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โœ… DROPS ๐Ÿ”ด RWF 7/8M Nerub'ar Palace - DAY 10 | !guides !progress !giveaway

09-27-2024 ยท 16h 25m

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[00:03:45] of the light nor is it our told our soul chat good we are back on day what day is it eight
[00:21:54] nah it's further than that's like a eleven ten day ten or in the morning i'm dark mech we are
[00:22:04] joined by the fabulous rage and the return of the king was a long time now dshade's back
[00:22:11] back again. MWA Bro1 has returned. How are you feeling?
[00:22:17] It's a little bit shaky but happy to be back. Thankfully negative so don't worry.
[00:22:24] We're very happy. Have you been watching the race from your death chamber?
[00:22:29] I went from as much as I could watch. It was exciting. I didn't expect to die as fast to be honest.
[00:22:35] I'm glad that I actually did make it back to commentate a little bit, you know, before the race is over.
[00:22:42] Yeah, we all missed you.
[00:22:43] How'd you sleep, Rach?
[00:22:45] Yeah, good. I was watching Kalimdor lore videos to get to sleep and then didn't wake up until half an hour ago.
[00:22:52] Alright, I respect it.
[00:22:54] Yeah.
[00:22:54] You respect it?
[00:22:55] I was just asleep.
[00:22:56] Ah, yeah, it was alright, solid 5 in a bit or something, so we're ready to go again today.
[00:23:03] And I just found out as well, with the triumphant return of MWA row 1 on the catch, that it's
[00:23:07] September today.
[00:23:08] I've picked up some good news.
[00:23:10] I already see sco's in the chat, so that's every 5 gifted subs Twitch will gift 1 extra,
[00:23:17] I believe.
[00:23:18] So sco probably going to expect you to pull your weight today and do your work.
[00:23:22] Still 25% off subs as well, on top of that.
[00:23:26] could be I don't know I don't know the laws of twitch we did have a level 13
[00:23:32] hype trend the other day though so it was pretty crazy there's a lot of hype
[00:23:36] going around I want to hold it down for me Raiders just waking up everyone is
[00:23:42] on their PC getting out to raid and starting to get organized obviously a
[00:23:47] very very big day for method incoming liquid 35% now on the boss Echo 47%
[00:23:55] But we were getting to phase 2 last night, at least on the platforms, yet to make it
[00:24:01] off the platforms, so a lot of catching up for us to do.
[00:24:04] But probably guessing this boss has a chance to die tonight, realistically, or tomorrow.
[00:24:10] I think we could end up in one of those fire-exiturations again, where obviously Aiko's doing no good progression
[00:24:17] and Liquid obviously waking up, or even getting further and further.
[00:24:23] Right now the boss looks very very hard, but we all know how it is with these hardcore guilds at some point
[00:24:28] Something makes click you're just a little bit of timings a little bit of CDs
[00:24:31] Suddenly you're in like these low percent ranges and like depending how the boss will still pan out obviously
[00:24:37] It could be that we end up with like all the gates getting to that same like choke point and like we maybe even have a
[00:24:43] three-horse race
[00:24:45] Compared to the two horse race last time obviously
[00:24:48] Dark and me already talked while you were still getting your drink
[00:24:51] I think it was a little bit spicy for method pushing that hard on the Tuesday before the
[00:24:58] reset to get silken god down because I think this is one of these moments where experience
[00:25:03] matters a lot because obviously you got to kill, you got a bit of extra loot, a chance
[00:25:08] of like a spy master and stuff in your vault, but like it does change your sleep schedule,
[00:25:13] you're getting like a bit behind.
[00:25:15] Thankfully a guild like Aqua had a pretty bad re-clear which like was good to catch
[00:25:19] up again for method but we are at this point now can they overplay their own fatigue because
[00:25:25] like to be fair pushing that hard on it one night and then like still adjusting for the
[00:25:29] next day is quite hard and I think it does show in the result right now unfortunately because
[00:25:35] Aqua and Liquid are to be fair even if the percentages doesn't displayed perfectly quite
[00:25:39] far ahead because also the consistency going out of the intermissions so it really all
[00:25:44] It all depends on how hard we face 3P, how much more will we see, because obviously in Liquid's best try we saw like 5 more Acolytes spawning at like 37-30%.
[00:25:54] I guess it's more timer based, it could be outside 30% or whatever.
[00:25:58] But so to be fair, it could become still a very exciting race, but I would personally say we either see like today very late a kill or tomorrow.
[00:26:09] Because I do think these skills are on that level, better just kill a boss at this point like.
[00:26:14] Yeah.
[00:26:16] Absolutely. It's going to be a very interesting sort of a road to the end and I think that was a really good line in terms of overplay their fatigue.
[00:26:25] Because we were watching them last night obviously and there was some tired raiders in there for sure.
[00:26:32] I think staying up to a 4a was a phenomenal moment for Method in regards to like killing Siliconcourt.
[00:26:38] And even for them to charge on it's just whether or not the play was the full adjust to the 10 to 2 schedule
[00:26:45] Or if we should have tried to claw back or whatnot
[00:26:47] But I guess in post-mortem you sit you dissect that and you you know you take away from where we managed to lose some ground
[00:26:54] You can see hot pot heroes also
[00:26:57] Hot on the heels, but they are still in intermission one so they haven't yet to break the shield by the looks of that
[00:27:04] But they're just lusting on pull as well. Whereas we're not lusting the shield now
[00:27:08] So what I think so interesting about the Asian community is I feel like it's a lot of the same gets rotating like each year
[00:27:15] Who's doing good? Yeah, you know like there's always like a few names that you know already
[00:27:18] Yeah, and like always this one new super kid that is doing better than the established ones already
[00:27:24] Obviously nowadays with I think net is it is giving the price pool for like if an Asian guilt I think
[00:27:30] Specifically yeah, I have to be a saying
[00:27:32] Exactly if a Chinese skill is doing about first they are getting a certain amount of money
[00:27:37] Which is a very nice incentive, and I think you definitely see it especially with the who go hero's yeah, but I
[00:27:44] think it's intriguing how they
[00:27:47] Keep like the item of the dead high right there like a level ahead of like a liquid and I'm like
[00:27:53] That is insane because obviously especially for like the big worm of in X
[00:27:58] I think he's pronounced yep and like for Kai visa item level was everything. Let's be honest
[00:28:03] They were not tactical fights. They were like just push push push and I think that's what the Chinese people are very good at in terms of like
[00:28:10] I think there was one good killing of 500 tries. Yeah
[00:28:14] 500 tries and that was at this point already is unreal. Yeah. Oh, thank you. That is my mate actually
[00:28:23] Thank you, bro, but
[00:28:25] Now I think it's very interesting to see how hardcore the Chinese people went.
[00:28:31] I think it's also nice to see one of these skills being that far up there with the grades.
[00:28:37] But to be fair, you do still see the difference in a little bit of skill level, I would say,
[00:28:42] compared to the liquid echo method.
[00:28:45] But if they can keep it up and improve also over time, maybe in a very long race it could get very exciting.
[00:28:52] I think, yeah, absolutely chat welcomes you back to casting. We love that. Thank you very much
[00:29:01] Thanks for
[00:29:04] Your hot pot are almost two whole I levels above echo
[00:29:07] It's inside is a little it this late into the race. Yeah, like usually
[00:29:13] It's not like that. That's crazy
[00:29:16] I guess they're just throwing themselves at the boss and seeing how far they can burn it through right?
[00:29:21] I mean you always have like what's your theories why the item level is so high before going into detail here
[00:29:27] But like it is definitely crazy because at the end of the day as a hardcore guild item level is everything
[00:29:33] I mean you can be like the most talented players you do need item level for certain bosses and I mean
[00:29:39] Like a full item level is actually more than people expect like a little paper
[00:29:43] Okay, who cares if I have 619 or 620, but if it's on your whole rate with a decent itemization
[00:29:48] Yeah, that is unreal like it can be the difference on one two percent of a boss fight if you push a face without a bloodlust or not
[00:29:56] Timer wise and people should not underestimate that
[00:30:00] I've always wondered you know when you sin see and you see how much DPS you could in theory pump out if you played
[00:30:06] Absolutely perfectly. Yeah, I want to know like
[00:30:10] how
[00:30:12] How similar is that to the actual DPS numbers that our players pump out?
[00:30:16] Like if you did like a percentage of like say simc is like okay you play it like 100%
[00:30:23] How good do the players play like how does like a human versus a computer or a human versus a script when it comes to players of like
[00:30:33] This top top level
[00:30:35] Yeah, be really cool to find out. I think it is pretty accurate to be honest
[00:30:39] I mean if you understand how it works if like obviously an APL like that
[00:30:43] The bot is obviously just doing that, what you're telling him to do.
[00:30:47] And obviously in pure single target it's like being on a dummy.
[00:30:50] I think you kind of get quite the accurate results.
[00:30:53] That's why there's always this arrow of margin with plus minus five percent because of grits and everything.
[00:30:58] I think obviously it's always getting interesting if we want to do stuff like M plus or multi target fights.
[00:31:02] Because I think simulating the exact movement, the exact timeframe when you push a boss with like what drink a timer, etc. is quite hard.
[00:31:12] So I think for everything except single target, it's quite wonky because like what you give it if you if you had actually an APL
[00:31:20] Master and like he would write a perfect one for certain was like I think it's on something like OB next
[00:31:25] You would get pretty good results or like maybe quite visa even there you have like every two minutes 30 seconds heavy movement
[00:31:32] But pure single target I would honestly say that players get like 95% percent of the result quite accurate. Yeah
[00:31:40] morning kitten hello hello yeah this white PC is gorgeous is the one that
[00:31:48] we're giving away it's mine yeah I said it when I entered this room it's insane
[00:31:52] yeah I'm really excited I'm a big fan of these huge cases yeah it's really really
[00:31:58] nice eggs which mark give away if you've not already entered I believe
[00:32:01] that we have been adding other additional ways to enter as well there's
[00:32:04] 60 ways to enter I think and then there's more added daily to clock up
[00:32:09] your total number so the higher number you have the more likely you are to win so make sure you
[00:32:14] go in into that it's really simple stuff like a follow ask a follow our sponsors speedowitch
[00:32:20] thank you very much sponsors for making it possible for us to be here
[00:32:24] rosy holy steel series beatless radario warcraft logs we've got our holy holy
[00:32:34] holy keeping us on track keeping our raiders pumped up then someone from
[00:32:39] The cast has even built it together with Felix.
[00:32:41] I built it. Felix watched.
[00:32:43] Really?
[00:32:44] Yeah, I'm pretty amazing.
[00:32:45] Don't leave them.
[00:32:46] I actually never built a PC, yeah?
[00:32:48] Yeah, I'm pretty much the same boat.
[00:32:49] My friend builds it and I watch.
[00:32:51] I buy the parts and then I sit there and he talks and he builds it.
[00:32:55] I feel like everything looks very self-explanatory,
[00:32:58] but I'm always very scared with the cables, you know?
[00:33:01] Motherboards here and telegraphics guns here.
[00:33:03] Then you want to make it look pretty, then water cooling.
[00:33:07] And I'm like if I destroy one of like this 800 euro parts like I'm gonna cry
[00:33:12] That's what I'm like to even like putting on the thermal paste and doing like I'm just like I'll just screw something up
[00:33:17] I'll put the cross open pins or I'll push the RAM in and I'll snap it
[00:33:25] And then you're like under braking at none other PC can handle it's all good
[00:33:28] The motherboard part is the easiest it's like you you have the board
[00:33:32] So like you know when you play with Lego, yeah, and you have a Lego board and you build stuff on top of it
[00:33:37] literally that so Lego CPU in SSD in RAM in and then the board goes in the box
[00:33:45] thing pretty much done you got to slot the GPU in and then screw it in then the
[00:33:52] hardest part for me is attaching like if we've got an AIO cooler yeah that's
[00:33:57] harder because I can never get the if you're like mounting the the fans on the
[00:34:05] top holding the fans on the top while trying to screw it in even if you have it on the side
[00:34:10] I just find that so fun. This all went in really easy for Felix but Felix has been building PCs
[00:34:15] for like 20 years or whatever. It's crazy. Mounting the GPU vertically was sick too.
[00:34:21] This looks so hot in here. I think it must be also so fun if you're one of these people
[00:34:24] like your friend that people go to yo can you build like a sequel because like if you get
[00:34:29] like always to see like the newest parts you know how to demand for them it's also like
[00:34:33] interesting order they changed this nowadays you do it like this and stuff I
[00:34:36] think it's a it's a nice hobby or even people that have like these kind of
[00:34:40] companies like like self-service shops and stuff so it's very very nice yeah
[00:34:46] no my friend Dave he stays up to date on all of that stuff and I'm just like
[00:34:50] I need a new beast and then he'll tell me what to buy and away we go yeah
[00:34:58] actually my friend that just donated the five subs he's also looking for a
[00:35:01] new PC so maybe for him a good time to enter the giveaway
[00:35:05] That would be like saving like 4k euros or something you know might as well
[00:35:09] Like the last PC or like the PC I'm still using nowadays. It's actually when I've gotten from method as well like back into 19
[00:35:16] So like I could I could use an upgrade as well again. Yeah, I
[00:35:20] Remember I got back then one from a school send and then like as a surprise even like a screen on top
[00:35:24] Yeah, I was so stuck because I'm one of these people my old PC was lagging
[00:35:29] I was like if I wasn't at the venue, I was lagging because I'm one of these people if it doesn't break
[00:35:35] I'm not replacing it. Yeah, and I'm like an Oscar and streaming
[00:35:41] Yeah, we get we get you sorted out to it all good and I get arrived from America. Yeah, this kind of a box a second box
[00:35:49] I was so stoked. I love it. I love that
[00:35:53] It's always good to have friends in high places, right? Friends of money
[00:35:56] friends with sco friends with sco
[00:36:02] the Raiders all decked out on the elite camp PCs the venue that we're at
[00:36:08] stocked 90 PCs at the venue here and they absolutely go burr
[00:36:17] I think it's always nice for like 80% of the players to actually play that
[00:36:20] venue because generally talking the PCs are always better than Roger at the
[00:36:24] Oh, yeah, especially here the PC's like yeah because I feel like my PC still find it's like with a 20 70 or 20 80
[00:36:31] Which I think for now the standards is like completely fine still yeah, but like let's be relive you like I played
[00:36:38] With shaken here like a FPS game. I've not
[00:36:42] understood how like
[00:36:43] smooth a game
[00:36:46] I'm a Tom, you know, I don't like my FPS is fine. This is how you don't like
[00:36:50] This is how a collar should look like if people normally play like this at an event. I'm not playing like this
[00:36:57] Yeah, that sucks because you've experienced like pretty much almost perfection and now you've got to go back to your own system and be like
[00:37:06] After game on this
[00:37:10] But then after a while you'll probably get used to it
[00:37:12] Yeah, you'll forget but yeah, there's always that jump performance when you move to like an actual beefy
[00:37:18] venue system I love playing on these ones the only thing I picked I don't
[00:37:22] particularly enjoy is having to reinstall editing software so that we can carry
[00:37:27] on walking like outside the PCs get wiped after every use which is good
[00:37:32] because you set everything up and give me everything and yeah but at least in
[00:37:37] terms of downloading everything the internet's really fast rating should
[00:37:45] comments shortly and do see some questions about do we have an idea when
[00:37:48] the raid will start. Pools will start imminently because we are a little bit
[00:37:54] behind and we do need to get rolling. Everybody is in the raid we're missing
[00:38:00] one just waiting on one so raiders are all sitting down chilling at their desks
[00:38:05] ready to go ready to blast today. We have some catching up to hopefully some
[00:38:10] really smooth pools straight into phase 2 today. We did have a lot of trouble with the
[00:38:17] four reactive toxin pools, which we did manage to sort out fairly well towards the end of
[00:38:23] last night. We had really consistent through there and now it's just getting the hang of
[00:38:27] the ads and the shadow gates and being able to manage that.
[00:38:34] Corella very famous in the shade.
[00:38:36] Corella and Jimmy, always questions about Corella and Jimmy. It's just one of those
[00:38:42] things where sometimes you get lucky on loot and sometimes you don't mean it's
[00:38:45] actually out on the boss or she's just missing now she's out on this one at
[00:38:48] the moment but it is interesting because you can see if I like small this we can
[00:38:52] see our group composition I don't know if you've been looking far above but it's
[00:38:57] really quite interesting rage myself and damn we're talking about it last
[00:39:01] night the different compositions we've seen across the big three guilds so
[00:39:05] like we weren't blood decay brewmaster echo went prop halid and
[00:39:09] brewmaster yeah for the freedoms right yeah yeah and then the quid stayed with
[00:39:13] guardian brewmaster so different tank composition across the big three same
[00:39:18] heal a composite composition with double prayers holy holy and then the DPS
[00:39:23] compositions are wildly different from method to echo it's like double wallock
[00:39:28] in one stream they run and double destro for liquid we're running double fury
[00:39:33] liquid run and double frost we're running double BM hunter echo liquid both
[00:39:38] only running one. We're running Orga Voka, Echo and Liquid running Double Devastation.
[00:39:44] So there's some real differences across that. Even the Majors, we're running Double Arcane,
[00:39:49] Liquid are running Arcane and Fire.
[00:39:50] Yeah, I saw the fire. I mean it's mainly like handling the adds right there, like
[00:39:53] everyone trying to figure out. But, wasn't Quella also Hunter and Iwoka? Wasn't that
[00:39:59] Hercules?
[00:40:00] Quella does play, used to play Hunter and Volta being Khan and so I know that.
[00:40:04] I don't know how long it's been since she's played. I think when Iwoka came
[00:40:08] out she kind of hard switched to a wife I should both I wasn't sure anymore so
[00:40:12] faithy in and hunt over but it's it's it's interesting that we've gone with a
[00:40:18] different composition and we had caner on the couch last night who was very
[00:40:22] much like we could possibly swap a hunter but like we're just going with
[00:40:26] whatever we think is the best vibe which is I think it's been cool to
[00:40:30] see what they're actually gaming a fellow right we're yeah she's unfaithful
[00:40:34] Well, I mean honestly in fights like these I think several comes work. It's just like how do you relate it to these obviously
[00:40:42] On a theoretical basis, there's always something that is best if you're like fully calculated and stuff
[00:40:47] But also it's like you kind of need to get the feeling with it like liquid like obviously got like the furthest so far
[00:40:53] Like they did also some stuff then probably like the second destruction worked out for them with like how they popped the cities
[00:40:59] echoes doing the thing. I think that works and especially after Orvinax I think
[00:41:04] method has the confidence to say okay our ideas aren't always wrong because
[00:41:09] they did show like okay it works and sorry if it works for them for now maybe
[00:41:16] we will see still see some changes but for now it's just like about
[00:41:20] consistency getting further getting further and later on swapping like one
[00:41:23] or two classes shouldn't be the biggest of issues to be fair.
[00:41:26] Yeah, absolutely great.
[00:41:28] I'm curious as to why we've decided to go with Blood Decay as opposed to Guardian, because we do have a Guardian here for Teeth.
[00:41:38] We do? I actually think in terms of the tank debuff, I reckon the Blood Decay is really not a bad choice.
[00:41:51] because Nate takes the liquefier and Teeth takes the absorb which is like a healing absorption
[00:41:57] but DK's got so many ways to amplify healing received like osmosis, famp, blood and things
[00:42:04] like that so I think it's actually quite a smart pick in regards to being able to get
[00:42:09] rid of that absorb really quick gives you an extra AMZ, DK can get out of the root
[00:42:14] easy enough as well I mean a Guardian Druid can as well you can shape shift so like
[00:42:21] I think like Fabo's just mentioned there's a lot of comps that can work in regards to
[00:42:26] there's ways to negate mechanics so I guess you just pick whatever you think is the best idea
[00:42:32] and whatever also I suppose somebody's most comfortable on as well is a big is a big notion.
[00:42:37] Yeah I know Tifa's particularly good with plenty of cases actually. I always just kind of forget
[00:42:42] that sometimes classes are more like favourable with some people than others especially when it
[00:42:48] when it comes to tanks, I kinda just assume that the tanks can play all of them equally
[00:42:52] as well. But yeah, that's pretty cool. I'm happy to see a Blood DK, I think Blood DK
[00:42:58] is like, in general, a really cool class as a really cool class.
[00:43:02] Yeah, I mean it's...
[00:43:04] I kind of prefer it over Brumasteper.
[00:43:06] Was it the OG hero? What was it? It was like Rathor the Lich King DK first hero class.
[00:43:12] It's the OG hero.
[00:43:13] I mean, back then it was cool because like every spec could do everything.
[00:43:16] Yeah, you could blood DPS back then.
[00:43:18] Those were the days.
[00:43:21] Was it a Frost DK tank or was it unholy?
[00:43:26] Yeah, you used to tank as in the early it was unholy and frost were your main options as tank and you could also dual wheel tank.
[00:43:36] And then it was like the ICC patch maybe that bloods, it might have been earlier, that blood
[00:43:46] started taking over as the primary tank spec, but you could still tank as Frost or Unholy
[00:43:53] if you wanted to, but I can't remember what patch it was where blood came in as the
[00:43:59] talent tree you would go down if you were doing seriously high and so on.
[00:44:03] even then in ICC you could still do quite good blood damage. It's just like
[00:44:07] unholy, almost like the whole expansion just busted with the Gargoyle and stuff
[00:44:11] but like even as a blood you could still insanely good deep press. I would be
[00:44:14] actually interested to see if there wasn't like all these glass buffs if
[00:44:17] all the guilds would run the same tanks because I feel like a lot of the
[00:44:21] choices right now is also pick your poison what kind of druid do we take
[00:44:25] and then otherwise because obviously one can right now not the strongest
[00:44:30] even though obviously we have seen on 1-2 bosses, they can't perform decently.
[00:44:33] Now we see, obviously, we took a Pharrell,
[00:44:36] other guilds maybe have a Guardian and stuff like,
[00:44:39] if this wouldn't be a thing, I would like to see if every guild would opt in for the same two tanks.
[00:44:43] Because right now that's I think the biggest issue, why there are so many different comps.
[00:44:49] And I think we have seen it, especially with Echo, they swap like the roster by far the most.
[00:44:53] I think Liquid stays kinda true to the classes, they just swap the specs often.
[00:44:57] But like Echo swapping a lot a lot.
[00:44:59] And method is also swapping every year and then yeah, I mean it was interesting to see now bring in his
[00:45:05] Prop Paladin like and both liquid and echo all hard switch to gnome for escape artist
[00:45:10] I love norm though. Yeah, no van dwarf are so good racists
[00:45:14] Yeah, pretty good, but interesting to see now now like now's paladins 620 i level
[00:45:19] It's four four to five i levels down on like what you would do
[00:45:23] It's not like it's the last boss on mythic. It's that's that's a significant difference as well
[00:45:28] But as long as you can survive I think what a tank it's fine, especially if you don't need to damage and
[00:45:33] Obviously it's first first of all for the blessing of freedom. I think also
[00:45:38] Spellboarding is still a thing, right? Yeah, I think that is a thing why they're also opting in for and
[00:45:43] Obviously, I do think now was always one of the best Paladin tanks ever like and that's one of the best tanks ever
[00:45:49] Yeah, but like I think Paladin was also where he really stood out a lot of times as well
[00:45:53] Especially sanctum of the domination stuff. So I think it makes sense to them
[00:45:57] He has a I think both scribe and him have a very good idea of what the class is capable of
[00:46:02] Yeah
[00:46:02] And if you sacrifice a little bit of like damage and maybe a bit of survivability due to the item level
[00:46:07] I think you still survive the boss like this. Yeah, and
[00:46:11] At the end of the day, I think obviously, okay
[00:46:14] We are talking about the boss fight where you're like 10 minutes in on 37%
[00:46:17] Obviously you need to damage, but I think this is one of these fights
[00:46:20] You have so many mechanics so many things overlapping if you get everything once under control and you get like a certain rhythm to it
[00:46:28] You will end up killing the boss and I think Paladin is always a great help in that regard
[00:46:33] Yeah, of a support tank. Well, it's got a pal's got the freedom talent to where if you freedom
[00:46:40] If you freedom someone you get freedom or if it's you free. Yeah, if you freedom someone you also get freedom
[00:46:46] Yeah, especially for these roots because we were talking about as well the fact that I wonder if the designer of answer
[00:46:53] I can obviously don't design bosses for the world first the environment solely and
[00:46:57] When other cutting-edge guilds here they'll have to play the roots because they probably won't have as many
[00:47:02] Class compositions and they obviously won't be like alright every raider. We're going known for this break
[00:47:08] They'll actually have to DPS the roots
[00:47:09] But you do have to wonder if as a designer you're watching your boss race world fellow race world spurs
[00:47:15] Good Lord race to world first guilds get to your boss
[00:47:19] And then you watch them not play a single set of roots because they just find a way around it
[00:47:24] You're like supposed to be BS them guys like come on
[00:47:27] Well, I think that's anyway interesting as a topic because I do think we have certain times
[00:47:33] So in a class is being these are like when a boss fight is designed because of a class in a way
[00:47:38] I think Rasa Gelfen, World of the Incarnate, was a perfect example that they wanted to push to press evoker with like the, I think, rewind CD.
[00:47:45] I think it was pretty clear that they wanted to promote the class, but then we had cases like if you guys remember in Uldia, Zul, with like the sub-rogues that we cheated.
[00:47:54] Yeah, the shurikensome, whatever it was.
[00:47:55] Because we said on the beta already, okay, if the boss stays like this, we just take 14 rogues.
[00:47:59] Yeah.
[00:48:00] In the end, you didn't need 14 rogues, you just did it with 8, but it was like, I remember back then, Jinji's first thought process.
[00:48:07] And I do think it's quite intriguing because nowadays the class trees are bigger again and
[00:48:12] I highly doubt that an encounter designer knows everything about every class.
[00:48:16] Because even as a hardcore raider, unless you're like Skype or Max, even like a normal
[00:48:22] DPS player doesn't know everything about like every other class.
[00:48:24] And I think it's hard to design certain bosses with certain like abilities or like
[00:48:31] trees in mind because I do think at some point they sometimes maybe wanna push
[00:48:35] a certain class back to the spotlight and maybe make it like a fight that like fits them very well
[00:48:41] but like often they also have a great idea and then like for example max comes with like
[00:48:46] they didn't brewmaster monk had exactly like on that time or something yeah oh yeah yeah boss
[00:48:51] fight like gnarly fighting middle yeah and i think as a boss designer it's like very hard to keep
[00:48:57] track before this being changed what is being added what can this class now hero talents on
[00:49:01] on top of that. Yeah. I mean it's even on a simple level just for debuffs. We got to
[00:49:06] Silicon Court and the tank debuff wasn't actually working. They had to change it. So like...
[00:49:12] They made it one tankable then, right? Well it was one tankable and the debuff wasn't working
[00:49:16] and then they were like, we don't want a one tank fight. It needs to be... So they changed
[00:49:21] it. But that was like, I think that was actually something that was discovered and
[00:49:24] raised in beta. So, you know, even that sort of stuff as well, like you throw
[00:49:30] all the class challenges into it as well but it's even just from a standard level
[00:49:36] as well like things get missed so well the feast is down so that's good news
[00:49:41] did I have a ready check as well we did but yeah I have to say as well I think
[00:49:46] one tank boss is ungreat no every now and again is okay but not a not to in a
[00:49:51] row I feel like also most skills obviously have always a bigger roster
[00:49:55] than you need players in the mythic raids, but obviously you rarely have three tanks in a guild,
[00:50:01] which also doesn't make sense if your tanks have a good attendance. So I feel like it just
[00:50:05] feels weird to be left out as a tank because usually you have like the main tank and the
[00:50:10] off tank because the main tank plays something more like Guardian or something like Boomerser
[00:50:14] that maybe doesn't die and stuff. And like in a one tank fight you're immediately out
[00:50:19] and like there's no way for you coming back in. And I just don't like this mechanic.
[00:50:23] It's the same with sometimes three heal fights, but there I get the gist of it's kind of nice to push the HPS tanks
[00:50:31] But one tanks fights are usually not about I'm playing so insanely good
[00:50:35] It's just like the case of okay, there's no like stackable armor debuff. Yeah, so I might as well solo tank
[00:50:41] It's not like oh, yeah, I do three drops at the same time. Yeah
[00:50:45] Yeah, yeah
[00:50:49] When I thought this that's a certain court was gonna be another solo tank
[00:50:54] I was like, oh god no like people seem to really enjoyed the princess fight being solo
[00:51:01] But I think it was because it's been so long since we've had a solo tank fight
[00:51:05] So it was a nice like little
[00:51:08] Extra pizzazz and because it was so crazy with damage check. I think it was like the fancy thing
[00:51:12] Yeah, but then when we watched in Sultan court and there was rumors going round that we were gonna sell the tank again
[00:51:18] It's like oh come on not the second to last boss. Yeah, I agree not directly after another one
[00:51:25] All right, we got a pull
[00:51:27] 15 seconds. Let's go
[00:51:30] First pull of the day rosy pulls on it. Okay quickly predictions first pull of the day
[00:51:36] Only vibe in my opinion unfortunately quick rage
[00:51:39] I
[00:51:42] She'll break she'll break I'm saying we die on the fourth set of reactive options
[00:51:47] Yo, thank you, Caleb sort of prime
[00:51:50] See how we go first set of roots coming out on gay debt already
[00:51:54] Unluck not ideal certainly not here would have been an overlap with a route there. We dodged these lines
[00:52:01] It would have been an overlap with a route. There's the only way you would die
[00:52:04] All right first reactive toxin pools coming out ten players in each we pop and we pop two stacks sweet
[00:52:13] Spread to the debuffs watch the waves coming out
[00:52:17] Easy dodge easy dodge. I feel like the boss looks so weird. Oh, yeah reflect a big big
[00:52:23] Takes up a lot of the floor space when you play at this kind of angle right? They puddles we move
[00:52:28] Alright, next set of routes coming out here. See the weaker up the top there, down using spell reflect for his.
[00:52:35] His engages, deep breaths, cloaks, hunter pets, blinks, freedoms, tigers lusts, shape shifting, works to get you out of these wraith walk.
[00:52:49] Alright, next set of lines coming up. Plant, you wait for the lines as you move.
[00:52:55] Next set of reactive toxins, this is number three.
[00:52:59] We have three of these.
[00:53:01] Number two, but it's three.
[00:53:03] You know what I mean.
[00:53:04] Seven, seven, six here, gonna get a four stack.
[00:53:06] That we get three, nice.
[00:53:10] I think that looks insane, yeah, like this kind of casting system.
[00:53:13] That's such a good mechanic.
[00:53:15] Thank you, GlitterSpark for the prime.
[00:53:17] Watch these lines.
[00:53:19] Dope, we are gaming right now.
[00:53:22] Next set of tombs.
[00:53:26] No overlaps, good job.
[00:53:31] At lines and then we're going to have four debuffs go out
[00:53:35] We're going to have roots. We're going to have lines
[00:53:39] We get the debuffs into positions do the roots we move for lines
[00:53:44] And we'll go in
[00:53:46] Here are the debuffs all reactive toxins root
[00:53:53] break roots wait for lines
[00:53:57] Jill bitty
[00:53:59] Move to space
[00:54:00] All right. Here's five five five. So we want to end up with a four here
[00:54:06] Oh method
[00:54:08] Waking up and came to play dodge these waves
[00:54:11] So far rage is the only one that knows anything on here looks like it's gonna be a shield break
[00:54:17] That's really good all of them still up to a shield break. Well up to the shield
[00:54:23] That was huge. Oh
[00:54:26] Unlucky, that's okay though for a little bit. Maybe kind of it's not really we're absolutely doomed, but that's okay
[00:54:32] We will break the shield
[00:54:34] Watch these webs
[00:54:36] You're halfway done got a grip coming in three
[00:54:39] Just really important that you get out to space here and not get grip through a wave a tank can take a wave here
[00:54:46] Anything else just absolutely melts
[00:54:48] Might live if you had a big wall down
[00:54:52] You do break the shield though first pull of the day that's positive. You can see just how tight the platform space is to
[00:54:59] Boss becomes immune to damage now add on each side and we have these shadow gates
[00:55:03] There'll be a marker on moon and a marker on x we need to go into the shadow gates
[00:55:08] There'll be a weaker that tells you to go left or right step out
[00:55:12] That's okay. That's a pretty good first pull of the day
[00:55:14] Yeah, sure
[00:55:15] It just it was making me laugh because Dan and his group knew that they didn't have a tank
[00:55:20] So the other go around yeah, I think it was like bumping onto Dan
[00:55:25] Then it went to quip then it went to Dan again
[00:55:27] You know you're into the doom when the tank is dead. Yeah
[00:55:30] Ferreld it very well, it was second on DPS meter, now we don't see it, but like on the other POV
[00:55:36] I also have to say what I like about the boss, especially on end bosses, I like when the fight is more the choreography
[00:55:43] I like when it's like very, we have to be there, then this dodge happens, then this happens
[00:55:49] Like obviously it's nice like if one of the faces is also very tight on DPS and you have to pump and stuff
[00:55:55] But I like when it's like, I compared kind of like, you know, with like a swim choreography, everyone has like its place, everyone knows what to do, at what exact timing, and this is one of these fights up until this point, which is very, very nice.
[00:56:07] Princess was like that as well. I think that's why I liked Princess, because you had the geography, geography, geography.
[00:56:13] Geography, you had the map of the world, and like watching just the tank POV, they, they had like, you know, drag the boss in the way that everyone's kids still hit it.
[00:56:24] it so good positioning then they have to drop the portal off but as they drop the
[00:56:28] portal off they stepped away and then there was like balls that you had to step
[00:56:32] forward right left back like that kind of stuff is it blows my mind and it's the
[00:56:37] same with this but except everyone has to do that so you're dodging like green
[00:56:42] waves left right and center you don't want to get pulled into a wave you
[00:56:46] don't want to be sucked into the the webs that go forward and then you
[00:56:50] off the jump mechanic which is really cool yeah great first pull of the day good
[00:56:56] sign of things to come yeah what's up guys it is me back again still a little
[00:57:01] bit but yeah big out of the Gullag back out of the Gullag
[00:57:05] how long were you in the Gullag? I think six days
[00:57:08] hotel room yeah that's it very hard poor Fabo the darkness the darkness took you
[00:57:15] during that had time to think about all the ways to come back to World
[00:57:19] warcraft world first rating maybe maybe next to your chat maybe we get another
[00:57:26] deep shades back in the roster continue to build the method claim to the world
[00:57:32] first I had my hopes up I'll admit in a dragon flight maybe when there was a
[00:57:38] lot of talk gone around about Fabio coming back I really thought we might
[00:57:41] have seen a deep shades return but no he's a senator casting I mean I will
[00:57:47] You never exclude the option, but I talked about it with Florek today because I asked him about his experience the last time at the breakfast.
[00:57:56] Caster is definitely the better lifestyle. You have normal routines, you have free time.
[00:58:05] All the downsets you have as a raider, you don't have as a caster.
[00:58:08] I also think as well realistically like X players at a level like that you've
[00:58:16] achieved amazing castors anyway because you can just offer insight that no one
[00:58:21] else can because you've been there you've lived it you've done it you've
[00:58:24] achieved it and you've achieved it at a world first level too like so it's
[00:58:28] just it's a very unique pool of people that can offer insight into that and
[00:58:33] I know, that's the best thing to see from the old players.
[00:58:37] Alright, pull number two of the day.
[00:58:39] Pretty good opening pull with Rage the only one guessing the correct area that we would get to, so...
[00:58:45] Rage, where are we going for this one?
[00:58:48] We're going out on the shield break.
[00:58:50] On the shield break?
[00:58:51] Yeah.
[00:58:52] Alright, I like it, I can dig it.
[00:58:54] I have to say, all some more guilds killed the bosses than I expected to.
[00:58:57] Yeah.
[00:58:58] There was more Ovinax killed than initially it would look like.
[00:59:02] Well, Overnax, a few nerfs coming out to the adds this rotation, which is really good, yeah, absolutely.
[00:59:09] No, I was surprised there wasn't a princess nerf, to be honest. I thought they might have ditched the health a little bit more, or even the damage amp.
[00:59:16] That was quite interesting, but yeah, there's been a lot of really standout performances throughout this race so far from multiple guilds, so which is good to see. You want that in the space?
[00:59:26] I think actually it's funny that
[00:59:28] All the next kill for echo took in a real clear longer than in the first skill. I was like
[00:59:33] Surprise that's pretty standard echo isn't it struggle on re clear and excel on last boss
[00:59:38] I think every second to a nice three clear then again. I'll run this week. I
[00:59:43] Was actually surprised how battery came was fought to try something weather. Yeah, I know the boss is hard
[00:59:48] Don't get me wrong especially with them
[00:59:51] I think bringing another red for the freedoms and stuff in the boss fight
[00:59:54] I'm like 40 tries that was pretty it was pretty crazy. I actually had a lot of hope from that too
[00:59:59] I was kind of like this gives us a big chance to catch up, but echo have really I mean they always do they generally excel on last bosses
[01:00:08] And where they need to find things they're always able to find it and put it together
[01:00:12] And we've just sort of really we took a long time to get comfortable with this phase one
[01:00:18] Yeah, it took us a long time to get the reactive toxins, right and
[01:00:21] And obviously our pool count is still low, which we did speak with Caner about last night in regards to, like, in a post-mortem moving forward.
[01:00:30] You know, will there be a focus on really trying to clamp down on the speed in which we're able to progress?
[01:00:37] And that'll be sort of an interesting review to see how that goes.
[01:00:40] Here comes the four-pop here, so we want five in each circle to get four debuffs here.
[01:00:44] I think what's the truth?
[01:00:46] Oh, sorry.
[01:00:47] Two dead, so we're going to end up with five.
[01:00:49] If we could live 5, 5 is easy, 5 is crazy, we have sent the Bay Rez.
[01:00:56] What I think is interesting about the guilds if you compare them, I think by method it
[01:01:04] really good this tier, what's outstanding about the other two guilds, I feel like you
[01:01:09] said Echo is on bosses where you actually have to figure something out, usually the
[01:01:13] best, like if there is something where you have to make a way to make it possible
[01:01:18] they will find it. I think Ligfit is like the gamer boys that love to blast the boss without
[01:01:25] ... and I don't mean it in a negative way. They are more like the type, they blast the
[01:01:31] boss, they have obviously common sense but they don't go as much in depth how you approach
[01:01:36] a boss fight. And I think both of them, like both kids excel in their respective
[01:01:41] thing a lot. By method it's like the middle thing, they're decent in both but like
[01:01:48] get overtaken on each of the regards from one of the other guilds
[01:01:51] then you obviously have like the Asians with like unlimited determination
[01:01:56] I pulled the boss 3,000 times with my HG2
[01:01:59] which I think is also strength like being that determined
[01:02:01] having that kind of endurance
[01:02:03] but I think what is hard for like
[01:02:05] method to catch up on, to get like to this world first level of the other guilds
[01:02:09] that you have like especially these 240s of like the two other guilds with like
[01:02:15] Ok, the boss seems impossible. Ekko does it. The boss is like just blast more burst,
[01:02:19] Liquid will do it. And you have to kind of find like your middle way, like,
[01:02:23] where do you excel kind of in that regard. Because you see it quite clearly always on what
[01:02:29] bosses, which guild is like, very good. And I think Ovinax and Kaiwiza were like the perfect
[01:02:35] Liquid bosses in a way, because it was like easy enough that Liquid would figure out a way
[01:02:40] to blast the burst but this boss he maybe looks a bit more echo again like oh you do this very
[01:02:48] strategically we play it like this this portal goes here and stuff yeah it'll be interesting we
[01:02:54] just saw unfortunately on board with crystallize tried the goblin jump ahead of that wave and
[01:03:00] didn't pan out the way that we would have hoped that's unlucky but we go again are we not online
[01:03:05] on youtube because we see the chat is okay okay perfect I thought that's well
[01:03:12] and I was like they've been replying to what yeah right we also had a chari
[01:03:20] overlay updated I think when we started the stream we always have to do a
[01:03:26] reboot but yeah we're at 3617 at the moment and that $500 donation was
[01:03:33] because Scho said that he would give away a signed jersey to the top Donator and gift
[01:03:39] soba so we have two jerseys up for grabs.
[01:03:42] And they'll both smell like Scho.
[01:03:44] Yeah.
[01:03:45] I'll have the Scho smell.
[01:03:47] Everyone likes some Scho snack.
[01:03:49] But yeah, absolutely like kicking it.
[01:03:52] Our next charity goal is The Quiet Place for $4,000 and we're raising for Movember
[01:03:59] which is the mental health charity for men, raising awareness and also incredible research
[01:04:04] both locally and globally. Amazing people from the MoVeva team. They're also in the chat quite
[01:04:09] regularly as well, which is really cool to see. That's cool, I liked it. Yeah, exhibition mark,
[01:04:14] charity, if you want to find out more about that. I mean that's a nice thing obviously about
[01:04:18] the world. First place nowadays it's very like it's it's really a move for community. Each
[01:04:23] guild has obviously like their own unique touches to like the whole show, but everyone supporting
[01:04:27] a charity, the fans are getting included in the events, you do a lot of funny stuff, so
[01:04:33] it's very nice.
[01:04:34] I love it, yeah.
[01:04:35] I mean you have the platform to do good and I think that it tells a lot by a person if
[01:04:39] they choose to use that platform to help other people that need liquid raising funds
[01:04:45] for an animal shelf, which is really nice.
[01:04:48] Which is very nice, I agree.
[01:04:49] Yeah, yeah.
[01:04:50] The dogs.
[01:04:51] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[01:04:52] As a pet however myself it's very...
[01:04:53] Yeah, it's really nice.
[01:04:54] You guys have pets?
[01:04:55] Actress?
[01:04:56] Two dogs.
[01:04:57] What races do you guys have?
[01:04:59] Border Collies.
[01:05:01] Oh, that's nice.
[01:05:03] I actually don't know what that one is.
[01:05:05] At least that name.
[01:05:07] It was her birthday yesterday.
[01:05:09] Oh, nice. We have a Goldie.
[01:05:11] I like Goldie.
[01:05:13] I call him Leo Arpies.
[01:05:15] Oh, these ones.
[01:05:17] They're cute.
[01:05:19] We used a Labrador, looking like a Labrador,
[01:05:21] but now that's a Goldie.
[01:05:23] Pets are nice.
[01:05:25] really are yeah and then echo um I don't actually know what echo is raising
[01:05:30] funds for they do the kids that yeah yeah the help with the sick kids not like
[01:05:40] make a wish style but it's I think it was similar to that kind of kind of like
[01:05:44] I can't remember what it is called now I did have it when I started talking
[01:05:48] But more kid-focused, yeah.
[01:05:52] Yeah, children are cool.
[01:05:56] So yeah, the top three guilds for the race will first just spreading their awareness across different charities.
[01:06:02] It's really cool.
[01:06:04] Oh, we have a good attempt here actually right now. Looking very good so far.
[01:06:08] On board with the native fish.
[01:06:10] I think it's funny to see though, because I compared also to the time when I played and also before all the splitting has become a thing.
[01:06:19] I feel like it looks very interesting, I don't mean it in a bad way, but I feel like people nowadays are like on day 10 of the race, so at first way more fatigued than we used to be back then.
[01:06:34] Like back then, let's say like going very back then, Tron of Thunder, because I think it was like the 12th birthday of MOP the other day.
[01:06:42] Back then you had a second week of progression and it was like nothing you know like you log in, you game now splits, maybe like you're 3-4 splits but that's it.
[01:06:52] But nowadays you look people like they ate in the ice and you see like that man or that woman has gone through like 40 splits already, like you see the fatigue and it's very different nowadays, like very different.
[01:07:05] Why does Nate rotate into the grey?
[01:07:08] So, Nate, going over there, each time you get pulled and you leave webs on the ground,
[01:07:13] but by Nate doing it over there, because he can live as a tank, it just stops any more
[01:07:17] adage to the platform, because you can see how the platform continues to grow as they
[01:07:21] have to rotate around every time they get pulled with webs, so it just saves a little
[01:07:25] bit more room.
[01:07:26] So, that's not even there.
[01:07:27] Also, it gives other people room as well.
[01:07:30] So, that's not even a mechanic that Broom Master Monks need to even worry about,
[01:07:35] I guess?
[01:07:36] I mean all tanks all tanks can do it as long as you could have got something to negate your suck like he's using a
[01:07:41] Roll or whatever you're gonna use like you can use transcendence as well, but
[01:07:45] Death's advance on a DK would work
[01:07:48] And any of that sort of stuff
[01:07:54] Unfortunately just still
[01:07:57] Not sloppy is not the right word on for but just still making errors early errors where we're having to send out the
[01:08:03] Battle res before the four toxins being broken
[01:08:06] And I think it's a good point, Farbo.
[01:08:10] I do think I'm still really stuck on the comment you made at the start of the day outplaying
[01:08:15] your fatigue.
[01:08:16] And so I think it's such a true phrase for the race to world first because it's gruelling.
[01:08:22] You know, 16, 18 hour days, you're on day 10.
[01:08:28] And obviously it's what everyone signs up for, it's what everyone loves and things
[01:08:31] like that, but it is demanding, especially when you get to a boss like this which
[01:08:35] which is so heavy around mechanical execution
[01:08:38] and you have to dig yourself out of it and execute.
[01:08:42] But I mean, I also love to be transparent
[01:08:43] and I feel like in a sense,
[01:08:46] your method, you're going into the tier very, very high.
[01:08:49] You wanna show obviously that you are capable
[01:08:52] of getting the world first finally.
[01:08:53] You talk every tier about getting better and better
[01:08:55] and I think factually they are getting better and better.
[01:08:58] Like it would be like if I wouldn't say so.
[01:09:01] Then you get hit quite heavy with the Corona.
[01:09:04] something out of your control doesn't matter how much safety circumstances you
[01:09:10] do someone at the airport blah blah it happens and I mean I've noticed that how
[01:09:15] it hit me already and we sort of grow a lot of the and stuff as well so you get
[01:09:20] to the point you're like they 10 day 11 day 12 for some people it's like above
[01:09:24] two weeks already that they're here you get tired you are still very tired
[01:09:28] And I think realistically speaking on a day with certain court. It was it was quite a tell-tale
[01:09:35] You can be the guy with the best motivation like the most positive mental attitude if you're realistic
[01:09:41] You know you you've lost like eight hours plus. Yeah, that is a realistic statement. Yeah, and I think you are also at a point
[01:09:49] That is very frustrating seeing your competition being very consistent
[01:09:54] But you struggle at a specific point knowingly again that you have to catch up
[01:09:59] Yeah, it's not like that. They're on the same point they up until over next
[01:10:03] I would say they were exactly on the same progression line as both other guilds, but the on K visa
[01:10:09] You saw already. It's going like a little bit delayed, but second code
[01:10:13] I think was the big breaker again. Yeah, and I think that was also
[01:10:17] Corona like at the peak like kind of a people getting like, you know kind of back on track and then like
[01:10:24] I can imagine pushing till 4AM is quite heavy and even seeing the echo kinder in quotation
[01:10:30] marks, playing there really very bad, you still know what kind of quality they have and realistically
[01:10:36] speaking without trying to be a duma, you know as a raider also what kind of position
[01:10:41] you are and I think it is a very, because we've talked with some of them earlier, it
[01:10:46] is getting frustrating if you can't make that push to the other guilds because right
[01:10:50] now they kind of want to get consistent into, do you call it P2 or transition? I'm not sure
[01:10:55] like P2 I guess. And like you see the other gets kind of getting further and further into
[01:11:00] P3 and you can't even make like that consistent P2 into P3 push. And I think it is kind
[01:11:06] of getting on your nerves at some point.
[01:11:08] Absolutely. We lost, we had Kane on the couch last night and essentially we lost
[01:11:14] about over 12 hours on Silkencourt. So Silkencourt we had a mishap with a weak aura, it wasn't
[01:11:22] even actually a player if you was one of our...
[01:11:25] It wasn't a player performance?
[01:11:26] No, it was one of our weak aura that went off for a dispel. So it was a dispel weak
[01:11:31] aura, we missed the dispel, which is when we had like a, I think it was, it was a low
[01:11:36] percent Y. And it was around four o'clock in the afternoon. So if we had have got
[01:11:42] that we would have killed, we would have been right with Echo, we actually might have killed
[01:11:46] it before Echo in that circumstance, but then we ended up inting for 12 hours essentially
[01:11:53] after that and that already like you just mentioned starts to push you behind and then
[01:11:58] you know you're behind and you've got work to do and then the frustration starts to
[01:12:03] kick in when you kind of get to this point.
[01:12:05] but it's also like the it sets in again like okay we had the same point as the
[01:12:10] last three progressions we are again like so close but still so far away and I
[01:12:15] think especially okay I mean it sounds weird because obviously Echo and Liquid
[01:12:21] are putting a lot of effort in as well but as method you always have to put an
[01:12:26] extra effort first of all because you are there on paper was skilled but
[01:12:30] also because you want to prove the people. We don't talk, we walk to walk as well.
[01:12:35] And every tier, I mean, I see also Kaina how dedicated is the other analyst, every player.
[01:12:40] Every tier, you see like, okay, we went even more ham. We improved the loot, we improved the splits, we improved the, like how we play.
[01:12:48] We sought also with our renecs, we improved our tactics. And then it's like, we still can't catch up.
[01:12:54] Like there's always like this one thing that puts us behind. And I think at some point it gets on your nerves.
[01:12:59] I mean this isn't about pool this time we are three
[01:13:03] Down however, we did manage the first hope shadow gate went off
[01:13:10] Yeah, we only had rain on us on this side as well leaving crystal behind
[01:13:16] platform
[01:13:17] Seen the angel pop up as we were just going through the portal and
[01:13:22] Was sad but still progression it is it is we are back on the platforms at least which is what we want
[01:13:29] And you're down on a semi-wrong and obviously method is doing better than ever
[01:13:32] I think we definitely saw since the rebuild happened every single progression linear line of getting better and better
[01:13:40] I think that is undoubtedly that is a fact also
[01:13:43] It's always hard to even catch up to the top kids because of the experience and also
[01:13:47] Obviously the position of if you're in a second best skill you will eventually lose some of your best players to the best
[01:13:53] this is just how competition works so like even getting better and better is
[01:13:58] always very very hard so I don't want to diminish that fact at all but as a
[01:14:03] player it still can get tilting yeah I always talk about being positive but at
[01:14:08] the end of the day you still sometimes lie in the bed and you're like oh man
[01:14:12] what a day again why did we like waste four hours yeah that even happens when
[01:14:16] you get a word for us yeah it doesn't matter you can I definitely think they
[01:14:20] It's been the best showing we've seen from method since rebuild period like they have played off their heads
[01:14:27] It is just I mean it's the world first in the end of the day
[01:14:30] It's the top competition in in World of Warcraft. This is where the very very best lies
[01:14:35] So even though they've leveled up so much there's still a bit to go
[01:14:38] But I just what I really hope is that everyone in this roster like if we continue to push it forward
[01:14:45] I think you need people to seriously buy into the fact that we want method to be back at a world first level and the players all need
[01:14:52] to believe in that because
[01:14:53] Obviously, there's the
[01:14:55] We now see that regions aren't even a
[01:14:58] Diminishing factor anymore like we see EU players going and joining liquid we see and a place like we've picked up spend
[01:15:05] from liquid and things like that so
[01:15:09] Yeah, you really want the players to have that buy-in to continue to push towards that world first mark
[01:15:14] Yeah, I mean just think about the fact two years ago when we casted during Christmas the world of
[01:15:18] a lot of in God, like they were battling with PDG which is by no means or was by no means a bad
[01:15:25] guilt but quality-wise a different level than echo and liquid. And nowadays you compare them more
[01:15:31] to echo and liquid rather than what PDG was back then. And so that is already like proof
[01:15:39] enough that method is in a completely different ballpark than back then quality
[01:15:44] wise player also organization wise hundred percent which is very very nice
[01:15:48] and let's be real like it took back then the initial method quite a few tries
[01:15:54] together with first it took scribe with rapid eye movement then going to
[01:15:58] method a few tries together with first and now it will take and now it
[01:16:04] will take obviously a few tries. So this is completely normal. Yo, Alataya, thank you
[01:16:10] for the five gifted. That's my friend. That's my friend. Gifting out 10 stars.
[01:16:15] You're smiling. It's not your friend. That's my friend. Appreciate that one. My friend.
[01:16:20] I think definitely the race is definitely not over guys, but one thing that I like
[01:16:25] about you, DGTGT and UDOT, you both speak so transparently about the reality of what
[01:16:34] position we are in the race and like what the players are going to be thinking what they're
[01:16:38] going to be feeling, what our potential setbacks like have been and like what could have changed
[01:16:42] it. That level of transparency is not something that pastors usually want to give, but like
[01:16:50] you guys translate it in such a really good way. That gives like super good insight.
[01:16:55] So yeah.
[01:16:56] Yeah, it's hard. I don't want to ever be a doomer. I never want to come across
[01:16:59] a doomer I just like try and be realistic about because I want method
[01:17:04] double world first again more than anything I want them to get to that
[01:17:07] level more than anything so yeah I'll never try and come across as a doomer
[01:17:12] but for me it's also the thing I like it you like it of course and stuff it's
[01:17:15] just I think now I can now I can allow myself to do that and I also just
[01:17:22] don't like to hype something more than it actually is because I respect the
[01:17:27] effort of every guild and I respect how everyone plays and I think a big issue is
[01:17:32] when I was still a gamer I think I was always one more of the vocal guys yeah
[01:17:36] and I think if you don't know me and like you just see like certain snippets of
[01:17:40] what I've said I can also come across as very cocky especially with what I say
[01:17:44] or how I say it sometimes yeah and so for me a thing was always how I saw
[01:17:49] will the walk with was like football teams you know for the people that
[01:17:52] are into it like by an against Dortmund or a Madrid Barcelona when we
[01:17:56] played good. I made sure people know that we played good. But when we played bad, I had
[01:18:02] no issues saying in an interview, this boss was horrendous from us. It doesn't matter
[01:18:07] if Squire liked it or not. When I felt it was bad, it was bad. But at the same time,
[01:18:12] I could also just, with no issues, agree like, wow, Liquid played that was very
[01:18:18] good. Like, such was they played very, very good beaters or like certain other
[01:18:22] bosses but like what I dislike always I feel like if you speak negative about the
[01:18:28] competition guild or competing guild you get across like oh you just don't
[01:18:34] play them but it was never my my thing obviously like the fact that I'm above
[01:18:37] them most of the time yeah I make these jokes but I respect always the
[01:18:42] effort and that they pushed us to the echo or like to the method we were at
[01:18:46] the time and became better because I think the current liquid is the
[01:18:50] best competitor method ever had like it's it's you can't compare it with blood
[01:18:54] Legion you can't compare it with exhaustors I don't want to talk
[01:18:58] Paragon but they were very limited with like the players they could poach
[01:19:01] obviously because they were finished only yeah so for me a big thing as a
[01:19:05] player was always the fandoms are getting so heated up if something bad
[01:19:10] is being said about a guild and I don't like that because I was always
[01:19:16] realistic I felt like okay this world first won't happen anymore for us
[01:19:19] like back then with echo method or like holy moly we probably will get it and
[01:19:25] like I just like to be transparent in that way because I feel like bad tears
[01:19:29] just happen at some point I could lose at some point liquid will lose at some
[01:19:33] point method will win finally and that is just normal that doesn't mean like a
[01:19:36] certain guilt was horrendous it just means someone else was better and I
[01:19:39] think a bit of banter is always funny I mean at the end of the day it is
[01:19:43] an aid versus Europe yeah it is funny friendly bands is always good
[01:19:47] This is a good pull. This is everyone alive. We did have to send the battle res, but we were on the shield one battle res up
[01:19:54] We had committed bloodlust to it because I think we just need some deep p2
[01:19:59] Progression at the moment. So we're not we generally do hold it because we'll use it in p3
[01:20:04] But we did sink it onto the shield just to get through with as many people
[01:20:07] Yeah, we talked earlier about it with him actually with I think faith and then it's they tried yesterday to do it without
[01:20:13] Yeah, but since they don't want to use it in p2 itself
[01:20:15] Yeah, they will keep it for the shields until they get into the phase 3 when they need it
[01:20:22] Yeah, because yesterday when they tried to play without adjusting for a goal. This is good
[01:20:25] This is really good. We're up to top platform now
[01:20:27] This is freeway right now
[01:20:29] Up the freeway, down the freeway. Alright, we got another Shadowgate to manage up here
[01:20:33] Which is the same again. Dodge lines, watch the web grips here
[01:20:38] Manage that Shadowgate. Oh no, Shadowgate exploded. It's just being too slow, right?
[01:20:43] Yeah, you have 10 seconds about 10 seconds action that shadow gates
[01:20:46] So you need to get in drop you to spell stutter spells for each time
[01:20:50] Do you like these sizes because it reminds me a bit of sanctum of the nation savannahs?
[01:20:54] Yeah, and I was not a fan of that I hated running along the chains. Yeah, I think it's so weird like
[01:20:59] Move meant to random ads and stuff. I just want to pump the boss kind of I don't know
[01:21:03] You're there at the end of the day
[01:21:05] You fought all throughout the raid to fight the final boss
[01:21:08] Yeah, you don't then want to engage with the boss and then she goes alright very back a minute
[01:21:12] Orhazagith as well right?
[01:21:14] I don't like when the...
[01:21:16] I don't mind the extra platforms
[01:21:18] but I don't mind when the boss is just gone
[01:21:20] kind of what I'm doing his own thing
[01:21:22] like channeling like an evil spell
[01:21:24] Orhazagith wasn't too bad because she did have her
[01:21:26] like coming through and blazing through
[01:21:28] so at least that was kind of like
[01:21:30] she was still somewhat present
[01:21:32] Wait is it the she? Orhazagith?
[01:21:34] Oh really I didn't know
[01:21:36] Yeah there was still somewhat
[01:21:38] present but like this like
[01:21:40] completely separate like what is she doing up there? Yeah she's just like casting and
[01:21:44] even spell doesn't pair on anymore like what? Yeah exactly I agree with that. That was the
[01:21:50] big deep breaths across the platform I don't mind it when they throw back to old like an
[01:21:54] XE style you know deep breath but I agree I generally prefer to fight the boss. Same
[01:21:59] yeah. Yeah. I mean we have obviously a little bit of off time if you could build your
[01:22:06] perfect and boss let's say let's make it specific to perfect and boss
[01:22:10] mmm length amount of phases and what kind of phases I let you guys go first and
[01:22:17] then I try to build mine nine-minute boss fight okay this boss fight you on the
[01:22:26] platform with them and it's just like a straight engage with some some mechanics
[01:22:30] just similar to this okay I'm a big fan of the platform break I do like
[01:22:38] I do like shattering the floor and falling down. I think that's a really cool.
[01:22:43] Yeah, I think that's a really really cool. And then I like, you know, when we had to crawl
[01:22:51] to Sidenathrius in order to transition, that kind of mechanic. You have to get there
[01:22:58] quickly and then get your debuff so you could walk. That was really cool. But then
[01:23:04] And again, I did really like the mirrors as well, like having to swap the mirrors and
[01:23:09] then bring the boss through with you.
[01:23:11] That was sick.
[01:23:12] Um, but yeah, a platform break would be my wish list.
[01:23:16] Bye, you duck.
[01:23:18] Honestly, don't know.
[01:23:19] I'm sitting here thinking about all the fights that are like, I think I like three
[01:23:23] phases as a, as a boss fight.
[01:23:25] A black and a spare.
[01:23:27] Yeah.
[01:23:28] And even, even thinking about, I don't mind, uh, fight
[01:23:34] where you'd go somewhere different during the encounter. So like I'm even thinking like with Anduin
[01:23:41] in going like you know how you would stack and go into your little shadow realm and you'd have your
[01:23:45] waves you would dodge and you would do your blitzking rocks up and you'd just pop everything
[01:23:49] and explode type of deal but I like Archimonde like in HFC as well and I like I quite enjoyed
[01:23:58] having you know like KJ with pillars and having defined positioning as you move around with
[01:24:03] with the boss so you don't get like
[01:24:04] I actually found like the last pillar
[01:24:06] Yeah yeah
[01:24:06] I found the last pillar
[01:24:09] made like the mark
[01:24:10] scribe adjusted it a bit
[01:24:12] and like since I stood in my mark
[01:24:13] I got clipped with my little toe
[01:24:15] like legit
[01:24:16] little toe
[01:24:17] died
[01:24:17] but we did kill the boss
[01:24:19] like it was actually my mark
[01:24:22] So I like things like that
[01:24:24] but there's just so many fights
[01:24:26] that I've enjoyed in WoW
[01:24:27] but I generally think I like
[01:24:28] three phases
[01:24:30] sorta boss
[01:24:31] and then like anywhere from
[01:24:33] Like 8-9 minutes I think is generally a good boss sort of length but it does depend too if things are tedious
[01:24:40] As well there's nothing worse than an 8 minute boss if it's tedious. Yeah, what about you?
[01:24:45] I mean I had I think on the first day this topic for me like the two things
[01:24:50] I like the most is either like a black hand fight. Yeah three phases a big pump because I think black and was for an
[01:24:56] End post relatively short. Yeah, or we go to the complete opposite route
[01:24:59] I do think it's fine for an end post to take like 15 minutes
[01:25:02] Yeah, kind of like this argument direction, but then it has to be for me face intermission face intermission face
[01:25:09] And then mythic face
[01:25:10] Yeah, like that you have like the normal triple face double intermission into like a fourth face
[01:25:16] Which makes the fight so long, but I'm a big fan of like these the last face
[01:25:22] Especially blackhand or like Lai Shen when the room gets smaller where you have to actually push or also Rasa
[01:25:27] I like having in my head like okay either the boss dies or we die we don't like yeah, okay
[01:25:32] You've held on this mechanic. I wanna feel the pressure off. I have to press my buttons properly
[01:25:37] Yeah, but yeah generally speaking
[01:25:38] I think the end boss is like one of the only fights where I could live with like 15 minutes
[01:25:42] Yeah, it's well done
[01:25:43] But apart from that I do like like the free pump like Blake and like
[01:25:48] Amazing boss both visually and like mechanically as well so what we're not that far was very cool insane honestly
[01:25:55] but yeah, it's
[01:25:59] It's hard nowadays, we've seen everything I feel like and then Wizard always manages to bring something new again into the game.
[01:26:07] We were talking about whether or not like, I mean, we had Turtle on here last night,
[01:26:13] because we were sort of, you know, everyone always has the, will there be a mythic phase,
[01:26:18] and then it's like, surely not on the opening raid, like in the tier generally,
[01:26:21] if you were going to put a mythic phase on a boss, it would probably be the last boss in the tier these days,
[01:26:26] days, but then like you go back, Haimol had one first boss, Gul'dan had one in Legion, wasn't
[01:26:32] the last boss. So it doesn't always have to be the last boss of an expansion with a mythic
[01:26:39] phase. And Turta was kind of like, I think Blizzard are now at a point where they'll
[01:26:44] just do whatever they think makes sense. If they think it would make sense for this
[01:26:47] boss to have a mythic phase, then they would. And there's ways to hide it in the
[01:26:52] game files but I remember I remember Sarkarath everyone was running around being like we know
[01:26:57] there's nothing face we know there's nothing we know we found it in the files yeah and then
[01:27:02] they just killed it we were just kind of like it's dead it's it's over I was so disappointed
[01:27:07] I think in entry rates there was really never like a mythic only face except time all I guess so
[01:27:13] I mean I would assume generally speaking here there won't be either one okay I think that the
[01:27:20] kill timer when the normal boss fight would end it's always a good indicator but even then you
[01:27:24] could say it's Zaka if could have also been like two minutes longer to be fair at the end of the day
[01:27:29] but um yeah I don't know it's like I highly doubt that this boss has one to be fair I I don't I
[01:27:39] don't see this I don't think so I I always like mythic phases but I mean it has to make sense
[01:27:49] to you know like and it has to be something cool you don't just want to
[01:27:52] rubbish mythic phase like it has to be it has to be a banger oh boy here we go
[01:27:58] again I have to say there was also very few mythic only phases I really liked I
[01:28:05] very liked the high mode one yeah when Cho'Gar just come exactly I think
[01:28:11] I think Archimonde was very nice, I think Enzo for Surrendice, yeah terrible, maybe Bayes
[01:28:19] because we did lose on that fight, was terrible anyway, but also Goudan, Goudan is the best
[01:28:24] ever, really?
[01:28:25] Yeah, Goudan's secret, even Illidan rocked up, yeah, I think Fematic was yes but
[01:28:31] like the actual boss fight of the parasites and stuff was kinda boring, yeah you stood
[01:28:35] on the left leg with your parasites and that was about it, but Illidan rocked
[01:28:39] up so that's okay and what's that what I said we have was another one even
[01:28:44] Garrosh in cg borgma was one with you went at the front of the story but it
[01:28:50] was kind of cool it was cool you got ported away to be fair so I think the
[01:28:56] location change was nice yeah I guess how fear right jar fear that was heroic
[01:29:02] wasn't it but you didn't go up to the water nothing you went to the yeah you
[01:29:06] You had to throw your little light all the way around and stuff like that.
[01:29:08] Yeah, which was awesome.
[01:29:10] Like they have been very hit or miss with these phases.
[01:29:13] I think generally speaking Archimonde was probably the best.
[01:29:16] Archimonde was the best.
[01:29:17] And Heimol of course.
[01:29:18] Yeah.
[01:29:19] Yeah, Sylvanas was not an exo-methic phase for me.
[01:29:23] Lich King didn't have a secret phase, but Lich King on the front row, he didn't
[01:29:27] have to go into the Frostmourne.
[01:29:29] That was a heroic early.
[01:29:31] Humph of Sagerst didn't have a mythic phase.
[01:29:37] Oof, threatened the needle, faithy.
[01:29:40] They really liked the line animation, that's tier right?
[01:29:43] Yeah.
[01:29:43] And I feel like Kairi Boss has a line animation.
[01:29:45] Yeah, they really doubled it, like, there's a lot of, sort of, uh,
[01:29:48] Sanctum of Domination style mechanics that came back with these,
[01:29:51] like with the, um, Blade Light, like, the Blade Lines, the Rives,
[01:29:55] um, that kind of gave me that vibe, and they, even like the Blazers from Farak,
[01:29:59] we saw coming back on Kivesa.
[01:30:03] Which I don't, I don't mind, I'm never, I, I don't mind
[01:30:05] if they want to go and recycle and reinvent old-style tricks like that I don't have any
[01:30:11] issues with that.
[01:30:12] True Jailer.
[01:30:13] Jailer that's very much.
[01:30:14] Yeah Jailer was, I really wasn't a big fan of that mythic face, but it was, he healed
[01:30:19] back up because you remember you put the mortal strike on Jailer, it's like a deal
[01:30:23] in a bunch.
[01:30:24] Yeah and then you had like the salt catcher to do otherwise to double then you disbuilt
[01:30:26] and it doubled.
[01:30:27] Yeah.
[01:30:28] Um, then you had like to soak the, the nuke.
[01:30:30] You ran out of room hard.
[01:30:32] Yeah.
[01:30:33] Yeah.
[01:30:34] missed Jailer, like the whole race for Jailer, all the whole race was Apulka, yeah I just
[01:30:40] mentally just didn't play well.
[01:30:43] Had a meanty-bee.
[01:30:44] Pretty much, yeah, but I heard it wasn't great.
[01:30:49] It was a very, very long race.
[01:30:51] You loved it?
[01:30:52] Yeah, I liked long races.
[01:30:54] It was a real, I think that raid was tailored to a real kind of Degen, like, you know,
[01:31:02] Deep Shades can be done.
[01:31:03] Deep Shades, THD kind of people really thrived on that.
[01:31:06] The Freaks and the Hardcore Gates kind of.
[01:31:10] They really thrived on that one.
[01:31:12] Ooh, unfortunately three down on this one at the moment.
[01:31:17] Good news is consistently getting here now,
[01:31:19] so that is something we do manage
[01:31:22] to break the shield prior to the third grip.
[01:31:26] We will see how far we can push on in this one.
[01:31:31] won't have a battle res by the time we need it so could we do me here yep we're
[01:31:38] just gonna melt down luck our consistency really isn't there yet no
[01:31:52] it's not to not to get to the point of progression that we need to and
[01:31:57] realistically like today if we're gonna have any hope of trailing with
[01:32:02] liquid and echo we need to hit like p3 before lunch time like we need to be
[01:32:06] through p2 and we would have to be working
[01:32:09] yeah we have to hype up progress now we have to double the i agree
[01:32:13] we need to be on the p3 final platform and probably like i don't know give the
[01:32:18] boss around 50 before lunch to be like right back in this race type of deal
[01:32:24] what someone said like will you was the best race to a first watch
[01:32:27] that's something you guys can answer now in the chat obviously you guys can
[01:32:31] also say your pov as a watcher or even as a caster
[01:32:34] What's the favorite race since the existence of livestreamed races that was the best because I could imagine as a viewer obviously Uldi was something new seeing the first time how everything was handled as a player I think it was horrendous because we didn't know everything like okay Mew team speak now or like don't talk off the chat obviously the routes went out back then we didn't know the scale so I think as a player you always have a different perception of what race is fun
[01:33:02] because I could even imagine that some people tell me that the Sapaica race was
[01:33:07] too long to even watch even though I enjoyed it so you guys can say what
[01:33:12] you what you loved the most because I'm also thinking what race that I like the
[01:33:16] most to be your favorite rage can be also the commentator you don't need to
[01:33:22] be a watcher I've never watched a race the world first oh really weird I
[01:33:28] I know, I feel very odd sat on the couch, but yeah my last four races have been on the couch with method.
[01:33:35] But my favourite one I think I ever watched was the one with Novarian.
[01:33:46] Uh, Aberus. Yeah. Really?
[01:33:49] Yeah, yeah, I just I don't know. I just I
[01:33:53] Really liked the fights. I think aborus was my favorite
[01:33:57] Great from life function
[01:33:59] That's really
[01:34:01] Loves your fire in spite. I mean someone would night out, but that's when we didn't live stream it yet
[01:34:06] Yeah, it's the walk off movies era
[01:34:09] Like so YouTube is a violent so I had enough for us so cast enough for which was for me one of the more unspectacular
[01:34:16] Tequila racist to be fair, but I wasn't big fan of cast lots of stone leeches and stuff
[01:34:21] I don't think most enjoyed for me. Yeah
[01:34:28] Thinking I literally wrote the salon for me the issue with the salon was it was just Jaina. That was very good as a boss
[01:34:35] Right. Yeah, yeah, I
[01:34:37] Don't know. I think for me
[01:34:39] It's hard to say because you're obviously living in it right now
[01:34:43] And I still think that probably the best moment I've seen from method is still concord
[01:34:46] staying up till 4 and killing it like I think for me at the moment that's just
[01:34:51] the biggest vibe I mean this is the best performance we've seen from that third and
[01:34:56] even though that wasn't an end boss and it's not it's not even a conclusion of
[01:35:01] the race I feel like that's one of the biggest moments we've seen since the
[01:35:04] method rebuild I think both of the Incarnate's was a pretty good race in
[01:35:10] terms of I think both of the Incarnate's had what both of the Incarnate's
[01:35:16] had was a really good race for 1 and 2 and a really good race for 3 and 4.
[01:35:21] That is cool.
[01:35:22] So Echo and Liquid were going at Razigath non-stop, really close to each other, and then BDGM Method
[01:35:27] were wiping on 2% on Razigath, going back and forth for Pool.
[01:35:32] So that race had a lot, and even not that I think Sanctum was a great raid, but Sanctum
[01:35:37] had 8 guilds on Sylvanus as well, so that had a lot of high-proteining around that
[01:35:42] as well.
[01:35:43] You obviously don't notice that as a player in that moment, really. That's true.
[01:35:48] I'm changing my mind. Yeah, Vault was probably my favourite.
[01:35:51] Yeah, Vault was really cool with Razorgath.
[01:35:55] I think the race for 3rd and 4th was more exciting for 1 and 2nd.
[01:36:00] People would say that as well in the chart. They were saying Liquid and Echo, it's a given.
[01:36:05] It's always going to be done too.
[01:36:07] But the BDG slash method race was nail-buying.
[01:36:12] I was waking up like very in mind it was my first race right so I was just getting
[01:36:17] into it and like understanding the flows and stuff I was waking up and if I
[01:36:21] wasn't on the morning shift I was loading at my computer and watching the
[01:36:24] race until the moment I was on the couch it was it was great it'd be
[01:36:30] interesting to see what they continue to develop raid wise as we go throughout
[01:36:35] this expansion and sort of what they try and do because that has obviously at
[01:36:38] the raid itself has a heavy determination around how the race is, like if it's good bosses
[01:36:44] then that generally makes it like really enjoyable, just depends on how far does it continue to
[01:36:51] push the envelope, but with that comes a lot of drawbacks, like Overnax for example is
[01:36:56] a prime example of a boss that needs immediate change once the race for world first guilds
[01:37:02] go through it because you know if you've got four bosses that are quite easy for
[01:37:09] say say any top 200 guild is probably going to get through the first four
[01:37:14] bosses really really quickly and then you are just gonna wall on over an axe
[01:37:18] until it gets nerfed because you don't have the capability of four DKs four
[01:37:23] evokers double blood DK tank like there's a lot of of requirements that
[01:37:28] we'll put on that fight that world first guilds can deal with because it's like if we need 14
[01:37:34] rogues we'll have 14 rogues we need double blood DK for frost DK's like we'll do it we'll make that
[01:37:40] happen but normal people are like so until this gets nerfed do I go level a DK now or like what
[01:37:45] do I do well I think next year we'll get better in that regard due to the fact no heroic week
[01:37:51] right it did say that right that is just this tier it's just this tier exactly so I think the
[01:37:56] Gear progression will not be as steep I think is the word and I
[01:38:03] Agree, I think Blizzard determines a lot how the race will pan out just because of like the difficulty curves
[01:38:08] I think this time around it was bad. I have to say I think I
[01:38:13] Like for the as a hardcore guilt that was five six and also seven even though
[01:38:18] I think second quad was unattuned compared to the other two if you went with that difficulty graph
[01:38:22] But I still liked that we had already three hard bosses out of eight or out of seven at that point killed
[01:38:27] But for the normal player base, which the game obviously revolves around, even though you could make a statement that even mythic raiders are just below 5% of the player base, but it's still the raiders.
[01:38:41] I do think you can't make for-on-for-loser bosses into the boss kind of.
[01:38:48] Yeah, like that that was bad especially if that was also then gatekeep by a certain comp that you need to play
[01:38:54] Yeah, bitch the normie guild will not have so I agree. I think it's something that really has to
[01:39:01] Buy the way to some or make the rate enjoyable for the world first skills without stopping like non-world first
[01:39:07] Yeah, absolutely if you can you switch to the other gameplay overlay just because I want to have a look at the boss
[01:39:13] like what you're saying the boss the pole counts yeah one one and then a hundred and thirty four
[01:39:20] yeah like that difficulty curvature is insane imagine amplifying that like two times three times
[01:39:26] for like you know everyone else that's um yeah i'm not sure i'm not sure what happened i don't know
[01:39:33] if they thought russian might have been a little bit harder because russian and mythic differences
[01:39:38] from heroic like were were different like ration and went double the distance on mythic as opposed
[01:39:44] to heroic where it goes half so like ration and traveled double distance you had the three lines
[01:39:51] your group so it was like it was a it was a fun boss but it was still a one shot so like
[01:39:57] I think they just really missed out on that curve where you felt like you were progressing
[01:40:01] through the raid rather than you slammed through the raid and then you just hit a giant brick
[01:40:05] wall but that's I mean for an opening tier I think I think this is still been
[01:40:11] pretty good like obviously that's a huge oversight but otherwise I think the
[01:40:14] bosses have been pretty cool and set up to the expansion yeah what's up
[01:40:19] yeah I am back indeed no no I agree fully I mean I like these kind of
[01:40:23] bosses I just feel like it felt quite weird because considering there was a
[01:40:27] heroic week the guilds did a second set of splits in the mythic week and
[01:40:32] and then still needed 130 plus attempts on a boss
[01:40:36] like that is like 4 months of heroic if having 4 months of human work
[01:40:39] yeah like 20 splits it's absolutely insane what we went through
[01:40:43] and it is generally with heroic week you think you've got a bit of an option to
[01:40:49] tune the bosses
[01:40:50] a little bit better in that regard because you can pull so much data from it
[01:40:54] but obviously as you see things still get
[01:40:58] missed and things like that like silkencourt tank debuff not functioning
[01:41:01] and things like that like still got missed even with a rowing wing and things like that.
[01:41:05] Hey JB coming back with another donut I love that thanks mate.
[01:41:10] Yeah I have to agree with someone in chat saying that the raid rooms look fairly similar.
[01:41:17] That's true.
[01:41:18] Danded me a solid the other day and he went and took some screenshots for me of the
[01:41:21] boss room so I could make thumbnails and I'm not gonna lie three of them I got mixed
[01:41:27] Yeah, I think it was so it was definitely sick rounds room and then even answer x room
[01:41:33] So there's something in the background of answer act that is a little bit of a giveaway that it's her room
[01:41:38] But sick round and hers look almost identical
[01:41:44] Maybe that's the mythic face you down
[01:41:48] To be fed or someone wrote like it could be more regal or grand yeah, but it's just something
[01:41:53] I think BS humans are just used to because that's how we think of like a kingdom.
[01:42:00] Yeah, this could be the Royal Spider Kingdom.
[01:42:02] I don't want to go like to...
[01:42:10] I don't want to be too role-play, but I don't think every nation or like every race kingdom is necessarily like gold-plated throne, the biggest treasuries and stuff like this.
[01:42:24] I mean, I don't know how it's depicted in like the lore. I don't know like even how much lore there is for something like Queen Ansurek
[01:42:31] but I
[01:42:32] Feel like Blizzard always tries like a very thematic theme. Yeah kinda like how they wanna show like a certain race and obviously
[01:42:41] There's things like Knighthall. There's things like Tomb of Sageras
[01:42:44] I think not everyone will have like the greatest cool treasure room. Yeah
[01:42:49] I'm curious like where we're gonna go next in terms of rates like what where are we gonna go who are we gonna face
[01:42:56] What is it gonna look like like I have no idea honestly no idea. Do you think maybe we might be going to like the
[01:43:02] The light a Hall of Fall area maybe because we've gone
[01:43:06] We've basically we've been introduced to a new area
[01:43:09] Well for new areas and we have gone straight for the end one or I don't ask her hat for me was like that the last one
[01:43:16] that I went to
[01:43:18] So it's weird like we've gone we've passed dono gole. We've passed the ring in deeps. We've gone past Hall of Hall
[01:43:25] We've gone straight for evils writers. Well, how I would think of it
[01:43:29] There is nothing in dono girl, right because that's la via yeah, then there will be something at ringing deeps like where the
[01:43:36] stone world is at the top kind of like a
[01:43:39] Bulwark kind of
[01:43:41] Kind of like help I said that's something like you have to rush in and I would assume there is obviously some like sanctuary
[01:43:47] in Hall of Fall. So yeah, I would say we will probably have three raids in all of the three
[01:43:53] zones except like Donogal or Isle of Dawn whatever. So yeah, I think something like
[01:43:57] Arboroskind where the Stonehold is and then some Sanctuary thing in Hall of Fall. That's
[01:44:02] what I would think of. Do you think we're going to see like a boat fight like ICC
[01:44:08] because there are a lot of big flying boats in Hall of Fall? I think you definitely
[01:44:13] have the room for it to make something like the flying even like of train flying again generally
[01:44:19] there yeah there's also like this i think there was even like some people writing on reddit about
[01:44:24] it you know like at the very like when you basically fly out of the zone like towards like
[01:44:30] the sanctuary of priory or priory flame or whatever there's like this octopus flying the corrupt
[01:44:36] or something outside i'm not sure if there's that has something to do with like any law
[01:44:40] related stuff to be fair but that would be also thing so yeah but yeah I think
[01:44:48] there's a there's a lot of room for for Blizzard this time around as well again
[01:44:54] so could be cool but I have to say anyway like I have no idea right now
[01:44:58] about the whole trilogy you know like if Salathef but I would say world of
[01:45:03] work with midnight so the second expansion of the trilogy sounds like
[01:45:07] Back Salateff would be the last boss because of the theme. Yeah, but then it would be surprising if we actually stretch out that long to fight actually against her
[01:45:14] So who would be the end boss or of this expansion? So like I?
[01:45:19] I'm not like too much into law
[01:45:21] But I would love to know like what's kind of a plan for this expansion. Yeah, because the zones don't give much information either
[01:45:27] I feel like at least no, yeah, right like we have like a little bit of story
[01:45:31] that's kind of weaved in with the dungeons but for the most part I don't see anything glaring
[01:45:38] that's going to indicate like where we're going next but then again like we didn't really have that
[01:45:44] kind of indication with dragonflight really um although so we we kind of did like we knew
[01:45:51] we were going to fight the siblings so we knew we were going to go rasga into um farak
[01:45:57] Sakureth kind of made sense midway through but for me that was a bit of a
[01:46:05] whiplash I really thought we were gonna defeat the the dragons and then one
[01:46:11] of them just decided to leave and then not come back but yeah I think like a
[01:46:16] Hallifall raid would be really really cool. Oh the shoe is clean again!
[01:46:21] Nice! Someone also wrote in DrankFed we also just got new zones you
[01:46:27] You started immediately in the last zone and then you got always new ones all the way.
[01:46:30] I don't like getting spammed with soundstores to be fair, it's not like my type.
[01:46:34] So I'm just right now the human Salataph into the unleashed form.
[01:46:38] Is Salataph an old god?
[01:46:40] Like what is she?
[01:46:41] Because she's not one of these underlings.
[01:46:43] Well she was imprisoned in a dagger.
[01:46:45] Yeah but she's not like Yogg-Sauron and stuff or she's in like Den-type of old god.
[01:46:48] No she's not an old god.
[01:46:50] No.
[01:46:51] She's so the theory is that like she was imprisoned in the claw of an old god
[01:46:57] Um, oh, is that what the blade was was it a claw was it? It that's one of the theories
[01:47:03] Yeah, I wish we had some like actual concrete confirmation from was it there's a lot of speculation
[01:47:09] Yeah, that's a rocks in the chat
[01:47:12] And my color woman oid
[01:47:14] And breakfast
[01:47:16] Um, but yeah, like
[01:47:18] like it's really it's really
[01:47:20] unconfirmed and I guess there's a beauty in that as well as that we can always
[01:47:23] speculate when it comes to World of Warcraft lore and that's part of the
[01:47:27] fun but maybe we're doing that fighting a human version of her maybe we
[01:47:33] stripped the void away from her maybe Alaria has something to do that because
[01:47:36] you know yeah yeah and she's like starting it's really similar story to
[01:47:43] about how Underwind is finding his confidence with the light again, yeah and Zalatath is controlling
[01:47:52] the void so like fearlessly, but then again so is Alaria and Alaria is gaining more power and more
[01:47:58] controls we go on and we even had Turalyon who hates the void with every bean of his
[01:48:05] soul he's starting to accept Alaria for who she is and how she can control the void so
[01:48:10] I don't know like I can see an alleria and a zalatath fight off
[01:48:15] There'll definitely be NPC involvement from alleria in that final fight the question will be when we end up fighting zalatath as well
[01:48:22] Like he's at the end of midnight and that's a beauty
[01:48:26] I
[01:48:27] Would I would like us to and I think we talked about this on maybe like day one of the race
[01:48:33] When it's we're going on or something like that, but I would like us to lose at the end of
[01:48:38] at the end of this, like the war within and then midnight is like our journey through the darkness
[01:48:47] after we've been like like fist pumped by Zalatath and then we we come out victorious in midnight
[01:48:55] but what was the third expansion's name that was announced? Titans? Oh the last Titan or something
[01:49:01] So who knows?
[01:49:05] I wouldn't mind losing and opening up the next expansion kinda.
[01:49:10] But what I dislike the last 2-3 expansions, I felt like half the bosses we defeated weren't defeated.
[01:49:18] I mean Jaina was the boss, she didn't die.
[01:49:20] She couldn't kill Jaina.
[01:49:22] Yeah, of course.
[01:49:24] Same with Anturus, Agus chilling with Illidan, right?
[01:49:28] thing like this and soft is also not confirmed that as far as I know yep is
[01:49:33] Ashara even dead
[01:49:36] I think Ashara died didn't she on the platform when you met finals cinematic
[01:49:42] when you kill her when you finish her I'm not sure oh she's not sound I think
[01:49:49] is that but like he was just like they're randomly
[01:49:52] Gahoon was anyway just a failed experiment is also dead then what
[01:49:56] Then we had Shadowlands of course, Sire is gone right?
[01:50:01] No, Sire is in the sword isn't it?
[01:50:02] Sire is kinda banished, true, then you had...
[01:50:07] Sylvanas.
[01:50:08] Sylvanas, she is gone right?
[01:50:09] No, she's alive.
[01:50:10] No, she's also alive.
[01:50:11] He's being reformed.
[01:50:13] Yeah, she was chilling out in the moor with Andy.
[01:50:15] Ah, okay.
[01:50:16] Then you had Jailer which was some random puppet from a fashion store.
[01:50:21] It was the old Arbiter, yeah.
[01:50:23] He got some fancy trends like suddenly he got an ego. What was that?
[01:50:26] I don't understand like half the bosses I've killed and like need for the tries for just end up like okay
[01:50:32] We are homies again, but I didn't mean it. Okay, and it feels like all of the battle that we've done over the last like
[01:50:39] Yeah, the story it meant nothing at the end of it and the kicker in the teeth is like yo
[01:50:44] Yeah, you killed me. Oh by the way, I was just being used as a pawn. Like I really hope you don't do that with Zalatath
[01:50:50] I really hope they make they say as much as it would maybe be drawn out if we kept her until the end of
[01:50:57] Midnight that would create so much of a
[01:51:02] Reputation for her and we'd really want to kill her by the end of it, you know, but if they turn around and was like
[01:51:08] Zalatath was a puppet. He's actually me. It's like well Farah Farah was a really good bad guy
[01:51:14] Like Farah really stood up as a good villain
[01:51:19] And we killed for rock that was but he also wasn't really known before and right no it was a very quick in and out
[01:51:25] Yeah, like I feel like I
[01:51:27] Mean that which was also why I guess rather the lich king was so popular lich king was a very good antagonist
[01:51:33] Yeah, I think definitely a death thing also had like some reputation. Yeah, Gareth
[01:51:37] Garrosh obviously even though they made a mistake with like the whole time trail thing was still someone you know
[01:51:43] Yeah stuff like this then warlords are came on also, but like I feel like
[01:51:47] Jaden was massive in Legion. Like killing KJ was huge.
[01:51:52] But I feel like Argus wasn't like a great end-end boss for like ending the expansion.
[01:51:57] Same with Enzov, same with Jailer. No one knew about Jailer, like what is the kind of an end boss?
[01:52:06] Yeah, there was really, yeah.
[01:52:08] He came out nowhere.
[01:52:10] There was no story really like flush.
[01:52:12] Yeah, like even it's cinematic in the end it was like, okay so just some random guy
[01:52:16] got a little bit of power got ahead of himself got defeated like onto the next
[01:52:21] one like what is that kind of end boss shadowlands was a short story yeah yeah
[01:52:25] it's it's that's what I don't that's what I don't personally like I like the old
[01:52:29] gods I like the early dance and stuff like people that have like a name to
[01:52:33] them obviously you can't make every boss like this but like an end and
[01:52:36] pension should have a name for himself and if I defeat one of them like
[01:52:41] they should be defeated that's one thing I think vanilla didn't quite well
[01:52:44] Even though vanilla didn't possess the same level of story construct that we have now because it's just the game wasn't in the same space
[01:52:51] Yeah, but like even with like vanilla and going through like Ragnaros and
[01:52:57] Nefari and things like that like each each thing we set up the gates of aq set up to
[01:53:03] Seathen as like you know the first
[01:53:05] The first old god that we'd face and things like that like that stuff was pretty cool
[01:53:11] And then even in Black Temple again like with Illidan and Maia and things like that like that was
[01:53:18] There's a lot of really cool story built around that with limited use of they didn't have the same cinematic technology
[01:53:24] Yeah, and things like that so
[01:53:27] And someone wrote like what what is the take obviously with their laws over at some point and we can't all
[01:53:32] Fight bosses that we know for 20 years
[01:53:35] But I think over the course of expansions you can't build better antagonists
[01:53:39] If you wanted to release Black Temple again, I'm going.
[01:53:41] Yeah, you also have the time to build over expansion's antagonists
[01:53:46] and I don't think, like I said, we don't need every end boss to be insanely known.
[01:53:50] I just dislike the fact that at this point 50% of the bosses that I killed aren't killed.
[01:53:56] Yeah, she was mind controlled.
[01:53:58] Yeah, she had a bad face.
[01:54:00] Yeah, she was an emo at that time, like, what is this?
[01:54:03] Like, please.
[01:54:04] No, yeah, I think running the idea of running out of main characters is is valid
[01:54:10] But like story story creation
[01:54:13] Is creative it develops over time
[01:54:15] Like if you just take it out of like the game and you think about something like TV series
[01:54:20] For example, like the Walking Dead we have the core iconic characters
[01:54:23] But like over time as the series has been developed
[01:54:27] We've been introduced to new characters and we've we fell in love with new characters
[01:54:31] We've hated new characters
[01:54:32] The main point is that they've kept them alive enough for us to create these like emotional relations with them
[01:54:38] Not just kill them like straight away
[01:54:42] That's a good thing why they're making a saga now a trilogy right because I do think like
[01:54:47] There's probably like people working on an expansion while other people are working already on the next expansion
[01:54:52] so you can't really make an intertwined like story and I
[01:54:56] I think it's kind of nice that now you have a saga because I think they know that the law is getting kind of
[01:55:05] bad nowadays
[01:55:08] So yeah, I think that is a big thing that nowadays
[01:55:13] Because people complain so much that they are doing this kind of saga now in trilogy
[01:55:18] So they have like this story that is connected
[01:55:20] Yeah, it'll be interesting like a Riddikron a Riddikron's been cool
[01:55:23] But there's an example of new characters you've been able to promote and build into a story.
[01:55:31] Because I actually quite liked the story with the Riddikron and Farah.
[01:55:37] And I didn't know anything.
[01:55:39] Yeah, I thought they built that story quite cool.
[01:55:43] And then their cinematic teams obviously off the hook these days.
[01:55:46] So they can build really cool, cinematic stories.
[01:55:48] Yeah, especially with drinks.
[01:55:49] They could have made so much more, right?
[01:55:51] Yeah, I think considering they picked such a famous topic, which I think I know very few people that dislike dragons in the fantasy world.
[01:56:01] So I think even that they could have stretched longer because now like in hindsight, no one talks about like Dragonflight being in good in terms of lore, right?
[01:56:13] So I guess the good thing is it's not like a closed chapter, right?
[01:56:17] There is like the room to open up to and like indulge in, but I think even Dragon Fight could have
[01:56:25] made already for something bigger and better.
[01:56:27] I love that we had Deathwing come back into Dragon Flight in some aspects,
[01:56:33] like because Deathwing is just such a boss character and got done so dirty in Cataclysm.
[01:56:39] Yeah, I think he didn't get his proper like...
[01:56:41] No, I fight like Spine, I'm all for new concepts in that but Spine was terrible and Madness of Deathwing was possibly the worst end boss fight that has ever existed to date.
[01:56:53] Thank you for the subs guys by the way.
[01:56:55] That's a let me as well.
[01:56:56] Oh, thank you.
[01:56:58] And I think that's a real shame and I would be all for like, I don't care how they want to throw Chromie out there to rewind, whatever, we go back to fight Deathwing again but like,
[01:57:07] And even I had massive hopes in Dragonfly that we were going to see Galakrond
[01:57:12] But like that that didn't eventuate either like there was lots of Galakrond bits and pieces that were gone through the law
[01:57:18] But like some really massive dragon fly our fight would have been awesome
[01:57:23] And I would that's what I wanted for death wing like I just wanted some king-ass dragon fight
[01:57:28] Yeah, it didn't happen. I'm glad that we got to see like death wing again though
[01:57:32] But like in his human form because I I wasn't around playing wow really when cat came out
[01:57:38] So I missed the the deathlight fight, but yeah seeing enough iron again and being like
[01:57:43] Whoa is this is this the guy's this is this dude was so sad like you're on death wings back
[01:57:49] He'd like you just like lights up or falls down and then he rises up out of the maelstrom
[01:57:54] And then you you go like platform to platform for platforms
[01:57:58] kill deathwing and then explodes into rainbows like it was really terrible
[01:58:05] especially because I think with all these I guess you could call it in rank
[01:58:10] shapeshifters they all kind of a human form right yeah so I mean you could
[01:58:16] potentially make like a fight like he starts in his human form kind of like
[01:58:20] further you know like buffed up and like he actually transforms over the
[01:58:25] fight at some point like last phase he's like this big chunk like it goes fully
[01:58:29] ham like the world even maybe changes a bit like fire tornadoes I agree like I
[01:58:34] like the idea of testing stuff out I think also spine was a fine idea as like
[01:58:39] an ultimate fight and I like also that they picked up on the fact that he's so
[01:58:44] huge yeah but then just seem like a claw and like a smurf on the on the
[01:58:50] ground and like you just toothpick it yeah okay he's supposed like to be like
[01:58:55] one of the craziest if not the craziest yeah and you like defeat him like this
[01:59:00] hmm yeah I mean he was yeah the forum was insane and he ranked all kind of
[01:59:05] having to storm with manipulating people and like the books are really
[01:59:09] cool where you read about definitely but just got done so so dirty one
[01:59:15] things for sure at the end of this whole saga we are gonna see a little
[01:59:19] in Sagaris, we're gonna hopefully see Illidan have his day.
[01:59:25] I would be all for that, like the end of Legion when Illidan went through the portal, I was
[01:59:31] just like, oh yeah, 07.
[01:59:34] I saw it for Sagaris.
[01:59:35] 07 bruh.
[01:59:36] I mean I love the whole story about Sagaris, he's like such a crazy guy, he's like a glimpse
[01:59:43] of it in the universe about the old gods and like it's completely frightened.
[01:59:48] Yeah.
[01:59:49] TC yeah to be like that scared as like a Titan already. Yeah, and like I've like for me
[01:59:55] It's like my favorite antagonist. I'm waiting for yeah, it's definitely gonna be epic
[02:00:00] We're gonna strap ourselves in wait to see what happens
[02:00:05] 21st man right leading it's both from the outside expect my biff
[02:00:11] Thank you
[02:00:14] Thank you very much
[02:00:16] Hopefully, we are one down already, we have sent our batteries, so again, not the ideal start here, we do have our big 4 popper coming, so we'll see how many stats we end up with here.
[02:00:30] 4 and 5, so 5 is okay, we live with 5, we're okay with that. Spread out, dodge waves.
[02:00:39] Nice, nice, nice. Staying with 19 here and now for the shield break.
[02:00:46] Who's hyped to see the revamp of Everzone, Kvaltarlas?
[02:00:49] Are they actual NPCs? I thought it's just zones.
[02:00:52] Oh no, Kvaltarlas was the weapon, no?
[02:00:57] Kvaltarlas was the blood elf city, the silver moon area, that I think, wasn't it?
[02:01:04] Am I right with that? The arthas destroyed when he invaded as the Lich King.
[02:01:08] How does it work to red-lead without being inside where you're watching a stream
[02:01:12] and then like you just red-lead over that?
[02:01:14] And they're doing a view clip of programs so that the delay is not there so he's just watching in real time pretty much
[02:01:24] All right, let's see how we go on this intermission
[02:01:30] Can we make some progress dodge these exploding orbs that are floating all around the platform?
[02:01:35] You can see one shadow gate coming out being dispelled there beautiful. It should be one more that goes to the other side
[02:01:41] So even the really unfortunate thing about these orbs, you can come out of that shadow
[02:01:47] gate and just leave an orb to the face.
[02:01:49] So shadow gate done perfectly on moon, there you can see two pools on either side.
[02:01:53] So that's good.
[02:01:54] So you'll go through, you get to spell it on one side, someone else will go through
[02:01:57] and you get to spell it.
[02:01:58] Now we have 10 seconds to action these shadow gates here so it is really important
[02:02:02] that we're all over these.
[02:02:04] We see wildy going through that one but I think you sit in the faces as though right
[02:02:15] was from birdie and stuff like that are yeah we did not have a dead body to get
[02:02:24] yanked with the web lines this boss is tough though this boss is very very
[02:02:32] tough and at the moment it is the wall between method and catching back on to the back of echo and
[02:02:39] liquid who liquid 35% so far in p3 echo 47% in p3 and method still unable to put any extra damage
[02:02:49] onto that boss 65% in p2 of course when you do enter p2 the boss is immune so we can't get
[02:02:56] any more damage until we actually progress on to phase three where we will be able to hit the
[02:02:59] the boss again the thing is also I can't really pinpoint right now what is
[02:03:06] like the exact issue because we are I feel like we're wiping every try some
[02:03:09] way yeah so the shadow gates are generally the thing that's exploding us
[02:03:13] so I can't lose anyone in the first like in P1 yeah of course the moment like
[02:03:20] we can't have people dying to get hit by webs or stacking or taking waves to
[02:03:24] the face and then I think there's just a real I suppose practice and
[02:03:31] comfort level around actioning the shadow gates on the main platform and then you've got shadow gates on the
[02:03:38] First platform you get knocked up to then you run up and you've got shadow gates on the top one
[02:03:42] And when I was looking at logs last night because our raid would just like insta destruct and we were losing like 14 raiders
[02:03:48] Because we weren't getting through a shadow gate quick enough and it was exploding
[02:03:50] Okay, and you also have the same players can't do shadow gates each time because you get a debuff
[02:03:57] Yeah, so it's one of those really hard things as well where you're trying to tune
[02:04:02] We call is to make it as easy as possible for players
[02:04:05] But we're not even getting there on a consistent basis to practice and tune so
[02:04:12] Those people whose turn it is might wait 50 pulls
[02:04:16] Can you get a time to practice it and then they make a mistake we wipe on my back to starting it?
[02:04:21] Yeah I have to say it's like it's very rough on them right now, you would expect like new
[02:04:30] day starts, you make some early good progression kind of trying to catch up with the other
[02:04:34] guilds but like I don't know we don't see any progression, it's also not like we change
[02:04:40] like the setup or anything to say like okay we are playing bad because of that, so
[02:04:44] I don't know, you guys really need like a wake up call soon.
[02:04:48] Yeah, I mean, you know, you can see how tired some of the raiders are when we look over
[02:04:55] at our screen, one, you know, a couple lot in the raid at the moment, well and truly out
[02:05:01] of it.
[02:05:02] And that's just, it's tough.
[02:05:05] It's like you said, that's the phrase of the race world first, playing through fatigue,
[02:05:10] you know, like it's massive.
[02:05:12] I really bought one auto.
[02:05:14] I have that.
[02:05:15] I really like that one, man.
[02:05:16] It really hit home.
[02:05:17] Was it overplay you fatigue? I think that's uh, that's huge and that's that goes to you know
[02:05:24] That's a huge thing for the race to work. I mean what you usually do with making progression, right?
[02:05:28] Like get an extra dope. I mean it a little bit of adrenaline and stuff
[02:05:32] Yeah, of course guys even the other gates are wiping in specific phases. We are not saying like
[02:05:38] Methodist doing horrendous here. No, no, no, I guess are definitely getting further and more consistent
[02:05:43] Yeah, and there can be also wives because they adjust considering for the later phases and here
[02:05:48] We are not really making any progression right now
[02:05:53] And the acrylic and fragrance above not in just the classes aren't needed or better get already for someone else
[02:05:59] Yeah, and who knows we could see a change with that as well like
[02:06:04] You know double hunter like hunters are doing really good damage
[02:06:07] Yeah problem, but they are glass cannons at the same at the same extent
[02:06:11] So we could say I don't think though this deep in we're likely going to see composition changes
[02:06:17] I think now like 92 pools deep. I think they're gonna keep rolling with what they've got unless
[02:06:24] Unless they hit something where you need something. Yeah, yeah
[02:06:27] So we will see bit of discussion going on
[02:06:33] 92 pools for method 238 flickered
[02:06:37] 161 for echo. So this is a 300 pull boss easy for sure. Yeah
[02:06:43] which I think is nice font and boss honestly I think which means that we're
[02:06:48] all like that's the button I want to press which means we're all like
[02:06:52] does this not work anymore here we go wait that is there's no way that's the
[02:06:58] answer it pulls now it's kind of easy oh so the buttons are all mocked up
[02:07:02] wait hold on I don't think nerf side gets in an ounce today to be honest
[02:07:06] guys oh there we go mr. GM is it's gonna be the winner all right oh yeah
[02:07:17] actually oh yeah depends on which side of three it goes I mean to be fair
[02:07:23] obviously I mean I've admitted to it I copied a little bit from like the
[02:07:26] other stances but I would have also not expected first year and I thought
[02:07:31] 200 now first our emboss kind of deal. So
[02:07:36] Yeah, we see
[02:07:40] We see interesting to hear our first phase
[02:07:45] I'm assuming they mean the first phase of the fight is the cleanest because we
[02:07:50] We were quite clean through phase one in some points, but it's really rare like it's every sort of 10 20 pulls
[02:07:57] Whereas when I was watching
[02:07:59] liquid earlier on they were very clean through phase one like that liquid we're
[02:08:03] getting to phase three in some pools with everyone alive I mean obviously a
[02:08:07] hundred more pulse muscle memory getting like like more exercise in there of
[02:08:11] course yeah yeah like I mean if if you if someone asked me I would definitely say
[02:08:17] liquid has a good chance of killing them today after waking up like yeah
[02:08:21] full day or latest tomorrow yeah I don't think the race will go much
[02:08:25] longer now so yeah that's why I'm also saying for now I don't see any reason why
[02:08:31] nerfs would be thrown out by Blizzard because we have not seen like the yeah
[02:08:35] I think I think liquid with a full day on it have the very strong chance to kill
[02:08:40] it tonight essentially for them like but I mean we'll see we'll see I don't
[02:08:45] think Lizard want this race going obviously into Monday Tuesday area so but
[02:08:50] I don't think the boss will be alive by then I think second week the weekend
[02:08:54] is great yeah I think that it's fine especially with how many splits there are
[02:08:57] nowadays and like how heroic we can stuff so I think that it's completely fine
[02:09:02] how long it took or will hopefully take we reload we go again reactives being
[02:09:08] placed out we soak these ten in each two stacks leap from the venom over
[02:09:15] easily one of the coolest mechanics to come out of this entire raid we dodge
[02:09:20] the waves here nice nice nice saving as much space as we possibly can can see
[02:09:27] the tanks just standing that we make the swirls and the next feast on the tanks
[02:09:35] dodge the break out of these routes I'm trying to think of liquefy liquefy was
[02:09:40] what was called the drops of puddle in the tank liquefy into feast
[02:09:43] I cook us something boss is killable right now boss will enrich it around 20%
[02:09:47] My people also fought over nexus not killable people fought Kai visas not killable. Okay, so can talk we thought so can call
[02:09:54] I mean heavy that got a little nerf, but
[02:09:58] If they get consistently with everyone alive to 20% and always enraged then okay
[02:10:03] But like let let the kids cook first and then see because I don't think Blizzard is 20% of the Enrage
[02:10:10] No, you wouldn't think so.
[02:10:12] 20% is insane.
[02:10:14] It's a lot. And you just, I don't know, guilds of this caliber too. I think you always get to those points where you just think, like, no way.
[02:10:23] And then they get one pull in where they take 15 to 20% off the boss straight away.
[02:10:27] Especially if there's a period, like in Daggermere alive and you've watched a lot of three, we're just going to jump off and wipe this one up.
[02:10:33] No.
[02:10:34] But if there is a us some stage through p3 where you just get a chance to sit and smack
[02:10:40] Then you have huge yeah
[02:10:42] That's always the specific choke points and if you want to conquer them then maybe that's like a 20 seconds period
[02:10:47] Where nothing really is happening. That's an easy 8% or whatever. So get get first like
[02:10:54] Properly like to that face and then we will see I really dislike talking about nerves before like you really like conquer the boss already
[02:11:01] Yeah, absolutely.
[02:11:02] I think Razergev was a good example like how they didn't overdid it kind of a little bit.
[02:11:09] Because I maybe would even go as far and say Razergev was probably doable without a nerf,
[02:11:16] but insanely tough.
[02:11:19] I think as well, you obviously, if you are going to start bringing in nerfs, then
[02:11:27] You start the utter holy war of you nerfed it when NA was awake asleep,
[02:11:33] BU was awake asleep, and then you just open it up to, you know, mass firing squad fire.
[02:11:39] Yeah, realistically there's not much time to do it.
[02:11:41] There's no good time to do it there, it just doesn't work.
[02:11:43] You could have like lawyers outside of third of four crypts like calculated times when they're most fair
[02:11:52] and people would still complain because it will be always subjective and there will be no perfect time
[02:12:00] makes nerf idea was smart what it makes they
[02:12:07] nerf it when i sleep and you awake it would make up for the early start and they get
[02:12:10] yeah but then people would still complain people will complain no matter what because that
[02:12:16] doesn't really work because we saw it on raza geff echo was like already playing you know
[02:12:20] It fits blasting already in the rhythm, nerf it, they just killed the boss.
[02:12:26] Like if there's so many factors that you need to calculate, it's either the bosses already
[02:12:30] decently tuned or not at all.
[02:12:32] Yeah.
[02:12:38] True of Captain Frage and Crella.
[02:12:39] Guys, you have to believe in everyone in roster and if the raid leader and like the
[02:12:43] whole analyst team says these people are in, it's for a reason.
[02:12:47] We understand like that some people are obviously a bit more known or famous or not like
[02:12:51] wrong word but like yeah I have a bigger reach yeah but that doesn't mean
[02:12:55] they're better players and it's like I said the other day father was well like
[02:12:59] if you're in you're in method you are not shit at this game it doesn't work
[02:13:04] that way you don't get in this to this level and you're terrible yeah that's a
[02:13:07] whole analyst team saying okay you come in yeah and they all know the
[02:13:11] history with a Cruella or the history with a Fragments so yeah welcome back
[02:13:19] here also for Rach. Welcome back. Even though she's soon alone from us two at least. Another
[02:13:26] granated milo or similar has been placed on the desk. Just yeah just don't kick it. You
[02:13:33] guys didn't see but the Palava noise that we were making before. Dark Mac booted the
[02:13:40] coffee cup and it went over his shoes, his white shoes. Yeah they ran to the bathroom
[02:13:46] and gave yes he's running shoes right now one of my running show something off
[02:13:50] they're quite on on on yeah nice brand nice brand I wanted to get neat some I
[02:13:58] bought them for him but yeah surprise yeah and he's a size six and they start
[02:14:05] at seven for men so it's what teeny tiny feet baby feet wow size six I
[02:14:12] I think I'm 11 and a half, or?
[02:14:14] Isn't that like, okay, normal is the wrong word,
[02:14:16] but like, isn't that like...
[02:14:17] I'm 10 and a half, 11.
[02:14:20] You are like six foot.
[02:14:22] Yeah, Nate is small.
[02:14:24] I'm like six, six, one, yeah.
[02:14:26] I'm like one, eight, six, I am.
[02:14:27] I'm going to get the Barbie after this,
[02:14:31] so I'm actually off in about four minutes,
[02:14:33] and then I'm back at two, 30,
[02:14:34] so I'm gonna...
[02:14:35] You're both going?
[02:14:36] And get the Barbie.
[02:14:37] Yeah, so I'm running to get the Barbie
[02:14:39] in the lunch break.
[02:14:40] For me it's just I don't want to do too long shifts in one setting so I will be probably back in the evening in the shift, I think even again with dark.
[02:14:49] Yeah, I'm back at 2.30 till 2am.
[02:14:51] Oh my word.
[02:14:53] 2.30 to 2am?
[02:14:55] Yeah.
[02:14:57] You're going home tomorrow though right?
[02:14:59] 29th, I go home, two more days.
[02:15:02] And I will try to change my channel.
[02:15:05] My flight from Australia was about $40,000 so...
[02:15:08] Mmm...
[02:15:09] That's quite expensive...
[02:15:13] What's the plan for the flight deck since a lot of the ring stores already watched now?
[02:15:18] I probably watch it again, I'll lie...
[02:15:21] I don't think you can ever watch Lord of the Rings...
[02:15:24] I watched a new ring of 5 episode yesterday
[02:15:26] I haven't seen it yet, don't say anything!
[02:15:29] Don't say anything bro!
[02:15:30] Obviously I'm not spoiling!
[02:15:32] I've seen it!
[02:15:34] Season 2's been so good!
[02:15:36] Season 2 has been absolutely off its chops.
[02:15:39] I'm so excited to start it.
[02:15:41] I've been banned because Nate's not had the free time to watch Season 2 yet, so I've had
[02:15:46] to hold back.
[02:15:47] Well, you've actually also been a group of friends, but I've told them since I'm gone
[02:15:51] like just go without me, so they've watched like two episodes without me, and yesterday
[02:15:54] I just joined them because I don't mind like not seeing like one or two episodes, I will
[02:15:58] just catch up at some point.
[02:16:00] I haven't used my egg cracker yet, no paradox, but I will soon.
[02:16:04] Yeah, I watched the last episode but I'm missing the two before the last.
[02:16:08] What?
[02:16:09] Yeah, well, because normally I watched with them, they watched without me
[02:16:12] and then like I didn't catch up yet, so...
[02:16:15] Fair enough.
[02:16:17] That's crazy. Do you want spoiler anything for yourself though?
[02:16:20] I'm... thankfully I'm not like... I don't care about that stuff, kinda.
[02:16:23] Okay.
[02:16:24] I'm not too mad about spoilers usually.
[02:16:26] Twilight better than L or 2R.
[02:16:29] Okay, let's go to the last pull for Dark and me for now.
[02:16:32] Let's hope that we see another good one at least.
[02:16:35] That's a really good one.
[02:16:36] Yep.
[02:16:37] Boss dragged to the end.
[02:16:39] We'll get P2 I reckon.
[02:16:42] Here comes the Equify big puddle, taunt swap, we bait our swirlies, here come our roots,
[02:16:48] reek, sick as grove, we're going to move over and I have some lines coming out, plant
[02:16:56] and wait, lines come out, move.
[02:17:00] one person not what we want we do send out the holy battle res first set of
[02:17:05] reactive toxins so it's coming up with the raid in two we go one we go to leap
[02:17:10] from remove our debuff people out we also have two way full spawn
[02:17:16] go to those easy there's a lot of damage that goes out through this fight this
[02:17:22] fight is like very very high on the HPS requirements as well you can see just
[02:17:27] how low the raid is all the time. Watch these tombs no overlaps for any silly deaths. Next
[02:17:35] set of lines coming out dodge. Find somewhere safe and chill. So far so good just stay clean.
[02:17:49] Next set of lines. Reactive toxins coming out now we put these in a line. We had a lot of issues
[02:17:57] the other day with the Venom Nova hitting the second puddle which they fixed up now was way too
[02:18:01] close to the boss if the line chat from the venom over passes through a reactive
[02:18:06] toxin before you trigger the middle it's insta what three wave pools here we
[02:18:12] dodge lines safe unfortunately we do lose another two
[02:18:19] just can't happen just can't happen not in this phase no I mean ideally not
[02:18:30] until but in this phase they just wanted us a kind of great time off so I would
[02:18:40] say that my god me are saying goodbye we are cast a little bit again but great
[02:18:45] to have you back like great to be back on again and just like I said we both
[02:18:51] definitely have to pleasure of casting that together again we will we will
[02:18:56] hope you enjoyed Farbo being back that always a pleasure to have deep
[02:19:01] shades back on the cast and out of out of the COVID bunker. Yep. Rage, who are you casting
[02:19:10] with now? Lethe. Lethe and Rage going to continue to chill out with you. Chat, is there anyone
[02:19:16] else or just you two? I think it's just us two. You two? Yeah, it's chilling. All right,
[02:19:21] well, stay tuned. Chat, because more pools, more progress is incoming on the method
[02:19:28] stream, we will be back soon. Bye-bye!
[02:20:18] Chop! It's you, it's me, and it's Lithy!
[02:20:26] Yeah, hello hello, hello Lithy, welcome back!
[02:20:33] Hi.
[02:20:34] Must say I am loving your outfit today, coordinating your blue.
[02:20:38] I love the accent color, it's all good.
[02:20:42] Very very nice. Also matches the Alliance pillow too.
[02:20:47] Now I hate it, thank you.
[02:20:50] Wait, I feel like it's so far away from you. Wow.
[02:20:54] So, how are you? How are things?
[02:20:56] I'm good. I got so much sleep. I am so relaxed and just recovered basically.
[02:21:05] It's good, it's good.
[02:21:06] It's great. I'm just trying to figure out if it's normal that I'm not hearing anything.
[02:21:10] Can you hear me?
[02:21:13] No. Maybe it's turned off. That's what I've been wondering.
[02:21:18] But I can still hear you because you're sitting close enough to me, you know?
[02:21:24] Okay, levels as well. chat, you can hear us, right?
[02:21:27] chat? chat? chat?
[02:21:29] Hello? Hello?
[02:21:32] Hello? I'm gonna see you, yeah.
[02:21:35] There we go. Thanks chat.
[02:21:37] Um, yeah, I guess maybe what you can't hear the music or anything. No, I hear I hear nothing
[02:21:45] Here
[02:21:48] No, it's our show now. Are you switching to handheld?
[02:21:56] But yeah, you you missed our law chat I didn't miss it I was
[02:22:02] And I was in chat and I was very very desperate to get down the couch and talk about lore
[02:22:08] but well this is your opportunity what did you want to say so many things I don't even know where to start
[02:22:16] I mean you guys thought you guys talked about about where the expansion is going and and what's
[02:22:22] next and how we even got here and you were talking about how the villains are set up or
[02:22:29] have not been set up properly in the past so many so many things like the the law of
[02:22:35] Warcraft and World of Warcraft in particular is just one of my favorite fantasy worlds in general
[02:22:42] just so much fun to talk about all the things really. Yeah for sure. We were thinking about
[02:22:51] Xylotas origins earlier right? I was a bit like whether or not she actually is inside. You said
[02:22:59] Ashurja? Who's claw is it? Yashiraj. That was the Dagger.
[02:23:05] Yeah, yeah, so we figured that out because it's always like up in the air with that that theory
[02:23:13] But yeah, I mean I
[02:23:15] Think towards the end of the expansion were definitely ought to the end of not this expansion
[02:23:19] But the end of the last Titan it's gonna be Sargeras and
[02:23:24] Elden
[02:23:25] That's what I think
[02:23:28] What are you thinking?
[02:23:30] The the the Titans and I mean if we talk sagueras we gotta talk about the seat of the pantheon because that's where
[02:23:37] Sagueras is locked up and with Illadin just yelling at him 24-7, you know, yeah
[02:23:43] It's very very likely that that's gonna come up in some sort in some sort of way
[02:23:47] What if we see a team up? I
[02:23:50] Don't think it will see a team up if at like at most I think we'll go against the Titans. You think yeah
[02:23:57] because like for me this is
[02:24:00] This is what the entire trilogy is about for me, it's this uncovering what the hell the
[02:24:10] Titans really are and what their machinations are and why they're so hell-bent on preserving
[02:24:16] this timeline that we're currently in and why they're suffusing everything with order.
[02:24:21] And for me, this is very much like the Titans are doing the same thing, the Void
[02:24:28] Lords are trying, the Light is trying to quote-unquote not corrupt but assimilate the physical universe
[02:24:38] to their own cosmic realms because the Titans are beings of the realm of order or rather
[02:24:46] are beings controlled by the realm of order, the Arcane.
[02:24:50] So yeah.
[02:24:51] Do you think we are against them and not work with them?
[02:24:57] I'm not sure if we'll go against them, but I'm definitely expecting a sort of strained
[02:25:04] relationships until they finally step up and be honest with us, you know?
[02:25:09] I think it's a situation of they've been lying to us for forever.
[02:25:14] And now that we're finally uncovering their secrets, well, maybe they need to be open
[02:25:19] and honest for some reason or for once ever.
[02:25:22] Yeah, for sure.
[02:25:24] But we always have that like battle of who is actually good and who is actually bad because
[02:25:30] What is being good?
[02:25:32] Exactly!
[02:25:34] Like we see some questionable actions from all sides of the fence so yeah I mean
[02:25:40] Except Garrosh, Garrosh did nothing wrong.
[02:25:44] I disagree.
[02:25:45] I'm joking.
[02:25:46] He was terrible.
[02:25:47] He was terrible.
[02:25:48] He was terrible.
[02:25:49] He was very bad, but then like so so was some of the Alliance players as well. They were oh
[02:25:56] I
[02:25:57] Have the feeling that to rally and it's gonna turn not necessarily into garage 2.0
[02:26:02] But to rally and it's gonna go off the deep end. That's a thing. I think so. Yeah
[02:26:07] At latest points once it goes light versus dark, you know, oh no, don't
[02:26:13] I'll bring my car
[02:26:15] Terallion and Alerion against each other
[02:26:17] Terallion is a war monger
[02:26:20] He's a light fanatic and a war monger
[02:26:23] and it's gonna go horribly wrong
[02:26:25] Or will his love for Alerion
[02:26:31] Maybe, maybe at the last possible moment
[02:26:35] Alerion manages to sway him
[02:26:37] We'll see
[02:26:38] Kaiser has a good point
[02:26:39] Maybe it's like one of 40k
[02:26:41] each faction is bad
[02:26:42] but how bad
[02:26:43] How bad, yeah
[02:26:44] Yeah, like the very first kind of book you encounter
[02:26:50] when you traverse from Ringing Deeps to Hello Fall,
[02:26:53] there's a cavern on the right hand side
[02:26:56] where a dead lamplighter is lying that is holding a book.
[02:27:00] And the entire book is basically his last words,
[02:27:05] something along the lines of we lamplighters,
[02:27:07] we fight to the last for the empire,
[02:27:10] for the emperor.
[02:27:11] it's literally it's literally warhammer yeah so I think you're not too wrong I
[02:27:17] think you're not too wrong mm-hmm well we do have a poll going on and it's
[02:27:23] actually looking pretty good yeah so we've said it we've seen been like a
[02:27:29] little bit more consistent definitely more consistent than yesterday getting
[02:27:32] through p1 and we're looking to just make more p2 platform progressions at
[02:27:39] the moment. We seem to be okay with like going over but this platform in particular and then the
[02:27:46] next one is kind of where we're struggling a little bit. Now I'm gonna be honest, I'm not too well
[02:27:52] versed in what exactly is going on on these platforms because I've seen a lot of P1 and a
[02:27:58] little bit of P3 but from the liquid and echo progression I'm seeing is that they seem to
[02:28:04] kind of blast through these platforms and then get over back to your main platform to battle answer again
[02:28:10] that's the that's the general idea right you uh you want to traverse the platforms to get back
[02:28:14] up to the queen and of course in the meantime there's these different ads that you need to deal
[02:28:18] with that you need to take care of and the twist for mythic obviously is these extra debuffs
[02:28:24] these larger void puddles you see spawned and of course you have some portals and every now
[02:28:28] and then you need to go into the portal and swap sides a little bit it reminds me
[02:28:33] to an extent of opulence. Back in battle for the Zalor, where you swap sides. Generally, it's really
[02:28:43] just playing the mechanics clean and killing the adds in a timely manner. Of course, she keeps dragging
[02:28:49] you in. Ideally, you kind of have this damage checkpoint of you can play the first draw in,
[02:28:58] but with the second draw in, you kind of want the platform done already because once you
[02:29:02] spawn the bridges she stops dragging you. That's why if you have the drag
[02:29:11] mechanic that's due but you've pressed the bridge button you're able to go
[02:29:15] across without being pulled off. Yes I'm fairly sure like once you once you
[02:29:19] transition from one platform to the next once you click that bridge she
[02:29:23] stops the the drag casts for a moment. That's kind of bizarre if you think
[02:29:27] about it, right? Because if I was Ansarek and people were on my platform and I was about
[02:29:33] to yank them off with my webs, I wouldn't just be like, okay, nah, never mind. You've
[02:29:39] pressed the elevator button. Go ahead. Like, I'm, yeah, on that logic, we would need to
[02:29:46] talk about P1, the entire platform being covered in goo and webs. And she just, all right,
[02:29:52] don't have any space left to stand on. Let me just leave and clean up the platform for
[02:29:57] you, you know? Yeah, I, there's a few things that are quite questionable with this boss
[02:30:03] for me. Like I really thought that we were going to see a similar mechanic to the spider
[02:30:07] boss in Firelands, how the Firelands boss goes up. And then we can also go up with
[02:30:13] her and then like the fight transitions to a different platform. When I heard that,
[02:30:18] you know, Anseret crawls up her spider web and kind of like stays up that I was like,
[02:30:24] wow, it's going to be, it's going to be like that and then instead of clicking a button,
[02:30:28] you need to play a phase and to kill ads to get up there.
[02:30:31] Yeah, that is true. But then we have this like Sylvanas and intermission kind of deal
[02:30:38] with the platforms. Not a super big fan of that to be honest.
[02:30:47] I always have a little bit mixed feelings about platform phases, or rather like these long,
[02:30:53] not just call it long-winded add-intermissions.
[02:30:58] I think they're a nice break of pace.
[02:31:02] They put heavy emphasis on different skillset and different focus points of the, just how
[02:31:08] to play the encounter, and obviously they serve as a really nice traversal of terrain
[02:31:15] to change the arena up and also give the Raiders a sense of reset, like a moment to breathe.
[02:31:26] Oh yeah.
[02:31:27] Because P1 is intense as hell.
[02:31:30] So getting that moment of you just survived, not just the intense P1, but also the intermission
[02:31:36] with the draw-in, you get to chill a little bit more, you kill an ant, then get bombed onto
[02:31:41] into the platform and then it's, okay, focus again.
[02:31:44] We gotta play this phase.
[02:31:46] Then again, knocked again, short minute of,
[02:31:49] oh, it's not a minute, short few seconds of interruption
[02:31:52] where you can breathe, relax, shake off your hands
[02:31:55] for a second and then refocus into last phase.
[02:32:00] So I definitely think it's a necessary breather
[02:32:03] because otherwise the intensity and the pace of the fight
[02:32:05] would just be way too intense.
[02:32:08] But on the other side, well,
[02:32:10] It's always a question of how does this ad phase play in the end, right?
[02:32:14] And yeah, I think, I think ad phases generally are a,
[02:32:23] you can almost never completely win.
[02:32:26] Someone's going to dislike it in some way anyway, because most of some people
[02:32:30] just want to fight the boss and only the boss.
[02:32:32] Yeah.
[02:32:33] Um, but I think, I think this one is quite nice.
[02:32:38] You have some interesting mechanics with the dragon.
[02:32:43] You have some interesting kind of player agency that you can bring in by making this DPS check for the draw-in
[02:32:53] and cancelling it with activating the bridges.
[02:32:57] And it also adds in a nice aspect of challenge on Mythic with the portals, a little bit of variation.
[02:33:05] Because on Heroic, it's very straightforward, it's really just mostly run in there and kill the adds and that's it, and don't get wrecked on the platform, right?
[02:33:13] So, I think as in a nice level of spice, I don't think it's unnecessarily complicated, but it still forces you to play clean to get into the last phase.
[02:33:22] Yeah.
[02:33:23] All in all, I mean, I can understand if you don't like add phases, but I think this one is decent.
[02:33:31] Probably not perfect once I see more poles of p2, especially the full p2
[02:33:35] Mm-hmm. I'll probably adjust my opinion a little bit because I get more of an impression of what to think
[02:33:41] But I like it. What's your feel about it? Oh
[02:33:45] I mean, I think it's interesting like it's a clever use of
[02:33:53] Like venue mechanics like the web bridge is cool. I'm a huge fan of theatrics
[02:33:58] So sidenathris was one of my favorite bosses
[02:34:02] I
[02:34:03] I really enjoyed Furok climbing the top of the tree, flying through, trying to get that,
[02:34:09] like anything that's thematic I really really like so incorporating like the webs and things like that but
[02:34:17] I don't know I think maybe after this boss is said and done I might have a different opinion on it
[02:34:24] okay but right now I I'm not feeling it that much to be honest um but maybe it's because
[02:34:31] because I set myself up for failure like I said I was expecting something a little bit different with the intermission phase
[02:34:35] What were you expecting?
[02:34:39] Like I wanted to go up to a webbed platform
[02:34:43] Like I know that we really like this whole regal purple and gold kind of thing
[02:34:49] But using portals again on the blast mechanic again like we had on Razageth to power us over to another platform
[02:34:57] I don't know why when we have so many web mechanics and web themes spider themes and stuff like that a
[02:35:04] Blasting purple orb fire in us over like a rocket launcher just seems like it's broken the theme a little bit
[02:35:12] But yeah, I'm not I'm not too sure
[02:35:14] Yeah, no, I get what you mean. I think I think the blasting with the orbs
[02:35:20] It's not necessarily a we did this because we we needed we need we wanted it to like style reasons
[02:35:27] I think they literally just did it to eliminate the connection between the platforms because
[02:35:31] if you had like a web bridge to run up, you could mess around with that in the face after
[02:35:37] it because it's terrain you can interact with, you know?
[02:35:39] What if we're fighting Ancerek, she calls her assistants, what do you call them?
[02:35:47] The minions.
[02:35:48] The minions, she calls her minions.
[02:35:49] And then there's two big minions on either platform.
[02:35:52] And then she kind of like goes up to Rejuvenate and the big minions, they cast a web spell
[02:35:59] and then he yank us across.
[02:36:01] And then we have to then fight them whilst also flying additional adds and kicking and
[02:36:04] all that jazz.
[02:36:05] That would be in my opinion.
[02:36:07] So like two mini bosses?
[02:36:08] Yeah, like that would be a better transition in my head than the use of the portal
[02:36:14] fly again.
[02:36:16] So you really, you really are just missing more spider theme instead of Void.
[02:36:23] Okay, I can get behind that, I can see that, yeah.
[02:36:26] We've got a whole expansion of Void stuff.
[02:36:30] One? We're getting three expansions of Void stuff.
[02:36:33] Oh true, yeah, yeah, it's Saga time.
[02:36:35] Oh yeah, yeah.
[02:36:36] We got about that.
[02:36:37] That's gonna be great. It's gonna be fantastic.
[02:36:39] No, I think, I think you have a point.
[02:36:42] But hey, I personally, I'm a massive fan of void and especially the recent visual changes
[02:36:50] they did to just the void in general, turning it less into the purple soup with tentacles
[02:36:56] and more of the great dark beyond the vast emptiness of space and like the little blue
[02:37:03] light glitter in there.
[02:37:06] Fantastic.
[02:37:07] I'm such a big sucker for visuals like that.
[02:37:09] What do you think of the raids so far?
[02:37:11] I think it's really good. I like it a lot, yeah.
[02:37:14] It's not gonna go down as the best raid in history,
[02:37:18] but I think it's a really good first raid of the expansion.
[02:37:21] Of course, there's something to be said about the difficulty curve on Mythic.
[02:37:26] First four, one pull.
[02:37:28] Yeah.
[02:37:29] It's a bit sad, but on the other side you're gonna consider
[02:37:34] Having a raid tier that's both not one shot the way all the way through for the world first-rate guilds
[02:37:40] But also very approachable for the average guild. That's a pipe ring like it's literally impossible. So
[02:37:47] having this having this
[02:37:49] Very approachable first half of the raid with four bosses that are very doable
[02:37:55] Into a bunch of really really tough encounters even for the world first-rate skills. Yeah, it's very good and
[02:38:04] Considering they're experimenting a little bit with the incoming rate buff instead of nerfing the bosses all the way through, I think this tier by the end, especially for the more average guilds, is going to go down as a solid first tier, as one of the better first tiers we've had so far of expansions.
[02:38:25] Yeah, I mean, if we talk about individual bosses, most of them are alright, some of them I think could have gotten a little bit more spice.
[02:38:32] Like which ones?
[02:38:35] I think the main one I'm thinking about is the third boss. I keep blanking on the name.
[02:38:41] Sikran?
[02:38:43] Yeah, Sikran. The one shot.
[02:38:45] I really like Sikran's mechanics and the the concept behind it.
[02:38:51] I just feel like could have used a little bit more spice, a little bit more danger to it, you know?
[02:38:56] Like you're still gonna wipe if you mess up, but maybe maybe one more mechanic that's going on.
[02:39:02] It was a bit of a push over. Even testing it on PTR, we just held health so we didn't kill it, so we could go again and try it and it's like...
[02:39:13] On mythic?
[02:39:14] No, no, no.
[02:39:15] Oh, okay, yeah.
[02:39:17] But we couldn't say the same for a couple of the other bosses. Definitely, like, Overnax. I think we barely got to 15% boss health with that. That was hard.
[02:39:28] I actually think I did ray testing with you on Ovenaxe doing beta, I think so yeah because
[02:39:35] I was a group with Wocchi and Kexman and a bunch of the dungeon dodler people.
[02:39:44] Oh my god, yeah you guys came in half way through right?
[02:39:47] Yeah exactly, I came in a family plate, I think for half way through Russian we did
[02:39:53] some Ovenaxe.
[02:39:54] I think Ovenaxe is a fantastic fight.
[02:39:56] I love Ovenaxe, it's really good.
[02:39:58] I mean, once again, if you either lover, you hate adfights basically, but I think it's a really good boss.
[02:40:05] Mythic is very spicy, but I think very good.
[02:40:10] Yeah, Ovenaxe surprised me, because I wasn't a fan of Brute Keeper at all, but Brute Twister, pretty good.
[02:40:19] Much better name.
[02:40:20] Yeah, I agree.
[02:40:22] Yeah, I know Brood Keeper wasn't interesting boss actually, I love the callback, or rather the remake of Razorgor, was it Razorgor?
[02:40:37] First boss Blackwing Leia.
[02:40:39] Gohoon?
[02:40:40] Huh?
[02:40:40] Gohoon?
[02:40:41] Blackwing Leia, classic.
[02:40:43] Oh right, so you're saying you like the callback to...
[02:40:46] To the vanilla boss fight where you had to destroy eggs as well.
[02:40:49] Oh, following, okay.
[02:40:50] Yeah, I really like that concept. I really like fights like that where you that
[02:40:56] Forced you to use the mechanics to solve a puzzle
[02:41:00] But I think my biggest issue with the fight really was just the fact that the room was so massive
[02:41:09] So
[02:41:11] It devolved into a lot of run there
[02:41:13] clear a bunch of ads and run to the next point halfway through the room. That was a bit odd
[02:41:20] and I also feel like the other thematic elements, all the different elements like fire, ice,
[02:41:28] etc. that Keeper was using could have been utilized a little bit more cinematic, you know, instead
[02:41:35] of these big instant abilities. I think like a snowstorm or something along the lines utilize
[02:41:44] more of the ice, the ice puddles we had throughout Santa for example, it would have been a little
[02:41:49] bit more interesting.
[02:41:50] This is a really clean poll by the way so far. This is what we want to see.
[02:41:55] I'm trying not to mention it, but it's been going wrong so many times when we're talking
[02:42:00] about it. But yeah, no, you were very right.
[02:42:02] We had 4 sacks on the debuff which usually we've been seeing 5 or 6 every now and then.
[02:42:08] That usually seems super bad.
[02:42:10] We did use our battle res, unfortunately the god demon has gone down but we are burning
[02:42:15] through that shield as per and we're going to be seeing P2 transition again which is
[02:42:19] great.
[02:42:20] This is exactly what we want to see.
[02:42:21] Oh, we did not go down though, bloodlust is pumping so very good chance to bring
[02:42:27] a lot of just burst damage here and with that the shield going down way ahead of
[02:42:33] time so it's looking very very solid but with 19 players going into that first
[02:42:39] of the mission now you get that add get a little bit of a breather after just
[02:42:42] playing a very intense intermission so this this is more or less free loot
[02:42:47] just lampy interrupts, dodge the orbs, it's totally fine in the meantime you
[02:42:50] can see how much pulsing damage on the radar is going out so the healers
[02:42:54] Nealus don't get a break. Nealus need to pump. They really don't. Yeah, Cruella is definitely on the roster
[02:43:00] She's unfortunately not on our comp this time round
[02:43:06] Not too sure why I don't know if it's a case of
[02:43:09] like we already had players in the
[02:43:14] Not sure whether we just wanted like one or two evokas
[02:43:16] something like that but both Cruella and Jimmy aren't playing unfortunately our
[02:43:23] star players. 90% of the times when it comes to decisions like this roster
[02:43:30] decisions like this it's all about gear like we know Jimmy is benched just
[02:43:35] because he did he was unlucky with the loot I think he's 1.4 eye level
[02:43:41] behind the other demon hunter and it doesn't sound like much but it's
[02:43:45] considerable for the world first race I'm fairly sure that's why that's why
[02:43:51] Jimmy is benched and I wouldn't be surprised if that's a similar scenario
[02:43:55] for Cruella because we do have a decay in but is that or is it actually the tank
[02:44:03] this beer be no no wait there's two D case in there's one of our mind
[02:44:10] quep and teeth yeah yeah no I literally would just assume it is your
[02:44:17] reason because Cruella is an incredible player and I mean she's been in on the
[02:44:22] majority of the bosses during prog yeah so it's definitely not a performance
[02:44:27] decision she is on the vocal right now yeah so she played Hunter involving
[02:44:39] Carnets and she couldn't get the legendary bow and it was devastating so we
[02:44:46] So Karela benched over but she has definitely made it to the final fights since then like an incredible player like
[02:44:54] We have seen her pump. It's been fantastic
[02:44:58] Especially you know
[02:45:01] Seeing someone like Karela up there doing such like
[02:45:06] Impressive, I mean like avokas are always really difficult because when you play
[02:45:10] orientation of okra doesn't reflect properly on the details but when we
[02:45:14] we have access to the logs so when we bring them up we can see just how much
[02:45:17] she is pumping on those bosses and she's doing a fantastic job so yeah I'm a big
[02:45:23] fan of truella she's fantastic player yeah for sure if you could bring a boss
[02:45:31] mechanic from any auger marks you had that ready I've been I've been I've
[02:45:39] been designing a bunch of bosses on my free time and Celestric Conjunction, that's the
[02:45:47] one. It's my favorite mechanic of all time and I've been tinkering a lot with that so
[02:45:52] that's like literally, if I could bring back a mechanic for a boss fight, that's the one.
[02:45:56] What is it?
[02:45:57] It's the marks you get so the entire raid is marked with star signs and you need to
[02:46:07] high five a rate member that has the same star sign as you have and if you touch someone
[02:46:12] with a star sign that's not yours, you blow up the entire rate.
[02:46:18] Wow.
[02:46:19] It's fun.
[02:46:20] It's really fun.
[02:46:21] That's intense.
[02:46:23] I think my one would probably be the little woodlouse kind of boss from Wall of the Draenor
[02:46:36] who, when you were in his room during the intermission, he would roll up like a ball
[02:46:41] and he would come and chase you. I cannot remember what his name is, maybe Shadow though.
[02:46:48] Was it a dungeon or a raid boss?
[02:46:50] I think it was Raid.
[02:46:52] Are you talking about Orgogir in Blackrock Foundry?
[02:46:56] Yeah. Is that a dungeon?
[02:46:58] No, it's a raid.
[02:47:00] So he rolls up and rolls through the labyrinth and tries to run you down?
[02:47:04] Yeah. That was really fun.
[02:47:06] I'm traumatized by mechanics like this from the old school platformers when I was a little kid, you know
[02:47:12] Yeah, it's just like suddenly the boss goes in vulnerable or just rolls around, you know, if he gets you you're dead
[02:47:20] No, it's a cool mechanic, absolutely
[02:47:23] Yeah, I remember being like this cool chat with my friends or might not have been this school back then
[02:47:29] But we're in voice chat with each other probably to yes, actually
[02:47:32] and yeah just we were doing LFR right because we just weren't we weren't doing
[02:47:39] normal so we didn't really understand too much about the fight but when that man
[02:47:45] when that thing turned into it's like little ball and started chasing you
[02:47:49] around the room all we were screaming it was not it was not fun but it was at
[02:47:55] the same time really a cool memory from my early days of reading so
[02:47:59] Yeah, no black rock foundry was a fantastic raid. Yeah
[02:48:03] Hans Hansok and Franzok
[02:48:06] From the same rate the the two large orcs with the Arnold accent
[02:48:13] We got a jam
[02:48:16] 10 I
[02:48:20] The two guys with the stampers where you have the
[02:48:23] The big machine, the stampers come from the ceiling and you have to watch it with the
[02:48:30] belt carriers.
[02:48:35] Once you see the fight you'll instantly remember.
[02:48:37] Hold on, what was it called again?
[02:48:39] The Black Rock Foundry.
[02:48:41] Hansgarr and Franzog.
[02:48:47] Why is the stampen not stamping?
[02:48:50] They were Hansgarr and Franzog, yeah that's the one.
[02:48:55] They were they were fantastic the voice acting alone on those two was amazing
[02:49:01] And scar and Fran's
[02:49:04] Yeah, oh
[02:49:08] Yeah
[02:49:10] General was a really good year. It really was if you think about it
[02:49:17] Wasn't the end or one of the bosses on this something to do with like a
[02:49:23] It was like a mine cart or mine rails
[02:49:28] Throgar?
[02:49:31] Was it the same raid?
[02:49:32] It was the guy with the trains, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
[02:49:36] I have a lot of vivid memories of this entire raid then.
[02:49:39] We need more train mechanics and raid bosses, honestly.
[02:49:43] We should bring the trains back, mm-hmm.
[02:49:47] Yeah, but wasn't there also a dungeon that was on a train?
[02:49:53] Yes, Grimreel.
[02:49:55] Yeah, I don't want to go back there.
[02:49:57] brought it back for him plus yeah that's a times hikes what else did we have in
[02:50:05] blackcork file jay so you had three wings you had the the I don't I don't
[02:50:15] don't know if it's actually called the beast wing but you had the Beastmaster
[02:50:18] into operator into iron maidens those three bosses then you had the the
[02:50:24] mine wing which was oil gorger, gruel and blast furnace and then you're at the left side which was
[02:50:33] Hans and Franz into... How do you remember all of this? Because I run transmog a lot and I've played
[02:50:40] a lot of WoW. I keep forgetting her name but the master blacksmith and the last one in that
[02:50:50] wing was comrock the big the big giant flame bender car grass yes exactly
[02:50:58] flame bender mm-hmm that was a fun find remember she drops a trend sword that I
[02:51:05] really wanted what was the aww maybe again if you can run it again maybe you
[02:51:13] get it I have to try you know I was raiding back in the day and never
[02:51:17] Never got lucky with it with a sword. I see
[02:51:21] What was the boss where you had maybe it was blast furnace?
[02:51:26] But like at some point you you like split the raid and then you guys had to like go and
[02:51:32] Put something in the furnace. Yeah, you had to blow open the hatches on the side. That was it. Yeah
[02:51:38] Yeah, that was also chaotic
[02:51:40] I remember just like raid leader screaming in chat being like, you know this and I'm there as like my little hunter with my
[02:51:47] little pet, still got taunt on by the way. Just... Oh no! Yeah, I was bad. Oh yeah. That
[02:51:56] can end up chaotic, I can imagine. Can have done with some guides back in the day I think.
[02:52:01] Well, we all learn. Gotta start somewhere. Yeah. Hunter is actually the only class I
[02:52:08] never actually played. The only time I played Hunter was a little bit during Legion. Oh
[02:52:13] really like a fifth old wow yeah I just don't vibe with Hunter for some reason
[02:52:19] I think Hunters are really good first class it is yeah we have any any hunter
[02:52:26] mains in the chat out here I see Druids also a good one as well but like whenever
[02:52:34] you start wow you're like I want to play as a cat or a bear or whatever it's
[02:52:40] It's fun to like shape shift into the different forms I used to be.
[02:52:47] Druid, so like funnily enough you keep listing all the classes that I barely touch.
[02:52:54] I was like, Druid, like Hunter I never really touched.
[02:52:57] Druid every now and then is like season or a tier.
[02:53:01] I'm like, maybe a bit of Druid.
[02:53:06] but generally for some reason maybe it's just the fact that druid has way too many buttons
[02:53:13] uh i just don't want to play it but it's fun i played boomkin for like a tier or two
[02:53:22] tried some feral here and there uh mostly mostly been playing rest of druid though uh if at all
[02:53:29] boomkin is one that i give credit to people who can play it it looks confusing with the whole
[02:53:36] Moon, Sun, Divide, kind of thing.
[02:53:38] Boomkin players are suspicious.
[02:53:40] Yeah they are.
[02:53:41] That's all I'm gonna say.
[02:53:43] I think our Boomkin, our resident ex Boomkin player is gonna be on next ship actually.
[02:53:48] Logox.
[02:53:49] What do you mean ex Logo, Boomkin player?
[02:53:52] He's still playing Boomkin.
[02:53:53] Yeah, I mean like our method ex Boomkin, he still is, yeah he still is pumping on
[02:53:59] Boomkin.
[02:54:00] Charm is my favourite but I started as a Druid.
[02:54:02] used to bear tanking vanilla black rock depths and then the raid with ragnaros before bear tanks were
[02:54:08] viable ah times heck yeah leading the curve but never an x boom came once again yeah hey this is
[02:54:21] actually um paul i've been kind of keeping my eye on a little bit we had um uggs the the rogue he did
[02:54:29] go down so we used our Barres to get him back up but the dot was good with the
[02:54:36] jump puddles that was quite nice and now burning down that shield again yeah this
[02:54:41] is what we this is what we want to say we want to see that consistency we want
[02:54:46] to keep getting through P1 ideally without any deaths yeah so now we're
[02:54:52] just gonna be avoiding the green puddles as they come out burning through that
[02:54:58] shield and then transitioning into the P2 Intimation. I would like to call it
[02:55:05] Intimation but I suppose the shield burning is more of an Intimation.
[02:55:10] Everyone up! That's pretty good. The healers can keep everyone topped then
[02:55:16] this could potentially be the strongest transition we've seen so far at least
[02:55:22] today? It could be. They also didn't lust. They've moved the bloodlust. So I heard the
[02:55:29] raiders talk about it at breakfast today. They tried that yesterday a couple times, but it
[02:55:35] went horribly wrong at some point, so they put it back for now. But it's ultimately something
[02:55:39] we need to do. So now that we're getting into the airface with bloodlust ready, it's
[02:55:44] a fantastic start. Now they just need to execute. So keep an eye on the ads, keep
[02:55:49] I have the mechanic on the mechanics especially also the raid frames on the other side
[02:55:54] Everyone's very low on health, but the healer is starting to pump top everyone off
[02:55:58] It's looking good the next bottle explosion everyone's topped off enough to survive
[02:56:02] I'm good first platform cleared up the ramp grab all the ads and all the ads in this case really
[02:56:09] Stack them up bomb them away, and it's looking like the other side of the platforms
[02:56:15] has died. It's not quite sure what went wrong there but something did horribly.
[02:56:22] Yeah I could see that the players health was dropping quite significantly on the
[02:56:27] other side I'm guessing. We just couldn't get enough health to kind of like level
[02:56:30] our hour a little bit. I'm curious to see if one group is is performing a
[02:56:36] little bit better than the other because I think this is twice now that
[02:56:39] we've made it to the platforms and this group seems to stay alive a
[02:56:44] a little bit longer than the other one group A group B obviously we're all trying to work together but
[02:56:51] it is a little bit curious to see what's going on it seems like it seems like things are a little
[02:56:57] bit cleaner i wonder i really wonder what went wrong so kind of the the big breaking point in
[02:57:06] this intermission is doing the portals because if you don't do the portals the ports blow up and
[02:57:10] can wipe you, basically.
[02:57:12] So maybe someone who was supposed to do the portal
[02:57:18] died on the way there, got clipped by something along the lines,
[02:57:24] or maybe Ed Agro was an issue.
[02:57:27] There's a lot of things that can go wrong, absolutely.
[02:57:30] So yeah, but hard to know, obviously,
[02:57:33] if we're not on the POV of the other side, right?
[02:57:36] But I think the biggest and most important takeaway from this poll is the fact that they made it there without Bloodlust.
[02:57:44] That is massive. There's a massive piece of progress that they can take now into the next few hours
[02:57:52] and really kind of hit it off and get the fight sorted.
[02:57:57] Because we know by now from liquids and Echoes progress that we've seen into P3, you need that Bloodlust in P3.
[02:58:05] So if you're progressing with a bloodlust early, you've got to reprog that without it later at some point.
[02:58:11] So the sooner you can change that up and still get good prog in, the better.
[02:58:15] And Method is doing a big step towards that direction right now.
[02:58:19] Yeah, really similar to when we were doing Princess with two tanks, getting it down to like 15%.
[02:58:27] But then knowing in the back of their minds that they're going to have to reprog with the solo tank comp that Liquid and Echo are both doing.
[02:58:34] and it made sense, but we wanted to proc just to see. It was actually interesting to be honest.
[02:58:41] We didn't, at least I didn't realise until I spoke to the raiders themselves why they
[02:58:46] were doing two tanks rather than going straight with one and just hard progressing with that.
[02:58:52] And Nate was not doing any of the tank mechanics unless Tief was like, there was a
[02:59:00] situation where Tief was going to die, we couldn't get him back up. So then Nate
[02:59:03] were torn but for the most part he was playing as like a DPS like as if he was uh as if he
[02:59:09] was going to be a DPS that was like being replaced which I think is really smart like
[02:59:13] having that backup and like trying to progress and then having yeah like I said like having
[02:59:18] that backup as just in case something was going to go wrong saves a wipe at the end
[02:59:22] of the day. Um it does it does yeah uh it just gives you it just gives you more
[02:59:31] smooth progression to reach the end of the fight, which in a state like that, on a boss
[02:59:38] like that, that's kind of the biggest thing, because finding damage and min-maxing and optimizing,
[02:59:46] that's the easy part.
[02:59:48] Getting the mechanics down, getting the gameplay down, knowing where the heavy overlaps are,
[02:59:54] feeling the fight for every single player, that's the most important part.
[02:59:58] if you can, if you can sacrifice a little bit of damage by doing, in this case, obviously,
[03:00:04] the two tank strats that the other guilds hadn't used to kill it, right?
[03:00:08] It gives you this solid advantage of really getting smoother progress, more reliable progress.
[03:00:12] As you said, Nate can jump in whenever the tank would die, basically, and take that
[03:00:17] pressure off.
[03:00:18] And it just makes for better prog, less poids needed, everyone gets to know what's
[03:00:23] going on and then you swap to one tank and and can say okay we're done we're
[03:00:29] locked in now we know how this works now we just got to execute and you go from
[03:00:34] there it saves you I think I think we had like 80 to 100 puts less on the first
[03:00:43] kill then for example liquid on Princess maybe maybe a little bit under
[03:00:48] that I think correctly I am wrong with the total first skill cool and was but I'm
[03:00:58] pretty sure it's a safe method a bunch of polls yeah we used to be able to bring
[03:01:03] up graphs and stuff from different bosses but doesn't look like we're able
[03:01:09] to do it this time but I can check if you want me to do a little snoop through
[03:01:16] to, big shout out by the way to for providing some excellent information
[03:01:24] and just word first race coverage. It's kind of my first address in the morning at breakfast.
[03:01:29] Just check out the coverage of the race and see what I missed throughout the
[03:01:34] night basically. Also big shout out of course to walkerflogs, RestedXP and the lead camp
[03:01:39] that we are at here, very lovely location for making this race possible. And of course
[03:01:44] all of our other sponsors. We got Aronzi, we got SteelSeries, Holy and of course, Vethos.
[03:01:50] Yeah, dude. It looks like the players are also on a five-minute break now, so...
[03:01:54] Yeah.
[03:01:55] You just had a good poll. You just had a poll where you didn't need the bloodless for the first
[03:02:00] shield. Analysts probably need to talk some stuff through in this situation. The Raiders get
[03:02:05] to celebrate a little bit, stretch their legs. Just a really good moment for a quick break.
[03:02:10] So 288 pulls from Liquid, 256 pulls from Echo, and 238 pulls from Method.
[03:02:19] Yeah, that's like 40-50 pulls, almost less than Liquid, and that's what helps.
[03:02:28] We had amazing progress with Princess, it's just a shame that when it came to Silkencourt we couldn't quite get there.
[03:02:39] that, that Mac said before that it was, when we had that like 1.5% wipe, it was due to the
[03:02:48] one of the week auras being not lining up properly with the dispel. And so that caused like another
[03:02:54] 10 hours worth of configuring, tilting, un-tilting itself, because it happens like it's such
[03:03:02] to high stakes environment. So yeah, but then that I mean, it also did lead to arguably
[03:03:10] one of the most epic stories in recent. Wow, eSports news. So it's a really, really cool
[03:03:18] story. By the way, guys, if you missed our wrap up video on that, our team did an insane
[03:03:24] job of retelling the story of our Silicon Court fight at 4am. So you want to have
[03:03:31] Look at that. I believe it's on our YouTube so good. Yeah, it was it was you were you at home when that happened
[03:03:37] Were you I was asleep? You're asleep? Yeah
[03:03:41] Smart I tried to get some sleep because I had to be up at six to catch my train to go here
[03:03:47] But I will like I woke up once or twice during the night and checked
[03:03:51] Checked socials was like well mess methods still going
[03:03:54] Went back to sleep woke up at five and was like, oh, they actually killed it. That's insane
[03:03:59] 15, oops, 1.5. I had the number right, because it's the decimal the wrong place.
[03:04:04] Move that comma a little bit, who cares?
[03:04:08] I just bought some food, it came to 13.37, it's a sign that today will be a good day.
[03:04:13] Exactly. Yeah, the Shea, the Shea, the feral does have a stream.
[03:04:19] Yeah, it's Gotoi, aka Shea, it's a Scotsman as well from Scotland.
[03:04:26] He's an insane player. I'm so glad that we're seeing Farrell again like
[03:04:31] Yeah, Farrell like she is a very very good Farrell player. So I'm happy that he's back
[03:04:38] Where he belongs on the charity belongs on
[03:04:45] All right, I saw I saw someone asking for a Ferrell stream, but the mods were quicker
[03:04:53] I think the majority of them are streaming, so check out the method stream team, I think
[03:05:03] there's a command as well, explanation of our team, but you definitely can't find all
[03:05:10] the POVs you could ever want from the right team and check out the prog on there if
[03:05:15] you want to see specific classes.
[03:05:16] You can also hear teams speak directly as well. So if you prefer less of a less of a yapfest and more of an insight into the teams comms
[03:05:27] You can do that by yapfest. Yeah. No, it's not like that. We do love a good yapfest. Exactly
[03:05:36] You can hear the comms cleanly over there and also support the players directly on their own channels because at the end of the day
[03:05:43] day these guys you know they're here they're streaming they they need their
[03:05:48] support from you guys because most of the time 99% of the time these raiders
[03:05:51] have full-time or part-time jobs outside of the raid so they take time off of
[03:05:55] work they take holidays in order to come to the race in order to perform so you
[03:06:01] guys supporting them like following them giving them a view maybe even
[03:06:04] gifting a sub like September is going on right now so 25% off gifted subs
[03:06:08] And you can also give five twitch. I'll give you an additional one on top
[03:06:13] Yeah, so a really really good time to throw some support over to the raiders way
[03:06:19] I had to laugh so much yesterday because was hanging out in a friend's chair and he was talking about the September thing
[03:06:26] That it's starting today and was talking about the bonus gift subs and stuff and then someone dropped five subs and was like
[03:06:33] Hey, where's the bonus one?
[03:06:36] Everyone was confused
[03:06:38] And then furiously checked when the event began and was 10 minutes later.
[03:06:45] Seriously?
[03:06:46] He came in with those subs 10 minutes too early.
[03:06:49] Oh god.
[03:06:50] Is that KitKatChunkie?
[03:06:52] Hey, look, don't talk to me about KitKatChunkies.
[03:06:55] I wish I ate the KitKatChunkies.
[03:06:58] I ate one of the KitKats before I came on the couch.
[03:07:01] Did you?
[03:07:02] Was it good?
[03:07:03] It was nice.
[03:07:04] It was in the fridge though.
[03:07:06] It was.
[03:07:07] I'd call chocolate.
[03:07:09] No, it's the worst.
[03:07:11] Extra bites.
[03:07:13] No.
[03:07:15] Fair enough.
[03:07:17] Banners to the prime, thank you very much.
[03:07:19] You don't have to like fridge chocolate, that's okay.
[03:07:21] We did a poll, I think it was like
[03:07:23] 52% of people in chat prefer
[03:07:25] their fridge in the chocolate.
[03:07:27] I mean, chocolate coated
[03:07:29] fridges are pretty cool so.
[03:07:31] Chocolate in the fridge.
[03:07:36] the bridge that was mean sorry if you if you if you serve it to on a silver platter
[03:07:47] to me I just can't I need to that was really quick three I didn't realize what
[03:07:52] I said that's amazing yeah no the chocolate honestly honestly like room
[03:08:01] temperature of the chocolate is completely valid and completely fine. I just generally find that
[03:08:09] at least for me at home rooms get a little bit too warm for the chocolate to be like
[03:08:16] the right consistency. They get almost a little bit too warm like slightly soft which I don't like
[03:08:22] so I'd rather put it in the fridge so it's a little bit of bite. You can eat them faster
[03:08:28] if they're warmer. The chocolate per hour significantly increases when the temperature is increased.
[03:08:39] Not wrong, but I don't know. I don't think I care about my chocolate per hour stat.
[03:08:50] I don't think that's... Your chocolate uptime, Lithy, is through the roof.
[03:08:56] The chocolate uptime, oh yeah, no, I'm trying to min-max enjoyment per bite, you know.
[03:09:02] Ah yeah, yeah.
[03:09:04] And that just works better.
[03:09:06] Let's say Fridge Chocolate just sims higher, you know.
[03:09:10] Yeah, makes sense.
[03:09:12] Well, the break is over and the players' butts are back on those rosy chairs.
[03:09:17] So we should have some...
[03:09:19] There's a coffee as heck, not gonna lie.
[03:09:21] They really are.
[03:09:22] I was sat in Nates last night, full like cross-legged,
[03:09:25] And it was comfy. It's got the velvet material on it. So it's really soft
[03:09:32] It's yeah, it's it's lush. I want one
[03:09:36] Hey, I okay
[03:09:40] I'm not
[03:09:42] I was I was about to say you kind of
[03:09:46] Kind of messed it up by talking about chocolate power, huh?
[03:09:50] All right, all I'm saying
[03:09:52] Is when I went to the radar Gulag room downstairs there was a lot of KitKat rappers in the bin
[03:10:00] You went down there that often, no?
[03:10:03] No, I went down there like twice and I saw it once
[03:10:08] Sure, I delivered some lemon sherbet outside the door. I saw I saw that video. You did? Yes
[03:10:14] I did. It's like it was right after they killed Ovenak, so I was like have a treat
[03:10:19] Very good. Feed the radar
[03:10:21] Get some snack why is liquid at number one right now because they have the best pull on the Queen so far
[03:10:30] Yeah, 35% last night and of course well echoing method are still working on it. They're awake and rating
[03:10:38] So that might change throughout the day
[03:10:42] deed
[03:10:44] Liquid and Echo's performance on this boss has been has been really good
[03:10:48] to say the least, but this is where Echo really shines. They tend to do really, really
[03:10:55] well last bosses. And Liquid, I was watching Liquid last night and their comms seem to
[03:11:02] be a lot more busier than ours. It's always interesting to hear like how the different
[03:11:12] teams raid. But yeah, when it got to P3, I was listening to Max stream. Maybe it
[03:11:20] Maybe it was just the one poll that I was watching because it was only one poll I was watching, but the comms seemed really busy
[03:11:27] And like I don't know if I was doing that. I feel like I would get really overwhelmed by all the voices speaking at once
[03:11:35] Do you reckon that they're just so comfortable with each other they know how to tune in yes specific yes
[03:11:41] That's that's definitely it's very much a style and it's a
[03:11:46] It's an acquired taste I want to say because
[03:11:49] Because some people just work better when there's silence and some people really don't mind the hustle and bustle of a busy voice chat, you know.
[03:11:57] But generally, Liquid is very much a vibe skill and they're just talking and chatting and yapping the entire time.
[03:12:05] And that keeps the motivation up, that works for them and if that works for them, that's great.
[03:12:11] But on the other side, Echo has a bunch of players that focus a lot better when they're
[03:12:16] quiet, that are really disciplined and structured in that regard.
[03:12:22] And that's just something that works for them.
[03:12:27] For Method, quite honestly, I haven't listened to the comms that much to be able to make
[03:12:33] a judgment on what their preferred style is.
[03:12:36] Method clean.
[03:12:38] Method...
[03:12:39] that that's that's what i would have expected clean coms not too much
[03:12:43] chatter maybe a little bit of trash talk here here and there but mostly like
[03:12:48] through the very the very well-established phases of the boss
[03:12:54] fight and once it gets into serious prog everyone shuts up
[03:12:57] yeah that's kind of that's kind of something that's
[03:13:00] i feel like it's very normal that establishes itself
[03:13:03] very often because
[03:13:06] when you pull a boss for three hundred four hundred points
[03:13:10] you can't be full focus shut up and gaming
[03:13:14] the entire time boring
[03:13:15] it's gets boring is gets boring as heck
[03:13:18] so
[03:13:20] at some point especially during the phases that don't go wrong
[03:13:23] that are just locked in and everyone knows what's going what's going on
[03:13:26] you consistently get past it
[03:13:28] the chatter is going to start
[03:13:30] People are gonna keep their spirits up, get talking, and keep motivating themselves by just having fun, basically.
[03:13:37] And that's how the messy comms come about. And that's completely fine, as long as you then also have the discipline to just go back and chill.
[03:13:48] And especially when you're not dying, that's usually very possible.
[03:13:54] We have unfortunately lost quite a few players.
[03:13:58] Oh, there's no way he got overkill by 44k. That's so un-looking.
[03:14:03] Yeah. BattleRez did go out on Ners, our shaman, right at the start.
[03:14:09] But then, unfortunately, we did have a few more players go down,
[03:14:14] Quep being one of them, and Spen obviously falling as well.
[03:14:19] But that's okay. We continue, we push on, we move on to the platforms.
[03:14:24] At that pulsing raid AoE damage going out the healers make working to make sure that we top those health bars
[03:14:31] The polls coming out now. I need to make sure that by the end of the great cast
[03:14:35] We are furthest away from that as possible
[03:14:39] Transcending up the freeway is what we were calling yesterday
[03:14:44] Pulling that add-in so that we can get some clean damage
[03:14:47] So this this is where it gets really messy for me. I
[03:14:50] And I guess the rest of the players as well as we see quite a few deaths there.
[03:14:56] So when it comes to this platform specifically, does this platform differ to the platform before?
[03:15:03] Is there like an added mechanic we have to deal with when we're on this second one?
[03:15:06] Oh absolutely, there's extra adds, the portals are of course still there, but the biggest
[03:15:12] thing really is the extra adds, so more casts you need to kick, there's the profit
[03:15:18] I think it's called, it has a big shield, you need to kill it before it finish the cast otherwise you
[03:15:24] wipe instantly, it's constantly apocalyptic visions or whatever it's called. So basically
[03:15:33] you have these same ads you have on the first platform but you need to rush upstairs and
[03:15:37] meet a DPS check to even be able to play the platform properly. And that's kind of the
[03:15:43] the spice there and of course play all the mechanics at the same time so it's an added
[03:15:51] level of difficulty it's another piece of the puzzle and it's just something you
[03:15:55] need to sort out and the the different factors that come in there are like do
[03:16:02] you have all your CDs ready did you did you change CDs up did you pop something
[03:16:07] else do you do you have the damage do we already know who is potting there if
[03:16:13] If someone is potting there, is someone holding CDs for different moments?
[03:16:18] Do we need someone to hold CDs?
[03:16:19] Do we even have the damage?
[03:16:21] How is the mobility going with the portals?
[03:16:25] How are the healers holding up?
[03:16:26] Do we need to change up and adjust healing CDs?
[03:16:30] There's a lot of just messy pieces that need to be handled and assigned and figured out.
[03:16:39] That's kind of the spot that method is at at the moment and with every poll and with every piece of information
[03:16:46] They get out of that face. They figure this puzzle out more and more
[03:16:49] Yes, you can check what liquid and echo are doing here and how they are playing it
[03:16:53] But it's always a little bit different because your players need to see it as well
[03:16:57] You might have a slightly different calm. You might have slightly different gear, etc
[03:17:01] etc, etc
[03:17:02] So you really need to see and play it for yourself because before you can really 100% figure out for yourself
[03:17:08] what you want to do and what's going on. Yeah that's actually really perfectly
[03:17:11] summed up. Chat was singing your praises earlier by the way, I don't know if you saw it but yeah
[03:17:16] I tried to look at chat as much as I can but you missed some stuff because there's a lot of
[03:17:21] people talking. Yeah quite a lot of love people were saying how you're a really great cast. Thanks
[03:17:26] guys. It's always really cool to have someone on the couch that has had a lot of knowledge
[03:17:34] and same with like where I love it when we have them like Loregox and deep shades on the
[03:17:39] the couch as well, having like that.
[03:17:41] I was so happy to see Fabo again.
[03:17:43] I haven't seen him in like three years.
[03:17:45] Oh, really?
[03:17:46] Oh, wow.
[03:17:47] Yeah.
[03:17:49] I mean, back in the day, especially when a version was
[03:17:54] in the studio with Method together
[03:17:56] and when the aversion races were going on,
[03:17:58] because Deep Trace was casting with those a lot as well.
[03:18:00] Basically, I saw him every six months for the new tier.
[03:18:04] So once that kind of dropped off,
[03:18:06] And, well, especially when Fabo ultimately stopped braiding,
[03:18:12] that kind of fell off.
[03:18:14] And like the last few races I didn't get to cast.
[03:18:19] So yeah, it's like, long lost friend finally reunited.
[03:18:24] And I was very happy to see him again.
[03:18:27] Have you casted with him, yeah, like since being in?
[03:18:29] No.
[03:18:30] I mean, this was his first ship today earlier.
[03:18:33] Yeah.
[03:18:34] I'm very glad he is feeling a lot better now.
[03:18:37] But yeah, I mean, he's not leaving, so maybe tomorrow.
[03:18:41] Yeah, maybe tomorrow.
[03:18:43] Do you know what you're casting tomorrow?
[03:18:47] Queen answer at Co.
[03:18:49] Oh, true.
[03:18:51] No, I think my time slots are gonna stay mostly the same.
[03:18:56] I'm gonna be on for the morning
[03:18:58] and like the early afternoon shift
[03:18:59] because I got A to B C in the evenings.
[03:19:02] Oh, really?
[03:19:02] I'll be casting into like 4-4-30 somewhere around that and then jump over and cast some arena.
[03:19:08] That's going to be exciting.
[03:19:10] So you're switching from PvE to PvP?
[03:19:14] Exactly.
[03:19:15] Oh.
[03:19:16] Yeah.
[03:19:17] I think I need to read up on some of the hero talents still.
[03:19:22] So I'm 100% sure that I have everything in mind I need.
[03:19:27] I was going to do a sneaky mic switch, because the batteries are going low.
[03:19:34] I'm going to replace those in a minute.
[03:19:37] I'm very excited.
[03:19:42] I really did not expect to end up here casting the race at all, really.
[03:19:48] But, luckily for the method casters and the team in general, there were some people sick.
[03:19:55] sick so I got the call hey Liffy we got we got to talk man like logok is
[03:20:01] looking so so small on this couch at the moment especially because sco is sitting
[03:20:05] next to him so much so we need we need to bring you in so logok looks bigger
[03:20:10] again and hey there we go here I am and I think I think logok is looking
[03:20:16] pretty good so yeah it was a little bit dire it was last alive was mr. GM
[03:20:24] Logo, Skow and me. Yeah it got really interesting towards the end but then
[03:20:31] you came in and Darkmeck came back, Deep Shades came back, now we're just waiting for the
[03:20:37] Burkian woman. No, the entire crew here is just fantastic.
[03:20:43] Darkmeck was one of the first people who I casted with, I think, and I remember saying to him like
[03:20:51] I'm really nervous because I'm an ultra giga casual player and I I've had casting experience in the past like
[03:20:59] There's a reason why I'm here
[03:21:01] The team saw like I I brought something
[03:21:06] But in terms of like high end raider what a warcraft knowledge
[03:21:12] I don't have it, but that's okay
[03:21:15] Cast a team is that you know some some people excel in the areas and some people excel in the other ones
[03:21:19] And it's also always a very fun and very interesting especially for a lot of people in chat because there is going to be tons of people in chat and watching that
[03:21:27] Same as you don't really have a high-end rating or like rating background in general and just watching the race to world first and someone
[03:21:34] Someone like you can bring in a perspective that is very interesting with some very valid questions that people with a
[03:21:41] massive amount of rating experience like a teacher like skull
[03:21:44] they are just not even thinking about it because it's so normal to them it's just
[03:21:50] such a natural piece of knowledge because they've known it and played it for so
[03:21:55] many years so kind of breaking the game down for the people that don't
[03:22:01] necessarily know it as well as the experts it's it's an invaluable piece
[03:22:08] to a broadcast in my opinion so yeah thank you you're doing great thank you
[03:22:13] very much. Yeah, that man was one of the ones that instilled me with confidence like at the start. Like
[03:22:18] he said, like, I'm here to ask questions, most basic questions. I always like to ask,
[03:22:24] during heroic week, but we didn't really broadcast heroic week. What are splits? What's the importance
[03:22:30] of splits? And especially this time, what are splits again? But like, how did our splits change?
[03:22:36] Because obviously we got hit with the four day ban. So that changed our entire strategy
[03:22:41] for a Heroic Week and all the splits.
[03:22:44] So instead of doing our normal splits,
[03:22:46] which is when you funnel gear into players,
[03:22:49] like 20 players, funnels into four
[03:22:51] and then funnels into one,
[03:22:53] we just went hard and sent it just directly to one player.
[03:22:56] You had to, we only had three days worth of splits.
[03:23:00] So having someone like yourself, like Darkmech,
[03:23:04] like Deep Shades explain that
[03:23:07] in a way that we understand
[03:23:08] is really, really vital information.
[03:23:11] Yeah, that's great.
[03:23:14] I should remember, uh, my, um, I think dark makes first cast ever was with me.
[03:23:22] Cybear, uh, we did a, we did an in plus tournament with Keystone masters.
[03:23:28] Yeah.
[03:23:28] Didn't you mention this?
[03:23:29] A couple of years back and, uh, he was, he was so nervous.
[03:23:34] Was he?
[03:23:35] He was so nervous.
[03:23:36] So that was his first ever cast.
[03:23:38] That was his first ever cast.
[03:23:39] Yeah.
[03:23:40] He killed it. He was awesome.
[03:23:42] But this was great to hang out and just talk about M-plus and just talk about casting.
[03:23:51] He's just, he's in natural. He's awesome.
[03:23:53] Yeah, he is. I love the way that he can make the most dullest situations sound hype.
[03:24:02] Like, he can, you know, we've seen this boss over a hundred times now.
[03:24:07] and yet as soon as he decides that he wants to live cast what's going on it's like an
[03:24:13] instant switch over for my brain I think it's the Aussie accent it's just like
[03:24:18] oh yeah yeah it's great and he's always for the players he's always for method he always explains
[03:24:24] you know things in the way that a raider would see it and I love that about him
[03:24:29] it's like a nice dude absolutely definitely how many pulls do you reckon you can pull per day
[03:24:37] Let's see, uh...
[03:24:39] Rating...
[03:24:41] 40, 16 hours a day.
[03:24:44] Let's say...
[03:24:46] Substract like 2, 2.5 hours of breaks.
[03:24:51] Like lunch dinner.
[03:24:53] 5 minute breaks.
[03:24:55] Queen Ancerek.
[03:24:57] We're past P1 proc, so the average pull duration...
[03:25:00] You have like somewhere...
[03:25:02] 5, 6, 10 minutes, roughly.
[03:25:05] say like six seven eight poles an hour roughly with like high pace and that's
[03:25:13] this is this is one of the lessons you really should learn as a caster very
[03:25:18] early in your career never do math on stream never do math on stream so now
[03:25:24] that we are at let's say eight poles an hour times let's say 11 so I don't know
[03:25:31] like 1890 volts maximum but I've done the math much less so if we take the
[03:25:41] average of what we've done today with our brakes and everything like that 10
[03:25:45] poles an hour 10 poles even holy 10 pulls now we've done 20 in the last two
[03:25:50] hours that is fair because we've had a lot of early P2 volts a lot of P1
[03:25:55] pulse so that drives up the average a little bit but yeah yeah no we can we can
[03:26:02] hit 150 pulse today easily well we will hit 150 pulse today easily have they
[03:26:10] been reading since 10 today and not made any progress since yesterday at 2 a.m.
[03:26:13] when I was watching I was just curious no we've made some decent progress
[03:26:16] actually so I think method finished out the last night getting into p2 first
[03:26:23] platform maybe barely making it out of first platform and currently we're
[03:26:27] progging the second platform solidly into the second platform like the good
[03:26:33] polls the good polls are going almost to the end of platform two almost going
[03:26:37] getting to platform three so we've made some solid solid prog it doesn't look
[03:26:42] like it necessarily on the first glance but we're getting there we're
[03:26:45] getting there yeah I think it's just because like it doesn't help that this
[03:26:49] This is one of those fights where the boss's health doesn't necessarily correlate with the...
[03:26:55] You don't see Prague on the statistics on the leaderboards, you know, as long as you're
[03:27:03] in phase two.
[03:27:05] Yeah.
[03:27:06] Yeah.
[03:27:07] It's not the nicest of situation setups for an end boss.
[03:27:14] Like, just like I said, we have been on 64.4% for the boss's health, but in P2 you don't
[03:27:21] touch her.
[03:27:22] So you have to prog an entire phase before you can go back and hit her again.
[03:27:28] So it's a little bit unfair, it's not a good way to be able to track their progress.
[03:27:34] The only way we can do that is by watching these pulls and just seeing what parts they
[03:27:39] get up to and what parts they tend to stumble on.
[03:27:42] at this point it's the it's the platform too right? Yeah exactly. I also just
[03:27:48] realised that another Asian guilds caught up to Queen. They killed
[03:27:53] Superport yesterday. They did yeah. Is that a hot pot hero? It is yeah. It is okay
[03:28:00] sweet. Yeah they've been around for a while as well and always scratching
[03:28:04] the top three basically so very exciting to see them enter the race on Queen.
[03:28:09] I'm very curious how the prog is going to go for them.
[03:28:14] No, I think Method is going to end up starring Prog on P3 later this afternoon, early evening.
[03:28:24] I think latest point, football after dinner is going to send them and get some proper prog in.
[03:28:31] And until then, well, cleaning up P1 is a big thing right now because we literally just shifted
[03:28:37] bloodlust away from the shield from the intermission, like 10 poles away, 10 poles ago, and that
[03:28:43] is a big deal.
[03:28:44] Like, that is a massive deal.
[03:28:45] So it's a good chunk of reproach they are almost done with now.
[03:28:50] So very good setup to really take the fight to the latest stages of this fight.
[03:28:57] Yeah, definitely.
[03:28:58] and I love seeing the fact that we're getting these leapfrog mechanics done and dusted.
[03:29:05] Like the main thing that we're looking for guys is can you see next to Wildies Caspar in the middle?
[03:29:10] You can see it was a green debuff with a number next to it. We want that to say four ideally
[03:29:20] or five maximum on the last section of the springboard mechanics. If that says anything more than five
[03:29:30] it's rough. Exactly. So the way this the way this debuff works is obviously you see the four circles here
[03:29:37] that's a debuff that ticks on the players and detonates at the very end. Once it detonates
[03:29:41] it leaves a pool behind and the pool is going to erupt unless you trigger it like you run into
[03:29:47] the frothing foam that's on the floor and of course the boss is going to send
[03:29:51] out the poison nova and then you gotta you gotta tank the knockup get bounced
[03:29:56] over the wave and if you bounce if you detonate this foam everyone in it or
[03:30:03] I think even the the entire raid gets stacks of this debuff but the more
[03:30:10] people stand in this knockup in the circle that you detonate the less
[03:30:13] stacks you get. So making sure that the entire rate is distributed properly and everyone is standing in the circle that they need to stand in, that's kind of the key part of this fight. And the cleaner you play that, the less damage everyone takes, the less the healers need to pump, the more CDs you have available for later. And the cleaner you can play phase two and the intermission because you have more resources available.
[03:30:36] Mmm, definitely, yeah.
[03:31:06] while all this happening. One death, but generally this is looking fairly solid so far. We're going
[03:31:15] into the first platform. So here we have the first two ads you deal with. It's kind of one guard
[03:31:20] and one guy that just dashes over the platform. This really doesn't like Melly's bit of a laser
[03:31:25] action. And of course, one of the portals. And every now and then you need to walk into
[03:31:29] the portal and grab a debuff that gets dropped. I actually think it's a it's a dispel.
[03:31:34] at least behind a pool of void on the floor. So of course you don't want to
[03:31:39] stand in it, you don't want to drop it on the rate, but you need to grab it
[03:31:43] because otherwise the portal detonates and instantly wipes you. And now we're
[03:31:49] moving into second platform. Bloodlust popped immediately and of course the
[03:31:53] first dragon is going to come through. Someone standing on the bridge as it
[03:31:57] gets drawn in disappears and drops off into its death and that might have
[03:32:03] just been the reason why the DPS jack was not quite met and of course that
[03:32:10] instantly wipes you in the meantime we're saying hi with Nate things are looking
[03:32:14] solid for them on the other side that'll be do a little bit of dodging on the
[03:32:18] laser and of course the ex-speller so one you need to be careful with and the
[03:32:23] dragon explosion beam gonna come out but nicely dodged by anyone of course
[03:32:29] Now just click the pylons and up the bridge and this is third platform form
[03:32:36] method. One more add here and this one is very similar to the start of the
[03:32:43] intermission down on the Queens platform because it's really just the same add you
[03:32:47] got a dodge orbs. I'm not sure I think the portal mechanic is still present here
[03:32:51] but generally it's less messy than the second platform and very doable but
[03:32:57] Of course you gotta have everyone alive. It's a little bit of a body check there to just make sure you're going into the last
[03:33:03] platform or the last phase with 20 people alive, but hey progress. I think this was new baseball from efforts
[03:33:10] But this is the first time we hit very very good not p3. Sorry platform for things was the first time
[03:33:17] So it's great. This is really really good progress guys p3 platform three. Yeah
[03:33:21] I
[03:33:25] Yeah, so what killed the other group on the other side that you know, I think the shield just detonate
[03:33:34] I didn't kill the and it might also have been the portal blowing up a someone while thirst and reading logs by any chance
[03:33:41] I am would you like to go over to our last ask and maybe have a look and I can give it a shot
[03:33:47] Yeah, I can see if I can manage see what's going on
[03:33:51] I'm going to put the cam on you, yeah, yeah, I am.
[03:33:58] Let's see, let's see, let's see, where are we at?
[03:34:00] Are these the logs from today?
[03:34:02] Did someone check this today already?
[03:34:05] Nope.
[03:34:06] Senior Analyst Lithy on our Analyst desk here.
[03:34:13] Let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see.
[03:34:15] Deep diving into what killed us.
[03:34:19] 12.54 a.m. That looks like it's yesterday.
[03:34:25] How do I find the current logs? That is the big question.
[03:34:31] There we go. Nothing to answer. One minute ago,
[03:34:38] poll number 20 of the day, by the way.
[03:34:41] Going deep into P2. Let us see.
[03:34:45] We are looking at deaths at the very end.
[03:34:50] It was the Dark Detonation, so we lost our tank I think to falling off the platform and
[03:35:00] I think the Dark Detonation is literally just the castor ad with the shield, if you don't
[03:35:06] break the shield in time, he's just gonna blow up your platform and you and that's
[03:35:11] what killed everyone.
[03:35:12] So they did not meet the DPS check in time I think.
[03:35:15] Did they not meet the DPS check because they maybe people getting hit by the ads if if the tank fell off so we're on a platform with ads
[03:35:26] I actually actually at this point want to look into the replay because I have no it's very hard from logs to judge
[03:35:34] judge what the distribution is, unless you know off the top of your head who is assigned
[03:35:41] to which group, let's zoom, trying to figure out mechanics with this touchpad, but it is
[03:35:59] very possible, oh this is looking a lot different than I thought it would.
[03:36:15] I'm struggling.
[03:36:16] I'm sorry.
[03:36:17] No, that's okay.
[03:36:18] That's okay.
[03:36:20] So we're moving into...
[03:36:23] Okay, the...
[03:36:31] The map of the dungeon is...
[03:36:36] A little bit scuffed for P2, because it almost goes off the map, basically.
[03:36:42] So this is the chamber acolytes.
[03:36:46] actually I don't think I don't think anyone can see the logs right okay okay
[03:36:54] never mind then but yeah it's basically so the dragon happens the tank
[03:37:06] it's yeeted off the platform and then immediately everyone dies so it's really
[03:37:10] it's really just the the check on the chamber the chamber acolytes so the
[03:37:19] dark detonation, they walk up the platform, the cast starts, and they're just not able
[03:37:28] to stop the cast in time.
[03:37:30] Okay.
[03:37:31] Really just a situation where you need to get onto the platform as clean and quick as
[03:37:38] you can, and just something that went wrong in that situation, which ultimately led
[03:37:44] to the wipe.
[03:37:45] So, good effort, but no cigar.
[03:37:49] Good effort, good effort.
[03:37:52] Yeah, I'm a big fan. I'm a big fan of logs in general.
[03:37:57] It's kind of one of the things I did the most when I was still actively raiding high level myself.
[03:38:03] It's just like after every raid I think I was scouring logs like two hours to see where things went wrong
[03:38:08] and what could be improved because I was a healer main back in the day.
[03:38:13] day. Just really check where the damage was coming from, what people were dying to, what
[03:38:18] was going on, do we need healing city somewhere else? We need to redo assignments, other healers
[03:38:25] playing good, stuff like that.
[03:38:28] When I was playing last night, we had an aggro issue on Bloodbound Horror and I really wanted
[03:38:35] to go on to the logs and check to see what was going on, but I couldn't work out
[03:38:41] how to see the taunt, like who pressed taunt and when. So, do you know how I could do that
[03:38:51] if I wanted to go and check? Oh yes, so you would just go into casts and go to the tanks
[03:39:01] and see when they cast their taunt ability. That's kind of the point of time where you can figure
[03:39:06] out when people taunted, if they taunted at all. If the taunt cast is missing, then they
[03:39:12] obviously didn't taunt, right? Other than that, you could also just watch the replay,
[03:39:18] what Vlogs has a replay feature, which is kind of you see the map and you see the icons
[03:39:22] and if you click one of the icons, you have the little like target frame that also shows
[03:39:26] what spells get pressed. You can figure it out through that. That's kind of the first two
[03:39:37] I would go for to figure out what's going on with the aggro and the tank taunt situation.
[03:39:45] Generally stuff like that, especially when it comes to positioning a cone and making sure one
[03:39:49] tank or the other has aggro. I think the better situation or the better tool is to look at a
[03:39:57] VOD, like a recording if you have that. That's always a little bit easier to see than figuring out
[03:40:02] from logs who the boss is targeting. Yeah, that does make sense. Alright, well we got a ready
[03:40:08] check so it looks like we're going to go back into another poll very, very soon. Very excited.
[03:40:14] Is there a place to see which player got sat and which player is playing?
[03:40:21] I mean our comp says, I mean, I guess if you don't really know.
[03:40:28] Yeah, if you don't know the entire method roster off the top of your head then it's a little bit hard.
[03:40:35] We know that Jimmy and Cruella are benched currently.
[03:40:39] Chalet too.
[03:40:40] I think Kina is...
[03:40:43] is in bangers is out yeah um there's a few so if you do exclamation mark team you can
[03:40:50] see our website and you can have a look to see um basically all of our players there
[03:40:55] in their entirety and all of our players in the comp right now have their names as their
[03:41:01] character names except for messiah who is I think is the ret pally and then
[03:41:14] Uggs actually has Uggs as rogue I'm trying to like oob a zoom but yeah apart
[03:41:20] from that everyone else is called what they should be called because they
[03:41:25] think messiah and Uggs are the two people that have character names that
[03:41:30] on their actual name names, but Uggs on his rogue is Uggs over.
[03:41:37] Polds? No, we have not because Method is a European guild. We could think about a centimeter
[03:41:44] cam instead, but yeah, probably not.
[03:41:48] Are you someone that names the characters after your gamertag to an extent, or do you go
[03:41:56] with the classic role-playing character names?
[03:42:00] I am a strong role-playing character named Person. I actually made a video on this funny enough about a year or two
[03:42:07] Maybe it was about a year ago
[03:42:09] And I used quite a lot of the Method Roster's
[03:42:12] Player names, Keener being one of them because he is Keener 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and kind of roast them for it
[03:42:20] Just because I was like it's the lack of creativity
[03:42:24] creativity like this and that like proper giving him some sass
[03:42:28] But I'm not gonna lie for like race the world first casting coverage
[03:42:32] It's actually pretty nice. Oh much easier. Yeah, like cuz we can actually tell who I was I was very big on
[03:42:39] proper like proper role-playing character names for the longest time
[03:42:45] At this point at this point all my characters are basically named like some sort of variation of lethy or lethy era
[03:42:54] But it's kind of in between. It still checks out but you can still recognize it's my characters, you know
[03:43:01] Yeah, I like that incorporating like
[03:43:05] Your name into different ways like clever ways. I think it's really cool. It's really fun. Oh
[03:43:11] Early PY wipe that but that's okay. We're just going to reset and go again
[03:43:17] We can kill the boss now. Good morning. Good to see you. Welcome. Welcome in. Nate's got some good ones. He's got hibernate,
[03:43:29] first through it
[03:43:31] Nature oh, okay. Yeah
[03:43:34] He's got emanate which is his demon hunter. Yeah, but I shouldn't
[03:43:41] I
[03:43:45] What else has he got chat what else does Nate go?
[03:43:53] Nate Pog
[03:43:54] Yeah, but like that's that's not good
[03:43:56] He's got Nate Pog and Tifa's got Teeth Pog and they made it together and they were both saying like they really hope that those characters make it to the race because
[03:44:04] Nate Pog and Teeth Pog against Ancerekt, Unstuffable Force and they made it, both of them are in.
[03:44:10] I think it's really cute.
[03:44:11] Nate DK, Nate Brew, Nate Darlan, oh yeah, Nate Brewoo.
[03:44:17] Skull would hate it.
[03:44:20] I know.
[03:44:23] Trayla's bench, that's why she's kind of new on streaming.
[03:44:26] She's doing some behind-the-scenes work. She said that when she's finished, she'll all show go live, so thank you
[03:44:31] Let's see a scene. Yeah
[03:44:34] I think I
[03:44:36] Think the the proudest the proudest I am of my druid's name
[03:44:40] Which is just leafy
[03:44:43] That's good, right. That's so good. I was I was very happy with that one
[03:44:48] my friend has a
[03:44:50] On Argent Dawn, he has Rage, RAGE, with no accents, with the OG Rage, and for my birthday he deleted his character and freed up the name for me in time for my birthday.
[03:45:03] Except he didn't tell me, so when the name got freed up, it got taken by someone.
[03:45:08] Oh no. Oh that's so sad, a heartbreak.
[03:45:12] Yeah, he was like, oh I deleted it for your birthday, did you not get it?
[03:45:16] No.
[03:45:17] Oh no.
[03:45:18] And he's like, are you serious?
[03:45:20] Like, yeah?
[03:45:21] Like you didn't tell me.
[03:45:22] How is this supposed to know?
[03:45:24] Oh no.
[03:45:25] So if you are out there, rage, and you have rage on Ardent Dawn, hit me up in the DMs please.
[03:45:34] I would very much like that name.
[03:45:37] That would be great.
[03:45:38] Thank you very much.
[03:45:39] I can emphasise, Lithy has taken on so many servers for some reason.
[03:45:45] It's very sad our plebs central's got kung fu on a panda
[03:45:52] That's pretty cool. That is amazing. I need you guys have any cool names for your characters. I
[03:45:58] recently I recently saw someone with a name Tim
[03:46:09] But basically like one of the one of the most basic names you could imagine yeah
[03:46:16] something you think has been locked down forever
[03:46:22] since the server existed back in Manila or something, you know?
[03:46:26] A loon, tape's got a loon.
[03:46:29] Oh, that's good.
[03:46:30] That's cool.
[03:46:30] That's good.
[03:46:34] There's someone in Argentina that's quite infamous called CB,
[03:46:37] just CB, and they're like,
[03:46:40] people always talk to them in general chat,
[03:46:42] like general trade, asking CB what they're doing and stuff.
[03:46:46] CB is always at the culture as well.
[03:46:49] Oh no.
[03:46:50] Don't know who the CB person is,
[03:46:51] but know of them for sure.
[03:46:55] It's like CB is like an interesting, infamous person.
[03:47:00] Censored on a warlock, it's cool.
[03:47:03] Okay, I have a DH called Anakin.
[03:47:06] Walking Druid called Dog.
[03:47:10] That's cool.
[03:47:11] That's amazing.
[03:47:13] Sarah's Torren is called Visa.
[03:47:18] Shunk Norris. Oh, that's good.
[03:47:22] Shunk Norris is great.
[03:47:26] Galefork.
[03:47:27] I feel like I've seen a Galefork before.
[03:47:31] Yeah.
[03:47:32] Yeah.
[03:47:32] Is that like one of these new age-fancy
[03:47:36] cutlery pieces?
[03:47:37] Yeah.
[03:47:38] You're saying nice.
[03:47:40] Void Elf.
[03:47:41] I'm a Void Elf.
[03:47:43] Red pole of a tank Pali see it beef on my torn mage
[03:47:53] Nice
[03:47:54] That's good
[03:47:56] Morning called Borg and Freeman. Yeah, that's great. I love that
[03:48:02] Sonic mm-hmm level one rogue named hit
[03:48:07] Feel like the three later names must be really
[03:48:11] Yeah, three three four letter names. There's a lot of stuff. That's super rare
[03:48:17] It's hard to get.
[03:48:22] Ian's broasted chicken in French.
[03:48:24] Play roti.
[03:48:25] Phew!
[03:48:27] That's a- that's good, yeah.
[03:48:31] Visty boy on my monk.
[03:48:33] Phew!
[03:48:34] Yeah!
[03:48:39] Subway, that's so cute!
[03:48:41] Dora the Explorer.
[03:48:43] Beautiful.
[03:48:45] Goblin Hunter called Yap.
[03:48:47] Thor?
[03:48:48] That's- oh, that's human paladin.
[03:48:50] That is amazing.
[03:48:51] Yeah.
[03:48:52] That...
[03:48:56] Jeff Dunham's pet.
[03:48:57] Oh my god.
[03:48:59] That's it, that's the thing.
[03:49:03] I have a little G-gen, which means little girl in Swedish.
[03:49:10] Made it when I was eight years old on my dad's account and then he transferred it to my account when I got my own.
[03:49:16] Oh, that's really really sweet.
[03:49:19] There's nothing I love more than stories about family members
[03:49:23] introducing other family members to Warcraft. I actually started playing
[03:49:29] Wow because my dad started playing. I was watching him and bugging him if I could
[03:49:36] play a shaman. At some point he just gave it in, oh my god, you need to be here, have your character play.
[03:49:41] Same story with my sister. She had a mage called, or has a mage called
[03:49:47] Nostalgia and she had a DK called Zylo, ZYLO, yeah, for that name and yeah so it still exists
[03:50:00] although I think she's still on Stormrage and her account is very much inactive but Zylo
[03:50:06] was really cool, I took that.
[03:50:08] That's nice.
[03:50:09] What other platform 3 here that went a bit messy?
[03:50:13] What's platform 3 I think?
[03:50:15] Or a messy putt?
[03:50:17] Either way
[03:50:19] My bad, my bad. We were yapping too much about character names
[03:50:24] Sorry chat
[03:50:26] I'm very glad, I'm very glad we shifted the gameplay from the small screen to the big screen
[03:50:32] Big shout out to production for making that possible for us
[03:50:35] and yeah so far I think we're ramping slowly but surely yeah today definitely
[03:50:47] definitely something you just need to get the vibe the vibe the flow in especially
[03:50:53] early morning we've been waiting for a little bit over three hours now yeah no
[03:50:58] breaks yet so we're coming up on lunchtime so that's usually kind of the
[03:51:05] point where the energy drops off a little. We're still seeing some really, really good
[03:51:09] pulls. So I'm really liking how the progress is going so far today. Kind of to recap, just
[03:51:23] some air in my stomach. To kind of recap what we've seen so far, because we talked
[03:51:30] about this earlier already, his method not even progging. It's like, are the pulls
[03:51:35] that bad. All the poles are actually excellent. So we've seen deep into P2. We are seeing third
[03:51:41] platform now. We just got to get both teams on the third platform and clean that up. So it's
[03:51:45] looking every it's looking better with every pole. The biggest piece of progress we've made
[03:51:51] throughout the day to so far though is getting rid of bloodlust in the intermission. And that
[03:51:55] is such a big deal. We shifted that to second platform at the moment. Yeah. Just to make
[03:52:00] make sure we can see the entire thing and figure out how that whole thing is going.
[03:52:07] And so far that's really paid off and once we've locked in Cleaner Transition into P3
[03:52:14] I'm sure we'll see the butler's moved once again at some point.
[03:52:19] Because you'll need it for P3.
[03:52:22] Those adds that are coming in, those acolytes, it's getting more and more towards the
[03:52:25] later stages of the fight and you just need the damage and it's something we'll see with
[03:52:31] Echo and Liquid throughout the day as well, right? Them figuring out what the hell is
[03:52:37] even happening in P3 and how to play the entire thing because I was I was kind of sure
[03:52:43] that this boss either dies tonight, like last night for Liquid, maybe even today for
[03:52:50] or echo but now that we've seen the best pull 35% from liquid throughout the night there are 240
[03:52:57] pulls yeah I do not think this boss is dying today or tomorrow maybe tomorrow late but not tonight
[03:53:05] I mean I have to say as well hot pot heroes I know that they've been hot on our tail but
[03:53:12] look at the eye level Jesus what yeah yeah yeah they 26.7 they're almost two eye levels higher
[03:53:19] of an echo. Yeah, insane. But before we were kind of in a safe place because HotBot Heroes
[03:53:25] was in the intermission like shield phase and they were using Bloodlust. So they had the
[03:53:31] Bloodlust crutch, so to say. And obviously we've like, Lithy just said we shifted Bloodlust
[03:53:37] so we're not relying on that anymore. But they're through the shield now actually,
[03:53:42] and they are progressing on PT which is the platforms like we are as well.
[03:53:47] Well, but I don't know if Warcraft Vlogs has any kind of indicator for progress on platforms.
[03:53:55] I think we're not going to see any third or fourth rank shifts until Hot Pot Heroes progresses
[03:54:05] on Ansarik for P3, like goes back onto main platform and touches Ansarik.
[03:54:09] As soon as they do that, if they do that before us, then they will take that third
[03:54:14] spot.
[03:54:15] Yeah, but method is still fighting for it. Oh, yeah, like, I think it's gonna happen, but I'm super like I'm super pumped 75 poles. They're already into p2. Yeah, very, very interesting to see the Chinese guilds come in fighting. And I mean, they've been really hot on the top three's tail for so long now, there's also a cash price put up by I think by net ease for a Chinese world first in the race to world first.
[03:54:44] the rest of the world first. So there's a lot of motivation for the guilds in there,
[03:54:49] for the training guilds. They're really doing well. Jiu-Jung Hong moving up on
[03:54:55] Sook and Quartz. They're doing well on that progress and Ho-Po-Tier obviously.
[03:54:59] Well, they're on Queen. They're pumping. Really curious to see how that's gonna go
[03:55:03] throughout the day. Yeah, definitely. Hi, Brits. Do you know what they are
[03:55:08] doing with the compositions? If you're saying like the compositions are
[03:55:11] the compositions are very very different um do you know what the composition is? I have not seen
[03:55:19] anything from Hot Pot Hero so far no I mean it's kind of the it's kind of the tricky part because
[03:55:26] obviously they're streaming on platforms like do you uh and my journey is a bit rusty you know
[03:55:32] it's not as not as good as it was back on the day um but yeah basically
[03:55:37] So it's like, it's so hard to come by reliable information about them.
[03:55:43] Yeah.
[03:55:44] I tried watching them on Do You, but it might have just been the app that I had, or like
[03:55:51] the browser pop-up that I had, but the stream wasn't loading, and then if I wanted to make
[03:55:56] an account, I had to navigate through Chinese, and I don't speak Chinese.
[03:56:01] I don't think you can make an account if you don't know how to Chinese something
[03:56:04] like that.
[03:56:05] You can watch without logging in, but I think you just have like limited quality.
[03:56:13] I know Nasta on Twitter has always been, he's kind of the connecting piece between the English and the Chinese community to an extent.
[03:56:23] And I know for some events in the past, he was able to provide like a do you log in for like the Dungeon Dojo to restream a little bit of the prog and cast over it.
[03:56:33] But it's definitely not as easy to come by for the forest westerners
[03:56:40] Say they are logging on wallcraft logs
[03:56:45] Would you like to take a look I'm gonna I'm gonna see if I can find them. Yeah, that would be interesting. We could get that
[03:57:03] So
[03:57:05] So okay they're running a frost decay have a demon hunter double devastation evoker
[03:57:23] BM hunter double arcane major rep aliyah subrogue a enhancement charm and double distrelog
[03:57:29] Double fury warrior bear tank brewmaster and double preservation evoker. Holy paladin. Holy priest. So tank and healer comes
[03:57:38] very similar to
[03:57:40] to what Liquid and Echo and Method are doing.
[03:57:45] The DPS though, that is a considerable difference.
[03:57:50] Like they have an extra Warlock.
[03:57:52] They're running the same amount of dragons
[03:57:54] as Liquid is running, for example.
[03:57:58] But other than that, it's really not too different.
[03:58:05] I think the biggest thing for them
[03:58:06] is just having the Bear Tank instead of the Druid DPS.
[03:58:10] So we also have that with liquid.
[03:58:13] We also have that with liquid.
[03:58:14] Yeah.
[03:58:14] So ultimately, there's nothing in there that's really just utterly crazy to me, basically.
[03:58:24] Yeah.
[03:58:24] It's not very, very different.
[03:58:26] It's elements from every single top three team in there in that comp.
[03:58:30] It's just not the exact same thing as the other guilds are running.
[03:58:33] So I would assume the reason for that, a lot of different aspects of gearing.
[03:58:40] like which characters have more gear and how good are the how good are the players on those classes
[03:58:45] yeah for sure i was expecting something wild not gonna lie like the comment um their conversation
[03:58:52] is very well different i was like what could they possibly be playing that's different like we we
[03:59:00] brought out the feral druid and we have people being like what and then lo and behold i mean it's
[03:59:06] pulled it's way, Earl Druid has been pretty good.
[03:59:09] Yeah, Earl Druid is quite nice.
[03:59:11] All right.
[03:59:18] Going back into P1.
[03:59:20] Also, it's a very, it's my favorite skirt.
[03:59:25] Okay, it's because people keep asking about it.
[03:59:27] It's my favorite skirt.
[03:59:28] It's like a, it's 30s, 30s styled a little bit.
[03:59:35] I mean, just some simple socks that's really top.
[03:59:40] It's a really nice top.
[03:59:41] Yeah, I was very happy when I found this one.
[03:59:43] was like I like this. Did you find it? No, I found it. I found it. But I forgot the store.
[03:59:51] It's one of the modern chains. It's like one of the current summer collection thingies.
[03:59:58] Germany chain. Okay, so right, I needed some clothes and I was googling like trying to
[04:00:03] find German clothing stalls. And the only one I could find that you guys have that
[04:00:08] we have back home is H&M and I couldn't H&M is everywhere yeah yeah I couldn't
[04:00:14] find anything else like I was lost there's a bunch of there's a bunch of
[04:00:21] stores and chains that I think are a little bit more international and I
[04:00:25] mean Sarah is something that we have Primark obviously you have Primark
[04:00:29] We have a lot of Primark.
[04:00:31] Oh!
[04:00:32] Yeah.
[04:00:33] Maybe just not here then.
[04:00:35] Maybe not.
[04:00:36] We have a Primark Pistokat.
[04:00:39] There should be at least one or two in Stuttgart.
[04:00:42] Absolutely.
[04:00:43] Like they're everywhere.
[04:00:44] Wait, in Weiblingen?
[04:00:45] Oh, Weiblingen.
[04:00:46] Weiblingen is the smallest hack.
[04:00:48] Weiblingen is a little village.
[04:00:50] Of course you don't have any proper major stores.
[04:00:55] To Varlbach.
[04:00:57] Stuttgart.
[04:00:59] Oh, yeah?
[04:01:03] Oh, to Stugart, yeah.
[04:01:04] Yeah.
[04:01:04] I know Falbach.
[04:01:06] Is that how you pronounce it?
[04:01:07] I have no idea.
[04:01:08] Yeah, the C-H.
[04:01:09] Falbach.
[04:01:10] I had the C-H on the end, because that's like...
[04:01:13] That noise is Welsh.
[04:01:15] I can't help it.
[04:01:16] It's like instilled in me since I was a kid.
[04:01:18] But it's the same C-H you use in London as well.
[04:01:20] Oh, is it?
[04:01:21] Yeah, it's correct.
[04:01:22] Um, I know that that's literally a 20-minute Scoot-Scoot drive away,
[04:01:26] because last time I was here, I drove the Scoot-Scoot to the McDonalds.
[04:01:30] Nice.
[04:01:31] And they have a primer there now I remember because I was googling I needed a t-shirt and I was like trying to find something in the area
[04:01:37] Yeah, um, but yeah, maybe I can take a little little trip over there. I think I think Stuttgart is
[04:01:45] It's worth a visit like just check out the city itself
[04:01:49] Definitely like it's definitely one of the largest cities in Germany. I think
[04:01:53] um
[04:01:54] but also
[04:01:56] one of the in terms of like as far as large cities goes it's one of the more
[04:02:02] interesting ones I think I would I would love love love at the end of the
[04:02:07] end of the race to have a couple of days to be able to explore Germany as a
[04:02:12] tourist like I want to go into this village and I want to see what this is
[04:02:16] like yeah I want to go into fell back and see what that's like and I'd love
[04:02:19] to go into Stuttgart as well because the past couple of races when we've
[04:02:23] been here at League Camp, the rest of the raiders, the rest of the castors have had
[04:02:29] the chance to like go to like, I mean, Dartmouth took himself to the Christmas fair, like all
[04:02:35] by himself. I don't have the confidence to do that. So like, I want, I want Biff to
[04:02:41] let my raider be free. So we're making it explore a little bit. But fortunately, that
[04:02:47] didn't happen the first time we were here. Pretty much gave the raiders half a
[04:02:51] day off and then the next day they put him back in the raid to re-clear there
[04:02:56] was there was no time off so fingers crossed we can
[04:03:01] I told I told Doc Mc if this dies before Sunday we're just gonna rebook his
[04:03:06] flight to Berlin and we're just gonna go sightseeing that's a good idea I'd
[04:03:11] like love to go sightseeing it'd be very cute no Germany Germany's here in
[04:03:17] that regard a equal country definitely some stuff you definitely you want to you
[04:03:22] want to see you want to look at that's really cool especially because we're in
[04:03:26] the area here around Shropgat if you go to Heidelberg really beautiful city it's
[04:03:32] like one of the oldest universities in the world there oh wow it's like
[04:03:38] founded in 1300 wow yeah you have a castle that you can visit as well so
[04:03:45] I went to school in a castle.
[04:03:47] Well, that's cool.
[04:03:49] It was called...
[04:03:53] Kafafa?
[04:03:55] Bless you.
[04:03:57] It was actually half school, half museum.
[04:04:01] It hosted the year from like 11 to 12 and then 12 to 13.
[04:04:07] We call it the Year 7 and Year 8.
[04:04:09] I don't know if it's any different for you guys.
[04:04:11] We're just number of the years.
[04:04:13] Yeah, pretty much yeah, they put us in there and then the other half was a museum, but it's a historical Welsh castle, it has a lot of history in it, a lot of lineages, a lot of gardens, but unfortunately it is no longer a school and it is just a museum now.
[04:04:33] But that's damn cool though, I've got that.
[04:04:35] It was a situation where you couldn't go above the second floor, it was out of bounds.
[04:04:43] Was it boarding school or just the school building?
[04:04:46] Mine was just a regular school, but it was back in the day, a girl and boy boarding school.
[04:04:51] That's cool. Yeah, I was in London last year for an event and we got to do like a week
[04:05:01] before some sightseeing and we went to the British Museum and also a smaller museum called the Wallace
[04:05:11] Collection that has just a bunch of relics from English history and just medieval history in
[04:05:19] general and that was super cool and like the traditional English tea ceremony and like tea
[04:05:26] afternoon with afternoon tea snacks and stuff like that that was really really fun
[04:05:29] but just generally makes me just want to do like a whole round trip UK just soak
[04:05:37] up a bunch of history because like all the castles and all that stuff is so cool
[04:05:41] yeah you want to go to if you like castles you're gonna want to head to
[04:05:44] Scotland Scotland yeah there's quite and it's beautiful up there as well yeah I
[04:05:50] would absolutely love to go snowboarding once we get like a really good like slow
[04:05:58] like seasonal time so you still go abroad to go snowboarding but I really want to go
[04:06:05] rent a cabin up in Scotland and just go boarding so I could bring my dog with me
[04:06:09] I think that would be really lush. It is a good pool so far here we still have one
[04:06:16] battle rest. Oh you drinks it. I'm sorry but it is looking really good burning
[04:06:22] through that shield now for transitioning onto P2. Now this is the
[04:06:27] difficult part right Luffy like transitioning on to those platforms or
[04:06:31] not the transition itself it's difficult in the sense that this is a bit spicy in
[04:06:35] terms of the healers dealing with things and you already got to start dealing
[04:06:39] with these portals right you can see at the upper edge of the screen here
[04:06:42] crystal for example just had that a portal debuff needs to carry that out
[04:06:47] and needs to get dispelled there's a lot of kicking damage coming out on the
[04:06:50] entire raid so the healers really need to pay attention and you can see on
[04:06:55] On the right hand side on this UI, I spent actually tracking the devoted worshippers that
[04:07:01] are casting the cosmic apocalypse.
[04:07:04] And the goal really is to get up there and interrupt this cast by killing them.
[04:07:08] And that's kind of your timer for platform one, get to platform two as fast as possible
[04:07:13] and just stay alive in the meantime.
[04:07:15] So you can see the portal is being dealt with in the back, the drone is coming in
[04:07:18] and once you activate the bridge, the drone actually stops.
[04:07:21] So the Dispel is coming through, drew it dead on the floor right now, but it should be fine.
[04:07:26] We gotta meet that DPS check, the cast is still going on, we got about 12 seconds left, no
[04:07:31] actually way less, this is a timer counting up, 4 smaller seconds, until the adds need
[04:07:37] to be dead.
[04:07:38] One more caster that needs to be killed off, and looks like Method made it through both
[04:07:42] teams alive.
[04:07:43] Another Drawn is coming in, he's gotta kill the last few adds to unlock this bridge
[04:07:47] and the double jump on the evoker is saving them from getting dragged off the platform.
[04:07:53] You also have the two spiders hanging here off the platform. This is what killed one of
[04:07:58] the groups last time, because the cast went through. The interrupt is in this time around
[04:08:03] though and it's sorted out. Now the bridge is up, we're going to platform three with
[04:08:08] a bunch of the Raider live. FGM here dropping down to 5% HP immediately getting topped
[04:08:15] but we are on the last platform with him alive. It's struggle time a little bit
[04:08:19] because there is so much AoE damage and suddenly everyone just gets exploded.
[04:08:24] But very very solid pull. New personal best year for a method. You can just see
[04:08:30] so much damage with all these void orbs and these portals that you need to deal with.
[04:08:34] It's a messy, messy transition. It is indeed, but more progress guys. So get the method
[04:08:40] a mo in the chat get some hype we are doing progression today ladies and
[04:08:45] gentlemen perfect time to be here and I did notice we had a little bit of comp
[04:08:51] changes well not a comp change but player change we noticed that like Spen was going
[04:08:56] down a couple of times but now it seems like they've moved it around Spen is
[04:08:59] now in Nate's group yeah so they're actively making changes and it proves to
[04:09:06] be true. I mean, we just saw a huge leap in progress. Maybe we'll see P3 very soon.
[04:09:13] Very possible. I mean, this is exactly what we were talking about earlier, right? You figure
[04:09:18] out how these platforms go, how these platforms play. You know in theory what you need to
[04:09:23] do, but you also need to execute on it. And especially seeing those extra ads that
[04:09:28] you need to deal with those acolytes, those interrupts that need to be made,
[04:09:33] the adds need to be killed off.
[04:09:35] Once you actually play it and see how each individual
[04:09:39] half of the rate performs, you can swap around players
[04:09:42] who goes which side to even out any inequalities
[04:09:45] or lacking damage or too much damage
[04:09:47] or maybe through little defensives available
[04:09:51] or something like that.
[04:09:52] Exactly, it's all these small adjustments
[04:09:54] that need to be made.
[04:09:55] That method is making at the moment.
[04:09:57] Again and again, we're seeing new personal bests.
[04:09:59] We're seeing better, better prog.
[04:10:00] We're deep into platform three now.
[04:10:02] almost at p3 third phase where the fight really picks up steam so it's going good
[04:10:10] it's going really good no not plot not clump change sorry I meant group changes
[04:10:15] because span was in a teaps group so I was gonna try and like assign a number to
[04:10:24] it so it's easier but a teaps group should assign other words what numbers
[04:10:31] Could do animals or... colors?
[04:10:35] Red group. Food. Banana.
[04:10:38] Banana. I don't like bananas. Do you not? No.
[04:10:43] You don't have to get only one. It's like actually some people, quite a lot of people don't like bananas and it's a texture.
[04:10:49] I just don't like the taste. The texture is alright.
[04:10:54] I have boss. Yeah, I am 20 minutes away from chill factor
[04:10:59] So then they're quite a lot as well. I took my lessons. I had a two-day crash course basically
[04:11:05] I had a sick teacher as well. He was brilliant. He had like a big white beard and
[04:11:11] He was a he's about probably mid 50s, but he could do so many tricks on a board. It was great
[04:11:17] You're looking confused. Oh boarded as a skateboarding snowboard snowboarding. Okay
[04:11:23] Because we were talking about boarding school area, I was like, are you talking about school days?
[04:11:27] Sorry, yeah, there's snowboarding.
[04:11:30] Chill Factor is an inside slope in the biggest...
[04:11:34] Yeah, it's an inside skiing slope.
[04:11:37] Yeah, the base in the UK.
[04:11:38] Cool.
[04:11:39] Yeah.
[04:11:40] Are you an avid snowboarder or...?
[04:11:43] I used to go quite regularly, but then I moved away from Chill Factor and I couldn't
[04:11:48] go for like a year or so.
[04:11:50] So I haven't been since I went to Morsin, but the last time I went boarding was to Morsin
[04:11:55] and I skied over to Switzerland, oh my god the views are stunning, stunning.
[04:12:02] Yeah, the Alps are amazing.
[04:12:04] They're incredible.
[04:12:05] My wife goes on a skiing holiday with her family like once a year in January usually
[04:12:09] and always sends pictures.
[04:12:12] You didn't want to go?
[04:12:13] I've never been skiing before. I like colder weather, but not cold cold weather.
[04:12:20] And yeah, not my jam I think. I'm probably gonna give it a shot at some point, but so far I haven't.
[04:12:31] Skiing is pretty easy to pick up I'd say. I actually want a snowboard if I do it.
[04:12:36] Okay, yeah. I think snowboarding is a lot cooler than skiing, if I'm being honest, but skiing is easy to pick up.
[04:12:45] It's more of that like family-oriented hobby, but boarding just looks cool, man.
[04:12:50] Like, shh.
[04:12:51] Right. Yeah.
[04:12:51] It's sick.
[04:12:52] Yeah, it's so good.
[04:12:53] Oh, no, no, I am invited every year. Yeah, yeah. It's definitely a thing.
[04:12:57] I'm just always saying no, thanks. I'd rather stay home, play video games, you know?
[04:13:02] Yeah, it makes sense.
[04:13:03] Being a proper nerd.
[04:13:05] I have a playlist that I play when I do go boarding and so when I listen to that playlist
[04:13:13] outside of snowboarding it just throws me back into it.
[04:13:18] What's on your snowboarding playlist?
[04:13:20] Good question. It's kind of like EDM, a little bit of hard style, a lot of remixes.
[04:13:37] And while you're looking, if you could only listen to one song from that playlist, which
[04:13:43] one would it be?
[04:13:44] Oh, you can't do that, like you can't, uh, um, Astronomia by Vice Tone.
[04:14:04] What is that?
[04:14:11] Is that a dog?
[04:14:13] I think it's a rabbit.
[04:14:15] It's a rabbit?
[04:14:16] It's a rabbit!
[04:14:17] There's a giant rabbit outside guys, it's waving.
[04:14:19] That's so cute.
[04:14:21] Bye, rabbit.
[04:14:23] It's a rabbit outside.
[04:14:26] Yeah, that's my boarding playlist.
[04:14:29] It's a mix of like...
[04:14:30] The boarding playlist.
[04:14:31] Alright, what do we have here?
[04:14:32] It starts weirdly.
[04:14:33] It starts with Jekyll and Hyde.
[04:14:34] But the rest of it is not like...
[04:14:36] Okay, you got some Kofinski in there.
[04:14:38] I like that.
[04:14:39] Okay.
[04:14:40] Putt finger death punch.
[04:14:41] Okay.
[04:14:42] It's like a bit of rock to kind of get my confidence up.
[04:14:45] Because I am throwing myself down a mountain going like 30 miles an hour.
[04:14:49] And then the rest of it is like...
[04:14:51] remixes basically. Okay, okay, okay. Nelly Furtado. Oh, that's a classic. That's a good one.
[04:14:59] Uh-huh, uh-huh. Do you listen to Johnny Cash on there?
[04:15:04] I'm gonna be honest with you, Bonnie M. Serasputin doesn't quite fit me. No, no, no, no, no.
[04:15:12] It's a good song. So it comes from the parts where you're like, you have tight corners
[04:15:20] and you're weaving and you're like, you're screaming internally because you're going so
[04:15:24] fast and I'm like, do I have control? Am I going to hit toe edge? Am I going to hit heel
[04:15:29] edge and land on my butt? Am I going to throw myself down a mountain? Who knows? So when
[04:15:33] you have a rescue plane in your head, it's fine. You've got all the confidence of a,
[04:15:37] of a, I don't even know. It's, it's, it's great. It helps an ancient Russian
[04:15:43] and wizards, yes.
[04:15:44] Exactly.
[04:15:45] Absolutely.
[04:15:46] Okay, Robin Schultz, I can dig this, yeah.
[04:15:50] Literally.
[04:15:51] Solid playlists.
[04:15:56] Yeah, this is all right, seven out of 10.
[04:16:01] That's it for me personally.
[04:16:02] Thanks, appreciate it, appreciate it.
[04:16:05] Yeah, lots of remixes, like now you're gone.
[04:16:09] Remixed, every time you touch, remixed.
[04:16:12] I've got ABBA remixes on there, sweet dreams, bad touch remix, pump it up, spin it around,
[04:16:20] Wellamann's on there.
[04:16:21] Wellamann off, of course.
[04:16:24] Night call by Kivinski's on there.
[04:16:29] But yeah, it very much reminds me of just boarding whenever I listen to that playlist.
[04:16:36] Okay, yeah, that's nice, I like it.
[04:16:40] You should pick it up though, skiing is snowboarding is really fun.
[04:16:45] Yeah, I believe it, absolutely. It's not my type of weather. I don't know.
[04:16:53] You don't actually get that cold. You actually get more hot than cold.
[04:16:58] I'm cold right now.
[04:17:00] Are you?
[04:17:01] I am.
[04:17:03] You see my problem?
[04:17:04] Yeah.
[04:17:05] yeah it's it's a it's a bit of a it's a bit of a struggle.
[04:17:10] A Kingslayer by bringing the horizon on the playlist.
[04:17:13] It doesn't it doesn't fit.
[04:17:16] Are you feeling about the MTH in general?
[04:17:18] Oh I love Happy, very.
[04:17:21] Yeah, yeah.
[04:17:23] Fantastic.
[04:17:24] Very happy.
[04:17:25] Didn't hear, didn't hear any Eminem on the playlist earlier.
[04:17:28] No, no, no, no, no, no.
[04:17:30] Okay so I'm gonna share this with you guys in chat because you can't really see what we're doing
[04:17:40] or like what's on the place and then once you see it and once you listen to it you'll be like
[04:17:43] ah that's the vibe because you can't just slam anything on this okay so that's that's not how
[04:17:51] how it works. It is two o'clock, I think...
[04:17:58] I think that's a lunch break angle. Yeah, this is usually where all the raiders take
[04:18:03] a break for their dindins, but there's no break time out right now, as far as I can
[04:18:09] tell. No, no break time out. I was kind of waiting for it to pop up, but so far, nothing.
[04:18:19] We have raiders out of the seats.
[04:18:23] That makes sense. I mean I just saw someone walking with food as well.
[04:18:27] So I wouldn't be surprised if the food is the thing.
[04:18:33] And yeah.
[04:18:35] 2pm. I think we're doing a little cast to swap in a little bit as well.
[04:18:41] Skull is gonna be here. I think Darkmix is coming back.
[04:18:45] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[04:18:46] And I think I'm gonna just hang out and show those two for a little bit, just a little wee bit, you know.
[04:18:51] Before you disappear for your Edoesee, right?
[04:18:55] Exactly. It's Marina casting it tonight, I don't know, so far I think first third of the day,
[04:19:04] solid progress by method, very good start, but it's just gonna pick up with the
[04:19:10] from here on out so for sure look at that so when you say that's your
[04:19:17] boarding list what do your other playlists are you big on music heavy metal
[04:19:27] okay I have a whole hardstyle playlist I pretty much like every genre except for
[04:19:35] Jazz.
[04:19:37] Jazz.
[04:19:39] I hate jazz.
[04:19:41] One of those people, huh?
[04:19:43] Yeah, any other players apart from that.
[04:19:45] I can't stand Schlager.
[04:19:47] What was that?
[04:19:49] German Schlager.
[04:19:51] Never heard of that.
[04:19:53] German Volksmusik.
[04:19:55] Oh, okay.
[04:19:57] I hate it.
[04:19:59] Yeah.
[04:20:01] My, uh, what Logurg mentioned modern talking yesterday.
[04:20:03] direction and it's just like, oh my god. Jazz is not horrific. Jazz is solid. Not all
[04:20:11] jazz is great, but neither is all metal, so.
[04:20:15] Oh, jazz is like old dark music. It reminds me of the B movie.
[04:20:25] I have never seen the B movie.
[04:20:27] What?
[04:20:28] No. I have never seen the B movie.
[04:20:31] How?
[04:20:32] I'm gonna take a headspin now get them out get them out no no no not happening
[04:20:40] right um I do need to pop to the toilet real quick so you okay holding the
[04:20:45] fort down two minutes all right I'll manage
[04:20:50] chat you're up give me give me some good music that's not German Schlager
[04:20:57] no Helene Fisher and no headspin what do you guys rock out what do you guys
[04:21:02] have on your gaming playlist. That's the big question.
[04:21:05] Babarra-scra-baba-ba? No. Oh, not happening.
[04:21:12] Lincoln Park. Very excellent choice. Yes, Nina. I can see that. That's good.
[04:21:18] The offspring. Okay, very nice. Some Argentinian rock, funk. Okay, Ramstein.
[04:21:24] Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. There's some good ones on there. Sleep token. Oh.
[04:21:32] A human after my own tastes. Sleepjoken has been one of my favorite discoveries in the
[04:21:39] recent years. Electro Swing. Oh that's a good one as well. Parkway Drive. Okay. Jan
[04:21:45] Hagenback. Oh my god that's a throwback man. Datanyan Fire Spunts. Yeah very nice.
[04:21:53] Ginger is also really good. Yeah it's not classic. I'm joining the new Linker
[04:22:00] Park I am I'm vibing I'm vibing it it's a very similar style to old Linkin Park
[04:22:04] and I appreciate it but I'm not treating it it says Lincoln Park for me it's like
[04:22:08] kind of Lincoln Park to a point oh you know scooter oh yes yes tracks you know
[04:22:14] what's up that's great
[04:22:19] nothing later than the original readings of Aristotle oh my god there's a
[04:22:25] there's a man of culture right there beautiful fortunate son okay that's a good song yeah
[04:22:33] falling in reverse is good as well you know windrows oh yes yeah you guys you guys have some
[04:22:40] good taste i can tell oh yes though oh that's that's solid that is solid definitely definitely
[04:22:46] something to pump some bosses to absolutely agree teriyaki boys okay why not why not
[04:22:51] I see we have a bunch of metalheads in chat, a bunch of metalheads, some solid electro as well.
[04:23:00] Just like party music, that's good.
[04:23:03] Some country when slamming raid. Wow, okay.
[04:23:11] Okay, that's certainly a take. I mean sure, if that works for you.
[04:23:19] Personally, I'm a big fan of some older metal. I actually shouldn't be saying older metal, but in Flames
[04:23:26] it's kind of one of the bands close to my heart. Saxon is something I grew up with.
[04:23:32] Dragon Force. I'm a big fan of some solid power metal.
[04:23:36] um Power Wolf and Sabaton, definitely some of my favorites, as mentioned already, Sleep
[04:23:47] Token is in there, um, but you can also get me with a lot of, a lot of the kind of techno
[04:23:56] stuff and heart style, obviously anything that Lord Gok has on his playlist is probably
[04:24:02] really good power glove I'm blanking on the name dance with the dead dance with
[04:24:15] the dead perjabiter lesson really really good like dark dark technical
[04:24:23] bands out there make some awesome awesome music my favorite discovery of
[04:24:31] the month has been House of Protection we have like five songs out really fun
[04:24:35] to buy too. Got a lot of some of the oldies from time to time. ACTC Bob Dylan, Queen, T-Rex.
[04:24:44] Oh yeah, there's some good stuff in there. Wait, Jan Hagenberg releasing new WoW song.
[04:24:51] I'm gonna need to listen to that later. Gunship is a good one. I like that.
[04:24:57] Okay, yeah. No, we got some music connoisseurs in chat. I can see that. It's beautiful.
[04:25:03] All right, you can see the Elf UI dance screen or the break screen. So a lunch break is
[04:25:08] officially in progress means we'll be hanging out and chatting away a little
[04:25:14] bit and we'll have a good time. The Raiders are gonna get some food and
[04:25:18] buff up and gets back to slamming the Queen later. Also Rage is back. I can
[04:25:25] tell we have a lot of viewers that are very much aligned with our music taste
[04:25:30] I think. Oh yeah. I have good music taste. So, that's good times. But you know what,
[04:25:40] I'm not sure if we're actually getting a lunch break in, for the moment.
[04:25:47] Yeah, we are on in 20 minutes, but we are pretty much free to do what we want in a way of,
[04:25:56] We could do
[04:25:58] We do I'm not gonna leave you to eat food. You know no no no um
[04:26:07] We could play a game
[04:26:09] Do you do you have more of the the dungeon guesser?
[04:26:13] Thank you. I'm I'm ready. I'm ready hit me chat
[04:26:16] Would you like to play the dungeon guessing game and if you've never played it before I badly describe a dungeon or a
[04:26:23] rate and you are playing against Lithy here and have to try and guess it before they come.
[04:26:29] Do you know how the lean the back of the seat works? Do I just push them over or do I break them?
[04:26:35] Marius? Marius? How does that...
[04:26:39] Does this work by just pushing it or...
[04:26:42] That's so much nicer. Thank you.
[04:26:47] Yay.
[04:26:49] So, how badly described are we talking?
[04:26:53] talking. That's a good question. Why don't we do a practice round so Chat knows what's
[04:27:00] up? That's a good idea. Drumroll.
[04:27:12] Fracking the brain. Okay, looking kind of creatures, but with a lot of green, a green
[04:27:29] bad stuff. Also throw in some Tuscar there as well. Some like plants, trees, some mushrooms.
[04:27:46] Yep. Yeah. Yeah, you lost. Brackenheit's got it. Oh no, I knew from the moment you said
[04:27:51] that it's like creatures that it's Brackenheit. I just wanted to chat to you. I thought the
[04:27:57] It's just dumb for you.
[04:27:59] No, no, no.
[04:28:00] Yeah, but that's how it works.
[04:28:01] Tane got it right.
[04:28:02] It was Brackenhide.
[04:28:03] Brackenhide is a great dungeon.
[04:28:05] Oh, my shoes.
[04:28:06] Thank you.
[04:28:07] They're from Koi.
[04:28:08] The shoes are amazing.
[04:28:09] I'm actually a little bit jealous.
[04:28:10] Thank you.
[04:28:11] They're really cool.
[04:28:12] I have another pair of Koi upstairs as well.
[04:28:14] The platformed blue and pink ones.
[04:28:16] Thank you.
[04:28:17] Have you seen them yet?
[04:28:18] I don't think I do.
[04:28:19] Maybe I have.
[04:28:20] Maybe I have.
[04:28:21] I just didn't realize it, but yeah.
[04:28:23] Um, uh, what size of shoe do you wear?
[04:28:27] Seven.
[04:28:28] What's that in, in, in, in North America?
[04:28:32] 40.
[04:28:33] Oh, damn.
[04:28:34] Okay.
[04:28:35] Do you have trouble finding fitting shoes?
[04:28:37] What is it?
[04:28:38] 40?
[04:28:39] Yeah, it is.
[04:28:43] Chat, what's seven?
[04:28:44] What size is seven?
[04:28:45] It is 40, right?
[04:28:47] Yeah.
[04:28:48] It's 40.
[04:28:49] 40?
[04:28:50] Okay.
[04:28:51] Yeah.
[04:28:52] Yeah.
[04:28:55] Yeah.
[04:28:56] It is 40.
[04:28:57] with 48 U
[04:28:59] wow
[04:29:01] I'm 5 foot 7
[04:29:03] I'm gonna have big feet
[04:29:05] I'm tall for a woman
[04:29:07] in the UK
[04:29:09] 7 is the... alright fine
[04:29:11] 7.39, okay
[04:29:13] what are you?
[04:29:15] 43
[04:29:17] so like size 8.5 or something
[04:29:19] I guess
[04:29:21] I have trouble
[04:29:23] male shoes are relatively easy
[04:29:25] get a 43 but if you want anything that's like remotely cute or something in that direction
[04:29:32] impossible which is absolutely impossible to find. I can imagine yeah like quite a lot of the uh
[04:29:38] actually check out Koi Koi's K.O.I. I'm gonna need to I'm gonna need to hit you up after the race
[04:29:44] oh my god I have to show you the shoes okay chat's already seen them and they hate
[04:29:49] we're delaying the dungeon game we're gonna look at fashion guys
[04:29:51] chat hate these shoes but you might you're quirky like me so you might like
[04:29:56] them and they also go up to a size 10 which is like a 47 48 that's the first
[04:30:03] one all right what's the second one telly tubby's second one it's a green
[04:30:14] chunky green boot and the flowers and pink yeah with a frog plushie okay on
[04:30:22] it the frog shoes are really damn cool the teletubby ones are giving me
[04:30:26] nightmares I know it's creepy but it's also kind of cute cuz it's no that's
[04:30:31] not it's just crazy you know in the wild where like frogs are like bright
[04:30:38] yellow and it's kind of like back off that's how I that's how energy I kind
[04:30:44] of want to give with my with my shoes so you know spiky chunky platforms it's
[04:30:49] like. Okay. Do you know? Do you know why the hunter and rogue type
[04:30:55] nolls in Brackenheit are all striped? Would be very bad if
[04:31:00] they were spotted constantly? I don't got it. Because they're
[04:31:09] hunters and rogues. They're sneaky. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay.
[04:31:17] I'm really bad with jokes, by the way, like, right over my
[04:31:21] head. That makes that makes my sense of humor even funnier.
[04:31:24] Skull literally was like what sound does an owl make and I was like who and he went owl and I was like yeah
[04:31:32] He's like
[04:31:33] Yeah
[04:31:35] That's a good one. I didn't get it until the day after. Oh, it's lovely. I love that right
[04:31:42] Okay, those are cool. Those are cool. It's a piggy slides
[04:31:46] It's very nice
[04:31:47] Yeah, so they might have my three picks, but
[04:31:50] they're expensive. Why is there no break timer on-screen? I'm not sure. It might
[04:31:56] actually be that the Raiders didn't put a break timer. They put a break timer?
[04:32:02] Oh the Raiders cancelled the break timer so our UI is like yeah you don't
[04:32:07] have a break timer running so we're not giving you a break timer. That's on the
[04:32:10] Raiders. I'm saving production here I think. Yeah unfortunately a lot of our
[04:32:18] like overlays to do with the Raiders systems so if the Raiders systems don't
[04:32:24] say something. It's actually impressive how well tied into the the game it is. I'm a
[04:32:30] big fan of it. I'm a big fan of it. But yeah, Dungeon, then I'm guessing.
[04:32:34] You now know how it works. You know how it works. Lunch break is gonna go on for
[04:32:40] another 20 minutes I think, roughly. Maybe a little bit less even. But we're
[04:32:46] We're gonna have some fun. Rage is gonna describe some dungeons in a not quite obvious way.
[04:32:53] So you all try to guess the dungeon before me. Good luck.
[04:32:57] Okay. Linear dungeon. Orcs.
[04:33:06] Grim reald, you go.
[04:33:07] Nope.
[04:33:08] Okay.
[04:33:09] Uh, warlocks.
[04:33:10] Shadow moon barrier runs.
[04:33:13] Nope.
[04:33:17] Purpley green.
[04:33:18] Switch has got it.
[04:33:19] Blood furnace.
[04:33:20] Blood furnace.
[04:33:21] Well done.
[04:33:22] One point to chat.
[04:33:23] Nice.
[04:33:25] Okay.
[04:33:26] Good job.
[04:33:27] Very well done, chat.
[04:33:28] Good job.
[04:33:29] Very fun.
[04:33:30] Very fun leveling dungeon in TBC.
[04:33:31] I've grinded that, I think.
[04:33:32] So many times back then.
[04:33:33] Very fun, very fun leveling dungeon in TBC. I've grinded that thing so many times back then.
[04:33:40] Next one.
[04:33:44] Next one. Oh, this one would be a good one.
[04:33:55] Oh.
[04:33:56] Outside? Oh no, inside.
[04:34:16] Inside or outside?
[04:34:19] I got the good.
[04:34:20] Technically... no, inside. Technically it's inside outside.
[04:34:31] You start being outside.
[04:34:33] Then you progress, go inside. Then you go back outside, temporarily, to wrap around,
[04:34:41] you go back inside. There's like those little see-through, dragny, wormy things. Quite a
[04:34:56] lot of them, looking about. Love casts.
[04:35:00] of the Terras of the Magisaur. Oh my god Charity got it! Jack's got it! Yeah it was
[04:35:06] Magis- Magisus Terras. Oh okay. That was quick! Nice. Yeah the mana worms, the mana worms.
[04:35:15] Look good. Okay. For chat. Better step up my game I guess. Alright. Next dungeon.
[04:35:23] technically inside okay technically but also like more like in a massive cave
[04:35:43] than anything but that's that's by the by very purple very very purple and a
[04:35:50] a lot of insects technically arachnids.
[04:35:55] Arachnids?
[04:35:56] Oh damn it, was it the insects coin?
[04:36:01] No, it was the technically inside.
[04:36:03] Oh.
[04:36:04] Because technically everything of what was within is inside.
[04:36:08] Yeah.
[04:36:09] Like I was in Hellofall, I was going to say Dawnbreaker first, but then you said Purple.
[04:36:15] I was like, what was the second dungeon in Hellofall again, but that's priori and that's not purple so yeah
[04:36:22] Yeah, yeah, you got it. You got it try to throw you off with an old one
[04:36:25] Did I beat chat though? I think I did. You did beat chat. Yeah, chat did not get that. Okay, two and one. I'm catching up
[04:36:31] See the thing is we've done this so much now. I've gone through like
[04:36:39] The easy ones to get in my brain. Let's go here
[04:36:47] I think Gate of the setting sun, Gate of the setting sun is a good one, but not purple,
[04:36:58] that's the problem.
[04:37:04] The giant rabbit was cool, yeah, definitely.
[04:37:12] Oh, oh, oh, oh, okay, ummm.
[04:37:15] You got one, okay, what's up?
[04:37:18] Are you ready chat?
[04:37:20] Prison?
[04:37:21] Stockade?
[04:37:22] Stuckade?
[04:37:23] Talldegore?
[04:37:24] With purple doors, slash pink doors.
[04:37:29] Architras
[04:37:32] Prison with purple doors pink doors
[04:37:35] Violet holes
[04:37:37] Jack got it really
[04:37:41] Lithy you're throwing
[04:37:44] I was trying to think of all the pieces
[04:37:47] And violet hole did not occur to me down chart. You're good today
[04:37:52] Yeah
[04:37:54] That was quick looking bad man
[04:37:57] That was all very nice
[04:37:59] Is there one of those dungeons that owes me a few transmog pieces but never wants to give me the right bosses?
[04:38:04] Mm-hmm. God, how infuriating.
[04:38:07] Um, let's go...
[04:38:10] Let's go here.
[04:38:12] What else do we have?
[04:38:15] We can also do raid bosses, if you want.
[04:38:18] I wanna do this one.
[04:38:20] Okay. 7000, but this one not very fair. That's alright.
[04:38:29] But it's Liffy, you're talking about.
[04:38:31] This isn't just one regular person, this is Liffy.
[04:38:35] He, like, divulges Wikipedia when it comes to WoW.
[04:38:42] His knowledge and memory recall is usually really good,
[04:38:47] just not in this case.
[04:38:49] You're just better than me today.
[04:38:51] Okay.
[04:38:53] Inside, stone gem people?
[04:38:59] House of stone
[04:39:02] uh...
[04:39:03] stonemold
[04:39:05] uh...
[04:39:06] uh... there's a boss that goes inside
[04:39:09] bases all like that there's like multiple bases
[04:39:13] bars is
[04:39:14] and you have to guess which parts of the it's an old home
[04:39:19] and the bars is kind of house of origination
[04:39:24] the vases kind of
[04:39:26] mix together you got it right come here then we think one of the one of the
[04:39:31] raiders might actually know the answer what is it yeah no farians yeah yeah
[04:39:41] made in chat we're faster than me I was I was I was thrown off by the by the
[04:39:48] stone people I was thinking earthen dwarfs first like people people I'm not
[04:39:53] not the drug bar got it okay would you like to read nose was up what's up I
[04:39:58] think it was stuck a little bit too much in Nelth's lair prison two expansions
[04:40:05] just for anyone tuning in we are playing the dungeon guessing game where I
[04:40:10] describe dungeons in my own unique way and you are playing against the cast
[04:40:14] it on the couch try and guess before them cast this time is lucky at the
[04:40:19] Moment I'm gonna say that
[04:40:22] Nate Nate counts as part of chat. Yeah Nate Nate counts as part of chat. So you're on three one
[04:40:28] At the moment, I think it's three to one right now. Yeah three to one
[04:40:34] How about we change it to
[04:40:36] raids
[04:40:38] Sure
[04:40:39] Make it hard for Chad. I like it. Are we doing okay? Are we doing raid bosses? Are we doing raids raid instances raid bosses?
[04:40:50] Okay, okay
[04:40:52] That's that's my best that's my best my favorite um as i find a uh as i just find my first few
[04:41:08] raids would you like to tell chat about our charity donations uh charity goals that we've got
[04:41:14] oh absolutely we are raising money for november so if you want to support men's mental health
[04:41:22] and just general men's health then this is a fantastic charity and of course
[04:41:26] We're also working with some incredible charity goals.
[04:41:31] You've guys raised $3,617 already, which means you've unlocked Fjordpong yesterday.
[04:41:39] Absolutely amazing, so I'm very much looking forward to getting the Raiders tied in after the race.
[04:41:45] And the next one is at $4,000, the quiet place.
[04:41:50] That sounds very ominous.
[04:41:52] Rage, what's up with that? What is that?
[04:41:54] is that so there's going to be all of this is going to be post race but one
[04:41:58] raiders can be blindfolded they're gonna be put in their radar room and the other
[04:42:02] raiders around them have to complete challenges without getting caught by
[04:42:06] the blind raider it's blind man's bluff with summer fixes interesting yeah all
[04:42:13] right it's gonna be great very excited for that that's cool but yeah if you
[04:42:19] would like to do do if you would like to donate I think it's a mission
[04:42:22] charity
[04:42:23] uh... you can do so of course
[04:42:26] your donations come in we can read out the comments
[04:42:30] chart
[04:42:31] but
[04:42:33] more than a
[04:42:34] one for charity
[04:42:35] to support men's uh... health and mental health
[04:42:41] you got a raid
[04:42:42] idea
[04:42:43] okay hit me
[04:42:48] excavation digging sites
[04:42:51] with some
[04:42:53] people chilling around
[04:42:56] You have to scale
[04:42:59] Was that right? I don't know. I don't actually know the name of it
[04:43:10] The dragon in old war right at the entrance
[04:43:14] No
[04:43:15] You go you walk up. There's a section where you're supposed to badly describe it you yeah
[04:43:22] I am badly describing
[04:43:24] Okay, you got to fight like a wall-op guy. I think and then you got to go up a hill and like pull mobs while you're going up
[04:43:30] The hill is actually done there. Wait, it's a dungeon. Is it a dungeon? Yeah
[04:43:36] It's a dungeon that I'll in fire major
[04:43:39] But what dungeon is that?
[04:43:43] China suggesting all the money are pit of Saran. I
[04:43:46] Think it's pit of Saran
[04:43:48] Lich King is it all dark blue and purple and is undead
[04:43:52] You fight the Lich King at the end
[04:43:55] I think or he flies in or someone flies in yeah to run us on this is on his frost room. Yeah
[04:44:05] Okay, my bad my bad. That's all right. That's all right
[04:44:08] I'm trying to do dungeons that like aren't completely obvious, but like if I'm trying to draw from my knowledge I
[04:44:15] Have very limited raid knowledge from
[04:44:18] Legion and before so I'm gonna end up saying like the same things
[04:44:22] Hey Avalu, I actually started in Mal and then went to 14 so yeah, welcome to my home.
[04:44:39] Okay, Grand Halls, Red Carpet, all the way down.
[04:44:46] It's got a monastery.
[04:44:49] Steps leading up, very grand, kind of giving like pinks, reds, golds.
[04:44:57] How can you do that?
[04:45:00] um big statues
[04:45:06] big statues are we doing are we doing are we at raids or dungeons raids over the
[04:45:15] raids old one nope um red carpet uh it's not night hold not too mysterious it's not
[04:45:28] Not Nathria.
[04:45:30] Not Nathria?
[04:45:32] Okay, Sactim of Demonation?
[04:45:34] Sapuka.
[04:45:36] Am I describing it really bad?
[04:45:39] Spirits?
[04:45:41] Spirits.
[04:45:43] Two Mystic Earrings? No, I said that one.
[04:45:45] Wow, my...
[04:45:51] Okay, chat was really stumped.
[04:45:53] Before or after Legion?
[04:45:57] Before Legion.
[04:45:59] Before Legion.
[04:46:01] There's
[04:46:03] there's six bosses six bosses so it's not trial of valor
[04:46:12] six plus rate six plus rate six plus rate has to be has to be from Daria no
[04:46:20] terrace has three four bosses get get a third no our spectral looking flying
[04:46:30] dragon looking thing.
[04:46:35] Huh?
[04:46:38] Karazhan, I've been Malagos, not the season 3.
[04:46:40] Mogo Shuvavoltz!
[04:46:42] Oh, yes!
[04:46:45] Oh, that makes perfect sense.
[04:46:47] There's a really, really, really long regal red carpet leading up the steps.
[04:46:52] The colors are like that gold and that red.
[04:46:56] It makes perfect sense now.
[04:46:57] Yeah, okay, good, good.
[04:46:59] I was looking at pictures and I was trying to scribe it because I've never rated this
[04:47:03] but I wanted to give you something like a little bit different
[04:47:05] I see, yeah, that's good
[04:47:07] Well chat did get it right
[04:47:09] Yeah, that went to another point
[04:47:11] That's 4 to 1
[04:47:13] I think you might have to hang up the towel here, let me get back to chat
[04:47:17] I will go out swinging
[04:47:19] I will go out swinging
[04:47:21] But you did win the last one
[04:47:23] So you won that one
[04:47:25] Chat won this one
[04:47:27] last one. Alright, I will admit defeat well played chat. You guys are in top shape today.
[04:47:35] Very impressive. Yeah, I am bad at describing these for sure. That's the whole point. In
[04:47:44] some people's downfalls rises good things. I don't know. Hey, if things burn down the
[04:47:53] light from the fire is pretty there you go look if we are phrasing yeah I think
[04:48:00] you guys get what I mean I don't I don't think that this game would work if
[04:48:03] someone was like very good at explaining it I think that little hint of yeah but
[04:48:09] then then the premise of the game completely changes right so if the
[04:48:13] if the premise is explained it badly yeah then it's kind of I think I love
[04:48:21] this I did do like badly explaining games like in general boy I did that I like
[04:48:27] wrote up a whole series about that but it never saw the light of day which is
[04:48:35] kind of sad but like titles like Skyrim and Fallout and all that stuff
[04:48:39] badly described that's cool all righty well there is only one minute left on
[04:48:45] the Raiders break time so they should be sitting back down very very soon
[04:48:50] again I do the B story very nicely thank you very much I think we might be
[04:49:00] throwing to an ad break are we production little little intermission a
[04:49:07] little bit of a chill moments I think I'm being replaced by scope
[04:49:14] Well, I'm gonna be here for like another hour and a half, two hours, maybe, like four.
[04:49:24] We'll have some more fun, we'll talk about some raids, we'll talk about some gains.
[04:49:28] Is this going logouts?
[04:49:30] Yeah, okay.
[04:49:36] Okay, cool, cool.
[04:49:39] Yeah, no B stories or I ban people.
[04:49:41] We'll get the, well, what?
[04:49:45] Like, I've already told you about B story, haven't I?
[04:49:47] you did. Yeah. It's quite the buzz. And I hit um who else was it? Logox with it. So pretty
[04:49:58] much everyone. All right the Raider Room is filling back up guys. Break is officially
[04:50:05] over so they should be, they should all be back now. Ah and there we go. We have
[04:50:11] boss man's go walking back in. So hello, hello. I think we're ready to throw to our
[04:50:18] outbreak. So thank you all so much for being with us this morning. We're gonna transition
[04:50:24] over with a little message from our sponsors. But yeah, thank you for having me on the couch.
[04:50:28] It was really fun.
[04:50:29] It was so lovely hanging out. We'll get some more dungeon guessing next time, I think.
[04:50:33] Yeah, I hope so at least.
[04:50:34] Fingers crossed.
[04:50:35] It was fun and we'll see some boss blasting after the raid.
[04:50:38] Oh yeah, 100%.
[04:50:39] 100%.
[04:50:40] You rock into P3 here.
[04:50:41] Oh god.
[04:50:42] He just moved his jersey.
[04:50:45] We might have to talk about sleeveless jerseys for you guys, huh?
[04:50:53] And cropped jerseys would be cool too.
[04:50:55] But yeah, I digress.
[04:50:56] Anyway, chat, stay, don't go anywhere, stick around, we'll be right back after these
[04:51:00] You're making a huge mistake sport without holy hydration the perfect refreshment for exercise hot days the big nights out
[04:51:53] Yeah
[04:51:54] Great flavor with a clear conscience in your face the essential electrolysis and minerals get your body back to top form with three new flavors coconut
[04:52:01] Pineapple and sour cherry. It doesn't make sport easier
[04:52:05] It's much more bearable give it a try with holy hydration success what you write in the
[04:52:11] base
[04:52:18] Hello, hello, hello, I'm on the couch guys. I'm back. I'm joined by mr. Small arms himself
[04:52:25] How's it going chat?
[04:52:27] We are just finishing the food break
[04:52:29] I think before we get back to some more mythic pools of Queen where we need to desperately catch up with the echo and liquid
[04:52:35] Hello, what's up chat? How you doing? How's your day been? Yeah, how's your day been guys?
[04:52:41] What have you been up to? I don't know about you, but I was in the gym related there
[04:52:45] What do you mean? I literally saw you on the way out
[04:52:47] Yeah, I know guys as close leaving the gym. I actually entered it. So yeah, I had to go to the gym a little bit earlier today guys
[04:52:52] So I took a call
[04:52:54] at 12
[04:52:55] But as I was leaving the gym and did I saw log up walking in
[04:52:59] He apparently had an app like an hour and a half after his breakfast, you know, it's time
[04:53:05] Big guy skip voice day you want to wear the headset instead or you want to know
[04:53:09] No? Oh no, I'd rather use the microphone, it doesn't ruin my new fresh haircut.
[04:53:15] Oh yeah, it doesn't ruin his new fresh haircut. Right, of course.
[04:53:19] Big guys skip voice day, I don't know, maybe we've got to talk directly into it.
[04:53:23] By the way, how much expense bag whites did you buy today?
[04:53:27] You didn't buy any did you?
[04:53:28] No, but I think this hotel knows by now that Ro is the finishing of the act.
[04:53:31] Yeah guys, big time for breakfast, it's like the hotel needs to have like 10 eggs ready for us, yeah?
[04:53:35] I don't even have to mention it anymore. As soon as I enter breakfast room, they're like,
[04:53:39] oh yeah, getting their eggs ready. And then they prepare like 10 eggs for me and Skull.
[04:53:44] Also, I think I just might have teared my arm a little bit on the jersey.
[04:53:49] Oh, really?
[04:53:50] Yeah, I was trying, someone in the chat called me small arm, so I was trying to do a flex.
[04:53:53] And then my jersey just teared a little bit, I think.
[04:53:56] I remember, guys, I'm giving away my jersey actually to the number one sub-gifter
[04:53:59] and also the number one charity donation at the end of the race.
[04:54:02] I have two jerseys. They're gonna get signed gonna give them away. So one of you guys unfortunately is gonna get one that might have a
[04:54:09] Slightly more spacious room on the right arm. Maybe but it's still intact. I don't think it's reaped. No, it's fine
[04:54:16] Okay, that Mac will join us at 430. I believe he's taking a bit of a yeah
[04:54:21] I'll be joined by Lissy again to begin with and then doc makes me join us for 30 guys in a couple hours
[04:54:27] Rampup is roasting us
[04:54:29] That Mac has been doing crazy shifts, so he needs some time off and then he will come back fresh to bump it till late
[04:54:35] Think she's fine. Just positive to the COVID test, but she doesn't have like severe symptoms from what I know
[04:54:44] Yeah, actually, I think everyone is so yeah perk environment is still missing, right?
[04:54:48] Yeah, I haven't heard of perk in a while. I think perks aren't going to make it back guys
[04:54:51] It's here to go. He has to leave on the weekend to go back to work on Monday
[04:54:54] Yeah, it makes sense. Deep Shades was here for a few hours, right?
[04:54:59] Yeah, Deep Shades was casting for two hours in the morning, I think he's going to be back
[04:55:02] on the stream late tonight as well.
[04:55:03] Yeah, that's good.
[04:55:04] Let's go and log off looking a bit on the squany side. Yeah, I think it's because they
[04:55:08] changed the camera.
[04:55:09] Yeah, guys.
[04:55:10] They've got a filter on, guys, to make you look thinner on camera.
[04:55:12] Yeah, all I'm saying is that Scott always gets the closest part of the sofa to the
[04:55:17] camera, just to outangle everyone here.
[04:55:19] Guys, can we all just take a moment to appreciate how good Logbox New Haircut works?
[04:55:23] Yeah, look at these guys. Fresh, the beard, yeah.
[04:55:28] I'm actually surprised Scott didn't go for it either.
[04:55:32] I mean, to be fair, I'm not gonna lie.
[04:55:34] I didn't really notice that much of a difference when you got it.
[04:55:36] Yeah, because I keep it fresh.
[04:55:37] It's always quite short, yeah?
[04:55:38] Yeah, yeah.
[04:55:39] But to be honest, when you have a fade, you need to go every week or two.
[04:55:43] People who are surprised when Bengals mentioned it too,
[04:55:45] he says he goes every seven to ten days,
[04:55:48] which makes sense when you have a fade.
[04:55:50] Yeah.
[04:55:53] So, Logrock, you're actually closest to the stream deck right now, so technically you should probably be handling it.
[04:55:58] I don't know if you want to swap to the red POV, they're just getting ready to pull again soon I think.
[04:56:02] Yeah, but I'm gonna fix it right there into FTM.
[04:56:08] How are you guys doing in chat? How's life? How's the race going?
[04:56:12] It's Friday, yeah, true guys, we're gonna get killed on the weekend hopefully.
[04:56:27] The fitness duo they call us.
[04:56:32] Yeah
[04:56:33] The M-way bro 2 M-way bro 3. That's the two of what's guys
[04:56:43] Chinese guild is catching up. Yeah, blasting with this crazy eye level. Oh my god
[04:56:49] 626.7
[04:56:52] That's pretty impressive not gonna lie. Oh true actually Chinese guild is catching up guys
[04:56:59] Almost why level on us. That's why I'm gonna start sweating soon. I think
[04:57:06] Also, I can level dropped. I guess you had some kind of swap or could be what's different in a way
[04:57:11] Drop by like 05 I think, we were the highest at some point from the western guilds, so...
[04:57:17] Wait, what did we swap on our red comp?
[04:57:20] How are you Perk, my friend?
[04:57:22] I'm sorry I didn't message you, but from what I understood you're not very sick, just testing positive, right?
[04:57:28] By the way, I'm not sure if reduction has changed something, but I can't hear Logoq when he speaks on my headset anymore.
[04:57:34] Chat? Yeah, they can hear me though.
[04:57:36] Yeah, they can hear you, I just can't hear you.
[04:57:38] so I might speak over you because I do that already to be fair I'm really bad
[04:57:43] for speaking over the people guys I think just one hunter now that's what I
[04:57:50] thought I saw on the wavefames actually who did we bring in instead oh a second
[04:57:55] mage we are bad guys wait all players are back in the player area good finally
[04:58:09] the player room is full again I'm not in Scotland but I spent a lot of time in
[04:58:13] Denmark because my girlfriend's from there maybe she's in the chat
[04:58:16] Adlin, hello. Surely my girlfriend wouldn't not tune in and see me on the couch, right?
[04:58:22] Saved. There you go, I can hear.
[04:58:29] Hello?
[04:58:30] Someone unplugged it. Now I can hear Logox.
[04:58:31] Let's go.
[04:58:33] Deep Shades quit for a long time, guys. It's just Caster part-time and, yeah,
[04:58:39] wasn't here unfortunately because of Corona, but now it's recovered.
[04:58:42] It will be on some sheeps later on as well.
[04:58:45] Yeah, Deep Shades. We just had lunch with Deep Shades, actually.
[04:58:47] So me log walking deep shades were in the cast of them guys deep shades had a large margarita pizza
[04:58:52] Being log walks were a bit on the more like device and chicken. You know. Yeah
[04:58:57] Yeah, all three and we bros guys. I actually thought myself are we gonna get like a
[04:59:01] Cast were all three of us on the couch at the same time. It's crazy because that was meant to be our first cast and then
[04:59:07] It was just a seek for the whole duration. So yeah, very long. It was like eight days
[04:59:13] Yeah, so what made comp change did we make? Is it just a second match?
[04:59:18] It's a nice question for you, Scott. I know if you want to answer it.
[04:59:20] If you could pick one player from another team to join the join meta, who would you pick?
[04:59:23] I can't answer that question.
[04:59:26] Okay, let's go with Genji, guys.
[04:59:28] Yeah, I think it would be Genji, guys.
[04:59:30] Yeah, we'll take Genji.
[04:59:30] I was waiting to say I can't really answer that question because then you're gonna know my
[04:59:37] poaching plans after the TOA.
[04:59:38] True.
[04:59:38] I'm not kidding.
[04:59:39] Or am I?
[04:59:40] How guys there is no comeback the amount of effort the race to work first requires is too
[04:59:49] much I mean deep she has the time though yeah so why not you should make a return
[04:59:53] you should definitely make a return yeah it's a good player you know if you put the effort
[04:59:57] is the work for a scalliper player but it's quite busy with methods and I'm busy with
[05:00:03] my bodybuilding fitness career so ginger was part of matter for a long time there
[05:00:12] So it's actually, although it doesn't look like we've made progress yet today, we have actually made quite a bit of progress in regards to more consistent tries into phase two.
[05:00:19] But we need to start spamming those because we need to get into phase three guys ASAP, if we want to compete against Echo and the Qwud obviously.
[05:00:27] Not gonna lie, I thought in week two the Chinese high level gap would get smaller, but actually got the slightly bigger.
[05:00:34] What the heck?
[05:00:36] How is it even possible guys?
[05:00:37] What do you mean? The Chinese girls are catching up?
[05:00:39] No, I meant the high level. I thought it would be smaller because it was one and a half high level.
[05:00:43] now it's almost two yeah yeah actually yeah it's big all this new trash farm
[05:00:54] tech guys made me waste 30 minutes farming treasures my guild yesterday
[05:00:58] because we're trying to copy work first guilds and we got absolutely nothing I
[05:01:02] think long strategy talk after the break guys it seems
[05:01:07] there that's such a normal thing isn't it you take a good break and then you
[05:01:12] come back. Yeah, the raid leader and officers have decided, an analyst has decided that there's
[05:01:18] actually a strategy update they want to share with you. I level went down a method. Yeah,
[05:01:30] we swapped in a mage for one of our hunters. Is that the thing that he's out to me just
[05:01:37] kept on Topper? I don't think we have any hunter. Oh yeah, faith is out guys. I'm
[05:01:43] going to check a raider game. This is a great frame. It's not the yeah, people are out
[05:01:48] of range though. Oh we actually got rid of the other Hunter as well and brought in a
[05:01:51] Boomkin. Boomkin? Hi, Kaltra. Damn guys, I mean the
[05:01:56] package is trying it out right? Why not? The Boomy's back in town. Just to give it
[05:02:00] a try and see if it's strong damage wise or if it brings any utility. Swap to Dan's
[05:02:04] PvE actually if you can. Oh dude come on, show us the frames. Yeah okay we did,
[05:02:10] we swapped out both Hunters for an extra mage. Wait did we have confused? This
[05:02:15] I'm confused guys, I'm gonna get closer and take a look here.
[05:02:20] So, Hunt Over is still in the raid, then he's still straight on his parallel druid, Red Paladin.
[05:02:27] We have two Hunters still here, so one Warlock, one DH.
[05:02:37] Yeah, I don't think it will change much.
[05:02:54] I mean, Jack the Deeper, it really defends, you know, we have players that legit play one class for their whole duration.
[05:03:01] You're speaking to one of them right there, yeah?
[05:03:02] Yeah, that's me. But I mean, you have also like others like Wilde, you know, you had like even in Echo, you know, Zero never went away from the whole lock.
[05:03:12] They're players that just stick into one of Skane. He's a one trick holy parlor kind of.
[05:03:17] So it truly depends. But generally, you always want to have, let's say, two classes that you can master.
[05:03:23] So you have a second option. So that's the idea, right?
[05:03:26] What do you think deep shades second class would be if he wasn't playing one?
[05:03:29] He was playing Answering Shaman in Night Hold.
[05:03:30] That's actually true guys. Deep Shades does actually play Shaman.
[05:03:35] Now Fragments has played different classes guys.
[05:03:37] It's DHR because he's been always in strong class lately, but he's played Bone King, he's played Warrior, he's played Hunter, he's whipsh a lot of things over time.
[05:03:51] Fragments is the first one of my one trick, I fully agree. Feral drew it, yeah, true.
[05:03:55] He used to play a lot more different classes though to be fair. These days he has mostly...
[05:03:59] I feel like since Demon Hunter became a thing, he really really enjoyed it.
[05:04:04] and stick to it for a long time, like he quit it here and there and played a warrior for
[05:04:11] a while and then boomkin but overall he's been a demon hunter.
[05:04:15] Fragments was what G Ferald ruled.
[05:04:16] He was, when we actually first wanted to recruit fragments to Method this is back in G.
[05:04:21] Tron of Thunder Pharma, he joined.
[05:04:23] Yeah, then he did see the Foggy Mart first progression.
[05:04:26] It was the first time that I contacted him though was actually the Ray Bittro
[05:04:30] Galamant which is in Twilight Highlands, what's that called again?
[05:04:32] Was it a High Mound?
[05:04:34] No, not a Mound.
[05:04:35] There's no way it's bashing
[05:04:37] That's cataclysm
[05:04:38] Yeah, that's when I first contacted them
[05:04:39] Like, that far...
[05:04:41] You weren't even a streaming guild back then
[05:04:43] No, exactly, that's when I first noticed Fragments
[05:04:45] That's when I first asked him if he could join Method, I think he said no
[05:04:47] Oh, damn
[05:04:49] It doesn't make sense if that's where he works second back then
[05:04:52] He was playing Feral back then as well, I think
[05:04:54] So I remember it being on the...
[05:04:55] I remember literally seeing him on the...
[05:04:58] That dragon boss in that instance, and then the assignment cancels while...
[05:05:01] I remember whispering him...
[05:05:03] I don't think he didn't join at that point, I don't think.
[05:05:09] But Fragments has been in and out of method like three times.
[05:05:14] Like Fragments just like left a major method like three times, maybe even more.
[05:05:20] Like he left for Serenity.
[05:05:22] And then he left after we killed Jaden.
[05:05:26] Yeah, he just quit the game and then came back.
[05:05:29] Then obviously Echo as well.
[05:05:31] Um, yeah, he's definitely rejoined three times. Yeah. So that's actually the fourth time he's been in the gold
[05:05:40] You beat he's rejoined three times so we originally he was obviously joined the gold before that right? Yeah, that's crazy
[05:05:45] So it's the fourth time Frank's has actually been the gold guys
[05:05:47] But I also been three times right because I quit the game once then I was in serenity
[05:05:53] And I was an echo kind of thing for me. Yeah. Oh
[05:05:57] My god guys. I'm sitting next to a serenity player on the couch
[05:06:00] No, but back when Serenity was created, I wasn't playing the game.
[05:06:05] When I came back to the game and I lost, they asked me to play with them because they wanted
[05:06:09] to improve their roster.
[05:06:10] It didn't work out, though.
[05:06:12] I mean, to be honest, when I joined Serenity, I was the first to leave because I saw it
[05:06:17] was going to disband the guild.
[05:06:18] I could feel it, guys.
[05:06:20] If you remember Serenity, they had a lot of potential, but the management was just
[05:06:26] was not made for our first Caliber Guild.
[05:06:31] I made it with Kungen, yeah, true.
[05:06:34] Yeah, but if you guys remember when we signed
[05:06:38] Method of Fragments again most recently, I posted a video about it where we went down
[05:06:41] to Metham in Scotland, he said this is it, this is where he's staying now, yeah.
[05:06:46] So 4th time lucky guys.
[05:06:47] Forever.
[05:06:48] 4th time lucky guys.
[05:06:49] Kuznam, he was a really good player at some point, but I mean, Scott's probably
[05:06:53] not his best friend, right?
[05:06:55] I respect Kuznab.
[05:06:57] He was a good leader and he was able to play the game really well while he was a leader.
[05:07:02] He was a good shotcaller and a player but he wasn't the best as an officer.
[05:07:06] He didn't have the mental for this when he was younger.
[05:07:09] Nowadays he could be crazy but he doesn't play the game anymore.
[05:07:13] Who was the best player you ever played with? Damn, that's a good question.
[05:07:21] Hard to say.
[05:07:26] Hard to say.
[05:07:28] Hard to say.
[05:07:31] I think it's really hard to name just one good player.
[05:07:34] Yeah, I could say one or two.
[05:07:37] I think, guys, someone that people underestimate is Holly Paladin Scarice.
[05:07:42] He quit the game, he was in Echo, he was really insane.
[05:07:45] He quit like two years ago.
[05:07:48] What do you think made him stand out versus like the other heroes for example?
[05:07:52] Who?
[05:07:53] The guy you just mentioned, Scarice.
[05:07:54] Scarice, he was just the kind of player that you never seem to make a mistake when he does.
[05:07:59] way he actually messed up that is no way he must have been I don't know leg or
[05:08:05] something and then he was super consistent with healing as well he would
[05:08:09] never miss like an external or you know any assignment it was just the most
[05:08:14] consistent think even echoes healers are aware that he was the best like they
[05:08:17] always admitted with like no problem you know please when it comes to dating a
[05:08:22] deep as I know I feel like Ravi's maybe Ravi's is just so quiet but really
[05:08:26] good player yeah it's gonna be interesting for the analysts and Biff to go
[05:08:35] through the logs after we finish with the progress here because then try and
[05:08:40] summarize how each player performed this tier and method yeah oh another thing
[05:08:45] cool and I'm back in Pandaria was something else too when he was in
[05:08:48] method yeah as he mentions Scott he was able to raid lead while playing
[05:08:52] absolutely insane but then when I played with him later he wasn't as
[05:08:56] good anymore for some reason right when did you play with him
[05:08:58] Blackrock foundry and also in Serenity.
[05:09:01] It also comes down to motivation and mindset.
[05:09:06] It was probably not as motivated anymore.
[05:09:09] Parkour, he was a legend.
[05:09:12] Jazzrunner, I just never played with him.
[05:09:15] It's been so long guys, both means co-played with all kinds of first caliber players.
[05:09:22] It's hard to say one is better because there are tears that somebody performs better
[05:09:27] than it here that you play a bit worse you know it's like any sports kind of almost MJ.
[05:09:42] All right what's going on we've actually been 20 minutes back from the food break.
[05:09:46] The food break is being extended. Actually I feel like this kind of question you can
[05:10:02] can respond to you after it has a meeting with the officers that actually have a proper
[05:10:07] overview of everything that's happened right. Like what can you improve for the next word first?
[05:10:12] I mean we learn lessons every single tier and we have been getting better and better every tier like this
[05:10:17] I would still say the best showing that we've had with method in recent times
[05:10:21] I mean listen guys we're always looking to improve
[05:10:25] Like big improvements we've seen between I'm just still in this tier for example is definitely being on like the analyst side
[05:10:30] Like there's a lot of stuff that we do behind the scenes. It's have been significantly improved
[05:10:35] I
[05:10:36] Guess we will have to have to obviously have to review the roster and everything like after the tier
[05:10:40] like once we go to once the officers and animals have gone through the logs like see how everyone's actually performed because it's a
[05:10:46] You can't really do that on the fly. I guess like obviously you see someone die, but like
[05:10:51] Like how does that actually compared to like, you know how everyone else is kind of performing?
[05:10:55] Also people that play the same class you can offer compared better because some classes they're much better survival
[05:11:01] Some are like super squishy some have a cheat death
[05:11:04] So you really need to take into account the whole picture and analyze
[05:11:07] everything in detail if you really want to improve your roster the best possible
[05:11:12] way and evaluate players performance. Like we absolutely need to be able to
[05:11:17] execute on these hard boss fights of where to catch up with Deco and Liquid so
[05:11:20] the players need to perform extremely well but then obviously we also have to
[05:11:24] consider everything behind the scenes like the way that we're approaching the
[05:11:27] fights, the strategy, the the recores, the analysts like everything right. So I
[05:11:33] would say like there's a lot that goes into what we can improve between
[05:11:37] tiers but we're always looking to improve guys we're hungry we're hungry really
[05:11:42] hungry for that thousand fold first so I think we'll come we'll come back to the
[05:11:46] next base world first fighting no matter what by the way guys we have brought in a
[05:11:58] boomkin druid because they're extremely strong in phase three for multi dotting
[05:12:04] the acolyte adds that come down from the ceiling like the large adds
[05:12:06] basically will do the cast we need to break the shield and interrupt them so
[05:12:13] So I guess the reason that we swapped out Boomkin already is just so that he can start to get
[05:12:16] used to the fight, because we're going to make it into phase 3 soon.
[05:12:20] What do you mean Boomkin?
[05:12:21] There is no Boomkin.
[05:12:22] Has Boomkin been replaced again?
[05:12:24] Yeah, I think they're at the second warlock now.
[05:12:27] Wait, maybe it's Shelly.
[05:12:29] Wait, where's Shelly?
[05:12:32] Maybe it's the Bean Sassy?
[05:12:33] Shelly is in the raid right now, yeah.
[05:12:35] Isn't he?
[05:12:36] Oh my God, Shelly's back.
[05:12:37] I think he was temporarily disabled because he wasn't in the raid before, maybe
[05:12:41] in production.
[05:12:42] I think that's the bean sassy name then because there is something on the stream deck
[05:12:46] so we can't use a shellip of right okay getting shallow back in another yeah
[05:12:55] we're going for the two warlocks replacing a hunter I don't know if
[05:12:58] the hunter is still there but I would assume so for the buff right the hunter
[05:13:02] still has a buffer that increases damage at 80% up to 80% right guys please
[05:13:08] That's an expansion they had.
[05:13:09] Yes, yes, it's a mark, yeah.
[05:13:11] Is it 80 or 90%?
[05:13:13] 80.
[05:13:13] 80, yeah.
[05:13:14] I think.
[05:13:15] How much of a damage buff is it? Is it 3%?
[05:13:18] You're 5%.
[05:13:19] Wait, 5%?
[05:13:20] Is it called Train or what?
[05:13:23] Oh yeah, there is called Train instead of a Feral Druid,
[05:13:25] guys, so.
[05:13:27] We got the cat out.
[05:13:29] The cat's back in the bag.
[05:13:30] I mean, I saw Gotai or Shea when we were going to call him.
[05:13:34] I actually saw him die a couple of times on the pool.
[05:13:37] Like an initial point. Yeah, an initial, initial agro, yeah.
[05:13:40] Oh, that's a DH kind of thing.
[05:13:42] I saw that happen twice when I was sitting on the couch yesterday.
[05:13:44] That's a DH angle thing, I'm not normally.
[05:13:48] DHs have been doing it a lot.
[05:13:49] I mean, I remember when you got a pounce in.
[05:13:53] As soon as you hit the boss, the bigger your DPS, you know.
[05:13:57] Wait, somebody wrote, I got permanent in Echo's chat
[05:13:59] and then he got auto timed out from our chat.
[05:14:02] Yeah, nice.
[05:14:03] That guy's having a bad day, yeah.
[05:14:05] Honestly, yeah, he's having a bad day and he's got the joint.
[05:14:07] Getting banned is not the flex some people think it is, I think.
[05:14:12] Why did they get all it there?
[05:14:14] Yeah, it was all the time down here.
[05:14:16] Maybe I said a naughty word in a chat.
[05:14:17] I don't know.
[05:14:19] Noggy is still part of Method, he's part of the analyst team, right?
[05:14:22] Yes, yeah.
[05:14:24] He was a last time chat, I guess.
[05:14:29] Definitely.
[05:14:30] Right, so we saw some good progress into late P2, third platform actually,
[05:14:39] actually before lunch break. So now with the food buff.
[05:14:43] Yeah, hopefully we get phase three. Yeah, Fragments was a feral. That's the first days
[05:14:48] I played with him guys and we were actually always hanging out on Skype and it was different
[05:14:54] days. It was probably my favorite gaming days of my whole life if I think of it.
[05:14:59] If we go to Nate's POV right now, he looks like he's having a great time.
[05:15:03] He's probably not happy about the extended break.
[05:15:08] He needs me to sub in I don't know dude. He's looking like he needs me to sub in guys. What do you think?
[05:15:12] Maybe you can go replace him more
[05:15:14] Now let's go to SpencePuree. Oh
[05:15:19] He's something a wonderful time guys. Look at that Aussie's chair. Wait, there's also a quep I think wait. Oh
[05:15:28] Happened down
[05:15:30] Let's go to Dan. Got a little bit of a loving look. Oh Dan is absolutely loving life right now. He's Foglust
[05:15:38] I mean
[05:15:40] Five minutes of refocused time of channeling the food as you know.
[05:15:44] Was Nate asleep there or what? He could just woke up.
[05:15:49] I feel like Nate almost always looks like he just woke up.
[05:15:53] Maybe it's the hair.
[05:15:56] Yeah, it's a pretty good hair.
[05:15:58] Oh yeah, definitely.
[05:16:00] I like your haircut.
[05:16:02] Yeah.
[05:16:03] Scott said he didn't notice much difference.
[05:16:05] But there is difference.
[05:16:06] Yeah, but you didn't see it before the haircut, right?
[05:16:08] Yeah, he did.
[05:16:09] Well, I knew he told me yesterday he was gonna get here
[05:16:13] Also the beer now is probably lines
[05:16:28] I think
[05:16:30] We can just go on on the studio at this point. I mean, there's nothing happening here guys
[05:16:37] We're just chilling
[05:16:39] It's gonna be good
[05:16:41] We're just chilling here. Yo chat. What's up? What up chat?
[05:16:44] Do you know what happens you press the red button? Which button? Red button. No, you get ejectors. Oh
[05:16:50] damn
[05:16:52] Well boomkins can fly after all. Can I risk it now?
[05:16:55] I don't dare. Do you have flap keybond? Of course
[05:16:59] I actually guys I've attacked that a lot of people have started to use it after they saw it
[05:17:03] Is it I jump I jump while charging and flap and you can get further distance without like losing a
[05:17:11] Globals and stuff that the Lord God patterned in tech
[05:17:13] I mean since I started using it other people started using it to and they were like wait
[05:17:18] You actually gain a lot of distance if you do watch us flap. Yeah, thank you
[05:17:23] I love that
[05:17:25] Flapping boom can so it's very funny
[05:17:27] Yeah, guys, we've got a jack button now
[05:17:29] So if there's any castle that you want off the couch, basically if you get a high train going we can press that red button and just go flying
[05:17:37] Yep, definitely
[05:17:40] That's gonna be a good afternoon. I just hope I don't get ejected so
[05:17:46] I'll try to be nice. Yeah, Jack me dude. I need to go do some M10s
[05:17:55] You got your work on it in or a this morning, right? Yeah. Oh, that go good. Yeah
[05:17:59] Yeah, we did back and bicep this morning guys. It's actually a lot of really good back machines. Yeah make machines are really good. Yeah, really good
[05:18:05] Like actually they have a lot machines there that I don't have my own gym
[05:18:08] Yeah, the high row the low row like the specialist high row is really good. I always use it in my routine
[05:18:15] Do you feel like do you feel like without the proper machines workouts would be much harder to do properly?
[05:18:21] If it was just like a hotel gym that only had like a couple of treadmills and like dumbbells
[05:18:24] but generally the advanced gyms have way better machines when it comes to back training and leg training
[05:18:33] like shoulders are quite simple because you just need cables and like a shoulder press
[05:18:37] like simple shoulder press or a mid-machine and you're basically done right or dumbbells
[05:18:41] and then arms is very easy you don't really need much equipment
[05:18:45] chest kind of the bands but back and legs are definitely the ones that you can benefit the most with proper equipment
[05:18:53] Your alarm just went off so good morning, good morning. Actually true, our Twitch chat for some reason guys is in US time. Like it says 6am in Twitch chat right now. It's actually 6am right now in the west coast of the US for some reason we're also on California time.
[05:19:09] time well do you think chat is still awake or are they up already in us oh you
[05:19:17] mean our chat right now the death may wait I mean guys if you're awake drop a
[05:19:23] twitch find something to chat don't forget it is free guys you guys do you
[05:19:31] guys have specific workouts that you think might be overdone with specific
[05:19:38] machines that might actually work better if you return to like more traditional and classic
[05:19:43] workout styles like I'm thinking I'm thinking some workouts like the swinging the hammer
[05:19:49] the hammer workout swinging that stuff like I'm hearing that it's actually like really
[05:19:53] good nowadays you can see like a little bodybuilders or professional lifters in general as you're
[05:19:59] doing competitions of bench and stuff they use more machines than actual free weights
[05:20:03] and stuff like the good machines from proper brands not only are much safer
[05:20:07] for to prevent injuries but they also have very good contraction you can really
[05:20:12] do it much more safely without needing a spotter you know because you know when
[05:20:16] you can't do it anymore you just drop it and it's fine but if you're going
[05:20:18] heavy on three weights then yeah it's a much much more risky yeah I think it's
[05:20:24] I think it's mostly converted to people using more machines as time's gone on
[05:20:27] rather than less yeah with more education and knowledge but even
[05:20:30] even Arnold I think has said in the past that he would have preferred to have access to some of the
[05:20:34] machines that we have today like back in his day yeah yeah but obviously at the same time the good
[05:20:39] old compound lifts of bench squat and deadlifts I mean they're never going to go anywhere they're
[05:20:43] always going to be like a really steep a steep lift yeah true that's cool that's cool yeah I mean
[05:20:49] I think we were talking about it yesterday already or the day before kind of the the connection
[05:20:54] of World of Warcraft of gaming and and lifting and well fitness in general yeah a lot of people
[05:21:01] people are getting more healthy over time compared to like Tandaria days or Green or Aga.
[05:21:06] Do you guys think that's kind of one of the effects of some of the content creators and streamers?
[05:21:13] I mean, Skull, you're probably one of the OG kind of wow fitness guys, right?
[05:21:18] Do you think you've had an impact on pushing that lifestyle a little bit more into the eyes of the people?
[05:21:26] I mean, I would like to think so. I think it's good for everyone to work out or do something
[05:21:35] that makes them a bit more healthy, because ultimately I would say that your health is
[05:21:38] the most important thing and basically enables you to do everything else that you want to
[05:21:41] do in life.
[05:21:42] I mean, you definitely get messages that tell you your inspiration, you know.
[05:21:46] Sure.
[05:21:47] I get those a lot, and I'm not even one-fifth as popular as it's called. I mean, I
[05:21:52] do this more for a living but still continuing your popularity I expect it to
[05:21:56] happen quite often. I think you're overestimating my popularity but yeah.
[05:22:02] Okay. Probably over the years he's not too wrong. Must be a big
[05:22:08] aspect of the enjoyment though as well right that you can reach people and
[05:22:12] affect lives to the better right? Well I just know it's had such a benefit for
[05:22:15] me but yeah I would like to say I'd highly encourage anyone else to also
[05:22:20] get into it. Because I mean, most of us are the same, right, that are on the Twitch streams
[05:22:25] that are playing World of Warcraft, like we spend so much time in front of our PC, like
[05:22:29] for me, like even when I'm not in World of Warcraft, I'm basically sitting on my PC all
[05:22:32] day. So if I didn't go to the gym and do something, then basically I wouldn't see
[05:22:36] that many other humans throughout the day, you know, I don't have that much interaction.
[05:22:39] So it's also like a good mental reset as well, step away from the PC and actually
[05:22:44] do something you feel obviously great to at the same time, you improve your confidence,
[05:22:47] improve your loops, like it just makes you feel like so much better about yourself, and
[05:22:51] especially in today's world of social media and everything, like this definitely would
[05:22:58] recommend working out. It just makes you feel so much better by yourself and improves your
[05:23:01] health. Yeah, there's really not much downside, honestly. It's not like it's that hard
[05:23:05] either, like, it literally takes one hour a day, guys, people underestimate how much
[05:23:10] effort it requires, but you really just need one hour a day, and it's going to
[05:23:15] make already like a massive difference in your overall health and mental?
[05:23:21] If you if you think back like the the last let's say let's say like three four
[05:23:25] years, would you say you've picked up any routines or workouts or improvements to
[05:23:31] your life that you're kind of thinking, man, how did I live so long without this?
[05:23:35] If you could go back and pick this up way earlier, is there something you
[05:23:39] would go for? I mean, back in the day, I always wish wish that I started the
[05:23:42] gym earlier than I did because I didn't start going to the gym until about
[05:23:45] twenty to twenty three and throughout like secondary school I didn't really play
[05:23:48] much sports either so and I was always I was always quite like body conscious
[05:23:53] when I was younger honestly like I always felt like when I was in secondary
[05:23:55] school that you know I was a little bit chubby like I had man boobs like all the
[05:23:59] usual things when you like little bit body conscious. I never had any of these things.
[05:24:04] Yeah I always just think like that. I was just a skinny person with it. Yeah so I've always had that
[05:24:07] I always had like that body conscious thing where I was always like yeah
[05:24:09] actually you know I do actually want to go to the gym but I never
[05:24:11] I actually did it until like I was 223 and I do wish I started sooner because obviously you can make some really good gains in your late teens onwards, but yeah.
[05:24:24] Kind of the same question to you, Logurg, anything that hits your mind that you're like, damn, I missed out on this for so many years?
[05:24:32] Not really, I mean I always wanted to go to the gym but the only time I actually started taking a serious was when I found out about the Zs through the internet.
[05:24:41] That's actually true, that's actually a good point.
[05:24:43] I think it's serious, yeah.
[05:24:44] Just to make guys, I mean, Ziz was also quite current when I was also starting the gym as well.
[05:24:48] And to be clear, the crossover between that was also the kind of music that was associated with Ziz's videos.
[05:24:54] And he also used to play WoW by the way guys.
[05:24:56] He was a WoW player before he took it serious with the gym, so...
[05:25:00] I could totally...
[05:25:01] You might remember.
[05:25:02] You might remember.
[05:25:05] Well, gonna make it.
[05:25:07] The music that he used to play like in his videos and stuff was like
[05:25:12] Trent's Hardstyle in the end
[05:25:13] At that moment in time it was right up my street as well
[05:25:15] It was the same kind of music that I was into as well
[05:25:17] So yeah it was definitely interesting to see
[05:25:20] Yeah, this played well guys
[05:25:22] The day he started starting on some YouTube videos
[05:25:24] It was a world of Toren actually
[05:25:26] Was it your first character as well or?
[05:25:28] Toren?
[05:25:29] My first ever character was actually on Dead Rogue
[05:25:31] Like when I played the U.S. Bear
[05:25:33] And then I actually made it on the
[05:25:35] EU beta came out at the very start in 2005, I think it was. I actually made a human paladin and tried to make him look like Otis.
[05:25:41] Oh, nice.
[05:25:42] Yeah, because I played a lot of Warcraft 3 back in the day that got me into a world of Warcraft.
[05:25:47] Somebody says that if you don't work out past your 20s, you're gonna have a much harder time.
[05:25:51] And that's actually something that I mostly disagree.
[05:25:54] Like, I agree that you can have a slightly better gains in your teens because your hormones are a bit higher.
[05:25:58] But like, literally the best bodybuilder of all times, which is basically the biggest human on Earth ever,
[05:26:05] Started at like 22. So it's never too late. I mean, obviously if you want to be a bodybuilder and you started 40
[05:26:12] Then probably not the smartest thing because you're also gonna push your health on an age that it's not a good idea
[05:26:18] But definitely guys is never too late to get in better shape better health. And yeah, finally we pull guys
[05:26:23] So we go back into wow with the first pull guys. This is amazing. We have a pool
[05:26:28] It's only taken us almost 40 minutes since I did actually see some week or updates getting pushed to the players as well
[05:26:34] Thank you. Now that we're hitting the later stages of the platforms, of course, we shuffle the Compa round a little bit, the second Warlock in, which is something we've seen both Hotpot Hero run and Echo as well.
[05:26:46] So I'm very curious to see the impact of the Destro Lock on, I would assume they're putting one Warlock on each platform set group, and just get that rolling a little bit better and get the kind of the cleave damage, which I assume the Destruction Lock is brought for,
[05:27:02] brought for for those ads a little bit better rolling. Yeah and I believe we swapped out the
[05:27:05] Druid to balance too right. I can't do these new frames but that would mean that we've got at least
[05:27:10] two new people in the raid so hopefully our tries remain smooth because obviously they haven't learned
[05:27:14] to fight yet. Yeah. So they need to build up their own muscle memory and figure out like the timings,
[05:27:17] how things go. Yeah. But hopefully that doesn't slow us down too much because we really do need
[05:27:21] to get into face to face with ASAP at this point in time. Also I feel like the Warlock can
[05:27:24] bring the gateway value in the intermissions. I can definitely see use of it on both platforms.
[05:27:30] I'm not exactly sure in which part of the second phase they're gonna use specifically, but having it on both sides is definitely a good idea.
[05:27:38] They've been using the gateway on the ramp from first to second platform to get to the adds faster, because especially the second group that's now gaining a wallock.
[05:27:48] They've been struggling a little bit getting to the adds in time and meeting the DPS check, so that's gonna definitely help out a lot with the DPS mid as well.
[05:27:58] Once the druid starts doing damage, we can figure out what speck it is, but
[05:28:05] If you went feral you would play shea because it's the main feral and more experienced
[05:28:11] I was just joking don't worry
[05:28:14] We have the forties is the four that we're getting right now. It's the last yeah
[05:28:19] That's the last one we get for the shield. So it's actually the hardest part phase one to be honest guys
[05:28:22] This is one right here
[05:28:24] We get blades then the soaks
[05:28:26] all four bounces gonna have enough people in the detonation as well so the
[05:28:32] debuff doesn't stack too high on the party we did actually only get four so
[05:28:35] this is really good guys everyone alive going to the intermission that's very
[05:28:39] very good so you have to get the shield then coming in strong on our first try
[05:28:44] after the big break right now looking good so far the first drag in also one of
[05:28:52] the big progress points of this morning was dropping the bloodlust in
[05:28:56] this intermission and making sure everything is cleaned up and working
[05:28:59] nicely and now you can see the weak aura kind of the blue barbers the little white stripe traveling to the left side
[05:29:05] That's the time I were working against trying to beat it. Yeah, it's tight
[05:29:09] But it's looking solid so a little bit more damage here necessary for method to make it out
[05:29:13] But they are getting ahead ever so slightly of that white bar damage should be enough
[05:29:19] You've got to maneuver those puddles and those waves just got to make sure you don't get dragged too much a little bit more damage
[05:29:26] The last few seconds remaining
[05:29:28] Come on, oh nice. Point two left guys and they're going into phase two with everyone alive.
[05:29:33] We're not using bloodlust there anymore either guys so it's quite tight but that was clutch.
[05:29:37] That's the boomy difference guys. If we got that grip we'd be dead.
[05:29:41] Yeah for sure.
[05:29:42] We're fine and the healers need to pump a little bit here because the taking damage with these two adds up
[05:29:46] and of course the portal that you need to take care of is quite intense.
[05:29:49] One death on the other side here as we're heading to the first platform
[05:29:54] But the healer should be able to stabilize here now that the ticking damage is falling off.
[05:29:58] You can see the last dispell from the portal debuff coming through.
[05:30:01] And we're heading over to the first platform, the first two adds, and of course we've got to deal with the portals all the way through this intermission phase.
[05:30:07] Hunterburn is dead, I think, so I wonder why he died, actually.
[05:30:11] Yeah, and they didn't even get rest, so maybe he's having connection issues, I don't know.
[05:30:16] It's generally the ticking damage going into this intermission is so high, we regularly see people take down to 20%
[05:30:24] And well, every now and then, well, if you don't catch the portal or someone dies, then
[05:30:30] just blows up and yeah.
[05:30:33] Well, I'm speaking to Dan and Quep about this at the break.
[05:30:35] They told me that ideally on this first platform, they only take one portal.
[05:30:38] So when they're trying to clear the platform and activate the bridge before the second cast of the portal needs to be interrupted,
[05:30:44] but I think it's quite tight.
[05:30:46] It's a solid TPS trick that needs to be played there.
[05:30:49] And I believe other guilds start swapping Blondlas away from Phase 2 to have it on Phase 3
[05:30:54] because you won't as much boss damage as you need.
[05:30:57] As the Enriched Timer is quite tight and yeah, Blondlas in Phase 2 is probably going to get removed at some point.
[05:31:03] I believe we are still using it just for progression purposes, but eventually you can't have it there anymore.
[05:31:09] Yeah, it's popped for a second platform at the moment because you have multiple adds that you need to kill in time before they blow up the raid basically.
[05:31:16] And it's just so much easier to progress when you have that extra damage boost, that haste boost from Bloodlust.
[05:31:22] So at the moment, it's kind of the point where Method Shifted it to, but we definitely need it in P3, like late stages of P3.
[05:31:29] We've seen that from the other girls already in their pulse.
[05:31:33] And it's just something that needs to be done at some point later in the day once Phase 2 is figured out, ironed out,
[05:31:41] and the raiders feel safe that they are performing properly in that second phase.
[05:31:45] By the way, as Paul mentioned on chat, our iLevel actually jumped even higher than before.
[05:31:50] Yeah, so we're even higher than we were before, and I mean, 0.6 more than Echo, can definitely
[05:31:58] help at the moment, the boss is a very tight and great check, so they still have to do
[05:32:03] splits, which I believe at some point they will be forced to do, and that's some time
[05:32:06] lost, I think Liquid is also kind of done with splits, but yeah, that's good to
[05:32:11] see because I was getting a bit worried that all those splits wouldn't pay off iLevel
[05:32:14] But totally makes sense though that we're a bit ahead because we invested much more time into doing every split and
[05:32:20] Yeah, Cruella is not in because we're only using one DPS evoker and she's probably the least geared of the two. So
[05:32:30] Reggie with the two gift of subs by the way guys
[05:32:32] It's the end of September right now and if you give five subs you actually give to six instead and twitch
[05:32:37] Actually, sometimes those in bonuses on top of that too
[05:32:39] one free sub let's go one free sub for every five gifted subs huh you think you
[05:32:45] think five gifted would get the high train rolling I mean it would definitely
[05:32:48] help us get there we need five different people to drop you the bits or
[05:32:51] subs in the chat to get the high train rolling let's go so we've got one person
[05:32:55] right now we just dropped two gifted subs guys I haven't had a single stream
[05:32:58] without a high-trend did you score no I don't think so damn but we got a
[05:33:05] level 11 I heard was it 11 or was it 13 13 geez I think it was third how many
[05:33:13] sabers that was pretty good it was big yeah my highest was level nine I think it
[05:33:18] was 13 yeah that was this rage and Doc Mac
[05:33:21] Kumo failure with the secret so go see twitch just gifted in a huge thanks
[05:33:27] thanks to the extra subbed rich thank you thank you a lot we miss three more
[05:33:32] So enable the first high train and then we probably jump straight to level three. So
[05:33:38] Don't forget guys prime is free
[05:33:42] Forever three rows as long as it takes
[05:33:46] Wait, how do you see how many subs are missing for the hot train?
[05:33:49] Are you just yeah, keep it in your head. Yeah, because it takes five different people to proc it and it has to be within
[05:33:56] It has to be within five minutes. Oh, okay
[05:33:58] So basically, yeah, so that is close guys. So now we've got three people. Oh, actually four people four. Yeah
[05:34:03] Thank you. This is a beliefs. Thank you. Check. Hi train is close to the next person. The subs proxy. Hi train, basically
[05:34:08] Let's go
[05:34:12] Making a jump straight to level three. How many not for how many give subs for five five
[05:34:18] Let's go level. What is it?
[05:34:28] Now if only we can get another pull on the boss guys.
[05:34:32] We're gonna make sure the method rate to its node is cleaned up properly, all the weak aura hooks and timers are correctly.
[05:34:41] Actually such a nice tool to just get some weak aura triggered for your guild, like if you make some proper timers in your MRT node.
[05:34:51] Yeah, every raider basically uses that method rate tools, yeah.
[05:34:55] It's kind of interesting how widespread that has become since I think the add-almost first introduced in Legion by Xor's aspect then, and after Method took over it can be the development in the true of that.
[05:35:10] Yeah, it's become super popular.
[05:35:12] We had the developer actually as part of our analyst team for a while. He's called Afia.
[05:35:17] We also got a couple of other members from Xor's as part of the method team there.
[05:35:22] That's actually I guess what's been interesting with the guild over the last like in building the guild over the last a few years is that we've actually
[05:35:29] Gotten people from a lot of the other top guilds. So like there's a mix of obviously people from
[05:35:34] Exorcists BDG
[05:35:36] Liquid like now obviously, you know people coming back from the like old method for example like mm-hmm
[05:35:41] So there's lots of different guilds kind of combos in there
[05:35:46] I'm previous highest train by the way Paul was actually 13 maybe you missed that that was yesterday. I
[05:35:50] I think. Yeah. It was 13 and before that was 9. It's kind of wild to see over the years
[05:36:01] because guilds like Pieces, Exorzo's always have been one of the biggest competitors
[05:36:07] back in the day, right? Interesting to see. Wouldn't say Pieces was really a competitor,
[05:36:11] but Exorzo's yeah. That's fair, Exorzo's definitely, Pieces was around solid third
[05:36:16] I mean, they actually beat us on Oonat, so...
[05:36:21] All I'm saying, guys, is when I left, I remember that was the whole day I had to go on with.
[05:36:27] My parents were doing their 60th anniversary, and Oonat was taking way, way longer than we expected.
[05:36:33] And so I had to exit from the raid at that point in time.
[05:36:37] And when I came back, all I'm saying, guys, is I left when we were world first and I came back when we were world second.
[05:36:42] You know, so I don't know where the score score is the problem me came from but yeah
[05:36:47] You left that was the problem. Yeah, I guess that exactly guys so chat from that moment kept saying scours in the problem
[05:36:57] That's Saturday never I still see I still see that meme in chat every now and then yeah, that means Saturday never online
[05:37:03] That's an iconic meme guys
[05:37:05] It's a time that's a time of thing that never leaves you
[05:37:07] We're not it. I think of it
[05:37:08] That's one of the best memes that's ever been in the BB scene, to be honest.
[05:37:13] It was right after Emerald Knight, where...
[05:37:15] Oh my God, that was so hilarious.
[05:37:17] I think my favourite WoW PvE meme is the Mathematically Impossible.
[05:37:22] Oh yeah, that was from Fallen Avatar, I think.
[05:37:25] I mean, it started with Cthun back in the day, right?
[05:37:27] But Fallen Avatar was the first modern boss.
[05:37:31] So, just so people understand, the origination of that meme score was the problem.
[05:37:34] It basically started because basically every single player method...
[05:37:38] left the guild to start a new guild called Serenity.
[05:37:42] The method was first at the time.
[05:37:44] And then in the first mid tier, they got third place.
[05:37:48] You beat them, and they got third place.
[05:37:50] And so Skull was the problem meme basically became started.
[05:37:54] But now people use it interchangeably though.
[05:37:57] People use it as a joke, but then some people actually use it as a serious meme as well.
[05:38:02] Thank you again for sub-skulling.
[05:38:04] Skull was the problem.
[05:38:06] That was, I don't know, I loved that meme.
[05:38:08] Nowadays, most people don't even know the context, probably, eh?
[05:38:13] Yeah.
[05:38:14] There's no trip memory, don't you think?
[05:38:15] We should actually, at some point in time, honestly,
[05:38:17] we should probably do a video where it's like, know your wire meme, yeah?
[05:38:19] Because there's a few, I'm just thinking.
[05:38:21] Like, the Ankh is a meme, Cisco is a form, what are the, like, methamemes do we have?
[05:38:27] Full moon was a method, though.
[05:38:28] Oh, full moon.
[05:38:29] I mean, I guess...
[05:38:30] Eh?
[05:38:31] Eh?
[05:38:31] Yeah.
[05:38:32] Guys, you've got 55 seconds on this hike train, oh no dude, 35%...
[05:38:36] In Twitch, it always closes at like, 10 seconds early.
[05:38:38] 40 seconds left, guys.
[05:38:39] It's going to be our only high train for the next hour, dude.
[05:38:42] 11-4, getting worse over time.
[05:38:45] Oh, no, bro.
[05:38:47] It's a small train.
[05:38:50] Oh, my gosh.
[05:38:51] I thought he almost propped it.
[05:38:52] Yeah, that was an active.
[05:38:53] Yeah, it was an active.
[05:38:54] Yeah, it was an active.
[05:38:55] I can tell you that Shelley's heart just absolutely
[05:38:57] skipped a beat there.
[05:38:58] Yeah, true.
[05:38:59] Like, it would be nice to actually have a hard train
[05:39:02] for every player.
[05:39:03] That would be, oh, there we go.
[05:39:05] You lead the spark.
[05:39:06] Damn, how many is there?
[05:39:07] must be 10 I think. So one gift 100, no okay. Calibango as well gifted by...
[05:39:15] Oh, Procentral finally got a sub-back.
[05:39:17] Yeah, Cepcentral got it. Let's go. Thank you so much guys.
[05:39:21] Level 5, let's go. How many subs was that gifted there?
[05:39:24] That just saved our height 10. Oh 5, okay.
[05:39:30] Thank you so much for those like gifted. Level 5.
[05:39:34] I also got gifted a few days ago. I got one this morning.
[05:39:37] oh nice people are so nice oh everyone is still alive nice well yeah it's still
[05:39:44] pretty easy at this point in time it doesn't it doesn't get hard until the
[05:39:46] next so like this for yeah this day at this three soaks chill like honestly
[05:39:53] it's it's the part that comes up now that actually where it starts getting a
[05:39:56] bit more spicy there is a friend from Asia also subbing with prime thank you
[05:40:00] a lot I'm sorry I can't read your name but I appreciate it we actually have
[05:40:05] death though unfortunately it's the druid. Oh it's not. No it's not. Okay it's helpful I just dropped
[05:40:10] so small I couldn't see it inside the screen. I can see it better. Fjerm has been doing a great
[05:40:20] job on the preservation evoker so far this year. Oh there's the first death immediately raised up.
[05:40:24] That was rain I think. Yeah. Vem does it really die too frequently to be honest. No it's really
[05:40:30] good with players. It's one I would say one of the best players in the guild. It's also
[05:40:34] beefs POV for progression
[05:40:36] right here comes out the soaks
[05:40:40] that was kind of risky positioning from here i must say
[05:40:44] he gamboled but he knew he could dispell himself and he just moved out
[05:40:48] we have another death that's a problem means we're gonna get five stacks
[05:40:50] six stacks
[05:40:52] oh no i think we might not have enough
[05:40:55] we've got six stacks
[05:40:56] yeah it's over guys, seven stacks
[05:41:01] a little bit of a rough first phase and that means if we want to break the shield we have to pop lola
[05:41:05] You need bloodlust, yeah.
[05:41:07] Yeah.
[05:41:08] There it is.
[05:41:09] Oh, they sent it.
[05:41:10] They want to practice phase two.
[05:41:12] I got some preq in with the new comp, with the wall ox, even if you don't have bloodlust,
[05:41:17] you can at least see if the movement and the tech you want to bring in is working out the way as intended.
[05:41:22] This kind of mechanic reminds me of Zof, you remember?
[05:41:25] That you have to drop the paddles on mythic.
[05:41:28] Kind of similar.
[05:41:29] I don't know if they have pre-assigned positions, actually.
[05:41:32] I think they must have, or?
[05:41:34] It would make sense, you don't want to just roll on this kind of rare mechanic.
[05:41:37] Definitely, it was positioning. They just ended it there by going into the middle of the boss.
[05:41:40] Call me only, thanks so much for the 1000 bits, keeping that hype train alive guys, 45%, 2 minutes left on the hype train.
[05:41:46] That's a lot of bits, thank you.
[05:41:49] With a spot, with 100 bits of spot, thank you.
[05:41:59] Thank you.
[05:42:08] I mean guys, anything can happen with the word first.
[05:42:11] Somebody asking on YouTube which guilder do you think is gonna get it.
[05:42:14] Like on paper, Liquid is ahead, and they probably play the best so far in the race, but you know,
[05:42:21] what matters is who kills the last boss first, and you can always, I guess, get stuck on a
[05:42:26] phase and then play bad or, you know, anything can happen. It's very interesting to see how
[05:42:35] much progress has stagnated at the start of P3. Like P1 already was, I think, a pretty hard
[05:42:43] face to proc for the three guilds but cleaning up intermission and p2 also very challenging
[05:42:49] and now p3 is like out of nowhere an even bigger roadblock we can see liquids stuck at 35%
[05:42:55] basically or ending at 35% to be fair when i saw phase three the first time i was like nothing
[05:43:01] is going on here but then there's is like so many overlaps back to back after a couple of
[05:43:06] minutes and then it gets really hard very green but first minute is exactly just like
[05:43:11] phase one phase three is a ramping difficulty you know it starts off very easy but then the
[05:43:16] the one more accolades start spawning the harder and harder it gets the accolades are basically
[05:43:20] like the pools that spawn I like I like that kind of system but first time I saw it with
[05:43:25] echo wiped on the first real ability I was a bit disappointed I was like this could be
[05:43:29] pretty easy but then I see other pools and I'm like okay this is gonna be a big challenge
[05:43:33] you know you see the screenshots of the red leader faces when they saw four heads
[05:43:38] Oh, how hella good.
[05:43:39] That's a hilarious dude.
[05:43:40] Oh nice guys, we've got some cool music playing right now.
[05:43:43] Hope you guys can't hear it.
[05:43:44] I can't hear it, yeah.
[05:43:45] Let's see.
[05:43:45] Look at that side there.
[05:43:46] The music just leveled up.
[05:43:50] Time for some progress.
[05:43:53] Yeah.
[05:43:54] I think it's gone now.
[05:43:54] Oh, it went back to...
[05:43:58] Bring in the tunes, bring in the damage, bring in the progress.
[05:44:01] That's what we like.
[05:44:02] Let's listen to some comms, guys.
[05:44:03] We haven't heard the comms in a while.
[05:44:06] Tilted is listening.
[05:44:10] Thanks for the stack, what's your health field?
[05:44:12] Chopper friend
[05:44:13] Invading
[05:44:14] Roots
[05:44:22] Invading blades
[05:44:27] Blades again and then second top scene
[05:44:42] We just got Biff calling out the abilities right now
[05:44:46] Like I said, it starts very chill on this phase
[05:45:02] Gloves
[05:45:03] Base stacks
[05:45:04] Just exactly what you want
[05:45:08] Personal staff
[05:45:10] Nightmatch is free
[05:45:12] Roots at home
[05:45:13] Roots coming
[05:45:14] Yeah, we had a while to go down for some reason
[05:45:20] Plates
[05:45:23] Okay, it's gonna start getting a little bit more interesting guys the only hard part to leave at phase one is right off now
[05:45:31] Four soaks are gonna come
[05:45:36] See the markets going down already
[05:45:41] I'll put the fields
[05:45:46] Fins and plates around the circle nicely
[05:45:49] We actually have someone webbed there for some reason, that's not good.
[05:45:56] Lindsey standing in the circle, that's helping.
[05:46:00] And Bobby is in, now with the wave hitting him.
[05:46:03] We have one more stat than we would like, which means one person was not placed correctly.
[05:46:09] But we can still recover from this.
[05:46:13] No deaths.
[05:46:14] Looks solid, yeah.
[05:46:15] We don't have the combat dress because he was used on Wildeep, but looking great outside
[05:46:19] of that.
[05:46:26] Well, we're heading into intermission, of course, dodging the waves, personal sense of
[05:46:30] victory, you're not getting dragged into the boss because if you do, she's going to
[05:46:34] eat you up right away.
[05:46:35] We saw how to play a combat.
[05:46:38] Two healers, so...
[05:46:40] Yeah, we're dying two healers, so I think it's...
[05:46:54] We didn't make the DPS here.
[05:46:56] I cut off the comms to back to normal casting
[05:46:59] I mean I reduced
[05:47:01] I just spiffled it, she just left us there
[05:47:03] I was caught off the comms saying the shield, yeah it's tight
[05:47:06] but, and then we cut it off
[05:47:08] Just so you guys know, like they recognise obviously that the DPS requirements to the shield is actually quite difficult without bloodlust
[05:47:14] You really need to push
[05:47:16] Probably including healers doing some damage as well
[05:47:19] Yeah, the last few pulls into P2 we've seen was always like half a percent ahead of the shield basically
[05:47:25] There are also two players that are new to the raid and normally it takes like 5 to 10 pulls to start min-maxing the boss properly
[05:47:32] because when you enter a boss that has already been progressed for a while, you normally just aim to not die, that's your main fogear
[05:47:38] Then after like 10 pulls each, you can start min-maxing the damage a bit more
[05:47:43] We can probably swap to Shaly's POV even if I watch him on this pool
[05:47:47] He's actually one of the players that we swapped into the raid guys recently so let's see how he does in the fight
[05:47:55] I love the Soul Stone Vigora, very important here because the run back is very long.
[05:48:01] Slightly annoying.
[05:48:03] Quite unusual for the run back to be long on an emboss actually, isn't it?
[05:48:07] Yeah, Blizzard has been a lot better recently with the kind of respawn positions.
[05:48:12] But I feel like this expansion has a few spots, like a few dungeons, a few parts of the raid where you're like...
[05:48:19] Why do I need to run 15 minutes now?
[05:48:20] I think Jailad would just put you right outside the boss room, yeah.
[05:48:24] I think in front of a bridge that you just needed to cross and then that was it
[05:48:27] And now it's much longer remember for act that was like instant bears on the platform
[05:48:31] Yeah, that was perfect
[05:48:32] Honestly, I feel like on the last boss when you know, it's gonna be a lot of pools blizzards should give you an instant
[05:48:36] Be spawned the platform. Yeah, there's no reason not to really
[05:48:41] I'm not gonna lie though at the same time I
[05:48:46] Don't really remember mostly run backs on the bosses cuz I always got just got asked
[05:48:49] Yeah, I mean it gives a very good at making sure one of the helos has a rest in some capacity, right?
[05:48:55] I mean, even if there is no rest, I'm just waiting for the rest to let others run back.
[05:48:59] Fair enough.
[05:49:00] That's a great attitude to have, team player bro.
[05:49:10] That's why he's on the couch now, I guess.
[05:49:13] He's not just on the bench, if you've reached the couch it means you're primarily retired,
[05:49:17] yeah.
[05:49:18] It means you're truly done, yeah.
[05:49:20] It means you're definitely, it means you're headed for the scrap yard, yeah.
[05:49:28] I don't think Logo can stand washed up.
[05:49:30] Nah.
[05:49:31] I mean, I don't know.
[05:49:31] I was telling a story about a key that we did.
[05:49:34] Like, I've only done two.
[05:49:36] Well, actually, I've only done one key with Logox, guys.
[05:49:39] And he died on the first and the third boss.
[05:49:41] And there's only three bosses in the instance.
[05:49:43] So, I mean, I don't know.
[05:49:45] I'm so glad none of my old German caster colleagues
[05:49:47] are in chat because there's some questionable stories
[05:49:51] about my performance in caster keys.
[05:49:55] Did you also die on first and third boss?
[05:49:57] So I was re-rolling to Rogue for the first time and I always remembered that I thought
[05:50:07] Gauge worked from behind back in Classic when I played Rogue. So we did it in the Tau Dazaar
[05:50:16] and there was a mob, a caster that that that one-shots you basically. Oh yeah,
[05:50:22] Yeah, Pablo is sitting here.
[05:50:24] I didn't see you, I didn't see you behind the pillar.
[05:50:27] So, one of the casters in the Tata Zara basically one-shots you.
[05:50:31] And let's just say the group was relying on me to stop the cast.
[05:50:36] After all the kicks were out, I was like, yeah, I'm gouging, I'm gouging, don't worry.
[05:50:39] So I stood behind the mob and hammered the gouch key.
[05:50:41] I was complaining why the gouch key wasn't working.
[05:50:44] So like, one of the other guys who mains rogue, he was like, dude,
[05:50:49] need to guard from the front. It doesn't work from behind.
[05:50:52] Do you fear I didn't know that either actually?
[05:50:54] Yeah.
[05:50:55] I don't know, you can't guard from behind.
[05:50:57] It makes sense though, because guard is meant to be around the guys in the eyes, I guess, right?
[05:51:01] Exactly, yeah.
[05:51:02] I could have sworn it was from behind.
[05:51:04] I don't even know what it means in English.
[05:51:06] I guess I learned a new word.
[05:51:08] It's normally in reference to, like, you poke someone's eyes, basically.
[05:51:11] Oh, okay, okay.
[05:51:13] It's a... it's a... removing, like, forcefully removing movement or something along the lines, like, gouging someone's eyes out.
[05:51:20] Okay, okay. I see what you mean.
[05:51:22] I think that's where the phrase originally...
[05:51:24] Look at Shelly, by the way. He's bouncing, guys. Look at his energy, yeah? He's pumping.
[05:51:28] He was ready to get back into the rain, yeah.
[05:51:30] Look at the player cam, guys. He's ready.
[05:51:33] Number six on DPS, guys. Going straight for the number five spot, and...
[05:51:37] You also see a boomy.
[05:51:38] Oh, yeah. Shelly's wising, actually, yeah.
[05:51:40] Yeah, yeah, ramping.
[05:51:44] Definitely possible to reach phase 3 for the team, I mean that's the aim.
[05:51:49] Like if you want to still be in the race we have to get to phase 3 or we're gonna fall to behind.
[05:51:55] Oh he's falling, he's falling.
[05:51:57] He's gonna have to damage me as soon.
[05:51:59] No worries, let's get the machinekicks in.
[05:52:05] He's actually got no house stones in him.
[05:52:07] I'm surprised though that we caught a popup on the screen there.
[05:52:10] Okay, temporary, temporary, that's good.
[05:52:13] I feel like this is a pure single target phase because every class just gets rid of those routes.
[05:52:19] Is that even NLE? I mean, I feel like the idea is to have everyone getting rid of them.
[05:52:23] No, everyone is cleansing one way or another really, really quickly because these nets have a lot of health.
[05:52:30] How is a wallet getting rid of it?
[05:52:32] Probably getting freedom or something.
[05:52:34] You can dispel himself with the import.
[05:52:36] I think...
[05:52:37] Yeah, in the spell, we're literally watching his POV, so we should know, yeah?
[05:52:40] I think you can soul shard the demonic circle to get rid of snares, I might be wrong though.
[05:52:48] We can maybe actually now, can't see it anymore, everyone alive with one res being used on a player, and actually one death now.
[05:52:56] Unluck.
[05:52:57] Great port, I guess that, we have to sample all those guys to get a DPS dead, it's our only chance of being the timer.
[05:53:03] Kevin.
[05:53:04] You want that P2 proc even if it costs you bloodlust.
[05:53:08] I want to make sure the movement is fine and of course new players like Shelle
[05:53:13] have just joined this fight after this comp was swapped around that they get the
[05:53:17] practice into p2. Look at the difference of bloodlust by the way.
[05:53:20] Look at the difference, like just look at the line, the white line. Normally without bloodlust it's like
[05:53:24] touching go almost, yeah? But now with bloodlust it's like blasted down, yeah?
[05:53:29] It's free. With those waves actually one shot you, I never got hit on a
[05:53:34] I don't even know if they hurt a lot in a row with flex, but all right
[05:53:39] true
[05:53:40] There have been many abilities where at some point after like half a day of a boss. I'm asking does it one shot?
[05:53:45] I never got hit
[05:53:48] We flex but I'm really that ice for it, right?
[05:53:51] Well, I must think about it because there's a person dead. Otherwise, we would make it. Yeah
[05:53:55] I'm greeting. I'm greeting on the dragon too much. Thank you. Minimax. Oh, we have a second death from Rami. Unfortunately
[05:54:02] like this we are probably gonna be 99 on each platform which I guess not too bad
[05:54:09] but with all the damage that's going on during mystic even if you don't get one
[05:54:17] shot by the way I'm pretty sure I could happily result in a death yeah timing
[05:54:20] yeah I think it also gives you a docks once it gets once you get hit so that
[05:54:26] certainly doesn't help oh let's go let's go he's facing super hectic crazy
[05:54:33] damage yeah we got the second dragon most likely because we have a dps down
[05:54:39] usually want to skip that by activating the bridge if you activate the bridge in
[05:54:42] time it actually cancels the dragon from the queen and that makes the
[05:54:46] transition onto the second platform much easier but now even with the swap
[05:54:52] roster it seems like this first ad is going down nicely of course here you
[05:54:57] gotta watch out that you don't get just a little bit too much damage I'm
[05:55:02] I'm pretty sure there's an ad that can come through this platform as well.
[05:55:06] I think the second one is the hard one, that's right.
[05:55:09] The big thing just now was usually we pop bloodlust here on that second platform.
[05:55:13] This was without bloodlust and we almost made it through.
[05:55:16] That's good, good sign.
[05:55:18] I mean, ultimately, you're gonna have to do it without bloodlust, so...
[05:55:22] We're practice.
[05:55:28] Quick res up, this time around clean phase one, no bloodlust on the shields.
[05:55:32] And I think we'll see some good P2 proc.
[05:55:36] So of course always a little bit of reprogression once you swap in
[05:55:39] Radars that haven't seen the fight as much as the other members of the guild
[05:55:44] Just take a few balls to get to get used to it
[05:55:46] Especially damage requirements without having players that have done many bullets as I mentioned earlier
[05:55:51] You want to first make sure that you don't just die randomly
[05:55:55] Yeah, you mentioned a few months ago that's like ten poles usually is what it takes you to get used to the movement
[05:56:01] And everything and something in maxing damage. You think that's this like average for the Radars here
[05:56:05] I would say 10 pulls each time you get into a new phase.
[05:56:08] So for phase one, you do it 10 times and then you should roughly have an idea like 95% min max already.
[05:56:15] Then obviously the last 5% it might take another 50 pulls but normally 95% min max is enough
[05:56:23] assuming that the rest of the raid is actually doing 100% because they have more experience on it.
[05:56:27] That's why you don't just swap 5 players at once, as it would take even longer.
[05:56:33] Yeah
[05:56:34] Wait, can you hear me biting?
[05:56:36] Wait on?
[05:56:38] Haha
[05:56:39] No, I'm not sure
[05:56:40] Don't say anything right now, I'm gonna bite you, ready?
[05:56:48] I can't even hear it
[05:56:49] Yeah, it's quite low
[05:56:52] But, uh, okay, listen, guys, I'm gonna say it for the final time
[05:56:56] To answer Maple Key's question
[05:56:58] We're not planning to blow us in Phase 1 right now
[05:57:01] Um, the only reason we've bloodlust the shield there is because we've had someone dead
[05:57:05] If we don't bloodlust with someone dead, we can't break the shield and we can't go into Phase 2
[05:57:10] We don't, if we are everyone alive in the raid we will not be bloodless in the shield, but
[05:57:16] if someone dies we have to bloodless shield otherwise we cannot break it.
[05:57:26] So far, looking at first phase, I mean we already talked about it's very intense, it's
[05:57:32] not slow, ramps up very hard.
[05:57:34] If you guys are thinking back to some of the other end bosses you've progressed, do
[05:57:39] you feel like Queen kind of slots in on the higher end of difficulty?
[05:57:44] I'm sure to say now there's been many harder phase ones like blackhand
[05:57:50] You remember the damage requirement of that was also super quick and intense right? It was much faster
[05:57:56] It was very crazy intense. It was like a minute and a half or two
[05:57:58] But do you remember we used what was it called aspect of the fox? Yeah for hunters for you. Yeah without it
[05:58:03] I mean, that's why Paragon took them an extra week because they were always rubbing in phase one because they didn't have a
[05:58:09] month of hunters we used
[05:58:11] anything what other boss is at the hardest phase once guys I mean black
[05:58:16] hand is definitely up there as one of the hardest phase once I mean on this
[05:58:19] boss would you count phase one and the first intermission like the same phase
[05:58:24] one or I'd call it as phase one yeah yeah I don't know like what do you think
[05:58:31] about them bringing back aspect of the fox the hunters that would be so broken
[05:58:35] though what exactly did aspect of the fox do but she cast one moving right
[05:58:38] Yeah, you can cast while moving for like 8 seconds or something.
[05:58:41] The whole raid though, not just the hunter.
[05:58:44] Actually I think Sylvanas phase 1, if you also count intermission was pretty hectic.
[05:58:49] If you remember it had a lot of damage.
[05:58:52] I did not like Sylvanas phase 1.
[05:58:54] No, but it was quite hard though.
[05:58:55] Yeah, it was, but I didn't like it at all.
[05:58:58] I liked it because Bumkin was insane.
[05:59:00] He was just heart-filling everything down, being best class by heart for it.
[05:59:04] Of course you like it.
[05:59:06] Kill Jaden phase one
[05:59:09] Yeah, that was the same
[05:59:11] You have to suicide the tank before the nerf
[05:59:13] Kill Jaden phase one, was that already with the nox?
[05:59:15] Yes, with the nox and the intermission
[05:59:18] as the only soaking plus nox
[05:59:20] the first phase itself was soaking armageddon
[05:59:23] on each of the four sides, plus the big head was spawned
[05:59:26] then you need to gateway when the head explodes
[05:59:29] because it knocks you too far away
[05:59:31] Kill Jaden phase one was actually one of the worst problems
[05:59:35] Might be even the hardest when I think of it as wiping to someone not soaking is the most annoying thing ever
[05:59:40] Yeah, but also having to press the gateway or an ability that makes you move
[05:59:45] So like a goblin jump or a blink just because you were gonna die if you didn't that's just I think pretty crazy
[05:59:51] I think that was the boss that
[05:59:53] Properly established the the knockback gateway tech, right? Yeah, it was it was
[05:59:59] It was mandatory, actually in the second intermission where it was dark
[06:00:04] So you couldn't really tell where the orb were coming from
[06:00:06] The tactic was to use the gateway on the first and then you use like a blink or a goblin jump on second
[06:00:11] You need to clear it by then because there was no way for War First Guilds to know where the orb was going
[06:00:16] It was just simply impossible, but then they nerfed it that it was always the same pattern
[06:00:20] So you always know that it comes top left and top right. That's after the first two guilds though
[06:00:25] I wonder if kill Jaden was brought back now as a boss like all these years later
[06:00:32] Like five years later or wherever it was if it would still be considered as hard as it was when we did it
[06:00:36] I mean depends from how many nerves they put into it
[06:00:39] No, like yeah, I mean because even like we reached the last phase and even the last phase was so
[06:00:43] Virtune the debuff was doing like there was a ticking damage debuff and it was doing like almost twice the damage that
[06:00:50] You could actually hear HPS too high
[06:00:52] Yeah, and then they had to like literally nerf it by 50% and that was after nerfing the boss like six times already
[06:00:58] Yeah, so imagine imagine you get all the way through the last phase and then there's actually that damage intake that you literally can't heal
[06:01:05] After you did like 450 bullets
[06:01:09] And this is obviously before the base 12 vs broadcast so Blizzard would not have rushed to fix it because no one else was seeing this
[06:01:15] We had days we were stuck three days like okay
[06:01:18] This is not gonna work. You remember when I can see on the you know
[06:01:22] There is on the exhaust those rate tools on now method rate tools
[06:01:24] You can see the first bloods of each boss the person that dies first
[06:01:28] You have like hundred first bloods because before before the nerve our tactic was you get the ad and you just jump down
[06:01:34] So it doesn't spawn that was our tactic to get through phase one
[06:01:37] Don't don't share a chair our tactics all the stream
[06:01:42] But yeah, basically guys we would suicide the tank just to get through phase one because they had the HP was
[06:01:48] Simply like twice higher than it should have been and yeah, the boss was that strategy was that that
[06:01:55] tactic deal with ads is widely dislike bubbles are now obviously yeah, but
[06:02:00] On Keltosad, I think same happened. Yeah
[06:02:03] They yes Keltosad in Sanctum of domination. Oh, yeah, they're not fix that. I don't know if they fix it
[06:02:09] But the word for skills use the tactic with the tank suiciding. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Yeah
[06:02:14] I think it was fixed after the word first kill
[06:02:16] But during prog I think it was still very much a thing.
[06:02:20] Yeah, KJ was definitely the biggest WTF moment ever seen in gaming, at least in WoW for me, not in gaming, you know what?
[06:02:27] My gaming experience, you know, it was like most times spent on a boss as well, it was something else.
[06:02:34] KJ is still remains one of my favorite bosses of all time.
[06:02:38] To get back to your question, I do think, like of course if we think about all the fixes and bugs removed from
[06:02:46] from KJ, I still think he would measure up
[06:02:49] as one of the hardest bosses, but maybe not as much.
[06:02:54] Yeah, think about how good our tech is now, though,
[06:02:57] like in our week horrors.
[06:02:58] I mean, it would still take at least 200 pulls or 250,
[06:03:01] I think.
[06:03:02] There's no way you would do it fast.
[06:03:04] I may be 200.
[06:03:08] Yeah, no, I think he'd be up there.
[06:03:10] Also, it's much, it's probably easier to call things
[06:03:13] like the obelisks in the last phase
[06:03:14] if you have an external wave leader.
[06:03:16] Oh, yeah.
[06:03:17] You need a guy that spins the camera to find out.
[06:03:19] That's why me and Skype... Actually me and Skype did it when we got the word first with method.
[06:03:24] You needed like a guy that would just turn around the camera and spin it to check the safe spot.
[06:03:29] You can't do it from outside.
[06:03:31] And you need to also mark it. That was the whole thing. You can't mark it from outside, so...
[06:03:35] True.
[06:03:36] You definitely needed somebody from the inside, but...
[06:03:39] Yeah, the boss was really, really hard. I mean, each phase just kept getting harder and harder and you're like,
[06:03:43] Damn, these never hands.
[06:03:50] Some good memories in the Bosto.
[06:03:51] I mean, Exorcists did it in 1.5K Pulse, yeah.
[06:03:55] I remember one of the Asian girls back then streaming.
[06:03:57] I'm not sure if it was Jitangrung or Skyline.
[06:04:02] But...
[06:04:02] Oh, KJ, I remember they had like 1K on Avatar already.
[06:04:05] They had like 1,050 Pulse on Avatar and by the time...
[06:04:11] By the time Method even got to properly prog into the latest stages of the fight,
[06:04:16] they were already on like 900 poles on Kil'Jadon in the first phase, it was insane, absolutely
[06:04:23] insane.
[06:04:24] That fight was just, the raid as a whole was insane, that and Sepulchre I think were the
[06:04:28] two longest race to our first like in recent times you know, modern wow let's say.
[06:04:34] Yeah.
[06:04:37] I mean a fallen off tower was insane as well, it was such a good boss.
[06:04:41] Yeah it was really good for the now though.
[06:04:45] That's one of those bosses, one of the boss types I'd love to see again, could
[06:04:49] this the the ability to play face to right of the bed if you wanted to we're
[06:04:55] going to a first in commission with one warlock death the rest of the warrior
[06:05:00] dead lost otherwise a whack it looks like it's them being dead yet just the
[06:05:05] bloodless bloodless is popped you can see the blue bar just zooming a white
[06:05:14] away from the white line so the damage is massively ahead looking very
[06:05:21] very solid here so we keep our eyes on the intermission of course coming out of
[06:05:27] this of this first intermission going into the ads the taking damage is
[06:05:32] going to pick up massively the healers really need to pay attention second death
[06:05:36] though on the intermission a little bit unfortunate let's see if we can manage
[06:05:41] the platforms nonetheless so far it has been going somewhat okay of course not
[06:05:46] most ideal entry point. You can see these star meteor impacts, whatever you want to call them,
[06:05:53] these void puddles, sending out some orbs. Make sure you dodge them, but every impact does a lot
[06:05:58] of rate by damage. And every now and then you've got to head into the portal, get a debuff, get
[06:06:04] dispelled, otherwise it explodes and overloads. With that done, add down. We get a knockback
[06:06:10] on to the first platform and here's where the its intermission phase two
[06:06:14] properly begins you got to kill these both in these two ads to unlock the
[06:06:19] pillars on the right side the pylons which activate a bridge and let you go
[06:06:23] up to the second platform and every now then the queen obviously outside of
[06:06:27] shooting some poison balls at people is going to try to drag you off the
[06:06:32] platform is a very good that's our down pylons are in
[06:06:40] And we're moving up the platform lots of little spiders that need to be picked up by the tank
[06:06:45] We're going into
[06:06:47] Second platform. There's a big castor that needs to be killed off before the cast finishes
[06:06:51] Otherwise, it just blows up the entire rate instantly
[06:06:54] Cosmic apocalypse that is and of course otherwise you have the two additional
[06:06:59] Acolytes hanging off the ceiling further to the left and they can see one of the cast going through the entire
[06:07:07] right immediately getting one shot that's just a little bit of a lack of damage in
[06:07:12] the situation and that's what happens when you have two DPS down but at least
[06:07:16] we can get a rest up here I was watching that circle on FTM there it might
[06:07:24] have actually been useful to get like a time where above his head is when that
[06:07:27] circle was gonna go off because the crystallize wasn't sure like crystallize
[06:07:29] was trying to move away from him for example there's still a lot of time
[06:07:32] left was it was it the portal debuff or no it was like a big purple circle around
[06:07:44] it yeah I don't know I don't know yeah it's the it's the portal I thought I thought
[06:07:49] the portal debuff goes off a lot faster than that though because when you go to
[06:07:52] the portal it drops quite quickly no it's a dispel I think I don't call me
[06:07:57] on this but I'm fairly sure it is a dispel so definitely like a
[06:08:02] communication thing that the healers talk to the portal player and make sure
[06:08:11] that's positioned correctly. I think that's a good point it's definitely
[06:08:16] something the team will need to min-max and really kind of nail down how
[06:08:20] quickly and precisely they play the portal debuff. Yeah it would be cool
[06:08:25] actually by the way production if we could get like some more hype music
[06:08:30] when they reach phase two, because that's like our progress point right now, it's like once
[06:08:35] you make it into phase two like we get pushed up to the platforms then we can start more
[06:08:38] hype music, get the people going.
[06:08:40] I love some hype music.
[06:08:47] What's your favorite progress hype track?
[06:08:51] A lot of the hypes, a lot of the tracks from T'Rool that he did for us back in
[06:08:55] the day like the Method album, yeah, some good tunes there, like the Cat Jam for
[06:09:02] example the let's go cat jam the horn on the deck of Lord see a little bit of
[06:09:20] communication that needs to happen maybe some reassignments look like a YouTube
[06:09:24] is having a fitness chat for like 30 minutes YouTube guys are YouTube chat
[06:09:31] turned into a fitness chat I think yeah it's been like that for like half an
[06:09:34] hour impressive guys respect I think they were talking about chin ups earlier
[06:09:45] I think they're still on it. Yeah, she knows was pull ups. All right
[06:09:48] I mean, I will just say it in short guys chin ups are going to target your lats with more than pull ups
[06:09:56] Basically any movement where you drive your elbow closer towards your body is going to involve your lot more than your
[06:10:03] Middle back, which is something that people without education often think is the opposite
[06:10:08] But it's actually the other way around same with any pulling movement
[06:10:11] So you can close this conversation now back into
[06:10:16] We're first reading topics
[06:10:22] Hotpot is on our tail. That's true
[06:10:24] But I wonder if they're still blood must in phase one and stuff
[06:10:29] They've knocked out like 40 pulse in the next in the last two hours
[06:10:36] These guys are pulling like mad man, it's insane
[06:10:42] True hot pot heroes have actually caught up to our pool cancer
[06:10:45] But I mean they're going to sleep soon though.
[06:10:47] Yeah, definitely.
[06:10:48] Actually, they normally go to sleep when it's 6pm here, so they still, they must be playing
[06:10:54] more than us for sure though, we're going for like 14 hours a day right now, I think.
[06:10:58] Should be creeping in on like late night, midnight, 2, 3am for them.
[06:11:03] If I remember correctly.
[06:11:06] Because I know Japan is 9 hours, 9 hours behind us, 10 hours, and I try not, it's like 14, I think.
[06:11:19] It was raining, it was raining all day yesterday. I wouldn't be surprised.
[06:11:25] Yeah, there must be a storm outside, there's so much, you know, what the heck.
[06:11:29] I mean, I was surprised, it almost didn't rain at all since I'm here, like one day only.
[06:11:33] That's unusual for Germany.
[06:11:35] No, it's not.
[06:11:37] Storm.
[06:11:37] OK, I can hear the storm, yeah.
[06:11:39] I was about to say, this sounds like a slight drizzle
[06:11:42] for some in Germany, but we'll see.
[06:11:46] I thought it was AC or something.
[06:11:48] Yeah, it's quite loud, actually, guys.
[06:11:50] The rain here is quite loud.
[06:11:52] The storm battering the windows of the beat camp.
[06:11:55] Perfect weather, honestly, to just grab a blanket,
[06:11:58] grab a book, watch the Method World First Race
[06:12:00] broadcasts, slamming some P2, P3 poles in a bit.
[06:12:04] No, just a good day.
[06:12:06] Get some hot tea as well.
[06:12:10] Are you a tea person, Skull?
[06:12:12] No, I'm a coffee person.
[06:12:13] Well, that's fair, no.
[06:12:14] I'm a tea person.
[06:12:15] You're a tea person?
[06:12:16] Yeah, except when I rely on caffeine.
[06:12:18] Although caffeine doesn't really do anything on me,
[06:12:20] but when I'm really tired, I just still go for it,
[06:12:24] hoping it does something.
[06:12:25] You got a favorite sort of tea?
[06:12:28] Not really, I like almost all kinds
[06:12:30] and I just like to add lemon on it.
[06:12:32] Yeah, okay.
[06:12:32] Sometimes also honey.
[06:12:34] Yeah, warm tea, warm tea with honey.
[06:12:37] Yeah, warm tea with honey.
[06:12:38] It's really good for your voice as well, if you're casting a lot.
[06:12:39] Oh, I didn't know that.
[06:12:40] There's nothing better than a hot drink with honey.
[06:12:43] It's like tea, just plain hot water.
[06:12:46] Why is that?
[06:12:47] That honey is good for your voice.
[06:12:49] I think it puts like a slight film on your throat also.
[06:12:53] Honey in general just has some really just healthy enzymes and nutrients in there.
[06:12:58] And obviously the temperature, because I mean, the,
[06:13:03] The vocal cords, everything, all the other speaking mechanisms in your throat, it's a muscle.
[06:13:09] So talking a lot is like a workout for your voice, for your vocal cords and warmth definitely helps with the muscle relaxation there.
[06:13:18] I also know that Hany helps with calf, if you're calfing a lot, you know Hany is gonna help you.
[06:13:23] When you're calfing, like giving birth to a baby calf?
[06:13:26] Calf, how do you pronounce it?
[06:13:28] Not calf, wait.
[06:13:31] You're pronouncing it wrong guys.
[06:13:32] coughing coughing coughing yeah that's a good one
[06:13:41] it's cause making fun of my accent I'm so offended that's sometimes that's
[06:13:48] sometimes why I also have some honey in my smoothies like when I'm streaming so
[06:13:52] I can give my viewers the best quality voice you know mm I always have honey on
[06:13:56] my oats unless I'm cutting so that's nice I love honey what you just said
[06:14:02] about the voice being a muscle that's also why I'm quite reserved for ice share
[06:14:06] and say on the couch I need to save my voice for the important moments like the
[06:14:09] Hike Trains. There you go, can't work out all day you know. Have you tried honey
[06:14:18] with coffee? No, that doesn't sound good. I just always have black coffee. I always put no
[06:14:25] calories sweetener on it. I have it at home yeah. You don't use zero calorie sweeteners
[06:14:31] like those drops that they get enough artificial sweeteners from all the
[06:14:38] coaxial I don't start the chat is always against the artificial sweeteners
[06:14:44] as soon as we mention it they just start saying oh it's so deadly the study
[06:14:48] says that and don't start it guys if they ever find out that there's any
[06:14:52] issues with artificial sweeteners like in some of the soft drinks and I think
[06:14:55] I'm in big trouble yeah I honestly expected echo to be slightly
[06:15:03] faster today in progression, but it doesn't mean much guys at the end of the day
[06:15:08] What matters is whoever kills the boss first and they're very good killed obviously and oh somebody pop blood last my mistake
[06:15:14] I think oh no someone reset the boss that looks like a
[06:15:19] mage bloodlust
[06:15:23] Shelly really likes wearing his
[06:15:26] His legs
[06:15:29] Yeah, the GMAT dude. Yeah, it's like a super legs you want oh
[06:15:32] I remember when the first design pieces of that hoodie were presented at the race world
[06:15:42] first before they were even announced, I think Jay was running around with them, showing
[06:15:49] them off.
[06:15:50] I think it was Eternal Palace actually.
[06:15:54] Must have been on Iolota.
[06:15:56] Yeah, because they weren't released until like May or May I think of 20 20
[06:16:01] Damn, it's been four or five years already. Yeah
[06:16:11] Man time flies the castor in the middle is very intelligent. I
[06:16:17] Try to be smart. I try to be not be stupid. Sometimes I manage sometimes I don't
[06:16:24] You got to be the judge of that though. I have no idea what's going on
[06:16:27] Why did they not say the cast from the left?
[06:16:29] Because everyone knows that you're a smart lawyer.
[06:16:31] Yeah, especially from the Australian.
[06:16:33] Yeah, that quest really...
[06:16:37] Have you seen the new puzzle quest, the Piper?
[06:16:41] Yeah, but I actually got to learn how to do it for a while.
[06:16:43] I mean, the thing is, I messed it up on the first time
[06:16:47] and it created a viral clip, right?
[06:16:49] Then since then, every single time I was streaming and doing that quest,
[06:16:53] Now you will count but go up by three times and then as soon as I did it even if it was within 30 seconds
[06:17:00] Your count would just drop again
[06:17:01] And I never actually managed to make another clip out of it because I know how to do it
[06:17:05] So these quests have actually come back in this expansion in the delts
[06:17:09] Yeah, I know yeah, so even when I sometimes they don't stream people like you better get log work for this year
[06:17:15] It's actually an example of another one of the memes I guess that's true
[06:17:19] That's a huge one. Yeah, I mean a lot of people that
[06:17:21] Okay guys this is funny basically I have a friend that never played WoW and I do
[06:17:27] festival with was a brother who plays WoW and her brother found out that she
[06:17:33] knows me and then he said look I know Lord got through this quest and she
[06:17:37] linked him healing to a clip where I'm like obviously doing this Leyline quest
[06:17:42] with that. That was a funny moment. Can we get that clip actually in chat?
[06:17:48] We should watch on stream if that's actually a clip the Leyline quest. Yeah, I don't know if there is still available
[06:17:53] Yeah, must be somewhere can any in the mod find out ledger me clip
[06:18:01] Leyline longer quest line log or quest. Yeah, there must be a clip of it somewhere
[06:18:07] That was something else. I'm gonna lie. No doubt. You had the hardstyle pumping as well on the background
[06:18:11] Yeah, it could be yeah, I like to play quest rate frames, but I've used the same rate frames for like
[06:18:23] six seven years yeah so that's kind of that's almost what my
[06:18:28] hello frames look like yeah I mean it doesn't make sense because the UI is
[06:18:33] great but as a viewer probably colorful stuff is easier to understand and yeah
[06:18:39] perhaps UI is ultra clean it's just the black and white coloring that stays
[06:18:43] sure it's really clean actually it's the moments where I'm reconsidering if
[06:18:52] I should go back to just rebuilding my UI every two weeks he's made some
[06:18:56] guides for UI building, very good ones as well, QEP is really into these kind of things.
[06:19:01] It's almost a decay thing I think, also Noggy is a very good person with UI and very technical,
[06:19:09] QEP is one of them.
[06:19:11] Someone I've always looked up to with the UI, especially for the healers was Jeth,
[06:19:16] who's just playing so minimalistic.
[06:19:18] Yeah, he plays quite standard, I mean he doesn't even use DPS meters for problems.
[06:19:22] Drill from Liquid, yeah.
[06:19:24] I mean guys I mentioned it many times and I know chat can agree but if you're not using meters while streaming I
[06:19:31] Know my interest for your stream goes down by like half at least
[06:19:41] Miss Lorgox, how you doing Hannah?
[06:19:45] Thank you for subbing calm me only oh
[06:19:48] Yeah, Jimmy also used to be one that really put a lot of effort into each eyes. I don't know if it still does it though
[06:19:58] I
[06:19:59] I think I played with Jimmy's UI for at least a tier, if not more.
[06:20:06] I think that these days now also as one of the most popular UIs, he's put so much effort
[06:20:13] last to expansions.
[06:20:15] Yeah, I think now I've actually popularized this UI style with seeing.
[06:20:22] but now in Jimmy both to an extent but it's like it popped up with their
[06:20:29] streams for the first time properly and everyone just started copying it thank
[06:20:33] you Hannah and yeah say hi to the Fetcher QS people they were the ones
[06:20:37] that clipped the Leyline quest by the way yeah I'm a big Fetcher QS fan
[06:20:43] yeah they're good and I don't have a 10 by the way guys I haven't seen this
[06:20:47] in over a month that's just my natural skin color I get I get very very dark if
[06:20:53] I go in the sun but now I keep my I keep my screen tan
[06:21:01] well there is a Fetchhark yes player yo full screen let's go how's the house
[06:21:11] Fetchhark's progress going I think they killed the Brutwister yeah let's go
[06:21:15] you guys are progressing pincers right I think it's helpful in says as well
[06:21:19] That is no way
[06:21:21] I would be impressed if you guys killed princess
[06:21:23] Almost killed princess
[06:21:24] Almost, 2% damn
[06:21:26] What rank would it be?
[06:21:28] 5, 6
[06:21:30] It's true actually, the item level I think is a little bit lower than the guilds obviously
[06:21:34] Yeah, they're not going crazy here
[06:21:35] But there are vantus running it though
[06:21:37] Or are you guys vantus running princess?
[06:21:40] Little brother, what do you mean? I'm twice the size of Jinji
[06:21:44] And I'm also younger
[06:21:46] So it makes sense
[06:21:47] Yeah
[06:21:48] Not that much younger though.
[06:21:50] How old are you?
[06:21:51] 28.
[06:21:52] Yeah, and he's 29, Gingy.
[06:21:56] Gingy is younger than me as well, Gingy.
[06:22:00] Yeah.
[06:22:02] Yeah, Fetch Arc Guests are good.
[06:22:04] And I was telling the Leyland story earlier.
[06:22:07] Fetch Arc Guests players were the ones that would always, always enter my stream when I was doing a Leyland quest.
[06:22:12] Like 10 of them at once.
[06:22:14] They must have had some warning on Discord.
[06:22:17] scorebot lorgoc doing well yeah i mean lucy you you know it friend every time i was doing
[06:22:23] the leyline quest randomly half your guild would just pop on my stream yeah
[06:22:29] you have this wait for the next viral clip yeah
[06:22:34] i remember i remember a retired 28 years old is something unique to gaming that's not true
[06:22:45] i think people that are even younger at least for professional gaming yeah thank you lucy
[06:22:51] appreciated the friend yeah I think I think the like the average retirement
[06:23:02] age especially if you look like the wider esports shooters especially me no
[06:23:07] actually mid-twenties like not not to say that that is the age where you stop
[06:23:14] being competitive absolutely not the case you can be one of the best players
[06:23:17] in the world later late into your 30s absolutely but are you that's usually
[06:23:22] kind of the age where I think players kind of drop out of esports, not necessarily because they
[06:23:28] are past their prime in terms of skill, but I think usually that's kind of the age where you're
[06:23:32] like starting to rethink your priorities. Unless you're still making big bank and stuff. Yeah,
[06:23:38] exactly. You kind of find your purpose in life. To be fair though, judging from a formula one,
[06:23:43] I feel like your motor skills reflexes and stuff start dropping around 30 plus 35. So
[06:23:49] Me, 20 is your seal at your prime potentially, like in Formula 1 you see like the best ages
[06:23:55] around 30, because you are in a mix of experience and still having prime reflexes, but after
[06:24:00] that can get a bit lower depending on the person obviously.
[06:24:04] I also think that the loss of skill that comes with age, it's very much something
[06:24:13] you can counteract with training and just practice.
[06:24:17] It also depends from the game. I feel like, wow, it's not the game that's gonna punish you so much if you lose reflexes.
[06:24:22] Obviously, there are fights where it does make a difference. I think as a healer it makes a much bigger difference.
[06:24:27] The healer in rate is the most intense role by a long shot, in my opinion.
[06:24:32] It's also very scripted, though, except for some moments, and even the moments of hectic healing where you have to react very quickly to people taking damage.
[06:24:43] Those are usually scripted. You know that they're coming and it's a lot easier to react to that.
[06:24:48] I think you're very right, while it's not that hard to keep on getting older.
[06:24:54] It's not a game, it's like a FDS or League of Legends and stuff.
[06:24:56] Somebody mentioning Alonso, but even Hamilton, I'm a big Hamilton fan, but his pass is prime.
[06:25:02] I would say he's still at 90% of his peak, but his peak is 39, I think.
[06:25:08] He was probably like a bit faster around 32-33, but yeah.
[06:25:13] Still an amazing driver and I think he can still win a championship.
[06:25:17] I remember I stopped watching Formula One when Hamilton started as a rookie.
[06:25:23] Oh, back in the day.
[06:25:24] That was actually the best rookie season of all times in Formula One.
[06:25:27] Yeah, it was really good.
[06:25:29] He almost won, he got sabotaged, that's why he didn't win on his first season.
[06:25:34] Still the best season though for a rookie.
[06:25:37] I stopped watching Formula 1 when Michael Schumacher stopped.
[06:25:45] The hype music just started guys.
[06:25:47] A little bit earlier than phase 2 but we'll take it.
[06:25:49] Let me listen to something on the same side.
[06:25:55] I'm disappointed.
[06:26:15] Bounce is coming in. This is 3-0-4.
[06:26:18] Oh! Lake just in time. Nice roll.
[06:26:22] Good reaction to get out of that web late there.
[06:26:24] I'm just gonna dodge the puddles.
[06:26:26] the waves very well done the quadruple soak handled here for a method interesting spot in that poison
[06:26:32] area yeah and of course Nate playing kind of around the rate stack in in the bad basically
[06:26:41] because he's a tank he can take it just makes a little bit more space for the other raiders
[06:26:46] makes it a little bit easier to maneuver everything some chunky damage coming out here but the
[06:26:52] the healers are managing everything planned out nicely and they are ahead quite considerably
[06:27:00] of the damage check.
[06:27:02] Two deaths coming in now.
[06:27:04] We'll see the damage bar creep ever closer to that white line but it should be fine.
[06:27:11] Now it's getting really dicey.
[06:27:13] Last few points of damage method really needs to send it to one and they are down unfortunately.
[06:27:20] I'm just showing why Skog was a main tank, you can just go into heavy ability and survive.
[06:27:24] If people die, you need to put costs, you're not making it.
[06:27:27] It was tight though, I think they just gambled it, they wanted to have the bloodlust on the second platform of the phase 2, but definitely close.
[06:27:37] So, why does Nate stand in the toxin so much? Skog, you're an ex-monk main, you have some ability to stand in there.
[06:27:43] You damage based on how much stagger you have, right?
[06:27:45] He's standing in there because I think every single time they get gripped, it leaves behind the web on the floor.
[06:27:50] that expands. And so in DEAT trying to go in there before the grip to give people as much
[06:27:55] room as possible.
[06:27:56] Yeah. But you also do more damage if you're more staggered? Or am I misremembering Blue
[06:28:02] Master kits?
[06:28:03] It might increase his haste because it's more staggered, yeah. So in DEAT he might be doing
[06:28:06] more damage if he's taking damage, correct. To be fair though, I haven't played much
[06:28:12] Blue Master with this current expansion.
[06:28:13] That's fair enough.
[06:28:14] So I'm not sure of that. Is there any other interaction with Talons?
[06:28:19] That's not a good comment, Alkina.
[06:28:21] What happens if we kill the boss somebody asks you on YouTube?
[06:28:35] Do we get any gifts?
[06:28:36] I think we have a giveaway after killing the boss, right?
[06:28:38] Which is it? The very last one?
[06:28:41] The last giveaway we're doing is actually a big giveaway.
[06:28:44] What is it?
[06:28:45] It's a...
[06:28:46] For three people, right?
[06:28:47] I'm not mistaken, I think it's actually like a nice gaming monitor.
[06:28:50] Like a good one.
[06:28:54] A bunch of other stuff.
[06:28:56] That's awesome.
[06:28:57] Do you want to do a shout out to our sponsors?
[06:29:01] I can do a shout out to a couple and then you can take it away from there.
[06:29:04] We can start off with a Rossi guys.
[06:29:06] You can see Chris Lai sitting in his Rossi chair right there.
[06:29:09] We have a long term partnership with Rossi now with Methods.
[06:29:11] So they're going to be supporting us for the next few race to the world firsts.
[06:29:13] And just in general, longer term, we're going to have a Method design
[06:29:16] the Rossi chair as well in the future.
[06:29:18] But you can get a discount, 15% discount across all the Rossi products guys.
[06:29:22] If you use code Method at checkout.
[06:29:24] Also shout out to Kupdia who are leveling up gaming and eSports
[06:29:27] of Ace World First production and broadcast here. We also look at the support method and
[06:29:31] not go to World 13. So, World 13.
[06:29:35] 13 World First guys. I hope we don't finish 13th. And now I'll pass over to our professional
[06:29:41] caster, Logoq, to continue the sponsor shoutouts.
[06:29:44] I'll just give a massive shoutout to SteelSeries for supporting the race with amazing peripherals.
[06:29:49] And obviously guys, SteelSeries is currently running an amazing promo with the 20 years
[06:29:53] anniversary bundle they are these amazing wow products one of the best
[06:29:59] looking headset I've ever seen to be fair the mmo mouse and an amazing wow
[06:30:04] keycap right limited edition as well guys so if you're a true wow fan you
[06:30:11] can't miss on that also obviously with a method on the discount code you're
[06:30:15] getting a 12% discount so make sure to use method discount code and yeah then
[06:30:21] we have a we all know what they do you know they've been supporting the
[06:30:27] race for a long time holy amazing amazing energy drinks and the hydration
[06:30:33] sponsor they've been pumping the radars with extra energy and a lot of their
[06:30:38] drinks also have vitamins and many healthy ingredients in it so they have
[06:30:44] the very healthy options that are not stimulants so try it out guys my
[06:30:49] My favourite flavour is strawberry kiwi.
[06:30:52] Try my flavours.
[06:30:53] Oh, pear?
[06:30:55] That's actually a hydration, it's not like a caffeine mix.
[06:30:59] But also a final shout out guys to Fateless,
[06:31:03] Exhibition about Godforge.
[06:31:05] Fateless is the publisher that's making the game Godforge.
[06:31:08] They're World of Warcraft players who are making a game.
[06:31:10] Very cool.
[06:31:11] They're supporting Method now for a couple of Ace of Worlds firsts.
[06:31:14] So make sure you check out what they're doing as well.
[06:31:16] Exhibition about Godforge in the chat.
[06:31:18] Give them some love. They've certainly given us some love and supported our baseball first broadcast here
[06:31:23] Yeah, last but not least of course rest at XP. So if you need a good leveling guide, definitely check them out
[06:31:30] Warcraft logs for the support with data and any statistics
[06:31:35] We could need our leaderboard for example, and of course the radars using the logs for analysis
[06:31:40] And of course last but not least the most important one more or less the lead camp
[06:31:45] which we are at here with the entire method production the raiders sitting in
[06:31:50] their chairs and gaming wonderful location housing the method race for the
[06:31:55] fourth time third time just really good times here yeah amazing people amazing
[06:32:03] venue and last but not least guys support this amazing charity for a good
[06:32:08] cause support move ember so if you're a you want to throw any sort of donation to
[06:32:15] it you know feel free to and appreciate it
[06:32:18] support men's health and men's mental health in general just a wonderful
[06:32:23] wonderful cause that I'm very glad we're able to support and you guys have
[06:32:27] raised over three thousand six hundred dollars already we've unlocked the
[06:32:30] fear pong incentive last night and we get some other donation incentives
[06:32:36] Some fun little games will send the Raiders into after the race. It's gonna be some good times
[06:32:42] of course we got a
[06:32:46] Solid P2 pull off of that. Does the stream also not see the rate frame on this PIV or right? Oh
[06:32:53] You didn't come bigger than what you see on this. Yeah, that's what the stream says
[06:32:58] There is literally nothing more on top somebody should tell him to move the rate frame just lying on top
[06:33:03] Would it change much for him?
[06:33:05] We have tank dead, got Vaz going out, we have both tanks dead, it's a wipe.
[06:33:09] This is a wipe.
[06:33:10] Just, uh, just help spend it.
[06:33:12] Yeah, I'm gonna tell him maybe.
[06:33:13] Yeah, but I mean, it could be nice, cause we haven't been using his pop a lot, but that's cause the rate frame is half covered.
[06:33:19] And it doesn't give us a better visual for coming out thin.
[06:33:22] Yeah, we should swap his puby.
[06:33:24] Yeah, I will just go tell him if it's okay for him to move it a bit up, you know, just for, uh, viewer purposes.
[06:33:31] Just leave it.
[06:33:33] You think?
[06:33:34] Yeah.
[06:33:35] Obviously performance is the most important thing but that's what he's used to doing.
[06:33:39] Yeah that's true.
[06:33:40] I mean he's not a healer but I guess he'll solve some.
[06:33:41] He can swap it later during farm, it's not a big deal.
[06:33:44] We wanted to give Spen some love.
[06:33:50] I mean he's great.
[06:33:51] Of course, I mean he's been playing the whole progress.
[06:33:54] I saw him.
[06:33:55] He came from the US.
[06:33:56] I see that Adalyn's in the chat as well.
[06:33:57] Hello Adalyn.
[06:33:58] Adalyn's my biggest fan.
[06:34:01] We made a special emote for her in chat it's called school fan
[06:34:06] Let's see anybody has that
[06:34:09] You other fingers are saying that's a lie. We said that a liar
[06:34:20] They're gonna fight for the number one fence put yeah, oh layer is my biggest subgifter. I think oh really legend
[06:34:28] Australian
[06:34:29] Big fans in the chat guys big fans. I
[06:34:36] I don't know my brain is lagging out for some reason I think that's sister Adlon oh
[06:34:57] And we sister she's a nun. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha
[06:35:03] That makes perfect sense. I think
[06:35:10] there's a solid solid pole that is gonna happen though. It's a great opportunity for me to
[06:35:17] jump out afterwards
[06:35:19] some other PvP happening later that I need to attend.
[06:35:25] First, on CP3, Logoq, you think, let's lock in, right?
[06:35:29] If we manage to keep Blotlas and everyone alive
[06:35:32] for the second phase, then I can definitely see that happening.
[06:35:36] Yeah, hey, look, Logoq, is that in the moat
[06:35:38] and chat that you remember from the previous
[06:35:40] race for the first events, the Skull Glasses?
[06:35:42] Which one?
[06:35:43] Skull Glasses, I vote.
[06:35:44] I can't remember it.
[06:35:45] My face with glasses on, dude.
[06:35:47] I used to wear glasses during the race for the first time.
[06:35:48] true what race was it last one or no the last one you did last one and one
[06:35:53] one for that I think I stopped wearing contacts after a while because my eyes
[06:35:56] was just starting to dry up after playing 15 hours a day they use glasses I
[06:36:00] don't ever use glasses normally unless I'm taking like a long haul flight
[06:36:02] but because your eyes dry up but if I'm gaming for like 15 16 hours a day and
[06:36:07] yeah you know these days there are surgeries available my girlfriend got
[06:36:10] one and an hour side is fully fixed even in a marriage did the same I
[06:36:15] I think, I mean, laser eye, yeah.
[06:36:16] Yeah.
[06:36:18] This is a pretty safe procedure and cost a bit,
[06:36:20] but I think you can afford it, yeah.
[06:36:28] Thank you, C-Raxina.
[06:36:32] Don't know, don't know.
[06:36:33] Do you think laser eye surgery is, like, perma-safe?
[06:36:35] I mean, there are a lot of statistics that show it's safe.
[06:36:41] Like, lots of studies and stuff, so if I had side issues
[06:36:47] and it was affecting my life, then probably
[06:36:49] would get it done yeah. It's like 3k I think.
[06:36:52] I don't think I've ever heard of anyone having problems afterwards, like even long term.
[06:36:57] Guys, this is a solid pool actually. This is solid.
[06:37:00] Yeah, I said phase 3 with the leafy, so phase 3 it is.
[06:37:03] We're getting the last 4 toxin pools now.
[06:37:06] But it's always mostly solid up to this point through Pharah.
[06:37:15] Oh, it had an explosion.
[06:37:18] Gonna dodge the webblades beforehand otherwise you're getting absolutely cleaved.
[06:37:21] You can also see big explosion and not jump in time.
[06:37:25] That's unfortunate.
[06:37:27] Logger, I think we jinxed it.
[06:37:28] We jinxed it.
[06:37:29] Yeah.
[06:37:33] It's also something like some minor min-maxing
[06:37:37] that we haven't really talked about from the Raiders.
[06:37:39] Just before the jumps need to happen,
[06:37:41] you have the web blades coming out.
[06:37:43] And instead of stacking on the jump points early,
[06:37:46] the Raiders will move a little bit further out
[06:37:48] to the right to bait the web blades
[06:37:51] and then move into the jumps
[06:37:52] while the webplates are going off just so they don't have the blades overlapping with the
[06:37:56] soak spots they need to stand in, makes the whole mechanic more reliable to play, less
[06:38:01] messy and you don't run into cases where people don't make it into the puddle because
[06:38:06] they're dodging webplates.
[06:38:07] But of course, if you don't soak the puddle afterwards, then the painting is a bit loose,
[06:38:19] but we'll get that fixed out, sorted out, you know, no problems, no problems whatsoever.
[06:38:25] We're talking about kind of pole numbers start of the day and how many poles were going to happen
[06:38:39] I think we landed on kind of 18-90 poles a day is something that's very possible
[06:38:46] Yeah, it depends how deep you are into the fight but generally if you're very early on then 100
[06:38:50] 100 ish is definitely like normal. I want to check out actually our talent prediction
[06:38:57] Pulse wise so we can see I am way off who predicted it the best. Let's take a look guys talent prediction and
[06:39:05] wait
[06:39:07] Queen that
[06:39:09] Wait, you gotta you gotta hide. I need to hide the other one. Yeah, it makes sense
[06:39:15] And certain courts. There it is guys for the with automatically switch, but it doesn't
[06:39:22] 204 looks like I'm gonna be off. So we might have a rich darling winning here
[06:39:27] Big chance that's a solid chance. I mean mr. GM is far too far off either. I think could be I guess I guess actually the exact
[06:39:36] This is the method that pull can't all right. Yeah. Yeah, so I think 200 sounds about right
[06:39:42] That's true. That's true. Wait, I actually wonder how many pulls other kills every now didn't really pay attention to it
[06:39:49] I think liquid is moving on on like 230
[06:39:52] 238 and Echo 191. Yeah, then we're gonna do it at 204, like I predicted, I think.
[06:39:59] Let's go. Of course starting out P1 once again. Got a little stretch in, a little moment to
[06:40:17] refocus and relax. Starting out with two bounces. It's gonna be one bounce
[06:40:23] additional every single time. And so far, this is looking nice and clean. Just some
[06:40:30] good old pump on the boss. Also I really like Dance UI, I think I say this every single time
[06:40:40] we bring up this POV. I don't like the aesthetics of it, but it's easy to like get an overview of
[06:40:46] what's happening, you know, clear raid frames. We call us a position in a proper spot, same for
[06:40:52] big week timers. So I would say as a caster or as a raid leader, you know, kind of shows
[06:40:58] everything pretty easy, but I don't like the blizzard, the raid frames and bars having
[06:41:02] pretty much no skin or the details font is horrific. I don't know that the details font is
[06:41:09] just not my thing. Yeah, yeah, I can get on board with the details font that can be a little bit
[06:41:13] different. And I also realized aren't the bars on the right overlapping with the note?
[06:41:22] No, they are. They're going behind. Yeah. Oh god. That is also not great.
[06:41:28] Oh, no, no, no, no.
[06:41:29] Then GY is a...
[06:41:30] No, no, no, no, no.
[06:41:31] Chat, I already said it some days ago, but I rate it 3 out of 10 at best.
[06:41:36] We have two dads, so this is going to get real massive real fast.
[06:41:39] Means we're going to have to blow a shield if we even get there.
[06:41:41] Quick reset.
[06:41:42] Yeah.
[06:41:43] That's what I've called.
[06:41:48] All right.
[06:41:49] On that note, gentlemen, I think I'm going to head off for the day.
[06:41:53] Yeah, it was a pleasure having you here and see you tomorrow.
[06:41:56] Yeah.
[06:41:57] I guess.
[06:41:58] Very lovely chatting.
[06:41:59] No, I'll be back tomorrow morning.
[06:42:00] We're going to pump some boss.
[06:42:01] see you later chat bye bye why is my name not Italian because my father is
[06:42:08] from Bulgaria but the name is English they just like to mix it up a bit and
[06:42:12] my mom's lived in Australia for like half a decade so she came up with the
[06:42:20] Derek name I like it I think it's quite unique I haven't met anybody being
[06:42:26] named Derek in Italy at least there are surely some obviously but it's more
[06:42:31] Common in English-speaking countries obviously.
[06:42:39] Yeah, one fourth of my family lives in Australia,
[06:42:44] half in Bulgaria, and then the rest in Italy.
[06:42:47] Derek Lansford, yeah.
[06:42:54] Chad, can we see a phase 3 bullet before food break?
[06:43:05] We need to see deep.
[06:43:06] I mean, we've got plenty of time for the food break.
[06:43:08] Food break's not for another three and a half hours.
[06:43:10] Yeah, actually, true.
[06:43:11] It's another four hours, or?
[06:43:12] Three and a half hours.
[06:43:13] That's eight.
[06:43:14] Yeah, that's it.
[06:43:15] Oh, okay.
[06:43:16] but we need to see phase 2 consistently
[06:43:20] yeah I need the toilet break soon but I'll wait for darkmech
[06:43:24] toilet and water will break
[06:43:28] guys this
[06:43:31] chronox not saying good things in chat
[06:43:34] it serves a one second timeout if anybody can hear me
[06:43:38] bye chronox
[06:43:45] you know what he's saying
[06:43:48] he's cheating for uh... roma that's the biggest rival team of lotio
[06:43:52] they're like the two teams from uh... rome
[06:43:54] and uh... i'm a big lotio fan so
[06:43:57] it's also a bad thing which is the one that comes after
[06:44:00] yes you know
[06:44:01] yeah i've been seeing a lot of that
[06:44:06] bike for not so it's nice knowing you
[06:44:08] nice having you here bro
[06:44:10] thanks for telling us that
[06:44:12] mariana as well she's a roma fan
[06:44:15] she's also going straight with the insults
[06:44:18] Italian full flame. Bye bye Mariana, it was nice knowing you.
[06:44:39] Is it warm? No.
[06:44:42] It's ok right now, it's a good temperature. I've been hotter on the catch before.
[06:44:57] Let's go shout out to Arozi official supporting the race.
[06:45:01] Indeed, indeed. Eximation mark Arozi in the chat guys 0-7 doesn't it just mean that it's just like, yeah salute.
[06:45:35] Ezix pumping dude. There's no way they don't get phase two with this music guys, come on.
[06:46:12] Still chilling guys, easy part phase one still, the three soak.
[06:46:15] We wasn't really much to say. It's gonna start getting a bit more intense on the next soak,
[06:46:27] but right now they've got free damage time on the boss, nothing much is really happening.
[06:46:30] Okay that's actually a bit of a bit of an effect.
[06:46:31] Webs, yeah. But they feel like an easy mechanic when the whole raid just gets into them.
[06:46:36] Exactly, yeah.
[06:46:37] Yeah, I mean that's the whole purpose of this composition guys. If you don't have
[06:46:41] Everyone managing to remove it or imagine paladins then you change it imagine how insane phase one would be if they expect you to kill the webs
[06:46:49] Yeah, that would be insane that would mean that you have to change rate composition as well
[06:46:53] Right because you would want some classes with burst leave and a we really gets harder
[06:46:59] Can we do it team can we get through the overlap? Let's go. Oh, there is a web there. It's actually a pump
[06:47:05] somebody got a
[06:47:07] Full tune. Yeah, it's gonna mess up the socks
[06:47:09] No, somebody tried to creep him, but didn't work.
[06:47:14] That's a five stacker.
[06:47:15] Yeah, still doable, still doable.
[06:47:17] Let's see.
[06:47:18] I think that was a warlock being stuck there.
[06:47:22] And we have some deaths, three, four.
[06:47:24] Yeah, I don't think you want to get an extra stack on this overlap, so it's kind of unfortunate.
[06:47:34] We learned that creep doesn't work on it, so you definitely need to get rid of it
[06:47:38] somehow.
[06:47:39] You're here to see it, guys.
[06:47:45] The body on YouTube saying WoW has the most toxic players around.
[06:47:48] That's actually super incorrect.
[06:47:50] The most toxic community, guys, is definitely League of Legends.
[06:47:53] Yeah, you think it's more toxic than Dora?
[06:47:55] Dora? I mean, I think so.
[06:47:58] I mean, WoW is probably one of the most chill communities for anything, guys.
[06:48:02] You know, the fact you maybe play only WoW,
[06:48:05] you know, probably shows why you might say that.
[06:48:08] But I guarantee you WoW is one chill of a community.
[06:48:12] Yeah, not that could be crazy. I didn't play Dota, but I've played League or CS.
[06:48:17] I mean, Dota and League are similar in regards to obviously the format and everything is the same, right?
[06:48:21] So, it's just a case of what can you really get away with in either game.
[06:48:30] Then again, some of the Pug Keys in World of Warcraft, at low levels, I guess.
[06:48:35] Yeah, when people die twice and say they intentionally died because you're not following Taki and then leave mid pool.
[06:48:42] It's funny that you'd say that most toxicity probably comes from the low key levels, I would say.
[06:48:49] Yeah, yeah. But there are also some people in the higher keys with a lot of ego, you know.
[06:48:54] But those players are normally known when they're like toxic in the higher keys level.
[06:48:58] So, in low keys guys it's more common, yeah.
[06:49:04] Now, wow, it's not as toxic as you guys think.
[06:49:06] That's probably because as I mentioned you don't play other games, but definitely one of the most cheap communities.
[06:49:11] Maybe if you compare it to family fantasy, I heard it's a super friendly community and stuff, but I haven't played in myself
[06:49:18] I just heard of it guys. We're gonna be joined by mr. Dark Mac on the couch
[06:49:26] Your favorite Australian and we ours in the chat guys and you'll summon him if we get enough spam
[06:49:38] If we get enough and we are spamming the chat guys a dark mix gonna appear
[06:49:42] We need at least three guys. Yeah, I show you can get three people to do and we ours
[06:49:50] he's leaving the room yeah there we go guys he's starting to walk out quick quick quick
[06:49:55] we need our lead cluster here oh no
[06:50:01] two let's go there it is here it comes wait wait wait
[06:50:10] there it is let's go ah he's back guys he's back we missed him we can go straight for a
[06:50:19] POV? There it is. What's the update? I don't think we got any further today, did we?
[06:50:26] But we moved the Blalla, so...
[06:50:28] We made some Recon swaps, so we swapped out Felger right in Bumi.
[06:50:32] And we also swapped out Hunter and brought in a second Warlock.
[06:50:40] So we got double Destro now?
[06:50:43] Yeah, and also we...
[06:50:46] I've got a little bit more confidence, I guess you say, in phase 1 and phase 2.
[06:50:51] but we need to really start getting there more frequently because to be fair most of our every
[06:50:56] try we do right now is just another phase one way.
[06:50:59] How we doing chat?
[06:51:00] Yeah, it's uh, thank you very much for the MYOs to good summoning, good summoning chat,
[06:51:08] appreciate you.
[06:51:09] This boss is uh, something different.
[06:51:12] It's um, it's hard.
[06:51:15] It's really hard.
[06:51:18] It's just very very punishing.
[06:51:19] I've been watching how Echo have been going to and it's one of those bosses where you
[06:51:25] go from phase three to then wiping in phase one for an hour and you know you can obviously
[06:51:33] listen to comms and things like that and people aren't necessarily starting to tilt
[06:51:39] at each other but it's cracks are certainly starting to appear I think across the entire
[06:51:49] sort of a guild range on this boss at the moment it's it's definitely something
[06:51:53] yeah but the comp change is an interesting one it's just a preparation
[06:52:02] for phase three yeah I mean so might as well get them buddy get the players used
[06:52:07] to phase one phase two yeah yeah I think moving the lust to the ads is the
[06:52:13] smart play that's actually where liquid and echo have been sending their
[06:52:16] lusts just to push through those ad phases because the platforms are still
[06:52:21] quite punishing and that's a really annoying thing too because generally on a boss if you
[06:52:26] lock phase one down you can kind of focus on phase two and once you've got phase one
[06:52:30] down phase two generally becomes easier but in the case of this boss it's just
[06:52:37] anything kills you and the HP on the boss is yeah so high as well like you
[06:52:42] talking about going through to phase three at 65%
[06:52:46] The height music just started so we are in the shield phase guys it's actually part of
[06:52:50] than we got in the last few pulls so we're back to the shield, let's get it down.
[06:52:53] We need to beat that white line basically, we're not using bloodlust any more in phase one.
[06:52:57] So it is normally a little bit tight, obviously we're ahead of it now but there is another grip to come.
[06:53:03] Yep, we send this grip. The red line is an indicator of where you want to be
[06:53:07] from the grip cast starts basically I think. And we're absolutely smacking this over.
[06:53:12] We are on the low of the merman. We're doing this really well actually.
[06:53:14] Turn overlap these, nice. We're gonna beat this grip, we're gonna beat this next grip, easy.
[06:53:21] That was really really smooth. That's actually some sick shield DPS guys. That's the best we've seen actually.
[06:53:25] Alright, let's get these Shadow Gates done right this time.
[06:53:29] Big pump on these adds. Dodge the orbs.
[06:53:32] We have Crystal Dead with the 1 minute combo. S cooldown unfortunately. That's one of the down gates.
[06:53:37] Unfortunate.
[06:53:38] Even the dispels from the Shadow Gate do a ton of damage.
[06:53:41] That might impact other spells actually on the platform.
[06:53:43] But we have Vmoss with Dead. Not so culture there as well.
[06:53:47] Even that just the dispels like you can see them trigger off and they deal so much damage to the raid
[06:53:55] Well, that's unfortunate, but we'll get a little little bit of practice in here
[06:53:58] The ads on the platforms do share health too, which I thought was pretty cool. They do. Yeah. Yeah
[06:54:04] You see that they're both wires a spell reflecting that into the ad
[06:54:11] Like that. I like that I can get around that
[06:54:14] add melts
[06:54:19] Yeah, they've actually been doing pretty well with this first platform, they're trying to get the first platform down for the second person to go in the portal.
[06:54:29] Yeah, and then you click the bridge to activate it and we run up.
[06:54:32] I find that interesting too that you actually have to activate that pile on for the bridge, the bridge doesn't come up automatically.
[06:54:38] So Dan's got his vehicle already, he's actually going to go in the portal.
[06:54:41] He's slow. No! No!
[06:54:44] Yeah
[06:54:46] Unfortunate, but I mean that's that's progress Dan was sweating there. I think for a second
[06:54:51] It was so they're trying to turn the poles quite precisely. Yeah, like basically you're trying to go in the pole
[06:54:58] As late as possible because then obviously it delays how long until second yeah, you got ten seconds to action it. So yeah
[06:55:05] Just keep pushing it
[06:55:08] Listen at least we saw face to try guys. This is just there again. Oh again
[06:55:12] I mean, I think I think everyone's just in a tilted position on this boss at the moment
[06:55:18] Not necessarily tilted might not be the right word, but everyone is is very hard stuck
[06:55:23] At the moment and it is a very tricky boss. I'm actually kind of starting to wonder now whether or not
[06:55:30] Friday night US kind of deal. We maybe see some nerfs rolling through for this. I don't know
[06:55:36] like phase three is absolutely bonkers where they got a liquids best pull they
[06:55:42] saw the five ads spawn and then after you get the five ads six are gonna spawn so
[06:55:48] like the fight is just out of control I'm just wondering if they're gonna have
[06:55:53] to come through with a bit of a nerf tennis racket and give it a forehand I
[06:55:57] don't know what kind of nuffs they're gonna make the fight though I would say
[06:56:06] I'd say the obvious HP you know if potentially if they want to bang hallow and they want this fight to be
[06:56:13] I'm not sure if there's some damage that's over skilled right now
[06:56:17] Yeah, I think phase one is very punishing for a phase one
[06:56:21] Yeah, what would you change with phase one you think I?
[06:56:27] Think I'd just put maybe tone down the damage a little bit. So maybe you get away with a like
[06:56:32] Not that you get away with sloppy play, but it wouldn't be as ruthless in regards to if
[06:56:37] you dip your toe, you're dead.
[06:56:39] The other thing that they can obviously do on encounters as well, instead of just tweaking
[06:56:42] the numbers, they can also change the ability timers a little bit, so what they typically
[06:56:47] will blizzard off and do to make mythic encounters harder is that they overlap with mechanics
[06:56:50] at the same time.
[06:56:51] Like, so for example, you know, the blade, soak, wave, like all at the same kind of
[06:56:54] time.
[06:56:55] If they space out the timers a little bit more on some of the abilities, that
[06:56:59] that actually makes a huge increase in how easy the actual fight becomes.
[06:57:03] Yeah, absolutely. That would make a huge difference, especially on the fourth toxin overlap sort of thing in P1.
[06:57:08] So they could probably tweak timers a bit.
[06:57:13] And we haven't obviously seen any face to view on the metastream yet, guys. We're going to see it soon, hopefully.
[06:57:18] But obviously the big ads that are spawning, I think they're called the acolytes that people are calling the fight.
[06:57:23] They could probably slow down the number of them spawning, potentially so it can start
[06:57:31] like a little bit lower and not go up to 6 that fast.
[06:57:34] That's obviously causing a big issue as well.
[06:57:37] Or they could just reduce the damage I guess that they do, or reduce the damage to the
[06:57:40] shield that you need to break to interrupt them.
[06:57:43] It'll be interesting to see what tech they try and take with it for sure, where
[06:57:48] they come from it with them.
[06:57:51] I guess it's much easier to make a decision on when you're blizzard and you've got the data and logs and everything in front of you
[06:57:56] but you've got to be careful obviously when you make changes to the fight that you don't over simplify it
[06:58:01] You don't want to give, you just don't want to hand liquid the win, no, absolutely not
[06:58:05] You don't want to make it easy for a guild that's worked really hard for it either, obviously so
[06:58:09] Yeah, it's a tough one
[06:58:12] I'll be interested to see when it comes, I think it's definitely coming, I don't really feel like there's any question about it
[06:58:19] but could be wrong.
[06:58:24] Hands up how long does it want this fight to actually be as well?
[06:58:27] Like how long do they want it to go?
[06:58:29] Like what's the length of Liquid's best pool right now for example guys,
[06:58:32] you know, when they got the six yards?
[06:58:34] Mike tell us on Raider, our logs for that,
[06:58:39] you have a look, Shadow probably beat me and that's more than fine.
[06:58:45] Like I think ten minutes is a good length for a fight.
[06:58:49] For a, yeah.
[06:58:50] The longer you make it, the more the harder it gets by far, yeah?
[06:58:54] Yeah
[06:59:27] Yeah, I would probably say like 11 to 12 minute length maybe, it could even be more than that to be fair.
[06:59:37] True, Sylvanas a double blower's boss.
[06:59:39] Sylvanas was horrible though, did not enjoy that boss at all.
[06:59:46] No, I didn't either.
[06:59:47] Even like, even playing that on Mythic, just having to do the whole shank, yes going to where you could practice the end is very...
[06:59:59] Look, but we'll see how we're going. I wonder what the comms sounded like
[07:00:12] I'll give an axe people that
[07:00:14] Probably not what we're doing boss man. I right like things up
[07:00:21] We'll be able to come to the first place or whatever it is. That's very good. Cool. I'm re-risking
[07:00:31] You died no flame
[07:00:33] It really just cannot afford to lose people in that phase one and the problem is they have it on lock like that
[07:00:41] Sometimes they go through so clean and then other times
[07:00:46] someone dies like to webs or
[07:00:49] We see we see has a
[07:01:00] How's hot popping going today?
[07:01:03] They've done so many pools already
[07:01:05] Like they're 17 pools. Oh, they're into P2
[07:01:08] See that's scary, even the fact that they're at 117 and we're at 122 now, I go at 193,
[07:01:23] liquid at 238, yes Dan he's a very funny man, did notice the details also.
[07:01:42] I think he just hasn't updated his details for a while to be honest, I mean it's a pretty
[07:01:46] old meme at this point in time you know what I mean.
[07:01:49] But I mean you probably had to send it for the race to world first, you get a grace
[07:01:54] period.
[07:01:55] He's not the only one, I mean, look at the healing as well.
[07:01:58] Yeah.
[07:02:03] All right.
[07:02:04] Get a rig on.
[07:02:12] At least there's a good mood going on, that's promising.
[07:02:15] Yeah, at least Dan's laughing and smiling, that's good idea.
[07:02:17] Yeah.
[07:02:21] Shella will be happy to be in the raid.
[07:02:33] Yeah, AFL grand final tomorrow.
[07:02:35] Is that Australian Football League?
[07:02:37] It is.
[07:02:38] Have you ever been to the AFL?
[07:02:40] Obviously not, no, I've been to Australia.
[07:02:42] Oh yeah, you haven't either, we did discuss this.
[07:02:44] Who is how big is football in Australia?
[07:02:47] It's like the biggest sport in Australia.
[07:02:49] Yeah, pretty much.
[07:02:51] Mmm, you know what? I'm gonna tip Brisbane.
[07:02:56] It's interesting though, because I've never really heard of AFL before.
[07:02:59] Yeah, I actually prefer watching NFL.
[07:03:03] Oh wait, are you talking about football as an American football?
[07:03:06] No, talking about AFL, the AFL grand final.
[07:03:08] Like football as a soccer player?
[07:03:10] No, no, no. We call football AFL.
[07:03:13] and we call football soccer Australia so basically you're saying AFL is American football no NFL
[07:03:22] AFL Australian football wait so is Australian football different from American football or not
[07:03:27] yeah yeah it's on bulls yeah yeah oh way different way different is it some more chat
[07:03:36] It's more similar to Rugby, okay.
[07:03:38] Uh...
[07:03:39] So...
[07:03:40] No.
[07:03:42] So...
[07:03:43] Rugby's like NRL.
[07:03:45] The National Rugby League.
[07:03:47] And that's...
[07:03:48] NFL is similar to Rugby because you have...
[07:03:52] You have like your five downs to get it up the field,
[07:03:55] but they don't reset every ten...
[07:03:57] We'd be meters for us,
[07:03:59] but they don't reset every ten yards,
[07:04:00] you just get five.
[07:04:02] Uh...
[07:04:04] Yeah.
[07:04:06] How's it going?
[07:04:08] Uh, I mean we got to the platform before.
[07:04:11] Oh to the first two.
[07:04:13] Yep, go to phase two, so that was something.
[07:04:15] Right, I'll go get myself a beverage as well while Logix's back now.
[07:04:18] I'll leave you beautiful humans on the couch.
[07:04:20] Or actually, you know what, I'm gonna wait for this pool, guys.
[07:04:21] So I believe this pool's gonna be a phase two.
[07:04:24] I think this is it.
[07:04:25] Let's go chat.
[07:04:27] Typical Aussie, can't even answer a simple question.
[07:04:30] I know guys, that's why I'm not talking about it anymore,
[07:04:32] cause I just gave up here.
[07:04:33] I thought...
[07:04:35] Imagine calling football soccer.
[07:04:37] I thought it was pretty... I thought it was pretty good.
[07:04:39] Football is the most popular sport in the world.
[07:04:42] Being named football, not soccer.
[07:04:44] So you need to adapt to...
[07:04:45] I don't mind, it's just how it's just where I'm from.
[07:04:48] Especially if you're in Europe, right?
[07:04:49] Yeah, if I was in Europe I'd have to pivot hard.
[07:04:52] That's interesting, Spawn of the Salks.
[07:04:54] I don't know how that's going to go.
[07:04:55] Okay, yeah, good. They popped that one very early.
[07:04:59] Because the boss would think it was actually closer to the second.
[07:05:01] Second ball, we have had issues with that too.
[07:05:03] that too, but not for a while. Let's go chat, let's get a new best. That'll be nice. Spread
[07:05:14] for these tombs. Nope.
[07:05:16] He's jumping off, someone died. Oh no. Nope. Nope.
[07:05:21] Alright, BRB team.
[07:05:23] You can see the small man moving out.
[07:05:35] and a quick look at the player's room they're all back let's go wait it's
[07:05:44] good to see them all back who's on top left
[07:05:46] uh faithy oh faithy out faithy out shallow in what are you thinking what are
[07:05:57] you thinking about this boss bro I don't know I mean I kind of like that
[07:06:02] it's pretty hard but I don't know as a viewer I'm not a huge fan of it to be
[07:06:07] honest it's very punishing it requires healing DPS movement you know everything
[07:06:18] that's what you want to see from a handball though yeah it's I think it's
[07:06:24] gonna get nerfed bro yeah I think we might see an earth today and then they
[07:06:30] wanted I think one of us to die tomorrow and latest for the world
[07:06:34] first kill. Else is gonna carry over like the end of a week two. Yeah I don't think I wanted to push past the weekend.
[07:06:42] And I mean keep in mind the difficulty of this raid guys we're going towards a weekend of week two but we don't
[07:06:53] know we don't have a Royce and Mythic being on the same week anymore which means you do less splits overall and less
[07:07:00] time invested during a Mythic week. Yep. So that says if we will probably be on two, three extra days
[07:07:08] It's just wasted on splits right now. We have a right quick back. So it's obviously gonna take away some time from mythic
[07:07:14] So that goes to show the difficulty of this raid is like crazy. Yeah, it's it's absolutely bananas tuned
[07:07:23] But we will find out we'll see we'll see when the nerf eventually rolls through which I don't think there's any doubt
[07:07:29] It's just a matter of I mean the boss. I don't know I haven't seen the liquid face triple's, but I heard they are really insane
[07:07:35] Yeah, hard. I mean Nerf, we have a guild at 238 pulls guys, the current guild that is playing the best, I would say in this tier so far, obviously, all that matters is the end boss guys, it's always been like that.
[07:07:50] And they are not even close to a guild, so if you wanna carry over like 400-500 pulls for an end boss, when you have other bosses being 350 or 150, whatever, 200 so you can court.
[07:08:04] I mean, that's pretty insane, yeah.
[07:08:06] Yeah.
[07:08:08] Yeah, I mean, I was saying a couple of days ago,
[07:08:12] I did think of it, I hadn't died sort of Friday,
[07:08:14] sat day blizzarded, try and give it a nudge down the hill,
[07:08:17] but it'll just be interesting to see how they approach it,
[07:08:20] see what they do.
[07:08:21] I think they obviously will wait to see what liquid
[07:08:24] are able to sort of do with it when they're up
[07:08:27] and pulling for the day, but.
[07:08:29] Think if they do an Earth, it will be probably
[07:08:32] when both kills are awake so around 20-21
[07:08:34] I don't hope so
[07:08:35] but they want to see first league with progressing phase 3 a little longer right?
[07:08:38] yeah I think so
[07:08:39] like they're not gonna nerf you straight away
[07:08:41] I mean we remember with Rassaget
[07:08:43] think in Echo
[07:08:45] we reached the bullet like 15% or 12% before it got nerfed
[07:08:49] but it was a perfect bullet 15%
[07:08:52] so you were like
[07:08:52] ok this is not gonna die because we had a
[07:08:55] perfect bullet and then it
[07:08:57] bit too big of a nerf but
[07:08:58] yeah
[07:08:59] And that's the real fine thing too. You don't want to see it squashed with a roll-down newspaper type of deal.
[07:09:05] Like you just want the small adjustments that help the fight flow and progress.
[07:09:10] And also if they nerf it now when neither guilds are at the end of the fight, it gives them more room for hapsets or proper play.
[07:09:18] Rather than just a lucky guild getting the perfect pull faster than the other.
[07:09:24] And maybe it's the guild that played worse, but these things can always happen.
[07:09:28] But the last Beezer does is stupid changes the battery this for the race. Yeah, very much
[07:09:36] This is such a tilting boss like you can get
[07:09:40] These mass loads of progression in and then you just go back to wiping in phase one for 40 minutes
[07:09:51] You've also got me I was talking I was casting with Fabo this morning and
[07:09:57] And deep shades actually had a really good comment where he was talking about outplaying your fatigue like by now on day 10
[07:10:05] You've been playing 16 18 hours a day like you've been here. Yeah, how you feeling by day 10 like it's very individual like
[07:10:14] Some people can handle it better some people start playing a lot worse. I'm the kind of person that does know like
[07:10:21] Influence on like fatigue. Yeah, I can play on two three hours as a leap and it's not gonna change anything
[07:10:26] Okay, but there are people that I know that they're very good players
[07:10:29] But then by day 12 13, they just start losing it and lose fog was you know, they just need them extra sleep
[07:10:36] Yeah, they get the most stress, you know when you have little sleep you're also more likely to get
[07:10:41] Emotional no affected mentally
[07:10:43] So, you know sleep is crucial, but there are people that can handle it the much better than others and like in said
[07:10:50] I didn't have any issues despite progressing for like 19 days.
[07:10:55] My performance didn't go up, didn't go lower, just kept being the same throughout the whole year.
[07:11:01] But I know players that were performing much, much worse towards the end.
[07:11:05] Yeah, it is crazy.
[07:11:07] And like you said, it is very individual in that, but the problem is obviously it impacts 19 other people and things like that.
[07:11:14] So that's huge.
[07:11:16] But that's with everything, right?
[07:11:22] Some people can handle X better.
[07:11:24] some people can handle why better you know yeah of course but at the end of
[07:11:28] the day I believe that a raid radar stamina definitely something important
[07:11:33] for these kind of competitions because you know you can expect always a raid
[07:11:37] to last like 10 days on average but there are times like sebolcare or even
[07:11:42] a previous raid was like 13 days or something yeah there are times it can
[07:11:47] be much harder so for sure for sure well we'll see we're strapped in we've got
[07:11:55] what is it five o'clock nearly so we raid until 2am so we still have a lot of
[07:12:02] raiding left in today and we really really need to see that p3 so we start
[07:12:10] getting there hopefully set we really kick up some momentum to the moment
[07:12:14] they get a P3. Like hopefully that really turns the mood around.
[07:12:18] Yeah, we definitely need to get a Phase 3 pull and proper Phase 2 execution. We have
[07:12:25] still Bloodlust being used on that part, which I believe is the main reason why Ego is no
[07:12:30] longer progressing Phase 2 because they swapped the Bloodlust out for Phase 3, which is a long-term
[07:12:35] decision, which Liquid has done as well and Liquid managed to get through that part
[07:12:39] faster without blood loss but now it's time for us to do it I mean we're still
[07:12:44] using blood loss right yeah so for us to reach that part with blood loss and
[07:12:49] then eventually we'll have to cut it off that's it that's it
[07:12:56] YouTube chat doesn't agree with us discussing potential nerves yeah I
[07:13:00] mean YouTube chat though says we're not even 200 pools yeah but we
[07:13:04] will see liquid being 230 and they're already mentioning they're not even
[07:13:09] close to a kill because of the damage requirement and the overlaps and that's
[07:13:13] like one of the best three skills in the world I mean Liquid are amazing is
[07:13:20] they expect a nerf and that the guild most ahead then obviously we know a
[07:13:28] thing or two you know you're nicer than I was I was gonna say they can't read a
[07:13:32] leaderboard but 238 pulls for 35% and like couple of people left the living
[07:13:38] You are a it's a long way of that
[07:13:41] There are people mentioning blood loss Kevin both YouTube and to each other. You know that mean blood loss Kevin
[07:13:47] I don't know. Yeah, I was doing a dungeon in
[07:13:52] Bf a I think yeah, and then there was my Arab friend that wooden blood loss and I was like blood loss Kevin
[07:13:59] A lot of people it became another in me for a long time. Yeah, it's still being used these days
[07:14:04] You've had good consistency with them, he's having trouble.
[07:14:08] Yeah, there are way too many memes. Some of them I don't even remember them myself.
[07:14:13] And another one I've been phased one unfortunately guys.
[07:14:16] But we keep pushing and hopefully we get to phase G soon.
[07:14:21] That's the plan. That's the other issue too.
[07:14:25] It's so hard to get to phase three to even get there to get the practice in on it as well.
[07:14:30] Obviously working out week horrors, working out assignments, like there's a lot that goes into it and it's hard to get there and practice if it is so hard to reach each time.
[07:14:39] That's what's saying in a scope before, it's one of those things with this fight like normally once you get phase one locked down, P2 becomes a bit easier, but this fight just continues to go like a yo-yo.
[07:14:50] You can get phase one, we think locked down, get into P2 and then wipe in P1 for 40 minutes.
[07:14:55] I feel like every main phase is quite challenging, I mean we have phase one which obviously has
[07:14:59] more mistakes, makes you get extra stacks when you get knocked which basically means pretty
[07:15:03] much guaranteed wipe, right?
[07:15:05] Then you have second phase which is super intense, you know you have to do those swaps,
[07:15:10] then you get gripped into the boss or outside of the platform, you need to kill those
[07:15:15] adds, you need to despell, you need to swap platforms, super hectic and then obviously
[07:15:21] last phase I mean we expect it to be a super tight and reject so gonna need to
[07:15:26] min-max the damage and obviously there is a some nasty overlaps you know third
[07:15:31] phase is also very very hard and yeah you really have no break on this now
[07:15:35] there's there's no downtime and that's the other thing too like you kind of
[07:15:38] sometimes on that P2 it would feel like like it would feel like a bit of
[07:15:43] downtime but you got 10 seconds to get those shadow gates it's crazy
[07:15:49] Yeah, the instrument shield and even that's like still pretty
[07:15:53] But I think over time we're gonna get better and better. It'll get a little change the composition as well
[07:15:58] I think that's the easier part of listening mechanically. It's just put your web in a
[07:16:04] Spot then damage the shield and don't get grabbed into the boss
[07:16:10] Touch some waves. I mean nothing too complex
[07:16:13] And like you said to that certainly will get easier and easier with more gear in that section because it's just
[07:16:19] jumping through the shield quickly which to be fair we're already dumping through
[07:16:22] the shield fairly quickly now without last but the very very punishing boss like
[07:16:34] in this music surge it's it's pretty chill I'm a bit more of a fan of the
[07:16:40] pump-up music but this is alright yeah I'm definitely I'm definitely one of the
[07:16:45] biggest fans of pump-up music yeah we have a different kind of taste though
[07:16:50] That's all right. I'm going to the electronic big pump. I would still I'd still go on with it
[07:16:56] Finally the DMCA rules didn't didn't exist would be ready to be able to play our music over Twitch
[07:17:03] I've been a discussion going on. Yeah, the football soccer discussion in Chad. Have you seen it?
[07:17:13] People keep discussing ornamenting game. We have the pool coming down a rosy countdown the bulls are by
[07:17:19] Yes, I believe football is the
[07:17:22] European one so I have no issues in calling soccer football it's just at
[07:17:29] home AFL is referred to as football or footy to be fair it's footy not many
[07:17:35] people call it football it's footy you wouldn't call soccer footy would you
[07:17:39] is it the popular booty or booty how do you pronounce it footy footy footy is
[07:17:44] it popular in Australia or it's massive it's like it would be Aussie rules
[07:17:49] would be the biggest game sort of in Australia that everyone gets around we
[07:17:55] didn't swap any DK for Paladin we have a still a DPS DK in the raid we have a
[07:18:00] red Paladin one Holly Paladin then a monk tank and the guard not guardian
[07:18:05] druid blood DK brew blood DK brew yeah oh then we don't we don't have a we
[07:18:11] still have a DPS DK yes yeah we have one frost so did we get a dev in as
[07:18:16] as well if we swapped any of them.
[07:18:18] No, Reim has been dead the whole day and Krelas couldn't learn the bench because we only learned
[07:18:22] one BP as a go-go.
[07:18:25] Which is fine because the rescues do come in handy as well from the evokers.
[07:18:29] Yes, we did swap out to get the double destruction warlock in which was good.
[07:18:34] One of the hunters gone.
[07:18:35] The hunters are a bit glass canony.
[07:18:38] Wait, somebody has a point.
[07:18:39] Calling something football when you use your hands, 95% of the time.
[07:18:43] I didn't come up with this.
[07:18:45] He nailed it.
[07:18:46] that's actually whenever you're debating how to name a sport you just say that
[07:18:52] and automatically win the debate I don't necessarily disagree with you you blame
[07:18:57] Australia see how we go here just clean this up no more early death the hot
[07:19:08] part in phase one is when you get four of those green circles right yeah the
[07:19:12] reactive toxins so we're actually have a first death unfortunately but the
[07:19:16] but the rest coming up or does he have the battle rest I think we already sent it
[07:19:23] out I actually miss from here actually miss the death that we would have had
[07:19:28] earlier that's the hunter being dead on tober so that's gonna be tight on the
[07:19:33] shield we should probably use blood loss if you want to get through the
[07:19:37] part requirement won't be there I mean we can break it but we were doing
[07:19:42] You see when I get practice in phase 2 though right?
[07:19:45] Here's the 4 here.
[07:19:48] We'll end up with 5 stacks because we have one dead.
[07:19:51] 5 stacks heal of all, it does hurt.
[07:19:53] Holy Pala died earlier apparently.
[07:19:55] They have the reminder for a potion here, so I guess they're not parking the potion anymore.
[07:20:00] God, wouldn't that damage happen in the raid when down to like 5% HP on all frames?
[07:20:05] Now we just bust through this flame, they have committed the battle rays just to get the shield down so they can get some more practice on the adds.
[07:20:17] Yeah, Shield is melting with Bloodlust.
[07:20:21] I actually wonder if they're saving Potion. I guess they are, yeah.
[07:20:23] You can see they didn't use Potion, which makes sense.
[07:20:26] You're using Bloodlust, so you want to compensate with saving Potion to have extra damage or
[07:20:30] Heal's in the second phase, which is the one we aim to progress right now.
[07:20:34] Smash the Shield. Look how much we had.
[07:20:36] Like that white line dictating by the time we have to beat it and be ahead of it and we'll
[07:20:40] weigh ahead of it. See if I can get these Shadow Gates right. So we have one down.
[07:20:44] So you're going to go through the shadow gate, it'll take you to the other side, there'll
[07:20:48] be a weak order, this is left or right, you go to the left, you go to the right, you
[07:20:52] get dispelled, that's it, you can just see the ghost wolf coming out there, getting
[07:20:56] dispelled, the gloom puddle stays on the ground, meanwhile you're just dodging these
[07:21:00] orbs coming across the platform, trying to kill these adds as quick as possible
[07:21:04] and interrupt.
[07:21:05] We do that really well, both shadow gates cleared off.
[07:21:09] Everyone alive except the huntover, so definitely doable.
[07:21:12] That's good.
[07:21:13] Proper. Let's see. Here is the hard part here. So these two adds watch this beam
[07:21:18] Which we can spell reflect that back the warrior is doing a hella job there
[07:21:23] Watch these webs now. So he'll be a pull in and when you get pulled in you will leave webs on the ground
[07:21:30] There's a shadow guy. Look at Dan being confident in his movement. Very nice place
[07:21:35] He is a solid player Dan. He really is. This is really good bridge goes up
[07:21:39] We are three dead. Second platform is the artist actually of this phase. Absolutely.
[07:21:46] Because you have these spells going on, two adds, smallies. Yeah, we spell reflect this, we watch how it sucks, Bladestorm says no.
[07:21:57] It's not using his potion. We're old and shadowgate just went off then. Yeah.
[07:22:03] If die dear. Good pull though, despite having a few deaths in phase one.
[07:22:11] Yep. You know, it's nice to see us reaching phase two and progress a bit there.
[07:22:15] That was, uh, yeah, I mean it's promising even if you
[07:22:20] ranked the top of that platform each time. It would be
[07:22:23] amazing. Wait, Kralis in the ring now? Or is she watching Remy?
[07:22:28] No, I mean... Oh, she's watching Wily, yeah, yeah, true.
[07:22:34] yeah yeah I mean thing is guys this is week 2 day 3 or something for us is
[07:22:47] gonna be day 3 we don't have much to farm anymore there is no crest required no
[07:22:52] and plus gear and you're on the last boss like these players have given
[07:22:56] everything until this point and if you're benched the best you can do is
[07:23:00] just watch a teammate potentially give some feedback about something they can
[07:23:04] do better unliced logs you know you can maybe have some ideas but it's
[07:23:09] quite limited the amount of work you can do when you're in a last boss so late into
[07:23:14] progression
[07:23:15] So make sense that she's just watching wild, you know
[07:23:19] Also entertaining your stream obviously
[07:23:23] Absolutely, I mean we had saw shella do it when shella wasn't on the right
[07:23:26] He was like give me things to do I can help with that
[07:23:28] I mean definitely the first days he had to farm a lot of stuff right? Yeah, but at some point the work you have to do just
[07:23:34] kind of there is diminishing returns with what you can farm and up until the
[07:23:39] point there is nothing else left. Yeah for sure. Paul Cruella was very tired this
[07:23:45] morning too. Yeah I mean she's in a water you know coming to base with COVID. Yeah
[07:23:52] she was doing all these pleats. Amazing determination. I still remember
[07:23:59] when I was involved in the Incarnation she didn't get Razorgat though.
[07:24:03] she couldn't raid and she was just devastated it is it is a really horrible
[07:24:07] part of the race world first in that regard with Luke you see like that with
[07:24:11] trinkets as well so yeah if I if you didn't have spy master as a range just
[07:24:15] here you probably be probably on the bench yeah it's it's harsh she's
[07:24:23] laughing she's smiling it's the main thing shella in the raid now he
[07:24:27] would be very happy to be playing the boss very good warlock very good
[07:24:33] player in general yeah I can also play different classes for m plus and stuff
[07:24:38] yeah he's tanked in the DI and stuff yeah always generally a warlock player
[07:24:44] that's when I met him the first time I played with jelly was on an
[07:24:48] Altarion's Lair yeah it was a method streamer m plus streamer that was the
[07:24:53] opposite raider yeah and we ended up in the same high m plus group and I was
[07:24:57] amazed by his damage Walo was pumping those pulls did you do high m plus
[07:25:03] back then yeah yeah yeah like legion like the original before second boss you
[07:25:08] would basically pull the whole dungeon and then just hide it for like yeah you
[07:25:12] would just run because the peltas would just run so they would be on a rock you
[07:25:15] would literally hide it for three four minutes and classes with ramp up time
[07:25:19] were insane on that I loved it as well because that's when you could switch
[07:25:22] legendaries so you just have like aggromars strides and then what was
[07:25:28] name of the necklace that pride has yet for surviving certain bosses you'd need it for
[07:25:33] us avius at the end of emerald nightmare like when you got to like the high 20s because
[07:25:37] the one notes of valor uh yeah i mean i remember that the last expansion right yeah that was
[07:25:45] you was uh yeah uh how yeah and um what was the dog whatever the dog's name was fenrea fenrea
[07:25:53] I was just disgusting on high keys, but it was good fun.
[07:25:58] I liked the Legion Dungeons, I missed it.
[07:26:00] The Legion was great.
[07:26:02] I'd definitely be happy to take a more of Souls back too, bring more of Souls back.
[07:26:07] A bit more discussion going on, I would love to see some quicker pulls.
[07:26:14] It's not worth pulling obviously if you're going to make the same mistake,
[07:26:17] but we definitely do need to vamuus a little bit.
[07:26:32] Alright, pull timer up, let's see how we go on this one.
[07:26:43] Thanks, off to the outside, he comes to the liquefied, we bait the Swirlies off to the right.
[07:26:48] Roots incoming now.
[07:26:51] See all the weak aura's set up for how players are breaking these.
[07:26:56] Watch these lines.
[07:27:00] Nobody dies, first two reactive toxins coming out.
[07:27:06] Half the raid in each of these, Venom Nova goes.
[07:27:09] We pop, we pop.
[07:27:13] Move out, debuffs go out, dodge the waves.
[07:27:17] Nice, bait the next set of swirlies. Here they come now. Roots again, into position, and break.
[07:27:35] Really have been playing these parts nice. It's only that fourth overlap that gets really, really nasty every time.
[07:27:43] Yeah, and one death can just cause collateral damage for the rest.
[07:27:47] Yeah.
[07:27:48] It certainly does spiral out of control, I think it's also really disheartening watching
[07:27:54] somebody die in the first couple of minutes of the fight too.
[07:27:58] Here's the three, we end up with three generally in this, yo dodge these waves, clean so far
[07:28:15] just keep this up, dodge these lines.
[07:28:17] I thought we lost the boomy then but we're okay.
[07:28:25] Looking good.
[07:28:26] We still have to do one way right?
[07:28:28] One more. Yeah, the big before.
[07:28:31] There's these lines.
[07:28:35] Then we're going to get four debuffs.
[07:28:37] And then we're going to get a root.
[07:28:39] Then we're going to get lines and then we break.
[07:28:47] Here are the pools.
[07:28:49] We drop these. We're going to have roots.
[07:28:51] And then we're going to have lines after this.
[07:28:54] So we move over, we wait.
[07:28:57] Lines.
[07:28:59] And then five in each.
[07:29:02] just pop these down the line at this venom overcomes end up on four stacks
[07:29:07] which is perfect we dodged these waves we do lose one and two so two down it's
[07:29:18] alright watch this suck for that's that's it yeah that's not what we want
[07:29:29] that's not what we want at all I think we're using it boomie now yeah
[07:29:37] somebody saying ferrel is it culture cylinder age I'm assuming she swapped
[07:29:43] out and culture's gone back in but I'm not too sure can't even see from here yeah
[07:29:48] interesting though the ferrel was absolutely pumping but you're whether or
[07:29:54] not just ends up being better for phase three obviously with the boom it looks
[07:29:57] like culture is in the now so boom is still inside guys maybe it's the
[07:30:04] amount of classes you need for the grand wind circles you know melee range
[07:30:08] equal amount. Yeah I do wonder what that could be. Oh what a boss. What a boss. Yeah we changed
[07:30:23] it this morning. I don't think it's done any harm either I think you you know I think they
[07:30:30] rolled the dice with two hunters but we have Nate. I don't know why the cameras are just
[07:30:37] covered. Okay Dan's twin brother. Dan Nate. Yeah the hunters are hard because the hunters
[07:30:44] are just glass cannons the damage is good but they just flop so easy. Ready to take back up?
[07:31:05] It's frozen. On the span, talking about next tier having a standardized raid frames for all
[07:31:15] raiders they have to be at a certain height so we can see it. I wanted to actually go tell him
[07:31:20] to move it but then I was like maybe it's too sweet. I mean these are warlocks not a healer
[07:31:25] so it wouldn't be much of a difference. You wouldn't think so but you wouldn't want
[07:31:29] I don't want to put him off either.
[07:31:31] Yeah.
[07:31:32] But we did say we did talk about this.
[07:31:34] You do get used quite quick though.
[07:31:35] I had to like move my UI around when
[07:31:39] great leaders have had to watch my POV.
[07:31:41] And you know, as a DPS, it doesn't really
[07:31:43] do much difference, you know.
[07:31:44] You get used like in a few pools.
[07:31:46] I think they'll have a little bit of standardization
[07:31:49] coming on the next one.
[07:31:51] We're a little level up for the race toward first.
[07:32:00] Wondering if Echo is going to match Liquid's best pull
[07:32:03] by the time they wake up.
[07:32:04] probably like one hour left
[07:32:06] honestly best for when i was watching it wasn't looking good unless things have
[07:32:09] really turned a corner for you could see yesterday they didn't play the best
[07:32:13] and then they suddenly had this crazy pool in phase three and i
[07:32:17] really close the gaps super quick i mean that's a strength about echo right
[07:32:21] they can just pull it off at any moment and
[07:32:24] you know obviously right now liquid there seems to be
[07:32:27] at the top
[07:32:29] but you know what can happen i mean liquid level two days ahead and
[07:32:33] There still hasn't been any nerf.
[07:32:35] We'll see.
[07:32:36] We will.
[07:32:38] Yeah, I do like the liquid overlays.
[07:32:40] That's actually a nice point.
[07:32:42] Yeah, I'd love it if you could.
[07:32:42] So you also memorize the names each time you swap POV and you won't have problems.
[07:32:47] It's really easy to say who's alive and dead and we don't actually call it out.
[07:32:50] Yeah, I'll call the names.
[07:32:51] That's something we can mention it for the next race.
[07:32:54] Yeah.
[07:32:55] Because each time having some people even have groups overlay being different.
[07:33:00] Yeah.
[07:33:00] So let's say here in 80s group one, but then on another person it looks group three, you know, and then you get confused.
[07:33:06] Certainly does make it.
[07:33:07] I couldn't do many split runs on a Roy.
[07:33:10] So they definitely have to do those, which obviously will take them a few hours extra.
[07:33:15] Yeah, they also now is Pali 620.
[07:33:17] So it's four or five item levels off.
[07:33:19] Oh, damn.
[07:33:20] Yeah.
[07:33:21] He's Paladin's like they I wouldn't be surprised.
[07:33:24] I don't know what they'll do now because he can live.
[07:33:28] Obviously, like he now is able to live
[07:33:32] This boss isn't gonna die
[07:33:34] I don't know if they bother going to try and get his paladin some more gear to make life easy
[07:33:38] But at the moment he can survive into phase three whether or not you need to thank you, Paul. Yeah
[07:33:44] But yeah, the thing is not doing splits can end up being the right choice obviously
[07:33:49] But sometimes it can also backfire you because if then you reach a point where DPS is a massive requirement
[07:33:56] Requirement and the other guild has already done them and maybe the other guild was waiting for the team doing splits to show strategy
[07:34:03] Yeah, you know these kind of things can backfire you can pay off
[07:34:07] Sometimes you just gotta like gamble it because if a boss is easy
[07:34:11] Let's say like the Matthews or we had a sarcasm dying like two days of progression
[07:34:17] Then you know you do splits but boss died within two days. So was it really the right play?
[07:34:23] I do still remember Sarkaroth.
[07:34:26] I didn't expect it to be 8 minutes for an end boss, but it was so short.
[07:34:32] I definitely expected the boss to have a secret phase.
[07:34:36] We were almost running around here because they thought in the files that there was this
[07:34:41] secret phase.
[07:34:42] It would make sense though because it was so short, 8 minutes or 9 and most of the
[07:34:47] meeting is very short for a mythified end boss.
[07:34:50] Then it just died.
[07:34:51] Yeah, I feel like Sarkaret was the underwhelming, disappointing end boss of the last tier.
[07:34:58] So the other two were really good, Razageden, Firehawk, Mirak.
[07:35:03] Yeah, we were actually talking about this this morning in terms of even just as a bad guy,
[07:35:10] Farak was like quite a cool villain sort of thing that they built up over time,
[07:35:14] like the Jailer was just, the Jailer was such a nothing.
[07:35:18] I mean, to be fair, I have no idea about lore.
[07:35:21] Yeah, either do I, but I think the Jailer just had no real story.
[07:35:26] Like, I don't mind the cinematics that Blizzard make.
[07:35:29] I love their cinematics, but yeah, it's interesting when I go down those paths.
[07:35:35] No, the 1.24.7 is dark, my guys.
[07:35:38] It's built different.
[07:35:39] It's doing the extra longer shifts.
[07:35:42] I can't handle 12-hour shifts.
[07:35:44] You can't handle 12-hour shifts.
[07:35:45] You're doing 12-hour shifts on laser.
[07:35:48] Yeah, I think I had 12 hours today because I did 10 to 12 and then I'm on to midnight.
[07:35:52] It's like nine and a half, I think.
[07:35:54] Yeah, generally like nine and a half, 10 hour days.
[07:36:00] Definitely looks like a hard boss.
[07:36:01] Not sure about the epicness.
[07:36:03] I would have to ask players on the break if they are enjoying it or they're happy with the design.
[07:36:08] But yeah, I, I was talking to Faithy before and I was like, like this boss, I was like this boss man.
[07:36:16] he was like I don't even know if it's killable at the moment like he goes it's
[07:36:22] just but it's just crazy didn't they say the same for silicon cork and then we
[07:36:29] all thought that silicon cork was basically impossible to kill and that
[07:36:33] was only looking at mechanics and what we thought mythic was gonna be and then
[07:36:37] liquid came out and just absolutely obliterated that so yeah you know you
[07:36:43] absolutely never know and you know it's one of those bosses to where maybe if you do get a handle on
[07:36:49] p3 you go up there with everyone alive maybe you take off there might be a
[07:36:53] point where you can just slap the boss for 20 seconds or something like that like we don't
[07:36:57] know I mean this boss is like this sometimes guys mean what I just realized cause uh break
[07:37:04] has been the longest of all times but this is the benefits of being the boss you know yeah you
[07:37:08] You can plan out your own breaks, you know
[07:37:10] You're going for one hour
[07:37:12] That doesn't mean anything else
[07:37:14] I'm just kidding guys
[07:37:16] Do you get a scooter up here today?
[07:37:18] Yeah
[07:37:20] I did walk to the gym, then I went back
[07:37:22] So another walk, then
[07:37:24] There was no closed scooter, so I had to walk
[07:37:26] Even extra 6-7 minutes
[07:37:28] So I didn't walk like 25 minutes already
[07:37:30] Not bad
[07:37:32] That's not bad
[07:37:36] All the camps are frozen, or?
[07:37:38] I don't know.
[07:37:40] Yeah, they're all frozen.
[07:37:41] It does look like that.
[07:37:42] Production?
[07:37:43] Production.
[07:37:44] All cams are frozen apparently, or?
[07:37:46] Yep, they are.
[07:37:50] FGM is definitely not playing like that.
[07:37:52] We're working on that.
[07:37:55] Oh, they're fine for you.
[07:37:56] No, no, never mind.
[07:37:57] They are frozen.
[07:37:58] Nah, he's just playing with his mind, guys.
[07:38:01] Yeah, crystallizing the plane with a controller.
[07:38:04] Neural Inca Elon Musk project, right?
[07:38:05] He's playing with a PS1 controller.
[07:38:08] No, he's definitely not working for us.
[07:38:13] Our cams are all frozen
[07:38:22] Working on it
[07:38:24] So we are one down here. Well now it works. Let's go. We are a healer down here
[07:38:35] This will be a bit awkward, but we dodges dodging those webs
[07:38:44] Then next year or two dead now, that's gonna be a wipe. I believe I mean we have what six stacks going really into the space
[07:38:50] Shella doesn't have a drone with a rotary stacks.
[07:38:53] These six stacks are so deadly.
[07:38:54] Yeah, you can't live six.
[07:38:56] Well, you might be able to, but I know you definitely don't have a seven.
[07:38:59] Then you don't have anything for the intermission anymore.
[07:39:00] Yeah, you screwed.
[07:39:03] Reuben, no, I think you'll be safe to return tomorrow
[07:39:08] to cast more progression on this boss.
[07:39:11] She's safe now.
[07:39:12] Like, yeah, she's ready to come back.
[07:39:14] Did you actually get any symptoms?
[07:39:16] No, she propped Australia, I think.
[07:39:17] She's one of the high propped.
[07:39:20] She propped Australia.
[07:39:22] Come on
[07:39:36] Can see the Chinese killed closing in on his hot pot heroes five pools office now
[07:39:42] Good news is what there?
[07:39:47] Kind of pulling on pace with echo it looks at the moment
[07:39:51] Maybe even a little bit faster, but echo will go for dinner in about 40
[07:39:56] Who's pulling on patient echo? Yeah, I reckon. Oh, yeah, like 129 196 now, but
[07:40:03] They're a lot deeper into the fight than we are.
[07:40:06] Yeah, when you're deeper it takes longer to rule.
[07:40:08] And also you have to plan out for stuff that you still haven't seen, right?
[07:40:11] Yeah.
[07:40:12] We kind of have the overview of the fight up until the point that we need to progress on.
[07:40:18] It is interesting though, because I don't know how Echo are going now,
[07:40:21] but when I was watching them they were wiping in Phase 1 as well, so...
[07:40:24] Yeah.
[07:40:25] I would expect them to get like a 25%, 30% before Liquid woke up.
[07:40:29] I really thought they were going to pull it out and start charging.
[07:40:32] Yeah, I would have expected that but I mean as I said this boss is hard and we we shouldn't underestimate the league with progression
[07:40:39] There have been nothing short of amazing the whole race. I feel like on any boss. They just said that little extra
[07:40:45] You know I have been sending
[07:40:48] All right pull time is up again near Rossi pull time up
[07:40:54] We send it again. We seek progression
[07:40:58] Let's go team
[07:41:03] Yeah, first baits, swirlies, easy clap, big tank buster, big spread, trying to save as
[07:41:13] much room on this platform as we possibly can with the webs and the slimes.
[07:41:17] Imagine these were meant to kill them and you couldn't really remove them from yourself
[07:41:21] with any ability or dispel.
[07:41:24] You would need a different composition for sure.
[07:41:26] Oh yeah, I imagine, I mean that's how some seagulls are going to have to do it.
[07:41:31] Yeah, we added knockoff a few, obviously, but not all of them have worked.
[07:41:35] And they said we'd wipe, we had the first death, and then I think they just wiped on purpose.
[07:41:38] Yeah.
[07:41:39] Yeah, it would totally be different, I mean, different composition, and I feel like, what was the boss that had it similar?
[07:41:47] Like Sylvanas, you couldn't shape shift off?
[07:41:50] Well, Tyndral and Mythic, you were punished for amuting routes.
[07:41:53] Oh, Tyndral, yeah, yeah, Tyndral, true, true.
[07:41:56] Yeah, Tyndral, you would spawn a tree, so...
[07:42:00] So yeah and Sylvanas had the chains or whatever you had to run close to him to pick him up.
[07:42:09] Short break guys for the team we can move to the studio for a few minutes and ma'am.
[07:42:18] Lord Gawk has retired, retired 2.
[07:42:20] Yeah I retired last year.
[07:42:23] Excellent job, retired 2 gives you the info on the Gawk.
[07:42:29] Ironically if I got if I had great gear here, I could have been playing a most of the bosses
[07:42:35] You could have a fight booking being bad on paper because you know, it's been used quite a decent amount
[07:42:40] I mean, yeah, it's nothing a lot. It's not that good, but I think
[07:42:49] To be fair liquid actually made it work a lot because we were the first to crack out a feral jord
[07:42:53] And they were a head mechanics on them. Oh, no, sorry. I'm echo echo had comics
[07:42:59] Now he went feral though. He got the weapon and painted a mythic.
[07:43:03] We got the Hulk to host, we did. It should have been a charity goal to paint you green bro.
[07:43:12] That would have been easy. Yeah, true. Maybe next race.
[07:43:15] Maybe next race? Would have been such an easy win.
[07:43:19] Jaboomis have small calves. Everyone mentions my calves, but in real life,
[07:43:23] I mean my calves are pretty good, but they're not the strongest part.
[07:43:27] I don't think we're small calves. It's just the angle, you know.
[07:43:29] I don't think you have small cows.
[07:43:30] No, no, I have good cows.
[07:43:31] I don't think chat thinks you have small cows.
[07:43:33] No, no, but there's not something that normally people
[07:43:36] comment on that much, you know.
[07:43:38] But I understand it's the angle.
[07:43:40] Pretty much hunkered down by genetics for cows.
[07:43:43] Yeah, cows, yeah, I always had pretty good cows
[07:43:46] from the start, so didn't really need much training
[07:43:49] for them.
[07:43:50] I mean, I do train them always, but.
[07:43:53] Oh, look.
[07:43:53] And now I see a guy with small cows
[07:43:55] entering the room slowly, but surely.
[07:43:58] That was a one longer break.
[07:44:01] He's been doing bicep curls for his entry back on tour.
[07:44:03] Yeah, I was doing push-ups in the toilet.
[07:44:06] So he can come back up.
[07:44:07] He's been getting a pump.
[07:44:08] Damn.
[07:44:09] Well, let's put the arms up by side, guys,
[07:44:11] just for some content.
[07:44:16] I mean.
[07:44:19] Great steel series logo there.
[07:44:21] Big shout out to Steel Series, our partner,
[07:44:23] and a rosy there.
[07:44:29] Damn.
[07:44:33] That's a bad angle, that's a bad angle.
[07:44:36] That's a great sponsor though on my right shoulder,
[07:44:39] still serious guys.
[07:44:42] What is on the left shoulder?
[07:44:43] Arozi.
[07:44:44] Arozi, let's go.
[07:44:47] This is a flexing stream there.
[07:44:49] All right, so, how's the progress been?
[07:44:55] Not good enough, not great boss.
[07:44:57] Not good.
[07:44:58] I know, I just walked it down.
[07:44:59] Yeah, what did you say?
[07:45:00] We got to the top of the platform.
[07:45:02] So, people are making mistakes.
[07:45:03] Yeah they are, they're down really.
[07:45:04] We got to the top of the platform once though, that was cool, that was good news.
[07:45:12] We have a 1 minute 40 left on the break.
[07:45:15] Oh yeah, you guys have to do the Dylan handshake before the...
[07:45:18] What is the Dylan handshake?
[07:45:19] You know, Predator?
[07:45:20] You seen in Predator 1?
[07:45:22] No.
[07:45:23] So Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers, they come and they do this big handshake.
[07:45:27] It's the famous picture, like it's like a meme picture with the two hands meet in
[07:45:30] the middle.
[07:45:31] Oh yeah, I know which picture, yeah I know what it is.
[07:45:36] We'd have to baby over your arms up.
[07:45:41] Pretty unprofessional to wear shorts, I agree.
[07:45:44] This one.
[07:45:44] I did see Echos casters also use shorts.
[07:45:47] Also unprofessional.
[07:45:48] Oh, yeah, I know this one, of course.
[07:45:51] Guys, it's very warm here, so I did use long pants three
[07:45:54] times so far, so.
[07:45:56] I'm kidding, guys.
[07:45:57] If I had legs like Logo, I would also wear shorts before.
[07:46:00] No, but it is warm, man.
[07:46:02] If you touch my bag, it's fully warm.
[07:46:05] I don't want you to touch it.
[07:46:06] I want to touch his sweaty back in the brove
[07:46:09] Bro, is that a breath I'm standing up? I know that you're a breath I'm standing up. Yeah
[07:46:15] I mean walking through a big frame from the whole area. It's a big frame. I
[07:46:22] Mean, I think the good news is that echo is suffering the same fate
[07:46:27] At the moment guys next time it's actually winter by the way, so oh
[07:46:31] Yeah
[07:46:33] What do you mean we can use the long pants what the next place for us? Yeah, boy won't be to March or April
[07:46:39] I think February or nah
[07:46:41] What do you guys think when's the next place to all first it's definitely not gonna be within six months?
[07:46:44] I don't think I think I think April you earliest probably no no way
[07:46:48] April I think April this that would be
[07:46:52] October September 6 months bro. April is like eight months
[07:46:57] Six months on that seven months. I did get the Barbie on a bike. Thank you very much
[07:47:03] I have secured that
[07:47:05] I'm all set. My march is still winter in Germany, true. I mean it's still still winter in Scotland in April as well. I
[07:47:14] Think it's gonna be April for the next rest of the first. I think it will be early March the latest. I don't know
[07:47:20] We'll just wait till it gets announced. I mean last time we had last again in Christmas. That was
[07:47:26] 20 December ish died around 24th and then
[07:47:29] And Sarkaret was on my birthday, so it was like 11th May each period, so that was 5 months
[07:47:38] and a half.
[07:47:39] They want to release one expansion every 1.5 years.
[07:47:41] Yeah, they definitely need to hurry up.
[07:47:43] They're probably going to hide in there.
[07:47:44] They actually do.
[07:47:45] They did say that.
[07:47:46] It doesn't make sense.
[07:47:47] Exactly, there's only going to be three seasons in this expansion.
[07:47:49] They did say they wanted to like keep shit moving.
[07:47:54] guys the idea is that they do like raiding late February early March and then the last one in
[07:47:59] September and then they go for the next expansion preparations right it will make sense timeline wise
[07:48:04] if you do one year and a half maybe how is April how is April eight months away guys it's the end
[07:48:09] of September yeah it's not you've got three months left this year October November December then
[07:48:13] the next year starts January February March that's six months and then you start April so you
[07:48:18] would think it would be around the March April area really yeah I think it's around I think
[07:48:22] I think it's like around April that they're gonna do the next word, six months on our best plan.
[07:48:26] Let's get technical guys, six and a half months from now.
[07:48:31] That is no way to see us along. It was a month shorter with Rasta get to Sarkaret,
[07:48:36] and that was an expansion they wanted to have for two years.
[07:48:39] So now content pacing should be faster.
[07:48:42] Yeah, I don't know. It'll be interesting. I mean, I'll just wait until it gets announced.
[07:48:48] two weeks notice to put on an event and
[07:48:51] I mean guys, if the race is April
[07:48:55] you're probably not gonna see me. What's on in April?
[07:48:58] I'm like last four weeks into my prep and I'm gonna be a zombie basically.
[07:49:01] Ah you can do it too, just eat chicken. Yeah maybe I will come as a guest for like five days.
[07:49:05] You can come and practice posing for hype trains.
[07:49:09] No way. Easy, easy as.
[07:49:12] Honestly I think guys caught me on this I'll be surprised if I see the next
[07:49:16] with the wait for April
[07:49:18] not before April
[07:49:20] not before April
[07:49:22] I mean if you just look at the last time
[07:49:24] Rastagatou's Harcadet
[07:49:26] then it would be around mid-February
[07:49:28] yeah
[07:49:30] so
[07:49:32] mid-February to late February
[07:49:34] it won't need food as well
[07:49:36] that's true, I will be starving
[07:49:38] yeah, it'd be cheap if I had it next time
[07:49:40] true
[07:49:42] that's a good pickup actually
[07:49:44] solid we're still not ready to raid I think
[07:49:47] raiders have discussed on stuff
[07:49:49] the whole vacuum seat
[07:49:51] Shelly is still doing his walking
[07:49:52] yeah he is he's just in the zone right now
[07:49:55] or it's like
[07:49:56] that's the cut gem Irel
[07:49:57] I don't know if that's like that's surely that's frozen on a loop
[07:50:00] I just saw Shelly in the kitchen guys you'll be happy to know that he's just a healthy snack
[07:50:05] oh really?
[07:50:06] regularly the raiders will go for unhealthy options but Shelly he went into the fridge
[07:50:09] and he picked up an apple
[07:50:10] whoa damn
[07:50:11] that's commitment
[07:50:12] How apples are in the fridge too, they're not.
[07:50:16] What can method improve for the next race war first?
[07:50:18] That's something that will be analyzed after the race through different officer meetings.
[07:50:23] Beef are readily going through logs and discussing all these things and getting in-depth with
[07:50:30] everything that happened during the race.
[07:50:32] But you can't really tell precisely in this exact moment because there is so much research
[07:50:37] that goes into these things.
[07:50:40] There'll be a big post-mortem at the end.
[07:50:42] lot of reviews lots of ways to level it up but we've got to get to the end first
[07:50:50] that's the big part we have to get to the end oh Nate's brother look at the cam
[07:51:00] the cam's not flicking over and it's frozen again oh shelly use mirror images
[07:51:07] another cameras
[07:51:10] he turned into a mage guys is definitely frozen too
[07:51:13] oh it's here, it's not frozen here though
[07:51:17] he's frozen isn't he?
[07:51:21] he's just very still
[07:51:25] celli multi boxing the mythic ride
[07:51:28] from bench to multi boxing
[07:51:36] he was just waiting for the moment
[07:51:39] It's actually one of the few times that he remembers Charlie being benched.
[07:51:44] I mean everyone has been benched at some point, you know, even the most legendary players.
[07:51:49] Yeah, Wildy is looking really good. Wildy's done a tremendous job.
[07:51:54] Yeah, dude. Let's get a poll.
[07:52:06] We should have known five minutes break turns into ten. Thirty turns into one hour.
[07:52:11] That is how it is, yeah.
[07:52:13] Kayn has discussed something with Wildy.
[07:52:17] So guys from now on if you see five minutes break you can be sure you have a ten minutes
[07:52:22] chill time before we start putting it in. I said to Kana and Turtle on the couch last night I was
[07:52:26] like surely when we dissect the race in regards to things to improve on we can look at pull rate
[07:52:33] efficiency um and Turtle said if he speaks he gets in trouble and Kana said maybe but he would
[07:52:42] rather have a discussion about things and make sure everyone understands before pulling the loss.
[07:52:50] I mean, to be fair, you want to mostly compare your pool efficiency or
[07:52:57] pace to Echo, because they're the guild that does a similar approach with really taking
[07:53:01] extra time. Like I wouldn't look at Liquid, they just say that faster. And Kana mentioned that
[07:53:06] too. He said there's two very distinct styles of working raid fights out and he said
[07:53:10] method likely closer to the echo style, but you probably have to find a balance.
[07:53:15] But I have to say, though, if you are slightly slower than Echo, and they're the
[07:53:19] guild that normally develops more strategies because, you know, they want
[07:53:23] their previous races, then obviously that implies there is a problem, right?
[07:53:27] And you have to take it faster.
[07:53:28] But these are the kind of things that you analyze after the race, right?
[07:53:31] Yeah, absolutely.
[07:53:31] You're gonna look at every log, every, like streams and then, and be like,
[07:53:36] okay, we were slower, and then you adjust and, you know, try to do
[07:53:40] better. That's it. Alright. Come on. Oh, they are okay, good. It's still a race, guys.
[07:53:50] For guild streaming, yeah, they're streaming on another website though. Yeah, it's on
[07:53:58] our dojo. Dojo, yeah. Dojo. They are rocketing up the pool counts, 127 pools now. Look,
[07:54:20] there's still a lot of this boss to go. This is where it gets very, very interesting,
[07:54:25] We definitely need to hit phase three like that is that is high on our priority list team
[07:54:33] P3
[07:54:34] Well ready checks going out Kana's done a check in not sure what's going on there
[07:54:57] Come on a five minutes break turn into a fish
[07:55:15] Sure has out there and splash a bit of motivation around hey
[07:55:26] I feel like if they actually announced the break being a bit longer would benefit the players because they can actually be a bit
[07:55:32] away from their PCs and you know
[07:55:34] Yeah.
[07:55:36] Alright, now they're ready to check it out.
[07:55:38] Well, it's because the players have to be there, because of the disgusting strategies.
[07:55:41] Is it though? Sometimes it's the weak aura's... I don't know.
[07:55:44] No, weak aura's get pushed instantly.
[07:55:47] Yeah, you're going there.
[07:55:49] Wait, why does it look like players are missing banters?
[07:55:57] That's... augmented rune.
[07:55:59] Oh.
[07:56:00] Yeah.
[07:56:01] That has a similar skin.
[07:56:03] I don't hear any music right now, do you?
[07:56:14] No, there are music.
[07:56:15] Is there a music stream?
[07:56:17] was it is the music stream chat we got music just the dead silence there's no
[07:56:27] music silence no music at all production production we just had dead silence on our
[07:56:33] stream at the moment guys you have to let us know if the music stops because
[07:56:37] that's not intended it will fix it
[07:56:41] the voices in my head why is that sad don't tell us we don't want just my
[07:56:46] I thought we'll block them out. Don't worry. We'll get some music
[07:56:53] Pull time is up. It's the wrong with our banter store
[07:56:57] Yes, oh
[07:56:59] unacceptable, I
[07:57:01] Think the book might be without banners because there's some bug going on. What there's no way
[07:57:05] I'm being serious wouldn't surprise me wall of cooldowns were causing them
[07:57:09] So I thought I saw somewhere maybe that he had to contact here to take it by my mistaken
[07:57:14] Alright, we got music back.
[07:57:17] Doesn't matter anyway, cause we'll never die, so...
[07:57:20] Okay, so apparently he race changed and the Vantuz rune gets removed, but the game calculates
[07:57:45] that you already used one, so it will not let you reuse it.
[07:57:49] And our rogue is trying to fix it with Blizzard, they're gonna potentially fix it within
[07:57:53] the next 24 hours, but so far no Vantuz rune, and we're forced to use him because
[07:57:58] rogue provides a raid buff and he has the best gear.
[07:58:00] weird that that happened because I think we were aware that was a bug. We did it many times
[07:58:04] yeah but maybe it's because maybe he used it before we were aware it was a bug that's
[07:58:08] strange. I mean we did it many many times with changing. If you remember on Jaina everyone
[07:58:13] raised change to troll I think. So definitely one of the first times that I hear of this
[07:58:25] but yeah. That's what I'm saying so I was correct right there was a ban as well. Yeah yeah true.
[07:58:29] you were well well done still have all the eye for detail I do yeah maybe you
[07:58:35] should go back to another listen on yeah maybe yeah let's go the analyst chat what
[07:58:40] do you think I don't think I would be the best in the annals rule though I think
[07:58:44] I'd be too critical maybe that's what they need I think maybe maybe in the
[07:58:51] raid leader spot if you had a certain it depends on the players that you play
[07:58:55] with right like you've got to adapt your
[07:58:58] raid leading style and how you like talk
[07:59:00] to people based on what you can kind of
[07:59:02] like absolutely what gets the best
[07:59:04] performance yeah like my style is would
[07:59:09] be like probably quite aggressive
[07:59:14] it's my smock and can't probably
[07:59:16] wouldn't work for everyone here you
[07:59:18] have the ring no style no not making
[07:59:21] a style but like I don't know a lot
[07:59:26] That was always good for YouTube.
[07:59:28] And there's good content for everyone.
[07:59:30] Some people handle criticism, like if they get called out, for example, they can handle it quite negatively, I guess.
[07:59:35] It doesn't sit well or whatever.
[07:59:37] Did that really well. We've got four stacks. Dodge these waves.
[07:59:40] Yeah, good pull.
[07:59:42] Alright, this is good chat. This is good.
[07:59:45] Alright, we're going to bust this shield down. Easy clap.
[07:59:50] Grip coming in two, one, suck.
[07:59:53] portals any way to negate that we just move around from the webs that are
[07:59:58] gonna go out from those grips now we are way ahead of that white line you are
[08:00:03] slow now so just play safe with these waves no dumb deaths now the grip coming
[08:00:08] two one that bar is getting melted yes absolutely fly so look at that
[08:00:16] blotloss that's the boomy power look at that not blotloss either
[08:00:19] culture blasting the deep the meters this time huge ramp being seen for the
[08:00:23] first time I understand boom is not the greatest in please one beat this grip
[08:00:27] watch the leftover waves all right let's do these shadow gates properly
[08:00:32] and thank you for this up let's go let's go pen bomb let's get height train
[08:00:38] rolling guys yeah for the space people guys watch these guys if you've got
[08:00:42] a prime drop it get these kicks there is a kick order that's out for these
[08:00:48] See the week or update on those that are actually responsible for kicking watch these orbs to dispels in the shadow gate
[08:00:55] Let's go platforms for everyone alive platforms. Let's do this. We have set the holy battle res
[08:01:02] All right, we melt these ads shadow gates again
[08:01:09] Pull cool watch the webs
[08:01:13] Murder these ads we've got one shadow gate coming out there. We should have the second one coming through now
[08:01:18] We won the spell with the right, yeah there's the next one.
[08:01:23] Second platforms let's go.
[08:01:24] That's time for bloodlust.
[08:01:25] The bridge we got bloodlust for you now.
[08:01:27] 100%, 100% send lust here.
[08:01:29] Just send it Kevin.
[08:01:31] Bloodlust Kevin!
[08:01:32] There it is, there's the spell reflect on this.
[08:01:36] Oh no, we've fallen apart on the other side.
[08:01:39] We still have a combat rest so.
[08:01:41] Yeah we're okay, maybe, sort of, watch this grip.
[08:01:45] Wait that's one of the people going in the gates and things so we're gonna have
[08:01:47] to...
[08:01:50] I'm out of the back to spell that next one.
[08:01:53] Oh, no one's the spelling.
[08:01:56] I'll put a warrior DPS to stop them waiting for the spell.
[08:02:00] Oh, dear.
[08:02:02] Well, we made it to the final platform.
[08:02:09] That's the furthest we've ever gotten, or?
[08:02:11] This is the furthest we've ever gotten, yeah.
[08:02:13] We've never made it to this top platform.
[08:02:15] It's the top platform that you see.
[08:02:17] Yes, it is.
[08:02:19] Is there a shadow gate up on this top one?
[08:02:21] I don't think there is a shadow gate up from the top.
[08:02:23] so you know there is there's a cross at the back oh okay well that was good chat
[08:02:28] that was good that's progress that was progress hopefully that brings a little
[08:02:38] bit of pep into the raider step while they popping in mirror images and goes
[08:02:42] into ftm's a camp like a true mage well listen guys you got there we can get
[08:02:50] there again let's go it's called you've retired than expansion ago and people
[08:02:56] I was still shocked at what I was playing.
[08:02:59] I saw that someone had already been benched before.
[08:03:03] From a bench on the couch.
[08:03:04] From a benched.
[08:03:06] Yeah, if you do exclamation mark, retired guys.
[08:03:08] It's been two years, yeah.
[08:03:09] We've got a video where I talk about what I'm doing these days.
[08:03:12] It has been, I was hired after shower once.
[08:03:14] Yeah, you were a second jailer, right?
[08:03:16] Yeah, yeah.
[08:03:17] That was a great one.
[08:03:18] That was a good one.
[08:03:19] There's a rip-a-tea, yeah.
[08:03:21] So I've been retired for like two, yeah, like you said, two years.
[08:03:25] Crazy that was two years ago. Time flies, hey?
[08:03:30] It's been good, I've been enjoying my retirement.
[08:03:32] I've spent a lot of time reading.
[08:03:35] Traveling the world.
[08:03:36] Watching Netflix.
[08:03:37] What have you been reading?
[08:03:38] Sink on the beach.
[08:03:39] Seen to the tide, you just go to Thailand every year
[08:03:41] for like months, so.
[08:03:42] Yeah, I know, it's a good life in Thailand.
[08:03:44] Living the life.
[08:03:44] Big family in Thailand, yeah.
[08:03:47] Just cocktails on the beach.
[08:03:50] Too hot.
[08:03:51] Yeah, that's true, Paul.
[08:03:52] A lot of people that I went to watch in years
[08:03:54] and they just come and they're confused on why he's not playing.
[08:03:59] 12 World Firsts in total?
[08:04:01] Yeah, exactly.
[08:04:02] The reason I retired really was to spend more time on my bodybuilding career.
[08:04:06] He hasn't started yet, but...
[08:04:07] Since he met me, I rarely started to get chubbed, yeah.
[08:04:12] I'm watching in my new fitness program soon.
[08:04:14] Would you coach him?
[08:04:15] Yeah, he wants to, of course.
[08:04:17] Do you discount code?
[08:04:20] I mean, for Method, as long as he promotes that I'm coaching him,
[08:04:24] Guys can you give me a name for my new fitness program that I'm launching please?
[08:04:34] Stofe it?
[08:04:38] Vlogox is called ShapeShift Fitness right?
[08:04:40] Yeah it makes sense as a droid right?
[08:04:41] Remain shape shift fitness
[08:04:43] Guys can you give me a name for my new fitness program please?
[08:04:45] School shift
[08:04:50] That's if we merge our businesses yeah
[08:04:54] Let's go get a bit some good ones here just lift us
[08:05:18] I don't get it, I hate this!
[08:05:23] That'd be a really good Tayshia feel, man. That'd be sick.
[08:05:32] I don't know, none of them are really like what you've actually seen.
[08:05:35] Have you seen any actual real ones yet?
[08:05:38] They'll work.
[08:05:43] Sculpted by Skull?
[08:05:44] Yeah, maybe.
[08:05:45] Yeah, it's not a bad one.
[08:05:46] It's not bad because of the S and the S.
[08:05:49] Ready check pool? That's actually not terrible either, too far.
[08:05:53] Yeah, that's connected through the spine of death.
[08:05:56] Ready check pool, yeah.
[08:05:59] The only problem is, isn't ready check pool like that YouTube channel?
[08:06:07] Yeah, it is.
[08:06:07] Oh, I didn't know of this YouTube channel.
[08:06:10] The Red Guards.
[08:06:11] Ready check lift?
[08:06:13] Not bad either.
[08:06:16] Cameras are just all over the place.
[08:06:18] I think Ankh Fitness was my favourite.
[08:06:21] So if they slack on the plan, you know what to tell them.
[08:06:26] And on the back of the T-shirt just lift us all. I think it would be great.
[08:06:30] The one is a good one from Pum as in...
[08:06:36] Pamp asshole.
[08:06:39] That's what he tells you.
[08:06:42] There's no swearing a word on the couch.
[08:06:45] I'm afraid we're going to have to find Logox twice now.
[08:06:48] Logox is not going to be earning any money from this event now.
[08:06:52] The find is quite hefty for swearing on the couch, I'm afraid.
[08:07:00] Ah, dear.
[08:07:03] Look what this boss has reduced us to.
[08:07:07] I don't know. I don't know. Sculpt by skull.
[08:07:10] Ready check push, ready check pull.
[08:07:12] Ready check pull is good.
[08:07:14] Can't kill you each time, then.
[08:07:23] Gotta get something out of my bank account, then, yeah.
[08:07:26] Oh, this music. This music's a bit sleepy.
[08:07:38] Spain is everywhere
[08:07:39] okay now it's not
[08:07:41] the while worth it
[08:07:48] what about many gamers
[08:07:51] uh...
[08:07:54] sign up in terms of coaching or is it more people outside no no actually i would
[08:07:58] say sixty percent
[08:08:00] people come from while
[08:08:01] all right that's good i'm glad to hear that
[08:08:04] it's a mix lately is going on more up also
[08:08:07] with uh... outsiders
[08:08:09] yeah was uh...
[08:08:10] Yeah.
[08:08:11] I did one of that.
[08:08:12] I managed to get into the algorithm of Instagram.
[08:08:14] Yeah.
[08:08:14] Because often.
[08:08:15] But now I'm getting out of it again because
[08:08:17] you need to be super consistent to
[08:08:19] be in the algorithm.
[08:08:21] Stay in the algorithm.
[08:08:22] You just need to boss like everyday and stuff.
[08:08:24] Yeah, it's too much effort.
[08:08:25] What about big fan fitness?
[08:08:27] Big.
[08:08:28] Big fan.
[08:08:28] Big fan fitness?
[08:08:30] Is that Adeline's idea?
[08:08:31] No.
[08:08:33] Let's go train.
[08:08:49] I can't say.
[08:08:50] He's got beads of sweat on his legs.
[08:08:51] Oh, he's sweating.
[08:08:53] That's why I never said that said the couch to be honest
[08:08:57] Have a big human shape log on it when he leaves now
[08:09:01] Nick mr. G. I'm son tonight. I'll make him sit there
[08:09:04] Smart small legs fitness me
[08:09:09] Small arms fitness here
[08:09:14] God quep big pump
[08:09:16] Frank another we just had our best pool chat if you were tuning in we were at the very top platform
[08:09:30] to go over to P3. We may have made it with like three people alive, but we still
[08:09:36] made it up to the top. That's the kind of consistency that we need to start rinsing
[08:09:41] now. Dodge the waves, see these lines, swirls, pick move, roots, bloody roots.
[08:09:58] Alright Lines, stay calm, stay nice and chill, next set of reactive toxins, don't make a
[08:10:22] meal of this, watch these webs, watch that second one that bent him over, yeah nice.
[08:10:33] Alright there's our four stack, really clean through that phase one, down into the AMZs,
[08:10:44] watch these webs, oh that was like, yeah I think he really walked right into it.
[08:10:49] but we have a death
[08:11:23] I don't know why they didn't use potion, because he has a reminder coming up, you can see on the left it's not in cooldown
[08:11:34] It's because they frequently change where they come from
[08:11:37] Yeah, but if you have a deft, then you should just commit to it for progression purposes, right?
[08:11:41] That's what I would normally do
[08:11:43] Yeah, probably
[08:11:44] But then you're asking a player to adapt on the flyer
[08:11:51] Then you're asking a player to make an adapt on the flyer
[08:11:55] I mean, if I was on teamfick, I would probably just say pot, especially if I have a reminder, even if it's out of date, you know,
[08:12:01] it demands you that you have a potion available.
[08:12:05] P1 was really clean there, we just, uh,
[08:12:09] lost someone coming out into that in phase one intermission, but that all in all,
[08:12:15] positive, dinner still two hours away.
[08:12:20] So we still have time.
[08:12:23] The lift king.
[08:12:24] The lift king. Level up your fitness. Yeah, it's not bad.
[08:12:27] Yeah, that's not what Genji says.
[08:12:29] No, it's games for gamers.
[08:12:31] I think he's re-branded like four times.
[08:12:33] Isn't he the fitness dungeon now?
[08:12:35] Yeah, he re-branded like four times.
[08:12:37] He's like level up your fitness, I think.
[08:12:39] I think each race is re-branded.
[08:12:41] Yeah, that's why I wondered if you had many people from WoW,
[08:12:45] because I wonder if it was actually a struggle to crack into.
[08:12:49] No, no, but shape-shift fitness, I think fits both WoW and outside.
[08:12:53] Yeah, shifting your shape.
[08:12:55] I mean, it's not bad but for people that are not into wow, what does it mean we're first for them?
[08:13:02] with the
[08:13:04] world-first fitness, yeah, I
[08:13:07] Feel like shape shift can feed also
[08:13:10] Changing your shape. What's Bajira again? It's like games and games games. What what's what did you know?
[08:13:15] He had one I don't think he's got finished program, but he gingi. No, but you know, he all but you know
[08:13:21] I don't sales merch for like games and games
[08:13:23] Yeah, I don't know he's sponsored by I think to history. Yeah, but now the is not really
[08:13:30] Doing that well anymore. Yeah, I can't fair. Yeah, like the twitch chat got the sepultura reference to that's good
[08:13:36] That's always a bonus
[08:13:46] Liquid is underdog. Mmm. That's a hot take
[08:13:50] Yeah, that's like when Teddles didn't know what the meaning of dark horse was really. Yeah
[08:13:55] was ages ago and
[08:13:57] And someone asked Teddles who his Dark Horse pick was in the MBI and he picked that guy and I was like I don't think you know what that word means
[08:14:06] I remember that many, many years ago
[08:14:08] No I remember that
[08:14:10] I thought he picked Akko because it was a meme, not because of not knowing the award
[08:14:14] I don't think he knew what Dark Horse was
[08:14:19] Hype Trim Fitness, that's a good one
[08:14:21] Hype Trim Fitness, that suits you, there you go
[08:14:24] Guys can we get Hype Trim in the chat
[08:14:28] How come Coyzen playing?
[08:14:32] He's retired Taylor
[08:14:33] We just found better tanks and you know, he had to step down
[08:14:39] I'm just kidding guys before I get sent home
[08:14:42] I hope it's a lot younger generation step and you know a good point good point
[08:14:47] I think it's amazing you did it for so long to be fair because I do wonder how many of these
[08:14:57] They're gonna be wrong life
[08:14:58] You always say things in the moment and then a couple of weeks later
[08:15:02] You you know you get some more perspective around it
[08:15:04] But I do wonder how many players get through a tier and go like, I'm not doing this again.
[08:15:08] I mean, I know there's a lot of people towards the end of the tier, they think they're going to quit and then they actually don't quit.
[08:15:15] Because you know the nerves go down and you're like, okay, maybe I want to do it again.
[08:15:21] It was fun after all.
[08:15:22] I do wonder that because like you get to two weeks in 16, 18 hours a day.
[08:15:26] I wonder how many people are like, I've done this, I'm not doing it again.
[08:15:29] And then a couple of weeks later they're like, I'll do it again.
[08:15:32] By the way Oskar, I think you are one of the only players that played from like classic up to like Shadowlands late
[08:15:40] Warfare's level, because if you think of all the players between like Liquid, Method and Echo, most of them are from new generation, you know?
[08:15:49] Yeah, I was the only one like that.
[08:15:50] Yeah, even, I mean, Roger Brown was from Breath of the Leech King, but he's also like an analyst role now.
[08:15:57] Yeah, exactly.
[08:15:59] Jastred is also Analyze Roll, which were two oldest from back in the 80s method, but yeah, I mean, we're aging
[08:16:06] You know, yeah, true. I guess I'm only one year
[08:16:09] Generation there's no one from the original guild in classic that still plays apart for me. Yeah, and
[08:16:16] Yeah, that's crazy it basically I think a lot of the player base actually gone from Legion period, you know people playing from Legion, you know a
[08:16:25] Lot of players took over from that era
[08:16:29] I think even Liquid roster came from another game or something I heard no that was
[08:16:33] I think that was a bit of a meme where there was a wild star but I don't think that was really the case
[08:16:39] I think they had a couple of people who played wild star
[08:16:42] Because I actually said that and max max been done it
[08:16:46] Yeah, it's been 20 years. That's true, but that goes to show what crazy consistency is called had throughout the years
[08:16:55] You know what I've been at the top level for like 18 years until it retired
[08:16:59] So that's insane.
[08:17:02] And now he comes to the method stream looking for tanks.
[08:17:05] True.
[08:17:06] Or is it a plus 2 key?
[08:17:07] You can still get the chance to play with Sk0.
[08:17:12] Hang around in the method chat and wait for your call up.
[08:17:14] I might do a couple of keys tonight actually while watching stream.
[08:17:17] I'm not big on the newer fix.
[08:17:20] I actually quite liked the one this week versus the one last week.
[08:17:22] Yeah, I'm not a big fan.
[08:17:23] What is your highest keys, because I also need some keys, but I only do plus
[08:17:26] 10s these days.
[08:17:27] I think there are plus nine
[08:17:30] Did you get boosted or well I got an eight my fault right or maybe it's an eight?
[08:17:35] It's either an eight or nine my bags right now
[08:17:38] But yeah, we should do it. What do you have?
[08:17:40] How about you a nine or ten? I'm an eleven, but I can make it ten. I want to do ten. Let's do it
[08:17:46] Regranos, but Regranos, I don't think he's playing anymore and he was in blood Legion
[08:17:50] But then he went to imperative which was never like a threat to the world first, right?
[08:17:54] I wouldn't consider a guy's workforce skills around top 15 or 20
[08:17:59] Maybe for like boss because they are daytime rating for long, you know early on is early into a tier
[08:18:04] It's easy to get top 10, right? Yeah, I can't remember if they even did get top 10
[08:18:08] I thought they were around there though
[08:18:10] But I consider like top tier rating like from top five and below kind of I mean that's obviously
[08:18:16] Can be a controversial take for people but you are not within like the top five or six
[08:18:22] I don't think you're a world-first kind of raider
[08:18:27] You would be better player playing in a top 20
[08:18:29] I'm not saying that you can have amazing players being even in a top 50
[08:18:32] But you know to be named the world first raider then you need to actually be like in a top 5 and do all the crazy perhaps
[08:18:40] We also need to get a world first to be fair if you want to be called a world first raider, I think I
[08:18:46] Mean I guess
[08:18:48] Fighting for it, you know and you know you get close to it
[08:18:52] Yeah, it's true. It's true. What was the question from Tom Tom? Like what was the most competitive?
[08:18:58] Like period for method like who was our biggest competition?
[08:19:01] I mean it kind of changes over time like to begin with it was up definitely like the Hillam insidia
[08:19:06] Like in the earlier days and then yeah, obviously power gone was a very tough competition for a long time
[08:19:11] I guess the power gun competition lasted longer than the new Hillam insidia potentially new Hillam insidia was mostly just
[08:19:18] TBC started at the Lich King and then Paragon became a competition for quite a while after that.
[08:19:23] Then Exorcist. Yeah Exorcist but they won.
[08:19:26] Exorcist wasn't really a competition on the same level as Paragon.
[08:19:30] Yeah but in Legion they were the main guild we competed against though because they won
[08:19:34] Emerald Nine, Merigold Dan and yeah then it was a battle kill Argus.
[08:19:40] Well Legion were a competition for a long time in MOP but we always felt like we were
[08:19:45] slightly ahead of blood legion whereas it felt like it was more fierce competition
[08:19:49] from the past on in city yeah I wouldn't consider blood legion a competition guys
[08:19:53] because I heard you say it's a stranger the day by the way they did actually win one
[08:19:56] yeah yeah it was a raid that lasted two days or three and if you have a head
[08:20:01] start then you know it's really hard to tight tight tight I mean Serenity was
[08:20:11] technically the competition but they lasted like a half a tier
[08:20:14] I'm sorry, I didn't last long.
[08:20:16] Sleutbag was in Sreny.
[08:20:18] Yeah, Sleutbag.
[08:20:26] We didn't make the DPS guys.
[08:20:30] So if you get the third pull in towards the boss,
[08:20:33] you're basically guaranteed white
[08:20:35] because you don't have anything left for it.
[08:20:37] You want to face the boss before that happens.
[08:20:41] And Nagura, yeah.
[08:20:44] Was Nagura in Sreny, yeah?
[08:20:46] She was in...
[08:20:47] Yes.
[08:20:48] Nagura was in...
[08:20:50] he was a black-hand like Blackrock fan she came back
[08:20:54] I should have known she was this running off the auditor of my trade list
[08:20:59] we needed the four bunkings so she came from envy yeah started trying to get
[08:21:06] munkins from other guilds with gear back then you didn't do like millions
[08:21:10] please so have them all geared and she was an older member from metal so it
[08:21:13] was the best option you know and she did very good you know we kill black and
[08:21:17] were first yeah she's a legend she was in envy and came to method for the kill
[08:21:25] specifically fragged in the chat yeah I already gave you a shout out Jimmy
[08:21:34] oh my god I did it like a few days ago on casting couch said you are blasting
[08:21:42] you know Jaina you actually blast and you beat me by so little but last face
[08:21:48] damage I was much higher. Fianc played Bunkin on Jaina yeah. Yeah me and him were the two
[08:21:53] Bunkins and we played every boss there. Huge. It was a good class back then. It was a shadow
[08:21:58] priest and Bunkin tier. I know shadow priest yeah. We had fixed one right. Yeah. Yeah.
[08:22:02] It was ok now but I played priest on that tier. Apparently you had two item levels on him though.
[08:22:05] I actually think I was more geared towards the end when I got some BOE, but on the start
[08:22:14] of the tier he was a bit more geared than me, but he did a good job, you know, and to
[08:22:19] be fair it's often about RNG, you know, if you're like super close in skill or...
[08:22:28] Yeah.
[08:22:29] Elia was great, yeah.
[08:22:31] Elia was such a good fight.
[08:22:33] Very surprising.
[08:22:34] These small raids, I don't know why they're not doing them more often, but they
[08:22:37] were both a success, I feel like.
[08:22:39] The problem with Una was an amazing boss but it had really bad loot and it was maybe too hard.
[08:22:45] You're surprised that you have fond memories of Helio because that's when we beat Serenity, we got world-frozen.
[08:22:49] That's when I realised that Serenity was gonna disband.
[08:22:53] I was like, this guild is like in shambles.
[08:22:56] Everyone was blaming each other and I'm like, I better get out of here.
[08:23:03] I mean after two months the rest of Serenity joined because it actually disbanded.
[08:23:11] I mean, I was saying it earlier, Kuzna talented, crazy player, good shot-caller, but wasn't the most fit for at least at the time, we were all much younger, it was 8 years ago.
[08:23:24] Of course. Pretty believe I love CS.
[08:23:27] This is amazing. He's my friend and I meet him once a year, even outside of the WoW scene. I went to dinner with him some months ago.
[08:23:38] Nice.
[08:23:39] It was meant to come here as well, but then lots of people had corona.
[08:23:42] Yeah, lots of the COVID kicking around.
[08:23:44] Yeah.
[08:23:48] But yeah, speaking of toxic, the list was also super toxic back then.
[08:23:53] Ascomas, remember it?
[08:23:55] I remember, I thought back in Serenity Days, I thought Slut was a bit toxic too.
[08:23:59] I reckon he used to throw out a fair bit of shade.
[08:24:03] He's obviously super chill dude now, but I thought he wasn't afraid to let it rip
[08:24:08] back in the day.
[08:24:09] But back in the days we were all much more toxic.
[08:24:10] I was very sure to be fair, everyone was a lot younger
[08:24:13] We were not professional, you know, just different times
[08:24:17] Being sleut go back a long way, I remember hanging out with them at the first blizzcon I went to
[08:24:22] I think it was like, was it 2011 or was it 2013? A long time ago
[08:24:26] Yeah
[08:24:27] We've always been relatively close and then you joined Svenet inside joining Method
[08:24:32] That was a little bit of a...
[08:24:33] That was the line in the sand
[08:24:35] That was another one, the trait list
[08:24:38] But then we kindled our...
[08:24:40] friendship all the time and I mean his serenity move what didn't pay off I mean
[08:24:49] what if you join method history could be different it's funny because he was
[08:24:54] meant to join method as a tank just before the serenity drama happened so
[08:25:00] he'd already applied like we'd already been in conversations about suit
[08:25:03] joining like method before the serenity stuff happened right yeah then the
[08:25:06] I mean I understand him though yeah sure like it doesn't make sense wait that's
[08:25:22] that's how far for God his first chance in a word for skill thanks to serenity
[08:25:26] oh did you actually join method oh okay then is another one
[08:25:34] I didn't really know of deep shades before he joined after swimming I didn't
[08:25:40] He wasn't really on the radar, you know.
[08:25:42] Oh no.
[08:25:43] I mean I remember him because he was trying for a long time to join Method.
[08:25:47] I played with him in MV.
[08:25:48] Yeah, he just said he was on the Method for a short time, right?
[08:25:51] Yeah, three weeks.
[08:26:00] Alright, this looks like a good pool.
[08:26:02] It is hard to tell because we're on Qureps raid frames,
[08:26:04] but it does look like everyone is alive.
[08:26:06] We've used the Redstone then, but it's only one, so...
[08:26:08] Save and lost.
[08:26:09] We are currently ahead of that white line.
[08:26:12] Pump, pump, pump!
[08:26:16] let's go chat let's get a new best vibe in that top platform again no dumb death
[08:26:23] stodge these waves we are way ahead on this shield right now there's the grip
[08:26:27] we're all good walking guys thank the pump the music's good right now as well
[08:26:33] watch these waves don't be yep nice go team easy clap please that's before we
[08:26:40] start face to you know Jinxie then died again I think but I've got on no
[08:26:44] a new combat rose and dance. It wasn't Dan, it was Moet or? I see a warrior. Yeah it was
[08:26:50] Moet. Alright, we're okay, we can still get a bit of this. Watch these orbs, shadow gate,
[08:26:57] come here. Oh my god, that was close, Gweb. Gotta keep that up time. You can see this
[08:27:02] nifty weak or that he was in the middle of a screen. He's kind of gambling it with
[08:27:07] those orbs, I feel like. Big game, bro. Gweb's a bit of a gamer though. He is.
[08:27:14] Yeah, it's very good.
[08:27:21] The Shadowgate here, how good to be on board with Quip there, so he goes through, he goes to the left, gets dispelled, champion.
[08:27:28] Easy.
[08:27:29] Death's advanced, don't even need to worry about it.
[08:27:32] Somebody fell off, I think.
[08:27:34] It's not ideal.
[08:27:36] Oh, no, no.
[08:27:37] It might have been a mirror image or something.
[08:27:39] Even suggest that player in method, we fall off the platform, that's just absolutely incredible.
[08:27:42] That's so toxic.
[08:27:44] Lola's coming up soon.
[08:27:47] and... Blast!
[08:27:50] This is good so far, battle is back to us.
[08:27:52] But we are using the res and then we're gonna blow us surely after the res.
[08:27:55] Maybe we're saving it for the next platform.
[08:27:57] Yeah, but we have two devs.
[08:27:59] I don't know, drone, hey!
[08:28:01] Let's see what happens.
[08:28:02] I'm surprised, I mean, they're doing it well, though.
[08:28:04] This ad is melting as long as we manage the gates.
[08:28:07] We can Blast up the top.
[08:28:09] By the way, just so you guys know,
[08:28:11] the Vsank cooldown is a lot throughout this fight,
[08:28:13] so maybe they've just moved from our cooldowns here instead of popping Blast.
[08:28:16] lost
[08:28:17] come on murder
[08:28:18] kill this, get the bridge going, there's the bridge
[08:28:25] let's go team
[08:28:26] I have no idea if everyone is dead or scraped
[08:28:30] we've just got a good part though which is a positive sign you know they're getting
[08:28:32] more consistent to the last platform and
[08:28:34] here
[08:28:35] here will be the hero?
[08:28:41] I mean we did that without using hero, that's good
[08:28:44] and with two deaths from the very start
[08:28:46] it's positive
[08:28:47] let's swap P over here
[08:29:04] P3 is on the tip of the tongue
[08:29:10] Soon TM
[08:29:12] That was good. That was good
[08:29:16] That's better method. That's much better
[08:29:19] Still got like an hour and 40 minutes to dindins as well. Oh
[08:29:24] Guys, I need a short break. I asked the Italian to make me a quick chicken breast by six
[08:29:29] Oh, yeah, nice. It'll be 11 minutes cold my brother in their meal. Go get it. Go get it
[08:29:35] I can taste the P3. What do you reckon chat?
[08:29:54] P3 before dinner. Who was that that just left? Deep shades
[08:30:04] That's someone that's often just known as Mr. Small Arms
[08:30:08] That's his nickname around here
[08:30:10] For good reason. He's got small arms. Yeah, it's pretty small arms. Yeah, toothpicks. I can taste the phase
[08:30:25] You can taste the P3, that's right. Knock it till you've tried it. There's a fan of yours
[08:30:44] in chat.
[08:30:47] Hi Scott, I'm at my farm. Please wave and say hi we are watching. Hello to Adlin's family.
[08:31:02] Make sure that they all drop the Twitch Prime subs on the stream Adlin.
[08:31:04] Yeah Adlin, if your family's got Prime subs sitting there we're going to require them.
[08:31:10] and let them know that the highest charity donation or highest sub-gifter will win a Method Jersey of Skos.
[08:31:19] There's no way you're with your family as well, Gautay. I don't believe it, unless you live at home.
[08:31:24] That was just possible to be fair. Maybe Gautay, he still lives at home.
[08:31:29] It could be a thing.
[08:31:31] That's G-O-G with the Prime. Thank you very much.
[08:31:34] Well, there's a new copypasta.
[08:31:41] What's the highest so far? $500 donation is the highest so far.
[08:31:46] So far we're giving away one jersey guys to the highest charity donation one jersey to the highest sub
[08:31:51] gift subgifter which is a storm warning at the moment at a hundred and seventeen gifted subs
[08:31:59] Yeah, I'm just gonna do one global shout out to everyone who's at home with a fan watching the stream
[08:32:03] Hello, everyone's family
[08:32:05] Get a fam
[08:32:08] I've been a chat going on. Let's get a pull
[08:32:14] cool because that was good let's keep that momentum rolling
[08:32:19] That's nice Mr. Jim, I invited out his fam to see the venue
[08:32:22] Hey
[08:32:23] That was cool
[08:32:24] Are they all sharing a room with you Mr. Jim?
[08:32:26] You booked extra rooms at the hotel
[08:32:27] They still have 600 gifts to go
[08:32:31] Wait what do you mean?
[08:32:36] I don't know, I'm confused
[08:32:37] I mean listen we do appreciate gift subs guys
[08:32:40] 5 gift subs actually gets you an extra sub
[08:32:45] There's a very last Twitch September promotion going on right now that you could gift
[08:32:48] five subs we get six and actually sometimes you can proc a twitch bonus gift
[08:32:52] whoo she wants to know how many sauces just you think you could eat one sitting
[08:32:57] out of these sausages to processed not good yeah I mean unless it's a barbecue
[08:33:03] then I like sausages and Barbie fair snags on the Barbie you've had dim
[08:33:09] sims on a Barbie what so dim Sims on a Barbie no I don't think so they're
[08:33:16] they're good too. Guys we're just sitting around waiting for an important conversation
[08:33:28] that's being hugged with the Guild right now. Corn on the Barbie. I don't really eat sweet
[08:33:33] corn either actually. That goes hard as well. Do you like a bit of summertime barbecuing
[08:33:39] in Australia? Adam's family wants the Guild to pull. They want to build a pool? Oh that's
[08:33:45] kind of unfortunate because wow they just stood up. Let's swap over to one of the
[08:33:50] so that Adam's family can see a Danish person.
[08:33:52] Let's go to FTM.
[08:33:54] There you go.
[08:33:56] Okay, camera is messed up.
[08:33:58] Camera is messed up.
[08:34:00] Oh come on.
[08:34:01] Yeah, I can't help you bro, I'm sorry.
[08:34:04] Prode, our camera is gone again.
[08:34:08] Look at this guys, this is just embarrassing in front of Adam's family.
[08:34:11] Our production is not working properly.
[08:34:19] This one works at least.
[08:34:27] There is actually a Danish person sitting in that chair.
[08:34:29] The camera is just not working.
[08:34:30] Yeah, I'm lucky.
[08:34:32] Ah, I'm lucky.
[08:34:36] We have three Danes actually in the venue.
[08:34:38] Yeah, Danes go hard. I don't want too much talking. That was a really good pull.
[08:34:52] I would imagine people know what went wrong.
[08:34:56] Let's not overthink it. Let's not do paralysis by analysis here.
[08:34:59] Let's try and swap again because it's going to Wildies Cam now.
[08:35:02] Yeah, it's going to Wildies Cam now.
[08:35:04] Yeah, look, I want to be able to help yous go, but...
[08:35:10] Yeah, yeah, it's just to clarify that it's not actually FTM.
[08:35:17] Could be.
[08:35:18] Oop, CN Guild, four pools office.
[08:35:34] Echo, pulling very slowly. Not sure if that means they're getting deep wipes, or if they're having the same old time.
[08:35:45] Liquid should be on main soon if they're not actually on main already. It's 9.17am now.
[08:35:49] They'll be waking up to Blast. You need to go tell them to pull.
[08:36:11] Liquid normally starts at 10am as well. What time do they normally finish?
[08:36:30] alright ready check is going out
[08:36:38] max thinks they can push for a kill today
[08:36:40] pressure is definitely on EU
[08:36:48] you can see wildy just playing every role here
[08:36:51] yeah we'll just have to go to wildy pubi
[08:36:54] how spence pubi is working, charlie is working
[08:36:58] trying to go to ftm now
[08:37:07] okay we can stick on dana guys
[08:37:09] well at least the frames work
[08:37:14] everyone likes deep wipes come on guys
[08:37:28] the man dan
[08:37:29] he has been the smiling assassin all raid
[08:37:35] let's go back to the large alpha so they can see us in the catch
[08:37:46] chat wants to see us right? right guys?
[08:37:50] you need to use a magnifying glass to actually see us i think
[08:37:53] yeah
[08:37:55] you know what i think next race we need the raid frames and the leaderboard
[08:37:59] yeah maybe
[08:37:59] i think that a bit of sick integration
[08:38:02] so chat can always see like
[08:38:04] who's alive and who's dead.
[08:38:05] Probably because we don't have that much space, we could probably get rid of the latest subscriber
[08:38:08] box at the bottom right.
[08:38:10] But um...
[08:38:11] Yeah, I think we could get rid of that.
[08:38:15] I think that would be good actually.
[08:38:16] We are really taking a long time with this pool guys, I must say.
[08:38:27] You miss small arms?
[08:38:28] It'll be back easy in the chicken breast.
[08:38:34] Oh!
[08:38:35] Paul's cooking up something.
[08:38:36] I'm liking this.
[08:38:37] Let him cook.
[08:38:39] We're always looking for ways to level up the method experience though at the
[08:38:47] race to world first with the UI who knows find out in April what we come up with
[08:38:58] okay let's go team it is still a race
[08:39:39] coming out again this is the third ready check I guess Dan is playing as a
[08:39:50] he's got a toy on what is that yeah he has a toy for every pull I couldn't be
[08:39:56] bothered so Adam's family is about to find out what this game is all about
[08:40:01] Yeah, they would have seen World of Warcraft surely. I don't think so. Do they know who you are?
[08:40:07] I don't know. I don't really understand your fame.
[08:40:11] Do they know that Adolin landed a famous whale? I like to play it down, you know.
[08:40:17] I mean I respect that I think that's really modest but I hope they know that Adolin's a very
[08:40:23] lucky lucky woman that managed to land a whale essentially. Very famous whale. Famous in
[08:40:28] and as well yeah wow guys we're switching to day in POV there he is there is
[08:40:36] guys Danish POV for the pool this could be a new best now this is the perfect
[08:40:42] POV to let Adam's family know what will the work after this guy's flying dragon
[08:40:46] all right first pools are out gonna beat these routes gonna break these
[08:40:55] routes easy clap that deep breath pew pew pew dodge these lines to reactive
[08:41:03] toxins out. No early deaths. We do have an early death. We send the holy battle res though.
[08:41:09] Unlucky and not even remotely what we want but we continue. We skip these. Two stacks
[08:41:15] easy. D buffs get out. Dodge waves. Oh no dude. You just got rolled over. Get steam rolled
[08:41:23] by a wave. It's actually interesting because you don't normally see FTM making mistakes
[08:41:28] guys to be fair, he's quite an assistant player.
[08:41:31] Hit the glide down on that one, wings out and got steamrolled in the backside by a wave.
[08:41:36] Denmark lighting the team down, you know.
[08:41:39] Probably Adelund's fault to be sure.
[08:41:40] We should probably swap back to someone from the UK.
[08:41:42] Adelund's fault.
[08:41:43] Let's swap back to Dan.
[08:41:44] I blame Adelund.
[08:41:46] UK gamer guys.
[08:41:51] Unlucky, unlucky but that how, dude, how be sometimes, that was in English but that's
[08:41:57] alright.
[08:42:06] for a 30 second pool. Yep look I am just as angry as you are. We're back into it though.
[08:42:14] Ready check again we go. It's a mulligan. That one didn't happen. Alright everyone
[08:42:41] hit ready. Feasts down. Do you think you know what the feast is up? Hmm hard to say.
[08:42:50] I did see that some more SteelSeries stuff came into stock today. I think some people
[08:43:14] managed to snag a headset. Oh really? Yeah and a mouse. Guys if you're gonna buy the
[08:43:18] 20th anniversary world warcraft set from Steel series including the headset of
[08:43:22] course then use the code method 12% discount for you guys. It's a limited
[08:43:27] edition drop you don't want to miss it. Exhibition watch Steel series in the
[08:43:30] chat. It's the headset that I'm using these days. Very good. Very nice. Really
[08:43:34] happy to see them jump back into the world of place and to do it with
[08:43:37] method very awesome but they do sell out like hotcakes so just stay on that one
[08:43:46] I'm watching down here it's an interesting technique he's got just
[08:43:49] jumping on the transmog to change yeah you can do that a run because I must
[08:43:52] admit what I'm gonna do is one yeah but you know I might I might try the
[08:43:55] jumping technique next time I generally you was doing it through dragon
[08:43:59] flight until I got a torrent paladin and then as soon as I got it our
[08:44:05] Our priest would like life grip me back over it or something like that and ruin it.
[08:44:10] Wear our very toxic like that.
[08:44:14] Or swap blast.
[08:44:15] Yeah, swap blast.
[08:44:16] Swap blast is banned obviously during the war for us though.
[08:44:20] I agree.
[08:44:21] Obviously.
[08:44:22] I agree.
[08:44:23] Alright, lines, dodge.
[08:44:25] No early deaths this time.
[08:44:27] Two reactive toxins.
[08:44:29] Ten people in each one.
[08:44:32] Pop goes the weasel.
[08:44:34] Easy peasy.
[08:44:36] D-buffs out.
[08:44:38] Watch the waves this time, no greeds, nothing dangerous, we have so much damage too, so like
[08:44:46] just chill.
[08:44:49] Dan switching up the song, finding something that slaps, roots here, don't overlap these.
[08:44:56] Be cool, watch these lines, good view of that one that did set on Dan, big pump, free
[08:45:13] three damage time. Lines, move, hold, avatar, hold. Got three reactive toxins here. Where's
[08:45:28] the Zavtokl done actually? Let me see if I can see it. Pop, pop, pop. Oh it's Zavtokl
[08:45:33] down there. Watch these waves. There you go. Now you're gaming. Watch these webs. Slick,
[08:45:45] We bait the pools, move well over, we got a route here and then big move.
[08:45:49] Oh, we do have two that didn't manage to get a break.
[08:45:56] Watch these blades.
[08:45:57] Oof, could have been disastrous.
[08:46:00] We do go all right though.
[08:46:02] Rasty Lapaswens.
[08:46:07] Police.
[08:46:08] Yeah, we're going to right this pool so far.
[08:46:11] Here come the four debuffs.
[08:46:12] We're going to drop these down and then we're going to get a big move with the
[08:46:15] boss after these tombs.
[08:46:17] We wait for lines and then we pop.
[08:46:22] Lines.
[08:46:25] Oh that was early. No. Too early guys.
[08:46:31] Oh my goodness dude. I must admit guys, watching this is almost probably as frustrating as playing it, you know.
[08:46:37] Tell me why!
[08:46:39] Stream production can snooze the ads if it's if we're getting a good pool, but I mean, guys, it's phase one, you know.
[08:46:57] It's like the snooze. Maybe if we're gonna be getting into phase two, we can snooze them, but...
[08:47:02] Otherwise you want to support the stream
[08:47:04] You know what to do
[08:47:06] Drop the Prime
[08:47:08] Oh that would be
[08:47:10] Maybe that would be a good fitness brand
[08:47:12] Drop the Prime
[08:47:14] Scoprime Fitness
[08:47:18] Scoprime Fitness, yeah
[08:47:20] That's your Hampton name right?
[08:47:22] Yeah, Scoprime
[08:47:24] There it is
[08:47:26] I want a frustrating boss
[08:47:35] 30
[08:47:44] No, I'm still in there at a half-tool dinner
[08:47:46] you know crazy with that all we pushed out yeah no I'm getting hungry right now
[08:47:51] actually now dinner is at eight we have a different schedule so our longer
[08:47:57] breaks are at two and eight also I must say I looked at my protein top when I
[08:48:01] went to the castle room it's empty
[08:48:10] guys dark magic through his mic down left to catch as soon as you mentioned
[08:48:17] And the protein tub is empty.
[08:48:18] He said he's had enough of these spasmod wipes and just ran off to catch.
[08:48:23] I'll see Ragequit.
[08:48:39] Kinda stopped doing the complex by the way.
[08:48:41] Yeah because all the protein powder flavours are a bit boring so I like to switch it up
[08:48:46] at home.
[08:48:47] Yeah, I don't know.
[08:48:49] There's still some protein in the kitchen that's like the um...
[08:48:51] They are not that good to be honest.
[08:48:53] With fruit flavours.
[08:48:54] Yeah, watermelon and cherry.
[08:48:56] They are not a fan of those.
[08:48:59] What do you call that kind of protein where it's not like a...
[08:49:02] Isolate or well, I get it that's higher protein per 100 grams. Yeah, they're a bit higher quality
[08:49:08] That's nice. I like them. Well, they don't mix while we're serial obviously
[08:49:13] Are you the kind of person that is good with motivational speeches? I'm good at what being myself
[08:49:30] Like cuz my desire to win like the competitiveness is high and so
[08:49:36] But in terms of sharing that I don't know
[08:49:42] Probably not the best motivational speaker.
[08:49:46] Yeah, the mistakes are obviously bothering us, but I mean, we've been players and obviously this is a hard fight, you know, we have about two-thirds of a day, less time on this boss than Echo and like a full day less than Liquid.
[08:50:04] so we should definitely start hitting phase 3 now though so very important that
[08:50:10] we start getting through that phase and you know also motivates the raid gives
[08:50:16] the brings the mood up knowing that you're on the last phase same as the
[08:50:20] other competitors I was watching during my food break bit of echoes pools and
[08:50:28] also not able to get through the phase 2 without bloodlust
[08:50:31] And the liquid gets through that part like very consistently
[08:50:37] Yeah, that's one of the worst things about starting to gem dude indeed start you start talking about protein as a new hobby
[08:50:46] protein very important
[08:50:49] Very important important building block. Yep 1.62 point 2 grams per kilo
[08:50:55] More than two kilos plus. I'm more like the two grams per kilo. You're more the two grams for me for bodybuilder
[08:51:01] 1.62, 2.2 out of 3 grams, 3 to 4 grams for bodybuilders, like there are levels you know
[08:51:10] If I have a thing is it's not all about the body weight
[08:51:13] It's also about it's more about the total muscle mass to be honest
[08:51:17] I always just do one gram per per pound. So I just slightly more than two grams per kilo
[08:51:22] Yeah, it makes sense. But imagine you're a hundred kilos super muscular. You're not gonna eat same as a hundred kilo
[08:51:28] overweight person. Yeah, it's basically the same me super muscular. Yeah, I got you
[08:51:33] I mean that the princess is a very hard boss so having 50 bulls there
[08:51:45] Obviously it's a bit more than you would have expected but not not too surprising because on their first skill
[08:51:50] They actually went from 4% straight to 0 and that was kind of crazy because both liquid and method wiped very low multiple times
[08:51:58] And I think those low percent wipes actually happen for them in week two
[08:52:03] so they kind of even doubt the let's say lucky pull they had in week one and then they
[08:52:09] Wiped a lot in face to because of them. Sorry a week to because of them. Yeah, you see our new PC
[08:52:14] Three that we're giving away next month giveaway in the chat. It's awesome PC. I can't really see with
[08:52:20] Maybe the full screen. I don't think so though. You can see it on the full screen. Oh, you can the method logo on the cooler
[08:52:27] Here it is guys. He says that's a logo. Absolutely slaps that PC. Yeah, it's cool. Clean as
[08:52:35] It is up in the giveaway as well
[08:52:37] Well, it says 60 ways to enter that giveaway to get that PC, so start doing it now.
[08:52:48] You could probably enter all 60 before we pull the boss again.
[08:52:53] No flame.
[08:52:54] Back to the game, gameplay.
[08:52:56] Four grams is overkill.
[08:52:57] Yeah, I'm personally more of 3 to 3.5 grams if you're bodybuilding, but there have
[08:53:03] been people that have done four grams per kilo and they're fine, you know.
[08:53:07] All depends from different approaches.
[08:53:09] Yeah, it's too high for me.
[08:53:13] I wouldn't go more than, like, just over a gram per pound of body weight, personally.
[08:53:17] Yeah, to your level it makes sense.
[08:53:19] Yeah.
[08:53:20] But I'm leveled to the game, bro.
[08:53:21] True.
[08:53:22] At my level, yes, it makes sense.
[08:53:24] Yeah, and I'm leveled to the game, bro.
[08:53:28] The fact you can't process more than, like, 30 grams of proteins per meal,
[08:53:40] that's completely debunked.
[08:53:42] There are literally many studies, but it's also been proven.
[08:53:45] And that's really not correct.
[08:53:49] There is no difference between eating 100 grams of protein and like 30 per meal.
[08:53:54] Actually the one person that eats 100 is normally going to get more gains.
[08:53:58] With, so like I know of that where it says like you can only absorb say 25 grams of protein
[08:54:04] or whatever. But if you use eight because there's lots of people out there that have
[08:54:10] D's and physiques that might only eat twice a day for example but they'll eat
[08:54:14] two massive meals. I assume your body will just absorb a certain amount of protein. It'll still be
[08:54:19] in your body and you'll just continue to absorb it after that. And you generally,
[08:54:23] you're still gonna absorb them, but the idea of spreading meals is more to keep protein
[08:54:28] synthesis like throughout the day, like in an even way. It's also for digestion purposes.
[08:54:34] So many proteins at once can mess up your digestion a bit. And digestion plus lip are
[08:54:39] are super underestimated for gains, they're cute and that's why you want to ideally spread them.
[08:54:45] Yeah, fair. But you can definitely absorb the, like, 80 or 100.
[08:54:48] Yeah, I generally only eat twice a day. It's probably why I'm this huge.
[08:54:53] Don't eat breakfast, no? No, just eat lunch and dinner, generally. And generally,
[08:54:57] if I go for a run, I burn about 1,800 calories on a run. So I probably don't eat enough either.
[08:55:05] But that's the sacrifice. Yeah, another misconception is that protein destroys your kidneys.
[08:55:09] that's incorrect as well again there are many different studies and
[08:55:14] researchers but you know if that was the case you would see every
[08:55:19] person eating like 300 dropping dead actually a better kidney market than
[08:55:23] skull it's 200. Chat!
[08:55:28] Do you thought we would watch it we you'd have to show me your
[08:55:31] sustenance here I guess yeah I will.
[08:55:36] Rabdo comes from overtraining mainly.
[08:55:40] What is Rabdo?
[08:55:41] It's a Rabdo, it's basically when your muscles break down too much and then like there's a fluid that goes into your kidneys
[08:55:49] and it can cause kidney damage.
[08:55:54] It's when you train way too much, it can happen to like people that do marathons or even to people that train extreme but
[08:56:03] Yeah, you need to do something relatively dumb to get a rap though. We could do like a whole
[08:56:14] Side series with you to realistically at the race world for you could go to you can go get Dexter scans together
[08:56:20] You can go to the chair. I know I
[08:56:23] Mean that's a secret break because just people and everyone is on the screen
[08:56:29] It's a ninja breaker. Yeah, the ninja break. We've seen many of those every day. Yeah
[08:56:33] I command you to grow
[08:56:43] Now, bye, sepias!
[08:56:46] You know I did what I did
[08:56:50] You should go tell them it's still a race
[08:56:52] It's still a race, yeah
[08:56:53] I think that's forgetting it
[08:56:54] Gatai is in the stream, I was pregnant so still in the stream
[08:56:57] They can pass it on
[08:56:58] Pass it on
[08:56:59] Pass it on
[08:57:00] I mean I guess what they're doing is probably cool then
[08:57:03] Because we shuffling
[08:57:04] Wait Gatai, are you still on stream?
[08:57:06] I would be curious to know why we went for the balance rate instead of federal. Maybe you can give us some insight
[08:57:11] Bad day. No, it's not having a bad day. I mean, what's always a great player. You're not gonna replace a
[08:57:27] great class being played by a great player just
[08:57:31] For the sake of it
[08:57:33] Let's go to shallies can be solving a complex puzzle right now
[08:57:41] Rubik's Cube
[08:57:42] Guys, shelly just said that we can't pull until he solves the excuse
[08:57:48] That's why we're having a break man.
[08:57:51] It's got a YouTube tutorial.
[08:57:52] BJ, you have a point.
[08:57:56] Somebody said if you eat a lot of protein, people will flame you for it.
[08:57:59] But if you go and drink, you get drunk every week.
[08:58:02] They will not say anything.
[08:58:04] I think that's really changed these days, Shirley.
[08:58:06] I disagree.
[08:58:09] Often it's more normalised to drink alcohol every week and actually having a fit diet
[08:58:13] and train every day.
[08:58:15] Which is quite sad to be fair.
[08:58:17] healthy or eat healthy you better off being healthy hundred percent are that's
[08:58:25] why you gotta do both I I kind of agree balance is key balance is key I mean
[08:58:36] nothing wrong with drinking culture guys I think you want to balance out like
[08:58:40] work gym business whatever you're into like studies was at the end of the day
[08:58:46] if you live a boring life without any memories without ever traveling or
[08:58:50] doing what you like because each person is different than was the point of life
[08:58:54] some people are just fine playing while all day and that's also fine you know come
[08:59:04] on shallow we're waiting is it definitely doesn't seem very interested in
[08:59:11] this tactic talk or whatever it is right he's got a soldier Rubik's cube so
[08:59:14] you can pull really got the blue side done you've got this king come on that's
[08:59:26] full-screen shower yeah one sec and well that's not a full-screen
[08:59:34] facecam that easy guys oh let's see what it's getting again guys oh no
[08:59:46] cause the nerve quake yeah everything shake there oh it seems upset is really
[08:59:54] taking this cubic how is it called Rubik's Cube Rubik's Cube yeah serious
[09:00:01] in the zone right now it's got the yellow cross the yellow cross is essential
[09:00:06] for solving this in the little puzzle piece you have to do for it so solve
[09:00:11] white side my Mrs. Condor Rubik's Cube yes somebody saying is watch my
[09:00:18] Leyline puzzle skills to get some tips
[09:00:22] He's green side done. He's nearly done here.
[09:00:25] Oh, he's quick.
[09:00:26] Yeah, he's like, look at him.
[09:00:29] Rubik's master.
[09:00:31] Yay!
[09:00:33] Let's go.
[09:00:36] Can you get some plugs in the chart, guys?
[09:00:39] Get some hype for Shella right now.
[09:00:41] Just smash that Rubik's cube.
[09:00:47] Locked in chat.
[09:00:49] It's time, guys.
[09:00:50] It's time for a new best.
[09:00:53] Did Red check go on or not?
[09:00:54] Nah, but he solved the Rubik's Cube and we're all hyped out.
[09:01:01] Where were you when Shella solved the Rubik's Cube?
[09:01:04] Did the break even come from a good pull or it was just a phase one pull and then straight
[09:01:08] into a break, like ninja break?
[09:01:10] I wish I was that cube.
[09:01:12] Someone sat in chat.
[09:01:13] I wish I was that cube.
[09:01:15] Stand down, stand down.
[09:01:17] It's a little bit inappropriate for a Twitch chat I think.
[09:01:21] Is it?
[09:01:22] Reuben, I'll find you.
[09:01:29] Shades just came in to the production studio
[09:01:33] It's lurking around
[09:01:35] You got a new job as a head of production
[09:01:41] That's good
[09:01:42] Well, I might just go and get a protein shake or something while I wait to be honest guys
[09:01:47] Do you have any protein powder left?
[09:01:49] Oh, no
[09:01:50] I've got to have the flavored isolate one in the kitchen like the warm on the cherry
[09:01:54] Okay, it doesn't really make some conflicts
[09:01:56] Even with water it doesn't mix that well, I've tried it not my thing but I mean it does its job, right?
[09:02:01] It's still protein
[09:02:02] Yeah, I know about Ken I want some in Carby as well
[09:02:05] Like banana
[09:02:07] He's a banana left. The thing is I'm not committing to buy much more food because this could end any day, right?
[09:02:12] Some good milk or chocolate
[09:02:16] I mean if I don't get fined for
[09:02:21] Ready check guys. Oh, let's go. I'm not leaving. I'm not gonna leave
[09:02:25] Is that the rosy ready check or no? No, it's the rosy pull timer. Oh sure
[09:02:30] maybe that's a good sponsorship angle with the amount of ready checks we pop
[09:02:37] out wait it's wildly actually not in his chair yeah he wasn't back he's back now
[09:02:45] though we got to the top platform in phase two chat if you've just come back
[09:02:57] if you're wondering how methods progress is going we are almost onto the
[09:03:06] knock over to p3 kind of almost any pool now and the bull can be a kill that's
[09:03:16] right unlikely but it could be that was the score fitness ready check it's the
[09:03:24] prime fitness oh another sushi fitness all right we are lusting on the final
[09:03:31] ad of the platform it looks like at the moment also because we held lust on our
[09:03:36] best pull. So that appears to be what we are doing. Blinks out of that route, wildly the
[09:03:42] gamer.
[09:03:43] What's the ability that he's just there to be wind the blink?
[09:03:47] Is it altar? Or is it just Shuma? Not sure, don't play a mage.
[09:03:53] What's the cooldown right?
[09:03:54] I don't know, he has it up for every single one.
[09:03:57] Chance now that's not off surely.
[09:03:59] There'll be a mage in chat. Watch these waves, sick as, bait swirls,
[09:04:06] so we eat all right roots I guess that's blink yes shimmer doesn't break
[09:04:23] roots yeah so it's just blink what blink back and forth yeah looks like it yeah
[09:04:27] I mean that logo I think the outer time blink potentially on the alters back
[09:04:34] there you go yeah yeah so what's the cool and I don't know it's up for
[09:04:37] everyone so it must be much I think he mainly all times the ones where he needs
[09:04:46] to be the liquefy afterwards and sometimes you're not in a rush so you
[09:04:50] just uh... walk back you know
[09:04:54] sweet three devils out what's the swells what's the waves
[09:05:02] what's played
[09:05:05] ice-bait body
[09:05:10] set of roots
[09:05:11] link all these uh... we could all the lapping is still to me
[09:05:16] for a cave
[09:05:20] which is where it's
[09:05:22] it is in the middle we could always were lapping
[09:05:26] parts with uh... message from big weeks i think
[09:05:29] uh... we are gonna have our four debuffs that are going to come out now we
[09:05:33] line these up
[09:05:35] and we have roots
[09:05:38] break roots
[09:05:40] dog's lines
[09:05:42] and we do toxins
[09:05:45] that's the hard part
[09:05:46] this is the hard part this is the scary level up
[09:05:51] four debuffs beautiful
[09:05:54] watch these waves watch these waves
[09:05:58] That's some clean play by Wilde going into the intermission with everyone alive, Converter is up.
[09:06:04] Nice and clean here, this dot's gonna expire shortly, there'll be a bit of damage slapped out across the road.
[09:06:09] Let's go team, let's go.
[09:06:10] Nice and chill.
[09:06:12] Ahead of the shield right now as well.
[09:06:15] This is good.
[09:06:16] This is methodical method player right now.
[09:06:20] The shield is getting melted.
[09:06:22] People are optimizing the damage, as I mentioned earlier, the more experience on tracks you have.
[09:06:26] wave oh we do lose three people we lose to yeah unlock but we do have a beer as
[09:06:34] and we have another in one minute but we're not gonna be on time by the time
[09:06:39] we reach face to just that grip in some people must have ended up being yeeted
[09:06:43] through the green wave unfortunate just need a little bit more awareness on
[09:06:48] that one all right ads and shadow gates watch the all this is on after
[09:06:54] I mean he's up again on board with Nate here watch these
[09:07:02] We do lose the other one so there's probably a wipe cause
[09:07:06] Without a healer so healing a platform is basically lacking on the platform. There's the two shadow gates done
[09:07:12] Yeah, good luck to the healer solo healing the platform if we can even survive the first one I would be
[09:07:21] Amazed warriors spell reflecting this and we did who shadow gates
[09:07:26] Not what we wanted but it's alright, we reload, we go again, we go again.
[09:07:36] We can see in the intermission we had three people overlapping with the pull in and they
[09:07:41] splashed each other and then they died.
[09:07:44] That is a very hectic part, obviously you need to be careful to not splash unless you
[09:07:48] pop a defensive but then you might not have it and yeah, it feels like for a phase
[09:07:54] one in first intermission it's definitely up there as one of the hardest ones yeah.
[09:07:58] Yeah, it's a tough phase one.
[09:08:04] Echo now edging over 200 pulls, 203 pulls on the board for Echo.
[09:08:09] Yeah.
[09:08:10] And no progress today.
[09:08:12] I had expected them to do a bit faster progress today.
[09:08:14] I think they did make some progress.
[09:08:16] No .2, I reckon they were on .45.
[09:08:18] I thought it was .47 before, but maybe a mistake.
[09:08:20] I thought it was .45.
[09:08:22] Yeah, I mean obviously switching the Blondlass into the last phase makes phase 2 super hard, but
[09:08:28] Considering the pacing in the abuse days on this boss
[09:08:31] I definitely thought they would reach at least liquid percent by now
[09:08:35] and I mean now liquid probably started rating so
[09:08:38] I honestly thought they were gonna, oh they were 47 today, thank you
[09:08:41] I really thought they were gonna absolutely come out and blitz today
[09:08:46] but it goes to show how hard this boss is too, I think like this echo are obviously like
[09:08:50] I don't think we're gonna see our first before pull number 300 at least so
[09:08:54] It's easy 300 pull boss
[09:08:55] Yeah, what is your favorite protein powder flavor?
[09:08:59] My favorite protein powder flavor is, I get my protein from Bulk Nutrients in Australia.
[09:09:06] You can lift this up.
[09:09:07] You can lift them up.
[09:09:08] There is no way, guys.
[09:09:09] And I've been thinking the whole race, lucky the people sitting on the side because those things are lifted up.
[09:09:15] They can lift it back.
[09:09:16] I was like, no, no, no, how do you lift it up?
[09:09:19] You just pull it up from the back, bro.
[09:09:21] I don't know, maybe you can't do the corner.
[09:09:23] Maybe not the corner.
[09:09:24] Yeah, what was your favorite shock honeycomb from bulk nutrients in Australia? Oh, nice yours. I
[09:09:32] Like dark cookie cookie and also cinnamon cereal. I like cinnamon cereal
[09:09:38] Yeah, all nutrients doesn't have cinnamon cereal. It's got salted caramel. Yeah, I've tried the salted caramel too
[09:09:43] I actually enjoyed my conflicts. That's what I use. Yeah, it's any of those sweet ones like we say
[09:09:49] Conflict but for oats I use a almond coconut or cinnamon cereal and then for
[09:09:54] Other stuff I use that cookie cream. Yeah, like for yogurts. I have so many flavors at home. They have um, they have
[09:10:02] Chalk honeycomb collagen as well hydrolyzed collagen
[09:10:05] So like I just get the both the honeycomb flavors put it in my porridge and that goes a treat
[09:10:11] I've never been a vanilla guy. A lot of people love vanilla even in my girlfriend
[09:10:14] But I love my thing. I like vanilla. I like most flavors the only flavor
[09:10:18] I probably wouldn't rate is anything that's mint like a chocolate mint. I'm not a fan and strawberry
[09:10:23] I'm not a fan of strawberry. I love the flavor. Yeah as a flavor. I don't like it
[09:10:27] But the fruit is probably my top two fruits. Yeah, I love strawberries a fruit cut up banana and strawberry on porridge
[09:10:38] Go so yeah, and then if you want to cheat you add some sugar on the strawberries
[09:10:43] Some lemon too not on the banana guys
[09:10:51] Why we're not pulling I don't know we really need back-to-back pulls everyone knows what they need to do right now
[09:10:56] now
[09:11:07] what is fete doing let's see
[09:11:08] it's just hanging around
[09:11:09] he's just hanging out after being ousted from the raid for the second warlock
[09:11:13] Krillin joined here in a wildest puby
[09:11:16] Kina obviously we can give him some love
[09:11:19] horrible raid frames
[09:11:20] don't like his UI too much but
[09:11:22] you know we can give Kina some love for sure
[09:11:29] oh yeah the overnight oats used to make a bircher
[09:11:33] like that bircher musely is really really nice
[09:11:37] I never made overnight oats and oats is actually my favorite meal of the day but I just do it in the morning
[09:11:42] Yeah, I have my own way to do it in the morning. Yeah, I put so much effort into it
[09:11:46] Once again. Yes, we are waiting on the Rubik's Cube. So again once again
[09:11:51] Shella started the Rubik's Cube when it's solved we can pull now
[09:11:55] I would hope not look at this car. I'd bloody have my conkinesk in yeah, what it is laughing. He knows
[09:12:02] He knows he knows
[09:12:04] knows I double scooped my my holy damn yeah my one is it raspberry raptor jumpy
[09:12:23] gifting five subs thank you very much see what happens when it's just me and
[09:12:27] you thank you ladies and subs come in with that cool that got gifted by twitch
[09:12:33] hey pop to how don't know we I guess we propped it I guess it's a pro guys you
[09:12:40] know see when it's good me that stuff usually happens when it's go here yeah
[09:12:44] True guys, show us some extra gifts so we can collect it on Skull when he's back.
[09:12:50] Let's show him a hype train before he's back guys.
[09:12:53] Let's pump those hype trains.
[09:12:55] Send some primes guys.
[09:12:56] Just before he gets back.
[09:12:58] There are 10,000 people watching right now.
[09:13:01] I bet at least 100 of you haven't used that primes.
[09:13:04] Haven't used that primes.
[09:13:05] Exquisite what?
[09:13:07] Show us some primes guys.
[09:13:09] before Scott fires me because I spent too much money on food oh you did oh we got a
[09:13:17] poll we got a poll let's go double top jay thank you so much guys I think we need
[09:13:22] three more I believe we need three more show me that we have five just it a hype
[09:13:27] train is one left guys I think it's one yeah let's go one prime thank you
[09:13:37] that's very nice oh yes 100% appreciate you don't have to be very much we
[09:13:46] still want to get those hype trains though for me it's mostly to flex them
[09:13:49] on score you're still love flexing it on score that's right any primers watch
[09:13:55] these what's his waves just no early deaths just nothing silly right now
[09:14:02] Lock it in. We got an hour and five minutes till dinner and we want to see that phase three platform before dinner
[09:14:10] very
[09:14:11] Important you can see that freedom Lord Austin with the tier one. Thank you very much. They see thank you guys
[09:14:23] There it is. Go leaves hype train occurs. I don't play League anymore. No
[09:14:42] That Lord Austin that had gifted that many subs production
[09:14:46] well Austin's gifted at 320 subs apparently on the method channel that is huge
[09:14:59] let's go team all right we can do this roots here we're coming down that is
[09:15:16] crazy thank you so much first match first message is a 500 that's so nice of
[09:15:25] you getting closer to a level for guys thank you everyone for supporting last
[09:15:31] wave coming up just care here nothing silly can I shoot it but he gets out of
[09:15:36] it does the deep breath all right we watch this oh he needs to get in
[09:15:40] position though he's a mate no here we can we can we can oh my god that was so
[09:15:46] close he actually really planned the movement yeah I came around the outside
[09:15:51] like I didn't know he was on the furthest one yeah I don't have to rock it right
[09:15:56] this is a dragon decent mobility these are mobility I we watch this grip
[09:16:00] nobody die here we had one death only from then but now everyone is alive after
[09:16:05] using our combat rest we're way in front of that shield to easy clap just play
[09:16:11] this safe and sensible watch this grip be in a good position not into a wave
[09:16:20] it's hard because you slowed as well so moving is tough way ahead of that line
[09:16:26] just chill gonna beat this grip easily
[09:16:31] this is not a good deal for Dan
[09:16:33] get again unlocked
[09:16:35] we have the damage though so we're flying
[09:16:37] probably into phase two we want one
[09:16:39] death Dan is on a shadow gate though so
[09:16:42] someone will have to pick that assignment
[09:16:44] up and nope I wonder what happens
[09:16:49] towards that part that we often have
[09:16:50] deaths right before the phase yeah just
[09:16:53] kicking debuff that kills people there
[09:16:55] is a lot of damage going out I do
[09:16:56] wonder if people either don't get
[09:16:58] distance or they get gripped into a wave I'm not sure. No but at the end you don't get gripped right.
[09:17:02] No you avoid the grips. When the shield is dead I think they're just sticking down from the
[09:17:07] from the boss having a lot of stacks. Tina right there had an orb right on his clapper.
[09:17:10] Steamed in thank you we're close to a level four guys. Did manage to get away though without
[09:17:15] getting romped. Yeah I don't think this is a kind of pull you want to. We're not even going to
[09:17:19] get to the top here but it's good bit of practice up here for those who are on shadow gate
[09:17:24] assignments. I think it's solo healing, one platform is pretty much impossible.
[09:17:29] Yeah it's too much damage. There's the grip, negate the knock with the glide and
[09:17:35] kaboom. That's all. That's good.
[09:17:37] The mechanics while mouse clicking. They have a mouse over so they just press the
[09:17:41] key binding while moving with the keyboard. Yeah, click on the frame or
[09:17:46] just mouse over macros. So you want to have mouse over macros for your
[09:17:50] healing abilities yeah this UI I mean guys at the end of the day whatever works
[09:17:58] for you works not the big fan of this UI myself but whatever whatever works for
[09:18:04] people it's all very personalized in that regard I think I like webs UI for
[09:18:08] example but the rate frame is not the best for you even for casting the
[09:18:13] horrible I don't like dance but I mean standard stuff so it's easy to
[09:18:20] understand the right race and Martin crank with hundred beats guys I think we
[09:18:25] need two more to enable the level four oh do we I believe so
[09:18:32] we still have time guys actually 40 seconds left because that thing runs out faster
[09:18:37] it finishes 10 seconds early it's we learn we learn the twitch I should bait us
[09:18:41] twit twitgebate oh there's only one needed fabuze thank you friend thank you very much
[09:18:49] FTM has the standard LVI or isn't that like LVI style or it looks like LVI
[09:18:55] I'm not a fan of LVI but you can make some great customization I like LVI but a lot of
[09:18:59] people do worry about performance drops with it and stuff like that but I think
[09:19:03] if you just a normie it's not a bad idea yeah I like challenge UI too except
[09:19:08] the is a details a fonts are quite ugly not my thing but that's a thing as a
[09:19:17] completely neutral viewer saying that too also which I think is fantastic no
[09:19:22] but you can't tell me those fonts in the details are good there's no way I
[09:19:36] struggle so hard sometimes pronouncing like names into chat I'm like I was
[09:19:46] calling like before and then I realized it's deeper destroy yeah same same let
[09:19:55] me see what's my actually like wild is why quite a lot but yeah well this is
[09:19:59] good those buttons are a bit too big for my days though in the center the
[09:20:03] arena master but I guess instead of using week or us it uses a bigger
[09:20:08] buttons to track cooldowns that's the way to do it yeah tender so that's
[09:20:14] why it's buttons there are big obviously has more buttons and key
[09:20:18] Oh, they're not as high priority to show them. There's a boss man lurking around
[09:20:22] You've been missing a hype train here because obviously as soon as you left everyone was happy
[09:20:26] As soon as you left everyone came out, was very happy, was very hyped up
[09:20:30] Hyped train commenced
[09:20:32] Can't believe I didn't know you could put that thing up. Didn't know this hack on the couch. Haven't spent enough time here
[09:20:40] That's why
[09:20:42] Is it the same couch as last race? Yeah, this is the same couch. It's been for three races here now
[09:20:50] Here we go guys, I'm back.
[09:20:53] With a level 4 height train guys.
[09:20:55] Level 4 height train, 3 minutes left, 12%.
[09:20:58] Yeah, it looks like you guys need me to come back.
[09:21:00] Now that your back is gonna go down to level 3.
[09:21:03] I feel very bad about that Reuben.
[09:21:05] At least you propped Australia though.
[09:21:10] Thank you Raz.
[09:21:15] We're often reaching intermission but we have deaths towards the end of it.
[09:21:18] Yeah, like right at the end of the shield.
[09:21:20] Taking daughter stuff.
[09:21:21] Well, I feel like I feel like I can only hear you at one year right now might be
[09:21:28] All this
[09:21:31] No
[09:21:34] There you go fixed there it is
[09:21:37] It's cause this one gets loose. Yeah
[09:21:39] I'm very happy to have Robin back on the couch tomorrow
[09:21:44] Really? Yep. She's out of Gulag. Yeah, she actually is done. She's done
[09:21:49] And she propped an Australian covert I think because she had no symptoms
[09:21:52] Well she might just be tough, she might just be built diff like me.
[09:21:58] Alright guys, we have 2 minutes left on the high train.
[09:22:02] Overwave goes straight through that reactive toxin and detonates the raid.
[09:22:13] Unlucky.
[09:22:14] Too tired to play, I mean they've only been here for 7 hours today so they still have
[09:22:22] a long left to do, that's a half raid.
[09:22:25] Yeah, they got like, still got seven hours to go.
[09:22:37] Easy clap.
[09:22:38] SpenzUI is not that great.
[09:22:40] SpenzUI would be fine if the raid frames were dragged up.
[09:22:43] It's too simple, guys.
[09:22:44] Damn, exotic twist.
[09:22:47] Oh, it's like twist.
[09:22:49] Excitement, twist, thanks so much for the gift and subs.
[09:22:51] exotic twist is my friend.
[09:22:52] Is he?
[09:22:53] Guys, debate in the chat.
[09:22:55] Team Horde or Team Alliance?
[09:22:58] Today I'm Team Horde because my pillow was next to me.
[09:23:04] show us what you support
[09:23:08] in the meantime don't forget when extras up gets us to level five thirty
[09:23:12] seconds left
[09:23:12] true actually one extra sub guys
[09:23:14] one extra guys could not let it die in
[09:23:16] level five is for three seconds
[09:23:21] for the horse
[09:23:22] come on guys
[09:23:24] god fabs move
[09:23:31] go method go thank you not fabs
[09:23:35] shiny wishes as well thank you
[09:23:39] there it is
[09:23:40] Dremons
[09:23:41] yeah the remons
[09:23:42] how do you pronounce it
[09:23:44] drones
[09:23:45] yeah i think Dremons is right
[09:23:46] level five
[09:23:47] there you go
[09:23:48] huge
[09:23:49] all of them
[09:23:53] jumpy
[09:23:55] also some of the community
[09:23:57] that's another or something jumpy rotin city uncle
[09:24:00] and basically like
[09:24:01] every thing i cast with logocs gets a massive uptrend so it's pretty much just
[09:24:06] you hear him
[09:24:08] that's called
[09:24:12] with a certain height from yesterday
[09:24:14] Yeah, I can't beat that, I'm not gonna lie, but
[09:24:16] I had a level 9, a level 8, like 13
[09:24:18] I was on for the 13, who was that with you, me?
[09:24:20] Rage. Rage. That was crazy.
[09:24:22] That's how I got my M-Way Osomote.
[09:24:28] It's like a
[09:24:30] consistent hype train level you have to
[09:24:32] achieve before you get your own M-Way
[09:24:34] about
[09:24:39] tombs,
[09:24:41] how? Like M-Way, actually, yeah.
[09:24:43] Yeah, I don't agree with having
[09:24:51] Arena World Championship, but at the same time
[09:24:53] same time as the race over first I don't know it's kind of weird especially if you
[09:24:57] want to compete in both a trill like I said the bench I mean I don't know if
[09:25:03] their plan was to bring a monk DPS anyways I don't think they've been
[09:25:06] extraordinary probably not really such a great player so the often she can
[09:25:11] just get him in because of his amazing skills right then we're close to a
[09:25:18] level six by the way impressive guys keeping the streak live zero shifts
[09:25:25] with zero high trains watch here I don't see if anyone's dead below but
[09:25:30] the bubbles are okay whiskey though yeah it's taking a lot of damage during the
[09:25:33] poison silver wean thank you friend we have a better way from here to
[09:25:40] analyze watch this we appreciate all the support guys nice and safe the big
[09:25:47] one incoming shortly let's go here we go for debuffs out now line these up to your roots
[09:26:03] dodge your blades easy alright and pop watch the waves debuffs out
[09:26:18] Gotta dodge your waves to stay alive and...
[09:26:22] Yeah, we're going to the internet with everyone alive.
[09:26:25] Not as available, but still...
[09:26:28] That's good. That's clean. That's consistent.
[09:26:30] Now it's good. Lock it in.
[09:26:34] Dodge the waves. Smash the shield.
[09:26:37] Pump, pump, pump.
[09:26:40] Alright, we're ahead here. It's good.
[09:26:43] Well ahead.
[09:26:44] It's time to gain up and stupid.
[09:26:47] Watch these nicks suck, suck now, look how low people drop too.
[09:26:56] You gotta think as well like you get gripped into some of those webs or that toxin like
[09:27:01] all of it's gonna deal damage, you have a lot of damage going out of the raid.
[09:27:05] Beat this, beat this, beat this.
[09:27:06] Oh no!
[09:27:07] Oh no Dan.
[09:27:08] There's too much shit on the ground so they can come and stop some of this.
[09:27:12] I think they didn't do the rumor.
[09:27:13] Yeah, they didn't give themselves enough space.
[09:27:15] Yeah, might need to clean that up a little bit.
[09:27:17] one properly they probably have bad base and stuff so they ended up without space
[09:27:21] yeah what mess guys too much damage on the rate at the end there kind of goes to
[09:27:24] show that everything you do since the start of the fight including boss damage
[09:27:28] is gonna have an impact on the later phases right yeah so yeah you really need
[09:27:32] to focus from start to end like with every mechanic because it's gonna
[09:27:36] influence the phase that comes afterwards including boss percent and as
[09:27:41] it showed on this pool the room was filled up with webs and toxify
[09:27:45] Mechanic and obviously they died towards the end when everything was looking good to be fair
[09:27:51] Yeah, gotta be really tight with the stacks the baits
[09:27:55] We even see like there's pools when Nate actually goes around the 25 seconds left guys high train is dying
[09:28:02] Wait true we can get the hype change up to just like one something. Yeah one one left guys
[09:28:08] Who's the hero of the day?
[09:28:10] 15 seconds. There must be a prime saving it. I believe I believe score
[09:28:15] Yeah, it's not time to do it. It picked up his phone. No
[09:28:22] Make a little thing very much of the prime saves the day Martin. Thank you for the 300 bitties make Lange low damn, bro
[09:28:29] You know, there it is. That's a hero right there hero of the day level five complete and a level six hyper train
[09:28:41] Yep, clean up this positioning tighten it right up
[09:28:47] keep this consistency keep pulling is the main thing last of water quick go for a
[09:28:54] bruz 50 minutes till dinner hunting the phase three platform what a day what a
[09:29:20] day oh wait it's my twitch right five no which got the last three yeah we just
[09:29:26] talked to extra search if you I think it was was it an IP I think just
[09:29:30] Net five and then we proc three from twitch
[09:29:33] You take that for a double you that's the biggest proc. We've seen some final five gift proct
[09:29:39] The old prospect that's uh, that's a legendary proc. It is a legendary proc gift five. We got it
[09:29:46] We can appreciate that
[09:29:52] insane proc
[09:29:55] Big proc
[09:29:58] Come on not too much talk. Let's get a pool timer up. Everybody knows what they need to do
[09:30:01] Just tighten it up a little bit
[09:30:03] Checking PC exactly checking PC
[09:30:10] Whoa
[09:30:13] Crystals give the nuts and subs and get in a proc. Thank you. Thank you
[09:30:20] Crystal's just gifted from over there crystals did give from over there pretty sure that's crystals. I can say yeah
[09:30:26] Hold on
[09:30:28] Wait, what I'm so confused. What just happened. I am confused
[09:30:32] Do we just have a full proc or what happened? I don't know what happened though
[09:30:35] 5 proc. We got a 5 proc. Wait, what? 5 proc. But Crystal's gifted 5 and we got 5 from Twitch.
[09:30:44] Woo! What was the 10? It was a 10 gifted. I'm so confused. Logok left and the train
[09:30:53] went up even higher. Alright, come on. Level 7 guys, almost 8. That was me being
[09:31:05] going one minute hand gifted five in proc that's huge they can proc random
[09:31:15] numbers if I you get five plus one guaranteed but then Twitch can also
[09:31:20] proc extra because earlier there was a guy that gifted five and we got two
[09:31:25] procs so I was surprised but I guess it makes sense 26 bonus gifts Jesus they
[09:31:33] would make the high train go to the moon the moon oh come on pull boss more
[09:31:50] pulls more procs that's how it works more dots more dots was it the unique
[09:31:58] shagrib this has more dots more dots and then who da I actually want to watch it
[09:32:03] again after my shift who an iconic one yeah it was great minus 50 kp more
[09:32:11] that's on the bus and twitch is part in the stream as well that's a 50 DKP minus
[09:32:19] did you ever use DKP? yeah we did back in the day
[09:32:23] my first ever game only in breath of the leeching we had it in vanilla in
[09:32:28] sentinels of alex trasa and then we had loot cancel after that what does DKP stand for even
[09:32:34] dragon kill points dragon kill okay I guess it comes from another game
[09:32:38] Yeah, I must come from one of them, more probably.
[09:32:41] Sardwolf, thank you for the 200Bs guys, we're getting closer to a level 8.
[09:32:45] Keep it up!
[09:32:55] Here we roll!
[09:32:57] Let's see if we can keep that same level of consistency.
[09:33:01] Just tighten it up a little bit.
[09:33:04] Bait these.
[09:33:06] I will say, I do know like, for liquids and Echos Malay and that,
[09:33:12] they get right on the very edge, like on the border of that, when they're dropping their webs,
[09:33:16] just to try and be so efficient with space-saving which oh we already have one
[09:33:22] dead that's not ideal and he's dead jump jump yeah yeah yeah
[09:33:27] die that early we do we run it back we run it back oh original never quest I
[09:33:32] never played ever quest I heard is a game was quite popular back
[09:33:35] ever was the original wow I think you have to be pretty all to play never
[09:33:39] quest my first MMO was called fly if probably was like a Chinese game or
[09:33:44] something okay yeah I was super young like 10 11 years old then I went in two
[09:33:49] hours afterwards they did never look back correct a lot of people were amazed
[09:33:57] that World of Warcraft was the first ever M1 played I created method how did
[09:34:02] you get into it World of Warcraft yeah I played tons of Warcraft 3 the
[09:34:07] first one then I start playing a ton of Dota and I thought to myself that I
[09:34:12] thought that World of Warcraft was like a bigger version of Dota basically
[09:34:14] We controlled like one hero. Yeah, it's kind of how I got into it
[09:34:18] I was like so I played walker 3 like online for years
[09:34:20] Yeah, I was always into big and like strategy games like H. Remparers walker 3 that kind of thing 40 seconds left guys and the level 7 will die
[09:34:27] I'm fine with dying when you're like 5% or so, but
[09:34:33] In the chat you saved it
[09:34:36] It feels bad
[09:34:38] 95% or something
[09:34:40] Star Wolf, thank you for the gifted one as well
[09:34:42] Age of Conan the only thing I remember that that game is that I thought like quite a hotful moose
[09:34:46] Do you know?
[09:34:47] I didn't play that played Starcraft 2 a lot. Yeah when I was playing this game called fly far always heard of guild wars and world of
[09:34:55] Warcraft so I kind of had to make a make a choice in between and since in Bulgaria
[09:34:59] World of Warcraft was much more popular and I'm from there half
[09:35:03] My ethnicity from Bulgaria. I just picked it. I came back to Rome and good choice how it started
[09:35:08] I had command and conquer that was another strategy game red alert
[09:35:12] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[09:35:15] East plate generals. Commander Conker generals.
[09:35:19] Old age. Old gamer.
[09:35:23] Red alert.
[09:35:25] Yeah, half Italian, half Bulgarian guys, but I was born and raised in Rome.
[09:35:31] The thing, the thing, 85, thank you.
[09:35:35] Are you tired of your Roman heritage?
[09:35:37] My Bulgarian. Your Roman. Roman. Oh.
[09:35:41] I was never like a Roman Empire.
[09:35:43] I was never a patriot or anything. I don't care where I'm from. I just care about the games leaving a like
[09:35:49] No, I just care about living a good life, you know and
[09:35:52] Being in a country that functions properly, you know, there are people that are so big patriots, but
[09:35:59] What what for you know, it's not gonna affect anything in your life
[09:36:04] Let's keep this clean team number three pops
[09:36:11] easy
[09:36:20] no deaths
[09:36:21] We're often getting to the first intermission with everyone alive. That's what is normally webbing as in first intermission
[09:36:32] If you get like two deaths by the end of it, then it's
[09:36:36] kind of GG
[09:36:38] Just need to keep this solid at the moment playing really well
[09:36:41] I just need to manage to take his hand off the keyboard
[09:36:46] I could never do that one playing time. He's a broom master. I used to play with one end sometimes
[09:36:50] I just can't do that because I use so many key bindings on my spawns
[09:36:53] Do you play with a 12 button mouse? No.
[09:36:56] Oh, well that's why.
[09:36:57] Got 12 buttons on your thumb.
[09:36:59] Does Nate play with a 12 button mouse?
[09:37:04] Pretty sure he plays with an MMO mouse.
[09:37:06] I've never used MMO mouse in my life.
[09:37:08] That's so fierce.
[09:37:09] It's easy.
[09:37:10] Makes life so easy.
[09:37:12] Quality of life's huge.
[09:37:13] I'm not surprised but I just never bothered.
[09:37:17] I don't know if I can get used to it either to be fair.
[09:37:19] I've never done it either.
[09:37:21] The fact that you haven't done it and you've played for this long,
[09:37:24] probably don't really need to worry about it to be fair but it's uh it
[09:37:29] definitely makes life easier if I was ever telling anyone that was getting into
[09:37:32] it let's get the shield yeah edge in a head now just stay safe nobody die
[09:37:41] watch this grip suck now it doesn't have proper ray freeing so I'm gonna swap to
[09:37:46] FGM this one we're alive better we have one death from Remy but we have a
[09:37:52] Converse it's going on with us. Let's take it
[09:38:03] Yeah, yeah, yeah, there we go. So close. We have the combat rest come coming and we still
[09:38:09] made it easy, right? Still made it. That's right. Yeah, we get through this part. Generally pretty
[09:38:13] okay. This is the shadowgate dodge orbs kick casts. Thank you for abuse. He's keeping the
[09:38:18] H&L life guys got one minute 20 left on it just having it at 11% to be fair.
[09:38:30] That dead, going up.
[09:38:33] Looking good, going up with everyone alive, combat dress also coming up in 30 seconds.
[09:38:39] Get this method, let's get this phase 3 platform, come on.
[09:38:44] First Pauline.
[09:38:47] Shadowgate to spell going down top left of the screen there
[09:38:52] Look
[09:38:54] Everyone looking healthy going back through now
[09:38:58] Second shadowgate to spell coming nice and up the gate
[09:39:02] We have culture dying and then as well, but still doable. Maybe they try with blood loss just to get it done
[09:39:08] You know obviously
[09:39:09] It's not the tactic you want to lose for long term
[09:39:12] But just for progression purposes and getting to the phase three for a one
[09:39:26] Feel good effort though I like seeing foods where we get to this phase with everyone live and the rest
[09:39:30] Yeah, we're regularly getting here, which is at least a bonus
[09:39:35] High train success. Thank you everyone guys massive support. Yeah, big support guys. Thank you so much
[09:39:40] making the rest of the world for as possible alongside our great partners.
[09:39:44] 40 minutes still dens.
[09:39:49] Gotta keep this intensity up.
[09:39:52] Gotta keep the intensity rolling.
[09:39:55] Ah, this boss has been a journey.
[09:40:03] So who's doing the shift after dinner by the way?
[09:40:06] Self.
[09:40:07] And Mr. Jam I believe.
[09:40:09] And maybe Deep Shades, or is Deep Shades coming back on?
[09:40:12] I think Farbo might be making an appearance.
[09:40:14] Ward's seventh Nexus princess just died by the way by end myth and math the Chinese kill seven girls have killed princess
[09:40:21] no guys
[09:40:23] Not many huh huge
[09:40:25] And it's still we're still a rough fight even with yeah, like you still stand in the wrong place
[09:40:29] You guys if you're going with that if you're doing mr. GM, you should probably go as well at the feedbacks more mean log
[09:40:35] Chat for bit. Yeah, it sounds that sounds wonderful. What date is it 27th?
[09:40:43] The last evening for the poem
[09:40:49] It is indeed myself, DeepShade's back on for a couple of hours and Mr. GM.
[09:40:57] Should be a great cast.
[09:40:59] It should be spectacular, a vibe really well with Mr. Jam and Fabo is always a pleasure.
[09:41:04] Yeah.
[09:41:05] I still haven't had the chance to cast with Fabo once.
[09:41:08] Oh really?
[09:41:09] Before the race we hyped it up so much, you know.
[09:41:11] You'll have to make it happen.
[09:41:12] Yeah, we know each other for like seven years or something.
[09:41:16] You'll have to do it.
[09:41:18] You'll have to do it. You gotta get out.
[09:41:21] Maybe Liam put us on the same shift. I don't know.
[09:41:24] You might score one tomorrow. You might proc a Fabo tomorrow.
[09:41:28] Tomorrow I have a late one.
[09:41:29] Oh yeah.
[09:41:30] Is that a tough one?
[09:41:32] Nah, it's not.
[09:41:33] Maybe it's Bosky Dapper one.
[09:41:35] Yeah, who knows.
[09:41:37] It's my last cast tomorrow actually.
[09:41:39] Oh damn.
[09:41:40] Are you leaving?
[09:41:41] 29th.
[09:41:42] Oh you're leaving in the morning, yeah.
[09:41:43] I live at night but I think with the way the trains function here probably have to leave here at like 1 o'clock
[09:41:51] unless I do a 10 to 12.
[09:41:53] Which is what is Frankford?
[09:41:54] Frankford, yeah. It's the only place I can go international from is Frankford or Munich.
[09:41:58] How long is your flight?
[09:42:00] 7 hours to Dubai, 3 hours stop in Dubai and then 14 hours from Dubai to home.
[09:42:05] 14 hours? Oh my goodness dude.
[09:42:09] That's hardcore actually.
[09:42:12] That's 24 like all up in terms of with the lair
[09:42:15] What's parties sleeping in airplanes if I fall asleep I'm 100% gonna snore. Yeah. Yeah
[09:42:23] What what do you do on late 49 flights watch Lord of the Rings usually yeah, yeah on Lord of the Rings
[09:42:29] Yeah, no, I would watch something but not the same thing. I'm watching the past chance to Lord of the Rings Marathon it out
[09:42:36] How many times have you done this marathon?
[09:42:40] Every time I come I watch all the Lord of the Rings.
[09:42:43] I live in Australia.
[09:42:45] I live in Australia.
[09:42:48] Melbourne.
[09:42:49] Melbourne, Australia.
[09:42:52] He's taking a 7 hour flight to Dubai and a 14 hour flight to Melbourne goes.
[09:42:55] I think Dubai has become my favourite airport though to be fair.
[09:42:58] Very expensive though.
[09:42:59] Yeah, but they have so much duty free.
[09:43:03] It's just it's a good little and it's a good walk
[09:43:17] Star Wars marathon one never again. I would actually do a Star Wars one
[09:43:22] Singapore is nice. I've never been to Singapore. I've been to Korea once. Oh, yeah. Yeah
[09:43:30] That's when I flew to Australia first. I stopped in Korea. They also have crazy airport in Seoul
[09:43:35] I'd like to actually go to Dubai for a holiday every time that was that every time I fly Emirates
[09:43:41] and I watched the ad comes up for the hotel Atlantis. I'm like, you gotta be cool. I don't know if I could afford it though.
[09:43:50] It's not that expensive.
[09:43:51] Oh yeah?
[09:43:53] I mean, obviously if you want to live like the rich people that live in Dubai,
[09:43:58] but you can just have a vacation like a normal person and...
[09:44:00] Yeah, yeah for Australia's on the bucket list.
[09:44:09] Yeah, I mean the only problem with Australia is it's just so far away. That's the big issue.
[09:44:14] It's expensive because it's so far away to I was there one month
[09:44:17] I've been to New Zealand. I have not been to New Zealand before I've been to the airport in New Zealand
[09:44:23] So you've lived in Australia for years and you never went to New Zealand. Yeah, no
[09:44:26] I tell my list because I can go do Lord of the Rings
[09:44:31] Was it fully recorded there or yeah, what's shot? Yeah, crazy
[09:44:37] It's beautiful. New Zealand's beautiful. I just haven't I just haven't got around to it
[09:44:40] Yeah spiders are a problem in Australia. Snakes, Crocodiles, Sharks, there is all kind of things here.
[09:44:53] What is your biggest fear if you were to go in Australia? Always spiders, yeah. For me sharks.
[09:44:59] Because in the water I'm kind of useless right? I don't know when something is coming at me.
[09:45:04] I'm not really as fast as, I mean I wouldn't be as fast as other animals but...
[09:45:09] But I think you've got just as much
[09:45:11] I think you just as likely to get hit by lightning as you ought to get eaten by a great white shark
[09:45:15] But it'll be fair still though. I wouldn't gamble it fair and that's quite scary to think about really on normal land
[09:45:21] I can fight an animal but in the water. I'm just useless, right?
[09:45:26] Do you go to the beach much and show you yeah?
[09:45:29] I don't doesn't look like it, but yeah, we're seeing a shock. I
[09:45:33] Do want to go cage, but there are nets like normally there is seaside
[09:45:38] Then there's a sea and then they put nets so that you can't pass
[09:45:42] We don't really they don't like at the most when I went to there was nets everywhere
[09:45:46] Yeah, you can't go past certain points because then it's the shark territory
[09:45:50] I went scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef and the instructor told us that if they ever make this signal
[09:45:56] It's because the sharks coming you can't find my sharks what who tells you that I
[09:46:01] Reckon you could fight a bear, bro. I can fight bears tigers take a bear dinosaurs
[09:46:08] I'm a different girl well a crocodile basically is a dinosaur let's be real I
[09:46:16] Mean we were having a discussion with my friends that apparently if you get attacked by a shark
[09:46:23] All you gotta do is punch them in the nose
[09:46:25] I poke them in the nose but guys to be fair if I have shark is near me. I don't think
[09:46:34] In control to actually poke the nose precisely and stuff and I mean it works. I've seen the video
[09:46:40] I wouldn't rely on that though. I'd like to go cage diving. I think that of you. You can do that in South Australia and
[09:46:49] In Western Australia is quite good for sharks too because they're warmer water
[09:46:55] Yeah, I imagine though fighting you for example a gorilla those ones are
[09:46:59] Probably kind of animal. I wouldn't want to mess with you. I think you get messed up
[09:47:04] They're like five to ten times more strength than humans. Yeah, they can just throw you around like a banana
[09:47:09] right yeah they are scary the big I mean we develop the brain but not the
[09:47:18] muscles I don't know why we are taking so long to pull but we are at the ninja
[09:47:27] break here another ninja break any minute now ready checks gonna go out
[09:48:02] I'm going to pull this boss should we do a comms listening when they pull definitely
[09:48:12] I'm good idea I think see what the moods like no okay I'm just told that they're all in
[09:48:21] secret strategy land I'm lucky for us chat we'll have to wait until it's sub 10% steel
[09:48:28] series listening does it work if they're in a muted channel now oh damn yeah it breaks
[09:48:34] I think we're going to be pretty safe for that one though for a bit.
[09:48:38] I think so too.
[09:48:49] Time is ticking though, 30 minutes before dinner.
[09:48:59] What killed us last pull? We had two deaths early on and then it gets out of control fast you know.
[09:49:06] Unless you make up for it with bloodlust but we didn't.
[09:49:10] Lose healing, there's so much damage that's going out through this fight as well.
[09:49:15] You don't have people to dispel the shadow guys you only have ten seconds to action those shadow gates
[09:49:19] And if you don't you explode one healing a platform doesn't seem too realistic
[09:49:23] And by the way, I was using ready earlier on my break. Yeah, and people assume that liquid is gonna cut off a healer, but obviously I
[09:49:30] don't think it's gonna happen and
[09:49:33] Reading ready guys is dangerous not gonna lie
[09:49:36] the amount of
[09:49:38] Random stuff they say without having any clue. It's just crazy
[09:49:42] sometimes I'm tempted to comment but then I'm like yeah sometimes it's not worth getting into it
[09:49:52] I think Blizzard might nerf it before reset unless Liquid gets amazing progression today and
[09:50:04] doesn't struggle to the end range we'll see I think we will find out by the end of the day if
[09:50:09] there is gonna be a nerf or not yeah I'm expecting either wake up and see it or something like
[09:50:15] that like I feel like this boss has to get pushed in the back of the cliff
[09:50:19] John Tate gets nerfed, we got to roast it like before here, they were roasting us on the new
[09:50:24] legit. What would we know? They might that Spence goes back and forth in his chair, I
[09:50:46] honestly don't know what he would do if it was somebody locked in place. Yeah swap screen again.
[09:50:49] It's kind of dictionary. I just got on to like full screen with me. Lollies? Yeah.
[09:50:54] secret lollies it's secret strategy secret method lollies maybe method
[09:51:01] milk a deal look at our pc chat express mark giveaway in the chat I'm in a win
[09:51:10] but you can be in the draw where I will win dark Mac can we have some shoutouts
[09:51:19] for our sponsors what do you think of course we can of course we can we just
[09:51:23] We'll just fill in by thinking our amazing partners, a Rossy, which you can see on the
[09:51:28] SCO's left shoulder.
[09:51:30] They're the logo and a huge shout out to them.
[09:51:34] You've already seen the chairs in action.
[09:51:37] They go horizontal, they go vertical, they go back and forth.
[09:51:40] They are very comfortable.
[09:51:41] Huge shout out to a Rossy.
[09:51:43] Logox right shoulder, the SteelSeries logo there.
[09:51:46] Love.
[09:51:47] It's on a massive shoulder too.
[09:51:49] Look at it.
[09:51:50] A huge shout out to SteelSeries, the 20th anniversary wow stuff.
[09:51:55] You can use code method and get a lovely discount for yourself, keep checking in on the prox,
[09:52:00] they do come into stock but then they fly back out.
[09:52:03] The 20th anniversary gear is very very sexy.
[09:52:07] Warcraft Logs and Raider IO, been on every race to world first as partners we pull
[09:52:12] so much information from those sites so a big shout out to them.
[09:52:15] Kadea for levelling up gaming as well, lots of exciting stuff happening with them.
[09:52:20] Holy, our energy drink provider, I do have the Raspberry Raptor.
[09:52:25] I double scooped it at the moment, it is powering me through to 2am.
[09:52:29] We've got our charity as well, exclamation mark charity in the chat.
[09:52:33] We have raised just under $4000 with the next goal at 4k.
[09:52:37] We are raising money for MoVemba for men's mental health and physical health ailments.
[09:52:43] So a fantastic cause to get behind and of course exploration mark God forged in the chat from fateless
[09:52:49] It is their game that's out in beta at the moment
[09:52:52] I believe fateless were on board with us in a mid-rocelle as well
[09:52:55] So fantastic to have them back on board and a huge shout out to all our sponsors for making this race world first possible
[09:53:03] And to you guys for watching supporting the stream. Yeah, huge
[09:53:08] Also when I say apparently they still see this
[09:53:10] is a bundle 20 years one it's already sold out multiple people have been
[09:53:15] mentioning it but it's going crazy I think Crystek managed to get himself the
[09:53:19] keyboard and head done not the keyboard sorry the mouse and headset I think like
[09:53:23] maybe yesterday or something so I think they come in and they go out really
[09:53:27] quickly so but I want to show that it's going very strong yeah so if you
[09:53:31] sit in stock make sure to get it secure it before it gets sold out
[09:53:35] again you know it might be limited edition I believe and it is looks crazy
[09:53:40] you're just gonna have to commit like you do when you're farming a rare spawn
[09:53:44] and just sit there on the page F5 and and just just wait for that proc I think
[09:54:00] on break maybe yeah I break yeah it's a swim anyway at 30 minutes 25 minutes
[09:54:07] now 24 minutes who am I I don't even know full pool boy then yeah more ninja
[09:54:15] breaks right now I'm already checked yet the key cap is very sexy shaken I I
[09:54:25] think I was shaking and I might have been mr. Jam and I were talking about the
[09:54:28] issues with the key cap though and the issue of having it on a scape and using
[09:54:32] escape quite regularly and apparently sco came up with a brilliant idea of just
[09:54:36] putting the keycap on F12 which makes a lot quite a lot of sense so we don't
[09:54:42] really have 12 that much to you so I thought that was pretty good we also we
[09:54:47] need some method keycaps to sco got special method keycaps with his I just
[09:54:52] put my keyboard already through in the classroom it's pretty cool because
[09:54:56] basically what happened is I took the sword off of F12 before I traveled here
[09:54:59] because I didn't want to break it because the sword is off so it's sticking out the
[09:55:02] a little bit yeah and so now my f12 key was missing was it from silky is the
[09:55:07] f12 oh so I took the so I filled the empty f12 with the score keycap
[09:55:12] sco logo keycap talk to score guys you need to be tell it back to reality
[09:55:18] it's true I feel myself zoning goes I'm zoning out you're in between at the
[09:55:22] moment method goes out that method goes hard for a method I can't get over
[09:55:32] PC what a banger so clean that is the PC that you guys can win if you exhibition
[09:55:38] my giveaway what components does it have 7800 for the GPU so it's a ride 7800
[09:55:46] oh yeah it's a radion 7000 yeah yeah the CPUs are 7800 as well 7800 x3d
[09:55:58] The AMD one, the best CPU for WoW guys, that one is insane, I had it as well at home.
[09:56:07] Best CPU for gaming.
[09:56:08] It looks like an angel.
[09:56:09] Just gotta put some wings here and one there.
[09:56:14] And then it will fly out.
[09:56:16] And that is a Haven case too which isn't even released yet so, wow, still nothing
[09:56:26] happening.
[09:56:37] It is gorgeous looking PC.
[09:56:39] ways to enter that one so go and get started now and amongst it faithy just
[09:56:47] finished his necrotic wake I can see up there that's pretty cool any loot
[09:56:55] probably not I don't think he's probably needing any loot to be fair
[09:56:59] no he wouldn't need to be fair faithy was out there a lot on one of the earlier bosses I think it was still looking cool
[09:57:04] it didn't farm dollars but we lost it well I'll point it down ready check guys let's
[09:57:08] Ready, check, pull!
[09:57:10] I swapped FDM.
[09:57:12] Back to the Dane.
[09:57:14] Let's go team, let's get a good pull on the board.
[09:57:21] What percent more gas to out of curiosity?
[09:57:24] Can you enter if you're in the US? I entered and I'm in Australia so...
[09:57:33] Worldwide giveaway guys, worldwide.
[09:57:36] Sure hope so.
[09:57:37] Shipping costs are covered as well.
[09:57:39] Imagine shipping that to Australia.
[09:57:42] I might as well take it home with me to save the issue.
[09:57:44] I mean, if I'm being gifted the 3000 euro PC, I would, I'm down to be shipping myself.
[09:57:51] I think I could pre-win it, like Skow put Eternal Palace pre-emptively on the t-shirt
[09:57:56] for World First. I could just take the PC with me and say I was channeling Skow.
[09:58:01] Damn, Liquid is pumping apparently.
[09:58:06] They're pumping?
[09:58:07] Yeah.
[09:58:08] Happy for them, they're playing very well. I mean, shipping anything to Australia is
[09:58:16] absolutely obscene.
[09:58:19] It's kind of sad because you guys are in the middle of nowhere and I see a lot of supplements
[09:58:22] brands or even clothing, you know, when you try to get stuff delivered to Australia, it's
[09:58:27] not even working.
[09:58:28] You let me know what you want next race, so I'll come bearing gifts for you, alright?
[09:58:32] Yeah, now that I think of it, I have a friend that wants clothes from Europe and
[09:58:37] each time he comes to Europe for a festival, you always ask somebody, can you get me
[09:58:41] this and then I don't have to pay crazy shipping and I'll just pick it up here
[09:58:45] in Europe.
[09:58:46] Good idea, I mean I picked up Barbie on a bike today, so I know all about it.
[09:58:52] Back into Bulling Eyes, Phase 3 o'clock.
[09:58:56] Let's get it, 20 minutes till dinner, we are searching for Phase 3, we need it.
[09:59:02] We need it for the motivation, we need it. Bad.
[09:59:07] Watch these waves, bring them Tim Tams.
[09:59:14] I did bring a whole bunch of gear to the first racefield first.
[09:59:17] What is a Tim Tams?
[09:59:18] It's like a biscuit with chocolate in it.
[09:59:22] I took a bunch of them to BlizzCon actually, but I did to the first racefield, first one
[09:59:27] method.
[09:59:28] I bought Caramella Koalas, Vegemite, biscuits, I bought the works, I took 150 Tim's hams
[09:59:38] to BlizzCon actually and handed them out, that's pretty good.
[09:59:45] I think penguins are a similar thing in Europe, I think they're called penguins.
[09:59:50] Kinder penguins?
[09:59:51] uh... could be i don't i'm not sure i've never had them
[09:59:54] there's no uh...
[09:59:55] it's the gm used to say that we seem a lot of penguins
[09:59:58] we pop these
[10:00:00] just dodge just be safe no stupid watch the waves
[10:00:05] there you go safe spot for lines
[10:00:12] there you might love it and hate it
[10:00:14] those web lines are quite easy but sometimes they can get in a
[10:00:17] tricky position and get you
[10:00:20] i had a whole jar of edge of might for a charity girl once with a spoon
[10:00:24] I think it was about a thousand percent of my salt requirements for a day, it wasn't a vibe.
[10:00:30] Chat is requesting more hype music.
[10:00:32] Can we get some doof going?
[10:00:41] Production is going to see what they can do if they can get us a doof here.
[10:00:43] We have a water going down, hollywrest going.
[10:00:47] Last wave incoming, the hard part.
[10:00:49] If we get through this, we have a clean pool going into the first intermission and wipe.
[10:00:55] We always wipe in between this part and the intermission.
[10:00:59] Yeah, she liked this lap this one minute in the fight the super hectic to get it clean
[10:01:04] And I wonder if other kids are also struggling on this part specifically because this pretty hectic to be fair
[10:01:10] I mean, this is where I was watching the quick walk. Sorry echo wipe earlier on after getting to face
[10:01:16] Mission and then wiping at the fourth pop and stuff like that. It's I mean, it's it's hard in the end of the day
[10:01:22] It's not
[10:01:24] It's it's not an easy boss
[10:01:26] Yes, definitely.
[10:01:28] You'll be dead by now.
[10:01:31] I bet players are already thinking of their next meal, you know?
[10:01:34] You're thinking of your next meal.
[10:01:36] I ate the chicken from the Italian.
[10:01:40] Because my conflicts are pretty much finished.
[10:01:43] Out of conflicts now?
[10:01:44] So I had to get something else.
[10:01:47] Else I'm not going to make my calories.
[10:01:50] The pizza last night was delicious.
[10:01:55] Yeah, I'm probably gonna get one before the race ends.
[10:01:57] Yeah, treat yourself.
[10:01:59] Blake would just made a new best pull, by the way.
[10:02:01] They did, 33.2%, knocking 2% off.
[10:02:05] 1.8%.
[10:02:08] That's a very toxic face placement there, Kena.
[10:02:11] Music goes hard.
[10:02:26] Nah, method.
[10:02:27] Need a bit of a response here.
[10:02:29] 16 minutes.
[10:02:33] Counting down till dinner.
[10:02:48] Get a ready check out, come on.
[10:03:03] Yeah, also I got a new best by 1% extra.
[10:03:06] time for us to get a new best. Yeah we definitely do need one. We have to get to that phase 3.
[10:03:12] It's our time guys, it's our time. We've got to put some distance between hot bot heroes.
[10:03:18] And we've got to catch up a little bit to Echo. Very, very important right now.
[10:03:25] Thing is the moment you get to the last phase, I feel like getting to like 50%
[10:03:29] is relatively fast. Yeah that is scary.
[10:03:32] That's super scary, everything happens at once and Liquid already managed to get through that
[10:03:37] first overlap combination, which is something obviously Egon needs to work on and we still
[10:03:44] need to get through the first three.
[10:03:46] That would be definitely a much harder fight than I predicted, I expected it to be easier
[10:03:50] because after having such a long tier you wouldn't expect it.
[10:03:54] Please Dan's enjoying himself.
[10:03:56] Do you guys like these weapons?
[10:03:59] That's a black and a hammering.
[10:04:01] Yeah, that's the black and a mace.
[10:04:02] least he's still enjoying himself if they didn't nerf this boss I'd say this is
[10:04:18] probably like a 400 pull boss at least yeah nerf this it'll be crazy with the
[10:04:26] andridge that could be very tight impossible we need to find out right
[10:04:30] like yeah all right let's go chat let's get phase 3 before dinner get a
[10:04:40] a little bit of pumping here get a little bit rolling first set of roots no
[10:04:47] worries dodge these lines first toxins here the duo easy easy debuffs out dodge
[10:05:06] the waves we chill and we game and right now nice and relaxed locked in
[10:05:13] trying to save as much space as we can, bait the swirls, we do have a death, we send the
[10:05:21] B-Rex out, it's not what I would call ideal but we continue, break these routes, safe spot,
[10:05:30] keep pushing, next set of debuffs soon, dodge these lines, new debuffs out now, this is the three,
[10:05:48] Let's try this serious listening work. Does it work? Oh nice. Let's hear some
[10:05:55] comments guys. That was good hype though chat. Good job.
[10:06:19] He's enjoying those OZI chairs guys. Spanner has been loving them. Loving the OZI chair.
[10:06:35] we go again deep shit is not the part owner of a method guys he's just a
[10:06:49] caster he does appear to be a part owner that he's so classy about 40% of the
[10:06:55] shares of the organization the majority shareholder one and he is the
[10:07:01] number one M. Way bro that is true I mean the emotes has enough yeah
[10:07:07] throughout the Goblin King.
[10:07:09] From the third shareholder.
[10:07:11] It's interesting that Liquid made progress this early into their bidding day, so...
[10:07:16] Yeah, they're playing really well.
[10:07:18] I mean, they got to 34%, and now straight to 33 already.
[10:07:22] I mean, we still haven't reached phase 3, Echo barely improved today at all, so...
[10:07:28] I think Echo, like, no flame, because all the respect in the world to Echo.
[10:07:33] I think they had a really bad day.
[10:07:35] Yeah, they had another best day.
[10:07:36] I don't even think communication was great when when I was shooting and like
[10:07:48] I still want to talk about this
[10:07:51] You know
[10:07:57] You can talk now I removed it there was a lot of the experienced players like now Jinji really trying to like
[10:08:04] build the positivity back up and raid and talk about communication and owning up to mistakes
[10:08:11] and things like that.
[10:08:12] They just didn't have a great day when you compare it to liquid in terms of execution.
[10:08:16] And to be fair, on the first day on this boss, I thought they were performing the
[10:08:20] best out of everyone.
[10:08:22] Even up to the first day and a half, but this last day or so hasn't been the greatest,
[10:08:27] but I mean, each day is different, guys, you know.
[10:08:30] It is.
[10:08:31] day on Silkencourt and he set us a bit back, but then we could have an amazing day maybe
[10:08:36] tomorrow and then it brings you back up in the mix you know. That's the great thing
[10:08:41] about race two or first. Things can shuffle at any moment. One guild has a really bad
[10:08:46] day and the other has an amazing one. True, but Biff does have quite a lot of simple
[10:08:51] tone doesn't he? He does. Biff also sometimes says please at the end of things like you'll
[10:08:57] be like and we're gonna have the spells now please. It's very calm Tonya. There's no like
[10:09:09] let's turbo F this boss coming out of this mouth. Maybe that's what's missing. We need
[10:09:16] high beef. Scribe was never like that either. Yeah. Yeah. It was never the biggest motivator
[10:09:22] Yeah. Alright, we are away again.
[10:09:28] Pool number 145 on the books.
[10:09:34] First set of routes, freedoms are out, easy claps.
[10:09:44] Save in space, being efficient, dodging these blades.
[10:09:48] First pools.
[10:09:53] I feel like those name plates are a bit too big, don't you guys agree?
[10:09:56] Ah, big name plates, nothing wrong with big name plates.
[10:09:59] If it works, it works.
[10:10:04] That's right, individualized.
[10:10:08] All right, nice.
[10:10:10] Next set of baits, nice and tight here.
[10:10:18] Savin' room, savin' lives.
[10:10:21] Groups.
[10:10:23] Let's give some love to Cruella, watchin' wildly.
[10:10:27] Do you love Cruella?
[10:10:29] We're breaking all the walls right now.
[10:10:31] We're watchin' Cruella, watch wildly.
[10:10:37] And strings, watchin' us, watch Cruella, watch wildly.
[10:10:40] He's playing with one hand.
[10:10:43] Watch these blades, alright. Three toxins here. Easy claps, cool beans, dodged the waves.
[10:11:03] No silly business here. Safe spots for the blades.
[10:11:09] Yeah, it's got the shali, I guess, so on the wallops.
[10:11:12] Alright, next set of routes. We break. Scary overlap is coming up soon.
[10:11:22] Watch these blades. Here's the reminder, the place.
[10:11:28] Now
[10:11:30] 40 buffs to go out and we have the root and the blades
[10:11:35] He's a nasty overlap so set these
[10:11:40] break root
[10:11:42] dodge lines oh
[10:11:45] That happened we're okay. We're okay. Oh
[10:11:49] No, what happens? I thought that's messed by the waves. Yeah, I actually thought he triggered the
[10:11:56] like the pot by himself originally went up looks like a spannon quaper the
[10:12:06] biggest chair enjoyers of the whole team yeah crystalizes it I enjoy yeah
[10:12:12] Crystal has been having some nice naps in there yeah what is this meme what would
[10:12:20] JB do I've been really happy yeah but he used to say don't don't yell get
[10:12:26] better boy is that the meme yeah don't like it was don't get angry get
[10:12:30] I think we just don't yell get better nice overview of the players. It's great to see everyone being back in the main room
[10:12:44] You know
[10:12:46] Six minutes till dinner still don't have my phase three
[10:12:52] Yes, then with the OG FPS keyboard angle
[10:12:56] Nate's coming up might be a quick device. Oh, that's true. I'd be happy to get back early
[10:13:02] That's a 45 minutes. So my god through some tactics and stuff
[10:13:06] So back to the casters full screen guys give us some questions
[10:13:13] There's some questions. We've also got a clip as well
[10:13:20] What will eat for dinner? Good question show the menu on the screen again. Let's see. I
[10:13:24] Would watch for the menu is it here or I don't think I'm sure that's a production does that's a production vibe right there
[10:13:32] What are you getting for dinner today?
[10:13:34] I have two meals that I took I can't remember what I
[10:13:38] I think I took the chicken skewers B1. I'm not mistaken
[10:13:44] Yeah
[10:13:46] Anything I take is always a lot of me lean meat. Sorry anything off this menu guys or anything from the Italian version downstairs
[10:13:53] Is what the players are eating for dinner?
[10:13:57] Answer that question
[10:13:58] Wait, is there good German food? Do you know that?
[10:14:03] When you guys say Germany has a good bakery have you seen Italian bakery?
[10:14:07] No, I haven't had the pleasure of the Italian bakery yet.
[10:14:11] I have had the pleasure of the German bakery.
[10:14:14] Chat, what do you think is better, bakery, Italian or German?
[10:14:19] I heard A2 for lunch.
[10:14:26] Okay, these people are biased.
[10:14:29] If you say German, you're biased, my friend.
[10:14:31] There's not a little bit of a mix there.
[10:14:33] What bit? Big bakeries, yeah?
[10:14:34] Yeah, bakeries, yeah.
[10:14:35] I don't know, I've never really thought about Italian having great bakeries before.
[10:14:38] Oh, they have really good stuff.
[10:14:39] okay that's what we're going for dinner guys and now we can play a highlight of
[10:14:50] yes they I think right we do have a highlight so we're gonna jump to a
[10:14:54] highlight from yesterday to share with you guys and chat what we have dinner
[10:14:57] break here and I'll be back in a second we're on ration on this is heroic no
[10:15:05] this is we've lost before we figured out how to do it and we've also got
[10:15:12] Torgas powers so we are very nice. We are ready to send it
[10:15:28] You hear the rumor by the way logout that um when we killed the silicon core for five am it's because um
[10:15:35] I didn't let any of the raiders leave the PCs. I'm basically uh both myself and you were positioned at the two exits
[10:15:41] To make sure they know if you get out. Yeah, whoever bought it. No to staying until late. They're getting kicked out
[10:15:46] Hygrates zero protein zero fat it's basically just salt and water for the
[10:15:56] most part yeah and some kind of chili I assume it's so basically yeah the only
[10:16:00] and there's no there's not really any chili here it's cucumber water vinegar
[10:16:05] salt and then some preservatives in it I'm gonna do on the analyst stuff yeah go
[10:16:12] Go to the analyst desk and smash your pickle, mate.
[10:16:14] Absolutely, so you can open the people on the analyst desk, yeah.
[10:16:16] No one in Germany eats pickles, by the way, so I can disappoint you.
[10:16:19] Pocharity.
[10:16:20] Aha, okay.
[10:16:21] Pocharity.
[10:16:22] Right now she is trying to open it, which is kind of weird because this is a pickle from a vending machine, guys.
[10:16:28] It smells like most of it.
[10:16:30] So you'd expect to be able to just open it yourself without requiring any external devices because this is meant to be something you can just snack on.
[10:17:38] into a kiss. Just so you know that. A little bit of zing. Is it spicy? Got a little bit
[10:17:55] of zing in there. I am the kind of white kid though that finds black pepper, like, spicy,
[10:18:01] so yeah, it's definitely not refreshing. Alright guys, so that was our day 9 V-cap
[10:18:19] video from yesterday. So as you can tell, based on the content of that video, I guess
[10:18:24] there wasn't too much progress to show you guys. Obviously today's V-cap, since
[10:18:28] we still got quite a few hours of waiting left will be a much more progress filled recap I hope
[10:18:33] of the last boss. Hope so, yeah. Especially phase three pulls, that's what we need.
[10:18:41] We need some phase three pulls indeed. Darkmech has beautiful eyes.
[10:18:48] Have you noticed that? Yeah, I think so. I think he looks good as well. Yeah, nice.
[10:18:54] nice I have a girlfriend but I mean I can see the guy I'm glad he clarified that
[10:19:00] right now I can still tell if somebody looks good you know yeah yeah how's it
[10:19:09] going chat it's just gonna be me you and log off on the couch small arms guys
[10:19:14] the small arms couch small arms couch yeah wait what really good pool 40% guys
[10:19:32] we're watching the liquid pool right now they just pop lolas that's a sub 30%
[10:19:36] Potentially
[10:19:44] This boss is our guys, you know if you get to face street so much going on so
[10:19:49] Gonna be a long or no my phone just froze. Oh, I know dude
[10:19:57] Revades again after the way after the race I will I will I
[10:20:01] certainly will guys
[10:20:03] And that's a new best for them sub 30 for sure. Really? Yeah
[10:20:07] There's no portal to get over this though, right?
[10:20:09] is there not there is it is just a blink yeah others would oh my god this
[10:20:15] phase is crazy these bosses getting nerf guys I'm calling it now yeah there is
[10:20:23] literally no second to chill for any like ability just keep going yeah definitely
[10:20:35] a bit overtuned but respect to them for the amazing yeah we're doing some really
[10:20:40] good pulls today guys I must say yeah 30% they just died because what I'm
[10:20:43] despite his went to the boss yeah but there's so many things happening at once
[10:20:47] there is another single moment to relax after like the first part of last phase
[10:20:53] is chill and then he just ramps up with abilities non-stop I don't know how they
[10:20:57] gonna kill it to be on a 30% is a lot so definitely think we're gonna see a
[10:21:02] nerf today still no respect yeah it's 11 a.m. right now on the US West Coast
[10:21:09] so there is a good chance indeed that before the weekend if there is a
[10:21:12] nerf to come in so it's possible. I think if the nerf comes it's gonna come soon because
[10:21:16] they saw this pool probably you know they're ready 250 volts deep that's a lot you know
[10:21:22] and if they're not even close to a gale because you know 30% is a lot of percent then definitely
[10:21:29] see a nerf happening today. Yeah what are you guys thinking about the boss so far what
[10:21:36] do you guys think what do you think Blizzard would potentially change in terms of a nerf
[10:21:39] from this fight wait also I can you best them let me see is it busy oh yeah
[10:21:55] that's crazy they're blasting both of them no nerf probably adhp nerf the
[10:22:10] pencil it depends on the white bees in this right now yeah these are definitely
[10:22:14] watches the restore first you think this boss is getting nerfed yeah you
[10:22:26] We saw that both Ekko and Liquid just started new pool, yeah.
[10:22:30] Liquid 30% Ekko 33.5.
[10:22:37] Yeah, yeah, I also think so.
[10:22:41] You wanna come on the couch?
[10:22:42] Yeah, sure.
[10:22:43] Nate is joining us on the casting couch.
[10:22:46] You can put on the headset.
[10:22:48] Yeah, you can put on the headset.
[10:22:50] Nice, we're joined by Method's main tank,
[10:22:53] Mr. Nate.
[10:22:55] The man who replaced Kott.
[10:22:57] Truth.
[10:22:59] Actually, Turing's in playing the bootmaster.
[10:23:00] Basically it got into the casting curve then
[10:23:03] Sure guys, Nate pushed me onto the couch
[10:23:06] I wasn't going to retire but then he came along, you know?
[10:23:07] Single-handedly
[10:23:09] So what nurse do you think they're going to make this fight then, if they were going to make some changes?
[10:23:12] I think at the very least there's going to be a health nerf
[10:23:15] I'm not sure about how much
[10:23:18] For example
[10:23:20] in three minutes, like you have about three minutes for that even before the enrageable fight begins
[10:23:26] and
[10:23:27] in order to meet the DPS check you need to do about 1.4 million DPS on every single player
[10:23:35] across the board.
[10:23:36] Are you saying 330 once you get into phase 3?
[10:23:38] 350.
[10:23:39] Is that what liquid just wiped on now or did they wipe through the answer?
[10:23:42] No, they just died one by one because of crazy overlaps.
[10:23:46] You get into phase 3, you have about 3 minutes 30 to before you hit Enraged and
[10:23:50] you need roughly 1.4 million DPS per player with all that movement and they weed zero
[10:23:56] chance.
[10:23:57] exactly so it's a bit of a weird one there's basically you just there's a
[10:24:04] ring there's some rings that essentially just get start getting
[10:24:12] spammed that just kill you okay you just can't get over them yeah yeah pretty
[10:24:16] much this is no portal to take yeah so they actually start getting spammed at
[10:24:21] 330 into phase 3 yeah and it's not really any other way you can make a boss
[10:24:25] damage other than phase one right unless there's a secret mythic face so yeah
[10:24:30] it's unlikely that the boss is dying with the current health pool. You think apart
[10:24:35] from HP nerfs is there anything else that you think they should maybe look at
[10:24:38] maybe making it a little bit easier or adjusting like is there anything like
[10:24:40] phase one phase two that you think is a problem right now? In term for us
[10:24:46] specifically is like race guilds I don't I don't think so I think the
[10:24:50] boss is kind of like not perfect I think there's a lot of issues with it but I
[10:24:55] think you know we're making it work and it's kind of how it needs to be to make
[10:25:00] it difficult for us I think for everyone else who touches this boss the routes
[10:25:06] need to be nerfed having a specific comp solely to be able to deal with the
[10:25:10] routes is awful I think the blades in phase one probably something needs to
[10:25:18] happen to them because it's hell trying to dodge those but you think it's not
[10:25:23] together yeah yeah definitely like it cuts the play space a lot having so many
[10:25:28] blades going off at once I think they might touch some of the like damage
[10:25:34] numbers in regards to like what abilities are actually doing damage but I also
[10:25:40] think in the last phase those spiders that come from the roof they have way
[10:25:44] too many HP there's not is there you need blood loss for a wave and then
[10:25:47] and the one without bloodlust just casts too many times and people eventually die, so...
[10:25:52] What is that comment?
[10:25:56] Breaking news and chat guys, look at it, it might be disqualified.
[10:25:59] Great first message on the stream.
[10:26:01] Thank you for sharing that.
[10:26:03] No, but I definitely think the boss is getting nerfed.
[10:26:05] Last phase seemed super-actic.
[10:26:07] I was surprised on the first pull, I saw it, there was nothing going on and then everything happens at once.
[10:26:13] have no moment to chill or to cast an ability, just keep going and I don't think, I think
[10:26:20] they might change some timers there or maybe they expect you to just kill it before all
[10:26:25] the overlaps happen and eventually it gets you down.
[10:26:28] I don't know, Blizzard kind of likes just throwing everything at you at once, you know.
[10:26:33] Yeah, but it's too many HP, you know, 30%, I can see going to like 20% right now,
[10:26:38] but a simple HP nerf might not be enough, I feel like.
[10:26:42] Can you only make up damage in phase one and phase three? There's not anything you can do in phase two right now.
[10:26:47] There's like a very brief period before the boss gets their immunity shield where you can hit it as you finish the intermission, but outside of that you only make up damage in phase one and phase three.
[10:26:58] So what's the biggest challenge for our method right now? Like how do we make progress?
[10:27:02] Just consistency. A lot of people are making silly mistakes in phase one, getting hit by blades, popping the bombs at the wrong time.
[10:27:09] It's just a matter of consistently getting to phase 2 and once we're there,
[10:27:14] just, you know, banging our heads against the wall and making as much progress as we can.
[10:27:19] That's all that really matters at this point is just making sure we get to that second platform
[10:27:23] over and over again and everything before that needs to go smoothly.
[10:27:26] Do you enjoy these fighters you think?
[10:27:30] I like phase 2. I think phase 1 is pretty awful.
[10:27:33] It often feels like that on long, like on in-boss fights I think phase 1 just becomes an
[10:27:37] an absolute drag after you pulled it so many times.
[10:27:40] Depends from the boss.
[10:27:41] I mean, this one has a pretty hectic phase one.
[10:27:43] To be honest, I noticed the most deadly parts of the pools
[10:27:46] of every guild are the last wave of phase one
[10:27:49] with four circles.
[10:27:51] And then the intermission is also quite hectic,
[10:27:54] especially towards the end when people have high stacks.
[10:27:56] And if you get hit by two webs or poolings,
[10:28:00] you're basically dead because the stacks are already
[10:28:02] getting you down.
[10:28:02] And that part is very deadly.
[10:28:05] I feel like.
[10:28:06] There's some very precise timings going on behind the scenes as well in order to make your life easier in regards to the Intermission and Phase 2.
[10:28:17] But it's a very rough one to say the least.
[10:28:21] Do you guys have P.S. Signed positions for the Intermissions?
[10:28:25] It's rough but not pre-assigned.
[10:28:28] Yeah, that phase reminds me of Zof last phase, where you drop your thingy and then the room gets filled up.
[10:28:33] Yeah, kind of gave me similar vibes. I think it's a great intermission, but pretty hectic
[10:28:38] It is very similar to the Zofia. You probably shouldn't keep you on the couch for long though
[10:28:42] You got food to eat or not? Yes 30 minutes left. That's a longer break
[10:28:46] You should honestly use it to stretch your legs and eat to be honest. Yeah, I'll go get some fresh hair
[10:28:49] There is a storm outside
[10:28:55] Thanks for stopping by and give me something to say. Thank you mate. Yeah, give it up. Cheers. You can also find him on his own
[10:29:00] to its channel. The man who single handedly benched Kog and we have him here.
[10:29:06] Oh dear dude. So guys you heard it from Nate himself it's just exactly as you
[10:29:15] kind of been saying throughout the stream. It's just that there's so many
[10:29:17] unforgiving mechanics in phase one and it's just a case of people making a
[10:29:20] misstep making a mistake and when someone goes down you've got a
[10:29:26] combat res but if someone else goes down it's just GG it's just a hard
[10:29:31] fight. Phase one is quite long to get to the shield. It's like, what, three minutes
[10:29:35] through already? Something like that. Yeah, yeah.
[10:29:38] Two minutes, I think. Yeah, I don't know, guys. I don't know what changes can be made
[10:29:45] to this fight, but if Blizzard are going to make changes, I would honestly expect them
[10:29:48] to come real soon, because they obviously don't want to make changes that severely
[10:29:52] disadvantages one guild or, you know, or certain region, I guess you could say.
[10:29:57] So they make changes now, at least it's still, at least it's still evening European
[10:30:02] time if they make changes in like a few hours then obviously European guilds go to bed and North America gets to get back on track.
[10:30:06] These kind of changes are always a bit controversial right? We will never have happy fans or guilds when it comes to timing with these changes but
[10:30:14] at the end of the day I mean if a boss needs to get nerfed then definitely the best time is when both guilds are awake because otherwise you know
[10:30:22] the other guild can get tilted. We remember on Rasaget a similar situation happened and yeah
[10:30:28] we'd rather not see something like that again.
[10:30:31] Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see guys what happens here on this fight
[10:30:37] because that is the interesting thing about the fight is that where can you
[10:30:42] actually squeeze damage that's what it's just saying to me right you can only really do in
[10:30:44] phase one which you've already seen we're not gonna push much more damage into
[10:30:47] phase one are we but let's just say phase 160 percent then how you still
[10:30:52] yeah that's what I said a simple HP nerf is not gonna be enough you need to
[10:30:56] both nerf the HP and also make some overlaps in the last phase plus you
[10:31:01] adds HP, a bit lower, I mean it's not like you're gonna nerf 15% but you know
[10:31:06] something needs to happen to the boss so that you can actually get it down like
[10:31:10] on time without a massive nerf. So I'm curious to see what they're gonna do but
[10:31:16] I don't think like a 5% nerf or even like 8% is gonna be enough. I mean on
[10:31:24] heroic right now what percentage is the boss in phase 3 when you reach phase 3?
[10:31:27] I can't remember because each week you get so much more gear and then you know we were doing splits as well
[10:31:35] I don't know
[10:31:37] Guys, I mean there's obviously probably hope I hope there's some heroic raiders in the chat
[10:31:44] What kind of percentage you guys see on heroic Queen who you get there like roughly just to give us an idea
[10:31:54] Maybe there's not any work readers in chat. I don't know what you think
[10:31:56] I think all midi were first raiders.
[10:32:00] 35% forced phase.
[10:32:02] So basically you're saying 35 would be...
[10:32:04] Okay, that makes sense actually.
[10:32:06] So phase one ends, she instantly jumps up to the roof and does the shield at 35% and phase one basically, yeah?
[10:32:12] Yeah, but normally it's so easy, like I've never seen easier boss than Queen of Normal.
[10:32:17] So that's interesting, because how much damage did Liquid manage to do in the last phase?
[10:32:21] They probably did actually manage to do about 35%
[10:32:23] I don't know when the phase did, but yeah, potentially.
[10:32:26] Right now we're facing around like 6665.
[10:32:28] But keep in mind the first part of last phase, like the first minute, nothing happens.
[10:32:32] And then suddenly all the abilities start overlapping,
[10:32:36] it starts spawning, and it gets very hectic so that you lose DPS as well.
[10:32:41] It's kind of weird fighting.
[10:32:42] Yeah, when you think about it like this actually guys, I must admit,
[10:32:45] it kind of hints towards a secret phase, the way that the HP of the boss is actually.
[10:32:49] Yeah, like 25, you know, like would make sense though.
[10:32:51] Yeah.
[10:32:51] because I don't know, I don't see the boss dying
[10:32:55] that early. The way that this boss is set up right now guys it does definitely hit
[10:33:00] towards a secret phase I would say with this hit kind of HP.
[10:33:02] But then again, there's never been a secret phase on the boss without
[10:33:10] anyone data mining certain abilities. Yeah I mean I didn't think
[10:33:13] I honestly didn't expect it to be a secret phase but I must admit when you see this HP values.
[10:33:17] Yeah of course but I mean if you remember Jailer people expected a
[10:33:20] secret phase
[10:33:21] And yeah, yeah, of course Jailer also ends off people expected it
[10:33:28] You know you normally manage to always find about certain abilities or you get some leaks that there's gonna be one
[10:33:33] But I mean unless I've missed something nobody is expecting a secret phase on this fight and
[10:33:39] Judging by the length of it. I mean boss is like what 10 minutes by the time the rigid part
[10:33:44] I mean it would be okay still to have like 12 13 minutes, but I mean
[10:33:50] No they never had stuff in dungeon journal for secret phases, it was always like fully
[10:33:56] secret except a wowhead.
[10:33:58] Maybe Xylotath does come down.
[10:34:01] I don't even know who that is.
[10:34:03] It's the main villain of the book, Xylotath.
[10:34:05] Oh really?
[10:34:06] Was he the person that had the shadow priest when he was dead?
[10:34:08] Yeah, that's Xylotath.
[10:34:09] Oh yeah, makes sense.
[10:34:10] Guys, we've all been playing the game for a month, he doesn't know who Xylotath
[10:34:14] is.
[10:34:15] Yeah, I'm a new player guys.
[10:34:17] Teach me some lore here.
[10:34:18] You can't double-lust, you don't have enough time to double-lust. The boss fight, like the people only survive in like 8-9 minutes.
[10:34:29] I mean, if by any chance the Enriched Timer is different on Mythic, and it's like 11 or whatever, you're 100% going to double-lust.
[10:34:37] And then they would have to nerf for like some overlaps in the last phase, so you can get through it without like dying and stuff, without needing bloodlust.
[10:34:46] But yeah, we will see if they have different and rage timers right now. It's all an assumption compared to heroic
[10:34:53] You know who knows if there is a mythic face. Yeah, I mean, I think we all agree though in general that it's gonna be very very difficult
[10:35:01] To do that last 30% on the boss like with the way that face to you ramps up right now
[10:35:06] Yeah, so there's either there is either gonna be some kind of nerf on this fight most likely or there is gonna be a
[10:35:12] Secret phase like that's basically the two options true
[10:35:15] Like I don't think they can suddenly, I don't think they just cannot suddenly optimize and be able to do that much more damage
[10:35:22] Not even close, I mean I can see the boss getting to like 15% but lower than that I mean there's another good pool apparently
[10:35:32] Let's take a look
[10:35:34] I mean we're also fans of the race and I mean there are competitors right so we want to see what's going on
[10:35:43] I lost my turbo subscription today, it ran out
[10:35:48] They run out. So now I'm getting ads again. Damn.
[10:35:55] At the last phase everyone alive and they faced that 62% or 63%.
[10:36:04] 62%?
[10:36:05] Yeah, we can actually look how low it gets before it starts doing anything because right now there is really nothing going on.
[10:36:16] Do you get an obligation each pull? It's just you guys in chat, don't you?
[10:36:18] No, you guys told us in chat. I didn't have Twitch open. I don't even have the sounds of my phone or vibrations.
[10:36:27] But Argus's secret phase was a bit...
[10:36:29] I guess, yeah, you're right.
[10:36:34] Argus was kinda weird.
[10:36:36] We'll see how this goes for Liquid guys.
[10:36:38] Still nothing much happening until...
[10:36:40] It's very chill, it's exactly the same as phase 1 guys.
[10:36:42] The fight ramps up significantly.
[10:36:44] Yeah, around 50% stuff starts happening in 52.
[10:36:46] How are they handling the little spiders?
[10:36:49] Are they doing like a CC rotation close to the boss?
[10:36:51] Or maximum cleave?
[10:36:53] We're gonna see now I guess.
[10:36:55] Imagine you in the last phase and you get killed by an orb, yeah?
[10:37:02] Yeah.
[10:37:04] Just delete your character. Yeah. Oh
[10:37:08] My god is gambling it a bit
[10:37:11] Me maxing that damage, bro. Yeah
[10:37:14] Wish I was as good as I'm fired up. Oh
[10:37:17] My my phone just came on done again on here
[10:37:23] They go fixed
[10:37:25] They're playing really clean though. Gotta say yeah, like was playing really good
[10:37:30] Really good
[10:37:31] Even the spawning yeah, there's actually very close to the boss. Yeah
[10:37:34] So you're gonna need the CC rotation so you can clip them down
[10:37:38] Definitely stunning them down imagine somebody forgets the CC there damn
[10:37:44] Yeah, look what is actually a very good point now guys
[10:37:47] Very good pull from looking right now. They're going at 38% pop in blood loss. Who does?
[10:37:58] Yeah
[10:38:00] They have two races though both I think
[10:38:03] Or an only one
[10:38:06] geez
[10:38:08] Yeah, this this starts getting very hectic now you will see what I mean
[10:38:13] What are you two doing?
[10:38:15] Watching liquids pull in now. They're doing really good pull at the moment. Right
[10:38:25] What do they like to I think maybe there's more spiders in the boss. I don't know
[10:38:30] I'm a part of the sofa now. Do you do look at actually have 10 people from Europe still in the gold?
[10:38:35] Who's like who's not 10, but I think they're a lot obviously up to a wall scott impact
[10:38:40] Scott, Scott's girlfriend who's currently taking a break because of studies I think.
[10:38:48] You guys, food's here too if you want to go, right?
[10:38:52] Yeah, yeah.
[10:38:53] So, then they have Taubo obviously, four, they have Riku, Riku's brother, Renako, six.
[10:39:01] Wait, we can't as well play in that one.
[10:39:03] Riku XD.
[10:39:04] Really?
[10:39:05] Yeah.
[10:39:06] He's been there since like Sebulker, yeah?
[10:39:07] Or even Sanctum actually, they joined Sanctum.
[10:39:10] Both him and his brother play in the liquid, yeah.
[10:39:12] Yeah, since they're sanctum of domination.
[10:39:16] You've got your own special bag of food.
[10:39:18] Oh.
[10:39:19] Apparently you have a special order.
[10:39:20] Oh no.
[10:39:21] Uber, Person, Toby.
[10:39:23] Seriously?
[10:39:24] Yeah, it's like a Sco bag.
[10:39:25] It's literally got Sco on the bag.
[10:39:27] So whatever you've got in there.
[10:39:28] I'm kinda getting a bit suspicious about this food place now because
[10:39:31] because yesterday they put lollipops on my food.
[10:39:35] Maybe you have some...
[10:39:36] Got some enmaras from Yam in the chat.
[10:39:38] I think the place that's giving us food
[10:39:40] Maybe there's some methods for crashing out on the scope
[10:39:45] Yeah, they were in the chat some days ago, maybe they saw me on the couch your food's out there to be good
[10:39:50] I put it on for you
[10:39:53] Well, when's the jerry's coming on it's coming on in 10 minutes you guys can go though. I can talk to chat
[10:39:57] It's fine. All right chat. You heard it, right?
[10:40:00] Am I allowed to go eat and get the gains?
[10:40:05] If you leave the couch before it 30 then you get fined. Oh, no
[10:40:09] me so I'm just free to leave is the boss
[10:40:17] yeah I go for it one get your gains right get your gains wait let me put
[10:40:23] my shoes on first the last method world first was Queen of Shower in 2019 guys
[10:40:29] it's been five years a long time long time between drinks but we're coming
[10:40:35] back for it guys. We will get that 13th world first chat,
[10:40:38] showing you're already looking smaller. You need to go
[10:40:40] eight. For now, I'm still retired for sure. For sure,
[10:40:47] Maple. Um if you do exclamation mark retired, there's a video
[10:40:49] where I speak about it and my time is definitely better
[10:40:50] spent doing what I do now rather than being in the raid
[10:40:54] specifically. I think it's a player. Um there's a lot that
[10:40:57] goes on behind the scenes that helps us be more competitive
[10:40:59] as an as an organization as a guild. Um yeah. What I did
[10:41:06] see you all earlier on bro. I don't know if you get Bill's notification.
[10:41:16] See you chat. See you chat. It was a pleasure and we meet again tomorrow for the late shift.
[10:41:22] For the late shift. I just realised that Dark Mac is sitting in Logox old spot.
[10:41:26] Yeah and it's all the sweat spot too. I've got pants on thank God. But I'm in a move.
[10:41:35] I don't need none of that logok sweat
[10:41:38] Don't tell mr. GM chat mr. GM can sit there when he gets here
[10:41:43] Yeah, guys indeed
[10:41:45] I'm really full
[10:41:47] I ate a lot of food. What did you have?
[10:41:50] the
[10:41:51] the burger and fries
[10:41:54] Yeah, I got the smash burger. Yes, they just to try it out for the first time
[10:41:58] The fries felt like it was just too much with the burger very full. Yeah, I'm very very full right now
[10:42:03] I haven't talked to our old for many many years guys to be honest ever since he
[10:42:06] We were kind of retired from the game. I haven't seen him for like five actually longer than that. Yes, like ten years
[10:42:11] I did actually mean once in Paris
[10:42:14] At the same time that I actually originally met I think I met Crella on that trip as well long time ago
[10:42:20] That's where the pictures actually from in the aunt video. I think is our sitting around like a table in Paris
[10:42:25] I think it's in that video at least but I also met our old at gamescom several times as well a couple of games comes
[10:42:31] There you go chat, so no hard feelings.
[10:42:34] No hard feelings, no.
[10:42:36] He's just a passionate Frenchman, you know?
[10:42:38] Nothing wrong with that.
[10:42:39] A passionate Frenchman, a passionate Scott.
[10:42:41] Nothing wrong with two passionate people doing what they love.
[10:42:43] Scott and the France have always had quite a strong connection to me for her.
[10:42:47] You look a bit tired.
[10:42:51] Yeah, I guess so.
[10:42:54] I think you look all right.
[10:42:56] I haven't been sleeping that well to be honest.
[10:42:58] I don't know why.
[10:43:00] Ever since that 4am, sulking court kill.
[10:43:03] I think I just messed up my sleep schedule.
[10:43:06] Yeah.
[10:43:07] I think it's, it's been warm too, in the hotel I reckon.
[10:43:11] I haven't noticed that.
[10:43:13] Have you ever noticed that?
[10:43:14] No.
[10:43:15] I haven't noticed that.
[10:43:20] Oh dear.
[10:43:21] Well, 15 minutes left of dinner time for the Raiders.
[10:43:27] And then we progress into the night till 2am.
[10:43:30] Yeah, there's a lot of history between Scotland and France indeed.
[10:43:35] mostly against the English.
[10:43:38] Got a question about your woop band mate. Do you like your woop band?
[10:43:41] I do like my woop band actually.
[10:43:43] Do you know the one thing that I don't like about woops in the garments and that is the
[10:43:48] morning reports.
[10:43:50] If you don't sleep well.
[10:43:52] Yeah you feel like you can't really do that.
[10:43:54] And it doesn't regardless of how you feel,
[10:43:56] if your watch tells you that you feel like ass,
[10:43:59] it instantly sets you off on the wrong foot.
[10:44:01] I don't like that.
[10:44:02] Yeah, yeah. I understand that.
[10:44:04] It was actually one of my hesitations as well, but then again, I've always been like quite a data guy, so I quite like it
[10:44:13] Like I'd rather know over the long term if I'm sleeping well or if there's actually some improvements I can make. Yeah. Yeah, it's fair. I
[10:44:20] Do quite enjoy the data side of things. It's not just the sleeping. It's also like the
[10:44:26] HRV monitor. Yeah, the garment does that was
[10:44:29] Yeah, yeah, because I've started doing a bit more cardio activity recently as well
[10:44:33] Like so I'm curious to see if it like it's increasing some of my any like my metrics. Yeah, so I got a
[10:44:39] Four-runner nine six five. So I got the top four on a model
[10:44:43] And at least it doesn't have a subscription like whoop
[10:44:46] But is it much more expensive to buy up front because the whoops like grand for the watch. Oh, that's expensive
[10:44:51] Yeah, that's is that a million dollars. Yeah
[10:44:53] Yeah, that's like a currency I don't even know you'll probably be able to find that change in your car
[10:45:00] What's like a thousand Australian dollars and US dollars in US dollars?
[10:45:04] Probably like
[10:45:06] 780 or something almost 800. Yeah
[10:45:09] toya
[10:45:13] thousand AUD to USD
[10:45:16] That's 690 bucks overvalued our dollar so it's about $700 for thousand. Yeah
[10:45:22] That's like a whoops description I believe like I'm not 100% like sure about things like $30
[10:45:31] month or something. It's expensive but I mean it depends what you're using it for too. It's
[10:45:36] never a bad investment if it's in your health either. It's been warmer over here this time.
[10:45:46] Last time we were here it was cold. It was freezing. It wasn't freezing but it was
[10:45:50] cold. I did go to the Christmas markets and I was not prepared with colder weather.
[10:45:57] I mean, it's the end of September right now in New York City, and I'm still walking around in a T-shirt most of the time.
[10:46:01] Yeah. Mind you though, in saying that, I walk around in a T-shirt, and everyone else is in like, full jackets, full pants.
[10:46:08] I guess that's just all relative climbing.
[10:46:10] Yeah, from the cold of climate.
[10:46:12] But it's been good being back here, actually. I do enjoy coming to the Westworld first year in the league camp.
[10:46:19] Yeah, it's always a good time.
[10:46:21] I'm really enjoying the old school gym as well, actually.
[10:46:24] Yeah, I haven't gone to the old school gym this time, but I have gone for many runs.
[10:46:28] gone and seen the sights that's been good it's a nice area it really is a nice
[10:46:34] area I would really like to go to Heidelberg I might try and stop and
[10:46:40] see Heidelberg on the way back to Frankfurt maybe it's supposed to be
[10:46:44] really beautiful I would say the biggest thing that the 4D banholler method
[10:46:48] guys was that it's basically left all of it is extremely tired going into
[10:46:51] mythic like we grinded so hard on the four days of work that we still
[10:46:56] hard to try and catch up at night in level. We didn't do as much min-maxing as we would
[10:47:00] have otherwise. And we just obviously entered the mythic race already extremely tired, like
[10:47:05] kind of a little bit burnt out already, right? We had to squeeze so much into four days.
[10:47:10] So I would say that's been a pretty big impact. Yeah.
[10:47:15] Big rum I did get Barbie on a bike. Completed.
[10:47:19] Got Barbie on a bike and an Umbreon plush toy.
[10:47:23] I'm all set. Spectators allowed at the leak camp.
[10:47:36] I don't know.
[10:47:40] No.
[10:47:42] No, I'm sorry. No, no, no.
[10:47:45] I don't think so. No.
[10:47:48] I didn't buy the Barbie here for any reason.
[10:47:52] I just needed presents for the kids because if you go overseas you have to bring back presents and I
[10:48:00] Asked the kids what they wanted and one of them wanted Barbie on a bike
[10:48:05] All right guys. I see mr. GM in the kitchen. He's gonna come and replace me on the couch in a second
[10:48:12] And I believe you're also casting worth
[10:48:14] Djs coming on about nine. Oh, okay
[10:48:17] Go and enjoy your food though mate. All right guys. Well, it was great hanging out with you
[10:48:20] I'll be on the stream on my PC while I eat, so see you guys soon in the chat. Bye bye
[10:48:26] Big thanks to sco always nice to have the boss man in here chat
[10:48:31] We're going enjoy his gains now also
[10:48:37] Welcome mr. GM
[10:48:39] to the couch
[10:48:45] Yeah, mr. Do you want these?
[10:48:50] Mr. GM was on to us mr. GM new I reckon
[10:48:54] Mr. GM new
[10:48:56] What am I knowing I was gonna get you to sit in a sweaty seat
[10:49:00] I was sitting here, but his legs had beat
[10:49:04] Like I'm sweaty bro
[10:49:08] Sweaty bro
[10:49:10] Hello chat. I have so much spilt down this hoodie, but you guys can't see it. It looks clean man
[10:49:16] Are you hot though because it's warm in here
[10:49:20] Probably get pretty to see of the next like seven hours. We're here. Yeah, you probably well seven hours of fly by too
[10:49:26] They are doing
[10:49:28] Really wait what happened? Why is it all switched around?
[10:49:31] Yeah, I noticed that too and it I didn't it my brain doesn't cope with change very well this deep into something
[10:49:39] I wonder if it's because we were looking at that and it looked like we were looking the wrong way
[10:49:43] Maybe I mean this is a bigger TV. Oh
[10:49:47] That makes way more sense. That's no idea what we're talking about. Yeah chat is a TV above
[10:49:53] Chris my finger is
[10:49:55] And we used to have the gameplay on that one
[10:49:57] But now the TV has the gameplay on the bottom one and
[10:50:02] All the other screens on the top one, so we're just using this camera from now on yeah
[10:50:06] We're just gonna cast from that one. This is the boss seat. This is this is the scope seat
[10:50:11] Yeah, do you feel like a boss? It's just so much more comfy than sitting over there. I enjoy that seat
[10:50:16] Yeah, enjoy that seat a good one
[10:50:19] Yeah, what's been going on chat are we winning really breaking the third wall here people are gonna know
[10:50:24] We're sitting on the green screen. Well, it's not green. It's just the background. We're in the Ruby in Palace
[10:50:30] Ruby ends. Why is everyone locked out?
[10:50:33] They had enough
[10:50:35] So I'm just done with this boss
[10:50:38] And I've had enough. All right
[10:50:40] We're not in the actual raid. I told you they caught on the fourth wall has been broken
[10:50:49] I'm so full. Oh, yeah, I had a pizza. Well, I had that burger and two chips
[10:50:54] Double chips again. Yeah well remember how I didn't know that burgers came with chips so I ordered chips
[10:51:01] So I got sweet potato fries normal fries and the burger. I didn't tell sco that had double chips
[10:51:06] No, no, well, I mean logok has like four different that's true
[10:51:09] But I'm very full now. It's good full bellies ready for some progression
[10:51:14] You know what? I really am ready for some progression on this boss. I have well and truly
[10:51:20] Had enough
[10:51:22] Are you a children?
[10:51:24] Are you a children?
[10:51:26] I could be a children, maybe.
[10:51:28] I totally agree with who would I leave.
[10:51:30] Yeah, they were actually waiting for Shaker to leave.
[10:51:32] Oh, it's no flame in the chat.
[10:51:34] No flame?
[10:51:36] Really excited to see no flame debut
[10:51:39] on the method analyst roster.
[10:51:41] Yeah, be good.
[10:51:42] Just here.
[10:51:43] Actually so good.
[10:51:44] Guys, these are Christmas socks.
[10:51:47] That's how long I've been here.
[10:51:49] Last Christmas.
[10:51:51] Amid yourself
[10:51:54] No, I wasn't I was busy last time when I how good's being the children
[10:52:03] Fabio joining
[10:52:05] Half an hour
[10:52:07] No, no, no, no, no, you got to sit in there. You're gonna have to go to the law
[10:52:12] You gotta sit in the sweat spot. You just got over covered your immune system strong. Yeah
[10:52:21] Yeah, that's right. Just jump over the table. Yeah, he'll be right Fabo. Yeah
[10:52:27] But yeah, yeah chat how long we've been here like 20 days. I feel like it's been a while. It's nearly October 10 days
[10:52:36] 11 days. Yeah, two weeks on Monday
[10:52:40] We haven't got any p3 it pulls yet YouTube chat
[10:52:45] hopefully
[10:52:47] Hopefully after dinner we do get to the final platform. I could smell log
[10:52:53] it's like he's been here yeah he's the seat still warm my legs on it still warm
[10:53:00] why was he sweating so much cuz he's a big man the furnace is burning the
[10:53:05] furnace is burning for the big dog oh when fate picks well you take a
[10:53:12] screenshot yeah
[10:53:15] Yeah, we're gonna absorb the gains.
[10:53:23] How long do you have a studio space for? I wonder if it takes another week?
[10:53:27] First of October, I think, is the deadline.
[10:53:30] Yeah, if it hits the first of October, we're in big trouble.
[10:53:34] What on Earth is wiki feet?
[10:53:36] Wiki feet? I assume it's wikipedia for feet.
[10:53:40] I don't think it exists.
[10:53:42] it exists.
[10:53:43] Wicked feet.
[10:53:44] It is soon.
[10:53:45] I honestly think though that Blizzard will give Liquid today and if Liquid don't kill
[10:53:52] it or look like they're really close to killing it, I think Blizzard will push the boss off
[10:53:57] a cliff.
[10:53:58] Well, not hard off a cliff but just down the hill.
[10:54:03] Feet of the day, feet of the week, happy birthday to Jenna or Tager.
[10:54:08] Happy birthday everyone.
[10:54:10] Everyone's got to know who else's birthday it is today, according to wikifeet.
[10:54:14] It's Avril Lavigne.
[10:54:16] I love Avril Lavigne.
[10:54:18] I was convinced when I was going to...
[10:54:20] There's a lot of feet.
[10:54:22] When I had tickets to when we were young, and Avril was playing her first concert back,
[10:54:26] I was convinced I was going to run into her, and then we go away and get married
[10:54:30] in Las Vegas.
[10:54:31] Makes sense.
[10:54:32] It's going to be really romantic.
[10:54:33] My wife was full endorsing of it as well.
[10:54:35] I mean, I would too.
[10:54:36] Avril, yeah.
[10:54:37] This is a weird website.
[10:54:39] Record scores on here.
[10:54:40] Celebrity search.
[10:54:41] Let's go.
[10:54:44] When's the last time I had a Vigimite scroll
[10:54:46] off from Bakers to Light?
[10:54:48] Nice, Donna.
[10:54:48] Be a while ago.
[10:54:49] Be a couple of months since I've had a Vigimite scroll.
[10:54:52] Vigimite scrolls go hard.
[10:54:56] No results.
[10:54:58] Anyone have any suggestions for add-ons
[10:55:00] to get more clarity on debuffs and interrupts?
[10:55:02] We got ours.
[10:55:06] How did we end up with Fee Enjoyer Castors?
[10:55:08] Well, I never said I enjoyed Fee.
[10:55:10] I was just curious.
[10:55:11] He taught me a key when Aussie.
[10:55:13] Uh, nope.
[10:55:14] Nah, didn't think so.
[10:55:16] Avril Lafitte.
[10:55:18] I've seen Avril Lafitte, actually.
[10:55:19] She pulled the biggest crowd at Glastonbury.
[10:55:22] Avril's awesome.
[10:55:22] Don't get me.
[10:55:22] She was huge.
[10:55:23] It was great.
[10:55:24] I loved it.
[10:55:25] Gwen Stefani.
[10:55:26] Oh, Gwen Stefani.
[10:55:28] When she released like, um, Hollaback Girl.
[10:55:31] Oh, yeah, yeah.
[10:55:33] And Harajuku Girls.
[10:55:35] Have you ever seen a Huntsman Spider?
[10:55:36] Sure have.
[10:55:39] Sure have.
[10:55:40] What's a Vegemite Scroll?
[10:55:42] It's a scroll.
[10:55:43] That was like a rolled up.
[10:55:44] Vegemite into it.
[10:55:45] Yeah.
[10:55:46] Like you like.
[10:55:47] You bake it.
[10:55:48] It's rolled.
[10:55:49] It's really nice.
[10:55:50] That's not.
[10:55:53] Dealicious.
[10:55:54] Were you in there, in the crowd?
[10:55:55] From bakers to like.
[10:55:56] Why was I talking about Vegemite Scrolls from bakers to like?
[10:55:59] Because when I visited Australia, there was one thing that I couldn't live without.
[10:56:03] You live in Australia?
[10:56:05] No, I don't.
[10:56:06] Oh, no.
[10:56:07] Yeah, you're British.
[10:56:08] Yeah.
[10:56:09] British!
[10:56:10] You sound like you're from London!
[10:56:12] yep everyone in England just sounds like Stormzy yeah that works three minutes
[10:56:22] left on the break time off that means they're arriving back at the desks I
[10:56:28] mean Wildy wearing the same hoodie he does have a blue hoodie on me blue hoodie
[10:56:35] brothers there's currently one raider at their pace here to that there's two
[10:56:39] there's two now there's two. Bristolites has arrived well Wildy's just in the
[10:56:43] middle of a mythic plus? Oh chat we just have to play something quickly before the
[10:56:52] break ends so we're gonna throw to that and then Stan and I and our feet will
[10:56:57] be back. Smooth transitions are my speciality. Well that is a big big toe
[10:58:40] isn't it? Oh welcome back everybody. Welcome back to the race world first.
[10:58:46] Oh god, I'll pull it off the thing with the thing.
[10:58:49] Careful mate.
[10:58:50] Yeah, I'm bloody...
[10:58:51] Just careful mate.
[10:58:52] That's a silly boy.
[10:58:53] 45 seconds left of the break, the raiders aren't there, that means?
[10:58:59] Uh, we wait longer.
[10:59:00] We wait even longer for the pull.
[10:59:03] Is Sco in the raid team?
[10:59:06] No.
[10:59:09] No.
[10:59:09] Ugg, how you going mate?
[10:59:12] How would you pronounce that?
[10:59:13] Ugg, well...
[10:59:15] Oog. Oog. Way.
[10:59:18] They look like Oogway. Looks like Oogway, Legway.
[10:59:20] Looks like one of those captures when they're like, are you a robot? I can't have to type that in.
[10:59:24] I'm terrible at pronouncing names. I don't know, you go, but when somebody like
[10:59:28] subs on Twitch or whatever and I have to read out their name unless it's like really straightforward
[10:59:32] I am just like so dumb.
[10:59:34] Oh, this is Sarah.
[10:59:36] Oh, it's Sarah.
[10:59:37] Foxy.
[10:59:38] What the fuck, Sarah?
[10:59:43] Foxy in the chat.
[10:59:45] our amazing producer for just we got sick of this boss and left yeah well Liam
[10:59:56] did abandon her yeah Liam did let her walk all the way alone alone through the
[11:00:02] German streets at night someone just asked me I think something about a
[11:00:06] poisonous animal huntsman huntsman's not poisonous oh yeah I missed it now the
[11:00:12] chat's gone
[11:00:14] no scrolling
[11:00:15] if you would like to ask that again i will answer it
[11:00:18] that town just passed camber
[11:00:21] isn't that the capital
[11:00:22] canabra, yep, near a-cell-e-t-i
[11:00:25] am i afraid of poisonous animals now
[11:00:29] it's really not that bad
[11:00:31] lots of people freak out about stuff in australia but honestly it's really not that bad
[11:00:35] yeah but is that just an australian hat?
[11:00:37] i think it's just because you guys don't have anything
[11:00:39] we literally have nothing in England that could kill you apart from like maybe
[11:00:43] like a chaff or something
[11:00:44] i think that is the problem
[11:00:49] are you afraid of big toes
[11:00:51] uh... i don't mind the old big toes really i guess
[11:00:54] everyone can have their thing but feets never been mine
[11:00:57] yeah don't yuck someone else is yum
[11:00:59] no, if someone wants to get down on toes that's cool
[11:01:03] each to their own
[11:01:06] can't wait to cause worlds
[11:01:11] I'm sure they'll ask me, that'd be great.
[11:01:13] Yeah, I think this is the real.
[11:01:15] Oh man.
[11:01:19] Yeah, Eshaz, I'd be far more worried about Eshaz.
[11:01:23] Eshaz, no there's Nike TN runners.
[11:01:28] Yeah.
[11:01:29] So they wear those, and they generally have like a bum bag on.
[11:01:33] OK.
[11:01:34] Why do they got a bum bag on?
[11:01:35] They just do.
[11:01:37] Uh, and...
[11:01:39] They'll likely want to fight you.
[11:01:41] Ah, they're Australian chefs.
[11:01:44] Yeah, maybe.
[11:01:46] Maybe.
[11:01:47] What were the Redneck people called?
[11:01:50] Bogans.
[11:01:50] Bogans.
[11:01:52] What's, uh, there's an Australian name for an English person, isn't there? What's that?
[11:01:56] Pom.
[11:01:57] Pomie.
[11:01:57] Pomie, yeah.
[11:01:59] Five pound pomie or whatever. Ten pound pomie.
[11:02:01] Pomie.
[11:02:02] Exchange rates, yeah.
[11:02:04] Aussie roadmen.
[11:02:05] I heard the venomous ones are the tasty ones
[11:02:08] It's a message from Marius, Marius is right there, he just said on the mic
[11:02:12] It might be
[11:02:14] Delicious venomous snakes
[11:02:21] Well we do have raiders returning to their PC so
[11:02:27] You can do anything, we got a long wire now don't we
[11:02:30] I'll see you later Dan, I'm out of here, enjoy your cast
[11:02:33] It's the end of the shift
[11:02:34] That's the end of the vass, that's all for me
[11:02:36] You're not sitting in the wet chair
[11:02:40] What does the fox say?
[11:02:44] Is hunting legal in Australia?
[11:02:47] You can go spotlightin' for rabbits?
[11:02:50] Spotlighting?
[11:02:51] Yeah, they're like spotlightin' rabbits.
[11:02:56] I don't think we have a massive hunting culture in Australia,
[11:02:58] but I'm not a hunter, so probably not really
[11:03:01] want to speak to that.
[11:03:02] You ever watch outdoor boys on YouTube?
[11:03:04] No, I've never seen outdoor boys.
[11:03:06] Do you like boys that go outside?
[11:03:09] I mean, there are boys, and they do it outside.
[11:03:10] true man but shanny outdoor boys and joys it's like a dad and he goes out and
[11:03:17] he lives in Alaska and he just like goes out there and lives off nothing okay he's
[11:03:21] just out there just like killing killing animals you know yeah it's pretty
[11:03:27] brutal pretty crazy though he's I lived under like it made a hot hour of like
[11:03:31] snow and it was like he was like yeah my cave in and he's like good night
[11:03:36] Yeah, there is something called the emu wars
[11:03:42] Yeah, it's weird
[11:03:44] You know wars. Yeah, we had a war with emus. I spent like
[11:03:48] 9,000 bullets or something like that remember how I told you like our army was full of stormtroopers. Oh, yeah
[11:03:53] Yeah, they couldn't kill the emus Australian. Did you lose war? I'll tell you hold on
[11:03:58] The emu war was a nuisance wildlife management military operation undertaken in Australia in
[11:04:04] in 1932 to address public concern over the number of emus.
[11:04:11] So, we deployed a full military operation against emus.
[11:04:22] Did you win?
[11:04:24] So, it began in October 1932 with the Royal Australian artillery 7th heavy artillery division.
[11:04:40] We fired over 10,000 rounds of ammunition.
[11:04:45] The rain ceased the operation a little bit and not only did we fail but there was a first
[11:04:50] attempt and I'm assuming there's a second attempt so then there's an aftermath
[11:04:56] so it's still immune in Australia yeah they're still immune they're passed they're
[11:05:00] quite not they're not but they're scary birds yeah they're like ostriches right
[11:05:04] yeah they are but like you can at the wildlife parks you can feed them like
[11:05:08] they're very I don't know they just they don't make me they're not a
[11:05:11] comfortable creature what they call it war they're just going going at them
[11:05:18] So how could you lose how could you lose to emus? I don't know. Yeah, what about the kangaroo?
[11:05:23] Well, I guess that hasn't happened yet with your boy. No, you're a guy still safe
[11:05:28] Uruguay remains
[11:05:35] Each have to fight three and a half kangaroos before it was 14 it might have been 40 there's a lot kangaroos
[11:05:41] was. This boss, this boss has actually just been a pain.
[11:05:48] It's a little rough here.
[11:05:50] Liquid are chomping at, oh Echo's had a massive pull.
[11:05:53] Oh yeah, 33.
[11:05:54] Yeah, so Echo have struggled all day and then they have just shrunked 14% off their day.
[11:06:03] I mean to be honest, like I feel like you get into P3 clean, you're going to be looking
[11:06:06] at a percentage like that.
[11:06:07] Maybe a higher.
[11:06:08] Maybe you'll definitely get a percentage down but P3 is all kinds of like Barney bananas
[11:06:16] We need to get there like we really need to get there like hot pot hero
[11:06:21] Absolutely hot on our heels and overtaken us on pool count now wait
[11:06:25] They've actually ever taken us in percentage and phase why they're not ahead of us
[11:06:31] I mean, that's a that's a that's an interesting point
[11:06:41] Maybe lost on pool and then we'll see how far we get and just keep going with that
[11:06:45] They might not be as deep into p2. Maybe I don't know, but we really do need to get a wriggle on yeah
[11:06:51] And well, I mean to be fair. They just had a break so I reckon they should just have like another break
[11:06:56] We reckon well they've got well fed
[11:06:59] You got their food buff you going in sweat corner now. Well. He wasn't in the corner
[11:07:03] So the corner still safe
[11:07:05] Fabo's gonna sit there. Oh
[11:07:07] Yeah, no, it's on his legs. Yeah, it was like beads of sweat was like
[11:07:13] Did you ever see the add for new finished car polish where the water still beads after a year after you wet like you wax your car?
[11:07:20] Kind of like that. Oh, that's okay. This is fine
[11:07:28] What horde healer place for a healer race combo should I mean this league and dark mech?
[11:07:34] What should I name it? Oh, that's a good question
[11:07:36] Well one I wouldn't actually if you want to succeed in life
[11:07:39] I wouldn't even bother with the horde to be honest, you know, I'd go
[11:07:42] You know alliance lots of good choices on the alliance
[11:07:45] you know if you're a fan of blood elves we also have void elves they go way cool
[11:07:48] ahead you know you've got if you had to go horde if you had to go horde it's got
[11:07:57] to be a an earthen because they're basically alliance so yeah oral or a
[11:08:02] vulpera with an earthen so vulpera killer we're gonna go we're gonna be a
[11:08:12] vulpera holy priest and what's the holy priest name for the vulpera where
[11:08:21] the fox a heel there we are there it is good luck with your character there it
[11:08:27] is not sure that'll fit in the name no I mean they can make it work you can make
[11:08:33] it work use some creative personalized number plate spelling and put some
[11:08:38] numbers in there yeah yeah I wish we got a Merlach race this expansion so random
[11:08:44] introducing you know what it makes sense to find in the cage of spiders a
[11:08:51] I'm Merlock Race
[11:08:53] We got those big dope people there, the uh, Coybus or whatever, they're terrifying
[11:08:57] Uh, I don't think we got any gambling there, I'll be honest
[11:08:59] Nah
[11:09:00] No gambling
[11:09:02] Zero gambles
[11:09:03] Zero gambles
[11:09:05] I was jamming out to Max's stream, he's just got like copyright music, just blaring
[11:09:09] He was listening to me music earlier on live
[11:09:11] How's that happen?
[11:09:12] That's because he's down to his own stream, obviously
[11:09:14] Uh, yeah, and I think they probably split the audio, right?
[11:09:16] Yeah, they would
[11:09:19] Wish we did that
[11:09:20] Is that I guess an L, but it's like a lower case. So it looks like ti. Yeah
[11:09:24] It's so consistent. I'm playing off there. Oh holds
[11:09:30] And I thought we had a percentage of the bomb for mind care for a quick break
[11:09:35] Liquid are absolutely blasting this tier which again, we really do need to get a move on
[11:09:42] But we have now come back home food ready checks gone up
[11:09:46] We have what five hours left of Raid?
[11:09:50] I wasn't even trying, I didn't even have well fed, like in game.
[11:09:55] There it is.
[11:09:58] We have five hours, five hours of Raid left and it is absolutely imperative that we get a phase 3 chat.
[11:10:06] We gotta get it going.
[11:10:10] What's the closest pin today? I saw him on the second platform for a little bit.
[11:10:14] We got to the top platform to go over.
[11:10:16] How many is there? Two?
[11:10:17] Three.
[11:10:18] So you go to the first one, up, and then up again to the third.
[11:10:21] So are they lusting on that platform?
[11:10:23] We're saling us for the final out on the top platform.
[11:10:26] It looks like we did move LUS there though, which was good.
[11:10:31] So they came for the shield when everyone's alive?
[11:10:34] Getting through the shield without any issues.
[11:10:37] Just have to get through that last platform to get over to P3.
[11:10:43] Makes sense.
[11:10:44] Makes sense.
[11:10:45] but needs to happen like
[11:10:48] has to happen
[11:10:50] gotta go gotta go kinda deal
[11:10:52] well I reckon Dan's gonna choose a good
[11:10:54] transformation item
[11:10:55] that's gonna bring him to deeps
[11:10:57] to big deeps
[11:10:59] have they been wiping a lot into P1?
[11:11:02] uh...
[11:11:03] they were really consistent towards the end
[11:11:07] before dinner to be honest
[11:11:09] and then
[11:11:10] they just sorta
[11:11:12] they have these periods where they kind of go into self-destruct mode and then
[11:11:18] they resurrect themselves and then just very up and down consistency's been
[11:11:24] sort of a real issue but far better like tonight than ever in regards to getting
[11:11:31] over to platforms at least you get some practice with shadow gates and stuff
[11:11:34] like that yeah so well fed buff let's see how we go first pull back from
[11:11:41] you know. Damn running fury, the three buttons you can tell that he's pressing. We have a
[11:11:48] lot of damage, like this isn't a damage problem, like what I mean we haven't even had a chance
[11:11:54] for the fight to become a damage problem. It is just it's a mechanical execution fight
[11:11:59] which generally you know echo a very very good art and the same for liquid they just
[11:12:06] tend to be able to sort of pull a little bit faster and work things out on the fly.
[11:12:11] really think we need to figure out how to sit between that yeah I did notice that
[11:12:18] actually when I was watching Max earlier and there's a yeah they were just
[11:12:23] they were just throwing it and they were just yeah they were just a
[11:12:26] bashing their heads against the wall and working it out as they go along and
[11:12:29] I think that I find that to be a better tactic but obviously you know I'm not
[11:12:33] in there I'm not Biff and I'm not you know any of the officers or analysts so
[11:12:37] they you know they have their ways yeah sometimes it works sometimes it
[11:12:42] And I think all of that stuff will come out in post-mortem anyway in regards to like, what do we need to improve? Where do we lose time?
[11:12:49] Yeah.
[11:12:50] Blah blah blah blah, they'll work all that stuff out. They're very very clever like that.
[11:12:55] Uh, who are you? And what's your gear score? I don't think I've had gear score since Rathalischking, I'll be honest.
[11:13:03] So I don't know. Could be anything.
[11:13:07] Roots here? No deaths.
[11:13:10] Just like, and we've been unlucky even like sometimes stacking like roots and then like
[11:13:16] someone will die to that or someone will die to that or blade or just like really unlucky
[11:13:20] things and it's just like you can't do that phase 2 with people dead.
[11:13:26] Like it just doesn't, it just doesn't work.
[11:13:29] Yeah.
[11:13:30] Use the 3.
[11:13:31] Ooh a little bit of confusion but we work it out.
[11:13:35] So your prediction originally was it goes down Friday night which is tonight?
[11:13:39] uh... for anyone
[11:13:41] yeah i thought
[11:13:42] was curious if liquid would kill it like
[11:13:45] tonight for them
[11:13:46] we've got thefts
[11:13:50] so many thefts
[11:13:51] we'll just jump off at this stage
[11:13:53] no they're gonna keep going
[11:13:54] they're gonna keep going
[11:13:55] they're gonna die
[11:13:56] it's not worth it
[11:13:57] you're just not gonna get anywhere
[11:14:01] alright well good pool lads care for a quick repose
[11:14:05] and hopefully a really quick pop up
[11:14:08] and send it again
[11:14:11] ain't no way
[11:14:14] it's just like crazy
[11:14:16] like how much strategy are they talking between
[11:14:20] between pools
[11:14:21] but what does it talk about
[11:14:23] i don't know i also like uh...
[11:14:25] i'm obviously cautious that
[11:14:28] they are a lot smarter than
[11:14:31] we are
[11:14:32] that's true i mean they're very intelligent and it is their
[11:14:35] uh... guild and the way that they want to do things so definitely don't want
[11:14:39] to come across as a
[11:14:41] as a doomer of
[11:14:43] process. I think it's just because I want to see, like I think it's because everyone just wants to see them
[11:14:49] make further progression into the boss
[11:14:55] Sometimes it can be like
[11:14:58] We core are fixing do you know what I mean? Like sometimes they might get to a pool
[11:15:02] It might not go so well and then the reason that they're standing around is because like I came out of the shadowgate
[11:15:09] The week I told me to go right and it's like what it's supposed to tell you to get left
[11:15:12] So then they get someone to fix that before like so it can be things like that too. Yeah
[11:15:18] Yeah, it's very true. I mean, we're not always listening to the comms. Anyway, so I'm sure it doesn't I think that our incomes
[11:15:24] If we want to listen to it like a poll and see how it's gone. Ah, you know what we should we've got the headset on yeah
[11:15:31] Give a little listen in oh when they put a pool timer up. Oh, yeah, oh we have a pool timer
[11:15:36] you guys all here still a race is it what I'm entering into the team speak then to
[11:15:51] give them motivation I was let's go I thought it was in huge in confused
[11:15:56] thought I would be like Drew McIntyre roots it's working oh yeah to be fair
[11:16:02] they shouldn't have to say much here because everyone should know it yeah
[11:16:06] Blades
[11:16:12] Watch the blobs
[11:16:31] New baiting
[11:16:37] and roots
[11:16:45] bait the blades
[11:16:54] bait blades again and then toxins
[11:17:05] We've got like silence and talking about bad dancers and some absolute bangers
[11:17:09] He probably does
[11:17:22] There really isn't a lot of talk is there?
[11:17:26] Nah I don't think there needs to be though
[11:17:28] I've come ruddery
[11:17:29] You've just like letting them know what's going on
[11:17:31] Yeah
[11:17:33] No, it's a Dan doesn't even have like, unless I'm missing it, is there like a DBM or, oh is it Bigwigs there, the little timers?
[11:17:40] Yeah, looks like it, looks like Bigwigs.
[11:17:43] Blades.
[11:17:48] So, Tuxin isn't Roots.
[11:17:50] Single.
[11:17:54] Oh, that's alright so far.
[11:17:58] Good so far.
[11:17:59] Ready to move.
[11:18:00] Fucking hang around.
[11:18:01] Hang on, BF.
[11:18:05] Nice, language.
[11:18:06] Push through.
[11:18:10] I'm actually going off to land back in Australia.
[11:18:12] I was dropping.
[11:18:14] Yeah, if you're there you have to push fast.
[11:18:18] I don't like it, it's not what we want.
[11:18:21] You need to go die.
[11:18:25] I went too far that time and I couldn't make it back, so I think I need to chill while debating there.
[11:18:30] You go as far as you need to, right? Don't run to China.
[11:18:34] Yep.
[11:18:36] Oh no, Fabio. I like this spot.
[11:18:39] A little bit unlucky there, just make him go in the middle road, don't make him bully you around.
[11:18:43] He's bullied me.
[11:18:45] lucky enough to be joined by the deep shade himself deep shades welcome you
[11:18:56] have to say it into the microphone bro they can't hear you otherwise you have
[11:18:59] to turn it on you gotta turn on two hey there you guys taking you a while
[11:19:07] Sorry guys the og merch
[11:19:10] Deep shades also avoiding the sweat spot. Yeah
[11:19:16] I mean blogger already fought but how you guys do yeah, we're good. We're just
[11:19:24] Really would like to see phase three like we really wanted for them
[11:19:30] Yeah, not gonna lie
[11:19:32] Today was a slow day. Yeah a little bit. So there was definitely a slow day
[11:19:37] Which I think obviously is to the nature of the boss.
[11:19:39] We've seen it with the other guilds as well.
[11:19:42] But...
[11:19:45] Yeah.
[11:19:46] I think me and Doug talked about it in a break already a little bit.
[11:19:50] It's also just like a very...
[11:19:54] I'm not sure to say the proper way, but like boring boss.
[11:19:58] Yeah, fair.
[11:19:59] I feel like both as a caster and as a player you don't enjoy it as much.
[11:20:04] Maybe like obviously there's some viewers that say I love this boss. There's other people that probably say they don't but
[11:20:11] You never get into a proper rhythm
[11:20:15] I feel like you know like you you have to space one get grip go back get grits get out of the roots
[11:20:22] Then you immediately get into this face to with like the ads again going up the stairs or whatever like the stairway there and
[11:20:30] even like looking at the other gates and face three it's like
[11:20:33] Like, you never have a breather where you can pump properly, I feel like.
[11:20:37] It's always like something going on.
[11:20:39] Yeah, it's on, yeah.
[11:20:41] It is, because it's like, phase two is really intensive, and it's got to be frustrating for
[11:20:47] the players too, but it's a hard fight too in the end of the day.
[11:20:51] Like I know it is really easy to sit on the couch and be like, people just need to
[11:20:55] stop dying, stop making mistakes, but like, it's hard, it's not easy.
[11:21:00] These are some of the best players in the world and it's a tough P1.
[11:21:09] Yeah, honestly I think it's anything but easy because in the break we were talking with some of the raiders with Piff and so on.
[11:21:17] No one is really sure if they are like a mythic only face, is Blizzard just off by some percent?
[11:21:22] Is there going to be like a nerf either today or tomorrow because
[11:21:26] Yeah, of course they are ready like they are
[11:21:29] Working even during the weekend, I think in the world first race, but I doubt that they want to randomly nerf it on a sunday
[11:21:35] But I feel like they don't want the boss to live like another week. Yeah, so something has to happen
[11:21:41] Yeah, it's gonna be uh interesting to sort of and I kind of think they give it today to see where liquid ends up at the end of their day
[11:21:48] And then I think they send whatever they're gonna send to push it down the hill
[11:21:52] Yeah, because even I think right now liquid is gated as the most consistent on this boss
[11:22:00] and even they just hit a roadblock.
[11:22:03] Yeah, we did see a big new pay-pay for Echo.
[11:22:08] Oh yeah.
[11:22:10] 45 to 33.
[11:22:12] Yeah, Blastin.
[11:22:13] I think, I mean I was watching Liquid get their 30% and they were pretty, there was
[11:22:18] quite a lot of a blow over that point actually and then it kind of fell apart a little bit
[11:22:22] but I know like I feel like p3 looked a little easier to handle than p1 obviously we've had
[11:22:30] like 146 pulls of p1 at this point right so they are a lot better at it but p3 I mean
[11:22:37] p3 is bananas man yeah is that the one where you got to pick up stuff right and drop it
[11:22:42] off and you got a debuff that gives you for like 1.7 mil per tick and you can't pick
[11:22:47] pick it up the same person can't pick it up each time
[11:22:50] you're gonna pick that up and drop it off
[11:22:53] and you got the ads
[11:22:56] it's always the same like overlap also liquid is dying to right now with like
[11:23:00] everything going on you have to do small spiders getting secede
[11:23:03] the spiders coming from the middle upstairs
[11:23:06] then you need to pick up the things that you said and there's like the
[11:23:08] circle coming that you have to either blink through it or like
[11:23:11] do like the i think portrait shenanigans like
[11:23:14] it just all happens at the same time i think if you once get that done
[11:23:17] properly you have like a little bit of lever where you can push again but like
[11:23:21] that overlap is super nasty. It's pretty crazy especially when I think you end up
[11:23:27] getting like a sixth spawn of those adds and it's just yeah it's big yikes. So it
[11:23:33] just seems like this I mean and it's good because you know you want hard fights
[11:23:38] but this fight seems like it is you know they kind of twisted the knob to
[11:23:42] 11 kind of business but they did show up yes they did so we have doubled
[11:23:47] destroy wall of him now see the composition on the side of the screen
[11:23:51] here warlock looks really good though if you look also at the other guilds like
[11:23:55] towards the end like with all the ads and stuff
[11:23:57] warlock is a very very good class I think for this boss here so far maybe
[11:24:01] there will be more but so far for liquid especially looking very strong
[11:24:06] together with the fury warrior that just destroys like the small
[11:24:09] spiders and stuff I think it's like obviously a little bit of showboat
[11:24:12] damage as well like obviously on a boss there might be some other classes being
[11:24:16] better but on this fight you kind of need the AoE as well so like they're very
[11:24:20] very good. Alright well we're on to a platform we are three dead. Let's go reflect this.
[11:24:28] Nice. Why is Volok good with a lot of heads? No I think it's just a mixture here I
[11:24:34] mean Volok especially destruction got buffed so nowadays they're decent on single target
[11:24:38] and then their mission with Havok they're really good on like two targets
[11:24:41] They can cleave with Cataclysm like all the small adds, they can havoc the boss and like shadow burn like small adds then
[11:24:48] So like Waller can just utilize a lot of like their cleave onto the boss
[11:24:52] So it's just a nice class generally also like a teleport and stuff. So yeah, we just lost even more people
[11:24:58] I'm assuming people are dying but Dan's gonna go and fix it up. Yeah, it's gonna fail. Yeah, man
[11:25:05] That's nice to see a second platform
[11:25:08] It's good that we're at least there again, but you have real consistency
[11:25:13] real real push now
[11:25:17] Someone says ask him where he's from in Germany, please in capital is I am from alone
[11:25:23] Gamescom gamescom. That's why I'm such a gamer. Is that what it is exactly the big cathedral
[11:25:29] Okay, I'm coming on a couch and yeah, he didn't say bye
[11:25:33] But I feel like today is just like living on this couch. Yeah, I mean ever. I'm here like he is there
[11:25:37] He doesn't ever leave to be honest. He's been pumping the shifts like it's crazy. I think he's done the most hours
[11:25:43] But he's got to make back his $40,000 flight
[11:25:46] So I mean from here from Australia to till here and first class
[11:25:53] Yes, you know adds up, but you know method had to bring my out first class. He said it wouldn't come otherwise
[11:25:58] So just fair enough in Cologne or close to clone. They're trying to dox you they're trying to find out
[11:26:03] My address closed.
[11:26:04] Did you read the road name?
[11:26:05] Yeah, I was about to say the contact my post-ecode and everything.
[11:26:09] If you want to give me something for free, you can figure out the address.
[11:26:13] But like, apart from that...
[11:26:17] Yeah, honestly, I was hoping since I was in the early shifts for some substantial progression,
[11:26:23] especially since we fell behind, I hoped to get some hyper progress to catch up with the other guilds.
[11:26:28] to be quite frank obviously echo didn't do much progression either today in terms of consistency
[11:26:33] they did get like very close in the leaderboard towards liquid but in terms of like looking at
[11:26:39] all that tries i mean obviously we can't watch behind like the curtains vice consistency you know
[11:26:44] they're are they doing something with bloodlust timing stuff like this but they're also super
[11:26:48] consistent but right now we are quite far away because we are not even consistent getting
[11:26:54] into phase 3 phase 3 is already super spicy and I think from tomorrow onwards method really needs
[11:27:02] to put up a like a gear because we are getting quite far behind and which is a bit sad and like I
[11:27:10] felt like when I've talked with the raiders like during the breaks no one really has an answer to
[11:27:14] why it's so inconsistent yeah they are changing things yeah we are doing this guess hopping
[11:27:19] someone in and out, but it just sounds like a lot of personal error right now, like a lot of personal error.
[11:27:26] Yeah, I mean it's frustrating to lose people in P1 as well, because I've done it so many times,
[11:27:31] but it is very much a bit of a crazy phase with just so much stuff going out all the time. But
[11:27:36] yeah, it's just, it's unfortunate, you know, I think one theory that we in Diabeck said about,
[11:27:41] you know, maybe they're a bit fatigued because obviously they've just been going so hard
[11:27:44] for so long, like, and not getting a, you know, they try to get a bit of sleep, but
[11:27:49] Obviously it's hard you don't have to switch off after the raid and stuff and then they had the 5 a.m.
[11:27:52] No, it was obviously just kind of ruined a lot of the sleep schedules for everybody
[11:27:56] So well, I mean I had also the topic with cana it's because like you know back then I
[11:28:01] Think you would say it's a short progress to know like it's day 10. Yeah, then it's nothing
[11:28:05] But nowadays it's day 10 with full week of a role splits. Yeah with
[11:28:11] three weeks pre expansion pretty much like the expansion release also it wasn't like the
[11:28:16] hardest expansion content but still stuff you have still daily guild meetings
[11:28:22] like how do we want to play bosses what do we still need to prepare which week
[11:28:25] our Rasmus thing only itself before so like realistically this is like day
[11:28:30] 30 of progression and some people are here like for legit 20 days I think or
[11:28:36] like even a little bit more than 20 days and you definitely notice that
[11:28:41] nowadays even a 10 day progression is already like super exhausting like if
[11:28:46] If you think about it, it's just the fourth hard boss, which isn't really that insanely much, but like back in the days, it didn't feel like this.
[11:28:55] Even in Sepaltia, where we did a lot of splits already, and we had like what, Alondros, Anduin, Rhygilon, lots of dreads, Jailer, five hard bosses I guess?
[11:29:03] Yeah.
[11:29:04] I feel like I felt less fatigued than these guys right now.
[11:29:07] I think the table is probably...
[11:29:08] Because I did just play like 20 charts.
[11:29:10] The table is probably sure as well, right in the Sepulchre.
[11:29:13] I mean, it was right down.
[11:29:14] I think we traded in the third week, right?
[11:29:16] Oh, yeah, you're right.
[11:29:18] That's something we'll see there.
[11:29:19] Especially with like, in the in the Mavic week, they released the later Royances, which made for more splits.
[11:29:24] Oh, that's right.
[11:29:25] Yeah, they released in two bits, didn't they?
[11:29:27] Exactly.
[11:29:28] But I felt like even that from the outset perspective looked less partying than what we have now, to be honest.
[11:29:38] So yeah, but we'll see.
[11:29:42] Yeah.
[11:29:43] Like I said, I expect this definitely to do something because I don't think they want to have this boss living like till Monday or Tuesday
[11:29:50] It should definitely die this weekend
[11:29:52] So I would expect either today or like tomorrow nerves coming if it's just like flat health on the boss and like on the
[11:29:59] Edson stuff or if there's more to it
[11:30:01] But one of the radars even said you could nerf it by 15% flat
[11:30:05] Yeah, and you would still have like a hundred tries or something left on this boss fight
[11:30:10] Yeah, it's just insane if you nerfed it by 15% it would nearly probably put it into a kill range for liquid
[11:30:16] Like if you did a 15 to 20 percent health nerf, that's insane though. I like to be that far off
[11:30:22] In terms of that. I don't know it'll be interesting to see what how they do it and what they do or if they change like
[11:30:28] Mechanics timings like it'll be very interesting to see what approach they take to pushing it down the hill towards a kill
[11:30:35] I think um, I mean look they got 30 of odd percent
[11:30:41] But yeah, it's still there's still a long way to go and they're not like
[11:30:45] 30% with everyone alive and then all of a sudden they die they kind of like limp
[11:30:49] They're limp into 30% which is still incredible, but it's hard
[11:30:53] Well, the thing is I talked earlier behind like behind the scenes. It's like in my head. I
[11:30:58] Kind of doubt that Blizzard is 20% off in terms of their balancing. Yeah, that is too good for that
[11:31:03] They're generally really spot on at the same time. I doubt that we will see a mythic only face
[11:31:07] But that could be just me. I feel like it's more like a
[11:31:11] Ashara type of encounter where you maybe get another ability that you have to handle differently
[11:31:15] But like not a full new face and I don't think that the guilds are too bad for this boss
[11:31:20] So I'm just like in this spot where I'm like so what's wrong with the boss? Yeah, because
[11:31:26] Obviously you have hard bosses and we are like still in a very manageable
[11:31:30] Pull count but like the progression does feel very slow in this particular boss for any guild
[11:31:35] so yeah I'm a little bit confused in that regard but someone wrote like
[11:31:41] Raza Geffen's mission was not by 50% after a few days yeah I mean I would
[11:31:46] obviously not go that extreme but I mean it was a quite a big nerf back then to
[11:31:50] be honest like they can miss the mark sometimes but like I said I doubted
[11:31:54] they made like 20% wrong like a half HP or liquid as one person said it out
[11:32:02] I don't believe it maybe switch to the large L have a little quick look
[11:32:08] I can't believe the stream deck has died
[11:32:11] Stream deck's died?
[11:32:12] Yeah look
[11:32:13] Died?
[11:32:14] It's like full dead
[11:32:15] Oh no
[11:32:18] Deadge
[11:32:19] Full dead
[11:32:20] You pull out the wire
[11:32:23] Yep
[11:32:24] But yeah I mean I expected to be honest that like I'd have liquid vehicular today
[11:32:31] out tomorrow that was like my full assumption but like I said it's like how it's going so far even
[11:32:36] with that crazy good consistency I don't see it yet and see the chat you bait going on 30.7
[11:32:43] right now maybe not chat it might not have been updated yet let's give chat a chance we always
[11:32:48] want to believe we always want to believe chat 21% if you factor in ad percentages what about
[11:32:57] if you carry the one no they didn't get 21% oh my goodness you have to drop the bomb carry
[11:33:08] the two all right let's go this is the pool 149 is the pool we got to phase three can't believe it
[11:33:17] where were you and we got to phase three right here on the method stream
[11:33:27] What is this dancing?
[11:33:29] I mean we can see but usually walk-up blocks is obviously proper.
[11:33:31] I have to say also very sad for Krรคler being here.
[11:33:35] Yeah absolutely.
[11:33:37] It does happen though. It does happen sometimes.
[11:33:40] But I do have to say I always feel like a lot of the people at the venue and then being benched.
[11:33:45] Because being at home you still have a safe space you can do like stuff.
[11:33:49] You just turn off camera you don't even have a screen on.
[11:33:51] And like people will forget about you, it sounds weird, but like you know no one, but like now with Grella also being like by far the biggest dreamer in the method, it's like very frustrating.
[11:34:02] Obviously she puts the team in first place, but very sad for everyone that is at the venue and not playing, which was the same for Schelle for a lot of the bosses, right?
[11:34:10] Yeah.
[11:34:11] It wasn't as great, Spen got more gear and stuff, so yeah.
[11:34:15] Someone wrote something about the echo mods and then like put a winky face
[11:34:19] I couldn't even begin to imagine what their logs are like on the echo channel
[11:34:25] Just be so our chat's been good though, and that's all I've been
[11:34:29] Maybe it hasn't been good and lots of just been doing a really amazing job. What's always do a great job. That's true
[11:34:35] All right, let's get this right
[11:34:38] It'll bounce about honestly, I feel like it must be very annoying to be a mod
[11:34:42] During the race. I am a mod in the method. Yeah, you are. That's true. Yeah, watch it. Watch it
[11:34:50] We're a wholesome chair. Oh, let's go. Come on. I watch it. It's still very reasonable and like
[11:34:56] Bottom-quad slow-paced if you see like sometimes what's happening in the other jets. It's like oh, oh
[11:35:01] Watch these roots. Let's go here come our scary overlap soon give my for the day off
[11:35:07] You can never take a day off
[11:35:09] Just take a little day. We can't go to the zoo
[11:35:12] chill out even if you can't copy stress you still need to get the master
[11:35:17] memory in yeah it's all right here's our four it's all right what's good here's
[11:35:23] our roots I say this is the press whatever button is glowing get this
[11:35:27] fury warrior watch the lines just get this right be safe very nice we do lose
[11:35:36] one on the top there on do we nothing about that we're okay all right
[11:35:41] watch the waves yeah let's go all right come here shield no lust don't need it
[11:35:51] need no lust see that little white line on the week are there we're gonna beat
[11:35:56] that white line oh busting the shield down we're gonna beat that white line
[11:36:02] that white line is the third grip oh no I like that I want to beat that we're
[11:36:08] Smashing was that red line that red line?
[11:36:13] It's a thing I mean honestly a reason why alone the boss has to die this reset is and they nerfing evokas next reset
[11:36:19] Yeah
[11:36:22] Doing so much HPS did he appraise was getting a nerve
[11:36:27] Watch this though
[11:36:30] We beat we beat we beat
[11:36:33] Go moon Dan
[11:36:35] We split off find the moon do our shadow gates kill the ads and interrupt
[11:36:44] I'm looking I love that
[11:36:48] Actually, I mean he also donated already or like a gift. It's up. So you've really rich phrase
[11:36:54] I want to say he also coincidentally got corona the last few days
[11:36:59] I want to give him a get the get well soon. Yeah, but yeah, we both clocked it at the same time man
[11:37:06] We're on to the platforms with everybody alive. Let's go
[11:37:11] Through the pool this common method the spell reflect this
[11:37:17] We get the dispels right here. We get the shadow gates don't fall off don't get gripped off two one
[11:37:23] oh shadow gate went off and we all died
[11:37:30] let's go
[11:37:32] well they had no at least
[11:37:35] we've got to fix that we've got to fix it we can't we can't do this
[11:37:41] that was good
[11:37:42] it was it was good till it wasn't that's exactly right
[11:37:46] honestly I feel also I'm not sure if they can do it but today would be a day for me where I would just
[11:37:52] reset the sleep schedule.
[11:37:54] Wait, we'll talk about that.
[11:37:55] Yeah, finish it like 10.
[11:37:57] 10, half past 10.
[11:37:58] You know they won't though, don't you?
[11:38:00] I mean from my experience I would say it would be a net gain.
[11:38:04] Even though it maybe is less time, but I think some people could really use the time.
[11:38:08] And like...
[11:38:09] That's perfect, they're not getting anywhere, right?
[11:38:11] Exactly, because I don't think like the next 3-4 hours is the time
[11:38:15] where they will make that significant progress where they catch up again.
[11:38:18] And I think just going and fresh tomorrow morning
[11:38:21] like another hour or two is just like a game changer. I agree. But not us. We're also not
[11:38:28] in charge. We're also, I mean, you're an expert, but Dan and I aren't. Actually, oh,
[11:38:33] you have a world first. I have a world first. I got a world first today. Got a couple world
[11:38:37] first. Wait, of what? Yep. But in what? World first. BRD raid on the PTR. PTR.
[11:38:44] the ptr how was it it was actually sick yeah it was actually sick yeah we be how
[11:38:51] it was this three three out of four because I'm for the test it was sick I
[11:38:56] was very impressed which right was beardy exactly so they made a new one they
[11:39:01] make it a new one so you remember it be on the in vanilla while yeah
[11:39:09] No, Blarrow Depths is the dungeon.
[11:39:13] Oh it's the one that we played in Season of Discovery.
[11:39:15] Oh?
[11:39:16] No, that was BFD.
[11:39:17] No, that's BFD.
[11:39:18] No, all the time in the nation, see what I'm saying.
[11:39:20] Okay, Blarrow Depths was the one with the Emperor and the Info, Mace, yeah, yeah,
[11:39:25] and there's a...
[11:39:26] Super big one.
[11:39:27] That's right, yeah.
[11:39:28] So they're making it into a raid.
[11:39:29] Well, they're making a raid for it for the next patch, and they were testing
[11:39:33] it today.
[11:39:34] Yo, what's up, Malax?
[11:39:35] Yeah, honestly, I feel like back then also with Skolomance and stuff, like it was also classified as a dungeon, right?
[11:39:41] Yeah.
[11:39:42] Even though it wasn't like 50 men, even, Skolomance?
[11:39:43] Uh, Skolomance was 5 and UBRS, which was 10.
[11:39:47] Wasn't there ever 50?
[11:39:49] UBRS was 15.
[11:39:50] Oh, it was 15.
[11:39:51] Yeah, 15.
[11:39:52] I felt like back then there was a lot of, it's been like raid and dungeon kind of content.
[11:39:57] Yeah, it was all a bit in the mix, yeah.
[11:39:58] And I feel like there is a lot of classic content that would fit for a raid to be
[11:40:01] there.
[11:40:02] Mm-hmm.
[11:40:03] if you need like six hours.
[11:40:05] Yeah, I mean, to be honest, I went in there
[11:40:07] and I kind of thought maybe they've just taken the dungeon
[11:40:09] and made it a raid, but they didn't really.
[11:40:11] They like made new bosses with all the like mechanics
[11:40:13] similar to this and stuff like it's crazy.
[11:40:15] Yes.
[11:40:16] That sounds good.
[11:40:17] It was fun.
[11:40:17] And they went really out of the university.
[11:40:19] Yeah.
[11:40:20] But it's the 20th, right?
[11:40:21] Yeah.
[11:40:21] Yeah, anniversary is gonna slide.
[11:40:22] Yeah.
[11:40:23] 20 years.
[11:40:24] 20 years, yeah.
[11:40:25] That is insane.
[11:40:26] It drops the same loot as well.
[11:40:27] The same item level.
[11:40:29] The game is literally older than me, yeah.
[11:40:31] Yeah, sure. Yeah. I bet it is. I remember 10 years ago, I had him. Well, Chad's been
[11:40:41] playing WAF 20 years as well, right? Any double decades? I bet there's loads of people
[11:40:48] who've been playing WAF 20 years. No, I think the first time I touched it was like the
[11:40:52] test version during Burning Crusade. Okay. And like my first like proper retail account
[11:40:57] was either during trial of the Grand Crusader or during ICC.
[11:41:01] I can't remember because I think on my room was already I see out,
[11:41:05] but they just cleared trial with like 50 tries left or something.
[11:41:09] But along these lines I was like what, 13 years old?
[11:41:12] Either I was 12 and got invited into the second best hot gate with my 13th birthday.
[11:41:16] Or I was 13 and it was the 14th birthday.
[11:41:19] Happy birthday.
[11:41:20] Thank you, thank you.
[11:41:21] And then I got kicked a bit later to be fair. I was too bad.
[11:41:25] Oof.
[11:41:26] New best for Liquid, Congrats to them, 30.1.
[11:41:30] Oh really?
[11:41:31] Upjading on the leaderboard there.
[11:41:33] I have played for 20 years and I met my boyfriend for a while, that's crazy.
[11:41:37] I love that.
[11:41:38] What happened with the hot pot heroes?
[11:41:41] Epsinch went up.
[11:41:43] It has to be a way that phase 2 can't calculate it or something like that.
[11:41:52] Seven weirds going on.
[11:41:54] I have to say though, they're doing very well.
[11:41:56] They are, they're powering.
[11:41:59] I would say like some background on Lord of the Dammit,
[11:42:02] like being like a new super girl,
[11:42:03] because like every tier I play,
[11:42:05] there's like a new Chinese super girl.
[11:42:07] Like, I feel like it's the same people kind of,
[11:42:10] but like not.
[11:42:11] Yeah, when I was asked to gaming and all that.
[11:42:13] Oh yeah, it was a throwback.
[11:42:15] JTH been around for a while, Ben.
[11:42:16] They've been around for a while, right?
[11:42:18] Yeah, JTH been around for ages.
[11:42:19] Starliner now, Zbox.
[11:42:21] Starline, Zbox.
[11:42:23] Wasn't I remember the bike that was also super was that then there's obviously Koreans called mate
[11:42:31] Koreans yeah, I'm in the court made then there was I don't know if you remember that it was a classic in
[11:42:37] Haimau style was they had a crazy intro with like the real life faces
[11:42:45] Honestly everyone go on YouTube style was Haimau butcher you definitely like a full intro like the jersey on really
[11:42:53] You know like a Korean drama yeah intro you know like it was so fun
[11:42:57] Honestly, I love it. Yeah
[11:43:01] What potter euros were around last time, okay? Yeah, I know like I'm not always super familiar with like the Asian guilds like which one is
[11:43:08] At the top and which isn't in stuff. Yeah, I think it's always crazy
[11:43:11] I don't know if you guys follow that at all sometimes from Nostra and Twitter and stuff
[11:43:15] These kind of e-sports hotels. Yeah, sometimes like with the the five-man room like the all the PC
[11:43:21] with the pods.
[11:43:22] Yeah.
[11:43:23] And then like behind them immediately the bed.
[11:43:24] Yeah.
[11:43:25] This is time in mixing.
[11:43:26] Yeah.
[11:43:27] This is time in mixing.
[11:43:28] Honestly, it's like super, super funny.
[11:43:30] Those are stars that's still active.
[11:43:31] Oh, is that a question or are they saying that?
[11:43:33] I don't know.
[11:43:34] I think it's a question.
[11:43:35] How you write that game name?
[11:43:36] Style, like style and wars like wars.
[11:43:39] Star wars.
[11:43:40] Yeah.
[11:43:41] S-T-Y-L-E space W-A-R-S.
[11:43:45] Yeah.
[11:43:46] I kind of want to look at that.
[11:43:47] And the English alphabet.
[11:43:48] Yeah, check it, check it out.
[11:43:49] I'm going to check it.
[11:43:50] let's go dude check it check it check it check checking your check it could check a ready check
[11:43:57] i know guys the accent is very german especially now that i was
[11:44:01] german's awesome dude yeah okay this is like that styles awesome and maybe type butcher
[11:44:08] because it was a one-way
[11:44:10] but sure
[11:44:12] it means but sure
[11:44:14] but sure
[11:44:16] oh
[11:44:18] oh i think it is
[11:44:20] look at it
[11:44:22] main hurdle getting into p3
[11:44:24] just getting p2 down
[11:44:26] and having it like
[11:44:28] locked
[11:44:30] locked in so you have 10 seconds
[11:44:32] to action the shadow gate so you have to go through them
[11:44:34] and get dispelled
[11:44:36] We're just like, they're going off, they're detonating before we get through them and get the spells off, and we're just exploding so...
[11:44:43] That is epic.
[11:44:44] We get through a clean P1, and then P2, just the wheels fall off.
[11:44:50] I'll do the egg thing in German.
[11:44:52] My Aina Shazer...
[11:44:54] Aina Shazer and Brosson Shazer.
[11:44:58] You know what that is, Fabo?
[11:44:59] You know what that is, Fabo?
[11:45:00] No.
[11:45:01] If you don't know what that is.
[11:45:03] Tank German.
[11:45:34] I
[11:45:36] Shallon
[11:45:38] I should have a break stand for us all brush. It's the soul brush all broke so bro
[11:45:45] So
[11:45:47] Really good. Yeah, I do again. I should have a soul brush stand for us. Oh the end is so hard
[11:45:56] Well for us a car is I guess an advanced word, right? That's a long word
[11:46:04] with German word puzzles I can go a kind problem
[11:46:09] there you go egg
[11:46:12] predurban breaking point
[11:46:14] cool isn't it
[11:46:17] excellent
[11:46:19] alright let's go
[11:46:23] pull is back up come on method
[11:46:27] I don't know what the stars would have been on that word
[11:46:31] what's that word
[11:46:33] sorry what's that word there
[11:46:35] Cheshish is Streichholz
[11:46:38] Cheshishin
[11:46:42] Streichholz is the things how you can lit up a cigarette like you know a lot of
[11:46:48] Oh, match
[11:46:49] Match exactly and Cheshish is Czech
[11:46:52] Oh
[11:46:53] Yeah
[11:46:54] I love the German language, it's cool as
[11:46:58] Yo, what's up JMS
[11:47:00] I do feel better, yeah
[11:47:02] Not perfect but enough
[11:47:04] to be like on two hour shift enough to be back on the count
[11:47:08] two hours we're so too in the morning
[11:47:10] no no dude what is what is this words
[11:47:12] it just made it up you just slapped the skeeble
[11:47:13] uh
[11:47:19] yeah i mean obviously
[11:47:21] settle down rat god in the end
[11:47:29] well i'm definitely good with my words i guess
[11:47:31] that was impressive yeah that was good
[11:47:33] I was about nah, I don't even want to make you drop a rap. I don't make you a drop a German rap for us
[11:47:39] No, no, no, no, I only know like the evil German rev you know after curse words
[11:47:44] You want to drop some Kendrick and do a couple of bars are not like us
[11:47:50] I mean I am team Greg
[11:47:55] If I hear like you better never go to sell black one I have to say like insane song
[11:48:01] That's awesome. It's such a rare trap.
[11:48:03] Is that the one you said you were really like?
[11:48:05] Yeah. I mean, the song itself was insane.
[11:48:09] Alright, come on. Let's clean this up.
[11:48:11] Let's get some P3 action, some motivation roll,
[11:48:15] and the Raiders need it. I need it. You need it, chat.
[11:48:19] Who?
[11:48:23] I was actually raps in Australia.
[11:48:25] I know there's like one hoop, I think.
[11:48:27] There are hilltop hoods.
[11:48:29] Hilltop hoods is like the big hip hop group from Australia.
[11:48:32] there's like blizzard so hilltop woods draft was like a really good one as
[11:48:39] well they really have to ask clicks because he gave me once an Australian
[11:48:43] group alright I wonder if it was hilltop woods we'll ask him and report back
[11:48:48] tomorrow yeah I reckon it would have been hilltop woods but let's see can we dodge
[11:48:52] the waves is that a four what a percent we got yep sure was oh oh oh
[11:48:59] Spicey you're ever in doubt because you haven't been paying attention to the pools if we're around 67% that's
[11:49:05] Yeah, nice. All right, come on
[11:49:08] Just stay frosty here one beer is in the bank. Everyone is up. Just be clean
[11:49:14] We will smoke the damage on the shield. Just don't get hit by waves. Don't get gripped into waves
[11:49:21] Find the sludge here we go grip coming
[11:49:25] Find a spot right now
[11:49:29] Nice one. It's flubber
[11:49:33] Look how far we are ahead of the shield like so good easy clean P1
[11:49:38] No one dead. Just be safe here. Just be safe. It's like barely even healing so good
[11:49:46] There it goes here we go, let's focus up. This is it come on P3 P3
[11:49:55] Interrupt nice
[11:49:57] I reckon you can do the shots.
[11:49:59] Watch the balls.
[11:50:01] I'd love to, 21st, uh, man, be so much fun.
[11:50:05] Use the plunderstorm spectate mode.
[11:50:07] Be so much fun.
[11:50:09] Watch the orbs, we have one more, there we go.
[11:50:11] Shadowgate is done.
[11:50:13] And bounce.
[11:50:15] Everyone's still alive.
[11:50:17] Alright, come on team. Come on, chat!
[11:50:19] I think they should last here to be far, but, you know.
[11:50:21] How does this, let's go.
[11:50:23] They generally can get through this one, okay?
[11:50:25] the shadow gates that are killing us to be honest and that's a big one shot and
[11:50:29] like lust isn't technically probably gonna solve going through on getting a
[11:50:32] dispel do you know what I mean like so we're watching this person go through the
[11:50:36] shadow gate now sweet very nice here comes the second one out now to spell
[11:50:40] and we're done good to do now we go up everyone's alive I think I don't know
[11:50:44] just gonna do that again now so up we go see there's a shadow gate in the
[11:50:49] corner we got to get that one now we've lost it exactly the same way as we
[11:50:54] before slightly different layout of the platform but it's fine oh snug get these
[11:50:59] dispels in the corner get that one up oh keep my life yeah very nice
[11:51:04] spell beautiful oh my goodness all right this is good this is good I've watched
[11:51:09] this pull in suck in two one we are very over yeah we are what happened we were
[11:51:17] nearly finished with that shadow gate up in the top one I think we were just
[11:51:21] It's simply too slow. There are already two people dead as well.
[11:51:23] Yeah.
[11:51:24] Yeah.
[11:51:24] And that was with lust.
[11:51:26] Gotta go, you gotta go fast.
[11:51:27] Like it has to be efficient and quick.
[11:51:29] But it's also so much damage.
[11:51:30] Like every source is a damage intake source.
[11:51:33] That's what they also talked about earlier in the break.
[11:51:35] Like everything is doing so much damage.
[11:51:39] Unlucky, but again we got there.
[11:51:42] That's, you know, that's all right.
[11:51:44] The more times we get there, the comfier we get.
[11:51:47] We did that first platform, great.
[11:51:49] like perfect just the same mechanics carry over the problem is though the same
[11:51:55] people can't do the shadow gates on each one so if your assignment is say
[11:52:01] platform 2 or platform 3 to practice it you need to get to platform 2 and
[11:52:07] platform 3 and this is the big issue yeah because the people on platform 1
[11:52:12] have got it down like they're doing a great job but then we just don't have
[11:52:15] the amount of replay for the other people to get comfortable with it.
[11:52:20] The thing is also it's normally really nice as you know when you like progress an end post
[11:52:24] usually phase one is really really easy and like you kind of always get to the phase where
[11:52:29] you're progress on but I feel like on this post phase one isn't like particularly hard
[11:52:34] but you still lose a lot of tries to just phase one wipes.
[11:52:37] So you don't even get like 100% to the choke spot that you're progressing on
[11:52:42] I feel like phase 2 will still also be always an issue kind of a way
[11:52:46] and phase 3 is also hard
[11:52:48] I feel like you will never have this linear progression
[11:52:51] where you always get to the new progressions
[11:52:53] where you always can survive phase 1, can survive phase 2
[11:52:56] and then double volok
[11:52:58] I think they changed it after the last break for one of the hunters
[11:53:02] Yeah, we thought that was fakey
[11:53:04] Volok, I think a big thing is for the hunters they are squishy
[11:53:07] Yeah, they go out of camps
[11:53:09] They can pretty much dispel themselves like on the routes and they are very good in terms of damage profile so Volog is just one of the best DPS's on this boss fight.
[11:53:20] Yeah, so I think with phase one you lose someone and you kind of screw everybody else because of the debuff.
[11:53:26] You're cooked.
[11:53:27] Yeah, you don't really have like the time here on this fight to just play with 19 men for a certain amount, especially in the Sarmitian War phase two.
[11:53:35] And yeah, definitely an issue here.
[11:53:39] Five twenty five paladins
[11:53:43] They could yeah
[11:53:45] Only 20 of them will get in
[11:53:47] There is like guilds of full paladins and there's a drood one. There's a drood guild. That's sick. I wonder how they do
[11:53:56] Probably do all right. I'm gonna get AOTC and stuff like that. Yeah easy wonder who does Mark or what?
[11:54:03] All of them everybody does mark
[11:54:07] I mean I remember the time when they were like, Gates trying to make some continuity of 25 Majors.
[11:54:14] Yeah, yeah.
[11:54:15] It was some stream and did like a mage raid.
[11:54:19] Yeah, don't you remember Nihiloth with all the corruption?
[11:54:22] Yeah.
[11:54:23] So, Noggy did the full DK1.
[11:54:26] Yeah, like a full mage one.
[11:54:30] I'll find the Druid Guild.
[11:54:32] They've got to have a silly name surely.
[11:54:34] Scribe, oh Scribe did it with 25 pages.
[11:54:38] Cult of the Lune.
[11:54:39] Cult of the Lune.
[11:54:40] That's a great name.
[11:54:41] Out of the world rank.
[11:54:42] Do they do it?
[11:54:43] They're great.
[11:54:44] Druid only guild with currently 900 druids.
[11:54:48] Nice.
[11:54:49] Nearly capped out.
[11:54:51] What gets, I'm also a big fan of, I like, I respect a lot other ones that are deaf.
[11:54:57] Yep.
[11:54:58] That is crazy.
[11:54:59] Uh, yeah, that's, I'm undaunted.
[11:55:01] And I think there's like this, I think it's not a whole, no, I actually think
[11:55:05] I think there's even a whole guild with blind people and they got like Raidly the Druid or something.
[11:55:09] That's awesome.
[11:55:10] And like they got used to it.
[11:55:11] I think, I mean I don't think it was just an individual stream, I think it was like
[11:55:16] a whole group that got like Raidly the Druid and like to then like have this kind
[11:55:22] of fun and yeah, I love it.
[11:55:24] During a game with like these downsides that say I don't know how to like say
[11:55:28] it better but crazy that you still like push through and like get your like end
[11:55:32] boss kills and stuff.
[11:55:33] It's really really nice.
[11:55:34] It was a blind wow streamer. I can't remember his name.
[11:55:40] There's sevens too that doesn't have any arms, doesn't like he uses a foot pedal.
[11:55:46] Really? Yeah, he's crazy.
[11:55:48] That's why they brought in all that controller support because people were like,
[11:55:50] oh they're bringing in controller support so it's for accessibility remote.
[11:55:53] He was doing M+, like sevens and I think he was doing like OK level keys using a foot pedal.
[11:56:03] Everything is up as a tank notice it as a tank. I just remember the mage and cousin after you. Oh
[11:56:10] Yeah, like the dance mat
[11:56:15] Like as a frostmage and stuff. Oh, yeah, I would like that. I'll do that. Did you guys not see it? No, I've seen it
[11:56:20] That sounds sick. Oh, I have seen that. I've yeah, exactly
[11:56:27] I have seen
[11:56:33] Yeah I do I do I do respect the hustle of playing on something that is in a keyboard
[11:56:39] and mouse.
[11:56:40] Seen some will play well on like a guitar hero or something.
[11:56:43] Yeah.
[11:56:44] Or the drums.
[11:56:45] Or a um like a touchpad.
[11:56:49] That's a bit loser-ish.
[11:56:51] Yeah touchpad.
[11:56:52] Oh god.
[11:56:53] Yeah.
[11:56:54] Imagine that.
[11:56:55] Imagine that.
[11:56:56] Especially a warrior.
[11:56:57] Yeah he wouldn't play a warrior with a touchpad.
[11:56:59] No way.
[11:57:00] No chance.
[11:57:01] I
[11:57:04] Can't do some of my reason the chair that's actually my discord crew
[11:57:09] Catch come pump me up, but I was earlier talking with them and then I told them that I'm online
[11:57:16] These your fans to
[11:57:21] What are your fans called shades or they deepers deepers shaders
[11:57:27] I mean my discord was called 50 shades of deep
[11:57:34] It's so good I leave the name to interpretation of course. Yeah, you do what you want with that
[11:57:43] Fabolas
[11:57:46] Yeah, we should get a dance band start doing some progo something world quests with dance bands
[11:57:52] I think it's higher drums should bro. I'm gonna bring it to her next time. I love the thing is I also said in the discord
[11:57:59] You can't get me out of the street, but the street never out of me and they've my my discord friends. They just know it's gang shit
[11:58:06] It's gang all the way through
[11:58:13] And my my boys and girls now like when I'm on the coach they have to make some noise
[11:58:19] Stop donating
[11:58:22] You're schoolteacher and your friend.
[11:58:24] God, ex-world of Warcraft Raider, it's just gang shit.
[11:58:28] Yeah.
[11:58:29] Just gang shit.
[11:58:30] Normally I would do that.
[11:58:31] I come from the streets.
[11:58:32] Normally I would throw the gangstands that look a little bit like Naruto Yuzuru's,
[11:58:36] but like, not on the stream dude.
[11:58:38] Ah, on the stream.
[11:58:40] Oh, dear.
[11:58:42] Fuck, we're mad here.
[11:58:44] Look back, Ellie, it's a storm wind.
[11:58:48] True, Jimmy's discord is the one that's right.
[11:58:51] I guess our team is currently discussing a little bit
[11:58:57] Yeah, we're gonna talk about this
[11:59:01] Pour a glass of wine
[11:59:03] Gotta have a chat
[11:59:04] You know what's up my ZZ?
[11:59:06] Yeah, I mean Cologne, you know, danger is a little bit
[11:59:10] But I like I do daily walks
[11:59:13] And you like I try I try to get control of the box again
[11:59:17] And I usually do them like around midnight
[11:59:19] So I always say like I patrol the road to keep it safe
[11:59:21] Yeah, yeah, what's up big dog? Yeah, yeah
[11:59:26] Time to mix a drink again. Yeah, like he lives somewhat close to me. Oh, yeah
[11:59:31] Yeah, so like he really has to make sure he's not like overstepping the territory, you know, he's like a mate, but gang is gang
[11:59:42] The night watch
[11:59:44] oh my god Germany became dangerous
[11:59:52] Germany just got dangerous oh man we
[12:00:00] would never progress with Corel on the
[12:00:01] bench hey the thing is I always like
[12:00:05] that people are very enthusiastic about
[12:00:08] their favorite streamer like us
[12:00:09] reporting but they also have to
[12:00:11] understand their favorite streamer is
[12:00:13] playing in a guild that they decided to be in and they trust also the officers
[12:00:18] and analysts that the decision they make is the correct one so kind of
[12:00:23] saying what like writing what you write is counter productive because it's a
[12:00:28] decision made by the guild that your favorite streamer wants to play in.
[12:00:31] Yeah that's it. It's also I think you never want to discredit the people
[12:00:37] that are in the group, as well they're all good players and yeah the best decision for
[12:00:44] method in the end is the one that goes forward.
[12:00:47] I just saw one of them smiling, how dare they?
[12:00:51] How dare they smile.
[12:00:54] I'm bored with Nate here for this pull.
[12:00:58] Oh yeah.
[12:00:59] We see the same consistency coming out, very important and I certainly hope so.
[12:01:05] This is the three trampolines, beautiful.
[12:01:08] big green thing soon nothing do they what big green after the after the hop
[12:01:13] skip so the person that pops will have the big green circle they need to run
[12:01:17] out yeah and then the waves come out of the where the thing was I see all right
[12:01:24] fourth we are dead maybe there's a faint death only battle res goes out like
[12:01:31] on a rocket never vanilla wow when you faint if actually look like you were
[12:01:34] I remember actually especially during all the logocat this week
[12:01:39] Our event someone died it would say like person X died and it triggered and hunters fame death
[12:01:48] Roger born has died no yes died this guy has died
[12:01:57] We got a vocal down
[12:02:00] Would go for the top
[12:02:02] The trampolines have been triggered
[12:02:04] shield is coming out but they're gonna continue one down we can do yeah I want
[12:02:10] to get some practice they're just you stand in the stuff what's the tactic here
[12:02:20] is just dropping webs over that way we don't have any more platform okay nice
[12:02:26] nice I like that very good just a super clever little Trevor yeah I mean good
[12:02:32] I think it's a tank you don't die so you can...
[12:02:34] Yeah, and a brimaster like, you know, you just stagger everything.
[12:02:37] Roll around it.
[12:02:38] Like a cat.
[12:02:40] Very clever use of the platform there.
[12:02:43] Very good.
[12:02:44] Shield going down.
[12:02:46] 16%.
[12:02:47] Gonna get into intubation.
[12:02:50] Ooh no.
[12:02:51] There we go.
[12:02:54] So much damage going on.
[12:02:56] Yeah.
[12:02:57] Please.
[12:02:58] It's yuck.
[12:02:59] Supposed to be in German.
[12:03:00] It's Einz.
[12:03:01] Einz is one.
[12:03:03] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
[12:03:23] I don't got a frame start
[12:03:25] Well I got the 1, 2, 3, you know, it's basic, that's all I need really
[12:03:30] I think my characters went up to deep 6
[12:03:33] I had deep 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
[12:03:35] I think that's...
[12:03:36] Deep 6
[12:03:39] Deep 3 was my main at some point actually
[12:03:45] What's the name of the song? I actually don't know
[12:03:48] When you have a song name on the screen
[12:03:49] People keep asking
[12:03:50] Yeah, we've got Cheons
[12:03:51] Phase 1
[12:03:52] I think it's Drake
[12:03:57] We do lose another couple
[12:03:59] But we are getting some practice on the Shadow Gates here
[12:04:02] gonna tactically roll. Oh no roll back. Oh lost somebody. Actually I hide out you have to actually
[12:04:08] click this bridge. Yeah that's weird. Interact key surely right? You do know you have to click
[12:04:14] the little pillar. Yeah you can smash the interact key. No you can smash the interact key yeah.
[12:04:19] My interact key is the up arrow. We are dead. Brown bread. We go again after small
[12:04:26] repose I think. Even if the other gets you don't see any progression alright like
[12:04:31] I'm looking at the leaderboard all the time
[12:04:33] Literally nothing is going to happen
[12:04:35] Frosty on that, isn't it?
[12:04:38] I guess, actually, 8-Qo is going to sleep very soon
[12:04:42] Isn't it usually like the 10-9?
[12:04:44] Yeah, around 10-9 on the go
[12:04:46] Maybe because it's late on some progression
[12:04:48] Even last night we got back quite early
[12:04:52] Yeah, I think they've been really
[12:04:54] Focusing on sleep and stuff like that
[12:04:56] But 10 is a bit too early for me
[12:04:58] Yeah, but perhaps they've taken into account
[12:05:00] taking into account like winding down
[12:05:03] yeah what is the Chinese skill that they have such a high which I don't know
[12:05:08] well apparently they were doing mythic trash recluse
[12:05:13] go in there smash up a bunch of mythic trash then reset pretty small yeah I
[12:05:20] heard actually for like more casual skills it's actually smarter to farm
[12:05:24] trash view east and actually kill the first four bosses it's probably better
[12:05:27] the mythic split of heroic swits to be honest easy to kill I mean it's a pretty
[12:05:32] low chance but you know it's still a chance oh you need is a chance yeah yeah
[12:05:39] guys the walk of blocks is like I think a differently calculating compared to the
[12:05:44] other thing so it take different metrics into our account that's why you
[12:05:47] see different percentages but the boss itself I think was 30% earlier for
[12:05:51] liquid okay so who's calculating 21% and I don't know who's saying that it's me
[12:05:59] it's a you yeah dark met logs that's where they're pulling their info from
[12:06:04] exactly method only shows the actual boss liquid hit 30 never saw 21 I think
[12:06:11] this 21 is some fake news and it's already like insanely could try yeah
[12:06:15] like we barely managed to get to like oh I see look the leaderboard and the
[12:06:21] progress page are completely different. These are confusing times.
[12:06:29] We press on, maybe a ready check, maybe a tactical discussion.
[12:06:36] But I feel like at this point, they know, maybe I'm just an analyst from Yemen.
[12:06:43] but it's uh I feel like you already really need to start talking about the pools when you're getting
[12:06:50] over a point that you haven't been to right? Yeah I agree I think we should just be rapid firing pools
[12:06:57] to phase two right now which they are getting to each time and getting some comfort level in it like
[12:07:03] and if the same people keep mucking up each time you get there then stop and be like
[12:07:09] what are you doing? Yeah I mean I agree we should definitely spam pool to get like a
[12:07:13] consistency in but I think we should also find a root issue why we are not consistent
[12:07:18] because we see with the other guilds that these first two phases are quite manageable
[12:07:23] they're like not 100% rated in phase three but they're getting there quite often especially liquid
[12:07:29] and I feel like we should also get over the point now with like 150 plus attempts
[12:07:33] to like actually get and see phase three because it is getting like a little bit
[12:07:37] frustrating I think for both players and viewers and they should definitely find
[12:07:42] a reason because yeah we are just doing individual mistakes can't be it like
[12:07:46] and there has to be something that should be made easier that people actually
[12:07:49] get to play their game yeah yeah absolutely what's coming on the
[12:07:54] platforms what are you amazing analysts think well I'm not an analyst I'm
[12:07:58] just a I'm just a host but deep shades you know what's what's going on of you
[12:08:03] I'm also close to my doesn't okay, so nah, but I think like we said earlier
[12:08:08] I think it's the speed that you have to go by yeah
[12:08:10] Plus the sheer amount of damage in coming the whole time on the whole raid and as soon as you lose like one or two people
[12:08:17] It's very hard then the shadow portal obviously the same person can't pick it up twice
[12:08:22] So you have to like rotate that through and stuff so just like as soon as someone dies
[12:08:26] They're just immediately falling behind I think as well with the shadow gates you only have ten seconds
[12:08:30] to do it so like once you have 10 seconds once that person goes in 10
[12:08:36] seconds like next person 10 seconds until you've got rid of the shadow gate
[12:08:40] so if you fall behind on that you die like and it explodes because when I was
[12:08:45] looking at logs the other night because we had like 14 people up and then
[12:08:49] 14 people just disintegrated like just while being on the platform and it
[12:08:53] was because we didn't get through the shadow gate in time it just one shot
[12:08:56] everyone so that's timed in that essence so you have to get through it quickly
[12:09:02] yeah we've seen this phase a billion times we really have it I think that's
[12:09:10] the hard part of this fight too is that phase one is is varies like it's very
[12:09:16] tight still but we've watched it for 150 pulls now and like we get 30 seconds
[12:09:25] 15 to 30 seconds of progression each time. Yeah, and then we come back to you the good news is we're not
[12:09:31] Stalling in phase one like we were last night. Mm-hmm like we have been making it out, which is great. So yeah
[12:09:37] Hopefully we just stay in the pocket. We keep driving forward here. We go
[12:09:42] Everyone's alive as long as they're in the first three rows of his frame
[12:09:49] Maybe that whole rose dead
[12:09:51] We don't know
[12:09:53] I think someone's dead
[12:09:54] Oh, she's defecshafing
[12:09:55] Yeah
[12:09:56] Someone is dead too
[12:09:57] I was a couple of defs
[12:09:58] Oh, no they're right
[12:09:59] That was cooking so good as well
[12:10:02] What would JV do?
[12:10:06] What would JV do?
[12:10:07] But it's the thing, I don't know, it's like
[12:10:11] There should be soul routine
[12:10:13] Yeah, it should be locked down by there
[12:10:15] Just place the things properly
[12:10:17] Get put in spot again
[12:10:19] Like I feel like this is something we should definitely not wipe anymore, so at least we get hundreds of points to see the sauce normies
[12:10:26] Get a proper expansion of what to do lol. Sure
[12:10:28] I mean to be honest. I hope
[12:10:31] For you quote-unquote Tom is the boss will be nerfed by the time you end up
[12:10:35] Hey, I don't own story mode and normal mode. That's all I ever need
[12:10:40] Who's JV it is J. B
[12:10:44] the
[12:10:45] streamer
[12:10:47] Let's be the famous American Mythic Plus
[12:10:51] You saw a cast for him, you remember Nihilotha, he was there, wasn't he?
[12:10:54] Yeah, that was fun. Cool guy.
[12:10:57] Nihilotha, he was also...
[12:10:59] He was on the Nihilotha cast with me as well.
[12:11:02] He was on the Nihilotha cast for, um...
[12:11:05] No, not Nihilotha. Casted by Nathria.
[12:11:08] Oh, really?
[12:11:09] Yep.
[12:11:10] I don't remember when BDG had every cast during the world.
[12:11:12] Oh, yeah.
[12:11:13] Yeah.
[12:11:14] Nagura, JB, me.
[12:11:16] How come that he's not casting anymore? Just not interested because I'm pretty sure people kept asking me.
[12:11:21] He's a good caster as well.
[12:11:24] He
[12:11:27] Couldn't get a license to get out of the country with his chest hair anymore.
[12:11:30] Oh, is that it?
[12:11:31] I guess it makes sense, yeah.
[12:11:34] Yeah, no, he's uh, I don't know. I don't know why J.B. stopped casting because he's very intelligent.
[12:11:40] Because he's not talking as well, right?
[12:11:42] He does love talking as well.
[12:11:44] He's very funny.
[12:11:46] It's like dry humor, right?
[12:11:48] He's a funny man.
[12:11:50] Nah, he's the lawyer, isn't he?
[12:11:52] GIF is the lawyer, you know what I'm saying, right?
[12:11:53] He makes people up from Echo.
[12:11:56] GIF, the former healer is the lawyer.
[12:11:58] JB, I actually don't know what he looks to do before M+.
[12:12:04] Sorry?
[12:12:05] He's just a mythic plus player.
[12:12:06] Yeah.
[12:12:06] And he has a true dog.
[12:12:08] He's a law degree, but never to the bar exam.
[12:12:10] Well, if I, what's that film called?
[12:12:13] Catch Me If You Can.
[12:12:13] Catch Me If You Can.
[12:12:15] When he has a lot in his spare, really?
[12:12:18] No, he didn't do the bar, so...
[12:12:22] He's a lawyer, he's not a lawyer. Who do we believe?
[12:12:24] I'm a lawyer.
[12:12:26] I am also a lawyer. I'm a doctor.
[12:12:32] Of thugonomics.
[12:12:34] Of thugonomics?
[12:12:36] That's deep shades thing. It's gang.
[12:12:39] It's gang?
[12:12:41] In the gang, you need a lawyer, I swear, you know?
[12:12:45] Getting out of trouble.
[12:12:47] True, yeah, you gotta get out of trouble.
[12:12:49] Gotta get that Doctor of Thug and Omics.
[12:12:52] Come on.
[12:12:57] I do agree with the mental reset though.
[12:13:00] You would have to be fried on this boss too,
[12:13:03] and you wouldn't have to wonder what it's like.
[12:13:06] I mean, Deep Shades, you've been there.
[12:13:08] What is it like being on a boss like this
[12:13:11] where you are just...
[12:13:13] No flame. Not going anywhere.
[12:13:16] What does that do to your mental I was never in a position
[12:13:22] With me there's always going W making progress
[12:13:29] What if you had been in a situation like this, I think
[12:13:32] I was something like this to be honest aspect then I'm thinking the whole night of arresting guys plant. Yeah
[12:13:41] Yeah, I mean
[12:13:43] There was definitely days have you just called it earlier?
[12:13:46] or when we just had like a talk, kinda like what can we do on the bus, rather than like
[12:13:50] focusing, but honestly, depending on the date was always either sleep helped or food.
[12:13:59] And I think we saw several times today that food didn't help.
[12:14:03] So I think another hour or two extra, I mean it sounds stupid, but at the end of the
[12:14:08] day what can you really do, like your analysts figure out a plan and you see it
[12:14:11] with other kids that it can work.
[12:14:13] It's for some reason doesn't work.
[12:14:15] The players are obviously getting frustrated, you're getting off.
[12:14:20] Things like this, I feel like the pulse is up like two minutes.
[12:14:25] Yeah, they are.
[12:14:27] There is nothing that you can say like, we all know they are skilled enough.
[12:14:30] They have shown this.
[12:14:31] Yeah.
[12:14:32] And at some point you just have to admit to yourself even though it sucks.
[12:14:35] We are already anyway third place, we are far behind.
[12:14:39] Either we take the chance, no sleep a proper night, go to more like gigablasts.
[12:14:44] Yeah.
[12:14:45] And because there is still the hope for nerves where you can maybe catch up
[12:14:49] Or like you just run against the wall because obviously we can't listen to like into the voice and stuff
[12:14:55] But to be honest at this point you can't tell me it's because we changed like one player
[12:14:58] Yeah, because we changed like one city. Yeah, we are wiping to like seven different parts of the fight
[12:15:04] Yeah, and
[12:15:05] After 150 attempts we shouldn't then you have to be just as honest to be to be yourself
[12:15:11] And I think that's also like leadership and experience when to call it a night to be honest
[12:15:16] Yeah, even if everybody says no, we need to push through if the if the if the leader says no
[12:15:21] We are not then you go to sleep
[12:15:23] That's how it is. I guess a writer you just have to accept my office has told me today. It's over. Yeah
[12:15:29] I think we are at the point in my opinion. Yeah
[12:15:32] You're a smart guy. Thank you for a gangster for a gangster. Yeah, look the smartest gangster
[12:15:38] Yeah, I think one one thing or the other shouldn't contact each other, you know
[12:15:42] Because I think being a gangster doesn't mean only bad things, you know
[12:15:46] No, you can be a good gangster and deep words exactly deep shades like deep shades has a a lot of different meaning meaning search
[12:15:54] so, you know
[12:15:57] But yeah, this is the thing we are spam pulling which makes me happy so we don't talk about the mistakes because
[12:16:04] This is the thing we know to mistakes are mistakes. Yeah, like tactic related
[12:16:08] But at the same time how long do you want to keep this up especially as you said the two-minute pools?
[12:16:13] It's just like so frustrating. Yeah, it's insane
[12:16:17] Like I don't even know what you know
[12:16:20] I feel like we've been here like the last three days saying about how they should probably get early night and
[12:16:25] It's just not happening, but obviously it's an outside. It's always easier and also hindsight is always easier
[12:16:31] Yep, but yeah, that one Tuesday. I think
[12:16:35] Did more harm? Yeah, then actually anything else
[12:16:38] I think you could have abstained off like the four items that drop from second code mythic and maybe like a little bit better
[12:16:45] I want I don't know. Yeah, maybe I'm delusional in that regard
[12:16:48] It's it's a memorable moment that they killed it, but I think from then on
[12:16:53] It has felt like they're a little bit on the back first since then
[12:16:56] You know, they kind of they got to that point and it was a good moment as you said, but yeah, they really
[12:17:01] Screwed the push for staying up super late because it's just kind of messed up the sleep schedule
[12:17:05] But I think we could have wound it back though, that was the thing.
[12:17:08] Yeah, I talked about that yesterday.
[12:17:10] And I wonder in hindsight if that was the play in the end,
[12:17:16] like I don't think there was anything staying up.
[12:17:18] I don't think there was anything wrong with staying up for that moment
[12:17:21] in terms of having the option for loot and things like that.
[12:17:26] But maybe the better play would have been
[12:17:29] progressing the hours back to normal schedule,
[12:17:32] as opposed to the hard adjustment of 10-2.
[12:17:38] But these are all things you'll learn as well, I think.
[12:17:40] Just because it's the race world first and it's method
[12:17:44] doesn't mean you stop learning things, do you know what I mean?
[12:17:47] You still learn something every race.
[12:17:52] I think it's also, especially in methods,
[12:17:56] what it's like you have to prove that you finally got better,
[12:18:00] that you can keep up with the other girls,
[12:18:02] And maybe they pushed themselves over what they should have been pushed, because they have like this constant thinking of we finally need to prove, we finally need to show the results, and like it obviously puts a lot of pressure on you as well, because that's what like every guild has to handle, right?
[12:18:18] Like for Acrewood was always, or like the old method, if you don't win a world first race, it's a giga loss.
[12:18:26] Like a world second for aspect then was horrendous.
[12:18:29] For Liquid at some point it got giga pressure because obviously the big name, like the whole org behind it, and also the big rivalry.
[12:18:38] And Methods unfortunately put themselves in a situation because they wanted to show we can play with the grades.
[12:18:46] Yep
[12:18:48] They tried no for a lot of tears. They always did get better
[12:18:51] But when is the breakthrough here? And like they obviously want to like prove it finally so
[12:18:58] Mentally, it's like also really really hard for all these skills. Yeah, well, we're gonna clean tier one tier one P1
[12:19:04] Watch out for the flubber
[12:19:06] It's coming in hot
[12:19:08] He's done this many many times. So nice group positioning vote and I will hop in all good
[12:19:15] smash in that white line not even a problem the shield is going down very
[12:19:20] quickly as you can see 12% and we got through it basically unless something
[12:19:29] terrible happens right now there we go everyone in head to moon well John this
[12:19:37] is obvious in hindsight also one of these things will extra sleep help with
[12:19:41] the progression I mean if we take the progression of the last three hours
[12:19:46] extra sleep would help if they know suddenly we get like 10 phase three
[12:19:50] tries then you can say okay sleep wouldn't have been worth it yeah but
[12:19:54] this is like you always have to take gambles at the end of the day yeah so
[12:19:58] yeah you know what's up everyone's still alive little hop over to the thing it
[12:20:03] does look good though yeah I'm in a better rest again groups are split
[12:20:09] Is it just saying I go as the weak or is just shouting it or he's gone through?
[12:20:13] Let's go, come on.
[12:20:15] Dispel, back in the fight, all good.
[12:20:19] Go left.
[12:20:20] Wait for this grip.
[12:20:21] Oh, very nice, it was cheeky.
[12:20:23] Go through, go to the side, go left for the dispel.
[12:20:27] There we go.
[12:20:28] Very nice.
[12:20:29] Up the bridge.
[12:20:30] Up there.
[12:20:31] This is the best we've seen for a long time.
[12:20:32] This is good.
[12:20:33] Now just don't screw the pooch here.
[12:20:34] Let's go.
[12:20:35] Let's go.
[12:20:36] Here we go, alright he's going.
[12:20:42] I mean this is the spot where so much damage has come in.
[12:20:46] And the dispell causes damage too, so.
[12:20:49] Dispell?
[12:20:50] Oh Warlock please.
[12:20:51] Okay we are getting one rest.
[12:20:53] We got two dispells just chilling out here waiting to.
[12:20:56] Oh it's gonna go off.
[12:20:59] It's there.
[12:21:01] Why is it up in the spell?
[12:21:03] Oh.
[12:21:04] Where's people dead?
[12:21:05] Probably people that are dispelling are dead.
[12:21:07] Third platform.
[12:21:08] We have been here before.
[12:21:10] We'll be here for a couple of seconds.
[12:21:18] That was a long time for the dispell.
[12:21:20] It was, but I think people that were dispelling were dead.
[12:21:23] Uh, so you had to make a fly decision?
[12:21:26] No, there was just no one to dispel it.
[12:21:28] Oh, there's literally no one.
[12:21:29] Yeah, if you're ever dead.
[12:21:30] What, uh, what is it?
[12:21:32] Like, what type of magic?
[12:21:34] It'd just be a magic dispel.
[12:21:36] Why run a dwarf?
[12:21:39] Easy. Do it yourself.
[12:21:41] They're all in norm.
[12:21:43] They're all in norm for escape artist.
[12:21:45] No, but that's why they're not dwarf, right?
[12:21:47] Because they're norm.
[12:21:48] Then you just say dwarf.
[12:21:50] Yeah, dwarf, yeah.
[12:21:51] Yeah, but I'm saying they're all in norm.
[12:21:53] Oh, because of the escape artist.
[12:21:55] Are they actually running in norm though?
[12:21:56] Yeah.
[12:21:57] Yeah, a few of them are.
[12:21:58] Echo and Liquid all hard.
[12:21:59] They should be in norm.
[12:22:00] They're all in norm.
[12:22:01] Much better.
[12:22:02] Actually before they were like,
[12:22:03] Mechanorms and now people are like norm.
[12:22:04] Yeah, yeah, I saw the Mechanorms thing.
[12:22:05] I like norms though.
[12:22:06] Cool race.
[12:22:07] Do you like Mechanorms?
[12:22:09] I mean, I like the normal norm small but I like playing these like smaller races. Yeah, I liked was as well
[12:22:16] I like the other tools. Yeah, but maybe it's because I'm such a unit. Yeah, you're like a I wrote
[12:22:22] You're like a gangster dwarf. Yo, it's time for
[12:22:27] Remember guys, it's also the September. I think for every five gifted subs. There's one for three or something
[12:22:32] Oh, what's a week a time for all this or Titan for sure and they love to gamble. Yeah, I love the gamble
[12:22:39] If you want to try your luck right now, send a five subs tower to us.
[12:22:46] Yeah, I bet they won't do it.
[12:22:50] Nome race best race.
[12:22:51] I was a gnome for a lot of my wildlife, actually, to be fair.
[12:22:55] I was a man called Retrack, which is Carter backwards, because that's what surname, because
[12:23:00] I'm best mate with Jay-Z.
[12:23:02] You know, like the Rain album, like Carter.
[12:23:07] Yeah, exactly.
[12:23:08] Yeah.
[12:23:09] Really?
[12:23:10] Yeah.
[12:23:11] Yeah, Sam, thank you for the tour.
[12:23:16] Primers!
[12:23:17] Primers!
[12:23:18] Spam this prime to get the slime.
[12:23:21] Get the slime, man.
[12:23:23] Yeah, so anyway, dwarf, I reckon dwarf.
[12:23:29] Get through, don't need to worry about no one dispelling you.
[12:23:31] Get through there, stone form, boom, done.
[12:23:34] Back through the portal.
[12:23:36] I actually play in Nome in Dungeons and Dragons.
[12:23:39] Oh yeah?
[12:23:40] You play D&D?
[12:23:42] Actually, I would call myself nowadays a small connoisseur in that regard.
[12:23:47] Wow, a dungeon master.
[12:23:49] I started it.
[12:23:50] I played like five, six, seven sessions or something with my discord crew.
[12:23:54] Very nice.
[12:23:55] And I think we made it to like level four or something, level three.
[12:24:00] It's definitely slower than my world of walker leveling experience.
[12:24:03] But I'm a little gnome called Fapsadum.
[12:24:07] Love that.
[12:24:07] I think my ultimate goal was to find a way to summon Felgaard, I kinda got inspired by it.
[12:24:16] I mean initially I had a different plan, my first character design was I tried to engulf the whole world in darkness.
[12:24:22] Then my dungeon master told me it would be a bit too spicy like this ambition.
[12:24:27] So for now we are going with the Felgaard.
[12:24:30] But I am a DnD connoisseur, I can't say so much.
[12:24:34] That's awesome.
[12:24:35] The inner nerd out of me.
[12:24:36] You guys played as well.
[12:24:37] I played once online and it was...
[12:24:39] I've never laughed so much in my life.
[12:24:41] It was actually so funny.
[12:24:42] I've never played, but I wish I had,
[12:24:44] but I feel like I've kind of missed the boat.
[12:24:45] No, no, we did it like a couple of months ago,
[12:24:48] just for funsies.
[12:24:49] The Dungeon Master, I wrote this amazing story
[12:24:51] and we completely shit all over it
[12:24:53] because we just did whatever we wanted.
[12:24:54] It was like, what do you do?
[12:24:55] He's like, I pick up the thingy
[12:24:57] and throw him at the cold wall.
[12:25:01] I mean, the cool thing is also...
[12:25:04] I have this...
[12:25:04] So now there's also an Instagram and stuff on the Reels.
[12:25:07] Some plans played with their kids.
[12:25:09] Oh yeah?
[12:25:10] That's cool.
[12:25:11] That sounds fun.
[12:25:12] They even make like real life maps and stuff like this.
[12:25:13] And I know if you guys care about stuff like this in the One Piece live action series,
[12:25:19] the guy that is gonna play Crocodile is actually also big, the Indian enthusiast and has
[12:25:24] like on YouTube his own like gaming table show and stuff.
[12:25:27] That's cool.
[12:25:28] I haven't watched the One Piece live action yet I'm up to Thriller, I've nearly
[12:25:31] finished Thriller Bark on the animated.
[12:25:34] so it's like 380 episodes in or something but yeah what's up my yeah
[12:25:41] I have normal one piece I'm like up to date
[12:25:44] it's only started like last year
[12:25:48] but it is so good. What's your favorite character so far?
[12:25:52] I mean Luffy's my favorite character I love Luffy and I actually I like Ace as well
[12:25:58] I like Luffy's brother. Do you know I mean I obviously don't know the spoiler but
[12:26:01] What's the name of the Flamingo ring about no, so I've seen
[12:26:06] Duflamingo on like some of the one-piece stuff and cards that but he hasn't actually come in
[12:26:11] I don't know if I had cake that's in all of anime so there at the moment
[12:26:15] It's the you know thriller bark with the zombies if you can remember back
[12:26:18] I didn't watch all episodes, but like it was very back then. Yeah, so I'm up to there at the moment
[12:26:24] Tell them about fire well here. Herosim also one of my dnd campaign mates
[12:26:30] His first character ended up being so weird that he got put into prison
[12:26:34] His second character ended up also in prison
[12:26:37] Like he has a talent of making horrendous characters
[12:26:40] He's like the type of guy always fighting with the city guards
[12:26:44] stuff like this and at some point we just always ditch him
[12:26:48] Also the greatest idea of not getting a night vision either
[12:26:53] is kind of the only one in the group
[12:26:55] so being useless in that regard as well
[12:26:57] His pet is like an overweight little dragon.
[12:27:00] All right, all right.
[12:27:04] Oh no, not Ayumi man. I hate him.
[12:27:08] I tell you, it took me a long time to like and he still drives me mental sometimes, but Usopp just drove me nuts.
[12:27:16] But when he became Sniper King with his theme song, I lost it.
[12:27:22] Ayumi is also my D&D friend.
[12:27:23] Oh yeah?
[12:27:24] Yeah. Ayumi is also a friend, but I mean I take it back, I don't hate you, but like he's very alike.
[12:27:29] He's like one of these guys, he's like always annoying when like in a nice way, he's funny but annoying.
[12:27:34] Okay, okay.
[12:27:35] Yeah, like always.
[12:27:36] That guy doesn't have a filter.
[12:27:38] Nah, but in Germany we say Lissop.
[12:27:41] That's how we pronounce them, Lissop.
[12:27:43] Lissop?
[12:27:44] Instead of Bissop.
[12:27:45] Oh, okay, yeah.
[12:27:46] Yeah, I mean, that's a cool thing I guess in one piece, they all have nice backstories.
[12:27:49] Yeah.
[12:27:50] Like there's like more to them, which makes it like very likable.
[12:27:53] Watching Nekrat progression is quite as close to impossible as we want enough.
[12:27:56] Mean we all assume kind of the nerve is probably coming, but like don't say impossible yet
[12:28:02] The flamingos a great character. Yeah one. Please give me my first was it was it Niko Robin? Oh, no, don't say anything. Oh
[12:28:10] Yeah, don't don't say anything. Don't say anything
[12:28:12] Yeah, I mean, especially since dark make is very far behind. Yeah, I'm like 700 episodes behind the current
[12:28:19] Yeah, I think if you watch like all episodes, it's like 19 full days of like watch time
[12:28:24] I think there's a thousand episodes or something about it and I'm on 350 yeah and like all together like 19 full days of watch time
[12:28:32] something like this
[12:28:33] crazy
[12:28:36] Yeah, no, but one piece definitely is worth it. I didn't watch the full live action one yet, but yeah
[12:28:42] So they have to
[12:28:44] Are you a fan of live action things? Because I think they're pushing it a bit more. It's interesting
[12:28:49] so my favorite anime for a long time was
[12:28:52] was Full Metal Alchemist and then they made their live action but I never watched it.
[12:29:00] So I haven't really, I think the only live action anime I've ever watched was the Death
[12:29:10] Note they did.
[12:29:11] The actual movie on Netflix.
[12:29:12] Yeah.
[12:29:13] I think that's the only live action I've really watched.
[12:29:16] But I think back then there was a Dragon Ball live action movie in the cinemas.
[12:29:20] That was terrible.
[12:29:21] Yeah exactly.
[12:29:22] Closed the doors for a long time. Yeah, and now they're getting like bigger production
[12:29:26] I think so but yeah, I mean I have to say full metal is it's not your favorite anymore because it's
[12:29:32] Full metal it's still it'll always be one of my favorites, but I think I think
[12:29:37] Either death note or my hero academia and probably they like me. I love my hero academia
[12:29:42] This is the current season has been terrible, but first two seasons of my hero
[12:29:46] I think I spent too many seasons man. Yeah, and I just I mean I'm only like at season two
[12:29:51] I didn't like it too much. Yeah, definitely unreal. I'm lucky. I watched the film as well one more time because he didn't know it
[12:29:57] Yeah, we stopped after like the first time kind of but that's not incredible
[12:30:02] For me, it's amazing. It is a phenomenal show and every single opening
[12:30:08] Insane, yeah, yeah, so good. Thank you
[12:30:12] Well, long ago was casting today actually earlier even he was sweating sweating all over the catch from the small
[12:30:19] I
[12:30:23] Went on the camera no more
[12:30:25] You weeps finish talking
[12:30:30] Like poke one I feel like there's an anime for everyone. Yeah, I'm 100%
[12:30:37] Log Horizon
[12:30:40] Season one yeah season one a lot
[12:30:44] Yeah, I mean honestly I could if I would talk about I mean
[12:30:49] with me like no Dragon Ball Super as well
[12:30:55] Solid online is great, but like they also overspent the seasons and like every season something completely different. Yeah
[12:31:01] It is Mr. Gem. He's back with us. He took a small break. There he is. Oh, yeah, do you know what I found?
[12:31:07] Yes, I got this isn't actually a barboy. I found coconut flavor holy. Oh
[12:31:13] Yeah, I'm a big fan of coconut flavor
[12:31:15] Ah, what the...
[12:31:17] Like in a drink kind of weird, huh?
[12:31:19] Like I can't imagine, no.
[12:31:21] I don't know, anyone ever watch Ultimate Muscle?
[12:31:25] What?
[12:31:26] Yeah, Ultimate Muscle is an anime, I think.
[12:31:28] Yeah, I bet there's no Ultimate Muscle viewers in here.
[12:31:31] My favourite ever is Fate.
[12:31:33] Fate 0.
[12:31:34] I didn't say that one.
[12:31:35] Insane.
[12:31:36] I'll have to have a look.
[12:31:37] Ultimate Muscle is like a fever dream.
[12:31:38] I actually thought I made it up as a child.
[12:31:40] And then I looked it up and it was actually a real thing.
[12:31:42] Basically an anime that was like a wrestling thing.
[12:31:45] A fever dream.
[12:31:46] Oh, but so.
[12:31:47] I felt that way after watching, um, what's the Johnny Depp Vegas movie?
[12:31:53] Uh, Fear and Loathing.
[12:31:54] Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, that movie is off its chops.
[12:31:57] Dine, skate, craze.
[12:31:58] Some Ultimate Muscle fans in the chat, but not the new one, you know there was a new
[12:32:02] one.
[12:32:03] Now, Ultra Legendary as Vegas, of course.
[12:32:04] Yeah, it's just a weird anime, there's loads of fart jokes.
[12:32:08] It's just really weird.
[12:32:10] Yeah, I unfortunately doubted
[12:32:15] Matthew we killed a boss this night
[12:32:17] Tonight?
[12:32:18] Yeah, you know you know
[12:32:19] I mean they might
[12:32:21] Yeah
[12:32:24] Yeah I remember watching old Dragon Ball on Toonami
[12:32:26] Toonami? Do you get Toonami on the train?
[12:32:28] Yeah I remember Toonami
[12:32:29] Yeah
[12:32:30] I'll name
[12:32:31] Attack on Titan that has to be one of my favorites
[12:32:33] You know the crazy thing that's about to attack on Titan at Wastemangaka's first anime
[12:32:38] Like what kind of twisted mind do you need to have with 19 to create such a
[12:32:42] masterpiece? Do you know what I will say though? I didn't like the ending.
[12:32:46] Spoilers, I did not like the ending. Because it got like hated so hard.
[12:32:51] Or did they? Because I watched the finale and I was like I did not like that.
[12:32:56] I think he had a minor ending. It got hated on so much that he changed it once.
[12:32:58] Something like this. I don't want to lie but I longed those lines.
[12:33:01] But yeah, I take on Titan and masterpiece.
[12:33:03] I watched the hell out of that and I got so obsessed with it and then I was
[12:33:07] just like oh my god and i remember i actually watched the finale on a plane because i was i
[12:33:13] don't know if i was coming here when the finale was out or what not um a while ago and i remember
[12:33:18] watching it i was just so disappointed with how but honestly attack on titan is one of these shows
[12:33:24] you have to watch once again completely after you have finished it yeah because i remember
[12:33:30] i used to watch it back then with perfect on roger and then you the manga and i didn't know it
[12:33:35] And then I always, did you get this reference? Did you understand this? Did you see this?
[12:33:38] And I've never got it. And now that I've seen everything, and understand everything,
[12:33:43] also like, even the tight hits in the show have meanings, yeah.
[12:33:47] If I think, like, if I would look back now and watch everything in one binge sitting,
[12:33:52] I think I would pick up so much. Yeah, you would, absolutely.
[12:33:55] Jesus, it was a good show, though. That is jammin' to something.
[12:33:58] Made in a bus also great. I haven't seen that one.
[12:34:01] But then he's probably German
[12:34:04] We get Dan Jam. I can get Dan Jam
[12:34:10] I reckon he's listening to the prodigy. Oh, yeah, what's on very do people? Oh, yeah
[12:34:20] And really happy music
[12:34:23] So no, nothing will be also cool
[12:34:27] Did you guys actually ever watched
[12:34:29] Okay, when you didn't anyway, but maybe Doug Mac. There is a Chinese anime actually called King's Avatar about an Esport Pro
[12:34:38] Like an MMO Esport Pro
[12:34:40] Oh, that's cool
[12:34:42] I mean, there's pretty much five people with like legendary titles and like me and Akulis
[12:34:47] We were like the anime brothers back then. We were like, okay, I'm the sport master
[12:34:53] It fits me perfect and stuff and we always said like it's the anime about us and stuff
[12:34:56] But it's actually cool. I think there's even like a
[12:34:59] Ancient drama like with like live action. Yeah, the anime is cool because like it shows like the players, but also in-game scenes
[12:35:07] That's cool. That's what I liked about
[12:35:10] Log Horizon just made me feel like I got sat inside like World of Warcraft
[12:35:15] I was so sick because it was also really the POV, right? Yeah
[12:35:18] Yeah, and even like when they do the raids like they actually do the raids and stuff like that
[12:35:23] I was like I just gave me massive like I've been zapped in Dazzler of vibes
[12:35:27] And Gumi Ben 1 of course you know that but yeah, I can really
[12:35:34] Like King Samatha you should definitely check it out. I will have a look I have crunchy roll at home
[12:35:39] I don't think they have it there because like in Chinese
[12:35:43] Localization but crunchy roll game changer. I know where it'll be
[12:35:46] I know where it'll be
[12:35:49] Elsewhere. MB
[12:35:51] I'm surprised that I'm on a train.
[12:35:54] I'm surprised that I'm on a train.
[12:35:56] Are you surprised?
[12:35:58] I won't get us to come back next year if I kick this up.
[12:36:01] We've flamed them too much.
[12:36:02] We've flamed their slow pools too much.
[12:36:05] I'm rather honest than lying.
[12:36:07] That's true.
[12:36:08] That's right, faxed no printer.
[12:36:09] That's fake.
[12:36:10] That's how I roll.
[12:36:12] Who was the other DK?
[12:36:14] Was that a bait?
[12:36:17] What do you mean the other DK?
[12:36:18] I don't know.
[12:36:19] That's why I'm confused.
[12:36:20] What's up real dain?
[12:36:21] Kg8, that was cool as well. Any progress?
[12:36:25] Unfortunately the last few hours have been pretty stale. We are getting to the top platform on phase 2 now, which is progress for us to be fair.
[12:36:32] They're having a break. I think that I reckon they're having a long discussion.
[12:36:40] Except, except, Crystalize isn't present for the discussion. He's got a wildest head turn. He does, that's true.
[12:36:46] For the 20th anniversary. I got happy Corollus. Just happy to be out the Google.
[12:36:51] She's like, thankfully I got benched.
[12:36:55] Yeah, I don't actually stream it now, but she was watching Wildy for a little bit on the stream.
[12:37:01] She was commenting over it.
[12:37:03] It's also like one of these hate life relationships with Grella and being in a raid, right?
[12:37:08] Like, I feel like every tier I have to answer why she isn't in a raid,
[12:37:11] because she plays some class that either got benched or bad loot.
[12:37:15] Yeah, bad loot generally.
[12:37:17] You're having a dance party in game.
[12:37:20] just talking a little I guess but honestly I don't I don't even know what I
[12:37:25] would even talk about right now like yeah it's a consistency rolling to be
[12:37:30] honest it's a really tough one it really is a tough one it's just a wall of a
[12:37:37] boss the moment I mean I mean that's a little like a questionnaire what was for
[12:37:44] you guys like one of the moments where you felt like the most stuck while
[12:37:48] doing something do you have something like this like what they have right now
[12:37:51] doesn't have to be wall rating or even more at all but where you ever stuck so
[12:37:55] hard on something you were working on and you were like I can't manage to find
[12:37:59] any progression yeah there's a level in a crash bandicoot for
[12:38:05] yeah the new crash there's a level right near the end and it's so hard that I
[12:38:11] actually just gave up oh man I agree yeah the new one's so good I really
[12:38:18] really good yeah well I say new one it's probably not even that new anymore
[12:38:22] sure like four years old or something but yeah I think it's called like out of
[12:38:25] time or something or crash for no time I don't know I love Chris it's great
[12:38:30] honestly and then because they had the the remake right they remade one two and
[12:38:33] three and that was incredible and then they made this new one so yeah great game
[12:38:37] but yeah really hard stuck on it forever gave up thanks but you know
[12:38:41] That's just my my attitude right. I just give up. I just give up. That's fine
[12:38:46] I think when I was six my mom had like to play session one. Oh, we have a pool. She's like a small gamer and
[12:38:53] Like she used to play with me always crash benikot or Spyro. We also have a spyro like this place
[12:38:58] Yeah, yeah, and like it's I love these two games. They're great games
[12:39:02] But you have something like this as well dark mag somewhere you got stuck and yeah, I've never been stuck on anything
[12:39:07] I always succeed bro
[12:39:11] Lava level in Aladdin? Is that the PS1 game that you go side-scroller?
[12:39:17] Or Alien Ring obviously very hard.
[12:39:19] Yeah I don't play hard games, I play waterwalk craft.
[12:39:23] Alright little Socarino, here we go.
[12:39:26] Well that is actually like one of the topics he sometimes argue in our discord group because
[12:39:31] we have some guy that plays like every game in story mode kinda.
[12:39:34] Yeah just for fun.
[12:39:35] And my other friend is like flaming him when you're playing every game and even
[12:39:40] story more like why don't why do you even talk and stuff like maybe just want to enjoy that you know
[12:39:44] enjoy the ride well it's that thing where games are fun aren't they like in the end of the day
[12:39:50] so was it mega drive that had two different names sega mega drive no it was a master's
[12:39:57] done and i had a different name in america and europe it was not a shadow no it was uh
[12:40:04] Uh, no, Saturn maybe?
[12:40:06] Sega Saturn, that wasn't Sega Saturn.
[12:40:08] What it was before my time.
[12:40:11] There was definitely one that had a different name, I can't remember what it was.
[12:40:14] It might be the Mega Drive, you know.
[12:40:15] Mega Drive and Genesis.
[12:40:16] Yeah, there you go.
[12:40:17] You can play Sonic.
[12:40:18] It couldn't be Genesis, because of, uh, Phil Collins.
[12:40:21] Yeah.
[12:40:21] Ah, that's not true, but...
[12:40:22] What's your guys' favorite console?
[12:40:24] Uh...
[12:40:25] PS2.
[12:40:26] Actually, no, the Game Boy Advance SP.
[12:40:29] Or the Folder B-Wall.
[12:40:30] Yeah, I had one with Trible.
[12:40:32] With the backlight.
[12:40:33] With Trible, I had that one.
[12:40:34] I reckon I'd just go for Nostalgia's sake and it would either be Nintendo 64 or the PS1
[12:40:42] Cause like Metal Gear Solid was a bang-a-bang game but Mario 64 was also bang-a as well
[12:40:49] Yeah I've also said Gameboy SP Unreal and PlayStation 2 are first Xbox
[12:40:55] Because it was like my peak in an adventure PC kinda
[12:40:59] PlayStation 2, I remember I slammed Final Fantasy X on that. It was such a good game
[12:41:07] Yeah, Melga sold it's good game series my favorite game series actually metal gear so I was phenomenal
[12:41:12] I still love you will you haven't played rising though. Well, I've only ever played one
[12:41:16] Oh, yeah, but we don't play number two or three. Oh three is so good
[12:41:20] It's the high class footage when you're asking for a certain friend in the Scott when my discord server
[12:41:26] but there's royalty, it's a self-called royalty kind of.
[12:41:30] And I think Method is treating us very, very well,
[12:41:34] but for this specific dear particular friend,
[12:41:39] I think there is no food made yet
[12:41:41] when you that would feed his taste buds to a certain level.
[12:41:45] Unfortunately, no, there is no high-class food for him.
[12:41:48] Uncharted, I loved Uncharted 3.
[12:41:51] Uncharted was awesome.
[12:41:52] Rayman, yeah, Richard Rayman.
[12:41:53] That was also my mom again, Rayman.
[12:41:55] Then Richard and Kling and Jack and Dexter are the same.
[12:42:01] They were like the new age, like Spira and Crash Royale came in later.
[12:42:05] I liked you guys probably, you might be too young, but Super Metroid on the NES was phenomenal.
[12:42:15] Yeah I think my granddad plays that.
[12:42:16] I love Super Metroid.
[12:42:17] I don't even understand why they never did a Metroid movie.
[12:42:22] They probably did.
[12:42:23] I think that would have been absolutely bang-on
[12:42:28] How did Dragon Ball Evolution get green lit?
[12:42:32] The thing is I had duck hunt I had the OG orange Nintendo gun nice
[12:42:38] Did you guys have also back then was it a finger overseas as well with like stores where you could lend games?
[12:42:45] That was pretty popular and I remember my dad lending from me Digimon
[12:42:49] I think my guy didn't do anything, but pooping and like one hour trying to play the game
[12:42:57] he was just pooping, never mind giving it away.
[12:43:00] I gotta say, I actually, I get streaming has made everything super accessible, you don't
[12:43:07] have to leave anymore and I don't know if you had the same memories but like going
[12:43:12] to the video store on a Friday night to rent like movies was like you would spend an
[12:43:18] hour in the video store like in blockbuster trying to decide what you wanted and that was such a
[12:43:23] rad experience. Yeah that always had a very unique smell. But I think I'm a bit too young that I
[12:43:29] could like lend stuff myself so my dad sometimes brought me like a pokemon movie
[12:43:33] but for me like the big thing was always I remember like after finishing one like particular
[12:43:37] school year I think seventh grade we went like to the electronics store and like I was just like
[12:43:42] you know like as a kid you always just go through like the games and stuff yeah
[12:43:46] And then like my dad came to me after like he was a big CD guy or like is a big CD guy and stuff
[12:43:51] And he was like the girl like something and I'm like, yeah, Pokemon Emerald
[12:43:54] Yeah, and I remember on the way home. You just like you read everything. Yeah on the back of the box
[12:44:00] Yeah, I was so stoked. Yeah, like Pokemon Emerald. I was
[12:44:05] Unreal so a lot of people missing blockbuster
[12:44:08] It was really cool because it made the whole experience of like you walk in
[12:44:11] You have an argument about what you're going to hire because there's a deal for like
[12:44:16] One new release in three weeklies or something and there would be this mass discussion over it
[12:44:21] You know what I miss?
[12:44:22] What? Game demos. Game demos like as if it's a magazine
[12:44:27] You could paint with a CD
[12:44:29] I've got stacks of them with my mom still like from the PlayStation magazine used to get like a demo every day
[12:44:34] Also, I think Faith is prog in a different game
[12:44:36] Yeah he is.
[12:44:38] Good on him.
[12:44:40] Yeah but he's also not at his desk so I don't know how he's doing it.
[12:44:42] World first experience.
[12:44:44] He's a ghost.
[12:44:45] Also like back then I remember when you bought like some of these magazines there was like
[12:44:48] Roller Coaster, Take One and Insane Insane Insane.
[12:44:51] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[12:44:52] 1080s snowboarding was good.
[12:44:53] What about Legend of Zelda?
[12:44:54] Did you guys play any of the Zelda games?
[12:44:56] I didn't play a Zelda game until Breath of the Wild.
[12:44:58] Oh Zelda was so good.
[12:45:00] Zelda like on the NES and then the SNES was amazing.
[12:45:04] and then 64 Ocarina of Time.
[12:45:07] I never had an Nintendo except the Game Boy.
[12:45:09] We were always PlayStation and then Game Boy, Game Boy's we had.
[12:45:12] But we didn't get it.
[12:45:13] We got it in 64 like way later, but only for Pokemon Stadium.
[12:45:16] Because then you could plug in your cartridge and see them in 3D.
[12:45:20] Stadium might rumble packs.
[12:45:22] Yeah.
[12:45:23] What I was also big on was the LEGO games.
[12:45:25] Like, the race, the LEGO where you had almost a skateboard on the island and stuff.
[12:45:29] I love the LEGO games now.
[12:45:30] My last was big on Star... Lego Star Wars and Lego Pirates of the Caribbean.
[12:45:35] Oh yeah, okay.
[12:45:38] And obviously need for speed, especially most wanted.
[12:45:40] Need for speed, Underground 2, best soundtrack ever.
[12:45:42] I had Underground 1 and most wanted.
[12:45:50] Man, that Nissan Skyline in Underground 1.
[12:45:54] I also loved Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift.
[12:45:56] Yeah, like that was my time, exactly.
[12:45:58] Yeah. Yeah, I think it was just such a time in history, right?
[12:46:02] I feel like we grew up in like the best time.
[12:46:04] Yeah.
[12:46:04] We have access to everything outside and inside, kind of, virtual and normal.
[12:46:08] Could you imagine having social media at school now?
[12:46:10] Oh, God, I'd be horrible.
[12:46:12] Oh, the worst.
[12:46:13] Or like texting and stuff.
[12:46:15] What it was, 2005?
[12:46:17] Dude, we used to have, I used to go home from school in like year 12.
[12:46:20] I reckon it started coming in and it was MSN Messenger.
[12:46:24] Yeah.
[12:46:25] MSN and ICQ.
[12:46:27] No, I see here. I never got into ice here ever said my my notifications on Twitter emison and
[12:46:35] Nudge people and you'd have to like I detail I detect the phone off the hook until mom she could use the phone
[12:46:42] It's a horsey you said like I heart and then a bunch of question marks that like
[12:46:50] Was it if you guys also always such a meme with MSN no one had a webcam apparently yeah
[12:46:57] No one ever, no one ever again!
[12:47:00] Yeah.
[12:47:02] Ah, so good.
[12:47:03] So old, so much fun.
[12:47:06] Wow, he's old, isn't he? 20 years?
[12:47:08] We are old!
[12:47:09] No, no, no. You are old.
[12:47:11] I am old.
[12:47:13] But that's okay.
[12:47:15] Yeah, you look pretty young.
[12:47:16] That was actually phase one, because I'm young.
[12:47:18] Keepin' goals.
[12:47:19] Yeah.
[12:47:21] Phase one, wipe.
[12:47:22] Very good fingers for dark as kids keep him young, yeah?
[12:47:25] Like all the marathons and stuff. I always see like the splitter con and I'm like that. That's that's a power dad
[12:47:33] Nah, I like that
[12:47:35] I mean it's cool sharing like a hobby with your kid, I guess and like, you know
[12:47:40] It's the best. It's awesome. It is so cool when you've got
[12:47:46] Like you've got your own little person
[12:47:47] Yeah, two little people and you you find something like you have really in common with them and you get to share that
[12:47:54] It's awesome. Did they bring you like to the running back or did you actually push them into it kind of no
[12:48:00] we were just trying
[12:48:02] Like different sports for live to see what kind of she liked and then she was just I don't know
[12:48:08] She went to cross-country and she ran and she was like this real gutsy kid like she wasn't a pussy
[12:48:14] And I was like alright
[12:48:15] I used to run like when I was like 20 at a fairly sort of high level and
[12:48:20] And I was like, oh so then she just got into it and I was like I'm gonna get back into it
[12:48:25] Two and I hadn't run in like 18 15 80 years back into it. Yeah, I got back into it. She's like that. I just want to press W
[12:48:35] She actually likes her she likes full guys and she they like World of Warcraft like they know it was up for
[12:48:41] World of Warcraft they watch the class sometimes. Oh nice
[12:48:44] Now I didn't see gov is equal everyone's at this 20th anniversary thing in Switzerland see that like a orchestra
[12:48:50] I don't see. I didn't get Void. I did the WoW anniversary. I didn't get Void. That's because you're a nobody. That's true.
[12:48:57] I look up just, you know, it's not even like the sun, it's not too far from here. You want to go? We can go tonight. We can go now, if you want.
[12:49:04] Honestly, why not? I'll put it to the small Alfred. We'll bring up, we'll put our phones next to the microphones and we'll just call up from the Uber.
[12:49:13] the uber oh fetch a kid is exposed and playing war from day one crazy crazy
[12:49:20] but it's nice but I felt like always outstanding get every tier I was doing
[12:49:26] very very sleeper sleeper cell and I just kind of creep up there on the old
[12:49:31] scoreboards it's playing one-handed what an absolute pro Danza doing something
[12:49:40] I think he was rapping to rap god
[12:49:42] or he was cutting a spell
[12:49:44] you could roll
[12:49:46] come let us see a good try again
[12:49:48] this has got to be it
[12:49:51] this is the kill I think actually
[12:49:54] any try could be the kill
[12:49:57] but it's not this one
[12:49:59] what's gone wrong there
[12:50:01] the guy has to zone die though
[12:50:03] the reaction is pretty funny
[12:50:04] Spen's just celebrating with some sweets
[12:50:10] should we get Cruella on the desk
[12:50:11] she's well talkative over there
[12:50:12] I reckon she'd come chat
[12:50:14] I mean I'm leaving in like half an hour. You know he sent her to no
[12:50:18] I think she might be streaming mate. Oh
[12:50:22] When I leave later, I will ask her if she wants to come on. Yeah
[12:50:25] Children will be fun. Yeah, she's a gun
[12:50:31] but yeah
[12:50:32] Let's see now progression on liquid neither an echo
[12:50:37] Echo got I reckon I've gone to bed
[12:50:39] I would do some investigative journalism.
[12:50:42] Do some investigative things.
[12:50:43] Do some investigative things.
[12:50:44] Let's change who's get away from that.
[12:50:46] No matter how many people you leave bloodied and beaten along the way.
[12:50:50] Oh, they're still...
[12:50:53] Uh, yeah, still going.
[12:50:55] Gekawa.
[12:50:56] Looks like it.
[12:50:57] Ooh.
[12:50:58] Well, I guess it is getting to that...
[12:51:00] It's getting to the pointy end of the stage.
[12:51:03] Okay, if he's playing Afso.
[12:51:07] Yeah.
[12:51:08] Don't tell them, don't tell them, they can't see it!
[12:51:11] He's not even at his desk, I don't know how he's playing it.
[12:51:13] How's this happened?
[12:51:16] I think it's actually frozen.
[12:51:18] There's no way.
[12:51:19] He's playing it on his phone that's like, managing to get there.
[12:51:24] I wonder if he's on the ground.
[12:51:26] I wonder if he's on the ground.
[12:51:29] The camera on the toilet?
[12:51:30] Can't we see an incident?
[12:51:32] What's happened?
[12:51:35] I don't know.
[12:51:37] Waste the world's first halfstone. I don't really get into halfstone really.
[12:51:41] I wasn't smart enough to play halfstone.
[12:51:44] I'm more of a magic guy.
[12:51:45] Oh yeah? I like magic.
[12:51:47] You're a sneaky nerd for being such a gangster.
[12:51:50] D&D, magic.
[12:51:52] A man of a lot of fur. I have a lot of faces, you know?
[12:51:55] Yeah.
[12:51:56] There's the bloods, the crypts and the phabos in the rooms.
[12:52:00] I have to say for me it started...
[12:52:03] Like the variety stuff started after I stopped.
[12:52:05] I was like so focused on war always maybe like playing some CS or something on the side
[12:52:09] But then when I stopped, you know checking this game out this game playing some part of it playing some this place on this
[12:52:16] I don't know. You've got to get missed out
[12:52:20] Knife, I think honestly my wartime was the best thing that we got
[12:52:25] I've like I like going ham in like that one game
[12:52:28] Yeah, but like now since I don't have that I really enjoyed playing things like parable and stuff as well
[12:52:33] seeing a different side but obviously like committing like the world first
[12:52:38] was always like the most fun in a sense. Would you ever go back to it?
[12:52:42] To what? No, it's like right away so first. Yeah, I would. I will never like
[12:52:47] exclude that option but honestly seeing like 24 characters and stuff like
[12:52:51] it's a little bit like over-declarent. Do you think you still play much
[12:52:55] well? If I say play a lot. Do you still play much well? Yeah. Well I play with
[12:53:01] like the best German guilt in classic we're like old six yeah which I mean so I play
[12:53:09] there like once a week or something and I did start with my friends a bit casually
[12:53:12] with a wall of in yeah but my issues with retail I feel like without a guilt
[12:53:16] everything I do is pointless because obviously I have fun doing it but I
[12:53:20] need like this ultimate purpose why I'm doing it yeah and like then I feel
[12:53:24] like I need a hard-cook it for it so like retail barely but like I do like
[12:53:29] come with a cataclysm classic, yeah?
[12:53:31] Do you think after being out of it for so long
[12:53:34] you can go back to the same level of this?
[12:53:37] I mean, I was a bit scared.
[12:53:38] So like, when I then started ref back then and no kata,
[12:53:44] I wasn't sure.
[12:53:44] But then I got like on every boss 100.
[12:53:46] Yeah, OK, so you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[12:53:48] But like, still got it.
[12:53:50] Right now, I think it's like 99 average on phase one.
[12:53:52] It was 100 with like my giga gear.
[12:53:53] I got 100.
[12:53:55] But I kind of didn't like it to be fair.
[12:53:59] I'm not sure if my first T ever back in the hardcook it would be immediately as perfect as back then
[12:54:06] Yeah, but I think I could definitely keep the level again
[12:54:08] Yeah, you could you could put me in like the end boss like an after like a day
[12:54:12] I would play like everyone else kind of yeah, yeah
[12:54:17] Deep shit you played with all the top you players was the best echo player from an experience from a time
[12:54:21] I mean I called him both method and echo because I used to play with them in echo as well
[12:54:26] And method as well. I've said it also the other day already
[12:54:29] I think Scarice, Merisengs, Servo.
[12:54:32] Meris for me is the best player I reckon.
[12:54:35] Unreal. Unreal consistency for sure.
[12:54:39] But Scarice also, like, he was quiet, he wasn't like a big streamer or anything,
[12:54:43] so most people don't even know his name, but like, I think as an individual he's like,
[12:54:47] Unreal, like Unreal.
[12:54:49] But, but yeah, I mean to be fair, it's like,
[12:54:53] I know, it's like when a football player played in like three, four good teams,
[12:54:58] I had like the pleasure of playing like with all the greats kind of
[12:55:00] Yeah, he did
[12:55:01] Like everything from the American region or like the Asian region
[12:55:04] So like I played with everyone and you can think of as good kind of
[12:55:07] So it's like nice for sure
[12:55:09] Yeah, it definitely came through a good time
[12:55:12] Oh, Leeds, what's up, bro?
[12:55:14] He's a little bit mad that I didn't call him
[12:55:17] Sveck is also another game, as Sveck is insane, but not on my top three
[12:55:24] Well, it's not my top three
[12:55:26] You know the best player you've ever experienced
[12:55:27] Well, well.
[12:55:32] Oh, that rescue.
[12:55:36] I mean, I was.
[12:55:37] I think it was a pain.
[12:55:39] The thing is, in Germany, you know, when you
[12:55:43] you sometimes get like certificate for working somewhere
[12:55:46] and it says, like,
[12:55:48] but by image, it's the mood, which is like a nice way,
[12:55:52] like, which is like a nice way of giving like the worst grade kind of,
[12:55:56] You know
[12:55:58] Yeah, you always try this best exactly
[12:56:01] No, I mean score. This was a great place way, but there was some people that were a tiny bit better, you know
[12:56:06] Yeah, but there was also people tiny bit better than me. So it's fine not many though. No
[12:56:12] I mean, there's a few people much. Shelly didn't shelleys a better world me
[12:56:17] No
[12:56:19] Not many if any I mean any and I was definitely his territory
[12:56:23] I get from that you know I never try as much you know yeah, but I mean I
[12:56:30] Think I'm confident enough to say like I think I was like one of the best warlocks to ever play in the heartless team
[12:56:35] That's a pretty big statement. I do think
[12:56:40] If it was FIFA ratings, you know, maybe like one is a 97 one is a 96. Yeah, like there's a few stats being better by one guy or
[12:56:47] Another but yeah, I mean I think seven will first can back it up, right?
[12:56:53] You know, a little bit cocky statements here, but you know what it is, I don't know.
[12:56:58] What, uh, what are you playing in Classic?
[12:57:01] Warlock.
[12:57:02] Yeah, War-Race.
[12:57:03] Race?
[12:57:04] Yeah.
[12:57:05] Warlock.
[12:57:06] Warlock.
[12:57:07] Warlock.
[12:57:08] Warlock.
[12:57:09] Warlock.
[12:57:10] Warlock.
[12:57:11] Warlock.
[12:57:12] Warlock.
[12:57:13] Warlock.
[12:57:14] Warlock.
[12:57:15] Warlock.
[12:57:16] Warlock.
[12:57:17] Warlock.
[12:57:18] Warlock.
[12:57:19] Warlock.
[12:57:20] Warlock.
[12:57:21] Warlock.
[12:57:22] Top of classic is like apes and stuff is a still nice woman and progress. They're called off course
[12:57:27] Yeah, my good masters pretty much an old method player Quincy sport and like I
[12:57:33] Played a little bit casually with my friends on a German realm and like his kid was on a server
[12:57:37] And then I got to bought by the casual lifestyle. Yeah, I was like your brother. I need a good
[12:57:43] He was like show come and like since then I'm playing what's your um time commitment like the cat a
[12:57:48] weekly like in terms of raid I mean the thing is they only open the ptr twice
[12:57:53] yeah for a new raid so that's like the two weekends from like 3 p.m. onwards to
[12:57:58] like 11 p.m. of a break yeah I think and family play like once a week I mean I
[12:58:02] told him which is pretty good yeah I told him as well like I can't be asked to
[12:58:06] play more than one character so there's a little bit of like advantages
[12:58:12] for me but it is like it is incredibly light incredible you just
[12:58:23] you think it's better than scone ever played with kongen
[12:58:34] but yeah I also like the better or worse like even though I made obvious
[12:58:38] statement I think I was one of the best warlocks ever I
[12:58:42] oh whoa whoa whoa whoa we had it the second oopsie my dog like today
[12:58:48] already but honestly I feel as an individual player like me that is
[12:58:53] just like a random DPS in a raid guilt I think you could also take like an
[12:58:58] fetch a guest warlock into echo and he would do equally as great as me yeah
[12:59:03] with like sprite as his leader or you could take like a
[12:59:07] Hugo, Hugo, Hero, Warlock put him into a method and he would also do fine, like, I think as an individual player there is obviously a certain skill level you can reach, but with the proper people enabling you and tryharding, you can pretty much reach the same level.
[12:59:25] So I think what usually makes an outstanding player is if you can play different roles, if you can do tactics. Like for example, a big thing for me was always when we went to PTR,
[12:59:35] A scribe and Roger had a full tactic decked out like I could not imagine my head when it's had in the Dungeon Journal
[12:59:44] Lady Minerva
[12:59:46] Ashenfall
[12:59:47] Pulling three pillars to the side and they're radiating fire orbs
[12:59:51] And you have to do it in a triangular shape and whatever. Yeah, they had a tactic for it
[12:59:56] I didn't even know what I think
[12:59:58] And I think this is what makes you great. Yeah, I think I was a good player
[13:00:04] But the world first that they did with me, they could have done with a lot of different bollocks as well, to be quite fair.
[13:00:11] Yeah, we were talking about this before, how I'm not the greatest at the game, but if I was surrounded by better players,
[13:00:18] and I played with better players, would I become better?
[13:00:21] Yeah, exactly.
[13:00:22] They said I'll be better, but not good, that's what chat said.
[13:00:25] I'll never be good.
[13:00:27] But yeah, I don't know. I guess would you rather be a master of one class or an average at all classes?
[13:00:37] Before the meta is nowadays
[13:00:39] Being the best at one class. Yeah, because I feel like every raid team has enough raiders to deck out every class
[13:00:45] So you don't need to be a jack of all trades anymore like back then with the paragon era
[13:00:48] So for me nowadays, I would rather be like an insane warlock and if you need me
[13:00:52] I'm inside and like play the boss very good
[13:00:54] Yeah, because if you're like the third mage the third wall of the third hunter
[13:00:59] You're 90% of the time anyway benched because like you're doing integrate
[13:01:03] But there's always these main one tricks that are in before you so like nowadays. It's not good to be like a
[13:01:09] Multicluster, let's say you're like not good in terms of like the play them. You are given most likely you like the way wall of plays in care
[13:01:18] I
[13:01:20] I think it's actually crazy how many buttons you have in Kata, compared to retail.
[13:01:24] Yeah.
[13:01:25] I do think some classes in Kata are very fun, but I like also in some way the simplicity
[13:01:31] of retail classes, because everything you do press matters, while in Kata you maybe
[13:01:35] have a lot, but there's a lot of buttons that do like 2% if you're overall.
[13:01:39] So I do like Kata, with like the mastery gear and stuff, there's like some exo-shenanigans.
[13:01:44] It's not insane fun, but like you're broken.
[13:01:47] So I like that.
[13:01:49] Yeah, I like vanilla wow though. I think a big fan of like SOD and stuff. I
[13:01:53] Like P1 SOD afterwards. Yeah, I think it's for best before them. Yeah, it's phase one was so good
[13:01:59] I agree kind of dropped off a little bit the thing is since I started in ref and like I immediately start to rate a certain way
[13:02:06] Yep
[13:02:08] Classic and TBC doesn't give me the challenge I want from the game, right?
[13:02:11] I know it's an MMO and people like the community aspect, but I feel like
[13:02:16] What I expect from Wow?
[13:02:18] came into the game MOP onwards and everything before was for me like well
[13:02:23] yeah I think with plastic they kind of make their own challenges with the
[13:02:27] speedrunning exactly that's kind of the half the fun isn't it so and then they
[13:02:31] got the did they ever bring in like the beta Z gamma dunges in the cow or is
[13:02:36] that no in yet no I didn't bring it so you had it in wrath right yeah but
[13:02:41] was no one use it I mean it was a good way to give out yeah I think it's
[13:02:46] It didn't really...
[13:02:48] Difficulty I mean.
[13:02:50] Yeah, it kinda is alright. I played the Bayer a little bit and obviously just played it when it came out back in the day, but...
[13:02:54] A lot of people say, oh that's when it became retail, but I actually put...
[13:02:58] When I played the Bayer I was like, this doesn't really feel like retail, you know.
[13:03:01] So that kind of classic vibe a little bit.
[13:03:03] You know, you've got the class trees there, you can kind of...
[13:03:06] You know, it's a bit better. Obviously you do pick a specialization, you know, you can max that out and you can go...
[13:03:10] Double spec or whatever.
[13:03:12] I think it got all of our haters back then.
[13:03:14] Well, people just think of Dragon Soul, that's the problem, right?
[13:03:16] But then you think, well, I had f**king high-level experience.
[13:03:18] At least you're aware of the Lich King was peak, antagonists and stuff like this obviously, so...
[13:03:20] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[13:03:21] What is happening with the progress?
[13:03:23] I mean, they're a little bit fatigued, it's a very hard boss, you know, they're kind of stuck.
[13:03:28] Sometimes you have evenings where just nothing is really working.
[13:03:31] So, yeah, the method didn't have the greatest day today, but they're still trying their best.
[13:03:35] And hopefully we see a little bit of progress.
[13:03:38] Realistic, you know?
[13:03:39] I mean, the last couple pulls have been like, really, really, really bad.
[13:03:43] Yeah, that is true.
[13:03:44] I mean realistically right now, Aqua and Liquid are quite far ahead to be fair.
[13:03:48] Because even if we get ever to like a percentage in the next few hours, the consistency is missing.
[13:03:55] So yeah.
[13:03:56] You just have an early night, I mean it's always easier said than done, like you still
[13:04:01] go with a bad feeling to bed and think like maybe we could have pushed more and
[13:04:05] stuff.
[13:04:06] If they also get hated and had best and plus dungeons and run in nice raids, sorry
[13:04:11] But like I can't say anything, it won't be fair, I don't know that's sad, I can't, unfortunately.
[13:04:17] They, I mean it's not really anything to do with what we're talking about.
[13:04:21] They're banning Pokemon Unite in Belgium and the Netherlands.
[13:04:26] What Pokemon are you talking about?
[13:04:28] Pokemon Unite, it's like a MOBA Pokemon game.
[13:04:32] You know, played it, it's super fun.
[13:04:33] No.
[13:04:34] Yeah, they're banning it, because of gambling laws.
[13:04:36] Max said that thing they kill tonight as reference.
[13:04:38] I mean he also likes to hype up, obviously.
[13:04:40] Yeah, they always carry the hype, but they're playing off their heads too, so you know
[13:04:44] I mean in the morning I said as well
[13:04:46] I could imagine liquid is killing it today from even with their good consistency right now
[13:04:51] I would say no yeah, but I mean maybe he's onto something and we don't know really what happened. I mean I
[13:04:57] My take was they see where liquid ended up at the end of today and then figure out what they want to nerf to
[13:05:04] Make it killable because I don't think they want it to go past the weekend. I wouldn't imagine so
[13:05:08] to be fat and late at the late nights and they won after reset during the
[13:05:14] split cost a lot of times but the spits you have to do there's no way wrong how
[13:05:17] to do it yeah gotta do it yeah you missed it
[13:05:22] we have some real real bad some real real bad some of those real regression
[13:05:27] type yeah well we'll see how we do on this one I mean realistically they've
[13:05:32] got three hours left of raid it is tough because it's one of those things
[13:05:37] where you like you need the pulls to advance in it but if you are like if you
[13:05:42] are really hitting a wall and you're making silly mistakes and you are really
[13:05:46] tired especially with the way the current leaderboard looks maybe it is
[13:05:52] better to be like you know what 12 o'clock sleep back at 9 o'clock and
[13:05:57] like wind it back a little bit that way yeah we still got an extra hour then
[13:06:01] like look at this yeah like now we're not even near the platform because we
[13:06:06] We're all set to spot, we kinda wanna talk about the progression, but it's also like,
[13:06:14] if every try goes like 130, 2 minutes, it always feels so negative because of how it
[13:06:20] is.
[13:06:21] Like we wanna be transparent with the guys, it's obviously not going great, but we're
[13:06:24] also in a position to change anything and obviously the whole NNDF roster team are
[13:06:29] thinking about something.
[13:06:30] It's not like the ideas we have of calling an early night, changing something, doing
[13:06:34] doing this doing this they all have the same ideas they are not dumb but like
[13:06:37] there's a reason why they keep pushing and even if our assessment is maybe okay
[13:06:42] this would be better doesn't mean it's really the best but it doesn't mean right
[13:06:45] now as a commentator it's very hard to keep the spirits up because to be fair
[13:06:49] the last five hours has been horrendous you can't tell difference and we are all
[13:06:54] cheering for them but we had like one third platform try in and since I'm
[13:07:01] one this coach and this is like for one and like more and more and I was a peak of
[13:07:05] greatness and then it just disappeared into a 45 minute discussion yeah it's
[13:07:12] hard I think there'll be it'll be interesting to see what takeaways there
[13:07:15] are after this race I think Vans lost it I will say I think what's health
[13:07:20] enough where's Charlie is that something oh I mean she won't just
[13:07:27] Yeah true
[13:07:31] Liquid would be a top five or so first if they didn't have a title venture
[13:07:34] Yeah, of course if liquid was a European guilt
[13:07:37] They would be also first second or third. There's nothing unlike where I had discord pings
[13:07:42] But I could be in the race world first discord server. Yeah
[13:07:47] What's nerfed listen into tears comes
[13:07:50] Oh
[13:07:53] John is behind the mask. Maybe they give their boss damage taken increase instead. Yeah
[13:08:00] But if it's a nerf it must be HP, right?
[13:08:04] Yeah, maybe I
[13:08:06] Mean that's the only thing they could see now from the eye, right?
[13:08:15] We'll find out I mean it definitely needs enough because I
[13:08:18] I mean, I know some people in Twitch chat want the race to go on forever
[13:08:24] And that's fine and all that kind of stuff
[13:08:25] But like in terms of a race world fourth race to world first format. It's generally like
[13:08:30] 1112 days is kind of max area really like nobody they won't they'll never do another like sepulchre
[13:08:37] Yeah, I mean at some point as a player you hate your life
[13:08:39] Yeah, it sounds harsh, but you want to be home. Yeah, you want to relax you don't wanna play 20 hours a day kind of yeah
[13:08:45] it's also
[13:08:47] The costs of such an event people don't understand the magnitude of how many euros going into an event
[13:08:53] Yeah, obviously there is sponsors and stuff, but you have castors that are getting paid. There's hotels. There's flights
[13:09:00] Yeah, there's foods snakes electricity internet like
[13:09:05] People need to understand these events go into like price dimensions
[13:09:11] Yeah, you really don't understand and I mean the nerf on the last spot
[13:09:14] Only impacts the race to it first. So like there's really no problem
[13:09:19] You know like they want that's in terms of this level. It's to make it so it's achievable. You still need to play
[13:09:26] Extremely well, but at least it's achievable because right now you could play probably perfect and you're looking at like 25% area sort of thing
[13:09:36] Skos kid cat chunky so we're expensive. Yeah rage. Did they tomorrow? I can't believe she ate the hot
[13:09:44] and then left the evidence lying around.
[13:09:47] Don't get so touchy, they have never beaten Ekko Mephanus,
[13:09:49] they had fight the extra time as a difference at this level.
[13:09:51] Guys, trust me, I fought Liquid plenty of times without...
[13:09:56] Like if they would start at the same time as Ekko,
[13:09:59] they would still be in contender with 4V1 first.
[13:10:01] They would be still right now one of the two best skills.
[13:10:04] 100%.
[13:10:06] They got better and better every tier, they are playing phenomenal.
[13:10:09] I think they are this tier the best skill so far.
[13:10:11] Yeah, Liquid applying off their heads.
[13:10:13] And yes, they have an advantage.
[13:10:17] You can maybe like argue if maybe it's here back then
[13:10:21] would have changed the outcome.
[13:10:22] Yeah.
[13:10:23] Like Casanova or something.
[13:10:24] But right now, there would be like a top two guilt.
[13:10:27] Yeah.
[13:10:28] It's either Echo or Liquid.
[13:10:28] Yeah, absolutely.
[13:10:30] So we get clean through this.
[13:10:32] They do have a little res, but yeah, but that's all right.
[13:10:36] And HP, I mean, it's about normally where it is.
[13:10:41] Oh, he said that 67.
[13:10:44] So 66, rest in the chair, hello Chris.
[13:10:48] I did just because there are 10 people from Europe
[13:10:50] who play main roster, but it's still the guild
[13:10:52] and it's still like Max, who is an American,
[13:10:55] doing the tactics, probably a lot of American officers.
[13:10:59] With Babadub, who's American as well.
[13:11:02] Well, I mean, it doesn't matter if they have Europeans
[13:11:05] or not, like there's also an Echo back then GIF,
[13:11:08] there's many, like and I don't.
[13:11:11] Are you talking Echo now?
[13:11:12] I thought we were onto Liquid.
[13:11:13] Yeah, but he said like in league with the europeans
[13:11:15] Oh, what's he gonna say?
[13:11:17] Yeah, he'll say, he'll say, he'll say, he'll say
[13:11:18] We've got Spen
[13:11:20] We have Spen now, that's exactly
[13:11:23] So, yeah
[13:11:25] Yo, what's up?
[13:11:26] Reins is actually from Classic, my guildmate
[13:11:29] Oh, yeah?
[13:11:29] He's actually also not, I'm not saying it because he's here now
[13:11:32] He's one of the better people in the guild
[13:11:34] Oh, you're saying that, cause you were ragging on it around before
[13:11:36] You said they were all rubbish
[13:11:39] It's funny, I don't wanna leak it, but
[13:11:41] Lee and Skorfen both used to play retail
[13:11:44] and Skorfen is a big method fan.
[13:11:47] Oh yeah, big method fan.
[13:11:52] Very nice.
[13:11:53] All right, we're in.
[13:11:55] Platforms, they're pinging.
[13:11:58] Platforms, one dead, but we send onwards,
[13:12:02] have a Vero's up in 23 seconds, two.
[13:12:05] Here we go, a little bouncy bouncy, pulled back,
[13:12:08] lined the line.
[13:12:09] There we go, and we get Shadow Gates.
[13:12:11] and breakages for a friend of my classic
[13:12:15] that was your friend everybody's your friend yeah must be nice i am a very
[13:12:19] networking guy
[13:12:20] there is coming up in force clean
[13:12:23] this is good right we murder this ad now
[13:12:27] no surrender
[13:12:28] right now lost out that is gang shit
[13:12:31] like this shit let's go
[13:12:35] Come on, bait it!
[13:12:37] Oh no...
[13:12:39] Oh, where's the dispel?
[13:12:41] Oh, we got it, we got it, it's fine.
[13:12:43] Don't even worry about it.
[13:12:45] We can limp on with this.
[13:12:47] We can limp on with this.
[13:12:49] Go through that gate.
[13:12:51] In one, two way.
[13:12:53] Oh, no one there.
[13:12:55] Just chilling out by myself over here.
[13:12:57] Hey, if he was a dwarf, easy to spell.
[13:13:01] Big thing is also like because people always write like would be nice of method get as well present stuff
[13:13:06] I think you all agree on that. Yeah, we will obviously want them to have it
[13:13:11] It's still something they take out if they improved if there's something like as long as
[13:13:17] You know every T. Okay. We did do something better in our preparation, but we also figured out this we did horribly wrong
[13:13:24] This is the good thing like as long as you can take something positive out of the race and something you can improve in the future
[13:13:31] you have a realistic chance. Yeah, absolutely. This is the important thing.
[13:13:34] Yeah, it might take another four races maybe, maybe only one more race and maybe we get a
[13:13:38] disrace, but as long as there is progression in the game, that is the important part.
[13:13:42] I mean, I think to be fair too, in terms of preparation and the start of this race,
[13:13:49] it's probably the best method we've seen to date.
[13:13:55] Especially off a four-day ban as well. You obviously lost a lot of time from that,
[13:13:59] And so you started mythic you started mythic tired in some ways because you did so much from friday
[13:14:05] Like getting at all yeah, yeah, and that wasn't gang gang at all. Um, so
[13:14:12] I think this is the best iteration we've seen to date of methods since rebuild
[13:14:17] But like you just said as long as you can take things from this it's not even over yet either
[13:14:22] Obviously, and this is a very very hard boss in a hard situation
[13:14:26] But when it's done, there'll be a big post-mortem on what worked, what didn't work, and then I think the biggest thing is
[13:14:33] trying to have everyone's vision towards the same goal because obviously
[13:14:38] people will leave Echo, people will leave Liquid before the next race. You want to keep
[13:14:43] hopefully everyone with the same vision if we want Method Devil World first and keep them building towards that.
[13:14:49] The good thing is also they're like on average, I think the youngest guild, they're like the guild with
[13:14:53] players that have the least will first so they're very hungry so like it sounds mean
[13:15:01] but if they don't get a word first for another three races they're not used to it
[13:15:04] yeah yeah as a aqua as a liquid losing that many times in a row would be
[13:15:09] devastating because you were at a spot yeah you lose it but these guys have to
[13:15:14] get to the spot first to actually say okay we have to actually defend our
[13:15:18] title like they never they were never in that spot yeah joven in the youtube chat
[13:15:26] says queen is so easy if you just do the mechanics I don't know why they
[13:15:31] struggle maybe we should get drove in the team should be in the raid get in
[13:15:35] the team's make yeah have you guys considered just no mechanics during the
[13:15:40] mechanics are so easy I know why you struggle yeah just killer we doing
[13:15:45] wasted time just killed the damn boss it must be hard though it must be hard to
[13:15:53] be a hundred and sixty pulls in and just be stonewalling so hard it has to be
[13:15:59] such a mental test for the Raiders old Spaniard some lollies I have to say
[13:16:04] who's always very positive doesn't matter how it goes as then I mean yeah
[13:16:08] we see him like sometimes wiggling around a little bit in the sand stuff
[13:16:11] but whenever he like walks past gets a snake gets a drink he's always very
[13:16:14] Yeah, I think that'll ought to be fair. Yeah, but obviously not like he's one of the persons like I noticed a lot of very good
[13:16:23] positive attitude PMA
[13:16:26] He am I love that
[13:16:29] policy vibes he's got
[13:16:34] Little talk of course
[13:16:36] Yeah, good pullouts care for no
[13:16:39] care for a quick chat
[13:16:41] Pima used to be like a good name. Yeah, like from about 20 years
[13:16:46] Well, he's watching Netflix. What is he watching Netflix stuff? Oh, it's nothing. It's a
[13:16:51] wait
[13:16:52] Chat go on any eagle-eyed viewers. What's he watching? It's a music video, right? It's got to be maybe
[13:16:57] I know looks like well, I remember how could be
[13:17:01] Could be against his paradise paradise by Kulia
[13:17:06] I actually had back then music videos on the second screen and got me but I remember that oh really at the take
[13:17:11] Oh, June. Yeah, we should have recognized Timothy Charlemagne there. He's watching June. Maybe.
[13:17:19] Why wouldn't you? He has to catch up on all the stuff he has missed, right? Yeah,
[13:17:27] could we just take it on the screen here?
[13:17:31] Yeah, that is a very cool dude. But I can recommend everyone checking like all the streams out
[13:17:36] They've run a method too, for sure.
[13:17:38] Thanks for my team going hand in hand, man.
[13:17:40] Hey, T.A.s, have a little role?
[13:17:43] I mean, Faithy's just progged his character.
[13:17:45] Go and follow the method Raiders on the stream.
[13:17:51] Yeah, that's sick. Is that the website with all their nationalities and their stream names and stuff? It's sick.
[13:17:55] Yeah.
[13:17:56] I love that.
[13:17:57] Sure is.
[13:17:58] Do we get a feature on there?
[13:17:59] Well, I mean, I'm signed a method and I don't think I feature on there.
[13:18:02] Oh, yeah, it's true. You're on the website.
[13:18:04] I'm gonna put you on the website. Thanks mate. You could be a winner.
[13:18:09] I'm once on some websites but I can't do this one.
[13:18:15] Gangsters, you know.
[13:18:18] America's most wanted.
[13:18:22] You Ice Cube JJT bones.
[13:18:27] He was watching, listening to Faded by Alan Walker.
[13:18:31] Aww, what a tune.
[13:18:34] I love that.
[13:18:35] Why should we play music?
[13:18:36] Next year, I'm brought into one of the others, we're getting some music licensed.
[13:18:41] Getting some music licensed.
[13:18:42] That'd be sick.
[13:18:43] How huge would that be?
[13:18:44] I was watching the Worlds earlier.
[13:18:45] I don't even play League and they were playing obviously the new League of Parks
[13:18:49] on those.
[13:18:50] It's just like such a...
[13:18:51] Oh yeah.
[13:18:52] Instantly improved the vibe of the stream.
[13:18:53] Yeah, it's this.
[13:18:54] Imagine if we had control of it, like on the couch too.
[13:18:57] So each people, like, would be dangerous for those with terrible music taste.
[13:19:01] like our segment would go off it'd be great yeah yeah I would play gang don't
[13:19:07] know yeah what would you play who's your favorite is right now I'm I was on
[13:19:14] this trigger like father would have like go to sleep by like DMX and Eminem
[13:19:20] I'm going in.
[13:19:21] Go to sleep, bitch.
[13:19:23] Axe is going to give it to you.
[13:19:27] Oh, oh!
[13:19:28] Wait, you have your own page?
[13:19:34] Hang on, we need to find this.
[13:19:36] You have your own page?
[13:19:37] Who has?
[13:19:38] You, apparently.
[13:19:39] Do I?
[13:19:40] I'm going to write in Darkmech.
[13:19:41] That's sick.
[13:19:42] I've got my own page.
[13:19:43] Oh, WikiFeed came up.
[13:19:46] WikiFeed.
[13:19:47] Darkmech.
[13:19:48] Darkmech Stream.
[13:19:49] Here he is.
[13:19:50] You're offline.
[13:19:51] Sick.
[13:19:52] What are you flying for?
[13:19:54] I've got my own page, it's sick!
[13:19:56] Well, it's just that, they've got Welcome Darkmate to Method.
[13:19:59] Oh yeah, that was my intro video I did too.
[13:20:02] Legendary Racial first caster.
[13:20:04] That's you.
[13:20:05] Ooh, that's me.
[13:20:06] Is there a quote from Sk0?
[13:20:08] It's gotta be right.
[13:20:10] Sk0 left me on red.
[13:20:14] Yeah, yeah, I just read that.
[13:20:16] Yeah.
[13:20:17] Love that.
[13:20:19] You know, I was thinking about getting my brother to come over and take some professional pictures.
[13:20:22] Oh yeah?
[13:20:23] Yeah, that would be sick.
[13:20:27] Prodigy voodoo people or banger song. Yeah, I still think we should play a milky rising soundtrack. We're allowed to
[13:20:34] I have I just have Kingslayer going to by bring me. Oh, yeah, I think that'd be a banger boss track. Yeah
[13:20:41] Well, I mean for this we just have Queen
[13:20:50] Actually like the intro to one I take on Titan 2 the rumbling that goes hard as well
[13:20:54] You know like some of the attack on attack attack on Titan openings are German
[13:20:58] Yeah, I used to sing it all as a perfect and Roger
[13:21:06] Oh
[13:21:08] Quap is like I reckon quaps life
[13:21:14] We could remix this right now
[13:21:21] That's it for far bow
[13:21:24] Say bye Farbo.
[13:21:25] Bye.
[13:21:28] We have been very much enjoyed having Farbo on the couch.
[13:21:32] I'm going in.
[13:21:33] I'm going in.
[13:21:35] I'm going in.
[13:21:36] Oh, I unplugged it.
[13:21:38] A pleasure always with deep shades.
[13:21:40] Oh, no, let's do a secret seat.
[13:21:42] Hold.
[13:21:43] I do love hanging out with deep shades.
[13:21:45] It's actually such a highlight.
[13:21:47] There we are.
[13:21:48] We're back in, baby.
[13:21:50] All right.
[13:22:21] That was incredible.
[13:22:23] He just spits venom.
[13:22:25] Yeah.
[13:22:26] And he's a gangster.
[13:22:28] He is a gangster, but also a bit of a geek.
[13:22:31] Harbo living all his life, living in a gangsta's paradise.
[13:22:37] Chat, what do you think the best world first kill video is ever?
[13:22:41] Taunt, who's so taunt?
[13:22:43] 100%.
[13:22:45] 4-1?
[13:22:46] Paragon versus Lich King.
[13:22:48] Paragon versus Lich King.
[13:22:50] It's like the OG big one.
[13:22:51] What's the song that they play? Is it like disturbed or something?
[13:22:53] I can't actually remember what song it is.
[13:22:55] I just remember Taunt or Uso Taunt.
[13:22:58] I really like Method vs Spire Deathwing.
[13:23:01] Mythic Black Hand.
[13:23:03] Logoque, Fabo. I don't think there was ever a Fabo,
[13:23:07] Skow and Logoque's Couch at any point was there?
[13:23:10] No, it'll happen I reckon tomorrow or something.
[13:23:13] There was a, I think it was Midwinter's Black Hand,
[13:23:17] and Mythic Kill video, where they had turned down for what?
[13:23:25] That was the song, and when the floor came out it had turned down, but then they cut
[13:23:31] the what out and they were like, turned down for it and it was like, midwinter!
[13:23:36] Oh man, different time, right?
[13:23:43] Casters, it's not a world first from Mythic, but the first epic screams I've seen from
[13:23:48] method when the kill killed Jaden in some well do love nerd scream videos nerd scream
[13:23:53] videos always went so hard I like I don't know if you've been seeing like max's
[13:23:58] kill reactions to like the last oh yeah Brutwister and princess I'm pretty sure
[13:24:03] it's the same thing yeah through some some f bombs through Ted said that he
[13:24:08] didn't like the boss but yeah different way you know dude I vibe like I really
[13:24:14] their vibe though. I love it. I do really really enjoy it. Yeah you know what I always find really
[13:24:21] cool about their stream actually. I don't know if we could ever do it here but they have the
[13:24:24] raiders like walking past in the back. Yeah. Like cameos. But that's um I think we need a facility.
[13:24:31] We need a method. Well they just have like a ridiculous building though right. They have
[13:24:35] like a purpose built facility. But Liquid's like a ridiculously huge orc right. They got loads.
[13:24:39] Alien weird up the wazoo. Yeah. Yeah, they got loads of like they have all the Alienware PCs on the couch and all that
[13:24:46] So the laptops and that they got their fingers in all the pies all the pies
[13:24:51] We should have just recorded loads of green screen things if people walking past here, and then we could have just added
[13:24:56] a record of that. Yeah next time
[13:24:59] But it's all right. We continue to level up the broadcast here. We got ideas cookin
[13:25:08] maybe we could just uh
[13:25:10] Oh, oh, yeah, excellent. We have ideas. There's a lot you can do of a green screen to be fair
[13:25:18] Many ideas and many wipes many wipes handle them many wipes handle them
[13:25:25] Okay
[13:25:26] That's all right. They don't have podcasters. I think everybody has podcasters. Everybody does an amazing job
[13:25:33] Correct
[13:25:34] That is very correct. I'm keep checking where I had to see if like there's rage bait at us
[13:25:42] anything now all they were talking about but i don't know if it's happened
[13:25:49] see
[13:25:50] don't know if it's happened i can't do anything
[13:25:53] let's see let's look on the day money discord they're normally hot on it
[13:25:58] uh
[13:25:59] bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump
[13:26:02] i don't know what we can message if there's a
[13:26:05] let's see if there's a ask
[13:26:16] I'm gonna put apparently there has been mythic HP nerfs to Queenie true or false
[13:26:27] I will get back to you in a moment with the response when you look forward to it
[13:26:32] I feel like crystals could probably find out actually are in-house I feel like
[13:26:40] if it's in the race world first discord that we would be able to find out from
[13:26:45] lamp yeah I'm not invited to that pie you know I feel like we should be
[13:26:48] Yeah, I don't think we should be involved.
[13:26:51] I don't think we should be in that party. I think that's a bad idea.
[13:26:58] If I didn't get world first, we get world first. How many world firsts do you got?
[13:27:04] How many world firsts do I have? I mean I had a world first Shrine of the Stormcade.
[13:27:10] Does that count? I don't think that counts.
[13:27:12] Like it was number one, does that count?
[13:27:14] How many world firsts kills have you cast?
[13:27:16] How many world first kills of our cast?
[13:27:18] A few. Like a lot.
[13:27:20] Oh yeah?
[13:27:21] Yeah.
[13:27:22] End boss?
[13:27:24] End boss wise? Well donuts.
[13:27:28] I've got one.
[13:27:29] What one were you there for?
[13:27:30] Sylvanas.
[13:27:31] Sylvanas?
[13:27:32] Me and Nogura.
[13:27:34] Ah that's right.
[13:27:36] Me and Nogura, we jammed out for like hours and hours.
[13:27:38] Nogura did a really good job on that cast too.
[13:27:41] Because I think she was the person talking at the end.
[13:27:44] And I think they just let you guys just let comms in and didn't talk over the top and it was really good
[13:27:51] Yeah, I think I swore and then I got fired
[13:27:56] No way well
[13:27:58] I don't think that's true, but I just
[13:28:01] Well, I'd swore and I didn't give I had back so
[13:28:04] So you did get fired, you know, who knows Nagura is phenomenal. She is the best. She is absolutely amazing
[13:28:11] She's even better at losing her phone
[13:28:13] We were in Amsterdam for TwitchCon, we were all out, and then we were walking down the
[13:28:20] street and Caro's like, I don't have my phone, and then we're like oh my god so we went back
[13:28:26] to where we were and she was like I left it on the pool table and it was gone and
[13:28:30] then her reaction was, oh well, and that was it and we carried on.
[13:28:35] Why did everyone at TwitchCon Amsterdam lose their phone?
[13:28:37] But it was just her to be fair, it was just her.
[13:28:41] But she just zero, zero F's given.
[13:28:44] Just carried on for the rest of the night.
[13:28:46] And never got her back.
[13:28:47] Nope, never got her back when I got a new phone.
[13:28:49] Wow, that's impressive.
[13:28:50] Yeah, did not care, was not phased.
[13:28:54] Very relaxed.
[13:28:55] I'll be pretty upset.
[13:28:56] Me too, me too.
[13:29:00] Well, that's okay, Chad.
[13:29:01] We're not losing any phones today.
[13:29:03] No phones today.
[13:29:04] No phones are lost.
[13:29:06] P1 looking sexy as we go into the fourth.
[13:29:10] I look a lot with a neutral actually.
[13:29:12] I think Boss Health may have been adjusted a little bit too.
[13:29:18] How did we get that 63?
[13:29:19] Did we lust on Paul or something?
[13:29:21] We originally were lusting on Paul.
[13:29:23] Uh...
[13:29:25] It's not...
[13:29:26] I don't think it is to be honest.
[13:29:27] I don't know.
[13:29:29] It's about the same.
[13:29:30] Maybe we just got really lucky with some stuff.
[13:29:34] Yeah, sure.
[13:29:35] But we do have everybody up I think who knows actually know is there someone dead there's one down on his frames
[13:29:41] This frame is so cursed
[13:29:43] Yeah, I just want to give quips and go yeah
[13:29:46] Yeah, it's a shame isn't it cuz like you want to show everyone but it's but you want one
[13:29:50] So don't worry when we attack when we get rid of the latest sub. Oh, yeah
[13:29:54] I'm so keen for the raid frames on the UI. I'd say message our casters with
[13:30:00] with bits? Is that what it says?
[13:30:03] Maybe.
[13:30:04] Yeah.
[13:30:05] Oh, didn't even see that.
[13:30:07] No, I do think it will be really cool to have that, because that way even people will be
[13:30:11] able to know which players...
[13:30:14] Yeah, because it won't be all skewed around and stuff, right?
[13:30:17] Yeah, absolutely.
[13:30:18] Yeah, I like it.
[13:30:19] It's definitely room for it.
[13:30:21] It's interesting actually, because I was going back on the Nihilotha Racer wall
[13:30:25] first and looking at the UI, we literally just had a bar at the bottom and that
[13:30:29] was it.
[13:30:30] And then we just went full screen. It was like the big L frame thing
[13:30:33] I wonder if it'll ever evolve into it because everyone seems to use the L frame. I guess it's the kind of best
[13:30:38] Solution I suppose. Yeah, I mean, what else are you gonna do? Yeah, that is true. Yeah
[13:30:43] Yeah
[13:30:45] That's a good point
[13:30:47] You fell all around it to be fair
[13:30:49] Those are pretty good
[13:30:53] you
[13:30:59] Yeah, I
[13:31:01] Think we need to roll out
[13:31:03] standardization
[13:31:05] Everyone has the same UI
[13:31:07] Not the same UI, but the same raid frames
[13:31:09] Like, even if it's just sorting the raid frames the same
[13:31:13] So like, Nate is in the same spot
[13:31:15] On everyone's raid frames
[13:31:17] Or the healers are in the bottom group
[13:31:19] I wonder how Liquid do the health thing, cause it's really impressive
[13:31:21] They must get it from somewhere
[13:31:23] Maybe it's like in the pool
[13:31:25] Lots of different things you can do, I'm sure the method crew will work something magical
[13:31:27] Well if they can get the boss's health
[13:31:29] Surely they can get the player's health, right?
[13:31:31] Who knows what we'll do must be some information there pixel. It's like a crate the way it's done. It's like so out of this world
[13:31:38] It's I can't even explain it
[13:31:41] It's pretty impressive. I like it. I like it a lot
[13:31:48] I like it
[13:31:51] Two and a half hours left on raid time
[13:31:56] Why you laughing you think they're actually gonna go two and a half hours
[13:31:58] They are on there man.
[13:32:00] I think they will man. I think they're just gonna keep slamming it which you know
[13:32:04] I admire that because I think there's something about being able to carry that out like that's
[13:32:10] That's mental fortitude
[13:32:12] But at the same time
[13:32:15] It must be hard like it must be hard
[13:32:21] Someone says I don't believe I saw an HP change
[13:32:25] Right. Was there any change?
[13:32:27] I mean it's a bit open response really, isn't it?
[13:32:35] Not like I didn't see any changes.
[13:32:37] Is there a change?
[13:32:39] Maybe they made the model like 1.2 sizes bigger.
[13:32:45] They need to cut loose and allowed to throw back a couple and relax and rejuvenate.
[13:32:52] There is actually unlimited beers here.
[13:32:54] But I wouldn't advise it.
[13:32:58] Zero beers.
[13:32:59] be like
[13:33:01] Boxes, you know you got to just not do anything. We've got a little breather machine on their keyboard
[13:33:06] They have to blow zero to the elbow to log in
[13:33:09] That's how we roll here
[13:33:13] Yeah, we're I mean we've had you know, we've had glimpses of greatness
[13:33:20] We've had three you know, we've got to the third platform a couple times
[13:33:23] Which is better than we were at this point yesterday. It is it's progress. It really is progress. It's just hard
[13:33:29] hard. It's a slog through the mud. Last boss is always hard, but for some reason this feels
[13:33:36] extra hard. I was just about to say that. This doesn't feel like normal last boss vibes.
[13:33:42] Like even when something's hard, you still like slowly creep forward. But we are just
[13:33:48] like, like trying to break through a wall by flicking it at the moment. It's very
[13:33:56] half. There's a good analogy I like that one. Yeah, made total sense. Hmm, all the sense.
[13:34:05] Some solid rest and come back tomorrow. Coffee addict cutie, that's a name. I wish that
[13:34:10] was my name. I respect it. I keep making these really nice coffees actually. I've developed
[13:34:14] a, I get an espresso from the coffee machine and then I stuff in a load of the chocky
[13:34:20] milky muggy, the milker. And then I put the hot warren and a splash of Lawglock's
[13:34:27] almond milk and then well done yeah actually it's noise all my milk he got
[13:34:31] really angry you did hear about this when I stole his arm apparently you have the
[13:34:35] whole thing I did not have a whole thing because I think it moved from one
[13:34:41] fridge to the other and I don't think he's looked in the other fridge I was in
[13:34:44] that fridge and I had like a little bit where did you put it in that fridge well
[13:34:50] Someone had it he was angry he was like turning green
[13:35:01] Cosmetic muscle not strength muscles
[13:35:05] I totally run him
[13:35:09] BJJ him on the floor kind of thing like I'll just come up to him like this
[13:35:20] No cow or back into that den.
[13:35:23] Yeah, but anyway, yeah, he was really angry about the older milk thing.
[13:35:28] Yeah.
[13:35:29] But it's okay.
[13:35:30] He'll get over it.
[13:35:31] He'll live.
[13:35:32] Well, he had to have milk with his cornflakes.
[13:35:34] Oh, he would have been so...
[13:35:35] No, not milk, sorry, water.
[13:35:36] He would have been so shattered.
[13:35:37] Yeah, he was like that dark mac and he was just flicking cornflakes on the floor,
[13:35:41] shouting words I can't repeat.
[13:35:43] Get dirty.
[13:35:44] Some curses.
[13:35:45] Get dirty.
[13:35:46] All right, let's see what happens with this pole.
[13:35:50] Water and pole flakes.
[13:35:53] Yeah.
[13:35:54] There's some crazy people here.
[13:35:56] It's ridiculous.
[13:35:57] There's some crazy people here.
[13:35:59] It's my last bakery trick tomorrow.
[13:36:01] Oh, that won't be my last bakery trick tomorrow.
[13:36:03] I'll be able to go on the bike.
[13:36:04] Sunday, yeah.
[13:36:05] We're going to do Sunday.
[13:36:06] You could've got your Barbie on the bike Sunday.
[13:36:09] Yeah, I could, but I think I'll just get my way to Frankfurt
[13:36:12] and then I don't have to worry about anything.
[13:36:14] Or I get to Stuttgart, then I walk around Stuttgart for a while, and then I get to Frankfurt.
[13:36:18] Stuttgart is nice.
[13:36:19] Stuttgart is nice. The only problem is, Carton is suitcase around with you.
[13:36:22] Yeah, there is a giant pain.
[13:36:24] Why don't you... How far is Frankie Airport from the town?
[13:36:27] I have no idea.
[13:36:29] Maybe you could drop your bag at them.
[13:36:31] Oh, no, because then you have to drop your bag like 4,000 points, I can't.
[13:36:35] I would like to have gone to Heidelberg too, so I could always catch the train
[13:36:38] and get off and walk around Heidelberg for a bit.
[13:36:40] I don't know if there's much to...
[13:36:41] Where's that?
[13:36:42] it's on the way back to frankfurt it's
[13:36:44] i can't
[13:36:45] about
[13:36:46] forty minutes away maybe
[13:36:47] okay it's supposed to be really nice i could probably walk around there for a while
[13:36:50] yeah
[13:36:52] i put uh...
[13:36:53] vibing in
[13:36:54] on my story this morning
[13:36:56] on instagram someone replied saying i've literally just booked a flight and hotel there because of this story
[13:37:01] really?
[13:37:02] yeah like that's wild
[13:37:03] what an influence to you are you?
[13:37:05] yeah i am influencing the flight companies
[13:37:07] if they want to hit me up i'm more than happy to
[13:37:09] to uh... obliged mister first-class gm
[13:37:12] well my mom and dad and my brother and his girlfriend are now in florida so i'm
[13:37:17] pretty upset about that to be honest i didn't get by it
[13:37:19] that would have been cool
[13:37:23] i'd all burn castle if you can see it
[13:37:26] cheeky castle, you got any castles in australia?
[13:37:32] well i mean you could be one in australia, i know there's one in my
[13:37:35] hometown but it's not like
[13:37:37] It's a built castle for entertainment purposes.
[13:37:40] Like a bouncy castle?
[13:37:42] No, like a proper, it's a big castle, but it was built for entertainment purposes.
[13:37:47] Dude, I've been to medieval times.
[13:37:49] I went there when I was in America just because of the cable guy.
[13:37:54] Just because of the cable guy.
[13:37:56] Medieval times?
[13:37:58] It was actually so good.
[13:37:59] Yeah.
[13:38:00] It was nice.
[13:38:01] It was nice to have that among a veil from me and me mate.
[13:38:07] He has a king's thirst for the frosty brew.
[13:38:14] Was it as good as you thought it was gonna be?
[13:38:16] Sort of.
[13:38:18] Sort of.
[13:38:21] With some of these skins, Steven.
[13:38:28] Silence of the lands.
[13:38:31] Hold.
[13:38:32] Hello, Clarice.
[13:38:35] We could be witnessing greatness.
[13:38:37] Yeah, we could.
[13:38:38] Flubbers out, avoid the flub. Smash this shield to make this yield.
[13:38:45] Yield, yeah. Did the flub get him? Not actually too sure.
[13:38:51] Just jumped out and got murdered. Oh no, no one's dead.
[13:38:55] No, it's just dead. Got a B-Res in a minute.
[13:38:59] Luresa? Larisa? Thanks to the Prime. Really curious as to what killed Dan.
[13:39:07] weird wasn't it let's see jumped over I felt like I don't think he was at
[13:39:11] near any of the flubber watch these orbs big pump here Dan is on a shadow gate
[13:39:18] so we'll require a pivot is he not back no he's still dead oh no he's no we got
[13:39:26] two warriors he's dead in the top corner oh yeah so we will require a
[13:39:34] a pivot for Dan's Shadowgate which I believe is this set of Shadowgates.
[13:39:41] Oh I need to just chat something big brain in a minute actually, but we'll get there in a minute.
[13:39:46] Right right.
[13:39:47] It's an Astagia thing so get your Astagia halon, here we go, Wilde in, Wilde...
[13:39:59] Wilde down.
[13:40:01] Wilde in, Wilde down.
[13:40:05] but they're getting second platform okay
[13:40:13] we'll have a beer as I think yeah just pretend you've got them and send them
[13:40:19] off I pretend you've got a beer out send all the beer as I need about six of
[13:40:26] them yeah well looking trim it's been doing good you smash it up you go oh
[13:40:35] Shit balls
[13:40:38] We were wiping anyway, we have time while in Frankfurt go to ton bull for kebab
[13:40:44] Okay, so anyway, how far sorry before you ask your a basic question. Yeah, how far is the like
[13:40:53] City from Frankfurt Airport
[13:40:57] German fam I feel like every airport's never near the actual location. No, I'm thinking the same
[13:41:02] Anyway, more importantly, chat, do you recall, this is for you as well, in BlackrockDeps
[13:41:13] original vanilla wow in 2004, did Lord Incendius, Incendius, Incendius, the flame dude, Blackrock
[13:41:24] mmm depths right oh god did he say the words flame on who the hell's gonna
[13:41:32] remember that he was saying in the raid and I'm like is that Johnny storm
[13:41:36] reference I would think so it's got to be right but what I'm like did he say in
[13:41:40] the rain people say yes oh we actually did oh flame on flame on 15 minutes
[13:41:50] from frankfurt airport that's not too bad yeah that's not too bad about 20k
[13:42:01] it's a flamon I'm gonna flamon look it up just a just a double check you know
[13:42:12] I must admit it's not auto rent out or in Sandias here we are quotes still no
[13:42:34] boss information he just says this is
[13:42:37] death line I don't think he says
[13:42:40] anything
[13:42:44] he's not much of a talker it seems I
[13:42:56] don't know it's a mystery voice
[13:43:03] I've got quotes famous quotes from Lord
[13:43:08] Incendius
[13:43:09] oh wikifee came up again Lord Incendius's
[13:43:16] feet
[13:43:17] Lord Incendius is hot feet I don't know
[13:43:20] I guess I'll have to go there and check
[13:43:22] I mean it's very inconsequential it doesn't really matter, but I thought it was quite interesting thing
[13:43:27] Well I remember from Beaudy and Videra's having a ghost with the instance because the Horde wouldn't let the Alliance in
[13:43:32] Yeah, it was a bit of a rough rough boy
[13:43:34] But you'd pick up the quest from the Dwarf when you were dead in Blaire Mountain though, wouldn't you?
[13:43:37] I remember Death of Taxes. Yeah, of course
[13:43:42] Force course
[13:43:45] Is this drunk or tired cast is no just Australian and British I guess
[13:43:49] Yeah, definitely not drunk. We're definitely not tired either. Yeah, we're just
[13:43:56] This is actually a very unique situation to be in to be honest because you're like a hundred and sixty three pulls into a
[13:44:06] Two and a half minute repeat brick wall
[13:44:11] and you just
[13:44:14] Like you just kind of get into this
[13:44:17] no bands
[13:44:19] chatland really because I mean you could just commentate the same two minutes
[13:44:24] 30 over and over and over and over and over and over and over again but it gets
[13:44:29] quite stale yeah so you can talk about Lord Incendius
[13:44:33] That was quite a lot of voice lines, yeah.
[13:44:36] Quote lines from Vanellawar.
[13:44:38] Oh, talking big one, no strats, no addles, no voice curves.
[13:44:46] Just get it.
[13:44:48] It is a very unforgiving fight at the moment, and we are dying for a hint of progression
[13:44:55] onto that third phase.
[13:44:56] But it is just, honestly, it's just really tough.
[13:45:01] It is extremely hard.
[13:45:04] There hasn't been a lot of progression made today across the board.
[13:45:08] Liquid and Echo were doing an absolute banger job.
[13:45:12] Echo did manage to make sizeable improvements today from 47% to 33%.
[13:45:18] Liquid I think went from 35% to 30%.
[13:45:21] Maybe we have just really struggled to be able to get through P2.
[13:45:26] made it to p2 like so many more times in some kind of consistent fashion but we
[13:45:33] can't actually progress through there to lock it in at the moment it is well this
[13:45:38] is this is this is good oh everyone's having a laugh so obviously because that
[13:45:49] was that portal definitely was not supposed to go there but everyone's
[13:45:55] having a good giggle about it so obviously we're not too worried that's nice to see him smiling yeah I
[13:46:03] think it's really good that they're still having a bit of fun and laughing like Dan's lost it
[13:46:08] he has Dan is actually lost that he's got tears in his eyes and so that's awesome that's really
[13:46:14] really good to see that they're still like vibing out and chilling because it has just it has
[13:46:19] been a real wall for progression today like you imagine doing the same two and a half minutes
[13:46:26] for like 16 hours and not managing to claw forward. It's very tough. Hey bro, do you
[13:46:36] think I drank all your almond milk? Oh Dan's telling me that you wanted to fight me because
[13:46:41] you thought I drank all your almond milk and I was like your muscles are just for
[13:46:51] show I got you like you know real strength here
[13:46:54] yeah I drank the whole thing
[13:47:01] I should probably replace it for him he's pretty upset about it
[13:47:11] you saw that chat Lorgox tried to square up walked away
[13:47:16] dude you acted big walked away saw these pythons
[13:47:21] twenty twenty nine inch pythons he got out of here
[13:47:24] I knew that I was going to give him the full Scott Sky on his speech.
[13:47:27] We need to get him to read it.
[13:47:30] He doesn't even know what it is, so I just get him to read it for Bayam at the analyst's desk.
[13:47:37] Like look, here's the latest strategy that I've been thinking.
[13:47:42] Oh my god, have you ever read it out loud?
[13:47:45] It's like the most insane thing.
[13:47:47] It's nuts.
[13:47:49] All right, pull timer up again. So this is good. We're in a little bit more, we're getting
[13:48:00] a little bit of a roll with the pulls. But oh god it's been such a tough day. And I mean,
[13:48:08] I just think Giga hats off to a method because like it was me, by now I would have been
[13:48:14] like, can we just come back tomorrow and like attack this with fresh, fresh eyes
[13:48:18] or whatever because like I'm done they are just plowing headfirst into this
[13:48:24] boss
[13:48:27] what's happening there's just a website called Scott Steiner quotes no yeah it's
[13:48:32] just like the most random stuff it just says I just lift heavy and if I looked
[13:48:37] good then that's good with me I guess he might have said that I suppose
[13:48:42] The bear is there a website for razor Ramon clothes?
[13:48:45] Well, I'm sure there is.
[13:48:46] That'd be the good ones.
[13:48:47] Ah, what's this one?
[13:48:49] Dan gets me riled up.
[13:48:51] You know, they say all manner create equal,
[13:48:54] but when you look at me and you look at Samoa Joe,
[13:48:56] you see that statement is not true.
[13:48:59] Hahaha, hahaha, hahaha, hahaha.
[13:49:04] Oh, dear.
[13:49:05] We just changed the names to Darkwing.
[13:49:09] Ugh.
[13:49:10] I love it, I love it, I love it.
[13:49:12] Oh my god.
[13:49:13] So, so Joe you take your 33 and a third chance minus where 25% chance you got an 8 and 1
[13:49:19] third chance of winning in sacrifice.
[13:49:21] Then you take a 75% chance of winning.
[13:49:25] And if you go 1 on 1 then out of 66 and 2 thirds per cent.
[13:49:28] I got 440, 1, 2 thirds chance of winning in sacrifice.
[13:49:34] See Joe?
[13:49:35] The numbers don't lie.
[13:49:36] And they spell disaster for you at sacrifice.
[13:49:39] Oh, that's so good. Watch this web come and doh!
[13:49:43] How did he just sneak up that? We rubbed shoulders with flubber then, that was real scary.
[13:49:51] Flubber is out. Keep blasting, we're going to have our last
[13:49:56] Pogo trampolines of four soon. Come on, Method!
[13:50:03] Four coming up, right? Yep.
[13:50:09] It's four time. Everyone's alive, power is available. Four to the floor, I was sure.
[13:50:14] Here come the trampers we go for a little spring
[13:50:18] Roots and then wait for lines. Everyone's kind of low, but it's okay. We come the lines in the sex position
[13:50:26] and bounce and
[13:50:28] Pledge
[13:50:30] Dodge the waves
[13:50:32] Dodge the waves one down be raised out
[13:50:37] You have like a couple seconds between the old feel like we're doing this really well now like this is just
[13:50:42] This is like this should be committed to muscle
[13:50:45] Yeah, so easy now look how much space we have now yeah really really good so
[13:50:52] Blast Blast Blast Blast Blast touch the waves massively ahead of the shield right
[13:50:57] now what was that gangster I don't know he was doing something anyway yeah so
[13:51:07] you know the shield easy peasy we do you look how quickly you run out of room
[13:51:12] Yeah, it is pretty insane how quickly it grows. How often are the webs dropping?
[13:51:18] The webs keep sounds all expanding. Oh, it's just like creeps creeping. Oh
[13:51:23] Yeah, this
[13:51:26] All right now free damn pretty please
[13:51:30] pretty please
[13:51:32] We get this right dodge orbs. No deaths
[13:51:36] Get the dispels get the shadow gates done
[13:51:39] We do this all those see if you get really bad like some of those orb spawns
[13:51:45] Imagine coming out of them like the dart the portal the shadow game
[13:51:48] It's just taking an orb to the face like what are you gonna do about that all right everyone's up?
[13:51:54] base platform done
[13:51:56] Now we go here get the ad
[13:51:59] We generally get through this
[13:52:02] Issues because the other platforms are exactly the same. That's exactly right spell reflect here big pump
[13:52:09] Just check out the damage, like there is a fair bit of damage going on across this as well.
[13:52:14] They'll hoppy.
[13:52:15] Move, no one falls off.
[13:52:17] Cool. Very good.
[13:52:18] Shadowgate dispels.
[13:52:19] Up the hill.
[13:52:20] See how like when they dispel, there's a lot of damage that goes out for the spells.
[13:52:24] Buggerbeard a healer on this fight.
[13:52:26] Oh, absolutely disgusting.
[13:52:27] Horrible.
[13:52:28] Alright, this is actually one of the cleanest second platforms we've seen.
[13:52:31] Alright, we last here, we break this shield quickly.
[13:52:34] Spell going out hopefully.
[13:52:35] There's two to do.
[13:52:37] Yup.
[13:52:38] There's one down and then to the corner to we are down we do we have one beer as we get them up
[13:52:45] Oh, no, we've got teeth down now. Okay. Oh
[13:52:48] No, we're starting to dominate. What is it? See I'd love to know like
[13:52:52] What this is due to is it shadow gates exploding because we're not quick enough
[13:52:56] It's weird
[13:52:57] It's just a hideous amount of damage is constantly going out
[13:53:00] I wouldn't think so because you would think that they would have they'd be able to come up with a way
[13:53:04] To get past that now like liquid neck of proven
[13:53:08] that it's possible to get through.
[13:53:10] I mean, I'll go look at the log, but I reckon it's going to say Shadowgate.
[13:53:16] But is it blowing up? Are they not smelling?
[13:53:20] I guess maybe the person just dies, I don't know. I think it just falls apart.
[13:53:24] Head over to the lead. What's happened?
[13:53:39] Head over to the analyst desk. So HD.
[13:53:52] We're going to have to head back and figure it out.
[13:54:03] all right here we go sorry not a professional setup that's not right chat
[13:54:15] live from the analyst desk here looking into deaths confirmed a shadow gate
[13:54:21] exploded and one shot two four six eight nine of our raiders so unfortunate
[13:54:32] Um, looks like when we lost the tank, we lost one, two, three, but we lost five Raiders
[13:54:39] to Malay when we lost the tank.
[13:54:42] And then the rest basically got nuked by a Shadowgate, so I'm lucky, but we go again.
[13:54:50] Dan, thank you.
[13:54:52] Back to you.
[13:54:53] Darkbeck.
[13:54:54] Amazing analyst.
[13:54:56] out list. Secondly down list only to Loregawk of course. Does he leave crumbs over there?
[13:55:05] There's no crumbs over here. This is a bit of chicken breast.
[13:55:12] Oh, break time.
[13:55:16] Yeah, so interesting that obviously, I mean, it's not really interesting that a tank dies
[13:55:23] in a bunch of DPS died in Malay. That's pretty, that's to be expected, I guess.
[13:55:27] So what are they dying so that the explosion is that is it the shadow game hits for like 48 million
[13:55:34] Is that when it's just spelled no when it's not so you got ten seconds to get through it and every time you go through
[13:55:41] Yep, it bumps like that ten seconds. You know what I mean?
[13:55:44] So if it was like if you went in at one so you'd leave it up for ten seconds and do whatever you're doing
[13:55:49] And then get in at one and then back to ten and it pops off every ten
[13:55:54] yeah so you have 10 seconds to dispel they're not running back through the
[13:56:00] pool though are they I think they go out to spell and then they go back they do
[13:56:06] go back through I think so yeah okay interesting but I'm wondering if like
[13:56:12] those people that are assigned to the shadow gate when the tank dies if they're
[13:56:16] the people that are getting malayed to death and that's why no one's going
[13:56:21] through and then getting dispelled and things like that it's just they are
[13:56:24] We're waiting a long time on the dispel. I'm curious. Is it doing raid white when they dispel?
[13:56:27] Yeah, I'm pretty sure it does do
[13:56:30] Didn't they just drop the pool on the ground and I would assume there's a bit of like yeah
[13:56:35] But it's hanging about for a bit. I know it is I
[13:56:39] Think that the the biggest problem is that we're not
[13:56:43] Like we're not pushing forward from that point at all like we have been oh
[13:56:49] Okay, we're gonna throw it a little clear video for the break
[13:56:55] Well I'm done!
[13:56:56] I'm done for a point!
[13:56:58] I'm done right now!
[13:57:00] I'm done right now!
[13:57:02] That's it for that sentence!
[13:57:14] We did have a little bit of a setback with 4 Hero Explodes,
[13:57:16] but we have had really good preparation in this tier.
[13:57:19] We got a bit of a bad start.
[13:57:21] Thank you to the guys in blue.
[13:57:26] I think that we will do good.
[13:57:28] I am very happy with the roster that we have,
[13:57:31] have, the improvements that we've made, our preparations this year feels above and
[13:57:37] beyond and I'm very happy to be a part of it. With the band even having the four
[13:57:43] days less it's been a very very impressive what we've been pulling
[13:57:46] through and I do think that we're showing and keep showing we are getting
[13:57:51] better and better and I definitely think there's a chance to be happy this year.
[13:57:55] I think a win is possible for sure with a current roster.
[13:58:02] The end of the day, you know, if we play the bosses better then we'll probably do better, right?
[13:58:07] It's all about just the bosses mainly.
[13:58:09] I don't think we're as down-barred as people think, so hopefully we pull through.
[13:58:43] G'day chat!
[13:58:45] Did you like my smooth transition?
[13:58:47] Everyone thinks that I'm a real professional. I thought it was pretty good.
[13:58:51] I can't believe we were here the whole time.
[13:58:53] Yeah.
[13:58:54] And then we got Tobu back on.
[13:58:56] What a day.
[13:59:00] What a day. What a night.
[13:59:03] Oh dear.
[13:59:06] So apparently they were laughing about a mage situation.
[13:59:10] They were both standing, both mages were there like,
[13:59:13] you go, you go, and they didn't go.
[13:59:15] And then they both blinked and got bounced off the edge.
[13:59:18] That is pretty funny.
[13:59:19] Yeah, that's why they were laughing.
[13:59:20] That is pretty funny.
[13:59:21] Absolutely seamless.
[13:59:22] I thought it was pretty good, but I was talking in productions and we have a video, so it was like...
[13:59:29] Play the video!
[13:59:30] You just blended it into the conversation.
[13:59:32] I just blended it in!
[13:59:33] Like it didn't even happen.
[13:59:35] Yeah, I'm known for seamless transitions.
[13:59:38] That's true.
[13:59:39] Did you get a Barbie on a bike?
[13:59:40] I got Barbie on the bike. Should I go get Barbie on the bike?
[13:59:43] Yeah, go get it. Go get Barbie on the bike.
[13:59:45] Hold up, chat. I got Barbie on the bike.
[13:59:46] I've seen so many of you asking.
[13:59:48] Everyone keeps asking about Barbie.
[13:59:50] It's not a barbecue on a bike
[13:59:53] so it's gonna go get it.
[13:59:55] He ran to the shop and ran back with it.
[14:00:00] I would run halfway to the shop and just die on the floor.
[14:00:04] So anyway, my assistants bring in the water shortly.
[14:00:13] They're holding it, they're caressing the water.
[14:00:15] They bring it to me.
[14:00:17] Any second now.
[14:00:18] Here it comes.
[14:00:22] No, no water
[14:00:24] All right chat, let's just mean you here comes Barbie on a bike any minute now here it is
[14:00:30] Big reveal
[14:00:36] Yeah, we don't need to get into the details
[14:00:39] Anyway, my sister's coming to bring my water
[14:00:43] What? No, you got to bring it over
[14:00:46] Where it is look at that Barbie on a bike. Thanks, Liam
[14:00:51] bottle of water
[14:00:53] bottle of water
[14:00:56] Bro forgo his headset whoo
[14:00:58] I guess you're the bro.
[14:00:59] I've got my headset on.
[14:01:00] Yeah, we are both.
[14:01:01] I forgot his headset.
[14:01:02] Have we done a Tim Tam slam?
[14:01:03] Yeah, I've done a Tim Tam slam.
[14:01:05] Is that the T thing we put in T in?
[14:01:07] Yeah, one end of the Tim Tam, the other end of the Tim Tam.
[14:01:09] We put it in coffee and...
[14:01:10] We call it a penguin not safe work on stream.
[14:01:14] Oh, okay.
[14:01:15] Not like anything really bad.
[14:01:17] A penguin dump.
[14:01:18] Yeah, yeah, surely, yeah.
[14:01:20] Yeah.
[14:01:21] Right.
[14:01:22] Yeah.
[14:01:24] I mean, he was obviously speaking about the headset.
[14:01:26] Yeah, but he's like he assumed that everyone could lip read well. I said he's Bobby on a bike and you repeated it
[14:01:31] Yeah, so yeah, we do that with Kit Kats. That's not okay. We don't do that with Kit Kats
[14:01:38] Casting couch happening
[14:01:44] Yeah, I mean
[14:01:47] Yes, what do you mean? What's that mean?
[14:01:50] Yeah, I'm not sure what they're talking about. I mean, this is a couch we're casting. Yeah, it's true. Yeah, it's true
[14:01:55] Hmm. Oh, dear. We are no oh look Spen's got a method blankie. What?
[14:02:03] Where'd he get that from? No, we must have had one lying around clearly. At what time is it?
[14:02:09] What they talked about game to have four days ban
[14:02:15] There was a
[14:02:17] When you were multi-boxing you would get like double renown and all that kind of stuff and some of the guilds rolled the dice
[14:02:24] I didn't pay off and as a result we had to start from Friday, but we blasted and
[14:02:30] We still got it done our blankets are back in the store, too. Oh, they are. Yeah, cool
[14:02:35] See, I wonder if Jamie still has that video we could run it actually is probably another sponsor in there
[14:02:39] Maybe not then maybe you can add it. I did a steel series a little video. Well, I was over here
[14:02:44] Hey, where is it? I think Jamie's making it shorter
[14:02:47] It was like 20 minutes. You just
[14:02:48] I think I spoke too long
[14:02:51] and then make it a little bit snappier
[14:02:55] more kid-friendly for... what is it?
[14:02:58] Tiktok. Tiktok, yeah, a little 60-second YouTube short if you will
[14:03:03] What are the changes? Got Dauntless Imperial Link's mount and my first satchel
[14:03:08] Hey, come on. We turned you into Mickey Mouse
[14:03:13] Oh, good day for that. Is that what happened? I have no idea
[14:03:16] Okay, interesting.
[14:03:20] Yep.
[14:03:20] Yep.
[14:03:22] Who could tell me the brand of the PC,
[14:03:23] the computer is still on release?
[14:03:25] So the case is a Haven case.
[14:03:27] Nice.
[14:03:28] It is beautiful.
[14:03:29] I kind of might need to get it,
[14:03:31] but I'd have to like,
[14:03:33] take my PC apart.
[14:03:35] I don't know if I can do.
[14:03:37] I really hope I win.
[14:03:38] Did you enter it?
[14:03:39] No, yeah.
[14:03:40] How many, it's like 60 entries, right?
[14:03:41] 60 entries, yeah.
[14:03:43] It's worth doing.
[14:03:44] Yeah, yeah.
[14:03:44] Are we getting into a pool?
[14:03:46] Uh, oh, you've got the thing.
[14:03:48] You moved it over there, you're now in charge of the thing.
[14:03:51] Oh, the music!
[14:03:52] The music's pumping right now.
[14:03:54] Did someone say, but we don't want...
[14:03:55] Ah, no, no one said that.
[14:03:57] Alright, let's get this done.
[14:03:59] Let's get this done, Method.
[14:04:02] Come on.
[14:04:04] Enough mucking around.
[14:04:08] Whenever anyone ever says, you sound Australian,
[14:04:12] I'm just gonna play them this cast
[14:04:13] and they can tell the difference between our accents.
[14:04:16] Cause that'll sound really oka.
[14:04:18] Yeah, I do not rate the Australian accent. No you hate it. It's weird. Can you can you hear yourself set like speaking?
[14:04:26] No, I can't but if you I think if you go back and watch like if you were to watch a broadcast, yeah
[14:04:33] You know sometimes you can just hear how occa you are. Is that like a official phrase? It's just sometimes it's a bit
[14:04:41] it uh...
[14:04:43] it rough
[14:04:45] uh... like australian actors do very well at american accent so i like
[14:04:49] chris head
[14:04:50] they do
[14:04:51] and you're gonna make an accident
[14:04:55] i don't know i think if
[14:04:58] if you hang out with americans enough and you sort of try to
[14:05:01] yeah i think it'll be good you can probably pull it off a little bit
[14:05:05] americans here and he told
[14:05:08] i did in my vanilla gild out uh... raid leader
[14:05:12] used to be from georgia
[14:05:14] the
[14:05:15] apparently really georgia thing is it was always be like i'm fixing to do this
[14:05:20] i'm fixing to pull this bath right now
[14:05:21] really? yeah like i'm fixing to do this
[14:05:24] we're fixing to do this
[14:05:27] were you in an american girl?
[14:05:28] yeah so i used to uh... uh... raid in stoic
[14:05:32] which was like
[14:05:33] u.s. seventh
[14:05:35] uh... through vanilla? oh shit
[14:05:37] um... started off as sentinels of alex straza and then
[14:05:40] moved to stoic
[14:05:42] Stoic, and I was in VM for a little bit at the end too.
[14:05:47] Nice.
[14:05:47] Sarah's going to Georgia.
[14:05:49] Yes, she is going to Georgia.
[14:05:51] Aaron's from Georgia.
[14:05:52] Big Rum is from Georgia.
[14:05:55] Sounds about right.
[14:05:56] I'm fixin' to do this.
[14:05:58] I like Florida Georgia line.
[14:05:59] You ever listen to that band?
[14:06:01] No.
[14:06:01] Oh, very good.
[14:06:02] Country music.
[14:06:03] You ever like country music?
[14:06:04] I like Eric Church.
[14:06:07] OK.
[14:06:07] That's the only country music person that I know.
[14:06:10] Life.
[14:06:11] and he sings a song
[14:06:13] uh...
[14:06:14] they killed me yet
[14:06:16] okay and that goes hard
[14:06:19] there's a lot of good country music at the moment actually it's kind of taken
[14:06:22] over a little bit
[14:06:23] oh and all my life fulfilling it
[14:06:25] yes and you know you're always going to be a country tune
[14:06:30] it's country rock country rock yeah
[14:06:33] uh... yeah i mean
[14:06:36] it's a lot of good country stuff that more than one going off at the
[14:06:38] moment post malone
[14:06:40] Just the loner wouldn't care, country would you?
[14:06:43] He's got a country out, just brought it out.
[14:06:44] Oh, okay.
[14:06:45] It's a full country.
[14:06:46] There's a song on there, so I'll tell you a good story.
[14:06:49] You're gonna love it, it's not really a good story,
[14:06:50] and you're probably not gonna love it.
[14:06:52] So I was driving back from PreachCon,
[14:06:54] and I was so, like, so tired,
[14:06:58] and just like feeling rough, right?
[14:07:00] Yeah.
[14:07:00] And it's like a five-hour drive,
[14:07:02] and I'm just in this car,
[14:07:04] and the post-blown album just came out,
[14:07:06] and I was like listening to it,
[14:07:07] and I was like, oh yeah, I know a couple of songs,
[14:07:09] you know the one more than one and a couple others right like yeah sweet it was
[14:07:12] listening to the other songs are really good anyway the song came on on the album
[14:07:15] I think it was like one of the last songs and I can't remember the name of it
[14:07:19] but anyway it was about and I reckon if you listen to it you probably cried
[14:07:24] too because I cried really a lot right because I swear to God it's called
[14:07:32] yours right right and it's a song about like a dad and his door and he's like
[14:07:39] give it a wrap to like a guy and it oh man i was it made you cry i was in bits i'm not a
[14:07:45] crier no it was so sad did you cry when your child was born i was yeah i was kind of hung over
[14:07:51] to be fair see i'd i'd i'd i didn't cry at any of the burst and i didn't cry at my wedding either
[14:07:56] i'm just not i'm just not a cry i think you cried aftershock i didn't cry aftershock
[14:08:03] but if there was a chance i was gonna cry i would have been aftershock
[14:08:06] I was just so broken and then this song came on and I was like I wasn't ready
[14:08:11] I was so broken I was like going through a toll road on the M5 or something
[14:08:17] I was trying to put the money in, I'm like I'm so sad
[14:08:20] Oh look at Sven's damage, he's popping
[14:08:25] Alright this is okay, so far
[14:08:28] Get through the gate though, get these gates done
[14:08:30] So you can, oh look how much room you run out of the platform in terms of like
[14:08:35] So I'm going to assume, actually no I think, spend just like tick down with damage then
[14:08:43] and then exploded.
[14:08:47] So yeah, well we were right about the shadow gates in terms of 10 seconds restarts the timer
[14:08:51] every time, but I wonder if the debuff has, like if the debuff has a timer and if it's
[14:08:58] not dispelled, if it's not like an auto drop but rather it explodes, I wonder if that's
[14:09:03] on the debuff because there's like three drop downs for that in the raid journal
[14:09:08] I haven't read at all three drop there is yeah anyway yeah chat if you got any
[14:09:14] doors listen to yours by post below and report back in three minutes after you
[14:09:18] look back with your tears tell me how dry your eyes are yeah it was it was
[14:09:23] not ready for that one I'm already for it yeah oh dear P2 still not quite
[14:09:31] Locked down
[14:09:33] Ever tell you the story about my door being bought?
[14:09:35] No, that's a good one tell stream to send it. So
[14:09:41] I plan to go to Glastonbury festival in 2023
[14:09:45] And my door is due day was the 2nd of July which was two weeks after Glastonbury, right?
[14:09:50] I was like, hey, you're safe. Thanks. I'm really safe babies never come early. Thanks, Tom
[14:09:55] yeah, so what a glass of re on the Wednesday the first one goes from Wednesday to Monday and
[14:10:01] I was like, yeah, brilliant, got my stuff, super excited about it, I was gonna watch Elton John, I was gonna listen to, I can't remember the rest of the line up, it doesn't matter if it's in the fire, but Elton would have been cool.
[14:10:11] Yeah, yeah, yeah, so anyway, this is another crying story actually.
[14:10:17] That's okay, I think that's good.
[14:10:19] Yeah, so anyway, got there Wednesday, set up the camp, everything was great around the wonderful time, weather was amazing, got drunk Wednesday night, had a wonderful time, like, oh man, I can't wait for the music to start on fire.
[14:10:30] if the music is starting Friday because that's when all the music starts so you know it's
[14:10:33] just a little bit messy before that right you get a bit mucky in the mud uh or in the heat
[14:10:38] I guess in the situation so anyway Thursday came around and I got a text uh it's awc castor
[14:10:45] lithy that wasn't the text hello and what happened well wait lithy is saying hi oh
[14:10:52] hello lithy hi guys how did awc go it was a lot of fun oh yeah really good matches
[14:11:01] Yeah, that's great. We were watching for a little bit. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was waiting for you to pop up
[14:11:06] I was like, we're waiting for you to pop off, but it was Ziko and
[14:11:09] We were watching wasn't it?
[14:11:12] I don't really know the information. Yeah, we start doing three series in the evening
[14:11:17] Space house a little bit. Nice. Sometimes you don't yeah, but be the way it goes
[14:11:22] How are you guys doing? Yeah, we're just propping. We have P2 on lock here. It's um, it's been rough
[14:11:29] it's been really rough it's been really rough I heard that was a close to
[14:11:35] perfect P tuple with basically everyone yeah we got a few of those and then it
[14:11:41] just kind of crumbles to bits yeah we we can't skip past the second platform
[14:11:46] hmm we get up the first fine and then second one goes to bits yeah well we
[14:11:55] got another two hours these guys are gonna make it count I do or we do
[14:11:59] another two hours we do we do we do when are you back on the couch officially
[14:12:03] officially tomorrow morning I say hi because I'm warming up my food right
[14:12:08] now I am starving oh yeah you would be how long was the AC died you see a rain
[14:12:18] of championship wrestling okay we started at 7 p.m. so this was a little
[14:12:26] bit over four and a half hours but obviously some straight casting yeah yeah
[14:12:32] nice and short actually because that just were really quick and then you keep
[14:12:38] the energy to obviously I mean PVPs you know very high octane no we were we
[14:12:44] were very happy I think our producer mentioned something along the lines of
[14:12:47] this might have been one of the best shows we've ever done. Oh good one that's awesome that's what we want to hear. I think we're very happy we're heading into this season with a lot of energy it's been
[14:12:55] good fun we've got some great games like some awesome teams awesome players and
[14:12:59] we've got some really cool stories to tell this season I think yeah yeah I like
[14:13:03] it it's gonna be great love that all right I'm gonna grab my food yeah enjoy
[14:13:09] your food King I will try my best all right be nice chat I'll see you later
[14:13:14] everyone say bye lethe soon so where were we last and very story so yeah
[14:13:24] So we've got the glass debris and it was the Wednesday got monkey on the Wednesday feeling rubs Thursday, right?
[14:13:30] Got a text from my fiance saying that
[14:13:35] She'd gone into
[14:13:37] The hospital with a little bit of lack of movement, right? You've been there. Yeah risky scary time. Yeah, it's not fun
[14:13:44] So anyway, they were checking her up and stuff. She had a bit of potential
[14:13:50] Diabetes what it what is it the
[14:13:54] or something or so. Yeah, so it was a little bit of a thing. So anyway, she went there
[14:13:58] and you know, I was chatting to her and stuff. And then, yeah, so then she texts me saying
[14:14:04] I think they're going to induce me. So I'm in a field in sub-asset. I'm about two and
[14:14:09] a half hours, oh, preeclampsia, yeah, that's what she had. So they were like, yeah, we
[14:14:15] need to get this babe out so we're going to induce you. And I'm like, all right,
[14:14:18] well, like, when should I come home? She's like,
[14:14:23] Do I need to leave or are you gonna be right here?
[14:14:25] No, she goes, preferably tonight,
[14:14:27] this is Thursday afternoon and I'm like,
[14:14:29] ah!
[14:14:30] Ah!
[14:14:31] Well then she said like,
[14:14:32] oh, nothing's actually gonna happen till Friday, right?
[14:14:34] Cause it takes a little bit.
[14:14:38] So yeah, so anyway, then ended up like foolishly
[14:14:41] drinking a little bit on the Thursday night, you know?
[14:14:43] And then leaving super-duper early Friday.
[14:14:45] I left my car there
[14:14:49] and my brother picked me up.
[14:14:50] So I had to hop into his car
[14:14:52] because there was no official park pickup area.
[14:14:55] Anyway, so we drove back.
[14:14:56] I slept on the way back because I was pretty tired.
[14:14:59] Got to the hospital in my filthy vans
[14:15:01] that I've been wearing at the festival
[14:15:03] on this dirty old jumper.
[14:15:04] Outstanding.
[14:15:05] And the baby was born at 6 a.m. that night.
[14:15:09] Blouses.
[14:15:09] So I ended up actually staying up later
[14:15:11] than the people at Glastonbury
[14:15:12] because they went a bit early on Friday night
[14:15:14] because they were shattered.
[14:15:15] Of course.
[14:15:15] And then I was like,
[14:15:17] and then I was like, oh, what if I could go back?
[14:15:19] But when I got to, so there was a whole thing, there was a band on the line up called The
[14:15:27] Churnups and they were all there the whole time since they announced it and on the website
[14:15:32] like every band has a link and they were on like a Friday, I think they were on a 7 on
[14:15:35] Friday and I was like loads of rumors that it could be like pulp, Foo Fighters, whoever.
[14:15:40] And then it kind of like was like I'm pretty sure it's Foo Fighters or like I freaking
[14:15:43] love the Foo Fighters.
[14:15:45] So anyway, we were at the hospital and she was just, you know, waiting to be, she was
[14:15:50] induced and all that kind of stuff.
[14:15:53] Anywho, I was watching it on BBC because they streamed Glastonbury and it was through Fires
[14:15:58] and I was like really sad that I missed it.
[14:16:02] And then like after the baby was born I was like, I care about Glastonbury, you know.
[14:16:08] And that's how I went down.
[14:16:11] Good times.
[14:16:13] So anyway, yeah, so then I went back to Glastory this year, it was like revenge, right?
[14:16:16] Revenge, nice to know, yeah.
[14:16:19] Which was it on her birthday, luckily, because they moved it, so.
[14:16:21] That's always good.
[14:16:22] And it was really, really good.
[14:16:24] Yeah.
[14:16:25] It all went down in the end.
[14:16:27] You think you'll have another kid?
[14:16:29] Yeah.
[14:16:30] Yeah.
[14:16:31] I think so.
[14:16:32] Don't mind, might as well do it sooner than later.
[14:16:34] Yeah, I think so.
[14:16:35] My friend waited seven years.
[14:16:36] It's crazy.
[14:16:37] There's a six-year gap between living and losing.
[14:16:40] Really?
[14:16:41] mad because you get so out of it as well right exactly right we're free yeah
[14:16:45] we were home like we were on the way and then we went back yeah we're thinking
[14:16:53] like to your gap your to your gap it'd be good
[14:16:56] to your gap is to your gap is the way yeah yeah that's all good times it's
[14:17:03] actually we kind of like spawned the but the perfect child like I don't know
[14:17:09] If you have this like with other parents but and maybe chat those two if you're a parent so many parents project
[14:17:17] All the time and it's like they're like, oh
[14:17:21] You know they'll say oh, yeah, you know, you're not gonna get any sleep. You're gonna have a terrible time
[14:17:25] Whatever and like my like our daughters been sleeping through since like six weeks for right all the way first was like that
[14:17:32] No worries well then so then I tell people that and they're like yeah
[14:17:37] Yeah, but wait for the second and every time that I wait for the second beef
[14:17:41] It's gonna be a nightmare, but I'm like, well what if the second one doesn't and then I wait for the third
[14:17:46] I might not be the cops are always moving I can honestly say our first like slept right through was no problems
[14:17:52] And then our other one like I was induced mad house vibes. It was crazy
[14:17:59] So, you know
[14:18:02] But I'm sure whatever happens you'll be very happy and you'll make it work
[14:18:07] Yeah, so anyway people like oh man, how's the sleep you're not getting much sleep?
[14:18:10] I'm getting more sleep than ever. We don't know if there's a mythic phase yet
[14:18:15] I'm very doubtful though, but we don't know who knows who knows
[14:18:20] We did hear we did hear rumors of boss nerfs, but I have tried and tried and tried to find anything
[14:18:33] Said otherwise
[14:18:38] So what's the go with that was, but there's still no wowhead pings about it or anything
[14:18:44] like that.
[14:18:45] There is a wowhead ping for tier 2 armor tokens and season of discovery and which bosses drop
[14:18:50] them.
[14:18:51] That's about it.
[14:18:55] Yeah, my day of mine friends said possibly but unlikely.
[14:19:00] What kind of like vague?
[14:19:02] Possibly but unlikely.
[14:19:03] Oh, there's a hotfix table of this on this discord.
[14:19:10] kind of fun. Alright let's check this. This is the four pop. We have cleaned this up so
[14:19:18] well. Our phase one is actually really really clean now but we are just so stone walled
[14:19:30] on phase two at the moment. Come on. Break this shield and let's get some progress on
[14:19:40] this p2 even even just to get to the top platform with a raid group I would take
[14:19:46] it rather than one person traversing the bridge by themselves
[14:19:52] one person one person running up the bridge being like yeah
[14:20:00] oh man the evoker is so weird for healing right because it's out range all the time
[14:20:07] Yeah
[14:20:08] Gonna be crazy with the vocal changes on reset turn. Yeah, what's happening? No idea
[14:20:13] Oh, wow, just getting a bit of a nerf. I'm just making them shit
[14:20:17] All right, here we roll
[14:20:25] One shadow gate to spell watch these orbs. Oh
[14:20:33] That's cool. Wow. Oh, they pushed it back
[14:20:36] back. That's cool. I wonder if that's red and coming down at the moment. I wonder if
[14:20:49] that's the timer on the shadow gate like in terms of a visual of when it's getting ready
[14:20:54] to expire. See how it's turned red and it's pulsing. So that'll give you an indication
[14:20:58] of when it's at the end. Yeah it is. That's cool with the visual. No no that's because
[14:21:03] they went through it. So the each time you go through it the 10 second timer
[14:21:06] starts. Gotcha. See, that was quite cool then. Again, we just, we even, we didn't even make
[14:21:12] it up the first platform that time. Ah, so unfortunate. This phase two is like, is not
[14:21:25] good. No. It is, we are just stuck in the mud right now. What's that horse in the never-ending story? Oh my
[14:21:38] God that is our tax is it it's definitely an a no a tray is the kid tree
[14:21:45] no a tray is the kid I think is it our tax our tax our tax we're like our tech
[14:21:51] stuck in the mud right now in phase two we really are well really is that the
[14:22:00] I think it was the flyin'
[14:22:02] Dulk Wolf horse thing
[14:22:04] Yeah, that was uh, Falcor
[14:22:06] Ah, yeah
[14:22:08] Turn around
[14:22:10] Alright, that in Stranger Things
[14:22:12] When Dustin has to sing it over the radio
[14:22:14] I lost my mind
[14:22:16] Lost my mind
[14:22:18] Lost my mind
[14:22:24] It's uh, mechanical failure
[14:22:26] I think really
[14:22:28] Because they know we've gotten past it
[14:22:30] I don't know what's happening.
[14:22:35] Oh, what's...
[14:22:36] Oh, Crilla's putting on some alternative rock.
[14:22:39] Very good.
[14:22:40] It's kind of weird seeing everyone screen.
[14:22:45] Hmm.
[14:22:46] Oh, look, it's even got the laptop on there.
[14:22:49] It does.
[14:22:50] Very nice.
[14:22:51] It's special.
[14:22:52] Barbie on a bike.
[14:22:53] No Barbie on a bike.
[14:22:54] No sponsor.
[14:22:55] No Barbie sponsors here.
[14:22:58] We should get weird sponsors.
[14:23:00] Liam should just reach out a really random company. It's like
[14:23:05] Liam likes the sponsors to make sense and I tend to free that's
[14:23:11] My weird stuff like socks, you know who I would like a sponsorship from I'd like a sponsorship from maxi bomb
[14:23:19] Green paint
[14:23:22] Ice creams. Oh, yeah, that sounds good
[14:23:27] Ice cream sponsor
[14:23:30] it's like a construction shop
[14:23:34] ah what else would be really good? Welcome to the race workplace, we've got drills and
[14:23:38] t-squares
[14:23:40] today on the break we're going to build a shelf
[14:23:46] where are you getting these things from?
[14:23:49] Ten's going to power sand this table
[14:23:53] oh this works
[14:23:55] oh man
[14:23:56] I'm just trying to think of something like super random
[14:24:00] Yeah, people know what Maxibon is, there we go.
[14:24:02] Yeah.
[14:24:03] I want to be sponsored by Costco.
[14:24:06] That'd be cool.
[14:24:10] Sir?
[14:24:11] Lego, yes, get sponsored by Lego.
[14:24:14] Oh my goodness, I'll be so happy.
[14:24:16] We get sponsored by IKEA, I need some things.
[14:24:18] Yeah, we can get some flat packs.
[14:24:20] Yeah.
[14:24:20] We build them on stream.
[14:24:21] Do a race, race to world first.
[14:24:23] Flat pack edition.
[14:24:24] Cannex.
[14:24:25] Oh, God.
[14:24:28] Right, quick reload pull here.
[14:24:30] Oh, local bakery sponsorship.
[14:24:32] Oh, yes.
[14:24:33] Yeah.
[14:24:34] I need to find out what the Apple Florentine thingy I like
[14:24:39] is actually called.
[14:24:40] Because I was like, what is this called?
[14:24:42] And he was like, Florentine.
[14:24:43] And I was like, I think there's more to it than that.
[14:24:46] Yeah, but surely the Chats will chairman, certainly.
[14:24:49] Yeah, it's like this Apple Slice thing,
[14:24:52] but it was called Florentine Apple something.
[14:24:56] What if we get sponsored by the,
[14:24:57] there's a cleaning brand called Messed in the UK.
[14:24:59] Don't know if you got it in Australia. No, we didn't get sponsored by them. That would make sense. Yeah, we can wash our hands and our dishes
[14:25:08] Perfect
[14:25:12] Apple and Gallet
[14:25:16] The box dispensers recap we have method in the US. Yeah, it's a great product. No sponsor
[14:25:25] Other cleaning products are available, of course. No, not this but this does look nice if I find one of these I'd have
[14:25:35] Oh, that's great. Sponsored by Little.
[14:25:40] And now, the method raised to all first.
[14:25:45] Presented by Snickers. Get some nuts!
[14:25:50] You'd have Biff Raid leading really angry, and still yelling at Anka,
[14:25:55] and then you'd be like, have a stickers, bro?
[14:25:58] You're not yourself when you're angry?
[14:26:04] Snap into a slim chin, ooooh.
[14:26:08] Kick that grunt, chunky, yeah.
[14:26:12] Yeah, liquid is supposed to be a Honda, that's true, that's random.
[14:26:17] Yeah, that's wild, isn't it?
[14:26:19] Dot to Pepper, oh yeah please.
[14:26:21] I don't like to have to Pepper.
[14:26:23] Really? It tastes like cough medicine.
[14:26:25] Oh, this dot makes it in the shirt.
[14:26:27] Hey!
[14:26:29] The obvious child is now asking who is going to sponsor her when she runs the Olympics.
[14:26:33] Nike.
[14:26:35] Yeah.
[14:26:36] Nike will be her sponsor.
[14:26:37] Yeah.
[14:26:38] Yeah, my daughter's convinced she's going to the Olympics today.
[14:26:41] Ah, believe in a chief.
[14:26:42] Yeah.
[14:26:43] So she didn't have the greatest run at the State Track & Fields and she was like, but
[14:26:48] if I didn't win today, how am I going to win gold?
[14:26:50] I mean, that's fair.
[14:26:51] How old is she?
[14:26:53] Nine.
[14:26:54] Impressive.
[14:26:55] Yeah.
[14:26:56] I was like, mate, this is a bit to go.
[14:26:58] Let me throw you a curveball.
[14:27:01] she considered breakdancing.
[14:27:03] We don't talk about breakdancing in Australia.
[14:27:07] We don't talk about breakdancing in Australia.
[14:27:10] What time is it Mrs. Dachmek?
[14:27:12] It's probably like morning.
[14:27:15] Oh it's 8am at home.
[14:27:18] A new day?
[14:27:19] It's a new day.
[14:27:20] She'll know if the boss is down.
[14:27:23] But she's in the future.
[14:27:25] That's in the future.
[14:27:27] Paper towel company this wipe was brought to you by Kleenex. Oh, that'd be good. That'd be a good one
[14:27:33] That would be so good. I think you've branded everything
[14:27:37] Like that. Oh, because you haven't watched Wayne's World though, so you can't even get the joke for selling out. Oh, sorry
[14:27:43] Chat tell him about Wayne's World and branding everything
[14:27:47] And my life gonna change. You really need to watch Wayne's World. Well, I'm just working on time
[14:27:54] You know, I got like a whole day tomorrow. So full of it
[14:27:57] like an eight hour shift tomorrow with you maybe we'll watch Wayne World on
[14:28:04] stream that'll be cool I'd be down for that both of them obviously of course is
[14:28:09] there three no I feel like it'd be like a Netflix like it's just one and two it's
[14:28:13] like it's so it was a coming to America they brought out randomly a second one
[14:28:17] they bring it out of a happy Gilmore as well that was wrong with it what's
[14:28:21] What's going on?
[14:28:23] They're popping the bean cube bloodlust.
[14:28:25] The tracks.
[14:28:27] The bean cube bloodlust.
[14:28:29] And we're going to work.
[14:28:31] It would work so well.
[14:28:33] Am I just going to start referencing Happy Wainsworld?
[14:28:37] No one's going to get it because everyone watched it 40 years ago.
[14:28:41] If you'll join a really...
[14:28:43] Because there's a lot of young people that haven't seen Wainsworld.
[14:28:47] Okay.
[14:28:49] anything about it but when you watch it you want to impart that on to everyone to watch
[14:28:53] wayne's work because it's so brilliant it really is yeah interesting I'm actually quite
[14:29:01] shocked you haven't seen wayne's work I've seen like the bohemian rhapsody scene yeah that's it
[14:29:06] the whole movie is just full of like banger references like it's just so good yeah
[14:29:17] It's like people just do things. They're getting paid. And that's just sad. But I don't want to ruin it for you by telling you what's going on. So you just have to watch it!
[14:29:29] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[14:29:30] Is it the guy from...
[14:29:33] I have dinner every day.
[14:29:35] It's Mike Myers, isn't it?
[14:29:38] Yeah, it's Mike Myers and Dana Carver.
[14:29:40] Alright.
[14:29:41] Or Dana Carvey? Or Dana Car... Dana Carvey, I think, as the name was.
[14:29:44] Uh, any of the mages like... Wildy is... live, I think.
[14:29:49] a gun rack? Gun rack? I don't even know what a gun is.
[14:29:54] Don't worry Dan, you're old. You're not one of those young ones, no flame. Wally's not live.
[14:30:03] Oh dear.
[14:30:06] I thought the best My Mives film was Trek.
[14:30:09] I married an axe murderer, god I haven't seen that in a long time.
[14:30:13] I have not seen that in a long time.
[14:30:17] same as um don't tell mom the baby sin is dead silvestre salons stop or i'll shoot no
[14:30:25] what was with that one i'm screaming mum in it when he's a cop here's a okay i'm gonna make you
[14:30:32] really stop all my mum i'm gonna make you really really upset okay i have okay chat i'm sorry about
[14:30:39] this no flame i would like to come back next time but i've never seen a film with kyanu
[14:30:46] Reav's it up. Oh, what? Yeah, you've seen the matrix
[14:30:54] What is wrong with you
[14:30:57] Oh my god, bro, Johnny
[14:31:01] Memoch or me mock or whatever hell it was called with the dolphins run in the show that shit was off the hook
[14:31:10] John Wick
[14:31:14] I don't understand because like you get a lot of references when we talk, but then you're like I've never seen any Indiana Jones movies either
[14:31:26] You've never seen point break either like with peace ways
[14:31:31] Cliffs on both sides. I'm not gonna paddle to New Zealand. Oh
[14:31:36] I've seen eight
[14:31:39] Last crusade with Indiana like Indiana Jones and last crusade John Connery
[14:31:44] Oh, Raiders of the Lost Ark, this Templar Doom is kind of here and all there.
[14:31:53] I'm sorry.
[14:31:55] This is crazy.
[14:31:56] You're fired!
[14:31:57] What's cat in the heart?
[14:32:01] Crazy.
[14:32:03] Show him the door.
[14:32:04] Look, everyone does not like you.
[14:32:05] I don't know.
[14:32:06] I haven't seen Bill and Ted's excellent adventure.
[14:32:08] This is going to be a really busy day watching films.
[14:32:12] I haven't seen Constantine.
[14:32:13] He's in that too.
[14:32:15] Yeah, I know you just, like, wet feet.
[14:32:18] Do you think my favorite films are Hangover?
[14:32:19] Because I just haven't seen any other films.
[14:32:21] I'm starting to think you could be on to something there.
[14:32:24] I really am.
[14:32:26] I literally have an unlimited pass to the cinema.
[14:32:29] I can go anytime I want and I never go.
[14:32:31] And all you're doing is watching wrestling and no culture.
[14:32:34] I literally have just watched so much wrestling.
[14:32:36] It's actually so pathetic.
[14:32:38] It's just all I do.
[14:32:40] Oh, man.
[14:32:41] I just watched wrestling, guys.
[14:32:43] Let us in Lord of the Rings last year.
[14:32:46] You didn't only just watch the last two videos.
[14:32:48] I have... okay, it wasn't last year, but it wasn't as recent as you would like to know.
[14:32:53] Yikes, dog.
[14:32:54] I didn't even watch the...
[14:32:57] The extended one.
[14:33:00] It wasn't last year, it was a couple years ago.
[14:33:01] Also, Harry Potter only watched like a couple years ago too.
[14:33:05] Oh, I thought it was... it was like...
[14:33:09] I mean, everyone's... I think to be fair...
[14:33:11] To be fair, I said a couple years ago, it was about 10 years ago.
[14:33:13] Everybody is entitled to live their life the way they want. Oh, it's too busy playing. Wow
[14:33:17] And if you want to live yours wrong that is not on me to tell you. Yeah, I've seen home alone
[14:33:24] Kevin!
[14:33:28] I mean I've seen Top Gun. I'm not seen Top Gun though.
[14:33:31] You haven't seen Top Gun either?
[14:33:33] Where are we gonna watch him?
[14:33:35] Mate! I'll have to collect.
[14:33:37] This is this is the one thing that I think is like this is the cool thing about having a kid is that I get to shape
[14:33:43] Like I get to watch she gets to watch all of these movies
[14:33:47] I get and I get to watch her watch them for the first time. Uh-huh, but the sad thing is my my ten-year-old
[14:33:53] I'll beat you
[14:33:55] My ten-year-old will beat you to all of these
[14:33:59] That's why yeah, not even actually ten yet, but she'll beat you. That's true true
[14:34:04] Yeah, I've seen Ferris buta's day off. I've seen dress it pop
[14:34:07] Is this guy even a real person one of the same thing? Yeah, I mean you're in jaws. Yeah, of course
[14:34:15] Okay, yeah, I need a bigger boat. Yeah, there's one with whether it's seaworld, right? It breaks the glass inside the
[14:34:21] Yeah, that's yours. That's yours three. Yeah, it's in short. I actually was shorting
[14:34:26] It's a short shake. It's shorting the one where they escaped the prison
[14:34:29] Of course he says yeah, you can't really say of course when you've seen something now. Yeah
[14:34:34] Yeah, so Shawshank's one where they escaped the prison, right?
[14:34:37] Yes, and you do frame?
[14:34:39] So I haven't watched it until maybe four years ago, whatever.
[14:34:43] It was unbelievably good.
[14:34:45] Yeah, it is really good.
[14:34:47] I was like, this is insane.
[14:34:49] It's a really, really good.
[14:34:51] It was like the top-rated film on IMDb, right?
[14:34:53] Shawshank is fantastic.
[14:34:55] It changed my life.
[14:34:57] I was like, why do I need to watch any of the films?
[14:34:59] Mento's really good and Inception.
[14:35:01] Inception?
[14:35:03] I watched a
[14:35:05] Yeah, pleb makes a really good point like if I could go back and experience these movies for the first time again
[14:35:11] That'd be so good
[14:35:12] But the problem is you don't even know the gold mine that you haven't yet discovered and I don't think you'll care
[14:35:17] You'll be like all those movies
[14:35:19] I was bullied into watching The Shining and I hated it
[14:35:25] To be fair Stanley Kubrick
[14:35:29] The Shining is
[14:35:32] Like I don't mind the shining, but it's like
[14:35:36] Yeah, it's not a fast-paced movie. It was any and Stanley Kubrick who wrote the book hated the movie
[14:35:42] No
[14:35:46] Stanley Kubrick directed it me
[14:35:48] Stephen King's King King. Yeah, and Kubrick directed it. Sorry King hated it. Sorry
[14:35:54] The last samurai and gladiator banger
[14:35:57] Shatter Island is good. Yeah, Shatter Island is good. True. Good fellas, it's great
[14:36:03] You wouldn't have seen the Godfather part 1, part 2, part 3, I wouldn't think. I've not.
[14:36:08] You ever said disaster movie? Green Mile. Fantastic. I'm just tired boss.
[14:36:17] Forest gum?
[14:36:19] Yes. Yeah, yeah, one of my faves. Yeah, great job.
[14:36:23] Starship Troopers?
[14:36:25] Starship Troopers is really good. I don't know what that is. Welcome to the Roughnecks. Riko's Roughnecks.
[14:36:29] I watched Jason X.
[14:36:31] Yep, cool.
[14:36:33] Friday 13th.
[14:36:35] Yeah, I watched all the Friday the 13th.
[14:36:37] Yeah.
[14:36:38] And all the Halloweens.
[14:36:39] Yeah, good films.
[14:36:40] And all the Nightmare on Elm Streets.
[14:36:42] Pulp Fiction's great film.
[14:36:43] Pulp Fiction's bang up.
[14:36:44] I love it.
[14:36:45] Die Hard, yes and that.
[14:36:47] I've seen a lot like, I don't know, a few bits.
[14:36:53] Not everything.
[14:36:54] I'm a bit worried about you for Colt's sake, but you'll get there.
[14:36:57] I don't watch any TV shows either.
[14:36:58] Either you like stringing off an amazing TV shows. I just watch like the boys
[14:37:03] Stranger things and Marvel shows. That's alright though. They're still good shows
[14:37:08] Yeah, scrubs. I think is
[14:37:10] My favorite sopranos is a banger of a TV show
[14:37:14] Yeah, green miles sad sad for my mom is very sad. Oh
[14:37:21] I watched a Wolf of Wall Street not that long, right? That was amazing crazy movie. Yeah
[14:37:27] Yeah, it was my friend's favourite film and he was like, you gotta watch it, I'm like, oh.
[14:37:30] It is pretty cool.
[14:37:33] It's a good film, I like the new ones really good. I thought it was good.
[14:37:37] No, sorry he said top gear, I thought someone else wrote top come again.
[14:37:41] He watches wrestling, I do, that's all I do.
[14:37:43] You do, that's all he does apparently.
[14:37:44] That's all I do.
[14:37:46] Shindler's List snaps great movie.
[14:37:48] Yeah, I've seen Shindler's List, yeah.
[14:37:50] Anominal movie.
[14:37:53] She-hulk, yeah, She-hulk.
[14:37:55] I think it's overhaired, it wasn't that bad, it was bad, but...
[14:37:58] apparently madame web was terrible
[14:37:59] yeah i haven't seen that
[14:38:01] i didn't watch it i just read all the like
[14:38:03] all the hate online
[14:38:05] yeah
[14:38:07] all right we've been getting through this like champs here's the big one is the four
[14:38:11] see we've like mastered this now
[14:38:14] phase one is just like jokie mcjokison
[14:38:20] go ahead and make you seem dodgeball
[14:38:22] yeah go ahead and make your jokes mr jokie
[14:38:25] jokemaker
[14:38:27] is that a lot of steam in the pirate
[14:38:29] Steve the Pirate. Your best player is the Pirate!
[14:38:32] If you won't even know who our best player is.
[14:38:34] Who's your favourite wrestler?
[14:38:36] Uh, CM Punk.
[14:38:39] Who's your favourite wrestler?
[14:38:41] My favourite wrestler?
[14:38:42] Yeah.
[14:38:44] I think I would have to go the Ultimate Warrior was probably my favourite wrestler.
[14:38:50] It started off as Hulk Hogan and then it would have gone to Ultimate Warrior.
[14:38:55] I feel like that's what everyone did in the 80s and 90s, right?
[14:38:59] I just loved the Ultimate Warrior, the unit, just a unit, and then like, I guess it kind of when they
[14:39:07] retired and then the new era came through it was probably Stone Cold. Stunner the most electrifying
[14:39:13] move in the universe. Chat, any wrestling fans? I want Drew McIntyre to meet Skow. I feel like it'd be
[14:39:20] a good meeting of minds. Drew McIntyre is like a really huge Skow-ish guy. And I think it'd be
[14:39:25] be a good me I reckon I got a lot to talk about. Cain was cool. Yeah Cain's cool. Cain
[14:39:30] was cool. Oh yeah I got an Ultimate Warrior story for ya. It's not that good. We are
[14:39:36] one dead here after this pool. Let's see if we manage to make any form of progression
[14:39:43] on phase two. Come on team. One down. Two down. Come on guys. Bordle's gone. We
[14:39:52] go through come out spell cool so we did this one perfect yeah still got one
[14:40:01] dispel maybe on that demon hunter comes on the other side maybe so then we have
[14:40:06] to break this shield to be able to interrupt this ad right so we've done
[14:40:17] this well so far I mean we are losing people slowly
[14:40:21] The B-Rex is going at that portal, that portal, that portal, that portal, that portal, that portal, the battle!
[14:40:25] You see that one just right there, yeah.
[14:40:27] Someone said, Drew is half the human height of...
[14:40:30] I don't think that's true. Oh, I just got paid from Twitter!
[14:40:34] Oh my goodness, it's a big number.
[14:40:36] Ooh, Twitter payments.
[14:40:38] $15.
[14:40:39] Uh, have you seen the big short?
[14:40:41] No.
[14:40:42] Geez, that's interesting. That's all about the, like, the American housing collapse.
[14:40:46] That is crazy.
[14:40:48] How tall is Drew McIntyre?
[14:40:53] Ha! Hex, uh...
[14:40:58] He's the same age as Skow as well.
[14:41:00] Very frustrating night for the Raiders, I reckon.
[14:41:04] So he's 6'5". He's probably not 6'5", actually, is he, Skow?
[14:41:08] No, I reckon Skow's like 6'2", 6'3".
[14:41:13] So he's 6'5', 125 kilos, or 275 pounds.
[14:41:20] This big boy, yeah
[14:41:26] He's a big boy look we just got to get picture like this of sco I
[14:41:34] I could do a photo of that I reckon easy
[14:41:37] You have seen pulp fiction chat. I have have you seen the rest of Mickey rock, of course I have
[14:41:43] So you got a you got a stab it gonna bring the needle down. What do I got a stab it seven times? No?
[14:41:49] still no p3 still no p3 unfortunately our portal our shadow portal our dark
[14:42:00] portal our shadow gate is exploding on platform 2 at the moment like a red
[14:42:07] rocket it flashes before igniting us all into space Star Wars
[14:42:20] Never since times
[14:42:26] Well, did you think of the Boba Fett series
[14:42:32] The Mandalorian no no no the actual Boba Fett series. I haven't watched it. That was crap
[14:42:37] Was it? I did the best episode was the episode with the Mandalorian
[14:42:40] I did like Boba Fett like in the Star Wars. Yeah, he's always like cool as yeah, I
[14:42:46] Love the did you watch everyone? I
[14:42:49] I didn't I didn't finish it. I thought it was really good. Yeah, I think I probably
[14:42:53] Already I think I got hate as well people just hate Star Wars
[14:42:56] I think no one hates Star Wars more than people on Star Wars reddit. I disagree
[14:43:01] Lord of the Rings fans with rings of power. Oh really? Yeah, don't get me wrong the story is different, but for me
[14:43:10] Anything Lord of the Rings I'll take because it's just more Lord of the Rings like content to watch and enjoy
[14:43:16] Yeah, even if it has story deviation, but there's some real there's some real die-hards that have like planted the flag
[14:43:23] and they haven't it I
[14:43:26] I will say with the Lord of the Rings thing. Maybe I'm not you know, I
[14:43:31] Have not seen the Hobbit
[14:43:33] I've been told it's really bad and I didn't mind the Hobbit. I didn't mind the Hobbit. I
[14:43:41] Did not mind the Hobbit. I remember the first series of rings of power came out
[14:43:44] and I was gonna watch it but everyone said it was bad.
[14:43:47] Yeah, see I enjoyed it.
[14:43:48] But again, each to their own.
[14:43:51] If you don't like it because it goes off the story,
[14:43:53] then you don't have to watch it, that's cool.
[14:43:55] Yeah.
[14:43:57] The Golem game.
[14:43:58] The Golem game, that did not fare very well, did it?
[14:44:05] Yeah.
[14:44:06] The Hobbit film, it's weird, isn't it?
[14:44:07] Because it was like a one, was it one book?
[14:44:09] They turned it to free films or something?
[14:44:11] They did and it was a children's book
[14:44:12] and it's not too bad.
[14:44:14] They added, sort of, as of the defile is not in.
[14:44:19] the Hobbit book but they added that and I think it was actually a change I didn't mind
[14:44:23] because it gave the movie a bit of a pace but I didn't mind it.
[14:44:27] Did you see the film about Tolkien?
[14:44:30] Yes, it's actually not bad, it's actually quite good.
[14:44:35] But yeah, I mean I enjoy anything with that sort of universe that goes on but that's
[14:44:41] the cool thing isn't it if you don't you just don't have to watch it.
[14:44:44] I don't know if this is the same but whenever I watch Lord of the Rings it just makes
[14:44:49] who want to play WoW. Well I mean a lot of the inspiration stuff like that is drawn from
[14:44:54] lots of different theories. It's a very, he had a phenomenal imagination. Like it is
[14:45:06] just crazy. It's pretty impressive. I mean when you think about it really, wow it's
[14:45:12] like chris metson just kind of made this show and just well I think well like
[14:45:19] borrowed from a lot of yeah like that that already set up which is fine as
[14:45:24] you do a fantasy universe and is that I have no idea that's what confused that
[14:45:29] what about like what's HP Lovecraft what's that that's cthulhu yeah talk
[14:45:33] about that I bought a book like this of HP Lovecraft still in the plastic
[14:45:38] on that is that oldest sand that kind of stuff like I think so and I bought
[14:45:41] because I was like I will read this and I was like I won't read it yeah yeah I think that's kind
[14:45:46] of the inspiration for like the old gods stuff right I feel maybe a little bit I think Cthulhu is
[14:45:50] absolutely he's probably really into Metallica's songs as well called Cthulhu so they probably
[14:45:56] got right into that even though this part differently yeah people get really upset about
[14:46:04] certain things and they seem to say like everything's like a Disney thing like dragon
[14:46:08] I didn't like the idea of it, it was a bit corny, but you know.
[14:46:25] I like Marvel movies, so that's good too.
[14:46:28] Infinity War is better than Endgame.
[14:46:30] Yeah, I mean I like them all.
[14:46:33] Ah, true.
[14:46:34] Trita
[14:46:36] Let's see how we do
[14:46:40] Come on team. I believe in you even though one of you is dead. Just one dead
[14:46:48] God dip duck and dive
[14:46:52] See look at that ball gone right across that shadow gate if you had a walk out of that thing
[14:46:58] Look at that one like
[14:47:00] It'd be so unhappy
[14:47:03] Watch out. This is gonna blow. We're good
[14:47:05] and
[14:47:12] I only like maybe give us a frame change give us like a wildy. I think while he's
[14:47:18] Wildy oh
[14:47:20] Yeah, Wildy. Good. He's going right. Yeah. He's one of the spell lads and he goes through the pool
[14:47:25] Let's watch watch. Let's watch the debuff actually and see if there's a debuff on the dispel that needs to go off
[14:47:31] 12 he's got 10 seconds to be dispelled and then you're gonna go back
[14:47:35] Oh, no, I'll say he got dispelled so he's all sweet, but I'm gonna assume that
[14:47:40] that doesn't just like I didn't get to spell so it falls off on the ground I
[14:47:44] reckon it probably kabooms yeah okay so now it's well they're gonna do it again
[14:47:50] it was a good while he can't do it now okay because every time you go through
[14:47:54] you get a three minute deep I'm sorry he's gone through he's dispelled and he
[14:47:58] goes back through no he can't touch someone else is gonna literally swap
[14:48:03] sides right well I'm just falling apart John just falling apart I just don't
[14:48:09] know what is happening. With Zero Prog that should reset the sleep, I mean it's already
[14:48:16] half past midnight. Yeah, I mean we have thrown that out there too. Yeah. With Corral
[14:48:22] is calling it a night. With our, because we're obviously experts and know everything,
[14:48:27] we did suggest the old sleep, reset a rune. They are making it to phase two, a lock
[14:48:37] now
[14:48:38] which is certainly progress
[14:48:41] uh...
[14:48:42] but we're not getting through
[14:48:45] like it's hard to see
[14:48:47] actually i'll just go
[14:48:53] secondly down list
[14:48:54] dot mack is heading to the analyst desk
[14:48:58] you know take it a mic
[14:48:59] was a mic up there
[14:49:00] we need a mic stand to be extra professional
[14:49:04] they will get the end of all the mic
[14:49:07] Tell me when you're ready.
[14:49:09] Oh, Christ.
[14:49:16] Secondly down the list, Artmech is assessing the logs as we speak.
[14:49:25] Very important information is going to be revealed.
[14:49:31] You got that?
[14:49:33] It's ever been key.
[14:49:39] Flip we go, if we go, HD cam.
[14:49:42] Dan, thank you very much.
[14:49:44] Dan here on the ground at the moment, just looking over the raid.
[14:49:48] can see gloom and dark detonation playing quite a part in some death so we lost some
[14:49:55] people to gloom which is actually when you get dispelled that is the black circle that
[14:50:01] goes on the ground so gloom hits for quite a bit by the looks so that killed people
[14:50:08] gloom blast we need a dungeon journal for this one so gloom blast killed some people
[14:50:14] as well, which I'm wondering if that is maybe the damage coming off the dispel.
[14:50:19] Anyone in chat that's logged into game right now, they could bring up the raid
[14:50:23] dungeon journal, it's not a dungeon journal, it's raid, the raid journal, and check out
[14:50:28] there'll be a little drop-down section for gloom and gloom blast. In dark
[14:50:33] detonation, that's from the ad, so we lost three people. So gloom blast is the
[14:50:41] dispel so that deals damage like decent damage that killed two people and then
[14:50:46] gloom I assume is the puddle that's left on the floor and that killed several
[14:50:50] people also and then we lost the last three to darker detonation which is the
[14:50:56] chamber acolyte inflicting shadow damage to players within a hundred yards
[14:51:00] which I assume you know how there's a shield on the ad yep you have to break
[14:51:05] that and then interrupt so we didn't do that and we lost our last three
[14:51:09] players on the platform. Well I feel like at that point everyone else was dead. Yeah we
[14:51:12] were pretty screwed by that. Back to you in the studio Dan. Thank you Darkmech, intelligent
[14:51:21] breakdowns of the logs. Gloom the evolve of Oddish as we know. It just appears to be
[14:51:29] a lot of issues with managing the dispels, having the damage to get through that ad, and
[14:51:39] the other interrupt that cast so you don't die like it's just hard.
[14:51:45] It's a hard fight.
[14:51:47] It is just a hard boss.
[14:51:51] I just don't know what they can do to succeed.
[14:51:54] I know that sounds super-duma, right?
[14:51:56] That's like mega mega mega-duma.
[14:51:58] I know.
[14:51:59] Like I mean it like yeah, we're 172 pools in yeah, even had a glimpse we haven't made it off the platform for two
[14:52:06] Yeah, and that's what I just I
[14:52:09] Don't know I'm not a radio like I don't know what like the strategy is what they want to do
[14:52:15] You know yeah, I don't know it's kind of why I tell you what we should do
[14:52:19] I think we should cut scops. Yeah, we can do that. You've got the control though idiot
[14:52:24] I'm ending you know yeah, yeah
[14:52:26] Alright, let's cut it. We've got a small L and let's hear what they're talking about.
[14:52:31] What's the blob, some baby blades?
[14:52:46] Can we just go again?
[14:53:02] We're dying? I think we're going again.
[14:53:04] Yeah, it's always like a good percentage of the lab.
[14:53:07] Yeah, it's always different.
[14:53:10] You just have, I guess you have like no good cooldown sales in the world.
[14:53:15] Well, the frothy toxin isn't faintable, so that always wrecks me.
[14:53:21] Well, not so great.
[14:53:28] Yes, not the utter fantastic pull that we would have hoped for.
[14:53:34] Is that Roybin in the YouTube chat?
[14:53:36] Yeah it is.
[14:53:37] This is a rebroadcast? It is, yeah.
[14:53:40] Let me know how the future is.
[14:53:42] Well Roybin, Manu, back on the couch tomorrow.
[14:53:49] What?
[14:53:52] I just don't understand why people come in here and just say like random stuff just like sorry mates liquid is weird
[14:54:00] Okay, you've got me. Oh rats. No rats
[14:54:04] Got him
[14:54:08] Look liquid are playing insanely good and we are very hard stuck on P2 at the moment
[14:54:16] So true dose to liquid and okay
[14:54:19] We just need to overcome
[14:54:22] Which to be fair, we're now at least getting to P2 to practice it.
[14:54:26] That's a bonus.
[14:54:28] We've been alright at the last couple of ones to get to that point to be fair.
[14:54:31] We do, but I feel like we're not...
[14:54:33] I don't feel like we're progressing on it at the moment, you know what I mean?
[14:54:38] Like, we are... Phase 1 is like so clean now.
[14:54:42] But then I feel like we get to Phase 2 and we're dying in like the same location nearly every time.
[14:54:48] Mm-hmm
[14:54:51] Then I wonder again if that's like
[14:54:55] Is it we core assignments is a just
[14:55:00] People not knowing what they're doing like obviously that ad that time
[14:55:04] We didn't get through the shield quick enough to interrupt and that killed a bunch of people
[14:55:09] so maybe it's like a
[14:55:13] Like I don't know we have to read you cool down usage is somewhere
[14:55:16] So we've got something more to sink through that one. Yeah, I don't know
[14:55:22] Not sure
[14:55:24] unfortunately
[14:55:25] Done this phase a billion times
[14:55:28] 173 to be exact. I have pretty close to a billion to be honest
[14:55:35] But you know that did I mean originally when we were watching this they were doing the hunter strike with the
[14:55:41] Turtling and the running and the rescues and
[14:55:43] lack of a chance so they've just got everything down pat now they're all
[14:55:47] over it yeah yeah I think to be fair I think you probably right in regards to
[14:55:56] liquid and echoes pools around 180 mark weren't too different but I think they
[14:56:02] were progressing a little further through phase two but I think the bigger
[14:56:10] difference was that they were able to pull and progress a little bit quicker
[14:56:16] than we've been able to do at this stage but certainly in a not a better late
[14:56:23] than never kind of spiel but they are really starting to string clean P1s
[14:56:28] together now and pulling a lot quicker so that's a good sign for us it's just
[14:56:35] It's obviously hard when you're trying to stay on the back of liquid and echo, like
[14:56:41] I, we really needed a phase three today.
[14:56:45] It would have been a really good feel good moment to be fair.
[14:56:48] I mean that day it's not over, mainly.
[14:56:50] It's not, it's an hour and twenty left.
[14:56:53] But yeah, just even if we could have got up there and even like got to fifty-five
[14:56:59] percent or something, I think that would have been a real step forward, that would
[14:57:02] have been really good for us.
[14:57:07] i agree
[14:57:08] that's right do be like that sometimes you know this one's all right so far
[14:57:12] yeah they've nailed p1 now yeah like it's been
[14:57:16] if we mark something up we quick wipe it but it's been a while before we've
[14:57:20] really made a mess here we're generally doing this really well now which is
[14:57:24] fantastic yeah shield time now
[14:57:28] i love how the music transitions on the face to change it's like it's
[14:57:31] scripted or something will she script arena
[14:57:36] If it plays catch on when we get to 10% where's that pendulum song that was a jam that wasn't bang a script that on
[14:57:50] Script that in that bad boy into this stuff. I can't remember what it was cool. Well, we never do did we?
[14:57:55] It was I'm totally addicted to base. I believe it was is that really the name of it. No, oh
[14:58:01] Wow
[14:58:03] Is this a true Rilloo album?
[14:58:07] Uh, was a true Rilloo song I think.
[14:58:10] Maybe.
[14:58:11] Alright, here we go.
[14:58:12] Look at this man.
[14:58:13] P1 is so clean now.
[14:58:15] Beautiful.
[14:58:16] Yeah, everyone alive?
[14:58:17] It is, yeah.
[14:58:19] I thought so.
[14:58:20] Come on.
[14:58:21] Nail this please.
[14:58:22] No deaths.
[14:58:23] Just sink this.
[14:58:27] This is it.
[14:58:28] Prog is in the chat.
[14:58:29] Is that someone dead or out of range?
[14:58:30] Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
[14:58:31] no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
[14:58:32] All right, here we go.
[14:58:34] Here we go.
[14:58:36] Down around.
[14:58:37] I'll board the wild man, because he will do a portal, and it's fun to watch.
[14:58:42] Yeah.
[14:58:43] All right, slap ad.
[14:58:44] Paul's getting red.
[14:58:45] Watch line.
[14:58:46] Someone's going to go into that now.
[14:58:48] Off they go.
[14:58:49] Perfect.
[14:58:50] At least what's he's.
[14:58:51] Dispel.
[14:58:52] Look at that.
[14:58:53] So fast.
[14:58:54] Bam.
[14:58:55] Perfect.
[14:58:56] Well, he's just going to chill here.
[14:58:57] He's going to wake and reduce as much time as we can.
[14:58:58] Here we go.
[14:58:59] And off to the side.
[14:59:00] Dispel.
[14:59:01] Oh, there we go.
[14:59:04] I wonder if, so that gloom is the stuff on the, so there, that's perfect.
[14:59:07] Look at that.
[14:59:08] Clean as a whistle.
[14:59:09] Yeah.
[14:59:10] Everyone's alive.
[14:59:11] Now here's the shield on this ad we have to break.
[14:59:13] Okay.
[14:59:14] Just stop this car.
[14:59:15] See the white line that's on that bar?
[14:59:16] That's why they're last came out right because it's so rough.
[14:59:18] Yeah.
[14:59:19] We have to get ahead of that white line.
[14:59:20] Okay.
[14:59:21] There's some massive damage going on.
[14:59:22] We're eating that shield.
[14:59:23] Look at this.
[14:59:24] Oh my goodness.
[14:59:25] Now I'm back for breakfast.
[14:59:26] This could be it.
[14:59:27] This could be a good pull.
[14:59:28] Watch that shadow gate in the back though.
[14:59:29] Somebody has to do it.
[14:59:30] one's on it. Nope, Mr. Shadowgate. I think that's a big, I don't know if it's like a tunnel
[14:59:37] vision issue and sitting on that ad because we saw someone dash over to that, unless the
[14:59:42] person was dead that was supposed to go in. And then they were like, someone go in the
[14:59:46] Shadowgate.
[14:59:47] Oh man, that was really nice.
[14:59:51] There was a good one.
[14:59:52] Wait, did they get up to the top on the other side?
[14:59:55] Change the pod.
[14:59:56] Wait, they're still going.
[14:59:57] Change the pod game, we'll see.
[14:59:58] Where is it?
[15:00:00] Oh!
[15:00:02] What the hell?
[15:00:03] This is the top platform.
[15:00:04] Oh.
[15:00:05] That was good.
[15:00:07] I think that was the top platform.
[15:00:09] There's no, yeah it is.
[15:00:10] Look, there's no arm little pillars to go up.
[15:00:12] Sheee!
[15:00:14] That's good.
[15:00:15] That's a bit of a pause.
[15:00:17] That's a positive chat.
[15:00:19] Like Wildies period.
[15:00:20] Yeah, it's pretty good.
[15:00:21] Oh no.
[15:00:23] Damn!
[15:00:25] Progress, yeah it is good.
[15:00:26] Like starting to get a little bit forward.
[15:00:28] I mean that going like that first platform they smushed it like a
[15:00:35] Yeah, they really did
[15:00:37] That was beautiful really just more of that please yeah, and just getting it right on that second platform without unraveling
[15:00:47] Yeah, it's just a second platform. There was something so what went off was it the gloom thing no the shadow
[15:00:54] No one went through it
[15:00:56] So the 10 seconds expired and exploded until the rain.
[15:00:59] I guess my thought is why are they waiting so long to go through it?
[15:01:02] Like you saw Wilding just kind of just chillin' there with it.
[15:01:04] Because you want to maximize the amount of time you've got the gate for.
[15:01:09] So like in terms of if you went through it at 9 seconds,
[15:01:14] well that was 8 seconds you could have had out DPSing ads before you went through it.
[15:01:18] But if you went through it at 8 seconds,
[15:01:20] it doesn't add the remaining time onto the 10 seconds on the next recycle
[15:01:26] the shadowgate it starts from 10 then go straight down again. When does the shield disappear?
[15:01:31] On the ad. When the ad's down. No, not on the ad sorry the portal sorry. After you go
[15:01:36] through twice. Right so that's like what's the harm in just going speed run it. You'd
[15:01:44] have a cooldown on your dispell. Good point but if you were 12. There's a bit of damage
[15:01:50] that goes off from the dispell too but you also need the damage on the ad because
[15:01:54] you've got to break that shield to interrupt. And then you've got to kill the adds.
[15:01:58] I mean if you have fireblood as well right you'd use a dispell and then you get a primary
[15:02:04] stat as well. You could. Now on the first platform, second platform.
[15:02:11] They'll move that alust as well right you think? They'll move it to P3 if we get
[15:02:16] this comfortably eventually to get to P3. I mean we've already moved the last once
[15:02:22] run would slam bam in it so. They've moved us twice we were lusting on
[15:02:26] Pillar of Rage, we were lusting on the shield and now we're lusting on air so yeah.
[15:02:31] Yeah it's it does make it difficult to like for you know someone that doesn't
[15:02:37] understand the fight to look at MV like man like why have they not moved
[15:02:40] percentage in such long time but we've actually had some like fairly good
[15:02:43] progression. Yeah we really honestly we have it's just tough. It is. Oh sweet
[15:02:51] Kelly sent me the gloom stuff what's this the break I was this from the
[15:02:56] dungeon general yeah yeah nice what legend yeah so the gloom literally like
[15:03:07] people were dying from the gloom and someone said it in chat anyway but the
[15:03:10] gloom is just people stepping through the puddles that was killing them so
[15:03:15] whether or not they're running away for the webs and because the platform
[15:03:18] like runs out of space might have just been the ads aren't dying quick
[15:03:22] enough so you're having to step in gloom to avoid getting dragged off the edge?
[15:03:26] Yep. It is stranger isn't it? Because really the second platform is just essentially the
[15:03:32] first one with the... well is there a shield on the... there isn't a shield on the lower
[15:03:35] adds is there?
[15:03:36] Not on that first one.
[15:03:37] Not on the first one yeah. So it's just the shield that's...
[15:03:40] The next one though but yeah. I don't know I think that makes it really rough.
[15:03:44] Mmm. It is tough. There are some tiny little ads that run up to you on the hill
[15:03:52] as well right but they just don't even... they just ignore them.
[15:03:56] Yeah, the little ads are kind of nothing.
[15:03:58] Yeah, it's a bit weird.
[15:03:59] I mean, if somebody like you for DPS probably hits him, it might, like, nuke them.
[15:04:05] Yeah.
[15:04:05] The tank will just grab him all out.
[15:04:07] Just blade storm, right? Running up or something, I don't know.
[15:04:11] Isn't Skull on the main roster anymore? He is not and hasn't been for...
[15:04:15] Two years.
[15:04:16] Two years.
[15:04:17] Two years.
[15:04:19] Is it really? I feel like it might have been longer, I don't know.
[15:04:22] Two whole years since he retired.
[15:04:25] Exclamation mark retired in the chat you can see sco's video from two years ago talking about he retired
[15:04:32] You feel like Fabo's gonna go back
[15:04:37] No way
[15:04:40] Yeah, I'll probably do a memory
[15:04:42] Yeah, I feel like once you're out of such a time you'd be like it's kind of a culture shock to get back. I
[15:04:49] think it takes a
[15:04:51] very special person
[15:04:53] To play you need you need to be a very special person
[15:04:57] And then you need to be a very special person in very special circumstances
[15:05:03] To be able to do this. Yeah, like there is not too many humans that could be like
[15:05:09] I'm just going to play walk off for 16 hours a day and
[15:05:16] I'm just gonna make that work like you either have to be living at home or a very successful like
[15:05:23] to be able to make that work and then on top of that you have to have a very special mental
[15:05:31] to be able to do this like I I love wow I really do but I kind of wonder if I went through
[15:05:39] a race for world first like this if you get to the end of me like I've done it once I'm not
[15:05:43] doing it again like do you know what I mean like roll up and and go for it and go for it and go
[15:05:49] for it years and years and years that's it's pretty crazy it's definitely yeah
[15:05:55] it's impressive honestly it really is she even play even a slighter lower level
[15:06:01] than these guys right it's still I'm just seeing to just be so committed to it
[15:06:06] but I think you know what I mean cash but very low rich parents so not the
[15:06:16] The case of playing 6-0 is the case of playing at this level for 16 hours. That's true, they're not just running around doing pep battles.
[15:06:22] That's very true, but I guess I kind of thought I implied that.
[15:06:26] Yeah, if we want to drill down into it, yes. That's right.
[15:06:33] Yes, absurd. I will never be this good.
[15:06:37] You think it has an age to it? I know like Fortnite gamers and stuff have like a, you know, kind of peak age. Do you think wow does?
[15:06:44] I think you get away with well being a lot older to be fair. I mean, it's an old person's game now. Yeah. Anyway
[15:06:54] Yeah, I don't know
[15:07:02] How to performance that would you think so why was Cruella benched? I think it was just a case of not bringing that composition I believe
[15:07:10] Who's the oldest member? It's me
[15:07:12] I would argue that being older and having composure and maturity may be an advantage
[15:07:20] Yeah, I don't think because you get like there's lots of
[15:07:24] people in their mid 30s and that that are still playing
[15:07:28] World first level. Yeah
[15:07:31] So I think you if you want to go for full arguments in like reaction
[15:07:37] Maybe you've got a better taking PVP where it's a lot faster paced maybe but
[15:07:41] But there's even mid 30 people still winning PvP championships though.
[15:07:47] Jamie, I've been dragging you through ahead of the curve every season.
[15:07:52] If you're not, then I'll be asking for something in your contract, you know?
[15:07:58] All these other things are just a small print ahead of the curve every season without fail.
[15:08:07] If people do boxing in F1 when they're fully playing, well, I mean, the boxers
[15:08:10] just box straight pulled to be fair.
[15:08:12] they're not really doing anything else I think as long as you're like as long as
[15:08:18] your reactions that's still okay which I certainly don't think your reactions
[15:08:23] just drop off a cliff when you're 40 years old yeah I think it's also very
[15:08:30] case-by-case basis as well like just trying to throw a blanket over the
[15:08:34] entire scene here that once you reach this gate age you're too old to be
[15:08:38] good at video games and he does it wild has been a bit wild yeah into another
[15:08:45] pull let's see if we can wait to chat chat are we here are we are we are we
[15:08:49] hyped 7,756 of you everybody here say hi if you're in the chat and you're not
[15:08:56] bought because no one's bought say hi everyone say hey yeah any bots there
[15:09:04] There you go. Marys in the chat. No progress, or anything about progress?
[15:09:08] I think Arcane just put something in there about gaming helps lessen the dullness of
[15:09:14] reactions and so on and so forth and etc. Well actually I mean I'm 40 and I'm still
[15:09:19] an absolute weapon. True. Was it actually Arcane? It was actually Arcane. He's great.
[15:09:25] Actually actually I'm a sub bro
[15:09:30] log
[15:09:33] Wait is that actually a
[15:09:35] Bought or someone just randomly copy-pasted that you know, it's who knows
[15:09:41] I mean here's the thing. I don't know if I got any worse or better to be actually
[15:09:46] I feel like I got better at wow, but I feel that Sonya because I just didn't know what was going on when I was younger
[15:09:51] It's a bit different
[15:09:54] Oh, is that your twitch emotes they got rid of a
[15:09:56] Um, a twitch of my own I can't remember which one it is, but they added some new ones
[15:10:01] Wow grandma is still out. That's true. I don't really know the conversation with her blizzcon. She is amazing
[15:10:07] She was nice. I met her said hello. Oh
[15:10:11] Bible thumb that's it. Yeah, what is it? I don't really know what I don't get it
[15:10:16] Do you understand things like twitch chat like this? I feel like there's some memes that I just do not understand
[15:10:21] It took me a while.
[15:10:23] Uh, yeah, but I don't even care enough to understand them.
[15:10:27] Binding of Isaac.
[15:10:28] Oh, yeah.
[15:10:29] Yes, yes, yes.
[15:10:33] We're coming up to our fourth one.
[15:10:36] Look at this.
[15:10:38] We're looking good.
[15:10:39] We've got phase one, like, on print script now.
[15:10:44] Like, we're awesome.
[15:10:48] We can telephone phase one in now.
[15:10:51] Easy.
[15:10:54] some lines, great lines, go to position, pop, hop and a scop, hopperty, pop and pop, a lot
[15:11:07] of damage, five stacks did get an extra stack but we'll be okay because one person is dead
[15:11:12] res goes out, here we go, bit of damage keep coming, we're fine, you get a little
[15:11:18] bit of time before those webs go out don't you, yeah you get a little bit of depth
[15:11:21] on the boss. So we're going to get more practice in P2 again, which is feeling a little bit
[15:11:29] lower than normal actually. Yeah, 65. Maybe we're going to do best. The real good news
[15:11:36] is like we are getting to P2 every time. We're just absolutely hard stuck on that
[15:11:42] second platform at the moment and managing the shadow gates. Yeah, I mean we are, this
[15:11:50] This is just nothing now, right?
[15:11:51] Yeah, we're dreaming.
[15:11:52] We're dreaming.
[15:11:53] Get through so easy.
[15:11:54] Blubberang got nothing on us.
[15:11:57] Here we go.
[15:11:58] Now it's the hard bit.
[15:11:59] Dodge the waves.
[15:12:00] No dumb deaths.
[15:12:01] Dodge balls.
[15:12:02] Kill ad.
[15:12:03] Two portals.
[15:12:04] Away we go.
[15:12:05] Last thing on intermission.
[15:12:12] They lost on the top, second platform with the ad.
[15:12:15] Oh, wow.
[15:12:16] They literally took that one on the shoulder, bro.
[15:12:19] Doesn't matter.
[15:12:20] He's still alive.
[15:12:21] Kind of.
[15:12:22] Here we go.
[15:12:23] Yes, he must have such precision with his blinks like nose exactly where it's gonna go. I
[15:12:29] Respect it. Here we go. Many peep you
[15:12:39] Someone else appears through it on the spell
[15:12:42] Already blinks this pull off. I love it. The week was so good. There's two way and then it says to go
[15:12:50] Spell go one go. Whoa. Look how much damage I did up we go
[15:12:55] Right, here's the testy platform.
[15:12:57] Right, we're lusting.
[15:12:58] Hero goes.
[15:13:00] We do have a shield down the bottom as well, actually.
[15:13:02] See that shield melting?
[15:13:05] So far ahead of this.
[15:13:06] Now we have to watch the Shadowgate on X.
[15:13:09] X is problem.
[15:13:10] So now it's down.
[15:13:12] So we kick.
[15:13:12] Now who's going into this gate?
[15:13:15] Because they need to get in there.
[15:13:16] There's all the way back there.
[15:13:17] It's the Demon Hunter.
[15:13:17] It's the Demon Hunter.
[15:13:18] It gets through.
[15:13:19] It's sweet.
[15:13:19] So we made that one.
[15:13:20] That's good.
[15:13:21] We did it.
[15:13:21] We did it.
[15:13:22] Oh my god.
[15:13:22] We actually did it.
[15:13:23] Oh my god.
[15:13:23] We actually did it.
[15:13:25] WOOOO! PROGRESS!
[15:13:27] You drive, top platform now!
[15:13:29] Oh, here you go!
[15:13:31] Top platform!
[15:13:33] Let's go!
[15:13:35] Watch these orbs, watch the orbs!
[15:13:37] Watch these orbs, watch the orbs!
[15:13:39] Ads going down nicely, 60%
[15:13:41] Tons of damage going out!
[15:13:43] We've still got the Shadowgate up the back
[15:13:45] It's going to be a big damage!
[15:13:47] Dodge!
[15:13:49] Oh no!
[15:13:51] Oh!
[15:13:53] That was progress though. We're so close progress though. We're so close to p3. It's right there wait
[15:14:00] Oh, they got there. They got there on the other side. Oh, whoo-hoo
[15:14:09] We made it to p3
[15:14:13] Kill
[15:14:15] New bed! This is it!
[15:14:27] Where were you, Method?
[15:14:33] Where were you?
[15:14:37] Alright, we gotta stop these ads. We absolutely have to murder these ads right now.
[15:14:41] Cause they can't get to the boss or bad things happen.
[15:14:45] Oh, sub 60.
[15:14:48] Look out. Look at these ads just motoring to the boss now.
[15:14:51] And then we have to kill, we have to DPS through all of these and interrupt them.
[15:14:55] Oh my god.
[15:14:56] But we did it, chat!
[15:14:58] We did it!
[15:14:59] Clap in chat.
[15:15:03] Woo! Absolutely amazing. What a team.
[15:15:08] Huge breakthrough. Huge breakthrough.
[15:15:13] Should we check out Nate for a bit on the platforms? Sure.
[15:15:17] That's
[15:15:19] very, very happy.
[15:15:21] We have 18 combat resas. We just need to pretend that we have the combat resas and just continue to send them.
[15:15:27] that was awesome yeah that's good so that's positive that is a huge and what
[15:15:33] did we say p3 but we want to be three before lunchtime but p3 before bed yeah
[15:15:38] that's also a channel point thing with p3 before 180 so if one of the mods can
[15:15:44] distribute the coins distribute the coins that is absolutely huge a new best
[15:15:49] and a P3. Oh wow look over there down to 25 cents. Yikes that's scary. That is scary
[15:15:57] my god. That is scary. They do think they can kill today.
[15:16:02] Damn. Yes. Well done method. New best P3. There it is on the leaderboard. Well done
[15:16:11] Kings well done. And now let's talk about it for an hour. All right now let's
[15:16:19] break it down play by play spell by spell line by line. That was great.
[15:16:32] That was good. That was exciting. That was absolutely exciting. That was really
[15:16:38] nice to have a moment then that was pure joy after phase one for a hundred and
[15:16:44] seventy four pools oh my goodness we did it that was wild will they do that now
[15:16:55] we're well yeah they definitely do yeah we helped now we're gonna do it again we
[15:16:59] do over and over and over and over and over again yep for another hundred plus
[15:17:06] Times
[15:17:09] That's awesome. Yeah, that was really awesome
[15:17:18] That walk right yeah, little walk right walk right little walk right little walk right splendid pool fancy a 45
[15:17:31] Shelly's just dead up there. Oh no down the bomb
[15:17:42] Splendid pool team
[15:17:45] Fancy a quick repose
[15:17:48] That was cool that work everybody up sure did it sure did
[15:17:59] Now to talk about it
[15:18:02] Yeah, I think a bit of a dissect is good bit of a mood change bit of a you know, yeah, let's go team
[15:18:08] We're back in the game
[15:18:12] Back in the game
[15:18:14] Get your mass again.
[15:18:17] All 20 of them are in the same place.
[15:18:20] No, we have...
[15:18:23] Quick mass.
[15:18:25] 12 people.
[15:18:26] Including analysts.
[15:18:28] An analyst.
[15:18:29] Lots and lots, but not all.
[15:18:31] There are some people that prefer to work from home, I guess so.
[15:18:34] Play from home.
[15:18:36] And yeah, just don't fancy the travel.
[15:18:38] Having different equipment, areas, whatever.
[15:18:41] Some people thrive in the environment.
[15:18:43] you know how it is you know how it be all right Shelly's back up we're rebuffin
[15:18:51] Nate's Senate whisper we press on and stop get it get it that's real don't do
[15:19:05] it so many people watching there isn't a single wild prodigy color winning strap
[15:19:09] method I've already told you the winning strap but no one's listening to me dwarves
[15:19:14] even if you don't aim at dispelling be a dwarf anyway because they look good in armor
[15:19:19] I think you should go and tell them
[15:19:21] I need to tell them
[15:19:22] I reckon
[15:19:23] I'll let them know
[15:19:24] I don't know, they have a, I don't, again not gonna help but
[15:19:27] they have a dark eye and dwarfs have an increase of 3% when you run inside
[15:19:32] Yeah right
[15:19:33] So you can run up the hill quicker
[15:19:35] Lots of tech coming out from me Dan
[15:19:37] Yeah
[15:19:38] I'll tell you they're gonna call these like big brain like
[15:19:40] I think you're a really underrated analyst
[15:19:42] Yep.
[15:19:43] Coming out with the, you know, Wildy also is a mechanome, so with mirror image, so he could
[15:19:50] be, he could be doing the thing.
[15:19:52] He could be doing lots of things.
[15:19:54] He could be splitting up his character and splitting his character again.
[15:19:58] What were you trying to do?
[15:19:59] I was just looking at that 25% pool by liquid to clip.
[15:20:02] Oh yeah.
[15:20:03] Was it clean as a whistle?
[15:20:05] It's a very hectic phase three.
[15:20:07] Phase three is very...
[15:20:09] Do you worry?
[15:20:10] Very hectic.
[15:20:11] Honestly, I wouldn't even care if we were getting to phase three and just like getting obliterated at 50%.
[15:20:18] I think it would at least give the raiders something different to look at.
[15:20:21] Yeah, true.
[15:20:23] I wish there was checkpoints. You could just go back to that point and die.
[15:20:26] Yeah, 100%.
[15:20:27] We've got a lot of P2 now. Let's just hit the start from there instead.
[15:20:30] Yeah, like update your save from.
[15:20:32] But on a deal, like just reboot and save, go from there.
[15:20:35] Oh, that'd be nice.
[15:20:36] Go from checkpoint.
[15:20:38] That was always rough about Sylvanas.
[15:20:40] when casting over that because it was such long fights they were 10 minutes
[15:20:45] plus sometimes yeah I remember that fight was very boring and then the extra
[15:20:52] 5% I don't know if I was on the cast for that I can't remember but that was a
[15:20:56] that was a big game at the moment that was huge it's a shame I was casting for
[15:21:02] BDG and Mephid that deal oh yeah I think I was casting for it double agent
[15:21:07] Oh yeah, what's the next? I got world first.
[15:21:09] Oh yeah, what's the next?
[15:21:10] I got world first.
[15:21:11] I got world first today.
[15:21:15] Tomorrow, I'm gonna get another world first.
[15:21:16] I'm gonna complete the raid tomorrow.
[15:21:18] Although I can't beat that other boss, so I probably won't.
[15:21:20] Too fair.
[15:21:21] See if the method guys wanna go.
[15:21:23] I did tell Kanae about it.
[15:21:25] Yeah.
[15:21:25] But he didn't care.
[15:21:26] I don't think I would've imagined he would care about the 20th anniversary raid.
[15:21:31] What if I had mythic mode?
[15:21:34] Wait, where they going?
[15:21:37] What do you mean?
[15:21:38] They're gone.
[15:21:39] Oh wait, no, it's just FTM.
[15:21:40] Yeah, whatever else is to do.
[15:21:44] Look, if they were doing Delves all the time, I could be an analyst.
[15:21:50] Actually, probably not.
[15:21:51] Of course you could.
[15:21:52] I was thinking about the idea, because someone said about Delve Guide.
[15:21:55] Like, I did a general Delve Guide, but I thought, like, what if, like, I did, like,
[15:21:58] let's say 11.1 as, like, three Delves?
[15:22:01] Would there be any use of a guide to each Delve?
[15:22:05] Probably not, right?
[15:22:06] Tactics and...
[15:22:08] I don't know.
[15:22:09] I don't even want to watch that.
[15:22:10] I think for most people, it's very straightforward.
[15:22:14] Yeah, I think that's the problem, right?
[15:22:16] But in saying that, some people, there's like a mark.
[15:22:20] I feel like there's a market for everything,
[15:22:22] because there's so many different skill levels
[15:22:24] in World of Warcraft.
[15:22:26] Yeah.
[15:22:27] But I think it would be very limited market,
[15:22:30] and I wouldn't be expected to put out a video
[15:22:31] and get a bunch of views.
[15:22:33] No.
[15:22:35] Morning, mate.
[15:22:37] I mean my thought really is if a video helps anyone, like if one person gets new information
[15:22:43] from a video then it makes it worth it.
[15:22:45] That used to be my view too.
[15:22:46] Yeah, it used to be one.
[15:22:47] Yeah, that used to be my view too.
[15:22:48] I'd be like I don't care, I'll spend the time to make this video and if I help one person
[15:22:53] I'm okay with that.
[15:22:54] That used to be my view as well.
[15:22:55] Yeah.
[15:22:56] Now I can't be bothered.
[15:22:58] Retired.
[15:22:59] Yeah, I literally can't be bothered anymore.
[15:23:03] mech and I was running expansion launch buff yeah true 10 days raining without
[15:23:13] sleep yeah no sleep at all not allowed to make videos anymore unless as soon as
[15:23:19] I stopped getting one with it plus titles yeah but your idea of casual is not
[15:23:26] the same idea this is the YouTube community so as soon as I stopped
[15:23:30] getting when I was getting mythic plus title and putting out videos I had
[15:23:33] credibility and now that i can't be bothered anymore i've lost it all
[15:23:37] really no one's looking that up to all right all gone imagine if i made a
[15:23:41] gloss guide you should just do it that's the shiny button do it just do it
[15:23:46] send it send it that's so weird so how interesting
[15:23:53] yeah so they just don't value your opinion because you're not because i'm
[15:23:56] not pushing keys anymore maybe you are pushing keys compared to any
[15:24:00] I don't have IO in the title range anymore, I don't have two keys anymore, I have nothing left to offer.
[15:24:10] It's crazy. The world's nuts.
[15:24:12] I want to do a tier list of the class icons I think look the nicest.
[15:24:16] That'd be cool. That'd be down to what's that video?
[15:24:18] No wonder you'd be a video just to be like, these are the ones I really like. This is how I'm going to play.
[15:24:23] I think it'd be a better video.
[15:24:25] He died.
[15:24:26] I remember the dude Blass on.
[15:24:30] Yes.
[15:24:31] He made a tier list video, but it went for like an hour.
[15:24:36] And it was just so long and it was so bad.
[15:24:40] That was very funny.
[15:24:42] It was very funny.
[15:24:44] Do a tier list of my favorite loading screens.
[15:24:46] Yes, Callie provided me lots of entertainment as I was flying over here actually.
[15:24:52] Top comments.
[15:24:53] Yeah some very funny comments on there.
[15:24:56] And do you write the method GKBlogGuy?
[15:25:02] No I do.
[15:25:03] Oh well I do.
[15:25:04] Perky does like little stories and puns and stuff at the beginning of his raid guides.
[15:25:08] Do you do that for the class guides?
[15:25:10] Yeah I do.
[15:25:11] Yeah.
[15:25:12] I um, yeah I put little funny bits and pieces in there.
[15:25:17] I put little funny bits and pieces in there.
[15:25:21] These guides maybe?
[15:25:22] There you go.
[15:25:23] Yeah.
[15:25:24] Paul's very nice.
[15:25:27] I like guides pretty good. There's a nice little export talent button
[15:25:40] Although I'm a barrage enjoyer. Yeah, so any bill that they give me that does that barrage
[15:25:46] I just unchecked read whatever I just uncheck one that will give me a point and I just put barrage back in
[15:25:51] That's one thing though that I miss about the
[15:25:53] olden days of wow is when there was no guides and people just played what they
[15:26:02] just thought would be the most fun like you would read a talent that was
[15:26:06] like you know vicious onslaught demon slayer god level and you would be like
[15:26:11] I'm taking that talent like it does sound so cool and there wouldn't be anyone
[15:26:16] that would come out and be like actually we've checked it out the HPS you
[15:26:20] take by taking that challenge gets pissed up against the wall and absorb
[15:26:23] but it's not worth it and like all these like
[15:26:26] It was really fun. Just to have that you just
[15:26:29] Lived in your own bubble and didn't care. Yeah, no judgment around it because no one really knew sort of thing
[15:26:36] And that was like that was a really fun way to play the game back then and then I guess
[15:26:42] You didn't even know if you were doing it wrong
[15:26:44] So it didn't matter you just haven't fun. Well, you recount might tell you well
[15:26:49] Well yeah, I mean you had damage meters back then but vanilla was so scouting gear where
[15:26:53] if you had like raid gear to compare some flammage that didn't you were going to win
[15:26:56] anywhere.
[15:26:57] Yeah, yeah, true.
[15:26:58] Oh look, the dungeon journal.
[15:27:01] Just having a squares.
[15:27:03] Um, yeah, I mean, actualization of vanilla while I was bonkers right, it was like
[15:27:08] absolutely insane.
[15:27:10] It was so good, like.
[15:27:12] There wasn't really too much care, like people had just like genius strats.
[15:27:16] So I think even after Chalpedia know the answer to this one, but I'm pretty sure like even
[15:27:21] after the fact when vanilla classic came out in 2019, they found a new thing for feral druids
[15:27:27] with like some weapon with an extra swing or something and it ended up being like the
[15:27:31] most incredible thing ever and it could have worked in vanilla wow and no one ever did
[15:27:34] it.
[15:27:35] No one did not.
[15:27:36] There was lots of things we didn't know in vanilla wow that classic guilds did that
[15:27:39] we weren't doing in actual like vanilla.
[15:27:43] Back in the day.
[15:27:44] Yeah.
[15:27:45] didn't know and that was you know that was I was really cool like that I did
[15:27:52] really enjoy that part about the game it was a lot of fun yeah and you can't get
[15:27:56] that back either no but I'm I am I mean and everyone has their own memory from
[15:28:01] when they started but I'm very glad that that's where like my little rose
[15:28:05] colored vision was sort of lives yeah even more of like seeing iron forge for
[15:28:12] first time back then when it was the major city and everyone like it was the major hub for a line
[15:28:17] so you could run in there and like every and you had no transmog obviously so you would know who
[15:28:23] was geared and people would like when I got my ash candy from blackwing lair people would
[15:28:28] literally chase me through iron forge like you felt like a real rock star like it was really cool
[15:28:34] I watched a video not too long ago I think the mate he's made a second one now but it was a
[15:28:39] video of him playing WoW for the first time and it was like really took me back to when I started
[15:28:47] because he had no idea he's never played it before so he's just looking at the map and he's like wow
[15:28:51] it's so big and he's like I want to go there and he's like on this like level 10 and he's just
[15:28:56] like running across this area and he's just like this is crazy and like the music and he's like
[15:29:01] seeing stuff for the first time it was just a really really nice video to watch it is cool
[15:29:05] And he met someone and the guy helped him to get to this area that he wanted to get to and stuff
[15:29:09] and it was just like super awesome. I was like really just took me back to
[15:29:13] you know why I started playing it in the first place you know I was just like yeah
[15:29:16] and I think you lose that vibe of the world too yeah like that I think that was another nice thing
[15:29:22] when you couldn't fly anywhere it wasn't like flight coordination simulator
[15:29:26] sort of mode like you would have to run from the wetlands to Iron Forge or whatever and it
[15:29:31] That would take you half an hour, but that was part of the journey.
[15:29:35] I feel like in Season of Discovery, I'm not going to get around, it's like crazy, but it's
[15:29:40] nice.
[15:29:41] Waiting for boats a lot, flying around, 20 minute flight paths.
[15:29:45] And then like in TBC, things sort of started to alter, but I played a rogue in TBC, and
[15:29:52] that's when Elidas Jerks was like full kickoff.
[15:29:57] And then we had other rogue spreadsheet.
[15:30:01] So like me and another bloke worked at a telecommunications company and we would just sit on the rogue
[15:30:07] spreadsheet all day inputting gear and gems and changing things to see what would give
[15:30:12] us the most EPS and then it just became like full numbers game.
[15:30:17] Yeah, and that was all just like crazy websites that will figure it out for you, you know.
[15:30:23] Yeah.
[15:30:24] just I mean yeah it's in the end of the day it is a game of maths it's a game of
[15:30:29] numbers yeah so there'll always be a best way to do something it just depends
[15:30:36] on what reasons you play the game and if you care about that yeah but it's kind
[15:30:40] of I do feel at the same time and I'm like I'm a part of this so I am part
[15:30:45] of the problem I feel like it's shoved down your throat to some aspect and I
[15:30:50] I think sometimes, myself included, you probably forget a little bit of like,
[15:30:55] if you want to play this way, go nuts, that's fine.
[15:31:00] This is an alternate way to do it, sometimes we come across as like,
[15:31:03] you should do this, otherwise it's stupid.
[15:31:05] Yeah. Don't yuck, someone else is yum.
[15:31:08] Yeah.
[15:31:08] Yeah, I mean, there's people that just play the game and they run around picking flowers all day,
[15:31:13] or they'll just do pet battles or whatever, right?
[15:31:15] In saying that, generally if people go to watch a guide, they're there to improve.
[15:31:19] So, yeah.
[15:31:20] But people, I guess like, perhaps you get tunnel vision when you're at like the tip-top of the game, right?
[15:31:24] You just don't think that person exists, but you know, I always like to say that
[15:31:28] LFR is the most popular type of rating and it blows people's minds.
[15:31:32] Well it is. If you go to, I mean, I think a lot of people would be really surprised if you enter Raider IO
[15:31:38] and you looked at the
[15:31:41] key level brackets and you looked where the majority of the population is.
[15:31:45] it would be a lot lower than you would expect. It's probably like the plus two to plus five area,
[15:31:53] like deep into a season. It's not it's not where people think they kind of sit as a general pop.
[15:31:59] It's lower. Yeah, it was funny. I think I was one with, I want to say Reuben and Logo maybe,
[15:32:04] and they were like saying about how they watch like they can't watch a stream if it doesn't
[15:32:08] have a damage meter. And I'm like, that's crazy to me. Like, we're completely different gamers,
[15:32:14] Yeah, yeah, I go in this like what I'm playing I don't like give a shit really about my rotation like I'm just doing whatever
[15:32:20] Right, yeah people come in and they're like watching me do the yeah, and I
[15:32:24] It's just not what I do. I watch a stream and I do not look at how people are playing
[15:32:28] Yeah, I'm just like watching them do whatever right, but some people go in there and be like oh
[15:32:32] You're doing this wrong. You're doing this wrong. You why are you clicking this?
[15:32:35] Like why are you just smashing that button all the time? You know all that kind of stuff
[15:32:38] Just play for different values and differences, absolutely.
[15:32:44] I don't understand people try to give advice to be helpful, but sometimes it does come off
[15:32:50] like quite backsy in a way.
[15:32:52] Yeah, yeah, it's fair.
[15:32:54] It's like someone's like, why are you running barrage, it's like, because it's funny.
[15:32:57] Yeah, because I like it.
[15:32:59] Because it's great melee, it pulls everything, it's hilarious.
[15:33:03] And what, my team?
[15:33:06] That's why.
[15:33:07] Yeah, I've ever Dragonfly Bayer, I want to say it was like me and preach and a couple others
[15:33:12] I think we both run barrage or we was barraging crap out of everything and knock it offensive. Yeah, it was so funny
[15:33:20] So try so much troll really likes but it's perfect for like soloing shit, right?
[15:33:24] I think you just go in yeah, we'll start a raid. Yeah spray. Yeah, and it's just dead
[15:33:30] What can we um, what are we up to being able to solo now raid wise for Mog?
[15:33:34] We fix you from a shallow ends. Yeah
[15:33:39] Out of push I think
[15:33:41] Sepulchre lit like you could do most of sepulcher
[15:33:44] The older may he was this name. Oh London's nah. Yeah, Hollander's is a render
[15:33:49] So I did try that I think you can do it on the Bayer
[15:33:51] It was like a bit it was hard to kind of get a good read on it because it was like yeah
[15:33:55] Yeah, I think people I don't the may be with the beams. What's this?
[15:34:01] It was it was in Matthew as well
[15:34:04] I know he's on there.
[15:34:06] Yeah, Zymox.
[15:34:07] Zymox?
[15:34:09] Yeah.
[15:34:09] Yeah, can't do that.
[15:34:12] Bombs are the issue under Alandris.
[15:34:13] Yeah, so bombs are an issue on Alandris for solo.
[15:34:16] Zymox has that stupid beam that's just horrendous.
[15:34:18] Like, it's not too bad.
[15:34:19] You probably could cheese it.
[15:34:21] I was trying to do it.
[15:34:22] I was in, like, a position where it was, like, trying to do it.
[15:34:24] I think did I do it in the end of higher than?
[15:34:26] I think I did, but it was a cheese.
[15:34:29] But then, uh, oh, no, it wasn't.
[15:34:32] I couldn't get over to the platform so BFA is all doable
[15:34:36] BFA is completely doable yeah they actually made a change recently to make it even more doable
[15:34:40] so you could just go in and blast Jaina and she's dead like immediately
[15:34:44] um it's actually funny because obviously a voker's came in after so you know where
[15:34:49] remember Jaina when you lusted she ice block yeah yeah yeah it doesn't register the
[15:34:53] a voker lust as a natural lust so you just do it you just she's dead let's go yeah if you're
[15:34:58] really good you can kill her before she moves but I'm not like I like it I'm lucky
[15:35:02] I have the Jaina mount from one of my friends. I'm sure you do yeah I reckon it's pretty nice.
[15:35:06] Good mount I like that mount. Yeah I bet it is really cool. Alright team let's see
[15:35:13] phase three first pullback since having a big chart we did have a pull that we
[15:35:20] jumped off the edge for but we'll save this first pullback. Big strats big
[15:35:26] times so p3 is the last phase right p3 is well we hope so yeah it could be a
[15:35:36] could be a mythic phase phase which comes down highly down there's a lot of
[15:35:42] feet we got this though first proper pullback love if we could get back to
[15:35:50] face oh we've imagined both sides getting up there as well I'd have so
[15:35:53] much juice in me as in energy yeah well yeah obviously I mean not like that you
[15:35:59] know be energised as yeah be pumped it would be with 20 or 40 minutes left of
[15:36:07] raid I'd just be pumped to never see phase one of this boss again and we are
[15:36:12] gonna continue to see it a lot yeah but I could do with never seeing it again
[15:36:16] Let's say to get the save points back.
[15:36:19] It's weird, I have really enjoyed
[15:36:23] Silkencourt, I didn't mind Princess.
[15:36:27] You're thinking hindsight, did you hate it at the time though?
[15:36:31] No, no I didn't.
[15:36:32] Did I remember sitting there with you at Silkencourt and we were like this is so miserable.
[15:36:37] Yeah but that was because we were so close to killing.
[15:36:40] Yeah.
[15:36:41] I think.
[15:36:42] It's fallen apart.
[15:36:44] I don't know how I feel about this as a final tier boss, like the fight is cool, but I hate it.
[15:36:54] I think there should be one shot, that seems to be the running thing that they keep doing with this raid.
[15:37:01] It just seems to be such a wall to progress on.
[15:37:04] And I think about all the final bosses that you've watched in a race for world first, where they progress on and work through.
[15:37:13] one just seems miserable. Yeah. It really does. It really does. Yeah. Uh, good night,
[15:37:22] a risk of, uh, so you pronounce that? Would you pronounce it like that? Yeah. I'm terrible
[15:37:28] at names, remember? Yeah. Oh yeah. A risk of, uh, ready check straight out. No. We need
[15:37:35] to go. We need to go. We know, like we have phase one on such a lock now. Yeah. This
[15:37:40] This is another tilting thing to get to phase 3, wipe on phase 1 and then go over long.
[15:37:46] Well they are just wiping it up immediately though like it's not worth wasting time.
[15:37:50] Which is a huge bonus.
[15:37:51] They know, yeah.
[15:37:55] Go to sleep, maybe bed strats, I mean they've got 40 minutes left to raid I think they
[15:37:58] just care.
[15:37:59] They'll see it out now, there's no way they're flicking back.
[15:38:03] Well time, are we back tomorrow?
[15:38:05] I think we're on a midday.
[15:38:07] Maybe.
[15:38:08] I'm not actually sure what time I'm back on.
[15:38:12] Tell me when you're in there.
[15:38:13] Is that battle cry?
[15:38:14] There was absolutely a battle cry and a rosy battle cry
[15:38:19] What day are we on?
[15:38:20] 10? No, that's Thursday from day 11 tomorrow. I like it doesn't tell me the names just as we've rubbed
[15:38:31] So you're my Robin
[15:38:33] I was a Robin tomorrow
[15:38:35] Robin and Lithy, so it's a German and
[15:38:39] Oz cars
[15:38:41] You are basically German at this point, and then I'm hopping on wait
[15:38:45] Yeah. I'm confused. No, you're not on Maroy, but I'm a liar. I know you are on Maroy, but I'm getting some confused.
[15:38:54] Basically it's a four-person desk for like two hours.
[15:38:57] Right. What time am I on?
[15:38:58] You're on a midday.
[15:38:59] Midday. 12 o'clock.
[15:39:00] 12.
[15:39:01] Alright, sick.
[15:39:02] And I'm on a one for some reason.
[15:39:04] At least I can get like eight hours sleep.
[15:39:07] Yeah, get that sleep buff.
[15:39:10] That'll be sick.
[15:39:11] Lay in.
[15:39:12] I gotta watch the new rings of power episode there
[15:39:17] Have you got anything linked up to TV?
[15:39:19] Yeah, I don't just watch on your iPad. Let's watch on my phone. Oh, it's even worse. Yeah
[15:39:26] You know what else is worse? What I can't even pay the VIP
[15:39:33] Because it go when I go to pay it sends a text message to my phone
[15:39:37] I don't know because I'm on the Nomad sim.
[15:39:40] Over here I'm gonna have to wait till I get back to Oz to do it.
[15:39:43] So it's a back call eh?
[15:39:44] Yeah.
[15:39:44] That really is so I don't know what to do.
[15:39:48] Oh no.
[15:39:50] Just turn your phone signal for like a minute.
[15:39:52] No because well then I mean I could.
[15:39:55] It cost me ten bucks to do it.
[15:39:56] No if you don't put your 3G on.
[15:39:59] I'm so old.
[15:40:00] If you don't put your 5G on.
[15:40:02] If you don't put your internet out on you'll be fine because you can still receive text.
[15:40:05] It's free.
[15:40:06] I think it'll give me roaming
[15:40:07] No, that's online, that's when you're on 5G
[15:40:11] If it's just a normal text, it'll be fine
[15:40:13] Yeah, maybe
[15:40:14] Anyone we'd find out?
[15:40:18] But I mean, I go home in two days
[15:40:19] That's true, that was a good point
[15:40:22] I brought it, I'm so prepared for these things
[15:40:24] I brought an Apple TV, literally plugged into the hotel
[15:40:27] Not nice
[15:40:28] Uh, TV
[15:40:29] So go back, slam the stream on
[15:40:31] Put Wainjer at all
[15:40:33] You won't watch Wainsword, you told me you watched Wainsword last night
[15:40:36] Yeah, it was three in the morning.
[15:40:38] Well, Sinan, it'll be no different.
[15:40:40] You've just said, oh, you're going back to Wainsville.
[15:40:42] Nah, I might watch it in the morning.
[15:40:47] Oh, Aussie phone plans bad?
[15:40:49] Yeah, they're not great.
[15:40:50] Really?
[15:40:51] Not much in Australia is great.
[15:40:53] The weather's good.
[15:40:55] It's actually a very good place to live.
[15:40:57] Yeah.
[15:40:58] Imagine setting a lot of prisoners away and they create a better nation.
[15:41:02] It's crazy, isn't it?
[15:41:03] Yeah, it's crazy.
[15:41:04] What a world we live in.
[15:41:05] Come on team, grip 2-1, look at Nate, he's such a legend, he's like I will put all of
[15:41:14] my shit over here so I'm not contributing to the next.
[15:41:16] Nate's a sludge walker.
[15:41:18] Nate's played really well this tier.
[15:41:20] Yeah.
[15:41:21] He has done really well, he has exceptionally well.
[15:41:24] He's a good little tank.
[15:41:25] Yeah.
[15:41:28] Is he a mech or no?
[15:41:30] They're gnomes remember?
[15:41:31] They're not all gnomes.
[15:41:32] They're all gnomes.
[15:41:33] He can just roll out of the roots. So why is he gonna be a no no? No, supremacy. He's tight as a lust
[15:41:41] There's no reason for him to be a no escape artist more reason for him to be a dwarf look at this look at clean
[15:41:48] Yeah, that was amazing. He's now
[15:41:51] Look at that absolute
[15:41:53] Where is this method being where where has this method been hiding? This is the method we love
[15:41:59] I would love the one that wipes too, but this is the one.
[15:42:03] Shadowgate's about to go, someone get through that please.
[15:42:08] Oh nice.
[15:42:10] Sick, let's do this, come on, come on.
[15:42:13] So as soon as the ad's down the port goes.
[15:42:15] Well, maybe it's just without one right?
[15:42:18] No no no, they still have to do the Shadowgate,
[15:42:20] so you just have to, they've got their two people through
[15:42:23] and just spell each one.
[15:42:24] Is this walker free music?
[15:42:26] I can't tell you, what's the grid? Two, one, away, we lost it.
[15:42:33] We lost it, yeah.
[15:42:34] Uh...
[15:42:35] Strategy plan?
[15:42:37] Maybe they figured they'd get a little bit onto that at the end.
[15:42:41] They're not wasting time with the run.
[15:42:42] I've run to this one.
[15:42:43] Yeah, I don't know about that.
[15:42:47] Maybe, well, lost it's still going.
[15:42:48] Maybe you can't figure it out.
[15:42:50] Maybe, yeah, I don't know.
[15:42:52] Maybe, oh, shoot.
[15:42:54] Oh.
[15:42:56] One, two, three dead.
[15:42:57] They're still going, alright, this is three dead, B-Race is going out.
[15:42:59] He's going, he's going, he's going, he's going.
[15:43:01] We gotta bust this shield.
[15:43:03] Nice, do we get through the portals?
[15:43:05] I think they did, there's no one,
[15:43:06] watch this group, watch this group,
[15:43:08] no one got off the edge, no one got off the edge.
[15:43:09] No, did someone just yeet?
[15:43:11] No, I think they're putting back.
[15:43:13] This is good, this is still good.
[15:43:15] This is okay, yeah.
[15:43:16] We're going to the top.
[15:43:16] Oh yeah, to the top.
[15:43:18] Take me to the top.
[15:43:20] Up, up, up, straight to the top.
[15:43:22] All right, this is cool, just manage this one
[15:43:24] shadow gate right now and we are golden.
[15:43:27] Here we go, shot.
[15:43:29] Come on chat! Let's go higher! Double the damage!
[15:43:33] No, wait, wrong game!
[15:43:37] That was unfortunately Nate that went down to, so we are absolutely doomed now.
[15:43:44] Fapy actually in the raid with Haarstone over his PC then.
[15:43:49] Busted. Busted. Totally busted.
[15:43:52] P-U-S-D-E-D busted.
[15:43:56] Wrong game!
[15:43:59] Oh
[15:44:06] We're over here again
[15:44:08] Dan do you smell a new best? Oh, I smell it smell a new best
[15:44:13] You know what they should do ignore the shit out of the ads and just pump. Yeah, just keep blasting
[15:44:20] Mechanome power mirror image split the gnome up. That's at least six. Well. Oh
[15:44:25] Ohhhh!
[15:44:27] Ka-boom!
[15:44:32] I smelt a new best and it went away.
[15:44:34] Yea, stinks.
[15:44:38] But we got back to the top platform!
[15:44:42] That was the worst.
[15:44:45] That was a great switch.
[15:44:47] That was a great switch.
[15:44:48] You couldn't have planned that better.
[15:44:51] That was actually so good.
[15:44:53] Oh, man.
[15:44:54] He's gonna get in so much trouble now.
[15:44:59] Yeah, we mentioned the 25% 25.75.
[15:45:03] 25.7.
[15:45:04] Wait, are they rest on the top?
[15:45:07] This is the strategy.
[15:45:08] Oh, I would love if we could just kill it now.
[15:45:11] I'm not telling anyone.
[15:45:11] Yeah, yeah, if the boss respawned.
[15:45:14] How do they get up there?
[15:45:16] I don't know.
[15:45:17] Oh, baby.
[15:45:18] I don't think they should get down.
[15:45:23] I don't think they should get down, guys.
[15:45:25] I don't think you should go down.
[15:45:29] Another four day vacation.
[15:45:31] I think we should have stayed there for everybody to get up there.
[15:45:41] We figure some way to like MD and pull up there and then just go all the mechanics just
[15:45:50] stay down there and we just blast from the top.
[15:45:54] maybe it couldn't have been any better to your screen
[15:45:59] hearthstone champion of the world
[15:46:02] let's get into reps then
[15:46:04] actually so good
[15:46:11] that was fun
[15:46:13] gold gold gold
[15:46:21] oh my friend
[15:46:27] it's so funny we just don't think we got to the top and i just switched to a pv and it's like them at the top
[15:46:33] they're just chillin
[15:46:39] 30 minutes
[15:46:41] 30 minutes remaining?
[15:46:43] Yeah, Fakie's actually in the raid, he was healing but
[15:46:45] Yeah
[15:46:46] Yeah, he was multi boxing
[15:46:50] I mean, it's a hunter to be fair so
[15:46:52] you just let the pat off and play half stone
[15:46:57] Oh dear
[15:46:59] This is it, this is consistency
[15:47:01] A couple of people treating our chat like an airport
[15:47:04] We're saying bye
[15:47:05] We're dancing to patches
[15:47:09] So weird, so weird.
[15:47:16] All right, ready, check out, half stone launched.
[15:47:24] It's go time.
[15:47:29] This is a P3, that was a clean P1.
[15:47:33] Into a pretty great P2.
[15:47:36] The last, I will have a lush P1.
[15:47:38] There was a tactical lust, I don't know.
[15:47:40] What was going on with that?
[15:47:41] We have such a good P1.
[15:47:48] what was the last pull?
[15:47:49] ah like 62% I think
[15:47:51] yeah it doesn't
[15:47:52] it's not
[15:47:53] it's inconsequential really
[15:47:56] not about the percentage
[15:47:58] it wasn't a new best
[15:48:01] alright new pull
[15:48:02] p3 gang
[15:48:03] we are p3 gang now
[15:48:05] yeah
[15:48:05] where were you?
[15:48:07] where were you?
[15:48:08] probably in bed
[15:48:11] on the final platform
[15:48:12] when the boss was down the bottom
[15:48:15] that was so fun
[15:48:16] that was gold
[15:48:17] Oh man, alright here we go. We dance the dance of sludge.
[15:48:25] Playing half-playing.
[15:48:26] Playing half-playing, yeah true.
[15:48:27] Fahy, god damn it Fahy.
[15:48:29] In bed watching at P3, love it. Alright, wonderful. Done this a million times.
[15:48:39] Fahy able to be in the raid, type in Twitch chat and play half-playing.
[15:48:43] Unbelievable, what a gamer.
[15:48:45] Absolute gamer vibes.
[15:48:49] Flubber's going out. Not even a problem. Look at the hell. Okay, they're a little out.
[15:48:57] Happy game. Doing everything for people.
[15:49:01] It's got Rumble on his phone as well.
[15:49:07] Let's go. Let's get another P3. I'd love a sub 60.
[15:49:19] It would be very nice. That would be a nice way to go to bed.
[15:49:24] like a 58 57 maybe you know I really think if I was beef if we got sub 50 I'd
[15:49:33] be like you know what go to bed get some sleep sub 60 so go to bed get some
[15:49:38] sleep we wake up we rock this tomorrow yeah oh what the moment they get it yeah
[15:49:43] like I'd be like gaming works because the moment you get that it's like wrong
[15:49:46] We're standing up to 4 am, we match this!
[15:49:52] Boss dies or we die mentality, you know, like, what you die?
[15:49:58] That's the mentality we're rocking here.
[15:50:03] Are they pulling all day tomorrow? You're damn right they are.
[15:50:06] Damn right. It's a big day of pulling.
[15:50:10] Saddie, Saddie pull day.
[15:50:13] Alright, we are at the last toxins. Here they come. Go!
[15:50:23] Four reactives. We do roots. We spread for lines. And then we pop our reactives.
[15:50:35] What's been everyone's first race to watch so far?
[15:50:38] All of them. Here we go. Beautiful.
[15:50:44] Alright, easy four stack, like, perfect, everyone's still alive, oh shit, nice, clean body.
[15:50:51] Woof.
[15:50:54] Alright, with the damage about to come out.
[15:50:59] Oh that was a clincher, wasn't it, jeez.
[15:51:02] Easy cap, with the best.
[15:51:04] Look at the whole room.
[15:51:06] They've got phase one, absolutely locked in now, like, weapons, I don't mean this
[15:51:14] in a bad way but like it seems like it's like fully finely clicked like everything just into place now
[15:51:22] slap slap slap slap slap the shield more waves beat this grip
[15:51:33] nice look at that chat look at that perfect now we got to do is the new hardest part of the
[15:51:41] fight for us. Kind of insane isn't it once you get your head around P2 that P1 is quite difficult
[15:51:51] and then if you do this like a normal heroic this is kind of like not that normal and heroic like
[15:51:58] P1 and that's like super hard when you look at this yeah but this intermission is kind of like
[15:52:03] your break so like this phase two is kind of like break but on mythic it's just like it's
[15:52:08] Sane with the shadow gates and things like that
[15:52:10] Like there's no rest the fights kind of just like slap slap slap all that is no, yeah
[15:52:16] Who's to talk to I think it was Kena was saying that it doesn't feel like you do any damage to the boss anytime
[15:52:20] Like you don't have a big moment where you're like slapping it, you know, yeah
[15:52:23] Right. Oh, here's this day here
[15:52:27] Spowed beautiful very nice. Yeah, look at that beautiful that platform one as well now
[15:52:32] Yeah, read again.
[15:52:33] Now here's our big one, Bloodlust goes up the steel series last.
[15:52:38] We got to break this shield.
[15:52:40] You can see the pink weak aura in the middle and there's a white line.
[15:52:43] We have to beat that white line, which we are tunneling, gloom gets dropped there.
[15:52:47] Another dispel coming at the shaga and the demon hanta is going to dash to the back
[15:52:50] of X.
[15:52:51] There he goes right there.
[15:52:52] There he goes.
[15:52:53] Get in that.
[15:52:54] Amazing.
[15:52:55] Beautiful.
[15:52:56] This could be a goodie.
[15:52:58] This could be a goodie.
[15:52:59] We activate the bridge.
[15:53:00] We're going up to the top.
[15:53:01] going up up up up up to the top we have sent the holy battle res out as well so
[15:53:06] we all look to be going up to this top final platform it's 20 players we just
[15:53:10] need to do the shadow gates up here and dodge the orbs the orbs are also on this
[15:53:14] platform so we'll have the shadow gates the orbs and the grips and you can still
[15:53:18] see just how much damage is going out up here it's absolutely bonkers plus the
[15:53:22] damage of the dispels as well also evoked in his knife to go always
[15:53:25] okay just fell at the top that is flash damage coming out oh yeah let's go three
[15:53:33] baby this is clean the most one of people ever had yeah let's go come on chat
[15:53:39] get alive let's go right what's going on new best let's send this big pump big
[15:53:45] pump free damage right now free damage chain it doesn't know what he's talking
[15:53:50] about look how much we're hitting the new best is coming up big pump big pump
[15:53:55] pump pump pump pump pump pump pump that is free damage but we're gonna have these
[15:53:59] ads that spawn gonna spawn out of two sections and we can't let the ads new
[15:54:04] best boss we're gonna bait here and then we're gonna move move move move move
[15:54:11] beautiful see the rock up the back with the ads there so then murder these
[15:54:15] ads the ads cannot get to the boss or they explode and bad things happen
[15:54:20] beautiful sub 60 let's go method here we go lines here those lines cool now we're
[15:54:27] gonna have these ads in the middle now we have to be able to interrupt these
[15:54:30] ads oh my gosh we have to be able to kill murder these ads while the boy lines
[15:54:36] and doing pause doing the portals we also have to pick up there's a debuff in
[15:54:40] here we have to pick up as well actually we don't all right okay we're
[15:54:44] We're doing alright right now, let's go!
[15:54:47] Let's go!
[15:54:48] So Fitty!
[15:54:49] Wow ropes, thank you!
[15:54:50] Alright, here comes this, we gotta wait, we gotta go through this port, while he can
[15:54:54] just blink over it like a chat, everyone else go through the port.
[15:54:58] Ohhhhh!
[15:54:59] Fitty 5% though!
[15:55:01] Good job team!
[15:55:02] Let's go Method!
[15:55:04] Amazing!
[15:55:05] How about a few about that?
[15:55:08] I'm invigorated!
[15:55:09] Yeah!
[15:55:10] That was awesome!
[15:55:12] So we went in there two dead.
[15:55:15] 55.
[15:55:18] Yeah, and I said I'd send him to bed.
[15:55:20] Yeah, I don't want to send him to bed now.
[15:55:22] Go tell him.
[15:55:22] It's bed time.
[15:55:23] It's Bettybys.
[15:55:24] Actually, huge.
[15:55:25] That was big.
[15:55:26] That was nuts.
[15:55:28] Did that ball while blasting half-start?
[15:55:30] No.
[15:55:32] Oh, no.
[15:55:33] Bobby in a bike.
[15:55:34] Let's go, baby.
[15:55:35] Let's go.
[15:55:39] King.
[15:55:40] King.
[15:55:42] Can I have to go read up all about phase 3 and everything that's going on in phase 3 now?
[15:55:48] I mean it didn't look too crazy at the beginning at least.
[15:55:52] Yeah, letting it get to the bit where they're picking up stuff and dropping it off.
[15:55:55] Yeah, there's a massive debuff, like a dot that you have to pick up.
[15:56:01] The deal's like 1.7m damage every second.
[15:56:04] And you can only pick it up, I think you get a 3-minute debuff from that too,
[15:56:08] unless that maybe is attached to the Shadowgate. I'm not sure, we'll have to go and read about it.
[15:56:12] Absolutely insane.
[15:56:16] Oh my goodness, hello.
[15:56:19] Woo!
[15:56:21] That was awesome.
[15:56:22] Crazy.
[15:56:23] Crazy.
[15:56:26] Alright, so they're probably talking about that platform, about what to do, and all that kind of stuff.
[15:56:31] I'm sure the analysts have a bunch of new data to do with.
[15:56:33] 55% in P3.
[15:56:35] Here come the orange.
[15:56:37] That was huge.
[15:56:38] That was such a good pool.
[15:56:41] Whoo
[15:56:44] Outstanding outstanding. Mm-hmm if liquid beat the boss tonight and method didn't would that be GG's no I
[15:56:54] Think they get six ads
[15:56:56] Mution I think after the five ads this six ads that's supposed to spawn
[15:57:03] Apparently the crabs. Yeah, the ones on the inside six are supposed to spawn after the five apparently they really
[15:57:09] Smash those little ads at the start though, right? Like when you were like, oh, they don't want to get to the boss and then it was dead
[15:57:15] That's great. Really so they handled that really for the first time being properly up there. I think it had a really well
[15:57:21] Absolutely
[15:57:22] What did kill them though? Was it a pool? Oh look
[15:57:27] Lead second lead analysts because realistically if liquid are
[15:57:31] 25% with five spiders, you're gonna get six because they're not gonna kill the boss 25 percent fast up
[15:57:38] Yep, to not get six spiders. So true
[15:57:42] For the analyst desk with you
[15:57:44] Don't worry chat. I'm gonna tell you all about it. Tell you how it all went down
[15:57:52] Ready check going out
[15:57:55] Let me know when to send it over we're gonna get the breakdown
[15:58:02] Maybe we'll get faith you on the analyst desk. Oh, he is busy playing house down there true
[15:58:08] Dan coming to you live from the analyst desk here and looking our pretty much entire raid
[15:58:18] one shot by froth vapor. So froth vapor the essence of anceric's acolyte vaporizes inflicting
[15:58:27] a shitload of shadow damage to all players and slowing their movements be by 40% for
[15:58:32] four seconds this effect stacks. Anceric consumes this vapor increasing her damage
[15:58:37] done by 200% for 20 seconds and this effect also stacks. So yeah we got
[15:58:45] annihilated by Froth Vapor. Hey what happens? I hate the Froth Vapor.
[15:58:52] Back to you. Thank you. Maybe we should get Faithy to come join us for a little
[15:58:56] bit and chat for 10 minutes.
[15:58:59] Mm-hmm. Yeah, see if he wants to come up. He wants to come hang faith. He's a Chad. He is
[15:59:08] Faithy come hang
[15:59:12] Liam's going in. I
[15:59:13] Mean faith is in the chat listening. He is right there. I can see him but he's in the middle of a hot stone
[15:59:18] He's in the middle of a hostile game. Oh, he's gonna abort it. What do you wait for you did?
[15:59:24] What
[15:59:33] Oh man, I got that dog in me. Here he is. My friend. How you doing man? Tell us about
[15:59:48] the 55% pool whilst playing Hearthstone. So a lot of alt tapping. Yep. Learned it from
[15:59:55] the best, Jimmy. Yep, nice. So can you tell us, Faithy, give me a rundown of P3 and what
[16:00:02] is going on on that top platform so when you get up to the first platform after you just
[16:00:07] done your round of hot stone it's basically just a cirque boss yeah you basically have
[16:00:14] 30 seconds where you can tap in and out yeah do a little bit of hot stone yeah custom cooldowns
[16:00:20] maybe sit in turtle you know I had to use this defensive or my hot stone turn yeah yeah
[16:00:25] and after that I mean adds come out pretty quick you stack with stuff on the ground
[16:00:32] It's very heroic, like honestly, the boss doesn't have a lot, I mean I say that, but you know, it's very crowded, but it's basically just a lot about ad management, you have all these small spiders you gotta kill, then you have big spiders you gotta kill, and the biggest spider that you gotta kill.
[16:00:50] Right, and there's a debuff you gotta pick up, isn't there?
[16:00:54] So that is from when you kill the hanging spiders from the middle, they'll drop a debuff and that debuff, you'll have to take, you know, through the portal, it can't get hit by the line, or you'll blow up and die, which is not good, even though you would have more time for Hearthstone if that happened.
[16:01:12] I mean, it is very much like Heroic, you just have to deal with these essences that also
[16:01:23] do drop on the floor and you have to rotate them between people, which is the main difference
[16:01:31] between Heroic and Mythic.
[16:01:34] It's fairly chaotic, Peter.
[16:01:36] It is.
[16:01:37] It is very chaotic.
[16:01:38] It's very much an ad management kind of fight.
[16:01:41] You set in P3 and you deal with one set of adds, and then the other set of adds, and then
[16:01:46] a third set of adds while dealing with the second set of adds.
[16:01:49] There's not a lot of boss hitting and that's why the boss isn't going down on any of the
[16:01:54] streams because you're just hitting spider one, two or three.
[16:01:58] Yeah, makes sense.
[16:02:01] What's your thought process around this boss?
[16:02:07] I'm not a big fan of P2 personally, it's very much just like you go, you kill some adds,
[16:02:15] jump platform, jump platform, jump platform, and then you're on the boss.
[16:02:21] Never really been a big fan of those kind of fights personally.
[16:02:24] I do like P1, like myself as a ranged playing this tier, it looks very chaotic as melee
[16:02:31] and you basically just have to give up melee uptime which is never fun and very
[16:02:36] enjoyable but it's fun as Hunter I think you have a lot of like stuff you can do
[16:02:41] with movement you're very quick play for the team of it yep so I enjoyed the
[16:02:46] turtle running that you were doing it's a shame you're not in that was fun
[16:02:49] yeah they dragged you back yeah Hunter was doing doing it as well now a bit
[16:02:59] differently he's playing it a bit more safe I think last time I checked but yeah
[16:03:06] it's basically just you know it looks good yeah you get up in the air you
[16:03:10] disengage you're almost get out of the rain from mr. Biff do you think do you
[16:03:20] think if liquid don't kill tonight for them that this receives any intention or
[16:03:27] do you think they leave it for a few more days or what's your vibe I think the
[16:03:33] boss right now is inculable yeah P3 is scalable you get more and more spiders
[16:03:40] the caster ones yeah the ones in the middle yeah yeah and I'm pretty sure if
[16:03:45] you get the six set or just like the full circle them yeah it's practically in
[16:03:49] rage yeah gotcha right which is very odd because the boss is still well like
[16:03:55] 30% yeah like 25% they're reaching that timer now like they're right next to that
[16:04:01] overlap yeah yeah so I think either there's some very
[16:04:06] secret hidden mythic phase or the boss is gonna get a major HP nerf
[16:04:12] yeah yeah I was thinking like 15% seems reasonable yeah the boss still won't
[16:04:18] die for a while yep but it will become like killable with enough
[16:04:23] practice yeah but I don't think anything else needs to be nervous just the
[16:04:28] health just the boss else yeah I do think like the boss is very punishing you
[16:04:32] know standing a boo boo you get killed with a boo boo sure do you know it's
[16:04:38] basically just movement we just seem like two really good
[16:04:41] back-to-back so it's very much just case of getting to P3 CP3 to P3 and
[16:04:47] then you know fine damage what about the ad health do you think that'll get
[16:04:52] touch on the platforms or anything to you
[16:04:54] yeah
[16:04:56] I'm not 100% sure it is very rough having to lost
[16:05:00] yeah it's crazy
[16:05:02] I don't think it's like good design
[16:05:05] to lost those kind of ads
[16:05:08] I think as the shame at least you know you want to burn the boss
[16:05:11] you don't do it on Paul you don't do it in last phase just feels kind of
[16:05:14] out of place
[16:05:17] but it could very well be that eventually
[16:05:20] They will, um, we'll find damage somewhere.
[16:05:24] Yeah, they will be able to shift to a little bit.
[16:05:26] Yeah, I feel like that first part of P3 is the best time to lost, right?
[16:05:29] I was just got free damage.
[16:05:31] Either that or on pull, because she doesn't face, depending on HP, right?
[16:05:36] Yeah.
[16:05:36] You'd actually get more out of it on pull when everyone has cooldowns.
[16:05:39] Yeah, smart, yeah.
[16:05:41] It could be like a case of, if you can find the damage somewhere in the universe,
[16:05:45] you could you know drop pot and lost on poor and it would take her very low into
[16:05:50] p3 that's a good point what was uh makes his nerf idea was it nerf it when an
[16:05:57] aero sleep or but she's commentating for an a yeah but she's eu blood yeah so I
[16:06:04] don't know yeah some pretty trail going on yeah what's what was a strat I'm
[16:06:09] keen to know yeah I think as mentioned like liquid is lost in p3 now
[16:06:13] Yeah
[16:06:17] Make the debuff last two minutes instead of four that on the pickup in p3
[16:06:23] Is that what that's referring to?
[16:06:25] Sorry, is that from the the thing the spiders drop the pick up is that a four-minute?
[16:06:29] Yeah, that's kind of crazy
[16:06:32] But that make it so they can pick it up twice
[16:06:38] Yeah, yeah, it should be two minutes should be enough to you to pick it up later
[16:06:42] Yeah, that would be kind of cool actually that could definitely help as well
[16:06:46] It is very magical.
[16:06:48] I think the Weakor is pretty good though right?
[16:06:52] It's like way and then it's like way and then it's like go.
[16:06:55] I'm pretty impressed with that, honestly. I just love it.
[16:06:58] And then we get a good indication of like, oh they're going to make it.
[16:07:01] It's like super tight.
[16:07:03] Yeah, I mean Weakor has definitely been really good this tier I think.
[16:07:07] We got a new Weakor guy who is really, really, really good.
[16:07:11] good using a lot of his time and yeah she's really talented very new to it but he's he's
[16:07:17] good.
[16:07:18] Aix is a caster for Liquidjohn and she's also a Blizzard caster as well.
[16:07:26] Yeah she costs MDI.
[16:07:27] Yeah, cast MDI, TGP I think she's been a part of as well.
[16:07:34] She's a real caster, not like us.
[16:07:35] Yeah she's the real deal.
[16:07:36] Yeah she's an legend.
[16:07:37] Yeah.
[16:07:38] She's the real deal.
[16:07:39] That's how it is.
[16:07:40] She sent me my egg breaker.
[16:07:41] It's so cool.
[16:07:42] it's so cool so tell us about half stone how's that going so I started my
[16:07:49] house on journey today today so I'm obviously very skill yeah you're gonna
[16:07:54] be a legendary house don't play of course yeah very high win rate in between
[16:07:58] my pulse yeah yeah during the pause of during pause yeah now it's kind of coming
[16:08:04] to course stepping to my house I pulled up into the analyst room and I told
[16:08:09] him you know I'm an analyst now okay okay pull up a chair we're playing
[16:08:13] house down apparently what you do as an analyst yeah that's a strategy it's like
[16:08:18] very important you are a fan of the raid in general thus far that you've got to
[16:08:26] play through well I haven't gotten to play yeah but princess yeah I really
[16:08:34] love yeah just like all chaos fine damage don't die yeah obviously kind of
[16:08:42] like raglan yeah yeah those fights are always my favorite raga was such a banger
[16:08:47] just find the damage basically live and find the damage those fights always go
[16:08:52] yeah yeah I was I think it's been a really like quite a good raid I my mood's
[16:08:59] changing about this now that we're getting to P3 but I was very sour on
[16:09:03] this boss just because we were walled in P1 P2 for so long yeah it feels
[16:09:09] It was exciting again now that we're actually getting to the top, but for 176 pools I was just hating life on this boss thing.
[16:09:16] And I can't imagine what you guys feel.
[16:09:18] Yeah, P1 is very identical. You know, you're literally doing the exact same movement every single time.
[16:09:23] All it takes is for one person to get jailed in by the slicers, or bad placement of pools, etc.
[16:09:33] And it just kind of falls apart.
[16:09:36] So it is a very boring P1, but like everyone is struggling with it.
[16:09:40] It's all echo today as well.
[16:09:42] Yeah, they do have a great time, but then they obviously walk together.
[16:09:46] Yeah, they definitely got through it, but they had like a couple of hours where they were dreading it as well.
[16:09:52] Like P1 is just rough, but it comes down to, you know, okay, we've got to make comp changes.
[16:09:57] How do we get freedoms? Where do the freedoms come from now?
[16:10:00] What did this person actually do in terms of movement?
[16:10:03] Yep, you know, just figured it out.
[16:10:07] Just figured out for us.
[16:10:08] Yeah, people got to learn it.
[16:10:11] And then, obviously, he too is just rough.
[16:10:14] Yeah, very unforgiving.
[16:10:18] The pictures insane.
[16:10:19] And yeah, pulled off all that.
[16:10:21] Well, obviously don't get pulled off, but people get pulled off
[16:10:23] because they get caught off guard.
[16:10:26] You need to do a very tight damage check as well.
[16:10:29] Yeah. And there's just a lot of stuff going on.
[16:10:31] So there was not enough confusion or just issues, but there was a lot of shadow gates exploding as well a lot of the time
[16:10:39] I think I
[16:10:41] Think it's confusion and the start we had some problems with we goers
[16:10:45] But that's very common when you get to a new mechanic you gotta figure it out
[16:10:48] I'm like, how do you set it up? How does it work? Yep?
[16:10:51] And once that was figured out it has mostly I think been due to whenever someone dies
[16:10:57] Yep, who was meant to be a sign the everything kind of like messed up. Yeah, he's like, oh who's next in queue?
[16:11:04] And then that person who's next in queue like
[16:11:07] I'm not here. I'm using that here
[16:11:10] Yeah, and that kind of makes them panic a little bit. I think yeah, yeah
[16:11:16] And it can also offset their defenses. Yeah, like normally they wouldn't have defensive here or stuff like that
[16:11:21] Yep
[16:11:22] So it just kind of becomes messy if anyone dies in P2
[16:11:25] which is crazy yeah yeah it is so punishing yeah well another Paul Easter pulling a
[16:11:36] bit quicker what's your vibe and obviously easy turbo easy sometimes we're
[16:11:43] like let's go oh yeah let's go let's rock I want to repress release and pull
[16:11:50] time yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't think it's a better day to sit in gap I think
[16:11:56] It's good to a degree, but we are very good at yapping about stuff sometimes that might not be needed, if that makes sense?
[16:12:07] Yeah, we could just pull it and...
[16:12:09] Yeah, it could very much quickly be, oh, I fucked up, I know why I fucked up, let's go again.
[16:12:15] Yeah, yeah, cool.
[16:12:17] Well, I mean it's all things to build on too, I think we've been saying especially and chat's been really positive around it, but we kind of think this is the best methods played since a rebuild, like through this TR method of absolutely been steamrolling, like they've been playing really well.
[16:12:33] So it's considering our four day vacation that we took, willingly.
[16:12:37] Yeah, you're willing four day vacation.
[16:12:39] Yeah, we just wanted to play some Counter Strike.
[16:12:41] And play Hearthstone.
[16:12:42] And we were like, dude, this is such a vibe, let's just do it for four days.
[16:12:47] And then we're like, yeah, let's pick it up.
[16:12:51] You know, let's play the game a bit.
[16:12:53] That was rough.
[16:12:54] Did you find that as a result of starting on Friday from the choice vacation that you went into mythic a little bit, sort of, not tired, but you did a lot.
[16:13:06] Oh, we were very tired.
[16:13:08] Yeah, there was not a lot of sleep no breaks. It was just full passion train
[16:13:14] Yeah, yeah, I cannot like address how passionate the skill has been this tier. Yeah, actually that's awesome
[16:13:22] That's really good to hear like in the
[16:13:25] Before we took our vacation, you know, we were doing our
[16:13:29] Yep, yep people just sit there and they just played and played and played and did everything
[16:13:33] Yeah, I was watching Nate stream. He was on 12 hours a day. Yeah, it's insane
[16:13:37] oh yeah we had like I think like average Lee like 14 yeah that's huge and it's I
[16:13:44] think it's shown like the guilds the guilds really popped off this tier obviously
[16:13:50] just a race like we're just like a couple of people who just sit there like how
[16:13:55] many waking your machines if you don't yeah and then depending on the amount
[16:14:00] like you were the passionate person yeah yeah yeah so I did
[16:14:07] I have the mount, I have all the transmock, you know, I love it, I love it, that's good.
[16:14:21] But now it's been good, I think we've played really well, so far this tier, I'm very proud
[16:14:26] of the team, you know, it's just good, it feels really good.
[16:14:33] There's been some snarky comments as usual up to the race, it's been nice to prove
[16:14:36] people wrong yeah make them sweat a little bit doesn't stop the comments
[16:14:42] obviously yeah yeah I will say though like in terms of the method chat it's
[16:14:47] been nothing but supportive and when Silkencourt was getting
[16:14:51] pumped we had like we had NA in here like cheering for that it was really
[16:14:56] really cool yeah it's really good now I think our support has been really cool
[16:15:00] yeah it's really nice to see like the work being noticed I do hope that
[16:15:06] We'll obviously pick up on Anthorek as well.
[16:15:09] Yeah.
[16:15:10] We've been...
[16:15:11] I feel like we've hit a bit of a stride now, finally.
[16:15:13] Like, finally.
[16:15:14] We're finally getting there.
[16:15:15] But, yeah, I mean, I don't think it's over.
[16:15:18] I think if the team plays, you know,
[16:15:20] out of their minds, there's no chance.
[16:15:22] I'm a believer.
[16:15:23] Yeah, I think you have to be a believer.
[16:15:24] It's just about consistency.
[16:15:25] The boss, as mentioned, is not dying for a while.
[16:15:28] Yeah.
[16:15:28] The boss not being nerfed is actually
[16:15:30] very beneficial to us.
[16:15:31] Yeah, well, yeah.
[16:15:32] Because we get more reps.
[16:15:33] We're a little bit behind.
[16:15:35] we can get this, like all these phases under control
[16:15:38] and then when, if, probably, the boss we're gonna have to be,
[16:15:42] you know, we'll be where the other guilds are,
[16:15:44] depending on when they do it.
[16:15:47] Well, that will be the big question, won't it, really?
[16:15:50] When does it happen?
[16:15:52] It's a good pull.
[16:15:53] Yeah, it is.
[16:15:54] I have no one dead.
[16:15:55] So, we're gonna be right to the map, though.
[16:15:58] Someone's falling off.
[16:16:00] Someone's slipping.
[16:16:01] I saw Nate showed me,
[16:16:03] Like he got pulled off and one of the really good portals.
[16:16:05] Oh yeah?
[16:16:06] Yeah, he basically died.
[16:16:09] Like he was spamming his global and it turned red the second it's global.
[16:16:12] Oh damn it.
[16:16:14] Yeah.
[16:16:15] If you just reacted in 0.0
[16:16:17] I don't know.
[16:16:18] I don't know.
[16:16:19] Maybe Nate is getting a little bit old.
[16:16:21] We have to readjust.
[16:16:22] Verve off to the portal now.
[16:16:24] Demon Hunter.
[16:16:25] Didn't get there.
[16:16:26] Actually I wonder if Verve was dead because that's Verve's portal.
[16:16:29] That's gotta be the last pull of the night, right?
[16:16:32] Hmm, what's the time?
[16:16:33] No, it's 8-158, you've still got two minutes, you pull the game, pull the game.
[16:16:36] Yeah, you can still wait.
[16:16:37] And rage.
[16:16:38] Oh, look, it's Double Friends.
[16:16:41] Double Friends.
[16:16:42] My friends.
[16:16:47] No, I could see them pull one more time.
[16:16:48] Don't say that about Little Bro, yeah, it was Dan, not me.
[16:16:51] You can't believe I said that about Little Bro.
[16:16:53] Little Bro.
[16:16:55] Don't worry, I already told him two space, that's fine.
[16:16:58] No, it's just like an undocking.
[16:17:02] Yeah, I can do this global and then you can't you can't
[16:17:07] You didn't believe hard enough that's why they're doing more product some haste prox or something
[16:17:12] Yeah, a little bit of GCD quarter
[16:17:14] One more pull chat one more phase three. Yeah, I mean you just need one for the bus. That's it
[16:17:21] That's true. I mean it's a 5050 and the killer that you don't that's I mean that's right. It's science
[16:17:29] I mean you can't prove it wrong
[16:17:32] write it down.
[16:17:34] He's actually already turned off his PC.
[16:17:36] Wait, did he actually?
[16:17:38] Oh, shit.
[16:17:40] Yeah, he has. Oh, no, they're all halfed.
[16:17:42] He's gone.
[16:17:44] He's actually gone. He's already in bed.
[16:17:46] Portals up. It's over.
[16:17:48] Oh, shit. That's not very passionate.
[16:17:50] Why is Quep's...
[16:17:52] I thought Quep's Hearthstone was in Dazzalore.
[16:17:54] Yeah, I didn't think that too.
[16:17:56] I did wonder that as well.
[16:17:58] Oh well that's it then. Let's go fullscreen studio. Look, thank you sir with us. Look at that.
[16:18:06] What's the lore about the Barbie here by the way?
[16:18:10] Oh that's for my 4 and a half year old at home. She wanted Barbie on a bike.
[16:18:15] That's fair.
[16:18:16] So now she has German Barbie on a bike?
[16:18:19] Is it even in German though?
[16:18:21] Yeah it is.
[16:18:22] Can you see? It's...
[16:18:23] Danger?
[16:18:24] Oh yeah.
[16:18:25] That looks very French.
[16:18:26] What's AMS?
[16:18:27] Hey, my start is anti-magic shell. Oh, yeah, I love anti-magic shell. Barbie loves an anti-magic shell.
[16:18:35] It's actually a DK1 trick, maybe. Hey, it's DK Barbie. Maybe Quep needs to, you know.
[16:18:43] Alright, well that's a wrap on the stream. Faithy, do you want to bring us up?
[16:18:49] If I want to bring you up. Yeah, you've got to say all the sponsors and then, you know, thank everyone at home and then...
[16:18:54] Hello, all sponsors, many, many appreciate you.
[16:18:58] Perfect.
[16:18:59] That was so good, baby.
[16:19:01] Please sponsor us.
[16:19:03] We very much appreciate you.
[16:19:05] You got shout out B&Q.
[16:19:07] Shout out B&Q.
[16:19:08] B&Q?
[16:19:09] B&Q, yeah.
[16:19:10] Love those guys.
[16:19:12] Love B&Q.
[16:19:14] Yeah, thank you so much everyone for watching.
[16:19:18] It's been great being on here.
[16:19:20] I'll obviously be doing this while I'm playing Hearthstone
[16:19:23] on my phone in my pocket.
[16:19:24] Hell yeah.
[16:19:25] Actually, dude.
[16:19:25] As an analyst.
[16:19:26] As an analyst.
[16:19:27] Dems, Joe.
[16:19:28] Yep.
[16:19:29] But, um, yeah.
[16:19:30] Thank you very much for coming on the phone for you.
[16:19:32] You might see me more in between some nice phone calls.
[16:19:34] You're always welcome here, mate.
[16:19:36] You're always welcome on the couch.
[16:19:39] Fantastic.
[16:19:40] All right.
[16:19:41] Well, actually, thank you to Rosie, SteelSeries,
[16:19:45] Holy, Fateless, ResidixP.
[16:19:50] We've got Steel.
[16:19:51] Did you think SteelSeries?
[16:19:52] Yeah, let's just get a double up give me a double up
[16:19:56] Raderome, oh well done
[16:19:58] Yeah, and Kadea, thank you all very much, you're all champions
[16:20:04] You chat, you're beautiful, we got to phase 3
[16:20:08] Who knows what tomorrow brings
[16:20:10] Phase dead
[16:20:12] Boss is dead on my screen
[16:20:13] Tune in, boss dies a wee die tomorrow
[16:20:16] See ya, Tadam
[16:20:17] See ya
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