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deadfall trying to progress - @summit1g !starforge @starforgesystems

06-21-2024 · 10h 55m

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[00:00:00] 🎵 so so so so All right. I'm going to keep my voice low.
[00:01:11] Keep it low, not going to move too much.
[00:01:16] That needs a different angle
[00:01:26] you guys hear me?
[00:01:35] Hello? It's super quiet while I'm not talking, really.
[00:01:40] How does the microphone sound? I could raise it if you need me to
[00:01:49] perfect okay yeah star forge you guys are here i just got yeah we just got done spending the last few hours
[00:01:51] well Smokey's been up longer than that
[00:01:53] making sure this
[00:01:55] process went smoother for me
[00:01:57] uh yeah we set up both comps
[00:01:59] the streaming and gaming at the same time.
[00:02:01] And we'll see if this transition is smooth.
[00:02:05] 2 PC setup is a big giant pain in ass to set up.
[00:02:09] I want to jump into DayZ, play for a little bit.
[00:02:12] And I want you guys to tell me...
[00:02:15] Music is loud? Is music loud?
[00:02:18] Not necessarily low.
[00:02:21] I would say I'd normally have it about here you're right
[00:02:25] it definitely was set to be loud louder than i
[00:02:29] normally listen to in the background so this is where i would have it
[00:02:38] it's this isn't meant to be like loud music it's supposed to be just kind of background noise at the moment Thank you guys for the subs and resets right off the bat, dudes.
[00:02:59] How's the new PC? I will let you know as soon as I jump into my first game,
[00:03:05] I think this camera
[00:03:07] I changed cameras to something angles can be a little off of that.
[00:03:16] Um, Um... Where is it going?
[00:03:20] Maybe I'm just short.
[00:03:24] Huh, you guys ever think about that i'm just short
[00:03:31] don't i don't seem shorter on camera oh All right, I think we're good there. There we are.
[00:04:00] Whoop!
[00:04:03] That's actually pretty clean.
[00:04:17] Alright guys, I haven't actually checked out DCSA yet. Probably have to update it and shit. All my favorites are gone.
[00:04:34] Feels bad man... Okay, let me make sure.
[00:05:06] Um...
[00:05:10] Daisy Stand Alone Path easy standalone path so so
[00:05:44] wait Wait.
[00:05:46] It's a different...
[00:05:50] I'm just gonna...
[00:05:53] Let's try it.
[00:05:57] Maybe because I haven't opened daisy on this computer yet
[00:06:08] told you my boy fried do i look shorter on camera right now chat summit you crack my up shut up man
[00:06:17] thank you for the drama, man. Appreciate it. You guys hear that donut by the way?
[00:06:19] Oh did the TTS not pop up on screen?
[00:06:21] Did it not really?
[00:06:23] Aw fuck me
[00:06:25] Well...
[00:06:30] We'll have to fix that later I think.
[00:06:35] It's kind of quiet okay? Hold on...
[00:06:45] Have you ever played We Were Here?
[00:06:47] Thanks so much guys, I appreciate it. Um...
[00:06:49] I don't think so.
[00:06:55] I don't think
[00:06:57] so.
[00:07:01] You were here.
[00:07:09] Let me just open the game real quick first and battle all that stuff, gets in yeah man i don't like the
[00:07:10] system sounds i've turned system signs off four fucking times now
[00:07:14] can you stay consistent with those also i need to turn on my sleep
[00:07:19] uh pc sleep settings Oh, sleep. Uh... PC Sleep settings.
[00:07:26] Oh yeah it's already set up, okay.
[00:07:35] Can I see this shit.
[00:07:40] This is an old character, I think.
[00:08:11] Okay open the game now, close that that guy make sure our shit's good Yeah. I don't remember which one's which. I may have lost my characters because of this. I'm not really sure.
[00:08:17] We'll see.
[00:08:51] ... Yeah, so listen. We're trying to get our age we're trying to get You guys. to let me know what my volume levels are between microphone and game, right? Smokey was telling me that my game volume is usually pretty low.
[00:08:54] I can control how loud
[00:08:57] you guys get, I can control
[00:08:59] my shit gets and
[00:09:01] both of us
[00:09:10] be able to kind of adjust things.
[00:09:14] My microphone's too loud compared to the game and shit like that.
[00:09:16] I'd like it to be on a good level
[00:09:22] cookies dude what the fuck is that a big ass what's this big ass emo, bruh? Naughty 1vs3 insane gaming. I refuse to believe that naughty is capable of a one verse three, but I'll watch this. I guess you have to post it again.
[00:10:04] Give me the link.
[00:10:06] Link me!
[00:10:07] Link me, brothers!
[00:10:11] Little dirt bat was set.
[00:10:17] He's already knocked. Oh no it's not.
[00:10:31] R R Hmm. There you go.
[00:10:47] Four.
[00:10:58] She's a right of this fucking plate. What is that guy?
[00:11:00] I think he's just dead, just bugged.
[00:11:10] Bro! Naughty!
[00:11:14] Yo, what's up big dog? Yo 1v3 in the fucking bunk of the tunnels dude!
[00:11:18] So I went to one server.
[00:11:21] I didn't know it was geared on both servers so I go to the one that
[00:11:24] I could jump into cause you know
[00:11:27] The other was fucking stacked
[00:11:29] Yeah
[00:11:30] I spawn in the fucking dam bro
[00:11:31] I spawn inside geared to the fucking teeth bro
[00:11:34] I have light carrier and fucking everything bro and the server dies
[00:11:39] I'm sitting in the fucking queue waiting to get back in as a time for so long
[00:11:44] I give back in I hear three people fucking yapping bro.
[00:11:48] Talking to us, sitting there waiting.
[00:11:50] Fucking smoking.
[00:11:51] Dude that first burst you hit was gross.
[00:11:54] Later...
[00:11:56] You heard the fucking body drop like
[00:11:58] Yeah, that's what I can see. I just died though, but yeah
[00:12:06] I got through another three-man!
[00:12:10] Ah shit, no way, that sucks.
[00:12:12] Yeah, yeah, well, hey,
[00:12:14] that gear was put to fucking good use,
[00:12:15] so... I'll take it.
[00:12:31] Thank you for watching! Which, you want to type which one you joined? Um...
[00:12:39] I typed it?
[00:12:41] I'm in the other one. Can you come there?
[00:12:43] Yeah, I can go there but I mean...
[00:12:45] I can! But I'm geared over there and I'm cross passage
[00:12:49] Oh shit And I have to make sure that I'm cross passage. Oh shit.
[00:12:51] And uh, not making any shit so either way we're not playing with each other.
[00:12:55] Is somebody reshot in nine minutes?
[00:12:57] Um...
[00:12:59] It's reshots in an hour now unless my clock is off. I'm on a different computer.
[00:13:04] Nine minutes, it's 12 AM Eastern Time.
[00:13:08] The server restarted already...
[00:13:11] an hour so you got two hours left. So you got two hours, man.
[00:13:13] Can we start?
[00:13:15] Yeah, two hours.
[00:13:17] I'm kitted on the one
[00:13:18] you're on right now
[00:13:19] but I can't get in
[00:13:20] because of you.
[00:13:22] I was in it earlier.
[00:13:24] I queued up an hour and a half before, but the server died
[00:13:27] so then I just got fucked.
[00:13:28] Yeah.
[00:13:29] OK, well fucking A man what should I do?
[00:13:35] I mean, your on passage on that one right?
[00:13:38] Yeah. That's my maker character
[00:13:41] Ok let's just fucking run it til uh...
[00:13:47] I mean bro even if i try to get in that restart like I don't have the you know The tactic I could just play my maker guy until I and then I might just die
[00:13:55] And then whenever I can get into the other one,
[00:13:57] I'm kitted over there, so...
[00:13:59] Okay.
[00:14:00] Looks like we're starting out a little different today, chat.
[00:14:03] Also, a lot of people have been asking
[00:14:04] for us to try the New York map.
[00:14:09] Chad, I need you to know volume levels, by the way,
[00:14:11] game volume versus mind-lighting.
[00:14:12] That's something you're interested in.
[00:14:13] What map?
[00:14:14] The New York map.
[00:14:16] There's a New York daisy map?
[00:14:19] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:14:19] What's it called?
[00:14:22] I have no idea.
[00:14:23] I just watched like a trailer
[00:14:25] but like somebody playing on it.
[00:14:26] I don't want my mic to overpower the game.
[00:14:28] I want them to be pretty even.
[00:14:30] Only one issue. One issue with it.
[00:14:33] It's called New York.
[00:14:34] Just called New York.
[00:14:35] One issue with it though.
[00:14:38] A lot of foliage. A lot of foliage.
[00:14:39] Okay? A lot of fucking
[00:14:40] foliage.
[00:14:43] I mean, there's a lot of foliage, period,
[00:14:44] in this fucking game. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:14:46] I mean... You wouldn't tell me we should try it
[00:14:50] apparently Trey was playing
[00:14:52] yesterday as well
[00:14:53] oh the game
[00:14:56] is going to be a bit loud actually because I haven't adjusted
[00:14:58] volume at all
[00:14:58] I only play my games
[00:15:00] in about 50%.
[00:15:02] I'll leave it about 70%.
[00:15:06] How's that?
[00:15:35] Kinda low. The first thing I do is go fish. Oh man, that's a different sensitivity. Is that perfect?
[00:15:56] I would go higher than this.
[00:16:11] I'm more like here.
[00:16:19] Oh! I'm more like here. I don't think i'm supposed to go this way um Hmm.
[00:16:42] Okay, how does that- How's that for you guys?
[00:17:05] Oh my god... guys Okay. Pretty low FOV, huh?
[00:17:06] I'm on default fov
[00:17:09] i decided that i'm gonna play how the game was intended to be played so I'm gonna i'm gonna change them a little bit
[00:17:40] i'm gonna go 1.3 i think
[00:17:48] let's make a one four. How's that for you guys?
[00:18:02] You guys looking okay there? It is kind of dark around here. Be fair.
[00:18:25] We're down bad on food right now, chat.
[00:18:28] With nothing so we have to...
[00:18:30] I think we found a couple of those guys I think this is an even lower
[00:18:50] epi than what I would play.
[00:18:55] He kind of is more like cheer.
[00:19:04] Hey, son. Some thanks for the content brother man I'm having a fantastic day today and I hope you and chat are as well
[00:19:09] Thanks brother
[00:19:11] You motherfucking
[00:19:13] You motherfu-
[00:19:17] Thanks bro, i appreciate you man
[00:20:19] now it's on screen the things okay i popped up there that's good. so so Well, we might just kill me. hmm
[00:20:31] he's coming for me.
[00:20:42] Oh, I should just make her, right?
[00:21:17] I should just make her this motherfucker. so so I'll fucking miss, Senate. Oh, here he is.
[00:21:27] Here he is.
[00:21:31] Better, homie.
[00:21:32] Not even worried about your goofy ass.
[00:21:34] What's up? Bitch!
[00:21:36] What's up, bitch?!
[00:21:38] Gotta hurry up bro.
[00:21:44] You were responsible for killing my boys. I know you've been out here for weeks.
[00:21:50] My only fucking...I was only out here to kill you I'll get those later.
[00:22:13] All the fat in my hand, bro. Say I won't?
[00:22:15] Say I won't. I'm going up there again.
[00:22:21] Only three pieces from a bear?
[00:22:23] But...I mean it sucks
[00:22:25] but at the same time this is the best bit. This is the best meeting in the game
[00:22:28] So it's like it's really gonna be filling
[00:22:31] Don't stress really
[00:22:37] Someone went out there and tested all the meats, dude.
[00:22:39] And they came to the conclusion that this was the best.
[00:22:45] We got fps though chat
[00:23:09] we're hard stuck 240 brothers pretty damn good feels good I'm gonna start that. No, where's the other one going? Oh, sorry.
[00:23:13] No... where's that one again?
[00:23:19] Hold on, hold on. Let me think here. Let me think for a second okay?
[00:23:21] If I could think for a second okay? That is kind of the big huge benefit
[00:23:43] of the Maker right there, bro. It's like...
[00:23:45] The bear is a one-tap dude!
[00:23:47] Like hey man all the food in
[00:23:49] the fucking world you want? One bullet.
[00:23:51] Hell yeah I'll take that fucking deal.
[00:23:54] Hell yeah, I'll take that
[00:23:55] deal. There's a grenade from our troubles.
[00:23:58] I'm gonna pass it for now.
[00:24:26] Maybe I'll take it so nobody else grabs it. so oh hunter jacket green
[00:24:31] that's nice I'm going to go with it.
[00:24:38] There we go.
[00:24:38] Field jacket's good.
[00:24:39] Hunter jacket's about the same as a field jacket,
[00:24:41] I'd say.
[00:24:42] I'd put them on the same level.
[00:24:44] I don't know how you guys feel about uh how you guys are feeling about that but
[00:24:48] i'm kind of on board The only reason I don't double click is because I like to have full control over what goes
[00:25:05] on what stage.
[00:25:08] Ooh, more Mosin ammo?
[00:25:10] Don't have it? I might just take it so no one
[00:25:12] else can grab it. Actually, you know
[00:25:14] what? Actually, that's fine.
[00:25:16] Actually...
[00:25:17] Yeah. actually I'll know where to find you.
[00:25:33] Don't worry.
[00:25:36] Yo, is that another bear?
[00:25:40] Yo, Houdini H.
[00:25:41] Houdini, thanks for gifting some subs, brother.
[00:25:43] I appreciate you, man.
[00:25:44] Much love for the support.
[00:25:46] Welcome guys to the squad.
[00:25:47] Hope you enjoyed it.
[00:25:47] Thank you, Houdini.
[00:25:48] Appreciate you, brother.
[00:26:06] Very kind, very kind. very kind clutch i see you man Where should I put the spire? Is there something over there, chat?
[00:26:09] Actually.
[00:26:10] Think there might be. Something to click on? Or we just do this willy nilly over here.
[00:26:25] Wait, there's shit to fight over here isn't there?
[00:26:28] I don't really want to fight shit at the moment.
[00:26:30] Let's just... let's just do a fire over here.
[00:26:32] Who gives a fuck?
[00:26:33] I have a pot, right?
[00:26:35] We got everything we need.
[00:26:38] We got everything...
[00:26:40] ...we ever gonna need!
[00:26:46] Actually, I can use that right now. Think stick with you to craft a cooking stand! We're crafting a cooking stand!
[00:26:55] Eat boss! You need to chill, boss. It's okay. It's okay. It not kill me for so long.
[00:27:20] Oh! so Love from Foco, my guy.
[00:27:21] Thanks, brother man.
[00:27:22] Appreciate you, dude.
[00:27:25] Appreciate you, man.
[00:27:25] How's it going?
[00:27:27] We got four. We got the stick.
[00:27:30] We need a little bit of the barco
[00:27:36] Boom, boom, boom.
[00:27:37] You see this guy right down here?
[00:27:41] Boom! Right there looking good.
[00:27:44] Boom, boom, boom.
[00:27:53] I'm trying to show you the skills right now bro, okay? You should be thanking me.
[00:28:00] Trying to show you the fucking skills oh oh boom and you just go like this boom boom boom boom then boom, boom, boom, boom.
[00:28:09] And you just take that guy. You throw in the fat.
[00:28:12] You throw in the bear.
[00:28:14] You throw it on
[00:28:16] there.
[00:28:17] Booyah! In there.
[00:28:21] There we go. there. Oh yeah! In there! And we get fucked.
[00:28:25] While were chilling I'll get another set of schticko sticko
[00:28:45] oh and a little bit of the fucking break up here. Throw that in there, boom!
[00:28:48] We got ourselves a fucking cooking machine!
[00:28:52] We've got a lot of cover up here too, only way in...
[00:28:56] right here.
[00:29:05] We're boiling so so we got water too. Yeah, we're looking good here.
[00:29:07] Some would say they wouldn't want to boil.
[00:29:10] Fuck those people. You could do sharpened stick.
[00:29:30] Yeah, but to do what with?
[00:29:32] Oh you mean to cook it without being
[00:29:34] boiled maybe i should cook one on a sharpened stick huh
[00:29:42] that's not a bad idea like I like your thinking, brother.
[00:29:45] Outside of the box a little bit, but I like it
[00:29:47] a lot.
[00:29:52] I wonder if I can do that wall
[00:29:53] Vasquez-ing. So I will do boom boom right throw that guy there
[00:29:58] throw that fat on there right actually swap those blue okay and i'm gonna take this stick, sharpen it.
[00:30:16] Let me take a couple bites of this so I stop dying.
[00:30:20] Boom.
[00:30:21] Boom, boom.
[00:30:22] Get a little bit out of this guy right here boom get a little bit of oh The Livonia, you find people non-stop?
[00:30:43] Yeah. Out here we're doing... after passage it's
[00:30:47] You're running into less people
[00:30:50] for sure.
[00:30:51] You know what I mean?
[00:30:53] Because only a certain
[00:30:54] percentage of the server
[00:30:55] is going to be able
[00:30:56] to make it through
[00:30:56] passage in my opinion
[00:30:57] and everyone else
[00:30:58] is fucking each other over over dying to stupid things you
[00:31:00] know what i mean whatever it may be you got scared of us you guys scared me i thought it was burning
[00:31:08] it should be done soon though.
[00:31:13] BB burnin'.
[00:31:17] Don't wanna fuckin'...
[00:31:19] You don't want to burn it, though.
[00:31:23] We're going for it, we're going for the finish here.
[00:31:25] Got it!
[00:31:27] Boom boom, done and done.
[00:31:30] Boom boom, done and done done done boom boom
[00:31:37] get that off of there get that on to...
[00:31:47] There, there
[00:31:51] there, there There there there still constantly good makes me
[00:32:07] Oh Boom! Boom! Get the heat buff? Got it.
[00:32:16] Get away from right now.
[00:32:28] Alright dude, we're in there. We're in there. All our problems are fucking solved from one zombie bear
[00:32:32] Deception yeah, you've been here for a little bit Jamil if you know that one Deception!
[00:32:33] Deception!
[00:32:40] They nerf fat, hot chat.
[00:32:42] The fat, like you eat it pretty fast.
[00:32:44] I don't know if it's giving you that much. It's almost like chicken.
[00:32:47] Wonder if bear fat is better than others though?
[00:32:55] Let's eat this one to get some serious food. This is the next
[00:32:57] one we make because it's not boiled, so
[00:33:01] it's gonna give us more raw straight calories baby!
[00:33:05] Straighter calories! baby
[00:33:12] okay you guys wanna do that?
[00:33:27] That was some se teasing on it... so..... chat apparently you can't hear me laughing and doing my little...
[00:35:33] I don't think I ever actually do those noises but Smokey says I do. Does it sound better?
[00:35:37] We're trying to get our levels right on some of these
[00:35:39] compressors and fuckin' sound limiters
[00:35:41] and fuckin' nutsack
[00:35:43] program stuff
[00:35:53] Holy dude, he's slamming this steak! Not even full...he's full now! Rrrrraaargh! Holy! He's about to get massive food from that bro
[00:36:00] massive food massive food it's so delicious it's a fucking
[00:36:06] delicious It's so fucking delicious!
[00:36:11] Oh, for the love of my words. That shit dopey. Fishings out the window.
[00:36:13] We gotta avoid this other bear I think Chad by the way.
[00:36:24] He was there. the way. Definitely not mine, that's scary. chat do you guys remember the other computer I was using?
[00:36:44] Was it getting 240 consistent when I
[00:36:45] was over here last time? I actually don't
[00:36:47] remember. Let's look at the thought.
[00:36:50] Maybe it was.
[00:36:56] Yeah, dude, this stomach is gonna get
[00:36:58] some massive, massive upgrades from that.
[00:37:03] I forgot where we wanna go, that's single tower right?
[00:37:05] I wanna go...
[00:37:08] Bucket! Let's just go
[00:37:09] single tower I guess it's right there
[00:37:11] Direction?
[00:37:15] Straight south.
[00:37:19] It's good! You know I killed someone with it yesterday.
[00:37:24] Somebody was telling me about that but I never got the clip. Yeah it's not much of a clip
[00:37:26] I just saw like an ant in the distance
[00:37:28] and he was running toward me
[00:37:30] I noticed him a little quicker
[00:37:32] One bullet at his ass How Everything on him was stuck in there.
[00:37:35] How many bullets do you have?
[00:37:37] Uh, like 20 something.
[00:37:39] Twenty or so.
[00:37:41] Yeah.
[00:37:43] I thought the cane was like a good amount. Yeah I ended up getting more off Mav
[00:37:45] because Mav was going through shit too
[00:37:47] so he ended up getting a box of ammo for me
[00:37:49] and I think Bosch merchant had ammo
[00:37:51] for me... let me see
[00:37:53] I'll tell you exactly how many I have how many have one in five out right there that's six seven
[00:38:01] i have a box maybe i don't have that many i I know I have six more, right?
[00:38:06] So 13.
[00:38:10] Oh man, another box.
[00:38:12] Maybe that's it.
[00:38:14] Yeah, so 13 shots.
[00:38:22] Okay, I mean that's not too much you went on a bear ah I was like hungry I was about to go fishing and I heard the bear and then I pulled
[00:38:25] up my all gonna like this thing out of a challenge
[00:38:27] just use your maker rad i was going yeah
[00:38:29] one tap that stream is super crisp way
[00:38:33] back then
[00:38:34] thank goodness fucking disgusting waited
[00:38:37] him but we better than before, Crispy?
[00:38:39] That's because there is not as much grass around
[00:38:41] As soon we get around a grassy area
[00:38:43] you will see that it doesn't look any better
[00:38:45] We are on better settings
[00:38:47] We are testing the computer a little bit more since
[00:38:49] 20 seconds. It's hitscan, right?
[00:38:51] It's not hitscan.
[00:38:53] Oh it's not. Yeah I had to leave
[00:38:55] the shot actually yesterday.
[00:38:57] I shot at like a normal sniper, but apparently
[00:39:00] the Velocion is fast.
[00:39:07] Do you know where
[00:39:08] the mags spawn?
[00:39:10] Um... You know where the mags spawn?
[00:39:15] Um, I found some on the other side.
[00:39:17] Dude, I don't even think I have. I'm not even sure.
[00:39:19] Maybe I have.
[00:39:20] I don't remember if I found a god's rifle fucking magazine on
[00:39:22] winter moscow or five found an actual mag for this gun I have zero stamina.
[00:39:36] You know this gun weighs more than two guns?
[00:39:40] Each of my
[00:39:41] guns, I have an AUG four four kilograms right? I have a blaze for kilograms
[00:39:46] the fucking maker 10 kilograms
[00:39:51] It's massively destroying my fighting.
[00:39:52] Yeah there is no moving for you.
[00:39:54] I have zero. I'm at 5% of my stamina bar right now.
[00:39:57] No cap. Not even kidding.
[00:39:58] I plan on camping areas not running around.
[00:40:00] If I have to run...
[00:40:02] ...for any reason...
[00:40:03] You're dead.
[00:40:04] There's no chance.
[00:40:05] Yeah, I have to hold my mouth shut to where-
[00:40:06] I would just fight you.
[00:40:07] Yeah, yeah, fuck that bro.
[00:40:12] See how I wander the fucking plains out here with my maker on same testing
[00:40:20] bitch I got some more expedition gear.
[00:40:24] Oh, sh...
[00:40:28] I'm gonna dodge this bear and I'll eat it.
[00:40:33] This is how you die out here, bro.
[00:40:36] You don't have a maker? That's bullets gone.
[00:40:40] How did we even get the maker? Did he kill somebody for it?
[00:40:44] No that's not the end game. You get the key made right?
[00:40:49] One back of the key comes from
[00:40:51] helicopter crashes
[00:40:53] The front of the key comes
[00:40:55] from the maze completion Then you of the key comes from the maze completion.
[00:40:59] Then you make the key, and go to that other place where you have to cross through all the skeletons
[00:41:01] and shit right? The place I hated
[00:41:03] And then you open the door
[00:41:05] and then you go through and you have to fight your way through like
[00:41:08] Fucking skeletons
[00:41:09] And fucking
[00:41:10] You know, you fight your way through spiders
[00:41:14] And shit, you know what I mean?
[00:41:15] And then at the very end, a maker is sitting on the fucking table for you.
[00:41:22] You grab that shit...
[00:41:24] You did it all?
[00:41:25] Yeah I did it.
[00:41:28] I wanna do it all in one run solo though.
[00:41:30] That's my next plan is to do this all solo.
[00:41:35] Oh you want a solo with this one?
[00:41:38] I don't even know if you can do the end area solo or not...
[00:41:41] ...I'm not even sure.
[00:41:42] I might have to sneak around a shitload and if I get anything on me...
[00:41:46] ...I'm gonna have to hit- like, I'm gonna have a backup plan.
[00:41:49] Imma try to sneak, sneak, sneak as far as I can go
[00:41:52] and then um you know on the first couple waves depending
[00:41:57] on the ways I'll probably clear them. But on the
[00:42:01] second kind of virgin area,
[00:42:03] I'm gonna hit an EpiPen and fucking run to the door.
[00:42:06] Hmm.
[00:42:07] You can't come back
[00:42:09] through passage, right?
[00:42:11] What's that? With your shit? You can't come back through passage, right? What's that?
[00:42:12] With your shit.
[00:42:13] You can't come back through passage with your shit, right?
[00:42:18] I mean you cannot...
[00:42:19] I mean check it though.
[00:42:20] Like take a look at this alright?
[00:42:21] I have the maker 13 shots
[00:42:23] right? Alright. I have the scope
[00:42:25] on it. I could
[00:42:27] technically meet you
[00:42:28] at an exit, okay?
[00:42:31] And say you had somebody waiting at the
[00:42:33] entrance, alright? So then
[00:42:36] of passage.
[00:42:37] So then you go through Passage Solo
[00:42:39] You make it to the
[00:42:41] exit, you open the door
[00:42:42] You go to the part where you open The door. You go to the part
[00:42:44] Where you jump and I'm there waiting
[00:42:46] I throw you the maker
[00:42:47] And the bullets
[00:42:49] And then you go back through passage
[00:42:51] When you get back to the entrance
[00:42:53] The guy you have waiting there opens the door for
[00:42:55] you again. You got a maker on the other side.
[00:42:59] That would be sick! Bring that bitch
[00:43:01] back.
[00:43:03] Just one tap in fools? Yeah crazy right? There's one cabin fools
[00:43:05] Yeah crazy, huh?
[00:43:08] I'm worried about this bear channel. Keep touching killing freshies with the maker mm-hmm
[00:43:24] Oh freshies with the maker mm-hmm or how you can just get crazy gear back like SVDs and shit know i mean just think about it but like if
[00:43:28] i give you an svd mosins are out there most of the ammos are out there so you could just be pumping
[00:43:33] that gun yeah you can just have an SVD in the fucking-
[00:43:36] In that area and you're not-
[00:43:38] I don't think you get SVDs over there,
[00:43:40] I'm pretty sure you don't.
[00:43:41] LR's,
[00:43:42] Lars...
[00:43:43] Like if you come across these weapons
[00:43:46] That aren't over there
[00:43:47] You can always do
[00:43:48] that method to get them back yeah okay okay damn bro i wish i didn't
[00:43:53] like so when i killed those three people right
[00:43:56] i left but i also didn't want to have like gear fear
[00:43:59] right so i was like instead of just hiding and doing all
[00:44:03] i'm just gonna go just about my day like like i'm not kidding right
[00:44:07] and i could i could have went through passage Like I'm not kidding, right? And...
[00:44:09] I could've went through passage too bro.
[00:44:11] Yeah
[00:44:13] It's crazy right you gotta make that decision
[00:44:15] Do i just chill or do i go crazy
[00:44:17] Right now? You just didn't wanna, you know what I'm saying?
[00:44:20] Yeah exactly that's what I wanted to see. And then I ran into another three man and it was just unfortunate
[00:44:25] I feel it
[00:44:41] Oh shit, a heli crashes right here bro. I've actually never seen one anywhere. I just accidentally ran into them a year ago. um There's no gear that I need, chat.
[00:45:06] I'm not gonna grab it.
[00:45:12] But that's where you would go to get a piece of the key.
[00:45:13] Damn, it's right here too bro!
[00:45:17] That is crazy we are in such danger spot.
[00:45:21] ... I don't know if want to go for that tower now. so I'm trying to get the sword in a future run.
[00:46:02] That would probably help with skeletons in the last area.
[00:46:12] You can hide stuff in containers...
[00:46:15] ...this berry stuff.
[00:46:17] True, I guess you're right.
[00:46:19] I haven't done any of that shit out here. I'm going to go back. visual so I wonder if i'll be able to see it from over here. so shit so so I thought I had a vision on it. uh so Shit.
[00:48:44] It's like hugging that corner a bit.
[00:48:48] I don't think we'll be able to see it.
[00:48:58] Holy...
[00:49:05] This is not open at all.
[00:49:09] There it is. Zombies are still there, they're hitting that child would be impossible.
[00:49:14] Um... hmmm. Hmm.
[00:49:22] One, is there a better spot?
[00:49:26] Not on this building building, otherwise not.
[00:49:34] What if i'm just out here? Just too obvious.
[00:49:44] I don't see too much. so so. I'm not sure if you can see me. Nobody's there yet. I wish I had a rangefinder. I'm going to go ahead and get out of here. I like this rock. I mean, I call that two.
[00:51:50] I think we just send our Massimoff up and he'll get it.
[00:51:56] He'll catch it my house is going down I'll be able to do it here. okay so so so There's nothing very much. so so It's a little obvious, admittedly.
[00:54:09] But once we get Heat Buff, we'll be chillin'.
[00:54:12] I think it's worth probably just trying to get it.
[00:54:51] Should we be getting it soon? so Oh, hair worms. I like to pick my worms medium.
[00:54:57] Does drinking hot water help? I don't think so. Maybe, I'm not sure.
[00:55:01] I love putting the pot on me without running into my back then.
[00:55:06] I'll be fine here. We're gonna get you fucked no matter what.
[00:55:13] Just a matter of someone sees me while I'm doing it! so I could still get one more cook out of this, I hate you so fucking much. enormous and fascinating. so so so so so. I'm not going to loot it.
[00:57:32] There's no reason to, you know?
[00:57:40] I'm pretty geared and uh...
[00:57:42] Well maybe I'll have Maker rounds actually.
[00:57:48] Hmm... I don't know, chat. so...
[00:59:11] We'll take them.. I don't think I want to do that. so so Someone needs this.
[01:00:11] I already have the whole key! Imagine if I grabbed another maker, bro.
[01:00:22] I'd be no...I wouldn't even be able to move?
[01:00:26] Okay then go adventure.
[01:00:31] This is what we're doing bro! Listen...
[01:00:34] We are adventuring as a sniper at the moment
[01:00:39] Just give it a minute, okay? Be patient.
[01:00:41] We're gonna see if someone shows up... I want to go to maze and try to catch somebody doing that there, ideally. so. Hey Seminary, I'm good brother. Appreciate it. How's it going?
[01:01:45] What's going on? How are you?
[01:01:53] Ugh! Uh...
[01:01:56] I just hope you get the Blast Metal, that thing.
[01:02:00] Yeah! I killed somebody with it yesterday.
[01:02:04] But yeah, I killed someone with someone yesterday when he was running through.
[01:02:12] If it was me I'd loot that bitch, shot all the zeds, be gone with a fully loaded M14.
[01:02:21] You don't know that!
[01:02:22] You coulda got shot looting that bitch from someone like me!
[01:02:27] What if you decided to loot that shit
[01:02:29] while I was here?
[01:02:41] Thank you, Zylux. I appreciate you, brother. And thank you... not a good idea. Appreciate the nine.
[01:02:45] Nine dollars!
[01:02:51] I hate you. your brother yeah so actually thanks for the 500 miss you i gotta turn that up i think i got to do that oh that's right. That's good, yeah.
[01:03:04] That's what I was doing already.
[01:03:06] Hold on.
[01:03:11] Let me give it a 10% bump.
[01:03:18] Does it already save on its own?
[01:03:19] Successfully changed mine.
[01:03:23] Yeah, yeah. I'm successful change one Hey, some it's English or Spanish. I didn't sound like a went up in it like it went down. I'm going to pump a it kinda high here.
[01:03:44] Successful change of mind.
[01:03:45] Are you ready?
[01:03:45] Here we go.
[01:03:48] Ah, shit.
[01:03:50] I didn't mean to do the gunshot one.
[01:03:53] Hit it!
[01:03:54] As we watch this majestic creature shit his pants, forget how his body wobbles when he runs this is due to his-
[01:04:01] Man shut up man. Yeah, I don't think it's actually changing
[01:04:04] volume
[01:04:06] well someone's ears up later
[01:04:13] hmm really weird.
[01:04:20] Alright maybe this?
[01:04:22] Not also...
[01:04:24] Very weird.
[01:04:28] I do want to figure out how to increase that volume.
[01:04:31] Can't hear the donuts as-as, that well. I
[01:04:54] Could do Smokey, before I do this,
[01:05:00] I got to ask you and tell me if I'm stupid.
[01:05:04] Because my donations are kind of low volume right?
[01:05:13] Wait why is it like that now? It just got really low.
[01:05:17] I'm worried that i'm gonna, because it was like, okay
[01:05:19] here let me tell you what's going on here. They were
[01:05:21] low for me.
[01:05:23] Then I changed, then I went
[01:05:25] to the monster shit right? On my thing
[01:05:27] and I'm looking at this
[01:05:29] and it was like 17%
[01:05:31] of something like that, right?
[01:05:33] Where was I? I was like alright, I'm going to increase it
[01:05:35] I kept increasing it, it didn't increase
[01:05:37] Then when I put it back to 17,
[01:05:40] I was like, alright, fuck it.
[01:05:40] Now it's super quiet.
[01:05:42] So I'm worried that if I
[01:05:43] put it loud,
[01:05:43] it's just going to eventually
[01:05:44] blow my fucking eardrums out.
[01:05:46] Well, the volume...
[01:05:47] It probably takes a second
[01:05:48] to update the cache and shit. So probably
[01:05:50] you might have to even refresh
[01:05:52] the browser source over there. You know what I'm saying?
[01:05:55] Okay so I'm going to put this to like 50.
[01:05:58] Okay.
[01:05:59] Successfully changed volume. So what do you think I should do here?
[01:06:00] Do the TTS like kind of flick it on, flick it off?
[01:06:03] Did you change it at all?
[01:06:06] What?
[01:06:07] You right-click on the source there, on TTS Source.
[01:06:10] Properties? Yeah and then okay again so it's shut down sources
[01:06:17] okay so now maybe you did refresh so try it see how loud it is testing
[01:06:27] let's give it a little bit and see if it goes higher than that in
[01:06:30] a little bit yeah because you because you can... Like I would
[01:06:33] almost recommend to put it 100% there
[01:06:35] and then you can adjust it on
[01:06:37] OBS. Yeah, but it'll be 100%
[01:06:39] for me, right? No, if you lower
[01:06:41] it there, it lowers it for it for stream and you oh because that's yeah i just want to make
[01:06:47] sure okay i get you on that yeah i do get you in there okay because it's monitoring. So that's all right.
[01:06:55] Should I go under now?
[01:06:59] I'm going to bump it to 70 and see if I can tell the difference now.
[01:07:03] Yeah, try it.
[01:07:05] You can give the refresh over there.
[01:07:11] Didn't successfully say change it though.
[01:07:21] Maybe that maybe that'll help.
[01:07:27] I was already logged in, I swear.
[01:07:33] Yeah okay.
[01:07:40] Mosaic... oof! Imagine if I come back you're dead.
[01:07:50] It's so low i'll be ready to bump their sound off wait that's different isn't it yeah you can't
[01:07:54] yeah are we ready if you mute it though yeah
[01:07:57] can I hear it if I made it?
[01:07:58] I would say maybe. Just turn it down and move it up as you...
[01:08:02] Okay, let's just get the fuck out of here and listen.
[01:08:05] Oh god.
[01:08:05] Testing 1-2-3
[01:08:07] Arrgh! Okay. testing one two three okay so that is coming in how it started at the beginning of the day
[01:08:16] so now it's like okay so now we're back at square one.
[01:08:19] Let me just make sure I test it a couple times.
[01:08:24] Testing 1-2-3.
[01:08:27] Okay, so
[01:08:28] it's where it was at the beginning?
[01:08:41] Testing one, two, three...
[01:08:44] Okay, now that's a lot louder.
[01:08:47] It was very fucking loud.
[01:08:49] I don't know if it was super loud but but it felt... It was pretty good for me.
[01:08:52] Too loud?
[01:08:54] Ow! Okay so that hurts them.
[01:08:56] Well that sounds
[01:08:58] good for me.
[01:09:00] Right? So If that's too loud for them...
[01:09:03] You can adjust it.
[01:09:05] If I lower here, you sure that lowers
[01:09:07] it for me? Yes.
[01:09:09] Let's test it.
[01:09:15] Testing one two Testing 1, 2, 3. It's daytime and it's going to go for where you have the MRF.
[01:09:19] Okay.
[01:09:21] We can turn it up for you though and turn it down for them. Yeah.
[01:09:27] How can I turn this up for me? So like 75-ish? I bring it down like 25 probably or 20, 25.
[01:09:34] So 75-ish?
[01:09:35] No, no, keep 100 there.
[01:09:36] Okay.
[01:09:37] Keep 100 there on here change to 20 or 25.
[01:09:38] Yeah that's probably good.
[01:09:39] Right there okay.
[01:09:40] Yeah and then go back up to the top of this one.
[01:09:41] Okay.
[01:09:42] And you're going to have a little bit more time for me to get into some of these
[01:09:43] things because we've got a lot of stuff in here.
[01:09:48] Yeah. Yeah. yeah that's probably good right there okay yeah ish yeah and then um go to open voicemail we've got voice mirror up here huh and then um that'll turn everything up for me though.
[01:09:57] I think alerts come in here, click on debam.
[01:10:04] Yeah it comes in on three. Okay so I get out of there.
[01:10:08] Yeah you could be turning this up. It's yours for you.
[01:10:11] Oh let me show this that's just for that or everything?
[01:10:15] That's just for TTF.
[01:10:16] Okay let's check it let's take a gander
[01:10:20] testing one two three I'm not sure we to love them That might still be too loud for them.
[01:10:31] Let's put it down here.
[01:10:32] A little loud?
[01:10:34] Yeah, I think it's still loud for them.
[01:10:35] I'm going to do this.
[01:10:36] I'm going to do that flipper thing. Okay, now let's test it.
[01:10:49] I think that's good for them does that sound like distorted
[01:10:52] the Yoda or am I tripping
[01:10:54] is that how it normally sounds
[01:10:55] just making sure I'm just making sure.
[01:11:00] I just want to know if that being on 100%.
[01:11:02] It probably sounds normal
[01:11:04] but then it sounds different for you.
[01:11:05] You're tripping? Okay, I'm tripping then.
[01:11:08] Then I just want to bump it a little for me so I'm just gonna go
[01:11:10] like BAM to two which I one more time testing 1 2 3
[01:11:22] whether 4 6 I'm gonna go to 4-6.
[01:11:30] Testing 1, 2, 3... Yeah that's good for me.
[01:11:32] I'm going to probably bump it down to 3-9 there
[01:11:34] and I can...
[01:11:36] Actually maybe even like 3-5
[01:11:38] and that's pretty decent for me.
[01:11:39] Damage should stay the same.
[01:11:50] So let's says one more testing 1 2 3 okay I'm good cool now to do that appreciate it
[01:11:54] and i'm dead
[01:11:58] still no one showed chat but is the volume
[01:12:01] okay for you when you're in game?
[01:12:04] Yeah, that's really good. That's actually really good. I appreciate the test.
[01:12:08] I can hear you perfect now.
[01:12:28] Thank you! Thank you. Thanks for burying my Dono 25.
[01:12:34] I could kill these zombies, but it would give them a position in there anyway anybody else who's actually around here
[01:12:37] or i can kill them in bait The mobile game to be the test done sound bite for the new PC made my night. Best return on donation ever!
[01:12:58] 7777, too?
[01:13:01] I'll keep that after you said so yeah, listen you made a good choice what can i say I don't know anything being this cold out here. Watch out some, behind you.
[01:13:57] They're coming for you... oh wait! You are already dead my banknoku block. I can keep me heated long? How long does it take to travel to your other year? Your big head just makes me love big heads
[01:14:38] HH
[01:14:46] Yeah Damn, man.
[01:14:48] Do you think people aren't going to be going to heli crashes somewhere
[01:14:49] in the normal part of the game?
[01:14:51] Holy shit, I don't know if people are hitting them out here.
[01:14:54] It might be just rare to see them find them How many fingers does Summit use for his hat-tap? Two?
[01:15:19] Appreciate you.
[01:15:24] Nicely done, Ryan. Appreciate you.
[01:15:29] Nicely done, brother. Thank you everybody.. so Man, ain't no one here.
[01:16:02] I'm going to the tower first. Whatever. If I die, I die.
[01:16:21] I gotta figure out more ways to have some fun out here.
[01:16:28] Carrying the maker around is kind of annoying.
[01:16:35] I'd rather just double shot blade,
[01:16:37] double-shot blades might as well be a making shot shot
[01:16:39] you know what I mean?
[01:16:43] It'll fuck you up. You know what I mean? We met at the Ohio Major. You shook my hand, haven't washed it since. Had to amputate but
[01:17:08] I have it in a sealed display box.
[01:17:11] Hey you know... hey I appreciate that. play box
[01:17:14] i appreciate that and i'm sorry
[01:17:21] well i appreciate that. Thank you.
[01:17:26] It's the first time I've ever heard that. so Okay, so how much has happened since Bosh dies outside of maze the other night?
[01:17:52] I killed one guy. I just think I don't know where I'm going.
[01:18:10] I also camped a couple locations.
[01:18:13] I've camped this place,
[01:18:15] I've also camped the other military spot where you get a lot of gear. so so so so so I'm going to go ahead and get the other one. oh so For real though I was howling when you stepped on the mine. uh so...
[01:20:44] There's the sword worth picking up?
[01:20:51] Faithful replica of a medieval sword, still sharp and deadly.
[01:20:55] Badly to hemagehage barely sharper barely
[01:20:59] unless some reading runs so. Test failed.
[01:21:40] Re-initiating.
[01:21:41] Expedition Combat Helmet, look at that!
[01:21:45] Stop it!
[01:21:47] I do appreciate it.
[01:21:49] Stop. Expedition Helmet? Word. I do appreciate it.
[01:21:53] Expedition helmet? Worth! Might actually be enough to heat me up a little bit.
[01:21:57] Barely... Damn, I'm glad I looked.
[01:22:20] I'm glad I looked. I'm glad I looked. Oopsies.
[01:22:26] My bad, bro. i swear on me mom that felt like a silent one you feel me sea witch
[01:23:51] stony baloney thank you for real I'm getting there, I'm getting pushed to my limits on this stupid sound effect. so right there so so so so You haven't seen Action Man in a little bit.
[01:24:12] Hopefully he's good. Hopefully we see him around.
[01:24:52] Hopefully he comes through again. so so so I mean, bro. I think it's just like... I don't know how scared I need to be playing out here.
[01:24:56] You gotta play such a scary way that...
[01:25:00] I'm not even gonna say what the hell you're doing right now. I need to be playing out here. Gotta play such a scared way
[01:25:03] that
[01:25:05] I just won't get any fights, I guess?
[01:25:07] So almost gotta do some pushing Oh, bro.
[01:25:23] I gotta fix this actually don't I?
[01:25:24] Where's the fucking weapon repair kit? I think it's where it is.
[01:25:32] ... No point dealing with the damage mark too and survive dead full welcome to
[01:25:50] watch mojo and today we're exploring the top 10
[01:25:52] war stays moments starting with number ten.
[01:25:58] Worst daisy moments dude, sitting here doing nothing.
[01:26:08] Alright we cracked out one of these things. They're worth man!
[01:26:09] They're worth!
[01:26:15] They're all decent and geared, Zulu. Right?
[01:26:17] Pretty much. Decent and
[01:26:21] geared.
[01:26:25] ... so I mean, there's not really a way to play this that is tactical.
[01:26:49] It's pretty much just go to the fucking helicopter, kill the zombies, loot that shit and
[01:26:53] that's it! It's like people either shoot at you or they don't...
[01:26:57] Not much to it.
[01:27:00] There's no way we're scanning all these tree lines that can see this fucking
[01:27:02] thing.
[01:27:04] Where's Conan?
[01:27:05] No one's been here in a million, if someone's camping us
[01:27:08] well fucking congratulations.
[01:27:10] You fuckin' out-camped us watching a YouTube video eating a Baroni sandwich.
[01:27:15] Alright?
[01:27:17] Some of us are trying not to be boring as shit alright I'm tryin'.
[01:27:20] I'm trying. I don't know what to do. The bubble of me sandwiches are out. I can't get it in there.
[01:27:21] I need a little help.
[01:27:22] I need some help.
[01:27:23] I need some help.
[01:27:24] I need some help.
[01:27:25] I need some help.
[01:27:26] I need some help.
[01:27:27] I need some help.
[01:27:28] I need some help.
[01:27:29] I need some help.
[01:27:30] I need some help. I need some help. I need some help. The Baroni sandwiches are out.
[01:27:40] I'm a stone- go races love the stream some some uh I don't know how you do that. a
[01:28:25] Lar just three weights. I shoot 3 of 8s.
[01:28:39] Pioneer... Fine here. Okay.
[01:28:52] You can't just leave it alone right now, we gotta grab this.
[01:28:56] I'm pretty sure...
[01:29:01] If we can make this thing work, I don't know how good on it.
[01:29:06] But i'm pretty sure.
[01:29:09] Oh wait, we can't actually. We don't have a mag.
[01:29:14] What? We do have an alarm okay this thing is damaged i can fix that we don't have a mag
[01:29:32] The blaze, I don't think it even takes the hunting scope now do you have anything? That's a long range
[01:29:44] Shit that's a long range? Nah. I don't have shit, do I? Oh, I did have a box of maker!
[01:30:06] Six more shots. I have 19 shots. Hmm Alright, we don't have enough for you big boy. Sorry.
[01:30:07] We don't got enough for you, bro.
[01:30:16] I didn't see a key? That kind of sucks.
[01:30:18] I thought the key would be at every heli drop so I guess you really gotta farm those. Okay, so we are
[01:30:20] north. I want farm those okay so we are north i want to go probably east
[01:30:27] this way let's go
[01:30:32] i want to get to that military camp again i want to get to that military camp again.
[01:30:34] I want to get expedition gear.
[01:30:36] I want to stack it up, stack it up.
[01:30:39] Stack it up!
[01:30:46] Lar over Blaze any day? He's got a maker. Yeah, but the thing is though...
[01:30:50] The Blaze is really gonna help me with PVE. Who gives a shit, man? I don't really care too much.
[01:30:57] I won't use the LAR
[01:30:58] too much more than I would use
[01:31:00] the Blaze even though it would help me
[01:31:01] with PVE.
[01:31:06] But the AUX should be able to handle most of it.
[01:31:08] We'll be fine.
[01:31:11] Oh man, this sucks.
[01:31:14] Should I go left around this or should I go... I think I should stick on a wall here.
[01:31:18] Hmmmmmmm
[01:31:20] Yeah, I guess we'll have to backtrack a little bit here.
[01:31:28] That's not makes sense.
[01:31:37] Yeah, listen I just don't have enough for the LAR. If I'm gonna find shit like that out here it'll probably be off of fucking enemies.
[01:31:43] Need more stuff.
[01:32:14] But I agree, the Lawrence unit is way better than the Lawrence. so It doesn't matter what weapon, they're barely used in this game. I don't really know where to look for people over here.
[01:32:18] The thing about this map is like I said't really know where to look for people over here. The thing about this map is, like I said, you're
[01:32:20] really putting the percentage
[01:32:22] down
[01:32:24] on people you can find.
[01:32:26] It's just like... who knows how many people are
[01:32:28] through passage? It could just be, you know, mostly...mostly
[01:32:32] the people who haven't on the server. I think that would that pillar spot again. Big stairs
[01:32:53] Probably get if I can get like expedition jacket, expedition pants
[01:32:58] And then like a jacket pants and plate Kind of what we're looking for.
[01:33:03] Then we'll be super warm the whole time we're here.
[01:33:06] Not have to worry about stopping for fires all the time.
[01:33:10] Kind of my goal at the moment.
[01:33:12] Yeah, we got a full apple! I didn't realize...
[01:33:15] Full Apple
[01:33:19] That bear meat really doesn't work
[01:33:30] you bet the makerscope does on alarm? Maybe. Probably does.
[01:33:41] I never did watch that one before, so it didn't know why I needed to do it.
[01:33:44] Hmm, maybe check that out in history.
[01:33:51] This thing's pretty fucking...
[01:33:52] Pretty beefy though.
[01:33:55] Probably not a lot to load out here. Like 240 maybe?
[01:33:59] I'll take it.
[01:34:01] I will take it.
[01:34:04] How long are you solo for?
[01:34:11] Yesterday, I'm solo today. But this character did not start solo.
[01:34:17] I know Maverick's character is probably still alive and still around.
[01:34:19] I think I want to go there, maybe?
[01:34:24] Let's see it from here. Nice. Yeah, pretty much straight east. Nemo says he kills people out here like crazy.
[01:34:32] I don't know where!
[01:34:35] We just gotta go point of interest to point of interest.
[01:34:38] What would really help us is when we get this expedition gear,
[01:34:40] we'll be able to basically just be on the move the whole time.
[01:34:43] I really think that Maker's definitely going to be holding his pack movement-wise, obviously.
[01:34:51] Check your guy's beard. Unfortunately your guy's beard has a limitation
[01:34:53] I think it only takes like a couple hours of being alive
[01:34:56] to get it. It's limited
[01:34:57] it doesn't keep growing
[01:34:59] is one of the things I hated. I checked my it's limited, it doesn't keep growing.
[01:35:00] It was one of the things I hated.
[01:35:03] I checked mods. Apparently hair is a tough thing to deal with
[01:35:04] that I never knew about.
[01:35:07] And so
[01:35:08] it's just like a thing that
[01:35:09] yeah, no one's really tackled And, uh... So it's just like a thing that...
[01:35:10] Yeah.
[01:35:11] No one's really tackled I don't think. Even slowing it down would be fine, right?
[01:35:28] Instead of taking two hours to make the beard progression that happens take a couple days or something.
[01:35:40] Oh, cop depression. I think we're going to hear that. so What's that sound? That's a helicopter crashing. Like we just went to one right now.
[01:36:16] That one is a fresh one. so so so I'd still rather watch this than see my family over there on the ring.
[01:37:04] Well, they need to be happy to watch me play Elder Ring because I never die. The map is called Deadfall. Time to play some Elden Rings.
[01:37:32] There's only one ring, bro? worries Oh, alley.
[01:37:57] Dude is that ani inside pillars?
[01:38:01] There's no way right?
[01:38:05] Is that possible? It's gotta be on the other side of it.
[01:38:09] Might be sniper wolf I think that's all.
[01:38:11] Might be sniper rifle up there, I know.
[01:38:25] Come on, I'm and ask for fishing gear. Anyways, this is what I was looking for.
[01:38:29] This is the pillar, uh...
[01:38:33] military.
[01:38:35] PIL-iTARY we'll call it.
[01:38:38] It's called PILLERtary.
[01:38:41] PILLERtary
[01:38:43] New name for it, just came up with
[01:38:45] it myself. It's not
[01:38:46] military, it's pillitary.
[01:38:49] Alright?
[01:38:55] Yeah, cause pillars. It's a military base and there are a bunch of pillars.
[01:38:58] You see what I mean?
[01:40:12] Hope it isn't rain, bro. so so so so Evening, Big had any chance of having Rise of Jimbo Man-Man as Weldon Lord?
[01:40:55] Weldon Lord.... so Oh shit. shit
[01:41:06] I'm going for it, we're going for the tower play.
[01:41:35] Oh that Ellie's there! That's why! so Oh, I'm fucking nervous. That's a really hard counter spot though.
[01:41:39] I don't know if we have scenes that could be too far in the left.
[01:41:43] ... so so so so so so see him anywhere not seeing him right side
[01:42:55] not seeing the left side not seeing on the rocks
[01:42:58] i'll see them anywhere There's that guy right here.
[01:43:17] Fuck, I actually lost the spot.
[01:43:19] What the fuck is a spot? Oh, down to you. spot i'm stupid what's the spot I must know a way out over there or something, huh? so I just keep looting too though. let's Anytime. is it time camping so so so so I'm sure it needs to...
[01:45:38] ...tripwire your entry if i had a wire. Sure did.
[01:45:41] Tripwire, yeah I'd trade if i had a wire.
[01:46:05] Okay, cool play. so Damn, I heard a shot there. Maybe...
[01:46:06] I didn't hear the shot inside but I heard it outside i'm surprised Thanks.
[01:46:24] Hey, I think it's on. on What's the point of the blaze if you have a mac
[01:48:00] rpv. Yeah, I'll drop the bag if I see somebody, Trent.. Just be quiet, geez.
[01:48:09] You guys gotta somehow stop being- you guys gotta come up with some better sounds than the muslim motion of the planet dude
[01:48:53] i do appreciate it though brother thanks for doing it down there okay so What was that? I don't know. Maybe bait shots? Yeah, maybe.
[01:49:29] I'm not gonna go in there Better head to Campos.
[01:49:53] Go for the content? I'm trying to snipe this motherfucking content, and he tries to leave. Hmm.
[01:50:15] Weird, never thought I would see a helicopter crash here, never thought I'd hear shots inside of there and then no one comes out.
[01:50:21] I'm pretty sure there's no way out of this bitch! He's in there!
[01:50:30] Hiding in a tent maybe?
[01:50:32] Watching the heli?
[01:50:34] Just playing balls to the fucking wall?
[01:51:24] You can climb down the rocks. Really? There is a position. We have done it. oh i'm getting the most fucking insane fights today. Yeah?
[01:51:25] Yeah bro, I've just been getting fucking fights after fights all day.
[01:51:29] Good night brother! I can roam too, I can roam too.
[01:51:32] Good night brother!
[01:51:34] You still on your maker character?
[01:51:38] A little sketchy right now. Sorry?
[01:51:40] Still alive in your maker with your maker gun?
[01:51:43] Yeah, but I don't know what's going on, dude.
[01:51:46] I didn't hear
[01:51:47] what you said.
[01:51:48] Yeah, but I don't know what's going on.
[01:51:49] I heard shots at this military base and I'm staring
[01:51:51] at it and everything going on here.
[01:51:55] I see you.
[01:52:01] Goodnight, brother.
[01:52:06] I can roam too!
[01:52:08] I can roam too!
[01:52:10] Alright dudes... All right, dudes. so Man, I guess.
[01:52:40] I mean...
[01:52:43] I don't know what to say.
[01:52:45] I'm bored.
[01:52:47] I'm not...I'm gonna say something, okay?
[01:52:49] If I die out here
[01:52:51] if I died the boredom
[01:52:53] more than anything else.
[01:53:03] It's epic being over here, it's cool!
[01:53:32] But at the end of the bay, there's not much to do. so There's no zombies, bro. He's either camping this or he left already. I don't know.
[01:56:17] Even then, like this, it sucks. so so so so so so. so so I don't know what to say, dudes. I don't know why he's here. Guess he got down so so ah so
[01:57:12] can't even melee him. Still hidden left I guess.
[01:57:36] I'll ask for this one here. What is that? Acromack. oh yeah
[01:58:11] he killed the guy in here chat i didn't kill this guy
[01:58:15] you may have just been looking for the key. I don't know if it's huge champion, but it's kind of nice to be a nice. so Unless you got key and bit chat. so so so so so so Honestly, I could probably go to passage if I get two to three more filters.
[02:00:20] Okay you're getting that geared?
[02:00:24] Yeah, I mean I'm pretty chillin'. Like I said, Okay, you're getting that geared?
[02:00:27] Uh yeah I mean I'm pretty chillin'. Like I said I got into a bunch of fights.
[02:00:31] I've got like a buncha meds and fuckin' pills.
[02:00:38] Guns are fine, food's fine. Got the gas the gas mask i'm being chilling bro
[02:00:55] i've been smoking people with a crossbow too Yeah, I don't know. I can't really find anybody.
[02:00:57] You still haven't found one person yet?
[02:01:01] Not today.
[02:01:02] I heard a person.
[02:01:04] Oh, what's up though?
[02:01:06] Nobody has fucking passed us? all what's up though i just heard him hey i think nobody has a different way
[02:01:09] what's that nobody have passage Yeah, no spam chasing shots is probably crazy. It's just not really...
[02:01:32] I'm not really finding places where I can catch people out here.
[02:01:37] Does that loot spot not have any people?
[02:01:41] I don't know.
[02:01:45] I heard someone there, but he took a back way out or something. I was waiting for him.
[02:01:55] He never came out, so I went in there to loot it.
[02:01:57] Man, I found a maker mag when I went in there with the deathcrawler.
[02:01:59] I have seven bullets and six in the mag, one in the chamber.
[02:02:03] I do, Chevy.
[02:02:06] I'm about to go to Dam with some filters
[02:02:10] and then probably make my way towards you or to passage others
[02:02:15] Think it's all probably end up dying in pastures just because like don't know the direction to go
[02:02:21] Like inside.
[02:02:23] Yeah, just hug left once you... or first when you get in, you hug right
[02:02:27] and then you go through the tunnel area. Then you start hugging left all the way
[02:02:31] to O 202.
[02:02:35] Okay, okay, okay... I think chat will get me. They'll leave me.
[02:02:39] Just gotta make sure I've got enough filters.
[02:03:48] ... filters. We're just trying to murder. I'm going dizzy. What's that wolf doing that thing. so Use your key? I don't know if I can get through there.
[02:03:52] Not to mention, it was just to go get a gun that I already have.
[02:03:56] When did this New York map come out? so I might drop my... I'm thinking about dropping the Blaze.
[02:04:37] I'm not PBEing out here much anyways. I dropped a blaze.
[02:04:55] Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
[02:04:58] What do I go down to?
[02:05:00] I'm gonna get more.
[02:05:01] I think that's... I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. What do I go down to?
[02:05:02] I'm gonna get more.
[02:05:04] Anything else you think that's worth it? Alright, let's go.
[02:05:21] I don't see myself using it just because, uh...
[02:05:25] ...I mean, I don't even want to do that much PBE.
[02:05:28] I'll have to just rip the AUG ammo. Three rates always worth keeping. Really?
[02:05:49] Fuck it. I wanna just... Oh no!
[02:05:51] Oh no!
[02:05:53] Speaking of using a man here
[02:06:03] the And come up. And turn them off. huh Is that the maze? so This stamina is overrated.
[02:07:08] I'm gonna get that memory. Tamina's overrated.
[02:08:15] Shit, let me get that memo. so I want to head like northwest, I guess. Probably not sure where Maze is. so He's not wrong. Where are you running that you need short distance spread?
[02:08:23] What do you mean? So we're trying to PvP anyways, bros.
[02:08:37] I promise you if we kill someone they'll have some sort of sniper if you really want to
[02:08:43] get a different one.
[02:08:44] The point is though...
[02:08:45] I think I'm okay with just this. if you really want to get a different one, okay? Point is though...
[02:08:47] I think I'm ok with just this.
[02:08:49] I have 19 shots of the maker, right?
[02:08:55] That's some serious clobbering time.
[02:08:57] Now I can run for a little bit longer, I think that little bit of differential will help.
[02:09:03] I'm sprint like three times as long now.
[02:09:16] It's hard to say what I want to do, man.
[02:09:21] Do what I think is right or not.
[02:09:23] Just feels sucky.
[02:09:25] Walk around with no sprint.
[02:09:32] You know I can at least have a little bit.
[02:10:07] Fix the Maker Mag? Oh, it's Warren. We're good. Don't scare me. I didn't think about it. Yeah. Eh. Maybe they need to make it so you can pass back through the passage or something, because
[02:10:13] I'm getting kind of bored out here in Archer. Check this out for expedition gear. so so so so so. so. Hmm.
[02:12:07] I'll give it a min-nerd two and then we'll go loot it.
[02:12:11] Oy!
[02:12:15] Yeah man I'm fucking burnt right now, I'm fucking dying. Really fucking tired today.
[02:12:26] Can't the maze tower make it as PvP?
[02:12:28] If anybody is shooting at maze, i would hear it i'm pretty sure... I can actually hold my breath now a little bit, huh?
[02:13:28] Alright dude, I mean someone's just gotta do stuff I guess. Man shit, we gotta go get
[02:13:30] stuff.
[02:13:32] I should EpiPen this actually, huh. Let it be known that I didn't Epipen because I'm saving it for the endgame area to go catch up to somebody that I notice is in the endgame room.
[02:13:46] I will go use my key to flank
[02:13:48] them.
[02:13:50] If there was a place
[02:13:51] to hide back there,
[02:13:53] there probably is.
[02:13:56] The problem with that is though, you just be really
[02:14:00] hoping and praying motherfuckers show up for endgame
[02:14:04] I'm hoping...I'm hoping and praying end game i hope and hoping in the praying
[02:14:15] oh sorry Wrong about that one.
[02:14:21] Look to the sky and pray to your god
[02:14:25] he will not save you.
[02:14:28] Only a couple of Zombs, could be a fuckin'
[02:14:32] Oh man, oh you fucking gun soldier.
[02:14:46] Looking for that expedition gear. Looking for the expedition gear.
[02:14:54] Please, I need a jacket and some pants!
[02:14:57] Please! And we gotta hit our first shot of the game here.
[02:15:02] You pressed the wrong button, here we go!
[02:15:04] WAH!
[02:15:32] ... uh Alright. Something back there is a pouches, not expedition pouches. not exhibition process. Badly damaged branches.
[02:15:38] Deak shit, I wonder what he's got in here?
[02:15:40] This is a tiny ass, little geek shit-ass
[02:15:44] military spot that has literally one fucking tent,
[02:15:47] a tower and like some tanks to leave around this place sucks
[02:15:51] look at's nonsense bro I'm trying to turn the music up on chat. Come on now!
[02:16:28] There's something to work with here.
[02:16:31] That's military, a wall...
[02:16:34] I think it's up something over here then.
[02:16:38] I have to guess
[02:16:40] I'd say northwest
[02:16:42] is where we want it to go
[02:16:47] across across. Alright, so far I'm kinda convinced
[02:16:51] it's gonna be tough to find people out here
[02:16:53] Really just gotta find a good window
[02:16:55] Maze, I think is the best pvp in this area
[02:16:59] most consistent that you're gonna get it's probably maize I died.
[02:17:11] Once you reach this area, are you stuck here? Correct.
[02:17:23] So think 50 people on the server alright how many people out of 50 do you think are past the passage at one at a time?
[02:17:33] I asked this question a few times.
[02:17:34] Answers vary, which is understandable.
[02:17:37] My guess is like 10. Maybe.
[02:17:40] 15 max if you're a really good server maybe,
[02:17:44] or there just happens to be some fucking sluggers on that day, I don't know.
[02:17:48] ... on that day i don't know
[02:17:54] 4834 tops three to four tops nah there's a whole group will come through
[02:17:59] right three or four people in a group uh ding ding motherfucker Should I go for that early chat, actually?
[02:18:48] This is maze right here.
[02:18:51] Something like this, like this way?
[02:18:59] Eh maybe not.
[02:19:03] So this is maze This I think is like northwest of the map.
[02:19:07] Like north end of the map.
[02:19:11] Northwest maze. going to us i mean it's maze
[02:19:27] here's what we could do.
[02:19:35] We can try to get through the maze, try to get some more gear.
[02:19:41] We might lose a lot in the process though, I'd rather follow a team in there so they can clear...
[02:20:30] You know what I mean? You haven't even done the whole class line. What do you mean? Like what?. Possible expedition gear on heli.
[02:20:35] I don't really remember which direction that was, but I guess we can start doing that.
[02:20:39] Was it like this way?
[02:20:56] We could go check tower! It's been a little while, let's go single tower. Southwest. Oh shit!
[02:21:03] That's way closer than I thought it was gonna be.
[02:21:14] Wait, my fucking AWP doesn't have a 30 slot or 40 in it?
[02:21:18] My AUG is nothing in the chat. I just want you to know that. I don't want you to know that I've been walking around with no bullets in my AUG.
[02:21:21] Ain't got no bullets in my hog!
[02:21:24] Yeah, dude, I have a.40 banger.
[02:21:25] That's why. Okay. Or a.30 in it.
[02:21:27] Just have a.40. so so I see a plane over there too, see that?
[02:22:01] Something.
[02:22:03] Almost there still out here. so so so You know that there's a guy going for it.
[02:22:54] You know what I mean? Going for helis.
[02:22:57] Is this the same heli that was here before? Or a different one? I think it's the same one we were looking at I should have had that then. It's pretty much the worst place to get dogs, huh?
[02:23:49] I do have a suppressor though.
[02:23:52] I'll fix that shit.
[02:23:52] It's good, oh shit!
[02:23:57] Think there was just one.
[02:24:56] Oh shit. Oh my lord. yeah let this one wait so so Damage by battery damage. Okay, we're fine on this.
[02:24:59] Damage from the back and a bit more jacking it right there.
[02:25:02] Fix that up. Gross I'm just trying to cut
[02:25:05] the fucking dog out of my hand. I'm just trying to cut up a fucking bargain, man.
[02:25:11] I got one wolf. Excuse me right now, guys.
[02:25:14] I'll just keep piling away.
[02:25:21] Oh!
[02:25:24] Bro, right when I cut it up?
[02:25:25] I think that means it's gone.
[02:25:27] Holy fuck, bro. Holy fuck, bro.
[02:25:31] Holy fuck mate! I was in the dam and I just
[02:25:33] came out of the fucking face and got knocked out
[02:25:35] while my friend smoked him.
[02:25:37] You're alive then?
[02:25:39] Yeah I'm good, I got enough filters to go through passages as well.
[02:25:43] Alright, hanging out here bro with the aliens and shit man.
[02:25:47] Say that again?
[02:25:48] I'm hanging out here my alien gun, man.
[02:25:50] That's what I said.
[02:25:52] Wave to your goofy ass.
[02:25:54] What do you mean you're waiting for me?
[02:25:55] I was waiting for you to die!
[02:25:56] I got so looted that I couldn't come to you.
[02:25:59] Yeah well it's not my fault I don't die'm dying this game man. I've been killing people
[02:26:01] left and right. I've been seeing people left and right. You have not seen
[02:26:03] one person buddy. Shut up. I've seen
[02:26:05] so far I've seen seven
[02:26:07] people. I've killed five of them.
[02:26:12] Shut up. Okay? Actually no I've seen ten people.
[02:26:14] I've seen... you know what it doesn't matter
[02:26:16] You've seen a buncha noobs!
[02:26:18] I'm lookin' for the elites.
[02:26:20] I killed Geared guys! What are you talkin' about? Oh, geared guys! Geared guys! Listen,
[02:26:23] I'm looking for the real geared guys, okay, motherfucker?
[02:26:25] You don't know what you look like.
[02:26:27] We ain't gonna find nobody over there little bro.
[02:26:29] Your mom's a little bro.
[02:26:31] What? That's what I said it's my car.
[02:26:33] You're big bro!
[02:26:34] He's not...
[02:26:36] 4'11".
[02:26:37] Okay.
[02:26:45] Alright, I'm in.
[02:26:48] Because I'm already connecting.
[02:26:50] New PC changed you, bro.
[02:27:36] New PC fucking changed you bro Thank you. I was just pro no fucking way. I just got fucked in my ass. There's no way there's no way this ever just go down? I mean
[02:27:48] Hey, I kicked out of Q. Oh thank god bro, I got fucking kicked out too.
[02:27:51] Yeah it's okay Clint. Are you restarting your game or no?
[02:27:53] Nah. Alright. All right. Connecting.
[02:28:31] So I have the helmet,
[02:28:33] I have the backpack,
[02:28:35] I have the gloves,
[02:28:37] I have the boots.
[02:28:39] I need the plate, the jacket and the legs.
[02:28:40] I don't know if there's a balaclava or mask for expedition? There might be.
[02:28:53] I just wanna get fucking... I wanna get all this gear, bro.
[02:28:55] I wanna get the all white.
[02:28:58] Anyone thinks tradition shit?
[02:29:00] Yeah.
[02:29:05] I found the whole kit in two seconds this guy we've got this guy so under geared right we geared him up like with our with our stuff we gave
[02:29:10] them like stuff and then when we went. This dude's by far the most
[02:29:13] undergeared. We go to one spot...
[02:29:17] Oh, my AUG. I thought my AUG was
[02:29:19] missing. We go to
[02:29:21] one spot.
[02:29:23] My man has all the expedition pieces damn near, bro.
[02:29:27] I literally had everything besides boots and a plate carrier right?
[02:29:33] Yeah something like that
[02:29:34] most
[02:29:36] army
[02:29:37] regression pretty do enough and i was looking
[02:29:40] itself Yeah, what the way. so Oh, I almost got Pox. oh Good melee, I'm sorry.
[02:30:34] Harnessed! Oh he could have given me the stuff. Shit, this guy went too.
[02:30:49] That's not a nice move. too oh I left it see like I left it. It should be over here
[02:30:53] I didn't think he was going to leave it and I didn't even notice so Never know if that's the difference maker, yo.
[02:31:23] You never know...
[02:31:27] If that makes us win the game.
[02:31:32] Yeah you never know dude.
[02:31:33] Thank you, I appreciate it.
[02:31:34] That saves my ass.
[02:31:36] Can't hurt.
[02:31:37] Definitely can't hurt.
[02:31:44] Checking the suppressor. Warn, we're good, we're good, we're good.
[02:31:47] Kind of trying to figure out where this single tower is.
[02:31:50] I think it's southwest?. Is there some shit?
[02:31:55] Some shit like that?
[02:31:57] It's right there.
[02:31:59] Single tower
[02:32:01] looking for the loot at this single-
[02:32:05] So listen, next time we hear a helicopter crash...
[02:32:10] I'm thinking like, I don't care about the weaponry and stuff, right?
[02:32:14] But...
[02:32:14] I mean, dude.
[02:32:15] It can have expedition gear.
[02:32:18] I really want to get full expedition.
[02:32:20] To feel cool.
[02:32:31] Okay. So, dude, that helicopter is still there.
[02:32:34] But the zombies are back! So, chat, is that a fresh heli then
[02:32:39] did it land in the same spot again or do the zombies respawn. so Dude, I am like a fucking prize kill right now, chat.
[02:33:18] You know what I mean?
[02:33:19] Like if you kill me
[02:33:20] and you walk up to my body
[02:33:21] and you're gonna be like
[02:33:22] Oh my god!
[02:33:22] Jermaker!
[02:33:23] Put him in!
[02:33:24] Serving shots!
[02:33:25] You know what I mean?
[02:33:30] Don't look at me, you fuck.
[02:33:32] Don't even!
[02:33:35] Fuck! so That guy didn't even notice it. He looked at his boy and was like, what the fuck?
[02:34:07] Boots... combat... tactical shirt... boots, how about that? Paxil shirt.
[02:34:17] Ah! ah I think that's it. Pretty weak.
[02:34:46] Wasn't that the helmet I left before?
[02:34:50] Chat? No, no, no. I left that helmet in a tower.
[02:34:52] I'll take it back.
[02:34:57] So listen, we got the... so that's where you would get the tail end key right?
[02:35:01] If you didn't have the maker yet
[02:35:03] You'd take that tail end key now off of the Heli-Crash. Um...
[02:35:18] Um... This guy, right?
[02:35:20] Old head key or old
[02:35:22] keyhead. I guess this is the head
[02:35:24] so you get the other part of it from the maze. So you take this is the head so you get the other part of it from the maze. So, you take
[02:35:27] this to the maze now essentially. so so so We're going to have to go back. Go right back laundry, don't die.
[02:36:23] Oh fuck that we're dead for sure now guys it's over He just fucked us. so so so The quiet day after the passage. Nobody here can hear me. Nobody here. so so so so I think that one. so Nighthelm, it's time to set the sword. Got it.
[02:39:40] Okay, one on one...wait that's 5-5 556.
[02:40:07] 13 more shops now Did you know that I don't have enough stamina to jump at all?
[02:40:35] Or is it just because my leg is fucked up? okay I haven't fucked my leg up that bad in a while.
[02:40:37] And I still can't jump.
[02:40:40] I don't have enough stamina to jump.
[02:41:10] Well... Oh yeah you know what I wanted to do? I guess my heart's out of shape. Halfway through Claymore, not bad so far. Oh no shit! Hey man, glad you're liking it brother.
[02:41:14] Fish? Yeah. Not bad, It's kind of liking it so so Uh, Claymore's an enemy.
[02:41:57] When was the last time you found something? Yesterday.
[02:42:03] Bro, I'm going to all these spots!
[02:42:04] No one's around!
[02:42:07] Are you gonna see me go into these dangers?
[02:42:09] I've gone to two helicopters.
[02:42:12] I'm hanging around in a maze, don't hear any shots.
[02:42:14] I'm going to the fucking tower.
[02:42:16] I went to the fucking pillars when there was a helicopter
[02:42:18] THERE at the
[02:42:20] PILOTARY! That ice breaks it's insane no one around
[02:42:25] now i'm gonna die running down this ramp like a but
[02:42:31] please don't me like that.
[02:42:33] Don't fucking do that- That's the last area!
[02:42:39] I say we go back to Maze which is... I think this way.
[02:42:46] Oh. North...
[02:42:48] Northeast right? Yeah.
[02:42:57] ... Yeah, listen bros. Look at this fucking heli right there. It makes fatty noise.
[02:42:59] Listen here's the thing though okay?
[02:43:01] Here's what I'm a believer in too though.
[02:43:03] Okay? I don't know if you guys have seen it but makes fatty noise. Listen, here's the thing though, okay? Here's what I'm a believer
[02:43:05] in too, though, okay?
[02:43:07] Is that especially
[02:43:10] when the server restarts
[02:43:11] it can literally
[02:43:14] take a person... Okay okay so like the overwhelming majority will not that play the game
[02:43:20] will not make it through passage right so it's like it could happen after server restarts that the people who did get through passage
[02:43:31] maybe don't get through the restart so then you replace somebody who's through um with somebody who's brand new
[02:43:41] yeah we're the brand new you know Okay.
[02:43:54] What's wrong with my stamina?
[02:43:59] I'm just so fucking geared that, guy can't at all. That guy camped out damn just now.
[02:44:01] He killed somebody?
[02:44:03] Yeah, he was camping down like the outside.
[02:44:05] You son of a bitch stop Stop getting into fucking fights!
[02:44:09] Get used to not seeing anybody, okay?
[02:44:12] I mean, I'm killing everybody.
[02:44:15] Sure you are living. Rainbow Six is coming out.
[02:44:20] Showing itself. Rainbow six is coming out. Yes, sir showing itself
[02:44:25] I'm gonna lie push this guy like it was a fucking like it was a card bro
[02:44:28] Just go with my cranky and one fire yeah
[02:44:33] No literally just hip-fired my MP5 and he's dead.
[02:44:39] Making my way to passage.
[02:44:44] On it's fucking way lads, on its fucking way.
[02:44:47] Mmhmm making my fuckin' way.
[02:44:56] And I'll show them what Geared really looks like. I got a fish.
[02:45:00] You got a fish? Yeah, bro.
[02:45:03] Been in constant life support
[02:45:05] thanks to food and water, you know?
[02:45:07] Struggling huh?
[02:45:09] Might be some camouflage stuff here.
[02:45:11] My whole fuckin' PvP right now is sweet.
[02:45:13] I'm lookin' for it but
[02:45:15] I'm basically goin' for the camouflage gear bro
[02:45:17] Just the white set you know
[02:45:19] Expedition
[02:45:21] Yeah, I got something i have a few wolf mates oh i have these I'm going to go back. Is there a body there?
[02:45:46] Someone died here.
[02:45:51] Could have been ages ago though. together. Actually, it could just be wolf bones.
[02:46:11] Oh bro!
[02:46:13] Not the fucking jacket brother. jacket or there's too many things to swap
[02:46:22] which I don't know. Got the fucking jacket, bruv.
[02:46:31] That's actually giant.
[02:46:33] Nice brother, nice!
[02:46:35] That's a giant jacket.
[02:46:47] Eh. Bam? No. Yeah Bam
[02:46:49] No
[02:46:54] Get up I can't get out. I can't get that
[02:46:59] Can't get up, I'm stuck under the tree!
[02:47:05] Why would I do it with that?
[02:47:08] Panicked.
[02:47:10] Press the wrong button. I'm panicking.
[02:47:34] I'm panicking!
[02:47:38] My new jacket, hopefully my hunter
[02:47:39] jacket got fucked up there and that's it.
[02:47:43] No, motherfucking parents, man! hopefully my hunter jacket got up there and that's it no my parents man
[02:47:49] and i wasted them yeah listen if you prone under these trees
[02:47:53] if you get too deep into the tree, You can't stand up.
[02:47:54] I don't ever want to do that again,
[02:47:55] So I'm not doing that again.
[02:47:58] Bad.
[02:47:59] Wasting a bullet,
[02:48:00] Better than being dead,
[02:48:00] Whatever.
[02:48:02] That guy's beating the fuck out of me.
[02:48:08] Beating the living shit outta me, man.
[02:48:15] Fucking fish... I'm a fucking fish. At least that pox stuff, just in case I get pops, you know?
[02:48:23] Boom! Boom! Warn! Boom, boom.
[02:48:25] Worn, damaged. We gotta fix our pants.
[02:48:29] Almost there. If I die, it's because
[02:48:42] I shot the big boy. And let everybody know where i was
[02:48:53] you're fine you're fine let's this jet. Let's fix our pants real quick.
[02:48:59] Yeah, that should actually...
[02:49:01] We should have pretty good insulation now.
[02:49:10] A tree almost took out the run, man. Listen...
[02:49:12] It won't be like that.
[02:49:49] Wait what? so I'm rolling with a guy with 9k hours that's a good guy to have on your side.
[02:50:06] Oh, 100%, bro.
[02:50:07] 100%.
[02:50:08] He's gonna lead my ass through passage I I didn't think I was gonna make it
[02:50:23] Great Don't get caught. It's only for the greats out here, right? I'm pro- I'm kinda kiddin' a little bit
[02:50:25] A little bit
[02:50:27] I got an SKS
[02:50:29] I got a USG
[02:50:31] Plate armor, assault helmet clothes looking good
[02:50:33] meds out my ass
[02:50:37] I just gotta get to you that's about it
[02:50:39] I just accidentally uh
[02:50:41] well out of panic i used to make a round on a white skeleton.
[02:50:46] That's good! That's the only action you're getting right now.
[02:50:48] That was the most actually scary.
[02:50:50] Almost died.
[02:50:52] What are we gonna do? Oh man my expedition boots are damaged. I don't have a- oh I do have a leather kit!
[02:50:57] Oh man bro.
[02:50:59] Oh I got two leather kits. Two flowing kids.
[02:51:14] Dude, no one's doing anything on this fucking this server brother. No cap in my rap
[02:51:20] wait that's another heli what so Okay. I'm going to try and get a little bit of
[02:51:49] .
[02:51:52] Oh, wait. It's the same
[02:51:55] helly. They just respawned zombies? here now camping.... so Ah, you ever want to look into actual Daisy RP and not the goofy service?
[02:53:09] Check out Stalker Beyond.
[02:53:10] Stalker RP and this shit's insanely in-depth, yeah?
[02:53:12] You guys have like pvp zones
[02:53:14] and i imagine uh brother I don't know.
[02:53:32] I wish i was hearing people fighting the the maze at the moment, then I would go over there
[02:53:36] and try to make it work.
[02:53:40] That's kind of what we're waiting to do is kinda flank people in the maze. these trees It's not going to be good meat, but it will be better than not having any. so so so so. so so so so.... I think he's gonna get me the E-Buff.
[02:56:53] Before I eat them.
[02:56:57] It should, to be honest.
[02:57:01] Out of gas says...I know
[02:57:05] probably have to kill somebody for their food.
[02:57:08] Alright, we're coming! We're about
[02:57:10] to go into passage.
[02:57:14] So we have six... then we have 612 and
[02:57:16] another six I think we have 18 shots. Say again?
[02:57:20] I said we're about to go through passage. You still good over there?
[02:57:24] Still hanging in there. Still alive. Trying to live food and water.
[02:57:28] Into the area
[02:57:32] yeah they should get me buff dudes
[02:57:36] i've gotten one maker kill.
[02:57:42] That's fifty people in the server. so I need the pants now.
[02:58:06] The pants and the plate
[02:58:09] really is what we're looking for here.
[02:58:12] Dancing the plate.
[02:58:18] Meat not warm enough to heat?
[02:58:20] I think it'll be enough to give me
[02:58:23] a Heat buff. We'll see, though.
[02:58:26] It's either
[02:58:27] going to happen real soon or it's going to start giving
[02:58:29] me a down arrow.
[02:58:30] 70-70-70 together.
[02:58:33] Sometimes you can get a heat buff off just
[02:58:35] a fucking hundred, uh...
[02:58:38] Off of like a
[02:58:38] 100 degrees off of a
[02:58:41] Like a fire that just went out.
[02:58:44] So I'm hoping these together
[02:58:46] will still be enough
[02:58:48] to push it through along with the clothes.
[02:58:52] We'll see.
[02:58:55] We'll see, we'll see, we'll see, we'll see... This has enough to heat him back up.
[02:58:57] If not...
[02:59:03] 60-60-60! Come on man! Push through!
[02:59:18] Have you tried the maker without the scope? I haven't actually.
[02:59:19] Look.
[02:59:20] That looks pretty good, not too bad it's definitely not not
[02:59:28] good but it's a one tapper so that's
[02:59:31] not too bad but i think it's way better with this
[03:00:49] oh 60 60 60 come on man no it didn't make it it didn't fork and make it so so I should do it.. I'm trying to eat buff. I could eat the worms, but I don't really want to lose the worms either.
[03:00:52] I might fucking destroy them.
[03:00:54] I think this is enough. We'll see if I'm stupid though.
[03:00:57] It's definitely possible.
[03:00:59] These should hold out.
[03:01:09] 80, damn they're down to 80! Is it not enough?
[03:01:13] It might not be enough. Am I overdoing it, you think?
[03:01:17] You think I'm like overestimating
[03:01:19] these fucking...
[03:01:21] Eat on the food.
[03:01:32] I should have killed the Gaster Heat buff. I guess I still could. I was thinking maybe I can use it
[03:01:34] for another little bit of meat
[03:01:36] like getting hot, you know?
[03:01:40] I think
[03:01:41] maybe when it goes down to 70, I put it back out
[03:01:43] if it doesn't get it by then.
[03:01:46] You know what I'm saying?
[03:01:57] Wicking pot doesn't give you the buff. Yes it does.
[03:01:59] That's a myth!
[03:02:01] I've already debuffed that shit.
[03:02:03] Yes, it does I shouldn't need much more. See, it might just be better to do that.
[03:02:42] Yeah, it's all burned I think though.
[03:02:45] Might be able to turn on a little bit, like a second maybe.
[03:02:57] Got Heat Buff! We got heat buff.
[03:03:02] I need to eat this shit so we get off yellow.
[03:03:07] Not gonna be good, but...
[03:03:11] It's better than nothing
[03:03:33] i don't feel like fishing This is the one from the other day. Oh, I knew it.
[03:03:40] I haven't heard anything, Sean.
[03:03:47] No one doing shit. No one no one doing...
[03:03:50] ...shit on this map right now. so so If anybody was shooting a maze, I would hear it. so I should kind of stick around here to make sure we don't get fishing down there.
[03:05:03] Aye aye aye!
[03:05:04] Nah, there's no way out.
[03:05:05] There's no way out.
[03:05:06] You cannot leave the area. You can't's no way out. You cannot leave passage.
[03:05:13] You can not lead back through the passage one time so you can't leave this area.
[03:05:19] Or I'm trying to say, can't leave this area. Where I'm kind of like, damn, this sucks
[03:05:21] because
[03:05:23] I'm kinda waiting for people
[03:05:25] to start trying to progress their content
[03:05:27] so that I can go interrupt it
[03:05:29] it's already gone through it i mean dude i already have another full key bro
[03:05:32] i could go back and try to get another maker if i wanted to right
[03:05:37] i don't want to do that, but...
[03:05:44] It's that over there.
[03:05:47] That's still just like such a shitty little thing, man.
[03:05:56] I got shit else to do.
[03:05:59] Guess I could fish, just make sure i don't have any bombs
[03:06:04] let's hope i kill somebody else and steal their food Check the other chain of events on the other side of Main, so... so Can't see!
[03:06:55] It's bright as shit, I know.
[03:06:59] Not doing good for me either.
[03:07:03] ... Okay, we can just go for that. I'm hearing something far as fuck but whatever man
[03:07:20] That's all I'm hearing
[03:07:27] Jesus Christ my fucking It's bright in the south of this house.
[03:07:33] I'll try to help you guys a little bit here, get over this.
[03:07:38] That's all I really got for you there. Doesn't really help too much.
[03:07:41] Helps a little bit. so Okay. I hope that's not, uh, campy right? Maybe there's some areas I have not explored yet. I'm going to be smart real quick here.
[03:08:36] EPOC's to fall off soon pressure real quick We're making our way through passage.
[03:09:09] Surviving, thriving.
[03:09:10] Good luck!
[03:09:11] We are running on like two filters together.
[03:09:14] That's fine.
[03:09:16] You're fine, man.
[03:09:17] I guess when you kill zombies,
[03:09:19] you probably just go loud and load them.
[03:09:21] Yep, that's what we're doing.
[03:09:24] Just take your suppressor off of your gun or whatever......your pistol.
[03:09:38] That should be good enough. Let's go.
[03:09:41] That should refresh our, uh...
[03:09:44] Eat buff.
[03:09:45] Make it so that we're going for a longer time.
[03:09:47] We don't have the, uh...
[03:09:49] The stuff to deal with what we did before,
[03:09:51] so...
[03:09:53] Oh! I see a guy. Dude!
[03:10:00] He's going to maze.
[03:10:04] ... going to maze.
[03:10:11] Oh, fuck. Oh! He may hear that.
[03:10:22] I'm gonna do this to another guy if they're going to Maze. maze.
[03:10:39] Alright, it's at least two. You think they heard from that far? Probably not right? I mean it's a suppressed gun...
[03:10:43] you think they heard shots that far? Yeah?
[03:10:47] They're pretty fucking far. I wouldn't think so.
[03:10:53] Can't believe I actually spotted them going in there, that's
[03:10:57] actually fuckin' wild timing.
[03:11:02] We want to move in on them, I'm not gonna sit around and wait. The only thing that would
[03:11:06] hold me back is food but...
[03:11:10] I mean dude.
[03:11:11] We'll have to just fucking cook a goddamn minotaur
[03:11:13] or let's go see if we can kill these guys for their food.
[03:11:17] I didn't want to take that shot because
[03:11:19] I don't wanna give away my position that shot i feel like was just going to be too insane i felt like that's
[03:11:23] probably like 400 could be wrong but it looked like about
[03:11:27] four or five hundred to me and i'm not about to risk that by
[03:11:30] eyeballing that shit i can't fucking eyeball that.
[03:11:50] ... It's time to grab the bark. All of the bark has belonged to me.
[03:11:53] The issue is...
[03:11:57] Need a range hunter, yeah. I need to start bringing those.
[03:11:59] I never pick them up. I'm gonna start picking those up.
[03:12:04] To be honest though if I sat there and tried to arrange that I I don't think I would have had the time to take a shot. Actually maybe on the second guy.
[03:12:08] Let's just cross here behind all these rocks.
[03:12:12] It is going to suck for heat buff. rocks.
[03:12:15] It's going to suck for heat buff,
[03:12:17] but I feel like it's probably better to go from
[03:12:19] over here than the structures.
[03:12:21] I'm going to put the bark
[03:12:23] down right away when I get over there to uh...
[03:12:27] To get the debuff back on. The debuffs should realistically
[03:12:31] get me through this water though. I believe.
[03:12:40] I wonder if we're gonna start hearing gunshots or these guys are going to PvP
[03:12:42] themselves?
[03:12:44] Can't believe I spotted that guy, two of them there might be more than two so There's a lot of stuff hanging in there. Two of them for sure, without a doubt.
[03:13:21] There's gonna be at least two.
[03:13:23] Man that was a lot they must have ran into a big minotaur right away. Oh, it's fucking hard. I'm going to keep up real fast.
[03:14:02] Do our due diligence now, it'll pay off later. This is probably...
[03:14:20] I'm probably gonna die. Just letting you know.
[03:14:22] Why?
[03:14:23] I saw these two guys go into the maze and I hear them popping off in there, so I'm going in.
[03:14:28] Alright well we're about to make it out just looking for punch!
[03:14:32] Please don't do this to me man i'll meet you on the other side after if i die
[03:14:40] uh-huh
[03:14:44] we need to go now, that should be enough.
[03:14:48] I'm just letting you know I'm chasing a fight and here's how this goes.
[03:14:51] I'm literally about to get to the other side. We got punch card, I'm going.
[03:14:55] Alright brother, I gotta go for this man.
[03:14:57] Yeah, no, go for it! You've been camping for hours! Good luck! Just don't die is what I'm saying.
[03:20:05] Sorry... so They're hugging right. so so so so so If I run into one single mob, my position is done. so okay so so so Thank you. so so so so so. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I made it through, good luck. Thank you. so. I haven't made any more noise you think they just went to the tower? Bro you don't need to make so many fires. Brother man I'm not sitting at the fire
[03:20:09] for very long i'm just refreshing my heat buff
[03:20:11] to make sure that i don't have any issues, okay?
[03:20:14] Pretty simple. Pretty simple. I think they went this way.
[03:20:18] Is it on the right?
[03:20:39] Dude! I think they're made it to the fucking portal. I think it's in the tower? I don't even know where the tower is, bro. It's down in the main center right?
[03:20:48] The thing is...
[03:20:49] If they were- if they just went to town
[03:20:51] Where the fuck brought the dudes at? so so so so Is there something over here? There'sling over there
[03:22:33] dang is that the music or is that growling So you know they're not down yet. I think it might be back through that gate, we'll see about this guys.
[03:22:52] Oh my god! I mean they did take a long time before they started shooting so maybe they did go this way
[03:22:57] i'm not hearing any monsters over here
[03:23:02] I'm trying to go where there's no monsters right basically if I hear growling so so so so so so so so this is so so Fuck. Suck. This way? Like the back where I came.
[03:25:48] This way? Where did I went this far? There's nothing here left, eh?
[03:26:08] Hmm.
[03:26:11] About there...that way? It's gotta be this door here. I'm going to go back. Dude, we saw their fire though. Which direction did they go?
[03:26:43] Guess what has to be this way right now...
[03:26:47] Oh dude it's lost! We saw the fucking fire.
[03:26:49] ... Let's go back to the farm. What direction do they go from there? There's Fire's there, they kept going this way. I'm down, chap. I'm fucking down go right here then.
[03:27:58] Now what's the exit.
[03:28:10] That was right in there.
[03:28:13] They must have gotten lost just like I did.
[03:28:24] It's not happening outside. There is no way.
[03:28:29] There is a bad guy over here! Where do i go I think they're not paying us, we saw them walk before, didn't we? Those fighting shivers.
[03:29:01] They're not...
[03:30:15] Can't go this way. I'm telling you that's not outside. so so I'm gonna try and have him on the other side of that wall. I was here before, wasn't I?
[03:30:18] No. We have to go to the right here, don't we? You were just here.
[03:30:34] I went through here before.
[03:30:36] Yeah, but why the fuck would I go to the exit now?
[03:30:39] Alright let's go to the exit. Let's bail, let's bail, let's bail.
[03:30:43] I'm gonna get food.
[03:30:49] Why do you guys keep saying it's 100% outside?
[03:30:51] What the fuck do you think they're shooting at out there?
[03:30:55] Look at like, the rest of the run
[03:30:57] We barely find anybody to shoot
[03:30:59] You guys think they found so many motherfuckers to shoot
[03:31:02] They're just blowing all their load
[03:31:04] You don't think that's PVE? You think they're just blowing all of their load you don't think that's pve
[03:31:06] do you think they're fighting pvp right now you guys are smoking crack That's not outside! Dude, we gotta go outside now. This sucks.
[03:31:38] What do we do here man?
[03:31:41] Where the fuck is the way that they are going?
[03:31:46] Is there a different entrance maybe I go into? These guys are inside fighting right now, but I don't know how to get in.
[03:32:11] Should I just hug this and keep going? And try to find a different entrance?
[03:32:22] Dude, how did I lose the tail? I don't even know.
[03:32:23] I have no idea!
[03:32:24] I saw their fire...
[03:32:26] Where did they go?! They're gonna hear me. Oh, this sucks bro. so I need to overhaul baiting again, but They've been baiting me for fucking 30 minutes. so so shh so so so Nobody's dropped. Heard him hit the ground? They're underground in the maze.
[03:35:20] You guys will come up with every stupid fucking thing you possibly can.
[03:35:24] They're not down there, brother.
[03:35:25] They are IN the motherfucking maze, okay?
[03:35:30] The main-ass maze! Okay, hit the main ass maze.
[03:35:32] Simple as that bro. That's all okay? You got it?
[03:35:36] That's all! They're not inside
[03:35:40] they're not inside. They're not outside.
[03:35:44] There in the middle area, OK?
[03:35:47] All right.
[03:35:50] You literally heard that guy next to me on the other side of the wall
[03:35:55] baiting me how are they you listen bros you guys will just
[03:35:59] you guys believe everything that you guys say
[03:36:11] oh where's the other entrance they're so deep bro entrance!
[03:36:17] They're so deep, bro. There's no way we're getting in anymore without
[03:36:18] following them, you know what I mean?
[03:36:20] Bro, how did I not follow them from that fire?
[03:36:25] What did I do?
[03:36:28] Man, they're all growling over here and shit,
[03:36:29] bro, so we have to go fucking... We have to go fish, bro.
[03:36:34] Oh!
[03:36:37] More than anything, I'm just annoyed.
[03:36:41] What the fuck is going on with this place?
[03:36:47] You have two entrances on the same fucking side? Am I just doing circles for nothing?
[03:36:53] I don't know why the fuck I left. I thought I would be able to get through a different entrance,
[03:36:55] but I couldn't figure out how to get through that without making myself known.
[03:37:02] Man what the fuck is this dude? sister
[03:37:13] the This sucks, dude.
[03:37:22] I just did like a full fucking lap around this thing
[03:37:25] thinking that I can get to a different entrance.
[03:37:26] Look how far up I am.
[03:37:29] Shit. get to a different entrance. Look how far I've ran!
[03:37:34] Seven different sides of this castle.
[03:37:42] You turned back and didn't finish the path. That's not true, did I really? I thought I hit a dead end and it continued!
[03:37:48] What the fuck is this man? food something no shit homies i'm not fucking stupid not that
[03:38:07] fucking stupid i see the goddamn symbol.
[03:38:14] Bro, this whole fucking place is stupid.
[03:38:15] Why is... Where are the entrances?
[03:38:17] Why did I do this?
[03:38:32] Okay. This is a fucking entrance?
[03:38:35] Oh, thank the lord, dude.
[03:38:36] I mean... If I go into there...
[03:38:38] I'm not gonna be able to follow a path.
[03:38:45] Bro. path. Bro, I hate food and water on this side of the map.
[03:38:50] Skeletons should just be dropping cans of beans dude. so Well, that kind of puts my fishing to a fucking halt.
[03:39:21] Huh?
[03:39:22] I don't have shit to eat. Oh, shitty. so so Do I fish now?
[03:40:04] Nah, I gotta get more space right.
[03:40:06] I don't wanna leave the spot though
[03:40:11] i can get some fish and fish on the inside or something it's just so so so food that's crazy let me just fucking pull that out of my asshole real quick, man.
[03:41:14] Don't you do that. Give me a second, Matt. What am I gonna do here?
[03:41:19] Fucking give me goddamn minute.
[03:41:22] Trying to avoid getting sniped,
[03:41:25] trying to find the fucking fishing spot.
[03:41:28] Boom right off the bat.
[03:41:33] Boom.
[03:41:37] Official, official.
[03:41:47] Am I gonna freeze? It's okay, I'll take a little double death time right now to get a good fishing location. These guys are trying to kill me, you know what I mean? I should invest into a real fishing rod.
[03:42:09] You know, next time I see a fucking fisherman out here past the passage, I'll let him know
[03:42:13] that I'm looking for a trade. They're coming, dude. I hope not.
[03:42:30] Who the fuck would ever think somebody was fished back here behind these rocks in the water
[03:42:33] Yeah, basically as a fish fishing You sound like you're starving. You should eat dude.
[03:42:41] Yeah, yeah, listen. Sorry about that boss. You need food?
[03:42:57] Nah.
[03:42:59] Me and my boy are making our way through the maze, man, alright?
[03:43:02] We'll save you from your demise.
[03:43:04] You should have seen me first.
[03:43:06] Oh no way I got a fucking...
[03:43:11] Yeah well we're trying this cause This is double dying right now.
[03:43:13] You got no food?
[03:43:19] It's bigger than the other one.
[03:43:27] I should, uh...
[03:43:30] Darn this water right now.
[03:43:32] Double killing these, it's going fast.
[03:43:34] Yeah, I have no food right now
[03:43:36] I just picked up a fish and gotta find a place to cook
[03:43:38] Somebody just took a sniper shot at me
[03:43:40] while I'm hanging out on the wall.
[03:43:42] Oh Jesus Christ!
[03:43:45] Well we're gonna make our way to you.
[03:43:47] Just waiting for this guy to stop smoking.
[03:43:50] Let's go smoke break.
[03:43:56] That wasn't me, was it?
[03:44:02] I would have heard a snap, I think.
[03:44:07] Alright we're coming.
[03:44:10] I'll make the fire here, let's find out.
[03:44:20] Rebellion?
[03:44:49] Let's see what he could... I'll see why you couldn't. so Album is... Still dying food, but at least I get a little bit of heat here.
[03:44:51] I don't think we stay here.
[03:45:22] I wanna cook, don't get me wrong. is I think these guys are gonna come burn me.
[03:45:23] Think they can see the smoke?
[03:45:25] No way, bro. You wouldn't see that.
[03:45:26] Do you think he'd eyeball that?
[03:45:29] That's a pretty tall rock.
[03:46:09] Please be enough. so Even if it's not enough, I'll be able to reapply another thing and get there. I just see somebody. If you guys just see somebody?
[03:46:17] Yes, you did.
[03:46:18] Okay.
[03:46:45] Okay. so Where you at right now? Hello, maze. We're by the water under the maze?
[03:46:48] Yeah, I'm in between both entrances and the water right now trying to fish.
[03:46:52] Okay, let me know.
[03:46:53] There's somebody out there with a sniper just letting you know
[03:46:56] he took shots at me i'm hiding in a spot i feel like they might know where i am i don't know he said did you get shot from somebody inside like in, outside of the trees.. I don't think I saw anybody.
[03:47:41] Check that clip, I see someone?
[03:47:45] The clips showed no one. Okay, cool. Lies.
[03:47:50] Looking at my second fish right now. Gonna save
[03:47:54] my life. so People are in the maze.
[03:48:13] I think they made it to the underground.
[03:48:15] Either that or I murdered them with grenades. I'm not sure.
[03:48:20] Imagine I murdered them with grenades, yeah.
[03:48:31] Yeah listen before that little ramp, snow ramp that goes up to the maze. Yeah, listen.
[03:48:33] Give me a second. I'm going to get out of the water
[03:48:34] and then I'll figure out where you guys are at.
[03:48:36] I got heat buff. I got a couple fish in me now.
[03:48:40] Alright. Sounds good, brother. I see fishing me now all right sounds good i see through the lies of the jedi I'm gonna try to make my way back up to the entrance that I was at.
[03:49:08] Okay, so are you guys looking...
[03:49:10] Are you at the right side entrance on the left side entrance can
[03:49:12] you ask him that uh Um...
[03:49:29] You definitely killed someone with that nade? Nah, I don't think so.
[03:49:33] I feel like I would have heard a body drop.
[03:49:37] Oh he doesn't know of the maze.
[03:49:41] Um... Is that you in the middle?
[03:49:46] You cannot see me me i'm behind rocks
[03:49:51] promise you can't see me i'm behind rocks and zombies
[03:49:55] okay do you see hold up hold up hold on wait here we're here um do you see the little
[03:50:00] do you see the um a little island in the middle of the water.
[03:50:11] See that little island? You don't see the little like snow islands?
[03:50:13] I'm behind rocks because I just got shot at, right?
[03:50:15] So I'm just chilling back okay okay
[03:50:21] give me a second i'll start moving out okay if you start shooting the video now though.
[03:50:34] Okay, I am moving back to the entrance that I saw originally.
[03:50:36] Are you wanting to go through the maze?
[03:50:38] I mean, I'm just trying to link up with you so we can
[03:50:41] figure out what the fuck's going on. Have you gone through the maze yet?
[03:50:43] I went with you. I didn't finish it though.
[03:50:46] Wait,
[03:50:47] what do you mean? What happened? Did we not finish that?
[03:50:48] We died.
[03:50:49] We died in the tunnel?
[03:50:51] Yeah, in the...
[03:50:53] Oh yeah, we got one of three of this, right?
[03:50:55] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[03:50:56] Okay, so I see the island.
[03:50:58] Apparently I'm by the entrance you were talking about.
[03:51:00] I'm apparently by the entrance you're talking about.
[03:51:02] Am I at the entrance that we went last time?
[03:51:04] I just got shot at. You hear that guy shooting? That's at me.
[03:51:06] Okay okay.
[03:51:08] That was at him. Whoever just shot was at him. Yeah yeah it was at him. Whoever just shot was at him. Yeah, yeah it was at him.
[03:51:14] That's the entrance I'm at when you shoot me.
[03:51:16] Are you coming up the ramp right here?
[03:51:18] Yeah did ya...yeah I am coming up A-ramp right now.
[03:51:20] Coming. Hope so!
[03:51:22] If I'm at a different ramp and then I see someone else
[03:51:25] And it's not you, I'll be one sad motherfucker.
[03:51:27] Yeah well...
[03:51:29] I'm on the ramp right now.
[03:51:34] Should I try that again?
[03:51:37] I think he's got a DMR.
[03:51:44] I'm running up now to the entrance. I should be...
[03:51:45] No, you're not here.
[03:51:46] Yeah yeah, I'm trying to guide him to us right now.
[03:51:52] You're on the other side of where we're at
[03:51:54] yeah like the ramp i might be able to make my way to you
[03:51:57] i know which way to go yes yeah so if you know where to go then
[03:52:02] we'll wait about these rocks uh so we could take this you know i guess
[03:52:07] all right we gotta move towards us he's like in a tree somewhere just prone or Let me know when you start coming up the other snow ramps.
[03:52:31] I know it's you.
[03:52:32] You're not gonna be coming up the ramp, I don't think.
[03:52:33] I'm like hugging the wall.
[03:52:34] Oh, yeah? Yeah. Okay. you know I'm like hugging the wall where it is we're. Guys tell me you're going the other way but I dunno.
[03:52:50] Do you?
[03:52:51] You know where you're going?
[03:52:52] I mean, I already went the other fucking way.
[03:52:56] And that other way was like super...
[03:52:57] That's what I'm saying, the other entrance is stupid far so.
[03:53:01] I don't know if they're opposite sides or if they're both kind of on one side.
[03:53:05] I'm pretty sure if i keep going this way it's a little closer.
[03:53:14] So, I'm pretty sure either there's a crew... Listen, when I went right next to
[03:53:19] A crew
[03:53:21] Two of them
[03:53:21] They were on the other side of a wall
[03:53:25] And I threw two grenades
[03:53:27] Over the wall. They landed
[03:53:29] I didn't hear anybody after that
[03:53:31] Um, it's possible
[03:53:33] I killed them. You know how fucking OP those things are
[03:53:35] We're running towards you
[03:53:37] right now by the way. Along the wall?
[03:53:40] Yeah, yeah we are running a wall to our right side
[03:53:42] Yeah I'm running a wall to left side too
[03:53:48] This guy is a crackhead by the way this guy's like movement
[03:53:51] this guy moves and spam lean in like he rainbow 60 shit
[03:53:58] like yeah just run Yeah, I just wanted to get away from the entrance with that sniper.
[03:54:04] Yeah yeah yeah. so Plop dead.
[03:54:30] What?
[03:54:31] Oh shit, is this him?
[03:54:32] Is he alive? Is he in there? Is he right? dead what oh
[03:54:41] discord You're set in discord, mothafucka.
[03:54:44] Oh I see...
[03:54:46] Hey you're not even talking in game!
[03:54:48] Bitch!
[03:54:50] Yeah yeah yeah yeah
[03:55:13] Ah okay that's fine yeah sorry it's mommy you're right I think that's it. Sorry about the dude, Zegun. Fairly didn't change my mind.
[03:55:18] I mean...I was getting sniped out of there.
[03:55:20] We're fucking blue now.
[03:55:24] Fuckin' time is now. Ah fuck! like we had heat buff up in 10 minutes ago at least four or something
[03:55:45] are you trying to go into, um...
[03:55:50] You have a key right?
[03:55:52] I have a full key.
[03:55:54] I have an half-key.
[03:56:00] Okay. You just need the full key. If we wanted to go through this, it would be for if you're looking for gear or if you're looking just to go for the experience
[03:56:09] honestly
[03:56:11] this place is dope
[03:56:15] You're getting shot at
[03:56:17] Make sure you stand next to this thing
[03:56:19] Yeah, he's not gonna be able to track us. He was on the very
[03:56:25] It's on the very outside sniping for country trying to catch your point of entrance.
[03:56:31] There could be two bodies in that area, actually.
[03:56:35] Yeah you know something we care-you think? What do you think the odds are
[03:56:39] they killed those dudes with nades? Like if there's like, just nades landing if they landed right.
[03:56:43] Like, there's pretty big glass right here.
[03:56:45] Flop heard.
[03:56:46] I'm gonna say we'll listen to this.
[03:56:49] Let me listen to listen flop heard Now I don't think you hear anything.
[03:57:20] Oh, I'd like so.
[03:57:22] In your land. I'm not thinking actually. In your lane.
[03:57:24] Nah, I'm not thinking too long on this.
[03:57:26] You guys have E buff?
[03:57:28] Oh yeah.
[03:57:30] This is where we want to go right now.
[03:57:32] Yeah, go ahead.
[03:57:37] Full white. You got a couple SKS loads?
[03:57:43] No doubt I'm not picking anything up lately that's not explaining our carry.
[03:57:53] Guess I need to think of a match for the winch. I don't know, I'm being chillin'
[03:57:59] Oh shit, he already use some firefly maybe?
[03:58:10] What the fuck Rohan?
[03:58:13] I was kinda just...
[03:58:16] You have the gun so I'll just take it.
[03:58:17] This minotaur is annoying me.
[03:58:25] Nobody knows, The troubles I've seen.
[03:58:33] I don't know if this fire thing gave me to...
[03:58:35] What do you have right now? Is it an the end, is that an arrow or not?
[03:58:39] Yeah, you're gonna get it in a second.
[03:58:42] It should be enough even when it goes down and stuff to potentially get the buff with it.
[03:58:46] I got it, I got it.
[03:58:48] I'm e get left.
[03:58:50] Yeah, yeah.
[03:58:51] So we gotta figure out what we're doing then.
[03:58:58] That's 100% you guys. We can...
[03:59:03] You looking for PvP or?
[03:59:05] I'm looking for fight games.
[03:59:08] You guys don't have shit, but you you can use some fucking gear off other people.
[03:59:16] What kind of gear? I mean I got a little bit of stuff!
[03:59:20] I mean... First off let's get away from this car. a little bit of stuff.
[03:59:23] First off, let's get away from this fucking little car.
[03:59:29] I'm gonna get a couple things apart for the road. Yeah, good call.
[03:59:32] Fix my knife real quick...
[03:59:40] ... uh shit
[04:00:01] the so They've been shooting.
[04:00:18] Not after the grenade, no shots.
[04:00:24] Not a single shot has been shot after the grenades, right?
[04:00:26] Not even any.
[04:00:29] This is the side that they came in, Chad, right?
[04:00:32] We might be able to find our way to them.
[04:00:44] Okay. We're gonna find our way to them. You got both of nades? I don't think so, but that would be fucking crazy wouldn't it?
[04:00:48] I wanna find them
[04:00:50] Yo John, this is John right?
[04:00:53] Yeah what's up
[04:00:55] How you doing on food?
[04:00:56] Uh I have like a little bit of hunger Yo, what's up? How are you doing on food?
[04:00:59] I'm alright. I have like a little bit of honey left but that's about it
[04:01:02] Alright
[04:01:04] I have to eat 90% of my food
[04:01:08] I was fighting people earlier and we fucking, uh, war zone.
[04:01:10] We're gonna go get a fish after this.
[04:01:11] Okay, let's, uh... Chop the fish and we forgot to bring
[04:01:14] fuckin' worms.
[04:01:22] Um... I have two, four, five worms on there. Okay, okay.
[04:01:24] They're probably the flots.
[04:01:26] We should probably fish them if you guys are hungry.
[04:01:28] No, I guys are hungry.
[04:01:31] I'm not hungry, I'm just a little wet tonight. It's a little sketchy doing that right here maybe?
[04:01:33] Yeah yeah I mean I'm still wet so we're good.
[04:01:38] We got time, we got time.
[04:01:40] Our white will last a little bit and fall down soon.
[04:01:44] Yeah I have a little honey as well so it'll last a little bit.
[04:01:53] I mean when we come in for us, we can take their fucking shit
[04:01:59] They're kinda like raiders Yeah I'm down, I'm down. Yeah, yeah. You're going to get a little bit of that You wanna try this or no? What do you guys want to do?
[04:02:11] I'm down, I'm down.
[04:02:13] Yeah yeah
[04:02:13] Never finished it so fuck it let's do that
[04:02:17] Oh oh
[04:02:18] Dude you wanna go deep deep?
[04:02:21] No we just get a kilominitor and clip him
[04:02:23] see what we wanna do after that
[04:02:25] If you wanna go deep, deep I think we should probably all be getting our food
[04:02:31] There's still... Oh! That's the guy shooting someone at the other entrance.
[04:02:35] Scally, in front of us! Coming towards us!
[04:02:37] There's 7th Condor, 7th Condors
[04:02:39] All back here
[04:02:47] I'm gonna snuff him big time.
[04:03:19] I'll get to you, Dad. Got him up for worms. so If we can go through here, maybe we'll find those dead bodies.
[04:03:38] Maybe they're dead moving in there but the rest of people were doing this shit earlier. Holy fuck! Holy God.
[04:03:39] Alright, whole server's about to be here.
[04:03:42] Might as well, fuck it.
[04:03:44] We need food.
[04:03:47] There is a yellow log so we're either gonna dump a shitload of ammo onto them or we're just gonna tap it, you know?
[04:03:53] Yellow eyes are stronger.
[04:03:55] Nah I fuck with him man. He's got lots of ammo for sure.
[04:03:59] Get three pieces of meat off of them?
[04:04:01] We can cook back here bro, you know what I'm saying like this is our fucking neighborhood keep craftsy behind me.
[04:04:10] We're just gonna hug right. It goes right as well, let's try.
[04:04:15] Reload! This shit reloads on its own bro? You me reload the maker mag so The good thing about this chat is we got the maker, it's probably gonna be that end so
[04:04:50] we can take advantage of a few shots.
[04:05:00] I don't know why I'm whispering. there might be an aggro dude on us. It's invisible, get ready. This asshole.
[04:05:36] Bitch, fucking hit me three times! Yeah bro.
[04:05:38] Fucked up your jacket, fix that for sure.
[04:05:40] Yeah I'll fix it, I'll fix it.. Fuck. I'm gonna try to play it too, that'd be fucking epic. Yeah.
[04:06:13] Remind me just to lay into that motherfucker next time, I'll try. Someone keep that for me, maybe we'll...
[04:06:21] Let's have three boxes. Actually I wonder if the tiny ass of a boxy will do it, chat?
[04:06:26] Yeah... gonna have to. Yeah, can I have two?
[04:06:32] Value!
[04:06:36] Valuetown Value Town! That's good.
[04:06:54] Let me get this right here. What up boys?
[04:07:03] Yo.
[04:07:06] Y'all getting a good run going?
[04:07:09] Um, I'm still in the same boat as you guys. Y'all getting a good run going?
[04:07:11] Um, we're still on the same dude.
[04:07:14] Waiting for uh... We're bringing Noddy down to the maze right now, we're gonna try.
[04:07:23] Wait you're on the this server with the maker yeah i guess i should log just login now oh
[04:07:29] you're still over here huh?
[04:07:31] Uh yeah dude!
[04:07:33] I don't fucking... should we wait then?
[04:07:35] I dunno.
[04:07:36] Well see where your at I guess.
[04:07:38] We'll probably just hit this real fast and come out.
[04:07:40] I logged out at the front remember
[04:07:42] in front of what the maze right where boss died oh yeah
[04:07:48] i guess you're right here well how long till you can get in see
[04:07:51] switch cubes loading up and see
[04:07:54] Yeah if it's longer then you guys just do it
[04:07:57] Cause we're already fucking here
[04:08:02] Did you play on this yesterday?
[04:08:04] I feel like everything aggroed us.
[04:08:08] Yeah, I played yesterday and killed a guy with my maker actually.
[04:08:12] You played yesterday too and you're still alive okay yeah not
[04:08:15] that's not too much but yeah I killed a guy on my make again I went to a couple
[04:08:19] heli crashes today two or three alley crashes yeah funny hands um it was just yeah and um
[04:08:25] it was just not
[04:08:27] I found another key
[04:08:29] I found a LAR but I didn't use
[04:08:31] it because it's too much to switch to that
[04:08:33] uh, but, nothing really insane
[04:08:36] to be honest with you. I was just trying to find PvP.
[04:08:39] Yeah, it's hard
[04:08:40] finding PvP on that side
[04:08:42] honestly because you've got to think how much
[04:08:44] people have to go through to get there in the first place.
[04:08:46] I was following these dudes
[04:08:48] in the maze, bro. I saw their fire
[04:08:51] and everything but I lost like a trail
[04:08:53] so far inside.
[04:08:54] So check it. Then I was like alright fuck, fuck it. I'm gonna go on the outside
[04:08:57] Um so I go on the outside and
[04:08:59] I hear these dudes on the other side of
[04:09:01] The wall as me
[04:09:03] So I chuck a couple nades over the fucking wall
[04:09:07] They both went over couple names over the fucking wall
[04:09:11] they both went over did you they both went over i didn't hear anybody fall so i'm thinking they didn't do anything but i haven't heard a shot since
[04:09:15] i mean they either got down down or they just logged out, or they died.
[04:09:21] Maybe I got them.
[04:09:22] We're going through right now partially because I want to fucking find out if I got them.
[04:09:25] You wanna see if their bodies are there yet?
[04:09:28] Why do you keep going the wrong way?
[04:09:30] It's a fucking maze dipshit!
[04:09:32] Position 14 usually takes like half an hour I'd say
[04:09:43] Half an hour to 45 minutes
[04:10:11] you need me on the inside so I think we got an aggro that's gonna come our way.
[04:10:19] Might awg them. Got her! Oh, there's a yellow. That's okay.
[04:10:28] Good boy gave me a shitload of...
[04:10:31] Shitload of... with a...
[04:10:35] shitload of, uh,
[04:10:38] ammo for this bad boy.
[04:10:41] I should've fuckin' one-tapped his dude what the maker though
[04:10:49] yeah yeah i got a geared character got to the dam
[04:10:52] got my filters went through passage and met up with this guy
[04:10:57] Do you solo it or did you find a teammate?
[04:10:59] I did everything solo until passage
[04:11:03] What?! How does that even work? Because I found the guy while I was by
[04:11:06] the dam. You found a guy by
[04:11:07] the dam? Yeah, yeah, and we just linked up
[04:11:10] and...
[04:11:11] That's usually when
[04:11:13] you're just killing people you know what i mean
[04:11:15] yeah i mean i had a bunch of fights today so i was like whatever a bunch of
[04:11:19] people so You've only got me 60 rounds.
[04:11:42] That's fucking sweet, well more than that actually.
[04:11:46] Yeah we were chillin' on ammo for every- more than that, actually.
[04:11:49] Yeah, we were chilling on ammo for every gun besides our own.
[04:11:53] You guys getting me
[04:11:54] that ammo is basically making it so you don't have to worry
[04:11:56] too much about what's going on. i got like 50 bullets on my uh
[04:12:00] umg or whatever and then like 30 in my s gas I'm just gonna go.
[04:12:20] He's setting up camp here No, fixing my suppressor.
[04:12:24] Oh you put a fucking stove down and shit I was like what the fuck
[04:12:26] Nah that was just my uh
[04:12:28] Yeah yeah yeah.
[04:12:30] Yeah, question, question.
[04:12:31] Um, that was my, um...
[04:12:33] Where I had the thing in it.
[04:12:35] Just, where I had it in the pot.
[04:12:38] Sigh
[04:13:07] Sigh Just give me all the maker ammo, I'm probably gonna pop a couple of them with it Yeah, bro.
[04:13:09] We just went to the other entrance again.
[04:13:10] I'm so confused.
[04:13:11] Bro, what the hell?
[04:13:15] Well listen I think we're just gonna go back to the hug ride strategy.
[04:13:19] I don't know how much longer do bro it's a maze and I don't know the place yet I gotta figure out first I need to figure out what entrance I like to go into
[04:13:22] And be able to tell the difference between them.
[04:13:24] Yeah, yeah.
[04:13:27] This is
[04:13:28] exactly what happened while
[04:13:30] I was following them. I went by that door,
[04:13:32] I continued right, and then I saw their fire.
[04:13:35] And then I was like, I didn't know where they went after that
[04:13:37] So I guess we should just keep truckin'.
[04:13:39] Honestly, I'm gonna start hugging left again
[04:13:41] That's how I made it last time.
[04:13:43] I started doing this huggin' right strategy and i don't know where the fuck anybody so I don't know. Oh shit.
[04:14:23] I'm gonna help big boys on this.
[04:14:30] Yo, yo, man, attack the left!
[04:14:34] You know what? Why don't you guys cut him up and take his meat?
[04:14:36] Why don't you guys do that up and take his meat? Why don't you guys do that, I have-I have my own space.
[04:14:40] Well yeah I do have space, you guys want me to just hold it?
[04:14:43] I got a-I got her.
[04:14:45] You have some tiny stuff like...
[04:14:49] Yeah yeah I'm gonna make sure. Yeah, yeah.
[04:14:53] Listen whatever maker ammo we find at the cockpit
[04:14:57] I'm gonna ob this guy. Of course.
[04:15:04] 8 shots, no biggie. Go get that guy too!
[04:15:09] Got one right now. that got you go get him I'm gonna take my suppressor off and just go live with the other guys.
[04:15:27] Cause I already took those big boy shots, you know what I'm saying?
[04:15:29] Yeah yeah.
[04:15:31] You're taking maker shots so it's like whatever.
[04:15:36] Alright we're with ya.
[04:15:37] Just keeping you on your toes some.
[04:15:39] Stay frosty, don't let them get you.
[04:15:41] Much love, keep going strong.
[04:15:44] Much love, some-some love."
[04:15:48] Thank you, man. I appreciate ya, man. Freeman Darien, how do you do, man?
[04:15:50] Thank you so much dude. Yo, Millian!
[04:15:52] Yo, I po. Yo, Palm.
[04:15:54] Pretty easy. Jake.
[04:15:55] Thank you guys, everybody. so so so How many bullets did I use in here?
[04:16:39] Three, right?
[04:16:40] Yeah.
[04:16:41] Shot it three times.
[04:16:43] Was that two times or three times to jump.
[04:16:47] Sit there now, go back to the right.
[04:16:51] Pretty good though. Three bullets. We should be able
[04:16:55] to find three bullets. Honestly best case able to find three bullets, honestly. Best case scenario would
[04:16:57] be if we found like a box or something else. I'm trying to use more AUG ammo than this but
[04:17:02] if it's the...I have to recognize if it's a yellow eyed or small guy?
[04:17:12] He's really hurt.
[04:17:14] He's invisible again.
[04:17:20] I figured that I was going to go loud with the AUGs since we're shooting off the big boy shots.
[04:17:28] What guy stopped shooting? Oh, the sniper. The sniper guy. I don't think he's gonna do anything.
[04:17:41] Oh shit! He hurts you, he hurts you. Shoot him.
[04:17:48] Sorry, he bleeds you even if you block.
[04:17:49] Oh shit. Get back in the car. bleed you even if you block. Oh, true.
[04:17:51] Get back, get back. This guy's gonna
[04:17:53] rush us.
[04:17:54] We gotta find out if it's a yellow-eyed or...
[04:17:56] Can I just shoot loud? Yeah, if you wanna shoot as much
[04:17:59] as this. Absolutely.
[04:18:01] Just go fucking loud now boys.
[04:18:03] If it's yellow I do...
[04:18:05] We should probably save ammo and just fuckin' pop it with the big one.
[04:18:09] Is it a yellow? No.
[04:18:16] I'll shout this, that's much easier.
[04:18:32] I'll shoot these guys here. I'll shoot this guy's ear. Yeah, I say we cook right here behind this fucking rock for now and just get our food going. What do you think?
[04:18:33] Alright, let's do it. Yeah yeah I'm down.
[04:18:35] He regained he buffed that food, I'm good.
[04:18:37] I have a cooking pot of food at least.
[04:18:39] Um...yeah just wanna cook in the fuckin'
[04:18:41] cooking pot then or should we make a fire?
[04:18:44] Yeah, yeah. Let's do it.
[04:18:46] Um... Okay let's cook it in the cooking pot then. Actually I have one too.
[04:18:48] Alright somebody make the fire and I'll get the stand.
[04:18:55] We need to make a cooking stand. I got that, you guys make the fire and I'll make the cooking stand.
[04:19:03] You guys are gonna make the fire right now? He does have a big fire I know. It's a yellow eye. Don't shoot it, don't shoot it. I got him. I'm gonna be sooo GONE
[04:19:32] I'll hook someone in there
[04:19:35] Hello?
[04:19:49] There's a wood, she's punching him in the neck Well, this is the sniper. I need one more stick.
[04:19:59] You got a long stick?
[04:20:01] No, cut it up. I need one long. Bro.
[04:20:16] That's why I can't.
[04:20:25] It's like, why can't they hit you easier?
[04:20:32] Hello! I just wanted to say you are the GOAT and thanks for the many hours of entertainment.
[04:20:38] Aw bro, thanks so much man. Yo, you don't gotta be giving 25 bucks for that shit man!
[04:20:40] Thank you so much for the support my dude. I appreciate it
[04:20:40] I'm glad you've enjoyed yourself in the channel and thanks. Thanks for the massive respect bro
[04:20:44] Thanks for 25 bones that's uh
[04:20:47] That's damn near top down on real obvious cock pushupsvious cockpitships on you, brother.
[04:20:51] Thank you so much.
[04:20:52] I can't move like a freak!
[04:20:58] You have any sticks by chance?
[04:21:00] Nah, no sticks.
[04:21:03] Well fuck out.
[04:21:05] You guys- you motherfuckers are insured.
[04:21:07] Excuse me?
[04:21:10] I am prepared for the mag on everything man.
[04:21:12] The fire's already going.
[04:21:21] Bro, like you don't have sticks in it. You have kindling in it, homie. I know, bro!
[04:21:25] Two of you guys kicking
[04:21:26] a fire going?
[04:21:27] I'm fucking... I'm putting in a
[04:21:30] fucking match, bitch. We're killing shit, asshole.
[04:21:37] Am I skinning you We're killing shit asshole This is like playing with someone and see a thieves who doesn't do any sale work, and you just sit and he just sits there
[04:21:42] These dudes know they don't fucking do anything!
[04:21:47] That's fuckin' unbelievable.
[04:21:51] These dudes have a fuckin'... these dudes have a fuckin' fire going they're like dude we did it so Yeah, what the fuck is this?
[04:22:25] Repair kit, right?
[04:22:31] That thing's sick.
[04:22:33] That expedition...
[04:22:36] Maybe it lasts longer, I'm not sure.
[04:22:43] Anybody have any 45 ACP rounds?
[04:22:48] I don't know.
[04:22:49] Somebody got any?
[04:22:53] What? No, no.
[04:22:57] Got any.45 ACP? No. You don't need 45 ACP, no?
[04:22:59] No, that's what I have out here.
[04:23:09] Fuck man! We got like two magss left I should be chillin'.
[04:23:12] Can't find more fuckin' stuff, depleting all my things. This should be as good as bear meat, so.
[04:23:33] Should be pretty solid.
[04:23:34] I got one to put in whenever these are done.
[04:23:45] Who's got red? Take a hit.
[04:23:46] Bite, bite if you're red or something.
[04:23:49] Just take one night.
[04:23:57] You're standing on me? Do you have used five bullets here.
[04:24:05] I gotta stop using my life-threatening ammo.
[04:24:08] How many do you have left?
[04:24:11] Like 14. Oh, okay, okay, okay.
[04:24:23] Got six of them. Got sick somehow.
[04:24:29] Stay still?
[04:24:32] What do you mean, somehow bro? You been on red stomach dog? That's how you got sick. Geez, a 9089K.
[04:24:51] know, none of them replays the same way. Yeah, boiling sucks.
[04:25:03] Takes so fucking long to cook. It takes f***ing long,
[04:25:08] don't it?
[04:25:10] It does take long.
[04:25:12] Way too f***in'
[04:25:14] long.
[04:25:21] I left a fucking fat and the other ones over there. It's good though, to get boiled right now because my food AND water are both tanked so...
[04:25:25] ...I need everything.
[04:25:27] This shit is that go? Listen, dude,
[04:25:29] if I ever need fucking
[04:25:30] food, man, fuck fishing. I'm about to just go kill
[04:25:33] a couple minotaurs, you know what I'm saying?
[04:25:36] They're basically bears that you can find,
[04:25:37] you know? Bears that hang out in the cave.
[04:25:41] I mean they're pretty fucking good.
[04:25:44] Pretty fucking good...
[04:25:49] Just cause it's fuckin' hard as fuck to kill them.
[04:25:52] Not hard as fuck, but a lot of ammo.
[04:25:54] Yeah, agreed. You're definitely investing.
[04:25:57] Fuck if no one is eating this I'm eating this and I ain't gonna hold back.
[04:26:05] Minotaur's my favorite! Damn, this bitch takes so fucking long. Holy shit!
[04:26:23] We got more too. We just gotta handle it.
[04:26:25] It is what it is.
[04:26:27] I'm handling it.
[04:26:29] It's either this or he's fish.
[04:26:37] And he's got more steak, bro.
[04:26:41] Do you have any pills? Anyone? I don't know, I have. I was gonna give you a bottle. uh... those are
[04:26:43] and i have frozen to give you a little
[04:26:47] country
[04:26:48] the people who wish
[04:26:49] any data state was just here
[04:26:51] in the mistakes Just do that. He didn't leave his stakes. The fuck?
[04:26:59] What's our boy doing?
[04:27:01] Grabbing sticks for the fire.
[04:27:03] Okay, let's pull this.
[04:27:04] That's actually smart. It's actually smart. I need a stick though, we should lift the stake that way it's harder.
[04:27:06] Yeah we need your stakes boss.
[04:27:10] Uh right here?
[04:27:13] Just do this cookie pot right here.
[04:27:24] Might as well grab those other two right there, no?
[04:27:27] Nah, let's just not get too crazy. Let's get moving soon.
[04:27:31] We don't want to sit for too long.
[04:27:33] This shit is going to be stupid good bro.
[04:27:36] It's like bear steak so as long as we get a couple of us each, we're good. This shit's gonna be stupid good, bro.
[04:27:39] It's like bear steaks, as long as we get a couple of us each, we're good.
[04:28:02] And they boil, bro, so our Our water's gonna get really good too. It's worth our time, chat. I think.
[04:28:03] Maybe we do this fat...
[04:28:05] This steak and then these two steaks
[04:28:06] And then we're good right?
[04:28:07] For now?
[04:28:08] Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna shoot
[04:28:11] i have a star and uh a steak on me
[04:28:18] this guy's got a fat mistake on him, I'm just grabbing.
[04:28:20] You're eating all the fucking food huh?
[04:28:23] Yeah right now I've eaten like one and half.
[04:28:27] Are you white or yellow?
[04:28:29] Oh dude I'm well under the white now.
[04:28:33] Like I said these are bare meats bro.
[04:28:37] You can't get on top of the maze right?
[04:28:40] What's that?
[04:28:42] We can't get on top, right? Like above us.
[04:28:45] No.
[04:28:47] There ain't a maze around here, brother.
[04:28:49] You admit it!
[04:29:12] It ain't what your mom would think uh-huh How many stakes you got on you? I'm definitely grabbing one of these by the way.
[04:29:14] Let me ask him how many he has.
[04:29:17] He's got two.
[04:29:19] You've got two?
[04:29:21] Yeah, I have zero right now.
[04:29:23] One piece of fat on me.
[04:29:26] One piece of fat? Okay.
[04:29:28] You both take 1.
[04:29:30] How much you have?
[04:29:33] I've got...1 and a half, maybe.
[04:29:34] Have you eaten it?
[04:29:35] 1-1 3rd? Yeah, I ate a little bit.
[04:29:38] Like, I have one that's 70%
[04:29:39] And one that's like 30
[04:29:41] I ate a little of the 30% one
[04:29:44] Nice fire push Yeah when you have it at an angle like that it gets uh so Hold on, you stupid fucking piece of meat.
[04:30:11] Let's go.
[04:30:12] We've got time for this shit.
[04:30:15] Alright, we're good.
[04:30:15] You guys ready to roll?
[04:30:17] Yeah yeah
[04:30:21] Let's do it
[04:30:34] BOOM Man, it seems like he hasn't moved since that first shot.
[04:30:36] He has not.
[04:30:38] Not the type of guy that wants to get crazy, I guess.
[04:30:48] Alright. okay so
[04:31:07] all right here we go. Continuation! The continuation!
[04:31:18] Some random shots there, I don't know what not the that is Waited all night to see this, did you?
[04:31:35] I'm so sorry.
[04:31:36] But...
[04:31:37] I've been trying man.
[04:31:38] It's pretty tough sitch.
[04:31:39] You know, to do alone and then
[04:31:43] on top of that. I mean i'm almost done this alone they haven't helped too much
[04:31:47] They help towards the end in those last couple fights but I didn't really need
[04:31:50] it right so I think I can manage Maize alone as a solo.
[04:31:55] But i would need a lot- obviously the Maker makes that easier on Yellow Eyes
[04:31:59] we've made two Yellow Eyes which they usually tank a lot of bullets
[04:32:09] so that's where i saw their fire chat right around here. so I'm just hugging right still.
[04:32:41] I really hope we run into a couple dead bodies, Chad, I would fucking lose it.
[04:32:49] I'd lose it. It'd be hilarious.
[04:32:54] About 40 minutes? 50 or 50 minutes or so 49 minutes.
[04:33:01] Are we lost? At all times even when there's no maze
[04:33:05] the whole fucking game is a maze I'm gonna shoot you. so I ain't let them know then man oh
[04:34:14] let him know brother I hope you get a ton of
[04:34:22] Should have bought more resources I'm gonna pause our stuff. More resources this time, we just keep sprinting around like that. Minotaur coming. Hold on, you can definitely do it then.
[04:34:23] Pull that maker out.
[04:34:24] Oh shit!
[04:34:25] Don't shoot it, don't shoot it, don't shoot it.
[04:34:26] I got a...
[04:34:27] I got a...
[04:34:28] I got a...
[04:34:29] I got a...
[04:34:30] I got a...
[04:34:31] I got a...
[04:34:32] I got a... I got a... I got a... pull that maker out oh See what happens, bro?
[04:34:49] I didn't let him know.
[04:34:51] We just told them.
[04:34:52] 18 minutes of doofus.
[04:34:55] Teddy's never been in the maze, man.
[04:34:57] Well, bro,
[04:34:58] I'm not crouching around
[04:34:59] because it's fun.
[04:35:00] You know what I mean?
[04:35:01] Yeah, I know.
[04:35:02] I know.
[04:35:02] I'm crouching to fuck around
[04:35:03] so we don't grab extra ammo that deplete our shit even further.
[04:35:06] You feel me?
[04:35:07] At least it ain't me, bro.
[04:35:09] I learned.
[04:36:03] Okay. All that stuff is left of him? so Well, that's why I hate this shit. It's actually crazy, the maker is not like... you don't have to press R to get the next bullet in. It goes just in. You know what I mean? So it's basically
[04:36:07] a semi-fucking auto weapon.
[04:36:09] Same. Yo, is this where I fucking heard them? Up against this wall?
[04:36:18] I think they could've been... I don't think they died either. I think it's good of them.
[04:36:19] I don't think they died either, I think they went under...
[04:36:22] I think they got through and beat him.
[04:36:26] I think they got through and went under those two guys that we heard
[04:36:35] let's stay around that wall I'm just going to check this one out.
[04:36:57] You good?
[04:36:59] Let's check if we're dev-ing anything else.
[04:37:03] Is this where we wanna go?
[04:37:04] Yo, you want to grab some sticks before we go in?
[04:37:06] It gets cold as fuck down there.
[04:37:08] You guys have blue zeppos?
[04:37:11] I still have it but......I just know it gets cold as fuck.
[04:37:18] Oh, I have two large sticks in my backpack. I'm gonna grab this other one.
[04:37:37] Oh yeah, okay we're chillin'.
[04:37:43] I got nine bullets left guys.
[04:37:49] How's this? Okay, so listen.
[04:38:03] This teleports us to different areas, okay?
[04:38:06] Basically, you just gotta go down.
[04:38:07] Go down the ramps, okay?
[04:38:09] Invisible dudes down here can fuck you up.
[04:38:11] Just gotta keep a non-automatic out or your semis.
[04:38:15] Let's go.
[04:38:17] Wait why am I so fucking heavy?
[04:38:19] Guess I'm wet. Water.
[04:38:21] I'm with my
[04:38:23] boy.
[04:38:24] She goes down there.
[04:38:28] Does it go down I see you guys down there. You said go up, down the ramps? Yes sir.
[04:38:36] ... I've crouched around like I said, invisible dudes.
[04:38:47] Big ass aliens
[04:38:48] that fuck you up.
[04:38:50] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[04:38:50] We're crushing them.
[04:38:51] Bosh had to fight one
[04:38:52] by himself in this thing.
[04:38:57] I really hope
[04:38:58] I don't run into one at all or by myself chat. Sailing back, more Tertrace.
[04:39:16] I think I got a guy on me.
[04:39:20] Think I got a dude on me I'm gonna kill the monster. green-eyed bloodsucker We're in the area that we should be meeting up at.
[04:40:01] Yeah, someone's looted this yeah someone's looted this
[04:40:03] someone's looted this apparently someone's alluded to the ship
[04:40:07] some of them might be down there in the end or it could be here
[04:40:10] oh i already threw all the way
[04:40:14] all right we turned our lights off for just walking through this
[04:40:18] rock area with all the yellow shit losing out
[04:40:21] i think i may have gotten to where you guys spawned in
[04:40:27] honest away for you
[04:40:31] working on it i don't think he needs you. I'm going up this ramp now, far left of this.
[04:40:59] You're going up a ramp?
[04:41:00] Yeah.
[04:41:01] Should we go down on this one then?
[04:41:04] We went down that big ramp.
[04:41:08] I'm going down the giant ramp right now.
[04:41:11] Yeah, well that's what we did and then now we're in this middle area with like a bunch of yellow fucking ooze going around.
[04:41:20] It's all over the walls and shit, you know what I'm talking about? There's nothing here.
[04:41:20] Gotta pick it up a place.
[04:41:21] I just lost heat off and it's cold.
[04:41:24] Yeah, so am I.
[04:41:24] I'm losing house as well.
[04:41:26] I'm gonna start speeding up.
[04:41:29] Alright. I'm gonna start speeding up.
[04:41:37] There's two entrances? I don't know where they are, but I just know that mostly you should be able to...I know the embossing crew just went down.
[04:41:43] You guys are about to clear this...
[04:41:46] Yeah, I'm out in the big open area.
[04:41:49] We're about to start a fire if you wanna come to us.
[04:41:51] Are you guys south?
[04:41:53] In the corridor or did you get out already?
[04:41:55] We got out that middle corridor.
[04:41:59] Are you out in the middle of the open? Is your crate around?
[04:42:01] Do you see the green little tubes of the aliens?
[04:42:07] Are you guys upstairs or downstairs?
[04:42:09] We went up a ramp.
[04:42:10] Up that big ass ramp? Yeah yeah yeah Upstairs or downstairs? We went up a ramp.
[04:42:11] Up that big ass ramp?
[04:42:12] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[04:42:13] Yo, Nadi's comms are the worst comms I think I've ever heard.
[04:42:16] Up this like...
[04:42:17] Big ramp to the left.
[04:42:18] I mean it got out of the fucking tunnels and we just didn't even mention it.
[04:42:21] If you come out your... I mean my exit was are you guys on this
[04:42:24] crate are you in this crate no no we're in a building
[04:42:29] am i hear you i'm running up below me go up yeah yeah go up and then take a hard left and then left again and
[04:42:36] He's coming out here right now
[04:42:44] Okay I'll do the u-turn, and I'll see you. No we don't need we do a building!
[04:42:48] Yeah that's what we're doing. I was just giving him the chance to make a start at it. It's dark.
[04:43:13] I don't know how that's not in the box.
[04:43:24] Do you like me some shit, dude?
[04:43:27] What's your name by the way?
[04:43:28] Forgot to ask.
[04:43:29] Yeah, bro.
[04:43:32] Let me give you guys a little help here chat, okay?
[04:43:41] Shhh Yeah, okay. Oh thank you brother.
[04:43:43] That's huge.
[04:43:45] Yeah yeah.
[04:43:50] You getting next to the fire brother? I'm coming.
[04:43:54] Get over here and let me see if you can ring out my clothes. You guys have a single rag?
[04:44:13] Yeah, I do here. so so I'm loading in.
[04:44:51] Any of you guys can take that?
[04:44:54] Not sure if I should just chill until you get out of there or what.
[04:44:58] Yeah, just do your thing. Keep yourself locked.
[04:45:01] Do any of you have any clothing, um...
[04:45:03] jackets? Or sewing kits?
[04:45:07] Uh... yeah.
[04:45:25] I got two full leathers if you need. Damn, badly damaged shot.
[04:45:31] Wonder if that got hurt from getting hit? I think it did. Yeah, that thing is big.
[04:45:43] Damn it dude, this sucks. My temp's going down for some reason.
[04:45:45] Yeah, but I forget mine was too when I was going up.
[04:45:47] Just hug it man, just hug it.
[04:45:52] How much fuel is in there?
[04:45:53] How many stakes?
[04:45:55] Six......okay buddy. how much fuel is in there? How many stakes?
[04:45:59] Six. Okay long Cool And there's another backpack too, gross.
[04:46:08] That's next right here.
[04:46:13] Alright. Yeah, the torch drives you off. I don't know if it doubles up but the torches fucking owing for that, but...
[04:46:29] He's a suck right now.
[04:46:31] Well there was actually a jacket in one room that I logged out in.
[04:46:35] Shit has been ruined for the last couple days.
[04:46:37] No shit you lucky motherfucker.
[04:46:39] That is pretty funny.
[04:46:47] Might be over for this pistol, or the suppressor jack.
[04:46:53] At least I last hit.
[04:47:07] On a suppressor, should I?
[04:47:09] I guess so. I'll buy more of them hopefully classic so I'm close. Let's pop some insulation there. And it'll be fine. Torch drawing doesn't work on this server.
[04:48:08] Oh really?
[04:48:11] That's just the straight up fire though. I'm ready. Almost not damp. Let's get it.
[04:48:14] Let's go.
[04:48:15] Okay, let me just take this off.
[04:48:16] Okay.
[04:48:17] Okay.
[04:48:18] Okay.
[04:48:19] Okay.
[04:48:20] Okay.
[04:48:21] Okay.
[04:48:22] Okay.
[04:48:23] Okay.
[04:48:24] Okay. Okay. Okay. not damp let's get it I'm gonna make it last. So this is what happens when you portal after the maze?
[04:48:50] This where you go?
[04:48:51] Yeah.
[04:48:55] You're down in the second area with invisible motherfuckers and all these invisible dudes.
[04:49:01] Where'd you guys go?
[04:49:04] I just went straight to where we came from.
[04:49:07] Just a little ramp.
[04:49:11] Looking to see if there's any loot anywhere.
[04:49:16] Yeah, looking for the key.
[04:49:23] The keys in a random spot there? Yeah I think so.
[04:49:27] It spawns inside of a black box. It needs, like, a protective carrier.
[04:49:30] You go to the back or front end of it?
[04:49:34] I don't know where this guy is at.
[04:49:36] The blade is on the back end.
[04:49:38] The head comes from Nellie way. I actually found him there, I don't know where he belongs either way.
[04:49:43] Yeah, I don't either. Whatever.
[04:49:45] He's somewhere behind us.
[04:49:48] I'm hearing shit.
[04:49:52] Far man.
[04:49:54] Oh shit!
[04:49:58] God damn it!
[04:50:01] Not dead.
[04:50:05] You good? Yeah, just got a blade.
[04:50:13] Got you. we're dead. Holy fuck that scared the shit out of me!
[04:50:16] We good?
[04:50:18] Need to reload. Reload!
[04:50:32] There's nothing in here but there is a radio on the infomercial. Listen to some lore.
[04:50:35] Okay.
[04:50:39] I feel something on top of this...
[04:50:42] Alright, I'm on my last mag
[04:50:44] Mag or shit?
[04:50:46] Alright Maker ammo you got
[04:50:48] Last mag
[04:50:52] You guys get any 45 ACP I need?
[04:50:55] Uh, yeah.
[04:50:57] I'll fill it.
[04:50:59] Crazy Ammo Touch by Neal. so so Okay.
[04:51:32] Ugh! I don't know if they're in here or not.
[04:51:41] No key either? What's this box saying, man?
[04:51:45] Wonder if the other guys just got here sooner than we did and they moved all this shit.
[04:51:49] Yeah, cause that was a while ago so it's sweet.
[04:51:51] Nothin'?
[04:51:53] I do have the keyblade already anyway if you wanna do that again.
[04:51:57] Down below is... looks crazy. Anyway, if we want to do that again.
[04:51:58] Down below is the loot's crazy?
[04:52:00] That's the keyblade from here right?
[04:52:03] It should be ahead or something.
[04:52:05] Nobody says so I think so.
[04:52:07] We have to go down below more. You. Okay, you said down below by the boat is the loop?
[04:52:09] Yeah it's way above here just beside something. I'm not gonna slide down because I have uh, expedition gloves so bear with me about that.
[04:52:28] See if you guys don't end up finding the
[04:52:31] key we can still still go get another maker
[04:52:34] i already have a full key oh you do too
[04:52:40] yeah I got a full key at the moment. I can smell some pollution, man.
[04:52:53] It's weird there.
[04:53:01] I'm gonna do that. uh This has been a little bit weak.
[04:53:19] Oh, there's some barracks down here?
[04:53:22] Is this him going out? Oh, there's some barracks down here. No, that's not...
[04:53:23] What are you going to do?
[04:53:24] Is this him going down?
[04:53:26] Yeah, it's him.
[04:53:30] That'd be a crazy place
[04:53:31] to actually find other people.
[04:53:35] Yeah, you'd have to catch them in the window that they're still
[04:53:37] looting because they just teleport the fuck out
[04:53:39] and put some of their random part into the forest.
[04:53:42] Just another thing, Dottie...
[04:53:44] Um, when it teleports us out
[04:53:45] It's not gonna be us next to random forest
[04:53:47] Not near each other
[04:53:49] Really? Yeah, not with each other
[04:53:53] I see you I got ammo for you, or one bullet at least.
[04:53:58] Got a mag for you?
[04:54:00] Yeah, still to see.
[04:54:02] Yep, 5-5-6 is nicer on these parts.
[04:54:09] You can get a gun ghillie if you want it.
[04:54:13] I'm hearing shit. Want a ghillie for your gun?
[04:54:20] Here, take this.
[04:54:23] Yeah yo watch out watch out Oh Oh, he's not showing himself at all this one. Got him.
[04:54:49] Nice, nice.
[04:54:57] You don't find badly damaged
[04:55:13] you don't find down here to really are you like make up for all this the stuff that you lose. You know, dude?
[04:55:15] There's all the duct tape.
[04:55:16] There's all the fucking sewing kits.
[04:55:18] Oh man, oh man.
[04:55:20] That's beautiful. Yeah, it's the same. Come on man, help me out.
[04:55:23] Nice beautiful.
[04:55:32] Where the fuck is all the loot? This shit should be a goddamn plethora of loot.
[04:55:34] Sorry?
[04:55:36] Did he get the ghillie or did he give it to him?
[04:55:38] I gave it to him.
[04:55:40] I don't even know if he noticed. are kind of white yeah he has that on his gun
[04:55:45] like dude these guys should be dropping they're not helping us at all in this Yes bitch
[04:55:59] Give me some fucking leather kids Give me some stuff for the fuck
[04:56:12] You got ammo on this bitch. Yeah...
[04:56:17] Bro, where's all the loot? I remember there being more! A fucking hunter vest? Like, see it's shit like this they need to go back and make sure dumb fucking things like this aren't spawned.
[04:56:37] Who the fuck is taking a hunter vest this far into the game?
[04:56:42] Two of these are spawned down here, you need to make sure the spawns down here
[04:56:45] are fuckin' nutty!
[04:56:47] Not just hunter vests!
[04:56:49] You know, you shouldn't even
[04:56:51] be able to get shit like that,
[04:56:52] like hunter vests, like shitty items.
[04:56:54] Bro, that should not be spawning down here.
[04:56:57] That should be
[04:56:58] completely out of
[04:56:58] the loophole.
[04:56:59] It should be
[04:57:00] nutty stuff
[04:57:01] or replenishing
[04:57:03] things like
[04:57:04] sewing kits
[04:57:04] you know
[04:57:05] and like
[04:57:05] you're getting
[04:57:06] beat up by invisible motherfuck invisible your clothing's gonna be taking a hit
[04:57:11] yeah i went upper level Okay. In this middle area.
[04:57:27] You hear that main channel? Like, you know what I mean, chat?
[04:57:34] You good right?
[04:57:35] Yeah, I'm up on the top here.
[04:57:37] Is there any shit here. There's no loot.
[04:57:39] Like where the fuck is the replenishing loot for getting here?
[04:57:47] I'm thinking maybe it's...
[04:57:48] It's looted
[04:57:52] somebody tell me that
[04:57:56] Hunter best doesn't spawn here. Yeah, but the thing is like
[04:58:03] We were in the maze nobody was shooting that whole time those other guys were like 40 minutes in front of us
[04:58:05] You know I'm saying yeah, yeah
[04:58:08] Yeah
[04:58:11] And they should be shit again. Oh yes sir. Yeah, I guess you shit. We just gotta get out of here. Fuck off I guess, eh?
[04:58:12] Yeah, we just got fucked on this dude. No good loot. Maybe hit this white building up here.
[04:58:16] Hey, how'd we get so shit on here?
[04:58:21] No fucking idea.
[04:58:27] The crates are all they had? Those munitions
[04:58:31] box, yeah maybe they just gotta do the...
[04:58:33] Bro, what?!
[04:58:36] You go all that way and you don't even get a key?!
[04:58:41] I'm glad your fuckin' rea- I'm glad your fucking zombies
[04:58:44] I'm glad your zombies respawn every five fucking minutes
[04:58:46] but your loot is dog shit
[04:58:48] that's great
[04:58:50] That's fucking fantastic.
[04:58:58] Bro, that's...
[04:59:00] ...that's all she wrote isn't it?
[04:59:02] That's it.
[04:59:05] I looted this medical back here. Yeah, let's get out of here I guess
[04:59:07] someone must have looted it before we got here
[04:59:11] You literally went in right after the two guys
[04:59:13] looted this. The loot takes a while to respawn possibly
[04:59:17] even fully set you opened an ammo box
[04:59:22] 15 minute proximity they were like 45 minutes ahead of us
[04:59:32] yeah we got screwed on that i guess i think someone else just
[04:59:35] somehow ahead of us, so I don't really get how.
[04:59:38] Well that's piss poor as fuck!
[04:59:43] That is piss-poor! four. so We gotta go, bro.
[05:00:15] We're done.
[05:00:16] Fucking build it.
[05:00:17] Wait we're not...
[05:00:18] Oh yeah, you're right.
[05:00:20] Uh... where did you guys go?
[05:00:23] By that building you went into?
[05:00:26] Up the big ass ramp brother, big fucking red light.
[05:00:28] I see it, I see it, I see it. How about I was in the opposite side? big fucking red light.
[05:00:31] I bet that was an option, son.
[05:00:35] This dog shit is fucked, bro.
[05:00:37] There's no way this should take that long to fucking respawn and then there's still stuff like this
[05:00:39] sitting around like nah, bro.
[05:00:42] How many of these things that we find out here no one's just taking five
[05:00:44] five six ammo in their group you know what i'm saying this is just dog shit That's just Dr. Luke. Here.
[05:01:11] Huh? Did you see guys before replenished some maker bags, or some maker bullets.
[05:01:16] Only lost a few now.
[05:01:17] A few shots.
[05:01:20] Oh, I got an heat pack!
[05:01:21] Wow, good shit!
[05:01:32] Love the loot down this that's it and have I can't give it... what the hell?
[05:01:36] How do you give it a half? Can you actually?
[05:01:40] Okay.
[05:01:42] Like I said bro, cut it in half.
[05:01:48] Good. I can see you, bro. Cut it in half? Yeah, that was those two fucking dudes man.
[05:01:50] It was just two dudes.
[05:01:52] Okay well, now we're gonna teleport to a random spot.
[05:01:56] Alright, I guess we have to somehow find each other.
[05:02:01] Maybe go to like single tower or something like that?
[05:02:07] I'm hearing gunshots over here, far away
[05:02:09] radio stations are getting behind you this way
[05:02:13] when we get out on the other side hopefully they'll find each other
[05:02:18] maybe shoot in the air
[05:02:22] good luck
[05:02:28] all right Okay. Alright!
[05:02:32] Oh, what's up big dog? Oh you're with me?
[05:02:34] Yeah I'm with you.
[05:02:39] Oh my... Almost fucking killed him.
[05:02:43] There should be a door here somewhere. I right here.
[05:02:51] I guess I forgot, it doesn't just teleport us into the thing.
[05:02:53] Wait, it's supposed to
[05:02:55] teleport us out though bro? We're not
[05:02:57] supposed to be here
[05:03:00] that weren't the fucking where we came in right yeah that's
[05:03:05] i guess you left
[05:03:14] is there an exit area? Yeah, right here. Oh we're good! Okay it's not the same area this is like a back gate no oh yeah yeah we're good
[05:03:18] I'm on top of this thing.
[05:03:20] Ah, damn!
[05:03:22] This is not an exit.
[05:03:24] It might be.
[05:03:26] You gotta go back into this bitch.
[05:03:30] Do you have to redo the maze?
[05:03:31] Shot a car on your way out or something, yeah.
[05:03:33] That doesn't seem right.
[05:03:38] Oh yeah I remember doing this. Yeah this is right.
[05:03:40] I remember this. Let's just put
[05:03:43] us next to the exit.
[05:03:44] You said those guys were ahead of you, right? You didn't kill them?
[05:03:47] Nah, they didn't end up killing them. They
[05:03:48] got through. Remember the original crew that I was trying to
[05:03:51] track? Man, I could have tracked them bro! I had an opportunity
[05:03:53] to kill those guys and I didn't find it
[05:03:57] The amount of shots I'm hearing they might be at
[05:03:59] Rift Tower loot. Oh shit
[05:04:01] That's the tower? Taking skillies out of castle Guess that's the tower? Taking skillies out of the castle.
[05:04:04] Guess that's the tower, everybody sits in.
[05:04:10] Where the fuck do we go now?
[05:04:11] Yeah I guess we're just hugging left?
[05:04:13] What?
[05:04:16] Where's our boy?
[05:04:18] There.
[05:04:20] Hopefully this is the exit right here.
[05:04:22] Huh. Man, this fucking sucks.
[05:04:27] Yeah, didn't even get any fucking loot to make this shit worth bro.
[05:04:31] I came in here and blew bullets.
[05:04:36] And then it doesn't even put us out of the next...
[05:04:38] Okay.
[05:04:44] These guys have heard a shooting inside here too.
[05:04:48] We didn't get followed, nothing. so so so I remember getting teleported out into the forest.
[05:05:36] Most times? The castle and the maze you get teleported in the forest.
[05:05:41] I think so. Oh wait, maybe that was just for the last part. Yeah, I think that's right.
[05:05:48] I should ask for the ending not this....
[05:06:05] That was the...
[05:06:09] You're right, you're right, you're right.
[05:06:20] You got plenty of ammo for other guns, Naughty?
[05:06:24] I have like 30 bullets from my SKS and a full mag from my USJ but that's about it.
[05:06:30] Use the fuck ton of ammo killing all the shit that we killed out there.
[05:06:33] I can give you this DMR and two clips and some ammo.
[05:06:41] We're coming out of an exit. I'm still sitting in that center island, if that's where you guys exited.
[05:06:47] I don't know where we were and I'm assuming it's the same area.
[05:06:51] Not sure.
[05:06:52] If that's the same area or they started a fire down here...
[05:07:07] All of that for no PvP chat. I fucked up! I had that, I had that. All I have to do is not fucking Paul turn on the
[05:07:11] hug riot and I had that.
[05:07:18] Um, yeah this should be you down on this island.
[05:07:22] Yeah, you guys came out right here? Do you have zombies walking around your area?
[05:07:25] No not at all.
[05:07:27] I don't think so anyway.
[05:07:31] Have you guys been to the melee that's out on the island?
[05:07:33] Maybe across the bridge to get to it.
[05:07:35] Are you down there? Brown? I have it.
[05:07:37] Crouching, laying down. I'll shoot. Get up!
[05:07:39] Oh good shot.
[05:07:40] Pretty loaded by the time I was there.
[05:07:41] I can meet one of our other boys right now.
[05:07:43] There's another buddy down here.
[05:07:48] Did he say you needed fire?
[05:07:50] I said, did you guys need it?
[05:07:52] Archon.
[05:07:56] We're showing off our sprinting as we're sprinting against Gaining a South, Matt.
[05:07:58] You know how you probably still have the game if you lose an ETH throw up?
[05:08:01] Nah, I'm gaining.
[05:08:03] Alright let me do this DMR.
[05:08:05] Imma up A-row.
[05:08:06] Hey roll out here!
[05:08:07] What the fuck are you got in there?
[05:08:09] Exactly.
[05:08:11] Got a DMR...
[05:08:15] Yo yo!
[05:08:21] What am I trying to drop for this? If you don't have that much ump ammo, you're not going to find much 45 out here.
[05:08:26] People we kill won't really hold onto 45 either.
[05:08:29] Alright fuck it. we kill won't really hold on to 45 either.
[05:08:30] So... Alright, fuck it.
[05:08:33] That's a striker.
[05:08:34] Not great at this point either.
[05:08:44] There. Maybe a little bit more ammo too.
[05:09:00] Get a little stress chat. I knew I held onto that thing for a reason. Mm-hmm.
[05:09:03] Hand it over.
[05:09:04] That was in my bag, dude.
[05:09:05] I needed some more fucking stamina.
[05:09:08] Completely gone.
[05:09:16] Let me do what I want to do the castle again Jared since we got the key.
[05:09:24] Get another maker. so
[05:09:35] you guys got extra food? Yeah, here.
[05:09:43] I'm Bruce by the way.
[05:09:45] What's up, Bruce? Kevin.
[05:09:47] Nice to meet you, Kevin.
[05:09:49] Hope this isn't human fat that you've been saving forever.
[05:09:53] Yeah, I wouldn't do it like that. It's my last piece though so if you can save me a little nibble, that'd be dope.
[05:09:59] Oh my god.
[05:10:00] Unless your low. If you're like red...
[05:10:01] It was gone when you said that.
[05:10:03] No, I mean just so we don't have to stop and fish for a little bit.
[05:10:08] Yeah...
[05:10:12] Yeah.
[05:10:16] We could try to get another maker if you want to but it's gonna be a lot of bullets.
[05:10:19] Do you guys have an IG star kit?
[05:10:23] I got like 100 for the Maker, just the same.
[05:10:27] It's all sniper ammo is what we have basically. I got like a hundred for the nature. Just the same.
[05:10:28] It's all sniper ammo, is what we have basically.
[05:10:32] Which is fine.
[05:10:35] Yeah if we've got four people...
[05:10:59] ...all shooting at sniper shot should kill most things Oh shit, you got the fucking plate I've been looking for. Alright, um...
[05:11:05] I guess let's go like
[05:11:12] Let's make here like southwest I think.
[05:11:20] Yeah, there are definitely people here too. Gunshots.
[05:11:21] Do we want to get heat buff before we go?
[05:11:23] Or find a spot, get heat buff?
[05:11:27] Can't do it in the hurry.
[05:11:35] All these houses have fireplaces, they don't want you to light a fire.
[05:11:50] Um... we don't wanna be on this wall, we wanna be on the other side. Not a lot of
[05:11:50] PvP out here, but yeah yeah I did get shot at earlier.
[05:11:53] I'm not gonna go engage with somebody who's just sitting in a fucking bush doing nothing, huh?
[05:11:57] I better try to fuckin' fight someone in the tree. Yeah, so I think I only ended up using like a few shots there.
[05:12:15] So everybody was trying to make ram on me.
[05:12:18] Yeah let's maybe go to single tower?
[05:12:21] And single towers right next to the ending area
[05:12:24] so we'll just figure out if we can
[05:12:25] i want expedition gear yeah me too i look like shit got red beige camo green so I'm going to go ahead and get some more water. Alright.
[05:13:21] Two more of those. I think we're going south here. Sorry, this place is so fucking big I was gonna throw a circle down the stupid thing.
[05:13:47] Does it make sense why their entrance is against one of the walls instead of like in-
[05:13:54] Like inland, you know?
[05:13:56] Have you ever tried Deer Isle, Jared?
[05:13:58] One of them is.
[05:14:00] Uh yeah I didn't find anybody for a very long time, so I was like fuck this.
[05:14:02] It kind of feels like what we're doing now.
[05:14:05] Yeah?
[05:14:06] I guess there's a big progression on that map,
[05:14:07] getting a bear ghillie suit and key cards
[05:14:11] and all sorts of stuff.
[05:14:13] Like, you really long progression to get something.
[05:14:16] But yeah if your not fighting anybody the whole time
[05:14:19] then it kinda sucks right?
[05:14:21] I don't even know about progression.
[05:14:23] You got me? Yeah.
[05:14:25] A guy told me it took him like two weeks of
[05:14:27] getting stuff together and stashing
[05:14:29] somewhere... dying, resetting
[05:14:31] getting his stash to get all the progression together.
[05:14:36] Not crazy.
[05:14:38] Yeah, might be something
[05:14:40] cool to do but again if there's nobody
[05:14:42] on the server then you're really just going
[05:14:43] to do that progression i mean how many people will be on the
[05:14:46] server i think i think your allies are sort of
[05:14:48] props yeah sure 100 well it's a gigantic map I heard.
[05:14:54] Yeah, it's pretty big.
[05:15:26] Oh! so I'm gonna make sure that gunshot. I did not hear one.
[05:15:34] I think they heard a little left in the man. What direction is this though?
[05:15:38] This is west.
[05:15:41] Why are these guys west?
[05:15:45] Let's find out, there might be some other military stuff I don't know about here
[05:15:52] No? Maybe a little to the right of them
[05:15:56] Wait, they're behind us?
[05:15:59] Those shots are behind us.
[05:16:01] Yeah, it's this direction.
[05:16:04] That's peace.
[05:16:06] Let's go this way.
[05:16:09] Might be fighting a bear, might be in trouble.
[05:16:13] Hey man we need an E buff. Let's go into these trees real quick and grab one.
[05:16:17] I'll know that they are east-northeast.
[05:16:26] Everybody get next to me.
[05:16:36] What the fuck did those do?
[05:16:40] Did someone pick up that bar?
[05:16:42] Wanna pick up my fucking
[05:16:43] bar?
[05:16:45] Yeah, base, I thought you were dropping it so you didn't get me to fire.
[05:16:47] You're a freaking idiot.
[05:16:49] Number one rule, man.
[05:16:51] Never grab someone else's bar. When you split your stack... idiot number one rule bad never grab
[05:16:51] someone else's part when you split your
[05:16:53] stacks yeah it drops on the fucking
[05:16:56] floor you doofus
[05:16:57] yes okay I didn't know you split bitch
[05:16:59] what the fuck do you think I'm doing
[05:17:01] I thought you wanted me to make the fire
[05:17:03] no I don't need anybody makes a fucking fire I don't like a fire well because
[05:17:07] how do you shut the fuck up it's crabs the fuckin shit off the floor.
[05:17:13] Yeah, what the fuck?
[05:17:17] I'm gonna go for a quick smoke cause that's cool with you guys.
[05:17:20] Unless he's just trying to...
[05:17:22] We got sticks in there Jerry. Be quick brother be quick. Unless you're just trying to... Go ahead, man.
[05:17:24] We got sticks in there Jerry. Be quick brother!
[05:17:25] Yeah yeah.
[05:17:27] Yeah no worries.
[05:17:30] Don't worry bro people don't fucking hang out on this side of the map right?
[05:17:33] We're the only ones here.
[05:17:35] You could sit here in a fire
[05:17:37] the entirety of the day and nobody would see you
[05:17:41] Yeah yeah for sure
[05:17:49] You need to chill the fuck out yeah I'm Jill you being extra sassy today you mean sassy today I will accidentally best pop you right in your fucking face
[05:17:54] okay and I'll kill you on purpose now what accidentally dust pop you right in your fucking face. You understand?
[05:17:55] Okay, and I'll kill you on purpose.
[05:17:57] Now what?
[05:17:58] Fuck man, you'd be dead already so now what?
[05:18:01] Your gun is about to jam.
[05:18:02] You're actually pretty lucky that you made it out here with the ball sack set that you had.
[05:18:06] Excuse me? What? You're pretty lucky you made it out here with the ball sack set that you had.
[05:18:08] What?
[05:18:11] I made it out here...
[05:18:14] ...I did what I have to do. i got five kills on this fucking life
[05:18:19] i did everything from start to finish you good
[05:18:27] i did everything by topic advantage.
[05:18:29] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:18:31] While you were over here camping for hours.
[05:18:33] Do you have a sewing kit Kevin?
[05:18:35] Oh of course! You used my whole sewing kit I gave you huh? Oh of course, you used my whole sewing kit I gave you huh? You need duct tape
[05:18:40] huh? You need more supplies. Yeah I do. Take some good tape man. I've been out here man!
[05:18:45] I've been out here man. There's no goodpe man. I'm trying to get to you.
[05:18:48] I got it!
[05:18:49] I got it!
[05:18:51] Jared, no because we just have all of his stuff and I keep this forever?
[05:18:55] One of you is dying if I get shot.
[05:18:57] Yeah, go ahead and keep it man.
[05:18:59] Why are you
[05:19:00] burning it in the fire?
[05:19:02] If you get shot he's got a maker. You're just dead.
[05:19:04] It doesn't fix it.
[05:19:06] That doesn't fix Expedition.
[05:19:08] What about the telling kit?
[05:19:12] Yeah, it does. all right here i'm taking something okay give me another thing that's right there you might talk take back yeah because i gave
[05:19:16] her this is a second fucking thing i gave him someone keeps on the ground little bro
[05:19:21] yeah well i can't i didn't want to like crawl across the fucking fire but i've
[05:19:24] done that a couple times it doesn't work out for me
[05:19:29] little bro hello Lil bro?
[05:19:32] Lil bro.
[05:19:38] By the way, this guy takes smokes in just like ten minutes so...
[05:19:40] He's back.
[05:19:45] Hold on, do you know this guy from before?
[05:19:48] Is he the guy I asked if he smoked tobacco or weed?
[05:19:51] You ask somebody that today?
[05:19:53] No, wasn't I asking one of our guys that.
[05:19:55] You smoking the tobacco or you smoking the weed, man?
[05:19:57] He's smoking weed.
[05:19:58] The ganja, bro.
[05:20:00] Oh, okay, okay.
[05:20:04] We got a heat buff, we got the high buff, you guys ready? The back is nasty though. I don't have a heat buff yet.
[05:20:12] ... I
[05:20:24] Got here both no yeah exactly. found a gun No, yeah Exactly
[05:20:25] I found a guy
[05:20:27] On Deer Isle
[05:20:28] Like this guy said
[05:20:28] Gray Mouser
[05:20:29] Thanks brother
[05:20:30] He's after about
[05:20:31] Four hours
[05:20:32] And the guy
[05:20:32] Offed himself
[05:20:33] Right in front of him
[05:20:34] Yeah
[05:20:34] And I was like, fuck this.
[05:20:36] Yeah, I remember that.
[05:20:38] We all buffed up heat-wise?
[05:20:41] No.
[05:20:42] We fucking buffed up
[05:20:44] this way!
[05:20:46] We heard the gunshots this way.
[05:20:48] Let's see if there is anything special over here.
[05:20:54] There are a couple of dope militaries
[05:20:56] and one to our left. Oh, you remember that guy There's a couple of dope militaries.
[05:20:57] One to our left.
[05:21:00] Oh, you know where that is? Let's go there then.
[05:21:02] He's getting those ones.
[05:21:04] Yeah, there's a couple of them.
[05:21:07] Perfect. That's what we're looking for.
[05:21:16] Looking for military, so we're looking for gunshots. Gunshots were pretty far, so I'll take the military over here.
[05:21:18] Yeah, yeah. Seems like everybody in this game has a fucking six cents dude of where they're heading and
[05:21:33] I am fucking dumb as shit. Like, where? How do I get to that big, Brubber?
[05:21:40] Is this side of the map like, big or no?
[05:21:44] It's smaller than the other side. This is about 20% of the map, I'd say.
[05:21:49] Okay okay okay... percent of the map, I'd say. Right? Oh okay, okay, okay.
[05:21:54] Um...
[05:21:55] But it feels fucking big out here to be honest.
[05:21:57] It feels like we can find people.
[05:22:00] That's the thing. I was very surprised to see that guy that I killed
[05:22:07] with, The Maker, like just hang... Yeah.. Running along the trees.
[05:22:15] You know how little action we get?
[05:22:18] I'm definitely not getting any because you're just gonna fucking hit them with a maker.
[05:22:23] Uh, maybe. I I mean you know how that goes out here
[05:22:25] it could be a group of two three four
[05:22:29] which is about right in first place yeah
[05:22:33] But i can't charge in either because then I'll just be dead.
[05:22:37] That's what happened to Bosh yesterday.
[05:22:39] He was too eager for some PvP and he said,
[05:22:41] Yeah, he was being aggressive. I was also being aggressive with
[05:22:44] him and I got fucked up too so
[05:22:46] yeah. Well, I guess I was the most
[05:22:48] shot person right now.
[05:22:50] I guess I did try to do it
[05:22:52] in the first place.
[05:22:54] I'm called up a little bit
[05:22:56] uh...
[05:23:01] except for the part of that a little farther than I thought. so What is this video?
[05:23:32] Summit Hotboxes the dog.
[05:23:36] That dude does look just like me, it's fucking crazy. I'm not biased at all.
[05:24:27] That dude does look just like me, it's fucking crazy. so so so Oh, I wonder if that guy knows about you. I don't know man.
[05:24:32] I wonder if we're gonna see other fucking humans out here dude? so Oh, lifts! Nice. Grab some the next fucking days off man. Hell yeah.
[05:25:00] Fuck dear. I like to hear it. so so Yeah, Banzai.
[05:25:46] You are stuck in this area and it's not a lot of PvP so far.
[05:25:51] I don't think-I've never been to where he's going, I don't think.
[05:26:21] There you go. The Heli-Crasher group. Stay on my toes the best I can though. Damn, I've never been to this...wait!
[05:26:25] Wait, is this a pilotaire?
[05:26:28] I don't see pillars.
[05:26:32] I've never seen...yeah there's no water around the
[05:26:36] pilotaire, it's no water around here. I stepped in it.
[05:26:38] I've never actually been to this one.
[05:26:46] I've only been to...
[05:26:52] that was like this with a bunch of pillars and stairs.
[05:26:53] Where Nottie got geared.
[05:26:56] Mm-hmm... Oh! I fell!
[05:26:58] Into the water
[05:27:07] uh I can't even... I can't even
[05:27:11] hold ultimate behind me because this backpack's too big.
[05:27:17] Can you not get up over there?
[05:27:19] Can you not, can you not get up over there? Can you not get up over there?
[05:27:21] Oh, you're good. Holy shit!
[05:27:23] Little ass arms.
[05:27:27] Damn yeah that's fucking me though
[05:27:29] I gotta ring out when i get up there.
[05:27:32] Come on!
[05:27:34] Heat bus went off. There's a lot of zombies here?
[05:27:55] A lot of zombies. They're just shooting them, right?
[05:28:05] I mean that was probably the play.
[05:28:08] Somebody have silence?
[05:28:11] I do but I am getting my heat buff back downstairs and trying to draw off a bit.
[05:28:28] Well, I'm just going to shooting these zombies in the face.
[05:28:36] You're shooting zombies, you're shooting zombies, shooting zombies. I guess you're crazy. The thing about this is
[05:28:40] everybody hears everything.
[05:28:44] Might be dead here chat., you go for it though. I got the most bullets in this, bro.
[05:29:08] Why didn't you guys just climb something and beat them all up?
[05:29:11] Nothing to climb with that.
[05:29:12] Because it would take a really long time because there's like
[05:29:14] 20 of them.
[05:29:16] That's you guys.
[05:29:18] Man. I'll go get you guys.
[05:29:23] Damn, am I really gonna be able to use all these bullets at some point in time dude?
[05:29:26] But you are going to hurt your gun over time that's for sure.
[05:29:50] And weapon repairs or weapon cleanings are not common in the herd.... I don't know. I don't know what he's running. Running an awg and, I think an awg. Yeah, that's a nice one.
[05:29:51] That was a good one.
[05:29:52] That was a really good one.
[05:29:53] Yeah, it was a pretty good one.
[05:29:54] Yeah, yeah.
[05:29:55] It was a very good run.
[05:29:56] Yeah, it was a great run.
[05:29:57] Yeah, it was a great run.
[05:29:58] Yeah, it was a great run.
[05:29:59] Yeah, it was a great run.
[05:30:00] Yeah, it was a great run. Yeah, it was a great run. Yeah, it was a great run. I don't know. I don't know what he's running.
[05:30:01] Running an AUG and, I think an AUG...
[05:30:03] I don't know what the fuck he's running.
[05:30:05] What did you say his name was?
[05:30:07] Bruce.
[05:30:15] Is that a spring? I'm gonna go to the other side. Man, Helicrash, he has my final key shit.
[05:30:20] The key thing...
[05:30:21] He has loot in his hand. might find a key shit.
[05:30:25] Key thingy... You guys loot the zombies?
[05:30:29] Zombies in the big bed.
[05:30:33] That was an ammo box there, dude with a smoke grenade and explosive grenade.
[05:30:36] Is this thing going to your gun?
[05:30:40] Ummm, no that doesn't-that doesn't have another gun though.
[05:30:42] Thank you. Padley damage I'll take the maker ammo.
[05:30:44] Yeah yeah.
[05:30:46] Just two bullets.
[05:30:48] Did you end up taking that piece?
[05:30:50] Sure.
[05:30:52] I think uh... You just blew upondy hit a mine.
[05:30:54] You just blew up onto a mine?
[05:30:56] Yup.
[05:30:57] Did he duck out?
[05:30:58] Yeah.
[05:31:00] I literally walked over it earlier and didn't blow up,
[05:31:02] I thought it was just a mine on the ground
[05:31:04] then I walked over it again and it blew me up.
[05:31:07] I should have tried that second time after you saw it...
[05:31:10] Because I thought it was like I can pick it up!
[05:31:12] Yeah, you can. You've got to get close to it and click tab.
[05:31:16] Yeah but I thought it was like one of those mines...
[05:31:18] You can't really pick it up though if its sad.
[05:31:21] You have to go for a disarm.
[05:31:22] I see ya.
[05:31:25] I picked up one earlier, bro.
[05:31:27] I walked over it twice.
[05:31:31] No.
[05:31:32] Gotcha.
[05:31:34] I got broken bones.
[05:31:36] Yeah, you look pretty... I got broken bones.
[05:31:39] Yeah, you look pretty fucked up.
[05:31:42] We need rags... what?
[05:31:45] Three or four rags and uh...
[05:31:47] I've knocked out five ofags. Knocked out. Yeah, your blood's probably bleeding.
[05:31:48] Yeah you can't move.
[05:31:50] If you're gonna lock it the whole control.
[05:31:52] Okay well...
[05:31:54] I'm getting sticks right now for ya.
[05:31:56] I got sticks already.
[05:31:59] Oh yeah so do I actually.
[05:32:03] I walked over it! What the fuck? Then it blew up in a second.
[05:32:05] Jesus ass. They're janky.
[05:32:12] Ooh, hellooo everybody!
[05:32:15] There's a tactical helmet in there that looks good.
[05:32:17] It's like somebody just found one here and then just set it somewhere dude.
[05:32:22] Probably just brought that one...
[05:32:24] Maybe!
[05:32:25] Then brought it all the way to the other side?
[05:32:27] That'd be a weird spot to set it if If you brought it from the other side, I mean...
[05:32:31] Fuck me!
[05:32:35] Are your boots ruined too? From that?
[05:32:37] Ooh, explosive grenade inside-
[05:32:39] Uh for a grenade launcher.
[05:32:43] This alley.
[05:32:44] So maybe they did find it at this alley?
[05:32:48] Yeah man.
[05:32:50] KAM drum mag here.
[05:32:53] You know I got the key piece.
[05:32:56] You found a key piece there?
[05:32:57] Uh yeah, come on.
[05:32:59] It's in this black box.
[05:33:01] Yeah let me look at it and see if I can find an SKS
[05:33:03] I just wanna empty the ammo on it
[05:33:07] Gotta keep your stuff in the helicopter
[05:33:11] You said it was at the heli? Yeah, it's in a black box at the heli.
[05:33:13] It's the headpiece.
[05:33:14] You need the tail now from the maze.
[05:33:19] Oh I see the box.
[05:33:21] Yeah, I got both.
[05:33:23] Brode! I see the box. Yeah, I got both.
[05:33:25] Bro,
[05:33:26] no way.
[05:33:27] You putting them together now?
[05:33:29] Yeah,
[05:33:29] yeah,
[05:33:31] but this is... So on that other life
[05:33:32] this dude found
[05:33:33] that key piece.
[05:33:35] That's what I was telling you about.
[05:33:36] Have you ever heard of this old key piece?
[05:33:38] We found it on the other side of the map.
[05:33:40] Yeah, I don't think that progresses.
[05:33:43] No, no.
[05:33:44] On the south side of the map we found it like just in a random house.
[05:33:47] What?
[05:33:48] Like a wood log cabin. Yeah dude!
[05:33:50] Oh I remember you telling me that!
[05:33:52] Yeah I was like do you know what this is for?
[05:33:55] And you were like... Someone must have brought that back.
[05:33:58] That doesn't make sense.
[05:34:00] It was just sitting in a house
[05:34:01] and my teammate found it
[05:34:03] and he was like,
[05:34:03] Have you seen this before?
[05:34:04] I was like,
[05:34:04] No dude,
[05:34:05] What the fuck is that
[05:34:05] that's hella weird bro yeah it is
[05:34:10] well now you came for some gear you left with less
[05:34:16] um i mean i'm chilling the only thing that broke was my backpack but
[05:34:20] my um i just need to split bro oh wait you guys like this
[05:34:25] no nobody did whoops I don't know what to find. No, nobody's in there.
[05:34:28] We're sitting here trying to hide the fucking guy.
[05:34:30] You're just letting Addy chill here for 30 minutes?
[05:34:32] Yeah.
[05:34:34] I heard you say, alright, I got bandages and stuff.
[05:34:36] Okay never mind. Use yours.
[05:34:44] Yo Bruce come take this landmine out of my hands and put it somewhere I'm working.
[05:34:49] Are those just the Mosins sitting on the ground over here too? Or did Bruce swap his shit out?
[05:34:53] Maybe. Bruce, did you swap your Mosin for that X-Pen over there?
[05:34:57] For the SVD.
[05:35:02] Oh because there was an SK here I just unloaded and now there's a Mosin on the ground where the
[05:35:04] SK was. Just to make it so you can walk without holding control
[05:35:06] now without feinting but uh
[05:35:08] Nah I dropped the Mosin.
[05:35:11] You did drop the Mosin?
[05:35:13] Okay well the SK has been somewhere else then.
[05:35:46] Alright. We're kinda stuck here for Pimp Nadia's stuff and legs. There's an M1 over here, well a KA-101. That's the 5.56 that we can't really spare, right?
[05:35:48] Is that a magazine?
[05:35:51] I don't know but it does look like one.
[05:35:59] Yeah? Yeah it does, we got him. Still confused where I dropped this fucking SK now...
[05:36:21] There it is. Control Pants in here with the heat pack that's ruined. Come on, let's hear it for us.
[05:36:23] Yeah, that's why I blew up on the landmine because they set their ship.
[05:36:27] Alright, guess that makes sense.
[05:36:29] Guess I should have put that together when you guys bought a land mine like hey someone is here of course.
[05:36:35] Oh, I'm cold, I need to get on hold so I can heal up.
[05:36:40] What?
[05:36:41] I'm cold and I'm like losing HP.
[05:36:44] You are a sneaky guy actually guy, aren't you?
[05:36:47] Me in the same spot Noddy. I can come drop a fire right here.
[05:36:49] Alright, come over here. Come to the center.
[05:36:52] Coming. Lifting my booty sheets over there.
[05:36:54] Right here, right here, right here.
[05:36:57] On me, on me.
[05:36:59] Get your fucking replenish on heat bath.
[05:37:05] It's a rag-tag group of motherfuckers right here, not to say that much.
[05:37:10] Rag tag.
[05:37:12] Where is our boy?
[05:37:15] Uh...
[05:37:17] Oh man you're out on the other side of the princesses and you have a rag-tag. I don't know what it is.
[05:37:21] Oh man, you're right here on the other side of the process and you have a red magpie.
[05:37:23] It's ruined, I need a new one.
[05:37:27] You've needed a new one since you got overheard it?
[05:37:29] Yeah but what the fuck are you gonna do? i came over to fucking summit's big ass head at the maze because he was running on the main 85 times and getting
[05:37:34] shot bring my mason i didn't know that there was a drum over there i guess it's for my ak i don't know if ak had a drone
[05:37:46] yeah aka does have a, which is pretty cool. Yeah, I'm gonna go grab that shit.
[05:37:52] That's for KAM, we got to have KAM specifically.
[05:37:56] Oh okay, well still do the ammo from it I guess.
[05:38:00] 7-6-2 So we'll do the ammo from it, I guess. 760?
[05:38:03] No no. The black ammo?
[05:38:05] No that's the 54539.
[05:38:07] That one has black ammo.
[05:38:10] Oh does it? Well the 760 is for my SK then right?
[05:38:13] That's what its for. Alright I have heat buff and your guys are good
[05:38:21] We'll get to wait anyways, right?
[05:38:23] Cause I can...
[05:38:24] Cause John has a...
[05:38:25] He doesn't want you to see the landmine clip.
[05:38:26] How long does it take for that shit to go away?
[05:38:31] It'll be fixed.
[05:38:32] 15 minutes. I should go away. Don't be a fake.
[05:38:32] 15 minutes?
[05:38:40] Did you end up taking that blaze, Jared?
[05:38:42] I'm just gonna head by a mine.
[05:38:46] You just blew upon it to a mine dude?
[05:38:50] Well we done got away, I've got some codeine pills
[05:38:52] I'll be fine.
[05:39:00] So apparently that key spawns... it's called the Lore House? Apparently, question happened there are currently 26 people stepping on a bear trap
[05:39:04] Radio is going on?
[05:39:05] They all wanted some water from the fountain, right dude?
[05:39:07] Someone had to admit it, right?
[05:39:09] Thank you, Ulfris
[05:39:11] thank you Maxwell, appreciate it guys
[05:39:13] Oh man.
[05:39:24] What's the fucking plan here fellas?
[05:39:27] We have to wait like 10 minutes for Nyan.
[05:39:31] I just told you man we could go, I got codeine pills, I'll be fine.
[05:39:35] He can jog I got codeine pills, I'll be fine.
[05:39:39] He can jog.
[05:39:42] Take the codeine pills right now.
[05:39:47] You have a morphine?
[05:39:50] No.
[05:39:54] Let's see how fast you can run.
[05:39:57] Show us.
[05:40:03] Flash, slow down dude!
[05:40:10] Alright you guys wanna get out of here now? With him like that or do you want to wait for his leg to fix?
[05:40:13] What do ya think guys?
[05:40:21] Uhh we're gonna need some food here soon or? How's your guys' food? I'm white.
[05:40:23] White.
[05:40:24] Yeah, I'm white as well.
[05:40:28] Okay, um that means luck.
[05:40:31] Gonna have to make up the miles anyway right?
[05:40:39] Man let's see Got you, Jared.
[05:40:46] Yeah let's just go to that other military one then we'll worry about food after that.
[05:40:49] You don't need the 308 ammo, Jared?
[05:40:52] Um... no.
[05:40:57] I've completely given up on all snipers except for the maker.
[05:41:01] Yes, probably.
[05:41:26] Naughty? Yeah. I can't go faster. We're all worried about a fire smoke. I want you to... Yeah, Drew.
[05:41:30] I just wanna say for the record,
[05:41:34] I had a landmine in my backpack as well
[05:41:36] as two grenades on my vest.
[05:41:38] I should have blown up four times.
[05:41:41] When they're on your vest
[05:41:42] I don't think they take damage
[05:41:45] As much as chat has told me otherwise...
[05:41:49] I've never, listen
[05:41:51] I always have grenades on my playcarry
[05:41:53] and that's never blowing me up.
[05:41:56] Not once.
[05:41:56] But if you have it inside of your chest
[05:41:59] or inside of something,
[05:42:01] I think you will blow the fuck up.
[05:42:03] I had the landmine in my backpack
[05:42:04] like a different one
[05:42:11] Yeah shit talking the red back that kind of saved my fucking life it's crazy because a zombie can fucking blow your ass up, you know what I mean?
[05:42:20] Yeah.
[05:42:21] I already gave Bruce the fucking landmine and made him take that shit.
[05:42:26] Yeah,
[05:42:27] that happened two days ago,
[05:42:28] Jared.
[05:42:28] I had the gas canister
[05:42:29] and I thought
[05:42:30] I got shot
[05:42:30] like zombies
[05:42:31] were punching me
[05:42:31] and I fucking
[05:42:32] went down
[05:42:33] and I was like
[05:42:34] who's right in this tree
[05:42:35] that shot me?
[05:42:37] Gas canister in my bag.
[05:42:39] Oh. Like,
[05:42:40] in my t-shirt. Zombies
[05:42:42] punched it and blew it up.
[05:42:46] Yeah,
[05:42:47] you don't wanna fuck with that. Lyric used to do this thing where
[05:42:49] he'd get a canister
[05:42:51] and he knew how many times
[05:42:53] that he would have to hit a wall with it
[05:42:55] so he knew
[05:42:57] on the last hit when it was gonna blow up.
[05:43:00] So you'd walk up to people and just fucking BOP!
[05:43:02] You know what I mean? It would blow up...
[05:43:04] He'd hit him with it?
[05:43:05] Yeah.
[05:43:06] He'd punch him with a casket and such like that?
[05:43:10] Well, I thought you were gonna be like...
[05:43:11] Well, let him blow up? It's like...
[05:43:14] That's funny as fuck.
[05:43:15] I thought he was going to be like,
[05:43:16] Hey! Put this in your shirt.
[05:43:18] Like just go fucking be friendly.
[05:43:20] Pick up his gas canister for me and then punch him once. Just go clean and be friendly. Nades on Vestor not low up will most SCK.
[05:43:23] Something like that...
[05:43:24] Anyways, you guys ready to run player?
[05:43:25] What the hell are we doing here?
[05:43:26] Yeah, you lead the way-
[05:43:27] Oh where's our dude?
[05:43:29] He just fell in the water over here I thought thought I saw him jump in the water for some reason.
[05:43:33] Oh yeah, that's right.
[05:43:35] You good?
[05:43:37] Yeah, yeah, I need to go for a little swim there.
[05:43:41] Oh no, they're shipped.
[05:43:45] Let's get this out of the military and when your EPO falls off you gotta refuel it.
[05:43:51] I have one more bar.
[05:43:54] I got dark on me.
[05:43:58] Oh, where do you PvP? I'm stuck out here!
[05:44:00] I have reason to believe my character will never die.
[05:44:04] Heh!
[05:44:06] That's called famous last words, okay?
[05:44:11] My character is just gonna...
[05:44:13] My character is just going to have a name that have like 45 bullets one day.
[05:44:18] I think we just killed Addy.
[05:44:23] Have the power to take your life.
[05:44:25] Fuck, I totally forgot about John
[05:44:35] Take my fucking life that shit should be done like six minutes or something. Oh, you're John now? You changed your name?
[05:44:37] Yeah I'm John.
[05:44:39] Hey man what'd ya say?
[05:44:42] Come on John, go make it.
[05:44:44] I'm coming, I'm coming.
[05:44:47] Yeah, someone doesn't want me using Rami anymore.
[05:44:49] Oh no? That's not true!
[05:44:51] You said last time if I used
[05:44:53] Rami you would've shot me.
[05:44:55] I don't remember why I said that, but there wasn't any other reason.
[05:44:57] There's a reason not just because...
[05:44:59] He would know it was you and wants to shoot you specifically.
[05:45:05] Yes, stop pretending you know me. Uh-huh You got a stepper tail, you dummy.
[05:45:07] Uh-huh.
[05:45:10] I've never met this man in my life.
[05:45:13] Hey yo, uh...
[05:45:17] Here it is.
[05:45:19] Pauls in...
[05:45:24] Sagaliser, I have no idea how to say your name man.
[05:45:28] You're fuckin in, baby.
[05:45:29] Thank you so much for the donation.
[05:45:30] I appreciate you.
[05:45:31] Wait, let's see it.
[05:45:31] Pause in the channel.
[05:45:37] Yo, RealWazir, thanks so much, brother-man, for the Prime sub that she's using here, brother. Yo, RealWazir thanks so much brother man for the Prime sub. Thanks for using that here brother.
[05:45:41] Yo Harker G Smash Boom thanks for the reads on this. Appreciate you dudes.
[05:45:47] Donalation.
[05:45:57] I think maze is the best pvp spot in this uh,
[05:46:00] this part of the map.
[05:46:02] Just wait out there until you hear some no-jumps.
[05:46:04] That first military to the left, there?
[05:46:07] You like that one we were looking at? Are you talking about the...
[05:46:10] ...pilitary? The ones with pillars? Are you talking about the uh, uh, PILOTARY?
[05:46:12] The one with the pillars?
[05:46:14] Yeah.
[05:46:18] I've had some- couple good fights there.
[05:46:20] Yeeeah... I haven't gotten anybody to fight on there Yeah...
[05:46:25] I haven't gotten anybody fired there, any fights yet.
[05:46:28] Found like four times.
[05:46:32] Well that's surprising, usually heli crashes straight into those there.
[05:46:35] What is that?
[05:46:38] Just so there are not enough people on the other side.
[05:46:40] Not enough people to make it through passage.
[05:46:42] That's rough.
[05:46:46] Yeah, I think maybe not enough people make it through passage, right?
[05:46:48] Pretty tough for people still.
[05:46:51] They're gonna make good decisions, you know,
[05:46:52] make it all the way there and... I bro people make it to lansing on fucking them
[05:46:56] I fucking made it. Yeah, if i made a motherfucking can't make it make it man
[05:47:01] My next one i'm gonna speed run this shit solo
[05:47:03] I'm just going to straight to the military.
[05:47:04] Straight to passage and try to kill somebody.
[05:47:08] Mmm...
[05:47:10] Hopefully it's you not him.
[05:47:12] Okay.
[05:47:14] You guys are like 10 miles ahead?
[05:47:17] Hell yeah!
[05:47:22] Eileen over there...
[05:47:27] I'm going over here.
[05:47:29] That's called a sniper's nightmare right there, dude.
[05:47:33] Bobbing and weaving every time he takes a step.
[05:47:37] Yeah, nobody can kill me right now. Hold onto that for a minute though. Not to second but I'm down because we're in kind of dangerous position
[05:47:41] But hold on to that clip for me, I wanna watch it.
[05:47:45] That is crazy that was wild
[05:47:50] i swear just saw something don't play with my heart man
[05:47:55] it's sensitive
[05:47:58] you thought you saw a pretty guy grab him here
[05:48:01] yeah we should it should be done soon eventually just started running quick.
[05:48:15] I'm surprised we haven't seen a bear yet on this side dude, I had to run with three bears and
[05:48:17] I haven't fucking seen one since I was you know what's nice about the bear?
[05:48:22] When I heard about the bear, I ran at that motherfucker like
[05:48:24] Yo! Free me!
[05:48:26] And all I have to do is one tap that shit
[05:48:28] Oh, with the maker? that, that shit with the maker. Oh, with the maker?
[05:48:31] Yeah, that's true.
[05:48:33] Kinda nice!
[05:48:35] I was like should i go fish right now? Then I heard the bear.
[05:48:37] And then I was like man, I'm gonna have to dump a lot of bullets in this thing.
[05:48:41] I was like use the fucking maker!
[05:48:42] Oh yeah!
[05:48:45] How do you have a one-tap weapon? You know what's funny is
[05:48:47] you're supposed to pick up the maker and use it
[05:48:49] on the queen that spawns at the end oh yeah we just got this
[05:48:52] shit out of a normal ball soon
[05:48:56] is there thing behind you guys green don't let the thing hit me the
[05:49:01] green one will poison me.
[05:49:06] Hit him again.
[05:49:08] HIT HIM AGAIN!
[05:49:15] Guys, are you for real?
[05:49:17] You guys can't be serious.
[05:49:19] I hit my shots!
[05:49:21] No, you didn't because it only takes two to kill it bitch!
[05:49:24] Nah okay I shot three and I hit two bitch fuck who am I gonna do that?
[05:49:28] No you didn't no you didn't!
[05:49:29] I did! I was the one that just killed him!
[05:49:31] Listen bro you hit two after you missed it!
[05:49:35] Never mind, bro.
[05:49:39] That's crazy how it works against that guy. The stronger opponent.
[05:49:45] Excuse me. Listen I have a stronger opponent. Excuse me, Listen, I have a fucking bot and clips bitch
[05:49:47] Okay? I hit my shots
[05:49:49] You know what dude if you get the pox antidote
[05:49:51] I'm gonna charge your whole gear set for it
[05:49:53] For the pox antidote.
[05:49:58] I do have the pox antidote
[05:49:58] by the way,
[05:49:59] Jerry.
[05:50:00] So do I.
[05:50:01] See how he just
[05:50:02] hit him with two
[05:50:02] Mosin shots
[05:50:03] and he died?
[05:50:04] That's crazy.
[05:50:04] Hmm?
[05:50:05] I have a VOD. I have a fucking VOD. Hmm. I have a VOD, I have a fucking
[05:50:07] VOD. I shot three
[05:50:09] bullets, I hit two. Nobody else
[05:50:11] hit their shots.
[05:50:13] I didn't shoot because I didn't want to hit Jared
[05:50:15] because he was looking in him away the whole time.
[05:50:17] Yeah, let's heat buff. Heat buff, heat buff.
[05:50:23] Can we go in this? Yeah.
[05:50:25] We can't do it here. No no no no.
[05:50:29] Why? Is it working in this one?
[05:50:29] Maybe not.
[05:50:33] Because when I was here the first time, bro,
[05:50:35] we tried like eight different of these fireplaces and wouldn't let you place in there.
[05:50:37] Yeah, well listen...
[05:50:39] You just gotta be a professional daisy player.
[05:50:41] Well shut the fuck up dude!
[05:50:45] Takes about 3000 hours for you to do that.
[05:50:47] We definitely fixed it though. But It did not work before.
[05:50:51] How much meat did you get off the barrel when you one tapped it?
[05:50:58] Basically was it more than one?
[05:51:00] Four or five pieces.
[05:51:04] One?!
[05:51:06] Yeah cause we fucking had to use like full AK clips
[05:51:08] Oh that's right yeah and one tapping uh yeah i got like three or four
[05:51:12] three steak two fat
[05:51:16] so i guess that bear is kind of like the maker's made for
[05:51:18] that bear basically it's the Bear Assassinator out here.
[05:51:21] Yeti.
[05:51:22] The Bear Sporter.
[05:51:26] Bear Necessities.
[05:51:28] Shut the fuck up, dude.
[05:51:29] What? What I thought we were going with...
[05:51:32] You thought we were doing bear puns?
[05:51:34] Yeah.
[05:51:40] You guys are terrible with memory.
[05:51:43] Alright, Zach P., let me tell you exactly what you said in your last message.
[05:51:47] Wait did you not put any sticks on my bitch?
[05:51:49] I remember you saying something like,
[05:51:52] You got one and two fat so SHUT UP!
[05:51:57] Okay?
[05:51:58] Need sticks on that hoe you tell me about.
[05:52:00] Yeah, well yeah I could probably turn it back on. Let me see...
[05:52:04] Put some paper in there.
[05:52:06] Blow on it a little bit.
[05:52:07] You catching the heat over there, man?
[05:52:10] It's not on right now for some reason.
[05:52:13] Not on.
[05:52:17] Need more sticks or something?
[05:52:21] I got heat buff from the fire being out apparently.
[05:52:36] Okay, I have heat buff as well.
[05:52:39] Get out of the way man.
[05:52:44] Did you just tell me to get out of the way when you said you had heat buff?
[05:52:47] Yeah, but I'm putting shit.
[05:52:48] I'm smoking some food so I can get it at a high temperature.
[05:52:52] You know what I'm saying?
[05:52:53] Oh!
[05:52:54] I can get hotter for longer bro.
[05:52:56] You gotta think about these things
[05:52:57] So smart and naughty, huh?
[05:52:58] You know what I'm saying? Real shit
[05:53:00] Strats
[05:53:11] Oh And I'm ready. I'm ready.
[05:53:12] You guys ready?
[05:53:13] Let's go.
[05:53:14] Yep.
[05:53:15] All right, Nauti's leg is not broken anymore.
[05:53:18] Yeah, you got go. Yeah.
[05:53:19] All right, Noddy's leg is not broken anymore.
[05:53:21] You lead the way because I don't know where we are still.
[05:53:24] That splint goes in your backpack by the way, Noddy.
[05:53:27] Might be able to...
[05:53:28] I was going to say you probably dis keep it. Might be able to... Put that shit away? You might as well say, probably disassemble it.
[05:53:32] Let's take some bandages back.
[05:53:36] We got five regular bandages on each one.
[05:53:44] We're northeast side of this part
[05:53:48] of the map.
[05:53:51] We're skillies to their right?
[05:53:59] ... so Chad, I had a two man killed earlier.
[05:54:18] If I would have just fucking...
[05:54:36] You got plenty of worms and shit, or you can cut some of these up? I have five on me.
[05:54:38] Alright, we're good then.
[05:55:11] Light skelly on him. so Chat wants to know what kind of stretches you'll do when you turn off the webcam, as you always seem very relaxed when the camp comes back on.
[05:55:18] I should move, I get up out of my seat.
[05:55:21] I stretch the legs out a little bit.
[05:55:25] Yeah it's kind of the shittier one but...
[05:55:29] It's wonderful.
[05:55:33] Good points against your spirit.
[05:56:46] ... so I'm going to try and do this. so uh uh oh Interesting.
[05:56:48] These aren't what I need?
[05:56:49] These aren't the ones that I need... Oh, fuck.
[05:56:52] But they fucking... These aren't the ones that I need. Oh, fuck! But uh... They fucking- they're all white.
[05:56:58] What'd you find?
[05:57:00] Damn, I lose some space though. Like it's worth it.
[05:57:04] Like the full camera so...
[05:57:05] I found some Hunter pants that were all white and cool so like
[05:57:08] they're not the Expedition ones but
[05:57:11] Yeah if you need these pants
[05:57:12] these are good
[05:57:14] for you to use
[05:57:14] or whatever
[05:57:14] mine are good
[05:57:18] have you found the pants?
[05:57:22] no
[05:57:22] there's more 5.56 on6-8s on this table, Jared.
[05:57:24] They're the ghetto version of that.
[05:57:27] Jared behind me.
[05:57:28] I'm on the table.
[05:57:30] Word!
[05:57:32] What'd ya say?
[05:57:34] Hi. Like this? What'd you say?
[05:57:36] Hi, I think this
[05:57:39] Mirror pin drop your pants
[05:57:41] Okay, naughty hold up. Stop your fucking pants
[05:57:45] Keep your pants Install We need all the... Because we need insulation spread across the board
[05:57:47] I don't give a fuck
[05:57:49] Underpants are good
[05:57:51] Yeah, I need your fucking underwear
[05:57:53] I was just trying to give you the whole set, bro.
[05:57:55] All you need is a fucking...
[05:57:57] I'm trying to have sympathy for you.
[05:57:59] You're trying to give me a little something, bro.
[05:58:01] You big-ass fucking head bitch.
[05:58:03] I'll just fucking kill you.
[05:58:10] You already fuckin' died.
[05:58:13] Okay... Yeah, nothing here.
[05:58:14] Alright next up where are we at?
[05:58:17] Military maze Nothing here. Alright, next up. Where do we head? Military, maze...
[05:58:19] I guess not maze because you already went there, right?
[05:58:21] Was the end game?
[05:58:22] Do we want to get another maker?
[05:58:23] I say we go PvP, man.
[05:58:24] Where do we go to PvP, you think?
[05:58:27] Military?
[05:58:29] The military or the maze. One of the two, yeah
[05:58:34] Uh, a little military man
[05:58:36] It's kinda hard to say, ya know
[05:58:37] Everyone has got suppressors on this side so it's kind of just like...
[05:58:40] I don't know true.
[05:58:42] I dunno.
[05:58:43] Let's head towards the military.
[05:58:44] We haven't heard a single gunshot.
[05:58:45] Unless we're going to fucking the military.
[05:58:49] I think that one we were just at, this should be
[05:58:51] called Hiltitary. This one is called
[05:58:53] Hiltary because its a bunch of pillars man!
[05:58:55] Yeah we can check this yeah.
[05:59:00] We found a little bit of shit over here last time.
[05:59:03] We were over here, right?
[05:59:04] I remember this.
[05:59:06] I found the weapons and kit.
[05:59:11] You know where I found a weapon cleaning kit. You know where I found two weapon cleaning kits?
[05:59:14] Remember how like when you first get into the maze, or first get over here we like to go to that staircase?
[05:59:19] Yeah yeah. There's another staircase that's just like it right i went up it and
[05:59:23] yeah i found two of them in the same spot i think maverick found that expedition one
[05:59:29] i don't know where you got that yeah
[05:59:32] you found two of the expedition ones mm-hmm i don't think they're any
[05:59:34] different though maybe they last a little longer but not much I'm gonna go back to the uh Yo, bro.
[06:00:05] Bro, take this.
[06:00:10] You gotta fix it up though.
[06:00:13] Oh that no way. You gotta fix it up though. Let's go! That looks cool.
[06:00:16] Gotta fix that.
[06:00:18] It's worth it.
[06:00:20] God damn ninja now champ.
[06:00:22] Might just do this...
[06:00:24] I'm dropping the ghillies off my guns.
[06:00:27] Dropping this ghillie if you guys want a ghillie on your gun.
[06:00:29] That was way sicker without it.
[06:00:31] Fuck that, I'm good.
[06:00:38] One frag grenade over there if anybody wants to set it up. I do, where?
[06:00:41] Uh last car on the left box.
[06:00:53] How you doing SKS ammo?
[06:00:58] I'm chillin'. I still got like 10, 15. Alright let's go over to the other side and take this.
[06:01:03] Pretty cool huh Channa?
[06:01:06] I just prone right here if you never see me. You've never seen me. Well, you probably see me but...
[06:01:10] You've never fucking seen me. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie.
[06:01:23] I look fucking sick right now.
[06:01:26] I'm not gonna lie.
[06:01:28] You're a liar, you know? I'm not gonna lie. You were kinda endgame, bro.
[06:01:31] Just a little bit of any gear...
[06:01:33] Yeah literally maker and all the gear.
[06:01:36] And you need his helmet too, I think.
[06:01:39] Mine's Expedition.
[06:01:40] Can you put the RPGs on it?
[06:01:42] Who cares this is Expedition baby.
[06:01:45] You want to play carry or we're going to have to go through the castle again brother?
[06:01:49] Um...
[06:01:51] That's not really where that is.
[06:01:53] Oh you're right!
[06:01:55] I mean it might be somewhere else too though.
[06:01:59] You're right that's where we got them.
[06:02:02] You've got the maker? I've got this!
[06:02:07] Because if you get hit more and shoot more gonna shoot more people. Smart thing to do
[06:02:16] Haven't missed a shot with it yet, bro
[06:02:18] No
[06:02:21] How many people have you shot with it?
[06:02:23] One.
[06:02:25] One person, one bear?
[06:02:27] First bullet...first person, one bear, a few minotaurs here and there.
[06:02:31] Still got any more minotaurs in it. Gotcha. I tried to recognize if it was one of the golden-eyed ones, and then I was fucking, you know, hit him as he uh...
[06:02:44] Yeah cause they're the same size aren't they? They don't look bigger.
[06:02:48] They are bigger physically.
[06:02:50] I saw two of them dead next to each other.
[06:02:53] Guy in front of us two guys two guys
[06:02:54] you guys across the lake get behind the street
[06:02:57] get by this tree get behind the street one dead
[06:03:04] one of them is dead.
[06:03:10] That thing sounds fucking insane.
[06:03:12] Yeah, one of them's dead!
[06:03:13] I'm eyeing over there Naughty.
[06:03:14] Yeah, I see it, I see it. I see it.
[06:03:20] That dude heard the maker.
[06:03:21] He was fucking dipping.
[06:03:23] They're both dead.
[06:03:23] Oh my god, dude.
[06:03:25] What the fuck bro?
[06:03:26] I had a shot too!
[06:03:27] I had a shot as well!
[06:03:29] I told you we didn't have a chance bro.
[06:03:31] That make-up is disgusting.
[06:03:33] I literally had a shot.
[06:03:34] I was lined up ready to click mouse one and it's got
[06:03:37] You see that?
[06:03:42] Hopefully they got food for us, bro
[06:03:44] Yeah, there might be three he only saw two
[06:03:48] Yeah See if there's a third, there might be three. He only saw two. Yeah yeah yeah Right
[06:03:50] So listen about that
[06:03:52] 100% accuracy, have a Mr. Shyam
[06:03:56] Holy shit! Maintaining the percentage right before your very eyes, don't mind it.
[06:04:03] There's a fire going... I dunno if that's what he announced.
[06:04:08] Oh maybe they were bringing stuff back to him bro!
[06:04:09] That's what I'm saying, that's what I'm saying. They might have a guy inside.
[06:04:13] Tell that to your boy up front. Let him know the situation.
[06:04:16] He might have another... yeah he might have 1 3rd of the fire going.
[06:04:21] Tell him there's two dead.
[06:04:24] Two dead, maybe third.
[06:04:28] Told you we wouldn't have a chance to shoot shit, Noddy.
[06:04:31] Yeah? You're right.
[06:04:35] It was worse when we had Maverick here too.
[06:04:39] We gonna have to clear that house together.
[06:04:45] It still hit though! Huh?
[06:04:50] It still hit hit though.
[06:04:54] We're gonna loot these guys after and we're gonna move
[06:04:56] their loot in, okay?
[06:05:00] Oh man, oh this guy oh man oh man oh baby okay but he was that little
[06:05:05] matter no i wasn't looting i was staring out with my eyeballs as i'm walking by i'm a looky lou
[06:05:09] i'm slowing down gotta be tight here everybody tight here. Everybody be tight here. Where's everyone at?
[06:05:13] Clear house is clear this house right now. Yeah, I'm behind you, I'm behind you.
[06:05:17] Okay, you're with me? Who's near the house? I'm coming to the house.
[06:05:21] Clear this house. I'm going towards the fire.
[06:05:24] I'm up top with Nauti right now, clearing. Don't be below right now.
[06:05:28] I'm up top. We have stairs covered
[06:05:32] Up top clear, someone clear lower.
[06:05:36] Someone clear below us.
[06:05:41] Listen listen listen. Everybody start grabbing their loot and bringing it to a house
[06:05:47] One piece at a time so we're not gonna loot them out there
[06:05:50] See if they got food and shit
[06:05:51] You know what I mean? Let's go grab it all
[06:05:55] Yeah one piece at a time, just grab their weapons,
[06:05:58] grab their fucking backpacks, you know what I'm saying?
[06:06:04] I'm gonna gun up and escort you motherfuckers, be honest with ya.
[06:06:08] I don't have the same gun as me.
[06:06:15] Well, new backpack for you now, buddy.
[06:06:16] No this house, This one over here! Not the fire one!
[06:06:17] Yeah yeah.
[06:06:19] Put it in there somewhere.
[06:06:21] Living room or some shit.
[06:06:25] Go through the other door you doofuses!
[06:06:28] Yeah that works right there. Go through
[06:06:30] that door and get out of here.
[06:06:32] Holy shit that was crazy
[06:06:34] I fucking got both those guys
[06:06:36] That was nuts Two Two weird little fuckers
[06:06:41] OOH!
[06:06:47] Dude, that other guy just had a predictable fucking ENAS.
[06:06:50] Too predictable on his ENAS!
[06:06:52] You gotta change it up a little bit.
[06:06:54] You can't just go left or right.
[06:06:56] If you're fuckin' running from a guy.
[06:06:58] You have to be left-left, right, Right, right, right You can't just go left to right if you're fucking running from a guy.
[06:06:59] You have to be left, left, right, right, right, right,
[06:07:01] left, left, you know what I mean?
[06:07:03] Like fucking...just fucking shaking around
[06:07:05] getting crazy
[06:07:06] That guy was just strafing left and right
[06:07:09] It's usually taking way too long to grab something
[06:07:11] What're you doing, honey? The fuck ya doin'?
[06:07:13] I'm trying to grab these pouches
[06:07:15] You have guns in your hands bro
[06:07:17] Yeah yeah I know I have his gun in his hand
[06:07:19] Alright my hand Alright let's go He has a gun in his hand, I know, I know. Alright, my turn.
[06:07:23] Knowing that I can't throw this shit through the fucking window...
[06:07:34] Dude, hopefully these guys got food bro. That'd be insane. I saw one piece of fucking meat.
[06:07:38] If you're smart then eat it, that's what they do.
[06:07:43] If your smart's what they do. If you're smart that's what you do.
[06:07:45] Um... Plate. Grab at it.
[06:07:49] Plates rooms.
[06:07:54] I don't know if you want to try it?
[06:07:56] Sorry? Couldn't see the blaze that he had on him like you can see it out there but you can't actually see it.
[06:08:00] Got a cleaning cabinet up here so we'll just take care of it.
[06:08:03] You didn't see the blaze?
[06:08:06] No, he said he couldn't get it either.
[06:08:08] Couldn't GET it or couldn't SEE it?
[06:08:11] You can't see it to pick it up is what I'm saying.
[06:08:13] You could see it laying there but you don't see when you tap.
[06:08:16] You visually see it, but not with the tab.
[06:08:22] Full gun, but he's got two pairs so...
[06:08:47] This guy had another few more? full gun thanks for watching guys I should take this lighter. Doesn't really have much else, just getting a beer high and pepper way.
[06:08:51] Let's figure out what he has.
[06:08:53] This guy has a Magga 5-5-6 here.
[06:08:56] Those two gotta feel good, huh?
[06:08:58] Yeah, they feel pretty good.
[06:09:01] Dropping 556 on the ground.
[06:09:04] Another carrier in the shirt.
[06:09:08] Oh I see a DMAG and no... Another can of sugar. I'll take one of those. Oh, that's your DMACC? No!
[06:09:12] Someone actually
[06:09:14] took that gun.
[06:09:16] Is anybody on three five seven Big time champ.
[06:09:29] Dude has four grenades on him by the way.
[06:09:33] Ooh, he has an expedition carrier thingy. More 5-5-6 I just dropped.
[06:09:43] Check that out chat. Are any of you guys running 545 ammo?
[06:09:47] Yeah, John is.
[06:09:50] Is he still?
[06:09:52] I am.
[06:09:54] Alright, I'm running that as well.
[06:09:59] Make sure you take one of the... Take that combat backpack.
[06:10:03] Am I taking it?
[06:10:06] His backpack is ruined too.
[06:10:09] Yeah, yeah, I see the combat backpack.
[06:10:16] How did you guys get the food?
[06:10:20] Can't bring any food off his boots.
[06:10:23] The amount of ammo I have is crazy.
[06:10:30] Does this guy have a big gas canister? Yeah. This guy's got a weird...
[06:10:36] Yeah. Oh yeah he does, dude let's go!
[06:10:40] Actually there is another DMR clip there, Toddy.
[06:10:44] Put it on the ground. Huge. I! I'll drop you some more ammo.
[06:10:46] You smart human motherfu-
[06:10:48] Nah, I got a bunch of big chunks.
[06:10:50] The amount of 5.56 ammo I have is absolutely
[06:10:52] gross and disgusting. Disgusting. six i might have it's absolutely gross disgusting disgusted
[06:10:56] well maybe one of us should run a fucking five by six gun
[06:11:01] does he have a good compass? He's part of the shit in my shit.
[06:11:05] Sharing, bro!
[06:11:07] Taking that bag?
[06:11:09] Yeah, that's my bag now.
[06:11:11] Keep your own ammo type.
[06:11:14] 545, 760
[06:11:16] 574, 763-9
[06:11:18] I got plenty of ammo just not for my
[06:11:20] AK
[06:11:24] 545? Which AK? AK okay this is five four five which what jk
[06:11:27] ak uh 74. well there's a right here the black box look in his backpack black box 20 stack
[06:11:33] 19 stack the mag on the right side those those are all for your AK.
[06:11:36] Somebody's dropping all this shit.
[06:11:38] Yeah!
[06:11:40] Probably for you, right?
[06:11:41] Oh wait, no, no, no...
[06:11:42] You're running the same thing as me?
[06:11:43] That was yours?
[06:11:44] Yeah yeah yeah.
[06:11:46] I can give it to you though, yeah. Oh, yeah.
[06:11:47] I can give you some of it though.
[06:11:49] No, I got some.
[06:11:50] I got like 30 or something like that.
[06:11:52] Is an SPS your main jammer right now?
[06:11:54] I have 43.
[06:11:55] Nah, swapped.
[06:11:57] Here take the box. I dropped the box back on the ground
[06:11:59] okay i know we're running the same shit but he gave me the ak
[06:12:04] yeah earlier there i gave him a dmr earlier so
[06:12:07] is it because i'm only running the fucking maker
[06:12:09] So I need my backup to have a shitload of bullets for some reason
[06:12:17] Look there is a hunting scope for one of your guys' snipers.
[06:12:20] I don't know if he has noticed that.
[06:12:22] I still have a hunting scope that I've been carrying the whole game in.
[06:12:25] Do you need any different shot right here? for I don't think I should fix my Maker Mag.
[06:12:44] I don't think I need this other one, I'm going to dip it in the shot.
[06:12:49] Use it for bullets, but...
[06:12:52] Can't really need it, ya know what I mean?
[06:12:55] It's a kilogram, button heavy
[06:12:57] Get rid of it
[06:13:00] I don't think it's worth carry-around.
[06:13:06] Grenades? I don't see...
[06:13:08] Claycarrier has got two more frag grenades on a Jerd.
[06:13:11] I grab him.
[06:13:13] You guys want to get a heat buff real quick?
[06:13:17] Or is there two scouts in here, you think? Uh...I say we go out into the forest
[06:13:21] and eat food and water'm gonna check the water.
[06:13:29] Yeah more SKS yeah there's 15 shots for
[06:13:32] SKS over here and And there's 20 rounds for you in this corner, Naughty.
[06:13:39] A box.
[06:13:41] I'll take the box with an AK.
[06:13:44] I gave him that other box back.
[06:13:48] What's it doing again?
[06:13:49] Fuck, I was just getting this and drinking a little bit of it.
[06:13:52] I don't get much though.
[06:13:54] Unload this fucking FK, take a while. Does anybody actually want the blaze? the Blaze?
[06:14:19] I don't know.
[06:14:20] Except for you, that guy.
[06:14:23] Yeah,
[06:14:24] I don't want it.
[06:14:27] Somebody said we can cut him up then it'll show up. Oh
[06:14:33] I mean, you're gonna take that chance. Yeah, I said I don't want it if somebody else all that.308 I gave you a couple days ago.
[06:14:41] I did, I dropped it and the sniper.
[06:14:44] Yeah, yeah.
[06:14:45] There's no point in us fucking getting it.
[06:14:47] We need to be able to spread out a little bit. I got another AU Mag for you. You don't want that though, do you?
[06:14:52] Sorry?
[06:14:53] 30 round Og Mag? You don't want that.
[06:14:56] There's no ammo in it.
[06:15:00] No, I don't. Yeah, I was gonna say you have like four so I'm sure...
[06:15:02] Yeah, four out one in.
[06:15:04] I've shown that I am good on ammo
[06:15:06] yeah, I can actually spray this thing and shit
[06:15:10] Um, yeah.
[06:15:12] I'm chilling.
[06:15:13] We need to figure out our food situation.
[06:15:16] So we should probably
[06:15:17] get out of here and then go start fishing,
[06:15:19] I think.
[06:15:19] Can I fit that, the one guy...
[06:15:20] Uh can I fit that?
[06:15:21] The one guy has a fishing rod on him
[06:15:24] An actual fishing rod
[06:15:25] Let me go take that real quick
[06:15:28] Yeah let me grab that
[06:15:31] We don't have to fucking make one every time we wanna go fish.
[06:15:33] Better run and answer one hit.
[06:15:40] Can't believe this dude spotted those guys.
[06:15:42] That was crazy.
[06:15:43] Yeah, he's on the island! On an island!
[06:15:46] Get eyes, man.
[06:15:47] Bro you fucking smoked him. Holy shit.
[06:15:49] I was thinking about not shooting but then I was like fuck it.
[06:15:52] Might as well. Yeah, I was gonna say not shooting. I thought, like, fuck it.
[06:15:53] Might as well.
[06:15:55] Yeah, I was going to say we were all getting positioned.
[06:15:56] I just hear... Fucking one down.
[06:16:00] And then I'm scoped in ready to take the fucking shot
[06:16:04] And you know the guy fucking exploded, bro
[06:16:07] You see a good shot of it or like give it that view yeah
[06:16:13] I watched him explode.
[06:16:16] You got that backpack, Nottie?
[06:16:20] Yeah, alright let's go.
[06:16:21] Yes we're ready to leave.
[06:16:22] We're ready to leave.
[06:16:23] I don't know if you want to do fishing somewhere here? Let's go to the forest. No we need to leave? I don't know if you want to do fishing somewhere here.
[06:16:25] Yeah, no, we need to go to a different body of water.
[06:16:27] 5 minutes or 10 minutes for restart kind of.
[06:16:29] Let's just get out of here and get hunkered down for restart
[06:16:32] And then go find a body of water.
[06:16:34] Yeah?
[06:16:36] Yeah, yeah sounds good!
[06:16:40] Oh fuck oh shit maybe we shouldn't have ran this way if the gun bodies had been out here
[06:16:44] Fuckin' I guess I swear the dead bodies have been out here.
[06:16:47] Fuckin' I guess.
[06:16:52] Chat, let it be known that I'm against this play
[06:16:55] but...I'm too lazy to go back so if you die here
[06:16:56] its because those bodies has been sitting out there
[06:16:57] for people to see and he'd be staring at him for a bit that'll be known hopefully it's not me
[06:17:03] who dies here somebody might
[06:17:32] i gotta see your uh your view after this night yeah yeah Yeah, yeah. I guess so. What's the surgery size on this one. Is it 3? On the dot or 2 and 9 or whatever?
[06:17:35] 05, 04, 03, 04
[06:17:37] Okay so that is...
[06:17:40] I just gotta log out and chill. What the fuck is this? Oh, it's military.
[06:17:44] Let's go a little bit more this way. He said he sees another guy maybe.
[06:17:48] ... maybe he says he's another guy maybe
[06:17:51] where is it they said if that one yeah
[06:17:55] he's a fine
[06:17:59] I Nah, I think we're good.
[06:18:01] It says that you were good?
[06:18:03] Yeah.
[06:18:04] Anything so far?
[06:18:05] I think I'm just gonna be wary.
[06:18:06] Sketch show or another?
[06:18:08] I fell off.
[06:18:12] Nah, it was like one idea fell off. Nah, it's like when I do that way.
[06:18:15] It's always hard to hear on the first shot.
[06:18:17] Either one of us would be right but...
[06:18:19] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[06:18:21] I can't tell forward and backwards if they only give me one fucking shot usually
[06:18:25] Alright, let's get in these trees
[06:18:28] Go a little bit more toward the wall I would think, get a couple layers back. You know what I mean, Nugget?
[06:18:49] Yeah yeah, I'm here.
[06:18:50] These trees right here look good.
[06:18:52] Oh yeah that's the way, that way, yeah yeah Yeah, exactly where you were looking before and I...
[06:18:56] ...hound on me in here? In this? In this? In this?
[06:18:59] Whis-whis-whis! Can you guys hear me?
[06:19:01] Perfect. Perfect.
[06:19:04] Got it. Anybody have...? Perfect.
[06:19:07] Anybody have a... I had to drop Barker right there, I got it.
[06:19:09] Perfect.
[06:19:19] You up? Got a couple sticks.
[06:19:27] Who's getting hit. Is that me? Yeah, it was.
[06:19:31] I got a sick part which I just need one.
[06:19:35] Alright, out of lefty e-cuff
[06:19:37] There's a guy close to us, so... Yeah, not really close but...
[06:19:41] He's on this side of the map.
[06:19:45] I think our closest water is going to be either the passage or next to Hilitary there.
[06:19:52] You know one of the out-of-the-passage areas? We can just fish in those spots.
[06:19:57] Yeah, yeah. Alright let's go. we can just fish in that and those spots.
[06:19:59] Yeah, yeah.
[06:20:00] Alright, let's go to the... Yeah, a bunch of people coming in here.
[06:20:02] You have any problem getting back into the server?
[06:20:06] Nah.
[06:20:07] No, I'm good.
[06:20:08] Okay. These guys won't blow Nah, nah I'm good.
[06:20:12] These guys won't both have problems but we'll see how it goes.
[06:20:15] Oh we're gonna have problems Jared?
[06:20:17] Fuck you.
[06:20:20] Keep talking shit and we are going to have problems. Feel me?
[06:20:22] Don't say anything.
[06:20:24] My guy's fucking crazy dude.
[06:20:26] We're just gonna be sitting here for a total...
[06:20:28] I'm probably gonna log out as soon as we can
[06:20:31] keep up and then just chill out. Okay perfect. I'll put on that smoke quick. Yeah look how sick that dude looks.
[06:20:43] Except for his little...
[06:20:44] I'm not a big fan of the Fanny Pikes
[06:20:46] I think they're all kind of funky
[06:20:47] Not funky but like
[06:20:48] snack cool military shit
[06:20:54] Also his pants aren't that sick but they're white so that's cool
[06:20:57] i'm gonna let the snow look right now Those poor bastards just got here, they still have their filters and shit.
[06:21:16] They're running to the maze.
[06:21:19] Yeah...
[06:21:22] I feel bad for people when you can't find anybody.
[06:21:25] I didn't get e-buff yet, um...
[06:21:29] Hold on.
[06:21:38] Should just be a couple barking, we're good.
[06:21:48] Probably blow on it to get it back going again. Did you do it?
[06:21:50] Or are they gonna let me...
[06:21:53] Uh, yeah that's not letting me.
[06:21:55] So I'm gonna let it burn on the-
[06:21:57] Light the lighter? Oh there we go, got it.
[06:22:00] Step back a little bit more this time.
[06:22:08] Is that ME still getting hit?
[06:22:09] Who's getting hit?
[06:22:10] I hope that wasn't our boy.
[06:22:11] It wasn't even me.
[06:22:12] No, it wasn't even me.
[06:22:13] It could have been our boy.
[06:22:14] Look how close I can get.
[06:22:16] He's fine though, right?
[06:22:16] I don't know if you scooted back and then it stopped.
[06:22:19] It stopped, I guess.
[06:22:20] Do you have any down arrow on your health right now?
[06:22:23] No!
[06:22:24] Yeah, you line sack of shit.
[06:22:28] Nah, it wasn't me!
[06:22:30] Hold on, I'm out of your stream.
[06:22:31] I got three hour down...
[06:22:32] What's a three-hour down?
[06:22:35] A three-hour down.
[06:22:38] Yeah yeah yeah once I say I can see you... Okay, I was lying. I was lying.
[06:22:39] Alright, that's the coolest kills I've got on this side so far guys.
[06:22:46] I'm about to watch it somebody
[06:22:49] Wink me the clip. Yeah, there's a shit trying to run to get in position
[06:22:55] Yes, sorry was it and I got for a reason take Take all the... yeah, 100%
[06:23:00] take all the shots you can dude.
[06:23:02] Hopefully we're doing good. Hopefully we've gotten some good ammo
[06:23:04] out of these things. You're good on ammo
[06:23:06] I've got? Let's see
[06:23:08] There something?
[06:23:15] Yeah, yeah. I mean I already had 100 ammo for my Mosin and now I got like 80.
[06:23:18] I've got like a hundred for the SKS, 60 for my AK.
[06:23:20] Oh sure. Okay you're chillin'.
[06:23:24] Your AK is just chillin' on until you get more and more then you can replace the SKS eventually.
[06:23:27] No, I've been holding all three anyway.
[06:23:29] I got the AK in my bag. Alright Joe thanks for that man.
[06:23:32] This is the OP gun they were talking about before we hit it.
[06:23:34] Am I looking this way?
[06:23:36] Alright, look at this guy.
[06:23:38] That's the club. You guys don't have to be all wanted.
[06:23:46] It's up to you.
[06:23:47] I'm just doing it so I can show that, you know, I can breathe a little bit.
[06:23:50] I'm always nervous on this side.
[06:23:52] Only got two more minutes left. I can breathe a little bit. I'm always nervous on this side.
[06:23:56] Only got two minutes to rest, it's fine. Daaaamn...
[06:23:57] Look at that stuff, it's at the end of that clip.
[06:23:59] Uh...
[06:24:00] Where I watch you blow him up.
[06:24:01] Once we get our roots and replace our pants
[06:24:02] We're gonna look sick
[06:24:04] and maybe the chest eventually but i
[06:24:05] don't think you're going to get that
[06:24:10] did you log out already too naughty
[06:24:12] yeah okay he almost smoked his teammate like Yeah. Okay.
[06:24:15] He almost smoked his teammate.
[06:24:21] I saw two of them dead next to each other.
[06:24:23] Guy, guy in front of us! Two guys!
[06:24:26] Across the lake!
[06:24:28] Get behind this tree!
[06:24:32] One dead?
[06:24:33] Oh bro how close was I shooting at you?
[06:24:40] Almost fucking TK'd me bitch!
[06:24:44] Damn, I should have picked up that other one.
[06:24:45] Imagine bro, you're 1 second faster, you're dead. Damn, I should have picked up that other one.
[06:24:46] Magic bro you're 1 second faster, you're dead.
[06:24:48] I was dead!
[06:24:52] One dead?
[06:24:55] One of them's dead. I just keep saying they're dead.
[06:24:59] That thing sounds fucking insane.
[06:25:01] Come on, you're mine.
[06:25:03] Yo one of them is dead!
[06:25:05] Yeah i see it, i see it, i see it. I was trying to tell the other guy but...
[06:25:12] That dude heard the maker he's fucking dipping.
[06:25:15] Oh my god dude.
[06:25:18] I had a shot too!
[06:25:20] I had a shot as well!
[06:25:23] I gotta see Nadi's clip.
[06:25:25] I linked his line in the Discord. It's at the end of the clip. There are bigger. I don't know if you were hitting that shot, Nauti but maybe.
[06:25:32] I mean I had clear sight of his bitch ass.
[06:25:35] That thing is fucking insane.
[06:25:36] On the island over there, Nauti.
[06:25:37] Yeah, I see it.
[06:25:38] I see it. I'm going to go get him. Okay. Yes. That thing's fucking insane. On the island or they're not even there?
[06:25:39] Yeah, I see it, I see it, I see it.
[06:25:40] That dude heard The Maker he's fucking dipping.
[06:25:41] Oh my god!
[06:25:42] Oh my god!
[06:25:43] Oh my god!
[06:25:44] Oh my god!
[06:25:45] Oh my god!
[06:25:46] Oh my god!
[06:25:47] Oh my god!
[06:25:48] Oh my god!
[06:25:49] Oh my god! Oh my fucking different oh my this one exploded on my screen
[06:26:05] okay okay yeah it wasn't a clear shot okay but i was
[06:26:09] i was you know holding my breath at that second, bro.
[06:26:12] Relax, guys.
[06:26:13] You had a chance to pull the trigger, bro.
[06:26:15] He had a chance to pull the fucking trigger, guys.
[06:26:17] Doesn't mean he would have gotten hit,
[06:26:19] but he had a chance to pull the trigger, all right?
[06:26:20] Did you see him?
[06:26:21] I said, wait? I see him. Feel part of it at least.
[06:26:22] I said, wait.
[06:26:23] Let me hold my breath real quick.
[06:26:26] Oh my!
[06:26:27] He exploded!
[06:26:32] Make sure you're trying to get in, Adi.
[06:26:33] That was pretty cool. I'm hopping off after that.
[06:26:37] Alright. Goodnight boys.
[06:26:41] You handled business and he made it all
[06:26:44] together yeah didn't die when he got there exactly
[06:26:48] that 1v3 was sick yes first one v three long into these
[06:26:53] poor It was the first 1v3. Log in to these poor motherfuckers, they're a piece of shit.
[06:26:56] I logged in and they were already there!
[06:26:57] It scared me bro.
[06:26:58] They probably already cleared that shi-
[06:26:59] No they didn't because they went in and cleared right?
[06:27:01] Yeah yeah yeah yeah.
[06:27:03] I don't know, they were coming for like... You know know they were talking to each other like oh let's loot this like you know
[06:27:08] Yeah
[06:27:10] Later boys, later tomorrow
[06:27:12] Later Nadi nutty.
[06:27:22] Oy!
[06:27:24] Yeah, Jared, you shot pretty far in front of him too, huh?
[06:27:26] I thought you said you didn't need to
[06:27:27] with the...
[06:27:27] It's not a hit scan
[06:27:28] and I thought it was.
[06:27:30] Okay.
[06:27:30] Someone told me before
[06:27:31] it wasn't...
[06:27:32] That's a good ass shot.
[06:27:32] It's just not a hit scan
[06:27:32] so that's okay.
[06:27:33] Your fucking reticle
[06:27:34] wasn't even on him
[06:27:35] or walked into the damn bullet. Yeah, he walked both of them Your fucking reticle wasn't even on him.
[06:27:37] Walked into the damn bullet.
[06:27:39] Yeah, he walked in both of them and walked into a bullet in my mouth.
[06:27:41] See, I know you watch more shit like this so I know where to shoot.
[06:28:18] Damn, on both of them bro, what the fuck. Thank you. So jealous right now dude. Jesus Christ. No!
[06:28:27] You connecting? I was and then it says
[06:28:31] connection lost, you got kicked.
[06:28:33] Okay try again. Can you get in yet?
[06:28:35] It said just let me.
[06:28:37] Yeah yeah it's
[06:28:39] position Q15 hopefully that's not after everybody else.
[06:28:43] Alright I'll switch that up.
[06:28:46] It just let me in so I loaded so it shouldn't be... people shouldn't be in yet.
[06:28:52] I got on my credence, so...
[06:28:55] Oh, might have gotten fucked.
[06:28:57] Nahhh.
[06:28:58] Well your Q should drop like soon.
[06:29:00] In a second as soon as we get him. We'll see, we'll see. soon.
[06:29:03] We'll see.
[06:29:08] I'm wondering if it shouldn't do that if I'm tabbed out because
[06:29:10] I'm watching the clip.
[06:29:14] Should just put me in game even if i'm tabbed out all right see if you're
[06:29:18] your numbers it went down by five there sitting on'm ten, nine,
[06:29:23] eight, yeah.
[06:29:27] Wait on one other
[06:29:28] the other one went to sleep. Yeah, I'm jealous
[06:29:30] of those shots you hit bro. Like just watching
[06:29:32] and pausing when you actually shot the gun
[06:29:35] like how far your reticle is off of them it's a lead yeah at least it's crazier than that on this game so
[06:29:48] that shit that's what i need to be better at what's up boys here's the run is this uh final final stage run again
[06:29:53] oh he did it yesterday too? Survived all day?
[06:29:55] Just killed two people with the maker.
[06:29:57] Oh nice!
[06:29:59] Slap these dudes.
[06:30:00] Yeah, still in the same character.
[06:30:03] Yo you're gunned off to goddamn grey over there.
[06:30:06] Did you see the KUAC seal of the flag? Yo, you're ginned off the goddamn gray over there.
[06:30:09] Dude, did you see the fucking loadout I got?
[06:30:10] It's fucking crazy looking.
[06:30:12] I can only imagine.
[06:30:14] He's ginned off the white now, dude.
[06:30:17] He died on the last run.
[06:30:21] No no no I'm saying in the run before that he was ganned out to grey
[06:30:23] Now he is the white after that
[06:30:27] Also got full after that. Yeah, Jared's been alive for a while on this team.
[06:30:30] He's also got full white gear on too.
[06:30:32] Yeah, I'm looking at him there. That maker is juicy
[06:30:34] isn't it?
[06:30:35] We can go get another one. I just actually killed two people with it and it was crazy.
[06:30:43] I haven't been able to do that yet? I killed one guy with it randomly yesterday.
[06:30:48] Noddy's not coming back
[06:30:48] or John's not coming back.
[06:30:52] Is Noddy
[06:30:52] with you
[06:30:53] or do you just get off?
[06:30:54] Oh,
[06:30:54] let's go to one of those passages
[06:30:56] and chill out and fish
[06:30:57] that's what I think
[06:30:57] do you want
[06:30:58] do you think
[06:30:58] you can give us
[06:30:58] one of those
[06:30:59] exits?
[06:31:01] Yeah,
[06:31:01] yeah,
[06:31:02] for sure.
[06:31:02] All right,
[06:31:02] brother,
[06:31:03] we'll follow
[06:31:03] you.
[06:31:03] Let's do it.
[06:31:05] Yeah,
[06:31:05] let's go
[06:31:05] over there
[06:31:05] once.
[06:31:06] It's pretty
[06:31:06] good.
[06:31:09] Dude,
[06:31:09] Noddy,
[06:31:11] dude, I started on the other side. Me and Noddy were like
[06:31:13] dude what server is she playing?
[06:31:15] Noddy was like i'm on this one so he couldn't switch
[06:31:17] right? And then I was like well
[06:31:19] im geared on that on the other side of passive
[06:31:21] and we just decided like fuck it
[06:31:23] maybe I'll die early and then I'll just play with him
[06:31:25] but dude turns out he just made it all the way there
[06:31:27] with this dude
[06:31:29] and um... now he's fully geared
[06:31:32] We went through the maze with him
[06:31:34] Dude we went through the maze boss
[06:31:36] It was already looted, we didn't get shit
[06:31:40] Have you done the final thing again?
[06:31:43] Nah, we didn't do that one yet.
[06:31:46] It's interesting to see here the builder paying fine to build it to their final door again. Here that goes.
[06:31:51] I'm thinking like this, I'm thinking like this
[06:31:53] we're gonna
[06:31:55] make our way with
[06:31:57] guns to the second
[06:31:59] final lair
[06:32:00] then I think we epi-pen run to the door open that that's what i think
[06:32:08] yeah but those things come through the door bro yeah but you guys will kind of
[06:32:12] like hold them off as i'm opening the door and then
[06:32:15] you guys just go through looking backwards shooting anything that comes
[06:32:19] through. You know what I mean? Before it closes.
[06:32:22] I just think it'll work.
[06:32:24] Worst case scenario they knock us out at the fucking door...
[06:32:26] Okay? And then we wake up and go in it.
[06:32:28] And we get fixed up on the inside, right?
[06:32:30] You have enough Eppies?
[06:32:31] I have...
[06:32:33] Two. He that's one bro
[06:32:37] pretty sure they have to have one yeah i have three
[06:32:40] all right start picking those guys are really really good
[06:32:44] i used to also a dormant volcano
[06:32:47] way to roll over here. Watch for landmines!
[06:32:49] Watch the landmines.
[06:32:51] Watch your feet every step.
[06:32:55] It's a good thing that there's sense. I got him.
[06:33:02] Oh, don't got him! I lied, I don't got him. Mainlet.
[06:33:06] He didn't reload my Gagros.
[06:33:10] Just wondering why you had to do anything yet.
[06:33:22] ... You should see Noddy's clip from earlier, bro.
[06:33:26] You guys gotta both see that shit. It's hilarious.
[06:33:29] He had a sick-ass clip today where he won V3s
[06:33:31] and he was owning
[06:33:33] but he had a clip today
[06:33:35] where he stares at
[06:33:37] a landmine okay press this tab on it tries to pick it up by dragging into his hands
[06:33:44] assumes that it's just not live How was that fucking old prime? How was that fucking old prime?
[06:33:51] How the fuck man!
[06:33:55] I'm posting in the fucking discord
[06:33:57] I'm posting in the discord bro
[06:33:59] Hey, meet John's fuckin' cookout right here.
[06:34:01] Oh no shit.
[06:34:05] Yeah, I fuckin' infected it.
[06:34:08] Doctape just chillin on this thing bro.
[06:34:12] It's giant!
[06:34:14] Yo you taking that jacket?
[06:34:16] You like my fishing spot Jared?
[06:34:20] Where are you at? Oh yeah there ya go that's really good.
[06:34:23] I like it
[06:34:25] Yeah I'm gonna let you fish
[06:34:27] Alright I'm going to start a fire
[06:34:29] You want to drop me worms and shit
[06:34:31] This fucking picks it up and keeps running on.
[06:34:34] What?
[06:34:38] The cliff of Naughty picking up the landmine,
[06:34:39] just puts it up nonchalantly,
[06:34:40] puts it in his pocket and just keeps jogging on.
[06:34:41] Bro, ridiculous, right right just walks all over it dude like
[06:34:46] why not go to the other side you know because i walked over earlier bro Yeah.
[06:35:00] I can probably get a paper, hold on... Wait there's a paper in the jacket!
[06:35:02] Yeah, Nottie met this dude at Passage Bosh.
[06:35:04] That was surprising because it's like that's
[06:35:05] kill site kill on sight no i met him at the dam and then we went to passage it's still kill on
[06:35:10] sites as soon as you get across the bridge maybe one more stick or two and what's added
[06:35:17] sometimes you can meet some people who want to understand that it's probably a
[06:35:20] two-man mission you know so they're kind of into audio
[06:35:24] well he didn't even know what he was doing.
[06:35:26] He goes, I'm just chillin'.
[06:35:27] I said, I'm going to fucking pass this if you wanna join and we fuckin', we just went
[06:35:32] through.
[06:35:33] Seems like he knows the fuck he's doing bro.
[06:35:34] Yeah, bro, he got 9k hours so I'd assume he knows what the hell's going on.
[06:35:39] That's not a nine kers.
[06:35:41] Jared you have two makers on two different servers now?
[06:35:45] No no no this is the same guy.
[06:35:48] This is the same guy you died on?
[06:35:50] This is the guy that you died on and I got knocked out on
[06:35:52] and our Mavic saved us.
[06:35:54] I mean...
[06:35:56] Alright, we've got three fish already. That's all the worms you gave me.
[06:36:02] Put them on the thing.
[06:36:05] Slice him up first, Ed.
[06:36:25] There we go! slice them up first there Kevin.
[06:36:26] Yeti?
[06:36:28] I'm gonna drop this.
[06:36:31] Fix up your face mask with that.
[06:36:41] And then just get back to, uh, fishing. I need more worms.
[06:36:45] We'll get some fucking worms, bro.
[06:36:52] Uh... come down and give me a peck? Get a little closer. Come down to the green path, drop him in there.
[06:36:55] Yeah just drop right where I was fishing is good.
[06:37:00] Drop four of them okay?
[06:37:01] I'm giving you my lifeline here as a solo player.
[06:37:03] So don't fuck me up, okay?
[06:37:05] Get some fish...
[06:37:07] Don't be like boss and get wellies.
[06:37:11] I already got three fish bro bro. And three pulls.
[06:37:13] Yeah we all know you have an abundance of worms anyway Wormy
[06:37:15] so it's fine man. You've got worms coming out
[06:37:17] of holes that didn't even know ya had.
[06:37:21] I don't like this spot. It's nice, but it's also...
[06:37:24] One of the worms you had is ruined.
[06:37:28] Are you ruining a worm dude? Yeah for sure.
[06:37:32] If people come up from behind you like
[06:37:34] if people come up for buying a from the cell it's so weird
[06:37:39] usually just to worry about the chapter
[06:37:42] you know You're gonna let your pistol rip off, right?
[06:37:46] Load your MK noob.
[06:37:48] Shit! What the fuck are you a noob?
[06:37:50] Don't you riot?
[06:37:51] Not the noob part.
[06:37:52] A little bit.
[06:38:55] Check my beard. so so so Purify! No, it's not full expedition gear. I'm missing the legs and I'm missing the plate. Missing the legs, missing the plate. The legs are just hunter pants.
[06:39:08] Can you hear the door sound from here?
[06:39:11] The door sound? Like, the door closing or opening sound.
[06:39:15] I hear your fucking...your shit going off. No no no no
[06:39:19] I'm saying that passage door can you hear that from here?
[06:39:21] I don't think so, no.
[06:39:29] I could just boil the water but...
[06:39:40] You start grabbing these fish.
[06:39:47] This last with every single worm, dude!
[06:39:51] Except the one that was ruined.
[06:39:55] You can do a seven fish... Oh, I let my knife get ruined!
[06:39:57] I'm such a fuck.
[06:39:59] Let's see if we got an extra one.
[06:40:01] Nah, I'm fine.
[06:40:04] I'm carrying around a stack of ten bones for that very reason.
[06:40:06] Sucks that I've got a sharpening stone.
[06:40:10] That just means I need to keep up with my fucking...
[06:40:14] My bone intake I just means, it just means I need to keep up with my fucking...
[06:40:17] My bone intake from- yeah that's not cerebral.
[06:40:19] From Badges.
[06:40:22] Your bone intake from a bad guy?
[06:40:48] Gotta be careful man Maybe one or two more fish I think will be okay.
[06:40:56] You're doing great boss, you're doing great. I'll let you ruin your knives so i don't have to do mine.
[06:41:00] Smart
[06:41:04] Let me ruin my pot
[06:41:07] True Let me ruin my pot.
[06:41:11] I got a pot here if you wanna swap it.
[06:41:22] Worst case scenario, you just fish forever until you find a fish or pond.
[06:41:24] Oh, I didn't realize I had a semi-kit there. Should've started eating.
[06:41:25] Do you have any jarred fish? I have 12 in there.
[06:41:43] 12, 9, 18,
[06:41:50] 19, 20, 21.
[06:41:52] Did I do my math wrong there?
[06:41:54] I came out with more Maker Rounds?
[06:42:01] Reload MK2. It is reloaded! How dare you not be correct?
[06:42:03] How dare you?
[06:42:05] How dare you?
[06:42:14] AHHHHH you what happens the fish if you boil it too long does it also just get burnt
[06:42:18] yep there you go yeah, everything burn.
[06:42:25] How many fishes y'all got?
[06:42:29] I have two on me.
[06:42:31] Haven't eaten any yet. I got...
[06:42:33] I've had three, one eaten and two in.
[06:42:38] Cool.
[06:42:40] I'll take more than you took those last 3.
[06:42:42] You found suckers!
[06:42:45] Okay okay, you're good.
[06:42:47] I'm gonna cut.
[06:42:49] Three and three is not bad...
[06:42:51] I think I caught six so we each get...
[06:42:54] We each get...
[06:42:57] We each get 6? Right?
[06:43:01] 4. Math is bad. Yeah, 4. We each get four.
[06:43:04] I got 3. therefore
[06:43:09] it was a little
[06:43:12] uh... No, no. We're good.
[06:43:23] That double kill's last thing I said was clean as shit. Yo thanks! Thanks brother Pat. Appreciate you brother.
[06:43:25] Watch your bone in here shut him up man
[06:43:27] You know, uh, yeah, who's that?
[06:43:29] Yeager
[06:43:30] Yeager
[06:43:31] Your walnut thank you guys so much for the reset
[06:43:36] For some reason each we're here from 30 minutes ago.
[06:43:37] Take your fish, bro.
[06:43:40] Fish taken. Handled.
[06:43:43] Hey.
[06:43:45] Okay.
[06:43:48] Let's get the fuck out of here!
[06:43:50] Dumbass.
[06:44:02] ... Imagine you see someone coming through there, Chad. How wild it would be if they just got some passage right before a drop or right before drop, or right before the deadfall.
[06:44:13] Pillary? Yeah I think that's an exploit
[06:44:17] military Yeah, I think that's the next play. Military.
[06:44:22] What do you call it? Hillary?
[06:44:32] Alright, we're back in good shape though. That um...
[06:44:35] that random jacket sitting there with the fucking
[06:44:38] duct tape is pretty nice.
[06:44:40] And I have one more hint of the sewing kit...
[06:44:46] in the, uh...
[06:44:55] In the pot or black box or whatever. Grab some reload rounds, I have all this 5-6 ammo that you do not want to know how to reload.
[06:45:07] I guess the good thing about being out here though, chat...
[06:45:10] at least you guys don't have to look at as much foliage. I think it's probably a
[06:45:13] little bit nicer on stream than we're running through like gigantic patches of grass Why not in the mud with Elden Ring?
[06:45:31] I don't know what that means.
[06:45:32] Nah, I haven't been playing Elden Ring for a while.
[06:45:33] Yo, this map has really got you reinvested into DayZ, Jared, hasn't it? I don't know what that means. Nah, I haven't been playing over there in a while.
[06:45:34] Yo this map has really got you reinvested into DayZ Jared hasn't it?
[06:45:37] Yeah but I'll be honest with you uh...
[06:45:40] Realistically it's exciting, it's cool
[06:45:42] I like it, I think it's dope
[06:45:44] But something.. they need to do
[06:45:46] something more out here in the ending areas and
[06:45:49] i just don't know what that could be but
[06:45:52] i'll say this the maze is really cool i
[06:45:54] think the maze is really well done.
[06:45:57] Maybe add a little bit more
[06:45:58] loot there? I think they
[06:46:00] need to add loot in
[06:46:02] the final area
[06:46:03] and I think they need to tone down the final
[06:46:07] area, or add some
[06:46:09] mask mechanic again.
[06:46:11] And then like...some more
[06:46:15] I don't even know what else fuck you can... What else you can do out here to bring more people together,
[06:46:19] but it seems to me that the PDP is just difficult to find.
[06:46:22] If you add more points of interest though...
[06:46:26] Yeah, even adding more points of
[06:46:28] interest is still getting people on the other side.
[06:46:30] Exactly.
[06:46:32] The only thing you do is make them like 50 person
[06:46:34] servers instead of 40.
[06:46:36] They are 50 already. Maybe increase the cap might be a play, yeah.
[06:46:39] But they're already 50 though!
[06:46:43] 60 but...
[06:46:45] The more you add it's not just gonna fix everything
[06:46:47] There is such thing as too much yeah
[06:46:50] there is such thing as too much like abundance when you get to the other side exactly
[06:46:55] it's definitely an increased pvp amounts and as well in the early
[06:47:00] very difficult and make it more difficult you will die more times without a gun
[06:47:03] you go with probably yeah and like making a way to go back through the passage would be
[06:47:08] maybe way should you try to get through yeah just think if
[06:47:10] you had that on the other side dude i have enough shots of this thing then if
[06:47:15] i threw it back to somebody you could just destroy the other side
[06:47:19] i have like over 20 shots of 23 shots anything or something
[06:47:23] If we could get back to the other side, it's like nobody else
[06:47:32] Feel 18 Shots 19 Shots
[06:47:36] I feel like they designed the map as a progression with PvP
[06:47:38] through the progression and once you get to the end
[06:47:40] that's kinda it, y'know what i mean yeah that's the journey you
[06:47:43] know yeah i get that but i mean like the thing is yeah yeah you get the pvp gun for the best
[06:47:49] thing but then like i feel like you can find stuff out here.
[06:47:53] You just have to catch people.
[06:47:54] Like dude...
[06:47:55] I was-
[06:47:56] Do you have a stove?
[06:47:57] I messed it up today.
[06:47:58] I messed up boss really bad.
[06:47:59] Say what?
[06:48:00] Do you have a stove?
[06:48:02] Yeah I do. A stove? Yeah, I do.
[06:48:03] A stove? Why?
[06:48:05] Uh...
[06:48:07] Oh! Eh...
[06:48:10] Oh it's medium. Mine is small.
[06:48:13] Hell yeah.
[06:48:14] I don't want to carry any other one around, Tommy.
[06:48:19] I can put the small one in my pot.
[06:48:22] Okay and it won't blow up?
[06:48:25] Do you have anything in your pot? Can you carry it in the pot?
[06:48:31] Bruce? Yeah. Oh oh I'm saying is your pot full or can you put it in the pot? Will it blow up on you?
[06:48:35] Yeah so I did the stupidest thing today bro. Bosh!
[06:48:38] I saw these guys go into the maze.
[06:48:41] I was at distance, that's pretty far.
[06:48:42] So I'm running across and I go into the maze behind them. And I'm
[06:48:47] trailing them, okay? Eventually
[06:48:49] after a little while, I can hear them shooting
[06:48:51] here and shooting. And then eventually, I come
[06:48:53] across their fire, bro, that they
[06:48:55] were at, okay? That was still going.
[06:48:57] I took a wrong turn though.
[06:48:59] I didn't stick to the hold-to-the-right
[06:49:01] strategy like I knew they would.
[06:49:03] Yo, guy coming at us!
[06:49:05] I'm gonna shoot!
[06:49:12] Oh! Oh shit. I'm gonna shoot, I'm gonna shoot! Let's follow this way, come this way, come this way.
[06:49:17] So yeah, I following it- did I follow him in
[06:49:19] Bro
[06:49:19] And I got lost and I couldn't trail him
[06:49:22] And I heard them on the other side of a wall
[06:49:25] Right where you go into
[06:49:26] The fucking door to portal
[06:49:28] And I was like, no.
[06:49:30] I lost him, bro.
[06:49:31] I lost him. I was trailing him perfectly. They had no idea.
[06:49:34] I didn't have to shoot one thing.
[06:49:37] Were you tempted
[06:49:37] to go into the teleporter after them, just because?
[06:49:40] Nooo, cause I was like kinda f- I was already letting shit spawn back in
[06:49:44] and I didn't want to have to go through and kill everything
[06:49:46] and waste shit to go in for the chance.
[06:49:49] So I was like fuck it. I didn't go in for the chance. So I was like, fuck it.
[06:49:50] I didn't go after him anymore.
[06:49:52] Yeah, I've never been down there.
[06:49:54] I don't know if you care or not about...
[06:49:57] I've been down there and there's one tent,
[06:49:59] one crate, and a tower. Literally
[06:50:01] that's it. There's nothing. Two crates I'm sorry
[06:50:03] Yeah literally the worst
[06:50:05] Look at this starter military
[06:50:07] when you come out
[06:50:09] It's the worse. Oh my fuckin'
[06:50:12] aug finally got to damaged. You know give me a sec I gotta sit in this tree real fast
[06:50:16] to fix my aug while I do some damage so let me just fix this shit real fast. for us. I'm going to try and make it through the passage again, I think.
[06:50:36] I'm good.
[06:50:37] I'm good.
[06:50:37] Let's go.
[06:50:39] Can you even hurt the maker?
[06:50:41] I wonder.
[06:50:43] I wonder if that gets. Wonder if it's
[06:50:44] still pristine.
[06:50:45] You've shot six times.
[06:50:48] Yeah, six or seven times.
[06:50:50] Well, I've killed three people.
[06:50:52] Shot maybe five or six dudes in the thing.
[06:50:55] So let's say eight or nine times
[06:50:56] I'd shot a silver steam.
[06:50:59] You know, I found two maxes
[06:51:00] of this thing, boss.
[06:51:03] I'm pretty sure...
[06:51:04] I haven't been able to test it, but it's like you shoot it
[06:51:08] You don't have to press R till I put the next bullet in just goes in so I think I can go like boom boom boom
[06:51:14] With it, you know what I mean?
[06:51:16] It's the maker man of course you don't
[06:51:20] Well we can definitely make it through that end part again
[06:51:24] If you're- if you maker the her the black skeletons
[06:51:27] and the other shit,
[06:51:28] yeah.
[06:51:30] The thing about going to
[06:51:33] maze, it was nice because
[06:51:34] I knew that
[06:51:36] whatever I shot,
[06:51:37] I would try to...
[06:51:38] I would almost get
[06:51:39] replenished on it.
[06:51:40] Right?
[06:51:40] So when we went
[06:51:41] into maze,
[06:51:42] I was still...
[06:51:42] Even though
[06:51:43] it was kind of
[06:51:43] like looted,
[06:51:45] you still found
[06:51:46] some ammo.
[06:51:46] Like teammates got three maker am ammo. Yeah, so it's like I didn't go down
[06:51:51] That's what then we went to another thing if not more as like since like
[06:51:54] It's getting replenished a little bit and I keep telling myself with myself if I manage to use this many shots anyways, it's like well used in an info.
[06:52:03] Yeah. The most you're going to do is...
[06:52:06] I guess we'll go around for the burn.
[06:52:09] Let's get a. Zoom maker is a one shot, huh?
[06:52:13] One shot on anything.
[06:52:15] Yes that's when i know when i see the blood splat
[06:52:17] on those other two guys, um...
[06:52:19] You don't have to question if they're knocked or anything.
[06:52:23] Did you see the blood spot with Maker? They did.
[06:52:28] And first hand, I've eaten the bullet a couple times.
[06:52:35] One thing's for sure, if someone kills me they're gonna be like god damn
[06:52:38] the mother load. We got em'. I'm probably the most...
[06:52:41] Dude, I gotta be the most geared on the server.
[06:52:45] Yeah there's no doubt. Zero doubt.
[06:52:49] That was me. You guys have a skeleton on you?
[06:52:54] There's definitely other makers who've been sniping
[06:52:56] people as well though, bro.
[06:53:00] Yeah true, you're not wrong. I just think at this moment dude there's another way.
[06:53:03] Not right now.
[06:53:04] I haven't heard...I've been alive for so long Bosh. Haven't heard another maker go off at all.
[06:53:09] Maybe not in there yet. There are definitely shards around on the server.
[06:53:13] Without a doubt, of course. Don't get me wrong.
[06:53:17] You can't get much more gear than that.
[06:53:19] They ain't logging in right now bro.
[06:53:21] Maker with two clips and every single piece except the chest piece of expedition gear.
[06:53:24] Yeah, I got it man.
[06:53:26] Gonna try to do a pistol down here.
[06:53:30] Is that on you guys?
[06:53:31] Yeah, yeah, see him.
[06:53:39] You all know? Yes, yeah. I get him? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[06:53:41] God damn baby. Woo!
[06:53:43] Fuckin' easy actually all the fuckin days worth God damn baby. Woo!
[06:53:47] Fucking easy actually, all in a fucking day's work.
[06:53:49] No problems.
[06:53:51] MK is a beast probably. This is the shit I want to replenish out here.
[06:53:58] I'm not fucking with my 22s.
[06:54:00] If we kill people coming in through-
[06:54:02] I'm gonna start camping past these for 22s.
[06:54:04] That one guy that killed Bosh had like
[06:54:07] 122 ammo, but you didn't take it at that point? No I did, I took it all
[06:54:11] Oh you did? Now it's all gone. Okay I gotcha. It's not all gone
[06:54:15] I just have a bunch. They're still like 200 shots so much
[06:54:22] the Yeah, I'm uh... my stamina's fuckin' absolute form so just don't let you know.
[06:54:37] Yep. Just walk walking on that road
[06:54:39] right over here.
[06:54:45] ...
[06:55:00] ... I have to get a heat buff again here soon. Are you dying? No. Just went to blue, I think.
[06:55:04] I have all this expedition gear on me
[06:55:06] it's pretty much the same as everyone else
[06:55:08] It sounds not not much better.
[06:55:10] The insulation lies in?
[06:55:14] I mean I got best insulation on the majority of things
[06:55:16] Best or High
[06:55:18] Yeah I guess you're going to lose your...
[06:55:20] Plus I guess the insulation here has, I guess the introduction gear's got like a bunch of slots on average.
[06:55:24] That's a big thing...
[06:55:27] But it's also why you're from the Get Musta in there.
[06:55:30] Yeah, you should've seen me before bro. I was way worse.
[06:55:32] I had to drop the blaze and all three wave bullets because it was like
[06:55:36] I had to make a decision. It's either just...
[06:55:38] You were not sprinting or
[06:55:46] Or you're just like Yeah. You are not sprinting, or you just depend on the maker for your slime right now. Don't worry about PvE.
[06:55:48] Yeah I was carrying that DMR for Nadi and I had 5% stamina. for naughty i had to put in five percent five percent stamina this is such a
[06:55:55] listen i've camped here before bro and it seems op as fuck the camp here so
[06:56:01] just be very careful while moving in.
[06:56:04] There's a spot in the tower where you can see this shit and no propellant.
[06:56:08] I've never fought anyone here but...
[06:56:10] I know that it could get crazy bad if someone was here.
[06:56:34] They think we'll go up on all these rocks you know what i mean yeah I don't like it. Can they get up in these towers?
[06:56:36] This front tower, the tall one is the big one. That's what you don't want
[06:56:40] The only way they can see us is through a little sliver window
[06:56:44] Yes Do you want to clear the castle? Yes.
[06:56:51] You can only see us from these side ones.
[06:57:00] Other than that, he would have to peek the front door.
[06:57:12] And going up this? Very, very difficult. They have so many angles they can hold on to you, so just be careful.
[06:57:19] Not to mention while watching your feet, horrible. Your boy is a fucking genius and just fell in the ground.
[06:57:23] Not genius for any of that he's professional.
[06:57:25] Watching your feet and lift up was pretty tough but you should probably just
[06:57:29] choose one or the other
[06:57:34] well don't get spotted up here
[06:57:37] don't give away this position. I'm gonna hold this combat.
[06:57:47] You guys find any expedition pants, let me know.
[06:57:50] I'm gonna hold this tower window and watch your stairs and shit.
[06:57:56] Alright. Okay. I'm not laying on something this hard, bitch.
[06:58:21] Okay, I see him. Yeah, we're gonna go loud on the zombies here Jared and pull some people over. Sounds good.
[06:58:48] Yeah, I like the sail-up idea there.
[06:59:19] Oh! there i see two of them shoot Ooh! I got you some more 5.56 off of that one.
[06:59:22] Oh shit, I have so fucking much hits.
[06:59:29] It's really nice because it's my... I depend on him a lot for everything else. Like I just walk around skeleton fucking or shooting normal skeletons with my uh...
[06:59:34] Mosel yeah.
[06:59:36] Maker, yeah. Maker, yeah.
[06:59:37] So I'm not...
[06:59:42] Shit, there's another gas canister over here.
[06:59:51] Large or medium?
[06:59:53] Small.
[06:59:54] If it's small then fuck it.
[06:59:55] We'll bring it completely full though.
[06:59:57] Don't mind it it's fine i haven't been using
[07:00:00] it much anyway what we got here expedition jacket Alright, we should find something.
[07:00:14] I just hate transferring everything over to you.
[07:00:17] How do I heal in this basic game? You have to have good food
[07:00:20] and water, and it just takes time.
[07:00:22] Your blood is... Everything just takes time
[07:00:24] for it to come back every time.
[07:00:25] You could have a... Yeah.
[07:00:27] Nothing else.
[07:00:43] You can help your blood with a saline bag or a blood bag but uh...not your health. Your health too comes back over time by eating food and keeping your food dry and light away. I'm not gonna hit shit with this shape.
[07:00:46] It's a ghillie shrug for guns?
[07:00:49] Yeah, uh... No, I don't think so.
[07:00:53] I think that's just something that goes on your back.
[07:00:55] Gotcha.
[07:01:01] Not seeing anybody with hand trusses yet.
[07:01:05] Ghillie Shrug needs a rework? Yeah, they kinda...
[07:01:09] The ghillies are kind of lame since they no backpack shit.
[07:01:13] Just make it so you like if you have a smaller backpack,
[07:01:15] you can wear
[07:01:17] 40 socks and below or something
[07:01:19] like that.
[07:01:56] ... so so I'm seeing seeing shit yet.
[07:02:06] Oh, blood determines healing? Low blood blood equals slower healing i don't know
[07:02:53] this is the one shotgun yeah There's a KA-101 in here. me was there an enemy close now but we went loud here so it's possible that someone shows up. The Naughty logged out. The other two guys are looting upstairs, or up those stairs, kind of watching the entrances I'm just gonna have to keep that feature on.
[07:03:17] Yeah, looted all of it.
[07:03:20] So... got a decent amount
[07:03:21] of ammo for me.
[07:03:25] That's what I appreciate you doing.
[07:03:27] Did they insta-die or can
[07:03:29] they get back up? No, they insta-died.
[07:03:46] Guy in the tower on the stairs. I'm dead.
[07:03:49] Yeah, let's go to single time nursing
[07:03:53] tires
[07:03:56] uh no um from here i think it's like...
[07:04:04] I think it's the northwest.
[07:04:08] Kind of about like the pillar thing? The round little pillar?
[07:04:13] It's by the ending area and it's just a single tower. You go up it and it's like a tower.
[07:04:17] Exhibition gear sponsor.
[07:04:23] It's right by the main jammer at the very end, like the last place you go to.
[07:04:27] You said that you've been to a place that has pillars?
[07:04:31] Pillars...
[07:04:33] Like the mini-towers have four pillars and then down below, it's like in the middle of a lake.
[07:04:38] Down below has got some little military area with tables and shit.
[07:04:42] I don't know actually, you know?
[07:04:46] I don't remember where it is, but we ran into it.
[07:04:48] It was kind of like the one that you went to
[07:04:50] But you have to climb on the rocks or swim in the water
[07:04:53] To get to the entrance
[07:04:55] That's what that said
[07:05:00] I'm surprised nobody came over after those shots.
[07:05:05] I don't feel like a lot of people are staying away from shots if they're trying to do the other stuff, but the fact that we haven't heard anything
[07:05:07] because nobody's in the maze. Nobody's been at the ending area
[07:05:10] Yeah
[07:05:11] Because you have to be loud in that last area
[07:05:13] Yeah
[07:05:15] You don't even use the suppressor in domains.
[07:05:18] You just fucking go because of your strike.
[07:05:21] Yeah, we haven't heard a shot since Restart.
[07:05:25] I think, uh...
[07:05:26] Yeah, so the thing about Restart and my...
[07:05:27] In my opinion is that
[07:05:29] it shakes it up.
[07:05:31] So if there's some endgame guys running around
[07:05:33] after Restart
[07:05:35] maybe those guys don't get in and they get replaced by
[07:05:37] a couple of guys who are just starting new characters.
[07:05:39] Yeah, either that or that's when they call it a night like Naughty did.
[07:05:43] Yeah, true true true.
[07:05:44] Alright I'm getting off.
[07:05:46] Hearing people in the maze fighting bro,
[07:05:48] I wanna go up in there and kill.
[07:05:51] I would even get to the last fucking door- if i got to the door before them bro just sit there and wait for them as soon as they open it
[07:05:56] BAHBAHBAHBAAH you know what I mean?
[07:05:58] They'll get there dude, we'll get there sooner or later.
[07:06:01] So what's gonna happen?
[07:06:02] I'm going to be making these plays, chat.
[07:06:03] I'm going to be making these plays.
[07:06:06] Man that's a play you can do.
[07:06:09] Oh yeah!
[07:06:10] You had enough food on you and had the supplies for
[07:06:14] you know uh making fires and you can sit there and wait for to show up at that
[07:06:19] door and then they open it man you just there oh that way
[07:06:29] nice that's good yeah yeah that's something else they could do those black wraiths like I said they have 24 slots on them
[07:06:36] Have them spawn shit once in a while
[07:06:38] I don't think they do right now at all
[07:06:40] Cutting off the scally for some reason
[07:07:02] What's called... sky for some more uh what's going on I wonder if your hands get bloody from cutting up a skeleton. Oh, yeah, if you didn't have gloves on?
[07:07:04] I wonder.
[07:07:05] It wouldn't make sense but it's possible.
[07:07:07] It would make sense by you trying to test their fucking ability for realism?
[07:07:11] I know right.
[07:07:13] You skeletons have a look.
[07:07:15] Fucking interesting.
[07:07:18] Hi, Sean.
[07:07:23] Him having a suppressor on his SPS is pretty nice.
[07:07:26] No I think that's on his fuckin'- he said a DMR.
[07:07:28] He said an automatic Mosin.
[07:07:30] Oh, that's a fucking DMR or SVD?
[07:07:33] He said it- I think he said it was an SVD.
[07:07:35] Yeah yeah.
[07:07:37] Man, SVDs uh... what is the best thing to do? Yeah, he's got, STD's one of the best in the game. Yeah he's got the fucking suppressor and scope for it.
[07:07:41] Damn! Okay bro...
[07:07:43] If this dude dies you've gotta yourself a gun.
[07:07:48] Drop this damn Mosin dude.
[07:07:51] I almost accidentally killed an Audi on purpose dude and just incredibly missed it.
[07:07:55] Hold up!
[07:07:57] Hold on what'd you just say?
[07:07:59] What?
[07:08:00] Accidentally on purpose?
[07:08:01] Yeah!
[07:08:02] I don't think shit works like that bro.
[07:08:03] Yeah of course it does.
[07:08:04] Of course it does allegedly.
[07:08:06] So listen...
[07:08:08] Yeah did ya see the clip? I almost fucking killed Najee.
[07:08:10] We ran right in front of you after you took a shot.
[07:08:12] It was accidental but we were taking 100% playing it on purpose so...
[07:08:17] You did shoot him if Like you killed him instead
[07:08:20] of the other guy? That's right, I'm not even gonna
[07:08:22] talk shit to me ever again
[07:08:24] I'm surprised that the other guy didn't like
[07:08:26] just look at one of the houses
[07:08:28] cause it was a good what 10 seconds between kills yeah the other guy
[07:08:34] was still like five feet from his boy dude he could have ran into the house. See that castle in the distance up against the wall?
[07:08:44] See that castle up against the wall to our left?
[07:08:48] You can climb up there, right?
[07:08:50] That's where I got two gun repair, gun cleaning kits next to each other.
[07:08:53] Did you want to go over there or what?
[07:08:55] Yeah we should probably visit there eventually.
[07:08:59] What's this place to our right here? Is that anything?
[07:09:03] Um, yeah there is some stuff in there.
[07:09:07] Nah let's just keep going then.
[07:09:14] It's like stone- it's like a stone fucking place.
[07:09:18] And it's all set up weird and you kinda climb up it.
[07:09:20] That might have been the spot I was talking about.
[07:09:24] I think we can swim underneath it and there's a spot with tables
[07:09:26] and shit, and zombies.
[07:09:28] Yeah that might be it, yeah.
[07:09:39] Imagine Imagine hitting a flat-out naughty in the other dude. That would be crazy! The gun can do it too.
[07:09:43] This gun collapsed. so so so Yeah, earlier on you had a single tower going to.
[07:10:37] Yeah. I probably crashed right at it. Dude did you... You know that single tower we're going to?
[07:10:39] Heli crashed right at it.
[07:10:41] Dude, you know that place we just went to?
[07:10:43] With all the tents and shit?
[07:10:46] Dude, a heli crashed right inside of there.
[07:10:49] Yeah, well... You talking about what just happened just now?
[07:10:51] I'm not talking about like the static
[07:10:53] heli that's in there.
[07:10:55] Like a helicrash was inside of
[07:10:57] there you could do with a key and shit.
[07:11:00] Yeah, that's what we just found today.
[07:11:02] An hour ago?
[07:11:04] Yeah bro remember we found the key in there.
[07:11:06] It was smoking.
[07:11:07] We got inspired by how it got blown up.
[07:11:11] I guess... I guess that was just a different one
[07:11:13] that we went to. I didn't know that.
[07:11:15] I didn't know if that was an actual fucking
[07:11:17] helicopter crash.
[07:11:19] I don't think it was an actual helicopter crash up there there this is the same one that's been here all day
[07:11:24] yeah because they have a smoke coming from it and we found a key piece so
[07:11:27] this same heli has been here all day.
[07:11:32] It just keeps respawning or something.
[07:11:34] Yeah, it must be a respawned heli. I'm sure there are only certain spots they spawn.
[07:11:38] I guess? I thought that was random.
[07:11:42] There's the key here!
[07:11:44] Ah, there's a key...
[07:11:49] NVGs!
[07:11:51] Wow, that's insane. Yep. and he is
[07:12:00] sold back the assault backpack here too. I remember Peter C. Sack on my side.
[07:12:23] Are we good? Let's get in here, keep switching.
[07:12:24] Let's go.
[07:12:26] We're going to the tower, Captain.
[07:12:28] Yeah.
[07:12:30] Thought I saw something moving on the right side. All day that's been there, chat. I guess that's just A spawn for Ellie. But how do you like, respawn?
[07:12:49] Where are crashes at? This might have something on here too. some
[07:13:05] Yo, thank you Spigot. Appreciate the $1500 bets by the man. I appreciate it very much.
[07:13:08] Thank you for the $15 my dude!
[07:13:10] Rip Envy!
[07:13:12] Like I said, you don't really need them.
[07:13:14] You ready to load up here?
[07:13:16] Yeah. Be careful though, I've got in the bikes here and it's tough moving up it. I don't know what you mean. Haven't heard too much shooting around these parks. so so so so so You guys up there?
[07:14:48] Yep.
[07:14:50] Are you going downstairs?
[07:14:52] Yeah.
[07:14:54] I'll put aingshot on me.
[07:14:57] What?
[07:14:59] Some expedition gloves.
[07:15:00] You got those already, Jordan?
[07:15:01] Yeah, I got them.
[07:15:04] All I need is pants and the DMR bag, MG scope. You'll have this you a plate.
[07:15:27] Ouch is moving? Wait, let me get you...
[07:15:29] ...that holster.
[07:15:30] I don't have your pistol.
[07:15:33] Yeah, I don't have the pistol.
[07:15:37] Alright, see that thing?
[07:15:40] Maybe back to maze
[07:15:41] maybe we'll catch somebody there
[07:15:45] Yeah, yeah we can do that.
[07:15:52] I wonder if we found anything up top on this left side before?
[07:15:57] I don't remember yet.
[07:16:05] I don't know.
[07:16:08] Tower has better loot than underground, but I think... I don't know.
[07:16:11] Tower has better loot than underground, I think.
[07:16:17] That was pretty good if you just keep coming back and eventually get some good stuff.
[07:16:20] I would not stand sitting here, is that you?
[07:16:23] Oh, just checking the tower over there?
[07:16:25] Yeah, do not stand still.
[07:16:28] There's a certain place you can and a certain place you can't
[07:16:29] top of this stone ramp next to your castle. Not one of them. There's certain places you can, certain places you can't.
[07:16:30] Pelican Stone Ranch, Nester Castle, not one of them.
[07:16:37] Nester Helicrash Center. unless you're highly passionate You definitely can hear gunshots at the way through this bitch too.
[07:17:11] Can someone give me a tip on how to throw an egg? Never this bitch, too. Can someone give me a tip? I flipped with throwing the egg
[07:17:13] and never seen it.
[07:17:14] Don't give it to him, chat.
[07:17:17] When Bosh was super far away from us
[07:17:19] you could still hear his shots.
[07:17:22] You can hear everything in this map, around this area.
[07:17:25] But the thing is speaking of people suppressing you...
[07:17:28] Yeah.
[07:17:29] Well are you saying that I'm not suppressing you to the laser last place?
[07:17:33] Yeah yeah. I mean we should be suppressing you. Should I take a maker shot?...the Maze of Nazer, last place.
[07:17:34] Yeah...
[07:17:36] I mean we should make our shots if they do go there.
[07:17:39] I'm pretty sure the makershot travels probably to everywhere.
[07:17:43] I hope so too. I don't assume so, either.
[07:17:49] You cannot go back to the starting area on this map. You are stuck after you go through the passage.
[07:17:51] There's no going back through the passage.
[07:17:54] And throw things back through the passage if you have teammates. I'm getting close to full expedition. them.
[07:18:34] Shit, I missed!
[07:18:38] Scared the fuck out of me.
[07:18:42] All of a sudden someone's shooting DMR, but it's just a Mark 2.
[07:18:50] Expedition jacket. Expedition pants. There's a skeleton outside, skeleton behind you! I'm gonna shoot him. Guess I could have shot him.
[07:19:11] I'm gonna start shooting first.
[07:19:13] No, those are mine homie!
[07:19:17] I'm taking the pants.
[07:19:19] Starting to hear shots. Heard some shots somewhere some shots somewhere listen for those shots
[07:19:23] Where's that?
[07:19:28] That's way off inside a passage might be able to catch them coming out but probably not so so I don't know where we go.
[07:20:17] Alright, I'm good.
[07:20:21] I don't pull that special except for your plate.
[07:20:25] Did you take your old pants?
[07:20:27] Uhhhh... yeah, why not.
[07:20:31] This gun's for my best gas bullets
[07:20:33] in this magazine if you want to grab it.
[07:20:37] Yeah.
[07:20:49] I dropped any feet up there? Yep.
[07:21:06] I'm gonna go towards this passage We're going toward passage here. So where do we want to go?
[07:21:08] Do you still wanna go maze or towards those passage shots?
[07:21:10] I don't know.
[07:21:12] It's up to you, brother.
[07:21:14] Where is our boy? Okay he's back there.
[07:21:16] You wanna go to the maze or want to go to those passage shots?
[07:21:21] Up to you. It's kind of hit-or-miss, they have three different like passages that we can go through in our maze
[07:21:27] Sure I guess yeah okay
[07:21:29] I don't think we could pinpoint that because they might not want to hear those sounds
[07:21:33] Maybe if we shoot loud at the maze people will start coming?
[07:21:35] I dunno
[07:21:37] Maybe those guys that are going through passages will go straight to the maze anyway.
[07:21:41] We want to catch people going through it for sure.
[07:21:48] I don't know, I'm at a blank, I don't know, I'm gonna blink.
[07:21:58] Probably don't wanna just camp somewhere. That's no fun.
[07:22:02] Yeah, I don't want to just camp-camp. I want to like move in on people.
[07:22:06] Well we can go through those... Go towards those passage entrances I guess and just fucking gander, see if we find...
[07:22:13] Maybe we get lucky. Thirty-three percent chance we pick the right one.
[07:22:20] Let's go kill somebody here when they get out.
[07:22:27] It'll belong where we're at most likely?
[07:22:31] What if they jump in the water and catch you?
[07:22:32] The one we were just at will most likely.
[07:22:34] Okay, that's what i think.
[07:22:37] Yeah probably.
[07:22:39] Alright let's go hit that shit.
[07:23:06] Don't wanna hit that one exit where you can jump off and die. I'm never jumping off that thing, I'm just walking off it.
[07:23:11] I hopped the rail to jump in the water on the side.
[07:23:14] Two shots two deaths this time chat. I'm gonna it is there.
[07:23:32] Look at it!
[07:23:36] Sitting in that roof like a kind of sweet because it's not going to get you any better.
[07:23:46] This is just hella hype.
[07:23:53] I was playing DayZ earlier today, I'm from Australia so different time zones and I was up in Tizzy with a friend
[07:24:01] And we were looting bunkers and I would always check the floor and check corners
[07:24:05] Then for some reason I stopped checking the floor and walked over a trip wire
[07:24:09] and died to it. You died to that? Awww...
[07:24:13] Yeah, cause it's not like a landmine
[07:24:17] The tripwire has grenade on, so if you don't...
[07:24:20] But the thing is, like, if you hit the tripwire,
[07:24:22] you can still spread the way and get away.
[07:24:25] No, no, no, I guess I'm geared at all.
[07:24:27] Okay.
[07:24:29] That dude just be dying of shit like...
[07:24:31] Today all I did was play this character.
[07:24:34] Really?
[07:24:36] Yeah, this is one hell of a big character.
[07:24:39] I would say if we end up not finding anything We we can always get off and go in the mosque for a little bit
[07:24:42] If you want to get some action
[07:24:45] Yeah probably stand on this guy
[07:24:47] Once i get to this point on a character
[07:24:53] To me it's not about
[07:24:55] Necessarily how many kills like it, but you know just how long I survive
[07:24:58] Okay, last time
[07:25:00] Yeah They force last a long time yeah this is day four day five maybe
[07:25:15] it's been at least four. I mean, this seems to be the last three or four days. I'm not really sure. Three or four sessions?
[07:25:21] Yeah. Well we were alive for two days and then I wasn't here yesterday and then today.
[07:25:27] So yeah, you got four.
[07:25:40] Today's been all day. Well, you got on late huh? What did you do? You got a new computer or... Yeah so I set up a gaming computer and a streamer computer to do with Smokey.
[07:25:44] Smokey did most of the setup, but
[07:25:45] I was there to assist.
[07:25:47] Gotcha.
[07:25:49] Was there something wrong with your other one or are you just upgrading?
[07:25:51] Um... my game and computer got upgraded
[07:25:53] a little while ago okay Is that you shooting still?
[07:26:06] Yeah, do you hear me?
[07:26:10] There's just a couple skeletons. One was green though so you gotta be careful
[07:26:13] But I do have a couple pox meds
[07:26:15] Yeah, I got one of those also. Do computer feel any different?
[07:26:34] I mean, the fucker remains are stupid on this game.
[07:26:39] Yep.
[07:26:40] I don't know if the last one was the same...
[07:26:42] ...I don't remember and I have to go back a while streams
[07:26:44] To see if I have it constant like 30-240 higher.
[07:26:48] Shit that's crazy!
[07:26:49] We are in an area
[07:26:51] that's like...
[07:26:55] New computer brightened the snow
[07:27:00] Nooo it's just crazy on the sun right now dude
[07:27:02] and I can lower my gamma in a game
[07:27:04] and this shit is crazy
[07:27:06] dude, I don't understand. Bro we don't need heatbelt forever
[07:27:08] like maybe do this.
[07:27:11] It's actually crazy.
[07:27:13] It takes a while.
[07:27:15] I wish i could take some off
[07:27:19] I wanna keep you guys on the same screen. Actually, if I have gamma up, I can load in gamma for you guys since I'm too crazy.
[07:27:27] I don't know, I have to basically... It's so fucking dark in the night
[07:27:32] it's so fucking bright in the day
[07:27:34] that uh
[07:27:36] I lost you guys by the way
[07:27:38] Nevermind, see ya
[07:27:40] That um It's like I always have to change it.
[07:27:47] It's just dude the sun is
[07:27:49] bright as shit right now bro.
[07:27:59] ... right as shit right now. I'm gonna turn my
[07:27:59] gamma down on that
[07:28:00] just give me a sec,
[07:28:01] man.
[07:28:01] That's gotta sit in
[07:28:02] the street for one second. Yeah, it's probably held right there. I've got to sit in the street for one second.
[07:28:04] Yeah it's probably hell of a ride with the snow.
[07:28:06] Hold on one sec Bruce.
[07:28:08] Let me just uh...I gotta change something
[07:28:10] in my settings.
[07:28:20] ... Oh We'll see here. Alright, I'm ready.
[07:28:37] You guys good? Yep.
[07:28:42] I don't know if that helped you guys.
[07:28:47] It's still fucking bright on the big snow areas
[07:28:51] that have just sun beating down on it, nothing we can do about it.
[07:28:55] Maybe it's my graphics What do we need to do about it?
[07:28:57] Maybe its my graphics settings I can change.
[07:28:59] I haven't changed graphics, so I wonder if I can make it
[07:29:01] so that it sounds bright.
[07:29:03] I'll change it after.
[07:29:05] I haven't done anything. Is it bright for you as your like looking at it? Yeah, there's just breakfast room
[07:29:12] Just blaming let's get one more tree sit
[07:29:18] Sorry sorry Hold that boomer. One more, one more, one more. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
[07:29:21] You good?
[07:29:27] Sigh... I mean, what is it? What would it be?
[07:29:33] I don't think it's anything chat.
[07:29:43] Okay, let me pretend And for chill. Terrain?
[07:29:52] Mega Medium, I guess.
[07:29:55] Ain't gonna do shit to us.
[07:29:58] Gonna make it extreme.
[07:30:02] Okay. They make it extreme. Yeah, that's all. There is nothing we can do about this. The sun is fucking bright on the snow chat so I think its time for a little juice.
[07:30:09] Yeah bro now that i'm thinking about it, I've only died to PvE on this side.
[07:30:14] And I was gonna kill you?
[07:30:15] No really?
[07:30:16] No.
[07:30:18] The bear and the minotaur and the lagging minotaur.
[07:30:22] Yeah the lagging minotaur is fucking awesome.
[07:30:24] So is the bear, you know?
[07:30:26] Dude man, that bear...
[07:30:27] Think about how fucking crazy I was then.
[07:30:29] Through THAT playthrough
[07:30:31] all you had left
[07:30:32] was a single-pat fucking pistol.
[07:30:34] Yeah, this shitty
[07:30:35] pistol could do anything.
[07:30:38] Yep.
[07:30:41] It's hard when you don't
[07:30:41] find any way to re-gear up.
[07:30:43] Even this time, dude, we wouldn't have very much ammo if we didn't kill 3 or 4 people this time through.
[07:30:51] Oh yeah! It's the PvP kills that get you really stacked out here.
[07:30:55] Yeah.
[07:30:56] And by we, I mean you, but, you know...
[07:30:58] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[07:30:59] But, I mean, we had Maverick too when I was younger.
[07:31:01] Maverick was more geared than me.
[07:31:03] That's true.
[07:31:03] I was getting his hand-me-downs,
[07:31:05] remember that?
[07:31:05] You got that kill
[07:31:06] to save your life too.
[07:31:07] Yeah.
[07:31:12] Bro they're still
[07:31:13] shooting?
[07:31:13] Are they taking
[07:31:14] that long
[07:31:14] to get through
[07:31:23] Feel like for more first heard those shots. they should have made it through passage right now.
[07:31:29] Yeah maybe.
[07:31:33] We're hearing shots on there right?
[07:31:36] Yeah still just heard a couple
[07:31:37] bits and seconds ago
[07:31:43] all right the passage passages like along this wall somewhere.
[07:31:54] As Summit monitors us, think I saw you have an Odyssey C-series monitor.
[07:32:01] If so there are settings on the monitor that will limit max brightness automatically in scenes without having to make adjustments.
[07:32:03] Yeah but you guys wouldn't see that.
[07:32:05] But you guys wouldn't see that.
[07:32:07] What the heck?
[07:32:09] You know what I mean? I got a can of sardines.
[07:32:11] That shit's fine, I can handle it.
[07:32:13] What about you guys?
[07:32:15] Be sweet.
[07:32:20] Whenever.
[07:32:28] He must have just been't a white, he was such a food.
[07:32:31] He must have been lower than everybody when we were eating him.
[07:32:35] Man that's about right.
[07:32:37] For real?
[07:32:39] Pretty sure. Maybe I wasn't, I don't know.
[07:32:41] Thought it was a...
[07:32:42] Oh wait!
[07:32:43] I ate fish right before I met you.
[07:32:45] Yeah we had 8 minutes of our stay so that's nice.
[07:32:48] He gave me the fat he left when we logged had left right when we logged in.
[07:32:51] Or right when I logged in, so it's probably...
[07:32:54] He didn't eat all his food and was shaming. The light in the room is a real question of if you're right or left.
[07:33:14] I hate it.
[07:33:19] I'm fucking hungry, bro. I've been waiting for you to come out here.
[07:33:22] We have different entrances here. I'm fucking hungry bro, I've been waiting for you.
[07:33:23] There's a different entrance here.
[07:33:26] A rail hopping entrance.
[07:33:29] Here take these sardines.
[07:33:38] Just wait around here for a little bit, take them out and kill the zombies. We'll know they're there.
[07:33:40] Man where are they heading at?
[07:33:42] That sounded gun close there
[07:33:49] Yeah, i'm gonna go heat up a burger for a minute now right back
[07:33:52] Damn
[07:33:56] No jealous Don't be.
[07:34:00] Excuse me.
[07:34:10] Oh, fuck! Yeah, don't be jealous of the intel's ass.
[07:34:12] It's probably worse reheated.
[07:34:19] Wanna go to the bathroom real quick, guys. Alright, I'll stay here until you guys are back there...... so. so.. so...
[07:36:25] ...
[07:36:29] Yeah.
[07:36:33] I'm gonna use the bathroom we're quick to them. so. I'm just gonna eat about this.. Nothing so far?
[07:37:42] Not a burger, man.
[07:38:04] Hey, John!. Oh shit, yo Gratis got you.
[07:38:11] Yo, Ats is inside the wall.
[07:38:14] What?
[07:38:18] Those shots are inside the walls, suppressed shots like north of us.
[07:38:21] Oh like on our side you wanna go for that?
[07:38:23] Yeah, Kev's back. He went to take a piss.
[07:38:29] Yeah I'm here. Okay.
[07:38:33] He's here!
[07:38:37] Kev? Yeah, Beck? Let's go, let's go.
[07:38:41] Leg straight there. No, let's go
[07:38:46] Like straight this way
[07:38:51] Here's my shots
[07:38:58] You say he hurts fresh because they're close enough, like at the other exit probably?
[07:38:59] Maybe shooting zombies at the exit. Mm-hmm.
[07:39:12] I don't think so, I think we're down on that flank.
[07:39:14] Okay.
[07:39:18] Well, if we heard suppressed shots it's gotta be closer. Yeah, you're right.
[07:39:23] It sounded... they sounded far-far I don't know.
[07:39:26] Maybe they weren't surprised?
[07:39:29] But they sounded uh...
[07:39:32] Within a click i'd say.
[07:39:34] Yeah. Sounded the respres- yeah
[07:39:42] yeah i was just repeating what the group said.
[07:39:51] You got it, you got it, you're pretty quick.
[07:39:56] Yeah. Few people dying and shit
[07:40:01] stuff
[07:40:05] we might have personally
[07:40:07] yeah We might be hitting first man.
[07:40:10] That teammate that died gave me like 120 SK damage, or SK ammo.
[07:40:18] Dead zombies there?
[07:40:21] No, I see zombies there.
[07:40:26] It's number one at least. Is this the one we were before.
[07:40:55] There's too many zombies, yeah? Yeah there's too many zombies
[07:40:56] No that's not the one we were in
[07:40:59] Yeah, yeah
[07:41:02] And I might have just ran straight through to go to Maze here.
[07:41:04] We would know if we hear any shots at Maze being under there.
[07:41:11] Yeah they won't be suppressing shots at me. so Yo, somebody dropped a gun right here.
[07:41:45] There's an M16 right there.
[07:41:53] That's toward the maze.
[07:41:56] Can I be chillin' in a building if I need to keep up or something?
[07:42:00] Yeah, maybe. I'm gonna gonna trade right across from you guys. I see fire smoke.
[07:42:30] I feel like they're getting ready to go maze, dude.
[07:42:35] They might be.
[07:42:36] I have a feeling those shots that we heard the m16 dropped right there behind us that's still passing No fire right down there in front of us at the beach.
[07:43:06] You're shitting me dude. Where where where?
[07:43:11] At the beach, look behind that tree!
[07:43:15] Might be in that tree I'm sorry. Told you, bro.
[07:43:35] They're on the way to the maze, Abe! I might actually have learned about the cross.
[07:43:45] Like, their pot is still there bro! They wouldn't leave that right?
[07:43:47] Their pots still there?
[07:43:51] Are they fishing from like a bush or something like that?
[07:43:53] It's not there. It's not there.
[07:44:01] I'm scanning at the houses...... houses fire just went out
[07:44:22] they might be in the maze at the front maybe nothing spawned
[07:44:30] suppress for a little bit I don't know how crazy that was so fucking close to somebody being kept at fire here.
[07:44:42] You know what i mean?
[07:44:44] 100% dude.
[07:44:49] That's all I'm saying, they were going to the maze fucking... look for fire
[07:44:52] You hear any shots from the maze? I see one, I see him.
[07:44:58] Yeah yeah I see him, I see him.
[07:44:59] No wait is that our boy?
[07:45:00] He alright?
[07:45:01] I don't think he would have ran all the way over there.
[07:45:03] That's our friend, that is our friend, that is...
[07:45:05] That's him?
[07:45:06] Yeah yeah that's him. He's is... That's him?
[07:45:07] Yeah, that's him.
[07:45:08] He's not next to you right?
[07:45:09] No.
[07:45:10] My boy went over there.
[07:45:11] Oh my god dude.
[07:45:12] I think he almost shot us huh?
[07:45:14] Yeah.
[07:45:16] I'm pretty sure our boys got that combat backpack.
[07:45:17] That's why we're here. yeah i'm pretty sure our boys got that on that backpack
[07:45:25] wait in the head dude that's in front of us. Yeah.
[07:45:28] That's Maze!
[07:45:29] I told you before, bro.
[07:45:30] Let's go to the maze!
[07:45:32] Alright...
[07:45:33] As soon as I saw that fire
[07:45:34] I was like, bro let's go to the maze.
[07:45:35] Might be these guys.
[07:45:41] He listened.
[07:45:44] Yeah, he almost got killed for it but he listened.
[07:45:45] Me and you would feel real stupid if we shot him
[07:45:47] a lot.
[07:45:50] Honestly, I would have felt real good if I hit that shot so...
[07:45:56] You've been waiting to hit- Listen you're new today Zee right? So you've been waiting to hit nice snipe shots on people from the tree.
[07:46:01] Exactly! I don't care who that is.
[07:46:04] I know how it goes bro.
[07:46:06] I still like- I still like itch for a dope ass sniper shot from the tree when nobody sees me.
[07:46:12] Makes you get a clean one, ya know?
[07:46:13] I think we just had two of them though.
[07:46:15] Yeah but I was running across some field, ya know what I mean?
[07:46:18] I wasn't on Netflix.
[07:46:21] Oh my god.
[07:46:25] Yo, we're here. Yo, we're hearing shots from Maze
[07:46:27] aren't we?
[07:46:29] Yeah, yeah, he's shooting at Maze.
[07:46:32] Alright let's go up there and get Heat Buffet up there
[07:46:34] And then lets roll
[07:46:38] He might honestly just go all the way through
[07:46:40] Like if we don't catch him or anything
[07:46:42] Sure sure sure,'s just go fast now
[07:46:44] You think he hugs right or left on this side
[07:46:46] He probably hugs right here
[07:46:48] Sounded deep left
[07:46:50] The shots sounded deep left
[07:46:55] Yeah yeah
[07:46:57] Bro I love me a spot like that
[07:47:01] Wanna get there. Have you gone down yet
[07:47:03] Meb? Yeah right No no we were just going Have you brought down yet?
[07:47:09] No, no we were going to but then with just the end game and then we stopped I mean shit We got you to keep that happy
[07:47:13] Haven't already yeah I have my full key already. You got a full key and half the key.
[07:47:16] You already have a full key? Oh shit!
[07:47:18] Yeah, yeah.
[07:47:20] Get this guy's full key then I guess.
[07:47:22] Well let's just go in here to hide.
[07:47:24] Go ahead. What's that shit? Dude eh?
[07:47:27] What's that shit?
[07:47:29] I'm red dude.
[07:47:31] Eat, eat that, eat that.
[07:47:33] When we get some tor-
[07:47:35] I feel two worms on me
[07:47:36] Can you force us if we see any minotaurs, they're like bear sticks around.
[07:47:39] Just get them.
[07:47:40] I can put them all in there.
[07:47:44] Okay, we got that extra gas too.
[07:47:46] No dark nut problems? just follow me up okay?
[07:47:50] Just follow me on this one Kev.
[07:47:54] We're gonna do the hogloss strategy.. Hopefully we see a dead Minotaur or something.
[07:48:23] I think they're killing him the right way.
[07:48:26] I don't know, with that fire there dude? Why would you go anywhere else?
[07:48:38] Maybe just crosswalk the whole fucking way so you don't get unnecessary So far so good, haven't gotten anything.
[07:48:57] Yeah nothing dead either though.
[07:49:01] Yeah that's a lot of stuff. Yeah, nothing dead either though.
[07:49:03] That's fine sometimes it can be a little bit clear for them too.
[07:49:07] Sounds like that's not from here.
[07:49:11] That's not the shots we were hearing right? No I think that's not the shots we were hearing right no i think that's passage shots again
[07:49:19] because we were hearing passive shots at the same time we were hearing these shots. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[07:49:28] I'm pretty sure this is all that ends up here
[07:49:30] but we'll see.
[07:49:32] Bro did my man get clear path opposite side is the growling, eh?
[07:49:45] Might have caught some aggro behind.
[07:49:50] Yeah, Minotaur behind!
[07:49:51] Minotaur behind!
[07:49:53] You got it?
[07:49:57] Yep. I got it. You got it? Yeah, I don't want to shoot with mine.
[07:50:00] There are hubs over us that are opposite of the ground on this.
[07:50:16] That's your gun. I'm going to go mesh. We'll have to cut him up if you know this is a dead end.
[07:50:22] This guy's just crouch walking on the opposite wall, just follow me bruh!
[07:50:28] Just fucking follow me.
[07:50:32] May have given away our position there.
[07:50:36] I don't give a fuck about this suppressor, I'm burning it.
[07:50:39] Let's go back to that door, I think.
[07:50:43] Let's go cut this man in two.
[07:50:47] This stuff is so bossy.
[07:50:49] I'm not bossy, bro! It's just like this unnecessary shit that we don't need to run into right now?
[07:50:53] You know what I mean?
[07:50:57] We don't need to be running into these motherfuckers if we, you know.
[07:51:00] I think we would have ran into him either way.
[07:51:04] But... So, you're on the wrong fucking wall
[07:51:08] or we are going gonna get caught up.
[07:51:13] If you hear growling on one wall, your desi don't wanna go to that,
[07:51:15] right?
[07:51:46] ... Let's go. I have this actually. What's behind us? Yeah, yeah.
[07:51:48] What's behind us?
[07:51:49] Yeah, yeah what?
[07:51:51] Dead end behind us.
[07:51:52] Yes. Oh, oh yeah
[07:52:00] Down through this door here
[07:52:02] Skelly in there? Skelly in the doorway?
[07:52:04] We should have to shoot him. Small one or big one?
[07:52:06] Small
[07:52:12] I don't think they went through, we should have to feed them to the end if that's the case.
[07:52:16] Yes, I'm thinking there is a galley on the way. so so so I'm seeing any mobs is crazy, dude.
[07:53:09] I mean, I think they may have lowered the mob count in here a bit...
[07:53:12] ...not to mention if you're moving around silently,
[07:53:14] A lot of the mobs come from other sides of walls.
[07:53:17] Yeah. I don't see any dead shit. Yeah, what? No
[07:53:24] dead anything? So there's a lot of dead stuff here. There's a lot of dead things in this On the other side of it?
[07:53:32] What does that mean we go this way?
[07:53:35] Do you want to go back this way or do we already check out one of these back here
[07:53:41] you know what i'm saying we're trying to go left the whole time so how do
[07:53:44] we go left there can we keep going that way
[07:53:47] I mean, I don't know. I haven't been here enough i think so i think that
[07:53:50] i think that means we keep going yeah our dude keeps walking the other way Yes, sir. Oh my god.
[07:54:02] Yeah I'm down to yellow apple now too.
[07:54:05] That's crazy dude. Four fish should keep you for a long ass time.
[07:54:09] If we kill one more minotaur man we're all good yeah no i'm not worried about him just saying it's
[07:54:15] crazy that it went down that fast after four fish he needs like two hours after three fish.
[07:54:31] Back up a little bit, and let's go come back to the car now. If it's a yellow-eyed, I'm gonna maybe snipe it.
[07:54:42] Got one of the minotaur woodworks here really.
[07:54:45] You want me to go aggro it better? Pull it back here?
[07:54:48] I don't know if you want to.
[07:54:51] Well, we wanna go that direction right?
[07:54:53] Yeah, let's just move up What was that noise?
[07:55:08] Is someone dying, what the fuck was that noise?
[07:55:14] Is my someone dying? What the fuck was that noise?
[07:55:15] Was that my guy freezing?
[07:55:17] Maybe.
[07:55:18] Was it the cold noise?
[07:55:20] I made the cold noise right when you said that, so...
[07:55:24] Oh, that's weird. so So far we're doing pretty decent. I haven't even used many maker rounds at all.
[07:55:51] I like to use any actually, try and keep it silent.
[07:55:54] Not in here you can just use MK he's used his silent I'm gonna go down the path.
[07:56:14] Can't many of them laugh with luck?
[07:56:18] So he thinks he hears a guy? I got you, In a tire?
[07:56:40] Don't shoot, don't shoot!
[07:56:44] That thing just explodes dude, Jesus Christ.
[07:56:47] That shit's hilarious.
[07:56:50] Probably because of the yellow light i didn't need to do uh Keep an eye out.
[07:57:16] Yeah.
[07:57:17] Probably, because we're yellow.
[07:57:20] Back here.
[07:57:21] Okay.
[07:57:22] I'm going to go back up there. Okay. Yeah. That's probably because we're yellow.
[07:57:24] Back here?
[07:57:30] On me.
[07:57:31] Yo, I don't...I don't think that's Edgar Tullis.
[07:57:34] Is that a Sasquatch?
[07:57:36] Yeah it is.
[07:57:44] Yeah, he's coming down the wall to us.
[07:57:46] Big boy.
[07:57:47] Oh I got him.
[07:57:48] There's a small one.
[07:58:01] You've got a small gas?
[07:58:03] Okay, of course.
[07:58:04] There's another one coming at me I think.
[07:58:05] Come back to him. Or we can make a clear out because your IF6 is on me already. oh there's another one coming to me i think come back
[07:58:07] you have sticks on me already if i see it around the corner i'll back up so It takes up all the space on the ground. He's a little guy. I guess it doesn't matter if you're suppressed or not at this point, we already gave them
[07:58:55] their position right?
[07:58:56] Not at this point after those maker shots.
[07:58:58] So I'm probably going go out of suppressor That was a yellow-eyed one, dude.
[07:59:17] Yeah?
[07:59:18] That last one we filmed?
[07:59:19] Yeah it says yellow eyed.
[07:59:20] What the fuck that doesn't look like very yellow from the front. I don't know what's going on here. I think there's something in this room. Yeah? That last one we killed? Yeah, it was yellow-eyed.
[07:59:21] What the fuck, that didn't look very yellow from the front I guess.
[07:59:25] These guys clearly went hard right and we went hard left.
[07:59:29] Say that again? These guys went to the hard right side.
[07:59:32] We're gonna go left side, we're not going to run into them until they end if we do.
[07:59:36] If you want to go through this what did you say?
[07:59:38] I mean we can go all the way through.
[07:59:40] Might meet him on the other side of it.
[07:59:42] Technically we could yeah.
[07:59:43] We can try one...
[07:59:44] Yeah the yellow ones got two stakes on em.
[07:59:46] They ain't not had to shoot as much though there's no way right?
[07:59:50] They might have done a lot of suppressed too on their way I guess?
[07:59:52] There could be 2 of em ones got suppressed one doesn't
[07:59:56] we got more on em they went loud
[07:59:58] those are the azitas Hey, he buffed around this city camp. It looks like they upped the minotaur stake from when I first ate it too.
[08:00:29] Probably shot those ones up a lot more actually, probably half stakes or something.
[08:00:36] Yeah yeah, when I one-tap them you get more
[08:00:40] We shredded that one right?
[08:00:42] And then another one
[08:00:48] Oh no, I got two stakes for him.
[08:01:00] So he's 2-hanging arounds. rounds
[08:01:14] yet when you get there I'm not going to drop those vials. Is that a DNA stick?
[08:01:16] Yeah, we ate two already you get one each Someone could be trying to trail us, not be trailed.
[08:01:35] I doubt it could go on there with these maker shits going off, but people like it.
[08:01:47] These are pretty light pairsakes, but...
[08:01:51] Yeah.
[08:01:53] I think it is good.
[08:01:59] I got everything for Steiner worn except my Mosin.
[08:02:05] Which one was that?
[08:02:07] Damaged.
[08:02:12] I'll wait until it's... Unless it's fine, doesn't matter.
[08:02:14] Is it? Don't make sure he starts eating.
[08:02:36] See if it's on red.
[08:02:39] Okay, I'm filling up mouthful of a stomach, bro.
[08:02:45] I think two of these steaks gives you full apple.
[08:02:48] Oh yeah? Pretty sure!
[08:02:52] I did two and my stomach got boldly i don't know about
[08:02:55] how high it'll go yeah it's like a set for the care sticks Let me see.
[08:03:19] It actually would happen if you had a torch that's really cool, but being able to cut them up and then get steak off of them... Yeah, they said make that like something nice right?
[08:03:23] They thought a bunch of really good shit.
[08:03:26] Spider meat sucks, dude.
[08:03:29] The queen spider meat in this nasty shit.
[08:03:32] I still like them.
[08:03:33] Still hate it a lot, dude.
[08:03:35] They're like wolf meat, like i think it'd be a
[08:03:37] little bit fucking real replenishing yeah giant ass spider dude
[08:03:40] should get eight we all do one of these fats yeah
[08:03:45] yeah give me see any spider legs, did you?
[08:03:56] There's one more stake left there, Jared. I already had two. He had 2.
[08:04:02] Take that stake.
[08:04:04] I don't know if I'll take the stake you guys think about.
[08:04:06] Did it run out?
[08:04:07] Yeah, that it run out.
[08:04:17] Damn, that ran out. There was a small one he he was like just use this one first so
[08:04:22] yeah it was still full which is
[08:04:27] i guess it makes sense.
[08:04:37] I guess just because those stakes are so big, you used to cook them like four things at once.
[08:04:39] I got heat puffs.
[08:04:40] Yeah... Yep, we're just waiting for the fat to cook.
[08:04:44] We'll just wait for those two to cook and move, I think.
[08:04:47] Just carry the last one.
[08:04:49] I'll carry the last one.
[08:04:52] I should be close to some food.
[08:04:55] Here, grab one of those fats each and let's go. Yeah, I think your shit's gonna ruin if you keep it in that pot when it's that hot.
[08:05:08] I've had it happen to me before.
[08:05:09] If I keep what?
[08:05:12] Your leather sewing kit's gonna be
[08:05:13] your box 200 degrees you put in it and like ruins the items
[08:05:21] you tripping bro
[08:05:39] nah he trippin bruh I'm taking a breath. Someone just hit a reload right next to me, and he kills right next to me.
[08:05:44] Yeah, I hear it, I hear you.
[08:06:00] I'm gonna go get him. What am I hearing? I heard that shit too dude, what the fuck.
[08:06:02] Wait, what?!
[08:06:03] Did our dude take some pills?
[08:06:04] He's on the other side of the wall there.
[08:06:06] A little bit further up.
[08:06:10] I still am.
[08:06:11] Is it a skeleton inside the wall?
[08:06:13] I think that's what it is.
[08:06:14] Yeah, we heard fucking pill noises dude!
[08:06:17] Nah, we thought we did. That's one of the noises he makes.
[08:06:20] That's a fucking skeleton in the ground.
[08:06:23] A heart rate started going up there dude.
[08:06:26] Is that an end over there?
[08:06:28] It was. Yeah.
[08:06:35] Holy, bro.
[08:06:36] I legit was like, oh, guy hitting pills right next to me. It's like fuck dude 100% dude fucking sounded like
[08:07:14] Precinct We should be getting there pretty soon. I'm going to try left in a little bit.
[08:07:18] I did hard right the minute we got there.
[08:07:24] Oh yeah. Yeah, it's like the idea I guess behind mazes is just a basic strategy all the way left or right you know?
[08:07:31] Yeah, I'm sure there are people that have figured it out but... basic strategy all the way left or all the way right, you know?
[08:07:34] Yeah I'm sure there are people that have figured it out. Know the exact pathway...
[08:07:35] Right-left, right-left or whatever
[08:07:38] But yeah if you don't know where you're going
[08:07:40] Bug one wall and you'll get there sooner or later yeah i'm sure people have figured it out
[08:07:47] i think most people you would follow into here
[08:07:49] would follow the left for the right strap. Oh yeah, 100%.
[08:08:01] I'll use like 3 maker shots, right?
[08:08:07] What'd you say?
[08:08:09] I think I've used like 3 shots so far.
[08:08:13] Nah just the two.
[08:08:14] Just two?
[08:08:15] In here.
[08:08:16] Just two on the minotaurs and then suppress the other two.
[08:08:24] Make it to two small minotaurs and suppress the big one.
[08:08:30] Ain't promised, no.
[08:08:34] No promises. now I think it's down there on the other side of that mound of dirt, but not 100%.
[08:08:54] I'm going to keep doing the left row, see if it's a dead end first.
[08:08:57] Sounds good.
[08:09:03] Hopefully that other guy didn't make it right to it.
[08:09:12] I think he had to if we haven't killed shit in the sedan.
[08:09:16] If there's anybody in front of us, we won't find shit there anyway.
[08:09:19] Not gonna find them there., that's the hope.
[08:09:21] Ain't gotta be minute though. Probably died.
[08:09:27] Like I said, I thought it was behind this mountain up here, but it might be Brown.
[08:09:33] I'd say I trust your memory, but I think that wouldn't be a good statement.
[08:09:37] Yeah, nah, I wouldn't trust her. This is a...
[08:09:52] ...ball.
[08:09:57] That's the big boy.
[08:10:01] Dude, you're too much for me! That's a big boy. You can do nothing with the big boys.
[08:10:04] This is it, we made it. so so Watch your neighbors.
[08:10:38] Speak for doing, eh? Let's move the door, mate.
[08:10:47] Dope! First time!
[08:10:49] Let's refresh our heatpuck real quick.
[08:10:51] Anyone have any...
[08:10:53] I'm still heat buffed.
[08:10:55] It's just fresh from the mixture, not feeling good inside.
[08:10:57] A little slow.
[08:11:01] Very simple heat buff, you put this on the ground
[08:11:03] Do you have any water in your pot?
[08:11:05] Uh, yeah.
[08:11:08] This guy needs a little bit of fucking everything doesn't he?
[08:11:11] Bottle dude is going to throw.
[08:11:14] Get him a bottle. Take his bottle.
[08:11:16] Here take this.
[08:11:20] I did a chlorine pill in there before.
[08:11:25] You think hug the other side if there wasn't a facsimile coming they're You need to hold onto the bottle if you want to.
[08:11:42] I mean, I still have the buff.
[08:11:49] It don't matter if you refresh it right now.
[08:11:51] You're literally going to refresh it.
[08:11:53] Oh shit!
[08:11:54] You boys through the maze?
[08:11:56] Yeah yeah we're at the door
[08:12:00] we've chasing somebody in here never found him so hopefully he's on the other
[08:12:03] side Let's go.
[08:12:11] You guys know how this works? Teleport us and we're gonna be at different areas
[08:12:13] Just go down the ramps, best you can
[08:12:15] Down ramps
[08:12:21] Make sure my head twitch. That's good. I'd crouch right on fire you.
[08:12:34] Okay, me and this guy are together.
[08:12:36] Me and you're together. Kev's gonna be alone.
[08:12:40] You're going to be alone, I guess.
[08:12:40] Alright.
[08:12:43] Thought this was going to be the hard part, spotting you because I can't really tell where I am.
[08:12:48] Just go down ramps.
[08:12:50] Go straight? Okay. go down ramps. Go straight? Okay.
[08:12:52] Go down ramps, crouch around.
[08:12:56] If you hear something get ready or you're gonna have to hold a fucking gun on them
[08:12:58] Full blast gun out okay?
[08:13:02] Invisible monsters.
[08:13:08] You been down here before?
[08:13:11] Yeah, we shot it earlier. Oh yeah you were with us before that.
[08:13:14] Oh shit.
[08:13:15] There's an epi pan, do you want that? I'm just gonna stay here.
[08:13:30] Me and you are probably going to get a monster, alright? He'll be okay, I think. He'll be fine.
[08:13:40] Is there nothing in the offshoot rooms, like at the top of the ramps?
[08:13:44] I don't know why you sound a cleaning a gun clinic
[08:13:49] buddy that's huge ass fire right there. Someone call that...
[08:13:56] A huge ass fine.
[08:14:04] Probably let you hit the screen, doesn't it?
[08:14:08] Yeah.
[08:14:14] Bunch of dead soldiers down here.
[08:14:16] Morphine here... have a morphine take this. A bunch of dead soldiers down here. That's huge.
[08:14:16] We'll kill them.
[08:14:17] Morphine here, have a morphine take that.
[08:14:20] I'm all the way at the bottom it looks.
[08:14:26] Shit's all jammed together. I'm gonna clean it up. cleaning it's humongous
[08:14:45] oh shit you guys can't see a damn thing chat oh now you guys want some fucking
[08:14:51] brightness huh oh yeah you want your fucking brain always dead dudes that are
[08:14:54] geared to the teeth bro take their shit couldn't see a damn thing.
[08:15:04] You're like what is that? Is that a fucking... That's a gun plant jet! tangent
[08:15:19] all right we're going down the big ramp.
[08:15:24] There's an AR or RAX down here.
[08:15:27] I don't know if that's better than yours.
[08:15:30] Nah.
[08:15:31] Found another.40 mag for years, I think.
[08:15:34] Oh shit, okay.
[08:15:35] Is it the Mag C mag?
[08:15:36] Nah, just need a bullet set.
[08:15:39] Well you'd rather run the 40 mags than the 30 mags, right?
[08:15:45] Eh, I like to have 140 followed by 30's.
[08:15:49] Really? Why wouldn't you want all 40's?
[08:15:53] I don't know...I guess I can get rid of a 30 for a 40, it's in good condition
[08:15:57] 1. Yeah keep it then, I'll use it
[08:16:01] I'll replace the 30 with it Kevin, okay? You fuck?
[08:16:03] You happy now?
[08:16:05] Yeah actually
[08:16:06] Makes me very happy
[08:16:12] I can't use it
[08:16:14] Last time sprint reloading time, I reloaded my mag every single time I shoot though bro.
[08:16:21] Alright we came out on the bottom in the main room.
[08:16:24] Kevin down here?
[08:16:25] I'm still on the top.
[08:16:26] Let's wait for Kevin at this area right here.
[08:16:28] Get you another frag grenade if you want that shit.
[08:16:30] Wait, there is a headlamp in front of us bro!
[08:16:33] Yeah yeah yeah yeah
[08:16:34] That's ours. Yeah I am looting, yeah. That's a player.
[08:16:36] Okay, okay, okay.
[08:16:40] There's a player down here.
[08:16:44] That's not you running, right?
[08:16:45] With the headlamp.
[08:16:47] I'm laying down right now. Don't shoot!
[08:16:51] Oh my god... Kevin, you need to tell us
[08:16:55] when your out and with the light on, bro!
[08:16:58] I just told you I laid down,
[08:16:59] bro. Bro, you didn't say you were out of
[08:17:01] the tunnels. And why is your light
[08:17:03] on? Turn your fucking light off.
[08:17:06] I said that a long time ago
[08:17:08] that I was out here, and then I said
[08:17:09] I wasn't down in the main area because there's more stairs, bro.
[08:17:12] I did not catch that on me.
[08:17:14] Yeah, I said I was down here.
[08:17:15] I was like, oh, there's a little bit more to go down.
[08:17:20] You almost died, I want you to know.
[08:17:22] Literally he had target on you telling me
[08:17:24] I should maker you.
[08:17:26] He's like, make room right now!
[08:17:27] Get him get him!
[08:17:28] I'm like no it's coming! Don't do it!
[08:17:29] You're lucky he didn't just want to kill you.
[08:17:31] You know we got a big ass backpack on you?
[08:17:33] That's the only reason I didn't shoot because I seen the bag.
[08:17:35] Because I didn't hear you tell me
[08:17:37] you got out of tunnels. You have to specifically say, oh, I'm down or blah-blah-blah.
[08:17:41] You need to say, I am out in the big open area.
[08:17:44] We'll have to clarify that next time, alright?
[08:17:46] I said then I made it down all the ramps.
[08:17:48] You and Natty said the same shit.
[08:17:49] Didn't listen!
[08:17:51] Yeah, I got a scope.
[08:17:52] Do you have a sniper?
[08:17:54] Who can use this?
[08:17:55] Check us out.
[08:17:57] I don't know if you guys can use this on your gun or not.
[08:17:59] If you can let me know.
[08:18:01] That's for the maker. Yeah it could go on other guns too.
[08:18:05] Okay. Here's a magnet.
[08:18:09] It won't? Okay.
[08:18:17] I mean is it better than the scope I have for the Mosin?
[08:18:19] Is that a fire up there? Bro- boys, I think that's a fire up there.
[08:18:24] Where?
[08:18:25] Up at the building?
[08:18:26] At the building yeah.
[08:18:27] Yeah, yeah at the building here.
[08:18:28] You're right, you're right.
[08:18:29] Let's go up this ramp.
[08:18:30] Three pumps.
[08:18:31] Okay, let's do it.
[08:18:32] Okay, let's do it. Okay, let's do it. Okay, let's do it. Let's go up this ramp. Here it comes. Yeah, you told me not to loop up there.
[08:18:47] You said just go down ramp after ramp so I went quick bro.
[08:18:49] No no no bro what I mean going ramp after ramp the tiny ramps in the small corridors, that's it.
[08:18:55] Yeah, any corridors?
[08:19:03] Yeah, I get it but... Not a fire, not a fire. It's a green light.
[08:19:06] Yeah I get it but...
[08:19:10] Once you got out of the big area I figured you'd say something.
[08:19:16] That's what I'm saying! I did say that I got to that area and I said they're somewhere lower than me also. I gotcha, I gotcha.
[08:19:18] Remember this isn't a clear area so stick with us.
[08:19:30] I'm on the other side of this fence. Going to a barracks right now. Here's something over here.
[08:19:38] Is it an invisible guy on me?
[08:19:41] Invisible guy on you too.
[08:19:44] Oh, nice! Wait, oh so you shoot him?
[08:19:48] No somebody just killed the invisible dude
[08:19:50] And who's shooting him?
[08:19:52] No our boys are not shooting him
[08:19:56] Did I kill him? Yeah!
[08:19:58] Oh, man you confused me.
[08:20:00] I was like who is shooting?
[08:20:04] He was stuck in my door if I...
[08:20:06] Yeah, yeah.
[08:20:07] ...common kit.
[08:20:08] No game. That's huge. Good shit. Got another gun for my kit. No gun for your kit?
[08:20:09] That's huge.
[08:20:11] Somebody just close this door when I open it?
[08:20:14] Okay, fucking A dude scared the shit out of me.
[08:20:34] Oh! Okay. I'm seeing a Maker ammo, let me know. Yeah yeah.
[08:20:37] Expect replenishment on my makerbo game. Get me!
[08:20:41] What did i pick up?
[08:20:43] The fuck, i have no stamina right now?
[08:20:45] Did we get wet?
[08:20:47] We got wet huh cause it's snowing in there?
[08:20:49] I don't know actually.
[08:20:51] Yeah all my shit's probably snowed.
[08:20:53] So I have zero stamina.
[08:21:01] Check this white building in the back here.
[08:21:05] Guess where I am right now? Second floor?
[08:21:09] Oh, my god thank you.
[08:21:11] Same one?
[08:21:13] An anchor bullet.
[08:21:15] All the doors are re-closed.
[08:21:18] There's more loose over this way that we missed last time.
[08:21:21] In here... yeah true.
[08:21:28] There's only one damn thing spawns in here bro.
[08:21:30] Not a knife?
[08:21:31] Literally not one thing.
[08:21:40] On the roof?
[08:21:59] Both sides. That's all. I'm just spreading keep one pox thing chat. Where'd you guys go?
[08:22:31] We're just right outside your building.
[08:22:45] Trying to cross the other side Man, two times we thought we saw someone in your chat.
[08:22:51] Or it definitely is your baby.
[08:22:52] It's a good thing that everything's better served.
[08:22:55] How many times did I shoot my thingchat?
[08:22:57] Three times right? Ayo Bruce! I shoot my thing chat three times, alright?
[08:23:00] Ayo.
[08:23:00] Bruce.
[08:23:03] Bruce.
[08:23:07] You want this anti-pox pill?
[08:23:08] Or that... thing?
[08:23:11] I already have one.
[08:23:13] Yeah sure
[08:23:15] I have fucking two so
[08:23:17] Is that last ramp up to get out of here?
[08:23:19] Yeah the final one up top
[08:23:20] Alright I'm hearing some shit over here another...
[08:23:22] There's hella loot over here. Can you cut those up and get meat through?
[08:23:35] Or not.
[08:23:36] I have a 5-5, 6-7 tracer.
[08:23:39] Any of you guys have uh...
[08:23:42] A plate with no pouches?
[08:23:43] Ask him if he has pouches for his plate.
[08:23:51] You're okay?
[08:23:52] No, he doesn't. I got some for him.
[08:23:52] Where'd he go?
[08:23:53] Found one!
[08:23:54] He's in here with me.
[08:23:55] Oh this is the place with you.
[08:23:56] Oh this place.
[08:23:57] Look at that.
[08:23:58] This is sweet.
[08:23:59] Got you one more maker bullet and it this is sweet. I got you one more maker bullet man.
[08:24:04] This is super sweet.
[08:24:06] Another maker bullet?
[08:24:12] You got any maker bullets you said?
[08:24:15] Yeah, I've got two. No shit!
[08:24:17] Do you wanna keep them in like
[08:24:19] uh... cause you have a full key.
[08:24:21] Maybe keep a couple of bullets for yourself
[08:24:23] or a few bullets when we go gonna go get it. Yeah, yeah.
[08:24:25] When will you go get it dude?
[08:24:27] I'm not fucking soloing that bitch.
[08:24:29] Who else am I going to kill?
[08:24:31] We got ammo box in here boys.
[08:24:33] What kind of ammo do you have?
[08:24:36] I don't know, just a bunch of fucking ammo.
[08:24:38] No maker bullets unfortunately.
[08:24:40] Unfortunately...
[08:24:43] You got 760 ammo for your ship?
[08:24:45] Nice.
[08:24:47] I have so much
[08:24:48] The amount of 5-5-6
[08:24:49] I have is absolutely
[08:24:50] absolutely
[08:24:50] should be a fucking crime
[08:24:52] it's disgusting.
[08:24:53] You got like what
[08:24:54] four full mags
[08:24:55] two of them are 40s yep four full mags
[08:24:59] two and five full mags right two of them are forties
[08:25:02] then i have just loose ammo boxes everywhere.
[08:25:10] That's insane. We gotta eat this man, it's our main thing
[08:25:12] in space.
[08:25:16] Oh you're already checking these?
[08:25:19] Just go to the top floor.
[08:25:21] You want some of this ammo Kev?
[08:25:24] I'll take whatever ammo brother.
[08:25:27] Yeah yeah what do ya need?
[08:25:28] Uh 545 is... Yeah, what do you need?
[08:25:33] 545 is all I really need. Maybe some SKS or SK
[08:25:36] I'm trying to get cold Where are you?
[08:25:38] Upstairs Where are you? I'm cold.
[08:25:40] I'm kind of serious.
[08:25:47] Get some glasses for the snow, it works for getting this car-
[08:25:49] Oh! Here's smart man three boxes of am i right yeah you found a whole little box full
[08:25:56] your smorgasbord Oh this is crazy how much I have.
[08:26:06] Tryin' to just do the sailing fucker.
[08:26:08] Put the crates out of the boat or what?
[08:26:10] Just hitting it.
[08:26:11] On DMRs and shit?
[08:26:16] Get that water up on top.
[08:26:19] Right here.
[08:26:26] Alright, after this we gotta get a fucking heat buff gun.
[08:26:29] And dry ourselves off and shit on the inside.
[08:26:32] Got my host gun down from the two.
[08:26:33] I think we can do a fire at the top up there before we leave, that's our best option.
[08:26:40] I'm not going to be sliding Kevin, just give me a second.
[08:26:43] I don't wanna fuck my gloves up.
[08:26:45] Yeah, I feel that dude.
[08:26:46] There's no danger here, I'm not going to do it.
[08:26:48] Yeah, I got the same gloves you got.
[08:26:50] They're too nice looking dude.
[08:26:52] Yeah there's no reason to to hurt them they're good insulation
[08:26:56] you know i don't understand expedition gear though it's like i am i'm literally full
[08:27:01] expedition except for vest it's not good enough to keep me
[08:27:05] that cold right here, what the fuck's the point?
[08:27:07] You know what I mean?
[08:27:08] What you need a fire for when you're bundled like
[08:27:11] that, eh?
[08:27:13] Oh, because
[08:27:13] I'm wet. Uh, I guess that makes sense.
[08:27:15] We're all wet.
[08:27:16] If we ring out,
[08:27:17] I don't think we'd be losing health.
[08:27:19] When we get down to the bottom of this ladder,
[08:27:21] let's ring out.
[08:27:23] I bet you won't lose health anymore.
[08:27:25] We gonna ring out at the bottom of the ladder, bro.
[08:27:27] Ring your clothes up.
[08:27:29] Although we are still in the snow so it might just happen again.
[08:27:31] No no no! Well really?
[08:27:33] Does this count? Yeah this is where
[08:27:35] we got the fucking debuff from.
[08:27:39] It wasn't raining outside or anything We just walked through water which would make our
[08:27:41] fucking feet sweat right?
[08:27:45] Well, we'll find out
[08:27:54] i think it's because down here is wet the whole time no are we wet constantly down here
[08:28:00] or am i sure not sure oh there's definitely snow falling
[08:28:05] you can look up and see the snow coming down I think the explanation should be like, the stuff that can't get wet too.
[08:28:16] Yeah right it should have...yeah I expected it to be a little bit better.
[08:28:20] Like on the Maulsk you get the fucking good shit that helps you
[08:28:22] and also you get the spacesuit
[08:28:24] that's like insane.
[08:28:28] Also their expedition helmet doesn't allow me to put night vision goggles on.
[08:28:32] I don't think that's lame.
[08:28:33] Let's change the helmet type to something else.
[08:28:35] Also, the gloves...
[08:28:36] I feel like the expedition gloves should be fingerless gloves so you can wring them out as well.
[08:28:40] Also, the expedition boots should be aless gloves so that you can wring them out as well.
[08:28:44] Also, the expedition boots should be a form of assault boots.
[08:28:46] Also they should have an expedition ski mask. Anyways let's move!
[08:28:48] I'm just throwing out my fucking two cents there, devs.
[08:28:52] Yeah, the explosion gloves should be best insulation instead of high also.
[08:28:56] Yeah...
[08:28:58] Why is everything else best with gloves?
[08:29:01] Let's see if there's anything else in here. Checking back here for some...
[08:29:04] I know that I found ammo back here one time. Is there not a door in there?
[08:29:16] Is that on the backside?
[08:29:21] Did you close it right away? comes out on the backside
[08:29:23] did you close it right away
[08:29:27] what's our boy i don't know we kept going down
[08:29:31] further i think we gotta go upstairs let's go here i have full
[08:29:35] full apple full water bottle by the way really
[08:29:41] yeah let's go upstairs there's a guy right in front of us there's a guy
[08:29:43] remember this camera not again another guy Let's go upstairs. There is a guy right in front of us. What?
[08:29:44] In front of us.
[08:29:45] Not a guy, not a guy but yeah.
[08:29:46] Yeah monster.
[08:29:47] Yeah.
[08:29:49] I was like how?
[08:29:50] Left the ramp or some shit.
[08:29:54] We don't loot this boat or what?
[08:29:56] No, no. Crouch, crouch, come with us. You're gonna go right to him and waste our ammo
[08:30:04] I'm coming in Sounds scary. I don't know why.
[08:30:08] Trap on him, trap on him!
[08:30:09] Trap on him, trap on him!
[08:30:13] Keep moving forward.
[08:30:15] Oh shit!
[08:30:16] He's down.
[08:30:17] Keep going.
[08:30:18] We're gonna end up this ramp and get a fire fixed up here.
[08:30:22] Get out of the bandage real quick.
[08:30:26] Chunk meat one HP.
[08:30:30] Are you red now? No, no, just
[08:30:34] one chunk out of white.
[08:30:43] The other stuff doesn't have good loot, like at the end of that area.
[08:30:45] Keep going straight.
[08:30:52] I think it's time to get the fuck out of here, we're all dying brother. I hear ya.
[08:30:53] I got bark and sticks.
[08:30:54] Still do.
[08:30:55] Yeah you do?
[08:30:56] That's perfect.
[08:30:57] Let's give him a fire gun up there.
[08:30:58] Well wasn't too bad this time but not too great either. I think they're gonna fire it up there.
[08:30:59] Well, it wasn't too bad this time but not too great either.
[08:31:01] They didn't even find a key did they?
[08:31:05] Uh, wonder where that guy went...
[08:31:07] True, maybe he never made it, maybe not.
[08:31:13] That's where we went already.
[08:31:15] I know just checking.
[08:31:18] Just checking stuff.
[08:31:20] Yeah this is uh...
[08:31:21] See, this place can be disappointing.
[08:31:25] Yeah.
[08:31:29] ... I think the character looks sick with that white gear.
[08:31:35] Right dude?
[08:31:36] He's crazy looking.
[08:31:37] Yeah, I think we can do one right outside this cave.
[08:31:38] Right there inside this entrance.
[08:31:39] Keep going.
[08:31:40] Oh, he's not here.
[08:31:41] He's in a car. He's in a car. He's in a car. Yeah, I think we can do one right outside this cave.
[08:31:42] Right there inside this entrance. Keep going.
[08:31:45] Okay, here we go.
[08:31:46] I think we do it right here?
[08:31:48] Do we do it right here? Let's check inside here.
[08:31:49] Yep.
[08:31:51] Alright, dropping some bark. I'm down. I saw him.
[08:31:54] Dropping some bark...
[08:31:56] Oh, another shot.
[08:31:59] Think that pretty much replenishes the bullets I used.
[08:32:02] Yeah but are we doing it right here?
[08:32:05] Okay. Take this too
[08:32:08] Oh shit
[08:32:12] You want me to drop her right here?
[08:32:15] Drop what? Fire.
[08:32:19] You guys make the fire, let's get some else back here
[08:32:21] Drop a sensor there on 2-fuckit
[08:32:25] Why not?
[08:32:27] Got enough ammo? I think it's gonna be good enough you think?
[08:32:41] You're dropping the maker ammo underneath me.
[08:32:43] Yeah, do you have a maker ammo?
[08:32:45] Yeah yeah I got those two rounds.
[08:32:46] Wow, the maker actually gained a fucking...
[08:32:48] Gained a shot.
[08:32:49] I'll probably use it on my way out though, that's pretty fair.
[08:32:51] My health went down to yellow there.
[08:32:53] Two more shots! What?!
[08:32:57] Yeah bro.
[08:32:59] Rolling deep up in here dude
[08:33:03] I hate how it goes to the 30
[08:33:05] right off the bat why would i do that instead of the 40 when you reload it yeah Cool.
[08:33:27] That sucked, my health went down to yellow which means I'm pretty far away from...
[08:33:28] ...China. Did you take that shit out of that cookie pot or- I'm pretty far away from training.
[08:33:29] Did you take that shit out of the kitchen pot or is it fine?
[08:33:35] Um...
[08:33:38] Yeah, it's fine.
[08:33:42] It's a miss, brother.
[08:33:46] Weird man.
[08:33:48] Maybe it was because I put my item on at the last second when it was still boiling or something.
[08:33:53] Was it on this map?
[08:33:55] Yeah, it wasn't even a few days ago.
[08:33:57] Like my leather kit was in there and ruined and shit.
[08:34:01] We all good chat. Warn, warn...
[08:34:03] Warn, warn... Pristine
[08:34:07] Literally everything I need is good
[08:34:09] Here take a hit for your Mosin of this.
[08:34:12] I got it.
[08:34:13] I found my own room.
[08:34:13] Oh, you did?
[08:34:14] Okay.
[08:34:14] Yeah, yeah, I did it already.
[08:34:16] Thanks, though.
[08:34:17] Need to fix anything on your gun?
[08:34:25] I guess I should do my AK mags. Yeah, fuck yeah you should put some... that's more important than the gun.
[08:34:29] Does it affect your scope?
[08:34:31] Damaged mags. Yeah.
[08:34:35] Use that.
[08:34:41] Doesn't work. That's a cool repair I think.
[08:34:44] Oh, you're right actually my bad.
[08:34:48] What do you think about that?
[08:34:51] He's fucking right.
[08:35:00] I guess, listen...
[08:35:01] ...I was complaining that I couldn't sustain on this map, but I have been sustaining.
[08:35:05] Five days in, bro?
[08:35:06] Like we're finding gun cleaning kits and shit.
[08:35:08] We're finding duct tape here and there.
[08:35:09] It's like it's there.
[08:35:10] You gotta find it.
[08:35:12] Yep.
[08:35:14] I haven't seen the duct tape like where we one of your items
[08:35:17] Yeah, but that's like head tours. That's
[08:35:22] Fixing the hip back. I don't think it's worth
[08:35:27] I I don't think it's worth it. We're gonna need food again... Let's look at that fat here, we've got a couple of them. Really?
[08:35:31] I mean, I'm white but it's going
[08:35:33] down right now.
[08:35:35] You have a stick?
[08:35:37] Yeah.
[08:35:39] A longstick, you have a longstick?
[08:35:41] No.
[08:35:44] Probably could carry a longstick in this... Yeah, I can't carry a long stick.
[08:35:48] I'm full apple for both of us.
[08:35:50] You know, I'm full apple and water. This guy's down.
[08:35:52] I'm missing one white of bar of each.
[08:35:56] Here, eat the rest of those.
[08:36:00] You're in there though Kev, that fucking meaty is really good.
[08:36:05] Yeah yeah it's not like its gonna be...
[08:36:07] We might kill another minotaur on the way out, so as long
[08:36:09] as you have some extra.
[08:36:11] Yeah my- I'll probably be Yellow Apple in
[08:36:13] 20 or 30 minutes
[08:36:15] You know what I mean? It's gonna be fine
[08:36:23] ... fine. I got heat buff. I could combine my sewing kit, but the sewing kit already used it.
[08:36:27] Yeah yeah, I don't bot out. do i have one of my inventory
[08:36:33] i think i have one dude so i can't
[08:36:37] talk about the leather one actually
[08:36:47] good call brother appreciate you man you're smart man smart man you are smart man. Smart man, you are smart man
[08:36:53] Don't look it
[08:36:56] Man
[08:36:57] Hey me yeah
[08:36:59] Should I that's pretty good idea to do right now.
[08:37:03] I was gonna say, we're all cheap but we can go.
[08:37:07] Alright.
[08:38:03] I'm going literally stretch. so so so I'm going to start doing squats every time someone goes stretches. You guys ready?
[08:38:04] You guys ready?
[08:38:05] Yeah. All right, we got to get this thing moving. We're getting it. You guys ready? You guys ready?
[08:38:06] Yeah.
[08:38:08] Alright, we gotta go back out of the maze together so let's do this shit.
[08:38:12] I'm gonna get super beefy bro and I'll do squats every time you stretch.
[08:38:17] I'll be dead afterwards though.
[08:38:31] Oh Holy talk about scared the shit out of me.
[08:38:35] When you're looking for people that are camping, they're just a bunch of dead fucking bodies.
[08:38:45] Good bodies dude. I didn't end up with you guys.
[08:38:47] Come along. you guys i'm alone
[08:38:51] yeah we should all be in the same area though like it's not
[08:38:54] this isn't like a big area i don't think just puts us out of the maze
[08:39:01] yeah i see you right behind you none of that stuff has loot in there
[08:39:08] stuff kind of does This stuff kinda does.
[08:39:11] The green on the inside?
[08:39:13] I don't think so.
[08:39:18] Apparently we can loot this tower...
[08:39:21] Chat was telling me that I missed shit last time. In the tower?
[08:39:22] Yeah, I saw someone say that.
[08:39:24] I don't know if it's this or just that tower right in front of us.
[08:39:27] Looks like it.
[08:39:28] Gotta be that dude.
[08:39:29] You can get snipe people from there too
[08:39:31] oh yeah 100
[08:39:33] no bruce you make it out of the
[08:39:34] screwdriver hell yeah dude and a pistol
[08:39:36] bruce she's down there
[08:39:41] i think bruce I think Bruce died, oh.
[08:39:43] He's behind the tele. No way.
[08:39:47] Yeah, I'll wait for you to clear the tower, I'm still out here.
[08:39:51] Oh, Bruce is AFK bro! I'll wait for Bruce.
[08:39:54] Oh, Bruce is AFK bro!
[08:39:57] Oh he probably went to go stretch when you did.
[08:40:00] Aw well shit we gotta wait for him. Damn Bruce's gonna be there. No one's gonna be there when he's back. He's gonna feel like
[08:40:09] he was left behind. I'm sure he's got the stream up, dude.
[08:40:14] Nah.
[08:40:17] You don't think so?
[08:40:18] He said stretch break.
[08:40:19] He said I bet.
[08:40:20] Oh man, well shit.
[08:40:22] I don't know if that means shit me too.
[08:40:23] I thought that meant okay.
[08:40:25] That always means me too, bro.
[08:40:30] All that's in here is a
[08:40:31] worn hunting knife. Oh, you want a new knife,
[08:40:33] Jared? I just picked one up myself, brother.
[08:40:36] It's a pristine combat knife so get the fuck off me now, dude.
[08:40:38] Oh fuck yeah, dude.
[08:40:40] Okay bro! I didn't know I was on you, bro.
[08:40:42] Jesus...
[08:40:44] That's another thing they need to do out here is they need to have
[08:40:46] sharpening stones and spoons with them the fucking it's one thing yeah
[08:40:54] private bot drop off 30 mags.
[08:40:56] Are you walking over to me?
[08:41:00] That's you?
[08:41:02] Oh, Bruce it's us!
[08:41:04] Sorry about that boss we didn't know they were in your head.
[08:41:08] How are ya?
[08:41:22] Yeah I think you can sit up in that tower and just snipe people trying to come into
[08:41:24] the maze. Yeah?
[08:41:25] Is there a spawn?
[08:41:26] Yeah, I think that's where we're getting shot from before when we try to go through here
[08:41:30] it looked like you got the oversight of all these corridors really What the...
[08:41:48] You're supposed to fall because you're not supposed to be able to get back up.
[08:41:51] Oh, I didn't know it was a really short one dude.
[08:41:54] Because I was holding down looking somewhere else.
[08:41:56] Yeah, like what the fuck happened?
[08:41:59] I fell off this ladder. It's pretty close. They put us right next to an exit. I'll stick to the left strat just to make sure we get out.
[08:42:36] I don't want to do this where we get lost again.
[08:42:47] I say we stick to the go left strat again just to be sure.
[08:42:55] They're still running people people on their end.
[08:43:08] I'll zoom in from where we were in the maze you can hear gunshots that are out here because it's like a different place completely.
[08:43:09] Yeah, I don't think so.
[08:43:10] Pretty sure he can't.
[08:43:11] Okay, let me just go back to my room and see if there is anything else going on.
[08:43:12] I'll be right back.
[08:43:13] Okay, I'm gonna try to get this thing off of him.
[08:43:14] Okay, I'm gonna try to get this thing off of him. Okay, I'm gonna try to get this thing off of him. Okay, I'm gonna try to get this thing off of him. Pretty sure he can't.
[08:43:21] I wonder if it's somewhere on the map that you can see it, but it's all enclosed?
[08:43:27] Or if they instanced it. Since it teleports you?
[08:43:28] I would think
[08:43:29] it's instanced
[08:43:30] and there's still
[08:43:31] somewhere around the map
[08:43:32] that we're not
[08:43:32] able to get to.
[08:43:35] Gotcha.
[08:43:36] It could just be in the fucking sky.
[08:43:37] It could be, dude!
[08:43:39] Could be underground...
[08:43:43] Underground snow? I don't know about that one.
[08:43:52] Hehehe I don't know about that one. I mean, there is a roof on that place
[08:43:54] and snow's still hitting you
[08:43:56] so... Yeah we were getting fucked down there weren't we?
[08:43:59] I'm still fucked.
[08:44:01] Actually did we get dry at that thing?
[08:44:03] I was-I'm completely dry.
[08:44:05] Oh, I'm completely dry. Okay, I'm good.
[08:44:07] I just need to get my one bar of health back from that fucker hitting me.
[08:44:14] Sucks running around with a bar missing because he can get one tap instead.
[08:44:20] Yeah...
[08:44:22] One bar,
[08:44:24] any health missing sucks.
[08:44:26] A lot of missing fucking sucks
[08:44:28] as your playing a 1950s game.
[08:44:32] Yeah...
[08:44:34] I don't know if they had video games back then, Jared.
[08:44:37] Listen, I didn't say a game from the 1950's.
[08:44:40] Did I?
[08:44:43] You didn't, bro! It's set in the 1950s and it's in black and white.
[08:44:45] I gotcha.
[08:44:48] I don't know if that game
[08:44:49] exists either but it probably does somewhere.
[08:44:53] Pleasantville the video game.
[08:44:55] I mean...
[08:44:56] It's not Black and White with that mafia.
[08:45:00] Yeah.
[08:45:01] Mafia would be something like that, right?
[08:45:03] 50s or some shit?
[08:45:05] What in the fuck was
[08:45:07] that criminal gangster
[08:45:09] type of commie gun
[08:45:11] crime mafia You know, Pommy Gun. Crime.
[08:45:13] Mafia.
[08:45:15] What years were those?
[08:45:17] The 20s and 30s?
[08:45:19] Yeah that's like the 20s of the prohibition shit.
[08:45:21] Awesome. Started a lot of that up. prohibition shit. Oh, she wants it.
[08:45:24] Started a lot of that up.
[08:45:26] Well,
[08:45:26] that's more the mob than the mafia
[08:45:27] I think is what you're thinking.
[08:45:29] Gotcha,
[08:45:29] yeah,
[08:45:29] that's what I'm thinking.
[08:45:31] Like Sopranos,
[08:45:32] you know what I'm saying?
[08:45:33] You want to say
[08:45:33] something like that? Uh, eh, that's mafia. That's mafia. Like Sopranos, you know what I'm saying?
[08:45:37] That's mafia. Well, I mean like motherfuckers with Tommy guns
[08:45:39] getting out of their fucking crazy vehicles
[08:45:41] and trying to light a fucking ring
[08:45:45] With their bowler hats on and shit
[08:45:47] oh here we go
[08:45:49] I'm gonna tell ya, i know my way around
[08:45:51] just clear it up fast
[08:45:53] make sure no one is staring at it on the left.
[08:45:56] Alright dude, that's probably the cleanest...
[08:45:59] That's probably the cleanest I've gone through maze.
[08:46:02] Yeah bro, that was quick both times.
[08:46:05] Two maestros today
[08:46:08] browning no key for you that's actually what we already have over i mean like
[08:46:12] no keys to this guy he might have one too already, I don't know.
[08:46:19] Did you end up keeping your two rounds of the make or did you give those to me?
[08:46:23] God damn bro, your memory is shit.
[08:46:26] Well I thought maybe you got 2 more giving me a piece of shit.
[08:46:34] I've got no need to hold on those until you get one understanding this guy
[08:46:42] you're gonna really understand how the fs I can't believe we saw the dude. We saw his gun that he dropped,
[08:47:01] we saw him stop and fire, heard his gunshots...
[08:47:06] He may have died in a maze,
[08:47:08] he may not actually been in the maze,
[08:47:09] maybe other side of it
[08:47:10] just barely.
[08:47:12] I'm sure.
[08:47:13] Either way that was dope
[08:47:15] we got through
[08:47:15] we got some fucking extra stuff.
[08:47:18] Yeah I guess it could've
[08:47:19] been him coming out
[08:47:19] of the maze too.
[08:47:20] Like really a man of 5'5", 6-6 ammo you guys find in that?
[08:47:23] That's just crazy. A man of 7'6". See what we got out of that shit is crazy.
[08:47:26] We've got fire right there. Fire right there.
[08:47:33] Oh shit.
[08:47:35] Let's move back to the snow.
[08:47:41] What's going on with these random fires?
[08:47:42] That's not the same ones it was before, right?
[08:47:45] No no no. Even if there was, it wouldn't be lit.
[08:47:48] The other one was on the island.
[08:47:51] Squawarks works.
[08:47:57] What if somebody else is trying to get into the maze here?
[08:48:01] But if it's on the other side they wouldn't do that on the other side.
[08:48:04] You know what I mean?
[08:48:07] It'd just get wet anyway.
[08:48:10] It's in the same spot dude! That's the same area!
[08:48:13] That's weird as fuck, I don't know... same spot dude that's the same area it's a hundred percent
[08:48:19] it's like a fire on the way out like leaving
[08:48:23] otherwise what would you do when you're going to get wet again?
[08:48:33] Say we try to move around.
[08:48:36] Okay, I don't know about that. Just keep peeling it out so I can peel on it.
[08:48:40] Keep scanning!
[08:48:44] Maybe he is looting these houses, maybe?
[08:48:47] Like I said, I feel like he's going the opposite direction.
[08:48:51] They can need a heat bath before they go through water too.
[08:48:55] I don't know. go through water too.
[08:48:57] I don't know.
[08:49:03] What would he be doing over here though?
[08:49:05] Is that the direction of the castle? Maybe like left maze, started that up and then started moving to the castle.
[08:49:12] Just ran out though.
[08:49:14] He's not here anymore then?
[08:49:17] It just ran out. He in there by a few minutes.
[08:49:21] Yeah.
[08:49:23] Maybe he went to that millie up to our range? I have no idea.
[08:49:27] Anyone gonna what?
[08:49:30] Yeah, didn't hear anything but...
[08:49:37] It's just being bait fired too. Keep your ass out.
[08:49:41] Keep your ass Peter Bruce!
[08:49:48] Pretty sure this is right where you killed the other two dudes. Yeah it is.
[08:49:52] Oh, it IS!
[08:49:57] I think we didn't have the same thing happen to us.
[08:50:01] Same spot.
[08:50:03] Could Neil possibly be laying down on that fire?
[08:50:05] And they wouldn't be able to see him?
[08:50:09] If he wanted to go over there and look, We'd see him leave eventually.
[08:50:14] Why would he be laying down in the water
[08:50:16] too then?
[08:50:17] Unless it's a straight stream sniper that knows you're coming out of there.
[08:50:27] It's just the same guy.
[08:50:37] Lit that fire, went through the maze, came out
[08:50:39] lit that fire and then left.
[08:50:41] No way that guy went ahead of us like that!
[08:50:44] We were three people! It's possible!
[08:50:45] He didn't find a key in the fucking place, dude.
[08:50:47] He might have just wanted the key, didn't loot,
[08:50:50] just took the key and left.
[08:50:52] Maybe.
[08:50:57] ... Maybe. I've always determined to
[08:50:59] fly one, because I like this.
[08:51:06] How many fires are we gonna catch out here?
[08:51:11] I mean, if he got the keys, either looking for heli-crashers or going to the castle. Guess maybe we can go fucking attack on Titan Castle.
[08:51:23] Put our boy over here, he's going boy over here.
[08:51:27] He's going to the military?
[08:51:29] Yeah, that's gonna actually be him.
[08:51:32] Let me think about it...
[08:51:35] If he had suppressed fire for all the zombies, yeah.
[08:51:38] Yeah I would say if he's out here there is a strong chance of getting suppressed.
[08:51:42] It's possible that he doesn't have uh...
[08:51:43] Seen no zombies?
[08:51:45] Yeah same.
[08:51:53] There's...yeah they're there.
[08:51:56] Zombies over there. Zombies over there.
[08:52:04] There's zombies. Where am I? Where my R2 mag go chat?
[08:52:21] Oh it's in there.
[08:53:12] Zombie behind. so uh Free soda. What? Whaaat?
[08:53:15] Last day... I haven't had one of these in days!
[08:53:17] It's been fucking days!
[08:53:20] Did your sugar fix though?
[08:53:22] Uh oh. Did your sugar fix, bro?
[08:53:28] It's arriving on the fucking pot and pills.
[08:53:30] Oh what is this?
[08:53:32] A little SK ash. A little SK.
[08:53:34] Just unload this bad boy.
[08:53:35] Oh, he ain't here.
[08:53:36] Where does he go next?
[08:53:37] I don't know.
[08:53:38] He's right there.
[08:53:39] He's right over there.
[08:53:40] He's right over there.
[08:53:41] He's right over there.
[08:53:42] He's right over there.
[08:53:43] He's right over there.
[08:53:44] He's right over there. He's right over there. He's right over there. Oh, he ain't here. Where does he go next?
[08:53:49] Endgame area...
[08:53:53] Power, maybe we can go back to single tower they go back to military
[08:53:58] Christine assault helmet yeah pretty good if you don't already have like a
[08:54:03] extra I got the camouflage helmet.
[08:54:07] Okay, yeah that one's...
[08:54:09] They're both fine.
[08:54:13] One won't be able to have a headlight though
[08:54:15] when you need a special area. Or a military. I'm down with any three of those. Alright, I got 3 full AK mags now.
[08:54:35] Listen Kevin, I'm convinced that I'm gonna the Maker for the rest of my DayZ career.
[08:54:42] Just forever?
[08:54:43] Yeah.
[08:54:44] Yeah, that sounds good.
[08:54:45] Pretty sure, just never gonna die.
[08:54:50] Yeah, man... anything is possible.
[08:54:54] Alright dudes, chat- sorry I've been fucking dialed in trying not to die today!
[08:54:58] Yeah this dude keeps finding me more
[08:55:00] fuckin' ammo too.
[08:55:04] Those fighters just teased us, huh?
[08:55:06] How weird is that, man?
[08:55:08] This dude got us twice! Very weird... How weird is that, huh? Twice.
[08:55:11] Very weird.
[08:55:13] I mean somebody's moving around here man! Somebody's out here!
[08:55:17] Nice and slow. They might be looking at heli crashes now
[08:55:19] or they're in the final zone.
[08:55:21] Once I get to the final zone we'll probably hear them unless they like...
[08:55:24] have suppressed everything.
[08:55:34] Awful. Yeah, where I really like this red dot. The cobra sights.
[08:55:36] Why don't we come out this way if he's trying to get the end game?
[08:55:43] Because that is where the exit is, really.
[08:55:45] Run across there?
[08:55:46] No, no.
[08:55:47] There's another exit on the other side.
[08:55:49] On the side of like where you have to go.
[08:55:54] Yeah, maybe he just didn't think that far ahead but everybody knows what they're at out here
[08:55:58] yeah maybe i found myself coming out on the wrong
[08:56:02] side and then just kind of leaping around because
[08:56:04] I'll just take whatever fucking exit. I can tape while in a maze, you know exactly
[08:56:08] Yeah
[08:56:11] You know exactly it's not like I'm like hmm let me let me go to this side. Nah that's not the right exit
[08:56:15] Let's keep going through the maze to find it
[08:56:17] Fuck that bro! Give me that exit!
[08:56:19] There's an exit! There's an exit! Let's get the fuck out!
[08:56:28] Feel that relief when you see an exit. Oh, forget it!
[08:56:29] Free 8 hour trial of death.
[08:56:32] This has been a good day though.
[08:56:35] Going through maze twice, getting a couple kills with the maker...
[08:56:39] I wanna mow somebody down with my fucking M4 man.
[08:56:42] Cause if I ain't got my AUG. my at my hog you know what i'm saying
[08:56:55] let's go i'm just seeing this random tree moving.
[08:57:00] Yeah, they're moving forward.
[08:57:08] I still randomly see a motherfucker, you never know!
[08:57:12] Yeah?
[08:57:17] Watched the first episode of Last Of Us again yesterday.
[08:57:24] You watched all that, right?
[08:57:27] Watched all what?
[08:57:28] I all that, right? Watched all what? Last of Us.
[08:57:31] I watched... No, kind of not.
[08:57:32] What?
[08:57:35] That's like one of your favorite games and you didn't watch the show, dude? Um...
[08:57:37] Me and Caroline will probably get back to it and watch it. There's no reason we stopped,
[08:57:40] We just weren't doing full-blown TV show mode.
[08:57:42] We just haven't done any TV shows in a little bit.
[08:57:46] Yeah that one is like the top of the list type one
[08:57:49] Especially if you enjoyed the game that much I like a top of the list type one. Especially if you enjoyed the game that much
[08:57:51] I think like top of the list for us when it is um...
[08:57:57] Probably would be like Fallout
[08:58:01] Yeah, I mean
[08:58:01] you guys watched the first episode.
[08:58:03] I actually might want to watch...
[08:58:05] Might get her to watch
[08:58:06] Andor?
[08:58:10] Andor? Whatever. What's that?
[08:58:12] Yeah yeah yeah
[08:58:13] You guys think it's a good Star Wars TV show?
[08:58:15] Yeah I heard it was one of the better ones
[08:58:18] I saw some chat at the back where it said like
[08:58:20] A lot of bad reviews and stuff by the audience.
[08:58:22] I was like, which ones are good?
[08:58:26] And then apparently
[08:58:28] it's the same director who did
[08:58:30] Rogue One, which is one of my other favorite Star Wars movies.
[08:58:33] That's probably the best Star Wars movie for me to be honest with you.
[08:58:36] Outside of the original six for me...
[08:58:39] The four five six one two three? Then I'm Rogue One.
[08:58:43] I think Rogue One's a better done movie
[08:58:46] the other ones are like nostalgia movies.
[08:58:48] Yeah, yeah, I guess so.
[08:58:49] They're not very well done but they're more enjoyable.
[08:58:52] Well, I mean One's the Skywalker
[08:58:54] saga, and then one's
[08:58:56] a little bit different, right?
[08:58:59] And Rogue One is also one of those movies that you might
[08:59:01] watch once, maybe twice.
[08:59:03] It doesn't have as great a rewatchability
[08:59:05] of the other six. Yeah because I mean, because of the ending and how it ends
[08:59:09] you know how it ends, it's just kind of makes it harder to watch but
[08:59:13] still really done well. Very, like if he would have
[08:59:16] let's just say
[08:59:17] if 789 were done by that
[08:59:20] same director in my opinion we'd be
[08:59:22] in a different universe all like
[08:59:24] fuck yeah those movies were sick.
[08:59:26] Yeah they did I mean...
[08:59:28] I think they had three different directors for the last three movies
[08:59:31] Yeah like I don't understand at all how that makes any sense.
[08:59:38] Yeah, we're gonna make a trilogy but we're gonna have three different people.
[08:59:42] Like has Marvel... does Marvel do stuff like that with like Avengers and shit? Or do they keep that consistent?
[08:59:48] Marvel has a lot of different directors.
[08:59:50] Yeah, I gotcha.
[08:59:52] For the Avengers movies
[08:59:54] maybe the last two
[08:59:56] were done by the same person but different than the first two? I'd have to look it up though.
[09:00:00] Bro, but just like...
[09:00:02] Jon Favreau does some of it. What's his name?
[09:00:06] Did you hear about that right now?
[09:00:08] Galaxy and galaxy like that
[09:00:11] yeah i don't know if fabro did the first iron man
[09:00:16] you know who john favreau is right no i? No I don't. It's just anybody.
[09:00:20] He's the one that plays Happy
[09:00:22] Oh no shit
[09:00:24] Wait wait okay
[09:00:26] Yeah so he directed a bunch of them
[09:00:28] He also did... I think he does
[09:00:30] Mandalorian.
[09:00:32] Okay, I like Mandalorian.
[09:00:34] Yeah, for the most part.
[09:00:37] Yeah, yeah.
[09:00:38] Jon Favreau does a lot of good ones.
[09:00:42] But Yeah, yeah. Jon Favreau does a lot of good ones. But you know him as the dude from Replacements 2 and the linebacker police officer. But yeah, I had to Google so much.
[09:00:56] Say what?
[09:00:58] I'm trying to picture him in that movie, I don't remember.
[09:01:00] In the replacements?
[09:01:02] He always busted his nose open and like he was going at headbutts fucking Keanu Reeves.
[09:01:10] Like helmet to helmets him.
[09:01:15] Okay okay okay. I gotta watch that movie again man, it's a great movie. Yes.
[09:01:17] But yeah I had to google so much shit for Last of Us cause
[09:01:19] It'd been so long since
[09:01:21] I played the game and was like is is this cannon? This happened in the game
[09:01:24] Yeah, Google's so much it like oh that was part of the game
[09:01:28] They fucked up back acolyte this new Star Wars TV show
[09:01:32] It's like you can fuck up the TV show but I guess when you fuck up canon and it ruins part of the canon in Star Wars
[09:01:39] they're not super stoked about it. They brought this guy into The Acolyte show, where there's two problems.
[09:01:45] Okay? There is a clear Sith presence in
[09:01:49] the show. Yep. And they make
[09:01:53] the guy, they make the guy...
[09:02:00] They make the guy born 40 years before he's actually born.
[09:02:02] Yeah.
[09:02:09] And in one of the first three movies i can't i think it's i think it's episode one he says but he says like the he denies the Sith
[09:02:17] being a thing because they haven't been
[09:02:19] a presence for millennial.
[09:02:21] I guess it wouldn't be
[09:02:23] possible if he had
[09:02:25] around for the uh
[09:02:28] um,
[09:02:30] If he was around for the
[09:02:32] Sith Ack-Light thing which is set 100 years ago.
[09:02:39] Yeah. I think it was the first one, he says like it was a Sith
[09:02:43] and he's like that's not possible. He's like yeah we haven't seen a sith
[09:02:47] in around for millennia or some shit he says says yeah that dude they brought him back 40 years before he was born
[09:02:52] and apparently that doesn't make any sense because
[09:02:55] that line wouldn't make any sense because
[09:02:58] maybe the dude just forgot
[09:03:01] it's like man i remember that i mean it's funny
[09:03:06] got you another box of fucks oh yeah Did you guys hear about that chat?
[09:03:11] You got a box of what?
[09:03:13] 5.56
[09:03:15] Alright, Omni
[09:03:19] No, that's 9-3.
[09:03:21] It's a brown box!
[09:03:29] Don't do anything right now. it's our boy right We've been getting... we've been catching people off guard when we fight on Iron Dade,
[09:03:59] so if we don't catch people off guard and get caught off guard. I wonder how I'm here for 24 hours right now because you're an Elden Ring bitch, and you're calling me out for 24 hours right now because you're an Elden Ring bitch?
[09:04:26] Like, you're calling ME an Elden Ring bitch?
[09:04:30] Why 24 hours instead of forever?
[09:04:34] I'm kidding. That'd be pretty fucked up though.
[09:04:35] But that could have been an answer.
[09:04:37] Alright? If you showed that to the wrong guy
[09:04:38] or me at the wrong time.
[09:04:58] Ha ha ha. Yeah, listen I don't think the writing has been very well
[09:05:01] In some TV shows
[09:05:03] In like 2020 plus
[09:05:05] We've seen some crazy stupidly horribly bad shows
[09:05:11] you wouldn't believe it pretty wild Honestly, I didn't think Halo was that bad. The first season
[09:05:25] was kind of whatever. I haven't seen all the second
[09:05:26] season. I've only seen the first episode, right?
[09:05:28] But I heard it gets better.
[09:05:29] I'll say the first episode of Season 2 was fucking sick.
[09:05:34] But yeah, dude.
[09:05:34] Master Cheeks.
[09:05:35] You know what I mean?
[09:05:36] The whole fucking...
[09:05:37] I think the whole...
[09:05:38] Let me get wet again. No stamina coming in. I think the whole I think the whole love thing with the
[09:05:42] I don't want to spoil anything
[09:05:43] That whole thing, I'm not stressing it
[09:05:45] Cortana stuff either
[09:05:47] Not stressing it
[09:05:49] Oh man, I really want these to have him
[09:05:52] have his helmet on a little bit more often so hoping season two has that
[09:05:56] because this dude listen if i had one complaint about the show
[09:06:02] is that they have him and if you don't want spoilers just
[09:06:05] you better turn it down for a second 30 seconds
[09:06:10] he touches this artifact right and it makes his this do the weirdest faces
[09:06:15] his eyes rolling in the back of his head like he's trying to do the best undertaker impression
[09:06:19] you can think of that's just like homie man why didn't anybody think maybe
[09:06:23] he should touch this thing with his helmet on nobody thought of that Skelly problem?
[09:06:39] Yeah, I'm killing skeletons. Does the weapon repair kit fix the suppressors?
[09:06:46] Yes it does.
[09:06:49] I've been going on that same suppressor for a little while.
[09:06:51] Yeah these are...
[09:06:53] Yeah there's a couple running at you guys.
[09:06:54] I shot them in the back.
[09:06:56] I got a repair kit for your suppressor whenever you want it.
[09:07:00] Okay, yeah we can...
[09:07:02] Listen don't be so quick to give up your fucking items couple and a half. That could be something you need for when you have to solo or something.
[09:07:09] I want him still able to take suppressed shots dude. He didn't shoot that last one because he was like my shit's damaged.
[09:07:14] Okay okay fair enough fair enough
[09:07:20] i'm like a mule here that's why i got the big backpack on sometimes you just
[09:07:23] gotta hold back who gets what uh, that's all I'm saying.
[09:07:28] Well I knew you found a full weapon repair kit so I knew you would stay for a bit.
[09:07:33] Yeah I just hear it there. Did you hear a bear?
[09:07:41] Did you guys just hear a bear?
[09:07:48] Yeah, yeah. Definitely hearing a bear. Definitely hearing a bear.
[09:07:52] If it comes at us I'm tapping it with the thing okay?
[09:07:56] Just tell me if you see it. We may have heard a bear behind us
[09:08:07] if it comes at us, I'm gonna makeer it, okay?
[09:08:13] Yo when i get wet bro, I have zero strength. I've got about 5% of my lore
[09:08:17] I don't think the bear's coming out unless he's a fucking silent ninja bro and he just got done watching a hitman fucking playthrough.
[09:08:23] I don't...I think we're okay.
[09:08:26] I dunno man, bears like there's fucking monkeys.
[09:08:36] Simon! What?
[09:08:37] What?
[09:08:38] What Jake?!
[09:08:40] I love you man okay I appreciate them
[09:08:49] cocaine they're gonna come flying out of a tree dude.
[09:08:53] That'd be insane in Daisy if he could catch bears in the tree. I
[09:09:06] the
[09:09:09] this I will not be sniping anything.
[09:09:15] To be honest with you, the wet... The rain is my worst enemy right now
[09:09:17] It allows me to basically
[09:09:19] Not use my sniper
[09:09:21] Because i can't hold my breath
[09:09:26] You gotta not sprint at all basically
[09:09:30] Yeah, mine's going even further down no matter what
[09:09:37] I am yellow apple model no you're not
[09:09:41] yeah you should have grabbed out hard on the mentor bro he gave too much away
[09:09:44] me and him both full apples off those mentors they had the same, but I didn't cook my fat so I've got fat sitting in my bag.
[09:09:48] Yeah you know, you don't count the fat as the same as meat though.
[09:09:51] You like your fat that's ball sack dude.
[09:09:53] If you were taking fat instead of the meat and
[09:09:55] you're counting that no no we all took two we all took two steaks and one fat each i ate the two
[09:10:01] steaks and then my fat's uncooked.
[09:10:20] Maybe I just took some more damaged stakes or something.
[09:10:25] Let's go inside the tower and get this thing cooking, okay?
[09:10:49] We'll cook some meat in there. I'm gonna be getting this thing uh
[09:10:51] Oh dude a fucking
[09:10:55] Expedition Firearm Repair Kit. Let's go!
[09:10:57] Is that what that was yeah i saw
[09:11:00] it on the ground i saw our dude look at it and
[09:11:02] not go for it so he used to go here damage though
[09:11:05] you have a piece of stuff on your sps you do i
[09:11:08] have one but i'm not using it because I have the Mosin for scope.
[09:11:12] Your Mosins are done?
[09:11:14] Yeah.
[09:11:16] Don't take too many shots from up there, you can see it easy from down here too.
[09:11:20] There's a WLCU from up there. Alright, cool. can see it easy from down here too there's the wcu right there I'm gonna stop him real quick.
[09:11:35] Yes sirree Bob!
[09:11:38] Yes sirree Bob!
[09:11:40] Dude, I got two full fucking gunner pickets yeah see that's
[09:11:46] why share bro
[09:11:51] sure Yeah, sure. Sure really.
[09:11:53] I'm just gonna scare the shit out of him though.
[09:12:01] ... Fix your shit.
[09:12:11] What's fucked up?
[09:12:12] Warren, Warren, Warren...
[09:12:13] We're all good. Everything is good. shit, let's fuck up. Warren, Warren, Warren...
[09:12:15] We're all good. Everything is good. Oh shit, fix my beach maybe. I'll check the other side. okay Here Bruce, fix up your suppressor.
[09:13:00] Projected that.
[09:13:05] And he eats that one full.
[09:13:09] Me and you will share this Bruce.
[09:13:12] That's a red.
[09:13:15] We'll give him the other five. Oh good. I'm not, but I found a cad's rear-end.
[09:13:39] See that's the type of shit I'm not gonna complain about
[09:13:44] have your spaghetti time he found a weapons area in our clinic at 2 Get you some meat, bro.
[09:13:50] Yeah he found a weapons kit or cleaning kit too. You know what we need to find?
[09:13:53] Go hit that leather sewing kit on your boots.
[09:14:04] I see him. Let's see. Shit!
[09:14:06] What the fuck was that?
[09:14:07] Huh, what the fuck was that?
[09:14:09] The hiccups, bro.
[09:14:15] Oh, that was you hiccuping yeah holy i thought your character made a weird ass noise what the my real life character made a weird-ass noise dude god damn
[09:14:44] i thought they were gonna try to get weird ass noise I'm going to eat a little bit of this and give you the rest guys. I think 33% of it will solve that.
[09:14:48] I have heat buff, does he have heat buff yet?
[09:14:51] No.
[09:14:55] Actually put the meat on your pants or your chest or your jacket so you can get it easier. You too, go and put that fat in your hands
[09:14:59] put it under the jacket of your pants Yeah, fine.
[09:15:51] Almost a heave-ho. So We should stay in here too and chill for a little. All fully dry.
[09:15:58] Yep, he's getting wet. All fully dry. Yep.
[09:15:59] You guys getting it?
[09:16:02] Yeah, yeah.
[09:16:05] Close.
[09:16:06] Close.
[09:16:07] Okay.
[09:16:08] I'm gonna go ahead and get the other one. Fuck, man.
[09:16:10] This thing is so loud.
[09:16:15] Got it! Yeah, let's think we chill here until it's done raining to be honest.
[09:16:40] Uh, I think I might peace get out of here.
[09:16:41] I'm cooked.
[09:16:43] Alright, brother.
[09:16:45] Good place to live.
[09:16:47] Alright, Bruce-man. Good playing with you.
[09:16:49] Yeah it was good playing with you boys. Too bad we didn't run into too many people but...
[09:16:53] Yeah, yeah.
[09:16:55] Alright, well see ya tomorrow maybe if possible. I don't know what you look like.
[09:16:59] Take it easy boys.
[09:17:01] Later man. Take it easy, boss.
[09:17:25] Stop drinking already, bro. And he gone.
[09:17:29] Yeah, I got full apple and full water now.
[09:17:32] Mine's on the way up?
[09:17:33] Maybe you should get a lot done.
[09:17:40] Remember that movie, Man of the House?
[09:17:43] With Jonathan Taylor Thomas?
[09:17:45] Chevy Chase? Or Chevy Chase at Chevy Chase
[09:17:49] They join like the Indian Club
[09:17:56] Learn how to do a rain dance and shit wait is it the dude what was the one who has a name
[09:17:57] Jonathan Taylor Thomas
[09:17:59] the one that like voiced young Simba
[09:18:02] and was in
[09:18:03] Home Improvement
[09:18:05] oh yeah I know who you're talking about was in Home Improvement.
[09:18:09] Oh yeah, you're talking about the brown haired kid.
[09:18:11] Yeah, yeah. He's in what?
[09:18:13] It's called Man of the House.
[09:18:15] It's like a 90s movie when we were growing up.
[09:18:16] And he was the kid in it, right?
[09:18:18] Yeah yeah.
[09:18:20] I probably know if I've seen it.
[09:18:24] Yeah... Chevy Chase is his stepdad and keeps trying to get rid of them so he's like I know it'll hate this Indian Club and then they get really into it.
[09:18:33] Native American club.
[09:18:37] Alright well we kinda gotta figure out where to go from here.
[09:18:42] See this side's kind of weird you know?
[09:18:44] Yeah, we haven't heard a gunshot in the last...hour?
[09:18:48] Can I start restarting or not? shot in the last hour. In an hour, sort of a restart?
[09:18:53] No longer raining right?
[09:18:56] Nah, not at all. so Yeah, there's not really any cool things that happen in the chat.
[09:19:26] It's been kind of a long day of Chernarus type gameplay. gameplay I know you remember first kid though right?
[09:19:48] Was him bad?
[09:19:49] Uh...
[09:19:50] He was like the secret service for the president son president's daughter no that's a different movie
[09:19:57] wait wait he's the secret service for the kid uh that's right. The president's son.
[09:20:03] Yeah.
[09:20:04] Nice.
[09:20:05] There was like the president's daughter
[09:20:06] in a Disney Channel
[09:20:07] original movie.
[09:20:09] Last one was
[09:20:09] had a dude from
[09:20:12] Boy Meets World
[09:20:13] the older brother.
[09:20:19] That's the enemy Pico, let's go. so I never watched the new one that had like girl meets world.
[09:20:50] Her didn't do incredible.
[09:20:52] Say what?
[09:20:53] I said her didn't do that great.
[09:20:56] Yeah, yeah, yeah. It't do that great. Yeah, yeah...
[09:20:57] It wasn't that funny.
[09:21:01] Yeah the one dude wouldn't even come back to the show
[09:21:03] I guess? The main character?
[09:21:05] Uh, Ford main character. Uh, the guy's friend? Yeah.
[09:21:08] Wait no- The main guy went in?
[09:21:10] I thought he did!
[09:21:12] Nah, he was like out of contact
[09:21:14] with all the people from the show
[09:21:16] Everybody else still talked to each other
[09:21:19] and you were like going silent or some shit.
[09:21:23] But that was a big thing,
[09:21:24] had something to do with
[09:21:26] the Nickelodeon deal shit.
[09:21:48] Yeah. had something to do with the Nickelodeon deal shit. I kinda love how when you get older your childhood slowly gets fucking ripped apart. Destroyed?
[09:21:51] Yeah, here's how you stand
[09:21:53] yeah
[09:21:54] is what they went through while we were filming show yes on I guess we laugh a little less about it, I guess.
[09:22:01] Probably not right? Or more depending on your sense of humor, I guess.
[09:22:15] ... I'm just gonna put single power at this point.
[09:22:21] Like really, just around, you know?
[09:22:25] Yeah. Just trying to find people dude
[09:22:28] We knew there were people on the other side for a little bit at least
[09:22:31] Those fires we saw and gunshots we heard.
[09:22:35] Yeah, that is insane how close we got to some people.
[09:22:38] I really think
[09:22:39] the best plays are at
[09:22:41] Maze.
[09:22:43] Since there were two fires at at Maze. They're the best possibilities.
[09:22:44] Since there were two fires at the maze, bro,
[09:22:46] that's either the same person twice or
[09:22:48] multiple people so either way
[09:22:50] it's... It's like a main progression
[09:22:52] point in that area.
[09:22:54] So it's like you're definitely going to fall in there.
[09:22:56] Even the two people you killed,
[09:22:57] That was right in front of the fucking maze too.
[09:22:59] Yeah, you're right.
[09:23:01] Guess we need to go north-lastish I suppose. like, northwest-ish.
[09:23:13] Anything happen in the last hour?
[09:23:15] Dude, nothing's really happened at all, bro. I'm sorry, guys.
[09:23:17] Sorry it's been kind of a boring day.
[09:23:19] Good test day for the stream though.
[09:23:22] New comps running really good.
[09:23:24] No hiccups at all.
[09:23:26] Dreams running really good. No hiccups at all. Dream's running really good, no hiccups at all, no dropped frames, no nada.
[09:23:28] We have this shit running on some pretty
[09:23:30] questionable
[09:23:32] settings and it's working just fine
[09:23:34] so it's kinda nice.
[09:23:41] Two kills in nine hours? Like I said, dude,
[09:23:42] it's like Chernarus over here, bro.
[09:23:47] Kinda like Chernarus, where...
[09:23:50] You just kind of roam around. In this end area you're just kinda roaming around looking for people.
[09:23:53] I'm already geared to the teeth, I've already donezo'd on gearing.
[09:23:57] Kinda like up to me, just trying some people out of position.
[09:24:16] The temperature's finally chilling, we're not fucking freezing our nuts off.
[09:24:17] Yeah, yeah.
[09:24:20] Mine's going down but it's white still. It's blue by now.
[09:24:24] But yeah we were all
[09:24:26] blue for a really long time before
[09:24:28] the gears being as work.
[09:24:36] I'm going to try and get the I feel you wouldn't...
[09:24:54] be angry if he died. Nah,
[09:24:58] I'm not gonna do that now that I die. I've played this character so long it's like he's bound to meet death.
[09:25:03] I can't complain about being alive for this long.
[09:25:07] It was the only fight at a teleporter in the first place.
[09:25:09] Pretty good life. This is my best character so far on the map.
[09:25:15] Yeah, like you said, chilling at that door.
[09:25:17] Somebody's like, I finally made it through the maze! There's
[09:25:19] the door.
[09:25:21] Yeah, honestly, you can chill in there Like if you got a shitload of food before
[09:25:25] you went into there right?
[09:25:27] Yeah just fish grab like four or five fish and put them in there
[09:25:30] Yeah you just sit chillin' that bitch
[09:25:33] You're good right? No one's gonna bug you' that bitch. You're good, right? Like, no one's gonna bug
[09:25:35] you in that bitch. You're not killing anything.
[09:25:37] You can stay silent. They open the fuckin' door, bro.
[09:25:39] Imagine if you had something like a LAR, bro.
[09:25:41] A full auto.308, you'd just fuckin'...
[09:25:43] Yeah.
[09:25:45] You're dead. Like, you're just fucking... You're dead.
[09:25:46] You're dead.
[09:25:49] Fucking big gas canisters sitting behind you always having fun.
[09:25:51] Oh yeah.
[09:25:53] Because you can't make a fire through that door, right?
[09:25:55] I don't think on the other side of it, no.
[09:25:58] Yeah so that would be the biggest problem is freezing on the other side
[09:26:01] Most people will get heat buffed before they go through that door if their smart
[09:26:05] Yeah but if you want to sit there for... buff before they go through that door if they're smart.
[09:26:07] Yeah, but if you want to sit there for an hour or two
[09:26:08] waiting for people to come through there
[09:26:10] you're going to lose the heat buff
[09:26:12] and heal the gas though.
[09:26:14] You can like every time you need it
[09:26:17] you just step out have a little fire in
[09:26:19] a corner grab it go back in for a bit
[09:26:21] The odds that small window of operation
[09:26:23] That small window would be the time they come
[09:26:25] Besides even if that were the case, like, oh well
[09:26:28] you're out of position and you shoot from the corner.
[09:26:30] You know what I mean? Like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[09:26:32] Got zombies in that
[09:26:33] base over there? Let's not even go there. I think we're chilling.
[09:26:36] I just want to see if there are zombies.
[09:26:39] Yeah.
[09:26:43] I don't trust these little ones just because they're so small...
[09:26:45] ...I don't think people give a fuck about them that much.
[09:26:48] Yep. I don't think people give a fuck about them that much. Yeah.
[09:26:53] I've never seen anybody running to, from and out none of that shit from these little ones.
[09:26:58] Then again dude, Hitler......Hilitary! out none of that shit from these little ones.
[09:26:59] Then again, dude,
[09:27:02] military. I haven't seen a single fucking served person there either but
[09:27:04] I did hear people shooting at him.
[09:27:05] From the left, I think? What?
[09:27:08] Thought I heard
[09:27:09] Wraith or something from the left.
[09:27:12] Oh, okay...
[09:27:16] OH!
[09:27:17] That's a really far away gunshot dude!
[09:27:19] That's northeast. Really fucking far away gunshot dude that's northeast
[09:27:21] really fucking far away let's kinda head in that direction
[09:27:24] we'll see what happens when we get a little closer
[09:27:27] it is cool shit though that you're out here and,
[09:27:33] You know.
[09:27:34] I still think that that is a cool aspect of the game is that...
[09:27:37] While you're out here...
[09:27:38] It is like only the really like...
[09:27:40] The people who succeeded in doing a really good run
[09:27:43] and getting through passes
[09:27:45] you know what I mean?
[09:27:46] And trying to continue
[09:27:46] like,
[09:27:47] a solid run.
[09:27:48] It's not just
[09:27:48] willy-nilly
[09:27:49] or,
[09:27:50] you know,
[09:27:50] just ran out
[09:27:51] oh,
[09:27:51] I just fucking held Ws and got there
[09:27:55] Like you'll see like on Trenaris
[09:27:59] Every once in a while on Trenaris
[09:28:01] You go to Northwest Airfield. You'll be geared and you'll see just like
[09:28:03] you guys sprinting around that has
[09:28:06] nothing. And he's just like,
[09:28:07] you ran all the way up here. You don't have a single
[09:28:10] fucking weapon? Bro, that was like
[09:28:12] the dude in Incubation.
[09:28:14] Oh yeah!
[09:28:15] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[09:28:16] A week and a half ago he just started punching me in the back I was like what the fuck?
[09:28:18] That is honestly insane.
[09:28:19] Had nothing bro?
[09:28:21] Just went straight to incubation.
[09:28:22] He almost beat your ass bro.
[09:28:24] Get me one time, bro.
[09:28:29] Just flat as s***
[09:28:31] But uh... I dunno
[09:28:33] I've done that before too actually. We ran across that south bridge before with just fucking...
[09:28:39] sticks and we had a fishing rod and metal pipe
[09:28:44] You're not losing out right no no
[09:28:49] yeah we made it there we made it all the way through passage on that run too
[09:28:53] we ran across the south with nothing. I'm gonna grab some bark
[09:28:59] Just in case, dude
[09:29:03] He probably saves lives really I'm gonna go to the...
[09:29:14] Go into my knife's room. Knife's gone. Nice go.
[09:29:20] Alright, ready?
[09:29:25] Yep. Back to me.
[09:29:41] Oh, nice.
[09:29:42] Fall back to me.
[09:29:45] Yeah, I'll let you suppress it. He's out for fires again.
[09:29:55] Yeah, it's getting darker so I should be able to see him
[09:30:05] oh as i said just heard something yes What?
[09:30:16] Oh yeah, I don't remember.
[09:30:20] I always try not to do that when people are just 1v1 Yeah, you usually let people 1v1
[09:30:22] if you're confident that they can handle it.
[09:30:24] Now if they're new, you can help them out.
[09:30:26] But you gotta be smart about it. I don't even go for
[09:30:28] headshots, I just go for staggering hits
[09:30:30] when I'm doing that so I can just barely hit him.
[09:30:34] Yeah, yeah.
[09:30:35] Yep, yep.
[09:30:37] Deal with it.
[09:30:40] Those shots
[09:30:41] from the maze is the question.
[09:30:43] I don't think so, I feel like we'd heard more.
[09:30:45] People weren't just getting through this maze without fucking shooting, you know what I mean?
[09:30:48] No.
[09:30:50] Unless they got everything suppressed somehow...
[09:30:55] Did you go sit in a tree?
[09:30:57] I went off to the right a little more,
[09:30:59] the tree rock.
[09:31:22] ... so I should probably just go stand at the maze entrance and do some bait shots. Somebody else wants to run into the maze.
[09:31:27] In order for you to convince people that they're in the Mesa,
[09:31:29] you'd have to fucking dump a mag
[09:31:31] I don't like that
[09:31:33] There we go
[09:31:35] I think that's passage very very likely
[09:31:41] there's a military over there that i can see though at this direction
[09:31:45] basically just kind of lurking around until we hear shots of passage or at the maze.
[09:31:50] Until we see what's going on.
[09:31:51] Is that a guy?
[09:31:51] Hold on.
[09:31:54] I think I see a guy fishing.
[09:31:56] Yeah.
[09:31:56] Never mind.
[09:31:57] No, no.
[09:31:57] Holy shit! You see that? guy fishing. Yeah. Nevermind, I don't know.
[09:32:00] Holy shit! You see that look like the running of rocks? Yeah, yeah, I saw it.
[09:32:02] Oh my god!
[09:32:04] That looks just like
[09:32:06] a dude crouching down trying to fill a water bottle or fishing or something like that looked just like a dude crouching down like trying to
[09:32:08] fill a water bottle or fishing or something like that
[09:32:11] yeah i mean we can go in there you're gonna try to find the passage
[09:32:15] exit and camp it for a second maybe get a little fishing done there
[09:32:18] not a bad idea right because you still need food
[09:32:21] like just cause our stomachs are pretty filled now it doesn't mean we couldn't use backup food
[09:32:26] not to mention since your shots coming from there, one of us can like you know fish the other one can hold it.
[09:32:33] I still got that fishing pole so we're good.
[09:32:36] Badly damaged, that sucks.
[09:32:38] That bush almost got whacked!
[09:32:41] Oh they enjoyed doing it too, I don't fucking like to do that
[09:32:45] Sorry?
[09:32:46] So you have extra rope in case that does break. Let me see
[09:32:53] Your ropes gonna break you know i got that fishing rod but it's badly damaged right now
[09:32:57] that gives a bro as long as you have any rope that's what matters
[09:33:00] that's what i'm saying I don't have rope.
[09:33:02] You're fucking right, bro.
[09:33:03] Next time we get to a place with
[09:33:06] clothes and shit like that, cut some stuff up
[09:33:08] and let's get 12 rags.
[09:33:10] Well, we should've fucking picked up
[09:33:13] some of the guts
[09:33:13] from all the
[09:33:14] minotaurs we killed.
[09:33:15] True!
[09:33:16] I mean at the
[09:33:16] very end of the day
[09:33:17] that's where you'll
[09:33:18] get it so don't
[09:33:18] stress until
[09:33:19] you get there.
[09:33:21] You know what
[09:33:21] I mean?
[09:33:21] Because we're
[09:33:22] probably gonna go
[09:33:22] in there and fight somebody eventually that goes to maze.
[09:33:29] You don't have rope either?
[09:33:31] Yeah, dude.
[09:33:33] I always have a mouth on the rope, brother.
[09:33:35] Every single damn time.
[09:33:38] I had like two.
[09:33:39] I don't know what happened to them.
[09:33:41] Sometimes I bring two ropes just in case I do a dumbass thing like you did
[09:33:44] and forget it somewhere
[09:33:46] must have given it to somebody or no, I made a fishing rod and then someone else
[09:33:51] used the fishing rod
[09:33:52] probably didn't break it down.
[09:34:00] Or break it down and they kept the rope behind you.
[09:34:02] You see us now, bro.
[09:34:04] Let's break it down!
[09:34:06] Yeah, you can see more with that big screen.
[09:34:10] That was such a hard fucking thing to try and get into dude...
[09:34:14] ...when we were playing it.
[09:34:16] It is so hard to get in the game when you're playing it saying that was so hard to get in the game when you were playing it
[09:34:20] overwatch 2 at the same time yeah it's tough bro it's one of those games that's really rough
[09:34:24] he would just like if i if i recommended somebody who didn't have a lot of
[09:34:28] FPS experience to play
[09:34:30] I would say just to play tank
[09:34:32] Yeah that was the problem
[09:34:34] I think you were playing
[09:34:35] carry already and somebody else was playing tank.
[09:34:39] So I was going support route,
[09:34:41] and then you can't fucking carry me into support.
[09:34:43] But like...
[09:34:44] Not with my skill level.
[09:34:45] You would like tank.
[09:34:46] You'd like tanks.
[09:34:48] Yeah, I played a lot of...
[09:34:49] Was that before? I got pretty high
[09:34:51] honestly when I played Reinhardt
[09:34:55] Played Reinhardt in May
[09:35:00] But uh... That was when the game came out, what?
[09:35:02] Ten years ago?
[09:35:04] This should be east of that.
[09:35:06] Just to make sure we're going the right way.
[09:35:08] We are heading east! This is the passage wall, we'll find it.
[09:35:10] Yeah, you should find something there.
[09:35:12] At least an entrance.
[09:35:14] Let's just get towards those shots.
[09:35:16] Shots getting closer and closer dude.
[09:35:19] Might wanna go... left up at the wall. Yeah
[09:35:29] As I would be fucking insane if we sleep like that and people come over the fucking drop.
[09:35:35] Yeah, I feel bad but...
[09:35:38] Feel bad for about two seconds.
[09:35:43] And then you get over it.
[09:35:44] Once you start looting, then you don't feel bad anymore.
[09:35:47] Get him a little fish and shit?
[09:35:50] Actually that's what makes me feel worse like Like, oh man, they were so kidding.
[09:35:53] They're gonna be kidding about it.
[09:35:56] Right? In some way
[09:35:57] they'll be kidding.
[09:35:58] And not fully.
[09:36:01] Yeah, we'll have some ammo and we'll have
[09:36:02] some shit.
[09:36:04] Have some filters, you know? All the good shit.
[09:36:10] I might drop these 30 mags bro, I'm sick of them fucking reloading into the thirties.
[09:36:17] You know what I'm saying?
[09:36:18] Yeah, she only got the two fortys unless you kept that other one too.
[09:36:22] I got three fortys so maybe I should just have those.
[09:36:25] I mean, that should be enough dude. at the forty-seven inches connection
[09:36:26] after you see any fight for your fucking run through a hundred twenty
[09:36:30] ammo I'm going to go ahead and do that. so Okay, the zombies are up.
[09:37:03] Let's let them be and sit in the tree for a little bit. See if these guys come out.
[09:37:22] Do we want to put a little fire right here? I'll get out of position too bad.
[09:37:24] You can fall back real quick and hit one right there.
[09:37:27] We could put it on the other side of the tree and I probably can't see it if we put it right
[09:37:31] here all right where you are
[09:37:42] drop them Drop a bark right here.
[09:37:44] Oh, you dropped your other two barks out. What the fuck that is?
[09:37:46] There's...
[09:37:47] You got a lighter?
[09:37:50] Yep.
[09:37:51] Got that?
[09:37:52] Yeah.
[09:37:53] Do you think?
[09:37:54] Yeah. They're definitely gonna see it, but we'll just...
[09:38:04] It won't last long. We'll get heat buff off regardless and then...
[09:38:07] You want me to just leave that? Not put six in it or put one sick?
[09:38:09] No, you should leave the No. Just leave the one.
[09:38:12] Can I put one sick if you have one sick?
[09:38:14] Yeah.
[09:38:16] That should be enough.
[09:38:20] Let's get her a heat puff.
[09:38:26] They'll have to aggro the zombies too?
[09:38:29] Yes, that's what I'm saying. That's getting closer isn't it?
[09:38:34] Sounds like it dude but those are a little bit behind. But it might be even there going through to the side. Did that sound like those behind us? Really?
[09:38:37] Like kind of to our right.
[09:38:40] But this is the furthest down exit, I think. so Let me know how close you are.
[09:39:11] My heat buff will be coming soon.
[09:39:12] Yeah, yeah I'm on the same. Full white.
[09:39:16] Full white no arrows?
[09:39:20] It's the same way bro.
[09:39:22] It's getting closer bro!
[09:39:27] Oh they know That's the same way. Oh, bro they might come to this exit.
[09:39:31] Very possible.
[09:39:38] Can you dump water to put the fire out? Yeah, do you have a bottle?
[09:39:39] I got a cooking pot with water in it.
[09:39:42] Yeah, yeah, as soon as we get heat buffed just stay out there.
[09:39:46] Do I combine them? Comb combine the fireplace with it?
[09:39:49] You'll just have like a left click like option on it when you when you have the ball in your hands to pour on
[09:39:56] Well, that's gonna be fine we should do we should still get it to say
[09:40:01] is it so hot things for a little bit
[09:40:04] yeah we might still get it or not that's Stand on top of it. Or not.
[09:40:09] That's how you keep up, bro.
[09:40:11] We're definitely still getting heat! Still.
[09:40:23] Are we gonna get it?
[09:40:24] Or are we not gonna get it?
[09:40:26] Down to 60.
[09:40:28] 50.
[09:40:33] I don't think we're getting it.
[09:40:37] Let me see, I have a box of ammo on there.
[09:40:41] Now we'd have to blow it back if it has it. Yeah, it doesn't have the option to turn it back on.
[09:40:45] Yeah, that's gone. No, no, I got a paper.
[09:40:49] You guys get out of the area?
[09:40:54] We're waiting at an entrance to see if people
[09:40:56] come through. I got a t-buff, you
[09:40:58] have a t-buff? Yep.
[09:41:00] Oh shit we're lucky, okay.
[09:41:02] It worked bro! Did you say boss? You fucking nutsack.
[09:41:06] I will drag my nutsack on your forehead if you talk to me like that again.
[09:41:10] Listen, I don't even have a farhead now, so...
[09:41:12] Is it Far Away?
[09:41:15] That would be quite an adventure for my nutsack.
[09:41:19] I'd probably have to sleep out in a motel halfway through.
[09:41:26] You shut up with your fucking nutsack talk, alright?
[09:41:32] Have you brought up the nutsack I'll just continue with the story.
[09:41:37] I'm gonna be tucked under this little wall here, okay?
[09:41:42] See what I'm saying?
[09:41:44] Say what?
[09:41:46] I went past you, and I'm hugging the wall on the right.
[09:41:49] On the right side?
[09:41:51] Yeah.
[09:41:53] They're gonna have to aggro those zombies first if they come out bro. It's so hard to see now that it got dark
[09:41:58] That should be impossible to see here chat, fucking impossible
[09:42:00] I'm taking this off
[09:42:03] Imma go bathroom real quick
[09:42:07] Go to the bathroom. Say what?
[09:42:15] He's going to the bathroom?
[09:42:16] I think so, dude. I think so.
[09:42:24] Meanwhile, Bosh has been struggling on the other side of the passage.
[09:42:33] On his far head.
[09:42:36] Because it's really far away I get it Bosh nice that's just the accent speaking. oh. Any more gunshots?
[09:43:32] No.
[09:43:36] I think the play is if they come out of there, some people will wait
[09:43:40] for five minutes right for the door to close back up.
[09:43:43] But once they jump off,
[09:43:44] most people start a fire, right?
[09:43:46] So they'll come kill the zombies so they can get sticks
[09:43:48] and then go start a fire.
[09:43:51] We jump in after that.
[09:43:52] Jump in after they either draw their gatherings...
[09:43:55] Actually, if it's multiple people
[09:43:57] only one person will go get sticks, right?
[09:43:59] So we wait for them to go back and feel comfortable
[09:44:01] while they're fishing or whatever.
[09:44:04] Yeah, yeah, yeah. i don't like that right now but you never know
[09:44:07] we haven't heard any more shots well we haven't heard more shots which means
[09:44:10] they might have gotten to the end open the door and they're waiting for the
[09:44:13] door to close yeah maybe
[09:44:17] that's what i've done because they get through
[09:44:19] the door they still have to go through the whole cave and so
[09:44:23] yeah yeah yeah so they wait five minutes go through the whole cave kind of jump in
[09:44:26] the water so we could be here for seven eight
[09:44:30] minutes if they got to the end and we won't hear gunshots if they got
[09:44:34] to the end, right?
[09:44:38] Yeah I think you're right.
[09:44:45] I don't know...I feel like a lot of people do that, right?
[09:44:47] Wait for the five minutes...
[09:44:50] Door to shut behind them.
[09:44:54] I don't know.
[09:44:55] I've actually never done that.
[09:44:56] No?
[09:44:58] Yeah...
[09:44:59] Any time.
[09:45:01] Oh shit, look at him.
[09:45:02] There's another one!
[09:45:05] Should the zombies move to that?
[09:45:07] How much make-over do they have, like 20 something?
[09:45:12] Nah, zombies won't aggro until they get all of it out here.
[09:45:17] Yeah one just ran off to the side. to get on that.
[09:45:19] Yeah, one just like ran off to the side
[09:45:20] for a second.
[09:45:26] That was even closer.
[09:45:29] The question is that was even closer
[09:45:56] the question is what are they shooting at Sorry about the waiting around chat, but might be an opportunity to camp some people coming
[09:46:37] out of passage. I feel a little scummy about it, I'll be honest with you. so I'm not sure if you can see it, but the passage tax man welcome to passage it's bond hand with the maker yeah I can't just a lot this long you gotta get stemmy little bit having a watch for
[09:46:41] too long one of my stats even are bro
[09:46:44] I don't think that I have killed that many people
[09:46:47] Three people in the last couple days
[09:46:50] It's different out here you know what I mean?
[09:46:55] The maze is gonna be my best bet.
[09:46:59] I wonder if I should go through...
[09:47:03] just to get to the tower? To snipe from there.
[09:47:05] For a little bit, you know what I'm saying?
[09:47:11] Sometimes you get the scum, other times you GET scum Sometimes you ARE the scum other times. You get scum sometimes you are the scum sometimes you get scummy
[09:47:22] I have been scummed many a times
[09:47:27] Where's that bro, that's to our left?
[09:47:29] Let's go, let's go.
[09:47:33] That might be maze.
[09:47:35] That might be fucking maze brother! on to your hat your butts. I mean, hold onto your fucking butt
[09:47:42] Jurassic Park
[09:47:51] You fall blind What do you call a blind dinosaur then Kevin?
[09:47:55] Uhhhhhh, what is that dinosaur?
[09:47:59] You're such a Jurassic Park fan. Do you think he'saurus?
[09:48:05] Do you think he'saurus rex?
[09:48:08] What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?
[09:48:09] I like a lot of those, c'mon bro.
[09:48:15] What do you call a gay dinosaur?
[09:48:17] A megasaur-ass. Okay, he knows all the gay jokes
[09:48:20] in this man.
[09:48:22] He's like I know I've been called that lots of times.
[09:48:28] That's my nickname in high school.
[09:48:33] I know some of the dinosaur jokes about it.
[09:48:37] I love dinosaurs!
[09:48:40] You know exactly what happens when I say my do-you-thinky-saurus joke?
[09:48:42] Two other people think exactly what you just thought.
[09:48:45] Oh, do you know this one or do you know that one?
[09:48:47] So I've heard those ones through donuts right after.
[09:48:50] Hell yeah. I've heard those ones through Donos right after.
[09:48:57] I just did it so you didn't get any donations?
[09:49:00] Yeah, there ya go. You're a real fucking loser here without me noticing. donations
[09:49:05] I'm the real loser here without me noticing. Dude, this is Torque dude, this is literally at
[09:49:07] Maze
[09:49:11] Nah I don't know
[09:49:13] if it has less pixelation but
[09:49:15] you have to understand that we are in a place
[09:49:17] that doesn't have a lot of
[09:49:19] foliage. No grass and shit right?
[09:49:21] If we found each other I'd be pissed.
[09:49:23] You have to compare it to other times that I'm in the snow area.
[09:49:27] We're stuck on a way further away.
[09:49:29] Yeah but these guys might be in this entrance.
[09:49:34] Yeah cause those first few
[09:49:35] were really fucking close.
[09:49:36] Let's just get in here and see.
[09:49:41] Right when we get outside the gate
[09:49:43] we will pop a heat buff.
[09:49:49] We just had it. We should be good for awhile.
[09:49:51] Nah, heat buff's gone already.
[09:49:53] No no I just mean water. Yeah but we're about to cross water and that's gonna hit us with some coal.
[09:50:01] Sure. so These other shots were really close. so I think we should. check I guess. That was a lot of shit.
[09:50:50] Hopefully we hit some more shots.
[09:50:52] If you get into there, and they run into like minotaurs or
[09:50:56] something like that, we probably should have turned back
[09:50:58] because it means we're not tracking him
[09:51:00] you know? Yeah
[09:51:02] There are like 40 or 40 different entrances to
[09:51:04] the maze. Is there really?
[09:51:06] I only thought there was two
[09:51:08] Pretty sure there were multiple, dude.
[09:51:11] I'm pretty sure it's only two, but I might be wrong.
[09:51:13] Because I ran around the whole fucking thing
[09:51:15] close up on the door
[09:51:17] and the walls
[09:51:19] And it was like...I could not Like, i couldn't find very much of this gotcha that's other side What were we hearing?
[09:51:36] That's not maze, those shots.
[09:51:38] That might be like...
[09:51:45] Was that what you were hearing? No, That might be that military compound right there. See that?
[09:51:47] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[09:51:49] Let's see what's up.
[09:51:56] The guys had a panic moment, got into a fight or maybe the suppressor broke.
[09:52:04] I think that's what we were hearing right? But why did we hear it over here? Maybe they ran over there?
[09:52:08] It's hard to say. While he ran over here, they ran over there? That guy has got an AK. I think it sounded like a full-auto AK.
[09:52:14] Yeah, once he he shooting at though?
[09:52:16] He wouldn't be doing zombies like that.
[09:52:18] Zombies? I mean maybe!
[09:52:19] Is the pressure gonna grow up like I said?
[09:52:21] Yeah. Could we stand around a wall and just...
[09:52:24] Doesn't care yeah
[09:52:26] pretty big but baiting to the little cough around my back expecting someone show up so I'm starting to hear some sounds.
[09:52:57] People are waking up!
[09:53:08] Yeah, if they just killed zombies there that means they're in there looting right now.
[09:53:12] Yeah but not for very long it's a small thing.
[09:53:17] Very small compounds.
[09:53:20] Gotta be where those shots came from though...
[09:53:27] There's not really a way to sneak around, so we just gotta fucking walk up to these bricks and just headbutt it.
[09:54:01] Yeah, right. that's better so I see a zombie aggroed at the back right tower. It's running around it.
[09:54:03] Running around the back?
[09:54:05] Yeah, where you're running. He's aggroed over there.
[09:54:07] Up on that end in that corner.
[09:54:18] Like maybe he's up in that little tower
[09:54:27] unless he is laying down on the tower and I don't see anybody there There's somebody there. Might be.
[09:54:34] What can I have?
[09:54:38] Zombie is not an aggro anymore.
[09:54:40] Definitely no zombies in there except that one, though.
[09:54:44] Yeah.
[09:54:47] Bro what if the zombies bled him out or something so he started going loud?
[09:54:52] Nah.
[09:54:54] Man, man. Yeah, I know.
[09:54:56] This here is not good.
[09:54:58] Gonna do a train roll with this bitch so she can pass me the impact.
[09:55:03] I'm in a tree near you.
[09:55:04] I don't exactly where you are but... I'm in a tree near you. I don't know exactly where you are, but...
[09:55:05] I'm in a tree right behind that tower?
[09:55:07] Yeah, yeah, see, I see it.
[09:55:09] That zombie's coming out!
[09:55:11] There's a zombie walking all the way out.
[09:55:13] My C-6 passed. Man, Oh yeah.
[09:55:19] May have just missed him I guess. See where the zombie's going?
[09:55:21] You think that's going toward him?
[09:55:22] Nah, he's full lingering mode right now.
[09:55:26] Yeah but why would it be that far out?
[09:55:28] He's fucking lingering far like a jackass.
[09:55:30] They just do that sometimes.
[09:55:32] Okay.
[09:55:40] Shit, where would he go from there dude?
[09:55:52] He could technically still be in here somewhere. We're not seeing any dead zombies
[09:55:54] either, huh? True, huh?
[09:55:56] Let me see.
[09:55:59] No there's dead zombies in there.
[09:56:01] There is?
[09:56:03] Yeah I see one right in the center dead.
[09:56:05] Might just be one of those types of chumps.
[09:56:07] How you still live is this christmas What?
[09:56:27] Man, did he leave already? Did we barely miss him?
[09:56:34] I don't know where the fuck would he go to next.
[09:56:37] Would've been in our pathway...I mean, I guess he could have ran paths with them and didn't notice because we were looking at this. True, kind of veered out to the way- wait!
[09:57:03] I saw something. No that's a zombie in the middle
[09:57:07] Zombies respawning? Yeah it's definitely
[09:57:11] possible Yeah, it's definitely possible.
[09:57:14] I still see the dead one in there.
[09:57:17] Yeah, zombies respawning. Might be gone.
[09:57:19] Alright which direction you wanna go?
[09:57:21] Hmm... Which direction you wanna go?
[09:57:30] Um, down to me, Marty. You can still stick around maze, I guess.
[09:57:38] Yeah yeah.
[09:57:46] I mean those guys... We can go check on the zombies at that thing we were looking at.
[09:57:51] See if they came out And killed him Yeah
[09:57:56] Damn man
[09:58:00] So close
[09:58:01] To these motherfuckers
[09:58:02] We're catching fires
[09:58:03] Hearing bullets
[09:58:04] Very close to us.
[09:58:06] Just not right there.
[09:58:07] I can't believe the zombies were dead and he had looted it that fast bro!
[09:58:09] We heard shots and got there within like two minutes at most?
[09:58:12] Yeah, just a tiny ass compound bro.
[09:58:15] That's probably why he did it.
[09:58:16] There are tiny people fucking around here.
[09:58:22] He knows there is motherfuckers out there like us...
[09:58:26] ...trying to murder.
[09:58:38] That was a virtual rape? That's right. That could be a zombie. That sounds like a pistol. Know what I'm saying?
[09:58:39] Yeah, yeah.
[09:58:40] I think that was the one.
[09:58:41] Oh, there it is.
[09:58:42] There we go.
[09:58:43] Oh, there it is.
[09:58:44] Oh, there it is.
[09:58:45] Oh, there it is.
[09:58:46] Oh, there it is.
[09:58:47] Oh, there it is.
[09:58:48] Oh, there it is. Oh, there it is. Oh, there it is. like a pistol. You know what I'm saying?
[09:58:49] Yeah, yeah.
[09:58:57] That could be him shooting us across
[09:58:58] like eight yards and skeletons, every guy that was shooting before. Is this that tower area you can climb up? No, I don't see a tower.
[09:59:21] Yeah look at the
[09:59:23] overhang dude. Pretty sure you can
[09:59:25] climb up there.
[09:59:27] You'd see shit on the side of the mountain
[09:59:29] when things are climbing. Keep looking forward, huh?
[09:59:33] Yeah, that's the entrance again, dude.
[09:59:35] I'm probably hitting a zombie right now.
[09:59:36] I see a zombie right there.
[09:59:39] Wait, no!
[09:59:39] I see a player!
[09:59:40] I'm shooting him!
[09:59:43] He sees us he sees us i think he's at the tree no he's
[09:59:47] i killed him
[09:59:50] what's up for teammates?
[09:59:58] Those teammates are gonna be in there, potentially.
[10:00:05] He walks really far out. He was getting bark and shit.
[10:00:10] That other guy with the AK might be around too, I'm a little worried. so You up here with me?
[10:00:39] Yeah, yeah. I'm close at the entrance.
[10:00:44] Alright let's see. close at the entrance.
[10:00:52] Oh! I got hit, I got hit.
[10:00:55] I don't know what hit me.
[10:00:58] Are your shoes gone?
[10:01:01] No, I don't know what's fucking with me.
[10:01:05] I think I hit barbed wire or something.
[10:01:08] Yeah, okay, okay.
[10:01:12] It can be up here, be careful.
[10:01:32] Going wide? going wide Check's clear.
[10:01:39] Checking the green area of the box that creates a check.
[10:01:44] And Pearl is solo!
[10:01:49] I feel like we'd get shot at, if he wasn't wasn't solo nowhere else to hide
[10:01:57] i think you're right let's just check these crates.
[10:02:01] Careful, listen...
[10:02:03] That AK guy is still nearby.
[10:02:05] That wasn't the AK guy?
[10:02:07] No.
[10:02:09] That was a guy that was coming out of passage there's no way we heard him
[10:02:12] those are the three zombies bro he hit these three zombies
[10:02:17] i wonder if that was the ak guy but he didn'twe thought we were hearing shots.
[10:02:25] I don't know if you wouldn't...oh fuck!
[10:02:27] I just hit the barbed wire too. Oh my god!
[10:02:28] I got hit twice!
[10:02:30] Come inside, come inside.
[10:02:32] Just go over on the other side of the thing. Come inside, come inside. I don't see anything right there.
[10:02:34] Just go over on the other side of the thing. I'm already through.
[10:02:36] Okay, come back over here and let's make a fire and fish.
[10:02:39] Ready to do that?
[10:02:41] Bro!
[10:02:42] I don't even see anything and I'm getting hit.
[10:02:44] Okay what's your health?
[10:02:46] Uh, I'm missing one bar.
[10:02:48] Okay well stop going down that path
[10:02:50] And go this path.
[10:02:51] Yeah I tried to-
[10:02:52] I just got hit again
[10:02:54] again what the fuck is happening bro i'm just running all the way through
[10:02:57] i'm almost dead
[10:03:01] what the fuck am i hitting there's nothing there
[10:03:05] just get in there and chill okay give me six
[10:03:09] you red yeah yeah i'm red blinking or caught chunks
[10:03:13] trump here contract
[10:03:20] yes i think the fire and again
[10:03:22] yeah
[10:03:24] you want to Behind here again?
[10:03:29] Oh no. Something like that.
[10:03:35] Make sure it doesn't step on the fucking fire, dude. I don't know.
[10:03:54] Wait, that was suppressed shots. He dead.
[10:03:57] Nah he just hit me with the MK or some shit. He's dead.
[10:04:00] Nah, he was just hitting with the MK or some shit. You're stepping outside.
[10:04:04] I don't know it was in all different spots dude.
[10:04:06] It was literally in all different spots that I was getting hit.
[10:04:08] Well, I hated to see how you did the behavior and it fucked me up
[10:04:11] again because I went through a lot of it at once.
[10:04:14] Just get a fire going and then you're gonna do my bear thing.
[10:04:31] Man, that poor guy walks out, sees two people, gets cracked by the best gun in the fucking map.
[10:04:33] Sad day for him dude.
[10:04:41] Careful they're on the fire. Listen bro I don't like this fire at all.
[10:04:44] Let me place it somewhere else.
[10:04:46] Look how tight this is.
[10:04:48] It's really trying to get a cabin.
[10:04:50] You got all those cover in the cabins, there's no reason not to use it.
[10:04:54] I think i used all my small sticks on that fire
[10:04:56] there though.
[10:05:05] Yeah that fire fucking sucks bro. Way too tight.
[10:05:06] Imagine someone pushes us like that.
[10:05:08] Oh, I don't know, that's where we made it last time.
[10:05:11] Yeah, well this is good one as well.
[10:05:21] Somebody left ammo and a bandage over here.
[10:05:24] Oh, you get the buff next to the wall.
[10:05:26] Oh they're saying that you sit here while you do it.
[10:05:28] I guess that makes sense.
[10:05:32] Guess that does make sense then.
[10:05:35] Apparently you can just use yours and get it through the wall,
[10:05:37] That's kinda nice.
[10:05:39] Can you pick up this ammo? The hell?
[10:05:43] I don't need it whatever. Um...yeah, I don't need it, whatever.
[10:05:46] Um... yeah, I don't need it.
[10:05:49] It's just sitting in the corner when we pick it up. Can't do that shit.
[10:05:58] What the fuck was that?
[10:06:04] Someone did something there.
[10:06:10] My expedition jacket got ruined from that.
[10:06:13] Nooooooo...
[10:06:16] And my backpack. You heard that, right? Did you guys hear that? I see him, he's out there.
[10:06:52] He's not here.
[10:06:53] He's out there, he's out there.
[10:06:56] It's by a tank. He's dead.
[10:07:14] Yeah, he's dead.
[10:07:15] There you go.
[10:07:16] Fuck! Right before I shot him bro.
[10:07:18] I'm so sorry bro.
[10:07:19] No, you're 100% good dude. I'm so sorry, bro. I'm so sorry, bro. No,
[10:07:20] you're a hundred percent good dude.
[10:07:21] I guarantee you it was that guy shooting us.
[10:07:24] It wasn't barbed wire.
[10:07:25] It was nothing.
[10:07:25] He was shooting us with fucking silencer.
[10:07:27] You think so?
[10:07:28] Yes,
[10:07:29] I do.
[10:07:32] How will, how would it ruin my jacket and backpack?
[10:07:36] You think that guy was hitting you with such little shots he was peppering you hard?
[10:07:38] And my plate carrier! Yeah dude!
[10:07:43] 100% the dude was hand bugged while he was shooting you
[10:07:45] when he was in that scene
[10:07:47] Yeah my plate carrier vest got damaged and two things
[10:07:49] ruined? Dude, my plate
[10:07:51] carrier got damaged, my S-boosted jacket got ruined, my backpack's ruined 100 dude my place here you're gonna damage my exclusive jackets and ruins
[10:07:53] my backpack you're right we both got shot
[10:07:57] we both got shot by that guy just barbed wire.
[10:08:06] There's nothing around though!
[10:08:10] That's way too much, way to much technician. Thank you there brother I do appreciate it.
[10:08:13] Yeah that guy was peppering the fuck out of us. With what?
[10:08:15] That must have been his boy!
[10:08:17] His teammate.
[10:08:19] Was that an MK
[10:08:21] silent shots dude?
[10:08:23] Bro, that's bad. David did that to him.
[10:08:25] Nah, that MK wouldn't do shit
[10:08:27] to us bro. Dackon...
[10:08:29] It didn't do much I got hit like 8 times!
[10:08:31] I mean
[10:08:33] were you just getting shot from so fucking far?
[10:08:36] I don't know. Yeah!
[10:08:38] It's very possible. Do you have something to fix your plate or no?
[10:08:42] Foxy? No.
[10:08:44] How fucked up is yours?
[10:08:47] Here, take this.
[10:08:49] Take that hit, it should fix it.
[10:08:52] I can't believe we... Damn dude, that's...
[10:08:55] Let's just say this, bro.
[10:08:57] We are very fucking lucky
[10:08:59] to have the Maker on our side.
[10:09:03] That gun has been shredding
[10:09:05] and I haven't deserved these kills. Well, having
[10:09:08] the fucking best everything else
[10:09:10] to helps. I'm gonna go search
[10:09:12] for this guy's shit probably.
[10:09:14] I think at this point it's time to just
[10:09:16] figure out if we can even do leave them if we die we die
[10:09:19] yeah all right watch for the barbed wire over here okay see i mean you're gonna hit
[10:09:24] it there's no barbed wire remember we were getting getting shot. Oh bro, we were straight up getting shot.
[10:09:29] 100% get a shot! Where else you'd get barbed wire from?
[10:09:31] Why the fuck would we even think that's a thing?
[10:09:33] Yeah I don't know bro, I thought it was something people knew how to make and I didn't.
[10:09:42] Crazy... I didn't... There should be two dead guys here. Yeah, two dead dudes here.
[10:09:48] What's he have? Just grab one thing at a time, let's bring it inside.
[10:09:54] Fuck you and every single thing he has bro, I'll tell ya that much.
[10:09:58] He blows ass up what are you gonna do?
[10:10:00] Grab one thing at a time and bring it in.
[10:10:05] PTSD run through this path.
[10:10:07] Bro I can't believe that was
[10:10:09] not barbed wire we were both, what the fuck's hitting us?
[10:10:12] What shit?
[10:10:13] Holy shit!
[10:10:14] It's so strong!
[10:10:15] So strong!
[10:10:16] Well, it didn't make any noise whatsoever.
[10:10:19] Someone said there's supersonic rounds in the game?
[10:10:21] Is that... Maybe that was it, subsonic.
[10:10:23] Yeah. Is that a thing?
[10:10:25] I don't know.
[10:10:27] I haven't used all of my guns.
[10:10:29] The fact we didn't die getting hit so much
[10:10:31] tells me it was like a pistol or some shit.
[10:10:33] No way!
[10:10:34] Look how geared this dude is, bro.
[10:10:36] Somebody said you can hand bug too and shoot
[10:10:39] if it doesn't make noise?
[10:10:40] Oh, that's maybe what it was.
[10:10:42] That's what chat was telling us.
[10:10:53] Just got a shit ton of 5.56 ammo in the pot.
[10:11:01] Damn, bro! Wooo! Let's go!
[10:11:04] So listen...
[10:11:05] If we didn't get screwed by the game, we barely survived so thank goodness.
[10:11:09] I know right?
[10:11:10] Like you were fucking almost dead brother.
[10:11:13] Yeah that was one bar.
[10:11:14] You were literally standing still like
[10:11:16] I don't want to move.
[10:11:17] Like the best thing
[10:11:20] can happen
[10:11:22] to that guy.
[10:11:24] That's the sad part?
[10:11:26] I was only taking damage But I that's the sad part. I don't like
[10:11:30] Was only taking damage when I was moving so it was like alright, let me stand still then
[10:11:32] I started taking damage all right. Let me get the fuck out of here. What is happening?
[10:11:35] You're like take a different path! There's no other path.
[10:11:36] My jacket is wrapped up as fuck though so we gotta go back to the jungle and leave.
[10:11:40] All of their shit's fucked on that too because you drew it wrong.
[10:11:44] Yeah this shit just blows them the fuck up.
[10:11:48] It's insane.
[10:11:49] Actually fucking insane.
[10:11:51] This is the AK guy!
[10:11:53] That's our AK boy right there.
[10:11:56] You might have a good AK coming off of this person. We'll see.
[10:11:59] Is it better than my AK?
[10:12:01] I think he's... you looked like he was using the KAM,
[10:12:03] like one that was using 7.62 bullets.
[10:12:05] Like, it uses the same ammo as your SKS
[10:12:07] which is a bigger bullet than 545.
[10:12:11] This guy's got like...
[10:12:15] Nevermind this guy. I think this guy just got out of
[10:12:18] his thing because he's still got...
[10:12:19] Oh, this guys has four wolf steaks.
[10:12:21] Oh no way!
[10:12:23] I'm eating a bear steak now the wolf steaks weren't cooked.
[10:12:26] Yo uh...
[10:12:28] Yeah they have pasta, they they can just make a stand.
[10:12:32] I think they had better pots than we had.
[10:12:34] Yo, that guy had fuckin' gas cans on him or filters.
[10:12:37] Yeah, they just came in?
[10:12:39] Yeah like they must have just walked out.
[10:12:41] Dropping a bear stick
[10:12:41] by the fire for you.
[10:12:47] Oh man,
[10:12:48] this guy's got
[10:12:48] a lot
[10:12:49] on his backpack.
[10:12:50] Cool, cool, cool.
[10:12:52] Yeah, dude, we're gonna...
[10:12:53] I think we're gonna get a nice little come-up off these guys.
[10:12:57] Yeah.
[10:12:58] For sure.
[10:13:07] Gross. Bro, it's definitely a handbug making no sound shooting if it was a VSS or a battle hobo I would be dead.
[10:13:08] Got shot like five times.
[10:13:09] Yeah, it's honestly insane because...
[10:13:13] yeah we're very very lucky.
[10:13:15] That bug almost killed us.
[10:13:19] I'm pretty sure that's 100% correct, the handbug.
[10:13:22] I'm pretty sure that's 100% practice, one of my favorite sentences.
[10:13:26] One of my favorite sentences ever said.
[10:13:29] Pretty sure I'm a hundred percent sure.
[10:13:33] It just sucks how you ruined our shit. 100% sure.
[10:13:36] It just sucks that he ruined our shit.
[10:13:41] It does suck, but at the end of the day it's all good. Dude this guy had a lot of ump ammo.
[10:13:44] I got so much for my AK now.
[10:13:45] Oh yeah?
[10:13:47] Yeah.
[10:13:49] You had a lot of AK, man?
[10:13:51] Yeah, he had...
[10:13:53] ...a box and then just,
[10:13:56] we've got three boxes of 5-5-6 for you.
[10:13:58] Yeah, I saw that in his pot, right?
[10:14:00] Yep.
[10:14:02] Let's grab this huge AK outside and might do something better
[10:14:04] for you there.
[10:14:07] Chad, if i didn't have this fucking rifle...
[10:14:10] You'd be in some trouble.
[10:14:11] Cleaning kit, bunch of epoxies...
[10:14:15] Shit!
[10:14:17] I don't think we need a fish, they're like three cans of food and just...
[10:14:21] Cooking the wolf sticks probably isn't a mess over there.
[10:14:24] Can you grab his egg? Okay no I'm grabbing it.
[10:14:27] Yeah dude- Oh bro!
[10:14:29] Oh bro!
[10:14:30] You're gonna like the- Wait you already have a KA74 don't ya?
[10:14:33] Yeah I got the KA74
[10:14:36] Okay shit this guy's got that too
[10:14:39] This gun is fucking sweet by way well that's all the ammo this guy has 20 40 60 80
[10:14:44] rounds your stuff that's your man get his does of my sniper rifles so you just get rid of
[10:14:49] your sks use nothing but 545 and hopefully a
[10:14:52] sniper rifle we're just gonna use that on the ka i
[10:14:56] mean i got the maker for mine. You had an what?
[10:15:00] He had a... he had an iJ-70 with a pistol suppressor.
[10:15:02] That's probably what he was hitting us with.
[10:15:04] No bro!
[10:15:06] Did you think that guy was pistolling us?!
[10:15:08] Bro we would have died faster if not right i mean you were getting shredded bro
[10:15:14] i got hit a shitload of times though he was using the ak or something like that i'd just be dead
[10:15:23] let's take his other mag too
[10:15:28] wow ready to go not ready to go. Not ready to go.
[10:15:45] The S-Files peppered him, I think. Yeah, I think so too. Yeah? Okay.
[10:15:46] Because the foul... So I don't think he was handbugged.
[10:15:48] The foul is just inherently super... What am I saying?
[10:15:57] I'm gonna take his KA-74 anyway.
[10:15:59] The VAL is super quiet
[10:16:01] in this one's first. His KA is pristine. I'm gonna take his and...
[10:16:18] Guess what he had on him though for you? He got a box of maker ammo.
[10:16:21] What?!
[10:16:24] No shot! No shots.
[10:16:25] Where the fuck are you playing at, dude?
[10:16:29] You can find him on the other side.
[10:16:33] You can find them before you go through passage.
[10:16:35] That's crazy. Rarely.
[10:16:37] Are you still out there? No, no, no.
[10:16:39] Did you get everything off that guy?
[10:16:41] I got...everything worthwhile, I think.
[10:16:44] Oh, you got everything too. Alright. I think.
[10:16:49] Oh boy! You're about to...
[10:16:51] I'll open the maker ammo.
[10:16:56] Oh boy. Look at all that ammo, I'm gonna drag the AK onto the fucking thing.
[10:17:13] You get six from a box, six maker ammo on the ground there.
[10:17:24] Damn!
[10:17:29] Only problem is if somebody comes over here and we don't loot most of this, they're gonna get a big come up. You know what I mean? We need to get the fuck out of here
[10:17:31] as soon as we're done eating.
[10:17:35] Start taking their cans of food
[10:17:37] and fucking moveunching on it.
[10:17:44] This guy bear steaked on them, god damn let's go. I left you a bear stick by the fire too if you didn't grab that already.
[10:17:47] Which one?
[10:17:48] I think I already ate it.
[10:17:49] I just ate half of one and left the other one.
[10:17:51] Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
[10:17:57] Kind of want to take their shit
[10:17:59] and put it somewhere else honestly dude. So I don of want to take their shit and put it somewhere else, honestly dude.
[10:18:02] It doesn't matter if people get this stuff.
[10:18:05] This ain't gonna matter.
[10:18:10] Don't worry about it right here.
[10:18:16] You have pouches, right? Yeah. Oh shit we got a...
[10:18:20] I hate to leave this stuff. You guys-
[10:18:23] This guy's got an AK and a mag next to it so
[10:18:27] I've got the AK
[10:18:29] 47 shots here
[10:18:33] Yeah, I've got the AK with 4 mags now
[10:18:35] I'm gonna unload the bags for ya
[10:18:37] There's another mag on the ground
[10:18:39] you can unload. I don't know if you want
[10:18:41] the mag or the bullets but i'm unloading it
[10:18:44] I think, well I can swap out my shitty ones if I have any
[10:18:48] Ok hold on this is a worn one and then im gonna drop some ammo to get out of it which is there
[10:18:55] You give a shit ton of ammo? I have a fucking shit ton of ammo.
[10:18:57] Yeah, I have.
[10:18:59] Dude, killing those guys actually made me an Ammo Maker.
[10:19:01] It's just stupidly gross.
[10:19:08] This is Gross Chat gross this is gross chat let me check their plots
[10:19:16] oh bro this guy's got three look Are you seeing this, bro? This is your feel-bad, right?
[10:19:20] That's your feel-bad, right? Not mine. The one I brought over here. No way, bro.
[10:19:24] I'm gonna take one of those leather kits.
[10:19:28] Yeah, for sure do. That's crazy.
[10:19:31] And that gun... the gun clean. Make sure you grab that. I'm gonna eat some of this bacon.
[10:19:33] I already ate a
[10:19:34] full thing of bacon. He has a fucking large, uh...
[10:19:37] canister for his...
[10:19:39] and another weapon cleaning kit?
[10:19:41] He has a key! How did he get an old key head already?!
[10:19:44] Found it on the other side maybe.
[10:19:46] Maybe they were running around trying to do the same shit we were... I don't know.
[10:19:51] I'm gonna take his red book and leave you for now.
[10:19:57] You wanna take my setup? I'm leaving it. Okay, I'm gonna tell it for now.
[10:19:59] You wanna take my setup, I'm leaving it, okay?
[10:20:00] I'm gonna take his...
[10:20:03] See that setup right there after?
[10:20:05] Oh yeah, yeah
[10:20:06] I don't know if I'll have space
[10:20:08] Should I just hold three mags?
[10:20:09] I think 3 mags is good right?
[10:20:12] Maker ammo box? Hello? You guys don't see that. Where do you see that?
[10:20:16] You picked up the maker ammo I dropped right?
[10:20:18] Yeah I did, chat's saying I see a box but there's no way...
[10:20:22] Well, THERE'S TWO OF THEM!
[10:20:25] The fuck have these guys been doing bro?
[10:20:28] Fucked. zero You take all those 5-5-6 boxes they have? Yeah, I took a shitload of them.
[10:20:49] They have two punch cards! Yeah, I took a shitload of them.
[10:20:54] They have two punch cards. Yeah, of course they do.
[10:21:06] Also Do you understand what you're making out of? 50?
[10:21:08] It's gross, like 30 shots bro.
[10:21:10] That's insane.
[10:21:15] Can I make room for your thing i gotta like put a bunch of ammo together or something there
[10:21:20] like fox heys grabbing all those.
[10:21:29] S-Fal with a sight might not be the worst sniper.
[10:21:32] He's got ammo for it dude. That shit really the worst sniper. He's got ammo for it, dude.
[10:21:35] It's actually really good up close too.
[10:21:38] What ammo is it? I don't know what sniper do you have right now?
[10:21:41] You just have your SKS basically right? No, I've got the Mosin.
[10:21:44] Okay yeah, just keep Mosin.
[10:21:47] Just keep the Mosin!
[10:21:51] I'm actually blown away.
[10:21:54] Dude we killed some geared motherfuckers. I'm actually blown away.
[10:21:58] Dude, we killed some geared motherfuckers. Those guys didn't just get semi-geared before they came through.
[10:22:01] Those guys were stupidly fucking geared before coming through.
[10:22:04] Those guys were geared like they've been here!
[10:22:08] Yeah, no doubt.
[10:22:11] Actually insane.
[10:22:15] Look at this giant bug.
[10:22:16] The amount of epoxy putties I have is insane, do you want epoxy
[10:22:19] putties to fix your armor? Yeah, I didn't take any
[10:22:22] of those. There's one right there on the ground. Grab that shit
[10:22:25] How many do you have? Oh no, oh no i did grab one i got two now
[10:22:29] okay i have three so we're chill let me see if we can take the cooking setup
[10:22:33] by four actually yeah definitely as far as you can because
[10:22:37] you put stuff in it.
[10:22:39] Yeah I got it, I got it.
[10:22:43] My ship is all full to the max.
[10:22:49] I don't need this many fucking bandages
[10:23:05] bro chat i'm the biggest jackpot in the server right now minus my fucking jacket and stuff. You're moving right? Yeah yeah. He's got cargo pants for you if your legs are
[10:23:13] ruined by the way that are damaged. Let me see what my pants are...
[10:23:17] No, my pants are good. Okay. I'll take these three hooks with worms.
[10:23:23] Preloaded hooks.
[10:23:26] You want a pistol suppressor?
[10:23:30] No, I don't have a pistol.
[10:23:32] Should I drop my cooking pot?
[10:23:38] Um...
[10:23:38] Yeah, for his? Okay, why not?
[10:23:40] Nah, his is damaged damaged mine's only worn
[10:23:42] it's to swap them you know do you have doing that or you got
[10:23:45] it i got it yeah i'll take the damage one out of there
[10:23:49] so i can look at it take this gun cleaning kit I guess...
[10:24:02] We have another gas stove too. Fuck, that gas stove is pristine.
[10:24:06] I'll take that one instead. Holy shit, chat.
[10:24:21] Yeah I'm gonna get this fire started again because I'm losing health again.
[10:24:24] Alright, took one of his leather kits...
[10:24:27] Yeah they got the four wolf sticks in there too that we should take and some from.
[10:24:58] Yeah my health's on the way down now. Okay. Where you taking them? Goddamn nerds over there just dominate the cold area.
[10:25:03] Oh fuck, I just threw up.
[10:25:04] Why are you eating so much, huh man?
[10:25:06] It was one can of dog food bro.
[10:25:08] Yeah, dog food is fucking...
[10:25:10] Dog food is stupidly like
[10:25:14] Some food is bad for filling your stomach
[10:25:16] but it like for over the stomach, but it like...
[10:25:17] For over the long haul,
[10:25:18] but it will fill it
[10:25:19] in the short term.
[10:25:20] Yes.
[10:25:21] Oh yeah?
[10:25:22] I hope you didn't have anything
[10:25:23] on the ground you needed.
[10:25:25] No.
[10:25:26] Yeah.
[10:25:26] In that last second.
[10:25:29] Gosh! The stupid amount of gear we have
[10:25:31] is fucking stupid.
[10:25:35] I can only imagine how much... Have you killed many people
[10:25:37] over there? We just killed two people
[10:25:39] at the passage exit
[10:25:41] where you exit.
[10:25:43] Killed two people stupid geared.
[10:25:45] No.
[10:25:47] I have like
[10:25:49] two leather kits, I have three fucking
[10:25:51] weapon cleaning kits. We're leaving a weapon
[10:25:53] cleaning kit.
[10:25:54] Three boxes of maker ammo.
[10:25:56] These dudes had three boxes of maker
[10:25:58] ammo bro.
[10:26:00] You literally just keep three boxes of maker ammo, bro. Three?
[10:26:03] You literally just keep a distance in your fights and you win everything, man.
[10:26:05] Yeah, bro. They're like, dude, you don't peek that again,
[10:26:07] right? There's no way you want to re-peek
[10:26:09] this gun.
[10:26:12] Oh! Pagiv!
[10:26:14] I wanna rewatch the clip when I shot that guy
[10:26:16] right at like literally
[10:26:18] .5 seconds after you shot
[10:26:20] Pagiv my brother, I appreciate it man I'm sorry dude thank you so fucking much for seconds after you shot. I want to see if my shot was on it.
[10:26:22] I'm sorry dude, thank you so fucking much for the support.
[10:26:25] I'm a little excited about the kills chat.
[10:26:28] I'm a little excited about the kills.
[10:26:30] I do wanna log back in and get myself into a better spot though.
[10:26:33] Yeah no I agree. I i was feeling like let's get our heat buff and then get the out of
[10:26:37] there and go log yeah definitely
[10:26:42] i'm already connecting at this point, it says?
[10:26:44] Same thing.
[10:26:46] Holy shit! Pagiv!
[10:26:48] Thank you so much brother, I appreciate you guys.
[10:26:50] Can we drop some 1Gs in the chat for him? Show them some love.
[10:26:52] He's been a dude here and a supporter
[10:26:54] here for a bajillion years you know what i'm saying so thank you
[10:26:58] so much for all this time being so high in the queue
[10:27:01] thank you so much for the support i got loading in right away and getting more you're chilling each other
[10:27:05] thank you yeah we're going to be done here pretty soon
[10:27:11] you get in there thank you thank you for having me top 40.
[10:27:14] i found a guy where we're near incubation
[10:27:16] and I'm gonna shoot through passage
[10:27:20] One dropped on me champ
[10:27:22] One or multiple items have dropped from your inventory
[10:27:24] Yeah I don't know what was dropped either on me so...
[10:27:27] It always says that but
[10:27:30] my inventory still looks fucking completely full so...
[10:27:34] You've got a key though right guys?
[10:27:35] You guys can take on the end boss and thing again.
[10:27:37] You can pick up another maker, right?
[10:27:39] Yeah we could.
[10:27:40] And if two keys can get another maker
[10:27:42] you can split that ammo.
[10:27:43] Yeah easy.
[10:27:45] Why do people keep all their filters though? Make that the goal tomorrow, so I'm thinking
[10:27:50] Mean yeah double up on makers. Maybe triple upon makers. That's your bike
[10:27:58] Take this mag for this valentine that shit back. I'm gonna take this
[10:27:59] mag to this S-Valent dump it somewhere else.
[10:28:02] Just don't want
[10:28:03] people to come in, get all this
[10:28:05] shit and then be geared...
[10:28:07] Well they're gonna be pretty geared coming through either way,
[10:28:09] but yeah.
[10:28:10] They just got here.
[10:28:13] It looked like they'd been here.
[10:28:16] Yeah, bro, you know it's disgusting
[10:28:17] how my inventory looks.
[10:28:19] Bro. Yeah bro, you don't- it's disgusting how my inventory looks.
[10:28:22] Wow...
[10:28:25] Two fuckin' full leather kits I'm almost back to full health dude
[10:28:27] I have like four epoxy putties
[10:28:31] Three fuckin' 40 ram max four epoxy putties. I have like three fucking 40 round mags,
[10:28:31] two 30 round mags.
[10:28:32] The amount of
[10:28:33] 5.56 ammo I have
[10:28:34] and maker ammo
[10:28:34] I have is disgusting.
[10:28:37] Holy!
[10:28:44] I need a new backpack and chest piece when i get back.
[10:28:48] Yeah, that's what it cost us right?
[10:28:52] Cost us jackets and fucking backpacks I I don't wanna get rid of this backpack though, I can't really do it.
[10:28:54] If he was shooting us with a VAL...
[10:28:56] ...bush?
[10:28:57] And me and Kevin thought we were stepping on something
[10:29:00] It was so fucking quiet bro we're getting peppered and
[10:29:04] we're like what are we stepping on there's barbed wire here bro someone's
[10:29:10] heaven's like I don't see shit!
[10:29:17] Problem is Jared. I can't get rid of this backpack
[10:29:19] This backpack has 90 space in it
[10:29:21] You'll just find another one later.
[10:29:24] Find another one later.
[10:29:26] Or just keep it fucking...
[10:29:28] I don't, that's why I don't ever get the big bags.
[10:29:31] That's why I don't get those.
[10:29:33] Cause you start to fill them and you'll never stop hoarding
[10:29:37] You know what I'm saying? And then replacing it becomes a nightmare
[10:29:41] Yeah, I don't have any stamina right now
[10:29:44] Yeah, I got four full mags of the five four or five and then I got like a hundred more
[10:29:53] Naughty's over there as well. This is like you guys nearly charged people
[10:29:58] Transparent pretty sure what is that?
[10:30:01] Like the fear of people in the server gonna start fearing the groups and makers coming out here oh bro i there's no way
[10:30:09] anybody in this service board here today right now there's no way not possible You gotta loot if you're not using the biggest backpack.
[10:30:23] Yeah, I guess so.
[10:30:24] You fucking maniacs.
[10:30:26] As soon as we get heat buffed... We dip. You fucking maniacs.
[10:30:28] As soon as we get heat breath, We dip.
[10:30:29] Yeah?
[10:30:31] There's still people coming through passage.
[10:30:37] Well, Bosh if you get through there quick go on the little hut on the left side and
[10:30:42] there's a bunch of game.
[10:30:43] And that would be the free exit set it could be we don't know which one it is.
[10:30:46] It'll probably be gone by the time I'm through.
[10:30:48] I'm through.
[10:30:49] I'm just gonna try to get through and get there so at least I can have the potential of...
[10:30:53] Lincoln.
[10:30:55] Okay, I got a heat buff. You ready?
[10:30:58] Yep. Nice getting him off there. I got a heat buff. You ready? Yep
[10:31:00] I got light buffs again
[10:31:03] Hold on let me change my HUD real quick
[10:31:06] My HUD's disabled for some reason Let's go I don't know if people will let us out of here You're flat out. I'm good.
[10:31:10] Let's go.
[10:31:12] I don't know if people will let us out of here.
[10:31:13] Actually, the bodies should be gone after restart.
[10:31:16] We may have been getting camped up before that though so I'm worried.
[10:31:18] Most people saw the bodies.
[10:31:24] Shit, those might have been the only other people on this side of the map.
[10:31:26] Nah no shit.
[10:31:29] We were hearing some people fighting further than on the other side of maze remember?
[10:31:32] Yeah that was in the maze though there's no way they fucking... Nah that was the other side of maze remember yeah that was in the maze though there's no way
[10:31:35] now those other side of me so it's definitely other sideways wasn't enemies yeah
[10:31:40] that's what i'm saying so this other side means there's no way they ran all the way over here oh yeah definitely one of those definitely. One of those guys... Dude, I don't know
[10:31:42] what AK we were hearing. Maybe we were never hearing
[10:31:45] some other things would he be
[10:31:46] shooting at? We saw the zombies, right?
[10:31:48] Maybe those guys didn't come out of passage
[10:31:50] and they were planning on just using that to
[10:31:53] fish and shit. You know what I'm saying?
[10:31:55] I don't know, because it's like... We were hearing the AK
[10:31:57] shots right across the way
[10:31:59] at that fucking place.
[10:32:00] We went to the military base, and the military base had dead zombies in it.
[10:32:03] Yeah, and then we loot those guys they got the AKs right?
[10:32:05] They're fucking AKs are on them!
[10:32:07] That was them at that area I don't know why they went back there.
[10:32:10] So it's like oh no I don't think those guys exited necessarily, right?
[10:32:15] Right then.
[10:32:19] No, I don't think so.
[10:32:23] Unless they went over there and looted real quick,
[10:32:24] and then were like,
[10:32:25] yo, we got a fish.
[10:32:26] Let's go back there
[10:32:26] because I had so many
[10:32:27] fucking hooks
[10:32:28] and shit on them
[10:32:29] and hooks
[10:32:29] and worms
[10:32:30] and everything.
[10:32:32] I don't know, bro.
[10:32:33] It was fucking weird.
[10:32:38] Love to see their point of view 10 minutes before they died. Yeah really? Kinda like what- how did they get there?
[10:32:41] How all that happened here.
[10:32:43] Think this is probably the best in here, by the way.
[10:32:49] You don't want to get further away from that entrance? I wanna get into a triple tree right now
[10:32:51] doesn't matter where the entrance is
[10:32:53] we're pretty far from it right now
[10:32:55] I wanna get into a tree that's got like two or three around.
[10:32:56] So you can be in it.
[10:32:59] We'll have to do a fucking loot sort when we get back on and look at all the...
[10:33:02] Put all of the ammo next to each other.
[10:33:05] Well, the thing is though, you don't want to put everything right next to each other
[10:33:08] I have some ammo in my jacket
[10:33:10] Some ammo on my pants
[10:33:12] And then some in like uh...
[10:33:14] In my uhh..
[10:33:16] What? In case they get damaged or something?
[10:33:19] Yeah yeah yeah Just have it spread around you know what I'm saying?
[10:33:21] Because when your shit gets ruined
[10:33:23] you're gonna start taking more damage items
[10:33:25] and stuff I think.
[10:33:27] Well my field backpack's ruining all the shit in there is still good.
[10:33:29] Don't ever take anything that's ruined off so don't like take your backpack off
[10:33:32] and try to put it back on so it won't go back on or something like that.
[10:33:35] Yes sir.
[10:33:36] Yeah bro, the amount of epoxy pieces I have is actually pretty fucking wild.
[10:33:42] Yeah, I have two that I got from those guys in the...
[10:33:45] Just seeing all these clips like Alfristine and Warren for the fucking AK.
[10:33:51] I'm gonna start rattling off AK rounds now.
[10:33:53] Austin, look it up!
[10:33:54] I didn't hear about that until today.
[10:33:56] Alright, I'm logging out right here.
[10:33:57] Let's get out.
[10:34:00] everyone out there i want you to see the clip though
[10:34:04] i got to find that and click when you shot the guy
[10:34:09] right there oh you were about to take him out, right?
[10:34:13] Because he was crouching.
[10:34:14] He was crouch-walking back and I saw him
[10:34:16] blinded up and then just see a fucking
[10:34:18] red line go through his face.
[10:34:21] Yeah, sorry about stealing the
[10:34:23] kills today. No dude, no no no no.
[10:34:25] That doesn't bother me
[10:34:26] whatsoever I'll say that. We gotta get you
[10:34:28] basically the goal will be tomorrow to get someone
[10:34:30] else a maker in the group because I have have the bullets... Dude, I should've
[10:34:33] kept that scope! We should've kept that other
[10:34:35] fucking scope we found! You didn't keep the other- Oh you
[10:34:37] didn't? No, I think we left it.
[10:34:39] Bro, I got a hunting scope just chillin' my
[10:34:41] backpack just cause, I would have swapped that out.
[10:34:43] Oh, man. We'll find more. That sucks though.
[10:34:46] I should have kept it. We'll find more though.
[10:34:48] Yeah, I just thought you did keep the...
[10:34:50] I didn't think
[10:34:52] we would have enough to get another maker. I didn't think we were have enough to get another maker.
[10:34:54] I didn't think we were going to kill a fucking team with three boxes, you know?
[10:34:57] I had about 3 boxes worth of ammo at that point in time, total.
[10:35:03] For those guys that get 20 more
[10:35:05] shots, it's crazy.
[10:35:09] Yeah,
[10:35:09] absolutely.
[10:35:11] Absolutely. Just the fact that they had one box.
[10:35:13] Where the fuck are they so confused
[10:35:15] getting all this shit he's got eight kills chat 23 hours though yeah it's
[10:35:19] quite a long time for only 8 but I think I haven't really gotten I didn't get too
[10:35:24] many yet this guy just didn't
[10:35:25] get too much opposition.
[10:35:27] We killed four people today.
[10:35:29] That was insane at the end there.
[10:35:32] I can't even believe we saw those guys.
[10:35:33] Just the fact that
[10:35:34] they were getting fucking shot, dude.
[10:35:36] The fact that we were getting shot and didn't
[10:35:37] notice...
[10:35:39] We did a swoop around
[10:35:41] to look for the guy
[10:35:42] and then went in and we're like, alright, we're good.
[10:35:46] Yeah, good thing we didn't try to loot his boy early.
[10:35:49] May have been looking
[10:35:50] for us to do that.
[10:35:51] I'm surprised he didn't use something else. Did he have something better
[10:35:54] to actually kill us with?
[10:35:56] That was fucking gross, bro. gross bro that thing on our stuff almost killed you
[10:36:04] yeah i was like there's no way barbed wire could do this to me
[10:36:08] it's not like i'm on blinking health but not quite blinking
[10:36:11] but still i can't believe you live there bro holy yeah he sent me back out.
[10:36:20] Go check this shit out. Okay.
[10:36:24] Yeah, tomorrow we gotta get a couple
[10:36:26] different jackets on. Our jackets are fucked.
[10:36:28] Everybody I shoot with this fucking thing and their jackets
[10:36:30] are done?
[10:36:32] Yeah, jacket and backpack goes right through
[10:36:34] the body of you.
[10:36:36] Their pants are always good.
[10:36:38] Oh, you have a clip?
[10:36:41] Um... I don't know. He wouldn't...
[10:36:43] I don't think anybody clipped it on my end.
[10:36:45] Oh fuck! I just hit the barbed wire too- oh my god! I got hit twice!
[10:36:47] Fuck! I don't even see anything right there!
[10:36:52] Come back. I don't even see anything right there. Come inside, come inside, come inside. Over on the other side of the thing.
[10:36:54] I'm already through.
[10:36:56] Okay, okay, then come back over here and let's make a fire and fish.
[10:36:58] Alright hold up bro. Oh my god!
[10:37:00] Bro, I don't even see anything and I'm getting hit.
[10:37:05] I'm missing one bar.
[10:37:10] Yeah, I tried to-
[10:37:11] I just got hit again!
[10:37:12] Again!
[10:37:14] What the fuck is happening, bro?
[10:37:15] I'm just running
[10:37:15] all the way through.
[10:37:16] I'm almost dead.
[10:37:19] What the fuck
[10:37:20] am I hitting?
[10:37:20] There's nothing there!
[10:37:21] Our fucking Val
[10:37:22] just fucking peppered
[10:37:24] farming us, dude. We had no idea.
[10:37:26] Am I fucking...
[10:37:28] Yeah.
[10:37:30] How crazy is that, bro?
[10:37:32] We don't hear his shots where he heard
[10:37:33] his footsteps rolling up
[10:37:37] yeah i think that's a silent gun bro next time i come across him out
[10:37:42] i might take it.
[10:37:45] That's fuckin' stupid bro.
[10:37:47] Well you see how long it takes to kill somebody though?
[10:37:48] That's the problem.
[10:37:50] Well it's a close range weapon imagine some-
[10:37:52] Yeah he just fuckin' peppers close.
[10:37:54] Holy shit...
[10:37:56] I guess it's a long range weapon, sort of.
[10:38:02] Yeah that was crazy dude you can't even really see him at all just popping you
[10:38:04] He was probably like how is this guy not dead?
[10:38:07] How did you not faint during that bro? You went all the way down to red block.
[10:38:13] Right? Red one block and you did not fucking faint.
[10:38:18] I didn't get blood once either.
[10:38:20] You didn't fucking get cut either!
[10:38:22] Oh my bro...
[10:38:29] Bro that is not supposed to work like that. Fix the game devs.
[10:38:30] Is it not?
[10:38:31] I think the ASVAL was louder than the VSS but must have been a VSS.
[10:38:35] That was a VAL we were looking at for sure.
[10:38:37] Wasn't it? Pretty sure it's a Val.
[10:38:42] It's like the 22 range, really at range this doesn't do that well.
[10:38:48] Has low shock damage, apparently too.
[10:38:50] So that means you didn't... That's why it didn't knock you out?
[10:38:53] Well I'm glad it was not.
[10:38:54] The shock damage on the fuckin' maker is crazy!
[10:39:00] It's crazy.
[10:39:01] It kills them instantly.
[10:39:04] It's a crazy house.
[10:39:05] The shock damage,
[10:39:06] it shocks their keyboard where they're like, what happened?
[10:39:11] Yeah, it shocks them in real life. What? I'm dead?
[10:39:14] That's
[10:39:15] the high shock value.
[10:39:16] That's high shock value right there, bro.
[10:39:22] Imagine being the teammate
[10:39:23] that fucking... Being the teammate
[10:39:25] that sees your boy get blasted and
[10:39:27] hears the sound of that gun.
[10:39:30] And you guy falls over.
[10:39:32] I'm gonna shoot him with this S-Bow!
[10:39:34] They don't even know I'm here!
[10:39:36] You know, he's sitting there fucking...
[10:39:38] They don't see me!
[10:39:40] Dude, he saw ME right when I saw HIM.
[10:39:42] Tried to lean peek me.
[10:39:43] Oh yeah?
[10:39:46] I don't think I ever saw the first guy.
[10:39:49] You had killed him before I zoomed in over there.
[10:39:51] Do you keep your gear if you log out of the game and come back later? Yeah, it's a survival game so it's not like Tarkov
[10:39:55] where you're going in and out of games
[10:39:57] changing loadouts and stuff.
[10:39:59] You know, you have one loadout
[10:40:01] everything you change, everything you know your whole point is
[10:40:04] to survive as long as possible like time survived right 23 hours so my goal would put you know
[10:40:09] to go like as long as i possibly can in this guy without dying while racking some kills
[10:40:18] best long range shot 466 meters that can't be right i think these stats are
[10:40:23] right but I don't remember hitting somebody at 466.
[10:40:28] you guys want to try like that first mozen kill you got or
[10:40:31] maker kill you go yeah he's all the way down with
[10:40:35] the beep or yeah I'm Sierra to cross
[10:40:38] the island so there's no way how many
[10:40:42] player kills is say you have eight.
[10:40:49] These are legit stats.
[10:40:51] When you log out, it'll show you your legit stats.
[10:40:53] When the server kicks you out,
[10:40:55] it doesn't.
[10:40:58] A random guy i saw in the forest oh you think that was 466.
[10:41:14] yesterday yesterday that was a pretty far shot it was zero to two bro you think that's so maybe if i can went down and hit him the the ankle. Good as shit, it would kill him.
[10:41:21] Now,
[10:41:22] the double-kill didn't get him.
[10:41:25] The double-kill wasn't that far.
[10:41:27] These stats are not accurate, Summit.
[10:41:30] Yeah they are!
[10:41:32] When you log out the stats are accurate
[10:41:35] when the game kicks you out
[10:41:36] the stats are not accurate
[10:41:37] that's what I think is. Maybe I'm tripping,
[10:41:40] but these look accurate to me.
[10:41:48] Yeah,
[10:41:48] you can hear
[10:41:48] the shots hitting me, but I thought it was barbed wire hitting me because
[10:41:51] he said barbed wire.
[10:41:54] We're both so dumb to have thought like oh there's a guy here shooting us.
[10:41:58] Yeah maybe the bullet drop is crazy. Without any gunshot noises...
[10:42:03] Jesus.
[10:42:05] Checked a clip, def 1 on one.
[10:42:07] A little clip.
[10:42:13] Hmm. okay he sees something i guess uh yeah just to watch me shoot him He's... He's dead. He's dead.
[10:42:22] There you go.
[10:42:23] Fuck, right?
[10:42:24] Oh bro, you were definitely gonna hit him.
[10:42:28] You had a good peek on that guy.
[10:42:31] You got a really good peek on that guy.
[10:42:34] I'm not even gonna say anything about it. definitely gonna hit him. You had a good peek on that guy.
[10:42:35] You had a really good peek on that guy.
[10:42:35] That was sick,
[10:42:36] good job.
[10:42:38] If I don't shoot him there
[10:42:39] you shoot him there for sure.
[10:42:41] Yeah.
[10:42:41] Your shot wouldn't kill him though.
[10:42:42] We'd have to go out there and fucking murder him on the ground.
[10:42:45] Yeah, that would at least knock. But yeah, I mean that's why I wanted you to see it because I don't know yet if my shots are gonna hit like that, you know what I mean?
[10:42:53] You would hit there no problem. yet if my shots are gonna hit like that. You know what I mean?
[10:42:56] You would hit there, no problem.
[10:42:59] Alright, good. Yeah, you would crack them right there.
[10:43:00] Because I've only shot the Mosin at people maybe like
[10:43:02] three times total. You know what I mean most the mi users on minotaurs and
[10:43:08] zombie is that 400 chat i don't think so right there from here to there?
[10:43:16] That's where he is.
[10:43:17] See that little thing?
[10:43:25] BOOM! Yeah, that one right there looked like it could have been the 400.
[10:43:31] That's really fucking far away dude.
[10:43:35] That's a far shot yeah maybe, maybe, I guess, I mean
[10:43:37] the stats are accurate, that's probably the only long
[10:43:39] end shot hit.
[10:43:43] Yeah,
[10:43:43] I'm just wondering if eight kills is right- well,
[10:43:45] yeah, because you said
[10:43:46] when you got to Passage
[10:43:48] this time, that was the one where you said
[10:43:49] you didn't run into a single person.
[10:43:52] I don't know if that was that guy.
[10:43:54] There was a guy that got through Passage
[10:43:55] and had like three kills.
[10:43:57] I think that may have been this guy.
[10:44:00] Yeah?
[10:44:01] I thought you said...
[10:44:01] I think I have five kills
[10:44:03] on the other side of passage.
[10:44:07] You've got four today and not what you just saw. other side of passage. You got five with just the...
[10:44:10] You got five with
[10:44:11] just the maker.
[10:44:12] That's what I'm saying,
[10:44:13] I didn't kill anybody
[10:44:14] before I got the maker.
[10:44:15] Did you kill anybody else?
[10:44:16] Nah,
[10:44:16] I don't think
[10:44:17] I killed anybody
[10:44:17] before I got the maker.
[10:44:20] Except before the passage I did. Three people
[10:44:22] I think and I got five kills
[10:44:24] past passage. Yeah that would make sense then
[10:44:28] Five maker kills dude. still 100% too
[10:44:30] nah nah nah I missed one shot
[10:44:33] on the tank guy
[10:44:34] so
[10:44:34] I'm no longer 100% accurate
[10:44:37] but I mean I don't need to be anymore bro
[10:44:39] I got fucking 40 shots or something like that.
[10:44:41] Like 30-something shots.
[10:44:43] That's fucking stupid.
[10:44:47] Imagine if we had somebody come take the maker
[10:44:49] and all the ammo off my hands now, bro. I would just toss it to him
[10:44:52] have him bring it back. Oh, bro. It'd be a fucking massacre
[10:44:56] It's unfit. It'd be a fucking massacre
[10:45:00] Then you can just fuckin' F and run to the other side,
[10:45:03] give me my maker! Give it back.
[10:45:07] Yeah that's crazy.
[10:45:11] Cause we're at the point where if I toss somebody a maker
[10:45:16] Give them like couple boxes of ammo
[10:45:19] You know maybe 3 boxed ammo 18 shots right?
[10:45:22] Yeah But i'm at the point where like
[10:45:24] that's not...I can still go
[10:45:26] get a different maker and just have to
[10:45:28] find a scope.
[10:45:30] The thing is you don't need that much
[10:45:32] ammo if you think about it. You got six kills with five shots.
[10:45:36] You know what I mean?
[10:45:36] Like how many people are even going to see on the other side?
[10:45:38] Five kills and six shots, but yeah.
[10:45:42] So 20 ammo for you is like 18 kills, right?
[10:45:45] Are you going to see 18 people over there?
[10:45:48] Yeah.
[10:45:48] Nah, fuck no.
[10:45:51] Yeah.
[10:45:51] I don't think he can throw the maker that high, bro.
[10:45:53] That's been done already.
[10:45:55] Someone figured out that she can bring the maker that high route? That's been done already. Someone figured out
[10:45:56] that you can bring the maker back
[10:45:57] to the other side.
[10:46:01] Do you have
[10:46:02] two mags for that, too?
[10:46:04] I did, but I tossed the other one away because no bro well cause it was don't think about
[10:46:10] the boys ever dude it was damaged you're right you're right well i didn't think we would
[10:46:14] i thought i would die when he of you guys would just take it.
[10:46:17] Be honest with me, bro.
[10:46:19] I lived long enough to see the day where
[10:46:21] we'd go get two these motherfuckers.
[10:46:23] True. We could have gotten another
[10:46:25] one today for sure.
[10:46:27] If that was our goal.
[10:46:29] Yeah, yeah, we could've.
[10:46:32] We got way more than enough ammo.
[10:46:34] Like I said, I got like 300 AK ammo.
[10:46:37] Oh bro, that's fucking crazy. Yeah, me and you ammo-wise is stupid. We don't even need the Biker at all.
[10:46:43] We can get through all of the shit we need to, yeah.
[10:46:45] Yeah, well, we could just go loud on fuckin' everything there.
[10:46:48] Yeah, that can just go loud on fucking everything there. Yeah
[10:46:52] I'm down for that tomorrow should be good
[10:46:55] How long is your character been alive? It says you're attached right mine mine i can't i'm not on that screen anymore
[10:47:02] oh yeah it's happening tomorrow yeah my guy's been alive for 23 hours leave right
[10:47:06] i can go in and click leave and see it i think so yeah i think so, yeah.
[10:47:15] See if my shit's working... I bet you have zero kills though.
[10:47:19] I don't know if I killed anybody on this run.
[10:47:29] That's pretty damn good, this is definitely one of the best characters I've ever had in DayZ.
[10:47:34] I mean, you're as fully kitted as you can be right now.
[10:47:39] You don't get much more than that.
[10:47:41] Yeah, you don't get much more geared than uh
[10:47:45] the mess unless you want to be really really over with that yeah because you got
[10:47:48] the full actually if you had my chest piece that's it yeah I've been alive for 13 hours 31 minutes
[10:47:56] yeah the only thing I'm missing well I mean now I need to go find another
[10:48:01] jacket that's a expedition yeah i can't where did i find that one
[10:48:07] you just found it randomly in the military places and i found
[10:48:11] them on the thing when we went up into The tower
[10:48:13] Yeah, I don't know
[10:48:15] My jacket technically is expedition
[10:48:18] But it's ruined
[10:48:19] Other than that this is full expedition
[10:48:22] Minus the plate
[10:48:23] There's an expedition plate,
[10:48:25] but I don't know if it spawns anywhere
[10:48:27] minus the end.
[10:48:29] We found it at the end.
[10:48:30] I don't know if it spawned
[10:48:31] anywhere before that.
[10:48:34] Some people were asking me to try this New York map.
[10:48:40] A New York map?
[10:48:43] Apparently they made a DayZ New York map York now is actually called New Yorkers
[10:48:48] yeah these come your let's see yeah looks kind of weird there's no my plate
[10:48:55] does look pretty cool on a Mario Kart.
[10:48:56] New York Official.
[10:48:58] It's at 48 out of 52, so it looks like people play it.
[10:49:03] New York huh?
[10:49:05] Wait, New York Officials that says...? Is that what it says?
[10:49:08] Is that the map or the name? That's what the server says. The map is just
[10:49:12] New York. The server is called New York official.
[10:49:16] Deadfall is based on official.
[10:49:21] Deadfall is based on the Finger Lake region of New York as well, oh no shit
[10:49:25] This has been a dope ass life
[10:49:27] I didn't expect to play this guy all day but I guess that's
[10:49:29] kind of how we'll do it tomorrow. We might make another character
[10:49:31] for the first couple hours to get warmed up
[10:49:33] and then jump over to him.
[10:49:35] We'll see.
[10:49:46] Okay. Oh shit, Horizon! What's up brother? I didn't notice that you gave a dono either. Um...
[10:49:48] Hey thank you Danny Lurch for the earlier vote, I beg you,
[10:49:49] Danny Lurch a little earlier,
[10:49:50] bro.
[10:49:51] I appreciate that
[10:49:51] with the,
[10:49:52] uh,
[10:49:52] the donut
[10:49:52] and the new PC's
[10:49:54] running really well.
[10:49:55] Thank you,
[10:49:55] Horizon.
[10:49:56] Appreciate you,
[10:49:56] brother.
[10:49:56] Good to see you,
[10:49:57] my man.
[10:49:58] Thank you so much.
[10:49:58] Having fun?
[10:49:59] Yeah,
[10:49:59] we've been having
[10:49:59] a lot of fun.
[10:50:00] That's why
[10:50:00] we've been streaming so much. 10 yeah we've been having a lot of fun that's why i've been streaming so much 10 hours on the day where yo i'm happy to stream actually uh
[10:50:06] worked pretty good today if it wasn't too many hiccups no
[10:50:09] that's nice you know usually makeup can't happen with the dual PC setup.
[10:50:13] Yo!
[10:50:15] Smokey did it.
[10:50:17] Yo, what up?
[10:50:19] What up, Lich?
[10:50:22] What are y'all doing right now i'm about to get off oh man what the hell
[10:50:30] what you have to do and You're staying on longer!
[10:50:33] Nah, it's 7.30 in the morning, huh man?
[10:50:37] 8.30 bro
[10:50:39] It's 8.30?
[10:50:41] Yeah, it's fuckin' 8.30 dude I don't know how to be daylight saving time or some shit
[10:50:47] Better go sneak in bed again brother
[10:50:52] Start sneaking on Pacific now Gotta start sneaking.
[10:50:56] Oh, I'm on Pacific, not Mountain.
[10:51:02] Man, 830... Who cares? You know what I mean?
[10:51:06] You're fine
[10:51:11] hope i'm not showing you guys anything right now right no oh it's 18 I'm gonna go. Jesus.
[10:51:16] You see how geared my character is, Hutch?
[10:51:18] Dude, I heard you've been alive for a full day on your character. Is that true?
[10:51:28] Almost 23 hours.
[10:51:30] What the fuck?
[10:51:33] How's that even possible?
[10:51:35] That's because there are not a lot of people out there oh really you're not running
[10:51:39] into a lot of people so you're getting quality fights but you're not really getting quantity
[10:51:42] fans everybody you see gets one tapped so well i have a one tapper weapon yeah oh have you been one tap it falls like crazy
[10:51:51] not like crazy they killed four people today that's it and how long how many hours? Uh...
[10:51:59] Like ten.
[10:52:01] Oh bro I don't know how you have the patience
[10:52:03] I'd lose my fucking mind
[10:52:05] Because dude because I had opportunities for other ones
[10:52:07] and I left them Bro I followed these guys into the maze.
[10:52:10] I was so close to them.
[10:52:11] I saw their fire still on
[10:52:13] from when they left it,
[10:52:15] and I took too many wrong turns that I couldn't keep up with them
[10:52:17] and I lost them, bro.
[10:52:22] And I was pissed about it i was behind my fucked up though i'm not gonna let that happen again
[10:52:25] i know my way through there a little bit better now
[10:52:32] i'm trying out this new New York map. It looks pretty wild.
[10:52:34] New York? You're gonna try that today?
[10:52:36] Yeah, I'm trying it right now.
[10:52:37] Ooh! People are telling me they've tried it.
[10:52:39] I'm going to watch you.
[10:52:40] It's cool, bro
[10:52:41] All right brothers. Hey guys. Are you getting out of your Kevin? You're gonna get off now beyond for another
[10:52:48] Four or five hours probably what?
[10:52:51] Yeah, bro.
[10:52:52] You fucking maniac.
[10:52:53] All right.
[10:52:54] I'm gonna fuck out of here, yeah?
[10:52:57] Catch you soon.
[10:52:58] Yep.
[10:52:59] Later, dude.
[10:52:59] All right, later, Hutch.
[10:53:00] I'm going to watch you a little bit.
[10:53:02] Kev,
[10:53:02] I'll catch you later.
[10:53:03] I'm probably going to hop on that
[10:53:04] New York 2 real quick.
[10:53:05] Yeah,
[10:53:06] you guys just got the same server.
[10:53:07] I'll catch you guys.
[10:53:09] Thank you.
[10:53:11] Alright, chat. Alright chat Long day
[10:53:17] I'm gonna get out of here
[10:53:18] I'm gonna watch him
[10:53:20] I'm gonna raidvin guys and then you
[10:53:24] guys he'll probably read a hot tread after so you guys want to write out like that what's the last
[10:53:30] time ready kevin yeah okay i really them. This is not a lot of updated
[10:53:34] before we read them soon.
[10:53:36] But make sure you guys
[10:53:37] show some love
[10:53:38] to Night Night Kid.
[10:53:39] I'm going to post his channel
[10:53:40] in the chat as well, okay?
[10:53:42] So you guys know
[10:53:42] who to go hang out with.
[10:53:53] I'm gonna post the 99Kids channel and I'm going to raid our boy. So if you guys are interested
[10:53:56] in checking out who we were just playing with, that's my
[10:53:58] boy right there.
[10:54:00] That's his channel. Say what's up to him. Show him
[10:54:02] some love. Those of you guys... The rest of you guys
[10:54:04] I'm going to send you over to Hutch. Yeah watch both
[10:54:06] fucking A. Watch both
[10:54:07] show support to both but yeah
[10:54:10] thank you for all the support today guys appreciate
[10:54:12] the subs, the resubs, the gifted subs, little dirt bet
[10:54:14] thank you so much.
[10:54:17] Horizon, I see you, Danny Lurch again. Obviously the top donor
[10:54:19] 30
[10:54:20] 30. Appreciate that
[10:54:23] brother
[10:54:23] Ray
[10:54:26] Kevin Hutch doesn't need to be raid Kevin.
[10:54:28] Hush doesn't need the viewers. Yeah, I know that.
[10:54:30] That's what I'm saying. Go over there and show Kevin some love too.
[10:54:32] That's because I rate Kevin all the time, right?
[10:54:34] So I still like to share the love around.
[10:54:36] Don't worry. Kevin gets raided all the time.
[10:54:38] He'll be alright.
[10:54:39] It'll be okay tonight.
[10:54:40] But yeah, tell Hutch to team up with Kevin, motherfuckers!
[10:54:44] But yeah, guys,
[10:54:46] show some love for Kevin,
[10:54:46] show some love to Hutch.
[10:54:47] I will catch you guys tomorrow
[10:54:48] thanks for all the support
[10:54:49] yeah
[10:54:50] another day tomorrow
[10:54:51] so we'll see how it goes
[10:54:52] goodnight
[10:54:53] sleep well
[10:54:53] later
[10:54:53] tomorrow
[10:54:56] today
[10:54:56] whatever today, whatever.