on it for a week. That's what I should have done didn't realize people are making millions
[02:57:04] Yeah, like I said
[02:57:08] I'll chill out on RP. Obviously, I haven't figured it out. I still take things too seriously. I don't see my dick off.
[02:57:15] It's really just not a good thing to do about it.
[02:57:33] Because I just get one melee by this time.
[02:57:35] After the two, man, you smell the fucking melee class, bro.
[02:58:47] This guy's just running around with a two-hand sword in his hand.
[02:58:51] That's just shocking. The shotgun's pretty brilliant in this game. I could just bust it out.
[02:59:04] Probably will.
[02:59:05] It doesn't seem like it's hard in any way to really close the distance in this game
[02:59:11] So
[02:59:16] This I killed the melee guy, I guess
[02:59:48] There's so many counters to the sword
[03:00:26] But we're playing throwing the radine a couple there. What's up poke? Hey, don't brother
[03:01:17] Your Rockies are getting spat snacked by the Dodgers and seems normal
[03:01:48] Just saw they improved the payout at PDM to 400 rolls in one of the cars
[03:01:53] Yeah, I'll come back to that sort of later though
[03:02:38] Strippers dude. Listen outside of all individuals. Okay, if we're just talking about the server
[03:02:50] All right
[03:02:52] Economically is in a terrible position right? It makes no sense
[03:03:11] But as you guys haven't even unlocked B vehicles in the city yet
[03:03:15] People have enough money to purchase a hundred of those cars
[03:03:20] Your credit systems completely jank you buy a small car you pay it off you get credit
[03:03:29] You buy a small car you pay it off you get credit. It's just like what?
[03:03:34] What is happening?
[03:03:36] You know
[03:03:39] Wait there are bees in the city now bullshit when the fuck did those hop in when did bees you know
[03:04:04] How about
[03:04:06] That's usually like a server thing for that when it happens like people like oh my god
[03:04:10] Let's go check out the car dealership some cars came in or like bunch people over here
[03:04:14] But just it just launched
[03:04:19] When I left I mean okay, so I mean I guess that doesn't that mean
[03:04:27] It's really not even a big deal when it happens I guess and then
[03:04:33] Like I said people just buy a hundred of those cars
[03:04:36] It's like there's no
[03:04:44] Will reason to have money essentially right? It's like when when no pixel cars coming out
[03:04:49] Right, do you remember that like when no pixel cars coming out like it would break people's banks
[03:04:54] To try and purchase of you. It's like bro. It's three thousand crypto fuck a milli cash
[03:04:59] You know what I'm saying? It's just like for the normal player. It was like dude
[03:05:03] That's it was like and then it was actually kind of crazy because you actually had to get that crypto too
[03:05:08] It was like it's like a big deal. You know what I mean?
[03:05:12] Just like bro, it's not a big deal when you come out the line of cars and then people can buy a hundred
[03:05:18] We're missing something on that server
[03:05:24] Was that a hit of you thinking about getting on the CB classes now? Let's think about that. Okay, so I get back on Charles
[03:05:32] Hell yeah. I go buy my B-Class vehicle. Hell yeah. Then what?
[03:05:37] The fuck do you want me to do with it? We're gonna go clean some more money with it. You know, go do some taxi jobs?
[03:05:48] They're not getting raced. You know what I'm saying?
[03:05:51] If you run from the cops in them, your name is attached to it, so it makes no sense as a criminal, right?
[03:05:57] So it's like even if you did want to use it in jobs, you can only use them in some jobs
[03:06:02] because you're gonna be getting calls from the cops like, oh
[03:06:04] Notice your your car was being used in PDM I stare boss man. You know I mean that's hard
[03:06:13] So no one's racing him, okay
[03:06:16] There's no like upgrades that you can get for him right besides like maybe the attachments that we get from PDF the throw into there
[03:06:21] I don't know and then it's like you could buy so many of them that they're just like who gives a fuck
[03:06:29] Kind of yeah, this I know I sound complaining right now, but I mean like this is kind of how it is
[03:06:34] You can upgrade these days to a pluses
[03:06:48] It's just who cares it doesn't hasn't changed it. If I haven't even noticed it changing
[03:07:05] You know saying and what chains did it even really offer if there's a limited stock
[03:07:28] You bet someone will purchase a lot of them and flip them
[03:07:31] You might be able to do that, but everybody will have access to that, right?
[03:07:34] I guess you have to hit up the dealership first though
[03:07:38] So
[03:07:39] To Ryzen, a virtual battleground that's sure to challenge our worthy contestants to the max.
[03:07:52] The big splash, the Overdogs, the Tough Shells, and finally, the Socialoads.
[03:08:03] And they are off!
[03:08:04] They want to use the cover of low visibility to outwit their opponents.
[03:08:20] In entrance, unlocking Vault 1.
[03:08:33] Here we go, Scotty. The teams are getting to know each other out there.
[03:08:41] And by that I mean we have our first elimination.
[03:08:44] Hold on to your result bucket hats brought to you by a salt
[03:08:52] The big splash
[03:09:32] Listen at the end of the day, I think I just I prove I prove time and time again that I just don't really
[03:09:38] Do
[03:09:41] I can't say I will go see
[03:09:43] So it's like our kids doesn't make sense
[03:09:45] Always OC
[03:09:48] Charles doesn't ever have feelings
[03:09:51] It's always attached to summit
[03:10:19] So I just think our fees never really been for me. It's fun
[03:11:06] When it comes to economy like things if you don't if you like you can't just have an email
[03:11:12] sitting in your shit for two weeks and like not willing to fix it
[03:11:18] When it comes to autonomous stuff either act out that way or the damage has been done
[03:11:22] Obviously it's not that big of a deal, it's one person
[03:12:00] No, the Simmering is not getting any of the zealots
[03:12:23] I was supposed to play with my brother, I'm supposed to get into the center eventually.
[03:12:30] My brother's been getting into dirt too, he likes dirt too.
[03:12:37] So I definitely have to get my sandbag action.
[03:12:44] Me and my brother are also just trying to get all of these other bad things out of
[03:12:48] the game.
[03:12:49] Shit.
[03:12:50] Shit.
[03:12:51] Wait
[03:13:10] Tough shells are on the march to victory over dogs stumble again another team
[03:14:27] I'm gonna show you guys how broken the shop
[03:14:37] It's not over yet
[03:14:44] You better believe that anyone can take the fish with their strategy
[03:19:06] Why don't we take it off so much we don't keep anything I didn't notice
[03:19:12] I know you guys are trying to help
[03:19:15] We can't keep it on all day
[03:19:17] Hey, thank you X. I appreciate it. We'll put it back on later.
[03:19:22] I started using 7 a little bit more.
[03:19:55] Alright.
[03:19:57] That's...
[03:20:32] A cash box the shock and all have respawned. Let's see how they bounce back. Oh, yeah, I gotta make the shot
[03:21:10] What is this game third-party senior
[03:21:33] Retros have commenced to cash out. I got banned from Rp. No, I'm kidding. Listen, I
[03:21:48] Over-exaggerated I'll play RP again. Yeah, I'm gonna be waiting around for that server to figure itself out first
[03:21:58] The
[03:22:05] Attorney may be a tough thing to figure out, but I'm saying it's not even close
[03:22:09] Still sitting there. The tough shells are playing for chiefs. They've snagged the matches first
[03:23:22] The two long didn't read of the RP drama is mean another person just have issues with each other
[03:23:27] It's not really much else to it
[03:23:35] The shock and all are just maybe
[03:23:42] Outstanding catch out snagged by the retros the retros just rolled up their sleeves to grab the lead
[03:23:50] They're knocking at the door of the socialite sees the moment in
[03:24:32] Their opponents stupid fucking
[03:24:45] Holy okay
[03:25:19] Let's go play some fucking hero. I don't know man my teammates aren't doing anything. That's why plenty of technique on display
[03:26:16] It's giving us goosebumps indeed Scotty. You can almost feel the tension in the air as the team
[03:26:22] Shit trying to get there while trying to get to the cash out
[03:26:54] Maybe you can't get up
[03:29:03] So it doesn't extend time on our end basically right
[03:29:26] because of the subsequent victory party for our upcoming two-team clash.
[03:29:32] Okay.
[03:29:33] It's the very others who are making money.
[03:29:45] Yeah, I gotcha.
[03:29:46] And I won't extend the game either to allow them to have an opportunity to steal.
[03:29:51] It just ends there on the other one.
[03:30:18] Do we see CS in the near future, Summit?
[03:30:21] I don't know, man.
[03:30:22] I don't know.
[03:30:24] Only I'm gonna play Counter-Strike if I plan on playing an actual competitive season.
[03:30:30] I think it's the only reason I would pick it back up.
[03:30:33] Or to play with my little brother, maybe.
[03:30:35] My little brother's been really interested in the game recently.
[03:30:41] Still no shopping. Yeah, sorry.
[03:30:44] God damn it.
[03:30:47] Let's make a character spring boss.
[03:30:50] I keep forgetting. Wait, we're still in a game now.
[03:30:53] We haven't gone out yet.
[03:31:03] I gave that guy the tiniest aim.
[03:31:26] I'll be down.
[03:31:48] Miko slamming his desk.
[03:31:55] I haven't tried flick engine yet.
[03:31:59] Climbless Funnel Watch.
[03:32:06] That game is fucking awesome.
[03:32:08] Are you looking for a 5M racing server?
[03:32:21] I heard that the racing project whatever is okay.
[03:32:32] Street or something.
[03:32:36] We can try it.
[03:32:37] I don't want an RP though.
[03:32:39] I don't think that's an RP server.
[03:32:49] This black goalie guy is the second time he's seen that side of the sit on top of that spot.
[03:32:56] Project Midnight?
[03:33:11] What the fudge is that?
[03:33:13] Yeah, I guess we can get some out of here if your drivers are.
[03:33:18] Come on, man. You guys gotta help me a little bit.
[03:33:36] You guys gotta help me a little bit.
[03:34:02] We got Team West again.
[03:34:05] Project Street's strictly resting. Bad for a day, huh?
[03:35:13] Are you going for a rez?
[03:36:04] Let me rez!
[03:36:06] Dummy you're wasting your life any speedruns are missing doing the only speedrun ideas max cam 3
[03:36:25] That's my baby
[03:36:31] Those why you just know what doing man
[03:36:56] So good so good max pain for me to be three hundred more times. I
[03:37:08] Just did I racing on my son
[03:37:11] I think I played F1 for like a random tournament was it what a final round what a win?
[03:37:17] Congratulations to our rising stars.
[03:37:20] Old single-player game of the 1064.
[03:37:43] I know the game, actually.
[03:37:44] I remember hearing about it.
[03:37:45] I just never played it.
[03:37:46] Let's kiss.
[03:38:04] Let's kiss, brother.
[03:38:05] How you doing, man?
[03:38:31] We'll play finals tonight with the boys.
[03:38:32] I don't think there's a reason.
[03:38:33] Well, we really got an hour.
[03:38:35] You should watch K-Try losing the cops right now.
[03:38:42] We'll just watch Hutch and try to catch them.
[03:38:47] What a fucking chase.
[03:38:52] You know what's on the screen?
[03:38:53] You see how much better chases are when blocks
[03:38:55] and all the other bullshades doesn't happen, chat?
[03:38:58] So much more enjoyable this shit is when it's just driver versus driver
[03:39:04] I'm so much more willing to like give leeway and stuff
[03:39:09] driver versus driver
[03:39:12] Fucking you got a better car. I cannot drive off road B. Don't be afraid to take it take it take it take it take it take it
[03:39:19] Dude, this is a fucking joke man
[03:39:21] What the fuck is wrong with that?
[03:39:23] God bless bro. How much you just gotta fucking nerf me. Negative. Negative.
[03:39:26] Big horn.
[03:39:27] See, they already get nerfed.
[03:39:29] Little big horn.
[03:39:30] I mean, here's the thing though, what he's not seeing as a cop character right now is that
[03:39:36] anybody with four people in their car, it's not driver vs driver.
[03:39:40] It's you're not escaping a cop without jumps.
[03:39:47] Like, it's just weird tap.
[03:39:51] Without little jumps and tricks you're not going to escape. It's not driver-first driver. You know, I mean, unfortunately
[03:39:57] I mean, it's they have to have cars that are a little bit better though cops, right?
[03:40:04] It's also the thing is though that they're they're also better
[03:40:09] But don't have a way down as well, right?
[03:40:13] It's like so their cars are stronger than my car by itself
[03:40:18] But then you throw four people in the mix and then it's a lot stronger than it, right?
[03:40:22] It's kind of like that
[03:40:28] No more
[03:40:33] And the segues cannot go above 30 miles an hour, I think that's what we do next
[03:40:39] Brother fuck man, what is this?
[03:40:51] What you could what you're going to 20 cross where I'm a drop on
[03:40:55] I'm not gonna quit RP for every game, sisters, relax.
[03:40:59] I'm gonna try some other shit, some other servers.
[03:41:03] Not servers for RP, but some racing stuff.
[03:41:09] I wanna drive. I'm fucking not driving on Charles.
[03:41:13] He's like a week.
[03:41:19] Just so I can get away from the hole, and like, don't do any RP in the high six.
[03:41:23] Yeah.
[03:41:28] I
[03:41:30] Think you're going for a taste do not let them
[03:41:41] Tarks I don't play cops. I don't really know how hard it is to the catch people, but I do know this
[03:41:49] That the crims kind of have to do
[03:41:51] I'll be able to do the same trick as you did earlier.
[03:42:03] If you like being a streamer now, I want to trade jobs.
[03:42:05] Do you want to trade?
[03:42:07] Do you want to trade?
[03:42:10] Oh, bro, I uninstalled GTA.
[03:42:16] I don't want to talk about it.
[03:42:18] What's that? We'll try a project.
[03:42:19] Okay, we're going to get off this.
[03:42:20] We're going to play this tonight with the boys.
[03:42:21] I don't think we play the finals this willy-nilly by ourselves.
[03:42:23] I'm a little bored at doing that shit.
[03:42:28] You can try project street gets a racing or project homecoming
[03:42:33] I don't know. I don't know what to play basically. Yeah, I'm installed. Wait. Yeah, I saw this shit
[03:42:45] Maybe me and Mack can do cop characters on the public server or something like that
[03:42:55] I don't know man. Oh, I have thrown a Liberty in a battle. Yeah, I know no John for the main server
[03:43:37] Cuz I still want to do radio pumps or shit too scary
[03:43:45] I'm reaming out Jim after this chat reaming him out reaming him out
[03:43:56] I want you guys to know that my foot is going so far up his ass
[03:44:01] He's gonna fucking taste the Nike swish symbol
[03:44:04] You're the cross Elgin. We're gonna stay on the welfare of the way traffic West Olympic fruitway proper lanes of traffic
[03:44:37] Yeah, also strawberry. You don't really need to know any of the ten codes
[03:45:16] What do you mean? Of course you do.
[03:45:21] No, you're questioning 77 at a fucking traffic stop.
[03:45:26] Uh, I've got to try and kill the traffic stoppers.
[03:45:30] Uh, Silver and Kelly Tudor occupied one time.
[03:45:35] Blah, blah, blah. I don't fucking know. I forget all the stupid shit. I forgot it all.
[03:45:42] I
[03:45:51] Don't
[03:46:03] Bouncing around for me
[03:46:05] During the event ring behind you again in the strip look on back out the same way. I got a man. Let's try anything in the strip club. I
[03:46:13] I don't have to talk to anybody in like
[03:46:17] What's called Street or whatever
[03:46:20] Just going the race
[03:46:28] I know it's a cop's merging north
[03:46:36] Setting up for the red grouch up correction
[03:46:39] Taking the left gonna be taking the off ramp now. Didn't I see I no longer playing GTA
[03:46:44] Running around now RP jumping off towards the freeway
[03:46:50] I'm not jumping on the RP route. Just go do some racing on a normal server and then we're gonna
[03:46:55] Breck lanes now. Consum play with the stuff on the do after that. Taking the off ramp at Killepple
[03:47:06] It'll be southbound north Rockford a hard Killepple garage
[03:47:10] much. Aging towards burger shop, maybe Southbound, Southrockford. Eastbound, that's flicking.
[03:47:27] You're saying some pretty F'd up stuff, Summit. They go watch someone who doesn't know. North,
[03:47:34] Palomino. That's not changing. North, Palomino. Pershing in the Pondwood, Wells area. Twillow
[03:47:51] I like the GTA car and all your stuff on console. It's one of my favorite like arcade racing games.
[03:48:17] Yeah, I got a sponsorship.
[03:49:05] Thank you brother, I do appreciate it.
[03:49:07] You don't gotta be giving a fifty dollars mr. Dead epic
[03:49:12] Thanks so much for supporting them and having a crazy man
[03:49:15] Not deserved, but I do appreciate you much love to support the chairman
[03:49:21] Appreciate it
[03:49:27] Just crashing out
[03:49:38] What is Crest Fuck I mean I'm I'm about to fucking lose it
[03:49:43] See I was I'm not the only guy who gets pissed
[03:49:45] He's getting pissed while chasing people
[03:49:49] Jim tanker front of MRP date
[03:50:10] Course me and hutch are kind of the same person so it doesn't really count. Oh, here we go
[03:50:29] Here we go
[03:50:30] He's pissed. I'm throwing Jim's baton on top of the roof and he's no longer allowed to have a baton in his fucking pockets
[03:50:36] Uh
[03:50:38] So what happened?
[03:50:40] This is just him and I he was supposed to taste these the driver
[03:50:47] He pulls out a flashlight. I then focus the driver
[03:50:52] While he was on a flashlight. Give it to me. Give me your baton. Give me your flashlight
[03:50:59] Well, give them both
[03:51:02] Thank you
[03:51:07] You're not a lot of abacus on a flashlight
[03:51:16] Give a fucking taser man. I have a taser
[03:51:19] Why the fuck was it not on your duty belt?
[03:51:23] No, I just did a mass casualty investigation right before that.
[03:51:26] Do I need my flashlight to get evidence?
[03:51:29] Listen, you want to be corporal?
[03:51:30] You want to be corporal, don't you?
[03:51:34] Yes, sir.
[03:51:35] If I lose another PDM because your dumb ass doesn't have your fucking tape on your fucking belt,
[03:51:42] and that's the reason why we lose a fucking car getting refueled, or you shit me, we
[03:51:47] chase a car for an hour and 20 minutes.
[03:51:50] for an hour and 20 fucking minutes.
[03:51:52] And the reason they can refuel their car
[03:51:55] is because your dumb ass
[03:51:56] is the type of article I want to be in.
[03:51:57] This is the type of article I want to be in.
[03:51:58] I was fucking pockets.
[03:51:59] You shit me, Jim?
[03:52:01] Well, can you put it that way,
[03:52:03] sir, it sounds terrible, but it is my fault.
[03:52:04] Are you fucking kidding me?
[03:52:07] But it is my fault.
[03:52:08] Well, buy yourself a new flashlight.
[03:52:10] I don't want to see you with another flashlight
[03:52:12] in your hands the rest of the day.
[03:52:13] If they ask you to do fucking
[03:52:15] whatever the hell you tell them, I can.
[03:52:17] Captain took my flashlight through it
[03:52:19] top of the fucking rooftop. I guess sir avoid all investigative work. You motherfucker man.
[03:52:25] Good work. Good change. Oh I'm so fucking. I thought we were free this shit. If I can't
[03:52:39] another fucking. I don't there's nothing else to play right now. Oh my god. I'm not just
[03:52:42] jumping in an RP here. I'm gonna be getting some other racing shifts and kind of chill
[03:52:48] out for a bit first. Take fucking turns. It can't jump and land and not throw itself
[03:52:54] I'm not sure if this car sucks. This car is so fucking bad, man
[03:52:59] Why the fuck are we even bringing the SRU units when it's a stock fucking GTA vehicle, man?
[03:53:05] We haven't even worked on this car and it's in the fucking server half ass
[03:53:12] Half ass
[03:53:15] Can't even drive off road. It's been that way for a fucking week
[03:53:19] Can't take turns nose dives on jumps. I think well, maybe I do play man
[03:53:26] We're not gonna give a fuck about everything.
[03:53:29] I will not be in that bitch again until fucking things.
[03:53:31] I'm just gonna do my shit, not care if it's real RP,
[03:53:34] or not give a fuck about people's economy.
[03:53:36] I will not touch that shit.
[03:53:37] I will not touch that shit or something, bro.
[03:53:41] And if I do, we'll play cop.
[03:53:43] What about that?
[03:53:44] What about that?
[03:53:45] Lost because the fucking cars are implemented in the server.
[03:53:47] If I have one more outburst on cars,
[03:53:48] before they're ready to be implemented in the server, man.
[03:53:51] And we're gonna play cop.
[03:53:52] Like, God fucking dammit.
[03:53:54] So irritating that is the most irritating thing that can happen. Oh here. Here's a golden goose
[03:54:00] Oh my god, it's a golden goose. Yeah, and I'm gonna be a bike cop
[03:54:04] Iron goose that fell apart that's rusted to shit that they bought off a credit list
[03:54:11] Come on man
[03:54:14] Give me stuff that's finished
[03:54:17] Wanna catch people that's dude. What a sick chase that was
[03:54:23] the end to server fucking problems, damn it.
[03:54:31] They're driving the fucking what's his name man, we stayed on his bitch ass this time.
[03:54:36] Hey bro, we lose him the first time because the car can't drive off road.
[03:54:44] We lose him a second time because the car literally doesn't turn after you hit any type
[03:54:49] of like elevation and it just shoots you into a fucking wall whenever it touches the
[03:54:54] ground.
[03:54:55] time we lost him we took a jump onto the freeway his car completely flat like an eagle flying
[03:55:02] through the beautiful blue sky my car he's controlling it right Jesus fucking a man give
[03:55:37] me some finished fucking products driving a fucking toy story car man the Eagles lost
[03:55:48] today most service have turned jump control turned off yeah this one doesn't
[03:55:58] though so what's the place cop told me to get on bro tell him a I can't wait to
[03:56:17] come join the losing side please please please bro you won't last a fucking day
[03:56:23] the car swaps the blocks the fucking interceptors that don't intercept
[03:56:28] fine bro join I would love to have you come in come and get involved we fight
[03:56:34] play on a side that actually fights behind you know that you actually get
[03:56:40] fucked in your ass all day long we'd love to have you we'd love to have you
[03:56:46] we'll take anybody please please come and join us we'd love that landmarks
[03:56:54] come into play too bro we lost the gunfight I'm flying in fucking landmark
[03:56:58] We can't get a car chase done. I'm flying in summit
[03:57:02] Wait is that more gonna be
[03:57:05] Next fuck the crims, bro
[03:57:14] Such a good chase though, man
[03:57:16] Such a good chase if they do that the interceptors not fixed and
[03:57:21] And the fucking in the next day. I'm gonna go to ravages house. I'm shitting in his mailbox
[03:57:26] That's what I'm doing. I don't care if it's federal. I'll still take a log in it
[03:57:31] How many buffs do I have to give a cop?
[03:57:35] Ravage, I don't want to hear it.
[03:57:36] I don't want to fucking hear it from you.
[03:57:38] Don't open your bitch-ass mouth towards me
[03:57:42] about buffs towards cops.
[03:57:44] Shut the hell up.
[03:57:45] I got a guy.
[03:57:47] Half of our police force is drooling from the mouth.
[03:57:51] I had an officer.
[03:57:52] We got a gunfight.
[03:57:53] Some bitch shot me.
[03:57:55] 455-pound character.
[03:57:59] I'm literally shaped like the state of Texas.
[03:58:03] And he shoots me you can give us taste and cars that drive 900 miles an hour
[03:58:15] We would still have a less than 20% of rest rate
[03:58:33] Listen you tell midget man at that if that Camaro that Camaro can't drive off-road. I am gonna lose it
[03:58:40] That better not be intended. I'm sticking my foot up his ass
[03:58:53] Entire handling being redone. Thank you. Thank the good Lord for the Polish
[03:58:57] All jokes aside, though, that takes a sec.
[03:59:16] Is Summit coming and joining us, Chat?
[03:59:18] Do you put it up?
[03:59:19] Got a ton of it there.
[03:59:21] A lot of spots.
[03:59:22] You're gonna come see how great it is?
[03:59:23] All B classes are done, redone, and the motorcycles.
[03:59:34] Also for Chat's reference.
[03:59:42] Don't go hard on Beam.
[03:59:43] Oh, bro, that's a listen, man.
[03:59:45] Beam's fun.
[03:59:49] It's all good.
[03:59:50] Oh mistakes happen yes to do a sponsor how ladies you talking about it yeah
[04:00:01] if you're gonna be too long I'll stay on I will prevail thank you by the way
[04:00:15] for giving some subs brother I appreciate you man my bad for Mr. I
[04:00:17] apologize how's it going dude what's going on I see you by the next to that
[04:00:20] don't man you know alone solace alone a solace thanks so much man for the
[04:00:24] for the gift or for the gift and stuff as well, but I appreciate it man. I welcome everybody that's either gift and subs or getting subs
[04:00:31] Didn't realize you're Julia DTA. You know how to do that
[04:00:35] Uninstall my games
[04:00:37] Honestly, don't think I'm gonna play him again. When I say I'm not gonna play RP anymore
[04:00:41] I was I believe myself when I said
[04:00:43] But then I sit there and I play the finals for a little bit and I'm like man
[04:00:46] What do I want to what I feel like doing right now? I don't know. Hmm. You feel like playing the finals all day. No
[04:00:51] You feel like finding a game all day. No, there we go
[04:01:14] Eventually that's not by the way, thanks for the five gift those but I appreciate a bro
[04:01:17] You know apps apps and they're as apps asp Zane
[04:01:21] Mr. Zane, thanks for the five event appreciate it as a thank you, sir. Appreciate you both welcome everyone
[04:01:26] I hope you guys enjoy and
[04:01:28] Yeah
[04:01:31] Eventually, I don't think right away though. I'm sorry. I know it's frustrating with your boys there. Yeah, I get it
[04:02:13] There's no reason for me to do anything right now though. I'm not playing in here
[04:02:17] I think it's just you know, I think it's just like at this point
[04:02:28] It's just the economy is the economy the game is gonna be what the game is gonna be and I just don't give a fuck anymore
[04:02:33] I just gotta stop caring about that
[04:02:36] Stop caring about what the fuck other people are doing. I'm just doing my thing
[04:03:25] As soon as I can
[04:04:36] She's echoes when I get towards the end of everyone. Well Charles has a goal now
[04:05:05] I'm just gonna I'm really just gonna focus on just doing mass criminal shit
[04:05:10] And that's it. I'm not really wanting too much else. Mass criminal shit
[04:05:16] We're just gonna take the XQC route as much as possible. All right crazy supplies crazy
[04:05:21] Trying to get everything in this in this arsenal
[04:05:25] We're just gonna fully just embrace and
[04:05:33] You know, our own criminal shit, and I worry about whatever the fuck else over there's doing, but whatever, I don't care.
[04:05:40] People have the money, they can get it.
[04:05:49] We're not going on right now, though.
[04:06:03] CG got money, too. I don't want to open up this conversation, but I don't care.
[04:06:16] Project Street.
[04:06:18] Four racers, by racers, there's 89 people in it.
[04:06:27] That's insane, isn't it?
[04:06:38] NoPixel just is more tight-knit, to be honest.
[04:06:40] It feels more like it's like a tight-knit thing going on.
[04:06:42] going on uh does it feel like maybe we can't get in wireless type of jam what
[04:07:10] kind of seems like i need to be 60 fps read the air you're allowed to race in
[04:08:21] these things with like higher fps i just think that your seat has done nothing
[04:08:24] counts for you oh i'll do it later i think maybe me doing it in front of you
[04:09:08] guys i'm gonna give you a seat out i don't know
[04:10:14] i'm not trying to get to this guy i'm having an existential crisis you know
[04:11:00] Chunky coffee pasta did nice of the reset brother or re gifted the gifted subs brother
[04:11:05] What you talk about will stay so the gift subs to man
[04:11:09] Appreciate it. Well, welcome guys. Well, that's what we enjoyed. Hope you enjoy and thank you, bro
[04:11:13] Both you guys for your support channel
[04:11:28] Mr. Lent thanks for the five get those man. Appreciate it, brother. Well guys. Well guys
[04:11:55] Love you some some sorry you are stressing always love your content
[04:12:36] and will be here no matter what no break boosting no excessive curve boosting you're not curve
[04:12:56] boosting successfully if you catch someone doing this get a clip report it no wiggle boosting wiggle
[04:13:02] boosting again wiggle boosting break boosting curve boosting every type of boosting is there
[04:13:07] what can you do oh yo man it's bro brother man don't do this like you used to do this
[04:13:49] It's okay, man, you've already gifted enough from before.
[04:13:56] Oh yeah, I'm sorry, but thank you so much.
[04:13:58] I apologize for missing that.
[04:13:59] Thank you so much for the support, dude.
[04:14:01] Appreciate you, Mr. Maz.
[04:14:03] Always gifted a crazy amount, too.
[04:14:05] You can't just fucking keep it normal, huh?
[04:14:07] You gotta fucking go crazy since September.
[04:14:10] September, yeah.
[04:14:12] Thank you, I'm happy you sent you.
[04:14:13] Welcome, welcome, guys.
[04:14:14] Hope you enjoy yourselves here, dudes.
[04:14:16] Is that forced Twitch to do some shit or what?
[04:14:21] It's which had to give 32 subs for you
[04:14:24] Which had to give 32 subs because of that man, so appreciate your breath bro. That's a lot of money
[04:14:29] You know, you know, you know as well as I do almost funny. That is so appreciate you very much, brother
[04:14:33] Thank you for supporting the channel like that
[04:14:38] Max paints in ah who knows who knows
[04:14:44] They some some just want to say we all appreciate you and no charge back you didn't charge back a single one brother
[04:14:50] Your man you spend on sunscreen for your big head
[04:14:53] it? Thank you. Not a lot though. Very rare. Actually, don't get sunburned.
[04:14:59] God bless you, Eric. Thanks for seven, by the way. I appreciate you, Pearl.
[04:15:02] Junkie coffee pot. Thanks for the $15, brother. I appreciate you, sir.
[04:15:05] Much love, much love. Thank you, Fuzzy Bear. Appreciate you,
[04:15:09] Fiberman. Much love, dude. Sorry, you're stressing. I'm not stressing. I'm not
[04:15:13] stressing. If I get involved in drama, to very least, it's just video game
[04:15:19] drama. I don't chime in on people's drama that exceeds the game.
[04:15:22] You know what I'm saying?
[04:15:24] So, hate me as much as you want to, RP community.
[04:15:28] Okay?
[04:15:29] But at the end of the day, you can only get mad at me about video game type of shit.
[04:15:36] Okay?
[04:15:37] You never have to worry about me any other place.
[04:15:40] So, at least there's that.
[04:15:45] In a world on, in a streamer world where there's all sorts of weird shit going on.
[04:15:50] In-game drama.
[04:15:52] Okay?
[04:15:53] Yeah, a little bit of OOC, but nothing that will affect us in any way, right?
[04:15:58] Maybe mentally here and there, no livelihoods are getting affected, no channels are getting
[04:16:03] canceled.
[04:16:04] I don't roll like that, you know?
[04:16:09] If fucking, you know, even though I have a problem with Maximus Black right now, if
[04:16:14] he came out and had some fucking real life shit that happened, I'm not gonna be the
[04:16:18] first person on that Twitter post saying, oh, this, that, this, that, the third,
[04:16:22] right?
[04:16:23] Like, okay, I'm fucking gone, you know what I'm saying?
[04:16:25] as soon as it gets anywhere into crazy territory.
[04:16:31] You know what I mean?
[04:16:33] So at the very least,
[04:16:36] at least I'm just mad about video games.
[04:16:49] Not saying you can't criticize before it, you can,
[04:16:52] but I will, you know, at the end of the day,
[04:16:56] I don't wish for anybody's non-success on the platform,
[04:17:00] you know?
[04:17:01] I only want people to succeed.
[04:17:03] Yo, mezz?
[04:17:07] Yo, you can't do this, mezz, okay?
[04:17:09] You've already you force twitch 64 subs. How can you do that to me? You know, sir
[04:17:16] Thank you so much. I don't know if I'm a player just cuz I don't feel like
[04:17:28] You see yes, man, so did he oh shit, bro. Yeah, sorry we haven't been able to hang out brother
[04:17:35] Sorry, we haven't been able to hang out, but we'll have our time love our time appreciate you brother much love much love much love
[04:17:41] one of these days
[04:17:43] Yo, some some hurricane ate my PC
[04:17:56] Have to piece together Frankenstein's monster pray for that. It holds up. I'm sorry, brother
[04:18:03] I'm sorry. So you got your fucking PC get got shredded and then you had to like use like
[04:18:09] You need to use like parts that you had later on Oprah. Hope it's good. I hope it's good
[04:18:14] It was good. Good to see you under appreciate your brother and obviously man's
[04:18:18] big big W brother big big huge. Thank you so much for the
[04:18:21] I found my head to you. You're always a dope on a phone. And uh, oh god
[04:19:04] Okay, some it's a long time sub never really chat mainly love, but I love your content keep up the good work
[04:19:12] Um, yeah, I got time for a shit anyways, let's just kick it off
[04:19:17] Uh, yeah, I got sponsors should do
[04:19:24] Forza motorsport looks so good. What happened to the what happened that game?
[04:19:27] It is funny to hear how she can play about cars. Yeah dark lord some a long time sub never really chat mainly lurk
[04:19:54] But I love your
[04:19:58] Dark lord your dark master
[04:20:01] Dark lord. Thank you so much for the 20 bucks brother. I appreciate you man. Thanks for lurking on the channel
[04:20:04] Thanks for coming through the channel all the damn time. Thanks for supporting that love. That's a lot of them
[04:20:07] So I appreciate it though
[04:20:09] Thank you guys so much. Thank you guys so much and do your dark lord for the doughnuts also sold us now
[04:20:13] I always love the music in your streams, and I kind of play us some
[04:20:16] It's just a mix
[04:20:19] There's the mix right there
[04:20:21] Yeah, we're gonna throw another day one more time one more time around
[04:21:52] No, shout your e-downloaded while I was gonna do some racing and I might just
[04:21:59] Either I don't know I've decided it. I might just not play it. I might play it
[04:22:08] Just have a little care about what's happening and with everybody else and the economy and all that stuff
[04:22:13] Just let it be how it's gonna be, but it's not gonna be good
[04:22:15] I'm going to throw that out there. It's not going to be good.
[04:22:19] I'll just stop giving the fuck and let it be not good, I guess.
[04:22:26] Well, it's good, brother. We'll be opening the famer well here.
[04:22:28] I'm good to see you, man. Thanks so much for being here as always.
[04:22:30] I'm content to always be in place after you sign up.
[04:22:33] I appreciate you both.
[04:22:34] Thank you so much for always curing for having nice words to say.
[04:22:37] And literally, you're always here, man.
[04:22:39] My God.
[04:22:41] Appreciate you always coming through, man. And supporting the fuck, though.
[04:22:45] I don't have any games I'm looking forward to now.
[04:22:48] One of the reasons I'm even contemplating still playing GTA is not necessarily because
[04:22:52] I'm so stuck on GTA I can't believe it.
[04:22:54] It's just like, there's nothing else I want to play.
[04:23:06] I appreciate you brother.
[04:23:11] Kind of just like, you're a doofus.
[04:23:13] You just got to make your way to the bar.
[04:23:16] Send you something in your twitch DMs to give you a smile. Not quite your snapback, but I've made him a Lando fan that leaves
[04:23:27] Yeah, I'll take it looks to be a little too. Looks to
[04:23:30] Appreciate you bro
[04:23:33] Appreciate you
[04:23:38] What a cute little dude you got there
[04:23:41] Happy for you brother. Happy for you
[04:23:44] You got a metal in as a Lando fan to your desk. That's good. That's good
[04:23:53] Appreciate it. I don't have any games. I'm excited for
[04:23:58] yeah here I'll be like a man not being excited about GT6 is crazy I mean I have
[04:24:31] to be like for me to be excited and the game's got to be I know you're just
[04:24:34] joking but it's got to be like somewhat like near and we'll really get super
[04:24:39] excited about games that are really far off I mean I can say that I probably will
[04:24:47] be excited right as I get closer next game I'm looking at it's probably
[04:24:52] the Pathfix out to you in a few months you still got your SimRacing so that's
[04:24:55] still sitting there I'm all doing anything with the really well thank
[04:25:53] Thank you Amazon Games for sponsoring the stream again, I do appreciate it and yeah we're
[04:25:58] gonna real showcase the game.
[04:26:00] I can't remember level them, I think level 15.
[04:26:02] I'm gonna give you guys a quick mention on what's going on here, Throne and Liberty.
[04:26:07] It's an MMO, Early Access, September 26th, which means you might have to wait a little
[04:26:11] bit actually if you're gonna buy it, if you're gonna get a Kira, right?
[04:26:14] If you're doing a free to play, I think get the buy for Early Access, but yeah
[04:26:18] a free to play like that.
[04:26:19] Throne of Liberty features multiple PvP modes, including 3v3 Arena, 70 vs. 70 Conquest Battles,
[04:26:26] and massive-scale Caster Seizures.
[04:26:27] Throne of Liberty is a free-to-play mass-villain multiplayer MMO, which you can play on PCX
[04:26:33] Box and PlayStation.
[04:26:35] Throne of Liberty is published by Amazon Games and developed by NCSoft.
[04:26:38] It combines massive-scale combat in the dynamic world.
[04:26:42] Massive-scale PvP and PvE combat are fundamental to the game.
[04:26:46] Players can even tip the odds of battle in their favor by morphing into a defeated boss
[04:26:50] or triggering colorful environmental effects like solar eclipses or rainstorms.
[04:26:56] It's also features massive guild-based PvP battles, including Castle Seasons, along with
[04:27:01] Challenger Dungeons that combine PvE and PvP, and addition to PvP content.
[04:27:05] The game also has a welcome content for players who want to engage outside of PvP,
[04:27:09] like in-world PvE bosses events, Six Player Incidents PvP Dungeons, and Swarm Swarm Earth.
[04:27:30] Yeah, Curell, you're good.
[04:27:33] I think it's not too long.
[04:27:35] Hello, 18.
[04:28:05] For the longest time I expected it.
[04:28:07] What did I think about how it's healing?
[04:28:36] Um, I haven't gone to do too much with it.
[04:28:49] You know, let's just keep it at...
[04:28:51] You know what I'm saying?
[04:28:52] Sponsor stream started, let's show.
[04:28:55] I go over here.
[04:28:56] No, I'm not playing with shot.
[04:30:28] Little level is here.
[04:31:11] If she don't hot to her, I don't talk to her.
[04:31:15] I hope whoever I spoke to...
[04:31:44] Oh, with the prop...
[04:31:46] I hid the digs.
[04:31:50] Ruth Hain, whom we met in the forest, was investigating the disappearance of a child from the enter village.
[04:31:56] He said the search area, Carmine Forest, was extremely dangerous.
[04:32:02] So he was looking for someone to help him collect his mana recording devices,
[04:32:06] which he had designed and crafted to record the movements of any living beings.
[04:32:20] While Ruth Hain was busy investigating the monster Morakai's nest,
[04:32:24] You wandered around the forest collecting the hidden mana recording devices.
[04:32:28] You fought off the spiders that had corrupted you
[04:32:31] and collected devices that had been hidden in bundles of spiders.
[04:32:35] With those in hand, you can see if there had been any signs of the missing child.
[04:32:40] You're back already! I hope you didn't run into any trouble.
[04:32:59] I would always pick up the map on the table.
[04:33:01] Here's a man of your cover, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
[04:33:08] Oh, a commie!
[04:33:09] Routain, having analyzed the mana recording devices, confirmed that there were no signs of children in the forest,
[04:33:15] but also said that he had found orders to abduct children in Morakai's nest.
[04:33:20] Knowing that the situation was even graver if it was a kidnapping rather than a disappearance,
[04:33:25] he asked you to inform Robert, another member of the Trippid Trio.
[04:33:29] He also mentioned that Robert would be looking for the missing child in the Western grounds.
[04:33:33] Yeah, I like the narration in this game, too.
[04:33:37] I kind of thought it gave it gives me like the music and the narration gives me kind
[04:33:41] of Lord of the Rings type of vibes.
[04:33:59] Apparently apparently you guys say that that it like Bulbas Gator some shit like that has
[04:34:02] like a similar narration.
[04:34:08] Never played that never played it.
[04:34:11] Never played that.
[04:34:12] Yeah, things are getting pretty strong now.
[04:34:25] They're starting to get strong.
[04:34:29] Yeah, I care. Absolutely
[04:34:46] I'm not playing with shot. What level shot did you guys did you guys tell me that earlier? I should don't even know
[04:35:14] Shrouds my ground. Yeah
[04:35:21] Yeah, sure as a gamer do what do you do?
[04:35:26] Shrouds a freaking gamer
[04:35:49] Tap targeting in 2024. Yeah, you hating on me. I see yeah, this is like
[04:35:58] There might be like skill shots as well not just tabs
[04:36:03] I know my little blink ability is more like, you know, in a direction at first than to your target.
[04:36:13] He asked you to look for any clues in this and then set out on his own.
[04:36:17] The places that Robert told you about were some abandoned carriages and a suspicious
[04:36:22] terror bird nest.
[04:36:24] Benzi, it feels good so far, but I haven't gotten any PVP in.
[04:36:29] I hate to do comparisons to games while I'm doing a sponsored stream because it's
[04:36:32] kind of...
[04:36:35] Can come across as disrespectful, right?
[04:36:36] You know what I'm saying?
[04:36:37] But it's also an easier way to give you guys an idea of what to expect, right?
[04:36:43] Um...
[04:36:53] You're just gonna have to put it together, man. Let's just remind you of, you know?
[04:36:59] No, no, Bimzy, it's not your fault, brother.
[04:37:01] Alright, you're chillin'.
[04:37:02] You're chillin', huh?
[04:38:10] Goddammit, buddy.
[04:38:11] You do it through, though, Bimzy.
[04:38:36] Yeah, sure.
[04:39:06] When we searched through the seemingly insignificant carriages, we uncovered ledges hidden inside,
[04:39:12] the pages of which contained many names of both regions and inside the nest that Robert
[04:39:17] asked you to investigate.
[04:39:18] There was a large terror bird corpse, a broken blade plunged deep within it.
[04:39:23] Could it be the sword of someone who had tried to protect the carriages?
[04:39:27] The only clue as to its wielder is an unusual pattern engraved upon the blade.
[04:39:32] Robert might know more about the person who wielded the sword.
[04:39:35] What wants me to invest in the gate? Maybe up here the mic's up top or something
[04:40:08] There's still a purple thing there just investigate the chief chair bird dust
[04:40:19] World like Minnie Mouse you played this game before backs on any crane service
[04:40:59] Combat feels pretty good
[04:41:14] Feels pretty good
[04:41:19] He's looking at that, he's got me high.
[04:41:25] Moving on, moving on.
[04:41:32] Hutch, Hutch, one G update in GTRP.
[04:41:34] As he was, yeah, Hutch is waiting to get his cars changed
[04:41:37] or something like that.
[04:41:38] He doesn't like the PD cars.
[04:41:40] The PD cars are gotta be tough thing to balance
[04:41:42] because it's like, the cars have to be fast enough
[04:41:47] to keep up with two doors, with two people of them,
[04:41:49] or one person in it.
[04:41:50] But the cars also have to be
[04:41:52] not so overwhelmingly fast that you keep up very easily
[04:41:55] with like a four door with four people in it, right?
[04:41:58] It's kinda like... I don't know, bro.
[04:42:00] And then you got fucking swaps on top of that from the Crimson Shit, and how do you balance around that?
[04:42:04] I think I'm over trying to even think about balance in any of this shit.
[04:42:09] And when I play, I'm just... I gotta just not care about anything.
[04:42:17] Not care about anything. Not care. Just chill.
[04:42:21] But, you know, I say that, right?
[04:42:23] But it's really impossible for me.
[04:42:25] This is why I would take a little breather.
[04:42:29] I'm beating my face into everything that I have in this game, for God's sake.
[04:42:35] I'm the robot dad.
[04:42:39] Robert realized that this was an Archaean legion conspiracy.
[04:42:43] After locating the children by using a discarded map piece,
[04:42:47] he asked you to bring the clues to his colleague Sophia in Vienna,
[04:42:51] while he journeyed ahead to the Archaean hideout to ensure the children's safety.
[04:42:56] Sophia said she would gather reinforcements and asked you to go and assist Robert.
[04:43:01] How you supposed to have fun not care and have fun and be entertaining I
[04:43:11] Think not care goes hand in hand with that shit no problem
[04:43:16] Think I just got to not care I
[04:43:18] Go in with like the same mentality I have for normal video games
[04:43:22] At the end of the day OTT's character having a shitload of money is like
[04:43:31] What the fuck does that even matter for Charles?
[04:43:33] I'm just getting mad about the dumb shit for no reason and I shouldn't give a f*** about what people are doing with their own time.
[04:43:40] Basically, doesn't this early access give you everything maxed out already? I don't think so.
[04:44:06] Cosmetics? Sounds like playing cop. Maybe. Maybe just a plate cop just to chill out.
[04:44:13] Not care too much.
[04:44:16] He tried to block ya. Kinda like one of my first clears that was not super easy, I guess.
[04:45:07] It wasn't super hard, I don't know, but I mean, at least my health is going down.
[04:45:10] What's the way to do here?
[04:46:08] Loose the archers.
[04:46:09] I survived. Be careful.
[04:47:46] Not shinin', I'm fuckin' fucked up.
[04:47:48] The children must be deeper in. They kept children in such a foul place.
[04:48:03] Damn, there are lots of them.
[04:48:12] This should be fun.
[04:48:14] Eventhough I've just focused and fight, I'll support you.
[04:48:19] We better tidy things up here a bit first. Let's go.
[04:48:23] Let's miss! One thing was said, right?
[04:49:45] Sounds like so. What the info you're saying, you don't sell houses and you don't resell them.
[04:49:51] He said, what information you're making a lot of assumptions.
[04:49:53] I'd be more than happy to explain everything fool-waking up each day to a new rant is aint it, right?
[04:49:59] Then he says, I mean, you could just answer the question.
[04:50:01] The only thing that was told was they already planned to add two more realtors.
[04:50:04] There's no talk about split changes, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
[04:50:07] Then this guy says, there's a large disconnect information.
[04:50:09] Maybe I'm not the one, maybe I'm not seeing it, right?
[04:50:11] But it sounds like people are saying that you being a realtor should exclude you
[04:50:15] from being able to buy a house this period.
[04:50:16] Does that make any sense?
[04:50:17] He says, if management says, don't buy any houses for yourself, of course I won't do it.
[04:50:23] I'm not the only realtor who's buying extra houses.
[04:50:26] Here's the thing on my response to that.
[04:50:27] is management, okay?
[04:50:30] Isn't, they don't always know everything that's going on.
[04:50:34] They need people like us to kind of like go through it
[04:50:38] and kind of fix things, you know what I'm saying?
[04:50:40] That doesn't mean like, oh,
[04:50:41] just because they don't tell me to do something
[04:50:43] means you should expect that you can do it.
[04:50:46] You know what I'm saying?
[04:50:47] That that's not an excuse that I'm looking for either.
[04:50:54] Management didn't tell Charles not to sell those rolls.
[04:50:59] Charles knew from looking at it that it was broken.
[04:51:03] That's not an excuse that's all I'm saying
[04:51:06] Okay, it's going that out there. Listen. The admin team says I can't do it. Just let me know
[04:51:19] Tain, please hurry. No the admin team doesn't always like have the fucking, you know everything
[04:51:26] So black and white handle
[04:51:28] They didn't know shit what was going on with the racing. I
[04:51:32] Had to completely change it. You know say it's like that
[04:51:42] But he's not right. He's not wrong. I'm not the only one doing this. I mean does that make it right I?
[04:51:49] Could tell you it's not the whole server doing it because there's only a handful of people that have access to it
[04:51:53] I'm not the only one doing this that doesn't that's that's never excuse you're doing something like that
[04:51:59] right
[04:52:02] Storn that out there
[04:52:07] Abuse always know what's going on
[04:52:59] Even with a discord message, but like I said, it's like I gotta just
[04:53:11] stop came but I did those just me responding to that response because I am
[04:53:16] trying to we are saving a little juice yo thank you mads damn mads yo you guys
[04:53:30] stop giving all these fucking sebo's by the way I appreciate it dude thank you
[04:53:33] so much for the support welcome on me to the spot that's a lot of you guys
[04:53:36] chilling here so thank you brother oh my goodness I'm not gonna say the
[04:54:11] thing verbally verbally I said I said when you say verbally I'm not gonna
[04:54:14] I'm I'm really fucking trying here
[04:54:29] Thank you man for all
[04:54:51] I got it. I got a chance to keep us
[04:55:11] Keep sitting behind this stupid
[04:56:54] All the admins allowed this, that, blah blah blah blah blah blah.
[04:56:58] Give a fuss what's allowed when shit be broken.
[04:57:03] It's not about what's allowed, it's about what's right.
[04:57:06] Doofus.
[04:57:10] Is the admins coming in and saying, I can't do it anymore, then I'll stop.
[04:57:13] Okay girl.
[04:57:14] The guy who's been trusted with the power needs the admins to step in and tell him that something's not right.
[04:57:21] You are trusted with that to make that decision.
[04:57:24] Commander of Akin region you're literally trusted with it fighting alongside Robert. It's allowed. That's that's fantastic that it's allowed
[04:57:32] I'm glad you're not breaking server rules. Oh, yeah, okay. I can't
[04:57:38] They she explained that was behind all this and asked if you would join the resistance in a fight against the Akin
[04:57:49] Knees an admin to step in to let him know if he's doing something wrong for the last two flick links
[04:57:55] It's allowed
[04:57:59] And then this other guy chiming in and says,
[04:58:01] That's exactly how it seems like it would be in real life.
[04:58:03] Yeah, except in real life, everybody has the same opportunity to do it.
[04:58:08] Not six people.
[04:58:19] Listen, whatever.
[04:58:20] I gotta shut the fuck up.
[04:58:21] Should I delete that tweet?
[04:58:27] God, I gotta shut the fuck up.
[04:58:29] At this point, I don't give a fuck about the money.
[04:58:31] It's like principle at this point.
[04:58:32] It's just like,
[04:58:34] I'm mad about principle.
[04:58:35] I don't give a fuck about the money, right?
[04:58:36] It gives a shit.
[04:58:38] I'm just like, I'm on principle this part of the game, I don't understand.
[04:58:41] If it's even considered like, weird and like, and like, fucking powerful, why is it even being considered?
[04:58:48] I mean, you yourself put in a ticket for it, right, or put in like, a thing for it, right?
[04:58:53] It's obviously not right.
[04:58:55] Trio possessed excellent skills and a strong sense of justice. They also endured an unhappy childhood after Captain Da Vinci rescued them
[04:59:08] They dreamed of following in his footsteps
[04:59:11] Sorry, I was like in those mentions some scene as far as I'm sure
[04:59:16] Hard for me to not see
[05:00:16] Some of the survivors who fled Stone Guard Castle came back to Vienta Village to follow Jake Hander
[05:00:22] with a huge guild backing him Jake Handa joined forces with Sienna Parsons and the
[05:00:32] stone god I have to do these now I guess was a walk around handle all these
[05:00:45] little close swimming they seem like they're fucking close but they're really
[05:00:49] Thank you for your hard work.
[05:00:53] I see you've heard the word.
[05:01:00] I'll get you out of here!
[05:01:11] Could I have some help?
[05:01:22] Oh, you can't look which way.
[05:01:24] In the intervillage, you met Robert, who taught you about the lithograph book and its advantages.
[05:01:29] When you thought the watchful eyes upon you, you were quick to chase the spy.
[05:01:33] Aliken named Bayes, a member of the Endless Collector's Association, had been observing you from afar.
[05:01:39] He explained the lithograph book's purpose, and requested your cooperation in completing it.
[05:01:44] Geolithograph book!
[05:01:55] Don't adventure us!
[05:01:58] Bro, are you gonna... let me talk to you?
[05:02:00] What? Wait, wait, I've been sleeping.
[05:02:04] Do I go through this?
[05:02:13] Come on, track.
[05:02:15] Wait, what?
[05:02:18] Entry level from level 20.
[05:02:20] So this is like, uh...
[05:02:24] Okay.
[05:02:26] Party matchmaking yeah, we can do a dungeon look at that. What's that super you tell you talk to me magus
[05:02:35] What's sad you talk what's talk your first fucking message here. What's sad?
[05:02:39] Let's see it. Let's see it. You sad about the gameplay
[05:02:50] What you said about your first message in the chat, I'm talking directly to you. What do you do?
[05:03:07] Maybe he's just sad. Also, maybe he's just sad
[05:03:10] Maybe just letting everybody know he's sad
[05:03:12] That's all you just want to listen to? Maybe it's just sad.
[05:03:25] Maybe it's just about to stop.
[05:03:29] Silent sad.
[05:03:45] We got to join this dungeon when we get back and then we'll be good to go.
[05:03:50] By the way, Mad Sam, stop it, okay? I appreciate you, brother. Let's stop it.
[05:03:54] Maybe he's sad about that trick.
[05:04:00] Alright, something to shit.
[05:12:01] Select the role. Okay. I did that
[05:12:19] Unable to register some member who does not meet the minimum combat. I have 575 I need 600
[05:12:33] remember this is
[05:12:39] Vienta village. Oh
[05:12:58] Check your lithograph
[05:13:04] The end of the end of this yo Mazdan. I told you to stop brother. Come on, bro
[05:13:09] Oh, you doofus, man.
[05:13:15] I think that's maybe what I need to do next.
[05:13:31] Thank you, Mass.
[05:13:32] I appreciate it, brother.
[05:13:33] Did you give me back 24K?
[05:13:33] Thank you so much, brother.
[05:13:34] Much love.
[05:13:35] Guys, can we get some wedges in the Chapter Master?
[05:13:36] Show them some love, please.
[05:13:37] He doesn't have to do this shit,
[05:13:38] yet he does every fucking time.
[05:13:40] You're a maniac.
[05:13:42] You know that?
[05:13:43] Thank you, brother man.
[05:13:45] One of the only VIPs.
[05:14:11] Maybe Kraft?
[05:14:13] Do you know what kind of weaponry you're looking for?
[05:15:07] I
[05:15:41] Can't go in this bitch. Yeah, man, you removed your pants
[05:16:40] 16 okay, we can
[05:16:43] We can do that with you we can cue I didn't realize I had no pants on that's a normal transfer me. I apologize
[05:16:51] Let's go. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. You can actually tell who they are to really get in the group
[05:17:15] Wait six people party
[05:17:17] I
[05:17:19] To a healer a tank and four deeps
[05:17:23] Get you two free server chance from the shop. I don't need a zero chance right now. They're right. We're chillin
[05:18:02] Bad buck
[05:18:04] Me and you
[05:18:05] You want the same page sometimes?
[05:18:08] And I know you even call me out of my bullshit all the time too, so
[05:18:11] Yeah, Billy Hollywood
[05:18:31] Finally getting like an actual name from you. I appreciate you brother. I thought your name was like doctor respectful or something
[05:18:37] I wasn't wasn't sure so Billy Hollywood Billy Hollywood
[05:18:42] I gotta follow you on Twitter something like that brother. Pleasure my man. It was nice meeting you in real life
[05:18:47] And thanks for being a cool motherfucker and yes you got you this you walked up to me said what's up?
[05:18:51] Didn't know who I was and asked me like where something was. I was like this one boy this guy
[05:18:56] I agree with your points, but you might be going a little high side, which is right keep in mind
[05:19:19] How much fun you have hanging out with the boys in the game though? I mean bro, do I take the high side here like I?
[05:19:25] Don't ever do the bullshit that I preach against you know I'm saying
[05:19:30] Like if there's even question on something being broken, I will not
[05:19:34] I'm not utilized. You know what I mean?
[05:19:36] Cause that's not what you do in RP.
[05:19:38] Fianna!
[05:19:47] Yeah I feel you man, I feel you man.
[05:19:49] Appreciate your respectful about it.
[05:19:51] High side mean you're going a little hard in the paint.
[05:19:53] Oh, yeah 100% that's also me.
[05:20:04] The poker salt really snowballed into
[05:20:06] what the fuck is going on around here.
[05:20:08] You know what I'm saying?
[05:20:10] Cause I had no idea that people had that type of money.
[05:20:12] You feel me?
[05:20:14] I'm sitting there
[05:20:16] literally everybody else at that poker table
[05:20:18] Broke a shit.
[05:20:19] Thank you, David, I appreciate you guys.
[05:20:24] Oh, look at that, the ghost.
[05:20:25] I'll show them.
[05:20:28] We got the ghost apples.
[05:20:32] The apples are ghost.
[05:20:35] And I want to just reiterate, I wish for nobody's downfall as a streamer on Twitch.
[05:20:41] I'm speaking solely GTA.
[05:20:43] I wish nothing but the best for everybody on Twitch.
[05:20:46] Especially someone like Maxmas Black, I've known for a long time, okay?
[05:20:51] He's not, he's the last person I ever thought I would have an issue with in a server, ever.
[05:20:56] I've literally never had an issue. When's the last time I've had an issue with OTT? Literally never.
[05:21:04] I'm not one of the guys on NoPixel that was ever giving him shit that made him feel like he needed to leave.
[05:21:08] I was throwing that out there.
[05:21:11] Yeah, but...
[05:21:19] There's a lot of trash on the desk, yeah. I'm not, I'm not claiming to be some fucking super-cleanly guy either.
[05:21:23] Caroline will tell you that I'm a slob.
[05:21:45] If you're in RP, been a part of it for a long time, you know the shit that's broken.
[05:21:49] You know the shit that's abuserable.
[05:21:51] You should know not to do anything with it.
[05:21:53] Not saying that's him, not saying that's what he did, but
[05:21:55] I'm just saying like there are...
[05:21:57] If you play RP in general,
[05:21:59] you should know not to be like transferring money between characters
[05:22:03] or like, you know,
[05:22:05] or like, doing this stupid shit.
[05:22:07] Yeah, like abusing glitches and stuff.
[05:22:12] you just don't do that right so guess my expectations on RP is just it should be
[05:22:21] fair across the board obviously it's not how it goes no connections right we
[05:22:29] should be like that too that's gonna break watch oh that's right you like
[05:22:45] fuck I'm waiting for it like I said I'm gonna try to stay out of everything not
[05:23:00] care so much about the economy and stuff like that, but you listen here. If I find
[05:23:04] something broken, I ain't telling no one. Don't get me started on Monkey Man. It's a
[05:23:28] love-hate relationship with him just as much as it is with OTT. I hate him. Man, I love him. He's always been very good to Charles.
[05:23:43] That's my competitor side. That hates him. Yo, can I like, can I be in this queue
[05:24:01] I'm doing other shit like if I hit close all my good watch still be in it. Okay, I
[05:24:13] Think maybe where does it like show that I'm in it? All right, okay
[05:24:21] Cool, cool. Yeah perfect
[05:24:23] That's what I thought I said to sit and wait
[05:24:26] apologies, apologies
[05:24:27] cool
[05:24:29] Let's go. Let's go quest it up
[05:24:31] Hmm and again, I'm gonna iterate that my problems with human beings are all within video games
[05:24:40] How much can you hate me over that? It's up to you
[05:24:45] but
[05:24:47] There are worse things on the internet
[05:24:49] Let's go
[05:25:04] Obviously it goes over C. Don't get me wrong, but I it's never like gonna go so over C where
[05:25:10] My dude you real life this and that you real life this and that and you got there
[05:25:17] You know like what the fuck I would never chime in on any of that shit
[05:25:26] You know I'm saying it's looking
[05:25:29] Yeah
[05:25:32] The moon moon situation happened I don't chime in on that shit
[05:25:40] Okay, cuz it's just like that's that you know, that's way far way further out of game than I ever want to be right
[05:25:55] I just...
[05:25:57] I'm gonna save my in-game issues, little C to O, C to like, never to like, that extent.
[05:26:34] And if it ever did, we'd be gone.
[05:26:46] It's tough!
[05:26:47] Ah!
[05:26:48] Guess I'm dying!
[05:26:49] Fuck me.
[05:26:56] Well, what this does? F3? Fuck it.
[05:28:24] He's in that too.
[05:28:25] F2, F3.
[05:28:28] I don't know what to do here, my fucking...
[05:28:30] I'm gonna go bop bop, you know what I'm saying?
[05:28:38] And a little bit of what?
[05:28:39] Bop bop, bop.
[05:28:40] And a little bit of that.
[05:28:42] And a little bit of the game shot here.
[05:28:47] Bam, slow down, stun him, get him with a little banger, bam bam, two banger, bam bam, two,
[05:28:54] bam, a little bam, bam bam, oh god, oh god, we're fine, yep, you're dead, that'd be
[05:29:10] a boss right, wait not dead, hey, oh yeah yeah, that was just, yeah, we're good, that was
[05:29:19] kind of crazy, we were actually almost dead there, I think one of our homies was
[05:29:22] death wait just so you know there's an open mic and Dungeons in this game and the
[05:29:32] team can hear you yeah you motherfuckers hear me yeah you guys hear me talking
[05:29:37] right now Cal if you can hear me jump up and down twice you hear me Cal jump
[05:29:44] twice now bro you're tripping nobody hears me oh shit we're over here
[05:30:14] these are strong haha stop to use it like that oh these things are tanky
[05:32:42] shit where's the DPS charts man did I upgrade my gear enough not a lot I still
[05:33:11] have to go back and do more at least he doesn't aggro a whole group I'm trying
[05:36:06] space around here now yeah I have actually I did for what couple hours
[05:36:11] it was good wasn't sure if I should raise or not third or is me there's
[05:36:50] extra I can't resolve this okay that's got to be the summer
[05:37:05] yeah I don't know that just wait it out guide the abyss defeat halibur is this
[05:38:00] game release or in beta is pretty it's um what's called pre what's what do you
[05:38:07] call early access we're in early access right now and be available to
[05:38:12] Everybody
[05:38:17] Two days it'll be free to play
[05:38:20] Can't spam dungeons you can still do dungeons if you want to submit chest openings you get experience
[05:44:16] Maybe Q again, like your tanks use and I mean, you know
[05:44:48] Got me. I
[05:44:50] Don't know what the build is with the usages or like the what they wear
[05:44:54] Am I stuck in a party? I guess I could do some upgrades
[05:46:05] completely forgot how to do it. Oh yeah it's like something like click that will blow up the show shoot.
[05:46:38] Okay, I don't know how much these can level. Oh look it turned to blue and I can upgrade it more.
[05:47:25] The different currency. Any plans on a 2G? No thank you brother.
[05:49:28] Good man. Get the DDS, back this full DDS. I think you kicked. Tell us what to do.
[05:53:18] yes I had to go bring the dog upstairs with us yeah this hole I can't use my
[05:54:27] shift like modifier turns me into a fucking weird fucking weird it's annoying
[05:55:33] cuz I'm trying to like do stuff with it try to do so I'm trying to see you do
[05:55:38] something here shit's gonna be kind of crazy even then like they even said that
[05:57:55] that wasn't that's not their their full scale either it's like they just
[05:57:59] I said that there's scale after that.
[05:58:01] Cross shoes.
[05:58:06] No, I didn't just get shoes again.
[05:58:08] No, I didn't.
[05:58:10] Come on, man.
[05:58:12] Did I get shoes last time?
[05:58:15] Yeah, bro.
[05:58:22] Movement seat 2%.
[05:58:28] Got loose hit chances here.
[05:58:30] Movement speed is key.
[05:58:46] I hope all is well.
[05:58:47] Are you enjoying Throne and Liberty?
[05:58:53] Yeah, yeah.
[05:58:54] It's been a good time.
[05:58:55] It's been interesting because I didn't even
[05:58:57] know it was coming out.
[05:58:58] I didn't really hear too much about it.
[05:58:59] And then when it came out, I was like, oh,
[05:59:01] But yeah, it's got a lot of when you read up on it's got a lot of stuff that I think would be cool for late game for like 70 for 70 Siege Wars
[05:59:08] Guild Wars, just like that big-scale fights
[05:59:18] I'm curious about sieges. Yeah, I wonder how they're gonna be 70 for 70 is gonna be crazy. Sieges is gonna be even bigger than that
[05:59:27] That would just be
[05:59:29] markers
[06:01:02] I
[06:01:10] Pledge of blood apparently
[06:01:56] Yes, it's an MMO just be free to play a couple days early access for you to play at the moment
[06:02:02] What am I doing?
[06:02:04] What am I doing?
[06:02:11] The resistance forces outside of town have been burning the belongings of epidemic patients.
[06:02:16] More ability upgrades?
[06:02:17] You met a woman wearing a mask that she didn't recognize.
[06:02:19] But soon realized she was so fear, one of the terrific trio.
[06:02:23] After doing some work at her behest, you heard that letters could be delivered to the doctor in person and headed to the clinic.
[06:02:30] Oh good, then...
[06:02:46] What? Did I do that?
[06:03:21] Yes, I...
[06:03:25] No! Stop!
[06:03:27] Oh my lord!
[06:03:47] All word with Lad?
[06:04:21] The name Leonardus at the clinic seem to really dislike visits from outsiders
[06:04:32] He permitted you to help once he heard Sophia's name, but all the patient's responses to your questions seemed odd
[06:04:38] You asked about the green medicine they all mentioned and Leonardus immediately became angry and kicked you out
[06:04:46] I'm such a summit. Yo, if there is RP role-playing
[06:05:53] I'm pretty sure you can bring you know I can bring someone to cool areas. I remember when I was playing
[06:06:04] my little rag rock online when I was like 15. I had my little special advice I bring people.
[06:06:11] According to the journal this blood ritual will you hurry to the plaza to tell Sophia what you
[06:06:17] found at the clinic but she wasn't there. She's not hurt bro. A resistance soldier in the
[06:06:21] plaza. I told you guys. She said she had received a report from an investigator. Just hanging out.
[06:06:26] I've gone to the wine store house. Yeah, the enter vignette. You said it motherfucker. Yeah,
[06:06:35] but I didn't mean like it in a literal fashion. I said obviously from talking about when I was
[06:06:39] a youngster. I mean it in like a fucking innocent way bro. Oh shit, I should do this.
[06:07:25] I'm sorry. Apologies. I wasn't paying attention.
[06:07:27] I'm not paying attention. I'm just faking it.
[06:07:31] I'm not paying attention. I'm running slow.
[06:07:33] What the fuck?
[06:09:13] Ah, I didn't see it!
[06:09:22] Okay, we gotta kill this vampire then.
[06:09:24] So is that we're on the hunt for a vamp?
[06:09:26] We're on the hunt to kill you vampire bitch?
[06:09:31] Clearly I went the wrong way.
[06:10:05] How do I get up?
[06:10:24] Over here maybe?
[06:10:51] with me. If Chet hunt a memory or hurry, somebody seal door. Tempura.
[06:11:00] The leader of Stone God's resistance horses was a cheerful man, but felt somehow peace-like.
[06:11:06] Once he had explained the whole story, Jake lent you the Guardian's pledge of legendary
[06:11:11] vampire slayer Ezekiel. But he advised you to find the pledge loop containing Ezekiel's
[06:11:16] memories and a temple to strengthen the god
[06:11:21] Nothing level as a husband yeah, you know cuz we were about the same skill
[06:11:46] You let him know he's slow now, but about to surpass him he actually may have been looking at like
[06:11:58] I've been skipping the talking you want to fight
[06:12:28] We're stuck? You're annoying.
[06:17:12] What the hell going on here?
[06:17:43] Little cutscene?
[06:18:05] Damn! What the fuck is happening?
[06:18:40] So you're Ezekiel, right?
[06:20:18] Are you all right?
[06:20:19] Thank you.
[06:20:20] Thank you.
[06:20:22] became a legendary vampire slayer that's us or somebody that's in heaven is
[06:20:28] us or something while being bitten by a vampire Ezekiel was saved by Scarla the
[06:20:37] monster hunter despite now becoming a half vampire Scarla trained him to
[06:20:49] become a vampire hunter vampire vampire hunter that's gonna be killed that's
[06:20:57] That's bad ass if I'm not going to lie.
[06:21:03] That's what I would fucking do if I was gay.
[06:21:23] Yeah, yeah!
[06:21:27] No!
[06:21:35] pledge in its center with his soul now infused in the pledge Ezekiel became a guardian
[06:21:47] protecting others from vampires i see with the anardis vowed an oath to get revenge and became a
[06:22:09] guardian with the power of the guardians pledge Ezekiel encountered the anardis again and finally
[06:22:16] repaid him for what happened to scarlet sorter bow i'm at the part i don't know what to do
[06:23:07] again so maybe we just go over here to do all this oh I didn't get a way point
[06:23:26] you're lying I missed one you're lying that's pretty bad if I didn't do that
[06:23:33] it's okay a little bit travel time
[06:23:43] I got this I got the sword can't find the the mount so much using you set the
[06:24:24] shift you don't find it make it's like something you just get
[06:24:31] it's you huh
[06:24:47] who had been researching dimensional circles at the end of the
[06:24:52] she was very grateful when you brought her the last research journal
[06:24:57] I'll have promised that she would let you know when her research was
[06:25:00] What is this? Is this the dungeon? Yes, the dungeon.
[06:25:18] Um, I don't want to say why I just don't get...
[06:25:35] Oh, level 28?
[06:25:39] Is that where I'm at? Like I have to get to level 28 in order to continue the story?
[06:25:42] Is that what that means?
[06:27:37] Okay, good side. Place a quick order upstairs. We're good. Let's go.
[06:27:44] Moving on, moving on.
[06:27:48] What to wear?
[06:27:54] Damn, I didn't get that waypoint, did I? Or that one.
[06:27:57] Eesh, that's really bad, dude.
[06:27:59] I see that personal pin. Yeah, I think we just go to the end or towards the
[06:28:18] I was gonna get the way point then I got but then I got but then I yeah and then
[06:28:35] I forgot the way point exists okay we need to
[06:28:57] Which is actually a person that best was both of them
[06:29:26] Stankrat would be fucking
[06:29:28] your show shad
[06:29:36] Close your eyes, brother
[06:29:37] I didn't get to hang out snake rat too much at the event
[06:29:40] It's kind of like you know he hung for a second and he's doing his thing and then he had it
[06:29:43] He was holding like a little bit of a party, but it was also just fucking super late at night
[06:29:49] I didn't want to end up leaving towards it because we had already done some other shit
[06:29:54] It was like an event day. Yeah
[06:29:56] Yeah, it's like I'm like it. I'm like it's free to play so in two days it'll be full for your place
[06:30:08] You'll be able to give it a game there. You know send and yeah, man
[06:30:11] Just I would say just use your best thought process on what I'm doing now if it looks good, you know me
[06:30:18] It's also hard to say how everything's gonna go because end games a big deal at MMOs, you know I'm saying so once you get max level
[06:30:23] Usually that's when the game opens up a little bit and we'll see what there is to do regarding PvP slash PvE
[06:30:29] That's where jam I know if they were saying on the on the thing here. It says thrown in Liberty. Let's see
[06:30:37] Features multiple PvP modes including three three in a 77 right a seven verse 70 and mass scale, but it also says
[06:30:43] Where did it go?
[06:30:52] It says it features massive guild-based PvP battles, right including castle sieges along with challenging dungeons that
[06:31:05] Combine PvE and PvP
[06:31:09] So there's dungeons that combine PvE and PvP. I'd like to know what that is
[06:31:17] Does that mean like we can fucking go like mess with people or in a dungeon like you know what I'm saying?
[06:31:20] I wonder
[06:31:29] That's kind of like my big take away from from the
[06:31:35] Large scale bow school or anything, but I want to know what that means
[06:31:38] Challenging dungeons that combine pvp and pvp
[06:31:43] Now Mika was founded the village of the stone masons, gathered to build stone god castle
[06:31:47] Fernan ignored the masons warnings
[06:31:52] Open world dungeons basically, so that means now Mika is staying around in the monsters
[06:31:56] There you guys are here
[06:32:22] Dwarf stone masons
[06:32:27] Dwarf stone masons baby
[06:32:36] Can you attack something please?
[06:32:44] Yeah, I'm gonna attack you verbally get out of here young schnizzle you big nut sack
[06:32:49] My man
[06:33:07] Give me a sec. Yeah. Okay chat. Sorry about that smoke. He came through
[06:37:56] Little stretch up. I'm saying
[06:37:58] That's a little stretch up
[06:38:08] Zox, but here's the thing over there just because I don't play the video games, right?
[06:38:14] That I am showcasing for sponsored streams. You know, so it doesn't mean you need to take a different opinion on it
[06:38:20] But you're talking to a guy who goes through different like, like eras of fucking gaming
[06:38:27] like itches, you know what I'm saying?
[06:38:29] It's just like, I might not be in an MMO phase or mood, you know what I'm saying?
[06:38:36] But an MMO comes across the table for a sponsorship.
[06:38:39] I have zero issue, you know, showcasing that MMO.
[06:38:43] Does that mean I'm going to all of a sudden be in an MMO itch and want to fucking
[06:38:46] start rating and go crazy and stuff like that every time, you know what I'm saying?
[06:38:49] It's like if you take that sponsored gigs the right way you wouldn't have any issues
[06:38:54] I feel like you know I'm not saying you do
[06:38:56] but you know but it's I
[06:38:59] Don't think it should be taken away from the game
[06:39:01] Just because it has hashtag ad and the streamer doesn't end up playing it right after for like seven hours
[06:39:06] You know I'm saying it's like probably we're into different shit. We're playing different games
[06:39:09] You know we we invest our time in other other areas sometimes and we're not always playing that you know
[06:39:15] You know the games that we would play even if we like you know what I'm saying
[06:39:19] So that's what I say. So you know what you can't really judge it enough on that. It's kind of unfair.
[06:39:26] Okay wait, I'm supposed to be finding this stone. Little stone, little stone. I come back for you.
[06:39:42] Now I'm saying, true carnage. I should have just said, man, you're dumb.
[06:39:55] and then you're like, hey, sucker, something like that, man.
[06:40:00] I mean, that's what's so fun.
[06:40:03] Lord of Stonegard, Fernan, an arctic ally.
[06:40:17] I'm not home.
[06:40:19] Bro, you gonna hand me that guy or not? You gonna do me that guy?
[06:40:28] You gonna make it feel like my time is not spent?
[06:40:30] Well, to be fair, this actually looks pretty dope somewhere.
[06:40:32] Yeah, it's solid so far.
[06:40:34] It's solid so far. Dude, this is about to be free to play in two days. You know what I mean? You can give it a gander yourself.
[06:40:41] I think it's probably going to be the best option. I encourage that, you know?
[06:40:45] Then you can make, like, a proper opinion on her.
[06:40:52] I think it's pretty solid.
[06:40:53] Well, of course, you know, I want to see what that game's like.
[06:41:02] I want to see what that game's like.
[06:41:03] But so far, the leveling process has been pretty chill.
[06:41:06] And have you seen the fast travel in this game? It's pretty fucking crazy.
[06:41:20] Why does this community never help answer questions in chat?
[06:41:31] What you got for us that hit me?
[06:41:33] I got you brother.
[06:41:34] I run this bitch, huh?
[06:41:36] I own this bitch, yeah?
[06:41:39] What you got?
[06:41:40] I know everything there is to know here.
[06:41:42] Oh shut up man, you kappa right now?
[06:41:55] You scared now?
[06:41:56] No, I'm sorry I was going to be scared.
[06:41:57] Yeah, I'm not.
[06:41:58] I was no ill willier.
[06:42:00] You would know if I was talking shit to you.
[06:42:04] Oh, it's sometimes I'm going to GTA after a sponsor. Okay. I can tell you why I
[06:42:11] Wouldn't answer that right away, you know and viewers
[06:42:15] They answered sometimes I'm sure but they don't have they don't know the answer, right? I
[06:42:19] Would say I'll give you the answer of yes, maybe actually, you know, maybe it's not a hundred percent
[06:42:26] But I'd also probably not like to answer that during a sponsor show
[06:42:29] It's kind of like a I consider it's not necessarily right, but I consider it
[06:42:34] I'm a little bit disrespectful to the games that are due to sponsored gig for me when I start
[06:42:40] bringing up other games. I like to keep it about the game I'm playing for the most part,
[06:42:47] as like a rule of thumb. Obviously you can amend it a little bit here and there.
[06:42:51] A rule of thumb, man. It's about respect.
[06:42:57] But, no issues, though. I plan on potentially, I'm not 100% though. And if I do, I'll
[06:43:03] I'll probably be like racing and shit just kind of doing chill stuff, you know, not RP stuff.
[06:43:10] If you're expecting RP, don't come to me.
[06:43:12] That's what my new saying is.
[06:43:29] I'll make that my title actually.
[06:43:32] If you're expecting RP, don't come to me.
[06:43:35] You have to send my Raspash man.
[06:43:37] Okay, so, I have to hit level 28.
[06:43:40] I am 26 and a half.
[06:43:42] Whatever I'm doing now, it's not giving me lots of experience.
[06:43:59] I may at least expect a lot of stretches.
[06:44:02] And I'll be stretched.
[06:44:04] My blood's gonna be flowing there, okay?
[06:44:06] We're doing fine.
[06:44:13] I've made a future life for you.
[06:44:16] The travel of the cool stuff, bro.
[06:44:22] You like that or what?
[06:44:24] You'd say what you will about this game.
[06:44:26] Okay? This shit's got dope ass-fast trouble.
[06:44:29] You know what I mean?
[06:44:31] It is pretty fucking dope.
[06:44:37] Look at this shit, bro.
[06:44:43] Boom, dude! Just like, sup! What's up?
[06:44:45] What's going on?
[06:44:48] Tell me that shit's not clean.
[06:44:53] fucking instant transmission as Goku. Pretty fucking cool. You know it is. You know it is.
[06:45:13] Oh look if you just click it, it moves your minimap to it. I tripped it. If I click this,
[06:46:36] That's what he said.
[06:47:03] CUT!
[06:47:20] Appendix, the abyssal contract, I don't know.
[06:47:23] Or is this one that I have to get a higher level for?
[06:47:25] That's an actual quest, right?
[06:47:28] Hold on.
[06:47:29] What the fuck's going on here?
[06:47:31] What's going on here?
[06:47:33] Blood spider egg.
[06:47:36] Bop!
[06:47:37] No go.
[06:47:38] You didn't get close.
[06:47:40] Bop.
[06:47:41] Yep.
[06:47:42] Yep.
[06:47:43] Yep.
[06:47:46] Okay.
[06:48:00] Aim shot.
[06:48:01] What she got, I'm gonna start pumping points into that actually, aim shot.
[06:48:10] Aim shot, what she got, I don't know which one I use, this one.
[06:48:27] I have 112, I should just be pumping now.
[06:48:36] Okay, aim shot's pumped now.
[06:48:44] Let's see how it goes.
[06:48:45] Oh, I'm strong, I'm strong, I'm strong, I think, yeah, that's all.
[06:49:02] Hey, is that all I needed to do?
[06:49:05] Hold on, I need to get a little 20 here, bro, so that's for sure though.
[06:49:15] So what the fuck is I doing over here?
[06:49:31] Yeah, where the quest's at, man?
[06:49:34] Am I dungeon again?
[06:49:35] What the fuck is that over here?
[06:50:02] I don't wanna not see it.
[06:50:08] I'll trip on those.
[06:50:12] You can dungeon from escape menu.
[06:50:19] Oh, okay.
[06:50:21] Okay, I'm not getting levels fast here at all.
[06:50:23] Hey, Summit.
[06:50:24] Can you make one grand guild for this game for viewers and weed enjoyers?
[06:50:29] The rust not even in the rain.
[06:50:34] Yeah, I'm key enjoyers.
[06:50:36] You like cut leads?
[06:50:37] The contract manager knows you visited the castle's accessories carter Marianne
[06:50:49] She explained that accessories can be crafted by gathering materials and she gave you materials to make an accessory
[06:50:55] Don cost him an accessory for you. She said upgrading the accessory could make it even more powerful
[06:51:22] How I do that again upgrade gear itself
[06:51:27] Wait, maybe she sings
[06:51:52] You successfully upgraded the accessory the accessory became more powerful just as she said
[06:52:09] No more egg, thanks for being here for so fucking long. You celebrate a hot dog a Costco hot dog
[06:52:16] That's different. Hey, what the ones egg? Thank you so much, but man your Costco food
[06:52:22] That's some underrated shit right there
[06:52:36] I don't know about this upgrading gear thing man, fuck.
[06:52:40] It's gonna make me think too much.
[06:52:46] I'm like the type of guy who's like,
[06:52:48] hey do I want to upgrade this? Do I plan on using this? You know what I'm saying?
[06:52:51] What if I just replace this? It's like, you know what I mean?
[06:52:53] But I guess you probably just get these things throughout the fucking game like crazy so...
[06:52:58] I would imagine.
[06:53:19] You can also transfer.
[06:53:20] Oh, you can, wait, okay.
[06:53:24] You can transfer those.
[06:53:25] You can put your old gear into the new one so nothing lost. Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay
[06:53:34] Okay, okay, okay, so you
[06:53:36] So I can like transfer the upgrades essentially
[06:53:46] Carmine forest brown where you go to get beat up in jail by a guy named Carmine. I
[06:53:59] Say we queue up, dude. How do I?
[06:54:02] Click this
[06:54:05] Where's this place? It's here
[06:54:08] Chat, it ain't like that I'm swarming.
[06:54:11] It could be missions 13.
[06:54:36] How do I know what they need?
[06:55:01] You know what I'm saying?
[06:55:38] This is like real, like I'm not in like a queue.
[06:55:42] Instead of me joining groups though.
[06:55:46] Instead of trying to figure this out, you know what I do?
[06:55:48] I'm just gonna go there.
[06:55:49] We're just gonna fucking go, man.
[06:55:51] Well, I've done something, you can queue.
[06:56:01] Don't know what I'm trying about. Let's look again.
[06:56:03] Party matchmaking.
[06:56:10] That's what I wanna do.
[06:56:12] I knew that.
[06:56:27] Welcome.
[06:56:28] Ah, but based on what there's up there,
[06:56:30] I'll follow the, they're also for starters.
[06:56:32] Guilt and jacket was mine.
[06:56:38] This guy's like,
[06:56:39] thank you for listening to me.
[06:56:41] Here's 10 armor upgrades.
[06:56:45] Thank you for listening to my story.
[06:56:47] Getting this round's guild to help show you the ropes.
[06:57:00] I don't mean the ropes.
[06:57:02] I'm already one of the best in the game, to be honest.
[06:57:04] I'm on the trucker.
[06:57:17] I think you're sick, huh?
[06:57:19] So fucking cool.
[06:57:20] Oh, just a bit of that.
[06:57:21] So cool.
[06:57:29] Let's see.
[06:57:38] Let's go there.
[06:57:39] Hey, it's pretty cool, right, sir?
[06:58:21] It's pretty cool, man.
[06:58:22] Pretty cool.
[06:58:25] Don't worry, Abelaykin is just taking a big time.
[06:58:28] Just relax.
[06:58:29] Everyone relax.
[06:58:30] Don't argue with mods, please.
[06:58:32] Do, do, do fishes.
[06:58:34] Even if it's guys like...
[06:58:36] It's just looking for DPS Butcher.
[07:05:44] Last boss.
[07:05:45] Oh, we've been out for seven hours, sir.
[07:07:47] I woke up really really late.
[07:11:31] They're tiny, they're small ones.
[07:12:19] One on one! What did I search?
[07:15:17] Trying to spam heals I couldn't.
[07:15:22] Did we lose?
[07:15:26] We should have lost. What sucks about that is
[07:15:28] I can't, I couldn't really tell
[07:15:32] when my teammates were all dead.
[07:15:34] I kind of got to look a little bit more on them.
[07:15:36] But, no!
[07:15:39] ROOT! Goddamn, the winds are too strong, brother!
[07:15:53] I can't get through!
[07:15:55] I'll just go racist into the mix if I'm going to DRP or something.
[07:16:21] Just thinking about that right now.
[07:16:23] I'm just thinking about that right now.
[07:16:28] Bro, come on, homies!
[07:16:31] You gotta doobie like that!
[07:16:33] They're not gonna live, right? They're not gonna lose.
[07:16:35] They don't got this.
[07:16:37] I wanna beat this boss, he's actually kinda sick.
[07:16:39] First group we're struggling with.
[07:16:42] It's a mythic- it's a mythic-
[07:16:44] like in something, or whatever it is.
[07:16:48] It's a heroic 8!
[07:16:54] There's something wrong down to the store during your robbery xd
[07:17:01] I want to hack the computer someone died
[07:17:23] See the thing is look at that see it's like
[07:17:26] Angel just hit the res button on herself
[07:17:29] Right, so then you don't know who the fuck's dead. I'm sitting over on the left like oh hell yeah
[07:17:34] We're all alive. We're owning. Why am I not getting no heels though?
[07:17:38] Why is the boss running at me then you realize
[07:17:41] no one's around even though they're all live on the party can't best you yeah
[07:19:23] quick in two days though yeah see that's the thing about streaming nobody
[07:19:33] would actually want to watch streaming in person it's a in the comfort of your
[07:19:43] own home type of jam you wouldn't go pay money to go through a door after having
[07:19:47] to find a parking space and get through traffic to go watch somebody string on
[07:19:52] computer.
[07:19:54] This is the...
[07:19:56] Watcher going on stacking.
[07:28:12] Slam the deer that didn't really have to...
[07:28:18] Blink guard.
[07:28:30] How do you transfer this to that now?
[07:28:32] You know what I'm saying?
[07:28:34] Like the upgrades I have.
[07:28:35] I don't have the items to be able to do it.
[07:28:58] Okay, so I can't get an equip the current helm.
[07:29:06] hell was excited about his newest weapon he showed you how to efficiently strengthen your
[07:29:37] weapons using a process called power transfer with his advice you can make your weapons even more
[07:29:45] powerful that's gonna look like now winged helmet oh you should have the green item maxed which one
[07:30:01] these hey summit do you know if you have a one gram fan in all 52 states in the united states
[07:30:08] I mean statistically probably somebody from the state knows me, I would imagine.
[07:30:15] I'm a watcher of the shame I'm in.
[07:30:20] Uh, less expensive to level green maps than taking a view from bottom of the map.
[07:30:39] 52 states.
[07:30:41] Oh, 52.
[07:30:44] You know what Alaskan shit, man?
[07:30:46] Like Hawaiian shit.
[07:30:48] Ugh.
[07:30:49] So he said it, man, I mean, now level the hell up as well.
[07:30:58] I'm confused.
[07:30:59] Wait, what?
[07:31:00] What?
[07:31:01] Oh, you mean?
[07:31:02] Oh, wait, I have to do that.
[07:31:03] was my books still? I'm confused on this oh no those are abilities oh fuck I'm
[07:31:18] eating me level up the helm isn't that level doesn't that's the thing I did no
[07:31:46] mr. Swartz is finding your way back to the three different ways to like upgrade
[07:31:50] your characters can be a little bit overwhelming I know how to get here
[07:31:56] with P I know how to get to the upgrade on abilities with the right
[07:32:00] click. I don't want to get to an Hansen gear yet. Are you saying to upgrade this more you think?
[07:32:30] Oh you have to press the other period button. It's just a little bit slower so I see you.
[07:32:45] Upgrade the green all the way before transferring to blue. Oh, got it. Okay,
[07:32:53] got it because it's less expensive to upgrade the green. Got it, next time. Next time,
[07:33:00] So I would like upgrade this all the way to transfer to that essentially.
[07:33:27] I would go transfer.
[07:33:31] Wait what?
[07:33:33] Where'd it go?
[07:33:35] Hold on.
[07:33:40] This one right?
[07:33:42] That's pretty big upgrades right there right?
[07:33:56] Something I didn't have before.
[07:33:58] Like you need 20, oh dude.
[07:34:18] Leveling to 28 is going to be kind of a process huh?
[07:34:26] Yeah I can do the other grades too.
[07:34:28] I mean dude, so our guys pretty much as strong as you can be based off all the materials that we have now
[07:35:28] So I'm walking way points gonna lock side-class
[07:36:32] The fuck is this?
[07:37:56] Okay, that's a level 50 area this place. Oh, yeah, it is
[07:38:28] How did I get here it's free in two days so if it looks it interesting to you I mean dude
[07:39:03] Just wait a couple days jump on that bitch. You know, sir
[07:39:05] Wait a couple more days try it out
[07:39:11] I don't know what the other opinions are of the other MMO guys like I don't know what Azman's thinking
[07:39:15] I don't know what the fuck are these
[07:39:21] That's my that's my ultimate I'm fucking vampire slayer is cheeky. I I didn't even I can press that
[07:39:27] that's cool that's cool yeah I think it's interesting I'm liking it so far
[07:39:37] look at that fucking whale bro yeah I like the vibe I like the vibe I like the
[07:39:42] vibe it feels cool I get like weird like I get weird like
[07:39:48] nostalgia vibes from it a little bit you know I'm saying I was even like at
[07:39:52] the first town I felt like I was like playing like a fucking like third person
[07:39:56] ragnarok online dude and I was just thinking like yeah it's one of my favorite games you know what I'm saying
[07:40:02] if I ever did a fucking remake of ragnarok online bro
[07:40:08] sign me up yeah magdalen thanks for the fucking intent to get this guys but I appreciate you man
[07:40:16] much love much love don't worry I'm bringing that games old that games very old
[07:40:21] ESO vibes I feel that I feel that yeah it's got like uh that cool looking like that that
[07:40:26] That type of graphic and world setting.
[07:40:32] Also seeing other people around.
[07:40:33] Always a good thing in MMOs, right?
[07:40:38] I do know they try to remake RL, but I mean, back when it wasn't ready.
[07:40:42] What's up, motherfucker?
[07:41:11] Judges?
[07:41:12] I'd fuck you up.
[07:41:15] I'd just say I'd fuck you up.
[07:41:17] Ain't a better run.
[07:41:25] I know it's a sore spot, but it's probably done.
[07:41:27] Listen.
[07:41:31] I'm going to give it one more gander.
[07:41:33] If I run into even one more thing that makes me care about shit, I think I'm just gonna
[07:41:43] call it.
[07:41:44] But I think worst case scenario, maybe we just don't play Charles if I can't handle it.
[07:41:48] Let me just chill out with Hutch on cop too.
[07:41:50] I'm considering that too.
[07:41:52] Because when you're a cop, when you play cop characters, not really much to care about
[07:41:56] besides like the chases and stuff themselves, specifically the one scenario.
[07:42:00] You know what I mean?
[07:42:01] But listen, I'm gonna say this too.
[07:42:13] I'm gonna put in the title, like, almost as like a PSA, there's not like a crazy man RP that goes into my fucking RP game, but it's going on.
[07:42:23] So I really don't like hearing that stupid shit on GTA, it makes me not want to play it.
[07:42:27] If there's anything that makes me want to get off that shit is when people say you don't want to play it around time.
[07:42:34] Maybe just leave the PSA out there.
[07:42:37] What was my saying again?
[07:42:56] Oh, if you want RP, don't come to me.
[07:42:58] So what was?
[07:42:59] The music's nice, huh?
[07:43:24] I can probably zoom out too, but I don't, hold on.
[07:43:27] Cause I changed the zoom in, zoom out.
[07:43:31] What am I going to do with this under?
[07:44:35] Do you have some features?
[07:44:37] Oh, it's right here.
[07:44:45] I guess I'm playing really close.
[07:44:47] Had no idea you were playing Throne and Liberty.
[07:44:50] Came across a guy with your handle and Thor tell Loll.
[07:44:53] Someone stole it then went to your stream hard.
[07:44:59] Yeah, we're trying to...
[07:45:20] Hey, thanks for the door brother.
[07:45:21] Appreciate it, Judge.
[07:45:22] Yeah, the guy that's sitting next to me much love that much though. Oh you did ends up like that like in a big thing
[07:46:27] Yeah, I mean shit level 26
[07:46:29] I got to get to level 28 to continue playing that so I gotta go like do more side costs and shit like that or to
[07:46:33] Continue the main jammer. I have not done the secret dungeons, dude
[07:46:57] Also the below seven. I think it's time man. We're about to get off it though jump back over to some other stuff, but
[07:47:45] Aim shot
[07:47:47] Get dropped just gonna fight you shit all the 12s
[07:48:13] Yeah, we should be fighting 12s your CS go additions rekindled. Oh good luck
[07:48:21] Good luck
[07:48:25] And some thanks for showing this game you bought five deluxe editions. I know you did really good shit
[07:48:54] Yeah, grab is I'm working on it. I'm saying we're doing the walks
[07:49:02] Can I have one can I?
[07:49:13] What server match?
[07:49:16] Can't even remember what this one was.
[07:49:26] I don't actually remember.
[07:49:28] It's under settings.
[07:50:16] Am I dumb?
[07:50:48] Am I allowed to do that?
[07:51:15] We're awake.
[07:51:16] Tower, 2F, Russian, Prince Charm.
[07:51:18] Pretty cool.
[07:51:24] You get decent upgrades from it?
[07:51:26] Okay.
[07:51:27] What's up, 18?
[07:51:28] How you doing, brother?
[07:51:29] Thank you guys for the reset, dude.
[07:51:30] Appreciate you, brothers.
[07:51:31] Much love, much love.
[07:51:33] Do you switch the weapon?
[07:51:42] Okay, now.
[07:51:43] You can use any ability at any point in time,
[07:51:46] Even with the wrong weapon out, but you won't be auto attacking
[07:51:49] So it's like if I have a melee weapon out and I am using my bow abilities, and I'm not close range
[07:51:54] I'm not gonna be auto attacking if I am long range
[07:51:57] You know I'm saying I
[07:52:01] Can be like auto attacking him with the with the bow if it's out, but it won't attack if I have my male
[07:52:07] Oh shit, I didn't find the server I was on now. I gotta look how much I don't understand where I'm supposed to look
[07:52:50] still
[07:53:17] I hope I didn't just show something
[07:53:20] I didn't sank them it's called sank them
[07:53:23] I saw the numbers and I was like, oh no. Yeah, it's called sank them western american sank them. Thank you brothers
[07:53:57] When they hit the ball, but it goes like straight up
[07:54:00] Pop fly that's a lot
[07:54:02] A pop fly pop fly incoming
[07:54:19] Oh my god
[07:54:42] Oh, no
[07:54:44] Don't like it. There's not like a good left click for that skills
[07:55:54] So this saves my progress right? I can like, I can like get back to 4F when I, next time I come through, I don't imagine?
[07:58:32] Or do I like, kind of finish it one go? Okay, it does. I'm supposed to look at some more clips there?
[07:58:41] That is a shit lot of people. Dude, he got like almost all the cops dude.
[07:59:16] Like not even that many looks. Like civilians.
[07:59:20] Dude, like all cops. Like no fucking, no randos whatsoever, I think.
[07:59:31] Like all cops.
[07:59:33] What a throw, dude.
[07:59:36] What a fucking throw.
[07:59:52] It looks like Gomer just came through here and accidentally, you know,
[07:59:56] bombed a race.
[08:01:48] Okay, I don't think we can do that next time.
[08:02:05] Hit Q again after a perfect, hit Q again after a perfect, perfect period.
[08:02:08] Oh, is that what I do? Okay, gotcha.
[08:02:15] Eh, yeah, I pick my own battles, you know what I'm saying.
[08:02:18] Sometimes the day can go bad and it's perfectly my own fucking fault. You know I'm saying it is what it is
[08:02:24] Those days we're gonna do slap myself in the head slap myself with the back of that around on those ones. It's really
[08:02:30] Not much you can do you guys wise just me being a dumbass. You know I'm saying, but I appreciate you coming through same
[08:02:35] What's up checking in make sure it's all good
[08:02:38] Thank you. It's back up. You've been in a long time and I appreciate you always supporting the channel
[08:02:41] But what's that man?
[08:02:43] Yeah
[08:02:44] At level 27 off of that halfway, so I mean it was worth it's kind of worth
[08:03:03] That's it.
[08:03:04] That's it.
[08:03:05] Green crystal, the things that got our health points.
[08:03:25] Good health points.
[08:03:39] Cool.
[08:03:40] Didn't know that.
[08:03:41] That's kind of fucking helpful, huh?
[08:03:45] Yo, Arnaz.
[08:03:46] Arnaz, OG.
[08:03:47] Thank you, Arnaz.
[08:03:48] Thank you so much for the five gift deals, my friend.
[08:03:50] I appreciate you welcoming me.
[08:03:51] So, hope you guys enjoy yourselves.
[08:03:52] Thanks so much for the support, bro.
[08:03:53] I appreciate it very much.
[08:04:13] Sergeant Johnny Walker here.
[08:04:15] I just saw this.
[08:04:23] Think, right?
[08:04:24] And now let's see how his eyes change.
[08:04:26] Okay?
[08:04:27] He hasn't processed it yet, right?
[08:04:29] Bink?
[08:04:30] He hasn't processed it yet.
[08:04:32] Right?
[08:04:33] Let's see how his eyes change.
[08:04:36] He doesn't really notice it.
[08:04:38] I don't think he saw anything to process.
[08:04:46] And it just, everything just processed like weight.
[08:04:51] Look at his face!
[08:04:59] Oh, that's a good one.
[08:05:04] That's a good one.
[08:05:06] That's a good one.
[08:05:08] Watch Jessica's PVP.
[08:05:09] I'll pose it.
[08:05:10] All right, guys.
[08:05:11] Thank you so much for the sponsor.
[08:05:12] I appreciate it.
[08:05:13] Yeah, if anybody wants to jam on this game,
[08:05:14] one of the boys, I'm down.
[08:05:19] Not quite there to max level, so I
[08:05:20] don't know what it's going to be like once we do.
[08:05:22] I want a PVP.
[08:05:23] You think I could PVP at 27?
[08:05:25] Is there places to check for it?
[08:05:26] Look for it?
[08:05:27] Get it?
[08:05:28] See me?
[08:05:28] No?
[08:05:30] Or should I just be going max level, either?
[08:05:42] World PVP events?
[08:05:43] Oh, yeah, dude.
[08:05:44] I did get flagged for it at one point.
[08:05:46] And I saw them PVP after that, I thought.
[08:05:52] I'm starting to slow down pretty heavily on leveling,
[08:05:54] but I think that's because I'm not doing anything
[08:05:57] in the main quest anymore,
[08:05:58] because I have to be at level 28.
[08:06:13] We'll see what's going on, maybe we'll play it again
[08:06:14] tomorrow.
[08:06:15] We'll see, we'll see, we'll see.
[08:06:17] We'll see, not a safe zone.
[08:06:19] Fuck safe zone.
[08:06:20] I don't need to be safe.
[08:06:26] All right, let me change the title.
[08:06:28] Thank you again guys for the sponsorship.
[08:06:29] I do appreciate it.
[08:06:30] I hope the game goes really, really good.
[08:06:31] I'll be charming in on it and see what's going on.
[08:06:37] You're looking for RP, welcome to me.
[08:06:47] This way, I can hear the bullshit.
[08:06:54] Last chance for me, last chance.
[08:06:57] Last chance before we just have to find a new game.
[08:07:00] We just have to.
[08:07:01] The last opportunity.
[08:07:11] I don't know what that game's gonna be though.
[08:07:12] It's so kind of like up there.
[08:07:20] Dark and darker, maybe.
[08:08:00] We'll see, man.
[08:08:03] Whatever it is, it's gonna have to be like a deep dive
[08:08:05] Because to replace GTA is like eight hours a day right?
[08:08:09] So whatever we do.
[08:08:11] I kinda wanna play Halo.
[08:08:12] I know everybody kinda hates that game a little bit, but.
[08:08:17] Yeah, probably play that a little bit here in America.
[08:08:21] I was actually a game I liked playing
[08:08:22] with my big brother too.
[08:08:23] He still was just going to play 15 battles
[08:08:24] and just fuck off with the 8BHs and just fuck off.
[08:08:28] And then when I was playing with his little brother
[08:08:29] I was like smurfing my balls off, bruh.
[08:08:32] Smurfing my fucking balls off.
[08:08:46] Yeah, realistically, I wanted to do...
[08:08:53] Listen, okay.
[08:08:57] I gotta stop worrying about what other people are doing
[08:09:01] and what the fuck they're about.
[08:09:05] Like, and stop caring if the server's gonna have
[08:09:08] a good economy and good progression or not.
[08:09:12] I'm just gonna, you know what I mean?
[08:09:13] Like, that's not what I,
[08:09:15] no longer what I care about, okay?
[08:09:21] That being said, bro, if I find some shit, bro,
[08:09:23] I'm gonna send a nice little silent mode report.
[08:09:29] Yeah, I'm just here to hang out with friends.
[08:09:37] I won't bug anybody.
[08:09:39] Well, I won't.
[08:09:44] Last time.
[08:09:45] Last time.
[08:09:47] Got the last one.
[08:09:59] Never play poker again, please.
[08:10:01] Yeah, maybe we just don't do that.
[08:10:05] To be fair, the way that I lost,
[08:10:07] that was pretty much the worst way
[08:10:09] that you could lose.
[08:10:10] So I was like, really tilted me out of my brain.
[08:10:17] kick everybody out of my house after that shit if it happened you have seen
[08:10:22] nights over get the fuck out of here no pixels not the server to be with friends
[08:10:40] this isn't no pixel though and I don't really I haven't played on no pixel in
[08:10:46] quite some time so I don't really know how that goes we kill and we're liking
[08:10:50] it when we're playing it but we're just doing normal jobs and shit I don't
[08:10:55] know if I'm gonna be playing Daisy when it comes out or not if you're
[08:11:13] wanting a good time in RP purple RP is the best for sure I'm not looking
[08:11:18] for RP. Look at the title. Okay, look at Jessica's period. Oh, there's so many cops.
[08:12:15] I just realized that. That's, I shouldn't say. It hit this person right in the chest.
[08:12:24] Crack! What? Foxhole has a medieval game called Anvil Empires. Yeah, is that even
[08:12:53] out? It's not, right? Isn't that still like being tested or some shit? Foxhole.
[08:12:59] Foxhole people are sniping you. I know shit. Anvil sucks, does it? Dude, it
[08:13:32] doesn't look like it's that good.
[08:13:34] I thought like the magic of Foxhole was kind of lost
[08:13:36] on the book.
[08:13:37] I haven't seen too much of it either.
[08:13:46] I just saw the summit for a quick project video.
[08:13:49] My title was that and I said it one time
[08:13:53] for about 30 minutes, okay?
[08:13:56] I was just like, I'm fucking done with my game.
[08:13:57] I don't want to play there ever again.
[08:14:00] To be honest with you, like I said though,
[08:14:05] I'm pretty burned out on it.
[08:14:06] I'm here for the friendships
[08:14:08] And I kind of want to if I come across another game that grabs my interest and I'm dropping this shit really good
[08:14:14] They put I mean bro. I planned on playing this like a couple months
[08:14:18] Who put out that video much here?
[08:14:25] You guys can stop clicking me up like that. That's too quick. That's too quick
[08:14:50] I know we want to fucking I know we want clicks and shit. I need to videos guys
[08:14:59] We're making me a liar
[08:15:01] Which I kind of did to myself
[08:15:03] Like I said to be fair
[08:15:22] We're getting pretty close to being done. It's kind of like for a long time at least I'm up here
[08:15:28] Come on. I said that wish the server would die. Obviously don't mean that
[08:15:34] Just piss. Oh my god, Jared. Why do you do me like this?
[08:15:54] It's already bad enough that I put it in my title and I tell people verbally
[08:15:58] Now it's a YouTube video that people will just watch and then immediately come to the channel
[08:16:04] And then all day long now. I have to hear people being surprised
[08:16:10] You gotta let it go let it sim let it simmer for a day, man
[08:16:17] Especially what it makes me look like a dipshit, you know, I feel like I don't want to look like a dipshit on right
[08:16:21] You know my own shit my own channel
[08:16:25] Oh
[08:16:27] And then people were asking for long-form content on summit one G's channel the first one you give them is me
[08:16:40] Complaining all day. Oh
[08:16:42] Oh, it's your murder in the over there buddy
[08:16:47] The new maru no goal has to be stop making summit
[08:16:51] You know make summit look better than he actually is that's what that's got to be the fucking goal
[08:16:58] It was the tournament
[08:17:05] It wasn't the rant
[08:17:07] Okay. All right
[08:17:11] Right
[08:17:12] All right. Yeah, you're good. You're fine
[08:17:21] Fuck the now I
[08:17:23] I just quit RP like an hour a few hours ago. You want the quitting vid down?
[08:17:34] What do you think chat kind of?
[08:17:42] Well, I put in the title that I don't actually quit or something like that emotional rage quit
[08:17:59] parentheses didn't actually quit or something
[08:18:02] If anything
[08:18:03] You know I'm saying this way people don't have to come through here and be like bro. I thought you just quit like just
[08:18:12] Have it in the title. You know I mean
[08:18:18] Emotional rage quit
[08:18:20] Didn't actually quit. Okay, let's do that. We do that. I'd appreciate it
[08:18:24] It's where I can say like the least read the fuck apart
[08:18:28] No, no, it's not your be at all. I'm just I'm just fucking kind of trolling around. It's I
[08:18:34] Do think those two things were pretty funny, but yeah, as long as it's the other one was me complaining about a tournament
[08:18:39] You're all good. I
[08:18:41] Mean kind of I mean do I look better complaining that I got my ass kicked in poker. Yeah, it was just RP
[08:18:49] You know
[08:18:50] It's just RP. I know I make it hard for you to get content without me complaining because I complain all the damn time
[08:19:04] You gotta work around that
[08:19:06] That's my be mr. K was pissed you ever mr. K
[08:19:23] Kiss cuz he got bad cards just fixing your frustrations. My piss is a little bit different. I'm looking for a human
[08:19:31] To point my finger at
[08:19:35] They said I was guys
[08:19:37] Just clarifying the title and should calm him down.
[08:19:40] Jaren acts like he's new here, we all have a new...
[08:19:42] What do the kids say these things?
[08:19:45] It was all just in character. Tapper.
[08:19:48] Yeah, it was just hard being a girl.
[08:19:52] I would have tried Project Street Racing if I didn't have to drop my shit to 60 FPS, which I'm down to do.
[08:20:04] I just don't feel like it at that moment.
[08:20:06] I have to go into my video card settings, change LSU.
[08:20:18] Yeah, listen, there's probably a fucking 100 videos of me quitting RP. And to be fair,
[08:20:23] if you guys would have been following me throughout my Counter Shack community or my career before I
[08:20:26] knew you guys, before I was a shamer, I mean, you would know that nothing's changed in my life
[08:20:31] in regards to video games and that I quit Counter Shack many times. I ended up in Counter Shack
[08:20:36] many times. I was pissed at other players many times. Very least, you know, I haven't really
[08:20:43] done too much changing so I feel like the expectations should kind of be there
[08:20:50] yeah you kind of know what you expect here at this point yeah but people on
[08:21:14] YouTube you know what I mean like they think like you know they don't see all
[08:21:18] this crazy side to me you know so we gotta keep them you know oblivious man
[08:21:22] make them think of it on you know cool and shit how's your skill level
[08:21:50] compared to those racing servers well on project Street it would be easier to
[08:21:56] tell then on something like project homecoming right because project street it seems like
[08:22:01] they want to stay true to more rp style racing while project homecoming is just gta online
[08:22:07] racing right just full-fledged so I think that I cannot really hang on project homecoming
[08:22:15] because that requires insane track knowledge and break boosting all the right spots you
[08:22:22] you know, curb boosting all the right spots,
[08:22:24] taking all the proper lines,
[08:22:26] which is like a little bit different.
[08:22:30] It was, it's not like that in projects,
[08:22:35] what's it called?
[08:22:35] So I might try it.
[08:22:37] I just have to get in the discord
[08:22:39] and I have to change my FPS to 60,
[08:22:41] and I can try it.
[08:22:42] We can try it tonight.
[08:22:43] You guys wanna try a project shoot tonight?
[08:22:44] I'm completely open to it.
[08:23:09] It's dead, I tried it once.
[08:23:10] Did they have like 80 people in it today?
[08:23:12] Am I tripping?
[08:23:36] See if their primary sticks are keyboard?
[08:23:37] I mean, they're gonna be six all the way.
[08:23:40] But I don't give a shit.
[08:23:43] It's not coming to go over to a different server.
[08:23:44] Like, bro, why you guys all using controllers?
[08:23:48] I thought you'd quit RP.
[08:23:49] Shut up, Tainlo!
[08:23:51] Shut up!
[08:24:39] I can't quit what I never did.
[08:24:43] I like that answer.
[08:24:44] I like that answer.
[08:24:54] Can't quit what I never did, motherfucker.
[08:25:08] Listen, we just embrace it now, okay?
[08:25:11] I'm not an RPer.
[08:25:13] I drive cars, I rob banks, and I shoot cops, right?
[08:25:17] I do the same shit in real life, guys, I swear.
[08:25:34] What's up, bro? What's up, man?
[08:25:36] Got a fucking problem?
[08:25:37] Why'd you gun mother get out of a car?
[08:25:58] That's a fucking time.
[08:26:01] Yeah, I'm not down next to the tank gifters, by the way.
[08:26:03] Brother, brother, brother, brother, son of...
[08:26:06] Sam, I got you a PRP, man!
[08:26:08] Never played it.
[08:26:11] Never played it.
[08:26:12] Listen, I'll say this, okay?
[08:26:14] It's your...
[08:26:15] only just yep our peers if you actually want me to fucking be on the server
[08:26:25] right now if you don't fuck man so if you do if you do the only reason I'm
[08:26:31] around right now is I want to hang out my friends I'm a lonely in the streaming
[08:26:37] game he wants to you know I just got done hanging out of twitch com with all
[08:26:41] of course I want to hang in there so...
[08:26:43] Bum, ba-bum, bum, bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum.
[08:27:10] I'll tell you what guys.
[08:27:15] The next time I decide to complain about somebody OOC,
[08:27:18] we can just call a quits in our ear, right?
[08:27:22] We'll make it that serious.
[08:27:24] Okay, we'll just give myself one more try,
[08:27:30] and then I'll go play Counter Shack or something.
[08:27:33] I'll drop myself.
[08:27:36] That's part of the fact, so let's see.
[08:27:45] I could, we could just do that again, I'm saying.
[08:27:47] Yuck, C.S. Get out of here. Someone get this guy out of here. Get him out of here, man!
[08:28:05] This is... this is...
[08:28:20] Come on, brother.
[08:28:37] Gonna get an angle a little more. We'll start practicing some of these jumps we're gonna show you.
[08:28:47] John Charleston is the most boring cop to ever exist.
[08:28:50] Just like my trim character is.
[08:28:56] I promise you, Lord, I have to chill, I have to chill.
[08:29:09] My man's getting hella speed right there.
[08:29:11] Don't need my car.
[08:29:14] Just slide up against the wall.
[08:29:17] Got him, there's no way.
[08:29:18] Don't, don't.
[08:29:24] If I die here.
[08:29:32] Dying RP better than most all-time RP.
[08:29:36] you know that's that's some of my best shit you know saying and my drinking
[08:29:39] milkshake are p
[08:29:43] service gets released
[08:29:51] and it's a lot of research and i i love that i came to our people
[08:29:58] i've had incredible moments
[08:30:01] not the menace
[08:30:03] would change anything
[08:30:04] but uh...
[08:30:07] yeah also i really love about this that i i think that it makes me do
[08:30:11] dying RP and every fucking game on the map.
[08:30:13] You know, I'm a competitive town shark player
[08:30:16] and I started playing on a competitive team again
[08:30:20] after doing RP for fucking years.
[08:30:24] My teammates would like laugh at me
[08:30:26] because I would legit be in scrims, matches,
[08:30:32] doing dying RP instead of calling where they're at.
[08:30:44] I was like, oh, what did this game do?
[08:30:47] You know what I'm saying?
[08:31:00] Fuckin' C.I.A.
[08:31:03] Like I said, I'm not gonna have any issues with anybody.
[08:31:07] I really, I want maybe, you know,
[08:31:10] I'm sitting here thinking like I need to worry about the economy and the servers and shit like that.
[08:31:14] I don't want to, you know, sit here saying to myself like you don't want to play in a certain stuff.
[08:31:18] Well that may be true. It is what the fuck is and I should just stop giving a flying fuck so much
[08:31:25] About that type of stuff. It just
[08:31:31] Not our people don't go the stairs like this unless there's a jump there. Just come up this side brother
[08:31:54] I'm gonna just come up this side straight to the house, you know
[08:32:05] Not really
[08:32:09] I'm gonna try to kind of come up with some different routes for a little bit for some getaway driving
[08:32:17] because my getaway driving has been like so bad that I don't even want to drive because it's like
[08:32:23] almost like embarrassing how many like how much lack of true race trial sounds right
[08:32:28] hey maybe we go to a different canal i'm gonna be a different one
[08:32:48] yep jail um i don't think there's anything i really want to do in this canal oh wait
[08:32:53] Wait, wait, wait, that's what we want to figure out.
[08:32:57] One trick I'm forgetting is the bridge jump that reminded me.
[08:33:04] I was thinking I was going to practice this one,
[08:33:06] and I was going to practice like the canal one by Muir Park.
[08:33:10] But yo, bro, we got the bridge jump right there, too.
[08:33:20] How did we get into that bridge before?
[08:33:24] We got there a special way last time.
[08:33:26] We didn't just go down this way.
[08:33:28] Can we go from the canal? The canal, I just drowned the car and I think we go from there.
[08:33:32] I gotta go find another A vehicle.
[08:33:35] Yeah, okay, through the canals.
[08:33:37] Basically the same canals I was just in, maybe I can chain that to that one.
[08:33:40] Go to the right side, right? Yeah, okay.
[08:33:42] So do the little hop, go down into that canal.
[08:33:48] What do you think of that? You know what I'm saying?
[08:33:50] The little lip into canal.
[08:33:52] Right, ooh, there's another foo-toe.
[08:33:54] The foo-toe.
[08:33:55] Hand it to me.
[08:34:05] Okay.
[08:34:06] Thank you Lord. Oh Lord! Tyrone's character is super funny with the whole church thing.
[08:34:16] That shit is good man. I don't think it transitions well.
[08:34:31] Transitions well. Okay, let's see.
[08:34:34] There's like something like up here. Oh yeah, it goes up here.
[08:34:37] Think of this. Yeah, we really just transition well.
[08:34:41] Literally transitions right in there.
[08:34:53] I should probably figure out how to do that really good so I can drive away.
[08:34:57] Some some your good brother you can get frustrated and I catch up some would say you're human your
[08:35:09] Arby's great and I love to keep it up brother much love.
[08:35:12] Hold on Arby man I play my real-life self in this shit yeah that's kind of cool not playing my real-life self.
[08:35:25] and
[08:35:27] home
[08:35:30] so you have them to come down to here
[08:35:33] to cross over to here
[08:35:36] about right over here
[08:35:38] if you can do this fast that crashing
[08:35:44] it become a while
[08:35:46] all
[08:35:48] bro
[08:35:50] I think we do it slow and steady because we hit that
[08:35:53] wish it all
[08:35:55] Listen, this is Counter Strike Dry Runs, okay?
[08:36:00] You might know exactly what the strategy is, but you don't know exactly what will go wrong
[08:36:07] with the strategy if you don't dry run it, right?
[08:36:10] So you gotta dry run it.
[08:36:11] I gotta figure out how I will fuck this up a hundred times, you know what I mean?
[08:36:15] Until I can figure out the right way.
[08:36:16] Just give me a little bit.
[08:36:18] I'm sorry.
[08:36:26] That's what dry running is all about.
[08:36:29] How can we fuck this up and let's figure out how right now before getting in the game?
[08:36:35] So I gotta really take this at a better angle, really, more up on the side like this.
[08:36:39] Then, when I come over to this way, it's gotta be more of a straight shot and less angled.
[08:36:50] So I can actually drive away. I gotta actually be like, right.
[08:36:56] Not too bad, not too bad.
[08:37:00] What I do from here is we go straight up into this.
[08:37:04] Competitive nature and enjoyment of MMM
[08:37:07] I'm surprised you didn't get into football
[08:37:10] No love for your local doggies
[08:37:12] Maybe through a face of a life for no pixel
[08:37:18] See the old roots get created for that
[08:37:47] long and it was the weirdest thing, right? It was like a, how do I put this without
[08:37:56] sounding kind of weird about it? We're like having dinner with him like me, like
[08:38:01] AJ and saying what's up to him, right? He's cool, he's like super nice guy, we just
[08:38:05] got connected, we got some dinner, right? And like, I'm gonna use to like maybe
[08:38:09] viewers like wanting to come up, take a picture, right? Yo, can you sign this, sign that, right?
[08:38:13] That's like the normal thing. This like lady was like a reporter or something
[08:38:17] like that and left like a note for him via the fucking dinner table and was like
[08:38:24] asking him blah blah blah blah and he like brushed off like oh yeah she's
[08:38:30] just a fucking reporter man trying to get some info and shit weirdest thing
[08:38:36] the weirdest fucking thing yeah part of the story is that guy's
[08:38:51] I mean, not too bad. I mean bro, you can even take that
[08:38:58] If there's no actual cops around right like it was no bread no head units
[08:39:02] I mean or no like no areas and you could just take that straight into the
[08:39:06] Incondition right this branch. I could just get through a fucking gate man
[08:39:11] I should take that with this garage
[08:39:14] Later dudes super risky but kind of cool. Anyways more like we would probably take that exit this direction
[08:39:28] And then we need it probably to this shit.
[08:39:41] Of course I'll pop it up into the dead now.
[08:39:47] AHH! Jail!
[08:39:54] Yo, what's going on? What's going on?
[08:39:57] Oh, not much. I saw you call me.
[08:39:59] Hey, go go, or something like that. Just returning a new call. Everything good?
[08:40:03] Everything's good. All good. I butt-dialed you.
[08:40:06] You butt-dialed me?
[08:40:07] That's correct.
[08:40:08] You're the one.
[08:40:09] Alright, I'll let you go.
[08:40:11] That's what I mean. I feel the love. Everyone butt-dials everyone. My mom butt-dials me sometimes.
[08:40:15] your mom but I'll see I don't think I've ever had my mom but no
[08:40:24] no
[08:40:26] that not by people like city girlfriend maybe not the lie
[08:40:35] why would I say why do you have a girlfriend because you don't got a lie to
[08:40:42] kick it that's why it's all good listen if I get no jobs today and I
[08:40:48] I need you. I will call you, which might be a positive, huh?
[08:40:51] I think you're wearing orange right now, because I don't recognize you otherwise.
[08:40:55] All right, final way. I don't want to jump in here. I can do out here.
[08:41:37] I don't work here. The garage is just magically open for me.
[08:41:40] What do you need, man? Huh? What do you need?
[08:41:46] Nothing, man. I work here.
[08:41:47] You're locking in? Okay, sure. I thought nobody was clocked in, and I was about to work with the customer.
[08:41:52] Oof! I'll scare me.
[08:41:53] No, no, no. I didn't have someone call me, though, and say they needed a repair, so I may help them out with it.
[08:42:00] Oh, someone's hitting you up?
[08:42:02] Yeah.
[08:42:03] Like you're hitting me and fucking calling you
[08:42:05] got yourself in the yellow pages or what, Joey?
[08:42:07] No, no, I don't.
[08:42:09] But they have my, you know, I saw my number with everybody
[08:42:11] so they just hit me up.
[08:42:12] Oh, though, yo, I need a fucking repair.
[08:42:14] Okay, that's smart to be honest with you. That's smart.
[08:42:16] Shop is closed, you know, they figured they hit me up.
[08:42:18] Personal repair man.
[08:42:20] I mean, that's a good way to make money.
[08:42:22] Good way to make money.
[08:42:23] I was just trying to go out to the fun, you know what I'm saying?
[08:42:27] Oh, yeah, absolutely.
[08:42:29] What up?
[08:42:33] Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
[08:42:36] Why are we our paint sometimes you get forced into it when you do repair your fucking vehicle bro, okay?
[08:42:41] Don't worry. I'm getting the fuck out of here at first chance again
[08:42:51] Hey, what the fuck was that?
[08:42:54] What is this? It's a new thing. Oh my goodness being a thing
[08:43:03] Okay, that's kind of sweet. Oh fuck is all got my phone number now
[08:43:11] All right, dude. I didn't give you guys permission just to hand my phone number out to all the employees, guys.
[08:43:24] I caught you in street clothes.
[08:43:31] This car is actually kind of sick. It's kind of nice having a Futo that's good.
[08:43:44] These Futo's are kind of a cool car, I think.
[08:43:46] And they usually look like the worst car in the city.
[08:43:51] I need to do a trick. The cops are on me.
[08:44:33] We need to do one of those new ones that...
[08:44:35] So fucking what's this face showed me? I know it's fucking stream name, but I don't know his dude's name
[08:44:48] Summit thing
[08:44:50] Hold on
[08:44:53] Is it clown?
[08:44:56] There's always a clown. I don't want to look at you right now Chad. I don't want to fucking look at you
[08:45:10] I'm out of this bitch
[08:45:35] Can't you? Here we go.
[08:45:37] The strategy.
[08:45:38] That you just don't cheat, come on.
[08:45:45] Okay, it's like, it turns too high, it's okay.
[08:45:47] Gotta have the right car. This is not a good car, I don't think, for this.
[08:45:50] Yeah, baby!
[08:46:20] Okay, what other one do I learn?
[08:46:23] That's it.
[08:46:24] The other ones are both the other, the other canal, airport.
[08:46:33] Oh, I could do the one in the canals here, actually.
[08:46:43] Oh yeah, he taught me the one here, actually.
[08:46:46] Check this shit.
[08:46:47] See if we can practice this one, actually.
[08:46:49] Get up!
[08:47:06] Let's practice this one.
[08:47:08] If I get this one nasty, it'll be good.
[08:47:10] Construction slow jump.
[08:47:18] I forgot.
[08:47:26] Jump from highway, exit into the tunnel.
[08:47:28] I forgot.
[08:47:30] You guys, I had to just hold on to some of the ones that I thought were cool.
[08:47:34] Oh, really not good.
[08:47:42] Really not good.
[08:47:44] Really not good.
[08:47:51] We're just going to wait five minutes, I think.
[08:48:06] I think we just wait five minutes.
[08:48:08] I think we just wait five minutes.
[08:48:10] I don't think we bother an EMS to waste their time
[08:48:14] to come to a guy who's just trying stupid fucking tricks.
[08:48:17] You know what I mean?
[08:48:19] Just don't have them waste their time.
[08:48:35] Okay, listen, if you think EMS wants it,
[08:48:37] okay, if a guy shows up from EMS mad at me,
[08:48:41] then it's your fault, okay?
[08:48:43] All right?
[08:49:06] EMS love getting calls.
[08:49:09] You better be right on that shit, man.
[08:49:10] I'm just, like I said,
[08:49:12] What I'm doing right now is stupid shit, right?
[08:49:16] I just don't want someone going out of their motherfucking way,
[08:49:19] you know, to assist somebody who's not doing shit
[08:49:21] for the city of the month.
[08:49:56] That was some wicked jumping role-playing you did there,
[08:49:58] son.
[08:49:59] Just kidding.
[08:50:00] Love you, doofus.
[08:50:02] Don't destroy me.
[08:50:21] Fire truck, I never thought you'd betray me like that.
[08:50:23] You're banned.
[08:50:24] You're out of here.
[08:50:26] Get him out of here.
[08:50:29] Just watching you vid on Jaren's channel.
[08:50:33] You see what I'm saying?
[08:50:35] You see what I'm fucking saying, Jaren?
[08:50:44] Doesn't seem too true.
[08:50:49] I'm glad I love the RP content.
[08:50:51] Aw, look, man.
[08:50:55] Don't make me all sad and shit.
[08:50:56] I don't want to give up RP forever.
[08:50:58] We're just full OOC now, you know what I'm saying?
[08:51:14] Instead of me saying, what would Charles do?
[08:51:17] Charles is thinking to himself,
[08:51:19] what would Summit do?
[08:51:21] I mean, we're living by that now.
[08:51:23] Metacaming, dude, what?
[08:51:35] Listen.
[08:51:50] Realistically, Monkey Man doesn't have to worry. Maximus doesn't have to worry, right?
[08:51:59] I'm not gonna say shit about either one of them, okay? I know Monkey Man cheats.
[08:52:05] Okay, alright. Not gonna say anything.
[08:52:18] I'm joking, I'm joking, for real, I'm joking on that one. Don't take that as a serious thing.
[08:52:24] But for real, I'm going to shut the fuck up.
[08:52:26] I'm going to do my own thing, whether it's RP or not, okay?
[08:52:35] And just, I'm not going to step on toes anymore.
[08:52:39] I'm not going to worry about the server's health.
[08:52:42] I'm not going to worry about when the fuck shit comes out, when it doesn't come out.
[08:52:45] I'm not going to worry about any mechanics, we're just going to roll with everything.
[08:52:49] It is what it is.
[08:52:50] It's how I'm going to think of things now.
[08:52:54] And if I can't abide by that, then I basically owe it to myself and to you guys to really
[08:53:02] step away.
[08:53:03] Really, it's like, how many fucking times do I need to step aside and say this stupid
[08:53:07] shit to myself?
[08:53:08] If I can't do it this time, it really needs to be done.
[08:53:11] You know what I mean?
[08:53:12] Like, for realsies.
[08:53:13] And like, go play some other competitive shit until I'm like, ready to like, take
[08:53:20] out, you know, take out all that shit, not give a fuck about certain things.
[08:53:24] Present to see I maybe I mean maybe I need to step out and go do a fucking CS season. You know I mean
[08:53:31] Get some kind of out of my system
[08:53:33] You know me at his apartment cleaning mom's vows about every hour
[08:53:42] Not like that detailed Dell
[08:53:46] Sometimes my trucks can really go really deep into water to be cool to see you knock a few cops
[08:53:53] Be kind of a cool strat
[08:54:09] Like going down to like a tight part of the canal
[08:54:12] With two trucks on both sides. They let me pass but as soon as a cop tries to pass
[08:54:17] They both block them into the water and try to get them to
[08:54:21] You know I'm saying interesting that might be fun
[08:54:38] I've never done this
[08:54:40] Have I?
[08:54:42] I don't really hold either often to respawn my character
[08:54:45] This is how random old funk is just to be popping in beds without me noticing like
[08:54:51] I don't see anybody walk in I'm just like what the fuck how'd that guy get there you know this
[08:54:55] this is how doesn't empty your pockets I mean dude if it does I'm f-aiding right
[08:55:07] after I'm fucking gone hey summit I just read the Dexter to article about
[08:55:31] you quitting Grand Theft Auto role play was it fake news or what's the
[08:55:36] You're such a dumbass.
[08:55:41] Oh, you're such a doofus.
[08:55:53] Bro, a fairy gave my bed away?
[08:55:58] What the fuck, dude?
[08:56:02] What a crazy hospital this is, huh?
[08:56:04] I'm sorry.
[08:56:07] What's up, G?
[08:56:08] What's up?
[08:56:09] What's up?
[08:56:10] What's up?
[08:56:11] I just woke up in the hospital
[08:56:14] You woke up in the hospital. Yeah, it's nothing crazy. It's nothing crazy. I just faint memories of me doing flips and shit
[08:56:24] All right, we're on radio two three four point one
[08:56:32] Two three four two three four point one. Yeah two three four point one two three four
[08:56:36] Okay, I'll be there guys around the shit you want to hang out was yeah two three four around
[08:56:41] Gotcha, I'm trying just really hard to remember this first hold on. Hey, yo
[08:57:00] You need to pick up but he's that team. I'm good. I hate all of you though
[08:57:09] Especially afro, yeah, I know we were my be as far as see I owe it to my boys
[08:57:30] even as much as myself to just keep it cool dude I had a good time hanging with
[08:57:38] boys just want to keep doing that shit. I mean they're really pushing myself for it from other people.
[08:57:46] So shut the fuck up Chad man. I didn't even talk to you. Okay shut up. Don't want to hear it.
[08:58:01] Whatever you're saying matter good. Don't want to hear it. The brickest wall of a vehicle
[08:58:19] I've ever come across my head problem. Yeah, listen your head popped and then your vehicle became a brick wall
[08:58:29] And I wasn't paying attention
[08:58:41] I've never seen a vehicle not move like that before that was crazy
[08:59:04] What the fuck is that in here?
[08:59:07] Just getting a car, I guess?
[08:59:17] He walks over here on my head, Bob.
[08:59:19] Ha ha ha ha.
[08:59:23] What a timeline for him to be back on his phone.
[08:59:25] You can tell how the shit was bugged.
[08:59:27] Because the car would move, you know, even if it was like a pretty strong vehicle.
[08:59:38] I thought I'd install it. I actually did uninstall it.
[08:59:42] Listen, I'm turning the new leaf.
[08:59:45] Can I?
[08:59:46] I'm thinking about the world in a different way.
[08:59:48] And if I can't stay to that, then I'm just a walk away of my own thing, I'll resign.
[09:00:01] You have my word, I will resign.
[09:00:10] Then the title will be for Real Z's next time.
[09:00:12] Yeah, I don't think I'd ever fully quit, probably just do my normal walk away.
[09:00:17] I wouldn't be a dramatic guy.
[09:00:18] Would you love to see you and two other good finals players try and hit Diamond this
[09:00:23] season no more solo queue for ranked?
[09:00:25] Yeah, I was having fun solo queue today.
[09:00:29] Unless I don't need to win every single game that's such a low rank, not a big deal. It's all learning anyways.
[09:00:34] But once I get through with the boys, I'll be even better.
[09:00:37] That's all we can talk about in practice time, you know?
[09:00:40] I was just kind of not paying attention today to anything and just chilling out. I had RP on my mind while I was playing the Finals.
[09:00:50] I heard people with no nipples get agitated quickly. Sounds like someone we know, streamer.
[09:00:57] So, not more dramatic than going on a rant and then having Jared make a video about it.
[09:01:06] Look, what, look what.
[09:01:07] I didn't know Jared was gonna make a video about it.
[09:01:08] If I had a choice, I would have said no from the get-go and then make that video.
[09:01:12] It's just no point deleting it now.
[09:01:16] Another thing is, yeah, I don't know, I've gone off like fucking like eight hours
[09:01:20] of rant or something like that in like the last two days and I'm sorry, you've
[09:01:22] got 20 minutes to do it.
[09:01:25] Yeah, I'll say, yeah, it's just like, I'm just putting my feelings aside, you know.
[09:01:42] Rather than like, me just like, not having the feelings at all, like obviously I have
[09:01:48] this, you know what I'm saying?
[09:01:49] I have a little bit of a bitch in my mouth for so long.
[09:01:51] About to, uh...
[09:01:58] Shut up, man.
[09:01:59] Shut up, man.
[09:02:00] It's the message.
[09:02:02] Thanks for the document, I appreciate it.
[09:02:06] That's a lot of thank you.
[09:02:07] Yeah, thank you.
[09:02:08] Appreciate it, buddy.
[09:02:09] Cobratchit.
[09:02:10] CS Surfing the Screams.
[09:02:11] To be honest, I wouldn't mind either.
[09:02:12] You know CS Surfing is like broken, so right?
[09:02:13] Is that shit so broken?
[09:02:14] I think about it.
[09:02:15] I appreciate you, brother.
[09:02:16] You went and bought one of the Starfork PCs so I could play poker with you and
[09:02:17] make you lose another file.
[09:02:18] Okay, thank you.
[09:02:19] Thank you, Panda.
[09:02:20] Appreciate you, brother.
[09:02:21] Much love.
[09:02:22] I hate all of you.
[09:02:23] you and make you lose another father okay thank you thank you panda appreciate
[09:02:26] you brother much love I hate all you huh it's all because of you know it's all
[09:02:39] because of my dumbass that's all I got this I can do this I can take
[09:03:05] else I can be broke yeah it's be fair to be getting our fucking ass kicked in
[09:03:18] game fights just like I thought it would be a little like they argue on this shit
[09:03:29] and to be fair I wasn't happy the last one but I shut the fuck up man they shut
[09:03:36] the fuck up too but I just didn't know what to say either you know hey what's
[09:03:40] I'm sorry
[09:03:42] Oh
[09:03:54] You know the typical shit
[09:04:05] If you smoke it you'll have dick for brains or something like that, you know I could done some fun stuff
[09:04:21] Oh shit for brains is what it is. That's what it is.
[09:04:41] Well listen it made more sense in the joke than I said dick for brains, okay?
[09:04:49] Well sure. I knew I was ballpark. I knew it made sense for the joke. Okay?
[09:05:00] What do you want from me? Shit for brains.
[09:05:13] I just say SPS
[09:05:14] Thank you
[09:05:17] Oh yeah, I gotta figure out what we're talking about
[09:05:20] We try that cointing
[09:05:23] Oh yeah, you wanna go hunt down a meth operation?
[09:05:25] Maybe we might really get the bricks thrown
[09:05:31] Okay, is there like a high power to look...
[09:05:34] You need a high power to do it?
[09:05:41] Yeah, it's the one you just got robbed
[09:05:45] Yeah, uh, yeah, it's me
[09:05:47] Yeah, come to K-Town, I got you
[09:05:49] Wait, come to the apartments
[09:05:51] I
[09:06:00] Just got extra highs powers
[09:06:06] Yeah, I just gotta go grab my good. I could just grab this very quick. So
[09:06:19] It's not so much another trick I want to I want to learn I want to do some
[09:06:27] routing
[09:06:28] Through alleys like what ratchet was showing me in vinewood
[09:06:32] So that I want to like dry run some routes that are actually tough
[09:06:37] And then yeah, they're from there.
[09:06:41] Kinda like doing what I did before when I gave a flying fuck about escaping from the police.
[09:06:45] Now it's actually kinda hard to escape, so, and uh, you know, racing lines, um, for me are cutting it.
[09:06:54] They're back to being an actual big getaway driver, to be kinda nice.
[09:07:00] Moved out of K-Town and into the apartments.
[09:07:15] Really just gonna have these, this really doesn't even matter though, because the essentials will eventually just go to K-Town.
[09:07:22] Now I don't know how many murders this shit has on it. Who had it before me, it's that and it's that, you know what I mean?
[09:07:41] It spends 30 minutes planning the project first, then gets pulled over for running a red light before...
[09:07:47] I don't got a jail money.
[09:07:49] It's just going to be absolutely atrocious when it comes to it being dirty.
[09:08:03] It could be bad.
[09:08:05] Could be bad.
[09:08:06] Why'd you move out of K-town?
[09:08:19] Hi, you know, dude.
[09:08:21] You know, fucking RP reasons. We don't RP here.
[09:08:27] oh see reasons bro I couldn't help the metagame to Charles that we didn't like
[09:08:35] living underneath the OT's roof so he got the fuck out of there you know I'm
[09:08:41] saying but you know we're gonna fix that we're gonna fix that realize that's
[09:08:44] metagame and we're not gonna be anymore what's going on I think that
[09:08:48] needs the gun you sure did what the fuck's the password um smash smash thank
[09:08:57] you yeah I woke up I found a car and then somebody found the car I found and
[09:09:03] I got robbed yeah first time waking up in forever bro you found a car then
[09:09:10] someone else found the car that you found and then you got robbed because it was
[09:09:15] theirs now I think that's a good way coming back you got tracked down I
[09:09:20] gotta track down it was a crack head yeah you know what's fucked up it was
[09:09:23] a crack head too it was a crack head with a knife and then some normal guy
[09:09:26] a crackhead with a knife. Do you sound like squeaky voice and talk really fast?
[09:09:31] No, he was just yelling a lot though.
[09:09:34] Put a knife.
[09:09:38] I feel like it was karma.
[09:09:39] He grabbed the coin, right? He grabbed the coin, sir.
[09:09:42] I don't know, though.
[09:09:46] I'm just going to point, aim, and shoot. I have no idea what we're doing, so just tell me.
[09:09:50] We're going to go hunt down a meth operation.
[09:09:54] Oh, you can do meth now, too?
[09:09:56] Yeah, that's what we just talking about so we just did that little drug me love
[09:10:02] Okay
[09:10:04] Basically, we're like looking for them doing it. Yeah, there's a snitch who will switch out the location of
[09:10:10] Where people are cooking meth at and then we roll up on them and yeah
[09:10:16] Yeah
[09:10:18] You just have to have twenty five hundred bucks and a coin hoping Kate has one
[09:10:23] But
[09:10:25] Nice, I did my deweys today, so I was allowed to leave my apartment
[09:10:37] Okay
[09:10:42] Hey, you good, bro
[09:10:46] Yeah
[09:10:55] That's like saying I enjoy your movie and you're like yo you too
[09:10:58] I do that shit like when I open a computer and I'm getting the shit.
[09:11:12] Damn.
[09:11:14] That's crazy.
[09:11:16] So you'd be laying brick as stuff like that.
[09:11:21] I feel like I like watching those videos where they like, you know what I mean?
[09:11:24] You just slap it on top and then you know what I mean?
[09:11:27] Then you make it nice and...
[09:11:28] I'm working on a...
[09:11:29] I'm working on a historic one.
[09:11:33] Oh shit.
[09:11:34] You guys waiting for me to put it in?
[09:11:35] Yeah, we don't have a coin.
[09:11:36] There you go.
[09:11:37] You know, there's no context to things we said and people are listening.
[09:11:42] What would it put it in?
[09:11:43] Yeah, again, Charles doesn't know what I'm doing with this thing.
[09:11:45] He just said, yeah, I like it when you slap it on and put it on top.
[09:11:49] Like, what the hell are you saying?
[09:11:50] You just slap it on top of mustard or air.
[09:11:53] Yeah, and then you like, you know what I mean?
[09:11:55] You shave the little, like, edges, you know what I mean?
[09:11:57] That's just randomly started talking about laying brick.
[09:11:59] And like, wait, what?
[09:12:01] Oh, we did?
[09:12:06] And then, and then Ken gets out of the car.
[09:12:08] It's like, yo, you guys waiting for me to put it in?
[09:12:11] I'm just thinking, what the fuck is going on?
[09:12:14] Wait, is there any cooks happening or?
[09:12:19] I don't mean to be that guy, but this location.
[09:12:23] This is the last time I'm telling you
[09:12:25] to stop doing it.
[09:12:26] We're all 15 cooks left.
[09:12:27] I won't, OK.
[09:12:28] Man, we haven't got it.
[09:12:30] We haven't got to cook all day.
[09:12:32] I'm sorry.
[09:12:32] I'm sorry.
[09:12:33] No, you be.
[09:12:33] We got to do it, right?
[09:12:34] We are sorry.
[09:12:35] Man, come on.
[09:12:37] Listen, you guys don't understand if you guys
[09:12:39] How many times, like, quick counter-track, unsolved the game, went on the forums, talked about shit on some fucking guy,
[09:12:49] everything, whatever, bad behavior,
[09:12:53] Oh, pretty sure I could shoot from the truck.
[09:12:55] Hold on, back it up, hold on, hold on.
[09:12:57] There's two, there's two, four of us.
[09:12:59] All my lockers there are pretty much broken, so someone...
[09:13:02] Oh, I got the black one?
[09:13:04] Yeah.
[09:13:05] That's where I saw a clip you on a song different game man different game
[09:13:17] That was GTA 4 online
[09:13:20] So they're either cooking a mario or the old try the old tuner first because circles
[09:13:31] So what you're saying K is that people could be cooking math
[09:13:37] I just watched a YouTube video. How many of you motherfuckers?
[09:13:46] Watch these YouTube videos that fast. You think I'd have a million views
[09:13:55] But I'm a small wiener youtuber
[09:13:58] You motherfuckers ain't so watch it
[09:14:01] So bad it's fine. That's why I want I want it's okay, you know, I'll slow off take a step back
[09:14:16] Someone yeah
[09:14:24] Yo grab the hoses
[09:14:26] He said all right, and then he didn't grab the phone anymore with a red nose
[09:14:29] We are warned those guys
[09:14:37] You know all the clowns every clown every existence
[09:14:42] Just pretty much always a war with all kinds of all times
[09:14:49] Have learned some of their strategies
[09:14:55] Have an action
[09:14:58] To go for repairs I
[09:15:00] I was rolling away the dude named Ratsky yesterday and he showed me a place that they
[09:15:27] They do a repair and a cop's truck up all the time and it's different than ours.
[09:15:34] And it involves, it's like a rooftop that you jump, okay, you jump off of a, I think the
[09:15:43] top of your garage, you're gonna find it again, and then you ramp off at a certain miles
[09:15:48] per hour and you land on like a spiky rooftop that's hard to land on.
[09:15:55] He says they fall off it all the time and chances are they'll fall off and you will just have time to sit up there and repair it
[09:16:01] Show me a lady. Oh, it's off a red grass. You guys see a smoke stuff. It's probably
[09:16:12] It was like 40 42 40 40 to 42 miles per
[09:16:26] Well, I don't I don't even know I've never met that dude
[09:16:29] Ember used to attack me for him for some shit right here. It's right here. I see the smoke come on
[09:16:34] I don't see it, but yeah, I see it. I think now on top of the roof, okay
[09:16:53] You can ramp a car on this roof
[09:16:55] Should we...
[09:17:00] There's one guy up here right now.
[09:17:03] Hey, do you want to drive?
[09:17:04] All right.
[09:17:05] Hold him up.
[09:17:06] And if he doesn't, does he see you?
[09:17:07] Chris, Chris, come.
[09:17:08] I'd be in that middle building on the roof.
[09:17:18] I'm moving up there.
[09:17:22] I got a roof.
[09:17:23] I got a roof.
[09:17:24] Is there more up there?
[09:17:26] Seems like it.
[09:17:27] There's another one.
[09:17:28] Another one?
[09:17:29] Is there more in the roof?
[09:17:30] Is there more in the roof?
[09:17:31] He was looking.
[09:17:32] We're dropping.
[09:17:33] There's more.
[09:17:36] Floor down on the floor.
[09:17:37] Drop floor.
[09:17:38] Drop floor by the...
[09:17:39] Drop floor.
[09:17:40] 4 down, 4 down, 4 down.
[09:17:42] One below you guys.
[09:17:44] We're on that zero.
[09:17:47] Trippie in bed at girl.
[09:17:49] Okay, you guys get to girl.
[09:17:51] There might be wrapping around. There's two down here.
[09:17:53] There's one down up here. There's one more.
[09:17:55] Four down?
[09:18:07] There's only four of them.
[09:18:13] No mask on Charles.
[09:18:15] Put your hands up, though.
[09:18:30] Oh, it's going straight.
[09:18:32] I'm gonna zip tie you.
[09:18:34] Oh my God, I forgot to zip tie you.
[09:18:36] Oh my god I forgot my zip ties open.
[09:18:39] You got a crazy tattoo, brother.
[09:18:40] What'd you guys start to do?
[09:18:42] Oh deep nine.
[09:18:49] Who you guys rolling with?
[09:18:51] You guys a gang or you guys just friends?
[09:18:54] It's PC.
[09:18:55] His name is Valera Queen.
[09:18:57] What's PC stand for?
[09:18:59] Proper cunts.
[09:19:01] Oh shit.
[09:19:03] I didn't expect that.
[09:19:05] No one ever does.
[09:19:07] What do you think?
[09:19:09] sense when it's all a stabilizer again we're seeing it or Valeria Valera yeah
[09:19:16] what did y'all stabilize it what's up us you guys just yeah we're gonna get one
[09:19:24] up yeah bring the toes somewhere with you pinky
[09:19:32] bring them down here if you guys can yeah I'm trying to do some sort of pinky
[09:19:41] you promise
[09:19:45] get your ass up though
[09:19:50] just before you find out
[09:19:57] you got him? you want me to get him?
[09:20:00] uh, you sent him? uh, he didn't make it
[09:20:02] he's almost done, I'll bring him over
[09:20:04] oh, are you guys out of your mind?
[09:20:08] I guess if you can take him over
[09:20:10] oh, I'm not alone
[09:20:12] stop guys, stop, stop
[09:20:14] do whatever you want
[09:20:16] it's in good, it's in good
[09:20:18] the cook's not done for a while
[09:20:20] what's the plan?
[09:20:22] I don't know
[09:20:24] Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it. I got this guy
[09:20:29] Well, let's let me down the car first. Let him get out of the car. I'm gonna get on the roof. Oh
[09:20:33] Shit
[09:20:35] Yeah, let me know when to chew guys
[09:20:38] Are you gonna drive up if you shoot him now?
[09:20:45] Get out of the car
[09:20:47] I'll get out of the car, if you don't...
[09:20:50] That's where I'm from, Swars, and then I'll shoot him from up here.
[09:20:57] Sorry about all this mess.
[09:21:02] They didn't even fit into the turret.
[09:21:06] I'm gonna fit it up.
[09:21:12] I think he's dead, I think he's dead.
[09:21:14] Dead, dead, dead. More coming, more coming in, one coming in.
[09:21:17] Holy shit!
[09:21:27] Another one.
[09:21:31] There's another one guys, where we pulled in first, where we pulled in, in the hangar.
[09:21:34] Holy fuck, holy fuck.
[09:21:36] Another one in the hangar, in the hangar.
[09:21:38] I move left side by the quarter-plotters, okay?
[09:21:42] Thank you get left keep the left side for me Chris. Hey, where we pulled in remember where we went on foot
[09:21:50] They're in there. I think where they tell that you in front of the truck, right?
[09:21:53] Okay, I see you
[09:21:54] I'm on the bike
[09:21:55] Who's that running across you see that?
[09:21:59] Oh, no, I shot out of
[09:22:00] We're not that far
[09:22:01] Yo, I need bullets guys. I need bullets. Anybody got bullets?
[09:22:08] I'm running towards the house
[09:22:12] For me word? You want to fall back? Let's fall. Let's fall. Let's fall then
[09:22:16] Let's push back a little bit
[09:22:18] They're coming up our side, Chris. Chris, they're coming up
[09:22:21] I'm gonna keep an eye on it, I keep an eye on it.
[09:22:33] I keep an eye on this side covered Swarov, let me know if anyone pushes.
[09:22:36] Wait, Kate, what's your say?
[09:22:38] The guys at the RV have ammo.
[09:22:41] I gave them a skin ammo.
[09:22:48] Do you want any cops right now?
[09:22:50] Okay, on my building, the cops are all the way at the end, okay?
[09:22:53] Don't let the cops in this big warehouse.
[09:22:55] Oh, they're coming up, Chris! Chris! Let's aim this guys!
[09:22:57] Coming up, he's coming up.
[09:23:03] You see anything Swarovs? You guys should be notice Swarovs.
[09:23:12] We're gonna push left side, hey, you're gonna be alone.
[09:23:14] Hey, far right side, far right side of the copper?
[09:23:17] Ah, fuck, you're low right now, okay, right passin'.
[09:23:20] Is that guy climbing him?
[09:23:22] All right, there's one far side climbing gate.
[09:23:25] Yo, is the guy climbing up the ladder, the cop or not?
[09:23:28] No, no.
[09:23:34] Oh, you guys are killing me.
[09:23:35] He got up, he got up the ladder.
[09:23:36] He's on the roof with you.
[09:23:38] Captain, you want to push forward if we do a flat?
[09:23:46] The only AC on the left side, wait.
[09:23:47] No, no, no, we should stay back.
[09:23:49] They might have more up there.
[09:23:50] Let's just wait and pass it for now.
[09:23:51] We're okay, we've got an error.
[09:23:54] He's crazy, what's the flank?
[09:23:58] I'm coming up the ladder with you, Shroz.
[09:23:59] Oh, there's four of us up here then, okay?
[09:24:02] Just be careful, you're alone right now.
[09:24:04] I'm gonna push back and kind of peek the right side, okay?
[09:24:06] From the roof.
[09:24:07] I feel like I should go on this really tall building,
[09:24:09] because they're gonna go up there and shoot down.
[09:24:10] Yeah, please, okay.
[09:24:11] Go on down.
[09:24:12] Is it gonna be a shot?
[09:24:14] Yeah, they're likely to bite a shot.
[09:24:15] Far right, they're pushing.
[09:24:16] Yo, push back, Swar, push back.
[09:24:18] We're pushed back here, yeah?
[09:24:19] I think I'm gonna come back up there.
[09:24:33] Is that the guy on the far right side?
[09:24:34] I can see his legs a little bit.
[09:24:36] Is he?
[09:24:37] Are we all right here?
[09:24:38] They're shooting our feet. So if you see their feet, you see the girls. We're all there. There's four or five
[09:24:55] And we get down. You know, it's just a truck let them push up. They're pushing up once they get to this one on the right side
[09:25:07] We just beam them. We got Ryan really across fire. We got a much much fire
[09:25:24] Behind you
[09:25:34] Bro this
[09:26:12] Yeah, okay, you got to do work. I'm gonna heal up
[09:26:24] Yo, those two are fucked up just left I didn't see that
[09:26:50] The greatest spot to fight
[09:26:53] Yeah, we fucked those
[09:27:02] Those first cops got pretty fucking like like rolling down a cop car at a time like slamming down the thing
[09:27:19] We were like she that that's it's crazy. Oh, so I think us all getting to the roof is probably not
[09:27:25] But then like you can give up the roof like
[09:27:36] This way we're not getting shot in our feet at least we came back each other up these spots didn't really work out because we were getting our
[09:27:47] Keep going front. I see you. I'm behind the red, the red tank.
[09:27:54] Go up on that one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go up on that one.
[09:27:56] I'm gonna go up here, yeah.
[09:28:04] Kay had the best idea on my eye.
[09:28:05] I mean, it could have worked, but there was only two of us, brother.
[09:28:07] It's like, even if you flank with just two of us, that's a tough one.
[09:28:11] I thought we were just sticking together was the best idea, but,
[09:28:13] I mean, I didn't know our position was that bad
[09:28:18] until like they started shooting our feet and I was like, oh, shit.
[09:28:28] See, if these cops get the hot day, they're not gonna like,
[09:28:30] and, and heat a lot, so,
[09:28:32] It's all so much better than we thought.
[09:28:34] We'll see, though.
[09:28:35] That's K. He's got a flank.
[09:28:41] He's down.
[09:28:42] He's down.
[09:28:43] The shit?
[09:28:44] Uh-huh.
[09:28:45] So I got 26.
[09:28:49] I'm going to drop him in.
[09:28:50] He's going to shoot out with the cop, so.
[09:28:51] Well, kind of.
[09:28:52] I can't stop my bleeding.
[09:28:53] Real shootout.
[09:28:57] He said, let's take back and take it slow.
[09:28:58] Well, yeah, damn right.
[09:28:59] I mean, we're not pushing this.
[09:29:00] I didn't want to do a flank with just two of us.
[09:29:02] Bro, look how many cops there is.
[09:29:04] It might come from the back, by the way.
[09:29:07] Him being on top of that building, it was the best case scenario, I think.
[09:29:10] But I saw him dying here as well.
[09:29:12] We're three on that road. There was one downstairs
[09:29:34] Pretty sure the gun's dirty, but I don't actually remember. I was know the camping the ladders. I mean it's super far down
[09:29:44] Maybe we should have spread out like further down
[09:29:48] Look at them all they just get the girl just kind of yelling on this fully fully setting up
[09:29:53] There's a four left. There's one coming up over here. I can hear.
[09:30:20] I'm at my chance like I fall. I didn't even realize I was bleeding if I was
[09:31:13] Just like every fucking gunfight
[09:31:16] Listen, it's not like I don't try to make the right decisions. Yeah, you know I try
[09:31:20] There's just always the wrong ones
[09:31:32] The problem is it doesn't matter how much they hurt them though just feel forever
[09:31:39] I saw fucking touches inventory and what it looks like
[09:31:43] He has a lot they have a lot of i-facts and show them
[09:31:45] 63 dollar fine incoming.
[09:31:54] There's a cop over here.
[09:32:02] You're a snake.
[09:32:05] Oh, back?
[09:32:06] Okay, hold on.
[09:32:07] This is...
[09:32:22] I'm...
[09:32:23] There's a cop over here.
[09:32:24] I'm gonna go up the other one, over here.
[09:32:25] I might be able to shoot a rat.
[09:32:27] That's a cop right there, isn't it?
[09:33:04] There's gotta be three left.
[09:33:06] Okay?
[09:33:07] Oh, shit.
[09:33:08] You look like you're dropped a five.
[09:33:23] That was an F.
[09:33:25] The title's not clickbait.
[09:33:38] Well, I mean the YouTube title I made.
[09:33:42] I put it I told Jared to change it not to and I think he did
[09:33:46] We can always delete the fucking thing, man
[09:33:53] As all this I thought he should be back
[09:34:06] Like so so better patients man. Thanks for the fine gift this year. Welcome guys to the squad. Hope you enjoyed it
[09:35:30] It's much so thank you. Thank you
[09:35:31] Hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you, brother. Not bad. I'm just uh, yeah
[09:35:49] a little bit perfect to shoot a gun
[09:35:51] I did like the game and then I run so well.
[09:36:03] Trust me, I hate myself for it too.
[09:36:12] So if you're doing that, feel the same way.
[09:36:19] I'm not about like just about fucking booting the game, I'm sorry.
[09:36:26] Let myself get annoyed.
[09:36:27] I don't think I killed any cops, brother.
[09:36:52] I don't think we killed anyone, but, you know, I shot at some cops.
[09:36:57] Yeah, we had some shots here, man.
[09:37:11] But then I got out of position and died.
[09:37:15] I was thinking, like, maybe I could go down the ladder,
[09:37:19] but it seems we were getting mopped on the way down the ladder.
[09:37:22] Lots of these guys about evidence and shit or what?
[09:37:36] Evidence, evidence.
[09:37:38] Okay, I'll grab this body then. Yeah, the one here?
[09:37:41] Yeah, yeah.
[09:37:42] Would they make a deal?
[09:40:19] Sometimes the cops and the the Krims will come to an agreement
[09:40:24] I'm just getting everybody out
[09:40:26] And that's what they did I guess.
[09:40:31] Download the cops, it takes them forever to get back up.
[09:40:59] Malone's dying next to no cover.
[09:41:02] What did you get?
[09:41:03] Oh my lord and mercy. Jared delete the video, please. Please. Just go delete that fucking thing.
[09:41:51] Private it, whatever. I don't care. Get it on off. I can't scare it all day.
[09:42:15] Oh lord, dude. Yeah, take that shit down. I'm not doing with this all day today. I'm gonna do it tomorrow.
[09:42:33] No way. Holy... Lord, a couple RP channels.
[09:42:47] I
[09:42:53] Thank you, thank you, man
[09:43:37] Good guys
[09:43:45] They bum rush just like four or five cops over there all the same time
[09:43:48] I know, I saw it
[09:43:53] That was good that he repositioned
[09:43:56] Then they tried to push up on us
[09:44:00] I think they got like four left. All right, so you're good to come down
[09:44:04] Joe, I saw it to the left. I tried to scream it while I was going down. There's somebody doesn't look worse taking it down though
[09:44:13] Worst why
[09:44:15] the cops by the way we worked out a deal the one thing I care about is yeah one of
[09:44:20] the things he drove by us and he shot re-installed my game again like a jackass
[09:44:24] I don't even know if the video is allowed
[09:44:30] I'm coming down now
[09:44:32] yeah I'm coming down now
[09:44:35] yeah we lost the crooked bull up so there's no point
[09:44:38] there's no point in there's no way to save the math even after Erica
[09:44:43] right
[09:44:46] Some kids me one strike six and he's wrong. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, I spoke that. I look like a jackass
[09:44:52] Like we took down a whole squad anyway, man. You know I'm saying we did pretty good
[09:44:59] As I was really good man when we all moved up on the on the
[09:45:03] On them that squad originally like the communication was really good. Yeah
[09:45:09] Yeah, I ain't gonna lie me so
[09:45:11] on that squad right?
[09:45:16] yeah
[09:45:23] what were they doing?
[09:45:24] were they just all facing the go-kart?
[09:45:26] no no, they started shooting at us
[09:45:28] and they had them
[09:45:34] working on that
[09:45:36] shit up there where I just looked stupid
[09:45:38] while I'm trying to make it work
[09:45:40] I'm trying to make it work
[09:45:42] I didn't even uh
[09:45:44] I was just gonna push myself up
[09:45:46] Yeah, it's like I'm rotating man. They want to
[09:45:56] I'm trying to get in
[09:46:03] I didn't get in just yet, but I was reading the rules and stuff
[09:46:06] on discord
[09:46:12] Probably Ashley thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the support. Yeah, I kind of try it out
[09:46:17] open my eyes and having a good time and who has the default ring on this
[09:46:24] yeah good look on those bullets I forgot I had like 20 only I was down bad
[09:46:31] hey it's good to carry an extra normal armor as fast as I'm playing yeah
[09:46:43] yeah if you need to do it quick it's a bad look to
[09:47:02] survive at the video you think really you really think it's about
[09:47:05] like six lives I'm not sure what the fuck is even
[09:47:08] spoken about so. What's up guys? Hey uh, do you try to take my friends out to coster?
[09:47:26] I don't know man. Hey! You robbed me earlier!
[09:47:31] Well there's a team that has to help them out. They got robbed me!
[09:47:35] What's up fellas? What's up?
[09:47:37] What's up? What's up?
[09:47:39] What's up?
[09:47:41] Those cops, huh?
[09:47:43] Those cops, yeah!
[09:47:45] Uh, one of your meth cookies is still gone if that makes sense.
[09:47:49] about how about we pull your buddies out of the truck back yeah yeah I can't
[09:47:56] there okay okay no funny business right so we can do you know we have to get
[09:48:08] Nancy the guy that bearded guy what's up guys myself in full on you guys can't
[09:48:19] be pulled out because I have nurse Nancy for you guys all right you guys made it here safe you're good
[09:48:29] we had uh oh hi after that oh god a blue hair guy he's a f*** died your hair
[09:48:37] yeah my friend your hair looks just like that fish is all right i was gonna shoot out oh my god
[09:48:42] no it's pretty serious i'm in my friend's just like are you margol in the background
[09:48:48] People are gonna move on to the next hop in 48 hours.
[09:48:52] Yeah, actually.
[09:48:53] People actually like it so much.
[09:48:54] Hey, I'm A.C.G.
[09:48:56] Show us some traffic.
[09:48:58] Yeah.
[09:49:02] Orto.
[09:49:03] Don't ever spike in here.
[09:49:05] Definitely not.
[09:49:06] Yeah, that shit is cuck.
[09:49:08] Bro, I heard they might redo it.
[09:49:09] I didn't even watch it yet.
[09:49:11] Yeah, if they redo it within like,
[09:49:13] while it's still coming out,
[09:49:14] that should tell you all you need to know.
[09:49:16] I don't know.
[09:49:17] People always talk shit,
[09:49:18] and then I go watch it.
[09:49:19] I'm like, oh, it wasn't that bad.
[09:49:20] They'd rather see a bunch of movies jumping with Tyler one
[09:49:27] What?
[09:49:28] I need you ahhh
[09:49:29] Why'd you say boobies jumping?
[09:49:32] Listen buddy
[09:49:35] Don't you ever get any lighter than that. All right
[09:49:39] Who here's mine?
[09:49:41] Now listen, I'm gonna wash it out pretty soon
[09:49:43] I thought I was gonna blind in here
[09:49:45] Have a good day
[09:49:46] Have a good day, I'm sorry
[09:49:48] Thought I was going back, didn't go back
[09:49:56] We're good to go boys
[09:50:06] Oh shit, they're shit boys
[09:50:07] Yeah, good to go
[09:50:10] Yeah, where are you going?
[09:50:12] Go behind.
[09:50:13] I'm just right back at the boys' clutch.
[09:50:17] I got pretty much one.
[09:50:19] If you want me to go down every single time, you'll find.
[09:50:21] Delicious.
[09:50:23] Here.
[09:50:24] Yeah, we didn't actually rob anybody.
[09:50:27] I got those guys guns.
[09:50:29] What are you doing?
[09:50:30] Yeah, I took the action guns.
[09:50:32] Bro, I got a high probability.
[09:50:33] Any guns.
[09:50:34] We're robbing the fuckers fuck.
[09:50:36] Yeah, we're robbing the fuckers.
[09:50:40] Yeah, we're going.
[09:50:41] I wonder.
[09:50:42] as well who's yours Rob no the guys but I would take on
[09:50:53] armor plates and oxygen gun I just said I'm gone that's it I took your gun and
[09:50:58] ammo yeah I can't but you know that shit about me more armor plates I got got
[09:51:03] put someone down not let me get in the cover you know I should probably a
[09:51:09] house yeah I got a privacy toolkit what is that boys no idea that's my
[09:51:15] I should show you the services.
[09:51:17] Oh, great.
[09:51:21] It's a private key, kid, man.
[09:51:23] It's private.
[09:51:25] I made some of that.
[09:51:27] Oh, wow.
[09:51:29] What the hell?
[09:51:31] Look at the shit you doing, Joe.
[09:51:33] People need to SDF you.
[09:51:35] He's got like a manscaping kit.
[09:51:37] Oh, yeah.
[09:51:39] Was it called again?
[09:51:41] It's not a pair of shoes.
[09:51:43] It's the one they call it they have.
[09:51:45] We just was in a
[09:51:49] Are you guilty of OC every single time
[09:51:53] guilty
[09:51:54] They parents call me like three times
[09:51:56] You will no longer happen. Oh, I mean, no
[09:52:04] Not in GTA. Well, it's so much random shit on me. Does anybody need a data tablet?
[09:52:13] So I have 10 zinc bars and not only a dead tablet or a zinc bars are useful, I mean
[09:52:22] What's a blueprint chip see I'm taking Vinny's title from
[09:52:27] Would you pay a league with title?
[09:52:29] But you use the blue
[09:52:31] You know the chip see which is for the Trojan, you know
[09:52:36] To
[09:52:43] If it's if it's raining tomorrow and yeah, but after this week I should be good
[09:52:52] Yeah, cuz I when you come around in the morning man, I'm gonna give you the rundown
[09:52:55] And then you miss me
[09:52:57] You guys any good drivers in the morning? I get it. Oh, no. No, we've been doing actually just fine
[09:53:01] Actually Charles did not spend the whole morning rabbit stores. We we lost
[09:53:07] Why didn't know Charles wakes up in the morning, sorry
[09:53:15] I think Charles is waking up that one day was just like a
[09:53:18] Well, usually, are you starting to wake up earlier now?
[09:53:22] How old is her what?
[09:53:24] I just saw her, Parris, I just saw her.
[09:53:26] Okay, I'm just waiting to pick her up.
[09:53:28] No, because I'm evil.
[09:53:30] I'm feeling evil right now.
[09:53:32] So you just died your hair?
[09:53:34] And your eyepatch?
[09:53:36] You should get an eyepatch.
[09:53:38] Isn't that tough to go back from dark to blonde or back and forth this year?
[09:53:42] It's gonna be hard, but I need to show the world that I'm feeling evil right now.
[09:53:48] I'm pretty sure that she was in the IRC when I messaged that I'm going to kill Nash.
[09:53:54] I thought it was Ellie, but Ellie, no, Ariya was like, no, Ellie would not do that.
[09:53:58] And I was like, okay, I guess Ariya told Ellie that I thought it was her.
[09:54:02] So Ellie crashed out on me and the IRC.
[09:54:04] Yeah.
[09:54:05] Let's crash out.
[09:54:06] And she, like, she like freaked out.
[09:54:09] And Ellie went and I guess, walked to Nash or cried to Nash because he texted
[09:54:15] me be like oh you shouldn't be crashing out on your own family you shouldn't be
[09:54:19] going after your own family yeah so that's why I'm crashing out I thought
[09:54:24] Nash was true yes man it's looking for you by the way well he's cool but like
[09:54:29] I still haven't looked at your dragon message me a few days ago about a job
[09:54:37] you wanted me to do yeah I've been looking for I haven't low key looking
[09:54:42] for Draco, the kidnap of Zess.
[09:54:44] Apparently he was around there with Draco.
[09:54:46] Or just that guy in the general.
[09:54:48] Yeah, fuck that.
[09:54:50] Not a rough, like, task him with that,
[09:54:52] because as soon as they tell him not to take him hostage,
[09:54:54] he probably will stop.
[09:54:56] He's like, are you sure you don't want to let me go?
[09:54:58] You want to go kill, you want to actually
[09:55:00] kill Zess with that? Yeah, I tell him.
[09:55:02] Yeah, listen, come on.
[09:55:04] That's not the way he's looking for us.
[09:55:06] That's why he doesn't make himself.
[09:55:08] No, what's up, what's up?
[09:55:10] I did a thing for you earlier, and you weren't around
[09:55:18] It was super awkward
[09:55:20] Yeah, you kidnapped him first then figured out if I was around
[09:55:25] Well, I don't usually pull a lot of thought into the things I do Charles. That's true. Listen. What's not again like separate
[09:55:34] Yeah, just kind of what you got them, huh? Yeah, I got them. Hey, good job
[09:55:40] That's not utilizing your kidnapping skills in the future.
[09:55:45] Okay, yeah you will. And guess what else?
[09:55:49] I watched a lot of cops die.
[09:55:52] Yeah, where?
[09:55:54] There was a funeral for a cop. I went to the cop where they were having the funeral
[09:56:01] and then there was like 30 dead cops and they got blown up.
[09:56:06] blow them up. Blow them up with what? Explosives or something. I'm not actually arguing on that.
[09:56:13] Also, do you by any chance have an oxy? I don't have an oxy. I'm the last person that has that
[09:56:23] shit out of the mask. Yeah, some guy was like, you want to cook a bath? And I was like, wow,
[09:56:29] Oh, that's really cool. I want to do that.
[09:56:31] I need to get 20 oxs.
[09:56:33] Oh, yeah.
[09:56:35] You're getting him back in the car.
[09:56:37] Yeah.
[09:56:39] That's good, that's good. We'll keep learning that shit.
[09:56:41] Yeah, we got that shit kind of down over here, but I don't know how to do it.
[09:56:43] Wait, you guys cooking math?
[09:56:45] Yeah, fuck yeah, we do, brother.
[09:56:47] Oh, you're so cool.
[09:56:49] Thanks, man. You too.
[09:56:51] Thank you, I appreciate that.
[09:56:53] Well, listen, we're canceling.
[09:56:55] You feel like canceling that motherfucking stupid job with Draco?
[09:56:57] stress it I will come up with a new job for you. Yeah you will. I heard Robbie told me
[09:57:04] one time that you like really suck at racing so if you need me to like you know
[09:57:08] drive my car across the racetrack and walk all the other racers if you want to help me with your way.
[09:57:12] Maybe we can set something up like that that's not a bad idea. Also um maybe if you see any
[09:57:17] uh red crew around you give me a call and I'm sorry I was gonna look for a red crew.
[09:57:21] Red crew? Okay. I'm like a personal hit man. Yeah maybe maybe you are. Well I just you know
[09:57:27] I got one for ya. I got a couple of my phone contacts.
[09:57:29] You're the last person that people would expect, yeah?
[09:57:32] Yeah, that's... wait, what?
[09:57:34] I'm the first person to find out.
[09:57:35] You know how many people are there to make me kill cops?
[09:57:37] Well, listen.
[09:57:39] Yeah, I'm just gonna...
[09:57:39] Yeah, I spent 21 days on fucking...
[09:57:41] I will make sure that when you go in,
[09:57:44] you're thinking about being blacked out when you do kidnap somebody.
[09:57:48] They won't even think about asking you the questions about, you know,
[09:57:50] that sure yes, they won't put it together.
[09:57:53] Yeah, they will.
[09:57:54] Yeah, you're right, they will.
[09:57:55] Yeah, we are gonna try
[09:57:57] Yeah, we are gonna try
[09:57:59] Alright brother, we'll talk soon
[09:58:01] Yeah, we will
[09:58:03] Y'all shall we play a game of chess before I go to sleep?
[09:58:05] Uh, sure
[09:58:07] Let's go to K-Town
[09:58:09] Oh my god
[09:58:11] We got one there?
[09:58:13] I mean, what is K-Town?
[09:58:15] I'm supposed to be awake for six hours
[09:58:17] What's K-Town?
[09:58:19] K-Town, it's just some fucking
[09:58:21] He's so stupid, please
[09:58:23] Fuck don't get to class
[09:58:30] Cost me 15k to get furniture in there. I was supposed to be furnished already
[09:58:36] You're calling Kate on a scam
[09:58:40] We're calling it a scam
[09:58:45] I didn't even get my parking space yet
[09:58:53] Who takes the gas station on, son?
[09:58:56] Yep.
[09:58:57] Yo, y'all, you are the one in the car when I'm playing.
[09:58:59] Paris, this position looks terrible.
[09:59:03] So I want to play cable. He's scared of shit.
[09:59:06] I'm gonna beat it.
[09:59:07] Wait, no, my trousers in the car.
[09:59:09] What?
[09:59:10] I beat my ass. I'm gonna defeat it in my mind.
[09:59:13] Yeah, yeah, I gotta face Richard on you.
[09:59:15] The ones with the trousers count.
[09:59:16] Yeah, those are one more songs.
[09:59:17] Yo, you should have seen me and Zoe.
[09:59:19] We're Blunder and after Blunder.
[09:59:20] I gave up my queen and then like fucking five or six turns later he gave up
[09:59:28] this yeah I want my redemption
[09:59:34] he was probably gonna win but it was time this time
[09:59:38] fuck me come off that I'm out of news oh my god is this this k-town
[09:59:44] I
[09:59:49] Yeah get checkers for the idiots those are for that's fun too I fucking check this yeah
[09:59:55] Went to a place that I don't say but it's a restaurant and they had checkers there
[10:00:01] I got one I got one over me does one place them now they were
[10:00:07] I
[10:00:16] Get the scenic sunset view in the back. I swear to God, I don't give a fine
[10:00:24] Let me know I don't fucking care. I know I simple shit like this. Just so fine. Here we go. He's gonna start kicking people
[10:00:39] So I don't want you guys complaining about it
[10:00:44] I
[10:00:47] See you can actually see it movie
[10:01:04] You think we were to stare at an empty chess board crystal whole time or what?
[10:01:11] So how does this work?
[10:01:15] Well, if you watch Terry Potter, you would clearly know Knight to King 5 shit like that. I'm not I'm not that old
[10:01:22] Basically, there's one piece that they got a capture and then they went it's the king. I watched Queen's Gambit
[10:01:57] We can go spend that bitch
[10:02:03] Oh my god flying V versus the flying V
[10:02:07] You know there's an actual sport that some dude started that uh you play chess you stop you start boxing each other
[10:02:15] And then you go back to chess
[10:02:19] I have seen that
[10:02:25] You back on the showroom I can't even access the showroom storage anymore. I would do that
[10:02:37] What'd you say to that?
[10:02:54] Uh, I can't even access showroom storage anymore. Can you see if you can just add me back manually?
[10:02:59] What'd you say to that?
[10:03:02] Uh, 2608s.
[10:03:04] Hi, Liam.
[10:03:05] I'm going.
[10:03:08] I mean, Sarverus, let me along.
[10:03:10] You too, man.
[10:03:11] I can't trace.
[10:03:27] We're opened up.
[10:03:32] Who are you rooting for?
[10:03:46] I'm like, a lot. I'm watching something right now and I'm like, I'm very surprised.
[10:03:50] You're watching something?
[10:03:52] Yep. Never mind. There it is. I was waiting for it.
[10:03:55] No, I'm actually surprised at it, Bob.
[10:03:59] Shit!
[10:04:00] I was surprised I might have taken direct, or whatever that is called.
[10:04:07] Are you surprised at Zola's weapon, and you can't say that?
[10:04:11] I have his other roll lined up.
[10:04:13] I don't think anyone's necessary to wait right now.
[10:04:25] This Rook's dead, boys.
[10:04:28] Unless he puts a thing in front of it, he can pawn that out, actually.
[10:04:30] He can pawn in front of it.
[10:04:31] This Rook's not that alive.
[10:04:32] If he pawns, you're probably the best choice, right?
[10:04:33] Boom, and then I'm dead to his nine if I try to take it or something.
[10:04:38] I'm thinking some queen takes me after that though.
[10:05:15] People like professionally commentate chess, by the way, or no?
[10:05:29] Yes, they do.
[10:05:30] They also play music, which I will do right now.
[10:05:33] I'm scared.
[10:05:37] Somebody's pointing at me.
[10:05:54] I'll take that palm in front of me.
[10:05:56] That's just Bobby, yeah?
[10:05:58] That's just Bobby Poynter.
[10:06:05] Alright guys, I'm going to play music for you while you focus.
[10:06:08] I can't be scared of you, your queen.
[10:06:15] My clean's about to break the back line.
[10:06:27] You gotta move the night of the bishop.
[10:06:31] Who that was?
[10:06:43] I think somebody hacked into our radio.
[10:06:45] Yeah, on the house the wake is on.
[10:06:47] Yeah, I was like, what the fuck is going on?
[10:06:49] Okay, actually, yeah.
[10:06:51] There's just two awake and we're going by the bus.
[10:06:53] Okay, I'll give you one.
[10:06:55] I'll just go back to sleep now.
[10:06:57] Check?
[10:06:58] It's a taking the night?
[10:06:59] That's fine, that's fine.
[10:07:01] Bitch.
[10:07:02] Oh, fuck.
[10:07:03] Ooh, ooh.
[10:07:07] And you get that K-Town, sick K-Town, what the fuck, you're a K-Town.
[10:07:12] They're playing in chat.
[10:07:15] Why?
[10:07:16] Thank you, thank you.
[10:07:19] That does not fucking come in.
[10:07:21] Sure, it's a long time no see.
[10:07:26] Everybody, you okay?
[10:07:31] Yeah, you been okay, though?
[10:07:33] I'm evil, man.
[10:07:35] Okay, man.
[10:07:35] Who else here, bud?
[10:07:37] Yeah, I grew a bit.
[10:07:38] Aw, shit.
[10:07:45] Wait, who's playing?
[10:07:46] Is that Chawa?
[10:07:46] He's also a B-Jessek.
[10:07:48] Yeah.
[10:07:49] Ahhhh.
[10:07:55] Say your turn, huh? I'll come up with chest though. Yeah, I'm just here to put chess
[10:08:04] I don't blame you
[10:08:06] Don't let stressful. Well, that's it for life. I don't want to I'd be scared to be your chest. I'll be honest
[10:08:15] I wouldn't hate you I
[10:08:17] Don't know. It's how I don't know really I'd die. I'd love that shot go back to you. Okay, you're on it
[10:08:27] back shots have been confirmed what's that's fucking hideous but I love it
[10:08:32] is your strat to make a pyramid with your pieces
[10:08:40] are you guys being a chessboard or what yeah
[10:08:44] yeah okay cuz from everyone's I don't know if it was like
[10:08:48] you know in the head chef the board actually moves man like the pieces and
[10:08:53] everything yeah I don't see that
[10:08:55] You gotta be here, Anthony.
[10:08:59] I spent a Zolo not a playchass.
[10:09:03] I don't know what to do.
[10:09:05] It's very small.
[10:09:07] Let's go.
[10:09:09] 100% off.
[10:09:20] I just moved that in to get taken for free.
[10:09:50] I'm just making sure. I'm just looking around man.
[10:09:52] I missed stuff. I missed stuff.
[10:09:54] Just looking around.
[10:09:58] Just looking around.
[10:09:59] I did not mean to do that.
[10:10:29] What's that?
[10:10:30] It's okay.
[10:10:31] And why are you up here?
[10:10:32] We're gonna see some houses hustling looking at cars. We should get some shit out of yeah
[10:10:41] You know the best way to get oxy now is to houses oh
[10:10:49] Yeah, I got like a 10 stack for them
[10:10:51] I got a explosive blueprint by the way, you know the package believe a fortress
[10:10:57] Yeah, I grabbed one of them cut it up and I found a blueprint for an explosive
[10:11:01] If you see them to kind of worth it is
[10:11:05] Yeah
[10:11:07] Just do a comment on the chance of the sequinizer I gave her, which you feel like you'll get it from that too.
[10:11:30] I think that more defensively right now. I'm trying to also break his line, which I have an opening to do now.
[10:11:35] This shit is intense.
[10:11:37] I still know what he's going to do. He's going to move this queen maybe to give me, maybe he checks my queen, right? Or checks my king?
[10:11:50] Move him up? I mean it's not really what you're accomplishing much there, maybe he can take my pawn and kind of start breaking my backline.
[10:11:57] Honestly, I'd have to bring my queen back to defend it's my move. Oh, it's oh, bro. I thought it was your move the whole time. I'll be
[10:12:19] Where'd you move?
[10:12:22] Can I say that now?
[10:12:28] No, you didn't you moved your king back or some shit, I don't know if you did we want everyone
[10:12:33] I mean did you see that that one piece moved? Oh, we should get to like that piece
[10:13:00] nice they're actively moving i think you had to be here when you placed there something
[10:13:07] yeah rip on all right but i can't trade that well then i lose my bishop and it breaks me
[10:13:27] i don't think that's worth it i don't know you'll fuck i'm checking check mate we're not i mean
[10:14:23] sorry i didn't mean it anybody else feels like eating chocolate um you're making me hungry
[10:14:35] No, I think I might just be you. I think I might just be you, Chris.
[10:14:42] Okay, we'll see if you guys want to play.
[10:14:55] We'll see if you guys want to play.
[10:14:57] We're watching one video and it's like I got this.
[10:15:07] There's no way. It's gonna end of the drill.
[10:15:43] Well, no, I think you just...
[10:15:48] Chris, which one is the king?
[10:15:53] I think the one in the back.
[10:15:55] That's game.
[10:15:56] Yeah.
[10:15:57] That's game.
[10:15:58] That's game right there.
[10:15:59] That's checkmate.
[10:16:00] Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[10:16:01] That's checkmate.
[10:16:02] Yeah, that's checkmate this game, you know
[10:16:08] We're just got smoked just three sixteen. No, don't you
[10:16:22] I had his night stuck up my my my clothes just on that that's why I can't move none of that shit
[10:16:27] It's supposed to get his king stuck.
[10:16:29] If he would have moved that night, he would have lost his ruck and his fucking night.
[10:16:36] If you were getting anywhere else, you'd have to have been fine.
[10:16:39] He just moved it like the worst part.
[10:16:41] If he moved his night, it's free for you.
[10:16:43] Because if you go down, you can just take your peace.
[10:16:45] He wasn't 100% for 100%.
[10:16:48] All I'm saying is I fucked you up in checkers.
[10:16:52] Jump real quick, fellas.
[10:16:54] What'd you say?
[10:16:56] questions for you fellas
[10:16:58] what's yours fire shoes are great yeah what's going on man
[10:17:01] I have the
[10:17:04] time to speak with about who stole my truck over here
[10:17:07] oh yeah probably all of us gang bangers yeah we stole it
[10:17:11] yeah which truck right?
[10:17:13] yeah we stole it
[10:17:16] that was a good match you didn't go too long you guys played pretty quick
[10:17:20] I hate um
[10:17:25] Hey fucking
[10:17:27] Like you mean worse chest and they go for so obviously like the only that has to you gotta watch those matches where they have the timer
[10:17:33] You know so where they're forced to play fast enough cuz yeah
[10:17:37] It's crazy. I watched a video of like I think it was like a magnificent guy that came super late and still fucking one
[10:17:42] Oh, yeah, I've seen that I've seen that video. I
[10:17:46] Used to play this shit with my pops like once actually once we saw Harry Potter my dad
[10:17:50] I bought a chessboard
[10:17:55] I don't see everything on the board
[10:17:57] I don't know, I'm not sure
[10:17:58] I'm not sure, I'm not sure
[10:17:59] I don't know, I'm not sure
[10:18:00] Who just hit that?
[10:18:01] Who won for us?
[10:18:03] I was actually the one
[10:18:05] Yeah, he got a...
[10:18:07] Damn, Zoey, looking too good for you in the chess world
[10:18:10] Yeah, it definitely ain't, yeah
[10:18:12] You good, Zoey?
[10:18:18] Well, those better crash out, man
[10:18:20] I'm losing the chess
[10:18:21] Yeah, right
[10:18:22] I said, yeah, it definitely ain't, yep
[10:18:24] Fucking chess, man
[10:18:32] Pool's a real man's game
[10:18:34] Oh, really? That's for nerds?
[10:18:35] Wait, so look over here.
[10:18:37] What the hell is that pool table over here?
[10:18:39] Yeah, I just want to know.
[10:18:40] Not for that plug in Nintendo?
[10:18:41] I'll beat your ass in the duck game.
[10:18:45] You're dinged with it.
[10:18:50] No, let's host the fucking pool tournament.
[10:18:53] I know, there's somebody who's playing.
[10:18:54] Yeah, can you actually play?
[10:18:55] Like, you can actually play.
[10:18:56] Play?
[10:18:57] Yeah, pool is kind of hard, you know, stuff.
[10:18:59] Wait, where did this one just come from?
[10:19:00] How do you...
[10:19:02] Play?
[10:19:04] How'd you guys talk you?
[10:19:06] Um...
[10:19:06] I think it's just...
[10:19:07] I just found a...
[10:19:08] Oh yeah, they're on the rack right there.
[10:19:10] Are you playing yourself too?
[10:19:11] I ain't this shit!
[10:19:13] Mr. Forda!
[10:19:15] Bobby!
[10:19:17] How'd I play?
[10:19:18] You have to knock the balls in the hole.
[10:19:27] What's up, Tyron? How could I help you, sir?
[10:19:30] Hold on, my phone's fucked up.
[10:19:31] Okay.
[10:19:33] Yeah, you hear me?
[10:19:52] Balls all fucked up from switching CM cars.
[10:19:57] I'll call you back in a minute.
[10:19:57] All right.
[10:20:01] What'd you say?
[10:20:03] You want me to set up your parking spot?
[10:20:06] Sure.
[10:20:08] What do you want it right next to your shit?
[10:20:10] Just that first spot I guess
[10:20:12] I could probably do the first spot or I might even be able to do it like
[10:20:16] On the outside of the wall
[10:20:18] Oh I'm off again
[10:20:24] Okay
[10:20:26] Nice man
[10:20:28] I'm so new around here
[10:20:34] Is there anyone? Is there no one? Do you know anyone?
[10:20:36] I'm glad I was just fucking
[10:20:38] Right there, I was just so bored
[10:20:40] Yeah I'm not sure
[10:20:42] I know we just got to shoot at that
[10:20:44] Okay, shut up
[10:20:54] I shot at a couple gups there
[10:21:01] I didn't say I shot them I shot at them motherfucker. That's a you ain't got any like that right you
[10:21:09] Like a bunch of rats trying to fight our way out you mean I shot
[10:21:12] I've heard you in a man's house.
[10:21:14] I've heard things about you.
[10:21:18] I heard legends of the guy who could...
[10:21:20] the man behind the wheel who could do it all.
[10:21:23] Yeah, right. You're a liar.
[10:21:25] I've always been a shit shooter in the city.
[10:21:27] You're tripping.
[10:21:28] I've been a bad combat driver, a bad shooter.
[10:21:30] I'm the first time in every fight.
[10:21:34] Well, fuck me for trying to figure you out, bro.
[10:21:36] I'm gonna help you out, bro. I'm getting some confidence.
[10:21:38] That's not factual.
[10:21:40] I was there for a whole bit, I know.
[10:21:43] Most of the history, you know, you could argue is the same, you know, there's gonna be little lies in, you know, there's gonna be little lies, let's put it, you know, it'd be boring.
[10:21:50] And I guess...
[10:21:55] Can you put it up here? No, I guess the locals are gonna like...
[10:21:57] You need to set both things up.
[10:21:59] Access in a vehicle.
[10:22:09] Yeah, whatever.
[10:22:10] Nailed it.
[10:22:11] We got it.
[10:22:17] Alright, I'll get high to your shop.
[10:22:19] Great mechanic, I know all about car parts.
[10:22:21] I don't see a bed in any of these places.
[10:22:25] Yeah, as I say, it's always locked every time I go in there.
[10:22:28] Hire me up.
[10:22:30] Did you guys just see the room I'm doing for Busted and Conan?
[10:22:35] It's like a big restaurant, it's interior design that I've been working on.
[10:22:39] What the fuck?
[10:22:40] There's one I see, it's over here.
[10:22:42] Of course I want to go into Busted's house, piss in the corner.
[10:22:45] Oh, let's go, let's do this shit.
[10:22:47] I'm taking a shit on this pillow.
[10:22:49] you see I'm not done yet I'm not done yet guys it's a work-in-progress a
[10:23:00] work-in-progress it's gonna be a restaurant and it's gonna be their
[10:23:03] house oh shit
[10:23:08] that looks cute so far how do i go to the bathroom how do i go to the bathroom
[10:23:14] chat how do i pee right here i'm gonna take a
[10:23:35] shit i'm gonna take a shit i'm gonna take a
[10:23:38] shit
[10:23:48] Watch out watch me
[10:23:51] I'm really going for it. Okay, you don't know. Okay. Okay, oh, oh, look at me dancing over your shit
[10:23:57] Oh, this is weird
[10:23:59] This is where they're gonna eat. This is really nice place
[10:24:10] Fucking
[10:24:19] we out
[10:24:21] oh my god
[10:24:26] thank you
[10:24:28] love
[10:24:30] yeah it's not
[10:24:32] gory
[10:24:34] sick man
[10:24:36] you got a good outfit going bro
[10:24:38] i like your shirt
[10:24:40] yeah it's actually sick i really like it
[10:24:42] well with the helmet on you know what i mean
[10:24:44] it's actually good
[10:24:46] i'm gonna take your mask off
[10:24:48] what's up john with me
[10:24:50] So, like Curtis and Sab put together?
[10:24:56] It doesn't come on.
[10:24:57] What do you mean, man?
[10:24:59] What's up?
[10:25:00] I hear Curtis.
[10:25:01] I heard you.
[10:25:02] I hear the Curtis.
[10:25:04] You don't hear the sound like Curtis at all.
[10:25:06] What do you guys mean?
[10:25:09] You know, you notice he has a.
[10:25:11] He's like, what?
[10:25:13] I don't even know what I'm saying.
[10:25:16] Since I've met you, since you've been hanging out
[10:25:17] You have that like, you know
[10:25:20] Like the thing that he does now. Yeah, what kind of like what do you mean like at the words or what?
[10:25:32] You rubbed it off on wrong me and then he rubbed it off on Zora's
[10:25:38] Yeah
[10:25:40] was fucked up you know I'm saying I love mouth fucks with my
[10:25:43] same car oh good oh good this is so scraggling I'm curious I'm curious you
[10:25:48] ever seen a silencer yeah mr. K's ad on the floor I think I've never seen one
[10:25:53] besides from him
[10:25:56] lost that shit forever
[10:25:58] what do you think you're going to praise on it will be
[10:26:01] probably really expensive at least 20
[10:26:03] there's this shit
[10:26:05] I don't think I mean shit things that I haven't ever seen one
[10:26:35] Yeah, yeah
[10:26:39] Yes, yeah, we got a little info on it. I mean listen, you know, we could always come to a trade maybe
[10:26:49] Suppressors go for a mr. K you think I've never seen one besides the one time you had one
[10:27:00] Okay, K thinks like six to eight K like ten ish
[10:27:07] I said 20, 20, 20, like it's closer style.
[10:27:09] What's up?
[10:27:12] So you wanna,
[10:27:14] you wanna trade a little information
[10:27:16] for PD Izzl to Tyrone Biggums,
[10:27:20] maybe for the suppress Izzl?
[10:27:23] Yeah, I mean listen, you know,
[10:27:24] or if we get anything out of there
[10:27:26] that y'all need, you know what I'm saying?
[10:27:28] We're always down,
[10:27:29] we're always down to scratch your back,
[10:27:31] you know what I'm saying?
[10:27:32] Yeah, well come through the K-Town, bring it.
[10:27:34] All right, so we'll be there in a second.
[10:27:35] I was gonna come through he's got a sibling suss maybe you'll all negotiate. I'm saying that was any good
[10:27:42] Yeah, got a so much someone just went through your door by the way and the shit in there
[10:27:51] Yeah, get the fuck out of my house man
[10:28:04] Might not be shit
[10:28:08] You should take the next slide, shit!
[10:28:10] Why you have to take such a large shit, man?
[10:28:13] Huh?
[10:28:14] You should have had a fucking step in that.
[10:28:15] I've been holidaying here for months.
[10:28:17] Yeah, yeah.
[10:28:18] Get the fuck out.
[10:28:19] Everyone get the fuck out.
[10:28:20] I'm fucking stuck.
[10:28:21] I don't lock my door one time.
[10:28:22] I don't lock my door one time.
[10:28:27] I've been holidaying here for months of a week.
[10:28:29] A couple of weeks, but you don't fuck in them.
[10:28:32] You've been here for a few years.
[10:28:34] I've been here for a few years.
[10:28:35] What the fuck do you mean?
[10:28:36] Fuck it.
[10:28:37] Biscuits?
[10:28:38] Wait, Chris, you're talking about like the Dale and Doss stuff for her?
[10:28:41] Oh, this is the one, yeah.
[10:28:44] Join us, everybody join us, everybody join us.
[10:28:48] Yeah, that was good.
[10:28:49] That was good, I can't let that slide.
[10:28:50] Everyone join us.
[10:28:51] The code is 82W.
[10:28:52] Join what?
[10:28:53] Hey, Bobby, you already got a code going, bro?
[10:28:57] What the hell are you talking about?
[10:28:58] What's going on?
[10:28:59] What's going on right now?
[10:29:00] It's not about something called Dale and Doss, and it's like a...
[10:29:03] So what kind of information does he want?
[10:29:05] It's like a game.
[10:29:07] PDMF.
[10:29:09] Hey, you got all, um, we tried to hit today.
[10:29:13] We were only hoping two garages to rent out at time.
[10:29:16] Yeah.
[10:29:17] Got one for you last time.
[10:29:18] The power went out, Troy.
[10:29:19] What did we do again to get the third one open?
[10:29:21] Because, um, what, what did...
[10:29:23] We had to get the security line all the way up.
[10:29:25] How do you have that?
[10:29:27] Um, by like, hitting something on the computer over and over again.
[10:29:30] I can't remember.
[10:29:31] Um...
[10:29:32] We, um...
[10:29:33] Like, authorizing it over and over.
[10:29:35] Yeah.
[10:29:36] Oh, no shit.
[10:29:38] that's the same
[10:29:40] Yeah, we got a couple cryptos. I've gotten a full glove box of gold coins
[10:29:45] Yeah
[10:29:47] I mean we put them in the but we uh, we split them up one by one
[10:29:51] Yeah, and then we use one to go roll on a meth lab that
[10:29:56] Yeah, the legendary coins
[10:29:59] Yeah, that's a bunch of random shit my pockets. Yeah, but I need data tablets
[10:30:04] main thing we need is actually to do some meth cookies
[10:30:06] And then we can hit some of the big veterans. I'm gonna have to go back and do in the car windows, okay?
[10:30:13] That's how much
[10:30:16] Yeah, I got in the digs here
[10:30:21] Shit out I got 20 right there
[10:30:28] Actually matter fight I got 15 right there. I need five
[10:30:36] I just got you 20 oxy.
[10:30:38] Really?
[10:30:40] Yeah, you're welcome.
[10:30:42] I just got it.
[10:30:44] We got secret blueprints.
[10:30:46] Yeah, yeah.
[10:30:48] You turn those secret blueprints into cases.
[10:30:50] And then in those cases, you can get...
[10:30:52] There you go.
[10:30:54] Oh, thanks.
[10:30:56] Yeah, you need like three to make one case,
[10:30:58] and then you can get like blueprints
[10:31:00] and explosive blueprints.
[10:31:02] You can get it in there,
[10:31:04] I never get that lucky man.
[10:31:06] Yeah, in all the cases I do the dailies every day
[10:31:10] and I've got like the SNS pistol blueprint like 8x, 9x.
[10:31:14] You're trolling, are you trolling?
[10:31:16] I don't do the dailies.
[10:31:18] Why?
[10:31:20] You think I got time to go cut down three trees man?
[10:31:24] That's like 10 minutes.
[10:31:26] 10 minutes for potential one hour of greatness.
[10:31:30] That's true.
[10:31:32] I mean have you got a lot of you say you never got lucky with those a kid you never got one
[10:31:37] I'm never lucky in life his general so
[10:31:41] Oh
[10:31:46] Seconds later also
[10:31:48] Do something with you man because he got explosive out of a safe from the in the back of a store
[10:31:53] Oh, that poji so poji woji
[10:31:55] Yeah, what the fuck?
[10:31:57] The hell's it be?
[10:31:59] He's starting to hit. He's starting to hit late night, man. I think he's...
[10:32:02] Let's see why my uh...
[10:32:04] Magnificent other questions me now.
[10:32:07] No, no, no, fuck off. You don't significant other questions you could you say, bro?
[10:32:11] You are a grown-ass man saying this shit you say.
[10:32:13] Okay, I was gonna pass. I don't fucking have a fucking beard down to me fucking...
[10:32:17] It's my knees, buddy.
[10:32:19] Oh my God.
[10:32:20] Yeah, yeah.
[10:32:22] Oh shit.
[10:32:23] Oh shit!
[10:32:24] Oh
[10:32:40] Now I saw that as a kid he was teleporting wasn't it yeah, he was teleported all over the place
[10:32:46] That's his ninja moves, right? You don't you don't expect
[10:32:49] as a fucking ninjutsu using it.
[10:32:51] No, no, no.
[10:32:53] I didn't even make that from an old ass man.
[10:32:55] You know, like, he washed these vans just in.
[10:32:57] He's staying by a road tomorrow, bro.
[10:32:59] That's why I came here, man.
[10:33:01] I'm moving back a snake, man.
[10:33:03] I need it for my collection.
[10:33:05] Hold on.
[10:33:07] I'm taking photos of everybody.
[10:33:09] I'm taking photos of everybody,
[10:33:11] which for you is too hard.
[10:33:13] What do you mean?
[10:33:15] I just, why won't you put it with a mask?
[10:33:19] to see you without your mask I just forget you. Yeah I kind of think yeah I was gonna say
[10:33:23] I'm not old though I'm in my late 20s guys it's just a stress you know because it makes
[10:33:28] me look really intelligent. I didn't realize it's it's it's natural. I don't wanna talk about
[10:33:32] you know stress you know. We don't stand in circles around our opinion I need to go
[10:33:36] and you just for that people just turn into a Q-tip. Yeah I'm here I'm stressed of course
[10:33:42] what do you mean? I'm not old enough to stand in the boat if you got sure of
[10:33:46] all the stress man it adds up you know I'm saying that's what that's what
[10:33:50] happened again that's how you shit about my hair I told them just because of my
[10:33:54] stress man no like my hair you know yeah I'm always had gray hair man
[10:34:05] I'm not
[10:34:17] You don't know
[10:34:22] Yeah
[10:34:35] City to City Charles you think so bad yeah you waiting for the callback you know saying to go back to the
[10:34:39] So yeah, you just sit in the city back to the force over there
[10:34:42] City to city I get both the
[10:34:43] information both cities that you're the real life departed
[10:34:48] The hell is that it's a good movie
[10:34:58] I mean I gotta stop bringing back to the camp for you Mark Womber
[10:35:02] I
[10:35:04] Time here. You know there's a caprio. I think about the Wolf of Wall Street, man
[10:35:08] That's what I that's the first movie that comes on my when I hear him
[10:35:11] but didn't Charles get told it in game that
[10:35:14] Swarges me a cop. No, I haven't seen the other one. Oh, oh
[10:35:24] And the key don't do man was born on it wait say do some second
[10:35:28] No, I didn't know I really like I got told that here. I don't even play. I
[10:35:36] don't know what the rest of that just like a movie or show. I've been getting
[10:35:40] in like a lot of movies. I get into like actors like I'm watching a lot of
[10:35:46] Denzel's movies again. Which is one of my favorite actors.
[10:35:49] I've been in movie movies today.
[10:35:53] I think about this one, this movie is called, hold on, we'll get back to you in a second.
[10:35:58] Chad, what's that Dan Zell movie where he's really young, and he's like, it's like a virtual reality.
[10:36:07] That's my name.
[10:36:08] I don't have a can of O and 3D.
[10:36:10] Where did K go?
[10:36:12] Not Man of Fire, it's like a, not really a day, it's like an old life.
[10:36:15] I think he's not through that.
[10:36:17] He stabbed you and left it.
[10:36:21] Help me up, bro, help me up.
[10:36:22] The Houdini and now for my financial wash
[10:36:31] Yeah, y'all have y'all seen money highs
[10:36:37] So
[10:36:48] Sometimes you don't got how to watch like three-hour movie, you know
[10:36:54] It's like the same bad guy, right one. Oh, no, no, no, like you know, just like an episode a night if you got
[10:36:59] Did you get a bandage yet like for me? I need to find you the first aid kit. Okay, okay
[10:37:05] You know the green one I'm my car. I used to work a blockbuster. I'm a big movie guy. I got you. Okay. You ever seen the movie
[10:37:12] Virtuosity
[10:37:14] Yeah, well actually no, but I seen it. It's got Denzel there, right? I was gonna watch that Nick Denzel
[10:37:19] I
[10:37:22] Russell Crowe
[10:37:25] Yeah, that's like before they got like it's like 80s 90s, I think
[10:37:34] Literally just watched a preview first I was like looking at you guys
[10:37:38] Rated I'd watch that a movie from this generation
[10:37:43] Yeah, oh, they suck though. This why is this rated so terribly it's rated
[10:37:48] Do you guys ever look at the ratings to be like, oh, no, I probably shouldn't watch it cuz raise so bad
[10:37:53] It says 32%
[10:38:00] Like this movie
[10:38:06] Even great on I feel like like I'm not sure what are they great on exactly like audience score is mostly gonna be like fun
[10:38:12] Factor in my opinion that when it comes to the critic score, it's the fucking completely
[10:38:16] over the overthink the fucking movie you know so you kind of put them together I
[10:38:20] think for percentage if you said Star Wars was good so I don't trust them yeah
[10:38:25] exactly the audience form the acolyte wasn't that like pretty good oh my
[10:38:29] job fucking that's enough of a watch star when I grew up so skill neighbor
[10:38:35] were the big ones they were like big critic I feel like well if you look at
[10:38:39] old movies if you look at old movies now is it like newer generations giving
[10:38:44] the old movies a rating because I don't trust them because old movies are way
[10:38:48] better than a lot of these some of them are like Shawshank Redemption like yeah
[10:38:55] I really like that one see you don't even know who Kone is though you pissed me
[10:38:59] off now what is going on young I guess we call him Bob Arion yeah yeah just
[10:39:05] destroyed that I was like okay that was my mother's okay Schwarzenegger baby
[10:39:11] when he was huge I can miss the universe yo you've seen his son the one
[10:39:22] with the media
[10:39:26] I'm doing this immediately but we know I have seen her she's a she's a waitlifter
[10:39:32] to write unless she does like shopping so I'm sure she was yeah I remember
[10:39:38] scene I think I gotta go back holy fuck that's like Brock Lesnar with a wig
[10:39:45] he's uh yeah he went in the weightlifting after his dad to he's a big
[10:39:50] boy holy fuck your biceps are like fucking the definition of good what was it
[10:39:57] was it taking home that like redstone yes I'm gonna remember I forget
[10:40:03] There's three of them, isn't there?
[10:40:05] I don't think it looks like the original.
[10:40:07] Jeremy, yeah.
[10:40:08] Well, no, no, I was just talking about three. There's three originals. There's a couple of them.
[10:40:12] Very interesting.
[10:40:17] I only know the ones Arnold did.
[10:40:19] Yeah, they're all good.
[10:40:21] I'm falling behind. I gotta watch some of this stuff, man.
[10:40:26] There's how many movies that Arnold has actually done.
[10:40:29] Oh, yeah.
[10:40:30] He was huge. I never really looked back.
[10:40:33] The job, uh, that's how I should get very
[10:40:46] The original predator as well didn't he slowly yeah, he was yeah, yeah that movie yeah, that's crazy
[10:40:55] His wife where she's like cheating on him and she's like Damien Lee Curtis
[10:40:58] And you didn't even know he would have left.
[10:41:00] He did Fernando, like that's all the terminators.
[10:41:02] Total recall, total recall.
[10:41:04] True lies.
[10:41:06] And the running man, that was my favorite.
[10:41:08] Dude, I used to watch all these when I was younger.
[10:41:10] That and Jackie Chan, Jackie Chan was my shit.
[10:41:12] He did a recent one, I think,
[10:41:14] I forgot what it was, I think it was aftermath.
[10:41:16] Well, some shit like that.
[10:41:18] I mean, I didn't know that shit, pretty good.
[10:41:20] Sounds familiar.
[10:41:22] He talks about how he can speak English so bad.
[10:41:26] I didn't know about, we talked about Arnold?
[10:41:29] Yeah, yeah.
[10:41:30] Like, sorry, last section here?
[10:41:34] Oh yeah, I remember that one too.
[10:41:36] He's like, I can picture him wearing a red shirt, jeans, and kicking for the cover of the video for the movie.
[10:41:41] Alright, number 7.
[10:41:45] Tell me your age without telling me your age from this conversation.
[10:41:49] Right, yeah, but you guys are like boomers compared to, you know.
[10:41:52] Technically I'm like on the borderline of boomers.
[10:41:55] Give me a movie that is like top tier for you.
[10:41:59] My childhood movie was Brother Bad.
[10:42:02] Give me a top tier like that.
[10:42:06] Sacred film and you won't laugh at Brother Bad.
[10:42:08] Oh my god.
[10:42:10] Have you seen what's that?
[10:42:12] Matrix.
[10:42:13] Yeah, I've seen the Matrix.
[10:42:15] I'm so confused on that last one.
[10:42:17] That movie is still age well.
[10:42:19] It's still like, you can watch it.
[10:42:21] The original's there.
[10:42:22] The last one kind of fucked me up though.
[10:42:24] I'm not used to like Disney films.
[10:42:27] Take the blue pill.
[10:42:30] I said grew up on Disney. I haven't seen the four of them. Is it worth a watch?
[10:42:35] It's alright.
[10:42:38] I don't know where they're gone with the story. I think that's it, but it was pretty good. All right, I guess.
[10:42:48] Wait, the mask?
[10:42:50] That was a shit carry. Not the keys, the keys.
[10:42:54] We know the other way.
[10:42:56] I'm trying to think of like I feel like I'd like
[10:42:59] Even carrying on all my two people. Yeah, yeah, right, you know, you know who would be a perfect cast for that
[10:43:04] I bring this up all the time
[10:43:06] Like if they would redo it
[10:43:08] Oh
[10:43:09] My boy from spider-man that he literally is the character. Yeah
[10:43:18] I can't rate him on his acting. I'm just reading what this looks right now
[10:43:21] I'm what no, that's a really good actor. He does a lot of method acting on watch loads of
[10:43:27] She's usually do I'm Holland
[10:43:33] I'm still I'm still waiting on a movie that like is like top here for me. I said even like
[10:43:43] Shit like that like I don't know. I never really watched movies
[10:43:46] I mean even that I'm just I'm thinking like what was the oh
[10:43:50] Oh, it doesn't matter just like any time in your in your life, really
[10:43:55] Planet of the eight sub-refo with that. You have a which one the original with trial hissed in
[10:44:01] I went on a binge on the original one thing alive. I didn't realize there's like five original movies
[10:44:06] We gotta give you a list of movies a watch
[10:44:11] Hot shows are movies in a while
[10:44:15] Let me shit that's not a thing
[10:44:17] those fucking like
[10:44:22] fucking rain
[10:44:24] i love them
[10:44:26] i have a rain
[10:44:28] i see fours gun
[10:44:30] i used to be most like
[10:44:32] i used to love fours gun
[10:44:34] i was like
[10:44:36] i cried during that movie
[10:44:38] i went to the
[10:44:40] i grew up in new york
[10:44:44] oh marley and me
[10:44:46] oh marley and me
[10:44:48] Don't break it up, please.
[10:44:50] It's because I got kids, man.
[10:44:51] Isn't it?
[10:44:52] It's Marley and I, right?
[10:44:53] Or is it Mar- Oh, it's Marley and me.
[10:44:55] Are you vocabulary checking me with the fuck?
[10:44:57] No, no, no.
[10:44:58] I just forget the movie was Marley and I
[10:44:59] or Marley and me, you know?
[10:45:01] I think it's Marley and me, you asshole.
[10:45:03] Is you vocabulary checking me?
[10:45:04] That's crazy.
[10:45:06] He's weird.
[10:45:06] Like, Tom Hanks, man.
[10:45:07] He, uh, he's a great actor.
[10:45:09] He just never was up all the way there.
[10:45:11] But, I mean, I love some of the movies you'll have.
[10:45:13] Mm-hmm.
[10:45:14] I
[10:45:16] Really deserve the
[10:45:20] You fuck with like funny ones or like mostly like the serious
[10:45:29] Shit you ever seen battle sardine like no, yeah, let's show you need to watch
[10:45:34] That's a good watch. That's a mind. What's it?
[10:45:37] Great great. Yeah, actually, I would be watching it still hits. You can you can watch that name
[10:45:42] you ever do that you ever like not watch a show or think about it for like
[10:45:46] fucking three four years you're like all right time to rewatch it from the
[10:45:48] shows from you don't like I was like I like fuck she likes sons of anarchy
[10:45:52] and stuff like that I haven't watched sons of anarchy like seven times why
[10:45:56] used to be obsessed with that shit I don't know you got to watch this man I'm
[10:46:01] telling you 100% well because it's like it's like the premises home
[10:46:08] plan against noob you're no evil scenery I take over they all jump off talking
[10:46:13] about the blind guy the death guy and they're all looking for like fucking
[10:46:17] fighting in a bar they're selling them a swing and shit so it's like life on
[10:46:21] this big old Battlestar ship and like you know what which way it's not about
[10:46:25] going like the bad start like to give if you if you fuck with that Gomer then
[10:46:31] RIP Bruce Willis you have seen that fifth element. Oh, yeah
[10:46:41] Maybe look at bangers the whole new way, you know I'm saying
[10:46:44] Yeah, you know, it's funny when you start watching a lot of these older movies that were like big back then and then you see all these actors
[10:46:49] You didn't realize we're in there
[10:46:52] Characters like fucking I think it was Chris rock in there right now that Chris rock Chris Tucker in that
[10:46:57] She was funny for being dead. Hey
[10:46:59] No that new age opera song from fifth element main I live on a million times
[10:47:10] What the hell
[10:47:17] Man
[10:47:21] My child is like ruin profits guys like
[10:47:24] You know when he's saying doofus, he means it too because there's emphasis on the doofus.
[10:47:37] For no damn reason.
[10:47:39] I feel like I'm in Yoda.
[10:47:41] I'm like, you're doofus.
[10:47:42] I'm like, all right, chill.
[10:47:43] I'm out.
[10:47:44] And for no apparent reason, I think doofus would be a good clone name.
[10:47:49] Doofus?
[10:47:50] Nah, you're a doofus.
[10:47:52] You're a doofus.
[10:47:53] You're a doofus of the clown.
[10:47:54] You're a doofus.
[10:47:55] You guys, uh, okay, listen, uh...
[10:47:57] You guys want to get in the store or something real quick?
[10:48:00] What you guys doing, man?
[10:48:01] You're all staying awake or?
[10:48:02] I don't know if I'm fucking with you, you doofus.
[10:48:04] Oh, god, no, no, doofus.
[10:48:07] I'm stealing that, by the way, chow.
[10:48:08] I'm stealing the doofus.
[10:48:10] I'm bringing it to England.
[10:48:11] I said I'm stealing it.
[10:48:12] That was like an old-in-exalt.
[10:48:13] That UK doofus thing, that, man.
[10:48:15] I'm bringing it to the UK.
[10:48:16] When you see everyone in the UK...
[10:48:18] Oh, you flipping doofus.
[10:48:19] You flipping doofus.
[10:48:20] I
[10:48:25] Fucking idiot
[10:48:35] When you feel like when you when you hear half of London saying are you do first there's no I fucking started that well
[10:48:40] I stole it and started it. We'll see
[10:48:44] It do this
[10:48:46] You guys have a car here and I'll let's grab this bison
[10:48:48] I don't care, I'm kind of vibing with just talking.
[10:48:52] Yeah, what's everyone doing right now?
[10:48:54] Because I got to see them all.
[10:48:56] They're tiring me out.
[10:48:58] Whatever y'all want to do, you guys want shit.
[10:49:00] Wait, did he not give you your things?
[10:49:02] Have you asked for a gun or whatever?
[10:49:04] Who?
[10:49:06] Charm?
[10:49:08] Yeah, didn't he give me a gun?
[10:49:10] No, he was coming through with a suppressor to trade us for info.
[10:49:12] Texting me instead of he was getting, what's the call?
[10:49:14] What'd he call it?
[10:49:16] And I quote someone on someone's spinning on me. Give me a minute
[10:49:21] Someone's written on me. It's crazy. It's just fun
[10:49:28] We can do store set try to get explosives
[10:49:32] No, sir, you guys that I'm down for whatever man. Yeah, baby. Yeah, I mean shit
[10:49:41] My one got used
[10:49:43] Yeah, we have an exposter we could use
[10:49:46] Or a PDM. We can do it tomorrow if you guys want it.
[10:49:48] Or whatever. We could do it tomorrow, whatever.
[10:49:51] Alright, we just keep it to the...
[10:49:54] Whatever.
[10:49:55] Me. Don't care.
[10:49:58] Me.
[10:49:59] Alright. Um...
[10:50:01] Let's grab a little bit of your extended.
[10:50:02] Let's go. Let's go. Roll around so it was going right up.
[10:50:05] Might go run some mythics, ain't gonna lie.
[10:50:08] Let's put it just like, shilling.
[10:50:09] Never lie to you.
[10:50:10] Did you say mythics?
[10:50:11] I don't.
[10:50:12] No, no.
[10:50:13] Say I'm gonna go run a mythics?
[10:50:14] Did you say you're deefless?
[10:50:15] Nothing.
[10:50:16] You're deefish.
[10:50:18] I was just sorry he's gonna over you do this is not gonna hang up. I'll hang up for a while. I'll hang up for a bit
[10:50:22] And then I'm gonna go back on this. Let's do it. Let's do it. How's your advice yet? Oh, yeah
[10:50:25] I forgot it's like a whole nother world for you. It's 5 a.m. Yeah, I didn't nothing today
[10:50:33] What did I got you?
[10:50:36] Watch like three different movies. Yeah, yeah, that's good though. Sometimes that's nice. Yeah
[10:50:42] And I got tricked to go into a diner. Oh
[10:50:44] I was like chilling and then something was begging me I don't know what I'm saying.
[10:50:54] Hi and then when I took them there they only ate half, not even half of their pancakes on
[10:50:59] there.
[10:51:00] Ah, I tried to not pay the pancakes.
[10:51:05] They had the audacity to ask for a chocolate cake, but you never had them, well I was
[10:51:08] like, you never had them pay the top of a pool.
[10:51:11] Oh, yeah, no, I mean, you know what I was always like as I thought that's not a thing
[10:51:16] It's American lunch right there. Yeah
[10:51:19] Yeah, man, I like that's not an American restaurant. They said what those chicken tenders and fucking tater tots or like
[10:51:26] Solid palm and shit like that. I'm sure you've never seen something like
[10:51:31] Prepared like that. Oh, yeah, we have some of it. So we have potato smiley. That's all that was all tater tots
[10:51:37] And it was good for me just it's like it's like a tail top in the smiling face
[10:51:45] You ever travel to the con type shit again, I've never left UK
[10:51:58] Take a cruise I can't do it
[10:52:02] You can't do it
[10:52:07] terrified bro I just can't imagine getting on one
[10:52:10] I bet this guy's like bro if I lead a zombie apocalypse it would be too long to get back home
[10:52:15] No I'm just listening here's my, listen it sounds dumb
[10:52:18] It's like I don't know it's like the fucking
[10:52:20] Gears of constant fucking blinketons but I fucking
[10:52:23] Fuck my brother listen I can, I'm in a boat and it goes down
[10:52:26] I can fucking swim right
[10:52:28] I can do some shit like that if I'm in the plane and it's going down
[10:52:31] What the fuck am I gonna, I can't fly I just have to fucking face that
[10:52:34] If you worry about this thing, it's like, little bullshit.
[10:52:38] That ain't, it's like, once you have an air,
[10:52:42] it's like, there's nothing I ever do.
[10:52:44] I get what he's saying.
[10:52:45] He wants you in the air with the fuck I'm gonna do, bro.
[10:52:47] What?
[10:52:48] Yo, true story or not, if we're crashing
[10:52:50] and I jump out of the plane, and if I throw a shoe at the water,
[10:52:54] do I break the water and I live, or does it still come free?
[10:52:58] Well, depends on your speed, right?
[10:53:00] It depends on velocity.
[10:53:01] Like, if you jump out of the plane and you were moving faster,
[10:53:03] You're still gonna move fast
[10:53:06] But you just get to the you go down deeper in the water back
[10:53:08] I don't know if I was watching like a Ripley's believer some shit or but if you hit if you hit water at like such a high velocity or whatever like
[10:53:16] It's a concrete
[10:53:17] You last second
[10:53:19] I'm saying
[10:53:21] That breaks the water like divers do it. You know in that before divers do it. They put the bubble machine on
[10:53:27] And it basically breaks the water
[10:53:29] So then you it's not as harsh, but if you're in an airplane you'd be moving that fast
[10:53:33] that you just, you'd be fucked, even if you broke the bed,
[10:53:37] if you broke the wall perfectly, you'd still be going way too fast.
[10:53:40] Yeah, well now that I think about it, if you throw the shield, I'll probably just come back.
[10:53:43] Okay, grab this power.
[10:53:45] I mean, there was a girl that fell out of a, she jumped out of a plane,
[10:53:47] and I parachuted in the mud, and she landed in a hay bale,
[10:53:50] and nothing happened to her, like she was fine.
[10:53:53] She had like, just like one broken rib or some shit.
[10:53:55] The only bad experience I've had with a plane so far is that I'm a big guy,
[10:53:59] and I try to take a shit,
[10:54:01] and it took me thirty minutes to wipe my ass because there was no room
[10:54:04] what?
[10:54:05] it was a rough time
[10:54:07] what just happened?
[10:54:11] just saying
[10:54:14] it's like what makes you like worried about planes?
[10:54:17] there's no room in a plane bro, my ass cheek is huge
[10:54:23] I don't know why, I've always had a feeling
[10:54:27] family or whatever went on a fucking holiday, I'd be like nah
[10:54:31] I think about that, I think about that too when I'm flying that's like like literally nothing you could do in the air
[10:54:37] I don't understand why is it they give you oxygen and then like a thing for water like underneath your thing or some shit or the
[10:54:44] Vest why don't they give a fucking parachute under everybody's chair in case?
[10:54:50] Because if you oh, no, that's not even not it's more expensive than no one knows how to use them
[10:54:54] Yeah, I mean I'd rather fucking risk it not knowing than fucking
[10:54:58] Sure, I mean
[10:55:01] I mean
[10:55:01] It ain't just like a fucking backpack.
[10:55:03] You think they'd like say if I was to get on a plane, right?
[10:55:07] I'd run my own parachute.
[10:55:09] I was like, yo, oh man.
[10:55:11] Let me fucking bring this on.
[10:55:13] Do you reckon they'd deny me or no?
[10:55:15] Yeah, they'll deny me.
[10:55:17] Wait, why would they deny him?
[10:55:19] That's not a little bit of parachute on a plane.
[10:55:21] Surely not.
[10:55:23] You could book an exit seat window too.
[10:55:25] So that way he goes, man, you're right next to the exit.
[10:55:27] And this will reassure all your fears.
[10:55:29] Is there metal in it and shit like that because they probably would deny him based off what like a what's in it
[10:55:35] Shoot right. Well, you need metal to hold the fucking one that things come out. I think I'll get I'll get 3d printed one made a fucking
[10:55:43] Vibranium awesome shit
[10:55:50] Fucking I'll find a way
[10:55:54] I'm gonna I might go to the con thing next year maybe
[10:55:59] I don't know I'll try to eat you on our first
[10:56:05] All you know you do you just get the Batman suit
[10:56:07] You just have it under your clothes and the shit's going on
[10:56:09] I just work your clothes off and just like the fuck out
[10:56:12] You know people have survived jumping out of a plane and like sliding on trees to like break your car
[10:56:16] I like, you know, that's I yeah from one fucking height
[10:56:21] I mean turn your internal velocity pretty quick. Yeah, I say baby
[10:56:25] You should have asked me to pull up faster than a fucking plane.
[10:56:28] Bro said terminal velocity, you're using too much people.
[10:56:30] I heard terminal velocity, my god.
[10:56:32] It's the maximum speed you can follow at.
[10:56:34] Yeah.
[10:56:34] The people are fucking black and orange.
[10:56:36] I'm watching Stargate.
[10:56:41] Dude, when you said terminal velocity,
[10:56:42] I thought you meant like the speed at which you're
[10:56:44] about to be dead.
[10:56:46] No, no, no, terminal velocity is the maximum speed
[10:56:49] that an object can follow.
[10:56:52] I didn't even know where there was a max speed to that.
[10:56:55] I think it's like 150 or some shit.
[10:56:56] What else do you mean?
[10:56:57] I
[10:57:01] Would I was gonna say wouldn't I fall faster because I wait no
[10:57:05] No, you you get you'd reach time to velocity faster. I'm the same if you jump it out of fucking
[10:57:14] What does that long does it take to hit the Florida?
[10:57:17] Can you can you can I like get a text out and everything just sliding down like falling?
[10:57:21] Oh, I know you think you're gonna be like playing back to your eyes. Yeah, I can't even see anything
[10:57:37] As well right you remember they're not falling
[10:57:40] But if you're in a plane and it's going down you already have to speed the planes going down
[10:57:45] I was there jumping a neutral and that they're starting a new tool so they can kind of hold there
[10:57:49] I mean, then I'll just insta-fucking when you jump on him.
[10:57:54] That and the professionals too.
[10:57:56] Fuck that, let's just get our own private jet.
[10:57:58] Yeah?
[10:58:01] We'll save up for it, guys.
[10:58:03] That's stupid, you know what I mean?
[10:58:06] You know how expensive it is to fly private, man?
[10:58:09] Listen, you know what, I can just skip fixing the roof this year.
[10:58:12] We're playing.
[10:58:13] Yeah, I just finished university, boys, and here you are.
[10:58:20] You're begging me.
[10:58:21] Hey, how's it going?
[10:58:25] Oh, the best conversation man. Oh, it's the local
[10:58:32] You didn't realize that when she didn't talk the first time we're
[10:58:36] Well, just took me say it's late. You know I'm answer me a second
[10:58:40] Okay, to make sure you know I see why they fired, you know
[10:58:45] What the hell my man's turning the corner like don't put your hands up
[10:58:56] I'm sorry, I apologize, say it again, say it again.
[10:58:59] He's reaching, he's reaching!
[10:59:01] Oh, okay, yeah.
[10:59:02] Bro, why'd you start whispering too now?
[10:59:04] So you're yelling.
[10:59:05] Oh, shit.
[10:59:06] I'll set you closer back here.
[10:59:11] Hey, man, ever since I lost my job, it's like, oh, I see what I fired you now.
[10:59:15] If I crash, oh, I see what I fired you.
[10:59:17] Oh, go to jail?
[10:59:18] Oh, yeah, I see what I fired you now.
[10:59:19] No, I do see what I fired you now.
[10:59:20] It's ammo, bro.
[10:59:21] It's ammo.
[10:59:22] I'll just scream on my hostage.
[10:59:26] at least you got hired yeah true brah I went through three different lifestyles
[10:59:36] I still couldn't get hired yeah they didn't even let me in the fucking DOJ
[10:59:40] oh bro I don't think you want to be part of the
[10:59:44] anything what you mean yeah maybe I did one of you I ain't gonna lie
[10:59:51] shit a lot of shit make this one you know my first life was a actual war
[10:59:58] before I pass on.
[11:00:00] You're a true shit, real quick.
[11:00:06] Hey!
[11:00:07] Any of y'all busy? Can we borrow one of you guys real quick?
[11:00:11] Uh, yeah, we are kind of busy.
[11:00:13] The people in the front, why you see?
[11:00:15] I can't see anything.
[11:00:16] Not Mr. Worldwide!
[11:00:18] That's fucking Pitbull.
[11:00:20] No, that's fucking Pitbull.
[11:00:22] Mr. Worldwide.
[11:00:23] That's fucking Pitbull.
[11:00:25] Come on, Pitbull.
[11:00:28] That is definitely fucking Pitbull.
[11:00:30] I
[11:00:34] That's pitbull, but you fucking child wise face bro. That's definitely fucking good boy. I'll tell you that
[11:00:42] Pink
[11:00:55] Jump in the back
[11:01:00] the back now it's like an hour it's gonna be quick it's gonna be quick don't worry all right
[11:01:03] we'll bring her back guys all right yeah I'm your biggest fan fan thanks so much
[11:01:10] thanks I don't know I get them a lot but when you think about it at the end of the day it gets
[11:01:15] dark you know yeah yeah that's right like it's dark over here also thank you for letting me be
[11:01:21] big school so warm hey guys I don't know what's going on yeah he's so warm like I don't I don't
[11:01:33] I don't know if I'm making the purpose, but the heat that's radiating off his body is kind of wild.
[11:01:39] Oh, okay.
[11:01:40] What am I coming back to? What is happening?
[11:01:42] You're a little slow, you're a little slow right now.
[11:01:45] Oh, whoa!
[11:01:46] Hey, I didn't know you were in there.
[11:01:48] Nice to meet you.
[11:01:49] Yeah, that's what he said.
[11:01:50] No, you're too quiet.
[11:01:52] Oh, wait, what are we waiting for?
[11:01:53] We're waiting for you.
[11:01:54] I'm waiting for your fuel first before you all start.
[11:01:56] Alright, ma'am, I need you to tell me if you like...
[11:01:59] No, we're radio channel.
[11:02:01] I was gonna play music, but then I decided not to what's your favorite chips instead
[11:02:11] Let this be a lesson you motherfuckers stop being nice the hostages tell me get the fuck in the car
[11:02:19] You guys
[11:02:34] them and all that before they run away who's making uh here i'll make it real
[11:02:39] quick everyone join swars that's me that's my name
[11:02:44] hey that's your name christ join the uh what do we do for us
[11:02:54] all right so we're and we're gonna press now all right you're gonna hit it
[11:03:15] you know i'm gonna be something dumbass more like that
[11:03:45] I'm a nightly dumbass.
[11:03:47] Oh, Pink. How are you doing?
[11:03:49] Good. Living my life.
[11:03:51] Day by day. Hour by hour.
[11:03:57] Who was that?
[11:03:59] Yes, I am.
[11:04:04] Who was my little spoon?
[11:04:06] That's how it is.
[11:04:08] Where's the thing where I'm at?
[11:04:10] I was...
[11:04:12] Yeah, I was in the trunk with you.
[11:04:14] You can actually...
[11:04:16] If you wanna get practice, you can actually watch him do that. It's just a memory.
[11:04:20] Thank you so much.
[11:04:21] Since I was in there first.
[11:04:23] You never done it before?
[11:04:24] No, I literally fell on top of your body like the middle spoon.
[11:04:27] It's like the reaction thing before.
[11:04:29] I never played it properly. I got accused of being the imposter and I never played again.
[11:04:33] Guys, I killed a bunch of cops at this game.
[11:04:36] Are you fucking serious?
[11:04:37] Well, no, I didn't actually. I shot at cops at this game.
[11:04:40] You wanna swap?
[11:04:41] I've got all your cases everywhere.
[11:04:42] Hey guys, I'm dipping.
[11:04:44] I
[11:05:01] Want to come out I want to come out
[11:05:17] Well, no, I broke the glass
[11:05:24] How are we doing today?
[11:05:26] We're doing good.
[11:05:28] What's going on, man?
[11:05:30] You know what you're saying.
[11:05:32] Can you wrap me going on?
[11:05:34] You guys are crazy.
[11:05:36] Yeah, there's a wrap going on inside.
[11:05:38] What?
[11:05:40] You're fucking still gaffing from Scooby-Doo?
[11:05:42] Scream out. Please help, Fred.
[11:05:44] Okay.
[11:05:46] This door's getting around right now.
[11:05:48] That's fine.
[11:05:50] Yeah, I'm a lost fucking driver now.
[11:05:52] driver now sorry it's monkey man monkey man oh it's flippy oh yeah we're gonna
[11:06:10] get animal mass yeah so we're just looking for a free passes no
[11:06:15] We're going to go on about like one minute.
[11:06:18] Maybe not even that, actually.
[11:06:20] Pre-passage, no bikes.
[11:06:23] No bikes, pre-passage, no bikes with a B.
[11:06:26] Yeah, my name's Jack Daniels.
[11:06:28] We won Air 1.
[11:06:29] OK, but Spikes are cool.
[11:06:32] We're not right away.
[11:06:33] I'm good.
[11:06:33] I'm good.
[11:06:34] I'm just chilling, you know?
[11:06:35] But yeah.
[11:06:36] Giving up the racing scene, I suck at it.
[11:06:38] What are you hitting, Matt?
[11:06:39] What's she doing?
[11:06:40] Hitching the trees?
[11:06:40] She's hitting the bikes here in the same place.
[11:06:42] Well, you know, promises are meant to be
[11:06:45] I
[11:06:47] Let's be real
[11:06:56] Man I'm married
[11:07:03] Okay, you skip the whole next level
[11:07:16] That man you're aiming at the door
[11:07:19] Anybody tries to run for the door they run
[11:07:21] Okay, yeah, I thought you thought the hostage was still
[11:07:25] Okay, stuff in the back. We're gonna go here
[11:07:32] Yeah
[11:07:34] It'll help
[11:07:36] You're such a dummy you already stole the share of the same to you must you must survive. Let's go back
[11:07:45] Get fucking thief
[11:07:47] I got this. We're gonna go. Yeah, that's gonna be a little long. Oh, that's no, you gotta buy get that I did
[11:08:00] Yeah, don't tell the boys we got that
[11:08:02] Yeah, what?
[11:08:03] Wait, we're yeah, yeah check it though. Oh, would you get Charles encrypted USB, bro? Oh
[11:08:11] We say, oh, yeah, you know hardest to get all three of those things you're spoiled motherfucker. Yeah
[11:08:17] Yeah, fine. I'm keeping that's the exact response. I wanted
[11:08:20] yeah all right I'm not getting the fucking yeah I got a couple tricks I'm
[11:08:25] gonna try you're gonna shoot me in my shoulder all right we're ready to come
[11:08:30] out we're gonna get your shirt yeah all right yeah yeah what's my right this
[11:08:38] one we get what is it man jump jump up to attack three you got it
[11:08:44] Yeah, we're gonna be jumping up to attack 3 for the secondary.
[11:08:51] Love you, thank you for supporting me.
[11:08:53] And maybe take an attack pause.
[11:08:55] Make sure you take an attack pause.
[11:08:57] All right, I'm going with every fire hydrant, please allow me to go.
[11:09:00] Oh yeah, I'm going with the fire hydrant, but.
[11:09:02] No fire hydrants.
[11:09:03] I got you.
[11:09:05] I don't think you fly out.
[11:09:07] You fly out, no lie.
[11:09:10] Oh fuck, I never got food because you've killed the guy.
[11:09:13] Oh
[11:09:23] They did it again
[11:09:26] Swars, how are you dressed right now, bro? Are you?
[11:09:33] No, you've been went out for all day. No, I haven't yes, you have you know, I just walk her through it like like eight hours ago. Oh
[11:09:39] Oh my
[11:09:42] I swear though actually I kid you not I have not done a store at all today Charles is my first store man my first store
[11:09:55] What's good you got him you've got you're all gone. I've never seen that
[11:10:06] Bro just fucking cleaned it. Wait, where did you what did you go?
[11:10:13] I don't think they see he's trying to catch up. No he turned he turned he didn't see
[11:10:30] Was that the ramp up to the parking lot? I don't know. Yeah, I've never seen that
[11:10:34] that. And you know, stupid, you
[11:10:40] know, yeah, but I mean, to be
[11:10:42] fair, I've actually I know. I
[11:10:44] know. I know. I know. I know.
[11:10:45] I don't look at it. Yeah, I'm
[11:10:46] putting a plus one on a guy
[11:10:48] named Ratchet gave me that
[11:10:50] info and that jump. But what
[11:10:53] did you wow? There's a little
[11:10:55] lift there are some grass. You
[11:10:56] can jump over. Oh, that
[11:10:58] actually like the way that it
[11:11:00] went, though, was exactly how
[11:11:01] I picked her somebody that
[11:11:02] can actually do it. Do it.
[11:11:03] was actually clean yeah well yeah but like I bet they didn't even see you do
[11:11:11] it that's how fast hello what's going on can we blend in for a quick minute
[11:11:15] okay stop boy I guess don't have a car here's a little bit in shit with you
[11:11:19] homies you guys don't worry about it sorry sorry you just got done robbing
[11:11:26] a store I don't problem boys I heard form drive is kind of hard enough to
[11:11:32] I'm sorry that there's a shootout going on so
[11:11:34] What?
[11:11:35] Shit, if you think farm drive is hard, you should see me
[11:11:38] Oh shit
[11:11:40] He's the guy to meet you guys
[11:11:42] Ah, he's good bro
[11:11:43] What's guys' names?
[11:11:44] Ah, my name's Akid
[11:11:46] Charles
[11:11:47] What's up?
[11:11:48] Juarez
[11:11:49] You know me?
[11:11:50] Boys
[11:11:51] What's up, what's up?
[11:11:52] Yeah, we're with Jengang
[11:11:53] See if you probably know some of those guys
[11:11:55] You guys got a crib right up the street
[11:11:57] Like four houses down in her heart
[11:11:59] Yeah, I got one there
[11:12:00] Yeah
[11:12:01] I was asking me, I was like, man, you're not worried about living?
[11:12:03] And I was like, OK.
[11:12:05] I guess you guys are cool, though.
[11:12:06] I didn't mean to get you're cool.
[11:12:08] That's not your problem.
[11:12:09] Bro, it's telling me we don't really come off.
[11:12:12] Unless we need to, you know what I mean?
[11:12:13] But we're telling you most of the time, so.
[11:12:14] I mean, should I use your hood, Mark?
[11:12:17] Yeah.
[11:12:17] Oh, yeah, my boy, it's official now and shit now.
[11:12:20] So.
[11:12:21] Yeah, he's got like almost a week ago.
[11:12:22] Oh, OK.
[11:12:23] He actually, I think he's got an official, yeah,
[11:12:25] like, yeah, almost a week now, yeah.
[11:12:28] He's not enough now, so.
[11:12:30] I love it. He's got a secret menu. It's just kind of cool. I feel like I'm ordering it in and out and I'm ordering like I said.
[11:12:36] Yeah, Peekum. Oh my god. In and out sounds so good right now.
[11:12:41] In and out, really? Yeah, guys. You guys fuck with In-N-Out.
[11:12:44] I still didn't get to try it. Yeah, In-N-Out is fire, man.
[11:12:47] I prefer five guys over Alborill.
[11:12:49] Oh, hey, yo. I mean, five guys is good, but...
[11:12:52] You know, like...
[11:12:53] You trying to hit something, Driggle? What's going on there?
[11:12:55] I don't know. I hope they don't know it. You know what I mean?
[11:12:58] That's why this is walk on the sidewalk is there's not enough street careful man
[11:13:03] We gotta stop them to know if we're doing it
[11:13:15] Yeah, he definitely saw though. No he he's I know he's parked on the side. He's calling it. He's calling
[11:13:28] All right, it's all right. I'm not gonna lie
[11:13:31] They're allowing this to happen. All right. Good luck boys. I appreciate you boys. Hey you guys
[11:13:38] This one, oh, maybe
[11:13:47] Hello, okay, you son of a cargo
[11:13:50] Okay, right now show me what the fuck you here cuz I need to know this that was
[11:13:56] It's like so fucking hidden yeah, there's a look like you could hit it, you know like it isn't like
[11:14:00] that corner one Charles is that the one you had yeah
[11:14:06] nice I'm gonna use that you play that you go down this one yeah you fuck it up
[11:14:13] you're gonna end up in a bad spot on this one yeah you fucking dirty bastard
[11:14:24] listen I just learned I'm just cracking that it's like it's something else so when
[11:14:30] learn something and then you like you know when you put your quick with it yeah yeah yeah
[11:14:35] I want to but you know that one where you it's like in that car park and you jump up to the highway
[11:14:39] I can never I don't really have ever landed that one once yeah like just before the air for that big
[11:14:44] car park that's like the main one that I usually do it's as long as you like hug the warehouse
[11:14:49] I was told I could circle back over here uh you straight you can take it easily
[11:14:54] I showed Ellie to you went right by him. He knows
[11:14:58] It's a good thing. I was gonna go right back to the back. Well, I don't think he's fair though. I'll still be there
[11:15:04] He's fair. I don't think he's honest. He's honest. No
[11:15:08] And he is I saw him weaning for a battle drive right past us
[11:15:12] And the lights out in the
[11:15:15] He's coming. He's coming
[11:15:18] Look, I'm
[11:15:32] Yo, sometimes
[11:15:34] Sometimes if you drive like if you lose sight turn back and then drive at like a local speed going at them. They don't even see it
[11:15:42] It's the funniest
[11:15:53] Yeah, but the count was a little slow no way my gun out of the window is Karen
[11:16:00] Right those bikes are pretty good
[11:16:02] other there they turn on a dime
[11:16:07] I don't know what?
[11:16:09] on a dime?
[11:16:10] what the fuck is that?
[11:16:12] you never heard of the same
[11:16:13] it's a 10 cent piece of the United States
[11:16:15] I don't even get a dime
[11:16:16] they'll turn it on a dime
[11:16:18] what's a dime?
[11:16:20] the coin?
[11:16:21] the coin a 10 cent
[11:16:23] actually who came up with the money?
[11:16:25] who came up with making it?
[11:16:27] like a thing
[11:16:28] because it's the smallest coin
[11:16:31] No, the pennies are smalls. No, no, no, no, no, you're right. Yeah, fucking
[11:16:39] You got Americans to use coins
[11:16:46] Yes, unless you're like, you know, that's all you got
[11:17:02] Yeah
[11:17:48] Yeah
[11:17:54] Anything go from the back. Oh, yeah, you said you got a encrypted data thing, right?
[11:18:00] There
[11:18:14] He came on the tunnel he's sitting there too watching us. Um, you guys what are you thinking?
[11:18:21] a second car go check it out can he's watching this far this is very sad
[11:18:30] actually we should go check I don't think you could cook in the tunnels but
[11:18:33] maybe I don't know maybe the tunnel different I was a D1 athlete swimmer in
[11:18:42] college I could swim over there you know real quick college or yeah British past
[11:18:49] nineteen seventy-five
[11:18:52] here can only go to college
[11:18:55] they get money
[11:18:57] all he is
[11:19:03] she flashed a dick
[11:19:05] yeah that'll work
[11:19:07] he did anything
[11:19:10] haven't we done a block
[11:19:12] over here before? there's more than one
[11:19:14] that is the block up there
[11:19:15] let's do it
[11:19:16] okay let's go check it out
[11:19:19] do you guys want to check it out or not?
[11:19:20] I'm gonna come
[11:19:21] yo you think that wouldn't be considered
[11:19:24] like underneath since there's a like an opening up there
[11:19:28] because like I don't have any armor actually there so maybe we shouldn't
[11:19:30] I don't have any armor I wasn't dependent on you aiming anyway so
[11:19:35] okay I don't have any armor either actually
[11:19:57] no that definitely took a mess in there bro
[11:20:00] inside I didn't know you could cook there because like the gas is we get
[11:20:05] like you know I'm saying yeah but if you look at the sauce I wouldn't go in
[11:20:10] from the way they went in. Yeah, they probably were. You know what I mean from down south,
[11:20:13] like on the tracks down that way? Get the train track. Yes, see, but if you look to the left,
[11:20:19] that's all open down there. You can see down and up. Oh, you can look down the
[11:20:23] front. Yes, so maybe it's not technically, can we? Oh, because it's vented. Oh, shit.
[11:20:30] All right, boys, well, we might have, yeah, that's something, um, actually, uh, Gomi,
[11:20:35] I have a gun I can you can you can you can have right now
[11:20:53] This way
[11:21:13] the docks and he pushed up all the way to see if people are like coming in you know
[11:21:19] I feel like I see lights like it is oh no that's the other side I forgot
[11:21:23] maybe you can see the actual like in between where the jester came out you know I mean the
[11:21:27] little hole yeah that's right that's right in front of us that's not too far there's a
[11:21:31] right on the other side of this is the canals where the one uh gun crate used to be
[11:21:40] just end up okay two more seconds I just and we're taking a scenic route I think he's like
[11:21:48] It's sitting on the docks remember last time as far as those guys were like that all the way up
[11:21:54] Yeah, the mayor of the dogs. Yeah, you check that too. They have that people pushed all the way up
[11:22:00] Let's go check the mayor of the box like the back of this if we spawning one
[11:22:05] I'm gonna what he was doing. It was very like that was hot, you know, he stopped to wait it to you know
[11:22:16] We surprised how many people just drive around and mostly looking at
[11:22:28] Is there like stuff to the left because you can tuck it underneath there with an RV
[11:22:43] but I don't know where you can cook that all at. I mean does anyone have a coin
[11:22:52] or not?
[11:22:54] Oh there's a red light in the bridge. Yeah I think there's someone's probably cooking out of the
[11:23:13] I wait and it's if anyone drives in
[11:23:17] You know what I mean, there's only two bridges down to the dough
[11:23:20] like in my dad
[11:23:24] They turn right
[11:23:31] No, you turn right you turn right
[11:23:34] And might be scouting probably talking when you look at makes you all sussed out
[11:23:43] You know
[11:23:47] That if people can find your
[11:23:49] What are we doing like are we?
[11:23:51] It's gonna be a problem. Like if we catch them like in an alley. I think we jump on them
[11:23:56] Yeah, quickly to don't let them
[11:23:59] Roll up on the road on the same page
[11:24:02] What's a car?
[11:24:05] Let me let me snag it as far as good
[11:24:07] Yeah, I need to give him those guys. I think we get those two trials and then check the radio awesome
[11:24:11] You know we get those see we don't know what they're doing. They could just be a couple dumbasses trash around
[11:24:16] Yeah, I'm gonna get a cookie
[11:24:18] No, we're gonna stick them up. So fuck you doing punk. Let me get out real quick. All right, let's
[11:24:28] Come back drivers step up. I'm a getaway driver
[11:24:35] It's a key you're not a driver
[11:24:41] Wait, he just got shot at by a white jester
[11:24:43] Oh
[11:24:45] You're shot up by a white gesture
[11:24:54] We're in front of the right now we're looking for why just there um, you know where I went or
[11:25:01] Yeah, what like
[11:25:03] Like not the fudge
[11:25:05] Like marketing to the right what they say
[11:25:10] That's me
[11:25:12] I
[11:25:16] Okay
[11:25:20] Yeah, right
[11:25:22] Right they left
[11:25:41] Maybe they're just like robbing people going around driving around people
[11:25:47] If I give this you that Bobby man, let's find these guys to smoke them. What were they wearing if you if you saw some mass
[11:25:57] Yeah
[11:25:59] What don't have like bright color hair I like blue or pick up something like that
[11:26:11] So I understand they shot him they like
[11:26:14] they're trying to rob them they're trying to rob them okay so I don't think they
[11:26:18] did fail if they don't have to like do and chill out there no
[11:26:22] do be the hour around here they said this is where they went it could be on
[11:26:32] the right could be certain around they may go back to look for them that's how
[11:26:35] I was thinking where they're doing latch you know I mean they were doing
[11:26:40] they were checking all around there you know so
[11:26:43] like Cyprus area floodplain popular I mean they could have been hunting to just
[11:26:49] for a spot some of that I mean they're doing it they're doing a car so they
[11:27:05] find one of their personal sales but I guess I'm the opportunity here we go
[11:27:10] I ran for us, I was about to go for a call.
[11:27:13] I saw him in the combo.
[11:27:22] We went through the hospital.
[11:27:23] Yeah, that's not a good thing.
[11:27:25] Think about food real fast, go fast.
[11:27:30] The hospital is clear, nothing in the 5 up either.
[11:27:35] Nope, that's a surge.
[11:27:38] I'm floating!
[11:27:39] Chase, chase, chase, he's eating food.
[11:27:44] Oh my god, we got a bitch on the jester right now.
[11:27:46] We're going to smoke up.
[11:27:47] There's already 5 of us.
[11:27:49] I still sending it. He's still sending it
[11:27:57] Well, fuck it. We can see it. I
[11:27:59] Mean that's getting distant. So I mean he's
[11:28:05] Man, it's not hard he's standing it still he break heavy
[11:28:10] Perfect you see him at all. Yep. No. No
[11:28:15] All right, um, they heard yo
[11:28:20] He didn't pull over and he's like
[11:28:22] We're not catching up here
[11:28:23] We're just starting to pop an opera now man
[11:28:25] I mean
[11:28:27] You can?
[11:28:27] Yeah, they know we're stuck in the road
[11:28:28] We said yo, he heard us man
[11:28:30] We're not gonna try to do it
[11:28:31] I don't know, they're gonna be trying to lose us
[11:28:32] They know we're running after them
[11:28:34] Man, they're playing
[11:28:36] Yo, stop
[11:28:37] Yo!
[11:28:38] Yo, yo, yo, yo
[11:28:39] That's fucking Bobby's
[11:28:40] That's all this fucking idiot
[11:28:42] What?
[11:28:43] He's such an idiot
[11:28:44] He's fucking this
[11:28:45] You're such a dick
[11:28:47] I gotta pass him
[11:28:48] Bro, what a job done
[11:28:49] we actually thought you were gonna get in the bike sir what the fuck why would you shoot are you
[11:28:58] i shot because i am not afraid
[11:29:12] yo vahger i was thinking like some people just drive around tested shit you would be doing that
[11:29:16] Yeah, I got four
[11:29:37] I was right side of the bridge but the fucking body's on your ass
[11:30:02] This guy again, yeah, this guy just got our description fucking
[11:30:52] still no eyes you didn't see that you know let's you know change cause of we
[11:31:09] bit the way it's like only the bike though I haven't even seen a regular
[11:31:21] cop car in a bit is that chase return that guy finds us that would it comes
[11:31:27] especially he can't do anything if I say yeah as a bike how you can't we get
[11:31:32] They can't do it. Keep eyes on it.
[11:31:34] Now you're gonna be going to somebody over this one.
[11:31:36] You're one new father to your future.
[11:31:38] Local? What was the fucking random...
[11:31:40] ...down guy?
[11:31:42] Alright. I have real quick, alright?
[11:31:45] I've come to acquire a good taste of British music, by the way.
[11:31:51] Yeah.
[11:31:52] These two old men go crazy.
[11:31:54] Wait, is he driving one of these guys?
[11:31:56] Yeah.
[11:31:57] Oh, tell me, listen, I'm a driver.
[11:32:00] I used to get driveways by eyes.
[11:32:02] I was you. You should drive for who?
[11:32:06] This guy says I was you. You should drive for Haish for what crew?
[11:32:14] Yeah. For what crew?
[11:32:18] In the other city, I've done it there many times. Yeah, but for what crew?
[11:32:24] GG? GG? GG?
[11:32:28] Why do you say GG like that?
[11:32:30] What's GG?
[11:32:31] Wait, what is it?
[11:32:32] Gula Gang.
[11:32:33] Oh, Gula Gang.
[11:32:34] Gula Gang.
[11:32:35] That's like, listen, that's like me being like 5-1 in the UFC and then you show up for
[11:32:42] some fucking random organization and like a fucking 3-4 record, you know what I'm saying?
[11:32:48] That's how it is like, huh?
[11:32:51] You calling a man?
[11:32:53] Listen any time any place any fucking anything I'm saying I'm a ranked fighter
[11:33:00] And he's still getting his shot
[11:33:04] You gotta like beat Rami shit before you get to me like
[11:33:07] The old dog that doesn't know how she brought me you know Rami dodges me Rami Rami Rami's been dodging a fucking ballerina game for fucking
[11:33:15] Three months
[11:33:17] I see now we're gonna meet up.
[11:33:19] Oh, he's like, he's like, he's like this, right?
[11:33:21] He's like, oh yeah.
[11:33:22] Oh my, it just, my computer blue screens every time I launch it.
[11:33:26] Fucking, a certain group of individuals ask me to play.
[11:33:30] Fucking Valor and launch just fucking perfectly fine.
[11:33:33] I don't know, man.
[11:33:34] Sounds like we're gonna do it.
[11:33:35] You tell me once I smoke in Halo.
[11:33:39] I've never played Halo.
[11:33:40] I still smoke your shit.
[11:33:41] I smoke that right.
[11:33:42] I would make it even better if you beat us, I guess.
[11:33:44] Just naturally gifted at that shit.
[11:33:45] I smoke.
[11:33:49] smoke him
[11:33:54] I don't know bro if you
[11:33:57] Second one, I know fuck you
[11:34:00] well
[11:34:03] Mortal Kombat type games down
[11:34:12] I was gonna fight I thought I play a fighting game to be that type of shit for sure
[11:34:15] Yeah, I tried the new Mortal Kombat shit. I mean that was fun, but like again people just get so deep into the combos
[11:34:22] I'm just like god damn it
[11:34:24] You gotta stay on training and just do those games. It comes to a point where it's literally just fucking I think like
[11:34:31] I'm not good. Yeah, Mortal Kombat's okay. I
[11:34:34] Put up like the story line to check in that one. That's her when it came to uh, I like checking
[11:34:40] I think check was cool. She finds a new one. Yeah, I
[11:34:42] I was playing the panda one that reminded me of myself I watched this guy named like
[11:34:49] What's his name?
[11:34:51] His name is like I was playing low-tier God
[11:34:56] This you get streams night every day, bro, and it's like compilations of him just getting super pissed and I just be watching
[11:35:04] Just like fucking Q and up at the right times
[11:35:06] times. You know, you ever played that HQ wrestling game way back on like Nintendo? I'm not even
[11:35:14] hitting on the guy. I feel the pain of like losing shit. That was my fighting game growing
[11:35:19] up. Oh, shit. But it is funny. There was a lot of fun. You know what game I miss,
[11:35:28] man? I miss playing the Wii, playing Wii tennis or baseball, you know what I'm saying?
[11:35:32] I'm his fucking H1Z1, buddy.
[11:35:34] Ooh, dude, he's just sitting in a fucking police station.
[11:35:37] People hate me.
[11:35:38] Yeah, but think about this.
[11:35:39] I'm here in the middle of a game where I was right there.
[11:35:40] They get the fucking stardom, and then they fucking bring out the dreaded combo out
[11:35:44] there, and it ruined my fucking chances of ever doing anything in my life.
[11:35:48] Nah, H1Z1's a shit.
[11:35:50] No, they have a lot of hackers.
[11:35:54] That's what a shit they would say.
[11:35:57] I remember when H1Z1 wouldn't even be on.
[11:36:00] What?
[11:36:01] Well, he was like a daisy survivor.
[11:36:04] I remember going to the offices to play it before it was anything.
[11:36:11] I just like to test.
[11:36:13] Yep.
[11:36:14] That's crazy.
[11:36:15] Yeah, bro, I used to play that.
[11:36:16] I'm not joking, that's consumed so many,
[11:36:19] I only have like fucking 5k hours on it.
[11:36:21] Mmm.
[11:36:22] In a short space of fucking time.
[11:36:23] It's a style, but your other side has really been mimicked.
[11:36:27] Never.
[11:36:27] You can't replicate that.
[11:36:29] What that did with like the...
[11:36:31] I was just afraid, you could replicate that, people just don't want to.
[11:36:33] Yeah. Yeah. It was nothing.
[11:36:37] But that style is still getting too tashed.
[11:36:40] I was excited for that game that lasted four days
[11:36:44] and then shut down and never heard of it again.
[11:36:46] The dreaded fucking Enes, or the shunt one.
[11:36:48] Yeah, it was cool.
[11:36:50] Day before or something?
[11:36:52] Yeah, that one, dude.
[11:36:53] I was like, oh, I like this.
[11:36:54] I heard the deads came back out of like fucking whatever
[11:36:58] and started saying like they want to like fix it again
[11:37:00] or something, I don't think.
[11:37:02] They shut it down after four days like I'm so confused back though
[11:37:06] I swear I saw a YouTube video yesterday on them with the response
[11:37:10] They refund everybody no no
[11:37:16] That company was in a different name it's like the second time they've done that
[11:37:21] They're just sitting there thinking it's a drunken night
[11:37:23] Did you love a dream?
[11:37:25] Yeah bro, I'm laughing at myself.
[11:37:27] Do we go for three just to fucking try it?
[11:37:31] Bro, the concept of that wasn't terrible though.
[11:37:34] I think we would have actually did something with it.
[11:37:37] They are 100% all dead laughing bro.
[11:37:39] Just in a villa in fucking the middle of Spain.
[11:37:42] Brinking some fucking nice whiskey again.
[11:37:45] High as fuck. You know what? Listen right back.
[11:37:47] Also once that's gonna happen.
[11:37:48] For the one time, for the one time man.
[11:37:50] Let's just run it back.
[11:37:51] Well, that's what they do, you know what I'm talking about.
[11:37:55] But what the fuck do they do?
[11:37:57] I don't know if people will buy into it as well.
[11:37:59] It sucks.
[11:38:00] People are bored, bro.
[11:38:01] What the fuck is that? Like, I get bored.
[11:38:03] Here's the missing...
[11:38:05] The thing is,
[11:38:07] the only other competition for a game like that
[11:38:09] is like a game called Deadside.
[11:38:11] That's even heard a little bit.
[11:38:13] That's a hard vibe.
[11:38:15] Like a simple, very simple survival game
[11:38:17] that's not nearly as complicated as Daisy.
[11:38:20] It's Old Wars-y style.
[11:38:22] Yeah, I've seen this. I have seen that. I have seen that, that's that.
[11:38:30] My barbecue sauce, man!
[11:38:32] You know, one thing I like surprisingly on Daisy is, um,
[11:38:35] when they, when they hit the, uh, model on trial, right, so they fucking do that shit,
[11:38:40] when base-booting came in, how like fucking, weirdly satisfying base-booting would come.
[11:38:45] I don't know what it is, but like, I feel like Daisy should have implemented that at the start,
[11:38:48] where you could just like, pour it up a fucking,
[11:38:50] you put a window up and take a house over some shit on the officials so I
[11:38:55] guess it was yeah I'm Daisy and so long bro like three years two years so
[11:39:01] they didn't get it done for you like it you know they work fast enough for you
[11:39:07] oh god give him bro I'm telling you I played it for like shit but say I mean
[11:39:11] crazy he was like Harman fucking I don't know if I'm gonna just say it I
[11:39:15] definitely go back to it I want to I bro I get that I get the itch for it
[11:39:18] So much but I just I just think of all the times where I ran on fuck on the coast
[11:39:23] Got the fucking northwest to the whole fucking loot running just out of some bullshit
[11:39:34] There was a there was a thing that I was gonna try that you start like from the first layer and you keep working your way
[11:39:40] Into the middle for some shit like that. It's like it gets harder and harder
[11:39:44] Well, it's two different apps that you have such I like that right there outside the ordinary
[11:39:48] there's one we had to like cross to the passage
[11:39:50] there's a place called the passage
[11:39:52] you gotta get all the shit like oxygen mask
[11:39:54] like gas mask
[11:39:56] like uh...
[11:39:58] what's it called?
[11:40:00] yeah, they got a bunch of new things
[11:40:02] like a bunch of filters
[11:40:04] you gotta get all the way through it
[11:40:06] you know what I'm saying? on light
[11:40:08] so you can see shit, you know what I mean?
[11:40:10] yeah
[11:40:11] you cross through the passage
[11:40:12] if you manage to get through it
[11:40:13] you have to find a key you are in there right
[11:40:15] to get to the exit and shit
[11:40:17] like get like survive and like this fucking yeah there's like bosses and shit it's kind of crazy
[11:40:22] and then the other one which i thought was cool but they don't do it anymore is uh
[11:40:25] there's like Jurassic Park bro you like oh i went to that one i met uh what's his name there
[11:40:30] fucking uh like an ento ento and uh at least um yeah daisy and uh rust um yeah i'm i
[11:40:41] was like you would you'd be like playing normal daisy until you made it to this wall
[11:40:47] is she's on the other side of that ship dinosaur she should be taking her whole
[11:40:51] crew she sounds so many years to me bro like that just sounds like hell though
[11:40:58] sounds like it just sounds like hell I got lost in the dark on that server and
[11:41:05] I'm like trying to figure where I'm and I just hear like in the back I just said
[11:41:09] I just said PTSD from fucking broken limbs eating fun that just the food
[11:41:13] I remember on daisy there was a whole period where food literally didn't fucking exist like no tin food
[11:41:19] No, nothing like that's like seven months. Oh my god. It was so bad
[11:41:24] Yeah, I remember going into the dinosaur with a team of five and in four of us
[11:41:28] Everybody died I live
[11:41:30] And instead of going around and trying to kill other people
[11:41:33] I'd like go find another route like take me in shit because I couldn't laugh against it
[11:41:37] You couldn't survive on your own, that's fuckin' funny.
[11:41:41] I feel like anytime I've ever played that solo has been like fuckin' lonely,
[11:41:44] but like when you play with a group that shit's on the spot.
[11:41:46] I do get the edge to play it every now and then, I'll be honest,
[11:41:49] but back then as well I had like a really bad brain when I was playing it,
[11:41:52] like my brain was fuckin' ass, like I'll still let you knee my fuckin' shit was there,
[11:41:55] but now I've actually got, I haven't even touched it since.
[11:41:58] What have you ever done, I don't know.
[11:41:59] Didn't, uh, didn't play around making something else out, I don't,
[11:42:03] What the fuck is that, yeah?
[11:42:05] I know we've been tweeting like shit, like, you know, pictures and stuff.
[11:42:10] Like some gigantic scale type of thing like this.
[11:42:14] Well, I hear about these big projects that come out of time,
[11:42:16] but they never fulfill it all the way through, you know?
[11:42:18] Or you have people that last four days and then call a quiz, you know?
[11:42:21] I trust him, though.
[11:42:22] He definitely, he definitely won them.
[11:42:24] That's a piece.
[11:42:26] I'm coming.
[11:42:31] You know, I had a dream of, anybody remember Black Cloud?
[11:42:34] I think that's what it was called.
[11:42:35] It was like a PlayStation 2 game.
[11:42:36] Dark or no, I don't know bro. I played I played CFU's the first time with
[11:42:49] Bro, I love it. We just like you're all PVP's fun. It was the bro
[11:42:54] I was sat there. There was these two guys on a ship
[11:42:57] I didn't know people use like open mics and shit and these guys
[11:43:01] Mike and
[11:43:02] This this guy was so to me. I kept going on his boat and like chopping him
[11:43:06] He's like who's this guy just fuck off already
[11:43:09] I
[11:43:14] Was ready to repair his boat I'd climb back in his boat and fucking sink his anchor again
[11:43:18] And just start chopping him running. Oh, it was the funniest. I ever did in my life
[11:43:22] Fucking when I played that I was doing the RP shit. Would it just really go going around?
[11:43:35] Yeah, that motherfucker be rolling around like
[11:43:39] I
[11:43:49] Where they called the Navy back then or they recall or the
[11:43:53] Josh
[11:43:55] I know there it was British
[11:44:00] In the in the pirate era, I just forgot like in the pirate era. Yeah pirate error
[11:44:06] Yeah, listen, I've recently was watching a lot of black sails. It's good to fire
[11:44:12] What would you call it? I called a pirate error? I say no
[11:44:19] Still the bridge Navy
[11:44:23] Always been the same thing. I didn't know if Navy was the term used back then yeah
[11:44:31] The British Navy you guys are she water world. Yeah, that's all
[11:44:35] No.
[11:44:36] Well, he better go.
[11:44:37] I mean, none of the kids' motherfuckers.
[11:44:38] Bro, I feel like your guys' names are on the side.
[11:44:40] Maybe I'm the side of the fence, man.
[11:44:42] Can none of you guys watch good fucking movies?
[11:44:43] Even when you're not, like, always not watching movies, man.
[11:44:46] I just don't have any plans.
[11:44:48] Waterworld's good if you're, you know,
[11:44:51] if you're looking to have a good time.
[11:44:53] Yeah, but that, I mean, that movie got shredded, like,
[11:44:56] or if you want to put it.
[11:44:57] That's why you're gonna fuck with my credit.
[11:44:58] Nah, I don't give a shit.
[11:44:59] I'm not saying it.
[11:45:00] But that was the biggest loss in, like, movie days,
[11:45:03] because that whole set song.
[11:45:04] Mm-hmm
[11:45:05] They built the whole set on water and I get this up so they hit we got fucked up
[11:45:11] Yeah, it's still a good show at Universal Studios
[11:45:15] But I did lie I did lie
[11:45:22] I brought from a movie task, I brought a fucking run a dungeon watch
[11:45:29] How's your one drive please
[11:45:39] You guys remember watching the Truman Show? Have you all watched that at all?
[11:45:42] I love Truman Show, love it.
[11:45:44] Great. I do watch something with them, Chrissy, man.
[11:45:48] I feel like somebody was like, hey, bring up the Truman Show.
[11:45:52] No, no. Actually, that's what I got.
[11:45:54] Okay, that was a good one, too.
[11:45:56] I like shit like that, like the twist on it.
[11:45:58] Yeah, no, that was...
[11:46:00] What was the movie that, like, they were all in black and white
[11:46:04] and then slowly color, like, came to the...
[11:46:07] Men in black, no, since it wasn't I don't know
[11:46:11] I was just joking, I don't know.
[11:46:15] Men in black is not one of the best endings of a trilogy I've ever seen.
[11:46:20] Wait, men in black.
[11:46:22] By the end of the third movie, I was actually not even liking the third
[11:46:25] movie that much.
[11:46:26] I thought it was kind of whatever.
[11:46:27] But you know what made it all worth it?
[11:46:29] Well, and how they wrapped it up.
[11:46:30] I was like, fuck it, my heartstrings were all over the damn place.
[11:46:34] That's the one that Thor got in on, right?
[11:46:36] The third one or is it the day?
[11:46:37] Yeah, kind of the Thor looking motherfucker with a motorbike.
[11:46:40] Yeah, I don't remember if I finished that.
[11:46:43] Bro, you didn't finish the ending is the movie.
[11:46:48] Yeah, I don't. Yeah, that's not.
[11:46:49] It racks up all three movies just with the last interaction.
[11:46:53] You got to watch that.
[11:46:55] Yeah, I would actually rewatch all of them, though.
[11:46:57] Oh, you're crazy.
[11:46:58] I can't believe you didn't see the ending of that movie.
[11:47:00] At some point in time, you got you were satisfied with this motherfucker
[11:47:02] riding his motorbike around. Come on.
[11:47:05] you ever do that though like you started moving you're like oh is it MIB for
[11:47:12] oh sorry whatever dude whichever is the last you see the what the
[11:47:16] international one that might be what I'm talking about
[11:47:21] wait was it like I started watching a show I think they changed it or they
[11:47:27] added a new cast and that's why I'm getting my before even ever come out
[11:47:30] right my trip it was one with four like literally for the actor for I'm
[11:47:36] about three okay I mean it had to be the bad guy oh you're talking to he was an
[11:47:43] agent yeah that's what I'm saying he was an agent yeah you're talking I don't
[11:47:47] know that that may have been the third one okay I'll rewatch it I oh wait a
[11:47:52] second they did do an MIB for brother with the the lady and Chris you're
[11:47:58] right mmm they did do that one so yeah that's not the one I'm talking about I
[11:48:02] don't even I don't even consider that I've been a black brother that's the
[11:48:05] It's not coming in black photo. It's good men in black. It's an international
[11:48:15] I can't even remember the third one and that's how long it's been since I've watched men in black movies
[11:48:19] I gotta get some heat. You know what men in black freeze like it's where he finds out like
[11:48:26] How are you good he just said hey, I don't think I watched the end. Let me just tell him the ending
[11:48:30] Shut up, Zakeed!
[11:48:32] Hey, man.
[11:48:33] You got the fuck in here, fucking 12 years to watch that.
[11:48:36] It don't matter.
[11:48:36] He's literally on it.
[11:48:38] And what do you just get done telling you today, Zakeed?
[11:48:41] Hey, man, I'm going on a streak of watching
[11:48:42] all these old movies that I've been seeing.
[11:48:44] You know what I'm saying?
[11:48:45] I mean, come on, bro.
[11:48:46] Let me just first point.
[11:48:47] Yeah, you know what, that's what this guy does.
[11:48:49] Let me fucking say it.
[11:48:50] Hey, show.
[11:48:51] You just gotta fuck him up, man.
[11:48:53] It's not the same thing unless you're watching it,
[11:48:56] bro.
[11:48:57] What do you mean?
[11:48:57] That's why it's acting.
[11:48:59] You're not as good as Will Smith.
[11:49:32] No big deal, I get that. But, we can't take away from the fact that he's honestly an incredible actor.
[11:49:38] From being like a comedian, wasn't he a comedian in a young age?
[11:49:42] He was on funny shows, right? He wasn't like serious acting.
[11:49:46] He became a serious actor and he's a fucking crazy good at it, right?
[11:49:50] Oh shit.
[11:49:50] Well, he was a rapper at the start and then he'd go and just stand up.
[11:49:57] Yeah, bro, my man's a...
[11:49:59] Yeah, that's a great fish.
[11:50:01] Yeah, he is incredible.
[11:50:03] You are really well.
[11:50:06] You think that a guy who's acting super good at acting
[11:50:09] and everything in life that he does.
[11:50:10] What's that guy's name?
[11:50:11] Jamie Foxx.
[11:50:13] Jamie Lee Kerr?
[11:50:14] Jamie Foxx is one of those guys who's
[11:50:17] good at everything he does.
[11:50:20] Is he OK, by the way?
[11:50:21] I completely forgot he got hurt.
[11:50:24] Man, who got hurt?
[11:50:24] Oh.
[11:50:25] Or he got really sick.
[11:50:26] Jamie Foxx.
[11:50:27] I should have known.
[11:50:28] Yeah, I completely forgot about that.
[11:50:32] He got hospitalized and everything.
[11:50:35] He's just a, he was gifted, man.
[11:50:38] Talking to love.
[11:50:39] Yeah, he's good now, he's good now.
[11:50:41] Jamie, one of my favorite movies
[11:50:42] with Jamie Foxx is Booty Call.
[11:50:46] Well, I don't know, is that Booty Call, what's that?
[11:50:51] It's like a funny one, like an old one.
[11:50:53] He's goofy as fuck in that.
[11:50:55] One of his favorite characters,
[11:50:57] one of my favorite characters of his,
[11:50:59] say my favorite characters I can't think of much more is when he plays motherfuckin' Jones.
[11:51:04] Motherfuckin'- why does that sound familiar? What movie is that?
[11:51:07] Is it Horrible Bosses? Wait, what movie is that in?
[11:51:11] I don't know how to just ask that.
[11:51:14] I think it's Horrible Bosses. He plays motherfuckin' Jones.
[11:51:19] And then he explains why he's called motherfuckin' Jones.
[11:51:23] Oh yeah, they hired him! Yeah!
[11:51:26] Yeah, you're right, you're right.
[11:51:28] You know who's a really good actor?
[11:51:31] Wait a second.
[11:51:33] I'm trying to figure out the fucking name of the movie.
[11:51:35] It's like a baby and he steals a diamond,
[11:51:37] but he's not a baby, he's like a midget,
[11:51:39] and he pretends to be a baby.
[11:51:40] What the fuck's happening?
[11:51:41] You're talking about the Wains Brothers.
[11:51:43] Oh.
[11:51:44] Little Man.
[11:51:46] Yeah, is it Little Man?
[11:51:47] Yeah, it's the Wains Brothers.
[11:51:49] It's literally a movie called Little Man with the Wains Brothers.
[11:51:53] Yeah, I think his name is Marlon.
[11:51:55] Marlon the act is like Marlon
[11:51:57] He's so fucking good
[11:52:01] I know what's happening. I'm not
[11:52:03] The guys that did white chicks and all that shit, bro. That's shit. Fuck. You know they break up as like they don't fuck with each other no more
[11:52:10] Scary movie. Oh my god the scary movies
[11:52:14] So they are not watching you like the newer shows that come out when that is just not as uh
[11:52:20] Yeah, I just stuck on TV shows though
[11:52:22] like what?
[11:52:24] how much are the 100?
[11:52:26] power range? no no
[11:52:28] power, 7
[11:52:30] series
[11:52:32] power, that's a new one
[11:52:34] i reckon by 50 cent
[11:52:36] no, yeah, that was a good one
[11:52:38] the cowboy one, right?
[11:52:40] they pissed me off though
[11:52:42] oh my god, really? so are you going to watch it?
[11:52:44] i watched the most recent show i watched
[11:52:46] was called Severance, it's actually really good
[11:52:48] really really good show
[11:52:50] Divorce no, I can spot a guy would have like to
[11:52:55] To like yo, you trust me. It was kind of hard
[11:52:59] I start watch first episode and then I got I was like, I don't really like it
[11:53:02] Came back to it gave it a shot and then it ended up being like one of the best shows I've watched ever
[11:53:07] Really, we're the rule in an office for is that one? Yeah, like the white
[11:53:11] It's actually really interesting. So like I'm gonna be honest apparently there's a
[11:53:16] For how simple it may seem there's like a lot like a I don't know how much they spent on each episode was
[11:53:23] It was like 20 million per episode or something like that and there's another coming out. It's really good
[11:53:28] I mean, it's just the worst the worst I think the worst yet was the walking dead row with how much potential that shit has
[11:53:36] It's
[11:53:38] The walking dead
[11:53:39] I
[11:53:44] After like
[11:53:51] Walking dead was good until this should be nice if that fucking prison bullshit. I like the walking dead machine
[11:53:59] And it's like the zombies are like
[11:54:02] Yeah
[11:54:09] Carlton's into a badass or something. He's nice and dying.
[11:54:12] What does he say Carlton?
[11:54:14] Shane is the ultimate badass, I'm not sure. When he's like,
[11:54:16] Oh, yeah.
[11:54:17] When he's shooting that zombie and he's like, why is he still coming?
[11:54:20] Or something like that. He just keeps shooting it. That's just so cool.
[11:54:23] He's like, no, just shot her in the heart.
[11:54:24] I don't know.
[11:54:25] Wait, what's Shane the one for Cospo?
[11:54:28] Oh, my God.
[11:54:29] You know what's fucked up about that?
[11:54:32] That motherfucker was literally Rick
[11:54:35] at an early stage where he returned into later.
[11:54:38] Really for nothing. He was he was he lost his mind
[11:54:42] But he lost his mind way too quick
[11:54:44] It was like he lost a woman and a kid
[11:54:45] But like you don't even move him a couple of months and he was like fucking heartbroken awesome shit
[11:54:49] Well, he didn't lose his mind
[11:54:51] He was just he was a real not he got he was jealous. He didn't lose my he was jealous
[11:54:56] And we're in he Rick had to take him out because he couldn't trust him
[11:54:59] Let his best friend into a field and try to murder him because he took his wife back that's
[11:55:03] Success that is that's not crazy. That's jealousy. I mean I wanted it. That's psychotic
[11:55:11] His wife what are you talking about?
[11:55:13] No, no, I'm one of our Shane leading Rick into the fucking field because you know wife back like that
[11:55:20] Oh, he thought oh shit. I see forgot that happens for a long time. Yeah, yeah, like he like he loses his head and starts like be in the
[11:55:27] Fuck he just he's a psycho
[11:55:29] Hey, hey, that's what they needed back there. He shot that fat dude for the medicine. It was like
[11:55:35] Shot his ankle on all the zombies eat him so I can get the medicine back
[11:55:38] Or should it just he'll he should have just had some zealousy, you know I'm saying with the same
[11:55:42] Yeah, we're still the same one. I think it's the same boy there
[11:55:45] Me to be fair, I just bad writing for that. They shouldn't learn them all so soon. There's a cop watching sir
[11:55:51] They probably didn't know you just do it after to be fair
[11:55:54] Yeah, you punisher. Oh my god
[11:55:57] I
[11:56:07] Heard they're coming back with the punisher or something I think
[11:56:15] Yeah, that guy is the pun
[11:56:17] He means that there's no other role not fit like who's gonna play him
[11:56:22] Have you ever watched a witcher?
[11:56:24] Yeah, and he he walked away that the act of the man I don't like he didn't like the script right it went
[11:56:30] He went to all story
[11:56:33] To I think and he got up so bad
[11:56:36] Right now. What do you mean? It didn't even release yet? No, but like the back of they replaced him with is fucking like yeah
[11:56:43] It's brother. It's so he looks so ass
[11:56:49] Witcher Witcher
[11:56:51] Yeah, yeah, homie get down on that shit 40k Warhammer or whatever right?
[11:56:58] What
[11:56:59] What is a big get he's a big game? No, he didn't get for that
[11:57:02] He did because he must have a dip for that, but I'm saying he's doing that movie. Yeah
[11:57:08] He's a big gamer, bro. He's a huge. He plays wow and everything they say they say that um, they said they missed his Superman call
[11:57:15] Yeah, he was rating with his guild. Yeah, that's fucking incredible, huh?
[11:57:19] much in that shit bro like he's imagine just fucking having a guy in your
[11:57:24] guild that's like yeah I'm guessing for Superman it's just like what you look
[11:57:27] probably he probably casted
[11:57:31] let's be honest bro we got fucking Chio dust we're fucking sat there fucking
[11:57:36] leaking sweat drinking fucking monsters all night and this guy goes yeah I'm
[11:57:40] guessing for Superman you're just that guy like wait what you're just that guy you're like wait what you're just like why are you awake at 2 a.m.
[11:57:46] Oh, this guy's awake at 2 a.m. fucking raiden
[11:57:49] That's awesome. I mean our DPS and you too bro. Just say yeah
[11:57:53] I definitely played a pilot in time, but this guy was in time
[11:57:57] 100% this guy was playing a fucking old warrior bro and just run around like didn't give a fuck
[11:58:04] He's like he gets he gets into his shit, too
[11:58:07] Like when he does acting shit like that reads up into the script and everything
[11:58:11] That's why that's why he didn't like to put your shit. You see his warring
[11:58:13] He's fixed it. Oh, yeah, he was that he didn't have a
[11:58:18] Dimension where he's Wolverine for a second in Deadpool 3 or whatever the one on three of them
[11:58:25] Council is crazy
[11:58:28] Apparently he got sick in that scene because he had to inhale so much fucking smoke over the period where two hours or something like that
[11:58:33] It made him sick to a stomach
[11:58:35] All from the cigar shape links. Oh
[11:58:37] Yeah, yeah, cut I think it's a garnish
[11:58:42] Perfectly right they want to smoke to hit in a certain way right and hail certain amount of time
[11:58:47] Yeah, like so you after a certain my takes he said his stomach was something
[11:58:51] Didn't look a strange of things like the guy digs into cigarettes or something wasn't our big thing
[11:58:56] I'm not was it strange or another one?
[11:58:59] That's not because you're not the smoke. I don't know I
[11:59:03] I
[11:59:06] Shit for you not to do shit. Yeah horrible. They have like horrible cigarettes, but like you literally just inhale smoke though
[11:59:12] Like you just what like if you're pretending to smoke a cigarette, I could just they could just puff smoke
[11:59:19] It doesn't have to be anything wrong. They're gonna need a cigarette, you know, I guess I'm not an actor
[11:59:26] I'm gonna be a kind of voice actor one day though
[11:59:28] as far as you see people under yeah man amazing show dude one of the best
[11:59:35] honestly is great not just don't like the older kind of yeah but like it's
[11:59:43] really good though it's one of the best that's what I said the thing is yours
[11:59:46] crazy is it's still like that but instead of wearing fucking shoes they
[11:59:49] where fucking like night tech suits it's still the same fucking dog shit
[11:59:55] you still the original cobbles the original factory shit crazy I love it
[12:00:02] though I love seeing that stuff like you know I love seeing like you say we're
[12:00:05] trying shows yeah peekaboo I think I stopped at season 3 I got distracted
[12:00:11] Oh, man, that's so worth the best one
[12:00:33] I've never seen pt-liners
[12:00:41] Yeah, the guy from 28 like days later that guy
[12:00:48] You know, they made it 20 years later to
[12:00:51] Yes, I've seen both is it up and I'm too. Oh, that was good. I watched yeah open hours. It was it was long
[12:00:58] But like it was worth I have a watch that one. I don't think it wasn't bad if you like history and shit
[12:01:03] I like my goal
[12:01:05] It was about the reactor
[12:01:11] Did you watch one about it?
[12:01:13] What was it?
[12:01:14] Reactor?
[12:01:15] I don't know if it was a movie, but it was about like the reaction when it melted down and shit.
[12:01:20] Oh, Chernobyl?
[12:01:21] Chernobyl?
[12:01:22] Yeah.
[12:01:23] Oh yeah, people tell me there's a TV show called Chernobyl.
[12:01:26] Yeah, there's it.
[12:01:27] Yeah, I watched that.
[12:01:28] Yeah, and it's like, you see like as they use like actual factual shit, like sending the fucking people in to see what was going on and like all the fuel rods are melted and like the radiation was like fucking melted.
[12:01:40] documentary or is it like a proper show like no it's like a proper show oh it's
[12:01:44] that movie yeah I think it was one of the transformers no not really you
[12:01:54] transformers like falling off for me I'm so confused on the storyline and like
[12:01:58] I'm making folks left our left well really I was I was I was out yeah that's
[12:02:04] I mean, should we say Mark Wahlberg's first Transformers movie?
[12:02:08] Yeah, but that's what I'm looking at.
[12:02:10] I know the guy who scored all the Transformers movies.
[12:02:14] I did all of them.
[12:02:16] Thanks to all the music.
[12:02:19] Yeah, Steve Dabalski, I know he's...
[12:02:22] I'm getting hit in the Christmas cards for him every year.
[12:02:25] Nice.
[12:02:27] I've never had a Christmas card, ever.
[12:02:30] When they yeah, when they do people he's really good he worked with like Hans Zimmer
[12:02:35] When they took the humor like the shallow bump type humor out. It was like so like this
[12:02:42] Dundee by Hollywood, bro. He got shunned for no reason. He's a great idea
[12:02:47] Maybe not for no reason but on Zimmer the interstellar with the music or
[12:02:55] You don't got anyone oh, yeah one but live distance live distance like if you get no eyes right now
[12:03:05] Yeah, that's what you do.
[12:03:07] And the fucking struggle is how you know fuel by the way, bro.
[12:03:11] And I was fucking looking at the south side.
[12:03:14] Yeah.
[12:03:15] Hans Zimmerman, that's an interstellar, right?
[12:03:18] Yeah, I understand this one.
[12:03:20] Bro, interstellar is my favorite movie of all time, man.
[12:03:23] You can't be brilliant.
[12:03:24] Really?
[12:03:25] Yeah, you can't be brilliant.
[12:03:26] I like that psychological flip.
[12:03:28] Yeah.
[12:03:29] Side five, I feel like I can fuck your brain up.
[12:03:31] It's really cool, actually.
[12:03:32] I like how it all, like, how much they put into it.
[12:03:34] You know it
[12:03:36] You know
[12:03:40] Interstellar oh interstellar gotcha
[12:03:43] Where do you compare interstellar to inception?
[12:03:48] I don't know
[12:03:55] You like
[12:04:04] The one I watched after inner seller, you know, because it was like I was looking up like what's the watch next and Mars was also really good
[12:04:10] But inception is like one of those like kind of right in those in the March
[12:04:18] Yeah
[12:04:20] Well, there's a movie with Matt Damian being the Martian and then oh wait, that's what interstellar for some reason
[12:04:26] I thought those two like
[12:04:28] I forgot he was in there too, yeah.
[12:04:29] That thing has laid down Mars a couple times.
[12:04:32] Yeah.
[12:04:33] I think I got stranded on there in here.
[12:04:36] He's calling out, bro.
[12:04:39] Hey, officer.
[12:04:41] Let me just follow over so you can give me a ticket.
[12:04:43] Like, why are you me wanting my running?
[12:04:46] I want to know if you would go interception or interstellar.
[12:04:50] Interception or interception or interstellar.
[12:04:54] Officer, interception or interstellar.
[12:04:57] Go.
[12:04:58] Interstellar yeah
[12:05:01] There's no wrong choice wait Charles you would choose
[12:05:04] I'm gonna be an exception guy person this story. I like that story more than this section was really cool interstellar
[12:05:10] I mean to be honest with you still fuck my brain
[12:05:14] So good I love how like you tell a real estate
[12:05:19] Inception's like that your mind of fate no more. No more you get
[12:05:24] Oh, I hate what
[12:05:26] Inception fucks your mind the entire like movie where interstellar fucks your mind near the end
[12:05:33] You can keep up with
[12:05:36] Decently at some parts. I'll have to be like
[12:05:44] Like the Matrix I watched the Matrix
[12:05:47] I watch intercept I watch I've seen inception probably
[12:05:50] I had a watch a video to explain you did there is a dude. There's different. Isn't there different interpretations of that fucking?
[12:06:04] Yeah, yeah
[12:06:06] Bible, bro, it's like different interpretations and shit of what people thought of the ending. That's right
[12:06:12] Yeah, yeah, you're gonna talk to the writer
[12:06:15] Yeah, wow, I wonder if the writer tells his clothes trying to
[12:06:24] sometimes they come out like years later and this is what I was thinking at the
[12:06:28] time. Oh really? Oh. I never looked up to see if the writer ever commented on
[12:06:33] the 21. They get it wrong and get it wrong a lot. Like even the Sopranos I was
[12:06:36] confused even though like that was a different type of show. I mean you ever
[12:06:41] think these guys like make these shows and they just they don't know even
[12:06:44] know how to end it they're just gonna leave like they don't even know
[12:06:47] what there's not really like a true answer you know even they think there
[12:06:50] It could be multiple and it's not fair.
[12:06:52] Are you lost, man?
[12:06:53] Yeah, you're talking about the whole fucking Star Wars squad that made 789, right?
[12:06:57] That's what they were thinking about.
[12:06:58] Like, what are we doing now?
[12:06:59] What are we doing here?
[12:07:00] I don't know.
[12:07:01] Bro, the rest of the storylines for most fucking movies is not ruined by money and greed.
[12:07:07] We're just laziness.
[12:07:08] Bro, it's just like, if it ended, it's ending.
[12:07:11] Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
[12:07:12] It's like, if they, back in the day, if a movie ended, it should end.
[12:07:15] Now they're like, what's he talking me about?
[12:07:17] I think logic is lost on people nowadays.
[12:07:20] sense you know I'm saying cuz common sense in my opinion if you files I don't
[12:07:25] know shit about stars or all the actors very well right but I can tell you out
[12:07:29] of all the new Star Wars movies which one didn't fucking suck the only one
[12:07:33] that didn't fucking suck was Rogue One so I would look at Rogue One like who
[12:07:37] directed that maybe we should get in for the rest that's what my thought
[12:07:41] process is instead of doing three separate directors I would say the
[12:07:47] guy that did the bounty hunter which should be the one directing the
[12:07:50] fucking when the when the when the guy puts up the lightsaber
[12:07:53] worrying when they're in the forest that road one no no that's because that's
[12:07:58] the that's the seven hours where that's where Finn picks up the blue lightsaber
[12:08:01] and they debate you to think that he's gonna be like some yeah yeah he ends up
[12:08:05] being it's not a sad bro because he's such a great actor and I don't even
[12:08:09] think he likes what they did with this character like he was just not
[12:08:11] really anything in the story yeah I've never watched Star Wars like I've
[12:08:18] So many clips on that show and he picked up them was oh my god Wow
[12:08:22] Yeah, they tried to make him harm solo, but he just doesn't do anything
[12:08:25] It like I remember watching the second movie and just still been getting to the end
[12:08:30] Like oh, they could have just had him do nothing and they outcome would have been the same
[12:08:34] Which how you said that really? What do you think of the original three though? You say it broke one?
[12:08:39] Oh, I think roadway the original three. Oh, you mean
[12:08:44] Yeah, I mean obviously
[12:08:46] I'm talking about outside of the original six
[12:08:51] So once you do you know, I really don't have any complaints. I like I didn't really yeah one two three didn't really I mean it was
[12:08:58] CGI heavy
[12:09:04] Dimey force time to seem like that's new to me
[12:09:06] So I mean I'm all
[12:09:10] I loved one too early but but pod racing road I was I was heavy that shit
[12:09:14] I was like, bro, they picked her and it can quad racing is sick as fuck
[12:09:17] The whole time on Tatooine was like epic and then like
[12:09:22] Even on Tatooine Darth Maul's fucking jumping off his speeder bike fucking trying to kill quite on
[12:09:26] Why don't it looks like it's got done do it?
[12:09:29] I love all of them. I love all of it one two and three except for like maybe the second one cuz the second one gets super
[12:09:39] cringy in the love story but yeah one two and three as a whole
[12:09:46] difference between now and then they took their time they took their time to actually make those movies
[12:09:53] and didn't like work like it was just about the story it wasn't like they got the best actors
[12:09:59] Not to do my favorite lightsaber fight. It's will always be I think episode
[12:10:05] Episode three of the one versus Anakin was such a fucking epic fight. I loved it
[12:10:13] That's my favorite
[12:10:16] He's the strongest yet on the fucking
[12:10:19] Anytime anytime I play Star Wars kids are like I need that purple
[12:10:23] My man just chopped off Django Fett's head and just like looked after into the distance
[12:10:27] like set bitches. Oh man. I went in my outfit and I'm actually disgusted. One of the worst
[12:10:34] things they did was make Luca a straight bitch in the newest ones. Oh my God. They just
[12:10:38] projected his ass. You know I actually have a real fight for the gas station. What the
[12:10:43] hell sucks about the newest shit is that I feel like it was wasted a wasted feeling.
[12:10:50] I really think Kylo Ren would have been a dope ass villain with proper writing.
[12:10:55] because he's a great actor man
[12:10:58] I was gonna try to be a villain while trying to be like a sensitive villain or some shit
[12:11:04] I don't know, for me I don't know
[12:11:06] I wanna just stay road like that man, that's all I'm gonna say, you know
[12:11:09] He's capable of being a badass as fuck
[12:11:14] I ain't gonna lie, I'm gonna pick him then when I'm like
[12:11:16] Anybody play Battlefield in a half minute?
[12:11:18] I'll be playing the Jedi vs whatever
[12:11:21] Nah, I don't play that all the time
[12:11:23] That game still holds
[12:11:24] People still play that shit. I try to play with my little brothers and I get shit on me
[12:11:27] That's how I was saying should be one of our games that when we go back to our apartments this shit is one of the jammers like
[12:11:33] I'm down
[12:11:34] But we uh you need to join the thing. Yeah, we started. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, what the fuck you guys started one
[12:11:44] You guys are not everybody's done what we should do different
[12:11:47] Fighting you we already got half of it done. That's why we wanted to do it there
[12:11:50] No, yeah, no, but the one that's what I said we should probably make another one because the one we have has like, you know, not
[12:11:57] Not just we should probably make a new one. It's not just
[12:12:06] Yeah, but it's like no fucking caps in there, you know, like who the fuck I'm not playing the cap
[12:12:17] You're only seeing a lot of people in there because it's a world of Warcraft time
[12:12:20] I'm the same being in the same discord as cap like it makes me like violently
[12:12:25] sick
[12:12:30] I don't know I think we should make our oh my god I'm not even sure how to get invited to this discord
[12:12:38] I'm like you fucking baby I'm
[12:12:43] I'm pretty sure it's all open to UK dude I'm sorry
[12:12:46] Guys don't have like a UK discord to a festival without me. Okay, this whole fucking shit sinks. Okay fucking remember
[12:12:52] All right, I'm the fucking comedy. Yeah, okay. Let's not got that
[12:13:01] You're not gonna be funny anymore
[12:13:03] funny I
[12:13:05] Hate seeing these
[12:13:07] Good job. The answer to you Larry
[12:13:09] It's Limpin Larry is crazy you old fuck. That's all I know
[12:13:16] Call him a doofus man
[12:13:28] Well, I hope we let it go
[12:13:30] Right just stick with this mess is literally the best photo there is man
[12:13:33] It's it's we've been chasing it all
[12:13:38] Again, what about this one this one looks good behind us. No, it's not good
[12:13:42] sports, right? Yeah
[12:13:45] It's decent Jesus here
[12:13:47] Or we can just bring this a new insult
[12:13:49] I'm a new insult. I bet you won't even know my god. This is this is this
[12:13:53] Yeah, yeah, he called you a fucking bitch in RAM, bro
[12:13:58] That's your best friends. He got shot three times. He's gonna make a fucking album
[12:14:01] I
[12:14:03] Know any anytime anytime you just pissed me off. I'm just gonna call you sloth
[12:14:08] I pulled a child. You know, I didn't shoot him. I shot near them. Come on. Lymph and Larry
[12:14:16] So words, you know who sloth is right? No
[12:14:21] Other people know who sloth is in his car. Is everyone in the car know who sloth is or what?
[12:14:30] What do you mean? I bet they keep the goonies the goonies sloths from the good
[12:14:36] I thought he meant you were a rascal
[12:14:37] How you ask it bro, you know the Goonies is like
[12:14:39] one film in the UK mate
[12:14:41] Is it really?
[12:14:42] Yeah, there used to be a fat kid in school
[12:14:44] and we used to fucking throw chocolate raisins at him
[12:14:46] and they can do the trust with us
[12:14:47] Damn, that's green
[12:14:48] Bro, you're gonna take a great movie
[12:14:50] You're gonna take a great movie
[12:14:52] and turn it into a traumatizing thing for someone
[12:14:54] in my whole life, what's up with you?
[12:14:56] No, no, no, he would love it
[12:14:58] He would love it
[12:14:59] Why is he a guy on a radio?
[12:15:00] He's still on radio the whole time
[12:15:01] On my life, because people would give him
[12:15:04] lunches and stuff he fucking love it bro you you would be
[12:15:08] no fuckers I didn't school yeah I was not broke
[12:15:12] definitely one of the kids who sat like behind the kids table and really one
[12:15:17] of the charming ones in a while no no no you know what's crazy no cap I was the
[12:15:21] cool kid yeah sure no I see I think in school I peep in school what about
[12:15:28] I know
[12:15:29] Yeah, you're right in here
[12:15:30] Let's go
[12:15:31] He's locked in
[12:15:32] Use it and take it off
[12:15:33] What are we talking about?
[12:15:35] Raiders, man?
[12:15:36] Yeah, yeah, yeah
[12:15:37] You're talking on the radio
[12:15:38] Oh, bro
[12:15:39] Okay, okay
[12:15:40] How about that?
[12:15:41] There you go
[12:15:42] Nice, that normal
[12:15:43] Why don't you guys take so fucking long to tell me that?
[12:15:44] That's what we're talking about
[12:15:45] That's what we're talking about
[12:15:46] That's what we're talking about
[12:15:47] You have to press the bell
[12:15:48] You motherfuckers all just sounded like you were on the radio too
[12:15:50] So fuck, chill
[12:15:52] Are we going towards this marker?
[12:15:54] Or am I just driving?
[12:15:55] See, this is where I was confused last time
[12:15:57] time no no no we just do it I'm gonna be on the
[12:16:01] flippity flusin this car it's kind of nutsack but it's got a
[12:16:05] fucking high school just because you guys fucking went there
[12:16:08] fucking 30 years ago listen ice getting a lot of
[12:16:11] flakes in the ice they just added a staircase really recently
[12:16:14] oh yeah new uh I actually saw the development program
[12:16:18] they were just out there all you think we popped the
[12:16:20] cars that's you fucking think that's fantastic
[12:16:23] Sherlock
[12:16:26] Do you guys even watch Sherlock Holmes, huh? That's how you handle a one-taper no album anyway
[12:16:34] Yeah, you can't make a song out of that one
[12:16:37] Mmm, and I know no bro that friend might just car fucking suck. I'm not sure no no
[12:16:43] It's actually not bad. It's a little slidey though. It's a little slidey, but it's not bad
[12:16:46] It's better than nothing. Let's do it on me when you start sliding a little bit, but it's not you gotta drive the surge
[12:16:52] you know they ruined it but it's still not terrible your head licking I'm
[12:17:03] it's not gonna hasn't been clean yeah I'm sure I'm gonna wait I wonder what he
[12:17:08] does in life it was just one that I ever think like what
[12:17:11] Sikini is in the back seat won't stop talking about his hair
[12:17:36] In school there was like a canteen and people were like oh, I'll buy you a canini
[12:17:40] You do the chuckle chuckle and you get like fucking big flying
[12:17:42] Oh, you listen to it. Listen, bro. Just because they look at I used to fucking tell a guy
[12:17:47] Never mind. You're never there are always happy just because they're smiling bro. Yeah, that's all I'm saying
[12:17:52] No, you're not smiling. He was like my little buddy get a pinini
[12:17:59] Truffle shuffle whatever that is
[12:18:01] Listen, if I had a talent a unique talent and I got fucking stuff for it then I'd be happy
[12:18:10] I'm on the edge of every job.
[12:18:22] What's the manjari you got in school?
[12:18:24] Me?
[12:18:25] Yeah, cool kid.
[12:18:26] What'd you get?
[12:18:27] Midget.
[12:18:28] Midget.
[12:18:29] So listen, you can't have it two ways.
[12:18:30] You got bullied and you were a cool kid.
[12:18:32] And your bully was midget, that's what you got.
[12:18:36] The 80% of the schools were midgets.
[12:18:39] Bro, what are you talking about?
[12:18:41] I went to an abnormal school.
[12:18:43] I went to an abnormal school, they made fun of him, they called him midget.
[12:18:57] He was the only guy who got midget.
[12:18:59] How did a friend put some who had served alcohol of 14?
[12:19:04] you literally look fucking 40 years old
[12:19:07] time wise
[12:19:09] oh go on man you guys have to be outside and let me show you like Sam go in there mate
[12:19:13] go on mate
[12:19:15] you guys go on out there
[12:19:17] go get a bottle of cider
[12:19:19] go on get a little cheeky wispy yeah go on mate
[12:19:21] cider
[12:19:24] get a bottle of cider
[12:19:26] I would love to I would love to live in like Britain or just like a bridge
[12:19:29] we used to save our money
[12:19:31] used to save our money or like like our lunch monies and then just drink in the
[12:19:34] park
[12:19:35] at 14
[12:19:39] yeah fucking boy you know I was doing fucking
[12:19:42] now poppin a whiskey at 14 man and part of that I was in a fucking tent
[12:19:46] doing fucking Mandy
[12:19:50] crazy
[12:19:50] but it's different over there isn't it like that's like
[12:19:54] was it green age yeah 18
[12:19:58] Yeah, imagine America 21 and my fucks be drinking before.
[12:20:04] I can only imagine if it's only 18.
[12:20:07] Well, like, UK is like a fucking just, it's fucked up.
[12:20:10] What about cigarettes?
[12:20:12] Nah, I'd say I'd not fuck up.
[12:20:14] Cigarettes for me is just, I hate cigarette breath.
[12:20:17] 18 as well.
[12:20:19] I think that's here too.
[12:20:21] I gave it like 18 for like, yeah.
[12:20:24] Fuckin' A.
[12:20:32] Not gonna lie though, you gotta go to Honduras
[12:20:34] What do you want to do, bro? In the UK, bro? We have just fucking fields
[12:20:39] Just farm land, or what do you want to do?
[12:20:40] Have like two lane roads or like one, um, what's it called?
[12:20:45] Yes, we're not fucking...
[12:20:46] Bro, but do we have... Are you fucking...
[12:20:48] Two lanes? No, there's not a path
[12:20:50] No, I'm sorry, like, you know, like a one roadway
[12:20:53] You call that?
[12:20:55] They have the same type of roads, they just drive...
[12:20:57] Oh, that's why you guys drive on the right
[12:20:59] Wait, no, you guys drive on the left side, right?
[12:21:00] Listen, they take blasts close to the curb.
[12:21:03] No, that's horrible.
[12:21:06] Hey mate, you wanna go left on the red?
[12:21:08] Oh, you're talking about the left.
[12:21:10] No, we're going left on the right side too, isn't it?
[12:21:15] Yeah.
[12:21:16] In America, we take the right peak.
[12:21:21] They take the left.
[12:21:23] This guy said, oh, take a bloody left on the red.
[12:21:28] Did you get camera fucking tickets you oh they have camera tickets there we have to we have to drive we have to pay to drive
[12:21:38] Put an emission fee if you drive your car in London you have to pay each day
[12:21:42] Well, you guys have a whole road everywhere
[12:21:45] Yeah, no, you have to pay for a mission fee
[12:21:48] So if you are running a car you have to pay I remember when you guys passed that bill or some shit
[12:21:54] That was a that was a way in the last ten years is the most dumb shit I've ever seen in my life
[12:21:59] And then everyone started getting these electric lights that could like sorums or some shit
[12:22:03] And then they made yeah, they made them illegal because everyone was like bypassing it and that basically electric bikes that go like
[12:22:09] 75 miles per hour like they're fucking
[12:22:16] You can get certain ones. Yeah, like electric if it's electric and shit like that, you don't have to
[12:22:20] And there's like hybrids hold that guy up. That's the guy that robbed me earlier
[12:22:26] What okay right here in the comments?
[12:22:31] Little bottom bro. Hey
[12:22:34] What you buy you buy your car looks sick
[12:22:40] That yo, dude, what cars that
[12:22:51] Did you wrap this guy in there?
[12:22:53] Did you rob him or not, man?
[12:22:55] You swear to God?
[12:22:56] Guys, I don't think it was green.
[12:22:57] You're such a stupid ass.
[12:22:58] You're such a...
[12:22:59] We apologize.
[12:23:00] Our friend is dumb.
[12:23:02] Our friend is dumb.
[12:23:04] What the hell?
[12:23:05] I'm the real man, man.
[12:23:06] What the hell do you mean?
[12:23:07] What the hell do you mean?
[12:23:08] Yo, what the hell?
[12:23:09] You impossible man.
[12:23:10] I see.
[12:23:11] I see.
[12:23:12] I see.
[12:23:13] I see.
[12:23:14] I see.
[12:23:15] I see.
[12:23:16] I see.
[12:23:17] I see.
[12:23:18] I see.
[12:23:19] I see.
[12:23:20] I mean, I don't think anybody down there right now.
[12:23:30] Oh shit, okay.
[12:23:31] I need my car fixed.
[12:23:32] Uh, uh, just give me a car and you go back.
[12:23:33] Okay?
[12:23:34] Yeah.
[12:23:35] Thanks brother.
[12:23:36] I'll take care.
[12:23:37] Can you not?
[12:23:38] You gotta go.
[12:23:39] You gotta go.
[12:23:40] I don't think so.
[12:23:41] 45 minutes.
[12:23:42] We can't go roll up on a shot for 30 seconds.
[12:23:43] We're gonna lose the ground.
[12:23:44] I haven't.
[12:23:45] Yeah.
[12:23:46] Let's take a ride.
[12:23:47] That's exactly that car.
[12:23:48] Here's the thing we did.
[12:23:49] I need to fucking fire a million people.
[12:23:53] Oh, shit, that's right.
[12:23:54] Bro, that's how it is, though.
[12:23:56] You got to hire a bunch of people
[12:23:58] so they start working, firing, and reset.
[12:24:00] It's just the way that shit works.
[12:24:01] People get tired of bored quick.
[12:24:03] We're just not making it to shop.
[12:24:07] Well, I mean, the thing is, they're
[12:24:08] being very upset when we axe everybody,
[12:24:11] bring new people, and then bees drop,
[12:24:13] and then they want upgrades everywhere.
[12:24:14] Yeah.
[12:24:16] Yeah, that's how you should hide me.
[12:24:19] What's a what's an LG?
[12:24:21] You think that's a B or an A?
[12:24:23] Like an LG Tudor?
[12:24:24] Oh an LG, that's a B I'm pretty sure if I'm not wrong.
[12:24:28] The thing is though for today, I don't know.
[12:24:30] Every B is an A.
[12:24:31] I know two LG's, one normal and one LG Retro, right?
[12:24:34] Is there a different one?
[12:24:35] All right, yeah.
[12:24:36] What the Tudor one, I don't know what it was.
[12:24:38] Yeah, it's a Retro.
[12:24:39] One's got like, they're both Tudors.
[12:24:41] Oh, 32.
[12:24:42] That one's right there.
[12:24:43] It's an upstair case.
[12:24:46] There's no 35 in this city.
[12:24:48] So if you've seen it in this city, it's the retro.
[12:24:53] So that was just stairs, you said?
[12:24:57] Yeah, you literally could just arrive
[12:24:58] right at the stairs without slowing down
[12:25:00] and go up like a ramp.
[12:25:01] It used to, you know, so did the surge,
[12:25:05] but the surge got fucked.
[12:25:07] Oh man, I'm gonna head to the stairs.
[12:25:08] I was getting late for a minute.
[12:25:09] I'll catch you guys tomorrow.
[12:25:11] Are you guys gonna be around tomorrow morning?
[12:25:12] Yeah, yeah, I'm here.
[12:25:14] I'm here.
[12:25:15] Hey, good, good to be with everyone, man.
[12:25:16] I'll see you guys tomorrow morning.
[12:25:17] Hey, brother.
[12:25:18] I love you.
[12:25:19] Have a good night guys!
[12:25:20] See ya man!
[12:25:21] Bye!
[12:25:22] Okay, just gonna go sleep here?
[12:25:24] I'm gonna go to the apartment and I can do it.
[12:25:26] Oh, that's uh, wow.
[12:25:27] That was interesting.
[12:25:29] Maybe we uh, you know,
[12:25:31] didn't look down there because that wasn't really uh...
[12:25:36] Yeah, I mean, take two seconds to go sleep.
[12:25:38] I'm sorry.
[12:25:39] I mean, let me message my friend on uh...
[12:25:42] message him real quick.
[12:25:43] I'll handle it.
[12:25:45] We're about it.
[12:25:48] Okay, shut up.
[12:25:50] Chris, this is why you a dumb fucker.
[12:25:51] You take shit too far bro.
[12:25:52] You spent like a whole fucking 15 awkward moment
[12:26:04] So what's the plan tonight guys, what do you want to do Dufus?
[12:26:08] You're such a piece. Let's go grab a quick four door. Let's go hit a quick store though
[12:26:12] And then I'll probably get an explosive out of it. Don't worry
[12:26:16] By the way in 2024 when you say you're such a piece you just gave him a compliment
[12:26:20] Thank you. Yeah, you like me that you could me a piece. Oh
[12:26:30] I took about my piece now you took about my piece you said oh I like your piece or something
[12:26:35] You know you said
[12:26:37] No, it's hopeful. Thank you buddy. I'm praying actually
[12:26:42] I think it's the same thing
[12:26:45] Close enough
[12:26:50] We just made it whatever I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. We just mapped out the entire plan for the rest of the night and then goes
[12:26:58] What we doing?
[12:27:01] Right 6 a.m. For me. I have a fucking I have an excuse
[12:27:04] Listen when the Sun's out you can do something
[12:27:07] What the fuck the Sun's a ride the fucking seagulls are flying outside, bro
[12:27:10] Or if you get a fucking coffee, it'll lose you. I think
[12:27:13] Are you living there in the water?
[12:27:15] Is your chicken's gonna like turn right?
[12:27:17] I
[12:27:19] know that
[12:27:20] Why?
[12:27:21] Well, a counter strike
[12:27:24] A counter strike?
[12:27:25] Actually?
[12:27:26] Yeah, that's okay.
[12:27:27] Did you ever know that?
[12:27:28] Chickens, for the longest time, can only turn right.
[12:27:31] A counter strike.
[12:27:33] I don't know how they ate the weeds.
[12:27:35] I think they just upped it back recently.
[12:27:37] How do you notice that?
[12:27:38] Do you just take the time to look at the chickens?
[12:27:41] I didn't.
[12:27:42] I didn't.
[12:27:43] That's like such a...
[12:27:45] We get some dude camping in the corner was just like oh the chickens
[12:27:50] Why he's just waiting for a kill?
[12:27:55] Just so strange
[12:27:56] I love about that speak it speak in a camping am I the only one that's ever done this modern warfare 2 I
[12:28:03] Think one man army I would use to just sit in a room and just constantly spawn claymores
[12:28:08] Yeah, you know, it's crazy you're the type of person. I probably sent a fucking voice note to that
[12:28:13] probably means to this day and age but we are the only way they'd fuck and they'd never let me
[12:28:17] on the internet again fucking bloody bitch day is why I sent you you the type of person I would have
[12:28:22] gone me fucking taken off me into that man so I fucking play more in me that and Halo I used
[12:28:29] to Halo I used to get a lot more messages of Halo than Call of Duty the worst but all of you
[12:28:34] probably fucking cheated on a list every time I got the warlock you just shit on the one
[12:28:38] now you just like you just start shit talking people and then they'd call me
[12:28:42] like fuck you you're ass or like if you're on their team but I thought you
[12:28:45] never like Halo I never go into you bro I used to play the you know the thing
[12:28:49] where you're like the little circle robot and you could fly around and build
[12:28:52] shit oh yeah you play force oh yeah yeah I used to build a mansion bro and like
[12:28:59] walk around to pretend I live in my trash before I was fucking walking around
[12:29:04] on that right oh the red team video
[12:29:06] the fucking mongoose shit
[12:29:08] i just made this shit i just fucking cut it
[12:29:10] i had a youtube video out there probably something
[12:29:12] i mean like yeah i just got my new mongoose
[12:29:14] i think she had raided
[12:29:16] in uh fucking uh
[12:29:18] park survival that used to be my main survivor game
[12:29:20] back in the day
[12:29:22] park? yeah i was big on
[12:29:24] survival i had like over 12k hours
[12:29:26] i was playing servers
[12:29:28] until i did that i played the original
[12:29:30] we captured it yeah bro we did it
[12:29:32] Rex
[12:29:35] Archon the first came out. Yeah, I set up a whole damn like system. So we had a big ball
[12:29:40] It's like PvP on there. Mm-hmm. I said of them faults of all their important shit. Yeah, I left everything pretty much passive
[12:29:48] Or whatever whatever whatever the neutral is
[12:29:51] Like, you know
[12:29:54] And then I had one dodo in the vault that was set to aggressive
[12:29:58] I see somebody
[12:29:59] It's so they would blow through
[12:30:01] Get out of there!
[12:30:03] Yo stop!
[12:30:04] Don't fucking move!
[12:30:06] Get in the car!
[12:30:07] Hands!
[12:30:08] Hands!
[12:30:09] In the fucking car!
[12:30:11] In the trunk
[12:30:13] In the fucking trunk
[12:30:15] No, don't get in the fucking trunk
[12:30:17] I'll get in the trunk
[12:30:19] Shiver is not dead
[12:30:21] Oh wait, am I or not?
[12:30:23] What is happening?
[12:30:24] What do you do with the key?
[12:30:25] Okay, that was embarrassing
[12:30:27] are we chowder that's what i'm doing did you just tell her not to get in the trunk and then tell her to get in the trunk
[12:30:35] wait a second wait a second wait a second did you just get out of the car to confirm
[12:30:40] that she was getting in you weren't getting in for her unexpected unexpected
[12:30:46] that's why gangsters don't walk on the sidewalk because they love the streets
[12:30:51] you keep fucking that line up man what is it again what is it it's yo it's the reason they
[12:30:56] they made sidewalks is because not everyone's made for the streets but I
[12:31:03] did I did that was a minute go again yeah could you go get please I didn't
[12:31:07] hear you yeah what you like doing I get fucking you bring this guy jobs we're
[12:31:16] not gonna get us is very easy bro we never even took him to the hospital
[12:31:20] Why don't you just use this one for one, she's limping too, for fun.
[12:31:24] Are you a cop?
[12:31:25] No, I'm a receptionist.
[12:31:27] Oh, that's just a fair count, yeah.
[12:31:29] For cops.
[12:31:30] Police, not me.
[12:31:31] You're a cop?
[12:31:32] You're a cop? Are you laughing at me?
[12:31:34] You're a cop.
[12:31:35] I'm not a cop!
[12:31:37] She wants to be a cop.
[12:31:39] Would you rat us out if we let you go in front of MRPD and told us all our names?
[12:31:43] Would you tell the cops about us?
[12:31:45] Well, I already know his name, so...
[12:31:47] What's his name?
[12:31:49] the key
[12:31:51] your name get a weird ass name
[12:31:53] you do have a weird name
[12:31:55] my name is actually fucking normal
[12:31:57] very weird
[12:31:59] there's not a lot of people that start with z
[12:32:01] yes there is
[12:32:03] Zach
[12:32:05] bro what's about to say zebra
[12:32:07] wait where are you coming from
[12:32:09] do you know
[12:32:11] get out of the car
[12:32:13] are you blocking my accent
[12:32:15] oh is that where that came from
[12:32:47] I lost it. I lost it. What do I do? Why do I do? You need people in the group. Oh,
[12:33:00] No.
[12:33:01] Are you in there?
[12:33:02] No friends.
[12:33:03] Shit.
[12:33:03] No.
[12:33:04] Well you didn't.
[12:33:04] Hold on.
[12:33:05] Did we join a later repair?
[12:33:06] We didn't.
[12:33:07] Oh we didn't.
[12:33:08] No we didn't.
[12:33:08] No we didn't.
[12:33:09] No we didn't.
[12:33:10] I'm going to make an effort.
[12:33:11] I'm going to make an effort.
[12:33:13] Oh advanced is telling me.
[12:33:14] I got an advance too.
[12:33:15] We need one more person to join.
[12:33:17] I was told to request to join your group.
[12:33:19] The error group is to follow G2 headspace taking up too much category gigabytes on computer.
[12:33:27] You don't know what any of that is.
[12:33:30] Okay, you ready?
[12:33:32] Yeah
[12:33:34] Okay, think about
[12:33:37] Using your arrow muscles and your e-muscle and you never have arrows
[12:33:45] 3644
[12:33:49] I don't have arrow keys ready. He doesn't have a 10 key. Do you have 10 key? I have a fucking the wu-ting
[12:33:58] You can't do it. You don't have arrow keys. No
[12:34:01] No.
[12:34:02] I told me I needed to bring arrow keys.
[12:34:04] I told me I needed to bring arrow keys.
[12:34:09] Left, top, right, bottom.
[12:34:11] You almost fucked this up, you kid.
[12:34:20] Well, I didn't know I had to bring those.
[12:34:22] Okay, well do your damn job and rob the fucking teller, wherever he is.
[12:34:26] Rob the fucking...
[12:34:27] I said I'd let him do it.
[12:34:29] I'm in.
[12:34:30] Give me the fucking money or I'll cash one in your fucking head.
[12:34:34] You hear me, dog?
[12:34:35] You don't want to die.
[12:34:36] That's fucking right.
[12:34:37] Give me that fucking handle.
[12:34:38] Yeah, I wasn't going I'm a married man
[12:34:43] In that mask
[12:34:47] I treat them to love me
[12:34:51] I'm sorry. Yeah
[12:34:53] I'm sorry for the relation. That's far deep. Oh, yeah, I was like, wow
[12:34:59] Did your grandma mention that sweater? Yes, she did
[12:35:03] Thank you. Thank you. There is another person in the city who wears it. I'm gonna murder him
[12:35:08] I wore that one, Swallower.
[12:35:10] Yeah, you're lucky I didn't find you.
[12:35:12] It's made from every police chase he's ever gotten in escape.
[12:35:17] He put one patch on it.
[12:35:19] Oh, really?
[12:35:20] That's really not too many.
[12:35:22] It started as a junior.
[12:35:23] Now he's an XL.
[12:35:25] This is that good.
[12:35:26] That's like maybe a dozen.
[12:35:29] I wouldn't say that's a lot.
[12:35:31] Oof.
[12:35:32] She can tell you guys.
[12:35:33] And I'd say you should probably
[12:35:35] get a manicure, because your nails are fucking disgusting.
[12:35:37] That's what I'm saying.
[12:35:41] Hey, what's your favorite actual manicure?
[12:35:44] French manicure, right?
[12:35:46] Uh, sure.
[12:35:47] Sure.
[12:35:47] That's your back child's the one I gave you.
[12:35:49] Thank you.
[12:35:50] Fucking sell my boy that jacket.
[12:35:51] Yeah, you have a favorite.
[12:35:54] You know, I mean, like, if I had to choose my girlfriend
[12:35:57] or wife or whatever you call them in 2024, you know,
[12:36:00] I'd say if another I would choose French manicure.
[12:36:04] When you're worried about getting canceled,
[12:36:06] you don't know what to call your wife.
[12:36:07] You're like, what the hell is this?
[12:36:09] Oh, God.
[12:36:09] I don't work for G&G
[12:36:13] I'm getting nervous
[12:36:20] Yeah, I wish I got hired back then, brother
[12:36:22] Fuck
[12:36:23] I'm sorry?
[12:36:24] What happened?
[12:36:26] I'm sorry, could you repeat what you said?
[12:36:28] Just tell us, I'm still here
[12:36:30] Did you repeat it? I didn't hear you
[12:36:32] Do I want to hear you fuck?
[12:36:35] I hate you so fucking
[12:36:43] We are all in agreement when you say that
[12:36:47] So don't worry about it, we got you
[12:36:49] Is he key okay?
[12:36:54] Nah bro I just don't want to speak into this shit
[12:36:56] It's fucking stupid bro
[12:36:58] Dude what are you...
[12:36:59] What is wrong with you man?
[12:37:01] Yeah he definitely did
[12:37:03] He's commiting Sheldon's commiting
[12:37:05] Immersion
[12:37:06] Oh yeah, who says I don't fucking close one?
[12:37:08] Okay that's fucking more than you could have...
[12:37:10] Oh god I'm sick
[12:37:12] You just won't commit to the accent
[12:37:14] Stupid as fuck
[12:37:16] I don't think you're...
[12:37:18] I know that one's gonna be itching later too bro
[12:37:20] I think that means he can't you can't trust that shit get the fuck
[12:37:34] no you show me what I'm put your fucking hands up oh my god I will shoot you
[12:37:42] the key hands up right now I'll do yeah I'm executing the key yeah yeah let me
[12:37:50] fucking see where you got a backpack no you think I won't check your fucking
[12:37:54] backpack up bro oh my god I don't know I'm divided I'm sure I know what it was
[12:38:04] this is what we do to our own people a coin it was like a silver coin like a
[12:38:09] pirate coin skull coin you have a skull coin yeah that's what I got okay I left
[12:38:14] it on you no take it I don't know what it is yeah that door I already took it
[12:38:19] my OCD something was taken nah something was I can feel it nah something now I
[12:38:30] can feel it didn't take anything fucking did bitch I'll figure it out you
[12:38:37] You want us to drop you off at the police station?
[12:38:41] You don't want to show off, why not?
[12:38:42] You were running out the hell, what the hell are you doing?
[12:38:45] I was trying to get a caret.
[12:38:47] I'm broke right now, I keep giving my son fucking money.
[12:38:49] He's fucking dry.
[12:38:51] Well, so listen, we shouldn't say that, too.
[12:38:54] If you ever, you know, if we didn't kidnap you, you probably would've got here way later, so...
[12:38:59] Why is there a kid in front of you?
[12:39:00] Are you asking for a new son?
[12:39:03] I'm not telling you what you can and cannot do, I just thought maybe potentially that was like...
[12:39:07] your son you know what I'm just feeling it's right up here this office of them
[12:39:11] or he didn't return what they own a board coming down there thank you why
[12:39:16] there's so many people in here there's no cops
[12:39:19] oh yeah what's happening in there cool thank you guys for not killing me I
[12:39:25] appreciate it you're welcome for helping one and driving you from the
[12:39:28] vault all the way to your child his whole state station
[12:39:31] I'll add his whole case you know man fuck you what are they doing in there
[12:39:36] uh... i think they're having a press conference
[12:39:39] what?
[12:39:40] yeah there was a...
[12:39:42] and uh... a bunch of people died
[12:39:44] a bunch of people were in a contact today?
[12:39:47] yeah well like uh... so we were having a funeral over there
[12:39:49] right? and some of them were a fucking bomb
[12:39:51] no way, i heard it was a baseball
[12:39:54] uh... no, that definitely was not a baseball
[12:39:57] i heard on the streets
[12:39:59] it was a... well i mean yeah, that people like lost their limbs and shit, so that was a very powerful baseball
[12:40:04] you know like a good throw yeah yeah yeah yeah it could be yeah yeah but if I
[12:40:15] did how are you so horny I don't know it's just an ongoing issue he's still
[12:40:20] young he's still young it'll fade all right oh hey you have a good one all right
[12:40:24] see you guys later thank you we throw a bomb today
[12:40:35] someone sounds like you get I mean sound like you hear how she said that
[12:40:39] java I'm trying to figure out if me as Charles has gotten that information today
[12:40:45] I'm pretty sure I have basically we had a bomb me and Mr. K. set up a crowd we
[12:40:50] wait for the police to go to the bombing and we threw a bomb he threw a
[12:40:53] grenade in the dead center of the cops like very cops oh yeah remember
[12:41:01] We're back in the day with the pipe bombs out of the car.
[12:41:05] Yeah, so basically, Mr. K, we got the grenade from the mafia
[12:41:09] because we killed the cop, Tina.
[12:41:11] We actually killed her.
[12:41:12] Me, Raum, me, and K were on a dock.
[12:41:14] They executed her.
[12:41:16] Yes, they executed her in front of us.
[12:41:20] And then the cops tried to kill us.
[12:41:21] So we jumped in a submarine and escaped.
[12:41:23] And they give K a grenade as a thank you present.
[12:41:26] And then K used the grenade.
[12:41:27] And jumped in the submarine and escaped.
[12:41:30] I don't believe you've heard any story about that.
[12:41:32] We're shooting with a shooting us a lot and then
[12:41:37] Some like Britain Shaw right now explaining
[12:41:40] The meat hour sounds like fucking jealousy buddy
[12:41:46] Yeah, Bruce Wilson's passing by I did maybe Samuel looking for a train
[12:42:08] Even a dog shit establishment, you know that yeah, listen don't fucking walk in here, right?
[12:42:13] I'm not coming in away. Hey, when's that gonna get cleaned up?
[12:42:21] I don't worry fuck is that smell damn that's crib over there tower thank you
[12:42:39] the rest costs way too much money how much house 7,000 a week what the fuck
[12:42:49] where I pay the same and I live it I live for this house and I get like a
[12:42:54] whole house is one longer guy like this is it correct oh there's a broken one
[12:43:02] underneath that's not me that's still work though still work that's what I came
[12:43:12] back from a poker game that shit right off let's roll that's not going there
[12:43:18] let's leave that alone let's open it fuck it
[12:43:21] That's shallow, Tiki.
[12:43:23] Can of worms.
[12:43:24] Let's open that fucking can of worms, Charles.
[12:43:26] Let's open that one a little bit.
[12:43:28] Yeah, we don't keep things in here.
[12:43:30] Come on, Charles, let's have a little bit of fun.
[12:43:32] Bro, I don't know why you're always like that.
[12:43:33] At least I paid enough for you to pay for this, like.
[12:43:36] A wee bit of fun.
[12:43:40] I'm just taking a magnitude every time you said Charles.
[12:43:43] I really want to try this car. I'm gonna test it.
[12:43:45] Charles!
[12:43:47] Can I please have keys, sir?
[12:43:51] No, do be a good bloke. Get me to the pub.
[12:43:55] hmm this cost nice you get the uber in Britain yes over in an arsenal okay so I
[12:44:05] just stashed a skull key and cryptid usb 30 fucking thousand dollars oh shit
[12:44:14] it's okay how much you're having you I 1400 yeah I probably had that everybody
[12:44:28] just donate like 300 hours in the box to you
[12:44:35] I gave it to a chair mate.
[12:44:37] Are you a perky?
[12:44:39] What are you big?
[12:44:41] Fucking had fucking child with fucking sticky fingers in your pockets mate.
[12:44:45] I know there's something missing.
[12:44:47] I can see it in my peripheral vision but I don't know what it is.
[12:44:49] It's pissing me off.
[12:44:51] I'm getting the money to give.
[12:44:53] The memory of missing something.
[12:44:55] Give me the money.
[12:44:59] I'm fucking poor love.
[12:45:01] Something looks different and I don't know what it is.
[12:45:04] I'm gonna be fucking insane.
[12:45:06] We need the money bowl. I'm just bored. That's why I'm giving you money. Yeah, no, I just need to survive
[12:45:15] Okay, my armor broke. We're Robin
[12:45:26] Again, I guess he gets like super quiet at these times
[12:46:29] Oh, you wanna see Superquad?
[12:46:32] Oh, they're all on a meeting!
[12:46:34] Oh, I know, a fucking press meeting.
[12:46:37] Superquad's like six hours from now, man.
[12:46:39] Oh, yeah?
[12:46:40] It's fucking dead as fuck.
[12:46:42] You know how they do all the press conference inside, right?
[12:46:45] So they'll get another fucking baseball throwdown, bro.
[12:46:47] Just group them up and we already got them.
[12:46:52] At where I want.
[12:46:58] We should just, like, fucking run through there streaking.
[12:47:01] Old-school style.
[12:47:06] They give me some cream for my kitchen.
[12:47:11] You're what?
[12:47:13] You give me some cream for my itching.
[12:47:15] Oh, your itching. I think it's in the kitchen.
[12:47:18] What?
[12:47:19] Are you hungry?
[12:47:21] Yeah, well, I said, are you hungry?
[12:47:23] What did you eat earlier, Chow?
[12:47:24] What did you eat?
[12:47:25] I heard you chowing on the sand.
[12:47:27] What are you chowing down on?
[12:47:28] What are you so skinny?
[12:47:30] To me?
[12:47:31] I don't know him.
[12:47:33] Oh
[12:47:35] For the first time earlier a cow's own
[12:47:40] Disgusting
[12:47:44] Definitely fucking half of 50
[12:47:46] Okay, first one half 50. Thank you for asking second of all because I don't fucking me what's a cow's own
[12:47:53] I don't know the fuck that is a very good fucking meal from a piece place. It was discussed. I'd rather have a pizza
[12:47:59] What's the point? It's a folded pizza. It's just makes it up
[12:48:03] Some days you want a pizza, cheese steak, you want some french fries,
[12:48:06] so you do like me get a honey barbecue chicken wing,
[12:48:08] which like 12 wings, but a large pie and some french fries and mozzarella sticks.
[12:48:12] Yeah, that's a good challenge.
[12:48:14] It seemed like more work.
[12:48:15] That was the issue. It was like pizza with more work.
[12:48:18] I appreciate food.
[12:48:27] I appreciate my body, though.
[12:48:30] Yeah, that's what you challenge on some cookies, actually.
[12:48:33] Bro, I have some of your metabolism.
[12:48:35] Some of your motherfuckers be eating every hour, motherfucker.
[12:48:37] I don't know how you all do.
[12:48:38] I eat the most high-end food.
[12:48:40] Uh, okay.
[12:48:41] That was my head touch.
[12:48:44] Pretty good actually.
[12:48:46] I'm gonna find a new trick.
[12:48:49] Here's the trick.
[12:48:51] Here's the trick.
[12:48:52] Get in the fucking bag.
[12:48:53] This is reminding me of something.
[12:48:55] This is gonna work.
[12:48:56] I always do it.
[12:48:57] I always do it.
[12:48:59] I think we're stuck.
[12:49:00] Man, this is...
[12:49:01] I think you're gonna break the call before you do it.
[12:49:03] I think so.
[12:49:04] No.
[12:49:06] I don't know nothing. Watch this.
[12:49:08] Got this?
[12:49:11] Are you trying to wait here by the way?
[12:49:13] You need to go after the second run on the right.
[12:49:15] Oh, is that right?
[12:49:19] I didn't mean to go up.
[12:49:21] If you drop like a bunch of weightlifting weights,
[12:49:23] that usually helps.
[12:49:24] What next to the tree on the right?
[12:49:25] That would go that way up.
[12:49:27] Fuck this car.
[12:49:29] I'm dead. Oh my god.
[12:49:31] You do it.
[12:49:33] That's a professional deal with that.
[12:49:37] Oh, you got close though.
[12:49:50] use the spices from them in its own food have you another dog you know you made it
[12:50:18] yeah you sure
[12:50:27] that's another time take shit you gotta look at this there was a rain on the
[12:50:35] rock there was the obvious you know it was persistence but you know it may be
[12:50:42] rocky right now and it may look like there is no way out but if you keep
[12:50:47] trying and you keep trying different ways and methods once you will be
[12:50:52] successful. Aiming a gun won't solve your problems Charles. That is a lie. That's a
[12:50:58] temporary fix for a long and awakened wound. Come in the car. Come on.
[12:51:07] You know you Charles, I'm not being you right now
[12:51:09] You fucking idiot
[12:51:12] Nah, I got it
[12:51:17] I don't know why you- I saw you shoot K in the face earlier
[12:51:19] I don't know if that was you like this
[12:51:21] Was that you? That was you
[12:51:23] Yeah, yeah, I'm like the only person I can get away with that
[12:51:30] He shoots me, he shoots me 90 fucking times
[12:51:35] I just don't have to get one back on him
[12:51:37] One time he was beating shit out of me and I punched him back and I got yelled at because he was about to do a job
[12:51:42] I
[12:51:45] Sure
[12:51:49] She had no
[12:51:51] Bro, I I shot MS now I got in the face and Kate was like yeah good shit
[12:51:56] She was at the whole time. So we like when I shot over the face
[12:52:05] Yeah, but you're gonna do whatever the fuck you want to do, you know, you know
[12:52:12] I'm just looking at the vibe on it.
[12:52:13] All right, yeah.
[12:52:14] Oh yeah, what about me?
[12:52:15] I would do that.
[12:52:16] Oh, man, I shot someone.
[12:52:18] How come he can do it?
[12:52:21] That is funny.
[12:52:22] He does do that.
[12:52:24] Everyone just wants to hit on him.
[12:52:26] The thing is, I do it with like the ex-man.
[12:52:28] I know there's gonna be consequences,
[12:52:30] not I accept that.
[12:52:33] What I do?
[12:52:35] Nothing.
[12:52:37] We have no truth.
[12:52:38] You do nothing and somehow it will get you out of it.
[12:52:43] you actually have a talent Chris. It was funny, you grind it like all months non-stop getting
[12:52:49] fucking materials for everything and you still weren't the wrong every time. I don't know why
[12:52:54] that still makes me laugh. It's not funny at all but knowing like you did nothing wrong and they
[12:52:59] He's still saying fuck, Chris was crazy.
[12:53:07] You know it, you know it, too.
[12:53:11] You know, bro, don't worry about it, they be saying fuck me now, bro, don't worry about it.
[12:53:17] They go through phases.
[12:53:21] I've been away, you know.
[12:53:22] Okay, true, that's actually, wait, maybe that's why they've been saying fuck me.
[12:53:25] You haven't been around.
[12:53:27] They're changed, don't worry.
[12:53:29] Is somebody having a concert or something, the fuck?
[12:53:30] Yeah, I kinda wanna go in there.
[12:53:32] I like going in there sometimes, and
[12:53:34] tying the strip with it on my problems.
[12:53:35] Peace, Pity.
[12:53:35] Peace, Pity.
[12:53:36] Peace, Pity.
[12:53:36] Yeah.
[12:53:37] You just make me, I don't know.
[12:53:39] Hey, it feels like they actually listen, you know?
[12:53:40] This place cringes me, man, man.
[12:53:43] Yo, you ever see the hidden videos we got?
[12:53:45] And my fuck is going in the back room.
[12:53:47] Okay, so I'm gonna make sure the car doesn't go,
[12:53:49] get picked up by locals.
[12:53:51] Ah, I don't think it does here.
[12:53:54] Of course it does.
[12:53:55] This is the saddest shit I've ever seen.
[12:54:21] Oh, fuck it, dancing solo.
[12:54:22] You don't know but I got a gun on you right now.
[12:54:27] Oh yeah?
[12:54:28] Go ahead and shoot it.
[12:54:30] Don't do anything else but shoot it.
[12:54:32] Fuck.
[12:54:33] And that.
[12:54:36] But.
[12:54:37] It's alright.
[12:54:38] It would have took you seven shots to put me down in my head anyway.
[12:54:40] Oh I can't do it.
[12:54:47] Fuck.
[12:54:48] I just won't get in the front.
[12:54:53] Real man.
[12:54:54] Real man would have already shot.
[12:54:55] She took all my money and pretended to love me.
[12:54:57] Let's go.
[12:55:02] I don't think that's what that was.
[12:55:04] Oh you see that shit?
[12:55:06] That's quick. That's quick. That's quick.
[12:55:08] You have no idea.
[12:55:09] You, you, you would never, what's going on with you, huh?
[12:55:12] Somebody fucking drive!
[12:55:14] How dare you.
[12:55:15] How do you keep aiming at me, Chawa?
[12:55:16] What's going on here?
[12:55:17] I'm just kissing you.
[12:55:18] You know, I'm just...
[12:55:19] We're supposed to do a hearty drill.
[12:55:20] I was practicing being a security guard in front of a garage.
[12:55:23] I thought we knew.
[12:55:24] Really?
[12:55:25] Right?
[12:55:26] I'm practicing for my future fucking black belt in Tlacvondo.
[12:55:30] So if I chop you in the fucking throat...
[12:55:31] Hey, I'm in Tlacvondo.
[12:55:32] Don't be fucking moaning at me.
[12:55:33] Oh, you think you got a good trotting chuckle?
[12:55:35] the sound my fucking right you know I had to one fucking slice of their cheese
[12:55:39] of a cry job I swear to God it was a blue cheese
[12:55:44] that's it melted my hand but it fucked straight for the fuck I said you like
[12:55:48] smacked it against the wall it just smushed I try to give a watch like in
[12:55:53] people like kick or karate kind of chop the fucking alcohol open try to do that
[12:55:58] My friends ought to do that to a boxing bag when we went to the bar in the kitchen
[12:56:05] Karate chopping multiple times over and over again out of bottle
[12:56:10] Successfully could not and can open
[12:56:14] Oh, yeah, I'm on the heads of a wife
[12:56:23] So today today were you were you doing it silently like a ninja so they couldn't hear you or did you have no
[12:56:31] Yeah
[12:56:53] Yeah, you know, you know that that is actually used very well in
[12:56:57] in fights like right now 2024 you're gonna fight in the street they'll say if
[12:57:01] you ever got a fight winner you know somewhere we recently were you just
[12:57:05] look in the street yeah I you get in position you just go you scare the
[12:57:10] shit I fucking drop my fucking pants and boxes think about this that think
[12:57:13] about the alternative okay think about the time you doesn't scare them someone's
[12:57:17] recording you stupid and then he knocks you out and the trick the trick is
[12:57:21] Before your pants down, I swear, that sounds crazy.
[12:57:25] No, bro, I did it, bro, I actually did it, and it works.
[12:57:30] What's the fucking way to?
[12:57:33] Well, I bet, um, I've seen people
[12:57:36] threaten to kiss people in the middle of a fight, and people stop.
[12:57:40] Now fucking your face right fucking now, bro.
[12:57:43] You want to fucking go by there being all serious?
[12:57:45] And you're just like, I fucking I can really picture
[12:57:48] there's somebody disliking that more.
[12:57:51] And wanted to beat your ass more
[12:57:56] Just assuming someone would be like that eventually I mean I'm down for the fight anyway
[12:58:00] I just think it's funny at the end of it. Fuck that probably gonna fucking make me bitch
[12:58:04] I'll fucking I'll fucking I'll fucking suck you driver fucking now. You want to fight?
[12:58:14] Yeah for about three seconds until you fucking
[12:58:18] Realize what's happening
[12:58:20] mindfuck me just turn me on like Mike Tyson said it bro yeah okay that's
[12:58:27] different between you saying it and fucking Mike Tyson if Mike doesn't
[12:58:33] I'm gonna fuck you do you love me I swear to God I would I would shit my
[12:58:37] fucking pants I would genuinely cry yeah nah bro no way
[12:58:46] He has those eyes. He has dead eyes, bro. That guy's seen some shit
[12:58:57] It's final
[12:59:00] He runs with a fucking downy leg, you know what I mean like I can fucking outpace him
[12:59:06] I don't fuck it. I don't run but I could I'm gonna get 50 hours distance
[12:59:12] That's how you should be able to outrun a guy who's like 60
[12:59:15] I
[12:59:17] Some 60 year olds I've you seen some athletes probably even try out on them shit
[12:59:26] I don't understand that David Goggins those guy you don't understand
[12:59:33] Dolls what's up? Not for the bad jokes
[12:59:41] I can too late my bullshit. Okay, I thought you're gonna go now. I'm just trying to one-up you right here
[12:59:46] Yeah
[12:59:50] No, yeah, it's true that right yet, you know someone else someone has to try step up to the plate
[13:00:03] Yeah, I mean even then like I would say he doesn't look good, but then we'd be lying as well
[13:00:08] So I don't know what the fuck you know like the fucking it's like oh we need a fucking hire someone
[13:00:12] You know that would make the rest of everyone else look good. It's like hot shirts just there one day
[13:00:17] And they were like yeah, I think that guy
[13:00:19] I think he was hired to make everything, you think it was like a nice spot?
[13:00:23] No, I'm not saying that, I'm not saying that because after he beat the fuck out of me, I'm sorry.
[13:00:26] So you think it's like a couple of hackshakes that tries to get an ugly friend off purpose to make them look better than I'm here?
[13:00:30] How many times are you going to fuck this same fucking job again?
[13:00:32] It's the car, it's not me though.
[13:00:34] You can make that joke because you're like, you know, how should I know?
[13:00:36] I feel like how should I know if you're going to beat me up if I say that.
[13:00:38] So I'm just going to take that back.
[13:00:40] It's actually big.
[13:00:41] Yeah, it's actually big, but once again, it's like the Mike Tyson.
[13:00:48] not catching me I'm fast as fuck I'm genuinely fast. I'm not gonna lie though it's nice to have
[13:00:52] somebody else that has an older lingo because none of you guys ever understand anything I say
[13:00:59] and I've never understand anything wrong with staffs. Yeah he's trying to get into a car with Curtis.
[13:01:04] Yo my wrist games off the chain on jaw. Ah not a cent. Got that drip.
[13:01:11] Like I'm young but like I'm like old young. I'm just rid of fucking ADHD that's the issue
[13:01:18] That's what fucks ya. I never see it. I've never even said
[13:01:28] I
[13:01:29] Think my balls would go inside of me if I said some shit like that. I'll be honest
[13:01:32] I don't think I could physically say that. Oh my raise like that's just
[13:01:37] You ever made that off-scanner like that?
[13:01:40] There's a newer every month.
[13:01:42] But I have some confidence to say that shit.
[13:01:44] Like, confidently.
[13:01:46] There's no way someone says that and goes,
[13:01:48] Oh, I've got Rizz, and their arm hairs don't stand.
[13:01:51] Like, there's just no way.
[13:01:53] I'm not really sure how that got started.
[13:01:55] I wonder, how do you get like a lingo started
[13:01:58] across an H?
[13:01:59] Most of the times it's just, no,
[13:02:01] most of the time it's just old videos, right?
[13:02:03] I think that's what it is.
[13:02:04] like they come back and then they use the wire that most tiktok tips like all
[13:02:10] shit is like charisma yeah ours Mike oh I didn't really put that together yeah
[13:02:20] it's like sure in go yeah I said a long time ago and the the how I put this the
[13:02:29] meta and lingo is if you shorten the word enough you're cool.
[13:02:34] Yeah.
[13:02:35] Yeah.
[13:02:36] Yeah.
[13:02:37] Like UK, UK slang is the weirdest slang.
[13:02:46] It's like the same thing with like cuz.
[13:02:48] Like motherfuckers, what's going on cuz and then and then someone decided like disease
[13:02:53] to us.
[13:02:54] Like I'm like.
[13:02:55] Yeah.
[13:02:56] I'm like.
[13:02:57] You know what I'm saying?
[13:02:58] Yeah.
[13:02:59] True.
[13:03:00] What up?
[13:03:01] What up?
[13:03:02] I fuck with that one though.
[13:03:03] Okay.
[13:03:04] Can we both look at that?
[13:03:05] You know what I'm saying, I'm really frustrated.
[13:03:07] Rich is actually fucking stupid.
[13:03:09] I actually like to cut it.
[13:03:11] Okay.
[13:03:13] But that's just an example.
[13:03:15] There's definitely a lot of words in an example of shortening it, and it's the way.
[13:03:20] Just takes the right person saying it and making it sound good.
[13:03:25] Man, that's dumb dibbity dope, bro.
[13:03:27] Can't back in the game, bro.
[13:03:29] Yeah.
[13:03:30] A little bit different.
[13:03:31] No, I like the word though.
[13:04:13] it's because you know this reputation that it's still okay it's still like
[13:04:19] a lot of members style I think the time is almost 7 a.m.
[13:04:22] about 7 a.m.
[13:04:25] yeah you're from Ireland
[13:04:28] Ireland
[13:04:30] from Ireland?
[13:04:31] no I'm from Ireland
[13:04:34] what's the name of the truck?
[13:04:35] it's from Irish.
[13:04:37] I'm told me to talk in the market which I mean it said don't even
[13:04:40] I don't fucking understand what you mean
[13:04:42] But I fucking come around your house and punch your fucking head in
[13:04:45] Yeah they end their sentences
[13:04:48] on diners
[13:04:50] It's not a fucking reason
[13:04:52] You think I fucking care about him?
[13:04:54] Yeah, because every end of a sentence for an Irish person they're asking you a question
[13:04:58] even if it's a statement
[13:05:00] I fucking love you
[13:05:02] Oh my god
[13:05:04] You think that's even a fucking reason?
[13:05:06] Is that a reason?
[13:05:08] I
[13:05:15] Remember that's pretty good
[13:05:17] I mean from in and so it was just me and I'm so early morning's like a fucking four months
[13:05:22] And all we'd go around is his people up all morning. It was the best fucking time
[13:05:31] Actually, miss it
[13:05:34] What's your first PVP shooter? Oh, I'll piece of your first P2P shooter
[13:05:46] the first one that I stumbled upon that got me into a piece of gaming app.
[13:05:52] Oh, shit. Do you quake ever? There do you quake?
[13:05:56] Yeah.
[13:05:57] Do you quake on real?
[13:06:00] No, I'm-
[13:06:01] On real?
[13:06:02] The only time I remember any sort of like quake did actually function.
[13:06:09] I did on real, but it was after Counter-Shark.
[13:06:11] It comes to quake though. I think there's also a way after Counter-Shark.
[13:06:15] I'm gonna be like, old school game with all the silverware.
[13:06:20] I was also not my computer, I go to my friend's house, and then be straight and get the paper.
[13:06:27] He got me in the fucking PC.
[13:06:30] Well, you was mine.
[13:06:31] Click2 was mine.
[13:06:33] He lives it down.
[13:06:34] You're starting to moat?
[13:06:35] What?
[13:06:36] Can you wait?
[13:06:37] Do you move forward with your exit?
[13:06:39] Uh, no.
[13:06:41] I tried it for a bit.
[13:06:42] I couldn't do it.
[13:06:44] It's the same so
[13:06:47] I'm intuitive this motherfucker knows
[13:06:50] He's like the smiles when the fuck you know, bro
[13:06:56] Some more smiles my bro Gary's I should sell smart fucking glazes and we don't care
[13:07:00] He's the same shit when Gary's around and he just speaks. I'm like, what the fuck
[13:07:04] Guy knows how to fucking speed
[13:07:08] Really
[13:07:10] He doesn't learn words
[13:07:44] Are we about to do the backup? Yeah, you back up here.
[13:07:46] Yeah, I was trying to find this.
[13:07:48] I was like, this is a risk.
[13:07:49] You got a you got a hand.
[13:07:50] Like they're going to hit you.
[13:07:55] They get a bomb in behind you.
[13:07:57] Just a fucking nollie backside borsal.
[13:08:01] OK, no big deal.
[13:08:04] They blow up on that shit right there.
[13:08:10] Hey, when I call Riles, bro, I'm like, yes.
[13:08:13] I'm small fucking keys.
[13:08:17] There's a really funny jump.
[13:08:20] if you stay on this track of the cars will go fast enough to do like a hundred hundred ten will be ground
[13:08:24] up set up
[13:08:25] and uh... cops always ocean medical talks
[13:08:28] no curbs are used to that type of victim
[13:08:31] eeeeeee
[13:08:32] i know that i had a
[13:08:33] sling off along these little rails
[13:08:36] i had a change like the way i take my shit because of that
[13:08:41] because when you once you get up top like to just jump with the screws
[13:08:45] you have to like anticipate your landings a lot more in the city
[13:08:49] because you can't adjust it if you want it if you hit your head.
[13:08:52] I hate that shit.
[13:08:53] I don't like that thing where you can just literally land your, you know what I mean?
[13:08:56] You can pull back, shift away, you can't do it anymore.
[13:08:59] You can't do it anymore though.
[13:09:00] Hey, can you, can you steer the car in the air again?
[13:09:02] Yeah, yeah.
[13:09:03] Oh, I thought they stopped.
[13:09:05] No, you can't slightly.
[13:09:06] Oh, I didn't even notice you could do that.
[13:09:09] That slightly is like too much.
[13:09:11] Have fun though.
[13:09:15] I hate that shit.
[13:09:19] Damn, you thought I was landing some clean ass fucking jumps off that.
[13:09:22] Yeah, off that, oh wait, that's...
[13:09:24] I don't know, it was funny.
[13:09:28] All different times.
[13:09:30] It's just gonna be a nice...
[13:09:32] He plays match and chat, so...
[13:09:34] Then fucking jump onto the highway.
[13:09:36] Good one.
[13:09:38] It slows me down every time, though.
[13:09:42] I've been spoiled, I've been fucking driving in a lecture car for a hot minute, so it's like...
[13:09:46] Acceleration.
[13:09:48] I missed it so bad, yeah.
[13:09:50] Yeah, but you take it weird. I don't do this when I go to the left side as well, you're
[13:10:26] You hit it really quickly.
[13:10:28] Yeah, my plane has been on the ladder.
[13:10:30] Why are you so far right there?
[13:10:32] Cool.
[13:10:33] You made me like on the other side of the fucking right side.
[13:10:35] You see how this back corner is closest to you?
[13:10:37] You're like even middle building.
[13:10:39] You fixing there or just looking at it?
[13:10:51] It's running, but it's not even moving.
[13:10:54] Let's grab the disc of population valve
[13:11:01] and then put it into the motorized oil section.
[13:11:04] Spit on it.
[13:11:06] And then pull the...
[13:11:08] though. Keep turning down. Oh, this thing doesn't want to turn out. How weird was that?
[13:11:21] Yeah, I think the car just literally got scuffed right now because it won't drive forward or back
[13:11:24] either. Yeah, I can't repair it. Let's go. All right. Should have walked away. That car anyway.
[13:11:38] There's not nobody reacting to you shooting. They're just so like,
[13:11:42] they're just so. Yeah, that's the way I'm going to say uncensored or something.
[13:11:46] That's like fucking going in a fucking shooting range of a blind person
[13:11:51] You know what I mean? Like if fucking Stevie Wonder was on the other fucking end of the gun
[13:11:54] You know what I mean?
[13:11:55] I would hate to be in a five with that guy that has two eye patches
[13:12:02] That shit is funny every time I see him
[13:12:04] I remember when he actually shoots one of his boys
[13:12:10] Yeah right?
[13:12:11] Bro I didn't see him
[13:12:12] I didn't I didn't know I didn't know
[13:12:16] Your footsteps sounded like someone else's.
[13:12:20] I don't know.
[13:12:28] I'm trying to fuck with that jumper shower.
[13:12:30] Tip for shower?
[13:12:32] I feel like I don't feel like anyone would wear that.
[13:12:34] So that's how it's him.
[13:12:37] Oh, are you talking about the sweater?
[13:12:39] Yeah.
[13:12:39] That's one of the reasons I like it.
[13:12:40] I kind of like it myself.
[13:12:42] It's wagging.
[13:12:44] Everybody has cases.
[13:12:45] So nobody rocks it.
[13:12:47] So it's like kind of just when you see it, you know it's me.
[13:12:50] I like having something where people know it's me,
[13:12:51] Because, you know, like having to get the fuck else in the city, you know what I mean, I'm dressed like that man.
[13:12:56] Exactly, mm-hmm.
[13:12:57] I think I've got like four years and people know me for that.
[13:13:00] Yeah, you really have to establish something, you know what I'm saying?
[13:13:04] Uh-huh, you have to build something, yeah.
[13:13:06] You have to.
[13:13:07] Yeah, I try to keep like, one, I always try to have a hat and the same sneakers.
[13:13:13] My orthodox.
[13:13:14] And the OGs.
[13:13:15] Yeah, and then...
[13:13:16] Look at this here, you think you'd jump off of this?
[13:13:19] Yeah, on the left.
[13:13:20] left the highway hit it on the left
[13:13:24] we land on the highway
[13:13:27] you have to hit it
[13:13:30] more left
[13:13:34] it goes wide on the right
[13:13:38] what? that was clear
[13:13:41] really good
[13:13:43] I think in jumps like that they just do the same thing right behind you
[13:13:46] Yeah, he loves it jump right here. He always hits it like those really fast like he's gonna fucking go
[13:14:00] Dude just the um the most old-school jump probably in the city right behind you to the right here
[13:14:06] They still fuck this one. Yeah, I still fuck this up. Yeah
[13:14:10] It's not easy hit this
[13:14:16] Here's the thing you can go through this in a certain way
[13:14:21] Keep it straight and you keep trucking really fast and even if they make it right you still get tons of space on
[13:14:27] You need certain cars, but you can wall ride this
[13:14:33] Why did you tell me go over you?
[13:14:35] I didn't think you were going to send him in like 40 miles per hour.
[13:14:37] Oh, there's got to be a bunch of dudes in there.
[13:14:39] Why the fuck are you telling me to take this?
[13:14:40] I was telling you to take it.
[13:14:44] Go over there.
[13:14:46] Well, I mean, what's the idea, though?
[13:14:47] Well, you want me to go fucking do it?
[13:14:49] I mean, what am I doing?
[13:14:50] No, I was showing people.
[13:14:51] I'm stuck.
[13:14:52] Good.
[13:14:54] Help.
[13:14:55] You put yourself in.
[13:14:55] It's a challenge.
[13:14:56] You're going to change them.
[13:14:59] I remember when I was young, naive.
[13:15:03] I remember when we were looking for a place to stand.
[13:15:06] I'm gonna go exactly don't get a hold of 20 seconds ago 20 seconds ago
[13:15:34] As the kids on the BT right
[13:15:53] Child that was an accident
[13:15:55] The hardest thing for them to do is to shoot the fucking locals. I missed
[13:16:03] What'd you say? Wait, what the fuck you say? I mean what you said you say I'm on the BT
[13:16:07] I said, man, you're really trying to beat that G-Team, beat them, I did, actually.
[13:16:12] You're saying that in a game.
[13:16:14] Yeah, that's not really okay, Charles.
[13:16:16] I'll fucking show you a thing or two, buddy.
[13:16:18] Okay.
[13:16:19] I'll show you a little fucking thing.
[13:16:21] Yeah, after a week.
[13:16:23] Careful, the counter strike could come out of me at any moment.
[13:16:25] I hope the fucking does, buddy.
[13:16:28] These little zoomers, I think they're so good.
[13:16:30] I don't know if that Mullet though's in there, actually.
[13:16:33] Yeah, still a pro match, though.
[13:16:36] I really get this truck. She looks clean.
[13:16:39] Go down to your dive, Loki.
[13:16:41] Lookin' right behind us.
[13:16:45] This looks like a personally owned one to me.
[13:16:47] No, it wouldn't.
[13:16:49] Do I, please?
[13:16:51] Where do you do the arcade shit? Where is that, Chris?
[13:16:54] You do it at least, you know that.
[13:16:56] Let's try that.
[13:16:58] I wish I could uh...
[13:17:00] Steps there. Thanks for getting the 5 stars brother. I appreciate it man.
[13:17:02] You're welcome guys on Squaddle.
[13:17:03] Enjoy dudes. Thank you for scoring the channel man.
[13:17:05] I feel like trucks with a big-ass lift panel is fucking awesome.
[13:17:08] Nice.
[13:17:18] Close your eyes, but then it didn't happen.
[13:17:20] Can we even blow up?
[13:17:22] That's good.
[13:17:23] Those things stick pretty good.
[13:17:24] It doesn't really roll that much.
[13:17:26] It probably jumps over shit too.
[13:17:28] Dude, these things are in life.
[13:17:30] Horrible.
[13:17:31] It's probably upgraded, man.
[13:17:32] I mean, it's a local car.
[13:17:34] This is not a local car, is it?
[13:17:36] It is, man.
[13:17:37] I just shot the local car.
[13:17:38] That's what I said.
[13:17:39] Nice!
[13:17:40] Who am I?
[13:17:41] Somebody owned it.
[13:17:42] I've been seeing a lot different local cars recently.
[13:17:43] trippin on a black you have the other one yeah no you don't go ahead them
[13:17:52] we use a poker journey now we're for it virtual reality we need to shoot each
[13:18:04] other legally you just need $50 you set up a room where oh my god I downloaded
[13:18:17] that new thing that like they dance for well actually we're doing this arena yeah
[13:18:22] oh yeah we'll pay us one two three I don't even get in enter the lobby oh you
[13:18:31] are drag and drop you're the only dragon drivers there was the teams only on this
[13:18:36] shower take on oh my god only hey
[13:18:42] Oh, what are the fucking guns?
[13:18:44] Oh, shitty map. Sorry, sorry.
[13:18:54] I didn't even know you could change the map.
[13:18:56] I'll keep it a buck. I have no idea what I'm doing here.
[13:19:04] He always rush up front.
[13:19:06] Can you go up?
[13:19:14] Can you guys hear me?
[13:19:16] Can you go above us, Gomer?
[13:19:21] Yeah.
[13:19:37] Careful, Z.
[13:19:58] Oh my God, I almost died.
[13:20:02] Yeah, I didn't know what was that. Pretty easy.
[13:20:04] Run.
[13:20:06] I started climbing, too.
[13:20:08] I am okay. Give me a break right go me can go up
[13:20:12] You can't give me excuse for him, okay?
[13:20:48] Yeah
[13:20:50] Yeah, no hair, bro. You just body. That's why you that's why it's so annoying. I keep going for the head
[13:20:56] He's raising him. He may abandon me
[13:21:46] Calm down
[13:21:51] Yeah, I'm down. I think food killed me. I don't know I died of hydration or food
[13:22:00] I fell after the round.
[13:22:14] It's not your ass, that's not me.
[13:23:09] Sir Keeney, yo you fucks!
[13:23:14] Can't end me, I'm too strong.
[13:23:25] You're crystal down as well?
[13:23:26] What the fuck?
[13:23:27] Yeah, I killed Chris.
[13:23:28] So listen, after we killed you on the last one I jumped off the thing and I think
[13:23:33] as the round started I fell.
[13:23:35] Oh, you feel like you broke it.
[13:23:38] What the fuck?
[13:23:40] Oh, I'm gonna kill myself.
[13:23:45] I take me a couple of jumps.
[13:24:28] Hey yo, this is perfect clickbait right here.
[13:24:30] Why does this have nine kills?
[13:24:59] Man, good smokes. We want $200.
[13:25:03] Hey, let's do it again and we'll do a different map.
[13:25:05] What's a good one? Chris, do you know what I'm talking about?
[13:25:07] It's, uh, fuck. It's the one that the boys were literally fighting earlier.
[13:25:11] Yeah, industrial small.
[13:25:13] Yeah, industrial small, yeah, yeah.
[13:25:15] Wait, wait, oh dude, I'm gonna fucking...
[13:25:17] It's got like five minutes, by the way.
[13:25:19] Fuck it, do it.
[13:25:21] Oh, I did FNX.
[13:25:28] Alright, sorry.
[13:25:30] I'm gonna be dead.
[13:25:32] It's like some sort of online-shaped game, someone's gonna find me and feed my character.
[13:25:36] Alright, so...
[13:25:38] It's here on the side.
[13:26:07] Okay, admittedly, I was missing shots.
[13:26:09] He loves this free-true.
[13:26:27] I hate shooting around here, I don't know what it is.
[13:26:29] Hey, can I have a tap and it means nothing?
[13:26:33] The fucking drift though, it's super killing.
[13:26:35] thank god I was losing I suck take my senses too fast in this game I don't
[13:27:14] like want to change this maybe fitting headshots
[13:28:00] we're losing we're losing I died climbing
[13:28:10] wait I know my speed is complete that's right I forgot I'm supposed to do that
[13:28:35] gun fights I can use my strafe a little bit more to help me aim now so it's gonna
[13:28:45] be a mess
[13:28:47] if you don't get the user's strafe on awesome keyboard and you can't fight I
[13:28:51] forgot all about that brabbing fucking playing in mud
[13:29:01] this guy chow I've never seen this kid bro he's like
[13:29:05] he's like a crap walking bro I've never had to play against that what the fuck
[13:29:10] Dumber's low, he's moanin'!
[13:29:41] Fuck it, he's to your left!
[13:29:45] He's blinded!
[13:29:47] How's fucking Dumber up, though?
[13:29:57] You had to reapply the shift after a roll.
[13:30:36] Poor Dumber, dude.
[13:30:37] He starts coming down a ladder,
[13:30:39] and then instantly me and Chris start shooting that fool.
[13:30:44] No one full well, he can't do shit.
[13:30:52] That's fucked up.
[13:30:54] Oh my god.
[13:31:01] You know, gunfights are about to be a lot easier on Charles now.
[13:31:03] I completely forgot about the shift thing.
[13:31:05] That's gonna be really nice.
[13:31:07] Literally every fight I've been in so far,
[13:31:09] I completely forgot that that was a thing.
[13:31:11] Yeah, geez, he's better.
[13:31:25] Sleep well, sleep well.
[13:31:27] Sleep well.
[13:31:29] Tell them tomorrow, dude.
[13:31:31] Later, later, man.
[13:31:40] We still doing the movie shit or what?
[13:31:42] It's up to you guys.
[13:31:44] is so on is everybody around
[13:32:17] maybe they have something simple i guess
[13:32:19] so got off i think so f
[13:32:25] man i'll be honest with you i didn't
[13:32:27] for these nights i'm not going to want to get off stream for them
[13:32:29] we should just like
[13:32:31] i wonder if we should just do an on stream
[13:32:33] fucking like watch unofficial watch part
[13:32:35] and we'll just like watch down the other one
[13:32:37] they'll have the tabs down to chill
[13:32:39] on some days i'll probably be offline
[13:32:41] for them but i don't know what do you
[13:32:43] what do you think is that not a good thing
[13:32:49] sure i know that what we talked about
[13:32:51] different we'll see everything's because we'll get to this point in the night
[13:32:56] where my I don't want my stream to be over yet and I've never felt okay I
[13:32:59] mean if we just do like an unofficial like watch party where I got it on the
[13:33:03] top monitor or I just got full screen and just like yeah I mean watch it I'll
[13:33:08] figure out a way to mute it for the stream but not for me and still have
[13:33:12] music or something yeah but maybe wait for so I don't want to do the first
[13:33:21] I already got ranked, Jar, like 7-16 under, or something, 6-16 under.
[13:33:41] Yeah, you know what I want to do?
[13:33:43] I kind of want to go to, I kind of want to check out this server, this racing server.
[13:33:59] Project Street.
[13:34:00] Yeah, I was thinking about looking at it.
[13:34:01] The owner hit me up and said, you know, he's basically down for us to game, I mean,
[13:34:04] it's not going to be anything.
[13:34:09] I do need to count my FPS to 60, but I can just do that.
[13:34:12] I don't know why I do that.
[13:34:16] To be honest with you, I'm pretty sure 60 FPS overall is the best to drive on, but I could
[13:34:24] be wrong, but I think that's going to give you the best handling you can have and like
[13:34:29] speed comparison is still there.
[13:34:40] So maybe I just need to go on 60.
[13:34:42] So I'm just going to pull up that video controller now.
[13:34:46] Let me pull this up real quick.
[13:35:00] There's like a million of these things I have to let go through though, because I don't
[13:35:03] know which one actually does it.
[13:35:04] I'll just change all of them.
[13:35:27] If I can find an exact which one he wants me to go.
[13:35:31] Let's just try it for a while.
[13:35:33] I don't know, I can now drive about 16.
[13:35:34] Smoke's just going to launch that one or something, so.
[13:35:38] Look at the cheats.
[13:35:43] Joking.
[13:35:43] I want to say that'll do it.
[13:36:05] Now I'll get on this car.
[13:36:20] 60's gonna steal that at first.
[13:36:22] Eh.
[13:36:25] Let me go be okay.
[13:36:27] Um, okay.
[13:36:30] So I'm looking for Project Street.
[13:36:32] It's not 47, but it's pretty decent, and uh, I'll see if this works.
[13:36:38] Unable to get your discord ID.
[13:36:53] Please make sure that discord's running.
[13:36:58] Uh, it's probably because I want streamer mode.
[13:37:00] Oh, this.
[13:37:02] Oh.
[13:37:12] That is?
[13:37:14] I mean, it's limited.
[13:37:18] That's 60.
[13:37:20] I- it got there, yeah.
[13:37:24] B3095.
[13:37:28] Let's restart this after turning off streamer mode.
[13:37:30] Okay, smart, smart, smart, smart, smart.
[13:37:32] shit I bailed on 10 of them and I don't want them, I've been bailed on for a little bit now but that's because I've been kind of finding out where I want to be
[13:37:46] that's so very nice
[13:37:56] did you connect your discord account to rockstar thingy? that's what I said
[13:37:59] maybe not
[13:38:06] did I connect it here or something?
[13:38:08] just open discord
[13:38:28] I'm glad to be in there, discord is at the end
[13:38:31] there's status online
[13:39:08] it's not hiding
[13:39:10] let me restart discord
[13:39:33] let me restart it
[13:39:35] open discord first and I've done everything connections on this
[13:40:42] little jar they said they have a different text channel now a different
[13:41:25] Discord
[13:41:29] What about a jar what am I looking at so Fisher shoot it off
[13:42:04] About history because I'm just trying to figure this out, bro. I got this
[13:43:04] What fucking trouble shooting genius?
[13:43:10] I just look at you
[13:43:24] 5,000 words
[13:43:26] Hey, oh, I can authorize. Oh, okay
[13:43:33] Okay, chill. I won't chill
[13:43:35] what an authorizer shit now that I run this mission it works for me and all I
[13:43:56] did was limit it to 60 FPS so it's a 60 global can't do that you think it's the
[13:45:02] 60 FPS law and that's how I see that's why something I just didn't want to grow
[13:45:10] it wants me to off-rise again okay are you off-rising or not maybe that's
[13:45:33] All the time is it when it opens?
[13:45:35] I don't know what else it wants from me, man.
[13:46:05] I don't know what it wants from me.
[13:47:42] I got it!
[13:47:44] Oh, shit man, let me decide when I'm done with the fucking video. I was feeling it!
[13:48:56] Challenging my driver tag B.
[13:49:32] Chevy Charles.
[13:49:36] We're just seven.
[13:49:47] It's not an RP server, right?
[13:49:54] You have shitbags? What's up?
[13:49:56] Yeah, what up, dude?
[13:49:58] All the time, I figured it out.
[13:50:01] Dude if you're not in the race yet the race hasn't started do a slash race start are we done only was it
[13:50:15] Race join race join race run sorry one word we're driving hondas
[13:50:21] So this is like project homecoming but more like our peace style
[13:50:26] I guess when it comes to you can't break loose. You can't fucking
[13:50:34] No, yeah, it's not disabled though.
[13:50:39] The car's crazy.
[13:50:41] So it's always phasing?
[13:50:43] Yeah.
[13:50:44] Oh my god, this car's fucking crazy.
[13:50:51] So where is it?
[13:50:58] We're waiting eight more seconds.
[13:51:00] This car's gonna drive completely different.
[13:51:09] Oh, I just tried to go, man.
[13:51:56] I cracked that polio.
[13:51:57] We're hauling ass.
[13:51:59] I haven't gone this fast in a long ass time.
[13:52:02] Yeah, that's fucking cool dude.
[13:52:04] You're making your grandma cause for fucking months!
[13:52:08] DEATH!
[13:52:09] Oh shit!
[13:52:11] How do you restart?
[13:52:13] At five at five.
[13:52:17] It's nice, like if somebody takes a street poll, they automatically delete this and you're not gonna worry about running into it.
[13:52:33] Oh yeah, that.
[13:52:34] You're actually pretty good on that fucking human race.
[13:52:50] Like, 50.
[13:52:51] That's not so good though.
[13:52:53] Hold on tight, man.
[13:52:54] I
[13:53:02] Like scared the cars too strong
[13:53:06] You're the amount of torque you get out of these things is insane
[13:55:26] I've seen people take that turn, but they go on the hill, the first hill, and they jump over the big wheelie.
[13:55:43] I mean, it's always you guys, man. I'm catching up with you. As soon as I get a little more used to this car, you're caught, my friend.
[13:55:58] Because there's so many fucking people that, like, you're always racing somebody. It doesn't matter.
[13:56:54] There's so many people in these races. Oh, of course.
[13:56:57] That's why I hate erasing the other servers like fucking, I'll be out and then just drive and race by myself, but here I'm like still finding me bad in the resumes.
[13:57:16] I'm gonna cop C.D. when they start chasing you.
[13:57:18] Nah, I'm gonna have to fuck with you.
[13:57:20] So quickly, I'm gonna chase the erasers.
[13:57:25] I'll move it up, I just passed you, Jimmy.
[13:57:30] That was you?
[13:57:32] You fucker, that's you right here.
[13:57:34] Are you making an O.A. driver or do you think you're a racer?
[13:57:36] Listen don't mind me Tim.
[13:57:43] Did you see the black one?
[13:58:01] Yeah we're hauled and binded to well, listen
[13:58:03] I don't even understand how we're going so fast
[13:58:05] It's crazy
[13:58:07] This is the opposite of what I'm used to
[13:58:09] I don't even think we were going this fast at 3.0 now
[13:58:13] Oh my god
[13:58:15] No I've never gone this fast at a man
[13:58:17] These things are stupid suit though
[13:58:19] Like this is like driving super cars
[13:58:28] in a GTR
[13:58:30] I can't understand
[13:58:32] The father's dude
[13:58:45] So they're honking at me because they can't RP to me so they're honking at me like, fuck you.
[13:58:53] How's your driver's that way?
[13:58:55] Hehehehe
[13:58:57] Hehehehe
[13:58:58] What's this?
[13:59:01] What kind of fix is that?
[13:59:02] I'm a 20-year-old.
[13:59:08] You're a 20-year-old?
[13:59:09] You suck, man.
[13:59:10] Well, I'm like, oh, you're way faster than I thought I was.
[13:59:18] This control is going to give you two positions here for now.
[13:59:22] It's not been controlled of some sort because everyone else is all over the place back here.
[13:59:27] It's in the Texas one though. I like this
[13:59:56] Back to your team act. I don't even like oh, I'm in front of you. I'm in front of you
[14:00:10] Stay back there. I'm gonna fucking see you
[14:00:15] 36 or 27
[14:00:16] Yeah, but like I don't like I don't I haven't seen past me. It's a lot of strange at the end
[14:00:48] I've seen R.P. Style with no locals, and uh...
[14:01:46] Yo, Summett, Summett.
[14:01:48] Oh, fuck, now I'm hearing voices. It's R.P. It's R.P.
[14:01:51] Now turn that voice out, I want to listen.
[14:01:53] Yeah, I am.
[14:01:54] It's done, I guess.
[14:01:56] My God, you're respited in Summett.
[14:01:58] I'm not Summett. I'm not Summett.
[14:02:00] I'm not Summett. I'm not Summett. I'm not Summett.
[14:02:02] Yeah, me too.
[14:02:05] I'm gonna may not beat you in Prodigy, but I beat you here.
[14:02:08] Yo, Summett, what state battle song by man?
[14:02:13] I'm not Summett, but I beat you here.
[14:02:14] State of my friend?
[14:02:15] Pakistan.
[14:02:16] Yo, some at Washington, by the way, man, I'm gonna teach you here.
[14:02:20] I love Pakistan.
[14:02:22] Yo, some at Washington, by the way, man, I'm gonna teach you here.
[14:02:28] The infinite lead, dude.
[14:02:30] Yo, guess what country I'm from.
[14:02:32] Guess what country I'm from.
[14:02:34] What country?
[14:02:36] Uranus.
[14:02:38] Oh, that's how you, that's what you got?
[14:02:40] Sure.
[14:02:42] Are you trying to, are you trying to like check out?
[14:02:44] Yeah
[14:02:50] Hell yeah, really did you beat me in that?
[14:02:53] Yo, let's race
[14:02:54] Let's race
[14:02:55] Okay, do I just need you to join?
[14:02:58] No, no, no, one on one
[14:03:01] Oh, one on one? How do you do that?
[14:03:03] Hmm, you just slam you
[14:03:06] I, what? I slam you up?
[14:03:08] No, you just slam you
[14:03:10] Oh, you want me to wind up next to you?
[14:03:12] Okay
[14:03:13] Man, that's boring
[14:03:15] Yo, where are my comments, dude?
[14:03:18] Oh
[14:03:22] They have GTA cars this stuff
[14:03:25] You down for that? What am I down for sure? I mean, yeah, I'm down the race
[14:03:29] Okay, come
[14:03:31] Oh, you mean like, okay
[14:03:33] How does that? Okay. Oh, you know, I'll follow
[14:03:38] Okay, 500 slash car
[14:03:40] Yeah, which one?
[14:03:44] Local
[14:03:45] And I'll scroll a little bit down and we'll see like
[14:03:49] What's going to go okay?
[14:04:03] They're all like
[14:04:13] There's a fucking something
[14:04:20] Okay, so how do we do it?
[14:04:24] We don't get to race on track?
[14:04:26] Okay, listen, we don't have the checkpoints.
[14:04:29] You open up your mouth and basically we're going to go to the...
[14:04:34] whoever goes first, because you know when it's okay.
[14:04:40] Oh, we're going to Vicino?
[14:04:42] That's right as I spawn something.
[14:04:44] Maybe I found that fucking car.
[14:04:46] That sounds good.
[14:04:48] That sounds good.
[14:04:50] I just literally spawned a fucking car.
[14:04:52] Okay, sounds good.
[14:04:54] You better go to the parking lot for this person, okay?
[14:04:57] Got it.
[14:04:59] Okay, uh, and here comes the go-
[14:05:01] Okay, one, two, three.
[14:05:07] One, two, three.
[14:05:13] He must have missed me first at the casino.
[14:05:15] That's all true, son, bro.
[14:05:17] This is like first days in the office.
[14:05:18] You know the best route?
[14:05:21] No, I'm just going up deep.
[14:05:22] He's gonna follow this guy, you see?
[14:05:25] Dude, should just be a straight shot, right?
[14:05:28] It's just a drill.
[14:05:29] It's just a lot of speed above.
[14:05:31] What do you wish to be?
[14:05:32] Match found!
[14:05:34] Yeah.
[14:05:53] Good for the...
[14:05:54] Oh, uh, come up in this race.
[14:05:55] You're fit, are you?
[14:05:56] I'm fine.
[14:05:57] I can eat.
[14:05:58] You can't get it?
[14:06:01] I should be a...
[14:06:02] Oh, fuck.
[14:06:07] Manicooo!
[14:06:21] 350Z or M5.
[14:06:23] 350Z or M5.
[14:06:32] M5.
[14:06:38] Yeah, they... M5, they all use the same car.
[14:06:40] So whatever one is, everybody uses it.
[14:06:45] Are we joining the race?
[14:06:46] Yeah.
[14:06:47] Join the race, yeah.
[14:06:51] I just pressed E. Is that one?
[14:06:52] I just pressed E.
[14:06:53] Yeah, just pressed E.
[14:06:53] It's just I
[14:06:55] See the lead if you're in. Oh your wishes have been answered. We're all using the impot
[14:07:03] So we don't get everything they want around here. Okay, that's crazy
[14:07:18] Is that mine
[14:07:28] Everything
[14:07:32] Just like the red carpet comes out
[14:07:37] I thought I was way else was to get the car first and I yeah, it doesn't then wait it
[14:07:41] So you'll get it eventually. Oh this car is way more reasonable than the fucking and that's nice when you're driving
[14:07:48] It's so fast on shot though. If it's not some reason they got some serious excelsis in the city so far
[14:07:54] It almost feels like I'm sprinting a car off like you go from like fucking feeling fully fluid
[14:08:01] You can move around you start sprinting you have like no fucking
[14:08:03] I don't fucking believe you at the time.
[14:08:12] Gangsta Gary?
[14:08:13] Oh, Gangsta Gary?
[14:08:15] Yeah, what's going on?
[14:08:17] Bro, I know you.
[14:08:21] What's up, man?
[14:08:23] Hey, let's play dog.
[14:08:25] It's Gangsta Gary!
[14:08:27] You also know my other motherfucker, too.
[14:08:29] What's who's that?
[14:08:31] Travis.
[14:08:33] Oh, no shit.
[14:08:47] I'm back to racist a little bit here and there.
[14:08:49] I just been robbing bags of shit.
[14:08:51] Yeah
[14:08:52] I had a few stars earlier and shit
[14:08:54] I haven't done no banks or anything yet though
[14:08:57] Yeah we should be, yeah, that's good
[14:08:59] Yeah
[14:09:00] It's kind of what it seems like most people are doing
[14:09:02] Yeah
[14:09:07] Oh, it's different
[14:09:08] Bro, I seem even fucking with the finals
[14:09:11] Yeah, once a while
[14:09:12] Pre-fuck
[14:09:12] So
[14:09:13] Try fucking leg class and just run around with throwing knives
[14:09:16] So they're like shotguns
[14:09:17] But you're never at the reload them
[14:09:18] So you just fucking
[14:09:20] Use those with the dash
[14:09:21] I'm down, people are fucking me up with those things
[14:09:23] I'm shotguning them
[14:09:24] And there's so good those and like the little mp5 looking gun both of those are fucking wild
[14:09:34] Haven't tried the deagles yet, but I do like fucking rock and heavy with the sledgehammer just run through motherfuckers
[14:09:47] The problem I always came into with that game is fucking everybody like that runs like glass gets like one shot
[14:09:53] exploded by everything so the fucking heavy class will just run through them
[14:09:57] like they just right click with the sledgehammer one shot some shot
[14:10:00] yeah that's so much health to know that you're saying that game
[14:10:02] am I supposed to put a spot on this shit or something or are you out of my poop?
[14:10:05] yeah I think you can just do whatever you want if you want to I don't know I've
[14:10:08] never been here
[14:10:10] I just think there was a bunch of motherfuckers racing that was nuts
[14:11:29] fucking place I thought I was in first the gas nuts who are really on a hard
[14:12:43] turn man I'm fucking
[14:13:01] Sauce there boys I think I'm in first
[14:13:48] Actually, I don't really know cuz in the top left it says something different than what I'm seeing
[14:13:53] Yeah, that's what was fucking me up
[14:13:56] But I haven't seen anybody in front of me. Yeah, it's high. I think it's showing you some of the pack
[14:14:02] Oh
[14:14:04] Faced
[14:14:09] We gotta go off time, really. See how far off we're back here.
[14:14:11] Oh, shit. I'm getting smoked. Got it.
[14:14:13] Pull all these guys in line, and just hate shit.
[14:14:25] He's using the same car, he knows.
[14:14:49] I took that jump. I'm using time there.
[14:15:04] These roads are weird. I've never driven down this road as concrete before. I had to start.
[14:15:08] I fucked up.
[14:15:23] Damn, so some of it, we're not seeing everybody on the track, though.
[14:15:26] That's why I couldn't see you, instead of passing you.
[14:15:29] Oh, okay, that's right. Okay, okay, okay.
[14:15:32] So these guys are kind of just go...
[14:15:34] 75 wow really point second I guess that's good
[14:15:49] then hold it together get something I don't know what it was I think he just
[14:16:53] just takes this line
[14:16:56] now he's going slow enough for a fucking spin-off
[14:16:59] 20 dollars okay we should get that next time
[14:17:02] Yeah, I should have known.
[14:18:22] Oh, fucks, I don't know what they're doing, just fucks.
[14:18:31] Can I stop the rest of the race?
[14:18:32] Nah, it's just like it's completely momentum-intensive.
[14:18:54] Should I take that dirt or should I go for this?
[14:18:56] I think I might keep going for the road.
[14:18:57] Dude, I can't fucking see anything.
[14:18:58] It's fucking so...
[14:19:00] Oh, son of a shit.
[14:19:15] Oh, fuck.
[14:19:17] Uh-oh.
[14:19:18] I'm in trouble.
[14:19:24] It's weird being able to trust your car after it lands.
[14:19:27] I know, bro.
[14:19:29] I blocked up for just like a full second.
[14:19:35] Yeah, I know.
[14:19:36] You don't have to like fully anticipate a fucking one with that, crazy.
[14:19:41] I like to jump on some head, dude, no.
[14:19:55] I just threw this whole fucking thing out, man.
[14:19:59] Shit, I'm throwing.
[14:20:00] I'm throwing.
[14:20:01] I threw it so hard, dude.
[14:20:02] You're talking about throwing, making me throw.
[14:20:04] Container's thrown?
[14:20:09] Yeah, me throwing's pretty much normal.
[14:20:10] Gilmore's throwing, and let's just throw in the gas can actually.
[14:20:13] Not completely, no.
[14:20:16] You're the tanker, man.
[14:20:22] Oh, I got you.
[14:20:24] Yeah, right?
[14:20:25] Right next to the gas station,
[14:20:26] You only made the last thing you fucked the guy say zero
[14:20:28] I'm so fucking naturally rich type this time, fuck it
[14:20:38] Get away from me!
[14:20:40] I gotta take nine spots back, that's my goal
[14:20:44] Take nine spots back?
[14:20:46] Yeah, I fucked up parts, I'm kind of 0.38 so I'm trying to get 20 somewhere
[14:20:53] I'll ask for cases
[14:20:56] I can do that anyway
[14:21:08] I'm gonna try and get one down the road
[14:21:10] Oh
[14:21:16] Scared at all. I wasn't scared at all
[14:22:03] Good shit
[14:22:17] 6th, thank you
[14:22:22] Listen, I'm in the garage first. I'll take that one. It's fucking cars are fast as well. It's pretty good, dude for fucking this game on this
[14:22:44] Yeah, the tracks pretty nice
[14:22:47] You're what happened
[14:22:50] Smoke's actually pretty good. I like that. There's like it's easy to see I
[14:22:59] Slid into a gas pump and like I died it I
[14:23:02] Respawned and just sent me back to the garage. Now. I'm the only one here. Oh, no, you fucker
[14:23:12] Win for effort. Thanks. I appreciate that
[14:23:17] Thanks
[14:23:21] Okay, everyone loves an effort finish a good shot dude
[14:23:26] I was
[14:23:29] I was 30 at this something like that. I was done pretty good for myself, bro
[14:23:55] So I'm in the DNF garage. I can't even spawn a car
[14:24:00] Hey, so bro 75 people in a race getting top 20 is not bad at all
[14:24:18] I'm watching everyone
[14:24:20] Pass me on the leaderboard right now
[14:24:28] I'd be an F
[14:24:30] Good
[14:24:32] What's the leader role? This is a full-blown
[14:24:40] Your
[14:24:42] I believe that's like the current track we're on the laps
[14:24:53] Nobody else DNF. I'm the only one here. It's let's do that special garage. What you said
[14:25:00] Yeah
[14:25:03] By Travis and gangsta Gary
[14:25:15] I don't use my normal voice on there so I think what's there?
[14:25:21] I'll see y'all yeah you think you can beat me in a race huh?
[14:25:25] What's the name of the server?
[14:25:26] I've got a treat.
[14:25:27] You think you're gonna win buddy?
[14:25:29] I'll try.
[14:25:30] Yo Hobo Caleb thanks for getting to the 5 subs brother man, I appreciate you sir.
[14:25:39] You're welcome guys, welcome guys, hope you enjoy yourselves here, thank you bro,
[14:25:41] appreciate you for supporting the channel.
[14:25:43] Are you originally from Fresno, California? I'm originally from La Mora. Are you hitting a dickjump right now?
[14:25:48] No, I'm from Buena Park. I grew up right next door to Knott's Berry Farm.
[14:26:04] I used to go to the Buena Park Mall to hang out. They used to have an arcade and a movie theater there.
[14:26:08] Oh dude.
[14:26:09] That was a pretty good legend. What the fuck is that there for me?
[14:26:13] Put 11 burns.
[14:26:14] We used to fuck up those peach walls.
[14:26:16] And we painted them.
[14:26:17] They repainted them.
[14:26:18] You didn't paint them.
[14:26:19] They cracked down on them.
[14:26:20] You said you played against their vantage.
[14:26:22] Lansed yeah, I think you're in Travis
[14:26:27] I'm proud of you. I think I've read it so many people so many days. I'm so fucking
[14:26:32] Right so I was going through my phone contacts
[14:26:38] They were renovating it
[14:26:42] They had all this wood out there
[14:26:46] And we used to live in like
[14:26:48] in the rise. Match Valley that went to the mall. My friends would wait there. We'd wait
[14:26:53] for the security track to pass by. 72. 72. Oh my God. 75, 69. Wait, what do we let you
[14:27:00] do? I don't know. I was young. I was with friends that were old friends. Long, long,
[14:27:05] long time ago. I don't know what tracks these are. Maybe playing the lack of success
[14:27:15] I'll pay whatever one of you
[14:27:21] Truns better
[14:27:26] Made a bunch of ramps for skateboards. I don't know either might just but it's
[14:27:34] Boy, it's why I guess yeah, I mean better. It's a vote so like whatever vote wins. Oh
[14:27:39] Oh hundred people in the race. Oh my god. Yeah, do you see that?
[14:27:44] 100 motherfuckers in the bucket of the race.
[14:27:49] I've tried to be as amazing as I've been before.
[14:27:53] Turn off the TV, bro.
[14:27:55] We all look the same.
[14:27:57] No phasing.
[14:27:58] I don't want to eat phasing this right now.
[14:28:00] Oh my god.
[14:28:01] No phasing, guys.
[14:28:02] Fuck it.
[14:28:03] None of you will be fine with this.
[14:28:07] It's gonna be crazy dude.
[14:28:09] Yeah, listen, if we turn off phasing, give everyone a pistol so they can handle their differences on the road.
[14:28:13] Exactly, sir.
[14:28:15] Okay, Rami.
[14:28:16] Okay, Rami.
[14:28:18] That's crazy.
[14:28:19] That's like crazy.
[14:28:23] Might be somewhere here. I see you.
[14:28:34] Oh, I'm in the car, honey.
[14:28:36] Someone spawned a car on top of me, never mind.
[14:28:38] We're in R34. We got the R34 this race.
[14:28:40] Oh, shit. The retro.
[14:28:42] Oh, the retro. I mean, there's so many people right here on this race.
[14:28:47] You barely have anybody.
[14:28:48] You see how many people are in the race? On the left side?
[14:28:50] Yeah, yeah. I mean, like some crazy things with no one around.
[14:28:57] Maybe they'll spawn in there once, uh...
[14:28:59] Oh, of course.
[14:29:00] Yeah, they do it one by one, so he's got to wait.
[14:29:02] I think spoilers actually matter in this server.
[14:29:07] They don't take out anything in the server, so yes, they do matter.
[14:29:15] Oh, this R34 already has an aero package on it, but we're good.
[14:29:18] Okay, maybe they don't.
[14:29:22] I mean, they haven't taken out anything.
[14:29:24] Well, I think they do matter, but this one already has.
[14:29:26] You can spawn car, or spawn it with car, I suppose.
[14:29:35] Oh, cool.
[14:29:52] Spoilers do matter, they come automatically with full upgrades and spoilers.
[14:29:55] Yeah, it seems like it's an exit.
[14:29:56] Whatever that server has to do with it.
[14:29:59] That was a server I've been talking to.
[14:30:00] Only me left.
[14:30:01] Oh, yeah?
[14:30:03] Yep, if you ask a question, they won't get an answer.
[14:30:05] That's one right now.
[14:30:06] I'm sure all these other people are here for you too,
[14:30:08] but I'll be chewing a race.
[14:30:10] This is my meeting greet.
[14:30:11] Look at that.
[14:30:12] You see that thing?
[14:30:12] You've beaten me in any one of these races?
[14:30:14] I beat you in the first one.
[14:30:16] I beat you in the first one.
[14:30:17] Yes, I did.
[14:30:17] I was 28.
[14:30:18] You were like 30 something.
[14:30:19] That doesn't count as the first race.
[14:30:21] Oh, that doesn't count.
[14:30:23] Now we're changing the goalposts.
[14:30:24] Yep, I'm right, I moved it.
[14:30:25] We haven't made the bet yet.
[14:30:49] I'm ready!
[14:30:59] Alright Chad, out of 105 people, our goal's top 10, right?
[14:31:06] Then again, I won't know the track, I won't go, so it's gonna be kind of tough.
[14:31:11] What's that?
[14:31:13] You're for used controllers?
[14:31:16] Nope, that's fucking illegal.
[14:31:18] Shit.
[14:31:31] Gotcha.
[14:31:33] F5, get back to the checkpoint for this one.
[14:31:35] Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha.
[14:31:39] I've done that, just wasn't sure if it was efficient.
[14:31:41] And then, you know, and prodigy as soon as you fucking miss a checkpoint, you tie a racist over something.
[14:31:56] You know what I'm doing? You ready? You ready?
[14:32:16] Yes, sir. I'm locked in. I got Poland on scene speaking. This guy didn't do all these things.
[14:32:26] Samir, you're breaking your car.
[14:32:33] Samir? Please listen to me.
[14:32:36] Some of my cars aren't showing for you. Um, I don't know.
[14:32:41] Why are we in a bother?
[14:33:20] I don't think I can even see people's names.
[14:34:57] Pretty stuff, that doesn't count.
[14:35:56] It's ugly, it's ugly.
[14:36:09] Probably a fucking ass.
[14:36:10] Coming straight at me fucks me up so bad.
[14:37:20] This is chaotic.
[14:37:22] Fucking hell, all this shit is sandy.
[14:37:25] Do you have any of this with L-Paser?
[14:37:26] I don't know where to go.
[14:37:27] Fuckin' C-Cords all going home with this fucking place.
[14:37:44] This is shit out of me.
[14:37:45] I guess I have.
[14:41:36] CSBS screen.
[14:41:57] Scale issue.
[14:41:58] Yeah, I did. I did. I just finished me. Fuck, man. Fuck. It's all over.
[14:42:12] Good race, yo. Good race, homie.
[14:42:17] How do you check what place you got?
[14:42:25] I think you're
[14:42:41] Oh shit, man, it's about it. Yeah
[14:42:45] Log of the announcements to get your role. Yeah, that's what they gave you let it roll
[14:42:55] What's that mean?
[14:42:56] You only get that for being like a popster in the Mount Racer.
[14:43:01] You wouldn't know anything about that.
[14:43:03] Yeah, I know.
[14:43:04] No, no, you got real quiet when you heard I was right behind you.
[14:43:07] Nah, it just made me fucking clutch up because I knew you were only like the 6th or 7th
[14:43:12] SEG driver, so.
[14:43:13] You went from competing with Monkey Man to competing with me.
[14:43:21] How does that feel?
[14:43:22] Feels great.
[14:43:23] It's easy.
[14:43:24] That's true.
[14:43:25] You were shaking in your face.
[14:43:26] I'm back.
[14:43:27] Oh my God.
[14:43:30] Oh my God, so it.
[14:43:31] Look at this fucking.
[14:43:38] Oh my god, oh my god, so it look at this fucking
[14:43:43] Oh, we're camera. What happened to me? Oh, yo check me out, bro. Oh you too
[14:43:49] Yo, it's gonna
[14:44:08] I want to go with the
[14:44:11] finish this 40 and said it's not about your connections about you it's about your hard
[14:44:16] working life guys.
[14:44:17] That's crazy.
[14:44:18] Crazy.
[14:44:19] Crazy.
[14:44:20] Crazy on the streets.
[14:44:21] At least the admins gave you something on this server sum it up.
[14:44:22] I don't believe.
[14:44:23] Anyone want to buy a house?
[14:44:24] Yeah.
[14:44:25] Yeah.
[14:44:26] Yeah.
[14:44:27] I'll take you.
[14:44:28] Yeah.
[14:44:29] I
[14:44:31] House
[14:44:46] Leaderboards the best in the city who is it?
[14:44:52] You guys have a guy named monkey King we have monkey man
[14:44:55] Yeah, I can't get out, but you have to go to sleep?
[14:45:07] Alright, how am I?
[14:45:08] Nothing, it's not for you to go to sleep.
[14:45:10] Oh, you have to go to sleep?
[14:45:11] Yeah, right, bro, I'm smoking, you motherfuckers.
[14:45:13] What place did I get in the last one?
[14:45:15] 20.
[14:45:16] I smoked you, buddy, I was 17.
[14:45:19] Wait, what'd you get in the last place?
[14:45:22] What do you mean you got 20?
[14:45:24] I got in the last place, man.
[14:45:27] I remember a lot of the Casino Race, bro.
[14:45:41] Oh, that's right.
[14:45:44] I'm reaching the Casino Race.
[14:45:47] Shit.
[14:45:48] You did a heel flip on the way there.
[14:45:50] You did do a heel flip.
[14:45:55] That's crazy.
[14:46:00] Oh, shit.
[14:46:01] I think it's better than yours not going.
[14:46:03] Yeah, no, I feel that.
[14:46:05] It looks like you should have put it in all of it.
[14:46:08] It's a little bit on its sweater.
[14:46:10] Looks like a rotten egg.
[14:46:14] Hey Timak, what about you? What's up?
[14:46:16] Looks like he's about to just like bust out some dev step DJ shit.
[14:46:21] True.
[14:46:22] Hey, he's WVVV.
[14:46:24] He's going like, you know.
[14:46:26] You like old place so much?
[14:46:29] Not really, I just need to do it.
[14:46:31] I'm inside.
[14:46:32] You don't say that.
[14:46:34] Sad.
[14:46:35] Maybe it's okay, you know.
[14:46:37] Oh, you fucking do anything for eight years.
[14:46:39] I'm done.
[14:46:40] Uh, you're going to put on the one car?
[14:46:42] You're going to put on the one car?
[14:46:45] Yo, is that OGT?
[14:46:47] Listen, 100 people in this race,
[14:46:49] and these are all going to get slowed, dude.
[14:46:51] I know a lot of you guys showed up because you think you're faster than us, me, and Tini.
[14:46:54] I haven't brought that yet, I still haven't.
[14:46:56] What's up, man?
[14:46:57] I'm starting to lock in, boys.
[14:46:58] Man, don't touch it, you're going to be in the last place, you won't see me, and you won't see it.
[14:47:02] I know you guys are thinking like, man,
[14:47:04] you can't lose the OGT here, guys, come on.
[14:47:07] I'm here to tell you that you are in need, okay?
[14:47:10] Monkey man jointed the server.
[14:47:12] Never heard of that guy.
[14:47:14] I've never heard of him, honestly.
[14:47:16] Never heard of him.
[14:47:17] It's different around here.
[14:47:18] Not here is just gonna be a motorcycle.
[14:47:21] Those guys across the garage are mean-monginous.
[14:47:24] That's all of them.
[14:47:26] They ain't like us.
[14:47:28] They actually look cooler than either.
[14:47:31] Yeah, but you don't have your teeth.
[14:47:36] What the fuck?
[14:47:38] Damn.
[14:48:11] I'm skillet
[14:48:19] Don't don't bring our pain to the server, please you get into character too much
[14:48:27] Judd
[14:48:31] Yeah
[14:48:34] Hey Charles
[14:48:51] Okay, I see I see the chat talk shit about my mind. How is it now?
[14:48:55] It's not worse!
[14:48:57] It's not worse!
[14:48:59] The game was definitely too loud.
[14:49:01] It's not as loud as we thought.
[14:49:03] It's not as loud as we thought.
[14:49:05] It's not as loud as we thought.
[14:49:07] Please don't be loud.
[14:49:09] Did you say I could hear you?
[14:49:11] What was that?
[14:49:13] Please no.
[14:49:15] Who brought the G-Wagon in the middle of the track?
[14:49:17] That's G-Wagon.
[14:49:19] My immersion.
[14:49:21] It's a G-Wagon party.
[14:49:23] No pixel 3.0 get the gbag note
[14:49:27] Where's the golland at?
[14:49:38] He hasn't finished his race yet, man. Come on
[14:49:44] I thought 10 max is still racing
[14:49:46] Oh, he's right here.
[14:49:48] Yeah, I'm right here, dude.
[14:49:50] Oh, I'm here!
[14:49:52] I got the field to server though, we're good.
[14:49:54] He's already in the next race, he's just that fast.
[14:49:56] Yep.
[14:49:58] He's gotta figure out the handling.
[14:50:00] The handling.
[14:50:02] The handling.
[14:50:04] It's very arcade-y.
[14:50:06] I like the arcade-y though, it's fun.
[14:50:08] It is fun.
[14:50:10] It's hard to get used to when you're not used to your arcade-y for a while.
[14:50:12] Yeah, you just got it like on hard turns,
[14:50:14] You just can't get out with your heart. Yeah, you gotta straighten out
[14:50:36] This reminds me this reminds me of which God do if I get a brother's brother, that's your like, yeah, look at this
[14:51:11] Oh, is somebody the first to end the race?
[14:51:13] Okay, dude, we're having a really nice meeting.
[14:51:19] Tim, how the fuck are you swaggering so hard around?
[14:51:21] You got fucking a yellow box and shit, too?
[14:51:23] Why? Because that was the first fucking stream around five of them. That's why.
[14:51:27] What a yellow box.
[14:51:29] He's got the OTT drip going.
[14:51:41] Goddamn it. Goddamn it.
[14:51:44] Motherfuckers.
[14:51:51] Yo, Jack, it's all going in the room.
[14:51:54] We're drinking seven people.
[14:52:05] uh-oh broke the server
[14:52:40] I have to restart the server yo
[14:52:45] yeah look what you did
[14:52:46] not my fault
[14:52:51] this is crazy, you're a smith to smith
[14:52:53] yeah it's smooth too right
[14:52:57] yeah for sure
[14:52:58] I wish I was like faged with more cars and lots of stuff
[14:53:03] I think we're just stuck though
[14:53:04] I'm just dreaming of fun I think
[14:53:09] that's what people usually do
[14:53:13] anyway that's what you talk about
[14:53:15] I will get it now, click it or else.
[14:53:18] Can't imagine I have any two monitors.
[14:53:21] Magic only, I think.
[14:53:23] Yeah, listen to me.
[14:53:24] Come on, now.
[14:53:25] Listen, I only have one.
[14:53:26] He's fine, here.
[14:53:27] You need three.
[14:53:28] Get three.
[14:53:29] He wouldn't go back to two at all.
[14:53:32] Maybe.
[14:53:33] No, not many.
[14:53:34] You got a PC for that first.
[14:53:36] Not really, he'd be all right.
[14:53:39] I couldn't imagine having two.
[14:53:43] I'm just glad I don't get fucking ghost cards.
[14:53:45] I'm just glad I don't get fucking ghost cards.
[14:53:47] to make you want to scratch the skin in the
[14:53:49] most of the year after you drive around the corner
[14:53:52] like what the like what for my kids
[14:53:53] right here fucking you know we you know what
[14:53:58] don't say what you're driving in the
[14:54:02] left lane of a bit old lane and they
[14:54:05] decide that is staying in the right
[14:54:07] lane where they should stay when I'm
[14:54:08] on clearly on the set of birds the
[14:54:09] left side no that's what you know
[14:54:11] you're supposed to drive what is the
[14:54:12] what is the action of go to the
[14:54:15] Batch out
[14:54:19] We're in boys
[14:54:28] Get a whole server
[14:54:33] You better get first in this race
[14:54:35] 20?
[14:54:36] I mean, here's your 1k buyer.
[14:54:38] Especially top 10 is the winner, right?
[14:54:40] I feel like a god everywhere.
[14:54:41] With 120 people, I'd say that top 20 is at least the winner in my book, bro.
[14:54:45] Right?
[14:54:46] Yeah, let's win.
[14:54:47] Throw a lot of names with these second turrets.
[14:54:49] I'm gonna be like top 10 probably.
[14:54:50] That's crazy.
[14:54:51] You'll be brought up by a guy.
[14:54:53] Oh my god.
[14:54:54] Please buddy.
[14:54:55] Okay, bro.
[14:54:56] Please, man.
[14:54:57] Look, that sounds great.
[14:54:59] Man, I see some of them first.
[14:55:02] That sounds great.
[14:55:06] Maybe if he first didn't win you just made history boys. We met history
[14:55:27] Mic is too quiet, would you say
[14:55:42] 19th place, I appreciate that might be close to Max in the server, I think.
[14:55:47] Yeah buddy.
[14:56:04] That's what we're driving then.
[14:56:06] How do they spawn on the car, LZ?
[14:56:09] Probably. A LZ restaurant maybe?
[14:56:11] Next time if we can't see the scoreboard, it's F.
[14:56:28] Gotcha, thanks sir.
[14:56:30] My car's going upside down.
[14:56:58] We'll save these? We didn't change anything, I guess.
[14:57:41] We'll change it back to white. Best I got for now.
[14:57:58] Oh fuck, that's gross. What the fuck?
[14:58:14] This is crazy bro. There we go. There we go. There we go. There we go. There we go. There we go. There we go
[14:59:01] At this point we all get our own session like a session probably like a group of like 20 or 30, you know, yeah
[14:59:13] Is it gonna save do slash save?
[14:59:15] Yeah, I decked out the car how I want it and I hit slash save
[14:59:23] How do you slash save? Oh you keep it? Yeah, I guess so because I see people spawn their vehicle. It's
[14:59:36] Hello, you got some act. Hey, Jack
[14:59:41] There's a little trust to it in here, huh?
[15:00:22] We're racing
[15:00:29] 223 people
[15:00:32] You might be able to get a problem about the server might be full
[15:00:38] Let's go boys. This car is crazy
[15:00:47] Where's great you play I saw like
[15:01:07] This is crazy
[15:01:33] It's gotta race clean, I'll start to ask.
[15:02:11] I'm not tall enough.
[15:02:15] Three digits.
[15:02:16] Oh, fuck.
[15:02:17] That was good.
[15:02:18] Fuck.
[15:02:21] That was good.
[15:02:22] We're pushing.
[15:02:23] We're pushing.
[15:02:24] I'm not going to lie.
[15:02:25] We're on it.
[15:02:26] 38th.
[15:02:27] 46th.
[15:02:28] It's insane.
[15:02:29] What's this track?
[15:02:30] Yo, team.
[15:02:31] 87.
[15:02:32] My car is...
[15:02:33] My track is messed up, though.
[15:02:34] I missed the track.
[15:02:41] Yeah, that fuck.
[15:02:55] I missed the track.
[15:02:56] I missed the track.
[15:03:12] I missed the track.
[15:03:13] I missed the track.
[15:03:14] Yeah, that fucking left-right, yeah, I believe this is it.
[15:03:26] I fall for that, even in second priority, man. I think that's stupid turn.
[15:03:30] Left or left?
[15:03:32] It's like a right turn on top of the hill.
[15:03:35] That was cracking.
[15:03:39] I have to do CQF this right?
[15:03:41] Yeah. You gotta connect to the server like it's a full-full.
[15:03:47] Oh, yeah, it's a full-full.
[15:03:54] You're like reconnecting to get your fucking stuff along.
[15:03:57] Wait, really? Oh, no.
[15:03:59] Reconnect.
[15:04:01] 44th!
[15:04:06] Hey, you dropped.
[15:04:10] Well, I guess, my dude, this is fast.
[15:04:12] Yeah, they are.
[15:04:14] It's actually weird to me, I'll be fair.
[15:04:16] Yeah, I'm only trying to come up with that, but it's still in there.
[15:04:20] They're going faster than me.
[15:04:22] It's true.
[15:04:41] Oh, I imagined him.
[15:04:43] Fuck that.
[15:04:47] That's so racism.
[15:04:54] The only time this car feels remotely normal is when you're going uphill and you're forcing it slower.
[15:05:22] Oh, I didn't steal it.
[15:05:41] Yeah, it's it's a totally different panel man. It's fucking tricky to get used to it. It's not bad
[15:06:18] Maybe some more crazy turns against some fucking distance back here all the straights
[15:06:50] Turned the uh, the Cassidy trail into an actual road. Uh, yep
[15:07:48] So there's no project
[15:07:50] Oh, is it?
[15:07:51] I haven't been out there in a while. I don't believe so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
[15:07:59] Yeah, it was good.
[15:08:01] Traction Rp, where they, like, have the new truck and shit.
[15:08:04] It might have been after I left, though.
[15:08:06] I know, you're right.
[15:08:07] That's cool.
[15:08:08] And I remember, the last thing I remember doing in Prodigy was Bobby dropping out of
[15:08:12] a helicopter casting trail, and we were still dirt.
[15:08:14] You got it right here.
[15:08:26] In the 70s.
[15:08:33] Oh, I missed the fucking dirt checkpoint.
[15:08:35] Oh, never mind.
[15:08:37] The red line, where you go to the gate on the left, I hate doing that one.
[15:08:47] Oh, so this guy, we're going to do it.
[15:08:50] Position of this one is fucking DC
[15:09:41] Yeah, 33
[15:09:52] Not good enough
[15:10:00] You guys started making excuses for me
[15:10:02] All right, fine. You're fucking garbage man. Okay, yeah, watch I'm gonna smoke you this race
[15:10:09] Why don't you get on the misty? Why don't you have a massive keyboard and say that I am I have I've always been
[15:10:14] You're alive
[15:10:17] I did I did
[15:10:19] Controller for like a year and then other than that I still smoke your house and keyboard mouse literally when I was playing for
[15:10:24] RG only only I only did keyboard mouse and projie, and I still smoked your bitch
[15:10:29] just
[15:10:31] to make you are my past
[15:10:34] but yes for what it was like a year you're not going to have to
[15:10:38] have to check in the whole fucking time yeah yeah yeah
[15:10:43] I fucked up like five times
[15:10:45] dude me too
[15:10:48] that's my first time being on that
[15:10:50] man fuck me up
[15:10:53] and listen
[15:10:55] you know 33
[15:10:57] actually felt really good
[15:10:59] Like the game is fucking made for it.
[15:11:01] You gotta take the ones in the back to serve.
[15:11:03] Oh yes we do.
[15:11:05] It's so fun.
[15:11:06] 33 bro.
[15:11:07] That's fucking nutsack.
[15:11:08] We'll have them in the top 10.
[15:11:09] I have 21.
[15:11:10] He did it.
[15:11:11] I got my car.
[15:11:12] When I get used to the fucking tracks it's okay.
[15:11:14] Listen I'm watching around these streets.
[15:11:17] I've done two races on this.
[15:11:18] I was top 3 in 1 and won the other one.
[15:11:20] Jar Jar.
[15:11:21] And the Megafone and Karak actually have the legend.
[15:11:24] You say you're not a racer.
[15:11:25] I'm a power one.
[15:11:26] I'm sorry.
[15:11:27] I'm sorry.
[15:11:28] I really have already won a race though.
[15:11:31] Where's my land title, man?
[15:11:33] Don't turn on my monitor.
[15:11:37] Set records for what?
[15:11:39] The slowest lap time?
[15:11:41] We did.
[15:11:44] We did like three or four races.
[15:11:46] We got all the set records in them.
[15:11:48] Wait, what track?
[15:11:50] I don't remember the name of them, bro.
[15:11:53] Whatever it is we need to do is get someone signed.
[15:11:56] I'm not sure
[15:12:01] I want to see what fixes itself and then if it doesn't
[15:12:07] But I died earlier
[15:12:16] It's something you can eat stretcher, you know fucking oh and honestly fucking monkey king motherfuckers here
[15:12:25] And a stretchy boat
[15:12:27] I
[15:12:30] Come you don't race on Gomer or do you race?
[15:12:42] Doesn't it doesn't loop though
[15:12:54] Trash emotes I don't want to alarm anyone but I think it's why I got 24 hour food delivery
[15:13:10] Yeah bro, 122 people, that's wild dude.
[15:13:14] The race is capped.
[15:13:18] Even with the occasion, I got some barbecue for lunch today.
[15:13:22] I hope I do, for like three weeks.
[15:13:24] It's a little less fun to be quiet, I'm not trying to be quiet.
[15:13:27] I remember when we started it, I was like, it would be so embarrassing if there was not a big spot in full race with people.
[15:13:32] And then you had me doing a seven-hour race.
[15:13:38] We'll say the way that they have like, the cars and projects for you, you feel like very just...
[15:13:42] And you're sort of cheating and winning.
[15:13:44] Fucking diesel.
[15:13:45] I
[15:14:03] Actual handling goes fine the acceleration is insane. It's pretty well
[15:14:53] That's it.
[15:14:55] I was just trying to find the challenger.
[15:14:57] I pulled out a car over here.
[15:14:59] Which one is the car?
[15:15:01] I'm driving in my car now man.
[15:15:03] There's a chance I'll be able to.
[15:15:07] In this black car you'll see the tire lift.
[15:15:09] Yeah, I should have.
[15:15:11] Oh, you hit the...
[15:15:16] Ah, shit.
[15:15:18] Broken hills? Oh, I don't know.
[15:15:20] Oh, you're that problem.
[15:15:24] Well, I'm good with the hills.
[15:15:28] What, a 5 or a Ferrari?
[15:15:30] What happened
[15:15:39] For the Ferrari man
[15:16:06] Accelerations
[15:16:41] No, you get your car you have my car.
[15:16:45] It says um, well it says it on the, under the track name.
[15:16:51] See it?
[15:16:52] Back out of that menu and then you'll see it.
[15:16:55] Yeah, track name in the left.
[15:16:56] Oh, it's raining!
[15:16:57] Yeah, it's raining.
[15:16:58] Yeah, it's raining.
[15:16:59] Yeah.
[15:17:00] Yeah.
[15:17:01] Oh, it sounds crazy.
[15:17:02] Yeah.
[15:17:03] It's got a hard part of life.
[15:17:04] What is this?
[15:17:05] Grady Amnesia.
[15:17:06] You just spotted it dude.
[15:17:07] You just spotted it.
[15:17:08] Yeah.
[15:17:09] Yeah.
[15:17:10] You just spotted it, you just spotted it, except it was going earlier.
[15:17:23] Cars, like that.
[15:17:29] I got the white with the black light.
[15:17:49] You can also race without fucking your over time shit too, you know?
[15:18:01] You're not thinking about it.
[15:20:23] Like, Gacian Street South?
[15:20:24] Woo!
[15:20:25] Is he goofy?
[15:20:26] You don't have to be goofy to top 5 in this server.
[15:20:29] Woo!
[15:20:30] I think we're on.
[15:20:31] Yeah, maybe we're on.
[15:20:32] I think we're on before we connect.
[15:20:38] It was, like, 40 people.
[15:20:39] Oh, wait, what's that again?
[15:20:43] Sorry?
[15:20:44] It was, like, 40 people.
[15:20:45] Yeah, it was, like, 34.
[15:20:46] 30 seconds!
[15:20:49] So, I knew this track.
[15:20:51] whoever was this race I'll buy you a bunch of chicken
[15:20:55] I'm sorry
[15:21:03] what are you doing?
[15:21:08] there's a lot of misters earlier
[15:21:10] sorry man
[15:21:14] why do you have a chicken nugget emo?
[15:21:17] it's so loud
[15:21:29] we have to get away from the pack
[15:21:37] we have rules on this server that
[15:23:38] we're not sure is ETS right
[15:23:40] we're just going to the streets
[15:23:44] we're just going to do some regular
[15:23:46] come right back to you
[15:24:59] Alright, see you later, dude. I'm coming all the way.
[15:25:01] I'm finally really slow, unless I get to press the D button.
[15:25:36] Cause I'm fucking focusing on the fucking race so I can smoke these motherfuckers, man.
[15:26:00] Bullshit, bro.
[15:26:01] Bullshit, bro.
[15:26:03] This car spins after no reason. It's not a spectacular race.
[15:26:05] Yeah, we will drive, we'll try this first.
[15:26:39] I'm starting to salvage this shit.
[15:26:42] This thing turns so wide!
[15:26:44] It does. It's fucking wide as hell.
[15:26:48] Speaking of wide, this road goes...
[15:26:49] I'm kidding.
[15:26:50] He's lovin' us if you do exactly that.
[15:26:58] I have to break like three?
[15:27:14] Seventy-first!
[15:27:15] Loads have hit me.
[15:27:38] I'm gonna have to fucking curb this.
[15:27:53] What are they doing?
[15:27:55] Carburetor, car saw that kind of stuff.
[15:28:01] These guys are taking the line on fucking great ocean highway.
[15:28:10] Yeah, it's actually here for the TK.
[15:28:22] They're trolling around the beat of this.
[15:29:24] See, so yeah, I was waiting for you, alright?
[15:29:26] Oh, is that so?
[15:29:30] No pressure bruh.
[15:29:39] Fuck Anapol!
[15:29:42] Oh, it's a banana field here for the other people since the beginning of time.
[15:29:48] You see the Asgard?
[15:29:50] I'll catch you on the next one, bruh.
[15:30:00] We're getting checkpoints, Timmy.
[15:30:02] Fuck.
[15:30:04] Goddamn it, dude.
[15:30:08] Oh, you're gold on the map, I see.
[15:30:27] My phone is down.
[15:30:38] Do you know what I'm talking about? Like, you're Utah?
[15:30:43] Nope.
[15:30:44] Okay, well, you might see it. You'll find out.
[15:30:46] You'll find out.
[15:30:47] Opposite of our map, that's your markup.
[15:30:49] They like that one more.
[15:30:50] They'll take a left and it's like opposite of our map.
[15:30:53] You know what I mean?
[15:30:54] They'll fuck up under you.
[15:30:55] Yes.
[15:30:56] I've not taken the uh, I don't know what size it's gonna be.
[15:31:18] Oh, you were supposed to take that off right?
[15:31:20] I was supposed to take the first one.
[15:31:21] FUUUUCK!
[15:31:22] I told you man!
[15:31:23] I was looking at my car, I was looking at the TPS, and I already thought that I'd buy
[15:31:57] I'm gonna get another car for this one.
[15:31:59] I'm gonna get another one.
[15:32:01] I'm gonna get another one.
[15:32:03] It makes sense.
[15:32:07] Is that your other side of the road?
[15:32:09] Yeah, I see a road.
[15:32:11] This car, right?
[15:32:15] It really spins on.
[15:32:17] It feels like it gets random, like,
[15:32:19] super-priced speed for a summer.
[15:32:21] Yeah, like, really little bumps.
[15:32:23] Yeah.
[15:32:25] I'm gonna get that stuff on.
[15:32:29] Oh
[15:33:40] Just a quick franchise that back in order
[15:34:45] 36
[15:35:15] You're up you're up next you didn't hear poet. He said if I beat him in any track today, that's 150. Oh my god
[15:35:22] Oh
[15:35:25] You are mission. I like I'm in it pal. Hey, thank you, Adam. Thank you for the rain. I appreciate it
[15:35:33] That's crazy
[15:35:37] It was definitely interesting
[15:35:42] There's a jar jar you didn't beat me
[15:35:45] Yeah, you didn't make we didn't make the agreement
[15:35:48] 60 a tree nice nice
[15:35:50] Nice.
[15:35:52] You didn't beat me though.
[15:35:53] Wait, no, I made an agreement that I'd
[15:35:55] buy the first place winner of the four of us.
[15:35:57] Pop more Joe, that was Poland though.
[15:35:59] All right, you getting Pop More Chicken at some point?
[15:36:01] You have Pop More Chicken stuck in here?
[15:36:02] There it is.
[15:36:03] I'm not catching it so much, man.
[15:36:05] Yeah, yes.
[15:36:06] They don't make Pop More Chicken anymore.
[15:36:07] Oh!
[15:36:09] I tried to order it one day.
[15:36:10] They don't make it.
[15:36:13] Maybe Sonic?
[15:36:16] Are they open?
[15:36:17] No, I don't want to know.
[15:36:20] It's fucking 3 a.m., bro.
[15:36:21] I'm coming away for a minute.
[15:36:33] Oh, it's actually 135 because of September.
[15:36:35] Thank you so much.
[15:36:38] Wow.
[15:36:41] You got your employer chicken too.
[15:36:43] That's crazy.
[15:36:44] I did the whole thing, you didn't buy the chips though.
[15:36:47] No flavor chips.
[15:36:48] One chip?
[15:36:52] Ooh.
[15:36:53] Harvestetter?
[15:36:54] Yeah.
[15:36:55] Yes, sir.
[15:36:57] No.
[15:36:59] I think that Ferrari would be better if it was dry,
[15:37:01] like way better.
[15:37:02] I'm tired, man.
[15:37:07] Oh
[15:37:22] Did you see the break-in T-Mobile yeah, let's give this out
[15:37:38] Yeah
[15:37:46] We'll see if
[15:38:04] Tomorrow
[15:38:06] I was kind of struggling. I was telling you. I don't think turrets are that bad. I just think when you're playing a mode, you're going to get 5 people instead of 3 people. It's a lot worse.
[15:38:36] You're getting something, they hold down a certain area, down an area, they can lock up a group of people, so someone's there.
[15:38:53] Not mentioned, that's going to be the end of the day, that's the fight, I guess.
[15:38:57] It might matter, yeah.
[15:38:58] You're going to be playing people that are as good as you.
[15:39:02] Try this, please.
[15:39:03] Alright, Masler or Ford, what are you going to do?
[15:39:05] What the fuck is this?
[15:39:06] Ford's D-Sprice might.
[15:39:07] Do you need some... do you remember to use back in the...
[15:39:16] What was the Melpixle track?
[15:39:19] Yeah, it was.
[15:39:22] We tried Oliway, like super tight squeezes, and like, his, uh, it was really fast.
[15:39:35] Match found.
[15:39:41] They reset it, cause people didn't want to run that track.
[15:39:50] Yeah, thank god, we'll just, I didn't know any of those tracks were there.
[15:39:53] Now, it was kind of cool, like, I always liked that period of, like, Star Status, race.
[15:40:06] Okay, yeah, just race.
[15:40:08] I'm gonna go in four.
[15:40:10] Four?
[15:40:14] I mean, you could level one.
[15:40:45] Yeah, of course, if I should thank you in a car job after racing today, okay?
[15:41:07] You know your car shops not doctor race
[15:41:16] No, I'm going to sleep. Oh, you know who I just saw in the server who bond bond bro. Oh shit
[15:41:23] Hey!
[15:41:24] Oh yeah dude, that was a good one.
[15:41:26] Car in 4.
[15:41:27] Car feels like butter.
[15:41:41] And you've been going for fucking 16 hours just about there?
[15:41:50] You're crazy.
[15:41:51] What'd you say?
[15:41:53] Dude, I've been going for like 16 hours.
[15:41:55] Oh really?
[15:41:56] Yeah, we'll go for the kick.
[15:41:57] Drama.
[15:41:59] What drama?
[15:42:00] That's your idea.
[15:42:04] Oh, the summit.
[15:42:11] I want a new anime kick.
[15:42:13] And I know you like sword arcs.
[15:42:14] Should I watch the Gunspin offer?
[15:42:15] Is it bad?
[15:42:16] Can I have a mix-time?
[15:42:17] Uh, people don't like it, but I don't like it.
[15:42:19] I actually like it more than their season 3 and I'm not liking season 3.
[15:42:28] What's in it, too?
[15:42:29] What up, boys?
[15:42:31] Potato.
[15:42:32] Potato.
[15:42:33] Randomly at 2 in the morning?
[15:42:35] He was recording Roblox, wasn't he?
[15:42:38] Yes.
[15:42:39] Yeah, I just got done at, uh, should I put out two video?
[15:42:42] Oh, you're doing a good job.
[15:42:44] Ooh!
[15:42:45] Is Sordar as a series done in his anime?
[15:42:57] Is Sordar as a series done anime was?
[15:43:01] They're gonna probably do some shit and they have like another
[15:43:07] They have like a sword art online from the first season that is from
[15:43:11] Awesomeness perspective and I don't actually know
[15:43:16] It's such a
[15:43:28] Yo, you gonna race
[15:43:37] and you go for it even.
[15:43:39] There's the Castamania?
[15:43:41] Yeah, there's the Castamania.
[15:43:42] Yeah, Castamania and the Castamania
[15:43:44] are doing pretty good.
[15:43:45] Both pretty good.
[15:44:35] Minus, I'm in a server now.
[15:44:37] New Slash, I joined the race.
[15:44:39] I think our race joined like this.
[15:44:42] One word or like?
[15:44:44] Yeah, it's race joined.
[15:44:46] The prodigy of racing, Ben.
[15:45:00] People still race?
[15:45:02] I haven't been around since before TwitchCon.
[15:45:05] I ain't.
[15:45:07] I've been playing for a while, bro.
[15:45:11] I'll get back into the arc three tomorrow.
[15:45:14] Yeah, I might pop in here soon.
[15:45:15] We have a mission, actually, that we want to do,
[15:45:17] but we just need the resources for it.
[15:45:22] I want to do a mission for you.
[15:45:24] Yeah, I want to do a mission where
[15:45:25] you will lead it like a full team of CGA.
[15:45:27] We put in you guys to like command around.
[15:45:29] He?
[15:45:30] I was like chessboards?
[15:45:31] I'll get up there.
[15:45:33] No, like only Mateo had the information for the mission.
[15:45:35] He would have to be the leader for it.
[15:45:36] I think it'd be better.
[15:45:37] That's what I'm saying. He's like the fucking chess master, right?
[15:45:41] Yeah, he's probably been like, I don't listen to this fucking guy.
[15:45:44] I don't know if it's ever, that'd be a disaster.
[15:45:50] And then we got some, uh, working on a, making a race in English.
[15:45:55] I don't know if we're going to have the race completed, if Summit's around, I'll have them apart of it.
[15:46:00] Summit, I don't know if it's a race.
[15:46:02] No, they're not going to find it.
[15:46:03] Uh-oh.
[15:46:04] Uh-oh.
[15:46:05] All right, where do I go?
[15:46:06] Straight?
[15:46:07] Straight.
[15:46:08] Okay.
[15:46:08] I
[15:46:39] Very similar oh my god, we're off a fucking hydrant
[15:46:51] Oh, no, the white hole bro, I fucking follow you
[15:46:59] Unreal
[15:47:04] I think that's kind of what it is, so I cut it there.
[15:47:11] It's like you can make that cut too, it's just...
[15:47:14] Oh no.
[15:47:15] Oh my god, I'm doing so bad.
[15:47:17] Dude, that fucking left turn fucked me, man.
[15:47:19] I just hopped all the way across it.
[15:47:30] Dude, this thing is not like, bonus.
[15:47:33] Do you like, do you like slide spin?
[15:47:36] It just starts like fucking wobbling around.
[15:47:39] Yeah.
[15:47:40] Checking its ass.
[15:47:41] This is a short track, no?
[15:47:43] Where do you want to pull?
[15:47:46] I need to check.
[15:47:47] It's not, I was okay there.
[15:48:31] Look, I thought that one on the left was kind of lying it with this one, and wouldn't have worked on that one.
[15:48:36] Whoops.
[15:48:37] You know.
[15:48:38] That's my sweet one.
[15:48:40] I'm back to 14.
[15:48:50] What the fuck?
[15:48:52] Ugh.
[15:48:53] That was a crazy jump.
[15:48:55] No, I fucked up though.
[15:48:57] Fuck.
[15:49:01] I think she got him a fuck up.
[15:49:02] Kind of a fuck up, actually.
[15:49:03] I lost like five or six pieces.
[15:49:05] Yeah.
[15:49:06] Make sure it's right.
[15:49:26] 3-minute laps in the map.
[15:50:09] Haha.
[15:50:10] Just trying to get a good lap.
[15:50:14] This is fucking intersection again, man.
[15:50:18] Coming down like Bay City, man. I keep fucking that turn.
[15:50:21] I'm gonna take that.
[15:50:24] I'm over driving this shit out of this car.
[15:50:42] The Georgia with this engine.
[15:50:48] Good, good, good, good, good, good.
[15:50:50] I keep juggling.
[15:50:51] This track is like rough, so it's something he's terribly in for.
[15:50:55] Yeah, but the car just like, it hasn't bounced in since a bunch of them.
[15:51:03] I don't remember it being this one see before
[15:53:07] Every lap what spot it's that turn on a palm, you know, man
[15:53:16] It's bottom of a city like fucking I keep just hopping all the way across it. I miss a checkpoint. I miss the check
[15:53:38] You're gonna hear how much he gives up in this one.
[15:53:40] Yeah.
[15:53:41] Yeah.
[15:53:42] I was so far ahead of that checkpoint, just following the pack, it was a fucking 30 spots.
[15:53:52] That's cool.
[15:53:53] Oh, I'm not gonna be able to catch the fuck.
[15:54:06] What are you following?
[15:54:08] What spot were you in with that?
[15:54:10] I don't know what I'm talking about.
[15:54:14] I finished in the race.
[15:54:16] Whale.
[15:54:17] I got six.
[15:54:18] in the beginning you remember when I said like what really early on that's
[15:54:21] because I uh you're not it wasn't hitting any of the checkpoints
[15:54:28] I'll mine like 10 50 checkpoints at the other part of it
[15:54:35] you still see the smoke and shit so I thought I was just hitting them down
[15:54:44] I'm getting lapped right now I do not like how this car drives I don't know
[15:54:59] This guy I don't like this car
[15:55:01] It's not that like the no pixel version you know that we had. It's like
[15:55:05] No, sir chair. It's a boat, but it's slide somehow. I don't get it. I don't get it
[15:55:17] Don't make sense. Oh Tim max right in front of me. No
[15:55:24] And that's with like a half a mile miss wait, what position you in?
[15:55:32] Well, it's pretty cozy over there pal. What do you finish them? Did you finish?
[15:55:34] uh yeah
[15:55:36] fuck you
[15:55:37] i spawned before you go down
[15:55:39] fuck this place
[15:55:40] let's double check
[15:55:41] it's crazy right now
[15:55:42] let's double check on him
[15:55:44] yeah be be be
[15:55:49] sumi where'd you finish?
[15:55:52] 50th
[15:55:53] 50th
[15:55:54] yeah so you know how many checkpoints i missed
[15:55:56] and how many turns i fucked up
[15:55:58] it was just a bajillion on each
[15:56:00] so it's like a fuck up turns
[15:56:02] i wouldn't do like that
[15:56:03] that m4 was kind of crazy
[15:56:05] i'd be honest with you
[15:56:06] You get the clutch this dude. I would have been
[15:56:11] Just got back
[15:56:17] No, you haven't been back
[15:56:24] Right there's 24th Palaké you pop up after
[15:56:29] Magic officially number 18 in the group. What about you?
[15:56:36] It does number two. It's because I fucking won't play for no eight years.
[15:56:40] So he's gonna miss something.
[15:56:41] Yeah, absolutely.
[15:56:42] He's good, but I know he's good.
[15:56:43] Listen, people need to track some sure.
[15:56:45] Okay, so that I can fly past checkpoints and feel
[15:56:47] there is no way to do that.
[15:56:50] It's a mental game.
[15:56:53] And the next track you're just fucked up and it's all flat ground.
[15:56:59] Listen, I want to see you out there kicking ass.
[15:57:02] All right.
[15:57:05] When you guys stand, no chance to stress.
[15:57:06] I'll fucking you won't even lay eyes on my car.
[15:57:08] That's what you said.
[15:57:10] Yeah, that doesn't count.
[15:57:11] Like I said, check point.
[15:57:12] What do you mean that comes with check point?
[15:57:14] Well, if I missed a checkpoint,
[15:57:15] the race doesn't count anymore, it's a little weird.
[15:57:17] Yo, what's good y'all?
[15:57:18] Right, right, right.
[15:57:20] Cause they're sending agents out there missing,
[15:57:22] like I'm following someone thinking
[15:57:24] they know what they're doing.
[15:57:25] All of a sudden, they're missing check points.
[15:57:27] They're doing it on purpose.
[15:57:28] No, I've heard you've never followed the one in front of you.
[15:57:30] They're doing it on purpose, bro.
[15:57:32] No.
[15:57:33] They're like, yo, check it.
[15:57:34] Somebody got to go eat it.
[15:57:36] I'm here in Kelpia.
[15:57:37] I'm gonna make them miss this checkpoint real quick.
[15:57:39] I heard that guy.
[15:57:40] Oh
[15:58:10] Right here the box is what the minority here. You're lucky we can't swing
[15:58:14] Listen, I can't trust the yellow suits area. Yeah
[15:58:29] Work for it, okay
[15:58:31] You have to fucking jump a vertical leap of fucking three inches to dunk
[15:58:35] Just fucking die after you stinger
[15:58:39] I'm a wasp, but he's the bumblebee. I'm the wasp
[15:58:48] Oh, I'm a stupid horde. Wait, that's low key astray though. I just tried to point at you
[15:58:54] What the fuck? How many of us did you get? You can point, bro. God, that's right. I mean,
[15:59:02] you might be sure this guy real place. I don't think he does. I'm not sure. I don't think he does.
[15:59:06] No, he doesn't know he doesn't rp guys just racist
[15:59:17] I gotta
[15:59:24] To Mac what you what you mentioned on was eating chips chips
[15:59:43] Are you still eating the chips? Oh my god
[15:59:52] How bad is the microphone like?
[15:59:56] It's not tear was not but it's pretty bad
[16:00:01] It's not like to the point where you don't want to listen to it
[16:00:03] But I don't know these stripes. Is that next I like lucky lanes. Oh, Zidzi made lucky lanes
[16:00:09] Is that Milo next to us? Yeah, we're the eraser. Yeah
[16:00:13] Zidzi's rap, bro. Remember the A45, bro
[16:00:16] Oh
[16:00:19] All the 180 it's not even
[16:00:42] This is if you mother fuckers normal asses at the back
[16:00:48] Okay, okay keep talking pal
[16:00:50] You're fucking, your days are numbered, Joe.
[16:00:55] Listen, somebody's got to be at the factory.
[16:00:57] Yeah, it's Chris.
[16:00:59] Okay, here's your match found.
[16:01:01] Oh, never mind. You're not driving the way.
[16:01:04] What's that got me in the fucking names of turtles, maybe, dude? You guys are the fuckers.
[16:01:07] Thank you, Adam.
[16:01:08] Can anybody know where to get some hot tea?
[16:01:10] It's over here.
[16:01:11] It's over here.
[16:01:12] It's over here.
[16:01:13] It's over here.
[16:01:14] Is anybody going to sell a match?
[16:01:17] What are you trying to own about?
[16:01:19] I'm on a roll, Bico.
[16:01:23] Listen, if you're looking for RP, don't come to here.
[16:01:26] Yeah.
[16:01:27] No, just.
[16:01:28] Just submit.
[16:01:29] Just submit.
[16:01:30] I'm trying to hit the oil rig.
[16:01:34] Oil rig is crazy.
[16:01:37] Oh, he hit it right there.
[16:01:39] It's just submit.
[16:01:51] You don't stand a chance, right, pal?
[16:01:53] Ooh, Devil's Dan.
[16:01:55] Ooh, downtown throwdown.
[16:01:56] Ooh.
[16:01:57] Oh, I have another one.
[16:01:58] It's going to track this along.
[16:01:59] I really want to.
[16:02:00] I'm not going to laugh.
[16:02:01] Both these are actually good tracks good cars to those answers actually good actually like all the sense
[16:02:10] That's extra the oh, I would only get a sex. I didn't even pick I didn't either
[16:02:25] Hello
[16:02:28] Yeah, that's a good car. This guy you get the old Tim how much
[16:02:37] Yeah, what up for a dollar is that a car talking actually good
[16:02:43] I heard that the day when I was playing the weed shop, I had something on the fucking wall
[16:02:50] You can put people's dreams up right? Oh my god
[16:02:56] We used to do that in the gallery before they told us we couldn't we would put people's like videos
[16:03:01] But the issue is everyone in the server can hear it and we didn't know
[16:03:07] So like Ravi put up ex-cc3 one day and everyone can hear it
[16:03:13] Why can't I hear his own car right now?
[16:03:17] Yeah, it's all sorts of fucked up, right?
[16:03:29] The car is the filthy NSX.
[16:03:31] Man, fuck you, man! Get out of here! Get out of here!
[16:03:38] This is the one that sounds fucking awful though, didn't know what it was gonna do.
[16:03:59] There we go.
[16:04:01] I'm gonna have to tell you what you did right.
[16:04:06] Something I had to say.
[16:04:08] Oh shit talking people.
[16:04:10] You're not gonna get your own mission anymore.
[16:04:13] I was getting in the heads of all my arms.
[16:04:16] Uh, downtown you roll down for a whole fuckin'-
[16:04:19] If you have no ops buddy-
[16:04:20] I can't ops man!
[16:04:22] People know me in these streets.
[16:04:24] Obviously nobody knows you in the streets.
[16:04:26] The streets know me.
[16:04:31] You got people with Uber drivers?
[16:04:33] They know us, former boy Mateo.
[16:04:37] Black on no pixel.
[16:04:38] Don't remember downtown third out.
[16:04:52] No bro, don't remember the tag, that's cheating.
[16:04:54] Because the bird...
[16:04:56] is taking down notes.
[16:04:58] Man you know boosting drop offs is the thing though, so I don't know us.
[16:05:02] Yeah, I do.
[16:05:03] That's what I'm about to say, huh?
[16:05:04] Oh, I know that, too.
[16:05:05] I know everything.
[16:05:05] I'm a fucking...
[16:05:12] Well, you know, like, Wild Melt.
[16:05:13] Drop rates and all that mess here.
[16:05:15] Yeah, that's you.
[16:05:16] Yeah, I know.
[16:05:21] So I wish I had applied that to a fucking real life.
[16:05:23] Like, I'm not really sure.
[16:05:27] Man, I would be one smart motherfucker,
[16:05:29] but I guess what, we dumb as hell.
[16:05:34] Honestly, handle's great.
[16:05:35] Yeah, it feels good.
[16:05:38] Can I save it?
[16:05:39] You can look up the track and you go to your path.
[16:05:44] I'm just trying to save the track right now.
[16:05:46] Actually, it's a little spinny. I gotta be careful over hills.
[16:05:51] It's all a little dry, so it's gonna be a little bit easier to...
[16:05:55] to, like...
[16:05:56] correct, slip, yeah, correct slip-ups, but...
[16:06:00] it's gonna be a little wider on the turning.
[16:06:08] It'll be...
[16:06:09] Sorry, let me correct that. It's gonna be wider when you're going down the acceleration.
[16:06:14] As long as it's on the race, is there a countdown somewhere?
[16:06:17] It'll eventually do kind of a...
[16:06:19] It'll eventually do kind of a...
[16:06:19] It'll eventually do kind of a...
[16:06:20] It'll eventually do kind of a...
[16:06:21] It'll eventually do kind of a...
[16:06:22] I'm sorry dude.
[16:06:26] Of course.
[16:06:59] I'm sorry dude.
[16:07:01] What are you going to do next year?
[16:07:03] There are some of them that single bottles are in stores.
[16:07:05] You're going to miss a single bottles.
[16:07:07] I'm in pouches right now.
[16:07:09] But now you're going to get a little bottles.
[16:07:11] Bro.
[16:07:13] If you ever have a college vehicle, that's illegal.
[16:07:17] Bro, they're trying to target the adult market.
[16:07:19] Nah, that's how illegal it's on the pouch.
[16:07:21] They already targeted the adult market.
[16:07:23] already turned at the adult market. Yeah, this gets kind of deep in the city, you know,
[16:07:29] because you can change the stance of your wheels.
[16:07:32] Oh, really?
[16:07:34] Well, I just put them on other cool things.
[16:07:36] Ah, a lighter.
[16:07:44] No, I'm actually so scared when I hear about that.
[16:07:52] No!
[16:07:54] What's that, a moustache?
[16:07:56] No.
[16:08:00] I thought I could count on you while being out right now.
[16:08:05] You have weird
[16:08:11] Don't worry
[16:08:32] No, that was you I see you up there
[16:09:41] There's a gap between the keys. Oh, no, they're not actually never mind
[16:10:01] We'll do it again
[16:10:05] I just made F F
[16:10:07] F9
[16:10:08] This intersects its fastest like it is
[16:10:14] Rapid. Oh, I thought it was a left turn. I can customize cars while I'm chilling
[16:10:26] It was all calculated you didn't want to lose them a tail. So you do that on purpose
[16:10:40] What happened brother, I don't know what's up with these cars on this server man
[16:10:44] And this doesn't feel like anything I've ever driven before.
[16:10:48] It's just you, bro.
[16:10:50] Bro.
[16:10:52] Oh, no, that fucking, that fucking little skip with your car.
[16:10:58] No, I didn't count that checkpoint because the pole
[16:11:00] bounced me to the side.
[16:11:02] Yeah, that little jump right there
[16:11:04] has been fucking me in this car.
[16:11:06] Oh, my god.
[16:11:10] I'm going to check this up as a bump flat on the turn.
[16:11:14] Yeah, let's talk this up as a bad race for everybody here I was at first yeah, okay, buddy
[16:11:24] Since you DNF is a hundred give stub off or like redeemable again
[16:11:32] Okay, okay 20 subs
[16:11:46] Oh, no, you think you'd be me, huh? Oh, yeah. Oh
[16:11:54] Yeah, okay. All right
[16:11:57] All right for us five gifted because I know you're not that confident
[16:12:01] No
[16:12:02] You don't get shit
[16:12:04] Fuck
[16:12:06] And five year old
[16:12:09] Come on man. Hey, we just broke top all on it, baby. Lock in
[16:12:13] I
[16:12:16] Can't game hey you better be careful tail is dvd is during those random races Paul
[16:12:25] You know
[16:12:29] No, he doesn't you only joined after
[16:12:32] Yo, so Jerry get this right every night you should got these events called night races and no fixer right?
[16:12:37] It's two at night, you get the ping and you go the thing is that the track is never the same because it's chat GPT generated
[16:12:46] That's sick. It's in a straight line. So you're terrible
[16:12:51] Yeah, but wouldn't AI get better at doing it over time
[16:12:54] No, because the tracks were always in a straight line, but they would go like diagonal north south
[16:13:01] It was actually like a random checkpoint on like a exit or entrance ramp to a highway
[16:13:08] Imagine checkpoint six of the race is in Sandy shores and then tech point seven is in grapeseed
[16:13:14] And you have to go all the way around the water because the tracks in the straight line
[16:13:24] You have straight line tracks only that's the best chat they could like AI they could get
[16:13:28] Yeah, straight line tracks only and they would they would just go in random directions and random
[16:13:33] Is this random like start location to just take a
[16:13:39] Finish before we even have dumbass car chat, GPT.
[16:13:42] I mean, it's funny.
[16:13:44] Dude, I keep wanting to talk to the Apple dude.
[16:13:46] What the fuck?
[16:13:49] No.
[16:13:53] I just went into the spaceship.
[16:14:02] Dude, I can't.
[16:14:04] Every single time on that.
[16:14:05] They replaced it with a real track, right?
[16:14:06] Like old tracks?
[16:14:10] Yeah, something like that.
[16:14:11] But it's like sprints only.
[16:14:12] There's no laps.
[16:14:14] At least the laps on myself.
[16:14:16] They made them a lot longer too.
[16:14:20] I like short and sweet races, bro.
[16:14:22] I get tilted by the end of every race, so.
[16:14:25] Fuck.
[16:14:26] It's endurance.
[16:14:27] If you don't stick like the entire time
[16:14:28] and you mess up one, you suffer the entire race,
[16:14:31] you know what I mean?
[16:14:31] If people don't mess up.
[16:14:32] Yeah, you just gotta like,
[16:14:34] maybe the rough spots a little bit more.
[16:14:36] I feel like for me it's loose.
[16:14:38] Yeah, it's just like when the car gets really bumpy,
[16:14:41] you have to, I don't like the burger,
[16:14:42] super bumpy up here.
[16:14:43] I don't like it.
[16:14:44] It's just like our other guys completely,
[16:14:45] we're like brick.
[16:14:49] You're gonna send the car into orbit some of these fucking checkpoints. I'm just like not paying attention. Like I don't know this track at all
[16:15:03] They're just like the chat. Oh my god. This one fucking pole got me both laps
[16:15:08] You're still racing?
[16:15:10] Yeah, you're last lap. I'm about halfway through the last lap and I'm paying attention to the lap 80 second, baby
[16:15:17] Let's go. We're gaining
[16:15:20] Yeah, you get a feel for a minute. It's it's like hyper shut dude. You gotta be fucking
[16:15:27] do you guys know why my mouse keeps going to my other monitor that's happening
[16:15:31] it's been happening me a lot recently I think you pull the map up again or
[16:15:36] something like that I think that's what yeah like if I hit escape it like fixes
[16:15:41] it for a little bit but I don't think your game are you in boardless yeah put
[16:15:48] it in full screen and then take it out see what happens now dude it's just
[16:15:51] going to the map going to the map is back
[16:15:54] Yeah, I just wanted to keep it happen
[16:15:58] I don't know what the fuck you're doing to do it. I think yeah, that's what I'm trying to figure out
[16:16:02] Like what do I do that makes it happen?
[16:16:04] No
[16:16:12] So many times I'm still top 20 or the 70s
[16:16:15] guys like fucking five times
[16:16:31] Ford
[16:16:41] What this finish fuck it let this race finish
[16:16:43] I feel like spectating would be cool.
[16:16:47] Maybe it's hard because it runs in different sessions.
[16:16:50] Yeah.
[16:16:51] Yeah, they said they're working on it, though they want to try to get everyone to get in
[16:16:54] the same instance.
[16:16:55] Well, that'd be wild.
[16:16:56] I got 20 seconds.
[16:16:57] That's even mad.
[16:16:58] Fucking mad is 100 cars.
[16:16:59] Yeah.
[16:17:00] Although, my session, I'm nowhere near anybody.
[16:17:01] I fucking drove an actual essence of this.
[16:17:02] What happened to movie night?
[16:17:03] We're doing movie night.
[16:17:08] Uh, so?
[16:17:09] anybody I fucking drill a sexual ass in this what happened a movie night we're
[16:17:26] doing movie though said he wasn't I asked over what someone to do he said he
[16:17:30] was gonna he has to wake up early but we were talking about doing it on stream
[16:17:34] and then we just put a time on stream so people can sync up and it's like a
[16:17:37] stream of that I'm down because I this you was like everyone get
[16:17:44] It's just a weight, so...
[16:17:46] Yeah.
[16:17:47] Because I'll be waking up the earliest at everybody, for sure.
[16:17:51] What time are you guys trying to do it at?
[16:17:57] I have no idea.
[16:17:59] That's great.
[16:18:00] That's the thing.
[16:18:01] It's got to just be something we just do.
[16:18:11] I think you should set a time for it, and it'll probably be easier to do that way.
[16:18:15] You shut your fucking mouth, sir.
[16:18:18] Oh, okay, then.
[16:18:19] Why are you trying to speak logically?
[16:18:21] You're a freak, boy.
[16:18:23] You're a freak, boy.
[16:18:25] Which one's the comment on you?
[16:18:29] Jack got me.
[16:18:36] What's that?
[16:18:38] Nothing.
[16:18:40] This guy's got the actual NSX.
[16:18:42] What does that one call you?
[16:18:44] Which one?
[16:18:46] Oh, that one?
[16:18:48] That's called any one, man.
[16:18:55] Oh, yeah, any one. That's right.
[16:18:57] That's pretty sweet.
[16:19:14] We're finishing the race now.
[16:19:22] I found it 9-eleven, yeah dude, what the fuck is this spoiler, can you buddy's here, yeah
[16:19:52] what the fuck is this spoiler, how do you do the stance menu, good, F3, oh I've sex I've
[16:20:32] six six four oh shit I got my car back
[16:21:01] what the fuck happened to me match found all right boys this is this is a good this is it
[16:21:19] dudes I am gonna fucking walk in I'm not gonna be polling but I'm gonna be selling
[16:21:24] Hey, someone said he could beat me, so I'm gonna win this one.
[16:21:35] The last race on the map.
[16:21:45] I'll beat your ass, dude.
[16:21:47] Last race for everybody? LG?
[16:21:49] LG. I don't know any of these trucks.
[16:21:52] Of course.
[16:21:53] Can we go?
[16:21:54] Yeah, yeah.
[16:21:55] We have a four-time karma.
[16:21:57] The four-time karma?
[16:22:00] Get that train.
[16:22:03] Ooh, that's a lot of game.
[16:22:05] Bobby four times
[16:22:13] He thinks he's not a good role player, but he didn't come back
[16:22:19] He and me
[16:22:25] I'm not a kid sad to come back to
[16:22:45] I don't know why he didn't come back actually
[16:22:48] I don't know, not streaming much though, I don't know why he's doing it
[16:22:56] Maybe
[16:22:57] Oh you 570 I think is your real-life show like that's the ventador
[16:23:06] That was far. She has a way to when you're turning visit the events for
[16:23:10] What is this?
[16:23:13] It's like a older
[16:23:18] It's a do slash cars based LP 570 you'll get it all you can do like that
[16:23:24] This car actually has a way to it do we want to hear man. Oh, it's the yard. Oh, I like this
[16:23:31] I like this
[16:23:36] When you come into RP jar John
[16:23:58] I'm like not super bored of crimp stuff again boosting comes back you being my boosting partner or what?
[16:24:06] I'll probably pop in see if this way if it keeps me around for a while. I do that
[16:24:09] But I'm just bored of the crimp stuff right now. It's like this
[16:24:13] I'll see the liberty you guys
[16:24:17] If I just
[16:24:36] Think rather said like gang shit
[16:24:47] We do late night for stuff again start getting stuff to whatever
[16:24:53] Late night review. Yeah. Yeah, it does
[16:25:01] Are you sure I don't like it
[16:25:04] It's like
[16:25:06] Would you be done for that one day?
[16:25:09] Well, I'm not sure it's something for me. It's up. I mean I'm down as long as it's after midnight or like
[16:25:17] Idiom
[16:25:18] It's a school job, but that bitch long
[16:25:22] I get off at midnight. So
[16:25:24] I'm stuck in the garage. I don't know why the C4 said takes 15 minutes handles bumps actually pretty well
[16:25:38] This is very floaty, if you'll let me know.
[16:25:40] Yeah, it feels like I'm on the ground in there.
[16:25:42] I don't know.
[16:25:44] I don't know. This is like...
[16:25:46] This is like the first car we've had that actually has a weight to it.
[16:25:48] Yeah, it doesn't feel like it's in a super spin out at me, but like...
[16:25:52] It kind of struggles to turn a little bit.
[16:25:56] But everything else feels pretty good about the car.
[16:26:01] It just keeps happening.
[16:26:30] Don't feel like...
[16:26:32] Like oh
[16:26:49] You're a drill without using your mouth just driving with
[16:26:54] Yeah
[16:26:58] It feels better, but I don't know that's sake the other stair
[16:27:11] I'm just saying that's just an example of what's made of it, I'm not saying I don't
[16:27:37] I
[16:27:54] Tell you something about this city
[16:28:00] Five spun out every car
[16:28:10] Exhilaration of a bad time on some of the houses.
[16:28:14] Yeah, that was a lap already.
[16:30:40] The reason I'm on the freeway.
[16:30:42] I'm like inside my mic right now.
[16:30:45] Ah, fuck that.
[16:30:46] Nah, that's over.
[16:30:48] Dude, I fucking suck an ass right now.
[16:31:25] That's so hard so many times.
[16:31:27] I still got people, though.
[16:31:29] Honestly, I was fucking speedy
[16:32:16] and not looking at the car in front of me.
[16:32:21] In jar they making these sounds then you not like to drop some of these bars
[16:33:40] Shut the fuck up
[16:35:29] What man?
[16:35:31] I mean only seven this year
[16:35:40] I keep getting six for
[16:35:55] 46
[16:35:59] Sucked ass
[16:36:04] Hey buddy, I beat you.
[16:36:08] No, you didn't. I saw you just walk in.
[16:36:10] You did it.
[16:36:12] I just saw you walk the fucking right now.
[16:36:14] We could literally the board 36.
[16:36:16] Dude, I turn on the L just to fuck me up every fucking lap.
[16:36:18] Yeah, yeah.
[16:36:20] What's the left hander?
[16:36:22] The right one. The right one down the hill.
[16:36:24] Bro, that turn right down the hill.
[16:36:26] Oh, an L-Gin. Oh, yeah, yeah.
[16:36:28] Every time, bro.
[16:36:30] I know.
[16:36:32] For me, it's the one going like
[16:36:34] Oh
[16:36:40] Man you got a escape for a second you know you lose your speed
[16:36:48] You're G everyone. I'm looking all the other people had way faster lap times with me, but I was just
[16:36:53] Yeah, what up? Oh my god, what's up?
[16:37:05] What's your outfit? Why is it so cool?
[16:37:17] Of course I'm somehow I don't spend a single time that whole race after that
[16:37:23] I'll make no sense.
[16:37:24] Dude, I saw your name for a while, like there's no point.
[16:37:28] I'm gonna stick with this one.
[16:37:30] There you stand.
[16:37:31] Ah, sorry.
[16:37:32] Hey, Colby, you know those guys?
[16:37:36] Yeah.
[16:37:37] I got my paper's pen under from.
[16:37:39] Oh, like back in the days?
[16:37:41] Yeah.
[16:37:42] Deal.
[16:37:56] Run away.
[16:37:57] Run away from your fears.
[16:38:00] I'm tired.
[16:38:02] Where are they from the grind?
[16:38:04] Run them from the grind.
[16:38:06] I did say last game, but I might do one more.
[16:38:11] I need, I need, I need that was not the one to go off on for me at least.
[16:38:18] Yeah, maybe one more.
[16:38:19] I want to throw a fucking monitor.
[16:38:23] Yeah, just many tracks here, bro, stop.
[16:38:25] I thought someone was the go when it came to driving.
[16:38:28] Shut up, Super Donut.
[16:38:30] Shut the fuck up.
[16:38:32] Give me a chance to learn their fucking cars and tracks before you judge me too harsh.
[16:38:39] I'm really having a hard-ass time planning to use the discord team for something to happen.
[16:38:44] MASH FALM!
[16:38:46] Mark my words, I'll be a fucking force.
[16:38:48] Are you in the service, yeah?
[16:38:49] I don't know.
[16:38:50] I'm just thinking of what you are.
[16:38:51] I'll be in the service.
[16:38:53] I can't, I can't register here unless you're in the service.
[16:38:55] That's not main agent.
[16:38:56] I know, that's not main agent.
[16:38:57] They're going good, man.
[16:38:58] Preach on there.
[16:38:59] No, send me an invoice.
[16:39:00] Can you get back up with sure?
[16:39:01] Sure, I can.
[16:39:02] It's basically that project I'm coming about a little bit more...
[16:39:04] A little bit closer to, like, Arkansas.
[16:39:07] I
[16:39:33] Mean the other half
[16:40:05] Consider this server my warm-up server for fucking RP
[16:40:08] I saw it
[16:40:10] just racing
[16:40:12] in an rp server
[16:40:17] echo rp is at 65
[16:40:19] yeah brother
[16:40:23] that's actually insane, they still gonna pop a racing
[16:40:31] did i run or bench press
[16:40:33] oh my god midnight run
[16:40:35] did i run fire
[16:40:37] evo 9
[16:40:41] one of them is by newtrain
[16:40:43] i'll take the right one
[16:40:45] i'll take that one
[16:40:47] that's insane
[16:40:49] I'm messaging him that right now. I think you raised midnight run before
[16:41:10] The night run is a banger
[16:41:17] It's been a long time
[16:41:19] I love seeing that helmet in the lobby, brother.
[16:41:25] You guys are one of my favorite helmets.
[16:41:29] What's up, it's in the pit!
[16:41:33] Oh, shit, that's a throwback, bro.
[16:41:35] That's a classic.
[16:41:37] It's the foot clan. I gotta fight them all off. It's a series.
[16:41:39] What's up, it's in the pit!
[16:41:41] You trying to take my freedom?
[16:41:43] Yeah, that's a whole, Jesus.
[16:41:45] I can't see your name.
[16:41:47] That's War Z days.
[16:41:49] That's War Z days. They used to say that.
[16:41:51] to say that. I said say that to people. You trying to take my freedom? This is the
[16:42:03] Evo you had in an upholster, right son? Well, you were trying to drive it. Yo, it's
[16:42:11] so slippery. The one that you always put in construction site? Yeah, construction site
[16:42:20] was sick. They took that away from me in Prodigy. I knew a couple tricks in there.
[16:42:26] But listen guys if we need to get out I got a car so I'm ready in construction every day
[16:42:30] It was all piece of safe spot and it always works
[16:42:33] But there's no stopping it you could not stop that first one
[16:42:38] They just give up and be like fucking we're just gonna chase
[16:42:43] This is a two racers off beating the record in the server
[16:44:02] Who people if we get two more people they adjust their all-time record for most racers at once
[16:44:17] I was here
[16:44:22] Customize your car all you want. All right, it's not gonna matter
[16:44:31] You're gonna look cool when you're talking about
[16:44:34] Damn
[16:44:35] That's hella toxic. What the fuck
[16:44:45] I'm gonna look sick. We'll fucking fly through there
[16:44:49] All right, miss you six place
[16:44:52] I
[16:44:56] Probably well, I probably won't get better up. He's doing it without even knowing the fucking tracks
[16:45:01] That just means he's being consistent and it's working
[16:45:03] Yeah, I wasn't if you looked at the fast
[16:45:08] My fucking my racing motto which is fuck
[16:45:11] Okay, you know the one day in our feet. He paid us to shoot out your tires
[16:45:20] Why gaslighting? Oh, it's true
[16:45:25] But why would I need to show our stars are just beating with no no he paid us to shoot your tires out
[16:45:32] What? Oh, we couldn't keep up
[16:45:35] Yeah
[16:45:37] Is that actually really just one round?
[16:45:48] Yeah, that's not a favor. That'd be crazy. She'll be consistent. I
[16:45:52] Would be funny as fuck to you. All right guys cars look like a bird
[16:46:01] Well, I'm gonna say that all any crickets way to come on man
[16:46:17] It's inside a jello.
[16:46:19] What are you doing, man?
[16:46:26] Got a bomb sometimes.
[16:46:41] Real people that laugh.
[16:46:42] That's the type of just the left hander
[16:46:44] into the weird right hander.
[16:46:46] Maybe he's been on the right hander.
[16:46:48] They didn't type a wall.
[16:46:49] What about that?
[16:46:51] It's probably like checkpoint like
[16:46:53] year four, maybe?
[16:46:54] That's what you're like.
[16:46:56] Oh, I think it's like checkpoint three.
[16:46:58] Yeah, checkpoint three is kind of what I'm doing.
[16:47:02] I hid in the visible cold road.
[16:47:32] There's no way that happened to me.
[16:47:34] Oh, fuck.
[16:47:35] What, bro?
[16:47:36] My luck persists in other cities the same as it does in Prodigy.
[16:47:41] I think so.
[16:47:56] I'm there for you to do the down run.
[16:47:58] Crazy, bro.
[16:48:01] I didn't do anything.
[16:48:05] There's a line.
[16:48:12] Okay, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
[16:48:17] You're okay, bro.
[16:48:18] It's funny.
[16:48:20] No, I went way too wide.
[16:48:21] Fuck.
[16:48:22] Let's hear it all.
[16:48:24] No.
[16:48:25] Somebody went to fall asleep.
[16:48:26] Dude, I lost six places.
[16:48:28] Get away from me!
[16:48:34] Oh, no.
[16:48:35] Fucking...
[16:48:37] Hey man.
[16:48:38] Is this a jar jar?
[16:48:39] Is he a jar jar?
[16:48:40] I'm gonna fucking smoke your ass.
[16:48:41] Let's go.
[16:48:42] Yeah, dude, just do a backflip on the crack.
[16:48:45] Damn it, bro.
[16:48:46] That fucking death turn, he took me like that a long time.
[16:48:50] Oh, this car?
[16:48:51] The race is still misleading.
[16:48:53] There they are.
[16:48:54] I'm sorry to get that, bro.
[16:49:00] Yeah, I'm so fucking good. I PTSD when I'm done now, right?
[16:49:03] I think my far lands, that it's not gonna have any control,
[16:49:06] and I also think that just to get a fucking truck around every corner,
[16:49:11] it's just a lot of...
[16:49:12] This car has no traction on while you're braking, so it's not that bad.
[16:49:15] Oh, your fucking spin's not good.
[16:49:18] It's just like, it's like fucking F1, it's not going to be...
[16:49:21] Oh, I saw this fucking guy.
[16:49:24] Everybody's fucking driving straight.
[16:49:27] Yeah, everyone's full-scented through a little slow.
[16:49:29] Oh my god, I'm hearing people see you fuck me
[16:49:38] Yeah, no, yeah, you can't like bring your turn back when it if you go to
[16:49:45] I'm calling I'm gonna win this race
[16:49:50] Oh, there's no pray this car is kind of shit. I'm gonna be a real deal
[16:50:04] You behind me
[16:50:06] Yeah
[16:50:08] Oh, yeah, you need help
[16:50:14] What
[16:50:16] No
[16:50:19] No, I've been a ready car
[16:50:22] I was about to say
[16:50:25] That'd be crazy
[16:50:28] That person my teeth and came back to the race start
[16:50:34] Don't you want to pass out? I
[16:50:36] I got a doctor's appointment I need to make an award.
[16:50:41] I just have to put my suit into the gas station.
[16:50:46] As you wouldn't guess we'll play something right now.
[16:50:49] Shut the fuck up, boy!
[16:50:52] Actually, sir, if I should sir.
[16:50:56] Yeah, I'm saying consistent 2 and 48.
[16:50:59] I consider passing Costa a fucking mission in life anyway.
[16:51:06] Let's go fuck you. You got people coast though. What did he do?
[16:51:20] Get your ass out of here. I can't see
[16:51:31] Start messing with the mechanics of your car mid-race
[16:51:38] This guy has a rocket!
[16:51:40] This is possible.
[16:51:42] Probably because it's fast.
[16:51:44] Oh my god, my...
[16:52:06] My crash.
[16:52:08] No, I'm in too.
[16:52:29] Shit, that acceleration.
[16:52:31] That was insane!
[16:52:33] It was like a rocket shit.
[16:52:54] You have to like, pre-brake so much in this car.
[16:53:02] This is a controller car.
[16:53:04] It's the acceleration on this.
[16:53:06] Crazy.
[16:53:08] All their cars are all crazy accelerations.
[16:53:10] crazy so it's like the old similar driving size of it so I think he figured
[16:53:16] out that's a big fucking loop this is definitely a controller car just
[16:53:19] because like you need to like keep power to the wheels and that's been out
[16:53:24] from being a neutral number eight single turn it's absolutely a controller car
[16:53:31] oh my god I absolutely sent it don't send it down to Rockford holy fuck
[16:54:04] what's your point like 80 you literally go like a hundred and ninety down the
[16:54:09] hill bro I just went full I would absolutely fly
[16:54:15] see it
[16:54:25] moving up though that's a tree 25th I've moved up to let's go
[16:55:13] the proper one was is that bad did you full send it yeah but I didn't go in
[16:55:22] I got like 170. I don't know what I'm
[16:55:27] Maybe it's bumps. Yeah, I crashed again. I would have gotten 10th if I didn't plug up at them
[16:55:33] I think we had buffed when we were going down and that was probably the difference. Yeah, I might have been I had some fucking crazy shit. Oh
[16:55:39] oh my god
[16:55:42] oh my god
[16:55:44] this is checkpoint
[16:55:46] this is checkpoint
[16:55:48] I missed checkpoint at the end
[16:55:50] I fucked up at the end
[16:55:52] that's not pretty fast
[16:55:54] you guys messing up at the very end
[16:56:03] get back here
[16:56:16] I can't do that
[16:56:18] I'm pushing it
[16:56:20] I would have gotten 10
[16:56:22] but I'm fucking up at the end
[16:56:24] I accidentally fat fingered
[16:56:26] of my ask you what I'm feeling fast and I got bullshitted that's not fair I got
[16:56:32] bullshitted yeah you got that invisible Paul they have a new last race
[16:56:34] G.J. visible pole craze and he goes I will catch you guys in the car
[16:56:49] and fuck you Paul for real should ban on the discord
[16:57:09] That's the last we ever heard from Poland
[16:57:18] From 11 to 4 he's not CG anymore
[16:57:25] You know I might practice in the server every day until they come to the best racer in this bitch
[16:57:45] I got thirty-third
[16:57:48] That's not you that's my best placement so far
[16:58:29] Yeah, he's here somewhere. Oh, he's outside the front come out the front
[16:58:41] He's over here by the alpha at the end of the ramp
[16:58:48] We said that
[16:59:00] from 11 to 4, huh?
[16:59:02] what was that?
[16:59:03] I'm working on stopping at the 20th thing, but...
[16:59:07] I'm not.
[16:59:08] People won't be.
[16:59:09] Yeah, it's a fucking people.
[16:59:11] Yeah.
[16:59:13] Look at that fucking head, dude.
[16:59:18] Damn.
[16:59:20] You look like a bird, you're a wolf.
[16:59:22] I don't know, it's smaller than what it used to be.
[16:59:26] Yeah, I'm the fucking real estate poker king, what do you mean?
[16:59:29] That's crazy.
[16:59:32] It's like a second. It's like you guys
[16:59:37] Match found second best plan the city as far as I'm concerned. I'll catch you tomorrow
[16:59:44] Yeah, whole big fat negative 75 K
[16:59:48] For another person
[16:59:51] Nash I could have to be honest, but you know
[16:59:57] It was real estate money was real estate money. Yeah, that's yeah
[17:00:03] I'm a level up
[17:00:11] Monkey King is here also?
[17:00:13] Yeah, I'm a level up
[17:00:15] What the heck?
[17:00:17] Let's go there brother
[17:00:19] You see the banana car out the front?
[17:00:28] What the fuck is this?
[17:00:31] See this?
[17:00:36] What the fuck is this?
[17:00:38] Out the front
[17:00:40] What the fuck is this?
[17:00:42] Look further out front man
[17:00:44] Oh the banana?
[17:01:06] Yeah
[17:01:29] I don't know these tracks we got two R8s which one's better the RAV at the V10 though?
[17:01:59] There's a fucking banana. There's a banana?
[17:02:16] How do I do that?
[17:02:19] My face. My beautiful face.
[17:03:15] That's true.
[17:03:43] It's a pilot.
[17:03:45] I call you pilot.
[17:03:48] There's no speed cap either when you get bumps.
[17:04:59] Did I can tell already
[17:06:27] Yeah, I've been trying to do like I'm looking at the checkpoints
[17:06:34] So it's all this car
[17:06:43] It's a lot of high speed like
[17:06:46] Highway fucking less like breaks and shit
[17:06:55] We just deteriorated as the night has gone on, man, but...
[17:06:58] Well, we're getting used to the faster speeds, so we're trying to pull up the fucking higher end, and it's just...
[17:07:06] In the beginning, you kind of baby it a bit more, because they're like...
[17:07:09] Which, honestly, it kind of helps.
[17:07:10] I think you should have put a shit pack in it.
[17:07:14] Yeah.
[17:07:14] The car's pretty sticky, man.
[17:07:16] I think, honestly, I'm gonna try to coast a bit more, and just see if I finish better.
[17:07:23] You can't ever have fun fucking sending it everywhere.
[17:07:39] Just need to take off, like, 20%, I think, on the race lot faster.
[17:07:42] Dude, what the fuck is this?
[17:12:43] Fuck!
[17:12:50] Fuck!
[17:12:52] I went from 8th to 24th!
[17:12:54] Fuck man, my top 10 lair
[17:12:56] sucky.
[17:12:58] Pressuring me!
[17:14:15] Don't overshoot this!
[17:15:49] It's your breaks!
[17:16:25] Ashkahn take over!
[17:16:30] Yeah, that's a good one.
[17:16:42] You ever just bounce off a pole and just like
[17:16:44] five placements go back and you're like, well, fuck me.
[17:16:46] I
[17:17:03] Finish on 19th. Yeah, nice. I'm 19th
[17:17:14] My best place was so far I'm moving up PB PB
[17:17:17] fuck yeah bud oh yeah you're just gonna get into that single digit
[17:17:24] I'll live look at bad habits and uh free sense it yeah yeah and fucking sense
[17:17:39] It's the bridge, didn't it, baby?
[17:17:41] Fuck yeah, bud.
[17:17:45] Oh, shit, what the fuck?
[17:17:55] You would've had best time on third lap if you didn't goof.
[17:17:57] Yeah, I don't know about that.
[17:18:01] You got six in the earlier races.
[17:18:03] Yeah, it doesn't count. We didn't have a hundred people.
[17:18:05] Yeah, I can't take a question.
[17:18:15] Caroline complains that I take a paint job.
[17:18:46] I deserve something really loud, but I ran away.
[17:18:52] Dude, that beginning of the race, I was doing so well.
[17:18:54] Yeah, bro.
[17:18:56] One turn sent you back so much, or one mess up.
[17:18:59] I was like 20th.
[17:19:01] So I'm sure you know what's going on from the beginning.
[17:19:03] Okay, you weren't doing that good.
[17:19:04] You're kind of a setting.
[17:19:05] It was, not it was.
[17:19:07] I was doing really good in the beginning.
[17:19:09] I'm feeling like full people, seven.
[17:19:11] I'm mesmerized.
[17:19:16] Let's go.
[17:19:18] Yo, Jair, you're playing Cusa?
[17:19:23] It's getting a live action show like in a month.
[17:19:27] What, you're talking all this shit where you at?
[17:19:28] I mean, this is cool.
[17:19:30] Wait, what'd you say?
[17:19:34] I said, that's pretty cool.
[17:19:35] The guy that I heard that's really loud is fucking Bobby Porter, bro
[17:19:46] Yeah, this guy's right next to me from the curb is insane you're a rocket match found
[17:22:33] Don't know that guy
[17:22:39] That's your favorite person a jingling
[17:22:58] Why is everyone coming to beat me bro
[17:23:05] I've never said I was that sick they gotta prove that you're not that sick
[17:23:20] Yeah, let's enroll it's a legend
[17:23:24] Yeah, I won't I won't let you know my outfit Ariel slide something awful times. I'm gonna go think gesture
[17:23:31] Yeah, plus if you go right and you're getting front-wheel-drive I'm pretty sure
[17:23:39] That's like a gun job. I'm picking up. I'm picking on the
[17:23:48] just
[17:23:50] Stopper
[17:23:56] Fucking Rufus
[17:23:58] I mean, what up, Tim?
[17:24:02] No, what up, dude?
[17:24:04] Chillin' mate. Chillin' mate, playin'?
[17:24:07] Yeah, I've been fuckin'...
[17:24:09] Yeah, I've been doing this fuckin' race shit.
[17:24:11] I've been fuckin'...
[17:24:12] Fuckin' up every race I've had.
[17:24:14] Oh, yeah?
[17:24:16] I've had one clean race, though.
[17:24:18] Nah, you good, man. Don't worry.
[17:24:20] You're probably still better than me.
[17:24:22] I mean, I know that, but I mean, it's just more like, you know...
[17:24:25] Nah, you were nasty at the random lane, though.
[17:24:27] The chat you can T-Racers, buddy.
[17:24:29] The chat...
[17:24:30] You know what? No picture.
[17:24:32] My chat, G, are you talking about the uh, the RIS?
[17:24:36] Oh yeah man, that was a good time. I love that.
[17:24:41] Don't you love when the checkpoints on the bridge above you and you don't know how to get out?
[17:24:47] LC 500. It's a boat.
[17:24:56] Oh, this car's got some sound.
[17:25:01] Wide body too.
[17:25:09] I don't want to get in my car.
[17:25:11] You slashed car space in the party
[17:25:18] Bro, they don't have a search menu
[17:25:20] You can search for a car
[17:25:22] Everyone using the same car right?
[17:25:24] That way it's fair
[17:25:26] Yo, I got BDM
[17:25:28] Your car just gains speed and keeps gaining on the bumps
[17:25:55] This thing's sick
[17:26:14] I'm sure to keep on going on Saturdays
[17:26:16] because I don't feel like looking at this for real
[17:26:26] Yo Bobby
[17:26:28] You snuck in the Chuck E. Cheese lately
[17:26:30] lately to get the pizza?
[17:26:32] I have a good end of war.
[17:26:34] No more.
[17:26:36] What do you notice?
[17:26:42] I do know it's a great stop.
[17:26:44] The wind stop is so gross.
[17:26:48] Ah, you just got a gross occasion.
[17:26:50] Yeah, that could be a thing.
[17:26:52] That's what the places like Antenna
[17:26:54] don't get enough credit for.
[17:26:56] It's not consistent.
[17:26:58] They are across the country.
[17:27:00] You don't have any about here.
[17:27:02] Well, I told you my war was my McDonald's location, right?
[17:27:13] You went to war with some McDonald's?
[17:27:16] Yeah, because they, uh, I'll place an order for like, oh, I want a 20 piece, I want a fry, and I want to sell it and they'll cancel that dish.
[17:27:21] That's what you're gonna put in McDonald's?
[17:27:25] Uh, well, they cancel it through DoorDash, no?
[17:27:28] What?
[17:27:29] Is the driver the cancelist?
[17:27:31] No, the driver will go to the restaurant and they'll get there, and they'll be like...
[17:27:36] They'll drop the order and then another driver just pick it up and they go there and then they'll drop the order
[17:27:41] But sometimes when I place order that it'll be like oh, they're confirmed your order and they'll be like it canceled
[17:27:56] He takes the food and goes home
[17:27:58] Oh shit, I don't like it.
[17:27:59] I've never seen one of these.
[17:28:00] You've got to send me a license to drive it.
[17:28:01] I don't like it.
[17:28:02] I don't want to.
[17:28:03] I don't want to see you steal your delivery.
[17:28:04] I can just grab a few.
[17:28:05] They're not stealing your delivery.
[17:28:06] I don't think they're stealing your delivery.
[17:28:07] I don't think they're cooking anything.
[17:28:08] I think that there's probably chilling in there with the doors locked.
[17:28:09] Oh, you think these must-tuckers got the whole, oh, yo, check it out.
[17:28:10] Car, don't work.
[17:28:11] Car machine, we take cash only.
[17:28:12] You need one of those?
[17:28:13] One of those moves?
[17:28:14] Yeah.
[17:28:15] Our ice cream machine's broken.
[17:28:16] We take cash only.
[17:28:17] That's crazy.
[17:28:18] How old damn day is this?
[17:28:19] I don't know.
[17:28:20] All those moves yeah, I stream machines broke and we take cash only that's crazy how all damn day is not the case
[17:28:28] So, okay, well, do you know the conspiracy about that ice cream machine?
[17:28:35] Yeah, because McDonald's corporate owns shares in the repair company so they give money off the
[17:28:41] Location owners buying repairs for it
[17:28:46] Yeah, they own they own the company apparently that does repairs for their ice cream machine
[17:28:50] There's like no company that doesn't
[17:29:03] It's something we're both regarding the ice cream machine that they own the part of and they get money from it
[17:29:07] Because they make the franchise on this day out of pocket
[17:29:23] It's a clean business parking
[17:29:28] We just got our first raising canes here in the city like a couple weeks ago
[17:29:37] Alright, here we go. Yeah, cuz usually I can only I can only get caves in the colorado
[17:29:46] Top 10 right here boys, I'll see you at the fucking end
[17:29:52] See you at the end brother
[17:30:10] There we go, right?
[17:30:11] Oh, that's taking the F1.
[17:30:22] I couldn't even see my car turn.
[17:30:24] I couldn't even see how to rea- like, there were so many people.
[17:30:28] I couldn't tell how to react with that.
[17:30:30] I don't know what my car was doing.
[17:30:37] I just can't see the thing.
[17:30:38] I know that.
[17:30:39] I just can't keep it coming.
[17:30:47] Watch for the locals!
[17:30:49] I said hi to the servoader, and he said hi, and then he crashed.
[17:30:52] So I might have been answered.
[17:30:53] Yeah.
[17:30:54] The turn you have to take, the towards, um, the whole thing's a little bit like
[17:31:00] in between the alleyway from the F1.
[17:31:02] I'll spin it out a little bit.
[17:31:04] Turn
[17:31:23] The checkpoints up
[17:31:34] I just hit an invisible ball by the old courthouse
[17:31:43] That's enough.
[17:31:45] Two seconds.
[17:31:52] Bro, did you see my car bounce off that curb?
[17:31:56] You're making me miss that point by laughing, man.
[17:32:05] That's crazy.
[17:32:09] I'm gonna get a first place in the city initially, man.
[17:32:11] I'm not kidding.
[17:32:13] City first.
[17:32:15] Oh my god, some of the fuck.
[17:32:26] Fucking six.
[17:32:28] I'm feeling like shit.
[17:32:31] So people are taking like fucking lines to the park
[17:32:38] Like you and you get away drive
[17:33:05] Got a million that's how you can up here
[17:33:09] I
[17:33:24] Oh my god, I felt a 70th place bro
[17:33:27] You guys I'm gonna beat you this is personal between me and you us three
[17:33:39] Oh mongo, yeah
[17:33:43] You're behind me right now.
[17:34:21] Jeez!
[17:34:22] What are you talking about, dude?
[17:34:31] I'm at 70 right now.
[17:34:33] There's a dude in here with a state ID too.
[17:34:36] That's not even real.
[17:34:37] That's not even real.
[17:34:39] I'm out of here.
[17:34:41] I don't want to pass him.
[17:34:42] What are you scared of?
[17:34:43] He's fucked me up!
[17:34:44] I heard a tail.
[17:34:53] That's crazy.
[17:34:55] That's not even real.
[17:34:56] That's not even real.
[17:34:57] What are you scared of?
[17:34:58] Hey, are you in the green car?
[17:35:00] I'm right behind you.
[17:35:01] I didn't do anything, man.
[17:35:47] I was trying to get a start.
[17:35:48] I'm fucking locked in bed
[17:35:52] Transcribes, okay, yeah, I'm catching up. Yo, dude. Hey, I got past my cat's attack
[17:37:18] I didn't expect to have to fucking worry about that shit happening there
[17:37:23] Fuck it swear. God jar. Do you fucked me up so bad
[17:40:17] Me yeah, you're like, I don't know. You're just like checking up on me during the race
[17:40:22] I'm like, dude, I'm fucking trying to pay attention
[17:40:27] I
[17:40:42] Can't get up now, right?
[17:40:55] You know
[17:41:02] You see.
[17:41:05] Or you can play the finals.
[17:41:07] The finals?
[17:41:08] Yeah.
[17:41:09] I mean, it's not the end of the next one.
[17:41:12] You saw what I was going through yesterday?
[17:41:14] Nah, my single shot up, but that was it.
[17:41:20] Just like overwatching me.
[17:41:22] I derank at that one point that I ranked back up.
[17:41:25] Oh yeah.
[17:41:27] That's what they was doing too.
[17:41:28] They had you deranking.
[17:41:29] That's bullshit.
[17:42:10] You want me to get him banned?
[17:42:13] I'll get him banned right now.
[17:42:52] I'm gonna get y'all some fast twos I got, I got y'all.
[17:42:56] That's two, y'all on God mode, rapid fire, what y'all want?
[17:43:01] I'll get y'all whatever, grenades, RPGs, like.
[17:43:07] Get me a Uzi, get me a Uzi with that banana.
[17:43:09] You a piece of bite, huh?
[17:43:14] This is my walk, man, look.
[17:43:19] I'm on a Sunday stroll.
[17:43:21] I'm part of the HOA.
[17:43:27] Match found.
[17:43:41] Excuse me at a break things
[17:44:15] It's B-Boy dance B-Boy dance
[17:44:35] What button those are the big who did the piggyback we do it again. I can see now
[17:44:59] No, and everybody we got a
[17:45:02] Marsh pick on all
[17:45:30] Got this one Tim back this one's yours. Oh, it's I need clean fucking bracelets
[17:45:39] I saw the charger out of that.
[17:45:41] Is this your lighter?
[17:45:42] Give me my stand.
[17:45:43] Give me my stand.
[17:45:44] You see this?
[17:45:47] I don't like that.
[17:45:48] What is going on here then?
[17:45:57] What are you in person tonight?
[17:45:58] That's the line.
[17:46:13] Alright, let's see what we got.
[17:46:14] Over tune?
[17:46:17] Is this a C-Hive?
[17:46:19] This is a Goopy track.
[17:46:21] I don't know, does it make a track?
[17:46:23] I'm on so many birds right now.
[17:46:26] I'm not the one in Rogue One.
[17:46:29] We're using the C7.
[17:46:30] She said it's like stables. I don't know. I feel like it's gonna spend on when you're doing start running the tracks. I got a feeling
[17:49:13] Like see like checkpoints in the beginning just follow them along. This this is tricky over here in the doctor
[17:49:28] And this one lads are not be like a first place right sir because I can just follow other people
[17:49:36] Yeah, but looking at the minimap is anytime after we the minimum fuck our race off
[17:49:50] This is here right here
[17:49:53] It's pretty nice though
[17:49:55] Yeah, the flares
[17:49:57] Yeah, he's on the road
[17:50:06] One of the oil fields direction. Oh, I see what you mean about it. Yeah, you can hear these terms pretty nice
[17:50:18] I like this car though.
[17:50:24] I gotta go through the oil field.
[17:50:36] I hate those turns man.
[17:50:39] Alboro, yeah, Alboro's rough dude.
[17:50:41] Here we go.
[17:50:42] I mean I see you.
[17:58:43] I'm gonna race him.
[17:58:45] Driving on eggshells.
[18:00:03] I just saw me, you looked like you were out there.
[18:00:44] 29.
[18:00:52] I
[18:01:33] Gotta go to it you go the wrong way
[18:01:36] All right, dude, they're gonna dip sad slate
[18:01:39] All right, don't get you on me tomorrow. Yeah, good games me
[18:01:46] Yeah, you guys gonna go chill with Kevin, I haven't fucking played with them all day, so forever now so go chill with Kevin
[18:01:52] Yeah, I'm out of here guys. Thank you so much for hanging out in the stream. I appreciate it
[18:01:58] Hopefully you guys enjoyed yourselves for the most part. I'll be back on tomorrow to do more of this
[18:02:02] I'm probably gonna start with this tomorrow. Then maybe transition a project. We'll see though. Depends how early they go
[18:02:06] So yeah, good night guys. Sleep well. Thank you for everybody showing again. Thank you
[18:02:10] Uh, Zeus for the final uh, don't know where earlier all the resubs gift subs. Yeah, the whole mindsets late bros
[18:02:16] I'm fucking
[18:02:18] I'm ready to go. I'm ready to go. I'm gonna send you guys now. I'll catch you guys on later today
[18:02:22] Good night, guys. Later.