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CHALLENGER ! well expect ! NEXT ? RANKED 1 !! NO PHYSICAL STOP ME AHHAHA just so inspire ALL AROUND ! icon world ACROSS ! LEGENDARY !!

08-07-2024 · 7h 58m

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[00:00:10] There are boys, get a lot planned.
[00:04:35] We'll go back at 5 a.m. to watch Queen Sailor Roo, right?
[00:04:40] We're on a walk, guys.
[00:04:41] And I know you guys hear me say this a lot.
[00:04:43] I am a concrete cracking freak.
[00:04:48] Not even lying.
[00:04:49] Every step I was taking, crack, crack.
[00:04:53] Boom, boom, boom.
[00:04:56] You know how like in the movies or like whatever,
[00:04:59] a loud sound appears and like birds flight out of a tree.
[00:05:03] Right?
[00:05:04] That was literally me during me and Miss Taylor's stroll.
[00:05:09] Swear to God, bro, why would I lie?
[00:05:11] Why would I start my stream at 12.30 p.m.
[00:05:14] and just come out here lying?
[00:05:16] By the way, guys, these guys also forgot
[00:05:18] I have a 450 pound bench press.
[00:05:19] I'm 65, 35 pounds and I squashed 100 pounds.
[00:05:22] Anyway, today's our rest day from the gym.
[00:05:25] Right?
[00:05:26] Doing a lot of meeting Aaron BS,
[00:05:29] I'm a businessman, bro.
[00:05:31] I'm a businessman, it's what I do.
[00:05:33] Still out of my protein though, I'm locked in, I'm loaded.
[00:05:36] Right?
[00:05:37] I got a good feeling about today.
[00:05:39] Reminder, we have a Warcraft 3 tournament
[00:05:45] on Friday at QPM.
[00:05:49] So later today, I will be practicing that a little bit.
[00:05:52] Also,
[00:05:53] Hey, also, in case you missed it, in case you missed it, not the problem is, I think
[00:06:17] challenger like, especially on Twitch, people are like too accustomed, like to challenger,
[00:06:24] you know what I mean?
[00:06:25] Like you guys are like, oh, he's challenger, whatever.
[00:06:28] Bro, that means I have all the players on this server, all of them, the billions and billions
[00:06:37] of players, right?
[00:06:39] I am in the top 300.
[00:06:41] I would argue I'm in the top two, and I'm not two, I'll say that, right?
[00:06:48] I feel like it's just the Twitch culture, it's just like slept on how just incredibly,
[00:06:54] Incredibly impressive and astonishing getting challenged your tier really is you know I mean
[00:07:01] And I'm not I'm a young 29, but I'm not with these children anymore nowadays, right?
[00:07:08] Right. I can't play this game 15 hours a day like I used to guys, right? I'm a father a
[00:07:15] Businessman, you know, I'm doing things outside of sing on a computer playing a children's game. Okay, and I still
[00:07:22] And challenger tier yes, sir. Yes, sir case you missed it. That's how yes, they went we actually started
[00:07:30] yesterday bit bumpy we did on a five game winning streak and we find
[00:07:38] Got it back after a slow slugfest
[00:07:43] Months and months and months we are officially back to challenger not months about a month
[00:07:48] So, as we start the day, bro, we take it one day at a time, and you'd, we do not ever
[00:07:59] let them forget that the road to rank one still and always has ran through Missouri.
[00:08:07] Yes, sir, yes, sir.
[00:08:09] Day by day, do it for her, queue it up, we're like, rank 270?
[00:08:17] Let's lock, let's load, let's go.
[00:08:21] So apologies, I can't yell at this time anymore, because Miss Sailoroo is sleeping.
[00:08:29] And I dare not disrupt her during her slumber.
[00:08:36] You could play.
[00:08:40] Also, Kayla said that she's prepping for this bastard Feldenringt marathon.
[00:08:44] Dude, she wants to do it fancy.
[00:08:47] She wants a fancy background.
[00:08:49] Like, no.
[00:08:53] My head, dude, I hate this fucking game, you know, and people are like, oh, you're
[00:08:58] gonna have some I don't enjoy playing almost any game right other than fucking
[00:09:03] it I do not like Elden Ring I do not like Bloodborne I do not like Dark Souls I
[00:09:11] do not like League of Legends. Mitch what's up? Hi guy what's up? I like God of War.
[00:09:34] Adam what's up at 66. Hey dude bro. You know what's up with the game though?
[00:09:42] Absolutely not. I like chess. Okay why are we like just dropping games.
[00:09:53] He made the nitterings a lot cleaner than Dychesville's to be fair!
[00:10:02] It's all garbage.
[00:10:04] It's all garbage game.
[00:10:05] Crumb's bucket, what's that?
[00:10:16] Oh, true.
[00:10:17] Why don't I get a challenger and TF shut the fuck up?
[00:10:24] Also, somebody poisoned this fucking water bottle.
[00:10:27] These companies are getting lazy.
[00:10:28] They're fucking leaving their plastic water bottles in the sun, slash the heat, and
[00:10:32] you're just eating plastic.
[00:10:34] Liquid plastic.
[00:10:35] Oh well.
[00:10:38] This is putrid.
[00:10:39] I can literally taste the plastic.
[00:10:42] disgusting. Bro, it didn't use to be as bad as this. I think the company regulations, etc, etc,
[00:10:52] are like going downhill or companies are hiding what they're doing. They're sure what 100%
[00:10:56] be regulations in place to make sure if you're gonna sell bottled water it's not like just
[00:11:01] sitting on the freight or sitting on the truck forever. Crazy. They have no regulations on
[00:11:19] the bottle on it's what I'm saying you think they care absolutely not I go
[00:11:41] plus there a problem I mean not for me I'll tell you that much I'm not fucking
[00:11:44] I'm not going down to fucking microplastics me personally Max bitch one
[00:12:00] 450 I was gonna hold up the sign of the LCS that you saw oh shit what's up
[00:12:05] Ellie I don't remember bro that's fucking dude I meet so many people I'm
[00:12:09] fucking wildly successful and famous sorry really next my day off from the
[00:12:21] Jim and I woke up at five so I haven't had lunch yet. Don't piss me off
[00:12:33] Nothing at this point. He's just like brand to piss us off
[00:12:51] Let me check my OP dot gg real quick actually I have I have dropped some staggering scores on brand actually
[00:13:01] I'm a bit of a problem four five seven win zero three five win two nine seven win
[00:13:14] Okay, these are all these are okay. Whoa banger four kills win
[00:13:18] and one kill win, five kill, it is what it is, bro.
[00:13:29] There is a challenger, bro!
[00:13:33] Getting carried is a skill.
[00:13:38] You have to not have an ego
[00:13:40] and make the game not about you.
[00:13:45] There it is a legitimate skill.
[00:13:48] Yes, I should, I, honest to God,
[00:13:51] I am successful in every avenue of life, right?
[00:13:56] And I still don't have an ego
[00:13:59] because I am that perfect of a specimen.
[00:14:03] See what I'm saying?
[00:14:07] So when these bastards in my game run it down
[00:14:10] and solo lose, what worthless, worthless, worthless
[00:14:15] fucks they are.
[00:14:27] Egotistical bastard?
[00:14:28] I mean, yes, but not in my gameplay.
[00:14:38] In that he is served.
[00:14:39] Welcome to Summoner's Raid.
[00:14:49] Seconds into a minion's lawn.
[00:14:57] It enhanced with minerals for a crisp taste.
[00:14:59] Tastes like shit.
[00:15:16] You know, there are people in this shed
[00:15:18] I think this stream is about fitness.
[00:15:20] Am I wrong?
[00:15:21] Jinx OTP on Rammus, negative win rate, atrox?
[00:15:26] I can't break me.
[00:15:31] I can't break me, bro.
[00:15:33] Let's try, though.
[00:15:38] I stride, I need green.
[00:15:47] Not knowledgeable in LOL, so my question
[00:15:49] is, what does a jungler do?
[00:15:51] Exactly.
[00:15:52] Helps other lanes.
[00:15:54] Farms the jungle.
[00:15:56] Google it.
[00:16:03] Isn't that crazy?
[00:16:04] Somebody's so new.
[00:16:05] Let me know what jungle it is.
[00:16:08] I'll fight.
[00:16:09] I wish I was that like, nowhere, bro.
[00:16:19] I actually kinda go to get that CS.
[00:16:47] Whenever this Rengar started, I probably should push this out a little bit.
[00:17:05] I mean, surely this guy's sort of red, right?
[00:17:12] Where did you invade my auto-fill jungle?
[00:17:14] Damn, you weren't gonna hit that, bro?
[00:17:16] Don't need some pool party skips.
[00:17:26] Wait, doesn't she have one?
[00:17:27] She should not have been in there.
[00:17:46] Oh, he has cleanse, man.
[00:18:04] She has.
[00:18:05] Oh, the ghost pop.
[00:19:14] First game in Destiny, I mean it's c-
[00:19:16] That game was suckin' retarded
[00:19:18] The way Lyanna played the game before was suckin' retarded
[00:19:20] Respect for the Rengar game?
[00:19:32] Well he's bot side, so
[00:19:34] he was just bot side, I think he has blue to bot
[00:19:36] so
[00:19:38] he would only come bot lane for crap there
[00:19:40] and then we have to walk
[00:19:42] all the way back top side
[00:19:44] first camp, it's actually not
[00:19:46] unexpected
[00:19:49] unless they're doing a 5 minute
[00:19:51] second, it's a roamer
[00:20:07] Yo, Leona, my wave is frozen, bro. You're going to go drop what? One? Give me a ward.
[00:20:15] Wait, that was my ward. Wait, it's not even a ward. You just walked in the river for fun.
[00:20:18] Win from rubber teaming.
[00:21:41] Skip Rylize, go Leondrys.
[00:21:43] That just went nice.
[00:21:47] Brand's still good. I think he's better in jungle.
[00:21:56] Yeah, I don't know. I feel like it's Brand Bot and Brand Mid, and he kind of works
[00:22:00] Well, it's team gap from on this champ for God I backseat is still being worked on. It's not a rug pull
[00:22:37] But you've done for your mains is insane. I just said it's team gap helping brands we thought
[00:23:15] That wasn't very close to you blades getting nurse next patch
[00:23:46] League is safe
[00:23:47] Hey, I heard that orange shield was getting buffed as well. Well, he just lost the game
[00:24:39] I'm so happy today. I'm actually doing better fit for you, bro. Six grubs don't mean to brag but
[00:25:29] better wins. Unless I didn't say better bot wins. It's my Leona plus blue. Gasoline spitting
[00:25:38] fuck. I just kind of didn't feel that urge to play. Whoa, that's weird. I gotta lock in.
[00:26:06] I got lucky, I got lucky, I've got to focus up.
[00:26:32] What's wrong with sniffing gasoline?
[00:26:33] Fair question.
[00:26:34] I'm sure you guys should go Rylai's.
[00:26:45] I don't think I'm going to get any gold.
[00:26:47] It's probably better if I just play for utility.
[00:27:07] I am afraid these guys do not benefit.
[00:27:34] To see you dominate the men's volleyball.
[00:28:18] I could as well.
[00:28:21] I'm kind of good at volleyball.
[00:28:23] I have to build for it.
[00:28:24] for it.
[00:28:38] Remember when Leona didn't melee the cannon?
[00:28:40] That they tell for them to come.
[00:29:04] That's forever!
[00:29:05] Morgana mid supply.
[00:29:21] Is this good he's here?
[00:29:51] Yeah.
[00:29:52] It's all good brother.
[00:29:53] It's all good brother.
[00:29:54] Hey bro, what's up?
[00:29:55] What's up?
[00:30:07] I can't believe nobody started an FF vote.
[00:30:38] You guys do not give a shit about your time.
[00:30:47] Players are not well done.
[00:31:10] It's gonna be really good.
[00:31:11] Did you see my reaction to Morgana's Q?
[00:31:31] Said this guy's a god and I finally got Rylai's. I'm actually useful. I swear we can win. I swear it
[00:32:42] Morgana is egoing on having hourglass ice
[00:32:47] You're on a king. Oh, oh, got an assist. My e-trak is actually pretty fed
[00:33:40] Man after that. Just push forward. The game's still going. I mean, I'm hostageing anyway
[00:34:52] Regardless of vote. The crazy thing is nobody's even started a vote
[00:34:55] I'm just waiting for the vote to start so I can press no, but nobody's even started one. What's wrong with these people?
[00:35:17] Level? I think they agree.
[00:35:18] Who's he worth to buy a ore, Peter? I just beat your full utility.
[00:35:46] You're not so bad.
[00:35:47] So I'm telling you these high-level players are just maniacs?
[00:36:01] I mean the real question is like who can actually play this game at like what, 1 p.m. on a Wednesday?
[00:36:12] I know it's some summer break for college, whatever.
[00:36:15] But you'd like value your summer break, wouldn't you? Too hot outside to do stuff at 1pm?
[00:36:53] Dude, I just think...
[00:36:58] Players are fucking weird.
[00:37:18] I think why is this guy the first that this guy says is Tyler is that a wig?
[00:37:54] Is that the first thing he said, by the way? Oh nice try, we'll get him next time.
[00:38:08] We'll get him next time, lads. We got it. Focus up.
[00:38:13] Wait what's up?
[00:38:18] Wait what's up there subs?
[00:38:23] Let's go breathe down.
[00:38:28] 20,000.
[00:38:30] 19.6 thousand.
[00:38:32] We were 19.6
[00:38:34] thousand gold down.
[00:38:36] And not one person on my team
[00:38:38] started an FF note that entire game.
[00:38:40] Like
[00:38:44] Wow.
[00:39:06] They are numb.
[00:39:08] They might actually just
[00:39:10] be numb.
[00:39:12] If you think about it, bro, I was 0-11, Rammus was 0-62, my top has a 30% win rate on 8rocks,
[00:39:23] it's his first time Rammus, this guy doesn't play Leona. So we had one person actually playing
[00:39:30] the game and it was my mid laner, one person actually playing. What's up? What's the guy
[00:40:06] doing on 11? Yeah, he wasn't playing, I just said he wasn't playing the game. Later,
[00:40:20] dire I don't beat Aurora I'm not sure I ban her which has got change and buff the
[00:40:53] nerf like 10-ditis banner okay and honestly I really haven't seen Garen ever
[00:40:58] you can't just out ranger what top lane I don't really know if Aurora mid is
[00:41:17] good I'm just talking about it's basically top but against her like twice
[00:41:20] top lane thank you case said how would you work on the MMO that MMO that MMO
[00:41:46] is surely coming out by the way that MMO is coming out for sure that's
[00:41:54] definitely not gonna be delayed 10 years 232 thank you're gonna tell your
[00:42:35] challenger go shit I've said I will after I play a couple on dude I'm reading
[00:42:47] much dumb shit guys what is wrong how do I answer questions right like most of
[00:42:59] time I say something and I answer it right away you guys still ask a
[00:43:02] question about it even though I've already answered it. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
[00:43:08] Unless you're just sitting full mute the entire time. I do that sometimes to annoy you big tea,
[00:43:30] not gonna lie. Four hour ban. Should have been perma, but you know what? You admitted it.
[00:43:58] I don't think the MMO's ever coming out, to be honest. Or it won't come out when anybody here
[00:44:08] has time to play it guys are gonna be 45 with eight kids
[00:44:35] zero 11 wow those are some lovely numbers maybe you should take up his offer to duo q and climb
[00:44:42] past ship shit minus three bro samer is probably gonna be too old to play the
[00:44:54] fucking in the boat they fix this by the fucking way why is this still not fixed
[00:45:06] Oh, it's it is this only in a problem where it's all like this I guess it show your rank or is it on every region
[00:45:29] It's been it and not it's been years
[00:45:32] Years up. I think it doesn't something do the fucking client. I think they can't fix it
[00:45:56] These little fuck something up. I think it was actually fixed briefly for one
[00:46:03] It was actually fixed and I think about it like a week. Yeah, and he it is what it is
[00:46:51] Well, I got the old Twitch client back shut up I know Draven. I could actually but
[00:47:09] Then I'm playing with Seraphine. I'm not sure I want that
[00:47:22] Think if I go AP works much AP. Oh, if I would Draven, I'm just gonna get mad. Also. I think it's luck spot
[00:47:33] Maybe I should go Draven for BT
[00:48:03] Seraphine equals smolder. I
[00:48:05] Don't think smolder is playable. I would never like we're just gonna be under our tower getting chunked 24-7
[00:48:11] I'm shut up man. Yeah, we have Surty on Blue side. Surty on Blue side, FF. We have Surty
[00:49:29] on Blue side and we have Fixed Blue side on Blue side. Pretty recent year rank one.
[00:50:03] Oh god. This guy's not busy. Stop, all right. Serpent also bad with Draven? Yes, but the
[00:50:15] The whole thing I'm saying is, I can go beat the undraven, so eventually their poke won't
[00:50:21] matter.
[00:50:42] These guys like, don't give a shit about your fucking saint in this family.
[00:50:45] Losers that keep them in the pens, exactly, shut the fuck up, take it.
[00:51:02] I'm actually dying here.
[00:51:26] I thought I was talking about, wait, what's this Rengar path?
[00:51:39] What?
[00:51:40] Guys, three camps?
[00:51:41] Rengar is three camps, level two.
[00:51:50] Fuck the path got his item. No, I think this guy's just trying to camp me. I'm not gonna lie
[00:52:28] Last game he did some dumb shit. That's too big. There's no way he did a crud so it was potlings
[00:53:00] definitely a dumb ass play
[00:53:02] At least offside with Sina good again today. Thank you, bro
[00:53:39] The daily compliment I try to impress you Charlie
[00:53:42] Let's find a pink probably not do anywhere. I can't play their jungle is too bad. I mean to be fair to him
[00:53:59] That could be legitimately what happened their jungle past some dumb shit, and I fuck like just your topside and he's back
[00:54:20] Like he's actually like an idiot. Yeah, we for sure fight
[00:55:36] Let's rub on this pot shrine. Hey, what's up? Yes here? That's it. I'm sick. How unfortunate, bro
[00:56:18] Get well soon. This guy's just the greatest jungler alive
[00:56:57] Holy fuck, I hate Seraphine
[00:57:26] I'm having a great time. This is awesome. I think I die one more time. I'm just buying boots
[00:58:23] Roaming again. It is what it is
[00:58:27] Did I'm just sitting here getting a
[00:58:30] Million things thrown at me contested every CS
[00:58:34] You know, it's up. I mean all this is warded emotional flash
[00:59:58] They picked smolder or seraphine
[01:00:12] Yeah, but if you if you can imagine if I'm not like if I'm smolder seraphine this game
[01:00:16] We're literally under our tower and it's the same exact thing. I'm trying to like dodge a million abilities
[01:00:22] That's it
[01:00:26] No different and I'm down like forty CF
[01:00:36] Have bad luck with seraphine's. I mean the champ is a fucking drool on yourself fucking degenerate
[01:01:07] There I enjoy Sona so much more
[01:01:15] Thanks Sona so much better. She provides things and lane seraphine doesn't do anything
[01:01:29] Seraphine good later on in the game. Yes, she does not shit. I play Seraphine
[01:02:13] Yeah, there's a 75% win rate 50 game on the problem. This looks not of a bounty. I'm a hard to go
[01:03:21] As is the play I think freezing is a dead concept. This is all worded bro. Just wonder if I wasn't playing Draven. I wouldn't mind
[01:04:24] behind behind in this champ is so boring
[01:04:27] titles what up to be fair we should have
[01:05:32] fought Rengar bot should not have that's
[01:05:41] not seraphine's fault what was his Q
[01:05:56] not 10 minutes in video smolder I guess
[01:06:04] bro it looks fun to play plastic bro
[01:07:06] out of Q type of day I think you're
[01:07:27] right I think can't be fucked with
[01:07:31] these not gonna lie I'm so down with it
[01:08:12] It's very specific.
[01:08:16] For 20 minutes of the game, I 73% can write their theme as yet to get a single ability.
[01:09:11] As 24 vision score, but wager is below 3000 damage dealt.
[01:09:17] Fade time, maybe next week. Some fighting words.
[01:12:11] Oh, I'm fucking getting healed.
[01:12:12] Uh, I'm not actually gonna defend mid though because...
[01:12:17] Fuck this.
[01:12:33] I mean I should have went Draven, it is what it is, like whatever I go it's still lost,
[01:12:57] it's less comfortable.
[01:13:07] Ruin in your Draven win rate, oh no, not my Draven win rate, I hate to ruin that bro.
[01:13:18] Alright fuck these bot games, these are actually going really cringy, like that game
[01:13:28] aside bro even the last one is really cringe, I mean I guess Amy's support was the
[01:13:35] support from that game regardless.
[01:13:39] I'm talking about that guy is fucking horrible man, but he made it my dog shit
[01:13:45] Seraphine look like a bot
[01:13:57] Joe got time you know I did see a Trinity Force showgath build on
[01:14:03] Twitter on my for you page
[01:14:20] You do it. Can you move the do it for her chat on YouTube in front?
[01:14:59] So my editors just moved the chat build. I'm not actually sure I
[01:15:06] I might be warmogs first. Thank you, Moon.
[01:15:37] What do you mean, Zach? I've tried it. I'll try that game.
[01:16:05] Probably the same as the game before. Which to be fair, this Rengar
[01:16:11] passed like a fucking idiot. But it's like so stupid and so unexpected
[01:16:18] that it actually works. People are still used to the same pass.
[01:16:22] See, what's up? I need path. I kind of know when it cancels you, but I'm pretty sure it was Raptors.
[01:16:46] moves blue looks he had red red raptors blue red raptors blue I don't know who
[01:17:13] does that no way it's lucky I wish he knew thing is gonna win worlds it's an
[01:17:51] easier bro the gap is closed we'll even do three camp clears you more
[01:18:20] some general changes you mean like three get three camps in game yes but
[01:18:23] it's like if they start red side they'll do all all three red side of
[01:18:27] I can't, I didn't go. If they start blue to blue side, I can't bring them to go.
[01:18:30] People don't go, um, red, blue, the A-Soul jungle from yesterday.
[01:19:08] I don't support Jarvan. I don't reach the goal, maybe play it anyway.
[01:19:31] Ah! Nah! Ah, you good bro.
[01:19:37] I'm just going, I'm just gonna try this no matter what, I think.
[01:19:46] I don't, I mean, what better game than this? I have Jarvan's support, I have a brilliant soul jungle.
[01:20:04] Now calories.
[01:20:20] They still jungle guys crack the fuck?
[01:20:22] Ehhhhh!
[01:20:23] Tied against him yesterday.
[01:20:24] And that's the word you're looking for.
[01:20:27] Sir, why don't you play bot lane anymore?
[01:20:46] Bro, I...
[01:20:48] Shit I'm talking about.
[01:20:50] I don't queue one bot lane for one game in five weeks.
[01:20:54] Why the fuck are you not playing bot?
[01:21:01] I can't be bothered with support today.
[01:21:04] I didn't go out of left first game of the day,
[01:21:35] but that was even because my support was a fucking dumbass.
[01:21:37] And my jungle is inting.
[01:22:05] This ban of my A-SOUL jungle
[01:22:09] Will do they fucking know
[01:22:17] champion people's massive
[01:22:41] Well, I don't think smolder's bad at all actually
[01:22:44] Hey, they're for sure going like not actually I was gonna say they're gonna go not illicitly on or something
[01:23:18] If you have smolder not me, but there's support and let's break. Let me get there an enchanter player
[01:23:27] Last big red said we win. Well, I'm
[01:23:58] Trying something
[01:24:19] Fuck it. We ball. It's not TF mid. Oh my god
[01:24:40] I don't remember the full build, all I know is it looked like Wormogs and Trinity, but
[01:25:08] I feel like Trinity Force is so delayed, but no way you would rush it first.
[01:25:37] Silence lowkey counters trindle. Is that how it works?
[01:25:41] Rather he can ult silent
[01:25:45] War Mogs Trinity dead man. Okay. Okay a lot of gold
[01:25:51] No comp bad for Cho'Gath. I don't give a shit. I don't care. I'm really just trying this. Oh my god, that's playing perma roam ash
[01:26:56] So goaded it really is. That's not lucky. They're only one crit.
[01:27:10] The game's actually cool. See, it's up to about like I'm not even gonna try this build too. We're just gonna get fucking slaughtered
[01:27:57] safe brother
[01:27:58] Think if they be in your one trick you want to win is your earthquake in California today? I heard about it
[01:28:42] I like how that guy just said fuck it. I'm gonna flip the coin and he almost actually won
[01:29:03] Wait, dude, you got like five fucking prints there
[01:29:07] Wait, that's bullshit
[01:29:09] It was like ah fuck it. Let's RNG it flip ghost Adam whether I stay or not there
[01:30:12] There's jungle. I got see what happened brother happens now. Oh, thank God
[01:30:39] I win. I was probably over on like a dove. Yes, bro
[01:31:28] I'll try to flame his jungle. I mean as he got invaded he should have known team worded whatever but then ash
[01:31:38] Like promo room support. There's nothing you can do there
[01:31:42] Yes, and start blue side and it's like you're starting to lose side you're gonna be a problem
[01:32:18] I'm not gonna get enough gold. I'm gonna be honest. I'm not gonna get nearly enough gold
[01:32:26] I probably maybe if I hostage and vote no every time maybe at
[01:32:32] 25 minutes I can have two items a lot of this game is just doomed. Yeah, I mean it is
[01:33:31] He bought this. I don't know colossal. He did his stacks. Ah, that's what it is
[01:36:41] I heard her jungle now we go trinity dude. It's so much cool. Have you guys can't three-man dive MF?
[01:39:39] My Irelian soul jungle is
[01:39:42] Me jungle one trip. Oh, yeah boy. Here we go
[01:42:00] I'm just saying you're playing girl the mom is like oh I see you're an incel. Oh, here we go
[01:42:07] Here we go buckle up boys because you were AFK typing in fountain play the game, bro
[01:43:26] typing about said it yeah I said it say it again this game is totally wonderful
[01:45:41] I don't want to stay I'll have a back for anything my force you try that tech
[01:46:29] well we're seeing if we can try it you saw some rando built try for us do you
[01:46:50] think it's good I just seen a Twitter post that's it
[01:46:52] like just a purpose man I predict I would get two items at 25 minutes I'm
[01:47:29] looking like the case I'm you know it's not the worst my fucking old off that's
[01:48:31] That's so sad, the entire team was typing, you know how crazy that is?
[01:49:05] I wonder if you can be on this, but I'm not sure.
[01:49:37] Brunner has a big bye.
[01:50:01] Obvious cut, it's lost.
[01:50:03] I mean, even from right here, this game is winnable.
[01:50:06] From an emotional damage standpoint, we're not, it's not winnable.
[01:50:10] My team's broken.
[01:50:42] I mean, he's 7 kills with 3rd, 12 CS a minute, 3 and a half items,
[01:50:47] So my team's not playing the fucking game. They are just sitting there typing
[01:51:23] You have tacos very true
[01:51:25] WS win dumbasses you cannot silence printer mere old
[01:51:38] You can old bruise the fucking silent name so free. It's not now when this game now
[01:51:59] We'd have to play macro and they're too busy
[01:52:05] Yeah, but yeah, yeah fucking yeah that team did so much damage to me with two items
[01:52:57] But I'm supposed to go dead man's now other trimmy chop not bad
[01:53:40] Happen outside of lane. That's the problem
[01:54:11] Holders fed
[01:54:13] We're in 68 stacks view an AP. Oh true AP for snackers
[01:55:02] For AP that smacks your shut up. Hey ghosted
[01:55:30] When is it optimal to actually finish for mail like should you build the rest of your
[01:55:37] I
[01:55:40] Honestly God I wouldn't finish the link thornmail until you're yet. You have like nothing else
[01:55:46] He just healed five thousand HP. I mean this game was not lost from champs like that built did not feel bad
[01:56:17] Just one teammates unfortunately. We watch that Bob. He was not it. I just did it tight like now this like
[01:56:49] my
[01:56:53] I really like zoned in on the fact that my Nami was a girl and like what did it fucking let it go?
[01:56:59] The Nami got triggered
[01:57:04] I'm like that's literally how we lost the game by the way.
[01:57:08] Did you remember that top tower? The game was over. I think it was right here.
[01:57:24] Guys top lane typing typing typing yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yeah, whatever.
[01:57:30] Which is one more wave recalls.
[01:57:32] He's has to go top look at this guy. He's sitting in fountain
[01:57:36] Just yapping. Type type type type type type type type type.
[01:57:43] Bro go defend the tower we don't give a shit man.
[01:57:48] Shut the fuck up. Go to the-
[01:57:51] Yep yep yep yep. Still typing brother go to the top tower.
[01:57:56] What are we doing? Like it's that serious man?
[01:58:00] You just had to tell Nami she's a girl that bad?
[01:58:04] Then he's like not paying attention because he was too busy looking at his fucking keyboard.
[01:58:07] He's like, oh wait a minute, let's go top.
[01:58:09] Then he goes top lane, but it's too late.
[01:58:11] I mean, look, he's only 2-1-2 here, but he gets 700 gold from the tower.
[01:58:18] I really just rage-fights him, dies, gets more, more, more, more, he gets everything,
[01:58:27] gets another tower because I really adopt, like, you know what I mean?
[01:58:29] Like, bro, we literally just lost this game because Maiya really is typing.
[01:58:33] I just fucking weird dude. I sort of got league players are so fucking weird just weirdos
[01:58:52] I killed 1.6k this old I mean the game was still lost there then
[01:59:20] We're having a fight in chat. Yes, bro. That's like silver shit
[01:59:25] Like dude, so not me could have just muted
[01:59:28] Right. So yes, I really was a retard, but not me could have just muted
[01:59:32] But we can't just mute because then we can't play victim. So it's like, okay, yes
[01:59:37] I really is an idiot, but now I can show that the match streamers push the right build. Yes, actually
[02:00:05] If equal and before that Ash roamed and took the echo. I got ganked top lane
[02:00:48] But I mean I came back perfectly fine
[02:00:53] the problem
[02:00:54] If we like I bet the goal wasn't that bad
[02:00:57] We were actually up gold at 17 minutes
[02:01:00] We emotionally lost that game. It'll look good. I mean, I don't know if it was good or bad
[02:01:20] I was kind of pissing on him before
[02:01:24] Like even before I finished Trinity or it was strong. I go to get here. I don't think I can
[02:02:06] She's good twigs. That's her pick looks terrible. This seems trash. I'm no corgi top on blue. I stopped playing top
[02:03:11] Fuck wait, where's uh?
[02:03:17] Where's the Jacks James at?
[02:03:20] if you think that guy's still running it down and support the only EP, nice
[02:03:44] outwards. I've got dominoes if you want a free pizza let me know alright I'll keep
[02:04:20] that in mind. Who knows Carlos? I want to try D-Blade. Derek have a smite. Light
[02:05:25] rocket doing his light rocket shit.
[02:05:29] Welcome to Summoner's Rift, 30 seconds to convenience form.
[02:05:47] I have been on hold with IT helpdesk for three title one games now.
[02:05:52] Brother, they are not giving back to you. I'm sorry.
[02:05:57] Daren players we like.
[02:05:59] I'm a freaking rage shot.
[02:06:12] Hey my humor just sucks now days like I just don't find things funny thank you Vinnie.
[02:06:29] I will drag you down
[02:06:33] Be me in this also should have swapped actually fuck throat this guy's what dude this guy hasn't spelled Kayla's name, right again
[02:06:51] For the guy yesterday that also spelled Kayla's name, right are the players just like parasocial or what I forgot how my reason
[02:07:21] This is yes, but this shit hinders me
[02:08:20] Elevation diff I mean true your humor isn't dead, bro. You surely still find this fang of fun
[02:08:46] What's up? It's making me fucking wait.
[02:08:48] I went to someone else and saw with them, yes.
[02:09:04] Bastard point, Kat.
[02:09:37] Damn, this guy's actually wrapping all the way around to come to top lane. That's wild.
[02:09:42] This guy went all the way around.
[02:09:44] Kat's bot too. The fuck you doing, bro?
[02:09:47] I think he slaps so they get the fucking crash.
[02:09:53] Now you gotta realize Kat's haven't seen them in a while.
[02:10:21] Yeah, thank god I got a fucking door.
[02:10:23] Do you not believe a slight CS lead is going to win me this map?
[02:10:49] There's what is broke happens little pup even my e-hit was spicy
[02:12:00] Sometimes I forget you're actually good for the compliment bro
[02:12:07] Unstoppable R2 can unstoppable both now the champ is broken if even I don't want to perform with it in challenger
[02:12:28] Why we such a terrible character like a name of my though? Yeah?
[02:12:47] Woo! I'm looking in for my Zellia!
[02:12:50] Being in top jungle is fucking terrible.
[02:13:27] Bad spot. Might take a death here.
[02:13:52] Dude, I just told you we still have the fuck little bit.
[02:13:55] And he still despises existence every second of every day.
[02:14:01] still a bastard still does all bastard activities still tries to run him out
[02:14:08] spoiled fucking rotten hot damn pain of my fucking existence also needs a
[02:14:35] reality check that is exactly what he needs you are 100% correct he needs to
[02:14:41] go to a less fortunate situation right to understand and appreciate what he has
[02:14:48] here in his life now 100%
[02:14:52] Thanks for the help brother probably
[02:15:37] Don't come back appreciate it that lost last game my jungle
[02:16:06] Sir, I mean I do have TP advantage
[02:16:37] here
[02:17:26] Not a counter Heimer mid Syndra. I don't know though bro cuz some hymers did it
[02:17:34] If you have a script that lets you hit every single Hymer E
[02:17:39] that champ is fucking god. I was fucking reading chat, oh my god that's fun.
[02:18:34] There's some plays I should get first power. Champs weak by the way, it's a
[02:19:22] it's a favorable matchup. Pretty matchup I don't but probably what is not a
[02:19:51] favorable matchup? Mordekaiser, Gwynn, Jorik, any singular ranged character in
[02:19:58] League of Legends history. I can keep going. Got Redside, how do you have a
[02:20:08] save real matchup when they didn't aspect top her god I said range champ that's not
[02:20:20] raining to get one move to is outplayable easy work I cook them I if it's
[02:21:19] ever three I can't I got a fucking say pussy ass motherfuckers make sure to
[02:22:40] wait for the back it out this shit I think I'm sundered second I mean it's
[02:23:47] what I usually was going we were buff next pack to me a lie we'll be back
[02:24:23] the buff. Iceborn's ass, yeah, but I'm on uh, limited income.
[02:24:35] I really can't do anything until Souls Clubs, so I'm just running in circles.
[02:24:46] Ah, here we go. One shot.
[02:25:01] The most only place for a KV, every single fucking game.
[02:25:23] You got the Challenger border debuff I see?
[02:25:25] Yeah, first day of Challengers is always terrible.
[02:25:28] Stop it, Jin. Stop.
[02:26:07] Stop.
[02:26:07] And they're teething at close.
[02:26:24] We are, we believe she is barely.
[02:26:27] Yeah.
[02:26:28] Such a shit champ, he's not.
[02:28:30] Somehow my brilliant soul got every single objective.
[02:28:34] Every grub, every dragon.
[02:28:42] Rift, Harold.
[02:28:43] The board.
[02:28:56] The road to rank one runs to Missouri.
[02:29:06] I check, I check, I check, I check.
[02:29:34] It's a dead champ actually, but she's fast.
[02:29:36] Actually, last time I checked, she had like a 52% win rate.
[02:29:40] But it's, no.
[02:29:51] Now she's terrible.
[02:30:04] Show Nelson now plaza, but Chak needs it.
[02:30:07] Bro, stop asking me to show fucking Nelson.
[02:30:10] He's probably outside.
[02:30:11] I'm not getting that fucking bastard cat.
[02:30:13] Actually, you guys haven't seen Nelson, actually?
[02:30:20] Last time you've seen Nelson is when he ran in here, and I baited him out and slammed
[02:30:25] the door on him.
[02:30:26] That was like a month ago.
[02:30:28] No, bro.
[02:30:29] No.
[02:30:51] And his win rate is, even this is pretty high.
[02:31:00] I know her, she has nobody speaking to her, but even this, like bro, higher than
[02:33:01] Wait for what? For noise? Is evicted for too loud? No idea to look up that video when his mug shot
[02:33:31] came up? Oh shit! You reacted to that video two years ago? Yeah I know I've seen it before.
[02:33:41] Still funny. CosmicaLowey? No bro, I'd be liking it. Oh another Seraphine!
[02:34:12] try that jump it's not jump like whatever jumping that I'm pretty sure
[02:34:30] he's like slamming his souls into the ground like he's not just jumping and
[02:34:36] landing he's slamming his shit into the ground hell no hamburger oh I've got
[02:35:15] blue side twice in both times didn't be top line picks a tank for no reason the
[02:35:37] the worst allowee matchup, I think it's Varus.
[02:35:39] There's a lot of lie page, you lie.
[02:36:04] Dorik, see Dorik can survive, it's just boring, you cannot survive against Varus, you can't
[02:36:13] CS, you can fight, there's the playing Mundo, and then Emerald Allowee gaping playing Varus,
[02:37:10] okay but I was literally first timing Varus top, I was just trying to mind game
[02:37:47] in my jungle and act like he started his rap.
[02:38:19] I used to have a confession to make.
[02:39:23] This is a little bit greedy.
[02:39:32] That was winnable for sure, by the way.
[02:39:34] I completely won.
[02:39:35] I was almost level five, I'm telling you.
[02:40:14] Actually close, that's not.
[02:40:15] I've been close at all.
[02:40:17] I was a free one.
[02:40:28] I'm showing you how silence pisses me to fuck off.
[02:40:30] I'm not gonna lie.
[02:40:53] Because I've become what I hated the most.
[02:41:00] The learn, all they will die.
[02:41:02] Oh, my mouth slipped.
[02:42:27] I swear to God.
[02:42:28] Oh, my God.
[02:42:33] God of my mouse slip out of my hand.
[02:42:53] I hit those true.
[02:42:55] Fuck! Bro, if I did die?
[02:42:57] Grief that 1v1.
[02:43:01] This game would be a purr.
[02:43:43] That one because you play League, or are you? Do you play League or Tyler 1?
[02:43:45] Yes.
[02:43:49] Ice minion pathing there, that's awesome.
[02:43:51] Terrible.
[02:44:50] And then he fucking choked. Yeah, I suppose so.
[02:45:09] Things should be here.
[02:45:14] As if that wasn't the most bullshit
[02:45:16] allowing ult ever.
[02:45:18] Oh wait, do you think that he think
[02:45:20] thought my ult missed, okay but I still got my W slowed.
[02:45:39] Oh my darlin, oh my darlin!
[02:46:04] Why you little one?
[02:46:27] Can't wait for Vanguard to get hacked while he dies.
[02:46:32] Oh do you think that's healthy?
[02:46:37] Think that that much hate.
[02:47:27] Team spirit, dodgy.
[02:47:28] I'm AFTP, ugh.
[02:49:46] Somebody asked me earlier, Jin sucks, you know.
[02:49:48] I don't think it does.
[02:49:51] I don't think that's the worst change in the game.
[02:49:53] This build's dumb, I hate this fucking build.
[02:49:55] I hate this static shiv into fucking rapid-fire, I think that build is terrible.
[02:50:01] He's second.
[02:50:42] Guys not going IE.
[02:50:43] He's going clutch first.
[02:50:44] Do you know if you're back, that's so rare.
[02:51:55] They- I guess it's Dan, if they do, Dan-
[02:52:08] I need this fruit bomb.
[02:52:10] From actually having a good ult.
[02:53:10] And I missed one of my E's.
[02:53:12] Oh my god, I was so stupid.
[02:53:20] But you guys are three fucking dragons.
[02:53:24] Even a Nikki on Cho'Gaths would have been good there.
[02:54:00] Like my T being bot here.
[02:54:40] I'm talking about like there's nothing that you shouldn't be bought. This is worthless
[02:54:46] Not for fun a raw raw really useful and a match to show guys just run
[02:57:06] Worth a damn because your flash is gone. Basic jungle shit is what it is if we don't know that
[02:58:03] You're into the fight of losing streak
[02:58:06] I mean it's more than that bro because like dude you just do the crab because it's guaranteed that he go to your camps
[02:58:12] guaranteed if you do your camps first the crabs not guaranteed that's like
[02:58:17] silver shit
[02:58:18] Seraphine is the most worthless fucking character in the game
[02:58:40] getting these Seraphine 1 tricks is just fucking
[02:58:43] just so you don't do it like okay the champ itself not the not the worst
[02:58:49] the Seraphine players that play it are so bad like is the Seraphine why
[02:58:59] we lost this game no and they're all getting gapped actually like who on my
[02:59:04] team other than me is more useful than their counterpart. Nobody, right? Not one person.
[02:59:12] My mid's down 100 CS. Seraphine Son of Jungle Players if they can stay back, I mean nothing
[03:00:39] but there's a team and they fight Jerempak, there's no respiders in the game? I completely
[03:00:41] agree. I think there's such a, I think engage supports are so much better for players
[03:00:48] in general. And again, these guys would never win, if you guys wouldn't play in
[03:00:52] Korea ever, they would never win. It's specifically an NA problem. NA has the most dog shit
[03:00:57] Enchanter players ever. They do. Compared to Europe or Korea, especially Korea, they do not play Enchanters ever over there. They don't ever play them.
[03:01:11] But I think the Enchanter players are so bad because they don't actually have to play the game. They get to sit around, do nothing, stand in circles behind the enemy AD or like group S5s.
[03:01:21] Don't have to force any plays. You usually have to press one or two buttons, not skill shots. This is what it is. We didn't lose this game to Seraphine. They're all together. They're bad.
[03:01:55] Altogether they're bad. It's not a series of bomb mistakes. They're all outclassed.
[03:02:21] It's insane, yeah. But they, this is Zeria's only fed because they played the 2v2 slash 3v3 like...
[03:03:44] I'm a one-man show bro, I can't do anything about it. I can't have you had flash troops.
[03:04:01] true
[03:04:04] Outclassed you mess up one thing topside and it made sure that scheme
[03:04:15] I mean he couldn't play lane you couldn't play in teamfights, but he kind of just existed if I didn't get killed
[03:04:22] If I killed him in that level two like that run back to level two three
[03:04:25] Maybe it's playable from topside. I don't know nobody was playing this game
[03:04:30] I did not have a fucking team
[03:04:33] The funny thing is it's not like I see me but I'm like dude what did that Graves do that game guys let me play it
[03:04:44] It was this dragon fight, too
[03:04:46] Actually this dragon fight is what fucking cooked it which I didn't see what happened. They were losing I TP in
[03:04:55] Graves was chilling apparently he was. Are they games today?
[03:05:19] Dude, whenever you promote to a tier whether it be Master GM
[03:05:24] Challenger the game quality tanks
[03:05:27] This happens every single time
[03:05:37] Didn't play like an idiot how to be awful. Nope. No, sir
[03:05:44] I think game in general is worse Frosty. I think the game quick. I think players in general are worse
[03:06:20] Not mechanically worse. I think players nowadays don't actually play league. They just play their champions
[03:06:26] Like this man, it's so degenerate. It's not like it's team fighting. There's barely ever a team fight
[03:06:34] most almost every game and like what like how many games are there actual 5v5s
[03:06:39] very rare 4v5s right where where somebody gets picked and then you fight but
[03:06:47] it's just I didn't used to be the case that's the right turn the game into out
[03:06:55] of it's not right it's player problem I think leek has a main character
[03:07:01] syndrome terribly horribly people can't play like I do most of the time
[03:07:07] right and just like die five times these freaks have got to be the reason they
[03:07:12] are winning they have to be. Any carry problem it's not eight it's all in
[03:07:22] general. You don't let themselves get carried exactly and it's something like
[03:07:30] that if people just don't let themselves even have a chance later on like make it
[03:07:34] to late game or make it to a 5v5 that did not used to be the case. There's so
[03:07:51] many even like even like season eight or season seven season nine they're
[03:07:56] They're like still 55s.
[03:07:58] It does not have, you did,
[03:08:01] some fucking idiot is running up, right?
[03:08:05] On a place you know that any team is at, right?
[03:08:08] Getting spamping the back, dies,
[03:08:11] baits his entire team in, it's a 45.
[03:08:14] So it's like, it gives you the impression
[03:08:15] that it's a 5v5, but it's not a 5v5.
[03:08:45] Did they fix that?
[03:08:46] I don't think they can.
[03:08:47] Just the way gaming in general has evolved.
[03:08:52] There's no fix to it. He's gonna deal with it. I'm just saying it's why it's like so much more shit
[03:08:57] Nobody ever plays engage either. No, I mean they do like yes in my games like Korea they do
[03:09:05] I think all I think enchanters should be since there's as fucking degenerately easy as they are
[03:09:40] Like don't actually learn league. I think they should be like cat
[03:09:44] Like I think it should be fair
[03:09:45] I think it should be so bad that even the best players in the world can't climb out of D4
[03:09:50] That's my take on Enchanter.
[03:09:52] The world should be gutted, IMO, why the worst players have the most impact.
[03:10:34] The players are worse K-players than, I mean, they're expected.
[03:11:01] You get rid of Enchanter, players' league's less toxic.
[03:11:08] He's spit.
[03:11:18] The best you want to climb, you get good at it, jungle.
[03:11:36] You want to climb.
[03:11:39] So I will swim well, until I can swim no more.
[03:12:04] 7-4 incoming, K-not yet.
[03:12:06] Remember Tyler's idea to banish the jungler to put the true life for the first minute?
[03:12:17] Yeah, it's genius!
[03:12:28] Jungles filled, oh no!
[03:12:30] Surely we don't lose!
[03:12:32] Dude, it's the gin from last game.
[03:12:42] Ugh, yuck!
[03:12:46] Oh, that's pain.
[03:13:18] Can we players ever think in time to put up the game?
[03:13:20] Should we just hop on our pilot?
[03:13:22] But it's not just you me.
[03:13:23] Who the fuck did he kill up so much, bro?
[03:14:16] Was that all fucking...
[03:14:17] ...the shield?
[03:14:18] I mean, that's a flash of hope.
[03:15:05] Why does every player flash like that?
[03:15:06] They don't realize that if a allowing presses W on you
[03:15:11] And the animation goes off no matter what you're thinking that damage, but I'm pop that goes broke damn
[03:16:09] I try used it to get to lane
[03:16:12] There's a Gwyn the one trick. No, he's pissed
[03:16:19] Get autofill jungle shut the fuck up pussy boy. No one talking to
[03:16:27] Yeah, don't come top
[03:16:29] To be fair, this guy is running at them.
[03:17:18] He's filled.
[03:17:19] I've been playing against this guy a while ago.
[03:17:21] When Skarnor was broken and I would permanently unskarter,
[03:17:24] and he wouldn't dodge.
[03:17:26] Obviously Rengar's been 1 up to 0.3 to T1.
[03:17:48] You're never gonna climb, bro. Stop.
[03:18:39] I gotta say, I would've liked these grubs, though.
[03:18:41] Damn, what's this guy doing?
[03:19:22] I got this prosthetic ass back.
[03:19:53] I'm like 150 gold from item.
[03:19:57] I don't know why.
[03:19:59] Why the p-
[03:20:07] We're gonna give that to Renekton.
[03:20:25] Kind of thought oh shit wait a minute. There's an outplay window not how I would have played it that that that
[03:21:00] Yo tree tree bandana. How would you have played it, bro?
[03:21:03] Type what you would have done how to just killed both in my jungles aware if yes
[03:21:49] Her W perfectly. Oh it is where this she came from try
[03:22:39] As soon as she came right here, I'm dead
[03:22:41] When's a fan? I mean, bro, I'm gonna be honest. This is the comp. This is the way to...
[03:22:51] This is the highest chance to success with me.
[03:22:54] Like, playing against me. Just can't be.
[03:22:57] Because my teammates are fucking absolute ass.
[03:23:01] Most of the games. Even if they get weeds, they choke them.
[03:23:04] Bro, there's no rule to work down. Six scrubs.
[03:23:07] And I beat the shit out of this guy 1v2.
[03:23:10] There's no world!
[03:23:59] When I was Camille on a 15 second cooldown, it hit what?
[03:24:03] Wait, it is nothing like Camille.
[03:24:05] I got one more smack.
[03:24:33] Wait, this guy actually just spent a shit ton of gold.
[03:24:49] The fuck?
[03:24:50] You're gonna have a GP hack?
[03:25:19] Hey, the guys are finding like things, like every single possible thing they can do, but just right click.
[03:25:24] It's a bit wild.
[03:25:25] I'll actually lose first turret.
[03:26:09] I'll just click top once.
[03:26:10] Yes, while I was being dove and I was already 1 HP.
[03:26:12] But like, imagine if this leeson is on the top side, does she have low just fucking wrecked
[03:26:18] it has constantly pinned?
[03:26:20] Or a 2v2, like how easy is a 2v3 to beat?
[03:26:24] This guy's an animal man!
[03:26:42] I mean, at least wrecked it.
[03:26:57] This guy's higher level than me too, is it top gap?
[03:27:00] Well it's waves he was proxying, it was 1.
[03:27:34] They didn't even work in Salawi, it does later, it's not good to buy early.
[03:27:40] Be fair, I don't know when this I bought this but it actually has value
[03:28:27] No good flash dumb fuck have six drugs. Oh my god, you guys are so fucking annoying
[03:29:28] Really get that tower ain't no way. I can eat my ass. Who's the star storm?
[03:30:24] It's some fucking bot in the chat that some idiot made
[03:30:28] My mods keep on banning it
[03:30:31] I mean play for a soul. It's three and a half minutes away. It seems like so long
[03:30:59] It'll be fine though, right?
[03:31:22] Yeah, I bought that response whatever is said at it. I can bait her to fight like one of those mean girls from the movie
[03:33:32] I don't give a shit
[03:33:43] Watch Lee Sin run it down now. Oh, no
[03:33:46] Hope you sin doesn't run it down
[03:33:49] Please don't run it down Lee Sin
[03:33:53] Big T got challengers
[03:34:29] Now he has an ego all of a sudden.
[03:34:59] All of a sudden, I do not have an ego in the game.
[03:35:03] And I should. I should ego every fucking loss my teammates weak side me.
[03:35:07] I should ego. And I should make them lose some of the greatest of all fucking time.
[03:35:11] And that's true. But I don't. I'm not a fucking C-ass bitch.
[03:35:48] Ohhhh, what do you mean? I just sacked my life to end the game.
[03:35:54] Another T1 banger. No wonder the editors are struggling to make videos on YouTube.
[03:36:34] I'll drop 15 killwind next game. I don't give a shit.
[03:36:38] This is fucking...challenger tier. Sorry, guys.
[03:36:47] Sorry, you can't go around dropping 30 kills every game. The players aren't silver.
[03:36:52] Bro, I played in an iron game right now. I'm not gonna lie.
[03:36:56] or a silver game, I drop 50 kills.
[03:36:59] There's levels to this.
[03:37:20] Somebody type their silver account information password in the chat,
[03:37:24] and I'll log on it right away.
[03:37:26] I'll start playing on it.
[03:37:27] I'm kidding, don't do it, I will.
[03:37:30] That account's fucking gone.
[03:37:40] Damn, you guys just give me all your account.
[03:37:58] Sell them.
[03:37:58] Oh, Slim, man!
[03:38:07] What's up, brother?
[03:38:08] That can't get the subs, brody.
[03:38:10] Crazy to think.
[03:38:40] I could probably sell one of my accounts for seven figures.
[03:38:45] Oh shit, I just saw the men's 400 meter final. What the fuck?
[03:39:02] Hold on. I gotta watch this with sound. What the fuck? Wait, wait, slim and T nails 50 gifted subs. What the fuck?
[03:39:17] 50 goddamn gifted subs
[03:39:19] We love you over here. Oh my god, like Quincy Hall cooked by the way
[03:39:40] Wait, why was he so far behind to begin with? I don't know. I it looks like he's fucking it's not planned. I
[03:40:00] I can't show Olympics on stream. That's fucking it's the band. Don't be a pussy you get into the band
[03:40:17] He looked terrible. His form was all broken at 50 at like 80 meter or
[03:40:26] 300 meters
[03:40:42] Imagine being a being in a race and literally right before the finish line
[03:40:46] You've been leading the entire time and right before the fucking finish line
[03:40:52] You think you're gonna win
[03:40:54] And then right in that last millisecond you see somebody pass you oh fuck that oh fuck that ff
[03:41:02] I'm gonna watch one more time. It's crazy bro. That's crazy stuff
[03:41:31] Do the ones player?
[03:41:41] Now the don ring no, I don't I was supposed to stick out it better be this
[03:41:47] Bro that's the same one fucking it's it somebody sent me earlier, I'm not watching it sup Robin
[03:42:14] I can go showgath because I want to play the Trinity build but bro why do I have a Trist?
[03:42:49] Wait isn't that champ like the worst character in League of Legends right now?
[03:42:56] Actually, let me see, yeah she has a 46% win rate legitimately the worst character in
[03:43:17] the game.
[03:43:27] And I'm gonna imagine this guy does not play it.
[03:43:33] What they do to her?
[03:43:34] her runes, they nerfed her items, they nerfed her. She got the triple fucking banged.
[03:43:41] Bop bop bop bop on your team. But we have quad god. Quad god. Never forget what this guy did to
[03:44:14] caps, guys, by the way. My mid laner beat the fuck out of caps. Also reminder,
[03:44:21] Flyquest should have beaten G2 at the Esports World Cup. No, cool. They really work against
[03:45:06] engage? Or is it cope? I mean she works against it. It's the only thing she does.
[03:45:21] Enemy support is Dota pro. Oh shits. 30 seconds it's a minion spawn.
[03:45:28] I'm streaming LCS this weekend? Yes. The final week. Let me see who makes play. I didn't know
[03:45:41] that 100 thieves, if 100, 100 thieves loses next week, they don't make playoffs. Or this
[03:45:47] week they don't make playoffs right I believe that's the case you really think
[03:46:05] that NA is better than EU brother EU ain't what it used to be nothing never
[03:46:13] been anything I'll do this matchup I think showgath
[03:46:41] you're right I sure do want to play some elder ring up let's see you know I
[03:46:52] though to be fair that is a really unexpected two-sided camps and then ran
[03:47:45] all the way up they cancel my auto I mean I look at it actually it is pretty bad
[03:48:27] because I miss on it CS still broken oh man it's not bad he did not get shamed
[03:48:40] for his back I'm sure if that matters nowadays or not not to be that guy but
[03:50:01] my team has to carry me play Valorant I hate Valorant how can you roll dog
[03:50:27] I have music playing, but I don't play music ever on stream, so then on streams.
[03:50:35] Do you increase music volume? No, it fucks up my focus.
[03:51:19] Eyes, be better. Let's see who's better, bro.
[03:52:30] I mean, I, like I said, I don't do anything. I'm pretty even right now, but if my team doesn't carry this game, I'm sorry you're fucking complete ass.
[03:53:21] Especially with how fed my mid and my jungle are, it is what it is.
[03:53:25] They just sit top and wait to get carried every game.
[03:53:35] Ahhhh, yes, let me ask you a question.
[03:53:42] Did I get carried last game? Yes, literally.
[03:53:59] They clean me, jungle, only get top lane.
[03:54:01] And I scam 1v2.
[03:54:04] He's about to unleash.
[03:54:37] A Quad Cobb!
[03:54:54] I actually don't think it's that bad with Electrocute.
[03:55:08] Dude, I think Lestality Wukong with Electrocute top is actually good.
[03:55:12] I played against him once, I think it's actually good.
[03:55:19] He's an agent supposing he sees us. He's here in mid. Oh brother. Oh brother. They just do nothing in this lane
[03:57:17] This guy doesn't have fun. He just loots his in quiet
[03:57:20] He's not even walking up for anything. You gotta stop interacting with him. What are your choices? Do you think they're feed? Nope
[03:58:11] This is so trophyed, not at all
[03:58:23] Comment build feels ass especially when you're playing pink
[03:58:27] AP chugged trashed up lane. You got me
[03:59:12] You're gonna lose the fucking game, but it's fine. At least you kill me.
[03:59:16] Oh, he's here. Wait, you're right. I just got two horses sprinting at me.
[03:59:27] Oh, Trinity. Guys, now LDR plus boots.
[04:00:59] Zerry bounty wasn't enough. He also got Philius 1k.
[04:01:07] If I saw my top get beat like this, then build Trinity, I would have quit.
[04:01:31] I don't know why they think that's worth. What was it? A 3 for 2?
[04:02:35] I'm not gonna lie this isn't looking good looking like a bit of an ass
[04:03:31] It made the game hard by sucking it's true
[04:04:19] It's not good game playing double bounty kill this streamer. That's what I'm saying though like dude
[04:05:49] This is this urge you this game should be over these guys are playing like fucking little munchkins
[04:07:26] Whatever did my job?
[04:07:29] Please don't cancel
[04:07:34] Ugh.
[04:07:35] Yes, bro. A little pee-wee minion like that is going to cancel big co-gap.
[04:07:40] Six stacks, co-gap should be uneruptable.
[04:08:04] Oh my god, you're right.
[04:08:05] I could've killed the game points there, but...
[04:09:00] I don't care, they're trash.
[04:09:01] Challenger players, by the way.
[04:09:19] I'm only a challenger, I have an Academy Junkle.
[04:09:23] A pro mid lane.
[04:09:25] Like, these guys can't use their leads, by the way.
[04:09:31] Not even just little leads, like, 7-0 leads.
[04:09:34] Solo 2 Brolyating, that's per se, uses flash.
[04:10:53] And something...
[04:11:37] I should've just lost, they suck.
[04:11:39] Lilia bought a lot of time.
[04:11:59] Oh my god!
[04:12:04] Wait, this Lilia...
[04:12:06] Okay, Lilia fucking cooked after.
[04:12:08] I need a reset.
[04:13:07] This trash, I mean, Lilia redeemed herself with that play.
[04:13:16] But the previous 15 minutes, nothing.
[04:13:23] Thank you, you're sober.
[04:13:27] You're sober and that's okay.
[04:13:30] Finally got the 3 core with this build.
[04:13:32] Let's see how it feels.
[04:13:34] 28 minutes? So I mean that bad?
[04:13:48] Maybe they have team chasing for kills instead of inning?
[04:13:50] I mean...
[04:13:51] They chased me.
[04:14:50] Ink, trolling, Challenger, beautiful in it.
[04:14:52] I mean, troll just...
[04:14:54] We're... had a rediff...
[04:14:56] No, you gotta be better mid lane.
[04:15:03] Try the build again?
[04:15:04] I really don't think it's bad. I don't.
[04:15:08] I like the Trinity. I do.
[04:15:10] I think 1v1, okay, if you...
[04:15:12] If top lane stayed 1v1, didn't have to worry anything else. The game was even.
[04:15:17] I don't think it's bad. I see that last time. Trist did a lot. I think that champ is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
[04:15:46] It was actually a toss.
[04:15:54] Come back and watch Daliya play. No, I guess 70% when I know Trist is just shocking.
[04:16:26] Wait this champ is disgustingly bad by the way.
[04:16:38] And he doesn't even play at mid he plays at bot lane.
[04:16:47] Brother.
[04:16:49] This champ is.
[04:16:51] Why are elo bot lane's not bad?
[04:17:00] I most definitely surely without a doubt for sure think it's good for the now seeing that Tomcatty is higher ranked than 80% of the now professionals.
[04:17:16] Awesome. Fucking love that.
[04:17:18] Okay, but I'm really good at playing, so that's probably why.
[04:17:23] To be fair, I'm extremely talented.
[04:17:32] Are you sure it's so bad now? They nerfed everything about her. I am prunes.
[04:18:19] Joseph, you are not the first to say it, bro.
[04:18:24] Stop playing fizz right knee captain. Oh
[04:18:36] Fucking Christ hold on Jesus, bro. I'm watching like the Olympics low-key
[04:18:49] Bro, you guys see the 3,000 meter steeple chase that guy fall at the end. Oh
[04:19:01] That is he dead
[04:19:10] Jesus get up watch the real come watch the Olympics. Yes. I might I think track and field is much more enjoyable than fucking soccer
[04:19:52] What?
[04:19:54] Nice pick for a thought.
[04:20:12] Play Mord.
[04:20:49] True, I do play it. Wait, what's the...
[04:20:57] Yes, ma'am.
[04:20:59] A loss?
[04:21:01] Wait, I think it's a game playing top.
[04:21:03] Wait, where the fuck is the nerf got going?
[04:21:35] Beep beep!
[04:22:34] Oh my god, this is going to be a hasty LP.
[04:22:41] Lost if we lose.
[04:22:43] Oh, I didn't buy items so I don't get bushed.
[04:22:45] Oh no.
[04:22:53] My lane gets the kill and they flash.
[04:23:12] What is higher in the lobbies are worse than the fucking lower ones even last game they were fanboying to fucking lose
[04:23:18] It's fine. I think I play like I'm ahead
[04:23:26] Well, what's up in those five good subs their jumbo echo fucking little might go our hotbud
[04:24:44] Are you gonna lose this matchup with first blood yikes as a one trick, bro?
[04:24:54] Yeah, you sat don't know about you, but if I was your teammate, I'd be pretty upset
[04:25:04] Same GP from last game. Yeah, I thought it was coming. I did that crap really take that long
[04:26:06] I guess so he hesitated or the crap is at 200 HP
[04:26:33] I thought I was pathing top lane. That was a freak kill
[04:26:48] The sound delay right refresh it's not my problem
[04:27:26] I'm not sure bro you answer that for me. Are you a loser? I think the word loser is
[04:27:50] Subject fine this guy should die
[04:28:33] Oh, yeah, I just asked grass life freezing some playing all off the inkling he has no ult
[04:28:59] Flash is still down.
[04:29:04] Let me check, actually.
[04:29:06] No, he doesn't have Cosmic Insight.
[04:29:09] Flash is still down.
[04:29:11] He has Inspiration.
[04:29:28] It doesn't matter.
[04:29:30] My Jhin's running it down.
[04:29:36] Or Funner on purpose, I'm not sure.
[04:29:38] I think one problem right here is it's a bit obvious that I want to fight.
[04:30:05] So Echo can counter.
[04:30:18] Until he shows, I'm not going to beat him.
[04:30:20] No, as it's shown.
[04:30:41] What do you do, though?
[04:31:32] though I let the waves crash but I still get harassed under the tower I think I
[04:31:41] just let the CS fall but get XP you go won't allow that that's just fucking wrong
[04:32:11] you're lying
[04:32:57] they're doing fine bot side please no are you good bro again I think he's
[04:34:06] behind them but there's no choice you're losing the entire tower and that's
[04:35:12] worst-case scenario. Flash, old ignite, don't kill, I'm low health so I have bonus attack
[04:35:17] speed. Mass chimps like GP are so arrogant when it comes to fighting they get false hope
[04:35:30] from being able to poke. I think even at false hope, they're not in my head in the
[04:35:38] Tyler, it's so joe ever for you. I got notified you arrived in his link to tyler1.coplay.variety
[04:35:57] and so you have been hit watching yourself, the units have doubled views and begin to
[04:36:02] learn more later. We finally caught you in making reddit posts as we speak.
[04:36:07] Hey, so you think while I was streaming that I am also typing in 1 million different
[04:36:28] Twitch Shadows? I mean, you're making an AI, you have the tech for it, but I have an AI
[04:37:11] designed as a 35 year old guy named Derees who owns bidding machines across the world
[04:37:21] and I'm going in 50 million different Twitch chats yapping about it. It's literally the
[04:37:36] only explanation that makes sense. There's more. The way I get the other tower is
[04:38:16] It's like so mad, I mean I thought it was, dude, like, whose fault is it, bro?
[04:38:56] And realistically, whose fault is it that you got shit on?
[04:39:13] Cheese, first blood, still just getting eight ganked, a million times, I don't know, I
[04:39:28] haven't got the sequel ganked, I still got 15k subs, oof, you mean it oof?
[04:40:13] Streams run out, bud?
[04:40:14] Oh, shit.
[04:40:15] It's not even worth it for me to go live anymore, you think?
[04:40:19] Thanks for this throw, can't be it. This cannot be the play.
[04:41:07] You guys are rioting whole off. When was the last time you seen this champion in my game?
[04:43:02] Creation Baron, sir.
[04:44:41] I mean it's facts guys, the cheese top, gameplank got first blood with flash ignite, longsword, plus pot bonus.
[04:44:48] You got solo killed five times, walking in game, like bro why are we still here?
[04:44:54] Out like, are you embarrassed? Are you ashamed? Is it for pride? I can, I can redeem myself.
[04:45:00] I WIN A BOLT!
[04:45:00] What are we doing?
[04:45:11] That is not awesome.
[04:45:14] This is ranked 2.
[04:46:04] So I'm probably gonna get like...
[04:46:05] And I'm red side.
[04:46:06] So I'm probably gonna get like 12 LP for this win.
[04:46:08] There's no world I get funny.
[04:46:37] Wait, is 7.96 exactly where I started today?
[04:46:40] 7.95.
[04:46:54] Oh, I'm up 1.
[04:46:55] Nice. I got to get pissed for back.
[04:48:17] When's the Sub-Gold deadline? 18 days.
[04:48:41] Don't have time to play games this account. I should have swapped.
[04:48:55] I forgot I got to play World of Warcraft.
[04:48:58] So actually that's it for that account of the day. In plus one LP.
[04:49:02] Ice the Road to Rank 1 is still going. Slow and steady.
[04:49:06] A couple of... G-Garren gutted games. Play a couple of G-Garren gutted games and call it a day.
[04:49:32] Unleaf, excuse me.
[04:49:45] Warcraft 3, sorry.
[04:49:48] You're getting a mixed up.
[04:50:13] Omar, what's up bro?
[04:50:17] If I were to ask you to get as many people together
[04:50:20] as you could to help me with a project,
[04:50:22] how many could you come up with?
[04:50:31] You've got connections.
[04:50:36] What kind of project did you answer the question?
[04:50:53] How many, Omar?
[04:50:55] Five to 15?
[04:50:56] Damn!
[04:50:59] Mesh, okay, noted.
[04:51:00] Noted bro, noted.
[04:51:01] Noted.
[04:51:03] What if I said it was paid then how many people would come just you know Omar, I need hands
[04:51:21] Just ask your subscribers, dude. Do you not trust us? I trust you guys. No, I trust you
[04:51:49] Are you played top today? The 80 carry games were looking completely dog shit
[04:51:59] And I played top lane and I beat the shit out of every game
[04:52:02] I law I finished a four and two top lane both our losses could have been wins
[04:52:07] we'll see Omar it's weeks away so I was just you know asking for information
[04:52:15] this isn't good for me but we got to learn what are we yapping about chance the most
[04:53:06] skill aside from David I'm not sure big racks mr. ski what's up in a subs
[04:54:54] whoa I'm down chat I'm back this matchup has to be terrible it is what it is
[04:55:01] You know they're sort of watching as a high school and I have a job across country. Thanks for being here big team
[04:55:06] Problem brother guys wigs are not is that for you and not wearing a wig, bro
[04:55:15] The thoughts current thoughts in the state of fortnight, I don't know a little bit of guys people crying about
[04:55:32] Vehicles or some bullshit. I can love for tonight. I
[04:55:46] I. Hanging. Love. Ornite.
[04:55:50] I should have proxied.
[04:55:56] I'm not pointing at the point where you do variety.
[04:55:57] Oh yeah, you do bro.
[04:56:07] Okay, who's supposed to win this matchup by the way?
[04:56:14] Nah.
[04:56:25] In the mirror, and my mind is in the mirror easily.
[04:56:34] In the mirror favored, if you winnable though, so it's a skill matchup.
[04:57:05] Minus one dipshit, you suck.
[04:57:12] Minus two, you suck.
[04:57:17] Kayla's making me a sandwich.
[04:57:18] There's eight eight tacos. Yeah, they're small
[04:57:39] Small tacos. Plus, like I said, I'm lifting heavy again. You get big. Yeah
[04:58:11] That kind of leap quantity
[04:58:48] Do not need to load to help trust me. Let's start three points cubes in Maxi. That's how it goes
[04:59:24] What is this?
[04:59:42] We'll take it. I don't give a shit. I take it. I didn't know if my knight would kill or not
[04:59:49] Sounds like fuck it. Is that real XOLXD? Who the fuck is that? Wait you guys know who this is? Wait who is this?
[05:00:30] The girl streamer?
[05:00:32] Really?
[05:00:34] This them?
[05:00:36] Where they're playing Nautilus can't be. No fin, just saying. How do you guys even know that?
[05:01:00] Sickos.
[05:01:05] That twitch con ticket discount code? Not no. It doesn't look like missing out on the
[05:01:33] switch mission. That garbage ass gank by the way. My jungler is like beating off on
[05:01:58] the fucking Rift Herald. What the fuck is that? God is all worth. Why is dude who's still top?
[05:02:18] Drop it's up. Oh my god, I had Garen got better. Should have used my abilities to
[05:03:03] zone him. Yeah, that's a thick sandwich. Fucking. Jesus fucking. Look at this sandwich.
[05:03:56] I got distracted by the meat.
[05:04:01] Bro.
[05:04:18] Bro.
[05:04:19] Out of this jungle.
[05:04:42] Kidding, I'm kidding.
[05:04:46] I'm not gonna run.
[05:04:47] I should.
[05:04:48] How damn well this Cosmox isn't talking to me like that.
[05:04:59] My mid laner's name is Insane Five Head.
[05:05:24] Hit the dragon.
[05:05:38] Fucking Nautilus eventually comes top.
[05:05:41] There I kill him.
[05:06:03] What a shame.
[05:06:52] I used the worst spin.
[05:06:54] This game's cool, dumbass.
[05:07:00] Spin versus spin.
[05:07:13] What?
[05:07:16] I bet this guy doesn't have a salad that minion a played fanboys
[05:08:42] Oh
[05:08:52] Let's realize Karen is an Evmana why do you have mana bro every single champion in this
[05:09:13] game should have mana oh yes never gorilla do barbecuing Kayla does I'm
[05:12:12] It's big salmon. Holy fuck this country. It's just so easy to be flying. You're not clean cause it there a barbecue stream
[05:12:51] Yeah, yes
[05:12:54] Jeff has a one has a barbecue a lot
[05:12:57] Guys, we can't lose this
[05:13:31] Shut up. Oh my nothing you can do bro. You're doomed for a journey. Oh my god. Are we losing?
[05:13:51] The weight of the world is on my shoulders my massive broad shoulders
[05:13:58] As usual bro as usual
[05:15:09] Get vision of this falling behind Trinamere, but he loves the account. It's my challenger account
[05:15:58] I'm on your face. Oh, I'm sorry, bro
[05:16:01] I'm sorry. I got through that shit up
[05:16:03] Sorry.
[05:16:04] Ult for ult is good.
[05:16:32] I went to him so he can't R.
[05:16:48] Are you guys all like, just terrible at the game?
[05:16:53] Dude, it's like, it's an IQ check.
[05:16:56] Brother!
[05:16:57] Printing mirror?
[05:16:58] Can a ult through silence suck?
[05:17:00] Are you at the fucking game?
[05:17:10] I don't get it.
[05:17:52] We killed everybody.
[05:17:54] Hold.
[05:18:55] That's gonna be questions, man.
[05:19:05] Hold these jumbulcamps and mine again.
[05:19:22] Yeah, this turns mad.
[05:19:47] Yeah, this turns mad.
[05:19:51] It's okay, you're low elo, we do not expect these things from you, it's all good, you're
[05:20:02] low elo.
[05:20:03] Yeah, so, never claimed to be good, yeah but that's crazy that I, like, D4 players think
[05:20:23] they're bad at the game, I mean they are, but I'm scared to play against you, he's
[05:20:33] a fan.
[05:20:34] Atlas you you fanboy ganked outplayed and died brother. You're one and seven you gave me first blood necklace our Gator and loser
[05:20:50] That's not true, bro. I'm still so hungry. I've eaten so I've ate so much today, but it's like it's not going to my stomach
[05:21:05] Take worm. Yeah, I love how that's the like first possible explanation
[05:21:25] I drink water drink a lot of water today actually if you were good on him
[05:22:53] I'm saying I'm having good yet. Hey, I don't know what just to bad mark. Thank you. There we go
[05:22:59] I'm gonna get in the day. I don't count. That was fun to shine baby. Oh, come here for me bud. Come here
[05:24:14] Come here. Bye. Bye. Thanks. He's gaming. Jeez the six and six first diamond
[05:24:43] Bro, you want to know I showed you last time in this account. I do not try hard
[05:24:48] I am playing to improve like to max out. I
[05:24:56] My potential on a certain character wouldn't understand that bro. I want it
[05:25:02] Now I'll play one more ggg game and I got to play warcraft 3
[05:25:06] An hour back from lost streak and 300 LP masters game after the game is over you drag your mouse right here
[05:25:30] Right here right here right here and you cue the fuck up again
[05:25:42] sponsor this ain't sponsored
[05:25:44] So I'm gonna count because you were scared of dropping out a challenger your dipshit. I played eight games and challenger
[05:26:07] Go find me out. Go find me another challenger player that plays eight games and challenger on stream though
[05:26:13] Go. Oh wait. Go. There's nobody by the way. Hold out there. Hold out there only dodging pros after scrims
[05:26:39] Yeah, yeah, I just think that's what I did like I queued up early today
[05:26:45] day because I knew that I was challenger so I started streaming at like 12 p.m.
[05:26:51] because I knew that at 8 p.m. the pros get out of scrims and they expose me in
[05:26:57] solo queue and ruin my rep. That's what I did. I'm dodging the pros.
[05:27:09] The forums are setting in. Why can't these dog shit medical rangers in that way?
[05:27:23] They just have to do nothing but the fuck is this twitch mobile tiktok update?
[05:27:26] Paid for that like dude some of these companies are so lost
[05:27:33] Board
[05:27:34] That they have to justify their job to do and just do random shit like that. We're gonna play Worldcraft 3 though
[05:27:45] It's pretty gangster. Yes, I'm probably only playing against AI today
[05:27:50] Because I just need to learn I haven't played it in so long
[05:28:17] Oops, I have to I have a sponsor a cake kill against pros Copeland one. Oops. I have to get getting good
[05:28:22] I played 8 games.
[05:28:24] What do you want from me?
[05:28:26] You know most of these challenger accounts are only playing the K games.
[05:28:30] You know that right?
[05:28:31] You know that right?
[05:28:32] Why are these dipshit chatters talk shit about Tyler?
[05:28:48] They can't even get out of gold, hard-stuck, goofy-ass kids,
[05:28:51] grow FFs and let us enjoy the stream?
[05:28:53] I like you.
[05:29:00] I like you, bro.
[05:29:01] He's spittin'.
[05:29:08] I said I had to start a stream.
[05:29:10] Bro, it's being lost on like Twitch viewers or like YouTube viewers
[05:29:15] Because they only consume like challenger content.
[05:29:19] But you guys have to understand that being a challenger tier player, only 300 people are challenger in the entire server of North America.
[05:29:32] Canada, New York, excuse me, N.A., right?
[05:29:36] There's only 300 people out of the billions that play ranked on this continent.
[05:29:43] I understand that and I'm one of them
[05:29:47] But it gets lost on you guys because you just sit here. Oh, he's a streamer challenger. So you take it for granted I
[05:29:54] Have a problem not only am I challenger?
[05:30:01] right, I'm a 2000 elo rated chess player and
[05:30:07] I'm a father
[05:30:15] Impressive is an understatement. Yeah, and I benched 450 pounds of squats. It's like dude
[05:30:29] I am so much better than all of you. I
[05:30:32] I am better than you!
[05:30:35] Dude, if this was like the 800BC, you'd be worshipping me.
[05:30:42] I would be your fucking king, you peasants.
[05:30:46] Actually true!
[05:30:47] You understand that?
[05:30:49] You should be blessed that we're living in the day we're living in.
[05:30:55] You'd be kissing my feet, bro.
[05:30:59] It's true, you would!
[05:31:14] Society's gone soft.
[05:31:30] He's getting flashbacks from the warly legends.
[05:31:32] He's been stretching him for years.
[05:31:34] Tyler the Humble, Tyler the Tall.
[05:31:41] Yep, yep, yep.
[05:31:46] I'm so fucking awesome.
[05:31:48] Crazy.
[05:31:50] Very crazy.
[05:31:52] Are we hitting rank one?
[05:32:03] In the ladder?
[05:32:05] I'm currently on the way to do that.
[05:32:07] God help us all.
[05:32:09] God help us all
[05:32:11] if I ever fucking touch
[05:32:13] rank one.
[05:32:15] help america
[05:32:18] all i will be fucking unbearable
[05:32:22] all my god
[05:32:24] you better pray
[05:32:36] what's going on
[05:32:42] i'll do it uh...
[05:33:22] is this getting remade
[05:33:46] client glitch notes not
[05:33:58] that's just too long section of the remake
[05:34:24] uh... all the way this guy is from laskin actually
[05:34:28] bye bye
[05:34:31] Bye bye, insane bye.
[05:34:33] You're lucky too.
[05:34:34] Do they get to beat the fuck out of Riven?
[05:34:36] 30 seconds until Mimmy will spawn.
[05:34:37] Wait.
[05:34:39] This, be my friend.
[05:34:41] Oh no.
[05:34:42] He'd be back.
[05:34:43] I'm Tyler1challengerSmerf.
[05:34:45] Check my Twitch.
[05:34:47] Goat.
[05:35:05] Cap.
[05:35:06] Mimmy has spawned.
[05:35:07] My support's name's Helen.
[05:35:09] Ha ha ha.
[05:35:32] Add it to the list with Melvin.
[05:35:45] You should have went conquer.
[05:35:46] Oh well.
[05:35:54] That's my grandma's name.
[05:35:57] My grandma's name is Billy, and my grandpa's name is Bob.
[05:36:00] I play gear and all the trash tops play him and I get Frilo. Oh nice.
[05:36:17] Hard stuck Helen.
[05:36:20] That's just not true, yes it is.
[05:36:45] Take that story, no it's not.
[05:37:12] Don't touch the wave.
[05:37:14] Playing to Diamond, I'm limit testing you fucking glow elo clowns.
[05:37:32] I will kill this guy one million times.
[05:37:48] Good death.
[05:37:49] terrible kill for him. I mean you've been limit testing in lousy for two years
[05:38:13] like that I pulled out today in Challenger and beat the fuck out of him.
[05:38:16] Come on Helen! Maxine I'm trying 3.3 Q. All because this guy got one
[05:39:03] kill. Look I'm a shit ton of XP, shit ton of CS. Dammit.
[05:39:47] So nice he's up here in Challenger. What a server. Dumbass, I'm Challenger on any server.
[05:39:51] What if there's a world record of 100 to 0 of her 100 power?
[05:40:35] It is E-MAT.
[05:40:36] I'm doing 3 points.
[05:40:38] Increases the silence, yes?
[05:40:40] Oh, it doesn't increase the silence.
[05:40:42] It's Cho'Gath.
[05:40:43] I'm at that mess.
[05:40:44] Okay, I remember.
[05:41:00] What is this, man, Jerry?
[05:41:31] Testing, boys!
[05:41:32] I'll take this fucking play.
[05:41:44] Just kidding.
[05:41:45] Play I could add to E-MAT.
[05:41:51] That should be huge.
[05:42:06] Magnetic play.
[05:42:07] I'm about to take a name for myself here.
[05:42:11] I'm about to take a name for myself here.
[05:42:14] I actually just lost a game.
[05:42:28] Oh, by the way.
[05:42:29] Crap!
[05:42:55] I'm low freakin' health.
[05:42:56] What will I do?
[05:42:57] Oh, nothing.
[05:42:58] I'll reach it.
[05:42:59] Idiot.
[05:43:00] Spitting name for you, Zen.
[05:43:18] Terrible top.
[05:43:50] LOL.
[05:43:51] Uh, LOL.
[05:44:00] I'm recalling in front of your tower.
[05:44:14] What are you gonna do about it, Riven?
[05:44:17] What are you going to do about it?
[05:44:20] Boy!
[05:44:41] I'm in a set now.
[05:44:42] Bad day at work.
[05:44:45] work my bot wins that very easily that's games over but they lost that should
[05:45:27] never be lost that all sums hey you stole it whatever I can't have lost
[05:46:32] actually what's up sherry baby I can't I can't I can't I can't believe it
[05:47:21] This guy's creeper now. I just lose.
[05:47:24] He can't have all anyway.
[05:48:17] I really want the fucking tower.
[05:48:20] This tower, I might have to die for it.
[05:48:24] I'm gonna find the football highlights.
[05:48:28] You doob.
[05:48:29] I'd have to die for this tower.
[05:48:34] You quit a lousy? No, I played a lousy today.
[05:48:36] They're a random malki, therefore.
[05:49:16] Do the combos. Stop backseat gaming me.
[05:49:29] I think I know what I'm doing.
[05:49:31] I'm better than you. I'm challenger.
[05:49:33] Five rolls. Multi-reachers.
[05:49:35] Dude you can't even spam cope on that because I am right now. I'm marvel jesus
[05:50:13] All right now, I don't get fucked with
[05:50:27] Let's go with the show. Please don't play elder ring. All right, bro. I'll use that as a sub
[05:50:37] Louisville
[05:50:53] Dumbass
[05:50:59] Wolverine of course we'll be over here. Oh, I'm just lucky. I want that I
[05:51:32] I get what I want. I get what I want. Pussy!
[05:51:57] Like I said, enjoy the fucking show. Like I said, enjoy the show.
[05:52:05] Get the fuck off the turd. Hey, back at the fuck up.
[05:52:15] Roadstop spinning on him? Fuck no. Doing the duggie on him.
[05:52:43] I'm getting dirty with it. Real dirty.
[05:52:47] Actually, this could be a collector. I think I'm gonna do it.
[05:52:57] Fuck your game!
[05:52:59] Teach me how to ducky! Teach me! Teach me how to ducky!
[05:53:02] Teach me how to ducky! Teach me how to ducky!
[05:53:05] AHHHHH!
[05:53:06] That's fucking broken shield, bro.
[05:54:05] Eight million fucking shielding.
[05:54:10] Animal has been slain.
[05:54:19] Has been slain.
[05:54:23] Marches as one.
[05:54:36] Bang angle?
[05:54:38] Uhhh, maybe, but I just want to go collect her.
[05:54:44] Has been slain.
[05:54:57] Bro, you actually walked all the way over here.
[05:55:08] Whatever my phase rush to come back up.
[05:55:21] Why are you so tanky? Just have a lot of heat. Be a satanic.
[05:55:28] They can't really build any armor in this game.
[05:55:42] I broke it into my fuckin' neck.
[05:55:44] Are you better than collector? Bro, I've built IE 3rd.
[05:55:59] Literally every single goddamn game.
[05:56:02] I'm just trying something fucking different.
[05:56:04] Bro, do you have to min- Dude, the internet is just dead.
[05:56:07] Gaming is just dead.
[05:56:09] You have to min-max.
[05:56:10] Well, actually technically, statistically, spanking, and I-
[05:56:13] Like shut the fuck up man. I
[05:56:19] Don't give a shit. I'm trying it
[05:56:22] Everything gonna help your team bro. You're coming in shit off. I'm staying
[05:57:50] Backs camps off I preserve and would give you problems your dumb ass on the greenest care in life
[05:58:07] I'm gonna ping off because it's an IT check
[05:58:55] They stay out of their dumb asses. Okay, they got up adds man put some more more ads, buddy
[05:59:26] I can do that for you.
[05:59:28] You shit, these F-nervers.
[05:59:52] WOOOOOOAH!
[05:59:54] A little bit too much dip on you, shit!
[05:59:56] See that real quick? Nice name.
[06:00:07] Gonna be here a while, bud.
[06:00:11] I wonder why this ends hard-stuck diamond.
[06:00:16] What, I actually made him do that?
[06:00:49] Uh, me taking this guy's gromp over and over again.
[06:01:08] They're upset, and that's okay.
[06:01:16] You're upset, and I get it.
[06:01:18] I get it, bro.
[06:01:20] old man can't even click guys get jokes fuck who's gonna stop me from so who's
[06:03:29] gonna stop me you I'm a young 29 let's cook them to joint pulse jumble
[06:04:33] afk bro it doesn't matter I'm in the midst of dropping a fucking muc completely
[06:04:58] taken over put this from RAD that goes so pressed I mean look at my teammate
[06:05:21] Scores like these guys have to be bored or three four seven three eight four six like not even KP like brother board
[06:05:28] All this chip is balanced. You're just bad. No guys learn how to counter a garen
[06:05:51] Yep, really balance you're just bad one of the game
[06:06:19] Other five manning me
[06:06:25] Dude, what do you mean?
[06:06:27] A lousy isn't a fucking bandwagon.
[06:06:31] Neither was Heimer or Quinn.
[06:06:35] I'm going full build.
[06:06:48] Maximum.
[06:07:03] GG.
[06:07:11] Dear god, this looks dangerous.
[06:07:14] Dude, it's not!
[06:07:18] I took gathering, oh shoot.
[06:07:20] But Rubingo, Starex has saved him so much.
[06:08:26] GG easy! Pop gap! Fuck, I could have done better. I could have for sure like 1v5 pinted him.
[06:08:45] They're like the perfect garen game. W reduces all, they have like no armor, fuck.
[06:08:49] Could have dropped 32. Zin Starex. It's just that you're really skilled at him.
[06:09:06] Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Ziya next time by Tabs. Think of that, Ziya had Tabs, she lives there.
[06:09:16] That's crazy. I built I built Phantom Dancer and then the game's just over on that spike
[06:09:30] I just don't fucking around this counts a little bit too high you know
[06:09:41] Better stuff fucking around
[06:09:44] That's my last game of League for the day
[06:09:47] Overall good day we gained one LP on our main. Yeah, um, I have a
[06:09:52] Warcraft 3 tournament on Friday at 2 p.m
[06:09:56] That I'm now going to practice for I haven't played this game in
[06:10:02] The ages.
[06:10:04] Mods, you changed game title.
[06:10:05] I was just gonna play for like an hour.
[06:10:07] I'm not a gamer, too.
[06:10:24] Never seen this game played?
[06:10:26] I used to play it as a kid.
[06:10:30] Back in my season eight days,
[06:10:32] Tyler couldn't beat Quinn and abused her to grandmothers.
[06:10:35] Oh, I did it.
[06:10:36] Remember back in my season 12 days,
[06:10:39] Tyler couldn't beat Tilloey.
[06:10:40] Back in my season 13 days,
[06:10:43] oh, fuck his game.
[06:10:44] I played Quinn before she got reworked.
[06:10:50] Oh, shut up. Let me focus.
[06:10:54] I haven't played this game in fucking... God knows how long.
[06:11:08] We never paid any heed to the ancient prophecies.
[06:11:16] This game was coded as a kid, he'll show you some...
[06:11:19] ...of the old hatreds...
[06:11:24] ...and fucked as we had for generations.
[06:11:27] Until the day the sky rained fire...
[06:12:02] ...and the new enemy came upon us.
[06:12:05] And now...
[06:12:43] ...upon the brink of destruction...
[06:12:45] The fingers that was hit that rain of chaos has come at last
[06:12:52] Okay, I have not played this. Oh my god. It's giving me flashback
[06:13:20] Dude, I used to sit on this week first guy dialogue internet
[06:13:24] I used to sit and like trying to aim a single player. I'm playing against box for this
[06:13:33] What's it ever between games me
[06:13:41] How do I play this like 8-pond? Does it play as boss?
[06:13:44] Is that custom?
[06:13:46] Yeah, it's probably not even that one.
[06:13:48] A few people probably don't even know this.
[06:13:49] Custom?
[06:14:00] Custom is how fast they build?
[06:14:02] Do an easy map.
[06:14:06] I'm gonna do an easy map. I haven't played forever.
[06:14:13] One-on-one. Normal. Start game.
[06:14:15] Wait, did I choose my breed?
[06:14:20] Wait, how do I choose my breed for my...
[06:14:27] Remember, it's one way. This is fine.
[06:14:32] Okay, see.
[06:14:33] Don't mind.
[06:14:34] Oh wait, wait, wait, wait.
[06:14:35] Wait, no, you take one away.
[06:14:39] Hey, can you put it in a tree?
[06:14:42] Okay, it's lumber, it's lumber.
[06:14:43] I can make more units with this.
[06:14:50] They're gonna champion.
[06:14:51] Oh wait, I'm covering too much.
[06:15:05] Girl, wait, am I, wait, you don't use a mouse?
[06:15:09] Is there eight keys?
[06:15:13] Don't you need lumber?
[06:15:19] Oh no, I need to build them.
[06:15:22] That's right, you need fast APM.
[06:15:24] Am I lagging?
[06:15:25] Okay.
[06:15:26] Are you building?
[06:15:28] I want a hero.
[06:15:30] I remember, I remember I need a hero.
[06:15:32] Boom.
[06:15:33] I built a hero.
[06:15:42] I need mana wells as well.
[06:15:44] A barracks of rocks, ocean of war.
[06:15:54] Oh, I can run these trees
[06:15:55] can uproot and fight as well.
[06:15:59] Oh, but I need a keep for food.
[06:16:02] That's right, you need to increase this
[06:16:05] to get their food bubbles up.
[06:16:06] Go mine, go get trees, bro.
[06:16:15] The well to create food.
[06:16:18] I mean it gives you mana if you use it.
[06:16:22] My god bro, it's all coming back to me.
[06:16:24] I'm winning this bitch.
[06:16:28] I'm winning this bitch.
[06:16:33] Wait, don't these guys have like a nutty serum?
[06:16:37] Demon Hunter, it's him.
[06:16:41] Wait, can I make two wisps up?
[06:16:45] If I make two wisps?
[06:16:47] Can I build faster?
[06:16:55] Your building is complete.
[06:16:57] I need more wells.
[06:17:01] More wells, well, well, well.
[06:17:03] Put it on the outside.
[06:17:05] There's all this land that I've explored.
[06:17:07] Your building is complete.
[06:17:09] In the, uh, in the autumn archers.
[06:17:18] Oh, the duck!
[06:17:20] The hunters are like, uh, sipper, right?
[06:17:22] I remember, I remember!
[06:17:24] We're the ones that ride the, uh, uh...
[06:17:28] Sabertooth.
[06:17:29] Wait, I-I have three idle workers in that building.
[06:17:36] There is no-no-no mine.
[06:17:39] I got this in bad spot for my camera, I'm gonna put it here.
[06:17:44] More wells.
[06:17:52] Stand ready.
[06:17:53] I'm still waiting on my hero.
[06:18:01] Your building is complete.
[06:18:05] Mate, I mean, this is done.
[06:18:06] It's still a...
[06:18:07] You can build double!
[06:18:09] We're in a hunter hole?
[06:18:12] Anymore wood?
[06:18:15] At last, we shall have...
[06:18:17] We must get to leisure.
[06:18:18] Let's go!
[06:18:19] I'm going to meet you!
[06:18:20] Let's scout!
[06:18:21] Let's find the enemy!
[06:18:22] Don't let it call!
[06:18:23] All right, while we're scouting,
[06:18:24] I'm supposed to...
[06:18:26] At last.
[06:18:27] I'm supposed to go like make things, no or I didn't I did a hunter's haul I put it put it back here
[06:18:39] My blade first your building is complete. I stand ready. This will protect the base
[06:18:56] Get what get what? There's gotta be a hockey for the hunt. The time has come
[06:19:06] Game volume is too loud. On a door and a door
[06:19:09] Though I be damned. I don't know if it's really actually how fun it is. I stand ready
[06:19:30] But find the enemy's base.
[06:19:35] Quickly.
[06:19:44] Oh, if you kill me, it's still a bloodbath.
[06:19:46] At last.
[06:20:11] We're having this bitch give me another well.
[06:20:18] Stop fucking standing around. Do something.
[06:20:20] My blade thirsts.
[06:20:26] End me.
[06:20:39] Options always show.
[06:20:41] Fuck full screen.
[06:21:13] I don't know what else to do, someone's gonna say back.
[06:21:20] Turn your speakers up, it's not my problem.
[06:21:22] God is like my path.
[06:21:24] Wait, where's my ash?
[06:21:26] First that's die fucking killed her speak your mind I
[06:21:33] Shall not fear the time has come. No, we must act at last
[06:21:49] I should send a wisp to fight or like you'll say that
[06:21:54] I mean this second
[06:21:56] to find them
[06:21:58] Well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm fucking terrified that these guys are probably way ahead of my goal
[06:22:02] No more damage? That is a waste. Let's wait.
[06:22:13] Three of ages? What's that?
[06:22:15] Don't want items?
[06:22:25] Goddess light my path.
[06:22:27] Oh wait, I can upgrade this!
[06:22:32] Can you start upgrading that?
[06:22:34] Let's also build just in case a defensive protector.
[06:22:39] We can't build there.
[06:22:42] Quickly.
[06:22:46] Point the way.
[06:22:47] Is it clear?
[06:22:48] All too easy.
[06:22:49] Quickly.
[06:22:52] That's no level up for me.
[06:22:54] Yeah.
[06:22:55] God is like my power.
[06:22:56] Don't know what they call.
[06:23:03] Oh shit!
[06:23:04] Oh shit!
[06:23:07] Okay they're orcs, they're orcs.
[06:23:08] Oh shit! This guy's got a goon squad.
[06:23:10] This guy's got a goon squad.
[06:23:11] Come on, come on, come on, come on!
[06:23:12] Oh shit!
[06:23:14] Be damned.
[06:23:15] Oh fuck.
[06:23:16] Get to building.
[06:23:18] Get to building.
[06:23:19] Get to building.
[06:23:22] Our warriors have engaged in-
[06:23:24] No!
[06:23:25] The time has come.
[06:23:30] Anadoranador, turn on the call.
[06:23:34] Wait, this guy? Wait, he killed his camps already?
[06:23:39] Anadoranador.
[06:23:40] Your failure is complete.
[06:23:43] At last.
[06:23:54] Is that up to you?
[06:23:55] Yes.
[06:23:56] Does it have any rockets?
[06:23:57] Pick it up!
[06:23:58] Your blood is mine.
[06:24:01] At last.
[06:24:11] Hey, I have two of these thingies. I have Hella Wells, I have Hella Gold, I have Hella Wood, and I get bitches.
[06:24:23] Put it right there, I think it's based on the bottom. You guys can't travel through water, but there's flying things.
[06:24:28] Come on guys. Come on.
[06:24:32] Though I be damned.
[06:24:34] I'm saying that, man.
[06:24:42] The time has come.
[06:24:47] Oh, here's a bed. Oh my god.
[06:24:51] Upgrades are to avenge.
[06:24:59] Upgrades finished. What can I build?
[06:25:01] Oh, he's an orc? I think he's low-ranked.
[06:25:14] What more of these?
[06:25:15] Let's also wait. I can build something else now.
[06:25:19] Your building is complete.
[06:25:21] A wisp. Oh, it eats the wisp!
[06:25:23] That's right.
[06:25:24] This is it.
[06:25:29] At last.
[06:25:37] Am I doing so far good?
[06:25:38] so far good
[06:25:43] goddess like my god command me it'd be damned
[06:25:50] but yeah I can make it out of here without having to shoot me warrior
[06:26:01] the time has come on a door and a door
[06:26:06] to run a call I'm not the stubble upon the scary knowing
[06:26:11] on a door and a door bro if if yous are not gonna be sad
[06:26:16] Oh shit, can we take these guys?
[06:26:19] I blade test.
[06:26:25] Blade test.
[06:26:43] You're building is conflict.
[06:26:44] Get the fucking troops, bro!
[06:26:52] Ah, it's... okay, these are...
[06:26:54] Warriors of the night, assemble!
[06:27:06] Can't I smoke out this poison attack with snow?
[06:27:11] One of these, I guess?
[06:27:13] Look at it, it's upbringing.
[06:27:15] Options Classic Graphics broken. What the f***ing Classic Graphics for?
[06:27:24] What am I? Oh.
[06:27:43] Not be modified while you're in game. Stop crying. Oh my god.
[06:27:48] Wait, wait, wait.
[06:27:50] This isn't exactly how I remembered it. I'm gonna freak out.
[06:27:53] Oh, I be damned.
[06:27:55] What's this?
[06:27:56] This bitch, fuck!
[06:27:57] I used to be so good at this, I swear to god I did.
[06:28:08] I used to be so good at this, I was looking for a break.
[06:28:10] The sleeper has awakened.
[06:28:14] My blade thirsts...
[06:28:16] ...Panatoranatur.
[06:28:31] Wait, and now I can sell these things, right?
[06:28:34] At last.
[06:28:37] Go.
[06:28:38] My guys, we...
[06:28:39] Research finished.
[06:28:42] Let's look at them kind of playing slow.
[06:28:44] Quickly.
[06:28:47] Panatoranatur.
[06:28:49] I need more, I need more.
[06:28:52] I need more Huntress, whatever.
[06:28:54] My strength is yours.
[06:28:56] I'm awake. I'm awake. Oh, I need bells. We can't go there. Time has come. So I be
[06:29:21] Oh, I have a lot of them.
[06:29:22] Goddess, light my path.
[06:29:24] At last.
[06:29:33] The sleeper has...
[06:29:34] Oh, shit! Wait, what's this guy doing?
[06:29:36] Knock him up!
[06:29:37] So I beat them up.
[06:29:40] I'm on a torrent of war.
[06:29:42] Oh, hello?
[06:29:43] He's my base. The death's my base.
[06:29:52] Light my path.
[06:29:53] What?!
[06:29:55] Hey, whatever. We found his base. We found his base.
[06:29:57] I'm missing a building or something.
[06:30:07] The sleeper has...
[06:30:08] Your building is complete.
[06:30:10] My blade firsts.
[06:30:12] This is what I wanted. Aerial salt.
[06:30:31] Oh, I got a fucking army.
[06:30:35] Also, I need an- Oh, I need to get more whiz and make another tree so I get the-
[06:30:47] Uh, gold mine.
[06:30:55] Come on, boys. Slow down the APM. How high is my APM right now?
[06:31:07] So I be damned...
[06:31:10] Anatoranator.
[06:31:14] Crazy higher one!
[06:31:15] So I be damned...
[06:31:27] So low up-
[06:31:28] Oh?
[06:31:28] Your building is complete.
[06:31:41] Oh well.
[06:31:42] We can't build there.
[06:31:45] My army size!
[06:31:46] AAAAAAAAH!
[06:31:47] My army!
[06:31:49] AAAAAAAAH!
[06:31:50] Disagree-ness.
[06:31:52] The fuck would you give?
[06:31:54] Yeah bitches!
[06:32:02] Yeah squad!
[06:32:04] OOOH, MAN!
[06:32:18] Oh, this is my other hero, I hear you.
[06:32:28] Ow, Scout.
[06:32:37] OH SHIT!
[06:33:18] Bro, play- I remember Blade Master, the most broken character in the fucking game.
[06:33:22] I don't think this is over. I've come out.
[06:33:25] Am I in Tangle?
[06:33:29] I am Vigilant.
[06:33:33] Fuck it, all, all, all, all flying, all flying.
[06:33:40] We are poised to strike.
[06:33:42] Oh, you're a vang.
[06:33:49] Yeah, GG, bro. Look at his face today. He's fucking cheating.
[06:33:52] We must act.
[06:33:54] The goddess agrees.
[06:33:56] I'm upgrade, bro.
[06:33:59] I am Vigilant.
[06:34:05] In the way.
[06:34:08] But my army's still good-sized.
[06:34:10] Wow, I need a new Bounce of Boomerang.
[06:34:18] Hey, upgrade that.
[06:34:19] Trust in my command.
[06:34:27] What are you doing, you dumb wist?
[06:34:29] FUN!
[06:34:41] Holy fuck, my class sucks! Stop de-
[06:34:43] What a god!
[06:34:47] OOOH!
[06:34:52] Research finished.
[06:34:55] Shouldn't have built this druid shit.
[06:35:16] I mean, this is a decent sized army drill, and plus, I remembered I can uproot the tree.
[06:35:21] Also, it's a nice thing to protect this base.
[06:35:26] must act we must act trust in my command leaving the way as I walk here I mean
[06:35:53] this hasn't scouted my base yet fucking do some free of attorney to upgrade a
[06:35:59] kid I got two boys to strike trust in my command the goddess agrees
[06:36:28] I'm a warrior?
[06:36:33] Yeah, let's have a look.
[06:36:34] I'm a warrior?
[06:36:35] Fuck!
[06:36:37] I'm a tornado.
[06:37:00] We must act.
[06:37:02] Oh I didn't know it.
[06:37:03] This guy has a blade master.
[06:37:04] And I remember that shit crits, doesn't it?
[06:37:09] That blade master like spam crits.
[06:37:12] You guys get so mad.
[06:37:15] Our gold mine has collapsed.
[06:37:17] No!
[06:37:18] Get in the trees.
[06:37:19] Get in the fucking trees.
[06:37:20] Get in the trees.
[06:37:22] We have Polis to strike.
[06:37:29] Here we go.
[06:37:30] Dammit, Carl.
[06:37:31] Is this guy actually target area units?
[06:38:10] Why is he fighting this war?
[06:38:11] Why am I hero? Why do these guys only fight area units?
[06:38:14] My blade firsts.
[06:38:21] Upgrade finished.
[06:38:23] At last.
[06:38:24] Oh my god, I've shoulder my entire army.
[06:38:26] Where can I strike?
[06:38:29] My blade firsts.
[06:38:31] Oh my god, I've shoulder my entire army.
[06:38:44] We can't build there.
[06:38:45] What the fuck up? Nobody's asking for a fucking opinion.
[06:38:48] My units!
[06:38:49] But I have to put archers on them?
[06:38:55] Oh my god, archers, archers, cancel, cancel.
[06:38:57] Goddess life my path
[06:39:13] Our warriors have engaged the
[06:39:46] Go stand ready standing God
[06:39:56] For our chairs we must act to be damned
[06:40:04] Right here
[06:40:06] Wait! Idiots!
[06:40:16] Whoa! Oh my god that was all my gold!
[06:40:18] Oh my god oh my god oh my...
[06:40:24] Trains? Cormieries? What are those?
[06:40:26] Everybody have a rider!
[06:40:42] Everybody has a rider!
[06:40:50] Why's my map black?
[06:40:52] Why's my map black?
[06:40:54] Bug devs?
[06:41:00] Everybody has a rider!
[06:41:02] I'm asking you love some ass?
[06:41:04] We must act I stand ready I'll print it in my abilities
[06:41:30] Done all too easy
[06:41:36] Fair enough
[06:41:39] quickly
[06:41:41] If they were raiding in a while
[06:41:43] Or Warcraft 3. What would my rating be right now research finished your building is complete
[06:41:51] I'm flying to hit a dragon.
[06:41:54] Insufficient gold.
[06:41:55] Iron 5?
[06:42:01] Oh shit, whiff the dragons.
[06:42:04] Back up, back up, base, base, base, base, base.
[06:42:13] I blade thirsts.
[06:42:16] Our sacred grove is being desecrated.
[06:42:23] Oh my god, are you really that slow?
[06:42:29] In position.
[06:42:32] As the goddess rules.
[06:42:37] Triant may not move.
[06:42:43] Research finished.
[06:42:44] Whoa, bro
[06:42:56] The time has come
[06:42:58] We got one dragon
[06:43:06] Well, I have like entanglers and shit. All right one dragon standard wing and one more dragon
[06:43:12] My research is complete there. My research is complete there. The archers are good. I'm out of gold. I have a couple whists
[06:43:18] command me
[06:43:20] I'm a tornado
[06:43:23] Wait for one more dragon. I can zoom out. We must act
[06:43:33] Trust in my command.
[06:43:36] Can I afford anything else to do with this?
[06:43:44] My units are healed.
[06:43:46] We must act.
[06:43:48] Stand in guard. I shall not fear.
[06:43:55] All this is it.
[06:44:04] At last.
[06:44:08] We are poised to strike.
[06:44:10] As I thought.
[06:44:12] I cannot highlight everybody.
[06:44:14] There's a limit to highlight.
[06:44:16] I am vigilant.
[06:44:21] Leading the way.
[06:44:23] We must act.
[06:44:24] My base looks so pathetic, Zundow.
[06:44:30] Trust in my command.
[06:44:33] Onward!
[06:44:35] My blade thirsts.
[06:44:38] For what?
[06:44:42] We must act.
[06:44:49] The time has come.
[06:44:52] Quickly.
[06:44:53] We're squatting.
[06:44:54] I am vigilant.
[06:44:56] My blade thirsts.
[06:45:02] On a door, on a door.
[06:45:04] We are pleased to strike.
[06:45:05] I'll do it.
[06:45:06] And last.
[06:45:09] Back up, back up, back up, back up, back up!
[06:45:12] Focus, focus!
[06:45:22] Dark Weaver!
[06:45:23] At last.
[06:45:53] This is, this is, this is all.
[06:45:55] The time has come.
[06:45:57] This is it.
[06:46:03] On a door and a door.
[06:46:29] For fuck's sake, serious?
[06:46:36] Fuck it, come on, Wes.
[06:46:39] Fuck it.
[06:46:40] My blade thirsts.
[06:46:43] Fuck it.
[06:46:47] Dennis, if that's, dude.
[06:46:51] This has to be like the cringiest,
[06:46:53] Desperate thing I've ever seen. I gotta take my buildings and have me and fight for me and then my fucking little worker peons come fight for me
[06:47:04] It's gonna take me all day to get over there
[06:47:19] Last stand
[06:47:23] Last stand
[06:47:24] Who like sending women and children to fight for you?
[06:47:51] No, it's like survival of the dude. I gotta do what I gotta do to survive
[06:47:57] It is what it is, bro
[06:48:06] How far can I zoom in? Oh shit. Oh shit. How far can I zoom out? Right there.
[06:48:22] My blade thirsts.
[06:48:25] Come on guys. It is what it is. General Steincamp.
[06:48:33] Don't lose faith, my warriors, until there is no tree standing we can fight.
[06:48:45] We must act.
[06:48:55] 85 year old, it's in the mall bro!
[06:49:14] We must act.
[06:49:24] He's one to go scout ahead with us.
[06:49:32] Oh shit.
[06:49:33] Oh shit, here we go.
[06:49:35] Back up, back up, tree, back up, back up.
[06:49:38] First things first.
[06:49:41] Detonate.
[06:49:43] Detonate.
[06:49:48] Detonate.
[06:49:50] Alright, well they just, we sent them to...
[06:49:57] Okay, well, we've dated committed suicide.
[06:49:59] Uhhh!
[06:50:00] Alrighty, boys.
[06:50:02] Well, okay.
[06:50:03] Listen.
[06:50:04] To the skies.
[06:50:05] Where's my, uh, blade master?
[06:50:06] He has come.
[06:50:10] Stop.
[06:50:11] Oh, I be damned.
[06:50:13] Guys, this is it for us.
[06:50:15] Turn on that call.
[06:50:16] Guys, this is it.
[06:50:17] I'm not gonna lie.
[06:50:18] Gramps, opps, I'm sorry.
[06:50:20] You raised a piece of shit.
[06:50:22] I'm a failure of a general.
[06:50:24] I am terribly sorry.
[06:50:25] Give it your all, and may God have mercy on our souls.
[06:50:28] Fucking come on man move!
[06:50:38] At last.
[06:50:42] On a tornado.
[06:50:45] Quickly.
[06:50:50] It's the game speed? I think I did fast.
[06:50:52] It's not the-
[06:50:53] Be damned.
[06:50:56] On a tornado.
[06:51:02] At last.
[06:51:05] Brother.
[06:51:07] Can't you move man?
[06:51:09] There you are again.
[06:51:18] I blade firsts.
[06:51:20] At last.
[06:51:25] Run the call.
[06:51:28] Stalling up stalling.
[06:51:29] Though I be damned.
[06:51:32] On the door
[06:51:34] Turn on their car. Here we go boys
[06:51:36] The time has come
[06:51:42] Our final stand! FIGHT!
[06:51:44] Take wing. Let's go see their base real quick. Was it really that one sighted?
[06:52:49] Too easy
[06:52:54] Take wing
[06:52:55] Too easy
[06:53:03] To the skies all too easy
[06:53:08] To the skies hold on
[06:53:12] Hold on. Take wing.
[06:53:15] Are those drop-off bits?
[06:53:17] Waiting on you. To the skies.
[06:53:21] Take wing.
[06:53:25] Oh my god, they have multiple slumbers? They have archer towers?
[06:53:28] Hold on. Too easy.
[06:53:35] They don't stand a chance. All too easy.
[06:53:40] Hold on.
[06:53:41] Our warriors have engaged in them.
[06:53:46] To the skies.
[06:53:48] Move!
[06:53:50] Alright, let's check.
[06:54:29] Unit score almost doubled my hero score
[06:54:33] 5 times the resource score, pretty even.
[06:54:37] Total score doubled.
[06:54:39] We produced the same amount of units.
[06:54:42] I killed 17 of his, he killed 69.
[06:54:46] Almost same buildings.
[06:54:48] He maxed out his army.
[06:54:53] His hero was a little sick.
[06:55:04] Okay, I fucked up.
[06:55:06] I wanna do undead!
[06:55:11] Bro, this guy stinks fuck you, soda poppin' you loser ass bitch, this is your life, kid.
[06:55:19] People, I'm not playing with people, man.
[06:55:35] I'll get my ass kicked!
[06:55:47] After choosing the map, you can pick your race.
[06:55:49] Do these maps really matter?
[06:55:52] Like, does it...
[06:55:53] If I'm a noob and I'm just playing against bots, do the maps matter?
[06:55:59] You're gonna be a first round exit, lil bro?
[06:56:02] I can win, man.
[06:56:03] Everybody else is just as bad as me if I'm putting in practice, though.
[06:56:07] Like, I'm trying to improve.
[06:56:09] Lost temple?
[06:56:22] Okay, now what?
[06:56:24] What do I do now?
[06:56:38] Dead!
[06:56:39] Try to think of what Undead had.
[06:56:41] Undead had, like, skeletons?
[06:56:42] Normal game speed?
[06:57:02] Played Human to the easiest?
[06:57:04] What's the- is- is Human to the easiest?
[06:57:10] Easiest?
[06:57:24] Most efficient class for a noob?
[06:57:27] That if I were to play somebody who's also a noob, I could win.
[06:57:34] I could jump on for a sec if you want.
[06:57:36] I'm supposed to- fuck yourself.
[06:57:40] Org? How do I put these guys as easy?
[06:58:09] What you want?
[06:58:10] What you want?
[06:58:11] Doing? I can do that.
[06:58:13] Orgay! I'm going!
[06:58:16] What you want?
[06:58:17] Okay!
[06:58:19] Alright!
[06:58:22] Something to do with you, what you want?
[06:58:27] Alter.
[06:58:33] I like dorns.
[06:58:35] Ready to work.
[06:58:41] Yeah.
[06:58:41] You work, dumbass!
[06:58:43] Fuck you, dude! Stand around! Get to fucking work!
[06:59:00] One per time, though.
[06:59:01] I gotta get my altar up a couple of troops and go level up on uh
[06:59:06] What should I call it?
[06:59:13] Go level up on ants. No pill bro
[06:59:29] Buttons toggle by minimap turn off formations. I'll make you use that their own rate instead of slow stone army
[06:59:34] Every second I have a gameplay master
[06:59:47] Easily way master. I'm relax
[06:59:50] All right, let's get a uh
[06:59:52] Barracks
[06:59:58] Shit go make me another uh
[07:00:00] Or oh happy to be workers should I have on average? Like I feel like I don't want to waste a lot of my
[07:00:22] Upkeep or my food on minions
[07:00:26] five on gold
[07:00:37] Seven on wood three on wood five on gold
[07:00:57] I
[07:01:02] My god, I remember this character. Oh, I hate this shit so much
[07:01:17] This guy gets so annoying late game
[07:01:29] Yes
[07:01:54] I want to go to the green mark on the map right?
[07:03:00] Swobo, noob-tah, dabu, samsa dabu.
[07:03:03] Word task is there.
[07:03:05] Excellent choice.
[07:03:06] Hey, yes!
[07:03:08] Are you Hiddle and Obey?
[07:03:10] Are you Hiddle and Obey?
[07:03:11] No, boys.
[07:03:15] If like me, I feel like I have a plan now.
[07:03:17] Oh.
[07:03:18] This is going to like me.
[07:03:19] Yes!
[07:03:20] Hey, excellent choice.
[07:03:22] Are you Hiddle and Obey?
[07:03:24] Hey, excellent choice.
[07:03:25] Yes!
[07:03:30] Yes, alone.
[07:03:31] Word task is there.
[07:03:36] I am yours.
[07:03:41] Have no mana. Who was flaskin'?
[07:04:05] Excellent choice. Task is there. Are you Hiddle and Obey?
[07:04:15] Yes! Hey! Yes!
[07:04:18] Excellent choice. Are you Hiddle and Obey?
[07:04:20] Yes.
[07:04:21] S'woaboo. I am yours.
[07:04:25] Oh, they'll get you.
[07:04:33] Master?
[07:04:42] Yes, Lord.
[07:04:43] Well, I like the wisps better because they're fucking it.
[07:05:03] Like, I feel like I'm gonna build more.
[07:05:05] Look, I'm just like stuck here. We should build more, uh...
[07:05:17] Task is there. Hey!
[07:05:21] Are you Hiddle and Obey?
[07:05:23] Feel out of it.
[07:05:23] Are you Hiddle and Obey?
[07:05:25] Excuse me, guys.
[07:05:30] Yes!
[07:05:33] You're taking a sip.
[07:05:36] Excellent choice!
[07:05:37] Hey, excellent choice!
[07:05:45] Put a couple of these spear throwers.
[07:05:49] Wait for Stronghold to upgrade.
[07:05:53] At what point do I want another gold mine?
[07:05:56] Yes!
[07:05:58] Yes!
[07:05:58] Are you Hiddle and Obey?
[07:06:00] Excellent choice!
[07:06:01] Hey, taste my braid!
[07:06:03] My braid!
[07:06:07] As soon as possible.
[07:06:09] I should like go all the way over here? Like right here?
[07:06:11] Kill this one? Okay, I'll do that next time.
[07:06:14] The only way to pass is there.
[07:06:16] I need this!
[07:06:17] Yes! Ha!
[07:06:26] Absolute choice!
[07:06:27] Ha!
[07:06:28] Absolute choice!
[07:06:29] Why?! Stop auto-canceling! Holy fuck! Can I kite?!
[07:06:32] Yes!
[07:06:32] Goddamn!
[07:06:33] Choice!
[07:06:35] Yes!
[07:06:39] Dangerous force.
[07:06:40] What are you doing, bro?
[07:06:46] Yes, Lord.
[07:06:49] Are you here or am I locked?
[07:06:51] I'll break my arms.
[07:06:54] Okay, is this stuff worth upgrading, like the Warmill abilities? Is it? A noticeable effect?
[07:07:01] Excellent choice. Hey! Yes!
[07:07:08] Yes? Both the armor and the MR, or the attack and Hadean?
[07:07:15] Are you here to...
[07:07:16] Attack and defense. Holy fuck.
[07:07:18] For this goddamn mind, boys!
[07:07:26] Are you here to...
[07:07:28] ask me where I least...
[07:07:30] What do you want?
[07:07:32] Yes, sir. Hey, my name...
[07:07:34] I
[07:08:09] Have a lot here
[07:08:12] Let's get this upgraded more
[07:08:15] Sky is just my hero builder ready to work my burrow builder, bro something you do we want to do for me a great call
[07:08:28] Double mine I got
[07:08:30] Are you here and obey?
[07:08:32] Yes, I'm not sponsored. I have a warcraft 3 tournament. I am playing in on Friday. I am yours
[07:08:56] Dropout finishing mass everybody is new
[07:09:01] It's not like I'll be the worst one and everybody's just as bad as me
[07:09:07] shit that one lasted how much they change you bro
[07:09:23] World of War 3 is like a fucking 80 years old nobody's like yo bro you have
[07:09:28] Make this game pop, like no!
[07:09:30] Are you here to handle big?
[07:09:33] Wow, sponsors weren't. It's you.
[07:09:35] I am yours. Yes!
[07:09:37] Word, task is there now.
[07:09:54] You scared me, I thought I was a fucking player.
[07:10:03] Can't build something you're doing.
[07:10:13] I should build this guy. I'm gonna just have it all.
[07:10:15] Hey, excellent choice.
[07:10:17] Are you here to handle big?
[07:10:19] Excellent choice. Yes!
[07:10:21] Hey, yes!
[07:10:23] Word, task is there now.
[07:10:25] I haven't upgraded.
[07:10:26] Are you a hero and a bear?
[07:10:37] I am a hero and a bear!
[07:10:39] Excellent choice!
[07:10:40] Hey! Hey! Taste in my bread!
[07:10:43] Come! Battle!
[07:10:44] I am yours!
[07:10:45] Ha!
[07:10:47] Yes, Lord!
[07:10:48] Oh, sir! Stop it!
[07:10:49] This is the least...
[07:10:50] Oh!
[07:10:51] First time!
[07:10:52] You didn't fuck it?
[07:11:08] Yes, Lord!
[07:11:09] Are you a hero and a bear?
[07:11:11] Excellent choice!
[07:11:12] Oh!
[07:11:13] You killed the out-of-here-forever kid to work!
[07:11:20] Fucking grunts!
[07:11:22] You worthless fucking grunt! Get the fucking mining!
[07:11:26] Yes! Are you hiddle and obey? We're complete!
[07:11:40] Say a million grunts!
[07:11:42] Oh! Excellent choice!
[07:11:44] Yes! Are you hiddle and obey?
[07:11:46] Excellent choice!
[07:11:48] Excellent choice!
[07:11:50] What the fuck's this guy base?
[07:11:54] Oh! What if I'm being killed?
[07:11:56] At what point should you upgrade to the maximum?
[07:12:00] As soon as possible.
[07:12:03] Yes, sir.
[07:12:04] Oh, how's the...
[07:12:18] Ventory is full.
[07:12:19] Oh, no.
[07:12:22] Very full.
[07:12:23] Yes, sir.
[07:12:24] Are you here in the bay?
[07:12:25] Alright, it's night.
[07:12:26] Go heal up.
[07:12:27] Excellent choice.
[07:12:28] Research complete.
[07:12:29] Alright, we got Brute strength complete.
[07:12:30] Can I make another...
[07:12:31] Erocks for faster?
[07:12:33] What's this?
[07:12:34] Shaman?
[07:12:39] Research complete.
[07:12:40] Let's try it.
[07:12:41] Form and shift it.
[07:12:52] This guy's like an Alistar tank.
[07:12:54] Like...
[07:13:08] What else?
[07:13:09] I do the loop.
[07:13:18] This guy looks weak as fuck. I'm not gonna appeal with the fucking shot, but they look like pussy.
[07:13:37] How about this guy over here? Let's see what these these uh windriders look like.
[07:13:43] Lord, I am yours. Direct threat to the soul master. Are there enemies above?
[07:13:52] This guy's a scouter. He's a scout.
[07:13:58] And these pussies are...
[07:14:01] Oh, we got another champion?
[07:14:07] Wait, if I take these guys now?
[07:14:13] research complete
[07:15:55] Oh my god, I knew he was broken man. I'm real playing him as a fucking kid. He was fucking shit. I wiped him I think
[07:16:47] I think his base is right here. You guys hit him around a little bit. Hey hero back
[07:17:06] Ready to rise
[07:17:08] It's harassing, it's harassing
[07:17:13] It's low upkeep
[07:17:17] Oh shit, it's green
[07:17:21] Excellent choice
[07:17:22] We're under attack
[07:17:27] Enemies above
[07:17:28] Oh man!
[07:17:31] I think we can fuck off this uh
[07:17:35] Pace right here
[07:17:36] Just a little bit
[07:17:38] Say the word
[07:17:41] Ready to rise
[07:17:44] Oh boy, fuck him up
[07:17:58] Fuck him up, boy
[07:18:00] I am yours excellent choice. Are you here and obey that come here pussy?
[07:18:27] You guys are so my guys are so tasty by the way
[07:20:06] My APM probably like 120 right now. Can you shut the fuck up?
[07:20:10] Lock the fucking. Where's this guy going? Where are you going up? Oh?
[07:21:58] Holy fuck. I'm actually so what am I not am I like
[07:22:06] Are you hit or am I dead?
[07:22:09] Excellent choice.
[07:22:10] Yeah, we past room a little bit.
[07:22:11] Let's build an army.
[07:22:24] I feel like all my shit sucks.
[07:22:26] I feel like all this shit sucks.
[07:22:33] And hundreds to preservers.
[07:22:35] Eric, should I make it two?
[07:22:45] Dude, I feel like my grunts are shit though.
[07:23:00] What you want me to do?
[07:23:02] What you want me to do?
[07:23:21] This upgrade looks like right now.
[07:23:40] Like, dude, I got him trolling.
[07:23:43] Like, bro, it's taking me so fucking long to get
[07:23:45] god damn you know it's on the battlefield. I don't want to go three heroes, I can't manage it in my life.
[07:24:04] Alright, we have this little drunk bitch.
[07:24:07] Let's get grunts this shit.
[07:24:10] Get some grunts. I don't know what else to get like.
[07:24:46] I don't like the shaman they seem so boring.
[07:24:50] They're lame bro, they're lame.
[07:24:53] Are these serics when they seem fucking coated now?
[07:24:55] now I don't think this is at first demolishers heroes back you suck shot
[07:25:13] gold mine has collapsed yes hello really our gold mines dead already there's
[07:25:18] work more dogs it's good when we're right right I think I can repair this
[07:25:31] right here where my workers repair this I work together guys research
[07:25:42] complete all right we learned burning oil
[07:25:45] We're completely past us on this step.
[07:25:54] I'm a spellcaster.
[07:25:59] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
[07:26:00] Is there a way for this to auto-cast?
[07:26:02] Do I have to, like, choose this every time?
[07:26:05] Well, I cannot auto-cast.
[07:26:18] What is auto-cast?
[07:26:19] What would you last up to be?
[07:26:21] Bone-double.
[07:26:22] I mean, bro, I'm at almost full up.
[07:26:24] I can build one more.
[07:26:25] What was the student doing?
[07:26:33] I shit's upgraded.
[07:26:35] Waiting on a couple more units.
[07:26:36] Bro, this has to be good enough.
[07:26:37] I was all anti-air by the way or he knew that I was all
[07:28:59] No air control. Don't these guys fucking insin snare break up to the ground so you can beat their fucking ass
[07:29:19] I'm making all these guys out you should
[07:29:43] Uprated my raiders fucking worthless dog bro
[07:29:53] Like do I have to click this in combat? Oh, that's so hard
[07:30:09] Don't for this bro the fucking shaman
[07:30:44] Is it my army bro, excellent choice bro my blade master
[07:31:02] No, cheese
[07:31:18] Air support! You're a pussy bro!
[07:31:21] Bitch bro!
[07:31:25] Ready to ride!
[07:31:26] Get the boys!
[07:31:28] Yes sir lord! Are you Hiddle and the Big?
[07:31:36] Excellent choice!
[07:31:37] Are you Hiddle and the Big?
[07:33:05] That's for sure!
[07:33:06] Kill this guy! Hello!
[07:33:07] That's for sure!
[07:33:24] So suck!
[07:33:27] Yes sir lord! Taste my pain!
[07:33:29] Excellent choice!
[07:33:31] Quick quick!
[07:33:32] Excellent choice!
[07:33:34] Yes sir!
[07:33:35] Are you Hiddle and the Big?
[07:33:37] Are you running to dim shits?
[07:33:39] Yes sir!
[07:33:40] Yes sir!
[07:33:48] Excellent choice!
[07:33:49] He got me off his base.
[07:33:50] New things.
[07:33:51] I should want to go.
[07:33:52] I'll see you there.
[07:33:58] Yes! Taste of my faith!
[07:34:00] He can be so long to kill this guy!
[07:34:16] Excellent choice.
[07:35:15] Now I'm dead. All the players dead.
[07:35:25] Yes, Lord.
[07:35:26] Hey, excellent choice.
[07:35:27] I just played against the guy and his orcs were not this fucking weak.
[07:36:05] Bro, I don't know what to build for my shit son.
[07:36:07] Yes.
[07:36:08] Are you here and away?
[07:36:10] Hey!
[07:36:11] Excellent choice.
[07:36:12] Yes.
[07:36:13] Are you here and away?
[07:36:15] I am your...
[07:36:16] Faster.
[07:37:08] Huh?
[07:37:08] Hurt-suck.
[07:37:12] Shaman's dog.
[07:37:13] Where's your plate?
[07:37:18] Okay, we got the voodoo lounge done.
[07:37:20] Now we can make some Batriders.
[07:37:22] Wait, Batriders only attack land units.
[07:37:30] I'm not gonna attack land and air.
[07:37:48] Let's just go fuck a shaman.
[07:37:51] Yes!
[07:37:52] Absolute choice.
[07:37:54] Our gold mine is running low.
[07:37:56] HAH!
[07:38:12] I'm gonna have so many eyes.
[07:38:13] These- my- these- my champs are fucking phantoms.
[07:38:16] Yes, chief.
[07:38:17] Duh.
[07:38:18] For my ancestors.
[07:38:20] What do you want me for?
[07:38:22] Hey, I have Batriders.
[07:38:24] Upgrade the Batrider attack!
[07:38:37] Yes, Lord! Are you Hiddle and Obey?
[07:38:42] Excellent choice!
[07:38:44] Oh, yeah.
[07:38:46] Chompings are still upgrading.
[07:38:48] Orb on Blademaster?
[07:38:57] Blademaster, wait, what do you mean?
[07:38:59] You can't practice how I sell!
[07:39:18] How I sell!
[07:39:30] Right, drop!
[07:39:34] Excellent choice! Are you Hiddle and Obey?
[07:39:36] Oh, excellent choice!
[07:39:40] Are you here?
[07:39:46] Okay, now fix my...
[07:39:48] Attack range.
[07:39:49] Got my grunt army.
[07:39:50] Okay, we got the Bat Riders.
[07:39:52] We're waiting on this upgrade for the Bat Riders.
[07:39:54] I need some of these Raiders.
[07:39:59] Oh, here we go. They're fucking chasing me already.
[07:40:16] Dumbass. Fuck out of computers.
[07:40:18] I mean, I lost a lot, but you know...
[07:41:58] I'm out of gold.
[07:42:06] Oh my god, I'm out of gold.
[07:42:08] Oh my god, I don't got any gold mines.
[07:42:21] Toskey Bear, excellent choice.
[07:42:23] Who's the fountain man?
[07:42:26] No first, let's heal.
[07:42:34] The spin of lumber?
[07:42:41] Bro, on what? I have nothing left.
[07:42:43] I need my calls.
[07:42:45] Yes sir, yes sir.
[07:42:47] Excellent choice.
[07:42:49] Are you here?
[07:42:56] I fucked up these shaman, I put them somewhere else.
[07:42:58] I think I faked anything.
[07:43:10] What are we doing?
[07:43:12] Master, correct me.
[07:43:24] I stand ready.
[07:43:26] Gun.
[07:43:28] For my ancestors.
[07:43:30] An excellent plan.
[07:43:32] I am yours.
[07:43:34] Where is Blade Master?
[07:43:36] Excellent choice.
[07:43:37] Get in the front of the fucking mirror.
[07:43:39] Yes, sir.
[07:43:42] Yes, sir.
[07:43:43] Yes, sir.
[07:43:44] Are you here to obey?
[07:43:45] Excellent choice.
[07:43:47] Are you here to obey?
[07:43:49] But would you ask of me?
[07:43:54] Where should I go?
[07:43:55] Anything you want.
[07:43:56] Oh, I am yours.
[07:45:27] Bro, Blade Masters broken. I remember playing this shit all the time as a kid.
[07:45:30] Excellent choice.
[07:45:32] I am so desperate running you pussy.
[07:51:05] Yeah! Not so fucking tough now, are you bitch?
[07:51:09] Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Are you hitter and obeyed?
[07:51:12] Excellent choice.
[07:51:13] Hey, are you hitter and obeyed?
[07:51:15] Yes, sir.
[07:51:16] Excellent choice.
[07:51:17] choice I think blade masters broken low key and in a tournament I can
[07:51:46] abuse the blade master I think I can win just the blade master fucking
[07:51:54] amusing less than play air well I got that work and it didn't matter
[07:52:12] absolute choice are you here and obey yes yes are you here and obey top running
[07:52:20] Oh, that's so cute. Look at these guys.
[07:52:25] What are you basing this guy for? Nothing fucking is lost in the dog shit.
[07:52:28] Oh, you're champion's back!
[07:52:54] Okay, looking back at it, by the way, when I was 10, I played it when I was 10.
[07:53:47] I didn't realize how much of a nuke I was. Like, I didn't use hotkeys. I just... wait.
[07:53:55] But now it's like, bro, the best players in that time are like constantly clicking mouse bullshit.
[07:54:11] Now looking back at it, it's like playing League with like clicking your fucking abilities and dragging them up at a channel.
[07:54:21] Right? It's like not using your keyboard and only using mouse and lead.
[07:54:27] Ah, yeah.
[07:54:39] Good score, me.
[07:54:41] Hero score, me.
[07:54:43] He scores score for him.
[07:54:46] He scores score for his wayward units.
[07:54:48] I killed wayward units. He had a wayward building.
[07:54:50] My largest armor was heated fast.
[07:54:52] My heroes were loaded.
[07:54:56] I had to eat more items upwards.
[07:55:00] I had way more gold.
[07:55:02] I harvested way more lumber. I was upgraded for a tank.
[07:55:04] Oh, that's not bad.
[07:55:19] What PC are you gonna fry you?
[07:55:26] I'm playing against normals and I lost, but if I were to play against normals with Orc, I'd win.
[07:55:33] For the last game, I learned, bro, I learned.
[07:55:38] Day one, I learned. I'll put more time in it tomorrow.
[07:55:41] Everyone's up. The spells have hotkeys? Yes, it's too hard.
[07:55:52] Residential is 20 subs. I love you.
[07:56:00] Might be a way to bind abilities to QWER, brother.
[07:56:19] I'm going to say this. There's no way that anybody else in this tournament is practicing.
[07:56:25] So if I do the bare minimum and
[07:56:29] They and I just show up I should be able to win using the tournament. I don't know the full list. I have no idea. I
[07:56:46] Know my brother's playing in it. I
[07:56:50] Know Dante's whatever the fucking kid's name is playing in it. I know Porter Robinson is playing in it
[07:56:58] I don't know who else
[07:57:05] There's eight people playing Barack Obama's gonna be there as well. Yeah, Dwayne Johnson's cooking it up
[07:57:25] All right, that was my last game
[07:57:30] That's it for us today. Not a bad day overall learn a little bit of wow
[07:57:35] We also played on our challenger account for league
[07:57:40] And to gain one LP you we went four and four we popped off on get another account overall
[07:57:50] Pretty good day accomplished a lot. All right. That's it for me
[07:57:53] So the subs the deez the follows on me a Twitter for me instead a squad. We got this bitch mother
[07:57:59] Fuck your arms!
[07:58:00] And with that being said, I'll see you ugly degenerate sums of bitches tomorrow.
[07:58:09] Same time-ish.
[07:58:10] Peace.