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08-28-2024 · 6h 15m

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loltyler1 VODs on twitch
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[00:00:02] Sorry about that, Kayla's desk moved out for a special occasion.
[00:06:24] We got some crazy things planned, yes?
[00:06:28] Yes?
[00:06:30] Or when?
[00:06:31] Or next week!
[00:06:35] Because we're doing the Elden Ringed Marathon!
[00:06:38] The worst game ever created by the worst developers ever!
[00:06:50] Probably on Tuesday I believe.
[00:06:57] Realistic how- I hate Echo so much.
[00:07:13] I hate it bro. It drives me fucking crazy.
[00:07:15] Anyway, I said much better. Yes, Elbering is next week. I believe Tuesday
[00:07:21] Give me until tomorrow until I submit that date. Okay
[00:07:25] so playing for
[00:07:28] Tuesday, but let me brainstorm until tomorrow. Okay
[00:07:35] 100% confirm it. Anyway, we're back. Thumbs up from a Middle Eastern adventures
[00:07:41] What a fun session that was I enjoyed that a lot
[00:07:44] I also enjoyed the flights back home that all got cancelled and I was late again, but I actually got back Saturday
[00:07:50] Or excuse me yesterday
[00:07:51] Like first of all my last flight got cancelled. They were trying to reschedule me 24 hours later by the way
[00:07:59] I was like United
[00:08:01] your airlines dog shit
[00:08:04] You switch flights. I got home on Monday, bro. I think I was actually jet lag. What does jet lag feel like?
[00:08:09] I don't know but because Tuesday I woke up dude
[00:08:12] I was like perma-dizzy and tired. Is that what jet lag is? I was literally just dizzy. I don't know
[00:08:21] I was like tripping. I was dizzy, tired, slept so long when I don't ever sleep
[00:08:28] So I just said if it's within time with sailor did it stream yesterday when I could have there
[00:08:32] I said it. Those guys gonna go Sunday anyway. I was gonna go Wednesday anyway
[00:08:37] We are back at it on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon at a good lift and an incline back on the routine
[00:08:47] And most importantly back live with the people I love
[00:08:53] Some of my favorite people with you guys
[00:09:03] With you. Yeah, we're back with you
[00:09:12] We'll see what happens. All right, so yes, that's the plan now case you missed it. I was mentally certain was a
[00:09:19] Studying success. I popped off. I smurf finished top three because I'm a beast. Thank you a spot me out here
[00:09:25] Uh, in case you missed it, I'm about to decay on my NA account.
[00:09:29] We can't let that happen, can we?
[00:09:32] Surely not, bro.
[00:09:35] Surely not.
[00:09:36] That'd be insane.
[00:09:37] I'll tell you what's crazy though, I'm going to end the fuck out of these games.
[00:09:44] I'm going to end these games like crazy, by the way, because my mouse settings are
[00:09:50] all messed up.
[00:09:51] It turns out, when we were in Riyad, my mouse windows option was on 8 instead of 6 instead of 8.
[00:10:00] Just saying.
[00:10:02] And my dismonderer is smaller. Just saying.
[00:10:06] So my mouse feels really like a movable.
[00:10:09] Makes sense?
[00:10:10] Yeah, see I spam a couple of them because you're fucking idiots.
[00:10:15] You don't know anything about psychology.
[00:10:19] If you guys understood psychology you'd understand that when I say things are different it actually holds weight that has value
[00:10:26] Well, that was a patch
[00:10:27] So anyway, we are reminder. We are challenger kind of forget where our in a arc ended
[00:10:33] Top 200. Oh, yeah, Cody Sun gap. That's that's that's where we are
[00:10:41] But it feels like those just a patch really another pack. Oh
[00:10:46] Wait, this is the patch that has
[00:10:49] This is the patch that has the matchmaking changes
[00:10:57] Bob-a-blah, Hanna, a lot of nerfs. Oh shite, this world's patch by the way.
[00:11:22] Think it is. I don't really care, not gonna lie. I don't care about the buffs of the nerfs. I, this is it. Okay, what are we doing?
[00:11:33] This is pretty much copy and pasted from last time.
[00:11:36] Pats are making changes to better match off-rolls, including matching secondarys as if they were off-rolls.
[00:11:41] We've also made some improvements to make team versus team balance to a more fair, and on a pretty place,
[00:11:45] but in some teams it's all rinse and repeat. Okay, increased awful parity both teams SHIT!
[00:11:54] Now have a more similar amount of players auto-filled and placed into secondary roles.
[00:12:00] That moves this word, I love it.
[00:12:02] Reduce how large OP gaps can be between players in a game.
[00:12:05] Decrease the red versus blue side imbalance.
[00:12:07] It's been a long day, bro.
[00:12:16] Yeah, it's been a long day, bro.
[00:12:18] Brux is, in order to address Q-style and Q-style behaviors that both involve abusing,
[00:12:36] ready checks to drop the game, we're going to put a new police for the cladding,
[00:12:38] ready checks to be able to decline the occasional game if you're otherwise climb bad,
[00:12:41] but these, in fact, these are the things you need to be fighting.
[00:12:44] We're going to start with two lockouts, this is going to be a blah, blah, blah, blah.
[00:12:50] So watch the VOD for the last patch where I address,
[00:12:54] or the Riot Please video where I address what they can do to make this cringe shit.
[00:12:59] Better. This doesn't do shit for two sniping and street sniping players to be able to return to right games only after winning three matches.
[00:13:17] Okay. Cinder's more useful. Okay. I don't, oh brand.
[00:13:27] Cap against monsters. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care about any of this bullshit.
[00:13:31] Runes of your life. Nerfing it. I don't, I don't feel like reading. I'm not, I, I'm gonna keep it a buck. I don't feel like reading.
[00:13:42] reading. I got nerfed. Less movement speed for shorter. I like this a lot. And less heal.
[00:13:57] I, you know, I can't be fucking... I'm fucking alive. First day back, I can't be fucking solid.
[00:14:07] I'm killing bottom, sorry. By the way, good to play 10 to K games. I'm probably running all
[00:14:11] these down. No offense. No offense. And I really, I'm like in the mood where again,
[00:14:17] I don't feel any shame, by the way, so if you're on my team, it's I don't care. Don't sit there crying to me
[00:14:25] I'm Owen 12. It's not my problem. I'm playing the cake first day back. We still do it for her though
[00:14:33] Rubicop, Cormel, what's up? Where is the house for video? Hey, listen hasn't had time
[00:14:45] I'm a bit busy. Thanks. They have actually done to balance what have they actually done to balance out blue versus red? I
[00:15:13] Don't think they said for the actual changes. It's up in pyre. I'm not sure
[00:16:01] Yes, I had a baby.
[00:16:07] You jet-lagged it all, yes.
[00:16:09] Found the waves there, by the way back.
[00:16:16] Thank god, no more nine-burea games anymore,
[00:16:18] I was gonna lose my mind.
[00:16:20] Oh, no.
[00:16:22] You poor Heath Ledger, LOL.
[00:16:24] You were going to lose your mind as a random.
[00:16:26] You poor guy.
[00:16:28] I couldn't imagine you losing your mind.
[00:16:30] I feel so sorry for you.
[00:16:32] Don't you start to cave?
[00:16:46] I'm all right, thanks.
[00:16:48] It doesn't matter, though.
[00:16:50] I'm already on a new account. I'm already here.
[00:16:57] Are you still in the Middle Eastern server?
[00:17:00] Nope.
[00:17:02] Sorry.
[00:17:03] I mean, surely everybody's the chaffer. It's fucking stupid.
[00:17:19] It's just gotta be mine.
[00:17:22] Surely, right?
[00:17:27] It would be worrying for society
[00:17:29] if every chat was this damned dumb.
[00:17:32] You know what I mean?
[00:17:33] It'd be worrying.
[00:17:56] Even forcing the chat that shit is so bad,
[00:17:58] compared to the sumer chat.
[00:18:00] chat that's the problem I unfortunately think this is a more
[00:18:05] respectable chat on which and it's still fucking disgusting so if this is a
[00:18:11] more respectable chat what are other people oh dear god thank God you're
[00:18:36] back Tyler glad to have one of the most patriotic figures back in the best
[00:18:40] goddamn country on earth yes sir bless you you were saying you were saying you
[00:18:45] U.S. Psych!
[00:18:46] I'm in a pussy plunder, uh-oh.
[00:19:02] Wait a minute, remember what I said I would do, by the way?
[00:19:06] You guys didn't want to help me.
[00:19:09] You guys didn't want to help me in the Middle East, did ya?
[00:19:13] Nobody wanted to show up!
[00:19:15] Nobody?
[00:19:16] No reinforcements, huh?
[00:19:19] Right, guys?
[00:19:20] Well, well, well!
[00:19:22] But better die, I feel a lot better.
[00:19:33] I have like a very rare cough, but shut up, Sonta.
[00:20:01] can we get ultimate bravery for these 10 games if I go five and five I'm happy
[00:20:10] by the way maybe one maybe one because you just donated $20 and I'm a sellout
[00:20:26] needs money hey that's why maybe that's what we'll do
[00:20:33] this echoes journey crazy yeah open this chase shit go by the way I'll run this
[00:20:59] fucking eight down I'll run this piece of shit fucking down yes like ten
[00:21:06] different accounts all in master elo you couldn't snake transfer one and
[00:21:10] snipe me as a fellow content creator oh yeah you're getting grief for sure but
[00:21:15] I don't give a fuck I will lose us this game I do not care fuck your colleague
[00:21:34] leave my colleagues bro tell me guys but this guy say I'm sucking it wait
[00:22:16] wait what do you think I was gonna ask wait wait what happened oh yeah that that
[00:22:35] you like clip for a million dollars I'm for a million dollars I suck I'm a
[00:23:10] truck to the instrumenta all right who's set up
[00:23:46] chase is been suspended in midair doing backflips it's loading screen let
[00:23:56] God this drink please
[00:23:59] Shit, I don't fuck us up. He's competing all chat cat evolved to
[00:24:22] No hands can't dodge brand of you. You're fucking terrible, but oh
[00:24:27] I was gonna get everybody fucking room. I am going to everybody wild up
[00:24:33] Fuck it. Why not bro? Just everybody off the day. I do not care. I promise. I don't
[00:24:45] Wait, Kaisa's W got changed?
[00:24:51] Oh, my Nami's f**ked up.
[00:25:13] I screwed his screen up so much smaller, it's actually insane.
[00:25:32] Not go through.
[00:25:35] We'll be...
[00:25:36] Oh he's stunlocked. Where's he at? He's stunlocked actually.
[00:26:09] The nerf there didn't I bud. Alright. That almost kind of a full head of hair like me, can't we?
[00:26:24] Ha ha. Pussy boy, there's a ruler back there. Again, hook.
[00:26:43] Sorry, still got a call. Hit mute.
[00:26:49] Took the stuff. Is this bothering me today? Oh no, I'm not sitting in full pitch blackness
[00:27:01] press playing League of Legends. Has no barrier.
[00:27:22] The bear we pull this way yo we skip a fucking cab chase it go we saw that
[00:28:55] Yes, I missed what's up. I'm gonna fucking say it. It's goddamn fucking jungle diff capping my jungle. They're all flaming chase it
[00:31:10] beautiful
[00:31:13] He is getting his ass
[00:31:31] Thank you.
[00:31:40] That's on this- better.
[00:31:41] Or 2v3 in bot lane, beating their ass.
[00:31:45] Everons bot lane.
[00:32:12] He knows these gaps.
[00:32:42] You know it, bro.
[00:32:43] I'll know it.
[00:33:03] We'll help him.
[00:33:23] He said that with the same- their turn's for keyed in play's league, he's gonna
[00:33:26] flight the fuck out of her.
[00:33:28] Oh, holy shit.
[00:33:30] This guy is psycho.
[00:33:35] He's fucked up.
[00:33:36] That is actually fucked up.
[00:33:38] That would be one of the most fucked up things I've ever seen anybody say.
[00:33:44] Holy shit
[00:33:51] Fucked up for thinking Lee's got a last 40 years, I guess
[00:33:54] We're actually not doing bad bobbling
[00:33:58] We're completely going to crash out and do it for her
[00:34:28] They crash out, I think
[00:34:30] Fuck the thing, let's say keep these Briley's back
[00:34:40] I landed her on counter, she got stuck
[00:35:03] Bronson's not playing Lee, bro
[00:35:05] I mean, I'll be cut, but
[00:35:56] I knew he was, he was like, dude get that
[00:35:58] I knew he was waiting to flash my Q, but sort of, you know
[00:36:03] A little bit longer with a little bit longer
[00:36:08] Well your cataball hey, you're like you're faster prime brother. You're not reaction flash. It's all prediction
[00:36:16] Stop these hat. I've slaved this is here now
[00:36:30] Okay, yes, I burned got it trust me. I burn got it. I burn got it. Yeah, not minus one. My burn got it. Are you blind?
[00:37:35] I've got it
[00:37:37] my fated ashes got it play like this I mean hey you might have won bro this
[00:38:15] game is one million times easier because it's not a million people walking free
[00:38:21] powers had a way to my go my item because I missed much gold 3d it will
[00:40:16] free be a self-pest he's balding at 22 and it was a bald beard classic I'm
[00:41:03] I'm having a all-in-a-chette that every Seraphine...
[00:41:52] ...I'm elusable.
[00:41:54] Better put this up.
[00:42:09] I fang...actually don't think I have to this great shit.
[00:42:22] Move, dumbass. What's wrong? Can't move?
[00:42:54] I'm gonna smoke cannon. Yes.
[00:43:47] If I chase it again, we won bot lane, we won B2.
[00:45:23] It's been three days three hours and thirty-five minutes
[00:45:27] Still waiting for you in blue of our city for the fifth weeks that we can take in 15 minutes
[00:45:33] Oh might die of dehydration
[00:45:35] I'll be there bro. Wait. Keep waiting
[00:45:42] This came to actually this this has fang needs up for it
[00:45:52] This needs worded bad
[00:45:54] You have a word lost. Actually, this is good, buddy. What's up, but then you look at it sub
[00:46:44] These guys say why do we stop playing?
[00:47:09] I don't know if that's my help, now this shit's lost.
[00:47:52] We did what we could, bro!
[00:47:53] I don't care, we performed bot lane?
[00:47:55] Chase does not play League of Legends' match, he did not.
[00:48:00] Period, he didn't play.
[00:48:01] I mid didn't play either, he's 9-1.
[00:48:25] I fault, no.
[00:48:26] It looks bot lane.
[00:49:06] I mean, I'm skill performing by the way.
[00:49:14] Yeah it's true, actually true.
[00:49:16] I'm still performing, isn't that just wild?
[00:49:35] Just a goddamn goat.
[00:49:43] Kinda need this.
[00:49:44] Oh my god, they're all coming bot lane.
[00:50:12] It is what it is man.
[00:50:35] Don't Ivern out of that fight.
[00:50:49] Flash.
[00:50:50] As you're sat there autoing over the wall, I think we'll be about the same.
[00:50:53] Who's saying?
[00:51:02] We already have double, it's not worth it.
[00:51:04] You going thing as well?
[00:51:05] I say no.
[00:51:31] I have nothing to focus up.
[00:53:16] Bats not high time. That's not you seem to have had trouble playing the brand namibot lane this game
[00:53:56] I think three-minute lead the legends guys release
[00:54:01] Hope this helps you next time. Oh my god. They're trying to settle loose the game
[00:54:27] You have stalls out of this game is I did I said this one the score was 16 to like four by the way
[00:55:13] The score was 16 to four. I said this kid's gonna be annoying as shit
[00:55:16] We lose is there a fucking Ivern Seraphine?
[00:55:20] I'm gonna get to here lad. Oh my god. They're starting it. Oh my god
[00:56:19] We're trying that for like God knows how long goodbye. Why'd you lick me a fuck? I'm a shark gonna be
[00:57:59] Hey, why are you like getting me carries our uses escape?
[01:00:18] I'm cuz it's actually too hard because it's legitimately spam chill legit better at
[01:02:26] 20 ability haste that I don't think I get another item you hinted first 20 minutes zero pressure
[01:03:43] Get it play bro.
[01:03:44] Yeah that was a pretty good game.
[01:03:54] That was close.
[01:03:56] That was actually really close.
[01:04:01] I didn't see really what happened last fight, but...
[01:04:07] Watch the month.
[01:04:14] It is, he did 8000 damage by the way.
[01:04:17] 1000.
[01:04:23] I think I said it by the way when the score was like 16 to 6.
[01:04:28] We probably lose this game by the way.
[01:04:30] Or no, I said this game is loosable by the way.
[01:04:32] This is our team comp.
[01:04:33] It's way too fucking disgusting.
[01:04:37] Can we like through?
[01:04:38] This is what it is.
[01:04:41] So before this last fight, actually I had no idea what happened.
[01:04:46] I thought Kai'Sa died and it was Seraphine.
[01:04:48] Alright, let's see.
[01:04:50] Here he goes in.
[01:04:52] He's Seraphine.
[01:04:54] Like right here, I thought Kai'Sa died.
[01:04:59] She lived? What, a healer?
[01:05:01] Oh, Christ, though.
[01:05:21] We actually got...
[01:05:33] 4v2?
[01:05:42] I was shaking about one shot.
[01:05:52] We lost vision.
[01:06:04] Really lost vision of this 8-Front.
[01:06:06] Why should I stun him while blind?
[01:06:08] I'm a fucking freak.
[01:06:09] But Yone can't auto him.
[01:06:13] Wait, this last fight was actually just fucked up.
[01:06:15] How many of them have double pink ward?
[01:06:17] If not, how many wards does Boots of the Wind?
[01:06:18] Because Yone can't auto right here.
[01:06:20] Whereas if he would've solo me, he would've auto him.
[01:06:25] So he fucking lives.
[01:06:27] Oh my god!
[01:06:30] And then he gets his GA popped.
[01:06:32] Then he lives a little bit longer.
[01:06:42] Oh my god, this guy doesn't die here.
[01:06:56] He leaves this?
[01:07:06] His desk hands one shot.
[01:07:11] That's a loss.
[01:07:16] Actually a lot of things went wrong in that last frame.
[01:07:19] It shouldn't have even made it to that point.
[01:07:21] Alright, we cut.
[01:07:46] We had zero early jungle.
[01:07:48] We cut. I don't give a fuck.
[01:07:50] Check kill stat.
[01:08:03] I don't think you checked shielding.
[01:08:22] I just kind of used this.
[01:08:23] I mean, honestly he traded one for one for Seraphine.
[01:08:25] I think that's fine.
[01:08:33] I can't pay out this bet by when it keeps budding.
[01:08:35] This picture of you and Scylla let me know if you like it. It is 100% not a I generate it
[01:08:42] That looks weird. No, I don't like it. He does a close game through that's game. I've played it like two weeks
[01:09:00] Kind of like unneeded like kind of not close to be through a guaranteed win, but
[01:09:07] Could be worse guys this payout isn't working
[01:09:16] Who's outcome? No, he will lose
[01:09:23] prediction is bug
[01:09:25] actually bug you throw games for channel points I didn't throw that game not me
[01:10:10] drops a word in that bush at the very end of the game when we don't have vision
[01:10:14] we win enemy bot lane was six and 25 yeah I can't know what to tell you this
[01:10:38] what it is enemy bot lane was six and 25 I'm sorry bro we tried our best
[01:10:44] I'm going to use gaps outclass probably he likes it's probably for
[01:11:03] Everybody broke not playing Warcraft rather than thought about picking out picking up an instrument during two times
[01:12:02] What Bobby you might do a cheeky support game at some point nah only if auto-filled this game is dead
[01:13:01] We're like, what's up Tommy? What's up? I spy changing those. Thank you, but I'm not gonna lie
[01:14:00] This prediction fucking badge by your name says tilting the shit out of me
[01:14:04] I might have to just delete it guys. It's not letting me
[01:14:09] No, he will lose it's bugged. I might have to just delete it. It's not working
[01:14:22] It's like look I'll do it all live
[01:14:26] Prediction
[01:14:28] Choose outcome. No, he will lose complete and bugs
[01:14:33] Just refresh
[01:14:41] turn it on and off there looky there it worked I mean what's the point bro there's
[01:15:30] there's no way we're there is no way we're gonna play a game as good as last
[01:15:34] one so what's the point just for fun what's the point that happened Quinn you
[01:16:31] get young we're dot where's dodge tracker where's dodge tracker give me dodge
[01:17:09] tractor bro give me dodge tractor was it no wait was this guy it was this guy
[01:17:28] so that comes rank like 180 was 900 LP I lost a game though so like 80 doesn't
[01:18:32] matter bro I think let's split into like 30 days maybe it does matter you're
[01:18:39] just gonna actually put effort in these games it is camp challenger like
[01:18:42] Like all the other losers get 1,000 LP just never play. I think riot and slated LP games
[01:19:04] Do you mean? Oh?
[01:19:06] Yeah, the matchmaking changes. I really forgot about them. Oh wait. I just saw some are getting a lot more
[01:19:38] But some people are losing a lot more. I will lost 20
[01:19:42] Maybe that means I'm getting a lot
[01:19:45] I went from plus 20 to minus 20 to plus 25 to minus 15. Oh shit. You'll get a plus 25 than boys
[01:19:52] for the boys.
[01:19:53] I didn't gift over 500 subs for you to come back and play League of Legends.
[01:20:02] First of all, you didn't gift 500.
[01:20:04] Secondly, I told you within a week of being home.
[01:20:08] Right now, as of right now, the date is probably Tuesday, but give me until tomorrow to decide.
[01:20:39] To decide what to lock that date in.
[01:20:44] Wait, did I go to these rooms last game?
[01:20:46] That's legitimately why we lost.
[01:20:47] I had last stand what the fuck no way wait if I went those runes last game
[01:20:53] I swear to God that that is the reason we lost oh my god
[01:20:59] I did that's how we lost I didn't have cut down and I didn't have a haste one
[01:21:03] I went last stand last game. Holy shit. I'm the reason we lost guys. I'm sorry
[01:21:12] So you know it wasn't lying about having a tumor
[01:21:21] You know he might not have been lying Dave Mon Olaf GG start verb-blowing up using him
[01:21:41] I'll be back in the states!
[01:22:00] Why do you need these guys help me?
[01:22:38] So about that ultimate bravery game, can we do some smolder ultimate bravery?
[01:22:44] Sounds kinda fun.
[01:22:46] Honestly, smolder ultimate bravery doesn't sound bad.
[01:22:52] Fine.
[01:22:53] I'll play it once.
[01:22:55] I'll play ultimate bravery smolder before this day's over.
[01:22:58] Fuck, I'll just do it next game.
[01:23:01] Doesn't sound bad, it's just like the history stack.
[01:23:52] Ever the last time I seen Middley mid you well.
[01:23:56] Guys, his name is in Middley.
[01:23:57] I really am mid as well.
[01:23:59] None of them?
[01:24:31] All you, bro.
[01:24:33] Live by you, Diver.
[01:24:34] Oh, he got it!
[01:24:36] Dave Model Laws.
[01:24:37] Ha ha ha ha!
[01:24:38] Ha ha ha ha ha!
[01:24:40] Don't cancel my recall, freak.
[01:25:12] Alright, somebody spread the word.
[01:25:13] We up.
[01:25:14] Why don't people watch this instead of improving their own lives?
[01:25:24] Why are you here?
[01:25:25] So the question is, are you here, but you're one of the f***ing people?
[01:25:37] True, watching me doesn't prove your life.
[01:25:54] It definitely increases your quality of life.
[01:25:57] Dude, I really suck.
[01:26:10] They can go choke on the hit, but nowhere's out.
[01:26:53] No way!
[01:26:54] Oh my god, if that wasn't in range either.
[01:27:01] A freak, dude!
[01:27:33] Is that anyway?
[01:27:35] Cain didn't get it?
[01:27:36] Grand Nami abusers?
[01:27:53] Bro, I always lose with Grand Nami.
[01:27:55] You're still alive.
[01:29:06] After you all know how to use a microwave.
[01:29:11] It's an oven, and I know how to use it.
[01:29:12] take your baby mama with you so she can feed you clean them up to you to sleep
[01:29:18] are you mad
[01:29:20] we angry you little angly we have numbers guys probably ain't got bitches
[01:29:49] ain't got bitches it has 3.4k i probably got a little sick but yeah
[01:30:33] i'm gonna let it here again or solo kill i'm dodging everything i ain't no chase
[01:31:41] shit though now is it never sees our my soul from this fucking Riless like Olaf can come
[01:33:19] come down river. Holy fuck I'm dodging everything literally.
[01:33:40] Happy seed! Happy seed! Happy seed!
[01:33:48] Woof woof! Kills at 40 minutes.
[01:35:20] Bufius, if he was an enemy team, would find a way to win.
[01:35:28] Ready to get carried. Boom shakalaka.
[01:35:32] Is the race to rank 1? Is the runner to rank 1 through to Missouri or do you only play Decay's?
[01:35:57] Bro, I'm not a Decay game player. I'm less than 2 weeks.
[01:36:01] Like, what else do you want?
[01:36:38] Thank you super him.
[01:36:48] Okay, so LP games are bugged by the way.
[01:37:02] No, I met, I met plus 17 minus 20.
[01:37:06] Brother.
[01:37:09] Okay, that is for sure bugged.
[01:37:12] What the fuck is going on?
[01:37:14] Let me see if they were bugged, I agree.
[01:37:25] It's only a game.
[01:37:29] TT, did you know your friend XQC used to be a popular singer in his native country of Quebec?
[01:37:38] Oh man.
[01:38:20] I pulled up.
[01:38:21] Whoa, we got a couple of- whoa!
[01:38:23] We got a couple of dodge abusers in the lobby.
[01:38:25] Chase, shit-co, dropping a dodge.
[01:38:28] Cat, never loved, dropping a dodge.
[01:38:31] Oh guys, what's wrong?
[01:38:33] Anxiety? What's wrong boys?
[01:38:35] Why are we, uh, are we dodging?
[01:38:41] Care about a rank or what?
[01:38:47] I love this website.
[01:38:57] Oh my god, another chase shit-co dodge.
[01:39:03] Uh-oh, Shaco Band, better dodge every fucking lobby!
[01:39:07] Let's go bro.
[01:39:08] One with another dodge.
[01:39:18] One with another dodge.
[01:39:19] Oh my god bro, if we don't want to play, why are we queuing up?
[01:39:23] What are we doing?
[01:39:27] Double dodge.
[01:39:28] Two dodgers in four hours.
[01:39:30] No, in two hours.
[01:39:31] This guy dodged two games in two hours.
[01:39:34] Black quest B, C9, actually I did not.
[01:39:52] I was on a plane.
[01:39:53] I really used the saloon game server, I really used trash.
[01:40:30] So Fyle, dodges in 30 days in this account, 5 dodges in 30 days, so 15 dodges, still almost
[01:41:02] and Quad has dodged double that, almost, double.
[01:41:06] How does that pop?
[01:41:09] He's dodged double.
[01:41:11] Wait, so what does this guy dodge if like he's playing an annoying champion mid and
[01:41:16] he just dodges?
[01:41:17] Because he surely doesn't care about LP.
[01:41:20] Probably just like learning matchups, like oh, I'm not going to learn anything
[01:41:24] I think it's Katarina mid. I'm just gonna dodge Tarzan's Twitter. Tarzan got a plus 50. I'm still a Q.
[01:41:57] I think it's Bugs. I think they fucked up something. Now, of course, now the LP games are Bugs.
[01:42:06] This is what it is. You know what? Like I said, at first game of the day, yes we threw, but it was still a fun game.
[01:42:18] I can't remember the last time I had a fun game. So whatever. Throw or not.
[01:42:22] Well, that's right anti-snapping update there garbage. I explained
[01:42:49] Good changes for streamers
[01:42:53] Or not earlier like last stream look like you've been going home, bro
[01:43:20] Which your longest flight? I don't know how long in a time
[01:43:30] You know last stream. Oh, I've no idea. I watched the riot like the dev update video
[01:43:50] Commentated on it. I've been looking. I don't care enough
[01:44:16] This is a problem, I haven't really been paying attention to the matchmaking because I am
[01:44:25] for fun.
[01:44:26] I told that guy I would play smolder, ultimate bravery, pick a dodge that will find the frosty,
[01:45:10] I didn't really care about passion.
[01:45:28] Your fourth tongue lies so easily by a snake.
[01:45:34] By a snake, brother.
[01:45:59] Can I cause conflict in this champion, in this champion, in this lobby?
[01:46:04] Keyboard top.
[01:46:05] LOL.
[01:46:06] For no reason.
[01:46:21] Losing a league is so easy.
[01:46:23] To put your team at a disadvantage, it's actually so easy.
[01:46:31] You can literally put yourself at a disadvantage just by typing.
[01:46:35] Like, how fucking broken is that?
[01:46:37] Wait, I typed chemotup, lol, we lost.
[01:47:05] This guy calls that flame a deffin, both of them deffin, by the way.
[01:47:16] Just for me typing one thing in chips like, oh my god, ego legends baby.
[01:47:36] I said I'm going to start shooting chips like, pipe that and now this, dude he's puffing
[01:48:06] a cigarette it took a little bit longer because it takes that long right this
[01:48:14] guy has literally smoked before every game for like ten years now that cannot
[01:48:38] be helped Lane it's solo killed because he's not level two because he was
[01:49:12] smoking and then what lose now or what that's not serious right this guy
[01:49:20] he's like, he's fucking permeated.
[01:49:22] That's not for real.
[01:49:24] Wait, that's crazy actually.
[01:49:50] Roof that smoking kills?
[01:49:52] Aaaaaaax!
[01:49:54] Brother, we're safe.
[01:50:17] Yeah, we're safe.
[01:50:33] I trusted him. That voice comes.
[01:51:09] Pushing up, to be honest.
[01:51:23] I think, unfortunately, it might be suicide.
[01:51:57] Probably going to the capital.
[01:52:38] This guy's running us down now, actually.
[01:52:40] She did not like that, the words aren't working, change the silenced matchup, so much I'm lost,
[01:53:37] I'm pretty sure, no that's not happening.
[01:53:42] Okay, I think you're lying, fine, he got the run back kill, plus he's scaling, he has
[01:54:05] EPS, silenced silenced ignite, yes he has both, or again, the send and wrap and stuff,
[01:54:20] Little stuff.
[01:54:54] Little position.
[01:54:55] What's the bad tempo play for Vi?
[01:55:12] It'd be worse.
[01:55:30] Gonna skip Rai Lai's this game.
[01:55:32] Four melee.
[01:56:18] She's actually really strong.
[01:56:19] Really tanky.
[01:56:20] The sword's a broken big T. She is.
[01:56:46] She's the best AD by far.
[01:56:48] I don't think she had nerf this patch either, did she?
[01:56:50] Missed a crucial ability there.
[01:57:49] That I usually don't miss.
[01:57:51] Look at TP though.
[01:57:57] Really bad overstay, but didn't repeat.
[01:58:17] Uh-oh, hug me.
[01:58:20] the red side Mundo into running it down so I don't think league players actually
[01:58:27] want to play the game by the way because I don't think any of us want to play
[01:58:40] just like all they know would like is press that up button and press that up button press
[01:58:47] yes it's all they've known since they were kids press it press it press it just press it
[01:58:54] Express it scrubs big. I'm gonna go up living or bot lane
[01:59:55] She does special place special for expression grand pot. I think about the choice boy
[02:00:43] They live if he lives it's not bad. We'll sign your profile after game
[02:01:39] Not worry. You can just ask and I'll chat
[02:01:57] They get this demo award. You went in such a good mood today
[02:03:02] What's there to be what's there to be negative about bro instead of go void
[02:03:44] things that didn't go leondry's first I mean the clear thing is guy unfortunately
[02:04:20] for us is worth 1k all bye has to do is press R on him and he dies that looks
[02:05:11] really good for us somebody was dying okay not two people
[02:08:25] What is this?
[02:08:27] I come back from my mandated 15 minute work break to see you not unsmolder with possibly
[02:08:32] war mobs and redemption with smite and please.
[02:08:34] Yeah, fucks up.
[02:08:35] Scamma1.
[02:08:36] Yeah, I misclicked.
[02:08:37] We'll give it right back.
[02:08:38] That's the base, probably.
[02:09:37] What's going on with that?
[02:09:38] The wallets are fat.
[02:09:39] This is server.
[02:09:45] Rink 1 is negative.
[02:09:46] Yeah, and I'm fucking top 150 rank ladder.
[02:09:47] Zeroed by my NFR, I'm scared to press the damage card.
[02:10:05] Pretty much.
[02:10:32] Yeah, and I'm fucking top 150 ranked ladder.
[02:10:35] Zeroed by my MFR, I'm scared to press the damage card.
[02:11:07] Pretty much.
[02:11:08] Gotta be balanced.
[02:11:15] But okay.
[02:11:23] Wait, he backed off.
[02:11:24] I think this guy's wood trading.
[02:11:27] Who picked this window?
[02:11:28] Alright, skill, will the Ten Ox energy do the Eldering Marathon?
[02:11:45] Negative 5 million.
[02:11:46] Smoking doesn't kill.
[02:12:05] He's smoking save lives.
[02:12:11] Just pressing R!
[02:12:45] Some fucking skill, and then...
[02:12:57] Get some fucking skill, and then...
[02:13:05] Fucking noob champ.
[02:13:06] You friendly character!
[02:13:18] What's up?
[02:13:23] What's up?
[02:13:50] Okay, we get bot lane.
[02:13:54] No minions!
[02:15:14] No minions!
[02:15:15] And in the game, like, your nef is quite...
[02:15:59] three levels above me.
[02:16:03] She's almost 200 CS above me.
[02:16:05] She's like 14 CS a minute.
[02:16:07] Like, brother, we need to end now.
[02:16:09] Could be fair, is that it could have ended.
[02:17:00] Also could be fair, why do we even stay on the Baron?
[02:17:24] I think it tells me Tyra doesn't care if he wins this game.
[02:17:26] I do care that's it's actually worth
[02:17:45] Get my needle
[02:17:46] Or she has nothing to buy because she's max out gold. Okay, so this guy is lost
[02:19:03] Okay, stay on the map
[02:19:10] And her barrier it actually really were attacking the mood dough bro have TP and backdoor potential
[02:21:04] Problem is you have no
[02:21:06] Mf probably by
[02:21:08] And I get TP to I like a TP to
[02:22:55] Guys relax, I have TP, there's a Teemo Shroom!
[02:22:59] Wait, LP gains are actually fucked. 20, plus 17, and then plus 24.
[02:23:52] Really thought, huh?
[02:24:21] Then you remembered who I was, and then you remembered who you were.
[02:24:24] No OP, I don't think I'm gonna do this OP, no.
[02:24:56] Am I back home through Europe, or Asia? You're up.
[02:25:14] Show us the crazy win rate right now in the field as strong as fuck.
[02:25:21] Show gap? Let's see. 2%.
[02:25:29] Did he get buffed?
[02:25:40] I mean, there's no game sizes to be fair.
[02:25:43] QW?
[02:25:48] I mean, there's literally no matches.
[02:25:55] Oh wait, but it's because Fleet Nerf, so Range Top isn't so good?
[02:26:46] Patch out.
[02:26:47] Yep.
[02:26:51] It'll be three on the day.
[02:26:52] Yep.
[02:26:53] Bro, you can't think like that, because if I lost, if I won first game, my MMR would've
[02:26:57] been different, so I wouldn't have even been put in the second game, or I could've
[02:27:01] been on the different team.
[02:27:04] You can't think like that.
[02:27:06] Brother, I will play fucking Ultimate Bravery Smolder.
[02:27:14] One game, this is what they get for not helping me.
[02:27:52] But I have a blitzcrank ultimate bravery.
[02:28:15] I make standard runes, hot lane.
[02:28:25] Three, two, one, go!
[02:28:30] Doesn't look up is not that bad.
[02:28:44] There's no overheal though, so I'll just go,
[02:28:57] you know, Ultimate Bravery,
[02:28:58] can we update the fucking site perhaps?
[02:29:01] I'm gonna go with these runes
[02:29:02] That's the classic should be in how was the trip. Did you end up winning the challenge?
[02:29:25] We finished top three so it's pretty respectable
[02:29:36] Respectable a top three top three
[02:29:47] Hey podium finish. I got a medal. I
[02:29:51] Got a medal
[02:29:52] Purple chroma
[02:30:13] Girls, what's up? I had to swap it. I had to swap it last second so they'll go dodge
[02:30:47] It said he rang
[02:31:03] rang
[02:31:06] He rang D.F. BBQ Chicken Alert!
[02:31:25] BBQ Chicken Alert!
[02:31:27] BBQ! Wait, this is the first Imoomoo I've played with on an A.
[02:31:31] Alright, so we're going first item.
[02:31:43] Boots?
[02:31:52] Alright, well, there's no actual way he smokes after every game.
[02:32:04] It's terrible.
[02:32:06] He's literally doing that since I've been playing League for 10 years.
[02:32:12] 10 years after every single game.
[02:32:21] I think they knew we were invading.
[02:32:38] Wait, we're maxing Q.
[02:32:44] Max.
[02:32:45] Nice base from the first game.
[02:33:48] Rhyze existed, he just got buffed, yes.
[02:33:51] He is...
[02:33:52] Gotta skip this song, sorry.
[02:34:45] EVERY GAME YOU GOT!
[02:35:57] Wait, I'm gonna rip off your fucking fingers.
[02:36:02] Hear me, boy?
[02:36:30] Wait to reset as long as possible,
[02:36:32] because up until this point, my team doesn't know that I'm completely fucking trying to lose the game.
[02:36:36] But, Bard Zed, if he's checking for fire, he's smelling smoke in his house?
[02:38:08] Bro, what?
[02:38:09] It's like dude, you not like put the cigarette out?
[02:38:12] Impressing tab and seeing your challenger bought like 80, bought Overlord's War Mail.
[02:38:51] Or Blood Mail, or the fucking skull on the first item.
[02:38:54] You betcha that?
[02:38:56] Like bro, when I needed these guys the most, where were they at?
[02:39:07] And he has to hold guys, I'll just get out of the way, not fruit in the river.
[02:39:56] I do not want this gold.
[02:40:58] How does this build feel so far?
[02:41:15] I'm doing no damn it, I have no mana, I have no CDR, I have a little CDR I think.
[02:41:26] Yeah Storm I am, I'm gonna say out of all the champs to play it on, there's probably not a better one, to be honest.
[02:41:32] Why didn't, I'm gonna move the ult, it's like god damn team inting me.
[02:42:32] Am I the most inted player in the world by the way?
[02:42:36] over by the way it's it's not my fault it's not these these guys are gap also I
[02:44:27] guess a moomoo's just broken at every rink or what this looks exactly like the
[02:44:35] moon who I play to get some of the least from servers 1v9 every game I might
[02:44:38] just ban it I've been banning sit down I kind of just don't want to see it
[02:44:40] actually broken I don't want to see it in my game who don't want to see sit
[02:45:02] though well did it synig it nerf yes or no not yet let me sit not yet so we
[02:45:30] said yes did okay I've been banning her I'll just ban a mooboo all right next we
[02:46:51] got wits in oh god shut your bitch ass up bro
[02:48:17] I get dope if I stay here that sounds good a bit low
[02:49:35] I pinged my item this game is eating you out
[02:49:45] hey Tonka fellow patriotic motherfucker here I think they deserve another game of
[02:49:55] you bestowing bravery on instance they don't know how to say I'm sorry for
[02:49:59] not transferring and helping you, you know what to do.
[02:50:02] Ah, primary games are actually boring as shit.
[02:50:06] That's why I stopped going on, because they're too bad.
[02:50:09] They're actually just too bad that you can't play.
[02:50:19] Actually, the builds are fucking not ferocious.
[02:50:24] If it was right runes, just maybe.
[02:50:28] But wrong runes, wrong build, wrong summoner spells,
[02:50:33] wrong build, like skill level up?
[02:50:37] Dude, that's not even playable.
[02:50:54] What's up? What's up?
[02:50:56] What's up? What's up?
[02:50:58] I'll just do that for fun.
[02:51:00] How much did you decay? I didn't decay.
[02:51:02] It's all in the game.
[02:51:50] Was there a reason you didn't upload the game
[02:51:52] where you lost against the 035 corky
[02:51:54] to the main channel?
[02:51:56] Well, brother, because I am the one
[02:51:58] that says what's uploaded on my YouTube
[02:52:00] you fucking retard.
[02:52:02] Wait a minute. I'm not.
[02:52:04] I just found out that you are a father to me
[02:52:18] so happy part of your journey that you've always
[02:52:20] come to the stream no problem cat
[02:52:43] once said that shit I scrolled up
[02:52:45] it was a fucking re-sub
[02:52:47] dumbass
[02:52:54] fake potato, no they are subs
[02:53:08] re-sub would be there too
[02:53:10] not if it was before my game
[02:53:12] I'm trying to make up a message
[02:53:37] yeah maybe brand that game to win
[02:53:39] because if I top this it gets solo kill
[02:53:41] does it go rise
[02:53:43] dude I think I'm almost broken what's the movement at this rate
[02:53:45] actually I didn't even see what happened
[02:53:47] that game
[02:53:49] as planned the Middle Eastern servers his champ doesn't lose it so all ranks he's
[02:53:58] broken not high elo yet not high elo yet I don't care
[02:54:08] I'm not gonna give him a chance. We have the studio for LCS finals yes sir
[02:54:58] locks on duck duck what's up hi can I pick Teemo? He does need fucking consent
[02:55:57] I'm the main character oh boy another LL stylish he's actually just running
[02:56:30] every single game down by the way like actually even that game I I won with him
[02:56:37] he still ran down but the rest of us were ahead so he's able to come back
[02:56:41] he's literally just running it every game it's fucking crazy he's playing
[02:57:25] chess at the same time yeah he's playing chess smoking a cig music
[02:57:31] Play in the background, stream it, look at this guy, I just do not care.
[02:57:37] Respect!
[02:57:48] Watching Netflix on the fourth monitor, I have a bro.
[02:57:54] I feel like if I smoke after every...
[02:57:57] Bro, he stands up and walks away from his keyboard after every game.
[02:58:01] Like, I respect that.
[02:58:04] Just because me getting up that much would get fucking annoying.
[02:58:08] The Summoner is red.
[02:58:24] 20 seconds until Minion spawns.
[02:58:26] He doesn't smoke in his PC, fat.
[02:58:37] Minions have spawned.
[02:58:54] I mean, he actually hasn't mastered it. See, there's no way.
[02:58:56] He hasn't mastered to come back in exactly
[02:58:59] 60 to 70 seconds.
[02:59:01] There's no way. There's no way.
[02:59:04] Every single time.
[02:59:12] Every single time.
[02:59:14] Oh, little nipple.
[02:59:27] That's called passion, Tyler.
[02:59:43] Should I have that?
[02:59:45] Horks them a passionless no passion no drive
[02:59:58] Just going in a circle. That is my life day after day
[03:00:06] Going through the motions day after day
[03:00:11] Play sock
[03:00:47] Dumblediff kind of wasn't even close. He yoink is uh, I dare you for that sweet wits up trolling us
[03:02:28] Please I'm a famous screemer
[03:02:48] And then he deafens the global icon, and this guy can't stand it, he's jealous.
[03:02:59] Haters win again, he should start smoking meth.
[03:04:06] Sondra is this game versus well, right in the void, consider a stack of mar.
[03:05:15] A kindred ragebot tab, they are terrible.
[03:05:40] That's a bit insane.
[03:05:53] They have Kinnin, the Sondra, Nautilus.
[03:05:56] They have tabs just because they're close to happening.
[03:06:01] It's like they're working.
[03:06:20] I don't have I do have I stole it. Oh now I stole it now. I stole it
[03:07:29] It's the cast ring
[03:07:48] No, Henry
[03:07:49] The knowledge is one shot. We like chain CC them for like four seconds
[03:08:33] She's had an auto because she's literally emotional from the Zin beating her ass
[03:08:41] Just let's go this
[03:08:43] Bit wild. Well, T1 would start IRL beast to stylus this game
[03:09:22] Just perform it.
[03:09:24] He gives a shite, bro.
[03:09:59] Put your mark.
[03:10:11] Oh, Sasha, co-worker, treat him with respect.
[03:10:55] Hovering bot side, sir.
[03:11:01] Oh, I just checked in with Mark.
[03:11:03] That looks like it says 1.
[03:11:05] That would be fucking devastating.
[03:11:07] I mean, bro, it's nobody, it's your own fault.
[03:11:42] It's literally just general.
[03:11:44] I don't know what to tell ya.
[03:12:36] That was a good flash, bro.
[03:12:38] You're a tough guy, huh?
[03:12:40] It flashed there, bud.
[03:12:51] Hey, look everybody we got a fucking tough guy on the enemy team.
[03:12:58] It means they blew three flashes just for me.
[03:13:09] But Zed also.
[03:13:11] Unless uh, also putt-ash.
[03:13:43] Get it secured or markburned, oh wait a minute she's been in.
[03:14:44] My jungle says not to let the win.
[03:14:47] Oazio what's up are they at 83?
[03:14:56] That's your 85 thing.
[03:16:22] They are randoms with no following.
[03:16:25] No one cares about them and they're intriguing for what.
[03:16:30] Flexing their rank on Twitter to get three likes by bots.
[03:16:33] True Dr. Herald, true. I like this kid who's win training.
[03:16:38] This guy's not win training at all. It's actually a very real, he's, it's really just ego.
[03:16:42] Like, Zin is just better than him, just out-jumbled him. So he's like only building for Zin,
[03:16:47] he's only playing just until Zin to prove to himself that this guy's not actually better.
[03:16:54] And he's just like failing every time, dying and dying and dying and dying and dying.
[03:16:58] Look at him. He doesn't care.
[03:17:12] He gets way back into the game.
[03:17:38] See him dodge that Q with fucking Proto?
[03:18:51] Which was Teemo's bounty.
[03:20:01] Doesn't say. Who got it?
[03:20:03] Assume. Cog'em all. I don't really know.
[03:20:17] Oh, Kindred, you're your fourth mark, bro.
[03:20:27] Kindred, you want your mark?
[03:20:29] Oh, come on, man.
[03:20:45] Hold his soul.
[03:22:05] I think Rylai's could be big.
[03:23:05] 4MR? Oh my god.
[03:23:17] Hell, that's soul.
[03:23:34] You don't need to smoke to not make sense.
[03:24:55] make sense who's gonna kill cock-a-maw also like tomorrow stacking I think
[03:25:50] mid would be passable but my jungler's action is running it please don't die
[03:26:12] here and then say why are we not on Baron can't do Baron man these guys
[03:28:40] actually in their break though they're just dying like 50 times a game if I were
[03:28:46] you I'd go for a smoke right now after getting fucked like that
[03:28:51] I mean when the counter hits four marks we can win.
[03:29:14] I didn't even see that elder spotting in different...
[03:29:29] Juice me, juice me!
[03:30:14] Okay, I have enough mana for R.
[03:30:28] At least the two dipshits died together.
[03:30:49] These guys are such terrorists, it's crazy.
[03:31:05] Amulah hostage.
[03:31:07] They're just fucked these guys.
[03:31:08] But what do we need, what do we need, what do we need?
[03:31:42] Dave, what's up?
[03:32:04] Oh Femo, we can hold.
[03:32:06] I believe.
[03:32:17] Get in there pussies, stop playing for Katie!
[03:32:19] Not play with L.O. Stylish please. Like no offense to the guy, but he is just running it the fuck down every game.
[03:32:46] And I get it, our jungle was dog shit actually running it down that game, but he's not playing the game.
[03:32:53] Dude, he's actually dying 10 plus times a game, brain completely off. Not trying to win at all.
[03:33:01] I'm begging at this point. Stop fucking queuing. Still winnable though. If Kindred wanted to play, we would have won.
[03:33:19] This guy's also just fucking tilted. This guy's just tilted. He's played for four hours today. He's two and five.
[03:33:28] His two wins. He just got carried. Actually, 17 kill. 38% he's at dude. It's just not your day.
[03:33:39] It's just not your day, bro. Go back to bed. Go outside. It is where it is. Yeah, I've been there, bro.
[03:33:48] Bro, it's fine.
[03:33:50] The NL Stylish is just sitting to get every game.
[03:33:52] This is the game we won, he still sent it.
[03:33:54] By the way, he started this game 0-7.
[03:33:56] Ran it down this game as well.
[03:34:03] Didn't start off too bad.
[03:34:07] The brother, what are we doing?
[03:34:31] Imagine if these two played.
[03:34:34] And Timo was like eight kills, it was winnable.
[03:34:56] He was three games away from Challengers,
[03:34:58] so QE nonstop.
[03:34:59] Ah.
[03:35:02] Actually, my kidder was two.
[03:35:04] Ah.
[03:35:07] oh they both were
[03:35:09] okay so kindred was one went away from challenger at the start of the day so
[03:35:13] she's rage queuing she lost and then l l stylish was one went away
[03:35:17] he's rage queuing because he lost
[03:35:19] oh my god
[03:35:21] guys listen trust me
[03:35:23] i've been there
[03:35:25] okay it's not gonna get better
[03:35:26] try again tomorrow
[03:35:47] you listen to your own advice
[03:35:49] fuck no
[03:36:03] i'm built way crazy
[03:36:18] you know any difference with matchmaking changes
[03:36:25] I mean to be honest I played five games three of them were pretty close like if
[03:36:31] you were to argue that I think that this game was close I actually do I think it
[03:36:35] would have been a really good game if my jungle wasn't wasn't trying to lose that's
[03:36:39] like something right can't fix I would argue that's three out of five good
[03:36:43] games when shot what's up odd silence Bobby Gp now killer was so it's set
[03:37:38] to end that game as a witcher he literally just got out jumbled got pissy and then just built to kill
[03:37:44] Zinn and it failed but he was soft ending like that should be punishable low key what else stylish
[03:37:52] did not soft ending just bad but that kinder needs to go forever the bridge between soft ending
[03:38:29] and being trouble to game. It's only one's intentional.
[03:38:32] Glad to see you had a safe flight home, TT. I saw the last picture Kayla shared about your
[03:38:41] baby girl sleeping. She is such a cutie. She is.
[03:38:45] They both are. I am so happy for the three of you.
[03:38:48] Thank you, man. Also, I wish you all Oigwell chats.
[03:38:54] Oh, second chat. Hit, bro. Fuck you.
[03:39:19] God forbid we get some appreciation. Appreciation for what?
[03:39:22] stop talking in my lobby I will not test who are low-low players so low we low
[03:39:49] I'm gonna be you called me for for having the disposable income to gift this up
[03:40:10] not calling you for I'm calling you a fucking loser playing for a content now
[03:40:31] after securing the bag I'm performing every single game after not playing in
[03:40:36] three days and I'm a new setup can't be Baka in it bag for a rumble band if it
[03:40:53] was Baka he wouldn't bag for a rumble band this lobby is we're all fucking
[03:41:08] yapping that we have seen five people type in a lobby since I don't know
[03:41:26] when oh holy shit league legends right there baby that is some league legend
[03:43:39] Oh you did? Oh my god!
[03:43:42] It's a bug that's going around apparently.
[03:43:44] I only got 24 for a win.
[03:43:47] I only got 17 for shitting on your rendered last game.
[03:43:50] She okay shitting, she was burning it down by the way.
[03:43:52] Yeah.
[03:43:53] She killed her at red and she literally her brain exploded.
[03:43:58] I mean it happens.
[03:44:00] Strongest and Asian Green Mental.
[03:44:02] We're causing, we're causing.
[03:44:13] Oh Bob, Bob, Bob.
[03:44:14] We have no vision. I can come after after this.
[03:44:16] I'm spacing, I'm spacing.
[03:44:17] okay okay calm down on the comms bro we're overloading I'm on the way and
[03:44:26] the warning so I have the game and right I should come level one
[03:44:35] all right we'll do man yeah you know like you know like I need to win like
[03:44:42] actually need to win you finally goes long-awaited comms if we lose this
[03:44:49] fucking game it's pathetic oh my god all he's thinking about right now that
[03:44:53] YouTube video he's already gaming his fucking editor mid-game during line no
[03:45:01] I this deep shit fiddle who are you bro like shut the fuck up man it's a bad day
[03:45:18] you're so nervous playing with bro focus up no it's because you don't
[03:45:23] understand the magnitude you don't understand you don't get it you just
[03:45:27] I could be either side than I am.
[03:45:29] Good buts.
[03:45:31] Yeah.
[03:45:32] Now he's top, he's top.
[03:45:33] Here to burn squad, I'm just gonna go buck around.
[03:45:35] Here way to spawn top, I'm crossing mid.
[03:45:39] Okay, that's not wrong.
[03:45:43] Mid flash.
[03:45:48] Okay.
[03:45:49] What the fuck?
[03:45:52] Yo, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me.
[03:45:55] Okay, call no flash on that door flash.
[03:45:58] You guys can still come out.
[03:45:59] Yep, fight it.
[03:46:00] No flash either no flash either
[03:46:04] You know that guy just like dog in all the time with his zero by the way with his zero
[03:46:10] Well, he doesn't want to get chat restricted from I'm running straight there, but
[03:46:20] How's their first
[03:46:29] Hmm might appear so
[03:46:40] with you wait since I'm playing with you Tyler I'm actually never gonna get gang
[03:46:44] toppled in I can't please I'm a colleague I told you this tonight and are you
[03:46:49] soon to get gapped by loads of rings bro already winged that mid-flight by
[03:46:53] Roman you caught him a lane you're right you know I should kill myself is
[03:46:58] that what you want me to kill myself probably shouldn't
[03:47:03] hey you said it not me look at that bro like if I was gapped by loads of
[03:47:10] I don't know what I would do
[03:47:18] He's full clear top up. So he's probably here. I'm gonna come bought if you're really
[03:47:27] Yo, we have a fiddle mid. When did that happen? I actually a fiddle one trick
[03:47:34] Tilia has a ulti. I'm gonna give you a wave spawn. I gotta go back top
[03:47:39] I will I will
[03:47:42] Flash.
[03:47:43] Right here.
[03:47:44] Our waves like, you know, cannot do anything.
[03:47:59] We're going to see a Cole, so I can't really fish here.
[03:48:04] So we're going to see Tileys on the ring, so I'm pretty sure they're on it.
[03:48:07] Yeah.
[03:48:08] Can you, my top's slow pushing.
[03:48:10] Can you counter?
[03:48:11] I can come through lane, yeah, but if Tileys here, I don't think we win.
[03:48:14] Unless we like, one-shot call.
[03:48:16] I can fish right through the groves now.
[03:48:20] And then come top.
[03:48:21] Yeah, I'm coming top, coming top.
[03:48:23] Just do that thing.
[03:48:27] Yeah, cause here.
[03:48:29] Tileys moving.
[03:48:34] Yeah, I think I'm-
[03:48:35] I can't move, I can't move.
[03:48:36] I can't move I can't move
[03:48:40] I'll fucking load jungle in the turret here
[03:48:42] oh my fiddle sticks when I'm actually alive
[03:48:44] wait if your ulti wasn't
[03:48:46] oh how do we place the League of Legends
[03:48:48] bacon
[03:48:50] I'm trying bro
[03:48:52] I have no fucking solos
[03:48:54] no flash any
[03:48:59] nice
[03:49:01] okay Baka the youtuber
[03:49:03] okay happy seed
[03:49:05] I've got this shit I've got this shit
[03:49:07] say it won't turn say it won't turn
[03:49:09] You won't you won't
[03:49:24] It's a top cap actually you've earned it. Oh my god, I get to have dinner tonight
[03:49:30] I'm gonna butt up through it
[03:49:32] Okay, he's six on the way
[03:49:47] Shocker, okay new strat. No comms
[03:49:51] Or just don't don't talk about the game
[03:50:04] True. I played this scenario many many times before
[03:50:07] for we know man it's a GM game what happens it always ends in a spawn cam group
[03:50:17] all their flashes are back up all could be either side so they're on not six
[03:50:31] okay good luck can we do anything top if you chunk her yeah and then come
[03:50:58] I think we can play for second grubs, I think our post six is stronger with Fiddle, I think
[03:52:01] I'll stop the through lane.
[03:52:05] They have flashed here, keep in mind.
[03:52:07] Oh my god.
[03:52:09] Oh no, we're performing.
[03:52:11] You don't have to stop though.
[03:52:13] No, I actually...
[03:52:15] You're a 40.
[03:52:17] I forgot to stop.
[03:52:19] That's what I thought.
[03:52:21] You did not have to stop.
[03:52:23] I have never choked under pressure.
[03:52:25] Caperoni and cheese, man.
[03:52:29] We're stacking a mar, guys.
[03:52:31] I need our top side to carry here.
[03:52:33] As usual
[03:52:36] All right, call you Brenda alright, so this should be for you
[03:52:50] No
[03:52:55] Bro can't throw those allegations to be up to white for them did not be taken seriously
[03:53:02] Yeah, you're trying you're trying to get me killed
[03:53:11] Yeah
[03:53:13] Don't know where cause
[03:53:15] I've set up for an extra I get to pretty free
[03:53:17] On our no flash
[03:53:35] Yeah, we see me soon
[03:53:40] I can base and rush it there, but I think you guys are fine, right? Yeah
[03:53:43] Yeah, I'm gonna honest it
[03:53:45] Our fiddle is hunting
[03:53:56] So he is missing right here. I can jump up really hard by the way. Okay, we see cause he's mid
[03:54:07] There's no top like plus here
[03:54:10] I can just be here like you know
[03:54:18] I've got you fucking worthless piece of shovel kill!
[03:54:22] But what kills to load some fucking Ranger your gap like this in my fucking game?
[03:54:26] I've got 20 CS, if I can play this around the map, it's embarrassing to watch, bro.
[03:54:31] You're getting sick again.
[03:54:36] You just...
[03:54:37] They bought him.
[03:54:38] They bought him.
[03:54:39] It's trash!
[03:54:40] It's trash!
[03:54:41] I don't care, bro.
[03:54:42] Oh shit, oh shit, I'm laughing.
[03:54:43] I'm caught.
[03:54:44] Okay.
[03:54:45] If you can play Dragon, call an OTP.
[03:54:47] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[03:54:49] That's really fucked up.
[03:54:50] my top is
[03:54:54] No, no arcozix
[03:55:03] It'll six is there pretty slowly
[03:55:06] All right, you just died you die for me you die for me. I'm a bounty. I'll carry
[03:55:11] Oh, Phil Cp. Phil Cp just send it. It's history
[03:55:15] Okay, wait
[03:55:17] oh where's my game just fucking he did jack shit my champ is weak my
[03:55:25] champ is weak he did jack shit my champ is weak
[03:55:28] oh where's my game play I gotta pick one that's push bro wait wait brum walked wait
[03:55:33] if brum walks we can actually fight fuck him here no flash on Nautilus
[03:55:40] get in here get in here no coley's right by the way you're playing the
[03:55:43] katie nine times oh my god I'm gonna do I blame brum I don't give a fuck
[03:55:51] I blame Braum. He's a piece of shit
[03:55:54] We were calling for it the whole time top lane. I saw you sitting here bro with a pink word in this bush
[03:55:59] You don't she's not what?
[03:56:00] No, I had nothing
[03:56:02] I I you know what?
[03:56:05] Maybe I do sit there. Thank you. It's vehicle pick was trash. I said what I said
[03:56:10] Okay, I had the blind jungle bro my role sucks
[03:56:13] We can't do anything else probably
[03:56:21] One or other games
[03:56:23] this embarrassing what's embarrassing let's play it to me what is low in some
[03:56:29] range we're doing 1v9 right he was typing and gave me a shot down you know last
[03:56:33] game I had this enough and she went 0-6 lost tower 8 minutes now she's against
[03:56:37] tower 1 and she's level 10 three kills wow yeah yeah bot lane actually I think
[03:56:44] We
[03:56:54] We play a really strong way for you to get here. Yeah. Yeah, I bolted 20 cc up
[03:57:03] Yeah
[03:57:10] We for brand we for brand ran it down
[03:57:20] Yeah, they're not fucking ghosting deluxe.
[03:57:24] I'll be timed anything.
[03:57:29] He's no flash, he's no flash.
[03:57:33] Okay, we...
[03:57:37] Or?
[03:57:38] You not killed that guy?
[03:57:39] I used everything.
[03:57:40] I literally used everything.
[03:57:41] Alright, we fucking lost.
[03:57:43] I mean, I don't know, bro.
[03:57:46] You got a triple kill, then didn't you?
[03:57:49] Well, I earned that triple kill.
[03:57:51] Okay, fuck it, baby.
[03:57:52] What do you mean?
[03:57:53] your laner who didn't get a triple kill solo won the game by TPing bot and with his roam mid
[03:57:58] oh so you weren't already inting beforehand
[03:58:01] oh okay I'm getting serious
[03:58:04] this is what happens you know this is like you know what it is well what if what
[03:58:09] if I you know I'm not even gonna say it I'm ready just said nothing in 500 words
[03:58:13] I'm sorry, we can still win a game
[03:58:15] I hope you lose 25 again, there I said that too
[03:58:20] No, don't be like that, don't be like that, that's fucked up
[03:58:24] 25 LT is fucked up
[03:58:26] And then stacking MR, just go next
[03:58:28] Four minutes, four minutes
[03:58:40] What's happening?
[03:58:42] Just wait
[03:58:43] Oh, I'm sorry, you're not scaling
[03:58:45] You don't think I'm gonna scale this game?
[03:58:48] No, you got three kills at level one
[03:58:50] Well, let's try our best, okay?
[03:58:56] fuck off do it for her bro we can win for her through
[03:59:01] you can rush this if Holly's on top of their TPing behind
[03:59:07] wait TP okay oh okay
[03:59:12] this is how all go die yeah I thought it's not gonna just leave this live
[03:59:16] yeah pull three Holly's walking here I can just stun her
[03:59:21] it'll get suspicious I guess we're showing oh they got our Phil since
[03:59:27] He's the wincon How many more minutes solar you're 13
[03:59:40] us okay 13 more minutes no 13 level 13 that's who we lost lanes in
[03:59:49] what are they doing are they lost we can actually one more one more level they're
[04:00:00] We're trolling here.
[04:00:01] You're not going top for the wave?
[04:00:04] No, no, no, no, no.
[04:00:05] Some fucked up shit is about to happen.
[04:00:06] I know it's right here.
[04:00:07] Fucked up shit is happening.
[04:00:09] That's a kill.
[04:00:09] That's a kill.
[04:00:10] We win the game here.
[04:00:11] We win the game here.
[04:00:12] Yeah, he just reset.
[04:00:14] He's dead, he's dead, he's dead.
[04:00:18] Fuck!
[04:00:19] Damn it!
[04:00:20] Bro, if I got that kill on Fiddle,
[04:00:21] we won the game there, actually.
[04:00:24] Stop saying that.
[04:00:24] You got three kills, but we wonder
[04:00:25] where fucking Slinger S is off.
[04:00:29] We win.
[04:00:30] We can die mid.
[04:00:30] Look at Fiddle on the wall.
[04:00:31] What does that mean?
[04:00:32] Look, I fed a little bit of-
[04:00:33] I'm on the balcony! I'm on the balcony!
[04:00:34] It's out! It's out!
[04:00:35] Waddle!
[04:00:40] Okay, Akali just stopped 5 triumph crawls.
[04:00:42] What the fuck was that?
[04:00:44] Good job!
[04:00:45] Tower?
[04:00:46] Yeah, I know.
[04:00:46] Nice.
[04:00:47] Good shit.
[04:00:48] What happened? I thought that was just brief.
[04:00:53] I mean, it's still good.
[04:00:54] It could have been better.
[04:00:55] Wuh.
[04:01:00] Wuh-wuh-wuh.
[04:01:01] I got my last.
[04:01:02] I got my last.
[04:01:03] I got my last.
[04:01:04] Wuh.
[04:01:05] I'm gonna save the-
[04:01:06] I should avoid staff.
[04:01:07] Yeah, maybe.
[04:01:08] Yeah.
[04:01:09] I should avoid staff.
[04:01:10] Uh, MS no zones, not listen to flasher dragon, so we can just play with vidar again.
[04:01:24] You know what, I'm sorry princess, I'm sorry I'm not carrying you like you want me to,
[04:01:33] but you know what, give me a little bit of time, that's what you want, you want to be
[04:01:37] a princess, that's all you want to be as a princess, carry your way, out for a fortnight,
[04:01:42] you can win, we're gonna win.
[04:01:43] Oh god, I was in a call with humza earlier to have more brain cells in this fall,
[04:01:50] I have a lot of focus up bro. Let's focus up
[04:01:55] All right, I'm here I'm level 13 women fighting this okay, you said it's coming. I don't give a fuck we go
[04:02:03] Okay, did you get in a flash? Yeah, no sums on it. She or not. Let's
[04:02:07] Cosics also flash Cosics no flash. Okay
[04:02:11] Kalias who's on is
[04:02:14] You can push a bot first we have 40 seconds to drag I'd rather set up someone's gonna run it
[04:02:20] I think our next mid wave dragon will be there.
[04:02:34] I call in Oshiro, yeah we need like one random...
[04:02:37] I mean that weren't spots where they go in.
[04:02:39] Yeah it's kind of good, it's good enough.
[04:02:41] Solo, use solo dragon if they end up going over the middle of a nash.
[04:02:49] Fucking excellent.
[04:02:50] Let's go right now.
[04:02:51] Alright, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
[04:02:53] Yeah, we just call, they're not angling nash.
[04:02:55] Fiddles coming?
[04:02:59] Okay, we're engaging, we're engaging.
[04:03:00] Fiddles in!
[04:03:01] Fiddles in!
[04:03:02] Nice.
[04:03:03] Call me Collin!
[04:03:04] Look for Bear!
[04:03:06] Look for Bear!
[04:03:08] Yeah, I'm dragging into it now.
[04:03:09] Call me no flash.
[04:03:10] I said no for Bob!
[04:03:12] OK, bro!
[04:03:13] Whoa, there's a little bit of...
[04:03:15] I'm adrenaline.
[04:03:16] Bro, calm down.
[04:03:17] I can hear that.
[04:03:23] You can beat cute chicken or...
[04:03:27] What the fuck?
[04:03:28] Bro, we're online.
[04:03:30] Yo, hug left, hug left!
[04:03:34] I'll hug you, bro.
[04:03:39] What the fuck is that?
[04:03:40] Go, go, go, this way, this way.
[04:03:42] Yeah, we're out, we're out.
[04:03:43] Adios, amigo. That means goodbye, friend.
[04:03:47] Okay, I didn't know, thanks.
[04:03:48] Yep.
[04:03:49] Othai.
[04:03:50] Othai-lingual.
[04:03:52] I'll say.
[04:04:01] What'd I say, by the way?
[04:04:03] Look at this.
[04:04:04] Level 13?
[04:04:05] No, you've got to be honest.
[04:04:06] You're a kill since then.
[04:04:07] You've got a KB plus a QT, that's no way.
[04:04:09] Oh, you have?
[04:04:10] Not, it's actually a worst.
[04:04:11] Okay, let's use our barrier we can push in bot,
[04:04:13] or at least break bot.
[04:04:14] Here too.
[04:04:15] I'll cover top real quick.
[04:04:17] I think Fiddles should, but...
[04:04:19] Yeah, he definitely should because we want you on bot lane but it's too late now
[04:04:24] I'm you have a serious problem bro because there ain't no way you do up on a three kill youtuber. That shit's embarrassing
[04:04:29] We get cheese. I don't think Megan died you if you just sit. I'm there man
[04:04:41] Yeah
[04:04:42] Okay, we need to fix our lane assignments. We don't want our no TP on the other side of the map
[04:04:51] Yeah, I'm gonna reset and we just play through your lane solar. You can stay top
[04:04:54] I think there's somebody in our jungle right here.
[04:05:02] Where?
[04:05:03] Oh, yep.
[04:05:04] Yep.
[04:05:05] Uh, that was fucking dead.
[04:05:08] He might live.
[04:05:09] I thought so.
[04:05:10] No, he's dead, he's dead.
[04:05:11] He got three R's though.
[04:05:12] He's got three R's.
[04:05:13] Uh, MF, Akali, not.
[04:05:14] We can hard jump.
[04:05:15] Yeah, yeah, we go, we play mid.
[04:05:16] Hard push mid.
[04:05:17] Easy, easy, easy.
[04:05:18] Yeah, yeah, Akali's here.
[04:05:20] Under mass, hello!
[04:05:22] What the fucking team!
[04:05:30] Place low.
[04:05:32] Next CD.
[04:05:33] I don't know what your CDs are bro, can you talk to me?
[04:05:38] No!
[04:05:39] Okay, Topply got top turret.
[04:05:42] And you bearish yourself again.
[04:05:44] Let's just back off, I honestly got him.
[04:05:46] He can't do that.
[04:05:47] How come?
[04:05:48] No, that's all good.
[04:05:49] I mean, it's hard to watch, Baka.
[04:05:55] You were...
[04:05:58] Few more assists and he's online.
[04:06:00] But I will carry.
[04:06:01] Don't worry about it.
[04:06:03] More R presses, more R presses.
[04:06:05] Cook them after you guys reactively, also.
[04:06:12] Yeah, I was hoping for something to be calling them, but...
[04:06:14] She's still a flash. Okay, uh, to lia burn flush. That's pretty easy kill on the next ride
[04:06:20] We'll get this
[04:06:27] Yeah, what's up idiot? I need to walk top road and
[04:06:31] match your walk up
[04:06:35] Listen to the shawl call it is a fruit of lonesome rangers aura. That's embarrassing
[04:06:44] Player utility champ, what can I say? You can't gang climb to utility champ
[04:06:51] Yeah, just a little bit.
[04:06:53] Be careful bot lane.
[04:06:55] Yeah, they're hard rotating to you.
[04:06:57] I don't fuck with it.
[04:07:01] Yo, I'm going to try to...
[04:07:03] Ah, this might be the worst play of the century.
[04:07:05] No, no, no. Yo, you buy time for me, I got this.
[04:07:07] Yo, we're fucking dead.
[04:07:09] Yo, I got this.
[04:07:11] We're dead as fuck.
[04:07:13] No, no, no, no.
[04:07:15] Listen, trust me. You need to...
[04:07:17] She has veggies though.
[04:07:19] You guys just killed the fucking guy.
[04:07:21] this a thousand times trust me okay okay they're actually they're actually
[04:07:23] close here we're here
[04:07:27] okay calling
[04:07:30] i call you i do i don't know i i need this for some
[04:07:37] it's bro it's no cap he's like he's like he's really fucking cold
[04:07:41] he's on his third yeah now but if you got that
[04:07:45] what the fuck are you retards doing i see i hook the bottomless he hooked the
[04:07:49] minion i got everything it's just i barrel no i barrel the bottomless
[04:07:53] as well I don't I literally don't know I think Phil shouldn't have ulted whatever the fuck this was
[04:07:57] and the crazy is there's really building no armor like bro it's just fucking I don't know what to tell
[04:08:01] you we have double banshees fail the quadra mert treads like what do you want
[04:08:08] what do I want I want us to be on the same page and listen I want one more item just one more
[04:08:14] item just one more item just one more item yeah if I get any really I find it hard to believe
[04:08:47] You've been saying a lot. You've actually done nothing but say stuff. I think you have a lot to say
[04:08:52] All right, I let him can win. Okay. Now we can win. He's finally online 27 minutes. He's online
[04:09:07] Let's watch this fight this galing champs down
[04:09:09] That's what a colleague does when there's gink gink off
[04:09:13] It sounds like you're about to say what a champ if it is
[04:09:16] That's what I was trying to say, it's just a player to kill.
[04:09:19] No it's not a player to kill, it's just a player to kill brother.
[04:09:21] No hell no.
[04:09:22] Okay they're arcane and mid, you're not scared of them.
[04:09:32] They're calling you everything.
[04:09:33] They're using arcane.
[04:09:34] Hey that's triple r's by the way, I'm reset, I have right life.
[04:09:37] They're calling you old, no old, no old.
[04:09:41] Yeah, just gonna walk out on the left side.
[04:09:44] Are they baron?
[04:09:47] We got one?
[04:09:50] We got one, we got one.
[04:09:53] We got one.
[04:09:54] They're on baron, they're on baron.
[04:09:55] Okay, calling OE.
[04:09:56] I'm gonna walk out.
[04:09:58] I'm already rushed to it.
[04:10:02] I'm gonna deal with that me.
[04:10:04] Oh, I got up.
[04:10:06] I got a reset.
[04:10:08] I'm only up for a call here.
[04:10:10] Oh, she's one.
[04:10:12] Chase, chase, chase, chase, chase.
[04:10:14] It's a map that's not a world we can't...
[04:10:16] We can push top.
[04:10:18] Push top, push top.
[04:10:25] I'm gonna map it into the verands.
[04:10:27] Yep, but you missed it.
[04:10:29] Yeah, I got stat checked by the best ADC in the game.
[04:10:31] checked by the best ADC in the game.
[04:10:33] I shit that I'm banning her after this game.
[04:10:35] Why are you banning a moomo after I play one moomo?
[04:10:38] I'm banning a moomo server.
[04:10:39] I shit one, and he just never loses.
[04:10:41] Oh, so a moomo's OP in viewer games.
[04:10:45] What?
[04:10:45] Yeah, I'm saying that.
[04:10:46] OK, I'm just dead.
[04:10:53] All right, subs, if I don't.
[04:10:56] Just Nautilus flush, I think.
[04:11:04] Yeah, it tops up two levels and an AD farm, but a lot
[04:11:07] of KP.
[04:11:07] So surely farming matters.
[04:11:09] Yes, for top laner stinks like shit.
[04:11:11] our top laner, our top laner that was strong sided
[04:11:15] strong sided?
[04:11:16] strong sided piece of paper?
[04:11:18] the fuck did you do top lane?
[04:11:20] you're not the king
[04:11:21] well my viego is clear, you're just strong sided
[04:11:24] well yeah, I pat top and you didn't get ganked
[04:11:27] no, you did not do shit top lane actually
[04:11:30] I don't have to do shit that pressure
[04:11:32] call me a skulb
[04:11:36] cousin barba here
[04:11:38] strong shop rub
[04:11:40] as long as we have river-tankers
[04:11:42] Yeah sure, more resources for you
[04:11:54] Yes, the only build I've had that works
[04:11:57] 10 video games I played
[04:12:01] And after that in 50 fuck that top way, I'm going
[04:12:20] And no one would keep you can hold her you know, we're getting caught
[04:12:24] I could also flash
[04:12:28] Or not
[04:12:29] She's gonna reset. I'm walking. I'm walking. Don't die. Don't die. I'm walking. Yeah, it's in 50
[04:12:34] We gotta find another midway. Let me grab road real quick. I can't go top. I don't have TP too. What's one of you two though?
[04:12:44] I mean not not they both just get dough. This is fucking awesome. I
[04:12:51] Can't go there. It'll have to go top
[04:12:54] Okay, sir that little self. Hope he doesn't get dough. He's on two levels
[04:12:59] oh my god
[04:13:03] he has flash now what's that flash?
[04:13:05] oh he's just fucking dog shit
[04:13:07] ah tilia tilia
[04:13:09] ah tilia ah yo yo holly sun
[04:13:11] watch out
[04:13:16] holy shit you guys see that
[04:13:18] nah i'm the best player
[04:13:20] oh my god what's the matter
[04:13:22] okay end end end
[04:13:24] end end end
[04:13:26] oh look at the resources
[04:13:28] go
[04:13:30] oh my god top gap top gap
[04:13:32] I'm just gonna fucking barrel by the way
[04:13:35] I don't even know you were what the fuck okay that guy is hoping we had
[04:13:39] I'll watch the Vod back just for you, but I didn't see what you did. Yeah, you're sick
[04:13:45] Was I can you describe it before I will go watch a colleague was going to the flank I pressed E and then R
[04:13:51] Holy fucking okay. Yeah, you know what I don't need to see it. That's so fucking epic
[04:13:57] Yeah, you're welcome for the 1d9 all right 32 minutes in
[04:14:00] Oh my god, Polar Baca performed one game
[04:14:14] Tyler one win solar bucket doesn't carry him for the 80th time in a row
[04:14:27] What brother I'm playing five given my game state
[04:14:32] you both so all right luck and smolner again with fucking whatever that was bro
[04:14:38] I said I'm taking your toddlers I'm like where are you fucking tumbling to man I
[04:14:41] you doing ultimate bravery I don't care fuck the server love this you know I
[04:14:46] respect it yeah I'm a free quick I said it cracks it's up I'm gonna keep those
[04:15:03] it that I actually carried that fight though seriously because I broke a
[04:15:07] Akali's Banshee and I got my ult charges off both of them with her and misfortune so that they were able to insta stun Akali in one shot or it was actually 1v9.
[04:15:24] Speak, perform it.
[04:15:38] 3 commscap, that commscap my top laner started the game 3-0 and then didn't perform for the rest of the game.
[04:15:53] Endpoint got 3 kills at what? At 9 minutes and then didn't do anything until 32 minutes? That's not normal.
[04:16:06] Well, she answered E1. She doesn't love you, bruh.
[04:16:23] It is where it is. Move on.
[04:16:24] Screw against lonesome ranger.
[04:16:51] I don't think the E-Me NA server is bad at all.
[04:16:54] I think at the higher end, it reminds me a lot about other servers.
[04:17:03] Problem is, I think it's gonna be Q-Times.
[04:17:05] I think Q-Times are way too long.
[04:17:06] And it depends where you're playing from, though.
[04:17:08] If you have, like, 100 plus ping on EUS,
[04:17:12] then I would try playing on Middle Eastern server.
[04:17:15] Other roles don't feel like it. Are we bad in MF?
[04:17:54] But MF all in crazy. That's Jim. That's gotta be Baka
[04:18:58] And that Draven, fuck that Jim. Let me call this guy real quick.
[04:19:23] Gonna need to show up now. I show up on every single video
[04:19:40] For a game. I don't want you to answer. I'm planning this Baka way up
[04:19:46] What?
[04:19:48] No, I said oh, we're not good choice, bro. You know, there's a lot of these
[04:19:53] Hello? Get a little bit nervous
[04:19:55] Dude, I you have no idea how free you are this has got to be quant he's gonna gap you by the way
[04:20:03] Got it. What's funny said that against him today
[04:20:05] Wait, I played against him three games ago and got them the fuck should have heard of me
[04:20:09] Should have before a kid who's like, oh my god. Is that Tyler one? Oh my god. I'm against Tyler one
[04:20:14] Yeah, I bet he was weren't you because he's a weak link
[04:20:17] You know, it's like it's like when you're carrying a lot of fucking dead weight
[04:20:20] And then you release the dead weight and you're like wow your life is so much better
[04:20:24] That's what that's what it is
[04:20:32] Think about what you just said you that is the equivalent did of saying I can't escape because all my teammates suck
[04:20:39] That's what you just said that's out loud. Well, I can't climb my teammates are bad
[04:20:46] All right, bro. I'm gonna beat your ass this game. So
[04:20:48] Minus 35. Yeah. What is this? We're aiming for Tuesday. I'm not locking it in yet though until tomorrow. So no for sure tomorrow.
[04:21:02] Oh my god.
[04:21:25] Eatlun.
[04:21:26] Eatlun.
[04:21:28] Eatlun.
[04:21:33] Eatlun.
[04:21:35] Eatlun.
[04:21:39] Eatlun.
[04:21:41] Eatlun.
[04:21:45] I think he's really good at solo queue. I don't think he's that hard. He has 1v9 potential. I think he's a great champion
[04:21:53] He's gonna learn hard to master. Oh, why am I the one in the bush, Nami? You feel like fucking playing?
[04:23:06] Valleon X. These are those five get the subs, brother. We love you.
[04:23:10] Oh, friend.
[04:23:41] This thing me off. For my fucking life down here, aren't I?
[04:24:29] Ah, damn. I actually have to 1v2 these as well. Let's not get it twisted.
[04:25:26] My Nami did fucking nothing there. The win last game, you have 1v9.
[04:26:02] Brother houses guys still on no reset. Okay, I'm sure my top later will punish the fact that game plank just ardent to my mouth
[04:27:07] Oh
[04:27:16] Gonna reset rumble this nails on two resets the top dive anyway, okay
[04:27:37] This died to an ultimate list of gameplay. It is what it is. I
[04:27:43] Don't think that's a dead window. It's fine
[04:27:49] Wrong side. We auto-filled our jungler for this and make them miss what yes, I can I'm zoning 1v2 right now
[04:28:43] It's a bit wild, isn't it?
[04:28:45] Can you hit that for me?
[04:29:37] It's a Rylis first game.
[04:29:42] FenderLionXChallenging, Janna Mechanics.
[04:29:44] I mean, it's fucking brand Nami, but...
[04:29:48] I hate brand Nami.
[04:30:04] Well, they're all dead.
[04:30:51] But it's unwinnable.
[04:31:50] It's not my day today. I don't know what's happening.
[04:31:52] I'm late, by the way!
[04:32:37] Fucking wild! I'm holding my own like this.
[04:33:14] I've only been getting Nami's because it's fucking an NA, you know an NA sees brand, they have this misconception that brand Nami's very fucking strong, unfortunately, instead of just locking in anything that can go forward.
[04:33:32] I don't like Lucian, people see Lucian, they pick Nami, people see brand, they pick Nami. To be fair, my whole thing is, people that pick Nami, are they going to pick Nautilus, Neon, Arrel anyway?
[04:33:47] probably not. So I would rather than speak Nami in front of this guy, Janna. His name's
[04:33:53] Janna Mechanic. Are we not fighting? Can't you feel ready? Can't you feel that Nami has
[04:35:11] feel ready? I'm gonna get worm. He just, what the flying fuck am I playing with?
[04:36:07] This guy knew it, he reset. That was just a word of... Also, my Nami built staff of
[04:36:18] flowing water first. Fine, I'm playing brand.
[04:36:50] So Nami, walk with him. Dude, I'm gonna fucking go up.
[04:37:14] So this is what we're training? Yo, these guys have got to be trolling, by the way.
[04:37:48] This uh, Rebel Nami, this is a real, defeated by Urgot, if he kills here, it doesn't matter.
[04:38:13] Just get carried, Baka. Haven't played an NA in a while?
[04:38:21] Yeah, that's what it is. That was kinda interesting, I'm not gonna lie.
[04:38:48] Ooh, okay, wait. Nami? 18-minute power spike? Oh, shit. Nami's spiking.
[04:38:59] Is that what we were waiting for? It's a warfare. Oh, that's your big one.
[04:40:09] Turtles lose. Steals this? No way. No way, Syracuse steals this.
[04:42:04] Would you pay to Baka, mate? Yeah. Look at my fucking blue trinket on the fence.
[04:43:13] Why'd that have to do that? I did that because Vars is in the mid, so...
[04:45:21] I don't know, big time. Need vision, need vision.
[04:47:59] By the way, I carried it from the teamfighting to the teamfiend bot, oh my god, the win streak, you got 16, man!
[04:51:07] Can we fix these?
[04:51:10] Brother, 16? You guys would have known something crazy though. I don't know something crazy though.
[04:52:29] Like the things that the most crazy things ever exist, ever.
[04:52:34] I'll be there on Saturday, not this Saturday, but whatever that Saturday is, we'll be wanting
[04:53:14] fans and meeting the fans, don't miss it, and more to be announced soon.
[04:53:21] Guys go buy tickets at using discount code alpha for 15% off
[04:53:27] I butchered that I'll do better later and a client too many cues. Let's watch this teaser number 20 second
[04:54:08] Okay, so let me do this real now. Alright guys. We're actually in a dream hack
[04:54:12] We're doing another one-to-one fan meetup kind of like we did in Berlin, Dallas
[04:54:18] and I
[04:54:21] Can't remember where else we're doing one in Sweden Stockholm. Whatever that is
[04:54:25] So yes, if you're from that location again, this will be in November 22nd 24th if you're any of you
[04:54:30] Yes, that's what's in EU. I'm sorry
[04:54:33] Sweden dream It's not code alpha
[04:54:36] Right in a reminder. It's anything. You can one day one me in anything
[04:54:41] Lift like this time. I'm I'm getting you guys prep time any physical challenge
[04:54:47] maybe any game but for right now league and chess anything cardio doesn't matter
[04:54:56] anything that's reasonable okay again that is Stockholm Sweden number 20
[04:55:06] second playforth I'll be there that Saturday life a good time you know
[04:56:11] what you're eating over there but it's fine they were actually using that time
[04:56:17] And by the way, as a vacation.
[04:56:20] So, I should have been in Sweden for a couple days.
[04:56:46] CWAP.
[04:56:48] Oh my God, they banned fucking a brand.
[04:56:51] What other champion can I play?
[04:56:55] Draven, little alpha male Draven.
[04:56:57] Little SWAT, man.
[04:57:19] Notice the matchmaking?
[04:57:21] Being better on auto-fills?
[04:57:22] I don't know, but I will say.
[04:57:24] I don't know if it's because I haven't played it in a while.
[04:57:26] It was my first day back from Middle East or whatever.
[04:57:29] But the games I think have been better.
[04:57:35] Even like we lost two games, but they were kind of competitive.
[04:57:38] Not gonna lie.
[04:57:56] There's over a hundred no-go zones in Sweden now.
[04:57:58] Did I get to stay safe?
[04:57:59] Well, I hope that it's not in November.
[04:58:05] Oh, that's unfortunate, Luke.
[04:58:07] Damn.
[04:58:07] I'm gonna miss out.
[04:58:22] Well, you definitely can't go flat, by the way.
[04:58:47] No.
[04:58:48] Bro, okay, Draven was actually open.
[04:58:50] Yo, good shit.
[04:58:53] Yo, Draven was open.
[04:58:54] I could actually play Draven, by the way.
[04:59:41] This ain't good at all.
[05:00:07] I think something naughty is happening this game.
[05:00:36] Uh oh.
[05:00:38] Not me.
[05:00:58] I think these two tops are sassy.
[05:01:00] Suspicious.
[05:01:15] Create an enemy team while I have a stroke and not fill the single point of the mark.
[05:02:22] Boy, ought to ring better if you're done by the time you get a gun for your turn.
[05:02:25] That's in November.
[05:02:26] I said I would do it by uh, Tuesday.
[05:02:37] We're banking on Tuesday 7 to 10 business days true, bro. Don't scam. What the fuck that's scamming maybe back bitches
[05:03:51] Are you going to try deadlock I don't know what that is
[05:03:55] Actually, I think I sit on twitch like a yeah, this king still got that lock is he you don't say that word here, bro
[05:04:32] Come on, I should be able to get six here.
[05:06:46] Keep pulling these waves, Lo-Lo.
[05:07:01] Red side, last pick, Vladimir.
[05:07:40] Your comp is all AP and you don't play it.
[05:07:43] It's like just go-didn't, not win-treading at all, actually.
[05:08:13] It's kind of weak.
[05:08:34] He's having fun with some of the support.
[05:08:36] I mean, not right now, but he will.
[05:08:38] 3% bodysat?
[05:09:08] Is he not much?
[05:09:09] What's your 3% bodysat?
[05:09:16] 7 or 8?
[05:09:16] I'm dead, though.
[05:09:17] 3%'s dead in the ground?
[05:09:52] No, it's not.
[05:09:53] Fuck you, you're gonna go forward for it.
[05:10:28] I'm ass?
[05:10:29] What you think was gonna happen? I just say this you just hit dragon you tell me you'd pick a fat guy over a fit guy
[05:11:56] Bro, all I know is tonight last in my body weight. I can crush me years up. I was like 24% or something
[05:12:04] What's six more percent did it wrong? It's probably I'm not doing a fucking official
[05:12:25] Hey, and I got assist for all that. They aren't all Zach's monsters
[05:13:07] I think I ever seen this champion before Lee, but what's up? Areco? What's up? Bro only reads sub comments? No, I don't
[05:13:52] I read all chat comments, but good. Excuse me the greatest
[05:13:57] Streamers a little bit of so niche. I mean, I don't know if there's a reason for the death after this game exactly for us
[05:15:21] We get sold this game, but we could still lose the soul. I guess we're not an easy man
[05:15:48] Who'd you say that about rel bros real plague 5?
[05:16:47] I hate you on this rail.
[05:16:59] No reason to R there.
[05:17:43] Wasted R.
[05:17:45] Say that now that they're low HP,
[05:17:48] made some good play.
[05:18:35] So, Masked Pie, actually 500.
[05:18:52] It was so pain- okay.
[05:19:24] Just sold it for an amp.
[05:20:58] All me.
[05:20:59] No, they stopped you from being able to buy items
[05:21:01] during Carthassal?
[05:21:02] That's the message what happened.
[05:22:23] My team throwing.
[05:22:26] They're ruining the game for me.
[05:22:28] Stand up till 5.30 and watch your last video, be me an A-Streamer, that's a dog shit, but I was there for you, yeah.
[05:23:46] Hey, attention to this challenge or gameplay? I mean, is it not? I mean, Rell?
[05:24:56] It's me.
[05:25:15] You know, tell us if you didn't have a gym, maybe we could live together?
[05:25:20] Maybe not.
[05:25:21] Oh, uh...
[05:25:56] Oh, give me that 25 again.
[05:25:59] Back to the six-hour streams, are we?
[05:26:19] Guys, I streamed...
[05:26:22] 16 hours plus a day plus
[05:26:26] minimum 16 hours
[05:26:28] Like seven days straight. I didn't see my family for 10 days. I come home. I'm instantly streaming again
[05:26:35] Yes, I'm sorry being six hours for a little bit
[05:26:39] Yes, I'm sorry and before that I was streaming six out of seven days of the week
[05:26:46] Yes
[05:26:48] Plus I'm doing it at Marathon. Yes
[05:26:51] I even wanted to get in a game not today
[05:27:38] bruh is bitter he lost the challenge bitter i'm bitter i'm so bitter that i lost the challenge
[05:27:45] you're right i'm just bitter uh yeah it is take her areas herriness or whatever that is
[05:28:25] how dare you come back the day after this yeah you're gonna fucking stop me bro who's gonna
[05:28:31] stop me in this chat nobody pipsqueak pipsqueak little pussies consumers are joining the month
[05:29:07] to my heart of money thank you look me up and say that bro I don't need to look
[05:29:40] you up and say that I click your your profile you have like fucking spider man
[05:29:46] in the background your background pictures fucking spider man bro I think
[05:29:55] I'm fine okay look at your background yes go to this background it's a
[05:30:31] self-portrait oh it's trucker stop dodging I'm gonna bring minus five he
[05:31:31] spams it always 21 Dodgers in the last 30 days almost a Dodger day look at the
[05:31:50] charismatic bum oh no wrong guy that's guys names called super edgy meme or
[05:32:04] something well that guy's accounts to be man
[05:32:25] that guy's accounts gone oh this guy typed did you not ever type this and then
[05:33:01] he got insta twitch ban i cannot believe they do that why do they it's instant by
[05:33:08] the way i can't believe they do that that cannot be like good
[05:33:18] jesus christ it's it's no it's twitch
[05:33:28] automated and insta bans your entire twitch account first part is to lose
[05:33:53] their accounts for a while you have to send id or proof of age which takes
[05:34:01] longer and twitch supports always so slow
[05:34:04] This goddamn ball level nation. What's up? I'm nice cut for a step
[05:34:43] Another goddamn not me all day today. Great. Can't wait to one be to the lane
[05:34:54] Another rice top lane. Is this it? Don't dodge draft better next lobby
[05:35:46] My last game
[05:35:47] Because our stream guys I didn't see my family for two weeks straight as I was in another
[05:36:26] 20 hours a day. I'm sorry is where it is
[05:36:29] you don't come first spoiler alert but we are your family and I'll see you for
[05:36:44] tomorrow's stream in our band like holy fuck really think that find us losing
[05:37:38] peace lose in peace raining it's only good
[05:38:58] Uncle what family you've never seen a kid blow spit bubbles shit my diapers and go to sleep
[05:39:17] Yo shut the fuck up. I mean that as disrespect
[05:39:22] But a big hit
[05:40:00] Well, we're gonna fucking cook that the sister got faded ashes because it's good for me to get the zoner off some CS
[05:42:02] But, it's just-
[05:42:03] Mr. Bandit is coming.
[05:42:30] In the USA, there is a law called CHILD,
[05:42:35] which forbids companies from creating accounts for anyone under 12 years in a row.
[05:42:39] Ah!
[05:42:45] So by Sharima Law, they have to pay.
[05:43:06] I guess you don't know if you think about politics or government or laws, so...
[05:43:12] I mean, die there, by the way, so...
[05:43:48] We'll be...
[05:43:49] One thousand LP, today, big fucker!
[05:44:57] Keep the enemy not each other!
[05:45:51] Wanna win so bad?
[05:46:06] Flash? I can get this cannon.
[05:46:21] I mean, so how's this stacker?
[05:46:57] We're stacking well despite the running it down.
[05:46:59] It's gotten blasted and gaffed by thing Nami makes.
[05:49:45] Aw, it's been ever in your favor.
[05:49:48] Go to TV series of all time through facts.
[05:49:50] Titi just melted players lately.
[05:50:05] So this is how you get your free con.
[05:50:08] Fish fucker.
[05:50:09] Stop my care of cheating on Mukai Ema.
[05:50:12] Just tell her to get a Nami cosplay costume.
[05:50:15] Fuck no.
[05:50:26] I think I'm not walking.
[05:50:46] Let's know how that forgot players think.
[05:50:52] We'll stay, don't we stay.
[05:51:00] Send this everywhere.
[05:51:50] My art isn't killed cause she has barrier and probably sent an old...
[05:52:50] ...and flash.
[05:53:26] That did really well.
[05:53:27] Gain's though, so I'm not sure it matters.
[05:53:55] He's in the scale.
[05:53:56] Oh, Lee's about to get...
[05:54:11] I think that's so bad.
[05:55:25] What am I watching now?
[05:55:38] He was having a literal mix of blasts.
[05:55:40] Bit fuckin' wild.
[05:55:41] Can lose to pop, said he can't.
[05:56:25] Uggh.
[05:57:39] It's all goddamn goofy.
[05:58:06] So the rumors about you having a fish fetish are true, eh?
[05:58:10] I'm not surprised since your brother is interfered.
[05:58:13] Shit.
[05:58:14] And people laugh at me when I say the end times are near.
[05:58:20] Firebox.
[05:58:21] Yeah, I mean this is really hard.
[05:58:44] I don't shout when I play against Tyler1.
[05:59:09] When you play against an alpha player like T1, you can't watch the fuck experience off you.
[05:59:14] If you want to be alpha, you've got to smell like an alpha.
[05:59:18] Okay, just yapping the app.
[05:59:28] You were terrible.
[05:59:48] Thank you, Nier was alive.
[06:01:27] You're getting vision gap.
[06:01:38] So hard, by the way.
[06:01:48] This game's, I mean, ever outranged.
[06:01:50] So I can't, nobody can fucking auto.
[06:01:52] Ah, damn it!
[06:02:58] Is it where the game gets fun?
[06:03:00] No, this game gets fun for them,
[06:03:02] because they have perma vision control.
[06:03:04] Game's like a stressor for us,
[06:03:06] because we always have the face check every time we got Baron.
[06:04:04] Not sure what that does exactly, but we got it.
[06:04:09] Get it in fact, get it.
[06:04:16] I mean it makes them not get it.
[06:04:33] No, I don't think we're weak.
[06:04:34] I just don't think we can play, that's a problem.
[06:04:36] I think we're just too low range.
[06:04:40] If we could fight, I think we're really strong.
[06:05:49] This is impossible.
[06:06:21] I mean it's playing fine, it's just top.
[06:06:54] It's top in support, we actually can't play.
[06:06:56] This is in a, I mean we can, I think it helps trash as well.
[06:07:10] These guys are all MRs stacked.
[06:07:12] I feel like the second rise top I've had today.
[06:07:17] I feel like I'm riot, I got buffed.
[06:07:21] But surely we can just stall forever right if we stall forever their brains will explode
[06:07:27] We'll do something stupid
[06:07:29] Playing for a little base race for the boys. All right rise up. Watch this rice's butt death. Yeah, watch how fast
[06:08:15] It ends for us. I just died like that. You focus up. I'm focused, bro
[06:08:55] Done anything for 20 minutes by the way
[06:10:41] What are we scaling for so we had one winnable fight
[06:11:12] We had one winnable fight and I was kinda trolled because Ryze actually wasn't there.
[06:11:22] That's our only win, another win.
[06:11:24] They have four Cloud Dragons.
[06:11:32] We already can't auto them.
[06:11:34] What are we doing?
[06:11:38] Guys, guys, the same way, like 5 minutes.
[06:12:05] I think he's died that same exact way.
[06:12:24] Opus gap GG.
[06:13:40] That was a 35, 36 minute game.
[06:13:42] We literally didn't do anything for the last 25 minutes.
[06:13:46] We literally just sat there, like just letting them do whatever.
[06:13:49] to do whatever I mean strumpers didn't die 15 times in a game so honestly I'm
[06:13:56] kind of impressed you over perform not bad that's my last game what salt water
[06:14:11] TT it's me saltwater guy I'm so happy we did have a gold lead gifted sons maxing
[06:14:20] out my cards was worth it can't wait to see you play Elden Ring can you
[06:14:25] Please watch link one last time bro, but she done 15,000 gold. That's such a waste
[06:14:34] Nothing like salt water soup and I got sugar water for dessert
[06:14:38] I have a last game overall on a bad day. I think we gained actually 30 LP
[06:14:45] Plus we banked like nine out nine decay games
[06:14:49] Honestly for one net win 30 LP is a bit spicy a bit juicy. I'm not gonna lie
[06:14:55] There is where it is.
[06:14:57] We'll be live again tomorrow.
[06:14:59] Show the subs, the ds, the follow, submit to Twitter if I'm instant, A-squared, re-unit,
[06:15:03] this bitch's mother.
[06:15:04] Fuckers!
[06:15:05] And with that being said, I'll see you ugly, jobless, loser, on Left Twits tomorrow.