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08-01-2024 · 7h 15m

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loltyler1 VODs on twitch
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[00:04:41] So spoiler, you know how we operate the power goes out. I'm not coming back, but it was like a weird like
[00:04:50] Supercell
[00:04:52] Storm that randomly a popped up last night and like I thought it was your bit righto
[00:04:58] The power went out everywhere like five ten times. There's tree brings outside, bro. There's like two dead birds
[00:05:06] On the pool cover by the way. I was like what Jesus
[00:05:10] What happened it was wild so yeah the power my powers been going in and out all day
[00:05:17] I don't know bro. Is it like the end of times bro? It is what is hey? I'll tell you what no storms taking me I
[00:05:26] Will be the last survivor me and my family because I want to happen them either
[00:05:30] I don't care. You think you think big talkinator T's gonna go down like that
[00:05:35] You got me freaked up
[00:05:38] Right, so that was that that was the say that I did say was squat day, bro
[00:05:42] I put on three tires for the first time again. I'm just going up gradually, you know
[00:05:48] I put up three tires
[00:05:50] 315 was really light for me. I get it. I did three four sets of five, bro
[00:05:57] No, I've done all this lifting unequipped
[00:06:01] My entire life. Well, not I used to use a belt, but like no knee sleeves. No belt
[00:06:06] No, no, like wrist wraps, bro. I might have to like belt dip a quip up
[00:06:12] My like anywhere. So my knees hurt, bro
[00:06:15] I'm 315 like actual knee pain, you know, I'm on 315 which is
[00:06:21] Not heavy, but it was good work. I'm sore as hell. You know, I got the heart pumping sweat everywhere
[00:06:27] It was good, bro. Really good lift today
[00:06:29] I
[00:06:31] Haven't ate yet. So again apologies if the energy levels are low. Also, we officially announced then
[00:06:38] Talk a tease co-streaming baby. That starts on Saturday
[00:06:43] Dude, I told you that the eSports World Cup was co-streaming
[00:06:47] So it all started from by the way was AT&T
[00:06:51] When I spectated or I co-streamed that thing
[00:06:55] With like double lifts and whoever I free who else pull belt or whatever
[00:06:59] Like, co-streaming, that was fun.
[00:07:01] So then I did the Esports World Cup.
[00:07:03] That was fun, as F.
[00:07:05] So you know what, this ain't too bad.
[00:07:07] Right, it's not too bad.
[00:07:09] So we're gonna be LCS co-streaming on Saturday, Sunday as well.
[00:07:13] That's exciting.
[00:07:15] That is exciting.
[00:07:17] Let's see what NA is all about.
[00:07:19] You know, honestly, me just watching probably
[00:07:23] increases their play quality.
[00:07:27] They're they're play quality the game quality is everybody wants to impress me
[00:07:35] Me seriously guys that are staying I'm like these these league players like Dwayne Johnson
[00:07:40] You know I mean like they look up to me both like in game and out of game. I'm a giant by the way
[00:07:47] Six foot five mission on stream. There's the ruler. So that'll be fun
[00:07:51] looking forward to that
[00:07:53] And in case you missed it
[00:07:55] Yesterday we had a good day. We went six and three in her up. We are still six. No, we are 650 LP
[00:08:02] Four wins away five wins away from challenger, bro. Let me get challenger before co-streams, please
[00:08:10] So I don't gotta listen to this silver check be like, well, you're not even challenger, right? What are you talking about?
[00:08:20] Starting bot
[00:08:21] Brand games it is where it is climbing climbing. Let's lock. Let's load. Let's go
[00:08:26] wait that was kind of wait a minute let's lock let's load let's go let's lock
[00:08:35] let's load let's go let's lock let's load let's go
[00:08:41] set the tone!
[00:08:47] cute up baby Jack Scott what's up by the way voice cracks today it's all Mike all
[00:08:57] Mike I don't even know if I'm with Annie Midditymore
[00:09:04] it's the reason nobody does bro it's trash she's just too much mana she
[00:09:08] can't wave clear, her range is too low. That's the problem. Oof, ask you time. By the way
[00:09:16] guys, I said something on Twitter, because I tweeted a video for the LCS go stream, I
[00:09:23] felt bad. Um, I think I've been on Twitter, and apparently, what's that guy's, uh, what's
[00:09:28] that kid's name? The E-West guy, um, he plays a scion, what's his name? He's so freaking
[00:09:36] irrelevant, I don't know his name. Uh, Boofius or something? I don't know. I said something
[00:09:41] about him where he hit his head so he had an in-stream and go to the doctor now
[00:09:52] I'm not gonna make fun of him but all I'm gonna say is rather how unathletic is
[00:09:59] EU you can't walk around your house without hitting your head you're just
[00:10:05] that unathletic I mean seriously oh shit I really is hard to be in like be
[00:10:13] for real, bro. That is wild. So, what's up, brother? You're living in hobbit holes over there?
[00:10:32] I mean, honestly, what probably happened was, because for some fucked up reason,
[00:10:36] EU doesn't have AC, it was probably 150 degrees in his house, right? Everything was like human.
[00:10:43] He probably slipped, human, excuse me, he probably slipped, fell, hit his head.
[00:10:47] I mean, they're barbaric, bro. Why don't they have AC? It doesn't make sense.
[00:10:52] Oh, don't sorry about their heaters. I dealt with that when I was there
[00:11:12] Bro, they wouldn't be in like the 1920s so bad. It's wild that place
[00:11:17] But it would have AC. I went to the like Germany airport or whatever. It was steaming hot
[00:11:26] Everybody was sweating. I had to go like way way way way way way up the stairs
[00:11:30] And I found one like cool location, bro. I
[00:11:36] Don't know man. Do they know it's 2024? Would you live in Texas? I live in Missouri
[00:11:49] Dumbass
[00:11:51] It's not even hot weather true. It's just cloudy rainy gloomy, dude
[00:12:03] I'm telling you if you've never been to eat to Europe, especially like a place like Germany if
[00:12:10] You go there you if you will like have a like clairvoyance moment like just clarity
[00:12:15] Oh, that's why you acts the way they do online. I promise. I promise by the way
[00:12:22] It is a culture shock by how depressing that place is
[00:12:26] They didn't drink tap water?
[00:12:39] That's a myth.
[00:12:40] Their water situation is at, for me, I'm a water expert.
[00:12:43] Their water situation is actually terrible.
[00:12:46] All their water is different.
[00:12:48] There was one good water brand that was drinkable, and it was like Volnic or something, whatever
[00:12:52] it's called.
[00:12:54] Their water tastes weird.
[00:12:55] Their bottled water is weird.
[00:12:57] Tap water is not it.
[00:12:58] Volvic, yes, that is the only drinkable water.
[00:13:14] Water expert?
[00:13:15] Apparently when people have like for instance, my manager can't taste the difference in water
[00:13:20] Kayla can't taste the difference between water. Are you kidding me?
[00:13:24] You don't know spring water from purified different brands
[00:13:27] So if I put fucking the signing which is poison by the way in front of you and like I
[00:13:34] Don't know some like
[00:13:36] alkaline or something
[00:13:38] Right, and then like aquafina like bro. Those three are so
[00:13:42] different the sony's good look keep I'll see in four hours I'll see in four
[00:13:56] hours brother that terrible fucking take I said the sony's good by the way like I
[00:14:08] even human you're a werewolf you a dog bro that guys can't be can't be for real
[00:14:16] huh also because my power went out like 10 times my you know reset a lot so my
[00:14:33] mouse is feeling pretty funny I'm not like very funny and I'm like sitting
[00:14:54] differently like more straight up oh god damn this internet cover or this power
[00:15:10] company sabotage the government that wanted that holy shit actually can't
[00:15:38] move my mouse this feels terrible a hundred flash for the my kindred flash
[00:16:20] for the snack that worth it oh shit bro this idea let me kind of hurt for
[00:17:44] I'm sorry bro. It was so bad
[00:17:49] Hey, what happened to our scoreboard?
[00:17:53] It still causes ass as well. Would you what are you yapping about?
[00:18:46] Well, how low you know this lobby is I think it's really low you know, I'm playing bad, but it's first game
[00:18:53] These guys are really bad. Oh, I wonder what he was it is. Yeah, how did Caitlin live by the way?
[00:19:01] She had no flash or mana actually
[00:19:08] Okay, I mean days are left it 20k like 20
[00:19:11] This echoes huge. You can kill these guys.
[00:20:42] This champion should be a losing with a, you know, 55% win rate.
[00:21:17] It's the secret counterpick.
[00:21:32] Yeah, go.
[00:21:33] Come on.
[00:21:55] I know there's no outplaying that unfortunately.
[00:22:08] You should have been free.
[00:22:14] Bomb.
[00:22:25] Bombie brand good.
[00:22:26] Absolutely fucking not.
[00:22:29] No, it's not good.
[00:22:31] No, it's terrible.
[00:22:38] But if these freaks are playing Nami, it's not like they play anything that's good in
[00:22:42] the way.
[00:22:43] Is it better than like Janna?
[00:22:44] Yes.
[00:22:51] If they're gonna play in a Janna, Syrophine, you know, whatever, then yes, I guess it
[00:22:55] is the best out of those.
[00:22:56] Is it better than Rell, Leona, Nala?
[00:22:58] Absolutely fucking not.
[00:23:00] Not even close.
[00:23:02] And the impact is not comparable.
[00:23:04] Shit's trash.
[00:23:05] You know how many times these guys that have died, if this isn't like dog shit
[00:23:19] Nami?
[00:23:20] Imagine.
[00:23:21] The legal to lose this fucking game
[00:24:35] No, I haven't played with an engaged support in my last like 15 games bot. It's actually just kind of fucked up
[00:24:42] The check of those five gifted subs, brother
[00:25:00] About the cow you mean that at the dipshit Alistar that guy
[00:25:14] Walked up to Morgana level one at night
[00:25:17] through
[00:25:38] First game of the day is what it is
[00:26:11] Zacho! Welcome back, brother! Thank you! Bound to get the third game, yes?
[00:26:22] Surely, today's not gonna be like yesterday where I just get dog shit every single game.
[00:26:26] Surely not. Can't be.
[00:26:47] I don't even care about my teammates anymore. There's nothing we can do from both sides.
[00:26:51] Like, okay, I died one time I didn't need to. That was Caitlyn's only kill.
[00:26:55] Like, I didn't change the game. Regardless, we've still gotten Dobe every single time.
[00:27:06] when Caitlyn escaped Kindred with no mana and flash, you know the funny thing about that is
[00:27:10] ever since that play the guy has it come back bot, the guy came bot twice, it was a positive play,
[00:27:14] he never came back bot, rivervote's coming up, everything we're gonna hit, I think he's actually
[00:28:00] really, yeah much of you Leona, I mean this game would have been over, any engage support,
[00:28:28] no it's okay to hit yes, no one cares about you, thank you, I'm gonna check my matches
[00:28:43] Let's get a little bit crazy about the lie also watch this vaude. I'm gonna be a little bit fucking nice kindred
[00:28:56] You're playing for sure, bro
[00:28:59] Don't play kindred
[00:29:01] Definitely could have came bot lane like whatever we got do five times bro
[00:29:06] If we have a better support pick not dog shit. Not me. It's winnable. I'm telling you bro. Just go
[00:29:16] This is like the only positive thing about Korea. They don't play any enchanters ever
[00:29:21] There's no such thing as Janna a one-tricks people that only have female enchanter champs
[00:29:28] No offense to them just saying I mean this jungle is just terrible because this is a double kill
[00:29:42] I if this guy just goes on
[00:29:48] I'll cause here it's one I like he flashes for a mark
[00:29:55] Like what are we doing?
[00:29:57] Yeah, well I can't live here because this guy goes up through the river
[00:30:15] Dude, are you not to be kidding?
[00:30:19] Oh, Elo game, man.
[00:30:26] What Elo was that?
[00:30:28] Hello, Masters.
[00:30:29] Thank you.
[00:30:30] Oh, wait.
[00:30:31] Actually, I was 300, 400 LP above every single player on my team.
[00:30:36] Oh, what a fun game.
[00:30:41] I could tell it's really bad again.
[00:30:43] Basically, what's up?
[00:30:49] Let's check my match history.
[00:30:51] I just want to see what supports I've played with.
[00:30:54] Nami, Soraka, Velkaz, Nami, Lux, Zyra, Janna, Milyo, Top, like not one so far by the way.
[00:31:10] Soraka, Sina, Alstar, this is the guy at perma roam, Pyke, Nami, Nautilus Wind, Eiteric
[00:31:24] win. I mean pike win. Okay, win. Yeah, to win. Meal win. Wow. It's almost like anything
[00:31:33] that goes in is just a fucking win. Wow. Mid lane, Taric win. Rock Velko like bro. It's
[00:31:41] this direct correlation by the way. It's actually wild. Update is dog shit. Update
[00:31:59] it bro. GG. GG. GG. I did see that salty. Don't put them in motion every play anyway
[00:32:18] It doesn't matter. It's crazy too because Leona, Nautilus, Rell are the highest pick rates in GM
[00:32:26] Dude, I'm telling you now you guys did. I'm telling you. I'm telling you you see people in my game, right?
[00:32:35] Consistently every day these guys only play with me around the same time
[00:32:39] I like only in my game it's not like they're picking these champs because
[00:32:49] like to grief it's actually all they play I don't have Leona Nautilus players
[00:32:55] randomly playing Janna so it's not what's happening I'm gonna ban that new
[00:33:02] champ they might I think I'm gonna start banning over Garen is where it is
[00:33:31] actually we banned Garen and Aurora bitch it's only game
[00:33:45] bugged for the win posted a vid where you were on another team and you can see
[00:33:50] I'm just trying to make place where you are. It's everybody. Every game.
[00:33:54] That is single-handedly the ugliest chooser interface I have ever seen.
[00:33:58] Whatever it had in turn convinced Twitch to go with that needs to be blacklisted. GG.
[00:34:04] I completely agree. I completely agree, Luke. I don't know why they would do it.
[00:34:10] Hey Tyler, you showed up on my local newspaper today.
[00:34:16] Yeah, you think I'm gonna click that link, bro? I think not.
[00:34:27] I split it in Google.
[00:34:39] Yo!
[00:34:42] Tyler won towards 110 points for his wheelchair basketball team.
[00:35:02] This last Sunday, the popular Twitch streamer goes by LLTWP's charity match against a local wheelchair basketball team in Kansas City.
[00:35:08] The charity event hosted by Wells Fargo did not go according to plan when Tyler drew out 40 points in the first quarter.
[00:35:13] The game was supposed to be fun and relaxing way to earn money to help the men get free.
[00:35:17] State it at Wells Fargo representative.
[00:35:18] Our team has reached out to Tyler, but he has yet to respond.
[00:35:23] So what, bro? I came to play!
[00:35:34] What I came to play baby, I give it my best
[00:35:36] I was gonna be another nomi by the way, and it was a different nomi from last game because they have he'll flash swap
[00:35:42] So like this is shit. I'm talking about by the way, man. Nami. It's not just nomi
[00:36:04] Like for it like hey, let me shoot like if you go to the other the nominees
[00:36:08] I've gotten matches for you or to me op dot gg like dude
[00:36:12] Okay, out of all these champs that they play. Okay, I'll take the nomi. You know what I mean?
[00:36:16] like fine I'll take not me it's not not me the type of players I'm getting the
[00:36:50] gauge support plays trash and you will blame him so better than playing that
[00:36:54] garden hey they're gonna go Nautilus here or El or Leona last speaking support
[00:37:31] okay that there has to be a purpose the problem is though we banned pike what
[00:37:35] is a pike banner play there's the enemy team there's we have what are we
[00:37:55] locking in I what are we locked can't wait to see this last pick support last
[00:38:01] pick oh no pressure bro take your time problem with Carthus is ass but promise
[00:38:30] good against the following honestly the enemy team kind of drafted exodia so it
[00:38:40] is what it is red side will carry us it's only game is the jersey behind you
[00:38:55] the one you wore against the wheelchair players yep it sure is good Gragas
[00:39:08] I'm in insomni-
[00:39:40] the summoner is red
[00:39:46] 30 seconds
[00:39:55] re-inform
[00:39:56] tried that I guess Ezreal's E-Star
[00:40:14] is that Zezima how do you guys say Zezima or Zezima I'm not a kid I
[00:40:28] would always say Zezima I'm gonna keep calling him Zezima you know he's
[00:40:32] actually been in our chat before a lot these type of messages we know
[00:40:50] what that is. Everybody knows what that is. Getting worked on peaceful.
[00:40:57] Well, who's the cactor? Main to Evelynn? Wee! Okay, did it force everybody to uh, upload
[00:42:13] or update Twitch uh, it forced everybody to update Twitch. Mine auto-updated like two
[00:42:27] months ago. I promise I haven't used it since. It is terrible. It literally killed
[00:42:33] me like which like me viewing twitch I only watch it on TV now like on my
[00:42:41] computer but no mobile ever I mean there has to be a reason they did it
[00:42:54] because no like I have not heard heard any positive feedback for fun that's
[00:43:31] awesome yeah so the lanes one-by-one myself myself mine
[00:44:13] Bro is presence of mind the worst rune ever by the way
[00:44:27] What the fuck hit almost every single cue by the way. I miss like two out of six
[00:44:37] But that kind of makes me never want to take it ever again. I'm frosty for which Apple
[00:44:54] I'm trying for us for to which Apple. We can use I'm not trying that should have you
[00:45:05] Maybe going biscuits on cart this is actually worth this at least I feel biscuits
[00:45:10] Okay, how's the shit bro? I hit every single Q except for one. What do you say like two?
[00:45:24] I mean the guys are kind of like ego and the founders like run around just like tilt me
[00:46:51] But you're terrible bird. We used to watch movie comes up some days good old days
[00:47:02] There's a lot more than that
[00:47:06] You need to tell their choice or don't give me this. I'm saying you know like getting killed for it
[00:47:24] Like just stay out of range. You don't have hands
[00:47:45] Subbing for Apple TV worth
[00:47:47] worth worth
[00:47:51] Let me down like my team let me down there
[00:49:18] The fuck?
[00:49:19] What's he ask players?
[00:49:20] Who he scared of?
[00:49:23] If we die in game, do we die in real life?
[00:49:26] Oh my god.
[00:49:29] I'm crumbling at the thought.
[00:50:04] For playing for a bit of Katie.
[00:50:05] Anyone have to get their code for Apple TV to just fucking me and not sending it?
[00:50:24] Get scammed little pup.
[00:50:26] The reason you play so many immobile champions is because I play pure League of Legends.
[00:50:34] This is what pure respectable champions are.
[00:50:37] Because they're not respectable, that's broken fuck though.
[00:51:09] That champ's fundamentally broke.
[00:51:10] I'm trying to make me cancel my recall and I say I'm just outclassed, sorry.
[00:51:57] Eee, play blue. It kinda looks good.
[00:52:40] You're in gaps, okay?
[00:52:42] I'm used to it. Nothing I do is good enough.
[00:53:02] Fuck that.
[00:53:33] The recall of the Brom...
[00:53:47] The bottom of the Brom recall is probably a stream site.
[00:53:50] Oh, that was worth for sure.
[00:53:51] I don't think people understand how annoying killing Daisy is for Ivern.
[00:54:02] Like, it's worth just to blow everything you have on it.
[00:54:06] What's the wincon this game begs you?
[00:55:28] What's when con every single game always me over chasing the dumbass he hit them
[00:56:20] That's why I watch you stop five in the game. I don't know any mid-air. Okay, bro
[00:57:08] I any bit is garbage up pass driver. You never keep up. Yeah, I just a
[00:57:44] expired fish. I might die in three minutes
[00:57:47] Go on in life that you're desperate enough to eat expired fish
[00:57:56] Rich bragging, not rich. It's like right here, it's worth for a brawner fucking to do that.
[00:58:48] Every time, but it's not possible. He's been dropping, I've been trinket.
[00:59:56] This shit sucks bro, this ship is terrible. There's no like, shred of ganks, nothing he can do,
[01:00:03] can't walk up for vision, can't do, but can't even attempt to bait Baron there.
[01:00:07] Do you mean Ivern? Well, he was actually, when I did general challenge, he was actually strong.
[01:00:26] I swear he wasn't but they changed support items like there was no a fiends on a holy grail
[01:00:38] Ardentcensor gave less AP they used to be able to go Ardentcensor on a holy grail
[01:00:44] deathcap 580 Ivern the shields were massive they had metgazen there as well
[01:01:03] but for soul guys whatever that was disturbing that's free soul as Ivern steals it I'm
[01:02:06] I'm making ass guys, lost, it happens.
[01:02:10] Somebody's gotta lose in life to have winners, right?
[01:02:14] And unfortunately, you're the loser.
[01:02:20] Oh, you got me there, bud.
[01:02:21] Ah, he's a little bit salty.
[01:02:31] Play that gift.
[01:02:33] Don't be lucky, thank you guys as well.
[01:02:42] The inboy does what?
[01:02:43] You're my fanboy?
[01:02:44] Absolutely nothing.
[01:02:47] Oh, you guys got beef?
[01:02:49] Int?
[01:02:50] Oh.
[01:02:52] The slim, is the slim boy a notorious intern?
[01:02:55] I think I get my lord game up here
[01:03:00] Most how many times you need band to stop one man getting well, I've seen you like five chances
[01:03:20] Landboy made Tarzan in stream your god. I think this kill. Oh
[01:04:05] Oh, oh sweet
[01:04:07] Oh another one
[01:04:10] Goodness to this
[01:04:11] Yeah, I start locking in Carthus
[01:04:13] And bro you can win defend
[01:04:34] All speed, they have those three gifts brother. Seen cuts when these. Oh, hold on, I'm really low though.
[01:05:33] All speed, there's six more! Damn.
[01:05:37] A little bit gifted today, huh, Brett? Turnips up!
[01:05:40] How's life being a dad? Amazing.
[01:05:47] Oh, boy, this is like our flaming map.
[01:06:08] Instead of turn one, let's go to the other easy little piece.
[01:06:44] I'm not sure Ezreal can Lucian mid or paladin.
[01:06:58] And again, we got red side, so it's a free win.
[01:07:09] Well, it's weird that Lucian is so strong mid lane as well, because Riot literally made
[01:07:21] some of his passive to do with a lane partner, so it's like weird.
[01:07:27] At least he hit dragon, it's an AFK farm, so I do it against Ivern.
[01:07:49] Anonymous is that gift!
[01:07:50] Riot killed Trist, and they cut out at like, dude.
[01:07:57] Okay, but Riot nerfs champions.
[01:07:59] Would you do your Billy Butcher impression?
[01:08:01] It's really good.
[01:08:02] I'm saying, Riot nerfs champions, but people don't ever test them again.
[01:08:09] Like, there was no people playing Trist after she got nerfed to even see how bad she was.
[01:08:14] Oi! Oi, you cunt!
[01:08:18] Wokenel! Oi!
[01:08:20] Homelander! Oi, Homelander!
[01:08:24] It's Billy Butcher! It's Billy Butcher!
[01:08:30] Give me Ryan!
[01:08:32] What did you do to Becca, you cunt?
[01:08:34] Also, that's nine more gifts. Hey, thank you, bro joining us. He has co-streaming so he could stream seven days a week again
[01:09:11] Mixing, you know, you won't ever be co-streaming just
[01:09:13] Playing League on the weekend. That's what it is
[01:09:16] No, I'm a good father
[01:09:19] I'm the best father. Here's a 43% win right now bullshit. You think the new phase clan?
[01:09:53] I didn't know the old face plan. Good job updated help. There is no help, bro
[01:10:13] No, no help. Wait this guy wasn't lying by the way.
[01:10:26] Just on a bot's winrate is this? Diamond plus? Wait she's actually just the worst champion in the game now?
[01:10:55] Holy shit. Killed her. God damn. Don't put down Trist, yeah don't put down.
[01:11:09] I'm not taking presents with mine. That's the best thing about league in your opinion.
[01:11:45] Everything got nerfed items fleet and her
[01:11:50] Everdure co-eclay don't they squad Bruce that's upset runes items and she got
[01:12:16] Gage support this game Rakan doesn't count fucks this guy doing it's milio smolder
[01:12:39] Always it already tell me Russia's wasting her time this game or what?
[01:12:42] Boy, but what the fuck you're fucking donkey mate chat
[01:12:46] I just got my infernal cape on old school runescape. I am him. I am that guy
[01:12:51] I am built to fit. I am truly a giga chat
[01:12:55] This thing made me the hardest man alive.
[01:12:58] Meeesh! Congrats, bruv. There's a goat.
[01:13:00] I remember a quarter stream you're taking your driver's test.
[01:13:12] Yeah, I can't say I am, bro.
[01:13:27] You lost? It's TF Blade Jax? I think I probably lost because of other things.
[01:14:12] Heather's inwardly sweating because he doesn't want to lose TF Blade?
[01:14:15] We have a bot lane that we can never kill, and it's smaller than Leo.
[01:14:30] Mid matchup's losing.
[01:14:33] Top matchup is playing fucking R.E., and these guys have Garrett, the greatest goddamn support
[01:14:58] alive.
[01:15:32] Just a mid solo kill.
[01:15:33] Okay, there's the top.
[01:15:40] Like, dead ass, it's completely over.
[01:15:43] We are wasting our time playing this game, 100%.
[01:15:45] Like I know I say FF a lot right but I mean this come on Garrett stop
[01:16:14] Don't make me
[01:16:16] Garrett I'm gonna mute you bro
[01:16:24] You made me do it bro boom muted. I guess ten minutes ten minutes away from being able to FF
[01:18:15] Like come on am I team always hits like surely my team doesn't also hit no
[01:18:32] Some people win some people lose it's true great winners and there's losers
[01:19:05] I'm lucky Coimble in the next game, our enemy gets Arita, yeah.
[01:19:31] Let's see, yes, bitch.
[01:19:32] I mean, this isn't everyone a pull, but in fuckin' brand Rakan against Milio.
[01:19:59] Smoker will never, I will never do enough damage.
[01:20:36] You know, since it's pretty assed to be fair, I mean, it's not playable for Rakan.
[01:20:43] I don't know who it would be playable as, to be honest.
[01:20:46] What are we doing, guys?
[01:20:47] I have bad mental for, like, wanting to leave this game.
[01:21:14] I feel like I'm, like, more human than the people that don't want to open this game.
[01:21:19] In my opinion
[01:21:22] Like I feel like these guys are just like our
[01:21:26] Like failures in society because they don't like
[01:21:30] Move on the next match when shit seems to soak less
[01:21:34] We're not so people value a peak white highly so it's hard to let go and the short-term L because it's painful
[01:22:16] I really human would get up and walk away from the desk. You know what? I think you're right actually
[01:22:33] I like what a hundred percent normal person wouldn't even play this game out
[01:22:38] If it was, like, if it was just, like, doing like this, they would just get up and leave.
[01:22:42] And go do something else.
[01:22:45] Or they would just AFK.
[01:22:47] They're not having fun.
[01:23:19] Oh, I actually thought the already top of these Jax would be really good.
[01:23:30] Hawaii, I just thought it would be good.
[01:24:10] We got this guy, just don't give up.
[01:24:36] Do the game, plan for the Jax.
[01:24:39] And the Oslo.
[01:24:42] And eventually the smolder.
[01:24:44] Your turn has been destroyed.
[01:24:45] Ferris is pretty good for us.
[01:25:04] I feel so strong.
[01:25:13] A completely normal person wouldn't play League in the first place.
[01:25:16] True!
[01:25:20] True.
[01:25:23] Spit and King.
[01:25:41] I have no idea what those are, Jay.
[01:25:48] Think Jack should walk bot lane here.
[01:25:53] Should make a 4-man pop play.
[01:25:56] I don't know why Riven feels like your style right now.
[01:26:04] Why eat like a...
[01:26:05] Who's R...
[01:26:07] Do I... Who's Riven player?
[01:27:08] Look top? No, I'm not looking top.
[01:27:10] If I don't look top, it doesn't exist.
[01:27:42] I'm trying to get cheeky. I'm not corky, but I'm just literally waiting that long.
[01:27:58] Look it off my screen fucking magical footwear
[01:28:26] Swords god damn it. I'm reminded for brand your opinion. I'll be like another mage. No 80 carries
[01:28:37] majors
[01:28:38] Wayne surfing partners this all players
[01:29:21] All majors are better bought it's Shelley AP mids when 80 carry and good 80 carries with mid
[01:29:48] I mean, we're buying time buying time to scale
[01:30:05] We got this guys
[01:30:10] We out scale right? Let's move along. It's good. I've been really used
[01:31:26] at me. I had four people running at him. He said fuck this brand. I'm gonna take
[01:31:49] down, we did better bot lane than I thought we would. Who said objective
[01:32:11] bounties? Maybe the gold gap isn't that big. Shaking in a second. Where do you want to go bot lane?
[01:32:26] Not that cool. What's this game by the way? Or actually go fucking goaded.
[01:33:33] Not kill anyone. Watch your CDs properly. That's right you know.
[01:33:59] Is Lee serious?
[01:34:13] Yes, sir.
[01:34:15] Yes, sir.
[01:34:16] Okay, I thought a lot of them alive.
[01:34:31] Let me go up the living orb.
[01:34:58] Where's almost stacked.
[01:35:04] Is it in a cog ball?
[01:35:05] I hate playing them.
[01:35:06] Tyler, I'm so sad right now.
[01:35:10] It's okay, bro.
[01:35:11] Whatever you're sad about, it'll get better.
[01:35:35] I did big damage.
[01:36:34] This isn't a 30-minute game.
[01:36:36] It's not a 30-minute match.
[01:36:39] It's not!
[01:36:40] In my games, bro.
[01:37:44] I reduced 200.
[01:37:45] All right, number five.
[01:39:04] Let's get it, guys.
[01:39:06] Oh, did it work again? Again or what?
[01:39:41] We hold these guys because, you know, we're gonna win.
[01:39:48] We were a win-rate drop. I started banning her.
[01:39:53] It was 56% I started banning.
[01:40:22] I'm doing a brandy I do.
[01:40:29] If I try to test it again,
[01:40:46] it's just been done from five.
[01:40:48] As soon as both solo laners got solo killed,
[01:40:51] the game was just done.
[01:40:56] You got solo killed.
[01:40:59] You picked terrible champions,
[01:41:02] but we're also hostages.
[01:41:04] 30 minutes five minutes this game is over. It's gonna be a 30 minute game
[01:41:56] This they broke by the way there people fs games if you go to other people's matches
[01:42:02] You can literally close my eyes right on OP that GG and go to anybody that I've played with OP that G
[01:42:09] And they will have an FS in their game
[01:42:13] Right several these people actually do FF games
[01:42:16] But not when they're playing we just got a hostage when we're with me for what still getting paid
[01:42:25] You're just wasting your life
[01:42:27] It's not me dude. You guys need to see like psychiatrists or you know therapy
[01:42:32] Oh, are you depressed man? So you like want to waste your life away? What are we doing?
[01:42:39] Dude, what are we doing?
[01:42:44] Just like sitting around
[01:42:46] Why don't you just soft it to end the game? That's what I'm saying
[01:42:54] It is 100% worth it and for me just to run it the fuck down after they don't like say yes
[01:43:02] It doesn't make sense
[01:43:04] There's some games where I say ff, but I keep like obviously we can still win not this one
[01:43:11] Not when those solos are gapped already top they can just build MR. Millio smaller bot. It's not winnable
[01:43:19] If we had somebody that could you know make plays or do damage sure, but it's wild bro
[01:43:26] You have a thirty four point five five percent lower FF rate than GM average. That's what I'm saying exactly
[01:43:32] both in my one games in my my
[01:43:37] Lost it like I every when I have is about 30 minutes long I
[01:43:43] People do not FF against me very rarely do they FF with me so lame. It's like they're not having fun
[01:44:00] All these fun they're having is that they can like watch this vaude or the stream and hear me like complain
[01:44:05] That's it. I can lead dude league players are so mentally and socially unacceptable and unwell
[01:44:14] Just social rejects outcast
[01:44:17] It's weird shit. It's actually it there needs to be an actual study done. It's weird man
[01:44:22] It's just like weirdo behavior. I'm like people will like cry to be like Heather one every games win a bowl never give up
[01:44:42] Don't go on Reddit. Do you never surrender? I've won two percent of my games that I don't surrender
[01:44:49] That's not normal
[01:44:51] You acting like that and behaving like that is not a normal functioning person in society. I'm sorry. I said it
[01:44:57] It's not normal. Maybe they're having fun winter lose
[01:45:27] Not in some of these games man, no there's I know spun subject. No, no, no, you're not
[01:45:32] All right, okay, not if that thing in low elo. Yes, I think that's reasonable. I
[01:45:57] Do I I think that is actually acceptable but higher elo like this it is unacceptable
[01:46:06] Especially with the game the way it is nowadays. Are you watch how you know Korean streams FFNC? Oh
[01:46:33] No, it's like dude. That's one of like the rare things
[01:46:36] You know my we we got FS in Korea and bro what did what people do God bless their hearts is they just stop playing
[01:46:44] And it's so nice
[01:46:47] when the games are completely lost.
[01:46:48] Sometimes it's dumb you can still win, but bro, they just afk and fountain.
[01:46:53] It's so, they just in that, okay, you don't want FF, fine, I'll stop playing.
[01:47:10] You hit it, Kria? Oh, looks like I got sniped and bet on.
[01:47:13] Right, I was in grain, big brother vibes.
[01:47:35] People are afraid of ban, so they soft in.
[01:47:40] Yeah, but people are unwell, they soft in, but they also vote no.
[01:47:43] It's like, which sometimes I do it, but I'm a league player.
[01:47:48] So let me say it, like, it's mixily unwell.
[01:47:50] Trust these miserable sub-humans running down and pull up your stream and wank to not effing your games
[01:48:15] I know it's weird
[01:48:17] Get help weirdos
[01:48:18] Exactly, the most offensive thing I can say is they're just weirdos
[01:48:23] Is what it is
[01:48:26] Sean, what's up brother? I've already seen it six
[01:49:01] Part of this yeah, I put them like are for only one of the day and it felt a little bit better than Bran
[01:49:15] I did a little bit different break, but just my name, you know
[01:49:28] pretty much the same
[01:49:30] But LECG came from 2K Dixon, 1-3-0. Yeah, he is terrible.
[01:49:43] Our carbons got buffed, I seen that.
[01:50:13] Thanks, SES. Are the Jets real Super Bowl contenders? Yeah, I'm pretty sure Aaron Rodgers gets hurt again, bro.
[01:50:34] I'm almost positive.
[01:50:50] The Nami's from the first game.
[01:50:53] I decided to go Leona this game or what?
[01:50:56] I'm a better O-line now.
[01:51:03] Hey, good job, TJ.
[01:51:13] Oh, I almost got all those open Soraka auto got that
[01:52:55] Yes, and like a G though. Hey my juggles
[01:53:50] Thanks, red side this game. The case right over my guy the pancake guy
[01:55:33] Cake easy do be pressing my buttons. You find a way to kill Soraka. This is not going. Well, that's not I
[01:56:22] Can't stay here. I'm gonna die. Maybe it's one of those days where I got a Q top
[01:57:46] I don't know that these games has been a little unplayable. I must say through Q1
[01:57:58] This minute's left. It's a disc game. It's not I forget in the high elo. I'm not ready for that, bro
[01:58:56] Taste challenger. I know you can
[01:59:11] Well, I've been like five wins away for like bring our flash, right?
[02:00:35] I'm gonna go this again. I know I said it was bad, but yeah, I can uh
[02:00:41] Lower cooldown than Soraka's ult has to lose that right a sec
[02:01:01] Well, yeah, we never definitely win those you know, just blowing her this
[02:01:51] There's got a good against Rocka not really for the old reasons
[02:02:21] My God is you know, I'm writing a unicorn in the skin. It's a horse
[02:02:37] Would you fix the life update, bro? We don't give a shit when you handle it
[02:02:47] Let us know it's winnable. This ring ours when I get down forgot to scrap first power as well
[02:03:54] The point leaks in season 3, do you guys think I should relapse?
[02:04:04] With friends only.
[02:04:05] And I was trolling.
[02:04:45] It makes me happy to see this Urgot win.
[02:04:59] Cringer, Rush, Warden's Mail.
[02:05:01] But day is either co-streamed this Saturday or Sunday.
[02:05:09] Now I get co-streamed forever, or like now on.
[02:05:13] Pretty much what I was told.
[02:05:14] As much as I want, they said, how about worlds?
[02:05:33] I think worlds is different, I don't know.
[02:05:35] They don't like me getting worked on.
[02:05:37] We said unless you're toxic and somebody added it and said it's time to one. I'm not toxic
[02:06:02] I'm passionate and I anything I can do a little coaster. I'm gonna join double. I'm doing it solo bro. I hate
[02:06:58] LC, I'll try my best bro
[02:07:06] I'm asking I can't believe they all didn't get wiped there. They could have maybe altered sooner
[02:08:28] But I was waiting on Soraka old this day today doesn't really matter
[02:08:32] He's gonna old matter what bring our star at this game 3. Oh by the way
[02:08:43] Post your note bro the games aren't today you dumbass!
[02:08:51] Tworters almost stacked, I think if he was stacked in that fight we're fucking waiting.
[02:09:16] I didn't know, it's not my problem.
[02:09:31] Uneducated.
[02:09:32] The upcount should be near 17k at this point.
[02:09:41] Should it be?
[02:09:42] Like 5 days.
[02:09:43] I'm gonna get old, I'm not such a slow game.
[02:10:35] Throcka's really saving her old?
[02:10:37] Until I old.
[02:10:39] She's only using it if I old.
[02:10:41] That's wild.
[02:10:42] Good for you bro.
[02:10:44] I'm trying to win.
[02:11:37] OTF? You ping me again?
[02:12:07] That vision, I mean that barracks are stupid.
[02:12:09] I mean even if I had the honorees it was dumb.
[02:12:22] You died at games over.
[02:12:28] You went extremely late?
[02:12:44] Yeah brother, it was at 13,000 HP.
[02:12:46] It was not close.
[02:12:48] Oh, 50 grand, okay that's up to 5.
[02:12:52] I got a T-shirt right, this works better than you.
[02:12:54] I'm a super genius bro.
[02:12:56] But she probably is as well.
[02:13:15] This has been 2 days.
[02:13:17] Your favorite LCS team right now? I don't know bro. I'll have to find one. I'll have to find one to root for.
[02:13:32] There's no fucking business being destroyed by the way.
[02:15:21] I'll tell you another champ I'm fucking sick of.
[02:15:23] Dynast, squeak, squeak.
[02:15:31] He's bullshit bro. He is.
[02:15:34] Somehow we had to kill their backline.
[02:16:01] Okay, I'll switch. Thank you Tater.
[02:16:08] Bring our ulti.
[02:16:38] Okay, you can't all die to smolder here.
[02:17:44] I might have flash.
[02:17:49] I don't think we got any sums.
[02:17:55] Flash he cleansed he cleansed maybe I turned out good for our force engagement
[02:18:10] I'm saying and tiff died really fast my force agreement does that work?
[02:18:25] Yeah, I tried building at once, but we lost in
[02:18:29] 12 minutes. Oh, no, it doesn't have sheen
[02:18:36] And this is enough sheen anymore. I see when I'm gonna watch phase adapt. See ya. Well, thanks for letting me know bro
[02:18:55] See ya
[02:19:08] Holders at almost
[02:19:10] 400 stack you could have plenty of limits for which would it be bro? I think I'd be good at poble
[02:20:41] Seriously poble should I do a poble stream where I practice poble for 24 hours poble
[02:21:11] It's like upper body strength
[02:21:15] Trust me. I have the upper body strength. Look how this minions moving by the way. Hey, mother saw me
[02:22:39] Stay true. That's all me all me for real
[02:22:43] Yeah, but fuck Jesus. I was born are this game seem more successful than
[02:23:14] Brand nice. I'm two and two and one LP lower, you know, there's TF you really don't do anything man. What are your CC sport?
[02:23:27] 37 I mean not impressive. Oh
[02:23:32] Folders mad good thoughts and deck getting 16 and NFL top 100. Yeah, he deserves that. He's a really good quarterback
[02:23:49] He's a really good quarterback. Thank you, Tucker. I think it was too
[02:23:59] When we grow your hair out, I'm about to get cut. I look professional at my job
[02:24:11] So I'll get it cut
[02:24:13] Can't be co-streaming
[02:24:17] Looking like a bum.
[02:24:18] You should get frosted tipped.
[02:24:26] Gonna go ahead and ban you for hours.
[02:24:28] Actually, you know what? Just an hour.
[02:24:29] Can I go blonde?
[02:24:33] I got to do with blonde hair.
[02:24:45] Instead of saying,
[02:24:49] Olympic weightlifting or sprinting,
[02:24:50] you said you'd be good at pole vaulting.
[02:24:51] Yes!
[02:24:51] I'm gonna get the same cut as before.
[02:25:00] I liked it.
[02:25:02] Get an actual barb into your mom.
[02:25:25] Yes.
[02:25:25] The first time in my life.
[02:25:27] You look like Kevin Hart in Epic Movie
[02:25:37] if you go blonde.
[02:25:38] You guys said I would look like Kevin Hart
[02:25:50] in Epic Movie if I went blonde.
[02:25:52] I am a light skin.
[02:26:07] Okay, I am light. I am just pale cuz I haven't been outside you're disrespecting me
[02:26:14] Hey, no
[02:26:16] It's not true. I am a brother
[02:26:19] Just a little pale. I don't go outside too much. Yeah, it will artic life. My real dad is actually dark
[02:26:53] Come by the way, like look at my baby pictures and me in like high school when I went outside
[02:27:01] I've worked for the last ten years perma indoors
[02:27:04] 15 hours. I just don't get sun. Look at me when I went outside last year for a pool series.
[02:27:11] Not a tan. You don't tan that dark. See, are there any fellow lightskins in here? Bro, this
[02:27:41] is how it works. And the winner, you get really pale and the summer, you get dark when you
[02:27:44] go outside and work. It is what it is. We fluctuate. I'm sorry, this is what it is.
[02:27:47] My fellow lightskins know. I've said every game or what. Someone just said on Twitter,
[02:28:14] I'm not watching Tyler's Coaster. Maybe he's not challenger because I'm not sure if his
[02:28:18] advice will be right. I'll be
[02:28:20] challenged here at Stein. She
[02:28:21] wild and has five good subs.
[02:28:25] Deck and a four. Think about
[02:28:43] Thresh. He's not played too much
[02:28:45] right now and I think it's
[02:28:46] because there's champs that do it.
[02:28:48] He does, but easier. Thresh is
[02:28:49] not the easiest. Leona,
[02:28:51] Nautilus, Rell. Yes, uh,
[02:29:04] the co-streaming permit is week
[02:29:06] six. Co-stream any time I want.
[02:29:08] Have to take a piss. Be back.
[02:30:42] Like I ghosted. That's cringe.
[02:30:45] at the block ghosted that pick yes she knew that my mid was going arry from the
[02:30:52] stream you're a cringe loser very obvious it's up oh it's cat kicker again hi
[02:31:31] Tyler you are hitting 40 soon and in noticing lack of vitamins increased
[02:31:36] balding increased dementia symptoms hearing and vision loss knowing mental
[02:31:41] Health and it's harder to get hard also don't call yourself lights can you resist turn off about it?
[02:31:49] Minus three dollars everything you just said it's wrong
[02:31:52] Thanks for picking Draven. Yeah, we had double AP already hovered plus support to be triple
[02:32:20] Think or Jesus Christ. How you have fallen?
[02:32:23] So I'm 650 LP don't blame me blame America for the for the sublime the server
[02:32:29] You're co-streaming TL vs C9, the first time I watched co-streamer instead of the actual broadcast?
[02:32:43] Yes.
[02:32:49] Watching them all.
[02:32:50] I had to find a favorite team.
[02:32:52] Bro, I tweeted that I was co-streaming and like every LCS team tweeted back at me.
[02:33:02] Like they want my support so bad, but like guys, either at number one, you pay, you
[02:33:08] pay for support, right?
[02:33:10] You inspire me with your gameplay.
[02:33:18] So go ahead and pay.
[02:33:19] Lee reddit thread on you joining co-streaming was definitely all positive reddit's mad vet reddit
[02:33:45] Reddit's mad part dude, dude if you compare reddit to Twitter or reddit to anything
[02:33:52] But if people that use reddit are not normal they are not normal people from Twitter are
[02:34:27] More than reddit. All right. Let's see what we got
[02:34:43] Not a lot of us
[02:34:46] He's ready for football news dude like the NFL subreddit dude. I I use the pool the pool subreddit and the chest subreddit
[02:34:56] Okay, so to be fair reddit can be informative
[02:35:00] To walk up and hook them
[02:35:16] We're saying is you are a redditor. No
[02:35:20] You'd have fought these guys level one
[02:35:36] So brother like lords row swimming pools. Well, he's having fun. It doesn't know what I was there
[02:35:56] I get solo killed by...
[02:36:16] Perk?
[02:36:17] I've been snowbees a-
[02:37:19] That's right.
[02:37:42] Fucking innocent.
[02:37:51] Game's over.
[02:38:09] Oh, top died again.
[02:38:15] Or top.
[02:38:16] I mean, I don't know.
[02:38:45] The T1 draping game?
[02:38:48] I like go to, like, hurricane and start from a roaming.
[02:38:50] I swear I wouldn't work.
[02:38:52] But since both solos are just losing by themselves,
[02:39:02] Ivern is just gonna be bot lane the entire game.
[02:39:05] No idea he-
[02:39:21] I mean, they're bot lanes bad,
[02:40:09] But like I said, Ivers gonna be bot, fuck me.
[02:40:12] Why should I ask?
[02:40:31] Oh, because you have a 0% win rate on Nautilus.
[02:40:35] Oh, because you're autofilled support.
[02:40:37] Oh, yay.
[02:41:05] Ivern, oh my. Go next.
[02:41:34] It's a free game, fuck my life.
[02:41:43] Well, I just played Majors, by the way.
[02:41:52] Let me spread the word, we up.
[02:42:56] Don't you ever for sure hit dragon there as well?
[02:42:59] I don't know, this guy's supposed to do shit.
[02:43:24] Ghosting right now man. I don't think about this forest is sick, you know. I mean you can't blame people. Who are you pinging man?
[02:44:43] Everybody else is playing well. I don't like what do you want man?
[02:44:48] Again, we're asking for the bare minimum out of you, bro. I've ulted the skarner that I can ult this
[02:45:02] The editor's reason shit on YouTube. Editor's have been really good. I didn't watch the video today
[02:45:26] The cleanser is that comp? Why you need cleanse? You just have hands. You came out if you started streaming. Yeah
[02:46:02] Sometimes we have to upload late because we don't get approved, like monetization doesn't
[02:46:12] get approved until later, it takes YouTube longer.
[02:46:17] We have to upload later.
[02:46:19] I will say that this kindred just right-clicked bot lane on cooldown.
[02:47:05] Positive.
[02:47:06] There you are.
[02:47:07] Yeah, I was...
[02:47:08] I wasn't going to go collector, but it is what it is.
[02:48:55] doing I've just checked he's first time kindred so he's best no he's not filled
[02:49:18] just five with the kindred here impossible shake me to the box of
[02:49:35] setups only the one as far as no by the way for what reason is this guy well
[02:50:17] fucking kills let's go thing lady get he's terrible yo go get your mark
[02:51:26] kindred yo go get your top mark kindred the fuck I'm afraid he's
[02:51:35] He's deafened. What is this idiot doing?
[02:51:37] Hey, he finally went to his top mark!
[02:52:40] Let's go! I think Marsha's all sums again.
[02:52:43] Now she's sitting at a staggering 3 mark.
[02:53:03] Let's go, bro. Let's go.
[02:53:08] As far as build.
[02:53:40] I'm just trying to do Baron.
[02:53:41] And I'm moving to Australia tomorrow.
[02:54:21] I'm fucking terrified from where?
[02:54:23] The state? Is that a normal transition?
[02:54:28] He was just saving himself.
[02:55:52] But we're saving.
[02:55:57] In-game as well.
[02:55:58] There's no flash. No flash, no flash.
[02:56:06] We'll about me right before our dragon spawns is terrible
[02:56:52] provision pop side with in B sales
[02:57:10] Honestly, I'm down here. That's what I say it is reduce
[02:58:11] I'm moving. Yes. He's here for five seconds. I did a lot of trolling. I mean, so I don't think he was at first
[02:58:25] He's just bad
[02:58:26] But then again, he locked in a champ. He has literally never played before and why would you do that if you're not trolling?
[02:58:31] I don't know kill. Let's say kill Varus. We win back some kindred still three, bro
[02:59:51] I'll come every game a game is like this. It's why it's literally why I play brand of car this every single game
[02:59:56] How do you even miss that?
[03:00:22] People were losing his mind
[03:01:13] I mean he shouldn't be he died a terrible death like any time like three terrible game losing this so he shouldn't
[03:01:20] Like that death before dragons third dragon is like what started this all this whole thing
[03:01:25] This is Varus build, it's the, oh my team's better than yours so we can go 4 AP and win build.
[03:01:54] I respect it.
[03:01:55] Pinard's the only reason we've lost. We had a real gentleman with a 1, but these players are all the way too bad to win.
[03:02:38] I think the only good player on this team's Ari.
[03:02:40] Not Shaco, Kindred are completely useless.
[03:02:49] And I mean, A8 carry gets to drop 20 kills!
[03:03:23] Just because my jungler has fucking, well, and Nautilus.
[03:03:27] Have tumors never again, bro. Never again fine never again never again never again if my team's hovering all AP
[03:03:38] I'm still just going AP and we just forth on it. This shit's disgusting
[03:03:43] It's happens too much again if my general are actually wanted to win we would have won this game, but
[03:03:48] Regardless, we should still be able to win dumb shit and dumb shit. Are you played well? It was like one misplay
[03:04:00] I actually played the game
[03:04:02] We even had a gold lead right here right before again
[03:04:05] As I said, this is like a Shaco's deathbots, so it was a game losing death, actually.
[03:04:09] He gave Camille 650 gold, and we lost that dragon, which we were stronger for.
[03:04:14] And then that topside play, which was fucking stupid.
[03:04:18] It was GG.
[03:04:26] Ah, it is. It is. It is.
[03:04:29] OJ. Thank you, though.
[03:04:30] Here's a brand new card that's making a difference.
[03:04:41] No, that game's just lost anyway.
[03:04:43] It's less tilting to lose I said the game was still like Camille lived with like one HP on this fight
[03:04:52] And Varus over the wall scarner all etc etc
[03:04:57] T1 I feel like the first minute was you and Kaelin on your first date. Can you confirm or deny?
[03:05:05] What was that what where was black Jeff black Jeff
[03:05:10] I
[03:05:14] Read some more that not limited to watch that thank you for that three. Well that gift enemy 80 in jungle were duo
[03:05:50] Well that's not gonna explain to doesn't it days over time to switch back to cinch dance
[03:05:57] true Grinch true
[03:06:00] That is played as like dude that I really came bot in a crazy amount of time actually explains it
[03:06:04] It makes sense to be fair for Ivern camping bot lane anyway
[03:06:08] Even if they weren't duo top their top lane solo killed mine my mid their mid solo can ours
[03:06:12] She only has to go bot and my jungler is just griefing
[03:06:15] Do or not there's no there's obviously gonna come bot
[03:06:21] Those should be the one I'm getting red side dude. Oh my god. This is such the run
[03:06:56] Well, I'm getting red side literally every game. I needed like five wins in a row for Challenger
[03:07:01] This is actually just the day. I
[03:07:03] I don't think I've played one blue side game all day. Fuck me. Bro. These guys love smolder
[03:08:11] Smolder get buffed actually seeing him a lot today. Another little kid. Eddie carries get nerfed
[03:08:56] items
[03:08:58] True that game was fucking lost. Hey, it is. It's up any buses patch excellent news
[03:10:00] I've barely seen him. I think you also got buffed as well. I'd rather extreme as well
[03:10:03] Well, I was gonna have to admit a thing, I think it's just 80s.
[03:10:41] No, I don't, Nylon.
[03:10:42] When I get off your bum ass AI coach waitlist, time bro.
[03:10:56] The more people we have on the backseat, the more money it costs us, okay?
[03:11:00] We're improving in silence.
[03:11:02] Yeah, I do do flys, pulse.
[03:11:05] GT, the word you're looking for is called rug pull.
[03:11:39] I didn't rug pull.
[03:11:40] I didn't get rug pull.
[03:11:46] Everything good for climb and ranks?
[03:12:02] There's easier champs to play.
[03:12:04] Your favorite Warcraft 3 race? I don't have one.
[03:12:33] I used to play them all.
[03:12:59] Favorite race?
[03:13:01] And wow?
[03:13:02] And-and...
[03:13:04] What are you talking about here?
[03:13:06] Or what?
[03:13:07] Well, I love all races.
[03:13:24] Except...
[03:13:25] I love all races.
[03:13:29] No, stop dodging!
[03:13:30] I'm just kidding with the except.
[03:13:38] I did back squat today.
[03:14:11] It was hard.
[03:14:15] Dear Reddit...
[03:14:45] Dear Reddit...
[03:14:46] the new lcs customers of self-proclaimed racist chat chat chat
[03:15:10] oh stop asking the question oh turkey cheese sandwich sounds good
[03:15:23] i wouldn't like brell if i were killing brand more best
[03:15:35] oh chicken sandwich with pickle yum yum only 6.4k subs of peak content maybe honest bro
[03:15:59] i'm not subbating we've gotten like 100 today
[03:16:05] Okay, I'm not beating
[03:16:09] Trust me. I'm not anymore days. I think like 20 and this guy said Soraka rel brahm possible than slam zillion
[03:16:52] Can you stop pretending that you work out and admit that you bought a machine with the money from twitchchatters like me that does the
[03:16:59] exercises for you
[03:17:00] rich people things
[03:17:03] Rich people rich people things does the exercise for you. You're baby. Are twins. I know
[03:17:45] Oh Miss Salary!
[03:17:49] Big T, can you be as brave as Makayla and give your take on current events going on?
[03:18:06] Okay, too fair. I'm in the, I don't give a fuck in like almost every single category.
[03:18:15] Good roll. It's just, as a content creator in general, from a financial business perspective,
[03:18:22] it's not worth it to ever talk about it, about anything.
[03:18:26] It's just bad for business because the opposite side of whatever your take is is gonna despise you
[03:18:42] It's just terrible for business
[03:18:44] I just bought we've just bought a lot of them can do anything. They are jungle king of fed though
[03:19:19] I'm not kidding. Kayla's opinions are not mine
[03:19:39] Never never have like she's her own person
[03:19:42] It was says what she wants to say
[03:19:47] Okay, keep covering bases. You got this
[03:20:09] So I'm getting bullied by Sonus peak. I mean he has to because doesn't have 80 carry
[03:20:38] Surely he doesn't use it her account to vent. Ah
[03:20:42] That's what I do. I say angle there, but we reset. Oh, you're not really good. My dive is there your fuck
[03:22:24] I mean, they should dive us for sure. It's just low e-low shit
[03:22:48] Wait actually did not die because this has to be a master tier game. I have hundred LP
[03:23:01] I mean it is it is no killer instinct is it is guys can we stop the politics in twitch chat, please?
[03:23:11] Austin clean up the shithole add boys comms. We don't double word that
[03:23:55] Where's the doofa I don't have it on the scene
[03:24:20] You're right. That's real sis. Go stream next world coasting through ready through
[03:24:25] So now I think probably did more damage than misfortune
[03:24:54] So I got both those skills
[03:25:43] When I drew you a picture, I'm nervous about it. I don't want it.
[03:26:06] Oh, support. I mean, I'm too, too terrible that you're jungle going there.
[03:26:38] What?
[03:26:39] It's unlike last game, for instance, where enemy jungle comes bot.
[03:26:42] Or even when I'm top lane. It's just weird.
[03:26:44] Because even when I'm top lane, like my jungles don't come top.
[03:26:47] When I'm bot lane, my jungles don't come bot. It's so odd.
[03:26:50] You're right.
[03:26:51] Jungle came bot, got a free kill.
[03:26:54] Never came back.
[03:26:56] Why is that?
[03:26:59] Blame duo kill? You can't- nobody in this game is duo.
[03:27:12] To be fair, now their top laner has ult.
[03:27:21] So now it's like two fucked up.
[03:27:22] Lates is here to fuck up for a stream.
[03:27:27] Okay, but on enemy teams they would can't bot.
[03:27:57] That's a missing.
[03:28:02] Super Blab is trash, yep.
[03:28:04] I know, bro.
[03:28:08] That's gonna be a dive, right?
[03:28:10] Bastard, bitch?
[03:29:15] It's on the game.
[03:29:16] What's up?
[03:29:20] Junglers still haven't forgiven you
[03:29:22] for exposing their own years ago
[03:29:24] during your jungle to masters challenge.
[03:29:27] They refused to gank for you for this day.
[03:29:30] We think that's what it is.
[03:29:31] That was almost five years ago now.
[03:29:35] AWAAAAAARGH!
[03:29:37] No way.
[03:29:48] Four years.
[03:29:49] Fiddle completed.
[03:29:58] January through May, 2020.
[03:30:00] AAH!
[03:30:02] It's really almost been five years!
[03:30:04] What?!
[03:30:05] HOOOOOLY SHIT!
[03:30:07] Almost 50 CS.
[03:30:42] There's no playdive here.
[03:31:00] Just go farm some shit.
[03:31:37] Care to get things?
[03:31:38] Are you ever scared that you'll get cancelled over...
[03:31:40] things?
[03:31:41] You did the path like the stuff you do with skinny arm thing man, but to be noticed the Korean role play
[03:31:45] We told that brown person to get back on the plane all those black jokes in 2015
[03:31:52] And we talked about
[03:31:56] I think it's made half that up first of all
[03:31:58] I know fine guys we failed at all they did
[03:32:24] I had misfortune
[03:33:00] Shut me down
[03:33:01] There's a chance that you have a crack. I'm killing you the baby. Thank you brother
[03:33:24] And that's some mode in the ears. Yes, you guys are so boring in some mode
[03:33:34] Like what do you want me to do?
[03:34:31] Those cues were rough
[03:34:39] Oh, so it's only
[03:34:45] I need a living orb. Oh
[03:34:47] That makes sense. So right now it's only 20 to me too
[03:34:50] How does it look so bored during the whole time doing that cuz I was missing every cue. I'm locked in bro
[03:34:58] Big first-rate card this first-rate. I think it's as bot lane
[03:35:01] You in a sex dealer maintained only what do you mean?
[03:35:29] You didn't get my kill reduction on him.
[03:36:09] I almost sussed at what it is.
[03:36:33] Your hair plants, your plants like, brought, no, I was never bald.
[03:36:37] I tell you freaks, I was only bald twice in my life ever.
[03:36:43] My mom cut my hair on stream in the Kratos cosplay.
[03:36:46] That's it.
[03:36:58] You notice less cheaters since they did the anti-cheat thing?
[03:37:00] Compared to what it was, yes, it was really bad.
[03:37:28] For the scimmers and the vanguard, I think I'm playing against like two.
[03:38:07] Are your strippers that fancy lighting and changing your streams from your basement?
[03:38:16] This is upstairs and I do have fancy lighting wherever they're playing actually.
[03:38:20] No coincidence, as it was as you're not challenging me more since Vanguard is around.
[03:38:31] It's challenger after Vanguard.
[03:38:35] I'm gonna be challenger by Saturday because you're just not playing.
[03:40:33] You're four in one.
[03:40:35] Put the game away.
[03:40:36] Man the fuck up.
[03:40:37] Take over.
[03:40:39] Stop.
[03:40:39] Oh nice.
[03:40:40] You had an ADCS lead.
[03:40:41] Do something.
[03:40:51] I mean, I've been hobbly out.
[03:40:53] You saw it.
[03:42:00] I said what I said.
[03:42:10] The Insomnias, I think it's one of the most broken.
[03:42:14] Isn't it like chance to realize it?
[03:42:17] I think it has been for a year.
[03:42:38] Well, thanks so much, Richard.
[03:43:18] Like, fang.
[03:43:33] All right, what does our press do there?
[03:43:34] Who am I killing with our?
[03:43:57] For every four straight wins and ranked,
[03:43:58] do we get auto fill in next game?
[03:44:00] I don't think that's how it works.
[03:44:10] They would have died, I'm not sure.
[03:44:12] So they kill.
[03:44:15] W.
[03:44:16] So, uh, we're gonna knock a fucking cop!
[03:45:24] KD player on any role or any champion I've ever played in my life
[03:45:30] Except for maybe I'm it's so easy not to play for KD
[03:45:46] Guys warm-up 40 away from being a I think shawanna is annoying issue
[03:46:07] Press two buttons. Oh fuck that. I mean these guys need me
[03:46:34] They need me that was crazy that's sort of flash. That's fine. Bye. That's sort of flash
[03:47:13] you to stop it ting I'm not inting I'm using my fucking HP bar wait I'm almost
[03:47:18] triple everybody else on my team's desk so wait is it me
[03:48:27] I don't think I've ever seen a Soda player type that new mother's ass full as
[03:48:45] Gav from like cock you suck Lamao Soda was mad huh win lose win lose win lose
[03:49:29] win lose win lose win lose win lose win lose win lose win lose win lose
[03:49:36] lose win lose win lose like holy fuck you know I'm a bit of a shriek I need five
[03:49:40] fucking wins bro mention I wouldn't not give you top if I knew you were a
[03:49:50] little diamond Pete what is his profile how are you GM never gives up
[03:50:05] but I'll see you as co-stream PT thank you now I hope I'm back it's all
[03:51:42] your game
[03:51:46] yo Big T I got a pretty good idea what you'd look like if you decided to
[03:51:51] change looks and get a blonde buzz cut and then bro we had a landscaper come over
[03:54:41] so landscaping's been pretty bad it hasn't had time to do it since Miss Sailor
[03:54:45] Roux was born or even she was pregnant to like clean up our whole entire lawn
[03:54:50] everything was like $1,200 right this guy did it he did really a job this
[03:54:57] storm last night fucked everything up and it looks terrible now bro it's
[03:55:04] Is God hate me?
[03:55:06] Have I been forgotten by the gods?
[03:55:10] Number one.
[03:55:14] Number two, I was going to say, you either ponder, bro, us as a species, for sakin' ya, us as
[03:55:28] a species aren't meant to be caged up inside.
[03:55:31] Bro, I just went outside to let the cat in.
[03:55:35] It's like 5 p.m. beautiful, sunny inside, and here I am rotting away at my job.
[03:55:40] out of my job. Dude we work our lives away man. Unbelievable. We're just like okay with
[03:55:48] it. Why don't we fight back? We're gonna slave to the system bro. Slave to the system.
[03:56:15] Think what's up? Yeah we can take out a pretty good anyway if you decide to get a blonde
[03:56:37] bus cut. Better get better on YouTube. I believe they did. If Twitch didn't exist
[03:57:20] you'd be bagging my fries. Number one, no I wouldn't. And number two, what's wrong
[03:57:26] with people that backfries, what are you eating honey buns?
[03:57:56] Caleb bottoms, I'm just eating them.
[03:57:58] They're not filling, they're wasting money.
[03:58:03] Like eating air, sugar, dumb.
[03:58:15] This comp is doomed, comp is doomed.
[03:58:19] Minus three.
[03:58:27] Why eat it then?
[03:58:28] Because I don't like eating at work, I feel rushed.
[03:58:33] I don't like to savor my food.
[03:58:34] I'm just trying to eat snacks
[03:58:37] until after I'm done with work
[03:58:39] And then I can enjoy it like sit down at the table and actually enjoy it.
[03:58:42] I don't get lunch breaks!
[03:58:47] It's true! I know! I don't get lunch breaks!
[03:58:51] By the way, I am growing exponentially by the way.
[03:58:54] It's been one month since I started lifting. Look at that.
[03:58:56] I'm back baby.
[03:58:58] I'm so back.
[03:59:28] I need to be there for two minute lunch break and left. That'd be fine.
[03:59:30] No, bro!
[03:59:32] I'm about it!
[03:59:33] We don't take breaks over here.
[03:59:35] Usually eat dinner then?
[04:00:03] After stream if I don't eat it on stream. So like 9pm.
[04:00:06] I've been trying to like I've been force-feeding before I start like just something light probably like a thousand calories
[04:00:18] Who's gonna be energy?
[04:00:20] So I'm waking up at 6 a.m.
[04:00:21] But you stop lifting I'm lifting now. I didn't stop. I stopped looking heavy
[04:00:41] But I'm gonna get your gutted you barely play them. I'm trying to get challenger before Saturday
[04:01:10] So I can be a challenger co-streamer. No, since good no bin is it normal now? Yeah, it's perfect. Good one T
[04:01:29] How's that a good
[04:01:32] I'm 6 LP, I mean I'm like 6 woods away from Challenger. What do you mean good one?
[04:01:40] It's it's literally we have two days. It's net three wins today and tomorrow four hours today same spot
[04:02:03] No, I'm too LP lower
[04:02:20] Also, what is switched under the mobile application? Were you involved this decision? No, and nobody likes it
[04:02:25] I don't know why they're pushing it. I don't know. It's terrible. I don't know back in my girl. They'll subs
[04:02:31] You know that too because if you did it off stream
[04:02:57] Everything's easier off stream
[04:02:59] Guess what bro? Maybe I don't want it easy
[04:03:02] Maybe I like taking the bumpy road the hard road challenge myself
[04:03:06] They never said it gonna be easy did they I'm a desktop user mainly what's different about the new mobile app?
[04:03:31] It kill it kill twitch like I don't know what they're doing. It's terrible. There's no there's no words to describe it
[04:03:40] It's a completely different. It's horrible the kind of big T keep it up. You're playing chess at all. I'm not playing
[04:03:48] I follow it I
[04:03:50] I watch YouTube bits on it. I haven't played in a while. It's almost three months.
[04:03:58] There's your reign at its peak.
[04:04:12] 1960.
[04:04:14] So you just run that for 2000. I have a home gym and I'll be doing a workout stream. Several workout streams
[04:04:25] during the Eldering Marathon if it's it. Actually in my Twitter video today
[04:04:32] I think you could see my gym in the background. I was doing squat when I made it.
[04:04:37] You dumb slim. True it's up. Short that sub.
[04:05:12] Now I'm gonna do a lot of hate comments I'm running about you today, big T. Thank you, Henning. Thank you.
[04:05:20] Appreciate that.
[04:05:52] I did the reverse and I made a new hate comment for every positive one I saw.
[04:05:58] Aw. Not very nice.
[04:06:01] Bro, why am I playing with randoms?
[04:06:04] Where are the LCS boys?
[04:06:09] I can verbally assault them both in-game and out.
[04:06:16] I'm kidding.
[04:06:17] I wouldn't do that.
[04:06:18] Bro, why is there no preview on the Flux engine that will not be even your shampsters,
[04:06:28] right?
[04:06:29] It's terrible, Evo.
[04:06:30] It's terrible.
[04:06:50] Don't want your leftover baby clothes, Recon.
[04:06:52] Plus, Miss Sailor is grown out of everything.
[04:06:58] I do have so much P.O.
[04:06:59] shit size that she's what she wears just turned four months almost wears like
[04:07:19] six month I'm so big no fucking stun you idiot
[04:07:54] running a lot of managers to farm I have to then her fleet right as they feel
[04:08:55] like they didn't well see my nerve what was it I can't actually cook with you
[04:09:36] there the worst the others the server he's
[04:09:42] auto-filled, hot main, I don't know what he's doing in the last two games, less healing but a very minor
[04:10:02] and I push the wave like dude, they didn't bring back lethal tempo, dude I'm not lying,
[04:10:10] anyway I think I much prefer the lethal tempo than that fleek, these people fight,
[04:10:16] fleek just buffs the stupid movement speed shit, I'm not sure buddy
[04:11:29] I don't know is that a real last game, yeah he's a nasus player, a nasus one trick
[04:11:36] Oh, Belvith, like you'd rather sit in this bush like this?
[04:12:20] Like, I mean, that's what these retards actually do every game.
[04:12:22] It's so annoying.
[04:12:24] Is it less this immobile bot lane who doesn't have any sum to play like this?
[04:12:28] Like, what is this garbage?
[04:12:31] Rather sit AFK in a bush.
[04:12:33] Difficult, right?
[04:13:20] So now that guy's gotten two kills from zero effort bot lane.
[04:13:25] A-actually.
[04:13:28] He sneezed, wiped his nose, got two kills.
[04:13:30] I'm shit man.
[04:13:39] You're just ganking for me.
[04:14:32] Ganking for yourself.
[04:14:33] I pretty much have to get all these kills bot lane or to lose.
[04:16:47] This guy's an idiot.
[04:16:48] I don't know why he's not dodging these games.
[04:16:50] He plays, he plays Nasus so it is literally not like he can play anything else.
[04:17:18] He can't.
[04:17:19] Should wipe him here actually.
[04:17:25] Relax, I'm not a full tooting.
[04:18:07] Even now it's all good.
[04:18:08] I'm chilling.
[04:18:09] I'm not dying.
[04:18:10] I'm playing to win.
[04:18:26] Hey Booth 3 is your dad?
[04:18:28] Yo, infected Gooch.
[04:18:30] Nice name bro and nice first message.
[04:18:31] first message. No further comment on that one, brother. I don't know why this guy's
[04:19:22] upset. I told you to come bot lane. You came bot, got two free kills. Like what's
[04:19:28] the problem man? Are you upset that you had to be told to come bot?
[04:19:32] Rubble lived by the way. Actually depending on how many times this
[04:20:44] Leona's gonna die outside of lane we might not be fine. I agree Thundercat.
[04:21:11] I was against it at first but nowadays I'm for it. Just no idea what's
[04:22:06] happening just walking around that terrible play.
[04:22:10] Four guys. Three in low masters, nothing.
[04:22:39] And then Troy in the way he plays it, he's emotional.
[04:22:42] He's literally seen my name this game and gotten emotional from the start.
[04:23:49] My belt doesn't want to play like this, okay?
[04:23:51] All right, I'm renext it.
[04:23:53] My Leona at 15 vision score.
[04:24:43] Angel drop award!
[04:25:12] He did that, giving the pull-belter treatment in rank Q
[04:25:29] with some pull-belter treatment.
[04:25:41] Top's the win con.
[04:25:47] Oh, you don't know?
[04:25:51] I'm un-edgin-ricated.
[04:25:53] Pretty stupid, I think Gwen had a TP on it.
[04:26:42] TP Nasty got a Order of the Place ward, so how's he at 20?
[04:27:00] Wait, so it's only getting one vision score a minute?
[04:27:03] Hey, do you carry Viable? Brand work still? Yeah, I think any mage bot lane's viable.
[04:27:47] Orders can be like 500, so we pick Brand, Bot, start sleeping and Trulie.
[04:28:25] Part of the process.
[04:28:27] Has been slain.
[04:28:45] Brayton, that sub, seems like a typical testicle, thank you.
[04:29:33] Ragn's gone, dude.
[04:29:35] You have to drop board and you play Nasus
[04:29:53] Don't give a fuck if your dodges is up or just dodging in. Where's my
[04:31:25] Top laner peeing me. I'm serious like he wants to win absolutely nothing. Dude. This guy is ass
[04:32:41] I mean crocking his warmong. Oh by it. Have you saw Leona flash Q'd into Kane's Spell Shield?
[04:33:28] There it is. Who's a jackass? This guy is coming.
[04:33:38] I mean, he does dip, he does dip, the league players are so weird, uh, just fucking weirdo.
[04:35:38] Puth taste, Puth taste, I like that name.
[04:35:55] The card that's normally I did, I mean my old actually smacked, play around, win only.
[04:36:12] I mean, the game's action-loseable, it was, now it is not, like nobody does anything
[04:37:22] or we wait for this Gwynn, like just a stream gap loss actually.
[04:38:47] You have a fucking degenerate retort that doesn't want to play just because I'm Tyler work
[04:38:52] I need time in this guy just trolling not kicking bot lane
[04:38:55] To preach man other free win what I'm saying is that that happened a lot more like usually people don't openly admit it
[04:39:20] Right, that's why this guy just does his shit, and I play against me afk cancer. Just shoot like this is
[04:39:30] Disgusting I think he didn't play it's worse than what his damage charts even says he didn't play any of the fights
[04:39:37] He was just asking watching everybody die from as soon as I told this guy. Yo, just gank bot lane
[04:39:42] It's free and he got two free kills from bot lane. He was just salty. It's a loser
[04:39:47] So it's weird shit man fucking league playing weirdos
[04:39:51] Barcode account name does it will help for like one game
[04:40:12] But all in his entire server watches stream made after Gwyn double top was so troll
[04:40:29] I mean if you watch any of fights, he wasn't doing anything
[04:40:33] He was literally just running around, stupid loser shit.
[04:40:55] I don't ban Gary anymore, I've been banning the new champ.
[04:41:08] And it's 207.95, true!
[04:41:10] About that Leona, okay, yes, but despite that Leona being fucking horrible, he was still
[04:41:32] pressing his buttons and using his HP bar if jungle wanted to win.
[04:41:35] And again, I mean this guy, dude, I got a free win against him, obviously I'm really
[04:41:52] at last cube.
[04:41:54] Brother, he said he already dodged, my man, you only play fucking masses.
[04:41:59] Gotta be like the handless most handless champion league dude. Okay. I get it. You dodged. Why are you picking Irelia?
[04:42:06] Why are you even going?
[04:42:08] Did you it is what is you have to dodge or just go NASA support?
[04:42:12] They don't play to win they play to make other people lose those neurotic
[04:42:20] psychos are 8 out of 10 players in a ram
[04:42:26] That's it. That's not what it was. That's the fit. I have no idea flow. New cart this way now
[04:43:14] We've been playing it a little bit. I don't know. I don't I've won more on Carthus than Brand
[04:43:28] Somehow I feel that brands just better though
[04:43:30] Like there's more in these cards those games were kind of getting like steam rolled early
[04:43:42] Brand it doesn't happen
[04:43:46] But did this okay, but to me the enemy team was not even warning they were at our turret the entire game
[04:43:53] With no sums we have a Leona. We have a Carthus wall. So that's in velvet again
[04:43:58] I play against that guy the AFK camp me
[04:44:02] The others had a literally right-click bot lane
[04:44:05] Like they're egoing
[04:44:06] Mine is four months. She's almost four
[04:44:24] Yeah, like the car this old to the sideline like that that good was unbeatable actually the wash
[04:44:38] I'm fucking win-lose win-lose win-lose win-lose win-lose
[04:45:09] Win-lose win-lose win-lose win-lose
[04:45:13] Make it stop those tomorrow. Oh shit. It is
[04:45:40] Fuck. I've been Redside almost... Wait, I've been Redside?
[04:46:13] Six straight games.
[04:46:17] God damn it. I needed to win.
[04:46:27] Oh, just get me these last six wins, holy fuck.
[04:46:30] I don't want BlueSide. I should be winning these RedSide games.
[04:46:53] But I'm saying, bro, why'd... By the way, why wouldn't fanboys just snipe and just like run it down for me?
[04:47:13] Why does that never happen, by the way?
[04:47:15] I like League players, oh their integrity is too, our morals are too high, we would never
[04:47:23] do that.
[04:47:24] We gotta play with honor, like nobody ever does that, right?
[04:47:29] When you get these bastards on my team and they'll make sure it's a loss, why is that
[04:47:33] a thing?
[04:47:34] Now that I think about it, you wanna win like that?
[04:47:43] Uh, yeah, I don't give a fuck.
[04:47:45] Fulker built like an articulated truck sheesh is this what they mean by that bond surely
[04:47:51] They can't mean this carved block of marble we see in the chair the art
[04:47:56] assembled
[04:47:57] Alternatively not glazing just factual
[04:48:01] Definitional truly T1 true bro true
[04:48:05] Thank you for that heartfelt message
[04:48:09] Peter did it through Peter did it long time ago
[04:48:15] And every game you lose some of your teams auto-filled. I mean any team support doesn't play support
[04:48:34] So I guess I had auto-filled jungle and support and I had a lot of support
[04:48:42] This question how long would it take you to reach the highest ringing valor if you actually tried a month?
[04:49:08] I'm a freak bro. I'm an FPS god
[04:49:11] Doing that diamond pretty fast that ever watched true. I did I cook talent didn't gifted. What can I say?
[04:50:23] If there's blue side maybe cuz I lose every game
[04:51:39] I
[04:51:56] Rooted stop I was smaller this game before we got a fiddle jungle and they like being solo AP outside of seraphine
[04:52:08] Seraphine, Sona, Janna, Hover, before I lock in 80 Kiri, Smulder always
[04:52:14] always
[04:52:16] Wait, the Nass is there
[04:53:00] Support, Sygonize, best of Smulder, I have no idea bro, fucking expert, I'm ass
[04:53:19] I bet I'm like if I knows and I'll work the bush man
[04:54:34] Going on for a maybe flash until that guy. I'm gonna miss this whole wave my shoes fucking
[04:55:33] Everything literally ran into him. I mean I just trying to save the dumb ass fiddle
[04:55:37] Bruin your life. I'm sick of it. I should recall for a moment. I'm sorry, please.
[04:57:24] You know how hard this is that matchup? I just made that up. I have no idea.
[04:58:02] You're always typing. I'm sure you gotta go.
[04:58:08] Hard what's up? Nin, Manny, the Wolf, or maybe a sub?
[04:58:16] Playing Super Vive? What's that?
[04:58:48] Oh, your drugs, bro. Sorry.
[04:59:04] All them Twitch app update? I've had in my app updated for two months.
[04:59:29] Again, worst update I've ever seen. Probably any company make ever.
[04:59:34] Completely killed twitch on mobile for me. I only watch it. I barely watch it on my computer. I only watch it on my TV now
[04:59:46] It's bad. It's really bad
[04:59:49] This Alistar is either win trading or on a film my asshole. I was all puckered up in the wrong
[05:00:50] in the right places
[05:00:53] Don't be that cringy dad, please
[05:01:55] Pinch is subjective do have six grubs little ones the way that a person does
[05:03:33] Wait, Camille popped off.
[05:03:35] Did she 2v1 him?
[05:04:02] Need that play!
[05:04:03] Some sus behavior.
[05:05:04] I don't think Milia or Alistar are trying to win.
[05:05:08] In fact, did you play in most of the Warcraft 3?
[05:05:25] I don't know.
[05:05:26] I can't remember.
[05:05:27] I played them all.
[05:05:28] Maybe the trees?
[05:05:30] I like how that orc guy, or the orc ones had like a master Yi.
[05:05:38] Right?
[05:05:39] Master Yi?
[05:05:40] Wait, wait.
[05:05:41] Lates of...
[05:05:42] Astro?
[05:06:31] The truth is my...
[05:06:33] I got a whole 0-4-5.
[05:07:04] They're gonna leave you lose? Why? Because you're useless?
[05:07:06] My king fucking low shit is behind me.
[05:07:32] Oh my god, the bros Thanos.
[05:07:34] Oh, shit.
[05:07:36] How does this suit look like? He's only like 250.
[05:08:14] And at 252.
[05:08:24] Wait, that's terrible.
[05:08:33] Wait, that's horrible.
[05:08:34] How do you almost one-shot my fucking support?
[05:08:36] You don't try to win this game anymore?
[05:08:50] I am.
[05:08:57] I'm trying to win, fuck out.
[05:09:34] Flash the wall.
[05:10:15] I think this Lilia and this Alistar are win trading.
[05:10:22] I don't know who or why, but they're trying to lose.
[05:10:43] For sure, for sure.
[05:10:46] They sniped you to give you the win?
[05:11:12] I'll never buy a Cybertruck.
[05:11:14] What the fuck, those are pieces of junk.
[05:11:18] On top of just being ugly as shit.
[05:12:02] Don't forget, way too expensive, yeah, that too.
[05:12:04] Obviously I should have killed Alistar and kept my...
[05:12:51] But you know what they say, hindsight's 70-40.
[05:12:54] Right.
[05:12:54] Ha ha.
[05:12:55] Get me all my stacks here.
[05:13:02] Can Link a good ad blocker?
[05:13:18] Nope.
[05:13:19] Sure I can't, bro.
[05:13:20] Thanks for asking, though.
[05:13:21] Bitch, I do.
[05:13:52] This game just always sucks, so I dropped her on me again.
[05:14:42] Bitch.
[05:15:36] I'm not afraid to use my fucking HP bar.
[05:15:38] In this game, plays their champion.
[05:15:55] This Camille is bad.
[05:16:07] This game? Yeah, I am.
[05:16:08] Like, what the fuck was that?
[05:16:19] Dude, no way this isn't a win trade.
[05:16:26] Wait, what the fuck was that?
[05:18:16] That is an exploit.
[05:18:18] 100%.
[05:18:19] Yeah, it was literally zero damage build LDR in this champ. I'm not sure but I'm going to get a two cage
[05:18:51] You got a 1.7k in the bar
[05:19:13] not hitting
[05:19:15] Are we recalling what are we doing?
[05:19:18] Made elder this Ezreal has a bounty at two four three though. God damn
[05:21:04] But the win-loss win-loss win-loss win-loss win-loss win-loss street continues. That's exciting
[05:21:10] You watch this Vaude. Bro, I'm pretty sure that was a bug.
[05:21:38] Are you bobbing so much that you're right where you belong? I guess.
[05:21:41] Let me see this.
[05:22:06] It shows it taking damage here, but that's not what I saw.
[05:22:17] Ah, visual bug. Okay, okay.
[05:22:24] Get this in the link to a mod.
[05:22:26] I'll watch it from the Vaude.
[05:22:32] I mean, it's time for your medicine, Unk.
[05:22:34] I know what I saw!
[05:22:37] I know it crazy
[05:22:42] Not gonna gas like me into thinking. I'm crazy. I'm not crazy
[05:22:51] I'm not crazy. Let's see this
[05:23:11] Yeah, thanks people aren't moving here
[05:23:30] Wait this guy's cheating
[05:23:35] Wait, what the fuck was that? Yeah, it literally wasn't moving wait this guy's cheating now. It does
[05:23:49] The visual bug I'll send it to my riot contact and get it handled. Don't worry guys. I got this
[05:23:57] Showed two point one K to one point one K. Yeah, I was just fucked. It's not me
[05:24:25] Yo, I want to try electric you a
[05:25:04] D-Bull sublime cheese quantum money Mike dookie cheese one day squad bros step subs up. Thanks. I
[05:25:12] Can't stop getting lost in those eyes Tyler. Thank you. They're beautiful. All right, please. Let me break the street
[05:25:54] please man please I just want to win please just challenger before Saturday
[05:26:02] please I need this for my brand it's good for business if I get challenger it's
[05:26:26] good for business that's not my problem music no only ready games almost every
[05:26:58] game today I don't know what's going on hey what's up to get up all right who
[05:27:15] again forgot about that auto that's the next it's done his fault was that well
[05:28:35] I have an army support so by default it's just not me fault so not me good with
[05:29:07] brand it's dog shit fucking low elo idiots remember when it used to be oh
[05:29:11] my god this guy's a Nautilus one shrimp as well and he's walking in Nami just
[05:29:18] because I'm fucking brand oh my god literally he only plays Nautilus
[05:29:26] every game fuck me I mean I like what a Nautilus game this would have been
[05:30:12] right damn she stayed alive forever fuck they didn't use any sons either really
[05:31:14] good booze that'd be max range wow damn almost 40 cases that we're getting
[05:31:47] elder ring next week on down the reminder I it's not I'm not dropping
[05:31:52] everything I'm doing as soon as we hit the goal I'll do it within like seven
[05:31:57] days of that reminder if we hit the goal well I got a lot of stuff playing
[05:32:18] Coming up during that I can't do it. So he's gonna wait with him the seven days so we make them so much you guys
[05:32:29] What I'll worry about the rules
[05:32:31] Worry about getting there it's odd because you mean else. Yes tomorrow Saturday Sunday
[05:34:09] So what the fuck am I
[05:34:42] I'm like here. It's fine. I'll grease it right back. I'm not sure I'm going to realize this game
[05:35:17] How do you decompress after work is a stressful demanding job?
[05:35:33] I'm just
[05:35:38] Compressed my entire life. Look your co-streamer benefit packages have kicked in red side every game
[05:35:47] They're right to give me a helping hand. I don't say I go for let me show you my matrix ass movement
[05:36:58] It had a dog. He's he's mad at Doug. He's mad at Doug. Come on. Let me show you. I
[05:37:06] I got moved!
[05:37:08] I thought he could play it, not really.
[05:38:41] Probably only a clan.
[05:38:43] I think he's the best by him.
[05:38:48] I'm really good at the game, but...
[05:39:06] A jungle, an idiot? Why's my jungle increasing, by the way?
[05:39:08] I'm gonna lash out at my jungle because I refuse to take responsibility for my actions.
[05:39:41] Let me go play Diego.
[05:39:43] I'm gonna be honest, there's kind of stuff here.
[05:40:14] So this is the new official Riot co-streamer.
[05:40:33] This is who Riot wants to co-stream.
[05:40:42] Cancel what bro? Wait what dude? What the fuck?
[05:41:33] Ah she's so bad, I just gave her some stuff, oh it's actually...
[05:41:35] Love how your new schedule prevents lots of EOS players from watching a new schedule.
[05:41:46] Zoning Bear actually did not have any cooldowns.
[05:43:37] 1...
[05:44:09] P...
[05:44:10] 9!
[05:44:11] Nice thing you pressed R there?
[05:44:19] What are you thinking about that R huh?
[05:44:21] Pretty cool wasn't it? Pretty good R.
[05:44:23] You're in front of me, you bag.
[05:44:46] Bag was low elo mentality on the greatest of the legends player to ever exist bro, and I'd live like a house that's true
[05:46:00] Make it makes it I have no man now that he did it. He said it big brother big brother
[05:46:33] We're gonna eat tattoos. You don't have any already. Nah, I don't mind that people get tattoos or have tattoos
[05:46:41] But me personally I never get one as of right now. I've never wanted my life
[05:46:58] Scared lol of what you West XYZ. Thanks to that rain, bro much needed
[05:47:48] Firstly, I already killed that guy.
[05:48:01] Eyebrows and Tattoo Draven Axes on top of them?
[05:49:05] Yeah, bro, you know, if I ever get a Tattoo, it'll definitely be, you know, something League of Legends related.
[05:49:13] For sure. Hell yeah, guys, hell yeah.
[05:49:16] That's grass. Can you imagine?
[05:49:25] 20k Subgull for Riot logo?
[05:50:34] Tattoo?
[05:50:35] How many? How many Sub would I need to have to get a Riot Games logo tattooed on my body?
[05:50:42] a million fuck no 500 million you have seen one million subs his parents like
[05:51:33] three million bucks after tax isn't it dude is a right game's logo worth three
[05:51:38] million dollars to you yes yes no dumb ass the new allows getting yeah I have
[05:53:15] it and I think it's my favorite a lot of skin FR stop typing man was that the
[05:53:38] Yeah, this shit
[05:54:18] Like real fuck surrendering am I right?
[05:54:24] So we're gonna play for elder 16k viewers and is asking for 20k subs. Okay, you know
[05:55:37] There's community dude some shivers have way more subs thought the league community fucking stingy
[05:55:51] commentary gameplay to end I talked to you pieces of shit more than anybody else
[05:55:57] right I
[05:55:59] put in 80 hour work weeks
[05:56:01] Etc. Etc. Etc.
[05:56:03] The least you could is $5 stuff.
[05:56:12] Also get benefit.
[05:56:13] Name one other streamer my size that talks to you guys more.
[05:56:34] Go.
[05:56:35] Also, we finally broke the streak.
[05:56:37] There's nobody.
[05:56:38] There's nobody.
[05:56:39] I'm sitting here reading your stupid bastard,
[05:56:54] the generate cringe messages all the time.
[05:56:58] You're gonna have a sub badge.
[05:56:59] I read your fucking pledge messages.
[05:57:01] Right?
[05:57:28] Great, it's ruined.
[05:57:33] was great GZ well my hip challenger can't move the webcam man this down shut the
[05:57:50] fuck up motherfuckers choking you guys out he had go to sleep yeah last thing
[05:58:01] you're gonna see right here fuckers let me fix this it's his dump bar killer out
[05:58:21] on the back of my shit hell no driving crazy not right like to down now
[05:59:17] It's fine
[05:59:37] It's fine, it's fine
[05:59:48] Yeah
[05:59:53] Good one bro
[05:59:54] Ha ha ha
[05:59:56] Set 3
[06:00:01] You know that sub the orange stupid subs as well. Let me get from a sub isn't it shit worthless, bro
[06:00:21] I play six minutes of ads an hour
[06:00:23] Dodging the ads is worth the sub
[06:00:26] It really is
[06:00:33] Ad block easy. Okay, but there's people that don't have ad block like what is your reasoning for not something?
[06:00:43] If you're an avid if you're an a viewer of mine, and you don't have ad block. Why are you not sub?
[06:00:50] Tell me tell me why spite
[06:00:55] Out of what you're jealous or what is I'm poor. It's five dollars
[06:01:09] I'm I'm asking you to skip one meal go to bed hungry. No just just eat a burger
[06:01:16] Go to bed hungry one night and sub and you can the value you'll get in the education in the wisdom
[06:01:21] You'll get from that one moment that you
[06:01:25] Were watching an ad and you didn't hear the educational piece of knowledge
[06:01:29] I said that would probably pay pay kin fold over in the future like I give I give life advice, bro
[06:01:36] And you miss it because you're watching an ad. It's an investment. It's worth it
[06:01:42] Pillow knows five gifts. I watch the ad so you paid. That's facts. Thanks, bro
[06:02:04] Medusa maxing on subs for any big ol rhyming on subs. Well, no will lamp at turbo's low-key broken
[06:02:24] But don't tell anybody. Oh nice Luke. Thanks, bro. Good luck. So the down little I think it is too
[06:02:35] But it's just the way it is it is I thought you didn't want to play that dog shit clunky game
[06:02:57] Yeah, but dude it's a bit embarrassing no offense the us all as a community to start the stream and see it go up
[06:03:05] 100 in six hours like bro. That's a bit embarrassing. I'm not gonna lie and it's a bit of a just took it off
[06:03:31] Challenger before a co-stream. I donate 20 subs bit the option to actually add the timer snapple
[06:03:56] Syrac, Vujeno, Subz, Kubiz, Meg, Ryan, Franny, what's up. True though, I have one of the oldest viewer bases on Twitch,
[06:04:09] on Ironically, like actually, and I think we just realized that, you know, we're becoming adults now in the world.
[06:04:17] We don't have money like that.
[06:04:20] It's true. I'm a young 29. Awesome, Vujeno, Subz.
[06:04:44] Never do giveaways, and I'll never do a goddamn giveaway.
[06:04:46] the fuck were there pizza party fuck that
[06:05:06] hella man of flow read for one more I
[06:05:30] already got 50 I see you playing body of
[06:05:48] Soraka support I think it's good
[06:05:50] Soraka is very good really tilted fuck
[06:07:13] are you doing dumb ass
[06:07:29] brand new such vibes mage bot I'm just
[06:07:39] chilling NASA's main today
[06:07:56] idea
[06:08:17] I don't
[06:08:31] God damn you Soraka. God damn you Soraka. You wench. I'm completely butchering this CS by the way we actually
[06:09:19] Don't really have a lead on me at all. It's all Soraka. She's Soraka's got two solo plates
[06:09:25] A kill or should I instantly peed when he got dope and just played for the wave?
[06:09:46] That's who's really strong. I'm so fucking crispy.
[06:10:49] I'll play you better to get you start to piss me off me. I want kills. I want kills
[06:11:49] I want kills I want the kills wait my stock got another playbomb
[06:12:04] But your social begging for subs not begging. I'm just saying
[06:12:22] I'm just like making a good point. I want another place to rock up. I don't think she should start roaming. I did that. Oh
[06:13:18] My god, there's so pissed
[06:13:20] They have to FF, right?
[06:13:24] 3k subs to go, thank you, Missy.
[06:13:47] My support's lagged me for God knows how long, what do you mean it's you?
[06:14:23] He's your AD, I'm the AD, I am the main character.
[06:14:28] I didn't scar us sail to the street that he would punch you in the face if he ever met you again, IRL.
[06:14:39] What?
[06:14:40] Share the gold, bro.
[06:15:43] Jesus, where did she go?
[06:15:45] I'm gonna try it tonight.
[06:16:05] I think we get 700 LP and that put us four wins away tomorrow.
[06:16:09] And that's doable.
[06:16:11] Well, because I still stream on Saturday before LCS, so I can win a couple games then.
[06:16:34] Oh, but what update?
[06:16:36] Somebody said, why do you steroids, bruh?
[06:16:55] And then somebody responded, he is maddy like the Rock or the Liver King.
[06:17:01] Liver King is natural.
[06:17:03] Liver King is not natural?
[06:17:11] Oh my god. That was natural.
[06:17:17] That was your last month, man. Shut up.
[06:17:38] I had a bad set of games. I dropped P2.
[06:17:41] You tried to R that. I think that was a juicy.
[06:18:07] This Kai'Sa has not had a fun game at any point, man.
[06:18:11] Oh, what's up, you that sub?
[06:18:34] Yeah, I did, deadliess.
[06:18:42] Well, I didn't go past this.
[06:20:04] PorkyQ, did he Q? I don't think he Q'd.
[06:20:07] We're in this today!
[06:20:16] You almost got T1.
[06:20:21] You know, you almost caught.
[06:20:22] You can hit yes, man.
[06:21:21] where I was playing Bewitching Trist skin.
[06:21:35] That was 132 CS
[06:21:40] with 17 minutes
[06:21:42] end of the game.
[06:21:57] I wasted 2k on that skin.
[06:22:00] It was Bewitching Trist and Firefighter Tristana.
[06:22:04] I bought like, I spent so much money unboxing things
[06:22:07] and I didn't even end up getting it from the unboxing.
[06:22:10] I also had Kayla mystery gift me
[06:22:13] from her account and I actually got it from a mystery gift.
[06:22:16] from Kayla gifting me clip hold I guess that wasn't 20 what are we still paying
[06:23:07] this fucking game bro like everybody else gets 15 minute ffs I'm not so off
[06:23:16] stream I admit it I was going through like a hundred op dot gg okay I was like
[06:23:20] maybe maybe I'm delusional it's me and I would randomly click opg's every
[06:23:26] Every single person had at least one FF, one 15 minute win in their last 20 games.
[06:23:33] If not, they had one in their last 40.
[06:23:37] Mine is 100 games and it's one FF and it happened yesterday.
[06:23:48] Like these freaks literally don't FF just to play on stream.
[06:23:57] But it's an actual thing.
[06:23:59] And with 20 games you had an FF, no a 20 minute, a sub 20 minute win.
[06:24:34] I never get sub 20 minute wins
[06:24:39] Tell me where she would have been. Yeah, I'm blacklisted, bro
[06:24:42] No, she won is in the gas
[06:24:56] Don't ff down 15k gold at 15 don't ff. That doesn't even ask a
[06:25:31] Her tops literally ask as well asking for special treatment. I'm just asking for equal treatment. That's it
[06:26:03] That's all I'm asking for right 686
[06:26:17] We're now four wins away from challenger
[06:26:22] Four wins away. I'm swapping accounts. Four wins away from Challenger. I get this win and we are Challenger before Saturday.
[06:26:42] Tomorrow we're Challenger Saturday. If it hits Challenger today, I can't stream like that. Four wins at least four hours.
[06:27:04] I can't do that. I'm a father.
[06:27:14] High Tyler it is against the summoner's code to give up at the game
[06:27:18] Always try your hardest until the Nexus explodes. That's the only moment the game is truly over
[06:27:24] Dude, until then keep fighting and never lose hope
[06:27:28] Like that is dude. I'm sorry like the summer's code like that is mentally unwell
[06:27:33] No normal functioning person would ever do that. I'm not I'm not kidding
[06:27:37] If like if an a normal person is not having fun or not like having an enjoyable experience in the game
[06:27:44] they're just gonna leave. This is only like like a weird like gaming circle thing. For instance,
[06:27:55] if you took like Dwayne de Rock Johnson and you put him in a league match and he's just getting
[06:27:59] killed over and over again, bro, he's gonna stand up and leave the game. So I would wager that
[06:28:06] normal functioning people act like I do in games. What I do is normal. What you do is normal
[06:28:36] amount. Yes, it is. And what's up? I did indeed win every game for the rest of the day, bro.
[06:28:53] It's challenger at like 750. It's 4 wins. I can see it now guys. It's gonna be so much fun.
[06:29:11] Clip this and show it to me tomorrow.
[06:29:16] Oh, I can see it now. I'm gonna start stream tomorrow. Boom win.
[06:29:21] Boom win. Boom win. Boom win! Four game winning streak. I slump accounts. We
[06:29:30] We commenced Operation Gearing gutted the rest of the day.
[06:29:36] Saturday's a breeze.
[06:29:37] I'll be so happy and I'm gonna have so much fun and I'm gonna be laughing a lot.
[06:29:53] Blow up football game.
[06:29:54] So even the kid just leave the house, not saying the ransom or a theft, you can't
[06:29:57] lose.
[06:29:58] It's not the same.
[06:30:01] You can have your other football teammates.
[06:30:04] Your other football teammates aren't gonna be trying to intentionally lose you the
[06:30:10] game.
[06:30:55] 770 so five wins horrible twitch update for mobile we've been talking about it all day
[06:31:28] I can't believe they actually went through it. I was I was to gotten it so much earlier than you guys
[06:31:34] Because it's wild and it's like there's no way that that people like me that got the early access of it
[06:31:39] Was like comp like saying it was good. Nobody. There's no way and I cannot leave it pushed it onto everybody
[06:31:45] It is so bad
[06:32:12] What's bad about it it dude
[06:32:25] Here, I'm gonna show you guys one thing. If you don't have the mobile app updated
[06:32:34] right now, this is what the home screen looks like. So it's like, for instance,
[06:32:42] look at this, perfect. I literally just opened the app. I don't even follow this
[06:32:59] channel, by the way. That's it. And again, I didn't click anything. That's me
[06:33:08] just opening the app. That's the first thing I see. And I scroll down. Here
[06:33:13] is the second thing I see I don't even follow us on I'm just saying no offense
[06:33:21] I'm just saying like there's nothing personal I just don't give a shit about
[06:33:27] politics yeah it's disgusting well every time I do that like fucks up my camera I
[06:33:41] forgot I was a little scared I still have the old one and hold on to it for as
[06:34:03] long as you can bro yes and in order to see people you want to actually want
[06:34:23] to watch it to hit the following at the UI it's weird it's just so bad it's
[06:34:26] It's up!
[06:34:30] Riot fix it.
[06:34:32] Fuck Twitch.
[06:34:33] Riot fix it.
[06:34:34] I'm just gonna blame Riot.
[06:34:39] Boost upper what's up.
[06:35:16] I don't really give a damn.
[06:35:17] Damn.
[06:35:18] Don't swap.
[06:35:42] Just give it to me.
[06:36:14] Didn't you bully Sitchoies for months about playing Garen?
[06:36:17] First of all, I don't know who that is.
[06:36:19] Second of all, the champ's broken, so I'm playing him to show how broken he is.
[06:36:25] So you guys play him, and if we all play him, and we all like win, he'll eventually
[06:36:31] get nerfed.
[06:36:32] Operation GGG get garen good simple beginning and buffed at this rate
[06:36:54] So I win rate on him. Okay, but I am limit testing so I can abuse how broke me. He is
[06:37:06] You don't understand focus up. Yo, let me carry. Oh, we love
[06:37:56] Here's really complicated so makes me a limit test so much bro
[06:37:59] You need to learn the absolute peak of your character to know what situation you can win
[06:38:05] Fight in you don't pick a new champion and just play safe the whole time. That's not how you win
[06:38:11] I promise I promise you're not gonna improve like that if you pick it if you pick it or chip and just play to not die. Oh
[06:38:18] I don't know what to do. I'm not gonna fight
[06:38:20] You're never gonna get better. How does it feel to be playing with?
[06:38:30] With me guys to be honest. Are you shaking slash nervous in real life?
[06:38:38] exciting oh okay that's excited I just tried to smite that camp hill how it
[06:39:43] works that you're supposed to play by the way so if my the net see this is how
[06:39:49] well I was trying to do it a while ago if my door is like full cleared it's
[06:39:56] worth because I pulled the wave so it pushes I gotta pull the wave first
[06:40:07] Imagine if I don't just like AFK farm, like all-all causes camps are gone.
[06:40:31] Causes camp.
[06:40:32] That's just like...
[06:40:33] Come in that game.
[06:40:34] Imagine like how he's feeling mentally.
[06:40:36] Ooh, I almost got every single...
[06:40:55] I actually have a 4 CS lead.
[06:41:19] My guess, crushing.
[06:41:20] I was just towering.
[06:41:25] I'm not gonna read your message anymore, bro.
[06:41:29] These guys lost.
[06:41:38] Actually, well, let's...
[06:41:43] Eh, let's get a neighbor to try to do that for a while.
[06:41:45] Yeah, I've- I've did that like 4...
[06:41:47] Garen games.
[06:41:48] Damn, she still has pot.
[06:42:23] Bro, my E, dancing in my E does not reduce cooldown.
[06:42:55] No way!
[06:42:58] Bro, I had such a good back there, fuck you, Riot!
[06:43:12] Whatever.
[06:43:14] Last time I played this matchup, it went way worse than the beginning.
[06:43:18] I'm gonna spawn kill this piece of fucking shit.
[06:43:20] I can add it for Nimbus Cloak.
[06:43:33] I use it late.
[06:43:47] Yes, like a flick!
[06:43:48] How about that?
[06:44:54] That was clean, wasn't it?
[06:44:59] Haha!
[06:45:16] This fucking character.
[06:45:17] The demolar one that doesn't even go together. You can't just add that.
[06:45:43] Bro, you can't like add Y-L-E-R-1 to things and be like,
[06:45:50] Gotcha! My first time not banning Camille and it's like, how can he get the picks when I pick Garen?
[06:46:08] But, last time I won.
[06:46:52] I, uh, just put Camille on a pull-the-wave.
[06:46:56] I'll just do this.
[06:46:57] Wait, no way that guy doesn't go there.
[06:47:25] One shot you fucking little dog dumbass bitch nice pick idiot. That's the ref effing
[06:48:14] Nice Camille pick low e low
[06:48:20] Never forget where you stand in society and never forget where I stand me at the top you
[06:48:30] At the bottom but you're fine Chris
[06:48:44] the first of many
[06:48:51] Yep smart choice
[06:49:34] Think I didn't pick Tom Kinch? I would have beat Tom Kitch's if I was playing seriously
[06:49:43] I mean maybe these guys won, if that's cause it's always their top side behind
[06:50:08] Top and mid
[06:50:13] I'm gonna tell ya, this Camille is gonna have no fun
[06:50:16] COMPLEUR ONE!
[06:50:48] It's over, Camille. Give up.
[06:51:05] Passive.
[06:51:07] It's just like one shot.
[06:51:09] Fuck it up.
[06:51:31] And man, that's...
[06:51:45] What's up, brother?
[06:51:51] Run to the...
[06:51:52] Cause it's isolation.
[06:51:53] Nice, yeah, bro.
[06:51:54] You wouldn't have done that.
[06:51:55] Not you.
[06:51:56] You're too good, right?
[06:51:57] Too high rated.
[06:51:58] Yeah, no shit, you see.
[06:52:24] Guys actually just can't win.
[06:53:00] Why is people don't ever go demolish on Garen?
[06:53:02] Because it's like not needed.
[06:53:04] I mean tell me what other champion is fucking doing that to Camille. Seriously. Seriously.
[06:53:32] I try to stay fucked. Trindermere maybe. I feel like she can run. She can't even run
[06:53:51] because she's silent. I'm not even spiked. Yeah and it's easy to do. Piss easy. Takes
[06:54:08] no skit like this is the easiest shit. You actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
[06:54:18] What a hero you playin'?
[06:54:20] Great question, I'm not sure bro.
[06:54:23] Marvel, my business email is in the description and my DMs are open on Twitter, so...
[06:54:28] I hope, probably.
[06:54:55] Yes, Ant-Man, the classic guy, good job.
[06:54:58] Very funny again.
[06:55:04] I don't know all the characters.
[06:55:05] Lucky little fuckin' twerp.
[06:56:48] Let's stay top with dragon spawning.
[06:56:50] Who is the dog, Lulu?
[06:56:52] I kinda just want a flash on her, you're right.
[06:56:54] I'll let her, I'll let her.
[06:57:15] Gonna held that probably.
[06:57:16] New kickoff rule in football. Yes, sir with the riff charged twice you are so terrible at the game by the way I
[06:57:45] Will flash one shot you
[06:57:48] And you're on my screen. I love you T1
[06:58:15] wait, this is wait this Lulu's boosted
[06:58:18] They're they're jungler. I think that
[06:58:23] They're for sure a girl Jesse bear
[06:58:25] To snop to not me bear or the fuck that is bear
[06:58:30] Thank I hope you only love you big team as they should I'm the greatest bro as they should oh yeah come here Lulu
[06:59:13] Come here Lulu
[06:59:25] They go bot lane
[07:00:33] What the fuck it's like so dumb it's like you eat it is eat it much really not bud by the way
[07:00:52] I think it's bug like it's doing double the damage it should it is too much
[07:01:26] Like full damage the promise I'll take you still are I mean if they made him not tanky this build would be dead true
[07:01:32] It's the one shot
[07:01:34] Well, she bush she's
[07:02:01] See ya what I want to be ya idiot fuck off my screen pussy boy
[07:02:28] Why are you so good on Garen man?
[07:02:33] I'm just gonna do everything I do bro, what can I say?
[07:02:38] I'm on operation, get Garen gutted, yes, but I'm not playing that many games right now.
[07:02:56] After we get Challenger on my other account, then I'll like fully commit to this.
[07:03:00] Why are we not on Baron?
[07:03:28] Actual salaries are being paid, and make sure this doesn't happen by the way.
[07:03:32] Dude, that's like, okay, the right devs are like for sure in peak Baron mode.
[07:03:38] Don't lose to me.
[07:03:49] What was I saying?
[07:03:51] The devs are like peak garen, like newbie elo.
[07:03:53] Like the silver gold players, that bad.
[07:03:55] Don't be broke.
[07:04:03] Don't end, don't end.
[07:04:28] Play for fun, play for fun.
[07:04:38] Play for fun, play for fun.
[07:05:24] No, I don't want to flash for that guy.
[07:05:29] I want to save my flash for the lulu.
[07:05:59] Never advice a bad limit testing.
[07:06:01] Oh, by the way, your mom hates you, bro.
[07:06:03] Oh, and you're dead.
[07:06:05] And your grandma, and your entire family.
[07:06:07] Keep maxing.
[07:06:09] Maybe you could help being bored next month, spending your shoulder budget on getting the subs for stream, you'll be the blame, you monster.
[07:06:22] So, loseable by the way? Not at all. I'm playing gear.
[07:06:27] Think of these guys as the all chat buff.
[07:06:35] You can get an FF, by the way.
[07:06:39] You won't win.
[07:07:00] Well, that's 10% win rate. I even gave them the all chat buff.
[07:07:07] Okay?
[07:07:10] I'd be a sixth loser.
[07:08:43] Finally.
[07:08:44] Oh, it's a fuckin' demon!
[07:09:01] Nah!
[07:09:03] That's what I'm trying to do, Talon.
[07:09:10] I'm gonna buy this, fuck it.
[07:09:14] Tyler, is such a toxic piece of shit for no reason?
[07:09:20] Bro, what are you doing?
[07:09:22] What?
[07:09:24] I called him a loser, by the way.
[07:09:27] And you called me a toxic piece of shit for no reason.
[07:09:31] Because I called this guy a loser.
[07:09:34] Are you okay?
[07:09:35] Are you a redditor?
[07:09:40] Are you a redditor?
[07:09:51] I was wasting 35 minutes.
[07:09:53] I need me, actually. I'm pretty important.
[07:10:07] Wait for that Lulu flash
[07:10:24] Oh, I've been dying fucking bullshit. There are team cups annoying. What do you want me to do?
[07:11:31] Are you guys serving GG floor? We haven't won. We win this easy.
[07:11:48] Here, limit that six. I can't even get in.
[07:12:20] I'm slowed by Cosyx even after I press Q.
[07:12:23] Lulu's up fucking slowing, Parma's slowing. Polymorph.
[07:12:27] Knockup.
[07:12:28] Caves over on this bearer.
[07:12:51] Sick supers.
[07:13:07] Okay, but if we actually die here, then I think we must if we get ace it's a lot
[07:13:13] Not gonna happen, but if gotta hear you pussies move thought
[07:13:46] Motherfuck and your emerald that's in the day. No, but now by getting the Lulu. Let's go free the what's up?
[07:14:21] Are you guys calling me bald by the way? Oh, this is like a normal thing. This is my last game
[07:14:31] Why is that a normal thing nowadays? All right, I'll ask him
[07:14:53] overall good day
[07:14:55] we
[07:14:56] 6 and 4 in a main, we're 4 wins away from Challenger.
[07:15:02] Co-stream on Saturday, so I just need to go net 4 tomorrow.
[07:15:07] 4 fun, and it's just vibes perma.
[07:15:12] We're gonna make it, we're gonna make it, maybe we're doing it.
[07:15:14] We are doing it.
[07:15:17] Uh, anyway, and then for us, tell the subs, the deez, the follow-ups,
[07:15:21] on my Twitter, I actually tweeted, on my Insta,
[07:15:24] a squad, we out in this month.
[07:15:26] We out in this bitch mother.
[07:15:28] FUCK OUT!
[07:15:30] Now with that being said, I'll see you ugly, loser, bastard, ain't never gonna make it ass tomorrow.