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🟥LAST 24 HOURS 🟥30% OFF ALL SUBS🟥LETS GET 70K🟥4TH QUARTER🟥[twitter/insta @stableronaldo] !snapchat !com !gfuel !fazecom

09-29-2024 · 28h 06m

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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.

[00:00:12] Yeah, I was good Jack.
[00:00:14] I was waiting for notice.
[00:00:16] No wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
[00:00:18] Stop stop stop stop
[00:00:20] Wait
[00:00:22] Someone tell me when notice went out
[00:00:24] Quickly quickly quickly quickly
[00:00:26] When does notice go out?
[00:00:28] You gotta make them then
[00:00:32] Someone tell me sit
[00:00:38] Who is first?
[00:00:40] Who the fuck was first?
[00:00:42] It's the last day of the summer thought
[00:00:44] Who is the last?
[00:00:46] Who is the first person here?
[00:00:49] Whoever the first person is,
[00:00:51] whoever they get is subbed.
[00:00:53] It's the last fucking day.
[00:00:55] Who was it?
[00:00:57] Okay, this is going to happen.
[00:01:02] I'm going to go pee right now.
[00:01:04] Deciding the last person was here.
[00:01:06] That was subbed.
[00:01:07] Whoever the last person here was,
[00:01:10] I'll give you a sub.
[00:01:12] Who was it?
[00:01:49] Who was it?
[00:01:50] Who was the first person in my stream?
[00:01:52] I need to know right now so I can give them a sub.
[00:01:54] wait they're saying it was they're saying it was derriana 2345 is this is
[00:02:04] this the right person chat they're saying it was yo they're saying it was
[00:02:09] derriana chat is this the right person oh they go I need this a bullshit
[00:02:24] for the last day should I buy everyone gifts we shall buy everyone gifts on
[00:02:56] stream wait I love you want to get everyone gifts for fuck I should have
[00:03:07] done this beforehand you should do a 30-day diet a thon and then Edward 1
[00:03:13] 2 3 4 wow says who are you why are you in my chat typing this you've been
[00:03:18] sub you've been following me for the whole month and your time to type is the last day
[00:03:23] and you're asking me who I am like what like I don't understand that you should get
[00:03:35] Mariela Gibbs shut up hell yeah I think the gifted sub yo chat how many subs
[00:03:41] that's sick you get me I think you got me like 800 subs fucking chat can we get
[00:04:00] 200 gifted Brighton early in the morning to get to 62k. Yo, Brax, they give it a tier one. Thank you
[00:04:08] Let's get 200 gifted real quick. Yo, J.D. even tier one
[00:04:25] All right, should we go get suits? Oh wait a minute. I feel like we should run it back for the one time
[00:04:38] Everything that we did the first week we got we got run a bag, bro
[00:04:42] I got a shower on stream today. I got a you know what I was saying
[00:04:46] It's the last fucking day indexing the five fucking gifted
[00:04:50] Skirty with the gifted sub. Thank you. Wait, did twitch stop giving? Oh
[00:04:55] My god, they still are adding gifted subs wait wait every time you all get which still fucking ads bro
[00:05:01] I thought they took it away today
[00:05:04] Yo, Dan, there's just wait a minute
[00:05:06] Organs Easter egg tonight have to even though I dap did it without me we have to
[00:05:15] Also chat if you want to vote for the sub-a-thot awards click the link it is fucking payday to get the sub-bracks
[00:05:23] Make sure to vote the award ceremony is today on who gets any awards
[00:05:29] So if you want me to win the war make sure to vote me if you think it's me if not vote correctly, you know I'm saying
[00:05:35] Bro, I have zero viewers
[00:05:38] So what do you want me to do about it, bro?
[00:05:40] boys and he's on fortnight I want to stand watch not money he told you it's
[00:06:39] really the last fucking night has anyone said bro this doesn't even feel I
[00:06:46] got bad it's fucking day bro you are not getting you when I say this I did not
[00:07:05] I swear to God when I say this I genuinely did not think I was gonna
[00:07:11] to make it the whole month I swear I literally I remember telling adapts and
[00:07:18] raw I was like bro I was like I'm not gonna lie I cannot do this I don't want
[00:07:24] to stream this long now look y'all is the last fucking day is the last fucking
[00:07:31] day we did it bro can you get me a sub no yo I'm not alive I kind of want to
[00:07:49] I'm gonna go get a suit and shit, should we?
[00:08:03] Let me call the doc.
[00:08:36] You wanna go get a suit?
[00:08:40] You wanna go, like, in a minute?
[00:08:43] Where did you fucking go?
[00:08:49] You're gonna get a suit for the sub-aunt awards
[00:08:50] and be a right son?
[00:08:52] Yo, I'm not gonna lie though.
[00:08:55] I don't know if I should do it now.
[00:08:57] Should I shower now?
[00:08:58] I could smell my pubes smelling downwards.
[00:09:02] Yeah, I'm probably shower now.
[00:09:04] Are you sure?
[00:09:07] Yes, shower now and then let's go.
[00:09:09] Let's go get some suits.
[00:09:10] Let's go get some fivesuits.
[00:09:11] Where do you take the GTR?
[00:09:15] Wait, but then what about everyone else?
[00:09:16] How are we gonna get them suits?
[00:09:20] Or wait, should we all go together?
[00:09:23] Yeah, but we need to,
[00:09:24] promise me we have five seats.
[00:09:29] Yeah, I mean, let's see it.
[00:09:30] Maybe we can get like a fucking Sprinter.
[00:09:33] Back quickly.
[00:09:34] Yeah, no, no, no, no.
[00:09:35] We all need, wait just,
[00:09:37] no one else has suits, right?
[00:09:40] I look he have one from Tom's birthday.
[00:09:42] It's hard.
[00:09:43] I know this man.
[00:09:49] I got banned.
[00:09:50] They've banned me.
[00:09:51] I know the unbanned because I made a call.
[00:09:54] Oh, you made the call?
[00:09:57] Yes.
[00:09:58] What'd you say?
[00:09:59] Please unbanned, dude.
[00:10:00] Mac, what the fuck?
[00:10:01] You know how I can fix my stream elements?
[00:10:02] It says I have to do that.
[00:10:03] Job.
[00:10:04] It's a little rockin', so wait.
[00:10:05] What do you think rockin' is doing?
[00:10:06] That's a little dude right there.
[00:10:07] He's a little fucking dude.
[00:10:08] That's a little ass dude.
[00:10:09] My goal today is to see if I can get a job.
[00:10:12] I'm gonna do it.
[00:10:13] I'm gonna do it.
[00:10:14] I'm gonna do it.
[00:10:15] I'm gonna do it.
[00:10:16] I'm gonna do it.
[00:10:17] I'm gonna do it.
[00:10:20] My goal today is to get 15k subs, uh, 62. I'm trying to hit.
[00:10:29] Or no, 18k.
[00:10:30] Well, we're dead ass in the fourth quarter wrong. This is the last night we're all asleep
[00:10:33] in the same house, bruh.
[00:10:37] This is the last fucking night. Mac, with the gifted. Twitch, with the gifted.
[00:10:41] Wait, Twitch is in your channel?
[00:10:42] Can you get back in my chat?
[00:10:45] What the fuck?
[00:10:46] I did re-log in this re-log in this chat. I've logged in this re-log in this.
[00:10:51] I don't know what else to do with this.
[00:10:53] Ah, please fuck me.
[00:10:55] Does anyone at ROM chat know how I can fix my sub count,
[00:10:57] or do Twitch take away every single one of my fucking subs?
[00:10:59] You're not getting paid this month, are you?
[00:11:03] That too?
[00:11:05] That's what my chat says.
[00:11:09] I just want to fix my sub count and vote for the categories.
[00:11:11] By that I say you don't get paid this month.
[00:11:15] Is that true chat?
[00:11:24] You do a big sleepover in the head, bro.
[00:11:26] I don't think we go to bed. I told my streamer I think we should do a 24 hour stream.
[00:11:29] Mac, what's up, Bob? Get Dave!
[00:11:33] Hi, so do you want to get suits or not?
[00:11:36] You said what?
[00:11:37] Do we get suits?
[00:11:39] Um, yes, for sure. I'll restart the source on OBS.
[00:11:42] Okay, so...
[00:11:44] It's right here. How do I restart the source properties?
[00:11:47] No, I don't care if you want a 1v1, Rod.
[00:11:53] I just refreshed it, chat.
[00:11:55] And nothing happened.
[00:11:56] Should I skip school for phase day?
[00:11:59] Yes.
[00:12:02] I need everyone in the chat to skip school tomorrow. Is that okay?
[00:12:06] Jack, can someone, can someone update the sub count on one of the mods?
[00:12:11] I'm in, log the industry level mix.
[00:12:13] Um, Ron, I'm down.
[00:12:15] I'm log the industry level mix.
[00:12:16] Yeah. Do you want to come up?
[00:12:19] Yeah, I'm gonna come up right now. I just want to fix my sub count first.
[00:12:22] Right, bro. Damn, bro.
[00:12:35] I'm missing my brother's funeral for phase day.
[00:12:38] lacy uses ozenta with the one big keep the change brother there's no fucking
[00:12:50] change when you give me a fucking penny I hope you know that I just want you to
[00:12:55] know that there's zero change when you give me a penny
[00:12:59] Rod, I'm so sad.
[00:13:05] Why?
[00:13:06] Why are you sad, bro?
[00:13:08] Card 2511, why are you sad?
[00:13:15] Tell me, bro.
[00:13:16] Why, bro?
[00:13:21] Like, why are you sad?
[00:13:26] Because this stream is ending.
[00:13:27] Fuck you.
[00:13:28] Today's really the last day.
[00:13:37] Guys, I don't want to be that guy,
[00:13:40] but no more of this after the subodon.
[00:13:46] I'm about to show you right now.
[00:13:48] This is the last day you guys are going to see this segment right here.
[00:13:52] Ben, it's the last day of the subodon.
[00:14:13] Mm-hmm.
[00:14:15] Yes, it is.
[00:14:18] Yeah, Ben.
[00:14:20] Ben, it's the last day of the subodon.
[00:14:22] Mm-hmm.
[00:14:23] Today not the last day.
[00:14:27] Ha ha ha.
[00:14:29] It's today not the last day.
[00:14:31] Uh.
[00:14:52] Uncapped subodon.
[00:14:54] So, no.
[00:14:57] What the fuck was on my screen?
[00:15:00] What the fuck was that on my screen?
[00:15:09] I hear a dad to waking up rocking.
[00:15:23] Yo, look at this thing I just peeled.
[00:15:25] For real this time, we trolled out of that.
[00:16:01] This is the end.
[00:16:02] What happened here in here, please?
[00:16:04] You broke it?
[00:16:19] Anything you want from me.
[00:16:22] This is the last official day, Chad.
[00:16:24] It's time to tell them.
[00:16:30] We gotta go out with a fucking bang.
[00:16:32] We gotta leave it all on the field.
[00:16:34] I'm telling you, bro, I think we re-run everything we did.
[00:16:39] The people have waited.
[00:16:43] That's five three point five that's five three point five suits today
[00:16:51] Origins Easter egg for real you want to do it?
[00:16:55] All do it you do it together
[00:17:01] Let's do it people are saying that they miss their brothers funeral
[00:17:06] last day of phase I
[00:17:08] Actually heard people saying that they called off work work for the last day or so
[00:17:14] We owe it to them
[00:17:16] They've been here all month showing love you got 60,000 subscribers around this time
[00:17:23] We're all in the fucking top 20
[00:17:25] Me and Jason got banned and unbanned within the same hour today. It's been a fucking roller coaster of a morning
[00:17:32] It's I see them fun
[00:17:34] It's been real. I see them really fucking fun
[00:17:45] 24 hours chat
[00:17:47] For the rest of our fucking lives
[00:17:49] We've got to leave it all on the field, everything, every moment in our lives has led to today
[00:18:05] for these next 24 hours here.
[00:18:12] They don't know about the NAF statements, they don't know about the Best Buy runs, they
[00:18:17] don't know about the roof statements, they don't know about any of it, about the
[00:18:27] they don't know about the Easter eggs, they don't know about the pain that we put in.
[00:18:33] Taz, that were sacrificed.
[00:18:39] John Porte fucking died about this shit.
[00:18:42] Burger, dead about this shit.
[00:18:45] Taz, dead too, they're not ever coming back.
[00:18:49] Get a RRP, Todd, and chat.
[00:18:54] Maybe even a JP.
[00:18:56] Ain't even a fucking burger.
[00:19:00] Big pants with the pants.
[00:19:02] After this month there's no more pants.
[00:19:05] After this month there's no more tons.
[00:19:08] There's no more big pants.
[00:19:14] There's nothing. There's none of it. It's all gone.
[00:19:16] There's this dopey and reality live stream about life every single fucking day.
[00:19:23] We slept on stream. We ate on stream.
[00:19:26] Some of us showered on stream. We worked out on stream.
[00:19:29] We even went to fucking home depot on stream.
[00:19:33] Home improvement had its fucking finest as she was electric.
[00:19:36] We had highs, we had loans, we fought, we cried, finished this shit the same way we started it.
[00:19:52] Together, together as one, it's a fucking family, running some.
[00:20:00] We got 24 hours for the rest of our fucking lives.
[00:20:05] We gotta leave it all out there in the fucking field.
[00:20:07] If you couldn't be here today, think about that.
[00:20:22] We gotta save the kids.
[00:20:35] We got to go for that. We got to sleep in our house.
[00:21:04] Chad, what do y'all want to see on the last day of the sepidon?
[00:21:07] What's y'all playing?
[00:21:09] Walking face banks.
[00:21:11] Do you have any water?
[00:21:12] Nope, that was my last water.
[00:21:14] Oh, my second one.
[00:21:15] What is this?
[00:21:34] The dap got broad longevity.
[00:21:36] The first day is a lot.
[00:21:38] Banks in a dap. That's us.
[00:21:40] We're comparing water.
[00:21:42] Good.
[00:21:44] Wait.
[00:21:46] Oh, this is fire with the new party song.
[00:21:51] Oh, I saw this. This actually is so tough.
[00:21:55] Look at us, Ronny's son.
[00:21:58] It's us.
[00:22:00] Look at Ronny's son.
[00:22:02] It's you.
[00:22:04] Yes.
[00:22:05] Hey, bruh, this is really my brother right here, Chad.
[00:22:08] Me and Ronny's son, we had a lot of fun this other time, bro.
[00:22:11] He, someone said we even kept it real.
[00:22:14] we were supposed to do the real part first.
[00:22:20] That was, hey, listen, brother,
[00:22:22] I know we sit in here and we play the sad songs
[00:22:25] and we troll and we joke around.
[00:22:26] I think I got scolded, let's just keep going though.
[00:22:28] But this month has been so much fucking fun.
[00:22:31] I never would have imagined that I would enjoy
[00:22:35] living in a fucking phased house a decade later
[00:22:39] and having fun with everyone at the house
[00:22:42] at any given moment of the day, brother.
[00:22:44] creating content, fucking around.
[00:22:47] But we go to fucking Best Buy and we make real cheese
[00:22:49] and mayonnaise fucking smoothies.
[00:22:52] A mayonnaise smoothie would hate that.
[00:22:54] And then we troll on fucking origins.
[00:22:57] We actually should beat that.
[00:22:58] Well, a mayonnaise smoothie right now
[00:23:00] could be the fucking one.
[00:23:02] We ready?
[00:23:03] Yes.
[00:23:04] Yes, we have to beat origins.
[00:23:07] Let's beat it tonight.
[00:23:09] That's supposed to be us.
[00:23:11] And you did it.
[00:23:13] Well, you pissed me off that night.
[00:23:19] Okay, you pissed me off every night.
[00:23:20] I know how to do it.
[00:23:23] I actually know how to do these, Ray.
[00:23:26] Fuck is on the side of my shoe.
[00:23:29] What the fuck is this?
[00:23:30] I'm sorry, I'm not sure.
[00:23:36] So let's make a checklist.
[00:23:37] We get a suit today?
[00:23:38] Yeah.
[00:23:39] I was thinking about buying everyone gifts.
[00:23:41] Surprising people.
[00:23:43] That would be, I mean, it's kind of,
[00:23:44] what the hell done with that?
[00:23:45] I can't do it alone.
[00:23:47] It's kind of like, wait.
[00:23:48] I know, I said that.
[00:23:51] My organs smell so bad, in my pews. I've really smell my pews.
[00:23:54] Yeah, you should take a fucking shower, man.
[00:23:57] Gotta go out and show him to me.
[00:23:59] What does that mean? Go take a shower and clean your ass.
[00:24:02] You weren't getting insanely shitty.
[00:24:05] No, I don't shower with that.
[00:24:08] Your ass stinks.
[00:24:11] Definitely does. I actually think I have dingleberries.
[00:24:16] That was disturbing. Can you clean your ass?
[00:24:19] Nah.
[00:24:21] Did you vote on all the categories Camila Harris? No for the sub is on Trump
[00:24:31] No, but can phase awards. Yeah, I did I've learned us best to know. Yeah, I think that
[00:24:38] the streets are saying Jason max
[00:24:41] I don't know, but they didn't do best money
[00:24:44] They didn't get the highest critically acclaimed trilogy
[00:24:48] 99% Iran tomatoes
[00:24:50] They didn't do that
[00:24:52] They didn't do that. I think we might I think we might have it
[00:24:57] I'm excited for the awards, bro
[00:25:00] Yeah, I'm excited. Should we finish this shit? So how are we ending the summer? I don't know. Can we talk about it?
[00:25:07] No, not really I
[00:25:09] Feel like chat we should end the summer down together
[00:25:12] But then go out solo and give a distinct time when we end does that make sense?
[00:25:18] like and then Nord GFC goes in my chest saying I voted Max for everything really I
[00:25:27] think we do the round table together yeah for like an hour how's that bottle
[00:25:33] cap tastes like let me know what it tastes good I think we do the round
[00:25:40] table together and then I think we go back to our setup so we all end the
[00:25:45] the exact same time.
[00:25:49] We all have to end at the same exact time.
[00:25:52] Yeah.
[00:25:56] I really got banned and unbanned.
[00:26:01] Look.
[00:26:03] I saw it, buddy.
[00:26:07] Why do you have PDD sent you seven attachments in your email?
[00:26:19] I told you, bruh.
[00:26:22] Like we exchange images.
[00:26:26] Like drawings, artwork, your shit.
[00:26:29] It's not anything deeper than that.
[00:26:33] All right, what do we want to do today?
[00:26:34] You go get in the fucking shower first things first.
[00:26:38] Either I'm gonna wait for you to shower
[00:26:40] and go through the categories and vote on my stream.
[00:26:42] Okay.
[00:26:43] And then let's go do something.
[00:26:45] Let's go get everyone up and go get suits.
[00:26:49] I don't wanna shower, do I have them?
[00:26:53] I'll look you, you gotta be a taken absector
[00:26:56] cause I woke up.
[00:26:58] I woke up.
[00:26:59] Yo, what time did everyone go to bed?
[00:27:00] There was like a fucking war last night.
[00:27:03] at like 4 a.m. this two silky shooting paintball guns I heard yeah that's
[00:27:08] crazy you would do that you know I went to bed
[00:27:14] how can I do I think they're gonna charge me like for breaking your bed and I
[00:27:25] think that's it I mean rock and I has gone through everything I think the
[00:27:30] The battery can't be boiling.
[00:27:33] It's just a bar, it's just a phrase.
[00:27:36] Is this one perfect, too?
[00:27:37] I can't tell.
[00:27:44] Chad, you guys think I'm gonna have to owe money?
[00:27:49] Alright.
[00:27:50] It's all but a shower.
[00:27:52] We eat food.
[00:27:54] Then after we eat food,
[00:27:56] we go do out, we go out.
[00:27:59] Yeah, let's do it.
[00:28:00] Wait.
[00:28:01] Last day.
[00:28:09] Chad.
[00:28:10] Okay, when you get out the shower, just pull up on me.
[00:28:13] Just shower with me.
[00:28:14] Can you wash my back?
[00:28:15] I already showered.
[00:28:16] I can't wash it back though.
[00:28:18] You got it, you do it.
[00:28:20] I feel like a dap should come with me.
[00:28:22] Now Chup, can you grab that?
[00:28:26] What?
[00:28:30] Got your fucking neck, boy.
[00:28:32] Why'd you call me boy?
[00:28:34] Alright, shower, shower.
[00:28:37] Hold on.
[00:28:41] Alright Chup, the last fucking day.
[00:28:52] This is for real too.
[00:28:54] This is fucking for real.
[00:28:58] Well you want nars.
[00:29:00] I'm literally going to fucking shower.
[00:29:02] So you want Nas to come in the shower with me is what I'm hearing me to buy this
[00:29:15] You
[00:29:25] I'll put my hand up on my head. Oh my god. Should I farm? Wait, should I cry you think to up tonight or tomorrow?
[00:29:53] You guys should cry
[00:29:54] Yeah, she's right
[00:30:02] How do I cry by the way that I feel like I can't I don't know how I cried that one night
[00:30:06] I was actually crying
[00:30:08] Okay, crazy how this is the most of you clip with the son of God
[00:30:21] No, he's looking up at us.
[00:30:27] Burn or kill 50 people in the Bronx.
[00:30:49] Chill.
[00:30:50] Yo, Mario, maybe if you weren't lazy,
[00:30:52] our tiktoks would do better, bro.
[00:30:53] Maybe start getting creative like this
[00:30:55] and shit would start popping
[00:30:57] instead of getting Shadowban on the account
[00:30:58] every five minutes.
[00:31:05] Dude, this is the dumbest thing.
[00:31:19] Do I take a shower on stream chat?
[00:31:22] I'm not gonna lie, I don't have my sims on.
[00:31:27] I don't have my samsung
[00:31:33] Should I bring my whole set up to the shower?
[00:31:35] Yo, Alan?
[00:31:42] With the 5 gifted?
[00:31:46] I have my samsung
[00:31:58] Joe
[00:32:00] Where's with the fucking big tech
[00:32:02] Actually, this thing is gonna die
[00:32:04] No, get some, I have to charge this
[00:32:06] With the fucking 5 gifted?
[00:32:10] Thank you so fucking much, what the fuck?
[00:32:12] Wait, is there a sub off?
[00:32:14] Let's get five gifted in the check!
[00:32:23] Come on!
[00:32:24] We're so close!
[00:32:26] We so close to 62K!
[00:32:28] Let's hit 62K before our shower!
[00:32:30] Come on!
[00:32:53] If I go shower real quick, do you guys think you could get me to 62k?
[00:42:20] You crazy?
[00:42:22] I don't even think of it as a bad way. I think when I think of the room, I think of going into the room every time there's a segment
[00:42:28] And trolling. That's what I think of it.
[00:42:30] hell yeah I ran this shit up for the whole squad on Jesus I did so God Ron's
[00:42:39] Ron's plan segments consistent of rocket and rocket record breakers and the
[00:42:44] following stream okay you want me to play yours plans I guess Ron reached the
[00:42:48] most but oh I'll tell you your content plans they say he's playing
[00:42:57] It's not an adapt should I go leech on this right now right now first camera
[00:43:12] Call me was my brother
[00:43:16] Hey, just human who the fuck is that
[00:43:19] You
[00:43:26] How the fuck can it be me
[00:43:29] How the fuck can it be me bro? Are y'all fucking stupid my focus try taking my fucking hi yesterday. What the fuck happened?
[00:43:36] Y'all Jesus saddles with the 10 fucking gift day
[00:43:51] Thank you so fucking much man. W in the fucking chair
[00:43:57] W
[00:43:58] Now we're really about to finish the summer dog. This is really it
[00:44:09] This is really it
[00:44:11] It's 110 gifted away 113 gifted away from 62 K, bro
[00:44:18] Holy fuck
[00:44:23] Oh my fucking yeah.
[00:44:25] Hell no.
[00:44:31] Why are you guys nutting?
[00:44:34] Um, should I go on IRL now or should I wait?
[00:44:38] What the fuck is this?
[00:44:46] Banks brought an unlimited supply of snow bunnies to the FaZe house,
[00:44:54] and Ronaldo didn't know how to act.
[00:44:57] Damn it!
[00:45:12] What the fuck is this?
[00:45:14] No, no, why you guys need to chill with the Nos Van.
[00:45:18] Like, I understand guys, he's not awake.
[00:45:21] awake and not the whole sub-a-thon is nauseous. I understand. You guys make
[00:45:26] shit ruined by spamming that because then it's just gonna make me not want to
[00:45:31] do shit. When I want to do shit, I do shit. No, no, you guys can do this but then
[00:45:35] it's gonna end up something like this. Like look it's gonna end up something
[00:45:39] like this where you guys won't be able to type the last day. That's the
[00:45:42] only problem. That's the only thing. So I'm just letting you know now. So
[00:45:47] you could do it but then you won't be able to type the last day. That's
[00:45:50] That's up to you.
[00:45:51] If you want to celebrate, I just don't want y'all to spend it every five seconds.
[00:45:56] This guy, this guy's good.
[00:45:58] You're fine.
[00:46:00] It's not an ego, but the problem is I'm trying to fucking get up and start the day and you
[00:46:05] guys are instantly saying, I want Nas over a year.
[00:46:08] That's cool.
[00:46:09] You can do that.
[00:46:10] The same way y'all do it about the Lacy Day.
[00:46:12] But then what's going to happen is, is we're not going to have a great day.
[00:46:15] It's not an ill ego.
[00:46:16] If it was an ill ego, I wouldn't have given you $5,000 on top of that.
[00:46:19] It's paid for the month.
[00:46:21] He's not even fucking awake right now, and y'all are complaining like that's the crazy part
[00:46:29] It's not sensitive. Yo, do you think I'm really gonna take yo, yo see like you didn't see this holy whore while you're so cool
[00:46:35] Oh ego. He says jerk. I'm not kidding. I says you are fucking useless. I will see you in fucking never
[00:46:40] Sort of God. Um, thank you so much for the tier one
[00:46:44] El crash out prominent. My name is not fucking table. My name is not
[00:46:49] See, this is the type of bullshit I'm talking about.
[00:46:52] It's not even range made at this point.
[00:46:54] Only 5K.
[00:46:55] Yo, I'm so serious when I say this.
[00:46:58] This is what I'm talking about, bro.
[00:47:00] This is exactly what I'm talking about.
[00:47:02] It's like, it's 11.36, I get out of the shower and this is the bullshit we're talking
[00:47:07] about.
[00:47:09] I'm serious.
[00:47:10] It's getting annoying, bro.
[00:47:11] Yo, stop crying.
[00:47:12] I'm not crying.
[00:47:20] Same shirt.
[00:47:22] Whole sub-a-thon.
[00:47:23] Dude, I'm so confused.
[00:47:26] This is the second time I've worn this shirt.
[00:47:29] This is the second time.
[00:47:35] I don't understand.
[00:47:40] So I'm wearing a brown shirt, so you instantly think I have a 60 overall.
[00:47:45] Just because I'm wearing a brown fucking shirt.
[00:47:47] No, I'm not.
[00:47:50] I'm not.
[00:47:51] I can't.
[00:47:52] I'm serious when I say this, bro.
[00:47:53] I'm serious when I say this.
[00:47:54] Like, no, no, no.
[00:47:55] You can giggle.
[00:47:56] You can giggle and laugh all you want.
[00:47:58] It's just like, okay, 29 day intro.
[00:48:02] I see we're doing, no, no.
[00:48:16] It's time we started our day.
[00:48:18] Tall way.
[00:48:31] This is, yeah, so what's the jubilee?
[00:48:51] Look, why are you guys saying,
[00:48:52] you see my legs, I'll never understand it.
[00:48:55] I would never fucking get it.
[00:48:57] Now you guys are being black, I'm gonna fuck.
[00:48:59] You guys are black now, Trevor.
[00:49:00] The rest of the day, you're being black.
[00:49:02] I don't care.
[00:49:04] I don't care, I really don't just be being black.
[00:49:09] All right, I'll catch you guys later.
[00:49:10] Why are you putting question marks?
[00:49:11] Like, no, not like that!
[00:49:13] Like, I hate to start y'all,
[00:49:14] I'm so just, I hate to start.
[00:49:15] I don't want this shit.
[00:49:22] I'm here to leech.
[00:49:23] You are?
[00:49:24] Yeah.
[00:49:25] It's good.
[00:49:28] It smells so bad in this room.
[00:49:29] It does?
[00:49:30] Did you shit?
[00:49:31] Who's?
[00:49:32] Brother, I can't be in this room now.
[00:49:34] She smells so bad.
[00:49:34] What does it smell like?
[00:49:35] It smells like shit.
[00:49:36] I'm not kidding.
[00:49:37] The actually?
[00:49:38] Yes.
[00:49:39] I can't, I swear to God I can't answer it.
[00:49:40] I'm not selling it.
[00:49:45] What are you doing, ugly?
[00:49:47] Fixing his stuff.
[00:49:48] Fuck you, huh?
[00:50:00] Are we seriously trying to farm?
[00:50:01] This is what you're doing right now.
[00:50:03] You got unbanned and you're trying to farm 10,000 subs right now.
[00:50:07] Oh my god, you're at 94k.
[00:50:13] Are you trolling?
[00:50:14] Bro, did you look at yourself?
[00:50:16] Bro, you're at 94k.
[00:50:20] I'm not gonna go get suits.
[00:50:29] You gonna get up?
[00:50:34] So you fake fell asleep to farm subs, dog shaking head after getting unbanned.
[00:50:40] Oh my god, you're getting so many good subs.
[00:50:53] gift tense up wrong the right piece no dog shit said that I'm out yep I'm gonna
[00:51:00] give up fuck that I'm out of here good morning good morning everybody good
[00:51:20] morning
[00:51:30] This looks fire. Thank you, bro. Oh, that looks mad good. Just like you. I'm gonna come
[00:51:48] in. You're coming? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm coming right now.
[00:51:52] What is that one?
[00:51:56] Epsiola.
[00:51:58] No way.
[00:52:02] What talk?
[00:52:09] Can I do
[00:52:11] this, this, those, that?
[00:52:17] And then a little bit of this.
[00:52:19] Maybe one, they can increase one in one small amount of tree.
[00:52:22] Five.
[00:52:23] Mmm.
[00:52:25] Mmm.
[00:52:37] Is it a word?
[00:52:39] They say we see me on we see me you put on
[00:52:51] Oh, he's coming down
[00:53:04] I'm doing it on top
[00:53:12] I'm all right. Thank you. Hmm. Thank you, bro
[00:53:19] I'm burning this shit out.
[00:53:38] You want to hear this?
[00:53:42] I just made you a...
[00:53:43] That's your Aegis theme song.
[00:53:47] Got a lot of energy, Brian.
[00:53:49] Where's a lot of energy? He's missing.
[00:53:53] I want to be quick though, so we can come back and go to the desktop, I feel like when
[00:55:01] when we go iron round.
[00:55:04] You know that spot?
[00:55:06] I don't know what you're gonna go, that's fine.
[00:55:08] We actually should be on that spot now.
[00:55:13] You guys don't need to go in suits.
[00:55:16] Wait, should we, wait, wait.
[00:55:19] Can I look at this?
[00:55:21] So far, all right, so there's
[00:55:22] up a thousand words on today, Chad.
[00:55:24] Me and Ronnie's done these suits.
[00:55:26] So, I've already voted on some of the best
[00:55:28] individual segment, my best individual segment
[00:55:32] is actually not an individual segment,
[00:55:33] because I don't think I did a single individual segment.
[00:55:36] Wait, I got a haircut with Versailles.
[00:55:41] Wait, I actually beat the horses he trained by myself too.
[00:55:43] Is that kind of an individual segment?
[00:55:49] What do y'all think?
[00:55:51] I said this for best individual segment
[00:55:56] and then for best side quest, I'm doing this.
[00:56:02] Wow.
[00:56:03] Over running you, that's my segment.
[00:56:06] That's my best individual segment.
[00:56:09] That's crazy.
[00:56:13] And then, why would I put that in two categories?
[00:56:18] You want me to spam it?
[00:56:20] Chad, what do y'all think of the best individual segment?
[00:56:23] Oh, Bebo's segment was good, too.
[00:56:25] Damn.
[00:56:27] Put it on the screen.
[00:56:28] Adapt screen.
[00:56:29] I have it on the wall, that's your Chad.
[00:56:32] For best guess, I said wrong, Karenna, in my opinion.
[00:56:38] For best individual segment, I have me and Ron the best by.
[00:56:43] For side quests, I put me and Lacey Drunkstream.
[00:56:47] For best group segment, he put side quests,
[00:56:50] Lacey and Adapt Drunk, she went over the best by segment.
[00:56:54] But that, I can't put that in two categories,
[00:56:57] you fucking idiot.
[00:56:59] But you did 61k.
[00:57:01] I've been hit that, that's a lot.
[00:57:04] Mungo, thank you for the prime.
[00:57:05] Rocking can we please fix the sub count?
[00:57:09] Welcome
[00:57:12] Oh, wait, is this an individual segment? Stop shaking that chat chat. Is this an individual segment?
[00:57:18] What is considered aside more besides shaking fucking head?
[00:57:26] What is considered more of a side quest?
[00:57:29] You make me sick
[00:57:33] I'm gonna eat your taco
[00:57:35] Don't eat my taco
[00:57:37] Um, and then best group segment. I put love island best duo. I put me a money sign
[00:57:42] I think they should have put Rhinix on this there, Ron.
[00:57:45] It's Lacey Adap, Ron Adap, Max, Jason, Stilke, Max, Stilke, Adap.
[00:57:51] Best cameraman.
[00:57:53] Drew.
[00:57:54] Loki and might be us.
[00:57:55] They're saying Arke.
[00:57:56] I think it's Arke's, everyone loves Arke though, I'm going to give it to Arke, Arke
[00:58:03] is Arke to go.
[00:58:04] Arke has more experience too, but for me, I don't know.
[00:58:11] It's definitely not Drew.
[00:58:13] You sure?
[00:58:14] Shout out to Seb.
[00:58:14] Seb was my cameraman for about a week.
[00:58:27] If either Nas or Archie for me, what do you think?
[00:58:31] And I love it, and I love it, I love it so much.
[00:58:34] I think it's Drew.
[00:58:36] Who is saying it's Drew?
[00:58:37] A lot of people.
[00:58:38] I was reading there was a hot day going on.
[00:58:41] No, it's not Drew.
[00:58:44] I have to give it to Archie
[00:58:45] because Archie's just got more experience.
[00:58:47] Nas is there though.
[00:58:48] He stayed here for like two hours after he left last night.
[00:58:51] In the closet.
[00:58:52] I look he forgot he was here.
[00:58:55] Stop chilling like that, Jesus Christ.
[00:58:57] Oh, that's your chat.
[00:58:58] Overall funnieres.
[00:59:01] I put this rat next to me.
[00:59:04] Sub-a-thon MVP.
[00:59:05] What do we think about the Sub-a-thon MVP chat?
[00:59:07] Do you listen?
[00:59:09] Yeah, it might have to be Jason.
[00:59:10] It is.
[00:59:11] It actually is not, I think.
[00:59:13] Especially in the fourth corner.
[00:59:15] It's got to be Jason, right?
[00:59:16] Chat.
[00:59:20] That overall funniest and seventh on MVP overall funniest is for sure Ron
[00:59:25] Without a fucking doubt
[00:59:27] No, it's fucking you
[00:59:31] You can't also say that it's you wouldn't it's you you know what I mean because that makes you less funny, but it's you
[00:59:37] I'll tell you it's you
[00:59:39] But for sure you and then south on MVP. I'm giving it Jason
[00:59:43] Best girl content
[00:59:48] Can't be my rod
[00:59:50] probably Ron and Diana. I tried to do the most girl. It has to be like what wait
[00:59:58] Jason who did the Jason right? Jason did the most girl content. I guess so he did
[01:00:03] stuff with Victoria but just Victoria. I think the only girl that contact with was
[01:00:09] Karina I can think of and maybe Diana that one night that we met. Biggest
[01:00:17] crash out I look you think it could be it could be anybody but me or Jason it
[01:00:41] could be any of y'all you actually crashed on the screen one time so did
[01:00:48] max Matt Lacey crashed a few times I can't really put rocket league on at one
[01:00:54] point everyone says it's me he really put only rocket league on his stream
[01:00:57] because he's mad at his chat.
[01:01:00] Did you fix chat? Is it Lacey or is it wrong? Or is it max silky
[01:01:06] leaving? No, so it might be. Lacey gets mad. This might be
[01:01:21] hot. Most house damages is max without a doubt. Yeah, is it
[01:01:30] silky air runs without wasn't a crash out chat. That was silky
[01:01:34] like that was literally just a cut scene. I don't think it's
[01:01:40] Max Max or Stokey actually crashed out on stream. It's just you it's gotta be you or Lacey
[01:01:48] That's what I think I think how many hours did you leave the stream for yesterday? Like
[01:02:03] One of them is reasonable though
[01:02:05] You'll even know for real
[01:02:09] No, no, oh you would have been tight. I should I need to jerk off title to go
[01:02:20] You want to jerk off? Yeah best individual content chef me
[01:02:26] probably me and
[01:02:28] You guys don't have to say that you guys don't have to say that. That's just probably me
[01:02:34] If you think about it realistically, I did the most solo content like what?
[01:02:42] Kanye
[01:02:43] Everyone we show him. Oh, you didn't do rockin my thing
[01:02:53] Karina
[01:02:55] And we had some bangers
[01:02:58] Chad best individual content you had no fucking content. Are you talking to me or wrong?
[01:03:03] I think it might be Jason bro. What?
[01:03:12] You say what like that?
[01:03:14] I'm gonna have a bullshit you're on
[01:03:17] That's a Chinese spy
[01:03:19] It might be Jason bro. It's definitely not me chat. I did not I barely did that individual content
[01:03:25] I did the way I did the Bevo shit. Yeah, see
[01:03:29] Only person to succeed in the YouTube game for so many years then couple of years later come back and do twitching
[01:03:36] Succeeding which are the fucking go to use to love coming home from school to watch her videos
[01:03:41] He's on your dick shut up
[01:03:44] What about max what about max?
[01:03:48] Max or j or lacy had good lacy did a bunch of shit, too
[01:03:54] He's a Jason or max for individual look, what did you put what did you put me?
[01:03:59] Did you vote yourself for everything? Yeah? I think it might be Jason, bro
[01:04:10] Or is it max like what what bro? You were 30 stressing over a fucking google
[01:04:17] Dock's fucking voting. Okay, let's fucking vote shut up
[01:04:23] Jason by a country mile Jason got hella collapse
[01:04:28] Okay, we'll put Jason based off of what everybody is saying. I'll see you decide with the chances
[01:04:35] I gotta get shitty
[01:04:37] Most improved last most growth
[01:04:39] You look at you waiting for me to say you you're just waiting for that. I think you had a pause
[01:04:47] Jason has 90,000 subs that's not like I wouldn't know that I
[01:04:53] Mean that's growing, but I'm saying like this. I don't know. I would think of more or less like
[01:04:58] From barely doing anything to everything type of thing like you didn't stream
[01:05:03] You fucking just started streaming
[01:05:07] You had like 800 subs last month and you're 30 K almost
[01:05:11] I didn't go from 800 to almost 30, that is insane.
[01:05:16] Like Jason is impressive, this fuck.
[01:05:18] But I didn't go to the U because he didn't stream at all.
[01:05:22] No, I was like a super part-timer.
[01:05:24] That's what's going to suck with these ads.
[01:05:26] Like how am I going to stream?
[01:05:28] Like clicking the go live button.
[01:05:29] You know, but like pulling up to the house,
[01:05:31] I don't want to pull up and just do desktop for like three hours
[01:05:33] and then someone's going to come use the setup.
[01:05:35] Like I want to do shit like this.
[01:05:37] IRL streamers there too.
[01:05:39] Like you don't come in IRL server. You know how I was streaming before and I would I
[01:05:44] Would pull up and do like that stop for three hours in the night
[01:05:47] Like I don't want to do so then pull up IRL streaming
[01:05:54] Yeah, what do y'all think is it corny if I vote myself though?
[01:06:00] Yeah, he also grew a lot though, too. I'm gonna put something check. I'm gonna put something you could put on
[01:06:08] Best performance in a challenge?
[01:06:12] I wrote myself.
[01:06:13] I'll leave you to my fear of God, Jason.
[01:06:19] WWE.
[01:06:20] I've put myself, I'll put myself in this one, but still keep it alive, still keep it
[01:06:29] alive.
[01:06:30] You don't want to aspire complex and live in one side then, rent the other ULTS and
[01:06:33] You will make the free and make money off it then when you want to move on to you will make profit for the rest of the life off that
[01:06:42] Are you serious, bro?
[01:06:46] This guy just gave us free game
[01:06:48] He just said if you buy a complex and living one side then rent the other side
[01:06:52] Why live in the other side when you could just rent it to someone the whole side, buddy
[01:06:55] You wanna just go on my...on my...
[01:07:01] What are you texting?
[01:07:02] Rockin' on my PC.
[01:07:03] I'm wanna just leave right now?
[01:07:06] I mean it...
[01:07:07] Jason said to wait but like where is he?
[01:07:09] We're just gonna wake everyone up.
[01:07:10] I mean we're gonna wake everyone up and then...that's why I'm telling you we should
[01:07:11] do this because if we wake everyone up right now we're not gonna leave.
[01:07:16] Why are you guys spinning it when I flip the camera?
[01:07:19] I'm gonna go wait.
[01:07:21] Let's go back to this.
[01:07:23] I'm putting myself in the last to leave box where shit was hard.
[01:07:25] Give me a charger so I can keep this floating around.
[01:07:28] I'm not having it on me, but I don't want to just keep it floating without.
[01:07:30] No.
[01:07:32] Pass me a portable drone.
[01:07:34] It wouldn't be bad.
[01:07:38] Y'all were saying Silk, you love islands.
[01:07:42] This is the only one I'm gonna vote for myself on because I know how hard it is.
[01:07:46] Ever since I was a jit, I knew I was a jit.
[01:07:49] Best cry on stream, Jason.
[01:07:52] Best treasure.
[01:07:53] Best beef.
[01:07:55] Silky and Max had SLG birth five-star
[01:08:00] And then I also said spacey verse case
[01:08:03] Or Lacey first case on
[01:08:07] You guys should go to the dependent place girl was talking about a whole two place tonight
[01:08:14] Fucking tired
[01:08:16] Silky first Addison was pretty good though, too
[01:08:19] And it's been like consistent, but silky birth max. It's really SLG birth five-star
[01:08:25] You're so ugly.
[01:08:27] Me? I found a house yesterday.
[01:08:31] Cool. I'm glad you did, bro.
[01:08:37] I'm glad you did.
[01:08:40] One silky birth five star.
[01:08:43] Okay, never on time.
[01:08:45] The biggest leech chat.
[01:08:47] What do we think about this?
[01:08:49] What do you mean by biggest leech?
[01:08:51] What do we mean by stealing content?
[01:08:53] See, they said it was me.
[01:08:55] But the thing is I make the content.
[01:08:58] are nothing in London. Look at the chat. It's double six on screen. I'm just wrong.
[01:09:08] Chat. Who is the biggest leech? I made it. You are the clip. Listen, you are the clip,
[01:09:20] but the clip sometimes somehow works. Sometimes is the one like you met you will take someone
[01:09:29] segment and then it will just turn into your segment pretty much like it's not
[01:09:34] like you're sitting there like this like you know I mean like in the corner not
[01:09:37] adding anything to it like you don't leech off a shit and not add to it is what
[01:09:41] I'm saying like every time you're on stream there's someone's what the fuck
[01:09:45] happened you you you always make it better you always add to it I don't
[01:09:51] think anyone ever like is actually mad they're like oh like here comes Ron
[01:09:55] again like with the fucking camera you always make everything everything better
[01:10:01] not even trying to gas it but you're fucking little rats at the end of the
[01:10:06] fucking day your little cheese-loving rat team player who's the best team
[01:10:13] player chat you I actually might vote myself on this too
[01:10:23] Take sucker what?
[01:10:27] I might know myself
[01:10:30] Because I'm really with whatever when anybody wants to do shit. I don't think I'm ever like
[01:10:37] Worst cameraman let's think about this for a second y'all worst cameraman y'all
[01:10:44] Can I get in both chats a big fuck drew his time is coming. He's not making it through this other time
[01:10:51] One time in the chat, fuck Drew.
[01:10:54] Oh my God, Twix's gave you so many subs.
[01:10:57] I had to tell him with the tone.
[01:10:59] I just got a tone for my tone.
[01:11:02] Now how many subs am I at?
[01:11:04] Worst came a man, Drew, for sure.
[01:11:08] Fuck Drew till I die.
[01:11:10] Wait, tone, thanks for the fucking tone.
[01:11:13] Hold on.
[01:11:14] What am I at?
[01:11:17] Fake as demon chat?
[01:11:18] He's your fake as demon.
[01:11:20] Notice how you were the only face member left off the beef list. That's because you're the goat.
[01:11:28] I don't really be story shit.
[01:11:31] They're saying me, how?
[01:11:33] Fake as demon.
[01:11:34] I don't really understand it.
[01:11:35] Oh, it could be lazy though too. It could be lazy.
[01:11:38] I don't understand what it means to be a fake demon though.
[01:11:41] Like, when you talk with a...
[01:11:43] Stable and adult is the biggest cry baby.
[01:11:46] Cry baby cry baby.
[01:11:48] Ron is s-
[01:11:49] Stop crying if you flip a complex and only sell half.
[01:11:53] What?
[01:11:54] Ron is s-
[01:11:55] I'll get your fucking pay power right now and get you hit off.
[01:11:58] Actually, no, I won't.
[01:11:59] That's TLS.
[01:12:00] I'll never do that.
[01:12:01] It was a joke.
[01:12:02] 62K!
[01:12:03] I really want to pay to myself.
[01:12:05] Thank you for the fucking 62K.
[01:12:07] Can I get a 62K?
[01:12:10] Yes, sir.
[01:12:12] 62 fucking thousand.
[01:12:14] I want to fix my cell count, bro.
[01:12:16] Right click it, click properties, refresh cache a page.
[01:12:28] I have 27.6.
[01:12:31] Take that link, copy and paste it, go into Google, enter.
[01:12:38] I don't know how to use something, I can't do it.
[01:12:45] I don't know how to use a new link.
[01:12:47] My dad didn't even say, nice job on such a 2k chat.
[01:12:54] I'm sitting right here.
[01:12:55] Shut up, Paul.
[01:12:57] Whatever, this is not even my correct. It might be you may have lost songs
[01:13:09] There's no how to do it's not even going up. It might take a long time because you got bad
[01:13:15] Fucking right aside
[01:13:17] I want to get in the screenshot. We all for what?
[01:13:21] Well, you and Lacey like I want to be right here with you guys these guys are my friends for what look like I could be right here. Oh
[01:13:28] Oh
[01:13:30] Can I like kicking which I'll know
[01:13:34] What he wants to be in the top right here. I want to be right here
[01:13:42] No, you look good down there. I'll fuck with you like that for real
[01:13:47] You know you and it you you did say you and wasted have the best segment together
[01:13:51] the best side quests oh not best fun chatron is a narcissist I think the
[01:13:57] signs are clear Lilden always needs the world to revolve around him that's a
[01:14:02] rage they need to switch it up they say the world like I know that one that's
[01:14:07] what lacy does yo what's good I'll fuck with it whenever I'm ready I'm ready
[01:14:24] whatever to him just say a time when you go I mean like I'm ready Ron is ready I
[01:14:30] think Jason is ready and Lacey's ready what about Lacey and Chucky what happened
[01:14:38] I don't know we should go we should go sooner than later though so we're not at
[01:14:44] that's we're not like I relevant forever okay that all right say less they're
[01:14:59] us. Fake as demon is gotta be Ron. There's no adjacent sleep. Adjacent sleep won't just
[01:15:10] die. He told me no way for him to die.
[01:15:12] For a long time, vi-terrorists when alcohol was involved.
[01:15:16] Conjuring. That's what it was, lost. What the fuck is he doing?
[01:15:24] He's playing robots. Oh, this is the time tag video. It's in the face house. It's
[01:15:32] Ron, you need therapy. The narcissistic tendencies are clear and GM keep doing this. You're giving him money
[01:15:41] Okay, so you want to go to a 30 that's a message said what time is it? It's 12. Oh five
[01:15:47] I mean, I wish you knew does he does he know chat?
[01:15:52] I know what
[01:15:54] This is I was on down the go. Hey, we should all go
[01:15:58] Oh, we all need suits and robberies, son.
[01:16:02] Is there an emotes saying how do we tell them?
[01:16:05] I see that.
[01:16:06] It's Patrick, or it's Squidward and Crabbs.
[01:16:11] Oh, are you talking about Brother Timey?
[01:16:13] Well, I'm talking about that.
[01:16:15] They are not.
[01:16:16] I'd be ready until like this.
[01:16:17] OK, so do you want to just convince the NAPS I think
[01:16:19] that?
[01:16:20] Why would we go to bed?
[01:16:21] I'm ready to go.
[01:16:22] I am too.
[01:16:24] So what do you want to do?
[01:16:25] I want to fucking go.
[01:16:26] Where's Jason?
[01:16:27] I don't know.
[01:16:28] Anyway I thought, Paul I'm trying to think about why you're sandwiches just there to
[01:16:40] afford for you but just think about what's Leyland singing.
[01:16:44] All of it but I love it but I love it But I love it but I love it but I love it too
[01:16:45] It's you
[01:16:46] Now, Now, Now we're muted.
[01:16:52] Umm Vegas Demons You
[01:16:54] No
[01:16:57] Yea' cause he schönng to get on FLT 5 on his channel through this
[01:16:59] You know
[01:17:01] But I think it's gotta be you
[01:17:03] I'm a real life demon
[01:17:05] most wholesome I
[01:17:08] Say lacy he's big shit. He's so big
[01:17:13] God damn. He's so big
[01:17:15] He actually annoys me sometimes. It's so big
[01:17:18] She goes stairs into a map second in his room. She's not down. I think lacy's shower
[01:17:24] No way clickestream. Hey, we're being recorded
[01:17:34] Oh, oh my fucking god, is that true?
[01:17:38] Dude, we're being recorded.
[01:17:39] See what the two months?
[01:17:40] Did you not just click on your stream?
[01:17:42] Yeah.
[01:17:43] We're being recorded.
[01:17:44] Chad, tell everybody to pull out so we can go, bruh.
[01:17:48] I'm gonna do a second record.
[01:17:51] Okay.
[01:17:52] That's good.
[01:17:54] See you later, party on.
[01:17:55] Chad, let me know if you fuck with this second one.
[01:17:57] Most aura, Chad.
[01:17:58] Who's got the most aura?
[01:18:00] Jason, Jason or Jason, your most aura?
[01:18:04] Let me know if you're struggling with this segment, Chuck.
[01:18:06] I'm waiting to see if I can actually get to the fire.
[01:18:14] Let me talk about this segment.
[01:18:16] On the cat side of our, me and Ronald are doing our work.
[01:18:19] Honestly, this might be one of the last ones of these.
[01:18:22] I mean, this is our last one.
[01:18:24] I think this might be one of the last ones of these.
[01:18:27] Why are you guys putting flight reacting?
[01:18:30] Why don't I hear myself?
[01:18:32] One second.
[01:18:34] All right.
[01:18:35] I'm going to call Jason.
[01:18:37] 12.30 we have our last nap last not segment this is actually fire I'm sorry
[01:18:44] you're a little blue
[01:18:49] so yeah Jason we're leaving on 12.30 at the dot
[01:18:55] on the dot
[01:18:57] basically
[01:18:59] how does it happen to bring a big segment
[01:19:03] yeah 12.30 we're leaving at 12.30
[01:19:07] get your tall ways. Okay, we're in my room, uh, we're on our own trying to leave her behind now.
[01:19:16] It's caught on. I don't want to wait for fucking five hours for people, bro. But then when I,
[01:19:20] when I'm late, it's the issue, you know, haha. Classic. Come look at my butthole.
[01:19:28] Excuse me, not all in shut up. Jaysay. Oh, um, welcome to the back segment for,
[01:19:52] For the last time.
[01:19:53] For the last time, please.
[01:19:54] No fucking way.
[01:19:55] Yeah.
[01:19:56] Want to join?
[01:19:57] Of course I would like to join the book.
[01:20:00] Now, no, I got you a gift.
[01:20:02] Sure kid.
[01:20:03] A bottle of Melatonin.
[01:20:04] Something like that.
[01:20:05] Of course I'll get it.
[01:20:06] You don't wake up silky?
[01:20:07] I said red dummies.
[01:20:08] Do you go wake up silky?
[01:20:09] Uh, just for the sake of the guilty, yes.
[01:20:10] Go wake him up.
[01:20:11] All right.
[01:20:12] Because we need to go soos off in all of us.
[01:20:13] No, I can't.
[01:20:14] I can't.
[01:20:15] I can't.
[01:20:16] I can't.
[01:20:17] I can't.
[01:20:18] I can't.
[01:20:19] I can't.
[01:20:20] of us. Max, I do a download too. Yeah, I talk to Max and Lacey just called me.
[01:20:25] Well, there's six of us, five seats, so I have to wait until six or five and then we just split up into
[01:20:35] guys with people by the camera. Oh, you got a car? No, wait, I'll be there.
[01:20:43] What happened with your vods? Oh, no. You just, you have to republish them all.
[01:20:50] You do work in the mosque, some can do it, you know what I'm saying, just start.
[01:20:57] Guys, can I have a second?
[01:20:59] Hello?
[01:21:00] Send me some of this number.
[01:21:01] No, I don't have a number.
[01:21:02] No, why are you going in there?
[01:21:04] I didn't do it.
[01:21:08] I didn't do it.
[01:21:09] You're going crazy.
[01:21:10] You know what I'm doing?
[01:21:11] Well, we have done.
[01:21:13] Well, I've been so sad watching from the sideline.
[01:21:17] We would actually just be in that soup very strongly.
[01:21:20] Yeah, I'm gonna get the old one.
[01:21:21] You don't need to wait?
[01:21:22] I'll brush your brain out, or I'll get the urge.
[01:21:25] Get out, it's time for work.
[01:21:27] I like it in like 10, 20, if I need you.
[01:21:31] Okay.
[01:21:32] Why are you here, Drew?
[01:21:33] I'm going back for content.
[01:21:35] Did you bring Zookie up?
[01:21:36] No, they were all saying he's gonna kill me,
[01:21:38] and I'm waking up.
[01:21:39] Well, he's gotta wake up, it's the last day,
[01:21:41] and we gotta go get soup.
[01:21:42] Thanks for coming, Drew.
[01:21:43] Well, I'm gonna make a new mistake with you.
[01:21:45] Drew, can you just wait a minute?
[01:21:46] I'll be right here.
[01:21:47] Why are you here, Zookie?
[01:21:48] Drew, we're new.
[01:21:49] Let's just go and play for a while.
[01:21:50] Why do you need to work with me on a second?
[01:21:52] I'm gonna be happy to see you.
[01:21:55] The chat is going crazier.
[01:21:57] They're talking with the second.
[01:21:59] They stop.
[01:22:01] Jason, man.
[01:22:04] Do you know how to fix yourself?
[01:22:06] Do you have to fix it?
[01:22:08] Yeah.
[01:22:10] Oh, he's doing a pretty good job.
[01:22:12] I'll call him.
[01:22:14] Okay.
[01:22:16] Jason, did you tell Bob?
[01:22:19] I did.
[01:22:21] What did you tell him?
[01:22:22] I did.
[01:22:23] Tell him what?
[01:22:24] He's the most subreddit.
[01:22:25] Oh, I did.
[01:22:26] I did tell him about it.
[01:22:27] I didn't know what.
[01:22:30] I did.
[01:22:31] I called today.
[01:22:32] The problem was, I was going to the police station, so.
[01:22:35] What did he say?
[01:22:37] He was just like, it's all over.
[01:22:40] He asked me, I was still in school.
[01:22:46] You hear what I'm doing?
[01:22:52] I'm going to go home.
[01:22:53] By your car?
[01:22:54] Oh, yeah.
[01:22:55] You buy two cars from my mom and my dad and then I'll tell them, they're hopefully good.
[01:23:05] Oh, you're going to go home and see Bob.
[01:23:08] Yeah, I don't say I'm going to see Brad.
[01:23:13] So you guys are both going home after this other time?
[01:23:17] Oh my God, I can't wait.
[01:23:19] You must think I might go home and see Bob.
[01:23:22] I didn't even get to relax. I didn't get to relax like two days, and I got moved.
[01:23:28] I got used to holding a beach. I'm not lying.
[01:23:32] I kind of want to go to Mexico or something for like a day or two, and then start a story.
[01:23:36] I don't want to go to Thailand.
[01:23:38] Why?
[01:23:40] I don't want to go crazy.
[01:23:42] You're creepy, you're telling me.
[01:23:44] Everybody's not saying they're quick.
[01:23:47] No, I'm saying they're plump, they're unique.
[01:23:53] No, I'm good. My sister said 12.45, but I haven't got a hand on him, so he's still not out.
[01:23:57] Tell me you're not still out.
[01:23:58] Well, you did with the chair out.
[01:24:01] Look, 12.30 on the dot.
[01:24:03] This is what happens.
[01:24:22] I guess are you ready with me?
[01:24:28] Of course I am.
[01:24:33] I'm fucked with everyone.
[01:24:34] What's happening to us?
[01:24:35] I'm gonna have to deal with the problem.
[01:24:37] Let's go!
[01:24:39] Last day maybe, let's go!
[01:24:41] Let's talk!
[01:24:43] Hi, talk!
[01:24:45] Hi boys!
[01:24:47] I don't know.
[01:24:49] Bandit, I'm bandit, let's go!
[01:24:51] Todd, what's up your alley?
[01:24:53] I know you got something planned for everybody.
[01:24:55] That's just a top classic.
[01:24:57] Yeah, I did, but this isn't what's going to happen anymore.
[01:24:59] Wait, isn't this what you told me about it?
[01:25:01] Yeah, it hasn't even happened.
[01:25:03] What was it?
[01:25:05] Was it?
[01:25:05] It was a wrong play actually.
[01:25:07] It was no one else but it was a wrong play.
[01:25:09] One more time.
[01:25:09] Oh.
[01:25:10] Can I tell you something?
[01:25:11] It could still happen.
[01:25:12] It's still going.
[01:25:12] Oh, I didn't know.
[01:25:13] He's not going to happen with a seventh arm.
[01:25:16] Is it out of a beam?
[01:25:18] Just timing, brother.
[01:25:20] Good catch, brother.
[01:25:24] Tell him we've got to do the suits, brother.
[01:25:27] But don't worry.
[01:25:28] What?
[01:25:29] Sorry.
[01:25:30] I cheated.
[01:25:30] I cheated.
[01:25:31] Did you like, still feel it?
[01:25:32] I didn't even love you.
[01:25:35] I really rather not because I was yelling.
[01:25:38] Because we're not going to get the day started.
[01:25:40] It's all good again, Edgar Wigga.
[01:25:42] Can we get custom chains with our names?
[01:25:45] By tonight? Probably not.
[01:25:49] Be cool, yeah? I like that idea.
[01:25:52] I'm all about custom chains.
[01:25:55] Do you three have a logo?
[01:25:58] I'm stable.
[01:26:00] But do you have a logo?
[01:26:01] I was thinking we all buy matching APs.
[01:26:03] We'd do a Sephora here.
[01:26:06] I guess we all would find the same AP for the right price.
[01:26:12] Keep it coming.
[01:26:13] Now you got those some good ideas.
[01:26:14] Keep it going.
[01:26:15] Adopting a child.
[01:26:16] Wow.
[01:26:17] What color?
[01:26:20] What race?
[01:26:23] I want to find a Malaysian.
[01:26:25] A Malaysian baby?
[01:26:26] What?
[01:26:27] I think that would be fire.
[01:26:29] I expect it.
[01:26:31] You want a Malaysian girl?
[01:26:33] No, a baby.
[01:26:35] A little baby?
[01:26:36] I want to raise a Malaysian.
[01:26:37] Oh, Tom, where you going?
[01:26:40] Tom.
[01:26:41] You gotta stick it in every other way.
[01:26:43] No, Tom.
[01:26:45] Tom.
[01:26:47] You too much to let him in?
[01:26:51] Yeah, I stuck it in the fire.
[01:26:53] You can take it out from here.
[01:26:58] Cause you're still there, dude.
[01:27:01] You're a little crazy.
[01:27:03] I'm a big, crazy little fuck.
[01:27:06] You're a little corn.
[01:27:10] It's kind of decent to get you into our thumbs right now.
[01:27:15] We must settle each other.
[01:27:17] You're crazy, bro.
[01:27:19] Crazy, big, little dude.
[01:27:23] I'm in the first week.
[01:27:27] And Nas is awake.
[01:27:29] I'm in the first week of this fucking room since I fell out of sleep.
[01:27:32] Oh my god, this room was so bad the first week, bro.
[01:27:36] It was really so hot with Donnie here.
[01:27:40] That's crazy.
[01:27:42] You made this to tough?
[01:27:47] That's like big dogs.
[01:28:04] Who thinks that?
[01:28:05] I don't post on TikTok.
[01:28:09] I don't know if this is right or bad.
[01:28:11] It's you.
[01:28:14] You're a hittist.
[01:28:23] You're looking at a little dude.
[01:28:25] Ain't no party like a dating party.
[01:28:29] We need to do our decent.
[01:28:30] We got to do that.
[01:28:31] The real party is my own.
[01:28:37] $250,000 in hit coin.
[01:28:43] Drill what?
[01:28:44] Any some concept?
[01:28:46] Drill.
[01:28:47] Is this the way I look here?
[01:28:49] Yeah
[01:28:56] Yeah
[01:29:45] We're gonna end up waiting for everybody
[01:29:53] We're gonna have to take two cars
[01:29:58] What? I like the book.
[01:30:03] We're going to end up laying around.
[01:30:08] Oh, you know it. That's what I'm saying.
[01:30:10] We're going to finish the whole thing.
[01:30:11] Wait. So he's not out.
[01:30:12] So he's going to need to show Max at 12.45.
[01:30:15] It's going to be fast, so for you.
[01:30:17] Lacey will probably be the only one ready at 12.30.
[01:30:20] Yeah.
[01:30:21] So do we just leave the suits and come back?
[01:30:25] Because I want to string.
[01:30:27] I don't want to wait, like I don't know what you guys want to do, but I don't want to sit here, I'm sitting here because I'm waiting.
[01:30:34] Y'all want to do stuff today too?
[01:30:36] Because we got to wait forever, like, is that fucked up that I want to just go and get this done so I can come back and sit on my street and talk to my chat?
[01:30:45] Or we can wait here for an hour and do nothing.
[01:30:51] Those are off. If we wait for an hour and do nothing, or we leave right now, and it
[01:30:58] don't get the shit to come back and start again, well basically we're ready at 1230.
[01:31:04] We said 1230, let's just go at 1230.
[01:31:06] Oh Max, I see you.
[01:31:07] No.
[01:31:08] I'm sorry.
[01:31:09] I was just talking about when you were here.
[01:31:11] Yeah.
[01:31:12] Max.
[01:31:13] Yeah.
[01:31:14] We're really going to have 1230, bro.
[01:31:15] Bro.
[01:31:16] You're not even, you're not even going to have 1230.
[01:31:17] Oh, literally, bro, I look, bro, we're going to have to wait around for everybody.
[01:31:21] What do you mean by that?
[01:31:23] I literally got it going right down.
[01:31:26] What are you doing?
[01:31:28] What are you doing?
[01:31:30] I was cleaning my room.
[01:31:32] I still was fucking there.
[01:31:34] I saw all type of bulls out of him.
[01:31:36] He's literally not chewing.
[01:31:38] What? He's not stealing it.
[01:31:40] 12.45 please.
[01:31:42] Wait, an additional 30 minutes.
[01:31:44] You have to laugh.
[01:31:46] You're straightening it.
[01:31:48] I don't want to sit around and not do shit and wait for everyone while everyone's getting ready.
[01:31:56] I've been up, I've been ready, I'm trying to go get them.
[01:31:58] No, I get it.
[01:31:59] It's not an additional $30 though.
[01:32:01] Nobody's been by the time you're ready, then we'll have to wait for a still fee.
[01:32:05] No, we won't.
[01:32:06] Well, I guess we will.
[01:32:07] No, that's not what I told you about.
[01:32:09] I literally asked for an expensive terrace deal.
[01:32:11] Please, bro.
[01:32:12] Literally $50 won't come.
[01:32:14] Can we just make it $1130?
[01:32:16] You know what? No, I have to sit and saddle it.
[01:32:20] It takes you 30 minutes to go to shit and shower.
[01:32:22] It's tough, though.
[01:32:24] There's no way I could do that in my minutes.
[01:32:26] That's why I have an extension.
[01:32:27] I know what I said beforehand.
[01:32:29] So, man, you can't get mad.
[01:32:30] I really said it's 15 minutes today.
[01:32:31] All right, bro, go ahead.
[01:32:32] 12, 3, 5, I'll be right.
[01:32:33] And I'm not ready yet.
[01:32:34] It's only 5. I'm ready.
[01:32:35] Okay, so we'll just wait for...
[01:32:42] Stay here in the cars for 20 minutes.
[01:32:45] How do you go to change?
[01:32:47] So we get any particular suits?
[01:32:50] Let's get our, you know, I think you might be looking at a war here today.
[01:32:55] You think so?
[01:32:56] You might be looking at something out there.
[01:32:58] Oh, here it is.
[01:32:59] Oh, you're already wearing them somewhere.
[01:33:01] Hey, no.
[01:33:04] It's a stable burp, a wall-runner burp, a wall-runner burp.
[01:33:08] No, I don't know.
[01:33:09] This is, we can get a burp.
[01:33:10] It's a burp.
[01:33:11] There's a shower in there, see?
[01:33:13] No, I realize that was done.
[01:33:15] All right.
[01:33:16] I just want to shower and go get some kind of shower and toilet for the next hour.
[01:33:21] What?
[01:33:22] I'm sure I'm going to get some.
[01:33:23] You think you could try to help me fix it?
[01:33:25] I'm sure you can.
[01:33:26] I'm going to see it.
[01:33:27] I'm going to see the canoe challenge.
[01:33:28] Yeah, my shit is gone.
[01:33:29] It's gone.
[01:33:30] It's not up my...
[01:33:31] Am I coming?
[01:33:32] I mean, I guess I can pull on me.
[01:33:34] It's fine.
[01:33:35] No.
[01:33:36] I mean...
[01:33:37] No.
[01:33:38] No.
[01:33:39] You're taking two cars.
[01:33:40] Okay.
[01:33:41] We're going to have fat people and fat people.
[01:33:42] I don't want to fix it.
[01:33:43] I don't want to fix it.
[01:33:44] It's not a fix it, so it's showing what we're going to do now, you know.
[01:33:47] Do you want to hear it?
[01:33:48] Little oozy bits, a little hole.
[01:33:50] No way.
[01:33:51] Okay, please.
[01:33:52] I'll be okay.
[01:33:53] I'll be okay.
[01:33:54] I'll be okay.
[01:33:55] We're going to have to take two cars anyway, unless we want no camera out of town.
[01:34:02] No way.
[01:34:03] Yeah.
[01:34:04] That's no camera out of town.
[01:34:06] No.
[01:34:07] What?
[01:34:09] What?
[01:34:10] I'm going to say it's close.
[01:34:12] Is there anyone who needs to do that?
[01:34:17] You don't want to drive, you don't want to use your driver?
[01:34:22] No, he speaks for casting.
[01:34:23] He really said that's not going to pertain to cars.
[01:34:25] I used to do that.
[01:34:27] I don't think you can do anything about that.
[01:34:30] Such a horrible influence.
[01:34:33] At least there's somebody going there now, because I don't just want to change anything.
[01:34:37] No.
[01:34:41] I'm going to shower, so you do.
[01:34:43] You know who's...
[01:34:44] Wow, they smellin' me.
[01:34:46] Smellin' me?
[01:34:47] Yeah, it smells like a cigarette.
[01:34:49] You know what you smell like?
[01:34:52] Up dog.
[01:34:53] That's up dog.
[01:34:59] You want to show you wake up silky?
[01:35:04] Still silky, still okay though.
[01:35:06] In the top arm of the most, we try waking up silky, apparently.
[01:35:11] Lays it in.
[01:35:12] And get him...
[01:35:14] Is he alive?
[01:35:16] Is he still as you're coming back right now?
[01:35:19] Oh, this is quite football though.
[01:35:21] What's this?
[01:35:22] What's this?
[01:35:23] What's this?
[01:35:24] It's like right now, like, Jesus is starting to go.
[01:35:30] He's fucking saying, oh, don't get crazy.
[01:35:33] He goes fucking when it's fucking.
[01:35:36] He's just coming to the hospital.
[01:35:40] He's getting a GLE as he got that one.
[01:35:43] GLE is crazy.
[01:35:44] It was expensive.
[01:35:45] I was like, what are you doing here next to me?
[01:35:48] What's GLE?
[01:35:49] A 5363?
[01:35:55] I mean, you could just fucking buy the fucking
[01:35:58] You want to be more followed?
[01:36:00] There you go, sit down.
[01:36:01] You just go there.
[01:36:02] And then you go ahead.
[01:36:03] Of course.
[01:36:04] I was going to say, you should just buy them both houses
[01:36:06] that they can work on for the rest of their life.
[01:36:09] They can work just in here.
[01:36:10] Something.
[01:36:11] They do a lot of things for them.
[01:36:13] They're far up there.
[01:36:14] I thought you was doing something.
[01:36:17] They're doing something.
[01:36:20] They're doing something here in front of the SUU.
[01:36:22] Yeah, that's true.
[01:36:24] At 53?
[01:36:26] So, I'm going to stand there and I'll be excused.
[01:36:29] Oh, no.
[01:36:30] You're going to see a movie.
[01:36:32] No, I'm going to get you a movie.
[01:36:34] Let me just show you a phone.
[01:36:36] Let me just show you a phone.
[01:36:38] So you're going to pick up the car and drive it.
[01:36:40] Good job.
[01:36:41] So let me show you my car.
[01:36:42] I already said it's $65,000 worth there.
[01:36:44] Is it?
[01:36:45] No, it's not.
[01:36:47] I'm supposed to test drive.
[01:36:48] I'll tell you the importance of it.
[01:36:50] Hey, will you get that shirt?
[01:36:52] I'm a clearance of $65,000.
[01:36:55] You like the car?
[01:36:56] Hell no.
[01:36:57] I think the car made me slurpy.
[01:36:59] Super Curves.
[01:37:01] What are you going to do?
[01:37:03] Racy, go back home.
[01:37:05] Racy.
[01:37:07] Racy.
[01:37:09] Racy's out.
[01:37:11] I'm going to go home for a little bit.
[01:37:13] Racy's out. What do you guys all do in your first three days?
[01:37:15] Shut up.
[01:37:17] I want to say I know you had drunk, college stream, party stream, whatever.
[01:37:23] So I just get an eight question.
[01:37:29] Are you going to Arlington?
[01:37:31] Over there.
[01:37:32] I'm going to go to Arlington.
[01:37:34] I'm going to go to Arlington.
[01:37:36] I'm talking about fundamental art.
[01:37:38] I'm talking about American arts.
[01:37:40] That's the degree that's called it.
[01:37:42] That's super rare.
[01:37:43] That's not life science.
[01:37:44] That's the life science.
[01:37:45] That's what I'm talking about.
[01:37:47] We chat.
[01:37:48] I'm going to go to Arlington.
[01:37:50] I'm going to date.
[01:38:32] legit wet wet top of my dick and some Rick I start off the reader playing
[01:38:40] fortnight
[01:38:42] you know well it's gonna be here wait can you guys talk about your guests
[01:38:53] Jason who'd you invite Lacey Greenway like for our guest tonight
[01:38:57] What? They told me yesterday on the street when someone said, you said it, you were the one who said it.
[01:39:09] It's not going to be a crime.
[01:39:14] Our adventure to the last scene is that part three.
[01:39:16] It's not going to be a crime.
[01:39:18] It's not going to be a ban for real.
[01:39:20] No.
[01:39:22] No, it's not going to be a crime.
[01:39:24] I don't know what to do with it. It was someone said it.
[01:39:26] Who are you running against?
[01:39:28] It was done well
[01:39:31] What's that?
[01:39:40] What is the law?
[01:39:47] I don't know who else can do my sub-accompaniment
[01:39:51] I'm working at 844's
[01:39:53] way and where does it come
[01:39:55] Who are we gonna tell you?
[01:39:57] I don't know who else
[01:40:02] My mom I come
[01:40:04] Everybody calling that yes, I should do it his cars are so funny
[01:40:09] This evening is called. Yeah, oh no. He's so funny. I shouldn't pay more asses
[01:40:22] We off the grid grid grid this for my kids kids kids for when my kids kids kids
[01:40:28] I kid pass this guy
[01:40:30] That's fixed
[01:40:35] Take celery, push it down and bite each other.
[01:40:43] Can you give me a ton of Asian women?
[01:40:45] Just like a thousand.
[01:40:47] Like please.
[01:40:49] They should all come keep for you.
[01:40:52] Thousand verse one Jason the weed edition.
[01:40:55] Thousand lead one.
[01:40:57] Was that...
[01:40:59] Sunny and Yuki.
[01:41:01] You all okay with that?
[01:41:05] What do you want, Oz?
[01:41:07] Are you doing this on yourself?
[01:41:09] I was on the sub-a-thon and can't come to the city here.
[01:41:12] Oh my god, you're not being so safe.
[01:41:14] They might have all the words just come out of your thumbs.
[01:41:17] All right.
[01:41:19] Chad, who else should come?
[01:41:20] That has been on my sub-a-thon.
[01:41:22] Oh, that's the thing.
[01:41:23] Ask Karina.
[01:41:25] She's not here.
[01:41:25] She's in my room.
[01:41:28] She said she was gone.
[01:41:30] Oh, I do know a guest bullet, though.
[01:41:32] Who?
[01:41:32] Who?
[01:41:35] They were out.
[01:41:37] Oh, shit.
[01:41:40] It's something I didn't get accepted.
[01:41:42] I talked to him earlier, he was going to come tomorrow, but I told him tonight he'd be back tomorrow.
[01:41:46] I don't know.
[01:41:47] No way.
[01:41:48] You know, you were my neighborhood.
[01:41:49] No.
[01:41:50] You know, Derek?
[01:41:51] Crazy.
[01:41:52] Crazy.
[01:41:53] Crazy.
[01:41:54] Crazy.
[01:41:55] Crazy.
[01:41:56] You are a crazy little dude.
[01:41:57] You're fucking five terrorists.
[01:41:58] What?
[01:41:59] You're a five terrorist.
[01:42:00] You're fat.
[01:42:01] Fair five terrorists.
[01:42:02] You're fat.
[01:42:03] Fair five terrorists.
[01:42:04] You're a thunderhead.
[01:42:05] You're in a dunderhead.
[01:42:07] We're in a dunderhead.
[01:42:09] We're in a straight fucking ogre, 7-eleven,
[01:42:11] square and over, she's in a right.
[01:42:13] Ron Mammy's therapy.
[01:42:15] He's a ogre.
[01:42:17] Have you seen Ian Ludwig come?
[01:42:20] Oh, Jason.
[01:42:21] He made us all those for Jim, man.
[01:42:23] That was really nice.
[01:42:25] She spelt silkies with X-Files on her flicky.
[01:42:28] She spelt silkies, dancing, said flicky.
[01:42:31] That's really sweet though.
[01:42:32] She's a good boy.
[01:42:34] Let me have her to fly in a private jet over here.
[01:42:36] Yeah, you should.
[01:42:37] I'll stir a piece of shit.
[01:42:39] I don't know.
[01:42:39] You might be a big crash out there.
[01:42:41] I'm telling you, Rob.
[01:42:42] I did not crash out of office.
[01:42:44] Nah, you did, though, buddy.
[01:42:46] Bunk.
[01:42:46] Nah, I'm a lot like you.
[01:42:48] You're a big crash out there.
[01:42:49] You're an 801 808.
[01:42:51] Where's my dad?
[01:42:52] He has a car, sir, because I'm a pursuit.
[01:42:54] What artist?
[01:42:55] He's been arrested.
[01:42:56] I don't know if he was a police officer.
[01:42:58] I see he's not calling.
[01:43:00] Watch that sword from that chest there.
[01:43:01] You can fight Alexa?
[01:43:03] Oh, yeah.
[01:43:05] What's going on?
[01:43:07] What's going on?
[01:43:09] I didn't know what to do.
[01:43:11] I actually can't imagine it.
[01:43:13] Why not just live it, write them?
[01:43:15] You sit in there and do it.
[01:43:19] You're a silly little fucking dude.
[01:43:21] You're a silly little dude.
[01:43:23] You're a crazy little dude.
[01:43:25] You are a crazy, silly, funny looking dude.
[01:43:27] Yeah, I actually think I have
[01:43:59] But that was done. I don't know before.
[01:44:06] Oh, walking four minutes, please. Actually, it was three.
[01:44:10] Not shaking, then.
[01:44:12] Crazy, literally.
[01:44:15] Yes, we're doing a Erie pencil painting machine coming next week.
[01:44:19] Exclusive.
[01:44:20] That wasn't even long ago. How long ago was that?
[01:44:22] Sure, about how?
[01:44:24] Like, four months.
[01:44:26] I don't want to get my son to wait.
[01:44:28] What?
[01:44:29] They're saying you'd invite Devin Booker.
[01:44:31] Wait Rob, excuse me, he's calling.
[01:44:33] No, he's not.
[01:44:34] You'd invite excuse me, huh?
[01:44:36] Chad, the Chad's saying they'll invite you.
[01:44:38] Chad, I thought it would be a million girls here.
[01:44:42] Please, it's gonna be a kickback.
[01:44:44] No, please.
[01:44:46] You could be a kickback, Rob.
[01:44:49] Yes, bro, I want it to be like a great brand.
[01:44:53] I'd be a lot better.
[01:44:54] You know, I want all girls to do what?
[01:44:56] I have an answer on your phone.
[01:44:58] No, girls.
[01:44:59] Not a party.
[01:45:00] I don't need a phone.
[01:45:01] We should invite all three of those girls.
[01:45:04] They're gone.
[01:45:05] Yes, but they're all in the sub-con.
[01:45:07] Where did you put my phone?
[01:45:09] I think it's in the way.
[01:45:11] At the same time, I got questions straight from the house.
[01:45:15] Tell them if there's this way, anyway.
[01:45:19] You test Alexa and see if she's in that one?
[01:45:22] Dream on East Side.
[01:45:23] Wait, so this is the...
[01:45:26] It's the worst on a seven
[01:45:53] Stumble
[01:46:08] Who do you guys think want that individual segment and don't lie and say me?
[01:46:16] Who would have the best individuals content?
[01:46:19] I think you would probably be an individual content or individual they say.
[01:46:23] Best individual content and don't lie and say me.
[01:46:26] No, I would say Jayson and Max or Roman or me and Roman.
[01:46:30] We run out of time.
[01:46:32] In my house, there's three of them.
[01:46:37] I mean, I don't want to talk about it either way.
[01:46:41] I think it could go any way.
[01:46:44] I don't think I want to say the award.
[01:46:46] One of those awards was like,
[01:46:50] I was very insulted.
[01:46:53] Best girl, Cosmo?
[01:46:55] I wasn't insulted because me and Ron were in an offhand festival.
[01:46:59] The whole first two weeks, me and Ron were doing stuff every day.
[01:47:34] Where did we even talk?
[01:47:36] So I'm actually, I got a clip sent to me, basically,
[01:47:40] you're sending me a sabotage of my career
[01:47:42] so that you can make a breakdown streamer of the year
[01:47:46] so you can show your parents and they let you drop out of college.
[01:47:49] And I'm here to tell you that I fully enjoy my community
[01:47:52] to vote for you if people get nominated
[01:47:54] so that you can show your parents.
[01:47:56] What?
[01:47:58] Fuck that, that's boring.
[01:48:00] I cannot follow you.
[01:48:02] you realize that neither of you are gonna win it and it's gonna be a different
[01:48:05] but
[01:48:07] there will be someone within a completely different country and not to mention
[01:48:11] you're ugly as fuck like you're really the ugly mo dude and that's the old
[01:48:15] fucking ugly one funny dude don't look at it that isn't funny dude
[01:48:21] he's so ugly though that we don't care if fuck yeah he ugly little dude
[01:48:26] it's none of you guys okay so who do you guys think is the one break up
[01:48:29] We don't know. We're not gonna know.
[01:48:31] Like, I don't think we're gonna know this year.
[01:48:33] You know what I'm saying?
[01:48:35] Really?
[01:48:37] Well, that's like, did, who won Gatorade the year?
[01:48:39] I didn't know who Gatorade the year.
[01:48:41] That's the one.
[01:48:43] No, who just won Screamer?
[01:48:45] Oh, Yugi's got it.
[01:48:47] Last year?
[01:48:49] No, it's Sina.
[01:48:51] Sina? Fuck yeah.
[01:48:53] Fuck Sina.
[01:48:56] Speed, Aiden, Kai.
[01:48:58] You guys are excited.
[01:48:59] Hey!
[01:49:00] It's probably going to be some of the four nominees.
[01:49:02] Yeah, the nominees.
[01:49:04] You, Zidus, Macklemore.
[01:49:09] You guys never heard of Big Macklemore.
[01:49:10] I'm really impressed I'm learning about that.
[01:49:15] That was in Jake's future.
[01:49:17] I don't know the score.
[01:49:18] It looks good.
[01:49:22] Ray.
[01:49:23] Rob?
[01:49:24] Yeah, where's your name?
[01:49:26] Rob?
[01:49:26] Nah.
[01:49:27] I used to believe that.
[01:49:29] Silke's tire is almost out.
[01:49:31] Why do you think that was?
[01:49:33] Not that I want to laugh.
[01:49:35] Agents?
[01:49:36] I don't understand.
[01:49:37] Break the Schumer?
[01:49:38] Some of them like...
[01:49:39] You don't know if you say that.
[01:49:40] Sorry about that.
[01:49:41] You don't know what I mean.
[01:49:42] Agents who have been Schumer for years.
[01:49:46] Like, what does that even do?
[01:49:47] That she is so fun.
[01:49:48] You don't know if you say that.
[01:49:49] Like, what does that even do?
[01:49:51] My favorite clip is still with the cards and stuff.
[01:49:55] Where I said, I was like,
[01:49:56] we have to read it in 60 years.
[01:49:58] I swear to God, we'll read it in 60 years.
[01:50:00] 20 of you come home to me every night.
[01:50:02] You know, this feels so crazy, I used to do this in the New York House.
[01:50:09] What?
[01:50:11] It was all done with a little bit of something else.
[01:50:14] You know what? I want to do a stream with really bad.
[01:50:16] You know what? I caught that in my hands and I thought it was the worst.
[01:50:19] Jack, no worries.
[01:50:20] Whoa!
[01:50:22] Nah, that's a little evil.
[01:50:24] You guys want me to come in and hold that?
[01:50:27] Authority, ex-Dungle, ex-Zurka.
[01:50:31] Oh, oh, oh, that's Leo Mike.
[01:50:34] That's Snicker.
[01:50:35] That's Snicker.
[01:50:36] That's Lazy.
[01:50:38] That's...
[01:50:40] I just decided that's...
[01:50:43] Who is he?
[01:50:44] Invite a whole kick.
[01:50:45] That's making a real kick back.
[01:50:49] Someone really gotta make a kick.
[01:50:51] I still don't like it.
[01:50:52] Stop it man.
[01:50:54] Even the bottle is better than that.
[01:50:56] I'm working.
[01:50:57] I'm working.
[01:50:58] I'm working like you didn't care if you want.
[01:51:00] I'm not.
[01:51:01] I'm dead on the watch.
[01:51:01] I'm not.
[01:51:02] I've been a catch-up of four years looking from certain types of specs.
[01:51:07] Look, there's all this shit, and she says I'm big and...
[01:51:10] I'm just going to say this, because my career life is all about it.
[01:51:15] It's going to play out really well.
[01:51:17] I'm permanently big on cash-out, and when I see permanently big,
[01:51:20] it's going to be a really hard thing to understand.
[01:51:22] It's all about my social security numbers, cash-out needs and things.
[01:51:27] What do you mean, sir?
[01:51:29] I mean, everything in the cash-out.
[01:51:31] I wonder if I can connect again with a cash-out.
[01:51:34] I got meant to.
[01:51:36] Do you know how to get out of bed no more?
[01:51:38] I need to cash-out.
[01:51:39] Wait, fucking ton with the ton?
[01:51:42] Holy fuck, I got a ton.
[01:51:44] I got a ton last night.
[01:51:45] I got a fucking ton.
[01:51:46] The ton was talking tons last night.
[01:51:48] How is it going to pull me with the ton?
[01:51:50] Do you know how to get out of the ton?
[01:51:52] I'm not reading my chat right now.
[01:51:54] I'm looking at something.
[01:51:56] That's the fucking ton, ton.
[01:51:58] I'll put my son in some rick.
[01:52:02] Can we get a bite, huh?
[01:52:04] Uh, I'm gonna bite the morse.
[01:52:08] Hey, Babsy!
[01:52:10] Hey, Babsy!
[01:52:12] Are you having fun?
[01:52:14] Are you having fun?
[01:52:18] What did you get?
[01:52:20] What did you get?
[01:52:22] Look at fucking Babsy all around.
[01:52:26] Of course, I'm by the name of...
[01:52:32] All I might say here.
[01:52:35] What's your ETA?
[01:52:37] What's your ETA?
[01:52:39] What's your ETA?
[01:52:41] What's your ETA?
[01:52:43] So you got a warning for what?
[01:52:45] The same, actually.
[01:52:47] I don't know if it's going to be too late.
[01:52:49] It's going to be too late, girl.
[01:52:51] Who's that third one? Who did that?
[01:52:53] Yeah, same shit.
[01:52:55] Who did that?
[01:52:57] I don't know if we can read that.
[01:52:59] It's not on time.
[01:53:01] And also, I don't want to feel like I needed it, but I was trying to ask for a house.
[01:53:06] Because I swear to God, people always do shots for sons on their birthday.
[01:53:11] Yeah. I told them I was good and they just gave a warning and they just did it.
[01:53:15] Obviously they could get paid!
[01:53:17] Obviously they're fully dangerous, honestly.
[01:53:19] Wait, you're going to win?
[01:53:21] It was probably the shooting, so...
[01:53:23] No, it was an offering to punch you in the arm for sons.
[01:53:27] I time it to time!
[01:53:30] I got a 50 burger.
[01:53:33] Nas, can you read my tongue if I got a tongue?
[01:53:36] I didn't have a shadow, but I'm sure I got a tongue.
[01:53:39] I tongue with the tongue!
[01:53:41] I tongue with the tongue! Thank you for 50 gifts and I tongue!
[01:53:44] I'm sure I got a tongue. I tongue with the tongue!
[01:53:47] I tongue! Give me all that tongue!
[01:53:50] Thank you, Pat.
[01:53:52] Thank you so much for all the presents.
[01:53:55] Thank you, I tongue with the tongue.
[01:53:57] 50 times
[01:54:01] You know the fucking times for fucking for real you're turning it up right now
[01:54:09] What's your time done time it's a fucking thunder
[01:54:15] Like that one
[01:54:19] Way true
[01:54:21] Geez, why am I right, dog?
[01:54:24] Oh, that's a good one.
[01:54:25] Probably because, well, I don't know.
[01:54:27] True, shut up, huh?
[01:54:28] I'm not sure.
[01:54:29] You just have to be sure my shirt went through this?
[01:54:31] I did.
[01:54:32] Yeah.
[01:54:32] I would say it was just like two full 24 hours.
[01:54:34] Why are you acting so good out of my balls out there?
[01:54:36] Look at Betsy or...
[01:54:40] Wait, I have two hours and 40 minutes on my mind.
[01:54:42] All right, guys, it's 12.45, y'all want to go?
[01:54:44] Get the neck off!
[01:54:47] Yeah.
[01:54:47] With the five.
[01:54:49] Neck off!
[01:54:50] Max, hurry up!
[01:54:55] I think he's still in the bedroom.
[01:54:58] Max, we're leaving.
[01:54:59] Just a few months.
[01:55:00] I thought you were not, it's probably for him.
[01:55:02] I guess not for him.
[01:55:02] Well, it's probably for him.
[01:55:04] You want my money?
[01:55:06] Where's my piece of money?
[01:55:10] That's Max Ora.
[01:55:14] That's you. What are you going to do after this?
[01:55:16] Let me start it real quick.
[01:55:17] What do you mean, start a family?
[01:55:18] Travel the world?
[01:55:20] Ow, what have you said all of you?
[01:55:22] I'm going to get there.
[01:55:23] You got here?
[01:55:25] You're always pissing me off, though.
[01:55:27] You're always pissing me off.
[01:55:28] Oh, am I?
[01:55:29] Yeah, and you're just stabbed?
[01:55:31] Yeah, stabbed.
[01:55:32] I was going to be the murderer, you know, so I...
[01:55:34] Guys, I think Skybury's coming today.
[01:55:37] The light on.
[01:55:39] I think he's going to run down on her.
[01:55:41] You're talking to her, but let's talk out of her shit, baby.
[01:55:46] Betsy, come here and figure me out.
[01:55:49] I'm back at the city for your ride this summer, fella.
[01:55:52] What's the best you've done?
[01:55:54] I can't help fool with you.
[01:55:56] Yo, you know what you should do, Betsy?
[01:55:58] I've done it before, though.
[01:55:58] I've learned to see all game of songs,
[01:56:00] but I'll be honest with you.
[01:56:01] Betsy, what are you doing?
[01:56:02] Yes, you want to do a little bit.
[01:56:05] You're like six months since this is over.
[01:56:08] Betsy, why are you standing here?
[01:56:10] Why are you doing it on my face?
[01:56:15] Betsy.
[01:56:16] Oh my god, 12.25.
[01:56:19] Betsy, look, you're going to watch what I'm watching.
[01:56:26] I have a budget of $400,000.
[01:56:31] You look like you've been fucking going through it right now.
[01:56:47] What do you mean?
[01:56:48] You look like you're just in taxes, you fucking kids gotta go to school, you look like you're
[01:56:56] stressed right now.
[01:56:57] You look like a farmer.
[01:56:58] You look like a farmer.
[01:57:00] I don't know why.
[01:57:01] You just look like you don't know anything.
[01:57:04] I mean, that's some fucking shit.
[01:57:05] I don't know what you're just doing.
[01:57:06] What the fuck is this?
[01:57:07] Just don't even make sense.
[01:57:09] No, obviously it doesn't make sense.
[01:57:11] I just don't sit down at the end.
[01:57:13] And I don't have no clothes, man.
[01:57:17] You don't wear like that.
[01:57:19] No, I'm wearing suits and we're coming back.
[01:57:21] Yeah.
[01:57:22] Wait a minute.
[01:57:23] Let's come over here and start the camera.
[01:57:25] I don't know, bro.
[01:57:26] Rockin' says broken, it's not going up.
[01:57:29] Rockin' says I'm fucking idiot.
[01:57:30] I tried to help with fixing it.
[01:57:32] I don't know if you did.
[01:57:33] I can't see it.
[01:57:34] I don't know.
[01:57:35] I don't know.
[01:57:36] I don't know.
[01:57:37] It's just a piece of...
[01:57:39] No, no, no.
[01:57:40] I could be fixed.
[01:57:41] I could be fixed on the ground.
[01:57:42] So I'm going to go...
[01:57:45] I know we fixed so much.
[01:57:46] Sammy?
[01:57:47] What?
[01:57:48] Yes, Sammy.
[01:57:50] Sammy.
[01:57:51] That's how it worked.
[01:57:52] I'm sure that you get this fucking...
[01:57:54] You get it, it's too much.
[01:57:55] I'm asking you.
[01:57:56] Yeah, let's go y'all. It's totally fine. That's it. Over.
[01:57:59] Let's go y'all.
[01:58:01] I don't want any commission.
[01:58:02] That's it. What are you actually going to do after some of our cameras?
[01:58:05] I'm lost in this, Mr. Frederick.
[01:58:07] You serious?
[01:58:08] Go by this opinion?
[01:58:10] Mr. Groom?
[01:58:11] That's actually going to be very, very...
[01:58:13] No, you're not.
[01:58:15] No, you're not.
[01:58:16] No, you're not.
[01:58:17] I'm not going to be able to stop you on your first year.
[01:58:25] It's going to be a good vacation.
[01:58:27] I'm gonna see fuck that just buy an energy. You want me to come maybe you could like be my
[01:58:36] That should translate for him
[01:58:47] Yeah, that's fixed my shot I can make every shot
[01:58:56] Wait for some by your suit
[01:59:01] I'll bet you a thousand is going to make a fair shot.
[01:59:11] What do you think this is for?
[01:59:15] I have this.
[01:59:16] Do you have any matter?
[01:59:17] Yeah.
[01:59:17] Let's go.
[01:59:18] Good job.
[01:59:19] It was good.
[01:59:20] It's good.
[01:59:20] You're making me laugh.
[01:59:21] Ahhh.
[01:59:22] It's not good at all.
[01:59:23] Ahh.
[01:59:24] That's how it works.
[01:59:25] Mark, let me show you.
[01:59:27] Are you ready?
[01:59:29] I'm not done with you, man.
[01:59:31] The second ones are starting.
[01:59:33] Give me the other ball.
[02:00:01] I called the City ball before I shot it.
[02:00:06] No other one.
[02:00:07] Are you blind?
[02:00:08] Are you blind?
[02:00:09] What?
[02:00:12] Is this ball?
[02:00:13] Yes, this is City ad.
[02:00:14] It's a good ball.
[02:00:15] Is this ball?
[02:00:16] Yes, this is City ad.
[02:00:17] You're making this shitty guy a ball.
[02:00:19] It's a good ball.
[02:00:22] You're making shitty?
[02:00:23] It's a shitty ball.
[02:00:24] Why don't I make this?
[02:00:33] No, we can't wait till we all make 5-3s.
[02:00:41] I owe you a thousand gifted.
[02:00:43] Just give me time.
[02:00:45] No, no, no.
[02:00:47] Don't let it happen to the ball.
[02:00:48] It's going to be a fair amount of money.
[02:00:52] Ta-da!
[02:00:53] Who's talking about my toolkit?
[02:00:55] You.
[02:00:58] You.
[02:00:59] I don't know, right?
[02:01:00] Yeah.
[02:01:01] Dad, you're going to put you on my toolkit?
[02:01:04] Oh, my god.
[02:01:06] I actually close this book
[02:01:09] Yeah, can you
[02:01:15] I'm watching you enable me
[02:01:26] That was real
[02:01:28] Well, I woke up and you were like, don't they got bad
[02:01:34] We've got him when you're fired
[02:01:39] Fuckin' Katie.
[02:01:41] Fuckin' Danny, man.
[02:01:45] No, I'm still here.
[02:01:47] You pissed me off.
[02:01:49] When are you gonna retire, man?
[02:01:51] Let's go, y'all.
[02:01:53] Where's the cops? I'm not a free guy in this.
[02:01:55] Back you out.
[02:02:02] Noz, when are you gonna retire?
[02:02:06] I'll retire you in two years.
[02:02:09] You're gonna stop here.
[02:02:11] I dream every single day throughout every single year.
[02:02:14] Here you go.
[02:02:16] Your suit.
[02:02:19] I told you to retire this. Retire that.
[02:02:21] Why does no one retire me?
[02:02:23] My name is?
[02:02:24] Yeah, I did.
[02:02:25] Ah!
[02:02:27] Ah! Ah! Ah!
[02:02:30] I have one seat in my car. I have one seat in my car.
[02:02:33] So me?
[02:02:34] Ah, yeah, you are.
[02:02:36] Let me get to my car and get to see you.
[02:02:38] Jason and Lacy are you out selfie sticking?
[02:02:53] Are you sure you're enabling me to get it?
[02:02:56] Jason and Lacy, Jason and Lacy are you out selfie sticking?
[02:03:01] I only have one seat in my car.
[02:03:04] Here can I go on you?
[02:03:07] All right, so Lacy is going to be by himself if you ever go through.
[02:03:12] I'll hold the camera.
[02:03:44] yeah I like holding the address yeah maybe a meet-up do I let go that
[02:03:51] door where they have he took me four hours to find this guy
[02:03:55] it's like why the fuck is it up here
[02:04:00] are we taking a lazy he's probably coming that's
[02:04:09] It's warm, it's hot, it's so hot, and it's my entire pressure,
[02:04:13] it's the hotness of that engine over failure.
[02:04:20] I'm sobbing.
[02:04:22] Is Lacey coming or no?
[02:04:29] Cause we have one seat.
[02:04:31] That boy, Bob, is, is there.
[02:04:37] Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go cover you.
[02:04:50] They're saying wait for soaking.
[02:05:08] I'm gonna screenshot what I'm wearing.
[02:05:10] It's not section well tell me see if lazy not here in the next minute. I'm leaving. I don't care
[02:05:23] He went up to go restarting three ten minutes ago. We've been waiting for an hour already. It's the last day
[02:05:28] I want to go around and do shit. I want to start the fucking week
[02:05:32] We're waiting around for the last day. We have fucking we're literally got 24 hours
[02:05:37] I was spending it sitting around waiting on everyone. I'm trying to do that
[02:05:42] I'm literally we're literally leaving in a minute. I don't care. I don't care
[02:05:47] You can go ride with Max and bring everybody else there.
[02:05:51] How's it going?
[02:06:06] Good.
[02:06:07] Here.
[02:06:08] What are you going to do next?
[02:06:09] You want to check?
[02:06:28] What do you want to do now at this time?
[02:06:35] Be thinking.
[02:06:36] Aventador A12.
[02:06:37] What are you thinking?
[02:06:38] Are you looking at the Aventadors?
[02:06:41] What is more swag?
[02:06:45] I think it's hard to find a good spot.
[02:06:50] My budget is 400 grand.
[02:06:52] These are all too expensive.
[02:06:53] I'll show you the A12 super fast.
[02:07:04] I was looking like me too.
[02:07:08] This is more like...
[02:07:12] I don't know how much you think you lost.
[02:07:14] But I just saved.
[02:07:16] You should save.
[02:07:18] You can do the rug method.
[02:07:20] You're so boring, bro.
[02:07:22] That's what you're talking about.
[02:07:24] I'm going to take God to his funeral.
[02:07:29] I know I didn't make it 30 days to listen to Kim Leroy, Ralph.
[02:07:59] Free dinner!
[02:09:13] MC, why haven't we done our giddy-san move?
[02:09:16] Be insane.
[02:09:53] Yeah, I think we all are though. I bet you are a good one too.
[02:09:58] You saw me on Zoom, you know?
[02:10:00] Yeah, I saw you doing like cash fries with like 12 people or two.
[02:10:05] MC, when's our sky block segment?
[02:10:45] Now I'm safe from headwars.
[02:10:46] I'm in the face of Bible Island.
[02:10:54] You're in the face? Like an island thing?
[02:10:56] Now we've been simply throwing our fucking seats in our staples.
[02:11:06] Or whatever they're calling.
[02:11:08] Face dialogue.
[02:11:09] Face dialogue would end in school.
[02:11:11] It's not a fucking thing to throw the void off.
[02:11:13] No, they're just throwing the fucking off the map.
[02:11:16] Jack, y'all hype for his face dialogue.
[02:11:23] I'm trying to get Diddy up in this mall.
[02:11:37] Oh my God, it's a Sunday.
[02:11:41] There's definitely going to be fucking Diddy people here.
[02:11:50] Oh shit, Pepsi oil is going on.
[02:11:52] Shall we might get your towels ready?
[02:11:59] But we have to put a towel.
[02:12:01] Put a towel?
[02:12:11] I think it's just because you said it.
[02:12:13] It's like, actually, I would use a towel.
[02:12:25] What does this seem like?
[02:12:26] You're a crazy little fucking good.
[02:12:45] You know that trick is we all get out and then we just tighten it.
[02:13:19] If I did 720 inches swapping to the mall,
[02:13:59] but now you got more of a challenge than hard.
[02:14:09] Let's get a city up in this mall.
[02:16:40] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[02:16:42] Should we give him a little bit of a ride?
[02:16:44] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[02:16:46] He's going to get off the door.
[02:16:48] I'm just gonna get you man, and I'll just stop there.
[02:16:50] Man!
[02:16:52] That's so nice.
[02:17:19] There, baby.
[02:17:21] There, baby.
[02:17:23] There, baby.
[02:17:25] There, baby.
[02:17:27] There, baby.
[02:17:32] Oh, we should bring our word back, Turb.
[02:17:39] We just... we do another lap segment.
[02:17:42] Wait, where the hell are we going to?
[02:17:46] For like, 18-20 days, you know, like, six?
[02:17:53] I got a call from my body. I'm gonna head over here.
[02:17:58] Oh, big point!
[02:18:00] Oh...
[02:18:02] Is that an emerald? That's an emerald, though.
[02:18:07] The green one. How many loaves of bread can I get for it?
[02:18:16] You ever play Minecraft?
[02:18:36] I tried to explain it.
[02:18:37] So my POV last night, and I think year after year, I'm looking for a new POV.
[02:18:44] This is hard. This is real life carnyel.
[02:18:58] I know it's super hard to believe that when the show is done,
[02:19:04] I'm taking a week off from the gym chat.
[02:19:07] How's that funny?
[02:19:10] We look back at it.
[02:19:12] And the second one we got, that's it.
[02:19:14] I'm gonna go,
[02:19:24] you're paying you don't get this new I love you bro let me know if you can make it tonight
[02:19:32] I was on the phone you said he's not letting me make it
[02:19:36] I think he'll come I think he'll come
[02:19:40] Ron
[02:19:46] make sure they meet you right next to Michael
[02:19:51] phase adapt phase adapt phase adapt phase adapt phase adapt phase adapt phase adapt
[02:19:57] phase adapt phase adapt phase adapt
[02:19:59] that's the second time now
[02:20:30] How's your phone you open it all I did I walked into you backwards I know it's
[02:20:35] that I got it large get one of these and then get a blazing yeah she's so
[02:20:51] I love being a face plan.
[02:20:59] That's the face of death, isn't it?
[02:21:07] I'm going to buy it, bro.
[02:21:12] You're going to get it dirty.
[02:21:18] It's just like this.
[02:21:19] Okay, so when you're dancing, you pass.
[02:21:22] He passes, he passes.
[02:21:24] It's in the past.
[02:21:25] It passed and surpassed.
[02:21:27] It's out of the past.
[02:21:37] Before probably, I'm probably at 34.
[02:21:39] It's kind of me these days.
[02:21:41] I love these days, Dad.
[02:21:44] You're my favorite. I watch you all grow up.
[02:21:46] Really?
[02:21:48] Yeah.
[02:21:50] Hold on, what size is this?
[02:21:54] It's pretty good, like, the pants.
[02:21:56] What size is this?
[02:21:58] What's a drug, 34?
[02:22:00] What?
[02:22:04] We had to do this before.
[02:22:06] I
[02:22:26] Would be like filming chicken talks in his other hand while he's
[02:22:36] What kind of try this on big pants
[02:22:43] You just put on over your shirt man. No, that's not fun. I want to take pants for his pants.
[02:22:50] You gotta get one of these. No, I want to use the drop pants. I'm just farting on you.
[02:22:56] What pants do I get? That's the Aura. That's the Aura? What pants do I get? Thanks to the pants.
[02:23:05] Which blazer did you get? I got this. I want a blazer. You don't want a blazer? I want a dress shirt.
[02:23:11] I think the blazer is good.
[02:23:13] What?
[02:23:15] Any pants, son.
[02:23:19] I need to pass.
[02:23:21] I mean, I have to put on a fit.
[02:23:23] I think the blazer is good.
[02:23:25] The shoulders are a little, throw me off a little bit.
[02:23:27] I mean, at least should it be a size down.
[02:23:29] FC World.
[02:23:31] I don't know what pants I need to get.
[02:23:33] I think it's good.
[02:23:35] I mean, they're a pattern.
[02:23:37] That's true.
[02:23:41] I'm gonna go ask him what I should do.
[02:23:47] Where's the dressing room?
[02:23:48] I don't know, Bob.
[02:23:49] I'm gonna come try it on our seat.
[02:23:52] Let's go.
[02:23:55] I'm going to go.
[02:23:59] Let's go.
[02:24:00] Let's go.
[02:24:01] Let's go.
[02:24:05] Where's the dressing room, Bob?
[02:24:07] I don't think I care.
[02:24:11] Are you just going to be a drug addict?
[02:24:13] No, I don't care.
[02:24:14] Let's just walk.
[02:24:16] Let's go.
[02:24:17] Let's back there in the corner.
[02:24:20] You have to go.
[02:24:22] How you doing, my boy?
[02:24:39] What happened?
[02:24:40] Well, well, well, dad's trying to go to the within side of the store, you see.
[02:24:58] I'm gonna take a sec man, Jack Creep, I've got to stay out here with the camera.
[02:25:03] Yeah.
[02:25:07] I'm good.
[02:25:08] Maybe you get a suit.
[02:25:16] Me?
[02:25:17] Yeah.
[02:25:18] Would that work?
[02:25:19] With what?
[02:25:20] With the camera?
[02:25:21] What's happening?
[02:25:22] You think you're gonna win the Best Camera Man Award or?
[02:25:28] I'm saying like.
[02:25:30] Guys is Noss winning that?
[02:25:32] Should he be prepared for the award?
[02:25:35] Oh, I was just talking about the worst.
[02:25:38] Or maybe he'll get Worst Cameraman Award.
[02:25:40] I don't think he's being drew in that one.
[02:25:42] Is that an award?
[02:25:43] Yeah, there's a Best Cameraman and Worst Cameraman.
[02:25:47] So you might win.
[02:25:48] No, I think Drew got a Guarantee Chokey.
[02:25:50] For worse, but you could get Best.
[02:25:55] Guys, type 1 if you voted for Goss.
[02:25:56] I don't know if this has a big win or not.
[02:25:59] I'm a win, I'm fucking kidding.
[02:26:03] I want something like this, but I want it in white.
[02:26:06] A lot of people voted for you, man.
[02:26:07] A lot of ones in the chat.
[02:26:09] You could win it.
[02:26:11] They have a speech ready.
[02:26:14] Lucky that she could just tell me.
[02:26:17] I'm not writing down those speeches.
[02:26:20] Probably about winning it.
[02:26:22] Wait, is it like you get to see who won the award and who came second?
[02:26:26] No, it's just first.
[02:26:29] We could tell you later, but...
[02:26:31] At the awards we're only...
[02:26:34] We only say the nominees and then who won.
[02:26:37] What are the other challenges?
[02:26:39] The other categories?
[02:26:41] There's like 30 categories.
[02:26:43] Name one. I'm a go who I think is the one.
[02:26:47] And then when it actually happens,
[02:26:49] I want people to know who do you think
[02:26:51] will get the Syliphan MVP award.
[02:26:54] MVP?
[02:26:55] Yeah.
[02:26:57] Well what is that like culture?
[02:27:00] It's just people are going.
[02:27:02] Jason has the most selves.
[02:27:05] So maybe Jason
[02:27:08] He was like a buzzer beater, too
[02:27:10] At who's getting the best on-string pride?
[02:27:14] I say Max. People will say Jason, but Max is a sleeper because they didn't see what happened after Jason Frost
[02:27:21] Max is in his room, he called his mom
[02:27:23] Okay, that was a good one. He was calling his mom, his brother, his cousin, his dad
[02:27:29] I was just like, wow. That was like happy tears
[02:27:31] I was like... Funnest? I'll give Funnest a rock.
[02:27:37] Yeah, Ron's got that one in the bag.
[02:27:39] I'll give Funnest a rock.
[02:27:40] Damn, you should throw this song.
[02:27:42] Oh, the Catholic song, huh?
[02:27:45] I already gonna do that one.
[02:27:47] You can put on anything you want.
[02:27:48] Fuck his dick.
[02:27:52] Yeah, they need to slow down.
[02:27:54] Damn, they're looking spiffy over there.
[02:28:00] It's a bullshit.
[02:28:02] Keep pushing.
[02:28:07] Yeah, he's stealing.
[02:28:09] He's out.
[02:28:11] Oh, who did this?
[02:28:13] Oh my God.
[02:28:15] What do we think, y'all?
[02:28:18] I need pants.
[02:28:22] Big pants. Thanks for the pants.
[02:28:24] I got a tie with this.
[02:28:26] That's ab-looking. Good.
[02:28:28] Do I got a tie with this?
[02:28:30] Come on, me.
[02:28:34] Do I do the all-black or should I get a different color?
[02:28:36] This all-black with the face chain
[02:28:38] is going to look crazy. Pop the chain out.
[02:28:40] I
[02:28:48] Don't have hair on my
[02:28:51] They're saying all black
[02:29:06] Chad do I get a tie? No, it's just good
[02:29:09] Yeah, should drop a size thing is the small and super tight on me
[02:29:14] That might be good though. You know
[02:29:18] I'm returning this a day after this, I don't even have money to buy it.
[02:29:22] I gotta buy some paper.
[02:29:30] Oh no, does it fit?
[02:29:31] Good, does this fit right?
[02:29:33] Wait, we're leaving all our stuff.
[02:29:35] I see that, I see that fits good.
[02:29:36] Hold on, Ron.
[02:29:50] I like 6.9 in this court case.
[02:29:52] There, you see that?
[02:29:53] No, it's the paper one guy.
[02:29:58] Wanted that back on hand.
[02:30:11] Oh, well, it's...
[02:30:15] You're crazy. You're crazy, little dude.
[02:30:24] Okay, what pants did you do?
[02:30:26] These pants.
[02:30:28] I would get, like, a 30.
[02:30:30] The size of your arm.
[02:30:32] I'm just gonna trust you.
[02:30:34] You should do that.
[02:30:35] Should I wear a really big blazer?
[02:30:37] Or a skinny blazer?
[02:30:39] What size are you, pants?
[02:30:41] 34.
[02:30:42] I'd be a 30.
[02:30:43] I would get, like, a 30.
[02:30:45] This is a Europe 30, doesn't it, ladies?
[02:30:47] I don't know.
[02:30:49] I'll tell you just a little book of tomorrow.
[02:30:51] That's your world?
[02:30:53] That might be it.
[02:30:55] Can I have some smoke?
[02:30:57] Sir, how are you doing?
[02:30:59] I'm good.
[02:31:09] What's going on?
[02:31:11] What are you doing?
[02:31:13] How are you doing?
[02:31:15] I'm doing good.
[02:31:17] How are you doing?
[02:31:19] I'm doing good.
[02:31:21] What are you all thinking about the all?
[02:31:23] They all like the all black really yeah
[02:31:33] You can just clip it
[02:31:40] Try try a red blazer
[02:31:46] Or color ties
[02:31:54] That's me eating brown sheep.
[02:31:56] Wilington?
[02:32:00] He's not filming, right?
[02:32:02] No.
[02:32:03] Oh, no, he did see that.
[02:32:08] Who could have guessed?
[02:32:13] That's crazy.
[02:32:16] What?
[02:32:17] Chet, not a way.
[02:32:19] FZ, US Waste 34.
[02:32:22] That's a little big.
[02:32:25] He's even 34?
[02:32:28] This is 33.
[02:32:30] You think I'm a 33?
[02:32:32] I'm like at 31.
[02:32:36] Damn, Adah.
[02:32:38] Go with the maroon.
[02:32:40] I mean, I'm just trying to see what a different color might look like.
[02:32:43] Maroon.
[02:32:44] Pull up.
[02:32:46] 42.
[02:32:51] Excuse me.
[02:32:53] Oh, what do you want here?
[02:32:55] Do I see what this one looks like?
[02:32:59] Pan, thanks for the pan.
[02:33:01] Can you do some hits?
[02:33:02] I don't know.
[02:33:03] Is it off the off pants?
[02:33:04] Type the...
[02:33:05] the top on the top.
[02:33:06] FC, what do I do?
[02:33:10] You're all size 30, bro.
[02:33:13] You lost, FC.
[02:33:28] What do I do?
[02:33:33] Can you go ahead and hit another store?
[02:33:36] There's a thing in my hair we didn't know about.
[02:33:38] They really got mad workers in this place.
[02:33:53] I don't think this is it.
[02:33:56] Because black was hard.
[02:33:57] The black was it?
[02:33:58] Type 1 for black, type 2 for maroon, whatever this is.
[02:34:03] No, it's because my hair is blonde one for black to free this
[02:34:12] Everyone's saying everyone's saying black
[02:34:42] That's why that should be snappy
[02:34:44] I got it, Tuffy
[02:34:50] Is this the same shit we did for Tom?
[02:34:53] You get one of these, get one of these, or whatever
[02:34:56] We'll probably really just rock the pants right here
[02:34:59] The button actually do it
[02:35:04] I'm re-bottling the whole thing
[02:35:06] But I might get a ton of them
[02:35:08] I just don't know about the all black
[02:35:10] Callers all fucked up
[02:35:13] Think the black is good
[02:35:16] Awesome angelic shit. Hell yeah, we're white. We're what white forces you should get some new forces
[02:35:26] But then do this Lacey Lacey try it
[02:35:42] Oh
[02:36:02] Yeah
[02:36:04] I want to go me at least about a look for like at his two store because I don't want
[02:36:12] I'm sorry guys, you're not allowed to sit here and we're going to recall so she'll be shopping here forever.
[02:36:23] Yeah, I see, yeah, this is part of our policy.
[02:36:25] Say what's the road?
[02:36:27] Okay.
[02:36:28] What's the road?
[02:36:29] What's the road?
[02:36:30] That's fine.
[02:36:31] Sorry guys.
[02:36:33] What's the code?
[02:36:35] There's one sure, bet.
[02:36:37] There's one sure.
[02:36:40] I gave what he almost heard
[02:37:03] I'm a cop this for Christ fuck this fucking story. I'll fuck Asian. I'm it. Oh, yeah
[02:37:18] No! I'm saying this shit!
[02:37:22] You really got this in the wrong place?
[02:37:24] No, where's that?
[02:37:25] In the fucking room, Ron.
[02:37:27] Where?
[02:37:28] In my dressing room.
[02:37:29] Where?
[02:37:30] In the fitting room.
[02:37:31] Oh, look at me like that.
[02:37:34] I can't find a fucking tie, bro.
[02:37:37] Where did you say the ties were?
[02:37:40] I haven't even heard them say anybody's tie.
[02:37:44] You said the ties were over here.
[02:38:01] Wait, what color tie?
[02:38:04] Definitely just black.
[02:38:06] Ties?
[02:38:10] Oh, shit.
[02:38:14] Hold on.
[02:38:15] Oh, one!
[02:38:17] Shit.
[02:38:20] Hold on now.
[02:38:23] Hold on now.
[02:38:25] Oh, wait a second.
[02:38:29] Maybe the tie's next to the belt over here.
[02:38:31] Do I get to have that?
[02:38:40] Not I had it, it's hard.
[02:38:42] I'm still gonna have to smoke fucking shit.
[02:38:47] You said the tie's real weird.
[02:38:48] It's just dumb as hell.
[02:38:49] I put this on as a troll.
[02:38:52] Matt, I should give you a hat.
[02:38:53] You look like that one mysterious person at a funeral
[02:38:57] that's just being a corner, just watching people.
[02:39:19] Buddhist cavemen.
[02:39:54] I'll just walk around here and I'll just keep a low key in your eyes.
[02:40:06] Is this your whole suit or did you get it more?
[02:40:11] I'm dressing the way I want to dress.
[02:40:14] The way I dress is with some swag.
[02:40:17] Good at that time?
[02:40:21] I gotta find a tie.
[02:40:23] I want to try a tie on.
[02:40:25] Oh wait, it's both sides right here
[02:40:27] Yeah
[02:40:28] Yeah
[02:40:28] Get up above
[02:40:31] What do you think?
[02:40:32] I'm gonna get out of here
[02:40:33] What do you think?
[02:40:36] I just found it over here with the funky man
[02:40:39] What's going on?
[02:40:40] Yeah, for sure
[02:40:41] What's your obsession with sexy people?
[02:40:42] How you doing?
[02:40:43] Good, good, good
[02:40:44] Adapts just that too
[02:40:45] I'm not gonna get this
[02:40:46] I wanna try both sides
[02:40:48] Good to meet you, buddy
[02:40:53] Hey, dad
[02:40:54] You're doing a female though, right?
[02:40:59] This is all female
[02:41:03] I feel like you could get this one
[02:41:05] A black bow tie?
[02:41:07] What was that like?
[02:41:12] Where's the blade?
[02:41:20] She's over there.
[02:41:22] Red color.
[02:41:40] Do you want to go there?
[02:41:42] I might just buy this.
[02:41:44] It's like a default kit.
[02:41:46] Default kit?
[02:41:48] No, that's all right.
[02:41:50] You know, he was a very daft little...
[02:41:52] You think so? All black?
[02:41:53] Yeah, where's that head at?
[02:41:54] I'll put it right there.
[02:41:56] What are you... what are you... what are you...
[02:41:58] What are you... what are you... what are you...
[02:42:00] What are you... what are you...
[02:42:01] I'm going to like...
[02:42:02] You know, it's like... you could get like that.
[02:42:04] Like, like...
[02:42:06] It's a... it's a cactus buff.
[02:42:07] Like, you probably would just throw it at him.
[02:42:09] Like, see, like...
[02:42:10] It's not a hell of a mad daft or something like that.
[02:42:12] Well, I'm done.
[02:42:13] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
[02:42:14] I'm tripping, yeah.
[02:42:15] No more of that.
[02:42:16] No, not a hundred one.
[02:42:17] I'm sure.
[02:42:18] So what are you...
[02:42:19] So at least that September paycheck hit.
[02:42:23] Where can I get a pipe at?
[02:42:24] Oh my God, what do I say?
[02:42:26] Young door has worked, but I don't want to slap you with a whip.
[02:42:29] Play the next game.
[02:42:30] Yeah?
[02:42:31] Now I'm going to say fuck you.
[02:42:32] Spit on your jersey.
[02:42:33] Word?
[02:42:34] Fick your every pencil being you.
[02:42:35] Stop saying that shit.
[02:42:38] Fuck your area.
[02:42:39] Fuck your area.
[02:42:40] Fuck your area.
[02:42:41] Fuck your jersey.
[02:42:41] It is fuck your area.
[02:42:42] I spit on your jersey.
[02:42:44] I walk in your jersey.
[02:42:44] I walk in your jersey.
[02:42:45] That's not why I bummed.
[02:42:46] I said spit on your fucking place.
[02:42:47] They all look at me.
[02:42:47] I'm not from all of what New Jersey, man.
[02:42:50] I'm not from all of New Jersey.
[02:42:51] What are you gonna wear with your color?
[02:42:53] What color?
[02:42:53] What color do you want?
[02:42:55] Um, I don't know.
[02:42:57] I gotta see what baby got.
[02:42:59] But this is the ass.
[02:43:00] Yes.
[02:43:00] Like, get out.
[02:43:01] I'm not even gonna see what I'm saying.
[02:43:02] I'm here.
[02:43:03] I'm just gonna get this in case I don't find anything there.
[02:43:06] I'm gonna go change now, and then get this.
[02:43:11] What the fuck?
[02:43:12] I think I have Judy in person.
[02:43:14] All right.
[02:43:15] I know, I'm ugly, I know!
[02:43:17] I'm under 1050.
[02:43:19] Of course he's...
[02:43:25] I don't know what force this is.
[02:43:27] I wish I could watch this.
[02:43:29] 25 minutes 30 minutes ceremony.
[02:44:02] In line.
[02:44:04] The door's right.
[02:44:06] It was over here.
[02:44:08] This with the flat.
[02:44:26] This one might be it.
[02:44:30] A depth?
[02:44:41] A level?
[02:44:44] This one might be it.
[02:44:46] Adapt, stream ended?
[02:44:48] This is actual...
[02:44:50] Adapt in the theater room, they said he's stream ended.
[02:44:55] Let's go.
[02:45:04] Tell him you think we're going to be home.
[02:45:11] We gotta get our nails done though.
[02:45:14] I've been trying to get a couple days.
[02:45:22] I'm not gonna have to get a miles out of here.
[02:45:29] A miles out of here?
[02:45:31] Thank you.
[02:45:33] Thank you.
[02:45:35] Adopt.
[02:45:36] Adopt.
[02:45:46] You see your skin?
[02:45:47] Okay.
[02:45:48] You see your skin?
[02:45:49] Yeah, the rest is too much.
[02:45:50] My skin?
[02:45:51] This is the best.
[02:45:52] I'm not open.
[02:45:53] I'll open.
[02:45:54] I'll open.
[02:45:55] I'll open.
[02:45:56] I'll open.
[02:45:57] I'll open.
[02:45:58] You have much of this?
[02:45:59] I don't know.
[02:46:00] Can't you show it to the people?
[02:46:01] Um, yeah, that's fine.
[02:46:02] I get this.
[02:46:03] I get this.
[02:46:04] I get this.
[02:46:05] I get this.
[02:46:06] I get this.
[02:46:07] I get this.
[02:46:08] I get this.
[02:46:09] I get this.
[02:46:10] I get this.
[02:46:11] You're still in this situation.
[02:46:13] I'm crazy about you.
[02:46:18] I'm just here.
[02:46:35] I'm just here.
[02:46:37] I'm sorry, I'm not training.
[02:46:44] Can you bag up the idea of you?
[02:46:51] I'm not done yet.
[02:46:53] So where are we, baby?
[02:46:55] Yeah, you preach over the house.
[02:46:57] You're a madestino.
[02:47:01] Okay, why are you?
[02:47:03] You're a madestino.
[02:47:08] No, I heard you the first time.
[02:47:10] I'm a madestino.
[02:47:12] What are you doing?
[02:47:13] They're staying on.
[02:47:14] About the blue.
[02:47:15] They're here.
[02:47:16] They're up there.
[02:47:17] They're up there.
[02:47:18] They're here.
[02:47:19] They've got that college dinner.
[02:47:20] They've got it.
[02:47:21] They've got something right here.
[02:47:22] I see.
[02:47:23] No, I know.
[02:47:24] They've got the H3A.
[02:47:26] That's the number.
[02:47:27] That's the link.
[02:47:28] It's good.
[02:47:29] It's good.
[02:47:30] It's a little bit of a green.
[02:47:32] They're down.
[02:47:33] They're down.
[02:47:34] They're down.
[02:47:35] They've got something right here.
[02:47:37] It's got some white felt.
[02:47:39] It's got some white felt.
[02:47:41] It's on the test card.
[02:47:43] You sweet.
[02:47:45] You sweet.
[02:47:47] You sweet.
[02:47:49] You sweet.
[02:47:51] Wait, what are you doing?
[02:47:53] I mean, look at it.
[02:47:55] Look at it.
[02:47:57] Wait, look at it. You should get that.
[02:47:59] Get that over there.
[02:48:01] Get that over there.
[02:48:07] I'm from Pennsylvania
[02:48:09] and no one is scared of someone from area.
[02:48:11] It's always been, it's always been Charlie Homes, huh?
[02:48:15] Yes.
[02:48:16] I'm not a sad gangster, also.
[02:48:18] I'm actually an uncle of Dallas.
[02:48:20] I'm from the island of Texas.
[02:48:23] And I'm a...
[02:48:25] One more thing.
[02:48:36] Stay close to the camera.
[02:48:38] I'm just going to press on here, we also have these two, can you just tell me the price of these two?
[02:48:51] What's going on?
[02:48:53] What's going on?
[02:48:55] What's going on?
[02:48:57] Oh yeah?
[02:48:59] You don't know an island, you're a good kid.
[02:49:01] What's up with your office in the Alcatraz?
[02:49:03] What's up with your island?
[02:49:05] That's the only thing that's actually possible.
[02:49:07] That's the only thing that's possible.
[02:49:09] These areas, that's the only thing that's possible.
[02:49:11] This is fucking happening.
[02:49:13] You're the bigger marinara.
[02:49:15] That's the only thing that's possible.
[02:49:17] I promise, with some of this audience,
[02:49:19] No one in the right
[02:49:52] We get some talloways and things and your string crashed
[02:49:57] She's sweet
[02:50:27] You know, Vanessa?
[02:50:30] I'm gonna go and get my boots.
[02:50:31] I'm gonna get my boots.
[02:50:33] What the hell is that?
[02:50:34] That's good.
[02:50:36] Here we go.
[02:50:37] I'll talk.
[02:50:38] Shout out to 814.
[02:50:39] There we go.
[02:50:40] God, shit.
[02:50:41] We don't have shit?
[02:50:42] Yeah, we're gonna wall them here?
[02:50:43] The fuck is a wall in here?
[02:50:45] You know what it's like to do?
[02:50:46] You gotta explain it, but they got water pucks.
[02:50:48] He doesn't just play penny goods out of the door.
[02:50:50] You're a good boy.
[02:50:52] You're a good fucking guy.
[02:50:53] You're in Pennsylvania.
[02:50:54] Let's look through the number.
[02:50:55] I'll put oil in there, though.
[02:50:56] Let me know about it.
[02:50:58] What's going on?
[02:51:00] What?
[02:51:02] What?
[02:51:04] What's going on?
[02:51:06] What's going on?
[02:51:08] What's going on?
[02:51:10] What's going on?
[02:51:12] What's going on?
[02:51:14] That's fire.
[02:51:16] That's fire.
[02:51:18] You don't know. I'm living in slums here.
[02:51:20] There is no slum, bro.
[02:51:22] You're a slum in the million.
[02:51:24] I don't know.
[02:51:25] Can we go in the house?
[02:51:26] No.
[02:51:27] We can take a seat here.
[02:51:28] Okay.
[02:51:29] Let's go up the chair now.
[02:51:30] I'm the one that gets the balls.
[02:51:31] We can take that.
[02:51:32] You can take that.
[02:51:33] You think they can take the strings up there?
[02:51:34] He's in the line.
[02:51:35] There's nothing, nothing.
[02:51:36] I'm glad you want to leave, sir.
[02:51:37] Yeah, I really do.
[02:51:38] I don't know about this.
[02:51:39] Get out of here.
[02:51:40] You can just sit here.
[02:51:41] You can just sit here.
[02:51:42] You can just sit here until I die.
[02:51:43] Okay.
[02:51:44] You don't mind.
[02:51:45] I don't mind.
[02:51:46] I'm serious.
[02:51:47] I agree at play since you are a star.
[02:51:48] I'm just a star.
[02:51:49] I'm just a kid.
[02:51:50] I'm just a kid.
[02:51:51] Let's just use the guy's bait.
[02:52:07] As a matter of fact, I dare you to pull my hat off.
[02:52:10] Oh, I dare you.
[02:52:13] Oh, we're going back on the trail ground.
[02:52:33] Grooming gals are amazing for suits.
[02:52:41] No, this is their pack of food.
[02:52:44] But we're gonna
[02:53:15] or not. So, Lacey, you want to throw you not fucking with
[02:53:28] all of them?
[02:53:29] I'm telling you, I'm just not a stupid man. I'm not a
[02:53:35] real stupid thing. Hey, I got called all my body on the
[02:53:39] man's heel. I got crabs on the body. I have an eye for
[02:53:50] the cake. Come on, take it. I'm the man of stolen.
[02:53:52] You're my present to the Lord, gentlemen. I'm the
[02:53:54] man of stolen.
[02:53:55] That's what you got on your ass today, right?
[02:54:06] Let me go, the Liz here is nice.
[02:54:21] Oh, I think I got a hot dog.
[02:54:26] Oh, I think it's dead ass.
[02:54:28] It's dead ass right there.
[02:54:30] I got samples.
[02:54:32] I got samples.
[02:54:34] Samples?
[02:54:36] Oh, he said he's dead.
[02:54:39] He said, oh, we won.
[02:54:41] Oh, I think I got a friend too.
[02:54:43] Oh.
[02:54:45] We didn't even try.
[02:54:49] I got my street cat crash.
[02:54:50] All running son refugees give a report back to my chat.
[02:54:53] No, you're not.
[02:54:56] You're not going to speak.
[02:54:58] You're not going to talk about it.
[02:55:02] Well, we're going to list, so...
[02:55:04] We'll be back.
[02:55:05] Thank you, Dave.
[02:55:06] You're going to go, Dave.
[02:55:07] Thank you, Dave.
[02:55:08] Please, go get the fucking house.
[02:55:10] That's the world.
[02:55:11] No cap!
[02:55:15] No, it's really a cap.
[02:55:17] You see that?
[02:55:23] What's the most important?
[02:55:24] Lose a mind.
[02:55:25] I hate that.
[02:55:27] Huh?
[02:55:28] I'm out of here with the place.
[02:55:30] What?
[02:55:31] Oh my god speaking of Arlington speaking of Arlington
[02:55:40] I got a hand.
[02:55:41] How are you, man?
[02:55:42] I'm good.
[02:55:43] I'm pleased.
[02:55:44] Right?
[02:55:45] Um, I'm not all of them.
[02:55:46] I know about the tricks this friend of yours.
[02:55:48] You got a hand.
[02:55:49] I don't even have a cross now.
[02:55:51] I'm telling you, oh, you got to start buying your hands.
[02:55:56] That's it.
[02:55:57] No, you got me.
[02:55:58] You got me.
[02:55:59] How am I going to have?
[02:56:00] Of course.
[02:56:01] You didn't get fitted though.
[02:56:02] I'm sure.
[02:56:03] I'm the biggest fuck.
[02:56:04] I got a 60.
[02:56:05] Is it?
[02:56:06] This is your swear again.
[02:56:07] Yeah, I was here last time.
[02:56:09] Yeah, I was here last time.
[02:56:11] That's what he said.
[02:56:13] You got D-Ros?
[02:56:15] I would get that, Joe.
[02:56:17] Are you the 2010 Chicago Bulls?
[02:56:19] Because you made my D-Ros.
[02:56:21] Oh, now I got one.
[02:56:25] You have big fucking penis.
[02:56:27] Are you Shaq?
[02:56:29] I'll put this one over there.
[02:56:41] That's what you got?
[02:56:43] Of course.
[02:56:52] He's stealing.
[02:56:54] oh he's stealing
[02:57:04] my boy man how you doing
[02:57:08] let's split it up
[02:57:12] Oh, yeah
[02:57:27] Now yeah, I got you
[02:57:29] Now I got you
[02:57:45] I thought that nigga was serious. I thought he actually did another hike.
[02:58:00] Hey, good for luck.
[02:58:15] You don't have office of my side and my head so big.
[02:58:21] New rule, new rule.
[02:58:23] And you don't have a gun bird in the back of the mouth.
[02:58:25] See what I bring there's no problem.
[02:58:29] I don't know like that was a thrill on treatment.
[02:58:33] It's just better to get a fit in or step out.
[02:58:37] Look at this.
[02:58:39] You need a different size.
[02:58:41] That's the worst thing I ever see.
[02:58:43] That's just no good for pity.
[02:58:45] That's too bad.
[02:58:47] See you later.
[02:58:49] Oh my god.
[02:58:51] I got my lips on top.
[02:58:53] We're getting old tiny.
[02:58:55] Alright.
[02:58:57] I'm gonna hit.
[02:58:59] I'm still sketches.
[02:59:01] I'm just gonna get a holding onto it.
[02:59:03] You want a variation?
[02:59:05] No, no, stop it.
[02:59:07] These things are kind of mad.
[02:59:09] I think I found one.
[02:59:11] Let's see.
[02:59:13] What's your password?
[02:59:15] What's your password?
[02:59:17] Yeah, Jason, what's your password?
[02:59:19] Yeah, Jason.
[02:59:21] You got it?
[02:59:23] You got to find the power down.
[02:59:25] You said tough?
[02:59:27] He said he said he's tough.
[02:59:29] He said he's tough.
[02:59:31] He thought he was the only killer there was.
[02:59:33] He said he's tight on my head.
[02:59:35] Oh.
[02:59:37] I'm going to tie this up.
[02:59:39] I have to go bigger than 7, 8.
[02:59:41] I'm gonna try some hats.
[02:59:48] The hats in the middle makes them kind of hard.
[02:59:58] Where to fit is that?
[02:59:59] Where to fit is that?
[03:00:00] Tell me now.
[03:00:01] Put me on.
[03:00:02] Right in front of us.
[03:00:03] Right here.
[03:00:04] This is so fun, bro.
[03:00:06] He's a bunch of what a problem
[03:00:21] Mark you get a new head
[03:00:23] Hey, what's your heart?
[03:00:25] Oh, it's not my size.
[03:00:27] That's not my size.
[03:00:28] That's not Archie.
[03:00:29] Is this a fiddle?
[03:00:31] I just want to start with Archie.
[03:00:32] What size hat size is?
[03:00:34] Oh, I look much harder.
[03:00:36] No, you look mass special.
[03:00:38] I'm good, bro. I'm ready to go.
[03:00:41] This is a mid, no?
[03:00:45] That one's good.
[03:00:47] Mid, more like mid.
[03:00:49] You're not getting that old tiny one?
[03:00:51] No.
[03:00:53] My god.
[03:00:55] They say it's because the rooms are bent.
[03:01:02] I don't want to bend the rooms.
[03:01:04] That is true though. It does kind of look like old school.
[03:01:15] You see even my team, bro.
[03:01:19] Just think about the clothes you wear.
[03:01:21] Some more warmth.
[03:01:23] Maybe a beanie?
[03:01:25] Maybe a beanie?
[03:01:30] Are we out?
[03:01:32] I
[03:01:43] Make his life they don't and then get mad when you don't wake him up. That's because that's the duality of a man
[03:01:47] It's a fuck out of Jerry
[03:02:05] Take it out.
[03:02:07] Negus, don't explain yourself, Negus.
[03:02:09] We all have the model.
[03:02:11] I told you, I said, we could wake you up.
[03:02:13] Nobody would wake up.
[03:02:15] I said, I think nobody would be all tall.
[03:02:17] I said, I said, I said, we could wake you up.
[03:02:19] All in all, nobody would get in my room.
[03:02:21] It's his own room.
[03:02:23] Nobody came in my room.
[03:02:25] He didn't go wake him up.
[03:02:27] I was asleep, bro, but it was him.
[03:02:29] No, but Drew's going to go wake him up.
[03:02:31] Drew is useless.
[03:02:33] You know, you know, you know, you're my number one, number body support, I know you hungry,
[03:02:53] mind, come on.
[03:02:54] I'm only got a lot of secrets I'm wearing these flowers right now.
[03:02:57] Yeah, you can have me.
[03:02:59] Come on, come on.
[03:03:05] What was the, um, did I get a suit?
[03:03:08] Yeah, pretty shitty.
[03:03:10] Yeah, I got suits for the base of that.
[03:03:13] Hey man, I'm getting the mid-ass out, I don't care.
[03:03:15] Yeah, everybody got the same suit?
[03:03:20] Um...
[03:03:23] I'm gonna say true.
[03:03:25] I got a blazer, and I think Ron just got like the under-serts and stuff.
[03:03:36] You guys are matching?
[03:03:39] Oh shit, you could customize it.
[03:03:46] How long does it take?
[03:03:51] How long does it take?
[03:03:53] Can you make your own logo?
[03:03:55] Yeah, these are what people have made.
[03:03:57] How long does it take?
[03:04:00] How long does it take?
[03:04:02] Yo, Dad, you can make a hat.
[03:04:04] You can make a face logo.
[03:04:07] I don't know about the face, but it could be on.
[03:04:09] Dad, look.
[03:04:11] A Spider-Man.
[03:04:13] Excuse me?
[03:04:22] How long does it usually take for like,
[03:04:31] like, 10 to 15 minutes?
[03:04:33] How long does it usually take for like the custom process?
[03:05:06] They got granola bars in here?
[03:05:13] I just realized you can make a fake chrome house.
[03:05:16] Give it to Banks.
[03:05:21] I
[03:05:37] Look do I look like a bag here?
[03:05:41] What about pull it up, what about pull it up?
[03:05:43] I'm getting back into the 821, bro.
[03:05:47] You're getting one?
[03:05:48] I mean, back comes the 821.
[03:05:49] You didn't even see a car in practice.
[03:05:51] I see that.
[03:05:52] You can focus on it.
[03:05:53] You?
[03:05:54] You?
[03:05:55] You just sketch it out.
[03:05:56] Yeah, I'm going to do it.
[03:05:57] I'm going to do it.
[03:05:58] No?
[03:05:59] I'm going to do it.
[03:06:00] Ah, look.
[03:06:01] Okay, do you see it?
[03:06:02] I'm not allowed to think that they see it.
[03:06:04] Because your ears are out.
[03:06:05] I don't know if it's supposed to go over your ears or under your ears.
[03:06:07] I don't know.
[03:06:08] I guess some don't meet the criteria.
[03:06:12] This looks good on him.
[03:06:14] And they all stuck.
[03:06:17] What happened?
[03:06:19] Nothing.
[03:06:21] What do you think?
[03:06:22] Is it?
[03:06:23] I can't get it out.
[03:06:24] I can't get it out.
[03:06:25] Yeah, let's go get Tide.
[03:06:27] We're getting Tide, Tide, man.
[03:06:28] We're waiting for our heads, bro.
[03:06:30] How are you doing?
[03:06:32] We're sitting down.
[03:06:33] Do you want me to back home before I do, bro?
[03:06:35] We're just going to get him dead back.
[03:06:37] Can you do my, keep on my back up?
[03:06:39] Can I get?
[03:06:40] Yeah.
[03:06:41] Try to get my lower right.
[03:06:46] Jump.
[03:06:47] You're in your range almost.
[03:06:54] Hard gear.
[03:06:55] 20 to 100 on my back.
[03:06:56] Can I do it?
[03:06:58] Can you hold the camera?
[03:07:00] Like single straight.
[03:07:08] Oh my God.
[03:07:09] Oh my God.
[03:07:10] I don't know, it was like...
[03:07:12] Oh, I felt all that.
[03:07:14] Oh, thanks.
[03:07:16] You blew your back out.
[03:07:18] I did.
[03:07:20] Buy one, get one, 50% off.
[03:07:23] That was the rule.
[03:07:26] Pull my back, her.
[03:07:28] Am I going to die?
[03:07:30] Why does Drew have a smoot...
[03:07:32] My dad, I'm leaving.
[03:07:34] You heard that?
[03:07:36] I'm walking around.
[03:07:38] You want me to get it?
[03:07:40] All right, I got it, which one?
[03:07:44] This one?
[03:08:20] Oh my god, they do boba.
[03:08:35] Give me one second, man.
[03:08:45] What is it? Cookies and cream smoothie.
[03:08:53] What do you recommend? I don't like tea.
[03:08:56] Is it good?
[03:09:01] I do a mango slush.
[03:09:04] Wait, what do you like?
[03:09:06] Strawberry slush, please?
[03:09:12] I'm so sorry about my dumb-ass little brother.
[03:09:15] We gotta go to Macy's.
[03:09:17] I just want to try.
[03:09:19] I got one more bottle.
[03:09:24] I want to try.
[03:09:25] They're saying they're retired here.
[03:09:27] In the chat.
[03:09:28] And you have three streets right there.
[03:09:30] Get this guy?
[03:09:34] Oh, no.
[03:09:36] He called me.
[03:09:38] He called me, too.
[03:09:40] Yeah, for sure.
[03:09:49] Appreciate you guys.
[03:09:51] Yeah.
[03:09:59] Soon.
[03:10:01] Let's go.
[03:10:03] Let's do it. How are you doing?
[03:10:05] I can take it.
[03:10:07] Thank you, senior.
[03:10:09] You're the worst.
[03:10:15] Have a nice evening.
[03:10:17] Oh, okay.
[03:10:19] What do you get, Jack?
[03:10:20] I want to go get a tie and go help Silky get hits it.
[03:10:29] Hey, I'm sorry to be honest, but I'm just gonna see if I can get a high speed.
[03:10:33] Oh, okay.
[03:10:34] Just got to be clear about that.
[03:10:35] Yeah, I got to be clear about that.
[03:10:36] Okay.
[03:10:37] Yeah, I got to be clear about that.
[03:10:38] We're gonna start recording this.
[03:10:39] Login.
[03:10:40] Can we start pre-reporting footage?
[03:10:42] Huh?
[03:10:43] Can we start pre-reporting footage?
[03:10:45] Uh, talk pre-reporting.
[03:10:46] Any risk of reporting inside the mall?
[03:10:48] I get to start recording.
[03:10:49] Yeah, I know you guys were in another group.
[03:10:53] I'll get you.
[03:10:57] Yeah, I'm excited about that.
[03:11:00] Alright, back to the corner.
[03:11:01] Let's just go to the issue.
[03:11:02] Now let's keep going.
[03:11:03] I'm waiting for my thing.
[03:11:07] And then we're out.
[03:11:09] Look, I don't think you wanted to say that.
[03:11:13] I just never ever put a bag behind you in a mall.
[03:11:17] That's how you get it stolen.
[03:11:21] Buckshaking head.
[03:11:23] There's odds everywhere.
[03:11:25] I'll be careful.
[03:11:30] What'd you get?
[03:11:32] What'd you get?
[03:11:34] What do you like to know, Leatherboy?
[03:11:36] Leatherboy?
[03:11:38] There's nothing unique.
[03:11:42] Should I get on the plane or make a note?
[03:11:44] You know for how young you are, it's pretty impressive how happy you are with the OG culture and internet culture.
[03:11:50] Like, no, I don't think anyone understands that, right?
[03:11:53] When you're like this, do you know what he's talking about?
[03:11:55] No.
[03:11:56] When you're like this, I'm like, hey, this shit.
[03:11:58] Well, you're what, 3-2?
[03:12:00] Yeah.
[03:12:00] 21.
[03:12:01] That's right.
[03:12:02] I'm about to have my age.
[03:12:03] No, you're 22.
[03:12:04] Do you want to get that?
[03:12:05] Yeah.
[03:12:06] Oh, yeah, you are.
[03:12:07] You're 21, man.
[03:12:08] What do you work for?
[03:12:09] It's here.
[03:12:10] Right, it's January 15th.
[03:12:12] Well, that's not to ask.
[03:12:14] No, not to ask.
[03:12:16] It's a type of women, man.
[03:12:18] Yeah, that is, that makes it even crazier.
[03:12:21] MC Ben's in my chat.
[03:12:23] Where?
[03:12:25] Oh, you don't know me.
[03:12:28] MC Ben, shut up, give some subs.
[03:12:32] W.
[03:12:34] W, that's how you do it.
[03:12:36] That's how you do it.
[03:12:38] Is this your symbol?
[03:12:40] Here's that.
[03:12:41] Yeah, we're going to shout out, like, a little bit more incognito, because the
[03:12:46] next time they have to talk to us they're gonna kick us out and I told them we'd be
[03:12:49] chosen. When we're in a bigger group it's a lot easier to see three
[03:12:53] cameraman and three androids and three tripod and all of us can be. So let's just
[03:12:56] go to Macy's and get the shit and go. Come on just try to be incognito or not.
[03:13:01] Maybe take the tripod off?
[03:13:05] What's up bro?
[03:13:35] I just said we were gonna be fucking quiet.
[03:13:47] There's a mark.
[03:13:52] Like keep it low key in your chest.
[03:13:56] How long?
[03:13:58] I'm sorry.
[03:14:05] I know.
[03:14:07] Come on.
[03:14:09] There we are.
[03:14:11] We need to weed her.
[03:14:13] What's up brother?
[03:14:22] That's me.
[03:14:24] The guy and the worker and there's still one at the ticket.
[03:14:37] You should have waved you down at that, but you didn't see him, the guy in there.
[03:14:41] I'm tired.
[03:14:43] I'm already getting the hang of this, I can't see.
[03:14:48] They called me to check the way they spin.
[03:14:53] Why are they saying my right ear? What are you doing?
[03:15:04] What?
[03:15:05] You're basically holding the thing in their ears underneath.
[03:15:08] God, is your ears okay?
[03:15:13] I think your hand's blocking the light.
[03:15:15] The mic is on the side?
[03:15:17] I'm just gonna check it now.
[03:15:22] Oh.
[03:15:29] I'm gonna do like these.
[03:15:30] Oh yeah, we're getting...
[03:15:32] Oh my God.
[03:15:33] Let's just walk a little faster.
[03:15:38] I don't know what happened the rest of the group
[03:15:39] or honestly it's better that we're split up.
[03:15:44] Who are we talking to?
[03:15:47] They're literally like hiding behind buildings.
[03:15:50] It's the worst.
[03:15:50] That's what it really is, yeah.
[03:15:53] It's really very strange.
[03:15:59] Thank you.
[03:16:05] Jay, it's time.
[03:16:09] Oh my god, these aren't too cool.
[03:16:12] Maybe we get one for...
[03:16:13] We'll get the gang goer.
[03:16:14] Maybe get one for someone special.
[03:16:16] Oh, no, I hate my dog.
[03:16:18] Mm.
[03:16:27] Hop on.
[03:16:29] Is it a bagpipe?
[03:16:31] What's a Gingron bagpipe?
[03:16:33] No, that's hard.
[03:16:38] It's not small.
[03:16:39] Look at the hook.
[03:16:43] What was your hook on?
[03:16:45] What?
[03:16:46] Oh, hook disappeared.
[03:16:49] Three pitches, Chef.
[03:16:51] Three pitches.
[03:17:11] I couldn't find the hook.
[03:17:12] I made it for the back.
[03:17:19] Have a look at the hook.
[03:17:20] Hey.
[03:17:22] OK, let's go.
[03:17:23] Hey, you trying to buy us?
[03:17:24] Alright fine, I'll put it back.
[03:17:26] We can get it, you can get it when we're leaving.
[03:17:28] I mean, where were you here?
[03:17:29] Somebody's here.
[03:17:30] I thought you were controlling.
[03:17:31] What the hell?
[03:17:32] What is my girlfriend like?
[03:17:34] Um, I don't know.
[03:17:35] It's your girlfriend, huh?
[03:17:39] Oh, these are hard.
[03:17:46] I'm gonna get a Naruto.
[03:17:47] I don't know what my girlfriend likes.
[03:17:50] I just heard someone behind me say he's a dead.
[03:17:54] What's the tack on Titan?
[03:17:56] Is it over here?
[03:17:57] Do you guys know what's one of these on Titan?
[03:18:00] No.
[03:18:03] I mean, like a plus?
[03:18:04] I don't know, they said she likes to tag on Titan.
[03:18:07] What is this?
[03:18:10] What?
[03:18:11] The green cloak?
[03:18:15] That's Zelda.
[03:18:24] They probably got an action for this.
[03:18:25] He was a spy or something.
[03:18:34] I'm gonna buy the whole store.
[03:18:43] Oh my god, look.
[03:18:47] They're the guy who likes to sit off.
[03:18:49] You're the phase guy.
[03:18:51] Wrong phase member.
[03:18:52] You're only 30 seconds.
[03:18:56] I'm playing this guy, what's this guy?
[03:18:58] Joe.
[03:19:01] He's just scared the fuck out of me.
[03:19:17] You're actually kidding me?
[03:19:20] Nah, y'all are real low-key about it.
[03:19:22] Y'all are so low-key about it.
[03:19:24] I tell you, you're so low-key about it.
[03:19:36] You know my favorite song?
[03:19:37] What is it about the A-bomb?
[03:19:42] You like it?
[03:19:43] You bug with it?
[03:19:47] How's the good one?
[03:19:49] I like the chain.
[03:19:50] Here's your A-bomb.
[03:19:54] Holy fuck.
[03:19:55] That was probably the most like...
[03:19:58] That was painful.
[03:19:59] That was painful.
[03:20:00] probably the most bot reaction
[03:20:07] oh you followed us all the way through the store to say K-Phone like that
[03:20:14] that was a delivery with me man
[03:20:16] the phone didn't hear but I couldn't hear it
[03:20:18] hey did I skip it but I left it on
[03:20:20] but it's like the real thing is like she would have caught it
[03:20:22] you had a little kid that's following you
[03:20:25] really cinnabon
[03:20:26] oh shit
[03:20:27] They hang out and make a problem.
[03:20:32] Oh, they got it.
[03:20:33] People call on you.
[03:20:33] No, you never do this ever.
[03:20:35] Especially when you're shooting.
[03:20:43] I don't know.
[03:20:43] I don't know.
[03:20:44] It's like being publicly like,
[03:20:46] or taking pictures of me, and then other people,
[03:20:48] who don't know who you are, start like trying to figure out
[03:20:51] who you are.
[03:20:52] I usually call it scampies.
[03:20:55] Tell me, there's no reasons for these two little kids
[03:20:57] to be in Macy's.
[03:20:57] I don't know.
[03:20:58] I don't know.
[03:20:59] You guys are like some variation of like a criminal
[03:21:02] situation over here.
[03:21:05] Oh, it's a huge sorry watch, huh?
[03:21:07] Yeah.
[03:21:07] like two shots. Oh my god these chains look so fun.
[03:21:16] Oh it's been so long since I took a break from work. I'm like Silky's coming.
[03:21:29] Hard day at work bro. Why do you have to work in court patients?
[03:21:39] I'm telling you this chat has become so boring bro. They like feel like a cult.
[03:21:52] Sophie? You didn't find anything?
[03:21:59] No, I didn't.
[03:22:00] I think she's got more, they've got more shit in there.
[03:22:02] Sophie, my favorite.
[03:22:04] You want coffee?
[03:22:05] What's up?
[03:22:06] Here you go.
[03:22:10] You didn't think this was gonna happen?
[03:22:12] I told you.
[03:22:14] She only said, uh, they gave you one right here.
[03:22:16] We got a warrant for fucking life.
[03:22:17] You're gonna be back in town when you're two hours.
[03:22:19] And they've been in a band at the moment.
[03:22:21] I've been right out here.
[03:22:22] I've been part of like four times.
[03:22:23] You did?
[03:22:24] Yes.
[03:22:25] I've done this differently, you said.
[03:22:27] Three more times.
[03:22:28] One night? Watch this.
[03:22:29] You didn't even get a suit though, you didn't even get a suit.
[03:22:33] Where did all the other retards come from?
[03:22:35] They're here.
[03:22:36] Wait, this where me and Juan were.
[03:22:38] I spent a lot.
[03:22:39] That was awesome.
[03:22:40] Yes, yes it was.
[03:22:41] It's always nice.
[03:22:42] It's always nice.
[03:22:43] It's always nice.
[03:22:44] It was not this hot?
[03:22:45] No, it's slowly getting really hot today.
[03:22:47] Should we go see if there's been a Seattle?
[03:22:49] No.
[03:22:50] Let's sit on the floor.
[03:22:51] Thank you.
[03:22:52] Good job.
[03:22:53] I'm going to get that.
[03:22:54] I'm going to get that.
[03:23:01] I'm going to get that.
[03:23:02] I have a kid.
[03:23:06] I have a problem with that.
[03:23:08] What do you say?
[03:23:10] Oh, I'm getting fast.
[03:23:12] Are you out there?
[03:23:14] I don't know.
[03:23:16] I'm not raising you, sweater.
[03:23:18] You're raising your snorkel.
[03:23:20] What's your name?
[03:23:24] Oh, you seem to snore.
[03:23:26] I'm sorry.
[03:23:28] I'm sorry.
[03:23:31] You snore?
[03:23:37] What's my name?
[03:23:39] What's my name?
[03:23:40] I got a hundred pants and pants this guy's here
[03:24:40] I don't think it's just you getting on that beam all the time.
[03:24:43] Or go blackout.
[03:24:45] I'm not even gonna fall in.
[03:24:47] This guy's an all fucking weirdo.
[03:24:49] He's kind of strong, man.
[03:24:51] He's like a little loser.
[03:24:53] Why would he lie about the pants?
[03:24:55] He's not big.
[03:24:57] Pretty picture.
[03:25:01] I need a tie.
[03:25:04] Bro, I don't understand why people just like linger.
[03:25:11] Just come at me.
[03:25:13] Okay, Chad, what?
[03:25:15] What's how we look good with all black?
[03:25:19] What's how we look good with all black, Chad?
[03:25:22] Red?
[03:25:23] You want to be different, though?
[03:25:24] You want to be different?
[03:25:25] Yeah, I want to do a color tie.
[03:25:27] Pink?
[03:25:28] We're saying red, gray, red.
[03:25:33] Sexual harassment, full red.
[03:25:36] Some dots on it.
[03:25:38] Oh.
[03:25:39] Some swag.
[03:25:40] Which one?
[03:25:41] Should I get two options?
[03:25:42] Oh, this is kind of fire.
[03:25:44] It's a real red one right there.
[03:25:47] She literally walked all the way around to do that.
[03:25:53] I like Chad, do you like this one?
[03:25:56] Yeah, I think we're looking with it.
[03:25:57] It's a real red one right there.
[03:25:58] You see it?
[03:26:00] Nah, I can see it in a few seconds.
[03:26:03] Nah, I think we'll see if it's up.
[03:26:05] Do you have a family?
[03:26:07] What the fuck?
[03:26:09] What's up?
[03:26:18] Nah, it was just um, why are you looking at my phone?
[03:26:22] Don't do too much, bro.
[03:26:37] You're DTM right now, bro.
[03:26:39] Appreciate you being here, bro.
[03:26:41] Yeah.
[03:26:47] Fucking mom.
[03:26:48] Fucking mom.
[03:26:49] Like, bro, like, Dave's so obvious.
[03:26:51] I've seen him walk in from like five minutes ago.
[03:26:53] He's got all his brain rotting right in front of me.
[03:26:55] Let me look at my chat.
[03:26:57] Actually, I'm PC.
[03:26:59] Actually, I'm PC.
[03:27:01] Go ahead.
[03:27:03] Thank you.
[03:27:04] Why are you here?
[03:27:05] I'm thinking for the tier one.
[03:27:06] All right, chat.
[03:27:07] I have the bright red and then like the maroon red.
[03:27:10] I think they're both kind of a vibe.
[03:27:12] What are they saying?
[03:27:13] They're thinking with the all black too.
[03:27:15] Look at the fuck with maroon.
[03:27:17] Five.
[03:27:18] You want one?
[03:27:19] You want one?
[03:27:20] Five.
[03:27:21] Come see.
[03:27:22] I thought he was calling someone out.
[03:27:25] Come see me.
[03:27:27] Okay, I think my chat fell asleep.
[03:27:30] Oh
[03:27:36] Okay, you're chasley and someone said bright with the VR it I'll just give
[03:27:42] Wait, why don't you get all wrong? No be fine for you should get a bowtie
[03:27:51] Wait wrong did I get get a bowtie?
[03:27:57] I want to be swag on
[03:28:01] Look at his great job. What do you guys think, writer?
[03:28:06] Let's take a look at him. Take a drink.
[03:28:10] No, get a bowtie. Come on, get a bowtie.
[03:28:13] Oh, you're a little mad handsome, though.
[03:28:16] Tell Ron you're trying to get a bowtie.
[03:28:19] Okay, yeah.
[03:28:21] Yeah, get it out.
[03:28:23] While you check out, I'm gonna go over here.
[03:28:25] Let's check it out.
[03:28:27] Hey, watch out.
[03:28:41] Well, did you see him? No.
[03:28:43] I don't.
[03:28:44] What do you want?
[03:28:45] I don't know.
[03:28:48] What's up?
[03:28:49] There's a contact.
[03:28:50] I wish it was there, bro.
[03:28:59] We just had one of those.
[03:29:00] He just had one that came up to me and said,
[03:29:01] I can show you where Duke Dennis Corona is.
[03:29:03] Oh, my God.
[03:29:04] And then he wouldn't leave.
[03:29:06] And then another one went around the whole mall,
[03:29:08] followed me in a dap just to show us payphone.
[03:29:11] I know this is his car.
[03:29:12] That's not a case.
[03:29:13] He frees out from X.
[03:29:15] I have like five hairs. I might put my nails to do it. I might have my docks to do it.
[03:29:33] I'm not committed to it.
[03:29:38] Jack, if you guys like me today, stay.
[03:29:45] I want everyone to make sure they're on.
[03:29:48] You going back?
[03:29:50] Huh?
[03:29:51] Yeah.
[03:29:52] You looking for me?
[03:29:53] Really?
[03:29:54] Yeah.
[03:29:55] Just meeting the parents?
[03:29:56] Yeah.
[03:29:57] Oh.
[03:29:58] Damn.
[03:29:59] What day?
[03:30:00] We were flying back on the first second.
[03:30:02] I wouldn't say that to you.
[03:30:04] Oh, it's seven days. I'll just buy some of those.
[03:30:07] Wait, all you can do is eat after first.
[03:30:10] Yeah.
[03:30:11] I'll just shoot from the front.
[03:30:12] Oh, yeah, I'm not on it.
[03:30:14] Because...
[03:30:16] Yeah, I know why.
[03:30:18] I don't know why.
[03:30:20] Hello.
[03:30:22] No, you guys got me in the second.
[03:30:26] All right, I'll go you out.
[03:30:28] Are you reaching your bottom, corner?
[03:30:30] No, this is...
[03:30:34] How long are you going home for?
[03:30:36] Seven days.
[03:30:37] I really want to just, I want to spread, I want to spread Todd's ashes in my hometown.
[03:30:44] Burger got revived, I heard.
[03:30:51] I don't want to spoil the scene yet, Chad, but I'm pretty sure Burger's revived.
[03:30:54] You could be.
[03:30:57] Yo, who want, yo.
[03:31:00] When I take a flight to New Jersey, y'all are welcome to come.
[03:31:04] I'm going to be spreading Todd's ashes in my hometown.
[03:31:08] Everybody at the checkpoint on them put in the shit back in.
[03:31:12] No, no, we're already at us, you know, I'm going to strike at us.
[03:31:16] Yes.
[03:31:19] I'm going to hit him on the head.
[03:31:21] I'm not welcome to use that.
[03:31:25] That's why I live.
[03:31:26] I'm going to kick him out of there.
[03:31:28] Why do you sound like a tag on your hat?
[03:31:31] Take the door over for this.
[03:31:33] Name is Ed.
[03:31:37] Jesus of the sheen.
[03:31:43] Okay, okay, let's do it again.
[03:31:45] don't from like tips for Dora with raise we get to this angle with one you got a
[03:31:51] point where you play it okay if you play it
[03:31:54] give me my hat
[03:31:56] I'll take that
[03:31:58] give me my hat no give me my hat no my fucking hat for what
[03:32:04] we'll get kicked out we didn't get that for sure
[03:32:09] Miss.
[03:32:11] L-A is real hell haircut.
[03:32:14] Do you suck?
[03:32:17] Dude actually?
[03:32:19] Actually?
[03:32:21] Who am I? Who am I?
[03:32:23] Do wax, wax, wax, wax, wax.
[03:32:27] We both have our moments now. We both have our moments.
[03:32:34] We both have our moments now. We both have our moments.
[03:32:41] Please calm down.
[03:32:43] The red in your face has to...
[03:32:45] The red under your eyes.
[03:32:47] The red is not going to color the body.
[03:32:50] That's your...
[03:32:51] That's how you pull?
[03:32:52] No.
[03:32:53] That's how I pull.
[03:32:57] I don't sell it.
[03:32:58] It's fucking you.
[03:33:03] No.
[03:33:04] Please calm down.
[03:33:05] I get that.
[03:33:09] If I go on a card episode while I lose my fat,
[03:33:12] But you look like a muscle to us.
[03:33:14] You look like a muscle. I don't look skinny again.
[03:33:16] No, but then you look like you're going to be too skinny.
[03:33:18] Then you're going to be skinny.
[03:33:20] Come on now.
[03:33:22] So you're my head like this.
[03:33:24] That's a big body.
[03:33:26] That's me.
[03:33:28] The blood here on your head.
[03:33:30] I think it looks better.
[03:33:32] Sir, you don't want to reach it.
[03:33:34] I don't give a fuck.
[03:33:36] I think you should stay now.
[03:33:38] I would love to touch it.
[03:33:40] No I don't. You should keep the ball.
[03:33:42] I can't see you anymore.
[03:33:48] I think you might have some pretty good sideways.
[03:33:50] But you should keep it long.
[03:33:52] Long, you can't get in my feet.
[03:33:54] You won't stop me.
[03:33:56] I was just serious.
[03:33:58] Obviously again we said that.
[03:34:00] You know we used to play that game a lot of times.
[03:34:02] But instead of like doing the next one.
[03:34:04] We want breast milk.
[03:34:06] Holy shit.
[03:34:11] to him. Nah. Is there any bone in the bone? Oh, that shit like gelatin. You fuck with
[03:34:23] that? Let me see some. That shit like gelatin. Acapella like I'm running on a pelatin. I'm
[03:34:28] a fly like a pelican. I don't know how to do it either. Let me try it. How do you
[03:34:43] You do it, Rob. How do you do it so little?
[03:34:45] Roger, you want this?
[03:34:49] How do you go like this?
[03:34:51] Right?
[03:34:57] Let's do the wave.
[03:34:58] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Send it this way. Send it down this way.
[03:35:02] Wait, let me send it to you. Let me send it to you, actually.
[03:35:05] Ready?
[03:35:06] How you send it to me?
[03:35:07] I'm sending it back. I'm sending it back.
[03:35:12] Send it back. Send it back.
[03:35:15] That was weak. That was a great coming your way.
[03:35:18] Back over here.
[03:35:19] Oh
[03:35:26] The bill is so fucking fire
[03:35:40] Never take a go like
[03:35:48] Come on
[03:35:58] Where'd you go?
[03:36:00] Fuck his roof!
[03:36:02] Who the hell mom in there?
[03:36:04] Jason Mask, Lacey, y'all want to get him his real cake?
[03:36:08] I'm gonna take a sip of the tonneau for a good luck.
[03:36:13] Not a sip at all.
[03:36:15] Wait, hold on, I'm not even in there. I just need to turn around.
[03:36:23] I don't know.
[03:36:24] I've got aura.
[03:36:25] Oh, I'm blocking Lacey.
[03:36:29] He's blocking Argy.
[03:36:32] Where's Suki-san?
[03:37:06] You sure you hear him?
[03:37:10] You know?
[03:37:12] Do you want to press your back down?
[03:37:16] I'm fine.
[03:37:19] I'm going to press your back down a little bit, okay?
[03:37:21] Nobody in?
[03:37:23] Nobody out.
[03:37:25] What did you say, Beth?
[03:37:27] I'm going to say keep the pin, Maud. Make sure it's pinned.
[03:37:35] um voting ends at five make sure to vote me for everything so i went worse for nothing
[03:37:39] let's pitch off everybody
[03:37:53] oh UAVs UAV UAV
[03:37:57] oh yeah hell of a that's a that's an advanced fucking UAV
[03:38:01] Yeah, there's an over of these that on us
[03:38:09] Holy fucking Arlington, what's good twin
[03:38:16] Did you meet him
[03:38:18] Oh, yeah.
[03:38:25] Oh, yeah.
[03:38:30] Why are you making this?
[03:38:33] Oh, that's crazy.
[03:38:38] Yeah.
[03:38:42] All right.
[03:38:44] Yeah, can we just extend our 7-thong? Like, today feels like day one again. I'm killing it, I'm supposed to. I'm feeling energized.
[03:39:04] You're not strong
[03:39:06] Actually, I'm gonna hit you
[03:39:08] No, no, it's on my leg
[03:39:10] Okay, that's what you need to do
[03:39:12] Please, though
[03:39:14] We run the pole
[03:39:16] Yeah, of course, bro
[03:39:18] Jeez
[03:39:20] I think I have enough
[03:39:22] I have to lift myself up
[03:39:24] When we're doing that gymnastic shit
[03:39:26] You're gonna make me have some food
[03:39:28] I can't
[03:39:32] I'm supposed to be
[03:39:36] And then imagine, you dig white Jewish community and then you see Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
[03:40:02] nurses every block brain trovers and g-wagons every corner gated communities
[03:40:07] canning County right down the block it gets wicked past 12 hey make us get
[03:40:16] thrown hey silky I was raising streets who's pregnant
[03:40:43] No way, no way you and Emily are dating.
[03:40:48] Oh my god, that's what he needed, I'm dumb.
[03:40:52] He's dating Emily, he's been dating Emily off-camera for two years.
[03:40:57] We got to go, we got to go.
[03:41:03] You got my brain.
[03:41:06] This is brain.
[03:41:08] No, no, no, no, no, no.
[03:41:11] This shit, this shit's fake decent stuff in his head.
[03:41:15] What are you doing?
[03:41:16] I'm trying to throw up.
[03:41:17] No, no, no, I'm not gonna lie.
[03:41:18] Max is the blue after you.
[03:41:19] You can keep stuff.
[03:41:24] Can you get all this in juices, eh?
[03:41:26] I try to piss.
[03:41:27] Oh my God.
[03:41:28] What's all that?
[03:41:29] I'm gonna throw up fake decent stuff in his head.
[03:41:31] This shit's fake decent stuff in his head.
[03:41:39] You going home?
[03:41:40] I'm trying.
[03:41:41] You gonna go back to Arlington?
[03:41:43] Oh, I talked about it right now.
[03:41:45] Yeah, I'm going back to Arlington.
[03:41:47] Yeah, but...
[03:41:48] Let's get the hell of a draw.
[03:41:49] Let's get him off.
[03:41:50] Wollaberry, the city of Arlington.
[03:41:53] You mean the symbol?
[03:41:55] Yep.
[03:41:57] I need help, mentally and emotionally and physically, bro.
[03:42:07] I need a doctor, I think.
[03:42:09] Yeah, no.
[03:42:10] Is it cool to get a masseuse today?
[03:42:12] You think we could have a masseuse before the awards?
[03:42:15] No, we do it after.
[03:42:16] I'll look you through the book.
[03:42:17] We just have to, we just have to, we just have to, we just have to thug it out.
[03:42:19] On the last day?
[03:42:20] You know, five of us did this.
[03:42:22] We're looking after just thugging out, bro.
[03:42:24] 24 hours left.
[03:42:26] Maseuse on the last day?
[03:42:28] I don't think that would hit unless we all did it.
[03:42:30] Unless all of us did it.
[03:42:32] I would be down.
[03:42:34] I think that's going to be boring on the last day.
[03:42:36] Really?
[03:42:37] It's gonna be an hour of silence.
[03:42:40] Not really, we're gonna stop over here.
[03:42:42] I don't know what we're talking about.
[03:42:44] I mean, if we all do it, it could be funny together,
[03:42:47] but if we all do it, then I said we just dug it out.
[03:42:50] Do the last 24 hours.
[03:42:52] Do like a segment where we're just face down in the sauce chair
[03:42:55] for an hour and a half hour.
[03:42:58] Because like, I mean, it could be fake news
[03:43:01] if you just put this little hot tour for real.
[03:43:05] She don't want to I don't want to
[03:43:14] Where's oh my
[03:43:29] I can't believe I'm laughing at that
[03:43:32] That's not even funny
[03:43:36] Look at here, bro, this is right. It's where you have a cut is that from
[03:43:43] putting the yeah I mean it's it's a pimple that yeah when I had butted the
[03:43:48] camera I scratched up I thought about my hair back I'm not feeling this really
[03:43:55] it's like a mesh color now yeah fuck with that actually looks good
[03:44:00] super fake decent for sure tough as fuck sorry man you should keep thinking
[03:44:16] You did the whole edit where you threw your hair back and like there was water flying and there was slow-mo and like that
[03:44:23] That probably got you a lot of DMs. No, actually straight dick and not DMs.
[03:44:27] Oh, for real?
[03:44:28] Yeah, I can take my DMs in a while, let's say my other DMs.
[03:44:32] You'll put it on the review real quick.
[03:44:35] God damn, how many OS are you subscribed to?
[03:44:38] Hang on here.
[03:44:42] Is it budget bots?
[03:44:43] Group chats, budget bots.
[03:44:46] What are you getting from move?
[03:44:47] I'm a crazy joke. Thank you
[03:44:51] Bro, the 20s
[03:44:53] Bro, I got 100 years history
[03:44:56] Yeah, that issue is not hitting right now
[03:44:59] Are you alive? Does yours look like this too?
[03:45:01] I don't see anyone in the market
[03:45:03] Hold on, huh?
[03:45:04] It's a 13 year old
[03:45:08] Relax
[03:45:09] Let's compare
[03:45:12] Thank you for the 20, bro. Get out
[03:45:14] Thank you, John, for that
[03:45:15] Thank you for your teachings
[03:45:17] It was an asset for some change
[03:45:20] Now you can eat
[03:47:03] Yeah, he didn't even get that.
[03:47:05] He didn't even get that.
[03:47:06] I know.
[03:47:07] I know.
[03:47:08] There needs to be a worse cameraman to work.
[03:47:09] There is.
[03:47:10] Okay.
[03:47:11] I swear I'm one of the voters today.
[03:47:12] I swear I'm one of the voters today, bro.
[03:47:14] Dude, he did his thing last night.
[03:47:16] I doubt he literally would just put me in a cut scene.
[03:47:20] He wasn't in a cut scene, but like a solid cut scene from the main missing of what he was doing this night.
[03:47:24] Well, that seemed pretty funny.
[03:47:26] Here, try it.
[03:47:27] Okay.
[03:47:28] Let's go.
[03:47:29] Who has more drift?
[03:47:30] Laser or Drill?
[03:47:31] Drill.
[03:47:34] Let the chat let the chat vote here later.
[03:47:36] So who kind of looks like Clip's complainin'?
[03:47:38] Fuckin' awesome.
[03:47:40] Fuck?
[03:47:41] Get out of here!
[03:47:42] You made this guy want to hear it.
[03:47:44] Laser's got more.
[03:47:45] Now laser, you can get this one on.
[03:47:46] I fuck with this one.
[03:47:48] Get it laser!
[03:47:50] You better stop playing with you.
[03:47:52] I'm gonna say this.
[03:47:54] Alright can we get out of here?
[03:47:56] We've been here for two years.
[03:47:58] So you want to come?
[03:48:00] Alright let's go.
[03:48:01] It's a dab.
[03:48:02] You've been getting shit.
[03:48:03] I know this personally. I can smell it all.
[03:48:06] Oh, let's go.
[03:48:08] Wait.
[03:48:12] Oh my God.
[03:48:19] Wait!
[03:48:20] This is not him?
[03:48:22] I don't remember who this is.
[03:48:24] No, this is...
[03:48:25] David Beckham.
[03:48:40] No, we don't meet at the crib.
[03:48:42] Me, Betsy, Ron, Niles, and now Lacey.
[03:48:45] Drew.
[03:48:47] He'll come.
[03:48:49] Wait a thong w wait a thong
[03:49:07] $900,000 you want to be the same you want to end up to the same boat you don't need Balenciaga
[03:49:24] What's going on?
[03:49:26] Lacey?
[03:49:29] Lacey was just...
[03:49:30] Yo, he moved too quick, buddy.
[03:49:32] What the fuck?
[03:49:33] Lacey, can you send me a threat?
[03:49:35] So, let's see.
[03:49:37] Yeah.
[03:49:38] Hey, look at that.
[03:49:40] Look at that.
[03:49:41] At H&A.
[03:49:42] No, but look at that.
[03:49:43] You look like Italian.
[03:49:45] I like whole wheat, Lacey.
[03:49:47] Oh, my God.
[03:49:49] Uh, look at that.
[03:49:51] Oh, my God.
[03:49:52] Cornbread, Lacey.
[03:49:54] Oh, I got to take that.
[03:49:55] Oh, yeah
[03:49:59] To the right
[03:50:12] Watch like like I don't understand and they're gonna give they're gonna follow us for like five minutes and then come up
[03:50:19] We're back, we're back, we're back, we're back, we're back, I had to refresh chat.
[03:51:16] Yep, yep, yep.
[03:51:18] It's a top.
[03:51:20] Yeah.
[03:51:26] Here, fix it next time.
[03:51:28] Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
[03:51:30] Everyone carry over here.
[03:51:31] Hold on, what is it, what is it, what is it?
[03:51:40] Oh, I know!
[03:51:42] Yeah, yeah, how you doing?
[03:51:44] There's three chairs right here.
[03:51:49] What is this?
[03:51:51] They followed us up the floor.
[03:51:56] That would tickle.
[03:52:01] That would tickle.
[03:52:04] He's good.
[03:52:07] You guys, should we stop at Balenciaga?
[03:52:22] There's no easy.
[03:52:25] Where's Drew now?
[03:52:34] You're still following us.
[03:52:44] I got it.
[03:53:25] Thank you.
[03:53:27] Let's see.
[03:53:29] We'll see you at the crib.
[03:53:31] Come on.
[03:53:44] Let's go.
[03:53:46] Nice.
[03:53:48] Mm-hmm.
[03:53:50] Ha!
[03:53:59] What was the story about that?
[03:54:01] A guy jumped out into that.
[03:54:03] Fell into a bowl.
[03:54:05] I'm sure some of the live leaders are not artists.
[03:54:07] And he jumped into a bowl,
[03:54:09] and they stuck it in,
[03:54:11] I'm out of a thing to drive.
[03:54:13] I know some of y'all weirdos are.
[03:54:15] I'm gonna go get this car.
[03:54:40] It's out last day of the summer gone.
[03:54:42] Sadge.
[03:54:43] Like the one I called to when we went to Zaddle.
[03:54:45] It was like, it's almost $200 a month right now.
[03:54:48] Rod, um, you wanna wear this on your suit?
[03:54:51] Uh, no hope.
[03:54:52] Dude, it's a sad day.
[03:54:56] We're always in the summer gone.
[03:55:03] Eat two beets, Jerbs, uh.
[03:55:11] Stay full, man.
[03:55:13] Hey, remix.
[03:55:15] remix, remix, I have farm. I'm looking at 812 Ferraris in the past.
[03:55:31] They're still under that slip?
[03:55:33] Yeah. At least my bodies are kind of affordless.
[03:55:40] They made 2023. When did they stop making the 812 Superfast?
[03:55:49] I thought they stopped production of these.
[03:55:52] Can't really see.
[03:55:59] Open the window. Ha, losers!
[03:56:04] That's some
[04:01:53] Fuck
[04:01:56] Thank you for the grab it. No, but you bought us for our house that we're renting right now
[04:02:37] We're just
[04:02:46] Oh fuck.
[04:02:48] No.
[04:02:50] Fuck that.
[04:02:52] We got fucking...
[04:02:57] We got fucking...
[04:03:01] We got fucking twenty-four hours left on the go.
[04:03:03] This is life, it's going on pieces.
[04:03:05] Yes.
[04:03:07] Don't miss.
[04:03:11] Oh fuck.
[04:03:13] It's a toilet rock.
[04:03:15] This is where...
[04:03:17] Oh fuck, in the same room.
[04:03:19] In the emote.
[04:03:23] Yeah.
[04:03:25] Oh.
[04:03:26] Oh.
[04:03:27] Hey.
[04:03:28] Hello.
[04:03:29] Oh, shit.
[04:03:30] Are we ready?
[04:03:31] It's up top.
[04:03:32] We're ready, man.
[04:03:33] We're not falling at home.
[04:03:34] Are we playing?
[04:03:35] Are we playing?
[04:03:36] I don't know.
[04:03:37] I don't know.
[04:03:38] Chief in.
[04:03:39] Ah, we're doing it.
[04:03:40] We're doing it.
[04:03:41] I'm just doing that one.
[04:03:42] Yeah.
[04:03:43] Yeah.
[04:03:44] That's it.
[04:03:45] No one else wants to play.
[04:03:46] It's a great time.
[04:03:47] It's my time.
[04:03:48] It's my bow time.
[04:03:49] That's it.
[04:03:50] That's it.
[04:03:51] That's it.
[04:03:52] Should I put it on the whole day?
[04:03:54] Yeah, let's do it.
[04:03:55] It's a set of clothes on.
[04:03:57] Yeah.
[04:03:58] Wait, no.
[04:03:59] Should I try rockets the whole day?
[04:04:01] No, wait a little bit.
[04:04:03] Is this new?
[04:04:04] Come on, I'll have some swag.
[04:04:05] It'll be funny for the clips.
[04:04:06] No, I haven't.
[04:04:07] You can't get it, too.
[04:04:08] The same kit.
[04:04:09] I've only got the same kit that I got for time.
[04:04:11] Oh, it's all right?
[04:04:12] Yeah.
[04:04:13] Where's my bow tie?
[04:04:14] I think it fits the same.
[04:04:15] What happened to the kit?
[04:04:16] It's my bow tie.
[04:04:17] I know.
[04:04:18] I know.
[04:04:19] I'm just going to put it here.
[04:04:20] I'm sure I can try.
[04:04:21] Hold up. I should have done that, right? I mean, I don't know where it is. It's probably here.
[04:04:29] Here's my back hurt. Come on. Here's what you need to do. Need a massage?
[04:04:39] Not from you, huh? Just make a little drill here.
[04:04:45] How do I do that?
[04:04:51] You want me to hit it?
[04:04:53] One on one.
[04:04:55] Here you go.
[04:04:57] Where?
[04:05:01] Is there any gifts you can use for it?
[04:05:05] Oh it's there.
[04:05:07] Oh my god.
[04:05:09] Pierce just said that there's gifts for face at the end.
[04:05:13] Oh, did he?
[04:05:15] Did he?
[04:05:17] I love him.
[04:05:19] How's your body?
[04:05:19] How's your body?
[04:05:20] How's your body?
[04:05:20] I know next year if I rock.
[04:05:22] Are you going to buy us something?
[04:05:23] No, I was trying.
[04:05:24] Oh, I like beer.
[04:05:25] I like beer.
[04:05:25] I like wine.
[04:05:26] Crumb heart soup.
[04:05:28] Nah, nah.
[04:05:29] I was going to buy it.
[04:05:30] We need to buy it.
[04:05:31] I don't know.
[04:05:34] Y'all should get to everyone else.
[04:05:35] Nobody got us anything?
[04:05:38] I don't know.
[04:05:39] I didn't hear anything.
[04:05:40] I don't know.
[04:05:41] I don't know.
[04:05:42] Sad.
[04:05:42] Just wanted to drop a chat.
[04:05:44] Damn.
[04:05:46] Cheesy rat.
[04:05:48] You didn't just fuck through.
[04:05:51] We look like a fucking sheep park.
[04:05:53] Ohhhh.
[04:05:55] We should put some of that over there in the house.
[04:05:59] Yeah, Chad, where did you see the whole night?
[04:06:03] You're gonna be sweating.
[04:06:05] It's so funny.
[04:06:07] Did you see it?
[04:06:09] You know how my suit is made?
[04:06:11] You ever see the 69 picture where he's like...
[04:06:13] Over here.
[04:06:15] Over here.
[04:06:17] Well, it's super easy, Fred.
[04:06:19] You get a lot of time.
[04:06:20] I get control of what I'm saying.
[04:06:22] No.
[04:06:24] You're a professional martial artist?
[04:06:25] Yeah.
[04:06:26] Cute.
[04:06:27] What do you think he's looking for?
[04:06:28] He's shaking you.
[04:06:29] It's going to be amazing.
[04:06:31] It's oversized.
[04:06:32] It's great.
[04:06:33] It's perfect.
[04:06:34] Do you need it like to be seen?
[04:06:36] You gotta put it in the...
[04:06:38] I can't see how...
[04:06:40] Are you going to be bargaining with Zoom?
[04:06:43] No.
[04:06:44] So how many stars? We started at three at two hours?
[04:06:46] Yeah.
[04:06:47] And seven?
[04:06:48] Yeah, we got that.
[04:06:49] So what are we doing in the meantime?
[04:06:51] We're going to go home.
[04:06:53] Maybe we're going to go out.
[04:06:59] Rob, no more hate.
[04:07:02] That's just recently done.
[04:07:04] I'm getting a lot of ones.
[04:07:11] Yeah, Ray is doing a set.
[04:07:16] Keep going.
[04:07:17] You're throwing your soul ass, huh?
[04:07:19] Do it! Let me see some new ones.
[04:07:21] He's the first try out.
[04:07:35] I'm not gonna get this.
[04:07:37] Get your arm.
[04:07:38] Addison!
[04:07:41] We got to farm content today.
[04:07:53] We got to be the best content today.
[04:07:56] We got to go.
[04:07:57] I'm going to Best Buy.
[04:08:02] I get Best Buy.
[04:08:04] 3.5.
[04:08:06] Let me know in the comments right now.
[04:08:09] Now, y'all find one of the best plates, this, this bathroom for Bob?
[04:08:13] Y'all see this water bottle?
[04:09:26] Got something on your eyelash.
[04:09:28] It's orange.
[04:09:30] It's the cheese puff.
[04:09:32] Holy fuck.
[04:09:54] What do you take?
[04:09:56] They say we should do sleep-ditty segment.
[04:10:02] Oh, I should be getting a rock and cut segment if you're worried.
[04:10:06] I'm a lot worse than me.
[04:10:11] You know, I pay for vulnerable foods.
[04:10:18] I have a big, big content plan today with Lacy.
[04:10:21] Um, very big content.
[04:10:24] Where do you get this picture of you on the ground
[04:10:26] on the DZC?
[04:10:46] Oh my God.
[04:10:48] You're standing there.
[04:10:49] Oh my God.
[04:10:50] That's a big one.
[04:10:51] Oh my fucking God.
[04:10:53] What?
[04:10:54] Dude, tall fucking kid.
[04:10:56] Tall way.
[04:10:59] What did we do that last day?
[04:11:00] Think about it, Chad.
[04:11:01] Do we make real content?
[04:11:03] Or do we farm subs?
[04:11:05] We invite only fan girls over. What do you guys want? You guys let us know in the comments below
[04:11:10] We can farm only fans girls. We can farm subs
[04:11:15] You let us know. Oh
[04:11:19] Best five three point five
[04:11:34] What I'm a tall wow
[04:11:38] I don't think I have that.
[04:11:40] Oh, you know we could do it.
[04:11:43] We haven't done yet.
[04:11:45] Best buy?
[04:11:46] No, basketball.
[04:11:55] That's a wreck.
[04:11:57] Too much for her to leave that one.
[04:11:59] What do you think your content's going to consist of after something?
[04:12:02] Back to normal.
[04:12:04] I really want to do that Valorant thing with you.
[04:12:07] Me too.
[04:12:08] I think the chat, even though they're going to say no,
[04:12:11] or maybe they'll say yes, who knows.
[04:12:13] I think we need some gaming content.
[04:12:15] That's not the way it is, you know.
[04:12:21] That's not a boy.
[04:12:24] Don't you have a sweet-talking idea of this thing?
[04:12:27] Oh wait, they were saying yes.
[04:12:28] I don't remember how old that's been in us.
[04:12:30] What?
[04:12:31] Like after the Celadon, like, I mean, you're chatting,
[04:12:34] I say no, I thought my dad was going to say no.
[04:12:36] I think that marathon thing was the game that we had.
[04:12:39] I think that's actually a good idea.
[04:12:41] What did you ever say?
[04:12:43] Kind of, right?
[04:12:44] I was just saying, we wanted to do,
[04:12:47] Oh, I don't know if we should say him because that person is really upset with who?
[04:12:51] It's a good idea.
[04:12:52] We already said I don't shoot, do we?
[04:12:54] People are going to say Al.
[04:12:56] I don't think we're going to say, oh, I didn't want to like that.
[04:12:59] We basically wanted to marathon, going from gold to a mortal.
[04:13:04] Like me, Jason, Lacey.
[04:13:07] Who were the other two?
[04:13:09] Silkie.
[04:13:13] Rage.
[04:13:14] But, you know, Rage kind of talks on it.
[04:13:17] It was Rage's idea.
[04:13:19] Rage had the idea.
[04:13:21] Who was Max?
[04:13:23] It was Rage's idea.
[04:13:25] It would try to take like two or three months.
[04:13:27] Max didn't want to do it.
[04:13:29] Max didn't want to do it.
[04:13:32] People were saying we should go to a radio.
[04:13:34] That really wouldn't be possible.
[04:13:36] It wouldn't be possible.
[04:13:38] Immortals are perhaps really good.
[04:13:40] But we wouldn't be able to stop until all of a sudden.
[04:13:42] You say, I pray that don't happen.
[04:13:44] Of course, Steve says that.
[04:13:46] Yeah
[04:13:55] We would start getting sniped like crazy, that's what we're making a house
[04:14:00] We would actually have to keep every server so like I don't know what to do right now, bro
[04:14:10] I have no content. This is the first day of the summer. I don't have content
[04:14:16] How long did it take for you to see me go? Oh, I want to do that. I I really I think this is boring to some
[04:14:23] But I'm gonna do this regardless. I want to I want to raise this massive
[04:14:25] How long does it take? I'll try to get four days.
[04:14:29] I can probably prestige twice a day, three times a day.
[04:14:36] I'm gonna do that.
[04:14:41] It's not a couple weeks.
[04:14:51] It's 10 per seats. I can hit these five levels and it's like eight out of this.
[04:14:54] I want to rub my face in the bottom right now.
[04:14:59] I just like test it and they see if that works.
[04:15:02] I'm gonna go now now. Okay, check instead. We're just gonna hang up ourselves to girls
[04:15:07] You guys want to make up still these ideas you hang up yourself to all the things you hang up
[04:15:12] You should go with it. I don't want to do that. I want to do that
[04:15:16] We really you believe you haven't had a lot of something. No, I'm saying let's be the chapter
[04:15:21] Who decided okay? I expected the first exit
[04:15:25] I mean
[04:15:27] guys get the angles right on the screen
[04:15:29] sure
[04:15:30] so being lazy to try holiday
[04:15:32] you guys have to get handled
[04:15:34] okay I named one only fans girl
[04:15:36] I've had on stream
[04:15:37] other than Skagry
[04:15:38] one of the undercomer boys
[04:15:40] I've had none
[04:15:42] I'm just kidding
[04:15:43] you guys can't find one
[04:15:44] Love Island
[04:15:46] Love Island I was in the election the whole time
[04:15:48] I used to go there
[04:15:49] I used to go there
[04:15:50] I used to go there
[04:15:51] I used to go there
[04:15:52] I like
[04:15:54] what are you doing
[04:15:55] I don't fucking do it in 24 hours.
[04:16:33] What the fuck the fuck the shit out of your ass?
[04:16:38] He's not, this is a word I can't say, I told you to stop.
[04:16:52] What happened to the one thing we were supposed to do?
[04:16:55] It started with a B.
[04:16:57] Oh my God, why do we never do that?
[04:17:01] Because Christian was very good.
[04:17:03] Don't shake your head.
[04:17:07] No not butt fuck.
[04:17:17] I think the first thing I'm getting after I put it on the plug is I want to adopt a child.
[04:17:26] I was looking at any hair grew better than your leg.
[04:17:31] You're freaky for a monkey.
[04:17:32] It hasn't.
[04:17:33] I should have put it on my wrist too.
[04:17:34] Oh you're out?
[04:17:35] Yeah.
[04:17:36] Why?
[04:17:37] I should put it in my seat.
[04:17:38] Oh we should just do it.
[04:17:39] We should do a second.
[04:17:40] Alright bro, I'll bring your best self whenever they see me or do a sweet show.
[04:17:48] You gotta get out of there.
[04:17:50] Man.
[04:17:57] Put my head up on my head.
[04:18:02] Oh, Jack.
[04:18:04] What?
[04:18:05] I think it's wrong.
[04:18:06] Huh?
[04:18:07] This is a really strong start.
[04:18:08] Oh, Jack!
[04:18:09] Jason?
[04:18:12] Yeah?
[04:18:13] Where you going?
[04:18:14] I'm going to find the L.A.
[04:18:16] Where are you going?
[04:18:17] What?
[04:18:18] Where am I hiding?
[04:18:19] This one?
[04:18:20] Oh.
[04:18:21] Where am I hiding?
[04:18:22] Seek.
[04:18:23] Ashley?
[04:18:24] Yeah?
[04:18:25] Yeah, you hide and we're going to seek for you.
[04:18:27] I feel like y'all are just telling me to hide and then y'all just never go find me.
[04:18:34] HOT!
[04:18:35] You're freezing so hard.
[04:18:37] Webs.
[04:18:38] While we're in the form.
[04:18:40] I think I do hear.
[04:18:42] You're walking big bags.
[04:19:14] Thanks, EMB.
[04:19:15] You're welcome.
[04:19:21] So, what do you work for today, Oz?
[04:19:29] What's up?
[04:19:30] Nah, that's cool.
[04:19:32] I'll be right right here.
[04:19:37] Oh, Banks is out here.
[04:19:40] Oh, no way, top 10 oral moments.
[04:19:47] Get this.
[04:19:51] I'm gonna ask for four more after this to get ready.
[04:19:53] I'm down to do a best buy.
[04:19:55] Jesus, he's sexy.
[04:19:57] Fuck you.
[04:19:58] What?
[04:19:59] He thought I was strong on it, baby.
[04:20:00] I actually thought I was strong on it.
[04:20:10] They thought I was strong when I said I want this baller.
[04:20:28] It loses like a year and a half ago.
[04:20:37] Oh, man.
[04:20:38] It's a good one.
[04:20:39] It's a good one.
[04:20:40] It's a good one.
[04:20:41] It's a good one.
[04:20:42] It's a good one.
[04:20:43] It's a good one.
[04:20:44] It's a good one.
[04:20:45] It's a good one.
[04:20:46] It's a good one.
[04:20:47] Yeah
[04:20:53] Yeah, bro, let's go with you
[04:20:57] All you really give me
[04:21:01] Oh
[04:21:13] Okay, what's your city?
[04:21:22] 7 years
[04:21:24] Oh my god
[04:21:26] I lived in a fence over a while
[04:21:28] Like Westchester?
[04:21:30] No Westchester?
[04:21:32] Westchester is a fence over 8 years
[04:21:34] Westchester is a fence over 8 years
[04:21:36] Yeah
[04:21:38] Westchester is a
[04:21:40] What do you mean what?
[04:21:42] What do you mean what to me?
[04:21:44] Westchester is in New York now
[04:21:46] Bop
[04:21:48] Westchester is a nice town
[04:21:50] I
[04:21:52] See what's just as in New York
[04:22:00] Okay, I know where Cherry Hill is that's a sweet
[04:22:07] That's no where Cherry Hill is Cherry Hill mall. It's just not sweet over there
[04:22:48] Yeah, well some of it was on
[04:24:13] You fucking fan can't even touch with yourself.
[04:24:17] I'm hosting fucking fan contests.
[04:24:23] You shouldn't have gone to Category 1.
[04:25:29] Small fuck is me acting like I need to look at the hoop when I shoot.
[04:25:31] No the fuck I don't.
[04:25:33] I need to look at that hoop to make the fuck the shot.
[04:25:43] No the fuck I don't.
[04:25:45] Let me try, let me try, let me try it.
[04:25:47] I need to look at the hoop if I'm trying to get the shot.
[04:25:55] No the fuck I don't.
[04:25:57] How y'all look back up?
[04:26:01] The problem is all y'all look back.
[04:26:03] The thing is about me, I don't even need to look back.
[04:26:05] You don't have to look at the roof to make the shot.
[04:26:14] You got to feed the roof.
[04:26:25] Don't look at the roof.
[04:26:26] Oh my God, I'm old.
[04:26:32] I'm old, bro.
[04:26:33] You're going to go like this.
[04:26:40] Oh my God.
[04:26:44] Look.
[04:26:45] Sometimes you don't even have to look at the roof to feed the roof.
[04:26:46] Run inside.
[04:26:47] Just like that.
[04:26:48] Sometimes you don't even have to look at the hook to beat a hook.
[04:27:02] Run it's back! Just like that!
[04:27:10] I knew it was coming and I said it's still cracking.
[04:27:20] It's just way too late.
[04:27:22] Oh, Stash, help me up. Help me up.
[04:27:24] What's going to happen?
[04:27:26] Are you going to drink later tonight?
[04:27:28] No.
[04:27:29] No, no, no.
[04:27:30] Thank you.
[04:27:31] No, no, no.
[04:27:32] Give me that.
[04:27:33] Think about it.
[04:27:40] Hey.
[04:27:41] Hey.
[04:27:42] Stay the way.
[04:27:43] Oh.
[04:27:44] Who missed it?
[04:27:48] Who missed it?
[04:27:49] How did you see that?
[04:27:58] I think I got a rash, bro.
[04:28:00] Oh, what did you say?
[04:28:02] End of the fun, yo!
[04:28:07] When I dip you dip, we dip!
[04:28:09] Should we do that six hours?
[04:28:10] What is it?
[04:28:16] What?
[04:28:18] You want to take that?
[04:28:19] What?
[04:28:19] You want to take that?
[04:28:20] No, I'm on a diet.
[04:28:21] And I ate, ate, ate.
[04:28:23] I got my PDF in psychology.
[04:28:24] Even the salad?
[04:28:25] To everything else.
[04:28:26] I got my PDF in psychology.
[04:28:28] Wait, what do I get?
[04:28:29] PDF?
[04:28:29] No, I'm on a diet.
[04:28:31] I'm actually eating.
[04:28:31] Yes, I eat.
[04:28:32] We're not gonna be yet
[04:28:39] PSD flopper that's a fucking perk
[04:28:48] My god who got PhD flopper on buried where you dolphin dive on the first box there's where you go on the side
[04:28:53] We can draw it. Yeah, and you get it for free and you get it for free. Oh my god. It's a very good
[04:28:57] I don't know how to do that this time.
[04:28:59] You get the phone emotional.
[04:29:01] Okay, let you order.
[04:29:03] Do you guys ever do this?
[04:29:21] Here's how you activate this.
[04:29:23] Huh?
[04:29:28] It's farting.
[04:29:30] Is that you?
[04:29:32] No, no, no, no.
[04:29:34] It's literally like she's there ever.
[04:29:38] These hurt? How do you undo this?
[04:29:49] This should be like a latch.
[04:29:53] Please don't.
[04:29:59] I'm gonna do all this shit this wasted not gonna get into these Rockins a retard
[04:30:23] What?
[04:30:24] No, I did you a rockin. I'm attorney shit
[04:30:31] For yeah, cuz he said this we should want to do this and I'll let you pay for drew
[04:30:41] More
[04:30:43] Tell you what happens, like, I had the most smart person ever.
[04:30:49] Where is Ross?
[04:30:50] You know, he's by sitting up to his end of chair.
[04:30:52] You see what you're doing with that?
[04:30:53] Go to the bottle room, bro.
[04:30:54] Wait.
[04:30:58] Oh, fuck no.
[04:31:02] I thought I was going to bounce there.
[04:31:04] I'm going to go to the bottle room.
[04:31:06] Oh, I thought I was going to go to the room.
[04:31:08] I need to get 40 bucks.
[04:31:09] Yo, you want to go to the best one?
[04:31:11] I'm not going to go to the best one.
[04:31:12] You said you were going to form.
[04:31:13] I get a clear that I'm going to form.
[04:31:15] You're welcome to come.
[04:31:16] Okay
[04:31:19] That's that you're coming out easy. They see
[04:31:26] They see
[04:31:31] Come on stop being a knucklehead. Don't be a freaking dinghy fucking done. You got
[04:31:40] I'm telling you
[04:31:42] I've been banned.
[04:31:43] Yeah, you've been out of the holocaust.
[04:31:45] Oh, fuck.
[04:31:47] Yo, jump off.
[04:31:49] Coming up.
[04:31:50] Come on.
[04:31:53] You're invited.
[04:31:55] I'm noticing a pattern on.
[04:31:58] Every time you say you want to go to Best Buy,
[04:32:01] you are about to leave until I say I'm coming.
[04:32:04] I invited you at the mall.
[04:32:06] Dumb shaking.
[04:32:07] Whoa.
[04:32:08] Tensions are definitely rising.
[04:32:10] We got a Lacey.
[04:32:11] We got stable Romaine.
[04:32:12] Romaine's down.
[04:32:13] Who?
[04:32:14] to come out for the Best Buy trip.
[04:32:16] Adat, for Drunk Up on Part 3, this is the last day of the 7th one, I'm going to get more
[04:32:21] drunk than I was supposed to.
[04:32:22] Every five gifted.
[04:32:23] No, not a lot.
[04:32:24] Unfortunately, we are not allowed to do gifted subs for shots anymore.
[04:32:31] I'm not doing that, no.
[04:32:32] I'm not allowed to do that.
[04:32:36] Drunk Up on Part 3 sounds insane.
[04:32:40] Let's go though.
[04:32:41] Let's do it.
[04:32:42] I want to die again, I had to stand Jeff, because I had to stand Jeff from Saddle, let me make sure it's gonna be there.
[04:32:53] Yeah, he asked me for your number last night at like one in the morning.
[04:32:55] Because Lacey got up from the table and he's like I'm going to the bathroom and I just see in my peripheral, he came walking down Sunset again.
[04:33:03] Like literally like like a just by himself completely across the scene and everything in like two minutes
[04:33:11] He got that because I was like I'm going bathroom
[04:33:13] He and silk you're sitting here eating
[04:33:16] I forget who was filming, but they were like is that what he's gonna turn around he's walking across the street
[04:33:24] So you're gonna go for subs you don't want to come
[04:33:27] This is your last chance. Do you want to come?
[04:33:29] Can we wait till my trip gets here?
[04:33:35] It just got here. I'm down to go.
[04:33:37] What's that, you want to go?
[04:33:40] I'm trolling.
[04:33:44] That was a good one. That was a good one.
[04:33:46] Yeah, let's go. Let's go.
[04:33:48] There's no cameraman can't come.
[04:33:50] Cameraman can't come for this.
[04:33:51] This is how it works.
[04:33:52] Cameraman can now come.
[04:33:53] This is not the best way I work.
[04:33:55] So whose phone do you guys want to go?
[04:33:57] Mine.
[04:33:58] Mine is done.
[04:33:59] I can't bring my phone?
[04:34:00] You can if you want, but you have to go to solo.
[04:34:02] go solo. Now why would you, why would you be doing 2PLV?
[04:34:06] You know what Chuck? Keep saying no us every time. We've done this four times now.
[04:34:10] It's up to you. It's up to me what? You know what I'm not. It's a really big
[04:34:14] guy. You've asked me six times I've heard that every time.
[04:34:17] I'm saying it's your camera. You listening? I guess you're just gonna be there.
[04:34:24] This is the best guy to shit get real. It gets real. Like, I'm talking like stupid
[04:34:28] real. That shit gets really real. Like I'm not laughing. This is for, this is a 3.5.
[04:34:34] Can we go though? We're gonna go. We got a bus at play at like three o'clock.
[04:34:39] Is that Best Buy you guys go through?
[04:34:41] Yeah.
[04:34:42] Every Best Buy we need to go.
[04:34:46] Once we pop out and drop a new location,
[04:34:49] new Best Buy we're...
[04:34:51] Discover a new part of it.
[04:34:52] Should we go in our suits?
[04:34:54] They don't want clips. They don't know how the fit talks they work.
[04:34:59] You want to go in suits? You go in suits.
[04:35:01] So we all fucking wear our suits to Best Buy?
[04:35:04] Actually, that's a pretty fucking good idea.
[04:35:06] You know what I thought?
[04:35:07] Wait guys, where are our fucking suits to best buy?
[04:35:10] Are you guys down? Are you down?
[04:35:13] Well, I'm just visualizing this in my head, let's fucking do it.
[04:35:18] Macy, you coming?
[04:35:18] What did he say?
[04:35:20] He said fuck you.
[04:35:25] Wait, let's put our suits on. Wait, but then we're gonna guess. Nah, fuck it.
[04:35:29] Suits? Suits? What's Chad saying? Suits for...
[04:35:32] Suits are begging for substance part five.
[04:35:35] I'm that VIP wheel part 18 chat. We're giving away a VIP.
[04:35:45] Just saying suits.
[04:35:47] Let's go. Get changed man. This is your little road. I need you to get off your ass. It's the last
[04:35:53] day of the steppathon. Rockin' city in Jameson's room is fire.
[04:36:00] Let's catch him. I've got two of those in his bacon cup.
[04:36:21] I lose money more. What are you doing in the room?
[04:36:36] Why is it people you're not returning
[04:36:43] Why is it people missing
[04:36:54] Okay, we need the money
[04:36:56] What's that?
[04:36:57] It's like water.
[04:36:58] You can't return it up.
[04:36:59] It's a music.
[04:37:00] It's paintball.
[04:37:01] Paintball is ready to shoot.
[04:37:02] It's shooting right here.
[04:37:03] But I didn't use it.
[04:37:06] It was already open.
[04:37:07] So who opened it?
[04:37:08] We used it.
[04:37:09] That's it.
[04:37:10] We can shoot things when we want it back.
[04:37:13] You can't return it.
[04:37:14] You can't return it.
[04:37:15] You still have paintball guns.
[04:37:16] You're going to do it now.
[04:37:24] But they look like they're all black.
[04:37:26] Like they're chemists.
[04:37:27] I know it's all filled with paint.
[04:37:29] So they're going to spray paint it.
[04:37:31] How much was the paintball gun?
[04:37:37] How many do we buy?
[04:37:39] Four.
[04:37:41] What's the math?
[04:37:43] 600?
[04:37:45] 600 dollars a month is like your paycheque.
[04:37:47] How much is that?
[04:37:51] And how much does one pay to balls?
[04:37:53] I don't know. In total everybody owes $277.
[04:37:57] $277 times six?
[04:37:59] Is that times six?
[04:38:01] Six people.
[04:38:03] Four people.
[04:38:05] So what is that?
[04:38:07] They're off the place like half of what you would call a big ol' Ethan's taggy.
[04:38:12] What's the pain in the ear?
[04:38:14] That's how these people think Jesus come, but they're like L2.
[04:38:23] They're like L Boss.
[04:38:28] I'm all dirty. I'm dirty. I'm reading these things like,
[04:38:30] is he serious? Is he serious?
[04:38:32] Two hundred and nine.
[04:38:34] We have the 45th day. Come on.
[04:38:36] Lights, lights.
[04:38:38] Two hundred and nine. Two hundred and nine.
[04:38:40] Numb and...
[04:38:41] Do you want to sing?
[04:38:57] That was a song. It was like one point.
[04:39:00] I'm a little bit comfortable around here. Now I'll sing.
[04:39:05] Yeah, you got a voice.
[04:39:07] I'll sing.
[04:39:08] Why don't you sing?
[04:39:15] Sing while I'm comfortable or something.
[04:39:23] What do you mean comfortable?
[04:39:25] It's really comfortable.
[04:39:29] You seem like, you know, you just can do whatever.
[04:39:33] And there's no repercussions.
[04:39:35] I don't know. I'm not understanding what you mean.
[04:39:42] You stay right here.
[04:39:48] Don't move.
[04:39:54] Why does somebody in the task say finally that did he segment?
[04:39:57] What does that mean?
[04:39:59] What does that mean? What's about to happen?
[04:40:02] Run?
[04:40:03] Only place out there.
[04:40:11] What do you have again?
[04:40:12] Oh, I don't know what I'm talking about.
[04:40:16] I don't know what I'm talking about.
[04:40:18] Why do you have a gun?
[04:40:19] See, you should have done this with Rockin.
[04:40:21] Why do you do this with Rockin?
[04:40:24] I'm talking to you.
[04:40:25] I'm talking to me.
[04:40:26] So what made you film other people today?
[04:40:31] When did I film other people?
[04:40:36] No, no, no. We were at the mall. We weren't on the other person.
[04:40:41] What was the cat?
[04:40:44] I was like a whole time at the mall.
[04:40:46] There's cat. Only when you went on the line.
[04:40:50] Because I'm trying to keep the chat.
[04:40:53] What?
[04:40:54] Oh, Banks is here, Banks is here.
[04:40:56] Where were you when I went to your dad's room?
[04:40:58] I went to go to his room.
[04:41:00] And that was in his room.
[04:41:02] So he went in there for no reason.
[04:41:04] So, and that actually came up to me, Jason, when we thought Banks was in the living room.
[04:41:09] So, you went in Banks' room for no reason.
[04:41:11] That was like 30 seconds of no content.
[04:41:13] I'm trying to get content to the chat.
[04:41:15] Thanks for your welcome.
[04:41:17] See you in a minute.
[04:41:19] I got off good.
[04:41:22] Let's fuck you up.
[04:41:28] I'm not a dick.
[04:41:30] I'm not a dick.
[04:41:32] We're gonna be in still pain too.
[04:41:38] We're talking.
[04:41:40] Roger.
[04:41:42] Grant's colleague.
[04:41:46] Yeah.
[04:41:51] You see, bro?
[04:42:11] You see?
[04:42:14] Okay.
[04:42:32] We're talking about time.
[04:42:40] We're talking about time.
[04:42:42] Talk to you, roger.
[04:42:44] You know, a lot of things recently say, oh, I want to eat food.
[04:42:49] You think we eat all the job, Rockin?
[04:42:51] No, sir.
[04:42:53] I was getting pressure, say, where were you?
[04:42:55] Hiding.
[04:42:56] Hiding.
[04:42:57] You were hiding away from everyone.
[04:43:03] All these Uber chargers, all these things that we didn't even know what it was, Rockin.
[04:43:08] Well, that was from the mukbang, but if you eat it,
[04:43:11] why are you going to do the mukbang with five sacks?
[04:43:14] It's Indian food.
[04:43:15] And that was the fifth time you've done this mukbang bullshit, let's talk about your mukbangs, okay?
[04:43:21] First mukbang, you mean you gathered up everyone the first couple days in.
[04:43:26] So fucking fucking fucking bullshit!
[04:43:29] There was five fucking items, and it was one item each.
[04:43:34] Let's talk about that.
[04:43:36] And then the next time you did it, you did the stupid shit, bro!
[04:43:41] That one did it.
[04:43:43] No it didn't. It was shit.
[04:43:45] And then you gave me 7-Eleven Aspire!
[04:43:48] My corner's a disguise.
[04:43:58] You why are you acting like that?
[04:44:02] I was like,
[04:44:03] Oh man, one thing you said,
[04:44:05] Don't lie to me. I was like,
[04:44:07] It's fine.
[04:44:08] See, why'd you hit me?
[04:44:09] You're sitting in that chair all the way along.
[04:44:14] Yeah, you're not going to see me working on it.
[04:44:16] Ron, this is the last day.
[04:44:18] I know, no, I'm not like a segment.
[04:44:20] See what we're working on?
[04:44:24] all the receipts and everything, people owe you,
[04:44:27] um, house damages, the links,
[04:44:30] for the cards, um,
[04:44:33] every payment ever, on your card,
[04:44:36] all the segments, self-payments,
[04:44:39] nobody else has done that.
[04:44:41] Friendlies aren't doing that,
[04:44:43] crew's not doing that, just me.
[04:44:45] All by myself.
[04:44:58] So what am I going to do, Brock, in this house?
[04:45:00] Out of the house?
[04:45:06] Exactly.
[04:45:07] I don't know anything that's the right answer. I was ready more
[04:45:10] Now they come to us and I said that they say you owe this what would I owe?
[04:45:15] No
[04:45:20] The actual amount now I need
[04:45:24] Okay, where
[04:45:28] You're free to go
[04:45:47] catch you
[04:45:48] Leave some bullshit the last fucking day
[04:45:51] Hey, it's over. Now get out. Open the door, leave me!
[04:45:56] I'm not done. Can you clean my feet?
[04:46:18] Yag, I clean yag.
[04:46:20] That's my job. Keep the camera ready.
[04:46:28] Stay in that corner.
[04:46:50] I see chat. Don't chat any of these patients.
[04:46:53] Yeah, I'm chillin'. I'm chillin'.
[04:46:55] So what happened last night when you guys woke me up in my slumber?
[04:46:59] oh fucking someone went on a silky's PC and gifted gifted Jason five and he
[04:47:05] thought it was us it came in the room while we're about to go to sleep he
[04:47:09] just let us up basically what you're doing but it was ten I should have ten
[04:47:14] times worse he's he really let the the whole clip fly on me I'm fucking
[04:47:19] already wait before before you do that I did see while you was
[04:47:30] Target and rocking that we did get 10 subs
[04:47:37] If I leave fucking Suki was doing the same shit
[04:47:46] You're on that camera
[04:47:48] can we get 10 subs?
[04:47:50] I'm gonna send it!
[04:47:52] you f**king ready?
[04:47:54] tell me if we get 10 subs or we get a shot
[04:47:56] please 10 subs
[04:47:58] it could be ones, all the ones matter
[04:48:00] remember? all the ones matter
[04:48:02] all the ones, y'all see and run
[04:48:04] I don't gotta run, I just get the 10 subs
[04:48:06] c'mon
[04:48:11] HOLY SHIT
[04:48:13] GORS with that 25
[04:48:15] get there
[04:48:19] that's what the 10 gives
[04:48:21] I said 10 not 20.
[04:48:25] No!
[04:48:26] You get the 10.
[04:48:27] You get the 10.
[04:48:28] You get the 10.
[04:48:29] You got how times work?
[04:48:31] Uh...
[04:48:32] How does the bow tie have like...
[04:48:39] How does this tie on me?
[04:48:41] I don't know how this works.
[04:48:42] You're not gonna lie.
[04:48:43] Dad, put this tie on me.
[04:48:44] How do you get this on me?
[04:48:47] I don't know how to do it.
[04:48:48] Well, bow tie you can put it on me.
[04:48:49] Do you have a white beater?
[04:48:50] Yeah, I'll go thank you for the one sub.
[04:48:52] Thanks for the extra one.
[04:48:53] I'll go thank you for the re-sub.
[04:48:55] And go thank you for the 25.
[04:48:57] You're gonna go, you said Jason knows.
[04:49:04] You said Jason knows, it's all right, man.
[04:49:07] Let's move.
[04:49:09] You ready?
[04:49:10] I gotta get a tie on.
[04:49:12] No, it's a fucking bow tie.
[04:49:14] I don't even know, it's a bow tie.
[04:49:16] You got it?
[04:49:17] I don't know how to get it off.
[04:49:18] I don't know how to get it off.
[04:49:19] What?
[04:49:20] You pick it up, and I'll pick it up first.
[04:49:23] How you gonna figure out how to get it off?
[04:49:26] I'm gonna try to get it.
[04:49:28] Let's go to Jason's, and I need a thing on her.
[04:49:30] I'm catching all the angles, all the reactions.
[04:49:52] What's your reaction?
[04:50:08] What's your reaction?
[04:50:10] I was just asking, why are they putting a yellow blue in hands?
[04:50:18] What did you talk about?
[04:50:20] Nothing, I think they just like that email.
[04:50:22] I would check the bar.
[04:50:26] What happened? What did you talk about?
[04:50:41] I think Jason wanted to prove it.
[04:50:45] Oh, you did?
[04:50:53] You're gonna make him take his orders?
[04:50:56] When you want to get recorded to the stable, I make sure everything is proper.
[04:51:05] My team gets proper, they act proper.
[04:51:08] And we're over here showing our bank accounts to the audience.
[04:51:11] Can I trust you even?
[04:51:13] I didn't show it to you.
[04:51:15] But you came in here trying to.
[04:51:17] Absolutely.
[04:51:18] I'm looking for Ron.
[04:51:19] I'm looking for Ron.
[04:51:20] I'm only working for anybody else.
[04:51:26] I've been watching for a long time.
[04:51:28] What's something you love about Ron?
[04:51:30] Oh, an audience love.
[04:51:30] What do you love about a audience love?
[04:51:32] Yeah.
[04:51:32] I love him.
[04:51:34] I love how funny he is and how cute he is.
[04:51:37] What he does for you.
[04:51:40] He makes sure that I'm situated, always sends me money if I need it, you know, all the
[04:51:47] blueberries, everything.
[04:51:48] I never have to, never have to worry about anything when we're on flights.
[04:51:53] Yep.
[04:51:56] Everything, so.
[04:51:57] So I love Ron.
[04:51:58] I love you.
[04:51:59] What's your head down?
[04:52:00] Yeah.
[04:52:01] Oh, is that what you did?
[04:52:02] No, I did not do that.
[04:52:05] That we did?
[04:52:06] 30 seconds for me.
[04:52:07] You got him.
[04:52:08] This is why you can't work for him.
[04:52:09] He's cool.
[04:52:10] You got him, this is why you can't work for him.
[04:52:14] He scored you 20 seconds of a clip.
[04:52:20] And last, fetch me a white tee like this
[04:52:24] in the next 30 seconds.
[04:52:26] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 13,
[04:52:41] 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
[04:52:51] Why do you not have none?
[04:52:52] The streets are saying there's some adjacent to them.
[04:52:55] 46, 27, oh.
[04:53:01] You better find one for the time I get!
[04:53:15] He's a fucking idiot.
[04:53:17] He better not.
[04:53:18] He's good.
[04:53:19] See what you do.
[04:53:21] Fuck this shit.
[04:53:31] What the fucking gun?
[04:53:32] Company center is important.
[04:53:40] We're going up, but not that bad.
[04:53:51] I'm going to have it head.
[04:53:52] I'm going to have you two worked up.
[04:53:57] It's a Chinese town.
[04:54:04] You got to look too long.
[04:54:06] I'm just going to shoot.
[04:54:08] Go!
[04:54:13] Okay.
[04:54:14] This is a hurry.
[04:54:15] I'm going to get the fuck out of here.
[04:54:22] So who do you work for, Rockin'?
[04:54:23] I work for Stable Ronaldo, LLC.
[04:54:26] Good.
[04:54:27] Well, you do.
[04:54:28] If Brockett wants longevity, if he wants to see good money every month,
[04:54:40] then he needs to keep up to date with everything that changes.
[04:54:44] It's not enough.
[04:54:44] Coming into the Chinese side, that's going on the resident.
[04:54:50] Huh?
[04:54:51] That's going on the resident.
[04:54:58] You know what?
[04:55:01] Every time he looks at me, it goes on the resident for dollars,
[04:55:05] and every time he's at me, it's three days pushback of when you get paid.
[04:55:12] Your next paycheck is February 18th, 2025.
[04:55:18] Okay.
[04:55:20] I'm just fine.
[04:55:22] I'm fine with me.
[04:55:24] Okay.
[04:55:26] You thought that was going to reduce it?
[04:55:28] MC Ben is in the chat.
[04:55:30] MC Ben, my mom's here, my mom's here.
[04:55:33] Oh, my God.
[04:55:35] We just thought this was an exercise that could be a little small, but I don't know how to smoke it.
[04:55:50] Oh, they're saying W Boss, W Jill, as long as it's a W Boss, Gaffer Boss, Rockins League if you need help.
[04:56:00] No idea.
[04:56:01] I did it.
[04:56:02] I don't think it's long enough.
[04:56:04] It's not a school to do it.
[04:56:07] MC Ben said stop.
[04:56:10] MC Ben, you just scored him five shots.
[04:56:16] Maybe put this tie on him.
[04:56:18] They say you know how to tie a tie.
[04:56:19] I know.
[04:56:20] How about a tie?
[04:56:21] How do you put a ball?
[04:56:22] Pull it up.
[04:56:28] Ah!
[04:56:29] Come on, you figure it out.
[04:56:30] Let's go.
[04:56:31] We're going to go.
[04:56:32] I need to pull it up.
[04:56:33] Just drop this shot.
[04:56:34] Okay, come on.
[04:56:35] No, wait.
[04:56:36] Just cut it off.
[04:56:37] put this on. It's a bow tie, right?
[04:56:41] You work for a state-of-the-art auto-enlightened?
[04:56:43] I don't want to fucking open this, I don't want to be a fucking child, just put the bow tie on.
[04:56:47] Oh, you don't have to figure out that, huh?
[04:56:48] I'm gonna open it up.
[04:56:50] Oh, it's just a sit-time here.
[04:56:51] Do we have a knife?
[04:56:55] Figure it out before you get fucking shot.
[04:56:56] If somebody sat in an L-boss, some would say that a boss needs to do what a boss needs to do.
[04:57:03] Yeah.
[04:57:06] Which is put people in their fucking order.
[04:57:10] You can't have a boss without someone working for you.
[04:57:15] I don't know.
[04:57:15] Let's keep it moving, brother.
[04:57:21] What do you think?
[04:57:21] That's a, that's a handkerchief.
[04:57:28] Tie me up!
[04:57:39] Get in the hang of it.
[04:57:41] Hold on tight.
[04:57:44] I can, I don't know why I should have told you.
[04:57:46] Hold on, hold on, hold on.
[04:57:47] Hold on.
[04:57:48] I know he's doing it.
[04:57:49] No, I'm not doing that.
[04:57:51] I just should have tried.
[04:57:52] Let me start it.
[04:58:01] Second.
[04:58:05] There you go.
[04:58:06] That's a 10.
[04:58:14] Oh, a shame.
[04:58:18] Oh, a shame.
[04:58:20] Thank you for the 10.
[04:58:22] That's 10 shots, unless I get it.
[04:58:25] One.
[04:58:26] This is a shame.
[04:58:33] What?
[04:58:34] Nah, I'm not gonna hit you.
[04:58:35] You can fucking hit me.
[04:58:36] That's your fault.
[04:58:41] I'm out of here.
[04:58:42] That was only four shots, though.
[04:58:43] No, I count as 10.
[04:58:45] Ah!
[04:58:46] All right.
[04:58:47] I'm sorry.
[04:58:48] Here we are.
[04:58:49] We're out of here.
[04:58:50] We're out of here.
[04:58:54] Who's your good boss?
[04:59:14] Who's your good boss?
[04:59:16] Who's your good boss?
[04:59:18] I can't hear you!
[04:59:20] Who's your good boss?
[04:59:22] Back to your seat, Robin.
[04:59:24] You should look hard.
[04:59:57] You're like you're about to win an award today.
[04:59:59] You're pretty good actor when you came up with that mouse.
[05:00:51] No, look at that.
[05:00:53] That felt crazy for me, man.
[05:00:59] It looked like an open casket.
[05:01:01] Oh my God.
[05:01:03] Thank you, Deshae. I love you, bro.
[05:01:05] Another 10? W. Deshae!
[05:01:18] Chad, do I look good?
[05:01:20] Wait a minute. Can I make some?
[05:01:22] The Best Buy Duo.
[05:01:25] They will attend Best Buy with a subitone one last time.
[05:01:30] Once and for all, I hope for one.
[05:01:33] Hey, come on up.
[05:01:36] Yeah, dress up.
[05:01:38] Yeah.
[05:01:40] Like this is the end.
[05:01:43] You ready?
[05:01:44] Interesting.
[05:01:45] Let's go!
[05:01:48] Fucking doll.
[05:01:50] Wait, did you hear my hat and stuff?
[05:01:52] Yeah.
[05:01:53] Where is that?
[05:01:55] You're setting the glittery.
[05:01:57] Hey, can I see your hammer, Brooke?
[05:01:59] I have to wear it wrong, one time.
[05:02:06] Get it out.
[05:02:07] Keep it at the door.
[05:02:24] Ronny-san.
[05:02:25] Ronny-san.
[05:02:47] Ronny-san.
[05:02:49] Ronny-san!
[05:02:59] The headset dropped itself.
[05:03:43] You want to drop my headset?
[05:03:44] You want to drop my headset?
[05:03:46] Follow me.
[05:03:48] I said follow me.
[05:03:53] What?
[05:03:54] I'm not following you.
[05:03:56] Just follow me.
[05:03:58] Let's keep moving. Let's go downstairs.
[05:04:00] Can I see that one, Frank?
[05:04:08] Not sure, no, that one's not that good.
[05:04:10] One sec.
[05:04:11] Get me!
[05:04:12] One minute.
[05:04:13] I had six suits, eh?
[05:04:32] No, no, no.
[05:04:39] No, you want some more?
[05:04:40] I could've read it!
[05:04:41] I could've read it!
[05:04:47] Fuck, did you go?
[05:04:56] I saw-
[05:05:00] Yo, what's up, bro?
[05:05:01] Best Buy finale today.
[05:05:03] All right.
[05:05:04] You showing up?
[05:05:06] What time?
[05:05:07] Right now.
[05:05:08] Suit up.
[05:05:09] No.
[05:05:10] You see I got cameras in the room, nigga?
[05:05:13] niggas were best buys to go buy ps5's bro I'm stupid niggas were both sides to go
[05:05:19] buy ps5 you're a fucking dickhead go ahead niggas don't have fun
[05:05:23] don't worry bro you a jerk off that's what you are what I said you a jerk off
[05:05:34] jackass oh fuck so what you gonna do at the bottom best buy you gonna do worry
[05:05:42] about it you gonna actually buy some this time order it as niggas stop
[05:05:46] Touching wire with no supper. I think it's so what if I'm like sandwich pub ass brother
[05:05:53] We cast Jersey. I should say sandwich pub on the back. Well, you get this out of deli. You got sketch hot
[05:05:59] But he got you know, you got you got sandwich merch bro. Um, yeah, they're good. Even though it's not a
[05:06:13] Yeah, I don't know if you saw it. Yeah, they're telling me each story
[05:06:17] I saw check it out. It's literally baby. No, you should go check it out. I think they saw it
[05:06:21] Nah, they definitely saw it. It's just niggas are fucking annoying.
[05:06:24] I saw it, bro.
[05:06:26] Are you gonna enjoy the best part?
[05:06:28] What's he gonna do? He still didn't say what he's gonna do.
[05:06:34] What are you gonna do?
[05:06:39] See you later, jerk-off.
[05:07:05] You watching Tokyo Remake?
[05:07:06] I always watch you.
[05:07:08] I'm watching you in real life.
[05:07:10] You're in front of me.
[05:07:12] But I'm not here, I watch you in real life.
[05:07:16] What size is that shirt?
[05:07:18] My size!
[05:07:20] What, extra small?
[05:07:24] You alright?
[05:07:26] Do you like it?
[05:07:28] Wow, no, no.
[05:07:30] Shut up, boss.
[05:07:32] Little boss.
[05:07:34] It's not fair, shall it?
[05:07:36] Dad!
[05:07:41] Not for you?
[05:08:06] For who?
[05:08:08] My boss.
[05:08:15] Who's a great boss?
[05:08:17] Rummy's boss.
[05:08:20] Oh my god, this is so fucking fire
[05:09:59] What's when
[05:12:13] The big one in the middle of the fedora.
[05:12:19] It's been like, straight, but busy.
[05:12:23] Move the camera.
[05:12:40] One camera.
[05:12:41] Okay, let's go.
[05:12:42] Come on, guys.
[05:12:43] You need everything.
[05:12:44] Gauze is broke.
[05:12:45] How many are there in the tank?
[05:12:46] Just one.
[05:12:47] Wait a minute.
[05:12:48] That's full.
[05:12:49] Two, three in the creation.
[05:12:50] No.
[05:12:53] Oh, my God.
[05:12:54] Just mold up his gear pieces.
[05:12:55] Look.
[05:12:58] You wrap paper scissors.
[05:12:59] Okay.
[05:13:00] That's the best one.
[05:13:01] That's the best one.
[05:13:02] Who gets camera?
[05:13:03] No.
[05:13:04] God, no.
[05:13:05] Fuck, no.
[05:13:06] No, no, no.
[05:13:07] This is not even up for debate.
[05:13:08] this is undeniable the answer is not every single fucking time
[05:13:12] no no no no
[05:13:13] oh my fucking
[05:13:15] i'm gonna write papers this to you
[05:13:18] oh that's the one
[05:13:18] tell him come
[05:13:19] that's the one
[05:13:20] and it's wrong papers this
[05:13:21] she's rock
[05:13:22] she's rock
[05:13:23] you're playing for me right now
[05:13:24] okay
[05:13:25] i got you
[05:13:26] keep two rocks
[05:13:28] rock
[05:13:28] keep your shoes
[05:13:29] keep your shoes
[05:13:30] oh that's your
[05:13:31] not
[05:13:31] yes
[05:13:33] he's not
[05:13:37] you gotta beat everybody in the team
[05:13:39] yeah
[05:13:39] rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot
[05:13:54] rock paper scissors shoot
[05:14:00] Fuck!
[05:14:02] You're out of here.
[05:14:05] Lacey, ready?
[05:14:07] Wait, I got food downstairs.
[05:14:21] You have food downstairs?
[05:14:23] It's going upstairs.
[05:14:25] It's going upstairs.
[05:14:27] No, not there.
[05:14:29] Come on, let's go.
[05:14:34] Come on here.
[05:14:36] You want to eat on the job, right?
[05:14:38] Where are you, Rick?
[05:14:40] Where are you, Rick?
[05:14:42] Come on, let's go.
[05:14:44] I don't recognize these and they say I don't care how many get the y'all got
[05:15:42] Avocado bacon burger.
[05:15:43] I'm gonna order a glass of Max.
[05:15:48] Let's eat the shake now.
[05:15:49] No, let's go.
[05:16:01] No, I'm thirsty.
[05:16:04] I'm thirsty.
[05:16:05] Take a sip.
[05:16:10] Yeah, that's good, huh?
[05:16:11] Mm-hmm.
[05:16:12] What's your last time at drink?
[05:16:17] Russell, save the avocado bacon burger.
[05:16:27] It's like first day of preschool, Bob's.
[05:16:30] Your shit kind of like dapper, fat,
[05:16:33] negative, on transformation and losing weight.
[05:16:38] i'm not in my studio
[05:16:41] prayer you just a prayer
[05:16:43] you have sandwich pub is your fucking jersey
[05:16:45] you know what you got sketch hat on dickhead
[05:16:47] okay
[05:16:47] and it's irrickay nigga
[05:16:50] it's irrickay
[05:16:51] from life
[05:16:54] don't fuck
[05:16:54] we'll speak up
[05:16:55] instead it's irrickay low nigga back the fuck up
[05:16:58] you want to say that about cherry hill
[05:16:59] cherry hill k nigga
[05:17:01] a word
[05:17:02] irrickay cherry hill k all y'all niggas is sweet
[05:17:04] orange peel k
[05:17:06] orange peel
[05:17:07] orange county
[05:17:08] Yeah
[05:17:49] We outta here
[05:17:58] That's how you see it.
[05:18:00] Watch the line of art?
[05:18:11] See you in front of the park.
[05:18:24] Sorry.
[05:18:27] Y'all just feel weird.
[05:18:29] This means everything to me.
[05:19:16] You got to live on the Earth.
[05:19:17] You might it's the best of my second brother.
[05:19:22] This is the most mad fucking shit.
[05:19:33] You want to get part of this? You got to lock in.
[05:20:07] This is really good.
[05:20:08] Oh yeah, this is your first time too.
[05:20:11] All points are like that.
[05:20:12] You got to film the woman.
[05:20:13] You got to film it right.
[05:20:15] That's it.
[05:20:21] That's it.
[05:20:22] This is what we've been waiting for, bro.
[05:20:26] This is the day!
[05:20:29] I'm super fucking proud of everything that we've fucking been working on.
[05:20:34] Every single moment in our life has led to now.
[05:20:39] No more fucking games, I better lock in.
[05:21:14] We need some work, we need some fucking games.
[05:21:19] We need some music, huh?
[05:21:21] We need some more music.
[05:21:23] We need some more music.
[05:21:25] We need some more music.
[05:21:28] I don't care if they got the pepsimmon, I'm just gonna put some rounds in
[05:21:55] Where they never bought the wax, they never drown in
[05:21:58] Tell me we're on drugs, and they never drown with
[05:22:02] I'm on this spot
[05:22:03] They're gonna give it everything we get per se
[05:29:32] It's what they've been waiting for
[05:29:34] I'm a lovely little lady that looks
[05:31:41] I don't see a lot of them
[05:31:43] Maybe she's a spy
[05:31:45] Should I go tackle her?
[05:31:46] No, let's get to it
[05:32:16] They don't serve them
[05:32:17] How are you?
[05:32:18] I've seen it.
[05:32:20] This shit's all new.
[05:32:27] You wanna try to switch it up now, huh?
[05:32:29] I'll put the lighting on the back end.
[05:32:31] I'll try to mix up the map with the...
[05:32:33] I'm seeing it though.
[05:32:35] I'm seeing it.
[05:32:38] I got a bunch of fucking gear in here.
[05:32:40] This tail.
[05:32:45] You see anything you need, Lacey? Let us know.
[05:32:47] New modulators are locked.
[05:32:50] Oh my god, they got bikes here.
[05:32:52] What?
[05:32:54] Oh!
[05:32:56] Oh, oh, oh, fuck no.
[05:32:59] This is important.
[05:33:01] Hey, Karina, Karina, we're back.
[05:33:09] Now is the last day you're better?
[05:33:10] It's the last dance.
[05:33:12] The last one, the last rodeo?
[05:33:14] Yeah, you think you can test out some of these bikes?
[05:33:17] Since it's the finale?
[05:33:19] Is there any way?
[05:33:22] I say yes, I don't even know.
[05:33:25] Damn.
[05:33:27] Damn it.
[05:33:30] We'll let you know if we need anything.
[05:33:32] Yeah, for sure.
[05:33:32] How you doing?
[05:33:34] Guys
[05:33:38] What do you guys speak to all of us, okay?
[05:33:41] Just wanted to see if I can actually have you guys not do any type of recording on this area here. Oh, that's fun
[05:33:47] That's it other than that guys. Okay. Okay. That's what I want finale love you the people love this
[05:33:51] Appreciate it. So is it Marco?
[05:33:53] That's it other than that you got you this new gear
[05:34:00] They got new tech
[05:34:02] Some type of PSP some type of updated PSP
[05:34:07] Some sort of updated futuristic module. Oh, you just
[05:34:12] Hold on hold on. Oh my god. It's on Windows. Oh, yeah, load it up right now. First one viewer
[05:34:21] Quick method
[05:34:23] It's moving now. It's moving perfectly
[05:34:26] That book
[05:34:38] Adapt that's one
[05:34:47] you got yours I got mine I got mine on there plus one viewer it's gonna be big
[05:34:55] that's gonna be big that's gonna be big I'm getting cocky
[05:35:12] wrong for tail you trying to double it
[05:35:23] What do you do?
[05:35:25] I'm gonna go and have you fucking sat on this here.
[05:35:40] Come on.
[05:35:41] 49 inches.
[05:35:43] Hold on, man.
[05:35:45] It's got its own abs.
[05:35:56] I'm just sexy Chinese underwear.
[05:36:01] Some sort of hidden tech.
[05:36:03] Why is this your dough?
[05:36:15] Why is this something like someone took a bite out of the mouth for a grip,
[05:36:20] but you don't have a left click?
[05:36:23] You don't have a left click in your right.
[05:36:25] So these look there's a left there's a right there's a right just on the scammy with these you use
[05:36:31] Yes, you play claw on a mouse you can play claw on a mouse
[05:36:43] Okay
[05:36:47] Fuck yeah
[05:36:49] That sucks.
[05:36:51] So fire back links.
[05:36:53] Analyzing.
[05:36:55] It's an absolute fucking insidious thing to do.
[05:36:57] These are some nice new back links.
[05:36:59] Some fake decent as fuck back links.
[05:37:01] Please don't lock that back.
[05:37:03] I'll look into that.
[05:37:29] You need to, you need that.
[05:37:32] He needs it. What's up here?
[05:37:36] Take a look. I'm just pulling toys on me.
[05:37:38] See you on the ceiling.
[05:37:40] Is that all right?
[05:37:42] Why do they set up high ground and then they try to gate keep it for the poor?
[05:37:44] I'm not saying it's important.
[05:37:45] It's emotional to the one thing.
[05:37:47] Oh, that's a good one.
[05:37:49] You got an ink, computer ink.
[05:37:54] I was wondering how that worked.
[05:37:56] How does that work?
[05:37:56] Can we talk about it also in the podcast?
[05:37:58] So, how does computer ink work?
[05:38:01] We can see what it's doing.
[05:38:05] Is that something that I don't understand?
[05:38:08] What?
[05:38:08] I thought computers really had to be-
[05:38:09] You know, so they have cartridges,
[05:38:11] you plug the same bull.
[05:38:12] Yeah, but when you go on Google,
[05:38:14] like when I go to Twitch, I have on-
[05:38:16] I'm on Twitter right now, right?
[05:38:17] I'm gonna pull up a stream.
[05:38:18] It automatically has ink.
[05:38:19] So I don't have to pay for the ink, exactly.
[05:38:21] So we...
[05:38:22] Are you talking about the CGI on the computer?
[05:38:23] Yes.
[05:38:24] Like the graphics?
[05:38:25] Yes.
[05:38:26] See, that's a graphics card.
[05:38:26] You get a graphics card on your computer.
[05:38:27] And why not get a printer with a graphics card
[05:38:29] and save money over time and not buy ink?
[05:38:31] All that you...
[05:38:32] These inks are $40 a piece of them.
[05:38:33] No, they have printers from the 4090s
[05:38:35] that are super fucking optimized.
[05:38:37] You save money on ink.
[05:38:38] But how do you need to optimize a printer?
[05:38:40] To print a bunch of fire shit.
[05:38:43] But what you're talking about,
[05:38:45] like when you vote up Twitch and you gain and shit.
[05:38:48] That's because certain computers have graphics cards
[05:38:51] and you're thinking, ah, ow, damn it.
[05:39:05] I'm bleeding.
[05:39:10] I'm not fucking strong at all.
[05:39:13] Oh, man.
[05:39:17] This way.
[05:39:28] First time you're going to hit the block, huh?
[05:39:31] You take that side.
[05:39:33] Yeah, I know.
[05:39:33] Let's go down stairs.
[05:39:34] What's he got here?
[05:39:36] Take upstairs?
[05:39:37] I got the downstairs for you.
[05:39:39] Oh, what the hell, man?
[05:39:41] You never lie.
[05:39:42] This is my boy.
[05:39:44] Downstairs we got.
[05:39:46] Hey, man, you got cage?
[05:39:48] Ooh.
[05:39:49] This is like the super, super high-tech shit they have.
[05:39:52] They cage it up, it's gonna be stealing it.
[05:39:54] Galaxy Buds?
[05:39:56] Almost.
[05:39:57] Where's this weedwacker you were talking about?
[05:39:59] These downstairs wait till you see the fucking home appliances downstairs, the microwaves, the fucking kitchens, the utensils,
[05:40:05] The fucking washer and dryer goddamn it's fucking electric look
[05:40:35] This is a friend of ours we brought him a nice spot for the finale
[05:40:40] For real
[05:40:43] We need to know we're working on the wewack right now, but we brought Lacey, Lacey needed some of the best buy side characters.
[05:40:53] This is Ryan, this is Mary Soul, she works at Dyson, bunch of fucking fans and she didn't want to talk to him a little bit about that.
[05:41:02] Sure, yeah. So are you coming with the van Dyson?
[05:41:05] No.
[05:41:06] It's a British vacuum, home appliances, air purifier.
[05:41:11] I know.
[05:41:12] And also we have a new headphone.
[05:41:15] So next week we're going to be introducing Dyson OnTrack.
[05:41:19] And Dyson's zone is the headphone that comes with air purifier.
[05:41:24] Actually, like your outfit.
[05:41:26] That's like what you want to wear.
[05:41:29] Awesome.
[05:41:29] Yeah, so.
[05:41:30] I love tasting chicken nuggets.
[05:41:32] I love them. Awesome. Awesome.
[05:41:34] Do you have a camera? You have them down there?
[05:41:36] That's your Dyson 6?
[05:41:38] If you guys come back like next week,
[05:41:40] I can show you the Dyson on Tricon.
[05:41:42] They're amazing. They're good.
[05:41:44] They're good with Apple Airpods.
[05:41:46] They're good. Yeah.
[05:41:48] They can give us a pair to take home.
[05:41:50] I think they want to work something out.
[05:41:52] Yeah.
[05:41:54] If you guys do video for us.
[05:41:56] Do you have a camera? No.
[05:42:03] How are you? I'm fine.
[05:42:05] How's that pretty good? I think I might as well prepare Dyson headphones. How's that where he's going?
[05:42:13] That's a fucking man. Dyson is a thing coming out headphones that are competing with Apple next week
[05:42:18] And we said we could take a pair home. Oh my fucking God. It's electric
[05:43:04] Your back is going to do a quick walkthrough. I don't want to touch the base
[05:43:08] you see Chad this is where shit gets really fucking real believe the hype
[05:43:14] oh I'm telling you the home appliances down here are so fucking lit 900 watts
[05:43:30] yeah see that they got shit like this they got fucking washers dryers ice
[05:43:34] machines we wackers lawn mowers yeah
[05:44:05] whole Ronny's on there.
[05:44:06] The whole Ronny's on, kicking really compatible with the homie.
[05:44:10] Since we need to do a hide and seek or some type of...
[05:44:15] You alright?
[05:44:16] Ronny's down.
[05:44:17] Come on now.
[05:44:18] Come on now.
[05:44:19] Ronny's down.
[05:44:20] Legs first.
[05:44:21] Get them legs.
[05:44:22] Get his legs.
[05:44:23] Get his legs.
[05:44:26] You're out?
[05:44:27] You're out?
[05:44:28] You're out?
[05:44:29] You're out?
[05:44:30] You're out?
[05:44:31] You're out?
[05:44:36] You're out?
[05:44:39] You're out?
[05:44:40] You're out?
[05:44:56] oh my god a futuristic technique on a toothbrush what the fuck is a box for a
[05:45:04] toothbrush so big for this is like a regular toothbrush box oh my god have
[05:45:09] the toothbrush what type of tech do they got in the toothbrushes
[05:45:15] sort of fucking advancements are they making in the nighttime shit is getting
[05:45:20] fucking critical I'm used to the typical toothbrush in the box they're
[05:45:26] doing the fucking most wait let's fill it out what miss your head no this is
[05:45:34] not for hairs for nails I told you this I found it how girls do your fucking
[05:45:39] laws yeah that's just a fucking advert to an advert dickhead okay take a look
[05:45:47] at this actually the AWD supercharged normal someone something to really fuck
[05:46:07] Your head up.
[05:46:23] So guys, this is Lacey.
[05:46:24] This is Lacey.
[05:46:25] How are you doing?
[05:46:26] I'm good.
[05:46:27] How are you doing?
[05:46:28] I'm good.
[05:46:29] How are you doing?
[05:46:30] I'm good.
[05:46:31] I don't like this.
[05:46:32] I have my face on my face when I was here.
[05:46:33] You good?
[05:46:34] I'm good.
[05:46:35] I'm just checking out the tech.
[05:46:36] Good show.
[05:46:37] Do you guys have any of the futuristic modulators here?
[05:46:40] 50,000 of them.
[05:46:42] Okay, where?
[05:46:43] Because they were trying to gate keep them last night.
[05:46:45] Back home.
[05:46:46] Back home?
[05:46:47] They're in the back home?
[05:46:48] They're in the back house?
[05:46:49] Can you show us?
[05:46:50] No.
[05:46:51] We'll keep the low key
[05:46:53] I'll shut down, bro
[05:46:54] I'm a new hire, but I'm not even gonna do my job
[05:46:56] I need a few minutes
[05:46:58] New hire
[05:47:00] I know where the modulators are
[05:47:03] How'd you get Matt?
[05:47:05] The modulators before all the other employees have
[05:47:08] Some OG, I'm an OG
[05:47:11] You just need a new hire
[05:47:12] I'm an OG though
[05:47:13] I'm a way back
[05:47:15] This is a fucking one of the mafia right here
[05:47:18] I've bought him out
[05:47:20] My boat's on here.
[05:47:21] We gotta go.
[05:47:22] We gotta move.
[05:47:22] We gotta keep moving.
[05:47:23] My boat's on here.
[05:47:25] That's me, you know, bro.
[05:47:25] You mean me?
[05:47:26] Me too, too.
[05:47:28] Okay, wait.
[05:47:29] Take a close look here.
[05:47:33] Oh, my fucking god.
[05:47:35] He actually took our method.
[05:47:37] Oh, my fucking...
[05:47:38] Brian, a pad drum?
[05:47:39] My fucking god.
[05:47:41] He actually took our method.
[05:47:43] Remember last time when we talked to him?
[05:47:45] I thought it was his hand.
[05:47:46] I know.
[05:47:47] Remember last time when we talked to him?
[05:47:48] Is he just real estate?
[05:47:50] Bro, do you not remember last time he came over and talked to us and said,
[05:47:53] I'm trying to get into marketing like how do you guys market your videos?
[05:47:56] We said we pretty much go around to best buys and applesores and load-up our streams
[05:48:01] I'm dead serious. I'm dead serious. This is him. This is you. Oh my god. Oh my god. He did. Oh my god.
[05:48:10] All my fucking gotta get me cuz up. Oh my god. He took our method and he tripled it
[05:48:16] This is it. This is his real estate channel
[05:48:19] He came to the fridge and said he was in the best five.
[05:48:22] Bro, Chad, do you not remember in the fucking finale to the trilogy?
[05:48:27] I'm pretty sure Ryan came over and said, I was just talking to him and I was like,
[05:48:30] oh, Ryan's talking to him, there's a bunch about that.
[05:48:33] And he'd get at that in hilarious, that is fucking hilarious, man.
[05:48:37] You actually took his time to put him on all the fridges, yeah, he works here.
[05:48:42] That is crazy.
[05:48:43] That is so funny.
[05:48:44] So that's a Ryan, bro.
[05:48:45] Ryan but no way oh it was by
[05:48:59] Ashburn's way yeah it looks like autoplay yeah you eat that went back one
[05:49:05] bit every bridge
[05:49:10] Thank you. He's all good. Everybody check to see if you guys fuck with me these fruges
[05:49:19] Everything up top. They've been broken every fucking time. Can you check them out?
[05:49:31] Wait, why is the monitor on for this one the mate?
[05:49:35] Okay, let's just it out. We'll put the chat in here for a second
[05:49:42] Just see if it fits
[05:49:44] You're good
[05:50:15] Okay, oh it collapsed. Oh, no. Oh god. No
[05:50:22] Get some fucking help over here maybe twice with both hands actually one, two
[05:50:50] Not as dusty just like that yeah maybe like yeah one more of those oh do another one do
[05:50:58] another one I was fired.
[05:51:09] Marito shit right here like a touchy touchy shit. Where's uh, oh
[05:51:26] My fucking god, oh my god
[05:51:29] Oh my fucking
[05:51:37] Fuck you excel version. He should have went out. Oh
[05:51:41] Can have ships
[05:51:59] So there's a trick
[05:52:04] $1,000 for 13,500 bucks on Fortnight. It's 89 here
[05:52:09] Explain that, please explain that.
[05:52:11] And you have a 35% bonus, extra asset.
[05:52:13] It's clearly some sort of fucking inflation government propaganda.
[05:52:16] And I can't quite figure it out.
[05:52:19] But it looks good on camera.
[05:52:21] A Fortnite fucking controller.
[05:52:23] I've never seen nothing like that before.
[05:52:25] Are we fucking serious?
[05:52:26] That's fucking Peely.
[05:52:27] This thing is bananas.
[05:52:28] Oh my god, that's the skin.
[05:52:29] That's the Peely.
[05:52:30] Oh my fucking god, please.
[05:52:33] How do they mesh that into like...
[05:52:36] Oh, that's a four nights game.
[05:52:42] Hey, code for bonus virtual item included.
[05:52:46] Should we open it and get the item?
[05:52:48] The code, and we get a free pickaxe.
[05:52:50] Okay, you open it, you're gonna have to buy it.
[05:52:52] No, we need to steal the code and leave.
[05:52:55] Usually when we're not stealing the controller, we just get the free pickaxe.
[05:52:58] Take a look at this.
[05:53:00] Look left.
[05:53:01] Look right.
[05:53:02] Look up.
[05:53:03] Look at your hand.
[05:53:05] now make it closer yes you got to smell it
[05:53:45] oh we got a new thing in this shit man
[05:53:47] oh shit
[05:53:49] oh my fucking man
[05:53:51] what?
[05:53:53] wait can we do that?
[05:53:55] we got this moment of moment
[05:53:59] oh the moment of quick
[05:54:01] watch out that one
[05:54:03] what are you doing?
[05:54:06] what?
[05:54:08] What?
[05:54:09] That bitch?
[05:54:09] Oh.
[05:54:10] That's black space, isn't it?
[05:54:11] I don't know.
[05:54:11] Because the fridges, none of them will work.
[05:54:13] I mean, they're not cold.
[05:54:14] None of them are cold.
[05:54:14] And the folks like some of the fridges
[05:54:16] were a little missing kit, giving tax.
[05:54:19] They couldn't make them pay for credit cards.
[05:54:21] Well, if you guys get a credit card,
[05:54:23] they're going to pay for it.
[05:54:24] I'm only asking for a credit card.
[05:54:26] A credit card?
[05:54:27] Yes.
[05:54:28] And what?
[05:54:28] I'm going to pay for the credit card.
[05:54:30] Nah!
[05:54:31] OK.
[05:54:32] Ha ha ha.
[05:54:33] Ha ha ha.
[05:54:34] Ha ha ha.
[05:54:35] You didn't want to smile.
[05:54:36] You didn't want to smile.
[05:54:37] Yeah, we're like performance. Can we just like buy something and have you saved you helped us out?
[05:55:00] You are evil
[05:55:09] How do you say it?
[05:55:11] How do you say it?
[05:55:13] How do you say it?
[05:55:15] Put my homies in the sub to you?
[05:55:17] Nah!
[05:55:21] What's up to the homies?
[05:55:23] You know where you can best buy and go to the tech.
[05:55:27] What happened?
[05:55:32] Yeah, we're in the middle of probably the biggest segment for the sub-a-thon finale.
[05:55:36] Your boy, Omar, has been helping us out.
[05:55:40] What happened?
[05:55:45] Oh
[05:56:02] My god, this is a six on screen time 10 look at this
[05:56:17] we saw if there are any areas where you can continue to experience. So I just sign this.
[05:56:23] No, they're going to send you an email but you definitely haven't come with us.
[05:56:27] No, we didn't. Okay.
[05:56:29] Can you go and get us in there?
[05:56:31] Can we get in there?
[05:56:33] Yeah, I see the back.
[05:56:35] That's my back.
[05:56:37] Oh, he didn't map compartment.
[05:56:39] Rod is down. Come on.
[05:56:41] Oh, he's getting fired today.
[05:56:43] No.
[05:56:45] No, there's a trap, there's a trap.
[05:56:47] There is a trap.
[05:56:51] Oh shit.
[05:56:55] Fucking bit the modulator for back there.
[05:57:07] Take a look at this, Charlie. At least you have brought this to my attention.
[05:57:10] Look at new devices and that's why.
[05:57:13] This shit is off the fucking charts.
[05:57:15] This shit is lighten up like a fucking orbital b-sat.
[05:57:19] On rust.
[05:57:20] What?
[05:57:21] Yeah, I know it's a bad fucking fight, but like I'll try to go for this. I'm shitting it the smallest map for the Vsauce
[05:57:32] Right there, I've been working on something
[05:57:56] That might have been a level 10 headbutt oh my god
[05:58:06] I did not even see that coming you faked me out
[05:58:09] Oh my god look at his head!
[05:58:11] His head!
[05:58:13] Double it!
[05:58:22] Okay!
[05:58:24] I should have hurt him, bro.
[05:58:26] I had to double it.
[05:58:28] Oh my god.
[05:58:30] That should have made a noise for you.
[05:58:32] Yeah, I thought you were such a...
[05:58:34] You were like this.
[05:58:36] You were like this.
[05:58:40] You are an insane little dude.
[05:58:42] What's that?
[05:58:44] oh my god it looks like some sort of fusion of the old shit with the new shit
[05:58:50] are you guys seeing this he's like a fucking old-school boombox that he used to have
[05:58:54] let's fuck with the clean here radio waves
[05:58:57] volume up get track
[05:59:00] try to catch a rhythm
[05:59:51] wait wait we got to ask Ryan about the method
[06:00:01] oh fuck you guys
[06:00:03] you want to be the manager?
[06:00:05] yeah
[06:00:06] hey Frank
[06:00:07] what's that?
[06:00:08] I just think now that you guys are doing it, I could bring that professional camera that put me down here and help you with the filming.
[06:00:14] I have something else that I can follow.
[06:00:16] I need the other camera over there.
[06:00:18] I'm going to put it on the film pilot.
[06:00:20] Oh, okay.
[06:00:24] Oh, I'm sorry.
[06:00:26] Oh, I was actually talking about it.
[06:00:28] I saw you use my fridge, Matt.
[06:00:30] Oh, yeah.
[06:00:32] Awesome, awesome.
[06:00:34] How did you guys like it?
[06:00:36] Those are like the track up to the video quality.
[06:00:40] I'm a drone pilot.
[06:00:42] Yeah, so all the videos by myself.
[06:00:46] The only part that you sound like
[06:00:48] parking and turning the property.
[06:00:50] My camera, my camera man, camera man
[06:00:52] can be, uh, for this part of the video.
[06:00:54] So you can use the punch button.
[06:00:56] Yeah, the previous video.
[06:00:58] Did they say it right? Yeah.
[06:01:00] Yeah, you ran it up on the street.
[06:01:04] Yeah.
[06:01:06] Apple stores, too.
[06:01:07] Oh, I did actually.
[06:01:08] I did yesterday.
[06:01:09] Oh, iPhone?
[06:01:10] Yeah.
[06:01:11] Like, the Apple guy was like, like, oh my god, man.
[06:01:14] What are you doing right now?
[06:01:16] Oh, yeah.
[06:01:17] No, no, that's really smart, man.
[06:01:18] Yeah.
[06:01:19] I love it.
[06:01:20] Yes, man.
[06:01:21] Yes, man.
[06:01:22] Yes, man.
[06:01:23] Yes, man.
[06:01:24] Yes, man.
[06:01:25] Yes, man.
[06:01:26] Yes, man.
[06:01:27] Yes, man.
[06:01:28] Yes, man.
[06:01:29] Yes, man.
[06:01:30] Yes, man.
[06:01:31] Yes, man.
[06:01:32] Yes, man.
[06:01:33] Yes, man.
[06:01:34] Can you just get it close to people's phone like it works with Icon and all that?
[06:01:39] Hold on, hold on a while. I've done it before and it happens to all my information.
[06:01:44] No, it's not like that.
[06:01:45] Oh my god.
[06:01:46] I'm just going to show you how it works.
[06:01:47] Let's see if I can hold it.
[06:01:49] I'm going to close it like this.
[06:01:51] It pops and you go, it pops the info.
[06:01:54] You can get connected.
[06:01:56] You know, you can link it to your YouTube channel, link it to Instagram, Twitch, whatever you name it.
[06:02:02] It's amazing some sort of new tech
[06:02:06] Yeah
[06:02:20] We're gonna look around
[06:02:29] They're up there in kind of pictures sometimes
[06:02:31] There's like mad lures behind us and Best Buy and all the employees that work here, they all know us.
[06:02:38] Because I'm very warm, man.
[06:02:40] Let's go check out the home theater one last time.
[06:02:44] They got a recliner in here that I did.
[06:02:50] You will fit perfectly inside of it.
[06:02:53] You see it up?
[06:02:54] Yeah.
[06:02:55] You know the instructions?
[06:02:56] Yeah.
[06:02:57] Grab it.
[06:02:58] You sit in a chair straight up close rise relax breathe
[06:03:11] I'm on your bed I've been missing you
[06:03:20] I've been working you've been initiated
[06:03:22] Yes
[06:03:24] It's crazy
[06:03:26] It's really like a struggle
[06:03:30] It's nothing going on over there there
[06:03:37] I already cleared it
[06:03:52] Oh you like that shit, huh?
[06:03:54] oh my god
[06:04:04] oh oh fried rice
[06:04:11] I'm so fucking distracted right now
[06:04:26] oh my gosh a good bite everybody's having
[06:04:28] how much is this for minus for this
[06:04:37] $3,000 just keep it
[06:04:39] it's a little bit out of our budget
[06:05:21] We got to get out of here.
[06:05:30] Oh no, you're getting quick ahead out of here.
[06:05:35] No, I'm just gonna get out of here.
[06:05:39] I should try to get out of here.
[06:05:41] I should get a word of the truth.
[06:05:43] I should try to get out of here.
[06:05:46] Oh my gosh, my dude.
[06:05:48] I'm so glad.
[06:05:50] Oh, we got him.
[06:05:52] He's got the eyes on us.
[06:05:54] He's got the eyes on us.
[06:05:55] He's got the tires on him.
[06:05:56] You gotta hide one thing at least.
[06:06:01] Yeah.
[06:06:02] I gotta get the shit out of him.
[06:06:04] I'm leaving here with something.
[06:06:06] I'm from around the way.
[06:06:07] Okay, what would the chef fuck with the most?
[06:06:16] Roblox gift card.
[06:06:18] I'm gonna put the card in.
[06:06:26] Dad, we might be on to something here.
[06:06:31] I got something for the chef.
[06:06:32] Check it out.
[06:06:33] The fucking chef, I maxed it out.
[06:06:45] He's gonna fuck with me, there's no way he's gonna fuck with me.
[06:06:54] Wait, is it activated?
[06:06:55] Yeah, I think it's activated.
[06:06:57] Fire.
[06:06:58] Go!
[06:06:59] Hold on, is that fake pocket now we need?
[06:07:03] You said what?
[06:07:04] What's it doing?
[06:07:05] Go ahead.
[06:07:06] So you're actually in my clip?
[06:07:08] Yes, you are.
[06:07:09] On my YouTube.
[06:07:10] I put some on YouTube.
[06:07:11] All of it?
[06:07:12] All of it?
[06:07:13] Yes, you are.
[06:07:14] Let's read it out.
[06:07:16] follow Mari become all right we're gonna see how many subs you get when we come
[06:07:29] back
[06:07:32] might come back we might not
[06:07:35] we will be good
[06:07:38] small runner that is true salad to marry so that's a real one all the
[06:07:46] The school runners are done though, this is a finale today.
[06:07:48] Oh, I won't run the check like this, will you?
[06:07:52] Oh, she's tapped in.
[06:07:53] Damn, yeah.
[06:07:54] Is that what they did in Max?
[06:07:55] Yeah, bro.
[06:07:56] Nah.
[06:07:57] My 100k.
[06:07:58] That fucking idiot.
[06:07:59] That dumb idiot.
[06:08:01] That god damn, you know, and he just let it go.
[06:08:06] Well, we'll be seeing you guys soon.
[06:08:10] Maybe.
[06:08:11] What do you got?
[06:08:12] You know what, it's been real.
[06:08:13] It's been fun.
[06:08:14] It's even been really fun.
[06:08:16] Until next time, y'all.
[06:08:18] Nice fight.
[06:08:20] The question is which angle you should go.
[06:08:26] There's my question.
[06:08:28] Okay.
[06:08:30] Alright.
[06:08:32] Let's just go on the back...
[06:08:34] Na na na na na...
[06:08:36] Oh, we saw the back...
[06:08:38] Oh, bye...
[06:08:40] Let's just go on...
[06:08:42] Let's give it two nards, all right?
[06:08:45] Na na na na...
[06:08:50] Yeah, of course. Thank you.
[06:08:54] Okay, well, I appreciate you, bro. Thank you.
[06:08:58] Thank you so much.
[06:09:02] Thank you.
[06:09:09] Thank you, man.
[06:09:13] Thank you.
[06:09:24] It's fucking finale, boys. That shit was cinema.
[06:11:02] with cinema that shit was electric that shit was fucking electric that might
[06:11:10] have been the best one yet I'm not even lying and now before yeah I was about to
[06:11:18] say we can't not say goodbye to our boys over here I hope he's working I hope
[06:11:23] He's working we normally come in that early
[06:11:31] Let's let if he's here on down
[06:11:35] Yeah
[06:11:53] So I was out about 300 bucks.
[06:11:55] But I got a chicken sandwich with mayonnaise.
[06:11:57] It's a good fucking dollar back there.
[06:11:59] Oh yeah.
[06:12:01] You actually brought some fucking energy.
[06:12:05] I like cinema.
[06:12:07] Best buy room was cinema.
[06:12:08] Best view was electric.
[06:12:09] I might have been my best one.
[06:12:10] That was best.
[06:12:11] I feel like a movie.
[06:12:12] Best view was...
[06:12:13] You saw how the boys were performing up there?
[06:12:14] Dude, I know.
[06:12:15] It feels like fucking a little...
[06:12:16] And they were coding up that way.
[06:12:17] I set up, bro.
[06:12:18] And I heard that.
[06:12:19] It doesn't even feel like real.
[06:12:20] Like real life in there.
[06:12:21] life in there. It feels like a fucking movie. Okay, wait, should we try to see if the
[06:12:27] wait 10 seconds? Let's just walk by the window and see what they're called about.
[06:12:33] What are you in there?
[06:12:36] Let's take a look.
[06:12:37] I don't know the water on this one, so I'll cover you with a pocket bag.
[06:12:47] He sent us the water.
[06:12:48] How are you doing?
[06:12:49] I'm good.
[06:12:53] How's it going?
[06:12:54] I'm good.
[06:12:55] Have you seen him there?
[06:12:56] See him?
[06:12:57] That's him.
[06:12:58] My boy.
[06:12:59] How you doing?
[06:13:03] I'm good.
[06:13:04] How are you doing?
[06:13:05] I'm good.
[06:13:09] Yeah, I'm good.
[06:13:10] How are you doing?
[06:13:13] I'm good.
[06:13:14] How are you doing?
[06:13:15] I'm good.
[06:13:16] How are you doing?
[06:13:17] Oh, Jesus.
[06:13:19] He was doing well.
[06:13:20] He passed out tonight.
[06:13:22] He probably got more than that.
[06:13:24] We went out there and we did exactly what
[06:13:26] was left out of the game.
[06:13:28] Oh, they got shot again?
[06:13:31] No.
[06:13:32] No.
[06:13:33] No.
[06:13:36] No.
[06:13:37] No.
[06:13:38] No.
[06:13:39] No.
[06:13:40] No.
[06:13:50] No.
[06:13:51] No.
[06:13:52] No.
[06:13:53] No.
[06:13:54] No.
[06:13:55] No.
[06:13:56] No.
[06:13:57] I'm going to do that.
[06:14:08] You just wanted to say what's up y'all.
[06:14:10] You don't catch me.
[06:14:11] It's the last time you're eating here.
[06:14:13] I just wanted to tell you, hey,
[06:14:15] it's good to be here.
[06:14:16] I'm saying we love you.
[06:14:17] Love you guys too.
[06:14:19] Okay, we have a little talk about the team.
[06:14:21] We came here.
[06:14:23] I genuinely became into this question when we went to anywhere
[06:14:26] We came here every fucking day.
[06:14:28] Every day.
[06:14:29] Every day.
[06:14:30] We had to save the tip question board.
[06:14:32] We gave them a $500 tip last time.
[06:14:34] And they still tors us.
[06:14:35] Shut up!
[06:14:37] He's filming these wedges, bro.
[06:14:39] Damn, he's not human anymore.
[06:14:41] I'm so ugly.
[06:14:59] What?
[06:15:56] This might be the last time you see me.
[06:15:58] No way.
[06:15:59] What?
[06:16:00] We lived high up the street just for the month of September
[06:16:04] and tomorrow I'll move it out.
[06:16:07] Landon?
[06:16:08] Well, when?
[06:16:09] Yeah, now it's sad.
[06:16:11] It is sad.
[06:16:12] Now I'm calling you.
[06:16:13] Yeah, you?
[06:16:14] Now I'm calling you.
[06:16:15] Let me get your number.
[06:16:16] No, sir.
[06:16:17] I want to bless you.
[06:16:18] I want to give you a tip.
[06:16:20] You have an operator phone?
[06:16:21] Yeah.
[06:16:22] What's your phone number?
[06:16:23] You have a good name.
[06:16:24] You've got a very meaningful trust on this last month.
[06:16:27] Well, good.
[06:16:28] Good.
[06:16:31] Good.
[06:16:32] Good.
[06:16:33] Okay bet, on the house.
[06:16:43] Okay Ron, I'm matching it.
[06:16:48] Yes, I'm matching it.
[06:16:51] I'll third it.
[06:16:53] You want it?
[06:16:54] Yeah.
[06:16:55] Let's just my address in this.
[06:17:02] Payment, payment.
[06:17:03] Payment decline.
[06:17:04] Oh fuck.
[06:17:05] Oh, I picked the wrong button.
[06:17:07] Did I put it in a new chat window?
[06:17:11] I'll just send us a contact.
[06:17:13] Um...
[06:17:15] Alright.
[06:17:17] No, no, no, no.
[06:17:19] We didn't make it.
[06:17:21] We didn't make it.
[06:17:28] Yeah, we did.
[06:17:30] Um, yeah, I got you.
[06:17:35] I said 25,000 each, so I can go 5,000.
[06:17:53] Okay.
[06:17:55] No, no, don't look at me. Don't look at me. Don't look at me, don't look at me.
[06:18:00] You gotta tell them not to answer.
[06:18:03] You got your John Bork?
[06:18:04] Oh, for John Bork?
[06:18:06] Just, yeah.
[06:18:12] Okay, maybe you get this.
[06:18:22] I tell them. I tell them.
[06:18:23] Maybe you get this.
[06:18:24] You get like a piss. I'll do what's up.
[06:18:28] Don't say more.
[06:18:29] They're gonna keep calling.
[06:18:31] Yep.
[06:18:32] Your apple pay doesn't accept.
[06:18:34] Do you have a cell?
[06:18:35] I don't have a cell.
[06:18:36] Bring that over.
[06:18:37] What's your number?
[06:18:38] I'm saying you got your number.
[06:18:39] Oh, it's the number?
[06:18:40] See you.
[06:19:32] Wait, wait, wait.
[06:19:33] Yes, sir.
[06:19:37] Ron?
[06:19:56] I'm staying at L.E. Go.
[06:19:57] I'm sending random guy.
[06:19:59] 3K.
[06:20:08] Oh, wait, Ron, did you order the glyph?
[06:20:10] I think I need to adapt you already?
[06:20:30] Oh, I wasn't listening.
[06:20:31] Okay?
[06:20:39] You guys, you can come down with them.
[06:20:40] I'll take it.
[06:20:56] Sit down.
[06:21:22] Yeah, we're going to go back to Hollywood.
[06:21:29] Oh, not bad.
[06:21:32] Not that bad.
[06:23:06] Yeah, I mean, I used to. I used to find a boy in Hollywood.
[06:23:09] Oh, yeah, they closed down, right?
[06:23:11] Yeah, they just got a building there.
[06:23:14] Now I used to go to that one.
[06:23:17] I was like, hey, I'm going to go to Hollywood.
[06:23:21] Now I need to go to that one, but I'm going to put it here.
[06:23:24] How's it going to be?
[06:23:25] It's getting better.
[06:23:26] It's getting better.
[06:23:27] It's getting better.
[06:23:28] Let's take a break.
[06:23:29] Do you want us to do it?
[06:23:30] Yeah.
[06:23:36] Can you hear us?
[06:23:37] I'm flanness of it.
[06:23:38] They should hear us.
[06:23:43] Yeah.
[06:23:44] We appreciate it.
[06:23:45] I mean, whenever you guys are around, let me know.
[06:23:47] Okay.
[06:23:48] But as of tomorrow, you know, as of Tuesday, you know that you can start your
[06:23:53] business and make some money.
[06:23:54] So the odds are right here.
[06:23:56] Yeah.
[06:23:57] So let me know.
[06:23:58] Okay.
[06:23:59] I was wondering if you were coming?
[06:24:01] She was at a good place.
[06:24:03] How are you doing?
[06:24:05] Thank you so much.
[06:24:07] You're doing good.
[06:24:09] Thank you.
[06:24:11] Have a nice one.
[06:24:13] Stay safe.
[06:24:15] I don't even know my name.
[06:24:17] That's a good dude.
[06:24:19] My name?
[06:24:21] That's him.
[06:24:23] What's his name? Javier?
[06:24:25] Javier, you can find out.
[06:24:51] Today, today was flaming hot.
[06:24:54] We did the best of it.
[06:24:55] We did.
[06:24:56] We got our drink.
[06:24:58] We retired him.
[06:25:00] We got the chef a fucking Roblox card.
[06:25:04] And more importantly, we did his shit for Tom.
[06:25:09] He didn't have it.
[06:25:15] Yes, of course.
[06:25:17] That was fucking crazy.
[06:25:21] What the fuck was that?
[06:25:25] Nothing.
[06:25:27] How we getting dragged by a payphone?
[06:25:29] I was like that.
[06:25:31] Shotgun.
[06:25:39] No, I called it.
[06:25:40] When I think of this, I think it's the sub-a-thon.
[06:27:18] I'm not gonna lie.
[06:30:24] Warden shot Faze fucking Rain.
[06:32:34] Hey, man.
[06:32:36] What's up?
[06:32:38] What's up?
[06:32:44] Hey, man.
[06:32:46] What's going on, bro?
[06:32:48] Hey, man.
[06:32:53] What's going on, bro?
[06:32:55] What's up, man?
[06:32:57] What do you mean he's not here?
[06:33:05] Oh he's gone.
[06:33:07] He's gonna like this.
[06:33:19] Yeah he's gonna fuck with me.
[06:33:21] It's really a topic now.
[06:33:23] He's one of the ducks.
[06:33:26] He's the fuck with me.
[06:33:28] No!
[06:33:33] No!
[06:33:35] No!
[06:33:37] I'm sick.
[06:33:41] No!
[06:33:57] I don't want to think for one second I have to go fuck with you.
[06:33:59] Fuck with me now.
[06:34:01] No, it's just kind of tough.
[06:34:04] Wait, look at Lacey.
[06:34:06] Look at Lacey.
[06:34:08] Look at the jazz band in front of you.
[06:34:11] Signed completed.
[06:34:13] Never done this before.
[06:34:40] The first time we stepped foot on this floor.
[06:34:54] Somebody called the shooter.
[06:35:29] They call me RJ the shooter for a reason.
[06:35:51] Somebody called the shooter.
[06:35:53] Hey, look at Buddha's shoulder!
[06:37:04] He wants the Roblox gift card, then?
[06:37:08] I see he wants the Roblox gift card, if we're not going to hit the chef.
[06:37:10] Was the chef coming there?
[06:37:12] I think he's coming in the back.
[06:37:14] Oh, there's Mike.
[06:37:26] I thought there was something inside.
[06:37:28] That's right, it's Mike right now.
[06:37:30] It's Mike right now.
[06:37:32] Here you go.
[06:37:34] Here you go, sir.
[06:37:48] Goal tending all that.
[06:38:18] You could dribble.
[06:38:24] Yeah, you picked it up.
[06:39:01] You little freaky frog, you know?
[06:39:03] It's a wait so like why everybody got a got to go back to the store get a suit
[06:39:16] I think I might have to go back
[06:39:18] Is this camera here?
[06:39:31] Well fuck is max everybody got yeah, I'm going back to the store. It's max here or you went
[06:40:07] No, I don't want to get a seat now. I'm gonna get a whole fit. I mean
[06:40:13] So yeah, can we talk about that?
[06:40:16] Wait, how long in how long is it?
[06:40:22] Yeah
[06:40:34] They're saying Nas go get one
[06:40:37] top
[06:40:39] Dream of snap L dream on
[06:40:41] Addison carry must be
[06:40:43] W Addison L dream dreamo team wait so when does this look oh what I thought I
[06:41:09] I'm just gonna drop something in here.
[06:41:11] I'm gonna move the couch.
[06:41:24] Let's get a trophy!
[06:41:29] Thank y'all for the subs.
[06:41:31] Anyways, as I was doing...
[06:41:33] Nah, you got him good.
[06:41:37] You got him good.
[06:41:39] I see him jump a little bit.
[06:41:43] What time is it right now?
[06:41:45] 5? Chad, do you think I had time?
[06:41:54] The war at the ceremony has started soon.
[06:41:56] The Maw at the leader title.
[06:42:02] An hour and 30 to go award.
[06:42:04] Keep updating it.
[06:42:06] 7pm we start. What?
[06:42:09] Are you sure right now? You got a shower?
[06:42:12] You got a shower?
[06:42:13] Yeah.
[06:42:14] So I got a shower?
[06:42:15] Yeah.
[06:42:16] Wait, can you lay this thing over?
[06:42:18] While I get a suit?
[06:42:19] It's still walking to get you a suit.
[06:42:23] It's a duck, man. Where's the bucket?
[06:42:25] Where's the bucket?
[06:42:30] Where's Holly? Drew's getting a suit.
[06:42:32] Cause you got to hear either of them.
[06:42:34] Well, all your friends left, they didn't catch it.
[06:42:40] I was on a mission.
[06:42:42] Put it on the robot's car.
[06:42:48] Put it on.
[06:42:49] Put it on the shaft.
[06:42:50] We got him a gift.
[06:42:51] Oh my god.
[06:42:52] Oh, look at this.
[06:42:53] Put it on the shaft.
[06:42:56] Put it on the yours shaft.
[06:42:57] Come on, hurry up.
[06:42:58] Put it on the sounder.
[06:42:59] Get dressed.
[06:43:00] Put it on the rock.
[06:43:01] Put the caps in the hole.
[06:43:02] No, that's a look.
[06:43:12] That's a look.
[06:43:13] That's your fake piece of the stuff as hell, bro.
[06:43:17] That's all right.
[06:43:27] I'm going to shout it.
[06:43:28] Ron, that's your gift that we call Hanna.
[06:43:33] I don't know.
[06:43:35] I don't know.
[06:43:37] You know what he's saying?
[06:43:39] Can you put in the,
[06:43:41] the mall?
[06:43:43] I don't know what the mall is.
[06:43:45] I don't know what the mall is.
[06:43:47] TNM, where you guys at?
[06:43:49] I don't know what the mall is.
[06:43:51] Can you do any TNM?
[06:43:53] What mall do you keep it?
[06:43:55] I don't think every TNM has...
[06:43:57] That mall, that mall we just hit it was.
[06:43:59] Put it in the TNM.
[06:44:01] I'm not kidding.
[06:44:12] Is that an Uber to get a suit?
[06:44:16] Yeah.
[06:44:17] You should have some of this. You should just have him get you a suit.
[06:44:19] Yeah.
[06:44:20] It's up to you if you really want to have some of this.
[06:44:23] FaceTime drill.
[06:44:27] Oh shit, get your head away buddy.
[06:44:29] Hold on. There's that face in the beef right now.
[06:44:31] What?
[06:44:32] Oh, camera men are arguing.
[06:44:34] Mom, just go step over me.
[06:44:36] I don't give a fuck.
[06:44:37] Yo, who are you right now?
[06:44:45] No shit, by the way.
[06:44:47] Where y'all going?
[06:44:50] You guys just got suits okay, okay, so y'all went to go get suits and didn't decide to ask me
[06:45:00] Which would have made me and laser. I'm seeing us. I'm seeing a
[06:45:05] No, no
[06:45:18] So so Russell you mentioned to drew what about not and he said what oh?
[06:45:28] My god, we got beef at the last second. Okay, you're gonna get a reward today, but it's not the one you go
[06:45:37] All right, Bob, we'll catch you there.
[06:45:47] So tell him to go back, tell him to go back.
[06:45:49] See that, see that, go back there.
[06:45:53] So you feel bad?
[06:45:55] So you feel bad?
[06:45:57] Yeah, I feel bad.
[06:45:59] All right, all right, go back there.
[06:46:05] It starts at seven, actually.
[06:46:07] Nah, it starts at seven.
[06:46:10] Nope, it's at seven.
[06:46:14] So if I call Pepsi right now,
[06:46:16] he's gonna say that it's at six.
[06:46:21] Bring it over here.
[06:46:25] Now we're switching stories, Drew.
[06:46:29] Oh
[06:46:37] Hold on hold on this is something we didn't expect
[06:46:42] Yo, Betsy what time does the award start? Oh
[06:46:52] So Russell needs to come back true doesn't yeah
[06:46:58] Oh
[06:47:00] Oh fuck
[06:47:04] We don't see him doing better than that soon
[06:47:06] You gonna fuck you in the chat?
[06:47:12] Oh
[06:47:17] It's the charger dude
[06:47:19] Oh
[06:47:24] It's Drew
[06:47:30] Oh fuck
[06:47:32] No no no no
[06:47:34] You already got your shoe, what's the point?
[06:47:38] No no, I don't want to hang out with you
[06:47:42] Oh fuck you
[06:47:44] Fuck you
[06:47:49] Fuck rocket
[06:47:51] oh she was gonna get me one but he didn't want you to get me out I don't
[06:48:01] believe it I don't believe it you gotta trust them oh my god you gotta press it
[06:48:12] I ain't gonna lie no cap oh now you got a press for I'm your camera today
[06:48:20] Oh, no, oh, shit, shit's about to get wicked in this house
[06:48:28] Now you can't let him talk to you like that. He really can't let him talk to me
[06:48:32] Because they all got suits without you. Why are they doing that?
[06:48:40] No, because that shit that shit crazy
[06:48:44] What I thought we all team oh you trying to catch him. Oh you trying to catch a black. Oh
[06:49:00] Okay, no, I'm not gonna lie if I was you I would unload the clip on him on a gel blaster
[06:49:35] Where you go rocking
[06:49:40] Oh, did you
[06:49:43] What do you spend?
[06:49:44] 180 and I can return it.
[06:49:46] You're gonna have to spend 180,
[06:49:48] where'd you guys go?
[06:49:49] Harder.
[06:49:50] It's like five minutes away.
[06:49:51] You can get us on there.
[06:49:52] No, I'm gonna wait here.
[06:49:53] You can get us some constant.
[06:49:54] Oh, I'm sorry.
[06:49:55] I'm sorry.
[06:49:57] It's a little hard.
[06:49:58] I wish my group would do it.
[06:50:02] I'm sorry to conclude.
[06:50:03] Get going.
[06:50:05] Nah, so y'all.
[06:50:06] You got one more left?
[06:50:08] Nah, so you wanna buy shit on my card.
[06:50:13] Matter of fact, where did we see that?
[06:50:16] in here this should going back oh this should going back this you're going
[06:50:23] back you didn't get my man's nothing I'm gonna guess this I'm gonna get wrong
[06:50:29] in the next one now you didn't even ask no
[06:50:35] Is that how we coming I'm not gonna guess
[06:50:39] hi hi
[06:50:43] hey
[06:50:47] yeah why didn't you ask him if you wanted one though because I didn't know
[06:50:53] everyone's getting him besides the tower and all of a sudden he's gonna
[06:50:56] Rockins gonna get a suit that's a hundred eighty dollars. This was this was sixty dollars by the way
[06:51:02] This was sixty dollars
[06:51:09] You tripled my suit somehow
[06:51:16] Interesting let's see what he got. Let's see what he got. We got a city tie. Oh
[06:51:23] You got a nice blazer 180, huh?
[06:51:28] See where there's where is there's what is that where the
[06:51:31] I don't know.
[06:51:33] I don't know.
[06:51:38] 180.
[06:51:42] I wear...
[06:51:44] Oh yeah, that's my glasses.
[06:51:46] What are glasses at?
[06:51:48] Oh, you bought glasses.
[06:51:50] That's hard.
[06:51:54] I got glasses too.
[06:51:56] Yo Nas, these glasses your size?
[06:52:00] Yeah, they're really nice.
[06:52:02] Nas, these glasses your size?
[06:52:04] They look amazing on me.
[06:52:06] Let me see.
[06:52:10] Nah. Trotto's on.
[06:52:14] Trotto's on.
[06:52:15] I think these are your size.
[06:52:19] Oh, shit. Nah, Rockin, you gonna let him take your glasses?
[06:52:26] Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, did you? What extra pair?
[06:52:44] You'll find out.
[06:52:46] I will?
[06:52:48] That's the blaster.
[06:52:50] No, I'm joking.
[06:52:52] I'll find out, huh?
[06:52:54] Did you guys ask Hazel already?
[06:53:02] Yeah, he said you wanted to meet him.
[06:53:04] Yeah.
[06:53:06] So you guys need to follow up and ask him
[06:53:08] of these sizes.
[06:53:10] I don't know what if I call him.
[06:53:12] Yeah, I don't need him.
[06:53:14] He's across the board.
[06:53:16] My phone's dead anyway, so I couldn't call him.
[06:53:18] oh my god now you're about to have Nas have no suit tonight
[06:53:37] I guess he's fitting in this
[06:53:44] I don't put it on us.
[06:53:46] I don't want it on us, smack the shit out of him right now.
[06:53:48] I don't want him to fuck with me.
[06:53:50] He's in.
[06:53:52] Oh my god, he's strong.
[06:53:54] He's strong.
[06:53:56] So you think this is me?
[06:53:59] Is she funny?
[06:54:02] Fuck you, I'm not coming, you know.
[06:54:04] Fuck you, I'm gonna make jokes, huh?
[06:54:08] Absolutely nothing.
[06:54:25] There's not even a single thing you nominated for it.
[06:54:30] There should have been a war for the best mukbang.
[06:54:34] I'm sure you were one that child were waiting for an Uber. Can you shut the fuck up?
[06:54:40] Yeah, it's like how long are we gonna be there for like 20 minutes? We got to get
[06:55:00] in and get out because we actually have to be back.
[06:55:04] The way to close is at the top of the city room.
[06:55:08] Yeah, you got to be careful around the first door.
[06:55:11] Dog shaking headshot.
[06:55:13] Why am I so ugly?
[06:55:15] Why are you so broke?
[06:55:17] When I was 18, I buy you anything, I'll buy you...
[06:56:00] Oh, oh, what's your size, Rogan?
[06:56:06] your size laser ain't it? oh laser what happened last time? oh my god there
[06:56:28] camera and beef this shit getting serious oh so what are you?
[06:56:41] sure as hell not a fucking assistant you should we had four rock and mug
[06:56:50] bags this month I think the only successful segment
[06:56:55] rockin has concluded for us was Kanye rare what mid but you pass huh try not
[06:57:10] to laugh was a five-minute same thing oh he's here all right
[06:57:22] I
[06:57:24] Ask about little drop tops and city
[06:57:28] All right, we out I got us
[06:58:21] I couldn't look yes, I said
[06:58:30] So what you ain't go with it
[06:58:32] So who's fault is that for you?
[06:58:34] Oh my god
[06:58:44] Interrupting so he's segment now now he's blowing your shit
[06:58:49] This whole time you could literally have your fucking soup up the whole time
[06:58:54] Bo you could literally
[06:58:57] You talk you told me what's up to right by breath my fucking left that means go fucking leaving and you come back
[06:59:02] You get your soup bro. You get your sweet away ladies come back
[06:59:06] Bro go get your soup brother. Go get your soup bro. Please go get your soup bro. Go get your soup bro. Go get your soup
[06:59:12] Please go get your soup bro. Go get your soup bro.
[06:59:18] Laser
[06:59:20] Oh, you even want to go no more do
[06:59:24] The results are in
[06:59:30] Nominees
[06:59:32] No, no, no, no, no.
[06:59:34] Sure?
[06:59:34] No, no, don't.
[06:59:36] That's the fucking dad.
[06:59:41] All right, we'll be back.
[06:59:55] We have 45 minutes, fellas.
[06:59:57] We've got to be back, like, 10 minutes before.
[06:59:59] 15 minutes before.
[07:00:03] We've got to get there quick.
[07:00:04] Come on.
[07:00:07] I'm on the middle.
[07:00:08] For sure.
[07:00:09] You got it?
[07:00:11] You got it?
[07:00:18] I'm on a mission with the retards.
[07:00:20] Oh, no, Chad.
[07:00:29] What do you think I got?
[07:00:30] You guys think I got the MVP award or no?
[07:00:35] I feel like I may have gotten a couple of awards.
[07:00:40] I don't really know for real.
[07:00:43] I would say, and I'll read the list.
[07:00:48] Can someone in the chat,
[07:00:49] one of my mods link it real quick?
[07:00:53] Let's see what we got here.
[07:00:58] Man, I think it's closed down.
[07:01:00] What here it is?
[07:01:02] I don't know if I can still read it, but if I can,
[07:01:05] all the awards are shut down.
[07:01:08] My member is funniest.
[07:01:10] You guys think I got that?
[07:01:11] I do.
[07:01:12] Nah, yeah, I got you for funniest.
[07:01:13] Me too.
[07:01:14] Most aura
[07:01:31] Biggest leech
[07:01:48] in the system nice cameraman whoa we got some people over here
[07:01:56] look at me I put myself oh I didn't go because I don't want to I don't want to
[07:02:02] give myself a look
[07:02:05] you're not lazy
[07:02:07] you guys become so mad and so humble
[07:02:09] oh shit man what's happening over here what's going on there's also an award for worst
[07:02:19] You didn't vote at all?
[07:02:27] No, I don't vote at all.
[07:02:29] Because then I got down to the cameraman channel.
[07:02:32] The cameraman suits because they didn't get invited.
[07:03:00] We're going to be quick though.
[07:03:07] Oh, I can disable it.
[07:03:09] You've been seeing this the whole time.
[07:03:11] You can hold down my job.
[07:03:13] It's fine when you're going to be back.
[07:03:15] I'll be back in like less than 30 minutes.
[07:03:17] We have to do it.
[07:03:19] Do you want me to disable you or not?
[07:03:21] I'll text you if I do.
[07:03:23] Because I have to go back to my room and fill out this application form.
[07:03:28] Um, so if I can't get statements over to this talk of this whole-
[07:03:31] Hi, can I take a seat now?
[07:03:33] Yeah, what?
[07:03:34] You're a retard, mate.
[07:03:40] Yes, sir.
[07:03:41] Oh, no, I'm cameraman- the cameraman today.
[07:03:55] Oh, W Ron Baldo.
[07:03:57] Now, there's some real life beef going on.
[07:04:00] Oh, my God.
[07:04:02] Let's get in the alfellows come on
[07:04:08] They said it was at the top floor
[07:04:10] Put it into the bottom
[07:04:12] I'm gonna walk around and ask for safety
[07:04:16] to see what's going on
[07:04:18] Oh, look at that pool
[07:04:20] My hands are like two-three-five
[07:04:24] Look at the angles
[07:04:28] Do you know what colors you're trying to get?
[07:04:33] Probably black
[07:04:35] I think I'm trying to get maybe
[07:04:37] Oh
[07:04:56] No, no, I'm just the cameraman horizon chat the tensions are rising
[07:05:16] That's a script. Oh
[07:05:25] Fuck pop one of these why not
[07:05:31] Cameraman shut up. Okay. I think that's gonna be long enough besides this
[07:05:37] switch it
[07:05:38] 30 or that like you just can't wear that bro
[07:05:41] this is in short form
[07:05:42] you can't really wear that
[07:05:44] I already have a pants, I just need like a shirt
[07:05:47] you see that
[07:05:49] what's a pants?
[07:05:51] 30, 30, bro these are too small
[07:05:58] so I get a like
[07:05:59] are you getting a jacket?
[07:06:00] I need more like
[07:06:04] are you getting a jacket?
[07:06:05] yeah, probably
[07:06:06] oh this is like my body
[07:06:09] oh
[07:06:10] it's probably my body
[07:06:12] so we got this
[07:06:13] it's very black
[07:06:14] these are
[07:06:28] they are straight
[07:06:31] it's a 36 wide 32 length
[07:06:34] What kind of shoes are you wearing?
[07:06:36] Oh man, that's a good question.
[07:06:38] That will depend on how long they take.
[07:06:40] Is it crazy if I wear these?
[07:06:42] No.
[07:06:44] I think they're the great ones.
[07:06:46] Thank you, thank you.
[07:06:50] I think your shoes are great shoes.
[07:06:52] What's that?
[07:06:54] Got her giggle in his head.
[07:06:56] I like that.
[07:07:01] She needs a black mamba in her life.
[07:07:03] That is she knows.
[07:07:05] I guess she might not have to go run down.
[07:07:07] Oh these were the ones Rocky got. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.
[07:07:15] How do you look? Nah, that might be your body.
[07:07:19] Your body? Where's the...
[07:07:23] God damn bro, what the fuck are you doing? You're going through every single god damn suit, bruh.
[07:07:27] Trying to get a nice shirt, man. I don't think I need a jacket.
[07:07:31] How do you look?
[07:07:32] Please, you look like a pedestrian, bruh.
[07:07:38] What are we thinking?
[07:07:43] This might be your body, bro. Keep it clean, keep it calm.
[07:07:46] Oh
[07:07:59] Okay, okay, okay, I like that I like that
[07:08:05] No, I used to be like tighter on you too big very loose. Yeah
[07:08:10] I like that. I like that in each individual one
[07:08:31] I don't want a cameraman anymore.
[07:08:33] For your laser?
[07:08:37] What you looking at?
[07:08:44] Does it fit you?
[07:08:46] No, that. Does that jacket fit you?
[07:08:48] I feel like maybe it's because you're a hoodie.
[07:08:53] Just bring both of them. We'll bring them to the fitting room.
[07:08:55] Nah, that one for sure.
[07:08:59] This one, this one to maybe.
[07:09:09] Can't really see how it looks.
[07:09:11] Let's go over here.
[07:09:13] Hold it.
[07:09:15] Oh, you gotta take off that leaf, bro.
[07:09:17] I can't sell it in the city.
[07:09:32] I do not do that.
[07:09:33] Oh, yes, you do.
[07:09:37] We button the top one.
[07:10:12] We never button the bottom one.
[07:10:14] I like those thumbs.
[07:10:15] And then when you sit, you on button, and you slam your button.
[07:10:19] I didn't even know that.
[07:10:21] For like 10 years again.
[07:10:24] Do you see where I'm standing?
[07:10:26] Too small.
[07:10:28] Too small.
[07:10:30] This is first problem.
[07:10:34] That's true, but you don't know you can do it
[07:10:40] No, no, his name's noz noz you are so ugly you are so ugly noz
[07:10:50] I'm so ugly.
[07:10:53] Alright.
[07:10:55] There's a little gamma, but I have to see what I can read.
[07:11:01] Oh.
[07:11:02] Is he a bigger size?
[07:11:03] Look at this.
[07:11:04] I don't know.
[07:11:05] He's bigger than you.
[07:11:08] Gotta keep it tight.
[07:11:12] This is ultra-sounding.
[07:11:13] Now let's get out of here.
[07:11:15] Come on.
[07:11:16] What's the jacket then?
[07:11:17] Do you know what about this side?
[07:11:20] I got this shit tucked out.
[07:11:21] You see this nothing?
[07:11:22] Mmm.
[07:11:23] Actually, why does that do it?
[07:11:24] Nobody's doing this method though.
[07:11:25] Try it.
[07:11:26] You see this?
[07:11:34] This thing, man.
[07:11:35] This is what I mean.
[07:11:49] like me
[07:11:58] you got everything you got the pants my bad let's go for me you want me no top
[07:12:07] just steal one getting something real how you fucking
[07:12:13] That's it. That's it. That's the one. That'll look good, you know.
[07:13:23] Only dog.
[07:13:24] You gotta hurry bro.
[07:13:28] She's lurking, I see it.
[07:13:30] They're laser.
[07:13:34] Come on.
[07:13:35] Gotta move check.
[07:13:38] They're laser go.
[07:13:44] Laser!
[07:13:48] Laser!
[07:13:51] Laser.
[07:13:53] Laser.
[07:13:55] You get your stuff?
[07:13:59] Oh, you're giving this back tomorrow. Come on.
[07:14:02] There's no shirts like him.
[07:14:04] You're stupid, I was a dog.
[07:14:07] You GTC, I'm Michael I. You just like soapy.
[07:14:11] We gotta go to the steering room, come on.
[07:14:19] Wait, if I take off my clothes here, can I have your beard, too?
[07:14:22] Yeah, if you buy it, if you buy it.
[07:14:24] Louisa, we're going to the fitness room.
[07:14:29] He's easy, he's free, never seen him.
[07:14:35] He's so all good.
[07:14:36] It's your dad?
[07:14:52] Hey dad.
[07:14:54] Huh?
[07:14:56] We have your son, hostage.
[07:14:58] Hello?
[07:15:04] My phone in my jacket. I'm here watching this ring.
[07:15:20] 32?
[07:15:22] I'm gonna fit in your mouth.
[07:15:24] Oh, I see it.
[07:15:26] I think it's over here.
[07:15:30] What about speaker?
[07:15:32] We have your own speaker.
[07:15:34] Hello?
[07:15:37] Okay, so, um, what size is this?
[07:15:47] Is he a mom?
[07:15:49] Jacket? Yeah.
[07:15:51] I'm mom.
[07:15:53] I'm not sure.
[07:15:55] What's up? Yeah. Can you hear me? I think he's... I need him.
[07:16:11] I think Warren says hi. I need this stuff.
[07:16:14] Hi!
[07:16:35] I'm gonna wait right out here.
[07:16:42] Alright, go quick. I'm gonna post up.
[07:16:48] Wait, I'll be over here.
[07:16:58] What do y'all smell? So lovely.
[07:17:00] I like that. Keep at it. He's just right there too. Yo, yo, yo guys, welcome to my target podcast
[07:17:12] Today I'm posted up in the jeans dresses section
[07:17:21] Today's topic of discussion is climate change. I don't believe climate change is real
[07:17:29] I think the government is pushing weather on us. I gotta say all that
[07:17:47] Damn chat
[07:17:50] What how many hours do we have until 3 p.m. Tomorrow someone told me hours
[07:18:05] 21 hours left. You're officially under a day left of the summit on chat
[07:18:10] It's just coming to an end
[07:18:13] Who was here since day one?
[07:18:37] No, did he say this on?
[07:18:40] No, I do want to drive my podcast
[07:18:54] You want to say hi to my podcast at least
[07:19:10] Some people are saying that I'm not like as good looking as Justin Bieber
[07:19:13] Is it how my podcast she scared me
[07:19:26] You guys don't even know what she looks like
[07:19:40] I'm sick of this shit when I take my break. I hope when I come back y'all are disannoyed
[07:19:44] How does it take to put on a fucking suit?
[07:19:57] I bet it's wetter
[07:20:13] Oh my oh wait, I think it's effing. Oh fuck. Why is it?
[07:20:22] Oh fuck hold on now
[07:20:27] Hold on
[07:20:29] Now you looking tough. I'm not gonna lie. What the fuck is this all about?
[07:20:33] Oh, like then nothing else. Well, this is only black shirt and only black foot and shit they have this.
[07:20:38] Alright, it's good enough. Let's go. Come on.
[07:20:39] Two seconds?
[07:20:40] Yeah, it's fine.
[07:20:41] God damn it, laser.
[07:20:44] Do you want to join my podcast?
[07:20:50] I have no guests though.
[07:20:53] I was not here yesterday.
[07:21:20] We're just checking out the suit and we're leaving.
[07:21:23] They're in there right now.
[07:21:26] Why so serious, ma'am?
[07:21:30] It's a holiday today.
[07:21:32] I was not here yesterday who was here yesterday who was here yesterday you know
[07:21:47] what I'll kick myself out this is why Walmart's the goat you're gonna be
[07:21:54] hearing from my lawyers name and badge number can I get your name and badge
[07:22:02] number before I leave laser nozz you guys check out I'll see you outside
[07:22:09] walks away with aura we gotta get out of here bro
[07:22:22] There's some ocean man, it's like we fuck a Walmart, come here.
[07:22:25] Target super unfair, Mr. Krabs is in there, standing out of concession.
[07:22:48] Uh, something about obsessive.
[07:22:50] Well you don't like Target, Target has bad things.
[07:22:54] Oh my gosh, he's chasing me. I gotta go, I gotta run.
[07:22:57] Thanks for the roses.
[07:23:11] Those smell amazing.
[07:23:14] Those smell great.
[07:23:24] The phone's dead.
[07:23:41] Hey, thanks for the galaxy.
[07:23:43] Whoa, I'm getting all over the place.
[07:23:49] Thanks to the roses, those smell great.
[07:24:12] It's happy there.
[07:24:16] Turn up the bass, turn up the what?
[07:24:18] Turn up the bass.
[07:24:19] Thanks to the music.
[07:24:23] No jumps, thanks for the 10 gifted.
[07:24:25] That comes with hot dogs.
[07:24:27] Thanks to the roses.
[07:24:39] Those smell great.
[07:24:52] Thanks to the five gifted.
[07:24:54] Thanks to the galaxy.
[07:24:55] Whoa, they're almost happy there.
[07:25:22] Hey man, what we got from?
[07:25:33] Thanks for the roses, for the galaxy.
[07:25:48] I almost had them right there.
[07:26:04] Thanks for the little toning bottles.
[07:26:06] What am I doing, don't like this.
[07:26:07] No, can they hurry up, bro.
[07:26:17] Everybody.
[07:26:30] Oh shit.
[07:26:32] Oh my, they're gang bangers.
[07:26:33] Oh no, it's over.
[07:26:36] Oh no, I'm scared.
[07:26:38] Oh no, I'm scared.
[07:26:43] I almost went into the car flash.
[07:26:45] What's up man, how you doing?
[07:26:47] Huh?
[07:26:49] I was crazy.
[07:26:49] Can you give us words to the kids at home?
[07:26:52] It's like one, look, come here.
[07:26:54] He's like, no, it's not as far as school,
[07:26:56] about the money that he's doing part right now.
[07:27:00] Yeah, I just started to write.
[07:27:01] But what are we talking about?
[07:27:02] It's just about like the world,
[07:27:04] like any advice you give to a kid out there.
[07:27:07] You're younger self.
[07:27:09] I just like it.
[07:27:10] In terms of my days,
[07:27:12] I'm gonna be happy to stand up right after business.
[07:27:16] I'm doing good.
[07:27:17] I can somebody do something about life.
[07:27:20] This is what I'm just trying to promote.
[07:27:22] Hey, thanks for the roses. Don't smell great. Thanks for the galaxy.
[07:27:56] No one's had me there.
[07:28:00] How we good?
[07:28:03] You actually like me, like me, like me.
[07:28:06] So I'm in.
[07:28:07] That's a quote.
[07:28:17] Who's this?
[07:28:18] You're just like me, bro.
[07:28:20] Yo Gilbert, you better be out of your sit.
[07:28:24] You better be out of your sit Gilbert.
[07:28:27] How long we got a blad time?
[07:28:29] There's a blad, huh?
[07:28:33] That's my on the clip!
[07:28:35] Turn anything into something.
[07:28:40] I got it.
[07:28:41] Still, George said until we get home,
[07:28:43] don't slam the door huh I'll be sure not to slam this door
[07:29:05] you guys think they'll let you under me shut up oh it's the OMA5's
[07:29:16] she was touching my body she was touching my body
[07:29:21] no that security thought she was sweet
[07:29:24] I got hung in there by a slobber
[07:29:26] so she was on the second floor and came down to run on the first floor
[07:29:32] oh yeah she said that I was here yesterday
[07:29:34] I was here yesterday, fuck that story
[07:29:38] I hate talking to you, there's always been one more
[07:29:44] tip him, I'm not doing this, I'm not even going to turn it out of this river
[07:29:48] I can't do this anymore
[07:29:50] you did this time to take a shot?
[07:29:52] are you serious?
[07:31:25] Ew, ew, what the fuck?
[07:31:28] I think I'm a little like a boomer.
[07:31:30] Concarcin' is a boomer.
[07:31:32] When I look at I am concarcin' here.
[07:31:34] London, Paris, Amsterdam, we have them overseas.
[07:31:38] Jesus Christ, you guys.
[07:31:40] Thank God you're not the streamer.
[07:31:42] We end stream tomorrow at 3 p.m.
[07:31:58] Give it to the folks.
[07:32:06] I need a picture with all my awards.
[07:32:16] Oh my God.
[07:32:18] Oh no, I know what I'm doing.
[07:32:22] Can you say it or not?
[07:32:28] I want to meet it. It's all good. It's all good. Thank you.
[07:32:47] How was your day by the way?
[07:32:55] See the camera is trying to be screened too hard. You're not here.
[07:32:58] Just quick of an answer.
[07:33:00] Nah, it's all good. I don't even care about this day.
[07:33:03] Take notes with me.
[07:33:05] Please do not take notes with me.
[07:33:08] Geez. Keep going. It's fine.
[07:33:11] It's one more.
[07:33:13] You see that red car right there?
[07:33:15] The red car in front of you.
[07:33:17] On the left side.
[07:33:19] Right to the right?
[07:33:29] Yeeeaaah.
[07:33:31] Yup, perfect.
[07:33:33] Perfect, right here.
[07:33:36] I love you. Thank you.
[07:33:57] I don't know what time is it?
[07:34:01] We got a little bit of time.
[07:34:09] Here we go.
[07:34:11] It's that time in a minute.
[07:34:13] Thank you.
[07:34:15] It's that time in a minute, fellas.
[07:34:17] Yeah, yeah, you like it I look a little ugly, but
[07:34:35] Well, well, well
[07:34:38] Shit sweet, right? I got you a gift. I got you a guest. Oh come in here come in adoption. Quick. We'll be out once
[07:34:45] I don't know if you fit in that
[07:34:50] Hey, hey, hey
[07:34:52] true can you do all this shit oh shit we got remember the gift yeah you have it
[07:35:01] okay let me give you let me get you a seat man you know we care about you now
[07:35:10] right oh listen hello bro this subatom is been real it's been fun it's even
[07:35:18] been really fun for all of us you know I'm saying and you've been here we met
[07:35:23] you on some whole random shit when still he left in New York through the
[07:35:27] tryouts. Cognitive with a five. Okay let's restart the cutscene from the last check point.
[07:35:37] So listen, it's the subatons in real, it's been fun, it's even been really fun and
[07:35:43] you know we met you on some like off the cuff like side like little group
[07:35:48] segment and we really fucked with you and you came and you put on, you
[07:35:52] cooked food for us every day, really good food, showed up, was always a part of
[07:35:56] Shady Member Complain so we just wanted to show you.
[07:35:59] You know, we went in trip to that spot, you know, that's how we got to the fry pond.
[07:36:03] Yeah, yeah, use that every day. Use it every day.
[07:36:05] We know how much love, you know.
[07:36:08] Yeah, listen, this is something that we all wanted to kind of chip in on together
[07:36:12] and get for you because, you know, of how you've been performing and taking care of us
[07:36:17] and just something to, you know, pay back a little bit.
[07:36:20] Hey man, I just want to present to you
[07:36:22] Okay
[07:36:24] A hundred dollar Robots
[07:36:26] GOOOOOO
[07:36:33] Don't play that
[07:36:35] Nooo
[07:36:40] Come on man, you're fucking deserves that shit
[07:36:43] It's the Robots
[07:36:45] Everybody know you're fucking that
[07:36:47] I grew up on a girl
[07:36:54] Shut up to them
[07:36:56] Go man, don't use it to chat
[07:36:58] The Robots
[07:37:02] I don't even know if that's activated.
[07:37:04] Curve out with the 20-bit game!
[07:37:07] Let's go!
[07:37:08] No, no, no, it's for true activity.
[07:37:10] I got to receive energy for it, too.
[07:37:12] Well, I guess this is a good time to tell you all.
[07:37:14] I also got y'all a congratulations cake.
[07:37:15] I mean, obviously, which I'll do.
[07:37:16] People probably don't know how hard it is.
[07:37:18] It's not easy, which I'll do.
[07:37:19] Except when I eat it.
[07:37:20] So, uh...
[07:37:21] Which fucking guy gets it?
[07:37:23] I got y'all a congratulations cake.
[07:37:24] 24-7 is streamed.
[07:37:25] It's not easy.
[07:37:26] I've tried to do my thing.
[07:37:27] You should remember I had some dinner,
[07:37:28] but 24-7, like, that's dedication.
[07:37:31] and the chat don't know what y'all go through, you know?
[07:37:33] So, big ups to y'all, just kick out there for y'all.
[07:37:36] Thank y'all, thanks y'all.
[07:37:38] Thank you, bro, for real.
[07:37:39] Y'all, thank you.
[07:37:41] All right, I'm so glad that this ended up
[07:37:44] like the stars in line and then you ended up new and new
[07:37:46] and you're as cool as you are, you're as good
[07:37:49] at what you do as you are and you're gonna work with us.
[07:37:51] You come here, you do your thing,
[07:37:52] we're super blessed and super lucky.
[07:37:54] Just the beginning.
[07:37:55] Yeah, yeah.
[07:37:56] Just the beginning.
[07:37:57] It's really just getting started, y'all.
[07:37:59] It just getting started.
[07:37:59] She just gives a shout to Isaiah, that's why I guess it's fucking dope.
[07:38:02] Thank y'all, thank y'all.
[07:38:04] One more time, one more time, thank y'all.
[07:38:09] My gosh, this is crazy, this is crazy.
[07:38:12] Chat, love y'all too, chat, love y'all chat. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
[07:38:16] What are you saying, the electric day?
[07:38:18] Oh, electric day. I was thinking of what it's like.
[07:38:21] It's been electric.
[07:38:23] I'm 90 still y'all. The night is still...
[07:38:26] Boys five letters
[07:38:30] Electric, that's what the best boss had me it was
[07:38:33] And look bro, please watch this one of the bro. This she's fucking hilarious. I swear this might be top-notch
[07:38:39] I might have recently I might have recently buy it, but this might be top-notch for me
[07:38:44] Oh, wait, this is fucking hilarious this start to finish the shit is like what's going on?
[07:39:06] Get out of disconnecting the Android from the server.
[07:39:12] I hit it so hard.
[07:39:14] I caught your body as you dropped.
[07:39:16] Look at the fucking replays.
[07:39:22] That was a perfect right slug.
[07:39:27] That is bad.
[07:39:29] That is bad.
[07:39:31] That is bad.
[07:39:33] That would be a level 10 headbutt.
[07:39:35] Oh my god.
[07:39:37] I can't believe it. What the fuck? We talked through the month. Don't read games. Knocked up. 24-7 streaming. Group segments, snap segments, highs, lows, cries.
[07:39:49] We have less than a day!
[07:39:52] This is it, bruh!
[07:39:54] This is really dead-ass finale, y'all!
[07:39:56] We have less than a fucking day!
[07:39:58] I can't believe it! What the fuck!
[07:40:00] We've done through the months, 30 days!
[07:40:02] Knocked out, 24-7 streaming.
[07:40:04] Group segments, nap segments,
[07:40:06] highs, lows, cries,
[07:40:08] all bunches, all types of shit!
[07:40:10] And now this is it, chat!
[07:40:12] This is the last night we're ever gonna all
[07:40:14] sleep together in the same house.
[07:40:16] I don't even know how much that...
[07:40:18] At least for the time being, for the time being, it's been a fucking insane month.
[07:40:26] Everybody individually has exceeded expectations that everybody's had, you know, came into this
[07:40:31] game and they were all, they're only going to get here, they're only going to get here,
[07:40:34] double it, triple it, quadruple it even.
[07:40:37] It's just not a fucking game.
[07:40:39] It makes me sad, bro.
[07:40:40] It is sad, although it's sad, it's been so fun, it's been so fun living with everyone.
[07:40:46] Wake up every day. I'm knocking everyone's fucking doors and let's go hit the gym
[07:40:50] Go hit the gym go get a shape we come out here. We do a nap segment
[07:40:52] We shoot around and trick shot in the backyard
[07:40:54] Maybe we go like we just straight bullshit for the whole day, but it's so much fun
[07:40:59] It's so much fun. I just watch the money
[07:41:03] Dead asses watch money
[07:41:06] And like the most insane shit to me is like look at this
[07:41:10] Like look at the type of shit
[07:41:12] This is some bass clanshield fiber for Stephen. Okay? Subscribers. Top 20 subscribers right here. Wait, I'm not a little bit. Hold up, I don't know.
[07:41:23] Jason, number four. Five-boy max. Number six. Table-riding sum. Number nine. Lacey, number ten. Me, number 13. And Silky.
[07:41:36] Just 14 milkies actually just jumped from 20 to 25 K over 25 kids of cookies 14
[07:41:44] So dead ass on the top 16 you take this fucking hat out of here. We got split quad feet boys
[07:41:51] You got a split quad feet. We got max and Jason at the top. We're all in the fucking top 20 soda. Thanks for the tier one
[07:41:59] What Lord has ever done that they say it's fucking history. He really exists. It's history
[07:42:06] You should be there makes you watch time
[07:42:08] Well, how do I sort of watch time channels you guys all channels I don't know why I didn't show you guys
[07:42:18] Let's do all
[07:42:20] hours watch
[07:42:21] on the one
[07:42:23] It's gonna focus the time or this is a cow max number five. That's a game your number seven
[07:42:29] This is number eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
[07:42:35] 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, so he's 26 or 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34.
[07:42:50] Yeah, go to the next one.
[07:42:56] Gotta be on the next one, gotta be on the next one.
[07:42:59] Yeah, there we go, yeah.
[07:43:02] Fuck yeah, and in what time does we're all in the top 111?
[07:43:06] I
[07:43:14] Your number one you'd be most watched streamer for the month of February
[07:43:21] I think everywhere I think just guess them
[07:43:25] You said I said September what's next to us. No, what's next? Well?
[07:43:35] We gotta tell him not let someone know something
[07:43:44] You've got to keep this outfit forever and only bring it out on a special occasion.
[07:43:49] This shit is so fucking tough.
[07:43:51] Oh, we're on a hype train, y'all.
[07:43:54] Oh, shit.
[07:43:55] Hey, when you had that one thing that makes talk about bullies, just talk.
[07:43:59] Yeah, I mean, listen, we also all got to go travel to Japan back in the week in another country,
[07:44:05] but probably go to India or somewhere for Ron on some homie shit.
[07:44:10] You know what I'm saying?
[07:44:12] one year Southern time starting January 1st a year is a little insane you can
[07:44:21] you close that so much I didn't get where a hundred and sixty something
[07:44:26] away from 28k 28,000 I didn't even think I was touching 10k let alone
[07:44:32] fucking 28k during the fucking Southern time that's why I put my 10k gold
[07:44:37] was my head and I did it and I actually kind of fuck with it. I don't know if I'm fucking the color, but I kind of fuck with the bus.
[07:44:44] Keep the bus down here.
[07:44:49] I'm like, well, I remember talking for outside the house and I was like, I don't think I could do it.
[07:44:58] I remember this conversation.
[07:45:00] I didn't even think I was gonna make it through either. I bet I should be like okay
[07:45:26] I'll probably get through two three weeks max and then I'll either get over or my timers
[07:45:32] Gonna hit you up and then also I was psyched out cuz going into I'm like looking at y'all
[07:45:37] Y'all got like teams and you're like fucking get gas and shit booked and I'm like sitting here like what the fuck
[07:45:44] I'm going to get good fucking Jim. That's why I'm going to best buy getting my fucking hair cut
[07:45:51] But wait rage is a story
[07:45:58] What's on Rage's Instagram story?
[07:46:03] What is this? Why didn't he tell us this quick on this?
[07:46:13] No, there's another one.
[07:46:15] There's another one.
[07:46:16] Oh my God, a thousand bits?
[07:46:18] Keep that weak ass up.
[07:46:20] I'll take it.
[07:46:21] Yeah, mom.
[07:46:22] Uh-oh.
[07:46:23] Whoa.
[07:46:24] Whoa.
[07:46:25] Wait a second.
[07:46:27] Come on now.
[07:46:28] Does this mean that Rage is coming back for the finale?
[07:46:32] I don't know.
[07:46:34] I mean...
[07:46:35] LA.
[07:46:36] What are you doing here?
[07:46:37] Raging in LA?
[07:46:38] You're doing LA.
[07:46:39] Yellow dude with hags up?
[07:46:41] I feel some sort of presence here over the last few hours.
[07:46:48] I'm not gonna lie.
[07:46:51] Is he coming here?
[07:46:52] I don't know.
[07:46:57] We'll have to see y'all.
[07:46:59] Where's the catalyst?
[07:47:01] I don't know.
[07:47:04] Right over there.
[07:47:05] Need that.
[07:47:06] Drew, stay here.
[07:47:08] I'm on my camera.
[07:47:09] We're back.
[07:47:10] Chad, we're back in five seconds.
[07:47:12] It's not cinema, I mean it's not cinema.
[07:47:18] Yeah, this shit is getting critical.
[07:47:31] Damn car, thank you for the tier one, Boca Fat PD appreciated the subs, how's the
[07:47:36] thing for the fun?
[07:47:37] Jack, 150 away for 20 a K. You're about to hit 50 K.
[07:47:42] No, they're pushing their singing out to New York, brother.
[07:47:45] I'm not even sure.
[07:47:46] What do you have right now?
[07:47:47] 45.
[07:47:50] You wanna know what I say to that?
[07:47:52] Yeah.
[07:47:53] You wanna know what I say to that, Lacey?
[07:47:54] Well, there's a banging song, but...
[07:48:01] Shadows say never, never, never, never, ever
[07:48:05] There's nothing I can't find in the world
[07:48:19] If it ain't no turning back
[07:48:37] For the ones to hear us act
[07:48:40] I have this fuck that's in here
[07:48:45] I'm still a JB, dawg
[07:49:16] I had a goal going into the South Dog
[07:49:18] Yeah, talking to you
[07:49:20] To hit 20,000 subscribers
[07:49:22] What was your peak before the South Dog?
[07:49:25] Hey, I'm using your gap and dick log
[07:49:28] You're not shitting on it?
[07:49:29] No, I got a peak
[07:49:30] My peak before the South Dog was 30,000
[07:49:33] I predicted and my goal was 20 to 25,000 going into it
[07:49:37] You doubled it
[07:49:38] Yeah, 45
[07:49:39] 45 you should probably be super proud of yourself. I'm proud of you everyone's
[07:49:44] friendly you put on with you oh shit little five piece oh the neighbor five
[07:49:48] get it but yeah now um I don't know 45 I'm very very very satisfied happy with
[07:49:53] 45 I don't think I don't think I don't I don't because regardless if they
[07:49:58] stop at this southern Indian yesterday I would have been satisfied the southern
[07:50:02] Indian I would have been happy with I did not think I was even great in ten
[07:50:06] And I'm in the fucking top 20, me and Silky are right next to each other, they're crazy.
[07:50:13] I am more than grateful and so, so happy that this turned out the way it did.
[07:50:19] I'm dead serious that this shit ended yesterday.
[07:50:23] This is a bigger W than I could have ever looked at it.
[07:50:27] You thought you were not passing 20k?
[07:50:31] Me and Ron both thought we talked about it before.
[07:50:35] You thought you were going to hit 30 and I was like I'll get 20-25 and Ron ended up
[07:50:40] at fucking like 20-25.
[07:50:41] You're not sending me that long?
[07:50:42] You're not going to hit 60 something.
[07:50:44] I'm not even going to think I would hit 20.
[07:50:46] I literally said my goal is 20 and I was like I don't know what I'm going to hit.
[07:50:49] You get it.
[07:50:50] Even after you hit 20, it was the first week you hit 20, right?
[07:50:54] Yeah.
[07:50:55] Like you hit it really early.
[07:50:56] Like first 40.
[07:50:57] You made like new sub goals and you didn't go past like 40k.
[07:51:00] And I was like you know you're getting at least 20.
[07:51:02] Oh big peace.
[07:51:03] Thank you for the 550.
[07:51:04] You're getting at least at least 50
[07:51:08] No, I would eat when he was when he hit 20 the first week. Oh, yeah, I was like he hit 21st week. I was
[07:51:16] Go 40 from what was it over 40k?
[07:51:23] Oh, yeah
[07:51:27] And what's your trip?
[07:51:29] I made that as a troll cuz I thought there was zero percent chance I get for you
[07:51:33] Okay, that's why I'm dribbling, but what is going to happen, I have to throw up.
[07:51:37] I gotta fucking go to New York to the piggings after me.
[07:51:40] Then the awards ceremony is starting, bro.
[07:51:43] In 19 minutes, yeah, we got...
[07:51:45] Yes sir, I'm sorry, is that 7.45?
[07:51:46] Wait, is it about 7?
[07:51:47] Look, it's a shower.
[07:51:48] Come here, I'm going to take a picture.
[07:51:49] Come in.
[07:51:50] Come in.
[07:51:51] Come in here.
[07:51:52] Punch it out.
[07:51:53] Punch it out.
[07:51:54] Punch it out.
[07:51:55] Punch it out.
[07:51:56] Punch it out.
[07:51:57] Punch it out.
[07:51:58] Punch it out.
[07:52:02] Punch it out.
[07:52:03] Punch it out.
[07:52:04] Punch it out.
[07:52:05] Yeah!
[07:52:06] Oh, hey, no, no!
[07:52:08] Who bought you that Rolex?
[07:52:10] Hey!
[07:52:11] Hey, see!
[07:52:12] Who bought you that?
[07:52:13] Let me see that!
[07:52:14] Hey!
[07:52:15] Hey, wait, wait.
[07:52:16] Well, see, you gotta walk back down.
[07:52:17] I gotta put a song on for you, bro.
[07:52:19] Oh, C.T. Bollard with the five gifted.
[07:52:21] They even have a five gifted C.T. Bollard?
[07:52:23] No, I have a song.
[07:52:24] You know this song.
[07:52:25] It's called Reflections by Toshi Fumi.
[07:52:32] Come here, take a picture for a sec.
[07:52:34] Don't play it, come here, come here.
[07:52:36] Take this.
[07:52:38] Get it in just a little bit.
[07:52:40] Jason, take a fuck out of here for a second.
[07:52:47] Thank you so much.
[07:53:30] Bye, picture, bro. I love you. Thanks for another Bob picture.
[07:53:32] See you in a minute.
[07:53:38] Now we can get clear.
[07:53:40] It's good.
[07:53:44] Wow, thank you for the...
[07:53:54] Oh, fuck.
[07:54:01] You can come on a day.
[07:54:04] How you feel about sophisticated?
[07:54:10] I like the hat. The hat's a nice little touch, you know what I'm saying?
[07:54:15] You did your game.
[07:54:17] It's almost that time!
[07:54:21] War ceremony.
[07:54:28] We're gonna be starting in pretty soon.
[07:54:30] Who's gonna end with most war tonight?
[07:54:33] Probably you. You or Jason?
[07:54:36] Probably you.
[07:54:38] It's getting scary hours. Scary hours is possible.
[07:54:44] Have you ever charged up for a missy scene?
[07:54:47] You know how I go, so come on in.
[07:54:50] Oh wait, I do.
[07:54:51] Wait, wait, wait.
[07:54:52] I'm gonna check this right now.
[07:54:56] You know what you think, sir?
[07:54:57] Come on, let's wait.
[07:54:58] What's wrong with my collar?
[07:54:59] Drew, well, text Russell's even gonna order us some cigars.
[07:55:02] Ooh, we need to pick all of us.
[07:55:05] Oh my god.
[07:55:06] Right, cigars.
[07:55:07] Huh?
[07:55:08] This is English here.
[07:55:09] Yeah, yeah.
[07:55:10] Let me check.
[07:55:11] It's a nice...
[07:55:13] It's on the counter.
[07:55:17] It's not my last night.
[07:55:19] It's not my last night.
[07:55:21] It's your last night in that room.
[07:55:23] Damn, this is fucking dope.
[07:55:25] It's kind of sad.
[07:55:27] That's what I've really been the most excited for.
[07:55:31] But fuck you, go and get some vibe rooms in the chat.
[07:55:37] It's only in five.
[07:55:39] Greatest day ever. This looks like a cool city.
[07:55:43] This is really one of the best days.
[07:55:45] This is crazy.
[07:55:47] You're gonna have to go to K tonight.
[07:55:49] You know you're part of the...
[07:55:51] What do you got? What do you got?
[07:55:53] You're gonna have to go to K tonight.
[07:55:55] You're for sure getting 100K.
[07:55:57] There's no chance...
[07:55:59] Up up your channel.
[07:56:01] There's no chance that your chef
[07:56:03] lets you finish this double thought
[07:56:05] without touching 100K.
[07:56:08] You're gonna hit 100K tonight.
[07:56:10] It's gonna be a nice night, bro.
[07:56:12] It's gonna be a great fucking night tonight.
[07:56:14] How do we want to...
[07:56:16] How do we want it? How do we want it? So we have to...
[07:56:18] It's nice. It's calm.
[07:56:20] Oh, wait. You got a real one on.
[07:56:23] Oh, that shit is kind of fly.
[07:56:28] Oh, Twizy, David, a five-gifted.
[07:56:31] That shit is kind of fly.
[07:56:33] I'm not gonna lie.
[07:56:35] I'm not gonna show you this shit.
[07:56:38] Fuck with me, Tampa.
[07:56:41] This shit is really weak, really, y'all.
[07:56:43] It feels like New Year's, they're saying.
[07:56:45] Damn, this doesn't feel like something.
[07:56:47] Oh my god believe me with another five gifts you thank you
[07:57:01] Lacey those epic with the 10 gifted a chap appreciate the top what's a fuck
[07:57:06] What are our seven with the gift is you don't see that what the fuck is all out? Oh wow
[07:57:12] No, no MC Benz in the chat. Oh my god. Zolley with the 10 gifted
[07:57:18] He's been sick you look tonight Zach save it a 10 get there bro. Oh wow
[07:57:27] She's he baller with the five gifted. Holly with the five these
[07:57:32] Oh, shit. Oh
[07:57:35] You say you say
[07:57:48] Bad play with the five gifted
[07:57:52] Yeah, let's see.
[07:57:54] Think about this.
[07:57:55] Do you know what he's talking about?
[07:57:57] I got Charlie.
[07:58:01] I think he'll be on time.
[07:58:03] He's for sure.
[07:58:04] Someone tell Max, too.
[07:58:05] Tell Max.
[07:58:06] They're starting.
[07:58:07] Max doesn't even have a cop there.
[07:58:11] Charlie, what the gift is?
[07:58:13] Oh, Charlie, we are about to...
[07:58:15] We might touch 28K, Chad.
[07:58:17] We might touch 28K.
[07:58:19] Like a one gifted star of the one, the fucking one.
[07:58:25] We might touch it before the fucking news.
[07:58:27] What are you guys gonna miss most about this time of the month?
[07:58:30] Let's go on.
[07:58:32] We're just gonna put tomorrow.
[07:58:34] I'll eat this shit.
[07:58:38] So how are we ending this time of the month?
[07:58:39] We're gonna end alone after together or?
[07:58:44] Alone is, I think we should end it together.
[07:58:47] Oh my god.
[07:58:47] Like you know how we started it,
[07:58:48] we opened the door and we were all there.
[07:58:51] You were in the fucking U-Haul truck, but you know what I'm saying, we started it together.
[07:58:55] It would hit so hard if we all played outro songs.
[07:58:58] Like our own individual outro?
[07:59:00] We all have our own outro songs, but I feel like if we signed together, we'd gotta end it together.
[07:59:04] That's what I'm saying, it's up to y'all.
[07:59:07] It's up to y'all.
[07:59:08] We could definitely all come back to our room, let the old group thing come back and sign off and talk to our guests.
[07:59:15] Or we could just all end it the same way we started.
[07:59:20] No.
[07:59:21] However, I would like to give you some idea.
[07:59:23] We closed the door.
[07:59:25] Yeah.
[07:59:26] We can have some fun with it and do some other shit, but we're closing the door and Mike fucked it.
[07:59:31] Bro, think about it, that's a full circle, like full 360.
[07:59:34] Damn, and then the edits would hit it.
[07:59:36] Oh, the edits.
[07:59:37] And then the outro song.
[07:59:39] Like, here, just close the door and it hangs out.
[07:59:42] What about Kong?
[07:59:43] Was that not the U.S. or something?
[07:59:45] No, that's guys.
[07:59:46] Oh, yeah.
[07:59:47] I thought that was your act.
[07:59:48] Oh, okay, I get it now.
[07:59:49] So, what's your guys' outro song?
[07:59:54] The time to change it.
[07:59:56] What do you guys think?
[07:59:56] Mine is,
[08:00:00] Bad Shots.
[08:00:02] What do you guys think about this,
[08:00:02] like when this drops?
[08:00:06] It's not a time.
[08:00:08] One more break.
[08:00:09] Was the night good, shiny, long,
[08:00:11] and you're a movie fan?
[08:00:13] Is it, is it, is it, no one's a song?
[08:00:15] When you're making some money,
[08:00:16] nothing at the place now.
[08:00:19] First is Rob.
[08:00:20] I'm a guy that's got the money.
[08:00:22] And he's got the money for my pen.
[08:00:27] Yeah, I thought you got it.
[08:00:41] It hurt you, right?
[08:00:42] And then this is where the doors closed.
[08:00:47] I'm hot and all the time.
[08:00:49] Okay, you pick an outro, so they're saying 24 hours.
[08:00:59] Fuck my back.
[08:01:00] Play off the grid.
[08:01:01] I'll be fucking down.
[08:04:17] Yo, they should make an edit last second.
[08:04:19] They should do that.
[08:04:21] What?
[08:04:22] What is it for students?
[08:04:23] Play that, I'll do it.
[08:04:24] They have a story.
[08:04:27] We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was that we did wrong.
[08:04:32] But we think you're crazy to make us write message to the new boy and we are.
[08:04:36] And we see it as you want to see it.
[08:04:38] In the simplest terms.
[08:04:40] One with five conditions.
[08:04:42] But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain.
[08:04:46] And an athlete.
[08:04:48] And a basket of chaos.
[08:04:50] A princess.
[08:04:51] And a criminal.
[08:04:53] Does that answer your question?
[08:04:56] It's in New York.
[08:04:58] Breakfast.
[08:04:59] Oh my god.
[08:05:08] Get out of here. I know a lot.
[08:05:09] So you think we should all walk off and freeze frame into the sunset?
[08:05:13] That would be tough.
[08:05:14] That would be tough.
[08:05:15] That would be tough.
[08:05:16] We could do that.
[08:05:17] We could do that and have.
[08:05:18] I haven't ended the exact second.
[08:05:19] Have like ice in our Betsy.
[08:05:21] We all cut to one frame and we freeze frame into the sunset.
[08:05:25] We share you all.
[08:05:29] That's so thank you for the file
[08:05:35] That would be tall
[08:05:41] Bro, there's like a fucking song by um
[08:05:44] Chat we're 100 subs away. What was the song called from 20 a.k
[08:05:49] Holy sheets. How the fuck
[08:05:52] Oh, I got a good one someone in your chat. Oh my god. I got a good one. This is this sound to just
[08:05:56] I know what?
[08:05:57] No, bro.
[08:05:58] This song.
[08:05:59] When I get older, I'm telling you, no, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, no.
[08:06:10] This actually might be a good one.
[08:06:13] Listen to this.
[08:06:15] Wait, wait, wait, wait.
[08:06:20] Give me fire, you can't kill me.
[08:06:42] Take the fear down.
[08:06:44] You're the fire.
[08:06:45] I'll be your champion.
[08:06:48] Shit, that ain't it.
[08:06:57] What if
[08:07:52] We want people to cry.
[08:07:54] We want people to be sad.
[08:07:56] We want people to be sad.
[08:07:58] We want people to get it from the shit we want.
[08:08:04] We want people to hate.
[08:08:24] You're saying seven years old.
[08:08:26] No, we're not.
[08:08:28] This one is old that's all sucks. You don't like this one
[08:08:33] Billy Helms, I appreciate the gifted. Are we giving speeches at the ceremony?
[08:08:37] Appreciate the time gifted. Um, I guess we're not
[08:08:41] I guess we're gonna have to like some fucking capacity, right?
[08:08:54] What the fuck am I looking at?
[08:08:56] Well, my chest not even up there. Is there one more song anyone wants to recommend this could hit?
[08:09:01] We might have to do this much. I say seven years. Oh
[08:09:06] Oh, no, no, no, no, no, I thought they make it that song was seven years old
[08:09:12] They want to hear this one
[08:09:33] 7 years old, my mama told me, go, make yourself some pens, or you'll be home, yeah, once I was 7 years old
[08:09:48] It was a big, big world, but we thought we were bigger, pushing each other to the limits
[08:09:54] We were learning quicker, by 11 smoking, urban drinking, burning liquor
[08:10:00] Never rich, so we were out to make that stay bigger
[08:10:04] You're making history right now, why? This is fucking crazy. You're a psycho. This kid is a sicko.
[08:10:27] By the way, I swear to the last time I checked you, seven years ago, I was walking on the way here,
[08:10:32] the way here if you're like what the fuck is wrong with you
[08:10:39] you're a sicko
[08:10:45] holy shit
[08:10:47] this is it bro this is what we this is what we spent 30 days for bro
[08:10:51] what the fuck are you doing here so quiet
[08:10:52] why are you guys out of your sideways i saw him out there
[08:10:56] it's good baby look at alex bro look at alex he's a stripper that this is a fucking
[08:11:00] He's so weird.
[08:11:01] I don't even know what I'm saying.
[08:11:03] He's being insane as that.
[08:11:04] Can I tell you guys something, too?
[08:11:05] Obviously, you guys realize I watched the streams a lot.
[08:11:08] This month, I've probably gained 15,000.
[08:11:10] I just think you can keep watching the guys' streams.
[08:11:12] I'm calling it as mad weird to be on this side of the camera.
[08:11:15] Yeah, I know.
[08:11:15] I feel like you haven't really been here as much.
[08:11:19] But you've been consistently in the stream, still.
[08:11:22] Because I'm behind the scenes,
[08:11:23] chopping clips, doing dumps here in the loop,
[08:11:25] shots here in the nature.
[08:11:26] It's a whole thing.
[08:11:27] There's a whole fucking machine behind all this shit,
[08:11:29] obviously.
[08:11:30] but I'm always watching, so it's cool
[08:11:32] that they've been fucking amazing being all around here.
[08:11:35] And I think me and you talked earlier about how like,
[08:11:38] it was really just all of you guys,
[08:11:40] you guys didn't have any crazy big collabs
[08:11:42] or like we didn't even go anywhere crazy,
[08:11:44] do you want anything like that crazy?
[08:11:46] What was the biggest collab we had, the whole month?
[08:11:48] Corinna called, like what the fuck?
[08:11:50] You guys cared about this shit,
[08:11:52] you just owned this whole, whole life
[08:11:55] she made sure it was the last month, it's fucking,
[08:11:57] it's amazing, bro.
[08:11:59] Thanks your big fans
[08:12:09] I'm assuming you admit this I can't figure out the fucking what is it string-wired shit
[08:12:13] I'm trying to know any of those elements by having don't even one sauce
[08:12:18] What's up the way you try we got a
[08:12:20] You gotta try to be him.
[08:12:22] Oh, fuck it, Boomer.
[08:12:23] Is he playing a good mafia game right now?
[08:12:26] Because he could be big pants.
[08:12:28] Just gas and everything.
[08:12:30] Listen, Alex, you know me well enough, no.
[08:12:34] If I'm making some weirdo, like, I'm not even asking you why.
[08:12:38] It's just a conspiracy.
[08:12:40] I love big pants. Big pants, they's the pants.
[08:12:42] It's a fan theory that they have.
[08:12:45] That's so funny.
[08:12:46] You need to find this fucking guy.
[08:12:48] You're talking to me?
[08:12:50] I see Satorora.
[08:12:51] No, he honestly was super cryptic and super bad.
[08:12:54] He's typing your shit.
[08:12:55] What if he doesn't even really type messages?
[08:12:57] He just got like, you know what I mean?
[08:12:58] You guys know me, tell him, I would drag that shit.
[08:13:00] I'd be doing a weird shit.
[08:13:01] Bro, I'm a guy.
[08:13:02] I didn't mention you guys do weird shit.
[08:13:03] I'm a guy named Michael with like 3, like 2.5K
[08:13:06] to get this sudden.
[08:13:07] He's just no chance.
[08:13:09] No chance.
[08:13:09] I mean, they're making theories.
[08:13:11] They're making theories.
[08:13:12] No shit, you're also a lot of shit.
[08:13:13] You got that whole crazy rich Asian shit going on.
[08:13:16] But also, you got this like, you've
[08:13:18] like infiltration and not to mention all the progress. I don't get it man. Like these schools are riding for you for years.
[08:13:23] It's like you're a fuckin' Jason Smith.
[08:13:25] Not to mention, you know, he's so fuckin' ugly.
[08:13:29] Yeah.
[08:13:30] He's like, you know, he's disgusting.
[08:13:32] It's not great over that yet. Listen, you're a crush on it. You're a good dude.
[08:13:36] Which you're a funny looking dude.
[08:13:38] You're a funny looking dude.
[08:13:39] Funny looking ugly dude.
[08:13:42] I mean, we started. We got started with it.
[08:13:44] We opened the 7th level.
[08:13:45] Let's see where Silky and Matt are.
[08:13:46] I'm gonna call the store.
[08:13:48] Yeah.
[08:13:49] Well, I'm sad to see his ending, brother.
[08:13:51] This month has been so fun.
[08:13:53] Get a listen, bro.
[08:13:55] I feel like we really all got Matt close to him.
[08:13:59] Posted.
[08:14:00] Posted.
[08:14:02] Silky's on Max's stream.
[08:14:06] He's in shower, right?
[08:14:07] I mean, he might be on Max's black screen.
[08:14:10] I don't think they're ready.
[08:14:12] Wait, is he?
[08:14:12] Where is it at?
[08:14:13] It's in Max's main stream.
[08:14:15] Are we giving speeches about how does this work?
[08:14:17] Yeah, I think we are.
[08:14:19] You're going to award us all over the place.
[08:14:21] Why?
[08:14:23] You're probably going to give speeches per award.
[08:14:25] That's my guess.
[08:14:27] Press them with the five.
[08:14:29] Appreciate you. I'll mark with the twenty home right over here.
[08:14:31] We're about to get 28K.
[08:14:33] Do you see the video?
[08:14:35] Look at this. How crazy is this?
[08:14:37] Look at the front page, by the way.
[08:14:39] Jason, I got 100K.
[08:14:41] Remember they said that when we had
[08:14:43] When we remember they said when we announced the fucking
[08:14:48] They said you were on drugs again
[08:14:55] You about to pass these big boys
[08:14:57] Yeah, JT's getting flipped guys get in flip scroll up. We the fuck is this?
[08:15:02] Who is this?
[08:15:04] And then Max, Ron and Lacey back to back and then somehow, that is wild, that is so weird.
[08:15:21] And fucking Silky is 20 right now but Silky is really 14.
[08:15:24] Me and Silky are back to back.
[08:15:26] Bring your hands Alex.
[08:15:27] I won't talk to him.
[08:15:28] I won't talk to him.
[08:15:29] I'll tell you mine.
[08:15:30] No, actually I need to know.
[08:15:31] I said
[08:15:34] Listen keep the mind if this will mind that you could try to guess
[08:15:40] Because I know what's
[08:15:42] But, uh.
[08:15:43] You think I'm top?
[08:15:44] I mean, people, it's a term.
[08:15:46] I think it's a top right.
[08:15:47] And you know.
[08:15:48] No fucking way.
[08:15:50] Fucking ridiculous.
[08:15:52] That's not what he did.
[08:15:54] 450 grand!
[08:15:56] Oh my god.
[08:15:57] And it's no way.
[08:15:58] That's fucking ridiculous.
[08:15:59] Like, so I can only imagine what this means for everybody's fucking house.
[08:16:04] This is fucked.
[08:16:05] This is fucked.
[08:16:06] You're a good man.
[08:16:07] This is fucked.
[08:16:08] You deserve it, bro.
[08:16:09] Thank you for coming out, bro.
[08:16:10] I'm just, bro, I'm so happy.
[08:16:12] You're a crazy pig, too.
[08:16:14] You're saying rugs here?
[08:16:16] Rugs here?
[08:16:18] Tell him where to pull up.
[08:16:20] She said he was going to come around outside, and I talked to him earlier.
[08:16:22] Yeah, I'm right here.
[08:16:24] Rugs are going to come.
[08:16:26] Ron, you got it?
[08:16:28] Yeah, I got it.
[08:16:36] Yeah, this is the last night.
[08:16:38] Get your tall ways ready.
[08:16:40] Don't you think tomorrow before we end this thing? Okay, so you know how we started the sabbathon?
[08:16:44] We opened the board of the crib, and we were all together instead of everyone individually doing an outro talking to their
[08:16:51] teachers and brief those on we should do the outro all of us together
[08:16:54] and close the door.
[08:16:56] Also too, I don't know if I'll do it, we can leave yet.
[08:16:58] The Nukes would just come over tomorrow, Kyle and Jesse, and they're gonna do a little cameo on Schumer
[08:17:06] But then we're gonna set up my podcast with them here the production and after you guys end I want you guys to just come on
[08:17:12] Say hi. Oh yeah, but it's kind of like my old fucking my old
[08:17:18] meets my
[08:17:20] No, get out. Yeah cool across Paul. We don't wait now be here when we ain't yeah
[08:17:27] Feel like
[08:17:30] No
[08:17:31] Not ending on string we're gonna pop it at some point tomorrow just to say hi
[08:17:35] But then they're going to set up a production for their shit.
[08:17:38] Oh.
[08:17:39] Obviously you guys should end.
[08:17:41] I shouldn't be a part of that.
[08:17:42] You either you or you should end.
[08:17:43] No, you shouldn't.
[08:17:44] It's on your face.
[08:17:45] Whatever.
[08:17:46] You definitely should be a part of that.
[08:17:47] Either way, you know.
[08:17:48] You're fucking vision, Ricky.
[08:17:49] Don't misinterpret things.
[08:17:50] No, shit.
[08:17:51] They're setting up their podcast in this house.
[08:17:54] Because it's just cool to be the podcast in this house.
[08:17:56] We've got to be out by the way.
[08:17:58] We've got to be out by the way.
[08:18:00] My mom is going to be an adult.
[08:18:02] I was saying my Marcus will go with them for like 30 minutes and then you guys end
[08:18:34] Okay, I'm gonna be back you get it back
[08:18:56] 30 days you pop you want to see how some big moments are during this time with all right, bro
[08:19:02] So, TwitchCon, we fucking wrapped your house,
[08:19:05] we selected your crew.
[08:19:06] The alien house.
[08:19:07] You wanted me to relax?
[08:19:08] Yup.
[08:19:09] We did the whole thing.
[08:19:10] Bro, come on.
[08:19:10] You already know.
[08:19:11] You already know.
[08:19:12] One you want max, one you want JC.
[08:19:14] Bro, by the way, I know a lot of people in here
[08:19:18] are newer fans of some of the newer guys.
[08:19:20] But me, Ricky, and Rugg have been friends for 13 years.
[08:19:25] That's mind blowing.
[08:19:26] We were in SORE together.
[08:19:27] I think it's motherfucking only when it's 13 years old.
[08:19:30] We were rude.
[08:19:31] We were in...
[08:19:33] Stop!
[08:19:35] That's not me.
[08:19:36] So we met each other on the game for 13 years ago
[08:19:39] and look at what we're at.
[08:19:40] Look at where Faze is at today, bro.
[08:19:41] It's fucked, bro.
[08:19:43] We met on PlayStation.
[08:19:44] Like, that's crazy.
[08:19:45] Your name wasn't even Rugg.
[08:19:46] You had a rat that day.
[08:19:47] It was Rugg Rat.
[08:19:48] How do you feel about having your 13 month subscription?
[08:19:52] I call it Wednesday.
[08:19:54] Well, I'm so proud of it.
[08:19:55] It's insane.
[08:19:56] Actually, bro, like, you needed this.
[08:19:58] Like, bro, you know what, dad?
[08:19:59] All we need to do is grind it.
[08:20:01] He just needed this.
[08:20:03] The final piece of the game.
[08:20:05] Don't build the border.
[08:20:07] That's hard.
[08:20:09] He's good, man.
[08:20:11] Silky.
[08:20:13] Red moron.
[08:20:15] Silky will be here.
[08:20:17] Beatin' Victoria's Chief.
[08:20:19] Now we need to get him to sleep.
[08:20:21] One more to be sure, man.
[08:20:23] Let's end it up.
[08:20:25] Oh, yeah.
[08:20:27] Oh yeah, what's up Drew? How are you bro?
[08:20:30] Good, you've been eating good today?
[08:20:32] How are you? Good, you made twice today?
[08:20:35] It's the last day you're so lucky you ain't got smoke in the cigarette.
[08:20:38] Honestly, you've been doing this the whole time.
[08:20:41] Yes, but you know what the fuck you're doing.
[08:20:43] It's an insane thing.
[08:20:45] That's the night, fellas. They killed Drew.
[08:20:49] We have him.
[08:20:51] Alright?
[08:20:52] You can tell us what I'm about.
[08:20:54] You can believe me.
[08:20:55] He's not done any swarming.
[08:20:57] I'm fucking anxious about this.
[08:20:59] He's not done any swarming.
[08:21:01] We're gonna strap Drew to a missile,
[08:21:03] put a GoPro on it,
[08:21:05] and shoot it in the fucking space.
[08:21:07] An ex-globe came to with yourself
[08:21:09] to cut to the death cam.
[08:21:11] Why am I seeing comments on Drew
[08:21:13] talking about nothing real or phase?
[08:21:15] Other than the phase coming off fuck Drew.
[08:21:17] No, it's not.
[08:21:18] It was no way.
[08:21:19] It's actually true, it's actually the biggest game.
[08:21:22] It's still not.
[08:21:23] They honestly drew my...
[08:21:24] You gotta be the most hated person in the world.
[08:21:27] Outside of all of us who are actually streaming this episode, Drew might be the biggest character.
[08:21:33] I'm not close to that.
[08:21:35] Okay, Drew's got the biggest name, for sure.
[08:21:37] Outside of everyone in Vave, let's be real.
[08:21:40] Look at the fucking chat, on some fucking Black Mirror shit.
[08:21:43] Spam, fuck, Drew one.
[08:21:45] Fuck, four of us still need.
[08:21:48] That's fucking, it's about Drupal Quad feet, a fuckdruid, they really, they got a burning passion for him.
[08:21:53] Every time we beef, there's these massive words in the mouth.
[08:21:56] Holy shit!
[08:21:58] Yo!
[08:22:00] God, ladies and gentlemen.
[08:22:02] It's so crazy.
[08:22:03] They really hate him, don't they?
[08:22:05] Fucking hate him.
[08:22:06] So we got over and under on a silky like 15 or 20 minutes.
[08:22:11] We did nothing to stream, nothing to stream.
[08:22:13] Nothing to stream, his stream is just majesty.
[08:22:15] I'm going over.
[08:22:16] Yeah, I'm not going to say anything.
[08:22:18] Yeah, I'm not going to say anything.
[08:22:20] I'm not going to say anything. I'm going to wait.
[08:22:22] Are you going to get shitty?
[08:22:24] I got to get real shitty.
[08:22:26] That's crazy, bro.
[08:22:28] I'm going to 13.
[08:22:30] I can't even believe it, bro.
[08:22:32] We talked about it the other day, bro.
[08:22:34] It's insane.
[08:22:36] You're right, bro.
[08:22:38] This shitty is really just
[08:22:40] finally gotten back to a point
[08:22:42] where it's something that we're all like, look at...
[08:22:44] When have you ever rubbed been like oh I need to drive
[08:22:47] No, I was like man have you ever the same day been like over the past years like oh
[08:22:52] There's nothing a day. I didn't realize I'll be there. You know, that's how you know like you like we all care about this shit again
[08:22:59] It feels like a family again
[08:23:01] Really?
[08:23:03] I swear bro like
[08:23:05] It's been the past two years
[08:23:07] I've been shopping a lot bro, we're shopping a lot
[08:23:09] We're shopping a lot bro, we're shopping a lot
[08:23:11] Now I like coming to LA if I'm doing anything with you guys, you know what I mean?
[08:23:16] It actually feels like, it just feels good, it feels normal.
[08:23:19] Bro, it's so, it's so back, you know, I'm so glad.
[08:23:23] When did the award start?
[08:23:25] 12 minutes ago.
[08:23:27] But what still seems right?
[08:23:29] It's dead ass, like, it's actually crazy how consistent my music is.
[08:23:32] What is that?
[08:23:34] I mean, you feel like even more entitled to this music.
[08:23:37] Tall?
[08:23:39] It's like naughty bit part of the world.
[08:23:41] Yo, why haven't you heard that, bro?
[08:23:45] I'm not good.
[08:23:46] Rohani-san.
[08:23:47] Rohani-san's helped me go through it.
[08:23:51] I'm saying tall.
[08:23:53] No, I appreciate you giving it to me.
[08:23:55] I'm not gonna say who I was.
[08:23:56] Thank you, bro.
[08:23:57] I just saw it.
[08:23:58] I saw it.
[08:23:59] Thank you.
[08:24:00] Chad, this is it.
[08:24:01] The last dance, the fucking finale, bro.
[08:24:03] 30 days, 24 seconds for you.
[08:24:06] You got 90 fuckin' thousands, 93,000 subscribers.
[08:24:11] You're at 93 JC 100.
[08:24:12] What?
[08:24:13] I mean, you ain't nothing tonight, but tomorrow and tomorrow.
[08:24:16] What number is that on Twitch?
[08:24:18] I'm at four.
[08:24:19] Four in the world.
[08:24:22] Like the people you're competing with, by the way, Broke, Kaisenat, JC and then
[08:24:26] Iron Man.
[08:24:27] Insane.
[08:24:28] I'm not even sure.
[08:24:30] You're competing with fucking Titans, like the Twitch industry.
[08:24:34] Oh shit now what happened if you get the oh shit
[08:24:46] My god, we're about to hit 20. Thank you for the 37 step stream
[08:24:53] Thank you guys for the chat stream. I appreciate it. Oh, I'm up here 28k. I'm four something late
[08:24:57] 28,000 so I didn't think I was cracking 10
[08:25:03] I didn't think I was cracking 10 20 28k
[08:25:09] Bro again the screen shot I'm gonna hit 28k we all got we all gotta take it take this reshot chat
[08:25:14] 28,000 subs so I'm gonna get the screenshot ready. Let's go 30 five
[08:25:27] I don't know
[08:25:33] I don't know
[08:25:37] Thank you guys
[08:25:40] Thank you
[08:25:43] I love you so much
[08:25:45] You already fucking know
[08:25:47] I texted you this other day
[08:25:48] You didn't fucking randomly
[08:25:50] Get the idea for me
[08:25:51] If he didn't
[08:25:52] Like can you think about
[08:25:53] Like a butterfly effect for a second
[08:25:55] I wouldn't even be in this house
[08:25:56] I wouldn't be as close to these guys as I would I would kind of be probably more distant from phase in the new phase
[08:26:01] And I would probably be fucking like feeling like shit like you know, I mean, but now I'm a part of it
[08:26:07] I'm involved. You deserve it. I'm just fucking happy for the change that's gone
[08:26:11] I did not think that I would ever have fun be living in a face. I was a decade later
[08:26:16] The first phase house was oh a decade. No way was ten years
[08:26:20] was 2014, we all moved into the city.
[08:26:22] Who happens to be Quinn Nicotine?
[08:26:24] 28,000 subs on Twitter.
[08:26:26] That's the best.
[08:26:28] Quinn Nicotine was the best decision on my fucking life.
[08:26:30] Yeah, right.
[08:26:32] You're saying the drug rants are going to hit today?
[08:26:34] Oh, we're not going to make this happen.
[08:26:36] We're not going to make this happen.
[08:26:38] We're not going to make this happen.
[08:26:40] Please, please, please.
[08:26:42] We're going to ruin his whole life, bro.
[08:26:44] We love you guys.
[08:26:46] We love you guys.
[08:26:48] Yeah, you heard that so far.
[08:26:50] I heard that you're a bird.
[08:26:52] It's Jason's 21st birthday and now.
[08:26:54] Yeah!
[08:26:56] Yeah, you're a bird.
[08:26:58] You know what, Neil, thank you for the gift.
[08:27:00] Hey, I appreciate y'all.
[08:27:02] Thank y'all for being here, Mom.
[08:27:04] I appreciate y'all.
[08:27:06] Thank you guys for real.
[08:27:08] But one more thing I can't say is fucking insane.
[08:27:10] We got the awards here.
[08:27:12] This is the finale of the sub-a-thon.
[08:27:14] It's been fucking insane. It's been fun.
[08:27:16] real so real you can even say it's been really fun wow but you know this
[08:27:21] consumed my social media in the past no say every time I look at it on YouTube
[08:27:26] anything you know I'm gonna buy checks out the real world like a nightlife
[08:27:31] culture asking me what they sweet guys you know me and Jason we're fucking
[08:27:39] damn on switch 12 hour what you know what the water you're even woke up
[08:27:44] 10 hours go
[08:27:47] Yeah
[08:27:55] For real shout out to Jason for connecting me and bringing honestly taking us out of
[08:28:07] I felt sad as hell looking at the notifications
[08:28:10] Gmail rich your account has been suspended
[08:28:14] And I just I see I'm like refreshing
[08:28:30] Long hit 800 K on IG
[08:28:44] I appreciate all of the people that came through when I was at my lowest, not even at my highest,
[08:29:09] I think I'll get higher than this, you know what I'm saying?
[08:29:11] But 800K is a terrible powerful box within the next year.
[08:29:16] I'll probably go back down to like seven, 20th.
[08:29:18] I'm probably going to be hitting 84, but yeah,
[08:29:22] I appreciate y'all.
[08:29:22] I appreciate y'all.
[08:29:23] I appreciate y'all.
[08:29:24] I appreciate y'all.
[08:29:25] Come on, brother.
[08:29:26] Get out of here.
[08:29:27] Get out of here.
[08:29:28] What's up here?
[08:29:29] We're ready, bro.
[08:29:30] Are you ready?
[08:29:31] Oh, he's nice.
[08:29:32] Oh, he's nice.
[08:29:33] You see, I go, you know, he's not as mind-blowing as a head.
[08:29:36] No, brother.
[08:29:37] You are all good.
[08:29:39] We know what to do.
[08:29:41] Thank you.
[08:29:43] Thank you.
[08:29:45] Should we do it or should we run it?
[08:29:47] Are we ready?
[08:29:49] Do we end and best happen this all?
[08:29:51] I don't work with Silky after this.
[08:29:53] I'm sad.
[08:29:55] I don't want this to end.
[08:29:57] Oh, Lacey.
[08:29:59] There's something on itself.
[08:30:01] You were going out too much.
[08:30:03] You were going out too much.
[08:30:05] How many conversations do we have like this back in New York house brain with you with
[08:30:34] It's just the sustainability not burning up.
[08:30:36] Yeah, about days rain, you've never seen anything like it.
[08:30:40] This one hundred woke up and banged out
[08:30:42] three YouTube videos a day.
[08:30:44] Edited them all in self.
[08:30:45] Three full original, you know, that's crazy.
[08:30:50] And editing them.
[08:30:51] Edited them, he did help with the graphics.
[08:30:53] He's the one who would,
[08:30:54] all of the system-based said,
[08:30:55] I could do this till I'm 80.
[08:30:56] I will do this till I'm 80.
[08:30:58] I'll make three videos till I'm 80.
[08:30:59] And rain will tell you himself now,
[08:31:02] It all caught up to me and burnt.
[08:31:04] You know, he lost his love for it
[08:31:05] because he fucking pushed it, pushed it, pushed it.
[08:31:07] Ballot light is all about balance,
[08:31:09] but I'm fucking, I'm a little bit of a hit person.
[08:31:11] I don't like those.
[08:31:13] I don't, wow.
[08:31:14] Damn!
[08:31:15] There he is!
[08:31:16] There he is!
[08:31:17] Oh no, no, no, no, no, no!
[08:31:19] Big, big, big time.
[08:31:20] Fuck you, Joe.
[08:31:21] Fuck you, big time.
[08:31:23] Ah, you smelled it, dude.
[08:31:25] Thank you, man.
[08:31:26] Ah, look at us.
[08:31:28] Look at us.
[08:31:29] Soded.
[08:31:30] We're gonna fuck you, Dave, y'all.
[08:31:31] We made it to the end of the seventh grade.
[08:31:33] I can't even fucking believe it.
[08:31:34] Typically go for gold.
[08:31:35] No, listen to him, though, for real.
[08:31:37] You've got to make sure.
[08:31:38] I mean, you guys should all get out of here.
[08:31:39] I had a stream plan it, and back home.
[08:31:41] Fuck the stream plan it, back home.
[08:31:43] Broke the stream plan.
[08:31:44] You've got to put, with the stream plan shit,
[08:31:46] I was like, I was playing this game.
[08:31:48] You were to Jason, I forget.
[08:31:50] You've got to not put your mental health
[08:31:51] and your physical health in the backseat.
[08:31:54] I know what I was saying.
[08:31:55] I know I sound like I was saying this.
[08:31:56] A week today, a week today could extend
[08:31:58] your fucking career.
[08:31:59] Right here.
[08:32:00] The only thing I can take a week off, I was so bored.
[08:32:05] I was so bored that we didn't know what to do.
[08:32:09] Yeah, I mean, at the same time,
[08:32:10] we're at the wrong grasp in the most years.
[08:32:12] I've only taken one week in the last 12 years.
[08:32:15] Something really different.
[08:32:17] All of yourself, all of yourself.
[08:32:19] I've only taken one week in the last 12 years.
[08:32:22] One week in 12 years.
[08:32:23] The thing that you expect to really take personal life,
[08:32:25] you know, in being a hooker,
[08:32:27] you have to take it for the most of it.
[08:32:28] Bud, you take every breath of hope.
[08:32:30] You feel it like everyone will understand, you know,
[08:32:33] if we take a week to eat soft like you do,
[08:32:35] that's a good thing about understanding,
[08:32:36] like they know your grandma was like.
[08:32:40] No, you're just, oh.
[08:32:41] I'm glad you had that passion, like all of that.
[08:32:47] I'll continue to talk to y'all about that.
[08:32:49] How many hat boats we counted today?
[08:32:51] Oh, thank you.
[08:32:52] Oh, thank you.
[08:32:52] I'm glad you said, where's Ron's hat butt?
[08:32:55] Please, someone's in the clip.
[08:32:56] You're shitting.
[08:32:57] That shit was electric.
[08:33:00] That actually might be my favorite clip right now.
[08:33:02] How about the camera so much in the picture?
[08:33:04] Wait bro, where, where is it?
[08:33:07] No, where is the wrong headbutt chat?
[08:33:09] Please, okay, here it is.
[08:33:10] Look at this.
[08:33:11] That was fast bro.
[08:33:13] Yeah.
[08:33:17] Oh!
[08:33:18] Oh!
[08:33:19] That was so close!
[08:33:21] Oh, okay!
[08:33:22] He turned the Android off!
[08:33:24] He turned the fucking Android off, bro.
[08:33:27] He hit it so hard.
[08:33:29] You guys can see it?
[08:33:30] He's got a white head and a long head.
[08:33:32] What the fuck?
[08:33:34] Fuck.
[08:33:37] I had to touch it.
[08:33:39] Listen, what the fuck?
[08:33:41] What the fuck?
[08:33:42] What the fuck?
[08:33:43] What the fuck?
[08:33:44] What the fuck?
[08:33:45] What the fuck?
[08:33:46] What is this?
[08:33:47] How about the camera that says yours?
[08:33:49] Of course it does.
[08:33:50] No, it doesn't.
[08:33:51] Right, no.
[08:33:52] He fell to the ground.
[08:33:53] He fell to the fucking ground.
[08:33:54] I had to catch him.
[08:33:55] I had to catch him.
[08:33:56] I had to catch him.
[08:33:57] I had to catch him.
[08:33:58] I had to catch him.
[08:33:59] We just all end right now and bet you
[08:34:04] I chat
[08:34:11] W chat I'll see you guys in a minute
[08:34:16] Sky mods things change the title mods
[08:34:20] Wish me best of luck. I'm a cry. I don't know. We'll see yo
[08:34:29] Jesus, that's bad. How is that not bearable? That was bad. I did it for you guys now because I already know you guys want that I
[08:34:45] Feel like I have a nice ass too. Why don't I become?
[08:34:49] Okay, think about it like this. Let's think let's brainstorm real quick
[08:34:52] Is there?
[08:34:54] Yep, can you give us a quick insight into how you celebrate this war right now?
[08:35:05] Hey! Hey! I don't get it! I don't get it!
[08:35:08] If I'm a cheerleader, why did I have more kills than you ever did?
[08:35:11] What are you talking about?
[08:35:12] Oh, you did? Oh, you did? Oh, you did?
[08:35:14] Oh, you did? Oh, you didn't have much money watching on that?
[08:35:16] And that's not the fucking truth!
[08:35:17] Are you shocked?
[08:35:18] You're lying!
[08:35:19] You're not!
[08:35:20] You're fucking lying!
[08:35:21] It doesn't matter, you're not!
[08:35:22] Don't worry like you did in the whole...
[08:35:23] Let go!
[08:35:24] Fuck that career!
[08:35:25] I love that! I love that!
[08:35:26] I love that!
[08:35:27] I love that!
[08:35:28] I love that!
[08:35:29] I love that!
[08:35:30] I love that!
[08:35:31] I love that!
[08:35:32] I love that!
[08:35:33] I love them! I love them!
[08:35:35] I love them! I love them!
[08:35:37] I love them! I love them!
[08:35:40] You guys still see me as a pro in your eyes or now?
[08:35:44] You can be honest.
[08:35:49] Now?
[08:35:54] Maybe this will change your mind.
[08:36:12] Hand me a gun!
[08:36:22] Hand me a gun!
[08:36:57] Fox?
[08:36:58] What?
[08:36:59] Good stuff, good stuff.
[08:37:12] Oh my god, what?
[08:37:14] What is going on over there?
[08:37:17] Hey, do you remember the thing in public?
[08:37:19] Or...
[08:37:20] What is going on?
[08:37:22] What's going on?
[08:37:24] They're getting into a lot of dirt, see?
[08:37:26] They're getting into the hell.
[08:37:28] What's going on in Japan?
[08:37:30] You're closed down.
[08:37:32] What are you doing?
[08:37:33] Japan is freaky. I've never done that with my girl.
[08:37:36] What do you like about us liking it like that, chap?
[08:37:38] Holy shit.
[08:37:40] Holy shit, you're running so fast.
[08:37:43] I'm moving for Gale. Oh my god, he's moving.
[08:37:58] That's just funny. That's just funny.
[08:38:57] Damn, actually.
[08:39:03] Oh
[08:39:08] I didn't know that was bad my bad guy like actually
[08:40:46] Instantly within the first hour
[08:40:50] What do I weigh too much? How does it make any sense?
[08:40:59] Am I
[08:41:26] Yeah, say sorry dude
[08:41:50] Stop, stop, stop.
[08:41:51] Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[08:42:01] You guys see it?
[08:42:02] You guys going in to see the movie?
[08:42:03] Yes.
[08:42:03] I have a serious one.
[08:42:04] I got one back.
[08:42:05] I got one more real quick.
[08:42:06] It's shorter than Kevin Hart.
[08:42:09] Dude, let me tell you something right now.
[08:42:12] You're about three feet taller than Kevin Hart.
[08:42:15] That's best craze.
[08:42:16] Come on.
[08:42:16] Thank you so much.
[08:42:17] Yeah.
[08:42:18] You got it.
[08:42:19] Thank you.
[08:42:20] We appreciate you.
[08:42:21] Going through here.
[08:42:22] You already here first.
[08:42:22] Y'all can't call me small no more.
[08:42:26] How do you feel about that?
[08:42:28] That was cool. That was cool. It was nice seeing him, bro. It's easy. Very.
[08:42:31] And there's another red.
[08:42:32] I feel tested. No, I thought that's, that's, that's minimum. We're almost.
[08:45:02] Cause on incredible to see you guys.
[08:45:10] Everybody welcome to the first ever 2024 phase sub-a-thon awards.
[08:45:17] Keep running across the street some guys.
[08:45:19] First ever group Sutherthof!
[08:45:21] First ever group Sutherthof!
[08:45:23] Real shit, incredible.
[08:45:25] But guys, I cannot do this
[08:45:27] by myself. Okay?
[08:45:31] Please.
[08:45:37] I got you, I got you, I got you.
[08:45:51] Look, my fucking damn gonna look good today, boy.
[08:46:02] Shit.
[08:46:04] Damn gonna look good.
[08:46:06] Look, look, look, listen.
[08:46:08] Before anything,
[08:46:10] I won't thank this man right here because if it wasn't for him, I would not be here.
[08:46:14] I would not be here.
[08:46:16] Over a year ago, he pulled up on me, he was like, Rage, I want you to be a part of this.
[08:46:25] But how do we do it?
[08:46:27] How do you flip this shit around?
[08:46:29] And I told him we need to get a bunch of like-minded individuals.
[08:46:33] We need a team, we need a squad, we need some new shit.
[08:46:36] We need a rebrand.
[08:46:38] He trusted me
[08:46:40] In that vision and the vision came on God the vision came true. I go lie. You're like see to my expectations
[08:46:46] I was gonna stupid all your broke milestones
[08:46:49] Records your own personal records all your every small ass money I'm gonna break
[08:46:57] So thank y'all because I'm gonna break one. All right, and just watching y'all I'm saying like damn
[08:47:03] to get back. Damn all to go crazy. I know when I come back because y'all I'm gonna go more
[08:47:08] crazy than I ever have in my life. This is not easy. 30 days that shit is not easy. Don't
[08:47:17] let nobody tell you shit. All right. I'm proud of all y'all niggas. Yeah.
[08:47:22] I want to say real quick before we start, I'm very, very grateful for each and every
[08:47:28] one of you guys. You have no idea what we went through that man knows right there.
[08:47:34] the amount of hard work we put to put this incredible group
[08:47:38] together, bro.
[08:47:39] Ricky, obviously, with the vision and everything.
[08:47:41] Yo, Ray, that fucking man right there, bro.
[08:47:44] Ray!
[08:47:44] Now, guys, on FaceTime talking every day,
[08:47:52] trying to get this shit going.
[08:47:53] Look what happened, bro.
[08:47:54] You guys don't have no idea how much Ray does.
[08:47:56] Real shit.
[08:47:56] He doesn't get enough credit.
[08:47:58] And thanks.
[08:47:59] Yeah.
[08:48:00] And look at that.
[08:48:00] This is your shit.
[08:48:02] And you trusted us to do what we do.
[08:48:06] And I'll forever love you for that.
[08:48:07] I'll forever be grateful.
[08:48:09] We're proud of you guys, man, um and I think we should get this show on the road
[08:48:22] Is there a reason why you're wearing a different clothes? Yeah
[08:48:34] Okay
[08:48:36] Well listen, you guys have some games to play, 30 days man, 30 days, 24-7, let's see who won what award, let's get this show on the road, shall we?
[08:48:47] Yeah, sure.
[08:48:50] What's the first award Josh?
[08:48:52] Let's get one by one.
[08:48:54] I like it, where's some, you can't.
[08:48:56] Yeah.
[08:49:00] How do you got this man?
[08:49:01] He's on something.
[08:49:02] Yeah.
[08:49:03] Just leave him there and pick one, bring a trophy too.
[08:49:05] All right, guys, take trouble, take trouble.
[08:49:14] There's a few participations.
[08:49:16] Is that real gold?
[08:49:18] Yeah.
[08:49:19] That's real gold.
[08:49:20] You think they're not getting real gold?
[08:49:22] What?
[08:49:23] 24K.
[08:49:24] All right, guys, we are reading the award for best individual contents.
[08:49:31] Okay?
[08:49:32] That's a big one.
[08:49:35] All right, and the nominees are Mr. Samuel Ronaldo, Lacey, Blackboy Max, Jason, Silky.
[08:50:15] There we go, and the winner is, what have you got to say?
[08:50:41] Nah man, I want to thank everyone in this room, man.
[08:50:44] I want to thank, most importantly this shit would not have happened, individual segments
[08:50:51] would not have happened if it weren't for the 4AM discord calls with Siggi and Red Defy,
[08:50:56] man.
[08:50:57] Hey, let's give it, clap it up, man.
[08:50:58] I want to thank my mom, I want to thank everyone in this room, base, everyone sitting in front
[08:51:06] right here.
[08:51:07] Y'all are amazing, bro.
[08:51:08] This is incredible, bro.
[08:51:09] And by the way, this man go hit 100k.
[08:51:13] Congratulations, man.
[08:51:14] Congratulations to Jason Ron.
[08:51:16] Is there a reason why he looked upset?
[08:51:20] No, I thought it was just going to be me.
[08:51:22] I thought it was just me.
[08:51:23] Okay, all right.
[08:51:24] Yeah, it's all right.
[08:51:25] No worries.
[08:51:26] Fuck it all.
[08:51:27] Go ahead, Ray.
[08:51:28] Did you read out this one?
[08:51:30] This category?
[08:51:32] Best side quest.
[08:51:33] Okay.
[08:51:34] The nominees are pretty good.
[08:51:37] Ron and Adap for the best side quest.
[08:51:40] No, what's the best side quest?
[08:51:42] What's that?
[08:51:48] Lacey in a dap drunk string.
[08:51:50] Oh, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
[08:51:57] Max with the card he posted.
[08:51:59] Got a chance.
[08:52:01] Come on, come on, what the fuck?
[08:52:03] Oh, are you tight?
[08:52:08] Oh, Lacey, are you tight?
[08:52:10] I forgot about that, all right?
[08:52:12] Jason and Lacey finding Lacey.
[08:52:14] Ooh.
[08:52:16] There you have it.
[08:52:18] Silky, New York string.
[08:52:20] And the winner, adapting wrong.
[08:52:32] Please take the stairs, thank you so much.
[08:52:41] Congratulations.
[08:52:43] Please go ahead, whatever you need to say.
[08:52:46] Wow, wow, wow.
[08:52:48] Man.
[08:52:49] Oh man, this is...
[08:52:51] Who would have thought, bro?
[08:52:53] The best by trilogy.
[08:52:55] Actually, we ended up doing another one today and all I'm gonna say is we didn't expect this.
[08:53:02] It was real.
[08:53:03] It was fun.
[08:53:04] It was even a dead ass, really fun.
[08:53:07] You know what I mean?
[08:53:08] The critics came back.
[08:53:09] It's a dollar, bro.
[08:53:10] You look fucking retarded.
[08:53:11] I got it.
[08:53:12] I got it.
[08:53:13] I got it.
[08:53:14] I'm sorry.
[08:53:15] He's not wrong.
[08:53:16] The realest feature is crazy.
[08:53:17] Listen.
[08:53:18] When we first started the Best Buy segment, we didn't take much over it.
[08:53:22] thought it was just you know two guys having fun little dude we know tell him
[08:53:27] when we're out selling people tell me we actually checked the reviews and the
[08:53:33] best box really came back critically acclaimed higher than the Christopher
[08:53:37] Nolan Batman film you may ask yourself you're going to best buy how you gonna
[08:53:47] How's that content? How's that a stream? Oh, I got fucking news for y'all. That shit was electric.
[08:53:56] And I just want to thank y'all. I want to thank Ronnie Sun, you know what I mean? This shit was
[08:54:02] genuinely so fun just going in there fucking being just being a retardist. Just going to the
[08:54:08] best body being a retardist. And making a content like that shit is so fun to me and I'm
[08:54:14] I'm glad that you know, you coming with me,
[08:54:16] leaving him or something.
[08:54:17] Yeah, let's go.
[08:54:18] Yeah, let's go.
[08:54:19] Thank you.
[08:54:20] Thank you.
[08:54:21] Thank you, God job.
[08:54:22] Thank you.
[08:54:22] Thank you.
[08:54:23] Thank you so much.
[08:54:24] Thank you.
[08:54:24] You know this guy.
[08:54:25] He's rapping off.
[08:54:27] Rap in the floor.
[08:54:28] Another way.
[08:54:29] No, it doesn't.
[08:54:30] He just, he just pop off.
[08:54:32] Jump off the floor.
[08:54:33] Three minutes to meet the fuck.
[08:54:37] He's got his hands up.
[08:54:40] All right, guys.
[08:54:41] All right, guys.
[08:54:43] This is for the best performance in a challenge.
[08:54:48] And the nominees are Max and the Olympics.
[08:54:54] Yeah, I am.
[08:54:55] No, I'm just asking.
[08:54:59] Ron and WWE.
[08:55:01] That's a lot.
[08:55:03] That's true.
[08:55:05] Adapt and last to leave.
[08:55:13] This was a master class performance right here, Silky and Love Island.
[08:55:16] That's a good one, that's a good one.
[08:55:21] Lacey and Mafia.
[08:55:23] And Jason and Dude Perfects.
[08:55:31] It's between two, it's between two, it's between two honestly.
[08:55:37] And the winner is Ron and WWE.
[08:55:49] Thank you, my friend.
[08:55:51] Deserve, my friend, I deserve it, I deserve it.
[08:55:54] How did you even like, come on.
[08:55:56] You know what I'm talking about?
[08:55:58] When we first started the WWE, I didn't think much of it.
[08:56:01] You know what I'm saying?
[08:56:02] I was like, oh, I'm just doing console my friends,
[08:56:04] we're just wrestling, whatever it might be, right?
[08:56:07] Little did I know that that changed the whole
[08:56:09] trajectory of the sub-a-thon, that.
[08:56:10] They say that, they say that's the best,
[08:56:14] that's the best thing in the sub-a-thon.
[08:56:16] Man, this shit means more than an award, man.
[08:56:20] This is special, man.
[08:56:22] This is special.
[08:56:23] Look at seven words, bro.
[08:56:24] A static, simple, bro.
[08:56:26] This is fucking amazing.
[08:56:29] I appreciate y'all so much, man.
[08:56:31] Thank y'all so much.
[08:56:37] I'm going to be on my thunder.
[08:56:39] But hell, yeah, it's so funny.
[08:56:41] Hell, yeah, but look, how we take this.
[08:56:46] Hmm. This category, most improved.
[08:56:58] Hmm. This is...
[08:57:00] You already know the nominees.
[08:57:02] Do I need to say them?
[08:57:04] Yes, yes. Every time.
[08:57:06] Every time. Every time.
[08:57:08] Every time. Every time.
[08:57:10] Lacey, Max, Jason, Sylvia, Deb.
[08:57:12] All right.
[08:57:14] Most improved.
[08:57:18] Jason.
[08:57:20] I put out anybody to the one that cuz everybody in west studio, anybody to the one that.
[08:57:28] I don't hear anybody.
[08:57:29] I don't want you to puzzle.
[08:57:30] I'm not confused because you know I'm very grateful for the fans who voted for me, you
[08:57:35] know what I mean?
[08:57:36] And I would get emotional but...
[08:57:40] Nah, let me fucking talk!
[08:57:43] You know what I'm saying?
[08:57:45] Someone started a sub-a-thon at 700 subs.
[08:57:48] It went up to top 13 in the whole fuckin' world.
[08:57:54] Man, I'm gonna have to give this to the jazz man.
[08:57:58] That's a good dude, right? That's an ugly dude.
[08:58:13] That's a good dude. Wow.
[08:58:16] No, I'm not gonna lie.
[08:58:18] I can't even fuckin' believe that I'm in the top 13.
[08:58:21] That doesn't even seem real.
[08:58:23] I didn't even think I was gonna get through this.
[08:58:25] I thought my time was gonna run out.
[08:58:27] I'm not a stringer, but now I feel like I am and you know because of you guys
[08:58:34] because of each and every one of you and being around you guys every single day
[08:58:37] you guys have re-sparked this passion for being in front of a camera again for me
[08:58:41] and I'm super super grateful for each and every one of you and not only that
[08:58:45] you guys have brought phase back and made face something that you know let's
[08:58:48] look at rugged banks bro talk to them this is something that we weren't
[08:58:51] proud of for a long time and now I'm standing here and I'm so happy to
[08:58:56] have this tattoo on my hand and this chain around my neck and I'm just grateful
[08:59:01] I'm super grateful. Thank you guys.
[08:59:04] That's a great speech, that's a great speech.
[08:59:06] That's a great speech, that's a great speech.
[08:59:08] That's a great speech, that's a great speech.
[08:59:10] That's just astronomical.
[08:59:12] Go that, Max.
[08:59:14] Hey, Max.
[08:59:16] Come here, man.
[08:59:18] Come here, man.
[08:59:20] And this is for, I know you guys care about this one a lot, team player.
[08:59:26] You know those team awards at the end of the night, and the nominees, run!
[08:59:33] Oh my god
[08:59:41] Max
[08:59:44] Jason
[08:59:46] Sookie no more
[08:59:50] And the award go to
[09:00:11] like I really got my point across just now.
[09:00:14] But yeah, fuck you, a team player, I mean.
[09:00:17] Like I said, I can't say it enough.
[09:00:20] I'll reiterate it one more time.
[09:00:21] This wouldn't be possible.
[09:00:22] I wouldn't even be standing up here
[09:00:24] if it weren't for each and every one of you.
[09:00:25] Really everybody in this room, you know,
[09:00:27] a lot of people behind the camera
[09:00:28] you guys don't know about.
[09:00:30] Like the Rays, the Tovs, the Connies, the Betsy's,
[09:00:33] the Mariners, all of you guys.
[09:00:34] You guys have all been putting on
[09:00:36] and making sure the seventh on goes smoothly.
[09:00:39] And I'm just glad to be here to play my part.
[09:00:43] And I'm glad that this works out so well.
[09:00:45] And yeah, I'm just thankful for y'all, bro.
[09:00:48] I love y'all.
[09:00:48] Appreciate it.
[09:00:49] Appreciate it.
[09:00:50] Thank you, bro.
[09:00:54] I appreciate it.
[09:00:55] That's our, that's our.
[09:00:58] What do y'all go?
[09:01:00] Look like.
[09:01:01] What about a white guy that ain't even wearing
[09:01:02] either you single as that?
[09:01:03] I said, I'll bitch out of him.
[09:01:04] I see you, but I didn't see you.
[09:01:06] I love you, sister.
[09:01:07] Yeah.
[09:01:07] That's what I'm thinking about.
[09:01:11] Best on-screen cry.
[09:01:13] Oh, he's saying that up there, man.
[09:01:16] Oh, yeah, that's it.
[09:01:17] Don't even say that now.
[09:01:18] He needs to stay.
[09:01:19] Yeah, just come on up here, bro.
[09:01:21] Jason.
[09:01:22] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
[09:01:23] Yeah.
[09:01:31] Oh, look, bro.
[09:01:33] You're not wrong.
[09:01:34] God, man.
[09:01:35] I let him walk in.
[09:01:36] Hey, you turned it off.
[09:01:37] You won't cry right now.
[09:01:38] What's he doing?
[09:01:39] Nah, I mean, I had to once out of the Hennessy
[09:01:48] And I started crying and I put myself in a genjutsu.
[09:01:54] After watching a clip of me crying, I just kept crying,
[09:01:57] bro.
[09:01:58] And everything hit me at once, you know?
[09:02:03] But yeah, thanks for the Cryathon Award.
[09:02:06] I appreciate you all, man.
[09:02:07] It was a pleasure.
[09:02:07] Welcome, sir.
[09:02:08] Let's go, Jason.
[09:02:09] Woo!
[09:02:13] Oh, yeah.
[09:02:14] I like this one.
[09:02:16] I like this one.
[09:02:18] Oh, this is a great award.
[09:02:24] The Fakest Demon.
[09:02:26] Wow.
[09:02:28] He might be one of your first awards.
[09:02:32] What the fuck, why is nothing looking at me?
[09:02:34] The fuck did I do?
[09:02:36] And the winner for the Fakest Demon...
[09:02:38] He's going wrong.
[09:02:40] Ron.
[09:02:42] Yeah.
[09:02:44] That's right.
[09:02:46] That's right.
[09:02:48] I don't know why, bro.
[09:02:51] I don't know if the ward system's rigged.
[09:02:56] I don't know if something, there's a glitch malfunction in the voting system.
[09:03:00] Personally, I think I'm a real demon.
[09:03:02] I'm not going to beat the fuck out of anyone in this fucking room.
[09:03:05] So, I don't really know why I got this, but I'll take it.
[09:03:08] Appreciate y'all. Appreciate y'all.
[09:03:11] Congratulations, bro.
[09:03:16] I've seen a few no-wards for a couple of you at this month.
[09:03:19] of you at this moment.
[09:03:21] Hey, before I read this award, any thoughts at all?
[09:03:31] Why you guys have won anything?
[09:03:32] I'm just happy to be here when I start with business.
[09:03:34] This is the real award.
[09:03:35] OK.
[09:03:36] Lacey, is there any thoughts, concerns?
[09:03:41] Is there like an age requirement on the voting
[09:03:43] pool or something?
[09:03:44] No, no, no.
[09:03:45] They went on the big boy trophy.
[09:03:47] You don't know. Best beef!
[09:03:53] You might have won the war by the war!
[09:03:56] Wait, wait, wait!
[09:03:58] Wait, wait, wait!
[09:04:00] Lacey, Lacey, you got beef?
[09:04:02] No!
[09:04:03] No, no, no, no, no!
[09:04:05] Oh, no, no, no, no!
[09:04:07] Why?
[09:04:08] Okay, this is the winner of my business.
[09:04:11] Soakie version of Addison!
[09:04:13] Oh, you gave your ass.
[09:04:15] I
[09:04:38] So key versus max
[09:04:45] Max versus everyone
[09:04:49] Jason versus silky clones
[09:04:54] And the winner is silky versus Max
[09:05:18] No, I don't really got much to say you know
[09:05:22] There was a little war that happened and like the second we get a sub-dive, you know, niggas might have took some ass, some niggas might have won by the end of the day, we all winners, so niggas ain't really loose, you can talk about that.
[09:05:33] Hey, hey, SMG stand up, y'all know what we do, you know what I'm saying?
[09:05:38] We put a lot of people through hell, we put a lot of people through pain, and this is what we're going to work for.
[09:06:19] Oh shit
[09:06:30] Biggest leech
[09:06:33] Don't put it up too much that we can see the name through the set
[09:06:44] Ron Lacey
[09:06:51] I'm only leaving any of you.
[09:06:53] I'm only leaving any of you.
[09:06:54] Jason Silke of D.A.P.
[09:06:56] And the one who put the biggest leech.
[09:06:59] Just, just, it went all of them.
[09:07:00] Yeah, just, just go.
[09:07:01] Ah!
[09:07:02] Oh, my God.
[09:07:03] The clip, this is still your content.
[09:07:05] Come on up.
[09:07:06] Oh, I'm sorry.
[09:07:07] You deserve it.
[09:07:08] You didn't also make the content better.
[09:07:10] You didn't.
[09:07:11] You didn't make the content better.
[09:07:12] Once again, I think the voting system got a malfunction.
[09:07:14] I think the fans misunderstood it.
[09:07:17] Maybe I'm wrong.
[09:07:18] Oh, no.
[09:07:19] Some say I leech, some say I enhance.
[09:07:21] That's up to the people.
[09:07:23] I appreciate you doing all the work.
[09:07:27] Lacey, how you feeling?
[09:07:37] I'm just asking.
[09:07:38] It's coming, Lacey.
[09:07:39] I got beef, bro.
[09:07:40] It's coming, it's coming.
[09:07:44] Best guest appearance
[09:07:47] and the nominees are
[09:07:50] Ferran Karinikov.
[09:07:52] For Lacy, Sky Bree, for Max, for Shay, for Jason, Valqueray, for Silky, Big X, and for
[09:08:06] Dabbs, FaZe Rain himself.
[09:08:11] And the winner is Mike, because he's the winner of every award tonight.
[09:08:15] I'm not gonna lie appreciate corona for making my string the biggest stream I had in a long probably like three years
[09:08:34] I think I peaked at like 60k that night appreciate it appreciate you
[09:08:37] I think it probably would have been back about great if you didn't fucking go to a fucking warehouse
[09:08:48] I
[09:08:53] Appreciate y'all I don't know why I'm getting this he should get it
[09:08:56] Appreciate it. Appreciate it, y'all. Appreciate it, y'all.
[09:08:58] Thank you. Thank you.
[09:09:00] You got it.
[09:09:02] You guys are all going on.
[09:09:06] This is me, the Big Tom.
[09:09:08] The Big Tom?
[09:09:10] Yeah, yeah, yeah, go ahead.
[09:09:12] Whoo.
[09:09:14] How are you working on it?
[09:09:16] The most aura.
[09:09:18] I don't want to win this many awards, fellas.
[09:09:22] There's a money winner.
[09:09:24] In the winter, for the most aura on the face of a thong,
[09:09:33] Silky.
[09:09:34] Oh.
[09:09:34] Oh.
[09:09:35] Oh.
[09:09:35] Oh.
[09:09:36] Oh.
[09:09:36] Oh.
[09:09:37] Oh.
[09:09:37] Oh.
[09:09:38] Oh.
[09:09:38] Oh.
[09:09:39] Oh.
[09:09:47] Oh.
[09:09:48] Oh.
[09:09:48] Oh.
[09:09:49] Oh.
[09:09:49] Oh.
[09:09:50] Oh.
[09:09:50] Hey, look.
[09:09:51] Hey, get in the water, bro.
[09:09:52] Hey, listen.
[09:09:52] I didn't know getting talked down by Addison got you worried.
[09:09:54] Oh.
[09:09:55] Oh.
[09:09:55] Oh.
[09:09:58] This is the thing between people.
[09:10:00] You know, a lot of people talk from outside of the club,
[09:10:02] but they won't even get it with Addison.
[09:10:04] You know, I'm the only person that I love.
[09:10:05] Oh.
[09:10:06] Oh.
[09:10:06] Oh.
[09:10:07] And Addison is a computer of five years.
[09:10:10] You know, told us to Addison, you know, he's doing his thing.
[09:10:12] Nick, you're from the store owners.
[09:10:14] But, uh, yeah, not.
[09:10:16] Owners is not about throwing people around,
[09:10:20] making fossil go back home injured.
[09:10:22] You know, it's about stepping into a room
[09:10:25] and everybody in the city at present, whether you're
[09:10:27] known or not, you know what I'm saying?
[09:10:29] And that's what I present to the table.
[09:10:31] So thank you, everybody.
[09:10:32] I appreciate you guys.
[09:10:33] Yeah.
[09:10:33] Oh, I should get rages.
[09:10:36] Get out of here, guys.
[09:10:37] You got that one.
[09:10:38] Congratulations.
[09:10:40] What is next with me?
[09:10:41] No, no, no.
[09:10:42] I like this one.
[09:10:43] I like this one.
[09:10:44] I like this one too.
[09:10:45] I like this one.
[09:10:46] Hey, I got two.
[09:10:47] I got two.
[09:10:48] This is a good one.
[09:10:49] This is the best duo.
[09:10:51] Best duo.
[09:10:52] Hmm.
[09:10:53] Hmm.
[09:10:54] Lacey and the Dats.
[09:10:56] Hmm.
[09:10:57] That's a good duo.
[09:10:58] That's what you got going now.
[09:11:00] This is a really good duo too.
[09:11:02] Ron Adapts!
[09:11:03] Max and Jason!
[09:11:08] For some reason this one was read twice.
[09:11:14] Soki and Max.
[09:11:15] And the winner is...
[09:11:20] Ron Adapts!
[09:11:24] I
[09:11:52] Want to pop it off go ahead
[09:11:56] Fuck y'all. Appreciate y'all.
[09:11:58] Three words.
[09:12:00] Fuck them.
[09:12:02] Please come back and go around.
[09:12:07] Thank you.
[09:12:09] Thank you.
[09:12:11] Thank you so much.
[09:12:13] Thank you so much.
[09:12:15] Thank you.
[09:12:17] Thank you.
[09:12:19] Thank you.
[09:12:21] Thank you.
[09:12:23] Thank you.
[09:12:25] Thank you.
[09:12:27] I know I got here bro.
[09:12:29] Nah yeah, you suck at it.
[09:12:31] Eddie.
[09:12:32] That was what you said.
[09:12:33] The best cameraman.
[09:12:35] Ohhhh.
[09:12:36] Farky.
[09:12:40] Yeah.
[09:12:41] Drew.
[09:12:45] I don't know.
[09:12:46] If I trip on blue.
[09:12:53] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[09:12:54] Drew.
[09:12:55] Farky.
[09:12:56] Yeah.
[09:12:57] Drew.
[09:13:02] I don't know.
[09:13:03] If I trip on blue.
[09:13:04] Yeah.
[09:13:10] Yeah.
[09:13:11] Drew.
[09:13:12] Farky.
[09:13:16] Yeah.
[09:13:17] I don't know.
[09:13:22] I don't know.
[09:13:23] for the best kind of man.
[09:13:25] Arkey.
[09:13:26] Yeah!
[09:13:27] Yeah!
[09:13:28] Thank you man!
[09:13:29] Yeah!
[09:13:36] The fuck?
[09:13:37] Man.
[09:13:38] Hey, yo.
[09:13:39] Man, thank y'all, man.
[09:13:40] You know what I'm saying?
[09:13:41] I really take this shit serious, man.
[09:13:43] I really put that camera on the tripod.
[09:13:45] You know what I'm saying?
[09:13:46] But this shit means a lot to me.
[09:13:47] Thank y'all, for real, man.
[09:13:49] Congratulations.
[09:13:53] You should read this one too.
[09:13:55] No, I'm trying to sit off.
[09:13:57] Come on, man.
[09:13:58] What the fuck?
[09:14:03] What the fuck?
[09:14:04] The worst cameraman.
[09:14:06] Oh!
[09:14:07] Don't worry, that's it.
[09:14:09] Oh!
[09:14:10] Don't worry, that's it.
[09:14:11] This is great money for the whole of me.
[09:14:26] You know, I've worked really hard for this the first week of the sabbathon.
[09:14:30] Get the fuck off me!
[09:14:31] It's not a game!
[09:14:32] Come on!
[09:14:37] Congratulations!
[09:14:38] You're welcome.
[09:14:39] What was that?
[09:14:40] You're welcome.
[09:14:44] You're welcome.
[09:14:47] content. Lacey, Max, Jason, Soky and Depp. And the winner is Lacey.
[09:15:26] Wow, I mean, this is great. This is great. I mean, I'm having a great time. Everyone
[09:15:37] here having a great time? Girl content, you know, I'm an expertise in that, so I'm very
[09:15:48] I'm grateful for everyone here celebrating this.
[09:15:51] I love you sir.
[09:15:52] All right.
[09:15:53] So, goodbye.
[09:15:54] Why?
[09:15:55] They got a message.
[09:15:57] So, goodbye.
[09:15:58] Shit.
[09:15:59] Shit.
[09:16:00] That's not you, dude.
[09:16:04] Open nickel breaker.
[09:16:05] The biggest crash out.
[09:16:07] Oh.
[09:16:08] Between E-boys right here.
[09:16:11] She go right there, bro.
[09:16:14] Now what's up?
[09:16:15] Get your ass up.
[09:16:16] We go right there, maybe I'll anger you.
[09:16:21] Tell me.
[09:16:22] Hey, hey, hey.
[09:16:23] Okay, well, who was you crashing on?
[09:16:29] I mean, I probably got this by, you know, my whole PIM anchor breaker scene.
[09:16:33] I throw a lot of people, a lot of people going to SUV airlines, you know what I'm saying?
[09:16:41] So, thank you for the award.
[09:16:43] Maybe I need to go to therapy or something.
[09:16:45] Thank you.
[09:16:46] Thank you so much.
[09:16:47] Thank you so much.
[09:16:48] Thank you.
[09:16:49] Thank you.
[09:16:50] Thank you.
[09:16:56] Thank you.
[09:16:57] Super cool.
[09:16:58] Oh, you already know the nominees.
[09:17:02] And the winner is Max.
[09:17:08] Get right down to him.
[09:17:16] I'm gonna take him to you.
[09:17:18] 100,000.
[09:17:19] You watch me?
[09:17:22] Yeah, win it.
[09:17:23] I got it.
[09:17:24] I got it.
[09:17:25] I got it.
[09:17:26] I got it.
[09:17:27] I got it.
[09:17:28] I got it.
[09:17:29] I got it.
[09:17:30] I got it.
[09:17:31] I got it.
[09:17:32] I got it.
[09:17:33] I got it.
[09:17:34] I got it.
[09:17:35] I got it.
[09:17:36] You know, this is my room, the theater room, you know,
[09:17:41] there were words waged in here, champagne, bottle spray,
[09:17:45] queso spilled, you know.
[09:17:48] Jailblaster shot.
[09:17:49] You were so fucked up in front of the wall.
[09:17:51] Yeah, I was in front of the wall.
[09:17:53] A lot of these came in here to fill that shit.
[09:17:55] I will be looking around.
[09:17:57] We will be making some fucking demands.
[09:17:59] It's all great.
[09:18:00] Most damage is all I take to fucking second and fourth.
[09:18:02] Let's get out the fucker.
[09:18:03] Congratulations.
[09:18:07] I like this one.
[09:18:08] I agree.
[09:18:09] I like this one a lot.
[09:18:10] This category is most wholesome.
[09:18:12] Oh, my God!
[09:18:13] Oh, my God!
[09:18:14] Oh, my God!
[09:18:15] Oh, my God!
[09:18:16] Oh, my God!
[09:18:17] It's a lazy...
[09:18:18] And the winner for the most wholesome, for the face of a thumb, Jason.
[09:18:25] Oh, my God!
[09:18:27] Come here, my boy.
[09:18:30] Come on!
[09:18:31] Come here, my boy.
[09:18:33] They said you were a warrior.
[09:18:35] No, this is all my business.
[09:18:37] I'm not gonna lie, Jason had maybe some wholesome stuff, but I think Lacey has the most wholesome
[09:18:52] of the stuff, but I think he's been robbed!
[09:18:54] No, I think he's been robbed!
[09:18:56] I think he's been robbed!
[09:18:59] You know, I was the nice guy, I don't know what the fuck that was.
[09:19:03] I think for me personally, I did vote for Lacey, I was sour, you were sour?
[09:19:09] Wait, let me see the...
[09:19:11] Wait, where's the paper?
[09:19:13] It says your name last over here, so it's your name, right?
[09:19:16] But, uh, yeah, but that holds it?
[09:19:18] Ooh.
[09:19:20] That is actually a whole-
[09:19:21] That is actually a whole-
[09:19:22] That was awesome.
[09:19:23] He tried to give it to another person.
[09:19:24] It was awesome.
[09:19:25] You're not like you got it.
[09:19:26] Get the fuck out of the stage.
[09:19:27] Get the fuck out of the stage.
[09:19:28] You got it.
[09:19:29] Oh, my God, bro.
[09:19:33] Get me one of these.
[09:19:34] Oh, my God.
[09:19:35] Let's do one.
[09:19:36] Let's do one.
[09:19:37] Let's do one.
[09:19:38] Let's do one.
[09:19:39] Let's do one.
[09:19:40] I think this is the best group segment I can't really like, like, I don't know how we can give it like this, you know what I'm talking about.
[09:19:53] WWE, Love Island, Lasselied, Among Us, Scared Straight, and Practical Jokes.
[09:20:04] Let me give this award to actually, Pepsi and Connie, come on over here.
[09:20:10] Yeah, of course.
[09:20:15] Let's go ahead and answer.
[09:20:16] Three headed go, yeah.
[09:20:17] Three headed go.
[09:20:18] Now y'all kept it.
[09:20:19] You guys have to accept one award, though.
[09:20:21] Everybody get it.
[09:20:22] Hey!
[09:20:23] What's wrong with you?
[09:20:24] No, thank you.
[09:20:25] Go ahead.
[09:20:26] Everybody.
[09:20:27] Everybody.
[09:20:28] Somebody wants to be here everyday.
[09:20:29] No, Pepsi MadTiger.
[09:20:34] Pepsi, get it.
[09:20:35] What does it go through though?
[09:20:36] What is it?
[09:20:37] It goes through love auto.
[09:20:39] Oh, shit.
[09:20:44] It's all right.
[09:20:45] You've got it.
[09:20:46] You gotta get it.
[09:20:47] That's one
[09:21:08] It's been real
[09:21:28] Best instigator.
[09:21:30] Run!
[09:21:32] Get the fuck over here.
[09:21:34] Run!
[09:21:36] You thought you were going to have one on.
[09:21:38] You ain't do shit to the fuck down here.
[09:21:40] Get out!
[09:21:42] Oh, shit.
[09:21:44] Get your award.
[09:21:46] Get your award.
[09:21:48] Get your award.
[09:21:50] Get your award.
[09:21:52] Get your award.
[09:21:54] Get your award.
[09:21:56] Oh
[09:22:01] Pump faking me
[09:22:13] Ever since I got the buzz cut turn me to a new human
[09:22:17] You know say you see you see how long is she you know say appreciate y'all I'm the I'm the biggest instigator
[09:22:26] You're not wrong, it's a deal.
[09:22:28] Why are you slaughtering this opening week?
[09:22:34] You don't even need to read the nominees or award or anything. Just give me a word.
[09:22:40] I want to check to say this one.
[09:22:42] There's no way he does it once a week.
[09:22:44] Never on time.
[09:22:46] Just come in, bro. Yeah, just don't. Come on.
[09:22:50] We did it, we saw it.
[09:22:52] Yeah, he did not make it award, yeah!
[09:22:56] I got a lot of jokes.
[09:22:58] I got a lot of theatrical.
[09:23:00] Walter Sera, by the way.
[09:23:02] Walter Sera, Walter Sera.
[09:23:04] Very Walter Sera.
[09:23:06] I may be late or something.
[09:23:08] Maybe it's over Tom.
[09:23:10] Oh, not making this.
[09:23:12] Sitting on.
[09:23:14] I may be late all the time, you know.
[09:23:16] But, you know, I'm fascinating.
[09:23:18] I always bring everything to the table.
[09:23:20] So, um, yeah.
[09:23:22] Yeah!
[09:23:24] Please get some peace!
[09:23:26] Get some peace!
[09:23:28] Go!
[09:23:30] Now, I think we're on to the big war.
[09:23:33] What a war!
[09:23:35] The big boy war!
[09:23:37] Big boy war!
[09:23:39] He's probably going to do it right.
[09:23:41] You're going to have trouble.
[09:23:43] What's your trophy?
[09:23:45] The trophy.
[09:23:47] That's good.
[09:23:49] This one?
[09:23:51] Are we? Yeah one second. Okay give us one second for me to name this.
[09:23:55] Oh my god.
[09:24:01] Is there a reason you're praying?
[09:24:11] You want it bro?
[09:24:13] It turns out it's not.
[09:24:15] In 20?
[09:24:45] It's not even like that.
[09:24:49] Suggested?
[09:25:17] Oh my god.
[09:25:19] He said it's music.
[09:25:21] It's got to be me.
[09:25:41] Alright, go ahead.
[09:25:43] Let's put a best clip.
[09:25:45] Oh!
[09:25:50] Oh!
[09:25:52] That's not good.
[09:25:54] Oh!
[09:25:56] Oh!
[09:25:58] Look at that.
[09:26:00] That's not good.
[09:26:02] Thank you.
[09:26:04] Max, I...
[09:26:06] I'm sorry.
[09:26:08] I'm sorry.
[09:26:10] I bet.
[09:26:12] I bet.
[09:26:14] Why are you so quiet, bro?
[09:26:16] That's so important.
[09:26:18] Fuck off.
[09:26:19] Yeah.
[09:26:19] The fuck are you doing?
[09:26:20] Fuck off.
[09:26:20] Oh, fuck off.
[09:26:21] Shit.
[09:26:23] Run.
[09:26:24] Run.
[09:26:24] But this is how you fuck.
[09:26:25] Run.
[09:26:26] I never even got to see this house, so man.
[09:26:27] This is a way to hang.
[09:26:29] Ha, ha, ha.
[09:26:30] Ha, ha, ha.
[09:26:31] Ha, ha, ha, ha.
[09:26:32] Ha, ha, ha.
[09:26:33] Hey, you know what I mean?
[09:26:34] You know what I'm doing?
[09:26:35] Yo, I'm doing a hand dog.
[09:26:37] Yeah, I have something.
[09:26:38] Yo, I'm doing a hand dog.
[09:26:40] I got a fucking hand dog.
[09:26:42] Let's get the car to break down.
[09:26:45] OK.
[09:26:46] I
[09:27:18] Oh, shit.
[09:27:20] Come here, come here.
[09:28:12] Jason, I don't want to be solo then.
[09:28:14] I'm gonna do it, sir.
[09:28:16] Why don't they stand up, my boy?
[09:28:18] Are we all following?
[09:28:20] That was a crack hit. That was a crack hit.
[09:28:27] That was a fucking crack hit.
[09:28:29] Good.
[09:28:30] Alright, so the winner for the best clip.
[09:28:33] Oh, God.
[09:28:42] Click himself.
[09:28:43] Of course he's gonna win the best clip.
[09:28:45] That's the clip, or even the clip.
[09:28:48] If you did, it'd be fucked up.
[09:28:49] Congratulations, it's the big award.
[09:28:50] It was a big award.
[09:28:51] Big award, big boy, big boy speech.
[09:28:54] That big boy speech, I'm not gonna lie,
[09:28:57] not much to say, but a lot too safe,
[09:28:59] you know what I mean.
[09:29:00] Some call me the clip, some say I farted the clips
[09:29:03] at the end of the day.
[09:29:04] Rob.
[09:29:04] What happened?
[09:29:05] You're saying Rob in the chat,
[09:29:06] what I'm saying?
[09:29:07] Oh.
[09:29:08] I'm saying Rob.
[09:29:10] Keep talking, keep talking.
[09:29:12] Anyways, I appreciate y'all and yellow doing hands up!
[09:29:17] That way.
[09:29:19] No, not that one, man.
[09:29:22] Come on.
[09:29:25] He's all made a fucking award for a guy named Ron.
[09:29:31] Jesus Christ.
[09:29:34] Best individual segment.
[09:29:37] This is not all he did.
[09:29:39] No, this was not.
[09:29:41] Best individual segment.
[09:29:43] nominees are Ron Kanye West Lacey drunken adventure max five-star
[09:29:58] core. Jason, QT and Tina stream. I have no idea. I hate this one. Suki hao one challenge.
[09:30:14] I hate that one. Adapt Best Buy. And the winner is Adapt Best Buy.
[09:30:37] question a segment I can't accept this work by myself shout out to Ronnie
[09:30:53] because me and him did this shit together.
[09:30:56] Come on up, bro!
[09:30:57] Get on up there, Ram.
[09:30:59] It doesn't matter what you say.
[09:31:00] It's okay. It's okay.
[09:31:02] It's okay.
[09:31:03] It's okay.
[09:31:07] It's a crazy thing to have two people up there
[09:31:11] for a solo segment of a, I don't know.
[09:31:13] They say it's the same.
[09:31:14] They gave us two awards for it.
[09:31:16] Oh, this is so crazy.
[09:31:17] God damn it.
[09:31:18] Thank God we're not going to take up too much of your time.
[09:31:21] I appreciate you.
[09:31:22] Yes!
[09:31:23] segment of the subatombs.
[09:31:24] Come on, come on.
[09:31:26] segment of the subatombs.
[09:31:28] And we also have a side quest.
[09:31:30] Harry got the best duo. Don't forget it.
[09:31:33] I got it. I got it.
[09:31:35] I go long.
[09:31:37] The funniest phase member for this subatomb.
[09:31:42] Whoa!
[09:31:44] Oh, no!
[09:31:54] You can't do that.
[09:31:56] I understand your frustration. I'ma let that happen.
[09:31:58] I'ma let that happen.
[09:32:00] Oh
[09:32:05] The funniest face number
[09:32:26] I'm just really annoying and I feel like that kind of like haters to a lot of people because I know when to be annoying
[09:32:31] So yeah, I'm speaking of you fucking suck
[09:32:37] I don't know about
[09:32:40] Three awards
[09:32:44] They are seriously some of the biggest awards such as big boys. Oh shit Kimbo big boys
[09:32:51] Ben favorite
[09:32:54] Oh, they're favorite. You know the nominees and the winner is
[09:32:58] Thank you this one for sure
[09:33:13] You have anything else to say?
[09:33:15] I'm not all that fan favorite.
[09:33:17] Hey, I'm gonna keep being here at the end of the day.
[09:33:19] I appreciate all y'all voting me for the fan favorite.
[09:33:21] Real shit, bro.
[09:33:23] I appreciate y'all. I might need someone to help me with my trophies.
[09:33:25] I'm getting a little too many.
[09:33:27] You can ask ladies.
[09:33:29] I don't know why you're voting over the other one.
[09:33:31] Something right now. Don't worry.
[09:33:33] All right. Two more, boys.
[09:33:35] This is it.
[09:33:37] This is a good one.
[09:33:39] We're all the...
[09:33:41] I don't go out the phase MVP
[09:34:14] Lacey
[09:34:19] Maxwell
[09:34:23] Jason away
[09:34:45] Jason
[09:35:04] What do you do bro?
[09:35:06] 100k sell 100k sell 100k sell
[09:35:10] The fucking go!
[09:35:11] 100k on the way, most of the time!
[09:35:24] When I started my sub-a-thon, I didn't expect to reach the heights that I am now
[09:35:29] and all I gotta say is thank y'all
[09:35:36] Congratulations
[09:35:37] Hey, you've already had 100k too man
[09:35:40] Very good
[09:35:41] Well, we have one award left
[09:35:44] Come on, Lacey.
[09:35:45] And Mr. Ricky Banks, USO, give us a hug.
[09:35:49] Thanks.
[09:35:50] Thanks.
[09:35:50] We call this the Banks Award right here,
[09:35:52] the face of a thong, Golden Boy.
[09:35:55] Oh.
[09:35:56] Yay.
[09:35:56] You're up for the lead.
[09:35:57] That's crazy.
[09:36:02] First and foremost, I just want to say,
[09:36:05] without Ray, Ray Tav and Pierce, come over here.
[09:36:08] That's right.
[09:36:09] Yeah.
[09:36:12] Shut the fuck up and come over here.
[09:36:14] I'm nervous. This is so weird. Hey, listen, this whole bank shit, all the credit I get,
[09:36:21] all the flowers I get for making all these moves and doing this shit resetting this, I
[09:36:24] need y'all to know 100%. This is my right hand man. And this motherfucker without Ray,
[09:36:30] none of this would have happened. And we're all giving that credit to everybody, but
[09:36:34] really though, like really without Ray, none of this would happen. Todd deals with
[09:36:38] all my bullshit on a day to day basis, eight hours a day around the fucking clock,
[09:36:43] day, night time, yesterday we were fuckin',
[09:36:46] shit was about to fall apart.
[09:36:47] Yeah.
[09:36:48] Without Todd, I'd be fall apart at the seams.
[09:36:51] Pierce is the fuckin' golden boy store runner,
[09:36:53] up store runner, is this motherfucker pickin' me up,
[09:36:56] pickin' me up off the side of the road
[09:36:58] at fuckin' 4 a.m., and without these three guys,
[09:37:01] this is my team, this is Banks right here,
[09:37:03] so that's person four most golden boy,
[09:37:06] makin' them boss calls and lettin' you guys know
[09:37:08] when you're up, when you're smacks up.
[09:37:11] Silky I fucking love you to death. You're the fucking goat. You're the nicest guy on and off camera. Really?
[09:37:19] As tough as tough as you are you're you know, sweet guy Max and Jason have been the the front runners for the Golden Boy shit back and forth
[09:37:29] Throughout the course of the fucking whole reboot for the last however many months time stuck a fly by
[09:37:34] Ron, you fucking killed it this whole summer, it's fucking insane, like I'm so fucking proud of you
[09:37:40] dawg, like you've been with FaZe now for how long?
[09:37:45] It's insane and you fuck, we've had our highs, we've had our lows, we've always looked at you as a
[09:37:52] FaZe member, it was never even a question, we were kicking people and doing the reset, so a
[09:37:55] matter of fact, the decision was to build this shit around you and around you specifically
[09:37:59] obviously case on fucking again that's another thing I could I could sit up here
[09:38:03] for hours and hours and hours it's crazy this whole thing's been a fucking movie
[09:38:07] but Alex I'm so fucking proud of you dog you you you've inspired me all of you
[09:38:16] guys have been fucked have inspired me I'm on the streams all day long switching
[09:38:19] between everybody's streams and fucking I'm so fucking proud of you dog
[09:38:24] we have these deep talks I love you to death but honest to God and I
[09:38:28] I swear to God, this has been rigged.
[09:38:30] Everything was fan voted.
[09:38:32] I fucking, I texted, who was I talking to?
[09:38:35] I was talking to you guys yesterday
[09:38:35] about who's gonna win this.
[09:38:37] And no bullshit, the winner of this is Lazy.
[09:38:40] Oh!
[09:38:41] Oh!
[09:38:42] Oh!
[09:38:43] Oh!
[09:38:43] Oh!
[09:38:44] Oh!
[09:38:45] Oh!
[09:38:46] Oh!
[09:38:47] I'm gonna explain, I'm gonna explain.
[09:38:48] Damn!
[09:38:49] That's the last man.
[09:38:50] Yeah!
[09:38:50] Oh!
[09:38:51] Oh!
[09:38:52] I really took this seriously.
[09:38:53] I didn't half-bast this.
[09:38:56] Honestly, my initial answer was adapt, because adapt.
[09:39:00] You've been, back in the New York house,
[09:39:03] you were the dumb little brother that we were all,
[09:39:04] I taught you how to make eggs and fucking sandwiches.
[09:39:07] I've met the students, 13 of us, fucking, believe it,
[09:39:09] believe it or not, the more retarded than he is now.
[09:39:12] And you have taken all these guys under your wing
[09:39:15] and sat and fucking, you know,
[09:39:17] had conversation after conversation with all these guys
[09:39:19] and it was originally gonna be you.
[09:39:20] But honestly, I thought about it
[09:39:22] and I've called him and tapped in with you guys
[09:39:25] give you guys flowers in the golden boy speech a million times I haven't ever
[09:39:28] done it for Lacey and really Lacey was the first one on all you guys to jump
[09:39:33] on board with this phase shape we're the first one to sign Lacey never
[09:39:37] complains nobody out of you six guys gets shit on more by each other and your
[09:39:42] chat then this motherfucker he rolls with you let the jokes roll off his
[09:39:45] fucking shoulder every single time we're always talking shit about him
[09:39:49] be in fact, Lacey really, Lacey really is.
[09:39:53] Am I being in the glue that holds this shit together
[09:39:55] and he's a good baseline?
[09:39:57] When shit starts kinda,
[09:39:58] you guys have just streamed for fucking 30 days.
[09:40:00] I know at points people's fucking heads
[09:40:02] are gonna explode, everybody's emotions are going crazy.
[09:40:04] And Lacey never lets any of it get to him.
[09:40:07] He's fucking, he's always taking system,
[09:40:09] he's never complaining, he's just, he's,
[09:40:13] and personally it's a little bit biased too
[09:40:15] because I do cycle through everybody's streams,
[09:40:17] but as far as clips, his laugh,
[09:40:19] like I'm a big Lacey fan, I watch Lacey stream a lot,
[09:40:23] I watch the Cubs.
[09:40:25] So you wanna give me a piece of this?
[09:40:27] Give me, give me a piece of this,
[09:40:28] give me a piece of this, give me a piece of this.
[09:40:32] You know, I might not want a single fan voted award,
[09:40:36] but that's not what matters
[09:40:37] because I won the Golden Boy award,
[09:40:39] I am officially the Golden Boy,
[09:40:41] that was a seventh on the thing,
[09:40:42] so none of you guys are the Golden Boy anymore,
[09:40:44] I'm the Golden Boy forever,
[09:40:45] fuck you Ron, rigged ass fucking awards.
[09:40:48] You boys crap
[09:40:54] But I just want to say um for real this summer thought has been fun with all of you guys
[09:40:58] I love you guys. You made history this month. Um, we headbutted a little bit
[09:41:03] But we all love each other burns the end of the day and
[09:41:06] Sad this is coming to a hand, bro. I am but I love you
[09:41:25] I thought you got to wait a little bit.
[09:41:30] OK, OK.
[09:41:32] Someone get this one off you.
[09:41:33] I don't want to go on it.
[09:41:34] Oh, fuck you.
[09:41:35] Help, you're on it.
[09:41:36] Help.
[09:41:37] Someone get this one off.
[09:41:38] John.
[09:41:39] Are you down with me?
[09:41:41] No, I'm hard on you.
[09:41:43] You got to take this one off.
[09:41:44] Oh.
[09:41:49] Oh.
[09:41:50] Oh.
[09:41:51] Who's giving it up?
[09:41:52] Are we giving speeches?
[09:41:53] Yeah, if you have to.
[09:41:54] I mean, you have to serve this.
[09:41:55] We all give one more speech.
[09:41:57] We all give one more speech.
[09:41:58] We all give one more speech.
[09:41:59] We all give one more speech.
[09:42:00] Sorry, buddy.
[09:42:01] Yeah, exactly.
[09:42:02] I'm going to put this down now.
[09:42:04] I'm going to ask you to talk to the folks.
[09:42:06] OK.
[09:42:06] Yeah.
[09:42:08] We're going first.
[09:42:09] I'm on the line.
[09:42:10] I'm on the line.
[09:42:11] I spend all my speeches.
[09:42:12] I'm not going to say it.
[09:42:13] I just want to know in two seconds.
[09:42:15] Go, Max, you lead it.
[09:42:16] Max, you don't try to.
[09:42:17] I don't want to speak.
[09:42:18] You've got to have a.
[09:42:19] I'm going to get off the each.
[09:42:21] All right.
[09:42:21] So about, like, it's July, for coming.
[09:42:29] Back in like July or June, I had called him.
[09:42:32] It was after a stream, I was like, yo, bro,
[09:42:35] I'm finna do a subdomen after my 100 days in.
[09:42:38] I'm finna do a subdomen.
[09:42:39] I wanna do a subdomen.
[09:42:40] I wanna keep this shit pushing.
[09:42:42] There's no slowing down.
[09:42:43] That, this back when we was in Miami.
[09:42:46] And it all coming out to the LA house.
[09:42:48] No, we did, I didn't go to the LA house.
[09:42:49] It was for your, it was for the land.
[09:42:51] Um, they had a kind of event.
[09:42:54] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[09:42:55] Well, you walked his ass.
[09:42:56] And at the event, we ended up streaming together.
[09:43:00] We was all at the, that shitty ass,
[09:43:03] where he had a phase one house.
[09:43:05] We was streaming in that bitch.
[09:43:06] And we was just smoking and having a time
[09:43:08] of our fucking life.
[09:43:10] And then I went back home and I'm like, damn,
[09:43:13] I'm not gonna lie like we mesh very well together.
[09:43:16] I didn't think it would, we would mesh like we did.
[09:43:18] Then I went back out there to LA in June
[09:43:22] and then I just never ended up coming back home.
[09:43:25] And I remember telling Rage, K-San, and Silky,
[09:43:27] I'm like, bro, like we gotta do this.
[09:43:29] Rage at the house every other day.
[09:43:31] K-San's staying in the fucking room,
[09:43:33] dirty as shit playing GTA every day.
[09:43:35] Silky doing fucking whatever, not even streaming.
[09:43:38] I'm like, bro, we gotta come to LA.
[09:43:39] I'm trying to convince Silky.
[09:43:40] I'm like, bro, you gotta move out here.
[09:43:42] You gotta come work with us.
[09:43:43] I'm telling you this shit will be crazy.
[09:43:45] And then Ashley kept going.
[09:43:46] I'm in that fucking living room.
[09:43:48] We doing the cussing,
[09:43:48] we doing the in and out every other day.
[09:43:51] I was like, bro, we should all do this
[09:43:53] other time together.
[09:43:53] And I'm so glad we did because every person behind me,
[09:43:58] bro, has did amazing things.
[09:44:01] It's something on Ron.
[09:44:02] I always knew Ron had the potential.
[09:44:04] He just had to be consistent.
[09:44:05] This nigga's the fucking go one of the funniest.
[09:44:07] Like the niggas like a comedian has a strength.
[09:44:09] He said, Silky, Silky always had it in him.
[09:44:13] He just loved going to clips to,
[09:44:15] uh, but Silky always had, I knew he could,
[09:44:19] you feel me?
[09:44:20] He just, it's all about consistency.
[09:44:22] putting yourself your best foot forth.
[09:44:24] Lacey, bro, this nigga Lacey is one of the most
[09:44:27] genuine people I know.
[09:44:28] I always tell him he's the most genuine people I know.
[09:44:30] If I ever just need someone, you know how you can talk
[09:44:33] to someone and then they'll just listen?
[09:44:34] Lacey's always that guy.
[09:44:36] Lacey, you feel me?
[09:44:37] He's real genuine with his shit.
[09:44:39] He's funny.
[09:44:39] He'll come in and just come help you during your
[09:44:41] content, loyal as fuck.
[09:44:43] You feel me?
[09:44:44] And just like Ron, these niggas typically
[09:44:46] always make a segment better.
[09:44:47] They come in, they might leech off your shit though.
[09:44:49] It might leech, my man, but they'll make it better.
[09:44:51] Jason bro, Jason's yo, I did a honey day cuz
[09:44:56] That's what like something I told the world I was pretty do or like my community this niggas hit it just cuz he damn
[09:45:02] They're dead a hundred days in a row
[09:45:05] Just like I did just for the fucking fun of it. This is crazy
[09:45:12] Anybody that work as hard as a dead ass from my brother. I love you bro and a dad
[09:45:16] Yo, I'm dead ass. I hated you at first
[09:45:19] We were in Miami. He was drunk as fuck with that shitty ass high top
[09:45:22] I'm like, why the fuck are you so sloppy drunk in this club when you're 26?
[09:45:27] And then I got to know it that and bro adapters literally like I know you said Lisa the glue
[09:45:32] But adapt is the glue to he fits in with every single one of us
[09:45:35] He's our brother, but it works with everybody. I appreciate you so much for taking us in and being like that uncle brown
[09:45:41] So, yeah, it's crazy how you went to be the uncle now,
[09:45:46] but I'm so glad we did this, this summer night,
[09:45:49] and pushed Paze as a group.
[09:45:50] I feel like it was group bonding that pushed us
[09:45:52] to another family.
[09:45:53] We definitely need to get that organ a year.
[09:45:55] I'm so proud of all of us, and I'm glad we did this.
[09:45:57] I love you guys.
[09:46:02] OK, I'm not really a speaker, but OK, so, well,
[09:46:09] I never thought I'd be here, or I never, one reason
[09:46:13] because I had a little crew situation with Baze
[09:46:17] and then they kind of went really, really bad.
[09:46:19] And, you know, typical black people said, you know,
[09:46:23] but, you know, I came back better in 2024
[09:46:26] because of Case on Enraged.
[09:46:29] They hit me up and said,
[09:46:30] yo, we're gonna do like some content house
[09:46:32] and it all started with Miami, you know what I'm saying?
[09:46:35] It all started with Miami
[09:46:36] and I was looking for people to, you know,
[09:46:38] bond with and do everything that I wanted to do
[09:46:42] with the people that I love, you know what I'm saying?
[09:46:44] My brothers, you know what I'm saying?
[09:46:46] So it's kind of crazy to me how I'm here now,
[09:46:50] and I look back and I'm like, damn,
[09:46:52] I would have never thought I'd be here
[09:46:54] with Pymoy Max, Bernardo, Lacey, Jason,
[09:47:00] a dad, Rage, K-Song, Motherfucker, Faze,
[09:47:03] Ron, Motherfucker, Faze, Banks,
[09:47:05] fuck you, Drew.
[09:47:06] Wow, you know what I'm saying?
[09:47:09] It's just so crazy to me because I was just some kid on the street,
[09:47:14] though, and it's just so crazy to me because it's like, bro, I came from nothing, bro.
[09:47:17] So it's like, seeing everybody go up like this, seeing me come up like this,
[09:47:22] and just coming up together is really what I wanted.
[09:47:26] You know what I'm saying?
[09:47:26] And it's like, I just want more.
[09:47:28] I want more with my mother, bro, and that's it.
[09:47:30] Hey, what are you talking about, what was it?
[09:47:33] Ah, that was a great, great, great, that was a good game.
[09:47:37] You know, this shit gets me emotional for real
[09:47:41] because a lot of things people don't know.
[09:47:43] Two years ago, I was in college.
[09:47:45] I worked, Panera, Walmart, I had two jobs.
[09:47:48] I didn't even think streaming was a possibility.
[09:47:50] And then I started streaming and got hit up
[09:47:53] to joint phase and I met everybody here
[09:47:55] on the stage with me.
[09:47:56] People I never thought I would meet before
[09:47:58] or like connect with.
[09:47:59] It's just a weird group of people to bring together,
[09:48:01] but it works perfectly.
[09:48:03] And we decided to form together, stream to the sabbathon.
[09:48:08] And our bond has grown stronger than I ever thought
[09:48:11] I could have with people that aren't family.
[09:48:14] Like genuinely, if you guys ever need anything,
[09:48:16] no matter what, you can be 30 with kids.
[09:48:18] You call me on there, no matter what.
[09:48:20] I genuinely have a love for every single person in this
[09:48:23] room and the sabbathon was so much fun
[09:48:25] and I love everybody.
[09:48:26] Now, we're getting.
[09:48:32] Yeah, no, I'm not to start crying again, but I'm not.
[09:48:36] All I got.
[09:48:38] No alcohol.
[09:48:42] But I was going to say, like a couple months ago, I was in college still, and I was thinking
[09:48:50] like, oh, I got to finish this shit.
[09:48:53] I got to finish the shit, but I made one of the best decisions in my life.
[09:48:57] And it was a full time in this shit with all the boys back here, man.
[09:49:02] And I appreciate everyone here, and I really love y'all.
[09:49:05] And yeah, very grateful.
[09:49:07] This is gonna be like a three to four minutes feature.
[09:49:15] I might cry, I don't know.
[09:49:16] I'm gonna try to hold it in.
[09:49:20] When I first joined Faze, it was about almost three years ago.
[09:49:24] I was, I met Banks in the Clyboard House.
[09:49:27] I still remember the day I met you.
[09:49:29] So I opened it some time.
[09:49:31] I'm keeping it in front of a beach room.
[09:49:32] Right now, they're all in it.
[09:49:33] I let you know.
[09:49:34] No.
[09:49:34] It's not.
[09:49:35] It's with the end music.
[09:49:36] It was very eye-opening because it was someone
[09:49:38] who I looked up to in a way.
[09:49:39] And it's so funny to me.
[09:49:40] You want to be one of me on Rust in the Clyboard House.
[09:49:43] That ass.
[09:49:44] Yeah, you destroyed me.
[09:49:46] But after that, obviously I ended my things with NRG.
[09:49:49] And then, luckily, you know, you, Ray, Tav,
[09:49:52] pick me up when I was at my lowest.
[09:49:57] I wanted to quit at one point.
[09:49:59] No, I was corny.
[09:50:00] No, it's not.
[09:50:01] No, it's not.
[09:50:02] No, it's not.
[09:50:03] No, it's not.
[09:50:04] No, it's not.
[09:50:05] I still remember vividly beating in my apartment
[09:50:08] about a year ago.
[09:50:10] In the middle of the night, I wanted to quit.
[09:50:13] I remember praying to God, wondering what I could do.
[09:50:16] Luckily, Ray was there.
[09:50:18] Todd was there.
[09:50:19] Banks were there.
[09:50:21] And I still remember vividly,
[09:50:23] I thought nothing could get better.
[09:50:24] I thought it was the end.
[09:50:26] I remember telling my mom, I don't know what to do.
[09:50:29] I was praying every day.
[09:50:31] And I stuck with it.
[09:50:32] I told myself I could do it and I proved myself.
[09:50:35] And my worst year turned into my best.
[09:50:39] I ended up peaking at new levels
[09:50:41] that I never thought I could hit.
[09:50:43] You know, I met all my friends here
[09:50:44] that I like to call family.
[09:50:47] And I retired my mom this year.
[09:50:48] I truly can't thank FaZe for being there. It's honestly saved my life in a way. All my friends behind me, you know what I'm saying? Everyone in front of me. It wouldn't be possible without y'all. Appreciate my community. Appreciate my family and everything.
[09:51:10] And a lot of people asked me why didn't I quit a year ago?
[09:51:15] The day I quit is the day I stopped trying.
[09:51:18] Lucky for y'all today is not that day!
[09:51:20] You know what I'm saying?
[09:51:21] Yeah.
[09:51:22] Free thing to go.
[09:51:23] Free thing to go.
[09:51:24] Yeah.
[09:51:28] That's all.
[09:51:29] Wow.
[09:51:30] Wow.
[09:51:31] That was a good speech.
[09:51:32] That was amazing.
[09:51:33] You got me.
[09:51:34] You got me fucked up.
[09:51:35] You got me fucked up.
[09:51:37] So damn.
[09:51:38] I'm gonna bring this home.
[09:51:39] This is the end.
[09:51:40] 30 days.
[09:51:41] the sub with on 24 seven streaming I still remember when banks announced this whole reboot some of you might not
[09:51:48] But when we announced it we were we announced the four y'all on stage Ronald's already in phase for a little bit. They said oh
[09:51:56] They said that we were fucking crazy. Yeah, they said that we were fucking dumb
[09:52:00] They said we were straight away from our roots
[09:52:02] We kicked the OGs we tore the brown that the brand down and we fucked up
[09:52:06] They said we fucked this is the end of phase and now look at where we are right now today
[09:52:11] Everybody on this stage is in the top 20 of twitch
[09:52:20] Top 15
[09:52:27] It's crazy brah
[09:52:28] I'm and I'm just so happy. I remember sitting with Ricky and being like damn like if we're gonna fuck this up
[09:52:35] At least let it be us at least let it be us that fuck this up and take a chance on these kids
[09:52:39] And that's what we did and I'm so fucking proud of each and every single one of you on the stage
[09:52:43] I swear to God you guys have no idea how much this means to me and how passionate I am about this
[09:52:49] phase is something that me
[09:52:51] Banks and rug in particular of all dedicated a decade plus of our lives to and it was a few dark years
[09:52:58] Sitting on the sidelines watching the brand that we love so much that I love so much
[09:53:02] Getting stripped of everything that makes it cool everything that makes it fun everything that I was passionate about
[09:53:08] Something that I dedicated them near my whole team all my teenage years and all almost all my adult life too
[09:53:13] And I'm sitting on the sidelines watching it get squeezed the life out of it and it's up and
[09:53:19] You know we took this chance six months ago, right?
[09:53:22] I got like five six months ago, and I'm just so fucking happy. I'm so proud of you guys
[09:53:26] guys, more importantly, like, phase is something that I think everybody in this room is proud
[09:53:32] to be a part of again.
[09:53:33] It's not even just that, it's, phase feels like a family again, you know what I'm saying?
[09:53:38] Rugs driving down from fucking San Diego the day of, that doesn't, that never happened
[09:53:42] before.
[09:53:43] You know what I mean?
[09:53:44] Banks are sitting in this room watching streams on this fucking laptop all day.
[09:53:47] You know what I mean?
[09:53:48] That's crazy.
[09:53:49] That's fucking crazy.
[09:53:50] And I'm just so thankful.
[09:53:52] I'm happy myself to be here.
[09:53:54] I mean like I always wanted to make sure that this brand was good and that I played a role
[09:53:59] And I'm so glad that I ended up meeting y'all
[09:54:01] We got so lucky with all of y'all for real and I got so lucky that I fit in the way that I do and for the first
[09:54:07] Time in a long time. I'm happy with where I'm at in my life with where phase is at and I just couldn't be more grateful
[09:54:14] Thank you guys so much
[09:54:28] Let me know what I can say now.
[09:54:33] Except for me.
[09:54:36] Everyone besides.
[09:54:38] You see.
[09:54:52] Okay.
[09:54:55] Thanks.
[09:55:00] Um, guys, I've been a part of phase now going on 13 years.
[09:55:06] going on 13 years in two months, which is crazy.
[09:55:10] And honestly, phase has been the most fun currently
[09:55:15] because of you guys.
[09:55:16] You guys have been grinding.
[09:55:17] You guys have been there for me.
[09:55:21] Coming down to San Diego, me wanting to come up to LA,
[09:55:23] like Adapt said.
[09:55:23] I never used to want to come up to LA.
[09:55:25] It would feel forced when a corporate person's like,
[09:55:28] yo, you need to come here for the shoot.
[09:55:30] And I'm like, it doesn't feel like,
[09:55:32] I don't know, it just doesn't feel real.
[09:55:33] But now, day of, you guys hit me up,
[09:55:35] like, yeah, we're doing this thing.
[09:55:37] I'm there right away.
[09:55:38] You guys come down to San Diego.
[09:55:39] It's been so much fun.
[09:55:40] You guys have broken records in these past 30 days.
[09:55:44] This is the first group sub-a-thon, right?
[09:55:45] Yeah.
[09:55:45] I mean, come on, bro.
[09:55:46] Give it up for you guys for the last, I would say,
[09:55:52] the last, like, four or five years.
[09:55:55] Yeah, I definitely wasn't as proud to say
[09:55:58] that I was in phase because of everything that happened.
[09:56:00] But in the last few months, I mean,
[09:56:02] my whole social media has been taken over by you guys.
[09:56:04] You guys have inspired me to keep going as well.
[09:56:08] As much as I've been grinding on YouTube,
[09:56:10] you guys still re-sparked something in me
[09:56:11] to wanna continue making content.
[09:56:13] And I appreciate you guys for really, you guys are family.
[09:56:16] So thank you guys.
[09:56:17] Thank you.
[09:56:18] Thank you.
[09:56:18] Thank you so much.
[09:56:21] Yeah, I saw what I said earlier, though.
[09:56:23] About the woman.
[09:56:24] Yeah, guys, I mean, even some of you guys
[09:56:26] in phase don't know what we went through to really bring
[09:56:30] this shit back, bro.
[09:56:31] The amount of calls me and this man had together,
[09:56:33] First of all, and back when he was even the corporate side,
[09:56:37] bro, he went through hell.
[09:56:39] I knew and I believed in so many of you guys
[09:56:41] and I fought for you.
[09:56:43] And again, Ricky trusted me and Ray and fucking Rage,
[09:56:46] bro, oh my god, man.
[09:56:49] Me and Rage, we don't face that damn near every night.
[09:56:51] Oh, we're talking about like, what could this really
[09:56:53] look like, bro?
[09:56:54] And we took a chance, like Adapt said.
[09:56:57] And by the way, Adapt himself,
[09:57:00] bro, the amount of times he called me to just to like
[09:57:02] always want to be like anything that can make
[09:57:05] sure work for this man would just be like,
[09:57:06] you know, down to do whatever.
[09:57:09] And you really, you always were selfless.
[09:57:12] But, and you've obviously been here forever, bro.
[09:57:15] But, yeah, bro, I fought tooth and nail.
[09:57:18] I would get emotional about it, because I really like,
[09:57:21] especially right now, it's like,
[09:57:22] I fought tooth and nail for this group.
[09:57:23] So, some of you guys may not know, but I promise you,
[09:57:26] there was long nights, long days,
[09:57:29] and I'm very, very proud of you guys, bro.
[09:57:31] I really am.
[09:57:32] I
[09:57:47] Look I've got much else to say
[09:57:50] But a over a year ago when I first joined I'm telling you not a single
[09:57:55] Motherfucker not a single friend and a single streamer. Oh, I why the hell you join a page?
[09:58:00] They be in the dumps. Hey, my name joint amp here. So I should join this join that join that don't join phase
[09:58:05] Why the fuck would you do that? You're right here face right here?
[09:58:08] but they had the same vision we had and I'm just glad that the vision came true
[09:58:14] and I fucking appreciate every single last morning all the whole team the squad
[09:58:18] even OG I appreciate you all for letting me in and letting this vision come to life
[09:58:24] I love y'all niggas
[09:58:27] I'm mad, no, um, Red, do you want to see some shit?
[09:58:35] Sure, some shit, some shit, some shit.
[09:58:38] You really know bullshit, like, this bank shit, all the credit that I get online,
[09:58:42] it should be split in half, and half the visual you've been given to him, and 100%.
[09:58:45] Like, it's me and this fool every single fucking day.
[09:58:48] And yeah, we pushed reset and put this shit out, what, six months ago?
[09:58:51] But really, bro, we were up in Malibu, I was fucking, two years ago,
[09:58:55] dead ass having fucking meetings in board rooms with fools who are holding this
[09:58:59] phasing over our heads and we're just begging for it back begging bro and
[09:59:03] our fucking knees begging for this shit back to the opportunity to do this
[09:59:06] painstakingly having conversation after conversation just give it back to us
[09:59:10] let us clear house and let us put together a group of actual fucking
[09:59:14] friends people have potential to be actual friends that's where it starts
[09:59:17] and that's where it stops that's what it means to be phase is to be a
[09:59:21] family the way that you guys are a family. And so what he just said it's insane because not a single
[09:59:26] one of you guys said no. It was it was immediately immediate interest in this in this whole whole idea
[09:59:32] that we had. It felt right off jump. We didn't talk to anybody besides you guys. Lacey, Jason,
[09:59:38] Max and Silky. We didn't have any other conversations besides you guys. There was no
[09:59:41] conversation we had with somebody. We were like, nah, we methodically stitched this
[09:59:47] just grew together in a lot of time, a lot of effort,
[09:59:48] a lot of planning went into it,
[09:59:50] and we felt like it could work,
[09:59:51] and it's fucking incredible that it does,
[09:59:53] it works so well, and I just want,
[09:59:55] Ray needs to fucking say his piece,
[09:59:57] and what he says matters more than what's good.
[10:00:00] I don't really talk,
[10:00:01] because I don't really care to get the attention,
[10:00:03] but I'll make this quick.
[10:00:05] Came to Faze two years ago,
[10:00:06] because this motherfucker right here,
[10:00:08] I was helping with his shit,
[10:00:09] he kind of begged me to do shit with Faze.
[10:00:11] I was just like, I don't understand why.
[10:00:12] And then I met Ricky at Clyburn House,
[10:00:15] me and him, Bodnish, like that.
[10:00:16] So then I came into phase.
[10:00:18] That's when Ron got signed.
[10:00:20] The shit was asked for two years.
[10:00:22] Straight up, motherfucker's telling me what to do
[10:00:25] and I'm telling them, just shut up please.
[10:00:27] Let me control this.
[10:00:28] They didn't let me.
[10:00:29] And so we fired everybody down the fuck out.
[10:00:30] Then they finally listened.
[10:00:31] The brand is where today.
[10:00:33] I looked at this motherfucker in the eye.
[10:00:34] This motherfucker in the eye.
[10:00:35] I said, you give me the keys to this brand.
[10:00:37] I'll bring the shit back with help of y'all.
[10:00:39] And that's what we did.
[10:00:40] That's what we did.
[10:00:40] Thank you.
[10:00:41] Thank you.
[10:00:42] Yeah, no, this shit is special brother. It's gonna be movies about this shit this phase shit
[10:00:51] I can't be overstated how fucking how crazy
[10:00:55] Crazy this whole ride is and you guys are a part of just one chapter of it
[10:00:59] But you guys are all welcome to be in and I really do hope that you'll all be a part of it for the rest of it
[10:01:06] Because you guys have absolutely changed this whole brand guys when when we started having these conversations with the board and stuff
[10:01:12] I was fucking at the absolute rock, rock, rock bottom of my life.
[10:01:18] I was watching my company in free fall, fall below a dollar, a share when I was told over and over,
[10:01:24] you trust us, yeah, we're going to squeeze your brain, we're going to fucking turn it into something
[10:01:27] that it's not, we're going to destroy it, but you'll walk away with 50, 60, 70 million dollars,
[10:01:32] you're going to be able to take care of your family for the rest of your life.
[10:01:34] Is that payoff worth it? I asked myself countless times, yeah, maybe I guess it is.
[10:01:39] And then I watched the fucking stock price go to zero.
[10:01:41] People sell their shares off, run away with millions of dollars,
[10:01:44] and I'm left with my friends who built this,
[10:01:47] our entire lives, with zero, with nothing.
[10:01:51] Around that same time,
[10:01:53] I was going through the worst breakable in my life
[10:01:55] with a really special person, Shadow Tyson.
[10:01:59] And this is a girl who changed my entire mind
[10:02:02] and my entire perspective on what it needs to be
[10:02:03] a human and to be happy.
[10:02:06] And,
[10:02:06] And around that time I lost my pops my dad big rich Mingya
[10:02:13] And this facial was his favorite shit ever. Oh, like this motherfucker would talk about this shit endlessly
[10:02:20] And I'll go back home for Christmas
[10:02:22] And this motherfucker would talk about I just be so ashamed of what was going on in the background
[10:02:27] And I just love you guys so much thank you guys so much for helping bring this shit back to where it is
[10:02:32] I'm so proud of this and I love you guys with everything inside
[10:02:36] Oh, man!
[10:02:40] That's so much.
[10:02:44] Yeah, that's it.
[10:02:45] I fucking love you all.
[10:02:46] How do you just know where to run at?
[10:02:47] One more thing I want you to touch.
[10:02:49] You're the best.
[10:02:50] No, I'm sorry for that.
[10:02:51] That was crazy.
[10:02:52] Let it out, bro.
[10:02:54] I love you, I see you the best.
[10:02:56] Before we do that, we're going to go out, party.
[10:02:58] I might relapse, fuck around, start fire on you guys.
[10:03:02] Before that, though, let's clear the stage,
[10:03:05] give it to Rugger out.
[10:03:05] He wants to say something.
[10:03:06] He wants to, uh, he's got a little something for you.
[10:03:08] I have a little something for you.
[10:03:09] real quick before you say something, come over here real quick, two seconds, I just want to say none of this shit would have happened without this man too, I want to give him these flowers and I love you, you might do it, you know that right?
[10:03:18] I love you.
[10:03:19] Always, it wouldn't have happened without you.
[10:03:21] I do it.
[10:03:22] Go ahead brother.
[10:03:31] I don't do speeches bro, I never do this but, damn.
[10:03:35] Oh, shit, thank you bro.
[10:03:37] I just got to say so, you know I'm very proud of everybody here, and you too Rick, you too.
[10:03:51] So I got my family down in San Diego, right?
[10:03:55] I fucking love them to death, surrounded by them every single day.
[10:03:58] I live super close to my parents, all my cousins, but I don't have, you know, real friends in
[10:04:05] San Diego.
[10:04:06] You know, I hang out with my family all the time, which I'm blessed and grateful for,
[10:04:09] but you guys taught me the definition of real friendship, like you guys wanted to
[10:04:12] come down and just hang out.
[10:04:13] Like that means more than anything to me.
[10:04:16] Like no matter what, like you guys just wanted to come hang out with me, like
[10:04:19] means a lot.
[10:04:20] been great and you know since you guys started the sub-a-thon I knew you guys
[10:04:23] were gonna kill it I knew you guys were gonna go crazy I knew you guys gonna
[10:04:26] break records so you know at the beginning of the month I'm like I got to
[10:04:31] guess something for them got it started so I got each and every single one of
[10:04:35] you guys a gift so
[10:04:50] I love you guys.
[10:04:52] Thank you bro.
[10:04:54] You're so rare.
[10:05:02] Six car keys.
[10:05:06] Lacey, should we open or wait on my water?
[10:05:08] I think everybody get them and then open at the same time.
[10:05:10] I think that's the smartest here.
[10:05:12] Silky.
[10:05:14] Sir, Ron.
[10:05:16] Hang on here.
[10:05:18] That
[10:05:22] Max and Jason
[10:05:24] Seriously, you guys should be proud of yourselves. Oh god, bro. 30 days
[10:05:28] First-ever subaclone like you guys really killed it man like every day
[10:05:32] I do have to say last thing for you open it even though I'm in San Diego
[10:05:35] I've been staying tapped in every time I wake up. I'm like, let me see what the boys are doing midday
[10:05:39] I'm like filming a video bro, and I'm like, what are the phase guys doing now nighttime before I sleep
[10:05:44] What are you guys doing? It's been so fucking sick to see that like phase is back to where it's at and honestly at its peak
[10:05:50] The best that it's ever been and I'm super proud super proud of everyone
[10:05:54] It's ever been I'm so grateful to be a part of phase and banks. I fucking love you to death seriously, bro
[10:06:00] Like if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been in phase. I really wouldn't have been in phase
[10:06:03] So you put in a good right, bro
[10:06:05] You put in a good word for me when I was in sore and I got to phase because of you
[10:06:09] So thank you so much for real appreciate y'all. Hey, open up the gifts
[10:06:14] I had to do it wrong. Hello grateful for you guys
[10:06:39] All right in three two one go
[10:06:59] I had to do it guys. I'm so grateful.
[10:07:13] You gotta stand in front of that so much.
[10:07:18] Someone bring it over here.
[10:07:21] Fuck, I'm trying.
[10:07:23] Bro, the system is on the back.
[10:07:27] Bro, this is a fucking great room.
[10:07:36] Hey, I love you guys. For real.
[10:07:38] Even though you couldn't clean basketball.
[10:07:42] 100k. By tonight.
[10:07:44] By tonight, bro.
[10:07:46] Hey, you're the fuck up. For real.
[10:07:50] Dude, that shit is sick, bro.
[10:07:52] I told, like at first, bro, they were like,
[10:07:54] they were telling me, like, the size 10.
[10:07:56] And I'm like, bro, make it as big as you can.
[10:07:58] Now you got changing.
[10:08:00] I got you, bro. I got you, man.
[10:08:02] It is he comes back!
[10:08:04] Yeeeel!
[10:08:05] Oh my god!
[10:08:06] Hello, you are?
[10:08:07] Let's see, let's see!
[10:08:09] Get up in a daze!
[10:08:11] Let's go!
[10:08:13] Yeeeeeee!
[10:08:15] Hello!
[10:08:17] I have a good feeling about her.
[10:08:48] I have a good feeling about her.
[10:08:50] I have a good feeling about her.
[10:08:52] I have a good feeling about her.
[10:08:54] I have a good feeling about her.
[10:08:56] It will forever commemorate the fucking state of our country.
[10:08:59] The past 30 days.
[10:09:01] It's all she left for me.
[10:09:03] We got to bite it.
[10:09:05] It's not cool.
[10:09:07] What should we do?
[10:09:09] Get up here.
[10:09:11] Get up.
[10:09:13] Mads.
[10:09:15] All the way over there.
[10:09:17] We put this bulls over here.
[10:09:19] Look, you need a flash.
[10:09:21] That shit can't stream out.
[10:10:12] I'm not even 12 or anything, this is like,
[10:10:14] not if I walk away with no fear.
[10:10:16] I can't wait to actually come.
[10:10:17] I was amazed, it was amazing.
[10:10:19] Simply amazed.
[10:10:20] Play it back.
[10:10:21] Oh, you know, you can't change it.
[10:10:22] By the way, that's one thing I just said,
[10:10:25] that here and there, this is the worst code
[10:10:27] that can happen in the world,
[10:10:28] under living conditions.
[10:10:29] Oh, that's the best shit ever.
[10:10:30] Really, yeah, just fall into it.
[10:10:32] All your other shit.
[10:10:33] Yeah, I was just saying,
[10:10:34] I thought I saw more of this shit now,
[10:10:36] but it's like, I hope it gets it's over,
[10:10:37] you know, all of these things,
[10:10:38] that's what I hope.
[10:10:39] Thank you.
[10:11:15] We really shouldn't have that in the area, you know?
[10:11:19] You know, it really was, by the way,
[10:11:21] this is all your idea, you guys gave this whole shit a name.
[10:11:24] That's crazy.
[10:11:25] Like, historic shit.
[10:11:27] No, it's just really, you did some historic, really historic shit.
[10:11:29] That's all that.
[10:11:30] That's a fucking average.
[10:11:31] They bought you and just do what you want by yourself.
[10:11:33] I'm glad I made it to Rome now.
[10:11:35] Thank God you fucking don't jump into it.
[10:11:37] It's crazy.
[10:11:38] You know, the whole line of it, friends,
[10:11:39] it's not even from my whole life.
[10:11:40] It's insane.
[10:11:41] It's insane because of y'all.
[10:11:42] At least y'all don't get mad.
[10:11:44] You're so young and like, fresh to life in being an adult, dude, we have really dark years to us.
[10:11:51] The new long stretch man.
[10:11:53] We didn't know what the fuck our life was like.
[10:11:55] I don't know.
[10:11:56] Is it on the screen or something?
[10:11:58] I don't fucking know.
[10:11:59] It's on the back.
[10:12:01] I know, no, no.
[10:12:02] It's J-Day Day.
[10:12:04] It's J-Day Day.
[10:12:05] What are you doing?
[10:12:06] Let's get it on the top!
[10:12:08] I'm gonna fuck the fuck up!
[10:12:10] I'm gonna fuck the shit!
[10:12:45] You know it's still not right, and you know
[10:12:52] Yeah
[10:13:11] I'm over open run right now Ronnie's my help W were placed on you okay?
[10:13:19] Everyone he's asking you a question but
[10:13:22] respond to the phone.
[10:13:24] Why did he ask him like that though?
[10:13:26] He's still like,
[10:13:27] Come here, come here, come here.
[10:13:28] Oh, he's got another one!
[10:13:32] No, no, no!
[10:13:33] No, no, no!
[10:13:34] No!
[10:13:35] Get out of there!
[10:13:47] I don't know what they're talking about.
[10:13:49] He's a whore.
[10:13:58] He's a whore.
[10:13:59] He's a whore.
[10:14:01] He's a whore.
[10:14:02] Look at his profile.
[10:14:13] This is you!
[10:14:16] Look at that.
[10:14:17] How you doing?
[10:14:34] How you doing, Chad?
[10:14:35] How you doing?
[10:14:37] How you doing?
[10:14:44] fill it chat
[10:14:45] i have a feeling
[10:14:46] fuck it go
[10:14:53] look at the boy
[10:14:54] look at the boy
[10:14:56] i feel bad but i wasn't with you
[10:14:57] look at you
[10:14:58] nah
[10:15:00] days that i felt a little more happy now
[10:15:02] look at this
[10:15:03] boy shit right here
[10:15:06] i need someone to pick a pic with this
[10:15:09] i need someone to pick with this
[10:15:12] no no
[10:15:13] i need one of the guys from home
[10:15:50] All right, rockin take me to my room boy
[10:15:55] Hold on good boy. Take them
[10:16:20] We're trying to think if we should put the twitch logo and all that but I was like it's a sub-a-thon on
[10:16:24] You gotta switch bomb thing right here
[10:16:26] It's memorable, bro
[10:16:27] This shit is so cool
[10:16:28] I wanted to think about me when you see this
[10:16:30] Bro, every time
[10:16:31] No, no troll, right bro
[10:16:32] Dude, fucking troll
[10:16:34] Nah, I'm mad, how are you?
[10:16:35] You deserve it, bro
[10:16:36] You deserve it
[10:16:37] W fuckin' rug, bro
[10:16:38] W fuckin' rug, bro
[10:16:39] Appreciate it
[10:16:42] W in the fucking chat, bro
[10:16:44] Chat, spam up the tweet right now
[10:16:45] Make sure to like that shit
[10:16:46] Make sure to comment on it
[10:16:47] Tell them it's fucked up
[10:16:48] It's fucked up, bro
[10:16:50] Oh, it's fucked up in every face
[10:16:51] That ain't gonna lie, man
[10:16:53] and you ain't made a fuck you little I'm not gonna break this fucking tripod
[10:17:11] Yeah so um who's going up against me in uh Bip-Hump?
[10:17:15] Well it's like a hope.
[10:17:18] Oh gotta deal with a brain?
[10:17:19] Oh sorry.
[10:17:20] So I'll make sure to keep standing that speed up right now.
[10:17:23] Comment fuck him on that speed right now.
[10:17:25] Fuck him bruh.
[10:17:26] That's it.
[10:17:27] It's real shit.
[10:17:28] Make sure to like that shit up mods.
[10:17:29] Keep standing that shit for the next a minute.
[10:17:31] Fuck him bruh.
[10:17:32] Real talk.
[10:17:33] Who you go got?
[10:17:34] It's the YRG!
[10:17:35] It's the girl right here bruh.
[10:17:36] I don't think I'ma leave y'all bruh.
[10:17:37] Why you put the trophies in the toilet?
[10:17:38] Oh fuck him.
[10:17:39] Let's fuck him.
[10:17:40] Let's fuck him.
[10:17:41] Fuck him.
[10:17:42] Fuck
[10:18:15] I'm not gonna watch that I turned off ads the whole stuff the whole ceremony
[10:18:18] So it's gonna be wrong, but I'm gonna turn that shit back up to 10 minutes
[10:18:24] Hey, that's just fucking crazy real fucking talk. I love y'all so fucking much
[10:18:29] I'm just glad like three times. This is crazy. I'm not gonna lie like hey, I may have acted like a little pussy
[10:18:34] But hey, that's just fucking crazy. I still remember last year, bro
[10:18:38] I was really at the bottom of the bottom
[10:18:40] This is the best this is the best year of my life and thanks to y'all thanks to obviously everyone our face clan
[10:18:45] Yeah, but this shit wouldn't be possible without some man. So W's in the chat man. I appreciate you so much
[10:18:51] Seriously, I fuck with your men appreciate everyone man. Make sure to comment on the three fuck
[10:19:08] I'm proud of you
[10:19:15] You feel that?
[10:19:17] You feel that?
[10:19:19] You feel that?
[10:19:21] You feel that?
[10:19:23] How do you feel?
[10:19:25] Thank you, thank you.
[10:19:27] Wrong job, Rob.
[10:19:29] Hell yeah, we're done.
[10:19:31] We're done.
[10:19:37] Ciao!
[10:19:41] That's the ladder?
[10:19:43] What's going on there?
[10:19:45] Oh, shit.
[10:19:47] I'm not going to lie, bro.
[10:19:49] I
[10:20:20] I'm not gonna lie
[10:20:23] Goddamn this a fat one hold up
[10:20:26] Hey, it's fuck everybody if they not in space fuck all the people that said I couldn't do it
[10:20:31] Fuck all the people that said I wasn't shit, you know, you know, I'm talking about you know the people we smoke it on
[10:20:37] They're definitely how we cover
[10:20:47] This is too bad
[10:20:53] Yeah, this is the one that's mine you got to get out now. This is the type of thing that he likes.
[10:21:06] Yeah, you got to inhale it.
[10:21:10] I mean I'm sorry
[10:22:15] there's it not even shiver
[10:22:17] you're going to be talking to JP and Todd
[10:22:21] wait 20 minutes right
[10:22:23] you're going to be talking to both of them
[10:22:25] oh my god i love you
[10:22:35] oh he's in the shadow bro
[10:22:37] we'll see
[10:22:39] Oh, yeah, you already have one so you got to face games for free
[10:23:02] hmm wait no wait did you hit the
[10:23:06] backwards oh God it's got to be faded
[10:23:10] which oh hold on 50 pants oh cook
[10:23:17] cook with the 50 fucking gift it was fucking
[10:23:21] Go
[10:23:35] 498
[10:23:41] Right outside you don't a thousand I'm a thousand five hundred off
[10:23:51] Hey, you got the most hardware tonight, right son?
[10:23:55] That's it.
[10:23:58] Didn't you believe our basketball segment went double-clad?
[10:24:01] I think it was triple.
[10:24:03] I won an individual segment for our basketball segment.
[10:24:06] And there was the duo.
[10:24:08] And the duo.
[10:24:09] That's three.
[10:24:10] Come on now.
[10:24:11] That was a perfect death.
[10:24:16] No, what the fuck?
[10:24:17] You're gonna check what I mean.
[10:24:19] Oh, you work my bow. I just swear.
[10:24:21] I'm gonna use your arm.
[10:24:23] That's really his, uh,
[10:24:25] I just got it. I need to take you to the police.
[10:24:27] I'll get that. I'm gonna go and see the police.
[10:24:29] Stand up, boy. Jason, I gotta go.
[10:24:31] Take it off. Take it off.
[10:24:33] Take the blaster off.
[10:24:35] Take the blaster off.
[10:24:37] Right there, here you are.
[10:24:39] Yes, you are.
[10:24:41] I'm gonna go and see you again.
[10:24:43] I'm gonna tell you something.
[10:24:45] I don't see a good story.
[10:24:47] That's my question.
[10:24:52] Not to mention, chef, you're the number one most watched channel this month.
[10:24:56] Across every fucking language.
[10:25:00] On Twitch.
[10:25:01] Every fucking language.
[10:25:04] Serious and fun, history!
[10:25:07] Yeah!
[10:25:09] See ya!
[10:25:14] I'm so proud of you, bro.
[10:25:15] They're there.
[10:25:16] I'm so happy right now, bro.
[10:25:18] I'm so happy for everyone in this house.
[10:25:20] You sit there crazy, you know what I'm saying?
[10:25:22] Yo, Bradley with the 100!
[10:25:25] Holy fuck!
[10:25:26] Nah, you hit him, bro.
[10:25:27] Holy fuck!
[10:25:28] Two different parts!
[10:25:30] To bring with the 100!
[10:25:32] I'll be up when you at night, and I'll be back.
[10:25:34] My guy, bro!
[10:25:35] My guy, bro!
[10:25:37] That's what I'm saying, I love you, bro.
[10:25:38] I love you, bro.
[10:25:39] I love you, bro.
[10:25:40] I'm so glad I missed you.
[10:25:41] I love you, bro.
[10:25:42] For real.
[10:25:43] It's not a weenie.
[10:25:44] That's not all, bro.
[10:25:45] I'm not supposed to do this?
[10:25:52] I'm lazy.
[10:25:55] Lazy.
[10:25:56] Want to take a turn?
[10:25:57] 12?
[10:26:05] Lazy.
[10:26:06] Lazy.
[10:26:07] Lazy.
[10:26:08] Hey, water.
[10:26:09] Get this water.
[10:26:10] No, that's mine.
[10:26:11] That's mine.
[10:26:12] That's mine.
[10:26:13] I'm gonna work mad hard for that shit.
[10:26:14] You know how I crashed your car?
[10:26:22] It's called Drill.
[10:26:23] I'm not gonna do it.
[10:26:24] I'm not gonna do it.
[10:26:25] I'm not gonna do it.
[10:26:26] I'm not gonna do it.
[10:26:27] I'm not gonna do it.
[10:26:30] Oh Drew, thanks, come out bro.
[10:26:38] We end at three PM tomorrow.
[10:26:41] It's really the end.
[10:26:42] Can I believe it's been 30 days?
[10:26:46] I feel like this one went quick.
[10:26:47] Absolutely the end bro.
[10:26:50] Yo Drew, they saying fuck you.
[10:26:53] It's fucked you.
[10:26:54] I love y'all so fucking much for reading the chat right now.
[10:26:56] Appreciate any sub if I missed any, bro.
[10:27:06] This is crazy.
[10:27:08] Seriously, I know.
[10:27:10] I never thought I would fucking be here.
[10:27:15] You smoke?
[10:27:17] Oh God.
[10:27:19] I didn't hit an old dot boy.
[10:27:21] He changed his sweatpants like that.
[10:27:25] Come here.
[10:27:29] Put on your sweaters.
[10:27:31] He's kind of cold outside.
[10:27:33] I love y'all.
[10:27:35] Read your chat right now.
[10:27:37] You're a buddy.
[10:27:39] You don't fucking work.
[10:27:41] Diamonds with the prize.
[10:27:43] Take a second.
[10:27:45] Willard with the resub.
[10:27:47] Bari with the sub of one month, one tier one.
[10:27:51] Tavi with the tier one.
[10:27:54] Cook with the 50, that was a big 50.
[10:27:56] And Twiq added,
[10:27:57] Ah, I'm not back, you give the right fucking mouth!
[10:28:00] I don't know Becker with the resub of five fucking months.
[10:28:04] Let's fucking go.
[10:28:06] Oh my God.
[10:28:09] Semper shooting with the prime.
[10:28:12] Hope last of milk with this one, give this up.
[10:28:16] Slay down!
[10:28:17] We work there with Mr. Y.
[10:28:20] We get into the sub-line.
[10:28:23] All in awesome with the flow.
[10:28:25] With the tier one.
[10:28:35] That show is the reason.
[10:28:43] Look right here!
[10:28:47] Get the fuck up!
[10:28:48] Hook with the tank if they-
[10:28:49] Fuck them!
[10:28:52] Fuck them up!
[10:28:54] With the dark power of the tier one.
[10:28:57] With the tier one.
[10:29:28] The whole line with the line.
[10:30:07] Jesus, man!
[10:30:09] With the sub-line.
[10:30:19] You feeling generous? Let that still live!
[10:30:57] I did it. I finished my sabbathon.
[10:31:01] Tomorrow at 3 p.m. we end.
[10:31:04] And I'm also number one for real for real.
[10:31:07] For most watch streamer ever right now for the month of September.
[10:31:10] Out of all languages.
[10:31:13] I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of all you guys.
[10:31:18] I'm gonna see you in a couple of days. I love you.
[10:31:20] I love you honey, be safe.
[10:31:24] Alright, bye.
[10:31:28] I'll be your MC then.
[10:31:43] I did it, Kimmy.
[10:31:47] My sub-a-thon ends tomorrow at 3pm, but this is the last four days and I did it.
[10:31:51] I'm number one watch streamer for all languages.
[10:31:53] And number one?
[10:31:55] Oh, God, I'm ready to go.
[10:32:00] I love you a lot and I'll see you soon too.
[10:32:02] I got that. Do I get number one pussy cunts? Do I get some pussy?
[10:32:15] All the sexes, all the sexes.
[10:32:19] Yeah, bro.
[10:32:28] What are you doing back there?
[10:33:02] I was ringing them quick.
[10:33:04] It's really never give up on anything that you love.
[10:33:17] And it's really fucking cool.
[10:33:25] Yo, quicks!
[10:33:28] I'm about to finish my sub-a-dom, bro.
[10:33:30] But I just want to say I love you, bro, so much.
[10:33:34] And it's tomorrow at three, bro.
[10:33:36] I just want to say I appreciate you. You know always being my friend being there for me, you know
[10:33:47] Yeah
[10:34:16] he's not calling me.
[10:34:23] When Jayz gets to 99, I'mma be there, trust me.
[10:34:28] He gon' hit a hundred fuckin' K tonight.
[10:34:32] We did it, chat.
[10:34:33] Oh, God, I mean, look at y'all, bro.
[10:34:35] It's really all y'all, bro, real talk.
[10:34:37] This shit would not be fuckin' possible without y'all.
[10:34:42] But, seriously, this ain't somethin'
[10:34:45] that I could just do by myself.
[10:34:49] I just missed your mark, 2023.
[10:34:52] Now we celebrate, now it's life, now it's a vibe, and yeah man, I'm just fucking, I'm
[10:35:03] honestly just fucking happy, bro.
[10:35:05] She says she ain't even a doctor, she won't even get a response, and she lookin' pretty,
[10:35:12] lookin' gorgeous, we met the love of the artist, so I can't stand to not give a face,
[10:35:19] Please fight for me!
[10:35:23] Posting with the fight, get in!
[10:35:31] Gloria sent the T1!
[10:35:42] They did with the T1!
[10:35:56] The fight!
[10:36:09] No fucking joke!
[10:36:11] That was so funny, man.
[10:36:13] Let's go fucking celebrate life with these chocolate right around the house.
[10:36:16] We out here, bro!
[10:36:18] Come on, there was one more.
[10:36:20] Slabs with the Viaget.
[10:36:22] You about to be great.
[10:36:34] Almost like 97.
[10:36:44] When he gets to 99, we're giving it.
[10:36:46] You're so mad.
[10:36:47] No, we gotta go now.
[10:36:48] Let's leave on the top.
[10:36:50] Don't go out.
[10:36:51] I don't know Jewish people who need chocolate.
[10:36:53] I don't know what you talking about.
[10:36:55] What the fuck?
[10:36:56] We don't hit 100 pieces.
[10:37:02] Oh
[10:37:59] Let's start off like the fuck is this?
[10:38:02] No, that's what I'm saying.
[10:38:03] I literally have not felt smaller than you.
[10:38:05] I don't think I can.
[10:38:07] Bro, that was a hug, man!
[10:38:09] You sure?
[10:38:10] I'm just gonna grab this.
[10:38:16] You have a warning, mister?
[10:38:17] Yeah, no, he cuts out the whole thing.
[10:38:19] Oh!
[10:38:21] Hey, bushes.
[10:38:21] Hey, dude!
[10:38:22] Oh, look at that.
[10:38:25] Ah!
[10:38:32] Oh, look at that.
[10:38:33] Oh, look at that.
[10:38:34] Oh, look at that.
[10:38:35] Oh, look at that.
[10:38:36] Oh, look at that.
[10:38:41] Oh, look at that.
[10:43:51] What do you got?
[10:43:52] Face administration!
[10:43:54] Yes!
[10:43:54] Oh my...
[10:43:56] Yes!
[10:43:57] Oh my gosh, I'm going to get this freezed up!
[10:43:58] I am not a fan of T.F.I.T.
[10:44:08] I'm going to lose this game
[10:44:09] 1001TK
[10:44:11] I have nobody to judge me
[10:44:13] I have one title tomorrow
[10:44:14] I'm going to say it to you
[10:44:15] I'm not going to forgive you
[10:44:16] I'm not going to leave you
[10:44:18] I am not gonna laugh
[10:44:20] I'm not going to try to win
[10:44:23] I'm not going to try to win
[10:49:12] What's your ETA?
[10:49:14] What's your ETA?
[10:49:24] What's your ETA?
[10:49:26] What's your ETA?
[10:49:28] What's your ETA?
[10:49:30] What's your ETA?
[10:49:32] What's your ETA?
[10:49:34] What's your ETA?
[10:49:46] Oh my god.
[10:49:48] Oh my god.
[10:49:50] Too much patience.
[10:49:52] I want to see you again, but I'm sorry.
[10:49:54] Who's bracelet?
[10:49:56] It's the one.
[10:49:58] someone that walks to me no more
[10:50:00] my first song came on
[10:50:02] that's a sign, go ahead say your speech
[10:50:28] Just making content having fun with each other
[10:50:40] I'm here to celebrate this shit with everyone behind me right now, bro. This shit is crazy. I'm literally living my dream
[10:50:46] at fucking
[10:51:10] $1 a month
[10:51:32] Wait a minute, you might think you're number two now
[10:51:36] Wait, how many are you out right now? You have 100
[10:52:08] Oh my god
[10:52:10] This is crazy
[10:52:12] You deserve it, dude
[10:52:14] You got a new POTEA, of course
[10:52:16] Dude
[10:52:18] 100% fucking subscribers
[10:52:20] Let me get that bro
[10:52:22] Different bro
[10:52:24] I'm getting this moment
[10:52:26] I'm gonna throw that ass
[10:52:30] That's your first chain
[10:52:32] What, base?
[10:52:34] Show me a message that you're like where could I get a base chain from
[10:52:36] Yeah, another account of one for so I remember I was like hold up
[10:52:39] I'm just trying to tell him
[10:52:40] Oh my god, we've really done this something wrong, bro
[10:52:43] I'm so sorry
[10:52:44] This is a challenge
[10:52:45] This is a real danger
[10:52:46] This is a challenge
[10:52:47] You're a creep, Joe
[10:52:48] You can actually walk a lot here
[10:52:50] He came out so much better than I thought
[10:52:52] Too purple is tough
[10:52:53] You guys look insane
[10:52:54] It's not crazy
[10:52:55] There you go
[10:52:56] Let's go buddy
[10:52:57] Let's go party for that
[10:52:58] What is what now?
[10:52:59] What is what now?
[10:53:00] What is what now?
[10:53:01] What is what now?
[10:53:02] What is what now?
[10:53:03] What is what now?
[10:53:04] What is what now?
[10:53:35] They fucking, they not with us as a father group.
[10:53:42] They stop with us this fuck em, we'll talk.
[10:53:49] Rockin just want to take off his shirt, y'all.
[10:53:55] I think they already shut it off, bro.
[10:54:01] They just told me to come up here.
[10:54:03] No, that's all right.
[10:54:06] No!
[10:54:08] No, not at all.
[10:54:09] No, I'm not sure.
[10:54:10] No, not at all.
[10:54:11] No, not at all.
[10:54:12] Fuck that!
[10:54:13] Fuck that shit!
[10:54:14] Come on guys.
[10:54:15] What's going on?
[10:54:16] I
[10:54:20] Okay, that's it fuck it
[10:54:38] Ready to drink it so
[10:55:16] Oh
[10:55:46] I'm going to go up and get him.
[10:55:48] Let's go down, let's go down.
[10:55:50] Let's do it.
[10:55:52] My boy, look at that burger.
[10:55:54] Where's Lacey again?
[10:55:56] Yeah, young.
[10:55:58] That day to be a fucking man.
[10:56:00] Can we get a closer view of you?
[10:56:02] Closer view of you?
[10:56:04] Closer view of you.
[10:56:06] Not a lot of room.
[10:56:08] Look at that.
[10:56:10] Look at that, Lacey.
[10:56:12] That's my best.
[10:56:14] I think it's whatever you got yeah, that's all we can do about it though no, I just got I just want to save this shit
[10:56:44] It's party time.
[10:56:46] Party man.
[10:56:48] Call up me at 10.
[10:56:50] Yeah.
[10:56:52] Sorry, that's the head group.
[10:56:54] But that's how you get like a haircut.
[10:56:56] Get off the head.
[10:56:58] Get the moves.
[10:57:00] Yeah.
[10:57:02] I'm gonna take my phone,
[10:57:04] speed it up, emotional,
[10:57:06] we're all,
[10:57:08] we're just some fucking cahennians.
[10:57:10] What?
[10:57:12] I'm talking.
[10:57:16] My life.
[10:57:18] Somebody must have taken your shit.
[10:57:20] Bring it up.
[10:57:22] Who's the boss?
[10:57:24] Who's the boss?
[10:57:26] Who's the boss?
[10:57:28] Who's the boss?
[10:57:30] Who's the boss?
[10:57:32] Who's the boss?
[10:57:34] Holy shit.
[10:57:36] Smoke.
[10:57:38] Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.
[10:58:15] I might start streaming because a big pan
[10:59:03] White light in the fog
[10:59:05] Oh my God
[10:59:07] You're a fuckin' girl, what was that you're doing?
[10:59:11] Take it away, you're a fuckin' fine dog
[10:59:17] In the fog, get your money, you can do that, baby
[10:59:19] What?
[10:59:20] Take the money, all you see is shit, you can take the shit
[10:59:27] You take our shit in the fog
[10:59:29] You take your money in the fog
[10:59:31] Baw in the fog
[10:59:33] In the neck
[11:00:18] You wanna see a 70 kit?
[11:00:23] You need me to break it without some money!
[11:00:25] Jack with a T1
[11:00:27] Daddy's hand on the way!
[11:00:29] Wake up, it's on right now!
[11:00:31] You gotta get a play song!
[11:00:33] Get a play song!
[11:00:35] Get a play song!
[11:00:39] I'll wait and see what you find!
[11:00:45] Check!
[11:00:47] You wanna see a 70 kit?
[11:00:51] Oh my god, oh my god.
[11:01:00] OMG with the 5, hold on. Hold the fuck on.
[11:01:03] The party never ends.
[11:01:15] Right, man.
[11:01:16] Everybody get the jack your money!
[11:01:18] It's not like the enemy's all...
[11:01:21] It's not like the party never ends!
[11:01:23] I'm going to make money for the party!
[11:01:25] Oh my god!
[11:01:26] It's not like the enemy's all...
[11:01:28] It's not like the enemy's all...
[11:01:30] It's not like the enemy's all...
[11:01:34] It's not like the enemy's all...
[11:01:37] Oh my god!
[11:01:38] Oh my god, I'm not the same.
[11:01:41] Pop piece with the ball.
[11:01:43] Oh my god, my sleeves out of the crooked.
[11:01:45] I didn't know how to throw it.
[11:01:55] With this little snack, she got trippy arms.
[11:01:57] There's all three of them on grass.
[11:01:58] And she's doing all that.
[11:01:59] She ain't nobody to dance.
[11:02:01] We know I'm real.
[11:02:02] Now we're going to end up in a shoo-shoo.
[11:02:04] Jumping in a shoe.
[11:02:05] Let's go, Mike.
[11:02:06] Now we're going to end up in a shoo-shoo.
[11:02:07] We're going to end up in a shoo-shoo.
[11:02:08] We're going to end up in a shoo-shoo.
[11:02:09] Hey!
[11:02:10] Oh my god.
[11:02:11] Oh my god.
[11:02:12] Oh my god.
[11:02:13] Oh my god.
[11:02:14] I knew that juice.
[11:02:15] I'm up and right in front of you.
[11:04:46] I
[11:05:24] I'm ready, I'm ready.
[11:05:26] You see me with the phone?
[11:05:28] I'm ready.
[11:05:30] I'm going 30.
[11:05:54] What's this? It's a new gift that's a gift.
[11:05:56] Tomorrow, come on, don't be hit.
[11:05:58] I'm gonna edit like that.
[11:06:00] By the way, President Trump,
[11:06:02] we're gonna have you to present the last four days.
[11:06:04] What do we want? What do we want?
[11:06:06] Wait! Wait!
[11:06:08] I'm gonna make you happy.
[11:06:13] I'm gonna make you happy.
[11:06:15] Fuck you! Fuck you!
[11:06:17] Come on, down to the great top.
[11:06:19] Get this pizza.
[11:06:21] Get this pizza.
[11:06:23] Get that pizza.
[11:06:25] I swear to God, all I do is catch out.
[11:06:27] And if you ain't alone, get up on my trap house.
[11:06:32] I'm the Southern Fences, let them sit and pray.
[11:06:35] Yeah, I don't know what to do.
[11:06:38] Oh my gosh.
[11:06:40] Hey, watch.
[11:06:42] How much work does it take?
[11:06:47] How much work does it take?
[11:06:49] How much work does it take?
[11:06:51] How much work does it take?
[11:06:53] How much work does it take?
[11:06:55] How much work does it take?
[11:06:57] Oh my god, what the fuck is that?
[11:06:59] Oh my fucking god.
[11:07:01] Oh my fucking god.
[11:07:03] Oh my fucking god.
[11:07:05] Oh my god.
[11:07:07] Oh my god, beaver with the 50 gizzies
[11:07:09] and cloudy with the 5 inch
[11:07:11] and 30
[11:07:13] Oh my god.
[11:07:15] Oh my god.
[11:07:17] With the 16
[11:07:19] The darkness is no longer there.
[11:07:21] The darkness is no longer there.
[11:07:23] Oh my god.
[11:07:25] That was awesome. That's a hot body start.
[11:07:27] Oh my gosh, fly one with a 10.
[11:07:31] Holy shit.
[11:07:36] Let's offer us with a five fucking jibbit.
[11:07:44] Fly one with a 10 jibbit.
[11:07:46] Oh my god.
[11:07:47] Fly one with a five jibbit.
[11:07:49] So do it with a five jibbit.
[11:08:25] I
[11:09:25] I'm not letting you stop the flow, I'm not letting you stop the flow, let me do it!
[11:09:30] Oh my God!
[11:09:31] Nods with the feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet!
[11:09:33] Oh my God, it's gonna be like we need this!
[11:09:36] I'm not letting you stop the flow, let me do it!
[11:09:38] It's the one!
[11:09:38] That's the one we fucking need it!
[11:09:40] It's low key to one, right?
[11:09:41] Rebel, let me do it!
[11:09:42] Rebel, let me do it!
[11:09:43] Fuck!
[11:09:44] You got this, you got this, you got this, you got this!
[11:09:46] Nads, you're a fuckin' man, bro.
[11:09:48] Oh my God!
[11:09:49] Come on, man!
[11:09:50] I'm just gonna have to go home tonight.
[11:09:51] Oh my gosh!
[11:09:52] Danny with the one tear!
[11:09:53] Here we get this one.
[11:09:59] You want me to stay here?
[11:10:06] 63k, but it's one already, but it's not already. Let's keep it going. Let's keep it going.
[11:10:14] Each gifted matters, bro. Each gifted matters. W5, who's the five? Cook with the five gifted.
[11:10:20] You're gonna go swaggy, Bill.
[11:10:25] Tie Ben with a 550.
[11:10:31] I did not open this shit for real.
[11:10:36] I'm gonna survive.
[11:10:41] I'm gonna survive?
[11:10:46] Never with a 10 gig did you came up with Danny with the one with the camera bar, what the fuck?
[11:11:01] I'm scared
[11:11:07] Harold Farron
[11:11:09] Oh my gosh
[11:11:12] Thank you with a prime
[11:11:16] I don't know, man!
[11:11:19] I thought we were doing it!
[11:11:20] Am I tweaking? Did I miss something?
[11:11:23] Never losing. Thank you for the 10. I don't know if I said that already.
[11:11:36] Come on. Come on, y'all.
[11:11:39] T6 with the prime.
[11:11:42] I'm gonna keep reporting.
[11:11:44] I'm not gonna say my phone no more.
[11:11:54] Also with the Prime.
[11:11:56] I'm right here.
[11:11:59] Run it down!
[11:12:07] Oh wait, where's Max?
[11:12:09] Where's Max?
[11:12:11] Someone gotta get Max.
[11:12:14] I'm just literally all over the south side. Yeah, I'm getting the angles
[11:12:27] 500,000 followers 30,000 subs and my peak viewers for the seventh on all within the same 50 seconds
[11:12:34] I
[11:12:43] 500k and 30k sub from starter from 700 bro 700 this is 700 block head of a fucking bitch
[11:12:51] Son of a 700 and came out with 30 fucking
[11:13:04] I had to stop it. I had to stop it.
[11:13:07] I'm sorry.
[11:13:09] What are we doing this way?
[11:13:11] What are we doing this way?
[11:13:14] Walk everybody through how to do it.
[11:13:16] Yeah, show me.
[11:13:18] Oh, no.
[11:13:20] What the fuck?
[11:13:22] Let's look at this.
[11:13:24] Let's look at some of that.
[11:13:26] That's it. That's it.
[11:13:28] Take your seat.
[11:13:30] And then when he says you're ready,
[11:13:32] or instant of pop it and you just put you put your finger like half over it so I got
[11:13:37] you I got you.
[11:13:38] So this is going to fly off so do not do not aim it at nobody because it's going to
[11:13:43] fly.
[11:13:44] Aim it that way.
[11:13:45] Let's go.
[11:13:46] What do I do?
[11:13:47] Aim it.
[11:13:48] Aim it this way.
[11:13:49] And then when you let it go, I don't want to go that way.
[11:13:52] When you aim it this way so the way nobody, okay, put your finger over it.
[11:13:56] I'm not going to let you hit me going in the corner.
[11:13:59] Your fingers gonna go over the bottle like this.
[11:14:01] After each piece, you're gonna pop out.
[11:14:03] You're gonna get a while off.
[11:14:05] Is this the crystal?
[11:14:07] Is this what I'm talking about?
[11:14:09] I don't think this is the crystal.
[11:14:11] But you start shaking it while you're pushing it up.
[11:14:13] Nobody hate each other!
[11:14:15] You just stood up a little bit.
[11:14:17] Yeah, I just stood up a little bit.
[11:14:19] You say something inspirational.
[11:14:21] Yeah, that's you.
[11:14:23] Say it, say it.
[11:14:25] Man, you're using it.
[11:14:27] I got it. I got it.
[11:14:30] Everybody.
[11:14:32] Everybody.
[11:14:33] Everybody.
[11:14:34] Yeah. Yeah.
[11:14:35] Everybody.
[11:14:36] He's going to do it while we're still here.
[11:14:38] Hey, come on down.
[11:14:39] Listen, y'all.
[11:14:40] Is someone going to stop with us?
[11:14:42] What?
[11:14:43] I want to be in this.
[11:14:45] Come on.
[11:14:46] Come on.
[11:14:47] All right.
[11:14:48] Listen, y'all.
[11:14:49] Thirty fucking days.
[11:14:50] The sub-eternity is over.
[11:14:52] We've all individually hit new records,
[11:14:54] records, slow and goes, made fucking history.
[11:14:57] I'm so proud of each and every one of you.
[11:14:59] Guess I'm gonna get that.
[11:15:00] Red turn to fuck.
[11:15:01] Oh, you're so good.
[11:15:03] Pre-fire.
[11:15:03] Where did it go?
[11:15:04] It's the piece.
[11:15:06] I told you.
[11:15:07] Oh, fuck.
[11:15:09] I'm telling you it was my camera.
[11:15:11] The only way to make you feel better
[11:15:12] is get me to 8,000 times.
[11:15:15] Yo, what?
[11:15:16] OK, fuck you.
[11:15:17] All right, go.
[11:15:18] Oh, no.
[11:15:20] Oh, no.
[11:15:22] No.
[11:15:24] I mean, that's what we're doing.
[11:15:26] Why is it going?
[11:15:28] Fuck you, God damn it.
[11:15:30] I don't know how to do it.
[11:15:32] I don't know how to do it.
[11:15:34] That's what was supposed to go.
[11:15:36] Fuck. Fuck.
[11:15:38] I was going to lose the line.
[11:15:40] Just now.
[11:15:42] That was the line.
[11:15:44] That was the line.
[11:15:51] I was still in fact now. I was super and thanks to the face. Listen the next time we'll do well
[11:16:21] Wait, you go ahead and hit me.
[11:16:23] I don't know what you're gonna do to hit me in my eye.
[11:16:25] I thought I was going to ask you for the bottle.
[11:16:27] I thought I hit you for real, that hurt.
[11:16:31] Let's get this picture.
[11:16:33] Everyone with the chains.
[11:16:35] Let's get it.
[11:16:37] Everyone after.
[11:16:39] Let it be in the middle real quick.
[11:16:41] It's a bad day to be a better employee.
[11:16:45] Everyone hold your chains up.
[11:16:47] Wait, can you get it that way?
[11:16:49] It's a bad day to be a bad boy in three!
[11:16:54] One, two, three!
[11:16:59] Are you ready?
[11:17:01] One, two, three, it's a bad day to be a bad boy!
[11:17:05] Yeah, that's right.
[11:17:07] I'm going to get ready for the pocket ball.
[11:17:11] What?
[11:17:13] Right here.
[11:17:15] Oh, that's the end of the camera?
[11:17:17] No, it's all there with the camera.
[11:17:19] I'm going to taste the cherry.
[11:17:21] Say, can you sit up?
[11:17:23] Yes.
[11:17:25] Where am I sitting?
[11:17:27] You're sitting in the camera man?
[11:17:29] You're sitting in the camera man?
[11:17:31] Yeah.
[11:17:33] Or do they sit or stand?
[11:17:35] I bet.
[11:17:37] You're sitting in the camera man.
[11:17:39] No.
[11:18:11] Probably to the shot
[11:18:20] I guess get up
[11:18:42] I did get the state of New York.
[11:18:44] How many people in the hall there?
[11:18:52] You should have the hall.
[11:19:02] What is the hall?
[11:19:04] I can't believe it.
[11:19:06] I can't believe it.
[11:19:12] I can't believe it.
[11:19:16] I can't believe it.
[11:19:18] I can't believe it.
[11:19:39] I can't believe it.
[11:19:41] I can't believe it.
[11:19:52] I'm gonna tell everybody to go over here.
[11:19:54] I can't believe it.
[11:19:56] I
[11:20:36] What the fuck is that?
[11:21:13] He's getting the rap!
[11:23:35] I
[11:30:39] What the fuck?
[11:31:03] What the fuck?
[11:31:04] What the fuck?
[11:32:59] Oh
[11:34:07] Hey you snap
[11:34:10] Let's get a demo snap in it
[11:34:13] Jamo you know I'm out of fucking man. Don't miss. You never don't ever
[11:35:03] Oh
[11:35:33] I gotta get one of these too right now.
[11:35:36] I'm gonna get a shot.
[11:35:38] Oh my God, it smells so strong.
[11:35:42] You ordered the red bull or not?
[11:35:44] It smells so strong.
[11:35:45] Red bull.
[11:35:46] Red bull.
[11:35:47] Red bull.
[11:35:48] Red bull.
[11:35:49] I thought it was the old drink.
[11:35:50] God, you gotta take a shot.
[11:35:51] Hey, this is legendary.
[11:35:53] Let's take a shot.
[11:35:54] Alright, guys, how about you?
[11:35:55] Let's see.
[11:35:56] Hold on, man.
[11:35:57] I have my shot.
[11:35:58] How many you got out?
[11:35:59] How many you got out?
[11:36:00] I usually drink.
[11:36:31] What the fuck?
[11:36:32] Hennessy and Coke.
[11:36:33] Hennessy and Coke.
[11:36:34] Oh, doing two more.
[11:36:35] What's A.O.?
[11:36:36] What's A.O.?
[11:36:37] Maka and watermelon.
[11:36:38] That's kinda like...
[11:36:39] That's not drink, that's the A.O.
[11:36:40] There's a taquila.
[11:36:41] No, no!
[11:36:42] There's a taquila!
[11:36:43] There's a taquila!
[11:36:44] No, no, no!
[11:36:45] Wait, I don't get the D.C.M.
[11:36:46] I'ma get...
[11:36:47] Oh, I'ma get a little...
[11:36:48] Here's the cheese.
[11:36:49] Yo, wait.
[11:36:50] I'ma get a little...
[11:36:51] You're not gonna get the cheese.
[11:36:52] You're not gonna get the cheese.
[11:36:53] I'ma get the cheese.
[11:36:54] I'ma get the cheese.
[11:36:55] I'ma get the cheese.
[11:36:56] I'ma get the cheese.
[11:36:57] I'ma get old.
[11:36:58] I'ma get a little late.
[11:36:59] Yo, wait.
[11:37:00] Are you here today?
[11:37:01] I only took one shot of Hasty.
[11:37:02] I'm not late.
[11:37:03] I'm just taking it.
[11:37:04] I'm just taking it.
[11:37:05] Why?
[11:37:06] To kill that much.
[11:37:07] Wait, I'm actually taking some of it.
[11:37:08] I'm taking some of it.
[11:37:09] I'm taking some of it.
[11:37:10] I'm taking some of it.
[11:37:11] No.
[11:37:12] No.
[11:37:13] What was my goal last time?
[11:37:14] Oh, what?
[11:37:15] All right, y'all.
[11:37:16] No.
[11:37:17] No.
[11:37:18] No.
[11:37:19] No.
[11:37:20] No.
[11:37:21] No.
[11:37:22] No.
[11:37:23] No.
[11:37:24] No.
[11:37:25] No.
[11:37:26] Oh, yeah
[11:37:41] It's a new character
[11:37:56] We don't even fucking need this shit at all, you know?
[11:37:58] Ohhhh!
[11:38:00] We don't even... we don't even leave the house, I don't even...
[11:38:02] It's just like right here.
[11:38:04] We're out here, we're out here, no more character, you better be here.
[11:38:06] Alright!
[11:38:08] We're gonna talk to him.
[11:38:10] Hey!
[11:38:12] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
[11:38:14] It's not face-clan, it's fucker!
[11:38:16] This one's for us, this one's for the future,
[11:38:18] and fuck what everybody says it's not face-clan!
[11:38:20] It's face-clan!
[11:38:22] Hey, so what?
[11:38:26] I'm a fuckin' straight motherfucker!
[11:38:32] Let me get one of that.
[11:38:34] He's like, oh, I waited for him.
[11:38:38] That was bad.
[11:38:41] It's like, don't we...
[11:38:45] What if this is some light?
[11:38:47] I would turn the head to see this.
[11:38:49] Hey, he's gonna see this.
[11:38:51] Fuck, I didn't even try.
[11:38:53] I'm gonna make some light and don't have to live.
[11:38:55] You're gonna live.
[11:38:57] It's not a fucking live, bro.
[11:38:59] It's a bad day to be a vet.
[11:39:04] It's a big relief after that.
[11:39:06] Oh, I can't.
[11:39:08] I'm telling you, it's not a play.
[11:39:10] I don't think it's her.
[11:39:11] It's their episode.
[11:39:12] It's their episode.
[11:39:13] It's not her play.
[11:39:14] It's not her play.
[11:39:15] It's not her play.
[11:39:16] I'm taking the church route to the moon.
[11:39:17] I'm taking the church route to the moon.
[11:39:19] It's the band.
[11:39:20] It's the band.
[11:39:21] It's not her play.
[11:39:22] Bro, I'll do it.
[11:39:23] I'll do it.
[11:39:24] No, I'm sorry, I got it.
[11:39:31] You got it.
[11:39:33] That's the oil.
[11:39:36] That's the next segment.
[11:39:39] That's the next segment.
[11:39:41] One of you has a giant square.
[11:39:44] One of you has a giant square.
[11:39:46] We're going to put the open names in there.
[11:39:48] All the camera men and all the helpers.
[11:39:50] The last person out is a thousand dollars.
[11:39:52] I'm up on LSD 50,000. Let's change this broke man's life.
[11:39:56] Man, you're making a million in battle royale?
[11:39:58] Nothing's really good.
[11:40:00] No.
[11:40:02] We get our great tape and food in a three-page fucking team.
[11:40:06] That's not gonna happen.
[11:40:08] Did I say the end one? Why are you all saying the question works?
[11:40:12] Did I say the end one?
[11:40:14] No, I didn't hear it.
[11:40:16] I usually know what I'm saying.
[11:40:18] Don't tell anyone the distance.
[11:40:20] You're one like this. It's like you're a poor member of ours.
[11:40:23] Getting here, you're like a noose.
[11:40:26] Out of here, you're like a noose.
[11:40:29] They say you're a little bit of a pervert.
[11:40:31] And then you go ahead and...
[11:40:34] I should still over here.
[11:40:37] You chillin' then?
[11:40:39] Who you invited?
[11:40:41] What?
[11:40:42] Who I invited?
[11:40:45] Who I'm...
[11:40:48] How are you?
[11:40:50] I'm a good spot.
[11:40:57] Man, this shit is boring.
[11:41:00] This is troll, man.
[11:41:04] I stole the hose away.
[11:41:06] I might have killed the hose.
[11:41:14] He said, let's go to socialize.
[11:41:16] Next time.
[11:41:18] Oh
[11:41:48] No, I'm not. I'm somewhere at your post.
[11:41:52] What's up?
[11:41:53] What's up?
[11:41:54] Thanks.
[11:41:56] Yeah, that's dumb.
[11:41:59] What do you mean?
[11:42:00] What do you mean?
[11:42:01] What do you have in those, man?
[11:42:02] What do you mean?
[11:42:03] What do you mean?
[11:42:04] What do you say that?
[11:42:05] No.
[11:42:06] You don't have money?
[11:42:07] What do you mean you say that?
[11:42:09] Yeah, we need all the money in the next second or something.
[11:42:12] You need it?
[11:42:13] Yeah.
[11:42:14] It's all in there.
[11:42:15] Yeah, man.
[11:42:16] We're gonna do what we can square.
[11:42:23] All the camera man and you go on this square, and that's what we're gonna square with $1,000.
[11:42:28] Tonight?
[11:42:29] Right now.
[11:42:30] Oh man.
[11:42:31] I can put on a do-right.
[11:42:32] That's not your body.
[11:42:34] Put on a do-right.
[11:42:35] I'm gonna be right back.
[11:42:36] Ah, how do you not like this dude?
[11:42:39] What the fuck?
[11:42:41] That's a spire.
[11:42:42] I'm down here, we gotta take Drew's trick.
[11:42:47] Oh my god, that was really good bro.
[11:42:49] I'm not gonna lie that way.
[11:42:50] I just need to move him here.
[11:42:54] The cameras, the girls that you made are really talking to me.
[11:42:58] They're talking to me.
[11:42:59] I'm not gonna lie.
[11:43:00] I'm not gonna lie.
[11:43:01] I'm not gonna lie.
[11:43:02] I'm not gonna lie.
[11:43:03] I'm not gonna lie.
[11:43:04] I'm not gonna lie.
[11:43:05] I'm not gonna lie.
[11:43:06] I'm not gonna lie.
[11:43:07] I'm gonna do some stuff to your number one right now.
[11:43:20] 100,000 more.
[11:43:21] Yeah.
[11:43:24] Yeah, look at the sideways.
[11:43:25] Don't make me look a bad eater, I just need to get off of these guys.
[11:43:35] I'm a super like that.
[11:43:40] I'm a super like that.
[11:43:45] I'm a super like that.
[11:43:48] I'm a super like that.
[11:43:50] I'm a super like that.
[11:43:52] I'm a super like that.
[11:43:57] I think it's good.
[11:43:59] You can stay up there.
[11:44:01] You can stay up there.
[11:44:03] You can stay up there.
[11:44:05] You can stay up there.
[11:44:07] You can stay up there.
[11:44:09] I'm not staying up there.
[11:44:11] I'm going to stay up there.
[11:44:13] Wait, so actually, what are the planning up to this evening?
[11:44:15] We're going back home.
[11:44:17] Yeah? How long are we going to go?
[11:44:19] It's got to be a little bit longer.
[11:44:21] I think it's going to be a maximum 10 days.
[11:44:23] 10 days?
[11:44:25] I think you guys need at least 10 days to do that.
[11:44:28] I think you are under stress.
[11:44:29] That's not what they said about, like, you're in my program.
[11:44:31] Yeah, take back stuff.
[11:44:34] Like, even with me, like, I never did 30 days as a girl.
[11:44:37] You know what I mean?
[11:44:38] I'm getting sicker than you guys.
[11:44:39] Like, I feel like 50 times a week.
[11:44:41] The worst part is, I mean, we spend, like, 100 days
[11:44:44] in our office.
[11:44:45] I should never get for 15 hours or 200 days.
[11:44:48] Every at 15 hours, I would get two or three times
[11:44:52] a day.
[11:44:53] You know, you all just want to get some nice room, spend time with the family.
[11:44:56] Everybody.
[11:44:57] That's not okay.
[11:44:58] You got the couch, put this up.
[11:45:02] Yeah.
[11:45:03] I push through.
[11:45:04] Oh, really?
[11:45:05] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[11:45:06] But then when I got really bright now, I'm like, alright, a week off, at least.
[11:45:10] And then when I came back, I felt better, bro.
[11:45:12] Like, everyone, like, in general, like, balance is key, like.
[11:45:15] You know, you get to feel like you're asking Brian, it's like, well, mentally
[11:45:19] you're not there, like, you've got to take a break.
[11:45:51] Oh, y'all, this is hard to guess.
[11:45:53] This is a hard one.
[11:45:54] Next time, you guys have any sort of, like,
[11:45:57] sub-con, or anything that I did.
[11:45:59] I'll be at all.
[11:46:00] This is how it goes.
[11:46:01] I'll be at all.
[11:46:02] Oh, god.
[11:46:03] I think he has to do this.
[11:46:04] I'll take a break after you.
[11:46:05] I'm just gonna do it.
[11:46:06] What?
[11:46:07] I would.
[11:46:08] No.
[11:46:09] Oh, god.
[11:46:10] Hey!
[11:46:11] What's going on?
[11:46:12] I don't need it, bro.
[11:46:13] Put me down, man.
[11:46:14] Who's playing music now?
[11:46:15] Oh, god.
[11:46:16] Oh, god.
[11:46:17] Who's playing music?
[11:46:18] Oh, god.
[11:46:19] You got an idea, we're gonna get some speakers.
[11:46:26] I don't wanna make some problems with them.
[11:46:29] I don't think I need to talk to you guys about a little nice over here.
[11:46:34] You wanna look down at them, you don't have problems with them.
[11:46:38] That's just what I'm gonna do.
[11:46:41] We're gonna need to get a lot of...
[11:47:14] We're going on path, come a dive chat, it doesn't matter where I'm training.
[11:47:21] Guys, I reacted to it, I reacted to it, it's been a long time since I've been racing,
[11:47:28] I didn't know the button, I didn't know the speed, I didn't know the gear, I didn't know the speed.
[11:47:32] How are we going to go?
[11:47:34] Stop, there we go, there we go.
[11:47:37] 10 niggas, that's it.
[11:47:39] Alright, that's it, we're going to be quick.
[11:47:42] Let's go Rock!
[11:47:44] It's a big day!
[11:48:04] He's about to bring all the minions out including Drew, including Nas, including Rock and
[11:49:08] We team up, right?
[11:49:09] Listen, listen.
[11:49:10] We team up, but you get pushed out first, and I'm just there by myself.
[11:49:16] Why would I do that?
[11:49:17] I help you.
[11:49:18] Come on, that's a good shot.
[11:49:19] I'm already sitting around here.
[11:49:20] Damn.
[11:49:21] Damn.
[11:49:22] Talk to you, dude.
[11:49:23] Talk to you.
[11:49:24] I'm just freaking out.
[11:49:25] Oh my God.
[11:49:26] I just, look at the way your age looks, bro.
[11:49:28] Look at him just standing there.
[11:49:29] You can't even just...
[11:49:30] Oh my God.
[11:49:31] Yo, hold on.
[11:49:32] They're gonna be standing. They can't even see. Oh my god
[11:49:36] Yo, hold on. Yo rage. I got a few suit about
[11:49:40] I've been I've been praying for that
[11:49:49] You drink it to a shot a little bit but this this camera
[11:49:53] Oh my god, oh my god, it's training day
[11:50:30] Appreciate it, man.
[11:50:32] You got your flicks, we should.
[11:50:34] You already got 10 knots today, man.
[11:50:36] You got your flicks, we should.
[11:50:38] Why you saying, I said, you got your flicks.
[11:50:40] Get your flicks.
[11:50:42] I mean, it looks good.
[11:50:44] Throw some shit off.
[11:50:46] Yeah, it's there.
[11:50:48] You got your own right there.
[11:50:50] It's cool.
[11:50:52] Let's do it.
[11:50:54] What you saying?
[11:50:56] What you saying? Come get it.
[11:50:58] Oh, he's talking filthy to you now.
[11:51:02] No, we're talking about him.
[11:51:03] He's got to be careful with him.
[11:51:05] He's a dude.
[11:51:05] I just asked him to fill.
[11:51:06] We're just kidding.
[11:51:07] You just got to run.
[11:51:08] He's got to run.
[11:51:09] He's got to run.
[11:51:10] He's got to run.
[11:51:11] He's got to run.
[11:51:12] I'm going to show all the room in this room.
[11:51:13] He's going to run.
[11:51:14] Appreciate you, though.
[11:51:15] What's that about?
[11:51:16] What happened?
[11:51:17] What's happened?
[11:51:18] Run.
[11:51:22] Fight back.
[11:51:23] Run.
[11:51:24] Fight back.
[11:51:25] I don't even want his chain for a run.
[11:51:26] I don't.
[11:51:27] I deadass don't even want it.
[11:51:28] I don't want it.
[11:51:59] I
[11:52:06] You guys keep on me ugly
[11:52:29] They take this shit home, you gotta spread it on the bed, they'll get it out of here.
[11:52:35] The last helper in this square is gonna get a van.
[11:52:39] Oh shit.
[11:52:40] The rules are simple, if your foot touches the taper, it goes over, you're out.
[11:52:47] Any part of your body.
[11:52:49] Any part of your body.
[11:52:50] Can they fight?
[11:52:51] It's a wreck.
[11:52:52] Only no punch.
[11:52:53] No strike.
[11:52:54] It's just grabbing.
[11:52:55] You can push.
[11:52:56] I'm a Kevin Mayer man.
[11:52:57] What's the one I have?
[11:52:59] That's me.
[11:53:00] This is Royal Rumble.
[11:53:01] These are not in here.
[11:53:02] These guys have been helping us all.
[11:53:04] We've got to get help from out a little bit.
[11:53:07] Where is Lathrop?
[11:53:09] Why is Lathrop in here?
[11:53:10] Oh, he's here.
[11:53:11] Lathrop is here.
[11:53:12] How does he do that?
[11:53:13] Is anyone having a question?
[11:53:17] All right.
[11:53:19] Everybody focus, girl.
[11:53:21] I want you out first.
[11:53:23] All right.
[11:53:25] He's taking a piss.
[11:53:32] He's taking a piss.
[11:53:36] Wait for him.
[11:53:40] He's taking a piss.
[11:53:43] Fuck you, Drew.
[11:53:44] Fuck you, Drew.
[11:53:45] Fuck you, Drew.
[11:53:46] Fuck you, Drew.
[11:53:47] Get the fuck out of this room.
[11:53:48] Oh, making this thing a competitor, like...
[11:53:49] Yeah, yeah.
[11:53:50] Oh, I think it's going to get patty and I get it.
[11:53:53] Yeah, I got my hands on it.
[11:54:03] There's what we got, what we got.
[11:54:06] Please, do you know the rules?
[11:54:08] You're not humanified.
[11:54:11] Alligators.
[11:54:13] Wait a minute.
[11:54:15] Can you get a rule?
[11:55:01] I want you out of here, I want you gone now.
[11:56:15] Why is who even still here?
[11:56:53] I
[11:57:29] You just won the first ever cameraman for your uncle at the page. That's how do you feel?
[11:57:33] I feel good right now shut out the competitors. I was most scared of Ellen, bro
[11:57:39] I don't even fucking need it
[11:57:41] I'll be bigger than a man, say shut up Jay
[11:57:43] MAH-HOO!
[11:57:46] Bring the roll, a thousand dollars like you deserve
[11:57:49] Congratulations Arkansas
[11:57:55] Get that man get the roll
[11:57:57] That's all right
[11:57:59] This is a little mad good
[11:58:01] Thank you
[11:58:03] I'm fucking disappointed
[11:58:05] What was that?
[11:58:07] Yeah.
[11:58:09] Are you serious?
[11:58:11] I'm not.
[11:58:13] I'm not.
[11:58:15] You lucky that shit ain't coming in my hand.
[11:58:17] Oh, what?
[11:58:19] Oh, what?
[11:58:21] Oh, what?
[11:58:23] I'm not going to deal with this.
[11:58:25] My privilege is to be bellybutted right now.
[11:58:27] You're testing your face.
[11:58:29] What the fuck we gonna make?
[11:58:31] And what?
[11:58:33] I can't read this.
[11:58:35] Hey!
[11:58:37] Hey, what's up?
[11:58:40] What's up, man?
[11:58:41] Who's that guy?
[11:58:43] Me!
[11:58:45] Where's Naut?
[11:58:47] That's what he wanted to see.
[11:58:49] He's out here.
[11:58:51] I'm in a bad mood.
[11:58:53] That made no sense.
[11:58:55] See, you quit?
[11:58:57] Quite some time.
[11:58:59] His whole body was out.
[11:59:01] He came out of nowhere when there's this thing.
[11:59:03] three people like me push me up like
[11:59:15] Up here
[11:59:18] What the fuck are they throwing neighbors it's oh shit
[11:59:34] No, that was a good one
[11:59:39] Yeah, yeah
[11:59:42] I was like
[11:59:50] I would have defended I would have defended them earlier in the sometime
[11:59:53] It's our last day. Where's the ditty segment?
[11:59:56] Oh the ditty segment the one the rocks in that plan the fire one right? Well, they rock and creative genius
[12:00:09] Oh look what it is.
[12:00:11] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[12:00:12] Look at Faye's swag, man.
[12:00:14] My brother, bro.
[12:00:16] Put him in the house.
[12:00:18] Double unks?
[12:00:19] They're so raw that that's, holy shit.
[12:00:21] Look at that guy.
[12:00:22] God damn.
[12:00:23] I know he left the other one, too.
[12:00:27] They're like, this is a life.
[12:00:29] Purple or yellow, I think.
[12:00:30] They're back on Tilt now.
[12:00:32] I am.
[12:00:33] I'm back now.
[12:00:34] I'm back.
[12:00:35] I'm back like a couple weeks.
[12:00:37] I'm f**king too much.
[12:00:38] They're saying, or a double hug.
[12:00:40] Yeah
[12:00:51] He also
[12:01:00] You see the thing about is the way the checkings in the savings it's not gonna get you for about six months that day
[12:01:10] Oh, you got 30 pounds.
[12:01:11] Oh, okay, yeah, I'm gonna go for that.
[12:01:12] I'm my pocket.
[12:01:13] I'm my pocket.
[12:01:14] I'm my pocket.
[12:01:15] Keep a little bit on the dress.
[12:01:16] I'm my pocket logo.
[12:01:17] Yeah, money.
[12:01:18] I'm my money.
[12:01:19] When he gets you to 70 K's with this, now I'm a-
[12:01:22] Yeah, you're getting my money.
[12:01:24] I'm your pocket.
[12:01:25] I'm your pocket.
[12:01:26] You're my pocket.
[12:01:27] You got money, baby.
[12:01:28] You got money, baby.
[12:01:29] You got money.
[12:01:30] That's a real deepener.
[12:01:31] You want to play with him.
[12:01:32] You want to play with him.
[12:01:33] He actually won our award for being the biggest crash out demon.
[12:01:39] Demon
[12:01:43] I want better do well, okay
[12:01:47] Segment and best side quick
[12:02:01] Like it in see it trending everywhere on Twitter
[12:02:09] I don't have internet my friend.
[12:02:11] I don't have a phone, I don't have a phone.
[12:02:13] All I'm going to say is two words, seven letters.
[12:02:16] Best buy.
[12:02:18] Did I get it right?
[12:02:20] You did, you did, you did.
[12:02:22] Is that seven?
[12:02:24] That's what it was.
[12:02:26] But he went up in the most hard weather.
[12:02:28] Now look at that stuff, right?
[12:02:30] Oh, I'm going to find it.
[12:02:32] And you, and you, and you, and you.
[12:02:34] They looking for a shooter.
[12:02:36] You know, you know, you know, Ron, you know this chain is my chain.
[12:02:54] Oh my God, I don't even know if I can tell the story of how you had this chain.
[12:02:58] It was years, okay, I will prep it when it was a year ago.
[12:03:02] I'm going to do a reconnaissance of recovery mission.
[12:03:05] Oh
[12:03:18] I heard it
[12:03:39] I'm so proud
[12:03:41] I don't know why this goes to me.
[12:03:53] Go back.
[12:03:54] All right.
[12:03:55] Come on in.
[12:03:56] Come on in.
[12:03:57] In third place with 600 points, Jerry Woo.
[12:04:01] In second place with 800 points, Ock.
[12:04:09] The winner of the Faze Sub-A-Thon with a thousand gifts.
[12:04:19] 1000 give your son give it on mr. Black boy
[12:04:38] Great don't like changing honestly how it is my life
[12:04:52] Max you say you need that
[12:04:54] You need that Max.
[12:04:56] Max, you don't even need a US dollar.
[12:04:59] How much is this for you?
[12:05:00] It's $7,000.
[12:05:01] That's $4,000 right there.
[12:05:03] Hello?
[12:05:04] What do you need more?
[12:05:05] Max, you have $7,000.
[12:05:06] You don't even need that for $80,000.
[12:05:08] I don't even know this.
[12:05:09] This is for you.
[12:05:10] This is for you.
[12:05:12] No, Max, I'm sure you need that.
[12:05:14] Oh, shoot.
[12:05:16] Oh, shoot.
[12:05:18] Oh my God.
[12:05:20] Oh my God.
[12:05:22] Oh my God.
[12:05:24] Oh my God.
[12:05:26] Oh my God.
[12:05:28] Oh my God.
[12:05:30] Oh my God.
[12:05:32] Can I get 5,000 cents?
[12:05:34] Really?
[12:05:36] Yeah.
[12:05:38] Thank you.
[12:05:40] Look at you.
[12:05:42] Look at Ray.
[12:05:44] That's $2,000 though.
[12:05:46] I'm gonna need my $3,000 to stop me.
[12:05:56] You would never do that to my mom, would you?
[12:06:02] I would never scam my mom.
[12:06:04] $247?
[12:06:05] No, $257.
[12:06:06] $247?
[12:06:07] What's $247?
[12:06:08] I just need my $3,000 to see over here.
[12:06:12] No, it's okay.
[12:06:13] Oh, please.
[12:06:15] Oh, hello, Tom.
[12:06:24] Hello, Ron.
[12:06:26] What if I make this one?
[12:06:28] So I got a question.
[12:06:32] Number one most watched streamer.
[12:06:34] Oh, it's good. How are you doing?
[12:06:36] I'm great.
[12:06:38] Can we listen to your phone?
[12:06:40] Yeah.
[12:06:42] You got me, right?
[12:06:44] Yeah.
[12:06:46] Well, I'm really hungry right now.
[12:06:48] I got to do it. It's number one. I'm never going to do this for a long time.
[12:06:52] So I need a place to go.
[12:06:54] So long. So long.
[12:06:56] What can I do to get this?
[12:06:58] We're going to raise the bed.
[12:07:00] You got it.
[12:07:02] You just like to keep collecting all the bags.
[12:07:04] You got what?
[12:07:06] Who are you feeling like?
[12:07:08] I'm just feeling the hour.
[12:07:10] Who's checking on 18 days?
[12:07:12] We stashed that right there sometime.
[12:07:14] That's so good.
[12:07:46] He is Beyonce God no gay shit. I'm the person we were off camera at the last house
[12:08:16] Oh no y'all look like you have a mouthful.
[12:08:46] You are so fucking ugly.
[12:08:48] I'll be thinking that again.
[12:08:49] The whole track is ugly too.
[12:08:51] Yeah, show yourself.
[12:08:53] I've done another thing.
[12:08:55] Hey.
[12:08:57] You need 77.
[12:08:59] No. No.
[12:09:01] That's right! Come on.
[12:09:02] I'll let us go for him.
[12:09:03] That's the fool of that.
[12:09:04] 77 is crazy. I'm not at 60.
[12:09:06] I'm not at 63 though.
[12:09:08] I'm not at 63 though.
[12:09:10] Like 77 cool.
[12:09:12] I feel like you don't need more than that after.
[12:09:13] You know what I'm saying, Oz?
[12:09:14] No, I don't.
[12:09:15] I feel like once you get to 75, it's like, damn, what I need more for now.
[12:09:19] He's a hacker.
[12:09:20] He's greedy.
[12:09:21] Can you see if I can get a window when I get here?
[12:09:31] Oh, my God.
[12:09:33] You want to see the city's worst?
[12:09:34] We should come here.
[12:09:35] This is awesome.
[12:09:36] I don't find cities better.
[12:09:38] Oh, shit.
[12:09:39] These are good.
[12:09:40] These are good.
[12:09:41] These are good.
[12:09:42] These are good.
[12:09:43] These are good.
[12:09:44] These are good.
[12:09:45] These are good.
[12:10:16] He's so huge!
[12:10:32] Y'all be careful, there's one mile per hour wind with three mile per hour gusts.
[12:11:19] It's like, big, big, big, big, big, big, big.
[12:11:22] That's how we got your idea, yeah.
[12:11:25] It's all about the, the, the, the, the...
[12:11:28] I think it all will be money.
[12:11:30] It's all about the real me.
[12:11:32] That's how we got our idea.
[12:11:34] And now it's too fast, let it back on.
[12:11:36] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[12:11:38] Oh, fuck.
[12:11:40] How's it going?
[12:11:42] What the fuck do you got on, man?
[12:11:44] Get on the table.
[12:11:46] Fuck with your raps.
[12:11:48] Fuck with your raps.
[12:11:50] Do it.
[12:11:52] I need to light those.
[12:11:54] What?
[12:11:56] This is it.
[12:11:58] This is it.
[12:12:00] This is it.
[12:12:03] This is it.
[12:12:05] You know what, Cory? He's supposed to be white ladies, what?
[12:12:07] This is it.
[12:12:09] This is it.
[12:12:11] This is it.
[12:12:13] Oh, shit.
[12:12:22] I thought every time living come around the house, there's some changes, brother.
[12:12:29] No, brother, that's that weird shit.
[12:12:32] That's the weird shit.
[12:12:33] I don't fuck with him.
[12:12:36] Pull him.
[12:12:38] Pull him.
[12:12:39] Pull him.
[12:12:44] He dirty me.
[12:12:45] He dirty me a little bit.
[12:13:46] I don't know.
[12:13:48] Yeah.
[12:13:50] I don't know.
[12:13:52] I don't know.
[12:13:54] Yeah.
[12:13:56] Come on, man.
[12:13:58] What?
[12:14:00] My dog got something to say.
[12:14:02] Why?
[12:14:04] I don't know.
[12:14:06] What's up, man?
[12:14:08] What's up, man?
[12:14:10] What's up?
[12:14:12] What's up?
[12:14:14] Let's know what that is.
[12:14:16] What is it?
[12:14:22] That's a weird...
[12:14:24] What is it?
[12:14:25] That's the guy from B.A.I.
[12:14:26] Looks like Tristan and I are under her hand.
[12:14:28] Oh wow.
[12:14:29] Alright, listen.
[12:14:30] I know what it looks like.
[12:14:31] I'm gonna show you guys.
[12:14:33] What it looks like.
[12:14:36] This is asking.
[12:14:38] I've been doing this for a long time.
[12:14:42] What?
[12:14:43] Do you point the camera?
[12:14:44] It's my phone, homie.
[12:14:46] Oh, you got my dick!
[12:14:48] No, he shouldn't. He should really...
[12:14:53] Oh!
[12:15:00] Yeah, he was good with his shit.
[12:15:02] Right, he's not even happy with his dick.
[12:15:05] Yo!
[12:15:06] You know what I mean? He's trying to press your dick!
[12:15:08] Are you a retard?
[12:15:10] Yeah, I'm mad.
[12:15:11] Hold on.
[12:15:12] Tell me what...
[12:15:13] No, should you control that?
[12:15:14] You're making a mistake.
[12:15:15] You got a lot of talent.
[12:15:16] Right.
[12:15:17] We can't possibly share that.
[12:15:18] That's why I sent you to...
[12:15:19] That's how you're going to vote.
[12:15:20] I'm kidding.
[12:15:21] Now, bro.
[12:15:22] This is where...
[12:15:23] How long has it been?
[12:15:24] Yeah, I'll say whatever I want to say.
[12:15:26] Oh, cut scene.
[12:15:32] Cut scene!
[12:15:54] Oh, my God.
[12:15:56] It's really funny.
[12:15:58] I think, unfortunately, I have to be open.
[12:16:01] No, I feel bad.
[12:16:03] He doesn't say anything.
[12:16:05] He doesn't say anything.
[12:16:07] Her face, no.
[12:16:09] I'm so scared now.
[12:16:11] I'm so cute. I'm really so scared now.
[12:16:13] You always hit kids now.
[12:16:15] You always hit mom now.
[12:16:17] I'm so scared now.
[12:16:19] I'm so scared.
[12:16:21] I was like, I'm drunk.
[12:16:23] I should be on site.
[12:16:26] Not having a fucking job at all.
[12:16:28] How did you?
[12:16:29] Did you tell school to host that?
[12:16:31] No, no, no.
[12:16:32] You guys get master manipulated.
[12:16:34] No, stop, stop, stop.
[12:16:35] It was honestly fun.
[12:16:37] It was fun.
[12:16:38] It was good.
[12:16:39] I was very shocked when I saw that video.
[12:16:43] I think I was done for a minute.
[12:16:45] I didn't see a beat on it.
[12:16:47] Now we're seeing me.
[12:16:48] How do you got this thing?
[12:16:49] Play it.
[12:16:50] Oh no.
[12:16:51] What's wrong?
[12:16:53] You just don't see me.
[12:16:55] You just don't see me.
[12:16:57] You just don't see me.
[12:16:59] You don't see me.
[12:17:01] You don't see me?
[12:17:03] Yes.
[12:17:05] I got my silver ring.
[12:17:07] I think.
[12:17:09] What's that?
[12:17:11] What's that?
[12:17:13] What's that?
[12:17:15] What's that?
[12:17:17] What's that?
[12:17:19] I'm not saying that you have to.
[12:17:21] Cal, we're at your house.
[12:17:22] Cal, stop.
[12:17:23] Come back.
[12:17:23] You're so like, arty.
[12:17:24] You're so like, arty.
[12:17:26] Show the stream, baby.
[12:17:28] Show the stream.
[12:17:29] I'll put it down.
[12:17:30] Where is it?
[12:17:31] It's not this one.
[12:17:32] Oh, yeah.
[12:17:32] That's not the one.
[12:17:33] This is not the one.
[12:17:34] It's not this one.
[12:17:35] Oh, I'm sure it's Rachel.
[12:17:37] We're at TCA.
[12:17:38] We're at the bottom.
[12:17:39] We're at TCA.
[12:17:40] We're at TCA.
[12:17:41] We're at TCA.
[12:17:42] We're at TCA.
[12:17:43] We're at TCA.
[12:17:44] We're at TCA.
[12:17:45] We're at TCA.
[12:17:46] We're at TCA.
[12:17:47] We're at TCA.
[12:18:18] You should follow that.
[12:18:20] I'm a bad guy.
[12:18:22] I'm a bad guy.
[12:18:24] No.
[12:18:26] That's why I want so much money.
[12:18:28] Now take me.
[12:18:30] No, I got...
[12:18:32] Oh my god!
[12:18:34] What the fuck?
[12:18:36] I'm just happy.
[12:18:38] Holy shit.
[12:18:40] Fuck you, bro.
[12:18:42] Yo!
[12:18:44] Yeah! He tripped on A.
[12:18:50] Hey
[12:19:58] I want to, I want to, I'm not doing it at all.
[12:20:07] Well, shall I put on a real shirt?
[12:20:10] I don't know, bro, I'm tired.
[12:20:13] You want to get out of here?
[12:20:15] All right.
[12:20:17] That's it.
[12:20:19] You want to get out of here?
[12:20:21] You want to get out of here?
[12:20:23] Okay.
[12:20:25] Hey, yo.
[12:20:27] Can I get some help?
[12:20:29] Can I get some help?
[12:20:31] Can I get some help?
[12:20:33] Hey, yo.
[12:20:35] I'm locking in.
[12:20:37] I'm locking in.
[12:20:39] He can slam you if you want to.
[12:20:41] Hit the frame!
[12:20:43] Hit the piece!
[12:20:45] Y'all don't care!
[12:20:47] I don't care!
[12:20:49] Oh my god!
[12:21:01] Oh!
[12:21:11] I
[12:21:26] 2047 I never meet a moment with dream or don't stop
[12:21:41] No.
[12:21:42] Right.
[12:21:42] Just talk away the grass.
[12:21:43] It's all over the place.
[12:21:46] That's my dog.
[12:21:48] My dog's a c.
[12:21:49] He has bottles.
[12:21:50] He's broken.
[12:21:51] His bottle's broken.
[12:21:53] He's broken.
[12:21:54] You want a while?
[12:21:55] I'll just look.
[12:21:59] No.
[12:22:00] No.
[12:22:01] No.
[12:22:02] No.
[12:22:03] No.
[12:22:04] No.
[12:22:05] No.
[12:22:06] No.
[12:22:07] No.
[12:22:08] No.
[12:22:09] No.
[12:22:10] No.
[12:22:11] No.
[12:22:12] No.
[12:22:13] You a mad girl bro?
[12:22:17] Bigger some bros
[12:22:19] Need more mess up bros
[12:22:21] Todd Gaineson
[12:22:23] Oh bros
[12:22:25] Just a little bit of no
[12:22:27] I'm doing some bros man
[12:22:29] What?
[12:22:31] I got nothing
[12:22:33] Fuck you
[12:22:35] Fuck you
[12:22:37] For the best part
[12:22:39] Yeah
[12:23:11] I don't blame you, he's not as big of a video as today, I probably won't save you, no he's not super, I personally think celebrating this shit, when everyone's out it's just us.
[12:23:38] Yeah, that's why it needs to be like a place to go.
[12:23:42] Yeah, thanks.
[12:23:44] You like the belt?
[12:23:46] A little bit.
[12:23:54] Remember when we used to give them cases?
[12:23:56] It was a bar, a table, and a taxi.
[12:23:59] And glass?
[12:24:01] Rock and beat.
[12:24:03] Who was there for the Rock and Beat days?
[12:24:06] He has no cases on my house.
[12:24:08] Actually got a new one together.
[12:24:10] Like, like you have this on down there.
[12:24:12] It's all down.
[12:24:14] It's like a hunt test.
[12:24:16] I don't even know what this is.
[12:24:18] It's all crazy shit.
[12:24:20] Oh, seriously.
[12:24:22] Fuck this up, man.
[12:24:24] I need to sell some drinks.
[12:24:26] I'm so hungry.
[12:24:28] It's all yours.
[12:24:30] I'm not hungry.
[12:24:32] I'm not hungry.
[12:24:34] I don't want to do this.
[12:24:36] I'm back.
[12:24:37] Just hold on.
[12:24:38] What?
[12:24:39] I'm on mute.
[12:24:40] I'll see you by the window after the classes.
[12:24:45] They sick.
[12:24:49] Guys, when I go to the naps, take me.
[12:24:52] Come on.
[12:24:53] They begging for it.
[12:24:55] They begging for it.
[12:24:59] It's the first thing you're going to buy for yourself, I suppose.
[12:25:02] It's the city of Paris.
[12:25:04] I feel like I'm on mute.
[12:25:06] My bad.
[12:25:08] I'm getting a Ferrari NOS fuck all that I'm just saying you didn't get me a phone?
[12:25:19] Yeah?
[12:25:20] What is he talking about?
[12:25:21] Ferrari?
[12:25:22] Wait, wait, wait, actually?
[12:25:23] Huh?
[12:25:24] Yeah.
[12:25:25] I might trade in my car.
[12:25:26] I don't know yet.
[12:25:27] Oh, you could put it around here.
[12:25:28] So, what would you talk about here?
[12:25:29] I might trade in your car.
[12:25:30] What car?
[12:25:31] I might trade in here.
[12:25:32] I got a couple options.
[12:25:33] I don't know the best option is for all my car nerves.
[12:25:37] 812 Superfast, 765LT, TT3 honest.
[12:25:41] I don't know yet.
[12:25:43] What car you got?
[12:25:44] Oh did you get the uh, yeah.
[12:25:45] How do you like it?
[12:25:46] It's fucking good.
[12:25:47] It's really good.
[12:25:48] Yeah.
[12:25:49] It's really good.
[12:25:50] Yeah.
[12:25:51] I can really steal it.
[12:25:52] Do you stand with it?
[12:25:53] I do.
[12:25:54] Do you stand with it?
[12:25:55] Yeah.
[12:25:56] You stand with it?
[12:25:59] Yeah.
[12:26:00] It's really nice.
[12:26:01] It's a new team.
[12:26:02] Who's the new?
[12:26:03] Right now.
[12:26:04] I'm a fucking old.
[12:26:05] Who's the new?
[12:26:06] I'm a fucking old.
[12:26:07] I'm a fucking old.
[12:26:44] I think John, let me know if it's the best way to like, not end me, but like, get shit
[12:26:52] like, towards the end.
[12:26:54] We all sit in a circle, on a table, for an hour, no phones allowed, and we just talk.
[12:27:00] The cameras are on us, I think that's the hardest shit.
[12:27:04] We talk to our chat, meet up again, and it's over.
[12:27:11] We talk to the family, we're in a big thing.
[12:27:18] I was telling my grandpa, let's see, my chat.
[12:28:03] I know they always do.
[12:28:05] They don't think they're as well.
[12:28:08] No one has said a McLaren.
[12:28:10] So I know it's McLaren-ish.
[12:28:12] They know. They know.
[12:28:13] It's a McLaren-ish.
[12:28:15] Ah, that's just...
[12:28:17] Which many health care?
[12:28:19] Can we buy it?
[12:28:21] Can we get rid of each one of them?
[12:28:23] Yeah.
[12:28:24] Yeah.
[12:28:25] We need to have 100% of it.
[12:28:27] Ah, I feel like a ramen.
[12:28:29] I'm going to say it's a little...
[12:28:31] I think the RS when he saw it, he got rid of the other stuff.
[12:28:40] But no one said the plan.
[12:28:43] What was that?
[12:28:44] Clarence, our suicide.
[12:28:46] Yeah, that's true.
[12:28:48] If you got the plan, you know what I mean.
[12:28:50] It's really good.
[12:28:52] It's really good.
[12:28:54] I like that you told me.
[12:28:55] I just want to play a script.
[12:28:56] I can't pay you for my thing.
[12:28:58] and some of the best school, you know what I'm saying?
[12:29:00] First thing, what do you say to your class?
[12:29:03] Also, the other thing you know is that you get
[12:29:05] the teacher or a senior in your school.
[12:29:07] What are you doing?
[12:29:09] That's what you're looking at.
[12:29:10] That's what you look at.
[12:29:12] I'm just going to make it well, you know what I'm saying?
[12:29:15] I want to do that.
[12:29:16] Sure, but let's not rush it, because as you know,
[12:29:19] last year, you were a senior in university.
[12:29:22] And now we're off to the next year.
[12:29:24] I'm not lost, but it's good.
[12:30:26] I'm not lying to you, but don't you lie to me.
[12:30:29] It's like, go back.
[12:30:30] This thing is good.
[12:30:31] When you're behind me, go to the doctor.
[12:30:34] I'm a healthy kid.
[12:30:35] I'm a broccoli.
[12:30:37] I'm moving around your whole body, like my god, believe.
[12:30:41] All what?
[12:30:42] Use a blow.
[12:30:43] What?
[12:30:43] Knock those guys to beat.
[12:30:45] Talk to me.
[12:30:46] Try and erase it.
[12:30:47] Check and see what I can be.
[12:30:49] Set out me.
[12:30:50] I'm taking all down.
[12:30:52] Pop your feet.
[12:30:53] I'm gonna take you down.
[12:31:25] I
[12:31:57] I'm not a lot bro. I only know him like that.
[12:32:04] Yo, he is a little dude.
[12:32:07] He's a funny little dude.
[12:32:09] He's a crazy funny little dude.
[12:32:12] That's a mad dude, bro.
[12:32:14] He's a little dude.
[12:32:16] Oh, you said what?
[12:32:19] He's a little dude.
[12:32:21] Oh, he's a little dude.
[12:32:23] You got it. He's straight.
[12:32:25] The sky is out.
[12:32:27] I'm too tired.
[12:32:29] Basketball segment?
[12:32:31] Nap segment? Best one?
[12:32:33] Oh, wait. Basketball segment could hit.
[12:32:37] Nap segment is out now. Best buy?
[12:32:39] No.
[12:32:41] When the judge comes in and takes a picture,
[12:32:44] depending on your set,
[12:32:46] there is much much to know.
[12:32:48] Both of you are more concrete
[12:32:50] and you are more concrete.
[12:32:52] Oh
[12:33:52] Hello, is all of it more big?
[12:34:12] A little bit more big.
[12:34:14] Oh, look at that pump.
[12:34:17] $2 million in here.
[12:34:30] $2 million in here.
[12:34:33] $2 million in here.
[12:34:36] $2 million in here.
[12:34:39] $2 million in here.
[12:34:42] $2 million in here.
[12:35:15] What a big dog.
[12:35:17] That's where your YouTube is.
[12:35:19] Make your YouTube videos.
[12:35:21] Oh, you see that?
[12:35:23] Yeah, I see that.
[12:35:25] What?
[12:35:27] That's how I be ready?
[12:35:29] You never see that.
[12:35:31] But you like when the rest of them are in your house.
[12:35:33] My, I love that dog.
[12:35:35] You know, up in the neighborhood, you can buy YouTube.
[12:35:37] YouTube's like 300.
[12:35:43] What's that?
[12:35:44] What's this?
[12:35:46] What's this?
[12:35:48] Oh, this is...
[12:35:50] How much do you think I have right here?
[12:35:52] I'm trying to say.
[12:35:54] Ah, I'm trying to say.
[12:35:56] I'm trying to say something.
[12:35:58] I'm trying to get at it.
[12:36:00] The most wealthy niggas don't even spend
[12:36:02] any money on English stuff, I do.
[12:36:04] I got to say something. I know you got to say something.
[12:36:06] I got to say something.
[12:36:08] I got to hit the bank.
[12:36:10] I got to say something.
[12:36:12] What's he saying is I gotta go buy a chain after the sex fight.
[12:36:19] You got advice like any other thing, I might rip that shit up.
[12:36:22] I need that justice to help me.
[12:36:24] I need that justice to help me.
[12:36:25] Are you killing it big brother?
[12:36:26] You're killing it, you don't even need this shit.
[12:36:28] That's it.
[12:36:29] That's it.
[12:36:30] That's it.
[12:36:31] That's it.
[12:36:32] That's it.
[12:36:33] That's it.
[12:36:34] That's it.
[12:36:35] That's it.
[12:36:36] That's it.
[12:36:37] That's it.
[12:36:38] That's it.
[12:36:39] That's it.
[12:36:40] I think he's like 7 or 10 years 7 or 8.
[12:36:43] Damn.
[12:36:44] I'm so pissed.
[12:36:45] What the hell are you doing here?
[12:36:47] I'm beating that asshole.
[12:36:49] How does he tell me everything?
[12:36:50] I'm not.
[12:36:51] I'm not.
[12:36:52] I'm not.
[12:36:53] I'm not.
[12:36:54] I thought about it.
[12:36:55] I thought about it.
[12:36:56] I'm not talking about what.
[12:36:57] What the hell?
[12:36:58] What the hell?
[12:36:59] I'm not.
[12:37:00] I'm not.
[12:37:01] I'm not.
[12:37:02] I'm not.
[12:37:03] I'm not.
[12:37:04] I'm not.
[12:37:05] I'm not.
[12:37:06] I'm not.
[12:37:07] I'm not.
[12:37:08] I'm not.
[12:37:09] What?
[12:37:10] What the hell we got, Tom?
[12:37:13] You're a sex offender!
[12:37:17] And what?
[12:37:18] What?
[12:37:19] I'll show you.
[12:37:21] Hey!
[12:37:23] I'm playing! I'm playing! I'm playing, guys. I'm not.
[12:37:25] He's lying.
[12:37:26] He's made that up. He's made that up, bro.
[12:37:28] You're a liar.
[12:37:29] You can't say that, bro.
[12:37:30] He's been here for two years, bro.
[12:37:31] You can't say that.
[12:37:32] You can't say that, bro.
[12:37:33] What you call a sex offender?
[12:37:35] You can't say that, bro.
[12:37:36] Hold on.
[12:37:37] He's not.
[12:37:38] Tell him, tell him not.
[12:37:40] The rage is not a sex offender.
[12:38:26] Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
[12:38:28] I'm sorry to overthink things.
[12:38:29] Every girl in a white suit is a nerd and weirdo.
[12:38:32] I'm not a nerd.
[12:38:33] I'm just a whistler.
[12:38:34] I'm only talking to anything that she is.
[12:38:36] Yes, sir, sir.
[12:38:38] You know, Silk, you got a drawer on a knife?
[12:38:42] Look.
[12:38:43] That's behind you, sir.
[12:38:46] Is that what I was doing?
[12:38:47] Like a real white shirt.
[12:38:49] In that drawer.
[12:38:50] What's the hot one?
[12:38:51] How long do I wait for this to come off?
[12:38:53] And yes, for an applicable court?
[12:38:56] You're honest
[12:39:00] I mean one
[12:39:02] Maybe just one bag
[12:39:12] I'm going to pull the game in here
[12:39:16] Plus that's the guy
[12:39:19] All right. Well, he's gonna let me invest in a cake then fuck that one. There's our cake
[12:39:29] You won't buy it and put it back in
[12:39:31] No
[12:39:33] See what you know the job
[12:39:52] So after some about I'm going on my diet my hair
[12:40:50] I like that for you.
[12:40:52] You got it.
[12:40:54] Johnny with the bag.
[12:40:56] You crazy.
[12:40:58] Thank you, Bob.
[12:41:00] Oh, let me play this.
[12:41:02] Hopefully they're not playing the boys.
[12:41:04] I'm clarifying to you, I'm going to give you another chance.
[12:41:06] Otherwise, they're not even leaving.
[12:41:08] Please play some chill, Bob.
[12:41:10] You got back. Play some music now.
[12:41:13] How you feeling?
[12:41:15] I'm not going to lie. I'm so mad. I can't smoke.
[12:41:17] Can someone explain what happened?
[12:41:19] What happened?
[12:41:21] I mean my head.
[12:41:23] Sophie, did you put a clip?
[12:41:25] Yo, did you tell him something?
[12:41:27] I'm looking like a green guy.
[12:41:29] Sophie, you're wearing a red dress.
[12:41:31] How are you?
[12:41:33] Oh, I said, some stuff.
[12:41:35] I'm going to the lawn.
[12:41:37] I'll see you.
[12:41:39] You want to see me?
[12:41:41] Oh, my God.
[12:41:43] I don't care about being on yours.
[12:41:45] I'm still going.
[12:41:47] I don't think they down some
[12:41:52] bullshit.
[12:42:01] He's made it sort of permanently.
[12:42:06] Oh, like what are you got to not feed it? You can't feed it.
[12:42:10] That's the contest.
[12:42:12] I was like, I heard you was with a whole another negative
[12:42:15] though.
[12:42:16] I don't know.
[12:42:19] I don't know
[12:43:22] rest your ass out doing donuts. What do you mean doing donuts?
[12:43:29] Nigga in the road.
[12:43:32] Oh, we just talked about it.
[12:43:36] And we did it.
[12:43:42] I'll get it away.
[12:43:45] You got a horse, babe?
[12:43:47] You got a horse, man.
[12:43:49] You're such a pretty little girl.
[12:43:51] No, I was talking about you, girl.
[12:43:53] Yes.
[12:43:55] From Jersey.
[12:43:57] That's me. I'm a little skirt.
[12:43:59] I was like, y'all real dark, though.
[12:44:01] Now, why don't you have a game?
[12:44:03] I was going to hurt you, man.
[12:44:05] Let's get me to the game.
[12:44:07] Why do you have baby ulcers?
[12:44:09] Don't worry, no one's ever touched me.
[12:44:11] I'm not a doctor.
[12:44:13] We're just there by the name of God.
[12:44:15] You have a whole thing and baby all of it.
[12:44:17] You just stand and hold it.
[12:44:19] You know, in the middle of the years,
[12:44:21] we've been a while, baby.
[12:44:23] That's all I can say.
[12:44:25] Fuck it. I don't care about how you do it.
[12:44:27] Baby, I can't even do it.
[12:44:29] Baby, hold on.
[12:44:31] I'm just kidding.
[12:44:33] I'm just kidding.
[12:44:35] Hold it.
[12:44:37] Hold it.
[12:44:39] I said you needed some different ones.
[12:45:11] I
[12:45:24] Got more face scenes in here
[12:46:23] I need to just chill cause I've been on that for like my whole life.
[12:46:30] Not bad.
[12:46:32] I got a doctor's appointment.
[12:46:35] I'll be back.
[12:46:36] Well I saw Jason out to take his walk.
[12:46:38] It's 11 o'clock.
[12:46:39] Jason!
[12:46:40] Come on.
[12:46:41] Bring Tiffany.
[12:46:42] Bring Tiffany.
[12:46:43] Come on.
[12:46:44] Oh, come on.
[12:46:46] Oh, everyone's coming in there.
[12:46:48] Like a honey.
[12:46:50] I got it.
[12:46:51] Alright, alright, alright.
[12:46:53] Alright, Jason, Adam Glass, it fits you.
[12:46:56] Tiffany, I like your outfit.
[12:46:58] They're surprise for you.
[12:46:59] Thank you.
[12:47:00] That's good, man.
[12:47:01] You look good tonight.
[12:47:02] Oh, now you look better.
[12:47:04] You look fantastic.
[12:47:05] You look really, really good.
[12:47:07] What are you doing?
[12:47:09] I'm just...
[12:47:10] I'm just...
[12:47:11] I'm just...
[12:47:12] I'm just...
[12:47:13] I'm just...
[12:47:14] I'm just...
[12:47:15] I'm just...
[12:47:16] I'm just...
[12:48:02] I told me
[12:48:32] Come on, come on.
[12:48:45] This is my seat.
[12:48:52] What are you doing outside?
[12:48:54] I
[12:49:37] I
[12:50:05] What time you guys want to be
[12:50:15] brother
[12:50:54] Oh my god
[12:51:24] I'm so happy.
[12:51:35] Notice the pattern, the whole time I'm done.
[12:51:55] Awesome. I just didn't get a crazy thing.
[12:52:34] I
[12:53:04] We're the guys who can you highly edit this on the
[12:53:11] You can see it.
[12:53:13] You can see it.
[12:53:16] Let's take a regular flick.
[12:53:19] Regular flick.
[12:53:20] They won't see the tattoo on that Polaroid.
[12:53:23] He's going to load it up and then...
[12:53:25] Are we all?
[12:53:26] Yeah.
[12:53:27] Oh, I'm just going to risk it.
[12:53:29] I'm doing good, bro.
[12:53:31] Stop moving.
[12:53:33] I'm dancing.
[12:53:37] Where do you know that, huh?
[12:53:39] It's Photoshop.
[12:53:41] We'll give you some muscles, too.
[12:53:43] We got the fuller hood.
[12:53:45] Can you get muscles on me?
[12:53:47] I'll get them.
[12:53:49] I like this talk.
[12:53:51] Every word.
[12:53:53] Every word.
[12:53:55] Every word.
[12:53:57] Every word.
[12:53:59] All right, let's hear it.
[12:54:04] Oh, no 10, no 10.
[12:54:22] Run, run, run, run, let's hear it, let's hear it.
[12:54:24] Let's go.
[12:54:26] Stole some heart.
[12:54:29] to the perks down
[12:55:00] I'm gonna end up putting all you little kids on a fucking arm earlier. I said Tommy help figure
[12:55:11] I wanted to say the words would sure it loud and fucking clear
[12:55:14] Oh
[12:56:02] I
[12:56:52] Oh
[12:57:27] What?
[12:57:29] What?
[12:57:31] He sucked.
[12:57:33] I hit the next two.
[12:57:35] I hit the next two.
[12:57:41] It looks good.
[12:57:43] One shot.
[12:57:45] All I need is one.
[12:57:47] One shot.
[12:57:49] All I need is one.
[12:57:51] All I need is one.
[12:57:53] One shot, guys.
[12:59:04] I'm not sure what I'm saying.
[12:59:06] Move it.
[12:59:08] Move it.
[12:59:10] Move it.
[12:59:12] Move it.
[12:59:14] Move it.
[12:59:16] How would you type of move that?
[12:59:18] Move it.
[12:59:20] Move it.
[12:59:22] Move it.
[12:59:43] Move it.
[12:59:45] Move it.
[12:59:49] Move it.
[12:59:53] Move it.
[12:59:55] You're a three mile per hour gust of the wind.
[13:00:08] Be careful.
[13:01:22] I want to take a camera top.
[13:01:27] Did you make that?
[13:01:32] Oh god, run it son.
[13:01:38] Are you okay?
[13:01:43] Mockface bags.
[13:01:52] That angle is hilarious.
[13:01:58] What might happen?
[13:02:36] I'm so unhappy.
[13:02:39] oh it makes your car feel bit naaaah
[13:02:43] you wanna take a shot?
[13:02:44] naaaah
[13:02:46] stop, come here
[13:02:47] oh my
[13:02:48] oh my cool, watch that
[13:03:03] man
[13:03:04] strongest
[13:03:05] nice, nice, nice
[13:03:09] i like this
[13:03:26] man
[13:03:27] almost made it up the bounce
[13:03:44] yeah
[13:03:45] this is almost winning
[13:03:46] We based on your mom nights every two minutes, and we didn't make you do it by the way.
[13:04:00] But we're just gonna go somewhere else, we're just gonna go somewhere else.
[13:04:02] Bro, I only told you to do your own adapt.
[13:04:04] Oh, he's not gonna believe it right now.
[13:04:06] It's obvious.
[13:04:07] It's obvious.
[13:04:23] Damn, you're strong.
[13:04:25] You're so strong.
[13:04:27] You're so strong.
[13:04:36] No, it's not.
[13:04:41] Very genius.
[13:04:53] There it goes.
[13:04:54] No, man.
[13:04:55] Damn, you're so musky.
[13:04:57] Still keeping your mouth shut.
[13:04:59] You think it's so nice.
[13:05:01] You should take off some of that.
[13:05:12] You know, I just need to take off some of all that.
[13:05:14] It's a very small.
[13:06:26] What am I even good at?
[13:06:28] What am I good at, Rob?
[13:06:30] You're good at everything.
[13:06:32] Everything's weird.
[13:06:34] Did you hit the model?
[13:06:38] Okay.
[13:06:40] He's awesome.
[13:06:42] What the fuck?
[13:06:44] You're lit.
[13:06:46] Yo, Chad, stop staring at my car.
[13:06:48] That's so crazy.
[13:06:50] I'm something about it.
[13:06:52] I'm something. I feel so fucking good.
[13:06:54] This is the trailer.
[13:06:56] Yeah, purple amethyst diamonds, white diamonds, white amethyst diamonds, white diamonds.
[13:07:08] I remember the day, I remember the day, bro.
[13:07:18] Oh
[13:08:04] That's a good thing we used to get a race that's a good thing we still can't reach
[13:08:14] Very lucky reporters
[13:08:21] What the fuck?
[13:08:35] Close? One more, one more, one more.
[13:08:49] I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
[13:08:52] J-Motel, please.
[13:08:53] You don't miss it. You don't miss it.
[13:08:55] Oh my God, what do you want?
[13:09:14] You even drink that?
[13:09:17] Stay.
[13:09:22] Come on, stop staring.
[13:09:27] Come on, here.
[13:09:35] What?
[13:09:37] What do you need this for?
[13:09:39] What do you need this for?
[13:09:41] My hands, I need this.
[13:09:43] What?
[13:09:45] My hands.
[13:09:47] We're doing the diddy segments there, when Chew likes it now.
[13:10:12] Now yeah, when Lisa gets drunk, you don't want to take this one.
[13:10:21] You got a laser?
[13:10:23] You bought us a new one?
[13:10:46] You do?
[13:10:48] Hold on.
[13:10:50] Let me know if you want to start it.
[13:10:52] Let me talk about that shot.
[13:11:13] I got it out of the way last time.
[13:11:15] All right, there you go.
[13:11:19] I'll say this for the dead of shoes.
[13:11:30] Royal Updates.
[13:11:32] That shot's so stupid.
[13:11:36] Is this the part where we're going to end it up for one last time?
[13:11:41] No, just the part where you take a shot.
[13:11:43] I gave you one?
[13:11:45] Yeah, I did give it to him.
[13:11:47] Yee-dee!
[13:11:51] This is walking foot.
[13:11:53] I'm back taking down the stick shot.
[13:12:05] You gotta take the shot when you're stuck.
[13:12:09] It's the best you can do to walk on the stick.
[13:12:11] You gotta walk on the stick.
[13:12:15] You gotta walk on the stick.
[13:12:17] You gotta walk on the spot.
[13:12:19] You wanna buy them back?
[13:12:23] Yeah!
[13:13:35] You gotta fat white bitches do this in high school.
[13:13:38] Lay down the bottle.
[13:13:41] I don't understand that shit.
[13:13:51] Shit crazy, bro.
[13:13:52] Get down the bottle for that shit, disgusting.
[13:13:56] What is the thrill in that, y'all?
[13:13:57] I never understood.
[13:13:58] I don't even know what to do with it.
[13:14:00] I don't know what to do with it,
[13:14:01] but the cold feet don't just land on the water
[13:14:03] like a distant view.
[13:14:05] I don't even know what to do with it.
[13:14:21] Bye, dad.
[13:14:25] Where's he gone?
[13:14:26] Oh, it's right!
[13:14:28] I'm breaking it!
[13:14:29] What, you doing it?
[13:14:30] Yeah, I'm breaking it!
[13:14:31] Let me see something, bro!
[13:14:32] Let me see something, bro!
[13:14:33] Let me see something, bro!
[13:14:34] Wait a minute!
[13:14:35] Wait, wait, wait!
[13:14:36] Let's see how long!
[13:14:37] Alright!
[13:14:38] Alright!
[13:14:39] Alright!
[13:14:40] Alright!
[13:14:41] Alright!
[13:14:42] Alright!
[13:14:47] Hold on, hold on, hold on!
[13:14:51] Right after I make this!
[13:14:52] Oh yeah, oh yeah!
[13:14:54] Oh, it's dying!
[13:15:25] And it's in the pool!
[13:15:36] Are you a whooper?
[13:15:45] Are you actually a whooper?
[13:15:49] Nah, I'm really good at chasing bulls.
[13:15:51] I'm not saying I'm not a whooper.
[13:15:58] Oh, I need to chase it.
[13:16:06] I'm so good at chasing bulls.
[13:16:08] I'm so good at chasing bulls.
[13:16:10] You got a cheat?
[13:16:12] What's happening?
[13:16:14] I need that.
[13:16:18] You go blue, man.
[13:16:20] You go blue, I go red.
[13:16:22] You got the blue?
[13:16:24] Are you
[13:16:59] Oh
[13:17:05] We're the game. Put an ice.
[13:17:08] What does that mean?
[13:17:09] Put a train.
[13:17:10] That's fine.
[13:17:11] We're the game.
[13:17:12] That's safe.
[13:17:13] Put an ice.
[13:17:14] Train.
[13:17:16] This will forever be Pais's train, huh?
[13:17:18] Come on.
[13:17:19] I don't know what I'm working on.
[13:17:25] I'm a Jewish brother.
[13:17:33] Do you want to swim?
[13:17:34] I'm sweet.
[13:17:36] I'm sweet, too.
[13:17:37] Who's that?
[13:17:38] I don't know.
[13:17:42] Both the people that's full of it.
[13:17:52] Now, look at that thing we should go around and ask.
[13:17:55] Where does that stuff?
[13:17:57] Okay, so let me show you.
[13:18:02] Mary's got her first one on the suit.
[13:18:09] That's Addison?
[13:18:14] I was gonna ask Addison a question.
[13:18:16] Addison, the two people that just pulled that board.
[13:18:23] Huh?
[13:18:25] The two people that just pulled that board.
[13:18:27] Two people that just pulled up?
[13:18:29] Oh, wow. I didn't see them.
[13:18:31] Why is that right behind me?
[13:18:33] No, behind me.
[13:18:35] I don't know.
[13:18:37] I don't know how to do 30-day.
[13:18:39] Oh
[13:19:11] That's my boy Ron
[13:21:31] I don't know.
[13:21:33] Looking like the harm, harm.
[13:21:40] I thought you were just gonna put on the sweater.
[13:21:55] Now let's see if we missed anything.
[13:21:59] A whole bunch of tier ones in fine.
[13:22:03] Can we get a 20 gifted?
[13:22:08] Since we're here?
[13:22:10] We've sent a farm stuff before.
[13:22:12] The negative stuff we just shut up
[13:22:14] after we went up fucking...
[13:22:16] What was it? 200? For some shit? 500? Some shit like that.
[13:22:20] You know, we good.
[13:22:24] That's all the bro people saying we good. That's all the bro people saying we good.
[13:22:28] You know who's not good? I can start naming names. We got big fans. We got Vex.
[13:22:34] Well, it's not good. MLG is a good word if you're still here.
[13:22:38] Like we were supposed to hit 70K tonight. We was gonna hit 70K.
[13:22:41] If I kept going, we would have hit 70K.
[13:22:43] They're the haters in the chat, the fake niggas that are not stable, that's on tape.
[13:22:48] Yeah, when we say fuck em, we're talking about you, who just said that?
[13:22:53] No, no, who just said that?
[13:22:55] Now, how's he pussy?
[13:22:56] Yeah, we talking about you, nigga, fuck you.
[13:22:58] Who else?
[13:22:59] I don't see you gifted, I gifted, nigga.
[13:23:01] How much you gifted?
[13:23:02] Let me put on your name.
[13:23:03] Fucking zero, nigga, fuck you.
[13:23:06] XPS with the Prime, the O.G. Picker with the tier one.
[13:23:16] Stable room, right?
[13:23:18] Yo! SJD with the 5 gifted! We love you bruh!
[13:23:23] Vol gang with the 5 gifted bruh! See, this is who we love bruh! We love people like you!
[13:23:29] Cloudy with the Prime! Yorkster with the tier 1 Prime!
[13:23:34] Appreciate y'all bruh! See, these are the ones I love bruh!
[13:23:38] D-Time with the Prime! Appreciate you bruh! Thank you!
[13:23:43] I'll see if you can tell me what's up.
[13:23:47] MLG Skyward with the 10!
[13:23:49] What did I tell you, bro?
[13:23:51] If none of y'all got me, I know Skyward got me.
[13:23:53] Oh, sorry.
[13:24:08] You remember?
[13:24:20] He was going to fight him off.
[13:24:31] Huh?
[13:24:33] Oh, yeah, but fucking,
[13:24:35] Archie fell out with somebody else
[13:24:37] and then I'm trying to get, I think,
[13:24:39] I got, I got Redify out
[13:24:41] and I got, I was trying to get
[13:24:43] Laser out and then Archie come at it
[13:24:45] After I thought he was going
[13:28:12] No yesterday
[13:28:14] Nooooooo!
[13:28:18] Say you swear!
[13:28:20] Say you swear!
[13:28:22] That's a funny looking dude, but that's a good dude
[13:28:24] That's a good dude, Sarge!
[13:28:26] That's a funny little one-year bomb!
[13:28:28] Oh, he's on City Bomb!
[13:28:30] That's a good dude, dude
[13:28:32] He's pretty much...
[13:28:34] I was in debt, and the government was good
[13:28:36] Thank you!
[13:28:38] Thank you, sir!
[13:28:40] Thank you!
[13:28:42] Thank you.
[13:28:44] What can I say? Nobody got me.
[13:28:47] It's good work out here.
[13:31:20] What's next?
[13:31:22] What's going on here?
[13:31:24] How much is going on?
[13:31:29] Not this party.
[13:31:32] It's a saw attack.
[13:31:35] Wait, that way?
[13:31:40] That one?
[13:33:13] Yeah
[13:34:30] You said this is your athletic pair?
[13:34:32] My shit looks fucked up.
[13:34:34] Are you sure? Yeah, you should support her.
[13:34:36] Oh no, it's not.
[13:34:38] Oh no.
[13:34:40] Oh no.
[13:34:42] Oh no.
[13:34:44] Oh my god.
[13:34:46] Oh my god.
[13:34:48] Oh, she's scared.
[13:34:50] Oh my god.
[13:34:52] Oh my god.
[13:34:54] Oh my god.
[13:34:56] Every seven now one step now one five now one three stuff will be this
[13:36:28] Oh
[13:37:07] I'm just frozen, I'm broken.
[13:37:24] Yeah, Ron's tired man.
[13:37:43] Right now this is my strength.
[13:37:45] Let's get Ron to set, let's get Ron to at least 65k while he's tired right now.
[13:37:52] Everybody drunk around him, he's not feeling the vibe.
[13:37:55] It's uplifting a little bit, bro.
[13:38:03] I'm going to get it started.
[13:38:04] I'm going to get it started.
[13:38:05] Why you got to put that up?
[13:38:10] All it takes is one gift to get something just started.
[13:38:13] One gift to one tier, one win in time.
[13:38:15] One of your works.
[13:38:18] Be good.
[13:38:19] Be good because you broke nigga.
[13:38:21] Because shit, pride.
[13:38:22] Pride with a tier one.
[13:38:25] Pride with a tier one.
[13:38:27] Like I said, you can't have 65K to get off that one.
[13:38:31] Remember that.
[13:38:32] oh yeah mean something oh avoid with your five fucking gifted right your
[13:38:45] head to fuck yourself boy that guy I got you
[13:38:53] I'm gonna have Suki playing basketball in the background.
[13:39:02] Holy shit, MOTC, you're the fucking goat.
[13:39:07] Joe Gaff with the tier one, get this up.
[13:39:17] Oh my gosh, MOTC, you're the fucking goat.
[13:39:21] You're a local step bar with the tier one.
[13:39:24] Oh shit MBK with the five gift and remember if you get five gift it
[13:39:32] Which has a chance what the fuck which has a
[13:39:36] Doubling it tripling it or quadrupling it last night. We turn five into five into 50. That was crazy insane action
[13:39:46] Oh my gosh the ball with the tier one
[13:39:51] Horses with the tier one
[13:39:54] I saw something Zion with the pride Kenneth with the tier one oh my gosh
[13:40:04] stay up Draco with the five gifted who's gonna be that lucky person that gets
[13:40:12] five and it turns into 50 oh shit I kiss my pet rock with the 10 wait 50
[13:40:23] gifted oh my gosh oh my god that girl him since which added I think was the
[13:40:31] 13th
[13:40:33] I don't care bro, I'm like that.
[13:40:44] Fred with the tier one.
[13:40:51] Look at guys.
[13:40:56] Five gifted?
[13:40:57] Andrae is with the five gifted.
[13:41:00] Oh my gosh.
[13:41:02] Thank you so much.
[13:41:04] Everything is appreciated.
[13:41:06] Remember that.
[13:41:07] Everything is appreciated.
[13:41:11] What happened?
[13:41:12] oh my gosh what happened I didn't see I didn't see oh my gosh Squidward with the 50
[13:41:23] gift it bro holy shit Squidward is carrying oh you're a fucking goat
[13:41:30] and James was it another five oh my gosh now going crazy we already went
[13:41:37] up how much we go up already was it was it hasn't been a hunched already
[13:41:42] Let me know bro. Let me know.
[13:41:48] I'm not trying to miss no gifters, bro.
[13:41:51] One gifters, two gifters, three gifters. I don't give a fuck.
[13:41:54] I'm not messing with you.
[13:41:58] Why did somebody say W3 Diddy?
[13:42:00] What did they have to do with Diddy?
[13:42:06] Like, 160 already?
[13:42:08] Oh my gosh.
[13:42:10] I don't fucking know
[13:42:18] Stable with no go with the with the tier one gifted appreciate you bro
[13:42:24] XXC money with the one gifted
[13:42:27] It's not the biggest win.
[13:42:29] Oh, you're saying it.
[13:42:31] I don't understand.
[13:42:37] I think they might be with the other gift there, bro.
[13:42:41] I appreciate it, bro.
[13:42:43] So I guess we won't be on the field, that's what I'm saying.
[13:42:47] What the heck is going on here?
[13:42:50] What the heck is going on?
[13:42:52] Jack with the 5 gift there.
[13:42:57] wait did you get more?
[13:42:59] what did he do?
[13:43:01] that'll be fucking jack bro jack
[13:43:04] you're him bro, remember that
[13:43:06] anybody else tell you otherwise bro
[13:43:11] hey, hey
[13:43:15] go rage, go rage
[13:43:17] go rage, go rage
[13:43:20] go rage, go rage
[13:43:22] go rage, go rage
[13:43:24] go rage, go rage
[13:43:26] No Rage! No Rage!
[13:43:36] No, he was hitting that shit.
[13:43:38] He was hitting that shit.
[13:43:40] Chat, remember keep me accountable if I end up missing any subs.
[13:43:44] Give me accountable if I end up missing any subs.
[13:43:53] Oh, I kissed my pet rock with a tier 3.
[13:44:00] I guess I've had a lot with the tier three. Oh my gosh. So first of all, I see the tier three
[13:44:19] Let's keep it going, but let's not stop. Let's get to 65k. That's the goal 65k and shit
[13:44:32] If 70k is in the conversation about fucking we don't get to 70
[13:44:37] What was out here screaming? Oh fuck no.
[13:44:41] What the fuck is that thing that got going on here?
[13:44:53] What the fuck?
[13:44:55] You got it, bro. You got it, bro, I guess.
[13:45:01] come on girl let's not stop here let's keep it going let's keep it pushing
[13:45:09] if it's one gift I don't care if it's two gift I don't care if it's three gift
[13:45:14] I don't care I'm gonna read that shit out I'm going to read that shit out don't
[13:45:18] even worry can't get to 70k without one remember that
[13:45:24] go to desktop look here's rockin
[13:45:35] I'm trying to get the 65k right now. 65k what should we do?
[13:45:42] usually that's walk around set up content and so and we all are gifted look
[13:46:17] shit you're him you love Jesus with the one gift about MLG spider
[13:46:24] you're him bro wait 50 and a five with the five I don't see the five I don't
[13:46:33] see a five
[13:46:36] Maybe I'm too good. I don't know.
[13:46:41] Get up! Get up!
[13:46:43] It's a crime!
[13:46:44] We've been reading all crimes that don't care.
[13:46:47] W-fuck-it-square-word-word-your-hand.
[13:46:50] Holy cannoli!
[13:46:54] 20 range!
[13:46:56] May I? Over on!
[13:47:00] More people are still coming.
[13:47:03] More people are still on their way here.
[13:47:06] you with the one gift is
[13:47:16] Sintaro with the prime
[13:47:22] get her with the problem patient I read that already but I don't care
[13:47:26] beef with the prime chunky with the tier one
[13:47:30] WU guys bro, we want
[13:47:34] 711 I'm for me so good me and you
[13:47:38] By luck with the cure on for my son's day
[13:47:41] I'm for my son's we're up 300 hour for
[13:47:48] Wait, hold on oh
[13:47:51] Shit, I'm not just going with the 50 ball
[13:47:55] Holy shit, okay, so farm Ron to 65k or go to 7-eleven would you we could do both?
[13:48:03] I think you got to get rocket. I think you got to get rockin
[13:48:12] But they also need the party content they also need the party content
[13:48:27] I just think that I just think you're a lot
[13:48:40] Because of using the cameras
[13:48:45] You're wrong with the prime
[13:49:00] Oh, shit!
[13:49:03] Are you all right? Are you all right?
[13:49:06] I'm so fucking tired.
[13:49:11] I'm fucking insane, bro.
[13:49:14] You're wrong with the Prime.
[13:49:17] Hold on, Max's boy is freezing right now.
[13:49:24] I'm exhausted.
[13:49:26] I'm gonna kill myself.
[13:49:29] What's your deal?
[13:49:30] Nah, bro. What can you do?
[13:49:34] You don't really gotta do nothing. You're gonna watch it. You're gonna watch it at the end of the day.
[13:49:39] Josh, should we go and pick up a towel?
[13:49:43] Name's Rockin'.
[13:49:45] What the fuck is that crazy little dude?
[13:49:50] You know what that little dude is?
[13:49:52] I just seen him. He was upstairs in that chair.
[13:49:56] Upstairs?
[13:49:57] Yeah.
[13:50:01] come on chat just because Ron's back don't mean we stop let's keep it pushing
[13:50:06] let's keep this shit where's Vex when you need him where's Vex last last time
[13:50:13] it was Vex and and Squidward carry now it's just Squidward it's a hairy
[13:50:16] low t-carry's forward
[13:50:18] here
[13:50:20] we've seen side of us
[13:50:22] excuse me?
[13:50:24] go to 7-Eleven
[13:50:26] who's the brawler?
[13:50:28] who's the brawler?
[13:50:30] you going to 7-Eleven?
[13:50:32] I'm done going to 7-Eleven
[13:50:34] I'm farming right now
[13:50:36] you going to 7-Eleven?
[13:50:38] yeah
[13:50:42] she asked me if I wanted to go but I'm farming
[13:50:44] you want to go with Drew? you going to side mission?
[13:50:46] know why I gotta be me
[13:50:52] I'm forming no you got farm on the way
[13:51:05] you want me to go you want me to go I'll go
[13:51:16] Oh shit, engine is with the one get thick. Hi bro.
[13:51:23] Oh no.
[13:51:24] Hi.
[13:51:25] Is it the one that you're using?
[13:51:26] Nah, it's a fit.
[13:51:27] What color?
[13:51:28] The blue.
[13:51:29] Nah, we're not gonna miss it.
[13:51:34] I gotta go get a portable.
[13:51:36] Holy shit.
[13:51:37] All right.
[13:51:38] Portable holy shit
[13:51:46] My gosh, whatever is that cyber is that we all shot server is that cyber is not it's a portable
[13:52:01] It's a portable
[13:52:02] Oh, yeah, I have the portable in my phone
[13:52:05] Hello, how much is it at 75? All right, let's go
[13:52:10] Nah, I'm so ugly. I'm so ugly. Wait, where'd it go?
[13:52:21] What the fuck?
[13:52:26] Nah, I'm mad ugly though. I'm mad ugly though.
[13:52:31] Okay? It's like everybody's just fucking vintage.
[13:52:37] It's just POV, whatever.
[13:52:40] He's got to be Juro girls he's got to be
[13:52:49] Juro girls now I'm mad I'm mad ugly right now I'm mad ugly I'm mad ugly I'm mad ugly
[13:52:58] She looked back at it close on door
[13:53:15] You want to walk over well?
[13:53:17] What would you say?
[13:53:35] What the fuck would we want?
[13:53:37] Why would we want?
[13:53:39] Oh, I told her to go over?
[13:53:42] Yeah.
[13:53:43] Oh yeah.
[13:53:44] I can't hear her close the door.
[13:53:47] walk?
[13:53:49] walk?
[13:53:51] you want us to fucking walk, bro?
[13:53:56] walkie? y'all don't understand how 4-7-11 is
[13:54:01] nah, i'm mad ugly though
[13:54:03] nah, you're just so ugly
[13:54:05] nah, you're mad ugly right now
[13:54:07] i'm mad ugly right now
[13:54:09] stay?
[13:54:11] i don't know what's going to stay
[13:54:13] so, you heard
[13:54:15] I don't know what to say here, dawg.
[13:54:16] Can you tell me what to say here, dawg?
[13:54:20] Hold on, bro.
[13:54:20] Did she gonna work once?
[13:54:21] Did she gonna work?
[13:54:22] I don't care.
[13:54:25] Did she gonna work once?
[13:54:26] I don't care.
[13:54:27] Excuse me.
[13:54:28] Excuse me.
[13:54:29] Fuck you.
[13:54:30] Nah, I'm mad.
[13:54:32] Ugly though.
[13:54:32] I'm mad.
[13:54:33] Ugly though.
[13:54:34] I'm mad.
[13:54:35] Ugly though.
[13:54:36] Fuck!
[13:54:37] This is gonna work.
[13:54:43] Oh my gosh.
[13:54:44] Police is missing.
[13:54:46] I'm gonna ask the police is missing.
[13:54:50] I don't know if I can show it, so I'm not going to.
[13:54:53] I have a, let's go to 7-11 and interact with it.
[13:54:57] What do you want to go?
[13:54:58] I'm trying to say, I'm trying to go.
[13:55:00] They wanted me to go.
[13:55:02] All right, there's one, if you want to show it,
[13:55:04] I'm trying to go.
[13:55:05] What if I see this in the accent when it hits me?
[13:55:09] Mazura?
[13:55:10] See, most of that, I gotta make it.
[13:55:13] Oh yeah, I missed it.
[13:55:14] Wait, one more, one more.
[13:55:16] Oh yeah, last one, push it.
[13:55:27] Yeah, see, like what the fuck?
[13:55:31] Uh, yeah.
[13:55:36] Get that.
[13:55:37] Oh, see, that was, I didn't touch it, I didn't touch it.
[13:55:43] Stay, stay or go Chad.
[13:55:49] Don't walk with me, bro.
[13:55:50] Cause I'm not about to walk alone.
[13:55:52] This is insane.
[13:56:02] Stay, stay, stay, stay.
[13:56:04] It's like split.
[13:56:06] I don't know.
[13:56:07] I don't want the chat to be out of the news.
[13:56:09] I got two
[13:56:09] I have more over right now
[13:56:12] More
[13:56:12] It's kinda like a
[13:56:15] Do you want me to get some water from the bar?
[13:56:18] I need some water
[13:56:19] What was that?
[13:56:20] I need some water
[13:56:21] I need some water
[13:56:25] Hi, sir
[13:56:37] This alright?
[13:56:39] This the line
[13:56:40] Oh, fuck no
[13:56:41] I'm not going to walk through, I'm just going to cut around it.
[13:56:48] Sorry.
[13:56:53] I can just take a water?
[13:57:02] You want a water?
[13:57:04] A water.
[13:57:05] Yeah, I've been drinking that water today.
[13:57:07] Yeah, a water, a water, a water.
[13:57:13] What are you doing now?
[13:57:15] So, so this is our shrink
[13:57:20] No, so where we going
[13:57:33] Where'd you get the water from
[13:57:57] Huh?
[13:57:57] You didn't take it.
[13:57:58] No, I was just asking.
[13:58:01] Well, I... I didn't have to get it.
[13:58:03] Huh?
[13:58:03] Oh.
[13:58:04] No, that's...
[13:58:04] Yeah.
[13:58:11] How you doing?
[13:58:13] You're so slow.
[13:58:14] Yeah, man.
[13:58:15] What's your business?
[13:58:16] This runs.
[13:58:17] This is amazing.
[13:58:19] Are you having fun with Tom?
[13:58:21] No.
[13:58:23] They're having an amazing time.
[13:58:24] I'm having so much fun.
[13:58:25] Tom, I haven't been lost, have I?
[13:58:26] Watch out, I'm ready to sleep.
[13:58:30] They said bring rage.
[13:58:32] Great, you want to come to 7-7?
[13:58:34] I'm so cute.
[13:58:36] What's up?
[13:58:37] Holy shit.
[13:58:41] I don't even know what he's doing.
[13:58:45] What's he doing?
[13:58:46] I think talking to him, talking to Vic.
[13:58:49] You were telling me about your associates.
[13:58:52] He's so gay.
[13:58:53] Come on, friends.
[13:58:54] They should?
[13:58:55] I can just walk on them.
[13:58:57] You guys, dude?
[13:58:59] What, you said you said you're going?
[13:59:02] Why are we going to meet all of us?
[13:59:07] I'm definitely on point.
[13:59:09] You said that Joe, we better go to 7-Eleven.
[13:59:11] You want to come?
[13:59:13] I'll meet, I'll meet.
[13:59:14] Second leg, you're at the chance.
[13:59:16] I'm already over.
[13:59:18] Yeah, Uber Black.
[13:59:20] We move with motions.
[13:59:22] Uber Black, stop.
[13:59:24] Going for the Uber outside, I'm full up.
[13:59:26] Hey, come on, come on!
[13:59:28] We're gonna get him!
[13:59:30] That's okay, we'll get him!
[13:59:32] Say something.
[13:59:33] Hi!
[13:59:34] You all right?
[13:59:35] How are you?
[13:59:36] We're good.
[13:59:37] Hi, we actually won a semi-long?
[13:59:39] Yay!
[13:59:40] Mmmmmm!
[13:59:41] Wait, Rocky, you said, what were we going to pull?
[13:59:42] Whatever you're chatting aside, we'll do.
[13:59:43] Go on the pole.
[13:59:44] Whatever you chat aside, we'll do.
[13:59:45] Go?
[13:59:46] Whatever you chat aside, we'll do.
[13:59:47] All right, I'm calling the...
[13:59:48] I can't talk to Sunny at all.
[13:59:49] No, it's never a snarping demand!
[13:59:50] Snarpe, snarpe gop, snarpe gop gop.
[13:59:51] Snarpe gop gop gop gop.
[13:59:52] Snarpe, snarpe gop gop gop.
[13:59:53] I'm seeing a lot of rays rays, rays
[14:00:02] There's a mad ugly dog. I'm mad ugly dog
[14:00:29] Are you coming five five for every girl is with a boy
[14:00:36] I did shit already, turn.
[14:00:40] What do you think it's right here on the two man?
[14:00:42] Oh, shit.
[14:00:44] One more. Two and a half.
[14:00:46] Oh no, he might be dead.
[14:00:48] You go bro, you go bro.
[14:00:50] You go bro.
[14:00:52] Oh no. That's bad. Oh my gosh, that's bad.
[14:00:54] Oh my gosh, that's bad.
[14:00:56] I think that's a kind of note.
[14:00:58] Yeah, I tapped him. I was like, bro, you go bro.
[14:01:00] He was like, you look at me like this.
[14:01:02] You look at me like this.
[14:01:34] No?
[14:01:36] No?
[14:01:38] Here we come.
[14:01:40] Now.
[14:01:42] Oh!
[14:01:44] Oh!
[14:01:46] Oh!
[14:01:48] Right here.
[14:01:50] Take a picture of this.
[14:01:52] Yeah, you guys should be able to stand in 11.
[14:01:54] You guys should be able to stand in 11.
[14:01:56] Yeah.
[14:01:58] Up.
[14:02:00] Yeah, you guys should be able to stand in 11.
[14:02:02] Yeah, you guys wanna go to 7-Eleven?
[14:02:05] Okay, okay, even for a little slurpee?
[14:02:08] Uh, a little slurpee, double-gout coffee, okay?
[14:02:14] The guys don't go to 7-Eleven, I like it like that.
[14:02:22] What up, man?
[14:02:23] I see what you're talking about.
[14:02:25] What's up, man?
[14:02:26] What's up, man?
[14:02:27] What's up?
[14:02:28] Hey!
[14:02:29] What's up, man?
[14:02:30] Go crazy
[14:02:44] By the entire
[14:02:47] Okay
[14:03:00] I
[14:03:08] Nice to see you again
[14:03:23] I'm not
[14:03:30] I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.
[14:03:32] I'm not.
[14:03:33] I'm not, but I see you too.
[14:03:34] Hopefully, I join a party.
[14:03:36] We're leaving, but hopefully I see you when I come back.
[14:03:39] Yeah, we gotta go to 7-Eleven.
[14:03:41] Okay.
[14:03:42] Okay.
[14:03:42] Okay.
[14:03:43] Okay.
[14:03:44] Okay.
[14:03:47] Okay.
[14:03:48] Okay.
[14:03:49] Okay.
[14:03:50] Okay.
[14:03:51] Okay, what's going on over here?
[14:03:53] Can you see?
[14:03:54] Please, go over here.
[14:03:56] Okay.
[14:03:56] Okay.
[14:03:57] Okay.
[14:03:58] Okay.
[14:03:59] Okay.
[14:04:00] Okay.
[14:04:01] Okay.
[14:04:01] I don't know why it leaves a lick on me like that, but alright.
[14:04:11] Let me take a rough start.
[14:04:12] Oh!
[14:04:13] Did it?
[14:04:14] We're good.
[14:04:15] Wait.
[14:04:16] Some of them can't come.
[14:04:17] Can we all pay?
[14:04:18] No.
[14:04:19] What are you into?
[14:04:20] No, I want to vote.
[14:04:21] I'll stay.
[14:04:22] I'll stay.
[14:04:23] Okay, I want to vote.
[14:04:24] I'll stay.
[14:04:25] I'll stay.
[14:04:26] Okay, I want to vote.
[14:04:27] I'll stay.
[14:04:28] I'll stay.
[14:04:29] Okay, I want to vote.
[14:04:30] there was no rest at all and where you at while I'm at this party make a
[14:04:38] W road get rage rage rage definitely
[14:04:43] definitely gonna try to come
[14:04:45] oh shit can I be in there?
[14:04:48] can I be in there?
[14:04:51] just copy us as we move
[14:04:53] alright
[14:04:56] I'm the worst dancer
[14:04:58] I'm the worst dancer
[14:05:00] what's up?
[14:05:02] okay
[14:05:04] Let's just see something.
[14:05:06] You pulling me, okay?
[14:05:08] Tell me.
[14:05:10] So, we're gonna leave to 7-Eleven.
[14:05:12] We're about to leave right now.
[14:05:14] Oh, okay.
[14:05:16] So, you're gonna leave to 7-Eleven right now?
[14:05:18] Yeah.
[14:05:20] That'll leave to 7-Eleven right now.
[14:05:22] So, it'll be perfect time to get pulling the ISO right now, right?
[14:05:24] Oh, yeah.
[14:05:26] ISO, I know what that's.
[14:05:28] ISO.
[14:05:30] ISO, the Valorant agent, right?
[14:05:32] The Valorant needs that right?
[14:05:34] So you play Valorant, you know what that is?
[14:05:36] Oh you'll stay?
[14:05:38] I guess I'll stay here
[14:05:40] Oh shit, I know Lazy wants to come though
[14:05:42] You know Lazy
[14:05:44] You know Lazy
[14:05:46] He's cooked
[14:05:48] That nigga's cooked
[14:05:50] That nigga got to stay
[14:05:52] Where's Ryan now?
[14:05:54] Alright we out
[14:05:56] I
[14:06:01] Sorry, sorry, sorry
[14:06:07] We're laser has the what never leaves
[14:06:17] Shit where nows go
[14:06:24] It's already too film
[14:06:30] I can't hate you, but come on laser well, well, there's a little there's a way come on
[14:06:44] I'm squeezing seven people in a row.
[14:06:47] My car actually holds only like five people,
[14:06:49] but if you squeeze it, it's five for the street.
[14:06:54] Yeah, yeah, it's five for the bloodstream.
[14:06:57] Yeah, we out.
[14:06:59] Two 10.
[14:07:03] Poor laser.
[14:07:04] The mic is out.
[14:07:06] Should I just walk with laser?
[14:07:08] Walk there?
[14:07:09] Yeah.
[14:07:15] I'm done, man.
[14:07:16] Just keep it up.
[14:07:17] Are you now driving?
[14:07:18] Yeah, I hope you have fun inside
[14:07:41] Everybody coming from like party game there over every time the party's over. It's like it just starts back up
[14:07:48] What the fuck am I my gosh
[14:08:09] Get go get laser you want laser get a picture I'm a big fan
[14:08:13] I can't get a laser, bro. The car's filled. I feel better.
[14:08:20] What's the car?
[14:08:25] Oh my god.
[14:08:27] Did you see my left?
[14:08:28] That's me.
[14:08:29] You're very much alive. That's okay.
[14:08:32] Nah, I hope you haven't enjoyed a party. I hope you haven't enjoyed a party. Have a nice one.
[14:08:37] Nah, I'm just mad, ugly, though. I'm mad, fucking ugly, though.
[14:08:40] Nah, I'm just mad, ugly, though.
[14:08:42] Nah, I'm mad.
[14:08:44] I'm mad ugly. Come on. I'm gonna have to skip on 7-eleven. I have to skip on 7-eleven though, I'm gonna have to, you know.
[14:08:53] Oh, shit! Dude, he's flying!
[14:08:59] What the fuck did he hit me in there? Where did Nas go? Actually, bro, this is bad, bro.
[14:09:04] It's actually bad.
[14:09:12] Get a laser? It's too late, man.
[14:09:17] I said, you know, a ball, a ball, a ball's ball.
[14:09:22] I think it's like a, it's like a five minute walk.
[14:09:26] Five minute walk.
[14:09:27] You guys got a lot of-
[14:09:28] What, is 7-level are you crazy?
[14:09:29] What stream is this?
[14:09:30] It's the launch.
[14:09:31] What's going on?
[14:09:33] You know, everybody need a break on the, on the last day.
[14:09:35] It's like, it's like an early break typeset.
[14:09:40] Now I just set the front door.
[14:09:42] Okay?
[14:09:44] Oh, we better-
[14:09:45] Yeah, let's make sure the back is clear.
[14:09:48] We better get in there.
[14:09:49] Yeah
[14:09:51] Laser stuck with the cook yo be laser on the way
[14:09:56] Is it actually a five minute walk?
[14:10:00] Wait, where's laser if it's a five minute walk. I'll walk with laser
[14:10:04] He got a hurry
[14:10:07] Laser laser's coming
[14:10:10] Or you're picking them up
[14:10:16] Give her this your car. What would you get in the back?
[14:10:20] No
[14:10:23] We need you
[14:10:40] And then silly I'm just like
[14:11:03] This this might have one side question
[14:11:11] I got a camera man, I got a camera man.
[14:11:14] Bro, everyone knows I love my camera man.
[14:11:16] Except we don't let him in.
[14:11:18] That's the only thing.
[14:11:20] It's true.
[14:11:21] It's okay.
[14:11:22] Look how strong you guys are.
[14:11:24] That is true.
[14:11:26] Because this is where we turn in the tables.
[14:11:28] I've got planes that would say that, but later on
[14:11:30] I should keep saying they know that they played it wrong.
[14:11:32] Katie just danced with the phone.
[14:11:34] It's actually good that you're dressing this.
[14:11:36] Yeah, I know how to get my phones in this.
[14:13:24] What is Nas 3?
[14:13:31] Let me refresh.
[14:13:33] Dude, you can mod again.
[14:13:36] Dude, you can mod again.
[14:13:38] What the fuck is that?
[14:13:40] Oh, this is after the rain.
[14:13:47] This is after the rain.
[14:13:54] Today, Facebook is buying everybody in this store.
[14:13:59] there's nobody in the store that is a funny you know oh shit DIY with the
[14:14:09] five gift pre-sates you bruh oh we see you get in this you get in this you
[14:14:15] started you initially started I'm tired wait I don't know fucking mom they
[14:14:28] Yeah, I did not run
[14:14:38] If it's not g-fool, I don't want it. It's not g-fool. I don't fuck it one
[14:14:43] A
[14:14:53] double-dub slippery cop
[14:14:55] 13 million people watching
[14:14:57] 13 million, yo guys, what's up?
[14:14:59] check out my new podcast
[14:15:01] the slippery don't work
[14:15:03] yeah it's broken though
[14:15:05] why is the slippery machine always broken?
[14:15:07] it's just like McDonald's
[14:15:09] they need to slow down
[14:15:11] what are those? what flavor is this?
[14:15:13] London made Swedish fish.
[14:15:15] What the fuck?
[14:15:17] Is that an exotic suit?
[14:15:19] Was there a gifted chat?
[14:15:21] Let me know.
[14:15:23] Punched you for 100 gifted.
[14:15:25] You got to get the 100 first.
[14:15:39] Y'all want to pitch it with Nas?
[14:15:41] It's alright though, it's alright though, it's alright though, it's alright though, it's alright though, it's alright though
[14:15:54] Cause when Nick is just up, he'll be asking for a pencil with me
[14:15:57] I'll give him a fuck, I'll give him a fuck
[14:16:02] What? What is this emo?
[14:16:08] Which one is this? That's a different one
[14:16:14] Wait, wait, wait, can I get a lol emo? Hold on
[14:16:16] I'm gonna make a little piece.
[14:16:20] Hmm, sauce.
[14:16:21] Hmm, love.
[14:16:23] Hmm, love.
[14:16:25] Oh my gosh, look at that.
[14:16:27] What?
[14:16:28] I did not understand that.
[14:16:29] Bro, some spamming at one, bro.
[14:16:30] I don't like that side of it.
[14:16:32] What is this?
[14:16:33] What the?
[14:16:34] I've never seen that, bro.
[14:16:37] I wanna diet.
[14:16:38] You wanna diet?
[14:16:39] Yeah.
[14:16:40] Why? You look good.
[14:16:41] No, I mean like my...
[14:16:42] I'm just kidding.
[14:16:43] I'm just kidding.
[14:16:44] I see. I need to go on a diet too.
[14:16:46] There are all these...
[14:16:48] What are you doing?
[14:16:50] I'm just a...
[14:16:56] Can you give me skittles?
[14:16:58] Y'all want skittles? What y'all want in the chat?
[14:17:00] What y'all want? Y'all come to 7-Eleven.
[14:17:02] What do y'all get? What do y'all usually get?
[14:17:04] No...
[14:17:08] Love.
[14:17:10] Huh?
[14:17:12] What? What did you say?
[14:17:14] Let me fix Ron, let me see what he wants.
[14:17:20] Condoms.
[14:17:22] You rob it.
[14:17:23] Nerd gummies.
[14:17:25] Blue raspberry sour patch kids.
[14:17:27] I want gummies.
[14:17:28] Extra hot Cheetos.
[14:17:31] Let's be real.
[14:17:32] Is niggas eating hot Cheetos in 2024?
[14:17:35] You better be 225.
[14:17:37] I haven't seen a bag of hot Cheetos in somebody's hand in so long.
[14:17:40] It's a robbery talkies a rhino
[14:17:48] Now it's give me VIP. Oh Cooper might go. Oh my gosh, bro
[14:17:54] Unfortunately, I cannot give you VIP while I am not on his PC
[14:17:59] I kind of
[14:18:05] They got water at the Chris
[14:18:10] Get rolling slurpy. It's broken. It's broken, bro. It's broken, bro.
[14:18:18] Okay, what else do we need?
[14:18:25] Now let's get a honey pack.
[14:18:27] Do I get a honey pack? Go back to the crib?
[14:18:30] Bro, what's a honey pack?
[14:18:32] No, no, no, no, that's what the challenge is.
[14:18:35] No, no, no, no. See, I go, huh?
[14:18:38] How much is a day one one?
[14:18:40] Ron, Ron, Ron, Ron, Ron, he wants anything.
[14:19:01] I got enjoying the non-stream so far.
[14:19:03] That's good man.
[14:19:04] I got enjoying the non-stream.
[14:19:05] Alright, I got it.
[14:19:07] Just let me know.
[14:19:09] Because I'm not an IRL streamer.
[14:19:11] When I stream, I stream on my desktop.
[14:19:14] I'm not an IRL streamer.
[14:19:16] But you know, you gotta live and learn.
[14:19:18] This is what it's part of and what what else best to do it they don't want the big platform
[14:19:23] You know the big platform with it W stream
[14:19:26] W guy, but I love you cat at a best
[14:19:30] Yeah, the best best
[14:19:33] Fuck with the nostrils
[14:19:39] Who left their toy
[14:19:41] I was asking Juan if you wanted anything but he has always wanted it.
[14:19:51] Oh, Juan responded, he said a slurpee cup.
[14:19:57] It's of course, bruh.
[14:20:02] The machine is broken, the machine is broken.
[14:20:11] Double cup cut, double cup cut.
[14:20:13] You think he'll be satisfied if I just bring a double gup cup?
[14:20:16] The double gup cup?
[14:20:17] It's like a tongue twister.
[14:20:19] Oh.
[14:20:21] Oh, where are the people, bro?
[14:20:22] I want an IRL interaction, bro.
[14:20:25] This is how you gain confidence.
[14:20:26] You just got to interact with the rainbows.
[14:20:27] Hold on.
[14:20:28] Let's see.
[14:20:32] Anyone out here want to talk to Nas?
[14:20:39] Let's go back inside.
[14:20:40] Let me go back inside.
[14:20:42] Let me go back inside.
[14:20:43] Stop crying.
[14:20:47] Me?
[14:20:48] See this laugh hooker-chan in the chat,
[14:20:49] brother's laugh hooker-chan in the chat.
[14:20:51] You deserve a raise.
[14:20:53] Nah, bruh. Nah, bruh.
[14:20:56] Hold on! I just seen this on TikTok.
[14:20:58] This one looks so boo-like though.
[14:21:02] Have y'all tried freeze-dried candy in town?
[14:21:06] Nah, I've never tried freeze-dried candy.
[14:21:08] Hey!
[14:21:09] What did you say about freeze-dried candy?
[14:21:11] You said it was an answer.
[14:21:13] Oh, Jesus? Okay.
[14:21:14] Have you tried one up?
[14:21:15] Nah.
[14:21:17] Nah, you're a fake.
[14:21:18] Have you guys tried one up?
[14:21:19] I haven't.
[14:21:20] I actually like it all the time.
[14:21:21] They keep it.
[14:21:22] Yeah
[14:21:24] They geeky
[14:21:25] Oh!
[14:21:26] What flavors you got?
[14:21:27] I got Leventos, watermelon
[14:21:29] Oh yeah, I want watermelon
[14:21:30] Wait, why'd you call me a watermelon?
[14:21:32] I got fellowbites
[14:21:33] I don't know
[14:21:34] I don't know
[14:21:35] I want the watermelon
[14:21:39] I want the watermelon
[14:21:41] I see you come by body
[14:21:44] But I wish like
[14:21:47] I was in a scenario
[14:21:49] Like I'm even blame mom for not
[14:21:51] really what hold on this party's about to be fucking ruined oh yeah GG huh oh yeah
[14:22:03] leaving oh they just they just not so lucky I was better oh I was about to go
[14:22:08] crazy I was about to hit them with the fucking arky method wait nothing I
[14:22:16] guess the water and smart water hold on I gotta get my water I forgot to have
[14:22:24] sit on um let's get a smart water hold on hold on someone in the chat tell me
[14:22:31] quick what do y'all want what would y'all get if you're over here I'll get it I'll
[14:22:34] get it for you there's one of the small smart waters now I'm gonna get one of the big ones
[14:22:39] in the big ones that's you know my daddy uh chicken chocolate okay I'll get
[14:22:52] chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate oh we're in line baby oil fruit snacks six
[14:23:03] packs of beer before I never met somebody that actually drunk beer but I
[14:23:11] thought like I thought I was only in like King of the Hill or Hank Hill what
[14:23:15] is that one show called hey I'm gonna get Reese's
[14:23:21] He loves the energy drink. They leave him last for sure. No, no, no. Just these two
[14:23:32] In a car I am going
[14:23:41] Energy drink no, no, I'm good. We're the droncy energy drink. Thank you. Oh
[14:23:55] Never see
[14:23:57] Thank you so much have an amazing
[14:24:00] amazing life
[14:24:03] Sorry boss
[14:24:07] Leet what I leak
[14:24:09] Naked, how do I leak it?
[14:24:11] You guys only saw 4 digits on my car.
[14:24:17] So, it really doesn't matter.
[14:24:19] You think you're own shit?
[14:24:21] Uh, they saw it in my glasses.
[14:24:27] Too bad I'm fucking broke so you guys couldn't take shit out of me.
[14:24:31] You got five pay didn't you? I gave two KFs to my mom.
[14:24:53] Hold on, I got two in my pay.
[14:25:11] What do I do?
[14:25:12] What do I do?
[14:25:13] What do I do?
[14:25:14] What do I do?
[14:25:19] What do I do?
[14:29:49] Side quest.
[14:29:50] Oh!
[14:29:53] Oh, this is a high drop.
[14:29:54] That is a high drop.
[14:29:55] Huh?
[14:29:56] Oh, yeah.
[14:29:57] Um, wait, can you put this in your bag?
[14:29:58] Me?
[14:29:59] Yeah.
[14:30:00] Your bag.
[14:30:01] That one.
[14:30:02] Here you go.
[14:30:03] This one's?
[14:30:04] Yeah.
[14:30:05] That's what I'm saying?
[14:30:06] That's what I'm saying.
[14:30:07] That's what I'm saying.
[14:30:08] Oh my God.
[14:30:09] I can't see.
[14:30:10] I got a lot.
[14:30:11] I got a lot.
[14:30:12] I got a lot.
[14:30:13] I got a lot.
[14:30:14] I got a lot in my heart.
[14:30:20] Yo, you're quick as fuck.
[14:30:22] Oh my god.
[14:30:23] Holy shit, I quit.
[14:30:31] Sheeeesh.
[14:30:33] That would be a rest of the day right?
[14:30:35] I'm not gonna lie, we're gonna need to drink some more sip of water while we get back.
[14:30:39] Some more sip of water.
[14:30:44] okay okay I guess brother fire and and drew getting late off that water anyway
[14:30:59] sat I got doing bro I got doing me my day is going good but everybody asked me
[14:31:09] noz why aren't you smiling this should be a day to smile it's cuz the
[14:31:16] Sabaton's ending, but Sabaton's ending. I didn't want it to end
[14:31:20] This is this is an amazing amazing adventure all the phase boys went on and
[14:31:26] Being a part of it brothers. It was amazing
[14:31:29] It's crazy to me how it's really just sitting down at a park
[14:31:35] Working making a text from Ron completely last second
[14:31:41] Tell me to ask me if I want to pull up this whoa wait. There's a big ass log somewhere
[14:31:47] you're starting oh yeah forgot I got shades on so I can't really see in the dark what's
[14:31:56] next after this I'm not sure but um I think I think it's gonna be good try to get a crib
[14:32:10] everybody all the all the cameraman get a crib be you know productive and keep
[14:32:19] grinding even though we're not doing what we're doing this sub-a-thon that
[14:32:24] only we stop always got to keep going
[14:32:28] I can't get the water.
[14:32:33] That's good.
[14:32:35] Steven, the party's still going.
[14:32:38] This party's going.
[14:32:41] Jesus.
[14:32:44] Good at epsilon?
[14:32:47] It sounded like you'd be a real federal.
[14:32:50] Ah, yeah, we is late.
[14:32:53] It's late.
[14:32:55] Where's Lauren?
[14:32:57] On
[14:33:07] I see the foot in me
[14:33:14] You're not not so much parking this room. He's joking right now. He's doing laundry
[14:33:30] All in a little
[14:33:34] And no, is it a thing?
[14:33:37] No, he didn't text me or say...
[14:33:38] I'm gonna say nothing, so...
[14:33:40] I think I'm good.
[14:33:44] See you later Jack.
[14:33:45] Now let's take that bonnet off.
[14:33:46] Uh, Suki, if you don't see it, I don't have a bonnet on.
[14:33:55] Right?
[14:33:56] Oh, sure.
[14:33:58] Here you go.
[14:33:59] Thank you.
[14:34:00] I'm so sorry.
[14:34:02] You not able to sleep?
[14:34:03] Yeah, yeah.
[14:34:04] Can't go to sleep.
[14:34:05] I'm tired.
[14:34:06] Not even.
[14:34:08] Big day a lot going on.
[14:34:09] Too much going on.
[14:34:11] you know when it stops like this whole party thing I'm seeing chunks of people
[14:34:17] just coming in now, chunks of people just coming in they got more drinks
[14:34:24] they said a dad's room but they said some people say do go in the dad's room so
[14:34:42] who not going in there also you're saying to go in Max's room I think
[14:34:49] Let's see let me see. Oh, no, that's right here. Oh my god
[14:35:18] Hey, he's your love
[14:35:35] Creepers look alike this guy got a rebound
[14:35:41] Come on, let's have a party.
[14:36:00] I'm so ugly.
[14:36:04] Yeah, we mad ugly over here.
[14:36:06] We're mad ugly over here.
[14:36:08] Come on.
[14:36:10] Come on.
[14:36:15] Come on.
[14:36:26] You're crazy.
[14:36:28] I ain't doing that.
[14:36:30] I love you, nigga.
[14:36:33] Faze the fuck up.
[14:36:35] Faze the fuck up.
[14:36:37] He's the fuck back.
[14:36:39] You're real crazy, man.
[14:36:41] Oh wait, Max has walked into his own room.
[14:36:45] What's the camera?
[14:36:46] There's not even nothing in his room.
[14:36:48] Why won't they see Max's room?
[14:36:50] I was talking to the check, because they kept telling me he's in Max's room.
[14:36:54] What's up, man?
[14:36:56] What up?
[14:36:58] Why y'all saying no to a jab?
[14:37:01] uh there's this thread lightly going in here um i mean his name is kind of like a fishbowl
[14:37:12] doors wide open um i'm gonna let you go in person a little scary you are crazy little dude
[14:37:25] you're a crazy crazy little dude what are you talking about
[14:37:29] You're a pain in the ass, yeah.
[14:37:32] We're on the side.
[14:37:34] You gotta do a hand up.
[14:37:36] What are you doing?
[14:37:43] You little cheese-loving rat bitch.
[14:37:46] It's the old cheese.
[14:37:48] We make art.
[14:37:50] No, look at that. That's a lot of art.
[14:37:52] That's a lot of art.
[14:37:54] It's a lot for me.
[14:37:56] Oh, fuck.
[14:37:58] You scared the hell out of me.
[14:38:00] No, it's too much.
[14:38:03] You're crazy.
[14:38:05] Crazy little dude, my wife. Crazy little dude.
[14:38:09] Nah, they sent me over to get some iron to.
[14:38:12] Mmm.
[14:38:13] Damn.
[14:38:14] Oh, you're crazy. You're a little dude right here.
[14:38:17] You're crazy. You're like five.
[14:38:21] Okay, you're a little dude.
[14:38:22] You're crazy, my dude.
[14:38:24] Nah, this wall is crazy, my wife.
[14:38:27] Damn.
[14:38:32] I'm crazy little dude.
[14:38:34] Oh, this is crazy little dude.
[14:38:45] I'm a crazy little dude.
[14:38:55] What's going on? Are you going to desert?
[14:38:57] I'm ready to hit the head.
[14:39:19] Why don't we...
[14:39:20] Every girl I got an OF game shot.
[14:39:25] I'm ready. Let's go make this fish out.
[14:39:29] Hey, I'm waiting. Hey, we are.
[14:39:31] I'm waiting.
[14:39:33] What?
[14:39:35] What?
[14:39:37] It tastes really good.
[14:39:39] Good, bro.
[14:39:49] It tastes like chunks of grills just pulling up.
[14:39:53] You can't do it.
[14:39:55] Oh my God.
[14:39:57] He's a great person.
[14:39:59] He's a great person.
[14:40:05] Nice job.
[14:40:09] Shooting everybody.
[14:40:15] Take two of them.
[14:40:23] I need to get the fuck out of here!
[14:40:28] What the fuck?
[14:40:32] I'm a crazy, crazy old dude.
[14:40:46] I'm a crazy little dude.
[14:40:50] This point of eye is fire.
[14:42:15] They're still doing it?
[14:42:17] Yeah, they're still doing it.
[14:42:19] They're crazy.
[14:42:29] Push-up segment.
[14:42:31] Someone said push-up segment.
[14:42:33] Kill Drew segment.
[14:42:39] Yeah, segments, uh...
[14:42:41] Yeah, segments, uh...
[14:42:43] There's a sawtack. A tar, x-blah, x-bra, x-star.
[14:43:02] Now look at these over there. That's a crazy little thing.
[14:43:05] Where is it?
[14:44:17] look at these guys.
[14:44:19] I'm the girl who wants some of them.
[14:44:21] Yes, man.
[14:44:23] I won't tell anybody this music.
[14:44:25] He's in the wedding.
[14:44:27] What are you doing?
[14:44:29] What are you doing?
[14:44:31] What are you doing?
[14:44:33] Come back, what's up?
[14:44:35] That's how it should be.
[14:44:37] I'll get you out of that fucking booth.
[14:44:39] Now, you gotta go get your ride.
[14:44:41] Well done, watch this.
[14:44:43] Son of a bitch.
[14:44:45] I
[14:44:47] Yeah, they need to slow down with these girls now they need to slow down
[14:44:50] I'm gonna watch him out
[14:44:54] He gotta face some bullshit
[14:45:12] Hey, this is how you clear out a party
[14:45:14] This is how you clear out a party
[14:45:20] I
[14:45:23] Want to get him
[14:45:25] You guys crazy little dudes.
[14:46:03] You're crazy, dude.
[14:46:05] I'm sorry, Mike.
[14:46:07] Oh, the music.
[14:46:09] I'm sorry.
[14:46:11] I'm sorry.
[14:46:13] I'm sorry.
[14:46:15] I'm sorry.
[14:46:17] I'm sorry.
[14:46:19] Hey, okay.
[14:46:21] Okay, listen.
[14:46:23] I'm sorry.
[14:46:25] I'm sorry.
[14:46:29] I'm sorry.
[14:46:33] I'm sorry.
[14:46:35] Crazy, crazy dude.
[14:46:37] Hey.
[14:46:39] Crazy, crazy dude.
[14:46:41] Crazy, crazy dude.
[14:46:43] Crazy, real crazy dude.
[14:46:45] Yeah.
[14:46:47] You see what happened?
[14:46:49] Shall we do it?
[14:46:51] Should we do a rap segment?
[14:46:53] Rap?
[14:47:39] Oh
[14:48:15] Oh, this one's...
[14:48:17] Everyone, I want to see what's going on.
[14:48:19] Oh, no.
[14:48:21] What's your last race?
[14:48:23] Oh, the race is hard.
[14:48:29] One down. One third. One and two, pal.
[14:48:33] How did they call that two?
[14:48:35] I thought two.
[14:48:43] Here we go.
[14:48:45] I think I'm going to win the way that you are going to win.
[14:48:50] And I don't!
[14:48:52] I'm going to pop you off. I'm in the process.
[14:49:08] He's hoping.
[14:49:19] You are here.
[14:49:59] I
[14:50:04] Say it's not too many subs
[14:50:08] When are you gonna hit number one now?
[14:50:11] What if you get a hundred sixty eight thousand
[14:50:29] She's not even buying a Ferrari, she's giving it to her.
[14:50:32] Okay.
[14:51:00] How about the cliffs?
[14:51:07] Oh, yeah.
[14:51:08] No, there's a dive.
[14:51:09] Yeah.
[14:51:12] I'm not a dog.
[14:51:13] Really?
[14:51:14] No.
[14:51:21] He's a leech man.
[14:51:21] He's almost a leech.
[14:51:22] That's fine.
[14:51:25] He's a leech man.
[14:51:26] I got you something.
[14:51:27] Brother.
[14:51:28] I'll do my best.
[14:51:33] At least at the other week, I will be doing it.
[14:51:39] I'm a pop pop pop.
[14:51:41] When you go home, it's like, we stand in the middle of a tick and I'm like,
[14:51:45] assistant director and I.
[14:51:47] Take it home, I'm a pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop.
[14:51:56] I don't do a thing, but I'll hang out.
[14:52:31] How's the movie going on?
[14:52:34] Time to work.
[14:52:35] How's the game going on?
[14:52:37] She cleared my bed.
[14:52:40] We got a real team.
[14:52:42] Oh, a dozer here.
[14:53:08] Can you imagine working for 30 days straight?
[14:53:11] Mr. Diane, we've got a team safety side, are we?
[14:53:14] If you need it, it's me, we need to be caught.
[14:53:16] Oh, it's not a swing.
[14:53:19] Oh, no.
[14:53:20] Fuck, that's not a swing.
[14:53:21] Here.
[14:53:22] One top block.
[14:53:23] We got to rotate.
[14:53:26] Oh, that crazy rotation.
[14:53:29] That's a good rotation.
[14:53:30] That was a good rotate.
[14:53:31] That's a very good rotation.
[14:53:33] I'm happy that I do a side-click right now.
[14:53:35] Oh, my God.
[14:53:36] I fucking want to.
[14:53:37] I'm so down, bro.
[14:53:39] That piece was so...
[14:53:40] Rocking you put some fucking LGBTQ candy out on me like that again, you know fuck the shit out of you
[14:53:49] Fuck
[14:54:00] I'm a post up here
[14:54:10] They just keeps wanting yo rockin. You should be guarding my room right now
[14:54:25] Fucking I love that more. Where's Lacey?
[14:54:33] No, I'm feeling someone. Oh, I'm feeling we're gonna be missing clothes tonight
[14:54:37] I'm serious. Can you watch my room? They keep bringing more and more, working up seats.
[14:54:43] I feel like people are going on that seriously.
[14:54:45] I want people.
[14:54:47] We need someone to watch upstairs.
[14:54:49] Yeah, let me just ask what that is.
[14:54:51] Yo, Dad!
[14:54:52] Yo, Dad, you're a crazy little dude.
[14:54:55] That's one crazy looking dude.
[14:54:57] No, that's a crazy looking dude. That's a crazy dude.
[14:55:00] Oh, wait, son of a...
[14:55:02] I need some rice, son of a...
[14:55:04] I
[14:55:30] Drew get the fuck out of here
[14:56:04] I don't know how that guy did it.
[14:56:11] I only got a white belt.
[14:56:22] Classic Allen, classic.
[14:56:26] Check, we get a tall way.
[14:56:29] Nobody's back with the bike.
[14:56:31] Oh
[14:57:06] You know, every night, basically, hang out, bro.
[14:57:13] Wow, where'd you go?
[14:57:16] I was upstairs at Max's.
[14:57:18] Max's? Right here?
[14:57:20] I'll make it a whole time on stream.
[14:57:22] You're a crazy little dude, huh?
[14:57:25] That's crazy man of yours.
[14:57:27] Crazy little dude.
[14:57:30] You wanted to know what the English was like.
[14:57:33] What?
[14:57:40] That's a crazy little dude.
[14:57:49] They say, that's a crazy little dude.
[14:57:53] Jack, you're spamming nab ten minutes.
[14:57:55] They keep doing it.
[14:57:56] Yo, look at you.
[14:57:57] I have a box here.
[14:57:58] This guy's not even going to get it.
[14:57:59] Why are you leaving my bag?
[14:58:00] Why are you leaving my bag?
[14:58:01] Who do you need a bag for?
[14:58:02] That was in the last second.
[14:58:03] Oh, okay.
[14:58:04] I was on a box.
[14:58:05] Okay.
[14:58:06] Nah.
[14:58:07] Yo, you want to get this side of the box, bro?
[14:58:11] What is this?
[14:58:13] I'm down.
[14:58:15] I'm down.
[14:58:17] I'm down.
[14:58:19] I can't drive.
[14:58:21] Should we just back up my chair?
[14:58:23] I guess I'll just...
[14:58:25] Yeah!
[14:58:35] Oh, that's a funny thing to do.
[14:58:41] You're my son.
[14:58:43] No, you're my dad.
[14:58:45] You're my, oh, you take God.
[14:58:47] Oh, you're my God.
[14:58:49] Love you more again.
[14:58:51] It's crazy.
[14:58:53] It's crazy how life turns out.
[14:58:55] Life is all about
[14:58:59] the way you get it.
[14:59:03] You gotta get up,
[14:59:06] get to it.
[14:59:07] You don't come without a will.
[14:59:09] Shut up! Get to it!
[14:59:11] Would you say you got to do it my way?
[14:59:13] One point I didn't. Now look.
[14:59:15] Now look.
[14:59:17] Now look.
[14:59:19] Now look.
[14:59:21] Now look.
[14:59:23] Now look.
[14:59:25] Now look.
[14:59:27] Now look.
[14:59:29] Now look.
[14:59:31] Now look.
[14:59:33] Now look.
[14:59:35] Now look.
[14:59:37] What did they say? I thought it was the last one.
[14:59:43] What did they say?
[14:59:45] There's tough, bro.
[14:59:47] Nah, you're really tough with him on, though.
[14:59:51] Nah, it's just tough, bro.
[14:59:53] Uh-oh, I'll just hit you.
[14:59:55] No!
[14:59:57] No, I'll just hit you.
[14:59:59] No, no!
[15:00:01] Are you funny?
[15:00:03] Nah, we can go to my kitchen.
[15:00:05] He said I'll be there.
[15:00:07] You see me resting here?
[15:00:12] I can get it on!
[15:00:14] Are you really denied?
[15:00:16] You can wear my shirt.
[15:00:18] I know, but he's not wearing it.
[15:00:21] I don't know. I want to see some of that.
[15:00:23] I'd like some cycle pads on this one.
[15:00:26] I don't know. I don't know.
[15:00:28] No, bro. I don't know.
[15:00:30] You gotta work out.
[15:00:32] Let's go. Let's go.
[15:00:34] I can't take my keys and then you get me out.
[15:00:37] I can't do that.
[15:00:38] I'm ready?
[15:00:39] I can't do it.
[15:00:44] Sikers!
[15:00:46] When's the next car to get in? What is it?
[15:00:49] Wow!
[15:00:50] Oh, shit.
[15:00:52] Sikers is cool.
[15:00:57] Jesus!
[15:01:02] Ked himself.
[15:01:03] I fucking hate you, Rob, I'm gonna crash you!
[15:01:10] What the fuck is that?
[15:01:13] What the fuck is that?
[15:01:16] What the fuck?
[15:01:18] Do you know fucking snack?
[15:01:21] Do you know fucking snack?
[15:01:24] What was that?
[15:01:26] You know what the dice roll is?
[15:01:30] Yeah, nothing. I think you just blacked it out.
[15:01:32] You don't know that though.
[15:01:34] I'm gonna go get shoes. I'll be back.
[15:01:36] Who put on a man you wear, what?
[15:01:38] Come on.
[15:01:40] Don't touch the camera.
[15:01:43] This is mine.
[15:01:45] Hold on. You're not gonna talk to Ray like that.
[15:01:47] This is like Thor's camera.
[15:01:49] Oh, yeah.
[15:01:51] You're not gonna talk to Ray like that.
[15:01:53] This is like Thor's camera.
[15:01:55] This is like throwing a scum or only I can.
[15:01:57] No, he don't have a fucking thing.
[15:01:59] Get his things.
[15:02:01] Huh? Get his things.
[15:02:02] You don't have a fucking raise like that.
[15:02:04] What's going on?
[15:02:07] You might have killed his own family.
[15:02:09] Oh, your family?
[15:02:10] No!
[15:02:11] No!
[15:02:12] Don't be red.
[15:02:13] No!
[15:02:14] Don't exterminate your blood though.
[15:02:16] Fuck it around.
[15:02:17] They said W would have them.
[15:02:19] Everybody you ever shake a hand with.
[15:02:21] Yeah.
[15:02:22] Wait.
[15:02:23] Yeah, yeah, wait so, gentlemen,
[15:02:27] just not, oh wait, hold on now.
[15:02:29] Oh, shit!
[15:02:31] Collateral damage!
[15:02:33] You're gonna hit Ray!
[15:02:35] You're done.
[15:02:36] Sorry Ray, you're done.
[15:02:37] You're done?
[15:02:38] Let's try and get Rilla out of here.
[15:02:39] No, no, no, please don't, please don't, please don't.
[15:02:41] That's just, that's just, that's just awful.
[15:02:43] That's just awful.
[15:02:45] Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim.
[15:02:47] No!
[15:02:48] God, I'm talking about the table.
[15:02:53] He's out of the bag.
[15:02:54] I got the bags.
[15:02:55] I should have sent you out to get my keys okay?
[15:03:02] Come on, rock it!
[15:03:05] Oh, I thought you was on a mission.
[15:03:07] I thought you was on a mission.
[15:03:13] Oh shit, not gonna happen.
[15:04:25] No, I didn't do that, I didn't do that, I didn't do that, I didn't do that, I didn't do that, I didn't do that
[15:04:30] Are you ready?
[15:04:31] I'm full of you though
[15:04:32] I'm telling you, I'm full of you
[15:04:33] I'm full of you
[15:04:34] I'm full of you
[15:04:38] I can't believe that you made him man
[15:04:40] He's a good f***er dude
[15:04:42] Get the thing, man
[15:04:43] Really?
[15:04:44] I'm full of you
[15:04:45] I'm full of you
[15:04:46] I know how y'all happen
[15:04:49] What's he about to do?
[15:04:50] Oh, yeah, we're going back
[15:04:52] Wait, when are y'all going back?
[15:04:54] Where did you get that pizza?
[15:04:58] We gotta go to a different McDonald's.
[15:05:02] One of them has an E and B.
[15:05:06] One wheel.
[15:05:10] No, we can't go over to the convenience store.
[15:05:14] No, I don't know.
[15:05:18] Are you so...
[15:05:22] Arki.
[15:05:24] Wow!
[15:05:26] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
[15:05:28] Yeah.
[15:05:30] Five, four, five, four, five, four, five, six, seven, eight.
[15:05:32] Yeah.
[15:05:34] Yeah.
[15:05:36] Yeah, baby.
[15:05:38] Nice.
[15:05:40] I'm gonna have to go stay there.
[15:05:42] We're working on this.
[15:05:44] Oh, don't leave me with them.
[15:05:46] I'm gonna get you.
[15:05:48] She wanna get it?
[15:05:50] Hey!
[15:05:52] I don't know what's up.
[15:05:54] Leave me with them.
[15:05:56] I'm scared of them.
[15:05:58] I'll play deeper.
[15:06:00] Alright, then.
[15:06:02] You doing it?
[15:06:04] I'm a weird type.
[15:06:08] Yeah, we're not.
[15:06:10] I think you're...
[15:06:12] Just like that, though.
[15:06:14] Alright, you ready?
[15:06:16] Make us keep swatting in.
[15:06:18] He's swatting in on the edge of the building.
[15:06:20] He's got more.
[15:06:22] He's got me out of there.
[15:06:24] All the dumb is here.
[15:06:26] Here we go.
[15:06:28] We got a field day.
[15:06:30] How's it going?
[15:06:32] Ready?
[15:06:34] Yeah. You want to get from McDonald's?
[15:06:36] What do you want to film with us?
[15:06:38] I got some jambalegas in here, though.
[15:06:40] Okay.
[15:06:42] Hang on now.
[15:06:44] Hey!
[15:06:46] No, no, no, no, no, come on, come on, come on, come on.
[15:06:50] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, come on, come on, come on.
[15:06:55] Yeah.
[15:06:56] That's me.
[15:06:57] Come on, come on.
[15:06:58] Fuck you.
[15:07:00] Excuse me.
[15:07:03] Sorry.
[15:07:04] Hey, hey.
[15:07:06] Why are you like this?
[15:07:08] Fuck you.
[15:07:09] You're like this.
[15:07:10] Oh, my God, what the heck am I?
[15:07:16] Hold on Ron. Okay.
[15:07:21] See, I've been in a different environment.
[15:07:29] Am I about to do a side crush with my chain on in the middle of L.A.?
[15:07:34] No.
[15:07:35] You guys should talk that.
[15:07:36] No, you're going to talk that shit.
[15:07:38] What?
[15:07:39] You're going to talk that shit.
[15:07:40] What?
[15:07:41] You're going to talk that shit.
[15:07:42] No.
[15:07:43] That is crazy.
[15:07:44] No, you're going to talk that shit.
[15:07:46] No, wait, wait, wait.
[15:07:48] Come on, wait, wait, wait.
[15:07:50] Yeah, we are.
[15:07:52] Oh, shit.
[15:08:04] Side quest.
[15:08:06] You do me.
[15:08:57] Let's just pick it up, like, five pieces.
[15:09:00] We all talk shit.
[15:09:02] Hell yeah.
[15:09:07] Hey, what's up?
[15:09:09] What's up?
[15:09:10] Bro, he parked far.
[15:09:11] Why the fuck?
[15:09:12] He parked right there.
[15:09:13] He didn't want to pare a little park.
[15:09:14] Oh, he's a hoe.
[15:09:16] Yeah, I ain't going to lie.
[15:09:18] Finally.
[15:09:20] Ever since Hollywood did, I know how to shit.
[15:09:23] Nah, Ray, do you really want to be guys?
[15:09:26] Badass, bro.
[15:09:27] You know how I beat that shit?
[15:09:29] Do you really want to be a high class?
[15:09:30] What kind of party?
[15:09:31] What kind of party?
[15:09:32] What kind of party?
[15:09:33] What kind of party, though?
[15:09:34] I want to be like a kid bad with everyone that is.
[15:09:36] All of a sudden, Traymo starts snapping.
[15:09:41] There's more coming, it looks like.
[15:09:46] Can I tell you the party shut down?
[15:09:48] Can I tell him?
[15:09:51] What do you think?
[15:09:54] What do you think, Jayson?
[15:09:56] What?
[15:09:57] Can I tell you the party shut down?
[15:10:00] What's your phone number?
[15:10:01] I think he's that one on the left right there.
[15:10:03] Like, let me put it back.
[15:10:05] Yeah
[15:10:08] You've got no range
[15:10:10] oh there it is
[15:10:13] well I can't wait for the fucking McDonald's that's gonna hit so fucking tough
[15:10:32] oh my god
[15:10:33] oh my god what you gonna go to?
[15:10:35] that's blurry down here bro
[15:10:37] you said what?
[15:10:38] I'm getting that blurry McChicken
[15:10:39] oh McChicken
[15:10:40] listen
[15:10:41] don't try to eat side of the spicy
[15:10:43] spicy McChicken
[15:10:44] I don't know why they shot that shit
[15:10:46] wait I got chicken?
[15:10:47] you gonna take a shot?
[15:10:48] oh yeah
[15:10:50] you got a shotgun?
[15:10:51] no I ain't no I'm not
[15:10:52] Eddie's cancel
[15:10:53] Oh
[15:10:56] Take shotgun
[15:10:58] I want you over here
[15:11:14] Black ass
[15:11:30] What's up with y'all to create a little dude?
[15:11:34] He's just creating a little dude.
[15:11:36] Nah, Rage, you fucking hate me.
[15:11:42] How am I here, Ronald? Look at your hand. You got eight trophies in that game?
[15:11:46] Shit.
[15:11:48] I put the fucking cognates running us.
[15:11:51] Wait, G, do you want to connect your shit?
[15:11:53] I don't even know if it'll connect the whole world.
[15:11:55] Life right now, man. And this is what I'm gonna do till it's over.
[15:15:00] But I probably still be the man where everything is over
[15:15:30] Yeah, you don't know how to lyrics
[15:16:01] Oh my God, this shit is going up in the shit house.
[15:16:05] But they should have said it was open.
[15:16:07] It's the one I went to.
[15:16:08] Yeah?
[15:16:08] Yeah.
[15:16:09] Oh.
[15:16:09] I don't know.
[15:16:10] I don't know.
[15:16:17] You made his clothes, man.
[15:16:20] This shit is not open.
[15:16:21] It's weird.
[15:16:21] It's not the same.
[15:16:23] There's another one five minutes away.
[15:16:25] That was the one I might have used to try.
[15:16:27] Oh.
[15:16:27] That's the one I might have used to try.
[15:16:29] That's the one I might have used to try.
[15:16:32] I'm living life right now, man.
[15:16:36] Oh, fuck.
[15:16:37] It's a good song.
[15:16:38] I'm gonna swap him over, yeah.
[15:16:40] Swap him over, child, probably do swap him over.
[15:16:43] Woo!
[15:16:43] I got it.
[15:16:44] Swap him over, child.
[15:16:45] You know what I'm saying?
[15:16:46] He didn't step on the over, though.
[15:16:52] I was a good one.
[15:16:58] Oh, shit!
[15:17:00] Goddamn!
[15:17:00] Oh, it's not him.
[15:17:01] Oh, no, not him.
[15:17:02] There's nobody to shit.
[15:17:04] There's nobody to shit, but it's the friends.
[15:17:06] Oh, shit.
[15:17:06] He wasn't even born on my native life.
[15:17:08] He's so good.
[15:17:10] You can't even touch me.
[15:17:12] I need you to be quiet.
[15:17:33] Shit.
[15:17:34] Shit.
[15:17:35] I can't even hear you.
[15:21:44] I was waiting tonight.
[15:22:05] Woo-hoo!
[15:22:06] What you want, Rach?
[15:22:07] Yo, let me get a bit chicken.
[15:22:09] Meat chicken?
[15:22:10] Two big chickens.
[15:22:12] You make chickens.
[15:22:13] Hey, this is going to be a little complicated.
[15:22:16] Let me get a mint double.
[15:22:17] Mint double?
[15:22:18] With no pickles.
[15:22:19] With no pickles?
[15:22:20] But add mac sauce.
[15:22:21] sauce but add some of that maximum sauce and then may I please just have
[15:22:29] ten nuggets with buffalo sauce arky let me get a table ranch and ketchup ten
[15:22:36] peas with ranch and ketchup hey it's kind of weird combo
[15:22:40] Jason?
[15:22:41] Oh, damn, one in ten minutes.
[15:22:44] Ten nuggets, also.
[15:22:45] Hell of a ketchup.
[15:22:47] Match that out.
[15:22:49] Can I get a water cup?
[15:22:59] Fuck off.
[15:23:01] And then one water cup.
[15:23:02] We out.
[15:23:03] But can it go straight in there?
[15:23:06] But can you put sprite in the water cup?
[15:23:07] We're having a wreck.
[15:23:08] We're budgeting right now.
[15:23:10] We're coming up right now.
[15:23:11] See you in a minute.
[15:23:13] Look, yo, yo, yo.
[15:23:18] Yo, how's he tweeted like that?
[15:23:22] You were a toad, and I was a good toadst.
[15:23:26] I didn't waste the weekend.
[15:23:27] Oh, fuck.
[15:23:28] Wait, wait, no, no.
[15:23:30] Didn't know what.
[15:23:31] We're sleeping from the start.
[15:23:32] Oh, boy.
[15:23:33] Oh, boy.
[15:23:34] I missed it.
[15:23:35] Oh, boy.
[15:23:36] Oh, boy.
[15:23:37] I got back up.
[15:23:39] Fuck.
[15:23:41] Wait, I want to see.
[15:23:42] Wait, is this one?
[15:23:43] Wait, this one?
[15:23:44] I don't fucking know.
[15:23:45] Wait, but this is the only way, though.
[15:23:47] Wait.
[15:23:48] Wait, they got a ghetto McDonald's.
[15:23:51] watch the car, watch the car
[15:23:53] it's in narrow
[15:23:55] keep the camera to your right
[15:24:06] yo you didn't even let the bitch appear
[15:24:08] i mean you didn't even let her appear
[15:24:10] yo
[15:24:12] you want this side
[15:24:14] i'll raise you now
[15:24:16] i'm all done
[15:24:18] you wanna grab it
[15:24:20] you gotta get the money then
[15:24:22] i got it
[15:24:24] What about the southern one?
[15:24:50] What?
[15:24:50] It's the end of the southern one.
[15:24:51] I was in 100k.
[15:24:52] They say and rage retire of her.
[15:24:56] Oh my god, you understand.
[15:24:58] The flurry?
[15:24:59] Nah, actually, I don't understand.
[15:25:01] What?
[15:25:02] You said what?
[15:25:03] You said rage retire of her?
[15:25:05] Retire of her.
[15:25:06] Oh my god.
[15:25:07] It's okay.
[15:25:08] It's okay.
[15:25:09] Retire of what I mean, bro.
[15:25:11] I give her a million dollars.
[15:25:13] I don't understand.
[15:25:15] Oh no, no.
[15:25:16] Nah, I'm just trying to find out something.
[15:25:18] Yo.
[15:25:21] Yo, just give me like a tip of like 100 million dollars bro.
[15:25:26] Just give me like a W click.
[15:25:28] That's viral clips bro.
[15:25:31] Bro, listen listen listen listen.
[15:25:32] You can end this on the bang bang.
[15:25:34] No, that's you.
[15:25:35] Just give me like a 100 million dollars bro.
[15:25:37] Who is the bro?
[15:25:37] That's not your body.
[15:25:38] That's your body.
[15:25:39] That's your body.
[15:25:40] 2.4 million in a year, whatever.
[15:25:43] I pay my quarter lease.
[15:25:46] No, I'm talking about paying, not making.
[15:25:49] What are you up fucking 40 million out come on?
[15:26:14] Oh my god, that's gonna be hell I want to do it though. Yeah, that's to be dead as hell, bro
[15:26:23] Shut up and kiss him. Yo watch somebody
[15:26:26] It's just crazy
[15:26:31] gang on the weester that's gay bracey that clip two years ago you on my
[15:26:38] button show I said you gonna be next I said you gonna be the big shrew I see
[15:26:44] you gonna be next up I remember I said that I swear to you she's a
[15:27:04] a Vtuber.
[15:27:05] Yeah.
[15:27:06] He's still at Charity Street.
[15:27:09] Oh.
[15:27:10] So, oh.
[15:27:11] Are you giving yourself to Charity?
[15:27:12] I hate Charity so much.
[15:27:14] Yup.
[15:27:15] I mean, you hate Charity.
[15:27:18] I just hate when they go to Best Buy and they said, do you want to do it in two
[15:27:22] cents?
[15:27:23] Oh.
[15:27:24] Roundup.
[15:27:25] Oh, he means he hates the people that take advantage of Charity.
[15:27:27] That's what he meant.
[15:27:28] Fuck no.
[15:27:29] I'm a house spy one.
[15:27:34] I'm gonna be a president when I'm telling you, the first thing I'm doing is I'm getting rid of taxes
[15:27:44] How are we gonna pay for all these jobs?
[15:27:48] I wanted to print this shit
[15:27:50] I'm just fucking printin' fucking money bro
[15:27:52] There's a fucked up system going on right now
[15:27:54] What?
[15:27:56] Dude I think
[15:27:58] I actually fell on the chicken
[15:28:00] I mean with all the other lines
[15:28:02] No, did she fucking sleep on a fucking machine?
[15:28:06] She had a fucking ass.
[15:28:11] She's just not one of those no-world games.
[15:28:13] Oh, fucking damn it.
[15:28:17] Dabra, I won't be finished by water cut, bro.
[15:28:19] Can you ask her if she could refill us in?
[15:28:22] Ask her why it came empty.
[15:28:24] No, bro, but it's up with the spray in there, though.
[15:28:28] Oh, it's going in.
[15:28:30] Oh, it's spinning.
[15:28:32] You just stack it up on a tent.
[15:28:35] Oh my God.
[15:28:38] Oh my God.
[15:28:39] You were on a dash, my boy.
[15:28:43] That was a bicycle.
[15:28:45] What you been through, okay?
[15:28:48] Yeah, that was it.
[15:28:50] You said that five gift.
[15:28:52] Nobody gift it again.
[15:28:54] Okay.
[15:28:56] Sorry, five gift.
[15:28:59] That's all?
[15:29:01] I think you forgot our safe.
[15:29:03] Get that butt!
[15:29:05] Drive, drive!
[15:29:18] Oh, she's driving.
[15:29:20] Run!
[15:29:22] Stop that motherfucker.
[15:29:24] I'm a crazy little guy.
[15:29:26] You're crazy little girl.
[15:29:28] You're crazy.
[15:29:30] I'm a sexy ass.
[15:29:32] You're crazy.
[15:29:34] Wait, you got a problem.
[15:29:36] You didn't crash the car for the car.
[15:29:43] My god
[15:30:07] All right, I'll show some sign you can't call me the baby reincarnate, but that's a super villain
[15:30:11] That's a bad person, bro
[15:30:14] I'm reading the child. They say oh shit. Hey the gas low. We got 20 miles. You're gonna make your nigga fuck
[15:30:23] You said Cherry Hill, New Jersey fucking me Tampa
[15:30:45] What the fuck what's the correlation?
[15:30:52] Tampa is a city in my fucking state
[15:31:06] Like the polar bear ship
[15:31:17] Right, but it's there, right?
[15:31:19] Look at me.
[15:31:20] I'm out of the loop.
[15:31:21] I'm like a overhead.
[15:31:22] You don't have to come out.
[15:31:26] Oh, you can try to hear the background.
[15:31:27] Fuck it, we had a couple of problems.
[15:31:36] So fuck your hell up!
[15:31:41] Check your mind, take your mind past!
[15:35:19] Huh, man, let me not roll!
[15:35:21] I mean, you don't park me, shit.
[15:35:24] I don't know.
[15:35:25] Good God, I'm out of hopes.
[15:35:27] I bet no game.
[15:35:28] You know, years ago, they had to
[15:35:30] aim hard and tell you what to play.
[15:35:32] How to play and do the worst.
[15:35:34] I know y'all know this is all about.
[15:35:36] You gotta go train, but it won't last too long, of course.
[15:35:52] My god.
[15:35:54] God's all the bullshit.
[15:35:56] Hey, raise that motherfucker!
[15:36:00] Wait, wait, we can't see.
[15:36:40] No, no, I'm not like that.
[15:36:45] Nah, he can't.
[15:36:46] That don't work.
[15:36:47] I'm being fucked.
[15:36:48] Wait, wait, wait.
[15:36:49] Nah, see?
[15:36:50] I'm nice and suckling it in brown and shit.
[15:36:52] Do it, do it.
[15:36:54] Don't worry
[15:36:56] I don't work
[15:37:11] I see his teeth you see that motherfucker
[15:37:28] It's just a creature my boy
[15:37:32] it's just a creature you wasn't you wasn't even looking at the chat
[15:37:46] yeah what the fuck is a tamper bro
[15:37:51] don't get some of that problem what I got bad it's a bad day to be so fucking
[15:37:57] black bro you have to look at the end of the bag
[15:38:01] I'm a fraud. I'm a fraud.
[15:38:05] Why is it a bad day to be a fraud?
[15:38:07] Well, because it all goes on.
[15:38:16] Why do you need this stuff?
[15:38:22] What is Nancy launching?
[15:38:24] They call it Nancy launching.
[15:38:26] Oh, the name of the product.
[15:38:30] I don't know what you're taking me for again with that gay ass summer.
[15:39:03] There's nothing wrong with being gay by the way.
[15:39:05] There's nothing wrong with being gay.
[15:39:17] Are you gay?
[15:39:19] What's your mo?
[15:39:21] I'll put something in the nigga's foot.
[15:39:30] Why is it horribly day to be with Donalds?
[15:39:34] I'm with Donalds.
[15:39:36] I ain't got nothing.
[15:39:38] I don't know.
[15:39:40] I don't know.
[15:39:42] How the fuck you got in there?
[15:39:44] I ain't got nothing.
[15:39:50] Just a second.
[15:40:09] You already got in there?
[15:40:11] Yeah.
[15:40:13] Why are you thinking about getting in there?
[15:40:15] Yeah.
[15:40:20] Yo, we're back.
[15:40:32] We are fishing.
[15:40:34] We are fishing.
[15:40:36] Oh my god.
[15:40:38] Oh, yes.
[15:40:40] You're ready.
[15:40:42] What's good, man?
[15:40:43] What the fuck?
[15:40:44] What's going on?
[15:40:45] What's going on?
[15:40:46] What are you doing?
[15:40:47] What are you doing?
[15:40:48] You're right here.
[15:40:49] Where is this?
[15:40:51] Is this the stuff on clip?
[15:40:53] What are you doing?
[15:40:54] Oh, God, this long?
[15:40:56] No, good.
[15:40:57] Are you getting into the 2000s?
[15:40:59] Who the fuck are you?
[15:41:01] Who the fuck are you?
[15:41:03] I don't know.
[15:41:04] Hold on.
[15:41:05] How's that?
[15:41:06] I need to go to their ranch.
[15:41:08] Stop that.
[15:41:10] Move out of my water in the living room.
[15:41:12] Can you give it there?
[15:41:14] Okay.
[15:41:16] It's a smart water.
[15:41:18] Can you get me in here?
[15:41:22] I'm not a bad as well.
[15:41:24] Give me my boat.
[15:41:26] One there.
[15:41:28] One, two.
[15:41:30] One, two.
[15:41:35] Give me your water.
[15:41:43] Do you want this?
[15:41:45] I did this.
[15:41:46] Nah.
[15:41:54] Nah, this isn't...
[15:41:55] This isn't a good decision.
[15:41:59] Great decision.
[15:42:03] He's a lot.
[15:42:04] You got one right?
[15:42:05] He said we should watch that.
[15:42:06] I don't know if I'm right, my boy.
[15:42:07] Yeah.
[15:42:08] Yeah.
[15:42:09] McDonald's open.
[15:42:10] McDonald's open.
[15:42:11] Like, they got a time in the plate, my boy.
[15:42:12] Right now.
[15:42:13] I'm out of the plate.
[15:42:14] I'm out of the plate.
[15:42:15] Nah.
[15:42:16] You got a good back.
[15:42:17] This shit is good.
[15:42:18] Hang on.
[15:42:19] Hey.
[15:42:20] This is a fresh back.
[15:42:21] Not my problem.
[15:42:23] I am just walking around having a water.
[15:42:35] Stay here.
[15:42:45] Oh, I heard that he's walking.
[15:42:49] He's coming up to my door.
[15:42:53] He's mugging me!
[15:42:55] Oh!
[15:42:56] No!
[15:42:57] Oh you want to mug him?
[15:42:58] Oh yeah yeah!
[15:42:59] Yeah, He's mugging me!
[15:43:00] No you're making a little noise, yeah.
[15:43:01] I know he is.
[15:43:02] Yeah.
[15:43:03] Hey dude!
[15:43:04] I got probably another one.
[15:43:05] This dog's down here right down my door.
[15:43:06] Alright, catch it up in a range and mix together.
[15:43:08] I got no problem with my gum.
[15:43:10] No, it's good, it's good, it's good.
[15:43:12] This is my secret sauce.
[15:43:14] You wanna try it?
[15:43:15] No, I'm trying what you're doing.
[15:43:17] Oh my God, Jaden, I'm gonna try it.
[15:43:18] Jaden, I'm gonna try it.
[15:43:22] Yeah, bro, let me know, let me know.
[15:43:23] What you think, Waze?
[15:43:25] The sauce was good?
[15:43:27] No, no, no, it's not good.
[15:43:30] It's not good, man.
[15:43:32] Hey, let me get more of the sauce in your shit.
[15:43:34] Goddamn.
[15:43:37] More of the sauce.
[15:43:39] It's like I'm sticking it in your shit.
[15:43:40] Oh, my God.
[15:44:12] Oh, yeah, you're right.
[15:44:45] Oh, look at these trishes here.
[15:44:50] I'll get them all back right now.
[15:44:53] Oh, you got a lot of the nazi?
[15:44:55] Should we say this on the bottom?
[15:44:58] Cool, that might make the smoke effect a lot.
[15:45:01] Whoa.
[15:45:02] Yo, can I get a few minutes of honey?
[15:45:04] The newer?
[15:45:05] The more the more it's done.
[15:45:07] Oh!
[15:45:08] That should not be a stomach.
[15:45:12] It's a bad day to be airpods, these are mine now, JK.
[15:45:21] Holy fuck bro, what the fuck are we going to do about global warming?
[15:45:32] That's just a screw in my life, that ass.
[15:45:35] Speaking of global warming, this is a prank, bro.
[15:45:42] No, when does the announcement come out?
[15:45:48] Set a date.
[15:45:49] We're in the month of now.
[15:45:51] Come on.
[15:45:52] You think that's gonna work?
[15:45:54] Come on.
[15:45:55] Come on.
[15:45:56] By November.
[15:45:57] Ah, I see.
[15:45:58] Come on.
[15:45:59] You can't go for two weeks.
[15:46:01] Two weeks.
[15:46:02] No.
[15:46:03] The streets need you.
[15:46:04] All right.
[15:46:05] Why do I have to come on my shirt?
[15:46:07] I got mad coming on my shirt.
[15:46:09] What happened?
[15:46:10] Can't.
[15:46:11] You remember him though?
[15:46:13] I don't remember what.
[15:46:15] You know this guy?
[15:46:17] The Forge.
[15:46:19] Oh my god.
[15:46:21] Oh my god.
[15:46:23] Are you good?
[15:46:31] I'm going to put you in the Arizona.
[15:46:33] Oh god.
[15:46:35] Hi.
[15:46:37] You got a look on your head.
[15:46:39] You got an example.
[15:46:43] City Reps.
[15:46:45] Nice of you.
[15:47:20] I'm so tired.
[15:47:22] Oh, he wants a drink.
[15:47:24] No one said, let's do the other way.
[15:47:26] Let's do the other way.
[15:47:28] I'm just saying, I've tagged my child's off-ground.
[15:47:30] It's 2.30, bro.
[15:47:32] That's already 2.30.
[15:47:36] It's a big timing.
[15:47:38] I'm just supposed to do it.
[15:47:40] I'm gonna be on a ship.
[15:47:42] You might be about that time.
[15:47:44] Facts. Oh my god, this is my time.
[15:47:46] You might be about that time.
[15:47:48] You got to get, get it going out.
[15:47:50] I don't know what you mean.
[15:47:52] What's your last name?
[15:47:54] I don't know.
[15:47:56] Yeah, come over here.
[15:47:58] Okay.
[15:48:00] You're doing your thing, big bro.
[15:48:03] I got it.
[15:48:05] That land?
[15:48:07] Yup.
[15:48:14] This is tough.
[15:48:16] It's not over, bro.
[15:48:18] It's not over, bro.
[15:48:20] It's gone, gone, it's gone over.
[15:48:22] Can I have a party with you?
[15:48:23] Just hire me, A.
[15:48:29] You know what? I think, I don't, I don't, I,
[15:48:33] I think we're going to have some knowledge about these over.
[15:48:37] Does he have any opinion on here?
[15:48:38] Because he knows what I'm talking about.
[15:48:40] I think you probably don't watch the guy after you.
[15:48:46] I just don't get it.
[15:48:47] What if Chinese guys see him?
[15:48:48] I'm going to be less smart.
[15:48:53] I'm going to be less smart.
[15:48:57] Still a crazy Japanese guy.
[15:49:03] I'm going to be less smart.
[15:49:11] He's probably going to give it to him.
[15:49:16] This kid, do you have no eyes?
[15:49:18] No.
[15:49:20] You got a lot of money.
[15:49:22] It's not good.
[15:49:27] I have double the profit.
[15:49:29] It's called double the profit.
[15:49:31] No, it's good.
[15:49:32] It's going out of focus.
[15:49:35] It should be good now.
[15:49:36] They're different Asian.
[15:49:41] Not a living.
[15:49:42] Not a living is a career.
[15:49:44] Yeah.
[15:49:45] They're not a living.
[15:49:47] I had a...
[15:49:50] But the real people,
[15:49:54] I got the money with it, I'm in a fuckin' double now.
[15:50:00] Yeah, you are fuckin' idiot.
[15:50:04] Are you seeing your gun?
[15:50:04] Saw your number?
[15:50:05] No, see this number?
[15:50:07] Oh yeah, fuckin'
[15:50:10] Wait a second, I have what?
[15:50:12] You have double, double this.
[15:50:13] How do they get money?
[15:50:15] Yeah.
[15:50:15] Do you want that?
[15:50:18] No, I don't.
[15:50:19] Double dude, you're the one crazy little dude.
[15:50:22] I look five?
[15:50:23] Yeah, I'm motivated a little bit.
[15:50:26] No, no, you gotta be doing it.
[15:50:28] No no no no no no no no!
[15:50:29] That ain't only working on Asians!
[15:50:30] Ha ha ha!
[15:50:32] I feel like you're one of them kids that had to argue about it.
[15:50:35] You try to scare English.
[15:50:36] I mean, I used to do that English.
[15:50:38] Stop talking!
[15:50:39] There's something in it.
[15:50:44] There's something going on.
[15:50:50] I think I'm a good cook.
[15:50:52] It's going knocking to the door.
[15:50:54] And you see it makes no-
[15:50:56] Yeah, this is an ordinary show you're talking about.
[15:50:58] This is wine.
[15:51:00] And the imagination is quite serious.
[15:51:02] Yeah, I don't know.
[15:51:03] This is going...
[15:51:05] the veins.
[15:51:06] That is so far, I'm just watching, I don't get you crazy.
[15:51:11] What? What does that mean? Go crazy?
[15:51:15] That's how for what's a placebo.
[15:51:19] No, you be using the pathogen term?
[15:51:23] No, but listen, all of that is like medulla.
[15:51:32] You know me?
[15:51:34] You know what I'm saying?
[15:51:36] Never fuck with it.
[15:51:37] Never fuck with that shit.
[15:51:38] Come on, get out.
[15:51:39] Tell us how to use it to carry out a table.
[15:51:41] I mean, they started dating since I got together.
[15:51:43] You use it to text me?
[15:51:44] Yeah.
[15:51:45] What were on it?
[15:51:46] I'm more of a knee on that.
[15:51:48] I thought the knee on that was yoga.
[15:51:50] Yoga, man.
[15:51:52] Oh, man.
[15:51:53] You can talk to him.
[15:51:55] You can talk to him.
[15:51:57] You can talk to him.
[15:51:58] You can talk to him.
[15:51:59] You can talk to him.
[15:52:00] You can talk to him.
[15:52:01] I
[15:52:33] I see you. I see you for them.
[15:52:37] We got everyone out to the yachts.
[15:52:41] Yo.
[15:52:44] Dang it bro.
[15:52:46] Oh, I think we can go see them.
[15:52:48] Party's over.
[15:52:55] I guess it'll us up.
[15:52:57] Just have my money go on.
[15:52:59] Just have my money go on.
[15:53:01] Just have my money go on.
[15:53:03] Nah, we just end the party like all guests.
[15:53:05] Yeah, I know.
[15:53:07] I was just wondering how Aaron is all out.
[15:53:09] Yeah, I just happen to see my wife.
[15:53:11] Come on.
[15:53:13] Hey, I feel like what's up in the door tonight?
[15:53:16] You all going to bed?
[15:53:17] Nope.
[15:53:18] We got to have more boobs in here, but we got to clear everyone out the house.
[15:53:21] Oh.
[15:53:23] The big nap segments coming out of you.
[15:53:25] Oh.
[15:53:26] Oh, okay, look.
[15:53:28] Damn.
[15:53:29] Is that okay, though?
[15:53:30] I don't want to roll in your shit, though.
[15:53:32] I'm not giving it funny as hell.
[15:53:35] You want to make me
[15:53:44] But they're good say we got it we go look you got to get this
[15:53:48] What's that you're okay?
[15:53:58] I'm fucking sure real shit. You're a very good energy. I can tell
[15:54:10] We got to do some sense of group
[15:54:15] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[15:54:17] Are you thinking over?
[15:54:19] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[15:54:21] Our job, over.
[15:54:26] Clear for the segment.
[15:54:28] Clear it on for the last segment, yeah.
[15:54:30] And that segment.
[15:54:32] We're all going to sleep in one room.
[15:54:34] I don't know.
[15:54:36] I think it's a dim.
[15:54:38] Yeah, yeah.
[15:54:40] I'm going to sleep in one room.
[15:54:42] I don't know.
[15:54:44] I think it's a dim.
[15:55:30] Let's go.
[15:55:44] Let's go.
[15:55:47] Let's go.
[15:55:49] Let's go.
[15:55:51] Let's go turn the music off, bro.
[15:55:53] We got the next one.
[15:55:55] I hope I don't play.
[15:55:57] That's our back.
[15:55:59] It's Lacy's music.
[15:56:01] Oh yeah, it might be Lacy's.
[15:56:03] I don't know, I would be playing with Lacey mid-stroker, I should go up.
[15:56:07] No!
[15:56:08] You guys blasting music!
[15:56:09] No, I'm sorry, you kicked me out the room and I was trying to farm soaps.
[15:56:12] That's great, you guys are really blasting music.
[15:56:15] You couldn't make any more out of me.
[15:56:19] What is that?
[15:56:20] I'm struggling with a better memory!
[15:56:22] Oh, hell yeah.
[15:56:28] That's just some weird shit, I don't know.
[15:56:46] I'm gonna shoot you in the head.
[15:56:47] I'm gonna suck so much.
[15:57:07] He's going to pee on those things.
[15:57:15] He's going to pee on those things.
[15:57:18] He was crazy when I was a six years old.
[15:57:25] He's back as a sweetie for the time.
[15:57:28] He's gonna check out what they see.
[15:57:30] Oh, my god.
[15:57:32] Don't be a Phoneface.
[15:57:40] Oh, my god.
[15:57:40] Hey, hey.
[15:57:41] Hey, hey, hey.
[15:57:43] It's a great video, man.
[15:57:46] I don't know what's happening, y'all do what I'm doing, man.
[15:57:48] How does it happen?
[15:57:50] Huh?
[15:57:50] I can't use the bathroom a bit.
[15:57:53] It just doesn't work.
[15:57:55] It's just going up.
[15:57:57] That was pretty nice.
[15:57:58] The head of my seat on this bed, I want to sit down.
[15:58:01] Yeah.
[15:58:02] I don't think it's going to be like this.
[15:58:04] Dude, what was this?
[15:58:08] It's just going to be like this.
[15:58:10] What was that on your screen?
[15:58:12] I don't know.
[15:58:13] I was looking for you.
[15:58:14] Why's it not like baby oil?
[15:58:15] No, it do that.
[15:58:16] It smells good.
[15:58:17] You know what's wrong with my baby over here?
[15:58:19] You're gonna change?
[15:58:21] Mad Micky got a lot of shit.
[15:58:27] It's Mad Micky that got a lot of shit in here.
[15:58:32] What are you doing?
[15:58:34] What are you doing?
[15:58:40] You got it?
[15:58:42] You're taking it up while you're making sure you're done with it.
[15:58:46] You're taking it up while you're making sure you're done with it.
[15:58:49] What kind of situation is this?
[15:58:51] All the bad people here.
[15:58:56] I just hit a pussy.
[15:58:57] What?
[15:58:58] I just, she just walked off, she was naked, bro.
[15:59:00] Oh, I see it.
[15:59:01] I don't see it.
[15:59:02] I don't see it at all.
[15:59:03] She's got a little bendy, baby.
[15:59:05] No.
[15:59:05] Wait.
[15:59:06] He's wearing cold packs.
[15:59:07] Wait.
[15:59:08] You're filthy.
[15:59:08] You had on the, uh, you, wait.
[15:59:10] What the fuck is going on?
[15:59:11] Wait.
[15:59:11] You had on the Kyrie Highlights?
[15:59:13] Oh, he had them all.
[15:59:14] You ain't seen the Kyrie Highlights?
[15:59:16] I heard.
[15:59:17] He was crushing some shit.
[15:59:18] Ha ha ha.
[15:59:19] He was crushing some shit without the newest mic.
[15:59:22] That's the word.
[15:59:23] Yeah.
[15:59:24] That's the word.
[15:59:25] Yeah, he was crunching, man.
[15:59:27] No, it's Jokey.
[15:59:28] You have a good rest of your night, though.
[15:59:30] I love you.
[15:59:31] What happened to me tonight?
[15:59:34] Bags.
[15:59:35] What divorce is in the bag?
[15:59:36] I like watching out.
[15:59:37] I believe I was crunching.
[15:59:39] But I know how hard it is to still be leaving.
[15:59:41] He was crunching Victoria, and he forgot to mute the mic.
[15:59:45] What?
[15:59:46] What?
[15:59:47] Oh, really?
[15:59:48] Oh, really?
[15:59:49] I'm gonna tell him I'm always on the phone.
[15:59:51] What is it?
[15:59:54] Uh, I think it's a...
[15:59:56] Oh!
[15:59:57] oh my god
[16:00:14] did you see something?
[16:00:16] I didn't tell her again
[16:00:19] what did you see?
[16:00:20] I didn't tell her again
[16:00:22] oh my god
[16:00:23] I don't know
[16:00:53] did you want me to say it?
[16:00:55] yeah I did
[16:00:57] Jesus
[16:01:01] that could have been a girl bag
[16:01:03] oh my god
[16:01:05] I could actually be in that room
[16:01:07] What are you saying bro lazy was figuring something to shower
[16:01:16] I'm sorry, bro. It's like you play with his hemorrhoids on
[16:02:09] Nah, you was watching?
[16:02:13] Are you?
[16:02:14] I'll give you advice.
[16:02:15] Oh, you was figuring this, we caught him figuring this booty of salary.
[16:02:20] Why are you talking?
[16:02:21] Why are you talking?
[16:02:23] Don't lie to me, lie to me.
[16:02:25] Ray, can you sign Bob, bro?
[16:02:28] What?
[16:02:29] What?
[16:02:30] What?
[16:02:31] What's that?
[16:02:32] I don't want to hear you sign my shirt.
[16:02:34] I got Bob's.
[16:02:35] What do you mean?
[16:02:36] Bob, what do you mean?
[16:02:37] Oh!
[16:02:38] I need you to sign this.
[16:02:40] I don't know what you're doing.
[16:02:49] Bob, I love you.
[16:02:51] Bob, right here.
[16:02:56] Please tell me the secret.
[16:03:00] Peter, I don't know what you're doing.
[16:03:02] Are you keeping Peter on it?
[16:03:07] You should keep him on it for a little bit.
[16:03:11] Yeah.
[16:03:13] You should have got names to sign too.
[16:03:15] I'll get it. I'll get it.
[16:03:17] It's because you were in Miami, bro.
[16:03:19] What happened?
[16:03:22] I just need you to sign it for me, bro.
[16:03:24] I want to see it in the hallway.
[16:03:26] I'm going to try it.
[16:03:28] You got to be...
[16:03:30] Wait, where's the cash?
[16:03:32] Are you with Jason?
[16:03:34] You want to bet?
[16:03:37] I don't even know how to go to the street.
[16:03:39] I'm going to put the chain on the block.
[16:03:49] Oh, we did...
[16:03:51] Oh, never mind. They're talking about the painting, but...
[16:03:53] Oh wait did you see the pain yeah, let me show you say you see the pain of your life
[16:04:01] You see the pain
[16:04:04] Oh, that's part of the beast
[16:04:09] Wait, we gotta look at a movie over there
[16:04:23] This is so crazy
[16:05:04] It's the anime. So we're all as the animators.
[16:05:08] Is this JJK?
[16:05:10] Oh, yeah, we're all animators.
[16:05:12] So that's you.
[16:05:18] This is K-Song.
[16:05:20] This is Ron.
[16:05:22] This is...
[16:05:24] What the fuck is this?
[16:05:26] Just tell it to me.
[16:05:28] You're right. This is your age.
[16:05:32] This is Lucy.
[16:05:34] Oh my goodness.
[16:05:36] Oh my goodness, where am I correct?
[16:05:38] Are you okay?
[16:05:40] Who's this?
[16:05:42] What's up?
[16:05:49] How are you?
[16:05:51] This is crazy.
[16:05:53] This is so far so good.
[16:05:55] Who else made it?
[16:05:57] Who made it?
[16:05:59] Who made it?
[16:06:01] Who made it?
[16:06:03] Well, I asked him to.
[16:06:05] Oh, he likes it.
[16:06:07] That's an ass job.
[16:06:09] Oh, you did it. How's that?
[16:06:13] Oh, you did it.
[16:06:17] Oh, you did it.
[16:06:19] Oh, you did it.
[16:06:23] I don't understand you, Gus.
[16:06:25] I can't understand you, Gus.
[16:06:27] You did it.
[16:06:29] You did the same pose.
[16:06:31] No.
[16:06:33] Y'all would like to still play a dress-up?
[16:06:36] Yeah, if you play...
[16:06:38] Y'all would like to play a dress-up.
[16:06:40] You're making me talk.
[16:06:42] I have you on top of that thing, pal.
[16:06:44] Oh!
[16:06:46] My high chain is very good on you, bro.
[16:06:48] What's up, bro?
[16:06:50] How's it going, bro?
[16:06:52] Whoa!
[16:06:54] Whoa!
[16:06:56] What are you doing here?
[16:06:58] Bro, you can't go outside.
[16:07:00] You can't go outside as well.
[16:07:02] You're my friend!
[16:07:07] I
[16:07:32] Hear
[16:07:45] Yeah, shut up to a fuck you
[16:07:48] I
[16:07:51] So fucking happy
[16:08:20] And it's the last day of the sub-a-thon. Oh my god.
[16:08:22] So you only have one more day to do it.
[16:08:24] That's the changer?
[16:08:26] That's what they're all saying, huh?
[16:08:28] Oh yeah, didn't they adapt to waiting that one night?
[16:08:31] They're all saying it.
[16:08:32] Do you want me to cut it towards you?
[16:08:33] No.
[16:08:34] I'll do it.
[16:08:36] They're saying...
[16:08:37] Wait, where's Rage?
[16:08:38] He's in the city, bro.
[16:08:39] I'm not gonna lie to you.
[16:08:40] Jake, honestly, I'm not gonna lie to you this morning.
[16:08:45] Don't bother Rage.
[16:08:47] I'm sorry.
[16:08:47] I'm sorry.
[16:08:48] I'm sorry.
[16:08:48] I'm sorry.
[16:08:49] I'm sorry.
[16:08:49] I'm sorry.
[16:08:50] I'm sorry.
[16:08:50] I'm sorry.
[16:08:52] I just took a time out.
[16:08:53] Stop.
[16:08:54] I just got a lap.
[16:08:55] It's been like the longest night.
[16:08:57] What time is it?
[16:08:58] It's about three yrs.
[16:09:00] Fuck you, Rocky.
[16:09:05] Go make a pub drink.
[16:09:06] OK.
[16:09:07] I'm going to cash you a car.
[16:09:09] Oh, whoa.
[16:09:10] Shit.
[16:09:11] How well?
[16:09:11] I'm going to cash you a car.
[16:09:12] No, you won't.
[16:09:13] Oh!
[16:09:15] I'll cash you a car.
[16:09:16] I'm taking the whole family feed right now.
[16:09:19] I want to show the fucking walls no fucking way to hide.
[16:09:24] Yeah, you know my last game, that's crazy.
[16:09:27] Walls?
[16:09:28] Well, it's wall.
[16:09:29] No, I mean that.
[16:09:30] That's right.
[16:09:31] Yeah, what's your last name?
[16:09:33] I'm not looking at your family.
[16:09:35] You're gonna fuck during the chat.
[16:09:39] Fuck during the chat.
[16:09:42] Fuck during is massive right now.
[16:09:44] Fuck that meme, man.
[16:09:45] It's not a meme, man.
[16:09:46] It's fucking the wall.
[16:09:47] No, it's a meme.
[16:09:48] Fuck you.
[16:09:49] bro who the fuck came on my shirt bro dead ass
[16:09:53] shit right here in the man's
[16:09:54] are you fucking kidding me
[16:09:57] alright ron do you want me to do a business with you
[16:10:00] how do you say that man
[16:10:01] yeah i probably have to go on my own
[16:10:03] it's hot it's hot people can see the showers
[16:10:05] and then the day after all
[16:10:07] perfect
[16:10:08] what do you think about it man
[16:10:10] we both
[16:10:11] we both
[16:10:14] we both
[16:10:15] we both got my stuff
[16:10:22] we got my stuff we got my stuff
[16:10:24] you got this dude
[16:10:56] What?
[16:11:00] Alright, alright, adab.
[16:11:03] Oh no, I think we're good as well.
[16:11:10] Attention, little children, come.
[16:11:20] Bro, this is the most legendary house store in the fucking world, bro.
[16:11:24] Let's get the fucking W's in the fucking shi-
[16:11:41] I don't want to get the murder.
[16:11:44] You know you're slamming, bro.
[16:11:45] No, you got a fucking room.
[16:11:47] Oh, my God, no, you're it.
[16:11:48] It's on us.
[16:11:49] Nice.
[16:11:52] Stables for that.
[16:11:53] Stables for that.
[16:11:54] Man, get some ass off this shit, because I'm
[16:11:56] killing you.
[16:11:56] What the fuck are you doing here?
[16:11:58] I don't want to tell you that.
[16:11:59] Let me just come out.
[16:12:00] Nice.
[16:12:00] I'm not going to lie, bro.
[16:12:01] I'm going to tell you what I'm going to tell you.
[16:12:03] Let me just.
[16:12:04] Yeah, I'm going to tell you what I'm going to tell you.
[16:12:06] Let me just come out.
[16:12:07] How are we doing that?
[16:12:08] I'm going to tell you what I'm going to tell you.
[16:12:09] Where's my camera, man?
[16:12:12] Damn.
[16:12:13] I'm not gonna lie, I just wasted 30 minutes doing that.
[16:12:19] What the fuck?
[16:12:21] Why am I black?
[16:12:34] Chat, we've made it to the end of the Sub-Abundant.
[16:12:38] Tonight is our last night together.
[16:12:42] Tonight is the last night.
[16:12:50] It's been fucking crazy.
[16:12:52] It's been fun.
[16:12:54] It's been real.
[16:12:56] It's also been pretty fucking real fun.
[16:13:00] You guys fucking killed it.
[16:13:03] You guys are the fucking goats.
[16:13:07] I fucking love y'all to the day I fucking die.
[16:13:13] I fucking love you.
[16:13:16] I wanted to know where did you start tonight,
[16:13:18] but I dabs down in front of the sleep,
[16:13:21] or he's drunk as fuck.
[16:13:23] I'm going to fucking sleepy, sleepy, sleep.
[16:13:26] I fucking love y'all so fucking much.
[16:13:28] Can we get a fucking W in the chat?
[16:13:31] Whoever made it to the end of the fucking subodon?
[16:13:33] This was pure cinema.
[16:13:35] tomorrow morning I will wake up super early make sure y'all come into the
[16:13:42] stream tomorrow for the last fucking couple hours that we're gonna spend
[16:13:46] together fucking crazy crazy crazy crazy fucking love these I love this
[16:13:55] community bro we hit 63,000 subs at the end of the month that's fucking
[16:14:02] insane, never fucking counts yourself out, never quit on yourself. I love y'all so much.
[16:14:12] In the air, bro. You guys are the fucking goats. For real. Other than that, I'll see y'all
[16:14:26] bright and early in the morning. I'm about to run maximum ads. If you could keep me
[16:14:30] tab that'd be nice I would make me happy yeah I love y'all bro W's in the
[16:14:36] fucking chat W Rani-san W fucking community good fucking night yeah if I
[16:14:44] wake up to 60 70 K we do it on cap seven one JK JK before I go to bed though
[16:14:54] Are we really gonna allow twitch to be the last sub of the night?
[16:14:59] Yoi?
[16:15:00] Haha.
[16:15:01] Uhhh.
[16:15:02] Jk.
[16:15:03] Good night, bro.
[16:15:04] I love y'all so much.
[16:15:08] My socks are coming off.
[16:15:09] That's how you know shit's getting serious.
[16:15:10] Um.
[16:15:11] Yeah.
[16:15:12] 100k overnight.
[16:15:13] So you want me to get 40,000 subs overnight is what I'm hearing.
[16:15:14] Appreciate that fucking.
[16:15:15] Continue.
[16:15:16] Good night.
[16:15:17] Yeah.
[16:15:18] 100k overnight.
[16:15:19] So you want me to get 40,000 subs overnight is what I'm hearing.
[16:15:26] that fucking continue their gifted sub.
[16:15:30] All right, y'all, make sure to keep me tabbed.
[16:15:33] I love y'all.
[16:15:33] I'll see y'all in the morning for the last fucking,
[16:15:39] for the last fucking day.
[16:15:42] Last couple hours, mods.
[16:15:44] Can you make the title?
[16:15:45] Oh, thank you for the Twitch Prime, bro.
[16:15:47] I don't know what my title is.
[16:15:48] My title is, can one of my mods
[16:15:50] give the title to last, like 10 hours?
[16:15:54] How am I not, I don't fucking know.
[16:15:56] Like ending at 3 p.m. This time
[16:15:59] Fucking no, I love y'all. I'm running max ads keep me fucking tab
[16:16:04] W's in the fucking chat if you were here spam. I was here
[16:16:07] This was literally it Ralph is what we is what we talked about
[16:16:11] This is what we talked about. I
[16:16:15] Love y'all
[16:16:17] Good fucking night
[16:16:19] Stay bull on me
[16:16:21] They bill on three one
[16:16:25] two
[16:16:27] Hey
[16:16:29] Good night y'all last fucking night
[16:16:33] Mods you can enable gambling if you want
[16:16:38] It's the last night
[16:16:40] Such a y'all
[16:16:43] Good night. I love y'all
[16:16:51] Love y'all we fucking did it phase
[16:16:56] You see what I'm doing?
[16:17:15] A6 twinge.
[16:17:21] Good night, chat.
[16:17:41] Guys, farm me 50k subs.
[16:17:43] Over night.
[16:18:14] You're timeless.
[16:18:16] Good night.
[16:18:18] See y'all in the fucking morning.
[16:18:20] Oh, you sh-
[16:21:52] Don't turn the shut the door!
[23:42:05] Don't turn the chat!
[23:47:28] I still need these drinks.
[23:47:30] I don't have any toothpaste left.
[23:47:32] So I'll be back in, like, 45 seconds.
[23:47:34] The boy
[23:51:02] This is fucking crazy
[23:51:07] We end at 3 p.m
[23:51:10] We're gonna be doing a round table pride in the next two hours
[23:51:19] like one o'clock which is basically we're gonna just talk about some shit it's kind of a
[23:51:27] way.
[23:51:28] Um, you only got us for two hours and now I end at three so you got me like for like
[23:51:32] another five hours, four hours, but that's really it, that's really it, bro.
[23:51:42] Um, I'm not even gonna check my Twitter account because I saw that there was, I'm just
[23:51:50] not taking my tour coming real. I saw that there's some shit out of Diana, bro. I'm not
[23:51:55] gonna lie. I'm gonna say one thing, one thing, I don't fucking care. Simple as that, bro.
[23:52:01] That's my straight up answer. I'm not letting my 30 days get ruined over fucking Diana.
[23:52:06] I'm not giving her the reaction she wants. I'm not talking about it. I don't give
[23:52:09] a fuck. Um, simple as that. Other than that, I'm so fucking proud of this
[23:52:16] Honestly it's insane to me how far we fucking came. I talked about it so much, but it's really insane.
[23:52:24] We did end up number one most watched streamer. Yo, appreciate the five gift aid of Waleiji.
[23:52:30] Thank you so much.
[23:52:33] Yeah, bro.
[23:52:35] It's fucking insane.
[23:52:38] Uh, going to Max's room?
[23:52:42] What's Max's room?
[23:52:44] Should I go spend some time with Blackway Max?
[23:52:52] Should I go spend some time with Blackway Max?
[23:52:54] Is he muted?
[23:53:01] Oh, he's farming?
[23:53:05] Oh.
[23:53:07] What's everyone else doing in this beautiful morning?
[23:53:13] Lacey, girlfriend.
[23:53:19] Silky.
[23:53:22] Silky now here.
[23:53:24] Silky on clips.
[23:53:25] Jason.
[23:53:26] Jason, sleep.
[23:53:28] Adapt.
[23:53:29] How good?
[23:53:31] A dabs on
[23:53:39] That's on
[23:53:48] Was this the best finale chance or breast blood this was actually like I was so stupid
[23:54:04] Look at it
[23:54:17] Oh my god it's Ronison awake!
[23:54:21] Adab son!
[23:54:24] Adab son!
[23:54:25] Ronison is risen?
[23:54:27] Adab son!
[23:54:29] Hang on now!
[23:54:30] Hang on now, Ronison!
[23:54:36] Pull up on your arm, hold up.
[23:54:44] Adab son!
[23:54:45] Oh!
[23:54:48] Adab son?
[23:54:49] Oh shit, Adab son coming.
[23:54:52] Oh I'm so fucked.
[23:55:06] Adab son.
[23:55:22] Adab son!
[23:55:30] Ronison!
[23:55:31] Where's all the trophies? Oh my God.
[23:55:37] Look at how much fucking trophies you have.
[23:55:41] I mean, it's nothing, man. It's just that we want it.
[23:55:46] What's going on with Rodney's time?
[23:55:48] How you feeling? 63K?
[23:55:51] I'm ready to go to fucking sleep.
[23:55:53] You're gonna go back to sleep?
[23:55:55] No, I'm ready to go to sleep and be done.
[23:55:57] Chad, the end of the sub-a-thon is actually here.
[23:56:03] 30 days, Rodney's time! We did it!
[23:56:06] We did it. We did it. We went to the awards last night. Best Buy went Double Platinum.
[23:56:13] I wanted a more for you. You wanted a more. We won Best Duo. This month has been amazing, y'all.
[23:56:21] And I've gotten closer with every single one of you. You're really like a brother to me, right?
[23:56:27] We had so much fun this month.
[23:56:29] The nap segments.
[23:56:32] Best Buy.
[23:56:34] The stalling basketball trick shots.
[23:56:37] Did we even do it?
[23:56:39] Like when we stall content we just trick shot.
[23:56:41] Outside of the night.
[23:56:44] The group segments.
[23:56:46] Taw and JP's death.
[23:56:51] This is what we're doing right now.
[23:56:53] Times five.
[23:56:54] Yeah, it's like the tenth time we've done this and got over it.
[23:56:59] It's been real bro.
[23:57:00] Shit's been fun.
[23:57:02] Shit's even been really fun.
[23:57:05] Really fucking fun.
[23:57:07] You're a crazy dude.
[23:57:10] And Jason is an ugly dude.
[23:57:14] Jason is one ugly little...
[23:57:16] He's so hideous, look at him.
[23:57:18] He's not looking at him, really genuinely.
[23:57:20] Is this the end of the Ronny Saan phase of that?
[23:57:25] No.
[23:57:26] It can't be right? Maybe it's just the beginning.
[23:57:37] I'm not gonna sleep under the same roof as you every day.
[23:57:40] Or every night.
[23:57:42] Maybe we're not gonna be able to rip nab nap segments
[23:57:46] But there's no fucking way we're not stepping in another best ball hang on here
[23:57:55] I don't know
[23:58:05] Is that you daps on what was that you what right there
[23:58:16] That yeah, I mean I was just
[23:58:19] But back to my original point, but I wanna let y'all know, even though we're not gonna be sleeping underneath the same roof.
[23:58:29] Best Buy Season 2 is coming to a Twitch stream near you!
[23:58:43] We're not done!
[23:58:44] It's not over yet, guys.
[23:58:46] This is not the end!
[23:58:48] We're going to every Best Buy in the Tri-State area and doing a fucking tour!
[23:58:54] There's a hundred and forty six best buys in California what does that mean for us oh
[23:59:22] there's a thousand in the United States there's a thousand fifty two that means
[23:59:26] we would have to visit about three-ish a day to get it done in a year yeah maybe
[23:59:31] we do a year straight a best buy one year best buy segment
[23:59:38] well we dead ass only have two hours left with our chats so wait so basically
[23:59:46] we're doing a round table at one. Yeah. And that's like an hour? Probably like an hour,
[23:59:53] two hours, however long we sit there. I think we should all end at three, I thought, no?
[23:59:57] Yeah, but we're all going to end together the same way we started. Like these are the
[24:00:01] last two hours everybody has with chat. And after this, we're going to end down here
[24:00:07] and go to the main able hand. That's going to be it. Damn, they're saying best buy
[24:00:17] segment to your list. The one yesterday was pretty good. That was probably the best. That
[24:00:22] was fucking electric. Seven letters. Phenomenal. For real. What time is round? Take a look at
[24:00:31] that one. They're saying you should uncap your subatom. Wait, what happened last night?
[24:00:38] I hit one of the biggest sub goals I ever imagined. I also hit 500k followers. I
[24:00:42] also hit my peak viewers. And then Diana walked in the room. I made me so... I was
[24:00:47] I was literally about to swing this one down.
[24:00:50] When she said that, I was like, what are you doing?
[24:00:52] I like, do you want to put that in the box?
[24:01:06] Like it was, that was the weirdest shit ever.
[24:01:08] I took this part right here.
[24:01:09] Yeah, wait, yeah.
[24:01:10] I mean it's so annoying.
[24:01:11] I was like, yeah.
[24:01:12] Wait, that was so weird and random.
[24:01:14] And I'm like, what happened?
[24:01:15] I don't even think about that.
[24:01:16] They're saying, oh, okay.
[24:01:19] Oh, like it was all.
[24:01:20] I said this on my stream,
[24:01:21] because first of all,
[24:01:22] this girl loves going on stream and talking,
[24:01:24] so I'm not going to say too much
[24:01:24] because I don't want to give the attention she wants.
[24:01:27] I don't fucking care about her.
[24:01:28] I got a newsflash.
[24:01:29] There's gonna be people in your life that don't like you.
[24:01:31] I don't fucking like you for my own valid reasons.
[24:01:33] Who fucking cares what I think though?
[24:01:34] You're a grown up, I'm a grown up.
[24:01:36] Who fucking cares?
[24:01:37] Simple as that.
[24:01:38] I just don't care, right?
[24:01:41] There's gonna be people who don't like you.
[24:01:42] That's how the world works.
[24:01:44] People out there in Max's, oh, thanks for the 25 burgers.
[24:01:47] 25 burger.
[24:01:49] There's literally gonna be people out there.
[24:01:50] Like in Max's comm, there's people who hate me.
[24:01:52] In other comms, people who hate me.
[24:01:54] On Twitter, there's people who hate me.
[24:01:55] Do I care?
[24:01:55] No, this is how it works.
[24:01:57] Like, you gotta accept it.
[24:02:00] Accept, for real, accept.
[24:02:02] Accept, and if you weren't accepted,
[24:02:04] then you can't ask for an invite.
[24:02:05] No, don't.
[24:02:06] But like, I genuinely don't care about her.
[24:02:08] I said it 100 times, but like,
[24:02:09] the first time we interacted,
[24:02:10] she caught Adapte a C word,
[24:02:13] which is banable on Twitch.
[24:02:14] Luckily I didn't get banned, shout out Twitch.
[24:02:16] During Adapte's biggest fucking moment last night,
[24:02:18] she talks about my moments of life
[24:02:20] in front of Adapte's and his channel.
[24:02:21] I'm like, what are you doing?
[24:02:23] And she comes on stream and tries to press me
[24:02:26] over me not liking her.
[24:02:27] It's just like, bro, I just don't care.
[24:02:30] But of course, somehow she starts a Twitch account,
[24:02:33] starts to stream up.
[24:02:34] Oh my God, yeah.
[24:02:37] Classic duck smoking cigarette, classic.
[24:02:40] But I don't want to talk about it
[24:02:41] because I'm not letting our 30 days be ruined by that.
[24:02:43] I'm gonna be real.
[24:02:44] It's just been two fucking crazies
[24:02:46] and two fucking...
[24:02:47] Duck smoking cigarette.
[24:02:50] Thank you again for the 25 gifts that brought me.
[24:02:52] I appreciate it.
[24:02:53] Shout out to Lalo.
[24:02:54] I actually like...
[24:02:55] Thank you, bro.
[24:02:56] I actually need to do my VIP a little more soon.
[24:02:59] But it's the end, Roggeson.
[24:03:03] This isn't the end.
[24:03:04] I'm ready.
[24:03:04] I'm proud of you, dawg.
[24:03:05] Because it's just the beginning.
[24:03:08] Or maybe it's just the beginning.
[24:03:11] And then you gotta cue the mic.
[24:03:13] And then I give him some cops.
[24:03:16] And they give me a middle finger.
[24:03:18] And then he says, push the ass, here you go.
[24:03:27] That's you, little dude.
[24:03:29] You are one crazy little load.
[24:03:32] You were one funny little crazy little best buy dude.
[24:03:36] You got kidnapped by an escalator yesterday.
[24:03:40] Did you see that clip?
[24:03:41] A what?
[24:03:42] Well, you got kidnapped by an escalator.
[24:03:49] Like look at the clip.
[24:03:50] But.
[24:03:58] Thanks for the rest.
[24:04:10] Yeah, what are y'all spamming?
[24:04:13] Like why are you spamming that clip like mods?
[24:04:16] Thanks for kidding me.
[24:04:19] I don't want to make you.
[24:04:23] You're crazy
[24:04:25] You are crazy to the moon. I
[24:04:29] Said maybe I
[24:04:32] Deadass said maybe what is this emo?
[24:04:36] Maricord
[24:04:37] Where did you get a maricord?
[24:04:42] Now you're Jack Jill. Oh my fucking god
[24:04:47] You're crazy I did I said maybe brah I did I said maybe
[24:04:53] these mods he's time you're pushing clips this comes in handy I'm usually so much
[24:04:57] oh I need it I need to use it yeah extra short for this yeah like this I've
[24:05:01] been wanting this big pants extra the pants big pants actually came in the
[24:05:06] same with the pants last night and it got to 30k my god thanks a little bit
[24:05:12] weird when we talk about big pants yeah I know he was very very adamant like oh
[24:05:17] if it was me you would have known it was me that seems like a big pants
[24:05:21] type of fucking move. It seems like a bank's move. So banks potential big pants alter ego.
[24:05:28] Some sort of moon night situation. I don't know. I feel like that's big pants.
[24:05:32] Some sort of venom symbiotic relationship where like big pants takes over banks and banks doesn't
[24:05:37] know. Right. And then he just gets... Right. Why don't you do some of the time you like
[24:05:40] action. Like you're 30. Is that crazy? You know you're 30. You're an old little dude.
[24:05:46] I'm 27.
[24:05:47] You're crazy, Rick.
[24:05:48] I'm 27.
[24:05:50] You were born when they went to space.
[24:05:53] No.
[24:05:54] The moon landing was like in the fucking 50s or the 60s.
[24:06:01] Listen.
[24:06:02] Can I ask you a question?
[24:06:03] Yeah.
[24:06:04] Did you have color TV?
[24:06:07] Yes.
[24:06:08] Yes, I spawned in and there was color TV.
[24:06:12] I'm not that.
[24:06:13] You were there for the midnight or at least the original phone.
[24:06:15] The first-hour home.
[24:06:18] Yeah, I think you were too. Wait, no, no, no, the phone has been around for a minute.
[24:06:25] A fucking minute. Listen, little bro, we got two hours left.
[24:06:31] Dude, do you want to do another side mission or what are you trying to do here in these last two hours?
[24:06:37] We just kick it with the chat, vibe out.
[24:06:40] I look, you gotta get shitty.
[24:06:42] Same.
[24:06:43] You know what I'm saying?
[24:06:45] Oh, I
[24:06:48] Had it already. What is it? It's like pancakes eggs bacon some pretty smoothies
[24:06:54] The best five segments over chat. I don't know if we have time for one more mission, bro. I
[24:06:59] Think we finish it. I think we fit in and out finale
[24:07:04] Now we're doing the finale in that ass two hours child. We're gonna sign it off
[24:07:08] The last night was fun, bro. This whole month has been fun
[24:07:12] This whole month has been real.
[24:07:16] This whole month has been really fun.
[24:07:18] Ronnyson's chat, it's stable.
[24:07:21] I love y'all if I don't get to sit here
[24:07:23] and say goodbye to y'all before the end of the sub-a-thon
[24:07:26] outside of the round table.
[24:07:31] You guys have held it down.
[24:07:32] The shit has been so much fun.
[24:07:33] Shout out to y'all.
[24:07:34] Shout out to Ronnyson.
[24:07:36] We won best duo.
[24:07:37] We took a home.
[24:07:39] This is my brother right here.
[24:07:40] I love y'all.
[24:07:40] I'm so fucking proud of you.
[24:07:41] You have 63K subs.
[24:07:43] You went fucking bananas this sub-a-thon.
[24:07:45] You broke records.
[24:07:46] You hit new highs, new peaks that you never even thought
[24:07:49] you would imagine.
[24:07:50] Last year, you had under a thousand subs.
[24:07:52] You were averting up to a couple hundred viewers.
[24:07:55] And now fucking look at you.
[24:07:56] You just woke up.
[24:07:57] You got crust in your eyes.
[24:07:59] Your ass stinks.
[24:08:00] And you have 10K viewers off the wake-up.
[24:08:03] You're so ugly.
[24:08:08] That's fair.
[24:08:09] That is fair.
[24:08:10] You're a crazy little dude.
[24:08:11] I love you, bro.
[24:08:12] I love you too, Ronnie Ston.
[24:08:13] Good night.
[24:08:14] I'm going back to bed.
[24:08:15] Okay.
[24:08:16] No, I'm just kidding.
[24:08:17] I love you, bro.
[24:08:18] I like you too.
[24:08:19] I'm going to see you soon.
[24:08:20] I'm going to see you soon.
[24:08:21] That's a crazy little fucking dude.
[24:08:28] That's a crazy little fucking dude.
[24:08:30] You'll chat shy.
[24:08:31] Open up my revenue page right now.
[24:08:33] Edit it to say 1.2 million just to get a good clip or not.
[24:08:36] Should I do it?
[24:08:37] And then show by accident.
[24:08:38] And then like, let me edit it.
[24:08:43] Oh my god.
[24:08:44] This clip.
[24:08:45] This clip is gonna go viral. Oh my god. What should I make it say? Give me a number. What do you think I should make it say?
[24:08:51] I'm thinking
[24:09:00] No, I gotta make it believable I have to make it believable. It's like
[24:09:06] 1, 2, 3, 1
[24:09:11] Okay 1.2 million oh this is so far. Oh my god
[24:09:17] 1.2 million oh
[24:09:18] My god, I should leak it. No, I should leak that but it's fake
[24:09:27] 1.231698 here we go here we go here we go
[24:09:30] I need everyone to freak the fuck out when I do this ready. Just just act normal
[24:09:39] Okay, just someone link me a
[24:09:43] Knock one line around you should check out this clip right here
[24:09:46] Well, what is this bro? I?
[24:09:49] Don't really care about these clips. What is this that y'all sent me from a dad?
[24:09:55] why is it black screen yo adapt who is he kissing yo oh my gosh is weird yo oh
[24:10:10] my fucking god bro oh my fucking I mean a fucking week that bro and then cut
[24:10:50] the clip cut the clip cut the clip cut the clip cut the clip okay someone
[24:10:53] someone now someone no that's good that's good that's good cinema chat cinema
[24:11:14] yo shut up and not make 1.2 million oh my god that's not the new joke that's
[24:11:22] gonna go around in my chat now we just fucking fake that and you guys are
[24:11:26] acting like that serious like how are you guys gonna how are you guys gonna
[24:11:32] see me make a fake clip and then act like it's real now what I'm sorry like
[24:11:38] You guys are so fucking bored fake in quotes
[24:11:49] No stop why are y'all spreading this clip
[24:12:01] Weird little dudes this chat is
[24:12:05] Jason's women
[24:12:07] This is perfect. This is perfect. They think it's oh my god, dude Chad, this is perfect
[24:12:20] They think it's fake
[24:12:23] Two steps ahead of them, bro. I made more than that. I lowered it
[24:12:30] Now the IRS won't believe how much money I made
[24:12:33] So now I can pay less taxes. I have no clue. I'm two steps ahead of them, bro
[24:12:39] I'm a crazy little dude. Oh, I'm a crazy little dude. I'm a crazy little dude
[24:12:48] In and out should I test the diamonds wait, should I test the diamonds rug? I mean
[24:13:37] Just kidding. This thing is broken
[24:13:40] This is broken
[24:13:42] I'm a crazy dude
[24:13:47] This has been broke. This is broke the first fucking day someone hit the tip pause
[24:13:53] Ron has a bomb like what are you even typing like it's not fake you don't have to put suss you weirdo
[24:14:02] Yo, I gotta get real fucking shitty. What should I do? I don't have 1.2 million you weirdos
[24:14:19] Where are you guys getting I got 1.2 million room?
[24:14:24] Retire Diana Jesus fucking Christ
[24:14:32] You know, it's crazy somehow someone's gonna tweet that clip and it's probably gonna get like 20k likes and they're gonna believe it
[24:14:42] It's so crazy how the internet believes everything. Classic.
[24:14:46] Rupee's question mark. What are you even typing this for?
[24:14:54] Like, what are you even typing for? The last message you have is fuck the IRS and then you say Rupee's.
[24:15:01] Hello Kimmy, it's a blurtag.
[24:15:04] Hey Ron, I love you. Fuck you, huh? I love you, Ron.
[24:15:18] Aww. Where was that message from?
[24:15:23] Love you run you really helped me through my mental this month enjoy yourself. Fuck you bro. Stop spamming in my chair band
[24:15:36] any son
[24:15:40] lights
[24:15:42] Shut up
[24:15:44] Shake that dick daddy. Okay. Yes. I gotta go take a shit who's streaming you guys won't why don't take a poopy poopy
[24:15:50] It might be a it might be a 10-minute shit. I might get real shitty
[24:15:55] Wait a dabs watching me. Oh, no
[24:16:01] Jason actually leaked though
[24:16:12] No, he didn't this doesn't even seem real because I
[24:16:18] Made more than half a mill and he has a hundred thousand twitch subs doesn't make any sense
[24:16:23] Let me look at my mind right now. I made way more than that
[24:16:29] I did not make one point two million dollars like yo, can you stop? Can you stop?
[24:16:38] I'm saying like not way more, but I made a lot more and he's a hundred that makes no sense
[24:16:42] out bro jason cleared i'm leaking it right now i'm leaking it right now jason cleared 700 grand
[24:16:50] 800 grand i'm just being real he cleared 700 800 grand i'm being real and if you disagree
[24:17:02] you're an iron but you made 1.2 mil shut the shut the fuck up some will please buy an s of 90
[24:17:10] instead of an 812 first of all this car fucking sucks dick I'd rather have an 812
[24:17:17] super fast that's just legendary right this car's not bad but like I like the
[24:17:22] 812 bro the 812 is just a bro like imagine imagine stumble retorto right
[24:17:29] imagine you have stumble retorto and this is what you hear listen to this
[24:17:36] Listen, I just want to check. Can you guys just give me $150,000 in there?
[24:18:00] I don't know why you guys are being so weird.
[24:18:04] Can I get a retweet? You guys aren't giving your streamer your money. I don't understand.
[24:18:10] It's so weird. I don't know of anyone who agrees with this hot team, but like...
[24:18:29] I gotta make more money. I think I'm gonna start a coin, which I'll support it.
[24:18:44] Like, don't be weird, we'll just support it.
[24:18:46] Please?
[24:18:49] Like, y'all have to buy one. Just like buy one.
[24:18:54] Should I leave it on Lacy's stream chat? I gotta get shitty. You tell me.
[24:18:57] Lacy, China, or Max?
[24:19:08] Who the fuck did what they say, man?
[24:19:10] I thought China was fucking hell.
[24:19:13] All I see is you in the lead.
[24:19:15] China? All right.
[24:19:20] Mods, pin this message.
[24:19:22] Taking this shit, BRB.
[24:19:24] Yo, someone in my- do I have any mods here? Mod check?
[24:19:28] We make a prediction if I come back and find minyouts
[24:19:33] I gotta take a dukey
[24:19:42] Alright, I'll be back
[24:19:44] Jack, if I'm not back in five minutes
[24:19:46] Someone shoot me, okay?
[24:19:50] Mods!
[24:19:53] I'll be back, take a boot
[24:19:55] Stop dancing in my chat, we're gonna know
[24:20:00] Guys, I saw Jason hit a hundred K subs
[24:20:04] loves. I'm so proud of him. I hope he feels like so excited and not so like overwhelmed
[24:20:18] because that is a crazy amount. Like that's fucking kooky beans.
[24:20:26] Kooky beans. Crazy. But yeah, really really proud of him, really happy for him. Buh-nah
[24:20:34] Thank you, Pokimane!
[24:20:36] Means a lot!
[24:20:38] That means a lot, that means a lot, that means a lot!
[24:20:45] Sub-A-Thon Awards?
[24:20:47] Holy shit, man.
[24:20:54] Holy shit.
[24:20:56] I think I've seen this already.
[24:20:58] It's the one way.
[24:21:00] Yes.
[24:21:11] Sub.
[24:21:37] I'mma go to prison for doing some shit, say.
[24:21:38] I'mma go to prison for doing some shit.
[24:21:39] Yo, yo, yo, we not gonna stop.
[24:21:41] I'mma go to prison for doing some shit.
[24:21:42] I'mma go to prison for doing some shit.
[24:21:43] I'm so proud of this, and I love you guys with that.
[24:21:46] We can sign off.
[24:21:47] Go on, go on.
[24:21:48] She was incredible, bro.
[24:22:12] Rod and I actually made 1.2, y'all.
[24:22:26] He was an inspected, elemented dude.
[24:22:31] Finished the Reddit.
[24:22:34] But I'm pretty sure he made more than me, though.
[24:22:37] Pretty sure he made more than me because he was running higher as than me at the
[24:22:41] start damn bro someone mad love and it is a myriah post post ETA on socials
[24:23:24] Arya's reaction to message to my message thank you for supporting Jason
[24:23:36] The Yari?
[24:23:38] The Yari was pointed out and they will always appreciate you all.
[24:23:42] Of course.
[24:23:50] Read every SoCal Asian content creator on this dig.
[24:23:53] Stay over there, ya'll are going boys.
[24:23:56] Daaang.
[24:24:02] I don't know who that sexy motherfucker is in the back,
[24:24:05] but I wish so. No, that is not Yugi.
[24:24:08] Who the fuck is this?
[24:24:10] Who the fuck is this?
[24:24:14] the fuck is this let's clip the soul ETA edit
[24:24:39] it's going to be in top of the quality of the city
[24:24:45] and hi ETA
[24:24:48] Asian constant that let's go
[24:24:59] now keep cap cut though keep cap I mean delete it sorry my fault pump fake
[24:25:07] delete that shit let's see that we let's
[24:25:12] For those who see themselves as failings, I've seen Jason's decisions in a young age.
[24:25:17] Many people think that life is going to be worse for him than it feels like they are
[24:25:20] a failure due to success.
[24:25:22] If you have your time, I'll pass it on to you.
[24:25:24] I don't know if my grandpa doesn't remember who I am.
[24:25:26] And maybe you should have social problems so I lost all my friends.
[24:25:30] Dang it.
[24:25:31] I used to think that everyone was lucky and they have a better life and I was
[24:25:34] being jealous.
[24:25:35] Not everyone will have the time to care for them.
[24:25:37] Live your life, love and care.
[24:25:39] Live with the Jesus God.
[24:25:40] You may not know.
[24:25:41] Man, I'm living like I just shouldn't be a born-and-gut, you know, tongue-cough, hey, man, keep going strong, y'all.
[24:25:46] Facts, bruh.
[24:25:50] Facts, bruh.
[24:25:54] Facts, bruh.
[24:25:55] Never compare yourself to other people.
[24:25:57] I had a problem doing that growing up, man.
[24:26:00] Because in an Asian household, all you're getting done, all that's happening is you're getting compared to other fucking prospects in the family.
[24:26:10] Other other other kids in the family family members cousins, bro
[24:26:15] That shit fucked up with my mom and fucked me up
[24:26:18] But also in this industry, especially you will get compared
[24:26:24] But
[24:26:30] The fuck is this email y'all pretty much? Yeah a comparison is the thief of choice of shit out of your boy. Just stay your own lane
[24:26:36] That's good, bro. I'm not one I got side
[24:26:50] I got such a heavy well
[24:26:54] I'm not kidding when I say this
[24:26:58] Chat I need car nerds shut up. Oh everyone shut up. How I need car nerds
[24:27:04] bro chat
[24:27:08] Bro, is it is this worth it?
[24:27:13] Well, I'm like looking at Rob and doing this for like three days now. I don't know what I want
[24:27:19] But I don't have this much money
[24:27:21] This is like so fucking expensive
[24:27:26] I'm trying to find this shit cheaper
[24:27:29] Stop saying cab 1.2. Yeah, the only reason I don't want it
[24:27:38] But I was saying SVJ blah blah blah, but SVJ is so uncomfortable
[24:27:43] That's something I want when I'm older. It's so fucking uncomfortable
[24:27:51] That shit is literally like
[24:27:58] Like I'm like James Bond in this car
[24:28:01] No y'all could start calling me in this chat y'all can start calling me stable stable raw and oh that's hard
[24:28:13] highest price
[24:28:15] You don't need one
[24:28:16] Okay, Kimmy, but which one would you yet? Would you get an 812 super fast 765 McLaren a GT3 RS?
[24:28:26] Or do you get like an event to do her like?
[24:28:29] This is like
[24:28:46] Saving getting on
[24:28:48] Shad app
[24:28:55] But this car so loud. Oh
[24:28:58] My god, some these are beautiful. Oh my god. I can really have a white Ferrari that's Rangosian
[24:29:06] But these are good specs still
[24:29:10] like I like this and
[24:29:21] I'd oh my god, look at this fucking rap or color. Look at this. Oh my god
[24:29:29] Imagine I had one of these I don't like the interior this inter is nice
[24:29:37] Not far. I just really good jobs of tailoring the shit
[24:29:47] Cars ugly
[24:29:49] I mean, bro. That's what I like. That's why I gave y'all a list of saying which one do you think?
[24:29:55] I mean, we'll figure it out
[24:30:07] Fuck all that get a Pagani
[24:30:09] So you think I have enough money to buy a Pagani
[24:30:13] It's just things I have enough money to buy a Pagani
[24:30:20] $1.2 million so you guys think I have more than a couple million dollars in my
[24:30:26] back is what I'm hearing they don't even list the price so you want me to buy
[24:30:35] this is what I'm hearing yes one day today's not a day but one day for short
[24:30:57] I don't know what's our dream car bro this is what I do straight off in the
[24:31:04] morning what's the difference what's the difference between a comp yo more
[24:31:15] Stop you fucking weirdo, but this is beautiful
[24:31:25] Why is this so much money on? Oh?
[24:31:29] What's up fuck this custom tailored?
[24:31:32] Any cars dream course long as I have my dream passenger with me get a fucking job, bro
[24:31:45] I just love looking at cars. Oh, why should I buy a lot for Ari?
[24:32:03] Mario it's not real
[24:32:06] Shall I buy a lot for Ari?
[24:32:19] Sometimes I think you guys think that I have more money than I have
[24:32:25] Yo, this car is not worth a million dollars. This is like this actually looks like a piece of shit
[24:32:30] I don't care what anyone says this thing looks like a piece of fucking garbage
[24:32:39] Yo, Ryan shut up, bro. God damn. You're fucking weird
[24:32:47] Yo, should I
[24:32:50] Ryan, what do you think 812 super fast GT3 RS 765?
[24:32:55] What you think?
[24:33:10] I was also told I should get a 488
[24:33:13] Pista
[24:33:15] GTDRS? Yeah, but HL Superfast is just
[24:33:18] That is so fucking
[24:33:20] This car is aura
[24:33:22] Like, be honest, is it? Like, look at this
[24:33:25] Like, I swear to God, when you pull up somewhere
[24:33:28] Oh my God, bro, look
[24:33:33] This car is
[24:33:34] No, this car is really aura
[24:33:38] Like, look at this shit, bro
[24:33:41] Thank you for the two of them
[24:33:43] Like
[24:33:44] H-Hose is crazy but it's a lot.
[24:33:48] I really like it.
[24:33:50] Like look, I just imagined Chad.
[24:33:53] Chad, imagine Stumble Rotardo coming down your block in one of these.
[24:33:57] Like look.
[24:33:58] Are you wondering what can be more amazing than an H-Hose?
[24:34:36] Shut up, out.
[24:34:37] Look at this, Chad.
[24:34:38] Look at this.
[24:34:39] Oh!
[24:34:54] You want to look at how this looks compared to the...
[24:34:58] That's what the standard one looks like.
[24:35:00] Again, back and forth.
[24:35:01] look at the incredible difference in the fact as we said that this car in the
[24:35:07] front is 7 centimeters and law the 812 and logger s with a chin tonny makes it
[24:35:16] exhaust I mean child look at this look at this bro fucking I gotta go fuck
[24:36:11] a fucking oh but I mean give it a difference isn't the SVJ the only
[24:36:34] difference Ryan you know this too the only difference about the svj is this
[24:36:40] thing is so fucking uncomfortable this might be the like most uncomfortable like
[24:36:44] bro if anyone knows anything bro these inventors are so fucking uncomfortable
[24:36:49] they are so uncomfortable it's like not even like I don't know you can put a
[24:36:53] question mark right I've driven in them I've literally driven in them it's
[24:36:58] yeah it's single clutch which you bro you feel everything which is cool to
[24:37:03] some but like well this car is a car yeah it's got I don't know but this is
[24:37:09] like a car you get when you live in like a suburbs or you live in a house of
[24:37:14] like with a family bro like I'm a fucking kid I want to drive this every day
[24:37:17] if I get the H-12 superfast brother I'm driving that car for $50,000 like
[24:37:21] 20,000 miles actually I can't say that I haven't even had my car for a
[24:37:23] year and I want to get rid of it I'm so indecisive I'm gonna go broke one
[24:37:26] day. Just kidding I can't go broke. Oh but if I can be Jewish you know what I am
[24:37:33] chat and then I see someone put classic. You guys are weird. I'm gonna miss this
[24:37:53] bro. I'm gonna miss waking up in the morning doing absolutely nothing and
[24:37:58] you guys being here just shit talk me.
[24:38:02] Axe today. But then there's also this bro. Today's the day today's a good
[24:38:07] day and uh well i want to start by saying big thanks to asgm shite go check them out on instagram
[24:38:16] they have this car is cool it's there around it but with this down there and that means if
[24:38:22] the bonnet absolutely lovely there goes well uh so here's our and how beautiful make it go
[24:38:31] I will put my achilles up but go down here and
[24:38:34] share it with my exhaust though
[24:38:36] oh it's up
[24:38:37] this is definitely an easy car to daily
[24:38:41] a carbon here on the door sales these beautiful carbon door handles that is
[24:38:46] crazy with that matte finish
[24:38:49] a doll? no way a doll
[24:38:52] it's been real
[24:38:54] a doll
[24:38:56] it's even been really fun y'all
[24:38:58] It's even been really fun, bruh.
[24:39:03] Sad times, Bob.
[24:39:06] I'm just thinking, but I'm just sitting,
[24:39:07] I think about God damn,
[24:39:09] like how far I've came with this shit
[24:39:11] and how I got to where I was
[24:39:14] and then how I felt like it slipped
[24:39:16] through my fucking fingers and I lost it
[24:39:19] and I was sitting in my head thinking like,
[24:39:20] oh my God, what did I do?
[24:39:22] Like what did I fucking do wrong?
[24:39:24] Sitting in my room fucking praying, hoping to God
[24:39:28] that this shit would fucking change, bruh.
[24:39:31] And that I would feel better
[24:39:32] and that I would feel like I have some fucking purpose
[24:39:35] in life again.
[24:39:36] You know what I mean?
[24:39:39] I got it, you know, I got it.
[24:39:41] I got it back, thank God, bruh.
[24:39:43] Thank God, bruh.
[24:39:44] And phase is back.
[24:39:47] I'm back.
[24:39:48] I feel, I feel happy.
[24:39:50] Someone say it's been real fun.
[24:39:52] And I haven't felt happy like this
[24:39:53] in a long time, chat.
[24:39:54] And I don't wanna keep yapping.
[24:39:56] How the fuck is Scorpi in this chat and mind typing at the same time?
[24:40:01] But god damn, what a fucking, what a fucking,
[24:40:06] Or Scorpi, you are Twitch's like biggest fucking slide.
[24:40:09] What a month it has been, bro.
[24:40:13] I really like, if you would have told me this earlier in the year, bro, that I would
[24:40:18] be a streamer, that I would have 30,000 subs, I would be on the front page, like
[24:40:25] awesome like w a dog
[24:40:28] W fucking a dog world bro if I'm not mistaken
[24:40:31] But all of us around me is he actually are we are we actually like
[24:40:38] This is don't even make no sense. Look, they should say a hundred three. He's in Ford. This shit's delayed
[24:40:50] Tim
[24:40:55] W fucking a down in the chat. It's just delayed. Look at this
[24:41:00] And that's
[24:41:02] That's some good shit, bro
[24:41:04] Smiles
[24:41:11] Farms is 65k yes, sir chat. If you love me. Let's let's drop a sub who's with me
[24:41:17] Take I don't understand the point of this
[24:41:30] Seagies calling Jason. Oh is he?
[24:41:34] Go from a good creator
[24:41:37] But go from a kid to a man
[24:41:41] If you allow me to I want to help you
[24:41:43] I try to give you a bike snot because I think I'm smarter than you but I just know that your life is going so fast right now
[24:41:50] and
[24:41:52] There's a five years of wrong
[24:41:56] And I want to thank you because you don't have the ego. So when I tell you stuff, you don't like just
[24:42:02] Sometimes it goes one year or not the other
[24:42:04] Like I can tell a lot of the time that you actually will listen to what I'm saying
[24:42:08] Let's see if he calls me
[24:42:13] You know what we're talking about we're talking about like just so when
[24:42:17] Appreciation towards the people that help me shit, bro. I swear God. I just sat down afterwards and just sent out like a hundred texts
[24:42:28] I did brother like I took I'll be taking advice in
[24:42:33] The city know me fucking I'm jealous. I'll be using your
[24:42:38] I'm sending I'm sending a D-DOS attack
[24:42:56] What the fuck
[24:43:08] old phase plan a lot of the old phase members it's like oh you know what happened to that guy
[24:43:12] what happened to that guy and I really don't want that for you and I want you to be in 10 years I
[24:43:18] want you to be like thanks level and I want you to own whatever stop for the 10 and everybody
[24:43:24] listen thank you when they look up to him and thank you well because you're only 20 years old bro
[24:43:31] I even tend to get the twitch to be six
[24:44:03] I was never I was like damn, but then I also helped him. I wanted to see him get back out of that, too
[24:44:14] And he listened to me. He didn't have the ego
[24:44:16] And I helped him not seem like I made him or not, but
[24:44:21] You know, I was there for him. I see why I've been an old sitting down for you
[24:44:25] It's very impossible. What's good? I tell him
[24:44:28] Yeah, no, I said.
[24:44:30] You were like the only streamer to ever collaborate in LA.
[24:44:32] You know that?
[24:44:34] He spent a year in LA
[24:44:36] and collaborated like nobody.
[24:44:38] Why didn't he go to LA?
[24:44:40] Well, he went to LA to collaborate.
[24:44:42] Like, what y'all doing now?
[24:44:44] That's what he thought was going to happen in LA.
[24:44:46] He thought he was going to go there
[24:44:48] up to content, collaborate, phase members,
[24:44:50] all that, but none of that happened.
[24:44:52] Classic.
[24:44:54] He regularly said,
[24:44:56] it's true but I would see him every day from the first stream when he had no
[24:44:59] for internal room he would just stay inside all day
[24:45:03] I play ballad not on the stream sometimes uh just lay down all day
[24:45:09] but now when he moved back to LA I was scared but he first told me he was going back to LA
[24:45:13] I was a little scared because I was like bro is he gonna be the same shit but then now
[24:45:18] that was all new classic it's the complete opposite literally 360 this is what was supposed
[24:45:24] I'm pinning this I'm gonna be on some haters shit hold on
[24:45:49] I'm a hater I can't
[24:45:52] Yo, that's not real step bro. I would give this stuff last night
[24:46:02] I see
[24:46:12] Max's things glitching. I'm gonna go down the second
[24:46:15] I also also want this time to talk to my chapter because we don't have that much time left bro
[24:46:19] We're about like an hour and 20 minutes, bro
[24:46:23] It's getting it's getting slow, bro. It's getting
[24:46:26] This is it, bro. This is it
[24:46:29] Time is ticking
[24:46:32] Time is fucking ticking you know what bro everyone's hitting everyone's hitting sub goes real quick
[24:46:42] You don't fuck it, bro. Let's get to 70,000 subs right now
[24:46:46] Let's get to 70,000 subs right now. You know, I say hey, thank you for this problem. I know is let's go
[24:46:52] Come on. Let's get 6,200 subs right now chat. Let's go. Come on
[24:47:00] Yo, thanks for this one. Let's get 6,000
[24:47:09] 6,000 subs away come on
[24:47:21] Big bands with the bands I was kidding and then switch with the 67 gift
[24:47:33] I was kidding, but yo
[24:47:37] Yo, yo, big pants with the fucking pants, the fucking pants!
[24:47:54] Let's go!
[24:47:55] W in the chat.
[24:47:57] Two base with the 10 gifted, thank you!
[24:48:01] Convay, Warrant Shop, only, only $6,000 away!
[24:48:12] 64K!
[24:48:23] 64K, let's go!
[24:48:26] I appreciate y'all, man.
[24:48:28] But we're not stopping there.
[24:48:30] Let's get to fucking 70,000 right now!
[24:48:33] Who's got us with 6,000 gifted?
[24:48:50] I ton with the 25 fucking times.
[24:48:54] Play summers.
[24:48:56] Shut up.
[24:48:59] Thank you for the 25.
[24:49:00] Play Swing Your Po-
[24:49:06] With the 25!
[24:49:18] Swing your fucking pole.
[24:49:19] I like you wanna do something.
[24:49:21] Jump pants with the 50 burgers!
[24:49:46] Jump!
[24:49:46] Thank you, my friend.
[24:49:47] Beat pants with us!
[24:49:57] Five ton arms for in big pants with all the fucking you donating one bit
[24:50:06] I'm so sure as one say this people like you just get me mad
[24:50:10] I'm just being real, bro. No, I'm not even trying to be on some funny shit
[24:50:14] Like you are spamming one bits rough and spamming. Let's go
[24:50:20] Nah, what the fuck do you mean nah?
[24:50:24] Was I even mean?
[24:50:26] It's all I got okay, so keep it bro keep your fucking change. I don't want this shit
[24:50:33] The fuck what am I gonna do with one two three four you give me five pennies?
[24:50:39] What am I gonna do with five pennies bro?
[24:50:45] ungrateful
[24:50:47] Of course 1.2
[24:50:51] Save for the car
[24:50:55] We share out of subzone
[24:50:57] Um
[24:51:00] Big pay oh my fucking God, bro
[24:51:06] There's so many fucking pants bro. Stop donating all your parents to me banks. Oh
[24:51:12] My fucking God this dude. Jump. Yo. Yo. Yo. Yo. Yo big pants. Relax
[24:51:18] Banks in the chat
[24:51:30] W fucking banks
[24:51:32] Let's go banks. Thanks for the fucking hundred hundred gifted pants
[24:51:39] I'm too busy. WBECKS!
[24:51:50] Yo!
[24:51:52] Yo!
[24:51:54] Jesus fucking Christ!
[24:51:58] You got Twitch giving me so much money!
[24:52:03] Thank you for the fucking pants!
[24:52:07] Oh my god, bro.
[24:52:11] I have a stupid fucking question before we talk about more subs.
[24:52:14] Is it possible to be paralyzed at 21 with neck cramps or no?
[24:52:19] They went to his friend bro, bro, I can't move to the left
[24:52:25] Thank you so much for all the pants. Let's get some W's in the chat
[24:52:31] We're gonna have a pass bro. Appreciate all the fucking subs you the fucking goat
[24:52:36] Yes, sir
[24:53:15] Six six we got to change that oh there is ninja apologized
[24:53:26] I take back everything I said, the vipers are frauds.
[24:53:29] What?
[24:53:30] Who are you talking?
[24:53:34] It's Big Pants Banks.
[24:53:36] That's our conspiracy.
[24:53:37] We're onto something.
[24:53:39] I believe that Big Pants is Banks.
[24:53:44] Something's fishy.
[24:53:47] All I'm going to say is I've never seen Big Pants and Banks in the same room.
[24:53:55] And I've also never seen.
[24:53:56] I've never fucking seen banks that worried when we confronted him about it something's up
[24:54:10] Here you go little bro. Yeah, you're a first-time chatter throwing the penny at me. You don't even know me
[24:54:16] You don't even follow me. Did you you just follow my twitch channel to unfollow it?
[24:54:22] He literally just followed me to throw a fucking penny and then he unfolded me
[24:54:28] I'm so serious like look if I if I click on another person. It says following like what?
[24:54:44] That's aura
[24:54:46] You guys are so fucking mature. I'm sorry for all my special people out there
[24:54:51] All right, do we attempt to go through the Twitter com yes or no?
[24:54:57] Or do you think it's cooked because of the Diana? I
[24:55:01] Feel like we shouldn't
[24:55:10] It's cooked.
[24:55:11] Ah.
[24:55:12] I bet.
[24:55:14] I walk into the basement alive?
[24:55:19] Every night I miss something new.
[24:55:20] You know what, bro?
[24:55:21] Let's just talk.
[24:55:22] It's just us.
[24:55:23] Shut your Indian ass up.
[24:55:25] What up?
[24:55:26] Why is Drew in here, bro?
[24:55:27] It's the last day.
[24:55:28] You said what?
[24:55:29] It's the last day.
[24:55:30] Okay, what?
[24:55:31] I don't know.
[24:55:32] It's just the last day.
[24:55:33] It's kind of sad.
[24:55:34] Where's Lisi?
[24:55:35] He's taking a shit in the shower.
[24:55:37] I'm not just laughing.
[24:55:39] So because Anna left, you're using me now.
[24:55:44] Yeah, because she's with all the contacts.
[24:55:47] So now all you do is you're left.
[24:55:50] Okay, sir.
[24:55:51] Sit down.
[24:55:52] Let me ask you a question, Joe.
[24:55:54] Yeah?
[24:55:55] Let me ask you a question.
[24:55:57] Let me ask you a question.
[24:56:02] What's up?
[24:56:04] What did Lacey do last night that he turned off his stream?
[24:56:09] I'm really not sure.
[24:56:10] He just texted me, told me,
[24:56:11] yo, can you sleep on the couch tonight?
[24:56:12] And I was like, sure.
[24:56:14] And then I got home after dinner.
[24:56:15] I got home at like 430.
[24:56:17] I sent him a text.
[24:56:18] I said, can I come in the room to get a blanket and pillow?
[24:56:21] Cause there was no blankets on the couch.
[24:56:24] And he left me on red.
[24:56:26] He also told me not to come in his room this morning.
[24:56:28] He texted me.
[24:56:29] That's weird.
[24:56:31] I also walked in the room this morning
[24:56:33] and there was like, you know the whiteboard?
[24:56:34] It was in front of the door, like a barrier.
[24:56:39] Interesting.
[24:56:40] So what do you think he did?
[24:56:43] I don't know.
[24:56:44] What do you think?
[24:56:46] Does Lacey have that dog in him, though?
[24:56:48] That's my question.
[24:56:50] I don't know.
[24:56:51] Is Lacey the type to lay down the pipe?
[24:57:03] I don't know.
[24:57:03] Did you hear anything from, you know,
[24:57:06] he's on the other side of the wall?
[24:57:08] I don't know.
[24:57:09] I heard like a ceremony or something.
[24:57:12] People were clapping last night.
[24:57:13] Oh, OK.
[24:57:15] People were clapping.
[24:57:16] Interesting.
[24:57:16] Maybe there was a ceremony or something.
[24:57:19] Oh yeah, that makes sense.
[24:57:21] So maybe it was just a ceremony.
[24:57:23] I don't know.
[24:57:25] But I saw some thunder last night.
[24:57:27] Oh, like some shaking and shit?
[24:57:30] You loud fucking dumps.
[24:57:32] Oh, that's weird, man.
[24:57:34] The thing is though, like if Lacey fucks you,
[24:57:35] then his ass claps, are they girls?
[24:57:38] Probably both.
[24:57:39] His ass definitely claps.
[24:57:41] There's no way he does it.
[24:57:42] High-fives!
[24:57:43] Thank you for the 10 gifted.
[24:57:44] Thank you, gifted.
[24:57:45] Loser.
[24:57:46] Jack, can we get some gift it?
[24:57:47] Shut up, pal.
[24:57:52] So you're going back to New Jersey?
[24:57:54] Yeah, bro.
[24:57:55] Me too, maybe we can hang out.
[24:57:58] Me and you.
[24:58:03] Nah, I was just kidding.
[24:58:07] Stop cap looking sideways.
[24:58:12] All right, I'll leave you be.
[24:58:13] You know how you had a girl named,
[24:58:15] why are you going to New Jersey?
[24:58:18] I live there.
[24:58:19] Oh, that's part of it, man.
[24:58:21] I live there.
[24:58:22] A part of a part.
[24:58:23] You know where Westfield is?
[24:58:25] Oh yeah, I hate that place.
[24:58:26] I don't live here, I live next to it.
[24:58:28] I just don't want to stay in a town on the street.
[24:58:31] If I live right next to it.
[24:58:36] So what do you think?
[24:58:38] People are gonna hang out in the shit.
[24:58:40] Why did that hit you?
[24:58:42] Huh?
[24:58:43] Why did that hit you?
[24:58:44] Hey, what do you mean?
[24:58:45] What hit me?
[24:58:47] Fuck outta here, bro.
[24:58:48] Fuck outta here.
[24:58:49] All right, all right, fucking lose it.
[24:58:59] Max hit 80K?
[24:59:01] Oh my God.
[24:59:58] What the fuck?
[24:59:59] Yeah!
[25:00:44] Pancakes and bacon and eggs from a restaurant.
[25:00:56] Oh, see, this one looks different.
[25:01:19] The butter and powder in that one.
[25:01:21] Really, Jude?
[25:01:23] It's like I just fucking said that.
[25:01:24] Well, you said it looks different, so I didn't know if you knew what was happening.
[25:01:27] Goddamn you piss me off.
[25:01:29] Piss me off too.
[25:01:30] What?
[25:01:31] Sometimes.
[25:01:32] Can I get stabbed?
[25:01:34] You're gonna stab me on the stream?
[25:01:37] Thanks for the water bottle, I understand.
[25:01:40] All right, let's talk to him.
[25:01:43] All right.
[25:01:44] Mr. Swagger himself.
[25:01:45] Breakfast.
[25:01:46] Thank you so much.
[25:01:48] Sir, open the bag.
[25:01:49] Thank you.
[25:01:51] Congratulations on the wedding.
[25:01:53] Thank you, sir.
[25:01:54] Very well.
[25:01:55] Thank you, thank you very much.
[25:02:02] We're just getting started.
[25:02:03] For sure.
[25:02:06] Hi, Joe.
[25:02:07] Hi.
[25:02:08] Oh, I'm so sorry.
[25:02:10] What happened?
[25:02:11] I think he stepped on the ground.
[25:02:13] Oh, Drew, extra on.
[25:02:15] Hello, how are you?
[25:02:17] I'm very good, thank you.
[25:02:19] Oh, Drew.
[25:02:22] Why are you calling my name?
[25:02:28] Drew, fetch me a napkin, Drew.
[25:02:31] Say please.
[25:02:32] But I'm not going to get you one.
[25:02:35] Okay, no, I don't provide you contact.
[25:02:37] Okay, fair enough.
[25:02:38] Good, good, sure.
[25:02:39] This is real contact, right here.
[25:02:41] You're going to get a napkin.
[25:02:43] Mm.
[25:02:44] Mm.
[25:02:52] Did you just give me a napkin?
[25:02:53] I know, Drew.
[25:02:54] Well, keep going.
[25:02:55] Mm.
[25:02:59] Do you guys think Lizzie had sex, wasn't it?
[25:03:05] Um, we'll tell you.
[25:03:07] He was up there alone apparently.
[25:03:10] So where did she come from this morning?
[25:03:12] Apparently she just drove back this morning and came on the street for the one last time for the sepulchre.
[25:03:18] That's what they were saying.
[25:03:20] Suss.
[25:03:22] Yeah.
[25:03:23] So let me get this straight here.
[25:03:25] That's what I'm going to say.
[25:03:27] So, Lizzie goes missing last night?
[25:03:30] Yes.
[25:03:31] You have to run around and don't film everybody?
[25:03:37] Yeah, for about an hour and a half.
[25:03:39] I didn't find Lacey.
[25:03:41] Well, we did find Lacey eventually.
[25:03:43] He's a Chinese fireman, so...
[25:03:48] Me too.
[25:03:50] Look at that.
[25:03:52] It is all you didn't work?
[25:03:54] Yeah.
[25:03:56] You still have him?
[25:04:00] No.
[25:04:02] No?
[25:04:06] There's no way you made 500K, you made more than that.
[25:04:08] No, I know you made more than that.
[25:04:13] That's not further. You have a hundred thousand subs
[25:04:18] I mean I looked at it on accident I check it on accident
[25:04:26] scheme was good bro, but no
[25:04:32] So we have a stop Jason
[25:04:37] Now let's have a don't over. Are you a Chinese fly?
[25:04:40] No, I'm not trying to spy.
[25:04:42] I'm not trying to spy.
[25:04:44] I really don't want to do it, Mark.
[25:04:46] I don't appreciate it.
[25:04:50] You know, Tati, thanks for putting that thick in your face to me.
[25:04:52] I really appreciate that.
[25:04:54] I love seeing that in your face.
[25:04:56] It just makes me so happy.
[25:04:58] I don't know why that's an email.
[25:05:00] Drew, bro.
[25:05:02] What?
[25:05:04] What's your plan after some time?
[25:05:06] You know, you're getting fired.
[25:05:08] Why would I get fired?
[25:05:10] words. President, I don't know if you saw but I won almost everything. You did that.
[25:05:17] That was it. That was the word. Thanks, Joe. Yeah. Congratulations. Thank you. But yeah,
[25:05:26] I plan to go back home to New Jersey and then I'm gonna come back on the 10th. Hmm. Interesting.
[25:05:34] When are you coming back? What if I don't come back? Well then, that'd be kind of
[25:05:40] Yo, guys, can we stop putting this fucking page in the chat?
[25:05:43] I'm gonna wire up some email.
[25:05:47] Nah, Ron, you should really retire a journal if you work mad hard.
[25:05:50] There's something wrong with that.
[25:05:53] Gerald, why can't anyone say this?
[25:05:57] I would rather, like, see my mom die than ever give you a fucking penny.
[25:06:03] Like, in front of me.
[25:06:05] That's how much you hate me?
[25:06:07] I would rather see live execution of my family fucking heritage
[25:06:12] I'll never give you a fucking corner.
[25:06:14] Wow.
[25:06:25] Did you get 60 cats?
[25:06:27] I'm at 64,000 right now.
[25:06:29] Oh wow. You think you'll get 65 before you edit?
[25:06:33] Uh-oh. There's a nuke in my chat.
[25:06:35] Jail mods.
[25:06:39] Jail mods. Running the fun.
[25:06:41] Jail mods.
[25:06:44] You little shit.
[25:06:56] Oh, they can see you.
[25:06:57] I don't care.
[25:06:58] Bye bye.
[25:07:02] You said y'all make no sense.
[25:07:04] Hmm.
[25:07:07] It's kind of crazy how he was just missing this long.
[25:07:11] Well, he was taking a shit and then shattered.
[25:07:14] Shit. Classic.
[25:07:16] Classic, Jack.
[25:07:18] Taking this shit during the summer time.
[25:07:28] Do you know how many times I said I'm taking this shit and I took my dick?
[25:07:31] Probably every day or something like that.
[25:07:33] I swear to God, I mean...
[25:07:35] Is that the stress?
[25:07:37] Jorgen.
[25:07:39] So last night I only got like two hours of sleep.
[25:07:42] You think you need me to take a nap segment maybe?
[25:07:46] I'm pretty tired.
[25:08:10] Good luck, Tonsy.
[25:08:12] I'm missing my keys to my guards right now.
[25:08:15] Where are they?
[25:08:18] I gave them my BMW key and my Porsche keys right on it.
[25:08:23] And I forgot.
[25:08:25] So now I can't drive either of my car.
[25:08:27] You can't have them, like, uh, over a shipment?
[25:08:31] I mean I can, but I don't care.
[25:08:34] when you get them back wednesday i'm getting an hydro connect what's that
[25:08:41] sorry i'm i don't know that much about cars ron ruined my life why are you even taking that
[25:08:47] it's like a kid on a car a BMW oh wait i think lacy's getting one of those right he has to
[25:08:52] because you fucking destroy this car so we're forced to upgrade damn it's the upgrade is called
[25:08:57] bmw m4 that really sucks yeah you know it sucks what an 18 year old driving and crashing into a
[25:09:02] to attest to them in line and say that he got hit.
[25:09:06] How did I lie?
[25:09:07] I told the truth.
[25:09:08] They didn't, you hit him.
[25:09:10] We know the truth, Tripp.
[25:09:12] I never said I didn't hit him.
[25:09:14] You're pushing the speed, he know the truth.
[25:09:15] I was not speeding.
[25:09:16] I was going crying like Max 30 miles.
[25:09:20] Hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell.
[25:09:28] The truth will sit you free, Tripp.
[25:09:30] I sent the truth.
[25:09:31] The truth is only what you get away with, huh?
[25:09:34] Ah!
[25:09:35] Oh!
[25:09:36] You fucking will!
[25:09:38] Right it's time!
[25:09:39] Is there any water left in the tank?
[25:09:40] No, I thought you were joking!
[25:09:41] Alright, let's see if I can order some.
[25:09:43] I don't know.
[25:09:44] Oh, okay.
[25:09:45] Yo, Dad!
[25:09:48] I'm a mad monkey for that.
[25:09:50] Shut up, Tampa!
[25:09:51] You're a crazy dude.
[25:09:54] You see we have to be out of here by three?
[25:09:56] Oh, after three?
[25:09:57] We have to be out of here by three.
[25:09:58] No, we don't.
[25:09:59] That's what we took advantage of.
[25:10:00] Just don't worry any extra.
[25:10:01] Oh, we have to end it.
[25:10:03] I mean...
[25:10:04] You know, we're gonna start moving in three now.
[25:10:05] No.
[25:10:06] Like that's like you said we can't go past three past three.
[25:10:09] Oh yeah, that's what I'm saying.
[25:10:10] We all know that.
[25:10:11] We're going to have to have every day a pack.
[25:10:12] We're going to have to close out at three no later than that.
[25:10:15] Yeah, that's what we agreed on.
[25:10:16] I thought you were going to like...
[25:10:17] So, we have what?
[25:10:18] Are you going to pack up all your shit after this?
[25:10:20] How am I supposed to pack up all your shit?
[25:10:23] Yeah.
[25:10:24] You should have your phone for your phone.
[25:10:29] Ah!
[25:10:31] What is that?
[25:10:32] That's a crazy dude.
[25:10:39] That's a crazy dude.
[25:10:41] Oh
[25:10:46] Yeah, I might uh, I might just have to sort of pack it now
[25:10:50] Well cuz I want to walk like I have a bunch of shit
[25:10:56] Fucking five days left
[25:11:01] No
[25:11:06] No, I'm just talking to book trying to see if I got accepted
[25:11:10] I don't know yet because they got a bunch of applications.
[25:11:13] Should we tell them to get nice and nice?
[25:11:15] No, please, my God, no.
[25:11:18] There's so many places.
[25:11:20] I have a video. It's actually fire. It's four levels.
[25:11:24] It's like a townhouse.
[25:11:26] There's a rooftop right next to it.
[25:11:28] You know where my current place at.
[25:11:30] This is where we walk in. This is the first level.
[25:11:33] Oh, it's really modern, what?
[25:11:38] Yeah, and then it's four and what?
[25:11:39] It's four and level.
[25:11:40] I don't have any any other videos because I just took this on-screen, but I showed it on-screen
[25:11:46] And there's a massive bedroom. There's three bedrooms, so I'll have a guest bedroom
[25:11:50] Right, it's rude just coming in the room. I just want to take a look at your place. Oh my god
[25:11:55] I forgot it's the finale. Do you know that? It's my last day. It's your last day on earth
[25:12:01] Yeah, this is the last day of our subiton, but this is your last I'm manifesting you dying for a space
[25:12:07] So the last day you get to breathe yo chat let us know what you think this is a daps idea
[25:12:15] We're gonna dump team drew to a missile and we're gonna shoot him into space for the GoPro
[25:12:20] That's not gonna lie. I think my new favorite clip of the second time and we're the best one
[25:12:25] I'm like, let me show you something I've been working on and I do this and then you headbutt the camera get up
[25:12:31] And then I double it
[25:12:33] It's like a complete blame-brain-law clip. It's so funny, bro.
[25:12:38] Yeah, look at this.
[25:12:46] No, you fell to the ground.
[25:12:56] Alright, yesterday was amazing.
[25:13:01] Yesterday might have been the best day.
[25:13:03] I know it was the last day, but like, we got our own segment scene.
[25:13:06] We all got to talk the chat, the award ceremony, the after-shoot.
[25:13:10] Like, starts up and ends.
[25:13:12] We even got a max segment in this day, around this time.
[25:13:15] It's a pretty fucking good day, chat.
[25:13:17] And now we're going to end it with a bang.
[25:13:19] I'm going to go shower.
[25:13:21] I'm out to my chat for a little bit, man.
[25:13:23] And I'm going to buy salt.
[25:13:25] Salt? Well, you have 58 minutes for salt.
[25:13:27] Everyone's going to be ready at one. We need to do that one.
[25:13:30] We're going to do it at one.
[25:13:32] Because we're going to talk.
[25:13:33] Where's Betsy and the original?
[25:13:35] The one we said was up.
[25:13:36] I think it maxed room.
[25:13:37] I think it's up.
[25:13:39] All right, I'll see you in a little bit.
[25:13:41] Okay, are you guys gonna miss the only things girls in our house?
[25:13:48] That's something I'm gonna miss. I don't know about you.
[25:13:50] You might miss that already, darling.
[25:13:54] You gonna miss that?
[25:13:59] All the only things girls coming in?
[25:14:01] That's probably my favorite segment of the year.
[25:14:04] Ugh!
[25:14:07] What if I call my phone and just...
[25:14:09] Who are they?
[25:14:11] Come outside with me.
[25:14:13] It's good, bro.
[25:14:15] What up, dude?
[25:14:19] What up, Ziggy?
[25:14:26] No, I just, I just had to chase and I wanted to something else.
[25:14:31] What up bro, what's up?
[25:14:33] No!
[25:14:34] Whose car is this?
[25:14:36] That's disgusting.
[25:14:38] You say though?
[25:14:40] Nah, I just want to say congratulations for the best of my dear career.
[25:14:44] I've seen literally the worst, literally the worst,
[25:14:47] you've lived your streets twice a month,
[25:14:49] and now you've straightened, 30 days straight,
[25:14:52] Congratulations and thank you for learning a new part, a small part of it.
[25:14:56] Oh, Seagie, you're not a small part of it Seagie. You're the main part.
[25:15:02] I'm not a part of it at all?
[25:15:04] Seagie, without you Seagie, there would be no stumble or turn around.
[25:15:08] Yes there would.
[25:15:10] No.
[25:15:11] You could just be a lot smaller. You could do a little dirt sponsor, so.
[25:15:14] If I'm the NGA.
[25:15:19] But I remember literally the first stream when you were in LA the first time where you had no furniture in your room and you was eating chicken tenders, which you'll see.
[25:15:29] I was the only clipper.
[25:15:32] Classic.
[25:15:33] I lived back at the Twitch catalog because I was doing your TikTok and there'd be like four clips from the whole stream and it'd only be like a two-hour stream anyway.
[25:15:43] You know, I was like, damn, like, you really are the better.
[25:15:46] Like, I'm gonna be here down with you in the bottom,
[25:15:48] trying to get concept, because it wasn't much.
[25:15:51] But going from that, now, see, you have thousands of people
[25:15:54] like clipping you for free.
[25:15:56] They're watching.
[25:15:57] They're firing me.
[25:15:58] They know the Lord.
[25:15:58] You have Lord now.
[25:15:59] If I could, you even have no Lord.
[25:16:02] Now you've got a whole bunch of Lord.
[25:16:04] And it's crazy to see me go from winning the rock,
[25:16:08] the fuck, the rise, the fall, and the rise again.
[25:16:11] From when you were flashing your eyes on the meat plate,
[25:16:14] to when I laid the first time,
[25:16:16] now you're doing it with the same voice,
[25:16:17] the right time to sign.
[25:16:20] You're exceeding me.
[25:16:22] And I'm so proud of you for not quitting,
[25:16:25] for always being consistent again,
[25:16:29] for going through these shows in life, like I said,
[25:16:31] it's literally 30 straight days.
[25:16:33] The fact that you can even pull it off
[25:16:35] and then pull it off well,
[25:16:37] you average the most years
[25:16:39] that everybody in the community has done.
[25:16:42] And let's be honest, there wasn't that much playing content.
[25:16:44] Shut up, Rocky.
[25:16:47] But that's even more impressive, because the fact
[25:16:50] that you didn't have that much playing out, a lot of you
[25:16:52] are like two collards.
[25:16:53] And people still fuck with you the most to watch you.
[25:16:56] And I was the most viewers.
[25:16:58] And that's insane.
[25:16:59] And you deserve it.
[25:17:00] And I think you really know now what your potential is
[25:17:03] if you really start going harder
[25:17:06] and you start shooting every day and being super fun
[25:17:09] all the time, because you're the funniest person
[25:17:11] to work with.
[25:17:13] And I'm not to say that, I mean I'll be watching those streams the most out of everybody.
[25:17:19] Like I'll watch Jason's segments and shit, but when you go live, like even on a normal
[25:17:25] Bestop stream, I'll watch it from start to finish.
[25:17:28] Tall.
[25:17:30] Tall, I'm talking about talls, but it's true.
[25:17:35] Then 2 p.m. Rod Streams I wake up eat my lunch or whatever princess and then I can't be the night over time
[25:17:42] Can you make my job really easy this it don't even feel like a job sometimes?
[25:17:47] See when are you gonna come over once they let me out the daily chamber now? I'll be out there eventually. You'll see
[25:18:03] We'll talk more obviously off-camera
[25:18:08] Hey, can I drop the carpet in tomorrow? Yeah
[25:18:11] So, oh, the car video is up in the wrong chat, pause!
[25:18:16] Nobody uses pause anymore, they use no way in the car way.
[25:18:19] Car way, and you car video is in the wrong room.
[25:18:22] That was pre-reportable.
[25:18:24] That's another thing, like, the fact that you're not the part channel now,
[25:18:31] and we're going to mostly throw the heck, throw the brilliant string,
[25:18:37] the right way to start, the red lead,
[25:18:41] when you have to rise now, you do it right to start.
[25:18:44] Should we fall again for the fun of it?
[25:18:46] We can fall off, we can get mad that we know we can see the king about two times.
[25:18:52] Who's he then?
[25:18:53] We can try a hundred times though that we can, I can take like, instead of like a week off, should I just take off like two months, two months?
[25:19:02] I think that'll work with me, and you can say like something bad happened.
[25:19:08] I could say, I could say, I could say like my, my whole family tree died.
[25:19:14] You can say Jackson died, those are eight years.
[25:19:17] No, Burger's dead.
[25:19:18] Isn't that crazy the most viewed video this whole sub-a-thon is burger dead?
[25:19:29] That's kind of sad bro
[25:19:36] There's just 20 million views on my TikTok. It's one video has 20 million views. I've never seen that
[25:19:50] when you are not laying the beginning of ocean for nine bro like you're talking about
[25:19:54] a burger right now no but I'm being for real like that ass those burgers they
[25:19:59] talk to where your biggest when remember when the first night you did open for
[25:20:03] nine you had 700 viewers and you said oh everybody's probably asleep right now
[25:20:10] but then burger please when you were climbing at you he was farming him
[25:20:14] bro that's 400 dollars he spent on him i did not spend 400 dollars i spent 130 on burger
[25:20:19] That series was the best investment in career and I'm sure it motivated you to do the self
[25:20:26] to get the content.
[25:20:27] And ever since he had Berger, he's like, if you never let him go, just don't let him
[25:20:31] go.
[25:20:32] When he dies, you die.
[25:20:33] What the fuck?
[25:20:34] He actually is a crazy return of interest.
[25:20:37] He made me a million dollars.
[25:20:39] Exactly.
[25:20:40] And he was there right at the beginning of the rise again.
[25:20:44] It's about that.
[25:20:45] I do want to bring him back to LA, but he's so bad.
[25:20:52] Damn, it's about to be a year with Burger.
[25:20:54] I got him on November 3rd.
[25:20:56] It's only a year ago today, or almost a year.
[25:21:02] It's crazy, bro.
[25:21:04] I just want to say, I just want to say congrats.
[25:21:06] Thank you, Duke, a lot for everything.
[25:21:10] Thank you, Sydney.
[25:21:11] Thank you for helping me with everything.
[25:21:13] And giving me faith.
[25:21:18] Because when you got nobody, a lot of people,
[25:21:21] they don't, they don't, even if you can know or they don't try to know faith until they
[25:21:25] really, really need something. But you should be grateful, the most grateful, and you should
[25:21:29] always be the most faithful when you have everything, because that's when people can
[25:21:36] start taking shift for granted, and then when they have nothing, then they start asking.
[25:21:39] Imagine I was that friend that only hit you up when I needed something. It shouldn't
[25:21:43] be like that. I should be in love all the time when I'm on my peace, my lows,
[25:21:48] middle of all that so treat that relationship with your faith the same way
[25:21:53] and it was for everybody
[25:21:57] I love you Seagie
[25:21:59] I love you too
[25:22:01] alright have a good last day
[25:22:03] thank you bro thank you for calling
[25:22:05] wait I forgot to ask you one more thing
[25:22:08] yo one last thing
[25:22:18] what
[25:22:20] um I saw you give Jason like 800 subs
[25:22:22] I'm 500 away from 65k
[25:22:24] what do we do
[25:22:26] hey
[25:22:29] What's good MC Ben?
[25:22:53] How you doing MC?
[25:22:57] MC Ben the recharge
[25:23:00] You know who MC Ben is?
[25:23:02] Isn't that your mom?
[25:23:03] Yeah.
[25:23:06] Does she gift you subs?
[25:23:07] No.
[25:23:09] Stop putting a blue dude.
[25:23:12] Shut up.
[25:23:17] I swear someone on Twitter like followed me and their name is MC Ben.
[25:23:21] Yeah, I know. There's a dude on Twitter named MC Ben in Maxiscom arguing with a girl.
[25:23:27] And then he's commenting saying, I'm so ugly.
[25:23:33] Like using my mom's username, like.
[25:23:38] Some of y'all are so bored, like, dude,
[25:23:40] I'm just like trying to imagine.
[25:23:42] Like just people out there who like,
[25:23:44] open up an app, change their name to my mom's name,
[25:23:47] like MC, like, I just don't get it.
[25:23:49] It's mind boggling me.
[25:23:51] It's similar to Lacy's chat.
[25:23:52] Lacy's chat has the worst people with that.
[25:23:54] They're like, they take time out of their day
[25:23:56] to like rename themselves as stupid shit.
[25:24:00] Like it's so crazy to me like
[25:24:03] Like I had someone I had someone who would constantly spam my chat until I clicked on his name
[25:24:08] And then when I click on his profile
[25:24:09] He's like fucking profile picture on twitch was like me as a baby, and I had no clue that picture was out there
[25:24:15] I'm telling you more some of these people are weird. Yeah, how do they find those like pictures?
[25:24:19] I don't know they just get born like Facebook or some shit
[25:24:23] This is taking a really long time
[25:24:28] I'm at school hurry up and end the stream like what do you think I run off your time?
[25:24:38] I'm so confused like how the fuck did I accidentally just make a knot?
[25:24:46] Who's gum is this the drug give you a thousand hours to eat this right now?
[25:24:52] You know, you just gotta eat it and suck on it.
[25:24:57] You just suck on it, Drew.
[25:25:00] No, I'm not that bad.
[25:25:05] That's not a bad offer, though.
[25:25:07] I bet you Rockin' would do it.
[25:25:08] Of course you do.
[25:25:09] Rockin' would suck my dick if I asked him to.
[25:25:11] He's a good boy.
[25:25:12] Is Rockin' coming back after the sub-a-thon?
[25:25:14] Hell no!
[25:25:15] What?
[25:25:16] He's fired!
[25:25:23] Riff Rockin'.
[25:25:24] No more Rockin' muckbangs.
[25:25:28] I was talking about it with Lacey.
[25:25:29] That might have been the worst segment of the entire sub-a-thon.
[25:25:32] Oh, that's definitely not the worst.
[25:25:34] I get it.
[25:25:34] What?
[25:25:35] It's so bad.
[25:25:35] This dude Rockin had, this dude Rockin had
[25:25:38] four pieces of candy under like a fucking like like a silver, what do they call it, like a bowl?
[25:25:46] Yeah, I know what you're talking about.
[25:25:47] They lift it up and it'd be, it'd be one piece of fucking candy.
[25:25:50] Raw!
[25:25:53] What the fuck? It's a raw X-top!
[25:25:57] How do you guys always do this?
[25:25:59] I'm gonna vape to it, huh?
[25:26:06] I can quit if I want to.
[25:26:11] I can quit if I want to.
[25:26:12] I
[25:26:15] Don't know check I really like SF 90s mid to me a toast to professors way cooler
[25:26:24] What a million dollar who are how much is a P1 Jack?
[25:26:30] Was it like three million?
[25:26:32] Honestly probably but would you would you trading your poor self or one of them or would you have three cars?
[25:26:39] a P1 is
[25:26:42] I don't even know. Do they be is there any right now? I don't even see any for sale
[25:26:48] Clarempe actually there has to be one. Oh wait, seven twenty yes
[25:27:00] One point five million two million
[25:27:06] Yeah, not like one point five million
[25:27:09] 1.2 million you got that I saw your Twitter revenue 2.4 million for 2014
[25:27:14] Did you really make 1.2 mil?
[25:27:17] No.
[25:27:19] I saw the revenue, sir.
[25:27:20] It's a fucking joke.
[25:27:22] No, it's not.
[25:27:24] You're 300k off.
[25:27:25] Shut up!
[25:27:26] This is so stupid.
[25:27:31] McLaren's...
[25:27:34] I got a good analogy of sir, my Griff.
[25:27:37] Griff used to work with some of the top creators,
[25:27:40] so he had pretty good news.
[25:27:42] McLaren is like the hell-
[25:27:43] Yeah, I love him.
[25:27:44] Supercars.
[25:27:45] That's the only reason why, bro.
[25:27:46] Yeah, but the 75 is so cool.
[25:27:48] Oh?
[25:27:49] That car is fucking cool
[25:27:59] After the first month, I'm getting I'm getting that I'm getting that car for our car. I don't know the h-12
[25:28:06] It's just so nice
[25:28:07] It's like basically that I spoke it. You can't compare it, but it's like no, I know I know a guy who has eggs that car
[25:28:13] It's all black H-12
[25:28:15] The clarion you wanted. Oh, no, 75. Yeah
[25:28:20] It's all black one. This shit is fucking fast. No, that car is so fast. Yeah, he tuned the issues didn't say
[25:28:27] So you're getting rid of the Porsche. I don't know yet
[25:28:34] I'm just so into pintons. I don't know what I want decisive. Yes, that's so I
[25:28:41] Would like I would like on a Porsche
[25:28:45] No, I wouldn't do that, but I don't know about the forces fired.
[25:28:49] My mom's so hot.
[25:28:50] Hi, MC man.
[25:28:52] I like the M4 better.
[25:28:56] I don't know why you don't just do what I told you to do.
[25:29:00] What?
[25:29:01] Keep them for swap to G23 for a G23RS.
[25:29:05] So the G23R is gone.
[25:29:06] Yeah.
[25:29:07] You're fully soldered.
[25:29:08] Yeah.
[25:29:09] You're more than you bought it.
[25:29:10] No, Ryan, I didn't sell you.
[25:29:11] I told you.
[25:29:12] Actually, I don't know if I told you.
[25:29:13] I think I did, though.
[25:29:14] I didn't sell you.
[25:29:15] I mean, yeah.
[25:29:17] I could do the GDRS, but I just want...
[25:29:20] Just a lot?
[25:29:21] I just want one and that's all you need.
[25:29:23] I'm not a basketball guy.
[25:29:24] We need to make one more.
[25:29:25] I just want...
[25:29:26] Jews can't play basketball.
[25:29:27] Really?
[25:29:28] The GDRS is crazy.
[25:29:30] The more I think about it, like, the GDRS is cool.
[25:29:33] But imagine an 812 Super Fast.
[25:29:36] What?
[25:29:37] What is an 812 Super Fast?
[25:29:39] Ferrari?
[25:29:40] It's got a P12 in it?
[25:29:42] The James Bond car?
[25:29:43] I don't know, bro.
[25:29:45] It's not really.
[25:29:49] Chad, we're ending in three hours.
[25:29:51] Four, not even. Yeah, four hours.
[25:29:54] Chad, what do you think? A812 fucking super fast or get a GC3RS?
[25:29:58] But not no regular GC3RS. You're gonna go big boy.
[25:30:00] You gotta get one of them crazies, just like the heritage or whatever.
[25:30:02] Just like the crazy ass one.
[25:30:03] Thanks for the dates.
[25:30:05] I don't know, bro. It's so...
[25:30:07] It's just because the A812 is like...
[25:30:09] Bro, it's really like a fucking crazy car.
[25:30:12] And it's expensive, but it's not like this bar. I don't need first the body the front is too long
[25:30:18] I thought the same thing for the longest time until I started like looking at it, but there's like a really like a change on car
[25:30:28] Damn it
[25:30:32] Or what I could do
[25:30:34] Upgrade to the GT-BRS
[25:30:37] Come on
[25:30:38] I could upgrade some gprs and then get the 812 way later
[25:30:59] Yeah fucking you still gotta get your face out to it. I know don't think you're gonna way with way with that I
[25:31:06] Thought you were giving to charity, bro. Please don't put some bullshit in my child
[25:31:10] You should give a portion of your revenue to Charity.
[25:31:16] Stop. I would literally never.
[25:31:18] I'm talking about like my mom could be, she's in the tariff now.
[25:31:20] You could be on your deathbed mom, and they say we need four cents
[25:31:23] fucking to get to Best Buy, Charity, whatever the fuck they do.
[25:31:26] I promise you you'll be dead that day.
[25:31:28] I swear to God.
[25:31:29] What about the Phoenix Children's Hospital?
[25:31:31] Phoenix Children's Hospital.
[25:31:32] What?
[25:31:33] The Phoenix Children's Hospital.
[25:31:34] Shut up, bro. What is that?
[25:31:36] They're like the kids. Like they say kids.
[25:31:39] Bro, just...
[25:31:40] You're just gonna take the cheese?
[25:31:44] This is blessed truth.
[25:31:45] You guys put a question on it, bro.
[25:31:46] I speak the truth.
[25:31:49] Have you ever donated a charity?
[25:31:51] Stop, bro.
[25:31:52] Stop.
[25:31:53] You literally just get a coin to save kids and you lie.
[25:31:56] You lie to the people.
[25:31:57] You're part of the theorem of the screen like me, bro.
[25:31:59] You literally tried making a coin called Save the Kings,
[25:32:02] and you finessed everyone.
[25:32:04] I did?
[25:32:04] Yes, you.
[25:32:06] I don't think I did.
[25:32:07] I heard about you in the part of it.
[25:32:08] No, I don't believe it.
[25:32:09] You're a scammer, bro.
[25:32:10] I know I'm a scammer.
[25:32:11] You're a scammer and I'm a scammer.
[25:32:13] I used to sell cybersoul for five grand.
[25:32:15] That should cost three grand.
[25:32:16] Did you use to scam in high school and choose?
[25:32:18] Yeah, what?
[25:32:19] People would try to buy cybersoul.
[25:32:20] If you know, you know, I would ask them for their information,
[25:32:22] get their fucking money,
[25:32:22] and then I wouldn't give them the program.
[25:32:24] I'd get 100 times over it.
[25:32:25] Can I tweet to my column here?
[25:32:26] No.
[25:32:27] Can I post a tweet to my column here?
[25:32:29] No.
[25:32:30] Where'd you get the water?
[25:32:32] What are the odds that we start at one?
[25:32:35] Oh, yeah, I want to.
[25:32:36] Over under 130 chat, because it's silky.
[25:32:38] Silky didn't sleep.
[25:32:39] Ryan, you know the deal?
[25:32:40] Selling cybersoul and everything?
[25:32:42] What?
[25:32:43] That's why I do all right there that we used to scam.
[25:32:45] What?
[25:32:45] Do we know how we're doing the outro?
[25:32:49] Addison?
[25:32:50] It's probably going to be easy.
[25:32:51] Shout out Yeezy Mafia.
[25:32:53] I don't know.
[25:32:53] We were thinking of it.
[25:32:54] No, you know.
[25:32:55] Does anyone even know much about it?
[25:32:56] I don't have one desktop or something like that.
[25:32:58] Yeah.
[25:32:59] What are we doing?
[25:33:00] This is us and how we're going to outro every second.
[25:33:04] I think this is like, makes no sense.
[25:33:12] Hi.
[25:33:12] I'm Zeben Susan.
[25:33:14] We're stable mom going.
[25:33:16] I think she's going on a date.
[25:33:20] Shut up, Richard.
[25:33:22] I need to save up.
[25:33:23] No, I'll give you five days to eat this gum.
[25:33:25] Five days.
[25:33:26] You are telling me one.
[25:33:27] I would eat it right now.
[25:33:29] Jim?
[25:33:30] Shut up, MC Ben.
[25:33:32] Just take on Zempick.
[25:33:34] This is all the hit people are doing now, it is.
[25:33:36] Are you going to start hitting the gym now?
[25:33:38] With the seven thousand dollars over?
[25:33:40] Are you going to come with me?
[25:33:41] Every day.
[25:33:42] I love if you want to keep going to Brad's gym, Brad.
[25:33:45] We're just going to be fur far.
[25:33:48] We all I think I don't know the chat agrees with this says before we all do
[25:33:55] The circle thing right
[25:33:57] Multiple cameras like around the whole circle to keep switching over and over for like an hour
[25:34:01] No phones or nothing. What around here. We just talked for like literally. Yeah, I don't think anybody should be able to read that
[25:34:08] No, I'm gonna see that and then what we do is after that hour
[25:34:11] We it ends around like two thirty an hour and a half wherever two thirty ish
[25:34:16] We have 30 minutes left, if we all end together, we all go to desktop alone, say goodbye to
[25:34:21] our chest, but we all have to end at 3.
[25:34:23] Like, there is no 3 on 1.
[25:34:25] I think the best way to fucking ensure that is we're all on one desktop.
[25:34:28] Yeah, we have to end it up.
[25:34:30] So we all go on one toolkit on one desktop, and Betsy ends it for us.
[25:34:35] Why don't I just end right now, I don't hear it.
[25:34:39] Later I'll tell ya.
[25:34:41] Do we know what outro song we're gonna do?
[25:34:44] Uh, they really, really wanted Matt the Mourn.
[25:34:47] Matt, segment real quick.
[25:34:52] One more.
[25:34:53] Ah!
[25:34:54] And nothing hurts anymore!
[25:35:00] I feel kinda free!
[25:35:04] Damn, I really am indecisive.
[25:35:06] I don't know if I want the A12 or the GDRs.
[25:35:09] The AA-12?
[25:35:11] No, that's a shotgun in the movie 3.
[25:35:14] It's a good one, but I think...
[25:35:16] You probably used it to a wheelhead, you know?
[25:35:18] We were fucking...
[25:35:19] There were no G-Wheels.
[25:35:20] I like the striker. I like the spas 12 with the grid.
[25:35:34] Iron mouse beat the record.
[25:35:46] How many did you do?
[25:35:51] You did the calculations.
[25:35:53] Wait, how many subs was the record that Kai had?
[25:35:55] Wait, hold on.
[25:35:57] What was the record?
[25:36:13] I'm not going to lie, Kai's definitely going to do another summertime mission.
[25:36:15] There's nowhere to go.
[25:36:17] Did he announce some marathon?
[25:36:19] He's 100% doing that in some of the games.
[25:36:21] Isn't he doing the Batman games?
[25:36:22] I actually want to watch that.
[25:36:24] Isn't he doing like the Arkham Knight games, Marathon?
[25:36:27] I don't know, but...
[25:36:28] Chat and Kai not announced the Arkham Marathon,
[25:36:31] like the Arkham games, like Arkham Knight,
[25:36:33] the three Arkham Knight games.
[25:36:35] Did he not announce that?
[25:36:38] Yeah, that's fire.
[25:36:40] I'm actually going to watch that.
[25:36:41] Those games are so fucking fire.
[25:36:43] What, is it Arkham Origins?
[25:36:45] The one with Red Hood?
[25:36:47] With Jason Todd?
[25:36:48] I don't fucking know
[25:36:50] You should do a marathon. Oh, aren't you gonna do some valor?
[25:36:53] I want to do valor and I want to call anyone. I want to race the master
[25:36:56] I would be so funny. I'll play any bad about it. I'm literally gonna bet against you
[25:37:04] We can make a sit we can make a fun bet. What do you want a fun bet? I win you gotta give me your money
[25:37:10] If you win, I gotta do it to charity. Should we do one more side quiz? We have 30 minutes
[25:37:16] We can go get coffee and come back.
[25:37:18] Where are we going to get coffee?
[25:37:19] Right next to Vespa.
[25:37:21] Oh, whoa, hey.
[25:37:29] I don't give up.
[25:37:31] Let's call it a hat one.
[25:37:33] Yeah.
[25:37:34] Can you make sure that one's late?
[25:37:35] Jack, should we go get coffee real quick?
[25:37:37] What do you want to do with that?
[25:37:39] Whatever we do.
[25:37:40] It's not a one-day hot time.
[25:37:41] Yeah, okay.
[25:37:42] We for sure have time.
[25:37:43] Starbucks is right down the street.
[25:37:45] Okay.
[25:37:46] What do you guys want to do?
[25:37:47] You want to do it?
[25:37:48] I was like the way we have I think you do it. I think it should be like a lot. I just give you 100s up a lot
[25:37:55] What?
[25:37:57] Tyson now with the hundred gifted
[25:38:00] That is fucking crazy. We were just talking about a full circle moment
[25:38:04] Yeah, is that the peace treaty guy? I told you he doesn't fucking hate you, but
[25:38:11] Why would you get so?
[25:38:13] He knows you're fucking true.
[25:38:15] 30 days, 30 nights, well played.
[25:38:17] Thank you, Kai.
[25:38:19] Kai, I'm sorry if I ever did anything to annoy you.
[25:38:22] I'm just a troll at the end of the day.
[25:38:24] You know me, I'm a fake demon.
[25:38:26] He's a crazy little dude.
[25:38:28] He's a good dude though, but a crazy little dude.
[25:38:30] Thank you for the 100 gifted, bro.
[25:38:32] I appreciate it.
[25:38:34] Um, yeah, bro.
[25:38:36] Yeah, that's so weird, we're just talking about him.
[25:38:38] Yeah, I can't, I actually like to watch the art
[25:38:41] play Arkham Knight those games are so fire. KC3 is a crazy little dude. You saw him playing
[25:38:46] basketball with the other little dudes? Oh wait, yeah he did. And he got a fucking block.
[25:38:51] No he did it. Yeah he did it. And he bought one of the kids. Yeah. Oh my god. I got to
[25:38:55] tap in. I got to tap in. Y'all got to do a stream together now. I'm gonna slow down.
[25:39:01] Oh, 2-2-2-4. I'd love to. He left dot dot dot. Kyle, you got to do another
[25:39:06] Sub-A-Thon bro. We got to beat the record now the iron mouse really break the record top. Did she actually?
[25:39:13] He's gotta do you want to go get coffee. We take the GT on
[25:39:20] Round table
[25:39:22] Loki I was gonna say max is wrong, but I think we should switch the scenery like we've done so many big group segments in that theater
[25:39:28] We should do it right here in the linear
[25:39:32] Can we do it out? I don't think it will look good outside
[25:39:35] I think it should be like you don't think we should set it up right in there in the living room
[25:39:38] I don't think it should be a maxes room
[25:39:41] I think that we've done we did the awards in there last night
[25:39:43] We've done a lot of we've done a lot of big segments and then we should do it in like a bigger like a bit
[25:39:49] You know I'm saying we should do it at different places. I mean I don't think it's a make-or-break-it thing
[25:39:56] But if we have the luxury of being able to decide in terms like a production perspective where
[25:40:05] Do it in the pool.
[25:40:09] The dap's crying.
[25:40:13] Yeah, I mean fuck it, let's just do it in Max's.
[25:40:15] It's probably the easiest.
[25:40:16] You wanna go, let's go grab coffee.
[25:40:17] Come on.
[25:40:18] Sure, your caravan sir.
[25:40:21] Is that pro soccer pro football?
[25:40:23] I mean, no, I don't have any socks left.
[25:40:36] You should have me and Kairon with a shirt,
[25:40:38] but you need that ore out again.
[25:40:39] Let me see some leashes.
[25:40:41] Just wear leashes, like.
[25:40:43] It's okay, I told you.
[25:40:55] I told you all of them.
[25:41:00] I told you kids used to be here by stairs.
[25:41:11] Are we just going duo?
[25:41:25] I mean, I think we should. We only have two seats.
[25:41:27] But I mean, Drew can't sleep.
[25:41:29] Hey, sure.
[25:41:30] What about Carl, you got him?
[25:41:31] He's all right.
[25:41:32] Wait, you're saying hi to me?
[25:41:34] They're ready to share.
[25:41:35] Yeah.
[25:41:38] All right?
[25:41:39] No, you can look.
[25:41:46] The record has been broken.
[25:41:47] Oh, it actually got broken?
[25:41:48] How long did it take to put that?
[25:41:50] I told you he's going to do another sum of them.
[25:41:52] Oh
[25:41:55] He's definitely gonna do another son of a he asked me he really has
[25:41:59] But he's still watching your kite do it in December maximize your ad revenue. Oh, oh my fucking God retweet
[25:42:07] That should be it. What a fucking
[25:42:17] Trit, but you take this back to leather
[25:42:22] Yeah
[25:42:24] Let me get all right P tall one time for the one time ready ready son
[25:42:28] Yeah, he is true. She's been true
[25:42:34] Show my door
[25:42:39] Can you make sure
[25:43:02] Why is it tough I got my thank you
[25:43:06] What's a little hot out
[25:43:12] How are you living?
[25:43:13] How are you doing, mate?
[25:43:14] Not done!
[25:43:15] It's your fucking car.
[25:43:19] I can't date this whole business chips.
[25:43:27] Last drive.
[25:43:28] This is the last one.
[25:43:30] Final bed.
[25:43:31] What a good fucking little dude chat.
[25:43:43] What a good fucking dude chat.
[25:43:49] You know, I mean, we're actually going to talk about this before two hours.
[25:43:53] We'll just get there one day with the dude, you know, when you're coming back.
[25:43:56] Like, how many days you're taking off?
[25:43:58] I'm taking off for a week.
[25:44:00] I'm sorry Chad if you guys expect me to be back after three days, it's not me only real
[25:44:12] So I'm gonna buy a form?
[25:44:20] Oh, what? Oh, uh...
[25:44:21] One, one, two?
[25:44:22] They're right in the middle of the air.
[25:44:23] What is your next rank element?
[25:44:25] Yeah, why is it so fucking hot in here?
[25:44:36] Eee!
[25:44:37] What's nice is...
[25:44:41] Uh, Macklemore's buy a good one.
[25:44:44] We still need to figure out the outro song, you know?
[25:44:49] For the fucking sub-a-thon.
[25:44:50] This song, I'm gonna outro it to.
[25:44:52] Yeah, what song do we outro to?
[25:44:55] I don't know.
[25:44:57] This is what I think.
[25:44:58] This is not the outro song.
[25:44:59] I think there's why we're gonna get it from you.
[25:45:01] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[25:45:04] What's the beam song of the subcon, chat, then?
[25:45:07] Oh, yeah, I got you.
[25:45:09] What's that beam song?
[25:45:16] It really is our beam song, huh?
[25:48:25] It's a historical landmark.
[25:49:10] So I actually go down.
[25:49:12] There's five people who come here just to look at it.
[25:49:14] This shit's gonna go down in the history books.
[25:49:17] And our guys over here too.
[25:49:19] Well, fortunately we didn't get the DLC,
[25:49:21] They'll see, but season two is coming, y'all.
[25:49:23] Just not right now.
[25:49:25] We gotta get this coffee in there, y'all.
[25:49:27] We gotta get out of here.
[25:49:27] Should we hit this family?
[25:49:28] Well, they'll hit her, ruin their lives, demobilize them.
[25:49:33] It was immobilized.
[25:49:35] That's the way it happened.
[25:49:37] Well, that's when they're dumb and muscle.
[25:49:41] That's what they call it, I know, muscle.
[25:49:44] Let's go ETA.
[25:49:45] What's the part in front of the Starbucks?
[25:49:46] And we just finished our stuff behind the wheel
[25:49:48] in this place.
[25:49:49] Then we just park it right here in the middle?
[25:49:51] Oh my fucking god what top fuck
[25:49:56] I'm not talking right that old you being in for something isn't that the word retards. Oh, I'm sorry now
[25:50:11] You drink coffee shut up, oh like celebrities out here like celebrities out here. Okay. Well you look like oh my god
[25:50:31] God. You stink. What's your DTA? What's your ETA?
[25:50:38] What's your ETA?
[25:51:22] Yeah, it's your tall waist.
[25:51:24] What are the Elizabeth's that you wanted on this?
[25:51:27] I don't know.
[25:51:29] How are you over here?
[25:51:31] Get a gel.
[25:51:32] What are you going to get?
[25:51:33] I'm going to buy a fuckin' double it.
[25:51:36] Frappuccino eyes.
[25:52:05] What's your Frappuccino eyes?
[25:52:10] Can I get a regular?
[25:52:14] Can I get up and I'll see you later?
[25:52:22] Yeah, you're crazy. You're too large.
[25:52:28] I'm going to see my little retired cousin once anything.
[25:52:31] Okay?
[25:52:32] I can't wait a minute.
[25:52:34] I'm eating food.
[25:52:36] Can we put ice cream in but not too much?
[25:52:39] Thank you.
[25:52:40] That's all.
[25:52:42] That's all.
[25:52:44] We're saying to retire her.
[25:52:46] Thank you.
[25:52:49] Stumble Retardo.
[25:52:51] if you just put stumble
[25:52:53] you see these tops?
[25:53:25] you're one ugly dude
[25:54:47] I think I'm gonna do something about it.
[25:54:49] So I'm gonna clear everything up.
[25:55:06] How is it possible?
[25:55:12] You can't do this.
[25:55:17] It's the worst.
[25:55:19] Everything about you is separate.
[25:55:21] Exactly.
[25:55:23] Everything about you is separate.
[25:55:59] What's your EG?
[25:56:05] You got this?
[25:56:12] Yeah, 11 to 18.
[25:56:14] I'm gonna see what's going on.
[25:56:22] Fuckin' girl scout over here. You're a sissy. Those aren't real man hands.
[25:56:51] You should put a cleaner.
[25:56:56] But you fucked up.
[25:56:58] They're saying you should put laxatives in it.
[25:57:01] And give it to Sweet Elizabeth.
[25:57:04] I'm just reading the chat, bro.
[25:57:06] If you see the way that range is not wrapped, I'll pop it out like the mad green.
[25:57:11] That's hot.
[25:57:12] You like it or not?
[25:57:14] That's for your girlfriend.
[25:57:16] Wow, that's a good thing.
[25:57:19] They wrote a name after it, but I don't think it's for a movie.
[25:57:22] Shotgun.
[25:57:23] It's your car.
[25:57:25] Wait a minute.
[25:57:26] They're in the predicament here.
[25:57:27] How do I get in?
[25:57:28] How do we get in?
[25:57:30] Oh, we should walk home?
[25:57:33] Put these down and come back.
[25:57:34] I'm back, I'm back here at the car, right?
[25:57:40] It's not even that far of a lot.
[25:57:42] Yeah.
[25:57:43] Nasty.
[25:57:44] Yeah, right there.
[25:57:46] Yeah.
[25:57:47] Man, I can't do this.
[25:57:48] You can't do this.
[25:57:49] It's all done.
[25:58:22] What if I drop it?
[25:58:29] No, wait, it's my car, though.
[25:58:31] It'll be an unfortunate collab.
[25:58:34] Guys, we don't have much time left to the sun with us.
[25:58:37] We've been 12 minutes.
[25:58:39] Get your sad space to faces.
[25:58:42] It's almost over.
[25:58:48] Cheers, it's gonna be shut the fuck up.
[25:58:50] There you go, listen.
[25:59:45] My daddy told me, go and get yourself a wife with me
[25:59:50] Oh, yeah, but that wasn't it
[25:59:53] Last side quest
[26:03:29] How you doing?
[26:03:31] Thank you
[26:03:36] Todd
[26:03:40] Turn the minute
[26:03:42] What's all you want?
[26:03:44] Yeah, no more music, I can't hear what's going on
[26:03:52] Oh, not on screen
[26:03:55] What's up?
[26:03:56] It's fine, it's fine
[26:03:57] No problem, it's fine
[26:03:59] You ready soon?
[26:04:00] Uh, yeah.
[26:04:01] And like, this is my aunt.
[26:04:03] This is my aunt.
[26:04:04] Okay.
[26:04:05] And then, um, thank you so much.
[26:04:09] I want to talk more.
[26:04:10] All right, when we're done.
[26:04:12] I'm super happy.
[26:04:14] And then like, it's fire.
[26:04:16] What's up?
[26:04:17] What's up?
[26:04:18] Fuck.
[26:04:19] All right.
[26:04:20] W's in the chat.
[26:04:24] So that's gonna be, it's not being weird.
[26:04:27] Last segment chat.
[26:04:30] It's your sad faces.
[26:04:32] How you guys swimming leaked?
[26:04:34] It's not a fucking thing, bro.
[26:04:38] What?
[26:04:40] We just said fuck a 47 cat.
[26:04:42] Yeah.
[26:04:44] What's with my Lemon 8?
[26:04:46] I'm gonna add a smoothie, bro.
[26:04:50] He's ready, bro. We're starting soon.
[26:04:52] I know.
[26:04:53] It's almost that time.
[26:04:55] Golden boy.
[26:05:07] My foot hurts.
[26:05:12] Last form.
[26:05:13] Shut up, huh?
[26:05:26] It's the last dance!
[26:05:28] What's the last one?
[26:05:30] What's on this?
[26:05:32] Oh, now you want me to sign it.
[26:05:34] I was gonna get everyone to sign it today.
[26:05:36] The last day.
[26:05:38] 30.
[26:05:40] That was the last time we met, then?
[26:05:42] Yeah.
[26:05:44] Oh, the plexi on right now.
[26:05:46] The pot came on Saturday.
[26:05:48] What'd you say?
[26:05:50] He said 30 days, 30 nights, impressive.
[26:05:52] And then he gives me all the stuff so I got my word about yeah
[26:05:59] Working outside of where do you want me anywhere, bro?
[26:06:02] It's not your biggest fuck to
[26:06:04] biggest fuck
[26:06:06] Right in the middle big as fuck
[26:06:20] It's far forget how to spell your name as we just can win you right there. Yeah
[26:06:41] Three-year-old handwriting shut up. Yeah, bro. It's almost time. We got four minutes left
[26:06:49] I know it's getting sad.
[26:06:51] We're gonna go one POV.
[26:06:53] My fucking!
[26:07:02] We're gonna say we have to go one POV, right?
[26:07:04] Yeah, I think so.
[26:07:06] It's becoming spooky hours.
[26:07:10] Life like this sure is great, huh?
[26:07:12] At least we have half a million dollars, right?
[26:07:22] Heh.
[26:07:26] You all right?
[26:07:32] Should I leave the room?
[26:07:40] Hey, are we not gonna be able to go on our desktop after?
[26:07:42] I'm sorry.
[26:07:47] I'll send you one fucking two, you fucking weirdo.
[26:07:50] All right peace peace no dude
[26:07:53] You have to lie to me and be going on what's going on?
[26:08:01] Is it internet fox?
[26:08:02] This is it shot there last time being desktop. This is it, bro
[26:09:25] Who is here, bro? This is it
[26:09:29] This is it
[26:09:31] Well, you guys made it, bro
[26:09:34] From day one to now we did it, bro. We're still a method to do
[26:09:47] There's one last thing to do before we go.
[26:09:56] It's crazy because I still think about the first time we met, you know what I'm saying?
[26:10:44] It's really fucking insane, bro.
[26:10:46] Like, we used to go back and shit.
[26:10:49] Huh?
[26:10:50] I'm just saying my goodbyes to him, man.
[26:10:54] It just feels like yesterday I met you, bro.
[26:10:56] You know, the sub-a-thons coming to an end.
[26:10:59] It's a shame that you had to die, bro.
[26:11:03] Some say you died, some say you got revived in other ways, you know what I'm saying, like I hit 65k,
[26:11:09] you know I became most watched English streamer, or any streamer on Twitch right now,
[26:11:14] some of the piece of my career, you know what I'm saying, I appreciate you talking,
[26:11:23] you know after this month, you're no longer going to be with us at all.
[26:11:27] Um, he's a good book.
[26:11:29] Hey.
[26:11:36] Aw.
[26:11:46] He's gone.
[26:11:47] The bugs ate him.
[26:11:51] The bugs ate him.
[26:11:53] Ready, Pepsi?
[26:12:08] Huh?
[26:13:33] Ready?
[26:13:34] Yeah, I'm ready.
[26:13:35] Make a license.
[26:13:37] This is it, chat.
[26:13:42] Last fucking hours.
[26:13:46] Sad day.
[26:13:48] everybody get off the internet it's lagging
[26:14:14] Brocky the gift itself I'm inevitable with the five-gifted baby Draco when
[26:14:21] I'm gonna get the...
[26:14:23] Oh, it's the last day, it's the last two hours, bro.
[26:14:27] It's the last two hours, bro.
[26:14:30] The last two hours.
[26:14:35] Get this man a 50,000.
[26:14:39] Get this man a 50,000.
[26:14:42] Man, you gotta get up, man. You know what I'm saying?
[26:14:45] These days, I move at four check-ins.
[26:15:13] I can't not sell my soul.
[26:15:15] I mean, at the top, I'm shining like a woman.
[26:15:39] One last push yo!
[26:15:40] We're officially a thousand away from 50k, Papa Mamo with the 10 gifted.
[26:21:53] Guys, give me a seat.
[26:22:12] 49?
[26:22:13] 49.
[26:22:14] 50.
[26:22:15] 50.
[26:22:20] 50.
[26:22:21] 50.
[26:22:25] 50.
[26:22:26] 50.
[26:22:27] 50.
[26:22:28] 50.
[26:22:29] 50.
[26:22:30] 50.
[26:22:31] 50.
[26:22:32] 50.
[26:22:33] 50.
[26:22:34] 50.
[26:22:35] 50.
[26:22:36] 50.
[26:22:37] 50.
[26:22:38] I guess you did.
[26:22:40] Yes, you did.
[26:22:41] Yes, you did.
[26:22:42] Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for the 5.
[26:22:43] 90 percent.
[26:22:44] 90 percent.
[26:22:45] Someone play a song.
[26:22:46] What song?
[26:22:47] Give me a good song.
[26:22:48] The extreme for the 10.
[26:22:49] Get the Mr. Fahrenheit with the 10.
[26:22:50] Get the jay.
[26:22:51] The last call.
[26:22:52] He says, the last call.
[26:22:53] It's the last call right here.
[26:22:55] It's the last thousand.
[26:22:57] Get this, let's get it.
[26:22:59] You know what?
[26:23:01] Maybe.
[26:23:02] Josh with the 5.
[26:23:03] So we can wrap this whole up.
[26:23:05] Come on.
[26:23:06] Let me see a chance on him.
[26:23:08] What's your chance on me?
[26:23:13] Are you old thing?
[26:23:14] She got old?
[26:23:16] No.
[26:23:17] Not yet?
[26:23:18] I don't know, bro. It's up to you.
[26:23:20] Is it a golden war or not?
[26:23:22] I don't know. I gotta see something.
[26:23:26] Give me some shit, bro.
[26:23:28] Give me some shit.
[26:23:30] Give me some of that side chain.
[26:23:35] Come on!
[26:23:37] I'm gonna work the camera, hold on.
[26:23:49] Shit.
[26:23:50] He's got a hundred away.
[26:23:51] He's gone ahead and lays me.
[26:24:07] Last seven hundred pieces.
[26:24:08] Oh my god, the final boss of the dumb.
[26:24:09] Take a hundred more.
[26:25:56] 50K, wait, wait, wait, wait.
[26:25:57] Five hundred thousand, please.
[26:25:58] 50 burgers.
[26:25:59] Let's go.
[26:26:00] Okay.
[26:26:01] Okay.
[26:26:02] Oh my god, the final boss of the dumb.
[26:26:05] Save it 100 more.
[26:26:06] 50 K, wait wait wait.
[26:26:08] 550 burgers.
[26:26:10] Let's go.
[26:26:11] 50,000 burger.
[26:26:45] That was the 515.
[26:27:06] Hold on to the prize.
[26:27:08] Better with the two months.
[26:27:10] That's 500.
[26:27:20] I can't eat.
[26:27:26] It's funny.
[26:27:28] It's funny.
[26:27:30] It's funny.
[26:27:34] It's funny.
[26:27:36] It's funny.
[26:27:50] It's funny.
[26:27:52] It's funny.
[26:28:00] It's funny.
[26:28:02] It's funny.
[26:28:04] You got time for one more time set
[26:28:12] One more
[26:28:13] So first of all it's funny, it's like calling the first thing, the actual first thing is
[26:28:18] to walk out of it
[26:28:19] There we go Jack!
[26:28:20] What the fuck
[26:28:21] I'm just saying nothing is done for me
[26:28:30] So I'm just having a real experience
[26:28:31] I'm just saying shit right now
[26:28:40] Go!
[26:31:56] I mean, it's easy now, 60,000 dollars, should we give him this card?
[26:32:06] I mean, I'm fed up.
[26:32:07] I can't wait to give this speech and we go back and on.
[26:32:09] It's just our last minutes without a check.
[26:32:11] We're going to have to go back and on.
[26:32:13] We've got to go.
[26:32:14] I don't say we'll talk with no phones.
[26:32:15] We're not going to be reading outside.
[26:32:16] We're just going to be talking.
[26:32:17] We've got to go back and on.
[26:32:19] Let's sign on.
[26:32:21] All right.
[26:32:22] All right.
[26:32:23] Here it is.
[26:32:24] You want to show whatever?
[26:32:28] We hit 65k.
[26:32:36] Let's go chat.
[26:32:38] Unfortunately, unfortunately, this is the end.
[26:32:50] This is it. This is fucking it, bro.
[26:33:02] I actually think they can get 70% of the money.
[26:33:04] Nah!
[26:33:06] That's 5,000.
[26:33:09] You've done this before?
[26:33:11] Nah!
[26:33:13] This is it, bro.
[26:33:15] I appreciate every single...
[26:33:17] get to talk to you guys one-on-one like this I appreciate everyone who subbed this month any twitch
[26:33:24] crimes that I missed I appreciate y'all any tier one subs I appreciate y'all anyone who gifted a sub
[26:33:35] rocket nods city all my mods in the chat stuck in throughout this whole day with any of my viewers
[26:33:43] who signed to watch me over everyone else that means the world to me y'all stuck with me over
[26:33:48] Everyone I appreciate that a lot bro. It's been the best month of my fucking career
[26:33:54] Ever and yeah, bro. It's fucking insane and I can't thank y'all enough for real. I love y'all so much
[26:34:01] Shout out y'all I wouldn't be possible without y'all. I mean look at you
[26:34:05] I mean look at y'all man
[26:34:08] That shit froze with your business
[26:34:11] You know go you know, but I love y'all man. It's real girl. I don't know how we were to talk to guys again
[26:34:18] But yeah, I fucking love you guys
[26:35:12] 30 days is over
[26:35:14] We did it fortunately guys and fortunately
[26:37:43] that concludes
[26:37:45] This other time we will be going to the round table right now. This is
[26:37:54] The ending I don't know if I'll see you guys soon. I don't know. I don't know if we're gonna even talk again after this right here
[26:38:05] Rob, I kind of need this. My mom is kind of hopeless.
[26:38:14] Can you see me? I don't know if y'all are going to see me soon.
[26:38:28] We may not be able to talk at the end of this. We may be able to talk. I don't know.
[26:38:33] One thing I do know is it's us versus everyone forever, bro. You know what I'm saying?
[26:38:41] They hate it when we're at the bottom
[26:38:44] They love them where the top that's how the story goes you know I'm saying
[26:38:50] Decide I don't keep saying it, but I'm gonna lost for words. I can't appreciate y'all but the bottom
[26:38:54] I are everything y'all done for me
[26:38:56] I don't know after the round table if we're gonna even go back to our desktops, but if we're not
[26:39:03] None of this shit will be possible now y'all and I love y'all so much bro
[26:39:06] She's crazy and it's really just a star bro. I fucking love y'all
[26:39:14] Yeah, bro, it's been fucking fun
[26:39:18] And it's been real
[26:39:21] It's been real fucking fun
[26:39:24] Appreciate you Mario for having the tiktok Gilbert all my mods all my viewers all my fucking subs
[26:39:31] Follow my Twitter in case and my Instagram
[26:39:34] I probably will be going for like a week maximum 10 days
[26:39:41] But yeah, I still don't even know what we're gonna talk to y'all after but
[26:39:44] We shall see join my Twitter come x mission mark calm
[26:39:48] Yeah, bro, we really made it before I go though. I do want to tweet one thing I
[26:40:00] Took a video just before the subodon
[26:40:04] That I want to tweet
[26:40:06] And I want you all to see
[26:40:08] I suppose it's on my main or my burner
[26:40:24] I suppose it's on my main
[26:40:27] One second buddy. Oh, I fucking tweeted it by accident. I didn't put a capsule on it
[26:40:36] Give me three minutes. I
[26:40:38] Can't fucking believe it either
[26:40:43] One thing I do believe in is I believe in manifestation and I did that
[26:40:52] Give me one sec. This is the end. Y'all are y'all sad? Are y'all sad in here?
[26:41:03] It's really crazy, bro. I'm gonna go down in one sec. I just want to I just want you all to see this one thing that I recorded
[26:41:17] because I
[26:41:19] genuinely believe if you believe in yourself you could do anything you want
[26:41:24] manifestation is real
[26:41:26] Everything I manifested in my life came to me
[26:41:29] And yeah, bro, I genuinely believe with my whole heart that you could do anything, but yeah, I recorded this
[26:41:36] right before the subodon. It's nothing crazy but it's just something fun to look back at.
[26:42:08] people. I'm the one who was here that was at the bottom of the unconstitutional victims.
[26:42:25] No matter where we end up, I'm happy with what I wish for the best. We shall see.
[26:42:32] And just like that, we number fucking one!
[26:42:36] Ghostbusters!
[26:42:40] Yes sir!
[26:42:41] Stop playing with the kids!
[26:42:58] Yes sir!
[26:42:59] Yes sir!
[26:43:05] All right, yo, I love y'all be in a minute make sure to like this bitch up do whatever the fuck you want to do
[26:43:23] You know why?
[26:44:28] Close game interview this ain't no round table rectangle table. Oh, it's already on. Yeah
[26:46:15] Make it round it ain't
[26:46:17] It's not to it. There's not fucking phase if you don't have to see off
[26:46:21] Yep. Oh, is it on? Yeah, Tim. I just saw this streamer thing tweet. I don't know where it is
[26:46:34] It said I was number one the whole morning. It's like the official account. Holy Betsy aura. Oh
[26:46:45] My god, what are you doing after the seventh time that's he?
[26:46:55] They found the guy that
[26:46:57] Some things never change. Is it going?
[26:47:00] Oh, can I close that? We all put in phone now.
[26:47:03] Yeah, let's start.
[26:47:04] Oh, is this recent?
[26:47:09] It's the crazy good dude.
[26:47:10] That's him?
[26:47:11] Yes.
[26:47:12] Did this just happen?
[26:47:14] Or is this old?
[26:47:15] I don't know.
[26:47:16] Oh my God, that is him.
[26:47:18] This is rich.
[26:47:19] Who's doing the colleagues more?
[26:47:21] Oh my God.
[26:47:24] What happened?
[26:47:28] He found the tooth.
[26:47:30] I am also yeah, she's crazy buddy. What is it at now?
[26:47:37] She did
[26:47:47] Oh, let's go. Hey, happy as hell
[26:47:53] Well, no phones right? Yeah. No way
[26:47:57] Just us we close the door
[26:48:00] Should we be more roundish we put like two here two here two here two here two here
[26:48:06] I was thinking about that. It's not that you want to be in a C-day. Yeah, that's how I'm telling you
[26:48:11] Move it move. I'm telling you like this is good. This is good. Just give me one more
[26:48:16] Production perspective it would be hard if we sound is this good can everyone still go back
[26:48:23] Yeah, perfect. All right, I guess starting I got a water
[26:48:30] All right, well this is the end of the face of it on
[26:48:36] We all came together, you know did this 30-day shit together sub at time we ended with a combined 350,000 plus
[26:48:48] We don't talk we don't reflect real quick, you know to conclude this we're not gonna be reading chat
[26:48:53] We just gonna talk amongst each other if I'm me and then we out of here, bro
[26:48:57] All right, so anyone want to start anyone got anything to say yeah, you should fuck sir
[26:49:02] I mean, I'll just start by saying simply I mean let's start with this nigga. What who's getting
[26:49:16] You are a parasol. All right, let's do the good shit first
[26:49:20] You so far do you want to end with the good shit? What's out thinking bro? Let's just talk about the entire seventh on
[26:49:25] Yeah, yeah, it's been 30 fucking days. Did y'all expect this? No, I thought I was gonna quit
[26:49:33] Bro adapt and I we sat in the driveway. It was like the night before
[26:49:38] Where's the morning? It was the driveway the day before I was leaving. We were all in the backyard talking everyone was
[26:49:44] Honestly, we were all kind of screaming at each other because everyone was individually planning their own subatons
[26:49:48] And then like two days before we were all like it was a night before
[26:49:53] It was the night before it was the night was in this house. We were all through. Oh, yeah was in this fucking room
[26:49:58] Yes, we were all here like six hours at latest but yeah, it's like 4 a.m.
[26:50:02] Because we realized we were all planning solo sub-a-thons when it was supposed to be a group. Yeah, I wasn't even here for that
[26:50:08] Yeah, you're on the phone. I was like, yo
[26:50:12] I was a bit more nervous this fucking flight my flight. Oh my god
[26:50:16] Yeah, thank God we all came together because everyone's bro. We were stressing every resident brother the night before is crazy
[26:50:25] And we all started planning our own shit. Nah, I've been playing for months
[26:50:34] Literally like
[26:50:37] Fucking muckbangs rockin put together
[26:50:40] I
[26:50:45] Don't think anybody expected this bro. We're like take a moment, but we're in the top 15
[26:50:50] Twix all of us all of us
[26:50:53] All of us all of us broke individual records group records. She hasn't ever been done before bro
[26:51:01] What's the first thing y'all are doing when this shit ends when we turn this off at three
[26:51:04] I mean not today, but like what's your guys at first?
[26:51:10] I
[26:51:12] Yeah, you went to clips this morning
[26:51:15] The clips this morning till it's morning. I like that morning breath. So you allow that
[26:51:20] You say little dude crazy
[26:51:23] First time a dude
[26:51:26] I
[26:51:27] Mean we have to shoot tomorrow and then after the shoot. I got a move houses
[26:51:30] I got a fucking move. I don't even get time to chill saying
[26:51:34] Hopefully today I find out if I if I have a home
[26:51:37] I mean like how leasing works is you have to like get signed for the place and get accepted by the landlord
[26:51:47] No me out of here. Oh, I'm just gonna put everything in my car
[26:51:50] You have enough space in my range. Yeah, and then I got to figure out
[26:51:54] If I'm not I got to move all my shit from my house to my new place and then get my setup right at the
[26:51:59] Fiz house
[26:52:07] Wilson
[26:52:10] No, you said you might have you might have saved me brah when we when I first did the seven-day
[26:52:15] Well, yeah, you were good both of y'all were
[26:52:21] No, I look back at that hair. I'm like how did no one say shit before thank you like a DT
[26:52:25] You got a whole different life who did not say yes. Yes. You actually got
[26:52:32] You guys
[26:52:37] Yeah, we all look good. Yeah, that's actually correct. Like I saw a screenshot. Oh, we do or
[26:52:44] Or the screenshot where we're all we all got our hand on the box
[26:52:48] Yeah, even the WWE like the fucking all our hair is different color like no
[26:52:52] Does that see that one from Miami to now like the first picture we took?
[26:52:58] Oh, yeah
[26:53:01] Like the difference is crazy. Are you glad you came or so key so what?
[26:53:05] I was pulling teeth, bro, every day with his niggas.
[26:53:11] For real?
[26:53:12] You were on his ass?
[26:53:13] Yes.
[26:53:14] Thank gosh.
[26:53:15] Thank God.
[26:53:16] I'm sure you don't regret it, either, Silkie.
[26:53:17] Of course not.
[26:53:18] I didn't want to, but at the same time it was like, bro, it all started from that
[26:53:23] one day when Max talked about the warehouse from the land tournament, and we were streaming.
[26:53:29] I'm like, yeah, bro, I'm having so much fun.
[26:53:31] What the fuck?
[26:53:32] Oh my God, the rear heads.
[26:53:33] Yeah, that's what we like.
[26:53:34] It was the first time we all played together.
[26:53:36] That's how I'm saying it.
[26:53:37] Yeah, it was the first time we all played together.
[26:53:38] That was.
[26:53:39] And it was just so fun to know.
[26:53:41] It's crazy how the original plan was two split houses.
[26:53:44] Bro, I knew that was never going to work.
[26:53:46] I knew that was never going to work.
[26:53:47] Bro, but it all fell into place better than we could have ever.
[26:53:50] If we tried to orchestrate this or put this together
[26:53:52] ourselves, it wouldn't work.
[26:53:54] It was organic.
[26:53:55] It just, like, and the crazy thing is that y'all
[26:53:58] both came to LA and they didn't even have rooms.
[26:54:00] Max and Silky, Max slept on a couch for a month
[26:54:03] never complained never bitched never was like oh if I'm gonna live you like that
[26:54:07] is like you was sleeping in his chair so he was sleeping on the fucking couch
[26:54:11] you like y'all pulled up together one point we did that oh oh oh my
[26:54:17] fall asleep on a beam bed not in the same bed well I go to sleep like right
[26:54:21] next pole is like right next to each other smoke asleep yeah we really made
[26:54:26] it work bro this shit is insane facts like so oh I'm not gonna like if you
[26:54:31] think about it we did the hard reboot April 26 we kicked everyone we announced
[26:54:36] y'all everyone told us we were fucking crazy that we base is gonna go up in
[26:54:41] flame but the brand we all loved is fucking broken and destroyed and now
[26:54:45] here we are six months in and top 50 on twist first six months five months no
[26:54:54] Six it's been like five right because I got I got I got we first started streaming in May
[26:55:00] We know May June July August September five months
[26:55:03] We got the LA house in June. I remember it's like June wait announced with me
[26:55:07] But a mount announced was the end of April yeah, so May June July August September five months
[26:55:14] Doing shit together like two or three two months
[26:55:19] When the LA crib got the crazy about the internet
[26:55:22] Internet it was supposed to be you and you just y'all to an LA career
[26:55:26] Yeah, I was like if he because this dude was telling me that you gotta do it you gotta do it
[26:55:32] Yeah, no you're trying to keep this people. I was like kind of
[26:55:35] Because of school and shit. I was like worry about
[26:55:42] But then I went out there for like a week and was like
[26:55:45] I literally remember your first time going wait, what's up first? Okay. What's up first time going to Alzay?
[26:55:52] Cuz you yes, it was and that goes no way early a day before me. Oh, no, that's a second time
[26:55:58] I was like I would because I would find it
[26:56:00] I wouldn't fly in and out to see family cuz that was that was my first time going to the LA crew and we just immediately
[26:56:06] Started doing banger shit remember the full fight we had when we was doing a double-dead cooking you remember that
[26:56:12] That's where all started
[26:56:15] That was a whole different food.
[26:56:17] Yeah, that was a different one.
[26:56:18] That too.
[26:56:19] It was like the fire.
[26:56:20] Are you talking about with Connie?
[26:56:21] Yeah, me and Connie.
[26:56:22] Jason, I'll say, that was that.
[26:56:23] That was the famous Vaughn clip.
[26:56:26] Yep.
[26:56:27] Yep.
[26:56:28] Oh.
[26:56:29] I was starting from there.
[26:56:30] I wasn't there, I don't think.
[26:56:31] You were.
[26:56:32] You were.
[26:56:33] You were.
[26:56:34] You were there.
[26:56:35] Is that what you threw the frigate at me?
[26:56:36] Yeah.
[26:56:37] That was what you threw the frigate at me.
[26:56:38] Yeah.
[26:56:39] You were there.
[26:56:40] You were there.
[26:56:41] No, but I felt like we made so much content in such a short amount of time.
[26:56:44] We'll forget moments like that, which is a...
[26:56:46] I mean, I would say the thing about it.
[26:56:48] Yeah.
[26:56:49] That was somewhere like crazy, like, we didn't even, like, plan it necessarily, it just, like, naturally happened,
[26:56:54] and it, like, fell so into place, like, perfectly, like, that house.
[26:56:58] That is the best... Those are the best situations where shit just organically comes together and falls into place without you trying to, like, orchestrate it too much, or make it calculated, it just...
[26:57:07] It's just work, bro.
[26:57:09] Awesome face, shit, we're fucking... We're back, bro. And this is really just the beginning.
[26:57:12] Like you said, we've only really been doing group group together for two months and we it's like and there's double-down was half of that
[26:57:20] Not three cuz July August September
[26:57:25] Yeah, they both that's only that's what I can make to be real we all basically
[26:57:32] Ethernet cords right around the whole house
[26:57:34] Oh
[26:57:38] Y'all were so mad we did IRLs every day just going down. Yeah, I started to higher-ups. Yeah
[26:57:44] Started it was like me and they wait now did on the day you give me my money shit
[26:57:49] Yeah, I just need my money this summer. We started
[26:57:55] So wait, what y'all say the first thing y'all are doing after the seventh time you're going in
[26:57:58] What are you there?
[26:57:59] It's nuts.
[26:58:00] I'm going back home.
[26:58:01] To Jersey.
[26:58:02] Everyone's going home.
[26:58:03] I'm going back home tomorrow, probably.
[26:58:04] I don't know.
[26:58:05] It depends how long I'm going to be gone for.
[26:58:06] How long you're not going to be gone for?
[26:58:08] I'm going to take at least a week.
[26:58:09] He said he's streaming in three days.
[26:58:11] That's crazy.
[26:58:12] I'm right with him.
[26:58:13] So you're streaming in three days?
[26:58:14] Like five.
[26:58:15] Like four, five days.
[26:58:16] I'm probably going to go.
[26:58:17] I'll take it a couple of weeks.
[26:58:18] I'll go home for a few days.
[26:58:19] I'll take it a cool week as well.
[26:58:20] Probably a week, yeah.
[26:58:21] It's on a six week basis.
[26:58:22] In the max amount of days I'm taking this 10 days, though.
[26:58:24] Not a lot.
[26:58:25] I was thinking, no.
[26:58:27] Bro, I feel like you're the 100 days into it.
[26:58:30] You gotta take a break, bro.
[26:58:32] Bro, I mean, here's the thing,
[26:58:34] Jason Demner did like 80, 90, bro.
[26:58:36] True.
[26:58:37] I'm about to take a break, bro.
[26:58:39] Yeah.
[26:58:40] And then what do they say about it?
[26:58:41] Bro, the most important thing,
[26:58:43] and I can't stress this enough,
[26:58:44] is do not burn yourself out
[26:58:46] with this streaming content shit.
[26:58:47] Because if you do,
[26:58:49] y'all all have a passion for this.
[26:58:50] Y'all genuinely like, you can see it.
[26:58:52] It's real, like I can tell
[26:58:54] that y'all really genuinely enjoy streaming,
[26:58:57] talking to your communities, making content shit.
[26:58:59] But when you force yourself to do it
[26:59:01] and you don't give yourself time
[26:59:03] and prioritize your mental health
[26:59:04] and just how you feel,
[26:59:06] you're gonna start looking at this shit
[26:59:08] like in a different way,
[26:59:09] it's gonna fuck up your view on it.
[26:59:11] You're gonna start wanting to distance yourself from it.
[26:59:13] Like how Banks explained with the Nordenship.
[26:59:15] Norden always thought that he was gonna make
[26:59:17] three videos a day until he was 80.
[26:59:19] He grinded so fucking hard.
[26:59:21] He would make three full YouTube videos a day.
[26:59:23] he set the standard for everyone in the New York Face House.
[26:59:25] Shout out to Norton.
[26:59:27] And him and all of us all burned out of it.
[26:59:30] Like we burned out.
[26:59:31] It started to feel like something I was obligated to do
[26:59:33] instead of something I wanted to do.
[26:59:36] So just take some time, you know?
[26:59:38] Like always prioritize yourself
[26:59:39] and y'all know if y'all ever need anything,
[26:59:41] I'm always here, we're all here for each other.
[26:59:44] And yeah, just like don't try to force it.
[26:59:47] You just did a hundred days.
[26:59:48] No, I'm a stupid fan too.
[26:59:50] You gave yourself two days off, right?
[26:59:52] for your big, before your big, nah, it was like a week.
[26:59:55] No, okay, so I, we did the party.
[26:59:57] I left for like, I think five days and then I came back,
[27:00:00] like, so I mean, I took a break like two days,
[27:00:03] took a two day, no, five days.
[27:00:05] Five days, okay, I'm sure.
[27:00:06] Five days and then.
[27:00:08] But that was because you had to go.
[27:00:10] It's not because.
[27:00:10] I went home in a mine, I've seen my parents
[27:00:12] for a couple of days and then I came back.
[27:00:15] And yeah, and then we streamed
[27:00:16] and then we didn't stream before the sub-anime.
[27:00:18] But I'm not gonna lie bro, like,
[27:00:20] Charles, I started feeling that shit.
[27:00:21] I never felt that's in my life.
[27:00:23] And I don't know if it's the Hennessy talking,
[27:00:25] but last night, bro, I'm telling you, bro, like,
[27:00:28] bro, cause there was mad bullshit happening last night.
[27:00:30] I think y'all were asleep.
[27:00:31] There was that one pull of beer.
[27:00:34] There was a pull of beer.
[27:00:35] There was hella pull of beer.
[27:00:36] What happened last night?
[27:00:37] Oh, there was a, I woke up to,
[27:00:38] where was I?
[27:00:39] Just know there was some bullshit
[27:00:41] and I was trying to handle it.
[27:00:42] And I'm not gonna lie,
[27:00:43] bro, the shit's stressing me out.
[27:00:43] Cause it's like, bro,
[27:00:44] what the fuck am I doing this shit for?
[27:00:46] And it's like, it was basically right,
[27:00:51] Your name drop. No, no, no. Yeah, it wasn't about the name
[27:00:54] It was just I didn't want to keep diving to the situation because not that important
[27:00:58] but basically Diana right was here the other guy invited was here and there was just a whole bunch of shit going on where it was like
[27:01:08] She had gotten mad at me because I didn't give her a sweater
[27:01:11] She's like it's can I have a sweater. I'm like brah. I'm dealing with cuz that there was this other girl
[27:01:16] I was trying trying to take home my Valenciaga sweater
[27:01:19] And I'm like and she said she'll give it back when she sees me again. I'm like, no
[27:01:23] let me do hold that though and
[27:01:25] Then Diana comes calling this one. That's what I'm like bro like well
[27:01:28] I thought I literally dealing with somebody now and she hangs up mad
[27:01:31] She storms into my room and just and she was like she was like well
[27:01:36] I can't believe you didn't give me a sweater and 69 degrees in here. I'm like you just enter the room
[27:01:41] What do you mean? Like if the thermostat at 39 and she's like I'm gonna go put on my home
[27:01:46] But I'm like, bro now she was probably drunk, but it's like now I'm dealing with these emotions
[27:01:51] When I'm just trying to stream and that should it's so draining like that should it's so great literally that was just me
[27:01:57] And friends over like bro half of these days. I
[27:02:00] and I probably ended like just
[27:02:04] Fucked up in the head like in one way or another like just
[27:02:07] Go you feel me like I'm not gonna lie bro out of all of us
[27:02:10] I probably took the most time off camera cuz bro like it just be moments like I'm like
[27:02:14] But I can't be on camera right now this shit too stressful and last night you remember when I test you
[27:02:18] How did you do this? How do you do this? I tested you that because I'm bro
[27:02:22] I was dead I sit on camera for like five to minutes. I didn't say a single word like bro
[27:02:27] I just felt like I'm like damn. I have nothing to say, bro
[27:02:30] Like I don't even feel like talking like I that was the first moment. I ever felt like
[27:02:36] Damn, I don't even want to do this
[27:02:38] So I'm like, yeah, that's why I know I got to just chill a little bit
[27:02:42] Yeah, I mean yeah, that was one thing. Um, I'll invited like
[27:02:47] two three people for two three people, but like I invited people who I know are just
[27:02:53] Go around and socialize themselves because if I might have like saved
[27:02:57] Moriah, they wanted me to invite Moriah. I would have been I would have had to like
[27:03:02] Yeah, that's facts
[27:03:04] You're telling anybody
[27:03:06] Yeah, I mean bro. Yo, I also I wanted to say this that clip
[27:03:10] I don't know if y'all seen the clip where well where I swear those a clip with Diana where she was like
[27:03:17] She was y'all was outside on the turf and she was like oh go ahead make me cry again. Yeah
[27:03:23] I don't know what I just tried to ignore cuz I was like, I don't know what you had to rotate quiz
[27:03:29] I mean that's how hard shit about streaming is like when you get like when you get triggered and when you get mad
[27:03:35] Or when you get emotional like you can't just like turn it off
[27:03:38] You got to deal with that shit and then you have to chat like gas and shit like there's the whole dynamic is weird
[27:03:43] Well, I'm like I've learned so much about streaming culture
[27:03:45] And I really respect all of you for being able to fucking do this shit brother. She is not normal
[27:03:50] 30 days eating on screen sleeping on stream
[27:03:57] You were shouting on stream yeah
[27:03:59] All right, I'm 27 and don't think it's your heart.
[27:04:03] Damn, God, yeah, no, I don't know.
[27:04:07] Jesus, fuck.
[27:04:09] How do we whisper it, bro?
[27:04:10] Yeah, that's crazy.
[27:04:12] What?
[27:04:13] Just some other shit.
[27:04:14] I don't hear it,
[27:04:15] because I don't want to fuck up a lacy bag.
[27:04:18] Not bag, but so it's not something to,
[27:04:21] but once this turned it off, that's nuts.
[27:04:23] But it's all good.
[27:04:24] That shit dead anyway, so.
[27:04:27] But yeah, bro, like, you feel me?
[27:04:28] just be having those moments and you've heard me certain people I felt like out of all of us Jason
[27:04:32] You're probably the best and adapt but like controlling our emotions, but I'm a I began trigger easily
[27:04:38] So if something triggered me, but y'all y'all it seemed to like never get triggered, bro
[27:04:42] Yeah, I get triggered so easy, but that make the chat want to troll you more, bro
[27:04:47] Yeah, this is annoying. I don't be getting mad that easy to be honest
[27:04:51] I don't think yeah, maybe once or twice during the whole subcon which honestly I thought would be a lot harder
[27:04:57] but I've also been doing content and been in phase houses
[27:05:01] since I was 17.
[27:05:02] Like that when I was 17, I started living in the phase house.
[27:05:05] So I kind of understand how it works.
[27:05:06] It's just different now, just streaming
[27:05:08] opposed to YouTube, like, you know what I'm saying?
[27:05:11] Mm-hmm.
[27:05:12] Yeah.
[27:05:12] That's what we're doing.
[27:05:13] So it's the end of the summer though,
[27:05:14] when I just started hitting for real.
[27:05:16] Yeah, I got like, I don't know, it wasn't even,
[27:05:18] I never get like annoyed with you guys at all.
[27:05:20] It was literally just my chat that like started to like,
[27:05:22] get to me in the last, like, the last week.
[27:05:25] Derek, your chat is low-key toxic as fuck.
[27:05:28] They're so toxic.
[27:05:28] Oh, they should.
[27:05:29] But you went to Rocket League at home.
[27:05:31] You clicked on a random person's phone.
[27:05:32] Nah, I was nuts.
[27:05:34] You got a baby crazy.
[27:05:36] You started re-streaming someone else's Rocket League game.
[27:05:38] Because, like, what do you mean?
[27:05:40] You did it the same night.
[27:05:41] Me?
[27:05:42] Yeah, and now I was just in the closet.
[27:05:45] No, that was a different night.
[27:05:46] That was a different night.
[27:05:47] You got called to Vibe2.
[27:05:48] Yes, sir.
[27:05:49] Oh, yeah, that's what he left.
[27:05:51] I never called you back.
[27:05:52] So I just went to Rocket League.
[27:05:54] I didn't want to drink they're like five terrorists
[27:05:58] The chat is going to troll you consistently
[27:06:01] I was just like you get I'm saying no matter how you're feeling if you're feeling a certain way at day, bro
[27:06:07] That's it might just take you oh
[27:06:09] Very nice in my position. I'm like I'm like a good ass ignore her, bro
[27:06:14] No, you'll be that's what you are
[27:06:16] I'll be ignoring the fuck out my chat like my whole chat when we spending one thing and I just ignore it, bro
[27:06:20] I gotta start doing that shit bro. You gotta pull me on the map.
[27:06:24] I can't bro, I can't. I'll read it and after they're spamming it for longer than 30 seconds.
[27:06:27] Yeah, I'll do that with my gun.
[27:06:29] You can't let the chat dictate how you feel.
[27:06:33] What's the maddest thing I've ever told you?
[27:06:35] I usually go, but like when it's 30 days straight of getting trolled 24-7,
[27:06:38] I get little fucking shits and like it gets to me at like a point.
[27:06:42] What was the happiest y'all been, the maddest y'all been?
[27:06:45] You just go down.
[27:06:46] Maddest? I'm sorry.
[27:06:47] Like your favorite moment that you feel me like?
[27:06:49] Let's start with Matt is I mean, I don't think I ever got so real mad and
[27:06:54] You know exactly practical jokers. Oh wait. Yeah, okay
[27:06:58] I was mad then probably then yeah for sure because you all started fucking clowning me and the fucking
[27:07:05] The loser had a walk down Hollywood Boulevard in the pillow and then
[27:07:10] Or diaper y'all are in y'all are in the car. I can't hear the comms like and then you all started mocking me
[27:07:19] You know what's so funny I was like no let's do it guess who ended up candy
[27:07:24] I'm like a lot bro like the type of nigga I am yeah I mean y'all know me bro like
[27:07:30] I just get I go from zero to 100 like I was so fucking mad bro I was so
[27:07:35] triggered and y'all you know what make me more mad when I feel yes yo but not
[27:07:41] even that though but I played the song he said hold my hand that was the only
[27:07:46] I got mad during the seventh on two because your calm was mad at me
[27:07:50] I was just sitting there. That's the point I wanted to say
[27:07:52] One thing we a hundred percent got to do a better job at is making sure our comms are united
[27:07:58] There is too many times
[27:08:00] I feel like we're they'd be at like a war like that. No, we got a dead dad shit, bro
[27:08:05] Me or come they either I love or hate each other every time. Oh, this is how it goes
[27:08:08] They get mad and then the next day is like
[27:08:10] I know.
[27:08:11] I know.
[27:08:12] You can't really look at that shit.
[27:08:13] But we, like a bro, we all brothers, so I don't understand why our coms be so like,
[27:08:16] I get it we with all streamers and we all build our own communities beforehand.
[27:08:20] But it's like, when that shit is happening, regardless how we feel about each other at
[27:08:24] that moment, we know we love each other in the long run.
[27:08:26] So we gotta, gotta get that shit in the comms.
[27:08:28] And the miles gotta know that too.
[27:08:30] We should not be like farming hatred on each other, bro.
[27:08:33] That shit is bad.
[27:08:34] Nah.
[27:08:35] That shit is bad.
[27:08:36] That shit is bad.
[27:08:37] I love to farm hate.
[27:08:38] Nigga, on yourself.
[27:08:39] Nigga, you can't farm hatred on each other.
[27:08:40] I love to farm a though
[27:08:47] I love see I love school in Twitter I see and I see everybody just so manual see he's always going into
[27:08:56] Literally like one day think they can be
[27:08:59] Literally the next day is back. Did you get mad at all me? Yeah
[27:09:03] I think had to be chasing hide-and-seek so well, bro
[27:09:06] I was like what was the time you got mad the one time I say they got mad. No, it wasn't the one time
[27:09:11] I got mad. Oh, I know what it is. What was the first day?
[27:09:16] Do you not remember the first day with Victoria?
[27:09:20] Oh
[27:09:23] I was mad, but that was not the maddest that was that way that way man
[27:09:28] What was the maddest?
[27:09:30] The maddest was when y'all fucking put up in my room at 5 a.m.
[27:09:33] It's praying me with a goddamn Warby's gun bro. We're today. Yes
[27:09:38] I was like fucking oh my god. Why did you just tell me what I was doing a bit
[27:09:47] I was just like I was actually trying to figure out who's going on my account get them on shit. Yeah
[27:09:52] I'm getting damn your fucking torture
[27:09:57] And then I think when you went to the bathroom he's like brah what are gonna sleep?
[27:10:00] But I'm like oh this thing is my actually tight. I'm like you're not until I'm like, you're not
[27:10:06] Like that's not that's some like shit. I don't I don't like not a water. It was the maddest
[27:10:11] I ever seen you
[27:10:14] Because you really drown her game. Yeah, because I was sleeping. I know I feel like I know but you store
[27:10:20] Yo, you storm the kitchen got a water and then went for another nigga
[27:10:24] She's like yo, so he's no way you don't slide and hurt him. I'm like
[27:10:30] I
[27:10:34] This is my mother fucking brother, but like
[27:10:39] Anybody's gonna do content like that, but you gotta you gotta expect to understand the words like yo
[27:10:42] I'm not gonna like that little two-week stretch that started off with you when you threw my nigga
[27:10:52] No, these niggas telling me they want me to fight every nigga
[27:11:00] Fuck that
[27:11:03] Story arms
[27:11:06] There's shit that we probably don't even remember happened. It's been 30 days. I forgot about the water
[27:11:11] Yeah, like that was my first day. I still think one of the best things was game night and the worst thing for me
[27:11:17] Listen, that was
[27:11:19] You actually got that brother. We said because it was so I never see my oh my god
[27:11:23] Oh, no, you didn't even say that I had to contain my bro
[27:11:26] Where did you go? I was over here texting Pepsi texting right? I'm like I cannot do this get me out
[27:11:35] No, it wasn't so people thought it was because I had shit teammates
[27:11:41] But it wasn't that it wasn't I didn't I didn't I didn't give a fuck if you were the worst gamer here
[27:11:46] It doesn't matter that's not what I was mad about what I was mad about is it's fucking 10
[27:11:51] It's like 11 p.m. Or like midnight and we're all killing it right now
[27:11:55] Everyone's students are going crazy and then this dude max can't get into a call duty lobby not for 30 minutes
[27:12:00] Not for an hour number two. It's a three hours
[27:12:05] The game any uninstalled game
[27:12:07] And we sat there for three hours doing nothing. Oh, I don't know what I'm and I have like Lacey in the in my ear
[27:12:14] Going nah, but I'm not even like that. Like shit. I'm like, bro
[27:12:21] I'm gonna I'm gonna free go. Yeah
[27:12:23] You know you and that's with me in a lacy
[27:12:28] To get I was pissed
[27:12:30] Because he chose a fucking magic Johnson post-score
[27:12:37] It was rage made me the whole time
[27:12:39] Oh, no, that's the action because you won't we did I was actually tight wait for that was your madness
[27:12:43] But you were mad when you went back to your way you didn't even
[27:12:46] No, I was annoyed in the first place. I was waiting all I knew
[27:12:59] Yes, my one be one I get sad to fucking post for my magic
[27:13:10] You were doing on the front line on that game night yo, I love me at least you were in that game
[27:13:15] We were typing in the Valor we like yo brawn here so tough
[27:13:19] No, but we knew that like coming from the ass and you're stuck with these ass thing is we knew
[27:13:28] How are you how are you some decent at all watch your gameplay you got better you got better a car
[27:13:34] I will say you got better. No, he got
[27:13:38] In the land tournament he held it down a case on a lit night held it down. I'm not too much. You got a kill
[27:13:43] Yeah, I got any specific plans y'all want to leave I didn't tell when oh yeah
[27:13:50] You do gotta go on a mat is wait everyone said there's besides yeah
[27:13:55] So the maddest I like you know what the matters was
[27:13:59] I was so tight
[27:14:02] Like when it went into
[27:14:06] Like nobody go my room no no nothing clarified it's right when he said that first of all y'all know
[27:14:13] No
[27:14:23] So what happened was yeah, I know this whole five star SLG shit started because Cardi posted me in my
[27:14:30] That was a troll. Okay. That was so I was so ladies kept trolling etc. Going back and forth
[27:14:36] And then you made a diss whatever so I was like, okay, I made it just my friends, right?
[27:14:41] It was all for the games, but silkie has said in the group chat don't go in his room
[27:14:46] I didn't see that y'all know you feel me we streaming 24-7 niggas not on these phones, but you know what I'm saying
[27:14:51] So I didn't see the text I guess dream I see the text either and we ended up going to the room now
[27:14:58] When we was talking on discord I had said yo bro cuz I was it on string yo
[27:15:03] We shouldn't move it in this room. It is one reason when we was on discord. I had said yo, bro
[27:15:08] You had said don't go in my room and trash it so I thought hold on I thought you ever man don't break anything
[27:15:15] So when we went to music it I was like guys don't touch none of his shit
[27:15:18] Let's just shoot the video, but he meant don't go in that hole
[27:15:20] So he shot the video this nigga was mad at shit. I was like, okay
[27:15:24] You know what also got him in and then he took it out on Joel and they
[27:15:29] That was not angry
[27:15:38] We barely drank that shit, I was tight.
[27:15:42] It was drunk where it had to be drunk.
[27:15:44] We barely drank that shit.
[27:15:46] I think it was because I was drunk and we came back home.
[27:15:48] We all took a pot of Bobbin.
[27:15:50] He was Bobbin like, it doesn't matter.
[27:15:52] The adventure that we had, we was Bobbin all night, bro.
[27:15:56] I came back home, I said, go on my go, this nigga just moved you, bro.
[27:16:00] I said, ain't no.
[27:16:02] What's y'all's happiest moment during this whole time?
[27:16:04] Back to the old house.
[27:16:06] You start, Lacey.
[27:16:08] Oh, when I had 25K, and I called my brother,
[27:16:13] I don't know, I was just so happy when I had 25K,
[27:16:15] I had a moment of realization.
[27:16:18] I say when I was drunk the other day,
[27:16:19] I don't have to have off the head dog,
[27:16:21] when I was calling all my family members,
[27:16:23] family thinking I'm a sick, family, that's it.
[27:16:26] Yeah, that's it, not good, bro, fuck that shit.
[27:16:29] I gotta stop drinking that shit.
[27:16:31] I'll probably say the words are not a lot.
[27:16:33] like seeing all of us there in the chat,
[27:16:36] like banks and everyone, it was crazy.
[27:16:38] It was really like the moment to me that I was like,
[27:16:41] damn, like that's the end of the subathons, everything.
[27:16:44] That was a good ass night.
[27:16:45] That was a good night, huh?
[27:16:47] It was a good night?
[27:16:49] Oh, nah.
[27:16:50] No, but that genuinely was like probably my favorite
[27:16:52] man of the whole subathons, all of us there,
[27:16:54] talking like for real, hell I having that moment.
[27:16:57] What was the happiest I've been to?
[27:16:58] Like all the milestones, everything has been great
[27:17:01] and like getting to stream, like build my own community
[27:17:04] has been great, but seeing all of us come together,
[27:17:07] having rug drive down, having seen banks,
[27:17:09] seeing K-Song, seeing Rage,
[27:17:10] like seeing how everybody is involved
[27:17:13] and like they want to be here.
[27:17:14] We don't have to tell people to come,
[27:17:16] they want to come here, you know what I mean?
[27:17:18] And it wasn't like that for so long.
[27:17:20] Like y'all don't even know,
[27:17:22] like there's only a few people who know.
[27:17:23] Like you probably know, like when shit was bad,
[27:17:26] I'm on the phone begging FaZe members
[27:17:28] to pull up and help me.
[27:17:30] I was in the warehouse by myself every day for like two years
[27:17:33] Like calling phase members trying to make videos like walking around like going into meetings like fuck
[27:17:37] Well, like pulling teeth to get people show up for a fucking YouTube video, bro
[27:17:41] It was fucking like the darkest days of phase and now I feel like
[27:17:50] Yeah, y'all like I sat on the phone with banks a few days ago like off like off stream
[27:17:56] and pull someone's screams up
[27:17:58] and just like had a deep conversation with him
[27:17:59] about this shit.
[27:18:00] And like, we are so grateful for y'all.
[27:18:03] Like we really got so lucky
[27:18:04] that we found each and every one of you.
[27:18:06] Like you said last night, we didn't hit anybody else up.
[27:18:09] We chose all the y'all
[27:18:10] and y'all exceeded expectations times 100.
[27:18:14] And-
[27:18:15] Hold on, yeah, about that.
[27:18:16] I thought,
[27:18:19] I thought according to K-Zone,
[27:18:21] there were gonna be other members.
[27:18:23] Now other members, okay.
[27:18:25] But when I was in it, we were like, like, me and a dad.
[27:18:29] I don't know, we spoke a lot, I remember,
[27:18:31] in the first warehouse, like that one room.
[27:18:33] I think, well, whose room was that, right?
[27:18:35] The one room that the girl used to chill in with the-
[27:18:37] It was just the production office.
[27:18:39] Yeah, it was that one, that's where we were trying
[27:18:41] to think of who's next.
[27:18:42] Remember when we were trying to think of people,
[27:18:43] like I would tell you about Jason.
[27:18:45] We, it was originally like Jason and Lacey was people-
[27:18:47] You taught, yeah, you brought their names up
[27:18:49] all the time, Jason and Lacey.
[27:18:51] You had done shit with Jason.
[27:18:52] I think you had done shit with Lacey.
[27:18:54] Case I'm brought max up and silky was already on the radar from the shit about two years ago
[27:19:01] But thank God that happens by the way. You didn't like me at first. That's not sure
[27:19:05] No, I just know in the village. No, I tell the story all the time
[27:19:09] The way I the way I do things is like I don't want to be friends with someone just because
[27:19:13] They're famous or they're like up and coming or something because I play that's not genuine
[27:19:17] It's the way I build my friendships, especially after
[27:19:20] or fall off it was like I really because obviously I realized well I realized who my real friends
[27:19:26] were after that and I was like I don't want to be friends with people just because they're
[27:19:30] big or etc and like you were you were coming up and I was like everyone's like oh play with
[27:19:33] Lacey play with Lacey or talk to Lacey and I was like bro I'm not just gonna fake a friendship
[27:19:37] you have to like meet him yet genuinely like that's just how I am but yeah bro I brought
[27:19:44] you up I brought Jason obviously I brought you up but at the time I don't think you
[27:19:47] wanted to do anything. Yeah, a minute ago. I was never going to join a group. But for real? Ever. I literally said on my
[27:19:53] stream, I said, I was never going to join a group. And if I, if you ever saw me do a
[27:19:57] trail, I sold my soul. What, what changed? So basically what happened was last summer,
[27:20:06] um, K-Song just DM me out of nowhere, bro. And he was like, yo, um, y'all never met,
[27:20:11] never talked, never talked, bro, never met. Just DM me is like, yo, we putting together
[27:20:15] this he felt me this phase like reboot we trying to bring it back he said or I'm
[27:20:19] like okay nigga like he's gonna be like I was here cuz you had brought it up a
[27:20:23] minute ago and then he said rage and I was like hold on now that's low-key
[27:20:26] digrod but I was when I heard rage I was just like oh okay like niggas are
[27:20:31] actually trying to join this like this is serious I thought no I think it's a
[27:20:34] dick wrong I have a digrod oh my god raise I gotta live with him when you
[27:20:38] had my name woman's dog nigga you was already in phase and look how I was
[27:20:41] doing. Let's keep it a bug. It's true. You gotta give props to people like
[27:20:49] Rod who joined Faze and stuck through Faze and even Rage, I talked to Rage
[27:20:53] about this last night. Rage joined Faze. Debateably at the worst time, like when
[27:20:58] we were talking about Rage and Rage was out, I'm sitting in, I'm sitting in
[27:21:02] all, where I'm thinking, really? I'm thinking like, for real? How? I'm like,
[27:21:06] why? Not like, that's not like, oh, I don't want him to join Faze, but for
[27:21:11] real like this shit is ass grace and grace but he joined and also like came in
[27:21:20] on this vision and helped bring all of you all of us together and here we are
[27:21:25] today bro and the reason that I came out to LA was dick riding too I got
[27:21:30] learned in by Aiden Ross Street because Ray Ray called me he was like yo
[27:21:38] Well, Aiden wants you to come to LA and do a stream with me.
[27:21:42] And then I was like, fuck it.
[27:21:43] I never met Aiden before at this point.
[27:21:45] I was like, holy shit.
[27:21:46] So then I go to LA and he ended up canceling
[27:21:49] and didn't even come to LA.
[27:21:50] And then I just spent, well, like a week with Faze.
[27:21:54] And then-
[27:21:54] Oh yeah, you were streaming out of the warehouse.
[27:21:56] Warehouse every day.
[27:21:57] Oh my God, I remember.
[27:21:58] I would tap into the fucking history.
[27:22:00] I'm like, who the fuck is this kid at the warehouse?
[27:22:02] Like, you were-
[27:22:03] Who's this ugly, bad dude?
[27:22:05] Who's this big ass dude in the fucking shoe house?
[27:22:08] You would have had a faggot.
[27:22:09] You didn't even fucking do it.
[27:22:10] I'm forget, you did like a...
[27:22:12] We did the burger tour.
[27:22:13] You did a fucking burger tour, Liz.
[27:22:15] We did the blind date.
[27:22:17] Oh, you did it with him, right?
[27:22:18] Yeah, some of my favorites here, the burger tour.
[27:22:20] That was so funny.
[27:22:21] I don't know why that stream was so funny.
[27:22:22] That's crazy, bro.
[27:22:24] There's a lot of things that happen that I've seen.
[27:22:25] A lot of Lord.
[27:22:26] You were there too.
[27:22:27] That was your, that was...
[27:22:28] He came after me.
[27:22:29] I came after you.
[27:22:30] Yeah, I'm saying you did like...
[27:22:31] I was my first family few things.
[27:22:32] Yo, Jason was supposed to be cut.
[27:22:35] For real?
[27:22:36] Yes.
[27:22:37] Okay, so look now
[27:22:50] So now along this time right case I introduced it
[27:22:53] I'm seeing the reboot series at this point the reason I was now like hmm. Maybe I would join a group
[27:22:58] It's cuz it's a group of people. I'm like I believe in and I was trying to move out and I was like fuck you
[27:23:04] Okay, this to work
[27:23:06] But then right so they was looking at other people now me and Jason been doing shit
[27:23:10] So I was like, yeah, Jason like I'm sure his name was getting brought up this nigga did what?
[27:23:15] What are you explaining?
[27:23:18] So basically
[27:23:21] I put him on like this
[27:23:23] Family feud theme and I was trolling him
[27:23:28] It was actually shot name drop the
[27:23:32] It was Janet it was Janet and I was like
[27:23:36] Huh
[27:23:41] She was just on the string, bro
[27:23:45] She was on a family feud
[27:23:48] And at the end of the family feud I was like yo since y'all
[27:23:56] I was trolling a case
[27:23:58] What did you say?
[27:24:00] Yeah, he was forcing this nigga into a date.
[27:24:04] Yeah, basically. I was pushing it a bit.
[27:24:07] And then he was also playing his song.
[27:24:09] Oh, wow.
[27:24:11] I was DGM, man.
[27:24:14] Oh my God.
[27:24:16] This was made for competing, bro.
[27:24:19] Oh, was Jason already in phase?
[27:24:21] No.
[27:24:22] He was like, he was going.
[27:24:23] That was like it.
[27:24:24] I was like, oh, you're basically going to join phase.
[27:24:26] Like, come here, stream.
[27:24:27] I never knew this.
[27:24:28] Yo, but I remember getting on screen,
[27:24:30] your K-Song was high, he was like,
[27:24:31] oh my God, I think he's talking to me about it.
[27:24:32] I love he got a message, I'm not gonna go on my phone,
[27:24:34] but he was like, yo, Jason's so weird.
[27:24:36] Jason is, he's a weirdo, he's got a fucking beard.
[27:24:38] He's got a ass.
[27:24:39] I remember, he was like,
[27:24:41] I had to tell him all that, I'm not trying to.
[27:24:43] Yeah, he was like, yo, Jason's,
[27:24:44] I remember him talking to him,
[27:24:45] and I tell you, he was like,
[27:24:46] Jason's so weird.
[27:24:47] I know, I can't live with somebody like that.
[27:24:51] And I'm like, what the fuck did he do?
[27:24:53] Yeah, but I mean, obviously he should come around,
[27:24:55] You know, I wasn't that you know, that's why I told you I was like, bro, just a pop because he didn't understand like
[27:25:04] There was so much shit like it was supposed to happen that didn't end up happening in the beginning like I was supposed to live with you guys in Miami
[27:25:10] Yeah, yeah facts facts, bro everything happened for a reason. That's crazy with God like it all fell into place
[27:25:16] It's like it was fucking written. Yeah, Silkie was supposed to join phase two years ago and because of some bug shit
[27:25:22] And the bug ended up getting pulled, but thank God it didn't happen
[27:25:26] Thank God cuz look at where look at what happened now
[27:25:29] You got announced with the reboot and here the fuck we are in the subaton new phase top 15
[27:25:45] Yeah, I mean I was gonna talk about now. Okay, so that's crazy. I guess I'm talking about
[27:25:49] Yeah, so like one of my friends like I got sponsored. This is at the time when Zach cats and Lee drinks was in charge
[27:25:57] They've put pretty much put up a bunch of bread to say still like he would he bands and some of his homies
[27:26:02] All on me like backpack gear. This is like when the backpack was like fresh out like not really a lot of people had it
[27:26:08] So it was like there was getting me mad shit just to make sure that the streams go well
[27:26:12] We was talking about a plan there for mad long and I'm getting on the fucking
[27:26:16] Like I'm going in the fucking boat one of my men's bring a gun
[27:26:25] So I wasn't really like yo, I hate this nigga by the same time they got that same day the nigga accidentally broke my fucking camera
[27:26:32] I mean, they don't stay
[27:26:34] The nigga the nigga accidentally broke my fucking camera. So now I'm just so fucking time like damn the thing is just fucking my shit
[27:26:40] Um phase they got lost phase like 40 billion my contract
[27:26:45] Say what you told them what like phase what you told me? Oh, yeah
[27:26:50] I love y'all niggas, but look I'll put this up on top
[27:26:54] Before that I had no contract. Listen. No, there was no contract. We were just like yeah
[27:27:00] They literally front of me but believed in silky we're like, okay. He's got something going on his homies
[27:27:04] We're gonna do like a nuke squad with silky and his home
[27:27:07] Yeah, and like he was gonna have like people in phase who
[27:27:12] And this shit happened with the boat and we're like, oh that
[27:27:18] We said it was because of a hurricane
[27:27:22] It was like it's because of a hurricane so it's like this whole pony. They wait. That's what you said
[27:27:31] Yeah
[27:27:33] They've been battling trying to get the bread back because it was not refundable like bro
[27:27:37] Wait, can you just look at the fucking weather app and see that there's no hurt?
[27:27:40] I mean, come on, bro.
[27:27:41] I mean, like, can you just fucking do a quick fact check to see if that's a lie or not?
[27:27:47] That's the best lie you had?
[27:27:48] I mean, no, I mean, it wasn't my lie, it was, like, like, it's all infuriating, but, like,
[27:27:52] I don't say if you're trying to save it.
[27:27:54] What's so crazy is that that didn't, and then fast forward now, like, so that's
[27:27:58] all we're going to say.
[27:27:59] We're going to be honest about it.
[27:28:00] Like, so you remember when you said you were going to, like, we were going
[27:28:01] to live together?
[27:28:02] You guys didn't want me to.
[27:28:03] No, no, no.
[27:28:04] I know why.
[27:28:05] It was more like Max. It was like I did good. He was like 50-50 on it. He was like 50-50 on it
[27:28:09] I was the one that was nice. He was like, I don't know Jason
[27:28:12] I don't know you and I was like, yo these things move back. This is the top of time
[27:28:16] It was originally supposed to just be me. No, but I mean
[27:28:20] One point I was talking to Ray. It was when they move and he wanted me to just move in with you guys
[27:28:26] Well, I'm like looking thinking about it now. It's like, oh now fuck it but back then bro
[27:28:30] We was really awesome segregation. Yeah, that's like that was white phase
[27:28:35] Yo, bro, I'm like, because I feel like the household that I came from beforehand, like
[27:28:41] living with niggas, you know what I'm saying?
[27:28:43] And just living with, like, I guess, like, like different people coming from, straight
[27:28:47] from New York, coming from where I was, from me.
[27:28:49] It was like, I wasn't really accustomed to, like, the way y'all have moved, the way
[27:28:53] y'all had talked, got mannerisms.
[27:28:54] I'm like, bro, I'm not living with these things.
[27:28:56] What the fuck?
[27:28:58] And then, like, that's what I'm saying.
[27:28:59] I felt the same way about you, bro.
[27:29:01] I'm just kidding.
[27:29:03] And then when I finally came out like during that I'm telling you that warehouse stream
[27:29:08] I feel like it was when me and Lacey like sat down and we just smoking and chilling vibing
[27:29:14] I think it was for like five hours. Oh, I remember that
[27:29:17] I don't know
[27:29:22] And before I was sitting on Lacey seemed like the entire time and it was like bro
[27:29:27] I had the the most fun like in my life
[27:29:31] And I'm like well the most fun like in such a long time. It was like a like a dope. I'm like
[27:29:43] Wrist it I'll risk that was like no don't have him in there. So now fuck that have him in there
[27:29:56] Like how we were split up when we first did the reboot because I don't even know if I ever talked about it
[27:30:00] But I was looking Matt is fuck after I came to Miami and did the video cuz
[27:30:05] Ray and talk are calling me they're like yo
[27:30:07] They're these Miami guys are launching a YouTube channel. They want you to help or I'm like do they want me to help because I'm down to help
[27:30:14] But they don't seem like they want I did not want you to
[27:30:18] You wanted you guys to have your own YouTube. Yeah, it was yeah, so I'm a I'm a yeah
[27:30:23] So I was like I was like I'm not about to go here and like help them with this YouTube shit
[27:30:27] because I know how to make YouTube videos,
[27:30:28] I know how to do a YouTube channel,
[27:30:29] I know how to do all that shit,
[27:30:31] but I'm like, I'm gonna let them do their thing,
[27:30:33] and you guys did your thing,
[27:30:34] and then Ray and Todd are calling me a few weeks in,
[27:30:37] and they're like, yo, you need to help them
[27:30:38] with this video, this first video's ass.
[27:30:40] And I'm like, bet, I'm down.
[27:30:42] We threw together, that first video
[27:30:43] on the FACE channel is fire.
[27:30:45] The first video is fire, we threw it together
[27:30:46] in like, fucking two days.
[27:30:48] I flew out to Miami.
[27:30:49] I think I'm so tight.
[27:30:50] Flew out to Miami.
[27:30:50] I remember when I assembled so tight,
[27:30:52] I was like, yeah, no, I can't do it,
[27:30:53] I'm like, this is my life.
[27:30:54] I knew out to Miami shot it and like the whole time I'm trying to like think in my head. I'm like I'm not I keep having to explain
[27:31:00] Myself and explain like how YouTube works the people who live stream and like only ever see content through the scope of streaming
[27:31:06] And I was getting pissed. I was like bro like why am I even here?
[27:31:10] Like why am I even like trying to help out?
[27:31:12] I don't like it's like y'all didn't want me there didn't want me to I definitely I didn't and I was like
[27:31:17] I was like yeah, I'm not doing this shit. I'm like I'm not so like I did the first video
[27:31:21] I was like fuck it let them let them take it from you. Bro cuz like yo, I'm telling you what?
[27:31:30] So I'm like, bro this thing is all these times y'all like no
[27:31:37] No, but like I thought to myself like yo, I'm young but I'm thinking like you're white and all these so cringe
[27:31:43] I'm like, but I think it's time to be old and I'm old, but I'm white and all
[27:31:46] Yeah
[27:31:48] It was awesome like I'm like yo this nigga is like trying to be young you're trying to be I'm like
[27:31:52] I think it's so crazy and then I'm like and then I'm gonna start really like talking to you and actually like
[27:31:58] I'm gonna be
[27:32:00] This is the truth like awful one like awful one like encounter like I'm a I'm a think that's how you are the version
[27:32:07] Oh, bro, you're drunk is sitting in that
[27:32:10] That's where you lost me is
[27:32:16] Yeah, okay
[27:32:21] This is literally the day of
[27:32:24] Aiden last boxing match is the very last one he did and we went to the club
[27:32:30] I can't remember who else was there, but just know it was me so key urine at that this nigga sloppy drunk bumping in the urine
[27:32:36] She getting tight and say oh my god. Yeah, I remember you you brought it up
[27:32:41] You brought up for you like yeah after that. I was like not a dad was a weird auto fucker
[27:32:45] have. Yo, yo, okay, look, bro, no bullshit, bro. Like, nah, I'm a judge mental nigga. I'm
[27:32:53] gonna just keep it up. Like, I be judging people. I might not say it, but it's in the back of my
[27:32:57] head, right? So with the face shit, what case law was telling me, it's gonna be me him and
[27:33:04] raging the house. But they kept saying, he was saying banks wanted more members
[27:33:08] in the house. So it was like, okay. So then so he came along, these was questioning,
[27:33:12] and so he worked at it because the niggas dream once a year
[27:33:14] at that point.
[27:33:15] The fact you just did it something that was crazy.
[27:33:17] But I was like, nah, so he's so silly.
[27:33:18] And this is at a point I was low key dick Ron
[27:33:20] because low get in, no so you that well,
[27:33:22] but I just knew that it would fit well.
[27:33:25] And then before they got launched and announced,
[27:33:29] they were saying, no, we have to make this house work.
[27:33:32] Jason, Ron and Lacey got to live there too.
[27:33:35] Case I was saying is I'm like,
[27:33:37] I was like, you said no to that.
[27:33:39] No, no, I was like, fuck it.
[27:33:41] because I'm not gonna lie, I always say this.
[27:33:43] Sookie?
[27:33:44] Yeah, Sookie said no.
[27:33:44] Sookie said no.
[27:33:45] Sookie said no.
[27:33:46] So y'all didn't want to live with any of us.
[27:33:48] I wanted to live with the floor,
[27:33:52] and I was like, yo, just get in my house
[27:33:53] like right next to us, bro.
[27:33:54] Yeah, that's when they-
[27:33:55] That's when I was trying to push for them,
[27:33:57] but they didn't want to live in Florida.
[27:33:58] Yeah.
[27:33:59] So look, look, look.
[27:34:00] Now Ron, I was all, I mean, I always knew you,
[27:34:02] and Jason, I always knew you.
[27:34:03] So Lacey, I was just like, fuck it.
[27:34:05] I wasn't fine with Lacey at first,
[27:34:06] because I thought it was just some annoying
[27:34:08] white faculty who ordered McDonald's.
[27:34:09] So I was like what the fuck, but then I met you remember we met
[27:34:18] This this Lacey niggas cool. He's cool
[27:34:20] So that I was cool for all of us living there the only shit was the space that Miami house did not have room space first
[27:34:26] I all get a stream like it was even smaller and like but so he was against it
[27:34:30] Adapt case I was calling me like yo adapt or to help on the channel be evolved
[27:34:34] I'm like who the mind you I grew up on phase brah. I was on a different side of YouTube
[27:34:38] So I'm like, who the fuck is this?
[27:34:40] A definitely fuck that shit, bro.
[27:34:41] What the fuck?
[27:34:42] Like, you feel me?
[27:34:43] Obviously I knew you, but I was like, bro,
[27:34:44] he's gonna come in and then we gotta deal
[27:34:46] with all these extra people.
[27:34:47] I don't wanna deal with that.
[27:34:49] And then that was around the time
[27:34:51] the club shit happened.
[27:34:52] So I was like, nah, nah, let's talk that.
[27:34:55] So the fact that we're here right now, bro,
[27:34:58] I don't know.
[27:35:00] It's nothing.
[27:35:00] And y'all, like I genuinely love all y'all, bro.
[27:35:03] Like, that's why sometimes you just gotta
[27:35:05] get to know somebody, you know?
[27:35:07] Because everyone got something beneath the surface, Roshi.
[27:35:10] Don't judge a cover by its book.
[27:35:11] Yeah, good.
[27:35:12] Good one.
[27:35:13] Cover by the book.
[27:35:14] Call it in words from Stumble.
[27:35:15] Live by the cover.
[27:35:17] Facts.
[27:35:18] But damn, let's talk about the happiest.
[27:35:22] So what's the happiest every, I've said.
[27:35:23] Dramo, I think Dramo bring it up.
[27:35:26] Dramo's just be snappin', bro.
[27:35:27] Wait, Jason, you didn't say yours.
[27:35:30] Are you gonna get asses?
[27:35:31] I'm so fucking serious.
[27:35:31] He's calling us, who's another asshole?
[27:35:34] Jesus.
[27:35:35] What?
[27:35:35] Jason, you didn't say your happiest moments.
[27:35:37] Oh my happiest moment.
[27:35:39] I think I have two happiest moments.
[27:35:41] Yeah, that's how it is.
[27:35:43] He's really going to get shitty.
[27:35:44] Why he getting shitty?
[27:35:45] Well, I get shitty, you know.
[27:35:46] I don't get shitty.
[27:35:47] All right, my first moment was when I was one shot
[27:35:49] of Hennessy.
[27:35:52] I literally cried for like an hour straight
[27:35:55] and I was really taking everything in
[27:35:57] and just seeing all the people around me
[27:35:59] just helping me get to where I'm at, bro.
[27:36:02] And yeah, that shit made me fucking happy as fuck.
[27:36:04] I just couldn't stop smiling
[27:36:06] and then Smiley just turned into fucking tears.
[27:36:08] And then Silky came in and just talked to me
[27:36:10] for like 30 minutes and had a bit of a fucking cutscene there.
[27:36:14] Had a bit of a cutscene, bro, but that's it.
[27:36:15] Really like, I realized like, damn bro,
[27:36:20] I'm happy bro, got people surrounding me
[27:36:22] that we all do the same shit coming up together.
[27:36:25] It's like a dream come true.
[27:36:27] And then the second one, obviously the 100K, bro.
[27:36:29] Yeah.
[27:36:30] That's a crazy milestone, bro.
[27:36:31] This is crazy, bro.
[27:36:33] That was so fun.
[27:36:34] So long watching that number go
[27:36:39] That's what you want to do with all that money. Oh, I mean to see our dashboards
[27:36:43] I just I'm probably what is anybody is anybody got something in mind that once is that they're gonna buy for them?
[27:36:49] Oh, nigga, I gotta put this in this bank. I'm down
[27:36:53] We might get to put that put that aside with that to the side
[27:36:58] You're buying a fucking car, aren't you?
[27:37:00] I want a house, but I'm awake in the year.
[27:37:03] I traded my car.
[27:37:04] I don't know yet.
[27:37:06] Well, yeah, 100K literally hit it a crazy goal that I never expected to hit.
[27:37:12] And just seeing everyone around me celebrate it with me, that was like, I'm a happy moment.
[27:37:17] My happy is, I had two happiest moments, and it's kind of weird, one of the happiest
[27:37:24] moments was when, I guess when I was in New York and everybody was texting me
[27:37:29] like yo bro you have to come back bro like bro you're the glue bro and it's
[27:37:33] not awesome narcissistic shit but more on some yeah it was more on some people
[27:37:38] are finally realizing that you know I'm not just a burden I guess in a sense and
[27:37:43] I'm not just like the dirty macking troll all the time like I'm actually
[27:37:46] somebody that's like you know like that's like very valuable to you know
[27:37:50] where you were gone yo y'all remember at the start I was like yeah I
[27:37:56] I remember at all that ass hated it turned into a meme with the like silky room my life and it took
[27:38:01] Out of the people with the real niggas used to sit on this night a lot of people
[27:38:05] I feel like a lot of people couldn't have done like and went through what I went through in the sense because
[27:38:10] Like I was I was I was saying from the time I'm gonna turn his hate into like people like me
[27:38:15] I'm really ignored
[27:38:17] Like you barely acknowledged. Yeah, never. We're just and it was just awesome. Yes, you kept trolling
[27:38:23] Those people just see you through clips. They don't really know you though. It's like y'all were saying like a base off one interaction
[27:38:30] Like I can have an opinion on someone
[27:38:33] Once people tap in and get to know who you are
[27:38:36] You know I'm saying and then the last the last but was the last three days, bro
[27:38:40] Like when we just been thrown five and brought a lot, but I don't know why that's it's been so fucking lit
[27:38:44] We had to go I just have so much like
[27:38:47] I'm not playing, we just chilling, vibing, not even like really like focus on time
[27:38:51] We just focused on vibing with each other, but when we just still up, just everybody's going up
[27:38:55] I'm like, oh my god, bro, this is so lit
[27:38:56] Bro, you got headbutt in the camera, shit
[27:38:58] Bro, you got a warranty book though
[27:39:02] Bro, I got my head burn, I woke up, my head fucking bruised
[27:39:06] Rod hit an insane one
[27:39:09] He hit an akimbo headbutt
[27:39:10] Banks headbutted the fucking camera
[27:39:12] Bro, we got a budget
[27:39:13] Like y'all don't realize how crazy it is like having people like banks and rug and like the oh
[27:39:19] She's like come around and want to be involved and want to like fuck with y'all like I
[27:39:23] Thought this shit was cooked bro. I think we all thought this shit was cooked bro
[27:39:27] For like two years and it's it's honestly back and more fun than it's ever been
[27:39:32] I will say like through every era phase. I've been in this shit since I was 16 years old
[27:39:36] Like I lived in every phase house and this is
[27:39:40] is debatably like the most fun I've had
[27:39:43] in front of a camera on content with all of y'all.
[27:39:46] So I just gotta say, I've said it a million times.
[27:39:48] I'll probably say it a million more.
[27:39:49] Thank you guys, bro.
[27:39:50] Of course.
[27:39:51] You guys for coming into this and reviving this show.
[27:39:54] I'm proud of all of y'all.
[27:39:55] I love all of y'all so much.
[27:39:56] And if y'all ever need anything right here, bro.
[27:39:59] Of course always, bro.
[27:40:00] That's, I don't know, what is your happiest moment?
[27:40:02] You're the only person I think I didn't see.
[27:40:05] I don't know what to say.
[27:40:05] I need the awards.
[27:40:06] Oh, you didn't say the awards.
[27:40:08] Last night was I still think I was the best night. Yeah
[27:40:13] Outside of that what was y'all's favorite like group say?
[27:40:18] Like not even like not even like a plan seven like day
[27:40:21] To me or
[27:40:24] I must say I think WWE was fighting for the clips
[27:40:26] But like Love Island like had so much war and stupid shit. Yeah, no love Island fire
[27:40:31] Love Island was so fun
[27:40:32] But WWE was sick because we pulled up and no one we had no plans we improv and off the cuff that bullshit
[27:40:38] Oh, yeah, like as we're shooting it
[27:40:41] Oh, I got I woke up with so many bruises on my body Max will have to see that
[27:40:44] That was
[27:40:46] And then like me being a rep seeing on the sidelines like Ron going to be like
[27:40:52] And I see Ron come out on the table like on the stretcher that she was so you went through the fucking table, didn't you?
[27:40:57] Yeah
[27:41:02] I won't come I mean my was love island because I couldn't do any other fucking challenge
[27:41:07] I literally like that you gotta get back me so bad like having to miss out on every challenge because my fucking leg
[27:41:12] You've got to get that shit. You should get surgery
[27:41:22] You don't pull up a tune I used to look so much my boy the blue but the blue what's going on?
[27:41:28] I think there's a little space right here.
[27:41:31] This is a little space.
[27:41:33] South down there, south down there.
[27:41:35] Which way?
[27:41:36] Which half-sockey range, Max?
[27:41:39] What the fuck?
[27:41:40] Why?
[27:41:41] I mean, let's see down there in black.
[27:41:42] Let's see down there in a nigga, fuck it.
[27:41:45] Now, mom was definitely Love Island and not just because, like, I was like, but
[27:41:49] I swear my mission was not just how to, yo, I just like, when there's so much
[27:41:53] girls like that when in the beginning we see them and we was like, yo, I don't
[27:41:58] I
[27:42:12] Because I'm looking at the girls on my your body girls don't even give me like no
[27:42:21] We came in this room and Max dead ass is like no we can't
[27:42:24] You know why because I just come off doing I forget and niggas was talking about trash only fans girls
[27:42:31] And I'm like bro. We got it. We can't do this. We can't do this
[27:42:35] Company remember was in here. I don't think most of y'all saw it. I was one who saw him
[27:42:39] I was like I was like I was like, I'm not silky and max go love this
[27:42:44] I'm like yo, oh my god. I got so tired. I'm like, oh, I'm not doing this
[27:42:49] Like why I think it's like send me up with
[27:42:52] I'm not saying like jazz in a sense. I'm saying like girls. That's not my type and I'm just so picky
[27:42:57] So I'm like, but then I realized like when we got into it. I'm like, yo wait
[27:43:01] I'm having so much fun because I don't give a fuck about this girls. And that's what I'm really
[27:43:11] No, but oh my god, she was mad as fuck
[27:43:14] She has to talk to me off-camera and I was like the fuck and she starts ranting to me about
[27:43:19] like we're talking to other girls.
[27:43:21] She was dead, she was dead, she was so young.
[27:43:24] And within the same hour, I had like 40 interviews with her and it was all about you.
[27:43:29] Yeah, I was like, yeah.
[27:43:30] No, but the thing is though what I realized about with the girl content is not, I mean,
[27:43:34] obviously I didn't want to see a good looking film, but I feel like we do it like that
[27:43:39] shit was so good because it's, bro, they just want to, it's the entertainment
[27:43:43] You know what I'm saying, it's kind of crazy. That was like like that was nice
[27:43:47] Yeah, it was not I feel like we could run love island back on some like higher production
[27:43:52] So whatever like no we should have done the one that we didn't do would have been fire. Yes, we say it
[27:43:58] The bachelor right bachelor with like a high profile I some bachelor
[27:44:02] We know what we're in this is about the door with instead of each of us getting paired with a girl
[27:44:06] It's one girl. It's one girl. We're all competing for
[27:44:13] No, it was going to be Summer Rae or someone that like that's what I'm saying like a high
[27:44:18] profile like girl, she was going to come and we were all going to compete and like that
[27:44:22] would be I think that would be fire on stream.
[27:44:24] No, but I think that Love Island she really tapped into like a reality aspect of what
[27:44:30] we could do.
[27:44:31] Like a reality to show live streaming.
[27:44:33] Yeah, 100% that's just about making sure like because it's streaming and it's not
[27:44:39] a huge thing.
[27:44:40] to make sure to fill the gaps in the death. That's why I would just call it like there's like
[27:44:44] times where it'd be like everyone was kind of doing the thing but it was like I was like damn
[27:44:48] bro like what are we doing? Everyone's separated so I would start instigating all the girls.
[27:44:53] Oh my god bro we started instigating. I was like Jason you can't flip that table.
[27:44:58] I feel like
[27:45:08] Oh, yeah, back to the do the solution is I feel like so even shit like
[27:45:13] I don't know what to do
[27:45:17] I feel like even just sit with like the white room if we do it the white room had that would have been great
[27:45:23] I still think the white room should be a thing where it's a real white room where it's like painted
[27:45:29] Like you can't see like any like lines or nothing because that's it drops you and say and you soundproof it
[27:45:34] And you actually it's like you do challenges, but you don't do like none that you can get kicked out
[27:45:38] But like stupid shit
[27:45:39] There's like in a base in the ground that she could actually last days if it wasn't a subreduct
[27:45:45] Yeah, because we would have been wasting content. Yeah, well not to bring it back
[27:45:48] But yeah, well cuz we was talking about like the how this all came together when we was in the
[27:45:54] Miami crib was so cute the only one that didn't want to live with them or did you not either no no
[27:45:59] I didn't kill and they were honest to be honest. I'm gonna be honest. I wanted to but not in that
[27:46:05] House wasn't like my brother. He's home bigger or some shit. Yeah, I love room
[27:46:09] Get like squeeze a bunch of niggas in the house. I was like, you know, just get two houses, bro
[27:46:13] That's damn are we here bro now we here right when you're coming back
[27:46:18] I love it.
[27:46:19] For real.
[27:46:20] I'm sorry.
[27:46:21] I'm going to keep spanking up and see you on the good one.
[27:46:22] I should be like a breath of fresh air for real.
[27:46:24] We're sick.
[27:46:25] Poor you.
[27:46:26] I was telling Rage, come back to Twitter and do a Subiton with us.
[27:46:31] But you know, you take it away.
[27:46:33] I feel it.
[27:46:34] When you going?
[27:46:35] What did you got to be part of this shit with us, bruh?
[27:46:37] It wasn't the time.
[27:46:38] It wasn't the time.
[27:46:39] It wasn't the time.
[27:46:40] It wasn't the time.
[27:46:41] It wasn't the time.
[27:46:42] It wasn't the time.
[27:46:43] It wasn't the time.
[27:46:44] It wasn't the time.
[27:46:45] It wasn't the time.
[27:46:46] Oh my god, that's true of you.
[27:46:48] Well, yesterday alone was funny as fuck.
[27:46:50] I was so awesome.
[27:46:51] I was so awesome.
[27:46:53] Yo, this nigga took my camera for like an hour and 30 minutes,
[27:46:55] bro.
[27:46:56] And this nigga is just full of it.
[27:46:57] You work.
[27:46:58] You work.
[27:46:58] That's how it really was.
[27:46:59] I mean, I took my camera too, but it was going to be a mess.
[27:47:02] That's when you know he misses.
[27:47:03] Yeah, he misses.
[27:47:05] I saw Clifford with that, calling him like, what did he say?
[27:47:08] Oh, the black road.
[27:47:10] What?
[27:47:10] Yeah, I guess that's what he was hoping.
[27:47:12] That's what I'm talking about.
[27:47:14] about us you don't be racist real good then what he when he gets on like the alcohol
[27:47:18] Oh
[27:47:25] But you know what I mean we're not racist but it's like it's wrong shit bro
[27:47:28] Yeah, what's my shit?
[27:47:31] They just say out of pocket shit. Yeah
[27:47:34] I'm not racist like it that was usually do that
[27:47:39] Laser he's gonna come earlier
[27:47:41] He told me
[27:47:43] Gorilla
[27:47:46] Wait, wait, wait Rewind what happened?
[27:47:48] Yo, he said I say yo I say yo what you guys like what's the animal you guys will be like most like a bear to me
[27:47:53] Call me a he said a gorilla for me. You supposed to be a laparote. Yeah, what?
[27:47:57] Sorry
[27:47:59] Wait, so ranger saying if you got the Tommy right you would have been a lot of
[27:48:03] I would have been I was so tired
[27:48:06] Because we were in my room the other time about like what's next like obviously
[27:48:11] President group this for us as a group like what like and we're talking about marathons like you
[27:48:17] We should do like like instead of several times. We gotta do a marathon. Oh, you still want to do that balance, right?
[27:48:23] You know, I didn't that shit
[27:48:27] No, I'm not going in there guys
[27:48:31] It would be not possible
[27:48:33] I
[27:48:55] Just think we're gonna get
[27:48:59] Video shoot for the subathon
[27:49:01] Yeah, the G-Fuel thing like the old phase house, like really just ripped ass
[27:49:08] No, I was the chair. No, that was the chair. Yeah, that was definitely
[27:49:11] I know he's on it. That's the chair, just re-ripped
[27:49:15] I would not do that. No, it's the farm.
[27:49:17] What is this lying about so far?
[27:49:19] I think I want to edit the table kind of shitty. Yes, bro.
[27:49:22] No, I'm trying to...
[27:49:23] And they be sporadic too. Just keep going bro.
[27:49:26] Now, Rage came up to us, he's like, I have an idea for a funny marathons.
[27:49:29] I think it's still funny.
[27:49:30] People might think it's boring,
[27:49:32] but I think it'd be funny content,
[27:49:34] especially if we decorated our shit.
[27:49:36] Rage set would be like me, him, Lacey, Silky, Jason, us five,
[27:49:40] to get from like gold to like all immortal and valor
[27:49:44] and we can't get off till we do it.
[27:49:45] I think that would take a long time,
[27:49:47] but I think it's funny.
[27:49:48] It'd be better for all.
[27:49:49] I think it'd take like five to two weeks.
[27:49:50] No, it wouldn't.
[27:49:51] Y'all check it out in two weeks.
[27:49:53] You do, so I did the math.
[27:49:54] Y'all check it out in two weeks.
[27:49:55] If you start at gold,
[27:49:56] I think you have to win like 90 something matches
[27:49:59] In a row to get to a mortal but we're gonna get stream sniped every time this is five sets
[27:50:04] No, I was gonna say me and him never hit a motor before yeah, oh, I had a once
[27:50:12] I wasn't a Senate 390
[27:50:15] I got carried to all right, but we got a game
[27:50:19] We got it. I think the call of duty should be so fun fun. It's wait wait. We'll cause shit
[27:50:23] Like oh, yeah, that's it man was fun. You fucking play card to we should all start
[27:50:28] We're doing like shit like well we gotta tell you
[27:50:31] bro once we're all we gotta get out of school.
[27:50:34] What's it with you though? Is it like a playing thing?
[27:50:36] Bro stop playing with me.
[27:50:38] What is it bro?
[27:50:40] I don't think you can comprehend what's going on.
[27:50:42] He had wrongly eat the house.
[27:50:44] Ron got his car and left the house.
[27:50:46] Oh I did yeah.
[27:50:48] Try not to go for a fucking drive with your head out of the way.
[27:50:50] That's actually crazy.
[27:50:52] I feel like I'm not even that bad.
[27:50:54] No if one thing is playing games
[27:50:56] Playing games you don't know how to use a fucking computer now. I'll say when we play with Max
[27:51:01] It's super triggering like you like this donors in the summer to use FL studio, and they can't use a fucking Xbox
[27:51:09] Studio, but you don't know how use this Xbox make it as easy. Yeah, that's a good point. You taught yourself about studio, right?
[27:51:14] That's just easier
[27:51:18] Black genetics this athleticism rapping bass bullshit like that
[27:51:22] No, we have to do the game. I shit once a week once a week
[27:51:35] The chat loved that
[27:51:40] Bro, we could imagine we had a fucking six-man s&d on
[27:51:45] When when a new game comes up we have to do so I feel like we should a hundred percent keep tapping into that game
[27:51:50] Because I'm trying to get like if I was one of that one. So you try to build a lore. No, I'm just nice
[27:51:56] Even if it's for a few hours tonight
[27:51:58] I think those moments of all of us on discord talking shit in our own setups are so fire
[27:52:02] Yeah, that's what really built this face shit and we could we could run that easily we all love David
[27:52:09] Yeah, I think we definitely said I don't know we got I feel like we got to do some groups it
[27:52:22] but I don't know I don't know what we can't wait which I ever do us group something out again
[27:52:27] like this this was so much fucking fine 90 times yeah I'm so tired right now yeah I need a year
[27:52:37] yeah at least a year
[27:52:39] I'm not gonna laugh
[27:52:41] I'm not gonna laugh
[27:52:43] I don't know
[27:52:45] I'm not gonna carry out something rage
[27:52:47] this was your idea
[27:52:49] I know and I'm glad we did it
[27:52:51] but it's like bro be it on camera
[27:52:53] I don't think I would ever do a sub at the time
[27:52:55] Marathon's would be different
[27:52:57] Sub at the time
[27:52:59] we really have 18 minutes left
[27:53:01] we're doing this
[27:53:03] what's the outro song
[27:53:05] Show it the same way the intro did yes with the door. Close the door. Yeah, what do y'all think? No, we should definitely out
[27:53:10] So about throwing a big good fucking camera
[27:53:18] Or or we could do both
[27:53:24] The door and I hit a rotation so if that's he pulls it out
[27:53:35] Like full speed feeling though like mentally right now
[27:53:41] Loki I cannot wait to go
[27:53:48] Do nothing
[27:53:56] You know the award that felt like graduation and then I felt like a like a high school
[27:54:00] That's what I'm gonna say when it's getting suits. I'm not gonna I brought my favorite segment
[27:54:04] I know y'all say I love Island WWE my favorite segment was the white room, bro
[27:54:08] I'm not gonna lie, bro
[27:54:09] I could have stayed in that room for days like bro my brain just going away from the shit and at this point
[27:54:15] I was that's probably my pizza like but I was going through it
[27:54:18] We're gonna call it Nordene
[27:54:21] Like no no bullshit like the previous day like I was breaking down in the bathroom
[27:54:27] But I was going through it bro like I was calling my cousin. I'm like bro. I'm not gonna lie, bro
[27:54:32] I don't even want to do this shit no more, bro. You know and then um, cuz I forgot what happened
[27:54:38] But it's just like a lot bro. That's what I don't know
[27:54:42] Should we all go down and say something that like our streams and all of us don't know okay?
[27:54:47] I'm gonna first I'm not gonna lie, bro. I was crying in the back of like an hour nigga like no bullshit
[27:54:54] Yes, bro. Just along I'm sitting on the toilet. I'm like, bro. What the fuck bro like, but I was going
[27:54:59] So like shit when we do white room whenever the white room was like it's like a couple days before
[27:55:06] Yeah, and then yeah with the white room like I really couldn't we just in there
[27:55:12] No chats to like get me nothing to get me triggered
[27:55:15] It was just us you feel me and that's why I'm not playing that ice cream whatever that shit wasn't nothing
[27:55:21] But I was just good like we just talking having you for me for hours
[27:55:25] I was ready to sit in that room and do nothing for like two days. I'm no and young done
[27:55:30] I was fucked up. What's one thing about you though?
[27:55:32] Well, like nobody knows that you don't like off camera. I mean there was a moment
[27:55:36] I think when I was watching like a old video
[27:55:39] Oh, I remember you saw like a minute I came in I was watching like you know someone like told me to load up an
[27:55:44] old video I'm watch like a drama life of like
[27:55:46] That I made when I was like 18 years old when I hit a million subs like talking about like my life and
[27:55:52] when I was younger and like going up in school
[27:55:54] and like how I was wanting to do this shit.
[27:55:56] I like got mad emotional.
[27:55:58] Like I was like reacting to it like super regular
[27:56:01] with my chat.
[27:56:02] And then I just like got up and got like off a camera
[27:56:05] and like had to go splash water in my face
[27:56:07] and go in the bathroom and like collect myself
[27:56:09] cause I said, well, just like weird to look back on
[27:56:12] and think like, damn, like I've came a long way.
[27:56:15] I've been doing this for 14 fucking years
[27:56:18] to come take shit for 14 years.
[27:56:20] I'm the same age it's still can't rage
[27:56:30] The concept for so long that's why you're so fucking old bro
[27:56:34] Different though. I was even a concept like 15 years. I'll let him bet but we're the same age. No
[27:56:43] Do you look at
[27:56:50] You're laughing too hard
[27:56:52] You're laughing too hard
[27:56:54] You're a hideous human
[27:56:56] Who's the ugliest out of all of us?
[27:56:58] Oh we know
[27:57:00] You look at this crazy little frog over here
[27:57:02] Out of her fucking space
[27:57:04] I don't think he's the ugliest anymore because of the blonde
[27:57:06] When he black hair he was fucking ugly
[27:57:08] Yo Jason
[27:57:10] I don't know
[27:57:12] You're not ugly
[27:57:14] I raise off
[27:57:16] I've been looking at him for times like that
[27:57:18] Let's make it really ugly.
[27:57:19] You have to let him know he's not.
[27:57:20] BTS, they took it with the waters, with the waters.
[27:57:23] They probably like this best deal.
[27:57:25] Look at the model.
[27:57:26] That is insane.
[27:57:27] You actually look like a model.
[27:57:29] Now you do.
[27:57:30] Pause, relax.
[27:57:31] You do look good.
[27:57:32] You do look good.
[27:57:33] You do look good.
[27:57:34] They got it.
[27:57:35] Damn, so we get this shit ready?
[27:57:37] Because I'm not going to lie again.
[27:57:39] Is there anything last words?
[27:57:40] Wait, wait.
[27:57:41] We didn't all see what the fuck.
[27:57:42] No, no, because we better close it.
[27:57:44] We get it again.
[27:57:45] Oh, I mean, okay.
[27:57:46] Every time I said I did laundry I hung out with my girlfriend for four hours
[27:57:55] I told my chat like maybe like once a week yeah probably once a week throughout the whole sub without three times four times
[27:58:02] I'll tell them at like 2 a.m. I'm gonna go do laundry. I'll be back. I just wouldn't show up until 5 a.m.
[27:58:06] You know, I didn't really cuz I was so confused cuz I would see
[27:58:11] Also every time every time I took a shit
[27:58:13] you jerked off no fucking knew it wait wait now I'm piecing shit together
[27:58:20] that's right every time that's how I was a toilet beater those know what you're
[27:58:31] I was gonna crazy
[27:58:39] Lace what was you doing on camera like the second week no no, what about
[27:58:49] Last night
[27:58:52] the second week
[27:58:55] I don't know if you guys remember I went to bed maybe early one of the nights
[27:58:58] Cuz like this one keep in mind it's like a month after everything. I'm chilling and cool
[27:59:02] I'm just focused on the sub-a-thought. I'm happy at a good place and I get a phone call from a crying, you know
[27:59:09] Like an hour on the phone
[27:59:13] It's just like killed my whole vibe from on that and I live in this and I wouldn't break the sleep
[27:59:18] No
[27:59:24] Fuck all that what happened today
[27:59:28] Last night
[27:59:32] That's fire day you're on the couch now you the biggest bro
[27:59:38] Let me go and then you go
[27:59:48] What a fun did you say you want to go
[27:59:58] No, that's what I'm saying, like, literally tonight, bro.
[28:00:02] You think it sounds so happy?
[28:00:04] Not too awful.
[28:00:05] That's just playing, wrapping this up down Jerk Off.
[28:00:07] Just that.
[28:00:08] All right, what about you, Sophie?
[28:00:10] Let's talk about the clips allegations.
[28:00:12] Hold on, hold on.
[28:00:13] Because if we're going to talk about my clips allegations,
[28:00:15] we're going to have to talk about this thing clip out of there.
[28:00:17] Oh, no, no, no, this is about you.
[28:00:19] Yeah!
[28:00:20] It's about Sophie and then the dogs.
[28:00:22] Who smacked him in the door?
[28:00:23] You literally gave Drew camera men to follow us.
[28:00:25] But come on all night.
[28:00:26] He's crazy last night.
[28:00:27] And the morning, what happened this morning?
[28:00:30] The morning?
[28:00:31] What, no, I was, I just didn't want to sleep on camera.
[28:00:33] All right, let me say my several quick,
[28:00:34] because this is really quick.
[28:00:35] It's crazy.
[28:00:36] So, one of the nights, I think when me,
[28:00:39] Lacey and I dad got mad drunk,
[28:00:40] and they were waiting for us,
[28:00:42] they were waiting for me,
[28:00:43] I was like, y'all, I'm gonna go watch my balls.
[28:00:44] I was so drunk I went upstairs,
[28:00:46] and I had like, I had like half a split blood bra.
[28:00:49] I turned on multi versus under smoking bra.
[28:00:51] Wow!
[28:00:52] What?
[28:00:53] Are you fucking serious?
[28:00:54] No way, I'm gonna have a full sleep bra.
[28:00:56] Yo, I was like, I smoked this but I'm like, yo, this is like, I said I would miss this shit, bro.
[28:01:05] It was like the beginning of the summer time, man.
[28:01:07] It's the only multi-versus.
[28:01:09] No, no, that was like, every time we're smoking, this nigga's playing multi-versus, bro.
[28:01:13] That is fucking hilarious.
[28:01:15] That's so fucking hilarious.
[28:01:16] I remember it, I remember it, bro.
[28:01:17] I got to smoke this.
[28:01:18] Where the fuck is he washing his balls?
[28:01:20] It's like so big.
[28:01:21] It's 30, 40, 45 minutes in.
[28:01:23] Wow, we played like two games, I swear.
[28:01:24] It was like two games.
[28:01:25] Like two games. I'm just like now. I gotta go. Wait, so when this tech like do we got to get the fuck
[28:01:31] I gotta
[28:01:33] Oh, we got a package
[28:01:39] About us being out the house
[28:01:48] Going to the camera
[28:01:50] That's right here guys. I was the um
[28:01:52] Phase round talk I kind of like this because we just talked
[28:01:56] It's like this way quick. Yeah
[28:01:57] I hope y'all enjoyed it shit
[28:02:05] I love these niggas
[28:02:06] Hey my brothers, you know what we all
[28:02:07] I like some family that was shit you ended at 50. Okay, so he's like 25.5
[28:02:13] What's it about you 81 like 65 66
[28:02:21] 30 31 damn
[28:02:23] Over 350,000 subs we all did for this month
[28:02:29] History all fucking history first group sub-a-dumper. I'm glad we did it
[28:02:39] Yeah, you gotta walk them out
[28:04:58] No, right here.
[28:05:00] Y'all ready, Max? Ready?
[28:05:02] Yeah, we love it.
[28:05:04] We should all say something one by one as we exit.
[28:05:06] Yeah.
[28:05:07] Type set.
[28:05:08] One, one, one, one, one, one, one.
[28:05:10] Yeah.
[28:05:11] It's on, it's on.
[28:05:12] Alright, we're up.
[28:05:13] We're up.
[28:05:14] Y'all ready?
[28:05:15] Yeah.
[28:05:16] It's over.
[28:05:18] It's over.
[28:05:20] End of the day.
[28:05:22] 30 days, y'all.
[28:05:24] That's going to conclude
[28:05:26] the face-clan group sub-a-thon
[28:05:28] we made fucking history y'all
[28:05:31] anybody got any last words?
[28:05:33] group hug
[28:05:34] wait wait wait wait wait wait
[28:05:36] it's a Todd's act
[28:05:38] shut the fuck up
[28:05:39] group hug bro group hug
[28:05:41] everybody get it man
[28:05:43] come on
[28:05:45] everybody get it man
[28:05:47] we get it
[28:05:53] thank you guys for watching
[28:05:55] every community, every stream
[28:05:57] we fucking love you, we do anything for you
[28:05:59] Man, face, don't fuck up, it's a brainy shit.
[28:06:02] We are fucking...
[28:06:05] Get the fuck out of here!
[28:06:12] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
[28:06:13] Hey, hey, hey, hey, I just wanna tell them, let me give y'all a mwah.
[28:06:16] I don't know how many mwah I'm gonna miss out on, I'm gonna miss y'all, I'm gonna miss y'all, I'm gonna miss y'all, ha!
[28:06:22] Peace!