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UNMATCHED !! EVERYTHING !! NONE EVER LIVED LIVE EXIST CLOSE ! simple way thought ! BUT ME ? 1000 step ahead !! darn this guy goods ! TRUE !

08-14-2024 · 8h 09m

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[00:04:18] Yes, yes, yes. He missed me, of course.
[00:04:20] Who doesn't?
[00:04:22] Nobody, right?
[00:04:24] I have so much stuff going on.
[00:04:32] Actually, you'll know about it sooner.
[00:04:36] Soonish, eventually.
[00:04:38] But I'm so busy, bro.
[00:04:40] I'm so busy, bro.
[00:04:43] I'm just such a hard worker.
[00:04:45] That's all I gotta say.
[00:04:47] Uh, was gone yesterday.
[00:04:49] Had too much going on.
[00:04:51] But one thing I can gladly sure do is miss say LaRue got her shots
[00:04:58] I don't know we specifically what kind but yeah, so I had to go there, you know, that's heartbreaking
[00:05:03] You know how and I think I said it last time dude babies are so innocent
[00:05:08] They are man. Like all they know is joy
[00:05:13] happiness
[00:05:14] Getting whatever they want
[00:05:15] Smiles fed that like first time they feel pain breaks my heart
[00:05:27] Breaks my heart
[00:05:29] It did it if you don't have a child and you've never like went for that dude it is
[00:05:37] It is heartbreaking I'm not gonna lie. It's so sad. It's so sad
[00:05:42] It's so sad like no, okay, obviously, but seeing your precious little cargo cry. Oh my god, man
[00:05:51] So that was yesterday. She's a good
[00:05:54] She now weighs, any guesses, 18 pounds.
[00:06:01] She is in the 95th percentile per weight.
[00:06:05] She only grew since last deployment, an inch and a half.
[00:06:12] 18 pounds, we speak America over here.
[00:06:19] None of that third world country metric system BS.
[00:06:23] 18 right
[00:06:27] Have to gal have gonna be just be just like her pops
[00:06:32] So yesterday not too bad today busy day today got a lot going on had a great lift
[00:06:38] Did it climb to chest? Oh, I suppose to get a haircut
[00:06:43] Well, I suppose to get a haircut before I leave by the way, I leave on Friday
[00:06:47] So you guys see me today tomorrow won't see me Friday. You'll see me Saturday
[00:06:51] We're co-streaming. I don't think the challenge starts until like the 19th or something though. It when is that?
[00:06:59] Monday, so Saturday co-stream, Sunday co-stream. I don't know. We'll see. I'm gonna get a haircut, bro.
[00:07:06] Apparently, you get a schedule appointment for barbers. Last time I just called same day.
[00:07:13] My barber wasn't able to see me and my barber, yes, I have one of those, my barber, my barber, my barber,
[00:07:20] My barber barber can't see me until Saturday. Does he know I got to work?
[00:07:26] bro
[00:07:28] Hello, I I left him a hefty tip last time bro. Hello
[00:07:34] Barber
[00:07:36] Look at me. I look crazy. It is for this bro. It is what it is. It is what it is
[00:07:43] He must not know
[00:07:45] He must not know how important I am
[00:07:47] What if I tell him that this haircut is going to be seen by billions of people across the world?
[00:07:53] Your business could flourish
[00:07:58] Flourish whatever it's called
[00:08:00] That is the shit I'm talking about when I say paint exposure by the way like my exposure
[00:08:07] Reaches the clouds. I am a big big deal true any truers
[00:08:12] anyway
[00:08:14] In case you missed it, we are having a 1v1 against the Bufius or whatever the fuck his name is who knows who cares
[00:08:23] The 19th starting Monday
[00:08:27] First one so highest rank in five days on the Middle Eastern server wins
[00:08:34] Which by the way
[00:08:36] I was watching again. God bless my soul and the gods. I'm sorry
[00:08:40] I was watching this absolute dipshit degenerate scrub play.
[00:08:46] This kid fucking sucks, and I mean that as respectfully and humbly as possible.
[00:08:52] He is fucking terrible at League of Legends.
[00:08:55] Truly terrible.
[00:08:56] But, I think all his accounts are whitelisted, seriously, by Riot Games US.
[00:09:01] This kid wouldn't climb on an NA server 100%.
[00:09:04] I've never seen a player get carried as hard as he consistently gets carried for
[00:09:08] doing nothing in my entire life. Never. Never, bro. It is disgusting what this guy does.
[00:09:17] But like I said, he's on a whitelisted account. I told you guys, when I was in EU, they wouldn't
[00:09:22] ban that stream sniper who was griefing me and like going like 0 and 15 of my games.
[00:09:27] They wouldn't ban that guy because if they banned him, they would have to ban this kid
[00:09:33] it and Riot EU just want it do it. Seriously this is true that's what happened on EOS forcing
[00:09:41] me to play off stream. That's actually what happened that's actually the feedback I've
[00:09:45] gotten. His account is whitelisted so that he can it's so that he's able to win games
[00:09:50] and climb with this shitty fucking 80 desigame. It's true it's true he's trash man. So
[00:09:57] I was like bro I need to fuck us up and get prepared for this challenge. I watched
[00:10:01] Stream for I literally press I wash it for 10 minutes, bro. I
[00:10:06] Pressed I told him by the way it shit you suck your own 11, right?
[00:10:11] Seeing that left
[00:10:14] Who cares bro, it's not gonna challenge doesn't matter. It'll be like works. It'll be Kate in case you missed it
[00:10:19] We are now at 865 LP challenger tier
[00:10:24] Top 200 by the way, the big deal actually a big deal
[00:10:30] We went 6-4 last stream, dude, I don't know what it is, I queue bot lane, I lose 3 games,
[00:10:38] I queue top, I win every game.
[00:10:40] So where's it gonna do it again today?
[00:10:42] I'm queuing bot, it's gonna be disgustingly terrible, I'm gonna rage, I'm gonna get tilted,
[00:10:47] I'm gonna queue top, win every game.
[00:10:52] Lock load, let's go.
[00:10:53] Oh, there's a patch note!
[00:10:58] Fruits, I heard somebody talk about, somebody talk about, look at those buttons, don't
[00:11:14] work.
[00:11:16] or some bullshit. I can find this.
[00:11:31] Alright, what we got?
[00:11:35] Break back Hannah, not even gonna bother reading.
[00:11:38] Oh wait.
[00:11:39] Oh, they're talking to me!
[00:11:40] Thou break greatest with patch 1416
[00:11:43] and the Triumph Theant, key one.
[00:11:45] They already know I've won the challenge.
[00:11:49] Let's go, Riot is on my side.
[00:11:51] Let's go, baby.
[00:11:53] They're talking directly to me.
[00:11:57] No problem.
[00:11:58] Is anybody nerfs just corki? Okay, maybe we won't have to see corki only in pro play fucking put me to sleep
[00:12:10] Put me to sleep
[00:12:13] decline this
[00:12:15] Buffs whatever systems whatever just whatever oh
[00:12:20] Shit ranks what about the end?
[00:12:22] Hey, what is let me check the client it is in 41 days
[00:12:35] Honest to God. I guess this means I just got a camp challenger like like I mean what?
[00:12:41] All these other losers do it and nobody these guys play 14 games in 14 days one game a day
[00:12:49] Nobody says anything
[00:12:53] Nobody says anything
[00:12:56] Right
[00:12:57] They just camp it. It's the cringiest shit ever. So fuck it. I'm just gonna keep it
[00:13:02] I'm just gonna camp it and didn't challenge her so I could be a big dog
[00:13:08] Matchmaking improvements. Oh
[00:13:10] Oh
[00:13:16] Recently, we've seen a lot of player feedback around issues surrounding the balance of blue side red side and off-roll balance
[00:13:25] Okay, this patch for making cages to better match off-rolls
[00:13:31] Including matching secondaries as if they're off-rolls. Oh my god
[00:13:37] God League is fucking saved!
[00:13:39] You elicited, it took you literally, hey,
[00:13:47] better length than ever, right Billy?
[00:13:52] We're fucking doing it.
[00:13:54] Now I've talked about this before.
[00:13:56] Is it Riot's fault that League of Legends players fucking suck?
[00:14:03] Is it?
[00:14:04] No, it's not.
[00:14:05] Ideally in Riot's perfect world,
[00:14:08] everybody is like me and can play every single role.
[00:14:13] So then, that game isn't instantly lost,
[00:14:17] isn't instantly lost if somebody gets secondary roll.
[00:14:20] They can still put up a good fight, right?
[00:14:22] But unfortunately, everybody sucks, except for me.
[00:14:26] So, right, should have done this way sooner.
[00:14:29] They gotta just bite the bullet, it is what it is.
[00:14:31] Our player base is fuckin' dogs.
[00:14:34] It is what matched the secondary, whatever.
[00:14:36] So they said they're gonna count secondaries
[00:14:39] as if they were off-roll.
[00:14:40] Good, needed, unfortunately, but needed.
[00:14:44] We've also made some improvements
[00:14:46] to make team versus team balance feel more fair
[00:14:50] and not repeatedly place the same players
[00:14:53] on the same teams, especially at the top ladder.
[00:15:01] Oh my God, will matchmaking finally be balanced?
[00:15:05] Actually, I think it's been over a year
[00:15:07] of me bitching about it.
[00:15:08] Bro, you know what, they say this, right?
[00:15:12] Words are just words, you know.
[00:15:15] Words are words.
[00:15:17] This is what they say.
[00:15:19] They say they're, I gotta queue up a few games and see.
[00:15:23] Let's see.
[00:15:25] It creates off-roll parity.
[00:15:28] Both teams should now have more similar amount of players,
[00:15:30] auto-filled or placed in the secondary rolls.
[00:15:33] Should.
[00:15:34] Both teams, shoo.
[00:15:36] This is a big word.
[00:15:37] Both teams should now have.
[00:15:40] It doesn't say both teams will now have,
[00:15:43] it says should.
[00:15:45] That's a big word to catch.
[00:15:47] Seriously, when companies write this shit,
[00:15:49] this actually means something.
[00:15:50] It's like when you're internet company,
[00:15:52] it's like you can get speeds up to five gigs that,
[00:15:57] you know what I mean?
[00:15:58] That up, that word means a lot.
[00:16:04] So what I watch should, so uh-oh, it's a red flag.
[00:16:08] Reduced how large LP gaps could be, could be between players in a game.
[00:16:15] I think this word's fine.
[00:16:19] So they're saying that LP gaps could have been 1k LP, 100 LP.
[00:16:25] Decrease the red vs blue side imbalance, especially at higher, I'm gonna have to see it to believe
[00:16:32] it.
[00:16:33] I like, okay, this is too good to be true.
[00:16:37] I gotta see this shit.
[00:16:39] I've gotta see this shit.
[00:16:42] Bro, I gotta see this.
[00:16:44] Ain't no way.
[00:16:45] Surty is finished.
[00:16:47] Hey, rank one is fucked.
[00:16:49] Let me play against that bimbo bastard on what I'm red side.
[00:16:53] We'll see, bro.
[00:16:55] We'll see.
[00:16:56] Ah, it's too good to be true.
[00:16:58] It's the, we'll see.
[00:17:00] Blue stay and rank blue, they should,
[00:17:01] Piddletease, oh my God.
[00:17:03] Are we actually doing things?
[00:17:05] And this patch will be increasing the penalties for first-time defenders participating in Loser's
[00:17:09] forums of right manipulation.
[00:17:10] This is account boosting, win trading, and deraking.
[00:17:14] Okay.
[00:17:15] I'll read these first.
[00:17:18] Previous year of warning ban for first-time defenders was short enough that the players
[00:17:22] had high ranks to return before ranked K-K didn't.
[00:17:24] Now the penalty will last a full 30 days ensuring that these count to a K. The penalty
[00:17:27] for a second effect is still permanent ban.
[00:17:28] We take behavior very seriously so everyone will leave for warning.
[00:17:31] Okay.
[00:17:32] Like whatever this whole thing
[00:17:34] So they'll be increasing the penalties for first time offenders participating in blah blah blah
[00:17:39] So there's a countless in one trading river bro. Okay, but these guys have to get punished at least once
[00:17:45] Like, okay, they still have to catch them
[00:17:49] This is more like empty words like try to like scare people from doing it
[00:17:53] This is like, okay guys the warning is gone. You're now gone for 30 days
[00:17:58] You will decay and lose the boosting if we catch you
[00:18:02] They don't catch anybody that's that's the issue. They don't catch them to take care of them and
[00:18:09] This isn't saying
[00:18:11] We're gonna start tackling this harder. It's just saying if they do catch them the first offense is harder
[00:18:17] That's all they're saying here
[00:18:19] There's a pretty big deal if you guys remember
[00:18:22] 2022 early 2023 the whole bet arc right
[00:18:27] Guys know all those guys we got banned for boosting or wind trading. They only got two week ban
[00:18:34] You don't know how much proof I had
[00:18:36] All that proof I had everything I had all the evidence you guys don't know the messages I sent the riot
[00:18:45] Lengths and lengths of lengths of just notepad docs of me
[00:18:49] Explaining exactly why this is griefing how this is griefing how this is wind trading what they're going against what they do in queues
[00:18:55] over and over and they just got two week ban and they didn't get two week
[00:19:01] banned for win trading they got two week banned for account sharing and it wasn't
[00:19:07] even a full two week ban because the original owner of the account could
[00:19:14] submit an appeal and get the account back and then I would have to report
[00:19:16] them again and then it was a two week ban. I've been a perma after all that
[00:19:22] to begin understand you understand are crazy that is and that was the most
[00:19:29] obvious shit ever wasn't it the most obvious shit you've ever seen so with
[00:19:37] that being said this ranked administration manipulation like boosting
[00:19:42] win-trading and deranking technically all these CN accounts that are account
[00:19:49] sharing that is boosting that is boost account sharing is boosting if
[00:19:57] If they are winning more than it is boot they are not that is ranked manipulation
[00:20:02] So all these account shares should be banned, right?
[00:20:07] They'll never get in
[00:20:09] But if they were to spike the grace of God get me and it's now a two-week
[00:20:14] With 30 day
[00:20:17] We'll see we'll see. I mean at least they said I look this isn't about this
[00:20:22] I don't think this is a major change. They still change this up to catch them. This will see
[00:20:27] I don't care about any of this shit, I'm not gonna lie.
[00:20:45] This shit is like cake compared to this.
[00:20:49] I don't give a fuck about this.
[00:20:51] Bro, I can't remember the last time I actually cried about champion balance, except for Garen.
[00:20:55] Bro, I spend half my time complaining about red side vs blue side nowadays.
[00:21:00] What am I gonna do if it's fixed?
[00:21:01] I don't know.
[00:21:02] All dead
[00:21:05] Here cleaver water prevents champions from applying two stacks for basically
[00:21:20] Later king
[00:21:22] I mean a lot of people were building this
[00:21:25] Five less AD five percent less attack speed
[00:21:29] One percent more on hit
[00:21:31] You blade, okay
[00:21:33] In an effort to chip away at any carry lay down. It's an early game
[00:21:35] We're tapping down some really good of thorns played so any carries large amount of time attacking minions through
[00:21:41] Through the bot lane minute and more system lane against through versus the by rating
[00:21:46] We want to make any carries weaker early aggression lane. Okay, it's like range top lane
[00:21:50] Otto's the way even he heals so they're reducing that plus it's less thinker. Okay, we'll see
[00:21:55] When I'm top lane, I only go D shields. I don't give a shit
[00:22:00] death timers and death guards and whatever we lower death timers as one of several dozen
[00:22:08] but we're still blogging the change to 4k3 pretty case where player got killed in lane
[00:22:11] but gain an advantage to be teleporting back to lane after 3 lane it's happened to us
[00:22:14] yesterday by the way against the irelia she solo killed me i TP'd back her wave was fucked
[00:22:21] i killed her she can't play teleport because it's a powerful dude i think they hate tp
[00:22:27] me. Brother, I only nerfed TP like 20 times in a row. Yesterday, you know what I fucking
[00:22:34] did. I lowered the frugality of the buff case and indirectly nerfed teleport so we're
[00:22:42] just gonna buff dead timers and there's something in my throat.
[00:22:48] Wow!
[00:22:49] I mean, both timers were just gonna buff dead timers, respawn home guards, and it'll
[00:22:54] take longer for the teleporting player to return to lane if we're respawning
[00:22:57] with a player without it receding. Submitigation, the death guard buffs. Okay, makes the
[00:23:04] game slower one increase a little bit movement speed the movement speed is
[00:23:20] more makes most it's decaying movement speed over five seconds now it takes
[00:23:31] days over eight seconds above
[00:23:35] brings the phone from a death guard start going down has been made more
[00:23:38] generous okay move faster arena don't give a shite okay that's nice I don't
[00:23:47] give a shit bro I am dude this is like whatever this I like I said I doubt
[00:23:55] It gets punished the problem is just not getting punished. Let's cue the fuck up and see this
[00:24:02] Let's cue the fuck up and see this
[00:24:08] Brother, I'm gonna riot. I'm gonna be on this like a hawk by the way. I'm not lying
[00:24:13] I think this should word is gonna carry a lot of weight here
[00:24:16] I am gonna be analyzing champ selects and player versus player and secondary role like a hawk if you guys fuck this up
[00:24:24] You could have just stayed silent stayed ignorant
[00:24:27] Pretended to be ignorant and not said anything. You went you didn't have to do this
[00:24:31] You went out of your way you you verbalized it right?
[00:24:36] Put it on paper. I
[00:24:38] Gotta see some improvement not kidding bro
[00:24:43] I'm not kidding
[00:24:48] Fuck up those shirts. It's gonna hit like a truck. I pray to God that well no
[00:25:02] I don't I think I think you didn't like I
[00:25:07] Gotta pull it back up actually let me read that again. This actually I this actually means something
[00:25:11] Finally to me.
[00:25:12] Let me read this again.
[00:25:14] So they decreased the red side versus blue side imbalance.
[00:25:21] How?
[00:25:23] Also made some improvements to make team versus team balance feel more fair.
[00:25:27] How though?
[00:25:32] Did I repeatedly place the same players on the same teams?
[00:25:49] The bullets already did.
[00:25:50] Like this is good for both teams.
[00:25:52] Match secondary.
[00:25:53] Wait, so this pretty much confirms everything I was bitching about was right by the
[00:25:58] way.
[00:25:59] You guys understand that right?
[00:26:00] Like I'm not fucking delusional.
[00:26:02] This means that when you were blue side, you did in fact have more auto-fill than red side
[00:26:06] plus red side had the higher MMR.
[00:26:09] This literally means everything I bitched about while I was completely right.
[00:26:13] It was bugged.
[00:26:14] It had to be bugged.
[00:26:15] Blue side at higher MMR, you 100% had more off-roll.
[00:26:21] 100%.
[00:26:22] I don't know, like, not every game, but like 90% of the game.
[00:26:28] Bro, I play too much to not know it.
[00:26:47] bugs red side was too strong and I mean I still lost a lot of red side games I'm
[00:26:52] just saying was it me did listen to me am I changing the game for the better you
[00:27:09] mean blue side had more second-role players in red more second-role players
[00:27:12] and more true autofill or harpersing or what's up yeah and a collective lower
[00:27:33] LP it was actually so fucked up
[00:27:37] I don't know why no top counterpick, but I felt blue side mids got counterpick, and that actually matters.
[00:27:53] But it mattered less because AD carries were meta.
[00:27:56] So both blue side and red side would go 80 mid high elo anyway, right?
[00:28:02] So it would like even out the blue side mid counterpick, and make the red side counterpick more.
[00:28:13] Well as mid side is not like bot, mid is not like top, top lane counterpick hurts worse.
[00:28:19] source. All I'm gonna say is, I'm the face of League of Legends, gotta be. I get co-streaming
[00:28:38] rights, bro. Somehow, within a week, I gain 500 LP. In the very next patch, they patch
[00:28:45] Matt Redside vs. Blueside and are gonna start handling account traders, boosters, etc.
[00:28:50] Like, oh my god, is this the road to rank 1 officially happening? I've finally been
[00:28:57] white listed by riot? Corporate must got a call. I told you my lawyers would be in contact.
[00:29:03] There was some racial profiling going on in my games beforehand. I said what I said. Big
[00:29:13] teased lawyers. Fucked up. Yeah I've seen that Peter that's crazy. It doesn't bother
[00:29:53] you. Low elo players don't matter. Like don't even read the changes. It's just
[00:29:57] higher MMR. You don't matter. Sorry. You're so terrible and bad at the game your opinion
[00:30:17] in the hold 0-8 and you're in game quality nobody gives a shit about okay
[00:30:35] perfect test very first game of the day I am auto-filled jungle so am redside that
[00:30:45] doesn't really happen so enemy team should have auto-filled and should be
[00:30:57] jungle if what they said is right again the should word should they will be
[00:31:08] filled oh this is looking a bit sassy here back those 10 gifted subs brother
[00:31:22] I love you I love you a lot these texts of different than missing something
[00:31:32] Okay, so I'm autofill my jungle to be my mid is secondary roll
[00:31:45] We are being tested here Ivern that's interesting because usually only one trick Iverns pick Ivern
[00:31:55] Oh, whoa, Ryan surely not though, right? Hey, dude, and I'm just gonna like yes
[00:32:12] I'm bro. There's no way hold on. I gotta do my runs. What's missing? Why is this look different? Oh?
[00:32:44] There's no crud or scuttle crap. I think it matters
[00:32:51] Okay, so I have one true autofill need and one off roll or one second a roll one autofill one second
[00:33:07] They roll there is no way I loaded to this match
[00:33:11] And it is five on
[00:33:14] Here we go. We're about to fight the fuck out ladies and gentlemen is what they said correct
[00:33:20] Here we go. I can't wait. Hey game started
[00:33:27] Pull up the OP dot GG their top plays top this guy plays jungle this guy plays 80 carry
[00:33:39] I know that I don't know who their mid is
[00:33:42] Or their support
[00:33:43] Hey, they're mid lane
[00:33:52] Their mid is
[00:33:57] Guys probably I'm gonna say this guy's top main
[00:34:09] mid secondary that should kind of hard but I'm just gonna say that I'm for for
[00:34:17] like mental purposes I don't think he's filled and their supports all the time
[00:34:21] rule so they have zero autofill zero not one autofill player none they have one
[00:34:38] secondary role that's not matched already I believe their team okay
[00:34:45] Let's look at their team LP. They have three grandmasters though. I have five challengers, but they're two
[00:35:02] challengers are
[00:35:05] 1,000 LP nobody on my teams above 1,000 actually my top is I don't know so I wonder if
[00:35:22] We didn't get a lot higher LP, but we got auto-fill jungle. I'm not sure I have to do more research
[00:35:41] game. The red side though Yo, it's a pyropea. Yeah, I know what I'm saying. You're like
[00:36:09] a legal-edged scientist? True. Too busy an OP.GGA action. Wait, where this guy's at?
[00:36:27] Good luck to figure it out. Have a problem. Play safe. Hold it. I didn't see him. He's
[00:36:42] taking it. Flash. It's all good. He's off for all. Off for all first timing.
[00:36:55] Jannix's fucking parents hate him. It's all good. Just sweat it. I like your
[00:37:24] pretty good flash for him actually tried to predict that flash I guess I'm gap to
[00:37:59] the jungle sorry I'm gap sorry guys so sorry so sorry I'm so sorry watch sorry
[00:38:33] guys I'm sorry I should check this I don't see the angle they got my this is
[00:39:04] Um, this is, uh, definitely not happening now.
[00:39:23] I'd say fuck it, you're sending it.
[00:39:24] He gives a shit, he gave a fuck.
[00:39:33] Which of the game hit is what it's-
[00:39:34] Uhhh...
[00:39:36] It is what it is.
[00:39:37] It is what it is.
[00:39:49] Like, it's ghosting?
[00:39:50] I mean, he could've Oracle'sed over the wall, to be fair.
[00:40:13] Both of my camps.
[00:40:14] Oh my fucking lord is there for so long.
[00:40:17] He had...
[00:40:17] ...rubs.
[00:40:20] Not kidding me.
[00:40:32] Oh, now my A carries, uh, I think that's a breakdown.
[00:40:35] and above carries her a lot carry this game looks like we're done going in
[00:41:34] we're bought now lane swap honestly that's probably not good as you know arm
[00:41:59] up we scale arm up we scale guys I've lost so many brand generals matches
[00:42:16] because of support they carry something to break down I mean these guys got to be
[00:42:21] I'll say I mean we'll say worth I guess like this will say word ace attorney. What's up, brother?
[00:43:15] You should have ran back top son. I
[00:43:23] Yeah, jinx me it is just get the farming and their pikes from a roaming. I have nothing boxed. I'd imagine it awarded
[00:43:32] Like for grubs. I don't know like finally fucking showed those four bot or four made anyway
[00:44:51] I mean I only have a winning top and I don't even know if he's winning. Where else can I play?
[00:45:04] Ergot, Ari? What the fuck is his team?
[00:45:37] Yo, what am I playing?
[00:45:54] Like why did it? Ergot part of the Ivern.
[00:45:58] Am I missing something? It's like Nautilus missing every hook, whatever.
[00:46:04] Jinx ult missing, okay, but dude, Ergot has to lead. You only play fucking Ergot.
[00:46:08] Oh, he did and missed wait, he must have been a way late then no I'm talking about when he was CC
[00:46:17] Thank you hungry
[00:46:48] Yeah, it's when this game. I don't think we do
[00:47:17] Holy fuck we actually just built a hundred to zeroed by fucking a mess
[00:47:45] I don't know what you said. He's right the minus three dollars. I'm gonna play league's fighting game. Never
[00:47:53] Does it go to cities here?
[00:48:30] Dragon
[00:48:34] I supposed to win this game. I mean if my bot lane is with his dog shit
[00:48:43] Like the problem is not even necessarily in math. It's the pipe
[00:48:47] Which I've had pipe players play this back and it went about as
[00:48:55] I didn't expect it to be one of the outline.
[00:48:58] But no, it's maybe a lot of scale.
[00:49:09] Like bro, how can I even play the game by the way?
[00:49:43] Is this a fucking joke?
[00:49:45] Yeah bro.
[00:49:48] Your team has destroyed a turret.
[00:49:50] Sick.
[00:49:55] Sora!
[00:49:56] Thank you brother!
[00:49:57] We were refreshing outscaled him.
[00:50:17] Yep, he sure do.
[00:50:22] I have a jungle item guys.
[00:50:44] MF died, she hit flash.
[00:51:34] Her flash was down.
[00:52:47] Good quality death.
[00:52:48] That regardless it was completely fucked the fight was fucked. They're getting flanked. It's all it was all dog shit
[00:53:34] I had one camp told I had Rylize. It was all just trash. It's not we're not serious this game
[00:54:36] Lab Rylize is my power spike guys. I think we hit Rylize and we just five man
[00:54:43] That's literally it
[00:54:46] Get Rylize five man mid. There's nothing else to do is serious
[00:55:02] You're no TP. We gotta hit this because Nautilus R, Nautilus ult, my jinx is misposition. She can't get back in and that's a so balanced. She's 15 kills to be to small. What up? Let's try guys.
[00:56:53] We'll get it next time. I mean, what can you do bro? If we're too awful in my bot lane, like, yes, I get it. Their best players are their bot lane, but I mean, does it go like this?
[00:57:11] This is what double like all four bot layers are challenger is this what I have 1.2k challenge challenger 80 theory and
[00:57:30] 100 LP here. Is this the difference? I gotta say
[00:59:06] Singular thing guys. I don't think we uh, I think we uh
[00:59:17] Put a little bit of a fib we did a little little lion and that patch notes didn't wait bad sample size, right?
[00:59:40] So, regardless, okay, so this was the OP.GG of this absolute dog shit game.
[00:59:47] Alright, this is it.
[00:59:49] So, five challengers versus two challengers.
[00:59:54] I guess this guy's like two wins from Challenger.
[00:59:57] So, even if that's three.
[00:59:59] These guys are 1.2KLP, 1.611, whatever.
[01:00:04] So, yes, they're four LP higher.
[01:00:08] My mid is off-roll, first time in gym, but this guy got off-roll, so let's try and work this out here.
[01:00:24] Try and cope a bit.
[01:00:34] So, the game put me, Challenger, true autofill. I was true autofill jungle,
[01:00:41] And my 1.1 thousand LP top laner was put mid lane
[01:00:57] 1.3k on rule 1.2k. I'm running out of care on roll this guy. Let's check a zeer's profile
[01:01:04] What do we think this guy Q mid or top?
[01:01:33] primary
[01:01:34] I have this guy
[01:01:35] I'm gonna have this guy actually this is actually needs to be added
[01:01:39] It's kind of hard because if this game's mid, right?
[01:01:49] this games mid
[01:01:51] Top top top top mid
[01:01:55] Top mid top mid top mid mid mid
[01:02:00] Jungle I think this is what matchmaking was done. So mid mid. So it's like half at half. Okay, okay
[01:02:08] So they're top primary or mid private. So let's just say both. It's top primary. He's secondary role. I means jungle jungle me
[01:02:25] That means top top me
[01:02:30] They have no autofill, so let me add up all the LP, I mean LP doesn't matter because it's in the bar.
[01:02:35] Yeah, I don't think, actually fair point, you don't get IQ top lane, and I do not get this many mid-games.
[01:02:45] This is too many mid-games.
[01:02:46] But it's, it's, I can't just decide that by that, I guess you gotta ask this guy.
[01:02:50] Does he get, okay, so let's just say that he isn't autofill.
[01:02:53] But that would mean that we got double off-roll, one off-roll, one true autofill.
[01:02:59] And these guys are down to 300 LP, which would mean that the exact patch that Riot set, everything that wouldn't happen, literally just happened.
[01:03:34] Alright, let's see how my bot lane, my double challenger bot lane lost.
[01:03:47] For one, not bad, but Jinx's chunk has to blow Flash.
[01:03:57] Jin gets ganked, I don't think he sees it right away.
[01:04:05] Okay, how do we die? Flash, man, because he's off-roll first-timing Jin mid.
[01:04:20] So actually he doesn't have to flash, he just has to run away by the way.
[01:04:29] This guy just has to right click backwards and he lives.
[01:04:32] But because he's secondary role, he literally couldn't give any fucking shits.
[01:04:37] Just because it's the way it works.
[01:04:40] Like he has flash up, but honest to God he just right clicks backwards.
[01:04:44] I'ma be honest, he lives.
[01:04:46] Guys getting ink, they have dropped not a single ward so they're dead for free.
[01:05:02] And you had flash.
[01:05:07] I'm gonna say
[01:05:33] All things considered let's say this guy like on the secondary rolls match
[01:05:39] Okay, regardless. It's
[01:05:42] Autofill jungle vs. Onroll jungle that just never happened
[01:05:47] If we said we're gonna fix it wouldn't that be the first thing we ever fix
[01:05:52] That's like one of the things that can never happen, right? Like you can't ever be autofill jungle
[01:06:13] against a gentleman. Third wager, regardless of how bot lane played out, I should have
[01:06:22] been against Autofill. Duo bot, enemy break the queue, oh was enemy bot lane duo queue?
[01:06:39] Oh, except for their 1.2000 LP low elo fuck. Best, it matched the secondary roles. At
[01:07:03] best. It matched secondary roles, it did not match Autofill. So what if that just
[01:07:09] Starts happening now instead they fixed secondary roles to match secondary but now it's just perma gonna fuck up auto-fill
[01:07:16] These freaks pissed me off, man. I'm not gonna lie. I'm true
[01:07:46] What are the odds that the very first game I get true? I get auto-filled jungle and then it's it's not working
[01:07:56] That can't right it happens again restart the client. We'll see
[01:08:35] Game one though. I'm saying it doesn't work
[01:08:38] We'll see how game 2 is.
[01:08:39] He knows they were, those were all autofilled and not glue eaters queuing into dumb rolls
[01:09:15] Rather because I was the one fucking autofilled you idiot. You stupid
[01:09:24] But you're the glue eater, bro. Fuck you, right? Fucking disgusting pieces of shit. And this guy has no reason to lie
[01:10:20] So they're fucking just dog shit fucking liars. I'm saying that should word these fucking retards over there
[01:10:26] like bro so so we had to off-roll against zero
[01:10:32] zero after these fucking freaks come out
[01:10:40] with this patch by the way we had one
[01:10:43] auto-fill not match and we had one
[01:10:45] secondary role not match but what dude
[01:10:51] just like you didn't just have to come
[01:10:53] out and lie by the way you could have
[01:10:55] just said nothing like you could have
[01:10:58] just shut the fuck up like you've been
[01:11:00] right? They'd be quietly incompetent, but just like fucking shit down our
[01:11:06] throat with that disgusting lie, like why? I mean, like why? I don't understand. And I
[01:11:13] did it, you kind of like, um, had a safe word here, right? That now you can go
[01:11:21] back and be like, well actually look, we said, look guys, hey, hey, we said it
[01:11:26] should it should both teams should now have a more similar amount of players
[01:11:36] auto-filled or again should first game I get to fill verse 0
[01:11:51] disgusting bro placebo I mean right when a hundred percent does placebo should
[01:12:14] all the time to make people like try and stop talking about it like for like
[01:12:19] Gragas got nerfed recently, but before he did get nerfed, he did a little mini Gragas buff
[01:12:24] because everybody was picking Gragas in every lane and support role, and I swear to God, it did nothing.
[01:12:29] But people just stopped playing Gragas.
[01:12:32] I think it was like gnar, people just stopped playing gnar.
[01:12:35] True, maybe I'm not high enough, Elo.
[01:12:52] Maybe I'm not high enough, Elo.
[01:12:56] Dude, just read this shit, by the way.
[01:13:08] We're making changes to better match off-rolls, including matching second-gallies as if they were off-rolls.
[01:13:34] It's been one game. All it takes is one game for that to happen.
[01:13:38] Just swap the fucking mid lanes!
[01:13:41] At least then it's J-Auto-Fill.
[01:13:55] So I'm the only one that gets fucked in that case.
[01:13:59] Dude, I'm saying, imagine you're a working man like me, a father.
[01:14:24] You get time for one game. You sit down at your computer. That's the game you get
[01:14:28] Right after you get excited reading these changes like bro. Nobody
[01:14:33] I keep saying it. No sane fucking person is playing this goddamn game where uh, where these
[01:14:39] Uncompetent bastard devs just like shit all over you constantly and take you for a fucking fool
[01:14:45] That's true. Dre
[01:15:11] Bro, if I showed a writing if if I showed a rant employee
[01:15:16] that last game what they say well you see that word should there it should in
[01:15:27] this scenario it did not we'll try and figure out why that is I hate the
[01:15:34] fuckers I do it is swap top ladders it would have been matches the funny
[01:16:02] part well no because I'm still autofill secondary would be better you
[01:16:24] Q bot, yeah first couple games of the stream I always Q bot lane
[01:16:29] Because they're guaranteed losses and then I get pissed off and I Q top and we just somehow play better than win
[01:16:34] We lock in bro 0-3 to 6 at 4 yesterday. Yeah, but that wasn't even like the biggest part like uh
[01:17:28] It's that's happened like I don't know how many days are oh, let's take a peek at this one
[01:17:42] Really blue side you like card this bot. I don't I never play it playing brand the brand
[01:17:58] The most pointless pageant we've ever seen, they nerfed Corky, they nerfed D-Blade, alright
[01:18:13] what we got?
[01:18:18] Top lane, yo, I got this guy Ghost, I'm so stupid, I'm just playing this guy before
[01:18:39] I did.
[01:18:49] I ended this same thing against him last game where I sat here, let me keep that bush
[01:18:54] perfectly.
[01:18:55] Alright so my top lane is secondary role.
[01:18:59] Their top lane is top top main jungle on roll.
[01:19:09] I'm on roll.
[01:19:10] My mid laner is lobby.
[01:19:15] Okay, my mid laner is also secondary roll.
[01:19:27] Their mid lane is, I think this guy's queuing mid.
[01:19:31] Yep, this guy's 100% queuing mid.
[01:19:33] Alright, so mid laner is on roll.
[01:19:35] There he is, got to ask him after, plays a lot.
[01:19:43] No farm, looking like we got two secondary rolls.
[01:19:45] First, uh, first zero.
[01:19:47] Based off enemy's name, support names, I'm just going to assume they're uh, I don't
[01:20:05] mean I did it both blue side and side.
[01:20:14] And again, if they literally just didn't even add that to the patch or say anything,
[01:20:17] I would, you know, not be unseated.
[01:20:21] I mean they went out of their way and did and lied.
[01:20:23] For what?
[01:20:39] For fun?
[01:20:40] I guess so.
[01:20:41] Really that's fun nowadays just you know lying on the internet idiot
[01:20:46] The owners of jello made okay, so it's two. Well, we gotta ask you
[01:20:51] Two worse one isn't bad. It didn't lie. They said should
[01:21:14] Bag I am baiting like a fucking G. This is too obvious. They're mixed
[01:22:25] That bush could have been worded. Okay, so I fear it's worth
[01:23:08] Beautiful beautiful beautiful. Got all their sums as well
[01:23:17] build me going mallie hi-ji I heard your job now yes wait I thought I flash wait I
[01:23:56] saw a flash my twitman bonkatee twitman okay as real fire as I die here I think
[01:25:21] it's gonna fucking sprint it it's problems though make it much easier oh we
[01:26:29] didn't just do that oh my fucking god we're retarded I mean that was all of
[01:26:40] us gonna focus too good we're gonna focus was fine actually just swap the
[01:26:52] Kaisa.
[01:26:53] Then died.
[01:26:54] Ugh.
[01:26:55] Guys do us flash!
[01:27:40] Flash for exhaust, not bad.
[01:27:46] Makes us able to get this bounty, you know, eventually.
[01:27:49] Right.
[01:27:50] Surely we get this guy's bounty while his flash is down.
[01:27:52] Right.
[01:27:53] Right.
[01:27:54] Right, right, right.
[01:27:55] Wait, my Seraphine's autofill too.
[01:28:50] I wonder if it's not bugged again, and it's like putting all that on one side again.
[01:29:08] Last game, it would have been balanced if like, there was at least one off-roll, because it classifies out of...
[01:29:14] So, in the system's word, this means that we have...
[01:29:18] ...3s. I think it's bugged, actually. I think it's just bugged again.
[01:29:22] Like, they tried to fix it, but they fucked something up again.
[01:29:24] I- it's...
[01:29:27] Because this one would have ever happened.
[01:29:29] Last pat. You would never get 3 secondary rolls. That actually isn't it. That's... that's actually a bug.
[01:29:35] Because the system would obviously put one on any...
[01:29:38] The higher LP? I don't think LP matters because they said that they would go, they would balance roles.
[01:29:59] Their midch is better than ours.
[01:31:06] So it's like, what do you do?
[01:31:24] So what? It's just like not worth killing or what?
[01:31:26] Like, you've literally broken the game again?
[01:31:32] Like, dude, let me do anything.
[01:31:34] If you're that fucking terrible at your job, do nothing.
[01:31:37] Well, all these other things, will we piss them off? Yes!
[01:32:09] It's like when they nerf the same champion because it just shows they're incompetent.
[01:32:14] It just like re like sort of like they shouldn't have a job. It makes it like that much more clear
[01:32:20] Okay, these guys are way under a qualified
[01:32:24] way
[01:32:26] Whereas if they just do nothing you just like like stay ignorant like yeah, who knows maybe they are qualified, you know that is
[01:32:32] Probably got more things to work on. Oh the client just you know doesn't let him do that
[01:33:04] Avoid yes
[01:33:51] Vote no, bro. Vote no so you can play some more or buy.
[01:33:56] On. Vote no, vote no.
[01:33:58] Vote no, guys. Vote no so you can stay in this fucking match. Vote no.
[01:34:01] Which, okay, to be honest, what if this, like, matchmaking's this terrible?
[01:34:06] But what if I got, like, a plus 26 from this?
[01:34:10] What do I mean? Like, then, honest to God, it can be worth it.
[01:34:14] Fine, fine!
[01:34:15] Are you just serving on a Blasting Wand?
[01:35:15] 80, Carry Main, Autofilled. Who gives a shit, bro?
[01:35:19] Oh, wait a minute.
[01:35:20] Let's just build uh build MR. Yo just build MR easy win. Ha ha
[01:35:36] Lola
[01:36:02] You like the challenger back
[01:36:06] I mean, I barely noticed it bro
[01:36:09] I really never recall. I just uh die
[01:36:12] So I don't see it that much
[01:37:03] Maybe if we didn't grief that bot dived we could have one from bot side, you know
[01:37:07] But then even then my seraphine's still off role so she's not gonna know how to ward anything like that
[01:37:12] And regardless of that their top side still fed like this guy's infinitely more. He's like, you know, whatever but
[01:37:19] Why does this item still exist?
[01:37:29] Like you're just like destined to play in this doomed game with
[01:38:03] That was lost for matchmaking for what what we do their teams always shit
[01:39:34] I mean it's like they're playing it's all like they're going to be bad
[01:39:40] It is what is it just that before who gives a fuck nowadays now that they made that fucking
[01:39:45] shitty change even addressed it now I'm just getting more tilted when these
[01:39:49] things happen what are we doing oh it was at the top it true but they added it
[01:40:08] to the top wasn't at the bottom it was like the first thing you fucking read
[01:40:12] before that the fucking nurse even I was white at the top and they're glad
[01:40:52] of the room king oh sweet nice shit oh blade got nerfed that's good for us
[01:40:59] killing guys killing we got this him soul play elder maybe they'll just stop
[01:41:34] stacking him are it's triple AD the nerf of blade is Cho'Gath playable if you
[01:42:08] think Cho'Gath wasn't able to blade obviously I've been winning more Cho'Gath
[01:42:12] games I should think he's the worst the best champ in the game no but I
[01:42:15] don't think he's bad we're now arguing the enemy team is literally
[01:43:07] Indie the game anyway. Let's also just vote no guys to Gloria fk like why are we still hitting no like bro? Oh my god
[01:43:14] He is
[01:43:15] All right. Well, okay
[01:43:27] I'm gonna just go ahead and say the two games sample size that it's bug
[01:43:35] The bug is not what it's still bugged
[01:43:39] Auto fill whatever but everybody gets secondary role and they don't get from the correct
[01:43:43] The add their support. There's something like this is actually a good a good thing. No
[01:44:09] Also, no more bot.
[01:44:11] I had to reset Q after a couple of minutes.
[01:44:32] That's not what I was going to say.
[01:44:32] Oh.
[01:44:34] Hello.
[01:44:36] What role did you do for If I May Ask?
[01:44:52] Why do they like what you did because you're streamed
[01:44:54] knowing they didn't fix shit, knowing you're back
[01:44:55] on their blacklist?
[01:44:56] What is this, man?
[01:45:02] Good one, Kova, good one.
[01:45:11] Why am I getting DonoWall?
[01:45:14] Hello.
[01:45:15] What role did...
[01:45:18] ...or if I may ask?
[01:45:32] Can I see you need to ask now? Can I see some role?
[01:45:41] Answer me!
[01:45:45] They get us like a heart... Oh my god, Tyler added me!
[01:45:48] He messaged me!
[01:45:49] Oh my god!
[01:45:57] Just wondering...
[01:45:59] Okay, so he's double made secondary support.
[01:46:01] So this guy got secondary.
[01:46:02] Which means we got three secondary roles.
[01:46:05] They got one. It is bugged.
[01:46:08] It is bugged.
[01:46:08] Because if we got three and they got one,
[01:46:11] It would have put one of the secondary roles on the other team. Let's check LP. Same thing happened last game.
[01:46:18] Let's check their LP. Okay, this is my auto fill. Excuse me, secondary role.
[01:46:31] Their secondary role, or excuse me, their on role. It's 200 LP higher. Okay, like I said,
[01:46:36] and it's in the Mars. It doesn't matter. On role. I'm on role. Their AD is on role about even.
[01:46:43] Their mid's higher. Mine's, let's just say about you. I mean, it's almost even.
[01:46:48] So, it's just bugged, right, it's just bugged.
[01:46:54] They could have left, okay, let's just brainstorm.
[01:46:56] They could have left somebody out of this match.
[01:47:04] Blue side is slower than they balanced Autofill, nope, because I just played a red side game
[01:47:07] and I had Autofill, more Autofill than them.
[01:47:09] Nope, that's not it.
[01:47:14] I literally just played on the opposite side, red side, with Autofill and secondary, versus
[01:47:19] zero.
[01:47:24] Bugs, no bug.
[01:47:26] I would argue it's probably worse.
[01:47:28] I think they actually made it worse.
[01:47:30] I know it's legit, the set issue was fixed and it's not so it's not so it's not Coppeler.
[01:48:01] Coppeler won, Child of the Spam Coppeler won, but I mean if you ever get up the game this
[01:48:03] will also be a problem for you.
[01:48:05] If you ever get the ace, I don't want to see that.
[01:48:23] Piss off.
[01:49:03] I'm just hoping I'm not lying.
[01:49:05] Dude, why do they even say anything?
[01:49:07] Like are they fucking stupid?
[01:49:12] Bro, are they dumb as shit or what?
[01:49:25] Like why even say anything if it's still just completely fucked up?
[01:49:30] shut the fuck up man don't say anything you stupid motherfuckers i'm too busy i've had too
[01:49:50] busy my day to deal with this bullshit i'm not gonna lie to her i pray to god this lobby isn't as
[01:49:58] fucked if i do this up bro i'm gonna be pissed i bet it better match and no if enemy if it's
[01:50:06] still bugged on enemy team let's say enemy team gets 50 auto fill i'm still pissed as you're
[01:50:50] They're filled check after all the jacks from last game. You think he got his role
[01:51:49] Nice
[01:51:58] These are spawned I'm gonna wager this area does not roll
[01:52:29] I'm gonna wager this guy's not playing the win
[01:52:33] To be honest very first-time Katerina this guy is for sure not late. It's cupic. Yeah, he's not trying to win this
[01:52:41] uh no at at no at no point they will learn or they will die who knows is there uh there i need to not die
[01:53:15] uh supports autofill so wait and i think my support's on roll playing not unless it's tight so that
[01:53:21] should be free lp right the new tech that kind of log made for katerina with the q buffs
[01:53:34] Sweet.
[01:53:35] And the black cleaver, hope it works.
[01:53:54] I gotta stay.
[01:54:39] I mean I'm gonna tear it up.
[01:54:49] Let's just, here's what I'm gonna do.
[01:54:50] Auto-Field support, how about I just do literally nothing?
[01:54:56] I don't die, I stack every CS.
[01:54:58] My team doesn't carry against playing Samarabitch Nautilus.
[01:55:02] We go next.
[01:55:19] Help Pushers now, isn't that bad for you?
[01:55:21] Yes.
[01:55:22] I mean it's good.
[01:55:23] I think their jungle is trolling.
[01:55:25] Got a flash on me.
[01:56:05] Shride Aurora.
[01:56:06] Yeah, she's my type of champ.
[01:56:07] It just has to be a win right do nothing we win, right? I didn't even check this game
[01:56:39] So they might have more autofill than pipe
[01:56:42] But everybody on my teams on role
[01:56:45] I think my mid might be secondary role. What's up French?
[01:56:56] Canada your door that's five subs
[01:57:18] They're better a word for you for lanes for me personally better because I would get my role every single game no matter what
[01:57:32] Because I would ruin the game if I didn't
[01:57:35] But that point better.
[01:58:17] Nobody's safe.
[01:58:26] I can't remember.
[01:58:27] He's some streamer, uh...
[01:58:29] Oh, he did it?
[01:58:51] I mean, Sport Pike is all for all the support.
[01:58:53] Nick, look at your guys.
[01:58:55] I gotta try, J-
[01:59:18] I can't.
[01:59:24] I break spot.
[01:59:26] I-I don't know.
[01:59:43] See, we'll not do it.
[01:59:45] We are menace.
[01:59:46] What was your first role when you started playing League?
[01:59:50] AP Ezreal mid.
[01:59:51] My first rank.
[01:59:52] I started on Twisted Treelight.
[01:59:54] up through guys don't throw we'll have to start playing stupid the tree line was
[02:00:59] alright wait after those ranked twisted tree line brother's kind of lurking I'm
[02:01:43] not gonna lie oh calm down so that's the scoreboard does bug these guys five
[02:02:50] So Ergot couldn't move here. He's gonna try something.
[02:03:47] He's for two.
[02:03:48] Got his proxy.
[02:03:50] What are we doing?
[02:03:55] Top camp for the long term.
[02:03:57] Nice. Top laner from last game.
[02:04:08] We got part of this guy who's gotten secondary roll.
[02:04:11] Five times in a row.
[02:04:21] Pretty sensed.
[02:04:22] That's, you know, it's five to seven brothers.
[02:04:45] Ergot's range top is so boring.
[02:04:55] Ergot isn't ranged.
[02:04:56] I got some melee champ.
[02:05:02] There we go for Overwatch Masters.
[02:05:04] After the game's not the worst, I think voice comms carries.
[02:05:08] I don't know.
[02:05:09] What's my Nautilus roaming?
[02:05:24] Is he mad?
[02:05:26] Can I missing something?
[02:06:00] Oh he's now leaving.
[02:06:03] Brother your AD is 6-1.
[02:06:06] This game is so bad, like bro, these players are such idiots.
[02:07:26] It was a complete beatdown, I don't know what happened, something happened bot lane, Nala's
[02:07:32] quiet giving insaney thing, just started roaming and running it down, now my general is like
[02:07:36] fighting back, I don't know what's going on.
[02:07:39] Intimately, Nautilus just stopped playing.
[02:07:42] Like, yeah, maybe one of the dives was fucked up.
[02:08:03] But even, it was a two for two.
[02:08:05] Like, and our AD didn't die, you got the weight, like, that's not even bad.
[02:08:09] Nautilus, please play the game, man.
[02:08:47] Winnable, guys. Winnable.
[02:09:07] Support is a auto-fill, running it for fuck down.
[02:09:10] Really? If we just don't win him?
[02:09:16] If I hate something, I do not enjoy it.
[02:09:19] If I watch something, I must be slain.
[02:09:32] I tried.
[02:09:32] Here's the FF.
[02:09:35] I was on three wards, on vision.
[02:09:37] You're playing Katerina with eight dashes.
[02:09:39] If that doesn't happen, you have flash.
[02:09:41] What are we doing?
[02:10:00] Thanks, Art.
[02:10:01] I appreciate that, buddy.
[02:10:30] Tell everybody yes, sirs.
[02:10:32] Mid-fleet checked out by mid-laner.
[02:10:35] Never is Katerina.
[02:10:43] Here's my ADs found.
[02:10:46] I don't know why, like, the game is just fucking weird shit, fucking auto-off, like, you got his one kill, he's three kills, just give me the fuck out.
[02:11:11] I'll get three kills, TopGap. What the fuck is going on, but...
[02:11:49] I'll just stay in the game, high low, toxic, low low, must be Jesus.
[02:12:47] Fucking God. I don't watch his bot, I, like, this is so, like, fucking crazy.
[02:13:13] Crazy, because you know they still like bot lane was still so playable. This guy just synced it like I don't know if I've seen that
[02:13:23] Everybody's still at a lead
[02:13:26] The 80 carry is 15 10 kit like what at the time was six and one
[02:13:31] What happened?
[02:13:32] There was no like
[02:13:35] The general didn't blame non-less or anything
[02:13:39] Just stop going bot lane
[02:13:48] 1000 LP up behind that much why you have to think I mean we're behind a lot
[02:14:24] Urgot's fed, Orianna's fed, he's got his life. No idea bro. I have no idea what's going on.
[02:15:20] Dude. I leave for one day and nobody wants to play League. Okay, like half the games you can't.
[02:15:27] We have this dumb fucking degenerate first-timing cat arena mid for fun.
[02:15:33] Nautilus, dude, let's watch this vlog. I wonder what happened. I wonder what happened.
[02:15:39] to what happened like imagine you're winning bot lane and everybody there's
[02:15:44] nobody to ruin your game right everybody mids playing safe tops playing safe it's
[02:15:50] all on you bot lane like you're not your game is fine isn't that the dream
[02:15:56] scenario let's see what what happened here why we started trolling it was
[02:16:13] too big mid yeah the guy is such a fucking loser sweats with you first
[02:16:19] times Katerina on my team it's the same shit every time. Here's what it is. Losers will be
[02:16:25] losers. Alright, so see what happened. Blah blah blah, let's fast forward. Bro, okay, you
[02:16:30] press tab here, there's 4-0. We're up 2,000 gold. That's looking pretty good, in a way.
[02:17:05] It is what it is. You know it's not that bad. Ordering it to bounty, still a 2-for-2.
[02:17:13] Okay, so that's not that bad. We're still up 2,000
[02:17:24] One run back off side. We don't you mean look oh my god, we're not unless you're playing so good. What a hook
[02:17:29] Oh my god, he's dead. Oh wow. Let's go bro
[02:17:34] Lead man clean
[02:17:36] And let's see what happens. This is where it all goes wrong
[02:17:39] That's what did it apparently walking up to auto the tower one. Oh, yep. He pinged it
[02:18:11] I didn't even see the pings
[02:18:14] So he's just gonna it's not that bad his eight still two for two by the way, and his eight lives gets away
[02:18:19] It's a crash. It's actually just worth now. He's this
[02:18:24] Doesn't even say anything dies
[02:18:31] Response runs top side
[02:18:36] guys
[02:18:39] Again all this time if you just go bot lane spot another kill as forward
[02:18:50] How did he die the other two times?
[02:18:56] Manable by the way
[02:18:59] Bro, Antelse is back to do that.
[02:19:37] Blocks died.
[02:19:53] That guy's 1,000, 1.1,000 LP.
[02:19:56] I got him on my team again. This time he's playing Soraka.
[02:20:27] Maybe he'll uh, it'll be winnable.
[02:20:51] Fuck up a Soraka? I mean he didn't fuck up that last game until he started wanting to.
[02:21:01] It's not like he played bad, they played well bot lane.
[02:21:05] That's what doesn't make sense.
[02:21:22] He's full jungle of things, I think this guy plays it.
[02:21:24] Probably the same guy from before. I mean their jungle just started leechless, acele, with a delayed start, so it is what it is.
[02:22:10] Fuck no, tazer.
[02:22:40] Knew she would die since she was out of the tower.
[02:22:42] Oh god, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh shit.
[02:23:07] Dude, they take every single one. The guy wants to hold the wave that long, let him hold it.
[02:23:58] Actually, we have an ambulance coming.
[02:24:04] Hey, he's like, dude, the support's playing well, let's not get mad.
[02:24:27] come on don't get mad jinx please don't die jinx please don't die jinx please
[02:24:33] don't die so that this is the 10 long sorts of the one shots right there is
[02:24:59] true champ has way too much with the goal you're so good siraka siraka you're
[02:25:40] so good hope this guy's ego round is over stride I hate stride guys go
[02:26:12] to stream. At 1000 LP Challenger, the server is so dead, bro. This game is so dead. Like,
[02:26:26] yes, Riot Games sucks, but these players are so fucking annoying. You can imagine just playing
[02:26:56] the entire game listening to the game, but at least ghost on the in-it, like, whatever,
[02:27:03] I can kind of understand if you're listening. Yes, you're a fucking loser, but it has
[02:27:18] no face rush. Clean Souljuntle Decent is the same shit as lane, literally. Get two
[02:28:22] items the game stalls forever you hop every wall
[02:28:25] I mean realistically though I'm so good
[02:28:48] against their comp no phase rush how do you
[02:29:14] play this fuck reset that's a mental win
[02:30:41] under Moff cannon I think I still die
[02:31:05] with debut after I can't actually do
[02:31:07] anything of a reliant soul
[02:31:09] oh this guy got TP flanked on this is
[02:31:18] Jace play win these bro this server
[02:33:28] bad worst server there is okay but
[02:34:04] Europe. Not what it was three years ago. It's not like people's hands not slower.
[02:34:29] It's like people are just dumber. That's a little bit. People are stupid. They play
[02:34:36] stupid. They do a lot of stupid shit. But tabs. I'm gonna regret going Swift. He's
[02:35:10] so bad. And Chase just died the exact same way as when he died bot lane. What is
[02:36:06] going on? Yeah, he did. That's what I eat. Oh, they're all so fed. God damn it.
[02:36:43] I'm gonna be honest. Nationalist Starr Act. I'm gonna Swift out of 50 more movement speed.
[02:37:44] My account's blacklisted.
[02:37:52] Unfortunate.
[02:38:21] Celerity and ult?
[02:38:22] There's no way this guy has celerity.
[02:38:24] Same shit.
[02:38:27] 5,000 gold.
[02:41:19] Bruh.
[02:41:24] He was a fight for the Baron?
[02:41:25] That was 2d5.
[02:41:27] 3d5, excuse me.
[02:41:28] Honestly, not that bad.
[02:41:56] It's pretty bad.
[02:41:57] It's pretty bad.
[02:42:01] Wait, yeah, and that wasn't even his, like, bit ult.
[02:42:05] Oh, yeah, no, this is better bit.
[02:42:07] We have Void on Karthus.
[02:44:19] Let's see this.
[02:44:46] There's no fight.
[02:44:47] To that cannon not even right now what?
[02:45:30] Spirit Russia went sterak second this game and I should have built this item. I
[02:45:37] Rolled
[02:45:43] Starex spirit has so much value here. Oh, I'm chasing Queen now coming in hot
[02:47:20] Chasing chase chase chase
[02:47:22] Clouds all clouds all clouds all on long. I got a feeling most like useful
[02:47:46] I've ever seen a cloud soul by the way
[02:47:48] That's a knockout.
[02:49:11] Had a winnable game until they died in top jumble like an idiot.
[02:49:27] Another champ's broken when Variety says Riot.
[02:49:29] That guy is a, uh, quite a smart player.
[02:49:34] He definitely knows a lot about the game and his, uh, his, uh, int should be...
[02:49:40] I gotta take a pastor back.
[02:52:32] Uh, uh, I'm not sure, champs.
[02:52:51] The red rank one, do you have a rebuilding redness instead of trying to roll up through the diptoon?
[02:52:55] No, I think, uh, Stridebreaker all opted so weak.
[02:53:02] aww
[02:53:10] I'm looking at...
[02:53:47] pictures
[02:53:48] Ravana's into Starex?
[02:54:00] No, I went Ravana's...
[02:54:02] into Sky!
[02:54:04] and then Starex
[02:54:07] Gay Wayne, brother
[02:54:09] okay
[02:54:13] I see you're a 43 month sub
[02:54:15] what's your rank?
[02:54:17] tell me your rank now
[02:54:19] okay, so no matter what for your dumb ass
[02:54:21] or you're getting punished
[02:54:22] tell me your rank and that will make your
[02:54:24] punishment very
[02:54:25] What's your rank? Don't lie. Don't lie. Get out of the way, bro. It's happening regardless. What's your rank?
[02:54:30] There's silver. I'll see you in a week, bud. Hey come back
[02:54:42] Midway through Middle Eastern challenge. You're dumbass
[02:54:51] Get us in here a silver player trying to backseat a five-time challenger player on every role and multi-servers
[02:55:01] You're trying to backseat me and you're wrong
[02:55:03] See you in a week, bro
[02:55:06] But I appreciate that reset at 60 fraction at 42. I didn't get a water
[02:55:19] No, all the way back down the stairs
[02:55:21] It was not home. It's the second
[02:55:43] Diet the hydration it was with sailor. What do you mean? Who's watching her?
[02:56:09] No, she's actually on her own watching herself
[02:56:12] I don't gotten one by now if you just left nope right would have right would have seen me get up for my chair
[02:56:24] It made my Q pop instantly and what if I know him I hate Darius
[02:56:52] Yablo, I brought it down every time that match up as well. I
[02:56:56] Don't think Darius is OP, but I lose every time there is is an OP this is pretty much only strong in lane
[02:57:29] It's just that you fall so far behind in lane that he can take over
[02:57:33] nobody sure
[02:58:16] How'd you rework sugar? Oh sugar that she seems like fun. Oh
[02:58:21] Oh, I'll splurge a bit. Oh, I'll splurge
[02:58:42] Only one LCS game this week
[02:58:45] I think there's one series best of five on Saturday one best of five on Sunday
[02:58:51] I'm gonna be honest though, bro. Yeah, I'm a co-streamer. I don't know. I have no idea
[02:58:59] Don't ask on Kayla's Colin. You broke up. You want breaking up. You're breaking up. I can't see you
[02:59:36] I can't hear you. I can't see you. I can't hear you. What do you want?
[02:59:44] I'm hungry three and a half four hours ago. I need to get to this game
[03:00:11] I gotta go
[03:00:25] Okay, I forgot the fucking
[03:00:27] Pot roast in the oven. I'm gonna love tries to cook for once in her life and she fucking
[03:00:47] Use the pot roast in the oven
[03:00:51] But what do you want me to forget? She almost burned the house down toasting taco shells out and that's fun
[03:01:08] yeah home insurance bucket I'll say that the faulty gas line got the house on fire
[03:01:38] it is what is shirts fraud easy clap but wait me and Diego are holding hand
[03:01:51] I see this hey and then Rakan and Ash are looking at each other oh shit I'm
[03:02:18] putting its NASA's is so long bird bro and I would say NASA's is the most
[03:02:25] broken champion in League of Legends history. Remember that? And honest to God he might still
[03:02:31] be, but I haven't seen him in literally months. Losing asses you're trolling? I'm not so sure.
[03:02:59] Thank you, Deblades start on a lousy's dead. I think I've went Deblades start one time ever in
[03:03:04] my life. Zosting BBQ. Deadline X's sub goal? No, it's like 13 days. Yes, I don't know,
[03:03:32] night. Waze is gonna be maxed masses, 11 days left. Uh oh. Good luck guys. I'm not
[03:03:50] streaming Friday either. Traveling, re-ed. I played with this guy earlier. Fucking
[03:04:30] Nautilus. I got the gold. Yes and like shit though. Whatever. Hold it that long.
[03:04:59] It's not a long time. If you don't not hold that fucking stun forever.
[03:05:23] He'll help him.
[03:05:42] The robot didn't even see him.
[03:05:43] He just ran right through him.
[03:05:44] What the fuck?
[03:05:45] Who that miss is?
[03:06:12] What?
[03:06:16] Going on, bot?
[03:06:17] I don't know.
[03:06:18] Y'all so made it out.
[03:06:22] I didn't expect him to literally run straight from...
[03:06:40] Oh, shouts to you, whatever.
[03:06:45] He attacks for 20 seconds.
[03:06:55] Oh, yes.
[03:06:56] Leave.
[03:06:57] That's for sure.
[03:06:58] Fine.
[03:07:40] Bad.
[03:07:41] Really, really bad.
[03:07:45] It's not snacking, but I don't... I think that's intended, to be honest.
[03:08:04] My bot lane's cooked.
[03:08:05] E-Max masses?
[03:08:29] I think they just start...
[03:08:31] early with AP, and end up converting.
[03:08:34] Got one? Shots the wave?
[03:08:50] Surely, Nassus is not a champion without E, right guys?
[03:08:53] But without the...
[03:09:03] Got his ult for free.
[03:09:32] I gotta say, that E-shit's fucking annoying.
[03:09:34] I'm not...
[03:09:35] This is a...
[03:09:35] It's actually tilting the shoot.
[03:09:40] Oh my god, you missed it.
[03:09:43] How is missing the...
[03:09:44] Not a two-week ban?
[03:09:46] Brother, your account should be terminated instantly.
[03:09:53] I missed the fucking bush.
[03:10:49] Did I cause, like, conflict between the enemy team?
[03:11:25] He will make his Qs hurt?
[03:12:00] Try it, but all five of them are surely watching the stream?
[03:12:02] Probably.
[03:12:03] I think they're mid-stop playing.
[03:12:13] Dude, that should be outplayable, but you're just too much, like...
[03:13:11] I
[03:13:13] Damage I mean I
[03:13:15] Just pukes it out on you that they talent about a lally or rumble, you know and well
[03:13:38] Why we take skills start to say those the better blue sub teams not so that makes me still equally dog shit. I stopped checking
[03:13:53] After a third again a single stack buddy. That just loves old thing for
[03:14:42] What he was all thing to stop me from like crocking my demolish
[03:14:58] Oh my slam, well played, give shit, don't put down, moron!
[03:15:21] The guy literally got himself killed, he tried to puke his damage out, right, and flashed on top of me so I got an extra ult.
[03:15:33] I'm not gonna build boots.
[03:15:50] I turn to players from previous years, RNGM or Master's, and Lopee the pledge to turn up, do you have any ideas on that broski?
[03:15:56] I mean, the game, I just talked about it last game.
[03:16:00] Players, the canons, they have gotten better, but they, the...
[03:16:04] Caligars now are so stupid.
[03:16:08] Like their brains don't work ever.
[03:16:12] They're such stupid players.
[03:16:25] Team you? No, not me.
[03:16:48] I'll just top and you don't.
[03:16:50] I should have said that there's the most annoying shit, by the way.
[03:17:17] Pre-top. One thing I can do, make sure Tyler1 doesn't get gold!
[03:19:15] Bro, these guys are on my dick 24-7.
[03:19:19] Oh, slipties.
[03:19:43] Max Mansion Tour coming.
[03:19:49] The House Tour isn't coming out for a while.
[03:19:51] She hasn't even- we're so busy.
[03:19:54] She hasn't even started it.
[03:19:56] And then I leave.
[03:19:57] Ah, like, bro, it's a while.
[03:20:22] It's not worth it. It's already been recorded,
[03:20:23] but she likes to edit herself.
[03:20:50] Fuck, Dundun.
[03:20:57] He isn't worth any gold, unfortunately.
[03:20:59] Well, I buffered my Flash.
[03:21:09] I didn't mean to Flash at that low HP.
[03:21:10] I tried to do it earlier, but I don't CC him up.
[03:21:14] Oh, well.
[03:21:15] Sailing your pool videos is bad over and she
[03:21:25] She's using it on a goat for two minutes. Those were not bad though. That's actually good
[03:21:30] But yes, I do remember. Oh, it's like a popular pick and how you know, even though it's when rates low. Yeah, it's a weird
[03:21:49] I know I kind of can't believe his win rates that low. Oh
[03:21:58] Stack away Nassus keep stacking guys. It's winnable Nassus can infinitely stack
[03:22:13] Nassus is so useless dude. I gotta say though. Imagine if his team was ahead. He was doing that
[03:22:57] Spam bullshit
[03:23:00] Like that have been that's pretty tilting them up a line. All right. Give me a second
[03:23:08] I gotta go take the pot roast out of the goddamn oven because
[03:23:12] You can just because I guess
[03:23:14] I'm gonna go ahead longer. No Erica appointment tomorrow. So we should have getting it fixed
[03:27:20] I don't know soon. I stopped checking that hair or buzz
[03:27:48] Getting it what I got last time challenge starts on Monday
[03:28:07] But I'll be co-streaming Saturday and Sunday
[03:28:44] Yeah, Rizzle
[03:28:59] This is not coming home for a while. So the pot was just gonna sit there and I'm fucking starving
[03:29:33] It's actually got pizza rolls, but I'm working
[03:29:35] I can't I can't take him out of the bag put him on a plate and put him in the fucking microwave
[03:29:38] Then wait three minutes to come back up for like bro. I'm gonna get fucking fired. Yeah, don't understand
[03:29:57] I didn't do that blurry Jimmy Addy. I'll do it. I shoot the food. I bet thanks guys
[03:30:22] Thanks. Show me your wallpaper, please.
[03:30:39] First class. I think first class is actually overrated nowadays.
[03:31:03] So I'm just going to business class.
[03:31:07] Business class is almost the exact same as first class.
[03:31:10] To say you're broke, it is. It's not a good difference.
[03:31:31] And if you're flying overseas, no.
[03:31:34] If you're flying overseas, business...
[03:31:36] First class is not worth ten plus thousand more dollars.
[03:31:42] Business class you still get your your whole look cubicle your seat
[03:31:47] There you know you can lie flat seat
[03:31:50] There's no different the only difference is you don't get as much like luxury service
[03:31:55] You say a really good service, but it's not like luxury like luxury luxury
[03:32:00] This is a class is actually it tax write off. Yes, but tax write offs aren't like okay that money's just free
[03:32:17] No, it's not work first class is 10 grand more. I think first class is more than 10 grand more
[03:32:41] I'm not flexing. I'm talking. If anybody is debating the difference between first class and business class is well actually depending on airline, depending on airline, it could be a different, but on all the airlines I've flown, not really different.
[03:33:28] class is well actually depending on airline depending on airline it could be a
[03:33:36] different but on all the airlines I've flown not really different it's called
[03:33:54] as poor for flying economy no I'm saying economy is flying poor you can fly
[03:33:59] poor and be wealthy me personally though I don't fly poor I'm wealthy in
[03:34:04] exposure let's immigrants business at first are the same exactly exactly
[03:34:13] They're all the same
[03:34:15] They're not the same, but the difference isn't worth the money. I didn't mean to pin that. Whoopsy
[03:34:47] It was in price. I don't know the exact price, but it's have
[03:35:01] Every night cruise. I have no interest in that bullshit. It's first class you can get champagne and stuff a little bit more privacy
[03:35:25] more space
[03:35:28] Sometimes they have like yes, they get more service. Yes more service
[03:35:33] on demand faster more often but it's too much the service for first class is
[03:35:43] almost too much because the flight attendants want our only like first class
[03:35:46] flight attendants they don't have nothing to do it's only like 10 seats or
[03:35:48] ever 15 so they come to constantly constantly constantly constantly constantly
[03:35:53] tell them not to come along a lot of our price have to be the upgrade for you
[03:36:13] to be worth it well twitch chat is so 12 years old shut the fuck up
[03:36:22] I'm not gonna lie. I'll troll is that is this a melee chip? I'll go allow me
[03:36:32] I don't need to talk about bud, but we the people at the back never get bothered by flight attendants
[03:37:14] They probably never go that far, bro
[03:37:21] Patey one I saw one of your old videos about bragging about not paying taxes
[03:37:26] I hope you know that doing that is very illegal and can land you in jail
[03:37:31] I am not sure if you knew but just letting you know just in case
[03:37:36] Okay
[03:37:37] All right. Yeah. Thank you. I understand that now
[03:37:41] Okay, I got you I won't do it anymore. I promise I'll I'll stop tax evading this year
[03:37:54] This is all that I really got here
[03:38:20] Probably all kinds of fucked up. I don't know what we got if you don't taste of making shrimp rolls yum
[03:38:29] Oh
[03:38:31] Hurry the fuck up. We're hungry. I mean so asses for people like how people like Tyler in fact
[03:38:52] You got me fucked up. Well, I had changed my flight like five times because
[03:39:06] Like I didn't talk to him like five times because they're doing it and I was like bro for my last layover there
[03:39:14] Like an hour and a half flight. They try to get me to fly economy aka poor
[03:39:19] And I was like, bro, I cannot fly poor!
[03:39:24] And then as soon as I get to my hotel room, coast stream!
[03:39:28] Either you give me a full flight of business or I'm not going!
[03:39:37] Then I left the call.
[03:39:39] Then I left the fucking call.
[03:39:42] Right, D.Va.
[03:39:50] Uh, I'm not going to check this game, fuck it.
[03:39:59] Yeah, I know my worth.
[03:40:10] Care.
[03:40:25] I actually went, uh, comment in this matchup.
[03:40:33] I feel like I played it in the past you can't actually auto the unit looks like
[03:40:48] I think it's a ranged champ.
[03:40:49] Glad to see the coming of that doesn't turn you into a cult bitch, like me.
[03:41:07] Wait till she hits you with the dad I love him.
[03:41:10] Don't put that up on me.
[03:41:17] Don't put that up on me, kid.
[03:41:19] Thank you, bro, for that fatty 20.
[03:41:24] I miss both those.
[03:41:29] Don't say that about yourself either, bro.
[03:41:35] They have genies.
[03:41:37] Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!
[03:41:41] Don't you do it!
[03:41:42] I can't believe that's not a turn range. That's a kill actually. I cannot believe that's not a turn range.
[03:42:23] Alright, so let me ask you a question. You're telling me if that were me
[03:42:28] on this Yonez account, that turret would have autoed?
[03:42:42] This game's lost. Gotta watch that vlog.
[03:43:05] Is this thing still fucking flip floppy? I mean the game quality is just trash.
[03:43:38] Somebody's running it down literally every game.
[03:43:40] Jeez, game's over. It's so lame. Is that not lame by the way?
[03:44:04] Had an item too. Item full health.
[03:44:33] My trip gets better? No, he just built Blade.
[03:44:36] Actually, Blade got nerfed.
[03:44:38] Actually, D- wait, D- Blade got nerfed as well.
[03:44:42] Damn, and I just got shit all like that?
[03:44:44] Or even stuck?
[03:44:53] Wait, what the fuck just happened?
[03:44:55] Oh, it's buffed on melee.
[03:45:19] We can win.
[03:45:20] I mean, is this going as bad as that one Chugat game I played, uh, uh, two days ago?
[03:45:31] Honestly, no, it's not.
[03:45:33] In that game I'm going to whole breaker first.
[03:45:43] I mean do I die here?
[03:45:45] If it's still broken.
[03:46:19] I'm not playing Cho'Gath so it is what it is but probably.
[03:46:29] I mean this game might actually be winnable.
[03:46:31] The good thing about Cho'Gath is for these ADHD fucking disgusting characters the silent.
[03:46:43] So I'm actually just going to put all my points in the silence now and play to
[03:46:58] We're also gonna kind of play it like we did last stream
[03:47:13] For the symbiotic. Are you a hate? Why do you hate fun play champions?
[03:47:25] I mean fun subjective. I'm not a fucking loser. So playing this ADHD friendship isn't fun to me. Sorry, bro
[03:47:31] This guy knew I was hitting bot lane so he started
[03:48:24] Actual winnable. All star has to be here. He helped I guess. Passive. That's so big.
[03:49:16] I have TP, I just don't know.
[03:49:43] Actually, I went Comet, so I do believe that he can't ignore me.
[03:50:24] Damn, he smited it, he smited it though.
[03:50:54] I'll start with Merc Trids.
[03:51:13] God, I kinda can't do anything here.
[03:51:17] I can't fight him, you win, it's not even close.
[03:51:19] I don't make sure he can't get TP here.
[03:51:51] That's what I'm talking about, like that Q right there,
[03:52:12] that's not upper, like he's legitimately reacting to that.
[03:52:15] That's, dude, Trideth Q has to be faster.
[03:52:18] Yo, this guy has to be.
[03:52:20] Fetish, I like a bass, Samuelio's subs.
[03:52:32] Hell the fuck no hell the fuck yes, bro
[03:52:38] I'm gonna be honest. We probably just give this dragon. Here we both have TP
[03:54:30] My silence is now two seconds. Stop fucking sucking his top. You're bluffing. You won't stop. Sure
[03:56:22] This LP means too much to me. I hate this shit, bro
[03:56:54] Like there he shouldn't be able to build this and still be useful like this is the shield on this is way too much
[03:57:02] of some day it's gonna get nerf it might be a couple years from now this
[03:57:07] right game is stupid but stupid he's in here's a minute and overfed I'm not
[03:58:09] talking about how fed he is fine it's fine worth wait never mind it's good
[03:59:44] fucking solo hell I'm gonna recall no as I played that really well piece of
[04:01:20] shit there names he really really sucks pop of the year mind your head boy
[04:02:55] That white thing I'm sure that's still he's a dinosaur, bro
[04:03:18] It's like one of those things that does what are they called?
[04:03:22] Anno
[04:03:24] You know the hammerhead kind of thingies ink Leo. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna update my yeah
[04:03:42] Update my dino knowledge my art days are long ago
[04:03:52] Tonkosaurus Rex, baby
[04:03:54] Tonkosaurus Rex, baby
[04:03:56] Whoo my favorite dinosaur. Oh, you're gonna kill me. Congrats, bro
[04:04:02] I'm so fucking good
[04:04:40] Anyway, is that a butterfly?
[04:05:13] But you give us a kid. Yes, sir modern you do. I didn't ever I didn't play I had the cards, but it's like seriously
[04:06:08] My brothers keep pushing really like my cousins going thing. I think it's so smart
[04:07:03] You don't see much notice
[04:07:05] Dip shit, Tonka-T, a terror in the top lane, Tonka-Sore's Rex.
[04:08:04] Dinosaur sound, what the fuck did you make a dinosaur sound?
[04:08:27] Another 0-3 start, back to 3-3.
[04:08:37] I'm sure best roe is dead.
[04:08:51] Do you need that sub? Damn, what's up?
[04:09:07] True, nobody's actually heard a dinosaur roar.
[04:09:16] True, so maybe that wasn't exact replica of a dinosaur roaring.
[04:09:21] How are you to say it's not?
[04:09:23] Weeders don't Q bot, we get free rink 1. Well if I start Q top at the start of the day
[04:09:47] It's bad. I literally have to Q AD, lose every game, and then Q top.
[04:09:53] You guys said that you're the most hate player on NA and double it to do video. True. Yes
[04:10:19] Already got the bot roast. I Q AD then to lose
[04:10:31] So put me in the right mindset to play top. Your superstitions are not real
[04:10:55] They are I'm not a super super snitches person the fuck what the fuck am I
[04:11:40] What's 17? Okay, yeah, that's we gave for elder ring on your top left quarter
[04:11:44] Dude, I don't know if I can keep streaming. I don't know if I can keep streaming bro
[04:11:59] The amount of stupid shit I read in this chat is actually crazy
[04:12:03] Brother try your hardest, okay? What could that be in the top left try your hardest
[04:12:10] to think of what it could possibly be like it doesn't make sense maybe the
[04:12:19] problem I earlier I said it seems like league players nowadays are like stupid
[04:12:24] maybe it's not league man maybe it's just society in general just dumber yes
[04:12:58] the fucking fluoride in the water the government's doing this to all of us
[04:13:04] dumb down the population that can take control generation by generation you know
[04:13:45] too much Tyler I'm in danger or am I the fucking danger gonna silence you that
[04:14:12] they did with Willie oh shit oh shit also guys I just read that America every
[04:14:36] single American social security number just got hat just got I noticed you have
[04:14:41] a sub goal in the top left that says Elden Ring Marathon. Is that for you having an Elden Ring Marathon? Please answer.
[04:14:50] I wonder what it could be. Um, yes, Coba. I'm about to say that's what it's for. Bright and brilliant.
[04:14:56] Who cares? I have nothing to steal. I have nothing left to steal.
[04:15:07] What more could they take? When you hit the uttering sub goal, when I'm in
[04:15:50] a saudi or Riyad, then I will do it.
[04:15:59] But I get back nobody yes
[04:16:16] Buddy
[04:16:17] Want to get a hundred followers. I'm not sure are you growing out your hair and something new?
[04:17:12] We're all like I got a blind-kick chocolate board. It is the fuck place bet quantum fish it
[04:17:54] Want them fish it's the only one that plays that board
[04:18:02] I see what ruins I went last game for you, bro
[04:18:23] That's for you, J-Rot.
[04:18:25] Have I used this skin before?
[04:18:43] Don't let them push back your hairline.
[04:18:45] No, my barber says
[04:18:47] that
[04:18:49] my hairline, if I ever go to a different barber, never have him do my hairline.
[04:18:53] My natural hairline's good enough.
[04:18:56] And if I kept going and getting it cut, it would go back and back and back and back.
[04:19:00] So he just said to keep it natural.
[04:19:04] Fuck you.
[04:19:05] What is this guy doing? What was that? Why do you walk like that?
[04:20:23] Pigs from last year to now? His hairline was further back? Yeah bro, do you think I got
[04:20:27] an operation? I think? I went to Turkey? Win. Win the fuck would I find the time?
[04:20:40] The 8 Trucks counterword? I have no idea. I don't really care.
[04:20:44] It was a blind pick. We needed AP. Fuck.
[04:20:53] This Diego has no idea what he's doing.
[04:20:56] Just startling.
[04:21:19] Oh, it's every game.
[04:21:21] It's literally every game. I don't know what's going on, but it's every single match.
[04:21:26] Somebody's fucking just griefing.
[04:21:50] I think I'll lose to him. I mean, he got his flashed and I were just with the Raptors. He's just bad.
[04:22:23] There's some visual...
[04:22:26] There's a lack of visual clarity on my screen, by the way. Like I...
[04:22:29] It's crazy.
[04:22:43] Aatrox is dropping 12 kills. You're dumb. Expect me as a player. Oh, you have to drop a kill.
[04:23:05] Yeah, might be a little bit more than that. Not gonna lie.
[04:23:07] Ahhhh. No.
[04:23:15] Homeroos, that's already happened.
[04:23:17] It's already passed the bet. I'll give him a little 5 first.
[04:23:44] The CS is even.
[04:23:59] Survive, I guess.
[04:24:33] Actually, the Blanc's 6. You can't start it, man.
[04:24:38] Why are you 24? See it. What is going on?
[04:24:41] X getting solo-killed by the Blanc.
[04:24:51] I think that should happen.
[04:25:05] Sheen first? That's a good question, isn't it?
[04:25:08] What's that Sheen being built into?
[04:25:14] That's it.
[04:25:20] Did I do Vex and you're a mid laner? Yeah, I did.
[04:25:37] Top side death was so terrible.
[04:26:44] Like, this guy dying actually fucked my game so hard, man.
[04:26:47] I was gonna go Sorts. I don't really care.
[04:26:50] I ate a cook. I...
[04:27:02] My shit's done.
[04:27:03] Oh, I noticed the home guard's there.
[04:27:04] What'd you do here? You should just try and get...
[04:27:12] If I want to win, I'm just gonna give everything and try and get XP, but...
[04:27:16] That one is this game, maybe be useful later, because he dies here somehow, my game's back.
[04:28:05] There was a flash play, I think he has flash back up too, so I don't know bro, it is what
[04:28:44] it is.
[04:29:01] I do something, jungle.
[04:29:02] If this guy gets his bounty, he can go next.
[04:29:58] That should not happen.
[04:30:00] True actually, Ivern should not have, bushes should not have went into the death realm.
[04:30:05] bug. But that had to be a bug actually. Alright so what are we down? I mean grubs. Six grubs.
[04:30:31] They're about to get folded. It's a hard game for Draven. Oh he's just not getting
[04:31:54] focused. That's so big. And I'm MoMo got Draven bounty. Oh my pot. That's awesome.
[04:32:32] I don't have ult. Why are you giggling? Cause I have funny. It can't QSS. Anything
[04:33:53] I do. Oh we need to diversify our, give somebody else the kills other than Draven.
[04:34:44] Bad money management.
[04:34:46] That doesn't have a lot of finance and carry-obvious.
[04:34:54] Get your money up, bud.
[04:35:06] Get your money up.
[04:35:07] Morg skin?
[04:35:18] Oh, God.
[04:35:20] Mordekaiser.
[04:35:21] Ever seen you carry on a mord?
[04:35:47] Dumbass.
[04:35:48] I did, like, last stream.
[04:35:49] Two streams ago.
[04:35:50] Healing from Red Orb?
[04:35:54] 349.
[04:35:55] Pulling people into a locked room.
[04:36:20] Pulling them in and beating them with your giant club till they die.
[04:36:24] Kind of crazy though, Biaffing.
[04:36:26] Oh, are you good bro? There's a lot of weird shit today.
[04:36:30] I'm a hens shit. Damn who I am. I can't change that.
[04:36:43] Wait, more to old? I'm gonna just lower school down by 20 seconds.
[04:36:50] Item one, item...
[04:37:06] Draven's four.
[04:37:07] I'm gonna use the play gear and claustra. I just played a shit ton.
[04:37:14] I originally had a sub. It hasn't ever arged first blood.
[04:37:36] Well, I can win the sense.
[04:37:37] I get the turret. Fuck.
[04:38:25] You suck man top gap Jesus. I did that by the way. I got gang or the guys are alive hold him before he could oh
[04:40:31] Where my dream and stuff like dream
[04:41:11] I like to notice what he did yes, I did I I altered him
[04:41:15] Right before he flash-altered so we got a one-man. I just said that I sub. Yeah, you are scooter was
[04:41:59] Yes, it was get shit on a kid
[04:42:34] dirty bum
[04:42:36] another one no thanks birth 30 s that's another win that's four in a row I think
[04:43:00] that also puts us one win away from 900 LP
[04:43:09] good job Diego holy shit Diego
[04:43:14] oh my god my temple was playing holy fuck let's go Diego it's impressive I'll
[04:43:41] be honest you hope you hit the other ring goal because deep down you want to
[04:43:44] play it that no no sir said you gave Draven something I said we're fucking up
[04:44:28] too deep like I'll be on one it goes to the next stream it's terrible you want
[04:45:12] me to look back at this and diamond and the cope I was 900 LP I'm dropping back
[04:45:17] to diamond the season ends in 45 days I'll just keep up challenger I'll just
[04:45:34] keep up challenger this time so people stop making fun of me for wins equals
[04:46:00] four losses branch how many games would it take to lose to go back to
[04:46:12] Diamond if I was if I'm not hurt LP and I lose 28 game somebody do the math more than 30 45
[04:46:36] Yeah, it's like 45 46 losses. There's no way
[04:47:12] Think of this story bro. I've already went 700 LP to deep do
[04:47:17] Like I've already done that story. I don't want to do it again. Let's not lose
[04:47:24] Son
[04:47:29] There's no way especially since Tyler doesn't late night rage could anymore exactly. I'm a father
[04:47:33] I don't got the class in a k a the messy of league was wondering if you even know who messy is
[04:47:39] soccer
[04:47:41] All I know is that I play soccer
[04:47:43] soccer
[04:47:45] soccer
[04:48:07] Boy, oh boy. Do I love soccer?
[04:48:11] We work out protein body. That's it way it works wild way it works. So they won't forget. I'm something keep paying another month
[04:49:13] I believe in you I'm last pick that could be
[04:49:27] What's up bro, I'm reading the Middle East. Who's gonna hear the K Games?
[04:49:41] Dude, that's 14 days. I'm gone for 10 days.
[04:49:45] Dude, I kinda don't also don't like playing against Ivern. He's making these games so fucking annoying. I'm not gonna lie.
[04:50:12] Hello Tyler, I found the old art I made during your top challenge.
[04:50:16] I remember how much you loved it then. Enjoy friend.
[04:50:20] That is some good art. That shit. I love that.
[04:50:48] I see what we got. I'm not gonna lie. Doesn't Olaf just go crazy here. I think I can get kited by Kale early
[04:51:21] I think Olaf just goes crazy. I'm just gonna go a lousy, but I don't think a lousy is bad against
[04:51:49] Kale. So I've got a dude to give VIP around here. I left an impact on this chat and we're here like such respect to me
[04:51:58] Shut up. E-Rob plays variety. Maybe E-Rob plays variety and Q1 play variety are actually the same people. All right guys
[04:52:28] I don't think I've ever won a game with this jungler on my team
[04:52:30] Hey, that changes here right now right here right now
[04:53:29] I just had a little soul lose that one as well was rewatching your old heavy rain playthrough from
[04:53:35] 2019 and you went on a rant about how you were never going to have kids and that son is who are better than daughters long
[04:53:41] Crazy how much you've grown. I look forward to supporting you in the future. I do not believe you
[04:53:48] And I was just saying that as a mean event, the conversation.
[04:53:51] I'm actually not sure how this matchup goes.
[04:54:07] It seems like I hate- I think I can chase him down.
[04:54:09] I feel like though, in general, like a 5v5 situation,
[04:54:21] the whole off-game seems crazy.
[04:54:24] If Cass doesn't get stronger.
[04:54:26] Cass got-
[04:54:40] I'm gonna pull clear to bot!
[04:55:16] Gonna flash.
[04:56:10] Every single game.
[04:56:12] I have never won a game with this.
[04:56:27] I don't know how he stays at this fucking elo.
[04:56:29] You carry? Well?
[04:56:44] Like I said, Cassiopeia can't get fed.
[04:56:48] And yes, this thing, when this guy teeps his back,
[04:57:15] and I can kill him, it's cooked.
[04:57:39] And actually, he rushes with it.
[04:57:55] I'm kind of a big deal.
[04:59:07] Got a lot to do, actually.
[04:59:08] I'm gonna go Hydra, but this guy never plays well, bro.
[04:59:36] So, fine, if Masters doesn't get fed, we can win.
[05:00:03] Who will lose on Zilean?
[05:00:24] He actually pretty bad.
[05:00:25] Not the top side.
[05:00:26] What are they doing?
[05:00:27] Zilean support good?
[05:01:04] I think Zilean is a disgustingly fucking broken champion actually, but he does have a weakness
[05:01:12] early in lane.
[05:01:13] Dude, the champ mid to late game is fucking disgusting, because Daisy's dead for dragon,
[05:03:00] but I mean, the game's dead.
[05:03:16] Died with biscuit up new but I have biscuit up where there's a world
[05:04:01] Dude, I can build a mart, but bro the problem is I had to run at these guys. That's cannot be fed
[05:04:09] Let's miss that too. How's that even possible? Yeah doing. That doesn't have to do anything. They're fucking bot in mid
[05:04:44] How many controllers will be broken during elven ring stream minus nine dollars
[05:05:36] That has a hole still
[05:05:38] Zero, because that game's easy.
[05:06:01] A little Tyler won.
[05:06:05] Killian, you first time Zillian, shut the fuck up.
[05:06:08] Let's be unstoppable, now how do you use it from the movement speed, I mean it's fucking
[05:06:15] good.
[05:06:16] Cody Sun, Hecarim, this guy first timing, bro literally have three players, I don't
[05:06:24] think I've ever won within my life.
[05:06:45] That's Kale, congrats I'm doing that!
[05:07:20] So we got the fuck out of here, bro. I gotta watch this one. This headroom's trolling, 100%.
[05:07:24] This guy does it every fucking game.
[05:07:26] I've never won with this guy.
[05:07:27] Go- If you control F my name in his match history,
[05:07:32] I promise you, I've played with this guy seven times and lost every game.
[05:07:41] He's running it down every single time.
[05:07:45] So fun, bro.
[05:07:49] Watch this one.
[05:07:50] I played the blade today in Fed. I'm almost convinced he's just sniping.
[05:08:09] I say it a lot, but he would never climb.
[05:08:11] If you play like this, I promise to God you wouldn't...
[05:08:13] I don't know what happened, blah blah blah, why is he doing so slow?
[05:08:26] It's all just...
[05:08:53] Never, like, it all...
[05:09:00] A Hecrum going to that crab at what time?
[05:09:02] 340? Oh, I'm sorry.
[05:09:09] 325 is that a Hecrum clear?
[05:09:11] I honest to God, I have no idea.
[05:09:12] 50 gifted subs, brother!
[05:09:33] This is inting!
[05:09:34] Cass... If I like Cass, just got level 6.
[05:09:37] She's been level 6.
[05:09:39] This is inting.
[05:09:45] Hey, he respawns, comes back, clears.
[05:09:48] Back pot lane? Guess what he does.
[05:09:56] This is insane.
[05:09:57] Hey, try those fatty 50-50 gifts. I do appreciate it, brother.
[05:10:38] That game stayed stabilized, maybe, but, bro.
[05:10:44] My support wanted to win, then swapped to a champion he never played.
[05:10:49] It's Cody's son anyway, so he's probably fucking cooked.
[05:10:52] Did I also grief earlier? Yeah, he was the Lilia that died under tower
[05:11:04] and pissed off my Nautilus.
[05:11:06] The same exact guy that made that Nautilus roam.
[05:11:12] Tray with 50 more, 100 total, oh my god, this guy's lost his mind.
[05:11:18] Gonna look for my name in his match history.
[05:11:46] Fucking waste of air. Plays too much probably.
[05:12:00] I'm in this guy's OP.GG seven times.
[05:12:22] Well, I mean, if he's in game with me, he loses.
[05:12:50] Even on the enemy team, I win.
[05:12:53] So, I mean, I guess he's just free.
[05:12:58] free I think I don't he's just done you know what to be fair I get free wins
[05:13:03] against them all the time as well so you know it's not like he's inting me he
[05:13:09] just sucks nervous on stream and bro he came in clear
[05:13:41] something that gift Mars half Ferris Monon no subs no key what's up in that
[05:14:04] 95 and Timo next loving I'm not sure IT defective there's five gifts
[05:14:46] Exclamation mark announcement odd tray another fish he wants to see it today
[05:15:06] Tray wants it today
[05:15:08] Don't you tray?
[05:15:10] Fuck you tray folks brother. Thanks at 50
[05:15:18] Then detective with a 50 in response
[05:15:23] You're a place right inside one gift you poor anyway. Oh my god the oilers
[05:15:31] I mean it's trade Kayla's alternate account. My god, you might be right. I had checked my bank account, huh?
[05:16:13] Shut up Omar
[05:16:39] Shut up. I literally got the same game cut the same mid lane and the same double again. I claimed. It's not him
[05:17:15] What I think I
[05:17:17] Think he lie. I think you're lying in lying
[05:17:26] May be a little stinky head, a little liar.
[05:17:30] It was before the game started.
[05:17:59] Okay, we can win the next one.
[05:18:09] Sweet man. Good Lulu pick.
[05:18:20] Good dodge. I like that a lot.
[05:18:22] Dodge is cute, why? It's fine.
[05:18:48] Thanks.
[05:19:40] Oofsy has ending strat, well actually get him higher.
[05:19:42] They don't know what to do, it doesn't matter.
[05:19:44] Smash at the game.
[05:19:46] Let's say he gets whitelisted by Riot's fucking racial profiling.
[05:19:50] Fine, I'll play 5 million games.
[05:19:52] Thanks bro for 50 more to do this before train
[05:20:10] Last week different guy that was Shane. I think I would have tried to do it as well
[05:20:46] Be the related this draft looks really playable
[05:21:28] Here again, it's a hearing and I wonder if I couldn't get away with going to level eight hype train by the way
[05:22:04] That's a record a record. They give me for the gifted brother you gifted one sub
[05:22:30] Thanks, sorry peasant. I don't got time for your porno. Let's go away
[05:22:37] shoot
[05:22:39] The cool that gift guys named Nigel. Hi, Nigel
[05:23:04] Wanna walk up here, but I feel like that's suicide
[05:23:15] Maybe now I
[05:23:22] Oh, die, Joel!
[05:23:31] Well, down, bud.
[05:23:34] Guys are being little rascals.
[05:23:57] Someone got you 2.4k sub during this game.
[05:23:59] Would you open the other ring after this game?
[05:24:02] No.
[05:24:03] It's not happening as soon as...
[05:24:05] You're in shit.
[05:24:09] It's not happening as soon as I hit the gold, man.
[05:24:13] Within a week-ish.
[05:24:14] The all-time record.
[05:25:18] I actually did it.
[05:25:19] That fucking recovery.
[05:25:43] Tired of listening to the same prongs over and over again for the whole game.
[05:25:54] the... for hours? No. I'm deranged, brother.
[05:25:59] Hey, about Riki. Hey, Kiwi, thank you. I'm gonna try and hold the wave here against Rengar.
[05:26:30] It makes the game so fucked up. He has ignite. Shit. Ooh, I forgot he had ignite. Oh my
[05:26:52] god, I could have died. No bueno. You're in my spawn!
[05:27:16] This Rengar I've ever seen, I actually like this matchup against Rengar. I win
[05:28:18] almost every time like too easy because you can grass farm for free you who
[05:28:42] reach hundred regular would wreck myself you think you they need to have an
[05:28:44] all-positions don't tilt don't die don't die you can say you give up but looking
[05:28:53] around pretty far off six you're into a lot of it either flash the wrong key
[05:30:20] this game I don't have flash this just start roaming oh my god I'm moving
[05:31:15] got the bounty again. Bro I play in Samumu with that fed Draven and he yanks every bounty
[05:31:20] bin as well. Kind of like these guys are the thing that have the, uh, no way. Nocturne's
[05:32:08] gonna come. Fuck me man. Fuck me. Yeah, I'm just, except, who kills him? Maybe I can
[05:32:38] Get him a decent meal.
[05:32:43] What?
[05:32:44] Hot?
[05:33:09] Wait, it's quantum fish shit.
[05:33:12] Nocturne's up.
[05:34:04] Amumu, I wish you'd had hits.
[05:34:06] I wish you would have come up closer.
[05:34:31] My god.
[05:34:49] The mass state.
[05:35:06] We got 15 to anybody else?
[05:35:07] Yeah, but I don't see that happen.
[05:35:09] Bro, I think I've bird just fucking ran into my...
[05:35:21] Never mind, it's shit.
[05:35:22] I've bird just shit on my window.
[05:35:25] Damn.
[05:35:29] Delightful.
[05:35:47] This guy's being sweet.
[05:35:48] Wait, if they don't FF because I just died there,
[05:36:42] I'm gonna be fucking pissed brother. You still have that friend are just so rough here
[05:36:47] They have broke live and I swear to God the left that this guy lives
[05:37:20] It's actually a good that's this entire turn oh
[05:37:41] My god
[05:37:46] I'm gonna waste my life away in that game. Let's go money. Okay back to where we're
[05:39:09] early plays allow me to keep challenger dude
[05:39:11] It literally in my my matches tree literally looks like I'm closing my eyes and randomizing shut up
[05:39:28] They give me a little dirty account for the challenge. I pray I did this challenge since new patch. Would that be considered smurfing or rank manipulation?
[05:40:20] Murphy was never banable because I wasn't in the it was right manipulation where boosting win trading
[05:40:49] sharing accounts
[05:40:50] Things not shut up
[05:41:32] what challenge exclamation mark challenge what's the challenge buddy so you
[05:41:48] won't say what the challenge is time to D-DOS oh shit oh shit I'm sorry bro
[05:41:56] guys please I'm sick of explaining it bro you exclamation mark announced it
[05:42:03] Please don't eat off of me. Please.
[05:42:06] I need to provide for my family. Please.
[05:42:08] TREEEE!
[05:42:09] With 50 more gifts! Oh my god!
[05:42:13] That's crazy. Not all mighty. Thank you, bro.
[05:42:27] Appreciate it. Love you.
[05:42:29] What is it KC?
[05:42:31] How are they coming? Is it raining all week? I gotta raise.
[05:42:53] Your car doesn't have AC Omar?
[05:43:04] See you Omar. Get your money up, not your funny up bud. Look at that. You're sitting
[05:43:10] in a twitch chat trying to be funny. Get your money up. Does it? I live in Florida? Damn!
[05:43:25] You can't see anything else up. Play Garen a little bit later. Every few weeks I open
[05:43:54] Twitch and this guy is still on top for 10 years now. Don't you get tired? Yes, brother.
[05:44:03] We suffer now so we can celebrate later.
[05:44:06] Ahhhhhhhhhh.
[05:44:07] That's fine.
[05:44:08] Pointless.
[05:44:25] Literally me.
[05:44:26] I don't smoke.
[05:44:27] I don't smoke.
[05:44:28] I smoke with losers.
[05:44:29] Summit look like he's celebrating right now.
[05:44:33] Okay, Summit's a dumb- Summit just enjoys it.
[05:44:36] I don't know what the fuck- Summit's been playing 15 hours a day.
[05:44:42] Summit streams for 15 hours a day for 10 plus years and most of the weeks just cause
[05:44:49] him to take a single day off.
[05:44:50] I don't know. I don't know. That guy can't be. Can't be well. That's crazy. He's grinding.
[05:45:10] That's more than a grind, bro. He's started before me. And I'm an OG, apparently. He started,
[05:45:17] like, six years before me. Well before me. I started streaming early 2016. Bro, chance.
[05:45:58] All my champs I play are real. I didn't see that they had pick. I'm sorry. I haven't
[05:46:29] play anything that beats are I'm not so sure I do Casio Pia beat our when it's
[05:47:07] too much a D we ball there a Quinn game okay so the grand scheme of things maybe
[05:48:29] it's not that bad of a queen I don't like I don't mind going a lousy doing
[05:48:33] nothing I feel like shitty for my team if I do that my attempt L ever won a
[05:48:53] I went to my OP.GT. Dude I have a hooda pick.
[05:49:15] Why'd this guy first be talking to us?
[05:49:48] I'm being naughty.
[05:49:49] Fine.
[05:49:52] What's the build?
[05:49:53] I forget.
[05:49:54] Boots?
[05:49:55] Yes.
[05:49:56] Boots?
[05:49:57] Profane?
[05:49:58] Fine.
[05:49:59] Serious number one man.
[05:50:00] Who?
[05:50:10] Here on top of 5 and 2 in the game.
[05:50:11] Just ran it down top.
[05:50:12] Yep.
[05:50:58] Broken Chair from League Legends History.
[05:50:59] when the game just ran it down top yep broken champion league legends history
[05:51:06] damn the studs back fuck could have been such a good trade i think so i didn't have another
[05:51:41] stun he resets with you oh not as you can not very powerful that's not
[05:53:24] yeah but we do but your opinion doesn't matter i don't give a shit he gets sick here
[05:54:28] no way he got out of mega right there i mean he sucks ass look god damn it
[05:54:32] No way this guy gets out of Mega like that.
[05:54:35] Well some players of Calypso are just fucking whitelisted.
[05:54:40] It is what it is.
[05:54:41] There's nothing you can do about it.
[05:54:42] There's destined for greatness.
[05:54:43] They have awesome everything.
[05:54:44] Are you yapping about it?
[05:55:01] It's really the bad ones all the time.
[05:55:02] It's really the playing it through.
[05:55:03] It's really thinking that it's for me to play with these children.
[05:55:04] It's not no time to get through.
[05:55:15] Alright we have that.
[05:55:16] No.
[05:55:17] No.
[05:55:18] I think there's room for these children, but I've got no time for that.
[05:55:20] Frucova.
[05:55:22] Alright, we have FF!
[05:55:32] No.
[05:55:33] For sure.
[05:55:33] One.
[05:55:34] No.
[05:55:35] Another fun Quinn game.
[05:55:45] Okay, but they had everything.
[05:55:46] Navi had everything.
[05:55:47] Like, they all had everything.
[05:55:49] How's that my fault?
[05:56:06] Like, they're just gaps, man.
[05:56:07] I have the fast recall boots.
[05:56:47] Forgot.
[05:57:26] Two-Wall Runors Quinn went right through.
[05:57:28] Nice man, nearly none here Lp.
[05:58:57] Oh, gotta be an extra win away after this one.
[05:59:54] There it is, there it is.
[06:00:00] Look at those kills, I mean shit.
[06:00:43] They're behind me.
[06:01:04] Look at this guy.
[06:01:08] Don't play with you, brother.
[06:01:13] I'll say you definitely notice these fucking death timers.
[06:01:17] Never go on a hit, never.
[06:01:19] That'll help them in.
[06:02:19] Best ice cream flavor right now strawberry for me. Thank you, Rusty
[06:02:31] But the thing is these guys really don't have bounties either
[06:02:47] And do s1v1 me I'd love to see that
[06:03:22] Wish you tried it won't be one me brawl beat your ass
[06:03:25] My thought is scared to run scared to fight you what a little pussy this has drill is
[06:06:19] As you would a Quinn
[06:06:41] I mean, my jungle is getting fucking mollywap.
[06:06:45] I'm not sure that's the actual problem.
[06:07:09] Can't be what's up.
[06:07:10] Glory again.
[06:07:55] Hey, what, bro?
[06:08:00] The last thing you want to do is give the Tonkinator, the Tonthosaurus Rex, big Tonkatee, fucking
[06:08:09] gold pieces.
[06:08:10] And Quinn just had to make the game hard earlier.
[06:08:21] I didn't mean hard, man.
[06:09:14] Got Third Dragon, and maybe they can't bear now.
[06:09:16] Like, that's bad.
[06:10:39] It's actually not that bad, but oh fuck there's reset. Oh my god. I could actually help this also
[06:11:53] I should have win or reminder. I keep fucking forgetting
[06:12:00] God damn it. The next 3d doesn't matter. This guy full buys hourglass now and the game doesn't end
[06:12:15] We had a window to kill him at Baron. I think actually chunked him
[06:12:18] I don't know if he has flash or not, but he gets hourglass here about soul chance
[06:12:44] We lose this game with soul brother. Okay hit by full hourglass just keep first
[06:14:44] Wow
[06:14:47] T1 keep up the good work. Oh, thank you. We're ready to flank here. These are almost back. They have no hex tech
[06:17:11] No soul this king up. I do
[06:17:40] He sucks parameters increase for me gold chart
[06:19:23] I wonder if we supers on cool down mails. We were down tin cave
[06:19:47] But down 1.9, but I got that Ezreal in roast beef hard roast beef. Oh line. What's up?
[06:21:01] I mean, probably could have won actually try to die giving the Baron
[06:21:12] had about four fun play whatever they were troll yeah that team was they
[06:21:19] we team did not want to win the guys were uninterested in the LP but it doesn't
[06:21:37] seem that bad actually I'm just griefing with her limit testing true even that
[06:22:07] game I kind of ran around dude I'm telling you Quinn is probably not that
[06:22:12] bad just because players are so stupid nowadays like I literally just was
[06:22:18] running around and we got back into the game jam you're a big kind of spawned
[06:22:31] urgent injury I just go consistently hey jut not now support swap it comes here
[06:23:35] in Spanish this fucking incoherent shit you'd uh what a kinds of rape he you
[06:24:15] just locked an ash be an asshole guys hello we nerf 80 carries we got a
[06:24:34] Quinn? Probably true. How do we lose? Wait, how do we lose this draft actually? Can we do it?
[06:25:24] Yeah, they do, yeah. I wouldn't dodge. I mean, I don't think it's that bad. I think the bad
[06:25:58] thing is probably going to be the fucking Ash pick. I think it's not too bad against Braum.
[06:26:27] Double enemy Santa bot? Oh my god, it's Reindeer and Santa. It's Reindeer,
[06:26:32] Kog'Maw and Santa Braum. How in the fuck do we win? The Ashes first game in two weeks so you can tell
[06:26:42] but that was a sassy lock in. The enemy team's too synchronized. We can't fucking win guys.
[06:27:02] Also, who'd this guy go exhaust for? We are not one soul. Oh my god, you're getting spaced! Oh my
[06:27:15] god! Jesus, bro! Are you good? Survey says? No, you're not. That killed me so much. Oh my
[06:28:25] Oh my god.
[06:29:09] W is so annoying.
[06:29:10] It's been nerfed a couple of times.
[06:29:11] Remember when I used to perma band to come in, this shit was so fucking 8 ass-up-thingin'.
[06:29:16] I got auto-filled.
[06:29:31] He is playing so terribly.
[06:29:32] When I got that, that will stall his back.
[06:29:55] I mean, I- did he- that last pit, he locked in.
[06:30:10] A lowey.
[06:30:11] He locked in.
[06:30:12] Maybe it's just, like, low-e-low.
[06:30:47] I didn't actually check ranks.
[06:30:49] I think he just gets dove here, by the way.
[06:31:04] Thirds inside of my passive.
[06:31:10] My big team no longer punishes this awful disrespectful chat with Sandman streams anymore.
[06:32:26] I mean you're right. I don't know bro.
[06:32:29] Too long hasn't it? Oh shit wait, I was about to say I was reading my demolished proc.
[06:33:24] To see when it was off cooldown. Actually won that, I played it perfectly.
[06:33:45] I didn't let her buffer anything with her ult. I hit my R first, hit my E exactly perfect window.
[06:33:51] I mean I played it all flawless, truly a challenger player.
[06:33:55] Truly and humbly the humblest of them all
[06:34:00] Humbler one does it again a humbler. I'm humbling though. Let's check this Camille's rank by the way this guy's docks you ah
[06:34:09] This guy's a mid main
[06:34:12] I see that bro. I'm gonna cycle so I still build it. I'll still go next this game
[06:34:43] All experience experience haven't leave when you prefer the worst. I like top. I think tops fun
[06:35:40] Top with a favorable matchup I think is so fun.
[06:35:44] If you have a favorable matchup, your champs are strong enough in top lane that you can
[06:35:53] 1v2 lead.
[06:35:54] Actually, I can't go this, not this game.
[06:36:39] And we're all in here, I can't go that, with their builds already, yeah I can't,
[06:36:54] sorry.
[06:37:03] Here I actually never build that item anymore.
[06:37:04] Had to lose it, that was a perfect fight, you did nothing wrong, I didn't have ult.
[06:37:16] I was ignited.
[06:37:17] I was ignited. I miss a fucking time.
[06:38:06] And honest to God, if I'm her team, I'm pissed.
[06:38:14] If I'm her team, I'm pissed. This is all 1v1, 0 jungle help, and she's red side.
[06:38:23] Levels do you like the most with Lowy?
[06:38:29] Anyone? It does not matter.
[06:38:32] How often do you see my jumblers on the same screen as me when I'm playing Lowy?
[06:39:02] We have priority to be fair, and we can counter them die.
[06:39:05] I don't see it.
[06:39:23] Still on that?
[06:40:17] I'm gonna go bot!
[06:40:32] See, I hate doing this shit now.
[06:40:34] Like the next step is for me to go bot and get bot towers, but now I'm gonna do that and Camille's gonna be able to play the game
[06:40:39] Like can I actually kill bot lane?
[06:40:46] I don't think I can. Flash. Zin, are you serious?
[06:42:39] I strongly disagree.
[06:42:50] All right, what I am next, man.
[06:43:28] This is such a hard game.
[06:43:30] I'm gonna go Sterak's because it's more HP. I think I'm actually just gonna go Sword, I don't care.
[06:43:41] Oh, I actually don't want to go Sterak's.
[06:43:50] This guy has shred, shred, shred, shred, shred.
[06:43:53] I think it's too much AP in this game.
[06:44:51] Pretty much all of you eat damage, Kog does mix whatever, Camille does no damage, like, what's the point?
[06:44:57] Middle Eastern server for League, yeah, just gotta add it.
[06:45:25] Do streaming time be the same during the event versus Boofy deus?
[06:45:29] Whether I'll be streaming constantly.
[06:45:40] Actually, I'm not gonna go by.
[06:45:43] Guys, I said wait for 5.
[06:46:11] Almost game naughty.
[06:46:24] They're not gonna get any pleasant.
[06:46:28] I should have instilled it in 5.
[06:47:27] There's never close games anymore? It's only in-fests, sort of saying, except for like, last Queen game?
[06:47:32] That game was a- it's a- it's a game, just, I don't know.
[06:47:36] Players don't care. Nobody cares.
[06:47:40] It's actually a real issue. Nobody gives a shit if they were to lose.
[06:47:44] If they fall behind, they just send it.
[06:47:55] Actually, there should have been one more.
[06:48:13] No way that's not- doesn't hop over the fucking wall.
[06:48:35] It needs to not understand that I'm the main character in this film.
[06:48:44] This is like, this movie.
[06:48:51] Good night for the Evering Marathon, 11 days.
[06:48:53] No problem.
[06:49:13] Thank you, Composer. It was a lot of fun to play as well.
[06:49:16] There's no way this doesn't affect his mental health.
[06:49:26] Click him so I can't kill him.
[06:49:34] Oh my god, I couldn't put fucking a-
[06:49:37] a derp.
[06:49:38] I got to kill the- what the fuck?
[06:49:44] Back, he goes in. I hope he lost.
[06:50:13] We got the Divine, the-
[06:50:19] Wait, their top laner was a hundred and fourth PCS.
[06:50:31] You can imagine seeing that in a secondary role. I got Gap.
[06:50:36] Alright, last game of the scout. We're not ending the day at 800 LP or 900 LP, but whatever. One went away.
[06:50:45] Positive on the day. Things are going great. My hands are hot. I've never been so prepared for a challenge in my life.
[06:50:57] Challenge. I've never been challenged in my entire life actually.
[06:51:16] A rank are you? Let's see. I mean it's not updated, but I think like 170.
[06:51:39] I think Korea didn't happen. That wasn't a challenge. That was me getting grief
[06:51:52] The third one month straight. I've been win-loss win-loss for a while. You was a staggering success
[06:52:26] I also got grief there. I'm the most grief player in the world. I think actually
[06:52:31] Doesn't matter what region I go to I'm just getting grief. I don't know why
[06:52:35] 6 and 5 after an 0 and 3 start is legit. Yep. That's two days in a row
[06:52:38] Actually last stream we went six and four after starting 03. Are they give boofiest muscle in this picture? It's not muscle
[06:52:53] Kidding me. It's the shirt
[06:52:56] Look at his wrist, bro
[06:52:58] Look at his wrist. You're on a main account. Oh, I keep the same account. I'm fucking stupid
[06:53:12] You guys shouldn't have told me actually I would have locked in Garrett on that account
[06:53:19] What an idiot you are
[06:53:23] With all due respect Tonka team my top laner just got boomer stomped by a broken ass
[06:53:42] Spinny spin spinner and deer and disgusting that's one trick to me. I let me rephrase
[06:53:47] We need you to up your performance on the get there and got I'm trying bro. I'm trying fucking stat
[06:53:54] I keep getting counterpick bad teammate if this is high low, and I got count dude
[06:54:01] Can I fucking queue up? Is this is high low? I'd I'd play the counterpicks, but
[06:54:12] So I'm rank 185
[06:54:18] officially
[06:54:20] Such a freak.
[06:54:22] Ranked this account. This is D225OP.
[06:54:37] So, what's up? How many people do you think are actually better than the other one? 84?
[06:55:11] Zero, bro. I'm a fucking built. Undisputed.
[06:55:19] Checked Time Magazine.
[06:55:22] Checked the Forbes Top 100 League Players of All Time.
[06:55:25] Go look who's number one. Me.
[06:55:28] Did you play Warcraft 3? It's such great content. Yes.
[06:55:40] Apparently the Q times in a the Middle Eastern server might be a bit massive
[06:55:48] So we have wow on the warcraft on the agenda. I don't know was times magazine first of the year
[06:56:25] 2006 exact people forget all boss you've been spamming this network shit for literally two weeks straight. Why?
[06:56:42] Just send me off kid
[06:56:59] You won't like what happens once I get pissed off. Why would I ever swap the first fix?
[06:57:23] How low this elo is, you Velcro wearing...
[06:57:37] But you dare want me to hit Garen first, so you can last hit your jungle?
[06:57:47] Ahahaha, solo elo, I laugh- NO!
[06:57:51] Don't bother if you're solo elo, I will first pick and still carry, because I don't belong in this ring.
[06:58:00] Unlike you hard stuff. How many years? Five? Six?
[06:58:07] Never gonna climb shitters these glasses must be impairing my eyesight. I must be seeing things
[06:58:38] Let me remove them real quick. I've actually played this fucking matchup before fuck Yorick
[06:58:58] You know dude fucking bad pussy and this guy plays support Aurora
[06:59:50] I don't wanna go, I don't wanna try Conker again. I remember I was sitting in bed thinking
[07:00:19] I was gonna go this. Actually, I mean, laying on the couch. I haven't slept in my own bed
[07:00:23] in over a month and a half, so. Those, now I'm gonna try Ignite and it gets Yorick. Actually,
[07:01:05] late Yorick, I'm not looking at OP.DG in fucking Jatlo, sorry. Person choice Panda.
[07:01:28] Been doing meet and greet or like a twitch cutters up in case we can meet you in person.
[07:01:34] I have one coming up in Sweden in a while for an A. I'm not sure what we're doing yet.
[07:01:44] Might be at TwitchCon. I'm not sure. Why Sweden? Dreamhack.
[07:02:10] We were for the meetup in Berlin. We did. We're driving like 10 hours away.
[07:02:15] Flying, whatever. Is Yorick one trick? I don't think so.
[07:02:18] Map cover. I don't know. These LowRelo LaBoo's Ghost way more. I'm not gonna do it.
[07:02:46] I don't want my Jolli to run it down. No way he doesn't.
[07:03:11] That brashest wave go full.
[07:03:50] I hate my fucking shitty life.
[07:03:52] Why am I so fucking worthless to society?
[07:03:55] I don't understand.
[07:03:57] I'm just fucking worthless as a person.
[07:04:34] Keep it together, T. You're right.
[07:04:36] Hold the line, hold the line, bro.
[07:04:37] Hold the line, hold the line.
[07:04:39] I'm playing chess anymore, not right now.
[07:04:53] Dizzy with life, brother.
[07:05:17] Watch House of Dragon, no.
[07:05:19] Do the ghouls get a chance at some point?
[07:05:33] They're too strong like this?
[07:05:34] I
[07:05:36] Yes
[07:05:43] He lets me proxy
[07:06:10] Maybe
[07:06:34] I'm not sure this allowed. I guess he's not actually taking any damage fucking ghouls. God damn, bro
[07:07:24] And it begins
[07:07:53] 25k subs for full warcraft 3 campaign. I might do that anyway
[07:07:57] Yeah, I actually remember playing the Warcraft tournament when I was fucking a wee lad
[07:08:17] Not tournament campaign. I actually love it. I
[07:08:21] Can't remember anything about it. I know as I played it
[07:08:23] As a kid of stouted. Yes stacks. I'm a sack
[07:09:12] Honestly, I think it's a plate I do that
[07:09:14] Come here.
[07:09:15] You suck, you shit.
[07:09:16] Shit, kid.
[07:09:17] I buy Pussy.
[07:09:34] Get for greeting the plate, dumbass.
[07:09:36] He's stupid.
[07:09:47] Why do I feel like my auto attacks are smoother with this gear and room page?
[07:10:18] I just used the Riot-recommended one.
[07:10:20] I should have proc'd.
[07:10:21] There's Maiden at Fuckface.
[07:12:10] Ice, kids.
[07:12:11] You know who the fuck?
[07:12:56] I said it.
[07:12:57] I said what I said.
[07:13:04] My head's not a pump.
[07:13:11] They get proxied again. I couldn't make the game work
[07:14:07] Thank you guys appreciate that lads I'll return that back phaser should could have lived if you kill I don't I thought about it
[07:15:27] I don't think so
[07:15:33] This is bounty. I'll take it consolation. We also got the riff
[07:16:11] Welcome Aurora's useless ask at that one
[07:16:13] The knight knit this tru tru tru and we were down bounty back
[07:16:28] Is variety insane or is it a bit well at first I thought he was just curling
[07:16:34] But now he's been doing it for literally like eight years seven years
[07:16:38] And if you think about it, who can actually do it for that long like usually you would graduate high high school or college
[07:16:44] Or grow a family he's like literally ignoring all that the type of push-chance
[07:16:49] So bit into a bit see but it's his life
[07:17:01] So it's like, you know, I'm gonna kill this guy for ego.
[07:17:16] I was phase rush on these items, I kill them.
[07:17:19] I'm pretty sure I just kill them.
[07:17:47] I think some dragons have to be shot.
[07:17:56] I get this turret, so it's a good one.
[07:18:11] It isn't a chat.
[07:18:15] Chargers?
[07:18:34] It fucking cost me an entire turret!
[07:18:58] Get off of me!
[07:19:08] Left click, no how do you go where I fucking put my mouse?
[07:19:11] Bitch.
[07:19:21] What's up Craig?
[07:19:22] I have to click where you see the rift?
[07:19:31] I don't give a shit.
[07:19:32] I should be able to aim perfectly to go where I'm fucking pointing
[07:19:37] Has this I don't think I just made a dumb ass listen for me. There's my team
[07:21:10] I think we killed jungle. We should have a chase need a big flash. I guess I was losing. I didn't realize
[07:22:27] Not I think they're almost 0 and 7 pro you kill with flash here, it's not worth which is good
[07:23:41] But that's probably sold flash in 20 minutes. It just came off cool down. Oh facts. You go mortal. It looks good. Look I almost forgot
[07:24:26] It is
[07:24:30] There to the mighty have fallen is what it is metaphor
[07:24:41] We're currently doing operation get there and gutted my team's doing operation give Tyler cancer, so
[07:24:52] You one of us can be victorious. I'm in work
[07:25:16] This is what I've been NOT doing.
[07:25:35] I gotta wait for my next flash.
[07:26:05] Literally.
[07:26:08] Let me use it pretty close.
[07:27:17] I can't touch this guy.
[07:27:55] It's all worded fuck.
[07:27:57] Or shit, guys aren't listening.
[07:28:14] Oh, that's the thing about, like, I swear, there is such a, like, a macro cheesy champion
[07:28:19] that if you can't cheese, it's really hard to play the game.
[07:28:23] I got two guys. I got two how much you get
[07:28:46] Well, it's actually like so obviously this isn't very how you know and even in my games players don't play like this
[07:29:02] It's obviously a ghosty, you know where I'm at
[07:29:04] It was something to play but it just fucks it up. So I can't play macro or I can't tease like in punish
[07:29:09] Which I've never been able to do that. It's fair on any role
[07:29:12] I need to have never been able to make these plays ever like actually never
[07:29:25] Alright, we still got elder. I'll have flash up. There's a chance
[07:29:34] Are you just worth it since this is the last fight just about this?
[07:29:37] We have flashes. There is a shot.
[07:29:43] Yeah.
[07:30:25] You're inhibitor.
[07:30:28] Baron, you see what happened when you grow up? No father?
[07:30:32] No, it actually- I mean, for instance, you're ghosting. That actually matters.
[07:30:41] Because if I would have got that pick right there, which was very obviously ghosted,
[07:30:45] your turret has been destroyed.
[07:30:47] Then they don't get Baron. And we have numbers advantage for Baron.
[07:30:50] And they actually have to back. And I think we, we get Baron.
[07:30:53] Need ghosts.
[07:31:05] Right, ghost game.
[07:31:12] Check Vod for wards, bro. I'm telling you.
[07:31:15] I have played 10,000 games fucking a year.
[07:31:19] You think I do not know when somebody is ghosting?
[07:31:22] You think I can't tell league movement?
[07:31:39] You mean if my entire team was running it down, if the game is even?
[07:31:43] There's an advantage. I mean, this isn't warded.
[07:31:48] It's actually pretty cheeky of me to sneak in here.
[07:31:51] And this guy is 100% walking in here.
[07:31:57] 100% but the stream delay caught up.
[07:32:00] If any, if a good, what an actual player does is, if they're not ghosting us,
[07:32:05] Yorick would use his E on the bush.
[07:32:08] That is what would happen. This guy is walking forward. This is ghosted.
[07:32:12] He would E the bush. This is normal.
[07:32:22] This guy was doing it all game long. It's ghosting
[07:32:26] It is man
[07:32:28] It's some weird movement earlier, too. I mean it is like whatever like dude. It's D1. I'm just saying yeah
[07:32:42] I this is what Garen thrives with the cheeky cheesy. Ooh, is he in the bush one shot play?
[07:32:50] Which makes which didn't let some play macro?
[07:32:54] Right because then the enemy has to come to fit and right there. That's free Baron if they're not ghosting
[07:33:00] I already said that I was fighting with the subs, brother.
[07:33:13] Well, fight with Pinkord?
[07:33:14] Yes, the guy ran around.
[07:33:15] Yes.
[07:33:16] Kinda held on to the fort.
[07:33:25] Alright, we got one more.
[07:33:26] I mean, it's not, go see who's not, like, I haven't thought, whatever, it is what it is.
[07:33:49] My teammates do it all the time too.
[07:33:53] It's not like I give a shit if I win or lose these fucking dog shit diamond low elo game.
[07:33:59] I don't care, I'm just, I'm just pointing it out to the audience.
[07:34:02] That, okay, guys, this should be going way better, but this is what's happening.
[07:34:09] I'm just letting the audience know.
[07:34:11] Thank you full power. You mean a ghosting tilt now you've been ghosting for ten years now?
[07:34:38] I mean as there it is, but like I said, it's on my other account maybe, but
[07:34:43] Nowadays I play like I don't really pan to my camera that much
[07:34:46] I try not to say where the enemy like my juggler is and then I play a lousy
[07:34:50] So what the fuck is ghosting? But a lousy and Garen are very different characters
[07:35:00] Like whatever you ghost a lousy. I'm not running anyway. I'm standing and fighting. I'll hit your tower
[07:35:04] You're in you you're annoying little rat. I'm not a fking a bush on a lousy
[07:35:13] But Bola shut your bitch ass up. You're not go damage for top. I'm full tank. All right last game
[07:37:07] Well, well, well look who it is
[07:37:10] owner Greg the pot head. Oh, you're going down this time Greg. Oh
[07:37:21] You're going down this time
[07:37:24] I've come a long way
[07:37:29] Since we last played Greg. Hello, Greg. Still here in low
[07:37:51] He low
[07:38:14] Played against this dog shit monkey Greg
[07:38:24] Wait, was it whatever? It's all for me by the way
[07:40:09] Literally, that's all because of my play. It's all because of me. I fucked up. The jungle is clear
[07:40:22] Chat that's he doesn't know that Greg stoned right now. Yeah, she's a fucking loser
[07:40:47] Mr. Meekle, what's up?
[07:40:49] Chat again.
[07:41:20] Gregory Settin.
[07:41:31] Gregory Settin, TP'd.
[07:41:47] As long as it's TFT, 8 years have seemed paid.
[07:42:00] I think I'm retiring next year and going yachting.
[07:42:02] Your best life, baby!
[07:42:55] What happened? Oh, they saw that's a buzzer.
[07:42:57] What's yours, go to your manning trade.
[07:42:59] Used to seem T-Swizzle on the daily.
[07:43:10] What is that? Uh-oh.
[07:43:15] Oh, man.
[07:43:17] Oh, man.
[07:43:19] Oh.
[07:43:21] Look at that. Uh-oh.
[07:43:24] Oh, and in his piss...
[07:43:26] Are you brain?
[07:43:31] I had to get that cannon. I had to get that cannon.
[07:43:43] That's what it is.
[07:43:55] Hey, how's my new 25 CNS?
[07:43:57] At 7 minutes, that's one clear.
[07:44:00] The guy's done one clear.
[07:44:36] Look at more Y.
[07:45:00] Call it into their core, Jihadist, and Cogmoi's meta for this strat.
[07:45:07] Hey, sweet bro.
[07:45:16] Oh god.
[07:45:24] You mind if I add flash?
[07:45:39] By the way, this guy is dead if I have flash.
[07:46:07] I don't remember my ignite gives an embiss.
[07:46:10] Okay, if I pull down slower.
[07:46:25] Re-add, boy.
[07:46:27] Should I get ganked like that?
[07:47:03] Fuck with my flash.
[07:47:18] Can it flash?
[07:47:20] Fuck.
[07:47:21] It has been slain.
[07:47:32] Good to kill.
[07:47:34] Raged in.
[07:47:35] It's slain.
[07:47:45] Oh, who's a paid actor who gives a shit he's trying his best?
[07:50:44] Oh, here we go again. I like this guy.
[07:50:52] Wait, and Jink's miss-deal on the- on the- on the Juggler who's not moving.
[07:50:57] Oh my god.
[07:50:58] Oh, he didn't like that.
[07:51:33] No, it was fighting the system. Is that what's happening?
[07:52:51] Yeah, wait, how did Nuna die?
[07:53:31] Spawn here, what?
[07:54:10] I understand that 3M less in Diamond than I do in my other account.
[07:55:08] I swear to god these players are terrorists.
[07:55:10] Stoner Drake wins this round? I guess Stoner Drake is fucking unbeatable.
[07:55:38] Stop fighting, you freaks!
[07:56:06] Blast, anybody?
[07:57:50] I'll make mistakes, brother. I mean, like, they're so bad. I feel so bad.
[07:58:17] Just to die, Jin.
[07:58:23] Yeah, my team grew to me again. We lost.
[07:58:53] I'm not gonna like me saying this.
[07:59:05] If I have a higher win rate, it'd even you more bad.
[07:59:14] I'm gonna pick Dammit.
[07:59:44] Wait, their Vlad doesn't have CC.
[07:59:58] Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.
[08:00:50] Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.
[08:00:53] Dude, I'm so bad at securing kills, to be honest, on every role.
[08:01:30] Awesome.
[08:01:34] But you're running it down.
[08:01:53] Oh, got away from my flash.
[08:01:55] I can get this Jinboundy.
[08:01:56] I can, for sure.
[08:01:58] He has no barrier.
[08:02:00] He has no Hope.
[08:02:35] No, go this is awful. I know they all are and I'm giving them these bounties. Fuck me
[08:03:11] Then it is guaranteed dead once I get some is
[08:03:35] If I die, I tried one for one is it worth it suck shut up?
[08:04:10] He just W forward him corki was cooking for a second. Nah, I don't think he was ran
[08:04:55] Bro, this is D1. I don't remember D1 being this bad. It's okay. Here we go
[08:05:42] So, last game, last fight of the day, lads.
[08:05:47] You know what I said I would do.
[08:06:42] But that might be all she wrote.
[08:07:48] That was some bad a game, please.
[08:07:53] Back to D3 where I belong.
[08:07:55] Dude, I don't care they suck.
[08:07:57] I did my part.
[08:07:58] I held mine to the bargain.
[08:08:00] I carried.
[08:08:01] I tried.
[08:08:02] It's on me.
[08:08:08] Raiden drops an easiest fuck, top gap, noob, later losers, says this fuckin' bot head.
[08:08:15] Also check your mail for an invite to a party I'm throwing, all the cutest dudes will be
[08:08:20] there where it is bombed.
[08:08:23] Pass.
[08:08:26] No, I'm not oiling up, whatever.
[08:08:27] Alright, that was our last game.
[08:08:30] Another bad day, we got rank 185 on my main, learned some Garen, actually didn't lose
[08:08:35] a single matchup today on Garen.
[08:08:36] Lost some games, but it is what it is.
[08:08:38] Alright, that's it for us. Reminder, I'm on our last stream actually before I go to Riyadh, but I will be live on that Saturday Sunday, challenge starts Monday, I believe.
[08:08:49] So yeah, so won't be here Friday, I'll be here Saturday Sunday.
[08:08:52] The subs, the ds, the phones, so I'm here at Twitter, I'm here at A-Squad, we're out in this pitch, Mother FUCKERS!
[08:08:58] And with that being said, Riyadh.