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chillin - @summit1g !starforge @starforgesystems

06-26-2024 · 9h 17m

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[00:00:00] so is so so so We'll be right back. so is i was uh and time so so so so is is um my life i feel alive um so come alive i've been alive so.. so so so so
[00:08:35] you so so so so so so so Thank you. one We'll be right back. so so me so so i never knew Now you're all around me You warm embrace kindly
[00:08:37] Reminds me that I love you
[00:08:41] The cold in my heart
[00:08:44] Was filling me up there Until it had me in your arms in my heart you.
[00:09:11] . so is so so so so so oh 30 more seconds. is. I'm out. so.. All right, chat.
[00:11:56] I'm here.
[00:11:56] Thank you guys for tuning into the stream. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.
[00:12:00] Hope everybody's doing good. Uh...we're here! We're here! No more beard?
[00:12:04] Wooo! It feels good! It feels good!
[00:12:18] Feels so fucking good! It feels good Swyatt someone's giving me a GTA clip right off for that.
[00:12:22] Zolo!
[00:12:24] Oh shit...
[00:12:26] I think Zolo was one of the guys who got raided last night.
[00:12:32] ZOLAR DUDE!
[00:12:34] Dude, I don't have you followed?
[00:12:41] That's my guy right there. Yo, Zolo is hella dope man. I had a lot of fun hanging out with him in real life.
[00:12:45] I think you caught the raid last night. Maybe from afterwards.
[00:12:53] Yo, whatisted Beaks.
[00:12:54] Yeah! Thank you, brother.
[00:12:57] Just finished last hour of
[00:12:58] last night's run. Hard to get PvP
[00:13:00] with everyone's F11, bro.
[00:13:03] You know... Hard to get PvP with everyone's F11, bro. Bro!
[00:13:07] You also gotta understand that it's like I am gonna get stream-stacked
[00:13:09] People are going
[00:13:13] to go into servers people are going to, you know,
[00:13:14] go into servers to find me
[00:13:15] and it's an easier server
[00:13:16] to find me in.
[00:13:17] You know what I mean?
[00:13:18] The one we were playing
[00:13:18] last night.
[00:13:19] So,
[00:13:19] I wasn't taking it
[00:13:20] too serious.
[00:13:21] I was kind of annoyed
[00:13:22] at the beginning with Na uh when i died but
[00:13:25] i was like bro it's just these servers they're gonna go so fast so who cares
[00:13:31] i love your full beard that i I do appreciate that, Chrom.
[00:13:35] I don't mind it.
[00:13:37] I think I grow a decent beard.
[00:13:39] I just don't like the way it feels to be honest.
[00:13:41] I have rough thick hair you know?
[00:13:43] It sitting on my face doesn't feel
[00:13:45] incredible, you know?
[00:13:47] Now if I had like, you know, soft
[00:13:49] luxurious beard.
[00:13:51] You lucky motherfuckers.
[00:13:56] Bro, you got off when I went to sleep and I woke up at the same time.
[00:13:58] God damn! Let's go!
[00:14:00] To be honest, I slept way too much today.
[00:14:02] Caroline got up and I stayed in bed
[00:14:04] And that know, it's not good.
[00:14:09] Do I ever oil it?
[00:14:10] Yeah so I did the whole thing.
[00:14:12] I washed a beard,
[00:14:13] I beard-oiled it,
[00:14:14] You know what I'm saying?
[00:14:15] You have to understand though, when I did the beard
[00:14:19] I was coming off of a time where my acne
[00:14:22] was just starting to clear up in life.
[00:14:26] Had acne throughout my whole life since
[00:14:28] I was like 15
[00:14:29] until I was about 30
[00:14:31] something, right?
[00:14:34] My dad told me he only
[00:14:35] had it until his mid-20s
[00:14:37] but yeah, he said bad acne so told me he only had it until his mid-20s.
[00:14:39] Yeah, I said bad acne. So that means
[00:14:40] anything out of the ordinary
[00:14:43] that my skin
[00:14:44] wasn't used to would make
[00:14:47] it just go crazy.
[00:14:50] First couple times i grew the beard um were bad man they were bad like um so i grew the beard and
[00:14:56] there's a second the second time around, I think. Full beard
[00:15:00] and I was like, I'm gonna wash it
[00:15:02] I'm going to beer oil it
[00:15:04] I'm going to make sure that it's very clean
[00:15:08] Underneath I can feel my skin
[00:15:11] starting to break out with the beard.
[00:15:13] You know what I mean?
[00:15:15] And it started kind of bugging me
[00:15:17] and one day I shaved it all
[00:15:19] and man, I was just peppered up, bro. I just had so much
[00:15:21] underlying ones that were coming out.
[00:15:24] It's just like
[00:15:25] a solid month it took for it all to go away.
[00:15:29] And I was like,
[00:15:29] dude, No thanks.
[00:15:32] But nowadays
[00:15:34] I don't have...
[00:15:36] Obviously I'll get a breakout every once in awhile
[00:15:38] but I don't have to use any product
[00:15:40] on my skin Like I used to have to fucking any product on my skin. Like, I used- I used to have to fucking
[00:15:43] use Proactiv everyday for like years.
[00:15:47] And if I didn't... If I missed one day
[00:15:49] two days it would showcase itself
[00:15:51] a week later.
[00:15:54] It was horrible.
[00:15:58] It was horrible, and everybody... Dude, I did everything, bro.
[00:15:59] Oh, change your diet.
[00:16:00] Oh, use this.
[00:16:01] Oh, use that.
[00:16:02] Have you heard about this?
[00:16:03] Listen, bro.
[00:16:04] You can say anything you wanted.
[00:16:06] You can tell me what you did
[00:16:08] that worked for your skin
[00:16:09] and it didn't matter, bro.
[00:16:10] It did not matter.
[00:16:11] My skin was so particular
[00:16:13] I had to get the same type of soap,
[00:16:19] I had to use Proactiv on it every day
[00:16:24] Yeah yeah, I had to shave Yeah, yeah.
[00:16:24] I had to shave once every couple days or like almost every day,
[00:16:30] to be honest.
[00:16:30] That's because the hair would make my skin wanna...
[00:16:35] I can feel it in this little spot on my neck.
[00:16:38] Motherfucker.
[00:16:41] I could feel it, you know what I mean?
[00:16:44] That little bit of hair might make my skin freak out.
[00:16:47] Yeah bro, it's a little embarrassing to talk about.
[00:16:51] Acne is just an embarrassing thing.
[00:17:03] And it made life suck for a long time.
[00:17:05] I mean, I used to say
[00:17:07] it would happen on stream.
[00:17:09] One of the main reasons
[00:17:10] I never wanted
[00:17:11] to upgrade my camera
[00:17:12] was because
[00:17:12] I didn't want people
[00:17:13] to look at me
[00:17:15] and when I had breakouts
[00:17:16] and stuff like that
[00:17:16] I wanted that
[00:17:17] to be kind of washed away
[00:17:19] by the shitty camera.
[00:17:20] You know what I mean?
[00:17:21] Or like I would have days...
[00:17:22] Some of you guys might remember this
[00:17:24] from way back,
[00:17:26] even right after the beard situation.
[00:17:28] I had to turn my lights off if I wanted to have my camera on.
[00:17:31] Because it was just like...I was so embarrassed that I didn't want anybody to see what it looked like
[00:17:34] So I would just turn my light off real low on a a few streams or something like that way back
[00:17:42] uh yeah you know what i'm saying so man if you're going through that type of bro
[00:17:47] i just want to say i feel you dude. My whole
[00:17:51] middle school to adult life
[00:17:53] I understand you
[00:17:57] You'll be good one day
[00:18:02] And some of you are blessed i never had to deal with a single thing you know what i'm saying i knew some
[00:18:05] of you guys in school i was pretty envious of that
[00:18:09] skin envious of that skin.
[00:18:18] Yeah,
[00:18:20] not touching your face is a big deal
[00:18:21] when you have skin that is temperamental.
[00:18:25] Oil is pretty much the killer of all everything, right?
[00:18:29] Having those little oil patches is pretty helpful.
[00:18:32] All of it it sucks though
[00:18:33] uh it just sucking sucks um it's crazy because it's like as your
[00:18:37] day goes on if you don't if you're not cleaning
[00:18:40] your skin it's it's getting right? So it's like my school
[00:18:44] days...
[00:18:45] My face would just be getting worse
[00:18:48] throughout my school days, you know what I mean?
[00:18:50] And then I'd get home and take care of it.
[00:18:52] It's like, fuck that.
[00:18:55] Gotta drink water? Yeah, there's a million things.
[00:18:57] There's a million things. I promise you guys
[00:18:59] there was no saving my skin.
[00:19:01] You know what I mean? The literal
[00:19:03] only thing that worked was proactive.
[00:19:06] For some reason, but it would really showcase itself if I got lazy with it.
[00:19:10] If I didn't, oh, I don't feel like using it tonight.
[00:19:12] Ah, I don't feel like using it tonight.
[00:19:13] You know what I'm saying?
[00:19:14] A week later, bro...
[00:19:16] Some shit would be popping.
[00:19:18] And then even when
[00:19:20] I was on point with it
[00:19:21] It wasn't the fucking
[00:19:22] Oh, you know
[00:19:23] It wasn't to hold everything back
[00:19:25] It was just to hold 80% of it back, you know?
[00:19:31] Ah!
[00:19:32] That shit sucks, bro.
[00:19:34] I'm glad I don't have to deal with it as much
[00:19:36] but I still get like i said
[00:19:37] i still have my fair share of breakouts.
[00:19:45] I liked the lab server yeah Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
[00:19:50] They're not really my types of servers normally
[00:19:52] but yeah man we got
[00:19:54] I was just so sick of
[00:19:56] not getting PvP yesterday and having literally all my PvP
[00:20:00] just so dictated.
[00:20:01] Listen, I'm at...
[00:20:01] Okay.
[00:20:02] I'm at a weird spot in my DayZ life.
[00:20:04] Normally this would probably be the time
[00:20:06] where I would stop playing DayZ
[00:20:07] and I'd go start playing something else.
[00:20:09] But, I've just kind of come to the conclusion at this moment
[00:20:11] in time that I'm not sick
[00:20:13] of DayZ itself right now.
[00:20:15] I'm sick of just a mechanic
[00:20:17] in DayZ. I'm sick of a portion
[00:20:19] of the game,
[00:20:20] which is a pretty important
[00:20:21] portion to be fair,
[00:20:22] but I'm fucking sick
[00:20:23] of the zombies.
[00:20:25] They're really fucking
[00:20:26] annoying to me.
[00:20:27] I don't like dealing
[00:20:28] with them.
[00:20:29] I think they dictate PvP way, way, way too much.
[00:20:33] So yeah, shit just pissed me off yesterday
[00:20:35] and I just didn't want to play. so worst shit ever is having a zombie ruin the perfect pvp moment
[00:20:58] I mean bro
[00:21:00] I got put in just such a city situation yesterday.
[00:21:03] I moseyed on the guy.
[00:21:04] I know there's a zombie on me.
[00:21:06] But I'm like, bro.
[00:21:06] But he's just going to get back up.
[00:21:08] I don't have another shot.
[00:21:08] I have to run up to him.
[00:21:09] As I'm running up to him,
[00:21:10] A guy snipes me.
[00:21:11] Bump!
[00:21:12] Puts me down. right? But I'm behind
[00:21:13] the wall now so he can't finish it. So he has
[00:21:15] to run up to the corner and try to kill me. I think I
[00:21:17] killed the other guy by the way.
[00:21:19] This Mosin guy. I think put him down.
[00:21:21] Then I'm fighting this guy and I have a choice
[00:21:24] This guy's lean peeking me on the wall
[00:21:26] Okay? I pepper him back
[00:21:28] on the one so that he goes back behind the wall
[00:21:30] I have a zombie hitting me in the back
[00:21:32] And I have this guy
[00:21:35] that's about to repeek me
[00:21:36] at any tenth of a second here, right?
[00:21:39] So it's like the choice is
[00:21:40] I'm either prepared for that peek
[00:21:42] or I turn around, shoot this zombie and potentially get shot in the back.
[00:21:47] Right?
[00:21:47] So I make the decision to not turn around and shoot the zombie.
[00:21:50] He does, in fact, repeat very quickly.
[00:21:53] I pepper him down again, but it doesn't kill him and then the
[00:21:57] zombie knocks me the fuck out and i die
[00:22:09] and i'll say this zombies do way too much damage. They do like twice as much damage as they should. Yeah, I guess I just don't fucking like them.
[00:22:15] You know? don't fucking like them.
[00:22:21] It could have been two dog feet, I thought.
[00:22:23] It wasn't a crazy amount that were on me
[00:22:25] but it was one or two zombies yeah, that were on me, because... It was one or two zombies
[00:22:27] that were fucking me up.
[00:22:32] But it was like I said, split-second
[00:22:34] decision and it's like turn around, shoot
[00:22:36] zombies, maybe get shot in the back uh maybe not
[00:22:40] headshot them very quickly till you lose your ammo and get shot on the back like
[00:22:45] i chose to ignore them for as long as i could to try and kill this guy
[00:22:58] the server i'm playing on right now while it
[00:23:00] the zombies are different.
[00:23:02] They still dictate the PvP, but it's much
[00:23:04] more easily avoidable
[00:23:06] than uh... um...
[00:23:13] than uh then in survival servers
[00:23:15] because you have infinite sprint
[00:23:17] the zombies are slower on this server
[00:23:19] but they have more HP and they hit harder.
[00:23:21] I think they hit hard, I'm not sure if they hit harder.
[00:23:24] They have more HP.
[00:23:28] Yeah, Baba Yaga true.
[00:23:30] It's just bro...
[00:23:32] If I was
[00:23:34] to make my own DayZ server
[00:23:38] I would be
[00:23:40] lowering the zombie count by a significant amount.
[00:23:43] And if i could change something...
[00:23:46] Um, else?
[00:23:48] Oh bro, I'm supposed to have fucking prio!
[00:23:51] This might take a little while. Might have to go do a different one.
[00:23:53] Um, maybe till later. But uh...
[00:23:59] Yeah, I would lower the zombie count significant.
[00:24:10] Like 70%. lower the zombie count significant like 70 60 because it's like this not only does a zombie count it's like a big zombie account can also stop you from shooting them right because you'd
[00:24:17] be thinking to yourself like i don't want to go loud here because if i do now i have
[00:24:21] to deal with nine other zombies right you see a lower zombie count we could deal then deal with nine other zombies, right? You see a lower zombie count.
[00:24:25] We could deal them... Deal with them a little bit easier
[00:24:27] smack them out of the way and actually go loud
[00:24:29] on them without such huge repercussions
[00:24:31] for going loud. Like, go loud, pop those
[00:24:34] motherfuckers, and then kill this dude. But it's like, bro, you loud, pop those motherfuckers and then kill this dude.
[00:24:35] You know what I'm saying?
[00:24:36] But it's like, bro,
[00:24:37] you have to make
[00:24:37] those conscious decisions
[00:24:38] when there's a shitload of them
[00:24:39] and you're just like,
[00:24:39] do I shoot this fucking zombie
[00:24:41] and get the entire rest
[00:24:43] of the camp on me right now?
[00:24:44] You know what I'm saying?
[00:24:46] It's just... You have to make fucking stupid decisions
[00:24:49] like that. I just don't like it.
[00:24:55] And then it's like, you super, super punished by your weight in DayZ.
[00:25:00] You have a plate carrier.
[00:25:02] You have two main weapons.
[00:25:03] You have a backpack full of shit.
[00:25:05] Right?
[00:25:06] You're going to be be 30 to 40%
[00:25:08] sprint speed. Okay? Stamina.
[00:25:10] Okay? Well that affects you
[00:25:12] and what everybody will say is oh man that's crazy
[00:25:14] that's gonna be more difficult in PvP
[00:25:16] No no no. It's way more difficult in Pv fuckingp no no it's way more difficult in pv e the zombies run just the same speed as you
[00:25:22] so you have to look at your stamina bar like can i make it from here to that building
[00:25:26] in time can i jump onto this car to save me, you know
[00:25:29] what i'm saying? Can I hit strong attacks
[00:25:31] just stagger these fucking zombies off
[00:25:33] me to fight more than one at a time? The
[00:25:35] answer is fucking no! No!
[00:25:37] It's not- You can't, because the
[00:25:40] stamina bar is so fucking dog shit.
[00:25:42] I would double the stamina bar on my
[00:25:44] server too.
[00:25:46] It makes the PvE
[00:25:48] harder, which then in turn
[00:25:51] makes pvp harder because what happens when you try to attempt at pvp
[00:25:57] loads of pve so now your heavy weight is really fucking
[00:26:01] affecting you.
[00:26:03] Can I make it from here to that
[00:26:05] building in this stamina?
[00:26:08] Because while I'm sprinting,
[00:26:09] I'm not going to be losing any of the zombies in any way
[00:26:13] because they're the same speed as you.
[00:26:15] You're not even a little bit faster than them.
[00:26:17] Bro, it's all ball sack.
[00:26:19] It's all just shit tier ball sack it's just doesn't make sense the balance is the
[00:26:35] all
[00:26:36] the
[00:26:36] balance
[00:26:37] from
[00:26:37] gear
[00:26:38] to
[00:26:38] pvp
[00:26:39] to
[00:26:39] pve
[00:26:40] and
[00:26:41] day
[00:26:41] z
[00:26:41] is
[00:26:42] fucking
[00:26:42] nutsack.
[00:26:45] Period.
[00:26:46] Boom, done.
[00:26:48] You can change that, sure, as a server
[00:26:50] over maybe a little bit here and there, you know what I'm saying?
[00:26:52] Obviously, give some double stamina so when
[00:26:54] I get a plate carrier, I don't go to fucking 30% fucking stam or 40%
[00:26:58] Stam. I can maintain 60 to fucking 70%, you know what I'm saying stuff like that
[00:27:02] You know what I'm saying? That's the type type of i'd be doing in my server even if it
[00:27:06] was a survival server because it deserves that balance between pve and pvp in my opinion opinion
[00:27:20] no different than a scab interfering in
[00:27:22] pvp fight no bro completely different
[00:27:25] completely different you shoot a scab from this bro. Completely different. Completely different. You shoot
[00:27:27] a scab from distance,
[00:27:29] a scab will shoot at you from distance.
[00:27:31] A scab doesn't grab four of his
[00:27:33] buddies and say yo let's beat this dude's
[00:27:35] ass with our fists. It's completely different. They're holding
[00:27:37] angles. They're tactically moving up on
[00:27:39] you. Yeah, sometimes they can affect
[00:27:42] the fight but they don't dictate
[00:27:44] a fight. That's the big difference.
[00:27:46] That's the big difference. Those two words dictate a fight and affect a fight,
[00:27:51] and in DayZ they fucking dictate your fights.
[00:28:01] What? That's for real. That's how I feel. This is exactly
[00:28:03] how I feel right now.
[00:28:07] This is the same rant I ended with last night.
[00:28:10] And, I wake up to the same rant
[00:28:11] to be honest with myself
[00:28:12] because this is exactly how I'm feeling.
[00:28:14] I'm not sugarcoating it.
[00:28:16] I think the balance sucks dick
[00:28:18] between all of those things The balance sucks dick.
[00:28:22] Between all of those things.
[00:28:32] Bro, think about my character with the maker on the other side.
[00:28:34] My dude had 5% sprint speed, man!
[00:28:36] 10% sprint speed max!
[00:28:39] I'm dealing with fucking wraiths, minotaurs,
[00:28:41] fucking skeletons all jumping up and down.
[00:28:42] Bruh!
[00:28:45] Get some extra stamina.
[00:28:49] And the plate carrier... Yeah, dude.
[00:28:52] It'll save you from a fight every once in a while. You're gonna wake up, not get double tapped, shit like that. You know what I'm saying?
[00:28:54] But bro, I'd take stamina all day over
[00:28:56] that. Maybe I just don't pick up the stupid fucking
[00:28:58] plate carriers anymore.
[00:29:01] I'd rather be not shot in the first place
[00:29:03] I'd rather make it to that fucking building
[00:29:04] You know
[00:29:09] I'd like to be able
[00:29:10] To jump up on a fucking car
[00:29:11] During a crazy situation
[00:29:13] you know what i'm saying and then not take the entirety of my stamina
[00:29:17] my guy is dead tired after trying to hop upon a car for two seconds
[00:29:30] if you're wearing a weight that your character is good enough to strengthen around with bro you can't jump up
[00:29:36] you can't crawl your ass up on the car for your life like come on
[00:29:42] bro your guy just gives up it's's like, well, got no more Sam.
[00:29:45] It's just... Let me just fucking get beat up by these zombies now.
[00:30:08] Oh! Bro, my dude tried to crawl up a car.
[00:30:09] Okay?
[00:30:11] Fell down halfway between it.
[00:30:13] Got stuck in the door and then I couldn't even attack
[00:30:15] the zombies anymore with my fish they were phasing through them
[00:30:19] bump bro you couldn't make this up bro and my run ending like that was painful
[00:30:27] that was after like barely surviving some guy who almost killed me.
[00:30:29] I went fucking fishing, you know what i'm saying?
[00:30:31] I was trying to be sneaky and shit
[00:30:33] And then I get beat up by zombies in an invisible door
[00:30:35] Or like meshed into a door on a car.
[00:30:39] Because my dude couldn't make it up that shit.
[00:30:41] Because my guy made one attempt and then gave up
[00:30:43] and said you know what I accept my fate, I'm getting eaten right now.
[00:30:54] ... What they should give you is more utilities.
[00:30:54] You know what I'm saying?
[00:30:55] Like,
[00:30:57] I shouldn't just be able to go like this.
[00:30:59] My guys should be able to fucking Spartan kick one
[00:31:02] fuckin zombie ten feet back and then I
[00:31:04] should be able to fight one while the
[00:31:06] other ones still trying to get his
[00:31:07] fucking feedback under him to make his
[00:31:09] way back I should be able to do more stuff!
[00:31:23] Nah, but on the real I'm just joking about that. But on the real
[00:31:25] if I made a server
[00:31:27] like Hutch
[00:31:29] let's talk. Let me get some stuff going on a server
[00:31:32] and just see if it works
[00:31:34] on Livonia.
[00:31:36] Let me lower the zombie count by like 60%.
[00:31:39] You know what I'm saying?
[00:31:43] Let me give like fucking one and a half,
[00:31:45] maybe two times stamina.
[00:31:47] You know what I'm saying?
[00:32:08] And just see how it fucking goes Then you'll rage about no food spawns and shit.
[00:32:14] I mean, zombies provide but if they're not providing that fucking much you know always talking about what they should do what they should do to the point where
[00:32:18] you die how do you make a perfect daisy server cat
[00:32:23] yeah i appreciate you bro.
[00:32:27] Specifically, I don't really give a shit about the mods.
[00:32:30] I'm kinda like... Daisy itself doesn't make sense to me.
[00:32:34] Daisy itself, balance-wise, doesn't make sense to me. Daisy itself, like balance-wise
[00:32:36] doesn't make sense to me
[00:32:40] Shoot your gun one time loud the entire camp
[00:32:42] Now realistically I understand it
[00:32:44] right? But I don't care about realism you know um
[00:32:49] their aggro ranges on the zombies are too insane too if i could with those
[00:32:53] i would up with those the average is stupid as hell in fact you wouldn't
[00:32:56] even need to lower the zombies that much if the aggro ranges weren't fucking dog shit. Literally fucking spot me from a mile away.
[00:33:13] These are supposed to be some dumb motherfuckers
[00:33:15] who haven't seen fucking humans in forever, know what i'm saying so they're not expecting
[00:33:20] to see you and then like they're supposed to have one function the need defeat right
[00:33:25] so these guys just mindlessly there's mindlessly walk around the city but their eagle
[00:33:30] eye spawn you and then their boy is like yo what's this guy doing and then that guy's boys like
[00:33:35] what's he doing and then all of a sudden you got five zombies running at you from the middle
[00:33:40] of the street from across the way.
[00:33:42] You're just like, what the fuck just happened?
[00:33:44] I don't say what's on my mind
[00:33:50] You know all day long
[00:33:51] I've been seeing you
[00:33:53] Yeah, I've wasted summertime
[00:33:55] Gee, this cue might be too crazy, Chad.
[00:33:59] I'd love to burn easy Like won't you take my hand And leave me alone The weight thing is their idea of balance.
[00:34:07] They even tip to fight slash travel light disease.
[00:34:12] I completely agree with those.
[00:34:13] So listen.
[00:34:13] But they're thinking about the balance of the weight
[00:34:16] in like a PvP fashion
[00:34:18] when the real problem is how fucking shit it is
[00:34:21] against PvE. You know what I'm saying?
[00:34:23] I...
[00:34:24] Bro,
[00:34:27] you're not ever gonna slow down
[00:34:29] Daisy enough
[00:34:30] to the point where it's no longer
[00:34:33] a hide-and-seek fiesta.
[00:34:35] Okay? I don't care how much weight
[00:34:37] bullshit you add onto it,
[00:34:39] it will always and forever be
[00:34:41] a hide-and-seek game on DayZ.
[00:34:44] It's not like Tarkov, where you're slowing someone down
[00:34:47] from escaping a raid, you know?
[00:34:48] It's a completely different use of weight, you know?
[00:34:51] It's just stupid in DayZ, in my opinion, to drop someone's weight that far down for getting some of the best loot in the game.
[00:34:58] Especially against PvE!
[00:35:01] It doesn't even affect PvP that fucking much, in my opinion, in the means of
[00:35:06] movement. Maybe
[00:35:07] for climbing fences and shit like
[00:35:09] that I'll give it credit for. You know what I mean?
[00:35:11] But when it comes to straight sprinting, it will
[00:35:13] always be a hide and seek game.
[00:35:16] No matter how much you slow them down in that regard.
[00:35:23] So that implementation for weight being even mostly like PvP related is fucking stupid.
[00:35:29] It affects PvE more in my opinion.
[00:35:33] Can I make it to that fucking house?
[00:35:35] You know what I'm saying?
[00:35:36] I have five zombies on me.
[00:35:37] Pretty dangerous situation.
[00:35:39] Doesn't matter how geared you are.
[00:35:41] Can I make it to
[00:35:42] that fucking house?
[00:35:43] Do I have time
[00:35:44] to EpiPen, bro?
[00:35:45] It's not like you're just
[00:35:46] fucking pumping an EpiPen
[00:35:47] in your arm while you're walking
[00:35:48] Your guy crouches down like he's fucking bowing to King Arthur and sticks him
[00:35:52] in his leg so call me a stupid daisy player maybe i'm just bitching and complaining because it's a skill issue, but
[00:36:09] I really do think that it is a fucking balance issue.
[00:36:17] Yo Summit! How did your acne go away at 30 if you are 26 turning 27? Are you in the future?
[00:36:25] Nah. Nah I didn't mean 30. got it confused with my twos
[00:36:31] warnings when i'm mad thank you brother appreciate it shut up man because you
[00:36:34] didn't watch the essay mr avatar hold on you're always talking about what they
[00:36:37] should do what they should oh yeah by the way thank you g for the donut uh let me see world
[00:36:46] hey what's good bro can you pass me the cheetos
[00:36:52] bro Cheetos. Bro.
[00:36:53] You keep saying
[00:36:54] WorldSpawn, do you mean public events?
[00:36:56] What does it matter?
[00:36:59] It did earlier!
[00:37:01] No they're definitely world spawns.
[00:37:03] I'm trying to get people not say world spawn now.
[00:37:05] Just try it.
[00:37:07] Yo let's see some...
[00:37:11] Just say world spawn againwn again, dude.
[00:37:13] Speak motherfucker! Some fuckin'...
[00:37:20] Did he answer or did you just say some fucking...
[00:37:22] Some fuckin' world, like...
[00:37:24] If you wanted to know what the fuck I'm doing.
[00:37:30] What on earth?
[00:37:35] Alright so What on earth? Alright someone wants to do some fucking
[00:37:37] Let's not blast it off the phone
[00:37:41] Oh shit Chad
[00:37:43] Hey Samson my girlfriend just told me she wanted to have sex so I slapped her and then we had sex.
[00:37:45] Love you keep it up. Merry Christmas. Mads
[00:37:47] Okay
[00:37:49] I really went back for that
[00:37:53] Professional baseball player from the New York Mets.
[00:37:57] Listen, Bryce, if you want me
[00:37:59] to really, really believe that it's you
[00:38:02] you have to follow me on Twitter, dude.
[00:38:06] It's like a thing It's gotta be
[00:38:09] You have to follow me on Twitter
[00:38:10] You don't even follow me bro
[00:38:12] I think you could be a faker
[00:38:14] I like how my mic sounds here
[00:38:16] I miss my mic sounding like this it's the same mic Okay, he's following me.
[00:38:31] He's not a figure.
[00:38:33] Hey, badass dude.
[00:38:34] Badass.
[00:38:37] That's so bad. It's not going to change it, I think I had base on it back then.
[00:38:40] You have to fucking keep track of that money.
[00:38:42] I can't...
[00:38:43] Fuck it.
[00:38:44] Okay.
[00:38:45] Gotta give that to Vini later.
[00:38:46] Oh my god.
[00:38:47] Oh my god.
[00:38:48] Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. that to me later.
[00:38:55] Alright, gotta get used to going to this house
[00:38:56] which is right there.
[00:38:59] Oh! Oh!
[00:39:00] Oh!
[00:39:00] What the fuck?
[00:39:02] Ah!
[00:39:04] Is this an insurance scheme?
[00:39:05] What the fuck?
[00:39:07] You okay, man?
[00:39:08] Oh, I called the police oh my god get the out of my way jesus christ
[00:39:17] i'm such a bad i should have gotten out of the car and RPed with him
[00:39:21] a little bit, but what do I do? I just drive off
[00:39:23] cause I'm a shit RPer. Sorry.
[00:39:25] What's zero divided by zero?
[00:39:27] Imagine that you have
[00:39:29] zero cookies and you split them evenly among zero friends.
[00:39:32] How many cookies does each person get? See, it doesn't make sense!
[00:39:36] And Cookie Monster is sad that there are no cookies,
[00:39:39] and you are sad that you have no friends.
[00:39:45] That's fucked up.
[00:39:47] What the fuck?
[00:39:52] I'm all in round, don't run into it.
[00:39:57] Throwing flashback.
[00:39:59] Uh oh!
[00:40:00] I don't see him.
[00:40:01] You right clicked him to show the map to others.
[00:40:04] What the hell is the point of that? We all have a map!
[00:40:08] Tim tell me where this is at!
[00:40:15] Can you see this?
[00:40:19] He's been gone for over a month
[00:40:22] and it took him five minutes
[00:40:24] to say my name on stream.
[00:40:25] And it's just like, dude...
[00:40:26] Have some fucking respect!
[00:40:28] Like shut the fuck up at least, dude.
[00:40:30] Just play your goddamn game and be the doc, you know?
[00:40:33] Oh shit! be the doc, you know? OH SHIT! I'm not getting into this.
[00:40:54] I'm not getting in.
[00:40:56] We're not making it in we're not making it um I'm going to try and read a blackboard. Have you tried Arena Blackout or whatever that other shooter is? I've tried it. It's kinda okay.
[00:41:33] It's on the right path, but that map... the maps are...
[00:41:42] The maps were like literally not even sustainable in what gear was.
[00:41:44] You wouldn't queue right?
[00:41:45] Never played a map where I just couldn't bring money back out
[00:41:48] so they either fixed that or, well, for yeah,
[00:41:51] the finale?
[00:41:52] Yeah.
[00:41:53] I thought we had.
[00:41:53] Yes.
[00:41:54] Still in mind, I thought we had probably hit this bitch
[00:41:56] on 10 and Q right now.
[00:41:57] You know maybe these are the probs.
[00:42:03] Can you buy Pryo here? I don't know, Yo Vikenen thanks for the gift.
[00:42:05] I appreciate it. I would imagine usually
[00:42:07] these servers make a little profit.
[00:42:09] Thank you Vikenen, I appreciate you, brother.
[00:42:11] Welcome guys to the squad. Hope you enjoy yourselves. Good to see
[00:42:13] you, motherfucker. Hope everything is going good, man.
[00:42:16] Appreciate you, brother. Thank you, 420.
[00:42:21] Oh, I gotta look at the Suarez
[00:42:23] streaming clip. Yeah, I literally...
[00:42:25] I was supposed to do that forever ago
[00:42:27] right? And then I clicked something else.
[00:42:37] See THMX4 always be in BSI.
[00:42:44] What kind of fucking car is this, bro? This car's ridiculous.
[00:42:48] What?! Oh!
[00:42:52] Ahhhh! Oh!
[00:42:57] AHHHHH DUDE!
[00:43:02] Dude that was hella sick man. Yo man, I want him brother! That was a nice turn bro, good shit. Oh, dude!
[00:43:30] Yeah he's owning bro. Owning.
[00:43:35] Owning. Oh, man.
[00:43:44] Yo, thanks for always being here, son.
[00:43:45] Yeah, thanks for always coming through, brother.
[00:43:46] Appreciate it.
[00:43:48] Without you guys, come to the channel there's not really a me where you look forward to yourself i appreciate you bro thanks
[00:43:54] for the donation my man whoever you are anonymous guy and capacity this time i see a capacity this
[00:44:01] time i'm catching it yeah hey thank you so much for the 20 giftos appreciate that's a lot of money
[00:44:07] hope you guys enjoy yourselves here and uh yo thank you so much question
[00:44:10] appreciate it bro yeah no ads for you guys anymore no ass worst dodgeball players in the channel Thank you, Fastly. Appreciate it. That's a lot of money, brother man.
[00:44:28] Without me, you're nothing yeah no man i know
[00:44:32] max i know um yo man i don't want to your name bro. You've been watching me since 2015
[00:44:43] How do i say your name? B von Fredder
[00:44:46] Gotta be b von. Thank you brother man appreciate it Slavnesey, thank you, brother man. CrackTV,
[00:44:52] thank you, man. Shamskis. ShamWow. Shamskis. Thanks for the two gift does,
[00:44:56] bro. I appreciate you, sir. Welcome homies to the squad. Hope you both enjoy.
[00:44:59] Thank you, Shane man.
[00:45:07] And dude by the way thanks for being around so fucking long by the way 2015 is a
[00:45:11] million years ago? 9 years ago nine years ago
[00:45:18] stog thank you brother man no town uh yeah craig christ thank you thank you thank you
[00:45:24] milko thank you are you saying that man i said milk on me there well wait hold on hold on
[00:45:29] milco meta there we go i thought I was throwing the T and V into
[00:45:35] the mix so I fucked it up.
[00:45:37] My bad Milko
[00:45:43] Undercover since 2014 here. Yeah, Mav? No shit! Undercover...
[00:45:48] It's the first time I've ever seen your name.
[00:45:54] Now you know that most people fuck it up.
[00:45:56] Oh, no shit! Let's go!
[00:45:59] I'll take it. Don't worry.
[00:46:00] I fuck up other easy ones too to make up for it.
[00:46:03] Appreciate you both.
[00:46:05] I remember I found you made Ly lyric and jericho on the uh
[00:46:08] nate lyric and jericho on the same day no
[00:46:11] 2015. that's quite a lineup right there man
[00:46:15] that's quite a lineup right there, man. That's quite a line up of people.
[00:46:21] 2011 you follow me?
[00:46:23] Is that even possible?
[00:46:27] No no, that's when your account was created. impossible
[00:46:31] no no that's when your account was created you big goofball you've been following since 2015.
[00:46:36] i'm about to say i'm pretty sure I started in 2012.
[00:46:50] My guy I've been watching you since 2014 and so glad i stumbled across your stream Thank you for getting me into gaming and so much more
[00:46:53] Much love and thanks for always being there to stream without all the drama
[00:46:58] I try, I try, man.
[00:46:59] I try.
[00:46:59] I try.
[00:47:00] Hey, dude, thank you so fucking much for that.
[00:47:01] Video game drama.
[00:47:02] Dev drama.
[00:47:03] I'm a nightmare for devs.
[00:47:05] Nightmare.
[00:47:05] Yo, Wesley,
[00:47:06] thank you so much
[00:47:06] for the 500 bits, man.
[00:47:07] I appreciate you, sir.
[00:47:08] Thank you, thank you
[00:47:09] for sticking around for so long and too many more years chilling brother man
[00:47:12] Thank you, sir. You've been here for a long ass time
[00:47:15] That's a big giant chunk dude
[00:47:16] So thank you brother
[00:47:20] Yeah, I got my- I'm in my own drama circle. My video game drama is off the charts compared to normal humans, maybe around along the same lines as Tyler1 but he keeps it focused on one, you know what I'm saying?
[00:47:31] I'm spreading the hatred across the deaf board. I will check out Elden Ring
[00:47:50] yes
[00:47:50] I plan on beating that whole game okay and just knowing i'm gonna hate every
[00:47:57] second of it And here's the thing, didn't they nerf that fucking game?
[00:48:07] Didn't they nerf the DLC? Thanks for always being there with the great content.
[00:48:15] Keep it up!
[00:48:19] Very slightly...
[00:48:22] very slightly
[00:48:24] So you're telling me when I beat Elden Ring, Kai beat a harder version than me?
[00:48:30] That matters to me.
[00:48:32] I want the game on its original card status.
[00:48:43] Kai has a clip where he's like,
[00:48:45] basically,
[00:48:46] he's like, man, you guys complaining about the game he's like i'm ass
[00:48:49] you guys you guys are ass That shit was funny. Yeah, when are you gonna slay on Renown?
[00:49:19] Renown?
[00:49:20] Renown.
[00:49:21] Hold up.
[00:49:22] What game is that again?
[00:49:23] Oh yeah!
[00:49:24] I'm getting a little bit of the same thing. Oh yeah, right now. Wasn't that the game I played?
[00:49:33] Let's take a look.
[00:49:35] Oh no, it's not.
[00:49:36] I haven't played this. This is like
[00:49:38] Medieval Rust, right right is that what it is
[00:49:42] love your streams and will always support have been since 2014. my guy disney, no shit!
[00:49:51] No kidding.
[00:49:53] Hey man, thanks Lazlo I appreciate you brother.
[00:49:56] Thanks for the good combo and uh...
[00:49:58] Thanks for always wanting to support me.
[00:50:01] And being around forever. Too many more years chilling dude and maybe we have another
[00:50:03] convo at Disneyland in the future, dude.
[00:50:05] I'll be there eventually.
[00:50:07] My family's out there so when I visit
[00:50:09] I go. so
[00:50:32] you just reminded me actually of a time where i went to disneyland I'm going to go.
[00:50:33] You just reminded me actually of a time where I went to Disneyland
[00:50:36] where
[00:50:39] two little dudes wanted to go to Disneyland and meet me so their
[00:50:42] uncle, I think took them for the day and we got to chit chat with a little bit get some
[00:50:44] pictures and i think one of them was uh on the channel for a long time i haven't seen him in
[00:50:48] a bit i don't know if i would recognize i know it's like his name is frosty something frosty
[00:50:52] um yeah frosty something frosty.
[00:50:55] Yeah, that's interesting. streams to keep my mind off of things. Oh man, man...
[00:51:05] Hey dude, I can't imagine what that
[00:51:07] stress feels like brother but I'm glad
[00:51:09] you're getting some good news on the other end
[00:51:11] of such bad news so
[00:51:13] uh hey man I'm grateful to hear that brother uh thank you so much for
[00:51:18] uh for supporting the channel like that bro and yeah man i wish you guys the best hell yeah Hell yeah.
[00:51:33] Yo, Kai control? Kai controls live? Hey dude thanks
[00:51:35] Am I saying that right? Thank you so so much brother. Appreciate the sub. Welcome to the squad. Thank you so much for that man.
[00:51:39] I see you type in the chat too. You're like hell yeah finally able to sub. Hey thanks brother. uh i thought you got a prior last night i thought
[00:51:54] i did too but this might be the prior list i'm not sure I want I watched you a couple times here and there.
[00:52:23] Then, I popped on a video
[00:52:24] and you flexed and said,
[00:52:25] Sun's out, guns out.
[00:52:49] Are you sure that was me uh i saw that one too. Nah, bro, that can't be.
[00:52:58] What's the deal with this map?
[00:52:59] Does it have something like passage?
[00:53:00] This is a much different server than what I'm normally playing,
[00:53:03] so we're going to play here for a little bit today
[00:53:04] and then
[00:53:06] I'm not sure where to go from there.
[00:53:09] We're going to play this for a bit though.
[00:53:14] I'm connecting to the wrong server for
[00:53:15] pryle
[00:53:17] i mean i connected to the same server
[00:53:22] i was in yesterday.
[00:53:29] Yeah, it's the same one as when I was in yesterday. 30 30 minutes ago says so this is the one
[00:53:35] i'm gonna queue for about 30. why no more deadfall would happen ah bro i just there's
[00:53:41] too much pve on that map pv runs too Bro, think about how much PvE there is
[00:53:46] and how often it spawns
[00:53:47] and then when you go to the next area, it's even worse
[00:53:49] It's just too PvE-centric
[00:53:51] Is that a word? Uh, it's too PvE
[00:53:53] like at the core of that map with not enough balance for both PvP to be mixed in,
[00:54:00] and then it really showcases itself on that map because when you go to the next area
[00:54:05] you're in an area with a lot less
[00:54:07] people. You know what I mean?
[00:54:11] Centricus Word,
[00:54:12] I knew that.
[00:54:12] I wasn't asking you guys, okay?
[00:54:16] I just wasn't sure if I used it right.
[00:54:20] But yeah, uh...
[00:54:24] Um...
[00:54:26] Yeah, just a little too much PvE for me man! Um...
[00:54:28] Yeah, just a little too much PvE for me, man.
[00:54:30] The zombies get in the way a lot.
[00:54:32] They respawn really fast so you can't even clear the area
[00:54:34] and then the next area with Askelia is even
[00:54:36] worse though.
[00:54:43] Okay. with the skellies is even worse. Oh, thanks brother man.
[00:54:44] I've been watching you since the start of gaming and now I'm getting married.
[00:54:46] Oh no shit dude, dude. Congratulations, brother.
[00:54:49] Always loved to have the shame of getting that same day one feeling
[00:54:51] that. Amen. Thanks so much, brother.
[00:54:53] I appreciate you. I don't know how you still
[00:54:55] get that but I'll take it.
[00:54:58] Congratulations on getting married soon brother
[00:55:01] let us know when it's done you know the assist thanks to the five giftos too man appreciate
[00:55:04] your bro shadyman this is thank you both and welcome everybody who got a gifted sub there
[00:55:09] hope you guys enjoy yourselves it's good to see
[00:55:10] better appreciate you guys here table thank you for the resub muscle up me uh slide release
[00:55:15] thank you guys everybody hitting the sub dude appreciate you guys hurry up and loaded i'm trying man
[00:55:23] too many records what's up soon would you like my dad
[00:55:28] uh thanks bro yeah i'm similar to your dad?
[00:55:34] Thanks bro, appreciate the space.
[00:55:38] Haha
[00:55:44] You should randomly play the intro for our nostalgia fix. No!
[00:55:50] Been following since we were in diapers, man.
[00:55:53] He means I'm like his dad. I'm a father figure to you, is that what he's saying?
[00:55:57] I appreciate you guys. Thank you so much for that. Thanks for chillin'.
[00:56:10] I appreciate you bro.
[00:56:12] Thanks for dropping a fire.
[00:56:16] Oh gee dude, hey man thanks brother.
[00:56:21] Good having me, man.
[00:56:35] Alex or Jiri?
[00:56:37] Man, eh, eh.
[00:56:41] I got Pereira. Oh, bro. I was about to say,
[00:56:48] that's a fast little drop on me.
[00:56:51] You know?
[00:56:56] I was about to be like, oh man.
[00:56:57] I really don't know how to respond to this.
[00:56:59] This is...
[00:57:00] That's a tough one.
[00:57:05] Appreciate you being here. appreciate me You haven't malded recently. That would help to have a day one experience. Nah, bro. Come on. I just
[00:57:29] mauled it like 30 minutes ago.
[00:57:32] 20 minutes ago.
[00:57:34] I literally just broke down
[00:57:35] everything I hate about DayZ.
[00:57:40] And the DayZ community's
[00:57:42] gonna look at that and be like, man this
[00:57:44] guy fucking sucks at DayZ what a
[00:57:46] skill issue
[00:57:48] Stop fucking with me, man!
[00:57:51] STOP FUCKING WITH ME! You guys are messed up!
[00:57:53] You know?
[00:57:57] Come on, don't do me like that. It's hard to respond
[00:57:59] to those donuts, you takes a little it takes
[00:58:02] a lot of like you know understanding and
[00:58:07] you know tiptoeing a little bit bit.
[00:58:16] I'm not, you know, because it's like there's a few different things to those type of things.
[00:58:18] You have to understand that they're trying
[00:58:20] to get something off their chest or somewhere where they that they're trying to... You know,
[00:58:21] they're getting something
[00:58:22] off their chest
[00:58:23] somewhere where
[00:58:24] they probably can't do it
[00:58:25] in real life.
[00:58:26] But then you got...
[00:58:28] You also are
[00:58:30] streaming to lots of people so you're trying to
[00:58:33] you know keep the mood in a certain way and so it's like you know but
[00:58:37] and that and then now in that regard you're trying not to be disrespectful
[00:58:40] them by uh by keeping it light on it so it's
[00:58:42] like there's a few different things to think about with
[00:58:44] that type of stuff and it's it's a touchy situation man so don't fuck with me is what i'm trying to say Let me take a look at this.
[00:59:02] Let me take a look at this, Crowe.
[00:59:03] Hold on.
[00:59:03] Enter...
[00:59:04] What is this, guys? What is this, guys?
[00:59:04] What is this, guys?
[00:59:05] What is this
[00:59:07] Is that a real place
[00:59:08] that I click?
[00:59:09] Do I click that?
[00:59:12] Uh...
[00:59:12] Officer?
[00:59:13] Are you guys in here?
[00:59:15] Hello?
[00:59:16] Oh, this mother f***ing...
[00:59:17] I just saw these doors open.
[00:59:19] Is anyone in here?
[00:59:23] Okay.
[00:59:27] Alright son, come out of the door with your hands up!
[00:59:29] Come out of the damn door with your hands up!
[00:59:33] Okay.
[00:59:40] Uh... Can't lurk any longer.
[00:59:41] Sue.
[00:59:42] It's a dumbass bait car.
[00:59:47] A fucking bait car, this guy
[00:59:56] can I put can I look at this outplayed whatever I'm doing
[01:00:12] hello Hello. I can't like look at it to make sure there's no random wiener that pops up.
[01:00:34] Hold on. I think we're gonna need some more sticks.
[01:00:42] That was a double betrayal. My man stepped on fire. Get back here motherfucker!
[01:00:51] He dead bruh.
[01:00:54] He's dead.
[01:00:56] No he ain't.
[01:00:59] I got a bandage.
[01:01:02] Dude they're geared dude, they're gear. Good shit!
[01:01:03] They're gear dude, they're gear.
[01:01:04] Good shit!
[01:01:05] Did you see-
[01:01:06] Dude!
[01:01:07] We're gonna need some sticks dude and I just took out the gear.
[01:01:10] Dude I know.
[01:01:11] That guy has a CR.
[01:01:12] Yes. Oh dude they are good brother.
[01:01:15] Good shit bro.
[01:01:16] Good shit.
[01:01:18] Nice little three betrayal right there.
[01:01:22] Nice little triple betray betray but my guy looks
[01:01:28] like i'm ready to go so i can hunt down someone across the galaxy.
[01:01:38] I can still see you, motherfucker! Yeah, oh god He's on one of these servers. This shit is barely daisy. It's definitely its own take.
[01:01:59] We're just fucking around for a little bit and I'll go play some other stuff later but I was having fun on the SHS, so...
[01:02:09] What can I say? We are going to a red card.
[01:02:11] Let's just bring it right now.
[01:02:14] We're goin' to wherever this is. That's a military, okay.
[01:02:17] Let's roll.
[01:02:19] We're goin' here!
[01:02:21] I'm in by the way.
[01:02:24] I'm probably gonna play this for a little bit, and then I'll probably switch to New York.
[01:02:29] Alright sounds good. I'm in as well.
[01:02:33] You wanna invite me to your group?
[01:02:37] You're not still in it? Okay. Yeah they gotta pick you up. group.
[01:02:38] You're not selling it?
[01:02:40] Okay, yeah they gotta pick you up.
[01:02:41] No, you kicked me yesterday, motherfucker.
[01:02:44] What the fuck are you kicking me for, huh? I have not, Braille.
[01:02:51] Is that something worth watching?
[01:02:53] You know what I'm saying.
[01:02:55] You need the numbers.
[01:02:57] Yeah, ready?
[01:03:00] Um... Yeah, I'm ready.
[01:03:08] Minus one three two three? Okay I'm here.
[01:03:17] Damn, where the fuck are you at?
[01:03:19] Oh my god!
[01:03:21] I'm going up to just try to hit lab.
[01:03:23] If I ran all the way up here with decent gear...
[01:03:26] And I am trying
[01:03:27] to...
[01:03:29] Hit this red card right now to get a lab
[01:03:31] guard hand read car right now
[01:03:35] I'm gonna try and hit this red so i can
[01:03:36] get a blue
[01:03:38] I was rushing that's crazy you know if
[01:03:41] they open
[01:03:42] if any lab door gets opened then in five minutes time all the lab doors
[01:03:48] open for 10 minutes and there's three labs.
[01:03:55] Yeah, so if one lab gets opened... All the labs across the board get
[01:03:57] open for ten minutes.
[01:04:01] Nah I've never even seen it.
[01:04:04] Oh shit okay. I haven't even made it to the red part yet.
[01:04:09] There you go!
[01:04:11] I appreciate that dude.
[01:04:12] Appreciate that.
[01:04:13] My map is secure. My map is secure.
[01:04:15] My map is safe.
[01:04:21] This guy looks like my 4 year old when I let him dress himself.
[01:04:28] Again, ready for school!
[01:04:39] Well, I guess you don't go to school at 4 right? Maybe about 5 maybe, while that's true.
[01:04:43] Or uh... yeah.
[01:04:50] Kindergarten Runner. Six of the six?
[01:04:51] Yeah, I'm at a five.
[01:04:54] I went to...
[01:04:56] I went to preschool too though. I went to preschool and I went to preschool too.
[01:05:05] The kindergarten, 1-8 Yeah, the kindergarten went through...
[01:05:08] through eight.
[01:05:10] But not the elementary school.
[01:05:13] My first elementary school went one through six and my second elementary school went one through five.
[01:05:17] It was a little weird.
[01:05:30] This server might be more fun to watch.
[01:05:32] Much more fun to watch?
[01:05:34] You know, for a little while.
[01:05:36] I think there is an epicness to
[01:05:37] a good adventure in a survival server.
[01:05:45] I was just getting a little annoyed at it yesterday,
[01:05:47] so I wanted to try some fast-paced PvP
[01:05:49] and we came here just to chill for a bit. out of yesterday so i wanted to try some fast pvp a little bit more and
[01:05:50] so we came here just to chill for a bit and uh yeah they're cool
[01:05:54] you know um the lab these are super cool already and shit like that so yeah
[01:05:58] hey it's definitely different style you
[01:06:00] know don't hate on either one,
[01:06:01] It's all good. How long has something been streaming for?
[01:06:03] A couple hours or an hour
[01:06:05] Or 12 years
[01:06:07] 11 years
[01:06:09] Which one do you want?
[01:06:14] You didn't go to middle school? Yeah, I went 1-5 and then
[01:06:16] my middle school was 6th grade.
[01:06:18] I didn't go to middle school!
[01:06:20] I graduated high school man. I graduated high school then.
[01:06:23] I graduated high school and did not go to college.
[01:06:27] How do you feel
[01:06:28] about the gaming industry
[01:06:28] these days?
[01:06:29] Anything you're looking
[01:06:29] forward to that is
[01:06:30] not really,
[01:06:31] but that's not really the gaming industry's fault
[01:06:33] That's my fault I don't really get excited about games until like they're
[01:06:36] like a week out or something you know so nothing i can really think of Yeah, uh...
[01:06:48] Dune MMO? They're doing a dune MMO, boy!
[01:06:56] I hope that works.
[01:07:00] You're such a doofus. King-sized guns, good to see you man,
[01:07:02] appreciate ya brother. Thank you so much.
[01:07:05] God damn it, Bobby.
[01:07:07] Here's your $15, bro.
[01:07:10] I was following you since 1997.
[01:07:12] Long, long time follower of good times.
[01:07:14] But I had to stop.
[01:07:16] They put me on the list. Feels bad now.
[01:07:20] Been following me half my life.
[01:07:24] Thank you for the donor, brother.
[01:07:27] Thank you Valkyr as well.
[01:07:35] Do game devs ever reach out to you for making games?
[01:07:37] For your opinion, no.
[01:07:39] I have been reached out to one time
[01:07:41] To consult a video gamer
[01:07:43] Which I declined for two reasons
[01:07:45] Because 1- I really am still just focusing on streaming.
[01:07:48] And two, because I didn't feel
[01:07:50] super confident in
[01:07:52] the genre and what
[01:07:54] I would be able to make changes about it.
[01:07:56] Because it's not a game style that I think I could really
[01:08:04] bring good balance to or bring a good thought process too so I had to find it but yeah it's something that
[01:08:10] I'm interested in the future. That's if people think I'm not a complete dumbass by
[01:08:14] the end of my career, so we'll see what's up. Now, it wasn't Artemis Dimes' game.
[01:08:28] But I have...
[01:08:29] I have... I have... Kind of consulted with them before
[01:08:34] but it wasn't
[01:08:35] super good.
[01:08:37] You know?
[01:08:38] I didn't feel like
[01:08:39] I was being blunt enough
[01:08:40] and like...
[01:08:41] So I know for next time kinda how to handle it if I ever do get into a situation like that.
[01:08:48] Yo can you like uhhhh
[01:08:52] Make me higher in the group?
[01:08:55] Like put markers?
[01:08:57] What do you mean no bitch? Hurry up! I wanna put a marker.
[01:09:05] You're a fuckin' honorary member now bro. Oh thank you big dog, appreciate that.
[01:09:08] We need to check the iron aperture. I got you.
[01:09:19] Once you get this blue card, put it in the safe container and take the keys out.
[01:09:21] I should have left my keys... I should have left this at the place I was just at, that's what
[01:09:24] I was supposed to do because this key is really good. Yeah it gives a shit though
[01:09:28] I guess I could just lose it Can I eat six saltines in one minute?
[01:09:39] Six saltine crackers?
[01:09:41] Probably not.
[01:09:42] That sounds delicious though.
[01:09:48] I'd sure like to try, do you have them?
[01:09:50] Heh heh heh!
[01:09:53] I would sure like to try That's like one of those
[01:10:15] things that's really hard to accomplish,
[01:10:16] that you don't realize until you try it.
[01:10:19] Like a spoonful of cinnamon or something like that?
[01:10:23] It just... I'm sure sounds a lot easier than when it actually goes down.
[01:10:41] Alright, let's see if there is anybody with their base here. It seems like it wouldn't be a bad place to have a lot of bullets.
[01:11:04] What do you mean by that?
[01:11:08] What do you mean by that?
[01:11:11] Ooh, okay.
[01:11:13] There's something there.
[01:11:15] It's kinda nice looking actually.
[01:11:19] Let's see how this one goes. How much different is that? 30 and 30 I'm kinda feeling?
[01:11:25] What do you mean by that?
[01:11:30] Can I?
[01:11:37] Oh yeah, pistol case.
[01:11:46] Yo, Sum! Yes. Five-seven.
[01:11:54] Hey, what? What happened? What did I do?
[01:11:56] Wait. Am I not understanding what you mean on that?
[01:11:57] I'm confused.
[01:12:00] On a pistol?
[01:12:02] Mind if you... Since we don't have a lot of bullets Mind you, dude.
[01:12:07] Since we don't have a lot of bullets it might be a good idea to hold onto one.
[01:12:09] You know what I'm saying? I'm confused. What do you mean?
[01:12:17] I'm confused! What you talking about, man? Have a slot for my pistol anywhere?
[01:12:21] Think so...I could put it here probably, but...
[01:12:48] What do you mean by that? I appreciate the demo.
[01:12:51] Hi, howdy Green Card, I'm rushing Yellow.
[01:12:55] You make it to...
[01:13:00] ...the lab? Yeah, I don't know wait what the fuck did I I say?
[01:13:10] I thought I didn't say anything.
[01:13:14] That's what I...I thought I didn't say shit.
[01:13:26] Don't forget there's a key in that house!
[01:13:28] Wait, what?
[01:13:31] You guys are confusing me now. A key in one house, brother!
[01:13:35] Explain this to me. People are confusing me right now.
[01:13:37] The Donut's confusing me... the comments are confusing me right now. The don't know's confusing me, the comments are
[01:13:40] confusing me,
[01:13:41] videos are confusing me.
[01:13:47] I said you just want to do your thing again.
[01:13:49] Oh shit, okay yeah. So I said you just want to do your thing again. Oh shit, okay yeah so i said nothing
[01:14:03] That's usually what i say about most drama that happens. Unless it's video game drama.
[01:14:05] Then people hate me enough for that, to be honest with you.
[01:14:09] Samuel is always fucking crying about my video games! This is just stupid! Yeah, that sort of thing. And I already stressed enough about that. I'm worried that my fucking colleagues are gonna chime in and not like my video game opinion
[01:14:56] to be fair i do take it a step further. I do go overboard.
[01:15:00] I take it more seriously than it needs to be.
[01:15:03] I understand that.
[01:15:07] So there's some war
[01:15:09] to the hate.
[01:15:13] Yeah!
[01:15:13] Trick or treat Mandalorian, bro. What the? yeah trick-or-treat mandalorian bro what the
[01:15:27] hey it's like a million percent someone is going to be here, right?
[01:15:31] Has to be. Please no zombies.
[01:15:35] I don't want to deal with you.
[01:15:39] Oh, where's the entrance, bro? Another thing
[01:15:42] I don't understand why Daisy changed is
[01:15:44] like when you sprint and you zoom it
[01:15:46] zooms less. That doesn't make sense to me
[01:15:49] either why would you want people to find have a harder time finding one another
[01:15:54] in this big giant game of hide-and-seek where's the logic there
[01:16:02] they have to like at some point in time recognize that it is like
[01:16:04] very high and seaky type of know, spa people type of game.
[01:16:09] I know the server
[01:16:13] can't change that. You're absolutely right.
[01:16:15] Server can't change it.
[01:16:17] And it's nice when it happens.
[01:16:21] Okay. and it's nice when it happens. I'm just talking about
[01:16:22] dev thought process
[01:16:23] and decision making
[01:16:24] you know what I'm saying?
[01:16:25] I was just thinking
[01:16:25] a little bit.
[01:16:31] Yeah like someone still went into the game, right? To fix that.
[01:16:35] Fix that, right? To balance something.
[01:16:39] Right? I would like to hear the thought process behind that balancing, right? I would like to hear the thought process
[01:16:41] behind that balancing.
[01:16:43] What do they think is happening
[01:16:44] that was so bad with the extra zoom there?
[01:16:53] Whoa. Whoa. Can't even see it, man!
[01:16:58] But it's got to be bad
[01:17:05] get out of here
[01:17:27] just blows up I just broke this actually.
[01:17:48] Kinda not that fun, it's probably a lot nicer than this one. It's a 42 slot. What is this? What bag do I have?
[01:17:52] I have a Camel Tri-Zip.
[01:17:54] I don't think this one's as good
[01:17:58] pretty sure so oh Holy...
[01:18:40] Oh, bro.
[01:18:57] I'll go where this door is. It's in here.
[01:19:00] I think it's just up the stairs.
[01:19:06] In this server, there is no knocking each other out either. It's all you're dead.
[01:20:35] You fight to your death. so so When I open this door, it's going to be a big alarm, chat. so oh Wake up! Time to go to school.
[01:20:41] A VSS? Suck my gonads. It's not a bad gun.
[01:20:50] I haven't actually gotten the gun yet. Hope you are doing well. Sent you a business email a little bit ago.
[01:20:58] Keep an eye for me?
[01:21:00] I shall take a look-see.
[01:21:02] Thank you brother, I appreciate ya man!
[01:21:06] Appreciate ya Ender, good to see you by the way man. Hope you're doing well too. come on dad dude oh my bro that aim punch is crazy!
[01:21:29] Whoa.
[01:21:32] Holy shit!
[01:21:35] And he fucking prone down me too.
[01:21:57] Holy fuckin' aim punch. What the fuck?
[01:21:59] Is aim punch a part of normal, Daisy?
[01:21:59] I swear,
[01:22:00] I don't even realize... I don't even notice that's ever
[01:22:01] happened to me before.
[01:22:05] Yeah, are you more near like Cherno
[01:22:07] or Electra?
[01:22:10] Neither at the moment.
[01:22:16] I am... I mean kind of in the middle of both. Do you see me on the map?
[01:22:22] Hitfire's OP on Mata.
[01:22:24] I'm heading to Yellow Card.
[01:22:26] You think he hit fired me there?
[01:22:29] I can wait for you at Yellow Card if you want to head up here.
[01:22:31] Which one are you at, Cherno or Electra?
[01:22:33] I just... Neither, neither.
[01:22:35] I'm in the middle of both.
[01:22:36] Gotcha.
[01:22:38] You know what I'm saying?
[01:22:40] Yeah, yeah, fuck.
[01:22:49] Oh, he's near Cherno.
[01:22:50] Somebody just broke into somebody's house right in front of me.
[01:22:53] There he is. He's broken into somebody's house right in front of me. Oh, there he is.
[01:22:55] He's over here.
[01:22:56] There's a fucking alarm going off.
[01:23:00] That's...
[01:23:00] What do you mean?
[01:23:00] If his alarm goes off, it means they opened the door.
[01:23:03] Of somebody's house, right? Maybe it's somebody's house right maybe something not by the car i'm not
[01:23:07] buying that gillicard i just heard like an alarm happening
[01:23:12] got me oh car alarm where's my asd where's my thing at somebody stealing a car
[01:23:21] there's the red that i was at where's my death?
[01:23:31] There it is.
[01:23:35] Just trying to find this fucking thing. I'm just following this around basically.
[01:23:42] Actually, we'll use this to get a thing real quick first.
[01:23:45] This is the green card room so we're're gonna go kind of probably get a gun
[01:23:48] immediately.
[01:23:52] Feels bad, man. Feels bad.
[01:23:56] Did you die? Oh, you died!
[01:23:59] What the fuck happened?
[01:24:02] I got into a spray fight with somebody and there is...
[01:24:05] It was like massive aim punch. It's pretty crazy.
[01:24:11] Let me see how it goes. massive aim punch. It was pretty crazy. I guess, like, I've never lived that long
[01:24:13] in a spray fight.
[01:24:15] Because normally you get knocked out, y'know?
[01:24:41] ... out you know I just found an Electro.
[01:24:49] Kind of, he spawns me so far away. I don't know if I should be like lo leading houses or not to try and get something to
[01:24:52] defend myself when I get there I just watched a clip of the aim punch, holy fuck!
[01:25:15] Dude, I couldn't like...I could not aim it was tough.
[01:25:19] It felt like I was really trying to pull it back to where it was and I couldn't.
[01:25:28] Yeah...
[01:25:30] The gun was just throwing itself.
[01:25:32] It's all over, bro. I don't know. Shit's crazy.
[01:25:41] This is the craziest aim punch
[01:25:43] I've seen.
[01:25:45] Yeah, like I said it's just kinda...
[01:25:48] It was kind of crazy.
[01:25:51] I never felt that in DayZ but like I said
[01:25:54] I think it's because normally you get knocked out
[01:25:56] at that point.
[01:25:56] You know what I mean?
[01:26:03] Maybe I'm supposed to point fire in there, you know what I mean? Yeah, there's no one coming. so I should just F11 bro, what kind of spawn is this?
[01:26:57] Why would it spawn me all the way over here?
[01:27:00] Sheet.
[01:27:07] No way he runs past us, right?
[01:27:10] Yeah, hell yeah I'm running fast though.
[01:27:15] Like there's a green room inside this?
[01:27:17] Oh there is!
[01:27:19] I didn't know that.
[01:27:20] I wasn't paying attention. Hell yeah! Okay, nevermind we're not running past this.
[01:27:25] Some fleas... Well, I didn't know there was a green there bro!
[01:28:18] Here you go. out so so I actually don't know where this thing is.
[01:28:33] Gem? Okay. Any spots or something? yes Sniper case. Don't be a fucking crossbow.
[01:28:56] Ooh, M4- bruh for brush had an m40 of the case so I'll take rare find.
[01:29:34] You remember how much that fucking beaver thing was yesterday?
[01:29:37] The bobber?
[01:29:38] Uh, 30k.
[01:29:43] It's only 30 yeah I was reading from your chat yesterday when i got a best item in the game fucking you know I'm saying
[01:29:48] this was 30k
[01:29:58] cost the same as a Taser.
[01:30:08] I got a pretty good start with this gun. Keep moving your hands when you run so you can get some fresh air.
[01:30:31] Alright, I'm about to be a yellow card
[01:30:33] i die all this running just running for 20 minutes
[01:30:36] was the lightning my bro i have not gotten into those car rooms without
[01:30:41] really getting into a fight or seeing somebody so just
[01:30:43] be careful someone's gonna be around for this one
[01:30:46] somebody made their fucking house here
[01:30:50] okay let's see what the fuck happens.
[01:30:57] People sell red cards
[01:30:59] at traders if you ask me, I don't know...
[01:31:01] Good thing I'm broke.
[01:31:05] I'm about to fucking die,
[01:31:07] I'm not even peeking
[01:31:08] anything,
[01:31:08] I'm just swiping
[01:31:09] and going.
[01:31:10] If my shit sold today
[01:31:11] I might have like
[01:31:11] 400 bangers
[01:31:12] 500,
[01:31:13] like 400k
[01:31:14] in waiting for me at the uh but then like i don't want to take
[01:31:20] that out until we get like a house you know this bitch is loud as hell.
[01:31:29] I can't even hear anything-
[01:31:31] No, there's people!
[01:31:33] He dead?
[01:31:35] No but they're holding me
[01:31:39] talk your way out of it well, they're holding me from a very far area
[01:31:41] always people
[01:31:43] I'm the fucking trees
[01:31:45] love so much love, brother.
[01:31:51] Yo, what's up, Oguz?
[01:31:52] How you doing, brother man?
[01:31:53] Appreciate the Tanner dude.
[01:31:55] Thank you so much for the score, brother.
[01:31:59] Much love to you too too man. Nice. gotta support your mushroom.
[01:32:05] I got the red card though, even if i die it was worth.
[01:32:13] Oh you got it in the booty?
[01:32:15] Yeah i got it on my ass so...
[01:32:18] We'll be okay
[01:32:19] thanks man appreciate you Oh, heck. Thanks, though, man. Appreciate you.
[01:32:37] Talking in a hyper PvP server. Never know.
[01:32:55] What is this? I up Yeah, there's no talking with this guy.
[01:33:07] He's literally holding me.
[01:33:08] Oh my god.
[01:33:10] He's in the middle of the fucking street, bro. Or in the middle of a fucking street, bro.
[01:33:13] Or in the middle of a fuckin' forest.
[01:33:16] Ohhhh...
[01:33:18] And he's just holding me.
[01:33:21] What?
[01:33:24] I just died through a wall
[01:33:30] I just got shot through a fucking wall
[01:33:34] Cheater maybe shot through a fucking wall
[01:33:37] cheater maybe i mean maybe but it could be decent but that if
[01:33:41] that's desync that's like the most
[01:33:42] disgusting descent i've ever seen in my
[01:33:44] life That's like the most disgusting desync I've ever seen in my life.
[01:33:46] I was fully behind a wall for...
[01:33:49] ...some seconds, bro.
[01:33:52] Fuck it!
[01:33:53] 4-bone 3 starting?
[01:33:54] I have a red card though so we're chillin'.
[01:33:56] You got it?
[01:33:57] I'll take it whatever.
[01:33:58] Can you take a trunospeed?
[01:34:00] Ah yeah. Wait did I? No I took uh... electro.
[01:34:08] You're actually running towards me right now. Yeah, I'm going for the card room over here. I'll go check it. so There is zombies in this mode.
[01:35:00] Yeah, it's just...
[01:35:04] ummm.... way less. Way less.
[01:35:08] They also move slower. They pack up a little bit more though
[01:35:11] but they will affect PvP every once in awhile
[01:35:17] Affect not dictate oh nice Oh, somebody's here.
[01:35:36] That's not me opening it, that's somebody else.
[01:35:39] I'm right...I'm right here too.
[01:35:41] Fuck! They have a big ladder at the top of this. I'm right. I'm right here, too
[01:35:45] Big ladder that's not this yeah Bro Fuck. Oh, I need a gun, bro!
[01:36:02] They're up top, they're up top. All the way up.
[01:36:04] Multiple?
[01:36:06] Nah it's just one.
[01:36:08] Is he still up there?
[01:36:10] Yeah, still up there, still up there.
[01:36:12] Still, top floor, top floor, going down now.
[01:36:17] Can't see AK in his hands.
[01:36:21] He dead.
[01:36:23] Nice shot!
[01:36:25] Alright, I don't see anybody in here
[01:36:27] I'm going up
[01:36:31] You hear that gun bro?
[01:36:33] Holy... Yeah That that guy was crazy.
[01:36:36] That's a fuckin' chunky gun.
[01:36:38] Oh this guy rushed it as well, he knows what I'm thinking.
[01:36:42] Fuck it, we take those.
[01:37:04] ... We take those. Let me see if he left anything and I'm gonna go down. Nope, nothing.
[01:37:05] Going back down.
[01:37:06] We're going to wait for... For the next one. Okay. And um... Oh, nothing. Don't break down
[01:37:08] Wanna wait for 5 minutes or do you wanna dip?
[01:37:12] I have a pistol snipe
[01:37:14] I'm chillin' either way
[01:37:18] We can just go into town and start looting.
[01:37:24] I'm with you.
[01:37:28] Do we have red cards as well, right?
[01:37:29] No. I use it and die.
[01:37:33] Aw fuck. Alright we can get geared up and go red
[01:37:37] Actually we can get geared up, go car rental, rent a car and then go rent.
[01:37:42] I know that you need money though.
[01:37:46] I know we need money but...
[01:37:47] I don't want to pull the money out of my auction house
[01:37:50] until i have a place to store it like we need a base yeah Where do we even meet in all the town just random shot? Okay.
[01:38:23] Rag bench and Need a backpack or something.
[01:38:29] How much does the power run till I actually don't know?
[01:38:37] ... I actually don't know. I think when I play normal survival,
[01:38:39] I'm not gonna get played.
[01:38:41] I'm just going to try and go for something like a defender or something like that.
[01:38:46] What do you mean?
[01:38:47] Get my stamina as high as possible. Actually on New York they actually have increased ammo, so it's fine.
[01:38:55] I don't give a shit. I think we're gonna stand out. That's fine.
[01:38:59] I'm sick of my stamina being low in these games.
[01:39:03] Where do we loot? We just go to the main town?
[01:39:06] I don't even know where we're at, I'll be honest. Electra!
[01:39:08] Oh damn okay...
[01:39:11] Man fuck it, just loot up these houses I need to find a backpack, better shirts.
[01:39:30] I just found one backpack, I do need better clothes now.
[01:39:33] Better militants too.
[01:39:36] Oh I just found a fucking sniper case randomly bro.
[01:39:40] Nice.
[01:39:41] Sniper caaase!
[01:39:42] I'll find a backpack, want to come to me?
[01:39:48] Yeah, this is yours man. Come grab this.
[01:39:50] Bring the backpacks with you.
[01:39:54] Got your Mosin with the scope.
[01:40:15] Oh my god! with the scope. That's for you big dog. Thanks for the motion, buddy.
[01:40:34] Found a backpack which way was this is this bad thing
[01:40:43] oh no it's back just normal that look like a background
[01:40:49] did you say say? About my backpack?
[01:40:51] Nothing.
[01:41:09] That way, that way. Are you a hunter?
[01:41:11] What?
[01:41:13] Are you a hunter? I don't know how to answer that. What do you mean, am I a hunter?
[01:41:15] Is your class
[01:41:17] a hunter?
[01:41:19] I don't know. You can pick classes?
[01:41:21] No! You spawn with a class.
[01:41:23] Man, look at yourself.
[01:41:25] Do you have a hunter key?
[01:41:27] Oh, I don't fucking know.
[01:41:29] I have a Novaya Petrovka key
[01:41:31] and I'm a civilian's key.
[01:41:33] Okay, so you're a civilian's key okay so you're civilian okay okay like an eater
[01:41:41] oh those pants.
[01:41:50] There's a better backpack here if you want it.
[01:41:53] I think I'm okay.
[01:41:54] I have a bag. Got a longhorn......I don't think I need it though. I think i'm okay. I would die.
[01:41:56] Got a longhorn, don't think I need it though.
[01:42:00] Doesn't even come with a side floor cheniton
[01:42:02] that's kinda lame
[01:42:04] Just hold on here and maybe sell it.
[01:42:07] To be honest, I say fuck this thing.
[01:42:11] I'll take the ammo.
[01:42:15] ... You actually get decent loot. You can rather from uh...
[01:42:28] From randomness.
[01:42:30] Yeah yeah yeah.
[01:42:32] Okay somebody's going to that shit. There's a guy outside your building.
[01:42:51] Running towards you.
[01:42:52] Coming in?
[01:42:53] Yo, friendly!
[01:42:54] Friendly!
[01:42:55] Friendly!
[01:42:56] Friendly!
[01:42:57] Friendly!
[01:42:58] Friendly!
[01:42:59] What do you mean, friendly?! Friendly! Friendly? What do you mean friendly? Friendly, friendly, friendly. I got nothing, I got nothing
[01:43:01] Eh whatever
[01:43:03] Oh my god! But did you just spawn out of nowhere?!
[01:43:07] Nah could've just killed you though I been here the whole time
[01:43:11] Remember this man remember this
[01:43:15] I was just going to the fire station
[01:43:17] and y'know get some pray
[01:43:19] Have a good day brother What Go ahead man, have a good day.
[01:43:20] What in the rusts is this?
[01:43:22] He comes back and attempts to kill us...
[01:43:24] It was on you.
[01:43:30] I hate you.
[01:43:32] You are supposed to, okay?
[01:43:43] Alright. I gotta get an armor or shit, bro.
[01:43:45] Let me go to the middle here.
[01:43:56] Got the helmet, needed armor. Maybe a jacket too. so Hmm.
[01:44:15] Hmm.
[01:44:19] Ain't shit.
[01:44:23] Ain't shit here. Main chair. Buckets on helmet
[01:44:42] Sure it is dude
[01:44:43] 60% damage dude 60 damage reduction so You have a crowbar?
[01:45:11] I have an uh, fire axe. No crowbar.
[01:45:14] Think shit even spawn smaller than the PlayStation was put on this server, to be honest.
[01:45:22] That crazy shit.
[01:45:28] Oh, there'm on.
[01:45:28] That was toward the...
[01:45:29] That was a little bit further to the right.
[01:45:30] Oh, okay.
[01:45:31] Okay.
[01:45:32] Okay.
[01:45:33] Okay.
[01:45:34] Okay.
[01:45:35] Okay.
[01:45:36] Okay.
[01:45:37] Okay.
[01:45:38] Okay. Okay. Okay. That's not me. I'm moving towards that.
[01:45:39] Come on. That was almost toward the hospital again,
[01:45:44] maybe fire station? Sounded really close. Yeah, the fire station.
[01:45:48] Alright, I'm coming
[01:46:05] i see him fire stations left to right I'm hard right now.
[01:46:05] I don't see him.
[01:46:07] I've asked. Another one, inside
[01:46:19] he just went through his back door.
[01:46:30] I'm gonna try to look out the backside, see if he can... Hold on, put him across there on. We're good.
[01:46:33] He opened, he's here.
[01:46:36] Dead.
[01:46:42] Trap door opening crossbow boy
[01:46:48] i was gonna have to've got a green card though.
[01:46:57] I've got a yellow card.
[01:47:16] Oh! Atlas, does that mean he's like a premiere player or something? Atlas pass.
[01:47:20] That's no ordinary bucket on Summit's head
[01:47:24] It's one of those
[01:47:33] got some twizzlers does this have an automatic automatic weapon here at the side oh yeah thompson and uh
[01:47:43] there's an ak-74u or the Tom Hiddleston.
[01:47:50] Somebody's opening green. I have no AK bullets. She shoots.45s.
[01:47:52] Looks like he has an AK?
[01:47:54] Yeah, 545-39
[01:47:57] His AK takes 545.
[01:47:59] The A-roll is in his gun.
[01:48:00] I don't think he has more than that though.
[01:48:05] 3 flags right there.
[01:48:07] I think that's for the gun.
[01:48:14] Let me get inside and reload real quick.
[01:48:18] There's someone there! reload real quick.
[01:48:26] Did that guy have an armor on him? No he didn't, really? I have no idea. Oh he did!
[01:48:28] Holy shit!
[01:48:31] Didn't even notice, bro. Didn't even fuckin' notice.
[01:48:33] I did not notice.
[01:48:34] Grab his backpack.
[01:48:35] I mean it didn't even matter.
[01:48:36] I fucking headshot this bitch ass so...
[01:49:24] What's your talk about your guy I think this is about the helmet. so I'm gonna need AK bullets pretty soon, and new fucking clothes. Clothes. Pop me a double shot of that whiskey.
[01:49:30] Put your hands up, pop me. That was scary.
[01:49:39] Is that the kid?
[01:49:40] Yeah.
[01:49:43] What's he saying?
[01:49:43] It was him.
[01:49:46] I don't know. Talking about whiskey or something. Yeah, just saying some Zoomer stuff.
[01:49:48] Some fucking Zoomer shit.
[01:49:50] I have to execute him, I'll be honest.
[01:49:53] It's all good. Okay, I got a little heal now. Syringe heal, use one of the vials to tell me what she has.
[01:50:13] Yeah green syringe probably like like 25% or something like that. Nothing crazy there I imagine. um so so I'm ready.
[01:51:03] You have to go as well, I have no A cable though they got 13.
[01:51:11] actually this is a better bag
[01:51:13] I'm gonna take it just because it looks a little bit cleaner than mine and has the same sludge My tetris skills are disgusting.
[01:51:34] Take this backpack if you need it.
[01:51:38] If yours is better, I don't know.
[01:51:41] It's the same as mine but...... it just looks better so i'm gonna swap I'm good.
[01:51:56] I'll fix this shot.
[01:51:59] By moving that there.
[01:52:04] That's a...I'm good, let's go.
[01:52:08] Alright, where are we headed? Probably north to the yellow
[01:52:12] at this point. Alright, let's do it.
[01:52:15] My marker is yellow. That was where I got killed
[01:52:17] if you wanna go tomorrow
[01:52:19] I'm camping that one
[01:52:23] Oh he means like camping in the forest.
[01:52:25] No, yeah, he's camping IN the forest. As soon as he hears a door...
[01:52:33] You got power-up fully geared. Actually, no.
[01:52:35] Crossbow?
[01:52:37] Right to the left on top of this hill right here.
[01:52:44] One of these houses?
[01:52:50] Yes, sir.
[01:52:53] Green house?
[01:52:55] Yep. He's still for a second.
[01:53:08] Oh, another guy!
[01:53:10] I see him.
[01:53:14] I'm dead.
[01:53:16] I fucked them up a little bit though, he tapped me.
[01:53:19] He's dead?
[01:53:21] Good shit.
[01:53:21] Are you dead-dead or down?
[01:53:22] Yeah yeah, I'm dead-dead there is no down on this.
[01:53:24] Fuck...
[01:53:26] I mean we're pretty close to town. You just want to come back?
[01:53:29] Yeah, sure, I'm back.
[01:53:31] How do I die there?
[01:53:33] No idea.
[01:53:37] I think point firing in these types of servers is going to be way more beneficial.
[01:53:49] I don't know how i die there I think this is your body.
[01:54:06] Which one is yours, bro?
[01:54:10] I have that weird helmet on.
[01:54:13] The color one.
[01:54:16] I'm already close.
[01:54:19] I really didn't have much besides this 8k they didn't even have fucking
[01:54:22] oh this guy didn't even have a mag in it not looking at the right spot I guess he slugged me
[01:54:45] I have no more AK ammo so I'm literally just moosing right now
[01:54:50] that's the worst thing, smoothing is pretty strong
[01:54:53] might as well run to M40 Those worst things pretty sure I might run them 40
[01:54:57] That's my bitch
[01:54:59] The other guys that killed you why yeah, then he should kill me for them forty right there
[01:55:04] Yeah, he did.
[01:55:05] Oh, he definitely didn't fucking aim that shit and he just fucking pointed it at me.
[01:55:07] Oh no! He knows scope dude.
[01:55:09] This scope on this bitch? I'm dropping it.
[01:55:11] Huh.
[01:55:13] Scope on this bitch is crazy hey my friend I heard you had a bit of confusion how
[01:55:19] you died I just wanted to help out basically
[01:55:23] you were killed and people die when they are killed.
[01:55:28] Thank you. Appreciate that.
[01:55:36] Appreciate that.
[01:55:37] The best of the life? Best is ruined.
[01:55:45] ... I don't know when he's done grabbing his shit, but I don't know. so I'm good.
[01:56:26] Um...
[01:56:29] That's cheeses that are running nothing out here get out of here have no ak ammo so
[01:56:31] I'm just moping so I
[01:56:56] Just go
[01:57:03] Little military gonna look nice. We got geared. We could get some fucking armors right now at the key
[01:57:05] Yeah, this is where we got a bunch of shit remember?
[01:57:07] Yeah, here's a look let's go
[01:57:11] It'll be difficult if somebody's close us, I'm hoping this shit will have some nose-dope on them.
[01:57:15] Dead zombie.
[01:57:17] Oh fuck.
[01:57:19] We'll be in this building... yellow building
[01:57:29] i'll see anything through the windows those but
[01:57:45] satchel tough weatherproof strategically designed quick access to your essentials
[01:57:47] Helmet in here
[01:57:49] Can I have some GKs?
[01:57:51] Shit this one looks fucking crazy
[01:57:53] What the fuck, come take this element oh they're a big dog I mean SMG case
[01:57:58] focus you can't we're gonna be kind of like brothers so appreciate your man
[01:58:04] anyway my face I got like orange
[01:58:09] Hey! We looking good
[01:58:27] Oh I just little here is crazy stole rare barter. Tactical windbreaker.
[01:58:31] Actual tactical shirt.
[01:58:34] I might just swap- oop!
[01:58:42] You're looking doofus. Oh shit, fuck your mask. You want some fucking beef hey where you at?
[01:59:00] Oh, you look like they do some targeting.
[01:59:03] Dab-bay-dob!
[01:59:04] Night in a thing or some shit.
[01:59:07] Looking good right now.
[01:59:09] Shadow backpack. Looking good right now.
[01:59:10] I had a backpack.
[01:59:13] I don't think that should do it.
[01:59:13] What the heck? Okay. I don't know if the flies I'm hearing are ambient.
[01:59:26] Yeah, they're...
[01:59:27] Unless you hear them really strong.
[01:59:30] Wait this has no... Does your mask have a problem? you're not really strong
[01:59:31] wait this has no uh does your mask have protection
[01:59:34] when are you gaming yeah i'm swapping back
[01:59:38] you should got nothing oh really man yeah it's a safe in here, da fuck?
[01:59:43] Yo SMG case...
[01:59:45] Gen 3 Monika night vision device for intensifying images
[01:59:47] in low light environment includes mount system
[01:59:51] Yeah I can't have fucking energy.
[01:59:56] Smack-off boots as a knife slot.
[02:00:01] Orca jacket. EP 19? I wonder which one I'm gonna get.
[02:00:13] F9 I got. These are a little cooler looking actually. Oh, look at this vector just chillin here
[02:00:47] This not a V mag? Banshee. I don't have a vector mag, okay Should I take that jacket? Or this? Yeah, I hope that's not too slow. Okay, cool bonus. Lots of slots.
[02:01:38] Damn we really needed uh... We need armor.
[02:01:40] You have no armor?
[02:01:42] No you do!
[02:01:44] Ummm... I just have best
[02:01:46] I just have that best
[02:01:48] 6%? I have no idea uh
[02:01:56] there's a kh9 smg over here and I'm just gonna leave it on the ground.
[02:02:07] Um...
[02:02:11] We're all good, did you get the yellow one?
[02:02:12] Another helmet just like mine, come here.
[02:02:15] You got a new one?
[02:02:18] How can I go in this?
[02:02:24] Where's it at? In the box. Right there. It's a safe.
[02:02:29] Oh, the safe I see you.
[02:02:39] Hi guy, how long have you been up? Went to bed with
[02:02:41] you streaming, you were streaming this morning at 5 AM when I went to work, and now you're here again.
[02:02:49] know, I stick around. Oh this isn... Yeah, I thought this was a zombie.
[02:02:53] It's just a player the whole time.
[02:02:59] I just bought backpacks and my backpack is fucking gone.
[02:03:02] And all of my shit has gone with it.
[02:03:04] Better be behind here or I'm gonna cry.
[02:03:06] It's fucking gone.
[02:03:07] What the fuck?
[02:03:13] Oh!
[02:03:16] I just swapped it over here against this wall.
[02:03:20] All my loot's gone!
[02:03:24] Is that a lot? I know.
[02:03:27] I had play button, fucking a bunch of legendary loot, bruh.
[02:03:31] Motherfucker!
[02:03:33] In the roof maybe?
[02:03:35] I don't see it. Bro!
[02:03:37] Yeah, I don't see it.
[02:03:39] Rip. Okay well...
[02:03:41] rip my fucking lure.
[02:04:02] Alright, I'm going to go to the school and try I guess. I'm down...
[02:04:04] I'm gonna know that I just lost everything.
[02:04:07] Go to the gork, see if we can get some armors on the way.
[02:04:09] Kill somebody for theirs.
[02:04:13] Can you check on the roof or no?
[02:04:15] I looked and didn't see anything up there.
[02:04:17] Oh nothing?
[02:04:18] I don't know how to get up there either so...
[02:04:23] Yeah it's fucking done.
[02:04:26] Alright whatever who cares.
[02:04:28] We'll grab more loot later.
[02:04:29] Yeah we're good. We're? We'll grab more loot later.
[02:04:31] Yeah, we're good.
[02:04:32] We can't even store the money right now.
[02:04:35] Why why?
[02:04:37] You need to like...
[02:04:37] You need a quest in this game.
[02:04:39] Yeah, but don't you have the thing?
[02:04:41] Yeah, it only holds so much. It's not that
[02:04:43] much. Ah okay, okay.
[02:04:45] 300 bangers or something.
[02:04:55] Ugh! I'm tired, Jeff.
[02:04:59] Let me get an energy drink stat. Where are you motherfuckers at?
[02:05:11] I was about to snipe a few people, that was fun.
[02:05:15] Doing a little bit of sniping huh?
[02:05:19] Yeah... so Oh, Deagle. I hope you're okay brother.
[02:05:41] Alright once we start heading up there's going to be a problem if one of us die no dying then we're gonna be traveling for years so I'm sorry, I went to bed at like 6am-ish there.
[02:06:12] We got an energy drink. Um...
[02:06:16] Yeah?
[02:06:18] Oh, hi you!
[02:06:21] Hello guys. How are y'all doing, huh?
[02:06:24] How ya doin', Alice?
[02:06:26] How ya doin', little baby? How you doing little baby? so Almost out of the cans.
[02:06:52] Getting back to the powder. My guy's a Dyson fan. you know
[02:07:16] we are the power Bring on the powder.
[02:07:40] Let's go save her that's good saver I think I like the blue ones and blew some shit blue something the uh... they have a critical flavor like an orange cream
[02:07:46] to do that you know
[02:07:49] indiana
[02:07:51] sp Swedish Fish.
[02:07:56] I thought we were going to see if there was a box where you could get a fucking rat sniper. Alright, alright.
[02:08:00] Alright.
[02:08:28] Those are like little sniper heads. so The face plant flavor is nice. Yeah, I tried it actually.
[02:08:29] Orange cream and the pink lemonade are my favorite by far.
[02:08:31] Blue Razzle's good too.
[02:08:32] Yeah, that's one of them.
[02:08:33] What am I drinking right now? Why am I on... the rest of the and
[02:08:41] sour people pretty good It's gonna be a long ass run. Yeah, it's going to be a long ass run.
[02:09:07] It's gonna be a long trek, brother.
[02:09:09] I have one mag, 30 bullets for this SMG and I have Mosin.
[02:09:13] Mosins all the matters bro.
[02:09:15] Just smash some bitches up.
[02:09:18] I mean i've been hand no scopes so like fuck that. Just sniped some bitches up.
[02:09:21] I mean, I've been hand-nosed scopes so like fuck it.
[02:09:23] You got your crosshair on or what?
[02:09:25] Yeah, I got the crosshair on.
[02:09:31] I ain't gonna lie, I put it on right before I killed that guy at the fire station and if I didn't have it on I probably would've not killed him.
[02:09:36] Yeah, apparently body firing in these servers are super hard so it's like you kinda need to...
[02:09:39] Is the line gunner?
[02:09:41] Yeah, I'm throwing one at them right now.
[02:09:46] We could just skip these when we get like a roll with him and just go ahead and hit this one's uh...
[02:09:49] Alright! I'm setting up.
[02:09:55] We're good.
[02:09:59] I said we just practice with my nose open. Hit every shot. We're good.
[02:10:05] Shit, I would go loud against zombies all the damn time if they fucking didn't sprint at me the same speed I roll.
[02:10:11] I like the slower ones.
[02:10:13] I like the slower ones, too.
[02:10:15] I mean, I would have just melee'd, but
[02:10:17] I lost my fucking fire axe
[02:10:18] to a backpack.
[02:10:21] Yeah, they beat you up.
[02:10:27] Relax little dude.
[02:10:31] What are you doing? I've been told that our energy and our vibes have been better on the server. Is that true?
[02:10:48] Alright, I'll take that as a no.
[02:10:48] Never mind. Okay. so so Oh, sorry.
[02:11:19] I was petting the doggos real quick. What's up?
[02:11:30] You're good. I said our energy and our vibes have been better on this server.
[02:11:38] What do you think?
[02:11:41] I don't even feel anything different.
[02:11:45] Well...I think they've been worse.
[02:11:47] You've been yelling at me more.
[02:11:48] I yelled at you the one time because you didn't clear the house next door?
[02:11:51] Fuck you, I should kill you for that.
[02:11:54] You should kill ME for that!
[02:11:56] Yeah, yeah, you don't want to start this argument again.
[02:12:05] Just clear the house next door now okay? Next time time, you know about it. You learn. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I ran around
[02:12:09] for four minutes while this guy didn't shoot
[02:12:11] one bullet of bait and chomps. And I know not to ever
[02:12:13] leave my position
[02:12:14] while you're clearing. Okay.
[02:12:17] Okay.
[02:12:18] I just killed both of those guys back there and waited for you to come back and get your loot, okay?
[02:12:24] I'm carrying this run.
[02:12:27] Let's go this way, fuck it.
[02:12:28] I was gonna say let's go town- town but... Fuck it! Here we go.
[02:12:36] Isn't there like a- is there a castle? I remember there used to be a castle in one of just parts maybe a little further south of me right now.
[02:12:42] Used to go up and beat that on one of these servers I play in.
[02:12:46] Maybe day 1. I'm pretty happy once I get a helmet and out.
[02:13:03] I'm pretty happy once I get a helmet and
[02:13:04] a chest piece in this
[02:13:05] game, uh, in this
[02:13:06] server, in servers
[02:13:07] like these, you
[02:13:08] know?
[02:13:09] Because if you're
[02:13:10] walking around with
[02:13:10] men, you're dead.
[02:13:12] I mean,
[02:13:13] she would get on ahead
[02:13:13] of 60%, isn't it?
[02:13:15] Yeah.
[02:13:17] Not too shabby.
[02:13:18] Your helmet should be
[02:13:19] exactly the same as mine,
[02:13:20] too.
[02:13:20] Yeah,
[02:13:20] mine's 60%.
[02:13:21] My vest is 60% as well.
[02:13:29] Yes, and my that were 80s there oh okay actually close like eighty thousand or a hundred thousand in the shop
[02:13:33] this shit's crazy Buddha.
[02:13:57] Stop spreading that, you dummies.
[02:14:03] The name of this drink is...
[02:14:05] The company is called Ghost. The drink is... the company's called Ghost.
[02:14:07] The drink is Sour Pink Lemonade.
[02:14:19] See, I haven't even hit one of these doors without dying. Or like getting opposition, I don't think.
[02:14:21] That was my first time hitting a yellow and I got killed.
[02:14:25] But I took the red so it was kind of worth it.
[02:14:28] Also have yellow on me as well. Actually,
[02:14:30] it was gone with my backpack. Oh, never mind.
[02:14:34] You got
[02:14:34] yellow?
[02:14:37] Yeah, I have yellow. Okay, okay. My shit got taken by the mysterious...
[02:14:41] Okay. so so so Not gonna lie, summon armor percent ain't shit. Even spawn set just one tap. You need to only headshot, only legendary armor
[02:15:31] doesn't really...
[02:15:34] It just makes me feel better.
[02:15:35] Okay?
[02:15:36] I mean you should be able to
[02:15:37] no this
[02:15:38] this armor
[02:15:38] should allow you
[02:15:39] to tank
[02:15:40] fucking a sniper shot without dying. allow you to tank a fucking sniper
[02:15:43] shot without dying.
[02:15:46] Hmm?
[02:15:46] Like, not any sniper shot. I don't know if you'd live through
[02:15:48] Mosin. You definitely would live through like a
[02:15:50] 7.62 CZ or CR sniper, um...
[02:15:55] And shit like that and little bits of AK bursts
[02:15:58] You'll take more bullets, you know?
[02:16:04] But actually it's probably insignificant. Are we stopping at this town?
[02:16:06] Is this the town?
[02:16:08] I don't know, but...
[02:16:10] This is the town.
[02:16:12] He was running straight Strike the yellow.
[02:16:15] We can go to this town right now and just
[02:16:16] make sure there's no one running around trying to loot it.
[02:16:19] Oh, fuck. I got no food.
[02:16:22] Everything I had just
[02:16:23] disappeared in my backpack.
[02:16:24] I got Butterfingers Everything I had just disappeared in my backpack.
[02:16:27] I got Butterfingers, I mean......I need something to drink though.
[02:16:31] Got a water bottle here.
[02:16:35] Thank you.
[02:16:39] What the fuck?
[02:16:40] It's a Coca-Cola water bottle?
[02:16:43] I guess so.
[02:16:45] They decided to say it's any fun, Sonny. I guess we're They decided to just say, saying,
[02:16:47] Hey fuck Dasani, I guess we're just gonna put our own
[02:16:49] or something brand new
[02:16:51] Yeah
[02:16:53] What was that Pepsi that owns the
[02:16:55] Who owns Dasani? Dasani it's uh...I mean uh
[02:17:07] speaking one big corporation owns both of them so it it's like alright. They all own each other.
[02:17:17] I don't know how much bigger it can get, what the fuck? Thank you, Crypsis for the first seed.
[02:17:38] I got an armor over here but it's also I must love to score them like that man.
[02:17:42] Watch your head getting bigger for 12 years now thanks for being around since the beginning bro.
[02:17:46] Hey man too many more years we'll see if it grows okay?
[02:18:11] My brain always grow so seems inevitable open up motherfucker is that you Open up, motherfucker!
[02:18:13] Is that you bitch?
[02:18:14] Yeah it was me. I just talked to him.
[02:18:16] What the fuck is wrong with you bro?
[02:18:17] There's a guy's house here. I'm seeing if he's inside.
[02:18:21] Scared me bro.
[02:18:22] That scared you?
[02:18:23] There's some Adidas over here.
[02:18:25] Football...
[02:18:26] Some Yeezys.
[02:18:28] Wear a football on instead of that one.
[02:18:30] Oh but then I can't wear the fucking hammer and all this.
[02:18:33] Easy, Chuck. oh but then i can't wear the fucking
[02:18:41] my name is donald trump and jedi will make sure you won't have to military in taxes in the year 2025 for me and watch it Nice guy! as well.
[02:19:06] Guys, guys,
[02:19:07] guys!
[02:19:09] Shh, shh.
[02:19:13] Hey, Kevin saw a car pass by
[02:19:14] yesterday.
[02:19:16] Try to shoot it.
[02:19:18] There's somebody stealing one!
[02:19:21] Guys, guys, guys!
[02:19:22] Someone said that he has to run all the way down the street
[02:19:25] and around the corner uh to change his mind See what this vision looks like.
[02:19:50] It doesn't even work.
[02:19:53] Night vision is fucking over. You can respawn on your base, huh?
[02:20:02] Yeah.
[02:20:02] But we don't have a base.
[02:20:11] Yeah! Yeah, no. I fucked up hitting the headshot. It's hard to shoot shots on the cars though.
[02:20:15] I definitely fucked up. Maybe I should just spray the car down or something.
[02:20:29] We're almost there, brother. Okay.
[02:20:46] Pick the tire out next time.
[02:20:50] Oh yeah, I guess it's a good idea huh?
[02:21:00] Adel says chill but we ain't everin'. Yeah, we don't always chill.
[02:21:04] I dunno about ain't EVER. I'll have a new webcam now.
[02:21:19] So if you guys are trying to figure that out it is the
[02:21:25] an elgato camera it's a big ass camera from elgato
[02:21:31] uh base cam pro i got that's what's going on
[02:21:41] i actually like it gotta say i got it for the colors and i like the colors that I like on
[02:21:45] the camera and it seems to be
[02:21:49] pretty consistent. You have a cat that sells you cameras. No, no it's uh...
[02:22:07] You guys ever seen Rundown? The Rundown?
[02:22:13] They're searching for it in the other bathroom.
[02:22:15] Hey, something's up.
[02:22:20] Whoo! Almost there brother.
[02:22:23] Almost there man.
[02:22:25] How the fuck did I get hungry again? I'm fat as hell how are you not surviving in a non-no i lost
[02:22:33] i had lost everything i had man and that backpack all my food my essentials
[02:22:50] Fine buddy I'll be fine buddy. Here we go, 800 out.
[02:23:04] Someone's base... Wait, how do I see this?
[02:23:08] I got scared! I got scared.
[02:23:11] You're a big dog. You ain't shit over there man. It's a nice base though.
[02:23:15] It's an high-base though.
[02:23:19] ... so This is not rust.
[02:23:42] But it's definitely a playstyle This is not Rust.
[02:23:46] It's definitely a playstyle on Daisy that's similar to Rust.
[02:23:48] Say it again?
[02:23:50] We really need a fucking car.
[02:23:52] Yeah, listen... These runs are a lot longer when you don't go town to town. That's the thing.
[02:23:56] So we'll run in the next areas? We'll go town to town and see if we can find fights in between.
[02:24:01] I just wanted to really get through this yellow so we can start somewhere else.
[02:24:03] Yeah, I wanna think of something too.
[02:24:09] If you got a crowbar, we could always swoop up and fucking ATM it.
[02:24:13] Yeah, too.
[02:24:14] Yeah, I haven't seen a car by yet.
[02:24:16] I was finding them when I first got on the server and I hadn't seen one in a bit.
[02:24:19] I didn't realize how rare they were. All right, Brother John. Here we go!
[02:24:38] See this is not a bad town to build in.
[02:24:44] Yep. Close to yellow car and fuckin'
[02:24:47] Borco's pretty decent there.
[02:24:49] It's centered up, so we can get through places
[02:24:56] Uh, pistol case there, take that uh Let's get out of this guy. He is already on the tech man.
[02:25:14] Longhorn.
[02:25:16] Longhorn!
[02:25:59] I'm taking whatever so I'm going to try done, I had a pistol case. I just put it in my backpack bucket.
[02:26:38] Oh this one's sketch. Lab doors are opening in five minutes. minutes i don't even know where the door is at over here Oh. Oh, shit. This charcoal powder goes for a fucking lot like a real lot.
[02:26:57] Red key bar.
[02:26:58] I'll take the bobber.
[02:26:59] Yeah, take the bobber.
[02:27:00] Take this syringe.
[02:27:01] I'm going to put something next to it.
[02:27:02] Use that switch.
[02:27:03] Okay.
[02:27:04] I don't know what you're talking about. I think we should go with the red key bar. Yeah, take the bobber. Take this syringe and put something next to it?
[02:27:05] Use that with it.
[02:27:08] Is there supposed to be a 5-7 on the ground?
[02:27:12] That's a 5-7 mag?
[02:27:13] Oh, I have a 5-7...
[02:27:14] Wait! No, that was my last guy.
[02:27:17] Am I 5-7 over Tech 9 here?
[02:27:21] You want my tech nine grab it
[02:27:24] Alright, I'm grabbing this longhorn then.
[02:27:27] Let's see if shotgun pops out.
[02:27:31] Kind of weak being a shotgun case. Got any ammo for the tank? Oh, shotgun!
[02:27:35] How much can you say? I don't think either one of us are using this, so I'm just gonna put it in my bag.
[02:27:38] Have any Tek-9 ammo?
[02:27:40] Uh...
[02:27:43] Yeah here. No there was just in the tech-9 whatever I had in there.
[02:27:48] Oh. You just dropped shotgun ammo little bro?
[02:27:51] Oh yeah I am not taking that.
[02:27:53] Ummm... hold on This place is so sketch, bro. Yeah, we are there.
[02:28:31] There might be some crazy pice in that bush the whole way.
[02:28:35] Let's get the fuck out of here.
[02:28:39] Okay so you want to get to a Radric Orca. I mean bro...
[02:28:44] Actually let's just go north fucking east airfield, be honest with you.
[02:28:48] Fuck it, I'm down.
[02:28:50] Let's hit like this town and then get over there
[02:28:56] All right, let's head out
[02:29:00] Oh you got any food? Nah.
[02:29:03] Extra granola bar or something?
[02:29:05] Nah, we have zero neither
[02:29:09] So get to this next town and find me a yellow
[02:29:11] Yeah yeah Because you have unlimited fucking space I'm gonna find what are you yellow? Yeah, yeah. Yellow, yeah
[02:29:13] You have unlimited fucking sprints
[02:29:15] Your shit goes down that fast bro
[02:29:19] Are you lagging?
[02:29:25] No, I'm running stuff. I'm like that
[02:29:29] Yeah, you know you stand in sales sugar down
[02:29:37] I don't know now move oh my Jesus. I'm moving items just slowly
[02:29:40] I see you now
[02:29:48] Father how the hell did he get over there with the beavers oh bro how did that get ruined my barber yourber is pristine. I'm killing it.
[02:29:57] Got my own bobber.
[02:29:59] Oh shit!
[02:30:01] This guy's dead?
[02:30:03] He's dead!
[02:30:05] There you go. He's dead!
[02:30:14] He sits on his back.
[02:30:16] You fucking killed the bobber. Didn't feed him enough.
[02:30:20] Just didn't feed that motherfucker. My disappointment is immeasurable.
[02:30:34] And the beaver's shrewd.
[02:30:36] Oh, fuck! Find another one we'll get one i just want to get to the lab man just let me get to the lab, man. Just let me
[02:30:49] get to the lab and see it. Want to see what it looks like.
[02:30:57] I'm just trying to see it too bro.
[02:31:00] We make it to red, we get the fucking lab right after.
[02:31:03] I wonder what red...
[02:31:04] Red's definitely gotta get some gear bro.
[02:31:05] Yeah bro there's definitely something good there.
[02:31:07] Reds got to have some crazy shit in it I Do you know how to get to the lab?
[02:31:32] It's a... they have the Xs where you need to go, color based
[02:31:36] on the cards. So yeah, after we put the red card in and collect
[02:31:40] We are going to be looting a blue card and that's
[02:31:43] the blue x is it will be where the labs would be
[02:31:48] just checking for something in here for him uh nothing oh yeah monster energy
[02:31:52] in there
[02:32:00] there's a house down here. Might be a big boy spot, I'll be careful.
[02:32:07] Pistol case, we'll look at it.
[02:32:13] Um... backpack chest piece wire cutter um stuff there's a jacket. You've got one.
[02:32:29] Sorry about the sneeze, Chet.
[02:32:31] Longhorn again? Just gonna take my three weights from that.
[02:32:33] I got this tactical t-shirt, I'm good.
[02:32:38] What is this for? This is for Novaya Petrovka. How far are we from that?
[02:32:43] That's very like way north of this right you see a patrol It's west of us.
[02:33:12] Oh, I see it. Novaya Petrovka
[02:33:16] Okay. I have a key for that. What else do i have? A key for Northwest Airfield, Starry Yar.
[02:33:31] Silenski Firefiery Key. Let's get moving.
[02:33:37] I don't know why my night vision doesn't work. Very confusing.
[02:33:42] I don't even have any. Oh, because I need a battery. Duhhhhhhhhhh!
[02:33:48] Almost got him. Almost gone.
[02:33:55] Just play on night vision for a little...
[02:33:59] I'm on night vision just to tell me if it gets crazy daytime.
[02:34:00] Alright.
[02:34:06] There are some houses here. Look this little brown house looks boarded up.
[02:34:10] This one right next to it is a fucking base.
[02:34:12] Did they base this one up next to it as well?
[02:34:15] I think they did.
[02:34:16] Unless these are random...
[02:34:19] I swear the windows were more
[02:34:20] like open. I guess like open I guess not
[02:34:30] There's a big old base though, there's a bigger baser that I wonder if what they're
[02:34:33] For but I mean probably yellow and red. Red is not that far.
[02:34:35] And then yellow's close by, right?
[02:34:39] There's a fountain down there.
[02:34:41] Locked?
[02:34:45] Fucking locked, huh?
[02:34:47] Weird
[02:34:50] Is there a back door? There is a side door to this isn't it?
[02:34:53] This is somebody's base oh this is what
[02:35:02] okay chest in here Oh, sleeping bag.
[02:35:20] It's an epic. What the hell?
[02:35:22] Look at that backpack has a
[02:35:24] tool belt attached to it.
[02:35:27] You see that?
[02:35:29] Oh, I see it!
[02:35:30] So instead of getting a gun
[02:35:31] It has another tool belt attached
[02:35:33] Yeah yeah yeah
[02:35:35] Let's get out of here
[02:35:37] Where do we go round? Where do we run, where do we run? This way.
[02:35:39] Yeah I wanna catch people fucking
[02:35:41] looting their areas and shit dude
[02:35:43] trying to like you know
[02:35:45] get nails or something outside of this Oh, maybe we should get some water back there at the fountain.
[02:36:06] You have the bottle still?
[02:36:07] I'm good on water.
[02:36:08] I don't know. Me either. But I have a bottle still? I'm good on water.
[02:36:09] I got it.
[02:36:11] Let's just go get this real quick so we don't have to worry about the water. so I don't know if you want her. I'll set up your water. This asshole's not gonna drink out of this bottle
[02:36:58] My bottle
[02:37:00] Hey, Flexi Bear Thanks so much, brother My bottle.
[02:37:05] Hey, FlexiBear! Thanks so much brother! Appreciate you my man.
[02:37:07] I'm glad you like hanging out here dude.
[02:37:09] Big scope off for the night time?
[02:37:12] Yeah it's not that big of a deal Because you can still see when you scope in.
[02:37:13] It's like... Not so fucking dark.
[02:37:15] Alright.
[02:37:26] Oh, chance might throw me off a little bit here now. Look, it's not bad back there.
[02:37:29] Might be helpful to wear the night version though.
[02:37:31] Tom-Tom just wanted to say I'm loving the new schedule. Me and the wife just had our third wedding. Bro, Jiri's losing again.
[02:37:39] He said Pereira relies on shamanism
[02:37:41] and ancestral spirits to win.
[02:37:44] Yeah, Jiri
[02:37:45] is a strong dude. He can take
[02:37:47] some serious shots. He's got an unorthodox
[02:37:50] way of fighting but I just believe
[02:37:51] that Pereira's
[02:37:52] just fundamentally really solid.
[02:37:56] And I don't think any of that fancy shit is going to work on him that well.
[02:38:00] So we'll see. We'll see, man!
[02:38:04] But man, dude he was taking some fucking shots in his last fight
[02:38:08] He didn't even just wearing them. It's crazy. Jerry it is actually crazy. He's got a chin deep
[02:38:14] Tough motherfucker this loving I just wanted say, loving the new schedule
[02:38:18] Me and the wife just had our third kid
[02:38:20] Yo, congratulations, Simbor
[02:38:22] And you're keeping me sane through the long nights
[02:38:25] So she can sleep, dude
[02:38:26] Yeah brother, I'm so sorry, man.
[02:38:28] I'm so sorry. Losing all your
[02:38:30] sleeping shit, but, uh, yeah, thanks for hanging out
[02:38:32] here during it. Thanks for supporting and
[02:38:34] yo, huge congrats to you and the lady again, brother.
[02:38:37] Heck yeah.
[02:38:40] Gee I see you and the lady again, brother. Heck yeah. Jira getting chin-checked
[02:38:41] in the first. Yeah, bro. He's...
[02:38:43] I mean, he doesn't necessarily fight
[02:38:45] without getting hit. Like, he gets hit.
[02:38:46] So when Pereira hits him, we'll see what happens.
[02:38:50] Should be a fun fight though.
[02:38:51] I think it'll be a good fight. I think it could go either way too.
[02:38:54] Alright, you know.
[02:38:55] Just a casual watcher.
[02:39:01] I don't know if you saw
[02:39:02] Pereira's recent footage of him sparring
[02:39:04] a heavyweight boxer.
[02:39:06] He breaks his nose,
[02:39:08] does some good damage to him. Yeah, Pereira's solid bro.
[02:39:11] He's got good head movement too. I was watching a video that was saying
[02:39:15] he's got good head movement but we just don't see it that much in his fights
[02:39:19] But...he does We just don't see it that much in his fights, but he does.
[02:39:26] His style makes him take so many shots, it's insane.
[02:39:28] We're talking about Dicer.
[02:39:29] You're talking about Jiri?
[02:39:31] Yeah. We're talking about Dicer, you're talking about Jiri?
[02:39:38] Yeah it's uh... What the hell is that light over there?
[02:39:40] Wait a second this is a rematch?
[02:39:41] Wait a second they fought a rematch wait a
[02:39:42] second they fought before you know no that's bullshit are you sure
[02:39:46] wait say again do these light it over here where i don't
[02:39:50] see everything lighting up in here.
[02:39:52] What the fuck's going on?
[02:39:53] Like a flare or something, helicopter...
[02:39:55] Oh this is um...
[02:39:56] This is uh...
[02:39:57] The traders.
[02:39:58] Yeah it's the trader spot.
[02:39:59] We need to get the fuck out of here bro.
[02:40:00] I didn't realize we ran into that guy there.
[02:40:01] Should we go sell with us?
[02:40:04] Uh yeah yeah let's, let's go.
[02:40:08] Who cares it's always within proximity.
[02:40:12] See you inside, ready?
[02:40:17] Alright! Perfecto!
[02:40:18] I wanna just put this...
[02:40:20] Because I have a gold key, I wanna throw my fucking
[02:40:23] what's called real fast.
[02:40:24] Oh fuck, I'm extracting! Where am I going?
[02:40:26] You're just going to this trader post right here.
[02:40:27] Oh a trader...
[02:40:30] Wait you could talk in this?!
[02:40:31] Aw shit.
[02:40:33] It's like a little social thing.
[02:40:35] I'm gonna sell my charcoal powder, I think, again.
[02:40:39] This guy is my teammate. Yeah yeah he's my teammate. I'm just gonna look in there.
[02:40:54] Oh,
[02:40:55] I can't put the keys
[02:40:56] in that's why...
[02:40:57] Mmmmm. Fuuuck. You have a red keycard in the right spot, though.
[02:41:14] That's not good.
[02:41:16] I can't keep keycards here either. Yeah got one in the spot we're chillin
[02:41:22] anything else I want to say no I don't think so I wanna sell the sleeping bag Alright, and I'm gonna put the one- grab the bag.
[02:41:43] And then I'm going to put these down to show you the ones that I grabbed.
[02:41:57] Yeah so everything you saw just try to get your little bit more load out going and then we're good.
[02:42:02] I want to buy those.
[02:42:05] How much do you want?
[02:42:09] Sorry, it's all these right here.
[02:42:20] Let me see what my listings...
[02:42:22] I wonder if mine sold.
[02:42:27] Zero listings.
[02:42:30] So,
[02:42:31] I'm pretty sure
[02:42:31] how do I... Okay okay if i have no listings where does my money go if it sells Sales?
[02:42:46] POP Riot? Where you gonna see it?
[02:42:50] Nah, that's how much money I have on me.
[02:42:53] Where ya gonna see sales? Oh, sales! No, that's how much money I have on me.
[02:42:54] Oh, sales.
[02:42:56] Yeah, look at that.
[02:42:57] Oh my lord.
[02:42:58] Yeah, I have 500 grand sitting in
[02:43:01] my auction house right now
[02:43:04] because i sold
[02:43:06] a homemade i sold a home a homemade breaching charge which is like a c4 for
[02:43:10] doors and shit for 460k
[02:43:18] wait whatever you sold a briefing truck Wait, wait. Are you talking about a breaching truck of 460k?
[02:43:22] That's how much they fucking cost?
[02:43:27] Yeah Oh my god!
[02:43:31] I need anything else, I don't... Oh no! I'll drop some of these because apparently someone's gonna hold onto one. I don't want to chat just put this in storage or check that's fucking happen
[02:43:53] man oh yeah box on a different area as you.
[02:43:59] Just keep talking.
[02:44:02] If I need food is what I eat and I'm good.
[02:44:08] I don't think there's much to improve on my gear at the moment, chat.
[02:44:10] With the current money we got.
[02:44:12] So I think I'm just going to kick it on this.
[02:44:14] Obviously, we can do better.
[02:44:18] But I'm just going to save this dollar and throw it in the thing actually bro my i'm just gonna save this money I am. I just realized that i've been watching you play for 11 years almost half of my life
[02:44:35] Love the daisy streams bro, thank you for all the good times
[02:44:40] Thank you Silvus Godwin Loud bastard you for all the good times
[02:44:41] loud bastard well let me read that brother man give
[02:44:46] me two seconds like that two segundos
[02:45:01] damn i just realized that
[02:45:02] I've been watching you for 11 years.
[02:45:04] Almost half my life.
[02:45:06] Love the days these streams are out.
[02:45:07] Thanks for all the good times.
[02:45:08] Yo man,
[02:45:08] you do not gotta be dropping 50 bucks though.
[02:45:11] Motherfudger.
[02:45:11] Yo, thank you so much man. I i appreciate it guys can get some onesies in
[02:45:13] the chat for himself some love 50 bones is a lot thank you brother man i appreciate
[02:45:18] you sir and thank you so much for being around for so long brother hey many more
[02:45:22] years chilling together thanks
[02:45:23] for keeping up thanks for continuously coming back and you know anyways still making sure that
[02:45:28] you know we're still streaming this year but thanks brother oh yeah no worries man thank you boom
[02:45:37] and i'm done doing what i have to do i'm waiting for the spot not the spot but at the heli let me just make sure i'm good here so I'm probably not going to do any upgrades.
[02:46:13] I'm literally saving all this
[02:46:14] dollar for us later.
[02:46:16] I have like 70 bangers I'm literally saving all this dollar for us later.
[02:46:23] I have like 70 bangers saved, and then 500 in the thing so if we wanna just get stupidly decked out...
[02:46:28] I don't even know what this is for. Weapon cleaning patches? The fuck's this go for?
[02:46:34] Might be able to sell sleeping bags too, actually on the Auction House I put my...I put my sleeping bag away
[02:46:36] I think I put it away, but I don't remember.
[02:46:38] But I looked and couldn't find it.
[02:46:46] 20.
[02:46:51] 20. Alright, um...
[02:46:55] It didn't sell it.
[02:47:00] Maybe I have too many sails? Or, I don't have enough money to...
[02:47:02] Oh, yeah. I need to pull my thing out as well.
[02:47:04] Actually, we're gonna fucking think now.
[02:47:06] Let's go.
[02:47:08] Alright, I'm good to go in here
[02:47:11] Oh, I ate two full crunch bars and my shit still going down
[02:47:23] The food and water in this lasts for a really long time. Yeah but I'm E&E'ing like...and I'm just not gaining anything.
[02:47:26] You have money? Come back to the trader bro.
[02:47:28] You have all my money.
[02:47:32] We'll be able to find you then.
[02:47:34] What are you at? White?
[02:47:35] Yellow.
[02:47:36] Yellow food after you ate two grams of rice?
[02:47:38] Yeah, exactly. I don't know what's going on.
[02:47:47] Are we at different traders?
[02:47:52] Tell Noddy that food and drink does not go up or down in Safe safe zone. It does, though.
[02:47:52] Are you so I ain't this bitch?
[02:47:55] No, that's not true.
[02:47:56] I'm sitting here gaining it off a fountain
[02:47:57] in the safe zone right now.
[02:47:59] Okay.
[02:48:04] Now come back to the trading post. Good, I just need a buy a little more.
[02:48:12] Oh! right next to you?
[02:48:18] I'll just buy the food there.
[02:48:24] What would it be under?
[02:48:27] Where do you buy the food from?
[02:48:29] Not the same vendor, just food section.
[02:48:34] Balloons are sellable, that's why.
[02:48:40] We got shit food here dude.
[02:48:54] Oh! trade me do the helmet first.
[02:48:57] Put that back in place.
[02:48:59] Waste the die, back off!
[02:49:03] Alright.
[02:49:05] I'm just gonna fuck outta here.
[02:49:07] Then we eat.
[02:49:09] I don't even hear.
[02:49:15] Here you go.
[02:49:27] Thank you. here you go all right got it thank you your little food cost us a lot of quests, man.
[02:49:44] We don't feel like it.
[02:49:48] Do them another time. all right i'm good play roll we out this so Alright, I'm getting out of here with him.
[02:50:38] Alright, um... where are you, where am I?
[02:50:47] I have no clue.
[02:50:48] Where am I?
[02:50:51] You're fine brother.
[02:50:52] We were right around the area and just where...
[02:50:55] Yeah I just don't see myself on the map.
[02:50:58] Oh wait what?
[02:51:01] Whatever mate whatever!
[02:51:19] I see you running in the field. We should be good on food and water. And we're gonna hit the red card, man!
[02:51:21] We about to die now!
[02:51:22] Our run's about to be done!
[02:51:23] Our runs about to get clapped up Uh, Ralatoes.
[02:51:45] They've been banning sectors from the other side
[02:51:48] service and that's that's always nice but uh...
[02:51:52] yeah i don't really expect to get super organic in play expected it's a few
[02:51:56] people some funP, have some fun.
[02:52:00] I should've grabbed the quest Kill 10 Players. Okay, I'll get that next time.
[02:52:02] Okay.
[02:52:30] Okay. so I see a guy. Southeast, right to left.
[02:52:32] I see him.
[02:52:34] You blasted?
[02:52:36] Not yet.
[02:52:38] I'm ready when you are.
[02:52:40] Uh... now! Back to him or you hit him? Uh, no.
[02:52:42] Cracked? Yeah, or you hit him?
[02:52:43] Someone's hit, yeah.
[02:52:45] Not get... didn't get him.
[02:52:48] Any other?
[02:52:58] No! You don't need her? Damn it.
[02:53:00] I thought he was... Not getting him?
[02:53:03] He's behind this tree over here.
[02:53:05] Is he medding now?
[02:53:08] Behind the tree, 120 down.
[02:53:12] You hit him?
[02:53:14] No, he's alive.
[02:53:17] I'm putting more bullets in.
[02:53:20] Let's just be honest we've made a lot of noise this time.
[02:53:23] He's getting away.
[02:53:25] Woo! Picked that tank huh?
[02:53:27] Damn he fucking tanked those shots holy shit.
[02:53:29] Yeah he hit twice I think he may have gotten the heal off before the second one hit him.
[02:53:33] Yeah maybe.
[02:53:37] Damn.
[02:53:38] Okay. Motherfucker.
[02:53:50] ... You either tanked two motion shots or a.308 and a motion shot. Yeah, one of the two still tanks two fucking shots!
[02:53:54] I mean that's what you're saying with you should be able
[02:53:57] to take their fucking sniper shot right like yeah if we get hit and the same in
[02:54:01] the same scenario like that and we just instantly die, I'm fucking breaking.
[02:54:09] He just took two shots.
[02:54:11] Yeah, be careful.
[02:54:13] He actually might be going towards this red car.
[02:54:16] Might be going for the red.
[02:54:17] Looks like he just spawned out of safe zone.
[02:54:19] It's my boyfriend's birthday today,
[02:54:21] He's been watching for years.
[02:54:23] Can you wish him a happy birth?
[02:54:25] Happy Birthday! Happy birthday.
[02:54:28] Happy birthday.
[02:54:29] I don't know his name,
[02:54:30] I just know your name.
[02:54:32] Wolfie, thanks for the fiber,
[02:54:33] I appreciate it.
[02:54:33] Tell the dude I said happy freaking birthday
[02:54:35] and hope it's a good one.
[02:54:36] Thank you so much.
[02:54:37] There's a guy right in front of me on the road, right side
[02:54:41] I don't see him because these bushes like he's right in front of me right side right where i'm running.
[02:54:55] May have gone into this barn, yeah it did.
[02:54:57] I missed. I'm so bad. Oh, fuck.
[02:55:00] He's outside left!
[02:55:04] Run back in? I'm dead.
[02:55:18] Oh no.
[02:55:18] I killed him too.
[02:55:21] Yeah, he's dead.
[02:55:22] He was a teammate,
[02:55:22] I think.
[02:55:22] I love trading!
[02:55:25] I love it, Daisy.
[02:55:27] Oh my god.
[02:55:29] Oh man!
[02:55:30] We were right here too too bro. You die? No no I'm saying you died, bro
[02:55:37] We're right here right next to the car big dog
[02:55:43] I miss an easy headshot on that guy too.
[02:55:49] Alright so how are you playing this?
[02:55:52] Keep going red card car do your thing
[02:55:55] i think i'm all the loot though bro i'm at the end of my rope on daisy chat
[02:56:00] bro it's like
[02:56:03] fights like that are absolutely dog shit.
[02:56:13] I just think those fights are so poor.
[02:56:21] They're just so fucking poor.
[02:56:24] The fights in this game are just not good, dude.
[02:56:25] Just not good.
[02:56:27] Hi baby doll! What's going on? Hold on.
[02:56:31] Oh, those guys
[02:56:31] don't even have anything.
[02:58:03] ... anything so so so so so uh I'm eating. I think I want to move past DayZ chat. I wanna play something else tomorrow, maybe.
[02:58:08] Imma be honest bro, the combat in this game is just really fucking shit tier.
[02:58:13] The amount that you trade in close quarters combat...
[02:58:16] Fucking dumb.
[02:58:19] Mm-mm-mmm
[02:58:44] Mm-mm-mm um I think we over this shit.
[02:58:52] It is... You trade 80% of your close range fights, as I do
[02:58:53] and it's absolutely dog shit.
[02:59:33] Um... um so I think Daisy's done, guys. It's like we've reached a point where it's...
[02:59:35] When you reached a point where it's...
[02:59:39] When you reach a point where I'd rather play Tarkov We're not at a good point. like combat wise comparison dude dude. It's just night and day.
[03:00:01] It's just night and fucking day.
[03:00:06] I don't even know if you can trade on Tarkov.
[03:00:14] And that's an extraction shooter, bro.
[03:00:15] Like... You have an open world zombie game
[03:00:18] where you spend upwards of like three to fucking eight hours on some
[03:00:25] run sometimes and your close quarters has that bad, the the net code is so here you basically can
[03:00:32] barely get into a close quarter fight without trading Now that's acceptable on a game that is considered a survival game and you're supposed to survive for as long
[03:00:53] as you can the trading is absolutely insane if
[03:00:58] that's a thing Ha! What the fuck?
[03:01:08] Aw, man. How shit-cheeked can you be
[03:01:18] like how shit tier can you be that's bad shh let's grab so And we're just going on the planet.
[03:01:53] Nice! We're just going to plant it. Nice.
[03:01:58] Another thing that they should have done a long-ass time ago in this game is
[03:02:00] make point firing a lot more inaccurate.
[03:02:03] I'm very, very surprised
[03:02:04] at how fucking good it is compared to ADSing.
[03:02:07] And now that is kind of fucking crazy.
[03:02:14] But whatever man, who gives gets a fucking I think.
[03:02:19] Not to be dipping on this shit anyways.
[03:03:10] ... so so so chat name me another game where you trade as often or more than you do in DayZ. Is there one?
[03:03:13] I'm trying to think of some where you trade a lot.
[03:03:23] Cod, you can trade in cod.
[03:03:26] Halo?
[03:03:28] Can you trade in halo? Oh yeah, with melees and shit like that
[03:03:36] well there's mailers involved but can you trade from shooting each other? I don't think so.
[03:03:45] Can you shoot-trade each other in Halo?
[03:03:51] I don't think so. Oh, you can? Really?
[03:03:55] It's gotta be pretty not that often
[03:03:57] that it happens.
[03:04:01] I don't think so.
[03:04:04] Guys,
[03:04:04] I'm talking like
[03:04:05] 80 to 90%
[03:04:06] of your close range fights
[03:04:07] you're going to be
[03:04:08] trading with each other
[03:04:09] even if you don't
[03:04:09] trade lives
[03:04:10] you're going to
[03:04:11] trade knockouts right?
[03:04:12] You're going to
[03:04:13] maybe kill him he's going to knock knockouts, right? You're going to maybe kill him.
[03:04:14] He's going to knock you out, something like that.
[03:04:16] It's constant.
[03:04:17] There's never a time where you're going to lean a fucking corner,
[03:04:20] shit on a guy that knows you're there, it's holding it,
[03:04:22] and you're going to be able to just out-aim him without you taking anything.
[03:04:24] You know what I mean? It's just not going to happen.
[03:04:28] Especially with the point fire bullshit being as accurate as it is.
[03:04:34] I'm really surprised they've never changed that. so Try using Pointfire without your Crosshair software.
[03:05:04] Well, here's the thing Billy Jack.
[03:05:06] So if i do that
[03:05:09] that doesn't mean that the person i'm fighting against is going to do that
[03:05:12] does it so yeah it would be harder to do absolutely without a crosshair but yeah nobody is
[03:05:21] doing that it's not an enforceable rule on servers so you are absolutely going
[03:05:27] to run into people who will fucking be using it.
[03:05:29] So make it harder for yourself so that it's easier for others?
[03:05:33] I don't know about that one, brother.
[03:05:37] You see how your logic doesn't make any fucking sense because you didn't think it through long enough, brother? so Oh, right spot.
[03:06:03] There's a green spot down here on the green card?
[03:06:05] No, yellow.
[03:06:07] Maybe Gander...
[03:06:13] Where the fuck?
[03:06:14] Oh, that's over there.
[03:06:14] Okay.
[03:06:16] That's one already hit, right?
[03:06:20] There's a prison island.
[03:06:21] Has one. I don't think...
[03:06:23] I feel like I'm not gonna find anybody over here, though.
[03:06:25] Maybe? It might just be loot period
[03:06:27] though. Might just
[03:06:29] be loot period, get some armors
[03:06:31] there's a bridge you don't gotta swim one up so so. Thank you. so I need your armor.. so so I got the lab scars.
[03:08:45] Yeah, let's go!
[03:08:47] We're fucking good. That means it? Fuck, that doesn't mean ammo box Okay, only 14k away. I'll be there shortly.
[03:09:28] Alright big dog. Easy. I'm worth. Oh no, sorry. Is the weed stuff worth taking?
[03:09:41] 40k? It's like a little block, right?
[03:09:45] 2x2.
[03:09:49] Nah, just leads.
[03:09:53] ... needs so so I'm sad right now chat.
[03:10:41] Just sad.
[03:10:43] Just dying so many dumb ways in this game. Ray, are you actually on the way by the way?
[03:10:55] Are you coming?
[03:10:56] No.
[03:10:57] I'm close here, man.
[03:11:00] You gotta do your thing. You gotta do your thing basically at this point.
[03:11:08] ... so 42 in the back slot. Let's go.
[03:11:27] I mean, I'm not trying to go to lab by myself big dog.
[03:11:35] What do you mean man andy oh bro we should both experience that
[03:11:47] i'll get there on these days it's not that big of a deal bruce I've played Rearm before, I was just trying something different.
[03:12:09] Just trying something different, I like Rearms.
[03:12:13] They both feel similar.
[03:12:23] I don't think he understands how long it would take to run down the stairs.
[03:12:27] Probably 40 minutes.
[03:12:33] Really like getting armor here. I'm going to go ahead and get this guy. so so um um so
[03:13:52] well now nothing Come on now, nothing?
[03:14:01] Almost got rid of the whole thing. The doctor get up, The nurse out there, man. Yes! uh so so so so damn ain't shit I I need racing in the foreseeable future.
[03:15:29] Yeah, of course.
[03:15:31] I gotta hit my brother up and actually do some shit.
[03:15:34] Um...
[03:15:34] Haven't in a little while.
[03:15:37] Haven't done simracing in a little while. Haven't done sim racing in a bit. so so I'm gonna get slapped in the last ten minutes.
[03:16:13] That's fine, I'm kinda being bored right now.
[03:16:18] Kinda bein' a little bored.
[03:16:22] That last fight kind of, like, annoyed me
[03:16:24] enough that I'm, like...
[03:16:26] kind of
[03:16:27] come to the realization that
[03:16:32] then i realize stuff you know
[03:16:36] realizing that i'm realizationing visualization so Eh.
[03:17:14] I'm realizing certain things about DayZ that will just,
[03:17:18] will never really get better and are just things you have to accept
[03:17:21] and it's things that I don't like these things that i just don't really like
[03:17:24] then i don't deal with other games so i know you guys are saying like
[03:17:27] every single shooting game in existence you can trade some
[03:17:31] if not that's absolutely...
[03:17:35] Yeah, I'm not talking about just straight up.
[03:17:37] I'm not talking about stupid trades.
[03:17:39] I'm talking about straight gun vs. gun trading is not that common across FPSbs games in my opinion but across daisy
[03:17:46] come on let's be real here daisies close range combat it's very common to
[03:17:51] trade very very common there are some games
[03:17:54] that are common i can't really remember them.
[03:17:59] But in this game...I just can't believe it's been acceptable for this long of a period of time
[03:18:05] That on such a-a time that on such a game
[03:18:06] that takes so much time
[03:18:08] Oh my god, bro.
[03:18:09] You would simply be able to trade
[03:18:11] in a close-range combat fight like that.
[03:18:16] I just don't...
[03:18:17] I can't get on board with that ball sack basically.
[03:18:20] That's just dude, that's just f***ing sh**t. Halo you can trade? Nah.
[03:18:32] You're not shoot trading often in Halo, very rare
[03:18:36] but you can trade with melees and a couple often in Halo. Very rare.
[03:18:39] But you can trade with melees and a combination of
[03:18:41] shooting, you can trade with grenades, there's tons
[03:18:43] of ways to trade. But I'm talking
[03:18:45] about one-for-one
[03:18:46] trading while shooting.
[03:18:50] Specifically.
[03:18:52] You know what I'm saying?
[03:18:54] Shoot trading
[03:18:55] doesn't happen
[03:18:58] often in shooting games,
[03:19:00] in my opinion.
[03:19:00] With my experience,
[03:19:01] I've played shit
[03:19:02] tons of shooting
[03:19:02] games.
[03:19:03] DayZ's the
[03:19:05] number one game
[03:19:06] that I can think
[03:19:07] of that has
[03:19:07] the most trades
[03:19:08] in it when
[03:19:09] it comes to
[03:19:09] just raw shooting. Can think one that has more
[03:19:20] gears maybe okay no halo halo's not Gears, maybe? Okay.
[03:19:21] No, Halo...
[03:19:22] Halo's not a trade game.
[03:19:24] No.
[03:19:24] You can trade with melees and shit?
[03:19:27] Sure.
[03:19:27] I don't give a fuck about that, though.
[03:19:29] Like, yeah, you do trades in that game a lot because of
[03:19:31] that but i'm talking just shooting period
[03:19:36] no you don't you don't trade in pubg either with just shooting
[03:19:40] no i'm pretty sure you don't trade
[03:19:42] with shooting in pubg correct me if i'm wrong on that but i'm
[03:19:46] pretty damn sure you don't
[03:19:50] call of duty you guys trading cod nah Call of Duty? You guys trade in COD?
[03:19:52] Nah, bullshit.
[03:19:55] No you don't trade in fucking PUBG bro.
[03:19:58] No you don't.
[03:19:59] If you said yes to that...
[03:20:01] Well, you're just pulling fucking shit out of your asshole.
[03:20:03] What do you want me to do about that?
[03:20:06] Rust!
[03:20:20] Either way, these games that you're thinking of chat are not even close to the same level of the amount of trades that you have happen with just shooting in DayZ.
[03:20:25] They're not even close!
[03:20:33] Apex, you trade a lot.
[03:20:36] Yeah? Okay, you trade just via guns in apex?
[03:20:44] Okay... As much...
[03:20:49] No, no way. Barely.
[03:20:51] Lies.
[03:20:53] Wall, no. No way.
[03:20:55] I don't think there is a game...
[03:21:03] Like I said, very rare.
[03:21:05] If it ever trade in rock anymore r.i.p yeah i don't i don't there
[03:21:13] i don't think there is a game where you trade as much as DayZ. I
[03:21:18] really don't, i think this is the game where you trade
[03:21:22] the most
[03:21:26] i think the only more trading we got going on than that is the stock market or whatever
[03:21:30] the fuck dude, you know what I mean?
[03:21:31] But when it comes to video games...
[03:21:33] Damn, you was goin' far huh?
[03:21:34] I'm pretty damn sure.
[03:21:37] Pretty damn sure.
[03:21:40] That it's not even close.
[03:21:43] You know what I'm saying?
[03:21:45] Pretty damn sure.
[03:21:46] If I grab these sleeping bags and leave them, I'm not even sure...
[03:21:49] What if they sell?
[03:21:52] I just died to the dumbest shit ever, man.
[03:21:53] Very unfortunate.
[03:21:54] Wait, what happened?
[03:21:56] I got the lab card and I was just being camped so like
[03:21:58] it makes a big loud sound
[03:22:00] and then like every everybody in the airfield
[03:22:03] was just holding me so i um i like took a shot at one guy hit him and then there's another
[03:22:09] guy trying to bait me to take another shot at him and then there's another guy trying to bait me to take another shot at him
[03:22:12] and then there's another guy
[03:22:14] so there are three people basically holding me up in this tower
[03:22:18] I get an angle inside the building
[03:22:20] wait for them to push because they start pushing that
[03:22:22] runs in the building I start shooting the entire game fucking lags I'm dead so
[03:22:30] you know how like when the big...
[03:22:32] When the big...
[03:22:33] Like, when your running and a big base is near
[03:22:35] And then you get that like stutter
[03:22:38] That's what I got bro
[03:22:41] And i got a fucking
[03:22:44] I was listening to the fuckin' back-seaters who swapped my angle
[03:22:46] that I was in, and it turned out
[03:22:48] to be a shittier angle.
[03:22:50] It is shit game design.
[03:22:52] What? Yeah, feel like the lab fucking got a little bit of help.
[03:22:54] Yeah, I wonder this chat...
[03:22:56] Hear me out on this one.
[03:22:57] Did you trade just as much?
[03:22:59] Yeah, I guess you would have.
[03:23:01] You traded just as much in Arma 2 didn't ya?
[03:23:06] And the search restarted.
[03:23:08] W. And it just leaked
[03:23:09] to fucking... Okay, alright. Yeah, I did.
[03:23:12] I legit don't
[03:23:13] think there's another game out there where you trade more than in DayZ.
[03:23:22] I don't think so.
[03:23:31] Nah, not Hunt Showdown. That's bullshit. I played the shit out of that game.
[03:23:33] That's bullshit.
[03:23:44] Nah... You trade all the time and hunt.
[03:23:47] Len! What are you talking about?
[03:23:50] I play the shit out of hunt.
[03:24:15] No, you fucking don't. That is not a common occurrence!
[03:24:17] I played the shit out of that game.
[03:24:21] I don't even remember
[03:24:22] trading with anybody. Nah, bro.
[03:24:39] I don't believe that unless you're...
[03:24:41] Unless it's like a circumstance or something
[03:24:43] Like you shoot a bow and arrow
[03:24:44] And then he blasts you
[03:24:45] Or something like that
[03:24:46] Maybe
[03:24:48] I don't see you guys shooting each other
[03:24:53] And killing each other with a bullet. It happens a lot.
[03:25:03] Bro, nah bro
[03:25:04] you guys are bullshitting
[03:25:05] Nah
[03:25:06] I don't believe you
[03:25:06] Nah
[03:25:07] I don't believe that
[03:25:08] for a fucking second
[03:25:09] Cause
[03:25:10] I've played the shit
[03:25:11] out of that game.
[03:25:13] Trades don't happen often, if ever!
[03:25:20] What? Nah bro, nah you guys are bullshitting.
[03:25:42] When you played Hunt with Hutch and stuff he traded all the time
[03:25:45] you just got picked back up most of the time nah that's bullshit no that's
[03:25:51] bullshit
[03:25:54] that's all bullshit there's never there's not a time where I'm like, yo, I got him but he got me too.
[03:25:59] I don't ever remember making that call out on Hunt ever. ever Maybe melee versus shotgun?
[03:26:18] Maybe.
[03:26:19] Straight up gun to gun, you're not trading.
[03:26:24] Shotgun maybe?
[03:26:32] Nah bro. Nah. shotgun maybe no bro nah you guys are tripping yeah we're gonna go play it right fucking now not yet cuz I need to prove
[03:26:37] this that you guys are This is a load of shit!
[03:26:40] You don't trade that often in fucking Hunt.
[03:26:43] I played the fucking shit out of this game.
[03:26:45] You don't trade that often and everyone's talking out of their asshole right now,
[03:26:49] just because they wanna have an answer.
[03:26:51] That's honestly what's going on here.
[03:26:54] You guys just want to have an answer
[03:26:56] to the question.
[03:26:59] So you're just coming up with some bullshit? Nah, this game... You do not trade
[03:27:03] in this game very often. Just straight-up gun to gun battle.
[03:27:08] You guys are losing it, dude.
[03:27:13] Like honest to god you guys are like...
[03:27:15] You guys are tripping balls.
[03:27:19] You never trade in hunt because you never kill anyone, Keck.
[03:27:22] Thank you for the donate.
[03:27:27] Nah dude it's maybe Gears of War or something like that but...
[03:27:32] You guys are absolutely in trip land bro. If you think Hunt Showdown
[03:27:34] fucking gun to gun trades are happening
[03:27:36] commonly bro, you're fucking out of your mind
[03:27:38] You guys are just looking for an answer at this point We're gonna go find out right now.
[03:27:58] We're gonna go find out right now. I can't stand the thought of this
[03:28:03] Being a little far
[03:28:05] This is Planet Liquidity
[03:28:18] This is Planet Liquidity They have gone into this bar and he did. Inside, inside, inside!
[03:28:19] Yeah I absolutely missed that cyber shot.
[03:28:20] We used reverse psychology boys we got him on hunt.
[03:28:23] This game sucks bro I actually hate this
[03:28:25] game, so...
[03:28:27] We're just gonna go test it. I just think that
[03:28:29] everybody's talking out of their fucking asshole.
[03:28:32] To be honest with you.
[03:28:33] Because like I said, I've played this game for how many hours now?
[03:28:35] 187 hours.
[03:28:36] I don't even remember trading with people.
[03:28:39] Unless it's like melee shotgun or something like that.
[03:28:42] Like the circumstances have to make sense
[03:28:44] but I'm not just like shooting a guy from distance and or
[03:28:47] like not even distance just mid-range shooting and we both shoot each other at the same time
[03:28:51] and both die like nah that's just not happening you're crazy
[03:29:07] there's no way and if it does happen there's no way it's common.
[03:29:11] Bleeding?
[03:29:11] Who gives a fuck
[03:29:12] about the bleed trade?
[03:29:13] I don't give a fuck
[03:29:13] about that.
[03:29:14] I'm talking straight up
[03:29:15] netcode fucking
[03:29:16] shooting versus shooting no after effects no none of that
[03:29:20] straight up bam bam you guys both instantly die you both boom shot each other in the face
[03:29:26] you both fell over okay i? I don't fucking see that
[03:29:29] happening. Shotguns maybe
[03:29:31] shotgun to fucking melee
[03:29:33] maybe- You guys are trippin' if you think
[03:29:35] your midrange shooting each other from
[03:29:37] fucking distance or like for from mid-range with
[03:29:40] single tappers and you're both tapping each other.
[03:29:42] Like no, that's not happening in this game.
[03:30:03] Okay. That shit's not happening. I've been holding on for life
[03:30:09] You've seen me play DayZ and trade with people a hundred times. I'm gonna go play a few games of hunt showdown and we'll see if i trade
[03:30:13] with anybody okay Yeah, look...
[03:30:25] By the way this game sucks. Okay? I'm not saying that
[03:30:29] I even wanna play this but I do want to find out who the is right here because
[03:30:33] i'm blown away that i don't remember trading in this game that often at all if any
[03:30:41] but i can remember 30 000 times i traded the daisy so
[03:30:45] i'd really like to see this comparison This game sucks, bro.
[03:30:56] This game's got...
[03:30:59] The shotguns are absolutely dogshit
[03:31:00] in this game
[03:31:01] and some of the
[03:31:04] one specific
[03:31:06] Uh ability is absolute dog shit in game breaking this game. In my opinion. That's why I don't play anymore
[03:31:12] I fucking hate this community too. They all fucking hate me, so it's all dog shit.
[03:31:25] I'm not even gonna go into their game category.
[03:31:27] We're just gonna sit in there and just chatting while we figure this out. oh. do you trade 80 of your fights in close quarters and daZ. Like, that's where I'm at.
[03:32:11] Yeah,
[03:32:11] that's about it for my experience.
[03:32:14] Like, don't get
[03:32:15] close to motherfuckers.
[03:32:24] ... I'm sure that this is gonna trade just as often. I can't wait.
[03:32:31] I can't wait! If you don't care about this game, why are you trying so hard to prove us wrong?
[03:32:35] Ghosts. You really can't wrap your head around that huh?
[03:32:39] I don't need to give a fuck about a game
[03:32:41] to try and make a point here
[03:32:43] that DayZ is way more
[03:32:45] trading than this game. And I don't even believe
[03:32:47] that you can trade in this game
[03:32:49] without it being under certain
[03:32:51] circumstances. I don't know what the fuck that has to do
[03:32:54] with liking the game or not.
[03:33:00] ... I was at these first message brown he thought he was coming at me with some
[03:33:11] serious shit, bro.
[03:33:12] Your brain's gotta work a little better than that man. It needs to think of
[03:33:15] some fucking scenarios a little bit fucking more than just the straight shot
[03:33:18] you know what I mean? Down the center. Linear pathway thinking
[03:33:21] You know?
[03:33:34] Like deduct some shit on me.
[03:33:38] If you don't like the game then why are you trying so hard to prove it wrong?
[03:33:40] Prove what wrong bro?
[03:33:41] What I'm trying to prove has nothing to do specifically with
[03:33:44] the game.
[03:33:44] Well, it kind of does because Chad is saying that you trade a fuckload in this game.
[03:33:48] So I'm trying to say –
[03:33:49] I'm trying to find out if it's as much as DayZ
[03:33:51] or find out if at all that this fucking even happens. Dark and dark.
[03:34:11] You trade a lot?
[03:34:12] I mean, that makes more sense.
[03:34:14] You guys are swinging swords at each other
[03:34:16] at the speed of butthole right
[03:34:17] but in shooting games you know what i mean that bullets travel quite a bit faster so
[03:34:21] you guys have to be clicking quite a bit more in sync you know what i'm saying did you see this
[03:34:26] link but you don't really have to be that in sync
[03:34:29] from your shots and daisy because your guy will die but then his shots will like fly out of his
[03:34:34] dead body oh i'm dead too. That's Daisy. Trades are killing me.
[03:34:51] Trades are ruining Hunt Showdown experience dude, alright let's look bro here we go.
[03:34:55] This is very hard to fuck in the community and believe it or not I made a vid about this
[03:34:58] six months ago but wasn't really happy
[03:35:01] with the results so didn't release it.
[03:35:03] But now after six months of thinking about it, rethinking what i should do, getting more
[03:35:08] evidence...
[03:35:09] I finally decided to make a video about it
[03:35:11] and hopefully convince the devs
[03:35:13] and players to make change against this because
[03:35:15] trading is not fun for anyone
[03:35:17] Let me tell you why
[03:35:19] The first question... I wish somebody would have told this to DayZ like 15 fucking years ago
[03:35:23] Still trading till this day
[03:35:25] And in my opinion, yes
[03:35:27] If you check any HanSocialMedia's trade for one million.
[03:35:36] It will make me not play this game anymore once I don't play this anymore.
[03:35:38] We gotta start, I have to say this.
[03:35:40] Did I trade?
[03:35:43] That's just gonna make me not play this anymore, eventually.
[03:35:46] I guarantee you it will make me not play this game anymore once this keeps happening.
[03:35:50] Well show me a fucking clip man!
[03:35:52] ... of the trading system. not because of latency and...
[03:35:54] Oh dude that is bad. That's shotgun right? That's shotgun.
[03:35:58] That's fucking bad though.
[03:36:00] Not because of latency
[03:36:02] Bro that's latency though. That's...
[03:36:04] ...that improved the trading system.
[03:36:06] Not because of latency and...
[03:36:07] No, that is because of latency bro. What the f-
[03:36:09] People have been hyping
[03:36:10] This kind of created byproduct
[03:36:12] of delayed trades
[03:36:13] So before this change there was a non trade issue you could say This can accredit the byproduct of delayed trades.
[03:36:14] So before this change, there was a non-trade issue you could say.
[03:36:18] That's not normal shit though.
[03:36:21] There is massive lag going on there.
[03:36:24] That's not like you go into a
[03:36:25] game and that shit happens all the time. Nah,
[03:36:27] bullshit! Because of latency and
[03:36:29] people having hyping this kinda
[03:36:31] created byproducts of delayed trades
[03:36:33] So before it changed, there was non-trade issue you could say.
[03:36:36] Bro, this is one guy playing an NA
[03:36:38] and one guy playing across the fucking seas
[03:36:40] and that's what happens there.
[03:36:42] Instead of having a delayed trade
[03:36:43] the shot didn't register at all.
[03:36:46] This was very frustrating knowing that you killed the player, but the hit didn't register because of latency.
[03:36:52] The data of your shooting didn't reach this server quick enough and on the server you were already dead.
[03:36:58] So that was the system before. now after they changed i made all bullets will register no matter how high is your pink
[03:37:02] so if someone's close range show me the long-range trade even be wrong
[03:37:08] there's a fight happening without it being
[03:37:10] four feet from each other, you know what I mean?
[03:37:11] It's very unfun and this is the main issue.
[03:37:14] I mean dude, that is
[03:37:16] the server just being complete dogshit though.
[03:37:19] That's...
[03:37:20] DayZ can be running like a goddamn
[03:37:23] dream and you'll still trade
[03:37:25] because it's all part of
[03:37:26] what the fucking game is.
[03:37:30] That's not a normal trade
[03:37:34] that's all incredible amounts of lag someone is hyping he won't be robbed for the
[03:37:40] kills that he should have made but you
[03:37:41] as someone who's stressing this shot it's
[03:37:43] very unfun and daisy you're not you're
[03:37:45] not shooting at him and then dying a
[03:37:47] second later to latency
[03:37:49] the game just doesn't know how to fucking make it
[03:37:53] so one person wins a fight
[03:37:54] even when the fucking game is working perfectly.
[03:37:58] This shit all this shit lags.
[03:38:00] So what do you prefer
[03:38:01] having shots that don't register or dying almost a second after you kill your enemy
[03:38:08] you got it we're playing this shit. Show me what...
[03:38:11] I'm gonna see this
[03:38:12] while I'm playing.
[03:38:12] That, to me,
[03:38:13] that is super fucking
[03:38:16] laggy shit going on
[03:38:17] right there
[03:38:17] that I've never experienced
[03:38:19] in fucking this game.
[03:38:21] We'll see what happens here.
[03:38:22] I want it to happen to me.
[03:38:27] Let's see how common
[03:38:28] this is.
[03:38:37] All All those clips didn't seem like they were actual trades.
[03:38:39] They were, like, severe lag. Okay. so so so so Who's to say it's not the same on what's it called between EU and NA?
[03:39:35] Oh, you mean on DayZ? Yeah, but everything
[03:39:37] can be working perfect on DayZ. That all looks like
[03:39:39] server lag and shit like that. Like,
[03:39:41] bro, you don't just shoot a guy in DayZ and then flop
[03:39:43] over a second later even when it's EU to
[03:39:45] NA, right? It's all right there.
[03:39:47] It's happening in real fucking time.
[03:39:48] You're both just dying.
[03:39:50] It's not like, oh, I killed him!
[03:39:51] Oh, I'm dead.
[03:39:53] That's what that video was.
[03:40:23] Yeah.. it wasn't server lag they changed it so bullets registered no matter your individual ping
[03:40:42] is this some recent shit or something? All of those clips in that video looked like server lag. Except for maybe the first one. It's the bullet velocity.
[03:40:54] Bro,
[03:40:54] that guy kills people before they shoot.
[03:41:34] Okay. so dude i legit don't know. Well, he hasn't played DayZ. I promise you that. I PROMISE YOU it's not that bad.
[03:41:36] But we'll see.
[03:41:40] I wanna feel this first hand. You trade a lot in Daisy? No shit.
[03:41:53] It's almost impossible not to trade in Daisy
[03:41:55] when you get to certain ranges.
[03:41:59] I hate
[03:42:00] this fucking game.
[03:43:19] ... change so is Hold on, dude. Let me just try to open the game so Alright, let's just take a random dude out. I think I already got some guys good to go.
[03:43:34] No, I don't want to make him.
[03:43:36] I don't want to make any loadouts.
[03:43:38] Romero, Winfield...
[03:43:41] I don't feel like it!
[03:43:43] Winfield, double... That's fine.
[03:43:47] What did I do on this shit again?
[03:43:51] Yeah, I know dude if its contraband you have to delete it. You don't get the story. Okay some of them anyways.
[03:43:55] Gotta do it. I'll get it yeah yeah yeah
[03:43:59] Oh yeah yeah got it got it got it
[03:44:06] What the fuck else is down here? Grenade or something? There's like three things up here I need
[03:44:10] i can't remember what it was though though
[03:44:20] where's ak use this winfield double yeah that's fine. Who cares? Doo doo doo doo...
[03:44:27] Mmmmmmmm
[03:44:29] Hey what's that stupid one called chat the fuckin'
[03:44:31] The ability that we hate
[03:44:33] Uhhhhhhh the ability that we hate.
[03:44:38] I don't think I have it right now.
[03:44:41] Serpent, no?
[03:44:42] No, it's not serpent.
[03:44:44] Necro.
[03:44:47] Necro. Necromancer, I think you're only four points!
[03:44:53] Gotta love that shit, gotta love that shit. Gotta love that shit Russia brother, wait am I on the wrong server? What's happening?
[03:45:08] What server am I in?
[03:45:11] What are you guys talking about? Oh what the f-
[03:45:14] Wha- wha- What what
[03:45:21] Why is that the default brother
[03:45:30] Trades on Alan Dude, there would have definitely been some trades on that one.
[03:45:37] And they have you fuckin' visit the store 17 thousand times before I gotta click through seven windows?
[03:45:39] Why does he look funny bro why's it all blurred up
[03:45:47] you okay man You okay, man?
[03:45:55] Hello? Come on, that shit.
[03:46:03] Oh, what? There's no way. What? Are you okay, man?
[03:46:12] Look at them all.
[03:46:15] I have to have a setting wrong.
[03:46:30] Render res... Why is it star shooting? render res
[03:46:52] why is it starts you and all this mass fps 60 there's no way.
[03:46:57] Why are the starting settings like that?
[03:47:03] ... I'm going to have this is the right way to do it, but I'll try.
[03:47:22] I think that's a good idea. so I'm just gonna run at players, man.
[03:47:49] Just gonna run at them.
[03:47:55] Let's see this first fight trade This game is for the better and now it's behind her. Give me a server. Alright, All right, we do this for like 10-15 and then we're gonna go back to DayZ.
[03:48:26] I don't even know if we're going to play over there.
[03:48:27] To be honest, maybe we don't even go back to fucking DayZ.
[03:48:29] I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
[03:48:31] I'm not sure.
[03:48:34] Wait, what?
[03:48:35] Did I close the game?
[03:48:36] I thought it was just closing... Wait, what?
[03:48:38] What just happened?
[03:48:41] Did I right-click close the game?
[03:48:43] I thought I just right-clicked close my HUD site program.
[03:48:53] What?
[03:49:01] No, I already closed EZSA, right?
[03:49:02] I did right now but the game fucking opened with it
[03:49:04] It doesn't matter
[03:49:05] I put
[03:49:09] the settings too high bro Thanks to the eyebrow.
[03:49:33] Let me in. We traded to the fucking server right there, I guess.
[03:49:34] I don't know.
[03:49:38] Hey!
[03:49:41] Reconnect feature. Halo doesn't have a reconnect feature. You've had that happen to you too when you closed a different application?
[03:49:54] You said it's over 9,000. I'm not trying out hunt to try it out.
[03:50:19] I'm trying out hunt to see how much something happens.
[03:50:21] I don't even like this game.
[03:50:25] It hurts me
[03:50:26] to even play it at the moment.
[03:50:28] I gotta turn you guys' game down, it's fucking big time in this game.
[03:50:35] Alright let's go find a fight, hopefully.
[03:50:40] Hopefully that can make it close enough that I can trade with him.
[03:50:46] So, we might be a little fast I don't want my stuff down.
[03:51:07] Where are we gonna go? Let's go up here.
[03:51:19] Why you hatin' on Hunt? I just think the game's balance is a nut sack.
[03:51:28] But, I am interested to see if the trading is as bad as DayZ's,
[03:51:32] because I consider DayZ to be the worst trading game in existence known to me.
[03:51:37] It's not even close.
[03:51:38] Chat says this one's close.
[03:51:39] I didn't believe it.
[03:51:41] So we're testing
[03:51:42] that and i want to see how often i trade with people
[03:51:45] for a little while what's up al you gotta go upstairs okay give me a little
[03:51:48] bit okay give me a second okay give me a second
[03:51:51] a little shit Give me a second. Little shit.
[03:51:59] FOV? I mean, shit dude, is my FOV just not changed?
[03:52:10] Stop it! I'll let you out in a sec, okay?
[03:52:12] Alright? Just wait.
[03:52:30] Oh, fuck yeah! Alright, just wait. I might not even be able to get anything happening with the trades because you kind of gotta win a fight to trade too. I don't know how many fights I'll be able to win.
[03:52:45] Relax, I'll let you out. Okay okay okay, you gotta go now i get it again. so so so so so so so so so so so so so Oh, shit. That one's in here right? so oh so so um uh so Here, baby. That's funny.
[03:57:15] Everybody be fighting each other. There he is. I'm playing a weird game right now. uh uh Let's jump and kill him.
[03:58:10] He is going to have to play for a while to get a trade. It's not as common as DayZ. Ha! Who would've fuckin' thought?
[03:58:14] I'm not convinced they're common at all in this game, but uh...
[03:58:17] ...I'm sure it's something to complain about every once in a while when it happens to you.
[03:58:21] But sit there- chat's sitting here saying that it's the most fucking thing to happen
[03:58:25] Happens all the fucking time, it's the biggest window ever in...
[03:58:29] I mean, I still need that.
[03:58:31] I'm not convinced.
[03:58:33] I'm not a convincer.
[03:58:36] I- cause' I can play DayZ for fuckin', probably 20 minutes and catch a trade, bro.
[03:58:40] And that's only because it'll take me awhile to find the close-range fight.
[03:58:47] Anybody trade from this guy?
[03:58:58] Did you guys hear anything? I'm gonna go faster. I don't give a fuck about the bottom line,
[03:59:11] or where'd you kill this guy?
[03:59:17] ...
[03:59:51] ... Thank you. Thanks for watching! you let's do it.
[03:59:53] Wait, no. Let's just do this.
[03:59:57] I'll get some actual fucking trades in this piece of stuff.
[04:00:01] ... so No shot his first death was a cheater. I mean, I don't think so. He was up on top of a hay thing and I didn't see him.
[04:00:35] Sat in just chatting, so...
[04:00:38] Here's a fuck.
[04:00:55] Sorry I'm playing a fucking game instead of just chatting, you know
[04:00:57] now you're on showdown, like the groove that... It's not gonna be a lot more.
[04:01:01] It's not even fucking close. Chad was wrong.
[04:01:05] I just traded it. Maybe, Chad was not even wrong. They're just saying that...
[04:01:07] I just traded.
[04:01:09] Yeah, they're saying the trades happen a lot.
[04:01:11] This guy is fully...
[04:01:16] This guy had a better weapon than me, I had a crossbow.
[04:01:19] We fucking tripped.
[04:01:21] Bro this guy sprays me down and I hit him once with the
[04:01:23] crossbow trade.
[04:01:25] In DayZ it happens in my opinion
[04:01:27] close range 80-90% of your friends you're trading even if
[04:01:30] you don't trade death per death you'll like kill him and he'll like knock
[04:01:34] you out you know what i mean you wake up you're like oh i won
[04:01:36] it's like did you really win bro you? You're waking up off the ground right now.
[04:01:42] 90%? Yeah!
[04:01:44] Close range fights manfrog
[04:01:46] Like medium close range fights
[04:01:48] in DayZ it's that common okay it's not even close
[04:01:52] in this game lol so not true knick-knack booty smack you're incorrect it's absolutely fucking true.
[04:02:06] If you play with shotguns, trades are every game in Hunt.
[04:02:10] Okay bro... You're talking out of your ass checkmark right? You've been doing it a lot. I'll tell you what, on DayZ it doesn't fucking matter what gun you have. You can have a shotgun, an SMG,
[04:02:33] a fuckin' AR, a pistol, your fuckin' fists
[04:02:35] the trades are there for days
[04:02:37] Okay?
[04:02:41] And I get the feeling that it's gonna take me
[04:02:45] some fucking time to play before
[04:02:47] it even happens.
[04:02:49] If at all during a stream.
[04:02:51] So, I'll say this.
[04:02:52] I'm sure that it's an ongoing promise for people to play the game a lot though but...
[04:02:58] I almost guarantee it's not happening THAT fucking often.
[04:03:01] You probably just have- you're probably just complaining about it when it does happen right?
[04:03:04] Like, that's fucking annoying. That's stupid as shit. It shouldn't-
[04:03:05] It should not happen, alright? Ever!
[04:03:09] But I mean dude, I can't sit here and say that it's gonna be a common thing
[04:03:13] It happens to every game. I'll use shotguns next round
[04:03:19] I'll see all you shotguns next time, and i can't wait to see this every day of training
[04:03:23] I got a good feeling about it.
[04:03:33] Because you play a bunch so much, bro. I mean, I have 188 hours on it.
[04:03:35] You know what I'm saying and i don't trade
[04:03:40] i don't even think at all if not like very often it's not at all
[04:03:52] so i mean if it's taking me 180 hours to do it dude is it happening often? Is this common as you guys are saying?
[04:04:02] Every game, once I start using the shotgun. Remember that, okay?
[04:04:07] Every game, once I start using the shotgun shotgun apparently i just don't see anybody
[04:04:18] all right romero deagle no or whatever alright Romero
[04:04:19] Deagle
[04:04:20] no
[04:04:21] or whatever the fuck
[04:04:22] um
[04:04:22] Caldwell
[04:04:24] Romero
[04:04:26] Caldwell
[04:04:26] let's go
[04:04:27] and let's go sit in buildings
[04:04:28] we'll see what happens
[04:04:29] I need we need to get a trade here and let's go sit in buildings we'll see what happens
[04:04:30] okay i need it so we need to get a trade here
[04:04:33] every game
[04:04:38] you're kind of what i want here you're almost what i want Fuck it, four of those aren't here.
[04:05:01] Let's go.
[04:05:04] No no no no. no no no no no
[04:05:44] what the fuck He just wants to torture us with this game. Nah, I just don't believe everything that comes out of people's mouths on the internet so I want to test it myself. Romero's your favorite, uh... Every time you play shit.
[04:05:45] Bro it's because
[04:05:47] It's such a good weapon
[04:05:49] Compared to all the other starting weapons
[04:05:51] Romero is fucking nutty
[04:05:53] Bro shotguns in this game, you know how I feel aren't ya?
[04:05:56] We don't need to go over this
[04:06:00] we don't need to go over this the thing is just fucking damn good for a
[04:06:03] shotgun what can i say dude it's just handle business
[04:06:06] all shotgun be handling business in Hunt Showdown.
[04:06:15] But, like I said, I'm not here for that.
[04:06:18] I'm your
[04:06:31] arch nemesis. Oh boy.
[04:06:34] You are my arch nemesis if that's your name.
[04:06:38] Listen it's in my opinion that 80% nemesis if that's your name
[04:06:42] listen it's in my opinion that 80 of video games nowadays that are shooting games don't know how to balance shotguns and they always end up being
[04:06:44] here in their videos in their games you know and this is one of them Oh, I forgot that I have my fucking...
[04:07:04] I have the weird pistol on this one.
[04:07:06] Oops.
[04:07:09] Alright, we gotta go get into a close quarters fight here.
[04:07:16] Sorry man, too much Daisy! That's my B.
[04:07:21] That's my B.
[04:07:27] I honestly think the combat
[04:07:29] in this game is better than Daisy's too though.
[04:07:32] Like, really... Daisy's combat is absolutely shit tier.
[04:07:38] And as much as I hate this game it's absolutely got better combat.
[04:08:01] Iron Man... Let, we just came to a close range battle with someone, brother.
[04:08:09] I wonder if anybody will be able to find a clip of me on Hunt Showdown somewhere getting traded.
[04:08:17] That is just a one-for-one shooting fight, I think I've been traded maybe by like a bow and arrow...
[04:08:25] ...and a melee weapon. I don't know if i've ever traded shotgun shots to someone, not sure.
[04:08:29] What the fuck? what the yes
[04:08:52] my This one's a fucking idiot.
[04:08:58] Super hilarious, bro.
[04:09:07] You guys wanna count off on this shit-tier game? I like that. We'll watch another of those shitty games.
[04:09:30] UGH! uh I don't want to go in there.
[04:09:36] What a fucking loser.
[04:09:40] Next time, keep your voice down to yourself, dick shit. I don't wanna hear it.
[04:09:44] Nobody wants to fucking listen to your dumbass talk, okay? Appreciate it.
[04:09:47] Nobody needs to hear your dumbass talk. Let me just stare at him for a little while to make sure he's's gonna die.
[04:10:05] You're just chatting.
[04:10:09] Yeah listen I am just chatting
[04:10:12] but um there's a video game in the
[04:10:14] background that i'm watching
[04:10:16] okay? Appreciate your fucking input shit it's like the opposite of the gaming category it's like dude when you are gaming, you're in trouble. Bro, relax. It's a YouTube video.
[04:10:33] Calm down, alright?
[04:10:35] My bad.
[04:10:36] Just a fucking YouTube video man.
[04:10:41] Didn't mean to fucking interrupt your just chatting category with gameplay i
[04:10:44] just yeah just trust me it's just video so I just moved my arm on my top monitor checking stuff out bros.
[04:11:18] Careful bro, they're just shouting at you.
[04:11:21] They're all gonna get ya.
[04:11:23] Don't do this boys!
[04:11:25] Don't do this to me!
[04:11:27] You guys are acting like the Zom-Mission from Day City!
[04:11:33] Die!
[04:11:36] They're training, they are training here right now. Those dogs are actually fucking sucky.
[04:11:40] I'm going to go get my dog. Is that banishing? Alright, this will be our last play.
[04:12:17] Oh my god I'm pressing pressing all the daisy buttons. There's only one mouse here.
[04:12:35] On his lap, our coffin.
[04:12:39] And there's coffin up below... I wish coffee were for long. I'm the number one son of Brian grinding this game to its core.
[04:13:05] Man, we're just burning that thing.
[04:13:11] And out of grenades I probably die too. This game's probably insane.
[04:13:21] Change that motherfucker's sound effects?
[04:13:36] I'll say this dude they already got they got better zombies than daisy
[04:13:41] they got better zbs for sure.
[04:13:50] Bro hasn't had a 1v1 yet. Ah yes I did, did he died i didn't
[04:14:00] here's the dumbass I don't remember you guys looking or sounding like that. you He was using a pistol though.
[04:14:41] If he had a shotty, you would have traded.
[04:14:44] Okay, though.
[04:14:44] So shotguns can trade when I'm in line.
[04:14:47] Okay?
[04:14:49] That's fantastic. I don't give a fuck about
[04:14:51] the shotgun trades, sure, shotguns can trade
[04:14:53] one another fine. If he headshots me
[04:14:55] do we trade there? Does he do damage to
[04:14:57] me? Do I do... Let me think here if he headshots me do i still do damage to me? Do I do... Let me think here.
[04:15:01] If he headshots me, do I still do damage to him there?
[04:15:05] It all looked like it went pretty quick.
[04:15:06] Listen, I'll say this.
[04:15:10] I'll say you guys are right in the sense that this is another game That maybe have trade problems
[04:15:11] But you guys are not correct
[04:15:13] In putting it anywhere near the level of DayZ
[04:15:15] Because I think in 187 hours
[04:15:18] I would probably
[04:15:19] Have remembered some of the trade moments
[04:15:21] that I had. In DayZ chat
[04:15:23] there's an unreal
[04:15:25] amount of trading
[04:15:27] it's just not on the same level but I'll agree with you guys
[04:15:29] and say that there's probably some fucking weird lag issues in that game
[04:15:32] because it's on fucking
[04:15:34] showdown. I wouldn't put anything
[04:15:36] past that fucking game.
[04:15:39] So I feel you on that.
[04:15:41] But I'm not... I think it's a bad idea to sit here and try
[04:15:43] to go get that fucking specific fight
[04:15:45] that's gonna cause the trade.
[04:15:47] Me and that one guy fought close range, he did damage
[04:15:49] to me, I did damage to him.
[04:15:51] I do believe if we had a shotgun we would have traded like that guy said.
[04:16:01] But not even close to Daisy.
[04:16:04] Daisy's a broken mess when it comes to that.
[04:16:10] I wouldn't say it is game-breaking for Hunt Showdown like it is for DayZ, but it probably happens and gets you killed more often than you would like on Hunt Showdown.
[04:16:22] But bros, I'm telling you almost every single close range fight on
[04:16:25] daisy you guys are both slamming each other with bullets
[04:16:27] one guy might die or you might get knocked out or something like that but
[04:16:30] almost it's so easy to shoot at each
[04:16:33] other close range you, it's impossible not
[04:16:36] to trade with the amount of nutsack netcode in the game, you know? You know what I'm saying?
[04:16:50] Now we're really back to just chatting, you know what I mean. I'm running to labs right now. You still playing that server? Yeah.
[04:17:08] I'm running to lab right now.
[04:17:10] Alright.
[04:17:12] Jesus, good luck.
[04:17:14] Are you still on hunt?
[04:17:17] Nah, I got off i got us are you coming
[04:17:20] i mean i'm not gonna go with you but i'm gonna jump on the game
[04:17:24] repeat that this music was loud i I paused it, what did you say?
[04:17:33] Um...I said I'm not gonna go to the thing with you Just go and spawn in
[04:17:35] Yeah but I'm saying jumping on this
[04:17:37] For a little bit depends on the queue though if i'm gonna back you that's what i was asking
[04:17:42] big dog i mean wait are you geared or you have nothing
[04:17:55] i can't wait for you bro i'm just outside of uh electro
[04:18:10] i said i could wait for you i'm just outside of electro i have a say again I said
[04:18:11] I could wait for you
[04:18:12] I'm just outside of Electro
[04:18:13] I have a 12
[04:18:13] kilometer hike
[04:18:31] so Now DayZ will feel better after a break. Maybe, I doubt it though, bro.
[04:18:34] Think we're at the end of our rope on DayZ.
[04:18:39] Remember how we just got done watching that little clip where um choco taco says that would probably make me not
[04:18:47] want to play the game well how do you think how much do you think he would like to play
[04:18:50] daisy with how many trades happen in that game. You know what I mean?
[04:18:55] You lose, you lose... That's an extraction shooter on Hunt Showdown, okay?
[04:18:58] You go in there for a total of like 10-15 fucking minutes,
[04:19:01] 20 minutes, right?
[04:19:02] And then you leave.
[04:19:03] DayZ, you're in there for four to five hours
[04:19:05] sometimes, two to three hours, looting
[04:19:07] looting looting looting. You lose all your
[04:19:09] stuff in one go and have to restart all of those
[04:19:11] hours from the get-go. And that's
[04:19:13] the game that has some of the worst trading dog net code in existence
[04:19:18] and you're just like why how is that acceptable in a game that takes that much time for me
[04:19:22] you would think that you would have a clear winner almost every time if you could make it like that.
[04:19:27] ...
[04:19:29] ...
[04:19:31] ...
[04:19:33] ...
[04:19:35] ...... just to trade your eight hours away on the run is
[04:19:50] is a problem i think Yeah, green eye. I'm out. away Try our Rearmed. They removed a trading, it's just laggy. No way! Hmm. Yeah, you can't trade on Rearmed anymore. It's like the only server I know that has it like that. Huh...
[04:21:09] So you're telling me a mod team made it so in DayZ,
[04:21:15] You don't trade or don't trade as often at least.
[04:21:19] And there's a team that goes into the DayZ office every single fucking day.
[04:21:27] Yeah? Is that what we're saying?
[04:21:29] So, there are people at home when they leave their job after an eight-hour sesh
[04:21:33] They go home to do some modding
[04:21:36] and they have figured out how to stop the trades but you're telling me the
[04:21:38] daisy team is their 8-hour job to go into every day
[04:21:41] and they have not gotten that done, huh? Bro. Bro, DayZ is like two devs.
[04:21:59] So what the fuck's the point of having those devs why not just call it a goddamn day on daisy
[04:22:13] if mods are doing all your shit for you. What are you guys doing?
[04:22:25] ...... and
[04:22:35] that zed change they did chat remember
[04:22:37] that patch note changing zeds?
[04:22:38] Does anybody even notice a difference?
[04:22:42] Like have you guys?
[04:22:51] It's like where's the differences? Where do they lie?
[04:22:54] They still change aggro back and forth between players like crazy.
[04:22:58] They can barely go through doors
[04:22:59] and hover around it for 10 fucking years.
[04:23:01] There's still jump back
[04:23:02] and forth across a fucking,
[04:23:04] across the wall not knowing
[04:23:06] with what side it wants to be on.
[04:23:09] Whoa whoa whoa! You gotta be fucking kidding me B on A. Woah, woah, woah!
[04:23:10] You gotta be fucking kidding me.
[04:23:13] Are they gonna die?
[04:23:15] I don't wanna fucking talk about it.
[04:23:16] I think I spawned outside this guy's house and he was just in his house.
[04:23:19] Oh shit.
[04:23:21] I think that was after Yellowcard too.
[04:23:28] That was the first close range fight
[04:23:30] I've had in a long time
[04:23:30] where no trade happened.
[04:23:33] Hey, Chow was right big dog!
[04:23:36] This game is nutsack.
[04:23:40] I might be finding a different game to play tomorrow right
[04:23:43] now tomorrow tomorrow okay today Mike I think it's last day this
[04:23:49] is it lash damn baby laugh hey baby me, for a little while yeah.
[04:23:54] This shit is bad bro.
[04:23:56] And I realize it every single time I play it.
[04:23:59] I get back into it and I'm like...
[04:24:01] What did I hate about this game again?
[04:24:58] That's right, that's what I hate about this game again that's right let's play about the game again so so um Apparently, this guy was telling me that Rearmed, you know the server that's like this. They're similar to this as I guess they have modded in a way know not trade as often.
[04:25:09] Wait what?
[04:25:10] Where?
[04:25:13] There's a mod that does that?
[04:25:16] Like on the server, yeah.
[04:25:19] I see.
[04:25:26] What's someone saying?
[04:25:54] Oh! Well, some little shame. so Oh, what's up Shabby?
[04:26:01] What if they release an official pass tomorrow that fixed trading when any other issues
[04:26:03] prevent you from returning?
[04:26:05] No, I'll always return a DayZ even if they don't fix the
[04:26:07] trading. It's just after a while of playing it
[04:26:09] it's just... You realize how fucking ballack it is and I'm not going to
[04:26:12] commit that much time to it. It's like, bro, I don't want to commit four hours to a run. uh What are you doing around here?
[04:26:41] What the fuck doing around here?
[04:26:44] The fuck is going on? so hmm Hmm.
[04:27:16] Hmm!
[04:27:18] Hmm!
[04:27:20] Hmm!
[04:27:22] Hmm!
[04:27:24] Hmm! Hmm! so Why does that not work? I just did the same thing three times in a row.
[04:27:50] Why doesn't it work the third time? This game ain't making no motherfucking sense.
[04:28:04] Yeah, this poor guy had a VPO bro, oh wait...
[04:28:08] I mean I guess we hold on to it
[04:28:10] doesn't this thing suck
[04:28:14] yeah she's five one time or something.
[04:28:31] Bro you're still on Just Chatting Got it, got it, got it.
[04:28:33] I know it's a very scary thing to be under the
[04:28:37] Just Chatting category dude.
[04:28:40] They are going to get you for playing too many video games
[04:28:42] they don't want you just sitting there doing nothing like the rest of
[04:28:45] the streamers on that category right and it's like why are you doing stuff.
[04:28:58] You're supposed to be just fucking chatting,
[04:28:58] dummy. I forgot to put like 18 plus in my title too, so I'm fucking out guys.
[04:29:08] I'm just joking, just making fun.
[04:29:11] Just kind of annoyed today. There gonna be peeps here? This is the lab, sir.
[04:29:38] This be da lab.
[04:29:41] This be it.
[04:29:44] Yeah but there's more than a... Fish be here.
[04:29:48] Yeah, but there's more than a couple things that annoy me about DayZ It's not just the trades
[04:29:52] That is the craziest thing to me
[04:29:57] in an open world game they would allow a phase to happen so consistently.
[04:30:02] And it survived again. There's nothing in my backpack, right?
[04:30:22] So I don't know why that doesn't swap Wait. You can't really get into that one, huh? What's going on?
[04:31:00] That's it then, No weapon for me? Okay, okay. Sick
[04:31:04] Good stuff
[04:31:08] ... so so so so so so so Not all servers are survivable.
[04:32:32] Wait, what did I complain about again?
[04:32:34] I can't remember. uh BOOM! Nice shot. Oh my lord Hey, can you guys stop being fucking stupid dude?
[04:33:42] You guys are actually just patronizing me at this point.
[04:33:44] When you're like, oh no trade! No trade!
[04:33:46] I think it doesn't take a genius to realize that
[04:33:48] you know, you're being a fucking idiot.
[04:33:51] It's pretty obvious that it's like full-auto weapons
[04:33:53] and shit like that they are going to be causing the most trades bro
[04:33:55] Oh shit! You don't hit your single tap weapon?
[04:33:57] Oh no trade? No kidding bros
[04:33:59] Why are you being fucking stupid?
[04:34:02] Like, you're literally doing it
[04:34:03] on purpose at this point. It's just fucking hell.
[04:34:13] Pretty fucking clear.
[04:34:18] Pretty clear dude.
[04:34:20] Hold on, I just found something I gotta ban real quick.
[04:34:23] Let me find out if he's got a chain off first so I can do that.
[04:34:29] He's got eight followers.
[04:34:31] Alright, let's play it online. dollars.
[04:34:41] Don't be fucking annoying, man. Like if you guys are just here to annoy the streamer go let's go somewhere else
[04:34:43] man i'm not going to sit here and get patronized by some because
[04:34:48] you guys just feel like being assholes you know what the
[04:34:52] think if you had a clear you know understanding what, understanding of what the fuck I'm talking about
[04:34:55] You know what's going on.
[04:34:58] And I still see some of you guys type some stupid shit just to be dumb so...
[04:35:02] Just shut the fuck up and go somewhere else.
[04:35:04] I sure don't wanna deal with it today man. Just shut the fuck up and go somewhere else.
[04:35:09] I just don't wanna deal with it today, man. Like, I look at stupid every single day, you understand that right?
[04:35:13] Please, I just don't want to today. Yeah? Jesus... today Where's Teammate though?
[04:35:30] The fuck?
[04:35:33] There was just two dudes running. So, that dude just disappeared?
[04:35:48] You know good old days. They disappear.
[04:35:52] I mean, they're not really bad.
[04:35:56] I don't think so. This other dude just disappeared, or...
[04:36:02] You know good old days easy. They disappear kinda when they want to be honest with you.
[04:36:09] Just kind of whenever you want to. You kind of have to deal with it, because we all pay you.
[04:36:23] Well, you don't I guess. Not anymore at least.
[04:36:26] Whatever it is so You kind of have to be able the little jackass.
[04:37:11] I don't feel like playing. so yeah so Wow.
[04:38:04] You know, trades don't happen in this game chat. The trades don't happen, you know?
[04:38:13] Stupid business. Look how stupid this is.
[04:38:19] Hell!
[04:38:23] You good bro?
[04:38:25] Yeah.
[04:38:30] Alright.
[04:38:34] Seven two-and-a-half bodies here at the fucking keycard.
[04:38:39] Half of them are dead or what? Yeah, they look like trades to me.
[04:38:43] They're all dead and no one else is around.
[04:38:47] I'm almost at the lab Is there a soda machine here for him? that always Please, please. There's his brother.
[04:39:34] He should be stacking Super Zombies. uh SKS in the air, huh? so so It's crazy how people literally join someone's stream just to simply talk shit.
[04:40:42] Get the fuck out of your mom's basement and get a job. It's pathetic, honestly.
[04:40:53] Yeah just a little Nordic stuff, it's all good.
[04:40:56] We're all gonna make it, we're all gonna lose. This guy is c-hyping people's fucking names. and I'm gonna have to go. Good luck, brother.
[04:41:40] I hope he's not going to go for me. Can't fucking see! Oh, darn it. I'm about to die right now, brother.
[04:42:15] Are you dead?
[04:42:18] I'm about to die over there are you dead
[04:42:24] well i'm trying to kill this guy but i'm not being successful though
[04:42:27] i think he's healing by the corner too so I need to kill people in this game, man? I can't even see what the fuck I'm shooting, dude. uh oh uh Thanks for watching! Thank you. How do I not kill that guy?
[04:44:32] Cripes, I need a different game to play. I can't do this anymore.
[04:44:36] This is unbearable.
[04:44:39] This is UN-fucking-bearable, dogs. so Fuck these zombies, and fuck all the shit that comes with it. Time to make a comeback on Tarkov. We all want it. Fucking send it some soon.
[04:45:21] Yeah I'm gonna be back on Tarkov for the wipe.
[04:45:24] I just don't think there's a reason to go back before then?
[04:45:28] Never know though bro, dude, the combat in this game and everything
[04:45:32] has made me want to play Tarkov, so... so so so Hey Summit, just wanted to say I appreciate you.
[04:46:26] I work 24 hour shifts as a flight attendant A summit just wanted to say I appreciate you.
[04:46:27] I work 24 hour shifts as a firefighter and your streams helped me through them.
[04:46:32] Oh man, are you doing really...
[04:46:34] You do those overnights?
[04:46:37] You do those overn nice at the uh
[04:46:48] everything's all right
[04:46:52] all right it'll make it
[04:46:59] appreciate you brother thank you so much man
[04:47:00] thank you so much for supporting the channel like that dude
[04:47:02] and uh
[04:47:04] glad to be
[04:47:06] a part of the routine dude whenever
[04:47:08] you need i'm down
[04:47:09] thank you brother part of the routine, dude. Whenever you need. I'm down.
[04:47:12] Thank you, brother.
[04:47:19] Without days like these you wouldn't be our favorite streamer this is what makes you unique
[04:47:22] what yelling at my viewers i don't think so but i do appreciate it brother i do appreciate it.
[04:47:35] Oh god, there's no gunner there? Ugh! That sucks. so A few months ago Ugh.
[04:48:21] What's up, Doug's Life? Hang down again, brother.
[04:48:25] Welcome back.
[04:48:29] Oh! Eppertown!
[04:48:31] I don't know if
[04:48:33] I'll change games tonight.
[04:48:37] I might do nighttime games or something.
[04:48:39] Daisy is...
[04:48:44] Not the game
[04:48:45] I want it to be, I guess. It's killed me for like two weeks.
[04:48:54] Can't get any of the content I'm looking to get.
[04:48:59] Getting cheated against, shit like that has been pretty sucky and then dealing with all the zombies in the last couple days has been frustrating.
[04:49:20] He's played too much. Huh?
[04:49:23] If your game starts to fucking suck, the more I play it...
[04:49:26] Don't worry, it won't be too much.
[04:49:43] What are our chances of a Chihuahua turn just in time to save the city?
[04:51:06] Elden Ring? When? Give yourself a real challenge instead of dying to 30 zombies that have 20% desync, and players that have the remaining 80% desync. Jays sink james so so... I'm not sure if that's the right word, but it does seem to be.
[04:51:35] There we go.. What's up Sum, hope you're doing well. Are you ever planning on finishing your Skyrim playthrough? Fuck Yoda and fuck you chat. What a fucking game do I wanna play?
[04:52:13] Gonna do a little bit of brainstorming... Someone shot me once? What?! once what the
[04:52:53] funk I call that the smartest move.
[04:53:08] Whew, one card the smartest move. yeah
[04:53:26] oh really Dapo
[04:53:27] sorry brother
[04:53:28] Dabo
[04:53:29] but yeah man I'm sorry brother.
[04:53:35] Yeah, I'm just losing it today bro.
[04:53:37] I haven't been able to get into a good fight yet.
[04:53:39] I haven't really been able to feel confident in this game and like
[04:53:43] feel like I can win fights.
[04:53:44] It just doesn't feel like it at all... I'm at the lab and I'm fucking scared. Why don't we try some Hello Kitty Islands adventures? Sick game if you ask me.... so so. me so.. so.. so. so so so Sorry guys, talking to Caroline.
[04:57:59] She's chilling for a little bit saying, you know, saying we're set.
[04:58:14] What's that, Ed? I'm in the fucking lab and I'm scared. You go here.
[04:58:16] Inside it? Okay.
[04:58:18] What'd you say? Say that again.
[04:58:32] Naked and afraid.
[04:58:35] That's what Naughty is right now, yeah buddy! Eating some tacos... What should I get?
[04:58:38] Asada, alpaca, suadero, chorizoizo, or Carnitas.
[04:58:43] I also missed some Dodos, brother.
[04:58:46] Carnitas! Carnitas...
[04:58:48] Okay sorry, I was kind of in a mood.
[04:58:51] Some sniper shot you while you were AFK. Daisy ain't it, brother?
[04:58:54] Why don't we try some Halo Kitty Island Adventures? She's such a doofus.
[04:58:59] Listen bro this game ain't it dude why don't we play some fucking Halo 1, Halo 2 competitive. Do some money
[04:59:05] eights. Uh, what's up
[04:59:07] SummerOper doing well? Are you even planning-
[04:59:09] are you ever planning on finishing your Skyrim playthrough?
[04:59:11] Fuck Yoda and fuck you chat he said
[04:59:13] Ah probably not I'd probably just at this point have to play a
[04:59:18] different one it's like a new one you know what i mean so i don't know elden ring is kind of like
[04:59:23] before that i would say you never know never know! Never know. Thanks for the donut brother
[04:59:27] Appreciate you Dragonborn players that have the remaining 80% desync.
[04:59:39] Bro, it's like... I've actually
[04:59:41] committed myself to this game and tried
[04:59:43] to improve on it, and I just like to no
[04:59:45] avail. I cannot.
[04:59:49] I'm just not a DayZ player,
[04:59:50] I guess, bro.
[04:59:51] I can't... I cannot survive
[04:59:52] and make it work.
[04:59:53] You know why?
[04:59:54] No, but this is fucking crazy.
[04:59:56] There's two people on top of me.
[05:00:45] Okay. No, but this is fucking crazy. There's two people on top of me so um oh Mike's plays makes him 5 giftos, man. Appreciate it! How's it going? Welcome guys to the squad. Hope you enjoy brothers.
[05:00:49] What's up pre-recorded? Of course this is
[05:00:52] pre-recorded. I'm doing
[05:00:54] things in real life right now and I'll get
[05:00:56] back to you next time.
[05:00:58] Beep! Please leave a message after
[05:01:00] the motherfuckin' beat.
[05:01:06] Oh, nice bag isn't it?
[05:01:27] Used to be kind of a weird ass looking version of it. Ridiculous, that bag looks really stupid.
[05:01:28] No offense!
[05:01:32] No offense to anybody who animated that.
[05:01:37] That shit damn ugly.
[05:01:41] Just saying. Just throw it out there.
[05:01:45] The gear you get in there, by the way, is fucking crazy.
[05:01:48] Really?
[05:01:49] I was in there for two seconds
[05:01:50] and I already had better armor,
[05:01:52] better helmet, there's fucking shit everywhere.
[05:01:55] The guys who killed me this
[05:01:55] guy probably like i hit him with two fucking sniper shots
[05:02:00] close range and he survived and still killed me
[05:02:03] this guy must have had some fucking...
[05:02:09] Like, 80-90% fuckin' armor. Guy had leg armor on like...
[05:02:14] I still have my guard so...
[05:02:16] She was already open when I got there. They were already there.
[05:02:19] How's it going man?
[05:02:20] It's going okay.
[05:02:23] What am I doing in here man? Looting around man! Trying to find stuff!
[05:02:27] Oh fuck.
[05:02:28] Did you get the AR case?
[05:02:30] It's not an AR case if you think it is right.
[05:02:33] It's just a stupid fucking case you press F on.
[05:02:37] I thought I found something sick and then it was just like nope
[05:02:42] that's open yeah dog is for you man yes how goes brother brother. You die recently or something? Is that why you're down here?
[05:02:52] I say you die recently
[05:02:54] What i do when i have time off of work is kill myself, come down here, get loot.
[05:02:59] And then go sell and back to base.
[05:03:01] Oh!
[05:03:03] So you do like a Bambi run all the way back to your base?
[05:03:07] Or to Trader and then sell?
[05:03:09] Yeah, if i have time
[05:03:11] I'll go hit labs but dude it's so scary in there I don't got time for that yeah I'm not
[05:03:17] gonna shoot you no more sorry to reload in front of you. Oh, you're good man. Honestly even if you did I don't care dude
[05:03:21] Yeah we are super early
[05:03:23] This is pretty much why we don't need
[05:03:25] To shoot each other. We are so fucking early and it's insane
[05:03:29] And then there will be people full of purple armor camping the green carts.
[05:03:35] I know bro, they're crazy asses. Yo where's your base at? What town do you like to reside in?
[05:03:41] Um let's see.
[05:03:45] It's near Gorka.
[05:03:47] Oh okay. Gorka was kind of where I was thinking I might want to build around too.
[05:03:51] That's a pretty cool spot, I mean you can
[05:03:53] build two bases on this server so you can have like
[05:03:55] one main base and then
[05:03:57] little loot bases or something
[05:03:59] Okay okay
[05:04:04] I haven't built bases in a long time so it's not really my forte
[05:04:06] but usually I'll just go take over
[05:04:08] like a random building and put a couple doors on or something
[05:04:10] I got a code lock at the
[05:04:12] my st, so that probably makes something.
[05:04:16] That's good you need that.
[05:04:18] Yeah...
[05:04:20] You wanna team up for a little bit randomly and we can split up after we get somewhere? Not a big deal?
[05:04:25] Sure man! I don't really care my boys are like 10 kilometers away
[05:04:27] Bro that's exactly what
[05:04:29] That's my shit too
[05:04:31] Actually my boy just died in the lab
[05:04:33] He's down here now, but he just died. Damn bro!
[05:04:36] Yeah... I've actually been to the lab.
[05:04:40] Oh man you gotta go dude. You gotta try it.
[05:04:42] It's pretty cool.
[05:04:44] Yeah I keep trying and I die in a way. People are pretty ruthless man, they're good too.
[05:04:47] They get smoked pretty easily.
[05:04:49] If you go solo
[05:04:51] your dead. You at least need one or two people.
[05:04:53] Yeah? I feel that, I feel that.
[05:04:55] I understand.
[05:04:57] Oh, dude.
[05:04:58] Here.
[05:04:59] Sorry, I have my gun out.
[05:05:02] I need to make storage so it doesn't look like I'm trying to kill you.
[05:05:05] No, I don't think you're going to kill me even if you did.
[05:05:06] I'm kind of in the same boat.
[05:05:07] I wouldn't really care too much. I'm going to take that drink if you did. I'm kind of in the same boat, I wouldn't really care too much.
[05:05:10] I'm gonna take that drink if you want it though.
[05:05:11] Oh dude, yeah,
[05:05:13] you can refill those water bottles.
[05:05:14] Nah, I'm just gonna keep this soda.
[05:05:17] I'm a lazy ass when it comes to survival stuff in this one.
[05:05:21] You know, dude playing modded compared to vanilla is like
[05:05:23] you do things on
[05:05:25] the modded that you don't need to do because
[05:05:27] you're so used to playing vanilla.
[05:05:28] Oh yeah, absolutely. I tend to do that like every dang day.
[05:05:31] Just don't go fishing and you'll be fine.
[05:05:37] There's a sleeping bag. You want the sleeping bag?
[05:05:40] I have a couple.
[05:05:42] Do they go for a lot or is it just something people don't buy?
[05:05:46] Could sell them maybe like 20, 30k.
[05:05:49] Okay that's not bad. The more you sell... I could sell them, maybe like 20-30k.
[05:05:50] Okay, that's not bad.
[05:05:51] It's more you sell some early wipe.
[05:05:54] Yeah, when people actually need them?
[05:05:56] I gotcha.
[05:05:57] This is my first wipe.
[05:05:59] I was watching some YouTubers play it and I was like, oh imma give it a shot
[05:06:04] Okay, how long you been around it?
[05:06:07] About two weeks now maybe a little less dude. Been to labs like eight times though
[05:06:12] it's fun.
[05:06:14] Whereas how much stuff do you have
[05:06:16] at your base? You pretty stacked up there? Like stocked?
[05:06:18] Believe it or
[05:06:20] not my main base literally I have green loot in and then I just grow weed in there to sell money.
[05:06:27] You just have a weed base bro?
[05:06:30] Yeah.
[05:06:32] Yo stick him up. Who are you? Yo talk. Yeah. Woah woah woah! I found a shotgun case.
[05:06:32] Yo, stick em up.
[05:06:33] Who are you?
[05:06:34] Yo talk right now.
[05:06:35] Yo.
[05:06:36] Who are ya?
[05:06:38] Yo.
[05:06:40] Yo let's go get some fucking loot yeah?
[05:06:44] Oh!
[05:06:45] I don't think he likes you.
[05:06:48] No, I don't trust that guy.
[05:06:50] We just got dumped.
[05:06:52] Man, that was sick dude.
[05:06:53] That was crazy. Yo, that was sick dude! That was crazy!
[05:06:55] Who is this guy?
[05:06:57] Love you baby!
[05:06:59] Okay, I'll see ya in a little bit okay?
[05:07:01] Sleep well baby!
[05:07:02] What's that guy talking about let's go loot?
[05:07:04] He was just trying to willy nnilly team up with us, bro.
[05:07:06] Like who is this dude?
[05:07:09] Uh...
[05:07:10] he's uninvited.
[05:07:16] Would you like to loot? Like in the cylinders?
[05:07:19] Below there or something?
[05:07:20] Just, like, green key and then usually
[05:07:22] I'll get a yellow key go hit that
[05:07:24] and then hit the red C for last.
[05:07:25] So you just stroll all the way up
[05:07:26] basically? What do you got right now? I have a yellow
[05:07:29] on me right now.
[05:07:30] I have two yellows and a green.
[05:07:32] Okay.
[05:07:34] You can do a yellow if you want man, I got two.
[05:07:36] Yeah maybe we could grab one. Let me hang on.
[05:07:38] Let's see how far my boy is real fast.
[05:07:41] And then maybe we can team up in the middle of it.
[05:07:43] Okay.
[05:07:48] Um... Let's see if there is a pistol. I think this might be a full auto rock.
[05:07:50] How did that guy just know we were there?
[05:07:54] Yeah, I think I got a full-auto rock but let's see...
[05:07:59] Oh shit! oh yeah dude! Oh shit that's sick.
[05:08:05] Dude you're like actually one of the chillest persons
[05:08:07] I've met on this server so far. Everybody else just kills me.
[05:08:10] Kind of understandable why people get crazy, but...
[05:08:14] Yeah, I mean that was a modded server, but it's like...
[05:08:17] Yeah man have you ever played uh- dude oh my gosh Namalus. Have you ever played... Dude, oh my gosh! Namal's.
[05:08:20] Have you ever played Namal? It's just my favorite map.
[05:08:22] Yeah, you like the Namals?
[05:08:24] I've actually never made it to Lantia though.
[05:08:26] I only made it to A3. What?!
[05:08:28] Oh! Don't come in! Wait! Don't come in!
[05:08:31] Wait, don't shoot him!
[05:08:35] No, don't be sorry. That's the funniest thing I've ever seen.
[05:08:39] Why didn't you say anything?
[05:08:40] You doofus!
[05:08:41] You knew it was me, you saw my name...
[05:08:46] Yeah okay and?
[05:08:48] You said hey this is my friend don't shoot him.
[05:08:50] I DIDN'T SEE YOU WALK UP BEC up because your dumb ass didn't say anything.
[05:08:54] You thought you were just gonna walk into the fucking house and I was just gonna notice you-
[05:09:00] Dude don't be sorry bro. No no don't do that, don't do that, don't be sorry bro.
[05:09:05] I think it's hilarious. I'm making fun of him right now
[05:09:07] this guy, no stressing. He's a dumbass for walking up
[05:09:09] while saying anything.
[05:09:11] He said sorry dummy. Go to Electrode.
[05:09:13] Oh, Electrode... Okay.
[05:09:14] Wait wait hold on let me find out where I am. Hold on.
[05:09:17] What the? Yo who are you dude?
[05:09:20] You spawned already right okay where am I?
[05:09:23] Dio and Dubrow there's a guy out here
[05:09:26] Where the fuck am I bro?
[05:09:28] What is that sir?
[05:09:30] Chat, where am I?
[05:09:32] Is that the thing I dropped earlier dude?'s definitely i have to be under his name
[05:09:38] okay let's see keep it man i don't need it okay you're you have to just run west
[05:09:42] test right now so Yeah I'm coming.
[05:09:44] What the f-
[05:09:45] The guy brought me my gift that I dropped back there.
[05:09:47] Oh shit thanks man.
[05:09:49] Don't you dare throw it at me bro.
[05:09:51] Don't you fucking do it.
[05:09:52] Give him a mic sir.
[05:09:55] Okay yo before we shoot can everybody calm down?
[05:09:58] Can everybody calm down?
[05:10:01] It's you.
[05:10:03] Yo hang on a sec bro.
[05:10:06] Hang on a sec bro. I've't gonna lie bro, yo okay Who is you? Listen bruh I ain't gonna lie bro
[05:10:06] Yo I ain't gonna lie bruh
[05:10:07] I've watched you die seven times in a row on this server
[05:10:09] Let's just go get you some loot for the one time
[05:10:11] Nah I'm fine bro
[05:10:12] I got this shit
[05:10:13] I don't need help
[05:10:14] You firefighter
[05:10:15] Give him my fucking
[05:10:17] Give it back Fuck shoot me then give them back
[05:10:19] Give him back Give him his fever looking thing, sir. That's yours branch here
[05:10:24] I have no space to be honest
[05:10:28] Can you sell it for like 20k or something.
[05:10:31] What's that guy doing?
[05:10:34] I don't know.
[05:10:35] Maybe he was the guy who killed me.
[05:10:38] He's got dance moves though. He may have just... Maybe he was the guy who killed me.
[05:10:41] Hey, he's got dance moves though! What the fuck is that?
[05:10:45] Yeah, this is two breakdancing in DayZ all heckin' up.
[05:10:48] Yeah I've got a football helmet brother.
[05:10:51] Your voice is very muffled. Oh, is it really?
[05:10:52] Dude you're ready man...
[05:10:55] You're ready for the Super Bowl man.
[05:10:58] You goddamn right.
[05:11:02] Man, that's protection better than none though.
[05:11:14] What you name dude?
[05:11:21] Nice. He has a lap guard. What?
[05:11:25] Hold on dude, but I have this key though
[05:11:27] I don't know what to do with it
[05:11:32] I can't know what to do with it. Take this out. I can't even get that mask on.
[05:11:34] Look at that key, dude.
[05:11:40] Ben, throw that somewhere safe- Oh, I heard a tapper.
[05:11:44] I can't store it safe dude. I have to pick the fucking lab card man. What do I do with this?
[05:11:50] Uh what is it? It's a gold key.
[05:11:53] Goes to Northwest Airfield.
[05:11:55] Key? Oh I've never seen one of those before. Does it say like a location on it?
[05:11:59] Yeah, Northwest Airfield Defense Force Complex
[05:12:03] North-West Airfield Defense Force Complex.
[05:12:06] Northwest Airfield.
[05:12:09] Take the kill any day, thank you bud.
[05:12:12] Stats! Did you go to the trader and accept your quest?
[05:12:15] Not yet, not yet.
[05:12:17] Oh bro, you gotta do that because if you get 10 kills
[05:12:19] You'll get an M4 in purple armor
[05:12:23] That would just be a gift for someone else, you know?
[05:12:27] Yeah. Here take my helmet so I can hear you.
[05:12:32] Nah fuck that helmet bro, I don't like that helmet anyways. Let's go.
[05:12:40] We got y'all here for a little bit longer my boy is coming from Kami Shobo he's almost there.
[05:12:46] Oh nice. So tell almost here. How nice.
[05:12:48] Tell him I'm sorry once again, man.
[05:12:49] I feel bad.
[05:12:50] We don't care.
[05:12:52] We're just having fun.
[05:12:55] Come on.
[05:12:57] Wait for us!
[05:13:01] Fuck, we're in the wrong building.
[05:13:05] There's a car going towards you. Get ready on the road, if you have a gun.
[05:13:08] With what? My pistol?
[05:13:10] Oh bro tell them to pick you up and come get us.
[05:13:12] Okay.
[05:13:14] Try to convince him. Stay on the road.
[05:13:16] I'm on the road. I don't see shit.
[05:13:18] Hey, should we go?
[05:13:22] The main road.
[05:13:23] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:13:24] The main road.
[05:13:25] Do you see where I'm at?
[05:13:27] Am I in the right... No?
[05:13:27] Yeah, dude.
[05:13:28] I don't know where they went.
[05:13:29] They went... Dude you don't know the main
[05:13:31] Wait wait yeah you're on the main road I think.
[05:13:33] I'm on the main one! What do you mean no?
[05:13:35] Motherfuck you can't tell a goddamn main road?
[05:13:37] Weird is you never see cars down here, so it's like a...
[05:13:39] Really?
[05:13:40] ...price or die down there.
[05:13:42] Yeah man, I'm telling ya.
[05:13:44] It's pavement-weird.
[05:13:46] We get geared in this drive up to the fucking lab easy.
[05:13:49] I saw a couple gear people running around telling you if you're with me at that
[05:13:51] place which is crazy by the way it's like aliens and cool but if you were worth
[05:13:57] me we were winning that oh he spoiled oh scoop me scoop me scoop me boy scoop me scoop me scoop me
[05:14:09] you're such a fucking idiot, bro.
[05:14:12] They left.
[05:14:14] Bro! If they were gonna stop for anything, they would've stopped for that, bro.
[05:14:23] They didn't kill me though. There were four fully geared guys in there by the way.
[05:14:25] Oh, there was four? Okay.
[05:14:29] I was just waiting for the car to fucking stop.
[05:14:34] I'm gonna check out this barn and see if there's something in here.
[05:14:37] Yeah, this stuff...
[05:14:40] I like this map because it spawns loot everywhere.
[05:14:46] Yeah you can just walk into a fuckin fucking bathroom and accidentally find like a shotgun box or something. Yeah.
[05:14:49] Is this like inspired off of Tarkov?
[05:14:53] Um... I'm not totally sure. That one seems like the lab stuff, but I feel like that's only Tarkov.
[05:14:57] Yeah it's kind of a cool thing.
[05:15:00] Yeah I like it though. It's pretty cool.
[05:15:07] Ooh got a toolkit! Let's go!
[05:15:10] Or tool belt, I mean.
[05:15:13] We're looting and running slowly. Don't loot just come.
[05:15:17] I hear some base stuff that's like a...
[05:15:18] I'm not looting, I've been running this whole time.
[05:15:19] Yeah, I don't know if you got a base or not but basically this server does like BPP building type stuff.
[05:15:25] Okay.
[05:15:27] Not like vanilla.
[05:15:28] I haven't done it yet,
[05:15:30] I'm gonna try it later probably.
[05:15:32] Because I have money
[05:15:33] sitting in my sales or whatever
[05:15:35] and like half a mil but I don't have anywhere to store it
[05:15:37] so I gotta make a base soon.
[05:15:40] You can buy storage
[05:15:41] in the trader zone and you
[05:15:43] can store money inside your Atlas safe.
[05:15:46] Oh. So I have... inside your Atlas safe. Oh...
[05:15:48] So I have like a
[05:15:50] four slot, or like six slot
[05:15:52] money thing for my safe because somebody
[05:15:54] gave me one?
[05:15:56] Oh wow that's very nice of them. Yeah you can store money in there. You just sell like a bunch of barter items
[05:16:03] Yeah yeah I'm gonna have to get all that out
[05:16:06] Get more accepting quests and stuff
[05:16:11] Yeah dude, i recommend that because you can get 10 kills so easily on the server
[05:16:21] hell yeah Hell yeah. Do you need any 45 ammo?
[05:16:24] I need anything that is a gun at the moment, let me see if I can put this on the Glock. Let's see...
[05:16:31] I have a Glock 18, dude!
[05:16:33] This thing is cool! Check this out.
[05:16:35] Okay, we need a battery for this.
[05:16:39] Got a Hellcat? No, it's a Glock. What the hell, cat?
[05:16:42] Um... now it's a Glock.
[05:16:45] What am I doing?
[05:16:47] Sweet! Full auto-Glock baby!
[05:16:52] Dude, you getting close? How close are you?
[05:16:55] You can see it top left.
[05:16:57] Oh yeah, oh yeah 400. Yeah, you're making it easy.
[05:17:01] My friend's about 400 from us, so he'll be here soon.
[05:17:05] We could start making our way up north or go hit a door or something. Whatever you want to do.
[05:17:11] You decide man! whatever you haven't
[05:17:13] done let's go do it.
[05:17:15] Yeah, yeah, I should just go ahead
[05:17:17] I want to make my way to labs
[05:17:19] eventually. A lab right?
[05:17:21] But uh, I don't know if we should maybe
[05:17:23] Yeah, I don't know if we should make that car hidden dude
[05:17:24] Yeah, I got it in the I got it in the gamma container or whatever container. It is probably cool
[05:17:30] Should be good oh look at this big guy a shovel dude
[05:17:36] yeah the other thing's the best thing in the game isn't it like isn't it
[05:17:39] like a server like isn't it like in a server like this we
[05:17:42] can hit like a military spot and I can search around for
[05:17:45] buried loot.
[05:17:49] Isn't that one of those things?
[05:17:50] There's buried stashes but you don't need to shuffle.
[05:17:53] You just click F on them and they open up.
[05:17:55] Oh, you don't need a shuttle for that?
[05:17:57] Okay cool.
[05:17:59] We should look for those at Belota maybe.
[05:18:01] Actually that's kind of far out now.
[05:18:03] Any military base spawns them.
[05:18:05] Yeah, maybe we hit Topolka Military? No it's only one base. Military base spawns them. You go north?
[05:18:06] Yeah, maybe we hit Topolka military? No that's only one thing...
[05:18:10] Sorry, way of military.
[05:18:12] I don't know. I can't see any Q-Bers for some reason.
[05:18:14] How old is Dickhead not to kill me?
[05:18:16] I saw a boy around the corner right here
[05:18:18] he's coming through no gorka has a yellow key card yeah i went to goreco last one
[05:18:24] i'm down with that
[05:18:30] Alright, where's our boy at? I gotta apologize to you guy hand in hand
[05:18:33] Hey man. Yeah, I'm sorry for smoking you man
[05:18:35] That's fair
[05:18:38] Oh man all good man, all good, brother. All good, man.
[05:18:40] Alright, do you have a key card still, Nottie?
[05:18:42] What the- what's this backpack, bro?
[05:18:44] Yeah, yeah I got it.
[05:18:46] I don't know they dropped it on their way.
[05:18:48] The guys who were driving dropped it on their own. Oh, no shit.
[05:18:49] That's weird.
[05:18:50] I don't know.
[05:18:53] I don't fucking know. Some blue car?
[05:18:55] Four-seater?
[05:18:58] I have a lap card. Yeah, me too.
[05:19:00] Somebody gave them one too.
[05:19:02] What?
[05:19:04] It's not even fucking special anymore man!
[05:19:06] Somebody gave it to you bitch?
[05:19:08] You got yours on your own bro.
[05:19:11] True.
[05:19:14] Okay.
[05:19:17] We need to get a car if we're gonna go over there. It took me 25 minutes to run there.
[05:19:21] Well we're not go over there. It took me 25 minutes to run there. Well, we're not going to go straight there. We're going to hit other stuff on the
[05:19:23] way so we can get geared.
[05:19:26] Yeah, yeah, I know that. So let's
[05:19:27] figure out a plan here. Get inside here.
[05:19:29] Let's figure out where we want to go first all right
[05:19:32] look at the map where do we want to go or electro
[05:19:41] we could just like we can head to Star Roy, hit the military there and then start
[05:19:47] heading up to Gorka.
[05:19:48] You guys wanna do that?
[05:19:49] Yeah, that shit took me 25 minutes running straight there, bro.
[05:19:59] Alright, let's do that.
[05:20:01] Let's go to Star Roy and then let's go to uh...
[05:20:04] Um...
[05:20:06] Gorka.
[05:20:08] I got a guy running up, I knew it.
[05:20:10] This shit's hard though.
[05:20:12] There's a guy right here man.
[05:20:15] Yeah stop fucking putting so many goddamn markers on the map! Move one and drag- just drag one around.
[05:20:19] I didn't know you could do that.
[05:20:21] Put your hands up or we're murdering you bro!
[05:20:23] He doesn't care he's cool. You look like a cool man.
[05:20:25] You fucking cool?
[05:20:29] I really want that kill challenge but
[05:20:31] I'll spare you.
[05:20:33] He'll fuckin' you, man.
[05:20:36] No, you're fine.
[05:20:48] How long y'all been playing DayZ for?
[05:20:51] A few years.
[05:20:54] I was like, I got 3k.
[05:20:56] Oh nice. So I. I got 3K. Oh nice.
[05:20:57] So I started playing at the end of 2022?
[05:21:03] Okay okay well hell yeah really.
[05:21:06] To be honest I've been playing the old DayZ since
[05:21:08] I was a youngster 10 years ago.
[05:21:12] Yeah this one's been out there awhile now
[05:21:20] I thought it was All right, Brother John. We're finally together.
[05:21:22] Not geared at all.
[05:21:28] Ready to take on the world.
[05:21:29] We have the fucking key and
[05:21:31] I'm telling you that place is wild, bro.
[05:21:33] Make our fuckin' way.
[05:21:35] Be geared up.
[05:21:37] Did you almost kill somebody when you went?
[05:21:40] I fought with... there was three people that I saw with my own two eyes.
[05:21:44] Uh they were killing like zombies or aliens or whatever and uh
[05:21:54] I saw one snipe him hit him in the chest with my sniper he runs at me starts pushing me hit him again with a sniper and he just caught me no way
[05:21:58] this is like this is like pretty close range as well medium to short range.
[05:22:02] You should have flew out of him man.
[05:22:04] I had some shit auto weapon with 11 bullets.
[05:22:08] Mmm okay.
[05:22:09] And he rushed me, rushed me like that first sniper shot didn't do anything because
[05:22:12] he got hit and then ran at him.
[05:22:13] Was that through cash for two years?
[05:22:14] Sure.
[05:22:15] I'm pretty sure he was...
[05:22:16] Bro the guy had leg armor, he had NVGs in there, like he was using NVGs in there, I
[05:22:20] guess it was easier for him.
[05:22:21] Oh. Because it was easier for him.
[05:22:22] Uh, cause it's like kinda dark.
[05:22:25] He had leg armor, fuckin' every like- Bro, the guy was kidding me.
[05:22:26] You can get snipers up there man, it's pretty cool.
[05:22:30] Yeah,
[05:22:30] I've seen some lockers and shit in those things.
[05:22:38] 25 minutes though bro! Wooo!
[05:22:40] It took me 25 minutes to run that. I didn't even use my card, which if I wasted
[05:22:44] my card, I would have cried.
[05:22:46] But it was already
[05:22:48] opened and I teleported in there.
[05:22:52] Is it epic?
[05:22:54] It's pretty fucking sick, I'll be honest.
[05:22:56] I only saw like a little bit of it but...
[05:22:59] Things that I did see was pretty cool.
[05:23:02] Feels like...
[05:23:04] Yeah we're gonna go to Starloy at 2.6
[05:23:05] At my marker
[05:23:09] I don't know what it feels like
[05:23:11] Is that a military base?
[05:23:13] There is a military base there Starloy. Um, there is a military base there, Staroy the Town
[05:23:16] and there's a military base there yeah
[05:23:18] Let me see if I have a key for this bitch
[05:23:20] No I've star-yar
[05:23:24] Dude these names are hard to pronounce.
[05:23:27] How many different fucking star cities they gotta have huh?
[05:23:31] 20. Fucking Star Isabor, Star Yar, fucking
[05:23:35] Star Oy.
[05:23:39] Freaking Star Wars like what's going on?
[05:23:45] That CEF key is worth way more than a car. Really? I should start trying to make my way down to the first airfield.
[05:24:12] This is our second day.
[05:24:14] Hold on, it's fine.
[05:24:17] Now we're trying to get a little starter base going.
[05:24:20] Yeah, if I'm just like going to a town near Gorka
[05:24:24] and taking over the little house
[05:24:28] put a couple doors. That's exactly what I mean? Put a couple doors.
[05:24:30] That's exactly what I didn't do.
[05:24:33] Doesn't take too long or what?
[05:24:35] You just need nails
[05:24:36] man and all the stuff
[05:24:38] for it but yeah, it's not that hard to build
[05:24:41] Is there a teleport next to Gorka?
[05:24:45] Yeah there is actually. Maybe Pollyanna
[05:24:49] Pollyanna might not be a bad town to reside in.
[05:24:52] It's near Trader, it's near Gorka...
[05:24:56] Yeah, I got a base mid-north
[05:25:00] and one far north for laps.
[05:25:02] Apparently make a starter shack with 500 slots.
[05:25:07] It's 1 rope 3 short sticks.
[05:25:09] Where did my marker go?
[05:25:10] What the fuck?
[05:25:10] Hold on.
[05:25:11] Did I just remove it backstabbed?
[05:25:13] Where's my marker, chat?
[05:25:15] Wait hold the fucking phone
[05:25:17] where'd my marker go?
[05:25:19] It's gone
[05:25:21] You removed it Nani? You removed removed my fucking marker didn't you dummy?
[05:25:25] You click play and makes it like invisible
[05:25:27] Don't remove my fucking markers! Get one marker that you like
[05:25:31] And drag it around Nottie okay? I'm gonna Okay? I'm gonna put my name on
[05:25:35] my marker. Hold on.
[05:25:37] I lost myself here as fuckin'
[05:25:39] Natty.
[05:25:43] Did I remove the trap? Gunman, do you have a gun?
[05:25:45] No.
[05:25:49] I don't have ammo but you can
[05:25:51] have that.
[05:25:58] Turn around. I'm gonna go. Will has finished me, dawg.
[05:26:04] Boom! You see that now?
[05:26:06] Yeah, I deleted all my markers.
[05:26:09] Yeah mine included you big doofus.
[05:26:11] Fuck you.
[05:26:12] See yeah just take one marker and you can click the bottom left
[05:26:15] And like make it so you can drag it around.
[05:26:17] I just dragged it around.
[05:26:20] I have one marker still, which is a lab.
[05:26:22] It's just hard on the eyes that bullet actually.
[05:26:24] I'm gonna change that.
[05:26:28] At 1.7 o'clock... People in there were kidded
[05:26:30] We gotta be fuckin geared as fuck
[05:26:32] If we open
[05:26:34] the key, if we open the lab door
[05:26:36] ourself, we get five minutes grace period
[05:26:39] without anybody going in.
[05:26:42] Oh shit.
[05:26:43] So after five minutes of that, then it
[05:26:45] opens for everyone else for ten.
[05:26:48] I see. So using the cards of benefit okay okay apparently someone said 2.5
[05:26:55] minutes or one guy though like that I'm not sure. One guy.
[05:27:01] Yeah, but they could just camp it, though, can't they?
[05:27:02] Or us.
[05:27:02] I mean... Like if we use our car,
[05:27:03] we could just...
[05:27:04] I don't know.
[05:27:05] They...
[05:27:05] I guess they knew I was coming.
[05:27:07] Oh!
[05:27:07] They do know I'm coming.
[05:27:08] The fucking intercom lady was saying breach,
[05:27:11] breach or some shit when I went in.
[05:27:13] Really?
[05:27:14] Hey man, breach or something.
[05:27:15] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:27:16] You sure that wasn't for the aliens or something?
[05:27:18] No, no, no.
[05:27:19] I'm pretty sure it was because of me.
[05:27:21] Okay. No, no, I'm pretty sure it was because of me.
[05:27:53] Gonna change that marker color. It'll be smart to have like One person stays outside
[05:27:55] And holds the extraction
[05:27:58] Like the teleportation inside
[05:28:00] And then everybody else goes in So one person camps it and the other people go yeah
[05:28:05] Yeah, and the other people going inside like because it's a it's like to the trading
[05:28:09] You have to go inside this vaults. And then extracts you like sends you a teleport to somebody camps outside
[05:28:16] of that people are coming on saying let
[05:28:20] him in tell your teammates sandwich yeah
[05:28:23] follow behind them. Exactly.
[05:28:25] So beautiful.
[05:28:27] Does it make a big noise when you teleport in though?
[05:28:30] Uh...
[05:28:30] I mean, when somebody else teleports
[05:28:33] and says the containment breach here.
[05:28:37] We have buried stashes there.
[05:28:40] Oh, okay. Let's look around I want to find out what they look like.
[05:28:43] Are they worth picking them up?
[05:28:45] It's just like a... Oh, yeah. Definitely, man.
[05:28:47] They look like
[05:28:48] little metal barrels
[05:28:49] inside the ground.
[05:28:54] Okay.
[05:28:57] Like you see like a little circle popping out?
[05:29:00] Yeah, like the little metal lid and you just click F and it opens.
[05:29:04] Is that like Tarkov?
[05:29:06] I've never played Tarkov?
[05:29:10] Like a Tarkov sesh? I've never played Tarkov so I don't know.
[05:29:15] I haven't seen videos on Tarkov but...
[05:29:18] ...from the YouTube shorts and stuff.
[05:29:27] Fun game, I just friend told me not to get it because of all the cheaters so...
[05:29:29] Oh King Jozo they all go to the same place? All the entrances?
[05:29:31] You can play vanilla official turn and just die to cheater.
[05:29:35] Yeah yeah, officials suck communities are right there
[05:29:37] Because it's not like the daisy desert where you abandon anybody.
[05:29:41] Yeah they don't.
[05:29:45] That door just opens up, and the camping outside shot doesn't work
[05:29:49] because apparently there's three different entrances that go to the same door, or go to the same lounge.
[05:29:53] Yeah but you can still camp on site and wait for them to come and then kill em before they get in.
[05:29:59] Make your teammate die... You have a 33% chance, alright? Of them going to the right portal.
[05:30:05] No no no no no. Like...
[05:30:08] There's one portal...
[05:30:10] There's one po... One, like...
[05:30:12] Oh wait!
[05:30:14] There are three different labs.
[05:30:16] Yeah there are three different labs in the same place.
[05:30:18] Yeah yeah yeah.
[05:30:23] Alright.
[05:30:25] Last field.
[05:30:29] You done any raiding yet by the way?
[05:30:31] Have you like blown up anybody's doors's doors and no i'm saving all my boom
[05:30:36] oh yeah boom nice bro well listen man if you ever need us we'll help you yeah
[05:30:45] actually sold that's why i have half a mil at the uh in my skin sales because i could boom
[05:30:49] on some guy probably nice and it just did like i go run up on Hat Creek stuff and try to grab the lab doors cards because there's specific lab door keycards.
[05:31:01] Gotcha.
[05:31:08] Alright. Alright chat, let's do this shit. The red one I think is the best one.
[05:31:11] The card?
[05:31:13] Yeah it's a red lab doorcard.
[05:31:16] Wait, what?!
[05:31:18] What does that mean?
[05:31:20] There are specific
[05:31:22] lab keycards inside the lab
[05:31:24] there is three rooms, black's black, blue and red.
[05:31:27] Oh when you get in there
[05:31:29] you can open them specific doors
[05:31:31] Gotcha
[05:31:33] Yeah exactly
[05:31:37] That was looted bro.
[05:31:38] Why don't I invite him to the group so we don't kill him or no?
[05:31:41] No you need a key card...or a little key for this.
[05:31:44] Oh okay.
[05:31:55] What'd you say brother? Do you wanna invite this guy to the group so we don't kill him or anything?
[05:31:57] Nah he's in a-he's in a group with his voice. Ah, okay. You wanna invite this guy to the group so we don't kill him?
[05:31:58] Nah, he's in a group with his voice.
[05:32:00] Ah okay.
[05:32:01] Just keep it tight with him.
[05:32:03] Just keep it tight and remember what he looks like. I'm gonna check up these men right here.
[05:32:24] The military is... the military's north of you, so I'm gonna go
[05:32:28] to the police station. Yo hey man.
[05:32:31] Can you help?
[05:32:33] I got something if you want it, it's a gas mask
[05:32:35] You can go loot the gas zone
[05:32:37] Need to have a few
[05:32:39] Thanks man. It's on purple guns.
[05:32:44] And you can use crowbars to rob these ATMs.
[05:32:47] Yeah, I tried one time and right when I walked out someone killed me.
[05:32:53] Damn dude that happened to me.
[05:32:54] I've only done 1 and the whole gear team just wiped me down.
[05:32:58] Yeah, odd guys.
[05:33:01] Police station sucks.
[05:33:05] Not wrong.
[05:33:07] Let's go to this military.
[05:33:11] What? Did you just haze him?
[05:33:20] Sorry, I think it's being stupid.
[05:33:22] Now we're even.
[05:33:24] Get your tech off the ground.
[05:33:28] It's a little to your left right here.
[05:33:32] You don't see an attack?
[05:33:38] Did he lose his ability to talk, whatever.
[05:33:44] Oh no, you fucked him up bro. I fucked him when so bad he can't talk anymore!
[05:33:50] Wait, he left? What's going on?
[05:33:53] What do you mean he left?
[05:33:54] He was just running Oh, it's a car!
[05:34:15] We got a car big dog. Pretty sure it was just a bunch of stream snipers dog
[05:34:28] all right you're driving well boys we we have a car! Wanna drive straight to Le Havre or what?
[05:34:32] Yeah let's go!
[05:34:34] Ever since we tased you
[05:34:36] We can't hear your voice anymore. Did something happen?
[05:34:40] Why'd you have to tase him bro?
[05:34:42] Oh that's not why.
[05:34:43] Probably his mom is in his room or something.
[05:34:44] I don't know.
[05:34:45] Yeah.
[05:34:47] I'm getting in.
[05:34:55] Yeah, you gotta guide me okay?
[05:34:57] Wait where are you going? To a lab brother!
[05:34:59] We're going labs with no gear!
[05:35:01] Yeah why not?
[05:35:02] Okay it's the yellow marker. See the yellow marker?
[05:35:04] 12-6?
[05:35:05] Yup
[05:35:06] Just guide me via roads okay?
[05:35:09] Guide you via roads... roads okay i2 via ropes all right sounds good
[05:35:17] i have no bullets all right let's do this. We just gotta go in there
[05:35:21] use our key
[05:35:23] get enough time to get stuff and then we're good
[05:35:25] Holy shit!
[05:35:32] Yep Stick left. Yep, keep going.
[05:35:36] Yep, keep it going.
[05:35:48] ... This guy.
[05:35:51] You're staying on this road that you're on right now for a while. I'm back where we were.
[05:35:53] Perfect.
[05:35:55] I'll keep it steady, hopefully.
[05:36:01] I piss him off so much that he's in it.
[05:36:04] I won't say so, I think you legit fucked his audio.
[05:36:10] Tell him to nod his head or something if you can.
[05:36:13] I'm in the front if you can't.
[05:36:15] I'm in the front, I can't like see him.
[05:36:16] Is he even in there?
[05:36:17] Is he even in the car?
[05:36:19] Yeah, he's behind you.
[05:36:20] Oh, I can't see him.
[05:36:23] Oh, he's bugged, gets to reload.
[05:36:25] You fucked him up bro!
[05:36:28] That didn't happen to us yesterday!
[05:36:31] Shit...
[05:36:33] You can go third person how?
[05:36:36] Oh shit! What do you mean?
[05:36:38] Click V.
[05:36:40] Not in general right?
[05:36:46] It's kinda OP.
[05:36:48] Off the hood! So we can protect ourselves.
[05:36:51] Hahaha right?
[05:36:53] I'm deadass, I'm super deadass.
[05:36:55] Oh wow.
[05:36:57] Ain't no, ain't no adults.
[05:36:59] Well I read...
[05:37:01] MX-5s were the irony.
[05:37:05] My face has been a lot of Gran Turismo
[05:37:08] and a lot of Buffalo.
[05:37:12] A lot of Gran Turismo.
[05:37:16] We didn't even take a lot of damage there. Normally we would take a shitload from that.
[05:37:20] Yeah, normally we'd take a shitload from that right?
[05:37:22] You don't care about the damage you just fucking... bro! You just crashed!
[05:37:26] Bro I haven't driven in third person a long time, okay?
[05:37:31] The car lost control.
[05:37:40] Bro look how long it takes to even go 12k and a car is still taking place.
[05:37:44] Damn Ruffalo it took me 25 minutes!
[05:37:47] That's why I'm trying to kinda go fast too you know what I'm saying?
[05:37:51] It's too slow. That's what I'm trying to kind of go fast too. Park puzzles can go out
[05:37:53] up there, and be careful in the yards.
[05:37:59] Did a race back in the day when I was a kid.
[05:38:01] Grand Turismo, had to do 40 laps in one race.
[05:38:05] Sit there for hours. But then if you won
[05:38:09] You got this dope ass car, don't know what it was but it had cash row on the side Okay.
[05:38:29] They're gonna be like driving through these places and shit too, so careful. I'm behind us up in the garage.
[05:38:31] I got no gunner, no ammo...
[05:38:33] We're wasting our fucking time by going up here if he's not.
[05:38:38] I'm fucking-
[05:38:39] You're the one who said fuck it let him go!
[05:38:41] Am I supposed to stay on this road still
[05:38:45] yeah Woo! Piecing all the road right there.
[05:39:17] We got a lot of roads there, dog. You got a lot of roads, dog.
[05:39:22] Woo hoo! This is stunning! oh Right, you're going to come up for a turn here.
[05:39:37] Keep going and then... Right.
[05:39:39]'ll be like upside down with another on the straight.
[05:39:41] You keep going and then
[05:39:43] you're gonna hit like an upside-down
[05:39:45] or something like that. and then you're gonna hit like a upside down U
[05:39:50] And there's gonna be a turnoff. You gotta take that turn off. I'll tell you when
[05:39:55] You're gonna go right at night end. Keep going
[05:40:09] Go on gonna go right now This next turn. You're gonna hit a fork in the road!
[05:40:13] Once you hit the fork in the road, you're going to go left.
[05:40:17] Left at the fork?
[05:40:20] Left at the fucking fork. Okay. Never mind. Yes.
[05:40:42] Ah, okay, okay, professional driver!
[05:40:46] I'm gonna stay on this road as long as we can, okay? No turn off. Stay in the same road
[05:40:53] As long as possible
[05:41:01] So no one notices us going through the town.
[05:41:03] Let's hope that once we get to the lab nobody is there and
[05:41:07] that we're the first ones to open the door so you can get some time to loot
[05:41:11] and get some guns.
[05:41:12] Okay, let's go.
[05:41:15] It's gonna work out like that.
[05:41:17] It's gonna work out like that?
[05:41:19] Well here's using your car since yours was a fucking 3BH.
[05:41:24] That's funny, I have like
[05:41:26] mine is also not in my f***in' pocket
[05:41:28] so I kinda gotta get rid of it
[05:41:30] It's in your pocket?
[05:41:32] Yeah, it's in my normal like area that I can use it because i have
[05:41:35] a 4T that is currently road playing more.
[05:41:44] This is much faster than...I don't know
[05:41:49] It's way faster than walking though
[05:41:51] It got f***ing fast
[05:41:56] We wanna go back I'm going fast on the speed. We want to build a base, we should build one.
[05:42:00] It makes things easier with the trot in there and gear in there and shit.
[05:42:04] Yeah. I'm gonna go ahead and share it, though.
[05:42:11] strategic place to...
[05:42:13] Yep. Yeah, I'm good. I just lost control of the car.
[05:42:16] It feels like I didn't want to hit that car,
[05:42:16] so I just...
[05:42:17] I didn't think I was going to make it.
[05:42:32] All right, definitely This guy definitely needs to re-log because if he's not talking, like... You just have to keep it tight with him. And then at the end of the day we're worried about me and you he understands that
[05:42:40] he has a base he says he just like will spawn up the coast and loot
[05:42:44] boot up and then go to the traderader's cell during such a space. Keep going straight. so That's ten x of the roll, right?
[05:43:25] You can't get knocked on the server area.
[05:43:29] You are correct. you are cracked so so I want to use your teeth.
[05:44:10] What do you wanna to sell the key for?
[05:44:15] Um...
[05:44:18] I wanna use that- It's about to get fat loot.
[05:44:19] Nice fat loot from there.
[05:44:23] Okay, you're gonna take
[05:44:25] The next right. Perfect. Okay.
[05:44:36] Perfect.
[05:44:38] Good for all, go right.
[05:44:40] Yep.
[05:44:42] All right?
[05:44:44] Perfect. I'll let you know once it arrives.
[05:44:56] Take a breath for me, Adam. I'm going to try and get a little bit of snow.
[05:44:59] No, it's going to be fine.
[05:45:03] No, not here.
[05:45:06] We'll take this one then. i don't know how this goes um yeah we'll probably hide it out here somewhere
[05:45:10] let's get some air. so so
[05:45:49] you want to run from here? Okay, so I'm gonna go to marker. I'm going to mark the car now where we are I'll find my own.
[05:46:29] Oh, where am I?
[05:46:32] Why can't I find where we are?
[05:46:35] Where the fuck are we?
[05:46:38] I know your map, you'll be able to see yourself. Oh, we're way northwest.
[05:46:48] Okay. Holy...
[05:46:51] Yep.
[05:46:52] Okay, my marker is there but this is the entrance. Hold on.
[05:46:57] Let me remove...
[05:46:58] Wait, is my marker just really far? Where's my marker at?
[05:47:03] I don't know.
[05:47:04] So I'm in it. I know. Sun, man...
[05:47:05] My mark is that star away.
[05:47:07] I wanna change it and we're going to a blue axe right?
[05:47:09] Somewhere?
[05:47:13] Uh yeah but uh... Which one are we going to?
[05:47:16] Choice Boy?
[05:47:18] Aren't you far from that?
[05:47:20] I'm showing where it is.
[05:47:22] Yellow marker
[05:47:24] is where it is. is my yellow marker. Oh
[05:47:27] I see, it's the X right there. I'm dumb
[05:47:29] But it's not the X
[05:47:32] My mother
[05:47:37] On Yeah. The axe is on the inside of a mountain. I thought like I fucked up and got you there.
[05:47:39] No, no, we're good.
[05:47:45] Oh, I gotta mark the fucking car! Hold on, where are we? Got it, car. Marked it with the spaceship icon.
[05:48:12] Not that I'm gonna be able to fucking see it any easier. Can you hear us?
[05:48:23] Yo, yo, yo.
[05:48:26] Can you hear us?
[05:48:27] Nod your head if you can hear us.
[05:48:28] I hope he can't. Snot your head if you hear us.
[05:48:31] I hope he can't. I hope he can't.
[05:48:39] Might be an entrance, uh... on the opposite side, but I'd rather go to this one because I've
[05:48:43] been in through the side.
[05:48:44] It's easier to clear with the one bullet that I have fuck you know shit was gonna break, bro.
[05:49:09] Way to fucking go, bro?
[05:49:20] Damn.
[05:49:22] Only have shotgun. I have one bullet and a Glock for there. Damn. Holy, I'm shocked.
[05:49:24] I have one bullet and a Glock for there.
[05:49:27] Damn.
[05:49:29] We're not supposed to be out here.
[05:49:31] I know but you...
[05:49:33] You wanted us to fucking go.
[05:49:35] What else are we going to do with the car?
[05:49:37] The car, I mean.
[05:49:38] Maybe go to Red's and shit?
[05:49:40] Boot up and then go?
[05:49:42] I feel like if he lost the car without going there,
[05:49:44] I would have cried
[05:49:47] so maybe it's smart to do this but maybe
[05:49:51] smarter way was just use the car to loot right but like we get in there and then we lose
[05:49:56] and we'll be kitted in there yeah we could have got a trader i guess first
[05:49:59] yeah who cares whatever we're one kilometer away, man. Kilometer. so We'll load a military base right in front of us before we get there.
[05:50:33] Do you want to loot this?
[05:50:35] Yes.
[05:50:37] Alright, let's go. yes I'm going to be looted already though. so I'm not seeing shit.
[05:51:20] You?
[05:51:22] All i got is a PPFH
[05:51:24] It's literally nothing
[05:51:26] I have an armor
[05:51:48] You're shooting at me? Yeah, I'm shooting at you got a ppsh drum man for you I'm gonna fucking drum that and hurry up, this guy's dead. Damn!
[05:51:51] Holy shit! No, not you.
[05:51:52] That was a zombie!
[05:51:54] Fucking four hours to kill that bastard.
[05:51:55] Take this.
[05:51:57] It's not me.
[05:51:58] Well where are ya?
[05:51:59] Up there.
[05:52:01] That's fucking gigantic for the guy.
[05:52:03] Alright, that's nice.
[05:52:05] Fuck this Glock.
[05:52:08] Keep looking for shit?
[05:52:11] What's up?
[05:52:15] I don't know how much helicopters cost, but you should probably use your money for a fucking helicopter.
[05:52:22] Oh nice and beacons.
[05:52:24] Nice.
[05:52:25] Holy smokes.
[05:52:28] We'll get some shit over here. You coming to me?
[05:52:39] Yeah. Who just threw the nade? Not me.
[05:52:40] I went through a fucking nade down there, maybe.
[05:52:44] What do you mean go to youth? What's that mean?
[05:52:47] I forget it.
[05:52:49] Backpacks and shit like this, but...
[05:53:22] ... Huh? A little better off, a couple mags of the SMG now. Um, you can find anything else but definitely a little bit better. Way better I'll be honest.
[05:53:23] I have one bullet now with gun and armor so...
[05:53:25] Yeah yeah, much better.
[05:53:28] There's another one here. Not good again.
[05:53:29] Checking...
[05:53:31] City frame?
[05:53:33] Nothing.
[05:53:35] Let's keep going.
[05:53:37] Keep picking, nothing. Let's get going. We'll get to go. Get good, Andrew? Let's go.
[05:53:53] Are you gonna play Elden Ring? Yeah, I plan on playing it through.
[05:53:54] I plan on beating it.
[05:53:59] I wasn't going to until I saw Kai beat the whole thing and I was like, alright man.
[05:54:22] I should be able to handle this I said something like,
[05:54:24] I'm ass. But you guys?
[05:54:27] You know crying and shit about the game being too hard?
[05:54:28] You guys are ass!
[05:54:32] Oh, Lucas at the skippers.
[05:54:36] I kinda half-skip it again.
[05:54:39] Wait a while...
[05:54:53] Alright. That's not, that doesn't even have like uh armor though.
[05:54:54] Yeah I know there's stuff on this guy.
[05:54:58] Alright, let's go! uh uh We are very close.
[05:55:37] Do you have an armor yet or no?
[05:55:41] I have armor, I have armor.
[05:55:44] No, I don't know where he's at.
[05:55:48] He has no armor on him.
[05:55:58] I'm gonna hit it. Fuck! I'm not gonna shoot these smiths.
[05:56:18] Alright, he got his armor. Let's go.
[05:56:31] Apparently green gear is shit.
[05:56:35] Better than nothing.
[05:56:39] Better than nothing.
[05:56:42] Should we go loot these too? Fuck it.
[05:56:44] Yeah fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, we're here anyways.
[05:56:49] Get this tower.
[05:56:50] Apparently those barrels in the fucking ground are stashes bro Get this tower.
[05:56:54] Apparently those barrels in the fucking ground are stashes, bro we need to hit them. Oh I haven't even seen any yet!
[05:56:56] I've seen but I've been passing by them and I just haven't...
[05:57:00] Okay I gotta look for those. Oh someone's been here.
[05:57:02] Yeah yeah yeah.
[05:57:03] There's a splint in here.
[05:57:04] A splint in here.
[05:57:05] Okay okay okay.
[05:57:10] Zombies are still here.
[05:57:12] At least one. I still had the Bambi vest this whole time.
[05:57:39] I changed to gray.
[05:57:43] It's lighter. Let me just drop my shotgun for this bad boy.
[05:57:46] I got an AK.
[05:57:49] Not an AK.
[05:58:45] Okay. uh uh I think that's this thing chat. Let's get to the fucking entrance. Stuff back here to loot someone who has been here though.
[05:58:51] Yeah here now. I think someone's gonna be in there, or like nearby.
[05:58:55] They haven't opened them of the camper?
[05:59:34] Alright, I'm with him all right where's your boy what's up it was just outside he's in the tower so I'm just getting out of here Being very loud
[05:59:41] Not taking a long time Let's just go It's getting very loud.
[05:59:43] We're taking a long time.
[05:59:44] Let's just go.
[05:59:48] Alright, we have as much as we can get
[05:59:49] on the way there.
[05:59:52] Pretty much at this point. So it's just time to go On the way there?
[05:59:54] Pretty much at this point.
[05:59:55] It's just time to go in.
[06:00:09] I'm dead. Pretty sure our boy just got clapped, yeah?
[06:00:10] I think that guy has a DMR or something.
[06:00:13] It's something good.
[06:00:16] He's shooting at me.
[06:00:20] How the fuck did he hit all those shot how many times are you here once
[06:00:26] I was the item one what is one here nice headshot me
[06:00:31] that was the guy that was just looting it all.
[06:00:36] Yeah, we knew he was around right? Kinda.
[06:00:40] I'm lucky to just camp him.
[06:00:43] Wow!
[06:00:45] Fuck! Oh my god! Well...
[06:00:46] Fuck.
[06:00:48] Oh my god!
[06:00:50] They took our car.
[06:00:52] What do you mean?
[06:00:54] Our car is up here.
[06:00:56] Eh, maybe it's someone else's car that's similar same exact car i mean maybe
[06:01:02] all right I don't know how much I'm going to be able to complete on this map.
[06:01:27] You did park it by a huge base.
[06:01:31] I'll feel you, man.... so Yeah, I'm getting kind of bored.
[06:01:51] A little bit bored.
[06:01:55] I can't seem to get the jump on that
[06:01:59] thing. a little bit bored i can't seem to get the jump on anybody in this server so I'm taking this car and coming back to get you big dog. um so so so so so Daisy is not a sprint everywhere, blahblahblah.
[06:03:50] Okay so let's go back to Arma 2 alright? And what did you do
[06:03:54] in Arma 2? When did you decide that DayZ was not a what? A this or a that?
[06:04:03] Because the current game has stamina, the old game doesn't't so what do you base your off of So is Arma 2 not real DayZ? Or is DayZisy standalone not real daisy which one is it so I'm gonna be careful what you say there, because there's a lot of motherfuckers in the chat that think Arma 2 DayZ was the best day Z.
[06:05:12] Is this marker where you're at?
[06:05:15] Mmm, one marker.
[06:05:18] This is Summit's marker 12.6 kilometers
[06:05:20] I'm not there
[06:05:25] Why does this tree only have... Nice, this is two that we have.
[06:05:31] We killed him right before I won my fight too.
[06:05:35] All he knows in macro, I feel your pain. Oh, I feel your pain! Yes, I do.
[06:05:39] Yes it's true.
[06:05:43] Uh-uh... uh Where's this guy's ammo oh she ain't shooting her three legs
[06:06:14] he ran out what did they do with the rest of it?
[06:06:23] Oh yeah, I'm on shot. Good luck, motherfucker.
[06:06:52] You got a sun marker as where I am right now?
[06:06:54] Okay, I'm on the way big dog.
[06:06:56] See you in...
[06:07:07] Soon. in soon. I ain't gonna lie,
[06:07:09] this is a hard... driving is fucking hard.
[06:07:11] Q and E for uh...
[06:07:13] Yeah, I figured that out.
[06:07:16] I've never played a game where I had to do this before.
[06:07:20] Anyway. before I'm gonna be sad right now. okay This guy's a zombie for some fucking stupid reason. Why?
[06:08:06] What do you mean?
[06:08:08] Like this door over here has a stupid zombie that spawns right there.
[06:08:12] Can I say that?
[06:08:15] Uh, no.
[06:08:23] ... so so so I don't know what else we can do here.
[06:08:59] Maybe
[06:09:03] We'll find something potentially
[06:09:07] Hornet I don't know something, potentially.
[06:09:11] Or not, or not. Sorry guys, I didn't mean to do that.
[06:09:30] Yeah baby! so Oh, what the fuck? Oh!
[06:09:31] Fuck there's a guy. so so so
[06:10:09] i'm back in the same place. so so so I'm going to get to get that guy out of here. um so so Yo, what are you doing down there?
[06:12:02] I'm looking for you.
[06:12:05] Looking for me?
[06:12:08] Yeah! Looking for me? Yeah.
[06:12:11] What the heck should I do?
[06:12:13] Oh fuck!
[06:12:31] BANG He's getting sniped from somewhere else. You still alive, brother?
[06:12:36] Yeah, I'm alive.
[06:12:37] Oh, you must not be very
[06:12:39] good though.
[06:12:40] I got an AP Oh, you must not be very good though.
[06:12:43] I got an AFAK, I'm good.
[06:12:46] What? Why do you have an AFAK?
[06:12:48] No...
[06:12:53] Found it in one of these fucking bunker things? Doesn't make sense.
[06:13:00] Didn't know there was a window there, to be fair.
[06:13:11] That was a good move.
[06:13:13] Let's go, Electro.
[06:13:15] That was a solid move by him!
[06:13:21] Someone's house?
[06:13:24] Is this a door? Like a keydoor.
[06:13:32] Alright bro, well I mean shit dude.
[06:13:37] I'm not gonna lie, I pretty much just getting smoked constantly non-stop
[06:13:41] I have zero chance of winning all my fights
[06:13:44] It's all good, man!
[06:13:45] I'm coming with the car!
[06:13:49] I'm halfway there, big dog!
[06:13:51] We're half-way there...
[06:13:53] Nooo! there.
[06:14:00] I'm just trying to go fucking south this whole time, hoping it's the right
[06:14:02] direction.
[06:14:08] Also left our boy in the dust back there. Oh, sad...
[06:14:11] I just want to win a fight...
[06:14:15] I shot this dude right in his fucking face too, bro.
[06:14:17] And he just wore it.
[06:14:19] I thought the first bullet was gonna put him out
[06:14:21] but this dude wears a fucking 760
[06:14:23] right in his dome.
[06:14:26] What did he kill you with?
[06:14:29] I don't know, some automatic weapon
[06:14:31] when I climbed the ladder for his ass
[06:14:32] and he was just sitting up there.
[06:14:37] Imagine having to climb the ladder for a fucking fight in this server of all servers.
[06:14:43] I agree tell him. Fuck that guy. Oh.
[06:14:55] Yes. so so I'm gonna go to the other side. Motherfucker! You die?
[06:15:32] No, I'm just not fit to fucking drive man.
[06:15:36] Got an armor.
[06:15:53] Oh shit. There we go. Alright, SMG case. I'll defend myself a bit here.
[06:15:57] This car is really loud in here, what you think?
[06:16:01] When you go first person it's not that bad. I'm gonna try to get the guy on the right side of me This car is really loud in here, what you think?
[06:16:04] When you go first person it's not as loud.
[06:16:07] Oh yeah I forgot... Do I want to drive first person now? Is it better?
[06:16:12] No. is it better so so I'm going to try even better. Half-eaten Skittles.
[06:17:13] Actually sells, doesn't it? A couple pair.
[06:17:16] I think they'll sell a couple pair. This thing. that couple okay it's a no-stop up okay this thing this is decided to open this
[06:17:22] that doesn't have ivy stark it might be worth something i don't actually know though I've been here recently.
[06:17:41] Alright, I'm just one road away.
[06:17:45] Got to stick on this road this whole time and um...
[06:17:48] ...I'm there.
[06:17:49] Let's go get a yellow chat...
[06:18:07] Let's use 45s.
[06:18:18] I gotta go hit this green, and if there's a choice I gotta go hit this green. I don't have any other choice, I gotta get a yellow.
[06:18:27] Where's my car at?
[06:18:29] Oh shit it's at Cherno right?
[06:18:41] ... Got to go down. Oh, that one. Closest one!
[06:18:48] What happened at Buckhead? We all died
[06:18:50] when we went to the lab, some-one guy killed
[06:18:52] all three of us.
[06:18:54] There's a guy right there, Sim.
[06:18:59] Yeah, I can't win a fucking fight, chat. I'm in trouble.
[06:19:02] I really have a disadvantage here without it. Somebody's opening fucking lab doors.
[06:19:08] Say again?
[06:19:10] Somebody's opening labs' doors, man.
[06:19:13] That guy probably fucking killed you. took our card yes he's probably playing
[06:19:25] in our friend I left him there.
[06:19:27] Yeah, he probably died pretty quick.
[06:19:29] We were in a bad spot for that fucking fact to happen.
[06:19:33] Oh, that was a terrible spot. I just hit the fucking the fuckin'......fuckin' hill, and just ran towards the hill.
[06:19:38] And got in a car and did it.
[06:19:41] Cause I had no vision on him
[06:19:42] and he had a fuckin' sniper...
[06:19:44] ...reduced.
[06:19:47] Yeah, gotta love it. He just camping out there we were being really loud to be
[06:19:50] fair i mean we were but there was a chance
[06:19:53] that he was camping Someone's hitting the door real hard. so Burned.
[06:20:28] I'm burning
[06:20:32] it's hard not to be loud we need suppressors because
[06:20:35] the zombies are too strong just to sit there doing fucking melee. Yeah, maybe trap them in barracks would have been a better plan.
[06:20:58] You're right.
[06:20:59] Then mow them down.
[06:21:01] You're right you're right. I'm mowing them down.
[06:21:05] You're right, you're right that's what we should have done.
[06:21:08] Okay let's see if we can find a guy moving out. Oh! That is very inaccurate shooting. This wasn't them. Oh fuck.
[06:21:57] Can I have a sight?
[06:22:02] Oh, there we go. Oh fuck. Uh, remember the site?
[06:22:07] Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on...
[06:22:15] Holy shit!
[06:22:20] Holy shit!
[06:22:23] Uh, did you kill that guy?
[06:22:26] Yeah. Barely though. I'm gonna go see if someone else shows up.
[06:22:28] Coming with the uber
[06:22:32] Oh he's about to die
[06:22:36] I love being able to see your HP at the top, top level.
[06:22:38] Oh this guy is super fucking good.
[06:22:41] I'm almost there, I'm almost there big dog.
[06:22:50] Just grabbing everything i fucking can left so I need this actually. I'm dead
[06:23:39] No, I was here
[06:23:41] Bro, I was trying I was just trying to get all the rush
[06:23:43] through the loot i got greedy you greedy bitch
[06:23:50] okay
[06:23:54] why the Okay. Where the fuck are you now?
[06:23:56] I'm in my 800 away.
[06:23:59] Oh!
[06:24:16] Fuck. This shit's too chaotic, man. It is fucking chaotic.
[06:24:19] Nike doesn't even have time after killing two motherfuckers to loot longer than a fucking minute and Someone's already showing up again. Jesus, bro.
[06:24:28] It's a bad idea to go for
[06:24:29] these fucking close greens, honestly.
[06:24:32] You don't even get that much
[06:24:33] unless you're going for a yellow
[06:24:34] if you want to yellow from there
[06:24:39] Really get much
[06:24:47] I'm here.
[06:25:00] Boring, boring shit. Not being able to loot anything.
[06:25:40] Need to go somewhere different. This is a stupid fucking spot just get in and out of that location so oh Fuckin' nothing, dude. Oh, hey. You're driving.
[06:25:44] Awwww man! Plus I know exactly what we're doing.
[06:25:46] We're going west.
[06:25:48] Let's go! What the fuck?
[06:26:07] What did you do to the car, man?
[06:26:09] I didn't do shit to the car. The car is in to the car the car is in perfect condition
[06:26:12] the car is a perfect fucking condition Shit.
[06:26:33] We get shot, it's your fault. What the fuck did I do bitch?
[06:26:37] I built this car all the way from
[06:26:39] fucking up north.
[06:26:41] Alright so we're going to fucking...
[06:26:44] We're going to fucking Veloada I guess.
[06:26:48] I think I should have just gone with Chernow.
[06:26:52] Well we gotta, man. It's bubble swag.
[06:27:07] Drifting away, bro.
[06:27:11] That's all we got here. You got it, man.
[06:27:22] Main road is straight ahead.
[06:27:25] What? What'd you say? The main road is straight ahead yeah i hit the thing there All right, Brother John. so so so Alright dude. Oh fuck. I'm good, hey no damage.
[06:28:19] I'll take that.
[06:28:20] Yeah you don't have to kick it.
[06:28:21] You can just go in there and do whatever you want.
[06:28:22] I'm gonna try to get the car out of here.
[06:28:23] I think we're going to be able to get through this one.
[06:28:24] We got a little bit more than we need.
[06:28:25] We've been doing some stuff on the road so far.
[06:28:26] We're not getting any cars yet.
[06:28:27] We're still trying to figure out how to get past these guys.
[06:28:28] We're still trying to find them.
[06:28:29] We're still trying to figure out what's up with them. We're still trying to figure out where they are. We're still trying to figure out if they're going to come back or not. I'm good. Hey, no damage.
[06:28:30] I'll take that.
[06:28:31] Yeah you can't get knocked out in the server.
[06:28:35] Don't think the car even takes damage.
[06:28:39] It gets pretty chill when the most driven car in this area.
[06:28:45] In real base he would have been knocked out half a health gun.
[06:28:50] Oh you would've been fucking sleeping.
[06:28:52] Yeah.
[06:28:54] The shit just bounces off wherever it hits.
[06:28:58] More to it. so so so so so so so so so I'm going to go ahead and get the car. Oh my goodness! He didn't hit us once! You good? Yeah, I don't know why this shit's not shifting.
[06:31:03] I'm like fucking spamming Q.
[06:31:07] What, it's putting the block in his bitch ass? I'm in queue.
[06:31:13] You want to split the block on this bitch ass? Nah, I don't have a gun bro. Do you?
[06:31:15] I have an X1 for you.
[06:31:17] I should get to the below there so they won't know where I am going by the way.
[06:31:21] I think i'm going more north than I want to go right now.
[06:31:23] Gotta go back down.
[06:31:29] We need a marker below there at some point Your motherfucker doesn't like, it doesn he doesn't wrench and presses the button if you do it too hard.
[06:31:55] That's right here in front of us, we don't know where to look at.
[06:31:59] Off-front man.
[06:32:01] Didn't try shooting somebody.
[06:32:28] We got it though so I missed the road again?
[06:32:33] This is not it.
[06:32:36] Wait, wait, is that behind us? Is that the man? I think so.
[06:32:38] Might be dead here bro.
[06:32:42] Especially if your guy...
[06:32:47] If homie does not let's like go. especially if your guy you know like flopped up here just put it in second
[06:32:49] If I double tap it
[06:32:51] he should go straight to fucking second
[06:32:53] what the fuck
[06:32:58] you're What the fuck? You're like supposedly driving a character who doesn't know how to drive stick or something. I don't know.
[06:33:03] Like his first day.
[06:33:05] But, I don't know what the fucking main road is, buddy.
[06:33:08] Um...
[06:33:10] Where's the MAIN ROAD?!
[06:33:12] Ah! My ears! Hold on.
[06:33:16] I'm trying to get fucking pissed.
[06:33:19] Okay, I'm marking it for you.
[06:33:20] This cannot be this fucking hard.
[06:33:24] I'm getting on this one where this is.
[06:33:28] This isn't anything. Yep, yup, nothing left or right near our main road.
[06:33:34] But their main roads are just like dirt.
[06:36:34] Wow! like dirt it sucks. It's weird because the main roads are like half dirt. Now we gotta get to the green one down here, the Green V-Card. I'm going to have to check where it is. so i can try this let's just go with this so I'm burned out today i'm burned out so so so so All right. I'm going to the right. Is your marker exactly on it?
[06:36:36] Kind of, not really, no they don't really know that it's inside this area. hmm so I'm gonna wait for someone next one to be honest.
[06:37:27] Might as well.
[06:37:28] I'm down.
[06:37:29] I've got a yellow card and some stuff to barter, in a grizzly med kit no guns I'm gonna wait inside then.
[06:37:52] Broke my leg at work today?
[06:37:53] Oh, no shit!
[06:37:54] I'm gonna be seeing you a lot more
[06:37:56] for the next month.
[06:37:58] Oh Zundi, hopefully you're no longer in pain
[06:38:00] for the rest of the night bro. Pain killer it up
[06:38:02] You know what I'm saying? All good
[06:38:04] Shit, I'm sorry bro. That sucks.
[06:38:07] Pay time off? You can't pay for that shit?
[06:38:15] ... Oh, of course!
[06:38:20] Alright.
[06:38:21] I like to hear it.
[06:38:24] I like to hear it, like to hear it.
[06:38:30] That's a W!
[06:38:36] I'm sorry you hurt yourself brother that does suck but at the very least you know you're in a good position.
[06:38:57] You know what I mean know god wise and stuff okay He's a professional stream watcher now.
[06:39:40] He gets paid to be a goddamn stream watcher, now!. Thanks for being the chillest streamer on the platform, love the daisy content
[06:39:44] yo brother thank you so much man. Freddie appreciate you dude. Thank you for the mad respect brother. That's what's up man.
[06:39:47] I appreciate that very much and thank you so much for the fiber bro.
[06:39:50] The chillest... at times.
[06:39:58] Yeah, I almost went back to Rust recently, Chapo said. It might happen, brother. You never know.
[06:40:11] Attention, Valmar
[06:40:12] shoppers.
[06:40:16] That is all.
[06:40:42] Thank you, Martinez. What is this dude doing, bro? Telling you. Here's the thing Ken. You wanna know something?
[06:40:44] Yeah? Everybody spawns and hits Here's the thing, Ken. You wanna know something?
[06:40:47] Yeah? Everybody spawns and hits the green right next to them
[06:40:49] And goes immediately north
[06:40:51] If we just travel
[06:40:53] West or yeah
[06:40:54] West or fucking whatever
[06:40:56] We're good We can get a lot of gear.
[06:40:57] I think me and you go to prison right after this
[06:40:58] and hit the other green there.
[06:41:00] Okay, I'm down.
[06:41:00] I have...
[06:41:01] I only have one green.
[06:41:02] Do you have another green on you or no?
[06:41:04] Uh, no.
[06:41:05] We just go through that shit though.
[06:41:06] We don't need the gear. though we don't need the gear.
[06:41:07] Or we don't need the green.
[06:41:08] This fucking door should be closing soon. I don't even think it's so fucking smart? Why not be rich?
[06:41:29] Okay, motherfucker.
[06:41:30] Came before dead?
[06:41:32] Just saying I'm a fucking double whip.
[06:41:34] I was thinking maybe because I was in there it won't close, but I don't know.
[06:41:37] Nah, literally a guy was...
[06:41:39] Oh, there's a guy inside there camping at one time moving in.
[06:41:44] Okay.
[06:42:18] Prison Island is tier 4 also is it really toast okay wait for you have a card right yeah Got my yellow.
[06:42:23] And I got a good gun!
[06:42:25] Let's go back to the fucking car, buddy.
[06:42:40] This iron side is the biggest butthole iron side I've ever laid eyes on.
[06:42:45] I don't know where the car's at.
[06:42:46] It's on the other side of this, it's about to crash. People might wait for us. so I'm going to go ahead and get the Okay.
[06:43:18] We're good.
[06:43:21] More shots in the hole in the car and we are dead.
[06:43:24] Can't even get in it because of this bush.
[06:43:33] I'll move it up, We're gonna go to prison.
[06:43:36] Maybe get some piece of loot there, maybe find something to fight?
[06:43:39] I have this O... Otis? O-T-S?
[06:43:43] Yeah.
[06:43:54] I got one mag. huh wanted to bait shots at us if somebody was in the vicinity
[06:44:01] i don't like how like slow they have your guys shifting like it's like the
[06:44:04] largest thing on the planet to shift a fucking car
[06:44:07] you should be able to fucking shift super fast.
[06:44:17] Know what I mean?
[06:44:20] If your face cam looks good with all the wrinkles, you might need to go be a VTuber soon.
[06:44:24] That's not a bad route actually!
[06:44:28] That's not a bad idea that I haven't thought about. Not a bad idea.
[06:44:45] If I get too old, VTuber. You know what I'm saying?
[06:44:55] We got this. I thought it was going to be a bitch to cross. Hopefully I don't get...
[06:45:13] Woo! That's like
[06:45:15] 30 bangers, dude. That's like 40 bangers actually.
[06:45:17] Have a fucking grizzly.
[06:45:19] You got one of those too? Grizzly?
[06:45:21] Any type of heals? Really good. If you ever find those vials...
[06:45:26] Yellow Vial, Green Vial, Red Vial, whatever they are...
[06:45:29] And then you pair them up with a syringe and yep. And they create like a little heel for yourself.
[06:45:35] Very good.
[06:45:37] Very good to do if you don't have Apex and shit, yeah?
[06:45:41] Yeah bro, Apex and all the fucking meds cost so much.
[06:45:47] Oh yeah, they're no joke which they should you know into yes yeah I agree just take this fuckin sniper a. All right, let's go.
[06:45:57] We're going to cross.
[06:45:59] I think we just keep doing this on foot.
[06:46:02] Oh yeah, I know.
[06:46:03] Yeah, we're going to cross right now.
[06:46:06] And somebody might be holding us.
[06:46:09] I don't know, bro...
[06:46:11] Listen, here's the thing about this server.
[06:46:14] One, we're the only dumbasses who got a base.
[06:46:19] Two, I don't think people really want to go west to loot these things.
[06:46:20] They want to just hit the one that's right there
[06:46:21] and then go.
[06:46:22] Yeah, man, go up.
[06:46:23] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[06:46:24] There's a lot of people
[06:46:25] that are playing weird like us
[06:46:26] because we're playing like survival players right now, dude.
[06:46:28] Yeah yeah yeah
[06:46:30] We're playing like fucking regular DayZ players
[06:46:36] You shut up man.
[06:46:38] This bitch is huge by the way.
[06:46:39] I wear a snapback so that I can always change the size of my eye.
[06:46:44] In this case, my afro's getting too crazy and I loosened it up.
[06:46:55] Not seeing any towers or anything on windows
[06:47:05] Alright, well windows all right well loot and hope we don't get fucking randomly clap stuff is looted here boxes are open and Thank you. so Thank you. It's just been fucking looted
[06:48:02] Oh I got the This shit's been fucking looted.
[06:48:04] Oh, I got the same meds you got...
[06:48:08] Wait is that the same thing?
[06:48:11] Looks like it though, Tactical Fleece Jacket.
[06:48:16] Oh yeah, right.
[06:48:21] Let's check out that here. I got another AN-94. Well, let's just take them back.
[06:48:26] Same gun already got. 30 more bullets.
[06:48:31] Do you need armor?
[06:48:33] Yeah.
[06:48:35] Where am I at?
[06:48:42] Probably a lot more last guy. I think that is the wrong way.
[06:48:57] Anymore?
[06:48:59] Yeah, left it there.
[06:49:08] Shum-Shum is actually a regular of ours. Usually he ends up grabbing the same hats that fit on our XXL MLB mascots when they go on sale.
[06:49:29] How dare you how fucking dear are kind of gang'm saying we're kind of gaining though right now yeah i got an 8k 30 blow our secure 36 shot on mdr
[06:49:36] and that was pretty sick i want to fight with it my last little life.
[06:49:42] We're getting better stuff than we had prior, so... I guess I got another bridge to cross, haven't I? Yeah.
[06:50:01] Oh my!
[06:50:09] A lot of fun stuff to go by? This bag is nutty, ole!
[06:50:12] I have a bag that's 80 slugs.
[06:50:15] Oh shit, you should get up and tell me about these fuckin' 60 bags you're just hangin' around in there.
[06:50:19] I asked you, it was literally right next to...
[06:50:21] Did you really? Yeah, it was really right next uh yeah it
[06:50:22] was upstairs where you got the other shit
[06:50:24] i'm done i didn't hear you what about it all good
[06:50:28] seized you out a little bit there bro yeah that's typical
[06:50:31] do that all the time.
[06:50:33] Have you gone to this tower yet? The top one?
[06:50:36] No... maybe. I don't know.
[06:50:43] Another PPSH, fuck you...
[06:50:47] I have a lot of fucking scopes bro, I might have to see if we need any.
[06:50:50] I need one for an AK, do you like the cobra um yeah i'm a cober no you do not yayo
[06:51:01] that should go on the same, for sure.
[06:51:09] If it can't then fuck me. Is this where we just came from? I'm confused.
[06:51:11] This hat I am on right now is where
[06:51:13] we need to go.
[06:51:17] The security office over there is where we came from, that little corner room
[06:51:19] building. We found a
[06:51:21] pooler.
[06:51:24] I dropped the Cobra
[06:51:25] over here.
[06:51:26] Oh, no way! Nails in that floor 50k baby.
[06:51:30] Wrap their shins...
[06:51:31] Aw it doesn't go on it bro.
[06:51:33] Okay, I have other ones here. Try these?
[06:51:36] Nooo, no No, no...
[06:51:37] They all suck!
[06:51:39] They're not for me!
[06:51:41] I'm leaving them.
[06:51:43] Alright let's move on.
[06:51:45] Nothing!
[06:51:47] Stupid idea, stupid idea.
[06:51:48] Opening!
[06:51:50] How'd you do that?
[06:51:53] Now this is where we get sniped, bro.
[06:51:55] They're like yeah let him get all the loot and bring it in touch.
[06:51:59] Yeah let them fucking loot box for us real quick and you know what I'm saying
[06:52:19] Need some scary bridges We get pretty kidded here, I mean. Fucking lab time or what?
[06:52:21] Nah we'll go through the car and just get yellow...
[06:52:26] Hit the trader, maximize our reward on him
[06:52:28] Oh yeah sure, hit the traders We're gonna work the west side of the map i think
[06:52:36] look at these things hey if this was regularZ, 85 million zombies everywhere.
[06:52:42] This is the type of areas
[06:52:43] that they deserve after passage.
[06:52:45] You know what I'm saying?
[06:52:46] They should be big.
[06:52:50] There's a whole kid on the ground somebody's here really yeah like a backpack with like
[06:52:54] a bunch of gear in it gun and everything small ball
[06:53:08] i take it all just in case, but...
[06:53:20] Yeah we're still on the lab. We've been playing it all day.
[06:53:25] If i'm getting frustrated with this server, I'm gonna be getting frustrated with fucking every server or so.
[06:53:29] You know what I mean? This is like pretty chill. so I feel like he has every door closed.
[06:54:01] I changed my guy's mask, I have a smiling face now.
[06:54:04] Yeah...I'm just clearing this on one of these buildings.
[06:54:10] That's about 60 feet away from the juice lot. Let's see how much we have left. Nothing.
[06:54:30] Nothing looted here, I got some food.
[06:54:32] There's a fucking L-motor.
[06:54:37] Big L dude. Ooh you go, dude.
[06:54:39] Ooh! Air kiss. Let's go.
[06:54:41] SMG kiss...
[06:55:04] Oh! oh that's foul bro I'm scared there's a guy lurking here bro. Not possible, man. It's not possible.
[06:55:08] I'm telling you there was an entire kid on the ground
[06:55:15] probably talking about a tire good i'm just kidding yo i need to uh
[06:55:19] i need those sights back bro.
[06:55:20] Fuck! We left them all back there didn't we?
[06:55:21] I dropped em over there.
[06:55:25] I dropped em brother man.
[06:55:27] Yeah that's how sight is really weird.
[06:55:32] It's like a fucking diagonal left side to end of something.
[06:55:36] Get rid of the PPS sites?
[06:55:38] There's no reason to right now.
[06:55:43] Where'd you go?
[06:55:45] I'm up here.
[06:55:49] I see him.
[06:55:51] Yes, yes... You're in this big building?
[06:55:52] Uh, no.
[06:55:53] They are made by Beaver Latte, got more head than he got body.
[06:55:56] Okay, probably...
[06:55:57] Heard him and some-some are pretty close.
[06:56:00] I'll be in here.
[06:56:01] Oh, there's a guy over there.
[06:56:02] Yeah, yeah. There's a guy over there. Oh, okay. I heard him and some-some are pretty close.
[06:56:05] I'll be in here if you...
[06:56:11] Now with your fucking hands up, we know you're in there. We've been following you since. You're fucking looting, bitch?
[06:56:19] Yeah, bro.
[06:56:21] Open up.
[06:56:28] Okay. Here we go. I guess he's gone. I guess he's gone.
[06:56:30] Wait, on the prison isn't there an opening for- oh green, we don't need
[06:56:40] Alright did we loot everything? Wait we can go into the prison I guess
[06:56:42] But I haven't tried that yet
[06:56:44] I dunno It's this way see what i'm saying I haven't tried that yet. I don't know.
[06:56:47] It's this way, see what I'm saying?
[06:56:49] Yeah yeah yeah.
[06:56:51] He could just be over here next right? Maybe we're still following this guy?
[06:56:55] We should not have stopped there. I, we maybe would've heard the uh... let's probably go off.
[06:56:59] Pistol case and combat gloves.
[06:57:02] Um...
[06:57:04] I mean he might- I don't know. I don't know.
[06:57:09] Like I said there was a literal kid on the ground
[06:57:35] smg ammo uh boots backpack hands and This is a big ass place. I don't know if it's not lo- there's not really loot in here, in the actual game, in prison. So I'm wondering if they had some... oh, it's a CFC box somewhere. I don't have anything to drink? I don't...
[06:58:00] Anything to drink?
[06:58:02] Um...
[06:58:04] I don't even have a knife to fucking open this can!
[06:58:06] I have ummm...
[06:58:08] SpaghettiOs
[06:58:10] Some canned spaghettiOs, bro.
[06:58:16] I need a knife. Where'd my melee weapon go?
[06:58:18] Fuck.
[06:58:32] ... Fuck. There's apparently a water fountain somewhere here.
[06:58:37] I'll just buff share this real quick, no big deal.
[06:58:43] Should give us enough air and a little bit of free on water
[06:58:48] or something to show this as well floppy joe Floppy Joe.
[06:58:59] Oh my god, is that on full auto?
[06:59:03] Oh man you saved my life. Thank you.
[06:59:05] Auto check! Thank you guys I do appreciate ya!
[06:59:10] SpaghettiOs with meatballs?
[06:59:13] Hello? Let's go bro just hold on to your stuff. I'm chillin'.
[06:59:18] Trying to survive way too hard in a non-survival server, right?
[06:59:21] Well fuck it, I am red water, alright?
[06:59:30] That's crazy. Alright, see if we catch anyone on the way back.
[06:59:32] Hopefully not.
[06:59:34] Chances are... That guy might be for our big chance with a car.
[06:59:37] Or stream snipers, yeah.
[06:59:41] Sitting still for this long in the funnel position is usually not a good idea Are we dead?
[07:00:04] On a normal server, you would have eaten five cows and half a wolf.
[07:00:07] Yeah, you're not wrong. wrong very very simple to survive here
[07:00:11] somehow naughty has found himself always still needing food just like survival service it's
[07:00:15] insane so so All right, one bridge down.
[07:00:54] Next bridge up! Sight scopes.
[07:01:08] Shit!
[07:01:09] Oh, yeah, you forgot.
[07:01:10] You literally ran on top of them too.
[07:01:12] I know. I don't want top of them too. I know.
[07:01:13] I don't wanna talk about it.
[07:01:14] I don't need him that much.
[07:01:15] I still have my K- actually the AM94 shot.
[07:01:20] Shit! shit
[07:01:30] alright, no shit. we're doing good alright, we're good
[07:01:35] unless they were just waiting at the fucking car.
[07:01:39] That'll be pretty wild.
[07:01:41] You know we're fuckin can go back there.
[07:01:47] I don't even know where we parked.
[07:01:49] Right.
[07:01:50] How did we park?
[07:01:51] All right, now left.
[07:01:53] Fuck.
[07:02:02] You're dead? Did I got you? Dead, I died.
[07:02:04] Here you go.
[07:02:11] Go, go, go! Where do we go next?
[07:02:13] Yellow.
[07:02:17] Yeah yellow. Yellow, I hear yellow Yeah, yellow Down, there's a nearest yellow from here
[07:02:25] There's one north, next to a military base.
[07:02:29] Wanna do that?
[07:02:31] Yep
[07:02:33] My Shkino Military Base
[07:02:35] You wanna mark it?
[07:02:37] Uh yeah Alright I'm gonna mark it.
[07:03:03] Uh, yeah. All right, it's on marker. Tell me if I should take this road north coming up? Or should I wait?
[07:03:05] Let's see.
[07:03:07] Um, yeah take a turn right there. Take it right, right, right. so so.
[07:03:46] . Are you red and hung, thirsty yet?
[07:03:53] Yeah I've been ran. What about the
[07:03:57] canned spaghettios? They didn't do shit!
[07:04:01] You're the only guy who's having a problem surviving in a PvP server.
[07:04:07] I don't know bro! What the fuck do you want me to do bruh?
[07:04:12] It ain't about me man, my cock is just hungry.
[07:04:15] It's like this on every server.
[07:04:19] Must have talked some shit to it there or something like that.
[07:04:22] Yeah I'm just...
[07:04:24] That's why they didn't give any big head nod on the counter strike like 15 years
[07:04:25] now or something like that.
[07:04:26] Oh, that's what he did?
[07:04:27] He talks a little shit one time bro, let's see what he does to him.
[07:04:34] Oh yeah poor Noddy doesn't die every 15 minutes so he gets thirsty.
[07:04:40] Poor Naughty just been waiting all night way longer than Summit
[07:04:44] So that's why he is thirsty.
[07:04:47] I don't know you started reading out of the fucking chat and just put it back together?
[07:04:51] I didn't read nothing...
[07:04:53] You've been alive for that long
[07:04:55] you should have stopped for fucking water man.
[07:04:57] No sorry I was driving fucking 14 kilometers to come pick your bitch ass up!
[07:05:02] Yeah he fucked up real slow too.
[07:05:04] I was driving at 99 AMH, okay?
[07:05:08] Sometimes I was hanging 120.
[07:05:12] That what a bitch!
[07:05:13] How's your turns?
[07:05:15] Oh good, I was never spinning out.
[07:05:17] I've never spun it out. I've never spun one out ever.
[07:05:21] I've spun it like three times.
[07:05:23] And that's my first time driving.
[07:05:25] That was my first time driving on show, I guess.
[07:05:29] We could take this to fucking RP as well.
[07:05:33] Oh, smoking RP! I would smoke you in RP.
[07:05:36] I'll beat you in a Panther and get your best car.
[07:05:45] Thanks for that. I'll beat you in a Panther, you get your best car. Engines are for CG bro, come on what's he talking about?
[07:05:50] Don't lose any speed to no drinks off the car.
[07:05:53] How much HP?
[07:05:55] Look at my HP, it's above.
[07:05:57] You're fine now. Why are we gonna stop the car?
[07:06:00] I have some floppy dough that can suck down.
[07:06:06] A little here?
[07:06:10] Blend in there. Why is Lou here? Come on, Lou here!
[07:06:12] Blend in. Blend it in.
[07:06:18] Plain sight. See that?
[07:06:22] Where you going? sight see that go ahead you need his armor or no no no i just i don't need it
[07:06:29] he has a helmet they can use but eh. Fuck it.
[07:06:44] Let's go find some food water.
[07:06:56] Yeah, there is food right here. Very lucky.
[07:06:58] Zombie coming in to eat you up.
[07:07:02] I'm good now.
[07:07:04] One more. Ah! I'm good right now.
[07:07:09] Get the fuck out of this side, you're not gonna kill me?
[07:07:12] Did someone just shot you in the other side Tom?
[07:07:15] I did not but I gave you. You wanna go left?
[07:07:17] Oh, here.
[07:07:24] Okay, you know what?
[07:07:28] I ain't fighting the zombies no more. They're strong as hell!
[07:07:30] I'm out!
[07:07:33] Let's go.
[07:07:36] Get on these mouth at us.
[07:07:41] Oh, it was this way right? I'm suppressing not to close.
[07:07:44] I shut off this first Right, right, right. I'm out of ammo. Watch your finger, alright?
[07:08:22] I got him, he's dead.
[07:08:24] Okay, have the ammo.
[07:08:28] There are two dead guys here.
[07:08:37] Just drawing the zombies away from me a bit.
[07:08:41] One of them, dude. He doesn't have No ammunition.
[07:08:43] I'm gonna trap this guy.
[07:08:47] We need to start trapping him more, right?
[07:08:49] It's slow. looking across the street not seeing anybody
[07:08:54] okay we're gonna do this old school style we're going to take the loot and
[07:08:56] put it in our fucking spot let's trap these guys real fast Alright.
[07:09:10] Ha ha! He's the only one getting in or what? Holy fuck! I think this will come.
[07:09:24] John?
[07:09:25] Alright, shit.
[07:09:25] No, no, no, no, no.
[07:09:26] Oh, shit.
[07:09:27] Oh, shit.
[07:09:28] You just gotta hold out, you gotta hold out.
[07:09:31] Okay, okay.
[07:09:32] Open up this one, open up that one...
[07:09:33] That one? Yeah, yeah, go. Why are they still stuck?! yeah I forgot you had a PPSH, bro.
[07:09:51] That's how we fucking do it!
[07:09:53] Nah that's how we... I'm fucked up though.
[07:09:58] Can we get the fuck away from this spot and stop
[07:10:00] looting zombies? We'll loot the fucking kills man.
[07:10:02] More zombies? Oh yeah go ahead man.
[07:10:07] Still more. Um, I'm looting his jacket bringing it
[07:10:09] I just got a fucking bunch of
[07:10:11] buckshot
[07:10:13] I'm gonna take his fuckin' backpack that had nothing in it
[07:10:15] nevermind forget it
[07:10:17] and taking him run with it but that's back back let me get thrown in the room
[07:10:21] we'll start in this red building right here throw shit in this red building
[07:10:23] i can't I got zombies on me. Hold on.
[07:10:33] Fucking bitch! You keep fucking playing with me! Bitch-ass zombies?
[07:10:35] Hey just put them in the building
[07:10:38] They're slow as fuck. Hold on on I'm about to put him back here.
[07:10:44] Yeah, go loot, go loot, go loot.
[07:10:46] I'll turn around this, I'll turn on this.
[07:10:58] Where'd it go?
[07:10:59] The helmet.
[07:11:43] Alright, I'm trying to find... I got a new helmet on so don't freak out. I'm going to go ahead and That was my AK, I swapped it.
[07:11:45] Yeah, went into the red building.
[07:11:49] I should have swapped that for a
[07:11:51] fucking shotgun and fucked up. You already looted the other guy, right?
[07:11:56] Yeah, I kind of just got randomly
[07:12:02] Well out there,
[07:12:03] I was looking around real quick.
[07:12:06] An M40?
[07:12:10] What else did I get off that motherfucker?
[07:12:13] And his 5.56 gun,
[07:12:15] his MDR.
[07:12:16] I just need a fucking...
[07:12:19] I just need ammo.
[07:12:20] I got none.
[07:12:33] Come on! Did you hear someone jump?
[07:12:33] Or did you jump?
[07:12:36] I mean, I just crossed it and jumped. Okay, so someone jumped outside of them.
[07:12:38] I have no ammunition.
[07:12:40] There's zero?
[07:12:43] I'll have to reload my...
[07:12:44] Shh shh shh. I got it, I think.
[07:12:49] Yep, I hear it.
[07:12:53] He's here at the door!
[07:12:57] Oh fuck. He's here at the door. He goes in there.
[07:13:32] Sigh He's here on the left. I have to reload mags, hold on. There's a KH9.
[07:13:35] I'm gonna drop you a KH9 here. Take this, pull that and roll back on that. so I got good stuff traveling.
[07:14:04] Come back in.
[07:14:07] We might live around here, bro. I'm back in.
[07:14:14] You might live around here, bro. Yeah, I think so. That could've been the same guy.
[07:14:16] We didn't have much right?
[07:14:20] Nah. Piece of stuff, man.
[07:14:27] He had a nice little map to sell
[07:14:29] to the vendor though.
[07:14:35] ... sell to the vendor though. Do you need heals? Do you have any
[07:14:37] like AFAX or something? Here, take this.
[07:14:39] Yeah I do. You do it? Okay okay.
[07:14:41] We should probably heal then the field then, hold it up for time.
[07:14:45] I completely forgot that I had an AFAK this whole time sitting here low health.
[07:14:51] Somebody's got fucking labs.
[07:15:03] Oh man, alright. Yeah he had nails on him by the way. Do we go to the trader right now? We should go to the trader.
[07:15:05] We can fill up our setup I think and get better off.
[07:15:07] Yeah because I still have 70k there.
[07:15:14] I'm just going to take this 8K and it on my backpack, because why not?
[07:15:17] Because I'll bring it back home.
[07:15:19] Yeah, you got a lot of shit on there now, over here.
[07:15:21] Is that other guy's stuff or no?
[07:15:25] What other guy?
[07:15:26] Oh, no. I don't think so.
[07:15:28] We go to a spot
[07:15:30] and see where we go.
[07:15:32] You know where the car is?
[07:15:34] No, I don't remember where the car is, do you?
[07:15:37] Parking lot, broken cars next to it.
[07:15:41] Okay. We might have to...
[07:15:44] Yeah, we definitely go Trader. Have a lot of stuff on the phone there.
[07:15:46] Let's see how far we are. We should go this on foot and maybe take our way back?
[07:15:48] Come back for the car?
[07:15:52] Just remember that we're in Zelenogorsk
[07:15:54] where I just realized that. Holy fuck!
[07:15:56] We are in a very dangerous area brother man.
[07:15:59] You guys get the fuck out of here then. We need to go!
[07:16:01] We need to fucking go!
[07:16:05] No wonder we're fighting people!
[07:16:07] We're at Zalengors course? I have no idea.
[07:16:09] Nah, we should definitely take the fucking car, bros.
[07:16:12] You think so?
[07:16:13] Yeah bro, losing that shit is like somebody comes and takes that shit.
[07:16:17] Bro, we're already like... we're already like, ummm...
[07:16:20] It's just dangerous to drive a car through here but
[07:16:23] I mean I get it but
[07:16:24] Then where are we gonna put it?
[07:16:25] Where are we going to go?
[07:16:27] We teleport in the area of the trade ship
[07:16:30] Alright let's come back to the car We teleported in the area of the trade ship.
[07:16:32] Alright, let's go back to the car. Remember how to get there?
[07:16:33] Yeah we definitely should have grabbed a...
[07:16:34] Let me just look around a little.
[07:16:37] This way or is it this way?
[07:16:44] I don't remember which way we ran. I'm looking, look for the parking lot.
[07:16:47] Broken cars and shit.
[07:16:50] Fuck bruh. broken cars and shit.
[07:16:52] Fuck, bruh!
[07:16:56] Behind us apparently... so this way
[07:17:00] Yeah I remember being the main jammer in the town.
[07:17:07] We killed three here.
[07:17:11] Hmph! Oh, I have one. Over here.
[07:17:46] There's a lot of military in here, but fuck that. Go, go, go!
[07:17:59] Okay good shits. Good fights as well. Yeah that was was really good for us. I'm not gonna lie, I'm just fucking point firing everything I see from this point forward.
[07:18:03] That's what I did to the other guy.
[07:18:05] Pauline did that fight, for sure that's all they did since the other guy oh i did
[07:18:06] that fight for sure that's all they did that fucking fight you know what i mean
[07:18:11] it's a zombie Ah!
[07:18:23] Okay, so here's the real question. Let's go get closer to this spot.
[07:18:26] It's not a question I guess. Let's get close to the spot it's not a question i guess um let's
[07:18:28] get close to this spot and then we have to put the car
[07:18:31] somewhere and i'll drag my marker on top of it I don't know what it's called, it's a museum. Mm-hmm.
[07:18:47] Maybe up in the street line.
[07:18:49] I'm thinking like right the way up with this. I'm fucking hooked up.
[07:19:16] Let me drag the car marker here... Where is the car marker? Alright, brother.
[07:19:37] On there it marked. Alright, let's do it.
[07:19:47] Do you have a backpack full of cellbills too?
[07:19:51] Uh yeah. I don't get a bunch of shit. I got some legendary bar, we got a rare.
[07:20:06] Some raid stuff from Epic.
[07:20:12] What's up with your stream? What about the stream? I'm gonna put away some guns as well. M4, CAC weapon he has is a Bison and CAC F6M. All right, there's only one of them.
[07:21:00] Here we go!
[07:21:03] Nobody shoot.
[07:21:04] This is Trader right?
[07:21:05] Yeah there's no way somebody's camping in Trader. There's no shot.. You can go all the way in if you crash.
[07:21:30] I know that.
[07:21:31] Oh, you can?
[07:21:32] Yeah.
[07:21:33] Nice.
[07:21:34] Oh fuck it didn't send me.
[07:21:35] Maybe I went too far.
[07:21:36] Mm-hmm.
[07:21:37] Mm-hmm.
[07:21:38] Oh, there's a car coming. Oh, there's a car coming. Oh, there's a car coming. I went too far.
[07:21:49] That'd be like airbase, the airfield? Aye? I will see what's poppin'.
[07:22:45] ... so so so I'm gonna go ahead and get this. It's an MDR that he had? Yeah.
[07:22:46] Isn't it a charcoal powder?
[07:22:47] I don't know. I sold for 125 so far.
[07:23:04] Oh! Wonder if I actually did it? Oh?
[07:23:06] I wonder if I actually did. Server fucking restarted.
[07:23:12] We got this base building on the server.
[07:23:15] Wait, you can put fucking auction stuff?
[07:23:21] Yeah.
[07:23:22] I don't even know.
[07:23:24] There was some stuff I couldn't sell
[07:23:25] on the thing and I was like why can't
[07:23:26] i sell it they're just like you should go settle last year so sorry i have like half a million
[07:23:30] auction house but i can't bring it out because i don't have anywhere to put the money ah Ah, shit. I'm you hmm hmm
[07:24:22] actually i have to try to get into this right now gonna be on no pixel soon yeah it's definitely possible i'm reaching the end of my rope on day z for sure
[07:25:09] it's not even a crazy amount of time definitely about some answer so We haven't played Chain of Gale yet, no. No we have not.. no
[07:25:42] jake yeah jake the snake huh nice brother I'm connecting.
[07:25:59] Am I? Are you gonna also tell Rearmed? Um...
[07:26:13] Maybe. I heard they have no trading on that server, which is an interesting concept for DayZ.
[07:26:20] They've minimized trading as in fighting each other close range. Someone will win rather than lose.
[07:26:30] Oh, sorry.
[07:26:32] It's kind of a little laggy though. I don't know.
[07:26:34] I like Rearmed. I like Lab so far.
[07:26:35] Been a lot of fun. Cool dealing. You haven't been trading this much for this run to be fair. doing.
[07:26:42] You haven't been trading this much for uh, this run to be fair? Yeah I guess i've just been hip firing though point firing like crazy which
[07:26:45] I think is kind of lame in scabby especially with the dog Jake the Snake, thank you for the five giftos bro. Appreciate you my man.
[07:27:06] Welcome guys to the squad hope you enjoy dudes.
[07:27:08] Much love for supporting like that dude jake
[07:27:12] the snake doing ddp yoga getting back into shape
[07:27:45] getting accepted into the Hall of Fame, Trex. Thanks brother man. Appreciate you. Yeah I'm gonna probably play DLC uh...
[07:27:47] or the whole game probably about
[07:27:49] when we meet the original Thanks for watching! Alright, let's see what I can sell.
[07:28:28] We don't need 45s...
[07:28:33] Oh, I just... We don't need 45s.
[07:28:37] Oh, I just...
[07:28:39] I accidentally sold my good gun.
[07:28:44] Hmmmm What do we need? Hmm.
[07:28:47] What do I need?
[07:28:52] I actually don't know about that, maybe... Sold your good gun you just had?
[07:28:54] Oh, it's on a gun, right?
[07:29:02] Uh, yeah. It's your man. gun you just said oh it's on a gun right uh yeah there's an accident this should be gone thank you
[07:29:07] i'm gonna get something else I don't think I need to sell anything else.
[07:29:12] I don't know what to do with these logpicks and shit.
[07:29:19] Can I keep this grizzly on me?
[07:29:25] What's that?
[07:29:27] I keep this grizzly on me?
[07:29:29] Actually, I have two i ifacts. Fuck it.
[07:29:31] Grizzly away.
[07:29:35] I got two motherfucking ifacts. x What the fuck did I just say? um Okay, what do I want?
[07:30:20] You're fine. You're gonna get sold. What I want.
[07:30:37] You're fine, you're gonna get sold. I want to figure out what AR to use now.
[07:30:38] Do I have any on deck?
[07:30:40] An AVS file somewhere? I sold it. What should i have on me? 175?
[07:31:04] Rifles.
[07:31:09] That's all rifles.
[07:31:12] Okay.
[07:31:14] Man, these are expensive. damn it bro i sold the gun and it is expensive to buy them back you some just wanted to say thanks for helping me keep my head on straight
[07:31:32] these last last two years have been rough time to spark one up cheers chat
[07:31:39] uh oh man sorry they've been rough for you brother man fire
[07:31:46] i'm just sparkling up, cheers.
[07:31:48] Amen.
[07:31:48] I hope you enjoy yourself, bro.
[07:31:49] Thank you so much, my man.
[07:31:51] Thank you so much.
[07:31:54] Oh, man.
[07:31:58] What do I buy,
[07:31:59] chat?
[07:32:02] Maybe
[07:32:02] I go for SMGs. Let's look and see if they're cheaper.
[07:32:07] Thank you so much, Vi, for the 15.
[07:32:08] Again, man...
[07:32:10] Hopefully it gets a lot better this year.
[07:32:16] I don't know, my friend.
[07:32:18] They are cheaper, but not by much. What do you mean you don't know?
[07:32:19] You said you sold over there.
[07:32:22] What'd you say now?
[07:32:22] What are you asking me?
[07:32:23] Sorry.
[07:32:23] The flea market.
[07:32:25] Oh, it's um...
[07:32:25] It's not in the trade center.
[07:32:27] It's out there.
[07:32:28] Um. center it's out there um yeah let's just stick with the saw ruffles i think for 70. ak104.
[07:32:45] I think a bullpup,
[07:33:01] SCAR 100 100 He's a can audio thank you way AK do you have on your back?
[07:33:03] I don't have one, like...
[07:33:05] I have a M-DAR and the gun he gave me.
[07:34:13] Guns are expensive, bro. so so so Does that mean I get one of those attachments?
[07:34:16] I guess it of those attachments.
[07:34:18] I guess it should be attachments here still, right?
[07:34:21] It doesn't show it though. Do I not need that actually? Where's that other gun I had?
[07:34:43] I don't think it has anything.
[07:35:31] Oh, there we go! Most attachments you gotta leave it at, yeah. action so Thank you. Okay.
[07:35:56] Nothing crazy, but... but I'm gonna go get some ammo.
[07:36:03] You blow too many fast, dude. Yeah I'm just gonna buy some ammo and think I'm good to go.
[07:36:09] Or some mags at least. so Get quests.
[07:36:39] Oh yeah, we should get the M4 quest for my best rifle in the game or some shit.
[07:36:46] I'm trying to give it to someone else, you know?
[07:36:52] I'm good to go brother.
[07:36:55] Here take this money and come over here.
[07:36:57] Get away from them. It's 34k, but...
[07:37:15] ... I got a sniper, I got the SCAR, I got bullets, I got decent baggage. Anything!
[07:37:16] What does the KH do?
[07:37:17] It's just like... It's not gonna hit you. It's just gonna shoot at you. baggage anything with the age nine no
[07:37:21] problem
[07:37:23] it's a signal that's why I'll classify
[07:37:27] them my mother oh shit That's fine, I'll classify that as my sniper.
[07:37:29] Oh shit, we're not even at 30 seconds.
[07:37:32] Alright, I'm good. I got ammo, I've got mags...
[07:37:38] Hmph! I think I'm pretty good.
[07:37:44] Do I need a new element? 60% armor, 60%.
[07:37:49] I'm not going to get much better than that unless I spend 100k or something
[07:37:55] I filled your water by the way, there's a fountain over here somewhere
[07:38:00] Okay I just...
[07:38:02] Hmm.
[07:38:03] I'm just gonna buy a fucking sniper. Hold on.
[07:38:18] Okay. I can't put the gold key up, it won't let me store it in there. That's what I've had it for so long, really.
[07:38:29] Are you still here?
[07:38:30] Yeah, I'm just checking of the pound right now.
[07:38:34] Did you uh...
[07:38:36] Put the money away?
[07:38:37] Yeah.
[07:38:38] Okay then.
[07:38:41] One by five, right? I wanna buy a snaggler.
[07:38:52] Ah man, I want to go run the way. I'm tired. I can't tell buy this motion. What the fuck? Oh, it's 60k bitch
[07:39:40] The guns are the guns and ammo or really away expensive for no reason what the fuck
[07:39:47] You want any money
[07:39:53] Sniper I sold the KH.
[07:39:59] I'll give you one.
[07:40:02] Yeah, I have two extras.
[07:40:05] Mostens? Or what?
[07:40:07] No they're M48s. They shoot P-O-X.
[07:40:10] Am I ammo?
[07:40:15] You actually are.
[07:40:20] You want the gun?
[07:40:24] Yeah, I want the gun.
[07:40:26] Mind you. behind you
[07:40:38] all right i need ammo i'm gonna give cat in it or something.
[07:40:41] Where is that M4 quest guy?
[07:40:45] I think they're all outside of this area. area I hear, and we'll go get that quest.
[07:41:18] I'm getting tired.
[07:41:26] I didn't get a great sleep last night, Chad. I was up and down...
[07:41:30] Not really in sleep mode, up a lot
[07:41:34] A lot more than I wanted to be.
[07:41:42] Haha, KJ.
[07:41:45] Sorry, sorry. Haha, KJ. Sorry sorry!
[07:41:55] Yeah I thought I got that other Vte helmet. I guess I didn't.
[07:42:07] Didn't you say you slept in? No, no. I stayed in bed way too long though
[07:42:11] Alright let's go
[07:42:15] Get this glass and get out of here.
[07:42:41] I don't know which plaster it is. What the fuck is it at, bro? I don't know. The walkers, the butters you don't need to ask questions about them
[07:42:43] I want you to kill 50 of them and I'm not sure who they are or were just so you get
[07:42:47] Okay gotcha 80 grand for...
[07:42:49] I'm gonna accept that,
[07:42:51] 50 walker kills? Yeah, accept it as well.
[07:43:10] ... I don't know where the fuck it's at. At the exit.
[07:43:17] This guy?
[07:43:20] I'm about to extract bro, stop it. What are they... Which one are we trying to give him?
[07:43:26] Uh...
[07:43:26] The M4 quest.
[07:43:31] Outside of the walls. I'm trying to find it. I fucking know.
[07:43:34] Outside of the walls...
[07:43:41] In front by the water.
[07:43:45] Like this?
[07:43:53] If you're a bunch of fucking yappers, that guy. Which guy? You keep running past him.
[07:43:55] What?! Oh right here!
[07:43:58] We're cooked! Come here!
[07:44:01] He's right here!
[07:44:05] Oh shit. General Alexander, uh...
[07:44:07] Damn you got some shit!
[07:44:09] How many TEN survivors? This is light work! We could've got this already!
[07:44:13] Yeah. That's a crazy info.
[07:44:16] Yeah.
[07:44:19] Alright let's go. I am going to head for a car. There we go.
[07:44:53] You can track kills by checking your quest as well, okay.
[07:44:57] I don't know what I get 10.
[07:45:05] ... so track kills by checking your quest.
[07:45:25] I'm stupid yo, do you ever use your time in master games now
[07:45:30] 10 players that gonna take a little while right are you talking about the
[07:45:34] queue oh might be in there for 30 minutes
[07:45:38] not too bad.
[07:45:43] I've never tried to escape from Sharara's gone, bro. I parked it right next to a fucking little base though to be fair.
[07:46:04] It's gone? Yeah. Fucking stream-sniping ass bitches.
[07:46:08] Eh, maybe. I don't think so. Who the fuck is coming through this door? I've been as bitches
[07:46:14] Who the fuck is coming through this damn forest?
[07:46:18] If it was in the forest more, i would say yeah
[07:46:36] It's kinda next to some buildings. I didn't really notice at first oh true i see them It's not gone, Lil Bro. What?
[07:46:37] It's not?
[07:46:38] Oh it's right here Dickhead.
[07:46:40] Hold on I'm gonna go check that out. bro what's not oh it's right here they can
[07:46:49] fine clients yeah it's covered Wait how did that happen?
[07:46:55] I have no idea and I don't even know how to take it off but it's covered.
[07:46:59] What the...
[07:47:01] How do you take this shit off? Oh, empty hands.
[07:47:08] Apparently it does that on restart.
[07:47:11] I mean bro, it's camouflage as fuck what do you want me to do?
[07:47:14] I see it. I mean, bro, it's camera paused as fuck. What do you want me to do?
[07:47:17] Listen here.
[07:47:23] Get ahead of yellow. Get ahead of yellow. getting yellow Hmm.
[07:47:43] Of course, it's yellow to us. I think so, yeah.
[07:47:48] Let us go brother I don't see my marker. I don't wanna talk.
[07:48:27] Fucking Tree City, man!
[07:48:28] No it's okay man. You got it I believe
[07:48:38] Oh shit did you pick up the camo net?
[07:48:40] No, fine Oh shit, did you pick up the camo on that? No.
[07:48:42] Jesus put that bitch... this car is right in his head we just put that shit on it whenever we leave
[07:48:50] We gotta stay at the base. Put it in the trunk.
[07:48:52] Alright, we trek across the land or should I just let Danny go on this?
[07:48:56] Are we going yellow?
[07:48:58] No, we're gonna set a marker.
[07:49:02] Wanna go yellow then lab or?
[07:49:04] This is a terrible yellow actually.
[07:49:06] Oh wait, you wanna just go to the lab now?
[07:49:08] Cause we have like...
[07:49:09] I'm kinda geared!
[07:49:10] Okay hold on let me do this.
[07:49:12] I'm feeling good straight to fucking labs baby.
[07:49:20] That's the fucking damn dude...
[07:49:23] Fuck you wanna go to the same one we went to last time?
[07:49:25] Yeah yeah let's do that.
[07:49:28] I'm ready.
[07:49:30] Okay should we go there on like roads or should we just fucking go through everything?
[07:49:35] Uh...go through everything, I believe in you.
[07:49:37] It doesn't seem like it's too slow on the grass.
[07:49:39] I mean, it's not a very intense kind of pass. I don't turn attention to the past.
[07:49:49] You got that big ass helmet too.
[07:49:53] Gonna buy a new fucking helmet, dickhead? Um...I like it. helmet they can so so so Making some good time right now, brother.
[07:50:49] Yeah yeah yeah I'm hoping the camper McGee is not just sitting up there still.
[07:50:54] Nah he heard us and shit on things next time we need to hide in places and shoot them.
[07:50:59] Yeah I think fuck it we just... Next time we need to just hide in places and not shoot.
[07:51:03] Yeah, I think fuck it. We just bring the car there
[07:51:07] And we go in that bitch's front, you know, clear labs
[07:51:10] And then swipe our card and start calling We'll hold the door, that's it.
[07:51:15] When I wait,
[07:51:16] I just skip everything
[07:51:17] until it's straight from Springfield.
[07:51:20] That was your successful round. so Oh yeah baby, we're making some good time here this one will take like 35 minutes...
[07:52:10] ...
[07:52:12] ...... gift on purpose I thought it was the next stop down for sure. so so so so so I'm going to go ahead to do a little drift.
[07:53:53] There's too many gates out here and they lock them all in
[07:53:59] and then I step off like... like walk a lot of that stuff off. I'll put that thing up. Alright big dog.
[07:54:34] What's that?
[07:54:39] Almost there. Yes sir. I'm not sure if you casino this week, but have one more gamble to get above Lattice for old time's sake.
[07:55:09] Ha ha! Welcome to the fam.
[07:55:12] No blame motherfucker, okay?
[07:55:14] Appreciate you bro. Sorry you lost your shit it's our man
[07:55:24] i'm sorry brilliant but i appreciate you uh supporting the channel brother.
[07:55:28] I love you.
[07:55:29] Sorry
[07:55:31] I always lose my money at the- oh shit that is
[07:55:36] Yeah It't blow up I just didn't want to go parallel this thing anymore. so so so all right so so I think we got too close.
[07:57:18] Do you want to get out, brother?
[07:57:19] Yeah, fuck yeah! We're not driving right up to this bitch, bro.
[07:57:21] Okay, okay, okay.
[07:57:24] I was just saying we drive off to this bitch and
[07:57:26] fuck it, you know what I'm sayin'? Hold on let me mark
[07:57:28] that spot. All right, ready? You with him?
[07:57:47] Let's do this brother.
[07:57:50] This is where we died last time right?
[07:57:53] We just skip everything bro, the hard...
[07:57:56] I hear you
[07:58:02] I like all these bonkers they have on Deadfall Oh yeah true
[07:58:13] ... Oh yeah, true. Why the fuck I said straight and you fucking lewin'?
[07:58:15] I just wanted to look inside there see if there's actually like that problem so so Okay. haha
[07:59:03] policy to the will in hours I'll fall asleep in the middle of eight hours.
[07:59:16] If the military to our right is going to die. so I think it's big a truck yeah I see this big ass rock. Yeah
[07:59:56] So it's gonna be there's apparently a staircase that goes up but the way i went in is just the opposite side
[08:00:02] Whatever you wanna do?
[08:00:04] The opposite side is risky as fuck, but we can go.
[08:00:08] Why's it risky?
[08:00:10] It's just like a fucking... Like motherfuckers could be camped up by the door like get firing squatted bro
[08:00:20] i'll see you when we get there do we have to have a light down there no right
[08:00:23] no no no I mean...
[08:00:25] It could be better. NVGs and shit
[08:00:27] or a light would be good
[08:00:29] but you don't need it
[08:00:33] Looks like we're on deadfall right right now, but there's no snow on the other side of the passage.
[08:00:38] We're running along the wall.
[08:00:40] Yep! Basically. Well why not?
[08:00:42] Nice.
[08:00:47] Be careful.
[08:00:53] Doors are closed.
[08:00:56] Not that this is somebody else's dead body, but...
[08:01:08] Ready? hmm
[08:01:12] ready yeah
[08:01:16] that's one of those doors holy shit
[08:01:19] there's a lot of angles in here.
[08:01:27] I don't think they're gonna be in here though.... Oh, it's basically passage. Yeah. It's basically passive.
[08:01:40] Not anymore.
[08:01:42] Basically damn now.
[08:01:44] Oh my god! I fucking shot by accident.
[08:01:48] Just shot by accident, bro.
[08:01:49] And scared myself when I shot.
[08:01:53] Alright, alright, alright.
[08:01:54] We blew our cover.
[08:01:55] Come on.
[08:01:55] That door blew our cover.
[08:01:57] Alright, it's not open.
[08:01:58] Which means we swipe our own card. which means we get the head start.
[08:02:02] Oh that wasn't even it? Okay.
[08:02:03] No no no no, it's this big fucking vault right here.
[08:02:08] Let me see how it turns into the dam. That's's what these look like down in the dogs
[08:02:11] and shit okay let's wipe that
[08:02:20] t minus five minutes.
[08:02:25] Alright, we got five minutes.
[08:02:27] Yeah it doesn't do anything man. Unless there's a key that you can fucking...
[08:02:39] I don't know if there's a- There has to be another way to get in, but
[08:02:42] Okay whatever. Let whatever hold the hallway We're supposed to sit here for five?
[08:03:03] Yeah.
[08:03:04] The door's gonna open, open now we can extract in there yeah amenda it also has three
[08:03:09] different spots connect to the same one right so if you look at the map, The blue...
[08:03:16] So this entrance
[08:03:18] will... This entrance
[08:03:20] to where we're at
[08:03:24] Yeah and Troitsko. So this one,
[08:03:27] this one, and this one? There'll be a teleporter that all teleports us to the same
[08:03:31] spot so definitely... Not to mention when we open this one
[08:03:35] it opens them all across the board even if you don't have
[08:03:39] a key it'll just give us like a little bit of a grace period couple minutes or
[08:03:44] something like that and then everybody in the doors open. That's kind of crazy.
[08:03:54] Yeah I was,
[08:03:56] I'm peeking back and forth.
[08:04:01] You can also hold your breath forever, honestly though.
[08:04:05] It starts bugging out a little bit often.
[08:04:07] Oh does it?
[08:04:13] Yeah, you start like... Oh, does it? He's just bugging out now.
[08:04:21] T-minus three minutes. Jeez, slowest five minutes of my life?
[08:04:26] Yeah right this is not even... there's no way like I'm looking at my OBS
[08:04:31] timer. That's not... She's counting
[08:04:33] slow.
[08:04:37] What are those quests
[08:04:39] top right? Yeah we like a gamma container here
[08:04:43] these are like things you don't drop when you die kind of like tarkov i think you quest into
[08:04:47] other things like bigger containers being able to other containers for your Where are we? Right here.
[08:05:04] Where are we, where do we go? In the end of...
[08:05:08] Okay.
[08:05:11] Yeah so now we're gonna be in a server with the place with everybody right?
[08:05:14] Yep.
[08:05:15] Yep.
[08:05:16] Yep.
[08:05:17] Ready?
[08:05:18] Yeah, we have to shoot this house?
[08:05:21] Yeah.
[08:05:34] I'll snipe him an NBC filter holy fucking a tarcon Yeah. Holy fucking, a car covering it?
[08:05:37] Yeah yeah yeah. It's huge by the way. This place is fucking enormous.
[08:05:42] Fuck going down here.
[08:05:44] Yeah fuck that Battle belts sector four
[08:05:55] battle belts
[08:05:59] okay
[08:06:02] all right so this should be great we can loot
[08:06:09] but i'm not seeing them here
[08:06:13] over there might be random swarms.
[08:06:20] Holy...
[08:06:21] Oh, there's an empty crate here.
[08:06:24] That's crazy, huh? Sounds like a beer bar.
[08:06:27] Yep. That's crazy, huh? Sounds like beer bro. Yep
[08:06:29] Fucking looted
[08:06:30] Containment breach
[08:06:34] Containment breach
[08:06:36] Heard that?
[08:06:37] Yeah sector 4 There is dead shit in front of us breach. Heard that? Yeah, sector four. There's
[08:06:38] dead shit in front of us.
[08:06:40] That's the zombie we killed earlier.
[08:06:42] I don't think that's the one we killed, right?
[08:06:44] Do it back up.
[08:06:46] I don't know if we did, but...
[08:06:51] I'm dead. Dude! I thought you turned that corner.
[08:06:53] I'm dead as well?
[08:06:55] No bro!
[08:06:59] Fuck!
[08:07:00] Oh no.
[08:07:03] Dudes are making no noise.
[08:07:04] There was zero?
[08:07:08] I killed one, but... They made
[08:07:09] no fucking noise wait he must have been in there for a while by the
[08:07:14] way
[08:07:18] what the fuck Zero sound at all?! Like, FUCK!
[08:07:24] I got mine. I got mine but...
[08:07:27] Nah, that's my guy. Badly.
[08:07:30] Fuck bro.
[08:07:34] You think they logged there?
[08:07:37] I don't fucking know.
[08:07:39] They were there though.
[08:07:40] I don't know because they were like okay. So you know how open and
[08:07:46] Then we had like that two minutes or whatever. They have looted shit already
[08:07:51] Yeah They didn't get on at the same time as You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
[08:07:53] They didn't get on at the same time as us.
[08:07:55] They were already in there.
[08:07:57] So wouldn't we see that they
[08:07:59] had opened it before?
[08:08:01] I don't understand that. Well, they probably went to a different
[08:08:04] entrance like one of the other ones.
[08:08:08] Yeah but we would see it on
[08:08:10] We'd see it on the response wouldn't
[08:08:12] me? On top left if someone opened the doors and then
[08:08:15] ours would be open. That means they were in there since restart. Yeah I guess so. But
[08:08:21] they stayed in there the whole time. Yeah, I guess so.
[08:08:25] Fucking cringe.
[08:08:27] And they're waiting for people. It's so weird.
[08:08:29] I got a crowbar. I'm gonna go rob a fucking...
[08:08:32] That's so dumb, bro.
[08:08:36] Yeah, Amanda. It was definitely... that's my first time being in there.
[08:08:40] My first time being in there. At least
[08:08:44] you know what it looks like now. You know what I'm saying?
[08:08:48] You know what it's like.
[08:08:51] Yeah... I laid eyes on it. Fuck, man.
[08:09:02] I didn't even get mine, by the way.
[08:09:04] This guy dropshotted me.
[08:09:08] I thought I killed him. This guy dropshotted me. Ohhhh... I thought I killed him, this guy literally fucking-
[08:09:10] Like as soon as he saw me, this guy threw himself on the ground bro
[08:09:14] It was two of them as well, I don't know if you
[08:09:18] Yep as well. I don't know if you... Yep.
[08:09:21] I put some damage into them, but I don't know, bro.
[08:09:22] If motherfuckers are camping in there since restart,
[08:09:25] they have literal
[08:09:27] max gear yeah
[08:09:28] they definitely
[08:09:29] literally that's what they have like
[08:09:30] yeah they have like 90 percent uh gears
[08:09:33] stuff you know
[08:09:33] and i and they weren't making any noise
[08:09:35] just holding corners
[08:09:38] what are you gonna do
[08:09:39] brother
[08:09:39] they're tier 6
[08:09:41] armor out of their mind
[08:09:42] yeah
[08:09:43] I can see that bro
[08:09:44] and still
[08:09:46] they're the ones
[08:09:47] not moving a muscle
[08:09:48] yeah
[08:09:49] exactly not making any noise to the herd containment breach
[08:09:51] and these fucking guys
[08:09:53] drinking everywhere, fucking...
[08:09:55] yeah whatever
[08:09:57] I feel like if you're in there
[08:09:59] If your a moron enough
[08:10:01] to go in the labs
[08:10:03] right before restarting,
[08:10:05] that bitch should kick you out and you lose your fucking card.
[08:10:07] Okay, bitch?
[08:10:09] You lose your fucking card and and you can fuck off.
[08:10:12] Because what the fuck? That's literally just getting like two sets of loot
[08:10:16] And just standing there waiting
[08:10:20] Yeah it's pretty stupid. What the fuck?
[08:10:37] Why was it so hard for that to happen? It does kick you out once every research.
[08:10:57] Okay, so then that means they logged
[08:10:59] out inside of it or some shit because
[08:11:01] the labs never opened while we were
[08:11:03] over there right? Yeah, never open while we were over there right yeah if it was open then we
[08:11:08] wouldn't have had to use exactly so unless they lined out inside I don't
[08:11:14] know So unless they lined up inside, I don't know
[08:11:19] Yeah me
[08:11:23] Yeah, but now I mean the doors never opened after restart at all And we I have no idea.
[08:11:29] Henry's death happened while we were at the Trader, so it wasn't like it was a long time
[08:11:31] ago, so...
[08:11:33] I don't know.
[08:13:21] What? this one so uh Why are you guys in? so Thanks for watching! Zombies annoy me, champ. Thank you. ah ai yai I Yeah, this is not my favorite experience on the planet. I'm going to go ahead and do this. so Shit.
[08:14:15] Ay-yi-yay... Oh, yeah! yay so I was running through this whole fucking time and you spawned behind me, bitch ass?
[08:14:44] Yeah cause I died and I didn't want to spawn in the same fucking spot again.
[08:14:49] Ash mellet.
[08:14:51] I'm kinda burned at the moment.
[08:14:55] I feel it, I mean...
[08:14:57] Ain't on or not?
[08:15:02] I'll bet somebody will lock me in there. i mean ain't a hundred
[08:15:08] you're saying you're done
[08:15:10] today's your last day, huh?
[08:15:11] No.
[08:15:13] I mean... Come on, bro.
[08:15:13] You've seen the PvP.
[08:15:14] It's kind of not very good.
[08:15:19] What, around here or just A-B?
[08:15:20] Blank firing and everything is kinda fuckin' lame in this game.
[08:15:23] I actually hate having this crosshair and shit.
[08:15:27] Okay... ummm.... I mean...
[08:15:38] I don't know, bro.
[08:15:41] What is your game that you're swapping to if you do?
[08:15:44] No switch
[08:15:46] You have an idea
[08:15:57] Um Thank you. And Ross is like a third wheel.
[08:15:59] I let him know where I was,
[08:16:01] and he'll go in the box.
[08:16:06] Running!
[08:16:17] This guy said, I don't know if you noticed but when he first logged on after restart it said vault doors are opening dudes got in right after you. No. Unless there's a clip
[08:16:24] unless there's a clip I will deny that.
[08:16:26] I don't even know what that would mean though.
[08:16:29] Chill chill chill.
[08:16:32] That just means they would have been in there right?
[08:16:36] So that's...
[08:16:38] That's Cap.
[08:16:40] I don't fucking know my friend.
[08:16:54] ... Unless there's a fucking clip, I will deny those allegations. They logged out there and then logged the fuck back in when they restart fucking happen
[08:16:59] All I know is these have been some of the stupidest fights. I've ever had today
[08:17:10] Yeah Yeah. Also, the loot was already looted when we got there so... yeah.
[08:17:16] Yes I don't understand that.
[08:17:18] I'm confused.
[08:17:19] So this opening...
[08:17:20] Does that mean like server restarted?
[08:17:22] They opened it?
[08:17:23] I think they logged before restart and then wait a minute.
[08:17:27] I don't know.
[08:17:28] What's to stop them from having to leave in the first place? I don't know. What's to stop them from having
[08:17:29] to leave in the first place?
[08:17:30] I don't get it.
[08:17:33] What do you mean?
[08:17:35] Is there a time limit that kicks them out?
[08:17:37] I have no idea.
[08:17:38] Yeah, that's what I what i mean it makes no sense
[08:17:40] it makes no sense that they would be able to stay there the whole time i
[08:17:42] think it's a 10 minute 10-minute thing
[08:17:47] no there's no time limit so They can stay in there the whole time.
[08:17:54] No time limit? Okay they could just be in there the entire time.
[08:17:57] Yeah yeah so they're just there.
[08:18:00] No but...they weren't just there that's the problem
[08:18:04] because the restart happened and the doors never opened
[08:18:08] we win straight after traitor.
[08:18:16] They can stay until restarting.
[08:18:18] Okay exactly!
[08:18:20] A restart happened and doors never open.
[08:18:21] So what's that mean? I don't understand
[08:18:22] they're logged out after the restart happened when they logged in?
[08:18:24] Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
[08:18:26] I think they can't
[08:18:28] log there. They have to have gone
[08:18:30] in at the restart. But the doors didn't open
[08:18:34] after restart. If so,
[08:18:36] if the doors had opened after restart, we wouldn't
[08:18:37] have been able to use our key. The doors
[08:18:39] would've just been open.
[08:18:44] Yeah, I don't know, bro.
[08:18:45] I don't know what to tell you, brother man.
[08:18:47] You know scummy shit's gonna happen while we're streaming more than any time?
[08:18:50] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[08:18:52] Fuck it, whatever. Who cares?
[08:18:53] It doesn't even fucking matter. Whatever it was, wasn, yeah. Fuck it, whatever. Who cares?
[08:18:54] Doesn't even fucking matter.
[08:18:55] Whatever it was...
[08:18:56] It wasn't normal, bitch.
[08:18:57] That's it.
[08:18:58] System!
[08:18:59] I like the less zombies.
[08:19:00] Um...
[08:19:05] Ohhhhhhhhhh. But you know what? Oh.
[08:19:09] But, you know, I'm not gonna get the same feeling as a survival game because I did in this, you know what I mean?
[08:19:11] What's that?
[08:19:11] They probably logged next to the fucking flares.
[08:19:16] You know, inside the
[08:19:18] fucking vaults.
[08:19:23] You know what I'm saying?
[08:19:24] So like... They just went inside.
[08:19:27] They extracted, inside the lab.
[08:19:31] And then you never see it open.
[08:19:33] Yeah and it's never opened.
[08:19:34] It could just log inside that vault.
[08:19:36] Oh yeah, I gotcha.
[08:19:38] And cares better, it's all good.
[08:19:42] You know how this shit goes.
[08:19:43] Yeah yeah, that's what I mean.
[08:19:44] Did you expect us to catch other people off guard in there?
[08:19:47] Ha ha! Did you expect us to catch other people off guard in there?
[08:19:53] No, no. I just expected to hear fucking footsteps!
[08:19:59] Listen, you're playing DayZ right now, brother. There's literally no audio in this game. You hear your own audio and that's the extent of it.
[08:20:01] There ain't no audio
[08:20:02] in this game. It's a big fucking game
[08:20:04] of hide-and-seek. It's
[08:20:06] piss poor as fuck to be honest with you.
[08:20:08] I really wish PUBG would have done a rendition it's piss poor as fuck, to be honest. Yeah.
[08:20:12] Man, I really wish PUBG would've done a rendition of DayZ or something.
[08:20:15] I'm pretty sure we were walking on motherfucking metal too.
[08:20:19] Like there should be fucking Tarkov metal sounds while we're running, bro.
[08:20:22] As soon as they get about 10 feet from you, You can no longer hear their footsteps.
[08:20:23] You know how that goes.
[08:20:25] It's pretty shit here.
[08:20:28] And it's on all day Z.
[08:20:34] I'm gonna go check out the other side of this thing. That is on all daisy.
[08:20:41] But I'm also pretty sure that guy didn't move a muscle.
[08:20:51] Like he was just standing there staring at the corner, because that's probably where you would enter on that area from that little corner So he probably stood there staring at it.
[08:20:52] Yeah.
[08:20:56] Oh, Jesus Christ, man.
[08:20:58] I'm so geared for nothing.
[08:21:00] And that wasn't even like crazy gear either but put time and effort into that shit just to
[08:21:02] fucking waste it bro. Put some time and effort into a small run again and try
[08:21:10] to get more geared before we go there I mean it's not like we're geared enough for that spot
[08:21:13] yeah i definitely believe like we didn't have the craziest but i had
[08:21:16] like 70 percent crazy going to labs to get crazy
[08:21:21] yeah true and true true true i mean i feel like going there with 70
[08:21:26] my helmet and armor and is good enough because you're going over
[08:21:30] there for better gear well fuck you want me to go over there with
[08:21:34] 80% to get 90%, bro?
[08:21:38] I don't know my thing. Those guys
[08:21:40] are just there to chill and
[08:21:42] care about the loot.
[08:21:43] They're there would be weird.
[08:21:46] Yeah, that shit
[08:21:47] should be a gas
[08:21:48] zone if you want
[08:21:48] to be for realsies
[08:21:49] about it.
[08:21:50] Yeah, I agree.
[08:21:52] Or there should
[08:21:53] be a fucking
[08:21:53] time limit on
[08:21:54] how long you can sit in there.
[08:21:56] There should just be gas over there.
[08:21:59] They're in filters, I mean...
[08:22:01] A zombie dropped them.
[08:22:03] Yeah, you should not be able to buy that stuff and you should have to find it
[08:22:06] And then that should be a gas area.
[08:22:10] I don't know why I just tried to punch him.
[08:22:16] What's that? It was just whatever, not much else to do about it besides get more gear and try to
[08:22:23] run in again I guess.
[08:22:25] Yeah!
[08:22:27] What's up bro? Hi! What the... Yeah! Bro, bro, bro. Sup, bruh?
[08:22:31] See if he wakes up inside by now.
[08:22:34] He's dead right?
[08:22:35] He's not dead.
[08:22:36] Wait you could be knocked out of this server.
[08:22:39] Fuck. He's not dead. Wait, you could be knocked out of the server! Bye my friend No! Ow!
[08:22:49] Goodbye, my friend. No!
[08:22:51] No!
[08:22:52] No!
[08:23:00] There's no reason for me to do that to you really but I did
[08:23:01] sorry
[08:23:04] hey I knocked a guy out on the server by the way.
[08:23:12] He didn't die.
[08:23:13] Oh really?
[08:23:14] Yeah.
[08:23:15] At least there's anything actually in the police station, it's about like zero zones of loot.
[08:23:28] Yeah, there's never anything in there There's like 50 dead people on me.
[08:23:54] A bunch of green cards, you know...
[08:23:58] Got the farm greens here.
[08:24:02] Oh my god! it's got...
[08:24:06] Those fucking three of them.
[08:24:08] Where? At the spot?
[08:24:10] Right by the green card in...
[08:24:17] Whatever the fuck that area is. Right by the green card in... That building.
[08:24:19] I mean, you'll see my death. See where it is?
[08:24:21] They're hiding in there. There's like 15 dead bodies
[08:24:23] in there.
[08:24:26] Is it a Cherno or Electra near me?
[08:24:29] Oh no, it's not near you. It's Cherno. Yeah, Chernos... Those guys are still camping that shit.
[08:24:31] Oh, that building?
[08:24:32] Yeah, they're still in there.
[08:24:36] My Glock wasn't on auto but it was on fucking...
[08:24:42] Can you get away with that shit? You damn right I'm about to get away with it again.
[08:24:50] I don't think they did open the doors but I don't know how that makes sense.
[08:24:54] Come here!
[08:24:55] Push me!
[08:24:56] Come on! No! Oh no! Come here, come here. Push me.
[08:25:00] Yeah! How's that feel motherfucker?
[08:25:03] It's not fucking swinging bro it's not!
[08:25:05] How'd that feel?
[08:25:09] This guy just killed each other, bro.
[08:25:12] How do you bandage in this game?
[08:25:19] Where my bandage, bruh? Oh this fixes the bleeds
[08:25:23] slowly.
[08:25:27] This dude showed back up after I kicked his ass and he tried to kick my ass again. Later, homie.
[08:25:42] Got beat up twice man.
[08:25:46] Thanks for the card again. How about the camp green card, brother? And farm. If I make it through the first test. You can sell their IDs to trader? Oh really? How much?
[08:26:34] Okay. Did you kill him?
[08:26:43] Have you ever killed a Sam Randolph twice? Oh yeah.
[08:27:05] Zombies hit way too hard, like so. I don't think you get those from these.
[08:27:13] I'm gonna put my die here...... um Hello? This guy is going to be zoned. um um What are you going to do with this thing, man? This big motherfucker.
[08:28:16] No gun bro! No gun on my first album chill chill Chill, chill! I'm like what? You really killing new people out here bro you crazy?
[08:28:45] What are you doing? What are you doing out here bro?
[08:28:49] Hmm? You're here to kill fresh spawns?
[08:28:54] No, you a fresh spawn?
[08:28:57] Okay okay fair enough. so Alright guys, whatever you see it doesn't matter.
[08:29:20] I'm definitely on a ladder right now.
[08:29:22] Habibi! Come here! What the fuck? matter i'm definitely on a ladder right now habibi come here what the is Come here, baby boy.
[08:29:41] I can't go anywhere.
[08:29:46] I cannot stab you here.
[08:30:13] That's a little bit stupid, Just a little bit though, I guess. I've been watching you for a while, just subbed. Loved watching you stream armor reforger. Speaking of, Reforger just dropped its Nice fella.
[08:30:23] Better.
[08:30:26] Cheers, man. Appreciate you brother. Damn! Thank you brother for thank you brother man for seven two man and uh
[08:30:31] Yeah, i'm not totally sure when I plan on going to do reforger again but
[08:30:36] Can't be that right we'll see though thank you brother man
[08:30:46] thank you so much, Brithy for the sub.
[08:30:49] And hopefully... I don't know bro, I'll be honest dude
[08:30:53] I don't know what the fuck I feel like playing right now. I'm kinda lost and dazed and confused a little bit
[08:30:57] You know? dazed and confused a little bit you know
[08:31:04] bladder eliminated me i know thank you plum
[08:31:09] i'm gonna go bathroom real quick dude so give me a second. so so. so..... so..... so so.... Oh, that doesn't seem to I'm going to go get some food. Yo what up dudes?
[08:35:48] Sup brother.
[08:35:51] You know, same ol'.
[08:35:53] Woof!
[08:35:57] Loggin' into some daisy. Yeah I think we're gonna get on to some daisy.
[08:35:59] Yeah, I think we're gonna get on to some survival tomorrow but I just don't really know where the servers are going.
[08:36:03] Oh you didn't get a base built yet?
[08:36:05] Uh no.
[08:36:07] We were just trying to make it to lab. I know. No, no, no. Oh, I don't know.
[08:36:08] We're just trying to make it to lab.
[08:36:11] Have you guys not gotten there yet?
[08:36:14] We did.
[08:36:15] We got cheesed by some fucking little freaks who have a base near the lab so when some
[08:36:17] restart happens they just go sit at
[08:36:20] the fucking lab and wait. And then they open it
[08:36:21] when restart happens and go inside, loot everything
[08:36:23] and sit in there like little fucking pussies. That's what they do.
[08:36:27] Hmm.
[08:36:28] And you can just sit in there until
[08:36:29] the next fucking restart.
[08:36:31] There's three spawn locations,
[08:36:32] You can fucking sit and wait at each fucking spawn location
[08:36:35] Go in there with a four man
[08:36:36] One person loots
[08:36:37] Each other person sits at a fucking spawn
[08:36:40] And you kill anybody that comes in. Woo!
[08:36:42] Nice giving us, just giving us the recipe for success over here.
[08:36:47] Hell yeah. We got three people. Yeah but we would have to go in at
[08:36:53] restart all right and then or
[08:36:58] right after restart and then from there we would uh fight the people who would also be doing
[08:37:05] with the same tactic once we smoke them then we're in and
[08:37:10] we can camp there all day we can sit inside of it the whole day
[08:37:14] Shit, bro you right
[08:37:17] Smart I can't wait
[08:37:24] Oh Oh, he's actually driving, chat. No fucking way. Let's go.
[08:37:30] Yeah why do you have to wait to restart?
[08:37:35] Because if you're going before a restart It kicks you out But even so
[08:37:36] You wait until after
[08:37:39] Restart
[08:37:40] You go there and then
[08:37:41] You know, you go in after restart
[08:37:44] Um Because And, you know, you go in after restart.
[08:37:47] Because people are just going to be in there the entire time before restart.
[08:37:51] Gotcha.
[08:37:52] So you got four hours...
[08:37:53] Is that not the point of the place for PvP or just for loot?
[08:37:56] I mean, you know...
[08:37:58] That's not what it is.
[08:38:02] Well, that's not what I said. Someone else did that.
[08:38:04] No no, I know, I know. That's what I'm saying.
[08:38:05] Like, is that guy...
[08:38:06] What is he waffling about?
[08:38:09] You got me, really?
[08:38:14] Where's the Bison at?
[08:38:15] Yes, because PvP consists of going into an enclosed area that you spawn into and get instantly shot at or shot and killed by people who are already in that
[08:38:28] place.
[08:38:30] Yeah, yeah. You want to probably
[08:38:32] ideally run into motherfuckers
[08:38:34] who actually want to loot it
[08:38:36] not just sitting there and indefinitely sitting there.
[08:38:39] That'd be like... that's like waiting in
[08:38:41] passage indefinitely
[08:38:43] for people to pass through
[08:38:45] without having anything
[08:38:47] there to stop you from staying there, right? The reason passage
[08:38:49] can't be done like that is
[08:38:51] because you're on a time limit no matter how you spin it.
[08:38:54] You have
[08:38:55] your gas out.
[08:38:57] Yeah.
[08:39:00] Even if you just sit on the other side of the door,
[08:39:02] your food and water run out
[08:39:04] more quickly.
[08:39:05] You're in a lot of trouble because...
[08:39:06] But that's the problem with something like this
[08:39:10] That's
[08:39:11] Persistent
[08:39:13] Like those guys have already looted
[08:39:15] What else are they going to do?
[08:39:17] You know what I mean
[08:39:17] Just run around this big ass map looking for PvP
[08:39:20] Or go where Base raiding,
[08:39:21] shit like that? Yeah.
[08:39:22] I mean, if you're
[08:39:25] fully geared in that bitch just waiting
[08:39:27] for people to come through to kill,
[08:39:29] you're not gaining much loot.
[08:39:32] Well maybe they are. Maybe that's their plan.
[08:39:34] Gain a bunch of shitload of guns off people, put them in their
[08:39:36] bags so they can come up on
[08:39:37] collectibles.
[08:39:39] Yeah, depending on how long they've been on here.
[08:39:46] Regardless of what... yeah depending on how long they've been on here the yesterday for free like good stuff that's like this is literally even so. It doesn't even matter.
[08:39:53] Like not even those guys specifically.
[08:39:55] You shouldn't be able to sit in there from restart to restart.
[08:39:59] Okay?
[08:40:00] With nothing contesting you besides somebody who's spawning in there after you.
[08:40:05] It doesn't make sense, why is that a thing?
[08:40:08] Yeah maybe they're going to boot out.
[08:40:09] There should be gas, there should be something that like fucking
[08:40:12] prevents you from sitting there all day.
[08:40:15] Yeah, but they have a base
[08:40:16] nearby. They could just have like
[08:40:18] 15-20 filters on them.
[08:40:21] You know what I mean?
[08:40:21] It wouldn't change anything.
[08:40:24] That's still better than if you can sit No ammo? It wouldn't change. Yeah, but that's... I mean,
[08:40:25] that's still better than
[08:40:26] you can sit there
[08:40:27] the entire time.
[08:40:30] Yeah.
[08:40:33] I mean,
[08:40:34] I'd rather have
[08:40:34] convenience rather than I mean convenience
[08:40:35] rather than
[08:40:37] no inconvenience
[08:40:38] at all
[08:40:39] I mean
[08:40:41] it might not be
[08:40:42] something they always
[08:40:42] do either
[08:40:43] you know what
[08:40:44] I mean
[08:40:44] what do you
[08:40:45] mean
[08:40:45] maybe I don't know maybe it was just something they were doing either. You know what I mean? What do you mean?
[08:40:48] I don't know, maybe it was just something they were doing at that point in time. I'm not saying them, I'm saying
[08:40:51] anybody on the server
[08:40:52] should not
[08:40:54] be able to sit in the lab from restart to restart.
[08:40:58] That is the case currently.
[08:40:59] You can do that.
[08:41:01] There's no time limit, there's no gas...
[08:41:02] Yeah, I see what you're saying.
[08:41:03] ...there's nothing that's preventing you from doing so.
[08:41:06] This game sucks.
[08:41:11] What
[08:41:12] is that?
[08:41:20] They could just do like a... If the doors close, you get kicked out of
[08:41:22] The room. Then you have to like
[08:41:23] Camp the outside instead of the inside
[08:41:25] Yeah some shit that wouldn't allow people
[08:41:28] To just sit in there the whole fucking time.
[08:41:29] Doors are open for 10 minutes.
[08:41:30] If you're inside once the doors close,
[08:41:32] you get teleported out.
[08:41:33] So I'm sure they go.
[08:41:34] But again,
[08:41:35] I don't know their thought process behind
[08:41:36] being able to stay in there after the door closes.
[08:41:40] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[08:41:46] Bro, this game is
[08:41:47] like... DayZ is just so fucking
[08:41:50] walled up.
[08:41:56] That's cool, the squad
[08:41:57] just stays together.
[08:42:03] Yeah, Garrett this game is
[08:42:04] the combat in
[08:42:06] this game
[08:42:06] is like
[08:42:07] it's really
[08:42:08] fucking bad.
[08:42:12] Oh my god.
[08:42:44] Holy fucking lord.. Alright, I'm gonna go play a different server for a bit. I'm kind of burned on just
[08:42:45] people tanking my shots and
[08:42:48] me fucking getting melted and shit.
[08:42:50] I'm chilling now.
[08:42:52] I'm gonna chill.
[08:42:53] Sounds good.
[08:42:55] Time to get on
[08:42:56] a different type of server, but which
[08:42:58] one now? Do you know what you want
[08:43:00] to play?
[08:43:03] Might go New York,
[08:43:04] I guess.
[08:43:07] Shit.
[08:43:09] You actually got
[08:43:10] 37 out of 50.
[08:43:12] Yeah, yeah, yeah. For the next fucking
[08:43:13] three minutes.
[08:43:16] I mean bro
[08:43:17] deadfall
[08:43:17] is fucking
[08:43:18] 32 out of 50
[08:43:19] right now
[08:43:19] bro.
[08:43:20] No way
[08:43:23] dude
[08:43:23] what the fuck
[08:43:24] alright and 45 out of 50 No way, dude. What the fuck?
[08:43:32] Alright man 45 out of 50 I think people are finally fucking over the PvE hell in that map
[08:43:35] Ummm Yeah Um, yeah I don't know. Let me know which one you want to get on, dude. even the lab that we were on right there is 97 out of 100 so it's like we're just
[08:44:13] that's a stream sniper fucking heaven let's just people following you around
[08:44:17] fucking crazy following you around. Fucking crazy. I'm thinking I want you can see it, but I have a lot of stuff to show you. I've got some cool videos that are going to be in the future.
[08:44:41] I'll put them up on my channel and post them there.
[08:44:43] I hope you enjoy watching!
[08:44:54] That's really all I can think of, really. I'm good with that. Dude we haven't...
[08:44:58] fully done that yet, you know what I mean?
[08:45:06] Maybe you did it a long time ago?
[08:45:11] I gotta update a couple things apparently.
[08:45:13] There was an update an hour ago.
[08:45:17] I wanted to download DayZ, thanks for changing my mind.
[08:45:21] Yeah man this... Yeah, man.
[08:45:26] It's like... It's so funny. I want to use
[08:45:28] full auto weapons but at the range
[08:45:30] that you use full auto weapons
[08:45:32] is the most like dangerous way
[08:45:35] to play DayZ just cause it's
[08:45:37] you're so fucking
[08:45:38] prone to still take bullets and go
[08:45:41] down, you know?
[08:46:12] ... Yeah. are we doing summit hope you remember me. I started to work in DPD so ill be able to tune into more streams. Hope all is gonna get better on days it runs.
[08:46:14] What's up AKs, good to see ya again man. I appreciate you guys. Thank you thank you thank you.
[08:46:18] Dfd huh? Or dpd. Found another bridge on here too.
[08:46:23] On this map. Oh yeah there's a bridge that goes to tara right are you talking about the boats
[08:46:32] there's the boats that go to tara there's another bridge
[08:46:35] that takes you to the other island. It's like a plane bridge,
[08:46:39] like a crash-plane and it takes you right behind
[08:46:43] military base on that snowy mountain
[08:46:47] so you can spawn in and go right there
[08:46:49] I don't know if that's any good but
[08:46:52] it takes me on the opposite side
[08:46:55] there is another persistent fire sitting
[08:46:57] there
[08:47:00] I don't another persistent fire sitting there
[08:48:12] i don't know if you've seen the persistent fires on this yet have you do 4z better graphics Thanks for watching! I'm not sure if this is the right way to's I guess but with gameplay my hutch about it.
[08:48:15] Not sure. I'm not sure.
[08:48:18] I can tell you
[08:48:19] I just burned.
[08:48:19] I just burned our Daisy at Tanana.
[08:50:25] I just burned our Daisy at Tanana. so again me let me in is do i miss high school no Come on. Come on. Yeah, I've played Tron Exomboid for like 30 minutes or some shit. it What did you decide on? We're joining a server right now.
[08:50:55] Playing a moss for a little bit I played Ballad? Is that the card game or whatever?
[08:51:00] I have not.
[08:51:51] Yeah, I haven't. 30 more seconds i can make one so is me another second What's with the server from yesterday? We played it all fucking day and I'm just burned. all right now so so so what's up bro Brian? How you doing, brother?
[08:52:41] I haven't seen JJK yet. No.
[08:52:45] He was really good though.
[08:52:49] You are listening to an inquisitive earmix so I got a book this way. That was not a good idea.
[08:53:32] Alright so I had logged out with Hutch on this server.
[08:53:38] And he gave me like... not much.
[08:53:42] We basically sped run
[08:53:46] And I spawn like very south side
[08:53:54] So, I spawn by the military base there are dead zombies in there already
[08:53:56] but there's a dead body with a couple guns on them
[08:54:02] so i'm gonna try to run back your direction instead because I don't really have shit.
[08:54:12] I think I might go Kuta, yeah. so Yeah, this is normal DayZ. I like the survival runs just as much as normal day's either.
[08:54:38] I like the survival runs
[08:54:39] just as much
[08:54:39] as the next
[08:54:40] person,
[08:54:41] but those
[08:54:42] extra PVPs
[08:54:43] like servers
[08:54:44] and hoping
[08:54:45] to get a
[08:54:46] little bit
[08:54:46] better at
[08:54:47] them,
[08:54:47] but I'm
[08:54:48] trying to think that we're not I'm hoping to get a little bit better at them, but...
[08:54:49] I think we're just not gonna get better if that's the game we're in.
[08:54:54] We'll just roll with the motions.
[08:54:58] Rollin' with the homies
[08:55:03] we like it like the military little military base before uh
[08:55:08] a mine in a1 I'm mining A1, I think is what it is.
[08:55:15] Damn, a little ways at the moment...
[08:55:19] Yeah, it has actually not that far.
[08:55:23] The problem is food and water.
[08:55:27] Not having a rope to fish. fish
[08:55:40] I got an AK, BK-18, a picker and a scout.
[08:55:48] Damn, it's not like we're playing 4 guns.
[08:55:52] Yeah... I got a big gun. Damn, the fuck? You're carrying four guns.
[08:55:55] Yeah... I got a big backpack.
[08:56:01] Imagine how far it would be.
[08:56:04] Hopefully man, I've been getting smoked on the lab brother so...
[08:56:10] I'll give you a couple
[08:56:26] whew I'll give you a couple. I got you an extra vest. I'm tired, champ. My sleep was bad last night.
[08:56:31] I'm fucking beat. I hear something.
[08:56:44] I hear something. here's the day Thanks for watching! Oh
[08:57:12] What You. That's a sign.
[08:57:35] Yeah, it's a sign to keep on fucking going
[08:57:37] so I can shit on players like that guy. That's what it's a
[08:57:40] fucking sign of.
[08:58:00] So, let's Wait, did you just get a big... A south spawn? No.
[08:58:01] Can't get a south spawn.
[08:58:03] Say what?
[08:58:04] You can't really get a south spawn,
[08:58:05] What do ya mean?
[08:58:06] Yeah, you could spawn like
[08:58:07] Right next to the dam.
[08:58:13] Oh yeah! Yeah the dam. Yeah.
[08:58:20] There was a spawn where you can see the towers.
[08:58:36] I don't know where i'm at right now, i think it might be jello.
[08:59:33] I'm gonna try and run you. There's China, yeah. so so That's the only thing I hate. am I? Yo, not so
[08:59:35] very edgy. Chill the fuck out man all right i really don't give a
[08:59:38] flying what your opinion is You know
[08:59:51] That's really all there is to it
[08:59:53] Don't care what you think
[08:59:55] Do what the fuck you do
[08:59:57] You got paid bro wild yeah bro just
[09:00:01] you are that fucking stupid aren't you yes me summit1g who's been streaming for
[09:00:06] the last 11 years wants to breach a fucking it wants to do something illegal
[09:00:10] for daisy to get paid under the table fucking pennies you got you got it figured out
[09:00:17] you're actually that stupid.
[09:00:26] You got paid, bro. Wow. What you should be thinking to yourself is
[09:00:28] my brain is small, wild. That's what you should be thinking to yourself is my brain is small wild that's what
[09:00:31] she should be thinking of me you're absolutely a dumbass if you think
[09:00:34] i'd be taking any sort of payment under the table to play a fucking video game
[09:00:38] when I do it all the damn time in front of everyone.
[09:00:42] What the fuck would make me want to do this one under the table?
[09:00:47] Don't try to hit the pipe, Mothra.
[09:00:49] Do better, use your fucking brain.
[09:00:51] Eh? Don't bring your stupid nonsense to me
[09:00:53] to make me assist you in getting a brain.
[09:01:01] Jesus Christ, you gotta be fucking stupid, bro. You're probably the same type of guy who thinks all Jake Paul's fights are fucking rigged and shit, you know what I'm saying?
[09:01:08] I can't help it brother man if you look at the fucking world through a certain type of lens. What do you want me to do?
[09:01:18] You don't, you don't see real shit right in front of your eyes and
[09:01:22] you just think your own fucking dumbass thoughts.
[09:01:25] I don't know why I'm trying to break it down right now, pretending like I know you but...
[09:01:29] Let's just stick with the basics here and say shut the fuck up Sorry chat, apologies.
[09:01:47] Catch me kinda at the end of my run where I'm a little bit
[09:01:51] lack in sleep maybe a little grumpy I look at stupid shit all day every day it's just like
[09:01:58] you really when the chat is going slow at this time of night man
[09:02:01] you're really raising your hand Alright, wait a minute. What did I say? I don't really care what your opinions are on servers, but most of them say stupid shit like that.
[09:02:21] That took a while to get to it. Not to mention my buddy's banned from the day one server, so there's not really crazy
[09:02:35] enough.
[09:02:36] I'm sure you didn't know that, and decided to make an assumption through your beautiful
[09:02:42] lenses you've seen the world through. okay If there ain't a hashtag out of the channel, dudes, from the title, ain't no one getting paid.
[09:03:16] Unfortunately. paid unfortunately Day 1 was fine.
[09:03:26] We just gotta put in a ticket to get him on ban, respect their rules. Not a sellout? No.
[09:03:47] I am a sell-out. SpaghettiOs. Did I grab those?
[09:04:16] Am I about to die?
[09:04:21] Am I about to die? now.
[09:04:36] Hopefully I get an IJ or something. There's some food...
[09:04:37] I do like that you can get food on this server, up at the top.
[09:04:41] It's kinda nice.
[09:04:44] Please do.
[09:04:45] Please do. Please do. But they really don't have loot anywhere else though to be fair. Okay, let's get some levels. Need some BLEVOS.
[09:05:17] Is this a new server? I mean, we're not playing in the last... We're not playing in the lab right now.
[09:05:21] Playing the mosque for a little bit
[09:05:23] I hate this map A little bit too
[09:05:25] But um
[09:05:27] I don't really know what i feel like playing right now daisy because
[09:05:29] i'm kind of like searching my soul right now because
[09:05:33] that hasn't been a very good last few days in the game it's gonna be kind of whatever.
[09:05:48] Why don't you double click to transfer out your... Because when you do that, it transfers
[09:05:50] in more to the fucking game fields like
[09:05:52] and I like to have no shit on my ass this
[09:05:54] way.
[09:05:57] Only double click
[09:05:58] if I'm in a big, big hurry and
[09:06:00] spam somebody without dying. Oh, sorry. You can get bad hands on the server though, I'm afraid.
[09:06:28] I got kind of stuck on this thing. so so I
[09:07:29] Think you can make it over here along the pipe. I just killed a guy here that you can take I'm gonna go get the fumes out. And then I'll take a break for a while, and I'll be back when I find a ball again. I'll just catch up to you now.
[09:07:36] He's got an SSG, a longhorn...
[09:07:40] Couple pistols. uh huh I should not let that go. i should do So, I burned myself too much today, Chad.
[09:08:45] Think I went overboard on DayZ
[09:08:47] today.
[09:08:55] To be fair, I kinda got burned out just because I was getting smoked so much. Skill issue dude. so We can just run back this direction.
[09:09:17] I'll drop all the stuff on the floor.
[09:09:20] You don't worry about it too much, man.
[09:09:25] I gotta sit here for a second anyway to heat up and unfreeze this food.
[09:09:29] I've had a pretty good fucking run over here so far.
[09:09:35] Nice!
[09:09:37] You know what I'm saying?
[09:09:38] Got a Vepr, got a...
[09:09:41] A Reda with a silencer
[09:09:44] I'm hot, I got clothes that even need to start a fire i'm chilling yeah man
[09:09:52] kind of out my looting system though last, I'm like looking for crates and shit.
[09:09:57] Open boxes like...
[09:09:59] What the fuck?
[09:10:01] Also the zombies too.
[09:10:02] I've been trying to outrun them
[09:10:04] Like I can't outrun them?
[09:10:07] No sir.
[09:10:13] You'd love to see some GTRP again?
[09:10:15] Um...I was telling people that was probably gonna to be the next thing, so we'll see.
[09:10:19] We'll see...
[09:10:26] This is where I'll go yet.
[09:10:47] I gotta stay here until i get the knife, I think?
[09:10:48] Maybe go to Oscars.
[09:10:50] Let's give it this option.
[09:10:51] That's best for Oscars.
[09:10:54] This race is in chases.
[09:10:56] Yeah, I'm pretty burned.
[09:10:57] Like I said,
[09:10:57] I'm not burned. Like I said, I'm...
[09:11:05] I'm not burned out on like the adventure of DayZ but I am burned out on the DayZ combat really badly. Really bad dated. Hmm. hmm so I don't want to make that sound too loud or anything. any of you guys Thanks, man.
[09:12:24] Raaaaaah! uh You can eat shit when it's freezing, when you have heat buff right? so I've never played seven days of that now. so so 357 ounce.
[09:13:32] Where?
[09:13:33] What the...
[09:13:34] First time I saw someone. where what the first one i saw something yeah oh you Why don't I host big daisy streamers like I did in Rust?
[09:14:09] There's just a lot of them that
[09:14:10] Don't stream when i get off
[09:14:14] i'm gonna call it boys i think i'm calling it. I gotta clean my mouse pad.. No, no DCS world, bro.
[09:15:02] That's not really for me.
[09:15:03] I suck at that fine stuff. I'll get some rest me really sure if you ain't feeling it don't force again
[09:15:07] Yeah, because I'm probably gonna get out. I'll probably eat off a little early tonight
[09:15:10] You know seven or nine of choice my sleep so plus night
[09:15:18] on the I'm trying to My sleep sucked last night Yeah dude Sorry
[09:15:18] I'm just
[09:15:19] I'm just fucking
[09:15:20] Completely burned on
[09:15:21] DayZ today too
[09:15:22] So I might
[09:15:22] Kind of go back
[09:15:23] To the drawing board
[09:15:24] We'll see
[09:15:24] Had to happen Soon sooner or later dude
[09:15:27] yeah just yeah let me know if it's a game that i can get on rp i know i know I will, motherfucker. RP! I know, I know, I know, I know.
[09:15:38] Have a good night, brother.
[09:15:38] I'll catch you guys tomorrow.
[09:15:40] Later, bro.
[09:15:40] Alright, brother.
[09:15:41] Later, dude.
[09:15:44] Alright, that was funny.
[09:15:47] Actually, bro, I never get finding out. Actually bro
[09:15:48] I never get to fucking raid Naughty
[09:15:49] raiding that.
[09:15:53] Cause I always go
[09:15:54] I get off
[09:15:56] before him.
[09:16:00] Alright guys, I'm out. Ugh I get off before him alright guys about wait smoke
[09:16:14] no he's not looking at smokey's not streaming okay we'll go naughty then all right guys thanks for all the support. I appreciate it.
[09:16:20] Thanks to everybody hanging out on the channel.
[09:16:22] Sorry, I was like just super dead all night tonight.
[09:16:25] Just kind of one of those days, I guess.
[09:16:27] It's one of those days that's was not feeling it. Not feeling really
[09:16:30] up to snuff today.
[09:16:33] I'll be on again tomorrow
[09:16:34] doing my thing. If you guys want
[09:16:37] to come through, make sure you do.
[09:16:39] Yeah, thanks for all the support. guys are dope today thanks for keeping the chat
[09:16:41] moving throughout the night and uh have fun hanging out with naughty be cool to him in his community
[09:16:46] you know the drill and uh yeah i'll see you guys on a little later today. Alright? Good night, guys.
[09:16:53] Thanks for chilling. Sleep well.
[09:16:55] And it'll be a better stream tomorrow
[09:16:56] for sure. It'll be a better one. So good night,
[09:16:58] guys. Later, later. there.