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trying this shi - @summit1g !starforge @starforgesystems

07-08-2024 · 13h 35m

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[00:00:00] Hey! so so so so so so so
[00:02:25] you so so so so so so you so so so so so so I'm only got myself to blame, so I won't hesitate.
[00:03:41] Cause I know you felt the same, but I'll always catch you later.
[00:04:01] You're going your own way. I know you're happy out there I don't want to take that from you
[00:04:04] Just don't forget me, I swear
[00:04:07] And I'll come away to see you another takes another time another day in the next life I'm out of mind, you're moving on with your life
[00:04:20] Don't you think if you have a doubt
[00:04:23] That there are still things to find out
[00:04:26] Is that a risk that you wouldn't undertake?
[00:04:29] Yeah, yeah You know I'm still here is We'll be right back. I know you're happy out there
[00:04:56] Don't want to take that from you
[00:04:59] Just don't forget me, I swear I'll come away to see you so so
[00:06:29] comes is um so is I'm a robot. I feel the narrative chemical I don't even know if I can control
[00:06:34] The feeling that it's medical We're still playing the last minute, so we still can go...................................... 🎵 so so so so I'm not going to stay
[00:14:18] Light into the night sky
[00:14:22] And the stars are aligned
[00:14:25] I see you um so all alone so so so and the stars fall in white
[00:15:31] I say, we stay up till the sun falls down
[00:15:36] We get lost in the midnight sky
[00:15:38] And our lives just overlap and so so so so so Alright chat, sorry about making you wait.
[00:16:52] I was talking to Smokey.
[00:16:53] Listen, I was chatting it up with him
[00:16:55] about a DayZ map and shit like that.
[00:16:58] And I was, like, thinking to myself...
[00:17:01] Maybe, you know, we think of a DayZ map
[00:17:04] and what could be cool
[00:17:04] and talk to a Map Creator or something like that in the future
[00:17:08] in the future something like that could be pretty fun
[00:17:15] but because you listen i was talking to him and I was just like
[00:17:18] Every fucking DayZ map that I've ever played
[00:17:20] Is like
[00:17:22] is like
[00:17:23] Not set up for balance
[00:17:24] It's always set up for like adventures
[00:17:27] You know what I mean?
[00:17:28] And I was giving like smokey examples and i was like
[00:17:31] pushing down into a2 as an example like last night right push it out of the a2 if
[00:17:35] you think about like the whole layout of uh of a2 it's like it's like here, it's like shit tier.
[00:17:42] It's like there is no thought process put into how you would push choke points, how
[00:17:49] they would be camped you know what i mean countered um
[00:17:52] you know aggress that sort of thing it's all just like willy-nilly put together here's a
[00:17:56] spiral staircase and at the end of each staircase at the bottom, there's just a big
[00:18:02] fucking arch with a cover wall
[00:18:04] that can see your feet and another
[00:18:05] cover wall that can see your whole body.
[00:18:07] And it's just like, there's no thought process
[00:18:09] there to how that's pushable versus
[00:18:12] how that's defendable and
[00:18:14] how overbalanced versus underbalanced
[00:18:16] it is, right? So it's just like I'm
[00:18:18] just sick of playing fucking maps like that.
[00:18:20] You know what I mean? Like a not pushable
[00:18:23] choke point is not fun
[00:18:25] on a game like DayZ.
[00:18:27] You know what I'm saying? Like what you should do
[00:18:29] on A2 is it shouldn't be
[00:18:31] a spiral staircase that just goes straight down.
[00:18:34] It should be like a staircase
[00:18:35] that goes down one level, and then what
[00:18:37] is at the end of that level? Not a fucking
[00:18:39] opening, but a wall
[00:18:41] that leads to a fucking hallway
[00:18:44] with stuff in it, then you can fucking
[00:18:46] go out of the door or couple different doors
[00:18:48] or something like that. But just going
[00:18:50] out of a staircase
[00:18:52] of like a little fucking arch where there's
[00:18:55] actually a cover spot where someone
[00:18:57] can sit and stare at your feet
[00:18:59] and another cover spot where
[00:19:01] someone can sit and stare at your whole body
[00:19:02] and then to the left of that, an elevator you can sit in.
[00:19:05] Oh bro, it's just like all shit tier,
[00:19:08] no competitiveness at all to it, right?
[00:19:11] So it ends up just being
[00:19:13] the worst places to push on the planet.
[00:19:16] And I think that's what I fucking hate most about DayZ.
[00:19:18] It's like, Nomalsk is supposed to be this
[00:19:20] fucking dope-ass
[00:19:22] best map in the game
[00:19:24] and then it's got like stupid shit
[00:19:27] A3 can be camped because you go down
[00:19:29] 17 ladders in tiny little hallways
[00:19:31] And A2, you go down these
[00:19:33] tiny little staircases that go down one
[00:19:35] level only. There are only two fucking entrances,
[00:19:37] and then at the end of the staircases
[00:19:39] is an arch with two people that can hold
[00:19:41] you. It's just like... These things aren't thought
[00:19:43] about enough in my opinion
[00:19:45] in something like DayZZ you know what I mean
[00:19:47] and like
[00:19:47] I think that's
[00:19:48] what I fucking
[00:19:49] hate about it
[00:19:49] I think that's
[00:19:51] what I fucking
[00:19:51] hate about it
[00:19:52] because that's
[00:19:53] where I've come
[00:19:54] to the conclusion
[00:19:54] of
[00:19:54] like who the fuck
[00:19:57] wants to push down A2?
[00:19:59] You know what I mean?
[00:20:01] It's legit death if anybody is waiting for you, right?
[00:20:05] Even if you know he's there
[00:20:07] There's not a way to really counter it.
[00:20:12] Unless you got night vision goggles.
[00:20:13] But yeah anyways, night vision goggles even being in that map with A2 how it is set up
[00:20:18] is fucking shit tier to be to be honest with you.
[00:20:22] Man, that shit... apparently
[00:20:24] has gotten under my skin so much I'm talking about
[00:20:26] how the maps are fucking shit-tier now.
[00:20:31] Listen, you can like pushing down A2
[00:20:33] just fine. It doesn't change the fact
[00:20:35] that if you were pushing down
[00:20:36] and people are camping that staircase
[00:20:38] that you're at an 80-20 disadvantage. Maybe even
[00:20:41] fucking worse. So...
[00:20:44] It doesn't really matter. The balance
[00:20:45] is not there. Pushing a chokepoint
[00:20:48] on that map is not
[00:20:49] even thought about.
[00:20:52] Imagine that being a
[00:20:54] Counter-Strike map. It just wouldn't make any
[00:20:56] fucking sense.
[00:21:00] It's
[00:21:00] just shit tier.
[00:21:05] And then the staircases are this tiny, right?
[00:21:08] Like bro even dorms is better
[00:21:14] It's not CS though Yeah. Yeah, yeah, but that's what I'm saying.
[00:21:15] That's what I'm trying to get at.
[00:21:21] A map that has important areas like that well thought out so that the choke points are competitive on both the aggressor and the defender side
[00:21:33] the point is nobody thinks of it like that who are making the maps.
[00:21:37] And they should be, in my opinion, especially with really important points
[00:21:41] of interest like that.
[00:21:44] So Namaskar has all this praise I think he's going to win of interest like that. So, Namosk
[00:21:45] who has all this praise... I think the map is
[00:21:47] shit here for reasons
[00:21:49] like that.
[00:21:51] I mean dude you had to go back to the map
[00:21:53] to add gas to an area that was so camped and why
[00:21:57] was it camp because you just have ladders going down the whole thing in little tiny hallways
[00:22:02] and it's just like that's because you didn't think about shit.
[00:22:07] You just thought adventure. Ugh! Oh!
[00:22:19] Anyways, my thought process for the day is I would like somebody to make a fucking DayZ map with some competitiveness to it.
[00:22:27] And I don't mean just competitiveness in DayZ,
[00:22:29] I mean some properly tactically laid out areas
[00:22:34] that are your big points of interest areas,
[00:22:37] which is not what I'm fucking
[00:22:39] seeing in DayZ.
[00:22:41] Oh, I see Staircase
[00:22:43] all the way down! Straight down! Seven levels
[00:22:45] like how- there's nothing good about that
[00:22:47] in DayZ. The most tradable game on the
[00:22:49] fucking planet. How about a
[00:22:51] staircase that leads to a floor
[00:22:53] that you have to trek through to find
[00:22:55] the next staircase?
[00:22:57] I don't know, dude.
[00:22:58] Just things about that game just pissed me off bro and
[00:23:02] i'm on the maps now so Don't get pissed off before you play Darker Darker.
[00:23:25] You're right!
[00:23:27] You're right,
[00:23:29] Darker Dark is really gonna fucking
[00:23:32] work that one in.
[00:23:40] Listen, all I'm saying is
[00:23:42] I can think of areas in DayZ
[00:23:45] that with some additions to it
[00:23:48] would be so much better.
[00:23:49] Think about it like this.
[00:23:50] KarmaCrew, the server
[00:23:51] has thought about some of these things they themselves
[00:23:55] can see these these patches then these areas that need patching on their map with the stuff
[00:24:01] that they add they've added a bunch of cover in the airfield
[00:24:04] because it's just a fucking giant airfield.
[00:24:06] They've added a bunch of cover
[00:24:08] at the, um...
[00:24:09] In the hallway of
[00:24:11] research
[00:24:13] because it's just a
[00:24:15] giant fucking hallway. You know
[00:24:17] what I'm saying? They added a fucking
[00:24:19] crate or like a little building
[00:24:21] or some sort of structure
[00:24:23] in front of the water fountain at uh love jenks
[00:24:28] because there's just a shitload of trees that are all pine trees lined up
[00:24:33] just staring at this thing and it's just like the map
[00:24:36] creator didn't think of these things,
[00:24:38] right? Because there wasn't a thought
[00:24:40] process of balance and
[00:24:42] competitiveness and
[00:24:44] tactics
[00:24:45] while Karma
[00:24:47] Crew is thinking like that, you know what I'm saying?
[00:24:49] So the map is just
[00:24:51] in itself shit tiered
[00:24:53] my opinion. It could be so much
[00:24:55] better.
[00:24:57] So, anyways...
[00:24:59] As I take my way out of DayZ, I gotta talk a little shit, I guess.
[00:25:02] Listen, I would be playing
[00:25:03] the Karma-free server as the main server
[00:25:05] if I got Better Ping on it, for sure.
[00:25:13] But you can tell
[00:25:14] I'm kind of lagging on it, you know what I mean?
[00:25:15] I hit the zombie, there's a little bit
[00:25:17] of delay when the zombie reacts,
[00:25:18] and I just don't think that's probably good for me in DayZ.
[00:25:21] The most tradable game in existence, dude.
[00:25:24] The most you-can't-hear shit,
[00:25:26] you-can-barely-see shit
[00:25:27] tradable game in existence throw it in the vault for next year.
[00:25:55] Yeah, listen I'm not even hating on... okay, listen
[00:25:59] Thumbwrack made into Mosk in his spare time takes thousands of hours to build a map.
[00:26:01] Listen, I get it okay?
[00:26:03] You know, I'm not sitting here saying that I can make a fucking map
[00:26:06] but I can sure think of some fucking areas of that map
[00:26:09] that I absolutely can't stand is what I'm trying to say.
[00:26:14] And it does suck that one guy made the
[00:26:16] map and I'm giving him shit right now for it.
[00:26:18] Apologies. My bad.
[00:26:20] You're right on that.
[00:26:22] You're right on that. But're right on that, but I'm just
[00:26:23] saying, dude, like... Like, bro, think about
[00:26:25] A2. Like, come on, man. Think about
[00:26:27] A3. These are, like, very big progression
[00:26:29] points on the map, right? And it's just like...
[00:26:40] ... the map right and it's just like they're just not good areas to push through.
[00:26:43] They are bad choke points.
[00:26:53] Jay Griffey said he would
[00:26:54] Sherpa me in Dark and Darker.
[00:26:55] Give me a little bit of time
[00:26:57] to level my character.
[00:26:58] Hey, Sumrac, I'm so sorry, man.
[00:26:59] I don't mean to be a dickhead.
[00:27:01] I apologize.
[00:27:02] I'm just on one right now.
[00:27:03] You know what I'm saying?
[00:27:03] Ranting away.
[00:27:04] The map is absolutely not shit-tiered I apologize. I'm just on one right now, you know what I'm saying? Ranting away. Um...
[00:27:05] The map is absolutely not shit here.
[00:27:07] I'm being over-aggressive when I say that.
[00:27:09] I'm just saying that like coming from a Counter Strike point of view and some of the areas
[00:27:13] being very unpractical it could be frustrating
[00:27:20] so yeah you have my deepest apologies but i mean no harm Sometimes I just go and go, then there's a human on the other end of it i forget
[00:27:44] i'm in discord get in here, hush! Who even are you?
[00:27:51] Guy ditches me on DayZ for fucking weeks.
[00:27:55] Months.
[00:27:57] Dark and darker comes around. He's back!
[00:28:01] It's like Ellie. Ellie doesn't hang out in my room
[00:28:03] all day, and then all of a sudden I get some chicken
[00:28:04] in front of me when I look over and she's staring
[00:28:06] at me like, shut up motherfucker.
[00:28:09] What the fuck? Nah, just kidding. I'm just kidding.
[00:28:19] I'm jumping off.
[00:28:22] But nah man, you know what I mean?
[00:28:24] Like some of you guys know bro
[00:28:26] who nobody wants to walk down
[00:28:28] the stairs of A2
[00:28:29] and half,
[00:28:30] like that left wall
[00:28:32] and that right wall
[00:28:33] choke point wise
[00:28:36] doesn't make any sense.
[00:28:38] It's very bad for the aggressor. And it's like in a
[00:28:41] game where like it's already
[00:28:43] fucking incredible for guys who don't
[00:28:45] move, who sit, who rat. You know what I
[00:28:47] mean? It's like they don't need that extra
[00:28:49] help. You feel me?
[00:28:54] Like make them at least have a fucking fair fight down the hallway or something man You feel me?
[00:28:55] There's two entrances
[00:28:56] Yeah but bro both entrances are fucking spiral staircases bro
[00:28:59] You know what I'm saying
[00:29:00] And I'll admit the one the one entrances
[00:29:02] is better that one that goes down in the back area
[00:29:05] is better because there's less stairs and at the bottom of it
[00:29:08] is actually a kind of an aggressable area right the stairs themselves are
[00:29:11] still bad but at least at the bottom of it
[00:29:13] It's not some crazy choke
[00:29:17] So it is still a choke, but an addressable choke
[00:29:21] While the other one is not in my opinion. day to day. Here's to a few more years of subs.
[00:29:44] Huh, okay. I gotta make a decision on that.
[00:29:45] I'll get back to you Brandon!
[00:29:49] Play fighter games for most balance experience?
[00:29:51] Dude maybe it's something I should have gone into.
[00:29:53] I should've gone into.
[00:29:55] I should have played StarCraft, bro.
[00:29:59] I mean, Counter-Strike is pretty fair, bro.
[00:30:01] You guys get access to both same shit.
[00:30:03] You know?
[00:30:05] You get access to that same
[00:30:07] shit and all the push points are
[00:30:09] all fairly fair. In fact
[00:30:11] I feel like they were better than
[00:30:13] Valor maps for sure when in some areas
[00:30:15] Mirage is not that. You know what, dude?
[00:30:17] There's your perfect example.
[00:30:20] I feel like when I'm pushing
[00:30:21] A2,
[00:30:23] I feel like
[00:30:24] I'm pushing down middle on Mirage by myself
[00:30:26] no smokes, no flashes reminder that apb was a one hundred
[00:30:30] million dollars game with only two maps with some of the worst i feel like i'm pushing up
[00:30:35] mid on inferno no smoke smoke flashes by myself
[00:30:39] it's just crossfire city you know what i mean
[00:30:42] it's even easier actually on inferno it's even easier actually because at
[00:30:46] least you can see them their whole body you'll actually if Because at least you can see them. Their whole body. You'll actually
[00:30:49] if they were holding you on A2
[00:30:51] only be able to see their feet
[00:30:53] if you peek it right. Which they're already
[00:30:57] holding which they're going to see your fucking feet.
[00:31:01] Someone's getting a broken leg.
[00:31:06] Are the flashes and daisy not worth it?
[00:31:08] Bro, if you can throw a flash without sitting there having to
[00:31:11] plant your feet and act like you're throwing
[00:31:13] a fucking football 50 yards
[00:31:15] You know what I'm saying? Sure, I could
[00:31:17] throw a fucking flash. But can you?
[00:31:19] No! You fucking can't.
[00:31:21] In Tarkov, sure I'd be able to throw an A, just kinda lean over...
[00:31:25] Right? No. Not in fuckin' DayZ brother.
[00:31:29] Fucking pull the pin. Press G.
[00:31:34] That's
[00:31:34] the fucking...
[00:31:35] That's what I'm saying. It's like
[00:31:38] DayZ is not the game where you
[00:31:40] can allow choke points in stupid areas like that to be because you're
[00:31:44] already held back enough by the gain mechanics. You know what I'm saying? You can't deal with
[00:31:48] ladders, fuck ladders dude don't do lad You know what I'm saying? Don't do spiral
[00:31:53] staircases leading into
[00:31:55] tiny choke points with cover.
[00:31:57] It's just like...
[00:31:58] But
[00:32:00] that's asking a lot on a game like this guy said takes thousands of hours to make Summit 1G.
[00:32:15] Um...
[00:32:20] And you're in a game that's called DayZ, not Cacher.
[00:32:26] My wishful thinking here is really just that wishful fucking thinking
[00:32:27] in another universe
[00:32:31] I was not a streamer
[00:32:36] and like maybe I made maps or something.
[00:32:38] Nah, I'm not creative enough.
[00:32:40] Nope, nope, I was just working at Allie's
[00:32:42] the whole time probably.
[00:32:44] Jay Griffey wants to show you how to play the game. Listen You gotta tell Jay Griffey wants to show you how to play the game. Listen, you gotta tell Jay Griffey that it's nothing against him
[00:32:50] I'm gonna be looking at his videos and stuff to help me
[00:32:53] But i wanna get a little further in the game before I start playing with the world's greatest
[00:32:57] world
[00:32:59] famous. You know what I'm saying? I do that on every
[00:33:01] game. It happens on every game.
[00:33:03] As soon as I start playing it, I have to play with the best
[00:33:05] player in the game to learn it and I always tell them I want to play with the best player in the game To learn it
[00:33:08] And i always tell them that i want to learn it a little bit first
[00:33:10] Before i do that
[00:33:12] That's all, not a big deal
[00:33:14] Give me just a couple days probably
[00:33:16] And ill be watching your videos, so...
[00:33:19] Yeah.
[00:33:22] Probably watching your videos in the process, you know what I'm saying?
[00:33:25] And I appreciate you brother! Thank you so much for wanting to help though and like I said
[00:33:27] I'm down, I just like, I wanna get some of the stupid
[00:33:29] basics down you know what i mean
[00:33:31] first get the frustrations
[00:33:33] out then we'll ball
[00:33:35] couple days probably if you want
[00:33:37] maybe uhh whats today monday Couple days probably, if you want. Maybe, what's today?
[00:33:41] Monday?
[00:33:42] Maybe Wednesday,
[00:33:43] if you wanna roll?
[00:33:56] I'll try to not lose my mind in two days. And then we roll on Wednesday Oh man, you're a 16 hour day degenerate dude.
[00:34:06] You'll be there.
[00:34:07] Dude no, you're not that type of streamer are you really?
[00:34:10] Okay yo respect okay
[00:34:13] you're putting in the work and let me shoot you follow up so I know what I'm trying to find it. Pull up my channel and play some of this.
[00:34:31] Alright, yeah gotcha. Cool cool cool.
[00:34:33] This way I'll be able to easily come through the channel
[00:34:37] save myself some time or just watch honestly and learn a little bit.
[00:34:41] Learn what I'm fucking missing.
[00:34:45] You were doing those eyes on DayZ, damn right! That's why I got the respect.
[00:34:50] I know what it's like to completely turn off the fucking social life and just be on the
[00:34:54] games baby. You know you want to keep playing, Daisy?
[00:35:09] Let's go.
[00:35:10] Yeah, yeah.
[00:35:11] Listen, as much as I am mad about the game right now,
[00:35:15] because I played it for like two months.
[00:35:18] Just got to get it all off my chest.
[00:35:21] I still love DayZ. It is what it is.
[00:35:24] There are things about that game I'll always hate.
[00:35:26] There are things about all games
[00:35:27] I hate. Are you gonna play one team
[00:35:29] and it comes out tomorrow? It's possible.
[00:35:31] It's possible. We might give it a gander,
[00:35:33] alright? Might give it a gander.
[00:35:35] What's up, motherfucker?
[00:35:39] Hello?
[00:35:42] I used to like this guy
[00:35:43] named Hutch... then he just started fuckin'...
[00:35:45] Hello?! The hell?! Then you just started fucking hello
[00:35:50] Hell yeah, I hear you and
[00:35:53] Ask if he hear me. I know you can hear
[00:36:02] What up man what's up brother nothing bro chilling chilling chilling chilling well i've been hearing you you've been
[00:36:05] saying the same thing for last okay It looked like it would bore me
[00:36:09] after an hour or two. You've been bitching about the same
[00:36:11] thing I was bitching about.
[00:36:13] It took me 2 weeks to realize
[00:36:15] it, it took you 2 months.
[00:36:17] What were you bitching about?
[00:36:20] About every single time
[00:36:22] I go anywhere in DayZ,
[00:36:23] I get fucking ambushed
[00:36:25] by somebody eating a Pop-Tart
[00:36:26] under a pine tree
[00:36:27] for 35 fucking hours.
[00:36:29] That's because that's the whole map is laid out pine tree for 35 fucking hours.
[00:36:29] That's because that's the whole map is laid out to,
[00:36:34] to assist those guys you know what I'm saying?
[00:36:38] Every fucking stupid military spot,
[00:36:41] it has to be sunk into the fucking ground that land around
[00:36:43] its lifted with 30,000 pine
[00:36:45] trees and you're like yeah dude I feel comfortable right now.
[00:36:48] The main area
[00:36:49] is surrounded by
[00:36:51] unclearable elevation.
[00:36:54] Yeah, I feel way more clear.
[00:36:56] You know why I liked going to...
[00:36:58] My favorite place to fight on
[00:37:00] Deadfall was Incubation.
[00:37:02] Because I think unknowingly,
[00:37:05] they had just a really good layout for PVP.
[00:37:07] They have the outside area
[00:37:09] which was sort of covered by Elevation
[00:37:12] but it was also kind of covered by elevation but was also kind of
[00:37:13] covered by the trees so there wasn't really great sniping
[00:37:16] spots. There's outside areas where you can potentially get into fights
[00:37:20] and then it transitioned into an inside area
[00:37:22] where you're not worried about trees
[00:37:24] and you're worried about close quarters fights. But
[00:37:26] the close quarters fights were still spread
[00:37:28] out, you can move around, you can
[00:37:30] make flanks, it's just
[00:37:31] laid out for good PvP, bro.
[00:37:34] And there's like
[00:37:35] fucking 5%
[00:37:36] of all BayZ
[00:37:37] areas are like that.
[00:37:40] Yep.
[00:37:41] Bro, I-
[00:37:42] what made me
[00:37:43] like ultimately stop
[00:37:45] was the DDoSing of the server.
[00:37:47] Right? We pull up- we put a server up
[00:37:49] that you can't even play and no one
[00:37:51] can play. And it's just like
[00:37:53] dude, that fucking demoralizing.
[00:37:56] That was number one.
[00:37:58] And number two, I was in a house.
[00:37:59] I heard a door open.
[00:38:01] Never heard a footstep.
[00:38:04] A group of nine men came in and beat the fuck out of me,
[00:38:07] stole my gun and killed me. Never him never heard them approach never heard him come in all i heard was
[00:38:10] a door open like it was a ghost did you see my teeth my tweet today z
[00:38:14] no i didn't see it at all my tweet let me see what you're doing
[00:38:19] i got mad one day and i said i wore this as nice as i could i didn't even i wasn't even mean
[00:38:24] actually i said dudes can hear me eating a
[00:38:27] can of beans two houses over but I
[00:38:29] can't hear enemies sprinting up on me
[00:38:30] guys
[00:38:32] literally people
[00:38:34] sprinting at me and I don't
[00:38:37] hear it until they're like literally
[00:38:39] on top of me bro
[00:38:41] Like, what's the sound that you hear
[00:38:43] You'll hear one little fucking bush
[00:38:45] rustle. One little fucking grass
[00:38:47] get pushed over Right when they're on top of you,
[00:38:50] you're supposed to hear that little tiny
[00:38:52] Oh chat will be like,
[00:38:54] chat would be like
[00:38:55] They'll turn their volume all the way up and be like
[00:38:56] I heard him
[00:38:57] I heard him
[00:38:58] No, I heard them the whole time. And you'd be like,
[00:39:00] yeah, but do I have a problem hearing a motherfucker
[00:39:02] eating? Do I have a motherfucking guy
[00:39:04] sneezing next to me
[00:39:06] loud as shit? Like,
[00:39:08] I don't have those problems. Why do I have a problem fucking hearing
[00:39:11] a guy move in the game?
[00:39:12] You know what I mean?
[00:39:13] In Tarkov, I'd hear him all
[00:39:15] the way on the other side of
[00:39:16] the hallway.
[00:39:18] Yep.
[00:39:19] That's what I was telling Chad.
[00:39:20] I'm surprised that Tarkov gets so much attention Yep. That's what I was telling chat, I was like,
[00:39:20] I'm surprised that Tarkov gets so much shit for their audio
[00:39:24] and Daisy gets nothing because
[00:39:26] Tarkov at least has audio
[00:39:28] that's tough to interpret
[00:39:30] Daisy just doesn't't have audio was my
[00:39:33] it was my argument yeah i think it's one of those things where at the end of the day
[00:39:37] like that map was made by one guy and he didn't think of all the corners
[00:39:43] and all this.
[00:39:44] Tell me A2's not
[00:39:46] the horrible push on
[00:39:48] the planet, bro.
[00:39:49] Oh, bro...
[00:39:53] But again like, it sucks
[00:39:55] because honestly the map is cool
[00:39:57] but players in every game
[00:39:59] are just pieces of shit
[00:40:01] and they will find any way,
[00:40:04] any way possible to be the biggest piece
[00:40:06] of shit in this world.
[00:40:07] Like all those areas...
[00:40:11] Night vision goggles should not
[00:40:12] be a thing on that fucking map. It shouldn't even be a thing on that fucking map.
[00:40:14] It shouldn't even be a spawn on that map.
[00:40:16] The fucking spacesuit
[00:40:18] should fucking light up with lights all over that bitch or something like that and I don't even know!
[00:40:22] It shouldn't have night fishing goggles because then the
[00:40:25] 12-hour guy who's on his
[00:40:27] run is waiting around in a
[00:40:29] dark hallway for the fucking
[00:40:31] two-hour guy that's just trying
[00:40:33] to get going, you know what I'm saying?
[00:40:37] And he has the full
[00:40:38] advantage! Like, come on!
[00:40:40] The guy's got better armor, the guy's
[00:40:42] got the better fucking guns,
[00:40:44] the guy doesn't get pulled...
[00:40:45] You're telling me I also
[00:40:47] have to have a flashlight against
[00:40:49] night vision? I'm just like, dude...
[00:40:51] We'll be back next year!
[00:40:52] We'll be back next year, guys!
[00:40:54] We'll be back next year!
[00:40:57] Yeah, I mean, we have this- you know what's funny is the last time
[00:40:59] we stopped playing DayZ? We said the same shit.
[00:41:01] The exact same shit. 2AT
[00:41:03] It's just how the game is
[00:41:05] Just how it is. I'm just murdered I is. I'm just murdered.
[00:41:08] This is how I feel, this is why
[00:41:10] I stopped playing DayZ.
[00:41:14] Bro you go to the bottom of the A2
[00:41:16] every single A2 level that you go to has
[00:41:19] an opening with a wall
[00:41:21] on the left and right. The wall
[00:41:23] the guy can hold close.
[00:41:24] The other wall on the right, the guy can hold far
[00:41:27] and shoot your feet.
[00:41:30] And then you have to swing out to multiple angles and there's a elevator that's open right next to that too
[00:41:35] they can hide in naughty knows about that one. Motherfucker hit him in that bitch and killed him!
[00:41:41] So...
[00:41:41] Yep.
[00:41:43] I would just
[00:41:44] love to go through
[00:41:47] that map and put boxes of shit everywhere,
[00:41:49] you know what I'm saying?
[00:41:51] In hallways.
[00:41:53] Yep.
[00:41:54] That was our plan, but we got DDoS.
[00:41:57] You know the reason why we got
[00:41:58] DDoS is because DZSA removed
[00:42:01] the only anti-DDoSing
[00:42:03] mechanic that we could implement. They removed it
[00:42:05] No way...
[00:42:07] That's why, that's why I got hit so hard
[00:42:09] We did something called hiding, so we
[00:42:12] basically made all the servers
[00:42:14] there would be fake
[00:42:15] IPs and they
[00:42:18] took that away. We can no longer do that.
[00:42:31] Eesh We can no longer do that. Yeah, well listen dude games got problems according to us at least in our pickiness.
[00:42:33] Yeah, amen.
[00:42:36] I'm just saying dude after 20 years
[00:42:37] that game should have
[00:42:39] some fucking stupid
[00:42:40] nutty maps
[00:42:40] and it shouldn't
[00:42:41] just be one guy
[00:42:41] making them
[00:42:42] you know what I mean?
[00:42:42] It should be fucking four or five guys
[00:42:44] tipping and tapping on the same map. One guy making
[00:42:46] them, and at the time he made it, he wasn't even...
[00:42:48] I don't think he was even working with
[00:42:50] standalone. I know he is now, I'm pretty sure,
[00:42:52] but he wasn't during it.
[00:42:53] I mean and not to mention at the time
[00:42:56] He made it was like you
[00:42:57] The only progression map in existence right?
[00:42:59] Still only the one progression map of
[00:43:02] Like maybe three now or something
[00:43:06] Mean them all step on mean livonia has some type of progression but not really um the new york map i don't think new york is bad but it's a little
[00:43:12] too willy-nilly like like kind of not really survival.
[00:43:15] Like the grass is kind of like laughable but yeah, cool.
[00:43:18] They're cool.
[00:43:19] They were really nice to us and give us brown shit that I like
[00:43:22] that.
[00:43:22] I like the progression style of it on On top of that,
[00:43:26] not to add any more
[00:43:27] fuel to the fire,
[00:43:28] the cheating problem
[00:43:29] is I know
[00:43:30] you ran into
[00:43:32] a lot of blatant stuff
[00:43:33] but brother
[00:43:33] it's bad.
[00:43:37] You're talking to the guy who thinks everybody is wallhackin'.
[00:43:39] I mean... Like, I think everybody
[00:43:41] costs cheap in this game.
[00:43:43] Like I told you, with the amount that's another
[00:43:45] factor why I jumped off The amount of that's another factor why I jumped off.
[00:43:47] The amount of people it was like...
[00:43:49] I mean bro they think it's a big problem.
[00:43:53] It's very, very good problem.
[00:43:54] You can't tell me the Counter-Strike
[00:43:56] has the cheating problem
[00:43:57] they have with no anti-cheat right
[00:43:59] and that daisy doesn't even with community servers like you're not you're not gonna it's not possible
[00:44:04] to catch the cheaters who don't want to be caught in in my opinion. It's not us.
[00:44:10] Like I told you, we banned 30-something
[00:44:12] cheaters in three days
[00:44:13] and that's the ones that were blatant.
[00:44:15] Yeah, blatant, yeah.
[00:44:17] But yeah, it's just a tough situation, dude. Like bro, fight Lester man. You wanna know something?
[00:44:22] Someone should run a DayZ server where you can only connect to it if your fucking on Faceit
[00:44:27] If you have Faceit open
[00:44:29] No we- On our server we had to restrict locations that could connect because of the amount of DDoSing bots that were coming through.
[00:44:35] No shit.
[00:44:37] And people were coming in and they're like hey! I'm from here and I can't connect.
[00:44:41] And I was like sorry!
[00:44:42] God that's...
[00:44:43] We're getting DDoSed from that location
[00:44:45] You can't play now, sorry bud!
[00:44:48] Damn, that's...
[00:44:50] That's terrible bro I'm sorry you even had to deal with
[00:44:52] the DDoS shit bro it's not fair
[00:44:54] that it's gay kept that hard
[00:44:56] you know what I mean
[00:44:56] yeah I mean it's not just us either
[00:44:59] there's uh
[00:45:00] yeah
[00:45:01] that other
[00:45:03] guy who made the...
[00:45:04] I forgot what math is called. He gets DDoS'd every
[00:45:07] single time they come out with their little alpha
[00:45:08] testing. Really?
[00:45:12] Yeah, shitty, shitty...
[00:45:14] It's a shitty like cheating community in that world for sure.
[00:45:18] In DayZ area when it comes to the Geass and stuff at least.
[00:45:24] Is what it is, man.
[00:45:25] The reason that community servers even have
[00:45:28] to exist as much as they do
[00:45:30] is because the cheating
[00:45:31] is out of the control on
[00:45:35] officials.
[00:45:37] I mean, bro, it's been that way since the game came
[00:45:39] out.
[00:45:40] I remember back in the day you could throw
[00:45:42] I mean this isn't cheating but
[00:45:44] back in the day you could throw i mean this isn't cheating but oh my god back in the day you'd
[00:45:46] have people sprinting you could used to be able to craft a splint and throw the splint
[00:45:51] and it would crash with the servers well in Arma 2 they used to spawn
[00:45:56] everybody in a helicopter
[00:45:57] on the fucking south
[00:45:58] uh...
[00:45:59] on Chernarus
[00:46:00] you would just fucking
[00:46:01] I remember just
[00:46:02] one
[00:46:03] one day I was playing
[00:46:04] and I
[00:46:04] and
[00:46:04] they spawned the whole server
[00:46:06] in fucking helicopters on
[00:46:09] the south of the fucking Chernarus
[00:46:11] and everybody just started killing each other
[00:46:12] in the helis.
[00:46:15] But, I mean, same problem in Tarkov.
[00:46:16] Back in the day for Tarkov, everyone used to spawn
[00:46:18] and just in customs
[00:46:20] everyone would spawn in just like
[00:46:22] warehouse areas.
[00:46:24] Last man standing got to loot the entire map.
[00:46:28] That's insane.
[00:46:29] You ever seen the guys who will take
[00:46:31] the big-ass boat and move it around
[00:46:33] like an actual boat?
[00:46:35] They'll just be moving it through the fucking map?
[00:46:37] No, I've never seen that.
[00:46:39] Never seen that, huh? Yeah, yeah.
[00:46:41] I've seen that one.
[00:46:46] It's like those big-ass
[00:46:47] boats that are off to the side,
[00:46:48] they're just static things.
[00:46:50] Yeah, let us grab them.
[00:46:52] When we had our first server up
[00:46:54] We have a dude who is the cheater
[00:46:56] Who was flying around in a car
[00:46:58] He can pull up and then he'd fly
[00:47:00] off with them. No shit.
[00:47:02] That's right, I do remember that, I think.
[00:47:04] Remember the guy who we thought was legit
[00:47:06] ended up being Cheetah? The ghost of Trenaris or whatever?
[00:47:08] Oh, the ghost.
[00:47:10] That was the biggest heartbreak.
[00:47:11] I was the biggest.
[00:47:12] He was just moving around fucking everybody up and being a badass.
[00:47:15] But it turns out he was cheating all the time.
[00:47:16] It was a 33 and two fucking stealth sniper crawling everywhere, but he was wall hacking the entire
[00:47:23] time.
[00:47:24] Yeah, it feels bad.
[00:47:28] And how many of those guys do you think exist?
[00:47:29] As the question-
[00:47:30] Brother, the only reason we caught him was because we
[00:47:33] we were fans of him we would sit there and admin and you guys got in a fight with him
[00:47:38] and we were like dude this guy is like he had blood bags. He had like
[00:47:42] it was sick
[00:47:43] full ghillie
[00:47:44] so we started watching him
[00:47:45] every time he came
[00:47:46] to the server
[00:47:46] and sure enough
[00:47:47] he was wall hacking
[00:47:48] his fucking dick off.
[00:47:50] You guys started noticing?
[00:47:52] Oh, he started what what happened was he got killed by somebody
[00:47:55] and then he spawned on the coast ran straight into a building
[00:47:57] got a gun
[00:47:59] Ran straight into another building
[00:48:00] Got ammo for that gun
[00:48:02] And then ran straight at a dude who was in the trees like deep
[00:48:06] and he wasn't like hitting like buildings between he's just going to shirt everyone checkpoint one
[00:48:11] check point two kill somebody fully geared ran back to his body, killed
[00:48:15] the people who killed him. No way!
[00:48:17] Yeah, he was hunting people down
[00:48:19] that killed him like Spike killing
[00:48:21] them. He had no idea that he was getting
[00:48:23] watched by the admins.
[00:48:25] Did you see what i did yesterday dude the two guys
[00:48:29] that was sick bro did you hear about the context of that
[00:48:33] yeah i went back and watched because i tuned into your stream and you're just shitting
[00:48:37] on them and i was like bro what did these guys do and i was like these were sitting
[00:48:42] there fully geared on the coast killing freshies and acting like their shit didn't stink.
[00:48:47] Yeah yeah. So it all- It was like the perfect vengeance story.
[00:48:51] I spawn in, they act friendly, they murder me right?
[00:48:55] Use way too many bullets on me just being dickbags. You know they had
[00:48:57] more than like a lot of ammo, right?
[00:48:59] And then I spawn in the second time thinking
[00:49:01] they're gone. They've moved on. Go to
[00:49:03] the fucking fountain. They snipe me,
[00:49:05] right? And I'm like what the fuck is going on here, right and i'm thinking maybe it wasn't them
[00:49:10] Maybe it was someone else so I go back but no
[00:49:12] I see the same fucking dudes with press vests
[00:49:14] So then it all is like I realized
[00:49:16] Like that was them sniping me.
[00:49:18] These guys are just fucking killing people on the coast.
[00:49:20] So I had already set up...
[00:49:22] You know what's funny?
[00:49:23] Is they did themselves in!
[00:49:24] They watched me go into the house
[00:49:27] but they didn't know that I planted a mine on the second death
[00:49:31] they wanted to wait for me to go to the fountain to stand still for their kill
[00:49:35] so they let me go in and plant the mine that eventually did them in.
[00:49:40] Did you know that?
[00:49:41] I didn't know that, but that's what they fucking get, bro.
[00:49:44] Screw those guys, man!
[00:49:46] So they went for the easy kill, got
[00:49:48] me, then I go back and did the whole shit talk lure thing. It's crazy
[00:49:54] bro. Couldn't believe it, I want Jaren to make a YouTube video on it like just like
[00:49:59] a little short
[00:50:03] It's gonna be hard to get that full context but if he can, that's
[00:50:05] On the short you should be able to. You have like a minute
[00:50:09] Oh then for sure
[00:50:14] oh he already did apparently i want to look at it
[00:50:47] you sure chat did you do it on Jaren probably. Okay. Oh, you're playing? oh here we go guys see how i put it together
[00:50:54] uh how do i maximize this thing me man. I don't think you can.
[00:50:58] Yeah...
[00:51:00] Yeah...
[00:51:02] Even if I wasn't, there's not really much I could do.
[00:51:05] My name's Jim
[00:51:06] Bo
[00:51:07] Okay my name is Paul
[00:51:08] So did you play Yarlo?
[00:51:10] Yeah I'm solo
[00:51:11] Okay okay
[00:51:12] So uh
[00:51:14] You're a little geared for this area
[00:51:21] hello okay yes sir he has to take out the stupid part where I just loot around for
[00:51:35] a little bit and ignore the guy that's them bro they're literally
[00:51:38] just still camping this phone hey you guys man you couple losers camping spawns ah come on yeah it might be Sup you f***
[00:52:00] Later
[00:52:04] I love it, I love it
[00:52:06] He made me look a lot better than I did in that
[00:52:08] Cause I was pretty salty about those cities killing me. yeah they were talking shit too like mimicking me and stuff while they were running in you mean those ships
[00:52:54] holy oh lee it's a big ass ship right there holy holy Holy shit! What the fuck?
[00:53:00] Dude, if Hacker had a field there with some ships on the server.
[00:53:11] The good old days. you should try
[00:53:34] Cleric
[00:53:35] I don't know if
[00:53:36] you have
[00:53:36] really good
[00:53:37] in D&D
[00:53:38] Cleric
[00:53:38] you know
[00:53:39] I did look at
[00:53:40] a video last night
[00:53:41] I didn't look
[00:53:42] at it
[00:53:42] but I saw
[00:53:42] the title
[00:53:43] that says
[00:53:43] Clerics OP.
[00:53:45] And he was gonna show me the build and stuff
[00:53:47] But I just didn't look
[00:53:48] I'll probably make a cleric next maybe
[00:53:52] Alright, I'm getting on DurgaDurga
[00:53:54] Let's do it!
[00:53:56] Hey Megan go, I only play Ranger.
[00:54:00] Ha ha ha ha ha ha
[00:54:13] Pfft I heard ranger's bad too, but i just don't give a fuck. I'm not about to learn this whole melee bullshit.
[00:54:15] Everyone just runs at you bro! don't want to be the front guy
[00:54:19] i don't want to be playing barb bro yeah bro i was telling chad i was just like that's
[00:54:25] like playing a warrior in altric valley it It's like, yeah can you do it?
[00:54:28] Sure. Does it fucking suck most of the time?
[00:54:30] Yeah!
[00:54:32] Are you just gonna get blipped off the planet
[00:54:34] like most of the fucking fights? Yeah!
[00:54:37] The archers are sitting in
[00:54:38] the back just shitting on you at the
[00:54:39] front you know what I mean i want to be
[00:54:40] the archer oh yeah hundred percent and
[00:54:44] you can run winless crossbows is like
[00:54:46] your secondary and open up a fight just
[00:54:48] chunking somebody.
[00:54:50] Yeah...
[00:54:52] I'm doing Ranger
[00:54:53] entering lobby
[00:54:56] Logging on right now
[00:55:00] Well, I'm logging on right now. Well, I'm pretty famous.
[00:55:02] 7Fan
[00:55:06] They talk about me
[00:55:08] Yeah they're talking about me and my run-taps.
[00:55:11] Pressing progress, pressing progress, filling items.
[00:55:14] I'm updating right now.
[00:55:16] Oh, I have to kill the goblin still. Okay.
[00:55:30] Oh, killed giant frost berserker baby. Got that guy done. He was pretty tough.
[00:55:32] At the end of it, dude,
[00:55:34] the guy had like fucking 24 arrows in him.
[00:55:36] No cap. Me and fucking Kevin put 24 arrows in him.
[00:55:40] My man
[00:55:40] is walking around with a one- dude with the spikes on his head,
[00:55:43] all white faced, with a hellraiser or something like that.
[00:55:45] That dudes looking at him like a Hellrazor head.
[00:55:49] What did you say? We were both playing Ranger.
[00:55:51] Last time I was playing and I was playing Wizard,
[00:55:53] And I went to push...
[00:55:56] Lookin' like a pig pushing thing.
[00:55:57] You know what they're calling? Dude turned into a demon!
[00:55:59] Transformed!
[00:56:00] Now there's druids turned into bears and shit.
[00:56:05] Yeah dude, I got jumped by a cat.
[00:56:07] I was like what game am I playing?
[00:56:09] I couldn't even tell.
[00:56:10] Am I fighting PvE or PvP?
[00:56:11] Is this Ark?
[00:56:12] Kevin thought he was getting attacked by PvE
[00:56:14] By the time we killed him, we were like oh shit that was a guy
[00:56:17] That was a dude! Cause he was sending trees at us and shit
[00:56:20] We're not you know I don't fucking know which one he is
[00:56:23] What's your account name um good question i know it
[00:56:33] summit 1gg i think Summit 1 GG, I think.
[00:56:44] Alright, unbi invited you.
[00:56:49] I had you as a friend?
[00:56:52] Hell yeah!
[00:56:54] Alright!
[00:56:58] Alright! All right All right, what's the point if it just matches your level I
[00:57:03] Don't know. I haven't played I have my be honest
[00:57:08] Last time you were HBit
[00:57:12] Wait which one? When I got attacked by the demon?
[00:57:14] The dude turned into a warlock
[00:57:16] walked in to a room and beat the fuck out of you.
[00:57:18] And you were like I'm done with this fucking game.
[00:57:22] That's exactly how it went!
[00:57:26] Bro when I learned people can't transform.
[00:57:29] I was like this is it.
[00:57:30] This is it for me.
[00:57:33] This is too much.
[00:57:37] I just...
[00:57:38] I'm not gonna take this game too serious.
[00:57:40] I'm going to chill.
[00:57:41] Dude,
[00:57:41] I was watching a game called mortal online too.
[00:57:43] It looked pretty bad ass to me.
[00:57:45] I've been wanting to play that with clean.
[00:57:46] He's been trying to get me to play that as well.
[00:57:48] Me too.
[00:57:49] As soon as he saw
[00:57:50] that I had it
[00:57:51] on my Steam
[00:57:52] like thing,
[00:57:54] just...
[00:57:54] I didn't download it.
[00:57:55] I wasn't watching the video.
[00:57:57] It was on my desktop
[00:57:58] pulled up
[00:57:59] on the Steam thing
[00:58:00] and his chat told him he was in discord like yo what's going
[00:58:03] on you want to go with now what are you doing i know what she's doing what's going on let me
[00:58:08] just give you the rundown real quick about how long I took.
[00:58:14] Oh, yeah, dude.
[00:58:16] He's always ready to jump into the games with us, dude, when we're playing something similar
[00:58:18] or the same game. Hey, man.
[00:58:20] I love it though, to be honest.
[00:58:23] I'm ready to rumble. Let's do this. We in a group? We're in a group?
[00:58:25] I'm hitting ready? Ready.
[00:58:31] I'm hitting little stretch real quick while we're lobbying, you know what I'm saying?
[00:58:36] Yes sir. so Thank you. A salty shit talk was the best. Pro sketch, don't give in to the haters!
[00:59:24] Dungeon porn.
[00:59:29] Dungeon porn.
[00:59:31] Dungeon porn.
[00:59:34] Dungeon porn.
[00:59:36] Dungeon porn. Dungeon porn.
[00:59:38] Man, shut up!
[00:59:40] Shut up!
[00:59:42] Shut up!
[00:59:44] Is this salty shit talk of the best?
[00:59:46] Uh...
[00:59:46] Pro sketch, don't I've given to haters.
[00:59:49] Yeah, you know...
[00:59:52] Oh shit!
[00:59:58] Hello? Not a good start. I got one there, oh!
[01:00:01] I tried to hit sprint to shit!
[01:00:03] I mean, shit to sprint!
[01:00:06] What do I do here?
[01:00:08] There's little man you come down here if you can we've got this... What do I do here?
[01:00:13] I'm running, motherfucker!
[01:00:21] Holy shit nuts bro. I'm bringing the big boy back. Where's the big boy at?
[01:00:23] He's in the doorway probably making his way back to us as we speak.
[01:00:31] Oh yeah... oh my god.
[01:00:33] Okay here he comes!
[01:00:37] Get in his aggro.
[01:00:39] He wants you.
[01:00:40] And you?
[01:00:41] He wants me!
[01:00:43] Up now.
[01:00:46] It doesn't work!
[01:00:47] Oh shit!
[01:00:49] Nice.
[01:01:09] Dead. oh survival bow for you that's good isn't it?
[01:01:12] That really is... I mean it's blue!
[01:01:14] Better than what you got.
[01:01:15] Yeah yeah. Okay, I'm down.
[01:01:25] I think these are good too, these forest boots. Oh longbow over here on this galley that I'm looking at in the screen.
[01:01:28] I don't think longbows are a good dispatch.
[01:01:31] Arrows also on this guy.
[01:01:37] Yeah, I'll pump these dudes with arrows.
[01:01:42] Alright nice clear!
[01:01:44] Good start we get these chests in here as well and the tombs.
[01:01:50] Yo someone's close! You hear that?
[01:01:54] No. Someone's coming.
[01:02:00] Lure him in, let him see you.
[01:02:04] ... Can I hit my own trap? be i don't know
[01:02:19] yes oh me
[01:02:25] it's dark It's really dark.
[01:02:32] You can hit those little tombs and stuff on the sides if you want to loot
[01:02:36] those, I'm just going to bait you until these guys come in here.
[01:02:41] I'm putting a trap underneath this little, uh...
[01:02:45] spider thing-spider web. Alright. fire web all right
[01:03:03] all right want to leave here and go see if we can find these guys. Okay.
[01:03:04] Can I take my trash back out? Oh, my God. Pick him up right there.
[01:03:22] Oh shit, it doesn't pick them back up,
[01:03:24] It just breaks them up down here.
[01:03:27] My bad, I'm sabotaging myself.
[01:04:03] You can be around the other side. I'm sabotaging myself. Got one of those fucking dudes behind us! I already equipped the new bow. agility trousers you might as well put those on. Yep, they're good.
[01:04:09] I'll serve his best song. Oh.
[01:04:24] Someone's been here, someone's been here. Yeah he looted that.
[01:04:27] Came through here.
[01:04:33] Or maybe you didn't this this shit's not done. so Where the hell those spiders coming from? I
[01:05:14] Need a different wrap than this. Yeah you do Infront of us to our right.
[01:05:20] Directly in front of us.
[01:05:25] I hit him as well.
[01:05:28] Coming back up.
[01:05:35] He's right in front of me, still chasing.
[01:06:01] Hit! Right in front of me, I'm still chasing. Got you all! Shit... I need to work on my leading for sure.
[01:06:11] Very good, very good.
[01:06:15] Oh my goodness!
[01:06:18] Yo come over here.
[01:06:20] You're losing him right now?
[01:06:22] Bro what the fuck? Did I IQ was for the wrong thing?!
[01:06:25] Can't equip that.
[01:06:26] Okay.
[01:06:27] Just take it then.
[01:06:28] Yeah, take everything.
[01:06:29] Agility 4...
[01:06:31] Agility 1...
[01:06:33] I don't know. Guess I'm taking them. Yeah take them.
[01:06:37] What do you want to do? You wanna take something else?
[01:06:39] Yeah yeah I've taken stuff.
[01:06:41] Take the tools. I'm taking stuff. Taking things.
[01:06:44] He can't take his mask,
[01:06:46] so he'll take his mask.
[01:07:24] Oh! ah so There's another dead guy over here in the middle. Oh, he killed two people over here one of them's a lizard Oh, bro.
[01:07:42] Come here.
[01:07:43] There's a spear for you.
[01:07:44] I don't know how much I'm expecting it but I'll grab it. Grab it for later, for sure.
[01:07:52] He also has...I mean he has hands that you could take if you wanted them.
[01:08:09] How does a man do this? wanted them to that rogue Oh bro oh my this guy got a bunch of shit too! He's got a necklace. Take his necklace on this bar
[01:08:13] and he has rings for you as well
[01:08:17] ... as well.
[01:08:26] Holy shit! Tsk so Pretty smells. Oh yeah, I'm ready to leave. I'll be right back.
[01:08:40] I got a little bit of stuff in here.
[01:08:41] I don't know if you can see it but I have some pretty close oh yeah i'm ready to leave Is there a traction right here?
[01:09:12] Why is this blue hat is money. This guy's hat. Is there a attraction right here?
[01:09:12] Why is this blue?
[01:09:13] Hat is money.
[01:09:14] This guy's hat, whose hat?
[01:09:19] Oh shit! All right, we need to start finding portals and leave like right now I'm gonna go.
[01:09:38] I'm fat, I'm stacked.
[01:09:43] Yeah we need to... I'm gonna go.
[01:09:44] I'm fat, I'm stacked.
[01:09:45] Yeah we need to...
[01:09:46] Below your portals parking uh below us are portals.
[01:09:51] Should I get his shirt?
[01:09:53] Take that- oh!
[01:09:54] We got a triple. We're good.
[01:09:56] There's the triple portal down there.
[01:09:58] And your tunic?
[01:10:00] Yeah, shoot everything. String 3, Dex 3.
[01:10:10] It's probably better than this one.
[01:10:13] I don't have drops.
[01:10:16] Do you have still want drums?
[01:10:17] Alright, you wanna drop now?
[01:10:19] Yeah! I'm opening portals
[01:10:21] now for us.
[01:10:23] I thought portals didn't exist.
[01:10:25] Wait is there another dead guy right- There's ANOTHER DEAD DUDE!
[01:10:29] Did these portals stay up?
[01:10:31] Yeah that's for us. We're leaving out of those.
[01:10:33] I'm saying like forever to leave this back.
[01:10:35] Once we take those, no one else can take them probably yeah right here underneath
[01:10:41] me I hear something we should get out of here
[01:10:52] what a first run brother I mean, shit.
[01:11:02] Nice start.
[01:11:03] That's going to put our gear score up really high for the next one though.
[01:11:07] We can just put the gear away and put on the squire stuff
[01:11:09] and go back into a lower one if you want. You're actually right. We could just put the gear away and put on the Squire stuff
[01:11:09] and go back into a lower one if you want.
[01:11:11] Yeah, actually right.
[01:11:12] Just collect some money
[01:11:13] and then, you know, go from there.
[01:11:15] I think I need this request actually.
[01:11:19] So you want your gear score to believe... is it chat it's like 25 right we
[01:11:23] got to be under 25 so don't go against the ubergear people
[01:11:28] I don't know what to sell out of all that other shit that I got.
[01:11:38] 24, got it! We gotta be under 24 on gear score it's right underneath gold
[01:11:43] 12. i'll sell that on the market or some now so so should i just put this blue stuff away?
[01:12:17] Yeah, put all that.
[01:12:18] My gear space is 171. We want to be under 124 right?
[01:12:21] Under 24.
[01:12:23] No there's no way I can get down to 24. well again you can just put on gear from the squire
[01:12:28] unless you wanted to do a geared run which we can okay so give it some squire okay is
[01:12:33] there yeah there's no what's called in this
[01:12:36] like... disorder?
[01:12:38] Uh, no
[01:12:42] Fucking bullshit
[01:12:46] Hahahaha fucking bullshit. Well, you do have two stashes.
[01:12:51] The star, I believe...
[01:12:53] And chat, please correct me if I'm wrong in any of this.
[01:12:55] The star is shared between all your characters,
[01:12:58] so typically that's where people put
[01:12:59] all their gold
[01:13:00] is the star inventory.
[01:13:03] And then the chests
[01:13:05] is just for that character
[01:13:09] okay so you want to have all your gold in the star and everything else in
[01:13:15] the other areas put arrows in this just always check
[01:13:17] your quests after your run to make sure
[01:13:19] you didn't find something that you need to turn in.
[01:13:23] So I go to again...
[01:13:25] Merchant, Squire
[01:13:27] Ace Gear That's what you're talking about right? Set my ace gear back up again squire base gear.
[01:13:29] That's what you're
[01:13:29] talking about, right?
[01:13:30] Set my base gear
[01:13:30] back up again?
[01:13:31] There it is.
[01:13:33] Base gear and he'll
[01:13:34] give you now the
[01:13:35] another thing for this
[01:13:36] is take all of your
[01:13:37] meds out of number
[01:13:38] four put them into your inventory like in your just
[01:13:42] your backpack or in your stash and then equip your squire gear again and you they'll give
[01:13:47] you more meds then you'll have extras. I don't even know how to
[01:13:51] equip it. It wasn't working.
[01:13:52] Go to Squire,
[01:13:55] click base gear...
[01:13:56] Doesn't say set base gear.
[01:13:59] Go back to Squire.
[01:14:01] I got it. Alright.
[01:14:05] Like, I said changing it and then I set it. Okay, I get that now.
[01:14:09] ... so so You can put on like a necklace or maybe a ring,
[01:14:38] a couple rings or whatever.
[01:14:40] Just as long as you have it below 24
[01:14:42] we're still going to be queuing for all the newbies that's what
[01:14:58] let's have a last That's how it asked.
[01:15:15] Alright, I need some more arrows.
[01:15:17] Alright, I'm good.
[01:15:24] I'm pretty sure that blue stuff you found is actually really good gear.
[01:15:26] My gear score is currently 13.
[01:15:28] All right,
[01:15:28] then we're good.
[01:15:31] I must have
[01:15:32] queued us for the wrong one
[01:15:33] last game.
[01:15:34] Hopefully,
[01:15:34] I won't do it again
[01:15:35] on accident.
[01:15:37] What? Did you queue us for like some
[01:15:38] like higher tier ship
[01:15:39] i guess i don't know i have no idea
[01:15:42] that guy either found that or
[01:15:43] cute with it right
[01:15:44] i mean there's no way, right? No way he found all that.
[01:15:50] Chat, is it 24 and below or is it 24 you get pushed to the next
[01:15:52] because I'm at 24 right now.
[01:15:54] Does anyone know?
[01:15:58] ... Does anyone know?
[01:16:03] 24 and below, so 25 is the threshold. Got it! Okay cool then I'm ready whenever you are just let me know. oh a necklace on or a ring so will that help i mean it'll give your you know a little bit more power
[01:16:39] and that's completely up to you if you want to do it.
[01:16:43] You don't have to.
[01:16:52] What is happening right now there we go now i read it up ready up again oh you're at 25
[01:16:58] you have to be 24 and below I'm gonna get rid of the surgical kit. hmm I should be bringing more bandages and heals?
[01:17:41] Oh, I got like six bandages.
[01:17:43] Six potions.
[01:17:44] I got all kinds. Okay, I only got two bandages, six potions.
[01:17:45] I got all kinds.
[01:17:46] Okay, I only got two potions and two bandages.
[01:17:47] Okay.
[01:17:48] I'll drop you a couple.
[01:17:49] We can find them.
[01:17:53] Remember,
[01:17:53] he didn't bring traps.
[01:17:54] Okay,
[01:17:54] I'm fucking up
[01:17:55] basically
[01:17:58] I forgot everything
[01:17:59] got my pants on
[01:18:00] that's about it. Hmm.
[01:18:31] Back there, careful. right there i'll take the spiral stairs to the right here Aha!
[01:18:56] It's already fight day.
[01:18:58] And I'm already up 20 pounds. My gear score is 30.
[01:19:02] Oh! That hurt, huh?
[01:19:09] Yeah, I got it, BB. I'm good. I dropped on the scale.
[01:19:24] Oh, Ranger Hood.
[01:19:36] It's definitely interesting. Hold on for now.
[01:19:43] I think it's good for me if you want them I got something for you.
[01:20:07] One over.
[01:20:08] Damn, I got hit.
[01:20:11] I'm putting a longbow on this skeleton right here.
[01:20:17] Is the longbow for you?
[01:20:19] Is the longbow better than a recurve bow?
[01:20:22] Well, that one's green.
[01:20:23] And for me, oh, I I boots here for you as well on the
[01:20:27] ground I would prefer a long bow over any other bow but I also you know played
[01:20:33] Ranger forever ago so I'm not too sure.
[01:20:38] Longbow hits harder but it's slower.
[01:20:41] Man, what's the meta?
[01:20:41] I don't give a fuck what I think.
[01:20:46] Dope Bard in front of us, 160-140.
[01:20:52] Survival bow then what?
[01:20:55] I don't know... What?
[01:21:02] Mindless. I mean, I'm just starting the game ground and I need to put my own thought process into it.
[01:21:05] What kind of thought process can I put into it, brother?
[01:21:12] I can't see the fucking
[01:21:14] spider in your eye.
[01:21:21] I got it. Oh, I see him! They're in front of us too.
[01:21:24] They're in front of us. You ready?
[01:21:26] Yeah.
[01:21:29] They're looting!
[01:21:50] Careful! I just hit you. Sorry!
[01:21:52] I hit him a couple times.
[01:21:56] Fuck, he's fucking me up.
[01:21:58] Got one running.
[01:22:00] Oh, can't cancel that.
[01:22:01] Team food?
[01:22:02] How far are you?
[01:22:03] I see him.
[01:22:06] One!
[01:22:08] One's dead!
[01:22:09] I need help!
[01:22:27] That's how you die. i'm one's dead i need help Third party.
[01:22:28] Another one close, another one close! Uh-oh. Run! That's a dead end.
[01:22:36] Oh, no. Hopefully that helped me. Oh, my God. the longbow sucks you know it turns my triple shot into a double shot.
[01:23:17] Fucking absolute nutsack.
[01:23:19] I think you ran out of arrows.
[01:23:20] Oh, is that what that was?
[01:23:22] You ran out of arrows, bro.
[01:23:25] Oh, is that what
[01:23:25] that was
[01:23:27] dude my brightness is super low i can't
[01:23:31] see shit
[01:23:33] turn it off do i turn it up in gaming
[01:23:35] why is it my gamma on my video card that does that
[01:23:38] i think you would turn it up and get in game
[01:23:45] i don't want to know why I was in the shit.
[01:23:48] I turn around, you're in NOM
[01:23:50] lobbing arrows
[01:23:52] from across the map!
[01:23:53] That's not true. You got too far ahead.
[01:23:56] I'm just not used to popping my
[01:23:58] weapon away too quickly yet.
[01:24:00] I'll get there though. Okay, alright, alright, alright.
[01:24:03] You know what? It's all good. It's all
[01:24:05] good. I turned around like, yo, we introduced you
[01:24:06] to my boy and you were nowhere to be seen.
[01:24:09] Well, bro, if you would have killed that guy
[01:24:10] backed off for two seconds,
[01:24:11] we'd murder that dude, for sure.
[01:24:12] That is true.
[01:24:13] I couldn't, but I wish I could
[01:24:15] and I should've.
[01:24:16] Am I already base geared up?
[01:24:17] Okay, I'm already geared based up.
[01:24:20] Base god.
[01:24:21] Who cares bro? We did kill a couple. It wasn't that bad.
[01:24:24] Honestly killing anybody is already
[01:24:26] better than my first experience on Dark Abandoned.
[01:24:29] I couldn't kill a goddamn thing. In fact,
[01:24:31] I accidentally killed that barb
[01:24:33] He started hitting me, he started
[01:24:35] attacking me and I panicked and I was like
[01:24:37] I right clicked one more time and I was like
[01:24:39] I probably shouldn't have done that boom he died thank god thank the lord
[01:24:44] i liked how you shot that wood dude once ran out of arrows turned around
[01:24:51] that's what yeah wait wait what happened every bonk you in the side of the head
[01:24:55] to kill you man shut up man you're trying to wiggle
[01:24:59] away i was trying to kind of get out while attacking him bad idea she's got off first
[01:25:04] i'm playing stupidly i'm getting ready my bad that's all right hey we're getting better
[01:25:08] we're getting better ready up fools! We're killing fools!
[01:25:14] I heard your guy go,
[01:25:17] Yeah, I might have missed the first swing and I overcommitted.
[01:25:19] Actually, when I played Barbarian
[01:25:21] last night, I accidentally killed the boat with a swing.
[01:25:24] You were playing with boats? Good!
[01:25:26] Yeah, yeah. He was teaching us a little bit.
[01:25:29] Do you know who else is good? Cam Soda.
[01:25:30] He's a demon at this game.
[01:25:32] Yeah, he was telling me which
[01:25:33] perks to get on ranger first
[01:25:42] i'm not gonna rock longbow again. Fuck that.
[01:25:44] I'm recurve until I die.
[01:25:47] Or survival.
[01:25:48] Recurve, survival.
[01:25:50] Done.
[01:25:50] I already made the decision
[01:25:51] and I've only been playing for a day.
[01:25:54] There it is.
[01:26:01] Is this better on brightness? I'm not sure.
[01:26:06] I know I gotta give you guys a little more brightness, chat.
[01:26:09] No you don't.
[01:26:10] No you don't actually.
[01:26:14] I wonder if it's... is this normal?
[01:26:17] Oh definitely. Oh it looks a lot better in a place like
[01:26:26] this Later, homie. Later! Wooo!
[01:26:27] Blue recurve buff!
[01:26:28] Get that devil!
[01:26:29] Oh I'm trying to punch him!
[01:26:34] Hold on!
[01:26:35] Oh no!
[01:26:36] Oh no!
[01:26:37] Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh, I'm trying to punch him. Hold on!
[01:26:42] He's hiking!
[01:26:44] What the fuck? You can fake?!
[01:26:50] Wait what'd you find? A blue recurve bow.
[01:26:52] Oh, nice!
[01:26:53] Your score's shot at 67.
[01:26:56] Yes sir!
[01:26:57] No big deal.
[01:27:07] Grab those request items.
[01:27:19] Grab what?
[01:27:29] A Ranger hood for you.
[01:27:31] Dropping on the ground right there behind ya.
[01:27:33] What?
[01:27:34] A ranger hood,
[01:27:36] Right here.
[01:27:40] He's spittin'!
[01:27:43] Later, homie. Give me my arrow bag.
[01:27:51] ... So it's pretty much supposed to be pitch black in those corners, right?
[01:27:58] I can't see shit in the corners.
[01:28:01] Oh you hear that? There's people over there!
[01:28:11] I'm gonna place a trap back here okay?
[01:28:14] Don't run straight at it. I'm gonna place a trap back here, okay? Yeah.
[01:28:16] Don't run straight at it.
[01:28:19] That's about it. Oh! Headshotshot that dude!
[01:28:27] Nice.
[01:28:30] Wait behind you there's a guy hiding in the corner.
[01:28:34] I think...I swear just saw... Okay never mind
[01:28:36] I lied.
[01:28:38] I'm sorry I thought I saw a shield
[01:28:40] He's running
[01:28:50] I have I'm getting... No!
[01:28:51] Come back.
[01:28:52] Come back.
[01:28:53] Come on, come on.
[01:28:54] Come on.
[01:28:55] Come on.
[01:28:56] Come on. Come back.
[01:28:58] He's behind us, he's looking at us!
[01:29:01] Go again, go again.
[01:29:06] I hit you. Yup yup, you hit you.
[01:29:08] Yep, yep! You hit me bad.
[01:29:10] I'm healing.
[01:29:13] Hit him twice.
[01:29:14] Fuck em up Jared!
[01:29:21] Fuck em up! I'mma beat his ass.
[01:29:22] Imma beat his fucking trap!
[01:29:33] I'm stuck in the...
[01:29:34] Your trap's gonna kill me.
[01:29:36] Your trap's gonna kill me.
[01:29:37] I'll get attacked by a spider.
[01:30:01] Sit down. gonna kill me Son of a bitch!
[01:30:11] This son of a bitch!
[01:30:19] He's gonna kill me!
[01:30:24] At least he's still alive!
[01:30:27] You stupid fucking trap!
[01:30:29] Did you die?
[01:30:32] He died, you fucking trap! Rip my fucking ankle off! I'm done with the traps. The traps are stupid.
[01:30:35] The traps are stupid.
[01:30:41] You're not dead, right?
[01:30:42] You're dead.
[01:30:43] You're dead. You're dead.
[01:30:43] Okay.
[01:30:43] Get down!
[01:30:44] I don't know how this guy's still alive.
[01:30:47] Damn it!
[01:30:50] Homie was healing through everything, man.
[01:30:52] I have a bloober curveball.
[01:30:53] He's healing through everything. I have a blue recurve bell i'm just he's healing
[01:30:54] through everything i started beating his ass and then i hear clink
[01:30:58] and i was screwed
[01:31:06] should i use my sword at the end there? Is that viable for a ranger?
[01:31:10] Hell if I know.
[01:31:13] I know spears are disgusting!
[01:31:16] The second you can roll a spear,
[01:31:18] you roll a spear.
[01:31:24] Okay that's what I'm doing now then.
[01:31:29] The problem is like don't- I just can't get a spear. I don't know where to get one.
[01:31:31] You can get one off of your uh
[01:31:33] off of your squire. Nah
[01:31:35] That's a lie. And the base check the base gear gear i'm pretty sure he offers one doesn't
[01:31:43] that be op
[01:31:48] that's like quest maybe? Unlock. Try Leather, try the Leathersmith!
[01:31:52] Look at it, Weaponsmith.
[01:31:54] Maybe the Woodsman?
[01:31:56] Dungeon Boy. maybe the woodsman
[01:31:59] dungeon ball it's been now dungeon board okay i gotta find you a
[01:32:05] spear just have it just in case well no i need to i need to find it so if i can't find it there's a reason
[01:32:14] it's a weaponsmith quest line
[01:32:23] which one Which one? What do I gotta do?
[01:32:32] The first quest, aiding legacy. Okay. I need items requested by merchant rare weapons
[01:32:37] I can only give him two. Should i do that?
[01:32:40] Yeah! Fuck it! You gotta get that unlocked I can only give him two. Should i do that?
[01:32:43] Yeah! Fuck it! Gotta get that unlocked, I think
[01:32:46] Alright fuck it, whatever
[01:32:49] Rare weapons being blue right? Okay so I just gotta pick up blue weapons
[01:32:53] Alright Okay, so I just gotta pick up blue weapons. Alright. Okay! Let's go back.
[01:32:58] C'mon dude that guy tanked a lot.
[01:33:04] There's too much PvE around those. There was like that boss dude bro. He had the boss to be honest. Thank you. Oh, if I find blue throwables.
[01:33:29] Okay, I can unstack them.
[01:33:31] That's nice. You headshotted that one dude though, that was nice.
[01:33:38] That was a clothy
[01:33:39] I don't even want to hide traps Dude, I'm not going to do good with the trap shit.
[01:33:50] I can't believe that's what made us lose there.
[01:33:53] My trap made us lose.
[01:33:57] Well, your trap fucked me up!
[01:33:59] Why didn't you make him hit it?
[01:34:51] Okay. hmm so so Yeah, this guy has two strength on it. Grab it.
[01:34:52] These boots...
[01:34:53] They're not heavy on here but they still do that.
[01:34:54] Here's some cloth pants for you.
[01:34:55] I'm gonna go get him.
[01:34:56] I'll be right back.
[01:34:57] I'm going to take care of the rest of them.
[01:35:09] I'm just gonna keep my hands off of these guys. I don't know what else to do with them. you. Ooh, nice! Um... oh nice um don't need that black Oh shit!
[01:35:30] That one of your cousins?
[01:35:32] Anyone's rolling to hang out with you, bro.
[01:35:36] Oh! There's more of them!
[01:35:40] Yeah! yeah hmm I think you might need to scroll for a question I'm going to have to do this again. so Let's shoot on this for you.
[01:36:57] Empire armor, there's like four blues. If you don't need them tell me
[01:37:01] and I'm gonna grab em' for the quest.
[01:37:05] Oh wait I think I need weapons. not need I will take away anything happens you can take everything else
[01:37:08] I don't think I needed a house this is weapons right yeah yep Take yourself? Can't.
[01:37:23] Maybe...
[01:37:27] Sell regardless, go. They're good to sell? catch
[01:37:48] guy around the corner down on me
[01:37:54] what's up you little motherfucker?
[01:38:00] He's hit hard, and he's dead nice
[01:38:18] nice I do didn't know I had a helmet. Oh my!
[01:38:19] It's this shit right?
[01:38:21] Wait, it's this shit right? Wait.
[01:38:22] This is his shit, right? Hold on I'm confused.
[01:38:25] Yeah this...this is his shit that's smashing someone.
[01:38:27] Oh it's another ranger!
[01:38:34] That was a ranger we just killed? Yeah.
[01:38:35] Oh, he has shit out like melee weapons and stuff.
[01:38:38] He's survivable though.
[01:38:40] I hear someone else. You hear that?
[01:38:42] Faint steps yonder.
[01:38:57] Oh, the fighter.
[01:39:03] Better not, better not. Bow is bad?
[01:39:05] Throw that bow away?
[01:39:07] I thought survival bow was meta!
[01:39:11] Only if it upgrades?
[01:39:13] Yeah i hear him He's around us. Close.
[01:39:23] I got a chest over here for you white but something
[01:39:35] we've got legs leather legs over here if you would like.
[01:39:38] It has action speed to help you shoot a little faster.
[01:39:40] And that big golden chest.
[01:39:46] I have dexterity and projectile. Mine was better.
[01:40:02] Maybe on the ground or some shit. This guy really wants me to try a dungeon board, dude.
[01:40:25] Dex is ranger side gasser and reason cloth.
[01:40:28] Give hutch trap this army kit, no fun.
[01:40:31] No you're good keeper! I won't step in any traps unless it's planted by you then i will oh so so Oh, he walked through this door behind us.
[01:41:21] There's a skeleton just staring at it.
[01:41:29] I'm ah Just through here somewhere
[01:41:51] You hear something there?
[01:41:53] Yeah, yeah
[01:41:53] There's a skeleton right here
[01:41:54] What does There's a skeleton right here.
[01:41:58] What does there is a skeleton mean? It was walking towards the door and it was like
[01:42:00] staring at the door which means it aggroed somebody
[01:42:02] and they closed the door. I see...yeah!
[01:42:04] There's someone over here.
[01:42:11] I'm gonna place a trap right here in the corner
[01:42:20] If you go back to this door, go left and right
[01:42:36] I don't see him. He might have jumped, we gotta kill the big spider. Got poisoned Got poison.
[01:42:42] Big spider dead.
[01:42:48] I heard something to the right.
[01:42:53] Yeah, he's in here somewhere.
[01:42:57] In this next door.
[01:43:01] Whenever you're ready.
[01:43:04] Mm-hmm. Maybe not, maybe you just run for no reason.
[01:43:13] You shot me in my face! No, there was something here.
[01:43:28] Dead spider.
[01:43:29] Maybe a ranger?
[01:43:30] Bunch of open stuff in the back. I don't know what that is. I'm not sure. here dead spider
[01:43:31] what are your answer a bunch of open stuff as well
[01:43:39] yeah open doors dead stuff looted stuff
[01:43:49] At a campfire right here
[01:43:59] I campfire right here. Nothing inside the
[01:44:01] pool.
[01:44:06] I'm going to get an extra campfire here once we're done, okay?
[01:44:10] Keep it keeping! You need a first quest. Oh shit! Four minutes.
[01:44:18] We need to start working our way
[01:44:19] into a portal.
[01:44:20] What the heck is this?
[01:44:22] There's some shit, like...
[01:44:23] I'm freaking out for
[01:44:26] well it's on staircase over here one of us will leave there yeah you find a portal okay so
[01:44:52] was that me i just scared myself sorry about that.
[01:45:01] Nothing down this way.
[01:45:03] I think we walked the wrong way, yeah.
[01:45:25] Yeah there's a portal I think or something that's like... What is this? A rope.
[01:45:27] You can take this and I'll climb all the way back to the stairs.
[01:45:29] If you take that, I'll find my way back to the stairs.
[01:45:33] We both know remember an anchor's strong suit.
[01:45:37] Grrrr! so There's agility on it though, whatever. Huh. Did you just get something really good? No, I'm just trying to set up a fire.
[01:46:00] Okay.
[01:46:01] So, what are we doing here?
[01:46:02] We're going to the Huh. Did you just get something really good?
[01:46:12] No, I'm just trying to set up some...
[01:46:19] Three minutes. three minutes so There's only one other dude left.
[01:46:47] No idea.
[01:46:49] You get to even see what he has in his inventory
[01:47:04] were you watching me thinking
[01:47:05] You were watching somebody else?
[01:47:07] I think that was Hush, okay
[01:47:08] Can I see other people's inventories?
[01:47:12] Yeah, you can check and see what they got right now
[01:47:13] That's crazy
[01:47:14] Okay can check and see what they got right now. That's crazy.
[01:47:22] You know what, Chad? Don't make fun of me.
[01:47:24] You've been there. You've been there
[01:47:27] you've been there
[01:47:29] you've been there
[01:47:34] armorer i have some stuff for you today
[01:47:38] my flame it has to be out of my inventory i don't know or 96g is that good you might have just got a quest done campfire in as well the surgeon hold on
[01:48:05] i just got one done i don't know if you got had the same one
[01:48:11] no i thought that's what i just want to go
[01:48:18] and i didn't move it to my st and raid. Got it. That guy was off a player.
[01:48:37] Oh the campfire?
[01:48:39] Yeah. oh the campfire yeah There's no sort button?
[01:49:00] Nope. Not that I know of. business there's no sword button nope
[01:49:03] not that i know of maybe chat knows but i don't know where you're getting all this gold from.
[01:49:19] I'm coming back with Tic Tacs and fruit roll-up wrappers.
[01:49:22] You're over there living lavish!
[01:49:25] I mean, that's all from today really maybe most of it.
[01:49:28] Hey!
[01:49:32] My gear is right now. so hmm What do you think?
[01:50:13] If I...
[01:50:15] What if, like, I wanna do
[01:50:17] Okay so we go to merchant
[01:50:19] Squire right?
[01:50:21] I want the base gear but
[01:50:25] what if I only want it like this yeah can i start on there real quickly
[01:50:30] what the oh no that's just okay
[01:50:37] it works okay It works? Okay.
[01:50:43] Okay.
[01:50:47] Alright, my gear score is now 18. we're good this is just one
[01:51:03] how come these stack to three Okay.
[01:51:15] I did get my last broker, good.
[01:51:19] Spear proficiency...I mean, I don't even have spears! It's just useless right?
[01:51:22] Maybe I don't do this until I get spear. Um... What do I do in its place you think chat? so
[01:51:41] sharpshooter.
[01:51:47] Alright, I'm dealing massive headshot damage now brother.
[01:51:51] I ain't fucking playing no more
[01:51:53] Let's do it
[01:51:58] Let's do it
[01:52:01] You under 24?
[01:52:04] Oh, attention okay
[01:52:06] Alright
[01:52:08] I think you're under the 24 item level
[01:52:10] Yeah, that was 18
[01:52:12] Nice Nice.
[01:52:42] Instantly in, no snipers... Just saying you have to wait for everybody's computer That's probably right
[01:52:43] Yeah right so Sorry. sorry so so oh watch out RUUUURRRR!
[01:54:01] I can't see him.
[01:54:03] I can't see him.
[01:54:06] He's faking?
[01:54:08] Nope, he ain't faking.
[01:54:13] Back ladder for you?
[01:54:16] I don't want that minus seven speed bro, fuck that!
[01:54:18] I wanna be able to catch people.
[01:54:58] That's a big thing on Barb if I get too slow i can't get to people to kill them I was playing essentially called. uh What's the salad? This door.
[01:55:01] And this chest.
[01:55:03] Is that a spear, maybe?
[01:55:04] What game am I thinking of? And this chest. Is that a spear maybe?
[01:55:07] What game am I thinking of?
[01:55:11] There's a hat for you!
[01:55:14] Here, hat and a campfire Oh oh I want to get these statues! Let's try anything quite fair. Ho ho ho ho ho! The Zoilander!
[01:56:07] And a felling axe. Nice!
[01:56:10] Surgical kit. Chat, Zwylander or
[01:56:15] felling axe? Better. better
[01:56:37] i'm guessing filling because it's faster oh shit
[01:56:39] take them out take em out Take him out!
[01:56:41] Who?
[01:56:45] Who is he?
[01:56:49] Oh shit. Oh!
[01:56:53] Take him out!
[01:56:55] Is it bad?
[01:56:57] He looks fine.
[01:56:59] Oh my god!
[01:57:01] Piece of shit! Couldn't see him, I guess. oh my god piece of
[01:57:03] couldn't see him up there
[01:57:06] oh yeah yellow longbow on this guy
[01:57:11] or green not a yellow. Sorry.
[01:57:27] Armor finished. armor pin is 20% guess we got it Crusader home. oh You don't want some plain pants? Yeah, that's a double shot. I'm here!
[01:58:29] I'm pissed! I'll just sit here now. I'm still here my girls call me i'll be uh i'll be muted for a second so I'm gonna do.
[01:59:14] Oh man, the whole way it's on the side of this shit?
[01:59:36] Can you just walk on the side of this? so so so I'm just gonna run after it. Oh, just do my one-hander. so Oh, my God. The stupid fucking spiders! is drinking to the red pot suit extra or not
[02:01:15] i don't believe so, no.
[02:01:28] I know when it's not working anymore.
[02:01:37] I think that is, did you guys see something?
[02:01:46] We should be 10 on these things.
[02:01:48] I have to extract really quick and take my dog out
[02:01:52] you're gonna be solo for a bit
[02:01:56] oh there's uh extra blue here if you want to reset as well
[02:02:01] weapon a portal that you can extract as
[02:02:05] well over here if you want to
[02:02:08] all right i'll be right back. so so so so I don't know how I feel.
[02:03:11] I'm kind of whatever on it, so far. so so hmm so I'm gonna out of space, bruh.
[02:04:27] Uh, which one of those was found under A, but...
[02:04:44] Two in there.
[02:05:21] Escape out of the cryptia sky so I'm gonna go ahead and get the other one. These boots are nice.
[02:05:23] What is costing me so much here?
[02:05:32] Alrighty, I'm back!
[02:05:33] Oh the longbow...bow is fucking me.
[02:05:38] My inventory looks like buttholes reminding me of Tarkov.
[02:05:43] Giving you flashbacks right now?
[02:05:47] It's easier to do it from the quest log down below.
[02:05:49] Except we can't auto-sort here for some reason.
[02:05:56] They don't let me buy a $250 package.
[02:05:58] I'm not really sure what's going on.
[02:06:02] They're now trying to actively take my money.
[02:06:04] What's going on here?
[02:06:07] I have way too many arrows.
[02:06:08] I guess let's drop them when we get in.
[02:06:11] Hey, I'll buy coin pouches. You have a lot more room.
[02:06:13] Coin pouches!
[02:06:15] It's a treasure. Oh. Treasure.
[02:06:23] Guy! I was like, who the fuck was that?
[02:06:25] What up?
[02:06:28] Sup, sup, sup, sup. what up
[02:06:39] going on chilling bro living listen not getting only one at a time. You're not getting more than you're winning? Yeah, we're actually surviving this is nice.
[02:06:45] 50 50.
[02:06:57] Alright, I'm ready.
[02:07:01] Hell yeah.
[02:07:05] Buy more? Get like 10? Okay well I thought it would only buy one.
[02:07:16] Now hold on chatty, I'll never... All good?
[02:07:19] Chat wants me to buy a bunch of cold coin purses or watches i got a bunch That's kind of, I guess.
[02:07:53] You can just right-click your gold into your inventory and it'll go into the bag store.
[02:07:57] Really? What if I don't have gold...
[02:08:01] Should I set the bags up as they're saying
[02:08:04] Yeah, you could break with your tool out of your storage. It'll go into your bags in your inventory
[02:08:10] Look at that
[02:08:12] That's the same vice-versa so she bought bags right now, every time you sell stuff and put gold in your inventory it will just go into your bags like you said?
[02:08:19] Yeah, it's automatic.
[02:08:23] They didn't give us autosource, they gave us that.
[02:08:33] That's good enough for now.
[02:08:39] The money!
[02:08:42] More bags, relax I'm probably gonna lose money soon so I won't need them.
[02:08:47] You ready to roll?
[02:08:53] You can also get another tab too whenever you got enough.
[02:08:56] Turn in quest items... hold on do i have them quest log uh I'm going to go with the single cloth.
[02:09:43] A shingle cloth. old class I guess I gotta pick up a couple broken skulls. Okay, I'm ready.
[02:09:44] Alright chat's got me on some crazy shit right now.
[02:09:47] It needs to be fun. That chats got me on some crazy sure is before a discussion
[02:10:12] you You can auto-sort all gold from your stash in just a click. Please don't let this 20k go to waste.
[02:10:14] I'm going to be honest,
[02:10:16] I've lost all confidence. Someone just jiggled juke me in the face.
[02:10:17] Auto-sort all of the gold from your inventory to your stash and just a click.
[02:10:20] Squire. I'm going to take a look at that thank you brother i appreciate you
[02:10:24] not a wasted 20k
[02:10:28] stretching so so so so I think I haven't seen the clips so Watch me slice this guy in the corner.
[02:12:05] I'm gonna go pick that up so um so I actually threw my...
[02:13:00] Alright, I threw one of my axes, and lost it as well.
[02:13:03] I threw my lantern by accident!
[02:13:07] We're going to be blind! Hey, we're down one lantern and an axe
[02:13:18] And the game hasn't even started yet
[02:13:19] Yeah, I know
[02:13:20] That's insane actually I was just saying actually I'm sorry. I just want to let you know, I don't know if you have VoIP turned off.
[02:13:49] Lot of people talking shit in the lobby.
[02:13:52] Lot of people talking shit.
[02:13:54] How do you know? No before. I don't know. Oh, the people saw some shit.
[02:13:56] How do you know?
[02:13:58] No before.
[02:14:00] Yeah.
[02:14:02] He was like what's your name?
[02:14:04] This guy is like fuck you.
[02:14:06] Don't tell me your name. I'll look for it in the kill feed damn A little bit of Monsters Inc.
[02:14:25] You did that right?
[02:14:28] Why is this guy so strong? He beat my ass!
[02:14:34] He better have something, I'll tell you that right now.
[02:14:37] He ain't got nothing!
[02:14:42] Oh my gosh, he took my iron.
[02:14:45] I think I'm dead.
[02:14:49] That's actually bad.
[02:14:55] Help!
[02:14:57] I can do a revive thing, can't I?
[02:15:00] Help!
[02:15:04] Just put his shirt in and he doesn't turn. Take his soul.
[02:15:08] Oh, he doesn't want the shirt.
[02:15:10] Well, I will. I just don't know if I can go through that green shit, right?
[02:15:12] He did.
[02:15:14] No, no, no. You definitely don't want to walk through that now.
[02:15:16] Yeah, who would ever do that?
[02:15:19] Yeah, I don't know, dude. stupid barbarian oomaboombas
[02:15:22] make sure you grab my axe that's all i care about my ax and my meds
[02:15:25] you have a felling action what do you mean your axe
[02:15:28] i brought that in it's white good, but I can't find it.
[02:15:33] Grab my axe, I swear!
[02:15:36] My man...
[02:15:40] Don't forget my lockpicks! Grab my lockpicks.
[02:15:42] Grab my lockpicks.
[02:15:44] You can find something with that.
[02:15:45] Did you find that campfire?
[02:15:47] No, I brought it in.
[02:15:50] Yeah, grab your fucking heart.
[02:15:53] Why are you it like that?
[02:15:55] Is he gonna be on the mini-map?
[02:15:59] A little white box or a little white circle thing.
[02:16:04] Man why does it gotta tell everybody
[02:16:06] that I died to it?
[02:16:07] Giant centipede kill Sir Smack-Yo Nuticus! he doesn't have a warlock problem oh Beetle wings?
[02:16:53] This means someone's in here.
[02:17:05] Got a lot of gloves that don't do anything for me. Alright, shoot. That's two jewelry on these guys. so so so I'll sit down. Box pendant off that, physical healing, physical damage reduction and agility too. Okay.
[02:18:22] That means this is impossible, right?
[02:18:24] Oh he's different.
[02:18:29] These are hardcore ones. Let me back out.'m gonna back out of that.
[02:18:42] I knew that was there, I knew that was there. You like selling Ax axe, huh?
[02:19:06] Yeah. You hit quick with it.
[02:19:10] Okay I got a green one for you.
[02:19:14] Wait should i get that though or is that gonna be too much? Wait.
[02:19:18] Should I get that though? Or is it going to be too much for the next area?
[02:19:23] Try and get both, but I like the white one because I can bring in this area
[02:20:55] And it doesn't put me over so uh so Oh man I'm gonna go have to go. Yeah! Big deal. Big Dukas. Loot?
[02:21:00] Alright, I need to go find this thing and stop looting.
[02:21:05] Well man, is this what I needed?
[02:21:08] One more one last one, okay we're going.
[02:21:11] Oh, you guys see that trap coming.
[02:21:12] What is this? Is it a real trap?
[02:21:16] Nah, just can't be.
[02:21:59] I heard someone. so Oh, shit. Survival bowstring, be on it.
[02:22:03] It's a blue string actually. Yeah just be a white something. Buster.
[02:22:08] Yeah, just be a white something. Wow! so uh so I need a fucking portal room.
[02:22:53] Where the hell are these res's? so It's just like how you looked at it and said, yeah I ain't getting through that
[02:23:16] and went another way.
[02:23:18] Yeah, oh god that centipede.
[02:23:21] Oh goodness!
[02:23:25] Is this it? No, Shroud of Health. That's different, right?
[02:23:29] Yeah. it yeah
[02:23:37] holy i should have closed that this thing's for me. Maybe this will hit them.
[02:23:44] Sup you fucks?
[02:23:48] HAHAHAHA! Holy nutsack, Batman! They're everywhere!
[02:24:07] Excuse me guys.
[02:24:12] Just get out bro, just get out. I'm trying. I'm running out of fucking trying to go there's in front of you
[02:24:28] Okay I'll be okay now. Oh shit! Rrrrraaah! Dang.
[02:24:36] Daaaang.
[02:24:38] The door to your left!
[02:24:40] I'm dead, I'm dead. To your left!
[02:24:42] Go in the fucking door!
[02:24:44] Shut up! I didn't see it! I have to just live for a second.
[02:24:47] Oh the gate there's no torches, the gate
[02:24:49] Yeah, it's a gate
[02:24:55] It's a big ass piece
[02:25:04] listen to be fair there was a lot going on there i just let you know what is this arg doing? He got a cloak!
[02:25:08] Alright, I guess you're dutiful
[02:25:10] felon axe. Wait how do i get it to you?
[02:25:12] Argonian Jesus
[02:25:14] How do I get you an axe?
[02:25:18] Bring me- You bring it into me drop it
[02:25:20] just the white one though just a white
[02:25:22] it's gonna bust up my gear square a
[02:25:23] little bit
[02:25:25] no not the white one the white one won't i don't think so hopefully not
[02:25:33] maybe uh you know he just takes himself sure to be over He's just got greens from the dungeon. This inventory shit is annoying me.
[02:25:55] Okay, I'll sell it after. Oh shit, now I see...
[02:26:01] See the thing is how we're playing now
[02:26:03] We can't keep this up
[02:26:04] because I'm just gonna keep stacking gear
[02:26:06] or am I just selling all the gear I'm getting?
[02:26:09] That's up to you, man.
[02:26:12] We can go on higher level geared runs.
[02:26:14] I'm in. What's the next threshold
[02:26:16] chat that we gotta stay under?
[02:26:19] 124.
[02:26:20] Oh, 124? Maybe're gonna be at 124.
[02:26:23] That's the highest you go for the next two.
[02:26:25] If you go 125...
[02:26:27] I have another inventory space where
[02:26:29] Would you like to rent additional
[02:26:31] stat space? I'm not even close to to that, do I? Where's my gold at?
[02:26:35] Bottom middle.
[02:26:36] 532...
[02:26:42] Do you guys want a third?
[02:26:44] Oh yeah, you can join.
[02:26:48] I'm all in here.
[02:26:52] Fuck it! get fucking attacked nicer i'm trying to fuck it
[02:26:55] i'm confident we can start doing higher runs too what are you playing uh
[02:27:02] i don't really care what do feel like. Don't matter to me, man!
[02:27:05] Can we get rid of some of these things, Chad?
[02:27:08] Keep that there, I guess...
[02:27:13] Garrett, do you have another... I can just use that?
[02:27:17] Yeah. That's where your gold should be. All of your gold should be in that star.
[02:27:20] Yeah, yeah. I get that.
[02:27:22] Alright.
[02:27:27] Alright.
[02:27:31] I still need to make space off my armor or else I'll run out of space.
[02:27:35] Yep! yeah
[02:27:46] hey bring it in my um you bringing in my um you bringing in my axe yeah all right so Am I good there?
[02:28:17] No, I'm at 95. Am I good there?
[02:28:20] Now I'm at 95,
[02:28:22] I have to take off my fucking... Hold on.
[02:28:23] Can't have that survivable.
[02:28:28] 38.
[02:28:31] This first little area where it sucks...
[02:28:33] You can't have shit!
[02:28:37] In fact, it's gonna be- hold on let me get rid of that
[02:28:39] No Hmm Hold on, let me get rid of that.
[02:28:45] I'm gonna have to go pantsless. No! That's not even enough.
[02:28:50] Man, I got this covered.
[02:28:53] Wait, I don't actually...
[02:28:58] Oh it's that! The culprit, I found it. Oh no! Okay, so that means...
[02:29:06] I'm just gonna do this now.
[02:29:21] What? Even the base gears cannot be supplied.
[02:29:26] Who gives a shit about those?
[02:29:31] We're good.
[02:29:33] Just went too hard on the traps, fuck.
[02:29:38] Alright you ready?
[02:29:41] I'm ready!
[02:29:43] Alright what's your name in game?
[02:29:45] It's my same name.
[02:29:49] Nothing fancy. I'm going to go with I don't have pants on?
[02:29:59] Yeah, dude.
[02:30:00] You don't need pants.
[02:30:04] While we're going you don't need paints.
[02:30:07] Are we going under 24?
[02:30:11] I am as of now unless we want to do something different.
[02:30:15] That's too much fucking arrows.
[02:30:19] We're going under what yeah it's up to you guys i'm under 24th minute
[02:30:23] let's go down there let's go under for this. Use my axe and then we'll go over next.
[02:30:34] So let me get rid of my motherfucking axe for god's sake.
[02:30:45] Under 24, total level 20 they're saying.
[02:30:48] What? So you can use the market, I guess.
[02:30:51] They want you to start using the fleet market essentially.
[02:30:57] Oh level 15 on a lot of parrots out there. i love 15 level up here so Yeah, thank you Huggins. Appreciate your help. Get a range weapon.
[02:31:26] I'll work on it.
[02:31:40] Well, I can turn in some stuff for the quest here. There's something else. so
[02:32:10] a bow string ring Alright, we're chillin'.
[02:32:31] Pobbling quest makes you rich bro does it?
[02:32:36] I'll work on it man. Yo Magdon thanks for the uh tech giftos. I appreciate that. it, man. Yo, Magdalene, thanks for the tag gift to us.
[02:32:37] I appreciate that.
[02:32:38] Yeah, welcome guys to the squad.
[02:32:41] Hope you guys enjoy yourselves here and thank you, Magdalene.
[02:32:41] It's good to see you.
[02:32:43] Hope everything's going okay.
[02:32:44] I feel like I never mind all right
[02:32:47] good to see you again appreciate it a lot of money
[02:32:50] ready oh sorry i thought i was already ready then
[02:32:54] i started fiddling and i forgot that I was unready.
[02:32:57] How's the AD going? Played a few weeks ago.
[02:32:59] Was impressed with a lot of changes since I played.
[02:33:01] I didn't really play it a whole lot the first time around
[02:33:05] but it's been okay so far i've been
[02:33:07] having a good time ish
[02:33:17] a good timeish Okay, Thomas.
[02:33:22] Such a foolish hider, but...
[02:33:25] Thank you sir!
[02:33:28] Better blap that mage. We'll see what's next. Thank you, sir.
[02:33:30] Better blab that mage! We'll see what's up. See if we can run into people on this one.
[02:33:58] I think it was him. so Yeah, Flappers. I heard.
[02:34:00] I heard! Yeah, if I was a herd. A herd!
[02:34:15] ... It's the Daisy arc over. I'm looking to play some other stuff now, but I kind of burned myself out on Daisy and
[02:34:19] there are just so many things about it that frustrate me too much, I think.
[02:34:24] Just a little too frustrated playing it lately.
[02:34:31] Oh!
[02:34:46] Must be all right. Oh, shit. ah this is the big boy oh Sorry, wife just got home.
[02:35:17] Yeah, come here.
[02:35:22] Standing on my head, bro. I'm trying to die.
[02:36:20] He's dead! so so Let me get that axe Jared.
[02:36:26] Can't go very much.
[02:36:31] Heavy boots over here,. If you need them.
[02:36:40] You playing wizard right now?
[02:36:42] Wizard boots. Alright, just drop that hammer.
[02:36:49] Strength increases damage, does it?
[02:36:52] Yeah we already got boots that have dexterity right? I'm okay.
[02:36:56] I feel like...I'll know that for next time. you need strength okay Okay.
[02:37:19] Ria?
[02:37:23] I threw him on the ground. I threw one on the ground
[02:37:33] Let's go!
[02:37:36] Uh, do you want this one? Do you need another one?
[02:37:43] Shit.
[02:38:27] Players? Nope, nevermind. shit players Get up here, get up here. so Oh, that's so much... Who fell against this? So much damage.
[02:38:28] Oh dude, I love it!
[02:38:30] It's disgusting.
[02:38:31] And it's quick!
[02:38:32] That's my favorite part about it!
[02:38:34] Yeah if you don't miss it gets hurt pretty fast.
[02:39:14] Get back here! I'm sorry, I thought at the bottom. so Holy shit, you're a tank. Oh!
[02:39:15] There's an arrow in your chest.
[02:39:18] I'm sorry.
[02:39:19] Are you hurt?
[02:39:20] No, it's fine. It your chest. I'm sorry.
[02:39:22] Not that good then.
[02:39:23] Right collarbone.
[02:39:27] I don't need a tag so I'll just need the other one.
[02:39:44] Can't fire principles. I like Daisy totally moved on from daisy pog yeah well let's i like daisy
[02:39:54] i just always get to a point where i start to dislike the game eventually i got to that point. I said F you, the last guy that killed me.
[02:40:02] I said F you, types of deaths too. so I got some pants over here, one with Adgy and one with dexterity. Oh shit!
[02:40:42] Here.
[02:40:56] Ah... I'm coming in. Dax, should I check? Is this damage? Backstrap check, cause it's damaged.
[02:40:57] Oh come over here Kite!
[02:41:00] Mystic gloves green mystic vestments blue
[02:41:03] What the f-
[02:41:05] You know we're in 24 under right now, right?
[02:41:08] Oh are we?
[02:41:09] Yeah how you fucking finding this shit?
[02:41:12] Agility on ranger?
[02:41:14] Sure.
[02:41:16] Did I get agility or dexterity priority on Ranger?
[02:41:23] Agility and dexterity are both good for you, I know for sure.
[02:41:26] He's a move speed six
[02:41:31] yeah i don't know which i don't know what he just said but i agree with him
[02:41:34] full heartedly not half-heartedly full hard
[02:41:38] i don't know what that means.
[02:41:44] No, not you.
[02:41:50] Shit! I missed! I missed! Oh my god. You guys okay?
[02:41:51] Yeah, we're good.
[02:41:52] We got a lot of people here.
[02:41:53] We got a lot of people here.
[02:41:54] We got a lot of people here.
[02:41:55] We got a lot of people here.
[02:41:56] We got a lot of people here.
[02:41:57] We got a lot of people here.
[02:41:58] We got a lot of people here.
[02:41:59] We got a lot of people here.
[02:42:00] We got a lot of people here. We got a lot of people here. We got a lot of people here. Oh my god.
[02:42:03] You guys okay? We're alright!
[02:42:09] Holy... Dang! I'm gonna try to kill this arse.
[02:42:14] Oh, there he is the bastard!
[02:42:20] Everything's dead in here.
[02:42:24] That's not good.
[02:42:29] Energy drink after this one.
[02:42:35] That's how I fought a T-Net?
[02:42:37] We've fought some 2v2s,
[02:42:39] but I haven't been in any 3v3s
[02:42:41] have I?
[02:42:44] No phone, I'm just... I'm like hoping we run into somebody because Kite is so like juiced up for me.
[02:42:48] Hey, yeah, go ahead and have lockpicks.
[02:42:50] I got a hat for you as well!
[02:42:52] Wanna get these lock picks?
[02:42:54] I don't got to use lockpicks? I don't
[02:42:55] got no lockpick.
[02:42:56] I do, but how do I...
[02:42:58] Oh, it's probably like...
[02:43:01] Oh, I have to pull that, right?
[02:43:03] Oh, here we go. Yeah, and then you're gonna have to press space bar when it
[02:43:05] starts to open get ready oh well me oh yeah it's like above the cut
[02:43:13] got it Got it! Ooh gold, purple.
[02:43:18] That's the spear you needed huh?
[02:43:50] Take that because you have the perk i think your cigarette Okay. There's four of them and this is a portal room, so...
[02:43:53] Just kinda bad look over on you. That's weird.
[02:44:12] Okay. I'll come over here if you're in mid room. You got another lockpick, Kieran?
[02:44:15] No. I broke the first one.
[02:44:17] Dammit!
[02:44:21] I don't know what I should be getting agility or dexterity.
[02:44:25] Agility will be movement speed and interaction speed like doors and shit,
[02:44:29] Dexterity is gonna be on me. I speak for you
[02:44:32] Hit him once with the axe
[02:44:35] That's a warlock
[02:44:40] He's frozen I lost you guys. I'm looking for you.
[02:44:42] He's frozen? Chad, how do I see my friends?
[02:44:46] Am I going to haste you?
[02:44:49] Why is... the... oh! Behind you, careful. Please. The...
[02:44:51] Oh, I'm dead!
[02:44:52] Mind you, careful.
[02:44:54] The warlock's so low!
[02:44:56] Warlock is so low!
[02:44:58] I'm at one, I'm dead.
[02:44:59] The warrior just stabbed me past him.
[02:45:02] How much health does warlocks have?
[02:45:06] They heal a lot.
[02:45:08] I don't even know how you guys got to where you are.
[02:45:12] Yeah, they're to your left.
[02:45:13] You might want to just keep yourself and get out there.
[02:45:17] Is it three? Yes. They're right there!
[02:45:21] That guy's got some help I hit him a couple times the lizard
[02:45:28] nice yeah he fell over that was a little like i'm just leading
[02:45:38] Three minutes
[02:45:40] Three minutes you got portal like up to your north anyway, so you're pretty chillin'. Unless they go to that. You might want to beat them too actually. What's a weapon?
[02:45:59] Probably his family razor, right?
[02:46:01] He killed the warlock.
[02:46:03] Fucking nerd.
[02:46:05] I fucking hate warlocks. Heh heh. Fuck nerds.
[02:46:07] Fucking hate warlocks.
[02:46:09] They can touch.
[02:46:11] Do I have to go the portal, you think? That's me!
[02:46:12] Yeah, you probably should-I feel like they're probably going to the portal that you're look-that's north of here.
[02:46:19] Okay. go into the portal that's north of you. I don't know why they're scared
[02:46:20] of one guy, but...
[02:46:22] Take the gold items.
[02:46:23] Necklace and rings.
[02:46:29] That's a druid.
[02:46:32] That I just heard? Yeah the chicken is a druid.
[02:46:35] I'm thinking that lizard that killed me with the spear is their druid.
[02:46:39] So they're still kind of close to you.
[02:46:43] They are probably just trying to bait you at that door. So when you go down this hall right here, there's going to be a lever.
[02:47:01] No the other way, take it right...
[02:47:04] The portal room is right there. There's gonna be a lever on the wall next to this gate
[02:47:07] Right on the gate. Whoa! Okay, so this Holy! I'm not going to trouble myself.
[02:47:23] You can run them out,
[02:47:32] run back in and shut the door or just
[02:47:34] run back in and open it up.
[02:47:36] I'll have an edit test you.
[02:47:44] We got 45 seconds to get back in there. Really?
[02:47:48] Oh man, we might be dead here.
[02:47:51] You alright?
[02:47:59] You wanna dash him with the levers on the door? here bro
[02:48:03] ratchet Pose on fake. Crouch it!
[02:48:05] Get in there!
[02:48:09] Nice!
[02:48:11] Ha ha, I killed somebody and I dipped.
[02:48:20] Yeah, yeah that's a scary one bros
[02:48:26] see if that weapon can get uh
[02:48:30] i can also go so so I'm not exaggerating.
[02:49:05] I smacked that warlock probably
[02:49:08] six times. Really?
[02:49:11] Yes, and he
[02:49:12] ate all of it.
[02:49:14] Yeah, that class is pretty busted bro.
[02:49:16] I've been saying that.
[02:49:23] Every tick of damage... like when he dots you
[02:49:25] and dots me
[02:49:27] every single time we take that damage he gets healed for a little bit oh it's a great idea yeah
[02:49:33] so they just they're just like...that are just walking around?
[02:49:40] Yeah. Alright I have Spear proficiency.
[02:49:43] I couldn't hit him either.
[02:49:44] I was trying to get the Barbarian off you and then the Druid stabbed me in my eyeball.
[02:49:48] Yo dude, Imma be honest... I thought I'm gonna be honest.
[02:49:50] I thought I was going to go in there
[02:49:52] hit him twice kill them and move on
[02:49:54] to the next after real swings.
[02:49:56] I lost hope
[02:50:00] Are we going into the next green area, right?
[02:50:04] What do you mean?
[02:50:05] We're going into the higher tier gear this time?
[02:50:08] Yeah I'm 143 too much though. Fuck.
[02:50:14] Let's do it. what's the level we're looking for right here tight 124. below 120 125 so you need to be 124 or under got it 125.
[02:50:26] i barely have
[02:50:27] shit
[02:50:43] that means everyone we're fighting also barely has shit. some you are insane with the bow my dude you remind me of legolas except you are way cuter than orlando bloom
[02:50:49] yeah thank you brother i appreciate you I'm good. I'm gonna go check on Caroline for two seconds seconds real quick she's making noises so so so What's the number again, Kite?
[02:52:17] 124 under I'm at like 95 in there. five and then about 113.
[02:52:47] not that book uh why the fuck put me at 155 from 95. not that one not that like 60 item level
[02:52:56] like no no change change not yet not yet not quite there all right my 122 as good as i'm getting
[02:53:04] i think I'm gonna go get some water. I wonder what this one is. uh uh
[02:53:38] i just can't bring any colored weapons that's all you know
[02:53:45] be on green I'm here. Alrighty, what's your guys gear score looking like homies? Why is your guy so fucking crazy looking?
[02:53:51] 122!
[02:53:52] Uh... because I'm crazy.
[02:53:54] I'm crazy.
[02:53:56] I'm loco.
[02:53:59] I love the shirt.
[02:54:00] Oh, thanks.
[02:54:27] Got like 500 years for it right now, bro. Don't I look nuts? I'm sorry. yeah yo man let me get him
[02:54:33] oh you craps it what the
[02:54:36] hell was that that's how I die
[02:54:38] well sir
[02:54:47] all attack Hold attack?
[02:54:50] Right click box?
[02:54:53] Uh-uh. What?
[02:55:06] Did my last sword block? so so so No campfire in here, Jarrah.
[02:55:58] If you request grab that. You're not getting the snack, goofball.
[02:56:07] Speaking of which...
[02:56:09] True magical damage on this skelly bang right there. Ellie, stop it.
[02:56:27] You don't get any food.
[02:56:31] You know what I mean? so Dark Thief Dark thief. Heck yes!
[02:57:01] Got a green barb on.
[02:57:05] Jared, there's an armor for you on that thing.
[02:57:14] Do you have the green one?
[02:57:16] Uh, tell me.
[02:57:19] Armor. Do you have a green one? Uh, the helmet right here.
[02:57:22] Armor form anywhere? On that skelly that's behind you.
[02:57:26] Stop it!
[02:57:29] You didn't come down here to be annoyed, goofball.
[02:57:31] I have a great wizard hat for you.
[02:57:35] Nice.
[02:57:43] Chill out. There you go. I'm gonna drop it at the bottom Shot me in the head!
[02:57:51] Look, it's nothing.
[02:57:53] Alright. I know they look like doggy snacks
[02:57:55] I'm honest with ya man, I don't even know if I want to wear this
[02:57:57] Minus seven speed, minus six
[02:57:59] Speed Yeah hold on minus six speed.
[02:58:03] You gotta try Dungeonborn as a best against this game
[02:58:05] Yeah, I've played it
[02:58:09] Jacob I already know you like Darker Darker more Oh. Oh.
[02:58:14] Jacob, I already know you like Dark of Dark more. What about you?
[02:58:14] Gotcha.
[02:58:20] I mean... it's a difference between an Alpha and...
[02:58:23] uh... the game that's been out for a couple months.
[02:58:25] It's just a lot of like
[02:58:27] you know they have work to do
[02:58:29] on that game in my opinion
[02:58:32] This isn't that bad, right?
[02:58:34] But they're leather.
[02:58:36] I like the abilities and stuff
[02:58:39] a lot.
[02:58:42] I got you a hat, Jared. I like stopping here. Get any food.
[02:59:09] Get your doggy snack bag, that's all.
[02:59:25] Oh! Yeah. Go! Go.
[02:59:28] I'll put a longbow with you, Jared.
[02:59:31] Make sure you want to go back upstairs. What's that?
[02:59:34] I have a green longbow if you want it.
[02:59:40] I have one of them good. have a green longbow if you want it one that's not what they're saying putting it on this guy so I saw it shooting like Hawkeye if Hawkeye had a big head and no nipples.
[03:00:21] Oh y'all have the loot looking, my shit is bad!
[03:00:24] How much longer do you think it will be?
[03:00:26] Not great.
[03:00:28] I already killed a poke. Yesterday.
[03:00:32] Not today though, not gonna do it.
[03:00:45] Okay. Shit. Allie, you little shit!
[03:00:49] Come on, fall. I'm gonna sit in this corner and don't let me die.
[03:00:52] Gotta bring a leg back upstairs.
[03:00:56] Hey, ask if you want to go.
[03:00:58] Run, run!
[03:03:13] Go ahead and get the... all right I do not know how to dodge that skelly to save my life. so We'll put a campfire over here. so What the dog doing? so I'm gonna have to figure it out. so so You go up there, is it people or no? Nah, just do the ice yourself and then...
[03:03:19] Even if you run into alternate shots and a target occurs. Yeah. I got boots down here plus one memory capacity if you want them.
[03:03:45] Alright alright.
[03:03:48] Grab em for ya.
[03:04:04] Alright. All these things in here are done. Okay. Here you go.
[03:04:08] I keep finding ranger shit. Burning swords...
[03:04:42] You're a bad man. I got the whole package over here. He's got all fucking shit waiting for him. You got a thing about getting out, son?
[03:04:44] Mm-hmm.
[03:04:46] There's stairs north.
[03:04:51] Thanks, sir! Oh shit she stays.
[03:04:56] Little shit... She goes back up, she's chillin'.
[03:05:01] I listen to her story from Caroline and then she wants to come back down.
[03:05:06] You know what? Go away of the way, son.
[03:05:08] Why not bark at me?
[03:05:09] All right.
[03:05:12] I had a conversation with her.
[03:05:12] I said, yo.
[03:05:14] Come back down.
[03:05:15] You got to chill.
[03:05:16] Jared, did you loot all that stuff we left for ya?
[03:05:21] No. What's that?
[03:05:24] We left a bunch of stuff here we found for Ranger
[03:05:26] Right here
[03:05:28] Plus, here is a crossbow something I should use um I mean I've seen Rangers
[03:05:37] keep on the inventory and to like engage just because
[03:05:41] it hits hard as fuck.
[03:05:43] So then what do they do, switch back to their spear?
[03:05:45] Switch back to yeah, their spear or their other bow but it's up to you.
[03:05:54] That's like uber sweat.
[03:06:05] Okay. We gotta find... So there's no stairs right there, but we gotta
[03:06:07] find it. Oh! He just had a blue
[03:06:09] sword? The fuck?
[03:06:11] I found that. It has good stats on it as well
[03:06:14] Yeah you're right actually
[03:06:17] Pretty solid
[03:06:19] Does it beat the spear though? No it doesn't
[03:06:23] What are you looking for uh what's-it-called over here near me.
[03:06:27] There is a staircase in the room on the end and there is a staircase north of me as well.
[03:06:31] I got a staircase on me. Alright, so Jared just needs to come
[03:06:33] over here and get this one. Yep yep. Why are you begging for food y'all?
[03:06:41] I don't know what you guys are talking about. You can, uh... there's a thing like right under us right here.
[03:06:59] Straight down there by the ladder. Don't fall into the hole or you'll go to hell.
[03:07:03] Do I drop down?
[03:07:06] You can! Just be careful so you don't miss an overshoot
[03:07:11] keep it
[03:07:14] ah Ah, shit. There's a player going for this one.
[03:07:16] Ellie! Stop it!
[03:07:18] No, he's gonna get it!
[03:07:20] Oh my gosh, why did I give him another chance?
[03:07:22] He's doing the exact same thing.
[03:07:24] I need a dog trainer.
[03:07:27] He didn't know it was under me, he just...
[03:07:30] What am i doing?
[03:07:33] Yeah, I'm right here.
[03:07:35] Oh we're all leaving.
[03:07:38] Yeah, we only have two minutes left in this race
[03:07:41] And the red direction fast You I didn't think I was going that long.
[03:07:52] Shit, I ran the whole red?
[03:07:57] Gone for a while
[03:07:58] alright boys that was my LG
[03:08:05] gonna go spend some time with the girl
[03:08:07] alright man appreciate you dudes time with the girl. Alright, man.
[03:08:09] Appreciate you dudes.
[03:08:11] I'll come and link up tomorrow, Jared, if your
[03:08:13] bitch ass will get on a little earlier.
[03:08:17] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[03:08:18] Alright, later boys
[03:08:26] all right
[03:08:29] rip Rip.
[03:08:34] Who doesn't need the potty first?
[03:08:39] They never do
[03:08:40] how do we leave the
[03:08:44] party
[03:08:44] okay
[03:08:45] yeah you just exit
[03:08:46] alright
[03:08:47] I don't know about you
[03:08:49] oh have you seen this last time just because you see one so I'll tell you one of the reasons I don't like this game is stashing all this shit.
[03:09:23] How much can anyone blame me?
[03:09:31] It's a little bit easier when you have tabs,
[03:09:32] Like I have one tab that just has money like i have like one tab that's just
[03:09:34] money and consumables another time it's just gear
[03:09:39] stuff like that so so wait for a shot so SNIPER so now Okay, how much do I have there? Okay.
[03:11:00] How much do I have there?
[03:11:01] No fucking idea.
[03:11:14] What? Well, I have an idea but I mean never mind. I don't want to talk about it. Okay.
[03:11:25] I'm missing some shit now? Damn dude, that didn't help me a whole lot, I'll be honest
[03:11:27] it doesn't seem to have helped me a shitload, you know?
[03:11:35] ... seem to have helped me a shitload, you know?
[03:11:46] I'm at 144. that. I got a double green weapon, it's pretty brutal.
[03:11:51] Green weapons are like a lot on their own.
[03:11:53] Gotcha.
[03:11:57] Yeah, that's pretty tough. That's a tough choice.
[03:12:01] Maybe you like your shoes? Are she's good yeah they're good Trap doesn't do shit. I dropped my chest piece. Chess piece 129. What the fuck? I wish I could just get a gray spear.
[03:12:56] Yeah, that's what I was thinking too.
[03:12:57] You can check and see if the uh...
[03:12:59] The weaponsmith or someone is selling one?
[03:13:01] He has for me.
[03:13:35] Weaponsmith Lefty Smith might have a gray. so um
[03:13:43] what do you want exactly what there's nothing left you better you want to leave or you wanna stay here
[03:13:45] it's doofus andI think I'm ready.
[03:13:57] When did you become such an annoying little monster, huh?
[03:13:59] You used to be so chill.
[03:14:01] Did you forget those days
[03:15:17] all right what show me where you want to go so so so so Thank you. I finally got rid of the monster.
[03:15:19] I'm good.
[03:15:24] Alright,
[03:15:25] the monster is out of here
[03:15:35] i want you a little bit do you remember if the map said duo?
[03:15:41] I have no idea.
[03:15:44] That we were going to be in a trio game or something like that?
[03:15:46] It's possible, but't go to the attention
[03:15:48] wouldn't access that sometimes looking at your own stuff it was
[03:15:52] for trio so RRAAAAGH!
[03:16:22] Uh, spear, bow... I'll make a whole chest for you. Entire chests are stuff for you. Green spear, green number.
[03:16:26] Alright...
[03:16:28] Oh fuck oh so I don't know chat, not convinced yet that uh, I'm liking the game.
[03:17:01] Kinda bored most of the time.
[03:17:12] Well, I hit you out! I'm gonna get you in there.
[03:17:18] You're the last one shooting?
[03:17:19] Yeah.
[03:17:21] I got him.
[03:17:38] I got him. yeah yeah
[03:18:45] last we'll see me so uh I need to bring the circle back ASAP. How long have I been gone? Just came back to see if he can just come. Circle his ass cap over your head. so so Oh I need that. Nah, the wizard's a little better. so so uh on the pv and days east i'm kind of confusing my chance hating on the pv right now
[03:20:40] i don't know how to explain it so so We're on the edge of the map, wonder whether there's a way we can be over here.
[03:21:20] Something just ran away from us and that's not that large.
[03:21:25] Next up is another edge. actually so I'm going to have it's the TV.
[03:22:02] That could be.
[03:22:07] Maybe another one now? oh um I'm gonna go in there.
[03:22:37] I got a car on the other side. You're on my side.
[03:22:45] I see this guy just standing right here.
[03:22:48] Are you dead?
[03:22:51] I'm not. You're dead. He just fell under the...
[03:22:58] Is that a three man?
[03:22:59] Yeah.
[03:23:00] Yeah, we're threes then.
[03:23:02] They might- yeah.
[03:23:08] It seemed like they were working together
[03:23:18] it's kind of shit a little bandage it's kind of metric fucks potions and then you just see if he was crazy such
[03:23:21] should i be grabbing those?
[03:23:24] I'm gonna grab him cause I'm hurting.
[03:23:55] He's got a blue spear on him Someone just opened? The doors are bleeding out. You good?
[03:23:56] I'm chillin'.
[03:23:59] Get some stuff no nothing it's funny i got three guys I'm dead.
[03:24:19] Were we in a dead end there? No.
[03:24:20] Oh!
[03:24:21] Just a couple of feet down, baby. Yeah, that was not a good place to be chilling if I was at Dead End.
[03:24:38] I didn't know that was.
[03:24:39] Well, I was at the dead end you ran to me where i
[03:24:42] was i was just leaving that guy and getting my spells back in the gym team they ran everything
[03:24:48] we definitely want to get yeah that's super unfortunate we had to kill a three-man um I don't fucking know where I want to go bro, i just wanna turn Trios off.
[03:25:25] Yeah you're the one at the top let's go. uh are we just doing like our load original
[03:25:40] loadouts or whatever uh if you want to, you can.
[03:25:51] Ready to play Seven Days of Diane? I don't know yet.
[03:25:53] It's definitely possible on one of these nights.
[03:25:55] It just didn't seem like it was something i was gonna like this seemed like rust
[03:25:57] it seemed like rust but no pvp you know The
[03:26:08] The
[03:26:13] The I'm sorry.... I'm going to go ahead and do this. so uh so so Pssst!
[03:27:57] Yo. What's happening?
[03:27:59] Sup boys.
[03:28:01] How is the dark dark are going?
[03:28:05] It's dark.
[03:28:07] Okay, yeah.
[03:28:09] What's that?
[03:28:11] Nope.
[03:28:19] Um, okay... I don't see who's off planet.
[03:28:23] I dunno. We'll see.
[03:28:30] It's a tough spot to be named.
[03:28:33] Oh 100%.
[03:28:35] Okay. Oh, 100%.
[03:28:47] Let's go hunt some fucking players, dude. Where are these dudes at?
[03:28:51] Well I have all kinds of gear. I just literally walk through rooms and look for people
[03:28:57] Yes you may sir literally walk through rooms and look for people? I just read something.
[03:31:07] I'll hold you! so so so so so so Shut up, that's crazy man. uh I'm gonna try to get this one. Hmm, someone's pushing our cabin over there. so
[03:31:18] see Let's see. Oh yeah, it just got hit. It's a archer.
[03:31:21] Behind you!
[03:31:22] Behind you!
[03:31:23] I'm going to get him. her.
[03:31:28] Behind you, behind you!
[03:31:30] Hand over the head once.
[03:31:33] Nice, get's headshot. Nice job. Can't fire down there, can we? Let's go. Here he comes. so so Take my trash right there. I'll take that shrapnel.
[03:33:06] Yeah, shoot those.
[03:33:07] A couple kills?
[03:33:08] That's cool.
[03:33:09] That was okay.
[03:33:10] Attention on move speed right now bro.
[03:33:11] Oh, shit!
[03:33:12] Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! That was ok. I mean my boots are better.
[03:33:28] My bolt must have missed or something. Man, looting bodies takes so much longer than I used to. I think my drive's better.
[03:33:47] And move speed?
[03:33:49] I'll take that, actually what 9 move speed on boots
[03:33:53] versus 5 I guess I have Will kind of shitty. You're right, you're right. so oh He's coming back to you. back oh so oh This man has one arrow.
[03:35:34] How are you alive? Oh, hey dude. That guy's got some stuff.
[03:35:55] Really?
[03:35:56] Not some stuff but some fucking health man.
[03:36:00] Yeah he does.
[03:36:04] He ain't got shit otherwise.
[03:36:12] Some agi deck she's on, I don't know what that is.
[03:36:17] I guess I'm dying! There we go That sound, that splashing sound was the raft. We can try and take the route, I'm not going to get to this one but we'll try to take the one one minute down before it closes Man. Melee is not beyond me, CEO of Nexon.
[03:37:12] I'd fuck you up with Mordhau bro.
[03:37:14] What's up?
[03:37:16] Oh boy! What's up? Oh, oh boy.
[03:37:29] Somebody went through the wall That's what she's gonna run for. Somebody's gonna go and take the wolves out of the other room, into that room.
[03:37:38] BANG! BANG! so Nice. Fuck that, I'm down. Yeah you just drag out.
[03:37:50] Oh fuck.
[03:37:51] I got him.
[03:37:52] I got him.
[03:37:53] I got him.
[03:37:54] I got him.
[03:37:55] I got him.
[03:37:56] I got him.
[03:37:57] I got him.
[03:37:58] I got him.
[03:37:59] I got him.
[03:38:00] I got him. I got him. I got him. What the?
[03:38:02] I'm down. I think that's dealing with us now.
[03:38:29] Perfect.
[03:38:37] Come on! Perfect. Two minutes.
[03:38:41] There's a thing we can get out that's downstairs from us right now.
[03:38:47] Yeah, one of us is gonna leave.
[03:38:48] Oh!
[03:38:49] Who the fudge is this guy?
[03:38:50] Oh!
[03:38:51] Yes baby you can take that.
[03:38:52] You big motherfucker.
[03:39:04] That was close. I'm not even the Rings big motherfucker. I know how you go down there.
[03:39:05] So if you want,
[03:39:07] You can drop down here and just take that little out for a look at the blue-
[03:39:09] Yeah, you go find another one.
[03:39:11] I'll fight this fucker.
[03:39:13] I'm gonna look for a rafter uh All right. I'm going to start taking pictures over time
[03:40:01] since it's not working like it does yet.
[03:40:02] Got it.
[03:40:04] It's a principle at this point. This dude won't die!
[03:40:11] I'm not supposed to drop down.
[03:40:15] There's like an under... I think you are down there.
[03:40:19] It was in the room where the dog fell, remember?
[03:40:27] About to die, I guess.
[03:40:32] Where're the stairs what how the fuck i was just staring at them
[03:40:36] go back up stairs go back up where's the fuck are we?
[03:40:40] How'd you get down there?! You're like in a whole different hole!
[03:40:43] Oh, oh to your right yeah the stairs right there.
[03:40:45] Oh they lead down?
[03:40:47] Yeah I was like super turned around.
[03:40:49] Gotcha.
[03:40:50] I was like did you go down already like no way
[03:41:01] right it knows a ramp that went down.
[03:41:03] I was looking for stairs right after I went down, but I was like well there is no
[03:41:07] down.
[03:41:11] . so Oh wait, those are fun and rain. Okay.
[03:41:36] Okay. What? Did I not make any money off of those?
[03:41:51] I could have sworn that I supposed to get a gold. nope Nope.
[03:42:19] Still haven't finished that.
[03:42:21] I need one more of each Goblin Archer Island,
[03:42:23] Goblin Axe Man.
[03:43:28] My first game complete. Oh, they have the green and space for sure those are complete so I only killed one guy. i only survived twice okay shit I had one of those
[03:43:29] damn
[03:43:30] what about that
[03:43:31] I'm like 78 shit i had one of those damn
[03:43:32] i'm like 78 right now
[03:43:38] more drama doing yeah let me drop some items here.
[03:43:42] I have to sell some of these things, how do i get these?
[03:43:46] Oh! I have a spell book actually my...
[03:43:49] Is that like a turned in?
[03:44:33] That's not found on raid probably right? in so so oh i do have a golden tooth 94 and that's pretty good.
[03:44:57] Hmm so so
[03:45:08] oh yeah it's gonna get him for free i mean me
[03:45:16] 20. not a lot considering just so long
[03:45:35] i'll just squirming up here. What's up? I don't give a fuck about this thing.
[03:45:46] We go to trade tab, become a trader just wasting my money Okay. Well, I mean what do you want me to do with this right now and we're like i can bring my spear, I forgot. Oh wait no I can't. Where'd it go?
[03:47:08] Where did that thing go? What the fuck?
[03:47:22] What the fuck?
[03:47:25] What did I just do with that thing oh
[03:47:26] i clicked it What?
[03:47:41] There we go.
[03:47:45] Listing fee, okay wait I don't know how much it goes for normally.
[03:47:56] Look it up! And I can't trade yet.
[03:47:59] Oh man, if I have to look up every single time...
[03:48:01] I'm good! It doesn't seem like I want to be a trader.
[03:48:09] Chat? chat
[03:48:17] you know i'm having a good time but I don't know if this is going to something that uh you know really gonna resonate with me. Response.. Yeah, I'm too lazy to put this up again.
[03:49:09] I agree.
[03:49:11] How many little things do you keep track of in your inventory and shit like that? so I guess we'll go look for some people.
[03:49:53] Oh, people! Back door way. Bed doorway.
[03:49:56] Strip's up.
[03:50:00] Probably people.
[03:50:08] Ah, I've gotcha. I thought I heard him. Yeah, there's a cleric and a ranger I think they picked up to put a trap in the floor for us.
[03:50:17] I'm kind of them.
[03:50:21] How fucking kind of them? Don't try shooting me through the window, you fucking...
[03:50:23] Let's see.
[03:50:25] Play that game! Peek your head out.
[03:50:28] Go ahead. I can play that game, peek your head out. Oh my fucking arrow hit the door!
[03:50:32] There's a good way to go. Bullshit.
[03:50:36] That was... Bullshit I I was just gonna heal anyways, I can heal or clear it. so definitely just going to put traps at both of these doors.
[03:51:12] Like I heard another one.
[03:51:14] I'm placing this camera right here, like barely across the bridge.
[03:51:27] I'm sure his cleric is probably in this room, and he got lost somewhere,
[03:51:31] Looks like it's possibly a bar, even.
[03:51:37] Better play to get there.
[03:51:41] Aladin bullshit! I don't know what the fuck you're doing.
[03:51:42] Paladin bullshit!
[03:51:50] Careful of that trap on that floor right in front of you.
[03:51:55] I just headshotted him.
[03:51:57] I got packed.
[03:52:02] I'm gonna try and see if i can snipe him on the other door. And then strike that open.
[03:52:04] I got two traps, hug right.
[03:52:08] I'm opening the other one now.
[03:52:10] Get the electric once.
[03:52:12] I've got them on his back foot twice. He's on his back foot.
[03:52:14] Shoot the guy behind in the back.
[03:52:17] Missing.
[03:52:21] He beat me with his fucking clear attack.
[03:52:24] Kind of bugged me still. He's fucking clear as fuck. You got him yourself?
[03:52:28] He's pretty fucking ass.
[03:52:33] Pretty good. Shit! I should have known. I shouldn't have gone for a third shot.
[03:52:53] I should've gone for a fucking swap up.
[03:52:55] Ah, god damn it! i forgot about the truck yeah I'm going to go check it out. There's a rest downstairs apparently.
[03:53:19] Is there down here?
[03:53:21] I don't fucking know.
[03:53:23] Maybe the other way around.
[03:53:25] I think I know where it is.
[03:53:27] Right...
[03:54:12] No, that's not right. That's not it. right um is I'm fucking kidding. yeah are you kidding me brother i don't know so I'm going to go up to your body.
[03:55:00] Right up here, set the doors
[03:55:05] Here is your body Check the doors Easy buddy
[03:55:17] I got it handy What's that? I'll put in a campfire right behind you.
[03:55:24] Get ready to save in one second. the campfire behind you.
[03:55:29] Get ready to save in one second, right now.... hmm I think this guy has one. for some reason
[03:56:01] I think yeah this guy has a nice gun
[03:56:23] with the double campfire, what a nice thing. I'm the
[03:56:28] them I'll just get my health off of this shit.
[03:56:35] Hope to get my spells back anyways, and use like all of them. Apparently you can't be free sitting.
[03:56:50] Don't forget your arrows too.
[03:56:53] I'll try it.
[03:56:54] Thank you, Kiya! You can be pre-sitting I think.
[03:56:57] Pretty sure I am.
[03:56:58] Usually people can but I don't know if maybe they changed them.
[03:57:05] Oh no! maybe they changed it I got the whole modern part on my chest
[03:57:16] killed a ranger and now you need another one.
[03:57:25] You still got gotta get me. Guess ya guy, or the good of fucking Stormwind and the Alliance, well... so Yes. yes These gloves are better.
[03:58:33] And these boots are expensive. Probably didn't look at the bow. Didn't?
[03:59:01] Okay, okay.
[03:59:02] I thought it did.
[03:59:03] I thought it was just a default recurve.
[03:59:06] Oh no, it wasn't.
[03:59:07] Okay.
[03:59:31] Did you take a recurve over along the green I think that's where those guys over here.
[03:59:40] This whole room is just like a three...
[04:00:36] Three layer room, you see the other ones up there? It's just like a three-layer room. so so so I thought you were crawling back in my carrier.
[04:00:44] Hit you there? I got a Ring of Wisdom, you want it? Knowledge 1, Max Health 1.
[04:00:52] Good old meege! Right there... right there Oh my god, I didn't know he was like right up on me already. Holy shit!
[04:01:22] Thought I was still alive and didn't even know where I was at yet Whoa oh
[04:01:29] I'm gonna live so far So it's very engaged.
[04:01:46] Um...
[04:01:51] Yeah, I am. I'm yeah all and she got a note I would think yet
[04:01:55] again more time I don't look forward to is the inventory afterward.
[04:02:21] Kinda like dreading going back, because I know I have to deal with the inventory. Hmm? Okay. We got rangers, we can wear the straw hat now. uh How did you get down here again? um I'm sorry. Thank you. so so so I'm gonna fudge me, man.
[04:04:25] What do I do? I don't need half this shit, bro.
[04:04:37] Have you not played...
[04:04:39] You haven't played Armored Car since we're like kids like even the campaigns
[04:04:43] is there a discard button i can do uh just like chuck it away
[04:04:47] you can just sell them to like a merchant so like i just sound like alchemist or some
[04:04:52] bullshit whatever i don't want So. so so Oh, you're fucking there. today I don't really know what to get rid of what do i get rid of all the greens so I wonder if that's found on the radar so Hey, Sum-Sum. I'm here to remind you to stretch from the lakes. Also how's the weather there? We just hit 160...
[04:07:28] Man that fucking board clay it the whole time.
[04:07:32] I'm trying to do this like...
[04:07:38] Fucking, like, swing at me back off so when you got up every fucking time that you have your shield up
[04:07:41] I'd just be shooting him in his fuckin' ankles with my ice shit and he gets stuck in place and
[04:07:43] you'd be trying to swing at me like six times in a fucking row bro i never figured it out. He's missing.
[04:07:53] He never figured
[04:07:55] it out, so...
[04:08:01] ... I guess if you eat these quest things, they're found in red. so I don't think they are though.
[04:08:38] Oh, okay fuck it.
[04:08:41] Did I deliver the shit that I had on me? No?
[04:08:46] Okay let me look at... Fuck, man.
[04:08:58] Why the fuck is your hat so orange?
[04:09:04] Is that like a fucking... copperlight hat?
[04:09:06] Yeah. Oh my lord!
[04:09:08] Popper likes Dank!
[04:09:14] Doesn't matter who I sell it to one just couldn't pick up the other it's like the grays and whites with all
[04:09:37] the different variety or whatever won't stack on each other.
[04:09:55] Knopping over ROT stuff kills me not being able to what rotate your items oh yeah Oh, yeah.
[04:10:10] Yeah, so she perfected that 118. what's 17 You done now? Hmm? All right, you we go now.
[04:10:56] Let's go.
[04:10:58] Oh, falling asleep at the wheel petting you.
[04:11:02] Good job. I'm gonna make an energy drink.
[04:11:08] Yeah, give me a second.
[04:11:09] I'll make an energy drink real quick.
[04:11:11] No you're good.
[04:11:13] It's the music bro maybe. Maybe it is, bro. Maybe it is.
[04:11:20] Alright I'll be right back in a sec. so so so so. so so so so so ¶¶ is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so I'm back.
[04:16:24] Hmm? I'm back.
[04:16:33] Alright chat, let's hope this gets me through a couple more runs so Hmm. Get some sleep, thanks bro
[04:17:11] I will
[04:17:11] I just had to wake up early this morning for a dentist just yeah loading
[04:17:21] so far I don't really care if I'm dying
[04:17:25] and shit
[04:17:25] I'm just kind of getting a little bit bored.
[04:17:30] JC, you motherfucker.
[04:17:34] Summit, I am here to remind you to stretch some legs also.
[04:17:36] How's the weather there?
[04:17:37] We're just hitting 116.
[04:17:38] Oh shit! That was you jc
[04:17:41] hey man thanks for the 20 by them i appreciate student of course yoda um yeah man i heard
[04:17:46] i heard uh something so i think one thing if it i heard that vegas is like 120 degrees too, so you guys...
[04:17:54] Appreciate you JC. Thank you so fucking much for the $20, brother.
[04:18:02] Appreciate you, man. Much love. I'm sorry about missing that, bro.
[04:18:05] I heard it come through and just... so so so How have you been liking D&D?
[04:18:53] Yearning for more days at town.
[04:19:00] Green survival bow.
[04:19:18] I don't know if this game is going to be quite for me... man I can't do another
[04:19:20] hide and seek next year.
[04:19:50] Wow! so uh Ow! What are you in front of me?
[04:19:52] It's the rope.
[04:19:54] I'm getting locked out by a skeleton now
[04:20:28] Before I can open the door down right so Physical damage bonus.
[04:20:33] Yours are better, really? Yeah I hear his feet slapping him.
[04:20:37] I did once there
[04:22:18] I'm gonna start stabbing walls let's see if there's around here somewhere so so so Yeah, everything's aggroed in here but they're not here again. so Come back here. Oh, a couple shots went through him man. They're all coming from that direction to the east immortal online killed us up at some people you have to sub to play more online Chewie, stop bro. cheery sound bro so so so. so so so so so so I'm
[04:24:45] check your location Sorry, Caroline wanted me to say hello
[04:24:47] to some of her family and stuff.
[04:25:22] I love pigs. So let's not go east, because that's a stupid maze. I think he's got a bunch of bats, which is cool. Cool, they dropped some decent stuff. Roughly twice the population of the third half of the game.
[04:25:41] Oh, crap! I thought of this lobby died to fucking skeletons, that happens? Yeah.
[04:25:43] The skeletons are fucking everybody up...
[04:25:46] ...on four spikes.
[04:25:51] You happy? spikes. Yeah?
[04:25:54] I heard something behind me.
[04:25:56] There and there and yes, there and there.
[04:26:01] Is that a Windows Vista move?
[04:26:26] She's standing right behind you. I'm gonna fucking kill that dog. That dude had a fucking like full ass front flip or some shit. This dude thought he had it figured out, he's like I'm just gonna close this door and
[04:26:30] its going to work.
[04:26:32] Someone is out there right this one's Oh, I got you. You literally won that one. Yeah me too.
[04:26:43] I think I may have killed the other guy.
[04:26:44] I'm gonna go get him.
[04:26:45] I'll be right back.
[04:26:46] I don't know if he's still alive or not.
[04:26:47] He's dead.
[04:26:48] I'm going to try and kill him.
[04:26:49] I'm going to try and kill him.
[04:26:50] I'm going to try and kill him.
[04:26:51] I'm going to try and kill him.
[04:26:52] I'm going to try and kill him.
[04:26:53] I'm going to try and kill him. I'm going to try and kill him. I'm going to try and kill him. Oh, I got literally one tap.
[04:26:55] Yeah me too.
[04:26:57] I think I may have killed you.
[04:26:59] Yeah I did kill you.
[04:27:01] Okay that's why I got one tap.
[04:27:04] I was trying to get triple arrows on him but... That's why I got one tap. I got hit by both of you at the same time.
[04:27:06] I was trying to get Chiqueroz on him, but I didn't have his space.
[04:27:09] Yeah, I turned around to snare him
[04:27:11] and he hit me as I got
[04:27:13] the snare and then I died.
[04:27:15] That's my B.
[04:27:15] That's whatever.
[04:27:19] I should have just had that
[04:27:20] ready to go immediately.
[04:27:22] I didn't think he was going to charge through that quickly.
[04:27:27] No, don't you start.
[04:27:29] What do you want?
[04:27:30] I think that was a fighter.
[04:27:31] What do you want attention
[04:27:31] for today, huh?
[04:27:33] Sounded like such
[04:27:34] cleric spell sound effects going on though it's just weird
[04:27:38] you need to just chill in the bed maybe there was someone else around that was
[04:27:41] hearing that from
[04:27:48] that's what you need to do. You need to be a little bit, you know, tired already,
[04:27:52] Pooh-Poah.
[04:27:56] That's what you need.
[04:28:00] Alright, we should go to the small run I guess.
[04:28:01] You and that.
[04:28:04] What's up?
[04:28:07] What's going on with you?
[04:28:09] You've been around too much. Do had a phonecast leg, remember?
[04:28:11] Stop it!
[04:28:15] That's not supposed to be that.
[04:28:45] .... you Just chill.
[04:28:48] I appreciate it.
[04:28:52] Yeah, yeah, dude is buggin' today.
[04:28:58] Is this better than Tarkov?
[04:29:09] Everybody likes their own shit in life, dude. Some people hate Tarkov, some people I'm gonna try to get this thing.
[04:29:27] Missing the ones.
[04:29:42] There's a daisy here also. I want Daisy to be, I wanted to like it a lot. I do like it a lot, it's just uh...
[04:29:46] Can't play forever. Eventually learn to hate it.
[04:30:31] Shotgun! I'm gonna have to go back. so uh Oh, excuse me.
[04:30:42] Uh yeah Kenzie maybe. Maybe. I don't like it. I'm not sure what you're talking about.
[04:30:52] I think that's a little bit.
[04:31:03] Oh, that's the end of this one. You lagging at all?
[04:31:14] Feels like a little, you're talking about it's like a little stutter step kind of thing.
[04:31:18] It's a stutter step or something. Those are like getting too late sometimes.
[04:31:21] Dude, I never really changed them.
[04:31:25] I got film that loots stuttershit right now.
[04:31:29] Yeah when i loot a body it's like delayed.
[04:31:32] It's really delayed.
[04:31:34] Yeah.
[04:31:35] I've never experienced that.
[04:31:37] Let me see if I can kill this guy in his sleep. I'm gonna go.
[04:31:50] Got an array bandage, nice! I feel like I can get good at this game chat.
[04:32:05] It's just gonna take some time. oh and arrows huh I don't mind it.
[04:32:40] Thanks again, Mom. You open that? Yeah, yeah.
[04:32:49] Bad thing here? We were around this? Yeah we were around it.
[04:32:53] This is where we got stopped before. I had no idea my mini-map would off. I'm going to get some.
[04:33:28] Have we been here? I keep finding attack skulls, and i'm not looking for the attack skulls anymore. You will have a chance to do that.
[04:33:36] What's up, Welly? How you doing, buddy?
[04:33:41] I wouldn't say it's my first time. How long do I have in this game? I played for a little bit, didn't really like it though, I'll be honest with you and I haven't seen much difference
[04:33:47] but I just am trying to give it more of a chance i guess myself now One of the other things is a wing shot, right?
[04:34:21] What are ones you got there sir? Oh, he's going frozen.
[04:34:27] Mr Freeze is that you?
[04:34:30] Oh wait is it Mrs Freeze now or some shit? this is free national
[04:34:38] yet but it's really good yeah Shattering the dick. Dick shots, lethal.
[04:35:04] There's something behind me.
[04:35:13] Where are you hearing things under us.
[04:35:16] People told me that range is not very good at the moment though, but shit you hit people in the face with a bullet or an arrow
[04:35:25] I'm sure they'd feel a little differently
[04:35:27] about it in the moment. Oh hello my friend! so uh I got nothing to switch this over with, I'm sorry.
[04:36:03] Found the culprit!
[04:36:08] What's up big ass chest right here, man. so A little bit less boost speed, more agility.
[04:36:41] They're similar to each other. Agility 2 or Dexterity 1?
[04:36:46] Armoury and Tire...wait is this leather though instead of cloth?
[04:36:51] There's supposed to be cloth on the rock there right? Wait, is this leather though instead of cloth?
[04:36:54] It's supposed to be cloth on rock alright.
[04:36:58] Sorry I was just looking at shit and kinda decided that you were- Sorry, I was switching my chair up.
[04:37:09] Oh, thank god! I hate skewered skeletons.
[04:37:15] I'm a place a trap behind us, okay? Let's not go back this way.
[04:37:24] You big motherfucker. You dropped that spear!
[04:37:28] Drop that spear, bitch! Oh he did drop it but its not a spear.
[04:37:32] Is it an halberd? I think so. Oh, he did drop it but it's not a spear.
[04:37:37] Is that an halberd? I think so. That's a bardiche man! That's not the weapon you're holding
[04:37:39] at. Yeah what the fuck is that?
[04:37:41] Not real. Unrealistic game.
[04:37:43] Unrealistic. You got a, you're out of ten.
[04:37:45] If I can't play a realistic fucking Dungeons & Dragons
[04:37:47] game dude, what am I gonna do?
[04:37:51] Not real enough.
[04:38:04] ... I definitely will probably have more fun like the more classes I try, right? It's like I'll probably go more fun, like the more classes I try right?
[04:38:06] It's like I'll probably go,
[04:38:07] come on my friend.
[04:38:08] Like I think that I will like playing Ranger
[04:38:12] but also like playing some other classes
[04:38:14] to kind of balance it out a, you know what I'm saying?
[04:38:16] So I don't get bored.
[04:38:18] You know, I really like playing druid.
[04:38:24] I wanna say that I like barbarian but, but Barbarian always seems cool. But just basic.
[04:38:30] Absolutely.
[04:38:33] Fighter is also a little basic. Yeah there are some pretty basic classes. They're not all like super unique.
[04:38:44] Oh shit, um...
[04:38:47] Oh that's kinda uh... is this something special?
[04:38:49] Uh, I usually just kinda run from this.
[04:38:57] It's like I'm fighting zombies in DayZ.
[04:39:04] Look at that arrow right in the fucking forehead there, see that?
[04:39:08] You freaking doofus. What you get?
[04:39:11] I'm gonna put a campfire down here on the corner of this thing.
[04:39:19] Oh, crystal sword! That's kinda sweet looking.
[04:39:20] I am kinda...
[04:39:22] Yo guys you're good sir! Good Sir!
[04:39:24] Yeah I'm hearing sounds back and up. Back and up.
[04:39:27] Fuck that, I hit one once.
[04:39:30] He's coming up.
[04:39:34] I'm leaving a trap right here.
[04:39:38] No, Matt they're on the domex!
[04:39:45] I'm putting, they're on the dumbass. Yeah you have a skeleton behind ya!
[04:39:47] Alright, three skeletons-
[04:39:51] Ohhhh I'm getting fucking annihilated!
[04:39:53] It's killing me, bro!
[04:39:55] The crossbow man just shit on
[04:39:57] me while I'm killing this cleric.
[04:39:59] Bro, I was fucking
[04:40:01] annihilating this.
[04:40:03] That's probably, no 100% that's my bad bro
[04:40:05] I was thinking like I had time to do stupid shit there and I didn't
[04:40:07] I'm just getting ready immediately
[04:40:17] Yeah I started hearing weird sounds behind me. And I was like it doesn't sound exactly like PvE.
[04:40:20] Maybe it is.
[04:40:21] No, it's not.
[04:40:23] The trap was not a smart play. I thinking like oh i can get a trap on this fucking
[04:40:27] and i'm seeing this guy's fucking feet right in front of my face
[04:40:32] i don't think i'm gonna be a trapping type of guy
[04:40:34] if you want to be a trapping type of guy, I'm going to be honest with you.
[04:40:35] If you want to be able to trap that fast, there is a perk
[04:40:38] to make you trap really fast.
[04:40:41] Yeah, maybe. We'll see.
[04:40:44] Listen, this will give be the play right here
[04:40:45] all pvp
[04:40:47] we just go hunt
[04:40:48] motherfuckers down
[04:40:48] right now
[04:40:49] okay
[04:40:50] obviously with clear pve
[04:40:52] let's not loot boxes
[04:40:53] let's just go find people
[04:40:54] to murder
[04:40:54] okay Go find people to murder. Okay.
[04:41:02] I think your perks are jacked right now.
[04:41:04] Listen, dude, the only thing that's jacked is... My biceps.
[04:41:06] Yep.
[04:41:19] What do you want, you dumb piece of shit?
[04:41:25] What's the best way to dodge this guy?
[04:41:28] Just hit him a couple times and backpedal. Okay gotcha.
[04:41:29] You don't have to literally backpedal because you're out of his range.
[04:41:31] I wanted to try circling. Circling wasn't the play.
[04:41:33] You can straight to shit but like they track for a certain amount of time. It's not as bad as Dungeonborn.
[04:41:39] Obviously you didn't make it in Adventure 1. It's not as bad as Dungeonborn. Dungeonborn can't dodge or anything.
[04:41:42] Loser game, dude.
[04:41:47] DungeonBorn... I'm just kidding!
[04:41:48] I'm actually gonna try it, chat.
[04:41:50] But, you know apparently the consensus is...
[04:41:56] It's not bad
[04:41:58] Everybody's different maybe I like it
[04:42:01] I'm not hating what I'm doing right now. It's okay in its own way.
[04:42:05] It's got its own problems with
[04:42:09] That was that shit dude....resistance oh what the fuck is making all these noises.
[04:42:25] Goblins, so when they do that little strange phantom thing
[04:42:29] they throw, they like pull more fucking goblins to them.
[04:42:33] Sometimes they'll just start coming around town
[04:42:35] down the stairs actually
[04:42:39] What?
[04:42:41] They're gonna keep looking my ass What?
[04:42:52] Loser. Oh, fuck! loser oh shit
[04:43:03] Oh fuck oh I guess we're supposed to be going for PvP.
[04:43:24] Where are we?
[04:43:25] What is this thing? Yo, I think I need this thing.
[04:43:29] Mining... You have no assistive skills and blahblahblah
[04:43:32] Oh, you need a mining pick?
[04:43:36] Yeah. I had one mine. Epic X I mean. Uh... Yeah!
[04:43:37] Think I had one, I think I found one last time.
[04:43:38] I see this request I remember.
[04:43:40] Where are you?
[04:43:41] Are you up top or north?
[04:43:42] Top or north?
[04:43:43] Are you just gonna go up these stairs?
[04:43:44] There's stairs and two sides.
[04:43:46] Ball player is on me me they just shut the door
[04:43:48] in my face they're fine you're fine they check it
[04:43:50] out of my face i don't think they want to smoke
[04:43:52] i'm not sure again smoke you gonna get this milk pussy
[04:43:56] come fight me i'm all by myself oh it's a warlock now
[04:44:02] big bridge come back to me come back to me come back to me i'm gonna set the trap
[04:44:04] back here okay he's so quick so quick he's a fast ass bullet.
[04:44:08] Oh I saw him, all the way down.
[04:44:11] You're fine, you're fine, I'm just fighting him.
[04:44:14] He runned, he ranned.
[04:44:17] No! The Hydra! I fucked up, I fucked up. He's lippin'.
[04:44:19] No the hydra!
[04:44:21] Yeah Warlocks is so fucking son of a-
[04:44:22] Why can't I figure out my traps right here?
[04:44:25] We could put traps back there and see if they'll walk in it.
[04:44:29] You guys are playing the same thing.
[04:44:31] We put a trap right here, up against this rock
[04:44:33] just be careful okay? I'm gonna leave room on
[04:44:35] the right side of it.
[04:44:44] Ehhhhh... He's right to the right.
[04:44:51] He's drinking something.
[04:44:54] I'll be fine, I'm moving through.
[04:44:57] See it on the right there? No no no!
[04:45:00] God damnit! Can I just run in? Okay. brother ah god damn it I'm gonna do that again.
[04:45:15] Oh, man they're just shooting at everyone once
[04:45:19] Warlock has close range
[04:45:21] mostly Headshot him on the Warlock has close range, mostly.
[04:45:24] Mostly.
[04:45:26] Headshot on one he's hurting.
[04:45:31] He healed that wall in the hill?
[04:45:36] I'm down, I got two crazy, I think. Damn it!
[04:45:41] You ain't catching me bitch!
[04:45:45] See you later.
[04:45:49] He zapped out and he's slanking you.
[04:45:51] What? They're both dead?
[04:45:53] Oh they're both dead. Motherfuckers man!
[04:45:56] Slapped them!
[04:46:00] Give me your soul, give me your soul!
[04:46:02] This is mine!
[04:46:06] Woohoo! Woo!
[04:46:16] Someone said that fucking wizard is trash. Has that been the difference?
[04:46:20] Suck an ice bolt!
[04:46:23] Come over here... pick up these motherfucking seals
[04:46:28] We're going to camp it.
[04:46:41] Well, we just had heals for days actually. Yeah that's a common thing people really love doing that since it's so free as fuck nowadays.
[04:46:49] Where is my guy? Your body is right on top of him, right here.
[04:46:53] Now your body is in a different spot than mine.
[04:46:57] Oh! Let's see what we have.
[04:47:03] Oh, I can't fire down.
[04:47:07] Ooh! That was spicy! I was taking arrows and bolts all over my fucking shit.
[04:47:10] I pulled this crossbow hit me at a half hp in the first shot.
[04:47:14] You searched him? Okay. cycling in
[04:47:28] it surgeon surge kit. Surge kit. The A's shooting up.
[04:47:38] So just give me the fucking IV here.
[04:47:43] Fighter with a bow yeah maybe dude that sounds cool
[04:47:46] maybe i'll try fighter after this for a little bit the fiber's cool
[04:47:50] it's a solid glass they have spring they they have like that little swirly green blue shit he has around him the whole time?
[04:47:56] That's like a gradual heal for half his health
[04:48:01] So he popped that so he'd be healing during the fight.
[04:48:04] Yeah, it was a dope little battle brother. Good shit nice clutch let's go find someone else.
[04:48:10] Where is our portal at? Maybe we camp in portal.
[04:48:15] Right to our left I think those are our portals. was a portal and it would be important retro left-handed business
[04:48:17] is not
[04:48:18] uh... i don't know if this is an offensive or although it'll be
[04:48:23] that's on rope.
[04:48:29] You son of a bitch!
[04:48:31] I just got that back! Poisoned, bruh. I'm poisoned bro.
[04:48:38] Yeah dude they're poison blades.
[04:48:51] This kit is for super urgent situations and you had time to sit. Yeah, you know what dude? I had time to think about using this search kit.
[04:48:54] And I was like, you know what? I am.
[04:49:10] It'd be nice if I dragged it over, if they literally replaced it and I don't have to drag it out of my inventory after that.
[04:49:12] I don't like when you drag it over and it puts it in your inventory. I need to decide to switch to my melee a lot quicker too.
[04:49:29] Way too late on it.
[04:49:33] There's the bola thrower!
[04:49:36] Throwing a bola!
[04:49:40] Bolas! I want a bowler. Bowlers!
[04:49:44] Biokinical warthogs
[04:49:51] Get my ass back set, only one to hit you with. Goblin here on my side.
[04:49:55] Keeeh...Kiting should be an airborne priority.
[04:49:59] This is one of the group that lives in this room.
[04:50:02] The goon procs are...
[04:50:05] ... on the left.
[04:50:15] I'm gonna try to are made out of wood, Most doo-doo chest of the machine, alright.
[04:50:26] Oh here's another one.
[04:50:28] So this lift in the middle comes down and goes up periodically.
[04:50:32] It's probably going to come down once or twice. in the middle comes down and goes up periodically.
[04:50:35] It's probably gonna come down once or twice more this way.
[04:50:43] I'm
[04:50:50] making a new room
[04:50:59] There's centipedes downstairs Viking short bow what's up with that nothing it's like a barbarian sort fighter and my name take it put it in Fighter ammo main then.
[04:51:04] Take it, put in your search stash and put on your Friday.
[04:51:10] This door is an open so someone spawned around this room.
[04:51:13] Probably went out this room. This dude ran forward and hit an arrow right in the face, yo.
[04:51:38] That's how zombies in DayZ should act! Right there running forward!
[04:51:46] They're blinders that's what they should be doing.
[04:51:52] Oh he's already dead.
[04:51:55] Yeah sometimes they like dramatic long death Oh, it's going up right now.
[04:52:14] It already came down we didn't know.
[04:52:17] What does that mean? Uh, we'll wait for that to come back and then find other ways out. uh Alright, you got me.
[04:52:44] What do I want to do?
[04:52:46] Push the sleepers in there.
[04:53:05] Oh, I don't want to talk about it.
[04:53:07] I don't want to talk about it.
[04:53:10] Goblineers, them gobbineers though.
[04:53:12] Is it worth it to swap like a
[04:53:13] like a gray arming for a green rapier what do you guys think of that
[04:53:18] doesn't really have like stats on it from me though right
[04:53:22] yeah it is you think? You think they're pretty good?
[04:53:28] Okay that's just like a stab.
[04:53:32] I'm not... that's just like a stab and then that
[04:53:35] I think we might be
[04:53:39] two minutes, i'm hoping it comes down
[04:53:43] let's go for the forehead Cool, cool, cool. So it's a forehead?
[04:53:46] Magical power...
[04:53:47] I got adventure boots here.
[04:53:48] Magical Power, Dexterity III.
[04:53:51] Buff.
[04:53:52] Err sorry leather.
[04:53:55] I'm glad to wear that.
[04:54:08] Fuck you! fuck you rospo
[04:54:10] a full bar
[04:54:12] do you want that
[04:54:13] no I'm good
[04:54:14] I use
[04:54:15] sometimes uh I use Armored Mechanical Hitches sometimes.
[04:54:17] There's more... there's portals in here.
[04:54:21] Just a little bit more sure if I'm right or not.
[04:54:25] Okay, okay! Oh, it's all right guy fucking me up man. BLEAH! BLEAAH!
[04:54:50] You keep saying bleeah! BLEAHH!
[04:54:52] Keep saying it's y'all that end the road.
[04:54:55] Watching Goblin, dude.
[04:54:58] Scariest time in a good buff. goblin
[04:54:59] scariest time
[04:55:04] taking bots
[04:55:05] from the ceiling
[04:55:09] it's one Okay, so we're looking for a piece of ice.
[04:55:22] There's one behind you, careful.
[04:55:25] A real one?
[04:55:27] Oh no, I got him again. I'm gonna drop in the corner.
[04:55:40] Let's get outta here, brother! I'll go through this one. Yeah, you just got a fucking Gabi on ya,
[04:55:43] you know?
[04:55:47] Ugh!
[04:55:51] Not the greatest run chat, but whatever.
[04:55:53] I did get some blue light gauntlets.
[04:56:01] Oh yeah.
[04:56:06] Hell yeah!
[04:56:07] I think I can like this game, I think I can do it.
[04:56:11] It might be difficult, it might take all my fucking strength,
[04:56:15] but I think I might be able to get there.
[04:56:18] It's not the worst.
[04:56:21] We'll see if you feel the same way when we get dunked on by certain cops.
[04:56:27] I mean, I expect to get dunked on, don't get me wrong.
[04:56:29] I don't think I'm gonna be good at this game but it's pretty fun
[04:56:31] when you can win a fight here and there.
[04:56:33] Yeah yeah that's pretty cool right? And we're like not really front line at all
[04:56:36] we're both just like i mean if i'm gonna be over i'm going to be over a little bit you want to
[04:56:42] yeah i mean how much are you over i'm only 45 at the moment. I could go more than that.
[04:56:46] I'm only like 48.
[04:56:47] I can go higher, yeah.
[04:56:48] Should we go higher though
[04:56:49] at this point
[04:56:50] or should we just wait
[04:56:51] for a better run than that
[04:56:52] because that run was really shit
[04:56:53] year one.
[04:56:54] You know what I'm saying?
[04:56:56] I think... It's up to you. You can try if you want
[04:56:59] I think we just re reset here i'm just going to drop the rapier off
[04:57:03] I think and then just go down 18 hit the uh
[04:57:08] Shit and then just go down to 18 hit the uh
[04:57:19] didn't give me my arrows though i didn't all arrows it didn't give him my traps either i'm so confused how this works okay because that goes there that's why it's so weird yeah they can't fire out of the
[04:57:24] and then hit the thing here i don't think you get more arrows though
[04:57:28] i'm not sure how they're gonna oh they know if they don't hit you get more arrows though, I'm not sure how that goes.
[04:57:28] Oh they don't fucking hit you with free arrows?
[04:57:30] I don't think so.
[04:57:32] Fuckin' fuckin' good.
[04:57:35] Just gotta jack all the other rangers.
[04:58:01] Oh shit! jack all the other rangers You can sell your whole starter kit. Oh, really? So that's just like the way to keep up, huh? That's kinda... a little shady man.
[04:58:05] Yeah people who are bringing out all those potions you can just move your potion
[04:58:07] equip base gear
[04:58:09] Oh so you have infinite potions So equip base gear. Oh so you just have infinite potions?
[04:58:11] So people just come in with like
[04:58:12] 39 great fucking potions
[04:58:16] Toss your bow or redo squire
[04:58:18] no no listen I might go
[04:58:19] like a bow
[04:58:21] slash melee fighter soon here.
[04:58:26] What do I need for...
[04:58:28] So fighters, you need a certain perk that allows you to equip literally any weapon in the game.
[04:58:33] But once you have that, you can equip literally any weapon
[04:58:35] in the game! Gotcha. People are
[04:58:37] telling me I need to change my perks up. Nimble Hands,
[04:58:39] Quick Reload, those are both good.
[04:58:42] Spear proficiency,
[04:58:44] I think I'm dropping spear until I'm more
[04:58:46] consistently using them. Actually dude,
[04:58:48] I should more consistently use them. I should just use my
[04:58:50] money on some spears. Let me take a look.
[04:58:51] Spear's like super nice for PvE, dude.
[04:58:54] The distance you can keep and the damage that you're dealing.
[04:58:56] And it's just, like, straight pokes.
[04:58:59] It's, like, two straight pokes and then a slash attack.
[04:59:01] So, like, two of them are just like, hey, I'm going to poke you in your eyeball twice
[04:59:04] in a fucking row.
[04:59:04] And it's just like...
[04:59:05] It's stupid good for PvE
[04:59:07] You can just mop rooms up
[04:59:10] I wonder if I should get some uh-
[04:59:14] My bitch ass has to walk around
[04:59:16] and stick him with the fucking dagger.
[04:59:18] Is it worth it to get like a great rake or something
[04:59:20] like that? Maybe to get used to poking rather than
[04:59:22] swinging? I don't know because I can't get a spear
[04:59:24] and I'll wait for a spear. Oh spear I gotta, I gotta wait for a sphere
[04:59:26] I'm gonna change my my perk for now until I find until I get one
[04:59:30] Okay
[04:59:35] What what do you think's the next best one? Chase, maybe?
[04:59:41] Oh go to the marketplace. They're cheap. Okay hold on.
[04:59:45] Like a green one? Yeah. Stuff like that, yeah you'll find really cheap weapons I feel like on the marketplace.
[04:59:51] Weapons are the cheapest things in the game.
[04:59:55] Kind of strange enough... until you get to the really crazy shit I'm sure.
[05:00:00] Hmm...
[05:00:03] Hold on. How do I?
[05:00:05] Like this game's gear gets so much more insane than you know man.
[05:00:12] Can I just type in spear it's nuts no
[05:00:20] okay church this is just the shitty ones right here.
[05:00:22] 50, 54 gold? So it's 54 gold for the cheapest ones?
[05:00:25] That's fair.
[05:00:29] Wait a second. Built by rarity. Give me that one sec.
[05:00:31] Built by rarity.
[05:00:39] Yeah, these are gray.
[05:00:41] These are shit here.
[05:00:42] 54 gold.
[05:00:49] Uncommon search.
[05:00:52] 77. No, I don't want to get green chat!
[05:00:54] We want grey so that we can keep
[05:00:56] going into the place right?
[05:00:58] If you wanted to get just like uh
[05:01:00] Grey ones you could always check the weaponsmith too. yeah it's not up on them right now though oh I'm gonna go ahead and do that. Dude, I just bought them all up bro.
[05:01:26] I don't even think it's worth it dude but i'm gonna buy one
[05:01:30] I don't think its worth 60
[05:01:32] I don't think its worth worth 60, you know. Yeah that's a lot bro.
[05:01:35] I've seen blue weapons for like fuckin' 60 to 80 before.
[05:01:39] I think someone fuckin',
[05:01:41] someone just got a nice little killing on me right there bro.
[05:01:45] Might have. just got a nice little killing on me right there bruh
[05:01:56] alright let's run it.
[05:02:04] 20. Gooch. Porches? Oh I need porches. Okay, we don all good. We don't need that shit.
[05:02:06] No, you'll be fine.
[05:02:07] I don't need light!
[05:02:13] I definitely want to get used to the spear.
[05:02:15] Like if someone gets close,
[05:02:16] I just wanna pull this out and be like If someone gets close, I just want to be able to pull this out
[05:02:17] and say, what's up bitch? Back up dog, back up
[05:02:19] Back up dog
[05:02:25] Gonna bust a fucking ear on him.
[05:02:28] I've done that to a ranger before, they shoot you in the face and it's like...
[05:02:31] In Mortal Online 2 when I see them start a swing and go like this
[05:02:34] Oh yeah bro, that's that more house shit
[05:02:41] remember that kind of shit back in the fucking jedi knight academy HWUH!
[05:02:55] Jedi Academy was a really fun and swingy type of game.
[05:02:57] It really is, There's apparently a way
[05:03:00] better, more competitive version
[05:03:02] that I never played.
[05:03:08] Honestly,
[05:03:09] I played Armored Core the other day
[05:03:11] and some dude
[05:03:13] whooped my ass like 10 games in a row
[05:03:16] and I was just like, yeah, I can't do it.
[05:03:19] This dude's like
[05:03:19] the highest rank
[05:03:20] like stupid crazy
[05:03:21] fuck
[05:03:22] whoop my fucking ass
[05:03:24] I might give it a gander
[05:03:26] eventually bro
[05:03:26] be honest with you
[05:03:27] I'd give it a gander.
[05:03:36] I was about to say, the three didn't look like it did a lot of damage. I thought I missed a headshot.
[05:03:46] Wait, Sel the loot and you're collecting dungeons to the right trader so you build up your coffers?
[05:03:47] Not that lucky thing though.
[05:03:48] Holy man, he's...
[05:03:49] I'm gonna go buy these things.
[05:03:50] I'll just take them all.
[05:03:51] I don't have any money left.
[05:03:52] I can do it. I got a lot of smoke.
[05:03:54] Real money is strong to put on the market place.
[05:04:02] This guy woke up and wants to smoke.
[05:04:10] Oh, man! I got a fucking lunge in my hands.
[05:04:16] It's brutal.
[05:04:17] I remember fighting him and I think I had to like sidestep that before.
[05:04:26] Are you about the double shot on the first attack?
[05:04:29] Come on!
[05:04:32] No warm up, straight into a double shot. no warm-up
[05:04:41] he's going to fire Fucking Jafar. Get that asshole.
[05:04:49] Get my homie Aladdin and beat his ass.
[05:04:52] That little bitch fucking flying thing, bro.
[05:04:55] I know.
[05:04:58] I can't tell you how many shots I'm missing right now. Arrow in my fucking face!
[05:05:00] Wasn't me, the bird shot it back at him.
[05:05:02] Yeah, I'm pretty sure it bounced off of a zombie skull.
[05:05:06] You son of a bitch!
[05:05:11] That's a bird.
[05:05:12] Still getting heat gunned.
[05:05:17] Go walk to that car, it's behind you.
[05:05:20] There's a fucking hidden fart.
[05:05:28] You guys model cars, good job dude. I'm gonna try to model that as we go.
[05:05:35] Even the fart activates the spike trap, bro. mother of you told me about that didn't him and I just said Mother of fuck!
[05:06:00] You told me about that, didn't you? And I just didn't listen.
[05:06:03] You were right behind me and I thought you would see it because I had my torch down.
[05:06:06] Oh, so dumb. So dumb.
[05:06:09] That's a lot. That's a lot. I'm done. That should be done. Go loud, go loud.
[05:06:12] I've done that so many times.
[05:06:14] Like someone will get hit by a fucking head spike
[05:06:18] and then we'll all just walk right through them.
[05:06:22] How did you get by this?
[05:06:23] Did you jump over a corner?
[05:06:24] No.
[05:06:26] Wonder that.
[05:06:28] Just crouch it.
[05:06:31] You like to jump over with the crouch? Or the flute.
[05:06:33] Yeah, I jump crouch just for safety.
[05:06:38] That's a great tip.
[05:06:44] Yeah, what's up with me? oh
[05:06:54] yours yeah i'm gonna leave this on them i mean dexterity is still good for you
[05:06:58] um there's a blue fighter helmet here in this chest
[05:07:02] uh for money sure i mean Yeah are you putting your share tab through fire?
[05:07:05] Whatever.
[05:07:09] This blue flute will give me
[05:07:13] quest completion. Oh yeah hell yeah blue weapon
[05:07:16] oh the flute's not going to count as a
[05:07:18] weapon probably because it's technically in your utility slots
[05:07:23] oh okay yeah unfortunately I think it won't.
[05:07:29] Well it doesn't count, okay.
[05:07:30] Well money's money.
[05:07:31] Money is money.
[05:07:33] I'm trying to be greedy with my fucking heels right now.
[05:07:35] Find his mummy friend!
[05:07:38] The elevator?
[05:07:40] Uuuhhhhhhhh
[05:07:42] That's the elevator?
[05:07:43] Okay.
[05:07:46] Oh come on, did I stab you like 8 times?
[05:07:50] Motherfucker.
[05:07:52] Oh hell no, oh hell no.
[05:07:54] This is not the place you want to PvP in.
[05:07:56] Nah, nah. I mean I would as a druid.
[05:07:59] Just bear for them up and smack people in the spice.
[05:08:02] Okay we're not going back.
[05:08:04] We ain't going back.
[05:08:06] Yeah fuck all that bro.
[05:08:08] Well done did that already. yeah all that but i don't gotta get that up Oh!
[05:08:21] That's my whole side.
[05:08:31] They don't have all that, Gibbs!
[05:08:35] Rugged boots...
[05:08:39] Oh I got another set of rugged boots! Max health bonus on it.
[05:08:43] Bigger on it... If you want those, I don't know if you have boots yet.
[05:08:46] That's alright. I've got boots.
[05:08:49] BOOM BOOOM Mother of f-
[05:09:00] I'm always sketchy. If if theres a dark spot on the floor
[05:09:04] or just by default its sketchy as fuck actually
[05:09:06] me not bringing my torch is horrible right now
[05:09:09] I hug this fuck out of walls to find that, but there's nothing around.
[05:09:14] Smart, smart.
[05:09:16] It's PTSD though really.
[05:09:18] Yeah, definitely smart. Do you want Shadow Mask, Magic Damage Bonus Strength and Dex?
[05:09:30] Holy shit bro what the fuck that's kind of insane.
[05:09:37] What's up? I was in that same item.
[05:09:48] Now we're out there. Where are all the motherfuckers at? Bouncing boots aren't bad either.
[05:09:50] Agi Dexterity Boots, two agi p dex for debuffing. Sight. Which one's the best out of those?
[05:09:59] Ask me this one, turn shoe.
[05:10:02] Damage wise I see it in either way. Ask me this one, turn shoe.
[05:10:07] Damage wise it's gonna be the most...
[05:10:09] Ah dude there is a spike on the ground here. See what I mean?
[05:10:11] There is no spike on the ground here!
[05:10:13] Tell me that you wouldn't expect it to be right there.
[05:10:15] Can I go to the right wall?
[05:10:17] No, there isn't any on here.
[05:10:18] PTSD makes me feel like there is
[05:10:20] because they put them on the ground
[05:10:21] like this.
[05:10:26] Oh yeah,
[05:10:26] I got a light.
[05:10:27] Oh, I can't.
[05:10:27] I have a spear.
[05:10:28] Uh-huh.
[05:10:29] All right.
[05:10:30] Still going to pick it up.
[05:10:34] Way in terms of stats.
[05:10:35] Kind of cool.
[05:10:35] Okay, there's a Wraith here.
[05:10:36] Did you just drink pot?
[05:10:38] No, I pulled one out. Okay, there is a Wraith here. Did you just drink pot? No I pulled one out.
[05:10:40] Oh okay.
[05:10:42] Advantage found an raid nice.
[05:10:48] This is the raid room... this is portal room.
[05:10:52] I usually run into people in here too. Hello? I'm skipping.
[05:11:04] What the...
[05:11:08] Oh my gosh! That guy's an asshole!
[05:11:13] There's your damage.
[05:11:17] Two-handed sword blades.
[05:11:20] I'm gonna go in there. Two-handed sword boys.
[05:11:25] Uh huh, somebody was there.
[05:11:32] I'm gonna check inside. Yeah, I see one. I see two.
[05:11:36] There it is? Yeah, I shot one. Really? Oh yeah!
[05:11:40] I see them.
[05:11:43] Gotta get this gun to be out for me.
[05:11:51] One's hurt bad.
[05:11:53] One's dead. No he's not.
[05:11:57] Ow my fucking skull I have no health
[05:12:01] Yeah dude! I didn't get the bright. Bro tell me about it.
[05:12:04] They're sick arming me.
[05:12:06] Guys we are trying to PD here.
[05:12:08] Tell me about it!
[05:12:18] I'm shooting through this cracker and they still don't know where I am at.
[05:12:20] That's three dudes.
[05:12:22] They don't know where I am at, so...
[05:12:24] That's four dudes! They're fighting! Yo Yo come up here dude
[05:12:25] I'm shooting
[05:12:27] Just come up here
[05:12:29] You have so many more angles
[05:12:33] They are sitting there fighting the the out of each other down
[05:12:35] there
[05:12:38] now they're underneath us see this guy right here
[05:12:43] he's been dodging He's bandaging!
[05:12:51] Alright, he's down.
[05:12:54] They're trying to stay under us...
[05:12:58] ...for poaching and doing nothing
[05:13:04] i think they just went into the starter room come put a trap in front of me good jack drop it Good job. seems like it I'll be making the
[05:13:29] turn, trying to start it. Am I lighting up? Oh you're good!
[05:13:33] He's running out. I want to die now if he has me.
[05:13:37] He's hurt.
[05:13:40] He's pretty hurt
[05:13:44] but losing.
[05:13:48] Stab that motherfucker! Yeah, they're both hurting. How many times do I need to hit a guy?
[05:13:52] They only have to hit me a couple!
[05:13:54] Yes...
[05:13:55] Barbarians and shit for you man. I missed him on my second fucking melee
[05:14:18] I think would have killed him
[05:14:20] uh, I feel ya.
[05:14:24] Barbarians truly have a lot of health too. so Shhh. Cancel, man.
[05:15:03] Yeah, but at what point do you go for headshots
[05:15:05] and what point do you go for consistent damage?
[05:15:07] You know what I'm saying?
[05:15:07] It's like, I'm not sure.
[05:15:11] The guy is rushing me down.
[05:15:12] I'm probably going to go for extended mass shots.
[05:15:19] If it's like the triple shot thing. I'll try to keep that.
[05:15:33] I'll just go for headshots and see if that goes better for me.
[05:15:42] Alright bro, we got it this time!
[05:15:45] I'm just missing headshots and shit and I like kind of fumbling the bag once we get
[05:15:48] into combat i kinda you know you're good fight or flight i'm kind
[05:15:52] of i'm soaring so so There we go. pieces on there We're getting there chat, we're gonna get better and better each run.
[05:16:54] Get better and better each run.
[05:17:04] Cap! Don't you cap. Don't you fucking cap me! here. Great, I'm off him.
[05:17:24] Nice little cell.
[05:17:28] What's behind that door?
[05:17:32] Oh my god! I had no idea. Thank you
[05:17:35] I didn't know that's what she was saying
[05:17:37] I thought she was saying like real spiel or something
[05:17:39] No, no, no
[05:17:41] Well, I'll be down in a bit
[05:17:47] Hey I'll be down in a bit. We got big boys here, we don't want to fight this guy he's insane
[05:17:51] You can do it with aggro
[05:17:56] And this guy doesn't have a shield.
[05:18:00] Yeah, he like lunges...
[05:18:03] I don't know what he's doing right now but this guys bugged out. He stuck on the goblin.
[05:18:07] I'm gonna walk left?
[05:18:15] This goblin will stop fucking hitting me.
[05:18:25] Problem is I got this other dude on me shooting at us. We're gonna back off over here
[05:18:33] Terrible threat
[05:18:37] Goddamn helpless I have a goddamn health boost.
[05:18:40] Oh, my game just crashed.
[05:18:42] Why?
[05:18:43] What?!
[05:18:45] What your game crashed and this guy stopped moving.
[05:18:53] Dude, what the fuck?
[05:18:55] Our game has crashed. This game crashes from here.
[05:19:00] Look at this, bro! I've never seen that.
[05:19:02] Well, I mean...I guess there's not a lot of the meat to see yet but
[05:19:06] That's kinda crazy.
[05:19:08] It gets completely stuck now that you're frozen. I'm sorry. Got him with pure skill and talent.
[05:19:48] Taking his giant toe.
[05:19:50] I think you're dying or something.
[05:19:53] There's a team here.
[05:19:58] Am I dead?
[05:20:00] Can you reconnect?
[05:20:03] Oh, you can? Okay, I'm trying to right now.
[05:20:04] Oh, you can?
[05:20:05] Okay, I'm gonna try and survive you then.
[05:20:07] Survive you.
[05:20:08] Save you.
[05:20:10] I don't know why I blue screened all of a sudden.
[05:20:12] Just decided that today was the day.
[05:20:14] Wait did I headshot this dude and he died
[05:20:17] wait you must have been low i'm pretty sure i just had shot the fuck out of
[05:20:21] this dude
[05:20:24] oh yeah I didn't see it. Oh yeah.
[05:20:32] Is he the cleric?
[05:20:33] Looks like the harkey killed him.
[05:20:37] Or last hit him at least. Oh Oh, is that what happened out there? The kill feed says. I don't know.
[05:20:40] I am here and this is me dying.
[05:20:48] I don't know actually. His name is...
[05:20:50] I don't have a kill feed anymore.
[05:20:54] Icebolt Archer killed Rogue,
[05:20:56] Mummy killed Ranger, Yeti killed Warlock, Yeti killed Fighter, Ice Harpy killed Cleric.
[05:21:00] That's the last one of Clerics?
[05:21:02] Dude nobody is dying in PvP they're all down in PvE!
[05:21:07] I definitely cracked that dude with a shot though.
[05:21:13] Oh, this is who I saw!
[05:21:16] Ah, god damn it. I just fell.
[05:21:19] Is there a fire?
[05:21:20] Yeah, he's on me.
[05:21:24] I think he fell or something.
[05:21:25] Oh, no, he's on me. He's on me.
[05:21:26] I'm dead here.
[05:21:27] No, no, no, no, no. It's so far. oh Oh, he went for the front. I see a goblin I'll try, I'll try.
[05:22:03] I see a goblin streaking somewhere over here. He's up there.
[05:22:07] This is definitely clear.
[05:22:09] Oh my god There's like 39 PBE pins
[05:22:13] I'm gonna shut the door on him with all his pbe
[05:22:15] No! The door won't shut anymore!
[05:22:19] Well fuck that guy Hopefully he just eats shit.
[05:22:29] I'm okay right now.
[05:22:30] Okay!
[05:22:31] Oh my god this fucking guy at this Fuck. I'm gonna come towards you, and get the fuck out of this room.
[05:23:05] Open that door next to you.
[05:23:09] Let's go through and close that shit behind us. 5000 things within 3 meandering.
[05:24:29] Oh, come on. break Okay, okay. okay okay we're in this still i'm alive Oh, the other curve bug. so Trapping our fallback here. Don't go back that way.
[05:24:38] Did you end up killing the guy who was fucking me up or what?
[05:24:42] No, I didn't see the fucking I didn't get to see the guy but it's on they got back to you then
[05:24:45] the heartbeat and like multiple like red goblins chasing me and then a fighter in
[05:24:49] another room looking at me.
[05:24:51] I like the first case of that.
[05:24:53] I was running around a lot.
[05:24:55] There's a lot of people, dude you got big left.
[05:24:58] Can't get to fucking break this thing.
[05:25:00] Do we fight this?
[05:25:08] I can if i get to achieve star form
[05:25:16] I'm on you I have an idea.
[05:25:26] He's on the other side of that building. What do you want to do with him?
[05:25:29] Uhh, we only have four minutes.
[05:25:32] We should probably head north-ish maybe start...
[05:25:35] Oh there is a boat northeast trying to lead us out. in four minutes I had northish maybe sir others about North or the strong just leave
[05:25:39] yeah
[05:25:42] down get down right there so I don't know what you're doing. Okay.
[05:26:19] We kind of just chill around here until the ref shows up,
[05:26:23] and he's approaching in a little different way like that. I'm in the middle of this room.
[05:26:31] I'll trap him in this door right here. There's some stairs below us.
[05:26:40] I'm sure there should be a raffle bar. The rafts should come up one more time
[05:26:45] at least. No night vision in this bitch, bro.
[05:26:57] Oh man!
[05:26:59] That shit annoyed
[05:27:00] me, bro. Annoyed me enough that I was like, yeah,
[05:27:02] I'm good.
[05:27:06] I don't
[05:27:06] really have a good amount of stuff, but I have stuff.
[05:27:13] Here comes the wrap. stuff that's your friends wrap and this fish we can both take it good it whatever
[05:27:21] if it fits
[05:27:23] good chips
[05:27:25] I bet you all the way around
[05:27:27] uh, i just like getting
[05:27:29] out of it cause the thing on the grass is just kind of ruined.
[05:27:34] You know you're just kinda easy to shoot at for people.
[05:27:37] If someone shows up and they try to shoot at you...
[05:27:39] We just hop on it? Is that right?
[05:27:41] Yeah, you just hop onto it.
[05:27:49] Alright, that's cool.
[05:27:52] Going up the fire city gate Alright, that's cool. Cool devices.
[05:27:54] Going on a Piracy of the Caribbean cruise dude.
[05:27:58] Almost miss it? Not even close.
[05:28:00] Not even fucking close.
[05:28:02] Not even...
[05:28:03] By the way is Naoddy still on Discord?
[05:28:05] I think so.
[05:28:06] I think he's deafened.
[05:28:07] Gotcha.
[05:28:08] I don't know if you wanted to play or not.
[05:28:11] Message him, I guess.
[05:28:14] Oh, it's just going to my way for his goofy ass?
[05:28:18] Do I sell the giant toe?
[05:28:19] I don't even know.
[05:28:21] Is that used or something?
[05:28:23] Um...
[05:28:26] I think I've ever found anything with the giant i there's probably a quest at some point no that just sounded like property Oh. so
[05:28:55] hello good evening summit the one gram i prove Hello? Am I being summoned, what's going on here? Oh.
[05:28:56] What are you saying if you wanna fight bro we've just been sitting around fucking doing
[05:29:00] nothing.
[05:29:01] We're not even talking about the game.
[05:29:02] We're just gonna go ahead and do our thing.
[05:29:03] We're just gonna get this shit done.
[05:29:04] We're just gonna get this shit done.
[05:29:05] We're just gonna get this shit done.
[05:29:06] We're just gonna get this shit done. We're just gonna get this shit done. We've been sitting around doing nothing.
[05:29:08] What the fuck are you doing?
[05:29:10] I was waiting for a few hours.
[05:29:12] You haven't played it, you just been...
[05:29:16] Yeah that's correct. Oh ummm played it you just been yeah play good oh I just been on Daisy bra be honest
[05:29:22] okay you're dead to me
[05:29:28] you don't even like D&D I don't even like D&D. No, no, no, no.
[05:29:28] You don't even like D&D.
[05:29:30] I don't even know why you're on it.
[05:29:32] I don't know either, to be honest.
[05:29:34] You know what?
[05:29:34] Because I'm fucking...
[05:29:36] I'm already better than everybody at it, so that's why.
[05:29:38] Okay, but did I hear that you're coming back to daisy
[05:29:41] on wednesday no night in here who the hell told you that wait really my chat was telling
[05:29:46] me you were coming back on wednesday your champie straight-lined you, brother.
[05:29:51] Real shit? Um...
[05:29:53] Oh, okay. No I'm not coming back to the game.
[05:29:55] Sorry. I'm taking a breather on it.
[05:29:59] Okay that's your mother fucker. Ummm Okay, that... Oh, you're well done.
[05:30:03] Taking a breather, huh? Okay.
[05:30:07] I mean listen, I'm down to play any game.
[05:30:09] Dark and Dark is just not for me, bro.
[05:30:11] I played that shit when it came out
[05:30:13] and
[05:30:13] I don't have
[05:30:14] the patience
[05:30:16] to get good at the game.
[05:30:20] Much of a skill gap
[05:30:21] but I'm not spending that time on that
[05:30:25] it's not that serious so far but pretty chill you're still
[05:30:31] whatever bro You're still bad at the game, correct?
[05:30:35] I mean i've been killing people.
[05:30:37] Okay that's not what i said.
[05:30:41] And you're still bad at the game, correct?
[05:30:44] No I'm killing people though bro. What's up?
[05:30:48] Yeah like killing Poke yesterday?
[05:30:51] That's different.
[05:30:53] Uh huh. Well I've been killing people on DayZ, bitch.
[05:30:56] Also
[05:30:57] realizing that maybe you made the right choice getting off
[05:30:59] this shit because I just shot somebody.
[05:31:00] The gun was in his mouth and he
[05:31:03] didn't die. The bullet didn't even kill him
[05:31:06] yeah you probably shot it like literally through him
[05:31:09] yep and spaghetti code game and then he proceeded to throw 85
[05:31:14] punches within one millisecond and kill me so i mean
[05:31:18] that would be pushed yeah basically gotling punched
[05:31:21] like i got punched with 85 punches in two seconds
[05:31:25] damn bros it's rp or is this daisy
[05:31:28] fucking something is what it is
[05:31:32] all right i am ready to go why did they give me more arrows right there
[05:31:35] that makes sense but these things weren't supposed to
[05:31:37] get more arrows.
[05:31:39] Maybe it filled up the first two slots
[05:31:41] and you had arrows in the first two slots, or
[05:31:43] the first 2 3x1s.
[05:31:45] I don't fucking know. Maybe this time we didn't?
[05:31:48] My...
[05:31:50] gear score is ssss-
[05:31:52] That can't be right. My gear score's seven.
[05:31:54] Seven?! What?!
[05:31:56] We uh, we didn't really find anything.
[05:32:01] We just killed a couple guys and left. Seven though?
[05:32:05] My recurve bow alone
[05:32:07] puts me to fuckin' 52 i'm at seven it's ridiculous like weapons are insane
[05:32:17] nine now what fuck just happened, bro?
[05:32:20] You put your green spear away right? Yeah.
[05:32:24] Wait I should check and see if my weapon split can sell a spear yet.
[05:32:28] No it's not in rotation. Once that gets to rotation sell spirit uh no silent rotation once i catch the rotation i'll probably buy like four or five
[05:32:35] that's what we used to do this is what we used to do as you um
[05:32:38] as you get some quests done and shit like that, I think the Squire gives you more base gear as well.
[05:32:45] So you'll probably be able to unlock a spear.
[05:32:47] I just don't know exactly when, how or whatever that goes.
[05:32:52] Yeah it's not happening yet.
[05:32:55] Doesn't happen yet...
[05:32:58] Eventually that would be nice because the spear is kind of like essential on my character.
[05:33:03] Maybe check out your weaponsmith quests maybe try to smith cool like the five blues obviously hard let me see
[05:33:11] oof yeah his quest sir i just need one more Let me see. Yeah, his quests are...
[05:33:13] I just need one more blue
[05:33:17] item and then I can get a quest out on him?
[05:33:19] Or a blue weapon
[05:33:24] will be 1 Or a blue weapon. We'll be one.
[05:33:26] Gold ingots? Yeah, my nutsack bro.
[05:33:28] I'll try.
[05:33:30] I'll fucking try.
[05:33:32] Uh yeah sure, gold ingots we can...
[05:33:35] You have to hand five blue weapons in on Ranger and you get a spear
[05:33:39] Oh yeah this guy says it's the five blue weapon one so I just need to get a blue weapon right here
[05:33:43] I need a blue weapon.
[05:33:44] I need my founded raid!
[05:33:47] Alright, check sign off.
[05:33:49] Let's just chill in the first room for a sec.
[05:33:51] You're good.
[05:33:52] Go for it.. you so on the table Okay, so you gotta go to the wall.
[05:34:50] You're gonna have to come through this way and I'm going to have if it can be aggroed or bullshit.
[05:35:04] There we go!
[05:35:10] Actually, I just skip these motherfucking hard
[05:35:38] you know the fly up and down it's more frustrating we need to take I'm going to try and head up north from this spot, because we're in a corner. Start heading that way.
[05:35:41] Go to Polito?
[05:35:48] Do you need Oculus Boots, Knowledge 3, Willow 2, Physical Power?
[05:35:51] Physical power.
[05:35:52] Uh... I put the sword in there. to physical power? Uh,
[05:35:54] short.
[05:35:56] In his chest over here.
[05:35:57] I'll just grab it for you.
[05:35:57] Alright.
[05:35:58] Fucking three skeletons
[05:35:58] on my wing.
[05:36:18] Hang on. Okay. Oh, my God. uh... it's I stabbed people.
[05:36:29] Don't hurt me! See, I thought the spear was gonna to stab me and I dodged sidestep that bitch like Luda.
[05:36:39] Hell yeah!
[05:36:40] I was lucky.
[05:36:41] So, that's the thing about this game over Dungeon Mourning is you can sidestep things
[05:36:45] much more consistently.
[05:36:47] Gotcha, gotcha.
[05:36:48] You can dodge things like that more consistently for the smaller mario map game
[05:36:51] and in the other games it tracks a lot better.
[05:36:56] Oh I don't know how to melee in this game, bro.
[05:36:58] I can't hit but not get hit.
[05:37:01] Alright guys, I'll tell ya.
[05:37:03] You have that spear so you just keep them at that bag. It's much more fun for me.
[05:37:08] Some of these guys are spears too?
[05:37:10] I don't have a spear anymore.
[05:37:12] Oh yeah! That's why.
[05:37:16] Yes! You missed, sir.
[05:37:19] Face!
[05:37:21] These death scrolls usually drop
[05:37:23] like a lot... rings and necklaces
[05:37:25] like decently frequently?
[05:37:27] Other times they drop like Oh oh it's not that little you
[05:37:30] straight but that's what i remember about this game
[05:37:34] we don't want to backpedal technically no there's a lot of the marcus strength
[05:37:38] three resourcefulness I'll just rip them.
[05:37:44] I'm good on gloves right now, what'd you get? Strength 1-3 on what? Yeah, like strength 3 gloves.
[05:37:46] I got...I just got strength 3 gloves and physical damage reduction
[05:37:49] I'm ready for a little bit of... I just got strength three gloves and physical damage reduction.
[05:37:50] I'm ready for it.
[05:37:59] Found the right bandage, that's what I need.
[05:38:12] I'm trying to lay down. right now
[05:38:26] damn that's pretty good agility threeility 3? Or agility 2 dexterity 2 magical interaction speed?
[05:38:28] Speed bonus, I think mine is better.
[05:38:32] I got some forest boots here with two agility 2 resource points and plus three move speed. The move speed on it is nice.
[05:38:35] Always nice to have additional move speed
[05:38:37] in this game. It's
[05:38:38] the best.
[05:38:48] Alright. Do you like Pavises? Have you run into a pavis yet?
[05:38:54] I don't know if I've run into one. Have you had a pavis before? Take that pavis.
[05:38:55] What is that?
[05:38:56] Put it in your second, or number two.
[05:38:57] Instead of my weapon?
[05:38:58] Yeah yeah yeah.
[05:38:59] Let me show you how it works.
[05:39:00] Just grab that shit and just go to the other side.
[05:39:01] Oh, there's another one.
[05:39:02] There's another one.
[05:39:03] Oh, there's another one.
[05:39:04] Oh, there's another one. Oh, there's another one. me show you how it works.
[05:39:05] Just grab that shit and then
[05:39:07] You can hold right click and just stand in a fucking
[05:39:09] Doorway and block everything
[05:39:13] Watch go walk in the doorway. Walk in the door right? And then like you could set it to
[05:39:17] Like left click or some shit and you can set it down
[05:39:20] What the...
[05:39:21] Yeah cause we could block shit up a little bit
[05:39:24] That's kinda wild
[05:39:26] Put a trap behind that shit a little bit and stuff that's kind of loud
[05:39:46] it's just wolf room.
[05:39:48] Hmm.
[05:39:56] I'll do my side stepping like that. I'm going to so many hills. um so so Oh, Ch found a weapon. I think that's kind of...
[05:41:18] Drop a WETAX and we're good.
[05:41:24] That chassis is in real mess. We got Raptor in the bus.
[05:41:32] ... I I thought it was actually good. son of a bitch.
[05:42:11] I'm saying the sound with my beetle.
[05:42:39] Son of a bitch. Oh, behind me.
[05:42:44] I turned around and do a big fucking shield.
[05:42:50] That's not coming on. I got someone, man. Leave the world.
[05:42:52] What the fuck?
[05:42:53] Oh, I got something back.
[05:42:55] There's tons of dishes.
[05:42:57] That's funny about it dude.
[05:43:00] You got me too big shit man. Oh my god, wow!
[05:43:02] It takes so long to die!
[05:43:06] Aw don't look at me like that shield man.
[05:43:08] Don't be looking at me like
[05:43:18] look i'm gonna put this camera down right quick
[05:43:21] i just found one. Did I do it? I have a spare, I have three of them Oh did you? Ok, I'll just grab another out of the box
[05:43:23] No, you're fine. I've got 3 on me so
[05:43:25] get 1 outta here and get some health in
[05:43:29] Get my fuckin' ass beat by everything.
[05:43:44] Yeah, I got you Duke. I hate selling my game.
[05:43:46] I've always hated that though, for sure.
[05:43:49] What the fuck?
[05:43:50] Oh, shit!
[05:43:51] Oh, shit!
[05:43:52] Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! What the fuck?
[05:43:53] Holy shit.
[05:44:01] Holy shit dude!
[05:44:04] Fuck that
[05:44:08] Oh! They're behind you!
[05:44:12] What's behind you again! They're coming from the bottom.
[05:44:15] Drop them down on us.
[05:44:17] You can arrow me.
[05:44:23] Bro, fuck you man. oh
[05:44:43] i'm getting smoke! Oh my damn.
[05:44:55] Oh my god!
[05:45:02] Got him.
[05:45:05] One man pounds. I'm putting the scampire down right here.
[05:45:13] 70%.
[05:45:14] He wants his free health.
[05:45:17] He's gonna all lunch himself.
[05:45:52] Oh! oh you almost got me Alright, we got two and a half minutes to get the fork out of here. What the fuck is on the PvP on this one?
[05:45:54] You're asking the wrong guy right now.
[05:46:00] Let's have you get out.
[05:46:02] Pereira vs Anthony Joshua?
[05:46:04] There are supposed to be stairs somewhere around this way.
[05:46:07] Anthony fucking Joshua.
[05:46:09] I'm just gonna for this raft.
[05:46:15] Here's the raft, let's jump on it over there.
[05:46:18] Off to town folks!
[05:46:23] Thank you, Husky. I appreciate it.
[05:46:25] Thank you, Rhino and Cali by the way before that
[05:46:27] I appreciate you guys. Much love dudes.
[05:46:31] Uh... Now it wasn't for a second. I didn't jump and crash. Joshua told him to box? Really?
[05:46:46] That was a question.
[05:46:47] Anthony Joshua versus Pereira.
[05:46:50] I mean, obviously I would give the edge to Anthony Joshua.
[05:46:58] Oh yeah, look at that lobby. Ice Kobold kill. Skeleton Champion kill. Skeleton Champion. Ice Kobold. Frostbolt. Literally everybody got killed by the PvE.
[05:47:03] Okay how about we forget
[05:47:04] about this trash boring game
[05:47:07] let's queue up on some good old
[05:47:09] fortnite smile
[05:47:13] what do i do with these, dude? so I'm going to go ahead and do that. know Got to bring out a blue weapon.
[05:48:02] About to kill the goblin's giant centipede now.
[05:48:09] Okay, interesting.
[05:48:11] Goblin mage isn't a giant centipede?
[05:48:13] Mm-hmm.
[05:48:17] . Oh. We didn't really get a whole lot on that one either, did we?
[05:48:35] I like decent stuff. Nothing crazy though.
[05:48:38] You're not crazy.
[05:48:40] So do you want to go into the 1-124?
[05:48:43] If you want to, we can.
[05:48:45] Let's just do it. You probably get better loot in those ones I would imagine too right?
[05:48:49] Uh...I think so? I you're doing high roller for sure i don't know if you do a normal
[05:48:54] into different brackets but different brackets means players with higher gear stuff
[05:48:59] if we get into this bracket we're going to find people that have up to blues and stuff.
[05:49:04] You don't get better gear?
[05:49:07] Only High Roller's diff...
[05:49:10] How do you get in the high roller then?
[05:49:12] High roller is you have a certain gear score and pay each entry.
[05:49:17] Everybody is ultra-juiced.
[05:49:21] Gotcha. Well, we can't do that obviously I'm at 88 right now, just me see if we can get a wrap-head in for some more health...
[05:49:47] 97
[05:50:00] I think you could be spending hours freezing your ass off in Nemelsk right now to trade with someone camping a2 with NVGs the jeans
[05:50:12] one Oh, Grey Recruiter. Fuck it.
[05:50:21] I definitely could be doing that right now.
[05:50:28] Need to be level 20 and 100 gold to get into High Rollers.
[05:50:31] You could just be in there
[05:50:32] and grubbing fucking people's loot too, right?
[05:50:36] Yeah dude, people go in there with like a bunch of heels stuff
[05:50:39] like that and they'll run through rooms just looking for people to get their yeah I'm ready to do the next tier up.
[05:50:53] I get traps? traps okay we're good i kind of have to go with this
[05:51:19] high roller loot hits diff.
[05:51:21] I don't know if we should do that now.
[05:51:25] So do the players.
[05:51:29] Yeah.
[05:51:36] Weaponsmith quest gets three spears for life.
[05:51:41] Yeah, I'm trying to- I have to get one more blue weapon out.
[05:51:45] Burn some extra heals in on this...
[05:51:49] If you want gold, tell me and I can trade you a huge amount. I'm good with it, I appreciate you
[05:52:17] And I went did a teeth cleaning today and my fucking I'm grabbing things a little bit next. Yeesh! Hmm. Interesting. Let's just get some...
[05:52:25] We'll just treat this as, like, experience.
[05:52:27] You know?
[05:52:27] Getting experience in the PvP-age
[05:52:29] every once in a while.
[05:52:35] Oh yeah, did that unlock your starter gear? It's not too bad, Amber. I'm not really sure yet.
[05:52:36] Wait we're in here?
[05:52:37] Are we supposed to spawn in here?
[05:52:38] Yeah you should spawn in there.
[05:52:39] Oh yeah.
[05:52:40] We can't do this without the It's kind of a weird... are we supposed to spawn in here?
[05:52:47] Yeah, let's just spawn in here.
[05:52:49] You're crazy! This is like the final room isn't it?
[05:52:53] The final camp- ohhh lets-
[05:52:55] Back out this way. Ow. uh... let's
[05:53:02] it oh man so I think we can get the other thing as well.
[05:53:32] Big giants here again.
[05:53:37] Oh good lord!
[05:53:41] You gotta leave?
[05:53:43] Took the long way
[05:53:44] around or something.
[05:53:49] Is there a way out over there?
[05:53:51] There's the door, dude. Piece of shit.
[05:53:59] He's still alive!
[05:54:00] He didn't even bother to see us.
[05:54:03] Oh no, he's...
[05:54:05] ...ready to run and swing attack?
[05:54:07] He fucking broke my door.
[05:54:09] Got a shot right here. fucking broke
[05:54:17] the I'm going to have to do this thing. I think they're just here.
[05:54:33] They already died man.
[05:54:41] Oh, that was one of these guys. Hey look, it's the big guy.
[05:55:02] Should we fight him?
[05:55:04] Cheese him I guess so.
[05:55:06] It's a little rough though, it's just kinda hard to hit from here.
[05:55:10] You wanna waste all your arrows?
[05:55:12] I shouldn't okay.
[05:55:14] Yep that's okay. Okay. I shouldn't have There's the door.
[05:55:32] I'm gonna press that button. Damn man, that's fucking throwing hits right there. another one Keep those in here. This room is dead.
[05:56:17] Did you have to go down the stairs? They went in went in here oh yeah i think so
[05:56:23] yes They murdered this ram and they went through here probably.
[05:56:34] I don't see them, nothing in here is dead.
[05:56:38] That guy over there? Yeah.
[05:56:55] I would have seen that change of minds. yeah I don't want you to get there.
[05:57:00] Yeah, they didn't go through the same angle.
[05:57:55] A lot of stuff in here. And this will lock them up. yeah they didn't go through the same angle uh uh so I'm going to try the red one.
[06:00:03] Ah there's a can of get one on here. so so i changed so oh so There's a rogue behind that guy. I see him. I think that's it. I don't know, trying to come through with that the ETA and he got smoked.
[06:00:07] Man, he's fucking fast!
[06:00:15] Yeah, I should have used... Not the worst, but...
[06:00:17] Aiming with lots of heals.
[06:00:23] Nothing crazy on him just taking shit. Blue recurve on him.
[06:00:25] What does he have?
[06:00:27] A blue recurve bow.
[06:00:29] No it doesn't. Oh shit! Let's go. Didn't see that.
[06:01:11] I just took a few of the seals i'm gonna be getting the rest of it so so He back swung me!
[06:01:34] Yeah, he's a little bit of a backslide I don't know, fucking 60 pounds or some shit. Yeah, start picking some more.
[06:02:02] Nothing crazy. Nice shot. Nice shots of guys moving like 10 miles Back up, back up. Right.
[06:02:03] Computer, computer I close the computer
[06:02:17] he's my himself, he's my self
[06:02:21] just get away from you guys.
[06:02:24] Is he on me? Is he chasing me?
[06:02:26] No, he's chasing me.
[06:02:28] Okay sorry, sorry, sorry. I had to go wait for you. I had to chill.
[06:02:30] Yeah no, I understand.
[06:02:35] Fuck! Yeah, I know. A marina around the rosy in his ass?
[06:02:39] No, not like you.
[06:02:43] This guy's dealing with TV on the other side of me.
[06:02:45] Nice! You got him.
[06:02:50] Is he alive for this other dude?
[06:02:51] I'd already be in here, I don't know.
[06:02:53] Nah, he would have had to open the door.
[06:02:55] He's just right.
[06:03:04] Okay. So I mean... I heard the engines.
[06:03:05] So, I mean, I heard like a sound when someone came in and did something.
[06:03:13] Alright. These guys are coming for us, you stupid PVE.
[06:03:19] They're getting in... they're stuck! Okay, they're stuck. I'm gonna open this door so they can sneak deep in.
[06:03:29] He died.
[06:03:31] He did die?
[06:03:33] He died to my fucking zap.
[06:03:35] The last zap that it smacked on me.
[06:03:40] Shit man. Get up! last at that fact
[06:03:54] i did not actually hit him with us Thank you. I don't know if he's locked up.
[06:04:09] Oh! oh Nice. We got two minutes
[06:04:13] The raft room is north of us right here
[06:04:17] So let's just hit the raft.
[06:04:20] Yeah, it just came. Get over here.
[06:04:24] Move, move, we're moving. The raft just got here I don't know if we have another one or not.
[06:04:28] ... i don't know if we have another one or not
[06:04:33] don't you block this door Oh, it's right here. each
[06:05:00] later homies!
[06:05:03] Yeah fuck yo there's a chest down there in the water.
[06:05:06] Yeah yeah you can go under the water. You don't have like a big one going on.
[06:05:16] I always have gay hangover I mean, shit.
[06:05:19] Let's go back into those lobbies for now since we're still kind of holding on to our loot.
[06:05:22] Got a bunch of fucking...
[06:05:23] My game just decided
[06:05:24] to close itself.
[06:05:25] That's fine.
[06:05:32] These gold teeth
[06:05:33] I gotta turn in.
[06:05:34] I wonder if I have enough already?
[06:05:48] We didn't really get to the to get sold, huh? My computer would be having an issue again.
[06:05:51] I guarantee it's something on it.
[06:05:53] I guess that is a little bit better.
[06:05:54] It's probably failing on it again really it's acting up it's been actually
[06:05:58] it's acting up like crazy i just blue screened recently
[06:06:01] just today yeah again i just don it back at all for stuff again
[06:06:08] but you get around old
[06:06:09] nothing
[06:06:10] one
[06:06:13] computers
[06:06:14] companies I don't know if I need a summoner. It might be a good question. I just got like 20 more, I guess. I'm gonna go ahead and check for the spears.
[06:06:43] She got like 20 more,
[06:06:45] I guess right?
[06:07:11] Let's check for the so ring and we're 184. What the fuck? It's cause of the two green- uh,
[06:07:13] The blue and the green that's just going on here
[06:07:17] 160
[06:07:21] That's not gonna talk much. 151. 152. We need to get Grey Spears.
[06:07:38] This motherfucker doesn't want to sell me right now.
[06:07:51] Oh, I can get rid of the recurve bow.
[06:07:54] Was that found in Raid?
[06:07:58] Oh!
[06:08:01] Oh yeah. Oh, yeah
[06:08:08] Yeah Foreign so so okay yeah
[06:08:57] just merchant these all this now let's go check mercer okay for spear. You guys lied to me. You guys straight up
[06:08:59] lied to me, you were like if you do this quest
[06:09:01] maybe there's another quest but I gotta
[06:09:03] do this next one?
[06:09:05] Dungeon type ice cavern must escape. Okay, we gotta get in the ice caverns then.
[06:09:10] Alright let's get into this ice cavern because I think that's where we got to go.
[06:09:13] Wait I can't ready up. I have to fucking figure out my gear.
[06:09:16] What do you need uh...that one for?
[06:09:19] The quest.
[06:09:21] Like Goblin?
[06:09:23] Oh, Squire has it apparently.
[06:09:27] Nah bullshit.
[06:09:31] Bullshit he does. Bullsucking shit.
[06:09:35] Oh your spire has a spear now!
[06:09:37] Yeah pretty cool actually that's nice
[06:09:41] yeah i get the other one I gotta bump my shit down with this grey spear here.
[06:10:01] Yeah, I feel that.
[06:10:05] Okay... That shouldn't put me over.
[06:10:08] 108 baby! 8, not bad.
[06:10:12] We need some some arrows though bro
[06:10:16] I think when you have him give your bow back he gives you arrows with it or something
[06:10:20] I'm using a green bow so, so I think that's fine.
[06:10:22] Maybe if I take my bow off?
[06:10:24] That's what I was saying with the squire.
[06:10:26] Think when you get your bow from the Squire, he gives arrows too.
[06:10:31] You're right, you are such a shady human brother.
[06:10:33] Yeah that's chat, someone said it in the chat.
[06:10:35] Chat? You're so fucking shady!
[06:10:44] Come back. Getting free sit.
[06:10:52] I can go green spear now yeah i can go green
[06:10:54] oh because i got it because i got gray recruit bow that's why
[06:11:04] where'd the gray spear go?
[06:11:09] Did it just disappear? I think it just disappeared, didn't it.
[06:11:13] Oh, okay don't talk to me don't talk
[06:11:16] to me don't fucking say it okay i'm 110. i'm ready to go okay I missed the ice cannons.
[06:11:40] Dude, where's my spear?
[06:11:43] What do you need from the ice...the eyeballs?
[06:11:46] Not on fucking that at this point. in from the ice? The eyeballs?
[06:11:48] I don't fucking know.
[06:11:50] At this point, how am I going to kill him if that's what I want?
[06:11:54] So I think you'll get...
[06:11:55] You'll be able to find goblin mages here.
[06:11:59] I forget what the other thing was...
[06:12:08] Centipedes! That's what you needed to that's right yeah it's not beads and goblin majors
[06:12:23] i don't know how many heals you should be carrying to be honest man. I see people carry shit loads. I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
[06:12:37] I'm in there bitch. Oh shit. so Oh, you just hit?
[06:12:55] No.
[06:12:56] I was distracted.
[06:12:57] Um...
[06:12:58] I'm gonna try to get him out of the way. no i was distracted um so Keep the goblin age here.
[06:13:29] There's one goblin as well. There's one goblin mage down. I'm gonna go back to the other side. let's get down uh You see?
[06:14:25] You see what happens when you don't have GPSV to save you from the face bomb.
[06:14:33] I got a trap here...
[06:14:35] Found the bolo, son of a bitch.
[06:14:52] Oh yeah dude he's throwing the bolo son of a bitch I guess you don't.
[06:14:55] I know.
[06:15:00] You said fuck that every time I try to use those they get fucking smacked up
[06:15:02] I have a couple on me right now, so
[06:15:06] I love getting shot by the fucking poison arrows twice in a row. It feels fantastic.
[06:15:14] There's a health shrine back up in this bitch.
[06:15:17] Knowledge 3, Rufy 5, 4 magic resist on boots low boots knowledge is cool for uh memory capacity but i need memory
[06:15:26] where the you don't have to follow me back, sorry. I'm trying to find that health shard.
[06:15:33] This one was back here...
[06:15:37] Let's do that weird skippy shit again.
[06:15:39] Yeah it is.
[06:15:43] Fucking server's taking a dupe!
[06:15:50] Yeah I can see why they're trying to...
[06:15:52] ...releasing out of couple of other items for it?
[06:15:54] That's bad man.
[06:15:55] Yeah that is fucking crazy.
[06:15:57] Cyclops! Someone just died with a cyclop-
[06:16:01] Dude, I can't fuckin fucking beat the Cyclops.
[06:16:04] I get my ass whooped ten times out of ten on the Cyclops one.
[06:16:07] I'll be like doing fine, doing fine, doing fine
[06:16:09] and then he'll get like one clean huge fucking haymaker on my ass and i
[06:16:15] one shot to the floor
[06:16:18] otis i don't think that's me man i swear armor dexterity I'm going to go ahead and get him. Is there a goblin making the ground stream possibly? oh uh I'm going to go in the other room. This is the... there's a centipede up here, I someone yeah so if we go there's another problem Please don't believe me.
[06:17:52] So we've got a mage dead center in the room, and then we'll go downstairs
[06:17:57] And kill the center people so I should be a centipede down here.
[06:18:27] Birdie's lazy-eyed right here. What's up little dude? so Yeah!
[06:18:48] I should go alone. Oh, you lasted it.
[06:18:49] Got him! Grab him!
[06:18:53] My mic will be a little bit lower.
[06:19:01] You're fighting the thing by yourself?
[06:19:04] It's not that bad. You're fighting the thing by yourself? Yeah.
[06:19:08] He needs to sidestep.
[06:19:09] He's gonna keep sidestepping and shit out of him.
[06:19:11] His kick is a little annoying because it throws him like a...
[06:19:15] This guy reminds me of the monster team.
[06:19:18] Reminds you of who?
[06:19:20] The monsters, yeah.
[06:19:22] Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
[06:19:24] Kind of got their front punch.
[06:19:36] Mm-hmm. I know exactly what you're talking about. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah He's skinny, man! Same team, bro. Same team. He's skinny!
[06:19:37] He's on me.
[06:19:38] He's skinny!
[06:19:39] Yeah I just don't want to keep hitting him too much so we need you to get the...
[06:19:42] No he's farting!
[06:19:43] No get away from him.
[06:19:45] Okay he died and I hit him one time
[06:19:48] and he died...I swear to God
[06:19:50] There's another one in here
[06:19:54] Ah
[06:19:56] Oh, I have to need the last hip. I think?
[06:19:58] I'm not sure to be totally honest.
[06:20:00] Uh-uh.
[06:20:01] I just wanted two to be safe but there's another one right here.
[06:20:10] That's just the exit. Yeah, that's the route exit that comes down and goes up there multiple times. uh open Looten! You heal the Tennessee Martian, I think. Yeah buddy!
[06:20:57] You got a couple pendants on there if you want those. I'm being down.
[06:21:05] We got a couple pendants on there if you want those. That and we can just go back up this elevator.
[06:21:09] Someone opened the door.
[06:21:14] How'd I ever heard of doors? I thought I heard a door. That could be tripping.
[06:21:16] Whoa!
[06:21:20] Get on the elevator.
[06:21:32] Let's go back up and see where Mother... Get on the elevator. Yep, there they are. Fireball!
[06:21:36] Fireball!
[06:21:39] Mind you, Jared, these are birds.
[06:21:44] Ah, look at that one, man! What's this? I'm gonna be running. What are you doing?
[06:21:45] Don't be scared, homie.
[06:21:49] Fireball
[06:21:53] I don't know what to do with this fireballin' bro!
[06:21:56] Oh, invis-kill. Later!
[06:22:00] Nice little spin to lose. I thought your heels on, Robin.
[06:22:11] I'm going back under his barbed buddy. Now, yeah, boy.
[06:22:25] So much to do To do the donation like this for me.
[06:22:31] We have the blue failing axe!
[06:22:36] Oh my God.
[06:22:43] This man hit a blue Zwei Hander and a blue Felonax, this man was ready to party. He's not telling me about ring okay.
[06:22:50] This guy says take the huge book, it's purple bro. It's purple!
[06:22:52] Allow me.
[06:22:54] All you gotta say is purple spellbook and I'm there.
[06:22:58] Grab that shit man. I don't know if you want that. spellbook on there
[06:23:03] you have that
[06:23:06] stuff
[06:23:07] society I'm nuts, I'm insane.
[06:23:20] That was you? Yeah just ran into sphere, bruh. Let's go!
[06:23:21] Yeah he did!
[06:23:25] Did you fuck that barb up too?
[06:23:27] Alright, uh... The thing is leaving!
[06:23:29] THE THING IS LEAVING! Okay it's! Okay it's coming back. It'll come back.
[06:23:32] We're okay.
[06:23:36] Oh my god, the server is
[06:23:38] tripping nutsack again.
[06:23:52] Now we're Gucci I think the thing will come back one more time. Threw blue helms on this guy.
[06:23:54] Yeah.
[06:23:58] I took his fucking weapons.
[06:24:00] Eh, we're good.
[06:24:01] Let's get out of here.
[06:24:06] Yeah, that was the getting out of here. So we're gonna be waiting for that to come back I don't know if it comes back again. I'm a little worried at all
[06:24:12] But I don't know for sure.
[06:24:17] There's one more at 1 20,
[06:24:21] Chat knows. Chat has been maxing
[06:24:23] and data mining their dicks off. Dude, they know what's up.
[06:24:26] They know where it's at.
[06:24:33] They got the insider scoop.
[06:24:35] You know?
[06:24:39] So like these little nodes around this spot, you see these little rocks that are blue and stuff like that?
[06:24:45] Those are things where they can pick at you if you need them. You see these little rocks that are blue and stuff like that?
[06:24:46] Those are the things you can pick up.
[06:24:49] You can buy some of them at a good vendor if you want to bring it in. I'm gonna go.
[06:25:06] Hey, full of shit you big tongue fuck! I gotta bust out some meditation.
[06:25:08] PABIS BLUE!
[06:25:10] Blue pabis?
[06:25:12] That's actually crazy.
[06:25:14] What the fuck?
[06:25:18] I mean,
[06:25:19] yeah sure
[06:25:19] if you want
[06:25:21] and then you get
[06:25:22] that spear
[06:25:22] for freezies
[06:25:23] Meditated I've got this thing coming down in like 35.
[06:25:32] No blue weapon?
[06:25:34] Oh, do you need a blue weapon?
[06:25:36] I think it needs to be a gun.
[06:25:37] I don't know if that's the right word for it. my blue already got it oh do you need a
[06:25:40] blue weapon I think it needs to be
[06:25:41] common right now this guy's both are
[06:25:45] looted
[06:25:48] this is why anything so one has a blue weapon.
[06:25:53] Oh, I finished that one already! I'll take it back.
[06:25:56] I don't think I have that one down so I'll probably just use these on that.
[06:26:03] Right in the neck. I saw a project use these on that. Man, these are juicy weapons.
[06:26:05] Max health additional weapon damage
[06:26:07] If you set max health
[06:26:09] You go full speed. I'm gonna go down.
[06:26:18] Hold that ass up dude and you still break it.
[06:26:20] I'll fucking get closer.
[06:27:28] You're stuck as well! It's like a so Thank you. Not bad, not bad. It's so quiet now that I'm eating try it. That's pretty good running. I don't have a lot of shit to sell at the clicker
[06:27:41] i don't know that much
[06:27:45] i thought i had more I'm going to take things out of your stash when he takes blue weapons. 2000, we're at 2k.
[06:28:23] Shit, Orelant is a quest item! Shit, the dagger land to the quest item.
[06:28:31] Shit! The gadget's a quest item!
[06:28:33] Well fuck me man!
[06:28:35] Well fuck me! so Oh my god, the pepper spellbook is so overpowered.
[06:29:08] Again no spell book and I'm still at 133 chill
[06:29:17] one one one on that still good with all the gear i got
[06:29:22] i'm gonna have to take like a gray book i'm at 124 on the dot
[06:29:28] that feels bad I'm not gonna, don't wanna skim
[06:29:49] nice Ah, green potions in my inventory.
[06:30:04] That was shooting me up.
[06:30:05] Shooting me up. What up what the that's against I'm going to try this one. Hmm.
[06:30:30] Anything else I need here? Hmm... so spend your money bro i don't even have that much!
[06:31:00] This is like legit not that much
[06:31:02] at the moment.
[06:31:04] I was watching some YouTube bids last night. All right. Alright. Alright!
[06:31:25] Alright.
[06:31:29] Forgotten cast Okay.
[06:31:34] Forgotten cast.
[06:31:38] I'm gonna fuckin' add this shit so I don't have to fucking... Do I want a hookup?
[06:31:45] No.
[06:31:46] I wanna play everything legit.
[06:31:50] You know what I'm saying?
[06:31:57] Hmm. I can loot my class tab, chat?
[06:31:59] Okay. I'm almost done dating boys and I apologize for the nookam.
[06:32:09] Mm-mm-mm-mmm... I'm almost done meeting boys and I apologize for the no-cam. These guys inspect me? How dare you fucking inspect me, you bitch! you Damn it, bro. The silence. I'm trying to eat. all right Ugh!
[06:33:01] Oh shit.
[06:33:05] Okay, Mr. Ugh!
[06:33:09] Okay, nice.
[06:33:12] Green... I'm struggling here.
[06:33:14] You're struggling.
[06:33:15] I've got him.
[06:33:17] Do you want a green schlongbow or no?
[06:33:19] Do I want a schlongbow?
[06:33:21] Green schlongbow.
[06:33:22] Yeah, I'm good.
[06:33:31] The longbows have armor pen.
[06:33:37] You'll regret that decision when you find a fucking warrior, bro!
[06:33:40] It sucks because it only has two shots in the ability. I think you don't get a lot out of
[06:33:42] your ability with this one.
[06:33:44] What is happening?
[06:33:45] What did he do?
[06:33:49] I don't think you get a lot out of the triple shot ability with it.
[06:33:53] It only shoots flash.
[06:33:57] Yeah, as long as they're balancing for that and shit.
[06:34:00] Survival bow shoots like fucking five. Yeah, it's fine with me. It's the longbow is like the bigger hit more armor pen. The other ones kind of like you go down tiers for
[06:34:13] more speed over power and it's it's kind of naturally pretty cool
[06:34:17] you know way to do that
[06:34:22] that room we just watched into? Is that the Bat Room?
[06:34:26] Yeah.
[06:34:26] Is this the Bat Room? Cause that rooms dank. You get like jewelry as fuck out of this.
[06:34:30] Got her!
[06:34:33] Am I haste? I'm coming. You gonna haste?
[06:34:33] I'll select him.
[06:34:34] I'm hasting you just in case.
[06:34:37] Nice!
[06:34:41] I was just letting you know the top drop off.
[06:34:53] Is that a heal shrine?
[06:34:55] Yeah it is, it's a full heal shrine.
[06:35:00] They already took it? Okay.
[06:35:18] That guy hit by the top of his head. I'm gonna gonna do that. Gonna take out my spells before they get too close.
[06:35:25] This is going to be a bit of standoff.
[06:35:33] Are they coming?
[06:35:52] Can you see me? are you coming I think that's it. Oh, fuck.
[06:35:54] What a fucking hole!
[06:35:58] I'm gonna shoot that Got him. Placing a sound. Keep an eye on the idea.
[06:36:09] Placing a satellite behind us.
[06:36:17] I don't think that that means, but I'm falling back. so so There's a hard shack.
[06:37:00] What in the dick name? What? You didn't hit me, no.
[06:37:02] There's a druid tree behind us.
[06:37:05] I saw the tree but I didn't see it hit me though
[06:37:08] I walked past it and thought it was fine
[06:37:11] We got one of them pretty low, that Barker's low.
[06:37:13] Yeah it was a shitty spot for me, couldn't get any spells out
[06:37:17] It was just fucking...I didn't want to hit you, I didn't want to hit the corner and then the tree
[06:37:21] was there.
[06:37:29] Fucking blast them off, dude.
[06:37:32] They're all new abilities out there.
[06:37:34] Sure I was.
[06:37:35] Oh, wow.
[06:37:38] That was sucky.
[06:37:40] I was getting fucking shit on by that dumb tree,
[06:37:40] I guess.
[06:37:43] Shit hits a lot harder than I thought.
[06:37:45] Alright, back to the beginning phases.
[06:37:50] Yeah.
[06:37:54] It's cool.
[06:38:00] Also, our classes are like considered probably the bottom two of the game right now.
[06:38:11] Oh! are like considered probably the bottom two of the game right now. If you're into that kind of thing... Really?
[06:38:32] My game's just going to crash at the low screen.
[06:38:34] It's fucked up, bro.. Uh-huh
[06:39:05] one of us is oh my goodness so so uh uh uh i played too much Dungeonhorn. I'm the bowler guy.
[06:40:31] Magical power on these and resourcefulness, I'm going to feed all of these boots in here.
[06:40:39] On this red chest.
[06:40:44] Goblin is being ridiculous right now.
[06:40:47] I think we need to just fuck away all sneaky deekey. so so oh oh I like this. so wow so Alright, I'm having fun with this to be honest with you.
[06:42:30] I'm not hating on it.
[06:42:35] Gloves of utility, armor pen...
[06:42:39] Better than gloves of nothing, but I don't know.
[06:42:41] There's people in this room right here, Right on the other side of the door.
[06:42:44] Okay.
[06:42:48] And a fucking zero.
[06:42:49] Hit him twice.
[06:42:50] He turned back.
[06:42:51] He turned real bad, dude.
[06:42:52] Yeah, he is.
[06:42:55] Oh, I'm still up there. I'm opening, I'm opening! He's got a healer!
[06:42:57] I need to headshot him, he's out.
[06:43:01] I'm opening.
[06:43:03] Don't get too guys Just playing it safe here.
[06:43:19] Yep, I agree. I can't believe it. He's gonna stay here.
[06:43:27] What's up, motherfucker?
[06:43:29] What's going on?
[06:43:31] What's going on?
[06:43:36] Fucking stuck him in the eyeball twice and say goodnight!
[06:43:39] Yeah dude, with an on fire weapon. That was a cool fight. Good fight, good fight.
[06:43:51] Yeah it was good.
[06:43:52] You had rugged boots for me? Not good. Knowledge and vigor if you want it.
[06:43:56] Rugged boots?
[06:43:57] No I don't know. i got memory capacity on mine
[06:43:59] your channel okay yep i need a little more memory
[06:44:02] capacity they didn't have any
[06:44:06] take like uh i'll take a campfire kit just in case we need it later.
[06:44:12] I have three on me, so I'm gonna set one down right now.
[06:44:16] Bacostal potion... let's go.
[06:44:20] Dude is straight up wolf, bro.
[06:44:22] He has a lightning... I have that skin too.
[06:44:26] If you go to the shop... Lots of utility.
[06:44:28] You can buy things for in-game currency too, like different races.
[06:44:33] Same thing?
[06:44:35] They have different things about them, like Lycans can't wear helmets but they get vigor plus 3 naturally oh interesting okay there's got a couple of guys that are here like us Come on. Yeah, it's great for PBE isn't it? It's so nice!
[06:45:15] You can like two tap the shit out of stuff.
[06:45:18] Crazy. Shroud bought 50k worth of magic cards?
[06:45:31] Are you trying to get into magic? so Spear's strong bro.
[06:45:59] Yeah?
[06:46:00] Oculus paint is blue, bro.
[06:46:03] Can't equip them though they are for warlocks.
[06:46:12] Making a warlock.
[06:46:13] Make your warlock, they're broken. Oh, this is a big ass.
[06:46:29] Look how big this motherfucking mimic has come up!
[06:46:32] I didn't think I'd get a mimic this fucking time. This is huge. I see you fighting it. Good God.
[06:47:02] You know what a good strat is? You hide your hunter traps inside these motherfuckers...
[06:47:07] ...bodies that are on the ground.
[06:47:35] Ah, oh! bodies so There, homie. Damn, these should have had hella arrows on them. I need 140 right now.
[06:47:38] I'm gonna go get the gun. Damn, these shit have had hella arrows on them.
[06:47:52] I need 140 find Daisy. Oh, there she is! Oh my god.
[06:47:53] Oh my god.
[06:47:54] Oh my god.
[06:47:55] Oh my god.
[06:47:56] Oh my god.
[06:47:57] Oh my god.
[06:47:58] Oh my god.
[06:47:59] Oh my god.
[06:48:00] Oh my god.
[06:48:01] Oh my god.
[06:48:02] Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Daisy, please.
[06:48:07] I need a break.
[06:48:13] Is the whole lobby like cleaned or what?
[06:48:15] Uh, you can look at the kill feed.
[06:48:19] It looks like it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 people
[06:48:23] Isn't that ten people then? This guy killed two dudes and then killed himself you see the and people intended
[06:48:24] schedule to do is think of themselves
[06:48:32] I'm gonna do.
[06:48:45] Making dumb damage now.
[06:48:48] I found the big boy here.
[06:48:52] Big skeleton boss or whatever that got shielded.
[06:48:56] Let me see if you want to kill him now. I think they're coming out. Oh my god. Oh, that was a 180.
[06:49:36] Oh centipede time bro.
[06:49:41] Oh fun, fun.
[06:49:44] Okay I've got skulls and that one.
[06:49:49] You dead you dead. Okay, I've got skulls now.
[06:49:51] Okay he dead, he dead. I'm almost dead but he dead.
[06:50:00] Oh shit! Oh shit! so so open
[06:50:24] get back
[06:50:33] i'm gonna... Uh, is my health monster?
[06:50:41] Thank you, Sniper. I think it's not a guy.
[06:50:45] We're open fast and could run wild right now.
[06:50:51] Oh, we're not doing bad.
[06:50:55] No, no.
[06:51:04] There's a staircase up above.
[06:51:06] North of us, oh there's something over here I got this.
[06:51:11] To the right.
[06:51:20] Grabbing some of the bomb.
[06:51:24] These will come down in another minute.
[06:51:27] Is he coming downstairs or is that 7P trying to shoot you from
[06:51:31] downstairs? I'm looking. Alright, it looks like he's chasing someone else
[06:51:35] Oh! Hmm... looks like he's chasing someone else. Oh, no.
[06:51:37] No, he's just doing circles.
[06:51:39] Yeah it looks like he's doing circles because you're doing
[06:51:41] circles.
[06:51:56] I'm gonna... get out. I think there's a window to chest that should hold it up.
[06:52:00] Alright, I got some stuff.
[06:52:07] There's a straw hat! I don't know if it's cool for you or not, but I've got a straw hat in his chest.
[06:52:12] They are good for me.
[06:52:14] They're not for me, Baron Drew.
[06:52:16] Some straw hats are for me and someone around. It is alright! all right that was uh that's a good little fight we had there
[06:52:40] didn't win but i mean it didn't uh get like well i got some good
[06:52:44] sound guys
[06:52:51] you've been successful more today The XP regardless. Who's been the successfulest in war today than I pretty much ever have in this game?
[06:52:59] Glad you don't need some loot now, I don't accept that.
[06:53:01] I wanna play like're making some loot. Nah, I don't accept that. I want to play like a normal
[06:53:03] union.
[06:53:08] I appreciate
[06:53:09] you though, brother. Wanting to help me out and shit
[06:53:11] but yeah, it's not really how i play in games
[06:53:14] um let's see here yeah so we'll go collector we'll sell all this stuff That's pretty decent, 100 bucks.
[06:53:27] RG.
[06:53:28] I saw that guy I'm already doing better in this game than I do in fucking Tarkov.
[06:54:00] Lol.
[06:54:01] No cap.
[06:54:02] No fucking cap dude I could just save some arrows down here like this.
[06:54:25] Do something like that. Like that.
[06:54:28] Squire up here,
[06:54:30] boom, boom
[06:54:32] stash a curb
[06:54:34] of that for now
[06:54:36] long go right there.
[06:54:39] Throw an extra 20 in that bitch
[06:54:41] for curve there. I think what I'm gonna do
[06:54:43] here, I can just throw this in the game when I get
[06:54:45] merchants. Or I could
[06:54:47] just sell it right now out of my inventory.
[06:54:49] What I'm gonna do is get rid of some of these longbows, they're not super special so...
[06:54:54] Here you go.
[06:54:56] The green spear we'll hold onto I guess.
[06:55:15] The green recurve I guess we'll hold on to so you Do those sell for zero?
[06:55:17] I don't want to talk about it.
[06:55:23] You saw them in 72? Okay, so for instance what does the armor shake down for
[06:55:40] sorry zero zilch what kind of i don't know what to do with those things oh that's what i was gonna use
[06:55:50] i have no more bows.
[06:56:01] Wait, what just happened?
[06:56:05] Hey, what it was already on me.
[06:56:13] Took all my arrows.
[06:56:22] Where'd all my arrows go? Okay, we're good.
[06:56:44] I think i'm good i think i'm good
[06:56:50] you know what i think i'm good 89. i'm at 89.
[06:57:02] Check my quests...
[06:57:11] Don't think I have anything to do on the way out there. Oh, I got some good gear though just came out of that. tomorrow marks the year since i almost died at the chiropractor
[06:57:19] remember chat don't touch your neck i do remember that
[06:57:26] this isn't really good for me though. Trying to make itself some sort of thing going on.
[06:58:00] Starting to get some sort of something going on. All right, now I'm ready. 2,500 gold in the bag. Clicked on Goblin Quest, just like...
[06:58:33] I didn't look at that.
[06:58:36] Portal Online 2 when?
[06:58:37] I have to see it some day. You'll see it eventually, bro.
[06:58:39] I want to try it. It looks interesting to me.
[06:59:08] Okay. to me What the fuck is that noise? Uh, just a little puppy in the game. so Thank you. Bye... You You I'm going to go ahead and do that. so so so oh
[07:01:35] yeah that dude had an egg on me huh what the so All right, this will shoot you through cracks. Take the fucking gold items, what the fuck? Should I be grabbing those like if they're like
[07:01:39] gray shards still you think? Like those are still things I should grab like these? Oh why Rift
[07:01:43] don't hurt me please. I'm sorry!
[07:01:48] Yeah...
[07:02:29] No this is- This is so when you cross on them, it's kind of crazy. so Go away! Ooh, lockpicks. We take those. They do.
[07:02:34] So are we taking the Shrine of Power? Does that give me a consequence, some sort of consequence?
[07:02:37] Uh you can have it, come on. Taking the Shrine of Power, does that give me some sort of consequence?
[07:02:38] You can have it.
[07:02:41] It's just free time for a little bit.
[07:02:46] There was someone inside us.
[07:02:49] To your left.
[07:02:53] I find him.
[07:03:00] He's on your side! Johnny! Oh yeah, I know this. Ah, I got axe trapped trapped as I was killing his ass.
[07:03:13] He's so low!
[07:03:15] Who's that?
[07:03:19] I need to get away from this stupid mummy for the one.
[07:03:22] I went through the fucking axe trap and got hit.
[07:03:26] I flew it pretty far too bro, I was like yeah!
[07:03:30] Fucking doing it dude and then it's like got hit by the last one
[07:03:36] i think there's a red stable inside that thing so you can just
[07:03:40] yeah So you can just... Yeah, it's in there. It's gonna be-
[07:03:42] It's in front of me?
[07:03:43] Or is this the gate?
[07:03:44] Okay.
[07:03:45] Can I go in there?
[07:03:46] The gate will have a lever on the left wall.
[07:03:47] There's gonna be like skeletons and shit that'll pop up from here.
[07:03:48] Oh, so if I do head all air, should I kill them first?
[07:03:49] No no, you should take your time and then you're ready to fight.
[07:03:50] Stay out of my way.
[07:03:51] Okay.
[07:03:52] Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna steal it by you, and I'll airshock the other person. Nah nah nah, you should take your time.
[07:03:55] The orange doesn't pop and shit so...
[07:03:57] You can just like back up and get to him.
[07:04:01] Or you could just, you know...
[07:04:03] You can just run in with all the crossbows.
[07:04:06] You know what I'm saying?
[07:04:08] I should have played that outside of the door a little bit.
[07:04:11] Yeah!
[07:04:15] I didn't respect the PVE, bro. I didn't respect the pve bro i didn't respect it that's my b 100 let's go back and do low
[07:04:19] level shit hundred percent my bad i take full responsibility hey you're
[07:04:23] good though your fun we crossbows are so strong full responsibility. You're good, though. You're fine.
[07:04:25] The crossbows are fucking so strong.
[07:04:27] Archers are strong
[07:04:28] but crossbows
[07:04:29] hit so much harder
[07:04:30] than the regular bows.
[07:04:31] Yeah, bro.
[07:04:32] I'm sorry, bro.
[07:04:33] I didn't respect
[07:04:34] the PvE there at all.
[07:04:35] You're fine. You feel me? Like that's my I'm sorry, but I didn't respect the PvE there at all.
[07:04:38] You feel me? That's my B. Okay.
[07:04:44] I really like this preset shit though. it's pretty inviting as a new player to just be able to like when you got your
[07:04:49] ass kicked you're just like fuck man ready up let's go
[07:04:51] yeah yeah You put a little shit, you know? Yep. I feel ya.
[07:04:59] I don't mind it!
[07:05:01] Pretty cool.
[07:05:09] Oh, and learning all your strategies. They just keep showing me all the tendencies.
[07:05:13] Alright come across the fucking bull head and the fucking...
[07:05:16] ZEUSH!
[07:05:17] And then I just fucking... And I just fucking jumped!
[07:05:20] You know how many motherfucking times
[07:05:22] I've looked at a guy in the siding lobby
[07:05:24] and then like, we just don't wanna run into them.
[07:05:26] All we have to do is try running into them
[07:05:28] and for the first second guys would find five,
[07:05:29] it's like ten seconds over the top.
[07:05:31] Sorry!
[07:05:33] Yeah.
[07:05:37] I'm dodging how are you hitting me?
[07:05:43] Shaft to just 70% damage by the way dude.
[07:05:46] Listen Otis
[07:05:46] pause what are we talking about here?
[07:05:49] What's the context of this conversation?
[07:05:57] The spear shaft
[07:06:00] gotcha
[07:06:01] okay
[07:06:04] and by
[07:06:10] the way
[07:06:10] to me
[07:06:10] thanks for the donut bro I appreciate appreciate you man. You were the guy
[07:06:13] that almost had a problem with the chiropractor. I forgot about that.
[07:06:16] I remember and I remember the story. I just don't remember who it was.
[07:06:24] What'd you say? You're going back to GTA soon?
[07:06:27] Yeah, I'm gonna get back into the race scene and run from cops and shit.
[07:06:31] I just...I don't wanna ditch Scotdy. Even though he ditched us today.
[07:06:34] You don't want to ditch Noddy? What do you mean?
[07:06:36] He's banned from NoPixel.
[07:06:38] WHAT?!
[07:06:40] You know what? NoPixel smells like feet! So Whatever bro it smells better on Prodigy.
[07:06:46] I was thinking about...
[07:06:48] I like both servers they're both cool
[07:06:50] Yeah no they're both fine
[07:06:54] I don't really have any problems with those two else.
[07:06:57] They all have their own shit going down.
[07:06:59] It's kinda cool though, they all have some different shit going down.
[07:07:03] Magic power on these gloves? Rune Stone Gloves?
[07:07:04] I was talking to fucking Hutch!
[07:07:06] Gosh, I can't remember...
[07:07:08] Jubilanger carb.
[07:07:12] Yeah, I was talking to Hutch.
[07:07:14] Just thinking about maybe popping positive hits or not.
[07:07:19] Ah! That's my butt!
[07:07:21] Sorry.
[07:07:23] You wanna have a prize game instead of No Pixel?
[07:07:26] Yeah, I'm not really into it.
[07:07:28] The No Pixel racing just started getting crazy.
[07:07:31] Eh...I know but Prodigy...
[07:07:34] ...I like the idea of loaded owning prodigy and stuff like that.
[07:07:38] Oh no, it's like um...
[07:07:41] I'm not even gonna start.
[07:07:42] Behind you Freddie!
[07:07:44] And in the fucking edge. Nice! What's up? I don't mind.
[07:07:59] What's up?
[07:08:03] This fucking knight thought he was sick, he just walked into those headshots and then I just...
[07:08:07] Those head shots. He was gonna run at me
[07:08:09] and nothing
[07:08:09] was gonna happen bro
[07:08:10] oh please
[07:08:11] that guy did
[07:08:14] just charge
[07:08:14] at you bro
[07:08:15] actually
[07:08:15] kinda crazy
[07:08:16] he thought
[07:08:16] he was the shit
[07:08:17] he had a purple loot
[07:08:18] he thought
[07:08:18] he was gonna be
[07:08:18] smacking me up
[07:08:19] with that shit.
[07:08:20] And I was like, nah.
[07:08:21] No,
[07:08:22] that guy had a purple loot?
[07:08:23] Yeah.
[07:08:24] Yeah, okay.
[07:08:25] What the fuck?
[07:08:25] Yeah,
[07:08:26] what the fuck is right now?
[07:08:27] This time we have all greys.
[07:08:29] Wait,
[07:08:29] how do you have a purple?
[07:08:30] He wouldn't be
[07:08:30] in this run,
[07:08:30] right?
[07:08:31] Ah, he's
[07:08:32] got his inventory
[07:08:32] just like me.
[07:08:33] What the fuck?
[07:08:37] I guess it makes
[07:08:37] sense.
[07:08:38] It's not that
[07:08:38] weird to put
[07:08:40] it right below. I they're like all basic trash stuff and
[07:08:44] then the literally so oh here somebody not like this
[07:08:58] i think i just heard a this. Oh, he found it in raid.
[07:09:00] No shot! That's what they're saying saying how else can you get in here
[07:09:05] what it's handled it's not looted wow doesn't that make no sense?
[07:09:12] That wouldn't be worth 120?
[07:09:15] The loot doesn't change. I have it in my inventory and my gear score is still 23, the loot doesn't change your shipper.
[07:09:20] Fuck all! It gives me 12.
[07:09:22] It's worth 12 gear score that's man that's such a little
[07:09:28] rat ass move but he was trying to take advantage of it yeah because bars have
[07:09:32] a thing where they can do 50% more damage with music or instruments.
[07:09:38] So he just fucking brings this sick ass lute in and it doesn't up his gear for the shit
[07:09:42] And does so much damage with it
[07:09:44] That's... and does so much damage with it.
[07:09:47] That's... interesting.
[07:09:51] Yeah, in the back fell forward.
[07:09:53] Clever motherfucker. Clever! mother fucker
[07:09:59] you could read dead ass but that's up I hate that ranger when he rolls out.
[07:10:12] Where the fuck did i see that thing?
[07:10:15] There's an awful big area out of dude that I could've killed or some shit.
[07:10:20] Where'd I see that?
[07:10:24] Could be this way to meet him though, yeah.
[07:10:28] Let me see... Could be this room in here. This is better than nothing.
[07:10:31] Maybe this?
[07:10:40] Oh, it looks so much different now. Um...
[07:10:41] Yo!
[07:10:42] Dungeon ambience while assembling my first Warhammer figure.
[07:10:44] Appreciate the streams brother.
[07:10:45] Hope I was able to-
[07:10:46] Aw Ace what's up brother?
[07:10:47] You're assembling a Warhammer figure. Those are serious business, right like
[07:10:52] Glue or glue and shit together and stuff like that
[07:10:57] Get some spells back. Getting some spells back, meditating...
[07:11:02] Noob one-shotter! What does that mean?
[07:11:06] I'm definitely a noob. I just started playing
[07:11:08] That's why I started playing the ranger I figured that Ranger was going to be the easiest accidentally headshots you a few times
[07:11:13] when fights kind of jam.
[07:11:17] Yo, good luck Ace. Appreciate ya, brother.
[07:11:19] You know your big- headed bastard, you forgot
[07:11:21] Tui! I just knew
[07:11:23] of the story
[07:11:25] I just forgot it was YOU
[07:11:32] I can't believe that's clever.
[07:11:33] If it was you,
[07:11:35] I'd make fun of you a lot more.
[07:11:37] I don't know how you can fix that.
[07:11:40] But that makes Barge
[07:11:41] sick.
[07:11:48] Alright here we go. uh I'm gonna try and text you!
[07:12:11] This motherfucker's getting a goddamn haircut with these arrows. You see that? He's rocking a new style.
[07:12:18] He really is. Oh, he's pooping.
[07:12:23] I'm dropping him right here.
[07:12:24] Never mind spirit. Oh, he's gone.
[07:12:25] What's up dude?
[07:12:26] Ooh hey check this out.
[07:12:32] Ring of wisdom and true magical
[07:12:35] damage.
[07:12:36] Get both of those
[07:12:37] up.
[07:12:38] What the fuck?
[07:12:39] What kind of shit
[07:12:40] is that?
[07:12:40] They're like a
[07:12:41] ranger killed him,
[07:12:42] so...
[07:12:42] Goddamn,
[07:12:43] what's this called
[07:12:43] in World of Warcraft?
[07:12:44] We're on a fucking
[07:12:44] coffee run, bro.
[07:12:47] No fucking rogue drops. Haven't seen a single sword.
[07:12:55] That's real cool, Barb.
[07:12:56] It won't fucking drop!
[07:13:22] Drop man, what is this that's rp for it right there bros What am I hearing? That's gonna be blood, bro.
[07:13:25] What is this?
[07:13:27] Oh someone dropped some shit over here by the way. What's this?
[07:13:31] Oh, someone dropped some shit over here by the way.
[07:13:40] Interesting...might be a road rug round or something.
[07:13:48] I wonder who this centipede's chasing? Feels like me. He always goes up. Yeah, same one that aggroed us before. Okay.
[07:13:50] I'm going to go back and get the other guy. There's a player!
[07:14:04] I thought you shot me in the back. I'm dying!
[07:14:11] What?
[07:14:12] Two players walked in without a fucking sound!
[07:14:13] I thought you shot me in the back because I was killing this fucking goblin.
[07:14:14] I thought you shot me in the back because I was killing this fucking goblin.
[07:14:15] I thought you shot me in the back because I was killing this fucking goblin.
[07:14:16] I thought you shot me in the back because I was killing this fucking goblin.
[07:14:17] I thought you shot me in the back because I was killing this fucking goblin.
[07:14:18] I thought you shot me in the back because I was killing this fucking goblin.
[07:14:19] I thought you shot me in the back because I was killing this fucking goblin.
[07:14:20] I thought you shot me in the back because I was killing this fucking goblin.
[07:14:21] I thought you shot me in the back because I was killing this fucking goblin. I thought you shot me in the back because I was killing this fucking goblin. I thought you shot me in the back cause I was killing this fucking goblin.
[07:14:24] I thought you missed and shot me, and I was like, well...
[07:14:27] And then I turn around and there's a fucking barb of the fighter in my face!
[07:14:30] You're dead?
[07:14:32] Oh, I'm that dead.
[07:14:33] Super dead.
[07:14:38] There was no fucking sound!
[07:14:40] There were no footsteps...
[07:14:42] No nothing. They didn't open anything...
[07:14:48] Bruh! That was insane. I don't know how they just snuck up on me without a fucking peep.
[07:15:01] I would have fucking dunked on those guys if i'd seen them soon enough, god damn!
[07:15:05] See how am I not hearing those footsteps?
[07:15:08] They're loud as fuck!
[07:15:12] Oh my god.
[07:15:22] Whoa! Oh my god. Excuse me guys, can you do some shit about the dudes behind me by chance?
[07:15:28] My dad's right behind me.
[07:15:32] Oh, 7P, how about you?
[07:15:35] Put that in the lever? Yeah.
[07:15:40] Get your fucking face up dude!
[07:15:45] Aw man how'd I miss my stab attack bro?
[07:15:47] It was right on his forehead!
[07:15:50] Tell me how they're walking...
[07:15:51] They are in both lightfoot boots aren't they.
[07:15:52] No this guy is in heavy boots.
[07:15:54] I should have heard of this. Like, from forever ago.
[07:16:00] Alright run it ready!
[07:16:01] I take it it's not going too well?
[07:16:04] You know what you daisy bitch? It's a little bit harder out here if we don't get to shoot people from 10 million miles away, okay?
[07:16:09] We gotta fuckin' roll up on them.
[07:16:11] You don't trade footsteps either, okay?
[07:16:12] Oh no actually I rolled up on a guy pretending I was friendly
[07:16:16] shot him in the face with my M4 and now I'm so fucking kitted
[07:16:19] I don't even wanna play this4 and now I'm so fucking kidded.
[07:16:20] I don't even know, I don't even want to play the game anymore.
[07:16:21] I wanna log off.
[07:16:26] I'm actually liking this game more than I thought it was.
[07:16:28] You do not like the game man.
[07:16:28] Stop calling yourself a gamer. I'm just saying.
[07:16:29] I kinda like it. You're telling yourself you like it? Here's the thing, man. Stop playing it. I'm just saying!
[07:16:31] Here's a thing.
[07:16:33] What I liked about it more than last time is that
[07:16:35] they have all these things in place to make
[07:16:37] so your experience isn't terrible.
[07:16:39] The gear score kind of cutoffs?
[07:16:41] I kinda like that idea and it's making it so
[07:16:43] when me and Jay die, we just go back
[07:16:45] to the fucking level 1 areas and chill.
[07:16:47] If we get a good run, we go to the next little segment.
[07:16:49] I kinda like it, dude.
[07:16:51] Okay.
[07:16:53] Because it's not like
[07:16:54] I'm going to get into a game
[07:16:55] and
[07:16:55] I'm one guy versus three.
[07:16:58] They also have solo
[07:16:58] duo trio queues, right?
[07:17:00] So it's just more
[07:17:01] quality life shit now that
[07:17:02] I like.
[07:17:05] You were hating this game all day
[07:17:07] today. You needed an intervention.
[07:17:08] I wasn't hating it. I was bored.
[07:17:10] And now I'm getting a little bit more involved because me and Jacob
[07:17:14] are getting some more PvP, and we're actually
[07:17:15] killing some motherfuckers. And when you kill
[07:17:17] people, it feels good. What can I say?
[07:17:20] Get in the video game.
[07:17:22] I just watched you have a video game.
[07:17:27] I did watch you have a wood wall instead of your enemies and then I thought... Yeah but that's because the head protection is that good.
[07:17:31] Because I missed.
[07:17:32] I'm willing to admit it.
[07:17:36] I meant enough to admit when it fits my agenda.
[07:17:48] When it suits MY narrative! I'm glad you're enjoying it now. Okay, you know how it goes with me though right? One the game is miraculous that this
[07:17:53] game has made it through almost the first day without me being pissed i was
[07:17:58] saying you have you i would think you had until the end of tonight but stop playing
[07:18:03] it's definitely possible enough It's definitely possible. Who knows? It's still possible.
[07:18:13] Before you get into the game watch what I did to this guy.
[07:18:19] I don't wanna look.
[07:18:21] Don't wanna look? It's gonna get you back in there. That's how I do it.
[07:18:23] Okay, okay.
[07:18:24] Nah bro.
[07:18:25] Nah bro.
[07:18:27] I need some help. Nah bro, nah bro. I mean it didn't...
[07:18:35] I need a-I know that playing this game after saying something like this is gonna sound weird but I need something that's balanced I need something on the island I know what to do. fucking love me
[07:19:08] what can i say man okay let's say this about this? How about we compare it like this?
[07:19:11] I'm just having a more chill session
[07:19:12] on this while Daisy is a little bit more stressful.
[07:19:15] Daisy, are you taking the Daisy stress
[07:19:17] or not? Go ahead.
[07:19:17] I agree. But I'm just saying
[07:19:20] that today
[07:19:21] I've had the best
[07:19:23] experience on DayZ
[07:19:24] so far today
[07:19:24] and I've died more times
[07:19:26] than I've ever died.
[07:19:28] So what's
[07:19:28] the secret?
[07:19:30] I was just having a good time.
[07:19:32] That's probably because I'm not there.
[07:19:35] Ha! No, bitch.
[07:19:36] Just fucking say it, bro.
[07:19:37] It's because I stopped giving...
[07:19:39] Like, bro, I don't give a fuck anymore.
[07:19:40] Like, I got on a the radio so talking to some guy
[07:19:43] and oh we're just you know doing dumb
[07:20:01] guys There's also a dinosaur. You dragged my foot. uh Now the fart! Can't see a trap.
[07:20:42] Ah, it's coming back for me!
[07:20:48] Oh no the spider is not letting him leave.
[07:20:54] Uh oh, watch that.
[07:20:57] Oh no! Oh. What's that? There is a fart in here, there is a fart in here!
[07:21:01] Are you sure?
[07:21:05] I hear some specular spatula parties, man.
[07:21:08] What's going on, buddy?
[07:21:10] What's the matter with you?
[07:21:12] You're standing here looking at me...
[07:21:32] ... um No farts!
[07:21:54] So no farting zone. It's a secret chest.
[07:21:59] Zombie kills, you die alone.
[07:22:02] Yeah I'm dropping booster Just powered No, no, no.
[07:22:12] Knowledge is power!
[07:22:15] Not in this game.
[07:22:20] This is our starting room.
[07:22:24] You wanna go north and then left a little
[07:22:34] what's this what is that are you trying to do I don't need to go to the next one. Any other side of it?
[07:22:35] Oh, okay.
[07:22:36] Just monsters.
[07:22:37] Yeah...
[07:22:38] I feel like...
[07:22:39] It's so weird for all the tiles in this room.
[07:23:16] I think one more. how um I'm gonna go back. Fuck, fuck. I love this.
[07:23:20] Oh man, almost escaped you. Oh! Someone's pushing me.
[07:23:27] What the fuck was that?
[07:23:28] There might be a rogue in here.
[07:23:30] Am I tripping?
[07:23:31] Someone just pushed me.
[07:23:33] Something pushed you?
[07:23:34] Something pushed me!
[07:23:37] How would... push you something pushed me
[07:23:42] how would someone even push you can that someone's not a test the chest procedure oh i opened it while you're on this
[07:23:45] scared the out of me i thought a rogue was pickpocketing
[07:23:49] me or about to stab the out of me or something oh man if you saw the rogues
[07:23:55] and stars they already are Ring of quickness, agility
[07:24:16] Magical interaction speed
[07:24:17] Oh maybe you?
[07:24:20] Nah agility magical interaction speed. Maybe you? Magical interaction speed.
[07:24:21] Nah, agility.
[07:24:23] That's just the agility.
[07:24:25] Magical interaction speed is like... Honestly I fucking forget.
[07:24:57] ... if i can forget Don't do it, I don't know?
[07:25:00] Magic Vestments, Oculus should... Let hood just take a look at this box just be sure Definitely something.
[07:25:18] Is there a staircase?
[07:25:21] It's porters and shrine working speed someone else said now Oh, shit. oh oh Stop throwing on purpose. Oh, that's not a wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound wound woundw Tryin' to
[07:26:33] bitches. oops so Someone's running here.
[07:27:34] I'm getting this guy... Check the security down? right here he's leaving I headshot the guy in front of me. Oh, I'm fucking him up!
[07:27:37] Oh, I'm fucking him up!
[07:27:39] Oh my god...
[07:27:41] Let's go.
[07:27:43] Wait what killed him at the end?
[07:27:45] I don't even know. Yeah let's go.
[07:27:47] The other guy dipped down on his boy bro
[07:27:49] He was like I'm out dog
[07:27:51] Yo good luck with those guys. I'm outta here!
[07:27:56] Got the loot in this room but they didn't loot me of it. It's got heals that I want...
[07:28:02] Oh yeah dude let's go. Nothing incredible, but... uh Oh, there's two more.
[07:28:36] Oh I hit you in the back!
[07:28:38] I headshot him though. I'm pulling out this gear now.
[07:28:42] Oh he's dead!
[07:28:44] I'll try to back off.
[07:28:47] Stay away.
[07:28:53] Good shit man!
[07:28:55] You're outing those dudes.
[07:28:56] Oh my god dude...
[07:28:58] You fucked that last guy up bro so much that he was just-
[07:29:00] He was full tunnel vision bro.
[07:29:02] He's biker boy city.
[07:29:03] Yeah yeah okay we're gonna um
[07:29:05] I'm going to campfire this right here.
[07:29:08] Holy dicks!
[07:29:12] How long do we got?
[07:29:14] We've got two minutes.
[07:29:16] There's a portal room right to the south,
[07:29:19] that room they just shot us from is a portal room.
[07:29:22] So there might be two portals in there?
[07:29:24] No no, there's not.
[07:29:25] I think we saw one and he was using it. Ah shit, fine.
[07:29:29] That's why his boy fought us I think.
[07:29:31] Okay we gotta figure this out.
[07:29:33] East-ish South-ish.
[07:29:35] Do i have time to loot this guy real fast?
[07:29:39] My man had a hell of money on him bro. Yeah, sure. Yeah, hurry, hurry, hurry. I'm gonna haste us.
[07:29:40] That man had hella money on him bro.
[07:29:43] He had a blue spear on him bro.
[07:29:47] Boink!
[07:29:49] I'm just going. I'm not getting greedy.
[07:29:51] Okay? I'm going. Following you.
[07:29:55] Rings!
[07:29:57] Oh shit dude, ring neck too late.
[07:29:59] Too fucking late. It's like yeah i thought that was
[07:30:03] i up sorry There's some bullshit over here.
[07:30:22] Staircase this way, staircase this way. One of us will be able to get out.
[07:30:27] Ooh!
[07:30:29] This is gonna be a you-getout promenade right now...
[07:30:32] Where do I go? Uh uh i think it's like under
[07:30:35] just going that door it's in a sewer somewhere It's just through. Gotta be pulling it in, right?
[07:30:44] Yeah, it shouldn't be on my fish tank.
[07:30:46] I see it, I'm seeing it.
[07:30:50] Found it.
[07:30:52] Holy fuck you died at the end! What happened? Oh this shit takes us down!
[07:30:57] Yeah, the PVE hit me as I went through that door and I couldn't get advantage
[07:31:01] Oh I'm sorry brother
[07:31:03] That was crazy though
[07:31:08] We fucking mop mop those seats that was crazy
[07:31:17] yeah you can't you kept hitting that dude with ice like you were a frost mage. Oh, dude I am in this game?
[07:31:20] That's your fucking teammate diamond. Crazy.
[07:31:22] Shut up bro! The locust or some shit got him. Whatever the fuck that is man.
[07:31:27] Yeah yeah yeah the locust got him. Now watch my damn cooking.
[07:31:30] What was that part? He was like I shot you in the back!
[07:31:33] Oh yeah...
[07:32:02] Not intended not intended does it count doesn't count Damn. Let's see what's going on with some of these rings.
[07:32:23] Not too bad, magic damage...magic and racking agility. magic interact and agility Yeah, I got mage shit bro. I'm gonna sell these.
[07:32:24] You want me to bring them in for you?
[07:32:25] The rings?
[07:32:26] Nah nah.
[07:32:27] I have some stuff on.
[07:32:41] It's cause of the blue spear, bro. Blue spears are just absolute shit.
[07:32:45] I can go green-spear with that one at 20.
[07:32:49] . so so so I have to get these bags. The guy who stole your inventory and set off
[07:33:40] Your grenade posted a YouTube video on it
[07:33:42] The guy who stole your inventory inventory then set off your grenade post youtube you talking about the guys that hit the uh
[07:34:03] the mine the land landmine? Oh yeah, did they?
[07:34:10] What did he say about it?
[07:34:14] M105. It's not bad. Just in all grades except for my weapons.
[07:34:23] It's all it takes is fucking weapons my class i think i finished something
[07:34:43] whoops sorry Whoops. I'm throwing away the party, sorry.
[07:34:50] I don't know why...
[07:34:51] I said you have friend requests too, I think.
[07:34:53] Player listings for invitations.
[07:34:56] I don't know why it doesn't do my friends and shit.
[07:34:58] Maybe that's because i
[07:34:59] am it's not like you've seen yeah so you can take that on my hand then
[07:35:04] you'll be able to see me on your friend's list i gotcha What the fuck have you done with something? so I'm going up to these?
[07:35:44] Or maybe the hand crossword might.
[07:35:46] Believe it or not though. well wait what does this guy say's oh yeah stuff in your inventory
[07:36:05] You have shit in your inventory
[07:36:07] Wait what the fuck where did all that come from? Probably tipsy didn't question something. Oh, that's right
[07:36:12] That's right stupid a other right. I'm being stupid.
[07:36:14] Hey yeah the squire let me know though.
[07:36:16] Yeah he did. He was like,
[07:36:17] Whoa bud!
[07:36:24] I actually need coin pur. Badly right now.
[07:36:26] Oh man, yeah you- oh my god! It's your whole tab!
[07:36:34] You gotta go buy something.
[07:36:39] You're winning too much bro, you've got money now.
[07:36:41] You could also just buy another tab if you want since you have money now.
[07:36:44] To be honest this never happens.
[07:36:46] Last time I played this game
[07:36:47] it was just getting smoked the whole time
[07:36:50] and I really won fights.
[07:36:51] Yeah dude we're two of the worst classes in this game right now too
[07:36:54] so it's kind of hilarious when we're shitting on like fighters
[07:36:56] and barbs and shit.
[07:36:58] I'll take it dude.
[07:37:00] Clerics and fucking
[07:37:01] bards.
[07:37:03] Yeah.
[07:37:04] Well pretty good.
[07:37:06] The spear is fucking making a huge difference I think Wizard is like the literal worst class in everybody's eyes right now. I don't know.
[07:37:34] I mean,
[07:37:35] I know that just people when I went to Ranger they were like,
[07:37:38] Don't do it.
[07:37:40] Guys are like yeah but I can't do anything but shoot people in these types of games guys. The windless crossbow don't exist for the real lizards anymore.
[07:37:56] The torch...
[07:37:59] ...and reindeer arms! the porch
[07:38:02] and rain girl
[07:38:04] so when i was talking on your plate this game is a nice decision I definitely want to play fighter and have a fighter build that I like. Druid is so fucking fun.
[07:38:30] I just don't like playing druid a little on the lower end because
[07:38:33] Druid can't fight anything 1v1 without stats.
[07:38:37] Fighter can use crossbow, which is what I heard.
[07:38:39] Might be interesting starting up a fight like that.
[07:38:42] Without stats your forms just suck.
[07:38:48] Yeah yeah Wiggle I feel that.
[07:38:58] Crossbow plus spear and crossbow perks?
[07:39:15] You'd like a fighter with the crossbow build, okay. uh tammy i've liked it more than i expected don Don't tell anybody, though. It's a secret.
[07:39:20] Bards can actually use survival bows as well.
[07:39:22] If you ever like bard,
[07:39:24] they still have little shooty-shooty
[07:39:27] jillis titer obviously
[07:39:33] yeah listen i ran around with poke and my chat was losing their minds how many harp sounds they had to hear so I don't think they would like it if I had it.
[07:39:40] Oh man...yeah, it gets old. I play a bit of art in it as well. It's fuckin' old probably. This lobby is empty as fucking dick. Is there even anyone in here?
[07:40:01] There's actually a couple of people.
[07:40:05] One or two other teams, that's it? What's going on? He's nonsense.
[07:40:09] Are we on blast servers or some shit?
[07:40:15] I see every fucking guy running around, just one dude!
[07:40:19] I'm gonna go get him. So we fucking got to see him running around. Just one day.
[07:40:33] I just ran through this entire place.
[07:41:06] I don't think there's anyone else but that one guy... Oops. Well, it just means this is going to be a looting sesh bro. Is this the big dog right in front of us?
[07:41:10] I got a blue campfire.
[07:41:11] Man what the fuck?
[07:41:17] That must be insane.
[07:41:21] Dude there's no way! I'm getting exception access violation again. No
[07:41:24] way I'm getting that same error that I got
[07:41:26] in Star Citizen forever.
[07:41:28] I'm not going to move because you are on the side
[07:41:30] of my arrow guy.
[07:41:32] There is no way.. I can't believe that.
[07:41:59] It's gonna be a fucking CPU thing again, guaranteed. Oh shit, it's alive.
[07:42:12] Yeah man, definitely not talking to police. I had this issue before but It wasn't a CPU issue.
[07:42:18] 5G CPU was fine.
[07:42:21] Now, I'm going to ask
[07:42:21] for violation of the American Constitution.
[07:42:25] Okay.
[07:42:30] You just don't make PC parts like they used to. Yeah, bro I'm sorry you even got a deal with that shit. That's such bad.
[07:42:33] What the fuck is this thing?
[07:42:35] I hate PC issues dude, honestly it's the worst shit.
[07:42:37] It seriously ridiculous man.
[07:42:41] Don't move on your back are you back?
[07:42:43] Yeah I'm in.
[07:43:05] AHHHHHH I'm gonna go to the other side. Honestly, if you haven't checked out fuckin' Armored Core just for fuckin', like uh... single player safety, that's actually fun as fuck.
[07:43:08] Remember we used to play on it? Yeah, we used the 1v1 and shit.
[07:43:11] You were all about the laser fucking weapons
[07:43:13] in Mario Land 2. Was I really?!
[07:43:15] Yeah... you liked the energy weapons
[07:43:17] and I like the run-and-run grenade launchers
[07:43:19] I still kinda like energy weapons
[07:43:21] to an extent
[07:43:23] I'm a melee boy though
[07:43:25] I'm like a quick
[07:43:27] I'm a fucking speedy melee
[07:43:29] boy at heart Yeah but speedy melee the way it hurt.
[07:43:33] Yeah, but uh...
[07:43:40] I got those big heavy builds so I can have like the giganto fucking
[07:43:42] charged laser beams and all that shit dude
[07:43:44] and just fuckin' talk things.
[07:43:47] Since I like being a light boy so much
[07:43:49] it's kinda...
[07:43:50] I don't get to rock your crazy ass thing.
[07:43:53] And... I don't know if they're rocking crazy yet. That's fair.
[07:43:59] Energy wave, arms wave, legs wave
[07:44:01] all fucking rolling. Yeah, I think someone's in here.
[07:44:04] I just saw a fast movement.
[07:44:12] God, that archer! He's on you.
[07:44:15] Fucking goblin archer!
[07:44:17] I have so many arrows in my back!
[07:44:19] Did I hit you with that? No, not yours. There is.
[07:44:20] Oh, you have an arrow right in your fucking forehead.
[07:44:23] Yeah, I'm a unicorn bro.
[07:44:25] Jealous?
[07:44:27] It's kind of made me
[07:44:29] poison down a little bit but that's just because
[07:44:31] You wanna not go in there now because
[07:44:33] Not really.
[07:44:37] That guy's gonna annihilate us and then we're not in trouble like that.
[07:44:40] There's only one other guy in this lobby,
[07:44:41] I'm serious, I'm pretty sure.
[07:44:44] He's probably telling us.
[07:44:46] Kind of disappointing. I'm pretty sure... He's gonna be down, I guess.
[07:44:49] Kinda disappointed in him though. Oh another fucking guy in the red line is...
[07:44:52] Why wouldn't there be yellow?
[07:45:00] I think I'm all out of this corner. I don't know what he was playing.
[07:45:08] Oh my god, this weapon is long!
[07:45:11] It's got a long weapon.
[07:45:14] I'm gonna get myself some...
[07:45:17] beat his ass.
[07:45:19] No lines.
[07:45:25] Oh man...
[07:45:27] Don't you hit me! Okay, hits me after I get the shrine key up.
[07:45:29] Fuckin'...
[07:45:30] ...tribe.
[07:45:33] Alright alright let's go.
[07:45:35] Don't you lunge in any circles.
[07:45:37] Oh we don't wanna to be in here.
[07:45:39] No no, back up!
[07:45:42] Yeah yeah yeah.
[07:45:45] Is that a Yeti down there?
[07:45:48] Where the fuck we gonna get normal
[07:45:51] Hopefully this one
[07:45:52] This one's fine
[07:45:54] It's like
[07:46:00] The only guy in the fucking game other than us I'm running at him.
[07:46:03] But there's two!
[07:46:07] Okay, there's two and a spider.
[07:46:09] And they're all on some guy. Yeah, they're on us. Yeah!
[07:46:11] And I'm dotted already.
[07:46:22] I just headshot the- Oh! Oh my god! Just hold the hideout, I'm killing a spider. I got his teammates running the fuck away. He's just fake tipped in.
[07:46:23] Where is this boy?
[07:46:24] I don't know.
[07:46:25] I think he's right here.
[07:46:26] I can see him.
[07:46:27] I can see him.
[07:46:28] I can see him.
[07:46:29] I can see him.
[07:46:30] I can see him.
[07:46:31] I can see him.
[07:46:32] I can see him. I can see him. I can see him. He's running the fuck away.
[07:46:35] Where is his wife?
[07:46:39] You go straight to the door and shut it I'm gonna get this I bet he...
[07:46:49] What if he grabbed his heart and went a left? No, he didn't. His boy did a fucking front flip nine fucking hundred-tony hock
[07:46:53] And he tipped the fuck out.
[07:46:57] He busted a quick 180 and said nah that ain't for me.
[07:47:03] I don't want to go check now.
[07:47:04] They were trying to get that gold chest, I think.
[07:47:10] Shit, we need to leave this room. I got like five thousand things and the fucking
[07:47:16] dumb harpy chasing me.
[07:47:18] Where the fuck is he at?
[07:47:20] You're that direction.
[07:47:24] Alright, I'm just gonna run around with you. You wanna get out of this room?
[07:47:27] Oh yeah, I want the fuck outta this room
[07:47:29] I have like literally everything behind me
[07:47:33] I have actual everything, yeah
[07:47:35] It's time to leave this room
[07:47:41] hey that man spotted rip i alluded like his little shitty uh
[07:47:46] oh this is the bad room.
[07:47:48] This is a less bad
[07:47:50] room than that room. You sure?
[07:47:52] Yeah. Okay.
[07:47:56] We can um... You wanna fight this thing it takes a lot
[07:47:59] no
[07:48:02] we're just gonna
[07:48:04] squeeze by
[07:48:07] my whole baby don't get hit by that ice.
[07:48:09] Easy peasy! We're fucking out of here.
[07:48:23] Alright this is a nice simple room. The shield guy's not so bad.
[07:48:25] Why is everything so dead everywhere we go?
[07:48:29] I think it used to be a door.
[07:48:31] Door!
[07:48:33] He just opened it and shut it.
[07:48:39] I think that's the other turret.
[07:48:41] I think it is.
[07:48:44] I'm gonna fucking haste you.
[07:48:50] Oh, he's... yeah, He's peacing out though.
[07:48:53] He does not want the smoke anyway.
[07:48:58] You gotta roll me here for the smoke.
[07:49:09] He's got running...
[07:49:13] He's on the other side, he's just going fucking coast to coast on us. Yeah, look at his
[07:49:15] bitch ass go on fucking
[07:49:17] coast to coast.
[07:49:24] Okay, I'm gonna debate this attack. Go ahead and open it.
[07:49:27] Gotta close my eyes. Have to, have to.
[07:49:28] Here we go, I'll close it.
[07:49:30] Oh okay! I got kicked in that's fine too.
[07:49:32] It's a warlock!
[07:49:35] Freeze! Get it?
[07:49:39] Alright, let's get him. Giving him matches cause he's
[07:49:43] got a free health potion in the form of all these Mavs we've got.
[07:49:46] I killed one.
[07:49:49] Oh, did you kill another?
[07:49:52] Oh my god! I'm dead!
[07:50:21] I'm dead don't even arrest me bro, it's not even worth it. Shit man, I should have backed off. That's my fault.
[07:50:25] I should've backed off after I killed the one guy just to help clear a little.
[07:50:28] Okay, I was trying to get them off to aggro me so you could open the door
[07:50:36] fucking harpy in like every...
[07:50:38] What is this fucking dungeon?
[07:50:47] Fucking big goddamn room right now.
[07:50:49] Get me outta here!
[07:50:58] Nice shot, nice shot. If that worked, I was gonna lose it.
[07:51:04] How will you be at this game Judd?
[07:51:07] Uh...I don't know! I like the game! It's a fun game!
[07:51:10] Tsk tsk tsk I don't know. I like that game. It's a fun game.
[07:51:18] I'm definitely down for Dark and Darker, I like that game.
[07:51:21] He's down for the dark. Get the fuck on then! Are you afraid of the dark? I bet.
[07:51:24] Alright, we're gonna start one though while you get on with it. You gotta download the game, Shrek.
[07:51:28] Yeah yeah dude, you can't get off Steam anymore, right?
[07:51:32] You can.
[07:51:35] Okay.
[07:51:36] If you bought it before you bought it on Steam though
[07:51:38] you can transfer your shit but you have to have the other one
[07:51:40] installed so you can get a game.
[07:51:42] I think I bought it on Steam before I got taken off of Steam.
[07:51:46] Okay.
[07:51:47] If that works...
[07:51:52] What do I have in this? I need to buy gold coin purses from...
[07:52:17] Treasure.
[07:52:23] So apparently all of those are safe. Sorry, apparently I didn't die on Steam because somebody just played a beta.
[07:52:26] I got it though.
[07:52:29] I was saying there's like this stupid convoluted process if you wanted to transfer from the their client more more and catch up starting this. Okay, get my shifter on...
[07:53:05] Oh my goodness so so I got it?
[07:53:47] Got it.
[07:54:03] Oh, man. Got it. All right. I'm in there, and the transfer of some stuff I'm hitting ready If you do Goblin Quest,
[07:54:16] you'll get a big coin bag for free.
[07:54:18] The Goblino quest.
[07:54:20] What do I have to do for it? Oh, yeah.
[07:54:23] Alright no clue.
[07:54:25] Uh, Judge almost didn't hear that so...
[07:54:27] He's dead and he launched.
[07:54:29] Got it got it.
[07:54:31] You just have to set up your uh
[07:54:33] your squire basic gear base gear set oh my base gear set stuff went higher
[07:54:40] and then come on what is all this sometimes uh
[07:54:42] sometimes your ship will go from grey to white
[07:54:44] but i don't think any of your stuff will
[07:54:48] You can start with the pathos
[07:54:50] That would be crazy
[07:54:52] Oh man Alright, am I gonna that would be crazy oh man request all right my guy's created
[07:55:05] is or are you just going to invite the name of it? Spear is so game changing on this character.
[07:55:09] The guy's name is Jet Twitch
[07:55:11] I want to make another character for now
[07:55:13] while he's doing this.
[07:55:15] Let me see what I got.
[07:55:18] My character's name is HutchMFTTV.
[07:55:25] That's so good.
[07:55:27] Send you a phone request I can invite you next time.
[07:55:30] Things will be at the top right
[07:55:31] or player list invitation.
[07:55:32] Fire.
[07:55:36] We make making new class
[07:55:37] I'm playing a warlock
[07:55:40] That's you, you dummy
[07:55:42] Yeah
[07:55:46] Name's not available.
[07:55:53] Just make your name fucking Action Maths TTV as well, Daniels.
[07:55:58] Maybe it was taken by some
[07:55:59] other fighter.
[07:56:01] Hey,
[07:56:01] hey,
[07:56:01] hey.
[07:56:03] Yeah,
[07:56:03] yeah.
[07:56:06] I do have
[07:56:07] underscores now. I do have an underscore so no
[07:56:11] nah nah nah
[07:56:36] Nah that doesn't really look right now without the eye in it. you you
[07:56:48] you Okay, let's come up with the best strategy we can come up with for now.
[07:56:50] I didn't even know that I could actually
[07:56:52] headshot a motherfucker like that
[07:56:54] I know we used to talk about it with headshot
[07:56:56] fireballs and stuff but like... Should I just
[07:56:58] go with what he base has?
[07:57:00] Okay one We need health box. yeah you can get a whole
[07:57:03] ass fucking front i can't put the fuck in but i can't put
[07:57:09] wait i thought
[07:57:11] i can't put a potion in there?
[07:57:15] Oh, cause it's already there. Okay, what are we doing weapon-wise here?
[07:57:29] We obviously won't be able to perk into
[07:57:31] you know, whatever
[07:57:33] that any weapon, right right so we need to chill
[07:57:38] long sword is fun so hmm Hmm.
[07:58:08] Foul Shannon Buckler? Okay, let's do it.
[07:58:21] Anything else we're missing here?
[07:58:23] What else can we get here?
[07:58:25] Uh... What else can we get here?
[07:58:34] These guys, the axes. Boots okay Oops, okay. Heater shield.
[07:58:52] Is that just like on the second slot or in place of the buckler
[07:59:08] in place no buckler
[07:59:29] okay You're telling me I can bring a two-hand sword if I want to as well?
[07:59:32] Does that affect me negatively in any way if i if i did that
[07:59:39] during some downtime okay sure let's out Thieler on YouTube.
[07:59:43] I think that's good right?
[07:59:47] This looks fun.
[07:59:50] Alright, I got a set. Set up.
[07:59:53] You know how to do that right Juddman?
[07:59:55] Yeah.
[07:59:57] We're both level 1 fighters.
[08:00:06] Jay if you wanna try try a different character, what do you trust? You just stay on wizard.
[08:00:08] Um...
[08:00:10] Get our chances of doing better.
[08:00:12] Nevermind. No! Get our chances of doing better nevermind
[08:00:15] Yeah Cuz me and him are gonna suck so we might as well have someone else with the fuck yo, yo, yo stick yourself. Oh
[08:00:21] You think you're gonna be good at this game job, huh?
[08:00:24] Yeah Judd is Huh? Yeah.
[08:00:25] Judd is thinking to himself right now in this moment of time chat
[08:00:27] He's like man
[08:00:29] This is going to be a game that I'm actually better than Shaman at
[08:00:33] But he's not right. He's actually not correct.
[08:00:36] What?
[08:00:38] What's that?
[08:00:40] Oh, is that gonna...
[08:00:42] Is there a black-
[08:00:44] Hey sorry chat I had to make you listen
[08:00:46] to the fucking drums of death.
[08:00:47] I apologize.
[08:00:49] I forgot about the accept all button.
[08:00:50] I was about to spam it.
[08:00:51] Someone said he's actually good. What? You're actually good at this game?
[08:01:00] Okay... I believe this shit when I see it.
[08:01:05] Please select a dungeon. I will and I shall
[08:01:08] I shall and I will
[08:01:10] We're going normal goblin caves
[08:01:14] Probably need to select a server
[08:01:16] Boom we in this bitch Pardon me lord did you check your load out hold on
[08:01:19] fucking hold on he's pissed at me the guy's pissed to me he said did you check your loadout
[08:01:25] what's wrong with it it
[08:01:35] did you check your lowdown you'll be placed into a dungeon based on the gear scores
[08:01:38] let me check my Let me check my...
[08:01:39] Are we both wizards?
[08:01:40] I'm Gearstar 7.
[08:01:40] I'm Gearstar 7.
[08:01:42] Yeah, you're both wizards.
[08:01:43] Oh, shit!
[08:01:44] Okay, hold on.
[08:01:45] He said he was a warlock
[08:01:46] so I thought
[08:01:47] he was a warlock.
[08:01:48] Nah-ah,
[08:01:48] I said I was a wizard.
[08:01:50] You said warlock! Bitch!
[08:01:52] What do you guys think on this one?
[08:01:55] Alright, counterattack when you...
[08:01:58] Don't know if I like that logic.
[08:02:03] Um... I don't know if I like that logic. Nah. Yeah, dude.
[08:02:03] I don't fucking like you.
[08:02:05] I'm not one of those guys
[08:02:06] that plays fucking Cleric
[08:02:07] so I'm not doing that.
[08:02:09] Sword Mastery.
[08:02:10] Oh, I want to play Cleric!
[08:02:13] Do you? Yeah, yeah,
[08:02:14] let me go back. Okay. Alright guys,
[08:02:16] let's do it. You guys are right on that
[08:02:18] I believe. How could you walk a thing?
[08:02:20] Game 3 attack of my moment. Anything for abilities?
[08:02:24] Anything different?
[08:02:25] Sprint and
[08:02:26] second wind.
[08:02:29] Those are good? Okay.
[08:02:34] Alright. Those are good? Okay. Okay.
[08:02:36] Alright guys, let's fucking do this.
[08:02:40] Yeah clerics are apparently like really good they're insane
[08:02:44] they're one of the best in the game do not misclick eat gotcha use it in a pinch pinch.
[08:02:58] You know, I had to rebind my F
[08:03:00] key on GTA 5
[08:03:03] because that's to get into cars and
[08:03:05] get out of cars because I fat finger it
[08:03:07] too often my ass would just randomly jump out of the car.
[08:03:09] Ha ha ha!
[08:03:21] Ha ha ha! Same fucking name. Yeah, you only have to make one character at a time.
[08:03:24] Oh yeah if there's a lead? In the middle of like a car chase You know, let's make one character at a time. Oh, you have to delete?
[08:03:27] In the middle of like a car chase, dude.
[08:03:29] I would just jump out.
[08:03:31] I remember one time
[08:03:33] my mouse died and I couldn't figure out what was going on
[08:03:35] so I was like, yo! My shit! I can't move my shit was going on. So, yeah, my shot can move my shit.
[08:03:37] I was new to having the wireless mouse at the time
[08:03:43] died.
[08:03:43] The whole chase stopped.
[08:03:44] I had the whole Chase stop.
[08:03:46] Yeah, I can't move!
[08:03:50] My fucking mouse was dead, bro.
[08:03:51] The whole fucking...
[08:03:52] I had to stop RP
[08:03:53] for my dumbass.
[08:04:01] Well, because the thing is I had... Because on my mouse was what I decided to put
[08:04:04] My get in and out of cars
[08:04:06] So it's like I can't even get in and out of the car because
[08:04:09] the mouse is dead.
[08:04:11] It's not
[08:04:11] recognizing the button.
[08:04:20] Yeah, bad timing.
[08:04:23] Alright.
[08:04:32] So what do you guys think? Should I use the two handed sword just willy nilly or should i try to maybe open with that and then swap to, you know what im saying. What are you
[08:04:37] thinking?
[08:04:38] Im ready
[08:04:39] Is there a strategy or should i be just be like, yeah, just use it if you're fucking winning?
[08:04:49] Okay.
[08:04:54] Use it if you're winning, okay, okay, gotcha, I'm gonna do that.
[08:05:03] Hey my guy doesn't do a... Oh, it's because you're my teammate.
[08:05:05] I'm not hitting anything actually.
[08:05:09] I'm trying to see what the combo is.
[08:05:12] Yeah, if you hit things in a spinny bear.
[08:05:15] Oh, just swing it at air...
[08:05:21] Okay, she's real spiky.
[08:05:28] If you're gonna try and do your parrying longsword, understand that not every time you bolt somebody is it going to stop their sling.
[08:05:31] It can still hit you, it can still... How do you parry?
[08:05:34] Just hit it as a combo? Okay, gotcha.
[08:05:37] You don't stun them anyway.
[08:05:39] Nah, you hold right-click and when
[08:05:41] they go bling off of your sword, you press
[08:05:42] right-click again and it's got a two-part attack so
[08:05:45] you can press it up to two more times ding all right yeah here like hold uh hold right quick turn around so hold that clip
[08:06:01] get chill man and then press right click after i climb
[08:06:07] okay and then i press right click after i claim
[08:06:19] is Yeah, fuck this! Get off me man.
[08:06:25] Yeah, fuck parrying. It's not gonna work!
[08:06:28] Well against a dagger it's a little bit worse because I'm
[08:06:32]'s a Rundell Dagger. But when someone is
[08:06:36] swinging at you with a normal sword,
[08:06:38] you'll fucking... You'll go and just fucking beat the shit out of your right mouse button
[08:06:41] so that you get the parry attack.
[08:06:44] Okay, so just basically if they have a dagger?
[08:06:46] Shield, baby.
[08:06:47] If they're trying to stick you straight like a Thresh attack it's gonna be hard to block.
[08:06:52] Even with the shield?
[08:06:54] No! Shield is great for that.
[08:06:58] Listen I'm about to just shield up
[08:07:00] Buck people with my
[08:07:02] Falshing
[08:07:02] Same thing for shields
[08:07:05] You gotta really block
[08:07:07] What's that motherfucker?
[08:07:09] Like an up-to-down attack You to make sure you look up at that shit
[08:07:12] it can hit the shield and still hits your face
[08:07:16] that's crazy I'm gonna try to get this out of here. Yeah, no, they're in the cage.
[08:07:28] I think that's them.
[08:08:06] You want me? I'm gonna go next one. NOOOOOO! What slappies over here this guy. Lantern shield! The lantern shield is sick! The lantern shield has a parry attack as well, and it like... It's badass actually
[08:08:08] And you can put an oil ring on it
[08:08:11] Holy shit dude my guy looks like he's about to throw down some Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
[08:08:15] Hold your shield and then press right click when I hit it ready?
[08:08:19] Press right click after I hit it.
[08:08:22] Oh! What the fuck?!
[08:08:24] That's how that's the parry shit.
[08:08:26] Why'd you stab me?
[08:08:38] Someone said press R. Press R? Can you put like a torch in it? Yeah! You can put a torch
[08:08:42] in that bitch, she might have a light. That's fucking cool. So I actually have that approaching one
[08:08:51] Debbie lights
[08:09:00] Oh I stabbed him with a fucking assassin's creed.
[08:09:08] I'm already getting my ass kicked out of health. I need to bring more pods into this guy.
[08:09:11] Hey Claire, can you do some healing or no?
[08:09:14] Or is it like not working at this point?
[08:09:19] I just don't know how the class works. Oh dude you're a god.
[08:09:20] I'm gonna put down a campfire I think.
[08:09:21] Actually never mind, we'll work this out.
[08:09:27] If someone comes at me I I'll just open the door and use my headphone.
[08:09:33] There's an archer guy in here.
[08:09:35] He had some things to loot.
[08:09:37] Yeah we can on there.
[08:09:45] Oh it's a fucking trap! It's a fucking trap! AAAAAAAAGH! guys i'm bailing
[08:09:54] i'm back in it
[08:09:57] okay guys i'm out of here Okay, guys.
[08:10:01] I'm out of here!
[08:10:04] I'm fucking out of here!
[08:10:06] I'm putting a campfire down.
[08:10:08] Pop your second wind.
[08:10:09] No hell no, I'm not wasting that. We get it back with campfires. Pop your second wind. Pop your second wind. No, hell no I'm not wasting that!
[08:10:11] No, we get it back with campfires.
[08:10:12] Pop your second wind.
[08:10:14] Okay, popping it.
[08:10:16] Pop the second wind and I'll put a campfire down there.
[08:10:18] Don't waste your shit.
[08:10:19] You're putting a campfire down?
[08:10:20] Okay.
[08:10:21] I have two camp down? Okay. I have two campaigns.
[08:10:22] Okay.
[08:10:24] Okay, I gotta work on...
[08:10:26] I don't like this shield that doesn't block enough.
[08:10:29] Yeah, that one's smaller than the heater shield. Yeah fu-
[08:10:29] I dropped my heater shield and I'm stupid bro.
[08:10:33] It's okay. This is only one thing. i dropped my heatershield i'm stupid bro
[08:10:41] yeah it'll be good where's fucking judd you should be sitting at the campfire. Jack, sit the fuck down!
[08:10:44] Jack, current press G.
[08:10:47] Okay.
[08:10:49] I don't think it's next time.
[08:10:52] We might have still been in range there.
[08:10:54] No maybe not he was far.
[08:11:00] Alright um...
[08:11:02] Let's not go around the perimeter of this map for fucking evidence.
[08:11:04] Go ahead and run along here. Let's not go around the perimeter of this map for fucking evidence.
[08:11:09] Where is that J1 lead? Yeah, we got heat buff.
[08:11:19] We're good.
[08:11:20] Heavy gauntlets!
[08:11:21] Bum bum bum!
[08:11:22] Magical fucking power!
[08:11:23] I'm gonna go get some of that fire.
[08:11:24] I don't know what's going on here.
[08:11:27] I think it's a bomb. It's a bomb. heavy gauntlets. Magical fucking power!
[08:11:31] I'm not a poutlin'.
[08:11:38] ... Okay, new helmet. Nope, never mind.
[08:11:41] Barbaric helmet.
[08:11:42] Barbarian-esque helmet. Alright, let's keep truckin' here.
[08:11:53] What is the cutoff?
[08:11:57] The line is too short! The lunch. Those were better?
[08:12:10] I had some able fights, but'll find some better snow.
[08:12:24] Oh he almost got me but I dodged it!
[08:12:26] I weaved it! He's just wet, RJ. You just fled out there?
[08:12:46] I got two legs.
[08:12:49] Put these boots on, Ben.
[08:12:54] Fucking foot-slappy ass motherfucker!
[08:12:57] Lizard!
[08:12:59] Yeah! Slap the fat off!
[08:13:07] Fuck you! Slap all of these dudes! Yeah! He was supposed to die before he got that.
[08:13:09] Watch out, there's a chest on the roof!
[08:13:13] See? Watch out, there's a chest on the roof! It's got teeth!
[08:13:17] It's pretending.
[08:13:23] Ooh, plate pants!
[08:13:27] Ooooooh my...
[08:13:30] Memory capacity.
[08:13:32] Is that good for melee at all?
[08:13:36] Alright dude, I got pilot gear got sick.
[08:13:40] Oh this guy's got two guys, careful careful careful. Oh shit! Nice job, these backsides look like they're red. Oh shit. You're kinda like Garen a little bit.
[08:14:08] Ooh, door's open.
[08:14:11] Skeleton sled.
[08:14:12] Ooh, green looters.
[08:14:15] That's because we're back on the fucking outskirts where we were before
[08:14:19] i knew that i knew that god damn it leroy how do we keep doing this yo jud, pay attention. And I'm gonna to get you.
[08:14:40] Oh, yeah.
[08:14:45] Listen, listen.
[08:14:48] That's crazy how little we got that reach on you right now.
[08:14:50] You reached so far!
[08:14:53] I think it happened with the...
[08:14:57] Oh, that's close.
[08:15:03] Oh shit. I don't know. Can you hear the magic guitars?
[08:15:05] Yep. That wasn't me, right?
[08:15:15] What? No.
[08:15:17] Okay.
[08:15:19] Alright, I'm gonna sit around this campfire. You wanna sit around this campfire?
[08:15:26] Get your spells back and we'll we see the campfire.
[08:15:40] Being banished. See you around the campfire! See ya around the camp, I say.
[08:15:52] Oh fuck.
[08:15:57] Jesus, I'm an 8-pack!
[08:16:00] Ass of a two hander guy. Fuck! I hope you're still in there.
[08:16:12] You gotta block that- Sorry. TAP! Sorry.
[08:16:15] That's pretty cool.
[08:16:17] So, underwater has a bunch of zombies coming out the surface of this fucking map.
[08:16:23] I mean it's like effectively I technically a little bit better.
[08:16:25] One strength, one strength, but I get more out of defense.
[08:16:31] It gets even darker!
[08:16:36] I can't break barrels, you gotta break these.
[08:16:39] This guy is obviously gonna come out and be alive.
[08:16:43] Oh yes!
[08:16:53] Oh! Holy shit it's good! It does damage. It fucked that dude up. So like everybody in this fucking lobby is pretty Yeah.
[08:16:57] So, like... Everybody in this fucking lobby is pretty toast.
[08:17:00] Pretty cooked.
[08:17:00] Pretty dead.
[08:17:02] We should get the fuck back to where we came
[08:17:05] and try and get inward on the map
[08:17:06] so we can find an exit. I don't know which one
[08:17:08] to get. I'm going with this one.
[08:17:12] And a viking sword. You're a viking,
[08:17:16] aren't you? I'll give pants to Jed, someone said I hear a Viking running.
[08:17:21] I'll give pants to Jed, someone said. Come here, Jed.
[08:17:23] Take these fucking pants.
[08:17:27] We're runnin' out of time. Chat says.
[08:17:29] That thing's a birdie! Are you swimming?
[08:17:33] No, I'm not.
[08:17:37] Oh it's just... no i'm not
[08:18:47] oh it's just waiting uh we're gonna get amber There's a portal going around. Axe boy. so I'm gonna get much on this round anyway. I think we'll be fighting down here. I don't want any surprises, let's just pick the spiders.
[08:18:58] There it is. Holy shit, that's a good shot.
[08:19:05] Here is the dead guy who wanted to get these portals but could not.
[08:19:36] Here's the dude! I see stuff right here one three three Now we gotta take this.
[08:19:38] Reset?
[08:19:40] Yeah, kinda gotta reset this.
[08:19:50] Aw shit! Oh, chat's yelling at me.
[08:19:51] I forgot a book.
[08:19:53] You forgot a book?
[08:19:54] Okay.
[08:19:57] These books are getting ask, motherfucker.
[08:20:01] It'd be funny if Jed didn't jump right now.
[08:20:03] Oh, bro, I'm the one in here!
[08:20:04] Ah, shit.
[08:20:07] There he is.
[08:20:09] That's a secret room, the book.
[08:20:11] Oh shit, okay.
[08:20:12] I'll try to remember that next time.
[08:20:14] Are you talking about where you pull the book and it opens the little wall?
[08:20:16] That's what they mean?
[08:20:17] Yeah, me really.
[08:20:23] Secret bookshelf room. We wouldn't have had time to loot probably anywhere, so we're done with the minute.
[08:20:25] Goodness! Yeah. Where'd all the money go?
[08:20:33] I said 49, I got 5. so so so so Hey, what the fuck? I am. I guess that's fine.
[08:21:53] Can you sell anything in the club there that doesn't buy to any other merchant? Sell anything You can request a knight, dude.
[08:22:00] Sell anything that collector doesn't buy to any other merchant?
[08:22:02] What's that? You can request a knight!
[08:22:05] It's a player who knows what they're doing and can guide you bully hunter oh
[08:22:09] it's a sherpa pull the honor the sherpa a bully hunter i think i'm gonna go back to this original Bully hunter.
[08:22:18] I think I'm gonna go back to this original shield, I don't know... Dude that video was like the worst thing I've ever seen.
[08:22:21] It's like tell me you never fucking played Counter-Strike without telling me you've never played Counter-Strike.
[08:22:26] That's gonna go down the hall right there
[08:22:32] it's definitely one of the mishaps of gaming for sure.
[08:22:42] You done with DayZ?
[08:22:46] Taking a break from it.
[08:22:47] I got pissed at it today.
[08:22:49] Started yelling at everybody. What happened? Taking a break from it. I got pissed at today started yelling everybody
[08:22:54] What animals are having their just bears and daisy there's wolves
[08:22:56] deer goats
[08:23:00] Quartz skunks squirrel Fart squirrels? They got- in New York they have raccoons.
[08:23:06] Biscuits and the Scammer now! No It's just like what your character looks like.
[08:23:11] They have races.
[08:23:17] Like all the gear, yeah.
[08:23:19] They have some skins
[08:23:20] for when you have a cape Like all the gear, yeah. They have like some skins for
[08:23:21] when you have a cape, your capes will be
[08:23:23] all extra twinkly, certain things like that
[08:23:25] that people got from high roller leaderboard
[08:23:27] shit. Oh, that's kind of cool.
[08:23:32] Yeah, every season, depending on the rank you get in uh high roller stuff you get a little wow arena
[08:23:39] yep it rewards every season different Different skins, people look like
[08:23:42] they get nightmare skeleton
[08:23:45] skins, they'll get the
[08:23:46] white zombie
[08:23:48] skins.
[08:23:50] Frostwalkers.
[08:23:53] They get dude the frost walkers
[08:24:18] let's shoot they get like uh pavini modes Action! I'm not going to let you get away with this. Oh wait, I came in here with extra gear score.
[08:24:21] We're gonna be playing against people that are...
[08:24:23] Honestly, I don't even think it's that much different than the beginning one.
[08:24:25] Ah shit, okay.
[08:24:27] I'm definitely gonna go for a... I think-
[08:24:28] ...but I would suck.
[08:24:29] Well, shit on him!
[08:24:31] That's crossbow. It's two crossbows.
[08:24:36] You found them or you're ner? Oh, shit. No, I'm just
[08:24:38] across the skeletons that have been shitting my entire life.
[08:24:40] I'm coming over to kill one.
[08:25:32] Oh, shit! uh full second attack on the uh great sword i think it's better than that. first Dex is a taxpain?
[08:25:40] It's got true magic damage on it. Magic banana kind of thing.
[08:25:58] This crazy looking torch, jeez. Sorry! I'm working on it.
[08:26:01] So much pain.
[08:26:03] That's just bad damage you guys have there.
[08:26:07] Missed the front.
[08:26:29] Missed the back. yes Oh, it says classes on each set of gear. Come here.
[08:26:30] All right Jed.
[08:26:32] Yo I found some robes! Go ahead, Jed.
[08:26:33] Yo I found some robes!
[08:26:38] It says fighter too though it says fighter barbarian
[08:26:40] Yeah you're not really a fighter bro look at ya
[08:26:47] Here take this. Hell yeah dude! I'm a conquistador!
[08:26:49] Yeah cover that fucking bald ass head and get out the way.
[08:26:55] Jacob just went into a secret location
[08:26:59] ah, he's still nothing else
[08:27:03] fuck that guy man fuck that guy I'm not gonna die. Players, players. What? Players? Oh that's not a good time.
[08:27:20] There's an army behind me! I'm dead here, I'm dead here.
[08:27:33] What? I killed you. Sorry, got a little crazy.
[08:27:35] Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'm sorry, I got a little crazy.
[08:27:38] I'm sorry,
[08:27:40] I got a little heated and when I looked at you
[08:27:42] I thought it was him.
[08:27:44] I was getting the dude off of your ass
[08:27:46] freezing to find us.
[08:27:48] I know, I just hit my E ability and started getting confident
[08:27:52] I turned around and there he is jumping at me.
[08:27:54] How do you manage a T-Cab?
[08:27:56] You don't have a crosshair! Shut up man You got that idiot. Well you changed the code really fast.
[08:27:59] Shut up man!
[08:28:01] Because that's what I do Judd, alright?
[08:28:03] That's when I fuck it just get back to the game
[08:28:07] I'm sitting here casting a hail dude, okay?
[08:28:09] Bye!
[08:28:12] He turns around. That guy changes clothes really fast but fuck him
[08:28:16] I think i am the only guy here
[08:28:18] I thought maybe one of the other guys caught up, dude
[08:28:20] and they were coming after me!
[08:28:22] I was scared because I was afraid!
[08:28:24] That's the same thing.
[08:28:26] I was alone... Nope you guys were there.
[08:28:28] Listen I was fucking scared that's all I'm saying.
[08:28:31] Fire the flame!
[08:28:33] I was soaring, like I said.
[08:28:40] That was good.
[08:28:41] Yeah, listen it got kind of crazy but
[08:28:43] It was sick the way you were feeling that guy
[08:28:45] You went like I healed you to full and then you killed me
[08:28:51] You killed me.
[08:28:52] I didn't kill you!
[08:28:55] So iCrowd controls the fucking cleric off of Jared,
[08:28:57] you healed Jared and then he killed us both in kind?
[08:28:59] I didn't kill you two!
[08:29:01] Yeah, you hit him right in the back! No, I didn't kill you too! Yeah, you hit him right in the back.
[08:29:03] Nooo, I didn't...
[08:29:07] Chatty's lying bro he's just making that part up
[08:29:09] I'm streaming it!
[08:29:11] He's trying to make it worse.
[08:29:15] Listen, I'll have you know that I'd fuck both of you guys up at Chivalry. Alright? Just chill.
[08:29:17] You guys want a 1v1 for honor bro? Okay!
[08:29:21] For Honor? Oh man... for honor oh man
[08:29:45] cop 1v1 me ac6 all right Did you play Armored Core, Chuck?
[08:29:46] EverQuest?
[08:29:48] Yeah.
[08:29:50] EverQuest 6 fires a rune pump.
[08:29:52] I played the one that was just EverQuest 2.
[08:29:55] Yeah, I was joking.
[08:29:56] It's Armored Core 6.
[08:29:58] Oh, I don't know what that is.
[08:30:01] You've never played
[08:30:02] Armored Core?
[08:30:03] So Armored Core is like a little mech game. you load your AC up and put different parts on it for energy efficiency...
[08:30:09] Sounds like a migraine!
[08:30:11] Okay, broooowwwwww
[08:30:12] If I'm in the front line or at least somewhere...
[08:30:16] Hey come on man to compliment the Somali emote.
[08:30:19] Hey, come on man! The Armored Core 6 is like the most...
[08:30:22] Thank you brother.
[08:30:23] PBE wise it's like the most Souls-like apparently from what we've said before.
[08:30:27] Oh my god, starting to hate D&D now.
[08:30:29] It's pretty bad about it and I appreciate you.
[08:30:32] Oh, like Dark Souls?
[08:30:35] Sort of.
[08:30:37] It's not like, light Dark Souls...
[08:30:39] The reason why I hate them is just because they're bad.
[08:30:43] I promise I'll play a game that I can't win.
[08:30:47] Mother! Frickin'! Tentacles! mother frikin
[08:30:53] he's fucking me up
[08:30:57] I feel like a low...
[08:31:00] You're like a fucking swordsman, bro.
[08:31:03] You're like a novice.
[08:31:05] You haven't even done your swordsmen quest so you can get your ass to Izlude and fucking learn.
[08:31:09] Yeah, I feel like I'm in that one fuckin' cave actually at Izlude or whatever the fuck this is.
[08:31:15] The first cave? Is it...
[08:31:17] You talking about the ones with the-
[08:31:18] ...the P or something like that?
[08:31:20] What? Like the pan?
[08:31:21] The pans!
[08:31:23] Yeah, pans are like a shell
[08:31:27] for zombies and skeletons
[08:31:29] Yeah it has bats
[08:31:31] and two different types of zombies. A zombie and a skeleton type
[08:31:34] yeah that's the peon dungeon dude. That's what I'm saying
[08:31:37] I feel like I just walked in there as the first level
[08:31:40] you're supposed to do, like level 11.
[08:31:47] What was it? Like 15? You gotta get my favorite game ever made at the next level.
[08:31:51] Your favorite game ever what? Made what? I'm a pet device developer guy. Oh, God! I don't have an Excel sheet to make my character.
[08:31:52] Oh, God.
[08:31:53] I'm going to use this one.
[08:31:54] Okay.
[08:31:55] So, you're not going to be able to play the game?
[08:31:56] No.
[08:31:57] You can't play it on your phone?
[08:31:58] No.
[08:31:59] Okay.
[08:32:00] So, what are we doing here?
[08:32:01] We're playing a little bit of a puzzle game.
[08:32:02] Yeah. What is that? It's called... I don't like Path of Exile because I don't want to use an Excel sheet to make my character.
[08:32:06] Okay, so Path of Exiles and the Excel sheet shit is not too complicated but what about
[08:32:12] the one that's not overweight? and stuff is too complicated for you?
[08:32:15] Nah cause it makes sense to build a grenade.
[08:32:18] Oh really? You're just like important to the team?
[08:32:22] Or do you take someone else's build and just copy-paste that basically?
[08:32:26] I mean, people very rarely make their own builds.
[08:32:28] Really?
[08:32:29] They can play like infantry but they're still not able to make their own builds.
[08:32:32] Interesting...
[08:32:34] It's Batman Max-max already, huh?
[08:32:36] Yeah.
[08:32:38] It's not mid-max it's just complicated.
[08:32:45] I got a pickaxe. Jared do you want this pickaxe? You can start doing your quest.
[08:32:51] Put that shit in your utility slot and there's actually ores down here
[08:32:54] There might be like this red one right here that's copper. Yeah,
[08:32:57] copper is good. You need copper
[08:32:59] Iron is fine but
[08:33:01] copper and cobalt are your two quest
[08:33:03] ones. So yeah pull the pickaxe
[08:33:05] out and then you just hit that bitch.
[08:33:07] And you'll hit it like up to four or five times
[08:33:12] and will auto place a new enemy for it
[08:33:16] I got a few headhunters and mage bloods under my belt.
[08:33:32] Yeah, there's another copper here.
[08:33:42] Another...there's a cobalt over here as well. Yeah, fuck this game let's just go.
[08:33:44] Can't they buy this thing?
[08:33:46] Buy what pickups?
[08:33:48] Yeah.
[08:33:51] It's got faster interaction speed
[08:33:53] I don't even know if i like this character yet
[08:33:57] I'll go for four though
[08:34:00] You need six of each so it's just different.
[08:34:04] What's nice to have is you can turn the copper into dust and make a copper light set
[08:34:07] with the copper dust...
[08:34:09] Copper lights have this move speed on uh I guess they all have some good speed, though.
[08:34:25] People like to do that. It's just the... That's the side of speed you need.
[08:34:32] That's just the way it is!
[08:34:36] Move up!
[08:34:44] I mean... oh yeah. You're reminding me of another demo I missed yesterday.
[08:34:49] Hey thank you Nuts and Joe, I appreciate it.
[08:34:51] I'm sorry for missing that brother.
[08:34:52] I appreciate ya dude.
[08:34:55] All in RP though. I appreciate you. I'm sorry for missing that, brother. I appreciate you dude.
[08:34:59] Did you ever play Monster Hunter? Oh, thanks to the mad respect
[08:35:01] by the way. I appreciate it.
[08:35:04] Yeah maybe I'll check him out.
[08:35:07] Maybe I'll check him out.
[08:35:08] No what the?
[08:35:09] Call an RP.
[08:35:10] Is that his picture?
[08:35:11] It stunned me.
[08:35:14] Uh, check this out.
[08:35:18] You are Jared!
[08:35:24] His knowledge of spell capacity you like plate helmets
[08:35:34] what the
[08:35:38] joe barbara What the fuck? It's your Baba.
[08:35:40] I'm a Jedi Knight going on a crusade.
[08:35:46] Going on a cruise tape
[08:35:52] Bob! I'm the pest control bitch
[08:35:56] ah, you shot me again.
[08:36:06] What? Why did this thing die?
[08:36:08] Oh, it stood in the fire. Good job. Nice going!
[08:36:14] You get to play gauntlet... doesn't work if get in big collies.
[08:36:25] I wanna see what's down here, it's all full of pussy and shit.
[08:36:38] Oh, shit.
[08:36:41] Yeah, we'll find something. Oh, there's red spiders now bro you know go around to this
[08:36:47] what about us?
[08:37:00] Alright, above the counter.
[08:37:03] There's a crossbow in here, two axes. Green ones.
[08:37:11] Oh he ain't coming for me, going to push this one only for Jerry.
[08:37:13] Play boots.
[08:37:15] If Jerry really wants play boots,
[08:37:17] if she wants to be the slowest boy in the game...
[08:37:20] I don't think I want to be stolen as a character in this game in general.
[08:37:27] Yeah, I feel you.
[08:37:28] I don't know how the next character gets spread.
[08:37:30] Are you guys strapped down?
[08:37:31] Yeah we dropped down and I'm about to get the fuck out of here. There's just a bunch of spiders and fucking centipedes.
[08:37:42] Fucking death re-launcher. I can blow the shit outta him.
[08:37:44] Spiders too. I'm fucking dead for you, like, you have to blow the shit out of me.
[08:37:46] Spiders too...
[08:37:49] Yeah!
[08:37:53] No but that's it, right? Holy it. Holy shit!
[08:37:58] Holy shit!
[08:38:00] I got this boys,
[08:38:00] I got this!
[08:38:03] Windows Vista!
[08:38:03] Yes!
[08:38:05] I love that shit.
[08:38:07] I hit him with Windows Vista!
[08:38:10] I'm gonna go break this other spider spawner and get some of these spiders.
[08:38:22] No more spiders!
[08:38:25] Oh, he's on me now!
[08:38:31] He's mad-mad bro.
[08:38:33] Mad...
[08:38:35] Ah! Yeah... Okay, that's good.
[08:38:42] Yeah, I'm gonna go front-footed.
[08:38:48] Wow! That's a really cool drop.
[08:38:51] I gotta sit. Jared, you can catch everybody when you hit the other one.
[08:38:55] It doesn't say that but it works that way.
[08:38:57] Also there's a spear in this chest if you want that, Jay.
[08:39:01] It's green.
[08:39:02] Nah, I'm gonna go crossbow
[08:39:04] and keep on boltslinging in.
[08:39:07] There was a crossbow over there in that thing
[08:39:09] the green one. It's a hand crossbow over there in that thing, the green one.
[08:39:10] It's a hand crossbow.
[08:39:12] Yeah use all crosses with your hands!
[08:39:16] You know what I mean you asshole!
[08:39:20] It's called a hand crossbow! you How many fucking IDFs are in this place? I had to find a good industry.
[08:39:51] Sorry, sorry. No no no Thought was breaking the pot. Thought you were going in there to let go.
[08:39:53] My fault.
[08:39:55] Yeah I was breaking it but I was gonna get stuck.
[08:39:57] So he broke the pod so I could get out.
[08:39:59] I'm gonna put this guy's hand vampire down on top of you.
[08:40:04] Needs back armament.
[08:40:12] ... I'll sit back and watch, eh?
[08:40:20] Unless you have spells if you're good.
[08:40:24] Yo yo yo attack attack! spells if you're good.
[08:40:26] Yo, yo, yo! Attack, attack!
[08:40:34] Did he get PTSD? Oy... PTSD. Oi!
[08:40:38] I got four and a half minutes
[08:40:40] Hey, Combi over here near his
[08:40:42] dude you gotta watch out
[08:40:47] Well one thing's for sure I'm way worse at the PvE
[08:40:50] We're just spawned in this room so we have an exit
[08:40:52] I get to feeling that I'm about to be way worse than the PvP too
[08:40:56] Not entirely though Some of us are spawning Hey, where's the PvP team? See how it goes though.
[08:40:57] Someone probably spawned in there.
[08:41:01] I do like that you don't just lose your little bar now when you get up
[08:41:03] but I remember that being a thing and I was like damn that's annoying
[08:41:10] He's not going pretty well
[08:41:15] uh i lost you guys so i'm just gonna keep checking through i see ya oh yeah we're westing
[08:41:21] what is in the portal room I don't know.
[08:42:02] Leather helmet, two axes. It is like... Dude, he's like sidekicking volcanoes. What the fuck is happening? This is something like the uh...
[08:42:12] I'm not sure about that.
[08:42:14] Oh, and I can block that!
[08:42:36] Oh no! I'm gonna go get him. It's a purple item dude, a sword. Weapon.
[08:42:37] Rapier.
[08:42:38] Purple?
[08:42:39] Yeah you want it? A rapier? Purple?
[08:42:44] Yeah, you want it? A rapier?
[08:42:46] I don't think i can use it.
[08:42:51] Please cast a magic above us. Someone's above us.
[08:42:53] I could do something with another character. I mean, I could use it. Someone other character. Yeah, okay. Gotcha.
[08:42:55] I'm just looking around right now.
[08:42:59] I swear I heard spells and didn't see Judd casting.
[08:43:03] Nah, haven't casted anything. Yeah, I was definitely hearing fucking spells being like...
[08:43:07] Hold on.
[08:43:09] Looking in the next room?
[08:43:12] Not seeing anything?
[08:43:14] I don't see anything. I don't see anything.
[08:43:16] That is so weird, I heard that clear his day.
[08:43:22] What's this dude?
[08:43:30] I think he has a shields or something like that. What?
[08:43:31] Shaman protection?
[08:43:32] Uh, except if you have a set of weapons here.
[08:43:36] Something like that. It's like, some of the defensters are in here.
[08:43:37] Something like that.
[08:43:46] Oh my god! I'm a fart storm!
[08:43:50] Where the fuck did that come from?
[08:44:37] What a pavis. I found uh, here dude. It's still hard to come through. Oh, no! so
[08:44:41] we made it out yeah Yeah, we haven't found anybody!
[08:44:46] Just like when I played Tarkov.
[08:44:50] What did I have all this shit for what the fuck
[08:44:53] i guess i forgot to you know whatever so What the fuck?
[08:45:20] Can you take that?
[08:45:21] Thank you.
[08:45:22] I guess I can just turn in for a little staying
[08:45:24] under 24
[08:45:32] let's do oh wait what I don't know what else to do.
[08:45:34] Are we at?
[08:45:37] I'm on a mill actually, yeah probably I imagine.
[08:45:40] I'm at 181, what the fuck, I gotta figure out why.
[08:46:27] I think it's cause of the... i gotta figure out what one i think is so he's the viking sword over that no that was even more damage armor pan move speed i get better move speed with it what do you guys think yes okay gotcha fast spell of viking okay good gotcha
[08:46:39] yo remember whenever you used to watch movies and the f FBI used to threaten you at the beginning of it?
[08:46:42] Oh, yeah dude even in video games they used to do the same thing
[08:46:43] Remember arcade games? They used to talk real shit. Remember that?
[08:46:47] Like oh, yeah, you're gonna go to prison a hundred years. Ten million dollar fine if
[08:46:52] you show this to your friend bitch!
[08:46:55] Man they don't even put fucking criminals in jail for that long. They don't put murderers
[08:46:58] in jail for that long. They don't put murderers in jail for that long.
[08:47:00] Fuck.
[08:47:03] Alright, you guys
[08:47:04] ready? Murderer's actually
[08:47:06] in jail.
[08:47:07] Are we under 24 or is that what they are, 24 and under or are we going middle?
[08:47:14] I'll let you know right now. Give me a sec.
[08:47:22] Alright, I'm 94 so I guess
[08:47:22] I mean
[08:47:23] I'm down to just
[08:47:23] drop the whatever
[08:47:24] I have that's strong
[08:47:25] and
[08:47:25] no big deal
[08:47:26] since
[08:47:28] oh that's
[08:47:29] that's it
[08:47:30] yeah let's
[08:47:31] I'll drop my shit actually right now Oh, that's... That's up to you. Yeah let's just-
[08:47:31] Sounds like a good plan.
[08:47:31] I'll drop my shit actually right now.
[08:47:35] Yeah I'm happy with just like uh doing
[08:47:39] You know nothing runs and then just stashing everything
[08:47:42] yeah just actually for now
[08:47:46] i know that's your style bro doing the nothing wrong
[08:47:49] you could do a rat bro it's because you're a fucking rat, bro. It's because you're a fucking rat.
[08:47:54] Look at Stumsealer right here.
[08:47:55] He's got another perk.
[08:47:59] Got another perk,
[08:48:00] Stumsealer.
[08:48:02] Yeah, I just don't know what to put in it yet.
[08:48:04] What do you have right now? All weapons?
[08:48:10] I have sword mastery. I didn't even know all of the weapons was a thing thing I can get. I ran off the bat and thought
[08:48:14] I had to wait a while.
[08:48:16] Nah, it's just a perk. You can get it whenever you want.
[08:48:18] Oh, weapon master gained the ability to use any weapon.
[08:48:21] Should I get that right now?
[08:48:23] That's up to you.
[08:48:26] I don't know fighter like i don't
[08:48:28] play
[08:48:28] play fighter
[08:48:29] no one you wouldn't steal a car
[08:48:31] so why would you pirate him
[08:48:34] he wouldn't she wouldn't steal a bicycle.
[08:48:36] You wouldn't punch that old lady in her face
[08:48:38] I'm gonna go swift
[08:48:40] Reduce the speed penalty by 20%
[08:48:42] You wouldn't download a car
[08:48:44] Movement speed's gotta be good why would you download
[08:48:49] what's up getting ready you doofuses i'm ready i'm ready yeah i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready what
[08:48:58] it's just i just went in after a weird little air yeah me too
[08:49:03] oh we're gonna get him look at my gear yeah just making sure just case i attack you if I'm looking like your pussy.
[08:49:08] Yeah, just making sure in case I attack you if you can handle
[08:49:10] the blow. Punch him in the face.
[08:49:12] No, not you. Him. He's looking at our
[08:49:14] gear. Punch that bitch
[08:49:16] in his face.
[08:49:22] You know it's rude to look at another man's gear. More armor perk for no gear runs, you just tank.
[08:49:30] Interesting.
[08:49:35] We could change it, we could see.
[08:49:36] We'll see what's up.
[08:49:40] Will wield fighters in the move? No.
[08:50:26] Oh look, we started out in the lift room. so so I got a diamond. I'm gonna give it to my boyfriend.
[08:50:28] Is this something for...
[08:50:30] Nice.
[08:50:31] It's got good armor animation Oh, here's a rogue. you rogue um what are you talking about you no i'm a fighter.
[08:51:08] Oh.
[08:51:09] Again!
[08:51:10] He fell out.
[08:51:11] Oh, he's dead.
[08:51:12] Oh, he's dead.
[08:51:13] Oh, he's dead.
[08:51:14] Oh, he's dead. Oh, he's dead. Oh, he's dead. Oh.
[08:51:18] I didn't fall, he fell off.
[08:51:21] He fell down.
[08:51:24] Yeah, I was seeing if you could still walk on...
[08:51:27] You used to be able to walk on the outside.
[08:51:30] What happens if we put like a toaster in there?
[08:51:33] Oh now it's shut off and don't crush it. Let's go downstairs. Watch the trap.
[08:51:53] There's a trap on both sides, one on the ground and one swinging an axis.
[08:52:02] BOOM! I'm gonna go get him.
[08:52:20] Yo, yo! Somebody hit me! I got hit! I don't know what to say, chat. I'm at a loss for words on that one.
[08:52:28] Oh my god... Someone's up in this chest in here. I'm going to go down.
[08:52:43] Downstairs, they're downstairs coming up mid-floor now.
[08:52:47] I see them three right there.
[08:52:50] He's being fired! Let me do a bottle of... AAAAAAAAHHHHH! He missed fire.
[08:52:54] There was a guy there, right here.
[08:53:12] What are you doing? I'm gonna try him. I killed one!
[08:53:17] This guy is still on my dick but I fucked his shit up, he's running from it.
[08:53:22] Still fucking his shit up.
[08:53:24] I'm chasing you!
[08:53:28] I killed a dude, I killed a dude, I'm coming.
[08:53:32] You ain't gonna catch me?
[08:53:34] You ain't gonna care I got my knockies on, boy. Come on!
[08:53:38] Coming here, I'm coming.
[08:53:40] Coming!
[08:53:43] I gotta get out on you, Jay.
[08:53:48] You want me to haste you?
[08:53:55] He did jump, he did jump, that's right.
[08:53:58] He ran through the wall with him and we didn't catch him turning.
[08:54:01] You stick an enemy in there, you're sticking an enemy in there.
[08:54:15] Oh! My guy's full run.
[08:54:15] My guy's full run.
[08:54:17] Is he gone?
[08:54:19] He's sticking with me right here.
[08:54:22] You just got out of cat form, how long can you stay in cat form?
[08:54:24] I'm stuck on the- he could stay in A as long as he wants to.
[08:54:26] He was way higher than that and he could just fast.
[08:54:28] Holy fucking crap, that guy.
[08:54:30] Nice!
[08:54:32] Yeah, yeah, yeah, dead end.
[08:54:34] Nice.
[08:54:41] Oh... I think he's dead. If I can see him, I can bind him.
[08:54:43] Woo!
[08:54:45] Looks like for the body strip.
[08:54:48] Oh, Bill 2!
[08:54:51] And it took like all of my fucking spells
[08:54:53] from you, James. Alright, there's one
[08:54:55] up here...
[08:54:57] Whatcha doing buddy? If you can once once you leave him Jerry start trying to move back to us.
[08:55:02] You doing campfire in the gamma?
[08:55:04] Yeah I am.
[08:55:06] I have a couple as well.
[08:55:08] Just gonna y't be shit...
[08:55:17] Got a death bow!
[08:55:19] He has a blue cloak on him.
[08:55:20] Vigilant Cloak.
[08:55:35] That good right? Oh, there you are. I see him.
[08:55:36] Ah, the jug is pissed.
[08:55:39] Come on, mate.
[08:55:40] Right here, Jim.
[08:55:41] To your right a little bit.
[08:55:45] Yeah I had to chase this guy out of the corner with us.
[08:55:49] I feel you, I tell you.
[08:55:51] Yeah let's go do a campfire here.
[08:55:52] Right in front of me?
[08:55:54] Or is everybody just getting in front of me and saying take a seat?
[08:55:56] Take a seat!
[08:55:58] Nah... well... yeah I'm down with it.
[08:56:02] Alright, take a seat over there. Take a seat right here.
[08:56:08] Alright! We won the 3v3 let's go!
[08:56:11] Yeah! Let's take a hill! Yeah, sick hill.
[08:56:23] I didn't kill Jacob on this one.
[08:56:25] Oh yeah dude. I just 1v wanted to run the fuck out that way and...
[08:56:29] I was fighting a barbarian.
[08:56:31] That's scary as fuck.
[08:56:36] I wouldn't fucking do that. that's scary spot i would
[08:56:37] child revert to fight the part of our business but it's hard
[08:56:42] some idea about
[08:56:43] on march five years you're looking for I'm our fighter. Yeah, I suppose!
[08:56:47] We a fuckin' fighter here. Man, you lost that. I'm ready to go.
[08:56:58] Yeah, um...
[08:57:01] Let's get to the other one. I'm
[08:57:12] well as a be scared CD now you fucking know that bullshit
[08:57:16] people who can't fuck it's guarantee yeah case and all that bullshit. Oh, the cape looks a little cool huh?
[08:57:18] The cape's fucking scary dude.
[08:57:19] You got capes it means you should-
[08:57:21] If you guys find both let me know
[08:57:22] I can pick it up for ya again.
[08:57:26] I could just start my character off with
[08:57:28] a crossbow, right?
[08:57:28] I don't even need that ultimate.
[08:57:30] Like, I can already run as crossbow, obviously.
[08:57:33] Do you think we can get it from weapons-based stuff?
[08:57:35] I don't know if you can increase the speed of this weapon...
[08:57:37] At least not him this way. At least not run away.
[08:57:42] Dude just tried to turn on me like a fucking DayZ zombie.
[08:57:46] They just decided to run away from you.
[08:57:48] I may have hit you there Judd, sorry I forgot to cleave dude and I apologize.
[08:57:54] That's my V-BRAD.
[08:57:56] Give me two.
[08:57:58] The best shit.
[08:58:00] The yellow item the yellow items.
[08:58:06] There's a bat.
[08:58:13] That's just what I'm saying bro bro. We're in handguns right now. Yeah for real dude.
[08:58:15] Fucking familiars.
[08:58:20] Got him.
[08:58:23] Yeah, back of the head illegal in the UFC is one.
[08:58:27] That's why I'm right there.
[08:58:31] Oh man! We gotta work on it.
[08:58:34] We just got a little delay to the attack.
[08:58:47] I think this one's better.
[08:58:50] Alright, try this helmet, Judd.
[08:58:53] Oh wait, I don't know if this is better or not. I just dropped that for you to look.
[08:59:03] Who's dropping? Right here, right here. Did you drop it?
[08:59:05] No, back here. Back here.
[08:59:10] Is Aaron dropping it?
[08:59:16] Uh no I didn't drop it. I left you back here looking for nothing.
[08:59:22] You didn't drop it! Thanks, bro! Thanks! God damn it.
[08:59:35] Something I don't do a lot is hit boxes or hit crates, Imma gonna start doing a little more once you
[08:59:36] start to get loot mode
[08:59:41] oh you scared me bro i thought you were a goddamn wizard harry lizard hearing Did I hit you?
[09:00:05] I can't really help you on this, because I bleed a lot with this.
[09:00:09] The only thing I don't know. The only thing that i don't like about it
[09:00:11] is that you don't have an overhand hit
[09:00:34] Oh, my god so Um, where do we want to head?
[09:00:37] Yeah four minutes.
[09:00:40] What did you say that, Jed?
[09:00:40] I got an epic heart.
[09:00:42] What the heck?
[09:00:44] You sound like a lewd...
[09:00:46] What's up with this?
[09:00:48] I'm right here!
[09:00:54] Ah, fuck it. I'm right here. It's epic!
[09:00:56] There is a portal room
[09:00:58] southeast of us.
[09:01:04] We got a blue explosive bottle. I don't know if you want this Barbuda helmet, Jared?
[09:01:06] I have no idea. It's just in the green and I don't know...
[09:01:11] Let's go south here.
[09:01:12] I'm good. What's up guys! Let's go south here.
[09:01:14] Yo, what's up guys?
[09:01:16] What's up?
[09:01:18] Did I just get killed by a cheater?
[09:01:20] No you didn't!
[09:01:24] Yeah lag switched in and then I broke his leg but he still somehow ran to me And uh...
[09:01:26] Full sprint teleported
[09:01:30] Oh wait
[09:01:36] I'm in a building, I shot his leg. I hear the broken legs sound and then he stops moving so I just keep shooting his steel body.
[09:01:41] I'm not lagging. He starts teleporting.
[09:01:44] I'm moving just fine.
[09:01:45] Hands up right in my face
[09:01:46] to your dead screen
[09:01:48] that he's gone.
[09:01:50] What?
[09:01:51] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[09:01:53] Also,
[09:01:54] he had night vision goggles,
[09:01:54] huh?
[09:01:55] Yeah, I had night vision goggles on.
[09:02:03] That's actually pretty good armor pen 20% like chat.
[09:02:07] I thought booty was and shrooms were okay
[09:02:09] Okay here bitch
[09:02:12] There is a helmet in here it's like Agi 2 Dex2 physical power 1
[09:02:17] Strength is 12 and2 Stun casting speed
[09:02:19] If you want that
[09:02:23] I mean why not?
[09:02:25] It attacks fast it does about the same damage as 20%
[09:02:28] and I'd be a fool not to use this over the first
[09:02:30] at least in default
[09:02:42] Oh! Oh, I have sword mastery which would be the big difference right here.
[09:02:44] Okay yeah you're right, you're right.
[09:02:52] I'd be a fool to quickly assume such things without further assessing the situation.
[09:02:59] Probably trying to run.
[09:03:03] Ooh, a blue barbuda. Hey yeah take this, take this!
[09:03:06] Yeah, lead the sky and take his helmet.
[09:03:24] Ssssshhhh take this home I'm sick of deer. Alright, I'm outtie.
[09:03:29] Not a bad run, not a good run right?
[09:03:31] We're kind of like getting around.
[09:03:33] You can mock up that view.
[09:03:37] Not on the side. I think you can keep the goblin ears.
[09:03:56] Wait, why am I not getting the money? Where does it go?
[09:04:00] Your stash goes into your coin vouchers.
[09:04:03] Oh, oh.
[09:04:06] Okay.
[09:04:08] Let's get pissed!
[09:04:10] I should just watch the gold amount go up,
[09:04:12] I guess.
[09:04:55] That's the echo old gold amount go up i guess so so Should I get some balls?
[09:04:56] Listen, I want to mess with this. Hold on. So we had this as...
[09:05:03] As the longsword right? Can I do...
[09:05:06] Oh, I probably can't do crossbow and that's
[09:05:09] the big problem right so is there a way to unlock
[09:05:14] crossbow on squire chat woodsman quests so
[09:05:40] woodsman Woodsman?
[09:05:48] Is it the five campfire kits? Okay. I need to find campfire kits, that's my main goal in this character
[09:05:51] so i can start running uh prosper
[09:05:57] until then i'll just buy some bolts
[09:06:01] actually I'll probably just buy some bolts. Actually, is the crossbow green?
[09:06:03] Oh man it puts me way over...
[09:06:07] Hold on a second.
[09:06:13] Are we going for in between or are we going under 20 something i guess doesn't really matter
[09:06:15] too much up to you guys we're just doing base kits like we get
[09:06:20] a lot of gear but we can do if you all in between right now.
[09:06:23] Not sure, I don't know what Joe does.
[09:06:27] Are y'all ready?
[09:06:31] Yeah, let's go! Not sure
[09:06:38] The fuck is this
[09:06:44] Yeah, what a. What am I supposed to be checking?
[09:06:48] My gear score or how do I see it?
[09:06:52] When you look at your stash it'll say below your gold. Bottom middle?
[09:06:56] Yeah bottom middle.
[09:06:59] Uh 44?
[09:07:01] You get second wind back every time you rest out of campfire-
[09:07:04] No shit! Yep at a campfire. No shit!
[09:07:05] Yep, technically yeah.
[09:07:11] Who's first?
[09:07:13] You just wanna be 124 or under.
[09:07:16] I'm saving this for the rest of my life, never sell them.
[09:07:20] Always keep it. There's always a place for campfires in
[09:07:24] my heart.
[09:07:27] There we go, that's better.
[09:07:34] Your friend told you that, you doofus.
[09:07:35] Shut up, Superstar!
[09:07:40] You know how I am when people talk to me and i don't listen
[09:07:47] all right you ready let's do this thumbs? Let's do this. Chums up!
[09:07:48] Let's do dis.
[09:07:52] Is it something like that or something?
[09:07:54] Take crossbow and buy bolts.
[09:07:56] I will on the next one. I'm gonna kinda mess
[09:07:59] around with that later.
[09:08:00] I do wanna complete this quest, so I wanna get to camp first.
[09:08:02] Yeah, so if we come across campfires, keep them for me, okay?
[09:08:05] I need these
[09:08:06] big time so I can do my character's composition.
[09:08:09] Do you have your launcher?
[09:08:10] Yeah, dude.
[09:08:11] You're gonna block me with your launcher and then push right click like you did with the shield.
[09:08:16] So there we go.
[09:08:18] Give me this whole thing. Pfft! um You can just chop the head off, bro. It hurts as fuck, man.
[09:08:31] You get a little block on someone?
[09:08:33] Ching-ching!
[09:08:33] It's fucking bop-bop!
[09:08:35] Ching-ching!
[09:08:36] You're like fucking Genji, dude.
[09:08:39] Ching-ching!
[09:08:39] Ching-ching!
[09:08:47] Fucking awesome, man. Benji dude. Getting that one extra hit will be crazy.
[09:08:49] What's up, Judd?
[09:08:51] You again?
[09:08:54] Ah, you fuck.
[09:08:54] Come on, man.
[09:08:55] Attack me easier.
[09:08:57] Attack me easy?
[09:08:58] You're making me do bad.
[09:09:06] God damn it! So you don't have to wait till it...nice.
[09:09:13] You can hold it up before his attack gets to you, but won't have to do it right as it reaches you.
[09:09:17] Yeah, I sure heard stuff.
[09:09:20] Fuck you, John! Yo, man,
[09:09:21] fuck you, John!
[09:09:24] Yo, you're not training right!
[09:09:28] You're not training right.
[09:09:37] Bro, this is a dead lobby. Should we leave?
[09:09:38] Can we leave?
[09:09:39] No, no we can't.
[09:09:40] What the fuckin' Rohan idea.
[09:09:41] We should just get in time and head to, bro. We should loot a lot.
[09:09:47] Oh, man.
[09:09:49] I haven't seen anyone else.
[09:09:53] Literally,
[09:09:54] I'm going all around this entire house.
[09:09:57] I looked in every single room,
[09:09:59] I went down to the basement and all laid around
[09:10:01] We're the only motherfuckers in here.
[09:10:11] Maybe we'll find some super sweet food. We could go to hell!
[09:10:13] You wanna just try and go to hell since
[09:10:15] we're alone anyways? You guys want to check out hell? just trying to go to house is for a long anyways
[09:10:17] you know i check out how
[09:10:20] now fuck that sex down there
[09:10:22] yet so it's very much like fires We're ready.
[09:10:39] Unless they are in the ice map, if we are on the Ice Map, then no.
[09:10:46] But if we were like you know regular maps of castles...
[09:10:50] We went to hell yesterday with poke and we got shit on when I was on the Archer. Yeah... that's okay.
[09:10:52] I'm gonna try if this is done- If we don't get PvP at all, I'm gonna try.
[09:10:56] I'm not fantastic for PvBE, I guess anyways.
[09:11:00] It was even kind of built to shit on people.
[09:11:08] But yeah like the house stuff you usually try and kind of cheese things or...
[09:11:16] Like you take things to staircases or kinda lock things off from each other so you're not having to fight
[09:11:21] all of them. Shit like that.
[09:11:23] But it does suck. If it goes
[09:11:25] wrong, it goes very wrong.
[09:11:30] I feel that.
[09:11:31] Let's do this. I feel that, I feel that.
[09:11:33] Let's do this. Oh, found a pile of pokes on the ground.
[09:11:36] What the fuck?
[09:11:38] What the fuck?!
[09:11:40] Don't mind if I do.
[09:11:46] Alright, you're the crossbow guy. hahaha
[09:11:56] uh... What's that window just there? Hold that down.
[09:12:07] Heavy boots, strength 3. Yes sir!
[09:12:11] Move speed, heavy strength, debuff duration bonus...
[09:12:15] Getting Vincent out of his coffin.
[09:12:22] Oculus boots for wizards and warlocks in blue here, Jay come here.
[09:12:28] I'll help you. Oh shit. Yeah bro. Wow this one moves me too that's pretty nifty. Is blue better than green?
[09:12:31] Yes.
[09:12:32] Oh shit.
[09:12:33] Oh shit.
[09:12:34] Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Is blue better than green? Yes.
[09:12:38] Do you have that all weapons
[09:12:40] push-a-tchad?
[09:12:44] You got that all weapons bullshit no
[09:12:47] yeah oh yeah i was thinking about getting an expert though
[09:12:50] yeah 500 g boots apparently. Ah, nice!
[09:13:01] A little chickened out I like
[09:13:03] Damn you shit on that guy bud
[09:13:05] he already hit me.
[09:13:07] The windows whispered in...
[09:13:09] Agility, dexterity, physical damage reduction on leather boots. I don't need them.
[09:13:14] Let's platter.
[09:13:16] Waste my chest here then. the
[09:13:24] uh... Yeah, I got hit there.
[09:13:33] Make a difference? Oh yeah one's 12 and the other 15.
[09:13:37] Look at that.
[09:13:43] This is a big one! Oh shit!
[09:13:46] I don't know what's there.
[09:13:49] I need to go in the light. there
[09:14:00] oh i'm actually getting my ass kicked.
[09:14:02] Yeah, pop your head out, pop your head out.
[09:14:05] You need to get back up.
[09:14:10] What the shit? God he's kicking a the fucking dock out of me.
[09:14:21] That was nice of you. That's fine, we're about to campfire right now anyways.
[09:14:26] I'm gonna do it hood here. Shadowhood?
[09:14:37] Get over there and sit down. It's going down right now.
[09:14:42] Get our spells, and... I'm going to go down right now.
[09:14:44] Get our spells and skills back.
[09:14:48] How long do I have to sit to get my skill back? The whole time? Oh, I can see it recovering.
[09:14:52] You can see it recovering. Yeah you can see a tick. Yeah.
[09:14:56] It should be like the whole thing I think.
[09:15:01] Uh...I got a warlock helmet here.
[09:15:05] Okay. I'm the wizard.
[09:15:07] Hehehehe! The Wizard, huh?
[09:15:09] Just start with W.
[09:15:13] Second one you pretty much have to sit there the whole time.
[09:15:16] Gotcha, plate boots? Strength, magical power...
[09:15:20] You might like this, Jeff! Boots that are plate strength magic power on them
[09:15:24] Checking out their cra- I don't know if it's good enough for you. Interesting chest rank.
[09:15:41] Um, you take these suits come here.
[09:15:45] Drop me gloves. I don't know if you like this one.
[09:15:48] No, I don't want to end it so I have to do it.
[09:15:52] Wait, said you saw a mag here a second ago.
[09:15:56] Nah, I'm not rocking right now.
[09:16:01] Dude why is it only me finding shit for you bro? What the fuck is going on here?
[09:16:03] Oh he started.
[09:16:07] Is he even good for him?
[09:16:10] Are these good for you? Okay.
[09:16:12] Look at this.
[09:16:19] All those are wizard grunts. Yeah
[09:16:24] Well, those are wizard gloves so take these take these yeah drop us for Jacob Just There's a good shot, shit. uh jude might like it for the capacity
[09:17:03] oh shit
[09:17:05] jay am i gonna have something for you there
[09:17:07] imma drop him some
[09:17:09] boots on the ground, tell me if you like them for you okay
[09:17:13] find those same beast again? I don't know.
[09:17:15] Oh, Jesus Christ!
[09:17:18] Oh yeah, that was
[09:17:19] really good. Wow! 12 moves
[09:17:21] speed.
[09:17:26] Let's go Wow, 12 moves dude. I think i'm gonna hit you there Judd, sorry brother.
[09:17:28] I'm so sorry man.
[09:17:30] Oh good.
[09:17:32] I gotta work on it, I gotta work on it. I cleave, you know?
[09:17:39] Campfire! Let's go!
[09:17:41] One part of the quest!
[09:17:44] Do we find campfires in hell?
[09:17:50] I don't know.
[09:17:57] Haven't gone to hell too many times. Someone get those shrines?
[09:18:10] What's that mean?
[09:18:16] Try aiming sword and you won't hit teammates with.
[09:18:19] Try armoring sword you won't hit teammates with.
[09:18:23] I'm thinking more PvP than PvE, but I actually just didn't think this worked.
[09:18:32] I don't think I'm gonna be a very good fighter, but we keep trying,
[09:18:34] We keep trying, we'll get better.
[09:18:39] Spellbook in there green? I dunno if somebody has better spellbook in there green i don't know if somebody's a swell up that's good
[09:18:43] still book yeah and this box right here put some on the bridge
[09:18:47] it's a green spell no this one over here I'm gonna go.
[09:19:09] Yo!
[09:19:14] It's a different spell book but I looked and the pages look the same.
[09:19:16] Same book.
[09:19:19] Riff, I really ripped you off. Am I like Barborn?
[09:19:54] I don't know. i really ripped you off am i like barb warm Where's the portal room I'm gonna get you.
[09:19:59] This is far too long.
[09:20:07] Thousand damage... thousand damage
[09:20:39] ah the park the dp oh Holy shit, Cable. This little fucking guy is crazy. You woke this motherfucker up.
[09:20:44] Huh! You woke this motherfucker up. so So the doors down here all have like, uh, the big scarier guys with the wraiths and
[09:21:13] the big shield fucking...
[09:21:17] ...swimming ball. to a fucking sweetie boy.
[09:21:21] Yeah, yeah, so each
[09:21:23] of these doors is gonna have one or another
[09:21:30] So we can kill them. Al, do you have a neck piece still? No.
[09:21:35] Get to him now! now Oh, cool dude. I got an armband that says a glizzy golden band. I'm gonna start. oh thank you so
[09:22:42] well we've got the portal here. um You got two minutes. Are we going to hell or are we just sitting?
[09:23:19] I don't know.
[09:23:20] Whatever you guys want to do, I'm down the track.
[09:23:23] It's up to you guys.
[09:23:32] We can just leave and fucking try and fight players, I guess?
[09:23:37] You don't want to like lose your campfire.
[09:23:39] Yeah, yeah I guess so.
[09:23:43] Up to you guys.
[09:23:50] ... The decision was made.
[09:23:54] Yeah, we whooped everybody in that one too!
[09:23:55] That was a weird one.
[09:23:57] Shit on them. Weird one. Shit on him.
[09:23:58] Weird one.
[09:24:00] Hopefully they don't install it. Yeah. I
[09:24:17] Need to do a morning star nice anyway morningstar
[09:24:20] eyes
[09:24:27] up hmm I haven't really killed anybody yet that has a lot of fucking bandages and stuff on them. i think this is some so so
[09:25:24] okay Okay. Perks, wait I get more perks? Only level 8
[09:25:26] Played till 10 right?
[09:25:28] Swift
[09:25:30] Swordmaster we have right now
[09:25:47] Oh the sword master we have right now so
[09:25:55] was my next cross supposed to buy yeah but does he always all right 121
[09:26:07] Power went to extra 14? That's not a big deal at all, okay?
[09:26:11] Is it these little small... yeah.
[09:26:14] Is there a difference between those bolts?
[09:26:18] It doesn't look like- oh 15 of them versus 5 on the last ones.
[09:26:24] Well Scrimps should be using that in PvP so I'll just hold onto that.
[09:26:29] Alright, I got the crossbow shit. Oh shit.
[09:26:34] Okay.
[09:26:43] For some reason, because it totally doesn't make any sense...
[09:26:47] The crossbow bolts shoot they shoot kind of low
[09:26:50] and they kind of drop
[09:26:51] more than arrows it feels like.
[09:26:54] Maybe not more than arrows
[09:26:55] but they have a bit of a drop if you aim them up
[09:26:57] and they kind of shoot a little low like when i was
[09:27:00] trying to shoot through that doorway it hit the door instead hmm like the door window um I'm going to go ahead and start the test.
[09:27:25] It's a test, it's a test
[09:27:27] and you guys passed.
[09:27:38] Okay. There's a test, and you guys passed. Fuck.
[09:27:48] . Good job. Pat yourself on the back. I haven't found too many fashions like in this whole entire day of playing to be honest.
[09:28:08] Unless it's like you just find more of them for the class you're playing maybe?
[09:28:12] I don't know.
[09:28:17] Best rewards in inventory...I knew that.
[09:28:22] I fucking knew that. i need that there's only 15 000 things to remember just buy a thousand chat we're trying to gain money
[09:28:44] not lose money i'm trying to gain money, not lose money.
[09:28:46] I'm trying to gain it, not lose it.
[09:28:48] We're taking advantage of our early levels.
[09:28:52] Weapon Master is a must pass for fighters so you can use long moves
[09:29:27] long blows are better than crossbows on fighter so Yeah, I like Crossbow.
[09:29:29] I like the idea of doing it when I'm doing the damage When i can but I'm there for other reasons you know what I'm saying?
[09:29:35] Two hand or one-hand shooting
[09:29:37] High roller... Like my second day plan really just the first day
[09:29:45] Minus a little bit like a long ass. I don't know about that. I roll shit shit
[09:29:51] Not trying to get smoked.
[09:29:57] You ready Jed?
[09:30:01] Will you ever do these?
[09:30:05] Yeah, just kind
[09:30:07] of do them as I go along. Just look at
[09:30:09] the items that I need here and there to pick up We probably want to wait for the map change so we don't get fucked up by the map rotating
[09:30:37] giving us a dead lobby.
[09:30:39] It's only going to be here for like 10 more seconds. There we go.
[09:30:56] Definitely get lobbies now.
[09:31:01] Oh, I'm at 129. I need to change something. OK. okay ¶¶ so I'm writing it. so so this thing is This thing of Druden's game is so funny.
[09:32:34] Poor kid, he must have learned math on Terrence Howard.
[09:32:46] Coffins, they have hella gold in the rooms.
[09:32:48] They just played there.
[09:32:49] Oh yeah.
[09:32:50] So we'll find our gold.
[09:32:52] Sometimes we don't die.
[09:33:02] Teriology, bro.
[09:33:25] One times one equals two, bro. I'm going to Jerry's lieutenant.
[09:34:20] Fucking drunk! second round so I I hate the bats but I guess you just gotta side-surf them. Is that battery home? Yeah.
[09:34:21] Uh, what do i have move speed four strength three
[09:34:31] debuff duration oh do you want these ones they have additional lead speed sure speed
[09:34:46] I'm gonna drop you a tank, for sure.
[09:34:50] Thank ya!
[09:34:54] Oh yeah that's really good, that's so much better though.
[09:34:58] Or additional music? M3-Chanked?
[09:35:04] Oh yeah that'll help the speed for sure you know since they're heavy boots it will make up for it a lot.
[09:35:11] They're almost wearing light, but...
[09:35:17] Okay. I can't just get real and real in there because I can't cancel it.
[09:35:35] You die?
[09:35:36] Why didn't you say something about this, the NPC!
[09:35:43] No that's a player why didn't you
[09:35:44] say anything
[09:35:45] fucking Christ
[09:35:51] he's right on me.
[09:35:54] Yeah I'm not the same guy motherfucker sit down
[09:35:58] Watch out we got a lot of them
[09:36:02] I'm gonna kill you Stomp sometimes you're not supposed to.
[09:36:08] God damn it, Jug! Turn around and just fight me.
[09:36:10] What the fuck?
[09:36:13] Alright I stab you, I'm trying to get him to move around you.
[09:36:18] That's my bad.
[09:36:21] Except being like your arm.
[09:36:22] I'm playing like a fucking idiot right now too.
[09:36:25] Um... I'm playing like a fucking idiot right now. Um, let's see...
[09:36:27] He popped out and killed you
[09:36:29] and he thought it was an NPC
[09:36:31] He thought he was fighting a really fucking
[09:36:33] smart NPC. You look like a goblin!
[09:36:37] He looked like a goblin?
[09:36:38] He was a skeleton!
[09:36:39] Oh, he got assassinated, yeah.
[09:36:45] I got his soul.
[09:36:47] I'm gonna bring his book
[09:36:51] What?
[09:37:00] I'm bad at meleeing this game, bro.
[09:37:08] The melee is about the blocking-wise it should... He's got a pretty wise chip. His heels for him...
[09:37:12] And his pants, for sure.
[09:37:16] Without all this shit if we find a thing...
[09:37:19] I don't want to see all of it.
[09:37:23] Okay now I know.
[09:37:32] I don't know where the fucking red shrine is.
[09:37:52] Apparently to the weest! Yeah, fuck it now Judd. I'm just gonna get out of here. He must have been fighting him for a hot second, dude.
[09:37:55] Yeah, I was slapping the shit out of him and I was like,
[09:37:57] man this is supposed to be an elite skill with it.
[09:38:41] Dude he's so dumb! skill with it. I don't care. You're the one that To the left, yeah, yeah. Got it! Oh, I'm saving the world.
[09:38:44] Yeah yeah yeah
[09:38:46] Got it
[09:38:53] Alright this should be in the middle? Maybe? Right.
[09:38:54] It's either down the fucking stairs or down the fucking stairs, it's gonna be god damn
[09:38:58] easy.
[09:38:59] God dang it.
[09:39:00] And we go...
[09:39:01] We're down here.
[09:39:02] I'm not sure if you can see me. here we go down here uh Let's try it down here.
[09:39:30] It's gonna be Spider City and I don't know where the fuck the things are.
[09:39:32] Oh this place sucks man. Ah, I fell through the fucking floor!
[09:39:39] That's whack.
[09:39:41] You died?
[09:39:43] No, I just fell through the elevator on the bottom.
[09:39:45] Just get off the elevator and go back down.
[09:39:49] Too late.
[09:39:52] Sorry, I hit you.
[09:39:54] Maybe I should have got out of here.
[09:39:56] Okay. I should have got out of here.
[09:40:03] Maybe it was the room before this room? That's not clustered.
[09:40:12] There's a lever back here, what is this?
[09:40:21] I don't fucking know. Hold on, I gotta clear this shit up first.
[09:40:25] Hidden lever! Look, it opened the ramp up here.
[09:40:29] Okay. Ooohhh... open the ramp up here that's my lo! I hid that there.
[09:40:41] There's some shit here.
[09:40:45] Oh fuck, I'm centipede.
[09:40:49] Alright, rest in shi- I'm resting shut.
[09:41:00] You're doing an your stuff right here.
[09:41:04] Hey!
[09:41:05] I'm dead!
[09:41:06] What?
[09:41:07] You revived me and a skeleton shot me in the face as soon as I spawned up. What?
[09:41:13] Oh, he just shot me in the face too.
[09:41:17] Wait you guys dropped already?
[09:41:21] No, but Judd's dead again.
[09:41:30] He almost killed me. I didn't realize that would happen. That's...
[09:41:37] I didn't realize that would happen.
[09:41:41] It wasn't meant to be!
[09:41:43] Close.
[09:41:45] Wow, there's another guy trying to...
[09:42:08] That was close. oh damn it.
[09:42:20] Um... fuck! Fuck. What did you do? Eh, what a fucked up day. We've only got like five minutes. um I'm just looking around sometimes. Sometimes.
[09:43:02] Now I'm in predicament because
[09:43:06] I can take Judd's loot for him, but I can't bring it back!
[09:43:09] Don't worry about me or my Matt. I'll start over.
[09:43:15] Let's go to the police.
[09:43:28] Hang on. I'm just gonna leave it there. I'll start filling the bag for money tomorrow.
[09:44:28] Maybe I can start doing that. I'm gonna a gray cell. so I'm going to try and get the key. Did you drop? I should use the blue shield.
[09:45:18] You want to go downstairs near the portals i will I think. You get a blow job on that thing? Oh, I just realized.
[09:45:22] Uh, I think these were taken already! It's not blue.
[09:45:24] Let's leave.
[09:45:26] Oh yeah.
[09:45:28] I was like for chillin','s fine you can take the stairs
[09:45:33] Not really worried about my shit I'm gonna go back.
[09:45:41] I looked up a question.
[09:45:46] Name of truth request? Mimic tooth request.
[09:45:51] Where'd you guys see that?
[09:45:59] I have no idea where you guys can see this.
[09:46:02] Oh, on the mimic. so so I think there's some rocks there. Yeah, it went after I got out the rough.
[09:46:44] What's that rock thing do?
[09:46:47] It's an escape, is what you're talking about?
[09:46:50] Yeah, so you can go that way into the portals?
[09:46:53] Yeah.
[09:46:55] There's like extractions now you can just walk out of.
[09:46:59] Alright they fucking
[09:47:01] feinty!
[09:47:06] I think I can clear this now. Okay, so that's the next one chat!
[09:47:09] What's the fucking next one? Swift. swift that's what i have already
[09:47:29] my sword mastery and swift Mastery and Swift.
[09:47:40] Like I need to sprint more, you're right.
[09:47:42] Bro, I can't believe I was in like a 30 second melee fight
[09:47:44] with another player
[09:47:44] and I didn't even know it.
[09:47:46] I can't believe we didn't even know it. I can't believe we didn't fucking
[09:47:48] know it. Shield mastery,
[09:47:50] defense mastery, combo
[09:47:52] attack...
[09:47:54] You guys have like
[09:47:56] the most fucking silent fight ever.
[09:48:01] He's wild. so Aircade.
[09:48:27] Oh, it's like asking for the arm rating and 50 magic resistance 50's a lot. Try it.
[09:49:00] I always knew that fighters held their shields up because it blocked my spells, but like I didn't know they were getting that much magic resist too. Wow! so so so so oh
[09:49:58] all the bags are filled so um so I think we're good right? so oh I guess we're good right? You have two campfires in inventory.
[09:51:39] No, these aren't ones I found at Raid though. The ones that I brought with. Lord Farquaad, dude.
[09:51:58] A lot of health pots for you.
[09:52:05] No, fuckwad!
[09:52:07] Some motherfuckers you kill...
[09:52:11] You got ready again, Jada? For some reason I'm ready to...
[09:52:15] The map changed.
[09:52:17] Oh. Gotcha.
[09:52:22] Try the goblin gear gamble? They have a chance to be any rarity You always refill your potions from Squire, you stack the meds. It's true, actually. Let's probably start doing that.
[09:52:52] Alright, build this fucking lobby up.
[09:52:54] Come on!
[09:52:57] There's a guy, there's a team.
[09:52:59] I'm starving more of the time is it?
[09:53:01] That's a team...
[09:53:03] Chad, I do have a sponsor stream for
[09:53:05] Among Us tomorrow by the way.
[09:53:08] So we'll be on a little bit earlier than normal.
[09:53:11] Fighter? Ranger?
[09:53:14] Almost 12 hours from here. 11 and half.
[09:53:22] No, 12 and a half.
[09:53:34] Summer down here here uh yeah this guy's uh he's got the white
[09:53:40] cool cross
[09:53:41] thing.
[09:53:43] The skin from
[09:53:45] last season.
[09:53:48] That's not good, right?
[09:53:49] He's going to beat our ass gonna beat our ass you're gonna beat
[09:53:51] our ass nah that'll be shit Why do you play games with bad anti-cheats? You're like 90 percent of PC games. so There's three teams.
[09:54:38] At least three other teams
[09:54:50] Hope that's another one I think oh, yeah Yes Yeah, so you're talking to me, bro.. I'm going to go get some food. What's up dude, how you doing brother?
[09:55:27] Ah Gaz, this is those DAZs some shit.
[09:55:35] I think that fucks's pretty really Oh! Ah!
[09:55:52] Wasn't worth it.
[09:55:56] What's up?
[09:55:59] This guy had so much health. I got fucked up myself.
[09:56:03] Dude, we just got farted through hallways man.
[09:56:07] Just kinda how I do.
[09:56:13] We got a campfire? They never like to talk again, huh?
[09:56:25] You want to do a campfire already?
[09:56:26] Oh shit.
[09:56:27] Yeah,
[09:56:27] I guess so.
[09:56:30] What's up G guys?
[09:56:31] I'm chillin'.
[09:56:32] I can pop some deals but...
[09:56:36] Yeah, take back!
[09:56:38] Ah, I'm good, I'm good.
[09:56:41] Holy shit!
[09:56:45] Yeah just get into the range
[09:56:47] when it's cold
[09:56:49] for a little bit of micro
[09:56:57] oh no shit house hey take that shit, brother.
[09:57:07] Let's have some stupid shit and then go sit down. Oh man... Bruh, they'll walk over another trap.
[09:57:29] Windows Vista!
[09:57:32] Windows Vista, don't let them fire. This window is just a couple of times farther.
[09:57:41] No!
[09:57:43] No, not happening. You fart faces.
[09:57:55] I'll lose a lot on armor raiding.
[09:57:58] What did you get here?
[09:57:59] It's the media player, Buffy Naker!
[09:58:02] He casts his spells baby!
[09:58:29] Those are our spells man. i put a bolt right in his face I think he wants me. That hell bopped him dude. BOP!
[09:58:31] Did that hit you Jay? Not right? Nope.
[09:58:36] There's a doublet here for a fighter.
[09:58:39] A what?
[09:58:40] And this zombie...
[09:58:42] Cheskies
[09:58:45] Looks like shit, that looks like
[09:58:48] One day you'll have nothing! You'll regret making fun of that doublet That's what that looks like.
[09:58:49] One day you'll have nothing, You'll be making fun of that doublet!
[09:59:42] Oh man he fell back that's nice so uh Then handle this tank.
[09:59:58] I gave him some faint effects. Is everybody walking around?
[10:00:07] Somebody already pulled him out or is he not up there? He's not up there.
[10:00:09] Windows! This the hell you're in!
[10:00:15] Oh God, that was nice of them to get this hit like that.
[10:00:48] Don't go back there. so There you go.
[10:01:08] We're okay I guess, let's move on. I should have been out tell them by paying attention. Just kinda left here, probably?
[10:01:10] Or west?
[10:01:51] Yep, I am super ahead of the game. yep oh Oh, that's a big room. That's it! Guys, I'm hiding.
[10:01:53] Just a barrel.
[10:01:55] Just a fucking barrel.
[10:01:57] Got a lot of traps in here.
[10:02:00] Fucking judge is fucking fucking walking right back
[10:02:02] into a fucking head trap.
[10:02:04] Oh someone took the Wraith here already.
[10:02:08] Somebody is from here.
[10:02:10] In front of you, goblet! Goblet!
[10:02:12] Nice, okay.
[10:02:26] There we go. Alright, so someone's been here recently-ish? I don't know.
[10:02:27] The fucking racing day.
[10:02:28] Yeah we didn't do that.
[10:02:29] Oh we didn't.
[10:02:30] Did you go up right or did you go up left? Yeah, we didn't do that. Oh, we didn't?
[10:02:33] Did you go up right or left?
[10:02:37] Right has killed stuff as well if you come up here.
[10:02:47] I'm coming. You come up here. Come up this way. I just went through the door.
[10:02:48] That archer?
[10:02:51] Where did they go from there? They didn't go left, there's an archer there.
[10:02:53] So they either went
[10:02:53] straight or right.
[10:02:54] Let me check
[10:02:54] front and straight real quick.
[10:02:56] Nah, that's the
[10:02:57] outside of the map.
[10:02:58] There's no way.
[10:02:59] Yeah, so they
[10:03:00] went right, right?
[10:03:06] Oh my god. No, that's good.
[10:03:11] Oh well. Oh, you're dead!
[10:03:24] Motherfucker!
[10:03:28] Son of a bitch.
[10:03:31] I got greedy and it hit me.
[10:03:36] Judd was back here... Judd, what happened to you bro?
[10:03:38] You got hit in the back and he died?
[10:03:40] We'll see.
[10:03:42] I got separated, I took another route, I was trying to like come to you guys, I was running
[10:03:45] through skeletons, I was opening doors, then i got to a door before i could open it
[10:03:49] i got tapped in the back of the boat only had like 10 heads up okay that happens to the best of us.
[10:04:01] They were string snapping.
[10:04:03] It was a player that did it?
[10:04:06] Nope.
[10:04:07] No.
[10:04:09] I hit...
[10:04:10] I don't know where he ran.
[10:04:13] Dude, this map has like 30 of those things and it's all over the place. It's so annoying.
[10:04:17] I jumped to wrong side and should have known better. annoying
[10:04:25] uh... you
[10:04:39] look another one another one there'll be another one up here, don't worry. Where did they go? I don't know where Judd is.
[10:05:05] I don't know anybody else's.
[10:05:07] Where the fuck is everybody?
[10:05:09] Yes, I know. I'm looking for your body.
[10:05:12] Can I see your body.
[10:05:15] Can't I see your body, John?
[10:05:18] Not that next to a door.
[10:05:24] His body was on the other side of this thing.
[10:05:34] Jump left side. I tried to duck it.
[10:05:37] There's another one! See, he went like through here.
[10:05:40] We went up around that
[10:05:43] He went through here. I checked left, but I didn't find his body
[10:05:49] Maybe he died at this thing must have died with the yeah, he's an accident
[10:05:55] Oh Yeah, he's an axeman right there. Ohhhh what a mage!
[10:06:01] Augh!
[10:06:03] My face!
[10:06:06] Fuck it would have killed me.
[10:06:16] Is he mean? Power works again. Blessing of protection!
[10:06:35] Well, we can't really rez him because he's Alright.
[10:06:42] Well, we can't really res him cause we have two minutes to get the fuck outta here.
[10:06:47] Sorry Jedd, back to the fucking drawing board for you.
[10:06:49] Yeah bitch. Oh no, I had a really good
[10:06:51] sword that I wanted.
[10:06:53] I don't know where the fuck these swords
[10:06:55] are though.
[10:06:57] It was one that I started with.
[10:06:59] Those are weird ass ones, I think they're probably south.
[10:07:01] I could probably make my way to that.
[10:07:03] There's a portal there maybe.
[10:07:05] Check portals real quick yeah.
[10:07:07] It doesn't look like it just leads to it
[10:07:09] it looks like that weird little loop-dealer does.
[10:07:14] Yeah you're right.
[10:07:16] This mini map is hard to read.
[10:07:18] Yeah I'm just gonna go down here for sure.
[10:07:20] This has to be it. gonna go down here sure
[10:07:24] that's me
[10:07:29] what this oh haha
[10:07:31] oh
[10:07:32] they might know when poe 2 comes out
[10:07:35] or something else okay Thanks for watching! so Oh shit! Okay, there's a door.
[10:08:49] Did you have to fight it? Oh shit. These dudes are just chillin' here. Like, who we watchin' here?
[10:08:51] They're in hell.
[10:08:52] Oh these guys went to HELL!
[10:08:56] Aw man I want- okay if people go there... Oh, man.
[10:08:58] Okay, if people go there...
[10:09:00] We need to go there!
[10:09:03] They don't all the time but these guys are experienced.
[10:09:05] They're like level 125
[10:09:06] 112 155 They're like level 125,
[10:09:07] 112.
[10:09:11] And 33.
[10:09:12] They have like topia so no one has appeals on them and shit.
[10:09:21] So they planned on going there from the get go. Yeah.
[10:09:22] I don't touch this stuff, not gonna touch this stuff, never touch this stuff.
[10:09:27] That was a lie. That was a lot.
[10:09:31] Yeah, these guys have blues...
[10:09:33] purple...
[10:09:35] A purple...
[10:09:37] blue... They're fucking crazy. purple blue
[10:09:40] they're too crazy possibly it's possible something
[10:09:44] oh no they could definitely do it they have like half their inventory filled
[10:09:49] with just pots and benches. is this the campfire i found did i find one chat on that run No.
[10:10:16] I need this for the question of that.
[10:10:20] Okay, this for a question or that. Hey, there's somebody in my chat still gaming at 69 years old.
[10:10:38] Fuck yeah.
[10:10:40] It is 4am though ain't it like illegal to be out at that age?
[10:10:46] Huh?
[10:10:47] Pretty sure there was a law I guess.
[10:10:49] Okay.
[10:10:51] **beeps** okay Yes.
[10:11:11] I'm at 109, think I'm at 109.
[10:11:16] Think I'm good. Hell yeah!
[10:11:20] Thinks I'll be young forever? If I die young, I'll never be old.
[10:11:24] ... i'll never be old
[10:11:31] why are you rushing your chat bro oh i got another fucking perk
[10:11:35] i don't. I got debated, alright.
[10:11:37] Don't want to trade.
[10:11:45] It'll say looted on the item if you got it in raid. Oh, really? Okay, okay cool.
[10:11:49] I'll look for that. Thank you brother!
[10:11:53] This guy said whenever Judd speaks our collective iq drafts
[10:12:04] thanks a lot What do you mean? I'm like the smartest person here. Nobody wants to challenge me on who wants to be a millionaire.
[10:12:15] Oh.
[10:12:18] Are you Tri trivia master?
[10:12:20] Yeah, which
[10:12:22] there's a big difference between
[10:12:24] knowledge and intelligence but
[10:12:26] Absolutely
[10:12:28] I still win in that Who Who wants to be a millionaire?
[10:12:31] I feel like knowledge wins and who wants to be a millionaire, so if you're trying to prove your intelligence
[10:12:35] I'm not sure about that so Friar Judd over here.
[10:12:55] They're trying to get me started on mullets again, dude.
[10:13:03] Nice.
[10:13:07] You seem like the new cool thing is
[10:13:11] right? To have a mullet. It's like the new new fad
[10:13:13] Oh, it's definitely not I
[10:13:17] Mean it's definitely not a good bed
[10:13:19] I'm just saying is like back in her day people with mullets were like uh they
[10:13:24] were like your protected class like a couple of molars
[10:13:27] they had bullets to let us know who they were
[10:13:32] we knew who they were!
[10:13:35] Yeah, they let us know that they never made it past third grade
[10:13:37] They watched only NASCAR
[10:13:39] You know, their dating their sister
[10:13:41] Follow this person
[10:13:43] Oh shit Let's almost a law they had to wear on them.
[10:13:46] I don't know.
[10:14:00] There's like one guy I can think of that has a mullet right now and it still looks awful because his mullets are just bad.
[10:14:02] I can't like a mullet!
[10:14:04] And then they, the reason why they had mullets is because they were too poor to get their hair cut,
[10:14:08] they would cut the front and say good enough.
[10:14:10] Good enough!
[10:14:11] They'd say if I can't see the back of my head neither can they.
[10:14:16] You know? They're not the brightest. I can't see the back of my head, neither can they.
[10:14:17] You know? They're not the brightest.
[10:14:26] Angel dirt! He's got the ball on his head. And Joe Dirt!
[10:14:28] And Joe Dirt!
[10:14:30] Wasn't the smartest dude.
[10:14:47] ... Is there ever been a Jedi with a mullet?
[10:14:49] That should probably be the next thing. Or, or a Sith.
[10:14:51] That'd be fucking crazy.
[10:14:53] There probably will be honestly.
[10:14:55] That would be dope as fuck I'd be on Bor's help.
[10:14:58] Fucking light and... sorry uh Dope as fuck, I'd be on Borzo. I'll be honest with you...
[10:15:00] Sorry, lightsaber wielding mullet fucking wielding at the same time?
[10:15:04] It will be a Jedi with a mullet dude, it'll be...
[10:15:11] This spaceship's gonna look like a tractor
[10:15:15] i'll keep it a secret
[10:15:19] what the fuck was that noise?
[10:15:21] I don't fucking know. The guy blew a horn.
[10:15:25] That scared the shit out of me.
[10:15:38] Oh, fuck! honestly it'll probably be better than the current star wars shit pretty sure the second jedi game has a mullet option. Oh no shit! I gotta play that by the way.
[10:15:45] Dude, you know what fucking game we should've played from fuckin' back in the day is...
[10:15:49] ...Jedi Power Battles.
[10:15:51] I love that game. That game was
[10:15:53] so dope. That was 100%
[10:15:55] the best Star Wars game for
[10:15:57] PlayStation. Oh, 100%.
[10:15:59] They had that one Episode 1
[10:16:01] where you start off playing as Obi-Wan and it wasn't
[10:16:04] that good.
[10:16:05] Or at least it wasn't as good as Jet Power Battles.
[10:16:09] Yeah.
[10:16:10] Duck dude, Star Wars, Darth Mollet Maul dude coming in with...
[10:16:16] Look how big my flair saver is!
[10:16:19] You ever seen like some of the lore on Darth Maul? Doesn't he like-
[10:16:22] Darth Maul it.
[10:16:24] He's like isn't he like fucking like Maulik. He's like, isn't he like fuckin' like...
[10:16:26] Givin' metal legs and shit?
[10:16:28] Well he comes from the planet Dathomir
[10:16:29] And I'm pretty sure he was raised by Nightsisters
[10:16:31] Because they used to mail Dathomirs as slaves
[10:16:34] Yeah okay And doesn't he get fuckin'... the male death near the slaves. Yeah, okay.
[10:16:36] And doesn't he get fucking... Doesn't he get metal
[10:16:38] legs? Spider legs
[10:16:40] yeah right? He gets some crazy ass
[10:16:42] legs.
[10:16:44] First moment he died! No no, he got cut in half so they gave him First of all, didn't he die?
[10:16:46] No no. He got cut in half so they gave him to me and he's like...
[10:16:49] They find him down there at the bottom of that place or whatever
[10:16:52] Like-like-like all fucked up
[10:16:55] And-and fending for his- I don't know he's all like
[10:16:58] Rat mode you know what I mean, it's like living down there
[10:17:01] He's alive
[10:17:04] He survives if he does some tripping and falling in a hole
[10:17:07] I just seen this shit
[10:17:09] on a short
[10:17:10] one time
[10:17:10] when I was looking at it
[10:17:11] I was like
[10:17:11] damn bro
[10:17:12] I didn't know
[10:17:12] if it was fan made
[10:17:13] if it was real lore
[10:17:14] but then they give
[10:17:15] this motherfucking
[10:17:15] spider legs
[10:17:16] that feels like fan lore what? It's like they give this motherfucking spider legs.
[10:17:19] That feels like Fan Lord, what? It's like General Grievous,
[10:17:21] right?
[10:17:22] General Grievous is just a fucking robot!
[10:17:24] Nah, he has like... it's not like
[10:17:26] straight-up Spider, they're like
[10:17:28] hmmm, I don't know how they look. It's not like straight up spider. They're like...
[10:17:29] I don't know how they look.
[10:17:32] There's, like, four of them.
[10:17:34] I think.
[10:17:35] Is that lore like canon?
[10:17:36] That is canon.
[10:17:37] That's real.
[10:17:38] Oh, shit!
[10:17:40] Spider legs Dr Octopus Malt?
[10:17:42] Basically he's like human but
[10:17:44] not really human but you know
[10:17:46] fleshed on the top and robot
[10:17:48] on the bottom.
[10:17:51] Is this I-City?
[10:17:53] Robot naked in the mall dude! Oh shit!
[10:17:54] What the fuck?!
[10:17:55] We gotta run!
[10:17:57] Nice block there Kik!
[10:17:59] Nice block.
[10:18:01] He's gonna block him. We're gonna miss her, um...
[10:18:03] Let's gooo...
[10:18:05] Oh no! He's dead? Alright
[10:18:07] So Judd is gone.
[10:18:09] Let's go this way this way. You jump to the fucking fist
[10:18:12] and that's where you go when
[10:18:14] There is no second power over there
[10:18:16] No
[10:18:17] That's were you get to the ice tower
[10:18:23] Ah! Got stabbed of their ice tower. Ah, I got stabbed!
[10:18:26] I got stabbed again!
[10:18:28] I got shot in my face!
[10:18:30] There's your chest, I see it.
[10:18:32] Oh really?
[10:18:41] What's up fishy right there?
[10:18:52] Okay.
[10:18:55] Hope we can get dead.
[10:18:59] Oh yeah, we can't even get him!
[10:19:01] He's gone now.
[10:19:03] You're fucking gone-gone man. Who took the fucking golden?
[10:19:11] I can't believe she just fucking...
[10:19:18] Ha ha ha! he's like oh yeah this will drop into the second floor nope Can you hear it?
[10:19:37] I didn't mean to rock that. Damn it!
[10:19:38] I wasted that.
[10:19:39] Let's get a move, Luke.
[10:19:42] Not all the time, but all the time.
[10:19:45] Oh here, there is a potion right here if you want one of those.
[10:19:53] Nice!
[10:19:55] Greedy! the belly
[10:20:02] as well bird Come on, man.
[10:20:29] Your sword hurts.
[10:20:30] I didn't hit you.
[10:20:31] Yes, you did.
[10:20:32] That's a zombie and then the zombie
[10:20:36] hit me too.
[10:20:37] That doesn't even make sense.
[10:20:40] Oh no, dude's here.
[10:20:41] He's here, he's here.
[10:20:47] Oh boy!
[10:20:49] Ah it does a triple effect of bullshit! God... Oh boy. It doesn't trip like that, it's bullshit.
[10:20:56] What a nice crowd there!
[10:21:00] Are you really just gonna fucking block this thing?
[10:21:04] You're gonna learn the attack pattern like this is Dark Souls right now, bro?
[10:21:06] You got it.
[10:21:09] Learn the attack pattern.
[10:21:13] Dark souls. I
[10:21:27] pitch so If only we had a cleric for all these undead.
[10:21:59] It's going to the hole in the chimney, bro!
[10:22:02] Our cleric got sucked into a fucking timeshare scam down in the bottom of the fucking ice
[10:22:08] and this. I'm gonna try to get him. I need to eat an arrow it would have been nice if we had his fucking body, his soul because we're in our resin
[10:22:44] room.
[10:22:45] God likes to choke down holes man! I'm close, man.
[10:22:53] Hold on a second for me.
[10:23:03] Gotta use my Q ability just kind of even in PvP sometimes, so it's more often.
[10:23:10] What's a timeshit? It's a timeshare.
[10:23:13] Aren't we all like sharing time every second that we're alive?
[10:23:17] Yep, we are all sharing time.
[10:23:20] We have to pay for it. oh so I haven't really played this character in a while yet.
[10:23:55] I don't even have the chance to PvP with him in a while yet.
[10:25:11] Oh crap. so That's it. I need to eat for a common one. The rack is here, the back is here. I hate these ones. There's something PvP'd in there, man.
[10:25:16] Yeah I don't know! We saw a motherfucker in the lobby didn't we?
[10:25:18] Yeah this one yeah
[10:25:20] We haven't seen anybody
[10:25:22] That's all we've seen
[10:25:30] I don't know. Wait, it made me feel worried.
[10:25:35] Shit! so so Wax booth I don't know. so What am I doing with this?
[10:26:41] Hey, hold on.
[10:26:41] This is doing some shit.
[10:26:42] This goblin.
[10:26:44] Yeah that's what I just do.
[10:26:47] As you're fighting this thing here...
[10:26:49] Everybody stay in the PVP and gobble him.
[10:26:53] You don't get the shoes I'm gonna have go ahead once. so so I'm glad that I could have bind that guy.
[10:27:56] He can't run.
[10:28:02] Gonna hit him with the ice bolt and down him. I could find that guy
[10:28:17] up stuff. I got a team fight, also over here. I think it's a Hustler.
[10:28:21] Guess I had one on, didn't you? Crossbow moment, it would have taken a long time to reload it.
[10:28:35] I didn't want to stay off of them pressure-wise.
[10:28:38] Think it was better that I take advantage of my wizard's range there. I was thinking about it, right?
[10:28:54] I was just like
[10:28:55] Do I pull out the crossbow
[10:28:56] Or do I go for a reload
[10:28:57] Right now
[10:28:57] And I just remember
[10:28:58] How fucking long it takes
[10:28:59] And I just didn't think
[10:29:00] That at all
[10:29:01] We got two minutes To get the fudge out of here.
[10:29:05] I see two staircases on our map though
[10:29:09] This guy had some gloves
[10:29:11] Dexterity spell, cast 6 speed, come. Rawhide gloves? You want those?
[10:29:13] They're blue? No that's okay don't worry about it.
[10:29:15] Oculus boosts are blue on him. You sure?
[10:29:17] Blue trousers they're blue on him?
[10:29:19] You should take this whole thing bro! Shadow mask all
[10:29:21] blue everything is blue package that particular
[10:29:25] and blues about the budget thousands of people with it All right, I'll take this clothes, these pantaloons.
[10:29:46] Take his boots.
[10:29:48] Get this fucking book.
[10:29:50] He's a blue bardiche.
[10:29:52] Let me get the fuck out of here.
[10:29:58] Um, do you want to go? let's get out of here i'll go to the top one I dropped the large axe.
[10:30:12] I was gonna keep that for like one of my guys.
[10:30:20] I'm out.
[10:30:22] So?
[10:30:25] I'm out. Sounds crazy. Yeah, he was a warlock and he beat my ass.
[10:30:40] He was uh...
[10:30:43] It's just insane.
[10:30:45] His dots hurt like fuck. Like they hit you for additional damage and dot you, and he just keeps blacking
[10:30:49] you with it. It fucking hurts like shit. Sounds like wow
[10:30:53] A really fast cast to...
[10:30:57] And its hitscan And it's hits game
[10:31:10] If I bounce yourself not worth a lot.
[10:31:11] 48 is not bad. I'll use that now.
[10:31:26] Actually, I have one equipped right?
[10:31:30] 141 then let's turn it down. Maybe some like that
[10:32:04] Go on 23 okay Who buys silver? Silver. The treasurer can convert silver into gold, or you can save
[10:32:08] your silver for a quest.
[10:32:12] ... huh what do you think 117. yeah i'm not sure uh i know there's some quest items there right
[10:32:33] wait was one of them didn't i get a bandage? Did I end up using one of those?
[10:32:39] Look at you sir. Wouldn't even take it right?
[10:32:43] No!
[10:32:46] I didn't find any of those No.
[10:32:49] I didn't find any of those. I sold one of them, but it was blue though.
[10:32:55] I'll find you when i find you.
[10:33:05] It's taking my...
[10:33:16] Should we let him take a blue way?
[10:33:21] What's my blue that I have?
[10:33:24] That's what I needed the weapon for.
[10:33:28] What do I have? needed the weapon for
[10:33:34] what do i have can you put like your money in a palace or something yeah the treasurer has patches
[10:33:37] oh vigilant cloak wants that doesn't it?
[10:33:44] Wait. What?
[10:33:48] Is there a blue rapier I'm not seeing?
[10:33:51] I thought that was some other character.
[10:33:54] I don't think so.
[10:34:02] Wait, it'll take it out of share tab too the viking sword
[10:34:06] oh no shit okay
[10:34:10] i have to wear that though. Oh, I have Viking Swords.
[10:34:29] So I can give it? Okay.
[10:34:35] Well, it's there. It's not that big of a deal. Let's just matchmake for now.
[10:34:47] Oh! I have a goblin quest to turn in?
[10:34:49] I don't think so.
[10:34:52] I didn't see anything that really turned in like it was complete.
[10:34:58] Not a good start, not a good start. What server's are we on?
[10:35:03] Um...
[10:35:07] East.
[10:35:13] I fucking brought That was stupid of me to say. I tried to mute my mic before I said that I muted sound instead.
[10:35:19] Oh no! Ha, I thought you would probably mute it. I'm pretty sure people do this you probably need to
[10:35:27] I'm pretty sure that people have been successful anyway it's only like what
[10:35:30] did they give me this
[10:35:32] we see there are so many servers to pick from
[10:35:36] yeah There's only so many servers to pick from anyways.
[10:35:42] Yeah, it's just crazy that there's no one here! I don't think Garvin's being even as hell. This is just a fuck...
[10:36:04] I'm trying to beat people up, bro. so Oh, there's some people.
[10:36:23] There we go.
[10:36:24] Keeps dropping in now.
[10:36:26] Hell yeah!
[10:36:27] Okay.
[10:36:28] That is a bunch of people. Oh no.
[10:36:52] I said,
[10:36:53] yeah,
[10:36:54] just like 12 Snipers
[10:36:55] just
[10:36:55] hopping on that.
[10:37:00] Yeah,
[10:37:00] this is going to be
[10:37:01] an interesting run here.
[10:37:02] Yeah!
[10:37:03] I'll probably change regions after this.
[10:37:05] Is EU...
[10:37:06] Is overseas not working this game?
[10:37:08] Or what?
[10:37:08] Uh, I don't really know.
[10:37:10] I don't think?
[10:37:11] I have no clue.
[10:38:26] I would assume not i usually with east and west I'm going to have to go back. uh uh uh I gotta stop helping. It's not like a sword I can really help with.
[10:38:44] Yep, demon. yep demon here and people it's the circle responder
[10:38:49] versus a fucking crossbowman like right here. This is not the entrance!
[10:38:52] Rogue got me!
[10:38:54] I'm back in.
[10:38:57] Oh my god, he's over here.
[10:38:59] There you are. Oh my god, he's down. I'm going down, I'm getting jumped.
[10:39:13] No you're in the fucking thing!
[10:39:15] Bro I thought we were chasing.
[10:39:18] No!
[10:39:20] I got you. Oh, I got fucked over there man. That's dead.
[10:39:43] Oh my god!
[10:39:47] I hit him with everything!
[10:39:51] I missed every single health.
[10:39:53] Oh, he has literally zero health!
[10:39:55] He's actually low on health.
[10:39:57] You have to like actually hit a skill shot.
[10:39:59] Yeah, if you guys are jumping around and shit
[10:40:01] I'll try to keep my crosshair on you
[10:40:04] I feel that I feel that
[10:40:06] Fuck those guys. That's my last one. I take dude
[10:40:48] Hmm I didn't even use my fucking second wind like a jackass. so Weapon Master a longbow. That sounds better than crossbow, but I don't really like crossbow too much.
[10:40:56] Can I get a longbow though? I think I'm gonna have to buy it every time. Let's just do a curve, huh?
[10:41:25] Is that cool?
[10:41:27] Fuck it.
[10:41:30] Can I get arrows?
[10:41:32] I can't get arrows!
[10:41:41] Okay, fair enough.
[10:41:51] Gonna give you some- Oh, he gives some! I like this guy. You know how to get extra?
[10:41:59] So we're just go like this, right?
[10:42:07] Because I kind of want to be on 60. Hold on, didn't work.
[10:42:14] Alright.
[10:42:24] I guess 40's plenty. I'm not actually an archer, a ranger.
[10:42:27] I guess if I were a ranger I'd want 60.
[10:42:30] Alright we're good. You fellas ready?
[10:42:35] How about this though, how about this though, how about this though, how about that though?
[10:42:39] What do you think of that?
[10:42:41] These motherfuckers...'s out of it all right
[10:42:51] i need a campfire. Another campfire.
[10:42:54] How much do these cost? Wait...
[10:42:58] Where did I just- okay, I'll check right there.
[10:43:04] 20... worth.. You can do the same thing with the camps too, the campfires.
[10:43:32] Oh shit!
[10:43:34] Alright dudes.
[10:43:37] It's a whole different ballgame now.
[10:43:41] I'm a goddamn fighter ranger. Yeah yeah at least Yeah, listen I'll get a long bow when I find one.
[10:43:53] You guys come across a longbow let her brother know I got weapon mastery now and I'm using
[10:43:57] bows and arrows.
[10:43:59] Nice.
[10:44:01] I'm like fucking Gandalf now.
[10:44:03] I mean not Gandalf, like fucking Aragorn.
[10:44:05] Yeah, fucking Strider!
[10:44:08] Strider! I'm motherfucking going down, dog.
[10:44:24] Look for me to the east.
[10:44:28] Yes that's totally what it says
[10:44:36] let's remember the rest of them so There's a party up here, careful.
[10:44:56] What?
[10:44:58] Fall back down! Fall back down the ramp.
[10:45:05] Just make them fight the PVD. There's so much
[10:45:07] PV up there.
[10:45:11] This cocksucker knocked me.
[10:45:21] I thought that was gonna be the only smack you had in time for some reason.
[10:45:26] That's the goblin aid doing this shit right there, though. Oh my god.
[10:45:55] Oh! Nice! I just thought there was too much PvE to chase them, that shit was crazy.
[10:45:59] Yeah, I was kinda expecting them to try and fight us...
[10:46:02] And then they didn't wanna fight so I tried another one
[10:46:06] But he juked me and then they didn't want to fight, so I tried another one.
[10:46:31] But he juked it. If you find quest items in raid-like bandages and campfires,
[10:46:33] you can't turn them off. Yeah, they're in here?
[10:46:33] I'll go and try it.
[10:46:34] Take the tool belt, then he will take them.
[10:47:02] Hold on, let me just... take off two belts I don't want to see a child from behind or something. I think he went up the road. Back here, back here behind me!
[10:47:20] Oh shit! uh Okay.
[10:47:25] Behind me, behind me! That one's got me. I killed one.
[10:47:38] Judd died, I don't think I killed you though. I don't think there's gonna run around
[10:47:50] Wait who died Jacob Jacob did? Yeah.
[10:47:52] Oh fuck!
[10:47:53] I got jump out too.
[10:47:54] Did I hit him?
[10:47:55] I don't think so.
[10:47:58] There's still a road around here.
[10:48:00] We'll get Jacob to show up then.
[10:48:03] Fuck! i get jacob
[10:48:12] they open the door behind oh that's my
[10:48:16] shame That's him?
[10:48:28] Isn't this the Amos guy? He's here.
[10:48:29] He's in front of the judge.
[10:48:30] Go up there, Judge.
[10:48:31] Go up there.
[10:48:32] Running around so close.
[10:48:36] Judd's on him to your right.
[10:48:43] He's in there.
[10:48:47] Here's somebody else over here walking around.
[10:48:56] Can you close this door so I can't have to stand in line when he comes in.
[10:48:59] Uh, you needa grab my book as well just in case cause I won't be able to do anything without it.
[10:49:10] Get a campfire real quick or else today I'm gonna get a campfire real quick, hurt him today and pop it. That elevator room does have a res underneath it.
[10:49:14] Popped it's popped.
[10:49:16] Where'd all my arrows go?
[10:49:18] Can't fire a stop?
[10:49:20] What the fuck?
[10:49:22] You didn't have any arrows in that one.
[10:49:25] Did I not bring any?
[10:49:27] He's pickpocketed me! This fuck is pickpocketing me.
[10:49:30] The hell? Really?
[10:49:34] His whole team said he was pickpocketing me.
[10:49:38] Fuck... Fuck.
[10:49:56] Fuck. I think he's like Is he right in front of you?
[10:49:59] Okay
[10:49:59] I was seeing the little crystal ball again Are you? Am I tripping? Yeah.
[10:50:00] Okay, I was seeing like the little crystal ball in the ground making a weird little like
[10:50:04] fucking effect that looked like there's a dude there.
[10:50:06] Yeah we closed the door unless he flanks from somewhere else.
[10:50:08] That was weird.
[10:50:14] He's opening a door.
[10:50:18] He comes in crouching. I'm fucking fast here.
[10:50:24] You just did this? To your left?
[10:50:32] She's gonna be trying to pickpocket inside that swamp. I'm gonna go pick up a gun and get the fuck out of here. oh my god So hurt.
[10:51:05] Hit him again!
[10:51:08] The one arrow I had left...
[10:51:11] ...the one you didn't steal, bitch. Right in your fucking head. Get my arrows back pussy!
[10:51:30] Good shit Josh back He's all default. Maybe he should learn how to fucking team fight instead of fucking smoke a pickpocket!
[10:51:35] We gotta get res jay
[10:51:38] uh it should be on the ground know why you have that um under where you're at is where the nice thing is there's also centerpiece
[10:51:53] let's go jed
[10:51:56] we're going but
[10:52:04] summer down here I think i think Max health or armor reduction?
[10:52:25] Or damage reduction.
[10:52:29] Health, imagine is driving me.
[10:52:32] Do you have tools to get the pills?
[10:52:36] Yeah there's a guy down here. Where else do we go to get this thing?
[10:52:40] Oh there it is. is you have to kill us so oh so Oh, fuck. I don't believe that bro. Motherfucker!
[10:53:37] All through the sacrifice
[10:53:39] You gotta put it in your hands
[10:53:43] You gotta put hinges in in the fuckin' boy's hands.
[10:53:45] Got it.
[10:53:53] Okay, yeah... Can you stop watching Okay.
[10:53:59] You stopped watching horror movies after human centipede?
[10:54:03] I'm just being busy, thank you for the candy.
[10:54:09] Okay, if he finds plus items in raid like bandages and campfires you can't turn them in if they are on your tool belt.
[10:54:12] Take them off tool belts then he will take them.
[10:54:20] Gotcha! I didn't know that, that sucks.
[10:54:26] Got that for next time. Yo thanks for that donut man, I appreciate it Kingman. I appreciate that, Kingman.
[10:54:28] I get it, I get it.
[10:54:31] Holy shit, I was about to say we're getting attacked.
[10:54:34] You want me to put a campfire?
[10:54:36] I have three of them.
[10:54:39] Actually give me my fucking gun... Oh sorry! Sorry!
[10:54:43] You might as well go find your gear?
[10:54:45] There's a guy down there. It's the PvP guy.
[10:54:47] Ah dude, smoke him. I've got one health.
[10:54:52] He shut the door.
[10:54:57] He's running, I think I saw him go right.
[10:54:59] I'm going bro, I'm going.
[10:55:02] I'm fucking scared.
[10:55:05] I ain't even stressing this dude.
[10:55:08] I'm fast as fuck boy. He got so much shit on him it's insane.
[10:55:11] He's gonna shut us up.
[10:55:15] I'm going for it!
[10:55:19] GET OUTTA THE WAY!!! I'M FUCKING DEAD! Get out of the way! I'm dead.
[10:55:20] Fuckin' dead, I'm dead.
[10:55:24] Why didn't I use my E again?
[10:55:28] Bro you ran through so much PvVE and barely gets to the door!
[10:55:33] I don't have a weapon.
[10:55:37] I didn't want to let him get away so easily.
[10:55:40] You're getting hit!
[10:55:41] I don't have a weapon to get back at my book.
[10:55:45] Okay, go.
[10:55:47] What the hell is this?
[10:55:49] I think it's like your own dad or something.
[10:55:52] I don't know why i didn't use
[10:55:52] either because i'm greedy oh that's wrong
[10:55:57] no i have a book i need a weapon i can't get out of spells
[10:56:02] take the book Oh, there's people.
[10:56:17] Oh I just saw some shit.
[10:56:19] There is an axe in here!
[10:56:22] I can't use axes.
[10:56:25] What could you use?
[10:56:27] This guy's dagger maybe
[10:56:29] I got a dagger on me here
[10:56:31] It has to be a rondelle
[10:56:33] Yeah it's a rondelle It's a rondelle. Just drop it. It's a rondelle?
[10:56:35] Okay, I'm ready.
[10:56:36] Give me that shit again.
[10:56:37] All right.
[10:56:38] We're back in business.
[10:56:39] I have to get my healing back.
[10:56:40] I have to sit for a second.
[10:56:41] I have a campfire you can see.
[10:56:42] Let's just drop it real quick.
[10:56:43] You have two minutes.
[10:56:44] I'll be right back.
[10:56:46] Oh, man! Oh, man! I have a campfire. Let's just drop it real quick. You have two minutes.
[10:56:49] Well then, um...
[10:56:52] We're fucked!
[10:56:55] Can we leave?
[10:56:57] Don't you have to wait for the thing to come down and that thing?
[10:56:59] Uh, yeah. I'm gonna...
[10:57:01] Your body keeps in there. I don't know.
[10:57:14] Last elevator comes at 1 30.
[10:57:16] Chances are. Fuck his body is! comes at 1 30.
[10:57:17] Chaz said.
[10:57:18] Fuck his body is!
[10:57:20] Thanks, damn it.
[10:57:22] You can't do that shit unless you're a barbarian. very
[10:57:36] like a shaman type thing there yeah Yeah, that's what Jan spotted.
[10:57:40] We have ten seconds to get to that fucking
[10:57:42] thing though.
[10:57:44] I'm almost dead.
[10:57:48] Go up the elevator.
[10:57:51] Judd ran into a lot of PvE that's gonna kill him right now.
[10:57:56] Get on the fucking elevator.
[10:57:59] Oh shit.
[10:58:00] Get on.
[10:58:02] Kill yourself if you have it.
[10:58:04] Damn.
[10:58:09] Start to sit down.
[10:58:12] Not close enough, but it's not bad.
[10:58:18] I can see that you do.
[10:58:23] Oh, well he's gone now. I'm gonna get you too. The road's down there the whole time.
[10:58:26] I'll be right with you guys.
[10:58:33] Don't be fuckin' nervous, I will.
[10:58:36] My bad for dying there.
[10:58:38] I f'd up.
[10:58:45] That was hilarious.
[10:58:48] Yeah, I completely blame Judd.
[10:58:50] Oh good.
[10:58:55] I live. Bad time doesn't work, they patched it.
[10:59:02] I'm doing something wrong.
[10:59:06] Is that my weapon off?
[10:59:17] What am i doing wrong, chat?
[10:59:21] It only works when you survive. WHAT?!
[10:59:25] Oh, I need to start taking advantage of that. You guys going in gear down or gear up?
[10:59:45] Under.
[10:59:46] Just what's your, just what's your
[10:59:48] stuff? Your number?
[10:59:50] 21
[10:59:54] J
[10:59:58] I don't think uh
[11:00:07] something like that 13. okay should we get them i'm 34 i was going to take this fallacy off.
[11:00:09] And now 7, good.
[11:00:15] Map changing.
[11:00:24] 21, 21, 21, 21, 21!
[11:00:30] Buy heals? I don't know if I want to buy heals or something. I heal some of our by
[11:00:33] cheap
[11:00:35] or you like
[11:00:40] that what Do I have what?
[11:00:41] Yes.
[11:00:49] ... so I don't say we got bank, but we're definitely getting you know where we were going up today.
[11:01:19] You can recover lost items at Goblin Merchant? Huh...
[11:01:25] I didn't even share that man. I'll take a look. okay so The game's been okay so far.
[11:02:03] I didn't like it at first, but
[11:02:04] it's grown on me a little bit as we've been able to actually win some fights and shit
[11:02:08] I still like playing the Ranger the most so far though I could have cleared all those mobs, then pushed the enemy.
[11:02:31] By the time I cleared all those mobs, that guy would have been long gone.
[11:02:33] Let's be real. Thank you. there's an op build for ranger
[11:02:54] it's got to have the cross
[11:02:57] gotta involve the cross... It's gotta involve the Crossbow, right?
[11:03:02] Ugh.
[11:03:04] Okay. Let's freaking go. Ah! Ah! Ah!
[11:03:20] Ah!
[11:03:21] Ah!
[11:03:22] Ah!
[11:03:23] Ah!
[11:03:24] Ah!
[11:03:25] Ah!
[11:03:26] Ah!
[11:03:27] Ah!
[11:03:28] Ah!
[11:03:29] Ah!
[11:03:37] Ah! Ah! I don't know if there's silver coins. Are the people in this bombing? Ring of wisdom on this guy. Alright.
[11:04:09] We need to earn silver coins for our quest otherwise they're not worth it when I now. Gotcha. Shit.
[11:04:24] You gonna do it? You know I'm gonna go here. I'll try and get him. oh I see him. Oh, close right there. Close right there.
[11:04:58] Let me like see what he's doing...
[11:05:00] ...and all those wheels.
[11:05:04] Barbarian?
[11:05:43] Yeah, barbarian barb- Shoot him! okay I think that barbarians have a lot of energy. Is that off? Uh, that's two for sure. Yeah.
[11:05:54] Bruh, this fucking spider dude... I didn't see a third.
[11:06:07] I don't know if there was
[11:06:07] a third or not.
[11:06:10] Well, somebody died before that in the feed i wonder if their teammate died
[11:06:17] there's a paradox standing behind you behind you just
[11:06:35] he stood on that guy behind you behind you Spiders. You fucking spiders! And this fuck?
[11:06:40] Nice.
[11:06:41] I'm gonna go get him. and this fuck.
[11:06:46] Did I hit you with that?
[11:06:50] Uh-oh.
[11:07:08] Woo! Woo! oh It's not worth comboing then. I feel like against PvE,
[11:07:16] I think it's just worth doing a single swing move into that.
[11:07:20] Oh wait we got a lot of PvE going on.
[11:07:24] He's blowing himself up.
[11:07:27] And he's blocking it.
[11:07:31] Didn't know the purpose of this was gonna happen.
[11:07:34] I thought he was going to be dropping it. Is this guy still alive?
[11:07:41] Okay, hit him on the...
[11:07:45] ...on fire pretty much right on him. I got it.
[11:07:49] I already have mine going if you want to smoke.
[11:07:52] It's 15%.
[11:07:55] He spells back!
[11:07:58] Definitely take my E. Funny spells back. Here it comes.
[11:08:04] Alright!
[11:08:07] That was fun, got some good PvP there.
[11:08:10] Didn't even lose a man, did we?
[11:08:12] No.
[11:08:14] I think they only killed two and then that third guy came back trying to get vengeance for his boys. I guess I guess
[11:08:28] That you keeps them in do that family fire I guess yes chief adn a domain Yeah, what's up? Chief Adini. How you doing man?
[11:08:55] I can't fire off the gun.
[11:09:59] This is just guy I tried to roll on at the end there. Yeah, it's a solid D5 shape mortar stand. I don't see any different types on there. Alright, we got 8 minutes. Let's loot up and look for other people to kill. I think there's still two more people.
[11:10:17] I think three more players still alive. I'm gonna kill people. Kill the people.
[11:10:22] You know what's going on dudes?
[11:10:26] What was that*** is that?
[11:10:28] Chilling, chilling
[11:10:35] You're gonna run around all day huh?
[11:10:38] I'm running around all day, huh?
[11:10:41] Been on there all day actually, yeah. Let me see...
[11:10:46] Yeah!
[11:10:47] You got three already?
[11:10:49] Eh. Oh man. You got three already? Yeah.
[11:10:51] We can split up and shit like that. I wouldn't mind soloing myself, just taking breaks between games or whatever.
[11:10:57] Whatever.
[11:11:00] Good day. whatever, it runs. Whatever! I can probably hop on since... It doesn't matter.
[11:11:01] It's a P-8.
[11:11:03] You can take my spot.
[11:11:08] That's when we start getting bomb, that's when you shake the...
[11:11:12] That was what I was gonna say. What do ya mean?
[11:11:14] I'm a good player and you guys are not.
[11:11:23] Ritual road Druid
[11:11:24] No I'll let you know
[11:11:30] Take this take this Take Judd. Kettle hat.
[11:11:34] Knowledge and luck on his helmet, off of this little bobble layer.
[11:11:40] That thing's sick I'm not even sure.
[11:11:45] Someone's been in here.
[11:11:47] I see them there...
[11:11:49] You see him?
[11:11:50] North-northwest from where I am at.
[11:11:52] Yeah, just saw them exit. Okay, come on Jed. See him? He's north-west from where I'm at.
[11:11:52] Yeah, just saw them exit.
[11:11:53] Okay.
[11:11:54] Looking for a dead...
[11:11:56] Press X to put your weapons away too sometimes, you know what I mean?
[11:12:00] You'll go faster.
[11:12:01] If you need to like run from somebody,
[11:12:02] you press X and it will put your press X and your weapon will go away.
[11:12:06] So we're going to...
[11:12:09] Yeah, let's practice that real quick.
[11:12:17] Yeah! Okay. They're buffing up before they come in?
[11:12:20] The Bard Buffin'?
[11:12:23] Yeah, their Ultraliskiled and star-duffed enough. I so so so so I'm gonna try to get in there and clear it.
[11:13:42] Whatever, let me go now.
[11:13:49] Got a full ass Very good damage
[11:13:59] Well I was spamming heals on you Oh, I know where your around I should have pressed Q and made it work.
[11:14:04] It would've been a little bit harder for them.
[11:14:07] They were close, they were all low.
[11:14:10] Bro, they're so lucky I was whiff They were all low.
[11:14:14] Bro, they're so lucky I was whiffing all my fucking hits at the end bro.
[11:14:18] Oh my god! I whiffed all my shots at the end dude!
[11:14:20] Oh!
[11:14:22] Dude! Land a hit bro! oh dude that's what I'm saying
[11:14:25] I know
[11:14:25] one time
[11:14:27] I choked
[11:14:29] at the end.
[11:14:35] I choked that right there for sure. That was my fault. You wanna just go with our default sets?
[11:14:41] Uh...I'm gonna let Kevin hop in for me. Oh, Kevin, hop the fuck in. Let's roll.
[11:14:46] You only swap classes dude?
[11:14:48] What are you playing?
[11:14:50] Playing The Ranger!
[11:14:52] You stole my shit! I'm playing fighter right now that's it oh are you man
[11:14:58] judson cleric yeah okay look up oh nice warrior hunter drew warrior hunter priest i mean Warrior, Hunter, Druid.
[11:15:04] Warrior, Hunter, Priest I mean.
[11:15:07] Paladin. Warrior, Hunter, Paladin. Pretty good.
[11:15:10] Ooh! Warrior, Hunter, Paladin.
[11:15:13] Yeah that three stop will work as as everybody wasn't a fucking potato.
[11:15:18] Yeah. They all work, right?
[11:15:21] Not a
[11:15:22] potato.
[11:15:24] Alright. I'm in game.
[11:15:27] The only camp I know is Turbo.
[11:15:31] Is that KFC?
[11:15:33] Is that the comp, actually?
[11:15:35] I'll get you guys lit up. Alright bro I'm outta here. I'll catch you guys later.
[11:15:39] Let me know when your game's up again.
[11:15:41] Yeah, man. What is your name?
[11:15:45] Uh...
[11:15:45] N-I-T-E, N-I-T-E kid.
[11:15:57] Do you have me as a friend too?
[11:15:59] If you go to my invitations, you should see a friend request from me.
[11:16:03] Where's the My Invitations... I just see Invitation List.
[11:16:07] I didn't even get to that.
[11:16:09] Player list, bottom right?
[11:16:13] My imitations?
[11:16:17] Let's make us friends. And we can all be friends.
[11:16:20] Alright, we're going with just default loot
[11:16:22] so you're lowdown, ya know what I mean?
[11:16:26] Let's do the damn thing.
[11:16:31] Uh... let me make sure it's on my ear...
[11:16:35] Make sure it is. Try Slayer Fighter Run?
[11:16:37] Ghoul-wield Sword Mastery, Slayer and whatever you prefer.
[11:16:41] Ghoul wield! Sword Mastery, Slayer, and whatever you prefer. Wheeled?
[11:16:42] Do I have to press the left
[11:16:44] and the right click?
[11:16:46] Oh shit, Hutch is here?
[11:16:50] Good job. Yeah? No? Yeah, no. Oh I don't?
[11:16:55] Oh that's nice. That's why I don't like running in dual-wheel normally because I don't want to be pressing left and right click.
[11:17:06] It's just for stats,
[11:17:09] only left-click. So...
[11:17:15] Hold on, chat's trying to tell me to run a different thing real quick.
[11:17:16] Give me a second. I'm gonna try something.
[11:17:18] Let's try it.
[11:17:21] I don't get thrown a bow, huh?
[11:17:24] Really your first day playing honestly.
[11:17:28] Whatever you want.
[11:17:32] Hmm Hmm.
[11:17:37] Is this your first time playing a team game?
[11:17:41] No.
[11:17:43] You were playing before?
[11:17:45] Let's just keep what we got for now, bein' a lazy ass.
[11:17:49] I'm ready.
[11:17:50] Oh like when Jared played the first time?
[11:17:54] Now there was a bit where me and hutch are playing
[11:17:58] and you made your name hutch mf nah that's just what i mean this one
[11:18:02] character just now, still pretty funny
[11:18:11] If there was a good while like Mia Hutcher playing in Summit
[11:18:13] would not play this game at all
[11:18:18] Yeah game at all yeah
[11:18:29] ready up jed me right here jed
[11:18:38] uh yo guys hey it's naughty what's up man how's uh the games? We're winning every single round so we'll be considering...
[11:18:41] Really?
[11:18:43] How's J.C. going?
[11:18:45] I just got off my sort of God roll with me and my own friend. I think if I had a
[11:18:50] counter, it might have been
[11:18:53] like 300.
[11:18:55] You died that many times. Were you playing in the mosque?
[11:18:57] Yeah, I was playing in the mosque. Listen, I was getting kills on kills.
[11:19:00] Just now...
[11:19:02] ...I traded-
[11:19:03] In the last hour, I traded like four times with people.
[11:19:05] Yeah.
[11:19:06] But!
[11:19:07] But...
[11:19:08] I would trade,
[11:19:09] I'd be the one to get up,
[11:19:11] be fucking blinking red, chilling.
[11:19:13] Trade again, spawn right next to where we both died,
[11:19:14] loot everything,
[11:19:14] get the fuck out of there.
[11:19:15] So it's like,
[11:19:16] it's a give and take, I guess.
[11:19:19] Say my audio is fucked up.
[11:19:22] Why's that, man?
[11:19:24] Yeah it's fucked dude.
[11:19:26] Just keep hearing somebody yapping in the background.
[11:19:28] Shut your ass up bitch!
[11:19:37] Old-ass man. You can't even fucking play the game. Dark and darker is too dark for your eyes don't work.
[11:19:41] Oh you should turn the brightness up on me. Oh! Big boy.
[11:19:43] Should go this way.
[11:19:45] Yeah, I maxed my brightness last night.
[11:19:50] Oh another big boy. It was close by.
[11:19:51] Oh!
[11:19:51] Guys guys, get back.
[11:19:52] Turn around.
[11:19:54] Guys!
[11:19:55] Help me!
[11:19:56] He's on me!
[11:19:57] Run!
[11:19:58] Run to the next door.
[11:19:59] Run to the next door.
[11:20:01] Oh, God!
[11:20:02] We gotta go. They're following God! We gotta go.
[11:20:03] That's phony.
[11:20:04] The Yetis.
[11:20:05] We gotta go.
[11:20:06] There's not a worse
[11:20:06] room than this.
[11:20:07] It's not a worse
[11:20:08] room.
[11:20:08] We gotta go.
[11:20:10] We gotta go.
[11:20:10] Just get through.
[11:20:11] Get through.
[11:20:12] Get through.
[11:20:13] Get through. Get through. We through. I'm getting fucked!
[11:20:14] Get through.
[11:20:15] Get through.
[11:20:16] We have to fuck with the Yetis.
[11:20:17] That's what we have to do.
[11:20:18] Just get to the next room now.
[11:20:19] Next room.
[11:20:20] West, west, head west.
[11:20:24] I am... Go! Head west! Holy shit! Keep running!
[11:20:25] Keep fucking running!
[11:20:26] I'm gonna get you.
[11:20:27] You're not getting away with this, man.
[11:20:28] I'm gonna get you.
[11:20:29] I'm gonna get you.
[11:20:30] I'm gonna get you.
[11:20:31] I'm gonna get you.
[11:20:32] I'm gonna get you.
[11:20:33] I'm gonna get you.
[11:20:34] I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you. Holy shit!
[11:20:36] Keep running! Keep fucking running!
[11:20:39] Yeah, split up. Split them up. I like this idea
[11:20:43] I'm dead
[11:20:44] No you're not
[11:20:46] I'm dead! No you're not. I'm dead.
[11:20:47] Holy fucking hell, what the shit was this?
[11:20:50] That wasn't even fair, was it? Was that fair?
[11:20:56] Dude, I went across the bridge just there.
[11:20:59] Bridge and blocked door.
[11:21:01] Like yeti coming in front of me at the door!
[11:21:05] Oh my god we're going through the corner on me. Oh my god, we're going through the front of me.
[11:21:08] Holy fuck! I just...I don't know what just happened.
[11:21:11] I may have gotten to actual players there.
[11:21:13] Yeah, they killed on you in the main thing.
[11:21:17] Those players wouldn't have any game with NPCs dude.
[11:21:19] God damn it!
[11:21:21] What was that?!
[11:21:23] They were just skipping along dude.
[11:21:25] We're running back.
[11:21:27] That's what I do like about this game. It sucked, but we lost absolutely nothing
[11:21:30] but a minute of our lives.
[11:21:32] That one wasn't bad.
[11:21:34] Time is our most precious kind.
[11:21:38] Haven't you ever seen In Time with Justin Timberlake.
[11:21:41] Yes, yeah.
[11:21:41] That can be a reality one day.
[11:21:44] It's a good movie.
[11:21:45] One minute is like 50 cents.
[11:21:47] I'll be alright.
[11:21:48] Once she's hot in it dude, what's her name?
[11:21:51] Seinfeld?
[11:21:52] Seyfried?
[11:21:53] Or Olivia Wilde
[11:21:56] because they were both hot in that.
[11:21:58] Seinfeld.
[11:22:00] Whoa whoa! Oh shit hold on my speakers. No, Seinfeld. You like Seinfeld?
[11:22:02] Oh shit, hold on my speakers.
[11:22:07] Well, well,
[11:22:09] who's playing Dark and Darker?
[11:22:10] Yeah, Simply Bonnet, I feel you. We just got got on they're apparently the best i'm playing exactly
[11:22:15] how's it been only great for one minute yeah we're looking to quit. Alright cool!
[11:22:23] That's not too bad, that's not too bad.
[11:22:25] That spawn was just going crazy though
[11:22:27] Who just hit a trap?
[11:22:31] What's wrong with you Kevin?
[11:22:32] The same thing that was wrong with me yesterday apparently dude.
[11:22:35] Get ready the zombies are coming.
[11:22:38] I have an explosive barrel, Bottle check this out it's going here we go.
[11:22:44] Just explode them! Check this out, it's going. Here we go. Yeeeah! Just blowed him!
[11:22:47] I think you might have hit Jet.
[11:22:53] He just giggles about our. Damn, babe!
[11:22:54] What did you do to him, Judd?
[11:22:58] Where are you stuff?!
[11:23:02] I'm tripping. There's something wrong with that.
[11:23:10] He's still laughing about it.
[11:23:11] Chad, you okay?
[11:23:13] I'm good!
[11:23:19] He's a healer probably. okay
[11:23:27] and Anyone have any picks?
[11:24:23] I'm not getting married to him. ah um so Oh, what the fuck? You shot him right?
[11:24:28] Okay.
[11:24:29] That scared me. Yeah.
[11:24:35] Are you playing lockpicks or do you have to buy them with things like that?
[11:24:39] I think he's fine. I'm not gonna say I think you found one. Another one.
[11:24:41] I haven't found one yet.
[11:24:45] I did like six or seven more runs after you left yesterday.
[11:25:13] Really? more runs after you left yesterday. Now we're gonna actually put your weapon where you need to run. And if you need to book it...
[11:25:18] Let's go in here and get this fucking spider shit cleared, we have to find the pot. I feel a bot.
[11:25:22] Look where the white spiders are coming from.
[11:25:24] I don't think they're in my SCN. Oh, do they spawn from a pot? Is that what you were telling me?
[11:25:32] There's a little pod on the ground that they came out of.
[11:25:36] I don't know where it is though.
[11:25:41] There it is, I got it. it was behind all the pots over here.
[11:25:47] Go Shad, one of them at least.
[11:25:49] Go Shad!
[11:25:51] Somebody told me yesterday that you get XP in two pots...
[11:25:53] ...there must be another one over there.
[11:25:54] There's probably a spy up on the stairs. you get experience Oh, shit. Oh shit, we don't want to smoke this thing.
[11:26:20] Well again, we just gotta strafe this thing.
[11:26:23] You see it's like, it's the villain from Monster Tank.
[11:26:37] Randall dude.
[11:26:39] Fucking Randall.
[11:26:43] Oh no that was because I watched it.
[11:26:47] You're too close to the end here so i'm saying that so Oh, shit.
[11:27:13] My little bitch!
[11:27:17] I'm just gonna turn it back on.... So do you figure that out?
[11:27:25] Is that true, did he get the XP?
[11:27:27] I know a little snitch dude.
[11:27:29] A little Mark Zuckerberg little fuck-dude.
[11:27:31] Oh! Who? What?
[11:27:33] Randall.
[11:27:34] Recess, yo.
[11:27:35] Are you talking about a recess?
[11:27:38] We're talking about monsters and Randall but yeah...
[11:27:42] Bugs? You still right? We're talking about monsters in the grandstand. Oh, bugs?
[11:27:43] You still right though.
[11:27:47] We got a bug problem again.
[11:27:50] I didn't see one shot that way.
[11:27:53] One shot all one. I missed all those.
[11:27:55] I can't get him.
[11:27:56] Over here.
[11:28:02] Where'd the spider go?
[11:28:07] I got him.
[11:28:10] Keep clearing!
[11:28:12] Randall's um... that one dude off of Doug Funny?
[11:28:18] His little brother.
[11:28:20] The one who wears the leather jacket?
[11:28:24] What, his peaceful brother?
[11:28:27] I think he's talking to someone in chat.
[11:28:29] No, I'm talking to him.
[11:28:31] Oh. Yep.
[11:28:33] You know Doug Flanagan the guy with the leather jacket the bully is that guys named Randall Roger
[11:28:38] That's right
[11:28:40] Randalls like his little brother
[11:28:48] Roger and Randall is he oh you're saying that's what you're saying yeah roger and randall dude
[11:28:56] yeah why is everybody a shitbag?
[11:29:04] And then their parents...the dad's the dad off of The Simpsons.
[11:29:06] His name Flanaganagan Ned Flanders yeah that's
[11:29:10] the whole family dude Ned Flanders or Randy Roger Bro, can I use both swords?
[11:29:28] Like, dual wielding is only using one.
[11:29:36] I'm sorry?
[11:29:39] So I have two swords right now.
[11:29:41] I didn't know that I could actually move and use those things.
[11:29:45] Yeah man.
[11:29:46] Left in or right click.
[11:29:48] Alright so where do we go here? Let's just head there.
[11:29:54] That's the extraction right or is that...
[11:29:56] No it's not blue.
[11:29:58] Let's go up there?
[11:30:01] We can't do that there are places up here.
[11:30:03] Ok, half been here actually.
[11:30:07] I think we have to start over.
[11:30:09] Wanna start going south to the right.
[11:30:16] Oh, of course. I knew that was gonna happen. I just followed right behind you guys.
[11:30:56] Thanks for this. following right behind you guys. Oh, Patty Mayonnaise dude. Opie Manatee looks like she's the daughter of Ofiving saleman's little girlfriend olive oil?
[11:30:57] olive oil and patty mayonnaise dude
[11:31:00] to mom I think it's gonna open here.
[11:31:14] These barrels take really big damage. I mean farting in his cell don't even attack them
[11:31:33] uh you killer tofu I kill her tofu yeah the portals came up here
[11:31:45] you motherfucker You motherfucker.
[11:31:53] Why open this fucking thing? I'm gonna go You mean you're dead?
[11:32:08] Yeah, but the ultimate one tapped in the head, Buzzkill. You mean you're dead.
[11:32:19] I got bolted one-tap in the head by a skeleton.
[11:32:22] No way!
[11:32:29] Where are you?
[11:32:37] I see you.
[11:32:46] You always have to strike a, uh...
[11:32:48] ...stopper? Yeah.
[11:32:50] Yeah, you're always gonna strike them and if you get too close
[11:32:52] You can shake my leg
[11:32:58] The hero is back
[11:33:03] Hey isn't there something down here we can rez at?
[11:33:05] I don't even know.
[11:33:06] Yeah.
[11:33:08] Somewhere...
[11:33:10] Down the hill.
[11:33:12] Is there one right by us?
[11:33:15] Underneath.
[11:33:18] Yeah, it's right here. uh I'm making bunnies! I don't think you can have this this anymore, really.
[11:33:56] We have three mates here.
[11:33:58] Or we'll saw all of them.
[11:34:00] Let's see if we get a little PvP at the end, not sure.
[11:34:02] A lot of people died already to the PvE.
[11:34:11] Come alive! people died already to the TV it's Arnold
[11:34:16] and get a little campfire if you want to. Let's come up here to your body.
[11:34:19] Your bodies up here.
[11:34:23] There is it.
[11:34:25] Can we get in these cages? think it's on the other side
[11:34:31] that's okay
[11:34:34] isn't this you right here? I think he's human.
[11:34:41] Did somebody loot me?
[11:34:43] No
[11:34:48] And you just left it in your pockets You're gonna take your shirt off and get your fire.
[11:34:51] And just left it in your pockets.
[11:34:54] Are you starting the fire? You need me to?
[11:34:55] I'll do it.
[11:34:59] Get ready
[11:35:00] to sit on this body
[11:35:02] and do something.
[11:35:03] It doesn't really matter too much, we only got two more minutes
[11:35:06] with the portals here, we'll see if we get a last minute fight or something.
[11:35:11] Yeah, I just opened all the cages
[11:35:21] did you see the kill feed yeah Yeah. Everyone died to the troll, that's funny.
[11:35:23] Everyone died to the cave troll.
[11:35:27] Dude there was a room we were getting the fuck out of there remember?
[11:35:31] That was get the fuck out of there remember that was those like this let's get the fuck out
[11:35:33] of their room everybody died actually
[11:35:35] that's crazy
[11:35:36] this round look yeah you don't really
[11:35:41] control though so with The white one?
[11:35:44] We died that time, remember?
[11:35:46] Oh! That was THAT one!
[11:35:48] They're playing Maze...
[11:35:50] I just got airslaughtered.
[11:35:52] That's good for the fucking
[11:35:53] yeah open all the chests up here fuck this is good for jed
[11:35:56] Jed I got something for you here come here
[11:35:58] okay i'll open a chest There we go. Oh, that's sick!
[11:36:20] Are there chests up top you're saying?
[11:36:22] Yeah yeah. You like open this up.
[11:36:25] Okay. yeah you like open this up
[11:36:35] you guys get over the portals and leave okay we go Google got worse hopefully Oh, blue gold goblet. Worse, hopefully.
[11:36:39] Zywander!
[11:36:42] Is the portal downstairs? Yeah.
[11:36:49] I need a Zywander. There you go, there ya go!
[11:36:52] I got one on my friend.
[11:36:54] Wish I could see him any time.
[11:36:56] Did it work anything?
[11:37:02] Meh, we didn't get shit from that run.
[11:37:06] Have you done High Roller yet? from that run.
[11:37:08] Have you done High Roller yet?
[11:37:10] Of course not.
[11:37:12] Really? Not one time?
[11:37:12] Mm-mm. Okay. wait you have a lot of golds on it
[11:37:24] yeah what about it?
[11:37:27] that's not bad.
[11:37:29] People are giving them gold
[11:37:35] We had a lot of successful runs today
[11:37:39] We were actually getting some kills this game. It was dope! I had a lot of fun with this because the PvP fights are fun. so I think you should get a...
[11:38:09] While we live, I'm gonna refresh and everything.
[11:38:12] Have you checked the marketplace yet?
[11:38:16] You should be able to get a bigger coin purse.
[11:38:18] Um, I haven't done too much of that stuff now.
[11:38:23] I've just been playing like between
[11:38:25] like the low and the 124s
[11:38:27] and just kind of chill there for a little bit
[11:38:47] trying to take advantage of this refill on the uh the merch I'm a squire. You like fighter?
[11:38:52] Um, he's okay. I still think ranger is the most fun so far
[11:38:57] Yeah you just need to get geared- Like once your geared as fighter it's crazy
[11:39:01] Yeah
[11:39:02] Yeah
[11:39:03] I mean every character is different
[11:39:04] 6 heroes fuck yeah 6 heroes Actually i'm a fighter and i don't need that many Yeah, I mean every character is different. 60 arrows? Fuck yeah, 60 arrows!
[11:39:05] Actually, I'm a fighter and I don't need that many.
[11:39:09] Keep forgetting...
[11:39:11] Listen, I like to go with 60 on my Ranger.
[11:39:21] ... 60 on my Ranger. Alright, I'm prepped.
[11:39:23] Gear score 51.
[11:39:30] Honestly, we haven't been finding good loot on the last year I was
[11:39:37] you can play some serious mind games with rogue dude, like shako or what? I didn't find good gear but i got a decent amount of diamonds and gems and shit. So I'm standing in gold. so i'm big this is that time about it.
[11:40:09] I'm sorry, dude.
[11:40:11] Oh, sir.
[11:40:12] Is how much gold do you have?
[11:40:14] Why did they stop me from reading?
[11:40:16] I had 4K.
[11:40:18] Oh shit.
[11:40:20] Alright.
[11:40:22] I'm like putting it all in my shared tab between
[11:40:24] my characters.
[11:40:26] Yeah.
[11:40:28] So do you have a stash for your character and a shared tab?
[11:40:31] Do you have both?
[11:40:35] Or do you have one stash that's just shared?
[11:40:39] I think you have, one little just page is shared.
[11:40:44] You still have a staff share.
[11:40:47] So, you have two pages basically?
[11:40:49] Gotcha.
[11:40:50] You can buy extra
[11:40:52] pages for your main like free characters
[11:40:54] though okay
[11:40:57] do you get better backpacks later too to
[11:40:59] be able to carry more
[11:41:01] no no yeah that's your inventory to be able to carry more. No.
[11:41:03] That's your inventory the whole time?
[11:41:05] It's $250 for the upgrade
[11:41:07] so that's not a DLC.
[11:41:09] When are they gonna let me play Tetris, bro?
[11:41:11] I wanna turn items yeah so There it is. I'm getting spear proficiency, so if you see a spear...
[11:41:45] Bro that shit is so good by the way.
[11:41:47] I tried it today.
[11:41:49] Yeah everybody told me spears are great.
[11:41:51] Changes everything on that character.
[11:41:53] Really?
[11:41:59] Well I guess because you have a range right? on that character. Yeah, spears are really... I mean all of a sudden you go from like not wanting to get close to anybody to all the sudden like you're down to fucking headshots before they even
[11:42:02] get near you and just be like, Matt!
[11:42:04] Especially if they're going after your teammates and you're kind of close
[11:42:07] nice what's uh what level did you get your ranger to
[11:42:14] i don't really remember probably about about this, actually maybe 20?
[11:42:19] Okay so it didn't fall behind 18
[11:42:26] Once you're 20 that's all it is really.
[11:42:29] Alright we got some games now, let's go!
[11:42:32] I thought it was 20 max level?
[11:42:34] Not a max level but like...
[11:42:35] ...I don't think you get anything else.
[11:42:37] Yeah I think once your 18
[11:42:39] You can get the 4 perk slots
[11:42:41] No it's 15
[11:42:43] Is it? Let me see how many you need after 15
[11:42:45] I've got 20
[11:42:48] Oh my gosh...
[11:42:50] When i don't know how to level Z after that, I have no idea.
[11:42:54] Have to buy the game first and then roll it.
[11:43:03] Yeah! I didn't want to buy the game yesterday. That wasn't sure if it was going to be playable.
[11:43:06] If i know my gaming culture, then wore solos is that a thing it's got to be the
[11:43:15] sweatiest shit on the planet not three minutes but actually could be so you get like titles in the game and
[11:43:24] anything under level 18 gets like a new title so that's the leveling its new
[11:43:29] titles well it's like yeah the noob title is anything in there you neglect Drake
[11:43:35] Gotcha
[11:43:37] Something to get us open you'd unlock more skills,
[11:43:42] like the higher you leveled up.
[11:43:46] Perks and more abilities.
[11:43:51] Yesterday was bullshit when we
[11:43:52] were playing
[11:43:52] oh my god
[11:43:53] those guys
[11:43:54] are such
[11:43:54] tryhard
[11:43:54] like smurfs
[11:43:55] it's good
[11:43:56] practice
[11:43:56] yeah
[11:43:57] we'll put
[11:43:58] it this way
[11:43:59] Jerry
[11:43:59] I did
[11:44:02] seven more
[11:44:02] runs after you left.
[11:44:04] I ran into one other person.
[11:44:07] What?!
[11:44:09] Yeah.
[11:44:11] You must have been just playing slow though too, right?
[11:44:13] I was playing solo. i was playing solos
[11:44:14] i was playing a little bit slower oh we're playing people were just coming
[11:44:18] at us in the second room yeah sure after that
[11:44:21] i'm basically saying this stream sniping was out of control while we were playing this
[11:44:24] Yeah, you're not wrong. You're not wrong.
[11:44:28] But I was also saying that it's...
[11:44:31] It's like that KT and you don't know because you've been streaming all the time
[11:44:35] When I played by myself or with a duo
[11:44:37] or something like that we wanted to
[11:44:39] like, path people through
[11:44:45] so it's definitely a thing I'm definitely safe. uh You guys are kinda tight there, pretty fast.
[11:45:22] I'll be in this room too.
[11:45:25] Secret tunnel right here dude.
[11:45:28] Simple chest. I'm gonna try to get this.
[11:45:31] Triple chest.
[11:45:36] Okay, cool.
[11:45:43] That's what I saw use this room last night. Secret tunnel?
[11:45:44] It's like a secret tunnel?
[11:45:45] Yeah, secret hole!
[11:45:46] And spiders here.
[11:45:47] There's a tunnel, wow.
[11:45:48] Oh my god.
[11:45:49] What is that? What is it? What is it? Yeah. And spiders here.
[11:45:54] Shit's gonna rip out. Oh shit! I've been SHOCKED!
[11:46:14] They're coming from the wall.
[11:46:16] Am i tripping?
[11:46:20] What did you say happened? Where are those spiders coming home
[11:46:28] John you fuck What You smacked me in the back, you bitch.
[11:46:33] No I didn't!
[11:46:37] Why do you move? I've sit there casting heal and your looking at me as soon as I cast it to go.
[11:46:41] Well I don't know what you're doing, bro and what you do with your life.
[11:46:47] He comes through the tunnel again?
[11:46:49] This one's really a heal. I don't get shit, I haven't get shit. I haven't been getting shit.
[11:47:49] Okay. I left her right here? I don't know.
[11:47:52] Left, I guess. Oh shit. I'm dead. You're dead?
[11:47:58] Yeah, you can't even see me.
[11:47:59] I don't know what to do with this guy.
[11:48:00] He's a good guy.
[11:48:01] I'll just go back and get him.
[11:48:02] I think he's going to die.
[11:48:03] I think so too.
[11:48:04] I think we should go back and kill him.
[11:48:05] I think that was the last one.
[11:48:06] I think it's time for us to go back and kill him.
[11:48:07] I think they're coming from behind.
[11:48:08] I think there are more of them. I think they're coming from behind. I think they're coming from behind. Yes, he wanna be knowledge.
[11:48:09] Sorry man.
[11:48:15] Win and get loot!
[11:48:19] I'm shielding a mace
[11:48:30] Only said something there. I said said there's a green helmet and mace if you want either.
[11:48:35] This house seems better than the mace right?
[11:48:49] Oh! I don't know. Poison 4 eye on you bro. so Campfire right here.
[11:49:21] Like one was previously there? campfire right here.
[11:49:25] Like one was previously there?
[11:49:28] An extra campfire, there's another one. I think they't see us.
[11:49:39] Right instead of stairs? That means someone took this right?
[11:49:43] And left? I would think so for some of actually seeing that Holy, it's like a little maze area.
[11:50:01] Ghosts are there? No, Actually we have to go in here.
[11:50:08] That looks like everyone's serious as fuck.
[11:50:11] These guys are dying right now, by the way.
[11:50:14] See what I'm saying?
[11:50:16] Indiana Jones stupid shit! Come on now. the way see what i'm saying
[11:50:17] indiana jones stupid come on now you want to do sheriff's walls that hard I didn't know what you had in hand. There's the whole guy here.
[11:50:42] That's right, Jared laughed at me when I got that like six things in a row yesterday.
[11:50:47] Visor, Barbed Wire, Magic and Damage bonus, Spellcasting speed, Will 4...
[11:50:49] Now this...I don't know what to use the speed for. Fighter? That's for me?
[11:50:53] Yeah take that, sure do.
[11:50:57] So make it rest... So you just rest? Somebody just rested. Actually, magical damage and spell cast on him...
[11:50:59] So he just rests?
[11:51:01] Did you hear it?
[11:51:02] Yeah yeah someone's resting.
[11:51:03] Yeah let's go.
[11:51:04] I didn't hear that.
[11:51:07] Header here!
[11:51:10] This guy is sitting on the thing shoot him so Got one, killed one. Both of these are running.
[11:51:46] I headshot one, he's almost dead! Hit him through the window right side!
[11:51:48] Just put a trap down on them in the track. Careful, Jed. God damn it. Wait in!
[11:51:52] I thought you were behind me?
[11:51:53] I don't know what you're doing.
[11:51:54] I'm just gonna hang around here.
[11:51:55] I'll be right back.
[11:51:56] Okay.
[11:51:57] I got a little bit of an issue with the camera.
[11:51:58] It's not working.
[11:51:59] Oh, okay.
[11:52:00] I see it now.
[11:52:01] I can hear it.
[11:52:03] I think we should go to the other side. Yeah. God damn it. I went in, I thought you were behind me!
[11:52:05] Oh yeah, I was gonna hurt him. Probably set another trap in there.
[11:52:07] Trap?
[11:52:51] Can't believe we got to trap down fast enough while I opened the door. I went in, the other one popped out. so Oh, I fucked up. I kind of screwed that all up by not having my shit bound at that point.
[11:52:55] I didn't realize.
[11:52:56] Fuck! I blew that. I was like, fuck! shit bound at that point i didn't realize
[11:53:01] i blew that i was like why am i not pulling on my heels outside of the door
[11:53:06] you're running back you're out of there you doofuses what are you doing?
[11:53:10] I thought setting traps was much longer. Man that dude started setting up a trap through the door and I put a fucking
[11:53:12] arrow on his forehead bro. Ohhhh
[11:53:14] I should have known that's what he was doing
[11:53:16] I didn't know what he was doing! I thought it was healing with a bandage or something!
[11:53:20] You said that guy was fucked up dude so I ran in after Night Knight died thinking you were behind me.
[11:53:27] I didn't know he was placing the trap, I thought he was legit, he fucking used advantage.
[11:53:31] Well here's the thing
[11:53:33] I saw him finish
[11:53:35] and I thought he was also using advantage
[11:53:43] Bro we murdered that other guy to you though sick he had a teammate in there with him fuck that do this
[11:53:47] ready up oh sorry mm-hmm Ready up! Oh, sorry.
[11:53:55] Finish that one quest
[11:53:59] where you uh
[11:54:07] you have to take five blue items out of raid blue weapons and turn them into the guy for that quest and then it'll unlock the ability to put it from squire onto your uh base equipment
[11:54:16] that's what i have on my ranger so i need blue weapons
[11:54:21] blue weapons are raised yet blue weapons? Blue weapons are a raise, yeah.
[11:54:23] Or weapons or armor?
[11:54:25] Blue weapons.
[11:54:27] Okay. Do I just sell them to the guy?
[11:54:29] Nah, you just go to the quest thing and it will have him turn them in basically out of here.
[11:54:37] I think it has to be found in raid but i'm not 100.
[11:54:49] Like as in you can't pick it up off a player that brought it in. You have to find it, like out of a box or something. Gotcha. Okay. You got five of those today?
[11:55:00] I did some yesterday.
[11:55:02] What?
[11:55:04] Didn't I get some of those yesterday?
[11:55:05] Hell no.
[11:55:07] You've been playing with me the whole day, bro.
[11:55:11] Okay well then yeah.
[11:55:13] I played a of it.
[11:55:18] Yeah.
[11:55:23] I saw you on that when you got on, and I was like fuck man this place long enough for me to get on.
[11:55:25] Here you are, Brittany.
[11:55:26] Oh yeah.
[11:55:30] Yeah we've been winning some fights losing some fights but they've been competitive enough
[11:55:33] and fun enough that I'm enjoying it.
[11:55:35] Yeah.
[11:55:35] I think the quality of life
[11:55:36] changes on the game
[11:55:37] that they did
[11:55:38] were enough for me
[11:55:39] to be okay with the game,
[11:55:41] like doing solos,
[11:55:43] duos, trios
[11:55:44] so I don't always have
[11:55:44] to just run into
[11:55:45] 1v3s or 1v2s.
[11:55:48] The whole
[11:55:49] gear score thing, you're not just running
[11:55:52] into super geared players, right?
[11:55:55] You know,
[11:55:56] the map rotating. I like all these things.
[11:55:57] I like all those changes.
[11:55:58] Yeah, I feel like a big thing for a game
[11:56:00] like this for you is
[11:56:02] you can see the potential
[11:56:03] for you to get better
[11:56:04] and then you want to get better
[11:56:05] if it can kill people.
[11:56:07] Yeah, that's what makes you enjoy a game.
[11:56:10] Yeah.
[11:56:12] It's like, okay, I can see
[11:56:13] from my blinding this so I'm really good
[11:56:15] so I can kill everybody I run into type deal.
[11:56:26] ... everybody I run into type deal. Alright, here we go.
[11:56:32] Just pick up a green buff Claire.
[11:56:35] So next time shield, buff duration bonus? Shield... I got like 30 minutes to do whatever you want. so so I'm gonna go to the top. Dude, he attacks so much faster than I thought.
[11:57:34] Did you get attacked with that?
[11:57:36] That's crazy.
[11:57:37] Was it the back-duel once?
[11:57:38] Yeah.
[11:57:42] Bro, I thought this big barbarbed wire thing was a mob.
[11:57:45] It looks like a giant person.
[11:57:48] I don't know if we've seen one of those yet.
[11:57:51] A mob? That look like a giant person.
[11:57:54] Like dual wielding axes.
[11:57:58] Oh!
[11:57:59] He's like a big...
[11:58:00] Yeah he's a giant dude.
[11:58:02] Yeah.
[11:58:03] Yeah, Father's house is rough.
[11:58:05] They have a lot of top-notch damage.
[11:58:07] Blue heavy boots here.
[11:58:09] Ooh!
[11:58:11] On the body. On the skeleton.
[11:58:15] Oh yeah, lucky because I stuck him behind 10 boxes.
[11:58:18] But it took me so many lives and I ran out of arrows shooting at him.
[11:58:22] Did you use those, Jack?
[11:58:24] You're running out of arrows on what? On that smasher fire?
[11:58:28] Yes, outside the cardboard. I'm taking that strength 4. Can't pass that.
[11:58:30] Oof! This is good.
[11:58:32] Don't give a shit how much damage the guy has.
[11:58:34] I think he will manage to do this.
[11:58:42] Just start shooting. I think we managed to do this. Out arching, keep strafing, keep strafing.
[11:58:46] Always strafe against them. I'll shake it. I will shake it, that's all.
[11:58:52] Ooh! Arched!
[11:58:55] Got him. I'll stitch you to a chair. Oh, it's an altar here.
[11:59:13] Altar of Sacrifice? That's the rest right there.
[11:59:16] Yeah, from a campfire. Wait, I just found two campfires!
[11:59:19] Dude, two campfires for that one hole?
[11:59:20] Oh my gosh.
[11:59:25] See that shot?
[11:59:28] Plate boot.
[11:59:29] Those are getting hunted down by a guy.
[11:59:32] Oops, I have heavy boots actually.
[11:59:46] Holy shit! I got stabbed! Did he get you?
[11:59:49] I didn't hit you, right? I need boots for this right there. We got a blue potion over here...
[11:59:57] Got the rope,
[12:00:01] It's got an ass heel. Snapass I can't use a rope.
[12:00:08] Alright guys, listen, I just threw my part of the
[12:00:12] There's an extra potion right there, Jared.
[12:00:15] I'm not holding up my end of the couch, Chris.
[12:00:19] Just pivot to that?
[12:00:23] Alright. that
[12:00:31] you mean play groups by the way
[12:00:34] head now here by the way? Dead.
[12:00:35] I don't care.
[12:00:39] Might be you living
[12:00:40] or not.
[12:00:43] Yeah, probably not.
[12:00:50] Well, year probably not
[12:01:22] door Oh my goodness. I don't know when they're not taking hits. I'm gonna go ahead and get him.
[12:01:32] Damn it! Six max health? Using a fucking campfire.
[12:01:35] Heal him, Jerd! Heal?
[12:01:44] Get away from me
[12:01:48] You piece of...
[12:01:54] Okay I got this.
[12:02:00] We can use the potion of invisibility?
[12:02:05] She's not that good at it, man. You get a triple shot on me, no or double shot.
[12:02:14] You shut your bitch mouth. He's dead.
[12:02:24] That's helpful.
[12:02:29] I'm going to go back and get him. AJ. That's helpful.
[12:02:37] That's helpful.
[12:02:54] That's helpful. It's only been a couple deaths
[12:03:00] i got a big skilly guy on me
[12:03:19] playing as the boss guy Holy fucking... Did you get one, Spike?
[12:03:22] Careful.
[12:03:23] Huh.
[12:03:24] I didn't make sure to get through that. Careful.
[12:03:27] You sure you can get through that? I got hit once.
[12:03:33] So, I only had two arrows. Fuck, I got hit.
[12:03:37] Fuck, I got hit twice. Bullshit.
[12:03:47] Yeah, you did it. I'm gonna have to get this thing off him.
[12:03:50] Fucking hell, man...
[12:03:59] Grab the starcure off of him. Good.
[12:04:03] Thank you for your heals.
[12:04:07] Yeah, just gotta get my heal stuff back up.
[12:04:13] Still found the aid bandage and all of your stuff.
[12:04:16] Got six minutes. Wow! minutes
[12:04:22] you can't use the star cures it yeah I
[12:04:25] just haven't stood up yet
[12:04:26] actually check that helmet in there
[12:04:28] Jared I think you should check the helmet in there, Jared.
[12:04:32] There's another health potion over here too.
[12:04:34] Still yours?
[12:04:37] Yeah...
[12:04:38] In front of me there.
[12:04:47] Okay. That's for me there I can't wear that I'm so excited.
[12:04:57] You hear me?
[12:04:59] What'd you say?
[12:05:01] Oh, really?
[12:05:05] I'm stupid. Chat's probably yelling at me
[12:05:09] Why, because you should have warned it?
[12:05:11] Yeah
[12:05:15] I just thought the stats looked like they were more likely for Terry. I forgot where this thing was, but it must be this one.
[12:05:19] That's the main guy right?
[12:05:21] Yeah. guy right yeah Is this skulls worth any money?
[12:05:38] Intact skull.
[12:05:39] I think these skeletons are killing everybody in the laundry or something.
[12:05:42] Um, intact apparently is for a quest later and broken apparently is the one I'm trying
[12:05:46] to find.
[12:05:47] Broken spells.
[12:05:48] Okay.
[12:05:49] I think that was first and then you get attacked probably after that. That would make sense.
[12:05:58] So you wanna just keep those in your stash, I guess?
[12:06:01] There's a leather cap with strength and big on it.
[12:06:07] That's... nothing. And... big gun it. Let's see if we can get a spark out.
[12:06:11] Leather cap, also for quests.
[12:06:15] What? You wanted them? I'm not usually out there.
[12:06:23] I'll find another one soon.
[12:06:28] Wait, do they the first time we've played here?
[12:06:34] I was constantly finding new bows
[12:06:36] the first time you and I played.
[12:06:41] Just put your bows down, just remember to play running.
[12:06:45] What?
[12:06:47] Oh, at least on the surface.
[12:06:57] Thank you. You get to play boots. thank you That's three minutes, I guess we're climbing the next one.
[12:07:16] There is a staircase here if someone wants to escape.
[12:07:20] Because I don't know where the fuck they are how the fuck I'm gonna do to get out of here.
[12:07:24] You wanna say?
[12:07:26] Yeah.
[12:07:35] We need a staircase. The staircase is an escape route, but it's only a solo one.
[12:07:38] The portals are grouped around this one right
[12:07:43] basically one person can take a staircase to the west of us
[12:07:48] what do you mean by like what was it just like a staircase somewhere that's a
[12:07:50] blue staircase on the map.
[12:07:56] There's a boat over here actually, come to me!
[12:07:59] Can you see me there? On the map so?
[12:08:02] Both of us coming in. I think we can escape with this bow.
[12:08:06] There's another intact skull here, Jared if you want that.
[12:08:11] Oh shit, no.
[12:08:21] We might have to find another stage too. I think you guys are ready to fuck off and get over here dude.
[12:08:24] Take the boat if you can, take the boat if you can.
[12:08:25] Why?
[12:08:26] Because somebody told me that the last boat is at 220.
[12:08:29] Oh so the last boat's 220 okay.
[12:08:31] When do you guys take the staircase?
[12:08:34] Jedd you wanna take it?
[12:08:35] Yeah if I can find it.
[12:08:37] It wasn't down there?
[12:08:39] I found a staircase up here Kevin at the boat
[12:08:41] If you want to go for that
[12:08:42] I'll find another one
[12:08:44] Go to the boat
[12:08:48] and go to that staircase, okay? Alright. Hush you can get that- or... Joe did you get
[12:08:53] that staircase? No, you're going to the staircase-... wait a minute. Are you sure?
[12:08:57] Yeah, the staircase we were by.
[12:09:00] Don't shoot all your bombs.
[12:09:04] I'm almost at the staircase.
[12:09:08] I went through the summit now. Almost a blue staircase. Alright, so you gotta be fucking kidding me there was a blue staircase that we were in next to. No one's taking advantage of it? To the west of where we were!
[12:09:14] Yeah yeah we're looking for it but I think...
[12:09:17] And then the other person go to the boat
[12:09:19] How many dudes that magnet?
[12:09:22] Yeah, i can't babysit that fucking hard you know what I mean
[12:09:31] I'm almost to something. To me? What do you go to me for?!
[12:09:35] You said something about a boat, right?
[12:09:38] The blue boat? I'm not even near anymore.
[12:09:40] I'm taking my own staircase, homies!
[12:09:43] Just get...
[12:09:43] Just get to me then,
[12:09:46] I guess.
[12:09:48] You take this and I'll continue on a
[12:09:50] some
[12:09:54] this was not taken that all history is taking the guy
[12:09:58] it to what Did you die? To what?
[12:10:01] Uh, the frost slowed me down and that stuff killed me.
[12:10:05] I got out, I found your stairs.
[12:10:08] Listen there's blue stairs on the map Those are your escapes but they're only solo
[12:10:12] escapes. I was looking at the main map and didn't see anything blue. We were by it. Wait so Wait, so you died Jared?
[12:10:26] Um... wait I died? Why?
[12:10:29] I actually froze.
[12:10:30] No way!
[12:10:33] Okay well, I'm not annoyed at all.
[12:10:37] You didn't walk all the way up it? Like what the fuck
[12:10:39] you had plenty of time when you said it
[12:10:46] Oh it was used stairs were taken because the torches weren't lit off this news to me well might be
[12:10:52] well fuck of me Well, fuck me.
[12:10:58] I thought when they were taking them, close the gate.
[12:11:01] Is there a map that does that?
[12:11:04] There's like a different map there a map that does that
[12:11:08] there's like a different map you guys looking at i don't see anything blue in the mini-map it was a little blue stairs yeah right
[12:11:12] where you and i were judd when he said take those stairs over there we were next to him yeah on the
[12:11:17] map though yeah yeah on the mini-map was little blue stairs i can't see it. Huh, very strange dude.
[12:11:29] I'm not mad at all, it's all good. Here is stage 1 shielding.
[12:11:33] I didn't need those requests though, I don't know why. west so i'm not gonna lie
[12:11:39] it's about 220. got it boat 220 you gotta remember that for the future.
[12:11:52] You want to base run again?
[12:11:59] Shitload of arrows. Weird, how's it can everyone have a mini-map for it?
[12:12:03] It was like to the west from when I started talking about it
[12:12:07] and then the other one was by the boat Maybe I can see because I'm colorblind?
[12:12:12] Well, even so, it's like a little staircase looking symbol.
[12:12:14] You know what I mean?
[12:12:16] So you'll be able to kind of figure out...
[12:12:17] He's looking for blue. you'll be able to kind of look at the blue
[12:12:26] or do you see your gear score by the way um if you go to your stash below your
[12:12:35] inventory
[12:12:39] get a score 65. Cure score? 65!
[12:12:45] They can't be all base stuff then.
[12:12:53] Do they have different boots on? Okay.
[12:12:56] Alright, I gotta hop off.
[12:12:59] Yeah man.
[12:13:01] If I get off at like 5, I'll be back later tonight. I'm gonna hop off. Yeah, really man?
[12:13:02] If i get off at like 5, I'll be back later tonight.
[12:13:04] Alright man, yeah, I catch you later.
[12:13:06] Alright see ya.
[12:13:10] Keep squirt 21 now. right you want to hit a poke
[12:13:16] um yeah if he wants a game
[12:13:20] give us a third
[12:13:25] i'm not gonna be on too much longer, probably don't bug him.
[12:13:28] Be fair.
[12:13:28] Okay.
[12:13:29] I'm gonna invite you.
[12:13:31] Okay.
[12:13:35] Exit the party first yeah i have to leave the party first yeah all right you can invite
[12:13:43] I'm gonna be getting off pretty soon here chat
[12:13:44] cause I gotta get up early
[12:13:47] ish So you said just from your squire, you got a spear? Because you finished that quest.
[12:14:04] Yeah. I can't do from Spire on the base build.
[12:14:09] Gotcha, gotcha.
[12:14:10] It's changing...
[12:14:11] It's game-changing in our country.
[12:14:13] God, I thought you would be able to buy spears.
[12:14:18] You can sometimes, not from Weaponsmith but it's in rotation.
[12:14:23] Oh is that like time thing?
[12:14:25] So if i want to run
[12:14:27] spear just buy like four or five spears from you finish that
[12:14:31] fucking cross all right well that too but you get a better
[12:14:34] sphere i'm assuming either you guys You guys totally do have access to... Listen, you know what I'm saying?
[12:14:40] You get access to add it to your base equipment
[12:14:42] so it'll be a grey sphere.
[12:14:46] But uh yeah, I get you 100%. But uh...
[12:14:49] Yeah, I wouldn't even bother buying it or even running that
[12:14:51] until we finish that cost-paying thing.
[12:14:53] Gotcha.
[12:14:55] No, don't worry about it. Just run the headshot
[12:14:57] The purchase of old skip beers would be better right
[12:15:02] well i mean yeah but you're you're going to be going up with you
[12:15:05] i mean like of course Of course they will be. Yeah, I got it.
[12:15:18] But that's gonna put your gears forever in between between. Yeah, exactly.
[12:15:25] I guess we could get it...I mean you would prioritize bow over spear
[12:15:29] so if there was anything that was going to be green it would
[12:15:32] be your bow. And I think you can only have one green and still remain below 24
[12:15:38] Yo Charlie, think?
[12:15:42] Oh no, I had green boots and I was still over 24 there
[12:15:44] Oh, NottieG did you ask
[12:15:46] if you want to play? No
[12:15:48] I said you guys can run duos but
[12:15:50] if you wanna third i can pull up
[12:15:52] i don't care i'm not streaming it doesn't matter
[12:15:55] yeah we're doing this one and then we'll depend on even generalist for a little
[12:15:59] bit i'm not gonna be almost longer anyway so
[12:16:02] all right green on weapon oh can't even be a green weapon to be uh in the first
[12:16:07] bracket anyways so yeah you need to be the second bracket inside gotcha
[12:16:13] and you don't want to move to the second bracket until
[12:16:14] you've got some good gear, right?
[12:16:18] Because you wanna be maxed out at the next bracket.
[12:16:20] I usually just when I die
[12:16:22] do a low tier run and see if i can get do a successful thing and then
[12:16:25] i go to the next one with all the gear i got that's how it was just chilling
[12:16:30] gotcha yeah yeah here you are i've just been looking for a little bit of PvP.
[12:16:40] Oh, that rock!
[12:16:44] Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock Just got a huge enemy I don't know if you can see it.
[12:16:47] She's got a huge, really big...
[12:16:50] I don't want to get that right here. This is the way we go. uh uh Orsknead's axe? I don't know if you like using axes on this. Not a swords guy.
[12:17:17] Alright, another woods chest here.
[12:17:18] Oh, there's an axe!
[12:17:19] Oh, that was close.
[12:17:20] That was close.
[12:17:21] Oh, it's not even close to the top of the wall.
[12:17:22] Oh, it is.
[12:17:23] It's just right next to the bottom of the wall.
[12:17:24] Oh, yeah.
[12:17:25] Yeah, it's just right next to the top of the wall.
[12:17:26] Oh, yeah.
[12:17:27] Yeah, it's just right next to the top of the wall. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's just right next to the top of the wall. Not a swordsman.
[12:17:31] Another chest here, right?
[12:17:34] Oh you have your fucking lockpick?
[12:17:37] No I don't have another chest here.
[12:17:39] Oh I had goon green leggings on my...
[12:17:42] Are we peep for cheats right now?
[12:17:47] Watch out.
[12:17:49] I think they're right behind you. I'll let you know. Oh yeah? I can die here first.
[12:17:49] I think we're right now, yeah.
[12:18:02] I don't fucking see him, bro.
[12:18:12] There's a new helmet for you. Fighter
[12:18:18] Take the helmet off that goblin Green Helmet
[12:18:22] Oh, my mic!
[12:18:36] I don't know where the goblin is anymore. Here I'll just pick it up and drop it for you.
[12:18:39] How do you drop shit in this?
[12:18:44] Just drag it to the right, drag it to the right. Drag it to the right? Alright, I'll drop it when we get on land later.
[12:18:48] You picked up that helmet yourself? Yeah yeah
[12:18:52] Here yeah thank you so I'm assuming the goblineers are for a quest somewhere. Yeah, I think you do some sort of blowing with a certain amount of them at each type. I don't know.
[12:19:56] Do you not use a shield? There's a ranged shield in there.
[12:19:58] Bring gloves to sit on the ground and
[12:20:00] move freedom
[12:20:02] Put them in front of that guy
[12:20:04] and he'll just run past
[12:20:20] ... I'm just gonna go guy in the back.
[12:20:28] Careful Dom, come back. Shit, it's okay. It's not fall damage.
[12:20:32] I'll be back.
[12:20:36] Unless you fall all the way off the map
[12:20:38] which i did just backstabbing.
[12:20:40] Oh yeah that's right.
[12:20:45] Yesterday in so many chats like that's why you don't hold S! I'm gonna put you in there.
[12:20:56] Spider's falling right there.
[12:21:01] Bro, I got stuck here. Oh!
[12:21:19] There's a thing running. Yeah, there's a spawner down there.
[12:21:56] It was literally the same run we did first game. hmm Oh, surgical kits are full of heals. Oh, that's what those are!
[12:21:58] What?
[12:21:59] That's right, I remember using that earlier.
[12:22:01] Did you grab that?
[12:22:03] Where is it?
[12:22:05] Fuck, where did I see that from?
[12:22:05] Death beetle right here probably
[12:22:11] Oh, rubber rush out
[12:22:14] Oh centipede dude. Fucking randall dude!
[12:22:19] So the same mobs spawn in the same places I guess?
[12:22:23] Oh it was on the pottery
[12:22:25] It was right here.
[12:22:27] I got Randall on me, brother! Save me!
[12:22:29] Sure as hell...
[12:22:32] Motherfuck!
[12:22:34] You tricked me.
[12:22:37] Where you running, Randy? tricked me. so I'm going to get you. so I'm going to ask you, down in the first area. probably I'm going to pause right side shadow the floor. I don't know if you can see me.
[12:23:59] You want to go around the back or through this little wood area? Oh, okay. spiders Fuck you, mummy spider. What did you find? Just keep moving.
[12:24:56] I don't think you can get XP from killing the mummy spiders either, because they keep spawning. Oh man. You making me mad, man. You stupid beetle. Oh my god.
[12:24:57] I'm like...
[12:24:58] Couldn't hit the thing.
[12:24:59] I'm just gonna go in there and shoot it.
[12:25:00] Oh no!
[12:25:01] Oh no!
[12:25:02] Oh no!
[12:25:03] Oh no!
[12:25:04] Oh no!
[12:25:05] Oh no!
[12:25:06] Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! oh my god i'm like
[12:25:09] couldn't hit the thing
[12:25:31] you have to crouch to hit it Another green helmet for you. Two more Crusader Helm, 14% regular interaction speed. Oh, a skeleton spawned over there.
[12:25:57] How do we get the fuck out? Let's go up right here.
[12:26:00] Wait, we can leave all these? Let's go up right here.
[12:26:03] Wait, we can leave all these. There are a couple boxes.
[12:26:06] Yeah, I'll be over here with you. Okay. Okay, Summit.
[12:26:15] Wednesday Zee, I hope you're having fun at DarkerDarker.
[12:26:21] Thank you, Molly.
[12:26:21] Yeah, I'm not totally sure.
[12:26:24] I don't think so.
[12:26:25] I'll take probably a little bit more from Daisy because that might have frustrated me in the last few days
[12:26:29] and just like lose my fucking mind.
[12:26:32] Needed a little change of pace there yeah.
[12:26:36] Wait!
[12:27:29] Oh no! I don't like these bugs so There's a lever over here. I'll pull the... ready?
[12:27:34] Okay, very good.
[12:27:41] Nice stuff. Right here, yeah. Just that chest.
[12:27:51] Barbarian, play boots for a fighter.
[12:28:01] Just regular though. There's something behind here.
[12:28:10] You wanna go through here or you want to get up south? Wanna get off the edge.
[12:28:12] How much time we got, do we have any escape close?
[12:28:15] We're a little drunk with that bad day around today. Yeah, yeah. What the fuck? There's another one?
[12:28:33] Nooooo I'm pissing myself.
[12:28:36] Okay, come on.
[12:28:38] Can we open the fireplace here.
[12:28:41] While we do that...
[12:28:43] We can probably change our build pretty low unless you just want to use regular heals
[12:28:50] Yeah look how low your HP is.
[12:28:59] Only got 2 minutes.
[12:29:03] We gotta get out of here as soon as we can.
[12:29:06] There's some stairs right by us, and there's a blue...
[12:29:09] Oh, we'll go for the 220 boat.
[12:29:12] We gotta go.
[12:29:14] There's no boats on this one.
[12:29:16] Oh that's right! What is this thing then?
[12:29:19] I'm gonna run through to the left right of us.
[12:29:25] Last elevator's 125. Okay it's down there.
[12:29:30] If we do this? We did all that track?
[12:29:33] There's an elevator elevator that goes down into
[12:29:35] this blue um thing right here and then it drops
[12:29:38] down
[12:29:41] i don't think that they uh was gonna say't think we've been here so 120 you said
[12:29:45] yeah we got 30 seconds to leave then
[12:29:53] player player player here
[12:29:56] front of me, you saw me
[12:30:00] healing
[12:30:04] oh so so so I got trapped?
[12:30:44] We missed it, we missed it. We're gonna fall. Is that shit dude?
[12:30:50] Oh we missed it, we missed it, we missed it.
[12:30:52] We're dead.
[12:30:55] It's gone, literally lifting.
[12:30:57] Um... Hey go to the stairs to the left.
[12:31:01] Go to the stairs to the west. Fuck it you get out. Go to the stairs to the west there
[12:31:03] You see him? Yeah yeah yeah
[12:31:05] Geej I lost
[12:31:46] There's something over there northeast i saw a portal nice so Alright, so okay.
[12:31:48] It's just like the blue circle in PUBG.
[12:31:49] I gotta get out a little earlier.
[12:31:50] I stuck around too long.
[12:31:53] Yeah, when we started fighting that guy I was like fuck we can't really take this fight
[12:31:55] That freaking wussy
[12:31:57] He just ran away
[12:32:01] Team mate must have died.
[12:32:03] I thought I did press E?
[12:32:08] Get in here now, Nadi, you shitball!
[12:32:11] Why can't you just call me bitch? What's your name in the game? Pretty sure he says shitball
[12:32:18] Mental poor for more I'm launching
[12:32:26] Classes are you guys playing? Fighter and Ranger.
[12:32:29] Shitball, you think? Let's see...
[12:32:32] I looked up both possible usernames that you could possibly be and it's neither.
[12:32:37] Okay, he looked up shitball.
[12:32:39] Let me try one more.
[12:32:42] Okay? This has got to be you.
[12:32:44] Lil Bro.
[12:32:46] You're just looking for a- okay
[12:32:48] Your level 5 wizard?
[12:32:50] No wait, hold on I do have
[12:32:52] a level five wizard, that might be me
[12:32:54] You inviting lil bro to the party?
[12:32:59] Don't invite that guy. Wait.
[12:33:04] Ugh, it's funny.
[12:33:06] And they're asking me to link my other account...
[12:33:07] What the fuck?
[12:33:08] Hey hold on.
[12:33:10] Ah, don't have one.
[12:33:12] Might be starting fresh here.
[12:33:14] Alrighty.
[12:33:15] Sounds good.
[12:33:16] Yeah we're starting fresh!
[12:33:17] Basically fresh every time anyway.
[12:33:18] Who the fuck stole my name?
[12:33:20] Nah, we got a big problem.
[12:33:22] Alright you get set up for a second
[12:33:24] I'm gonna go get a snack upstairs.
[12:33:26] Alright. get a sack of fish all right what the fuck they took naughty and
[12:33:35] they took a knotty was taken bro what the hell it was probably you a long time ago bro maybe yeah maybe
[12:33:47] or I can't use my name because it has the letters and IG unit nice what
[12:33:52] the fuck like the word night doesn't exist yes oh I'm not Buddha at home or Timu Buddha.
[12:34:03] I'm sick of you bitch ass motherfuckers man.
[12:34:06] Not me!
[12:34:09] How are you gonna say somebody sounds like somebody else when I talk normally bro?
[12:34:13] I'm talking like me.
[12:34:14] Not putting on a voice man. so so so so so so so so so so so I Not a name uh it is
[12:36:32] uh it is
[12:36:34] uh it is
[12:36:36] uh it is
[12:36:38] uh it is figure it out.
[12:36:41] My username says Naughty, big dog!
[12:36:47] Your character name? Or your account my username username. Yeah, so you make a character and then the characters names that shit
[12:36:55] I'm making a new fucking account
[12:37:07] Bro uh little bro there's already a little yeah about little bro i got it, I got it.
[12:37:19] Got it, baby.
[12:37:29] Okay.
[12:37:31] I got it man
[12:37:35] what is it
[12:37:39] i got you it's uh ludabang
[12:37:49] l-u-d-h-a b-a-n-g yeah you should have spelled it the
[12:37:53] first time you really expect him to...
[12:37:58] I would've put in L-U-D-A
[12:38:02] L U D H A B
[12:38:04] A N G? Two D's. L U D H A l-u-d-h-a b-a-n-g so I'm not sure.
[12:38:29] What?
[12:38:33] That's the one right there. L U D D H A B A N G
[12:38:44] They just got your papers in I guess.
[12:38:52] I'm in, yeah I'm in your papers in i guess i mean or not yeah man
[12:38:56] make sure to be a rogue thief looking well you know what i'm saying look at. Wait wait hold up how do I...
[12:39:00] Listen to one more game!
[12:39:01] I'm tired of this fucking slander man.
[12:39:03] How do my...
[12:39:04] My settings are all out of whack nevermind we're good.
[12:39:07] Gotta fix my shit everything's on low.
[12:39:13] I didn't even touch that shit, let me see what I'm on.
[12:39:16] I don't know why it just started without a mohawk.
[12:39:24] Oh perfect. it just started oh perfect i fixed it we're chilling come on all epic yeah just put everything in epic right now i'm good to go I'm going all the way.
[12:39:32] We got to go.
[12:39:40] Here we go! I thought poke wanted to play with you guys, why not?
[12:39:43] I'm not gonna be on much longer, don't wanna waste your time.
[12:39:46] Okay.
[12:39:47] You're not training and shit, plus you ain't got all the time...
[12:39:49] Yeah, I'm just chillin'.
[12:39:50] ...I wish you'd done that. Alright, alright. Yeah, I'm just chillin'. Alright.
[12:40:01] Is that his Twitch name too, Jared?
[12:40:04] I should play on max brightness.
[12:40:07] Yeah, yeah, max brightness.
[12:40:09] Oh wow.
[12:40:10] Yeah dude.
[12:40:15] It's much better.
[12:40:18] It doesn't do
[12:40:18] like other games where it looks fucking stupid.
[12:40:28] If you go max brightness, that's dark. Anything below that is darker. What the hell?
[12:40:42] We're in already?
[12:40:43] Oh, damn.
[12:40:44] Number 220D.
[12:40:45] Apparently you need to go to max brightness.
[12:40:45] Oh my god.
[12:40:46] There's a big guy right next to us.
[12:40:49] I'm disturbed.
[12:40:51] I just fucked up at faster than your D and 7W.
[12:40:54] Hell yeah.
[12:40:57] Alright, do we have something
[12:40:58] we can hide behind
[12:40:59] to kill this big dude?
[12:41:01] He's slow as shit though.
[12:41:02] Probably attack him.
[12:41:03] Yeah, we go this way.
[12:41:06] Come on, that's a bunch of XP just standing there.
[12:41:09] Oh, he's chasing me! He's chasing me! Close the door!
[12:41:14] Oh my goodness.
[12:41:20] Bro, he's breaking the door down! He's breaking the door down! I'm getting him for some drugs.
[12:41:24] Keep your fucking moving. Fucking moving
[12:41:33] Oh there's another one in here
[12:41:39] There's a fucking other one Open it Don Nadi. Open it, Nadi! I'm opening. Oh shit!
[12:41:40] We're gonna have a summit now.
[12:41:41] I'm stuck now.
[12:41:42] It's okay.
[12:41:43] Come to me, Nadi.
[12:41:44] Come to me.
[12:41:45] Come to me.
[12:41:46] I'm trying.
[12:41:47] I'm trying.
[12:41:48] I'm trying.
[12:41:49] I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm stuck now. Okay.
[12:41:50] Come to me, come to me!
[12:41:52] I'm chillin', he can't fit through this tiny hole.
[12:41:58] What? I'm good.
[12:42:01] Oh, I think we're dead.
[12:42:03] Oh my god there's like a hundred of them!
[12:42:05] Gotta patch our lines here.
[12:42:20] The genie is all archers. Oh, he got me! Chill chill big dog, chill you got it. he's on me.
[12:42:36] I got behind the cover.
[12:42:39] Going fucking out.
[12:42:42] I picked the time to not have my e You guys make it?
[12:42:59] I'm good.
[12:43:01] Okay, back off of him.
[12:43:04] I'm in. I'm alright. You're fine, okay back off of him! I'm in the water and like...
[12:43:11] Let me see if i can pull up to you big dog.
[12:43:12] Shit, Nero's at me from above!
[12:43:15] I don't know where he was, I'm trying level up to you big dog. Shit, Nero's at me! Coming.
[12:43:17] Oh my god, I'm getting beat up by some fucking skellies.
[12:43:22] I had to keep running.
[12:43:28] Come on, let it take a while. I had to keep running. He has uh, he has fucking...
[12:43:32] Good stuff that mob
[12:43:34] That big guy.
[12:43:41] I'm dead.
[12:43:43] Nevermind, I'm dead. I7 he said. I guess they're alone on this one.
[12:43:51] Oh, there's a guy in the back. I guess they're alone on this island.
[12:43:59] You guys are a little motherfucker, I died!
[12:44:03] Yeah but I would be able to normally grab your heart and try to res you but I was so fucked.
[12:44:07] Oh yeah I don't give a fuck.
[12:44:09] Oh yeah, I got bombarded by 85 mobs.
[12:44:18] Is that enemy in front of you?
[12:44:22] Get him on here.
[12:44:24] Two enemies, fuck that!
[12:44:30] I found you
[12:44:34] found naughty
[12:44:38] did you find me yeah Yeah, your bodies are here.
[12:44:47] I put a damn campfire down!
[12:44:52] I need to loot your body real quick
[12:44:54] and get your heart real fast, dude.
[12:44:58] Oh shit they're gonna push me.
[12:45:01] Okay. Oh shit, they're gonna push me.
[12:45:37] Can't fire and try to get too weird. Okay. I see a druid.
[12:45:40] You wanna come with the druids, Jared?
[12:45:42] Yeah, I want to go with this druid.
[12:45:45] Are you more east of the big square? Where are you at?
[12:45:47] You see the big square?
[12:45:51] Um... where the boat is.
[12:45:53] Like right before where the boat is. The room where the boat is.
[12:45:58] It's backed off a little bit.
[12:46:02] Of course this guy blocks my path.
[12:46:04] Kind of funny man. Cipher. Of course this guy blocks my path. I'm trying to find a name.
[12:46:07] Just slide for a second.
[12:46:08] Oh, I got him on me!
[12:46:10] I see you.
[12:46:12] Trying to get around these...
[12:46:14] ...galleys?
[12:46:17] Of course he jumped.
[12:46:31] Play the trap down and down around it See I see I see us beside of you coming up behind him
[12:46:37] Morning, I said yep Coming up behind him. Just reloading our shit?
[12:46:38] Yep, he's in front of me right here.
[12:46:44] He set another trap on the door at the top. trap
[12:46:52] all the trucking sandwich me in the door bro
[12:46:56] they fully said which means They fully sandwiched me in the door.
[12:47:43] I'm behind you. so so This you? Yes.
[12:47:44] Oh, you're not a fighter.
[12:47:45] Wait, what?
[12:47:49] Maybe it was the next door up then.
[12:47:52] Yeah, is that... Maybe it was the next door up then.
[12:47:57] Yeah, yeah. I was gonna say they wouldn't have left the door open. See? my body My body.
[12:48:14] They're fighting some boss shit.
[12:48:22] Oh, my god! I see your left. so oh What is that, three? Wait, you're fucking go there alone. I'm watching this stream, Nabi.
[12:49:20] Nah, I'm forced
[12:49:34] That was good
[12:49:36] You know what I'm saying maneuver Manoeuvring and shit.
[12:49:40] We got split up way too much there from the fucking big mobs.
[12:49:43] Yeah cause the fucking AI started beating our booty bro!
[12:49:46] What the hell?!
[12:49:49] This is really
[12:49:50] a nice song.
[12:49:53] Hold on, how do I...
[12:49:54] Oh shit, perfect.
[12:49:58] I don't know if you need
[12:49:59] to change your loadout at all, Naughty?
[12:50:00] Yeah, do I.
[12:50:02] Yeah, I was fucking that Ranger up for sure!
[12:50:05] I was hitting my arrows on him and he was whiffing bro.
[12:50:08] I feel like I was just halo strafing right there.
[12:50:12] And if you want protection potion and bandages, put that on. so I do minus 10% both because of perk. What's perk? Let's see.
[12:50:48] Alright,
[12:50:48] I'm good.
[12:50:53] Oh, here's... I guess you's saying I understand. How much can I do about that? Oh, I didn't check any of the quests. requests and yeah it's all good
[12:51:20] oh right in Thank you. Yes. yes
[12:51:50] we have been some fun with the game today but i gotta get off chat
[12:51:56] i gotta get off pretty soon here guys.
[12:51:59] Unfortunate timing.
[12:52:01] Are we fucking stuck?
[12:52:03] I can't fucking see, what the hell is going on here?
[12:52:05] There's boxes in front of us.
[12:52:07] Just put us behind a few boxes
[12:52:09] all the way?
[12:52:10] Inside his face like Michael Myers would.
[12:52:12] Ah, damn.
[12:52:14] He's got goblins pulling up.
[12:52:16] Little bitch.
[12:52:20] Watch your right step. You little bitch. Watchin' my sad shit with a knife in your hand.
[12:52:24] Ow, bitch!
[12:52:26] Hey, bro, hey!
[12:52:35] Shit! I think Rogue is hard to do PBE with. It's like tastes like burning.
[12:52:39] Yeah? Oh, blue helmet here for you Jared, I think. uh...
[12:52:40] so i'm not here for your campaign
[12:52:43] the
[12:52:44] and
[12:52:47] later
[12:52:49] it was you want to get rid of our very injured I'm gonna take it to celebrate. Unless you wanna take it for your barbarian, Jared?
[12:52:53] No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
[12:52:55] I know but you can cross it and use it later
[12:52:58] That's a barbarian?
[12:52:59] Yeah that's a barbarian home here.
[12:53:03] Put in your shared stash and use it on him. Green dagger for you here.
[12:53:26] Please.
[12:53:29] Thank you, bro.
[12:53:33] Try it? Oh my god I was right next to the spikes again.
[12:53:40] Or you can dual wield a crossbow and sword is pretty dope uh I'm going to try the long bell now here. So we're on down there.
[12:54:26] Slash.
[12:54:36] Yeah, that's a huge advantage to not have this crazy light compared to what I used to be
[12:54:41] right at.
[12:54:46] Later.
[12:54:48] Are the spider things in your water? Later. There's dexterity boots here, baby friend. Um, get in there, Kevin. Alright hold on we got a bunch of mobs.
[12:54:49] I'm gonna go back up and do this thing.
[12:54:50] Okay.
[12:54:51] I'll just take the Punch him off.
[12:55:04] Was there any in the chest you were in? Yeah, right here.
[12:55:06] Spiders can't crawl up out of the water that's good.
[12:55:16] Alright. That's good. Greg disperruce's arm and...
[12:55:22] ...took him down right there.
[12:55:32] Kind of better bow than yours and I don't think so.
[12:55:37] Careful you got spikes on me.
[12:55:40] Alright guys, do your load up! He's not excited. I got a C-loader.
[12:55:44] That's, uh... Pretty crazy.
[12:55:46] There are two chests over there where we can go through the spiders first.
[12:55:56] I didn't know there was a difference between white and gray. I'm on top.
[12:55:59] There are two chefs in the water.
[12:56:09] Two chests in the water, I guess.
[12:56:11] What's that?
[12:56:13] I don't know. Low again. Let's go. Later.
[12:56:14] You low again?
[12:56:17] I'm trying to feed, uh...
[12:56:19] Chessman's been there a lot.
[12:56:21] Wait you're a fucking thief! You think you have a lockpicking skill?
[12:56:26] Check that next time Nod nutty might actually have one yeah I don't want to play this pick the
[12:56:30] randomized cost
[12:56:33] just me using Viking Get some heals in.
[12:56:38] Viking homed? Neither one of you guys are, yeah.
[12:56:44] Can we just come from this side? I wanna go like more west, but I'm gonna go to that town right now.
[12:56:47] We did come from here, fuck us.
[12:56:49] Keep going this way.
[12:57:11] Ah! so Yeah, that guy bush. We got this guy and we just gotta get this guy out. This way, I'm gonna go this way.
[12:57:22] This is where we came in.
[12:57:26] We can get on the water there too, I don't know.
[12:57:29] There.
[12:57:31] Not a mom!
[12:57:53] Damn it, I'm not gonna die here. uh Oh, we got a big bastard coming.
[12:58:04] I think it's just a mini shoot.
[12:58:23] Banging through the bangs! dang a little bang Ooh, what did I just get? Glimmer bangle.
[12:58:24] Can you equip these?
[12:58:30] Damn!
[12:58:31] That's pretty fucking good. I'm gonna go fire here real quick.
[12:58:47] Nottingham, hello?
[12:58:52] Big ass chest.
[12:58:57] See you in the ass, Slushing Avery!
[12:59:01] The more XP the bigger the chest you open.
[12:59:03] Is that something? So have no idea. So you do get XP from opening chests.
[12:59:10] That gives a good for you, Kevin.
[12:59:17] Boots?
[12:59:18] Yeah.
[12:59:20] I got green boots already.
[12:59:22] I got a helmet.
[12:59:24] You got a green helmet yet?
[12:59:26] Green helmet right here
[12:59:30] I got something for you man What are you at
[12:59:32] Here ya go man
[12:59:36] Let's do a fire real quick Here you go, man.
[12:59:40] Let's do a fire real quick so I'm gonna drop it right here. Lee and I as well. Wherever you guys are.
[12:59:44] That's just for you, man.
[12:59:47] Don't do it.
[12:59:50] I'm going to get Jed with one if that's an exploding thing.
[12:59:53] Yeah?
[12:59:53] Shut up, man.
[12:59:55] Bro, I feel like you hit him on practice.
[12:59:57] Nooo!
[12:59:58] I did not!
[12:59:59] You know?
[13:00:01] That's a lie it's just us here.
[13:00:05] Bleh!
[13:00:12] BLEH! That sneak must be fucking 100 chat.
[13:00:15] Which way do you want to go?
[13:00:18] I'm just going to show myself See Except CTB, what's going on?
[13:00:32] This game isn't free. It's free but...
[13:00:35] You can only have one character if you use Street of Light and it's like some other shit as well.
[13:00:41] It's one of those games that, yes it's free but
[13:00:45] incentivizes you with premium. There is the big elevator
[13:00:49] we got like 4 minutes the elevator
[13:00:56] what
[13:00:57] only has a trap Yep, somebody's definitely here bro. Can I get out of it?
[13:01:02] Yeah, well then all you have to do is click on the skulls right after that.
[13:01:06] Gotcha. I should get shit on my stuff sometimes to learn, okay? That's me.
[13:01:26] Crazy looking uh...
[13:01:28] bow and arrow haircut.
[13:01:30] Bow and arrow haircut.
[13:01:32] Do you have additional memory capacity?
[13:01:34] What's the memory capacity? There is a helmet here for you Jared with a plus two memory capacity.
[13:01:38] Anybody have barbarian?
[13:01:42] No, no.
[13:01:52] We're gonna start moving out in five minutes, finally.
[13:01:54] I'm going to take this trial up here.
[13:01:59] You kinda wanna stick around the area, and go back for like one minute or something?
[13:02:28] Okay, gotcha. Oh, let's a good dream. I hear somebody. Stay outside side of the store, to the right. I'll be down here. What you doing Brad? yes sir
[13:03:06] you sure heard this dude right here, see him left
[13:03:10] see him?
[13:03:16] Turn into a rat. I'm about to get slammed on by that I see him.
[13:03:23] He's about to get slammed on by this fucking big guy. He's gonna close the door on us.
[13:03:25] Oh, there he is.
[13:03:27] He got slammed down by the big guy.
[13:03:32] See him? Dead.
[13:03:34] What?!
[13:03:36] No you didn't, did you really?
[13:03:38] Yeah he's right here on the ground
[13:03:41] What do you mean?
[13:03:43] He's dead! You don't see the rat over here?
[13:03:46] Is that a real rat?
[13:03:48] Yeah, it's him he can transform.
[13:03:50] Oh look at that I see him now.
[13:03:52] He tried to hide?
[13:03:54] Yeah he was like running away as a rat.
[13:03:57] Is it really easy to kill if you're a rat or something?
[13:04:00] I've done it three times and he died.
[13:04:04] He's got a grey spear on him, Kevin.
[13:04:08] Apparently spears are really good for druids too.
[13:04:13] We have leaf! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[13:04:16] We got a minute and twenty to get back
[13:04:18] to the other place.
[13:04:20] Where the fuck was that again?
[13:04:25] Oh shi- What was that again? This guy. Oh shit!
[13:04:31] You didn't even give me a bomb, you didn't give it to yourself.
[13:04:36] Different guy give me a bump in the business and i'm gonna go I think maybe he's someone he killed
[13:04:39] say much time I don't know where this is.
[13:04:50] This way?
[13:04:51] No, no.
[13:04:52] Dead spiders this way, this way, this way.
[13:04:53] There's portals here!
[13:04:54] Portals here!
[13:04:55] Let's check them. I'm with you, I'm with you, I'm with you.
[13:04:56] Oh fuck.
[13:05:01] They're not down below right?
[13:05:02] He's probably there on top of him.
[13:05:05] You guys good?
[13:05:06] I found myself some stairs.
[13:05:08] No we're not good, I don't know where they are. There's gotta be a thing here.
[13:05:12] What- what- what- put the triggers to circle. Put the triggers to circle.
[13:05:16] We gotta go middle elevator.
[13:05:17] Yeah, there were stairs behind you.
[13:05:18] We're the elevator.
[13:05:19] Oh, we're fucked, we're fucked, we're fucked,
[13:05:20] we're fucked, we're fucked.
[13:05:22] Every man for himself.
[13:05:23] Go find a fucking staircase.
[13:05:24] Bro, there were stairs behind you.
[13:05:25] There were stairs behind you.
[13:05:28] East of us. Yeah, Yeah, down this way?
[13:05:29] There was some stairs close that way.
[13:05:33] There's some stairs for you now.
[13:05:34] Do you see them?
[13:05:38] No, I don't think we'll ever see him! You're behind me, you don't see him.
[13:05:40] You're behind me, you fuck!
[13:05:42] Why aren't you following me?
[13:05:44] You saved every man for themself!
[13:05:46] I'm just joking!
[13:05:47] You're so stupid.
[13:05:48] I'm coming, I'm coming.
[13:05:49] We got a minute of time. you're so stupid. I'm coming, I'm coming!
[13:05:51] We got a minute time... This is the stairs to your- oh someone already took them. Right? Yeah.
[13:05:54] Oh well fuck that.
[13:05:56] Those are the ones I just took if you turn there's a portal there's a portal for me.
[13:06:03] I'll get this one. There's a portal, there's a portal. That thing left...
[13:06:05] Going south
[13:06:09] We're dead now I I'm sorry, brother.
[13:06:11] It's a pleasure.
[13:06:12] You got time?
[13:06:15] No we don't.
[13:06:17] It's over.
[13:06:18] I see something down below.
[13:06:21] But then someone... me and Addy got it out of here.
[13:06:22] Nah you survive I'll die it's fine.
[13:06:30] Two gifs for the fucking exit, man.
[13:06:32] Oh my God!
[13:06:33] Why is that door taking so long?
[13:06:34] Better not eat.
[13:06:35] Thank you.
[13:06:36] I don't know why it's in there.
[13:06:37] It is, brother.
[13:06:39] Oh, no.
[13:06:40] Oh, no.
[13:06:41] Oh, no.
[13:06:46] Oh, no. flip, man.
[13:06:48] This is like you dying in passage or something.
[13:06:52] Oh shit! Oh fuck!
[13:06:54] Move!
[13:07:00] We got you greedy again man
[13:07:11] Nice fucking game greedy again man no that was good you got some off and you murdered that fucking literally I did murder the right, I did. What a little bitch.
[13:07:18] And I had all of the best loot on me.
[13:07:21] With the green skins? So I guess I have something for this goblin quest.
[13:07:25] Oh killgoblin archer, Killgoblin Axeman, Killgoblin Warrior...
[13:07:47] Mmmmm, don't care about that shit. um Um...
[13:07:53] We're not gonna do a- I gotta make, uh, cleric here or anything.
[13:07:56] Next time I can just fuckin' heal and...
[13:08:02] You like the idea of trying to do clerics the energy yeah you know get us some heals an aoe heels and maybe i could transform into a rat too i think that's
[13:08:06] what it is or instead of a class
[13:08:12] Whatever I get us to you, bro. I'll stand back line heels
[13:08:16] Why you see you go and then rogues hard row?
[13:08:21] Is hard especially first time even just pve with the rug it's hard
[13:08:28] all right for rogue is rapier is better and then yeah that was what i was using and I was doing a little better with that.
[13:08:29] Yeah, yeah. Chat told me about that.
[13:08:30] Oh Druid has heals. Fuck it. I'll do druid then.
[13:08:34] It's hard to learn? I learned that shit. It's worth.
[13:08:37] That is a beast okay.
[13:08:39] A beast by real shit.
[13:08:42] Rogue would be fun to try though, I might try that.
[13:08:44] Rogue is for solo though. If you do solo summit like when you first start tomorrow, do rogue.
[13:08:50] You go invisible like...
[13:08:52] Pretty good.
[13:08:58] I'm gonna take this spear in with me and see if it
[13:09:00] scores okay still bro just the spear puts me up to 57. oh wait no what it puts me up like three
[13:09:17] because i'm green but i'm at 53 right now
[13:09:20] the bow puts me from three. Oh, because I have the green bow. I'm at 53 right now.
[13:09:24] The bow puts me from 8 to
[13:09:26] 53 dude. Just
[13:09:28] the green bow. Yeah.
[13:09:31] I don't mind going
[13:09:32] to 124 it doesn't matter like that's fine and I don't mind going to 124, it doesn't matter. That's fine.
[13:09:34] And I don't find them to be that much different.
[13:09:38] Like I said, I can take in the spear
[13:09:42] and that's all I'm worried about.
[13:09:54] Barb is probably the best all-arounder yeah okay yeah the six ears. That's where the ears come from. Gotcha.
[13:10:20] What do you got in there? Mercurial cloak or whatever. Mercurial... clover recurial
[13:10:30] all right um
[13:10:34] i got one more in me let's go that'll be six i gotta wake up and like
[13:10:42] seven uh switches to duos What's the difference between Frostman and Razor Forgotten Castle?
[13:11:11] You just get to choose between the two for now?
[13:11:17] Oh, it's literally for Duel or Trio. Gotcha, gotcha.
[13:11:21] Ah I see it. Okay. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha, we're stupid. Okay, I'm learning.
[13:11:23] My B. My B, my B.
[13:11:25] Reading isn't my strong suit so...
[13:11:27] Yeah, different spots on the map is just solo
[13:11:29] duo trio? I think it's a random map or
[13:11:32] whatever is going right then Alright, I'm ready.
[13:11:48] We'll try Havelos tomorrow!
[13:11:56] I feel like today was a good learning experience for everybody in the crew, you know what I mean? And tomorrow we might be on... probably not actually early enough for a catch because I have this monster's shame.
[13:12:07] What was that?
[13:12:09] Is the...oh, okay.
[13:12:11] I mean obviously you have a dual PC but is the only difference when you play this E,
[13:12:16] do you play on 936p?
[13:12:20] Is there any specific things that help you with the rate and
[13:12:25] foliage not really just just i just think that 936
[13:12:30] i just think 936 is like the middle ground between 720 and 1080,
[13:12:36] where 720 might not look as good as 1080.
[13:12:39] But 1080 doesn't go as smooth
[13:12:43] as 720 for fast-paced games. So I just think that 936
[13:12:48] is like the middle ground and it looks pretty good,
[13:12:52] and it doesn't get quite as pixelated as 1080 on certain fast-paced games with its foliage and shit like that?
[13:13:00] Oh, the Foliage on DayZ's annoying the fuck out of me man.
[13:13:04] It makes streams look shitty as such.
[13:13:06] Yeah it's annoying! Am I-
[13:13:08] I think they work better than streamchairs.
[13:13:10] I watch back my VOD and it's like bro
[13:13:12] there are certain areas where there is just fucking pixel everywhere
[13:13:14] Yeah
[13:13:16] I'm 1080 source,
[13:13:19] Fucking 8K bitrate like what the fuck? Yeah, yeah.
[13:13:20] There's nothing really special you can do to be honest with you.
[13:13:23] Okay okay. Just making sure that I can't do anything.
[13:13:26] That's true.
[13:13:30] And then,
[13:13:30] code ever something like
[13:13:31] that?
[13:13:31] There's like a
[13:13:31] certain...
[13:13:32] That's what I
[13:13:33] stream with on
[13:13:33] OBS.
[13:13:34] Okay, yeah,
[13:13:35] as long as
[13:13:35] you're out there.
[13:13:37] There's like
[13:13:37] another encoder
[13:13:38] apparently that's coming out There's like another encoder apparently
[13:13:39] that's coming out
[13:13:40] that's in the works
[13:13:41] or something like that
[13:13:42] that's supposedly gonna
[13:13:43] help streamers
[13:13:45] just be a better encoder
[13:13:48] so we'll see
[13:13:49] if that one comes out, that will be a pretty
[13:13:55] big help. AV1. Yeah yeah. And that should do a pretty big deal.
[13:14:04] So we'll see, hopefully it will help for games like that.
[13:14:08] If you watch the YouTube video and it's looking clean, then you watch live streams of the
[13:14:14] game.
[13:14:15] Yeah, real shit.
[13:14:16] It's just like that.
[13:14:17] Alright. Okay. I don't know if it's like beta or something
[13:14:38] like that.
[13:14:40] Some sort of testing
[13:14:41] how long it'll take
[13:14:43] and any of that shit.
[13:14:44] But supposedly this is supposed to be pretty nice
[13:14:46] when it comes out.
[13:14:49] All right time to speak some shit.
[13:14:50] I'm tired man.. um uh Is this your new jam, DarkerDarker? We're gonna try it for a little while and give it a fair chance.
[13:15:40] Oh my god dude I got a green one. Remember that's purple.
[13:15:46] Got the blue weapon in there too.
[13:15:50] We got one.
[13:15:54] Not a purple weapon, but a purple armor.
[13:16:44] Stupid purple armor. purple weapon for the purple there too oh Holy... Man, these ranged guys got me wiggin' out here.
[13:16:52] Fucked. Thank you.
[13:16:58] Buddy!
[13:17:01] Huh? You got pictures?
[13:17:10] Aye aye aye dude.
[13:17:13] Dark plate armor, that's for you too. Sit at this?
[13:17:17] I can still sit and get full HP though.
[13:17:21] Go faster.
[13:17:24] You check that box and we'll get you back.
[13:17:30] Yeah bro, have you seen this look at this
[13:17:36] god damn that's nice nice little side there
[13:17:42] gotta get out with it.
[13:17:47] Oh shit.
[13:17:48] Now is that a quest item at all or does that just sell the ship?
[13:17:52] What, that? Yeah its just collection. So collector to the collector.
[13:17:56] As far as I know anyways, I don't know.
[13:17:59] I would think just to the collector too.
[13:18:02] Bro this...I feel like we're in the high rollers.
[13:18:05] Blue and purple in it.
[13:18:06] Definitely green at least.
[13:19:24] BOOM! I'll take them with me. That's kind of close, huh? um so I'm gonna see. Fuck, I didn't want to come in here. Big ass dude in front of us?
[13:19:32] Yeah, it's a bomb.
[13:19:38] You don't want to try and take him?
[13:19:40] Nah, I don't think so. We can always get in this room and hide.
[13:19:44] Something like that, yeah. Let's go to the right a little.
[13:19:47] There we go...
[13:19:49] Actually, hang on, nothing outside. actually and on the outside right
[13:20:09] yeah so so I'm going to throw down here back there. Three more of them. Keep wanting to hit F when they get close. so What's the difference between a the damage and the healing potion.
[13:21:51] And it heals you more up front, but not in health pot when it heals you over time.
[13:22:04] Aw man that was close. Oh man, I was about to get hit there for sure. That is dope.
[13:22:07] Viking sword here if you want it.
[13:22:17] Dexterity gloves in there if you need them.
[13:22:26] Dexterity and agility shoes here.
[13:22:30] Pretty good. I need to jilt these shoes here.
[13:22:33] Pretty good.
[13:22:35] Alright boys, I'm out.
[13:22:37] Alright let him relax, we're busy now.
[13:22:39] I will kill you guys tomorrow man.
[13:22:50] Wait up. additional loose people's agility on these dudes are actually really good and take these shoes
[13:22:54] you don't want them i think those are good no they're really good for Ranger. That boost is nuts.
[13:22:56] It's really good.
[13:22:58] Five additional?
[13:23:19] Oh, oh you crushed that crush that shit morningstar itself I guess. Are you on uh, this is plus 21 luck for you helmet. uh so trap
[13:24:02] kid yeah Nice, I got two long sticks off of that. I'm not sure if you can see it, but the I'll take this.
[13:24:55] I don't have that water.
[13:24:58] Nice.
[13:24:59] Damn it, nice one. Take the blue thing out of there dude, I don't have room. Bring it on, Cheshire. Big ass chest right here.
[13:25:31] Dropped lockpicks for us right now? Is this like hell for this place?
[13:25:34] Like we don't wanna go down, right?
[13:25:41] We just gotta keep him truckin'.
[13:25:44] I think that's out. We just gotta keep him truckin'.
[13:25:46] I think that's all.
[13:25:52] Just gonna keep going south now.
[13:25:55] We do have stairs, You got stairs right here?
[13:25:57] And we've got three minutes left.
[13:25:59] Oh, you just wanna loop close by?
[13:26:01] I think we should get the fuck outta here.
[13:26:03] Alright.
[13:26:05] Well, I think the boat is here in front of me.
[13:26:05] Not a ladder over here or uh fucking...
[13:26:08] Going to meet?
[13:26:09] There's stairs on both sides okay
[13:26:11] There's stairs then we can go to the middle and extract there
[13:26:15] Okay Yes And extract there. Yeah Physical damage bonus is 3% for physical damage.
[13:26:31] Just to light that up.
[13:26:36] Ooh, player! Player! Player! Backing off, backing off player, player.
[13:26:38] Backing up, backing up, getting help.
[13:26:46] Coming back. Hit him once.
[13:26:54] Fucking this rug out.
[13:26:57] He doesn't know what to do, he's down.
[13:26:59] There is one over here?
[13:27:00] Yep.
[13:27:02] Hit him once with the bow.
[13:27:04] Got him twice.
[13:27:06] He he he!
[13:27:08] Let's get out of here bro, let's tip!
[13:27:10] We gotta leave! How do we leave?
[13:27:13] I don't know. We got to wait for it to come down. Is that where we ran from in the Yeti area?
[13:27:15] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[13:27:21] We saw two sets of stairs there. We can't kill this yet, bro.
[13:27:23] Keep running, keep running, keep running.
[13:27:25] I got stairs here to my right?
[13:27:27] You take the stairs, you take the stairs, we'll take the stairs.
[13:27:29] Off on the other ones
[13:27:35] I don't know what you're doing but... Oh fuck, a Yeti's chasing me
[13:27:38] Stay back! Yeah yeah yeah
[13:27:41] What the? Oh god yeah what the
[13:27:46] nice
[13:28:17] i'm out just yet. so I think it's cheese for me, really. I thought I did.
[13:28:24] I think it was up north and I ended up going the other way.
[13:28:30] I don't know when the last link...
[13:28:33] Probably could have taken that fucking thing.
[13:28:37] Fuck.
[13:28:39] Was it up north?
[13:28:40] I think it was northwest,
[13:28:41] and then it went southeast.
[13:28:48] It's the opposite direction, bro.
[13:28:49] That was good PvP there.
[13:28:51] That was good, dude.
[13:28:54] Dude, this rogue tried to go invis and right in front of me I knocked him out, he just didn't know what to do at that point
[13:28:57] He's like WHAT DO!
[13:28:59] He just gave up. Just beat the fuck outta them
[13:29:05] Dude 96 gold for this purple.
[13:29:09] Damn!
[13:29:13] That's not bad.
[13:29:17] Guess I should take these lockpicks in with me every time.
[13:29:19] As long as we don't die.
[13:29:21] We went for the PvP, that's what happened.
[13:29:23] Instead of- I don't even know how that elevator works there so I've never-
[13:29:26] I don't think I've ever taken that exit.
[13:29:29] All I know is there's a big fucking Yeti in that bitch and I didn't
[13:29:31] Didn't know what to do
[13:29:35] Alright, so how do I turn in?
[13:29:37] Oh they were doing circles around it weren't they?
[13:29:40] Is that what was in the center? The whole elevator?
[13:29:44] Okay I was taken. Lever on ground
[13:29:48] Oh shit.
[13:29:50] We were right there then?
[13:29:52] We killed him at the spot.
[13:29:56] Okay.
[13:30:08] ... They activated the lever and it was gone already. And you think they got pushed off by the yeti no way I'm actually about to go to sleep
[13:30:34] Don't see this quest you were talking about at all dude
[13:30:37] Did you do a different quest first?
[13:30:40] It's under...
[13:30:42] Woodsman Woodsmann It's under...Woodsman.
[13:30:44] Woodsman...
[13:30:48] I have no quest from woodsman
[13:30:52] Woodsman...
[13:30:54] West.
[13:30:56] You have to give him five campfires first, apparently.
[13:31:00] I don't think that's the one you need.
[13:31:02] Maybe that was the one you needed and I needed
[13:31:04] the other one on... I needed the other on...
[13:31:05] I don't fucking know.
[13:31:14] Yeah, just need to start going through these, I guess.
[13:31:18] Weaponsmith for spear.
[13:31:19] Check weaponsmith.
[13:31:21] Weaponsmith quest...
[13:31:23] There it is!
[13:31:24] Five rare weapons. Can I give them one at a time?
[13:31:26] Let's see...
[13:31:30] Weapons, got it, got it, got it.
[13:31:34] Guess I need to start keeping fireplaces every time I win.
[13:31:37] Yeah, when you find them in range and want to bring them back home.
[13:31:41] Even if you don't find it in there dude? If you just survive?
[13:31:45] You've been doing that right no if you
[13:31:49] just survived yeah but you either have to be found and
[13:31:51] ready for the quest so specifically oh really you can't use the ones that
[13:31:56] you okay Oh, really? You can't use the ones that you... Yeah. Okay.
[13:32:00] And I have been taking advantage of that when you live
[13:32:02] and then doing a little re-up on it. Take all your potions
[13:32:04] off, take all your bandages off.
[13:32:06] Alright bro, I gotta wake up early.
[13:32:09] I have like 87 hours of sleep at this point so
[13:32:11] I gotta get out of here or I'm gonna keep it in chicken time.
[13:32:13] Dude, I will see you tomorrow.
[13:32:14] Yeah, man. I'll catch ya later.
[13:32:17] Hi, chat.
[13:32:20] I don't think any of my boys are streaming right now.
[13:32:21] Let me see. Okay.. Um...
[13:32:43] Yeah, just go chill with Kev since he's the one that was chilling with me playing
[13:32:49] the whole time. Just go chill with chose kev we'll read some other people
[13:32:53] later taco you want to straight choco chody okay okay well we'll do that tomorrow we'll do that tomorrow.
[13:33:03] We'll do that
[13:33:04] tomorrow.
[13:33:05] Taco and Chody, huh? Are they playing
[13:33:07] No Pixel, both of them? Or is Chody still doing
[13:33:10] Tacos during a sub-a-thon
[13:33:17] yeah we're talking that's fine I got you
[13:33:19] with us
[13:33:23] Tarka,
[13:33:24] Tarka's on DarkoDarker.
[13:33:25] Okay.
[13:33:25] Oh yeah,
[13:33:25] we're gonna talk.
[13:33:26] We're gonna talk.
[13:33:28] All right guys,
[13:33:28] thank you for chilling.
[13:33:29] Thank you for hanging out with me.
[13:33:31] Make sure you guys check out NightNightKid as well.
[13:33:32] If one of the...
[13:33:33] I don't even know if i have any moms around to post
[13:33:34] his channel name i'll post it um so you can check out our friends night kid and naughty you can do those are the guys we're playing with today
[13:33:51] and then we are going to raid taco okay make sure you guys are super cool to talk up be a very kind of
[13:33:57] be very kind of him and his community all right um thanks for all the support today
[13:34:01] guys all the subs the resubs the gifted subs thanks for keeping the chat moving
[13:34:04] all day i know that the interaction gets low towards the end of
[13:34:06] the night, lower we'll say
[13:34:08] but yeah thanks for
[13:34:10] chilling regardless. Yeah more DarkerDarker tomorrow
[13:34:12] what can I say? Fuck it well
[13:34:14] we're going to start with the sponsor stream then darker darker figure it out from there
[13:34:18] all right sound good thank you for chilling guys uh thanks for hanging out like i said
[13:34:23] all the support and yeah man i'll catch you guys a little later today to be honest with you.
[13:34:29] Sponsor stream starts
[13:34:30] in like
[13:34:33] 7 hours and 48 minutes
[13:34:35] from now,
[13:34:37] so
[13:34:37] I from now.
[13:34:40] I got to go.
[13:34:41] I'll catch you guys later, later. Wait Wait, it's not taco.
[13:34:52] Is it official taco?
[13:34:56] It's this taco.
[13:35:03] What? My bad!
[13:35:05] My bad, I forgot.
[13:35:07] Hold on,
[13:35:09] now I gotta wait for this thing to fucking load up.
[13:35:11] And I'm sending you.
[13:35:23] Alright, sending you.