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WOW ! GOLLY GOODY ! BOY OH BOY ! AMAZED AT ACTION !!! of game ???? STYLE !! SPEED . OPERATE BRAIN !! have all lol !! why be BESTS !!! :D

08-29-2024 · 6h 06m

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[00:05:19] afternoon guys again sorry for the echo we had the door open all day yesterday I
[00:05:26] Feel like having the door open is a security risk because let's say an intruder
[00:05:32] Breaks into the Martinez mansion, right?
[00:05:36] If the doors close I hear somebody open it. I have time to react
[00:05:41] But if the doors open I
[00:05:44] I
[00:05:45] Can't see them on the screen
[00:05:48] You feel me or like see me. I can't react in time before they climb up the stairs
[00:05:53] Do you understand what I'm saying?
[00:05:54] You gotta keep it closed a lot of enemies plotting a lot of enemies plotting on me
[00:06:06] On either by the way, I haven't had a great day good lift nice back nape getting it
[00:06:12] Got some exciting news guys get some really exciting news guys. I love this
[00:06:20] we said that the Elden Ring stream would be on Tuesday next week, but I think
[00:06:29] we're planning on moving that to Monday of next week, officially Monday. Now I
[00:06:42] gotta say this, I gotta say this, I gotta say this, I gotta say this. We're
[00:06:47] looking for a Monday start, okay? The Elden Ring marathon where I complete
[00:06:52] Elden Ring in one entire stream. By that, I mean we're gonna be some lifting on stream
[00:06:58] Might have to take a slumber on stream. Whatever the stream doesn't go offline until I beat it
[00:07:04] now
[00:07:05] some things I
[00:07:07] might
[00:07:08] Think of how my schedule is
[00:07:10] Not 100% be able to be here Monday. Maybe you maybe I will I don't know
[00:07:17] But that's the plan to start on Monday
[00:07:19] Tuesday 100% I'm if I'm not if my obligations arise and I'm not able to be here on Monday
[00:07:26] That'll start Tuesday, but I am aiming for Monday
[00:07:30] Okay
[00:07:32] Unfortunately the way it works is I have LCS finals to attend on Friday
[00:07:38] Getting a little bit of a tour of the studios, you know speaking with the devs
[00:07:42] That's on Friday. Co-streaming the games there on Friday. So what that means is I have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
[00:07:53] Now I was talking to Kayla like the Dark Souls Eltering expert and she says that's impossible!
[00:07:59] No way you can beat it by then! Bro, if I put in 20 hours a day, four days in a row, I can beat it, right?
[00:08:07] Okay, if I don't beat it by then, by the time I leave for Eldering, we will marathon something
[00:08:17] else after as a punishment, okay?
[00:08:24] That way it's fair and I'm not scamming.
[00:08:28] Deal?
[00:08:29] Okay, you know what?
[00:08:35] That's fair.
[00:08:36] If I don't beat it by then DLC will do the DLC as well.
[00:08:42] That's fair. Okay. I'm busy you
[00:08:46] So reminder
[00:08:49] We're looking to start the elderly marathon on Monday
[00:08:52] I have obligations if I am not able to make the stream on Monday. It will officially start Tuesday
[00:08:58] Or whatever I get back home
[00:09:01] Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday is the plan go to LCS Friday Saturday go back home, okay?
[00:09:08] If I don't if I'm unable to we will add the DLC. Okay guy. And with that being said guys, I'm
[00:09:16] Not gonna be here tomorrow
[00:09:19] Unfortunately and others LCS
[00:09:22] I'm not gonna be here tomorrow. I'm looking to co-stream on Saturday
[00:09:29] But I might be busy on Saturday
[00:09:35] And I'm gonna be busy on Sunday. So
[00:09:38] It is what it is
[00:09:41] You guys got like a hundred and twenty hours
[00:09:46] Okay, what do you ah hell nine you guys got like
[00:09:50] 10 to 20 hours a day for like 10 days straight, okay? I
[00:09:56] Have family. I have other things I have to do. I'm a grown-ass
[00:10:01] Man, I'm a father. Okay. I'm busy. I have business obligations
[00:10:05] Okay, so now let's recap all this again. I'm not going to be here tomorrow. That means no no Dignitas verse 100 thieves game
[00:10:14] I'm gonna try my best to co-stream on Saturday hundred thieves versus fly quests. Excuse me team liquid versus fly quests
[00:10:22] Not gonna be here Sunday. We're looking to get back on Monday to start Elbering marathon
[00:10:30] Monday through Thursday Friday, I'm live co-streaming from LCS
[00:10:35] Finals Saturday live co-streaming from LCS finals got it
[00:10:41] Right guys. It is what it is. I've streamed 120 hours in like 10 days, whatever or like
[00:10:48] In a week, I'm gonna be streaming for 80 plus hours in a row like bro. I need some fucking
[00:10:55] I have a daughter guys. It is what it is. I'm sorry. It is what it is
[00:10:59] It's a fortune that everything's like coming together at this time, but we had a good four months of no obligations
[00:11:06] I was streaming working every single day six days a week. It is what it is now. Hey you guys know
[00:11:13] Anybody asked watch the bot. Okay?
[00:11:16] In the case you missed yesterday
[00:11:19] First of all, what were you doing the talk planner took over again?
[00:11:24] Right we popped off again after not playing on this setup in over two weeks
[00:11:30] We're now nine hundred thirty two LP
[00:11:32] Surely I don't hit 1000 LP today right the big one triple oh
[00:11:42] that would be wild wouldn't it if that happened playing casually I started at
[00:11:52] 907 also unfortunately again I'm gonna take a lunch break because I got door
[00:11:58] dash before I never really get it McDonald's the dasher apparently
[00:12:02] a message like oh
[00:12:05] I'm here, but your food's not here
[00:12:09] Yeah, they said they never processed the order he stole it
[00:12:13] Which apparently has been happening more often. Is that really worth it?
[00:12:17] If if if you work for DoorDash you actually just steal one meal that like worth that
[00:12:24] Check the mark on your account
[00:12:29] Brother it was a light lunch. It was two McDoubles with no onions medium fry a powerate a light lunch
[00:12:35] Like what are we doing?
[00:12:39] It is what it is, I guess bro.
[00:12:54] It is what it is.
[00:12:55] Yeah we went 5-4 yesterday.
[00:12:56] Games match were actually decent.
[00:12:58] Dude I know some new jokes about it saying
[00:13:09] what's his dish of the night.
[00:13:11] I mean you get the money back.
[00:13:13] Like we get the money back.
[00:13:15] There's really no punishment.
[00:13:24] I just tell the team it was the restaurant's fault.
[00:13:26] The word I have to pay is for a new order for the customer
[00:13:28] and the restaurant just loses the money on first order.
[00:13:30] I mean maybe Sebi.
[00:13:32] The games were kind of fine.
[00:13:34] a fine but I don't know if it's because I was playing with nine fan boys on the
[00:13:41] Middle Eastern server or because like I don't know like the games were all pretty
[00:13:45] competitive we had one two fifth okay I ultimate bravery this game long story
[00:13:51] watch them on like other than these two like 36 minutes pretty competitive this
[00:13:57] was really competitive actually this game was very competitive this might
[00:14:02] started in the closest game I played on stream in months, it ended with an Azeer Pinted kill
[00:14:08] for the win.
[00:14:09] By the way, this game was cake, we played against Solar Bitch Baka, this game was kinda boring,
[00:14:20] we shit stopped, but it's LL Stylish fucking smoking the entire game, oh he's live,
[00:14:27] he's not in my queue, thank god.
[00:14:29] The better is that it adds the voice comms game bullshit, because I explicitly told
[00:14:42] You're lying. You watch the vlog. You know what that means to them? If they didn't add it, they're for sure making it its own video, which I'm okay with, because that's what I told them to do last time, isn't it?
[00:15:15] Okay, right? Right? It'll be its own video, right? It will be. Everybody stop panicking. It's fine.
[00:15:34] That big T what's up terror through they say me for when you're gone the next few days. That's what I'm saying, bro
[00:15:58] Checkers the chess check the chairs chess. Was it a banger? I was a pretty good banger
[00:16:02] I carried so little so solar Bakken vacant across the fucking finish line solar Bakken
[00:16:08] Solar bitch Bakken dead weight don't let a score fool. Yeah. He's a bum started the game 30 30
[00:16:16] 30 do anything until 35 minutes. Why do they make content or least a pseudo stream?
[00:16:26] I mean, we're trying to get the algorithm better and it's been really good
[00:16:30] But again recently my algorithm my own channel fell out of it. Why because we got demonetized why because I cuss and
[00:16:38] Like YouTube's like AI is starting to realize that we're censoring cuss words. So if
[00:16:45] That is so aids
[00:16:47] He's trust me guys. I Google like dude. I only look up myself. I'm I'm the funniest
[00:16:55] most impressive content online trust me I only watch myself and if it's not in if
[00:17:01] my own sub YouTube channel isn't in my own recommended what's happening it's
[00:17:10] literally not in it at all time which does the same you're mad apologies I
[00:19:00] gotta eat my lunch I said I would eat it before stream but they're scamming me
[00:19:10] no my drink was tipped over clear some passion in the work industry by the
[00:19:15] way bro if I were to for DoorDash I would be I would be the most delicate
[00:19:25] deliver alive I would like gift them like paper towels napkins and like whatever
[00:19:31] beverage that one I would add like a candy bar to the order bro I'd make
[00:19:34] billions I'd be the richest or not sure ever
[00:19:38] Maybe he has passion nowadays, what's the problem?
[00:20:03] No, my brother's done a doordash stream, maybe I'll do that, so what's that true?
[00:20:32] What are you talking about, you idiot?
[00:20:43] Imagine having to wait at the gate and the butler walks you to his door to deliver McDonald's?
[00:20:50] Bro, I'm a streamer, I don't live in a fucking palace, she's good here, right at the mansion?
[00:21:21] Yeah, but it's not mine.
[00:21:22] It's the Martinez family, aren't it?
[00:21:23] And on a technicality of in a housing laws,
[00:21:27] I'm able to house it so long that it became mine.
[00:21:40] See, dawg, what's up?
[00:21:49] What do you mean?
[00:21:50] Google it.
[00:22:03] You have to be Uber Eats.
[00:22:04] It's $42.00 and eight hours.
[00:22:08] That's supposed to be bad.
[00:22:12] I mean, back in my day,
[00:22:15] I could feed a family of six for a week.
[00:22:45] Dirty Michael, just realized,
[00:23:02] do it for her came from the Simpsons?
[00:23:04] Yeah.
[00:23:06] I really realized that a little bit ago.
[00:23:09] Somebody said the same thing, but it's facts.
[00:23:22] It's cancer.
[00:23:24] Look, this is literally me.
[00:23:26] I had it again.
[00:23:32] Oh my god.
[00:23:58] Giving me my old job.
[00:24:00] I'm afraid it's not that simple.
[00:24:02] As punishment for your decision, it's company policy
[00:24:06] to give you the plague.
[00:24:08] Sir, that's the plaque.
[00:24:10] There it is, the special demotivational plaque
[00:24:14] to break what's left of your spirit.
[00:24:16] Because you see, you're here forever.
[00:24:20] Don't forget, you're here forever.
[00:24:29] Oh.
[00:24:32] Say you left or right from the start.
[00:24:34] He he he he he he he, absolutely.
[00:24:37] Then why no pictures?
[00:24:39] Oh, there are pictures.
[00:24:41] I keep them where I need the most cheering up.
[00:24:56] Hey, it's the same situation.
[00:24:58] I'm at a job that is hard, ruling, miserable.
[00:25:02] I'm pretty much locked in here forever,
[00:25:04] barely providing for my family.
[00:25:06] And that is why we have this right here.
[00:25:09] To keep us, to keep reminding us why I put one foot
[00:25:12] in front of the other over and over again.
[00:25:16] We do it for her.
[00:25:17] We do everything for her.
[00:25:18] We get right one for her.
[00:25:19] We take over the world for her.
[00:25:46] This is the Zuri jungle, delightful.
[00:26:07] We are curved front and another international challenge took days off after it's still compliant.
[00:26:14] I was traveling back home, you dumbass, and I was streaming literally 20 hours a day.
[00:26:24] Literally.
[00:26:25] Am I in this lobby?
[00:26:45] Uh, why am I here?
[00:26:56] I thought patchmaking got fixed.
[00:26:57] What's going on?
[00:27:13] They fixed it?
[00:27:15] This is my MMR.
[00:27:31] It doesn't matter.
[00:27:33] We play for a paycheck. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine
[00:27:38] Everything's fine
[00:27:42] Silly riot silly riot. I'm energized bro. I thought I just fucking ate. I don't give a shit
[00:27:52] remake remake remake remake aw
[00:27:54] Any respectable season Tyler's stuck masters, but in free. He's not her LP. I'm never stuck masters
[00:28:09] If you want to argue I'm stuck anywhere, it's always GM regardless. I'm never stuck in Masters
[00:28:16] Lie
[00:28:18] These lies like spread in D2 for a while. No, I wasn't I was
[00:28:43] 700 LP challenger. I dropped all the way to D2 got out instantly
[00:28:50] And ran out all the way back to where I'm at now. I was never stuck
[00:28:55] Again gap in the app. I used to be Nami's in your games because
[00:29:05] So the way it works is that if people are picking Nami, it means that you can't plant her only fears anyway.
[00:29:12] You don't have like Nautilus Yoda players playing Nami.
[00:29:17] So it's either I get Nami, or I get Janna or Sona.
[00:29:24] And honest to God, at that point I'd rather have Nami.
[00:29:27] I do think Brand is really good against Nila, or the f**k off, because she...
[00:29:50] ...or bullshit can't block any of your spells.
[00:29:52] Then she's also low range.
[00:29:55] like I can do that for every CS I don't have a word low bro this is but you
[00:30:45] always broke as they say you're dead guys want to look on us on them until
[00:31:25] this 83 spam yes what's caught he wants to Rakan to go in so bad now the con
[00:31:41] feels the pressure we got tonight
[00:31:49] for comms like I don't want to go in you're forcing me to go in oh she's typing uh oh uh oh
[00:31:58] hila nila is it Mila or nila so like exact pronunciation nila this nila is upset
[00:32:23] good luck here yeah too hard of a force I'm not gonna lie is it fucking to ya
[00:33:37] the dream is to duo with you and my heart stuck goldie low 25 million dollars
[00:33:51] I'll do it. I'm not gonna lie. That is a it's a good deal. I'm not I've it is what is I've dropped the price up 25 million
[00:34:21] 25 million is cheap. I know this is hard now
[00:34:46] Six I'm not sure how we're gonna. I was gonna play like this though. So wow
[00:35:30] Fuck this deal
[00:35:45] This eat the full acid we've hurry usurr our king
[00:36:03] When Elden Ring I'll explain it again later
[00:36:09] They're seeing you start stream bring nothing but joy into my heart stop it bro
[00:36:17] I mean, I'm just the normal person just like you and wait a minute. Don't fuck
[00:36:22] I'm the greatest
[00:36:24] Of all time football season. Oh shit. I forgot college football started today, huh?
[00:36:41] Colorado plays North Dakota State
[00:36:44] The zoo plays I know that oh, that's right. It did start cuz the
[00:37:06] Georgia
[00:37:07] Tech or whatever the FSU or whatever the fuck it is
[00:37:12] Fuck, bruh. I'm on a TP, bruh.
[00:38:01] You're gonna miss half the CS? Is that crazy, though?
[00:38:29] A TP and miss half the CS, guys, and in your wildest dreams,
[00:38:33] literally the greatest dream you ever had.
[00:38:35] You're literally lucid dreaming. You're not at a tenth of my skill level in league.
[00:38:42] Is that crazy? Give six rubs.
[00:39:15] Ten thousandths of the games you've played. Oh my god, this argument again.
[00:39:31] Oh, I how about this how about I pay your salary for a year play as much league as you can
[00:39:40] When we see you you're right. Yo, let's put this theory to the test
[00:39:52] We got a lot of play garbage cans fucking week. You know T1 downfall this morning
[00:41:05] So they got 3-0. I'm not going up there bro. I think he's so broke
[00:42:31] Are kind of don't have anything to do and the macros doctrine been reset for that
[00:42:39] They are side laners to side laners.
[00:43:21] Kinda can't have both their soul laners just be afk.
[00:43:23] What's the most channel points you're doing yourself?
[00:44:04] Bro, I think 3-4 are at, like, well over 100 million.
[00:44:07] I mean, the thing about it, we've literally done channel point bits every single game almost
[00:45:00] since it got released in, like, 2021 or 2022?
[00:45:04] No, like 2021.
[00:45:07] Top challenge, 2020? Oh my god.
[00:45:23] Good morning, Tom for tea. Did you get a hair transplant while you were gone in Dubai?
[00:45:28] Good one.
[00:45:28] Now you're tall, have hair, and tilt proof.
[00:45:32] Yeah, I didn't.
[00:45:33] Bye, I went to rehab.
[00:45:36] First of all, learn your geometry, bro.
[00:45:52] You don't know the state's learn geometry, idiot.
[00:45:55] Dumbass.
[00:45:59] Who's with me?
[00:46:00] Wrinkled son of problem.
[00:46:17] It's not true, Blimey.
[00:46:18] See, that would be a bit of a banger, bro.
[00:48:12] Shattons, Tyler.
[00:48:16] Just here to warn you to be careful.
[00:48:18] I just got an add-in check to 1v1 Tyler one with discord for 100k points
[00:48:23] I clicked it and nothing happened and my points are gone. It must be a scam or a virus
[00:48:29] Either way use adblock and don't click
[00:48:34] Like oh good shit, bro
[00:48:39] Bro actually need a contact mr. Beast hoggers and I haven't set that up
[00:48:46] If this guy get challenger if he dedicates the entire life to it pay your entire living salary
[00:48:51] You have one year to get challenger or else you have to pay me back couldn't do it
[00:49:03] Could not do it as a gold player. No, all right, bro. If I do as it's a deal
[00:49:23] I'm not doing it, bro. Would it pay me back?
[00:49:27] This guy's already planning on quitting his job. Bro. No, I'm listening to that gift. You're right
[00:49:53] 953 LTV were three wins away from the big one
[00:49:57] My highest LP ever was 1027.
[00:50:03] Am I peaking as a father?
[00:50:25] The reason you say no is because you know what you achieved in LOL is not a matter of skill
[00:50:32] but rather of time rather than do it, but then do it.
[00:50:39] First of all, if you want to argue it's not skill or skill regardless, it does not
[00:50:45] take me 10,000 games to get Challenger.
[00:50:47] Our challenge took 400 games, mid challenge took 400 games, easily got challenger, by the
[00:50:52] way.
[00:50:53] But if you want to use that as an argument, and it did not even being able to play that
[00:50:58] much is a skill.
[00:50:59] Yes, it is.
[00:51:01] People queue up two games a league, they get tilted and they have to quit.
[00:51:05] I press queue up.
[00:51:06] Oh man.
[00:51:07] It's like the people said the same thing about chess.
[00:51:13] Well, no, he has, he played 2000 games.
[00:51:17] Because bro, I have the mental capability to do that.
[00:51:27] I got a lawyer that can write the contract, and your lawyer can look at it.
[00:51:31] I'll quit my job to guarantee the payback.
[00:51:33] Trevor!
[00:51:34] Minus nine so far, I'm not doing it!
[00:51:51] Tongue for tea, how was Dubai?
[00:51:54] They go to Dubai!
[00:51:55] You've got a hair transplant, head full of hair, taller, and now tiled proof.
[00:52:00] Glad to see the operation went well.
[00:52:02] Did you just donate that same message?
[00:52:18] Also, reminder, on Friday, not this Friday, but next Friday,
[00:52:21] We're going to meet the deads.
[00:52:23] That week in streams we'll make a list.
[00:52:25] They have to play all the games on stream
[00:52:27] and get to commentate all their games
[00:52:29] over their stream.
[00:52:34] Yeah, but it'd be a one-year long stream.
[00:52:54] Are you even in that lobby? I'm not sure. Let's check.
[00:52:56] Let's check. Let's check.
[00:53:00] Oh, Envy. Yeah, I'm so good.
[00:53:02] Game, I'm a smurf.
[00:53:08] Your channel is a smurf, okay.
[00:53:10] What was I in this game?
[00:53:23] That entire team's hard stuck, too.
[00:53:43] I actually don't know. Should not have been
[00:53:52] Lobby. Oh well. 3 plus 21 for me. Not crying about it.
[00:53:56] Regal you an NA overall? Let's see. We are ranked...
[00:54:18] 156. It's only game. Why do you have to be mad?
[00:54:26] Hi Tyler. I have won K Games Clocked in this year at 52% win rate and I
[00:54:31] finally hit Challenger. Is that good? Oh, it's not?
[00:54:36] It's your steps, Keck.
[00:54:38] Okay, I have a thousand games played in Challenger.
[00:54:43] With a 50% win rate.
[00:54:45] Literally all these games are almost Challenger games.
[00:54:47] Except for like a hundred.
[00:54:49] And I dropped and then I climbed back. That is it.
[00:54:51] I've been Challenger all season long. What are we crying about?
[00:54:53] Did the K drink your trip? No, I was at 13 days.
[00:54:59] 14 days to Ks.
[00:55:34] But there's four supports.
[00:55:36] Please, I don't want to see fucking EUS.
[00:55:52] Thank you.
[00:55:53] Of course, 30.
[00:56:24] I didn't have my games this night, so couldn't get free wins.
[00:56:27] Dodge, the Dodge Tracker.
[00:56:37] Only 5kg bench press, Dodge.
[00:56:40] It's a big number for somebody from Europe.
[00:56:44] I have a challenge for you.
[00:56:47] Can you win a game going Leona mid?
[00:56:49] Alright little bro.
[00:57:06] It's only a game.
[00:57:08] Why does it have to be mid?
[00:57:10] Played against Leolo yesterday.
[00:57:13] Are all these pros just terrible in Solo Call or something?
[00:57:16] Have you got him on your teams? Good luck today, big dog.
[00:57:20] Hey, although it's not a pro, first of all,
[00:57:23] Secondly, he's a streamer, so he plays for fun in 95% of his games.
[00:57:30] Actuality would argue 99%.
[00:57:31] Depending on what camp, etc. he plays, he's for fun.
[00:57:42] So he's like, you? Yep.
[00:57:47] Gotta play for fun as a streamer, or else you'll go insane.
[00:57:49] That's awesome, cat.
[00:57:53] Ooh, that enemy team comp's gonna be terrifying.
[00:58:18] Let's fight it the subs Brody. We love you.
[00:58:25] Do worse.
[00:58:38] Gusky, stop trying to bait you dumbass.
[00:58:54] Cut it out.
[00:58:57] It's only a game, stop.
[00:59:02] How is your custom made?
[00:59:04] T1, you were looking huge today.
[00:59:07] I didn't think it was possible for you to get any bigger.
[00:59:10] That?
[00:59:10] Truly built different.
[00:59:12] Do not copy paste this part.
[00:59:14] Your payment will be sent through PayPal after you post.
[00:59:17] Wait, you guys first pick showgath and the art getting punished for it?
[00:59:20] Because this guy locked in shit. Are we trolling or what?
[00:59:24] Or is not that passionate about League of Legends anymore guys or what?
[00:59:56] As long as he plays it, it's whatever it is, whatever.
[01:00:09] Oh, I played two games by the way and I haven't played the single challenger player.
[01:00:24] The Tuffy. Really hard to game actually.
[01:00:36] They play one game every two weeks. True. And it's actually end of season, isn't it?
[01:00:40] Like what, 30 days?
[01:00:41] through 30 seconds to the bing in small of the bees bees and this guy's a fucking word I
[01:01:05] shouldn't say bit of a basketball eventually user right off they get to first no sickness
[01:02:35] off are you keeping the end in ring bar there for something to farm more subs
[01:02:53] I know it should be removed I think I like it no it's not there I forgot gotta
[01:04:09] be chatter-stricted gotta be all night safe he's a taper I don't know what he said
[01:04:37] oh I know he's a paper hello force in elo bro I haven't so force it was playing
[01:05:08] league then he randomly stopped I have a theory he got banned 100% I have a
[01:05:17] If he got banned so he stopped playing, he went 1-19 and got banned.
[01:05:32] We were not on the same page.
[01:05:38] We got smoked by a gold smurf.
[01:06:21] Fresh, thank you.
[01:06:37] That was actually so close to him.
[01:06:44] Blessings to you, bro.
[01:06:46] You're gorgeous girls too.
[01:06:48] Maybe Nebu, they are, bro, they are.
[01:07:03] Thank you.
[01:07:05] wait as ya I'm playing it's force in this game holy shit it's got a band keep
[01:07:12] up I'm gonna have to report them that's up spraying negativity shit I'm
[01:07:36] only narrow what is saved my ability so fight fuck this is his kind of trolling
[01:08:36] behind that stuff like a flash needed how's the challenge your game it's not
[01:09:52] I'm gonna play the challenge player eventually glow I got so much shit going
[01:10:12] on I can't really play that time for warcraft right now fuck I'll soon for
[01:10:28] What a fucking idiot, bro. That's like some fucking dumb shit.
[01:11:02] Counting the Vlad, baby. Buffle up.
[01:11:06] Got a ball game now. I didn't mean to start with R. I'm gonna start with E.
[01:11:32] It's so funny to disregard competitive at this guy's serious.
[01:13:23] I thought he was trolling at first. I think it is the real force.
[01:13:42] I don't know why these guys are typing like things are over. I don't think it's worth ulting that guy.
[01:14:21] I get 100 gold.
[01:14:45] I'm chobin...
[01:14:46] I'm PL, playing Garen mid like it's the rain's in the thick.
[01:14:50] If I just had champs fucking broken...
[01:15:12] Oh he did it.
[01:15:20] Where's Ezreal going?
[01:15:21] I'm going to die yesterday, I don't know what's going on today.
[01:16:52] Look, tell me what I deserve this...
[01:16:54] Ezreal's fucking...
[01:16:56] Ezreal's like questioning his life.
[01:16:58] Why does God hate me?
[01:17:01] What did I do?
[01:17:03] Where is Gold reset? Gold reset, actually worth...
[01:17:29] One by the 05, 05 for that, of course he did.
[01:18:02] He used to flame the fuck out of this guy.
[01:18:11] This Milo got so low he was never in my games.
[01:18:27] Yes, he came up.
[01:18:29] Yo, Hex said winnable.
[01:18:51] Pickle Knight.
[01:18:52] Pickle Knight, baby.
[01:19:00] He's now been in shape for his demise.
[01:19:41] And as well, I mean he's not going anywhere, I have to realize.
[01:20:21] But he was scratching head with right hand.
[01:20:40] His mouse still moving
[01:20:43] What are you implying that I'm cheating bro that I'm not playing
[01:20:49] Is it my gameplay or what bro? Are you implying like cheating?
[01:21:00] You're right. He typed a lot of joy emojis as well
[01:22:12] You got a lot of muscle all over gotta be the third leg you nasty fuck wash your mouse
[01:22:19] Learned a God road dead shot. What's up?
[01:22:34] What's up and shut up?
[01:22:46] Last time you went off brand
[01:23:00] And a read to play now
[01:23:12] Best guess is stonk shit up brand is low masters. Yeah, and any carries very popular. That's why you see it all the time
[01:23:36] Wait a minute. I never do nobody's not nobody ever picked for me. So good
[01:23:40] still trying to pretend Brad is broken I mean why you never see him I'm not the
[01:24:52] only one to ever plan never see a bro yeah nurse for a third patch in a row I
[01:24:57] still make him look broken at some point you just I've got to admit I am
[01:25:03] greatness when you are the greatest I notice I had your 50th next year shut
[01:25:16] up Smeanie's but thank you guys what are we doing I mean subreddit stuff
[01:26:16] complaining about your gym they're not sly yep it's me in my free time I like to
[01:26:24] put some the brand subreddit it's spread misinformation so he doesn't get
[01:26:29] nerfed again or a fourth straight hat still find a way to lose this game in
[01:26:53] the Middle East by the way yes because I was playing with fanboys over here
[01:26:56] the fact this game is not getting FF is still fanboy gap either way Ezreal says
[01:27:22] increase whatever we are that was two minutes ago it's a challenger not a
[01:27:48] I don't know. Not Challenger, but he's an autofill, but close to Challenger. The way he walked, and I'd bot-laid, and it just kept dying, was like,
[01:27:58] actual wintery shit. I don't know, maybe it's just a bad game from Nautilus. Grow up. I'm showing this guy.
[01:28:34] Gonna respond. What's up, O5? Sir, your champ in League is? I'm not sure. I played in Cat Arena. I actually thought she was confusing, but it already occurred probably a lot.
[01:29:48] I'm convinced there isn't hard champs in league. In my eyes, if you can play 100 games of any champion,
[01:30:10] it'll be good. But 100 games is a lot. It's just crazy. These 200 LP players,
[01:31:11] the fact that almost any of these guys are dodging is wild. This guy dodging, you're so high,
[01:31:17] you're not going to drop the diamond, but you're ages away from GM. Why are we dodging?
[01:31:23] Like save for all these like these mid masters players, bro the gap masters and GM is so much
[01:31:28] I think it's why the game quality is so bad people like fucking I can't I'm not gonna demote. I'm not gonna pre-boat
[01:31:34] So what's the point?
[01:31:36] So there's like four fun every game come out. Sorry
[01:31:55] You want them to do add another rank? I don't think that's gonna fix it. I'm not sure
[01:32:23] Challengers way too. I think like challenge are being 1000 LP on any servers way fucked up
[01:32:28] But like climbing this much without
[01:32:32] Like a purpose room and skin like that makes people not try hard because the goal is like too unachievable
[01:32:38] So I don't know. I don't think a new tier is it like did a new tier really do anything in like Emerald?
[01:32:48] I think Grandmaster wasn't bad
[01:32:50] The Middle East doesn't make less challenge for players. I think that just makes the gap even higher. Oh, that is
[01:33:15] Yesterday it was 500 subs not today. It's 1200. Shut up. Thank you, Cleary
[01:33:57] about actually fixed I was getting better games yesterday what now trev last donno
[01:34:18] out of respect but I will give you all the money I make from the stream only
[01:34:22] play slash stream during hours you're offline pay interest 7% interest back
[01:34:28] if I don't hit chally it will freshen up for now league scene and it's never
[01:34:33] being done before brother it's a year-long thing it's much time investment I'm not paying you to
[01:34:40] hit challenger sorry ask mr. Beast that's actually ask mr. Beast Hill Hill and I like to fund it and
[01:34:52] sure he's canceled dumbass was it reasons canceled oh no no they won't even solve anything because
[01:35:32] people will be like well that guy's just bad do it with me so I have to actually pay like 30
[01:35:38] people to do it so that the results are fair or whatever it's fucking called Matt
[01:35:48] and like Abclass or whatever that called the control group or whatever those
[01:36:26] valorant on a console I have no idea the good a pop it
[01:36:30] zero-shade finish up ring the short time bullshit I don't get a fuck I'm speed
[01:36:54] running speed ran Dark Souls I can speedrun it in four
[01:36:59] Sticky of case there's no way
[01:37:01] No way
[01:37:02] There's a little cinch wine punch or a kool-aid kick if you pick one of those three or
[01:37:31] Know anything me with any of those what's up?
[01:37:34] Am I black good one bro? That is fucking comedy any helpers in chelby per man
[01:37:47] You go through the game by yourself. Kayla said that apparently a lot of streamers read their chat during it
[01:37:52] So no, I'm gonna read my chat. I think
[01:37:54] Any advice for new dads patience is power, bro be patient
[01:38:12] You're gonna be really tired and get really annoyed
[01:38:15] it's fine it's all worth it not watch that spray it's a little stylish please
[01:39:01] bro the school gonna finish your degree meh bro I think having dodge tracker open
[01:39:30] is making people in my games dodge less because they don't want to be shamed
[01:39:34] thought got the Nautilus from last game the Nautilus from last game playing
[01:39:52] a Javanna jungle. Is that Ezreal, Sin, Satan on me?
[01:40:09] To Summoner's Fate, 30 seconds into a minion spawn.
[01:40:31] That's not cool.
[01:40:42] Rudev, get another brand skin, just once. No.
[01:41:50] Does that take a brand skin to win a game, and I swear to God, it's the reason I lost.
[01:42:46] It's not me on a phone call. I noticed it yesterday, I thought it was better today, not so much.
[01:43:41] Again, League of Legends is probably just Legends.
[01:44:14] She's bad.
[01:44:15] What do you scale?
[01:44:33] I don't want to meet the Soulders being a bit naughty.
[01:45:50] Being a bit naughty!
[01:45:54] The Mulder!
[01:45:55] The Audrey's first game of getting.
[01:46:07] Actually, first buy on bonus.
[01:46:40] Guaranteed dead again.
[01:46:42] I'm not really sure what was...
[01:47:37] Definitely not worth risking that wave for me...
[01:47:39] Like, a chance that pretty much it's a kill.
[01:47:41] To the top lane, you know, things are going good.
[01:49:02] Who knows, maybe he'll scale. 57 stacks. That's not really good.
[01:49:41] Or it falls off.
[01:49:42] Now if I keep it up, I don't know what the fuck we're doing. Probably maybe we should've laced up.
[01:51:37] I think it's too late to laced up, because now he gets one shot by Zed.
[01:51:39] I have no idea.
[01:51:44] Low key, I think if I match the Fuura, it's fine.
[01:51:58] So we have no lead bot lane.
[01:51:59] Oh this, wait for boot.
[01:53:36] I wanna play so bad, and my laptop decided to blow up today.
[01:53:40] Or like, I mean, people play on laps.
[01:53:43] Take it off, Smolder. You got this, bro.
[01:54:07] Do you believe in you?
[01:54:22] Ah, this guy's diving fucking Trinimere? What?
[01:54:35] No, my Trin is fucking trolling the way.
[01:55:02] Why does he not go proxy the way?
[01:55:06] Boots, too? She has fucking regular boots.
[01:55:58] Bullshit.
[01:55:59] Smolder's still dead somehow.
[01:56:01] Let me do what you're playing. Don't ring us to get off this guy.
[01:56:32] If you're saying game over, you're doing great, T.T.
[01:56:34] Thank you, Sammy.
[01:56:35] Timber that at five.
[01:56:36] Tell him I'm playing for the whole year with you
[01:56:38] or your paycheck that you gave Chad
[01:56:39] and we've got brown sugar and hard sugar in the hell,
[01:56:40] but all the units know you should,
[01:56:41] but I would probably just have to go back to my job.
[01:56:42] I really need this bearer.
[01:58:46] We're uh, Poppy dead.
[01:58:48] We're putting in work. Shut your goddamn mouth.
[01:59:24] Shut your ass up.
[01:59:36] Take it, take it, take it.
[02:02:49] Let's see what's up.
[02:02:59] I have moves and I'm hit.
[02:03:01] Ha.
[02:03:02] And cool.
[02:03:08] This for you, my big PC and I.
[02:03:10] Shut up.
[02:03:11] Did you just throw out your shoulder?
[02:03:20] I did inclines, I did inclines today.
[02:03:25] I did heavy dumbbell inclines.
[02:03:27] It was already sore before.
[02:03:28] Oh my god, even you smotre good mental?
[02:03:52] I mean this guy, this has to be a miracle queue because the smotre died 1v1 7 times and nobody
[02:03:57] said anything to him.
[02:03:58] The plus 22 puts us at 996.
[02:04:19] One win away from 1000 LP, maybe the Middle Eastern server was a boot camp, it was a
[02:04:40] boot camp bro.
[02:04:50] you to a slumber stream are you gonna have donations spoken through the speaker that would be my time to shine
[02:04:57] I'm not sure
[02:05:10] Acknowledge your message peasant, and I'll answer it wisely
[02:05:14] Dude, I had
[02:05:16] when I was there
[02:05:21] Middle Eastern rice
[02:05:22] I think I had rice and
[02:05:33] Stir fry actually pretty good at these weird like April things
[02:05:46] I think that's all the different things I had.
[02:05:59] You didn't see Middle Eastern Rice and Normal Rice?
[02:06:08] I think just how they like season it and shit.
[02:06:10] Be honest.
[02:06:16] The Dodge Tracker, Snowbie Dodges, Wallpoint laughing you.
[02:06:33] Raisins.
[02:06:34] I don't know what the fuck was there.
[02:06:36] I feel like I have Campbell as well.
[02:06:45] Is that a thing?
[02:06:47] Or I didn't know what the server said when he was getting it to me.
[02:06:52] But it sounded like, is that like, what, is that the real thing?
[02:06:55] I was like, wait, what?
[02:07:14] Maybe it was lamb.
[02:07:17] I don't know, it was like, it was like a slimy roast beef.
[02:07:20] A slimy roast beef.
[02:07:23] Oh, lamb, okay, so it was lamb, okay.
[02:07:55] If I, would I choose that again?
[02:07:58] No, I wouldn't.
[02:08:00] But if it was like on my plate and I was hungry, would I eat it?
[02:08:13] I didn't ban Sina because I was yapping.
[02:08:15] And then they fucking insta-locked Sina.
[02:08:19] Where's Sinna even going?
[02:08:21] Sinna AD? I thought that was dead.
[02:08:23] I didn't have any sauce on it. I just ate a plane. I don't like sauces.
[02:08:47] How do I donate for Texas Beach? Look bro, if- if- if- if you were to just put your message in that, I would have done it.
[02:08:53] Are you a pretty decent at playing chess? How do I challenge you? How do I challenge you to beat my AI in chess? Are you in?
[02:08:58] Bro, I'm not.
[02:08:59] Beating AI isn't even possible. What are you gapping about?
[02:09:04] Bro, Magn- Magneto Carlton.
[02:09:08] Can't fucking beat AI.
[02:09:09] Who dodged it?
[02:09:31] Who dodged it?
[02:09:33] Of course, this guy?
[02:09:35] Is that a master's lobby?
[02:09:46] It's horse cock?
[02:09:55] It's September, Tyler!
[02:10:20] I don't care.
[02:10:22] I sold out the most I'll ever do that
[02:10:24] for the subs, just
[02:10:26] to make you guys feel better
[02:10:28] about Elder Ring. Not happy again.
[02:10:30] Alvin.
[02:11:25] He wants to play it, he just can't admit it
[02:11:27] so he made a sub goal.
[02:11:35] Got my ass finally I've been exposed sir
[02:11:41] There it was the truth. Well Warcraft 3 bro. I'm busy
[02:12:11] right now so I can't
[02:12:14] Eventually no like it all Krugsie happen. Yes, it hands his city
[02:13:22] And I think I typed my city
[02:13:31] Oh, oh no
[02:13:34] We had a tough guy
[02:13:40] tough guy here what is it's all up he did it anyway trunk hey I heard you were
[02:13:49] pretty decent at playing chess I read your message I have a challenge for you
[02:13:53] I challenge you to beat DimX's AI in chess are you in this would be paid
[02:13:59] IRC if this is something you are interested in I'm came I will have the
[02:14:04] the team send you an email.
[02:14:06] It's even a real account.
[02:14:09] Trunks, you asked how to donate in chat.
[02:14:12] I said don't, if you were to type right there,
[02:14:15] then I even clicked your logs
[02:14:16] and I read the message that you were going to donate
[02:14:19] and you still, and I answered it
[02:14:20] and you still donated and asked the same exact question.
[02:14:24] I'm gonna say the same exact thing.
[02:14:26] No, I don't wanna play against your AI.
[02:14:30] I'm not interested.
[02:14:31] Not even Magneto Carlton can beat AI.
[02:14:34] I have no interest bro.
[02:14:39] What's wrong with some people man?
[02:14:57] Who knows, if I use that low, maybe his AI sucks.
[02:15:00] Maybe I can beat it.
[02:15:18] What's up Dom?
[02:15:19] Dom?
[02:15:20] Dommo?
[02:15:21] Dommo?
[02:15:33] Ever did that Goofy try the one AI?
[02:15:35] What's going on sir?
[02:15:36] I'm gonna be using it when I have time.
[02:15:39] Like honest to God, if I win this next game,
[02:15:42] I get 1000 LP, I'll use it.
[02:15:49] I kinda crashed out last time I used it though at the devs, because I was like 15 hours into a challenge
[02:15:57] so I was bugging and I was pissed.
[02:16:04] What the fuck is crashed out?
[02:16:20] Give it the times bro, give it the times.
[02:16:23] This power rate on my P, it makes my tongue blue.
[02:16:57] Next time I'm gonna start saying the skibbity...
[02:17:05] I don't know what either of those are I think here's one the first time I met people yelling
[02:17:52] in my ear for text work I get a refund JK of course fuck no but I understand thank you
[02:17:59] this game needs to be dodged that's a new new one trick off new new we've lost this
[02:18:23] This is the fucker you've been to, you know he was in Last Lobby, I don't show Champ Select, I don't show Bandface.
[02:18:28] Well, it's not my fault.
[02:18:37] It's only game. Why do you have to be mad?
[02:18:46] Hello, little Tyler1, my name is Jimmy and I'm a 56 month XQC sub and I just want to say I hate you.
[02:18:54] I reported you for lying in your bio. It says you're 28 when you're really 29. Have fun streaming on TikTok. XQC-L.
[02:19:04] I will have fun streaming on TikTok.
[02:19:10] This one looks cooked.
[02:19:11] I got another Nami.
[02:19:12] Oh, I'm actually playing.
[02:19:14] It's literally because 90% of NA supports are fucking enchanter players, so they see
[02:19:20] a brand and they have to go Nami.
[02:19:22] It is what it is.
[02:19:25] Like I said, I way prefer it.
[02:19:29] Other oversoner, remember.
[02:19:47] The first full challenger lobby about that thing top is starting with cloth four
[02:19:59] Now you you do you do you guys?
[02:20:25] That'll motivate my team to perform my band Senna we know let's we know
[02:21:12] They got fucking MF I had a drop the MF band so sing it to much Senna and our flash already
[02:22:06] You better bro, off armor starting to disc garbage, award, I said, you need award bro.
[02:22:25] It's not worth like trying to harass these guys that are in power, we should have stopped once we're dead.
[02:22:42] We get comboed once we're dead. Also she's pathing potluck.
[02:22:46] That's a really good reset for us actually.
[02:22:59] I've been to G25. Hey, familiar name is F44.
[02:23:02] I fucking greeped all the CS.
[02:23:38] Oh fuck!
[02:23:40] I didn't do it for predicting the juker anything.
[02:24:05] Wait, Lane?
[02:24:13] Is this guy still being bot, Lane?
[02:24:15] Is that not quite Lane as well?
[02:24:27] There's no play there.
[02:25:04] Ping, ping, ping, ping!
[02:25:54] It's 4 range.
[02:25:55] Did I hit Brand General yet?
[02:25:58] Yeah, I have.
[02:25:59] How do you think it's better than Brand Bot?
[02:26:00] Yeah, he won't be won by the fucking Leo?
[02:27:02] He did get won by the Leo.
[02:27:24] Um, the Fiona just won't be through this, by the way.
[02:27:42] Because she's not an enchanter, she can win lane by herself?
[02:27:45] Hey, don't blame me, bro.
[02:27:49] We've seen what the pike I played with did.
[02:27:52] My user issue I
[02:27:55] Perform with all three Braggames everything in on me. You guys need to play it. No, I don't type at all
[02:28:25] This choice worth America. I might not have pulled it, but I think it is
[02:29:39] Flaming nami because your streamer character aren't even yeah, I mean first death was my fault because I should have bad trade
[02:30:03] I'm really doing anything or whatever the stomach is better. I think my support's auto
[02:32:06] So it is what is I think it's yesterday. We're better. You know as you played with like three
[02:35:26] I mean that was the only bad one honestly. I don't think you played that bad
[02:35:30] I think we know was just so much better if you're playing Leona against not me and you're better than somebody else
[02:35:35] You're just gonna carry the game again. I don't think my support like bad. I think they were just over-performed
[02:35:41] So I mean my support looks like it was a terrible pick. They're permitting MF. I was
[02:36:08] Because I thought Senna was nerf.
[02:36:12] But then I'm playing against Senna twice and she's still a bit disgusting.
[02:36:16] So now I'm banning Senna.
[02:36:19] I still think MF is fucking broken.
[02:36:24] But I feel like I win more against MF than I do Senna.
[02:36:27] Me too, so the reason MF is good, I'm not sure.
[02:36:59] I don't know if it's to me other 80s that rush that.
[02:37:06] Raven, that's it.
[02:37:31] Little Path and Runes, let's check one, Raven.
[02:37:39] And if I think it has the best 80 by far ruin rates about that matters. I think either matter
[02:38:07] I think the problem in the three of these do so well is because
[02:38:10] in my game specifically
[02:38:12] Nobody is picking engage ever very rarely. It's an in a is just all enchanters every game
[02:38:44] Playing brand brand is disgusting with engage though
[02:38:48] It is that anyone's to autopilot better role than enchanters sport. That's back this guy dodge yesterday stop fucking dodging low masters crash
[02:39:58] Why is T-Lord dodging?
[02:40:01] I'm hitting up 1KLP any time soon to be able to LP now.
[02:40:40] 976, I lost 20.
[02:40:42] Now I'm back to 2 wins.
[02:40:45] The dream is dead!
[02:40:48] We did it.
[02:41:12] Everybody calm down.
[02:41:13] Calm down.
[02:41:14] Everybody calm down.
[02:41:15] Sorry.
[02:41:16] Sorry.
[02:41:17] I didn't mean to jump shot.
[02:41:19] Everybody calm down.
[02:41:21] It's nothing major.
[02:41:23] Let me start by saying that apologies. It's nothing major major everybody calm down
[02:41:30] Not good enough no no career-inders, okay, she didn't tweet any career-inders
[02:41:39] I'm scared myself little jump shock
[02:41:42] And she said it pains me when I buy Tyler nice suits just for him to cut off the sleeves, right?
[02:41:48] The news scrolled down. They look great. Good one. Howie
[02:41:56] Howie. Howie, good one, budgie. Comedy. Comedy right there, Howie. Got jokes, do we How?
[02:42:04] Good one, man. Fuckin' idiot. Don't care about an experiment.
[02:42:39] He ain't always a root gone, no I didn't. But untouched, what's up? Concerns on that sub?
[02:42:52] What's up, Cob? That's a new deadlock game. I haven't seen enough of it.
[02:43:29] Oh, I know it's a shooting game. Is he gonna like it when you get sponsored to play it?
[02:44:00] Khaaap me!
[02:44:01] Daaay!
[02:44:02] Y'Khaaap me!
[02:44:03] Absolute.
[02:44:34] You done getting up there, huh?
[02:44:37] Am I on E-E-N-A?
[02:44:59] But account, since you always get banned, okay?
[02:45:03] Nope.
[02:45:08] Actually, he last played it three weeks ago.
[02:45:11] I think after losing every single game and dropping from 700 LP all the way down to D2, he just gave up.
[02:45:18] S-J-S-Ship.
[02:45:42] I still have ones there, it's...
[02:45:50] I didn't chat sometimes.
[02:45:51] 1v9 exo- 1 vs exodia
[02:46:02] Every...
[02:46:06] That is dodge to appear on the list for sure by the way.
[02:46:09] In chat bro, what's up?
[02:46:14] Everything changed in haircut? You started climbing a lane?
[02:46:16] Do you think your haircut before is messing up your brain circulation?
[02:46:18] Dude!
[02:46:20] I'm not lying, these headsets are too tight.
[02:46:24] They are just by design. So when I don't have hair, it like compresses my brain.
[02:46:29] I swear to god, and it's too tight on my ears, like squeezing my head.
[02:46:34] So now that I have hair, it's like a pillow or a cushion.
[02:46:37] Yes.
[02:46:38] Yes.
[02:46:39] Here are the air buds you bought, I'm just gonna use some changes of the lame, I don't
[02:47:32] know which one that is, King.
[02:47:33] I should have already written, shown that multiple times.
[02:47:44] This track is only for Masters Plus, I feel like it's above that.
[02:48:09] The sailor is so much, so much like these pig...
[02:48:13] I need a new like, like poster board. She's so much bigger now. It's crazy. She's so big.
[02:48:19] She is such a big fucking girl. She is.
[02:48:23] She is massive.
[02:48:24] Seriously massive.
[02:48:28] A bit of a fulcrum problem.
[02:48:34] I use some in little man. I don't play the game.
[02:48:37] Don't worry. I'll play. I want to play.
[02:48:59] I don't charge fat. I call her fat. I'm calling her fucking massive.
[02:49:03] Massive babies are fine.
[02:49:05] That means they're eating well. Can we play by the way?
[02:49:34] It's been a bit ridiculous. Also, I just don't recall that that lobby got dodged like four times.
[02:49:46] No surprise that the lobby that's dodged is lost.
[02:49:49] Actually, too high low. Actually, true. You just hype shit out of here. Kayla added it. I don't know how to turn it back off.
[02:50:51] Thank you, Heal. Oh, everybody accepted that rain check quite fast.
[02:51:03] I don't give a shit, Luke. I'm not gonna lie.
[02:51:09] I might be gold but at least I can play the game when I want wait so true actually
[02:51:19] You're able to play whatever you want
[02:51:22] Sin is already banned. I'm gonna get banned in this row that you motherfuckers haven't affected the YouTube comments after the Eastern challenge
[02:51:44] They're so annoying
[02:51:46] What are they blabbing about are you just gonna like not
[02:51:49] Are they just ignoring the fact that I was just getting lately briefed the entire time and that boofiest was
[02:51:56] legitimately getting free wins the entire time by the way they just like
[02:52:02] blatantly ignoring that on top of being jet lagged and so sick I had a Uber eats a
[02:52:23] doctor to my hotel room and get healed he's a miracle voodoo doctor I mean it
[02:53:03] kind of worked instant maybe he was oh rinse what's up bro I will
[02:53:18] Monka fucking Zach I can't remember the last time I seen that
[02:53:23] champion poorly I'm not gonna lie I did in a sense I didn't I don't know why I
[02:53:53] kind of want to use a different brand skin but that's instant GG oh well
[02:53:57] let's team comes tough you know how to play any other champions nope I know how
[02:54:35] to get bitches but unlike you kid get your money up not your funny yet
[02:54:40] Bro I feel like brands like splash art looks so like crazy and then it's in-game
[02:55:19] skins are trash like that art lights in flash looks nuts this skin splash looks
[02:55:25] and just like like it's coming back to YouTube this is too weird not gonna
[02:55:46] line alright salad-ass cheek I'll see you on YouTube bro I think so this skin
[02:56:11] I think that's almost all the skin state of visual update already with this
[02:56:52] Doing less games with my autos you feel like the attack animation is much smoother though
[02:57:56] I stayed as odd. Oh
[02:58:08] That I don't know what he passed. Oh
[02:58:37] Well, I have no word we send it over chased and died exactly the kills only one three people
[03:00:39] or top.
[03:00:47] Oh good, Wolf Gearing Pop.
[03:00:56] Get up, ready?
[03:01:54] This is actually just too fucking good to stay for the plate.
[03:02:09] Honestly, I think all these deaths are just dog shit.
[03:02:12] I don't know what you're saying.
[03:02:13] Like, we knew he was top lane there, at least since death was bad.
[03:02:16] The mid-death was bad.
[03:02:17] Like, we had full vision of everybody.
[03:02:18] We know exactly where he's at.
[03:02:19] It's like we're ego-ing, but it's like, we're sure.
[03:02:21] It's like we're ego-ing because it's not close.
[03:02:23] Like, the fights aren't close.
[03:02:25] There's no filming down here.
[03:02:29] Unless...
[03:02:30] That was a disgusting.
[03:02:39] I'm quite strong enough to out-carry Zek, ah, not sure about that.
[03:04:35] Q-min-80?
[03:04:38] Are we watching the same game?
[03:04:39] I'm gonna TP here either, Q-min-top, and it's gonna kill me, get in the bit, jeez.
[03:06:24] Walked back bot lane from top, I'll have to go for that.
[03:07:09] I just didn't expect to be that boss I didn't even know.
[03:07:53] Hey, the bush, did it, did it, I'm ass.
[03:08:04] I don't have to give this.
[03:08:10] I didn't get play anymore.
[03:08:23] That's a bit,
[03:08:24] lucky I only started it.
[03:09:07] Well, we can't really do shit about it.
[03:09:16] Yeah, use your lead bot lane anymore
[03:09:17] cause Zac is now perma hovering.
[03:09:21] Give him a bit fucked up
[03:09:22] because Zac is perma hovering bot lane
[03:09:25] but, Bart is roaming.
[03:09:27] So it's like, you can't win mid
[03:09:29] He has martyrs roaming for me too
[03:09:31] So there's not a teachable ward behind this thing
[03:10:09] Nope, no way
[03:10:10] And the soldier walks all the way out
[03:10:29] Lading for nothing!
[03:12:26] I didn't know part of it
[03:12:27] I mean warded, but I couldn't actually hit
[03:12:43] Look at it on me for like
[03:13:39] How many seconds to row?
[03:13:40] No
[03:13:41] Good different Nami every game
[03:15:01] Finish it, no one on narrow way
[03:15:02] The best suit you had in the M.E.A
[03:15:22] How did he set it bro?
[03:15:35] I can't remember what I said
[03:15:36] I don't know where he is
[03:15:41] I'm away from 1k
[03:17:47] Okay, two other skid, it's pay to win.
[03:18:07] I just used it last.
[03:18:09] It was the closest one.
[03:18:24] I mean, the Monty and Screk are getting even big money
[03:18:25] to big streamer, thank you, Trash.
[03:18:31] Does more damage, not even lying.
[03:18:50] Play Middle East like this, I can't throw.
[03:18:54] I'll actually play Vine on that server.
[03:18:57] I just was getting trolled.
[03:19:14] For when I used to watch you,
[03:19:15] I always said that once you, this guy gets a kid,
[03:19:17] and he'll quit as like a nixu,
[03:19:18] I guess you proved me wrong,
[03:19:19] because nixu is strong.
[03:19:21] But Brara doesn't get it.
[03:19:21] I play like seven hours a day max
[03:19:25] Except for that challenge last week. That's it funny streamers ever. It's a shame. You don't do other games anymore
[03:19:38] Well, tune in Monday or Tuesday bro for playing Elden Ring. Well stream. I haven't played off stream and God knows when I
[03:19:52] Played like any games like three months ago seven hours a day of the same game every day. Is it normal or fun?
[03:20:05] Fun is subjective
[03:20:07] normal is
[03:20:09] subjective
[03:20:10] And it's for a job. I'm not sure I sure oh, I don't know
[03:20:51] Intelligently fun doing that brother if I had fun playing other games
[03:20:56] I would play them man like Warcraft 3. I had fun playing so eventually I'm gonna be playing that chess
[03:21:03] I had fun playing so I played that
[03:21:06] I'm sorry. I don't I don't follow your nor me fucking. What's fun schedule? Let's play Elden Ring
[03:21:12] Let's play. What is it black myth? Wukong? Let's play all the meta games because those are fun
[03:21:18] Fuck up man for tonight. We love for tonight
[03:21:51] Watching movies some people watch them when they're out of theaters. I mean, I don't understand that portion
[03:21:56] Honestly, yes, it's like kind of like movies. Some people like those old western movies
[03:22:01] Honestly, God, it's almost exactly like movies. Everybody's a lot of people like different kind of movies
[03:22:11] Fucking horror movies. I can never watch those romance movies could never watch those
[03:22:15] action they have near fuck you get fuck yes sci-fi yes and then most
[03:22:22] importantly Marvel movies are some dumb much deadpool yes Marvel spec
[03:23:40] uh-oh it's storming uh-oh and scare thunder it's only game since you're one
[03:24:35] of those sub goal streamers now can we get a sub goal for 1v1s?
[03:24:40] Dude, I'm doing a lot of 1v1 IRL things.
[03:24:46] If you want a 1v1, if you want 2 1v1s, you can come fucking to one of the meetups, not
[03:25:13] declining.
[03:25:20] Pintilis, another dodge.
[03:25:23] 15 dodges in the last 30 days.
[03:25:26] Shit, bro, keep it up.
[03:25:36] Those last split dodges, bro, how's that possible?
[03:25:50] Ego.
[03:25:59] You're in one trick.
[03:26:30] You scared of unless being in your place any guys can beat me at anything you're fucking an scrawny quick loser untoward the bastards
[03:26:38] You heard it for this year, but he yes a lot
[03:27:04] We didn't will show and I she on the pen off place. We didn't will show you I can't wait
[03:27:11] What is this? I got a new one
[03:27:48] Another video I gotta watch real quick. I second yelling. He's yelling bro. She's screaming so much
[03:28:38] She's gonna be she's gonna get just like her mother. Oh my god. I can already tell
[03:28:57] Ah boo boo boo! Ah boo boo boo!
[03:29:00] AHHHH!
[03:29:01] Oh my god.
[03:29:03] She's a little lap yap a lot, she does.
[03:29:08] And her fucking mom and her aunt are twins.
[03:29:12] They get, um...
[03:29:14] I mean, they're from New York.
[03:29:16] It's just like...
[03:29:17] So much talking.
[03:29:21] And like me, I'm a man of little words.
[03:29:23] I don't talk almost ever.
[03:29:25] Man of little words?
[03:29:55] I don't, okay, I'm a streamer, so I yap.
[03:29:57] But off stream, I'm not yapping, bro.
[03:29:59] I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit about enough to talk about anything. I swear to God
[03:30:07] That is dope air. So don't talk to me about it. He's not a big like I just don't care
[03:30:28] I'm on here. Oh shit. I got an actual range from out of nowhere
[03:30:50] Come on dog Danny. Let's win this. I'm sure that does anything though. If he's in that bush
[03:31:25] He's getting his damage off before
[03:31:27] Holy shit, actually she's you right outside.
[03:31:40] The worst that we probably, like, we got a knight advantage, but really bad to peek sideways my pot.
[03:32:25] I guess it's fine, so I'm just going to sub anyway for global.
[03:32:29] None of this should happen by the way, we shouldn't be getting...
[03:32:36] But we decided to walk mid to the one that's trying a bit too hard.
[03:33:17] Now you're recalling, so I'm just fucking the way.
[03:33:19] Dude, I thought it was pretty much you see.
[03:33:54] I'm not a lie, I think this game's sort of missing that bit.
[03:33:58] I don't think my wheels are branched or not looses I agree
[03:34:31] I said I just press Q he press passive frock
[03:34:35] He actually just dies right away the nervous die. You know what of a stuff. I got me tough guy
[03:35:31] We're just a minutes man. I hey, he said it. I agree. There's a little three
[03:36:18] You're to get six bad our hits twice there by the way
[03:38:25] No, Rhyla is this game
[03:38:29] I'm actually going to keep pots. It's Yona's 1.1 thousand LP.
[03:39:06] Yona emptying. I mean, he was doing too much.
[03:39:35] Looks like Gess is... he wants to Gess at that location.
[03:39:40] Right off the most over a game I've ever seen, but it's just a nice try.
[03:40:58] Zombie Brand kills her. I think you're right.
[03:41:30] The skin actually doesn't feel that bad. It feels faster.
[03:41:34] The animations feel faster.
[03:41:36] Alright, Dongdani. Okay, Dongdani. Okay, nope, not gonna compliment him. Actually,
[03:43:20] worry about the twitch, Elfie. Dropping a ward behind me and Renekton TP.
[03:43:25] But I did it, uh, insta-walk up. Very good. Hell no, did not play that.
[03:44:27] See how interesting they are. Astralio's 5th and 7th and 7th, brother.
[03:45:16] Y, T, Y. Now this guy's actually just going in on cooldown.
[03:45:22] One of you have never watched enough ads to be the same as a subscription?
[03:45:53] I'm not sure.
[03:45:59] Oh, Rek'Sai, a little help.
[03:46:47] Yo.
[03:46:48] Yo, Rek'Sai, a little help.
[03:46:54] You're better what?
[03:46:55] This guy's saying that you were hurt, man.
[03:47:30] You're saying I had to hold that fight?
[03:47:50] Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
[03:47:51] I hold it by seekers, though, so...
[03:50:07] I'm gonna avoid the hourglass is for sure to play.
[03:50:10] Someone just mad?
[03:50:15] He died?
[03:50:16] Not Rek'Sai's fault?
[03:50:18] Big bad.
[03:50:29] Big bad T1.
[03:50:30] T1 never take play he was the only thing we were playing for oh shut up getting to void stuff
[03:52:02] I'm just so viable or no. I mean only it's bad. These guys are so booga-brain
[03:52:18] Little fucking monkey. Why they fucking keep fighting like that guys flashed you that's really big the wreck site trouble for that
[03:55:09] Portation work
[03:55:10] And my team doesn't run away and they actually
[03:56:09] Oh can't stop throwing me too late. I'm just fucking sitting in this game aren't I
[03:56:50] Crazy little win after bursting 100 bad fights.
[03:57:36] Okay, let's let me get flio now so everybody should do that same thing.
[03:57:40] Okay, we break the basic main structure and client in order to add comms so that's where they don't.
[03:58:15] Yup, who's argument that is? Well, we already have it in pre-made.
[03:58:22] You can do us five people with wish comp. That's what I'm saying, he's so fun.
[03:58:53] Five stacks of comms. He's done it.
[04:00:01] They called me washed up.
[04:00:03] They said I would never be doing anything ever again in my entire life
[04:00:09] And I've done it again and proved them wrong. It's okay. Just be better
[04:00:16] But now puts us above
[04:00:28] 1000 LP Challenger here, but they said the road to rank one doesn't run through Missouri
[04:00:36] They were goddamn wrong
[04:00:40] In 19 I'm honest to God
[04:00:45] one went away from my all-time LP so that literally means by the way I am
[04:00:54] completely beat at a young 29. Completely. My last game of this account though.
[04:01:06] And reminder guys, reminder. Let me say this to you right here earlier.
[04:01:12] here. Elden Ring Stream, we're looking at a Monday start date. Monday. I'm busy, so if
[04:01:22] God forbid I am not able to do it Monday, we start on Tuesday. We go Monday, Tuesday,
[04:01:29] Wednesday, Thursday. I have LCS finals on Friday. So the deal is, if I don't beat it before
[04:01:36] LCS finals I
[04:01:38] Will add the DLC
[04:01:46] Also, I am not here tomorrow
[04:01:48] And honestly, I'm not here Saturday, but I'm trying to find a way to co-stream
[04:01:54] regardless
[04:01:55] Not here Sunday
[04:01:58] Yes, I'm gonna miss 100 who's first thing that's us
[04:02:02] Tomorrow in the Sunday game. I'm sorry. I got things I got to do
[04:02:13] Apologies, but for give a boom
[04:02:42] Okay, just be better. Okay, I didn't better also that put this at rank
[04:02:52] 120 the North American ladder also, I'm fucking by the way. This looks sexy as fuck. I'm not gonna lie
[04:02:58] This 1000 LP looks fucking sexy. I cook today
[04:03:02] Literally all day today. I cook like I straight perform to every match. It's fucking crazy. I'm at the game
[04:03:09] Right's matchmaking changes. I told you it was holding me back bro. Please don't summon
[04:03:16] Listen, don't tell me how to play the game. I'm gonna play the game. I want to play the game
[04:03:42] Meet and greet and LCS finals. Yes
[04:03:45] There will be a meet and greet at LCS finals if you come you will meet me
[04:03:50] Again reminder, I'm not streaming Friday tomorrow. I'm going to try to find a way to co-stream LCS
[04:04:14] 100
[04:04:15] liquid versus
[04:04:17] fly quest on
[04:04:19] On Saturday, but I will only be able to co-stream on Saturday. I'm gone Sunday. Why? I can't tell you. You'll know soon enough
[04:04:34] Plus, I shouldn't have to tell you anyway. I streamed for a fucking 100 hours last week
[04:04:38] Don't some matter off for the elderly wear it done games easy
[04:05:19] Fucking slugfest backseat this game. I'll play one without backseat. I'll use backseat next game. No swapping bro
[04:06:08] Probably legal issues. He's in court all weekend. I bet you know what you're right back
[04:06:17] then remind bring that ass here boy I don't think what KLP would type I'm one
[04:06:29] KLP no cap well I fucking do I'm one KLP I'm one KLP on the north American
[04:06:38] ladder little God of King just in case he does we'll see yeah we will we will
[04:06:49] see what's up
[04:09:16] Oh god, you know the twitch cotton gas it's looking like it might have a 1v1
[04:09:29] My god did this has divine god king. You might have a 1v1 thing at twitch as well. That's fire
[04:09:51] Me thank you brother. Thank you already done raining in the Sun's up crazy. That's like crazy, right?
[04:10:08] No silence. Who was yapping to me by the way?
[04:10:25] All right, dude this guy has the fine god
[04:10:31] That like pay to win like he paid big money for that the trade
[04:10:53] $200 minus $200 and you're gonna be gap
[04:11:07] Wait we have Yasuo versus Yone and we have various first Gary. Oh, he didn't like that one
[04:11:24] Don't be mad at me that you're fucking captain
[04:11:28] He's taking it out on me like it's my fault and look at this CS, this account is so black
[04:11:59] that I can have hit 1,000 on this account.
[04:12:06] Thanks Riot.
[04:12:09] Well those guys take this Yasuo, oh my god.
[04:12:40] So unsighted for Darius, I just kind of roam.
[04:12:43] Yeah, almost broke a chip in the game, Darius.
[04:12:45] Plus he's got to pay to win skin, the challenge doesn't even damage me.
[04:12:48] What's up?
[04:12:51] Riot games eat shit, right?
[04:12:52] There I set up.
[04:12:53] Good FF, just give it to her.
[04:12:54] FF.
[04:13:01] I'm here to suck a win allowing me to crack him outside his fat ass head.
[04:13:05] Works there for me.
[04:13:06] Oh well, he'll stay diamond, I'll continue to climb, it is what it is.
[04:13:12] I don't really care.
[04:13:14] Do not care about this account.
[04:13:17] And I'm weak side.
[04:13:36] As fuck.
[04:13:37] I don't know why I might have to sack this wave.
[04:14:16] Both get sick.
[04:14:46] It has to be outplayable, by the way.
[04:14:54] Give me a game, flowy low.
[04:14:56] Yeah, my jungle eats shit.
[04:15:30] Yeah. Yeah.
[04:15:33] Gotta try to push your boat and I'll chat. The game's already over.
[04:15:49] actual good step on there you gotta earn your camps back from them and stop
[04:17:17] taking your camps for the rest of the game show me your worth it
[04:17:48] I've been later in fanboys I'm with a bull I guess the only you know I can play
[04:18:33] in this 1000 LP challenger I don't get fanboys the games aren't so skewed
[04:18:41] suffering from God can't success Karen is never getting petted at this
[04:19:02] Is it my fault?
[04:19:08] Am I the reason Garen's still not nerfing?
[04:19:10] Massive in this place.
[04:19:18] Ayeee!
[04:19:45] We're playing Garen so we can scale.
[04:20:08] What's up plumber, what's up?
[04:20:10] Who ordered that delicious?
[04:20:31] Take the shot bro.
[04:20:37] My god.
[04:20:38] You're only with the run back.
[04:20:40] An enemy has been slain.
[04:20:42] In my name.
[04:20:45] My heart has been slain.
[04:20:52] We live these, we live these, we live these, we live these.
[04:21:06] I've been slain.
[04:21:08] An enemy killing screen.
[04:21:10] Okay, but on the real, though, who's supposed to win this match?
[04:21:12] I think I've played it like three times,
[04:21:14] but I've gotten fucking clobber every time.
[04:21:18] This has to be Darius' site.
[04:21:20] This has to be.
[04:21:31] Pretty hard to Darius' favorite.
[04:21:32] Okay, I'm about to say it because I have gotten my ass kicked in this matchup.
[04:21:36] But you can't walk up, ever.
[04:21:38] Have the proxy this matchup?
[04:21:52] Dude, I swear to God, I play against Gears and they perm a proxy.
[04:21:56] The proxy is not possible.
[04:21:58] For me, I swear.
[04:22:00] Enemy jungle is there, bro.
[04:22:02] Right in the state.
[04:22:47] I mean, all about doing the EW slow in this matchup.
[04:23:41] The W is slow.
[04:23:43] Every time I do a rank check in Diamond, they never type.
[04:24:15] It's like they're embarrassed to be Diamond.
[04:24:18] Hey, it's like top 1% or whatever. Uh-oh, Yone Unmuted, here we go.
[04:24:36] I'll type your 0-4.
[04:24:41] This guy un-muted for that? Wait, how does this guy know I'm typing?
[04:25:20] Okay, one item complete. Two items?
[04:25:22] I'm gonna jungle-heat. I'm gonna get my own jungle-heat.
[04:26:32] I think that was an angle where I killed him there.
[04:26:41] I was waiting for my flash. The flash just wasn't on cooldown.
[04:26:44] Flash behind them and one cap them.
[04:27:18] One shot Darius soon don't worry.
[04:28:07] I think I need like three items.
[04:28:09] Maybe four.
[04:28:10] I feel like I do win later though.
[04:28:17] Actually.
[04:28:18] Uh oh.
[04:28:43] Darius is going to be there.
[04:28:52] Should give it and let me farm top.
[04:29:04] Like I said.
[04:29:06] You idiot.
[04:29:07] Fuck I'm looking at one shot him.
[04:30:19] I was going to press and flash that and stare at the time.
[04:30:22] I'm tripping.
[04:30:23] The crazy thing is it would have been a terrible flash.
[04:30:27] But I'm still trying it.
[04:30:28] At least we can throw.
[04:30:31] Slice and dace.
[04:30:49] Oh, there he is.
[04:30:59] Mackerel is starting to come full.
[04:31:01] Uh-oh!
[04:31:23] God, little pup.
[04:31:24] Honza, you got back from deployment received from the leases?
[04:31:34] From the city?
[04:31:34] And what do you mean, you guys are trying to get resettled?
[04:31:36] Ain't no problem, brother, and thank you for that.
[04:31:47] I'm two items.
[04:31:48] I'm strong.
[04:31:49] But I didn't see if you had Sterak.
[04:33:10] And I should've probably kept Machina.
[04:33:12] I actually didn't know where he was until then.
[04:33:14] This time of playing on this game, I have no idea, bro.
[04:33:26] Horseman or what's that I'm making this
[04:33:45] Sure he is
[04:33:47] Honestly, if you're making a ball now, this is a low. He looks like no way if don't take my way
[04:36:07] We'll see bro. Love cinders. Give me this item
[04:37:12] I just go flash
[04:37:31] Count Ricky those gifted subs brother
[04:38:20] I got three items
[04:38:26] Honest, I think I need LDR tomorrow my girl
[04:38:30] We're a reminder, feign, who win the game.
[04:38:35] More items, more build I guess that is.
[04:38:57] That's terrible.
[04:39:09] Alright, so use backseat.
[04:40:27] Should've used to go better, it's fine.
[04:40:50] Fucking information.
[04:42:04] Okay, password change.
[04:42:06] Login.
[04:42:30] Overlay enabled.
[04:42:37] Go better? Yes sir!
[04:42:39] Boris, what's up?
[04:43:14] Same jungle as last game you think?
[04:43:27] I don't like how this guy played here. What's up in a band you have a medicine all day
[04:44:14] Let me top band of lundo. I'm last picking brother. Oh, yeah, I'm last pick up a show
[04:44:44] And there's already nerds. I don't really care. I've played against her. I don't like it
[04:44:59] You're not those new YouTube account. No shit. Wait, look at this
[04:45:43] It's just popped up backseat like in the game like out of game
[04:45:50] Import. Wait, you can press import and it auto does your runes?
[04:45:57] Highest win rate, import. Oh my god. I don't even know this shit right now, but...
[04:46:06] Oh my god, are we evolving? Okay, Dev's getting a little bit serious.
[04:46:21] Dev's getting a little bit serious.
[04:46:39] Keep gold per minute, CS per minute, 18.
[04:46:43] Let's keep this off of the ban. Today we're climbing to the top, no mercy.
[04:46:47] Step, no mercy. No mercy, Tonka.
[04:46:53] Alright, Garrett, let's go.
[04:46:57] Get those starting items and be ready for that raucous invade.
[04:47:01] You're in a good spot to start strong, so don't be a scruff.
[04:47:04] I think it thinks raucous is uh, double.
[04:47:22] Can move these?
[04:47:47] Oh, you guys can't see it's overlaying.
[04:47:49] Okay.
[04:48:00] Listen up, Sane. It's so fun. You're playing here and you're up against raucous.
[04:48:03] Don't be a saint!
[04:48:04] Don't be a braindead idiot and face-tank everything.
[04:48:07] Oh, oh, talk about a long couple of days, bro, come down breathe brothers just video game maps
[04:48:30] out of covered. Oh no. Oh, tell me about Kendrick, please. I'm worried about the enemy jungler.
[04:49:10] You're looking good, Dan. Even with Gryus, but you're to taste, Brogie. Yeah, respect the
[04:49:17] The life steal man is a bit of a stretch. Let's die in that back anyway. Give Nelson some love you fucking shithead
[04:49:25] They got it wrong
[04:49:34] Also, I missed the kid that comes fixing it. Oh say it's so fun. Listen up
[04:50:03] You know watch that raugus. You know try and get you don't die for drag
[04:50:08] I just leave I'm not just leave
[04:50:16] Garen what the hell are you doing? You just got caught out and fed first blood
[04:50:20] You need to be more aware of your surroundings and stop getting caught out like that
[04:50:24] You're already behind in gold and you need to step it up. Oh, that wasn't bad actually
[04:50:29] them
[04:50:31] Hi
[04:50:33] You're right. He's right
[04:50:37] That was pretty bad again first blood. I'll be better be better for you
[04:51:06] Yo here watch out
[04:51:08] Come here, come here.
[04:51:09] And the jungler might try a gank.
[04:51:12] Dude, it thinks.
[04:51:13] I'm gonna say that it thinks I'm fucking...
[04:51:18] I can't stop him.
[04:51:20] That's a fast skin.
[04:51:35] That's no problem.
[04:51:48] There's the ugly-ass erin skin.
[04:51:50] Because the ugly-ass god king.
[04:51:52] They're just chill out here behind the items.
[04:52:03] They need rekt.
[04:52:06] Why are you getting rekt?
[04:52:08] Bro, when it's AI generated text,
[04:52:11] it keeps like pausing.
[04:52:13] Like it breaks halfway through.
[04:52:15] It's not pre-programmed dialogue the AI breaks
[04:52:23] Kim, I've been snowballed with these dragons
[04:52:46] Fine, I got it
[04:52:48] See it's so fun. You're a tough spot that grottison kindred are coming for you
[04:53:00] You show them in the boss and get that drag back
[04:53:03] She bet your butt off of that
[04:53:11] All right, I say it is so fun. You're Gary, you're a tank, you're a fighter, you're a minister, behind on items
[04:53:18] But you're even in gold. I get those items, bro. Gotta get those items
[04:53:26] Wrong way. I'm a slate
[04:54:05] That was slick wasn't it bud?
[04:54:09] Dude your game wrecked this garage is a beast you think you lied. No, he's not you play smart and be careful as engaged
[04:54:15] He's fucking dumb shit
[04:54:17] Dude that was a sick play. I was you're finally getting ahead. Thank you keep pushing your tank. You'd be aggressive
[04:54:24] Hey, it really loves that you're a tank fine. I'm not a fucking tank
[04:54:29] You're in a tank. I mean honestly, baby
[04:54:31] Jagordot, here's what I'm gonna take, you just build him left, you're low e low shut up bro
[04:54:58] You're getting wrecked, you need to chill out and farm
[04:55:08] Rottus is the tank magic burst, you're a fighter, tank is sustained
[04:55:11] Well I'm a fighter tank
[04:55:38] Rub, thankfully
[04:55:39] Yo, state is so fun, you're getting wrecked, you're behind on Ion's
[04:56:14] Oh I'm not!
[04:56:15] Ion's about to spawn, you push your lane and get ready to group
[04:56:18] I am, dumbass!
[04:56:20] Not fucking behind!
[04:56:21] Where are you, you idiot?
[04:56:22] you get that next rub you got the aggressive and take it you need that
[04:56:27] wood-spawned buff let's go fucking idiot a lot of has no idea what he's blabbing
[04:56:45] about L massive L bro fucking you pass loser ass bitch you're a loser
[04:57:11] supposed to do that bad so you miss get it you're gonna be smart you're weak
[04:57:16] right now but you can punish them don't get caught out don't be scared
[04:57:20] of going not scared of going no Garen you got body by kindred you're ahead
[04:57:25] You gotta be smarter. This is how you lose your lead.
[04:57:28] Well, I'll be smarter.
[04:57:32] Unemotional.
[04:57:59] Now I'm leading side.
[04:58:00] Okay, I'll do what I can.
[04:58:04] You know that's how we rolled, Addy.
[04:58:06] No short trade.
[04:58:12] You're in your killing too hard, bro.
[04:58:13] You need to get pink ward down, A-S-A-D.
[04:58:16] You're losing this game because you're mid-lingers a bot.
[04:58:19] Alright, so you're just so fun you're killing that dragon buff.
[04:58:23] This is gonna make you a beast.
[04:58:24] Watch out, Seraph, you're gonna get your problem.
[04:58:25] She's pushing hard bot lane.
[04:58:27] Seraph is gonna be a problem for our chances of winning.
[04:58:34] Dog, fuck you.
[04:58:53] You dropped the pink ward I guess.
[04:59:07] What was that? Yeah? Nice game survival.
[04:59:09] Thank you.
[04:59:10] You're a beast bro, how'd you survive that game?
[04:59:14] They say it's so fun, get to the river.
[04:59:16] Reteral is spawning, you've got to be getting your team's position to chill out.
[04:59:19] I'm actually down close.
[04:59:28] I'm about to get my coal over.
[04:59:54] Alright, say it's so fun, you're downing top lane.
[05:00:02] That turret's gone, and you're good at the agog.
[05:00:04] But watch out for the indigimers.
[05:00:06] He might try to invade.
[05:00:08] I've been in some weird shit. I'm a what man. I think you're getting those core items man. I guess he's already ahead
[05:00:21] He's working. Yeah, be careful. We're gonna be seeking the showers. I'll be perfectly sleepy shower. Does that even mean?
[05:00:31] Well, where'd you find that one?
[05:00:40] I'm strong now. I'm in Polish saying ah
[05:01:24] Applian is the out-of-control. Yes. Stop or you just need fed it's just a ball
[05:01:28] No, he's not wrong. Oh, he's not wrong
[05:01:46] You're getting rats the behind so chill out
[05:01:50] You got a careful I fucking troll that could have altered the grandesty in higher time
[05:02:07] Or else gone, but we ain't out yet
[05:02:20] Maybe we are the same so fun. You gotta be more aggressive. There's not no dash
[05:02:26] over flight
[05:03:01] I'm not a skill issue you fucking retard. I'm gonna fucking bomb by the enemy team. I have no teammates
[05:03:08] What do you mean skill issue?
[05:03:13] Well, you're a Gehrig's one shot that hindered their last hand your fed get on top of them. You need to be dominant
[05:03:20] Say it's so fun your play I got scrubbed you shoot together man. You're on Gehrig
[05:03:24] You've got to be dominant. They're stuck
[05:03:33] Dragons I get the buffet
[05:03:45] It is...
[05:03:46] Your turret has been destroyed.
[05:03:51] You know what I mean? What was that?
[05:03:53] Your turret has been destroyed.
[05:03:54] You're down?
[05:03:55] Need the steppa.
[05:03:58] Dude, and Yafari is a monster.
[05:04:00] She's all the right items.
[05:04:02] It is so fun.
[05:04:03] You gotta watch out for her.
[05:04:15] Yo, Garin and Yafari's a beast.
[05:04:17] You gotta shut her down.
[05:04:18] Can't eat her face to make her cry and win this game.
[05:04:42] It's stacking.
[05:04:43] Oh, what the fuck is that shield?
[05:04:49] It took a turret?
[05:04:50] Let's make him pay.
[05:04:51] Crying.
[05:04:56] It's so fun you got gale to do your playing garen
[05:04:59] If you've never seen a champion before you need to be smarter about this or you need a harder than that last game
[05:05:05] Okay, I didn't do anything
[05:05:07] Garen you're getting absolutely bite
[05:05:09] That grogis is a minis and you're falling behind. You play smart and farm up where you're already rolled
[05:05:15] That's fucking bad. Ah dude. You're getting wrecked by tinker and you play smarter man
[05:05:21] Get your core items and farm up your folder. Fine. I'm actually strong as shit now
[05:05:29] Game stats are fun. You're a god man, but watch out for that brate. Get stride rager 2.
[05:06:17] It'll get caught off-beat. That's a big. They took our turret.
[05:06:32] Bruh, I sure hope they don't notice. I sure hope they don't as well. I get two towers here.
[05:06:45] That'd be massive
[05:07:17] Maybe
[05:07:19] Whatever snap that's so quick Greg is about to show us dude. You can communicate with your team and make sure you're not getting caught out
[05:07:28] I have a theory
[05:07:30] Dude Gary you're feeding Thursday care about this one. You gotta be smart
[05:07:35] One, two and the pickin'.
[05:08:14] Garen, you gotta eat your head in the game, you're playing like a bot.
[05:08:16] Put a new peek ward down, reduce control to map.
[05:08:19] Fuck.
[05:08:20] That's life, DK.
[05:08:36] That's all, dude.
[05:08:44] Too easy.
[05:08:45] Oh, baby.
[05:08:47] Baby.
[05:08:53] Here.
[05:08:57] See, it's so fun, you're finally playing like a real Garen.
[05:09:00] You got the tools to make plays, but don't get caught.
[05:09:02] Gner's gonna steal.
[05:09:04] Keep the pressure up.
[05:09:05] See, it's so fun.
[05:09:25] You're getting wrecked.
[05:09:26] You're behind in gold and your TDA is garbage
[05:09:29] You need a-
[05:09:29] It's not!
[05:09:30] and a safe spot where you're at a fee
[05:09:32] Bro, you're just insulting!
[05:09:34] For no reason, just
[05:09:35] Fuck it, throw like 8 insults at him, guys
[05:09:40] No gains today
[05:09:41] This is dominating
[05:09:47] What's the programming of that?
[05:09:53] This ain't good
[05:09:55] I think you're fucked
[05:10:04] You're gonna be absolutely wrecked, they just have their-
[05:10:06] The Xerys are gonna be a monster if you don't care if they can't
[05:10:09] Or they're gonna run you over
[05:10:13] So strong
[05:10:14] It's so fun to sit up now for a snowball. You gotta stop her. I'll stop her a gear and then go bully her
[05:10:21] Well, yeah, I heard that was some some needs children here
[05:10:59] They've karma get massed
[05:11:18] You're in you're looking like a die. You gotta be smart in
[05:11:22] The worst the same Gragas that's different trust me I know they had to hurry let's crush him
[05:12:06] honest your monster you're far like fakers but you need to stay the first yeah go ahead you
[05:12:32] can one shot everyone that's right put them in their place put them in their place killer
[05:13:04] dude. Alright Garen, you're killing it. It'll get cocky. That's right. Nah fuck it, I'm cocky. You need
[05:13:27] to communicate with your team. Don't get cocky as I'm easy with them. You've done a turret
[05:13:34] inspection, freeze, love it. Nice job on the turret dudes. Another enemy turret destroyed.
[05:13:50] Compliments. Alright, 3.5k, what a reminder. Alright, let's up. Baren's about to spawn. You
[05:14:20] You have to meet him with your team and decide if you're taking it or leaving it we take it or leaving it
[05:14:31] Fucking face my kindred you're a tank man play smart. Yeah, that's why what kind of ulted you eats those kindred are
[05:15:40] Edmonds try to secure we're heating up now
[05:15:43] Dragon or Edmonds would have been that went down. He's a shit dying to pave our way to glory
[05:16:01] We have our way to glory then.
[05:16:06] That's a power claim right there.
[05:16:08] God damn it.
[05:16:21] Signals go yes.
[05:16:22] We have to try and conquer war again.
[05:16:28] Oh they're for sure rushing on us.
[05:16:32] One step closer to victory bros.
[05:16:49] Keep it going.
[05:16:50] We dropped all there huh.
[05:16:59] RIP through those turns dude.
[05:17:01] If you do game RIP here in the stack you're about to get obliterated.
[05:17:05] Sure head out of your ass at surplight.
[05:17:07] Well I'm fucking trying.
[05:17:11] I bet.
[05:17:21] Oh, see, it's so fun. You're a beast. You're crushing rodents.
[05:17:24] The dough get complacent.
[05:17:26] You can pressure up me the strongest on your team.
[05:17:28] Ah, damn right I am.
[05:17:31] There you go, Fang.
[05:17:41] Hold on, Fang.
[05:18:04] Probably actually grouped her.
[05:18:08] Oh, yeah, that's right.
[05:18:25] Make sure it's the most fed.
[05:18:28] Ah, jeez, you're crushing it.
[05:18:30] Yeah, that's a fucking test.
[05:18:31] You're so far ahead, but...
[05:18:33] Yeah, how's it taste?
[05:18:34] How it taste?
[05:18:35] You gotta be smart about this. You're born to fight away from Riddick.
[05:18:42] The fame is minus 600 there.
[05:18:44] Yeah, congratulate me now, talk of the beat.
[05:18:47] Dude, you got absolutely obliterated.
[05:18:49] Yeah, far as that crazy build, man.
[05:18:51] Jump play safe, bro.
[05:18:53] We're gonna need to leave it again.
[05:18:54] Dude, you got absolutely obliterated.
[05:18:55] Dude, you got absolutely crushed.
[05:18:56] Dude, you got obliterated.
[05:18:57] Dude, you got crushed.
[05:18:58] Dude, you got obliterated.
[05:18:59] Dude, you got crushed.
[05:19:00] Shut the fuck up.
[05:19:09] Shout out to our teammate for wrecking that turret.
[05:19:12] Fuck our teammate.
[05:19:13] Give me turrets, crumble under our mic.
[05:19:16] Open up.
[05:19:19] Windscreen, the only screen we're interested in.
[05:19:25] GD easy of stars in the wrong scene of police
[05:19:49] Stop Gary did a sick fucking job deal damage control carry your team with a whopping 30% win rate
[05:19:58] Gary thank you
[05:20:00] Have with the kills which is a double kill at the point two-minute mark. Thank you
[05:20:03] Get more involved in the more team fights to boot. No
[05:20:10] improve on
[05:20:12] Okay, Gary
[05:20:14] the week as you died eight times, which is higher than the average of both teams.
[05:20:18] Gotta be smarter with your needs, you gotta over-extend if you get Kindred and Gragas,
[05:20:21] who can't get you the best team, you can't get you skin man, you can't be dying so much,
[05:20:24] it's very harder.
[05:20:25] Those are our ability and teamfights about you being caught out, you gotta watch those
[05:20:28] flanks buddy, maybe you buy defensive items, fuck you.
[05:20:31] You're a tank, but you can't tank if you're dead, so tighten up your game and
[05:20:36] stay alive longer.
[05:20:37] You're losing your league enthusiast, eh?
[05:21:00] Happy to help a little bit, more like happy to feed a little.
[05:21:13] Axe loves me.
[05:21:14] He's shouting at his day ones.
[05:21:21] Shout out to Kirsten and Saltin through day ones.
[05:21:25] Shout out to my day ones, Kirsten and Saltin.
[05:21:29] Shout out to them, bro.
[05:21:32] Okay, so Axe actually was pretty good at that game.
[05:21:36] Still needs to recommend items.
[05:21:38] Guys, items, maybe even abilities for fun.
[05:21:42] But items use a little bit too much of the same voice lines.
[05:21:45] It does you're obliterating over and over and over and over and over again
[05:21:52] Provement I see hold on. I'm gonna go get some of the
[05:24:36] Bups up and boys early. He won't every eldering boss. All I said was I'm beating the game
[05:25:05] By the way
[05:25:07] Kayla was like, you know you got to beat all the ball. You got to do this. No, I'm speed-running
[05:25:11] I don't give a shit that's what's a part of the bet that was I beat the game
[05:25:15] That's not a scam. I said I would beat Elden Ring. I didn't say how
[05:25:33] Yeah elder ring more like boring ring that should suck that was other ring
[05:26:06] marathon you want to play half the game dude I I it is beating the game I
[05:26:11] didn't say 100% it I said beat the game beat the campaign whatever the fuck it
[05:26:17] is does it suck by the way look how big my armors are getting again I've been
[05:26:30] lifting for about two months again I'm already massive good luck rushing
[05:26:42] will just fuck you yeah we'll see we'll see okay don't care haven't been
[05:27:42] allowing a bit oh hell no okay just typed oh hell no and closed the stream you
[05:27:59] see that I picked a lousy he typed oh hell no and left even bothered typing a
[05:28:05] second message just left you'd stop leaking this freaking me out why this is
[05:28:49] the same uh August wait it's the same enemy jungle as well oh my god thank
[05:28:55] I got it with a lousy
[05:28:57] You guys do oh little do a diamonds
[05:29:06] Fiend top jungle I will hand you another loss
[05:29:18] Thanks, I mean gentlemen Tyler might eat you haha good luck, bro
[05:29:35] No, whoa, please. No, don't hit me
[05:29:39] Please don't hit me bro, that beat. Oh, no
[05:29:44] Really, oh, it's not really suck. I'm headed to my pink actually break my fucking heart
[05:29:55] When the eight trucks in the traffic, okay, what's that mean by the way, sorry pants told me to say that
[05:30:11] You're not always losing to a trucks. I'm 1000 LP. I'm not losing in fucking the goblin
[05:30:30] mode fucking these random Malawi. Yo, I don't want you to get in my lane. That was bullshit.
[05:30:57] Yeah, I thought you were talking about this. They're just one flipping that heck of a
[05:31:37] I pulled atrox E his soul, but it didn't close to slam when it pulled and we hit the soul.
[05:33:06] Didn't it kill?
[05:33:25] It hit the very end.
[05:33:27] Heals faster.
[05:33:37] It's like percentages, Trev.
[05:33:59] Hey, you see the disabled panthers now?
[05:34:32] Concentrate me after your challenge?
[05:34:34] Well, three points and three more, nah.
[05:35:18] He's been slain.
[05:35:22] And our line has been slain.
[05:35:24] I bow you to a bunch.
[05:35:27] Sup, Coggedo?
[05:35:35] We're down 30 CS, bro.
[05:35:54] Are we just happy to be here?
[05:35:55] For what?
[05:36:25] Brother, I'm not worried about it.
[05:37:00] Oh, give me that one!
[05:37:02] That was kind of fucking cool.
[05:37:39] I'm gonna go sword first.
[05:37:41] I really don't respect this guy.
[05:37:49] Amazing the best
[05:38:10] God damn it, I do as well
[05:38:14] Red white and fucking blue till the day I die
[05:38:18] Amen, like I think I'm pretty sure renec and I did the same thing at high low
[05:38:59] At least I know she's out blast. I just
[05:39:01] I'm just going to carry another 16 for much of my friend.
[05:39:13] Make your junglers OP.GG in his most recent obelisk game.
[05:40:13] Uh oh, this guy, he avid this account after today.
[05:40:25] BrotherDiamondEatenTimes, he's the only god of this account and he's running down every
[05:40:28] single game.
[05:40:29] Hey criminal, you can't go that way but you gotta come back to me.
[05:40:56] I'm not even thinking to head you off.
[05:41:02] Also, it was a full pack up.
[05:41:04] They're crazy.
[05:41:43] Ringer's dog, sat in the bush for that long.
[05:41:55] Soltron, what's up?
[05:41:57] False tie.
[05:41:58] I'm really strong.
[05:42:05] Look at me, a dragon.
[05:42:06] Has it?
[05:42:27] KLP getting...
[05:42:28] ...fisted in Pistlo?
[05:42:32] Yeah, I'm getting fisted, man.
[05:42:36] Outclass.
[05:42:37] You know, talkative way.
[05:42:39] Just get carried every game.
[05:43:01] Timings are off.
[05:43:02] Find out in China's ML Finals they have a trash talking press conference like
[05:43:24] They could never big Annie over here. Come on Annie killed again
[05:44:14] Me no boots black. Listen. Do the vibe this game of a blast
[05:47:40] I'm gonna help no way for more problems forever eight rocks. Oh another one
[05:48:57] Half of America right now is watching
[05:49:40] This fucking fruit cake off. Oh, this is a little shit. Honestly. She's the most useful player
[05:50:17] You're on me
[05:50:36] He trots and I have to match me at some point bro. Everything's working
[05:52:19] I feel better now I feel better now someone's dad
[05:52:33] Little dead little bro. I do I feel much better
[05:52:42] and sell everything, sell everything buy control wards and spam put them in fountain
[05:55:30] don't do it you're pussy, pussy, I know you won't do it pussy
[05:55:34] sell all your shit right now pussy
[05:55:36] oh fucking not
[05:55:51] fuck is he doing so much damage without fucking the LDR
[05:56:15] and also are we just gonna suck this
[05:56:19] atrox's pots the entire game
[05:56:22] bro those guys have been but baby the entire deal by the way
[05:56:31] Bring the shawatt.
[05:56:37] My team would never.
[05:56:46] I already have boots.
[05:56:47] 126.
[05:56:48] Try them.
[05:57:02] Leave fun, bro.
[05:57:08] Leave fun.
[05:57:09] Don't redo.
[05:57:11] Don't undo.
[05:57:12] Leave fun.
[05:57:12] Yeah, pussy.
[05:57:14] Yeah.
[05:57:15] Go buy them back.
[05:57:16] You need this win.
[05:57:17] Help me trap them in the game, jiggle.
[05:58:24] Worry about yourself.
[05:58:25] Free scooty.
[05:58:49] Answer what?
[05:58:50] Right in the fucking mouth.
[05:59:44] Pussy.
[05:59:44] Well, oh.
[05:59:45] Champs fucking my account.
[06:02:07] I'm gonna laugh at the city.
[06:02:08] I gotta do something.
[06:02:08] My teammates did stuff as well.
[06:02:10] I would have had to do that.
[06:02:11] that I if they didn't all die top lane since they all died top side I would go
[06:02:14] for the kill so I could try it in. Team Gap is getting it.
[06:02:33] He's matchmaking fixed? Apparently not. On this account.
[06:02:37] My sword first item this game for fun. I think if I was playing series I would have
[06:02:57] went this first and then probably an iceborn. I've been liking iceborn. I've been liking
[06:03:01] Cleaver. These are some. Oh it turns out this guy didn't go the dog shit static
[06:03:11] So he's a real character.
[06:03:13] Here's my healing reduction.
[06:03:50] Dude, I reduced 4000 HP there.
[06:03:54] In it, yeah, yeah, comment, yeah.
[06:04:02] Barus holds this, by the way.
[06:04:04] For playing 15th, top, gets you the dub.
[06:04:11] Here's what it is.
[06:04:33] Within the day, I'm 1000 LP.
[06:04:34] They're gonna stay hard snuck diamond.
[06:04:36] Sure, little diamond doggies.
[06:04:37] Fanboy can't be.
[06:04:39] Fanboy can't be, guys.
[06:04:40] That'll get you the win.
[06:04:42] Hey, it's fine.
[06:04:43] win this one game doing that where I'm putting in a minimal effort drooling on myself. But
[06:04:49] hey, at least you beat T1, right? At least you beat T1. Congrats guys, congrats. This is
[06:04:55] my last game. Okay, reminder guys, by the way, reminder, first of all, I'm 1000 LP.
[06:05:14] First of all, I'm 1000 LP. I'm currently ranked 117 on the North American ladder.
[06:05:21] Okay reminder for tomorrow, I'm not streaming for the missco stream. I'm sorry. I got something I gotta do
[06:05:32] Saturday, I'm gonna try and co-stream, but I might be busy
[06:05:37] Sunday, nothing as well
[06:05:40] plan to start the elder ring marathon on Monday
[06:05:45] I'm not back on Monday, then Tuesday, so Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Elden Ring
[06:05:58] If I don't have it beat by Friday when I got a leaf to go to the LCS, I will throw in the DLC when I get back
[06:06:07] Okay, that's the plan. So you won't see me tomorrow. You might see me Saturday. You won't see me Sunday
[06:06:15] Apologies that things I got to do
[06:06:17] and top it off. I've been strewn my ass off anyway, to be fair. So I deserve this holiday regardless.
[06:06:28] Okay? Anyway, that's the plan. Spread the word. Tell the subs to Ds to follow us,
[06:06:34] follow me on Twitter. I mean it's the A-squad, we have this bitch mother.
[06:06:37] FUKER! And with that being said, I'll see you-