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VIEWED LCS TODAY ? well caused yes be WHEN HAPPENED ! until ... ROCKET UP SKY ! ladder CLIMBED MORE ! only go good and POSITIVE ! ok :)

08-03-2024 · 7h 52m

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[00:00:21] When you hear this, say Apple.
[00:00:32] Okay, let's try this again.
[00:00:33] Now that you guys are ready.
[00:00:34] When you hear this, say Carrot.
[00:00:42] And one more time, when you hear this, say Red.
[00:04:59] I really can't go louder, by the way.
[00:05:01] I actually can't.
[00:05:01] Say there's had a rough morning.
[00:05:03] Rough is growing, by the way.
[00:05:07] Bro, is my hippo bite infected?
[00:05:11] Jesus.
[00:05:13] I got this because I was fighting my demons this morning.
[00:05:17] I, well, in my sleep.
[00:05:18] Bro, I gotta dream it, I think.
[00:05:21] I'm not gonna lie.
[00:05:22] I'm a young 29.
[00:05:24] Bro, I think I gotta turn my head to this way
[00:05:27] and then cover this one with the mic.
[00:05:31] Yo, sup sup, guys?
[00:05:34] Okay, but not my fronchy hairline showing.
[00:05:36] It is what it is, bro.
[00:05:37] I'm a dad.
[00:05:38] I got a lot going on.
[00:05:39] It is what it is!
[00:05:40] We back!
[00:05:41] Sup sup!
[00:05:42] Big day planned today.
[00:05:43] Really big, really big day.
[00:05:45] Our first LCS Coast Stream is today, right?
[00:05:48] We're gonna try and hit challenger before then as well.
[00:05:52] Yes, we got a lot going on.
[00:05:54] We got a lot going on.
[00:05:55] Should be action packed.
[00:05:56] Also, I am, bro, it's just like they,
[00:06:01] like it just takes my eyes away.
[00:06:04] Back in the day, in like 2016,
[00:06:07] I would wear band-aids over it.
[00:06:09] If you guys remember on stream,
[00:06:11] I would just wear like fat band-aids.
[00:06:13] Just on my forehead.
[00:06:14] Kind of like Nelly.
[00:06:15] You guys know, back in the day.
[00:06:17] It's it's it's it's absurdly distracting. Isn't it?
[00:06:21] Maybe I need a hat. It's really fucking me up. You but I see it
[00:06:31] Sub stuff. Oh, this is much better. Sub stuff guys. We back
[00:06:35] For another action pack day. Oh my god. This is much better. Uh
[00:06:39] Yes, we had big day. It's our first LCS co-stream
[00:06:44] I'm also gonna queue up some solo queue before get the hands hot get the brain moving, but I'm not gonna lie
[00:06:50] I told you guys yesterday. I
[00:06:53] You know, I hadn't read the LCS co-streaming rules or whatever.
[00:07:00] I read them today, dude, they can't be serious.
[00:07:07] They can't be serious with these LCS co-streaming rules.
[00:07:11] There it, dude, I feel like I can barely breathe on the co-stream, right?
[00:07:15] We got to talk about this, bro.
[00:07:17] Hey, we gotta talk about this rule set.
[00:07:20] I might be breaking a couple hundred of the rules.
[00:07:26] There's like one portion of it.
[00:07:27] It's like no vulgar, no negative language.
[00:07:30] None of this.
[00:07:31] Then I'm like, okay, whatever.
[00:07:33] There it is, what is.
[00:07:34] During the broadcast, gonna break those,
[00:07:36] but it's fine.
[00:07:37] I probably get an exemption.
[00:07:38] Then I'm like scrolling down.
[00:07:40] And it's like,
[00:07:41] Coast streamer solo queue etiquette list.
[00:07:43] I was like, whoa!
[00:07:44] Wait, whoa, wait a minute.
[00:07:46] Whoa, no verbal abuse, no AFK, no try to lose.
[00:07:51] I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what do we do?
[00:07:56] Oh, come on now.
[00:07:57] Let it breath, bro, you know what I mean?
[00:08:02] It's fine, it's fine, I got this.
[00:08:04] And I'm pretty sure they understand I'm playing
[00:08:07] a character, like so it's just, you know,
[00:08:09] it's a persona, I'm not really, I'm not like that,
[00:08:12] come on, you know what I mean?
[00:08:14] So it's fine, it's fine, it'll be good,
[00:08:16] be fun. I think that starts at like three my time. Also for viewer experience I
[00:08:23] have removed the delay. So you guys are hearing me live. Usually I have eight
[00:08:32] seconds but I think it's like one here. Let's do a check. You guys hear this
[00:08:39] spam yellow. Jesus. I hate. I've tried it a few times in the past but it feels
[00:08:50] It feels like too... like, personal, like, you know, like, like, what if I mess up and I say something, I can't force in the stream?
[00:09:03] You know what I mean? Like, before it pushes it live.
[00:09:07] And again, the Twitch standard is 7 seconds, but you have to enable it in the settings to do live.
[00:09:13] Jesus. It is what it is.
[00:09:17] We'll do it for the co-streams.
[00:09:19] Also, I lowered the ads, again, you guys don't deserve me, by the way.
[00:09:23] I lowered the ads from six minutes an hour to three minutes an hour so that I can just
[00:09:30] give you guys a three minute ad for the game starts so you don't get ads during the game.
[00:09:35] Look at this, bro.
[00:09:36] I'm so locked in.
[00:09:37] I am locked in for the viewers.
[00:09:40] I'm a real one, bro.
[00:09:41] Anyway, in case you missed it, we hit 700 LP.
[00:09:49] Come on, 700 LP, 703 LP, four wins away from Challenger, honest to God I got time.
[00:09:58] Let's queue it up, lock in, let's get loaded.
[00:10:04] Let's lock, let's lock in, wait, let's lock, let's load, let's go.
[00:10:11] I forget what I said yesterday.
[00:10:12] Yeah, I've had a rough morning.
[00:10:14] It is Saturday, Sailor we think is constipated by the way.
[00:10:21] Like, and we're doing like all these tummy tech stuff to try your go, but her stomach
[00:10:26] Killing her she like winces and she like starts crying terribly sad. She fell asleep though
[00:10:32] You know warm-up game another account. I don't need to get warmed up
[00:10:37] See what happened to faker. I actually saw that bro. I actually did see that on Twitter
[00:10:45] Passion what can I say?
[00:10:46] The drive to be the best with a little bit of again get understand to be the best trust me
[00:10:52] I know to be the best you have to be I mean it is what is you have to be mentally unwell and it
[00:10:56] This is for everything
[00:10:58] Like even for like basketball
[00:11:01] LeBron James is that dude
[00:11:04] His obsession with being great is not like it's it takes over your life
[00:11:08] The same with like Tom Brady and football and it takes over your life and it does
[00:11:13] You have to be mixedly unsound to like do these things. So I understand I was faker
[00:11:22] Apparently they lost a game. He was like headbutted a wall and like rage. I mean those guys are working
[00:11:38] They did eSports World Cup
[00:11:40] They went straight to LCK and they can't beat Gen.G
[00:11:47] Like I sort of got it. T1's good. They just cannot... they literally have mental block against Gen.G completely by the way
[00:11:56] 100%
[00:11:58] Hopefully around Worlds
[00:12:00] Somebody takes out Gen.G. You file it up since that sub
[00:12:16] C9 will bro
[00:12:18] That's what we also have to do later, bro
[00:12:21] I have to choose a favorite team. Maybe we'll do that before it goes live
[00:12:24] I kind of don't know who my favorite NA team is.
[00:12:27] Love to go over the player list.
[00:12:29] Look, TL, I know, but TL seems like, dude...
[00:12:38] It's like a bandwagon fan, you know?
[00:12:40] Oh, you pick who's the best.
[00:12:51] The first day at Summer Split, no. I think next week is the last week, isn't it?
[00:12:55] Didn't they start playoffs?
[00:13:02] The only good team?
[00:13:04] AC9's 5-0.
[00:13:12] And but TL beat the shit of you twice in U from Arrasment, true.
[00:13:16] It's Absorbs.
[00:13:26] Dude, did I mistaking?
[00:13:27] Bro, what if I did this and I sort of got him to be viable would have to pick my favorite LCS team I
[00:13:35] Went to California, and I went to each teams
[00:13:40] Studio
[00:13:42] They tried to sell me to buy their team or to not to buy
[00:13:47] Be like a be their favorite team be my favorite team
[00:13:51] They not let you in little bro
[00:13:58] You making the sub counter smaller all week? No I haven't!
[00:14:06] Cause you don't see us yet later though.
[00:14:16] Why are you reading our messages so fast? Is this awkward?
[00:14:19] It is awkward, isn't it?
[00:14:20] It is. It's too awkward.
[00:14:22] Bro, whatever. Just for Saturday, Sunday. I can't do this shit.
[00:14:25] Sailor's awake. I might have to go burp her.
[00:14:43] He was bad at burping.
[00:15:05] Why'd you wear your dirtiest hat your own? Bro, I found this at the ground.
[00:15:16] I mean, I didn't plan on wearing a hat today.
[00:15:20] I fucking started streaming and my hippo bite was so massive, I literally couldn't focus.
[00:15:26] I couldn't, so I had to put the hat on.
[00:15:28] Burp, sailor.
[00:15:44] Bruh, just admit you got a zit big tonk?
[00:15:48] Are you dumb?
[00:15:51] You think 6'5", alpha male, 450lb, 600lb, squat, 25 IQ,
[00:15:55] 2,000 almost ready to chest flare like fucking me, get temples?
[00:15:59] You some kind of dumbass boy?
[00:16:01] You think that could penetrate my skin, a fucking hippo?
[00:16:04] You loser.
[00:16:05] Where the fuck up?
[00:16:05] I was in an altercation with a group of hippos and one of their tooth
[00:16:10] bit me. Off to a hippo? Oh no, didn't lose to a hippo.
[00:16:32] A Judo kicked in the fucking cranium. Say there bedtime stories go crazy?
[00:16:48] Dude I'm gonna tell, I'm gonna tell say there's some crazy bedtime stories by the way.
[00:16:52] Some crazy bedtime stories.
[00:16:54] To be honest, when was the last time you heard someone say hey,
[00:17:14] You excited to watch the LCS games today. Oh wait
[00:17:19] Never North American League of Legends is almost as fun to watch as the WNBA
[00:19:53] Sorry, sorry. I'm gonna have a new head of birth sailor. I'm locked in guys. I'm like that's fine
[00:19:58] Locked in I'm locked in. Uh, sorry. This is well
[00:20:01] Be honest. When was the last time you heard someone say hey you excited to watch the LCS games today
[00:20:13] Oh wait, never. North American League of Legends is almost as fun to watch as the WNBA.
[00:20:21] Oh, WNBA is actually on the come up and I've actually enjoyed it.
[00:20:26] Recently actually. So why can't we make LCS the same way?
[00:20:30] Dude, I seriously think there's no passion in LCS. Blacks personalities?
[00:20:54] I mean they're trying
[00:21:06] Lovely revamp WNA for the player who she doesn't do layups over and over
[00:21:28] Let's see
[00:21:30] You think you can go against me?
[00:21:32] Toying? Is this a new skin?
[00:21:41] The skin looks- Is this a custom skin? Wait this looks wicked
[00:21:45] Bring him a-
[00:21:46] Bring him a darring? Wait it's got like lightning facing around him
[00:21:50] Wait this shit has to be new
[00:22:01] Not like how he walks in the skin
[00:22:03] Like a th-
[00:22:04] Hey talk, I don't do it to him
[00:22:13] I think Ekko's gonna go over this wall, pink bod.
[00:22:16] The wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.
[00:22:38] Pitchass.
[00:22:44] Hoplake.
[00:22:45] Missed the cannon.
[00:22:47] Ah-ha-ha!
[00:22:48] Well played there.
[00:23:08] Dude, that's a real person.
[00:23:28] The fuck?
[00:23:29] Wait, isn't this the guy I was on comms with?
[00:23:34] Uh, a couple of days ago?
[00:23:39] This in?
[00:23:47] Or am I trippin'?
[00:23:51] So not the duo.
[00:23:52] I added him after the game.
[00:23:55] If you said he wanted all my accounts from the band.
[00:23:58] Yes, it's him.
[00:24:18] thought everybody else again they're
[00:24:20] a speed though I believe the Geronimo guy
[00:24:29] yeah we entered your stream last
[00:24:55] day's here's an ally has been slain
[00:24:57] yeah it's every day bro
[00:25:04] ever fuck systemally get the worst
[00:25:19] mate's in legalism history for rubble
[00:26:42] it's like wait is it actually happening
[00:26:44] would you that actually just happen
[00:26:46] a bit dumb to stay after bro I think
[00:27:09] they were dead even without realm the
[00:27:20] tongue to teach someone in my class
[00:27:22] was fucking shit about you had a show
[00:27:23] What's up, what you show him? It's a good brand game like I can do a lot of damage
[00:27:38] Like my teammates are and I mean the seriously bastards just fucking little bastards
[00:28:05] Very good early today see
[00:28:20] There are my kids. They're not serious. They're all got that. Oh, it's pretty good. Yes stack up
[00:29:36] It's absolute desperation there a hundred percent. I'm one of you nine these last two days
[00:31:17] I've been cooking I can't watch you one game this morning. I was gonna oh skip it. They have against you
[00:31:23] Right, okay through this echoes soap this off by the way
[00:31:42] Don't murder it's like I don't know when the last time I see an echo build murder and we're smolders in
[00:31:55] Turned a mirror like this guy is yes, I mean
[00:32:11] Dove or we not on dragon?
[00:32:13] Let's not ego it, bro. One Flamethrower would say he literally didn't have anything else. Stupid ass champ.
[00:34:15] Oh, I have no flash and a fat ass bounty.
[00:35:11] Same, bro. It ain't easy being the best that I said earlier.
[00:35:28] Wouldn't it know? Yeah, I would.
[00:35:39] Well, taking it all. Yeah, we're gonna get a little bit lucky, but...
[00:35:52] I already talked about the clip, man.
[00:36:56] Surely we can use that fact.
[00:36:58] I'm on no delay, this guy knows we're here.
[00:37:17] Can't believe he's that fast after...
[00:37:45] First game not looking good?
[00:38:22] I mean, it's looking like a first game.
[00:38:46] This Echo is also auto-filled.
[00:38:48] Please stop, bro.
[00:38:49] Nining as always.
[00:39:25] What are you sure what I'm gonna do with Trindamere?
[00:39:37] This guy is getting blasted.
[00:39:38] I think I have to match Rumble.
[00:39:47] But he doesn't have TP for Baron.
[00:39:48] So it's like, I don't know.
[00:40:12] This guy literally plays no Trindamere.
[00:40:14] So why is God's name the last picket?
[00:40:18] Fucked in my Zin go by the way.
[00:42:02] I mean he's trolling.
[00:42:06] Yo, Trindermere!
[00:42:08] Man!
[00:42:13] Dude, what the fuck?
[00:42:24] These two are so bad!
[00:42:26] That could've been bad if I didn't take one, oh my god.
[00:43:12] I thought they were on it, thank god, holy shit.
[00:43:14] Well, Ty, just sent to the co-stream, not honoring to see no.
[00:43:33] Okay, minus like seven to that.
[00:43:40] I'll bother to do that team fight after we inevitably lose because they're terrible players
[00:43:44] I think you win if you stop trolling. I trolled that was my only troll and it was a one-for-one
[00:44:10] What?
[00:44:12] Yes guys. Yes
[00:44:14] Yes guys enemy team has four mertread by the way. Yes, that's why it gets not fucking me man
[00:44:56] Not me. Okay. You guys have to consider. I just will start at the game
[00:45:23] 2-0, just so we're clear. Just from last hits by me.
[00:45:34] Ok, he started inting when you caught him bad. Time to just match up, put him in a grudge.
[00:46:06] Oh, he's just a fan. But yeah, he did. He started actually, he was just, he was showing
[00:46:11] how terrible he was. Like, no, before I typed after I stopped typing.
[00:46:16] When I typed 2, I mean, actually, I mean, I'm really cringe. It is what it is.
[00:46:20] He's, but he was gonna be bad regardless. Finish this item.
[00:47:22] He's a fucking Nasus one trick.
[00:47:24] He played with one yesterday too.
[00:47:26] What are these Nasus one tricks think they're doing?
[00:47:29] Let him die, let him die, let him die.
[00:47:47] I kinda can't get over this.
[00:48:10] I kinda can't get over the four Merktrends.
[00:48:13] That's gotta be wild for this teamcuff.
[00:48:29] Close the challenge, you like four wins.
[00:48:37] Already wins, I turned out to lose this queue.
[00:49:08] He has Flash.
[00:49:16] Smaller can't die or we lose.
[00:50:11] we lose. It also has fang, both combo as well. Still unfold the racial ball? Yeah, I kind
[00:51:53] of couldn't move. Boulder has almost 500 stacks. Fine, right? It's just an instant cringe
[00:54:02] bug. But that was miserable. It's annoying. Losing games like this just because of legitimate
[00:54:15] fanboys is the most annoying fucking thing, by the way. Actually couldn't get that
[00:54:21] guy a bigger lead either. Report him for what? Unfortunately, that's not reportable
[00:54:35] nor banable because you don't support fucking streamers apparently. Apparently we don't give
[00:54:40] a fuck when streamers get griefed so look you. But if a streamer griefs, oh my god it's
[00:54:44] the end of the world. See you on Reddit. Um, I gotta watch this fight. Okay this is actually
[00:54:53] a cringe game to lose. Like, this guy's a fan. Turnin' Zip played badly. And it's kind of like,
[00:55:08] like, TrinnerBear whatever. He's a dumbass. They lane swapped. He is a Nasus one trick
[00:55:12] Playing Trigamere, sure?
[00:55:14] Zid Jungle!
[00:55:17] No, he plays Jungle.
[00:55:33] Alright, where's this stupid sh-tap, by the way?
[00:55:36] Is it after this?
[00:55:39] This is one replay.
[00:55:45] Like, the game's actually just one.
[00:55:53] She whips that, and we actually get a kill here.
[00:55:56] Bro, even if you didn't get that right, okay, so let's see how this fight, this is hanging out, okay?
[00:56:09] They have Eatrox right here, it's a 4v3, right?
[00:56:12] Trinimere has Echo right here, we have this bitch right here, we have Eatrox on us, what happens?
[00:56:17] Okay, after, like, again, we can just help us right here, by the way.
[00:56:26] Okay, now let's see what Trinimere did.
[00:56:43] And again, this entire time, me and Seraphine are fighting Eatrox, by the way.
[00:56:48] Alright, so this guy's still chasing Echo.
[00:56:51] Still chasing Echo.
[00:56:54] yo bro you could go you could turn around and not kill the atrox oh bro you
[00:57:00] just turn around man no bro yo man other 100 other times they died
[00:57:17] whatever like if they didn't just grief right there is run it down but fanboys
[00:57:23] on the enemy team play their best game possible yeah fanbase I just shit
[00:57:28] I completely agree.
[00:57:29] Shark, thanks, Rib.
[00:57:47] Yeah, it's just weirdo shit.
[00:57:52] Like, just weirdo shit.
[00:57:53] And we said it yesterday, like, bro, these guys, like, these guys doing that and like
[00:57:56] hostaging and shit, it's weird.
[00:58:00] Weirdo shit, man.
[00:58:01] That's what we're good at.
[00:58:33] No, his win rate increased a lot.
[00:58:35] I think his swing support bad.
[00:58:53] I think swing bot really good.
[00:58:55] Swain mid?
[00:59:15] I think he's just better bot.
[00:59:16] What about AP?
[00:59:36] Oh, this guy wants to pick Nasus this game.
[00:59:59] I bet it's the same Trinner Mirror from the last game.
[01:00:31] the same masses or it's this trend and from last game this game they're both
[01:00:36] playing their most played champions got to be a coincidence they're just not
[01:00:41] fucking losers surely surely they're not just the biggest fucking losers alive
[01:00:53] leaning forward and they're yeah like a fucking inch between face and monitor
[01:00:58] this fire song the stanton is moving thanks that three there's no world to
[01:02:07] be honest they could have fought that I don't know why the fuck they didn't I
[01:02:10] can't believe they didn't fight the hell the rank is a support 700 LP
[01:02:54] Seraphine player doesn't know what level 2 is.
[01:02:59] Are you tro- Are you killing me?
[01:03:01] Are you kidding?
[01:03:02] Are we serious, Dylan?
[01:03:14] Sick fucking joke.
[01:03:23] Now we literally can't walk up because now let's just flash autos.
[01:03:27] We'll play Dylan.
[01:03:31] Dylan, diff, baby.
[01:03:32] What we lost to you guys? These guys are fucking in the cells.
[01:04:27] Red side diff?
[01:04:55] Dude!
[01:04:56] I've gotten red side almost every game for the last fucking week.
[01:04:59] You know what I just took that hook into the minion.
[01:05:14] You know what, let me bait him.
[01:05:24] Low master's co-streamer.
[01:05:49] I'm not dropping the fucking master.
[01:05:51] Hey, but less than you said that you ended up deep through, then we'll be different.
[01:06:29] Let's see where this guy died at.
[01:07:15] Jesus, smoldered this early in the day.
[01:07:17] I mean, I'm trying to win.
[01:07:18] I'm trying to run straight to the rubs.
[01:08:07] I'm gonna have to flash away.
[01:09:10] Front of this cross-side.
[01:09:19] This guy does suck.
[01:09:20] Probably has.
[01:09:42] He's just having a bad king.
[01:09:43] I was terrible it's one more useful in seraphine. I don't think he was that useful there
[01:10:15] No, panini one. Maybe we uh, stop the bullshit, bro, and I don't know farm
[01:10:36] Look at this dumbass. I think Nautilus is the pervus. I should sweep this surgical spot
[01:11:28] I think Nautilus as well
[01:12:01] Okay, Dylan. We see you Dylan
[01:12:04] Hey Dylan
[01:12:11] Say boot gap. I'm really strong
[01:13:01] Plain, he's swarmed
[01:13:10] Fuck us or what, huh? Oh, actually I don't. One fuck. I don't wear the skip boots
[01:14:26] They're going manamoonie instead of ERs. I've seen one person go at my game back is everywhere
[01:15:20] I still think that champ should be picked so much more nine times from where FS are their first
[01:15:58] sub 20 minute win by the way in
[01:16:04] 150 games 150 wins
[01:16:14] Just because I coin flip those two bastards on the enemy team. Thank God. Oh my god
[01:16:42] Oh their mid laner was ranked three and they were red side
[01:16:48] Oh
[01:16:59] Plus 26 are you fucking kidding me how much they lost fuck that
[01:17:36] Tomcat tea hope you have a great weekend
[01:17:39] Want to see the average t1 view would be stronger than 99.99% of the population. Oh, it's you. What's up?
[01:17:46] See dog all my lifts
[01:17:48] Shirt hats plus 5% strength
[01:17:51] Well, I think KG plates are so ugly
[01:17:57] God damn the shirt on brother. We have girlfriends, brother. These are two one viewers by the way
[01:18:18] Like this is I sort of God majority of viewers that watch me go to the gym
[01:18:25] 507 built big different brother
[01:18:38] 642
[01:18:39] Yeah, that would have killed your goddamn hands. Huh fuck that good shit, bro. I
[01:18:45] See you Craig
[01:18:46] Red's net gift name three of your plus five years subs or you have to lower the Elden Ring goal to 15 K
[01:19:20] Okay, it's like three five year plus subs
[01:19:29] Paco man
[01:19:31] Nope, that's not it red sub bench
[01:19:35] Tricks mom I have brain fart. Let me think
[01:19:55] Tricks mom. I lost my train of thought
[01:20:03] But not happening
[01:20:07] Pinball's fighting the subs
[01:20:10] He looked doc see I forgot see I forgot he doesn't know us. I forgot
[01:20:17] If I was looking straight ahead, I would have known I sort of God look now. I've offended all that you didn't know me great
[01:20:24] Great, that was a bait question
[01:20:27] No, I've offended all the five-year-plus stuff that I didn't remember
[01:20:35] Okay, but I know more than one obviously. I just fucked up
[01:20:38] What a loaded question.
[01:20:45] What a piece of shit that guy is.
[01:20:52] If we're alive for this situation,
[01:20:54] I can name 15 easy.
[01:20:56] 15, not 5, 15.
[01:20:58] Well no, because I was,
[01:21:07] so I see the names in chat,
[01:21:09] but I got confused because I was like, wait,
[01:21:11] I remember sub-batch colors.
[01:21:13] I was like, wait, what's the red sub-batch?
[01:21:15] Because I first, I'm reading the number, and that's only two year.
[01:21:17] So I was like, wait, what's one year?
[01:21:19] What's three years? I can't remember the five year.
[01:21:26] Because I don't have the sub-batches.
[01:21:28] me up. I've been here for eight fucking years? I know, but I only have three years sub-batches.
[01:21:38] So then, I had to remember, okay, what do I remember seeing on Streamlabs? Oh, I do have
[01:21:46] five years. Okay, that's a little gold thing. Wait, how many five-year subs do I actually
[01:21:50] have then? I don't see that one much. Oh, I only have five. Right, I'm bad at guys.
[01:22:08] I do know you, I just fucked up, okay? I lost my train of thought, I swear to God.
[01:22:17] Well, it's good why I like our comp mr. Thomas
[01:22:38] Mr. Thomas
[01:22:50] That's problematic IRL. You know me from chat. That's cap. I've actually a few people have done that at conventions and I have
[01:23:01] Or the othering sub-goals an apology
[01:23:04] Are we gonna ignore the fact that I just got fucking 26. Oh my god
[01:23:31] Who Davis only cares about money once you're subbed you are useless shit streamer
[01:23:48] You're wrong, bro. Yeah fractures I have. I can tell this guy was gonna try and hook
[01:24:16] that. That XP, oh my god. I'll leave my stat XP as well. I'm not sure, Skudden.
[01:24:44] Not an imposter. And this guy started the game by saying, Pickle Knight Nautilus!
[01:25:53] Oh, good bounce! Nice smolder, smolder. You know, flashes, you win so hard, yeah.
[01:26:56] Oh, fuck off me, you fat ass. Pickle Knight, get-wait, wait. This guy literally did
[01:28:10] nothing but flash auto the MF. He killed the MF, I made her 1 HP and blew her
[01:28:18] some by myself. He literally flash autoed. Let him be happy man. I mean, gotta come
[01:28:28] back to reality a little bit, huh? Oh, I think this guy's a bit deranged, excuse me.
[01:28:36] I'm salbedating though. Nice win trade. Win traded. Imagine another plus 26. Nah.
[01:29:29] Like I said, they had rank, their enemy team's mid laner last game was rank 3.
[01:29:35] Maybe that's why I got- Annie was on red side, that's why I got plus 3-6.
[01:29:46] So obvious right as brute forcing P1 to beat Challenger before a co-stream.
[01:29:59] Through guys.
[01:30:07] I'll actually thought that too.
[01:30:08] I need to keep pinging, this guy's gonna do some dumb shit, man.
[01:30:24] Are you through Challenger?
[01:30:49] Like 3 wins.
[01:30:54] This others do fucking anything, link 2 kills.
[01:31:56] Really be hitting dragon.
[01:32:00] And explain it, but watching your Treen, your stream is like smelling chlorine.
[01:32:04] You know how like sometimes you people enjoy the smell of gasoline like it's bad for you
[01:32:16] But you like it for what yeah, I know these have a lot better
[01:33:09] Ironic back at it but I yet again
[01:33:12] They even those fatty 20 broke. Does it want to see you play oven ring so bad?
[01:33:33] That fucking hate watchers. That was obviously not we're getting the boundaries really good. Oh my god
[01:34:33] He's going as well. Let's go. They're tilted a shit
[01:34:36] Wait, this guy's yonking every single bounty.
[01:34:41] Holy shit.
[01:34:42] Hey, is that a watching LCS?
[01:34:45] Yes.
[01:35:34] Is Smulder just overtuned?
[01:35:35] I mean, I don't...
[01:35:38] Dude, okay, so he literally had nothing changed, but his win rate went up by two.
[01:35:43] I think he was gonna see everything else got nerfed.
[01:35:45] But I feel like...
[01:36:01] See, when Nerf's here, it's never terrible.
[01:36:02] I mean, he was.
[01:36:03] If Fleece did get nerfed for him as well.
[01:36:10] Fleece for...
[01:36:13] I mean, yeah, that's it.
[01:36:14] Well, Fleece got nerfed for everybody.
[01:36:15] We're packed to the row before this.
[01:36:38] This Smulder's extra crazy, by the way.
[01:36:40] You guys that like 162?
[01:36:42] Like Nautilus is so hard for some people.
[01:37:16] Like, I like if you shoot about us.
[01:37:17] Bro, I just read your fucking message.
[01:37:19] Has not even a sub.
[01:37:21] Five straight times.
[01:37:22] He said, I don't think Tyler gives a fuck about us.
[01:37:25] Fuck outta here.
[01:37:26] That's here, what's up?
[01:38:50] We had Smolder, Solane, so who's your stack?
[01:38:55] Yeah, it's like on Punish, but I actually trade this really well.
[01:39:00] First time Nautilus.
[01:39:03] Challenger...
[01:39:05] Jungle main.
[01:39:08] Yeah, he said Challenger, Jungle main.
[01:39:10] Auto build.
[01:39:11] We're off on Saturdays and hasn't been in a long time.
[01:40:26] I'm kiddin' a killable, yeah, he's a girthy goblin.
[01:40:29] Ah!
[01:40:30] Ready for the Cowboys for the Super Bowl this year?
[01:40:42] It's our year, bro, you're right.
[01:40:44] Somebody flashed.
[01:41:30] Oh my god, we get Bot turret and he lives?
[01:41:33] Jesus.
[01:41:47] I've seen that, it's the fun.
[01:41:49] Wild world, wild world we live in.
[01:42:57] This game's actually over, but...
[01:43:01] I think the only decent game this game is Smolder.
[01:43:03] problem it's it's unfortunately it's what a hundred percent support that it's
[01:43:41] not not too close either as kind of want to be nighting the entire game 16 of
[01:43:46] 19 as well as actually smirking play here the angle unofficial pinta I'm not
[01:47:36] taking over coming in challenge or true bro that's exactly what's happening
[01:47:39] you know best actually sucks you to get that dragon says pretty much a bear
[01:47:43] and push. Watch the Olympics, not really have been working bro. Fucking damage? 664?
[01:49:04] Racially motivated to end the game. I'm on a timer here, my reputation's on the line.
[01:49:29] Keep the five stacks in. I'm gonna... gotta be pushing a record. Next is though...
[01:50:41] I mean there might have been a place to dot, like, the fucking button bro.
[01:50:45] Look at this Vigo build, it sucks. You know, just end, just end, just end the game.
[01:51:49] I got I got games
[01:51:55] My old map cover, bro
[01:51:59] Go on here with the class. No, I won't yes in the faker clip already talked about it
[01:52:10] Turbo bad game report wait stuff by why don't you buy it? I was a hundred fifty gold short and the game was over
[01:52:32] There's one an item. I think it's 45. I'll be more to like two and a half wins
[01:52:57] I'm not sure what the LCS like two out in two hours pretty much two hours
[01:53:06] What did take for you to honor a player? They have to make me say wow
[01:53:20] in real life or
[01:53:23] heavily exceed
[01:53:24] Expectations you four wins 51 losses from challenger. I'm not gonna take that long thoughts on your honor son. Yes, and you auto piloted the
[01:54:07] button
[01:54:09] That's probably humans in terms. I do that
[01:54:11] If you say you play for KD, never in my god damn life have I played for KD.
[01:54:32] Is a sniper aimed at your head?
[01:54:50] Can you fucking stop verbally harassing me?
[01:54:55] Please?
[01:54:56] That's it.
[01:55:19] You were gone for a couple weeks ago?
[01:55:21] Were you on a secret switch ban?
[01:55:23] Like they said on Reddit?
[01:55:24] You were gone for a week a couple weeks ago?
[01:55:31] Were you on a secret switch ban?
[01:55:33] Like they said on Reddit?
[01:55:34] Wait, what?
[01:55:35] Who was I gone for a week?
[01:55:39] I haven't been gone for a week in like three months.
[01:55:46] You know a tweaking twitch, man. I was like three months ago
[01:56:11] Four I haven't played chess since April try to roar yet. No same house calm different room playlists
[01:56:40] Want my really good playlist bro? There you go. You finishing this room for real. I don't have time
[01:57:04] Raven's bad right now. I don't think he's bad. I
[01:57:07] Want every game playing this day. It's probably honest to God better mid lane last day for sub goal like 20 something days
[01:57:46] maybe majestic even want to play out of the ring no it's obviously not Tyler how
[01:58:26] do you manage to work the hardest job on the planet with growing ours stay in
[01:58:30] shape have a child and also be good at everything you do it's truly mind-boggling
[01:58:36] Glaser one and it a I mean true it is I
[01:58:40] Am a rare rare rare breed broke fascinating stuff
[01:58:51] Yo, I don't think you a mouth. I guess tripping
[01:59:05] Wait, this has to be rock thing
[01:59:07] Zachim FF 50. Yeah, this has to be rock tank when I get fucking rolled and they locked into like keepin luck
[01:59:23] So my god
[01:59:24] Home for LCS two hours. I was even into your games
[01:59:56] Good active at 66 so we can do gosh this chat is mean
[02:00:19] I do so many people want to see you lose brother
[02:00:34] What are you spending winning in everything?
[02:00:44] More enjoyable to see something you're not used to seeing the eight me lose
[02:01:09] I just want to thank you for what you do you're the best man in your
[02:01:12] Interfinement great day as well. Thank you desi. Do you really just hate Elmering why even go through the suffering just eat the subs?
[02:01:33] That good for business, bro?
[02:01:37] If we hit 20,000 subs
[02:01:40] Should I just say haha gotcha and not play it?
[02:01:43] Holy fuck you're a smart man
[02:03:43] Stupid should have ever seen that was two free kills. They have no wards. It's got soul. Oh good. What's up that 63?
[02:04:32] Let's get flash. Have me do this jungle like a general listen. I mean if you name swap they would
[02:04:44] Let's say this guy had flash, why do you not flash my kill?
[02:04:57] And then I play against this orange guy before and he was all chatting me after ganking my lane.
[02:05:14] Wait, I think he did it two games in a row.
[02:05:22] Wait, he did.
[02:05:23] For that name, this guy camped me when I played top, then I switched to bot lane the
[02:05:43] next game.
[02:05:44] He camped me when I played bot and I beat him both games.
[02:05:45] Even if I was like, go bot, he's not gonna ever gank bot.
[02:06:02] to be fair this malchai is a good chip
[02:06:04] oh and again
[02:06:05] why did we pick malchai again?
[02:06:12] luckily for me I get to try in cs in this fuckfest
[02:06:20] oh I don't think this is real biofrost
[02:06:36] knock real biofrost excuse me
[02:06:44] if you don't get challenger before lcs starts
[02:07:01] sign will be upstanding from your channel for the duration of the festivities
[02:07:06] get it done teeth
[02:07:07] I'm trying bro
[02:07:09] try it please feel pressure
[02:07:12] gonna stay and I just get to do it
[02:08:21] We live for that moment. That one moment.
[02:08:27] We have Flash.
[02:08:44] I was just saying, fountain time that ours, so I get that kill and get my item.
[02:08:47] First Flash.
[02:09:06] I'm playing GTA 6 when it comes out.
[02:10:42] The dinos from that stream will double your net worth.
[02:10:45] The game? I think I did actually play GTA 5 on stream back in the day.
[02:10:50] I don't think I beat it. We'll see.
[02:11:01] I should play it a lot. 50 hours.
[02:11:06] I guess Lux has Flash. Flash on her.
[02:11:45] Too late again, man.
[02:12:51] Mr. Malkai!
[02:13:08] I can't come back here, bruh.
[02:14:20] I didn't know something.
[02:14:28] But no man, I mean...
[02:14:51] No way.
[02:14:54] Come on, guys, chill, what's up?
[02:14:56] Recently, by the way, why are these fucking idiots been typing to me, man?
[02:16:38] Can't this, like, there's, like, the fifth player that...
[02:16:40] The game's always starting to, like, can't control you?
[02:16:42] Like, what did I even do this game, by the way?
[02:16:45] Graves should have ganked bot.
[02:16:47] He went top, didn't say anything.
[02:16:49] Kled said Graves go bot.
[02:16:50] Graves went back top.
[02:16:51] I said Graves come bot lane.
[02:16:53] Kled's been yapping
[02:16:56] What the fuck is wrong with these people?
[02:16:59] Am I running it down? No!
[02:17:03] Am I flaming my support despite him running it down? No!
[02:17:07] Wild shit, bro. One of the hard facts in Streamer Live is I'm saying this like people even typing this shit like
[02:18:18] People play but I just eluded
[02:18:21] I might be having a hundred and zero man in this tower
[02:19:23] Yo, why don't my Kled type that?
[02:19:30] Yeah, I'm a bit triggered. Head and still losing?
[02:20:34] Actually, jungle diff, it's just support cap, but my jungle couldn't make the game work for him.
[02:21:52] Malkai has brain damage, it was a troll pick from champ select.
[02:22:15] Is this b- the guy's baiting, by the way, for sure.
[02:22:18] Especially because, uh, if Graves came bot lane, it's actually just free.
[02:22:24] Malkai'd run it after, probably, but this guy is just trolling.
[02:22:32] He's from last game.
[02:22:41] My Nautilus from last game was crashed as well, this guy didn't open his mouth.
[02:22:44] Main positives, at least you break the co-streaming rules, true.
[02:23:06] Why would you need to be flaming you know something it's just graves or malchi like there's no he never flayed anybody else this game
[02:23:16] He got it was 12 kills by the way
[02:24:41] Never been useful this game this so if I get six items my arm is a balance, but have an overstay there guys
[02:25:35] You're sad if I made a custom skin for you in our game
[02:25:46] No abstinence videos. I have no
[02:25:51] I don't think I'm fair man.
[02:25:54] I don't even know what your game is.
[02:26:00] Guys are building a bit of MR.
[02:26:19] There's that Orange's here done playing.
[02:26:46] Giving them the d20.
[02:26:51] There's that spawns in 20 seconds.
[02:26:53] Lots of this.
[02:26:54] I should've stayed positive.
[02:27:55] Problem solved.
[02:27:56] Think of that bro.
[02:28:00] Two of those five gifted subs brother.
[02:28:02] 2DOS, two of those five as well.
[02:29:04] My Malkai very obviously ran the game down.
[02:29:07] But if Graves came bot lane, they would 100% die.
[02:29:17] Like I said, that Graves is a fanboy as well.
[02:29:19] Well, I can't- Dude, it's kind of just unplayable, I'm not gonna lie.
[02:29:23] It's- The game's literally just decided by if I get a degenerate fanboy in the jungle or not.
[02:29:30] You know how many games this guy's all chatted me as he can't me?
[02:29:33] And then he threw the game and lost.
[02:29:36] Bro, these guys don't play the game as they should. Why?
[02:29:39] Like nobody gives a flying fuck, bro.
[02:29:41] At the end of the day whether I win or I lose I'm still getting paid. You're just trolling and wasting your own miserable life
[02:29:48] What are we doing guys? What are we doing? The Zin from our last loss is the same thing. This doesn't make sense
[02:30:10] Do that like weird in real life. There's a weirdo
[02:30:14] Oh, I'm playing against Tyler one ignores lane
[02:30:17] Well, I'm playing with them. I'm playing again. I'm playing with them. I'm an ignores lane
[02:30:20] I'm playing against them. I'm gonna camp them. He didn't get so mad. He's doing bro
[02:30:27] Oh, what's that? My top laner tells me not to come top lane, but my bot lane's uh, Tyler won?
[02:30:34] Gotta come top anyway
[02:30:36] Gotta go top
[02:30:59] I'm saying if you don't actually give a fuck about winning you have to lane every time I was on your team true
[02:31:48] lorenzo fast see
[02:31:51] Lorenzo fast was a good one
[02:31:54] You know why? Yes. He's a fanboy. He would literally afk camp me if he was on the enemy team
[02:32:00] constantly, right
[02:32:02] But if he got on my team, he would still camp me. Like whatever. Okay, I'll take that fanboyism. Fine.
[02:32:10] You camp me, disgustingly. You know, at least camp me on my team as well. Perfect.
[02:32:15] Fracture 10, those 10 get to the subs, brother. Well, at the time, we thought Lorenzo Fast was the worst.
[02:32:29] But these dipships nowadays just don't do it the best. Fracture that 10 and then show,
[02:32:51] show Lent to escape the big no subs. It was just subbed if, I mean,
[02:33:18] If my support was better, yes, we would have won, but if General came bot lane, he would have got so fed.
[02:33:26] We could have won that way.
[02:33:27] Nothing wrong with being a GM co-streamer, each shit.
[02:33:49] You're too sand pussy.
[02:33:50] Can't remember what happened.
[02:34:05] Or the Rift play top lane.
[02:34:08] Thanks for responding, Tyler, even though you were busy in team.
[02:34:13] Not in that game. What are you yapping about?
[02:34:15] The support started the game, 0-4, died the same way four times.
[02:34:34] Maybe to do probably jelly well those jungles have lost a lot of games
[02:35:07] It is what is
[02:35:24] LCS like hour and a half
[02:35:26] I have time to play two more. Well, I was so struggle with knowing when to back. I hate that shit
[02:35:46] You'll know in the back. There's like greedy
[02:35:49] We they don't really care
[02:35:56] That if the best league ever touched the risk play today plays today
[02:36:07] I know see night team liquids tomorrow
[02:36:11] I think dreaming because you and I hate it. Yeah, it's pretty uh
[02:36:29] Hey, it takes a lot of work for a little reward
[02:36:31] Once you have the donate for a 1v1, I'm not 1v1-ing you, shit.
[02:36:58] Like cheesecake? Not really.
[02:37:14] If it's light on the cheesecake, and it's like more graham cracker, I'll eat it.
[02:38:03] If you're running the 39080, whatever it is, a little bit, OMG, a little bit.
[02:38:17] Did I swap this knight? Why do I have a smite? Did I swap this knight?
[02:38:58] I can't remember. I had an off-stream.
[02:39:15] What problem Lord nope is the only skin I can use sorry those are you me summoner spells. Oh dear. Oh god
[02:39:35] Buckle up
[02:39:36] I mean it's fine. I can end it one three and three. I got a plus 26 earlier
[02:39:42] So it would still be up net LP. I'm okay with that news guys on Seraphine. I could have just went fucking
[02:39:56] Smolder, but we don't hover
[02:39:58] Well, I feel like if you only play enchanters you have to hover for those guys have casted in jail
[02:40:24] How to shake her play?
[02:40:29] Thank you, Pat's
[02:40:31] No, I'm not playing. I'm really fucking dodge. I didn't swap this might it was already there. I
[02:41:04] I think I
[02:41:06] Hit the client it was already there that means the system tried to give me jungle
[02:41:21] I'm just gonna forget it even happened.
[02:41:40] Generally GM should you have another person on stream qualified to co-streamer like an
[02:41:46] ex pro or challenger player?
[02:41:50] You guys are being heavily disrespectful, just saying.
[02:41:53] So maybe you think about what you type, you know who the fuck I am.
[02:41:57] Yes, I seem to fake the click.
[02:42:24] Holy fuck, yes bro.
[02:42:35] Also co-stream LEC, LCK, you need to get like different permission for all those different
[02:42:39] regions.
[02:42:55] This guy knows who's top laner. He just doesn't give a shit
[02:42:58] What do you think? I think he just doesn't give a shit
[02:43:05] I think he doesn't give a shit and he's gonna pull that. Oh, I didn't know I was top card. Oh, here we go
[02:43:20] Oh, there's it. Oh, here we go
[02:43:23] All right, they locked in Velkaz left barrier. You're not gonna play a mage. Are you?
[02:43:28] They locked in pipe. You're not gonna play mage. Are you I'm top now. He's doing the thing reason you going and not swapping
[02:43:43] This is going great
[02:43:45] Awesome, I don't think it's salty think a general if he never plays. Oh, okay nice. Okay, so just lost
[02:44:09] Just a game don't if you can it's cooked no bro, I've been in queue for 20 minutes only got time for two more games
[02:44:27] It is what it is
[02:44:30] Is what it fucking is
[02:44:32] This guy swapped to a night. He's like actually we're gonna fight so I'm gonna go at night. Yes, brother
[02:44:36] They're just gonna hook me on cooldown as I get ganked by Shaco, and we got Orange's jungle. Oh my god
[02:45:12] It's fine. It's fine. It's fine
[02:45:19] Have you TT win for me? Yeah, we lost we play a game of guess my support's win rate. Oh before you answer
[02:45:40] It's 25%
[02:45:42] He's a jinx one trick, but he didn't ask for swap because nobody asked for swap nowadays because Riot
[02:45:48] hit names
[02:45:50] Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and ditch in this game. It's over
[02:45:52] It doesn't seem like it aligned with the LCS Coast stream rules.
[02:46:29] I deafened, bro.
[02:46:30] I knew it was somebody who carries two major ports and sure they would hate it if they
[02:46:36] raided 80k.
[02:46:37] I don't know.
[02:46:38] It's a great question.
[02:46:39] I think people get tilted that they're autofilled and then they've already checked
[02:46:43] out and like, oh, it's a loss, so it's no, like, whatever, fun.
[02:46:46] You get a flash, but I don't think I can outflash that.
[02:47:41] We never used ignite.
[02:47:45] What?
[02:47:46] How do you ignite the whole time?
[02:47:50] Bro, what the fuck are you doing then?
[02:47:52] Wait, he not get level 2 then? Wait, what?
[02:47:56] Wait, did he get level 2? He wasn't autoing the adc?
[02:48:18] Did it ignite? Again, he wasn't in auto range.
[02:48:25] I had nothing to happen.
[02:48:27] I just dropped both my axes. Holy fuck.
[02:48:31] This is what it is.
[02:48:33] It is what it is. We lost.
[02:48:35] You know, you accepted it.
[02:48:37] You accepted it, bro. Calm down.
[02:48:39] Don't get worked up over it.
[02:48:41] This guy's still in this push.
[02:49:16] Let's just... It is what it is. It's fine.
[02:49:34] This game sucks.
[02:50:04] Yo, I need you to hit these man up.
[02:51:05] I guess so tanky, I think it was both lady.
[02:51:26] Game's over, just flash. I think you're right, I'm gonna just flash for that fuck it.
[02:51:29] I'm not catching my accessor CSing this game for shit.
[02:52:24] It's not worth getting double killed for.
[02:53:18] I'm just like 8 pombos, just pike, doot a kill.
[02:53:22] At least 10.
[02:53:23] That's the best one.
[02:53:31] Unreal.
[02:53:32] Add supports today?
[02:54:10] Unfortunately.
[02:54:11] There she goes!
[02:54:13] He has a 20 faith and he jinxed one trick with a 25% win rate on this champion he's playing.
[02:55:05] And it's not like it's 4 games, it's 12 games.
[02:55:07] 25% win rate.
[02:55:08] No, fuck that, it's 16.
[02:55:11] So he just actually can't ever play the champ.
[02:55:15] Can you imagine if you swap supports this game, how many kills I have?
[02:55:20] Oh my god.
[02:55:22] Running it down as every game.
[02:55:39] game. This was a 20 minute kill. Get off-road. I'm a stupid fucking jungler. Fine, I can end
[02:56:16] 3-3. I'll build. Are we checked out already? I had to watch that VOD. I had to watch the
[02:56:24] VOD. Something had to happen for this guy just not to auto. Are we banking on the fact
[02:56:45] that they're all AD? Move my mouse. Tony Town, what's up? I mean, I, I, whether
[02:58:22] We get so we still try to do one for one one
[02:58:26] But I mean there's a one for zero changed out of this game. I'm not sure it does hitting guy
[02:59:30] I think fiddles in a boat now
[02:59:46] Unfortunately
[02:59:57] Graves might hit notes as a fan
[02:59:59] Can do it guys
[03:00:25] I get a pressure to send them down in these games like this. I mean you I mean it's happening
[03:00:34] The most like depressing thing is when they're just kept in them for ten minutes longer
[03:00:39] It's just such a waste of time. I think fiddle support are hitting though
[03:00:59] It's weirdo behavior just the waste your time in this game
[03:02:03] Like especially if you're if you're troll picking I would consider 25% win rate 16 16 games
[03:02:14] That's a troll pick in my opinion
[03:02:16] But they can end with this riff at a worse win rate on a Irelia. I'm not sure
[03:02:50] Even on Allawi, I was actually inting, I was going 1-15 every game.
[03:02:59] 4 times boosted from plat, I've done deep investigation, I mean he's auto filled.
[03:03:35] Like I said, he's actually just an AD only player, but people nowadays do not type that
[03:03:42] in champs like, people typed a lot more and asked for their roles a lot more before
[03:03:49] names were hidden.
[03:03:50] Now that names are hidden, people don't ask.
[03:03:53] There's like quietly do that.
[03:03:55] Let's see what happens in level 2.
[03:03:57] Well I think they asked before because people knew that you just check OP.GG.
[03:04:21] So we know they get 2 same time.
[03:04:32] We know Pyke's gonna flash.
[03:04:34] I thought we'd be able to win it.
[03:04:35] Okay, I'm pretty sure if we both stand here, auto plus cast of his is E, cast abilities
[03:04:42] on the MS.
[03:04:43] There's like auto, like auto, like you don't walk up auto ignite this?
[03:04:51] What are we doing?
[03:05:06] What are we taking the Summoner Spell?
[03:05:10] Like, okay, right here, like, okay, I gotta ignite here.
[03:05:16] We're just not igniting.
[03:05:17] It ends up being fine because, I think he has to use his Flash.
[03:05:23] But he just keeps his Flash if that doesn't happen.
[03:05:32] Right?
[03:05:37] And let's say that, okay, he had his Flash.
[03:05:40] If that doesn't happen.
[03:05:51] Now, he wanted to kill 100%?
[03:05:53] I think that's what it was.
[03:05:56] I mean, regardless, like I said, regardless,
[03:05:57] Even if that goes perfect, that game is a fucking wash.
[03:06:00] It is, it is.
[03:06:16] Maybe FlashPikeEWin that? No, they just run away.
[03:06:36] They stand and fight, yes, but I think it should have ran.
[03:06:51] We win the game before. Fine.
[03:06:54] Not too bad, Arctic.
[03:07:11] GG, D-Dog, you're fucked.
[03:07:13] Rush, what's up?
[03:07:17] Probably like seven people, Silent.
[03:07:20] That's like open at the beginning.
[03:07:22] Probably like three during the whole game.
[03:07:24] My team and enemy combined.
[03:07:54] Oh, we have Autofill.
[03:08:18] that definitely didn't violate rules of the coast-streaming solo queue.
[03:08:22] I didn't do anything wrong. I'm innocent.
[03:08:54] Dear Reddit! Dear! They in solo queue!
[03:09:04] Tyler1 did something bad.
[03:09:06] Show this, we have some controversy in there.
[03:09:28] I believe you, Bob.
[03:09:46] Blind top, I need to win.
[03:09:48] Surely they're not.
[03:10:00] Are you open to that, DG?
[03:10:04] Surely they don't have stream open.
[03:10:05] Bro, the support was in chat and got banned.
[03:10:24] Which one?
[03:10:25] Or last game?
[03:10:32] What'd he say?
[03:10:35] I didn't see it.
[03:10:45] I'm banning after people keep adding him?
[03:10:47] No, keep him banned.
[03:10:48] He deserves a perm of, but what'd he say?
[03:10:57] He said at night does it kill?
[03:11:01] Oh, play the fucking game!
[03:11:02] That was such a good game for us.
[03:11:04] Guy said he doesn't die till night, bro.
[03:11:20] Come talk.
[03:11:21] I'm live.
[03:11:22] I'm just confused.
[03:11:25] I'm confused by this E.
[03:11:26] It's locked in his 25% win rate.
[03:11:29] Quickly and did it dodge.
[03:11:31] It did it dodge.
[03:11:32] Wait, no, I'm not confused.
[03:11:33] Why?
[03:11:34] I think this guy did bad on purpose to try and get me a call.
[03:11:39] If he dropped that, I'm live.
[03:11:56] Are you same?
[03:12:06] Are you same from last lobby?
[03:12:08] I saw you're stuck in your home, brought that completely into the city field, also I saw
[03:12:14] you in person last week, and I think you're actually 6'7".
[03:12:16] Am I grown?
[03:12:17] I think I have as well.
[03:12:21] Yo!
[03:13:07] What's going on?
[03:13:08] Top laner got Auto-Filled.
[03:13:21] He's my top laner, he's in 80, carry main.
[03:13:24] He got Auto-Filled.
[03:13:25] Top.
[03:13:26] Top I got awful support so I'm like bro. I play top lane. Let me top you don't play any top lane
[03:13:34] He says no, that's it. You're gonna make me play support, which I don't mind
[03:13:46] But you're gonna offer all top you think that's better blue side. I don't like like and he was responding. Can't he please?
[03:13:59] I'll like yo, bro. I'm not a fill. Yo, bro. Oh, it's fine
[03:14:25] But still still your little bitch. I mean, not all this is winery drop like crazy
[03:14:43] What the fuck? Nautilus has a 47% win rate.
[03:14:52] All alone. Wait, how? What happened?
[03:14:55] Wormog's nerf? That's it? Bro, this is literally the Lucian from Last Lobby.
[03:15:13] This guy was my support who got filled Last Lobby.
[03:15:16] See, Link is up here. Yeah, check. I got top lane. Now he's not swapping.
[03:15:20] Brother, what the fuck? Bro, these people are so stupid.
[03:15:25] Yo, you know what Nautilus? Did you kill him?
[03:15:45] I said we win, Amy supports dog, but it's not that this matchup is actually bad because
[03:16:01] we don't have enough damage when I hook.
[03:16:03] We don't have enough damage when I hook, and they have barrier gap.
[03:16:15] It was flash, but why was Lulu top?
[03:18:14] Actually there's a reset here.
[03:18:15] I am on no delay, and their Lulu is a hard ghoster.
[03:18:34] This game could be pretty annoying.
[03:18:42] My Twitch got updated on my phone, it's terrible.
[03:18:49] Why can't this be a verges?
[03:18:50] It's just terrible.
[03:18:53] Yep.
[03:18:54] I should have stayed in this a lot.
[03:18:55] Gotta get a kill with these no-sums.
[03:18:57] Why do I clean sucks? We can't fight there. It's a terrible death. I just ghosting retard in my ear.
[03:20:18] And I beg you, I mean, you know what I give that because I mean you gave double crab and raptor camp.
[03:20:26] That's so bad.
[03:20:28] Against Jarvan, who's flashless by the way. You know, something you can't, I think might...
[03:21:47] I mean, this headroom didn't pass. Yeah, I do, Yuichi. Could have been a one for one, or one for zero.
[03:22:50] I don't lie this game's over. Oh, real deal
[03:23:45] Tell them they get away. We should not supposed to do we're gonna cast level 16. Yeah, that'll win it. We can't ever 2v2
[03:24:03] Let a fighting AD I should have went
[03:24:56] Simba's more warning warning as well. It'll be six scrub. Oh, these boots costing more actually stop up sushi
[03:27:03] The hat backwards and you'll win
[03:27:11] Really how unpleasant that's a fucking win con
[03:28:18] many has been slain daddy like me like that really well oh my god we late
[03:28:51] cleansed it has missed everything but support item wives been seeing it more
[03:29:55] that little robust gave us first tower
[03:30:50] removed bot here well castin got one I think if we get this dragon maybe we
[03:32:13] find a way to get this next dragon it's talking like oh my god the girthy
[03:32:27] vayne he's this guy's flaving this darvin as well as I always do regular
[03:33:17] cook them I'm not resetting that's a bright I'm hidden Opie I think it was
[03:35:06] before a lot more people are building it now passing on solo all farmer and
[03:35:45] ward there's still work on a lousy means still work these guys are yapping
[03:36:51] their asses off actually, aren't they? It's winnable for the world. Oh my god, pass that
[03:37:12] flash soon. Yeah, my bad, brother. You have done it. Like, you've made this game too hard
[03:37:47] already by just getting fucked by the... Syndra? If you have a window to actually perform
[03:37:53] in, like, up your game, why don't we do it? Right, bro? You can't be doing that,
[03:37:57] can't we? Either you choose to be complete ass and useless early, so you're, you know,
[03:38:08] Better late?
[03:38:10] Or you'd be something early?
[03:38:13] You're useless late.
[03:38:14] What do you mean?
[03:39:43] Big talk, I'm gonna fucking think I had to see rockin' up the upheap board
[03:39:46] about your little family, sorry about your drinking coworkers, much love.
[03:39:48] Yeah, they're bastards, no problem, bro.
[03:40:37] They're gonna stand us now, yeah?
[03:40:38] There we go.
[03:41:19] Now we're being a little bit useful.
[03:41:21] Oh, did that Q not hit, by the way?
[03:41:23] How blacklisted is my account?
[03:41:35] My God.
[03:41:36] Oh, Baron's up in 40, let's not be stupid.
[03:41:59] Enemy not Q hits every time?
[03:42:05] What the thing is I think you're right thank God Lucian killed Rengar bro this heck runs terrible. That's just shit
[03:43:22] Sitting there asking farming what do we should be like pushing like resetting there with Baron up who my knights fouling
[03:43:50] No, brother. Are you about to show bot lane on Baron there's a lot he sucks, but whatever
[03:44:42] They have
[03:44:44] Jane love Jarvan so it's just a death and Lucian played well. Thank God everybody else was asked
[03:44:57] Well, at least you won that game. Thank God. I needed the win before coast-tripping or else I was going to be in a bad bad mood for LP
[03:45:40] before come watch VOD
[03:45:42] He wouldn't like to talk shit anything like
[03:45:51] Hecker on real center of the game. I think I just said why'd you guys reset that fucking shit?
[03:45:55] I mean you both under performed like hell and just got carried. Didn't you?
[03:46:00] That's I think you did bro. I'm not GM challenger 700. I actually auto promote after the game
[03:46:09] I started at 703. You're right. You're right. You're right. All right. Let's see this
[03:46:22] I'm not playing an a
[03:46:24] Game for an area game. Let me see what this is
[03:46:29] Yeah, how much
[03:46:33] Nothing to say it's much harder to execute, but I think it's a champion pool. He should just play
[03:46:39] You can find stuff that works. You could still play sign
[03:46:42] You're playing Zerry mid you're playing gin just like to save his pick just cheese and just choose him
[03:46:47] Those are the two he's to
[03:46:49] I love I love it. Yeah, you got any more keys on you for the other ones. We got it. All right, hold on
[03:46:55] Oh, I gotta fix things for this
[03:47:01] Guys, I'm not allowed to have I don't even want to have sub go on bottom coast training. I'm not allowed to have any sponsors
[03:47:13] Breaking news professional Yappalo Tyler one promises chat
[03:47:17] He will be challenger and falls short check him tomorrow to find out if he makes it
[03:47:23] Tacos, fuck you bro. Fuck you
[03:47:25] Keep the sub go up. I'm pretty sure I can't when I'm post-streaming
[03:47:35] Also, I gotta change my stream title remember what this one is so you can change it back after
[03:47:58] Hey, thank you guys hashtag. What's the hashtag that people use? It's not an ad
[03:48:13] It's not ad
[03:48:17] Hashtag co-stream the watch party would never hashtag. I'm not a challenger hashtag your parents hate you
[03:48:55] LCS watch party
[03:48:57] Thank You Docs damn doc you go for a promotion by the way, bro
[03:49:02] You're trying a little bit too hard a cringe, bro. All right, that's that so I do shit till it starts all right, bro
[03:49:18] No, let me see, I need to find LCS teams.
[03:49:29] Who's playing today?
[03:49:31] Bro, what team do I want to root for?
[03:49:33] For playoffs and worlds, I don't know.
[03:49:36] I'm not sure, bro.
[03:49:41] Wikipedia?
[03:49:49] What are the LCS teams?
[03:49:54] Hundred Thieves, please.
[03:49:55] See, Hundred Thieves might not be bad
[03:49:57] because I like G-Snipe's.
[03:50:00] And aren't they pretty young?
[03:50:14] Now he's 19, you have to have more.
[03:50:19] Endings.
[03:50:22] Oh shit, look at the LOL eSports website.
[03:50:24] This isn't sponsored by the way, not sponsored.
[03:50:27] All right, all right, all right.
[03:50:27] Let me see, let me see.
[03:50:29] Let me see who we want.
[03:50:30] All right, let's check Cloud9.
[03:50:31] Blabber?
[03:50:32] You know, I've had a lot of bad experience
[03:50:34] with Blabber and soloQ, but I've met,
[03:50:37] I've met, wait, why is Fudge still on here?
[03:50:39] Oh yeah, he's not starting.
[03:50:40] I've met Blabber and Percy, no, he's not bad.
[03:50:43] I think, who do I wish?
[03:50:45] I wish these bastards, no offense.
[03:50:47] Right, I'm not slaming your players.
[03:50:50] It's a broad term, what I'm saying, bastard.
[03:50:53] I wish these fucking bastards, I'm kidding, right?
[03:50:57] I wish they would see me on team
[03:51:00] and be like, yo, holy shit, focus up.
[03:51:04] But Fudge leaked to me
[03:51:07] that after Blabber plays with streamers,
[03:51:10] he goes into their vaults and watches the reaction.
[03:51:13] Fudge leaked that to me.
[03:51:15] so when the blibber is running me down in solo queue is he doing it to make me mad
[03:51:21] so he can laugh at the VOD later like so blibber I mean I don't know bro you
[03:51:28] know you don't really let me win a lot so I don't know
[03:51:32] Zerker I have an opinion with him even when I met him it was just like I don't
[03:51:37] think he thought to me I don't think he I don't know if I don't know if he could
[03:51:39] fudge fudge is a piece of shit I respect him for leaking info but fudge
[03:51:46] there's a reason you're not starting bro if you keep fucking reefing me in solo
[03:51:52] queue and smurfing on the enemy team never gonna play focus up bro and
[03:51:56] every time I get fudge on my team in solo queue or he's on the enemy if fudge
[03:52:00] is in the game I lose it's not looking good for C9 it's not a good
[03:52:04] For C9 who who's this guy is there starting top laner now? I have no idea. Jojo
[03:52:12] I don't actually know what Jojo's to look you account is
[03:52:15] Hi, who's their coach? What is this?
[03:52:20] I'm kidding. I have a problem with hi. I we played with him in a
[03:52:24] team liquid or a
[03:52:28] Heat to a travels I
[03:52:31] Believe and then Vulcan honestly
[03:52:37] Honestly, I like Vulcan Vulcan plays well when I give him a solo queue, right?
[03:52:49] Both teams, you know, he banters it back and forth. Oh look he did the chat. Oh look at that
[03:52:55] Not scripted by the way. Look at this. These guys live sweat breed. What is this?
[03:53:00] You're actually in the chat. You're lucky, bro. Actually I take that back. I like Vulcan
[03:53:05] So what does that mean?
[03:53:09] We'll come back to C9 we'll come back to C9 team liquid
[03:53:13] Impact plays to look you a lot. He does. Does he give it his best all the time? No,
[03:53:24] but he's a limit tester. If he underperforms later, will he be, you know, better? If he
[03:53:30] underperforms early, will he be better later on? Yes, he will be. He doesn't give up.
[03:53:35] True though! True! Wait a minute! Wait, you're right. I forgot about this. Impact
[03:53:47] versus weak side William wait a minute wait a minute pull up the Vaude wait pull
[03:54:02] up the Vaude I was not happy this game I'm gonna say is weak side William solo
[03:54:22] killed impact by the way right it was infinitely more useful and we got red
[03:54:28] side gnar lockin against him not just kind of gap he got his shit in at all
[03:54:36] all stages of the game.
[03:54:38] In laning phase, teamfights roaming.
[03:54:42] He did see what?
[03:54:43] I weak side Willy up.
[03:54:44] It was Willy?
[03:54:45] I weak side Willy up.
[03:54:47] It was?
[03:54:48] Oh, wait a minute.
[03:54:49] He took out of him.
[03:54:51] So I don't know, actually.
[03:54:53] In fact, it could be better.
[03:54:54] Like, we can't be losing to Willy.
[03:54:56] That guy is not mentally sound at all.
[03:54:59] So I don't know.
[03:55:00] I'm dead out to you.
[03:55:02] What's up, bro?
[03:55:03] You blew it at the Esports World Cup.
[03:55:06] I think no offense.
[03:55:07] Again, I'm not flaming the riot.
[03:55:10] By the way, I need a fucking disclaimer.
[03:55:13] Anything, guys, I'm playing up for Sona.
[03:55:16] Guys, I'm just playing a character.
[03:55:18] Disclaimer, it's just for entertainment purposes.
[03:55:24] Right, just for entertainment.
[03:55:26] This guy's in solo queue terrorist, like it's randoms.
[03:55:29] No offense, like it's randoms, bro.
[03:55:34] I remember, I've played this guy like four times
[03:55:36] Masters who's he who's getting body bite Jimmy Bob Bob 75 no offense
[03:55:42] Plenty of some a couple days ago. He with my ass, but it's because they try like dude. I'm not a king
[03:55:47] It's these pro players Super Bowl by the way
[03:55:50] I'm not lying if you think about it. It's their Super Bowl when they're in game with me actually
[03:55:56] Sort of God is what a God so I this a thumbs down
[03:56:01] For you umpity dumpty and you blew it at the Esports World Cup. You're the reason they lost
[03:56:05] What were you doing top lane flashing blind into four APA didn't throw you under the bus, but you solo lost that game. I
[03:56:14] Said it you stole off didn't the whole Baron sequence like what was that? I don't forget umpity dumpy
[03:56:19] I don't forget I pay you know what?
[03:56:23] I've said a long time. I don't like APA except put it them years ago
[03:56:27] Years ago years ago and he used to be a win trader. He don't deny it. It is what it is
[03:56:32] We all grow and he would eat me then used to be with don't deny it is what it is. We all grow, you know
[03:56:40] But then I was watching Vought earlier and I kind of forgot not early up today, but I was playing with him
[03:56:45] when he was
[03:56:47] We're twitch rivals
[03:56:48] We're twitch right after I forgot about that for that. I remember when he got DDoS
[03:56:55] You know, we probably got DDoS because he's in a group with shady people, but it is what it is
[03:57:00] And then Dunn took over and we won
[03:57:03] No, I've played with him a couple times recently and still look to you. He's for fun as fuck. Just limit testing
[03:57:10] I gotta say I respect his eSports performance
[03:57:16] Right, then I do got his eSports World Cup performance, but I also gotta do say, you know
[03:57:22] He's in a homegrown the region, right in a talent. I'll go
[03:57:40] Bumps up thumbs up thumbs up
[03:57:45] You know, I also play with you see I played against him or I'm gonna play this like you bought I've been skewed top lot
[03:57:52] you know
[03:57:53] Lots of the same these do it with core JJ now. I have a strong opinion about core JJ
[03:57:57] So, I'll just give you a minute, I actually don't know about this game.
[03:58:01] CoreJJ, listen, I've seen your eSports World Cup.
[03:58:07] I've seen that you're a decorated world champion, right?
[03:58:13] I've had a couple of experiences with CoreJJ and so look here, right?
[03:58:17] A couple.
[03:58:21] And I, you know, I got, you know, he hinted, he hinted, and then I said, he hinted.
[03:58:25] He ruined my games.
[03:58:26] He ruined my games several, a couple games in a row, right?
[03:58:31] Not a fan.
[03:58:32] of that. But I will say, for the scene as a whole, you know, he was advocating for
[03:58:38] champion skill. He was doing the Team Liquid Honda, what was it called? Honda,
[03:58:48] do you remember? We were reviewing it. Team Liquid Honda, Honda, the Team Liquid Honda
[03:59:00] highlight. Right? He was a big part of that, you know, getting those guys, all
[03:59:05] those new players that they got coaching. You know my solo cupers viewpoint on him
[03:59:12] could be better but I think he's done positive work compared to other people for the NA scene.
[03:59:22] I know he played with me and he was playing smolder and he had 24 stacks at 15 minutes.
[03:59:33] Let me say something. Looking back at it now and no playing smolder how the fuck did he have
[03:59:39] 24 stacks at 15 minutes
[03:59:42] What the fuck now that smolders like out for a while what were we even doing?
[03:59:49] I kind of want to go full but no I'm not going to it's fine
[03:59:53] What the fuck it's fine though
[03:59:59] It's fine
[04:00:01] So overall, you know
[04:00:03] Not know I like a PA not sure I could be a full supporter of feel like I don't I don't hate them individually
[04:00:13] Let's check out fly quest. I don't know who this is. I have who is who is I don't know who this is
[04:00:20] Masu
[04:00:21] Rep that take a look at this guy
[04:00:24] Who is this guy where'd he come from? He's there any carry?
[04:00:31] He's a rookie. I'm trying to remember that eSports World Cup
[04:00:42] He's okay. I need to back up whatever. I actually like arrow. It was a solo cute tryhard. He does like
[04:00:48] He tries almost every game
[04:00:50] I like Arrow actually. Oh God! Very, I like this guy too.
[04:00:58] This guy showed no goddamn fear in the World Cup. I like this guy.
[04:01:05] Yes, it was 80 carries Meadow, right?
[04:01:09] Or it was 80 carries Mint. I think it still is. It was like, Kordik, whatever. Bro, he came to play. Who did it? Caps?
[04:01:15] Bro, he was beating these shit out of Caps. He was, bro.
[04:01:19] He was okay. What was a for fun player? Let's be real here
[04:01:26] We both is for fun. So look you for fun
[04:01:35] LCS for sure I didn't he picks things because it's quirky. I'm not gonna lie
[04:01:39] And then you know, I tried watching his streams a couple times, bro that guy talks
[04:01:45] I don't think there's a moment of silence in his stream at all he has to have ADHD it's it's it's almost unhealthy the amount he talks during a stream
[04:02:00] Just about like what's happening a million words per minute. It's it's a bit unsettling. I couldn't take it. I think
[04:02:08] But I will say about so look you he's kind of like
[04:02:10] It's kind of like Impact.
[04:02:16] All the pro players play SyllaQ, the same thing.
[04:02:19] They're not going to really give up at all because they're pros.
[04:02:22] So if they get bodied early, they'll still
[04:02:25] be very useful later on.
[04:02:27] So he is for sure like that.
[04:02:32] I will definitely give him that.
[04:02:33] Inspired?
[04:02:37] Listen, inspired, you know?
[04:02:41] SyllaQ performance, whatever, you're fine.
[04:02:43] Brother, I don't know what you're going through.
[04:02:47] Or what happened after he left EG?
[04:02:51] Maybe JoJo was carrying you, bro.
[04:02:54] I'm not really sure.
[04:02:55] But brother, you look like you're scared of conflict
[04:02:58] out there on the Rift.
[04:03:00] We have got to get involved.
[04:03:04] Yes, more like uninspired, bro.
[04:03:07] We have got to get involved in the game.
[04:03:09] I've actually watched a couple of FlyQuest games.
[04:03:14] I haven't played for KD bro, but it's like we're playing to see how little damage we can do in a match
[04:03:20] No offense, and then then again, where you from bro actually is this team like you born by the way
[04:03:30] And then we got such a picture
[04:03:34] Baccio, yeah, I'm caught in Baccio. I don't give a shit. What's up Baccio? I didn't play with him
[04:03:40] I have a recent opinion of him because I played with him yesterday
[04:03:45] As you played really well
[04:03:47] Baccio
[04:03:48] You know, like they call that busier than make me stop. So honestly, I don't know. I don't know
[04:03:59] Plus he's like in a
[04:04:01] Right young wait, is he still young by the way?
[04:04:06] Plus actually true plus
[04:04:09] He got double. Let's kick that in the lead true true
[04:04:15] Thumbs up thumbs up
[04:04:19] Let's go.
[04:04:20] I don't know, I don't know, you know, I like quad god, I like arrow, I like boost, I don't
[04:04:30] know.
[04:04:31] I don't know.
[04:04:32] Like NRG.
[04:04:33] Who is this guy?
[04:04:34] I've never heard of this guy in my life, by the way.
[04:04:37] Is this guy new or who is this guy?
[04:04:42] Oh, he's the support sub.
[04:04:48] Chuz.
[04:04:49] Halifox.
[04:04:55] This guy was better a couple of scenes ago.
[04:04:59] SoloQ he is absolutely average, he's average bro, he's an average player.
[04:05:07] Not good, not bad, he's average, that is what it is, he just exists.
[04:05:13] It's not like one of those pros you see like pop off like every time in SoloQ he's just
[04:05:19] you know, there, breathing.
[04:05:26] Big Dokes never loses lane in SoloQ ever in his life by the way.
[04:05:30] I've never seen this guy loose lane ever in his life.
[04:05:33] I'm not gonna lie.
[04:05:34] Actually, one of the rare solo queue players
[04:05:37] that if he's like you want on your team, I'll say that.
[04:05:40] Actually, this guy never loses.
[04:05:42] He plays a little bit of cringe shit like Varus
[04:05:44] and you know, all the cringers.
[04:05:46] This guy never underperforms.
[04:05:49] And he's like a 1v2 weak side demon actually.
[04:05:54] So I'm gonna, so I don't,
[04:05:55] I really know about pro play.
[04:05:56] I don't want to, it's in my opinion from solo queue.
[04:05:59] I don't really know about LCS. I know he did really well on Academy, I believe.
[04:06:03] Wait, so wait. Hasn't Dopla's like, Arc been like, pro Academy, pro Academy, pro? Hasn't it?
[04:06:10] Like, hasn't he been like, yeah, okay. That's what I thought. I'm gonna say good.
[04:06:26] Contracts? I think contracts been playing forever. I thought he was young.
[04:06:37] In 2017, yeah, that's what I thought. For some reason, for me, he's always just like, young in my head.
[04:06:50] Like, oh, he's still a rookie. Oh, he's still a rookie. Oh, he's still a rookie.
[04:06:53] I don't know if I've played with him any time recently. I don't know. He's not...
[04:07:00] Jump pros and solo queue jungle always take over, so it's like hard to judge.
[04:07:05] Like pros always do good in solo queue. Unless you're umpty-dumpty, of course.
[04:07:08] Everybody but umpty-dumpty, as well.
[04:07:12] Right?
[04:07:17] FBI...
[04:07:19] FBI has been everywhere. Bro, these...
[04:07:22] Bro, do these LCS teams just like, like, trade players around constantly?
[04:07:26] How's an FBI been on like, seven teams?
[04:07:28] Jesus Christ.
[04:07:33] Yeah, he was on 100 Thieves when they made Spring Finals when I did my Houston, Houston.
[04:07:44] Actually, 100 Thieves was Ichi.
[04:07:50] I don't know, Soze, E.U.
[04:07:52] Backup or a coach?
[04:07:56] Wait, Apollo's still playing?
[04:07:58] Wait, Apollo Price still plays it?
[04:08:02] Wait, see that backup?
[04:08:07] You guys have so many people.
[04:08:10] Okay, he's a backup.
[04:08:12] Wait, I was about to say, you don't even hear about these guys anymore.
[04:08:14] I think he's good
[04:08:18] I think he's good, bro. I think he's good. Oh, hey, I think he's good
[04:08:22] But I feel like he's older shit though. I'm sure he's older shit
[04:08:30] But I thought that it's solo queue. I remember him being good before somebody say he's good
[04:08:36] Yes guys, I
[04:08:38] Okay, I'm saying all this I am a young at 29 you understand that
[04:08:44] That it's rules. I can't say I've watched much energy
[04:08:47] So I don't know about that. I got to get to the these 12 minutes
[04:08:58] Take away is either starting top laner is fake out there starting top laner. I don't like this guy
[04:09:16] Everything I play top lane. He's red side just so he gets counter pick thumbs down boogie is this guy that taught that
[04:09:23] Men Tarsen had a conflict. It's a different day. Oh insanity
[04:09:29] B-boy big
[04:09:31] What up, bro?
[04:09:35] You tell me oh yeah, I'm just gonna skip just for having to me oh no fits again
[04:09:40] I'm not flaming. No that guy's a solo queue terrorist or fun limit tester perma
[04:09:45] Just like one tactical used to be the truth. Who's this? Ask? Never heard of this guy. Ole. Oh, I like Ole
[04:10:00] I like Ole's work ethic, dude. This guy sweats his ass off a little bit unhealthy how much he plays
[04:10:06] Like how much of a tryhard he is
[04:10:08] But I respect it. Castle, I have no idea.
[04:10:19] Milesia back up. Wait, he's starting? Wait, really? Joey? Is he a full roster?
[04:10:36] No, who's the- oh, he starts for sure, what?
[04:10:39] Yep.
[04:10:40] Yeah, I am.
[04:10:41] Hey, baby.
[04:10:46] Hey, baby girl.
[04:10:50] Pause rate.
[04:10:53] Say the root rate.
[04:10:54] Say the root rate.
[04:10:55] Hey, baby.
[04:10:56] Say hi to the boys.
[04:10:57] Hey, baby.
[04:10:58] Hi, guys.
[04:10:59] Hey, guys.
[04:11:00] Hey.
[04:11:01] Not too much screen time.
[04:11:02] It's more like bubblegum, baby.
[04:11:07] Yeah?
[04:11:09] Hey
[04:11:11] Not too much screen time. So like like bubblegum baby. Yeah
[04:11:18] Yeah
[04:11:25] Yeah, hold on
[04:11:30] Skip. All right, we got digatoss. Oh, I was why you look at me like that, bro. You got a problem
[04:11:46] dude think he's like a
[04:11:52] He's uh, what are they called?
[04:11:54] head shot. I was just being last by the way. I didn't think I was bad. When you play before,
[04:12:12] is it bad I thought? Wait, I thought Zvid wasn't bad. I thought Lickers was bad. Wait,
[04:12:20] how's this TNF speaking? Wait, I thought they won like first game of the split against
[04:12:31] Somebody they're really washed. Oh my god, they should not be one in five
[04:12:44] Hundred days, I'm a so to try hard quit not really sure. I mean, I'm not gonna lie
[04:13:03] Outside of G snipes. Who are you? Can we get G snipes a fucking team?
[04:13:14] Can we get G snipes of goddamn help?
[04:13:19] What is this? I'm setting the kid up for failure, bro. What are we doing?
[04:13:27] My god, it is what is it is what is I'm not a lie these bottom four teams look uninspiring
[04:13:37] Well, I think let's wait and see let's wait and see I can't choose a favorite team right now. I don't know
[04:13:51] I don't know I
[04:13:53] Don't know. Oh, yeah. No, I went to the YouTube stream before and it wouldn't work
[04:14:08] Under that was during the eSports World Cup
[04:14:10] RG today that should be very doable and the only team that we have in mind
[04:14:17] I'm just gonna go up to the front here, okay
[04:14:20] The only team that everyone has in mind is going to be NRG because they are currently at the top with a series
[04:14:25] Lead wait, so who's playing that's a schedule of loss versus team liquid in my mind
[04:14:29] It's in my mind. It's a schedule of loss. Damn you a hater and based off of the scenarios that we had just run on dignitas
[04:14:39] I think it's just going to be an inevitability in which in this
[04:14:42] And the last thing is also just the amount of three game losses that they've had because let me go into
[04:14:52] Oh, yeah, I'm not as best as three went into a tiebreaker with but well third game versus cloud nine and team liquid
[04:14:59] It's not as best as three games.
[04:15:03] Let me fix this.
[04:15:04] Sorry.
[04:15:05] Maybe I think I'm not that bad.
[04:15:09] Okay.
[04:15:10] And again some mega copium.
[04:15:14] But I think when you watch a team that almost plays like they have nothing to lose, it's
[04:15:19] so much more exciting and I have so much more hopes for them in placing fourth.
[04:15:24] Is it possible?
[04:15:25] I mean if they win today, I think it is, right?
[04:15:27] after and I'm still rooting for Immortals of Riddick.
[04:15:30] Basil from FlyQuest?
[04:15:32] I think that's possible.
[04:15:33] They could be fourth place if they caught a few things up.
[04:15:36] What are that math you have faith in?
[04:15:38] There's diamonds on her teeth, bro.
[04:15:40] I think they're balling exciting.
[04:15:41] My quest got money like that.
[04:15:43] What is there to even figure out what to do?
[04:15:45] They'll do something.
[04:15:47] They flip and they really lose or they really win.
[04:15:50] They're entertaining.
[04:15:52] You're diamond as well.
[04:15:53] They're also the same record as Dignitas Razz.
[04:15:56] Who are you trying to stay?
[04:15:58] I am T.C. Lee.
[04:15:59] Yeah.
[04:16:00] Look, that final game of the split is going to be exciting.
[04:16:02] Who is it?
[04:16:03] We'll have to see a match-up.
[04:16:04] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!
[04:16:05] The match in front of us is energy versus dig.
[04:16:08] And, uh, who he, he does not buy into dig season.
[04:16:12] I will say, I will say a lot of people aren't buying into dig season.
[04:16:15] Oh, shit, they're trash talking.
[04:16:16] One win currently.
[04:16:17] Okay, who he's not a trash talker?
[04:16:18] Bro, I bet this guy in real life, he could barely steer at me.
[04:16:21] He could barely look me in the eyes.
[04:16:25] Yeah, and again, I am a staggering staggering six foot five
[04:16:32] So I'm quite
[04:16:35] unanimously decided that it was
[04:16:37] NRG right like they were like if any team's gonna punch up they thought
[04:16:42] Shut up. You're a hater. How are you?
[04:16:45] absolving
[04:16:50] Wait a minute, you're not playing
[04:16:52] more pro quotes as well inspired does think energy are the fourth best team and listen
[04:16:59] I'm not just appealing to authority here. I also think energy are the fourth best team. Okay, because they're in force
[04:17:12] Saying this life
[04:17:22] But also let's check out the the early game for both of these teams heading into the matchup today on our podcast
[04:17:29] Everything about these teams was very very close. What's the numbers?
[04:17:33] It would have been that good in the early game both had obviously similar record. Oh wait
[04:17:37] Is it different now? There's no way to get that past as well, but there's there's very similar stats throughout
[04:17:44] Yeah, I think the big thing for me if they took all the players in their prime and put them together
[04:17:50] There's no way
[04:17:54] Went south pretty quick at level one
[04:17:56] What's that they so who's
[04:17:59] RG like no way energy beats dig
[04:18:05] And until the Baron throw energy actually looked pretty in control
[04:18:11] Which they still
[04:18:13] Good, just yeah, yeah, it's unclean
[04:18:16] I'm going to speak a little bit more on what it is as you can see.
[04:18:19] Bro, open your eyes, you're not faker.
[04:18:20] I'm working for both of these teams.
[04:18:21] Bro, open your eyes, you're not faker, you're not getting in the zone.
[04:18:23] Okay, open them.
[04:18:24] When they face Cloud9 last week, like, people want to wipe game 2 out of their memory based
[04:18:28] off of the first, like, level 1 and the landing phase in game 2, but they've had
[04:18:33] close games, but just in general, it's been nice to see these teams.
[04:18:39] Jatt, I heard that you caught up with both of the coaches looking at your series,
[04:18:42] so let's check in on that.
[04:18:44] Thank you if you're a think card and maybe oh shit the coaches oh the street fight
[04:18:51] For the win actually blocks you guys playoffs how much importance are you putting on imagine if energy coaches like
[04:18:58] Like took us hand in this to like give it up like I'm not
[04:19:05] Know that we're gonna be in playoffs and we can start prepping for who we might play against going into playoffs and and maybe I know
[04:19:12] Last night probably wasn't what you guys expected, but what's the confidence level like going into today?
[04:19:16] Wait is that a list?
[04:19:17] I would say we're feeling pretty confident. Obviously last week was definitely a rough game, we were expecting to win that one, but if we play our game today, I think we should be in a fine state.
[04:19:26] So I happen to remember when Dignitas won for earlier...
[04:19:30] I like the guy in the suit!
[04:19:31] I was talking to Sven and he actually thanked energy for the confidence boost and scrims. I know this was a month ago.
[04:19:37] What's the level of confidence now playing against Dignitas on stage?
[04:19:40] with their bottom of the standings.
[04:19:42] The level of confidence for D&T.
[04:19:43] Against energy, because in the past,
[04:19:46] Sven thanked them for the confidence in scrims.
[04:19:48] Pay attention.
[04:19:49] If we're judging on scrims, I mean,
[04:19:50] we should be very confident.
[04:19:51] The coach might be the problem with the, actually.
[04:19:53] Who's gonna focus up?
[04:19:54] For energy, or against scrim trust?
[04:19:58] I mean, we've been doing a lot better against everyone.
[04:20:00] I think against them,
[04:20:01] they have like a really weird style in scrims,
[04:20:02] but on stage, like,
[04:20:04] we know that when we play our game again.
[04:20:07] All right, well, I'll see you in the next day.
[04:20:07] Thanks, guys.
[04:20:08] Wait, does it energy, let me check.
[04:20:09] does it energy have one win
[04:20:12] So wait, you just never play your game then
[04:20:14] What's going on here?
[04:20:15] Check out our pre-submitted predictions then
[04:20:18] Yes
[04:20:18] I wonder if we got...
[04:20:20] Oh, they have two wins
[04:20:21] Oh wow, okay, that was the only one
[04:20:23] Emily
[04:20:24] Who flipped, yeah
[04:20:25] Explain yourself
[04:20:26] Um, I actually did like a lot of the things I saw from NRG in the C9 series
[04:20:31] Obviously, most of those things were in-game
[04:20:33] Look at that! Everybody agrees with me, dick
[04:20:35] Because I didn't like their comp as much in game 2 even even after that level one happened even before that one happened rather
[04:20:43] but
[04:20:45] Just
[04:20:47] But this cross that we get a little down babies. That's it for us from the lounge
[04:20:52] Let's toss up to stage to get out of here. Please
[04:20:56] I
[04:21:09] Very easy.
[04:21:11] Oh gee, he kinda like stole my whole point.
[04:21:13] Oh shit!
[04:21:19] I was like, I would be up there one day.
[04:21:36] One day, ma-
[04:21:40] Welcome back to the LCS for summer 2024.
[04:22:02] Later today, 100 Thieves in a Mortar-
[04:22:04] What studio's that?
[04:22:05] In a battle to climb the standings as time runs out on the regular season.
[04:22:10] But first, big fear!
[04:22:11] Look at it bring it back after last week's loss against an energy team.
[04:22:15] Still looking to find some of that summer magic that we've seen in the past.
[04:22:18] I'm captain flowers joined by Japs of this series and Emily ran rounded out the
[04:22:31] I was good at swarming that analysis
[04:22:43] We do when I was looking at these two teams their actual stats are so close okay, so remind me by the way
[04:22:48] Real quick remind me. There's LCS playoffs who goes to the playoffs
[04:23:05] Top six out of 18
[04:23:11] Okay, we're in the draft very important gonna go ahead and call this out we are on patch 14
[04:23:15] Oh, they play live!
[04:23:26] I haven't really watched her play since E-Sports World Cup, so...
[04:23:42] Well, so is there still 80 mids?
[04:23:45] pretty good like targeted bands obviously energy want to sponsor move the
[04:23:49] nidalee and it's pretty much the same that I like
[04:23:55] whereas I still think energy I think right now
[04:23:58] theory as real Lucian is disgusting and then removing the search from contracts
[04:24:04] who can do a lot with that
[04:24:07] So presumably for Dirk Lane
[04:24:18] Rumble is still...
[04:24:19] He's up bro
[04:24:21] Rumble is broken
[04:24:22] Wait, this is the patch that Rumble was nerfed by the way
[04:24:24] This is my problem bro
[04:24:27] Like we nerfed Rumble
[04:24:28] And he still picked every time
[04:24:31] What am I doing?
[04:24:37] Burn as the first pick this champion has become a little more popular recently, right? Yeah, I made I've made I've actually really really strong
[04:24:45] contracts interestingly enough for
[04:24:48] NRG is a known Ivern player as well as they go nomi. What are they doing?
[04:24:52] They did not end up first picking it and it fell out of the draft
[04:24:55] That's actually been something that people have been banning against NRG pretty frequently. Are they just pushing me right?
[04:25:00] We don't know how lead works
[04:25:02] with so many AD carry compositions and we talked about how yes Kraken Slayer got there and more reminder got nerfed
[04:25:10] Players are probably nervous. There are some targeted itemization changes against AD carries on this patch
[04:25:16] As we see the Maokai locked in for contracts some really excellent combination with rumble potential there
[04:25:23] Okay, but Ivern is just so great. I hate Maokai. I hate your carries safe, but I swear to God it's useless
[04:25:30] why is it snow being played what does he do especially in a world like you're
[04:25:35] talking about every team composition these days having two different marks and
[04:25:38] yes maybe I'm smart from umpy dumpy but bro even T1 was playing here in the
[04:25:43] jungle as we have that Lucian locked in for energy not surprised at all to see
[04:25:48] this they got some of that mid lane marksman alongside the big AP heavy
[04:25:54] hitter with the top side rumble we'll see how well Palafox compiled this
[04:25:57] True, that's triple AP, that's a 4-2 AP.
[04:26:00] In terms of the Tristana, Corky, Zeri, Lucian combos that we're seeing in the mid lane,
[04:26:06] but it is generally what we expected with the 1-2 lane AP pick that is 90% this is going to go mid,
[04:26:12] even though there is a world where they'd go Lucian-Nami and then still throw a Tristar Corky mid lane,
[04:26:16] so it's a bit of a flex pick which I can still pull off from the blue side, but not too surprised.
[04:26:20] Good for the observers.
[04:26:21] Alright, let's see what we get here.
[04:26:23] I'm also very curious about that super-low Z-Cod.
[04:26:25] here in the update, as well as DIG's mid as DIG's DIG.
[04:26:27] It's picked alongside a Bard support, or something similar that is constantly going to be roaming,
[04:26:32] allowing DIG to use that pressure that he needs to exert in order to be valuable as a pick.
[04:26:37] So I'm curious if the support role is going to be targeted more by DIG here in the second half of the draft with the brom.
[04:26:42] DIG and brom.
[04:26:43] So they don't want to deal with that one.
[04:26:45] Brom should not be as a pickable though.
[04:26:47] DIG and DIG play DIG and mid.
[04:26:50] I am super curious to see on the side of energy you mentioned how Lucian can be a flex
[04:26:56] I still fully expected to go mid as Trist is removed that pairs again, even yes, even when you're supporting
[04:27:03] I got dig witty even with
[04:27:05] I like big dope on energy so especially when she's a mid allows you big dope does well and they win
[04:27:12] I'm not I'm not push out
[04:27:14] But I will put my professional opinion on
[04:27:20] I didn't know the poor hats right of stock personally
[04:27:25] We're top top people are on it at this point. This is a tragedy
[04:27:28] We got to get more or hats back here in the shop, but it is Callista
[04:27:31] I'm a child. I'm a five-year-old challenger multi-season multi region. No, I am challenger opinion
[04:27:37] Do you think they're also just gonna try to get rid of it? They've been 47% with interest in here for energy or something else
[04:27:42] I think it makes the most sense in terms of limiting the amount of options. They have mid lane
[04:27:47] I don't Jensen doesn't strike me a Zerry player
[04:27:50] So yeah, he definitely has a lot of quirky games in the past and he's gonna keep him off of Trump
[04:27:54] But this does actually open the window and unless he plays Zerry for a mage pick
[04:27:59] I do know even though it's not traditionally a good matchup that like
[04:28:05] So we'll see if he just goes back to control mage city or if he actually pulls out the Zerry for what I think
[04:28:11] Jensen plays your name
[04:28:13] But he plays it
[04:28:23] Oh, it is the broc
[04:28:24] I don't know
[04:28:25] See, look!
[04:28:26] Look!
[04:28:27] Look! My challenger opinion!
[04:28:29] Look at that!
[04:28:38] Get him!
[04:28:39] to it so I'm curious how well I was hoping locked in for big dig that is
[04:29:06] Ligra from the GDG.
[04:29:08] Yeah, because he has been
[04:29:10] eviscerated by nerfs and completely
[04:29:12] dropped out of the meta, but this is a window
[04:29:14] where, I mean, their top side damage
[04:29:16] is
[04:29:18] comically low now, with
[04:29:20] Skarner, Ivern up against...
[04:29:22] And also like, we
[04:29:24] can't play serious in no way. Ivern's
[04:29:26] Ivern is good.
[04:29:28] When Skarner was absolutely giga broken
[04:29:30] was something that people were like,
[04:29:32] well, because of his pushing power,
[04:29:34] Because of his damage he can be an alright counter. It was the rumble and the more
[04:29:38] He doesn't look like that dude. Look at his coach by the way. Is this guy good?
[04:29:42] Like what is it? Like the CEO of like Dig like haven't want to leave. Like what is this guy does not look happy?
[04:29:49] Is he like stressed or what's going on man?
[04:29:52] I'm beginning to think there might be a little bit.
[04:29:54] Jesus like is this team is not doing well?
[04:29:56] There's a little drafting going on based on the look on your face.
[04:29:58] So I feel kind of bad.
[04:30:00] Do you both think that energy won the draft or is there an angle here for me?
[04:30:04] He is literally aware of it because again, it's it's easy to execute. It has a lot of especially with
[04:30:13] Malkai it has a lot of the things that you find last week in that first game
[04:30:18] It has a lot of the same quality carbingers to this comp as well
[04:30:22] So if they can you know play better around there and play better around
[04:30:25] Okay, it's made to late-game team fights and objective setups then I do favor energies
[04:30:32] All right ladies and gentlemen welcome to Summoners Red for the first time today in this battle three between energy and Dignitas Jensen
[04:30:37] Piling that mid lane Zerry not a pick that we would have expected out of him and Licker is also choosing a scarner to spike the sleep of Nerf
[04:30:41] Champion has endured I think the solo lanes for David the question mark here in this first game so we are on path 1450
[04:30:45] Yep, and scarner was technically buffed on path 1450
[04:30:47] I don't like the run. It's kind of alive. Here's the buff. Health growth increased to 110 from 105
[04:30:51] That's five health problem man. Wowee. By by level 18. That's almost a hundred. It's almost a fraction of a ruby Chris
[04:30:58] Armor growth increased from
[04:30:59] What we got from 4.8, so I don't find that's a whole one arm. It's an already bad trade. Why is jitson on zero, bro?
[04:31:07] The shattered earth monochrome
[04:31:10] From 50 to 45 no sponsors here, right?
[04:31:13] I think the things you should have a camera can be bigger than this. You can't even see me shattered earth
[04:31:17] Well, you guys can't even see me when I put my camera basic attack more quickly and smoothly
[04:31:22] Okay, so quickness and smooth can't be normal
[04:31:24] Um, but previously from that he was heavily nerfed in patch 1413 which did remove him from the game
[04:31:30] But there could be something cooking there that licorice tried them again after the cover that that little bit of man
[04:31:37] I just would is I mean, I hope it's good. I want to see what licorice has cooking
[04:31:41] We'll see how many good angles get I can barely see is that the ads on the screen ratio as a ball of stats
[04:31:47] What's going on going to really need to look for good angles with that each time
[04:31:50] to be able to start up fights you'll need those multi-ulties if you really
[04:31:55] want to have the impact in the team pushing yeah that's a big thing for me
[04:31:59] there's no way to start about what are we doing what is going on we're running
[04:32:04] down a cleanse okay popping the cleanse immediately to make sure that he does
[04:32:10] not get locked up any further but energies bottom lane duo yeah you
[04:32:13] control well especially braum Ezreal is not exactly your level two power
[04:32:17] Wait, what's happening by the way?
[04:32:19] How are we already getting shit on bot lane?
[04:32:24] There's been a roll top, roll swap.
[04:32:30] We, guys, I am saying my opinion as the team I want to win.
[04:32:36] Oh!
[04:32:41] Stop making me laugh, god damn it!
[04:32:43] It's crashing pretty slow.
[04:32:44] I'll use fucking YouTube.
[04:32:45] Most of this, but it's still a great early start
[04:32:47] before the end of the day.
[04:32:49] Yeah, and as we look at Ezreal really briefly,
[04:32:53] and I'm laughing at each other and bottling,
[04:32:56] he did get that you, like, reversion.
[04:32:59] So for just to remind you, he was like,
[04:33:02] I think that makes it lags.
[04:33:03] I didn't even fast forward it too far.
[04:33:05] All right, I'm doing that.
[04:33:06] We received about two patches ago.
[04:33:08] We had, at that point,
[04:33:09] early I remember we take those
[04:33:12] played in
[04:33:13] lck he looks out of cleanse
[04:33:16] Look at the CS gap already, but that was kind of to stop him being so ubiquitous in every brother
[04:33:22] What does ubiquitous me?
[04:33:25] Always there. Okay. Cool. Just wanted to make sure look like those late thought back make sure that I ask a good question
[04:33:31] Yeah, it's so sorry. That's like a $10 word. I I've heard it before I never bothered
[04:33:37] We're not casters yet, big about figured we all might as well learn something they drop it how much did they make an hour?
[04:33:42] I'm up next I guess seven point five dollars an hour guys. I'm happy to learn seven point five dollars
[04:33:47] It is what is you can laugh at me if you want. I'm trying my best
[04:33:49] The time that we've got as the junglers are just trading scuttlecraft. I do think this should be a new thing
[04:33:54] I think Emily wait by the way
[04:33:57] Okay, I'm not a sick so watching this already compared to watching the other series I watched happens
[04:34:04] You can define it during like crazy
[04:34:07] to do the word these are guys are bad they're really bad how are we down that
[04:34:11] much yes already what we want okay the shield is there speak up Mike oh in the
[04:34:21] BM oh can we get big dope some help man and that's actually huge the fact that
[04:34:27] they were able to keep the rumble from bullying this lane he kind of want me
[04:34:31] to I did tell you that God we said player he was actually close I think if
[04:34:35] they bring something like the Leona up there very successful there the gold
[04:34:40] going over speak it not super ideal I want to see if we get a gank here from
[04:34:43] Malkai though with no cleanse on Sven
[04:34:46] I think they know he has the game, they're dead, I mean, last of you, last of you, got him, ooh, cool flash, is he getting me over here as well, wrong passive.
[04:35:01] Who's he gonna take? It'll be close actually.
[04:35:07] You know if he would have win, yep, tone 2 and set our Ruby Crystal first back, first
[04:35:21] vibe.
[04:35:22] That kills.
[04:35:23] I think when the Ivern is not on my team as an AD carry man, I'm like, man, he's so
[04:35:28] annoying.
[04:35:29] But really nice response from Contracts, one of the things that I've been pretty critical
[04:35:35] this energy team is I thought when they had so much more success
[04:35:39] I don't listen to what they say
[04:35:41] Darkseal? I mean I don't know if Darkseal is worth it for pro players
[04:35:44] But that's just the smoothness of the Skarner there being able to eat him back to his jungler very early
[04:35:50] He had been losing the lane though, which is why he had a blast to safety
[04:35:53] And then this fight in the bottom lane as well that we're just talking about the full committal
[04:35:57] Not a lot of you talking about that
[04:35:59] Just getting the original D-Tag a nice skill shot on the second Q
[04:36:01] Q which actually ended up being pretty pivotal based on the fact that speak it came back you actually fit for coaching this event
[04:36:08] Even though all the ability names. I don't know those are that's pasting
[04:36:12] You know building is you pass
[04:36:14] Third first blood of the entire
[04:36:17] Bloods 3 out of 13 not a very impressive number 8th of 8
[04:36:25] Okay
[04:36:31] They're all pretty good at solo queue.
[04:36:33] Jitzen, I play with Jitzen at solo queue?
[04:36:37] In Europe?
[04:36:39] Was it E or Korea?
[04:36:41] He literally died 15 times.
[04:36:43] Bullmute died 15 times.
[04:36:46] Playing Yone.
[04:36:48] And Olivia, actually.
[04:36:53] I was like, nice bro!
[04:36:55] My NA brethren, come to help me out of this hellhole!
[04:36:59] Runs it down quietly. I thought this energy team was always at their best when contracts you at heart, bro
[04:37:06] All right, let's check in on me. It's kind of been watching everywhere else so far in the early game
[04:37:11] I haven't heard anything regarding this meeting here because honestly, it's a it's kind of a handshake
[04:37:16] Just bomb the minions back and forth
[04:37:18] There's not really a whole lot of focus here and I think that would mean Jensen's playing that lane fairly well since often
[04:37:23] Time solution is okay. He has a flash and look out
[04:37:26] Oh, you don't want to give big dogs go baby. You don't want to get big dogs go
[04:37:33] You're freaking out man. You're freaking up
[04:37:39] Yeah, Jensen's ready to keep this one going wants to keep that aggression towards
[04:37:44] Oh, not a whole lot more to find speakers showing up behind him. Just to carry any got a plate. It loses that wave
[04:37:50] Let's not forget we last picked the Sparner here. We had Garen Hubbard, Bro.
[04:37:55] This is last pick Redside Skarner. This is what we saved last pick for, by the way.
[04:38:00] One of the weakest champions in the game. And we also banned Tristana.
[04:38:03] One of the weakest champions in the game, for example.
[04:38:05] Did RG ban Tristana? I don't know.
[04:38:08] Guys, help Ivern on the dragon, please. He does it incredibly slow.
[04:38:20] That is the worst feeling
[04:38:22] The original mid lane gank by Sveka that pushed Halifax back
[04:38:26] Gives them the window to take this drake not to mention their bot lane was able to move up so
[04:38:31] Nice bit of a trade the grubs and the top laner died for the red team on the bot side
[04:38:36] It's the best of three
[04:38:38] I've learned that game one doesn't matter
[04:38:40] Honestly, yeah
[04:38:41] I don't know how you start until you finish
[04:38:43] A little bit of trading back and forth but nobody's really running away with it yet
[04:38:46] Which kind of brings us back to you know what we were talking about
[04:38:49] about before we really got into the draft and got into the game and chat you
[04:38:53] mentioned it if energy ends up winning this series they're gonna feel great
[04:38:56] like heading in like heading towards playoffs heading towards the end of the
[04:38:59] regular. I don't worry for Diggs coach if they lose. We were talking about their strength of schedule we were talking about this team and the fact they
[04:39:05] already have all the top opponents out of the way. Up a little bit, I love brah, oh true, I'm just wasting it.
[04:39:10] But after losing to Shopify last week they really need to step up. Wait, who lost to Shopify last week?
[04:39:16] pressure for this game and you're always worried about that with big toss when
[04:39:19] wait who lost a shot after facing a bunch of really he lost the Shopify to
[04:39:24] win against Shopify like yesterday to get to oh tell me that before I make my
[04:39:28] prediction the second one they lost a shot so wait were those like three 40
[04:39:33] minutes or whatever the 45 minute game they lost a Shopify were actually very
[04:39:39] good against the top teams they had one win against flyer was a 2-0 okay
[04:39:43] Okay, they just have a different series out enough series
[04:39:47] So now would be the time but then they're up against this energy team who's who's been improving throughout the split
[04:39:52] So y'all know it may look like they're playing. I am I weaker teams
[04:39:57] They're actually playing against one of the only teams with two wins in the whole split there in fourth place right now
[04:40:01] Well, I think it's also
[04:40:03] Yes, it's really good teams right now and there's everybody else
[04:40:07] Want a title? Yeah, kind of like no middle pack
[04:40:10] Every single person by all of them has also won the title so yeah, so there's just like a lot of
[04:40:18] Experience on both teams, which is why I think would you ask players to evaluate like oh how good are these rosters sometimes a lot of it is
[04:40:28] Like oh well see nine flight. Yeah, but we know that this flight was really in the same seat of
[04:40:35] See nine and keep looking. I'm not so sure
[04:40:37] I'm gonna get much of a scrap up here couple of jackals first mid first move
[04:40:41] Remember that energy got the first three grubbs now. They are starting up this second
[04:40:46] First Daisy here. She has big girl. Let's go girly already ready to go here
[04:40:50] But then your toss is ready to make the pencil attack here with Jensen coming up from the side and median gauge from
[04:40:54] I'll please all be nearly dead
[04:40:56] up by the redemption it's clutch to keep them alive as we
[04:40:59] Flash away energy staying alive kiting out. Oh big dogs in the bottom line. It's a one be one of the same
[04:41:05] 5 for it?
[04:41:13] We got 5 grubs.
[04:41:20] What matter this game though?
[04:41:29] I don't think it really have a...side lane.
[04:41:35] Dignitas to try and contest they don't win it, but at least it wasn't a total disaster
[04:41:45] But if rumble does end up joining this fight and just laying
[04:41:58] Later said that oh this guy's really good or whatever. I'd never never look at I
[04:42:02] I want to watch like what's going on up here too right how do you guys know all these names by the way
[04:42:08] Are you guys like LCS diehards or like pro play diehards?
[04:42:12] Yeah, and doklah had a nice control word in the bush. I know everything
[04:42:15] I'm with you people. I'm outside.
[04:42:18] Flash for his ultimate which will be up quickly. And an important flash burn by Jensen mid lane there puts Diggertoss in a really difficult position
[04:42:23] Because let's look at the way these map these lanes are actually
[04:42:26] You're a cusher. You should know their names. I'm learning. I'm new. I'm new.
[04:42:30] Rumble
[04:42:33] Like I burn is just gonna fall further and further behind it's on energy to actually make the proactive place here because this means
[04:42:38] We'll have first set up on any rift herald or any drake and they also have a really inside track to getting first turret
[04:42:44] Yeah, and you talk about how this composition works, right? Like it's just it's malchai. It's 280 carries
[04:42:50] It's Rumble. I'm not gonna crash. She'll be alive later
[04:42:53] and it is
[04:42:55] Really nice and easy to execute
[04:43:00] I
[04:43:24] Almost went in our key to win just for dope
[04:43:30] I don't know why. Don't get down!
[04:43:33] I don't know why.
[04:43:45] I think he's so nice.
[04:43:49] A little cute, love. I think you're right.
[04:43:58] Wait, he hit one?
[04:44:00] coming up
[04:44:03] Flashes out is also able to get out. Oh
[04:44:06] Lickers is like ah shit. Sorry guys. I last picked the weakest champ in the game currently my bad guys
[04:44:13] My bad it really doesn't it means we have Drake now. Yeah guys
[04:44:17] We're playing Redside by the way. I last picked scarger
[04:44:20] I got first game and I'm still yet the licorice TP out my apologies
[04:44:24] The scarner ultimate if there's a contest to be had and instead looks like dinner tossing just gonna
[04:44:30] All right, I'm not gonna fight for that one means the energy are going to be dragons winners of the early on neutral
[04:44:37] Objective battle with the drakes going even but I'm not a game one Andy. I'm just saying
[04:44:43] I'm not a game one Andy
[04:44:47] Who won if he last but okay stop trying to quiz
[04:44:50] They just want to quiz me but stop. I'm learning not a 1v1 if he gets the opportunity is recalling an award
[04:44:57] And this is actually giving a lot of free time for a parish. I mean he's been up top lane for quite some time now
[04:45:03] I'm rebel so they might end up getting your oh
[04:45:11] I better run it back
[04:45:18] Scarlet is not what he used to be. What are we doing back as energy and dignitas break even here in this big scrap
[04:45:25] And even though licorice was able to TP into that fight, he immediately just took damage, right?
[04:45:31] And he was able to get in, get the upper hand as he...
[04:45:35] There's no sums! Got to hit something here, bud!
[04:45:37] He wouldn't have hit that first Q.
[04:45:39] Yeah, I think that very easily could have been a kill otherwise considering both summoner spells were down.
[04:45:44] This is not a good game for Sven at the moment. Still down both summoners.
[04:45:48] They got rolled to me too.
[04:45:50] step FBI not getting any weaker called just cashed in as well for an extra
[04:45:55] I mean they had a band brawl I pulled them to ban brawl
[04:45:58] I'm just fucking listen
[04:46:00] there's gonna be their big play there they're one teleporting defend the
[04:46:02] turf and more importantly really trying to clean up kills your great
[04:46:05] Leona off to start as the scanner approaches yeah we get the Leona all
[04:46:09] down but then we also get the Maokai rumble response
[04:46:12] brawl is so useful he blocked them with everything
[04:46:15] he's taking damage that entire time so they end up
[04:46:20] Energy end up trading that back
[04:46:22] It's so close
[04:46:25] And Digitoss needs more time. I think the thing with licorice is he's allowing from all so
[04:46:30] He's actually no he got nerf. He's still so broken in and gets called by Lucian
[04:46:35] Ezreal, yeah, and he's got no armor
[04:46:38] Even though it got buff flowers by point two per level. He's still melts by God liquid was cloud nine tomorrow
[04:46:44] undefeated person we will be there we will be there
[04:46:49] look look at flower space he was really counting on the help yeah I honestly I
[04:46:54] honestly can't believe that's almost enough to survive half of a blade of
[04:46:57] a ruined king crock but it just still wasn't enough as Palafox this might not
[04:47:01] be enough either liquorice not old scarner Palafox
[04:47:05] uh-oh there's no way he knows we need some help anybody want to right click
[04:47:09] There's no way he lives right finally the kill comes through pretend they're gonna save them
[04:47:15] Pal of Fox fought that one tooth and nail ultimately we got nothing
[04:47:20] But a big investment there actually takes a little bit of extra time so the Rick Cheryl pops mid lane they've already killed the top turret
[04:47:25] They want to break mid here as well. Yeah, energy should be able to break mid and as you said jet
[04:47:31] Dukla is still pushing on tier two. He's going to not like
[04:47:34] Scarner's build, I don't know.
[04:47:38] When you get that, Boi's affordable.
[04:47:44] The tower is quite big.
[04:47:53] Think we need for energy? Now did you switch sides?
[04:47:56] Wait, wait.
[04:47:59] Have I switched sides?
[04:48:04] win games because of his ability to take up space in team fights. So I think if he gets
[04:48:10] a little bit of armor and Jensen and Sven can complete a few more items, that's the
[04:48:14] hope that Dignitas is holding on to. It's just going to be really difficult because
[04:48:18] of the amount of control he has on the map.
[04:48:21] And additionally, I mean, Digg, do you have a lot of potential, right, with their composition?
[04:48:26] We've seen when they haven't been able to split up fights potentially and isolate
[04:48:30] Someone that is where you know, I don't get breaks. I don't get breaks from work. I'm sorry
[04:48:40] I've been gnawing LCS way what else yes, dude
[04:48:44] Or splitting up a team fight enough that you can pick off chat message or my job
[04:49:00] The boot info in real-time?
[04:49:05] But did she pay me?
[04:49:08] But the business email. LCS.
[04:49:11] Talk to my manager if you want me to be using some weird extensions. I'm just saying.
[04:49:16] Back to the game.
[04:49:18] Resets otherwise his ability to create that space like we're talking about backman scarner did dominate the meta is gonna be greatly
[04:49:24] Yeah, but I'm also just looking 10 seconds until this okay, what I miss okay the gold gap closed a little bit very many
[04:49:31] Good approaches for them into this
[04:49:34] But what we do have to look at is these two wards because maybe they could try a flank if they want to contest this
[04:49:40] Knowing though that energy only has one so it got this dragon. Well, they did the last one
[04:49:44] First one, alright?
[04:49:46] It looks like, uh...
[04:49:47] Oh, that's the second one.
[04:49:48] Yup, that's the name of the game.
[04:49:49] Alright, one Ocean Drake.
[04:49:50] Guys, stop saluting.
[04:49:52] Look at that one away.
[04:49:52] Energy up one Drake.
[04:49:53] It's just Bansur.
[04:49:55] I'll check out that extension after LCS.
[04:49:57] No, hey!
[04:49:58] After this game?
[04:49:59] Here in Summer Split.
[04:50:00] This one's really, really close.
[04:50:01] Yeah.
[04:50:02] I think so, and honestly,
[04:50:04] I was trying to find differences with these two teams.
[04:50:08] Oh, this new Lucian build is like bladed to essence.
[04:50:11] So I'd have interesting things.
[04:50:12] Remember when I was flamin' people for going Blade First on Tris?
[04:50:14] What do you got?
[04:50:15] They're the same.
[04:50:16] Oh.
[04:50:17] I've actually seen a lot of them.
[04:50:18] A lot of them, like, I think rank two and rank three, both are spamming Lucian mid.
[04:50:22] It's actually so disgusting.
[04:50:23] Every time I was ranking, like, first to last in the LCS, energy and div would be right
[04:50:27] next to each other.
[04:50:28] Like, those percentages were just the same.
[04:50:30] The only difference I've ever seen in these two teams was that...
[04:50:34] Ah!
[04:50:35] ...doesn't get the same level of jungle attention that Likrish did and that contracts
[04:50:39] like the camp bottom lane.
[04:50:41] But then even this game...
[04:50:42] Wait, what they said?
[04:50:43] LCS brother I get it you want attention you need it I'm working man I can't keep responding to your messages
[04:50:51] Damn, what do you say?
[04:50:55] Posturing rights revoked. Thank you for your service. I love the LCS
[04:51:00] Actually
[04:51:01] I actually LCS is awesome. You got anything else you want to say brother I'll read it right now
[04:51:05] Okay, focus up. Okay? That's your really old prom shield. You got a big... Oh, but the liquors actually did something. That's a huge hole!
[04:51:20] Is that actually nice? The Magikarp's flash though.
[04:51:24] Wait, Skarner's broken actually. Okay wait, don't get it.
[04:51:27] Wait, that ult was actually not that good.
[04:51:32] Wait, that ult actually could've been a little bit more placed towards the back red wall.
[04:51:36] I think this team left him actually.
[04:51:40] I think the RNG just like abandoned him.
[04:51:42] I didn't even think about it.
[04:51:51] I think they didn't have vision of that bush, so they're scared.
[04:51:56] Okay, like that's scary, at that point you just want to live, like right here you're scared
[04:52:03] if you're in our view, like oh shit, I want to lose the game, and like back out, I'm
[04:52:06] pretty sure though.
[04:52:07] I don't, I think if they thought reviewed that as a team, I bet they had a cooldown
[04:52:19] available and they could have killed the Grish for sure and they got out. I think it's close though.
[04:52:24] It's close.
[04:52:29] Guys, are you just going to spam LS every time they fucking show this guy or what?
[04:52:34] Guys, we don't just spam LS every time we see a man.
[04:52:39] Okay, the joke was old an hour ago.
[04:52:49] shield scale off help what is I think some of his dad okay everything scales off I feel
[04:52:56] like if dig win we need flowers a scarter expert by the way I'm pretty sure producers
[04:53:01] still have that oh yeah he is actually scarter has like a weird fetish with the
[04:53:07] stomach or flowers has a weird fetish with scarter at this point it's gonna
[04:53:13] live it too far flowers what is going on wait what was that my deal it's a
[04:53:19] Popping up in real life wait, you see that the only player on dignitas that has been a part of everything two one and three
[04:53:25] Yeah, I've heard honestly having a really good game so far great take away in this match because we know contracts
[04:53:30] We'll see shit really on the last phase if speak it didn't take it right away
[04:53:33] And I think what the Ivern is also enabling is this Jensen's area. It's the first time
[04:53:38] We're I don't see a world where Jerry ever dies a control-mage matchup again from Malkai flash
[04:53:45] W but he just jumped the team he's got a 30 CS advantage on the Lucian he's got
[04:53:51] 1.2,000 gold against his mid lane counterpart and he's in a position where he's got to step up and carry and you know back with
[04:53:56] What I was talking about in draft. I mean they actually now don't look at it. Energy has no range
[04:54:04] Wait none who is killing Jensen to see him being two zero and one on this champion
[04:54:09] Which would not fit into his stereotypical pool is a very good sign for dinner right just only Israel
[04:54:15] As we see both Baron and Drake set up going on, energy did push them back in.
[04:54:23] Laoh is not good at a rumble because she has to walk melee range and rumble, nope, so with flamethrower.
[04:54:27] And now it looks like they should have pretty good control over Drake if they want to go for it.
[04:54:33] As Digg are now posturing her back.
[04:54:35] Digg can also-
[04:54:36] Digg can also-
[04:54:37] Digg can auto what's in front of her.
[04:54:39] They've actually had a little bit of control on the map because they're at least pushing off the top side and clearing-
[04:54:44] She wants to be able to just run back and bring back what she's good at.
[04:54:55] There is no Ash threat.
[04:54:57] There's no Ash threat.
[04:54:58] Up the caps.
[04:54:59] Okay.
[04:55:00] Now there's no Ash.
[04:55:03] They're staying group?
[04:55:06] No way.
[04:55:09] Come on!
[04:55:09] Hot site!
[04:55:14] his way down so licorice cannot get any closer
[04:55:17] bro i'm kind of bible with the interview a little bit
[04:55:20] yeah digga toss on the ground a tp is coming in it's a
[04:55:23] that's what's supposed to reset first her item and then tp back
[04:55:26] energy has to try to answer this they don't see they don't think she'll
[04:55:28] scarter oh no daisy down to five hundred eight
[04:55:31] so what player ain't gonna find any hard oh he's got to be dead bro i'm sure
[04:55:33] motion nope dead it's gonna back it out
[04:55:36] oh hey w what are you doing jimson oh no what are you doing man
[04:55:42] Here with the front line, but again, he's got to endure the wrath of FBI
[04:56:10] Jitson into by the way who's the dragon to give yourself to start on Baron and look to peel and licorice
[04:56:16] Seize the teleport coming in to start the fight. Yeah, watch like it is. Okay. It's really good right here
[04:56:22] One for zero
[04:56:39] This don't play he's like my team slow I got this flash forward
[04:56:43] I
[04:56:49] Probably on stage show his reaction
[04:56:54] Somebody check think cars blood pressure, please. I don't know
[04:57:06] God still balling the guy burn I'm so slashed energy slow and play it slow
[04:57:11] Surviving much longer. So how about getting kited. This is what I'm talking about.
[04:57:16] They're two short range.
[04:57:17] Jensen's still looking to free fire pit.
[04:57:19] Oh no.
[04:57:20] He's gonna drop. Lots of bodies hitting the floor.
[04:57:22] Dang it. Top just got four contracts.
[04:57:25] Well, it is.
[04:57:26] Oh, it was short lift.
[04:57:27] How'd they grief it?
[04:57:28] They're talking about the two short range.
[04:57:30] Does it kind of shoulder a little bit at the end there?
[04:57:34] But is that GG?
[04:57:36] You can actually take this. Kill the turrets. It actually ends the game.
[04:57:38] Wait.
[04:57:39] Oh my god.
[04:57:40] No way, it's wrong, it's up to 15.
[04:57:45] It's wrong, it's only wrong. Wait, is that game?
[04:57:49] Wait, no way they lose off this!
[04:57:52] Holy shit, I think they lose off this.
[04:57:56] No way that is-
[04:58:02] Wait, they lost off that.
[04:58:09] Wait.
[04:58:11] Wait, if- wait.
[04:58:13] Okay, if I'm an RG, I'm tilted as shit.
[04:58:16] What the fuck?
[04:58:22] Wait, I am tilted as shit if I won.
[04:58:26] Or if I lost that.
[04:58:31] Diggs probably like, wait, what happened?
[04:58:33] Wait, we won?
[04:58:35] minute after he won the game you throw it then you catch it exactly you know just
[04:58:40] very things I guess I couldn't get a vodka last night please I was like what's
[04:58:44] happening there one went away from drastically increasing their playoff
[04:58:48] chances Jerry didn't die
[04:58:52] No, she's pissed. She's fucking shitters on my team.
[04:58:55] Fucking Rick, you're working on every fucking game.
[04:58:57] Fucking troll the game.
[04:58:58] You son of a shit. Look at him. He's pissed.
[04:59:00] He's pissed.
[04:59:01] Motivated. They gotta be hungry to get this.
[04:59:03] Because if you drop this one, all of a sudden, everything is very dire.
[04:59:07] Heading into the final week.
[04:59:08] And I think it's a tough loss for energy, honestly.
[04:59:10] Ah, yeah. Yeah, you don't say, Jack.
[04:59:12] That might be a little bit of a...
[04:59:14] Yeah, wait!
[04:59:15] He's literally...
[04:59:17] ...a reminder to all you all of us.
[04:59:19] LCS is happening over on sleeper so make sure you lock in your pits and bands for next week's games
[04:59:23] If you want to top your league now, we're heading on over the LCS lounge, which might just be raspy basal to break that one down
[04:59:30] Hell yeah, you have to say yeah, he's four bad brah
[04:59:35] Me and basal
[04:59:39] Watch that actually I found on YouTube so I can be why okay, what happened?
[04:59:42] Oh, somebody check think cars blood pressure. We play observers be better. Okay, so I walked up
[04:59:50] Do not see somebody check think cars blood pressure, please. I don't know
[04:59:56] No, he has vision. They see Leona not respect Leona
[05:00:06] And surely his ease on a cool down here, right it has to be right
[05:00:10] Oh, hold on, yeah, that was we flash
[05:00:20] Okay, so right here it's good like right like back up a bit
[05:00:27] Real fuck these settings man. I put back too far
[05:00:31] I don't know if that's how nobody's far right either.
[05:00:33] Could it be a slower?
[05:00:34] I don't use this shit.
[05:00:36] Okay, wait.
[05:00:37] Okay, it's so good here.
[05:00:38] It's one for zero.
[05:00:40] You're up 3,000 gold.
[05:00:43] Contracts, through and around.
[05:00:47] Flashes into five on the Ivern.
[05:00:51] But there's no, but maybe he got baited.
[05:00:53] He's gonna be looked at it.
[05:00:54] His follow up is right here.
[05:00:56] Look where Palafox is at.
[05:00:58] Rumble is here, Ezreal.
[05:01:01] It literally have no way to get here except for Braum.
[05:01:03] He's coming up this...
[05:01:05] Wait, does he not have Q?
[05:01:07] No.
[05:01:08] Oh wait, he didn't mean to do that.
[05:01:09] He instantly W'd and ran away.
[05:01:11] Nobody is coming up there.
[05:01:13] They'll nail him out for the first kill.
[05:01:15] Go, somebody.
[05:01:16] I think they're trying to run here.
[05:01:18] Daisy.
[05:01:19] No, Power Fox fucking full combo'd forward.
[05:01:21] Oh my god.
[05:01:22] He's not surviving much longer.
[05:01:27] Nobody to run though.
[05:01:28] No, maybe looking for an angle here.
[05:01:30] Energy's low on hell and Jensen's still looking to free fire picks up the first one
[05:01:35] We don't have to drop
[05:01:36] Jensen's still looking to free fire
[05:01:39] Maybe look in from an angle here
[05:01:41] Energy's low on hell
[05:01:42] What happened?
[05:01:43] Longer
[05:01:43] Liquid
[05:01:44] They really can't run
[05:01:45] Okay, they got three man slowed by Skardor
[05:01:49] Flash
[05:01:50] Ash in Doka
[05:01:52] Jensen flash forward
[05:01:53] Energy's low on hell
[05:01:54] Malkai's looking to W
[05:01:56] Energy's low on hell
[05:01:57] Okay
[05:01:58] I
[05:02:12] Think after they picked dude, it's I don't give a shit this game's over
[05:02:17] It was that over but after they pick we are not right here. You just go prep baron at the face check
[05:02:23] Right, I would like you yes, Daisy's alive. You either you flash forward
[05:02:30] Like power fox is too far
[05:02:32] How long is the way too far? The play is done. It's a one for zero. You got three shit. You're winning everywhere
[05:02:41] You have a three dragon lead like broke. It's your big dokes is feeling confident. Skarner's fucking useless
[05:02:52] And we got a bit too high see playing Malkai. No, you're fucking the role
[05:02:59] You see those two comps
[05:03:01] I'm not sure if this is actually the right answer, but that'll help us-
[05:03:03] Can I just refresh to go live?
[05:03:04] Like this man? Because, um, it's not about how tall I am, so I'm trying. It's not going to be about an eight minutes.
[05:03:09] I don't know, I'm pissed if I'm Doku-la.
[05:03:17] Tall people, more likely to die faster, so good luck to you.
[05:03:21] Why?
[05:03:22] Why, but...
[05:03:28] Why?
[05:03:29] Why?
[05:03:30] Why does it get like that?
[05:03:32] I told you that.
[05:03:34] I mean I didn't really come prepared for this one.
[05:03:36] This one was like, you kind of hit me with like one I didn't expect.
[05:03:40] I doesn't matter.
[05:03:41] I mean I don't know how to argue why I doesn't matter.
[05:03:45] I could say being shorter is better because like in airplanes,
[05:03:48] like you're not so like, like you have more space.
[05:03:51] But then I'm arguing about something else and why the f*** us, I mean-
[05:03:54] We're talking about height, trust me!
[05:03:55] I know a lot about height.
[05:03:57] You wanna talk to me about it?
[05:04:04] I'm six foot five.
[05:04:05] Why are you parking?
[05:04:12] Seriously.
[05:04:13] What is that?
[05:04:14] Remote Smart Parking Assist.
[05:04:18] I wanna be in a commercial.
[05:04:21] Who gives you wings?
[05:04:44] Why are you watching ads?
[05:04:45] Bro, I gotta eat.
[05:04:46] I'm sorry.
[05:04:48] Like, oh my god.
[05:04:49] I have- my job's so hard, I have three minutes to eat an entire meal.
[05:04:53] Please the energy comes back and sweeps them. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie energy's tilted a shit
[05:05:31] Energy's tilted a shit, and I kind of don't blame him. I'd be fucked. Yes, though. They're not my everyone has your mental bro
[05:05:56] We are human it didn't matter
[05:05:59] There is no world where they're not tilted
[05:06:03] They just lost a game. They were completely winning off of one fight mid. They lost the entire game
[05:06:08] They are tilted, bro.
[05:06:12] Not play competitive games ever in your life, it's a psychological power or factor.
[05:06:23] Composers are the thing.
[05:06:24] They wouldn't be fighting for last with that composure.
[05:06:34] They're tilted!
[05:06:35] Trust me, I know about tilt.
[05:06:38] That's the faker incident.
[05:07:00] Like, even the best tilt.
[05:07:02] But this shit game, how can you not want to fight like that?
[05:07:21] I mean, they have five grubs, right?
[05:07:23] wait are the energy have the five grubs wait wait they didn't have wait wait they
[05:07:31] didn't have the grubs wait they really lost the game of that fight at 27
[05:07:36] minutes Jesus Christ energy is tilted
[05:07:57] summer split 2020 for if you just now joining us we're in the middle of a
[05:08:00] series between energy and dignitas I mean it the game number one the most
[05:08:04] Quick, no any bags?
[05:08:05] Hang on, there's a speedrun of this?
[05:08:08] Bro, I-
[05:08:09] Last time I watched it, like, 20 minutes of a quick-
[05:08:11] Guys, I gotta eat!
[05:08:12] Fuck!
[05:08:20] Yes!
[05:08:31] That's not much, Crab!
[05:08:32] Yeah, thank you, guys, yes.
[05:08:34] It's the best it's job mark. Yes, and every and every one behind the scenes it makes it happen
[05:08:40] Yeah, no, this is this fantastic. We do have the nidalee and the Ivern and out by energy
[05:08:44] Remember the I was a problem. Oh, no, that's the Lillian they band away. It's the Ivern
[05:08:48] So they're going to make energy so fuck the Ivern
[05:08:50] Sante gonna remain ban Senna, Satchewani and Aurora
[05:08:54] I do believe those are the same three first phase bands that dig had in the previous game and energy
[05:08:58] You know, they're just gonna keep running back more of these similarities first. Okay. I like the big dokes on the
[05:09:03] So because energy
[05:09:05] They got choice of side select they decided to stay blue and their adjustment was a jungle ban change
[05:09:11] I don't see the energy expected the Ivern
[05:09:14] We like this mopla because light rumble do you think liquorice and those scarter against last week?
[05:09:19] I'm gonna say no, so a number of times a game where it looked like energy was about to break it open
[05:09:24] And then it I cannot leave energy loss
[05:09:27] I've earned redemption or an I burn macaels would just keep this darn game alive
[05:09:32] I put myself in like their shoes right there like if I was in that situation. Yeah, like so let's say I was dope with her
[05:09:41] right
[05:09:41] How mad would I be first of all? I would have to blame somebody make myself feel better
[05:09:47] Contract paper and then ask me when I'm playing it after he got those shield. I'd be bad increase the survivability by a
[05:09:53] substantial it really did and that was with honestly play jumbled in it early
[05:09:58] ganking actually killing jokla in the lane phase yeah so we're back to save
[05:10:04] exact energy is actually making that many changes they're saying the Ivern was
[05:10:07] the point it's just because of my history of Dan up lock me the Lucian is
[05:10:10] gonna be exactly the same as they did in game one and I don't necessarily hate
[05:10:14] this because like we said they were in a lot of winning positions for a large
[05:10:19] percentage of that game one yeah that's what and essentially that's what
[05:10:22] they're calling out by running this back right they're saying all right it wasn't
[05:10:25] in the planning phase it was in the execution phase that's what the problems
[05:10:28] occurred and so they're gonna keep going with this big a toss though they're not
[05:10:32] allowed to run back their jungler so instead we're gonna switch it up we're
[05:10:34] gonna go with a different plant it's Zyra yeah much much I mean there's a
[05:10:39] couple flex possibilities so even though there've been a bunch of AP jungle
[05:10:44] nerfs small taps to champions the core of it with the itemization
[05:10:49] Hasn't been changed so it's still an incredibly fast clearing jungler
[05:10:54] And I think maybe if we're talking about just the jungle matchup
[05:10:58] More in favor for speak a this game than it was in the first game don't like
[05:11:05] Good as contracts that's what I remember he wasn't bad
[05:11:09] Is he really a
[05:11:11] Malkai, so do you want to be juggler faded ashes became and if that's the case is that all jugglers and LCS now
[05:11:16] If nobody played like the game style like the nidalee
[05:11:24] Is all of LCS like this?
[05:11:26] Labyrinthus?
[05:11:36] Labyrinthus?
[05:11:44] I don't know these banners saying jumblers like that
[05:11:46] some higher mobility or longer range champions you can kind of just poke Zyra out before a lot of
[05:11:52] these fights so that's why I do like the Ezreal ban adaptation from gigatoss as well.
[05:11:56] FBI's Ezreal not only was very good is also very good against Zyra so we'll see what can happen.
[05:12:01] And they're saving the support pink unless it's a hover I think that's really good this
[05:12:04] was the last time. Wait what did I just say? Okay how come Tristan I didn't get the game?
[05:12:08] What did I just say? I missed it I was fucking reading what did he say?
[05:12:10] Tristan is taking out the game too Jack what's going on?
[05:12:13] Oh
[05:12:15] Remaining band. I feel like
[05:12:25] You and me both I think work. He had a couple of big moments. He got
[05:12:29] He had a couple of pings. You get a question mark. He did only one way
[05:12:33] There's no way that that guy's watching at the arena
[05:12:35] So not that bad. I want to see on his cell phone point on the Trist and its inability to really I like that
[05:12:42] chance is to actually
[05:12:44] Because the nurse the truth. Yeah, I don't want it
[05:12:47] 14 14 hurt Trist by 5% win rate. Yes
[05:12:54] But pro is so incredibly
[05:12:57] contextual yes, the actual Trist matchups that pros play which is like Trist into quirky or Trist into Lucian
[05:13:05] Didn't change that much
[05:13:08] Right if the overall win rate got completely tanked so a lot of times you're nerfing for pro
[05:13:12] It's like you actually need to somehow nerf for a specific matchup, which is a really difficult
[05:13:17] It's not like it's just Donna versus LeBlanc in solo queue at four o'clock in the morning
[05:13:22] Everybody's on their 17th game of the day, right? It's just not the same ball game
[05:13:26] But we do have the gym locked in for the side of energy
[05:13:29] So a lot of extra help play ads
[05:13:31] Oh, I should play the ads before the game starts so you guys don't get auto ads. Docs, you really want head mod
[05:13:37] Don't you bro?
[05:13:38] We've also got the Leona. Wait, Docs, you want a head mod so bad, bro?
[05:13:42] Now back over to Dignitas final pick of the draft. I can't play ads
[05:13:47] I think they just played
[05:13:49] So I can't actually
[05:13:58] So I don't we all use the counter a con but
[05:14:07] Rakan is too fast
[05:14:17] huge team fight engaged just because of the fact that if you don't pick this your only real way to engage is
[05:14:22] I'm not sure what
[05:14:24] Giddly on the test though
[05:14:25] It's very easy if the enemy AD carry already feels compelled to run cleanse
[05:14:28] He can just eat the arrow cleanse it off walk away with minus 200 HP and he's fine
[05:14:32] Yeah, I mean what was lost in that game one crazy ending is how great FB I played the entire game
[05:14:37] Yeah, I mean I was like he does he kind of trolled a little bit
[05:14:40] He was timing his cleanse
[05:14:42] Immaculately and baited Diggatoss into a couple fights it really felt like
[05:14:46] I mean true that last fight he did bait in a free kill. Actually true true true.
[05:14:53] What did it change? Double ADK meta? I mean they tried.
[05:14:58] Is that okay? That's what I'm saying. Is that like Riot didn't try to stop ADK?
[05:15:01] It's nerfed to opulpris. A corny key in the play.
[05:15:06] Uh, Trist. They killed Trist. They nerfed all the runes. They nerfed Racket.
[05:15:11] 90% of the nerf absorbed life so I don't want them to make huge changes. I want them to start
[05:15:17] the xeria evolution. Just took the spot. Draven's played mid, Jyn's played mid. So at this point,
[05:15:22] what's the problem? Maybe durability patch? Maybe you gotta remove ADs in the R. But if you do that,
[05:15:31] you get more mages bot lane. So it's actually hard. Thomas, you can't kill
[05:15:41] Kill 83 mid without killing it bot lane.
[05:15:45] That's the problem.
[05:15:46] Because Mages are already strong bot lane.
[05:15:48] On to the riff for game number two of the day,
[05:15:50] Dignitas, if they win this one, we'll
[05:15:52] find their second series win of the second one.
[05:15:55] You could buff 80 carry counters.
[05:15:57] 80 carries running cleanse.
[05:15:59] As you can see, Hoohi with the ignite there on the Leona.
[05:16:01] But assassins get bullied by 80 carries early.
[05:16:04] Generally Leona that has that much lockdown, that much burst.
[05:16:07] You want to make sure you're ready to survive that.
[05:16:09] Again, imagine you're playing 83,
[05:16:10] but now you're under level bot lane.
[05:16:11] The big thing I'm going to be watching compared to game number one is this Zyra pick
[05:16:16] I want to see what they just go bot lane and have any carry mid
[05:16:19] I mean it could be the future honestly to make a move actually yeah
[05:16:23] And I want to see if there's any disruption to that early jungle path another thing
[05:16:26] We want to check on as we're looking at Dignitas his playoff chances a win puts them in a way higher chance is then
[05:16:33] He's never missed playoffs. Oh
[05:16:37] And this guy's been playing since
[05:16:39] 2015 when he was on OG origin as Niels. Yeah, OG Niels man went to World 7 finals in in Europe that year
[05:16:46] But in any team he's bounced around in any region he's played in this man has always made playoffs and it was no pressure
[05:16:53] Bro, it's gotta be a strange experience for him this split after taking a split off roll
[05:16:57] Swiping back to 80 carry popping off in some of the early games setting a small the world record for stacks
[05:17:03] Oh, wait, this is same match at mid same match up top
[05:17:05] He didn't have a good ass game either. So to get that win and now be able to close out this
[05:17:11] Big dokes alone you better early game come again. We still ain't did last game
[05:17:16] And it's not just the fact that he's never missed playoffs, you know
[05:17:19] Like if we look at the accomplishments this guy has historically
[05:17:22] He's one of the only players who's ever won in both Europe and North America like holding a title
[05:17:26] It's really impressive the guy's career is story. Why does nobody start from anything good other preach
[05:17:31] Gotta prove it again, right? He does that at different roles
[05:17:35] support for the trade. It's really good trade mid. It's good as well, it's really good trade.
[05:17:40] Yeah, just the airy things, they'll hop over the wall.
[05:17:42] No, exactly. He hops over the wall before Lucian gets the lightslinger passive for the double IOs.
[05:17:47] It makes the trade significantly less impressive than it otherwise would have been.
[05:17:51] Meanwhile, back up here in the top zone, never mind.
[05:17:54] Even last game, he was struggling a lot early.
[05:17:56] But it's fine. He traded flashes, Zarian Lucian, and he's going to teleport back anyway.
[05:18:01] He's not going to lose that many minions.
[05:18:04] I don't think this is anything.
[05:18:05] Okay.
[05:18:06] Jensen's a man.
[05:18:07] He's undefeated on Xerath.
[05:18:10] Not bad.
[05:18:11] You want to know, 100% win rate.
[05:18:12] You know, one of the things I appreciate the most about you is how you can say stats like
[05:18:16] that which completely don't matter, but with a dead serious face.
[05:18:19] Like you are 100% presenting that stat.
[05:18:22] Listen, it's a, are you paying attention check?
[05:18:26] Because if you're not, you're gonna pay attention check.
[05:18:27] Oh, then nowhere's Xerath.
[05:18:28] Oh, it doesn't want to be a full-on turret.
[05:18:30] There's not a whole lot of other news to talk about on the Rift here, Jensen.
[05:18:33] Everybody's playing like Zyra's underlaying.
[05:18:34] They're clearing their clears right now.
[05:18:35] You can kind of just see the speed difference
[05:18:38] already being showcased with the fact
[05:18:40] that Spika is already done with his first six camps
[05:18:42] before those crabs spawn.
[05:18:44] The spawn now on that bottom one as Spika
[05:18:46] is immediately ready to take away.
[05:18:47] Dude, I despise this shit.
[05:18:48] You can see contracts working his way up
[05:18:50] into that top side river now going after that one.
[05:18:53] But a few seconds delayed compared to his counterpart.
[05:18:55] Spika might be able to make something happen here mid.
[05:18:58] Yeah, I think for the most part,
[05:18:59] this is actually.
[05:19:00] I just think it's so huge.
[05:19:01] It used to be broken due to having now it's useless. I can only notice the sampling yes
[05:19:07] It's a guaranteed lock down
[05:19:09] So but all these champions have dashes nowadays it is dash
[05:19:23] Beautifully done
[05:19:31] prize with the flashless Lucian. Hey you already know how Dokla do baby. You already know. We have
[05:19:40] hand that camera topside. Dokla's giving him a beat. Already know with big dope. Solid this guy.
[05:19:46] And Jensen gets off to a nice early lead because of it. And you can see the top lane wave though is
[05:19:52] in a difficult spot right now for Likrish. Dokla's trying to get this free. He lost last
[05:19:57] game with Alina. He doesn't know that Malachi is completely bot lane so he's
[05:20:03] got to take a risk here to shove this wave in but looks like he'll actually be
[05:20:07] able to do it no problem. Yeah, Lycoris having I think the identical first
[05:20:12] purchase of the previous game going back. Yeah, and Dokla has two pots. This guy is not sweating at all.
[05:20:17] Rumble does a whole lot of damage in the laning phase. That's kind of an
[05:20:21] obvious thing for anybody who's ever laning against him. He's broken.
[05:20:24] the Electro Harpoon's Shredger message.
[05:20:26] I am touched.
[05:20:27] It really punctuates how much you need some of that early MR to not just immediately die
[05:20:32] if you're past the halfway point in the lane.
[05:20:34] Yeah, and Likrish needs to continue to shove that wave in because he's not getting help anytime soon.
[05:20:39] This dragon is what is going to be next up.
[05:20:42] And I did say I wanted energy to take control of early Drake.
[05:20:45] I have no pressure bopping.
[05:20:47] I don't think he's going to do anything.
[05:20:48] I think he's really good later.
[05:20:49] In the side of Dignitas, it's a bit harder stuff little six first though
[05:20:53] So he should get mid push and it looks like they're starting on this dragon six minutes pretty good
[05:20:56] Okay, energy starting up the objective, but Dignitas is aware of what's going on
[05:21:00] Isles is just trying to annoy them here a little way. Yeah, but fearless trapers coming to some region
[05:21:05] He's gromp the wave bottom is the big issue here for Dignitas
[05:21:09] With that about to crashing to the turret including a cannon
[05:21:12] It looks like energy is pretty safe to take the Drake considering their mid lane control
[05:21:16] What is and the big thing is don't cause help this teleport this whole time
[05:21:20] Back to wave so no way dig is going into river when it's the vibe
[05:21:26] Totally fine
[05:21:29] That one's pretty risky the nature of those teleports, and I mean even though it is early on in the game
[05:21:33] Even though you can still only teleport to the stairs fearless
[05:21:37] Early on it's still I think overall you become better players
[05:21:42] long range and how impactful the equalizer is as speaker
[05:21:46] Just one last auto attack there from the plant actually that's got a crap. This is more fun to watch
[05:21:50] I mean it's gotta be more fun to play as well. Oh shit
[05:21:59] Oh wanted to try to curve the bullet. Hey, that's what I said stop copying me
[05:22:02] Maybe he could get the pick on Isles, but just not quite enough so FBI and who he are gonna have to sell the spot
[05:22:08] Where's our freaking jumble this game even though it's going a little bit better for gigatoss in terms of gold
[05:22:14] is playing out a lot like game one in terms of map state energy still getting
[05:22:20] push-bought up mid most of the time push top it's just a matter of being able to
[05:22:26] convert this into the question just getting their first bus earlier but
[05:22:33] it's kind of you know an embarrassment of riches here that energy can pick
[05:22:37] from anything and they just need to pick one and execute it and when you
[05:22:42] think back to energy's peak when you think back to last year's have a horrible feeling about what
[05:22:49] who he's gonna do at 28 minutes oh shit let him prophecy you dream about that
[05:22:55] the thing that set this team apart from their competition was the coordination it was the
[05:23:01] team play it was the fact that they were unafraid to take these fights because they were they had
[05:23:06] the communication and the trust they let us execute and that's kind of where we saw them
[05:23:09] Actually baited them
[05:23:12] There's no way they kill but he's not referring actually really smart
[05:23:16] With flanks and sideline pressure and the ability to collapse and create fights
[05:23:21] That's been missing in it's a tricky discussion because Palo Fox has played a little bit better towards this part of the split
[05:23:27] But the 2023 version
[05:23:30] You'll say something about T1 like oh, but Guma has a
[05:23:34] 80% winner I don't care. I say or not watching it looks like you're lagging in real life
[05:23:39] It's terrible then by the by later breaking boring was down 450 CS
[05:23:43] So like the way that they're thinking about side lanes and trading farm has not like how do they ever win with that crash
[05:23:49] And we even heard Palo Fox himself back last split in spring talk about his own
[05:23:55] Shortcomings talk about not measuring up to the level that he wanted. I did see this in a change up to his own expectations
[05:24:01] So for energy, I think everybody
[05:24:04] Specifically themselves. They're a con so annoying that form
[05:24:07] They want to be able to kind of find that coordination. We're talking about the ability to make fights.
[05:24:11] The ability to force their own into a scrappy situation that they might not be able to do.
[05:24:16] Absolutely. We have discussion on the lounge about who the fourth best team in the LCS was.
[05:24:21] This game is going to dictate a lot of that.
[05:24:23] Slippery, slithering, snake.
[05:24:24] Thinking about coming up there, but Likrish is still there.
[05:24:26] I, Likrish, yeah.
[05:24:27] They are actually technically in fourth.
[05:24:29] And because so many teams have one win and Energy has two wins,
[05:24:32] in terms of their playoff chances, a win is rather important.
[05:24:36] Yes, I also win because if they win this game no next week is the last
[05:24:45] So losing the first game definitely not the best thing for them
[05:24:50] You know, there's just not able to break this game open
[05:24:53] I keep waiting for it here
[05:24:54] You see is two up to unlocks even a loss gives them a pretty good chance, but you never know with the way these things back out
[05:25:00] We're appealing guys
[05:25:09] If you get zero two there's still a one out of ten chance that you that you don't make it based on these statistics
[05:25:15] If you get one two, there's only one out of fifty scenarios where you don't make it in so even just a single game win in this series is a
[05:25:24] multiplier of
[05:25:26] The single games matter.
[05:25:28] They're not necessarily thinking about the pure percentage.
[05:25:30] They're just thinking, man, we should peep Dignitas.
[05:25:32] Right, yes.
[05:25:34] They feel like they should have in Game 1.
[05:25:36] They definitely should still have the ability to feel like the better team.
[05:25:39] But I gotta say, they're in a much better state than they were in Game 1.
[05:25:42] Oh, tiebreakers, that makes sense.
[05:25:44] Because despite them not having any...
[05:25:46] On being so annoying.
[05:25:48] They're up 500 gold and only down one drake.
[05:25:51] And if they can stop this dragon stacking, it's going to buy them so much time.
[05:25:55] time which is I think why they have such early setup here with Jensen and Isle's
[05:26:00] already getting some deep wards on this tree.
[05:26:03] That's possible to clear also in just about 20 seconds here.
[05:26:07] It's okay we have Malkai's staff, wait can we fight by the way guys?
[05:26:10] This minion wave.
[05:26:11] The score is 1-0.
[05:26:12] We have to, we have to fight.
[05:26:14] It's such like vice town in this energy red side jungle, they clear out a little bit
[05:26:17] of it but there's still plenty of contracts going on.
[05:26:19] Okay, must have hurt me, got the CC, kept his W.
[05:26:21] Isles could be caught out immediately battle dances right back to the safety of speaker these two again working together
[05:26:27] Moving forward to clear the wards as a team so that Isles can be the man on point and immediately retreat back to his ally of need be
[05:26:34] this is a
[05:26:36] Very dig was supposed to be a super team box is slowly moving out towards scarter
[05:26:40] They could both teleport back to the fight, but energy is kind of looking to slow
[05:26:43] What is fearless? It's where you can't pick the same champions twice. Wait a minute
[05:26:47] Way is fear away. Is that so let's say that the enemy team picks first on it. Can you still play Trist or it's
[05:26:55] Play it on either team
[05:26:58] Contracts mistiming the twist in advance. He wanted to use it to get out of the knockup of the strangle throwing
[05:27:02] But it ain't gonna matter I'll burning away and who he taking
[05:27:06] flashing out of the potential follow-up there from the
[05:27:10] Still after the enemy
[05:27:17] Okay
[05:27:34] You can see how much priority these teams are putting on the Drake it is both of those players that were top lane
[05:27:40] teleporting into the fight to for
[05:27:50] get paid. Let's focus up. You're letting Dopele out. Okay. And in doing that, you're
[05:27:58] letting me out. Just saying.
[05:28:08] He's kind of far. I think he should TP right here. Oh wait, no, if TP's down, it was bugged on the scoreboard.
[05:28:14] distance he was able to close there to help secure that kill was just
[05:28:18] it was bugged okay trading and dodging here
[05:28:22] spreading apart for that last fourth straw may have at least saved Jensen even
[05:28:27] if Dopa cleans up the kill on the speaker oh shit yeah no bro
[05:28:31] please check in on this man between the reactions we saw in game better
[05:28:36] Palafox think hard clearly feel in the stress of better as you also saw the
[05:28:41] player cam on Palafox, a little frustration on his face for his own performance here in this game 0, 2, and 1.
[05:28:46] Yeah.
[05:28:46] Yeah, and if it gets to a point where Jensen can start winning the 1v1 against both the Rumble and Volusion,
[05:28:52] that's gonna make it so much easier to get to Palafox, if he hits our foots.
[05:28:56] If they can set up around objectives with Zyra plans to make it impossible for energy to step in.
[05:29:00] So actually even more important...
[05:29:01] The next two late worlds, I'm pretty sure nobody's eliminated yet, right?
[05:29:04] Yeah, because I think Riven can play so much better defensively due to the shields.
[05:29:08] I think this determines if they can't or not
[05:29:27] The addition of Recon is so fucking annoying
[05:29:33] Ooh, we got CC chain!
[05:29:35] and speak a word okay you have mouse I broke the one don't don't speak it takes
[05:29:40] the kill and Zyra's on the board and that's the play that's the type of top
[05:29:44] laner you want as a farming jungler he just sets it up he locks pulls the man
[05:29:49] back there's no chance you miss your skill shot it's recalls everywhere and
[05:29:54] they have no man he has no guy plus service man put a bow on top of it that
[05:29:59] one is give me back over howl fox and who he gonna try to get me up in this
[05:30:03] top lane tier one turret void grubs same situation is game number one five to one
[05:30:07] oh sweet energy here oh got some extra pushing potential but that was a nice
[05:30:11] enchanted crystal arrow from a long way away I said I wanted to win nobody was
[05:30:17] in range but I learned the who he is well because who he was afraid that
[05:30:23] dignitas was gonna be able to close the gap while Palafox was hit by that
[05:30:27] ash arrow stun so now with no Leona ultimate it gives dignitas a lot
[05:30:32] more confidence to just move into the river and completely clean away the vision looks like they're
[05:30:37] going to start off the rift herald as well so the extended consequence of that ash arrow
[05:30:42] well totally that good rubble is fucking nerfed at my still things
[05:30:46] climbing on the neutral objective these wards from con
[05:30:49] these but we're talking about neutral objective the minor neutral objective in the blue buff
[05:30:53] as speaker just smites it away so hey you'll take that that's a dub and i there's malchai
[05:30:58] I just run around
[05:31:01] Wait, I think that's like Malkai's
[05:31:13] Dude, I think that's like Malkai players doing this throughout the game
[05:31:23] I mean, somebody has to give something for life
[05:31:25] Desperation comes in somebody on energies has misdescribed it, but who doesn't?
[05:31:29] A lot more meaningful than the numbers might have you believe if you're just looking at kills fight the two is not particularly
[05:31:35] Impressive or bloody in a game of League of Legends, but a 2000 Gold leads 16 and a half
[05:31:39] Malachi yeah, Malachi flash W is nice in advantage in
[05:31:46] In open they should both fight for the strategy does have yet. Yeah combat power is the biggest thing
[05:31:51] We will say we don't have the symbol enter on Skarner yet
[05:31:53] Which is what really turned him on in teamfights in that last game, so energy is willing to at least start this drake
[05:31:58] I think they actually have to but the danger now is if sire or ash start a good fight against them
[05:32:04] It could end up kind of ending the game because they their goal
[05:32:11] Not getting it don't think you're asking her fight
[05:32:16] You with that similarity and dignity Howard this is like the gold lead items are what matters
[05:32:21] They can't a strong arm their way in energy doing a good job securing that second drink of the game
[05:32:25] Yes, but I also think jingrachas is totally fine with that because Jensen just ops not teleport in
[05:32:30] He gets the first turret of the game which gives him even more of an advantage now look at that 2.3
[05:32:35] thousand is his gold lead over
[05:32:38] Halifax's Lucian
[05:32:40] It's a little bit of a risk because it means they'll have to get back baby a potential third Drake
[05:32:44] It means Jensen wasn't the problem more quickly, but it just puts more eggs in the Jensen basket
[05:32:49] which you know not a hundred percent reliable no it's not is it is it Jesse
[05:32:56] he's asking one this right before they won the game he did fly into their whole
[05:33:01] team and get one shot so I I love the Jensen has the confidence in himself to
[05:33:07] say I'm taking this turn I'm getting the gold but now he's got to pay it off
[05:33:09] because I think they're actually strong enough to contest that drink yeah
[05:33:12] I agree
[05:33:17] I agree man the cowards in a classic they're scared. Okay. They got it on the support everything God
[05:33:24] It's nothing here
[05:33:30] I'm gonna say is watching these guys play. Yeah, he's a what bottom tier LCST watching
[05:33:40] So different
[05:33:42] It's crazy for themselves, and it looks like I guess they're really used to be levels to try to push back up and contest it
[05:33:49] Should be ripped out to dig definitely should be it's reset a couple times though
[05:33:53] It's probably this is taking about 25,000 damage of its 10,000 health bar at the moment
[05:33:58] But once they get this herald, they should be able to use it to maybe even break open the mid turret
[05:34:04] Which would then allow all three outer turrets to be taken out class today. What do you mean feel body?
[05:34:09] You fly question to beat G2 a lot of G2 one the LEC
[05:34:15] Being a fanatic is just the worst game ever seen in my life game
[05:34:18] Is house then is not on the back foot if you remember in game on the ash even though they were against braum Ezreal
[05:34:25] It felt like he was completely trapped under his turret any time a braum Q would land
[05:34:29] He'd be under threat of dying
[05:34:31] He seemed like he was constantly without summoner spells here. He's kind of pushing freely
[05:34:36] Hawk shotting all over the map always has a summoner spells seems much more difficult to close on to so he's in a very
[05:34:44] Comfortable position if you want to end up on the caster desk. Just say the word
[05:34:50] LCS gold at you know 16 17 minutes into the game
[05:34:53] I got you guys in my pocket now or what bro more than a half thousand just a glazed meal CS
[05:34:58] I'll get it on the grace of all time a little bit more damage into this tier one would have put them over the
[05:35:02] 5k writing
[05:35:04] Yes, right by the way probably some unpaid interim. Just the biggest one fanboy on the account right now
[05:35:11] Do you have pain you broke with the Leona? Let's go this up the games are live in damage trying to fly into a
[05:35:17] Zyra Zary scarter. It's so tough. So
[05:35:20] For how much control energy had in game one there in a really difficult spot here in game two
[05:35:26] Which if they lose would just mean they get to out by dig and did we did lost to Shopify
[05:35:31] That's true. If you get two out by the team that lost the shot, it's such a bad pick!
[05:35:39] It might be out of the slow plant.
[05:35:47] Dude, it is terrible. I have not seen on any region this be good.
[05:36:01] impactful later but for the most part that's just a bit of trading gold and
[05:36:06] reset as I think the big thing we'll see is in one minute five seconds that next
[05:36:11] Drake has been spawned.
[05:36:13] I've been in a fight for up 5,000 gold when he's mid jimba bot.
[05:36:17] Drake leader early on for energy but I think this draft sucks.
[05:36:20] It matters as much as the quantity of the trade.
[05:36:22] I guess you pick Leona but what does Leona do with Jizz?
[05:36:25] This is a hexed trade.
[05:36:26] Nothing.
[05:36:27] This is the one everybody wants.
[05:36:28] This thing is awesome.
[05:36:29] If this was a camera if there's something we would kind of be like wow energies run. Oh, yes, no team
[05:36:34] Yes, no team ever
[05:36:37] Is
[05:36:40] Goes for the alti, but he ain't gonna find it equalizer
[05:36:44] Defensively zone by recalls the community river old scarter you can't miss those new scarter inside seven very true
[05:36:51] I great escape by doke right there, but it does mean he's still pushed back digger top taking
[05:36:57] I really want to see them move quickly towards that bot side. They cannot be trading any more objectives away
[05:37:05] They have good enough vision. I think they should feel safe to move down
[05:37:07] What did drive the low cut?
[05:37:09] Not a mouth cut. A jungler that does something proactive so that like when
[05:37:15] Lucian gets pushed in, they can go do something or take something.
[05:37:19] Because they had winning top. It was about even before he got ganked.
[05:37:22] The game is honestly botting him if he had an early Eater to die, right, and the bot lane is even.
[05:37:28] But they have top side pressure on them, that you don't see it.
[05:37:31] They're just kinda seems to be yielding the fact that, hey, we're down a lot of gold, we can't really take this.
[05:37:36] Instead, it's gonna be first rig of the game for Dignitas.
[05:37:38] And they don't have enough damage to actually threaten Baron, with the Jhin and like a two-eyed Emulsion up top lane.
[05:37:43] I'm waiting for this Herald to be summoned. Finally, it's 22 minutes, 30 seconds into the game, so it was probably about to expire.
[05:37:49] It's actually running.
[05:37:50] Oh, here we go again.
[05:37:53] Same exact death.
[05:37:54] He doesn't do it.
[05:37:56] He is literally just free gold.
[05:37:59] A bag of walking gold.
[05:38:02] And I've been playing with contracts.
[05:38:03] It's just what I see.
[05:38:04] Malkai always.
[05:38:06] It's always just Malkai.
[05:38:07] You're either solo losing the game
[05:38:09] or just doing nothing.
[05:38:12] Negative impact champion.
[05:38:13] I hate it.
[05:38:14] That'll be standing there
[05:38:15] for probably the Zerry to pick up
[05:38:17] in a couple of minutes.
[05:38:20] What is this Goldy now? 5200 for Dig and a 401 Jensen and Xerath.
[05:38:26] This is not Shimano, Shimano's broken right now.
[05:38:29] Either scared of or respectful of the enemy team or you want to phrase it.
[05:38:32] It's a little bit nerve-racking this live patch.
[05:38:33] I still think she's not the worst.
[05:38:35] The Baron is always an option for the enemy team.
[05:38:38] Right?
[05:38:38] If they go for the previous Drake,
[05:38:40] Dignitas can just strangle thorns the Baron if energy isn't paying attention.
[05:38:44] Zyra burns that thing down so quickly.
[05:38:47] So for energy when you're already down over 5,000 they really are trying to hype up this cloud nine
[05:38:53] And you're like a fourth time they drop
[05:38:55] Okay, we press W on it. He's actually to die. Okay this bastard record is finally dead. What can we do?
[05:39:02] Finally credit the contracts he immediately flashed W that and did not allow aisles to escape but aisles is definitely
[05:39:10] Okay, there's the one play mouth. I can make with this flash
[05:39:13] of the four champions that dick have here
[05:39:15] It does feel like a bit of a hair not doing better to start this Baron
[05:39:18] But they got off so they have it off and not get off the good show up and give the fuck off to there
[05:39:24] You know who you should get it. Who you kidding because the threat from dig is too high
[05:39:27] Zyra loves these neutral objectives if you ever look at the targeting circle for Zyra's ulti
[05:39:33] It lays over these neutral objective pits almost perfectly. It's like it's designed for them
[05:39:39] Jensen with a quick Zerry hop skipping a jump back over the wall
[05:39:45] I wanted to chase after this but you gotta be careful man
[05:39:47] Oh, it's like in chess you play a hope chess like you make a move that's you know if your enemy doesn't see it
[05:39:54] It's isn't going to be out. It's a good move
[05:39:57] But you have to anticipate them to make the best possible move then you react accordingly
[05:40:02] So what is Leona doing? No, I just hope Ziri doesn't press E. Oh, I just hope she lags and doesn't
[05:40:10] Jump over the wall
[05:40:12] What do we actually do like a malkai? I'm an old here. Maybe series keyboard will fucking snap in half across their head
[05:40:17] What?
[05:40:18] With Zerry Zara can go down dude. What are we doing?
[05:40:22] speak up also with the burden barrier very powerful item against the composition they're dealing with liquorice the target here
[05:40:29] There's an energy mark to try to make their approach, but the scorpions job. Oh, does he still have no flash?
[05:40:33] Equalizer drop not even close
[05:40:36] Cut off instead they get the Baron and everybody's ready to try to get away for now
[05:40:39] Now Likris should at least die, so Energy takes one kill, but they have lost the bear and Palafox wants to go after Jensen, he flashes in!
[05:40:48] Palafox was not it!
[05:40:53] Palafox, that was fucking embarrassing! That's what I would say, if I was a caster.
[05:41:00] Palafox with the gritchiest play I've ever seen! Energy gets too low! Goodbye playoffs!
[05:41:11] It would have just been summoner spell. Yeah, but no desperation there. Anyway, power box down one more time
[05:41:16] That's every time power foxes tried to do something guys. Let's get fine. Yeah
[05:41:21] Yes, still here yo LCS if I cast it could I cut and again
[05:41:25] We back to what we saw earlier the player reaction came you could see the frustration
[05:41:28] Mm-hmm feels like it's getting to him. Yeah, I like we're just up here on the caster desk
[05:41:33] We don't have the comms. I can't say for sure, but okay, and if there's no because how much would the fine be?
[05:41:38] Bleeding out in the game you feel that pressure you've got to make a move and when every time you try to make that call
[05:41:44] It doesn't work out. It starts to rattle yet because for a play like that
[05:41:48] I feel like it would be worth paying the fine
[05:41:50] I mean am I right like though? He's done the dumbest stuff all all game long
[05:41:54] Okay, I'm just saying and now dig a toss just able to slowly push in this bot lane
[05:42:00] The scarner is completely online once again, so it's been a very solid picture them in both of these games
[05:42:05] even though everyone has it that body the first game looking pretty sweet boy
[05:42:10] Eric, he knows good champions. You know the mouth fight. Yeah, Skarner. Yeah, you
[05:42:15] never know coffee. It's big man. It's just big playmakers as we do have
[05:42:20] structures crumbling across Summoner's Rift. This game's over. I mean, they said
[05:42:26] they're tilted. It's the 7000 last game. I think they win that first game.
[05:42:30] This is a 27 minutes into the game. They still have the Baron for another
[05:42:34] 60 seconds on top of it. I'm struggling to find an angle for energy back into this game
[05:42:40] Yeah, so on one side
[05:42:43] Jensen is undefeated on there
[05:42:46] They respond
[05:42:48] Just a second zero again, so you never know that's the window that I'll have back in this game as
[05:42:54] Licorice prevents contracts from being able to steal it then dig actually just decide to bail
[05:42:59] They go away my co-streaming offer, or my uh, co-casting, a casting offer.
[05:43:04] Anders doesn't care about that.
[05:43:06] You're a hater, bro.
[05:43:09] Okay, reset. 5,000 gold if you consider it.
[05:43:12] Yeah, that's quite a lot.
[05:43:14] That's the way back. That 5,000 gold lead has to die.
[05:43:18] Yeah, if you don't kill that 5,000 gold lead, you're not going to begin.
[05:43:21] Is there even not possible to actually have CC?
[05:43:24] They timed all their flashes. Malcolm's flash is back up.
[05:43:27] But I'm telling you that to happen. Well, it's almost impossible
[05:43:31] But Jitzen loves just running down his lead. So it's I mean, there's a world
[05:43:39] They're all gonna die for it again a desperation old from
[05:43:49] Two teleports expended by dig as well, I think they thought that was the fight
[05:43:52] But that's actually great for for energy getting both of those teleports from a team that is eight and a half thousand gold ahead of them
[05:44:00] So it almost kind of feel like
[05:44:04] Try a party
[05:44:08] It's just losing another turret digger toss used a lot there for nothing
[05:44:11] Yeah, dig the toss not getting anything when you're this far ahead. I mean you got to get more than that from the teleports
[05:44:18] Like that's a way fully agreed that is a past 20 minutes. I was like 29 a lot of catching up to do again
[05:44:24] The Zerry is the name of the game Banshee's veil fully completed for speak of Zyra contract to hit
[05:44:29] Ones what they were looking for Jensen is dominating I'lls using the quickness and getting right on back out now
[05:44:36] The zap connects and who he's got to be a little careful
[05:44:40] He's gone fishing and he caught a bit. I mean the damage isn't bad
[05:44:44] I'm just gonna stand there.
[05:44:46] Have they killed him?
[05:44:48] He misses the W.
[05:44:50] And Power Fox wanted and dies for free again!
[05:45:04] I mean, me again.
[05:45:06] I mean, if you're in the mix, it is for this.
[05:45:08] It is for this.
[05:45:14] Seconds on two remaining players for energy until they respawn the timers on who you
[05:45:21] Professional play
[05:45:44] on the way out this could be one of those games and energy really hopes that
[05:45:50] it's one of those games because that's the only way they're coming back from
[05:45:53] this 11,000 gold deficit against this Fed of the Zerry but you can see here the
[05:45:58] one trick teleports here with an ash arrow is absolutely there they completely
[05:46:02] melt the Maokai and what an absolute that was like max range
[05:46:07] coming this game not only does he get the engage boom boom a mile ahead of his
[05:46:12] And he misses the WC all the gym bullets only better FBI to then have it turned around by
[05:46:19] Oh, he's one zero six. So yeah
[05:46:23] After having such 100%
[05:46:26] Unexpected that I hit those though FBI rebellion last week
[05:46:29] Yeah, he better they can turn that around and have this to oh and also a to oh where Jensen's
[05:46:35] Expanding his champion pool not just playing the control mages can make them such a bigger threat as they move towards playoffs
[05:46:42] The 2-0 as well as we saw earlier gives them an eighty nine percent of remaining scenarios
[05:46:47] They would be a playoff team but throw the numbers at me bro. It's pissing me off
[05:46:58] Like this for a content
[05:47:12] With Baron on the right, you know, I hadn't thought about this and I'd have to go check the bot
[05:47:16] I bet you he's had really good hot shots. I bet you those years of support was like, you know
[05:47:21] I'd love to be able to work literally anywhere on the map whenever I want. All right contracts
[05:47:24] We have no flash again. We're gonna hold okay. Well has old it could be a big one
[05:47:36] Massive amounts of damage
[05:47:42] I
[05:47:48] I really could dig the win
[05:47:58] Guys ran back almost the same exact
[05:48:00] I can probably
[05:48:04] They had a 1-1
[05:48:14] Maybe Shopify is good.
[05:48:18] Maybe Shopify is the top two team to lead.
[05:48:21] They're not two.
[05:48:27] Be better, Palofax. Be better.
[05:48:32] They're all short as hell.
[05:48:44] the team they just beat with energy. Things are going to stay volatile. Things are going to stay close
[05:48:50] as we approach the end of the regular split. Six teams get to move on to playoffs. Those bottom two
[05:48:57] are not going to be very happy and it's still going to be very loose. I think they're actually
[05:49:03] going to be completely tied. Both of them will be five and eight and that's the second tiebreaker.
[05:49:07] So we do five. I don't know why that's saying six. It's going to be very interesting. We'll have
[05:49:10] the playoff tool running for the next two weeks to see what actually happened but what we do know for
[05:49:14] sure is they're now going to be a playoff team and 89% of the remaining scenarios. Oh say there was
[05:49:21] the four times we see that number. It's happiness but also a feeling like you already said of relief
[05:49:28] to the same degree right when you're talking about the struggle this roster has had when
[05:49:33] you're talking about the fact that so many of these names have been recognizable for so long
[05:49:39] right like Emily mentioned earlier on back in game number one everybody but
[05:49:42] aisles has won an lcs championship on this team yes so sitting at coming into
[05:49:49] this week he's kind of smiling a little bit really happy to grab
[05:49:52] especially with the dominant performance in game number two absolutely I'd say
[05:49:57] a suit in the most respectful way possible but they are the boomer super
[05:50:00] team yes so I feel like a lot of older players want to see the camera guy
[05:50:06] Because it means that you're
[05:50:08] Keep playing it means that that experience can bail you out at the end of the day and they they're macro
[05:50:14] They're mid late game was actually very clean. This is like this experience stage way of winning
[05:50:19] Yeah, dignitas looking good in that second one
[05:50:21] And now it's time to join Basel Jensen and speak up for an interview. Oh, let me do interviews
[05:50:27] Let me do interviews
[05:50:32] So congratulations on your two. Oh, maybe dig season is real
[05:50:36] I don't know. Can you guys tell me?
[05:50:38] Of course. It never left, you know.
[05:50:39] Oh, right. Yeah, yeah.
[05:50:41] We were just taking it a bit slow because these games, they don't matter too much.
[05:50:44] Oh, okay, okay.
[05:50:45] I mean, we're going to stop talking.
[05:50:46] I mean, it looks pretty easy. I'm not going to lie.
[05:50:48] So, with even harder challenge because that was pretty easy,
[05:50:51] I drew a cat for you guys, you know,
[05:50:53] seeing Jensen on something that wasn't a control major the first time kind of scared me,
[05:50:57] so I gave you some fan art and I wanted to challenge you guys.
[05:51:00] Yeah, it scared me as well.
[05:51:02] I want the challenge you guys to draw your own little versions right here. Oh, I can tell just in a sloppy handwriting
[05:51:11] Yeah, he can't draw look at me like oh
[05:51:13] Attempted but he's like he's like oh
[05:51:19] Wait
[05:51:21] Rock-paper-scissors on your rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot
[05:51:30] Let's go let's go
[05:51:33] Can you hold this? I need to focus up here.
[05:51:35] Oh, okay, yeah, yeah.
[05:51:38] This is serious. This is really serious.
[05:51:40] Oh, here we go.
[05:51:45] My brother in Christ, the photo's right there.
[05:51:48] It's pre-drawn for you.
[05:51:51] Have you seen one before?
[05:51:52] Photo's all cat!
[05:51:54] This is taking a lot longer than I thought.
[05:51:56] What? I can't copy this. This is like...
[05:52:06] Just try to refest.
[05:52:07] It's your own version.
[05:52:09] Oh, wow.
[05:52:11] Guys, guys, guys, wait, wait, wait.
[05:52:23] It's the nose.
[05:52:24] Okay.
[05:52:34] Do you want to explain what just happened?
[05:52:36] BASTARD PIECE!
[05:52:40] We've proven that I did it cool!
[05:52:44] Um, Sveka, do you want to come here and critique the artwork for me?
[05:52:49] Sorry?
[05:52:50] Do you want to critique the artwork this year?
[05:52:51] I mean, he's a pro gamer, you know.
[05:52:55] Are we playing a game now?
[05:52:57] Are they Bob Ross?
[05:52:59] No, I've done a Bob Ross stream before.
[05:53:01] So I'm actually a certified artist.
[05:53:04] Like a certified painter.
[05:53:09] This one's gonna be hot to beat this posture is crazy by the way we have to cast her here or something
[05:53:13] What's your oh wait? What?
[05:53:20] Okay, oh wait
[05:53:29] That's not a cat it looks like a pumpkin
[05:53:35] kind of cute oh yeah that way he got a good so um wait this is way better one
[05:53:44] right I wait let's see let's see who actually won scream if you think
[05:53:48] Jensen won okay what about speaker you might have just got wiped them so sorry
[05:53:56] bro you know who else got wiped though and RG good job guys yeah sorry maybe
[05:54:03] too soon like really soon actually but uh yeah what was harder this or last
[05:54:08] match this was definitely hotter so I think this one as well yeah well with
[05:54:14] your mid-jungle synergy honestly looked really good looked really promising what
[05:54:19] are you guys looking forward for your next match what do you play I don't
[05:54:23] remember exactly yeah but yeah and drawing these cats or at least
[05:54:37] Cats and we're back to the guy I got it. I got it. It's fine. I'm taking it. I'm taking it
[05:54:49] Yeah, I'm glad I didn't have to draw yeah, I'll just say that yeah
[05:54:52] That was we truly got to see some modern works of art now
[05:54:56] Let's go ahead and see well sometimes interviewers come up with their own like you know you
[05:55:01] What's the question with dignitas taking that victory like that's all your job you you know the questions of the spots
[05:55:07] You have to get G and they are one ahead in terms of game record true
[05:55:11] It is the winning percentage of your game record not number wins not number losses win percentage
[05:55:15] So they're one ahead there. I was Matt's gonna be good. Yes, sir
[05:55:19] All right that goes ahead and sums up halfway through the first day here
[05:55:25] And we are gonna be right back with hundred thieves versus immortals a quick break first
[05:55:30] Don't y'all go anywhere.
[05:55:32] Not going anywhere, bro. I gotta eat.
[05:55:34] Dude, why'd you put your new rig in the basement?
[05:55:37] Didn't you hear? It feels like a gillian here now.
[05:55:39] Basically, my new connection is so strong I can game anywhere.
[05:55:42] Check it out. We've got gamer rocker, gamer floaty, gamer couch.
[05:55:46] Whoa.
[05:55:47] This guy wheels.
[05:55:48] Gamer bench, gamer throne, and gamer mower.
[05:55:53] What's that?
[05:55:55] It's hard to game while walking downstairs.
[05:55:57] I get it.
[05:55:58] smart live like a gillian with low latency everywhere AT&T fiber with all
[05:56:02] five who plays next it is 100 inch G snipe
[05:56:08] red bull gives me a game immortal G snipe bro I gotta see him fucking off the
[05:56:27] flexigan after a solo kill gotta see it gotta see it bro gotta see it I gotta
[05:56:33] see it these are there's been 12 for five years I swear he has they don't see
[05:56:54] role you play I don't know I don't know hello I'm here with victorious top player
[05:56:58] licorice first of all I have to ask what did you think of your teammates drawing
[05:57:01] skills yeah yeah yeah yeah that they did not follow by the way yeah I think I
[05:57:12] would just follow the instructions and then probably that probably secure the
[05:57:15] wind for me where you're gonna go were you following instructions today when you
[05:57:19] locked in the skarner I got bodied by big doubts it's sort of good I don't know
[05:57:25] the laning is still really weak and I think the last changes are actually there
[05:57:28] I was I was more happy playing skarner before the last patch or before this
[05:57:32] patch was broken but I mean if you get out of lane you get items it's like it's
[05:57:37] just skarner you know it's the same as when they reworked it okay and then
[05:57:40] earlier in there just so you got your spot it's fine to say that I was out
[05:57:45] You did great on the area and he's like I was very concerned
[05:57:49] Talk to me a little bit about the comps you guys locked in today because it was a little bit of a change for the overall team
[05:57:55] Yeah, um, I mean we just kind of expected them to have different prios
[05:57:59] Like so we ended up on drops that we weren't like we hadn't practiced at all
[05:58:03] So we were like we were playing champion center that we had in the practice, but I mean
[05:58:08] That's good. I think like Ash is strong. You get prio
[05:58:11] You have like the pick potential of arrow and then like you fell in with tanks and like top and support and then
[05:58:17] Jungle picks whatever he wants and but also seems like they just they've a toss tweet absolute cinema and then like true
[05:58:23] So yeah, I don't know drafting seems pretty simple right now
[05:58:28] And with this victory you actually now have a higher game record than energy
[05:58:33] So technically you are in the standings about the interviews are awkward need more
[05:58:37] Oh shut up
[05:58:41] Bro
[05:58:43] John we put you up there, bro. I think you'd be the best interviewer ever
[05:58:47] You did serious shut up you guys are
[05:58:51] Internet
[05:58:52] You'd be shaking your voice quivering guys stop it. I've met you guys in real life stop
[05:58:58] 95% of you who come up to meet me you're like shaking
[05:59:02] Again that kind of makes sense because I am a global icon a list famous worldwide known
[05:59:10] Celebrity massive my aura is disgustingly terrifying I get it, but I'm just saying 95% of you guys are shaking in real life
[05:59:18] When you meet me, it's true. Well, all the best. Thank you for taking the time
[05:59:22] Don't stand here and be like you on the other side if I was that I would grab that mic and make you my bitch
[05:59:28] Now you want it.
[05:59:29] What's up guys?
[05:59:41] I've got with me the IMT head coach in Aero.
[05:59:43] I've got myself golden glue for 100 thieves.
[05:59:46] I'll start with you golden glue.
[05:59:49] Coming into this week you've made a change bringing in Tomo and of course Meach stepping
[05:59:53] down for just mental health reasons.
[05:59:55] Talk about just how this week has been for you guys as you're gearing up for the playoff
[05:59:58] run.
[05:59:59] Yeah, I mean so Tomo is actually a lot more vocal than I would have expected out
[06:00:03] of him and I think he's molded into the team really well so I'm excited to see
[06:00:06] how we do on stage because practice is gone better than it usually does for a hundred beats.
[06:00:12] And for yourself and Aero going under that final playoff stretch,
[06:00:15] just some things that you're working on internally, maybe a leak is thrown out there,
[06:00:21] if you want to. Is audio low here? A leak, I mean it's same as every week you guys have
[06:00:26] hit us we have so much stuff to work on with our just the way we set up team fights together
[06:00:32] and then how we play like our mid game and being consistent with that. We're pretty rough
[06:00:35] on it on stage so just still focus on it.
[06:00:38] Sounds great to me.
[06:00:39] Good luck to the both of you guys.
[06:00:41] Going straight to the game.
[06:00:45] That's it?
[06:00:47] Well just gonna ask this Raz and what's up y'all.
[06:00:49] We're getting ready for our second series of the day.
[06:00:52] 100thies taking on a mortal's year.
[06:00:55] Rafa!
[06:00:56] As you already got info from GoldenGlue and if you haven't seen on Twitter,
[06:01:00] Tomo coming up from NACL from Disguise will be stuffing in for Meach.
[06:01:06] We had Rafa on TCMoney Matches, two of my matches.
[06:01:13] Alright!
[06:01:15] We have 100Vs in this obviously!
[06:01:16] Come on, G-Snipe, I taught you too well, baby!
[06:01:27] Yeah, both these teams really, really need this win at the bottom of the standings right now.
[06:01:32] Really fighting for the last playoff spot.
[06:01:36] fighting for the last place.
[06:01:38] We'll fight everything tomorrow, but, uh,
[06:01:40] we're fighting for the last place.
[06:01:42] Right now, after Game of Thrones is 2-0,
[06:01:44] if 100 thieves 2-0
[06:01:46] of mortals here, then
[06:01:48] immortals will be out of playoffs.
[06:01:50] So, immortals desperately
[06:01:52] need to at least win one game
[06:01:54] right now to keep some tiebreaker
[06:01:56] options alive for themselves
[06:01:58] and keep their hopes alive.
[06:02:00] Match of the day, be respectful.
[06:02:02] 100 thieves in a little bit better
[06:02:04] That's in the day, I'm sorry, I'll focus up.
[06:02:10] Oh, wait, I gotta play the ad before the game starts, by the way, or else you guys are gonna add to the game. Sorry.
[06:02:19] I tried to turn ads off completely for the day, and it was like, I, uh, a Twitch notification popped up, and it was like,
[06:02:25] you will, if you go under three minutes of ads, you will lose 30% of your net revenue contract. I was like, okay.
[06:03:02] fairly behind in game score of the likes of cloud 9 who on paper had a way
[06:03:07] stronger roster than they did. Tomo has all the way in these late game team
[06:03:13] fights throughout his time on the bingazasore. And sometimes too if you know
[06:03:17] if a team is going to band phase up with the ads, it would be a little bit rough if you bring someone in like
[06:03:22] he's dead!
[06:03:23] who is very vocal. Tomo seems to bring some good energy if he can bring some
[06:03:28] Some good clean comms, then maybe that's what hundred thieves will need because if we are just going down this matchup on paper
[06:03:37] As they're all still getting everything checked in ready. I heard these black and red as we can if we just go down and on paper
[06:03:43] You know especially starting from solo white soul jungle
[06:03:47] I think there is a pretty large advantage. I would say to the hundred thieves side
[06:03:51] Yeah, at least on paper here in a lot of these matchups
[06:03:55] Immortals definitely have their work cut out for them and as we said a lot of extra stakes here on at least taking one game
[06:04:03] Yep, first all pro jungler and river or I think I should say
[06:04:09] It was either river inspired but all pro jungler and then reigning MVP quit
[06:04:15] Obviously hundred thieves have not had this season. It was reflected what their spring success looked like last split
[06:04:22] 100 days is all smiles. That's good chemistry.
[06:04:52] And Immortals on the other side a lot of the story their success has always been around that bot lane between tactical and your face cold
[06:04:59] Well, one of the biggest things for me has been jungle champion pools. So let's jump in to the champion select
[06:05:07] Okay, I have to add now sorry guys because really targeting River is probably a good idea for Immortals
[06:05:14] Oh wait, oh wait, not going to the champs play
[06:05:16] a lot of the ATKs are going into the campsite, and that's where it has been really scary
[06:05:21] for them, and so I'm already seeing a little bit of early bans go through it, I don't know
[06:05:27] if we have a good throw it up on live, because the picks are coming through pretty quick here.
[06:05:31] We'll try to get that as soon as possible.
[06:05:35] Wait, are they panning?
[06:05:36] We just don't have the vision?
[06:05:37] Just to catch everyone up, Toby, why don't you give us a little bit of a preview
[06:05:41] Yeah, let's just say I'm dead.
[06:05:42] I'll spoil since one of my bans, as well as Aurora, unfortunately, are lower.
[06:05:46] How good it happens.
[06:05:51] It happens.
[06:06:12] Okay, first hit Lucian, okay?
[06:06:14] First hit, Lucian. Okay, I'm plotting it.
[06:06:16] Again, just show the client!
[06:06:18] Going with the Renekton. There we go!
[06:06:20] Just show his client!
[06:06:22] We work out a solution!
[06:06:24] LCS!
[06:06:26] What happens?
[06:06:28] What is he going to answer Renekton with?
[06:06:30] Cypher actually in the interview
[06:06:32] after last weekend's matches
[06:06:34] was talking about how comfortable
[06:06:36] he does feel on Jack.
[06:06:38] Alright, who's he going?
[06:06:40] We got Lucian in the way! Is that a Jack's pick?
[06:06:42] Here that a mornos have had to right and I went lily overnight. Okay. We got it
[06:06:46] Let's go pick the renekton, of course, which which is a nice matchup
[06:06:49] But honestly sniper has been able to fight his way out of whatever matchups you throw
[06:06:54] Okay, I love the jacks. I love renekson action. Lucian corki. I do
[06:06:59] standard 80s mid for 100 thieves even though it like lily a picks spice me up a bit
[06:07:04] Could be a difficult lane phase at the very least these sites can play the jacks though
[06:07:09] Round out their first round of picks with porcupine in the mid lane to match up against the marksman in Lucian
[06:07:16] Now there is still a chance that this is potentially flex
[06:07:18] I know we've seen a ton of Lucian mid so it's not likely
[06:07:21] But we always have to keep that in mind as we get ready for the second round of bands
[06:07:25] Braum the first one taken off the table from Immortals that is a great combo to pair with something like the Lucian
[06:07:30] who can make use of the Tengkustin blows
[06:07:32] Don't go mouth-kiss
[06:07:34] Continuing to whittle down the available marksman pool
[06:07:36] I'm definitely
[06:07:42] First throw a couple bands
[06:07:46] Here Braum has just really shot up with everybody's spamming melee engage support guys silver
[06:07:56] Hey, put the sign down the only play a Rams. Come on
[06:07:59] I'm down
[06:08:06] Oh, look it's that close only fan. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I was playing to the pointers right. I'm just kidding
[06:08:13] These one more ban left to go. There's still
[06:08:18] Options for hundred thieves to lock in another bot laner for Tomo because he's been playing in any
[06:08:24] The last thing one week is just after I plug it here
[06:08:26] So if you look at through his recent games his champion pool has been you know forced to play a very wide
[06:08:36] It is a big wrong
[06:08:39] I want one of these teams not to be in Aurora
[06:08:41] Siver Zaya also available, but it just depends on what hundred these ones to play and since you have Zyra
[06:08:46] You already kind of on the
[06:08:48] He's gonna get a chateau Leona
[06:08:49] That is looking on her bra. I'll start more damage that plays well
[06:08:55] Alistar would have to try to combo in W. Why there well combo in the realm one of his favorite champions
[06:09:03] One of the big engage options
[06:09:05] That you're looking at and so there's snipers are top later from a lot of
[06:09:10] Puppets in G snipes play dude. We play with him when he was 14. They went out star nice
[06:09:14] Is that crazy thing about let's see we play with G snipes and he was 14. He's now in the LCS
[06:09:21] 19 pretty good about this draft from the hundred thieves side
[06:09:26] Let's see if the mortals can can make use of this all in a mortals with the classic combo there though
[06:09:32] Now we're watching him play it a pro play and a mortals their wins have really come off
[06:09:36] Wait, no, wait, we play with G-Snipe's in which rivals for in front of 120,000 people actually, that we're watching him play alone in LCS.
[06:09:49] So being taking an overall look at both compositions
[06:09:54] Honestly, the like the models comp does look pretty good. Like you got to use there to go off of
[06:10:00] But honestly, I really feel like it is it is 100 thieves time
[06:10:05] If we especially if they get sniper even a little bit of help early
[06:10:09] He can really really take over as we've seen in the in the recent weekends of games
[06:10:15] Meanwhile quid here on the Lucian mid lane will have prio so when you have a river with a mid laner with prio
[06:10:23] Then he really takes over jungle as well. So I think there are definitely some avenues here
[06:10:28] We know their coaches past his free like no offense. How was it?
[06:10:32] This guy's tattoos are after it kind of scares me a little bit. I'm not gonna lie.
[06:10:37] It was scary.
[06:10:39] Let's see if
[06:10:40] 100 thieves
[06:10:42] Can make a clean
[06:10:45] Tomo in as the ad carry or from what I'm gonna attack juice is what's that it's what the bald head
[06:10:51] Very necessary series win. I'm not bald. I have a bus guy. That's like what all it looks like as we get ready for the real like Kratos
[06:11:01] Another big thing as we are actually headed into a pause
[06:11:06] More playoff implications here straight from production
[06:11:09] If 100 thieves, we already mentioned earlier that if the mortals are 2-0ed here, they are eliminated from playoffs.
[06:11:14] But if 100 thieves get a series win, regardless if it's 2-0 or if it's a 2-1,
[06:11:21] Dignitas are locked into playoffs. So, Dignitas are now 100 thieves fans in this series.
[06:11:28] Wait, if 100 thieves loses, are they out of playoffs?
[06:11:31] Honestly, let's uh...
[06:11:32] We can bring up some of the graphics for some of our stats that we have prepped for coming into this game too.
[06:11:38] Yeah, let's see them.
[06:11:39] You know, talking about the big bottom lane matchup
[06:11:42] with Tomo arriving from disguise,
[06:11:45] subbing in here, 400 thieves.
[06:11:48] Him versus tactical, as we said,
[06:11:50] the all-time rector for LCS games at the very least.
[06:11:54] If you're out of, let's say you're out of play next week.
[06:11:57] Yes, obviously.
[06:11:58] For the favor of tactical, though, if we examine.
[06:12:00] All right, let's go.
[06:12:01] Games Tomo actually had.
[06:12:03] I've been seeing a lot of grassjacks.
[06:12:04] A strong presence, especially early on.
[06:12:06] And like, matchups like Gragas, Rektum.
[06:12:08] Although that is
[06:12:10] I watched in the morning, so I'm walking sailor and I said
[06:12:15] He's new there are male here. So these are the only person that's doing that 70m from me. Yes. Yes
[06:12:19] He's me. I knew I keep him. I'm just watching for the music at the time. He starts talking. I can't watch
[06:12:25] I'm just saying
[06:12:27] Bottomside almost all the time watch a lot of his time down there just goes to show
[06:12:32] I know a little something about Jack's aware of their weak conditions
[06:12:36] aware of
[06:12:38] the return on investment of time around tactical and O.Lei who a lot of the other players in the league
[06:12:44] when we talk to them are very complimentary of tactical and O.Lei especially their laning phase so
[06:12:51] we'll see as we say that though Armaio is actually going to start on the bottom side and they're even
[06:12:56] going to leash for him so they're going to accelerate the Lillia clear speed here
[06:13:01] we were leaching to get even quicker across the map but Armaio will be pathing up towards
[06:13:06] topside towards him and again what are you acting into the jacks here take a
[06:13:11] look at sniper yeah a castle get used to it straight off get used to it I'm
[06:13:17] curious then if our mortals are more concerned about letting sniper get ahead
[06:13:22] on that jackson by passing topside oh they're trying to camp G sites
[06:13:26] excited the three-minute 30 second timer because apparently he's the entire
[06:13:30] team and pretty fast with lilia so it's all about making sure that sniper
[06:13:33] Doesn't get his way
[06:13:58] When so that's what it was that's what it was yes
[06:14:01] Yeah, so they will get any alert right
[06:14:12] Brand up bro, I get your brand up man
[06:14:17] Meanwhile the other jungler mr. River oh right to us. Oh, he's he's really really been shining even we just play with them
[06:14:26] Has been struggling and he got mad
[06:14:28] Ending towards the bottom side. Yes, wait, wait a minute my team their timing and my team was terrible
[06:14:34] So we got Matt has you tight. Oh wait. He's a typer. I'm gonna like him
[06:14:38] Tree frog. Yeah, he's a typer. I might like him then I like typers. He's typing and raging shows passion now
[06:14:45] River is actually gonna path towards the top side. It does people say it's toxic. It shows that you care on that crab
[06:14:50] I love backing up river here, too. We're backing up quid
[06:14:54] Yeah, they're gonna fight him off and our mail could just circumvent go down towards bottom side
[06:14:58] And they'll still trade crabs, but I like the move make sure that your top side
[06:15:04] Secure again, I think those are the biggest advantage
[06:15:12] Man trying to get that early pressure on the sniper. They're doing everything they can
[06:15:21] Is able to dash out no panic or use of the summer spells good route on to mask
[06:15:26] And that's decent trade back from River. Yeah, River can't recall guys
[06:15:31] It's kind of interesting because Olay at the very least even though
[06:15:34] You know, it's just the little chunk there the stop on the recalls and River will be delayed now in the race of AP
[06:15:42] Junglers clearing gets a little bit later on the reset
[06:15:45] So our male has the first fated ashes as the first reset and our male coming back out down to bottom side
[06:15:52] Nice cyber team back tracking him. They know
[06:15:56] Our mail started bottom side because we have to pull a free
[06:15:59] This was very good info on the clear and he'll just go for his second clear
[06:16:03] Meanwhile as we said river because of the delay on the recall is this small margins when you're racing to AP jungles that are clearing
[06:16:10] But every couple seconds, you know now he's losing the race on the second clear. Lilia is one camp ahead
[06:16:16] It's the small things. Uh-huh. I'll say AP junglers bro. Your ganking power is okay quid
[06:16:21] Okay, deny this CS like a Chad
[06:16:26] Damn under the towers zoning they need from CS and casters that not giga Chad
[06:16:35] Like as the jungle like walks past you busy can't do anything about it
[06:16:43] Maybe the team
[06:16:45] to find a combat between these two teams is going to be over one of the objectives.
[06:16:49] Definitely agree, and Midlan going pretty nice for Qt as well despite, you know,
[06:16:54] the small interruption with support roam. Qt's still able to push out no problem,
[06:16:59] and he does get his eventual recall, although it's a little bit later.
[06:17:04] He plays for, the Isle of Gaea? I think he plays for the first, KD in solo queue.
[06:17:10] I
[06:17:12] He has like all like orange caddies
[06:17:15] All on this patch because of the nerfs most of the on hits have just gone blade of the ruined king and they say fine
[06:17:21] You know you can nerf one of the items and we'll just go with play the room any supports move into use faster items
[06:17:26] Already, but the double roam from Immortals here is answered a little bit later by a lady
[06:17:33] You see the Alistar coming over for the grub fight as well
[06:17:35] Oh
[06:18:05] What are we doing?
[06:18:06] He's got one.
[06:18:08] Okay, here we go.
[06:18:10] There's Flash!
[06:18:11] Okay, Quid!
[06:18:13] Oh, wait, oh, wait, oh, wait!
[06:18:15] There's a Flash!
[06:18:16] Ah, he's gonna Flash away.
[06:18:18] He's gonna Flash.
[06:18:20] He's not gonna have to Flash.
[06:18:25] That was weird.
[06:18:27] What are we doing exactly?
[06:18:35] the job done still very weird that's a low elo fight skirmish definitely are they
[06:18:41] exciting one that really the biggest difference is going to be no flash on
[06:18:45] castle versus sniper retaining it for the jacks on top side so sniper grabbing an
[06:18:51] actual kill plus having flashed advantage I don't know I'll let's see it coming into
[06:18:56] this series I really had my on him as an individual part so I think before
[06:19:01] I just walked up to Lilian, W him once and then ran away, did he keep like that?
[06:19:08] Okay.
[06:19:09] Could have sort of hided towards him, but that's it.
[06:19:12] I don't know, he seems like way different from the Rook though.
[06:19:19] one although it was very close to being one for two with that extra kill towards mass not finally coming through
[06:19:25] But the story afterwards in the meaning of that that scrim scrumish there
[06:19:29] I really want to see what sniper will be able to do that castle with a big cs lead not care
[06:19:34] Although sniper getting the kill credit kind of evens up some of the gold
[06:19:38] I mean he's up a kill down
[06:19:40] Cs
[06:19:54] Yeah, techno also still has a has barrier for baiting so always be a little careful on that one, but no flash on kaisa
[06:20:00] Definitely another area that they can target here
[06:20:02] So river pathing down towards bottom side because he's just full clearing again
[06:20:06] I
[06:20:08] Seemsyntry has been rough. Are they a different team from last place? Who's new? I don't know. It is said they added tomo
[06:20:14] Alistar once you get level six, you know possibility of dives definitely go through the roof
[06:20:19] But we are going to have a reset on our male. So Hunter thieves are gonna have no they just collapsed. Oh, really?
[06:20:24] Our male is trying to get to bot lane as fast as possible
[06:20:27] He knows that a dive could be made by river and quit who has already
[06:20:30] Bought for mid priority, but looks like hundred these are gonna call it off the play doesn't happen fast enough
[06:20:35] And so for tactical in Olay, their lives are safe for now
[06:20:38] Oh, I forgot the best of runs change
[06:20:41] It's gonna take a while, but these plants do a number, mask
[06:20:44] Force the dash away with the Valkyrie, quit opening up with the Colling
[06:20:47] To force him off, he'll be the first midlaner to join
[06:20:49] I think that should be all you need for Dragon
[06:20:52] Cause now midlane priority is 100% 100% 8
[06:20:54] Hela hex flashed in, finds Olay, the crash down
[06:20:57] Gives him a flash
[06:20:58] He's a flash
[06:20:59] And he gets punted by it
[06:21:00] Okay, it's a weak team
[06:21:01] We'll slow by only onto two, but the fight is over
[06:21:02] Yeah, and Mordor's there, like
[06:21:04] These are some of the calls where you just feel so bad for them because they just lost mid Pryo
[06:21:09] Quid just won the fight and there was honey fruit so you know he gets this big charge on math
[06:21:14] Quid is the weight bush and then comes in for honey fruit in the river and the rest of 100 these are like great
[06:21:19] We got mid win so though. We're just gonna go for it immediately in there
[06:21:24] And the engage there
[06:21:26] The extra pressure so hundred these feeling very very good
[06:21:44] Fucking they're coming up you
[06:21:56] It just came up, something about it.
[06:22:00] Oh no, a lace flasher's down.
[06:22:05] A lace flasher's down.
[06:22:08] Cause river will be able to move on in, and everything is just falling apart for mortals.
[06:22:12] Everybody smelling blood in the water here with the top laners getting so low trading like that.
[06:22:18] Wait, they're trading with 3 flash?
[06:22:21] Wait, what's your flash?
[06:22:23] advantage of the low health jacks here under turret and they get an extra summoner spell
[06:22:27] hundred thieves both of them on the reset and so hundred the rewards afterwards as well
[06:22:33] all you need is four of them hold on real quick one second so river be able very good
[06:22:38] sniper for the follow up that's an immediate flash of a right armeo and the grubs have
[06:22:45] just spawned Kobe they're gonna sack pressure here they will not be able to challenge
[06:22:49] Because River will be
[06:22:51] Seem like it will play
[06:22:54] Seem like it will play out
[06:22:57] Game plan that you want for 100
[06:22:59] Oh, I would literally get this guy reported to look cute. What the fuck are you doing?
[06:23:06] Get these guys a team
[06:23:08] They have so much more of uh, a really big alias. That's a professional player the dive bomb here with uh, with rel
[06:23:16] with the kites. He's nervous though. Wait, they just said that he just got added to the main roster, right?
[06:23:22] They set themselves up, but 100 thieves going everything kind of as planned. A little bit of deep vision is all they really have to...
[06:23:30] Is that an ACL team two weeks ago? Okay, okay, okay.
[06:23:32] So yeah, nervous, nervous.
[06:23:34] It's very hard for Lillia to engage without flash by just going straight in.
[06:23:40] You have to approach from a flank or need desperately Olai or Castle be the first ones in so they can self a lot of damage
[06:23:47] Because lily yeah true ominous is it gives you if it was my first day on the job, right?
[06:23:51] And I took my PC and I threw it out the window. I'm getting fired the same
[06:23:55] So who can relate all eyes on immortals in their front line to set up the engage that our mail can follow up
[06:24:01] Ayla should be fine a lot of immortals members work. That's pretty much what he just did
[06:24:05] No need for panic for the side of 100 thieves balling. Yeah, most of the time we're really just fishing with a swirl seat
[06:24:12] See if we can tag anybody there
[06:24:14] And then if someone's out of position behind or a hundred
[06:24:19] Hundred thieves here. I'm fine bro
[06:24:21] Let's see what we can set up because we've got a little bit of time to wait for some more neutral objectives to really force anything
[06:24:27] So it is just gonna be the classic
[06:24:29] Not too high, she's basically lagging.
[06:24:49] He's a closer than it was last other series.
[06:24:59] control and Oleg definitely has the possibilities but now they're face
[06:25:04] checking into 100 thieves territory a little bit as they go for these wards
[06:25:08] river everybody's on spike literally everybody in the river by us there's a
[06:25:13] timer here actually everybody on both teams on a spike what the fuck they
[06:25:18] have eight power spikes right now eight completed items exactly 20 seconds
[06:25:22] holy shit fighting for position my bucket the skill check
[06:25:25] currently reigning control right now
[06:25:27] oh here we go
[06:25:29] eyes! the optional flash!
[06:25:31] she's gonna die
[06:25:33] b**ch! nice!
[06:25:46] why did we slap- oh for the cooldowns
[06:25:48] we didn't miss click!
[06:25:54] i think we missed click
[06:25:56] Walk into these away from the rip tarot. What is what am I watching wait? What is going on?
[06:26:03] No, is this like how it's like every day
[06:26:07] I don't actually watch it this heavy. I throw it on the TV the background
[06:26:12] This looks like my silica games
[06:26:16] What is happening bro?
[06:26:21] Crazy to watch
[06:26:26] We're like all the ones sitting for the next dragon spawn as we will get back to live after we take a look at this
[06:26:32] Hey, let's see. Okay. That's good over the wall. I know she has no flash
[06:26:36] Immortals a decent amount and then we saw the floor
[06:26:40] Here's our one-day one in the back line
[06:26:42] One to jump on the Tomo there
[06:26:45] It's a little live has all stumps main source
[06:26:49] Flashes, but he did not
[06:26:51] This flash makes no sense and then he like walked out of the bush. I feel like he misquit up towards the top power
[06:26:58] and because of the two control wards here quid waited around the tactical tactical was so focused on his kill on Tomo
[06:27:06] that immortal stock they had
[06:27:08] The extra huge advantage and able to push in a little bit although still quite close there in gold and really just
[06:27:16] the extra objectives there those hard to use steam soldier down so much dragon on
[06:27:21] bottom side and river comes to pay taxes or a castle visit he flashes away from
[06:27:25] the strangle for blood sniper follows up on the river we'll get trained it's a
[06:27:31] one-for-one as they feel flash but it won't work okay yes in the tower right
[06:27:35] there so river down the castle also down and I shouldn't the tower though they're
[06:27:40] the only ones with a jungler left what is happening with her easy and the
[06:27:44] the outer towers on both sides should get traded. Quit hovering around here, but I think,
[06:27:50] yeah, there's no way they're going to be able to defend this. Just trade it. Sniper working
[06:27:53] on the bottom one after this. So really the big reward, the Rift Herald.
[06:27:57] Did it mean server lag?
[06:27:58] I was thinking about this click.
[06:27:59] Now we're going to use that Rift Herald towards mid lane. Let's see about the location
[06:28:03] over tactical here. Trying to push quicker on Toma too.
[06:28:06] Oh, you mean like the Observer is like lagging. So it makes it look like the
[06:28:10] Flashes are bad second dragon in the game ping pong and immediately into rift harrow knowing that river committed for that dive on the
[06:28:15] Bottom side of the map it keeps the game even in terms of math control and it makes this game. I mean it's a dead even game
[06:28:21] Yeah, oh true. You know the top haters watching through here for Immortals with his training force done
[06:28:27] Two of the kills here on to the corky so porky looking quite good for top play River sneaking in
[06:28:34] Where's that Alistar going? Where's Alistar going? Why Alistar back out playing something like Zyra goes in for the grass
[06:28:39] on our mail but looks like the red was secured by our mail anyway
[06:28:42] but it was still hunting bad click it's gonna click it there
[06:28:45] mask has flashed before it should be fine
[06:28:48] go go go go go go
[06:28:49] should be committing to this this is this is crazy quit is pushing up on the top side
[06:28:53] of the math mask is gonna quickly kill this wave so that they don't push it in but a
[06:28:57] teleport is being committed right now for a sniper to make sure that they can bully
[06:29:02] them off and get a little bit extra gold in their pockets from the tower
[06:29:05] I was waiting to TP bot turret?
[06:29:10] Let's TP him where is it?
[06:29:17] They're gonna lose bot turret anyway
[06:29:20] You can trade
[06:29:22] What's the CS?
[06:29:30] I realize this
[06:29:35] To kill her instinct and try and get somebody as we're rotating here and all these outer towers start to drop
[06:29:41] Everybody now working with an extra partner when we go to clear the vision because the defenses are top gap
[06:29:47] Watch your fucking mouth when you speak about
[06:29:53] But the vision line has been pushed deep into immortals blue quadrant now a la
[06:29:58] Be careful here still has the ultimate in case things get dicey
[06:30:02] But hundred these playing the vision game. Well, they're getting ready for that third dragon of the game spawning. Oh, yeah
[06:30:07] Yeah, interesting to because they're you can tell they're debating right now
[06:30:11] Whether they want to send mass to go push the top way first
[06:30:14] I mean they have three pinks and but and four could have answers
[06:30:16] But they were worried about a quick play there towards mid
[06:30:20] So he came back hovered a little bit to make sure nothing was going to break out immediately
[06:30:27] Just reset into the sideline pressure again, there is the teleport advantage remember
[06:30:32] For sniper having 19 now, not kept his so extra teleport advantage for immortals should make it a lot easier for them
[06:30:41] To retain side lane control here during the neutral state
[06:30:47] These shouts are now we're like two wins off three wins off attention still oh wait, he's 17
[06:30:54] Did I play with them?
[06:30:56] 12 playoffs implications and the stakes that are wait no way he's 17
[06:31:00] These teams if Immortals are 2-0 they are eliminating play-offs hundred thieves
[06:31:06] My god, if they I get canceled for that nowadays or 2-1
[06:31:10] Dignitas are locked in to play off so you can see how both teams are being
[06:31:15] Extremely cautious when they are going for vision take and when they play these fights out
[06:31:20] Yeah, especially because it's so important, you know if you're if you're face-checking into the Zyra Alistar
[06:31:24] Then it's so much more difficult for immortals to actually pull off their combo and with the early presence snipers actually in the dragon pit
[06:31:32] They're looking to catch Ole here as he jumped over just a little bit of a trunk there as
[06:31:37] River is just able to tag him, but they caught him putting the words down for the dragon fight
[06:31:43] So now they're gonna come to you. What he just talked to you about, shut up!
[06:31:46] Ole's escaping with his life and not really sustaining any significant damage either there, so immortals
[06:31:53] able to get their presence into mid
[06:31:56] oh it's bad he's got a free flash he didn't know what was happening
[06:31:59] yeah that's sad
[06:32:01] now spawning the rift herald
[06:32:02] they're gonna fight for mid trial before the game starts
[06:32:05] they're gonna have to be gone they lost his flash
[06:32:07] and we couldn't hold it
[06:32:09] turning up this red buff sniper
[06:32:11] lurking in the shadows but he spotted on a ward
[06:32:13] corky poke pretty annoying too here
[06:32:15] you're gonna have to give it
[06:32:17] he's gonna have presence in the brush
[06:32:19] threatening the gauge while mass throws out these rockets
[06:32:21] wait oh we do we do we do we do we do in the back line that's the TP from
[06:32:26] they see it they see it they know they know right side it's gonna try to pressure
[06:32:29] mask and look for a way into the annoying it's really annoying outside
[06:32:33] with you know right onto the front line our mails caught but main one what is
[06:32:37] sloppy what is going on push them off but they get the dragon go over to
[06:32:42] hundred thieves this is sloppy oh boy it's like they're not on the same page
[06:32:48] Their comms aren't the ultimate use and it's a messes
[06:32:53] It's like so a few
[06:32:55] That was dicey from aila aila went in traded a whole big health bar there
[06:33:00] He did not died pops out of their ultimate. They tell me I'm a bad place, but on the same page
[06:33:06] That was weird. It's caught sniper with some nice blast cone usage. They're able to survive and now
[06:33:12] Looking for only he still has flash so he should be fine
[06:33:15] But the fact that hundred thieves still have the confidence even after the play of dragon to push and
[06:33:19] Saying was the mid turret. It seems like like that is so annoying to deal with
[06:33:26] Then you have to the perma think about it and perma call these actually
[06:33:29] I think G-snipes plate this exactly like that pain in the top do it with his brother item power spikes
[06:33:34] That was really starting to feel a lot better about this one mid tower also goes down
[06:33:40] So full outer defense true me so it can eat boys cops to work on communication as a whole
[06:33:48] They barely have any health in their mid lane from everybody because of the riffrail charge
[06:33:51] So that one is basically just standing gold that immortals will be able to take on resetting and trying to push through mid
[06:33:58] They still have their teleport on castle. So they're trying to make a heavy move here while castle is bottom
[06:34:05] They're in the banana brush. They have no idea Olay face checks it
[06:34:08] It's about a third of his HP has damage from quid, but thankfully he's stanky
[06:34:12] It's totally fine immortal's maintaining control of this Baron Riverside
[06:34:16] I have full energy control. I'll start, it's like one award for ever
[06:34:23] Just drop it. Oh, he did just drop it. Immortals, I think they need to send Castle to his bottom side here again
[06:34:28] He's got teleport advantage
[06:34:30] Get that renected pressure on one of the lanes and then force a play with your rel with I mean somebody's
[06:34:38] for sure for sure lowmaster e us players are able to communicate without the device
[06:34:46] steven caulking head so so close here as a quirky now with evolved muramana as
[06:34:51] well no masters e us is terrible but to be fair low masters everywhere is
[06:34:57] terrible before the fight actually starts and actually the the timer on
[06:35:03] Snipers teleport it's a different ever to have masters in the US that shit hole
[06:35:08] It did bro. They're just kind of camping here sitting on their vision advantage. Oh
[06:35:14] Shit, no, no, there's no way
[06:35:18] There's no way river has to run all the way must have spotted river and that's why they called for it now
[06:35:23] It's on the rest of hundred. I think also there's an inch here
[06:35:26] Needs calling comes in decent also has to go in here. He has to eat
[06:35:30] way too late bro
[06:35:33] ahhhhhhh
[06:35:36] what am I doing?
[06:35:40] there's much knife
[06:35:42] hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
[06:35:44] are they going to eat it early?
[06:35:48] just fuck them off the Baron
[06:35:50] so Zyra gets their time to contest
[06:35:52] ohhhh what a sniper
[06:35:54] when they spot the extra roam to bottom side
[06:36:01] They immediately go Baron they finally use that teleport Rafa the teleport advantage
[06:36:07] We're hyping on it for so long castle. He teleports over there. They burn down the Baron
[06:36:13] I want to spot you if we see the replay that yes
[06:36:19] Observers lead up to it to how river got spotted heading down. Jesus. I've some how the commitment to the call
[06:36:25] That's what you'd like to see from the war knows the commission. I'm on man
[06:36:28] You have no jungler here. We've got the teleport advantage. We've been tracking timers
[06:36:33] So we just burn Baron even with everyone trying to harass them on Baron they burn it and they get their kills
[06:36:39] Immortals here if they can win this game. It will be huge for their playoffs hopes. Yeah
[06:36:44] And I think that's been a criticism of Immortals
[06:36:52] Immediately
[06:36:58] Any extra vision that would have seen river moving up so we would have to go back a little bit further
[06:37:04] To see it, but she's like far inside the actual fight here. So I was able to go get one back for hundred these was huge
[06:37:11] We're still get parents. Oh, this was all a morning. We have a call on doing the Baron and then this site by tactical afterwards to
[06:37:18] He just threads it right through the little jungle corridor
[06:37:20] So even though they don't have
[06:37:23] Good vision in there. Just throw it down the middle of the jungle corridor
[06:37:26] There's nowhere for river to dodge. Yeah
[06:37:30] Nice job by immortals. Let's see what they can do with it
[06:37:34] Now with the Baron buff at their disposal dragon. Oh wait, it'd be easy. Oh
[06:37:40] Man, meanwhile, they also have masks. What's Lord Swayze saying? Is that a Twitch chat comment?
[06:37:45] Oh my god, wait, is there?
[06:37:48] That just gets evened up a little bit. They're pulling comments from Twitch chat.
[06:37:52] He's got his teleport ready now, too. So nice stuff from them. Let's see if they can actually get some some secondary turrets. Wow
[06:37:57] What a shot!
[06:38:00] But it's only 30 seconds left on it. That's real.
[06:38:04] I'm actually bothered you after and check that. I'm just curious. No flavor's curious. What a shot!
[06:38:12] Everybody coalescing down bottom. I mean, maybe there's teleport mask in here. They really wanted to try and get a side of the turret
[06:38:19] Seems like they'll save the teleport cooldown instead. Let's the Baron time out go for their resets
[06:38:24] Don't want to use up that cooldown even though the outer
[06:38:34] Trampton win yeah overall huge map play for
[06:38:37] Immortals, but they're still only 2,000 gold ahead hundred thieves
[06:38:41] The game is far from over and they have to remind themselves that their composition
[06:38:46] Excels when immortals are hard engaging into their composition and everyone is set up to receive it to make the counter engage with strangle hold
[06:38:54] The problem for River since he wasn't there at the Baron. I mean cyber am I
[06:38:58] Okay
[06:39:00] Hey, you just face Jackson. Yeah, I'm not a lie. This guy's gonna be a pain of the ass to kill
[06:39:06] Like hey guys, it's possible to get the setup first
[06:39:08] We should still I think her in this was well be annoying. I should like relatively later
[06:39:13] You've got a real so good that is is definitely a blender that you're just kind of not
[06:39:18] There's the does it not really thinking about oops
[06:39:21] We definitely should not commit to members to the bottom side of the map
[06:39:24] We will be there right okay
[06:39:26] We'll be there especially one of them being jungle
[06:39:29] But that play would have been less worse if they also had their teleport on sniper
[06:39:33] So then they could you know at least teleport in for a 4v5 attempt to try and defend it
[06:39:38] But it was really that the worst of both worlds where you don't have jungle or you don't have teleport
[06:39:42] So no, I mean rose probably a bit boring yes or later though. It's a best of three. I think she's good
[06:39:47] Talk about that between the games right now. They got a phone. I mean, she's annoying to play against her
[06:39:52] Yep, you can't move with just watch out goals that has opened up here
[06:39:56] It is not a chasm that cannot be overcome just a couple thousand the gold lead right now
[06:40:02] and
[06:40:03] There is a bounty a couple of bounties there on the side of the mortals as well if you're able to get to that back
[06:40:09] on and actually kill those immortals carries though that may be difficult
[06:40:13] I'm saying it's almost impossible by the next time the fight starts tech
[06:40:17] bulls coming up after something stupid the G snipe's blanks in what happens how
[06:40:21] hundred these played the game in the first 10 15 minutes that's the path flash
[06:40:24] it was always a love finding flash summoner spells and then hundred
[06:40:27] these being patient not overextending on the engage ruin row was a general
[06:40:31] bro I like that stuff lasted for like a week
[06:40:34] available it's that patient rinse and repeat cycle it's like Blitzcrank
[06:40:39] general and I think it lasted one patch reminding themselves of that as they get
[06:40:44] ready for the fourth dragon of the game coming up in two minutes yeah plus now
[06:40:48] kaisa has a can still bring them seekers our glass all eyes on tactical
[06:40:55] amass these guys massive objective bounties and they have so much damage
[06:40:58] between both of them and the way that's actually true rolls a few months
[06:41:03] Awesome to see I mean the pick up here at the arm guards allows textual some really big plays for the next team fight
[06:41:09] Love investing the extra gold here for your bigger dive play
[06:41:13] Give it hope no Siri ultimate plus barrier well flash plus a seeker's arm guard stasis
[06:41:20] Makes it boy. I'm on the edge of my seat here 400 thieves
[06:41:23] And so they're trying their best to keep some vision trying their best to try and defend here and keep an open pathway
[06:41:28] Towards baron, but it should to be a rinse is GA mortals
[06:41:32] You know setting up
[06:41:39] Okay, side lane fight actually does matter in this game though Kaisa's coming
[06:41:53] Time
[06:42:02] So this is not the reverse situation. This is way harder for 100 thieves to do anything here
[06:42:07] You know, not only did they they not get an early alert and so sniper
[06:42:12] Oh, at least they don't get Baron if they don't get Baron it's just one kill had the teleport there on castle
[06:42:18] So they were able to teleport him over immediately like a fight dragon possible counterplay on a Baron
[06:42:23] And so it is just the extra kill here that goes to immortals
[06:42:27] plus the teleport you know invested for the flash on sniper going down and the
[06:42:32] killer instinct from tactical but that cooldown is so short here later in the
[06:42:35] game very meaningful has no words that you could it's fine it's fine it's fine
[06:42:45] it's fine you say it's STP's coming with these guns
[06:42:50] Are starting to push under these off and now they're in trouble a was super low quit is lit on the back side
[06:42:55] Tomo also lit the rest of hundred thieves have to concede control of the Baron and now
[06:43:00] Oh my god, I'm not just a brother for nothing
[06:43:02] He's doing so much work that quirky damage. He is his murder then push them all off
[06:43:08] Nobody dies, but their health bars were decimated and now they're keeping so far away. It's really risky. Why don't we should keep you there or what?
[06:43:16] I just can't and mortals clean
[06:43:18] What are we doing to redeploy and contest them a hundred these brothers hundred these team has no
[06:43:27] Z-shot
[06:43:28] No, they're so it's like these here trying to push mid as they rotate what is going on like they're not doing anything
[06:43:36] Would be numbers like there's no game plan is what it looks like
[06:43:39] What do we do guys even though you just got the Baron have to be a little bit careful about the checks
[06:43:44] Oh, they're gonna go right in the rest of the team is very close behind so they've got the power to force them off
[06:43:49] And quite easy here better power recalls allow them to get dragon number three to that snowball continues for immortals
[06:43:56] Their playoffs hopes are alive. How do they ever die?
[06:43:59] Game one is so our last night. How does record GA die third dragon of the game?
[06:44:05] Lillia's going armor. What is she doing now? Well, what is happening for them?
[06:44:08] No, what is that building potentially one play away if it goes well enough to just
[06:44:16] I think it's Jack the game outright and take the nexus of hundred these my god
[06:44:21] Things are dire here for the men in red
[06:44:26] Under thieves trying to fight for control on this top quadrant, but immortals are just game plan bro
[06:44:32] It plays sideline senses and with the Baron on their side mortals play side lane because of Barry
[06:44:37] I don't know a hundred thieves do about quirky like mask
[06:44:44] About the all-ins because
[06:44:46] Tactical actually does wait. He is
[06:45:05] They don't end up despite they got all kinds of songs and rex in GA
[06:45:12] They can actually win that fight when the game off of it 100% most can they push with it?
[06:45:17] They're going as hard as they can't
[06:45:19] They're not spared, they can't
[06:45:21] They're protecting it, now the void might come
[06:45:23] Wait, you're in the image? What was that?
[06:45:25] Wait a minute, did they just accidentally show a tweet of Tomo?
[06:45:29] There it is, wait a minute
[06:45:33] Wait, they got two turrets?
[06:45:39] What are they doing? A little friend? No way
[06:45:43] No way, no way
[06:45:47] two structures in front oh my god suddenly when it's tomo the truth coby now
[06:45:53] they're back in an even state just when you really really believe I want to
[06:46:01] say that replay here's kind of like right now been completely thrown you know
[06:46:04] one inhibitor down is completely fine you can get no more time I guess so a
[06:46:09] little bit worrying though it's tomo time bitch as that pit goes we'll see
[06:46:13] Just retain focus get back out here have Ola set up your vision first so that nobody gets caught off guard
[06:46:21] Ola is doing this that worded up this red side of the jungle immortal still in a very good position
[06:46:25] Of course, they've got dragon soul coming to them in two and a half minutes at least the possibility of it and
[06:46:31] They do scale incredibly well again. The corki is just such a massive scaler. I don't do that
[06:46:36] We're gonna watch the replay after he has had his level eight mind me after
[06:46:39] How the fuck did he just ran at Ciri?
[06:46:42] He ran at Kaisa.
[06:46:43] Because of the extra range, uh, compared to the lootions and the possibilities here, but
[06:46:47] yeah.
[06:46:48] And the flash!
[06:46:49] They're strolling, by the way.
[06:46:50] Brave Tomo once again, helping Hunter Thieves come back to this game.
[06:46:54] Uh-oh!
[06:46:55] I mean, yeah, and this one-
[06:46:56] Uh-oh!
[06:47:01] Enough of an e-combo-syn.
[06:47:02] Tomo slides in on the Zerry to deliver the damage, but he just walks into the
[06:47:09] Allistar now, River goes over just as the Rift Hall has expired here.
[06:47:13] Spam pink dragon in the house. I'm not trying to get you or play with a plan
[06:47:18] We're playing with the purpose now the rest of the botter. It's good. I like this because I got with the purpose
[06:47:23] Possibilities here from Immortals kind of ensuring they're gonna have the pincer on this secondary tower
[06:47:29] hundred thieves
[06:47:31] It was a very big pick, but Olay is back up. So big thing to know both of them are kill this ocean
[06:47:37] There's no closed down
[06:47:39] Oh, he missed!
[06:47:43] Did I talk up?
[06:47:44] Did I see him?
[06:47:45] Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!
[06:47:46] Oh, there's one extra combo!
[06:47:49] He's actually too late!
[06:47:51] He's lived, he's lived, he's lived, he's lived, he's lived, he's lived, he's lived, he's lived!
[06:48:06] Fucking well, man. I told you, fucking champion.
[06:48:13] The boat...
[06:48:15] Every time she has flash, it's just guaranteed.
[06:48:19] Do is kind of watches these towers go down alone. He can't do anything versus this triple. Oh, that's got to be scary
[06:48:37] But it's not
[06:48:39] It's too durable and the rest of the squad will back off
[06:48:46] Oh my god
[06:48:49] very easy for them to pick up
[06:48:51] I think it was gone no matter what
[06:48:55] I think it was gone no matter what actually
[06:48:57] Let's watch this fight
[06:49:01] It looks good here, he misses his Q
[06:49:07] I'll start again
[06:49:09] My god, fucking rel
[06:49:13] I told you, his chip's broken
[06:49:15] I think rel's so good
[06:49:19] And so they just dive the entire squad there and it looks like River did try and get vision and at the very least
[06:49:26] The ocean's also national the cops
[06:49:30] Baron and that's really the whole front of these when you're so far behind like this
[06:49:34] You're like, ah, we got to try and like guys you had it
[06:49:37] But he while they're going to pick up all their objectives
[06:49:39] But no pick there 400 these it will just be double giant objectives for a model
[06:49:45] Right back on track ocean soul plus guys
[06:49:52] Regeneration of ocean soul plus you have your eyes
[06:49:56] Should be a recipe for a mortals to get a duck
[06:50:01] Immortals have everything they what's the Ziri with the this game out hundred thieves
[06:50:07] Almost ten minutes ago. They found that mirror hour glass
[06:50:10] Okay, so no getting into the face of tactical risking his life both of his summoner spell to make it done
[06:50:17] Can hundred thieves replicate that magic here again, Kobe?
[06:50:21] Well, they're certainly going to try I mean Lillia
[06:50:25] Towards getting miracle plays like that, you know surprise plays
[06:50:28] But I think immortals after getting that wake also has no flash not going to let anyone go by themselves
[06:50:34] It's ocean soul. I mean, all right. We have so much of an advantage. We got his group up here
[06:50:40] Tactical actually is the one heading towards topside to push first and he
[06:50:47] It's your AD carry you're going to push side lanes
[06:50:49] You know the back door doesn't really matter for kaisa because rank three of the killer instincts is quite a large range
[06:50:57] And definitely has a possibility of getting as we just saw in the last fight from immortals there
[06:51:03] And then while sniper does get the secondary tower on bottom side
[06:51:06] Yeah, I'm into the very small drop and a very long right. It's too safe actually
[06:51:12] To the side of hundred these they got a little bit of gold though. I mean, it's a red side
[06:51:16] It's like a blue side kick. We're trying to find a red side to survive game team fights. We're almost 40 minutes in here as
[06:51:24] Immortals now are gonna try and group up in seats. They've got castle pushing bottom a few more seconds on his teleport
[06:51:31] So maybe a hundred thieves made a fast play
[06:51:34] I mean serious bull build I'm not sure about the hourglass
[06:51:38] There goes the teleport now so castles could join as well and makes it a lot easier here
[06:51:44] With no children are there and they've got two more extra minion waves to push on there's bring a bull in the
[06:51:49] Worm mid that secondary tower will go down
[06:51:52] No problem. Yeah, you can see that hundred thieves. They were trying to chance for
[06:51:58] I feel like they're not getting a lot slowly though choking hundred these
[06:52:08] they're waiting for a hell of a bottom jungle sniper steps up to ensure that
[06:52:13] castle cannot get more hit this quit doing is he giving up why are we giving
[06:52:17] two heads fallen inhibitor surely will be next as quid had pushed out the
[06:52:21] top side of the map and mortal to the chance to get this in him down
[06:52:25] rotating over to the mid lane. Quid is back in the base.
[06:52:29] 100thies have all five members. Sniper with the teleport flamethrower.
[06:52:32] There's no way this does work.
[06:52:33] The question is who is the target? Who do they commit to?
[06:52:35] Sniper has to be slow with this alo right on the map.
[06:52:38] When he flashes and cleanses it away.
[06:52:39] The flash.
[06:52:40] Backline of immortals are safe as they hold their ground.
[06:52:43] Okay, so they know...
[06:52:45] ...Porky has no flash for elder.
[06:52:48] They have four flashes up.
[06:52:50] I just don't really know if Porky's the actual problem.
[06:52:53] I think it's Kaisa.
[06:52:54] They're from mass flashes on over just as
[06:53:03] But the mercurial scimitar
[06:53:05] It's being so rich on a corky
[06:53:08] He immediately pops that and flash into the other side
[06:53:11] Once then the leap track has already been invested can't stun him on the other side
[06:53:16] And so he does escape meanwhile mortals here with bottom side inhibitor
[06:53:21] Are you guys so popular in pro play? He is very, almost always, very hard to lose on the champ, fall behind on the champ.
[06:53:38] I'll say it, sniper is the problem.
[06:53:40] I'll see you in 8 hours, better cut me the fuck out of here.
[06:53:44] What the fuck are you talking about bro?
[06:53:47] Bro, they wouldn't play, split with him.
[06:53:51] Sometimes your opponents will burn down an elder dragon and maybe you can get some sort of a steal on it, which allows you to win the crazy fight there.
[06:54:03] Small engage on an OLA, nothing for Immortals to be worried about, you just use the crash down to escape.
[06:54:09] I mean, Tomo is full build as well, so...
[06:54:12] Yeah, but here they have IE, no LVR, all that armor, everyone has zero plays.
[06:54:17] You know, they also, we're getting to the stage of the game.
[06:54:21] Well, if Rell does not get a good plash out...
[06:54:26] So, 100 thieves here...
[06:54:28] Underspotting!
[06:54:36] Those games are really 45 minutes long?
[06:54:39] Dude, it's a truck!
[06:54:41] Oh!
[06:54:43] 45 minutes?
[06:54:51] To force snapback engages and catching mortals off guard. Yeah, one of the biggest things teams always talk about it
[06:54:58] The range advantages for the late game and
[06:55:00] Those range advantages are being abused another one though. That's huge are having extra money to buy guard. Oh, what are you doing?
[06:55:07] Quinn was forced to dash into castle. He's got help on with
[06:55:10] Oh, it's not bad in the middle of multiple arm mortals members here castle almost taken low the strangle hold the burn for the
[06:55:16] Oh sniper sniper on to our nails. He dashes away with the e okay
[06:55:20] We thought he's g8. Okay. It's not that bad is a little get healthy fast members are chunked
[06:55:26] Yeah, that g8 just mentioned now. It's popped now. They didn't work as well taking that thing out of inventory
[06:55:32] So, okay. Oh, they flashed crazy. I'm the rel. They know rel has flash because I know it carries are all
[06:55:39] Don't get one boat. Definitely have to be respected. I don't see the bush of those castle. We'll teleport back in
[06:55:45] Where's the renec thing going to go? Is it gonna just come towards elder or look for something on bottom side?
[06:55:50] Here we go. I mean everybody has flash not corki
[06:55:58] That's not
[06:56:00] the target he's blown up by Armao, looting low by into the stasis, Castle rejoins the
[06:56:05] fight, A-Lantomo trying to- Nice housework? Did it lace? Did it lace?
[06:56:09] Stuck on a wreckage? Come on boys! What do we do? God they played that so well, even
[06:56:22] with River die early. Started a combo on the back line, actually bought a perfect amount
[06:56:31] of time in zoning. It was actually go-ded. It bought so much time. That Relo only got
[06:56:43] River.
[06:56:44] game man if we go back and look at so many little parts of that yes you know
[06:56:49] they were still on the elder dragon when Oley goes for this engage this time
[06:56:54] around the big difference nobody follows up to put the pressure on anyone except
[06:56:58] for River so they get the trade there meanwhile Tomo is just firing in the
[06:57:01] whole fight Tomo is maxed out with that half of immortals are still on the
[06:57:06] elder dragon dumping their DPS into the dragon and so you have the extra
[06:57:10] health lead and then the front line just takes over so it's like that's just
[06:57:14] on xyra that's so good some damage on to river but tactical look at him he was
[06:57:18] still a one-man walk in the middle way and end game that DPS that tumble is
[06:57:23] putting out with cooking with this go by the way extra you know allows such a
[06:57:28] big lead a lead goes for the re-engaged you saw that Alistar
[06:57:31] combination onto the back other kind of TP back I don't think so yeah the
[06:57:34] late game DPS of both carries even nullified for just a couple of seconds
[06:57:40] Is the big difference maybe yeah, you can see it there a narrow is this feeling in the driver's seat
[06:57:46] Let's go bring it home boys
[06:57:49] Lost here this looming in front of him. It's not over, but it is definitely a force though guys
[06:57:57] We got a force
[06:57:58] Come on another full minute. Let him hang force
[06:58:03] And they get the easier time pushing with their Baron buff
[06:58:07] Can we break 50 minutes again? No, we've had we've had a lot of these long lines recently
[06:58:13] Yeah, the energy Shopify series still lives rent-free
[06:58:16] My house up or keep both have some for it. Are we aware of it with the elder dragon and the barren buff on their side?
[06:58:23] They want to make this one. Hey, you went in
[06:58:25] and gauge on the mass he flashes away
[06:58:26] Sniper tries to fall off the strength but force me a tower a tower maybe power tower tower
[06:58:31] and use calling me
[06:58:33] tower tower tower
[06:58:35] Let's go
[06:59:00] God damn, bro. It was really suffer. I was not I was worried. Okay. I was worried these likes
[06:59:10] You had him doubting bro. I can't put my faith in you bro
[06:59:13] And you know doing things like that you did well. Thank God. I like quit as well. I got a place
[06:59:20] Oh, I like this guy so much
[06:59:23] He's a taper over in the break here our breaks are very short between the games
[06:59:28] Oh my god
[06:59:31] That has to be told for a mortal
[06:59:43] Oh my god, bro
[06:59:45] in the first place, and they won.
[06:59:48] Yeah.
[06:59:49] Lost two, breakdown, lots to discuss,
[06:59:52] but we're going to head on over to the LCS lounge
[06:59:54] to see what they saw of that.
[06:59:56] Holy shit.
[06:59:56] I watched this.
[06:59:57] OK, so wait.
[06:59:59] It was a lot of games.
[06:59:59] Time stamp, I said to play.
[07:00:03] The zero replay.
[07:00:04] You know that time stamp?
[07:00:06] I'll do it in a second.
[07:00:07] I mean, watch this last fight.
[07:00:09] Still have full and everything.
[07:00:12] And those are actually really fucking close.
[07:00:14] I think the Alistar cooked here actually.
[07:00:19] Immortals, maintaining.
[07:00:20] Not there, wait, what the fuck there's watch?
[07:00:23] Four minions.
[07:00:25] I'm gonna slow mode it.
[07:00:32] Can't better quality please.
[07:00:40] Okay, let me see.
[07:00:41] Viper has teleport as well, the joint.
[07:00:42] There's no vision, they warned, they know.
[07:00:44] He's looking.
[07:00:45] Alistar actually waste his combo here.
[07:00:47] Four.
[07:00:48] Immortals.
[07:00:49] On air.
[07:00:50] Maintaining the ground.
[07:00:51] Okay, but rel only one man ults.
[07:00:53] Zyra.
[07:00:54] on the river
[07:00:56] We flash oh one person on the layup it's please instantly flash down we kill rel
[07:01:05] Again look at what Alistar is doing wrote the their corkies that their corky kaisa can only auto Alistar
[07:01:12] Because Alistar and Jax are just sitting right here. So there are two most fit players aren't doing a single thing
[07:01:18] They're literally not playing the game
[07:01:20] They're auto-ing the support Alistar who's ulted. What is that doing by the way?
[07:01:29] Look at that double knocked up and they kill her that's actually good
[07:01:45] I didn't see
[07:01:50] walks at Lucian. Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. Watch Renekton this whole time.
[07:02:01] Watch Renekton. Walks at Lucian. Have you used once? Runs away.
[07:02:10] Flashers die. So wait, okay. So Renekton just ran it.
[07:02:17] Korki, Ziri, Korki, Kaisa were only hitting Alistar.
[07:02:22] They only could.
[07:02:24] Rel, one man ulted Zyra, traded.
[07:02:27] Lilia, flash in, got a zero man's sleep.
[07:02:30] I mean, I didn't play it well.
[07:02:34] I think Immortals probably played it bad.
[07:02:36] Alright, where's this Ziri play?
[07:02:38] You made another time stamp?
[07:02:47] Oh, Kaisa could have ulted.
[07:02:51] I forgot that Kaisa can just ignore and go ult.
[07:02:53] The
[07:03:04] Hundred these for this the dragon on the other side. I mean they've got Baron and power to recall. So
[07:03:12] It is not a giant teleported way I said 25
[07:03:17] Middle of the jungle corridor
[07:03:26] Review the car here right the map that has
[07:03:31] and
[07:03:33] There is a bounty
[07:03:42] Okay, how does this guy die?
[07:03:45] All right, he's either wing autoing power. He goes back up for one more auto
[07:03:52] Things that's just like flash them so flash the way it just gets full of what
[07:04:06] Huge and then they also have to worry about the all-ins because
[07:04:11] Really red buff so he looks really slow. They're really just red
[07:04:23] I mean tactical bleeding in the auto
[07:04:29] Let's go I never lost faith bro. You feel us now. I don't give a shit about watching ads. I'm a man
[07:04:54] I love watching ads to help support Riot.
[07:04:57] Hey, that's filming Kappa.
[07:05:21] Taking brownies, y'all want any?
[07:05:23] You can't cook for shit, bro, no thanks.
[07:05:38] I can eat however I want, just quantity.
[07:05:45] Are you rooting for Cypher, just like him in solo queue?
[07:05:48] Brother, brother, go to YouTube, type in
[07:05:52] LLO Tyler1 General Cypher.
[07:05:55] Go watch the videos.
[07:06:03] Let me put it this way.
[07:06:05] We had a legendary professional
[07:06:07] semi-protein back in the day
[07:06:09] We went to the championship in our league, we were facing controversy with our entire
[07:06:18] team, we went to game 5, the game 3 or game 5 and the fight and the ch- and pretty much
[07:06:26] essentially it's Super Bowl.
[07:06:28] It was a 40 minute action packed hard hitting thriller and we took home the W in front
[07:06:36] of millions of people across the world, actually.
[07:06:40] It was legendary.
[07:07:08] Those egg rolls, any good?
[07:07:10] Pagoda?
[07:07:12] They're actually, they're not the egg rolls,
[07:07:18] but they're other things, are even better.
[07:07:22] Like, I think what they're called, not an ad, not an ad.
[07:07:40] She's like, wow, I think I increased the volume.
[07:07:44] That's just three, wait, one second, Mr. Rook, right?
[07:07:57] I think just like doing the same thing over and over
[07:08:00] every day. Like, by that I mean like just studying your matchups and kind of just, just
[07:08:06] like, there's just always something you can learn about the game, when you're playing solo
[07:08:09] queue, when you're playing a stream game, whatever it is. So just like the process
[07:08:14] of like, just league in general, when you get into a league match, I enjoy a lot.
[07:08:43] for those who may just be tuning in and now Immortals had a commanding position twice in
[07:08:49] game one Kobe and 100 thieves buckled down, endured the onslaught and they came back and
[07:08:56] now are one game away from eliminating Immortals from playoffs.
[07:09:02] Let them cook, alright?
[07:09:03] They gotta cook up something now cause like you said, they gotta win this game or else
[07:09:08] they are eliminated from playoffs so.
[07:09:11] See it's immortals if ever there is a time to win the time is right now draft of course
[07:09:17] I'm back. Sorry. I think this is a little room. It's a bit concentrated
[07:09:21] She's tired because she's quaint. So let's I miss the g-side interview
[07:09:27] Bro, I'm a father
[07:09:29] My daughter I had taken my daughter what happened on live match, but slightly behind because we are what he's saying
[07:09:35] the Aurora hot-fixes, so yeah, it is the Omega OP Aurora
[07:09:41] And we will have the renekton take away here for sniper instead and the immediate answer here from
[07:09:49] Shouted you out. Oh my god. Are you serious? I gotta go back
[07:09:52] God he's shot at me the freak out. He's shot at me out. Oh my god. You're not lying to me
[07:10:05] That'd be really crazy. You're lying. I think just like doing the same thing over and over every day like
[07:10:19] Your matchups and kind of just
[07:10:21] just like always something you can learn about the game when you're playing
[07:10:27] solo queue when you're playing a stream game whatever it is so just like the
[07:10:30] the process of like just league in general when you get into a league
[07:10:36] match I enjoy a lot that's what I missed guys
[07:10:39] what are we doing is repeated is repeated and they game looks pretty good
[07:10:49] Alright, what have we got?
[07:10:51] Right, Nilly, FINALLY we're doing something!
[07:10:56] FINALLY!
[07:10:57] Oh, I don't want to ask guys, so you don't get up during the game.
[07:11:00] I'm sorry.
[07:11:01] Rumble, Nilly is odd.
[07:11:09] is odd. Another illusion, another theory. I'm not going to lie, I kind of missed the
[07:11:30] me. I so miss Akali vs Silas. At the time I didn't realize how spoiled they were.
[07:11:36] Pervious like that a Collie versus Silas matchup was actually so fun to watch
[07:11:43] Nowadays we get like once they do a zero corky
[07:11:48] Now it's just eighties, but even then it was like a zero court on Italy honestly
[07:11:53] I think I would much rather take a zero in a composition that does have point-and-click stunts at least one of them
[07:11:59] As we see though support I would be doing that
[07:12:01] I don't the bands as they largely do in the second half taking down on all of these
[07:12:05] Frontliner setups it has been you know, we still see an enchanter every now and then probably job
[07:12:12] But certainly not frequently it is the meta right now is just so well set up for full engage supports
[07:12:18] Because every other role doesn't want to have to take that role, you know, I mean tell them that solo few huh?
[07:12:25] Junglers are like I'm out. I'm on power clear right now, man. That's that's all you top laners like I don't want play a tank either
[07:12:30] You know how many you know counter picks there are for top
[07:12:33] Got the Nautilus, sweet, Braum's band, Rel's band, and then you gotta go Alistar again.
[07:12:41] Rakan's not bad.
[07:12:49] No, oh Alistar is banned as well, true, so we can only go Rakan.
[07:12:58] I think Rakan's great though. They really rather than gun Rakan than Alistar.
[07:13:02] I think Rakan's really good at pro play. Get easy boards, make mistakes, make plays. He's very slippery.
[07:13:13] I'm not sure Rakan is that good in solo queue because I think he takes coordination.
[07:13:20] Is it Rakan bad in the Nautilus? So the whole thing is...
[07:13:29] Honestly, I'd say even with JoJo, I'd say Quid.
[07:13:33] Play with it is, Recon is supposed to be bad at Leona too, right?
[07:13:37] Cause they just see him, it's one shot.
[07:13:39] It doesn't happen, I don't know, I thought the same thing but it doesn't happen as
[07:13:43] it should.
[07:13:44] We tried this Quid very comfortable on it, so I see that Yone walked in here and this
[07:13:48] is live patch.
[07:13:49] Ah, Yone did get a buff from Burr.
[07:13:52] I would say it's buff category.
[07:13:54] Oh, we did go Yone.
[07:13:55] adjustments because they also reduce a little bit of the cool down of the
[07:13:58] ultimate
[07:13:59] I thought Jensen would play.
[07:14:01] Increased a little bit of the cool down of the ultimate later in the game
[07:14:03] to try and tap down his late ability
[07:14:05] but I think the young man will happily take the Q buff
[07:14:08] in trade for the late game R cool down nerf there so
[07:14:13] see in the hands of the people around
[07:14:16] I mean being a wally doesn't matter nowadays
[07:14:19] what do you guys think?
[07:14:20] You think this goes to game 3?
[07:14:22] Immortals have said I think it does. I think I'm almost away over before last big pressure. We've got Lucian mid
[07:14:28] We've got it's done here. Not a list to look for kills on bottom side
[07:14:32] We've got castle on his, you know favored rumble topside although his topside is round
[07:14:38] They could be a very long game, but I think it does not go to get it's easy for mr. Renekton to rush some
[07:14:45] No magic mantles and some magic defense up there to try and stay safe
[07:14:51] Immortals
[07:14:52] Can they rally and stall this series out to free games?
[07:14:58] Everything rides for them. This is playoffs on the line hundred thieves
[07:15:04] One doesn't matter more. She's over it. It's I'm saying all he does not
[07:15:07] completely and I had to ask my
[07:15:11] friend Liam or Leo stats guy on Twitter
[07:15:17] He confirmed for me that in week six of spring earlier this year
[07:15:22] 100 thieves also played against the mortals they had a massive comeback win
[07:15:27] It was the quit Ari flashing the Taliyah seismic shove play and
[07:15:33] 100 thieves one and they eliminated immortals also from playoffs that spring
[07:15:38] Oh, yeah, that's right. Immortals loses
[07:15:41] Don't get playoff. I don't know what he's saying
[07:15:45] But from eliminating immortals from summer playoffs here in week six
[07:15:48] I think casters watch their vods, but in this game you got to start from...
[07:16:12] I don't know, that'd be weird. I mean it's like bot reviewing that are casting the stupid things you should say better or do better.
[07:16:17] After I bet they watch it, like, oh I should have said that. And next time they say that. I bet they do.
[07:16:26] Get lower? Stop getting lower?
[07:16:44] Are we going to AFK farm on nearly or are we going to pass the red Raptors red?
[07:16:51] Let's see so many sound keys that you're actually rely on pushing that you don't really think about it
[07:16:56] Not pushing but can come late never miss them until they're gone
[07:17:03] What do we do?
[07:17:11] And no he's on Raptors have a word
[07:17:13] Our mail is passing towards the top side again
[07:17:20] We take away the camera as soon as Ola goes in but yeah, here's our bottom side trial
[07:17:28] I'm ripping well as you were about to mention both junglers are passing towards that popside yet again
[07:17:34] Oh, nope. We're afk farming
[07:17:37] and we will see
[07:17:39] There's any sort of lia actually skipped her red because she was worried about getting invaded
[07:17:48] Why oftentimes you always see especially lilia players, but a lot of these ap speed clears go up there
[07:17:56] We are the Krugs first before returning to the red. There we go
[07:17:59] Are back baby. How's about the sake of me at what point do we just lean into an ASMR?
[07:18:04] What are we talking about guys?
[07:18:07] Wait, what's going on?
[07:18:15] Wait, I missed something.
[07:18:25] Crowd-knowledge was off? Oh.
[07:18:34] I see I see later I saw for him
[07:18:40] That's what now is supposed to do like
[07:18:56] Items going for the trade on did win yet it did as long as mask is able to push the wave and
[07:19:01] And get his reset off. He'll have his teleport as well. We've got a lane
[07:19:13] I like quid bro, I quid
[07:19:18] Like
[07:19:21] Sometimes I don't know
[07:19:23] These guys have like names that I don't know of I don't care to love the sea of
[07:19:28] of 80 carries all over the solo lanes, especially mid lane, thanks to the
[07:19:34] lanes every once in a while, gave them rumble.
[07:19:38] Joby definitely, the earliest of the Yone's that started this whole wave, but then you know Joby
[07:19:46] nowadays playing Draven mid, playing Zerid mid, all the old 80 carries are also connected.
[07:19:52] He's just leaning into what's strong at the moment and I know that the buffs on
[07:19:56] On yone and another kind of doing shit on guys all across the oh
[07:20:01] Nice back out play it slow. It's free kill in time
[07:20:05] free kill because he doesn't have a flash and this year will connect without a stun set up
[07:20:12] Oh, we got one I didn't get a little bit on it today. There used to be game winning. Oh my god
[07:20:19] So look you
[07:20:21] So nice for sniper to get connected in Italy during top challenge
[07:20:26] like really want to also get it because nidalee loves accelerating into your very quick sorcerer
[07:20:32] shoes now or renekton at least oh my god on this patch so might not even be rushing those if they
[07:20:38] are far less efficient but as you mentioned flash or flash but we finished top challenge may 31st
[07:20:44] 2021 uh three and a half years ago so there's a flex baby now throw the spear right down the
[07:20:52] middle and now taking a peek at the void grub answer top lane will push and then come over but
[07:20:57] it's level six for both support support river
[07:21:04] river gets aggressive decent damage for a male is able to walk away thanks to the passive movement
[07:21:08] speed and immortals are here to escort their jungler out yeah and namely the most important
[07:21:13] immortal there that made the extra room was oley oley got there first on the support recall
[07:21:18] because of bottom lane advantage it is what it is from so grosses might work
[07:21:32] oh my god fucking rumble so disgusting no dice river survives a 31 HP and
[07:21:38] why you don't ever give rumble nidalee to me recklessly right now but that's what
[07:21:45] to get when you pick it well just it's annoying nobody surprised that the
[07:21:48] nidalee ganking for the renekton early on especially looking at all the other
[07:21:52] lanes like that middly is going to be camping you up there and river making
[07:21:58] the most of his middly pick which is often criticized the series too safe
[07:22:03] especially in our region would very eat cool down I never actually played
[07:22:07] her what's her eat pulled up bills that they've gone I know for those visits
[07:22:10] on top side have actually gone in the pockets of sniper now the price you
[07:22:13] Okay, we'll be the dragon 20 seconds
[07:22:17] Does it get reduced when you auto?
[07:22:19] Just a flat 20 probably out of reach anyway, so
[07:22:23] 100 these are playing to their game plan. It does
[07:22:26] Okay, so I'm trying to like wonder like I'm wondering is actually given. I feel like serious way safe
[07:22:33] Hey safer than her if her 20-second ability
[07:22:36] Maybe could catch our mail
[07:22:38] Miss smiting the dragon, but it is secured. I don't believe also play makes a little bit safe first rotation the grubs first dragon
[07:22:45] Taken off the map as you already mentioned the river a lot of his focus has been just trying to snowball and accelerate
[07:22:52] Sniper in this matchup. It is favorite for rumble
[07:22:55] But if renecden ever gets that first item breakpoint lead then oh
[07:23:00] Yeah, let's world of trouble and I didn't know after the rumble nerfs, too
[07:23:03] Definitely even a more difficult situation is nerfed rumble by the way as we mentioned in champ select
[07:23:09] Double AP facing a rumble plus a lilya
[07:23:12] So sniper just gets to rush into merc treads even though there were heavy nerfs to all boots and merc treads
[07:23:18] Receiving some of the most heavy nerfs. It is still I think a good idea to rush those merc treads into that
[07:23:25] Do I have to wait for all six and really make the most of that magic resistance for this Renekton
[07:23:31] I'm gonna be honest I feel like there should be more limit testing in LCS.
[07:23:37] I saw what I said I know it's professional play but I feel like there should be more limit testing.
[07:23:45] And again I know these two guys get paid a real salary and people's jobs are on the line.
[07:23:51] I'm just saying what I think.
[07:23:53] I get it.
[07:23:55] Give me river comboing the hunt and mark into the empowered queue gets that execute damage with the smite stealing it away from
[07:24:02] Our mail nearly gets those every day of the week every time
[07:24:05] Nice combo hurt plate money here for sniper. Lily is in the wings
[07:24:12] They just pop the scryers there for Nidalee, so you know Nidalee is around as well
[07:24:17] Nothing that our mail can do about it. Oh, yes. You ready reppin talking to you
[07:24:21] I don't know bro. We went over all these
[07:24:26] team lists with players and I don't actually know.
[07:24:29] Going quite nicely for them except for the bottom lane proud into dragon. Yeah
[07:24:37] Just to remind everyone at home. I can't wait for the lcs summer bash saturday august
[07:24:45] It's gonna be a tailgate. So make sure you get here
[07:24:47] Who's gonna be there? Raise your hand. We'll be having a lot of the teams boots open a lot of fun stuff
[07:24:52] We had a dunk tank last time.
[07:24:53] Oh, a dunk tank?
[07:24:55] A dunk tank?
[07:24:55] We also had everybody getting beach volleyball in the crowd.
[07:25:00] I hope they do that again.
[07:25:01] That was a beach volleyball.
[07:25:02] Beach volleyball.
[07:25:03] That was a fun time.
[07:25:05] All right.
[07:25:06] Second rotation, the Grubbs have spawned.
[07:25:07] Hunter Thies are the first ones on it, but Ole is here
[07:25:10] to join the fray.
[07:25:11] Tomo has also been pulled over.
[07:25:13] Oh, here we go.
[07:25:14] Everyone, good steal from Rameo.
[07:25:16] That secures for Grubbs.
[07:25:17] Yeah, she got hooked there.
[07:25:18] No, you didn't.
[07:25:19] Aila trying to buy some time.
[07:25:20] OK, but Leia's down as well.
[07:25:22] That's huge!
[07:25:23] It's awesome, it's awesome!
[07:25:25] There's one!
[07:25:27] What an idiot!
[07:25:30] This is a fucking beatdown.
[07:25:34] This is a beatdown.
[07:25:37] This is a beatdown. Not even close.
[07:25:39] Let's get him over here.
[07:25:42] I think the Recon pick is too good!
[07:25:44] And you get wrecked in Italy.
[07:25:52] very very worried about the cost that they just paid for that this might give
[07:25:56] them flashbacks the last time and you know quid when when quid won MVP he was
[07:26:01] playing all these different at least so good the thing is if Rick's stuns you
[07:26:06] get dodged at least here him getting fed on Yone is very scary and you can't
[07:26:10] build for it and the immediate deletion and then a little bit of peel
[07:26:14] there for tactical but he jumped a little bit towards the left there and
[07:26:19] and quit able to find him, then that hook actually going
[07:26:21] That actually wasn't even close.
[07:26:23] onto sniper.
[07:26:24] Ideal.
[07:26:25] We're getting comboed is terrible.
[07:26:27] And so really the repercussions of that fight.
[07:26:30] They're trolling out of that, you know.
[07:26:32] Does that mean you have 15,000 gold wins?
[07:26:34] On the top side, Ole could have done nothing to save them.
[07:26:37] Yeah, really, really big stuff.
[07:26:38] 400 thieves.
[07:26:39] I mean, this is what you get when you're playing
[07:26:41] to your strengths.
[07:26:42] You overload the top side from the very beginning
[07:26:44] of the game.
[07:26:45] Niddley always playing.
[07:26:46] Are they better than I didn't at least?
[07:26:47] At least a little bit harder to play.
[07:26:48] is their solo laner is doing a lot of work tomo collecting some money in this stage
[07:26:55] like you make your stage is going to scale really well for later on and you're
[07:27:00] gonna have the early power of the yone with quick collecting some too which is
[07:27:06] working out I don't know why you'd give her a con over Alistar at the Rome
[07:27:11] beautiful stuff from Mr. Ayla there as the your
[07:27:18] Yes, it's not worth playing out. It's not worth playing out. I'll bet a 48-hour stream a mortal doesn't win this game
[07:27:28] Okay, I'm not doing that
[07:27:30] Ayla between the Alistar game and game one had found a lot of crucial picks that
[07:27:34] I'm kidding. I don't know no deal late game fights setting up Tomo whether they're probably listening guys into
[07:27:41] He can knock him down or even stalling the fights of the damage dealers of immortals
[07:27:44] I think aila has been playing some of his best league legends of summer split in today's series
[07:27:51] A lot of things bode well for 400 days
[07:27:54] There's no place they can make just wait to have no damage connected and Rakan is too slippery
[07:27:59] getting pressured at the moment since I don't know what this really is
[07:28:02] This guy is see what immortals can do with it for people have been brought to the party
[07:28:05] not gonna die
[07:28:07] My god
[07:28:17] E?
[07:28:21] E?
[07:28:25] They heard me?
[07:28:26] They fucking heard me, they're throwing
[07:28:29] They heard me and they're throwing
[07:28:31] They heard me and they're throwing
[07:28:32] Now I take it back, I already take it back
[07:28:33] it's already done unless they make a mistake yeah all right nicely done
[07:28:40] there for my mortals they get that couple kills they get a little bit back
[07:28:44] into this game wait this is a thousand bullets that work very very necessary for
[07:28:49] them and necessary that they didn't get it give any exit kills 200 thieves if
[07:28:54] you give any more money over to quit at this stage you are in for a rude
[07:28:59] Awakening shadow the way to the ruin King. Yone can get very very scary very very quickly here
[07:29:07] Quit known to win a few games with the thick meanwhile bottom-side Tomo
[07:29:13] Fighting out castle pretty easily
[07:29:17] River and quid in our pickup camera, but it's in a
[07:29:22] True some of these in a game for throw and true dude
[07:29:25] How did Fnatic lose three games in a row with 5,000 gold lead?
[07:29:33] Now problem I see emerging for Immortals later on.
[07:29:36] Bro, how is it like it's like like E you losing in 16 minutes?
[07:29:41] You guys understand how like 16 minutes in one minute this game is over?
[07:29:48] You imagine that? They lost that fast.
[07:29:51] pushing and then quit even though quit is individually down to mask like getting
[07:29:57] the kills that is so
[07:30:01] his power breakpoints and so you're gonna be dealing with two pretty strong
[07:30:06] split pushers and immortals I foresee it are you even get behind 5k gold three
[07:30:12] games in a row and make use of their not a lot of great questions like flash
[07:30:16] Lillia plays to try and punish the rest of hundred thieves unless if they don't do that like the map is gonna
[07:30:23] Continue like bleed gold. This is a little bit further when the outer towers do go down
[07:30:27] But one of those outer towers is careful son at the moment and what I was trying even this game this game feels
[07:30:33] I'm not alive as well. It's probably over. It's probably not but it's done
[07:30:37] But of course you only down one point for an extra vision that is laid in your jungle after you lost pressure, so
[07:30:43] So, it's definitely a big relief that Immortals secured a majority of the grubs this game.
[07:30:48] Re was 10,000 gold.
[07:30:49] These are playing the map, trying to pressure those turrets.
[07:30:52] Have they gone in the majority of the grubs?
[07:30:54] I imagine that a lot of these outer turrets would have already been taken out, thanks
[07:30:58] to that power.
[07:30:59] So Immortals still doing a decent job of controlling.
[07:31:02] Have you ever seen chanters in pro-play?
[07:31:05] Even the game, even.
[07:31:06] I think you do sometimes, very rarely, but both of these teams make small moves,
[07:31:11] Tank supports? Are they explaining it yesterday? Better players play tank supports, it's true.
[07:31:19] More playmaking.
[07:31:23] More roaming easier.
[07:31:27] You have to get autopilot on tank supports. You can't.
[07:31:32] It's not like in chanters in silik you, where you autopilot.
[07:31:35] It's about like you have to make plays with tank supports.
[07:31:39] So the difference in this game to me, I think they're never picked so lucky people to autopilot really heavily on a they're picked all the time in Korea
[07:31:46] Down so early because of all the way more EOS. I think it has a huge problem
[07:31:50] Me maybe it just seems a little more difficult for
[07:31:54] Way too many a cancer one tricks then then last time around but maybe they've got some magic
[07:32:02] Yeah, maybe maybe I'm hopeful on tactical and mass to be able to dodge a lot of the engage tools because none of it other than
[07:32:07] Renekton is point-and-click. Aela does have to go pretty far to charm them with quickness, right?
[07:32:12] So in my head, if Immortals are playing the execution of these fights well and
[07:32:19] setting up that fortress, you are getting within the chat, bro. Shut up, man.
[07:32:23] Alright, let's see if they can pull it off.
[07:32:25] Dragon is coming up very shortly, so
[07:32:28] Let's see what the call is. Do they want to hard force? This jungle is, whoo, already getting a flash?
[07:32:34] That's a good sign.
[07:32:35] for immortals at the very least mention a level once that quickness does come off
[07:32:41] of cool down a big play by quick here
[07:32:46] quit is just gonna eat some damage there from Ola and nothing up
[07:32:50] dragons up and seven I think up top side the rest of hundred thieves they
[07:32:56] know that the third dragon of the game has just spawned but they've taken a
[07:33:01] majority there's no way I know tactical likes Clista but there's no way
[07:33:04] She's not being picked at all actually.
[07:33:11] Her lane?
[07:33:14] I mean, is there anything you need to get laid anyway?
[07:33:26] have some fun too he just wanted to charge in I mean
[07:33:30] there's gotta be anything in the dragon anyway so he's later the map control
[07:33:35] here is so it's motor really that Adam pro play I think he's pretty good at
[07:33:39] so right now they get a mid-tower when I went up to sit this back for the top
[07:33:43] tower match really like that level to a mortal side at least pressuring quid
[07:33:48] off of these waves and he has the extra luxury of being able to call the
[07:33:55] whole rest of his team since Hunter Thieves and Quid know that they don't have any backup
[07:34:01] for this pushing and they have to respect when Mask moves in so Mask is at the very
[07:34:07] least not a Gen Z champion trade back one Master Tower taken here for Immortals and he
[07:34:13] uses that money on the solo gold from that Outer Tower to pick up an Essence Reaver on
[07:34:18] the solution. Meanwhile love this from Quid he's got an Iceborn Gauntlet this is actually
[07:34:24] My favorite split pushing yone builds where you go Bork early because that item is this item diversity from the top
[07:34:31] Jump was crazy on a mortal you go into your ice born gauntlet
[07:34:35] Even though there is a lilya and a rumble on the opposing team when you have ice born
[07:34:40] It's these 80 carries just have such a difficult time of dealing with you at all
[07:34:45] It is so so difficult
[07:34:47] So we'll see quid really be able to help was also coming back
[07:34:50] He's slowly so on this tweet all observers please show them a little bit
[07:35:20] can they follow up mask is way too low to dash in aggressively film and sniper
[07:35:25] even little damage as our male has an angle to get in there oh they're trying
[07:35:30] to keep him under the tower a look grand entrance that was a really type of
[07:35:33] snuff what is our mouth doing
[07:35:38] can he salvage this play great what is he doing
[07:35:46] Who's the sub?
[07:35:49] I, in this entire series,
[07:35:56] has been running it down.
[07:35:58] This is disgusting.
[07:36:00] Oh, Pat Lillio was
[07:36:02] giga-useless.
[07:36:04] Yeah, yeah! Thank you,
[07:36:06] thank you, Koby!
[07:36:08] She was!
[07:36:10] I'm so sorry. I take that all straight.
[07:36:13] Oh, man. I love that Tomo
[07:36:20] had the confidence.
[07:36:22] It was, but that was disgusting.
[07:36:24] Saving a hundred thieves
[07:36:26] for the game to you know I guess I ran into him ahead of even the first game as
[07:36:32] they were arriving to the studio he's been the worst part of the league all
[07:36:35] year really all smiles really did up his last leg in was back yet the last game
[07:36:42] with bad fucking up everything him to see him like he's bought say he's in a
[07:36:47] bot jungle what while they're playing for this time
[07:36:50] the map. Which Cliz just gets CC'd here, just a bad champ man. The Rumble ult's not good,
[07:36:59] actually it's not that bad. Like there's no role for these two to die, you can just grab
[07:37:05] a round and go back to the tower. Jesus.
[07:37:16] Because you add a new player right before please her mouth over she didn't a relief like that
[07:37:22] That is that is a new random variable, right?
[07:37:25] They're bringing him in and you know they they seem to be very complimentary of him talking about his comms as well as his play
[07:37:31] So look at team liquid from summer last year. They five thousand gold Harry was benched and
[07:37:36] APA stepped in and the synergy at the time between him and Pio shake just worked
[07:37:46] Tomorrow guys that is our match of the summer regular season
[07:37:56] Bro LCS you guys have better came up with something special that by the way like a special height video
[07:38:03] To undefeated teams better sell the story life
[07:38:13] Let's go
[07:38:48] WHERE'S OUR MAO?
[07:38:53] I like how Seraphine's banned.
[07:38:56] Kinda won every single game today.
[07:38:58] I would be willing to bet that they finish it as well.
[07:39:01] Armaio, maybe you go run for the dragon
[07:39:04] and try and get an objective bounty at least,
[07:39:07] but this Baron, I will say we'll get at least three towers
[07:39:13] with this Baron power play.
[07:39:15] Three towers.
[07:39:15] Three towers.
[07:39:16] Although, mortals are gonna get an effective-
[07:39:18] We're watching replay.
[07:39:18] Clibert, no, he was just walking that potlush.
[07:39:22] Chop it down to a measly sevenk.
[07:39:26] All right, push that over or under.
[07:39:27] Three towers with this Baron buff. Let's go. I want to see it. I want to see if we're gonna go over talking to me
[07:39:34] Stop breaking the fourth wall
[07:39:36] Put my name in the hat. I think they can just take the game
[07:39:40] Off of this one Baron push Kobe. Okay, so you want Nexus explosion while they're still wearing purple correct?
[07:39:48] I like it watch Julia. I watch right watch me play it
[07:39:52] I think it looks like Sniper down bottom side going to have a little bit longer to wait
[07:39:58] Meanwhile, I
[07:40:00] Guess they're not gonna be able to sync up pretty easy though to just rotate on over so continue pushing
[07:40:07] And then honestly just see if immortals
[07:40:11] Make a mistake also. I've been seeing more shield boat should we change the last back fight on the secondary towers wait to
[07:40:18] inhibitor towers it's a lot easier to get miracle you know game winning come
[07:40:23] back played on those. I don't think masks play bad. I don't think Castle Out of Chance.
[07:40:29] The teleport is cancelled due to the turret destruction and mortals are now
[07:40:33] gonna have to wait on Castle to complete the recall so we can join for the
[07:40:37] defense base. Okay no QSS or flash for for mask now. That illusion is very
[07:40:43] very very worried at the moment
[07:40:50] anything to save his jungler teleport is now coming in from sniper as he will
[07:40:56] rejoin the battle to end this game to end this series hundred thieves I mean
[07:41:02] Honestly
[07:41:32] The point off once again for the
[07:41:51] Back me up
[07:41:53] No, back me up types
[07:41:57] Fuck me here. He said he's gonna save 100 thieves and
[07:42:02] They get a two zero
[07:42:04] Nice is airy. Nice or tomo the work boys. No, we did it in the second game hundred thieves in the second game was just
[07:42:11] man they steam rolled them river on the nidalee up topside playing here the
[07:42:17] interview towards his renecdent go to the interview getting some of those early
[07:42:22] kills in the rift herald fight and becoming an absolute menace nice stuff
[07:42:27] here at 100 thieves wrap up game number two and I know that sniper mentioned
[07:42:31] going into this week on socials that you know this split has been super
[07:42:35] stressful for him to watch that one after the other on 23 minutes of the
[07:42:40] members, but he had his team to still be scaling on up that they had more to show.
[07:42:46] I know that from the day criticisms were thrown in their way.
[07:42:50] I mean, how did these, I like Oakland in our G, I think our G could have a better
[07:42:54] series if they weren't tilted from a facade, but hundreds.
[07:42:59] These are still holding strong first loss showing more growth as the
[07:43:03] center for the games tomorrow, though.
[07:43:04] You have to remind ourselves this is one of the youngest rosters in the entire
[07:43:08] league and for hundred thieves to pull up not just I knew it I knew they were
[07:43:12] dominating fashion in game two those to show the hundred thieves still have
[07:43:16] stuff to show if the people are just up in a giant Ziploc because I think it
[07:43:19] stays at their radar does it not?
[07:43:21] exciting and I'm even more excited for tomorrow you talked about it but cloud
[07:43:27] nine versus team liquid I am so hyped for this game still undefeated our
[07:43:32] two number one teams battling it out having some trash talk beforehand
[07:43:36] Jatt did a really nice interview with APN and Jojo the two midlaners there talking about the matchup as
[07:43:43] Oh interview everything really building up for that clash at the top of the LCS tomorrow
[07:43:48] Yes, sir
[07:43:49] Match of the ages as Kobe called it
[07:43:52] So you make sure that you get your butts back in either these seats or at home watching tomorrow
[07:44:00] Between team liquid and cloud nine, but with that y'all we're gonna be tossing it over to the stage
[07:44:05] We'll be joining Basil, Sniper, and Tomo for the interview.
[07:44:12] Hello guys.
[07:44:13] What's she going to make him do now?
[07:44:15] Sniper and Tomo.
[07:44:16] Congratulations guys.
[07:44:18] Thank you.
[07:44:19] Thank you.
[07:44:20] So with your victory you've knocked out Immortals.
[07:44:23] Tomo, how does it feel to be back?
[07:44:25] You've been gone for a hot second now, right?
[07:44:27] Yeah, I mean it feels good to be back and it feels even better that it's Immortals
[07:44:30] because it's like a pretty easy game.
[07:44:32] Oh my god.
[07:44:33] They love this easy game.
[07:44:34] I didn't even hear the second crash last night.
[07:44:36] I saw your tweets saying you're going to bring 100 of these back.
[07:44:39] Do you feel like you brought them back today?
[07:44:42] I mean, I'm definitely here to help.
[07:44:44] I think we had a pretty good weekend or a week of scrims,
[07:44:47] and I think the team is really accommodating for me,
[07:44:50] so I've been pretty good for it.
[07:44:52] And Sniper, I would say your performance, you know,
[07:44:54] throughout the split has been very consistent, very good.
[07:44:57] How do you feel having your new ADC Tomo?
[07:45:00] I mean, it feels amazing to be honest.
[07:45:02] He's just been an amazing teammate, good player,
[07:45:04] And the show today, you know like you popped off bra, so let's just keep it up. And yeah, we'll do good things
[07:45:10] Well, that's great. You guys have one more match and smile. So well you
[07:45:14] With that being said, is there a champion that you feel like you really want to lock in that you haven't gotten a chance to play yet?
[07:45:21] You want to go first?
[07:45:22] I mean, I don't want to say anything about that yet, but I mean no no leaks
[07:45:27] But you know it could be anything. Okay, uh
[07:45:29] It would obviously be your ribbon because I only put like one game of rhythm so far this split so
[07:45:34] Or lost with sorry, so definitely ribbon if I get the chance and so
[07:45:38] Maybe smaller
[07:45:42] Well, that's great
[07:45:44] Draw the champions that you want to play
[07:45:52] Sure, sure I will
[07:45:59] feel free to take your time but don't take too much time I don't know if you guys
[07:46:03] want why they would ask me like you're all the shit guys I'm busy but fine I'll
[07:46:07] roll take your time okay do you know what weapon she has okay good good
[07:46:19] because for Jax you thought he also had a sword right okay okay okay okay I'm
[07:46:27] I'm reformed now, but I'm gonna draw like the-
[07:46:30] Is it reformed?
[07:46:31] I guess so.
[07:46:33] Okay, uh, so bunny ears, I think these are how bunny ears look like.
[07:46:36] Even though they look like Batman, but, uh...
[07:46:40] Oh, we draw a cat?
[07:46:42] Uh...
[07:46:43] Wait, so like, wait, how do I-
[07:46:44] How do I draw the face?
[07:46:45] You know, take your time, bro. I seriously- I don't even-
[07:46:47] Oh, frick.
[07:46:48] What is that?
[07:46:49] Yo, I just messed up the face.
[07:46:51] Is there like an eraser?
[07:46:52] Oh.
[07:46:53] Yo, I'm like so nervous, by the way.
[07:46:54] No, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine!
[07:46:56] Tomo can you provide some encouraging words for your teammate? Maybe he can perform a little better?
[07:47:01] Oh, you're a zoomer. You're like
[07:47:03] Oh, thank you, bro. Oh, wow. Can I go in drawing?
[07:47:13] Wow, this is still Riven, right? Yeah, it's still Riven. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm like, she's happy.
[07:47:22] Okay, this is like the hard part. I have no idea how to draw a sword.
[07:47:25] That's the hard part, not this.
[07:47:27] Okay, okay.
[07:47:33] So we're still in the ribbon drawing.
[07:47:35] I'm excited to see what your smolder drawings are.
[07:47:37] Even worse I drawing maybe.
[07:47:39] How do you draw a sword?
[07:47:46] Don't listen to them bro, you're doing great.
[07:47:48] Okay, thank you.
[07:47:50] Alright, I think this is kind of...
[07:47:52] That's amazing.
[07:47:54] Did I win?
[07:47:56] Would you like to sign your beautiful piece of art?
[07:47:58] Would you like to sign it?
[07:48:00] Did I win?
[07:48:01] Give it a little signature?
[07:48:02] Oh sure, yeah.
[07:48:03] I can do my...
[07:48:04] I made gladiator draven.
[07:48:05] This is going as fast as the drawing as well?
[07:48:08] Yeah.
[07:48:09] Let's go boys!
[07:48:10] Gladiator draven, baby!
[07:48:14] Thank you guys.
[07:48:17] And would you like to draw your smolder?
[07:48:20] So your teammate was very encouraged.
[07:48:22] He will not do as good as me.
[07:48:24] Just put the fries in the bag bro.
[07:48:26] Shut up.
[07:48:27] I mean, you got this bro like...
[07:48:29] It makes sense bro.
[07:48:30] Spring Axis, his body, his hair, and that little like crown he wears.
[07:48:35] Just do whatever feels absolutely right.
[07:48:38] I made his teeth pointy, like the gladiator skin.
[07:48:41] Yeah, I mean that's more experience than I think you have, you know?
[07:48:45] Have you ever drawn a dragon before? Oh, that's so cute!
[07:48:48] Wait, does the older have like a stash? Like a mustache? Or is that...
[07:48:54] No, hey, no, it's a work in progress. It's a work in progress.
[07:48:58] Wow.
[07:49:00] You're doing great. No, like you're doing great. You're doing great.
[07:49:03] You're doing great.
[07:49:04] You're gonna drop for shit, bro!
[07:49:05] I don't have a job in the body.
[07:49:08] That's for you to draw and for me to judge after, I guess.
[07:49:13] Alright, he's gonna be standing.
[07:49:15] Ok.
[07:49:16] He's gonna be standing.
[07:49:17] Oh, it's not a flying dragon?
[07:49:19] So.
[07:49:20] Just do like what I do.
[07:49:21] Are those his...
[07:49:22] Like the wings?
[07:49:23] They are all...
[07:49:24] Oh.
[07:49:25] Those are not wings, but...
[07:49:26] Oh, sorry. Sorry. I assumed they were wings.
[07:49:28] Yeah, I didn't even draw wings.
[07:49:29] You're welcome. I actually helped you it it kind of looks like a seal. I'm gonna be completely honest
[07:49:41] Yeah, yeah, wow you actually touched it up. Let's go
[07:49:47] Wow, yeah, it's good. Okay. No, keep it up
[07:49:51] Wow, okay, mine's better. Oh, yeah, the horns. We're helping him way too much
[07:49:56] He doesn't know this information you want to play the champion don't even know he has horns
[07:50:01] Wow, okay, but one two or three. Why do they both kind of look the same by the way?
[07:50:06] One is way better. One is way better. I have so much detail. Oh, yeah, I can see the honestly
[07:50:12] I like the fucking fanboys. Mine's better. You're hate watchers. You are hate watchers, bro
[07:50:18] Nightford did better. If you think so, cheer
[07:50:22] Why are we bullying our teammate?
[07:50:24] And what do you guys think about Tomos? Let's get some cheers.
[07:50:28] And what about T1?
[07:50:31] Participating in this and congratulations on the win.
[07:50:35] And yeah, I hope you guys had a fun time. Good luck on your next match as well.
[07:50:40] Thank you so much.
[07:50:41] Yeah, of course. And if we could take it back to the lounge.
[07:50:44] Oh boy.
[07:50:47] We have some artists.
[07:50:49] You draw Ross. You're terrible, bro. You can't draw for shit.
[07:50:56] You're calling yourself kind of bald?
[07:50:58] Okay, that's not about me.
[07:51:00] I'm calling it that. I think it's a draw today.
[07:51:02] That's not you?
[07:51:03] Yeah.
[07:51:04] Okay, so I think it's a draw today.
[07:51:05] Alright, that was the last game.
[07:51:06] Yeah, you're too good.
[07:51:07] It would have been...
[07:51:08] Uh, not bad.
[07:51:09] We'll be...
[07:51:10] Again, tomorrow's games are...
[07:51:11] I don't know who plays first, but the last game's Cloud9 versus TL.
[07:51:16] Oh that just fall in the background. I'm excited about that one
[07:51:24] Watch the rest of this. I think I have to right surely. I don't
[07:51:27] Not bad overall, bro. I'm gonna say is
[07:51:32] There are
[07:51:36] the first time like actively paying attention to
[07:51:39] LCS like at like the full games from start to finish
[07:51:44] Dude, but it's way different from watching the eSports World Cup with one teams
[07:51:49] So I'm hoping the games tomorrow is a little bit higher quality a
[07:51:54] Little bit. I've already played my solo queue for the day. We did six games. We got to
[07:51:59] 711 LP GM we live early tomorrow as
[07:52:04] Well to play a couple of games before those okay
[07:52:09] Yes, they'll be a Saturday and a Sunday Sunday stream lucky you
[07:52:13] Lucky fucking you anyway. I had to go
[07:52:16] That's it for me. I'll see you guys tomorrow peace