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07-29-2024 · 10h 12m

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loltyler1 VODs on twitch
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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.

[00:00:00] .
[00:00:05] . My King, my king how was I supposed to know
[00:00:21] Everyone will fall till when you die
[00:00:27] And as we speak the army of our enemy
[00:00:31] Is approaching our gates, we cannot fly approaching so Behold my son, there's a way to save you all
[00:01:05] Don't you despair, don't be petrified
[00:01:09] There is an arm of ancient magic made it strong
[00:01:15] And you shall wear it
[00:01:18] when you face the fight
[00:01:21] This crown has
[00:01:22] one goddess to
[00:01:24] take your host knight
[00:01:26] The heart of the lord
[00:01:28] will fall of its race
[00:01:31] The firmament has been answered
[00:01:37] How deadly is sacred love? Ahhhhhhh!
[00:01:54] Well done my son, it's the way to save you all
[00:02:00] But don't you think the realms we've purified
[00:02:04] The creatures of darkness are still longing for your fall
[00:02:10] Keep control
[00:02:11] It's time to smite and ignite
[00:02:14] This harness
[00:02:15] will guide us
[00:02:17] through the years of night
[00:02:20] And our bones
[00:02:21] will fall with its grace
[00:02:25] The thorn never helped us
[00:02:28] We had to lie
[00:02:31] Our deadliest fate we embraced I can hear the saints being raised so My King, my king, how was I supposed to know
[00:03:05] Everyone will falter when you die
[00:03:11] This harness will guide us through dangerous night
[00:03:17] It unwinds the fallen strings
[00:03:23] The foreman who helped us began to hide For a male who can't push the engine
[00:03:28] How deadly is the fate we embrace?
[00:03:38] My son's my brother
[00:03:39] Well, well, well
[00:03:43] You is
[00:03:44] RB back at it
[00:03:46] but yet.
[00:03:51] Hug in.
[00:03:52] Sub-sub!
[00:03:54] Subity sub-sub!
[00:03:57] We're back on this beautiful Monday afternoon.
[00:03:59] I got a lot going on guys, not gonna a little bit busy you recall about a year ago we had floor people come right and i'll sing every stream
[00:04:06] oh the four people are here the four people are here well it turns out those floors
[00:04:12] were terrible and that we pretty much got scammed and
[00:04:15] they were all broken within a month so whatever
[00:04:19] we got a new floor people here right now we have new
[00:04:22] four people here re redoing it so there's a lot of banging a lot of you
[00:04:27] know yelling you know, yelling.
[00:04:32] You know?
[00:04:33] You guys can't hear it yet but it's just like
[00:04:34] drilling into my ear
[00:04:37] since 8 a.m.
[00:04:39] over and over again
[00:04:41] I went
[00:04:42] downstairs to
[00:04:43] lift
[00:04:43] I couldn't
[00:04:46] escape it
[00:04:47] bro
[00:04:47] so
[00:04:48] yes
[00:04:49] I'm gonna be a
[00:04:50] little bit on
[00:04:50] edge okay So, yes. I'm going to be a little bit on edge. Okay? We didn't have a good lift today though. Right? It was hang clean back. It was beautiful. Left it got big sticking with it. Still had the pre-workout, still
[00:05:03] had the protein, right?
[00:05:05] I will say though, not making
[00:05:07] an excuse, I'm just saying
[00:05:09] my computer reset
[00:05:13] over the night
[00:05:15] and when I was brushing
[00:05:17] my teeth
[00:05:18] I don't know what
[00:05:19] happened
[00:05:19] but I got toothpaste
[00:05:21] in my right eye
[00:05:22] so
[00:05:22] not coping it's I got toothpaste in my right eye. So, not
[00:05:24] coping. It's true. I did.
[00:05:26] It is what it is. I'm just saying
[00:05:28] it could affect my performance
[00:05:30] today. Right?
[00:05:32] Just letting you guys know. Anyway, in case
[00:05:35] you missed it, we had another solid
[00:05:37] action-packed hard do for her by the way
[00:05:39] Action-packed day
[00:05:40] 5 and 1 I get another 100
[00:05:43] LP where actually six...
[00:05:48] Six wins away, I believe? From Challenger?
[00:05:51] Sorry if-if I stop pausing, I'm like listening downstairs
[00:05:56] Just so you guys know
[00:05:59] uh i'm at 622 lpgm six wins away from challenger i could get that today
[00:06:05] i think it might be seven actually
[00:06:09] also in like three hours i gotta take a business call so
[00:06:12] i might have to afk for like 15 minutes just saying shoot up Just saying. Shoot up.
[00:06:23] I can't focus.
[00:06:28] I was downstairs
[00:06:30] last time they were here
[00:06:34] It's like, I can hear it through my headset
[00:06:36] and through my doors And my walls
[00:06:39] And its like piercing going to my soul
[00:06:41] Why are those 5 subs
[00:06:47] Up since 4m. like bro we're all gonna make it hey to the streamers gone on killed off Astro. Can you bring him back to this?
[00:07:00] He's not dead. I just saw him today actually.
[00:07:03] Also wait that puts us at 12k exactly!
[00:07:07] 8000 away from the Elden Ring Marathon
[00:07:10] You think you guys can hit it?
[00:07:10] I mean there's like 25 days left.
[00:07:12] The pace has slowed down.
[00:07:14] Regardless, it doesn't matter to me because if we don't hit it
[00:07:17] you guys are not...
[00:07:18] You do not get refunded.
[00:07:21] Dude, imagine it's the last day
[00:07:23] you're at 19.9k
[00:07:25] none of you guys are getting refunded and I'm
[00:07:27] not playing Elden Ring just saying
[00:07:29] you better pray to God if you've already subbed, that the others
[00:07:32] join in. I'm not kidding!
[00:07:34] And there's... By the way,
[00:07:36] there's no like pity.
[00:07:38] Like, we're not gonna be at like
[00:07:40] 19.8k and you guys are like no t1 come on bro it's so close
[00:07:45] maybe you could give to us 200 no i know i'm not dude no
[00:07:48] no by the way let me make that clear and there will be no kayla helping either don't get
[00:07:55] that twisted i won't let that happen yo net or you name it that's those five gifted subs
[00:08:06] what's the deadline i don't know exactly no i don't know when we started
[00:08:12] and i got a lot of stuff planned i I'm not gonna lie. You'll see. up
[00:08:29] what if mind controls me nah not again
[00:08:33] not again i'm more mentally prepared i won't let that hag win
[00:08:37] how'd you get in the league? uh, i played a lot of old school rootscape private servers and one
[00:08:44] my friends at the time recommended it to me when it first got released, so we all played it together and haven't played since.
[00:08:54] When has there been a hype train? Kayla fucking...
[00:08:57] So, Kayla's 100% on your side.
[00:09:00] Kayla thinks Elden Ring is the greatest game ever made and she's trying to get me to play Bloodborne
[00:09:04] And Dark Souls again for like actually five years.
[00:09:08] The game is actually so trashed.
[00:09:10] It's not a good game.
[00:09:11] Like I said before,
[00:09:12] it's a clunky
[00:09:13] intentionally hard game
[00:09:16] but it's not because
[00:09:17] it's just clunky. Because things don't
[00:09:19] work as they should. There is no actual
[00:09:21] joy to it. People only enjoy watching
[00:09:23] other people play it because
[00:09:25] society is fucked up
[00:09:27] nowadays and we all like like seeing people mad.
[00:09:29] It is, it's true!
[00:09:30] Right?
[00:09:31] Viewers only want streamers to play it so they can watch their streamer get mad.
[00:09:34] That's it.
[00:09:35] That's it... I'm actually those five good subs ooh
[00:09:53] brand-band strike art this I play it's
[00:09:55] the real Phantom Lord everyone one want
[00:10:00] one week exposure paid vacation thanks to it hey doc send that tier three again brother i got you I actually like AP bot nowadays because a lot of of 80s 180. A lot of mids 180.
[00:10:26] Slim what's up?
[00:10:30] I would love to play Overwatch, you know?
[00:10:34] Overwatch coming back.
[00:10:37] I heard with the 6v6 game mode double tanking it.
[00:10:38] Hey Blizzard!
[00:10:40] Hey!
[00:10:44] Overwatch, the greatest game in the world for a little...
[00:10:49] Hey Overwatch I'll go back to 14 hour days on Blizzard.
[00:10:52] I'll go back to 14 hour days of Overwatch for a little...
[00:10:55] They're saying! The M's are open. This is the most there
[00:10:57] for you guys.
[00:10:59] Okay, the 14 hour Overwatch
[00:11:01] streams were not sponsored by the way.
[00:11:03] It was like 2 hours a day like four times the rest i played because i wanted What exactly is the only game you can play in a ring without Marathon or Stormlight of
[00:11:23] Pity with love for us How are you running out of money man why so many cash grabs no hate
[00:11:40] i'm legitimately just wondering what do you mean bro i'm working
[00:11:50] you What are you guys mad about? Dude, it's not even like cash grabs.
[00:11:52] What're you talking about? Name one cash grab
[00:11:54] You guys are gonna say backseat
[00:11:56] But backseat is honest to god the future and if you guys could see how much it's improved
[00:12:00] with everything we're doing behind the scenes it's actually going to be good actually i said
[00:12:04] actually gonna be good like just wait and see it is i don't i told you guys why i don't fucking
[00:12:11] advertise anymore because we actually had too many people
[00:12:15] using it and we were losing money because we
[00:12:18] had to pay for the AI bandwidth or
[00:12:20] bullshit, servers whatever. We were losing some money because people were using it so they told me not
[00:12:24] advertising it that's what happened. Don't advertise as much
[00:12:28] waiting until it's better brought Texas speech back bro I bought
[00:12:45] I brought Texas speech back and fucking
[00:12:47] last year right before me and E-Rob did the bet,
[00:12:52] that 24 hour stream bet. That's not what it is.
[00:12:57] And that was from chat asking. king I have not, Darsif.
[00:13:26] What do we got here? I haven't played Karthus in a while
[00:13:28] This is my first game
[00:13:33] Let's see actually
[00:13:40] oh i played him a couple times
[00:13:49] play ultimate escape between League Queues? Kylo's really bad right now? I'm not sure!
[00:13:51] I've played against a few Karthus bot lanes and they seemed...
[00:13:57] Normal. Like it didn't seem like it was bad. Oh, never mind. Minions have spawned.
[00:14:07] Oh, never mind. Sorry I thought
[00:14:11] Lucian was dead and uh you know...
[00:14:15] Oh is this Aesop? Wait is this A$AP?
[00:14:17] Wait, is this
[00:14:18] A$AP playing from EU?
[00:14:23] That's a YouTube. Hi, YouTube!
[00:14:31] ... hello youtube
[00:14:33] yep we're on A
[00:14:35] hello YouTube
[00:14:42] he's gonna put that in a YouTube short. I promise this guy is not hitting on me.
[00:14:55] Come at ya! Definitely notice the damage on a Wu-Ho. It's actually a lot.
[00:14:57] Usually I do 84 damage, right? It's actually a lot.
[00:15:02] Because usually I do 84 damage per ice cube
[00:15:06] Not 80, that adds up If it hits like 3 cubes, that's like 12 damage
[00:15:10] Got my mouse three cues that's like well damaged
[00:15:36] yeah my mouse is fucked up. My vehicle might get invaded. I'll end this mess!
[00:15:49] They should know that, it's like a basic Shaco thing.
[00:15:51] We'll always die to that.
[00:15:52] Kinda fucked here by the way. Just do nothing, bro like push your Mac
[00:16:12] pays you back everything I've ever
[00:16:13] spinner thanks well Don't worry.
[00:16:15] Hey glad to see you started a family love-time with me! Pray for your family good health and well being! You too Mexican!
[00:16:23] Oh this guy lost his whole boss side.
[00:16:25] Okay, the game's over then.
[00:16:33] Come ass.
[00:17:00] Bro, people not care not care like not understand what shaco does I think my support's gapped. that level one trade was fucking stupid huh
[00:17:02] I think my support's gapped by a player playing on literally 200 things by the way
[00:17:13] this can't be right must be seeing things uh here I'm just gonna roam.
[00:17:46] I mean, we don't really deserve to win if
[00:17:48] 213 supports eating the fuck out of us, right?
[00:17:52] On roll.
[00:17:53] Unless my Leona's autofill.
[00:17:55] I'll play.
[00:17:57] Um...
[00:17:58] Oh it's a Pyke one trick!
[00:17:59] This guy has a 35% win rate on Leona. So it just poor fight. you did. got him
[00:18:40] gotta lay the plate. Can't be fucked. so we're here for a sick five man on the grubbies though I'll dive this, I'm a sociopath. okay Absolutely one of the nine mean machines Absolutely 1v9
[00:19:37] Mean Machine
[00:19:41] Can I build first? I can't play Karthus in a while It says this.
[00:19:56] This can't be right.
[00:19:57] Is it not?
[00:19:58] This.
[00:20:04] I'll go Faded Ashes.
[00:20:11] Maybe. Maron, what's up?
[00:20:13] Comment at 15.
[00:20:19] Dude, this item Well the torch item isn't good either has been slain
[00:20:59] kind of autopil it back bot lane.
[00:21:21] I fall. is the content you to watch it here what does that mean look at twitch and talk
[00:21:22] shit all the time in your stream?
[00:21:25] You're one of the good ones bro.
[00:21:26] You are one of those people I meet in real life that says they don't watch on Twitch because of chat. so Oh, no. bro oh five is pretty much a kill
[00:22:21] i kind of want to sell my shit for swifty's i'm not gonna lie It's slow. okay it has been destroyed Go Bob. I'm gonna see this vault in 50 years and she's going to disown herself?
[00:23:20] The crazy part is
[00:23:21] we might just win this game.
[00:23:22] I'm not gonna lie.
[00:23:23] Told you guys yesterday
[00:23:24] that not caring
[00:23:25] is literally
[00:23:26] the win-con
[00:23:27] for me.
[00:23:30] Don't give a fuck whether you win or lose.
[00:23:32] I call these guys soul suckers.
[00:23:36] Soul suckers can't feed and offer your soul.
[00:23:40] ... off your soul so oh assist for the boy this works That said, we might just win.
[00:24:33] We're actually six grubs? Oh never mind, we got triple kill this pop. so
[00:24:51] leonard sucks 35 win rate nobody's going bot Alright.
[00:24:57] Yeah, nobody's going bot! Someone DC it? Oh, we're already committed GG. is He plays Pyke and Skarner? I don't know what he's doing in LoL Challengers.
[00:25:53] I guess so it is.
[00:25:54] I think they probably banned Pyke, Pykes actually a pretty common ban. He is just better than NA bro. so it is so oh maybe That guy doesn't have flash.
[00:27:08] These guys are duo queue.
[00:27:12] My Viego and my Lucian are duo queue.
[00:27:14] Gotta be right.
[00:27:19] It doesn't actually make sense if I pull it or not. okay I'm gonna shake him as well Shut down. here I mean does rift matter? Yes! Go fucking five man the Cho'Gath. This goes positive by the way. Positive play here ladies and gentlemen. Wow. Shocker! It wasn't the most negative play for three. Can we get a turret? It's not that bad. okay Be honest, you just want to play Garen? I mean, I wanna
[00:29:41] play Garen but it's not like I don't want to make progress in this account so Bye guys, stay safe. so good game on This is like a round with 0 ward.
[00:30:44] 1 HP, level 7.
[00:30:48] Sad sad sight.
[00:30:55] Dude I'm not going Blackfire. Let's see what i've played the other
[00:31:00] card that i played against a while ago
[00:31:07] yeah i was about to say there's no way i build that garbage yeah An ally has been slain.
[00:31:41] I can give you certainty... my ego is not good as well.
[00:31:56] I have low-key kind of caught up.
[00:32:01] Watching the Olympic Paras this year? Eh.
[00:32:06] Basketball.
[00:32:37] Basketball. so I think I've actually been winning them surprisingly all right so i like this games 100 over again
[00:32:41] like if fizz gets fed then we're gonna lose Nice
[00:32:51] Well
[00:33:00] Nah, I still have a lot of alaplasties. Look at this stupid fucking leona by the way.
[00:33:04] But it hurts to watch actually I gotta know P.I.GG after this?
[00:33:30] I'm serious?
[00:33:35] Let's take a peek at rock thinks so startling Startling.
[00:34:21] First ranked game in 11 days Is it good? And there's no flash! uh i guess you know it's still not the worst the soul sucks right so so Why Leona have it? the thing I dare to say what it is. What's the sign? sorry everyone
[00:36:28] honestly giving soul might just be better. I don't know what that's uh...
[00:36:49] Kimtex soul, or we get that dragon should
[00:37:00] We co-stream in the future? Hopefully, yes. I'm alive.
[00:37:19] Jesus, this Lucian's fetish! AHHHHH
[00:37:31] FU- UGH! LDX's dog chip?
[00:37:37] I don't know, I've kind of been liking watching because I know the players.
[00:38:36] I think it would be quite an enjoyable co-stream, not even selling out actually saying. I'm gonna add bro so I'm going to bait the Shaco. Don't be debate the shake though I hate this guy and And i know hates is a strong word, but i hate this guy.
[00:38:46] A SHOOT NAMES! i shoot in this
[00:40:06] who wants the 50-50 fight fuckers fight! so think that so We are just showing off. This guy is so annoying. This guy is so bad, it is what it is.
[00:40:10] The longer we stay in this game though I can feel myself getting more and more pissed off.
[00:40:19] That's dangerous to my health, but it's fine. Careful, if you
[00:40:33] care too much you will will lose facts back stack what can feed off my soul true. True. True. True
[00:40:46] Right is right so so you say what you want to say unmute oh that's the news it's not like i'm
[00:41:30] saying anything racist 100 seconds. I wonder what's up You lost out there though, man.
[00:42:01] Go to mid!
[00:42:15] Never gonna happen Shu, you're asking for advice and twitch chat. You're a loser.
[00:42:54] We only get lost a little bit. I'm gonna get off of it. so oh A ally has been slain. An enemy has been slain!
[00:43:19] Yes! This Lucian is massive. I'm not gonna play this game.
[00:43:31] The shot actually won this game, of course! I didn't give a shit. They're my safe bot lane, sweating me. I have this Leona yapping by the way.
[00:43:44] Karthus you made this game hard! Says Leota.
[00:43:50] Disgusting fucking server.
[00:43:51] Disgusting players.
[00:43:56] Do what that guy did early game.
[00:43:59] Doom the lane instantly by the way.
[00:44:05] Alright, somebody said check this Leona's let's see
[00:44:17] Oh actually I was wrong.
[00:44:19] This guy had a 27% win rate on Leona
[00:44:23] By the way, I could tell
[00:44:26] Just so we're clear that was very noticeable
[00:44:31] Yeah! on Leona. I was like, dude,
[00:44:33] okay, this guy is playing like crazy
[00:44:35] bad. What's going on?
[00:44:37] Yeah, that's yuck.
[00:44:42] And he's a Pike one trick. and he's a pike one trick so there's a one-trick off his one trick playing is statistically speaking worst character
[00:44:47] and he hasn't played in 11 days. Almost two weeks.
[00:44:56] We need to look at anything else that explains it.
[00:45:08] Okay. it do you know that tall giddy umbrella subs
[00:45:32] something's mad like he's pausing the red uh We're down 4k, not too bad. Is Leona broken? Yes.
[00:45:35] New totes up!
[00:45:41] Mccarth has she made the game hard- yeah, this stupid shit bro. Oh no! um I think Brandt's pretty much the same as
[00:46:06] Karthus, Brand just
[00:46:06] more fun.
[00:46:09] After playing
[00:46:11] Karthus and then
[00:46:12] playing Brand or
[00:46:13] after playing Brand
[00:46:14] and going back to
[00:46:15] Karthus, Karthus
[00:46:16] seems so boring.
[00:46:17] I think AP Bot's just too good because it lets your mid lane go AD.
[00:46:21] Brand was a bop in that game. your first lol account name i love I love BINCH?
[00:46:43] Yeah, I love BINCH.
[00:46:47] I think never All caps.
[00:47:05] Here, I'll type it.
[00:47:06] I love finish.
[00:47:09] I love lamp. You know, people used to say that all the time when I first had the account.
[00:47:15] I was like what are they talking about? Then I realized oh it's from Anchorman. me
[00:47:39] see typing in chat my immersion is ruined sorry bro I'll stop nah our
[00:47:46] cloud up on a dog I don't have your supercar first runescape account name
[00:48:01] skateri 658
[00:48:06] Skater boi 658
[00:48:09] I was like 7, i was really into skateboarding at the time
[00:48:12] With my cousins
[00:48:15] Skaterboi 658 boarding at the time with my cousins that's embarrassing skater boys six or eight then I remember I had another guy or it should be an account that was
[00:48:22] called skater guy 35 yeah that's a throwback holy sh i was like eight oh my god
[00:48:31] how do i remember that that's crazy dude that was before i was literally like seven or eight Y'all had it? It's crazy to think about.
[00:49:08] Can you roll the beams for a tiny bit? No problem, Drew. Have any video that you skate?
[00:49:12] No I wasn't good, I just liked skating.
[00:49:16] Backseat's good.
[00:49:19] I don't know how many accounts I have been.
[00:49:27] What was your first girlfriend name?
[00:49:31] Okay, now you're asking recovery questions.
[00:49:34] Alright, let's calm down.
[00:49:36] Now...
[00:49:36] Now you're asking the
[00:49:38] recovery questions to try and get a couple password.
[00:49:49] No problem, Meehan.
[00:49:51] Rage of the Dead goes to 85.
[00:49:59] I'm gonna I don't even want to play that shit game. Aw, fuck you then Bryson. I'm up with those names? What do you mean?
[00:50:20] I just came out and named myself up myself i don't know why is okay
[00:50:50] that is awesome What's up, goss? I have double jungle mains, my support is filled again. just let me Have you ever been to an EDM festival?
[00:51:45] Fuuuuck no. to the idiom festival no Off-brand.
[00:52:15] Get off brand or GG. Get off brand. so The little bastard. is oh my support My support...
[00:53:13] Secondary is off-roll.
[00:53:17] The player that yanked Ghost in Silicu? I can't remember. Probably. I'm gonna go home
[00:53:35] Crying life along the way
[00:53:40] Melodies we haven't played
[00:53:44] It actually sounds fun. he's not the worst
[00:53:51] i like going smolder though because if my support is trash i'm just playing for
[00:53:55] stacks smolder though because of my support's trash i'm just play for snacks do it for her true threats it's already so well-needed raid thank you true speak fats what about what's up I think that game was fucking lost.
[00:54:33] Any time your support is filled during select, he asks for jungle role.
[00:54:40] Probably.
[00:54:45] Probably how?
[00:54:57] We're not lowering this fucking...
[00:55:00] Sub-Gocall fuck that
[00:55:12] I think you'll make past 1K LP this August?
[00:55:16] This month, fuck it. I still got a couple days left.
[00:55:57] I'm gonna go to the gym and get some protein. You play Garen on main? No, I got the limit test account sorry I see the article that some guy's 50k in debt from gifted subs? Return those subs now. Wait, is that true?
[00:56:26] Credit cards stolen? Can you like force charge back Was it stolen? He was addicted? A gifting sub?
[00:56:33] Losers in this world.
[00:56:50] Claim the hype, made it worth it.
[00:57:18] Bro, so people are so lost. so stop and time Hold tight, hold tight, hold tight Tripping lights
[00:57:21] Paint the sky
[00:57:24] This game's gonna be tough
[00:57:25] You
[00:57:27] Tripping lights uh um They yoinked my jungler's Hecarim I'll bet...
[00:58:20] Ebola, stop spamming that bro. That's not true
[00:58:28] Those stops doing I have no idea so Dude, there's no way I just got this same and again excuse my French degenerate bastard low-life oxygen stealing piece of shit support.
[00:59:03] By the way
[00:59:16] look at that def now I'm gonna death him now.
[00:59:32] Gonna go ahead and death him, take the L, go about my day. It is what it is.
[00:59:35] Get one of them all.
[00:59:42] He's off Leona, his Leona though? Bro if he can't play broke Leona...
[01:00:12] Can you play anything else? else like pike wasn't even banned this time he just feels like terrorizing. I think Maokai support is terrible. Used to be really good, now it's terrible.
[01:01:26] It gets worse than its range. We're all gonna make it, it's fine. yeah I'm not getting two firsts, so don't fucking die. This guy just tried to get me killed! No, we can't move. We're creep blocking each other.
[01:01:30] ... Shams how it goes bro Why do you have E? oh I can't...
[01:02:23] This shit's disgusting
[01:02:30] Yeah go back in retard
[01:02:35] Get me out, get me out
[01:02:38] This shits Give me out, give me out.
[01:02:43] It's unlucky I get this bitch in place.
[01:02:52] Is it sleepily on it? Yeah.
[01:02:53] Go say something you disgusting fucking dog. uh apparently i greased that that my bastard is it my fault I troll
[01:03:40] that play that would permit man on all accounts
[01:03:50] turning into Geronimo this guy said oh my god
[01:04:55] Oh Yeah Words Fight words. so I'm going to go back. oh i mean why back off bro i have to blow every ability on the wave
[01:04:59] because I can't last hit with autos
[01:05:01] because they're so fucking useless.
[01:05:02] By the way.
[01:05:03] What do you mean, why back off?
[01:05:05] Like what?
[01:05:12] My E level 2 fucking now guy where does it counts not just bought man I know Pike's is most played, but like, Pyke wasn't even banned this game.
[01:05:20] Like he plays
[01:05:21] everything else so terribly.
[01:05:32] Oh, dude. Wind trading?
[01:05:34] I do not think he's wind trading. Wind trading? The enemy has been slain.
[01:05:42] Don't look!
[01:05:46] I often think no, man.
[01:05:48] I think it's just bad. That why i think the account might just be bought I'm showing you on purpose, the things he's doing is too hard to troll to do.
[01:06:07] It's the little things that you wouldn't even think about doing.
[01:06:15] Let's say your target inting,
[01:06:17] You wouldn't go E second on Maokai instead of Q.
[01:06:27] Hey, two miner. Oh, it was e level one star Just next level trolling. sleep with your chemistry teacher this is my power so um I'm helping, uh...
[01:07:59] Like that right there.
[01:08:03] Even flashing like that though, that's so low-eat.
[01:08:07] You would never think to troll like that. it's just a bad thing to do.
[01:08:12] Like that cannot be intentional. It's just bad game like a long account man.
[01:08:24] But could be boosted!
[01:08:26] An enemy has been slain.
[01:08:29] I'm saying...
[01:08:32] The world will end? I'm saying, you were a broken...
[01:11:46] oh so so My god, we've done it. Ezreal egoed the stage and Maokai went forward.
[01:11:52] Oh my go- of the state and maokai went forward oh my god so uh
[01:12:23] i hope my burn got that.
[01:12:26] Got a bad pack here so I'm just gonna stay.
[01:12:59] Oh shit! so Unstoppable. What the fuck was that all about? has been slain
[01:13:01] let me play against the hecarim that did that same thing yesterday
[01:13:03] i'm gonna die if i stay here
[01:13:06] happy right now actually.
[01:13:15] I put ads in between games?
[01:13:19] I'm an ASSHOLE!
[01:13:23] That's why bro.
[01:13:25] I alt tab and manually play the ads during the game.
[01:13:28] HAHAHAHA!
[01:13:30] No, it auto plays.
[01:13:36] RIP um so oh this guy's hitting as well Oh, he's gonna turn back.
[01:14:12] This guy is inting as well. Red page. Rampage Another curb stomp.
[01:14:47] We're in a disgusting winter's queue. winter skills it's just me
[01:15:02] righty fuck that's 69. so I'm trying to get Ezreal. tried so I got given that pretty bad. the power I baited him and he did that all the time. so I'm gonna go back to the base. uh work to learn league casually so I don't want to have this team doing too well.
[01:18:21] Trying to Q those two targets sometimes, there's an inconsistent hit mark. uh go back bot bitch play good adaption
[01:18:32] maokai wants to do something, but he's so bad. I actually just respect him.
[01:18:35] Let's go bro.
[01:18:45] Fuck it! It has nothing to do with you, but make it about you.
[01:21:20] The main character. Can we get vision of that guy? um trying Trying. so so so so Can't say he doesn't use his HP bar. fuck that's hard to juice wait i should have put white lights first so I'm gonna try to get you off of me. Fuck that.
[01:21:29] You have no aura when you play Brand and it's sad?
[01:21:35] Be honest, you don't mean that i got a flank uh so so
[01:22:18] i mean it's red side gaming uh game I was blue side. I'm gonna go for the kill. Two games in a row you went with this guy just saying yep it's all him
[01:22:53] actually good support?
[01:22:59] Apologize? so so Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, oh I can't believe this Dremel said that I'm turning into Geronimo by the way.
[01:23:56] I want to add him Matilda to clarify.
[01:24:02] Because that's quite the insult. I'm gonna Adam. so take back what you said so take it back back so
[01:25:21] alpha mel mev, allow me to climb? I don't think it's his name.
[01:25:27] Don't go in a game full meeting crying about how its lost before minions spawn!
[01:25:31] Who gives a...
[01:25:35] Who cares what type
[01:26:07] take back what you said But that's what he does?
[01:26:17] Grow up. Grow up? Back in my day, you know what they said?
[01:26:22] Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will never hurt me
[01:26:33] back in my day i just can't let you go now apologize no one likes being loved too
[01:26:57] but you're hurt by words right now yes but that's like did the
[01:27:00] back with you far so I take it back focus
[01:27:19] oh yap yap yeah bro i've been around since you were a season three used to have
[01:27:23] good Oh God here we go now we're monologuing oh but it's not like i need it
[01:27:45] this type of like a variety viewer You made this happen at me with the pieces
[01:27:54] I'm gonna burn my bones on all the bridges between
[01:28:08] this guy?
[01:28:19] I have no idea
[01:28:19] Link discord
[01:28:22] Oh, I'm declining this queue
[01:28:23] Ah, fuck that!
[01:28:31] Sneako guy's a known
[01:28:33] ghoster he ghost me perma He's typing like a twitch chatter, which makes sense. Come leave voice
[01:28:41] Let's chat for a minute Oh shit, this guy left Q. It's going down.
[01:28:59] What's up bro?
[01:29:00] What's up? Sup? Sup sup? Sup sup, hear me?
[01:29:17] That's Tess can you you hear me? Hello?
[01:29:19] Apologize for what you said. Just do it. You didn't mean that.
[01:29:22] Huh?
[01:29:23] You didn't mean that. I'm not-you don't mean that.
[01:29:26] Dude, dude, you're turning into the guy.
[01:29:28] I am not! I am 800 times his rank
[01:29:31] your eight okay yeah that's just okay yeah he is pretty dog and i don't run down
[01:29:35] games look at last last game bro i typed typed oh well, mute me
[01:29:40] I type to release my emotions
[01:29:42] right? So I don't bottle up and it's
[01:29:44] healthy, okay? You guys
[01:29:46] can mute me. It's not like I typed
[01:29:48] 0FF DEFEND and ran it down the bot. I finished the game with the most kills by the It's not like I typed O-F-S Death End
[01:29:49] and ran it down the bot.
[01:29:50] I finished the game
[01:29:51] with the most kills,
[01:29:52] by the way.
[01:29:56] Oh, okay?
[01:29:58] And you got those kills
[01:29:59] because we had
[01:30:00] three really good plays topside that allowed us to snowball.
[01:30:02] Okay, and I didn't flame anybody!
[01:30:07] Okay but you start off super fucking obnoxious
[01:30:11] and,
[01:30:11] like,
[01:30:11] crying because of one bad play.
[01:30:13] Yeah,
[01:30:13] Malachi took-
[01:30:13] Dude,
[01:30:14] I,
[01:30:14] that Malchi grieved me last game
[01:30:16] by the way.
[01:30:16] He's sniping me.
[01:30:18] Right?
[01:30:19] He's a known griefer.
[01:30:20] He's an 18 month sub. He's und known griefer. He's an 18 month sub!
[01:30:23] He's undead?
[01:30:24] Yes he is!
[01:30:26] Holy shit...
[01:30:27] I'm flaming him to the stars because I know how he's gonna perform.
[01:30:30] Go watch the VOD if you go see what he did, it's disgusting work!
[01:30:33] Right?
[01:30:33] I didn't all-
[01:30:34] I forget what I said the second time. Oh, you pinged me, you little fucktard!
[01:30:38] That's what it was. You PINGED ME!
[01:30:41] YOU made a bad play that pinged me, and then said you wish
[01:30:44] I was permabanned on all my accounts.
[01:30:46] So wait a minute, wait, wait!
[01:30:47] Wait, wait, wait, wait!
[01:30:49] The moment we get in the game,
[01:30:55] you fucking full mute
[01:30:56] and say like,
[01:30:57] oh it's fucking over
[01:30:58] and you start pigging bullshit.
[01:31:00] No sir!
[01:31:00] All I typed was
[01:31:01] it's over FF Defen.
[01:31:03] You made a bad
[01:31:04] play on me
[01:31:05] and picked me
[01:31:06] so I undefeated
[01:31:08] type what's wrong
[01:31:09] and then you
[01:31:10] said I wish
[01:31:11] people were from
[01:31:12] the band
[01:31:12] of all your accounts.
[01:31:13] Wait,
[01:31:13] because whenever
[01:31:14] I get you in game it's the same shit
[01:31:16] Whenever I get you in my game
[01:31:18] You're always fucking about this
[01:31:20] No no we gotta stop
[01:31:22] this now bro. I forgot what you did
[01:31:24] So now you really need to apologize because
[01:31:27] YOU act like Geronimo and you're almost
[01:31:29] 30 years old!
[01:31:31] Homeboy, I am 23 years old
[01:31:33] What the fuck are you talking about?
[01:31:35] Almost 30 years old.
[01:31:37] Grow the,
[01:31:37] you grow up!
[01:31:39] Oh,
[01:31:39] So maybe
[01:31:40] if you
[01:31:41] spent less time
[01:31:42] typing,
[01:31:43] right?
[01:31:44] I responded to
[01:31:45] you because
[01:31:45] you started
[01:31:46] off the game
[01:31:47] That's why I get it at the start of you started off the game.
[01:31:47] That's why I get it at the start of the game, by the way.
[01:31:49] I did that at the start of the game
[01:31:50] because I knew
[01:31:52] I was going to type some bad things
[01:31:54] and it was going to affect my team.
[01:31:55] You're lucky!
[01:31:59] I'm a grown-ass man and a father, And I didn't run it down,
[01:32:00] After the comments.
[01:32:01] Now take back what you said!
[01:32:05] Holy shit...
[01:32:07] Oh, man. Y'know what what your content's not that bad.
[01:32:09] This is going on YouTube.
[01:32:11] So you still think I'm
[01:32:13] turning into Geronimo?
[01:32:15] I mean your attitude 100%.
[01:32:21] Your a- okay so then you're turning into...
[01:32:23] ...I will dominate.
[01:32:24] Then I said it.
[01:32:27] Alright, GG I said it.
[01:32:30] League players, you're delusional bro. What?! GG, I said it. Are you kidding? Are you kidding me?
[01:32:31] League players, you're delusional bro.
[01:32:32] The best you can do is play as I will dominate...
[01:32:33] League players will cry talking and then do what you did by the way.
[01:32:34] What the fuck did I do?
[01:32:35] I carried that game!
[01:32:36] I carried the game without negativity unlike you.
[01:32:37] You carried the game.
[01:32:38] You literally carried the game.
[01:32:39] You literally carried the game.
[01:32:40] You literally carried the game. You literally carried the game. You literally carried that game. Are you serious? I carried the game without negativity unlike you!
[01:32:41] But, you carried the game.
[01:32:42] You lost lane...
[01:32:43] Imagine talking to somebody because I played...
[01:32:45] But wait!
[01:32:48] By the way, you ran into Hecarim and died.
[01:32:51] Then you pinged me
[01:32:52] And said I hope your bad
[01:32:53] Like do you understand how delusional you are?
[01:32:55] This is crazy
[01:32:56] Yeah I pinged you because you fucking toxic level 1
[01:32:59] But no so that made you run down level 3
[01:33:01] Because like are you that FRAGILE?
[01:33:04] No I honestly thought we could kill.
[01:33:06] Okay so whatever which is fine. Bad play. It happens.
[01:33:10] You pinged me after and then I undefin'd and then you said
[01:33:12] he was Ross Perlman.
[01:33:14] Like...
[01:33:16] Make it make sense, bro!
[01:33:17] You fucked up!
[01:33:19] I wanted to see it.
[01:33:20] I knew you were muted.
[01:33:21] I wanted you to see it.
[01:33:24] I don't know what you want me to say. Yeah, you're a hypocrite bro.
[01:33:26] Requeue so I can beat your bitch ass.
[01:33:28] Fucking queue up right now.
[01:33:30] Requeue! I'm gonna get the fuck outta here.
[01:33:32] Bro League players, I completely
[01:33:35] forgot that this guy
[01:33:36] had a yap to me first by the way.
[01:33:39] Thank you.
[01:33:43] Get on Discord so we can accept
[01:33:45] I'm not adding you to Discord, dumbass
[01:33:48] The fuck? Freak you
[01:33:49] Bro what's wrong with this guy
[01:33:51] Alright bro
[01:33:54] We'll add you on Discord.
[01:33:56] My name is...
[01:33:58] My tag is...
[01:34:00] Go fuck yourself!
[01:34:02] One, two, three.
[01:34:05] Fuck off my list bro what's wrong with this guy
[01:34:15] like once an ad are we serious
[01:34:17] Parker Supreme futuristic
[01:34:22] heart of their subs it's just
[01:34:25] bait no it's not be that's
[01:34:27] like that's how League players...
[01:34:28] I've been playing against people
[01:34:30] all the last two weeks.
[01:34:32] If you remember that Anivia
[01:34:34] I played with on Thursday or something
[01:34:36] That guy was like, Bro you never got unbanned. Like bro
[01:34:39] it's been 8 years. That Anivia by the way
[01:34:41] ran it down with like 1 in 8 or something
[01:34:42] right? This guy starts
[01:34:45] yapping at me saying oh
[01:34:47] by the way he ran it down
[01:34:48] It says i wish you were perma banned
[01:34:51] blah blah blah then drops the your
[01:34:54] tourniquet to geronimo comment
[01:34:56] league players would be the victim so bad. Shut the fuck up!
[01:35:09] That guy's gotta be a fan
[01:35:11] The atmosphere chimes
[01:35:13] Try to speak
[01:35:17] I prayed for you
[01:35:32] Because you're chasing second I used to ride with you to the gravy breeze I'll freak you when you laugh at me
[01:35:35] Helpful, let's be good friends
[01:35:37] Oh, Miss Sailor Rain real you know dronimus yeah he's a streamer he's in my channel time talk to him
[01:36:05] when people say you're trying to dronimo i think they mean like washed up
[01:36:09] rages a lot says he's gonna to reform, but doesn't.
[01:36:27] Why rip it on Dom?
[01:36:29] It wasn't personal.
[01:36:29] Relax.
[01:36:32] I'm telling Dom what you said!
[01:36:53] That was a joke. Oh, Miss Sailor Rue. I said we hit Challenger a month ago. ever
[01:37:15] let me build the rendering of our fun Am I going to make the Red Ring of Refund? Nope. Have you ever been top challenge?
[01:37:37] You haven't been challenger since top challenge?
[01:37:39] That's not true. You were the one for me, that's why I give you everything
[01:37:53] How'd you crash by the stormy seas? Oh, you meant the world to me
[01:38:00] Ah dopey. I don't wanna do that shit.
[01:38:07] Any plans?
[01:38:13] To keep your mental from exploding again after you reach challenge?
[01:38:14] My mental didn't explode
[01:38:16] when I hit challenge, by the way.
[01:38:17] I was trying at all those games
[01:38:18] up until we dropped back to diamond.
[01:38:21] I was trying. my mental didn't explode it was losers I did, Jeff. It doesn't drop you on center of p it does drop some apparently it does so back so so so yes so. I don't know how I got this way.
[01:40:35] You think I'm someone to be saved?
[01:40:37] Would you think he spit on skins?
[01:40:37] I'm not sure,
[01:40:38] I don't buy skins.
[01:40:39] I bought skin on one account like five years ago.
[01:40:41] Six years ago, Jesus. once you cover up my bruises and battle scars but it always ends the same Other than that...
[01:41:09] What does it even count?... Are you going even buy that skin yeah right sponsored
[01:41:30] yeah right after two Yep.
[01:41:39] Team comp looks very annoying early. Okay. theater gold but you keep trying to get too close
[01:41:47] with the tr hopefully it's pantheon cause you just don't know but some things never change
[01:42:04] are you getting kind of the business i mean it's a tax write-off yeah
[01:42:14] Here something was that when you bought that re skin and it came off like a YouTuber unboxing video? That's not true.
[01:42:21] Lying for clout! to make me feel again The last 35 months of your life are so broken I can't get a 2-1 off those...
[01:42:42] FUUUUCK! Please, Freak.
[01:42:43] No, it's like...
[01:42:46] Like...
[01:43:03] It's like... I thought you could. Welcome to Summoner's Rift. How do you get in the lane early? I'm going to go on in this chat? Minions have spawned.
[01:43:44] What are we yapping about in this chat by the way? I'm setting the tone? 2-0, that up baby!
[01:44:03] Sup bro.
[01:44:06] I wonder if i'm gonna get shoved in, I don't think i can actually kill him or turrets
[01:44:28] There he is I hate all those shots.
[01:45:09] I really don't want to let Heimer get his turrets all stacked up. so so Nice!
[01:48:13] Should've get it. What are we doing, bro? bro uh I'm just kind of greedy to try and push. promising so I should reset. do not die here so so uh so so so has been slain I think Bellic might sprint back a lot, man. Get the fuck out of here.
[01:48:23] Who's it gonna be, Dwayne, The Rock Johnson of League? Great bro.
[01:48:35] True I am. 20k, Solon.
[01:48:52] Oh that's a 30% win rate?
[01:48:56] I feel like a lot of Belveth players are on Smurf right now.
[01:49:00] They're shorter but close nope he's an inch shorter than me uh so uh I think it's worse to keep pushing. so so Jesus.
[01:50:52] That was not easy. god damn Not easy at all. He's awesome, so that's big.
[01:51:04] Lynch-er!
[01:51:08] Snick up boots here actually.
[01:51:13] Oh Ez ult hit?
[01:51:19] Guy with just the buff... I knew that she I actually can't pull shit, bro.
[01:51:32] I knew that she was gonna be there but didn't think there was any world where that would have hit.
[01:51:38] Really?
[01:51:53] It's alright. really My name is Amphia and my goal is to burst on Blast May. And he's offline from the trap right now.
[01:51:56] He is a senior software engineer playing League mid-game.
[01:52:02] Um, I guess so?
[01:52:13] Yes he is. is uh king hansan stay free those subs There's Nami! okay so I thought I could get both. Damn it.
[01:53:35] They spit my flesh.
[01:54:07] Like a bass cord Whatever, whatever, whatever. Erky what's up?
[01:54:12] Man Freecam versus LockCam what's up pin free campers lock him
[01:54:19] i got all my desk and these guys are the best actually so so good i mean it's all warded so so so oh I didn't three ping.
[01:55:52] Dude, you're not just...
[01:55:56] That kind of tilts me i'm not gonna lie
[01:56:01] oh masters three fingers how is that possible And enemy has been slain.
[01:56:15] Careful T1!
[01:56:20] The same amount of hair to your head
[01:56:23] I can you say that uh so
[01:56:48] faster trigger your team has destroyed a turret I'm trying to doink my last hit. Despicable.
[01:57:17] What is Belvedere doing? This is what all these smurf Belvists do.
[01:57:22] These guys run it the fuck down. You guys wanna fuck them?
[01:57:29] Oh shit, back. oh so oh enemy I'm literally cooking.
[01:58:24] Gary! What's up we're doing it bro getting challenger today Shut up, Intra.
[01:58:44] Olipeed what's up? I'll AP you to that. so Nice! I thought Trigger was the one hitting no no but maybe they have a duo.
[01:59:40] Amber's chees receiving somewhere. uh The fight has begun.
[02:00:15] You have been slain! I'm going to go for the top lane. Cringe dogs, cringe dogs.
[02:00:25] Like, Rylize only slowing below 50%?
[02:00:28] That kind of makes sense.
[02:00:30] I mean, it's so broken.
[02:00:51] Okay. so I don't know. ED Rytleyes already does that? Yeah, but I don't know. It's it's it's actually broken How'd I handle that guy? I think eventually it will get removed.
[02:01:26] I mean, movement speed's a huge problem. it's like the only thing that stops it
[02:01:32] but I think Riot needs so much movement speed and mobility
[02:01:37] unfortunately Unfortunately.
[02:01:43] Exactly like Frozen Mallet, exactly! Yeah, or it could get a reworked scale they can change all the numbers and bullshit.
[02:02:09] Oh, damn it! The library has been sealed off... uh so so
[02:02:40] from the mirror tryndamere the plane Yeah, we have hope I guess. oh
[02:03:25] i'm not sure about that I Didn't ever me oh so
[02:04:07] playing playing actually probably resetting reset and tp I want to say a soul's broken just that item true the item on the rolling shoulders fucked Let me get him chilly. Sad way to go out. I'm cooking can't lose or what? I don't know.
[02:05:21] We're doing it for her, baby! oh
[02:05:37] one went away from 700 i think like three wins from challenger so Thank you. I don't think they banned it for that, Exus.
[02:06:10] I think that's just a restriction. best win rate on Draven crazy?
[02:06:23] Yeah, actually I got hands bro.
[02:06:25] I'm still him. Yeah, I have to except for Stone.
[02:06:46] You guys Chall Challenger's 980?
[02:06:52] When I went there it was like 1027 in March.
[02:06:55] Like last March.
[02:06:57] It is what it is bro.
[02:07:00] Challenger's challenger!
[02:07:06] Ah winder we don't do that anymore I'm disciplined, I'm locked in
[02:07:08] I'm loaded, I know the mission do not wage you 16-4 last 20. How does someone play as much ranked?
[02:07:35] I don't even...
[02:07:36] So, I've been averaging like 10 games a day.
[02:07:39] That's not even a lot nowadays or in my eyes compared to what we used to be
[02:07:44] used to be like 20. so i'm playing half the games i used to
[02:08:01] i did back in Hanklin today.
[02:08:06] Only cuz cute times? No, I'm a father!
[02:08:08] I have responsibilities.
[02:08:10] Can't sit here and play a fucking video game all day....
[02:08:14] ...
[02:08:16] ...
[02:08:18] ...
[02:08:20] ...
[02:08:22] ...... Your job?
[02:08:32] Yeah, and I'm on paternity leave.
[02:08:52] Paternity, whatever whatever the it's called Smashing Waterbroom.
[02:08:59] Not sure as well. If I'm not about it.
[02:09:09] Then how am I?
[02:09:10] I'm challenger and I'm not
[02:09:11] about it.
[02:09:27] Yeah, I think as a non content creator slash pro it's not worth going past Diamond and League. Legit waste of time?
[02:09:29] I mean,
[02:10:11] it's a game bro. so so I mean, Diamond's not hard to get.
[02:10:13] If you're... It's not hard to get.
[02:10:16] If you put any amount of time into this game
[02:10:19] You should be at least E4
[02:10:20] Unless you're completely unserious for fun you don't give a If you're like, oh no bro I'm playing 15 games a day and I can't climb.
[02:10:38] I've been gold for 5 years. Like that's a problem with your brain or IQ, probably. bro i'm playing against rank one uh how do I just play against this guy all the time? The pantheon from last game? Is triple your LPs?
[02:11:39] Well, I always play against him
[02:11:41] and I never play with him.
[02:11:44] I don't know why that is.
[02:12:01] Minions spawn. I don't know why that is. every day
[02:12:05] oh it's red side i mean i think i I mean,
[02:12:10] I think I would be right.
[02:12:11] It's like you'd literally just swap.
[02:12:13] What's the difference?
[02:12:16] Minions have spawned.
[02:12:17] Minions have spawned. minions has fallen Make your juggle
[02:12:36] That's funny!
[02:12:40] Okay, we have a support that's funny
[02:12:41] okay we have a support main auto filled jungle
[02:12:47] that's a sick one
[02:12:50] hey riot you're a sick fuck. Sick fucks at Riot. so Bastards. so uh got my shit kicked in that trade so are in jesus Back up. so Fuck you, ape. oh so Yeah, camp him.
[02:15:15] Camp him bro, camp him.
[02:15:17] Fuck you rank one.
[02:15:19] Fuck you.
[02:15:21] What are they doing? Fuck you, rank one. Fuck you! Articulation.
[02:15:36] Attack! oh tesoro
[02:15:44] we're watching you at level two brandon or tyler said that I press resume play for second sweet
[02:16:12] Sweet bro good to know. All I'm gonna do is dodge one of these hoods i'm just gonna die instantly That is a bit unplayable.
[02:16:40] I hate this Brandami pick so much. Best let the support main take the gold.
[02:16:57] Fucking idiot. so
[02:17:17] renami's giving later skill shots.
[02:17:23] Nah,
[02:17:27] it's really not.
[02:17:33] Maybe back if it's like Enchanter vs. Enchanter but... Definitely not against engaged support
[02:17:42] definitely not possible to win you gotta front line everything I can't even sell that. i killed himself oh barely then so Thank you.
[02:18:39] I mean, if you go like dead even 10 CS a minute, yes it can be good. Yes During laning phase? Not so sure Alice is level six. so so my pantheon game is over. so Yeah. What is this? so I'm going to try and get the sling. uh so so hmm
[02:21:27] i mean the wave just wasn't big enough An enemy has been slain. Bummer.
[02:21:53] Fucking really sucks that I lost my flash there. so okay
[02:22:25] let's skipi's for now.
[02:22:32] I had too much gold, fuck.
[02:22:39] Commandant is showing this game... He's playing against Rake1, so he just capped.
[02:22:41] He's playing against Rake1, so he just capped.
[02:22:47] We show up in the party Flyin' and everybody is so my husband's I'm going to put up a good fight. By the way, this guy farms all my top laners.
[02:23:36] Every time I play against him he's farming my top.
[02:23:39] Just let it be clear that whenever I play against him
[02:23:41] I do not ever die when die he gets counter pick and regain
[02:23:44] on the goat so so Voodoo, they're gonna one-shot you?
[02:24:20] Yeah.
[02:24:20] This is looking pretty bone.
[02:24:21] Also, like I said
[02:24:22] my jungle's in support main
[02:24:23] so he's not going to do anything.
[02:24:25] The Nami will never be able to face check.
[02:24:31] Keep your life good. is so oh Now this guy's doing the seeing shit. not trolling at first but now he's true so Should've lost too much lp thankfully so Yo, we're gonna hostage that. so oh i promise that's not winnable neil's gonna be there Why? so We have a squishy support.
[02:27:33] Autofill jungle top Renegade, it's not winnable.
[02:28:31] What the fuck are we hitting no for yes it is uh I mean, from button, we have to kill 50 you know and one shot the bottom so so and
[02:29:21] let's go can Can't think I got the bounty.
[02:29:24] No, we can win.
[02:29:28] Let's go! Let's go!
[02:29:32] Let's go! Now I must be slated.
[02:30:07] Let's go! so oh Oh!
[02:31:32] It's not happening SpyMega, what's up? Because you don't want colleagues to get the bounty, I mean the bunny doesn't whoever gets that body doesn't matter as so I'm going to try and get the first one. so I thought it knocked me up face and forward. Surely it goes through now. Rank 1
[02:31:44] Bro these games, because this guy is-sided. It's like not even close
[02:31:53] Bro but not gonna lie if people could just play as I played against them right and not die. It's like then you can win. Like there's a
[02:31:55] reason I won that game by the way.
[02:31:58] Bro they just
[02:31:59] it's like I feel like they tried
[02:32:01] ego. I only lost 14 but what a guy-
[02:32:04] Like people liked ego, like
[02:32:05] I'm gonna kill rank 1
[02:32:07] This is my time
[02:32:08] I'm gonna kill rank one
[02:32:09] 15 times
[02:32:10] Bro he's better than you
[02:32:11] Just do nothing
[02:32:13] Don't do anything by the way.
[02:32:19] So bad!
[02:32:25] It's only game. 100% that try and you go, let's watch! But it's EVERY GAME!
[02:32:33] True actually we got Brand double nerf
[02:32:36] champs a try or is playing
[02:32:38] skilled champ too much of a workout for
[02:32:40] your greasy stubby fat
[02:32:42] butter fingers? You sicken
[02:32:44] me this. You sicken me.
[02:32:50] I've been playing some, like, twice top.
[02:32:52] I haven't ever died 1v1. At least not during laning
[02:32:55] phase. I've been playing blue side, allow me...
[02:32:57] Bro if you just don't die
[02:32:59] You atleast give us a small chance
[02:33:15] Like yes Like, yes our jungle is auto-filled. We have a support main fucking jungle playing Kha'Zix. It is what it is. Okay you get a game reset
[02:33:49] Oh another game It's not even that... As of right now, it's not even bad.
[02:33:51] He's down a couple CS or whatever?
[02:33:57] And at this point he just gets gosed. point just came for one now you're playing like a retard
[02:34:09] at this point we're playing stupid because now we know fiddle's top right he's only getting
[02:34:14] top play not to die play not to die be down 50 cs bro i swear to god it gives us a better chance of winning
[02:34:28] like jungle gap well not really because he also got gang so the ganks top lane
[02:34:32] are even
[02:34:36] like you've got this Like, Cloddus is here.
[02:34:47] This is bad.
[02:34:50] This is again, bad gameplay.
[02:34:52] Right? The trade's over you actually have to This is like, this is again bad gameplay.
[02:34:57] Right? The trade's over you actually have the wave crash
[02:35:17] What are you even piloting forward for? This is dumb shit, but like I said we would have needed so much to win this game regardless. Game 1 was the Autofill Jungle? I mean true actually because we had Doublelift jungle.
[02:35:23] Then I played another one with it as well. Bro, it's just dumb shit.
[02:35:32] You mean Support was autofilled? Yeah and he died 8 times in 20 minutes.. oh smuggled in so I think it's I don't think I've actually played with him on my team once.
[02:36:31] I think it's because
[02:36:33] my accounts are doomed to blue side
[02:36:36] and he's only red side.
[02:36:38] ...
[02:36:39] ... side I'll stall. Fuck no. Good vibrations in those 5 subs, brother!
[02:36:56] Does it like blue side as well yeah you want to see something
[02:37:09] i'm gonna see something bro
[02:37:26] let the red side win rate compared to blue side. And I know you can be like, well
[02:37:28] You play Laue so you're gonna be less on
[02:37:30] Blue side. I don't pick Laue on the
[02:37:32] Blue side first of all. And that is just...
[02:37:34] Half of this account's games aren't Alawi games.
[02:37:39] We got a 56% win rate red set.
[02:38:16] Let's see. But look at the surrendering by the way. How are my games like less surrendered? What is this is this by the way Oh, it's support. UGHHHHHH HITS? SUPPORT?
[02:38:21] Am I 80 carry plays?
[02:38:25] Seraphine. Waits for his better record, Blueside only because he played Blueside games at 100 mmr or a hundred LP I'm not a fucking gay. I'm just a fucking gay.
[02:39:00] Only, it's only
[02:39:02] gay. Why do you have
[02:39:04] to be mad?
[02:39:06] Can you not use curse words?
[02:39:08] I am religious and want to FUCK YOUR RELIGION!
[02:39:19] There, I set it. Nerf Tristana too hard? Who gives a shit that boring
[02:39:45] damage charts last game you want to see
[02:39:47] him extract from her support me buckle Support main dunkle! Two caros. so i'll be your star tonight have me by your side Oh, I don't get to go top this game ever. ever
[02:41:01] son isn't a problem quickly when marksman put in the entire game every role every season it's annoying okay
[02:41:05] they're not that strong bot lane, bro.
[02:41:14] So cute!
[02:41:16] F**k you, b****! you I don't think any carries are that strong bot, but...
[02:41:38] I think mages are really good against AD carries. Can I be your star tonight?
[02:41:51] You fill my soul with light the day we met.
[02:41:55] I don't wanna leave your sight.
[02:41:59] Hide me by your side, cause it's something else Sorry.
[02:42:03] Being Seraphine...
[02:42:25] Has to be with baka it has to be fans chase Ben's chase, ask for Rumble Ben. so I believe this guy goes igniting. I don't mind our draft for that jungle pick.
[02:43:21] Actually, I mean, so I think Siobhan is broken, but I hate it. hit yeah i'm autofill you think they'll be autofilled should be jungle's autofill who's our jungle oh I don't even need to be trying to die twice for an evaded.
[02:44:17] They still scale but we 9 out of 20?
[02:44:20] Her two items is disgusting.
[02:44:27] Missy Lareeeew!
[02:44:29] It is my burden to carry, as I have gone. sailor They're all.
[02:44:49] Welcome to Summoner's Rift!
[02:44:56] How could I love only one man they break the reason show us the picture never
[02:45:11] 30 seconds until minions wait it's allowing first game point lore is allowee versus gangplank lore
[02:45:27] or matchup Minions have spawned. Reginald the ice bath is up! oh you swim well
[02:45:50] nope you little pig This ignited me for post? is this the first time playing against solar back since the incident he's about to try harder than he ever has
[02:46:20] hey what's oh that comps are no yeah it is i'm gangplank at least.
[02:46:34] Robaca always tryhards against me because if he wins, he uploads it to YouTube. Ask the Riot player if it's his day off or is he just making sure Taric is in top. hmm
[02:46:58] i feel like this towel's gonna come from here.
[02:47:04] Hey, true! It's 2PM! What is Ryder doing?
[02:47:08] Oh, fuck. i'm gonna reset
[02:47:32] wait bro it's 2 p.m on a fucking monday by the way The board will love to hear about this one.
[02:48:29] Actually, it could be his lunch break. I can't this game. I know. I believe they should bring back win slash lost recap since we want to be aware of all your lost games. Peace and love
[02:48:36] I'll send that feedback back to them, okay? I'll give em send that feedback back to them okay i'll give him that Oh I just got hit by a laoi. You have no hands? so I was actually so close to getting in there.
[02:49:29] And I can't play like there's a jungle there the entire time or I'm gonna get outscaled and lose
[02:49:33] So my jungler can ping all the time, but fuck
[02:49:37] That was really close.
[02:49:41] Okay, sleep. Get the fuck up.
[02:49:49] Which is true.
[02:49:59] Just facts, that's facts
[02:50:06] at least my lane didn't get it i guess Yes!
[02:50:15] No W. so so That's the way to die....
[02:50:55] Getting playing annoying as fuck to play against? I don't think he's too bad.
[02:50:59] At least early, I used to hate playing against him actually
[02:51:03] before I started playing him.
[02:51:05] But I think they did a really good
[02:51:06] job making his
[02:51:07] early game not as
[02:51:08] disgusting.
[02:52:27] Oh, the floor geeks are back. so oh so range so i could heal off my slams. so I point, bro.
[02:52:27] My point.
[02:52:36] Like, shit doesn't even make any sense.
[02:52:39] I'm playing a Laoi? Again, that's why I started playing a Laoi. Like, there's no-- I have ult. It's a very hard ship to gank
[02:52:41] I have two typical spawns up
[02:52:43] Like there is no logic behind it
[02:52:45] Then you press tab right and my bot lane
[02:52:47] Is laning 1v2 they are down 30 CS
[02:52:54] I'll kick in the head landing 1v2, they're down to 30 CS. That's weird.
[02:53:46] Okay. is has been slain and Unfortunately, I got king.
[02:53:47] Blah blah blah blah.
[02:53:54] And the bot lane's getting creamed.
[02:53:59] 40 CS now. Mid is getting smoked!
[02:54:28] Now Jungle is just PvEing quietly to himself. to grow so three
[02:54:53] after reset tp marks Oh! Okay. This is no way he understood that. enemy hahaha hard to gank Hard game.... Shut down. has been slain I'm gonna try guys. What's Bard doing up here?
[02:56:36] Uh, bot tower is completely gone.
[02:56:38] So it's actually normal.
[02:56:43] Bot tower is gone.
[02:56:44] They're down 50 CS.
[02:56:47] Um, it is what it is. so again
[02:57:07] to win this game
[02:57:08] I would have
[02:57:08] to kill
[02:57:09] Solar Baka
[02:57:10] 15 times
[02:57:11] 1v1
[02:57:11] while getting
[02:57:13] ganked
[02:57:13] as I did
[02:57:14] it's not
[02:57:14] possible
[02:57:15] imagine if he also got counterpicked though?
[02:57:22] If-if he didn't just instant lock Dane Plank, I guess everyone's like what if right?
[02:57:27] And I'm autoffill it's just bullshit
[02:57:40] Right here Am I here?
[02:57:51] That thing happens when two minutes at bottom lane? It's true though. I lose like every fucking godforsaken game. Why am I here, why is my AD carry botlane? I'm sure we're gonna hit yes right. Oh you got support? I was support last lobby autofill did it put me uh
[02:58:24] top this game and i mean it doesn't matter it's just lost Are you laning against plays defensive?
[02:58:39] That's what I'm saying, like imagine if he got
[02:58:41] If it was like, I'm playing against Vayne top.
[02:58:44] Right?
[02:58:44] I'm autofill top.
[02:58:45] We have autofill on their team.
[02:58:48] They have none.
[02:58:50] What's the win con?
[02:58:52] Bro, there's not one.
[02:58:55] See, this is a guaranteed loss from chips
[02:58:57] It's retarded! I don't understand
[02:58:59] it makes no sense
[02:59:03] I wouldn't bitch about if I would gain more LP,
[02:59:05] If for some godforsaken way I won this game and got plus 30.
[02:59:09] I'd be okay whatever. There's no benefit!
[02:59:13] I'm still gonna get plus 20. It's retarded, man. um I I'm gonna try to get him. Just let him in, he needs to ship.
[03:00:28] What's up? Where is the little scientist? I'm gonna put some, where's all that sub? My name is allowing. The point was, the enemy has been slain here.
[03:00:39] Do they see my shield? No, they don't. oh Oh, Or I break them.
[03:01:23] It's a wincon here, guys. guys
[03:01:31] is the best lesson my uh that can mind game solar baka 0-1 Zero one.
[03:01:55] One.
[03:02:08] I'm getting his head. that's our only way to win
[03:02:11] now he'll be like oh yeah it'll try and like solo kill me
[03:02:14] maybe it's outplayable.
[03:02:23] I'm not getting carried!
[03:02:24] I'll show you! Fuck. you
[03:03:20] are we here oh Wait, but who's hitting now your each kid I don't know what you're saying bro The rioter? I mean, he's not having fun.
[03:03:38] Travata...I mean, Tomio is depressed that he got benched and his replacement is popping off.
[03:03:44] So I kinda understand why HE'S voting no.
[03:03:48] But...I think it's honestly my mid jungle.
[03:03:52] I don't think my bot lane's delus i really don't i think they know the gap so now oh yeah Oh man, they break too easy.
[03:04:58] Sit dog! sick dog the fuck down
[03:05:02] pussy The ocean is coming.
[03:05:07] Enemy double kill!
[03:05:10] Apparently my team just tried to rush the Baron.
[03:05:16] Taking the potion, just a million miles, cause I'm next to you You scumbag! Fuck this guy. All right, so I've gotten two predestined losses.
[03:05:35] Gonna need a red side game here let's cool
[03:05:55] predetermined is this game still going people want to play on stream really fun oh I think the modern regalia is here. Your turret has been destroyed. Yeah that was a solo kill. That's the exalted. Chubby cheek geek that sub! The league player is depressed.
[03:07:19] Like seriously, what is the logic behind us still being in this match?
[03:07:29] Like, really! What the fuck?!
[03:07:31] Actually, why are we still playing?
[03:07:33] My 1kp 3kp...
[03:07:36] They're not having fun.
[03:07:38] I bet this is zero damage.
[03:07:40] Like,
[03:07:41] I'm actually curious
[03:07:43] of why we're still playing this game.
[03:07:46] It's literally just to suffer it makes no sense okay you're
[03:07:51] yapping too much bro um so uh That was fun!
[03:08:39] The most silly thing about this game is you get locked in a shit game because of weirdos?
[03:08:41] That's what I'm saying. It's just weird shit, like-
[03:08:44] And true! Like there's weirdos bro
[03:08:49] Fucking League players man
[03:08:51] There's no world where that games is not just done at 15!
[03:08:54] Nobody can play.
[03:08:57] Fucking weirdos...
[03:09:06] Let's check damage charts as well. Right, so I mean like okay let's say Tomio is voting no because Because, again, he's a spaz.
[03:09:14] My Cass
[03:09:15] is not even playing the game!
[03:09:17] My AD Carry is not playing the game!
[03:09:19] My Taric is not
[03:09:21] playing the game!
[03:09:23] I'm starting to FF mode.
[03:09:25] So,
[03:09:27] like,
[03:09:27] what's the point? You know what I mean?
[03:09:33] Like, it doesn't make sense.
[03:09:35] So yes we wasted 10 more minutes than we had to but...
[03:09:39] Yeah bot lane combined did less damage then the enemy support
[03:09:43] Wait is that real?
[03:09:46] Wait, bot lane combined
[03:09:48] plus 2,000
[03:09:49] did less damage to the enemy
[03:09:51] support.
[03:10:11] Did it not value their own time because they're losers? I mean, that just goes to show my FF. This is why I get less FFs than everybody else. It doesn't make sense. Whatever, if you're gonna play like fucking Degenerates just hit yes so we can move on to the next match. What are we doing?
[03:10:19] And again, I was the auto-filled one
[03:10:21] by the way. I was filled. I got you rolled i got your roll to do 3 000 damage yes got my role to do three Dude.
[03:10:52] How is it possible to not be toxic playing this?
[03:10:54] Like, I kind of worry that if you're
[03:10:56] put in a situation and you're
[03:10:58] not toxic, maybe your brain doesn't work correctly.
[03:11:01] Imagine getting filled.
[03:11:02] The person who gets your role does this
[03:11:04] and they also hostage you
[03:11:05] and you're just like stone-faced
[03:11:08] like nice sweet okay it happens And you're just like stone-faced, like... Nice.
[03:11:10] Sweet? Okay. It happens.
[03:11:12] Like bro, you're the psycho! Right?
[03:11:16] Serial killer vibe. I mean, they all need ticketed.
[03:11:36] Cass wasn't playing either, that guy should hit yes
[03:11:47] gold shirt let's check
[03:11:51] almost 14 13 000 so Rick1 wins those games?
[03:12:18] Dude, I'm telling you he does not. He has
[03:12:20] not put in those games ever. I promise.
[03:12:23] I promise to God. His bot lane is
[03:12:25] not doing this. Let's check
[03:12:27] his match. It's not happening.
[03:12:29] It's not. Not blue side either! so oh nobody in the fucking planet told 20 that game on any region
[03:12:59] unless enemy top laner doesn't want to win
[03:13:06] what was the queue I can't remember. so so Thank you. will be forgotten whatever
[03:13:51] they turn away
[03:13:53] together
[03:13:59] your old room?
[03:14:01] I didn't like the basement.
[03:14:02] Bro,
[03:14:02] I can't hear anything.
[03:14:05] I hear drilling.
[03:14:08] Another blue side game?
[03:14:09] Oof,
[03:14:09] thank God not.
[03:14:17] Can you co-stream Olympics or is that
[03:14:18] bannable?
[03:14:19] That's bannable for
[03:14:20] sure.
[03:14:23] Wait, dude, wait... I get a red side game?
[03:14:25] I get my roll and it's- Can I 80 carry?
[03:14:27] Prefer 80 carry!
[03:14:31] Riot can you at least let me hit 700 LP?
[03:14:33] Like, AT LEAST let me see the Challenger promotion.
[03:14:37] Please. Before you give me this stupid shit. I'm just- please.
[03:14:43] Fuck yourselves.
[03:15:15] Fuck yourself. pieces oh and every little thing you do and every time you want me
[03:15:17] take me higher
[03:15:18] higher
[03:15:20] oh
[03:15:22] woo
[03:15:25] woo woo I think this is the right employee from last game.
[03:15:38] You think if i ask him why his dumbass was probably voting no?
[03:15:42] He'll tell me, oh wait i have to get a picture back. Let's get this right. When you kiss me, it's like the stars fall out the sky onto my heart
[03:16:01] To cover up what I don't want to show
[03:16:04] I let you oh Every time you hold me, take me higher
[03:16:30] Higher
[03:16:32] Every little thing you do
[03:16:36] Every time you hold me, take me higher
[03:16:39] Higher me We lost.
[03:16:57] GG.
[03:16:59] Game over! GAME OVER!
[03:17:16] I mean at least both our 80 carries are playing 80 carry it's actually not that bad
[03:17:20] there was a good peak T good run this? Bro I haven't peaked on the year yet. Stop.
[03:17:27] I haven't peaked yet stop it. Riot will let me win.
[03:17:33] Look they got Rock Tank! Oh my god,
[03:17:35] it's actually Winner's Q. See?
[03:17:40] But I was watching you up from your
[03:17:41] dorm room to being a dad. I know you watch- I watch you with my son.
[03:17:42] I tell him, you could be
[03:17:44] better than T1 if you're up a 65 and don't play League.
[03:17:46] He's the last bud! I'll throw away for challenger like four wins lost two in a row.
[03:18:13] Rockting but had the game of his life notsfied Hey!
[03:18:17] You both know last game, Carrot?
[03:18:23] Just wondering...
[03:18:34] ... Just wondering. And this guy answers me?
[03:18:39] I think...
[03:18:46] I don't think it's that bad.
[03:18:47] I've won a lot of games with them, but I don't know why the fuck somebody voted no.
[03:18:54] I'm not sure I believe that.
[03:18:55] To be honest, I think it was my jungle mid.
[03:19:00] I think my bot lane actually hit yes
[03:19:46] not trying to flame but you and neela combined did 2k less damage. so I would have actually got top lane this game, like if I would've actually said yes to top, I'd have f***ed the fuck out of this game. Actually...
[03:20:01] But I swear, my games are in influenced and if I would have went...
[03:20:05] If I would've said yes, right? Okay. And swapped
[03:20:12] I promise this guy
[03:20:15] doesn't go Kayn. Even if I'm last pick.
[03:20:18] I promise.
[03:20:19] Honestly? It's not even... Like we're gonna be in a solo queue
[03:20:21] discussing shit obviously but...
[03:20:29] Like, how do we even get solo killed with double combat sudden?
[03:20:46] Yeah. nice Nice. You die as Vayne top? I mean how do you die-
[03:20:59] I don't know. Guess what it is
[03:21:05] I fall, I should have swapped bro. so An enemy has been slain.
[03:21:34] Right? Emax Brand knows it, for sure. nose it sir so I got yappin' about a fuckin fucking work for her. Every day I'm shambles.
[03:22:25] Is Kane main-Kane? I don't know.
[03:22:27] It's Kane top, bro. Doesn't matter.
[03:22:31] Uh... yeah he's a Kayn Vlad player. He does main Kayn top but I'm not talking about his Lowey.
[03:22:37] Too easy to match Vlad actually. bitching last game and then you do the same thing? What, what's he fucking saying? uh so Is there still any TP to catch the wave bot or mid? Is that what he's yapping about?
[03:23:41] I think I was right, you are turning into Geronimo.
[03:23:50] I get the worst players on my team out of any League of not even close. Oh, wait a sec.
[03:24:11] Is it 3-15 on bench? Congrats Brody! I think this Kayn is going to beat the shit out of us this game, I'm not gonna lie.
[03:24:22] Hopefully he gets formed late. I was just like, we have Taric. That's it.
[03:24:39] Liu Kang goes hard. uh so um so so
[03:25:43] more but committed more goddamn it
[03:26:50] that's not staying in lessons so I guess he's gonna play for a miracle. so loud Every day I'm shamblesin'.
[03:27:36] Man! so um six Nice. Big, big, big, big, and I got the Burner Brand
[03:27:38] It's huge
[03:27:45] I'm actually gonna skip rylai's my wings juicy if you flash
[03:27:52] delicious Delicious. I don't know, I got a really bad feeling about this game.
[03:28:07] Like, I just want to tell him to be gentle
[03:28:17] yep like i said, I got a really bad feeling about this guy uh uh I mean, we legit have no way to stop this guy.
[03:29:34] Hourglass, that's it. I'll get her something from Arda. Oh yeah! I will say we have one thing going for us.
[03:29:36] They have Rock Tank on their team. They have Rock Tank. team they have rock tank uh Nice. Bro, it's like he said at? It's not looking that easy, brother.
[03:30:20] It would be perfect perfect Your turret has been destroyed.
[03:30:35] Heard you were talking shit earlier? I wasn't talking shit!
[03:30:41] My teammates work speed. so Oh, like why did she walk up and take that kill?
[03:31:16] Like why did Taric take this kill right here
[03:31:17] weapon I sort of just do it to piss me
[03:31:19] off they really do man Thank you, Charma. your team has destroyed its hurt so so um I'm gonna go to the other side. oh bro everything in your power to lose! You've got this!
[03:33:06] Fuck. Fuck, I was actually free. In a form?
[03:33:14] Well he does now.
[03:34:07] I have no idea if she wouldn't. so uh Oh, wait. Curse that fuckin'...
[03:34:13] Curse you!
[03:34:16] Save Rift for third dragon. I'm gonna kill you now! so I had a flash that i was one shot. Your team has destroyed a turret.
[03:34:52] Skarnra got it, its completely okay. so I think giving the dragon? yes I really killed three, whatever.
[03:35:56] But our jungler...
[03:35:58] Windshredding, your support is horrible
[03:36:09] i think bots or boosted sure You won two games with him?
[03:36:29] No, we won two games despite him.
[03:36:53] Was not... was not because of him You got carried two games in a row! Oh, he must have hurt me. Suck dipshit so so I slow, Brody.
[03:37:42] And a Kayn emptied.
[03:37:46] Vayne you probably should have right
[03:37:50] baby puppetry
[03:37:58] damn we got everybody in off-chat this game.
[03:38:06] Wait, EVERYBODY's off-chatting? Holy shit!
[03:38:09] You guys are irrespect respectable and not the most bad
[03:38:12] toddler actually thanks for your opinion Dude, we all hate this game.
[03:38:26] It's crazy.
[03:38:27] I think we all hate each other.
[03:38:29] Maybe...
[03:38:30] Dude, I'm 100% convinced that like, you know what I mean that we don't hate the game. We just hate each other. so so I'm at the burn. We hate ourselves? I don't. I love myself. so okay So, I'm going to go ahead and do that. I did take a call after this game by the way.
[03:40:06] Very important, so I might be afk for a bit business call yes about it's a meeting with my financial advisor. so away here we're right there Better manage all my exposure. see What did Kayla buy this time?
[03:41:28] What did Kayla buy this time, that is the question so Your team has destroyed your... What are you fucking up to?
[03:42:05] Back to cover. Go, go! Wait, and I killed him? Damn!
[03:42:13] My teammates are right in chance of like...
[03:42:16] brand. Everything. teammates are right and like champs like me keep one brand everything is okay
[03:42:26] calm down guys talk with these playing is playing brand. We're all going to be okay. I don't know.
[03:42:42] Have I never seen a rider not support role?
[03:42:44] True, actually.
[03:42:58] Most of them are support. all right i have to afk for a second i don't know how long actually
[03:43:03] so all Yeah, just...
[03:43:15] Alright, we're back.
[03:43:19] Hey video! I can't be fucked. oh is oh uh is I'm gonna stay alive
[03:44:15] I'm gonna do this
[03:44:17] I'm gonna do this
[03:44:19] I'm gonna do this
[03:44:24] I'm gonna do this foreign um. oh Oh, you left me here just to fall apart
[03:45:12] If I wrote you a letter, would I have a chance?
[03:45:23] Would you read my letters by heart instead?
[03:45:28] If I wrote you a letter heart so oh so uh me if i wrote you a letter would i have a chance is oh oh so. I'm going to go ahead and do that. Oh oh so so oh so so so so so. so so so oh things time for love potion a little sweet and spice throw it all in the cauldron makes it up real nice Stare down to clockwise Dream of you all night
[03:51:03] Filled with emotion
[03:51:05] Follow the signs
[03:51:08] With this subversion it will be alright
[03:51:11] I'm pulling you closer to me
[03:51:13] You're finding it harder to breathe
[03:51:16] The magic is taking over your mind entirely
[03:51:20] I'm the only one that you see me love with me This is the moment, no turning back.
[03:51:58] One drop on your lips and this pill will take a hit.
[03:52:02] Under the moonlight, stay close to my side
[03:52:07] We're burning so bright
[03:52:09] Oh-oh-oh-oh
[03:52:11] Feel the emotion
[03:52:13] Follow the sign Oh, feel with emotion.
[03:52:14] Follow the signs.
[03:52:16] With this devotion you will be all right.
[03:52:20] I'm pulling you closer to me.
[03:52:23] You're finding it harder to breathe. The magic is so good on your knees. to me know what you want Hey so me I'm out. I've been thinking
[03:53:33] Lately it's just me against the world
[03:53:35] Round and round, I'm caught up in this swirl
[03:53:38] Tryna dig and tryna burrow Press burl pressure turning stone into a pearl
[03:53:42] lessons that i learned weren't always thorough sugar coated like a churro now i'm really out
[03:53:46] here on my own now my homies acting like i'm done extending out my arm made a lot of money from
[03:53:53] my palms been around and now they say I'm up now. 20,000 on a bus down.
[03:54:00] A bus down.
[03:54:01] I'm on my way.
[03:54:02] I'm going up now.
[03:54:03] Up now.
[03:54:04] And I ain't never got attached to it.
[03:54:06] Touched it.
[03:54:07] I know I'm not gonna do it.
[03:57:12] I don't care No, I'm never gonna touch her. so so always knew i had it now me is I'm on my way. up so so. It's the calm before the storm things aren't as they were before your best start racing so now hear this Things are about to change its evolution Hose will shake the ground, you feel it movin'
[03:57:16] Sleep in a revolution
[03:57:22] Can you hear this so so your feet with a whisper in the trees Can you hear the sound?
[03:58:24] Can't stop us now
[03:58:30] We're not backing down on what we're doing Things are about to change, it's evolution
[03:58:33] You're so shake up girl you feel it moving
[03:58:36] With the revolution can you hear Thank you. my We're not back in town, know what we're doing
[03:59:12] Things about to change its evolution
[03:59:15] Voices shake the ground, you feel it moving
[03:59:19] With a revolution When you feel it movin' with the revolution so so so so
[04:01:05] you so so so so yeah GG yeah GG boys.
[04:01:08] Yeah, I gotta start streaming 15 hours again.
[04:01:11] GG.
[04:01:12] GG.
[04:01:14] GG.
[04:01:17] GG. GG
[04:01:23] Yeah, GG
[04:01:31] Bro! It's taxation death, by the way.
[04:01:33] Bro! Okay, I'm not...
[04:01:35] Listen, I'm a streamer.
[04:01:36] I don't make money.
[04:01:37] Let me make that clear.
[04:01:38] Bro! Dude, the amount of taxes I've paid in the last like three four years
[04:01:46] I'm not even really seeing my portfolio go up, by the way. It's so
[04:01:50] fucking annoying.
[04:01:53] Dude, I get taxed 45%, almost.
[04:01:56] Like bro, it's
[04:01:57] some fucking shit.
[04:01:59] That means every time you guys donate like $3,
[04:02:01] just picture almost half of it gone.
[04:02:09] Bro,
[04:02:09] if you guys want to be like, why is he doing this?
[04:02:11] Bro, I might have to increase his Elden Ring Marathon
[04:02:13] to like 50,000 subs again.
[04:02:15] Fucking Christ!
[04:02:21] Then,
[04:02:24] I'm talking to my financial guy.
[04:02:27] And when I first set this up a couple of years ago,
[04:02:28] I was like, okay,
[04:02:31] I don't want to be risk tolerant or whatever, right? I just want to put money in
[04:02:33] and never lose it. Safe!
[04:02:35] It's safe, right? Nowadays,
[04:02:37] I'm like bro fuck it! I'm just gonna be risk
[04:02:39] heavy! Fuck it bro!
[04:02:41] Throw it in the stock market! Fuck it bro! Throw it in the stock market! FUCK IT!
[04:02:45] Fuck it, Bro!
[04:02:52] Well because when you... You can't actually lose money.
[04:02:55] It's actually broken.
[04:02:56] And again, I'm speaking...
[04:02:58] I pay with exposure.
[04:02:59] So we're not...
[04:03:00] When you guys hear me talk,
[04:03:00] I'm talking exposure.
[04:03:01] If you put like...
[04:03:03] Let's say that you have $2 million in exposure
[04:03:05] worth of exposure
[04:03:07] and you put it into CDs
[04:03:09] your money goes up
[04:03:12] constantly.
[04:03:14] You're getting
[04:03:14] $150 constantly. Like, you're getting like
[04:03:15] $150 grand a
[04:03:18] year minimum
[04:03:19] and there is no
[04:03:22] risk. It's all FB whatever
[04:03:24] assured, right? The government backs it up.
[04:03:27] So even if that bank closes,
[04:03:29] you still get your money.
[04:03:32] The government insures it.
[04:03:33] So like you get,
[04:03:34] it's a,
[04:03:35] you get money.
[04:03:36] There's no way to lose money doing this.
[04:03:38] FDIC, yeah.
[04:03:39] Well, each bank can do $250K.
[04:03:42] But if you have 20 banks, that's $250K each bank.
[04:03:46] You get, like, whatever percentage, blah, blah, blah, blah.
[04:03:49] You make that all year.
[04:03:50] There's no risk at all.
[04:03:51] Is that having your money in a – it's like 5%.
[04:03:53] CD is like 5% right now.
[04:03:55] You have no risk of losing money.
[04:03:57] It's like so if you have – you of losing money.
[04:03:59] So if you never had money in your savings account,
[04:04:00] you should just do this.
[04:04:04] So your
[04:04:05] portfolio will always go
[04:04:06] up no matter what.
[04:04:12] The CDs are like five percent right now do the math you have 250 grand in 10 accounts what's that 2.5 million 5 interest each account blah blah blah blah blah blah
[04:04:22] but you could gain more in the stock market right if you know what
[04:04:28] you're doing like blah blah blah you can if you invest correctly
[04:04:31] you do this, you do it right over the years you could get more in the stock
[04:04:35] market but again there is risks with doing that
[04:04:39] right there's risks in the stock market
[04:04:40] there's no risk in cds none it is guaranteed you're getting
[04:04:44] that
[04:04:47] and you do gotta get paid taxes on the market.
[04:04:52] You invest obviously, I'm not an idiot.
[04:04:55] But I'm just saying like all these things... Oh yeah, this is not...
[04:05:14] I'm not...
[04:05:14] Wait.
[04:05:15] I'm not getting investment advice.
[04:05:18] Actually, I'm not.
[04:05:19] I'm just saying like from experience.
[04:05:22] I'm just saying bro
[04:05:23] I pay like 40% in tax-
[04:05:27] IS THAT NOT CRAZY?!
[04:05:30] GOD DAMN! Damn!
[04:05:39] I've probably been working my fucking ass off these last three years. I have been!
[04:05:43] See your portfolio? It's like...
[04:05:45] Probably like this, barely going up.
[04:05:49] Yes it is going up but it's barely going up. What's the point bro?! I'm working myself to death.
[04:06:06] Unbelievable, bro. unbelievable bro oh don't get me started about where they go.
[04:06:21] Don't get me
[04:06:21] started about that bullshit.
[04:06:32] ... Some employment tax Relitigators they fleece you for all that kid it's bullshit I have write-offs.
[04:06:44] Like, yes, there's
[04:06:45] write-offs, bro.
[04:06:46] But there's only so many
[04:06:48] write-offs a streamer can have.
[04:06:49] So then, like for actual business...
[04:06:51] Then you gotta open another business
[04:06:53] which I have
[04:06:54] and I have write offs for that
[04:06:55] But bro
[04:06:56] Like the fact that you have to find these ways
[04:06:58] to like write off certain
[04:07:00] Things and
[04:07:01] Like I built a building
[04:07:04] And I got a huge write-off for that
[04:07:06] Huge, right? But you have to
[04:07:08] Oh my god, there's so many things you have to do
[04:07:10] like perma talk to the tax people about
[04:07:13] this. Fuck the tax people
[04:07:14] I hate talking to the tax people. Remember those tax people I had last
[04:07:17] year by the way? You guys know
[04:07:18] that before we fired them, obviously,
[04:07:22] we had been charged $55,000 in exposure for one year of tax service. so one k per hour it was like seven hundred dollars an hour Oh, the reasoning was...
[04:08:06] Well, it's okay because we're fixing your...
[04:08:08] Which, to be fair, my old tax lady
[04:08:09] that I used to use, by the way
[04:08:12] You don't need to.
[04:08:13] Was a, uh, way... was a uh like
[04:08:15] you know those like uh
[04:08:17] so up until 2022
[04:08:19] I used like uh
[04:08:21] you know those apartment complexes
[04:08:23] right? That have those banners that say
[04:08:26] like tax preparation
[04:08:28] help on them.
[04:08:32] $125 a year.
[04:08:34] Some...
[04:08:34] That lady didn't decline me,
[04:08:36] she just kept...
[04:08:37] She just was okay with it.
[04:08:39] But anyway, apparently
[04:08:40] she wasn't doing it right.
[04:08:42] So these new tax people
[04:08:43] had to go in and fix everything.
[04:08:46] And apparently
[04:08:47] the reason that it was $55,000
[04:08:48] was because they had to
[04:08:50] keep calling the IRS
[04:08:53] for like 2021 penalties.
[04:08:55] This is 2023 by the way.
[04:08:56] 2021 penalties. This is 2023, by the way. 2021 penalties!
[04:08:58] 2022!
[04:09:01] Etc., etc.
[04:09:03] What they would say was
[04:09:04] well it's okay we're charging this much
[04:09:06] but we're saving you this much in penalties and it's a tax
[04:09:08] write-off What's going on here?
[04:09:22] You don't need to be so risk-averse.
[04:09:27] CDs are for peoplePL looking to retire
[04:09:29] that can't handle market downturns.
[04:09:32] Does your advisor
[04:09:33] push you towards ETFs like
[04:09:35] the S&P 500?
[04:09:36] I'm completely ignorant about it, so
[04:09:39] I say whatever you think is best
[04:09:41] and I just let him do whatever.
[04:09:53] Now that's been working the last two years. Let's just say we're up
[04:09:59] I'm a streamer and I'm talking about exposure, but we're up with zero risk, probably. I'm not telling you but we're up a lot the average portfolio is 60 40. 60 in like stocks, equity.
[04:10:25] I think we're gonna win the fuck?
[04:10:43] I'm so sorry. I should have blocked that. I'm trolling.
[04:10:48] I mean, okay... To be fair, I should have blocked the Zeri autos but why is she walking up like that?
[04:10:55] What's the 40? Like, the CD. The safe investment piece and shit.
[04:11:03] ... oh I'm not doing only CDs, you idiots!
[04:11:34] That dipshit. Right now I'm like 50-50.
[04:11:38] Bro are you dumb? First of all stop pocket watching!
[04:11:44] Secondly, I started- wait how many yet okay well i'll ignore the young part my ally has been slain I'm saying
[04:12:10] and enemy
[04:12:15] it I forget what I was saying, sorry.
[04:12:28] Guys, like I said... I have the floor people over
[04:12:31] and they're like hitting my...
[04:12:33] making so much noise that I can't even hear anything
[04:12:35] I can hear no game sounds right now
[04:12:58] Get down! so oh here's yeah i do represent yourself some taxes. I'm saying.
[04:13:02] Talk to me.
[04:13:03] Twenty...
[04:13:04] Forty-five.
[04:13:11] O'Rillai's versus him. so I got a pink. I'm gonna go right here. so uh uh No, it does not save a decent amount.
[04:14:32] How did my support die there?
[04:14:36] It's not a decent amount.
[04:14:56] I got my kick off! See if my supports auto-fill or just like gap out, like he shouldn't be in this game.
[04:15:12] 605 LP, Seraphine Janna Sona Nona, Nami, Karma, Lux, Soraka. Top champs.
[04:15:17] I see you coming to trouble! What is that? um so still so I think on Rylize first, Uhhhhhh...
[04:16:15] I think a Rylai's first actually has insane value.
[04:16:24] Dwhani, Kriya, I guess. hey 23 and me? I don't know what that means. so so That Lulu actually ran away so my ult didn't pounce.
[04:17:43] It's actually really well played.
[04:17:49] Sucks for us.
[04:17:59] Yeah, my ult didn ultimate rev up.
[04:18:01] Which I don't know that we would have needed so much damage to get off the network.
[04:18:07] Mommy's still good. so good
[04:18:17] that ergot matchup sucks i'm ready to play it most top lane we're doing pop challenge god i hate trying to hear so much I How'd they get back to lane so much faster than us?...
[04:18:55] Pienami's counter-bucketed with
[04:18:57] Brand... I mean, I agree. I think it's a terrible pick
[04:18:59] I think it's just terrible
[04:19:03] People like it because, oh big day.
[04:19:06] I think it's garbage so Nice. nice Wow, that's fucking real talented.
[04:20:06] Wait, that's actually so talented!
[04:20:09] I tried to save him, I should've stayed bot and died. He honestly had the one for one by himself.
[04:20:12] He would have lost top turret, but I mean I died and lost anyway and then bot hit. your turret has been destroyed I think it's Rell.
[04:20:35] Anything that can go in.
[04:20:40] I was saying earlier, I think uh...
[04:20:42] Oh, I flash too by the way.
[04:20:46] I think people like Brandami used to maybe be good
[04:20:53] when engage supports weren't meta.
[04:20:57] But honestly, even right here this feels like trash
[04:20:59] so I don't think that's true. Ooh! Instead of I'm going to go ahead and do that. uh Oh yeah, so the best case we can do is AFK scale.
[04:21:54] I don't think brandon is bad later
[04:22:00] also we're 4 ap uh Perhaps I could not afford to go right lies this game
[04:22:29] that guy's dead so Did I really build this item? oh yeah on nami we're serious so How am I holding this turret by myself? uh not a bit crazy. I'm going to use the screen. so so I heard you know we go the lower the
[04:24:40] fucking at that vote goes like why are
[04:24:44] we like guys uh um my daughter and so What in the flash? I thought he had no flash!
[04:26:05] Bro, that means you're flashing 4 on him but he has no flas-
[04:26:49] I THOUGHT THIS GUY HAD NO ULTS. This guy had no ult! so uh I'm begging you. I was just following him, but there's no room for that guy dies. so so so so Nice! I said bot lane, it's just support by the way. I mean, if I'm being honest If you take out Tryndamere this game, I think we win. um so so so I mean it's just for the mirror. so so I should know enough of the odyssey yet. that's what Get some items, try my best here bro. so uh I have to give my 600 LP support coaching advice. I'm going to have to do this again. Cinder is really strong. Your team has destroyed a turret. so oh wait that was our first turret so Okay, that's actually massive. I'm gonna fucking in.
[04:32:45] We have no wave god damn it I'm Shamba then.
[04:33:03] Turn ghost, guys!
[04:33:09] Give me some streamer benefits. Tell me. Did the streamer use Ghost?
[04:34:14] Cheating? I don't give a shit. 14 has destroyed I got that so Got my 30 minute Liandrys. Where you walking bro? What's this guy doing?
[04:34:18] No I rode Nick! Sup brother?
[04:34:23] You little fatty 20 gifted sub.
[04:34:29] Is that wind trading?
[04:34:33] I think this guy- I don't know because he tried to do that mid lane as well
[04:34:36] i don't know this is so sus yes um I'm gonna go for the kill.
[04:35:13] Kennel's dead, might as well do 15k. Never. My ego won't let me
[04:35:29] Forgot to set I forgot to say, I have rando wins.
[04:35:30] I think I beat him 1v1.
[04:35:34] Are we really going to limit test the entire game on your one battle?
[04:36:33] Because if you lose, we lose the game bro. so so so I mean it was winn them when we choked. By we, I mean my syndrome. Just hit burn.
[04:36:37] Wait why are we hitting- I'm going to use the your inhibitor has been destroyed
[04:36:56] who's trolling this guy I'm running it down very clearly fucking losers.
[04:37:11] I mean, it wasn't bad we kinda just got shit on in that last fight unfortunately.
[04:37:15] We played like the previous other...
[04:37:17] Like, I think we won five fights in a row?
[04:37:19] We played all those five fights well and then we played that last fight bad but...
[04:37:22] This game was almost impossible. Well, we played that last fight bad but...
[04:37:26] This game was almost impossible. Like, We were playing down a person
[04:37:30] I couldn't bother to not- It's just dumb shit.
[04:37:39] Gotta love the classic, bro.
[04:37:42] God, I love
[04:37:43] it, man. So entertaining to play with fucking freaks like this.
[04:37:55] Check out this gold chart
[04:38:01] we're actually up gold you're up gold
[04:38:03] there we have 1 000 gold
[04:38:12] i'm gonna watch your early game deaths yes they were all dog shit but whatever
[04:38:18] i'm gonna watch these best when the game became winnable let's see
[04:38:31] let's watch when the game became winnable.
[04:38:38] Go mid, dumb fuck.
[04:38:44] I remember Warp ends up baiting them... not intentional, completely accidental
[04:38:47] Did not mean to do that
[04:38:48] This one? I bet...
[04:38:49] First of all, look at this dipshit
[04:38:51] wards right here.
[04:39:02] Look at this dipshit wards.
[04:39:04] Right? So, first of all... Cleared that ward but didn't drop a ward.
[04:39:07] Why? Like, is it...?
[04:39:08] That's a little bit sus.
[04:39:16] Walks mid to place that ward, walks back, now he walks back to where he just swept!
[04:39:22] Dies the same exact way again.
[04:39:29] Now we don't have a ward in middle of lane, and they do so we don't know where they're at
[04:39:39] right right
[04:39:46] that's exciting
[04:39:51] the flash check for him holding I'm gonna flash Hecarim, hold him.
[04:39:53] This is a terrible fight.
[04:39:55] I have one mana ult Hecarim. Gragas actually has useful combo.
[04:40:00] Tremere's not even close. Zarya auto-fighting is responsible.
[04:40:03] Or that doesn't have to be.
[04:40:10] Always the Ragnarok that finds her too. They must be in voice.
[04:40:15] I don't know if it's a win trade or not but...
[04:40:19] Even level one the early game was just as bad
[04:40:22] The way they walked up to lane that that's not normal. People don't do that.
[04:40:31] Despite that though we almost ran it back.
[04:40:41] Almost ran it back down 7000 gold.
[04:40:43] Here's what it is. Here's what it is lose every game of Nami I mean it's a terrible combo just really bad.
[04:41:00] But I'll be honest, based off the champs that
[04:41:02] does not get played, it's probably
[04:41:05] the best.
[04:41:09] Yeah. played, it's probably the best. There's a couple Leona games but
[04:41:11] we don't live that life. so just to say so
[04:41:48] break it up Riki, what up?
[04:41:57] Yeah true. Why the fu- like dude Even the FF thing
[04:41:59] So our ne Nexus is literally exploding.
[04:42:03] Actually.
[04:42:04] Tyler1 is in the game
[04:42:05] all
[04:42:07] three people hit no to the fucking
[04:42:09] FF vote. What the f-ck? Bro, what the f-ck? We need stream time that bad?
[04:42:18] Your nexus is exploding man give up Last time was just bad. I think if we just stayed mid, our top laner didn't have TP so it's legitimately zero Baron threat
[04:42:53] their autofill top game We're kind of hoping they walk through the bush.
[04:43:11] Hecarim and the Dreamer kinda did go way too early while Zero, Fury, and Lulu were mid but...
[04:43:17] They just split up.
[04:43:18] Then Hecarim just ran it down at us.
[04:43:21] I have no idea what the date is Mortar. mortar oh god the enemy team triple no band bunker I'll just give me first pick. play the hero
[04:44:22] cause i got you like you got me
[04:44:24] when the earth shakes
[04:44:26] when the bombs scream
[04:44:28] until our last breath every heartbeat scream until i surprise Be silent, boy.
[04:44:43] The floor people are laughing their asses off downstairs. Good for them!
[04:44:47] Glad they're having fun.
[04:44:54] You went for Herman?
[04:44:56] Who the fuck is Herman?
[04:45:06] ... It's only a game. Why is it just the beginning? local meetup when smile uh i'm not sure we should definitely do it actually. Jace.
[04:45:37] That could be worse
[04:45:47] right off just know if i said
[04:45:49] i like wanted to go vacation in florida
[04:45:52] so i
[04:45:53] like hosted a fan meetup in Florida.
[04:45:57] Right?
[04:45:59] I could do a...
[04:46:00] I could get a private jet
[04:46:02] as a tax write-off
[04:46:04] and private jet to Florida has a tax write-off
[04:46:42] and private jet to florida Thank you for watching! um I have hella exposure. True, me and all the mods could put our massive income together, legit.
[04:46:49] ... Actually, my mods are so rich from all the breath that I breathe
[04:47:20] I'll never drink out beer or leave
[04:47:25] Took a swing at a wrecking ball
[04:47:27] And I prayed for my downfall
[04:47:30] My last game was just Support Gap.
[04:47:32] Everybody was arguing, there's nobody else though, it's just Support Gap
[04:47:36] Support Gap won that game from rewards to playing
[04:47:40] Not top just not top it wasn't for oh what's up so
[04:48:06] skills in that prime as well Trying for one day
[04:48:14] Instead of all these lies
[04:48:18] I care if I can't size
[04:48:21] It's not the life for me to hide
[04:48:24] The one I'll never lie
[04:48:27] Too many lows
[04:48:28] To marry me
[04:48:29] Adds it up
[04:48:31] True fog
[04:48:34] That was just support.
[04:48:36] Better support wins the game to Stomp.
[04:48:40] Bot lane's won and then Egyeto is just warding like that guy running and dying five times
[04:48:44] if I would have placed a ward in mid lane
[04:48:48] is there it is trinamere player or excuse me janna one trick
[04:48:51] enchanter player scum of society that's not true
[04:48:55] range top this is scum of society, but Enchanter-only players are right under.
[04:49:03] Bloodcats standing at my feet and forced me down a dead-end street when all I had went up in flames, burning on the dark remains.
[04:49:16] Covered up every part of my skin, oh, cause I don't like... What's up, Father?
[04:49:21] Am 14.
[04:49:22] Did I play this?
[04:49:22] He just kind of died perma.
[04:49:24] That was bad.
[04:49:25] It's a terrible brand combo.
[04:49:27] It's only game.
[04:49:29] The queen... Yo, if you're gonna me, can you hype the fuck up?
[04:49:31] Let's do it at Chicken and Pickle
[04:49:33] I will top gap you on the pickleball court
[04:49:35] Not happening sleep
[04:49:37] Minus three dollars Not happening sleep, minus $3. You know, Narn with range top hate yes season 2024 yes Play pickleball, I played it in high school. Outro Music Oh, my God.
[04:50:39] Urgot! That's not range- that's a respectable top.
[04:50:42] That is not range. That is a respectable top, that is not range top. Oh no.
[04:51:05] Kennen, nope. Degenerate pick. Quinn's a terrible pick.
[04:51:13] ... so still exists it's being worked on.
[04:51:37] Backseat AI, that is.
[04:51:43] ...
[04:52:13] ... so so what's that left for 25 20k like oh
[04:52:16] 25 days.
[04:52:28] Stop the decline
[04:52:36] garen challenger making some progress today i'll play garen like gear on your makes have a lot of limit testing to do first gotta improve a whole bunch How many games should limits are tested?
[04:53:28] That's a great question.
[04:53:29] I'm not sure.
[04:53:30] Probably,
[04:53:30] I don't know.
[04:53:38] Sometimes some champs is different allow me took me like 100 games i've earned like 300 games
[04:53:43] so like 300 games.
[04:53:49] What?... so Wait, you were- oh they took it. Don't blame me. Don't run.
[04:54:18] Don't turn left or right or look straight at this side
[04:54:20] on my scorned circles
[04:54:22] I'm trying to fight it
[04:54:24] Get in the game
[04:54:25] Go AP top as well, bro.
[04:54:26] Just keep trying under the It's only Go to AP top as well, bro.
[04:54:34] I don't like how Trin played out. TT Fun Fact The ancient Greeks considered ranged combat
[04:54:36] as cowardly and dishonorable and melee
[04:54:39] combat is on the great reaches even the ancients hated ranged top sadly today
[04:54:44] all combat is ranging I are real broussies the world's pussified Can you imagine if like wars were fought with fists still?
[04:55:03] Like actually, oh my god.
[04:55:05] Like guns and tanks
[04:55:06] and rockets and bombs that exist fist fight.
[04:55:09] You'd like fly over and like Arab like the Jets
[04:55:14] whatever you would land and you decide to have a massive mosh pit brawl oh shit
[04:55:21] well thank god somebody dodged
[04:55:25] that grasp
[04:55:32] okay Please let me be Look beneath the bed before you go to sleep
[04:55:35] Keep up, I shall
[04:55:38] You'll surely get burned if you reach out and touch My mind is a cloud yeah that would be relevant. You guys got fighters there?
[04:55:57] True, pick some stuff. oh
[04:56:09] China would slowly conquer all to the
[04:56:11] highest population dude but a skilled fighter could take out five 5v1
[04:56:27] i'm taking 40 fully grown men, minimum. Not sure if any white majority countries would be left standing
[04:56:31] if that was the case.
[04:56:33] Okay minus three
[04:56:42] oh i'll fill nice nice
[04:56:51] in a fight
[04:56:55] and war music so I am out. And you can't stop until you break down.
[04:57:20] You're gone, you're gone.
[04:57:26] You're not alone, you're not alone. fine i'm sure their team will have autofill as well oh Don't master in celebration of the olympics and track the time
[04:58:23] is fair you know ronald folks you can play every role that's not how it works
[04:58:27] nope still not fair So can we just slow down?
[04:58:38] The only thing I'll do is lay here next to you. Not gonna happen, Mongoose.
[04:58:51] I've played Scent like twice and hated how he saw us play. It's only game.
[04:58:56] I've played Set like twice, and I hated how it started as well. I think you just figured out how to end all wars.
[04:59:00] If two nation, tribes or people have any disputes let them bring their best fighters
[04:59:05] And they can duke it out
[04:59:06] win against whatever the fuck they're
[04:59:07] fighting over true
[04:59:10] you imagine
[04:59:14] like like your country would host tournaments?
[04:59:16] Fighting tournaments?
[04:59:18] And the top three
[04:59:20] Would go fight other countries' top 3?
[04:59:22] Oh my god it's like
[04:59:24] The Olympics! We are so team diffed, it's insane. Oh well. Looks like that gift
[04:59:56] Nope
[04:59:57] Dead in that sub.
[05:00:05] I'm sure their jungle is auto-flo foot as well
[05:00:18] playing against rank one again that you know what that means by the way? They're all on roll.
[05:00:19] If we play against rank 1, they are all on roll.
[05:00:27] Hey! It's a thingy-easy Oh that can't be a thing!
[05:00:44] Whoops Is that real?
[05:00:49] Alright, their jungle's auto-filled.
[05:00:50] Okay, never mind.
[05:00:50] Balanced. Welcome to Summoner's Rift. Alright, their Dremel's auto-filled. Okay never mind, balanced. 30 seconds until minions spawn I'm not sure how we're going to win this one, but... Who knows?
[05:01:39] Top is autofill, I believe. I think he's secondary.
[05:02:08] ... and friends I can't stop them. One day, I'll root in one place and be everywhere.
[05:02:16] Gotcha! What is that? gotcha
[05:02:19] how's he red side i mean it's right side every game
[05:02:22] problem nothing beats the smell of vegetation.
[05:02:37] I could smite that and go top early.
[05:02:40] For what though?
[05:02:46] Then do anything. I'm gonna help this guy out real quick. so Gotcha!
[05:03:25] Yes, not be stupid.
[05:04:42] Ooh. Gotcha! I wonder what adventure today has been I think that somebody has to TP here. I think we should have killed two. I find that the stranger life gets the more. If we kill two there it's so good for us.
[05:04:49] Last time Surti won a game on blue side was 40 days ago?
[05:04:54] Like I said you have to be good enough To play the counters
[05:04:57] Okay so the moon has been saved
[05:05:20] it's not like he's not good at the game
[05:05:22] he's good i'm just saying he's 2.2
[05:05:24] thousand lp
[05:05:26] because of that blue Blue! Gotcha!
[05:05:53] Breathe like a snail
[05:05:55] and you will never
[05:05:57] rest in peace
[05:06:24] Gotcha! okay There's the fucking spot. The chameleon's feet burn.
[05:06:36] The cleverness of mushrooms always surprises me.
[05:06:55] Where does that come from This is a crime! I'm not just gonna sling you.
[05:06:58] Your fucking movement is being slated.
[05:07:02] Bring it!
[05:07:07] I won't give you this! Use this hitbox! Oh no!
[05:07:14] I'm far. And now... um I'm not sure that's good i should go swimming later
[05:07:42] we'll see if he took my top camps or just went the grunts?
[05:07:55] Okay, nice.
[05:08:01] Redeemable Take all the An enemy has been slain.
[05:08:09] Take all the gold, I really don't need it.
[05:08:14] An enemy has been slain.
[05:09:12] ...and then again... me is Wait, Daisy got knocked back? Okay. The forest will take control!
[05:09:16] Farm revisits those who farm.
[05:09:20] Hoist!
[05:09:48] Dammels, here to get our own strength? Get the fuck up. 4 days Or Daisy, her time was over.
[05:09:48] Doesn't really matter. Okay. so um I'm on the snake
[05:10:59] What pig, pig, pig Meet my friend Davey oh I'm going a good time. Fine!
[05:11:00] Fine, fine.
[05:11:01] The AFK farm.
[05:11:07] You just want to play Ivern?
[05:11:07] I don't do shit?
[05:11:07] Wait.
[05:11:31] What this game has made you want to play ivern wait at one time stamp ah the dainty Ah, the Daisy hit. Daisy... Does that make you want to play Ivern? I mean, I sat bot lane and players didn't spawn to is I may be my own I may be my own
[05:12:19] I may be my own Gazing sanity so um
[05:12:44] i am never lost in the wilderness.
[05:12:47] Only in conversation.
[05:12:51] It's not like we scale either, almost every single one of them out-scales.
[05:12:55] Regin can't play? Yeah, I could have Almost every single one of them out-skills.
[05:12:59] Raging can't play? Yeah, I could have saved this game.
[05:13:11] That went pop over... The wind top over uh...
[05:13:40] Uh, bot lane 13 minute queue for a blue side autofill game? Ah, love it.
[05:13:44] Love it.
[05:13:48] But like that makes me aroused We can get to the TV show.
[05:14:10] Keep fighting, baby! okay Guess we're not taking that.
[05:14:31] I really don't want to play to help jungle.
[05:14:33] We can't play bot lane because we're losing QB2, where all AD
[05:14:37] switches stacking armor... it's a win-con.
[05:14:41] ... so trusted by so is Very close play. so The rank 1 loss, I mean the games...
[05:15:57] To be fair,
[05:15:58] the games that he's in
[05:15:59] are like so one-sided
[05:16:00] it's not even...
[05:16:01] It's not competitive.
[05:16:02] Ever.
[05:16:09] Okay! I want to put my toes in the river. Low key, I can carry.
[05:16:11] I promise you cannot.
[05:16:15] Your turret has been destroyed.
[05:16:28] I wonder what the Ducks are plotting today? Shoot me! I think it's, I think its just Swain.
[05:16:42] How does this Swain die? Who like autos his Swains? Easy Daisy? Probably. Our best bet is Daisy. is so We have to ask now or what?
[05:17:47] Like, not competitive at all.
[05:18:15] ... um How does this team win every time? I don't know.
[05:18:17] It's actually red side
[05:18:21] like not even just like the counter pick this red side has higher win rate so Oh, fucking boring bro. Bro, we're not getting his fucking bounty. happens every time you get to the zelo? yep, cause i get blue side
[05:19:07] like if you check my it's literally blue side floss every time uh Oh! Oh, wow.
[05:19:45] Why is it only this elo? I have no idea.
[05:19:47] My account gets around 700 LP and I only get blue side
[05:19:49] And its just an instant loss every time
[05:19:51] The game quality's terrible, 15 minute FF.
[05:20:07] No! Bro, our Oh, bro. Are we really gonna hostage this as well?
[05:20:11] My fucking god...
[05:20:15] Your turret has been destroyed
[05:20:27] i never played with him though yes because i never get red side. He's red side every game.
[05:20:45] Bro there's a word... Bro, like, okay.
[05:20:46] These guys are depressed.
[05:20:47] Who is hitting no here?
[05:20:50] Like that last teamfight was a 0 for 5.
[05:20:50] Again, a no vote.
[05:20:53] Bro, what the fuck is fluffy on my toes. so doomed
[05:21:33] your has been destroyed
[05:22:01] your inhibitor has been destroyed an enemy is godlike
[05:22:16] minus six minutes guys well played must be ah
[05:22:34] ah Oh, and I lost full LP that time, thank you riots
[05:22:37] Let's get that straight as a 15 minute view for autofill blue side
[05:22:43] Awesome for autofill blue side. Awesome.
[05:22:48] Delightful.
[05:22:50] Wait, and that also makes it so in my last
[05:22:52] 20, blue side loss blue side loss blue
[05:22:55] side loss blue side lost red side loss blue side
[05:22:59] loss blue side loss six of my seven losses are
[05:23:02] blueside oh Probably just a coincidence.
[05:23:09] I'd probably just play worse as a player on
[05:23:13] blue side, if it's not in this brain gap playing about the same thing last time? Yes, bro. Because I only get games like this at this elo range
[05:23:44] I don't think it's a problem in like low Masters, high Masters, low GM.
[05:23:48] I think it's only a problem high GM and in Challenger.
[05:24:14] Yeah! and drown on my I need a dream change in the blind.
[05:24:29] I feel just like I am when I look back. I'm gonna go with auto field.
[05:24:31] No, you're secondary secondary. Enemy team didn't have any autofill.
[05:24:37] Is there Red side?
[05:24:39] Red side with rank one does not get
[05:24:41] autofill
[05:24:49] kill me bro don't just don't give me... Just please run. It's only game.
[05:25:06] Yeah, I know.
[05:25:09] T1 why does your hair look like the leaked jim o'murray video
[05:25:17] french. That Lucian was ranked 2? Yeah, but he never gets blue side.
[05:25:45] Actually.
[05:25:47] And every time he gets all his losses
[05:25:48] are blue side.
[05:25:51] He was playing against
[05:25:51] Rake once
[05:25:52] so he got red side.
[05:25:53] Or he didn't get red side?
[05:25:56] I mean, it is what it is bro. I don't care, just give me like whatever
[05:25:58] Blue or red, just give me it
[05:26:00] I'm not gonna bitch about if you just give my fucking rule
[05:26:04] Yes, it makes the games boring as fuck but give me my fucking room.
[05:26:15] There was a couple times I could have went top lane that game.
[05:26:19] I mean, my bot lane had a...
[05:26:21] Don't get me twisted.
[05:26:21] My bot lane had a massive lead and got farmed 2v2.
[05:26:25] To be fair,
[05:26:26] my bot lane had a massive lead from ganks and lost it by themselves.
[05:26:30] They got double killed right here. I can't do that.
[05:26:34] These deaths could have been top for Hecarim.
[05:26:38] Or excuse me, for the Hecarim ganks.
[05:26:40] Again, 2v2.
[05:27:02] Okay. I was like one time, Like I could have been top and we might win 2v2. But if I gave Renekton the first kill...
[05:27:04] That'd be better.
[05:27:12] If you get challenged with these kind of games?
[05:27:12] It'll be RNG.
[05:27:23] True, rank 2 should've dodged on blue side. That's true.
[05:27:30] He probably already has though, his dodge is probably down.
[05:27:32] He actually plays blue- like he has way more blue side games. oh No, can we...
[05:28:00] Ryan.
[05:28:02] I've got to be autofill protected, right?
[05:28:04] I'm not! Okay...
[05:28:06] Joke's on you.
[05:28:08] You don't need to put me in this 30 minute queue.
[05:28:10] But his game is actually just so dead at
[05:28:12] the Z-load.'s not play like any that
[05:28:15] such a waste of time there was no by
[05:28:18] night there is no benefit to playing at
[05:28:20] this elo except to see this number glove
[05:28:23] they came qualities worse sorry for a streamer Except to see this number go up. The game quality's worse?
[05:28:26] For a streamer, the game quality's
[05:28:27] worse? Nobody FFs
[05:28:29] the Doom games?
[05:28:32] Right? Like every one of these losses
[05:28:33] has been duped. No FF.
[05:28:35] Two times their longest Like, every one of these losses has been duked. No FF!
[05:28:38] Two times their longest shit...
[05:28:41] Everybody's Metaslaving. Nobody plays real like...
[05:28:44] Champions that they enjoy. and just play the strongest champion.
[05:28:49] What's the point? Underestimating what you've taken on
[05:29:00] And I don't think I used to cheer up on the door
[05:29:06] The rumors in this house is gone Up on the floor, there is innocent respond.
[05:29:10] If you're falling for me, just be warned.
[05:29:16] I'm not that paid.
[05:29:29] At least this is my job, like almost every person in that game.
[05:29:32] What are they doing it for? so Same reason you did it before with your job?
[05:29:55] That's not true.
[05:29:56] Completely different game. so so Oh my god, red side.
[05:30:27] Let's go! No dodge please.
[05:30:31] Holy fuck.
[05:30:37] I'm not saying what could happen, if everybody just dodges the blue side games
[05:30:41] Like, if you literally couldn't start the game because everybody dodged every blue side
[05:30:46] game like Force Riot to fix it. It's bug behind the scenes so they just fixed whatever is bugged.
[05:30:55] Imagine behind the scenes so they just fix whatever's bug
[05:31:50] imagine so so. I'll hide the side that's played on. It's not a bug, but it's a physical map that... No! It's NOT. It's NOT the physical map that causes
[05:31:52] it. No, it is matchmaking.
[05:31:54] It's-it's not even last pit.
[05:31:56] Like yes, RedTag gets last pick pick top no if it's not what it is
[05:31:59] there is a bug that does not match on roll
[05:32:03] 100% blue vs. red side, it's not matched
[05:32:07] it is not.
[05:32:27] Higher and Hire MMR. Yes, 100% bro. I'm not fucking coping- it is 100% a thing. I swear to god. Bug? Yes bug! Like i or it's not intended Well, maybe it is intended and that's why they hid champs' names.
[05:32:44] And started banning for lobby reveal.
[05:33:05] Tell you what, one day there's gonna get rid of this OP.GG bullshit, then you'll never even know so
[05:33:34] got some crazy theories t1 it's not a theory um I don't think...
[05:33:39] Like, top lane getting counterpick is actually the problem.
[05:33:41] I really don't think it is.
[05:33:42] It's just...
[05:33:45] Red side wins more because matchmaking is bugged. It's not matching silver fill, it's not matching auto-fill, which gives me secondary roll
[05:34:27] And it's already higher elo so There it is.
[05:34:37] Every prophet has seen us crazy until they prove everyone wrong?
[05:34:39] Didn't they fall to their knees and bleed the whole time?
[05:34:42] True,
[05:34:43] I guess.
[05:34:47] ... uh yes true Uh, yes. True. it's good I'm sorry that I stole your heart He thinks bot.
[05:35:44] There was a dev on an episode of the dive recently that officially said That matchmaking is skewed to try and compensate for blue side camera advantage
[05:35:48] By having red side players highly low
[05:35:50] Yes, that's always been a thing though. is Minions have spawned. on to the next the red side right her noob
[05:36:54] flash for free yummy okay oh is oh The enemy has been slain.
[05:37:53] The enemy has been slain.
[05:37:55] At least Rel, you'll exist. It's for God that I was fighting with the subs. so god those five subs up At least you're free-forming right?
[05:38:20] Get the massive off carry
[05:38:26] guys actually not gonna miss canon so That was, uh...
[05:39:01] A bit unserious so Fine, Zeri does not carry this game.
[05:39:37] Give me the cannon!
[05:39:38] Give me the cannon!
[05:39:39] The cannon! so Hey.
[05:40:03] Who's that?
[05:40:04] I just see somebody.
[05:40:04] Okay.
[05:40:39] There's a Scorch. Yeah, I think Gal- In my games, honest to God, it's regular Gathering Storm every single game because nobody is ever FF'ing. oh yeah uh
[05:42:13] it's rose theragas from earlier. so where am i Let's kill that. so Thank you for watching! burning I'm also six not easy i think we have to try and dive because it this guy. See the ignite?
[05:42:17] I think we have to try and dive because it's a kill. Perfect.
[05:42:37] Let's say because if we kill, they miss so much and that's a mental fucking explosion.
[05:42:44] If it was Kai'Sa, I'd be pissed.
[05:42:46] I just waited the entire time for that to push.
[05:42:49] And she dies in that wave? Oh my god...
[05:42:55] Like, and after Rell's been been playing like a dick the entire game uh so She's roaming now. so so oh off so
[05:44:21] well what the happened terrible thing That's guys not the shooter. Yeah, he's not clicking anything near how he was earlier. He's lost the will to click! I've done that so many times bro.
[05:45:04] I felt that same exact weight so many times
[05:45:07] it's like don't want to click your mouse anymore you're so off so How long was this guy in the bush by the way? so um so Fine.
[05:46:17] We got this so so I mean, it is what it is Oh, I guess he did have barrier. WTT, can't wait for Elden Ring. Not happening. 14-12 Kaisa Barrier? Stop timing sums to me.
[05:47:56] RUN! oh Oh, this is what it is bro. ah He goes half.
[05:48:44] So good fucking ult there TF, you idiot. Uh oh!
[05:49:15] Ezreal's angry. Lost your ways two times.
[05:49:27] B-Tac...
[05:49:30] He's not raw, this team's a dipshit
[05:49:38] no bro start rip herald over dragon
[05:49:39] that's definitely good so so oh I just died. so Oh baby, the sky falls for me more like my brawls fall for you.
[05:50:49] I'm kidding.
[05:50:57] ... I mean their team is just 0. your team has destroyed
[05:51:18] antler tyler, a father. Period.
[05:51:23] I'm a go back to the okay What the The fucker, you look 40! so I'm gonna go. Oh, shit. That's no mana.
[05:52:53] If he had mana, he could kill that guy too. That's true. AHHHHHH! I think when Brand ult bounces back to him, he should heal from it like that actually makes sense
[05:53:23] like to the character's theme he's like getting his flame on.
[05:53:31] Brain's a little bit weak right now, so I kinda like that. like not
[05:53:43] up so Red was strong, I'd be 1000 LP. okay so it literally doesn't want to play What, bitch?
[05:54:36] The OT has having your daughter changed how you plan on having kids. I know carries are quick to summon, but if you say he won't, then I want him to heal and stop the rune now.
[05:54:53] No, we still want more.
[05:54:55] They're awesome.
[05:55:03] I mean, I did a lot to turn on my life.
[05:55:12] You're not sleeping over here?
[05:55:32] It's been snowing. so I Fucking hate team. I'll be such bad no game I don't think he's that bad now, Dave.
[05:55:40] Dude everybody is happier on Red side.
[05:55:42] Please dude just let me get Red side five games in a row please i mean that's not too much to ask so Oh, shit. Awesome.
[05:56:24] How many hours a day do you play? Like 6-7
[05:56:28] currently.
[05:56:31] Not a lot.
[05:56:34] That's pretty casual of my eyes.
[05:57:04] Every day I'm shamed again. as you learn your forces stream out of rank i told As you've learned your force to stream Elden Ring, I told you. I'll be streaming Elden Ring until I beat it.
[05:57:07] Stream will be live from the beginning of that game
[05:57:10] until the end of the game. Unless my internet goes out.
[05:57:24] GG, FFF. GG FF Still playing so playing I didn't do DLC? Fuck no. legendary That's a good team. I'm just gonna slay you.
[05:58:42] This is so fun guys. Very entertaining. so so Oh, my God. No one's legendary. Not easy. Wow. I have to see if he can hit me. see get us the fuck out of here
[05:59:55] ron is so disgusting now i think she's pretty strong has destroyed 25 minutes of ass kicking.
[06:00:23] Okay bro, I just need like red side four more times. Please.
[06:00:35] Like bro please like bro i'm asking nicely
[06:00:39] I don't.
[06:00:52] Alright, we're back. Bye.. so so. so so Thanks for watching! so so so so so so so so so so. a thon
[06:04:23] we said again today I think we gained so far 563. uh oh gonna cut it close short games today no haven't had a single fucking short game. Bro, I don't get 15 minute FFs no matter what. oh
[06:05:21] water bottles. God damn it! someone redeems variety would you through a gym stream bro i'm doing a
[06:05:41] gym stream during the elden ringathon if we hit that goal.
[06:05:57] Depending on how many days it takes i could do multiple gym streams I'm a How much money you need? Like I said, I just got off the phone with my financial advisor a lot.
[06:06:23] And we're gonna have to up the stream time back like 13 hours a day
[06:06:30] The stocks are not what they used to be lads. Oh, I made some poor
[06:06:35] I made some bad investments uh-oh the portfolio folio is tanked gg i'm broke
[06:06:51] what are your financial goals? Do you want me to be honest?
[06:06:55] I have not...
[06:07:00] I don't spin money. Ever.
[06:07:04] EVER!
[06:07:08] There's nothing i want at all nothing Yes, I have an Acura NSX
[06:07:26] rented.
[06:07:33] A car I would want is like...
[06:07:37] A Lamborghini SVJ.
[06:07:41] Those are going for 900 grand right now, but I don't have a driver's license and then I don't drive.
[06:07:44] Like even...
[06:07:45] Like my NS6 has like 10,000 miles on it.
[06:08:01] Oh. okay
[06:08:19] our lights is expired. I don't know, bro.
[06:08:21] I don't know what's a financial goal.
[06:08:27] Make sure everybody is happy around me, I guess. I guess the ones I love aren't suffering. Like don't have money problems or whatever Fuck you Rob. He's on his own.
[06:08:50] Fuck that. Great to see you. Have a positive day, man. I've been positive.
[06:09:04] I hate traveling. Like no,
[06:09:05] I don't want to spend the rest of my life traveling around
[06:09:08] the world! Kayla would love to. I hate traveling.
[06:09:15] Tell me. You guys
[06:09:16] tell me your financial goals. Go on.
[06:09:19] If you had all the money in the world, what would you buy? What would you do?
[06:09:23] Not ALL the money. Let's say you had 10 million dollars. $10 million
[06:09:37] House What kind of house are we talking about? Like a mansion House?
[06:09:42] What kind of house are we talking about, like a mansion?
[06:09:46] Like a 15 thousand square footer or like a modest 3 thousand square footer
[06:09:53] ... square footer. It's only a game.
[06:09:55] Why do you have to be mad?
[06:09:57] Do what XQC did
[06:09:59] and sell your soul
[06:10:00] to the casinos
[06:10:01] You will be set for life
[06:10:03] True. Hey you give me dude i've told you i've never gambled in my life
[06:10:08] For the right price, bro. You get me
[06:10:12] Hey For the right price, bro. You give me They I'll get a this will be a slot machine stream
[06:10:15] I do not care about
[06:10:17] Do you think boats are so boring?
[06:10:25] Oh Boring. I have moderate 3k square foot house for my family of 6.
[06:10:28] Get a larger vehicle.
[06:10:35] Oh, I lost that one. My chat's screwed up. Sorry bro, I lost your message. You up, Ling?
[06:10:50] I'll get a pussy.
[06:10:52] My investments are in the dump.
[06:10:55] They're not.
[06:11:03] Investments, dude investing is too broken Like I said, investments...
[06:11:05] Dude, investing is too broken.
[06:11:08] Unless you're legitimately getting scammed after
[06:11:09] a certain net worth, you are
[06:11:11] guaranteed to make money. The rich
[06:11:14] unironically get richer in exposure
[06:11:23] mansion in a forest 5 000 miles from from civilization? Bro that's so me.
[06:11:27] Fuck I hate people Let's square 3k square feet for our family, get a larger vehicle, retire pay for the kids education and put the rest away to live off interest?
[06:11:48] Dude, a big thing about financial freedom
[06:11:50] is like you don't gotta worry about it.
[06:11:52] Like, you don't gotta worry
[06:11:54] about getting gas or like how much
[06:11:56] food costs or like bills
[06:11:59] I think that's a good
[06:12:01] financial goal
[06:12:07] but every day to day, small things.
[06:12:11] I think that takes a lot of stress away.
[06:12:15] I think stress is a killer a silent killer If Kik would set you up with $50 million in contract, would you take it?
[06:12:35] What do you think bro?
[06:12:38] What do you think?
[06:12:40] The fuck? Yeah, the whole kick versus twitch thing is like so weird because bro okay let's say that you take the
[06:13:03] kick contract or whatever
[06:13:05] Bro your not banned off twitch
[06:13:07] no matter what you will be able to come
[06:13:09] back to twitch even if you
[06:13:11] did a full time kick thing which I think a lot of people do the partial
[06:13:13] Bro your not banned off Twitch, you can always come back What if I was Subaru in person and you guys had money to buy my dream car?
[06:13:37] Let me google that
[06:13:41] ew
[06:13:45] at your drink That's your dream car?
[06:13:53] No offense, that shit sucks.... My dream car?
[06:13:59] Here's one I was looking at for a long time
[06:14:01] and I actually considered buying an
[06:14:03] Exposure.
[06:14:20] Uh... exposure I think it was blue.
[06:14:52] Actually, don't know what color it was. do something like this I don't know I like the SVJs
[06:14:54] I think their fronts are a little bit too long
[06:14:55] ... to say no To the ones who want
[06:15:00] something better
[06:15:01] To the ones who never say never
[06:15:04] You'll be my
[06:15:06] passion
[06:15:07] My dream, I already have NSX which is the only car I wanted.
[06:15:16] Oh my god true and a fucking Fiat Dude, I miss my sister's
[06:15:21] Fiat so much!
[06:15:24] That car
[06:15:25] was such a vibe!
[06:15:39] I got nothing to I drive a Fiat Brother so goaded.
[06:15:42] I love driving that little fucking thing.
[06:15:46] Quite a comfortable cruise, I must say. I'm gonna get one.
[06:15:54] Fuck it.
[06:15:56] Oh my god,
[06:15:56] I was supposed to
[06:15:57] call my car insurance.
[06:16:01] Reminded me.
[06:16:18] I'm getting one bro who wants to change our elven ring gold to a fiat goal
[06:16:19] huh i'm six foot tall at a fiat it's
[06:16:24] what i'm six five bro My arms are literally out of both windows
[06:16:27] And my head is sticking through the ceiling so No, they're actually so convenient because number one you're respected on the road. These people think
[06:16:57] you're like a grandma
[06:16:59] so they don't obnoxiously drive around
[06:17:01] you and number two,
[06:17:03] you're like so close to things
[06:17:05] right? Like a drive-thru.
[06:17:08] You pull up to the drive-thru and you can get the car so close to the window
[06:17:12] you just reach out easily...the mailbox you get the car so close
[06:17:16] to you get the car so close to
[06:17:24] that's awesome i don't give a shit. Haters gonna hate.
[06:17:37] Financial goals, pay off my student debt get a new car help my fiance go back to school
[06:17:42] and have enough to not stress without any ascetics plus money for fun things like restaurants
[06:17:46] how much money do you guys think he would need to be happy? 300k, 2 million, 1 mil, 5.
[06:18:06] 44k a year?
[06:18:11] 100k a year?
[06:18:13] I don't know,
[06:18:13] 100k a year nowadays is
[06:18:15] not shit.
[06:18:17] Some say
[06:18:19] the world
[06:18:21] will end in Zion.
[06:18:33] Trusted you, buddy.
[06:19:05] Minus three dollars! Oh yeah, well you get taxed for that too but like 70 grand then?
[06:19:08] Henry live! What are you doing mike Washington Post said you earn more than $200,000 a month for tabs and viewers' subscriptions. Sponsorships with Nike and Doritos, contracts with Guy in Peace for his teams,
[06:19:47] and donations and merchandise sales have earned him millions more.
[06:19:52] Huh?
[06:20:02] Tony! Tony! Oh, you're posting your number on the 21st of the month and Twitch ads if your subscription's sponsored?
[06:20:04] Okay.
[06:20:05] That was during COVID
[06:20:06] and it wasn't $200 grand. It was
[06:20:09] $213 dollars those photo shots.
[06:20:17] They have a sexy rumble on start and not loud at all but sound good."
[06:20:25] That Washington Post article from top to bottom was fake fucking news.
[06:20:31] You know that guy who made that
[06:20:32] article texted me?
[06:20:37] Uh, like two
[06:20:38] months ago?
[06:20:41] He was like congrats on the
[06:20:43] baby and then I don't know
[06:20:45] don't text me drop the number
[06:20:49] Fiat Abarth?
[06:21:00] Nah, that's too long for me. I need a fiatiat i forget what it's called Hey. I don't know if you have some bad comfortable cruise. their
[06:21:42] bro why does that put my young to death?
[06:21:54] Performance version of- Either yet. I guess this is good right now, yeah I do. Mr. Gamba, you don't even have a sub ban!
[06:22:15] You're broke, stop advocating for subs
[06:22:23] Please throw so TF Blade loses? Oh is my top
[06:22:25] TF blade? I don't think he gives a shit
[06:22:31] about his 100th account probably actually yes No, he literally has a new account every single day.
[06:23:03] A little bit weird actually.
[06:23:05] It's like to the point where it's just unsettling.
[06:23:09] Like does he have a new account fetish?
[06:23:11] I don't know it's weird. Have they ever said how many accounts
[06:23:15] He's actually had, i feel like it's gotta be well over 50 easily over 50. I love La Mania so I'm going to go back and get the Wait, is this umpty dumpy or fake umpty dumpty? oh How did a pike die? Hey, enough of this stupid shit. oh I said nice, hold and kill that guy. He got a... The ride lies... Thank you, bro. I guess it should. Oh, hi, Kool-Aid.
[06:25:50] You're the best.
[06:25:51] You're the best.
[06:25:52] You're the best.
[06:25:53] You're the best.
[06:25:54] You're the best.
[06:25:55] You're the best.
[06:25:56] You're the best.
[06:25:57] You're the best.
[06:25:58] You're the best.
[06:25:59] You're the best.
[06:26:00] You're the best. You're the best. You're the best. Thank you bro, I guess I should have thought Pyke was staying. um Camp over Ruby? Fuck, need more damage BB. so probably get our i don't think it's outplayable this time. Oh. I don't know we've had a lot of mid games where Akana's not performing
[06:27:33] and I haven't seen Nocturne go mid once, bro. What's going on, FaZe?
[06:28:23] Okay. has been slain I mean this isn't good. I
[06:29:15] she anyway I have shit anyway. so I mean honestly it's mid gap, xEG. Lose bot lane and he dies. so
[06:29:51] port mid he's not trolling it's just gap on his fault gap This girl, who gives a shit? so
[06:31:38] an ally has been slain you have been slain ah so Thanks for watching! I have no lead bottling either. I think bot lane should have been punished so much more. um so Yeah. Fuck, bro! That one Robe bot actually just won the game.
[06:31:42] It wasn't a Robe- He TP'd to bot try, and the game just like completely turned...
[06:31:50] Alright, we'll see you after that. I released the FF.
[06:32:23] Watch this VOD. I mean they ganked the fuck out of mid lane as well. Like actually, so i don't know how that guy got any wrong like...
[06:32:25] I'm pretty sure Nocturne didn't go mid once.
[06:32:33] Oh my god. See how Pyke died here actually first. I got ulted.
[06:32:49] If i would run, he'd eat forward or one of us is dying regardless
[06:32:53] Okay we kill him bot lane, Rek'Sai up 1000 gold
[06:32:59] We're actually up 1,000 gold! We're up
[06:32:59] 1,000 gold here as well!
[06:33:05] These guys
[06:33:05] have triple wards on the map this should not ever be possible
[06:33:14] and we get you know then the game is over Just lose like that.
[06:33:34] I mean to be fair none of this bullshit should be warded.
[06:33:42] Actually
[06:33:48] Like, dude
[06:33:50] I mean
[06:33:50] They can't have a ward in Tri
[06:33:52] A ward in River
[06:33:52] And a ward in this
[06:33:53] Actually that can't happen
[06:33:57] We should never get this TP off because his ward shouldn't be here.
[06:34:05] He has an Oracle's Charge and a Pink Ward up, so what do we actually do
[06:34:17] this is bad game i mean it's just bad gameplay
[06:34:28] you see jen Jenna ward right clear hours we see that's what it is
[06:34:43] we don't clear vision we go to this bush I probably shouldn't say this I wanna be with you
[06:34:47] If that's the last thing that I can do
[06:34:50] I wanna be with you
[06:34:52] If that's the last thing that I can do I mean, to be fair we have theft. We're down 6 000 gold 7 000 gold though so cool that's five into the subs bro my jungle played fine.
[06:35:56] Mmm... True, blue side.
[06:36:00] True, fuck it let's just blame blue side.
[06:36:03] TRUE ACTUALLY!
[06:36:06] Wait that makes it another blue side loss. I didn't even think about that.
[06:36:10] Bro! If the games always feel like dog shit, you just gotta tell yourself your blue side.
[06:36:16] I completely forgot.
[06:36:18] Probably just a mental thing
[06:36:20] I'm mentally playing worse on blue side
[06:36:22] That's why literally every single loss has been blue side
[06:36:26] It's not the game
[06:36:28] It's me. Blue, blue!
[06:36:31] Blue, blue, blue!
[06:36:34] Okay red. This is yesterday. This guy was griefed in.
[06:36:37] BLUE BLUE!
[06:36:40] Wait that- 7 of 8 can't be blue side losses.
[06:36:46] Maybe it's in my head.
[06:36:50] I mean somebody has to win blue side games. What's different game quality i swear to god what you want Blue side wins, they won. so um Come on, roll the dice.
[06:38:25] I mean i've won blue side of games today.
[06:38:27] Oh, never mind. Blue side autofill game.
[06:38:29] Fuck you Riot.
[06:38:31] Wait how am I getting another auto-
[06:38:33] Bro! I played two ga-
[06:38:35] Bro! I'm playing Autofill?
[06:38:37] Two games on roll? Autofofill two games on roll auto-fill two games on roll auto-fill. What the fuck? dude Dude!
[06:39:04] It's fine. This is mental, it's all mental.
[06:39:26] ... I have to believe i can win can't give up your champ select so
[06:39:58] you. Do it for her, bro.
[06:40:06] This product is brought to you by Unknown Brain. Thank you for listening. Love you all.
[06:40:15] Oh yes, we have – so my mid-secondary role as for AD Dude it's blue side
[06:40:17] It's blue, dude it's fucked
[06:40:19] By the way
[06:40:21] It is fucked
[06:40:23] If you're on blue side You also have more off-roll.
[06:40:27] It is just so fucked.
[06:40:32] It's fucked!
[06:40:38] Fucked! It's FUXX! Just lie and say you're autofilled bro.
[06:40:42] Is it gonna be smolder top man
[06:40:54] you don't have last pick and a worst team And autofill
[06:40:57] These guys will all be on roll
[06:41:00] I hope the game goes through
[06:41:01] They will be five on roll
[06:41:03] It's
[06:41:03] Sigh but i'm so satisfied and hopeless
[06:41:15] it will be because I'm blue.
[06:41:40] I promise! matchmaking Hollywood person God
[06:41:46] Hollywood person I want it to go through
[06:41:48] It's guaranteed loss but I I didn't want to...
[06:41:54] Well, I was at this ELO a month ago bitching about the same thing.
[06:41:58] The same exact thing.
[06:42:03] Alright, let's see.
[06:42:07] Dude I'm telling you they're not gonna have an autofill. Oh my god. all right let's see oh from last game gentlemen their mid oh
[06:42:48] he the radius and a I'm just gonna reload it.
[06:42:49] Yes, how about their support?
[06:42:50] Oh, their support might be filled!
[06:42:57] Okay, there's support Not filled but it says this is shared account their supports not auto-filled. But that's a bot. That's a
[06:43:02] Shared CN account.
[06:43:30] This guy is terrible. faces fire
[06:43:39] so am i getting smoldered or Gragas. He'll support me?
[06:43:40] He's queuing jungle.
[06:43:43] The system thinks he is jungle.
[06:43:46] Or... Dude, you guys thought i was delusional before motion what if riot
[06:43:56] knows what lane you primarily queue for.
[06:43:59] Like, for this account I have a lot of allowy games with the account.
[06:44:02] Allowy top game.
[06:44:04] So if you guys remember positional que?
[06:44:06] What if...
[06:44:08] There's a little bit of positional code in the matchmaking system still? Games like this
[06:44:25] In the algorithm
[06:44:27] Searching for a game
[06:44:29] Wait a minute T1 okay good yes he
[06:44:30] has a lot of allowing top games Let's put him in AD. He doesn't count this as fill. I'll take it. I'm not sure if you can see it, but the enemy is still there. Building baby, not okay boros. Names don't matter!
[06:45:33] I wanna get level 2'd. I'm not one sword, we are many.
[06:45:46] This is the end of your days.
[06:45:49] Thanks for holding that for me bud. Are you know what Chad, who said- guys it doesn't matter.
[06:46:04] This is a high mmar problem sorry Oh, greedy aren't we Gragas with that Tear Star huh? uh I can't move that button. That's just bad luck. The sea is right above me.
[06:47:23] That Gearsleeve doesn't hit. If I'm on the right side, then it doesn't hit. Just saying. The enemy has been slain.
[06:47:43] You have been slained.
[06:47:46] Pop my pot sooner, maybe live?
[06:47:51] Everything what you want, but I don't know. They're all supposed to- well, yeah actually.
[06:48:07] Dude I can't remember camera that really It could be worse.
[06:48:28] CS lead is still pretty fat. My all-star did go Dark Seal.
[06:48:55] It's not about Dude, fucking eat my shit dude.
[06:49:11] Way I just missed that.
[06:49:16] I was trying to push fast though. Thank you for watching! That's my E so I die, and if bot lane is just running it 1v2 v3 then it's just fucking life is the sweetness of food and the joy
[06:50:16] i think i actually carried this game too
[06:50:20] i'm really not gonna buy it but i'll I think I can actually carry this game too.
[06:50:23] I'm not going to blame jungle because my deaths were kind of bullsh**t but...
[06:50:29] It's 100 over Blame the jungle anyway, I'll save it for later. Okay.
[06:51:16] Now this is looking a little bit retarded.
[06:51:22] And now, now this is a little bit much
[06:51:37] type in your last allowee top game yep i get solar baka? Yes sir! the hearts enemy has been slain
[06:52:01] i bring Bring emax
[06:52:13] So, how am I not hitting that's not last hitting me uh I don't know if i've ever seen a Gragas out of mana in my life by the way. so so oh so Oh Crazy Oh crazy flight those five gifted subs brother
[06:54:29] I uh oh I think they actually heal too much. 1v2?
[06:54:32] I think Jarvan has Sunder. Oh my god, that 3 mana is not ideal. so so okay I'm going to go with the A-line.
[06:55:36] Okay, elf roll
[06:55:46] And kill If I can't, uh...
[06:56:38] I don't know how the Jarvis is going to come top. so That wasn't worth your smite bro, the fuck? Minus three. Think subs...
[06:56:40] mods are doing sub laundering?
[06:56:44] What the fuck is that, bro?
[06:56:51] I'll investigate it.
[06:56:54] Noted. I'll handle it.
[06:56:56] McCandle, they got 20! I'll handle it. McKinna, go back at 20.
[06:56:58] Go back at sub.
[06:57:03] I mean if i was even,
[06:57:04] I don't think this game would be doomed.
[06:57:06] If I actually had to lead this game we could have won.
[06:57:10] But...I trolled level 1 then I just got a spam game.
[06:57:12] Fortunately.
[06:57:16] BUT! Bot lane should be more ahead than they are. has been slain me
[06:57:49] yay blue side. so so energy Always here at the exact right time stamp.
[06:58:33] I'm gonna flash in this guy...
[06:58:39] Pain!
[06:58:43] Would it work to go Ignite TP'd this lane? It's not worth it.
[06:58:45] It's just a free win.
[06:58:48] But, this is a good matchup for Lowey.
[06:59:08] Your turn has been destroyed! Red side games today three don't stop two zero five and still smashing him well he's he's not getting any gold he's at four assists jarvin's taking every kill has been destroyed team is is frequently a kick in the head huh so yes I said flip dragon, but go flip.
[07:00:23] Where's the flip bro?
[07:00:28] Press R we get white. Where's the flip bro?
[07:01:15] Press R we get wiped. uh so I'm going to have to talk a lot. Oh, I thought I got the auto off. Also, did I get CC'd when I went to press- oh I did.
[07:01:26] I was like why didn't my E go off?
[07:01:53] So I got scrragas ulted. Wait, Trusunit did have flash there. Doesn't make sense so so oh And you had ult there?
[07:02:40] Yeah, I'm pretty sure I still get CC'd, bro. like so uh There's nothing we ought to do this game unfortunately after what happened and They're not going to be able
[07:03:31] To do this game
[07:03:32] Unfortunately
[07:03:32] After what happened
[07:03:33] Wow Six autos and zero crit?
[07:04:05] I'm going to team up on the front though. The waves will drag you along, unless you fight to shore.
[07:04:13] Are we countering Skrags for the win? Yeah, the Skrags played this game very well.
[07:04:20] A very good player.
[07:04:23] That outlane by the big man I have been slain.
[07:04:41] Now!
[07:04:45] It's only only game.
[07:04:47] Why is he trying to be mad?
[07:04:51] Aurelion Solbot is the answer
[07:04:53] Just hit GM with 70% plus win rate on it
[07:04:57] Smolder good team fan Draven, giggle-giggle! I think a soul bot is good.
[07:05:13] I think all mages modders are good. I like this.
[07:05:20] I should buy everyone one of these.
[07:06:46] We have a lot of full game today's three. oh my mid has IE winnable Jesus fucking Christ. I'm going to go back and get the I would have got that expert off. so Can't happen bro.
[07:06:54] Did I call this Kaiaisa a scripter
[07:07:39] ah your turret has been destroyed so I said that first death by me was bad.
[07:07:41] If I don't die like that...
[07:07:48] I'm actually really good against their comp. This Gragas is really bad, so I think I could have farmed him. I'm not sure what to do with this. Yo guys, if you have primed yourself for being the biggest, most handsome, most successful guy on the planet
[07:08:13] Calls your best father with veiled and rings filled with potions never seen before
[07:08:21] Just shut up bro The shutout, bro.
[07:08:30] I'm not lying.
[07:08:33] Alright, Riot!
[07:08:35] You're doing okay!
[07:08:35] That's it, bro!
[07:08:36] Enough!
[07:08:37] I get it!
[07:08:38] There's my... There's my blue side aut I don't feel game against five on roll
[07:08:42] To all four gets zero
[07:08:44] Or higher than our okay, right you win the guys you win
[07:08:49] So not only that we're blue side, we're autofill top. I get camped!
[07:08:55] Like bro what sane fucking person would play this fucking game?
[07:09:01] I'm not lying.
[07:09:03] Who is playing
[07:09:04] this fucking game?
[07:09:07] The joke's over,
[07:09:08] just give me Redside
[07:09:09] five more games
[07:09:10] so I can get Challenger and then i will never hop off my other account on our gear
[07:09:15] in every game okay the joke's over guys she is so sad it's just not ballot that I've been trying man holy fuck yes I've been on I wouldn't change a thing, cause in the story... But it's not giving the enemy team off-roll in a single one of these games.
[07:09:48] Not one of these games, by the way.
[07:09:51] Autofill?
[07:09:52] Autofill?
[07:09:53] Autofill.
[07:09:55] On-roll? Secondary roll? Autofill? auto fill, auto fill. On roll, secondary
[07:09:56] roll, on roll.
[07:09:59] Again true auto fill,
[07:10:00] true auto fill, true auto fill.
[07:10:02] All blue side. a
[07:10:17] about the same exact when i was here last time. It is retarded.
[07:10:25] ...... so We're watching a VOD, I don't give a shit. lose every blue side game thanks bro i didn't notice thanks bro i didn't notice to say Maybe it's a high-hello, not enough players problem?
[07:11:13] Well no!
[07:11:15] Because for instance since I was autofill top lane
[07:11:19] There is a player in queue that could get put autofill top lane, there's a player in queue that could get put
[07:11:21] autofill top. Not saying it's
[07:11:23] played well but I'm just saying to make it so
[07:11:25] like it's less frustrating
[07:11:27] at least feels fair
[07:11:29] give these mother... At least give them a secondary role I just turned
[07:11:33] on the Yankees game and my god damn they're so shit their job must be the
[07:11:37] height and weight I'd say your exposure is on par true jackson you I mean, I'd have to die
[07:12:08] first game. That's what I was saying.
[07:12:10] If I played it a little bit safer...
[07:12:14] Actually... a little bit safer. Actually,
[07:12:15] I didn't even have to watch this mod.
[07:12:21] That was bullshit!
[07:12:26] What? That's bullshit! I'm telling you bro, crazy shit happens blue side.
[07:12:30] Crazy shit. Like people live with 1 HP all the time if your blue side...
[07:12:35] I swear, I swear live with one hp all the time if you're blue side i swear i swear
[07:12:45] this guy's just getting blasted.
[07:12:55] Alright, I'm up 10 CS at his turret like this.
[07:12:59] Just somehow hits him.
[07:13:03] He lives with 2 HP.
[07:13:10] So not only does this somehow hit him, which I don't think it should hit, right? It shouldn't hit.
[07:13:16] But it does... he lives with two hp i get turret aggro Die.
[07:13:40] You think this guy calculated that? Yo, by the way I'm gonna live with 2 HP here.
[07:13:57] Top of cap I'm probably being popped whatever, they came top again blahblahblahblah. Came top again.
[07:14:01] Three man top.
[07:14:14] But if that first death doesn't happen it might be fine what's up frost thanks so
[07:14:30] thank you keith Thank you, Keith.. That classic getting filled...
[07:15:02] No, dude.
[07:15:03] Dude, I... So so like I went ah three four five 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
[07:15:18] 8, 9, 10
[07:15:22] 11, 12
[07:15:23] 13, 14
[07:15:24] 15
[07:15:24] 16 I went 13, 14, 15 16
[07:15:26] I went 16
[07:15:29] games in a row and I only got
[07:15:31] filled once.
[07:15:33] Out of my last 3 games
[07:15:34] 6 games I've been filled three times but not secondary role autofill
[07:15:41] but were any of the auto fill games red side no they're all blue side. Why because it is bugged
[07:15:55] It's bugged its bugged its bug whose site is bugged it is bugged, it's bugged, it's bugged.
[07:15:58] BlueSide is bugged, it is bugged, it is bugged.
[07:16:02] Fix the fucking game!
[07:16:05] It's been months-ah! Literally fix the game. Oh chat, I am 33 years old. Why did you just do this?
[07:16:30] Oh chat, I am 33 years old dude.
[07:16:33] I'll probably die soon as I'm old as shit.
[07:16:36] My last wish is to see Tyler1 play Elden Ring.
[07:16:40] If only there was something we could do to make him play it. It's not bug, it's deliberate?
[07:16:54] No I don't think it is.
[07:16:55] Actually I don't think it is.
[07:16:56] Here we go again who's Phil?
[07:16:58] Wait let's see.
[07:16:59] Who is Thank you. No words can describe your savage life
[07:17:23] Ooh, let's give it a go like a puppet shows
[07:17:29] I wanna know who you are oh is I hope he answered me. It's not good. so Fine, the game's not over just because I'm blue side.
[07:18:39] I gotta focus on my own gameplay. Thank you. What's up?
[07:19:11] Alright, what's up?
[07:19:14] We picked Morricano.
[07:19:15] How did these guys ever win? Okay. then i wanna see the sunshine it's getting too much I know that somewhere in there,
[07:19:31] There's a good guy.
[07:19:34] He runs away at midnight.
[07:19:41] I'm sorry that it's on your part
[07:19:45] Ain't got those tattoos on my arms
[07:19:50] That don't mean shit to me
[07:19:52] Maybe you should pull the alarm I'm in search color you sign in Dallas and a glass case let's go bro
[07:20:02] your billionaire in the waiting Dallas in a glass case? Let's go, bro. You're a billionaire
[07:20:03] in the waiting. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
[07:20:15] My siblings are perfect and I wish
[07:20:17] I were the same, making bad decisions
[07:20:19] That should be my middle name
[07:20:21] I love playing with fire
[07:20:23] 280s vs none, GG. Ah, true.
[07:20:47] Thanks, Toxic. I'm sorry that I stole your car
[07:20:51] They got the same arms
[07:20:55] That they used to tell me Maybe you should pull me along ago Why do we ever lose to Morgana support?
[07:21:15] I know we're playing Alistar and it counters us, but it's fucking Morgana. welcome to summoner's rift 30 seconds until minions fall.
[07:21:43] They did call Illaoi a phase, remember that?
[07:21:47] Guys it's been almost two years and it's not a phase.
[07:21:54] MrMata's name...
[07:21:56] Team needs shot IRL!
[07:22:22] Oh my god Team needs shot IRL. minions have spawned Damn. We're gonna piss this guy off. so what curve that uh Oh, there it is.
[07:23:13] Let me get a summoner spell. so Wait.
[07:23:51] Totalobby's ass? I'm telling you, blue side fucks with people's brains.
[07:23:56] You gonna help me get any of this CS or do we just open?
[07:24:19] Are we done playing- I don't give a shit open are we done playing i don't give a bro are be done playing then.
[07:24:31] This guy doesn't want to play the game because he inted level 2.
[07:24:40] Yes bro, my fault man. My fault. Level 1. excuse me.
[07:24:52] Into level one.
[07:24:56] We're talking about...
[07:24:58] Blue side does shit in people's brains I need to switch these. Oh geez.
[07:25:37] No gank, never expected. Never expect a brand jungle. First Alistar combo! so uh Oh, that guy didn't live with 1 HP again.
[07:26:31] You've got his main all day? Yeah I have. An enemy has been slain.
[07:26:49] You know I played the first game of the day like this and we wanted...
[07:26:55] Oh yeah, actually another thing about it!
[07:26:57] I've been getting some steaming hot shit.
[07:27:00] I forgot we played with the fuckin'...
[07:27:03] What was this? The...
[07:27:04] That Maokai slash Yoda?
[07:27:07] With a 17% win rate?
[07:27:19] Rock tank!
[07:27:21] Fucking idiot.
[07:28:15] Every day I'm Shedding every day so Nice! so That's a great impression. Do you remember his name? Well, I couldn't remember his name.
[07:28:17] I can remember a lot of names.
[07:28:31] Oh, fuck. Is this River Brand? I think it might be.
[07:28:41] Wait, Alistar stole his... Alistar sold us a support item?
[07:28:45] So now i'm gonna go try and take all the cs spotlight yeah
[07:29:04] I was gonna have a tough day. has been I'm going to go ahead and do this. uh so I mean he's just fucking terrible.
[07:30:06] It is what it is. He's just terrible Oh I'm just I'm just
[07:30:23] I'm just
[07:30:25] I'm just
[07:30:27] I'm just
[07:30:29] I'm just
[07:30:31] I'm just I'm just Good or bad Kha'Zix game?
[07:30:33] Bro, I can't believe this guy's gaming is... bro, I haven't seen a Morgana support
[07:30:37] in God knows how long. Chip sucks! Like yes, I know it counters Alistar
[07:30:41] but I haven't seen an Alistar, but...
[07:30:46] ...I haven't seen an Alistar walk up level 1 like he did ever. Because people know that Alistar's not a champion level 1. I'm gonna go top here. okay That one Morgana, yes.
[07:31:22] That guy was a complete exception though uh Fight for it bro.
[07:31:52] Nah, let's fight for it.
[07:32:12] Oh! so Silly old me.
[07:32:17] Silly old me!
[07:32:38] Oopsie, my bad I mean, you're just getting cooked 1v1.
[07:32:39] Like that- Can you imagine being this Ren renekton laning one no we actually gave him
[07:32:43] that kill they're getting fisted my life has been Dead man walking.
[07:33:05] Good, big bolt.
[07:33:12] Game hard to watch, lose side.
[07:33:13] Lose side brainwash.
[07:33:21] ... oh big AP Alistar combo That's our combo! Why Ali griefing what happened?
[07:33:50] He died level 1.
[07:33:53] Came back to lane, didn't bother helping with any CS
[07:33:55] Stood behind me walking around
[07:33:57] I don't know
[07:33:57] IRL problems bro
[07:33:59] Can't really blame him
[07:34:15] Okay blame him. Actually, when this started happening I think I had to swap queues at the top.
[07:34:23] Yeah but at least I wish they existed.
[07:34:31] Actually we've gotten what? Loose side how many games in a row?
[07:35:53] Is there a third? For third. so oh I'm gonna go for the maybe go rise a chance to win so true ocean true True, Ocean.
[07:35:53] True. True.
[07:37:12] The throat goatoks not talking to me. um Broke. I don't go but i keep this name my name out of fucking mouth so oh If the Salistar has a job, what job do you think he has by the way he's playing? My guess is TikTok employee.
[07:37:16] I mean, no.
[07:37:19] It's the lowest quality of life. is great
[07:37:32] other than streaming through Real estate means I game up on my dreams?
[07:37:48] Wait, I thought real estates were like made a lot of money oh they're fake rich ah fooled me so so so There's the chest pussy. Checkers to chess. Your turret has been destroyed.
[07:39:21] I mean, if we scale up it's a pretty even game is so so so
[07:40:18] i do not care. oh what up Ruffle it up!
[07:40:45] I'm gonna keep typing
[07:40:46] I don't care, but
[07:40:47] I don't care.
[07:40:50] Sorry bro.
[07:40:52] True.
[07:40:56] Imagine I was sweating
[07:41:00] right, trying to see if I was landing
[07:41:03] 1v2 which is what it was.
[07:41:05] And then he does it again and
[07:41:07] he does it again and he does it again
[07:41:09] and he just says fuck it
[07:41:11] We come back and he does it again at 30 minutes. Like bro that's so mentally taxing I'd rather just lose.
[07:41:15] I'd rather just fucking lose bro, I'm sorry.
[07:41:18] I'd rather lose while putting in zero effort than put an effort and have this guy lose it for us. Based off the way he was playing from literally level 1,
[07:41:44] He was going to be a bastard to play with all time.
[07:41:47] And even if it became winnable,
[07:41:48] he's going to do things and make sure he did it. I See your quitter? Yes. Yeah, absolutely. 100%. Hold him there Braum, on the way. oh Oh, we get this guy for sure.
[07:42:45] Guys! My assist! Hello? my assist hello I'm not actually, I'm not dying.
[07:43:10] Actually! No that's not true. Even now i'm running around the map for fun not dying. so so What's up RylaiS guys? Your inhibitor is being destroyed. so uh so I'm gonna have to keep top.
[07:44:48] And I'm gonna keep on getting blue side.
[07:44:50] I think this happened last time we had to start getting top.
[07:45:04] Okay. Watch this VOD.
[07:45:05] I mean,
[07:45:06] these guys are deseret. See if I can't like guy's a degenerate.
[07:45:10] See if I can't think of his thought process...
[07:45:15] Who is this guy?
[07:45:22] Let's go to this guys' heads, you think?
[07:45:35] I mean, you never engage level one in a house or ever. Okay, so let's...
[07:45:37] What is the perfect thing... What is the best situation ever?
[07:45:41] Let's say that you're
[07:45:42] The best player in the world
[07:45:44] In enemy team DC
[07:45:45] What is the best case scenario here?
[07:45:49] You walk up you okay morgana's cues on cooldown
[07:45:54] you cue her and then what i i'm playing draven so
[07:45:59] i one-shot them? Like, what's the
[07:46:01] wincon?
[07:46:03] Like, I'm curious.
[07:46:05] Do I walk up with him
[07:46:07] and like start autoing
[07:46:09] again, I have no abilities, I have 3 seconds on my W do I walk up and start autoing, again I have no abilities. I have three seconds on my W. Do I walk up and
[07:46:12] start auto-ing the Morgana?
[07:46:14] Maybe we win an auto battle?
[07:46:20] Whatever. Your ass, you die for free. And waste your flash.
[07:46:32] Okay whatever.
[07:46:33] Don't really wanna play. Let's try helping Lissias here bro.
[07:46:41] Double relic stacks up! Almost three. Relic stack! Relic stack! so Goodbye, dickhead.
[07:47:08] I mean honestly, you got most of the relic stacks but level one and this retard type beat
[07:47:18] uh go ahead afk i don't care yeah i'm losing that game every time I'm not playing Garen.
[07:47:39] I gotta Q top though so I get red side.
[07:47:52] Red side. I just wanna feel the love I just wanna feel the love
[07:47:56] Love
[07:48:05] Love I've lost almost...
[07:48:09] I've lost five of my last six games.
[07:48:11] Only game I won in the last six was the only game I got red-set. Thank you. I'm hard to say, you say we need a change and I feel that you mean it.
[07:48:34] You mean it.
[07:48:38] Nurk what's up?
[07:48:40] We're just so right, we're losing track of time. Nurk, what's up? I'm not playing Qiyana.
[07:48:56] I've actually played Qiyana once in my life.
[07:49:00] I can't remember how it went, but I'm sure it was terrible. is Do you guys have Phil that game?
[07:49:27] Nah, we had secondary role but not Phil. I I can just use Scythe.
[07:49:47] Actually, I'd be down to try Urgot.
[07:49:49] Actually, I'm gonna go Urgot.
[07:49:51] Blue Scythe anyway.
[07:49:53] I'm actually actually gonna try it so That doesn't do anything. in front of us
[07:50:28] so can we just
[07:50:29] the only thing I'll do is lay here next to you.
[07:50:43] We need to slow down. This guy said,
[07:50:54] if Brand is here I will soft int again.
[07:50:56] Go it you fucking dipshit!
[07:50:58] I get paid to play the
[07:51:00] fucking game, retard!
[07:51:02] It's like what?
[07:51:06] If I was doing a bet or challenge
[07:51:08] Or if I was in some other country.
[07:51:11] Sure, well, I was on the limit
[07:51:13] of time. Brother, I get paid!
[07:51:15] Ants, I don't care.
[07:51:51] Like you can't win, bro. Fucking morons. so
[07:52:13] i don't mind first picking. I don't think I've'm gonna play Urgot.
[07:52:14] I don't think I've actually lost on Urgot this season. damn it's gonna be a long night
[07:52:30] you can find an of ergot against a truck I don't like how Jax feels.
[07:53:09] I did a little bit of Jax for fun
[07:53:10] a year ago.
[07:53:12] Like, I was gonna make him Malawi
[07:53:14] and I just don't like the way he feels.
[07:53:15] There's some champions that just
[07:53:15] don't like how they feel.
[07:54:14] Yeah! feel there's some champions don't like how they feel yeah yeah This... not even the same Alistar but it's got yapping Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[07:54:26] If you hide in the shadows, you'll only draw me home.
[07:54:31] Yeah I was the enemy team jungler respectively. This guy was the...
[07:54:33] My support was the enemy team jungle. I'm gonna go back to my base is this matchup i think it's even even. Minions have spawned. I just bought Iceborne Gauntlet on a Lowey since it was first full AD, still straight
[07:55:02] ass?
[07:55:03] Yep shit's terrible
[07:55:14] ice board is a fake ass item These are my weapons. Start swinging like an idiot for gank.
[07:56:55] Wait, you think that causes from laski and camp speed so so so so First of none. But if General wasn't here, I don't want to be served.
[07:57:24] Oh he's coming now! so Fucking idiots.
[07:57:43] Stop it then! Nope, it down. That felt a bit forceful from throat go.
[07:57:46] Think?
[07:57:59] He was upset about something for sure. Fortunately, blue side game
[07:58:26] we will not be taking home the w Hey, we can have a good time.
[07:58:28] Sleep proc kinda goes crazy!
[07:58:36] ... Wonderful. is uh
[07:59:07] i should have hit these Q's that up. uh so existence is I mean, he misses a lot.
[07:59:58] He did TP back.
[07:59:59] Where do we go first item?
[08:00:29] Okay. has been slain Oh, I don't think it's Hole Breaker. One. Or got one trick like top 20
[08:00:40] Got this thing He goes... Cleaver into Stareaxe.
[08:00:42] That'll be good.
[08:00:47] Young Money, save those 5 those five subs brother
[08:00:54] Okay, but although a low key though. I have actually got to get blue side or red side right
[08:01:22] Next game I have to make like six in a row i've been blue side no way so I want to see their faces when I tear their hope away. Red and lose? Well you lose red side games, but the game quality is still better. Blue side games are over before they even start oh there like two people live at one hp blue side
[08:01:45] blue side blue side does one less damage oh that's just so good so Oh, fuck.
[08:02:19] Fucking fruit? a fruit ah ah Ouch. Oh true, we actually get executions. Chaos!
[08:03:24] We've been playing League so long, we just going to blame the side of the map? i was not born in the dead That's not what's happening.
[08:03:57] Such marbles... Blunders of pain! oh such marvels okay is I will guide you to a new age, born of destruction. I think Lillia's here.
[08:04:44] I think she's been hovering top for a while actually. so I guess it's up to me. so okay Helper? so
[08:05:53] i was gonna say i should have e-ed, but I guess I still use my Flash Fliding regardless. Like, at the end of the day I'll grab the used flash no matter what.
[08:06:12] Excuse for value? 319.
[08:06:23] oh my god i have kind of the perfect buy
[08:06:25] bro by the way if i'm gonna Urgot one trick...
[08:06:27] ...I'm pretty sure I would 100% carry this game.
[08:07:34] Shit! oh so so so That guy's not gonna win. Alright, it looks like this guy goes Cleaver into Starex every single game.
[08:07:50] Impedalance. I Been one camp he view locked under a guy and stopped picking a lowey?
[08:07:53] Yeah.
[08:07:54] When they're on your blue side, and pick Vayne what do you do?
[08:07:57] Same thing. so I'm holding a hullbreaker in the haircut, yet I got nerfed bro. so so okay so Your team is ready. so My Q not go off the fuck? I'm not alive.
[08:09:59] It's.
[08:10:02] We're got balance.
[08:10:05] I've been missing out.
[08:10:08] I thought he was really bad, but...
[08:10:11] Maybe? I thought it was really bad, but...
[08:11:01] Maybe the run-up players just suck. one uh They're not balanced, and that's very true. Every Aatrox player a free win for you?
[08:11:03] I lose against Aatrox all the time.
[08:11:06] Uh... looks like he goes...
[08:11:48] Next. so Maybe it didn't?
[08:11:52] Absolutely safe, holy shit.
[08:11:54] Okay, I baited him.
[08:11:56] Let's go. faded a holy fuck big time
[08:11:59] I did it on purpose otherwise yeah
[08:12:08] power to That whole power too. oh da da dun dun dun dun nun nun dun
[08:12:37] Who among you
[08:12:39] are worthy i admit it's racing and it feels like zero seven so so And a double kill!
[08:13:24] Ace...
[08:13:28] You have slain an enemy.
[08:13:32] We got dragon, I think Shyvana should've helped sooner.
[08:13:36] Yeah, I'm getting one shot by lucian and then my uh
[08:13:45] the winner doesn't want to play more than their a trot very weird
[08:13:55] that was red side he didn't want to play, just saying.
[08:14:04] Brain spay... Blue side brain wash 07, he's 07 but he's 074. okay over so so so so Oh. I think that kill will probably get inhib. so That's a 2 for 3? no fear
[08:16:26] uh that's a two for three
[08:16:30] we got baron and bot
[08:17:50] are you walking with W. I'm a little bit crusty first of all and secondly it's fine if you're not autoing so That hurt. I think it's at this build soon. in the depths so is Your team has disappeared from the picket line. Your team has disappeared from the picket line.
[08:17:53] You have to go back and check your Oh, we almost Wombra'd that guy.
[08:18:12] Um... I kinda...
[08:18:16] Like okay, let's say this
[08:18:20] That Aatrox and Lillia ran it down to me top lane, and their game was kinda over.
[08:18:27] But even after I actually felt like I was doing so much damage.
[08:18:39] Do I have armor items? You are one of the worst Lulu players
[08:18:41] I've ever seen above Emerald. Jesus Christ, you're constantly
[08:18:44] nowhere! 47%
[08:18:46] win rate cog! Go fuck yourself!
[08:18:49] 500 LP!
[08:18:50] You!
[08:18:52] Look at yourself after 20 minutes you did what he left bro being useless but he left him alone
[08:19:13] I go top again I'm gonna tear out his castle.
[08:19:26] I'm gonna tear out his castle.
[08:19:29] I'm gonna tear out his castle.
[08:19:33] Loose side is fine if you play real champs.
[08:19:36] Loose side, fine. My mid laner went oh and nine Lena fight's gonna hit.
[08:19:54] Yep. Hey Big T, great to see you still kicking ass in middle age.
[08:20:01] I hope I can play as well as you when I'm your age.
[08:20:04] What do you mean my age?
[08:20:05] I'm a young 29..
[08:20:26] That's 30? No, 30 is 30. I'm a young 29.
[08:21:24] .... is you can't afford my If it's a good part of Eldarine time. Set up or shut up? I just want to say thank you for being a part of my wife and I spend our routine we sit
[08:21:40] with our five-month old and eat while we watch you run down.
[08:21:43] I don't run it down.
[08:21:44] Oh, I never run it down? I don't run it down.
[08:21:46] I never run it down.
[08:22:14] ... is I'm gonna homeschool your kid.
[08:22:17] I have 195 IQ tested on stream, and I'm pretty much
[08:22:19] a genius, so yeah, actually...
[08:22:21] ...
[08:22:23] ...
[08:22:46] ... so I was homeschooled.
[08:22:48] Don't homeschool your kid. Homeschool home schooling. Yeah good because you miss out on social interaction
[08:22:52] You should put the chat in sub mode only to entice your viewers to give you money, right? Let's submit it
[08:24:56] guys reminder stop up or shut up you don't get to speak in my chat room ever again unless you give me your money Oh, right side. oh red side oh is All right, subs are boring as shit. so they're not boring to your boring. Asking for prime subs always work.
[08:24:58] Prime baiting?
[08:25:01] I think prime
[08:25:02] baitings worked in like two years, bro.
[08:25:27] Yeah. is I'm prime baiting right now. Whoa, freaky boy! Prime baiting right now whoa freaky boy prime baiting right now oh you're a little naughty Thanks, Mickey.
[08:25:48] Sanju, sup? Dennis Dinkinator, sup-sup? thanks sneaky sanju uh dennis dean canader yo guys this team complex really good if they lock in a champ that I can play
[08:26:12] Alawi into, by the way
[08:26:14] I'm playing Alawi
[08:26:52] I I... you'll be dancing dancing on the moon I mean, bro, this is...
[08:27:02] I don't actually think- I don't know who beats Varus. Oh my god. I'm not sure if you can see the cosmic insight actually is so that's only when i play though
[08:27:50] if i'm navaris i get camped you're saying I'm really going to use shield on the Urgot.
[08:28:12] That's viable, let me see what this other guy does.
[08:28:17] I feel like... can't do that. There is no coming back
[08:28:46] oh my god you know what's good this is the only
[08:28:56] remember old ergot humax in the stridebreaker
[08:29:00] minions have spawned ride breaker I think i'm just going to...
[08:29:19] I think i'm just going to 2 max this game anyway.
[08:29:31] Just admitting you stole mythic items? I do.
[08:29:35] Nothing to admit, I do.
[08:29:41] Sir, I'm here for you, still miss the pool shoes though.
[08:29:47] Okay... Still Mr. Pulse himself? You may run, but you will not be spared!
[08:29:53] It'll rot around your neck......for too long so
[08:29:59] i was not reborn in the depths i merely refused to die Or a new staff, couple jugs.
[08:30:18] Ah!
[08:30:24] I'm gonna get him to ward this
[08:30:26] by the way he's patting top. so so There's a red side counter pick?
[08:31:02] I don't know who to counter pick against Varus.
[08:31:04] Actually, I have no idea who beats this champ top. when you speak fuck
[08:31:47] let's tally lista oh thank god i played that I've seen so many montages of Barstomp, and I was trying to think what did I see lose in Barstop. not Teemo?
[08:31:54] I don't think
[08:31:55] Teemo does
[08:31:55] because he gets
[08:31:56] level 6
[08:31:56] he ults you
[08:31:57] are there 317 um so so so I think Teemo is the third biggest counter of ours top. I am stronger than man, stronger than machine.
[08:33:09] I am an idea!
[08:33:15] Bullshit it's Olaf bro, I played that matchup!
[08:33:18] An enemy has been slain
[08:33:28] We will rise from the rubble stronger than before. so what You suck ass.
[08:34:10] I honestly thought he would flash my E when I E forward. We just did it.
[08:34:28] Tab's first back.
[08:34:41] Fucking losers, bro.
[08:34:46] They're all fucking losers.
[08:34:47] It's true. Dude. do you think that guy just caught or got broken when he died by the way so I'm gonna go for the silver counter.
[08:35:29] Garvin took a good
[08:35:31] counter after 6, it's GG?
[08:35:33] No escape?
[08:36:46] These have got to be silver counters by the way. so uh so so so You cannot rule when I have turned to ash. Did that reset?
[08:36:54] My god, I'm actually in his head. Please follow me. I feel as though I can buy boots here. Supposed to proxy here? so so so so No way we give that red.
[08:38:26] No way we give that red, bro.
[08:38:41] Helping your jungler? He doesn't move? Wait, screw. I willingly went to help my jungle and he didn't take it. so...
[08:39:06] Bard's top is so fucking retarded, by the way.
[08:39:08] Dude... he has
[08:39:11] tabs and this! Whatever, GG
[08:39:15] His passive did 1 point
[08:39:17] 1000 damage
[08:39:22] Whatever Dammit. My fault, I tried to help John but actually I lost him.
[08:39:27] Sorry guys. okay Why isn't it played more?
[08:39:46] He was played a lot and he got nerf yet changed
[08:39:57] still winnable i just gotta not get farmed so Winning Anderson's winnings were really good.
[08:40:18] Does that really have lightning power now? I think Varden is the loudest biggest counter.
[08:40:39] Even ahead of Eora, yeah. I'm no one.
[08:42:15] I think we still win, my team's doing well hey we have two dragons shadows what No, I don't listen to that shit. so so Go team, go team code. Let's go switch because I hate my life.
[08:42:18] The APC does more true damage
[08:42:24] actually just build hp does more damage so um I'm just trying to play with you.
[08:42:58] Who among you are worthy?
[08:43:04] 30 CS behind, I'm playing against ranged pop I'll wait for strange. Operate from Trash. I'm not gonna go check that stop teaming. so don't worry I'm alive. There were three and one when I left, what the hell happened? To leave those 10 gifted subs brother one step closer. so oh Damn, head-to-flash flashes suck. so You suck.
[08:45:27] The virus tried not dying to the exact same thing over and over again?
[08:45:31] Wait, what happened to 35k subs you gave in? Brother, we would have not hit 35k subs if I upped the time limit to 4 years. yes
[08:45:51] i gotta at least keep it close to bait people
[08:46:31] right of a south indian um Now that guy's first death of the game. He can't see us a minute, depressing. If we do it for her, we can get 100k? Stronger they'll be if they live.
[08:47:14] Your team has destroyed a turret. Red side game so... so That issues come on in every game that i shoot so funny I'm not in the queue. has no
[08:48:21] i haven't played or gotten while, I'm a bit rusty. um so I know. dude i know I'm quite talented strong handsome outgoing charismatic
[08:50:15] Oh so Guys hit yes. I want to see that this is so much pain in the ass.
[08:50:18] Got him!
[08:50:40] That told me to go feed my kid. So is BlueSide's support that gets curb stomped and loses the game, I swear? Wait, wasn't this the AD carry from last game to come here? i swear
[08:51:05] hey wasn't this the ad carry from last game Get over here!
[08:51:17] I'm not alive, flee Urgot this feels good. He feels very strong. has destroyed
[08:51:35] get away isn't it getting nerfed?
[08:52:10] Where's that last pad Oh, my God. Very nice. For life?
[08:52:13] Yeah, but no it's the movement speed actually feels... Frisk got him.
[08:52:29] Plus 20
[08:52:30] What did we start today
[08:52:31] Like 620
[08:52:32] Is it
[08:52:37] And that's my last game in this account.
[08:52:43] In the day 7 and 7, I think I'm up like 10 LP.
[08:52:52] Started a 3-0.
[08:52:56] I got to...
[08:53:02] Like 680 LP.
[08:53:05] Whatever, not bad.
[08:53:10] Play a couple of Garen games, let's call it a night.
[08:53:14] Probably gonna play a lot of Urgot tomorrow, not gonna lie.
[08:53:26] God I hope fucking that pothead motherfucker Greg's in queue.
[08:53:30] I hope that piece of shit Greg's in queue.
[08:53:54] I'm not gonna lie. so We started 3-0.
[08:53:58] Let me see, we got to...
[08:54:00] 685 LP.
[08:54:02] We played against Rank 1.
[08:54:04] Actually, we played against Rank 1 twice today and lost. both games. And actually
[08:54:07] both games were 15 minute FFs, so that's exciting.
[08:54:12] My client opened up!
[08:54:32] ... open up Chad, what's the new Wolverine Deadpool movie?
[08:54:32] Is it good?
[08:54:33] Movie of the year?
[08:54:40] Marvel's back. Movie of the year,
[08:54:41] Marvel's back.
[08:54:48] Slow and steady. I went, uh...
[08:54:49] Like we went 4-5 a lot like last week
[08:54:53] We went 5-5 and it paid off. We slowly climbed slow and steady
[08:54:57] We're like five wins from challenger still so oh well is is Add oiling up for the 30k sub goal.
[08:55:45] If I added putting like baby oil on my body
[08:55:50] For like, uh...
[08:55:52] Power or like Bodybuilders do at shows
[08:55:58] you guys give me 30k subs for that. I'm telling you, bro.
[08:56:26] I'm telling you.
[08:56:28] There's a lot of...
[08:56:29] Dude, there's a lot
[08:56:29] of weirdos, bro.
[08:56:33] I'm telling you, bro.
[08:56:34] I could be a quadrillionaire if I opened up an OnlyFans. It's true, I could. There I said it.
[08:56:40] I can be richer than Elon Musk! True because of me alone? Bro stop, you guys are fucking weirdos.
[08:57:03] Dude you got no technique. What are you saying? I don't know i go on twitter all i see is only fans girls spamming their stuff
[08:57:35] constantly right like there's like thousands and thousands and thousands.
[08:57:41] But, so
[08:57:42] these guys- These girls have to be making
[08:57:44] bank because if they weren't
[08:57:46] they wouldn't do it. But like, at what
[08:57:48] How many subs on OnlyFans do you need to have a suss- make it a sustainable career?
[08:57:58] Because there's no way all of them have like 10,000 subs.
[08:58:01] There's no way right?
[08:58:10] Average only fans creator makes less than three dollars a month but how do you
[08:58:14] know that your Twitter algorithm is is um No, well the crazy thing is I you never dude Twitter's like such a disgusting place now. Like you see murders and shit on this app it's fucking insane compared to what it was before Elon took over. It's disgusting like it fucks you up I have probably a thousand of these XX rated, uncensored bullshit
[08:59:36] on my blocked accounts list, and it's still just
[08:59:39] disturbing freaky shit.
[08:59:45] I've blocked so many accounts and just spamming it over and over again.
[08:59:53] We fight for those who cannot win.
[08:59:58] Yeah, like ask me to do this! fighting with those who cannot
[09:00:30] yeah like actual gore it's disgusting welcome to summoner's rift I'll take that over the cesspool libtard it used to be
[09:00:42] 2024 is what it is I bring justice
[09:00:49] No matter your numbers, I will not give you gold
[09:00:52] Bronze or gold?
[09:00:59] Silver. I have a silver skim.
[09:01:04] Must have 10 attack. Maybe i can get 20 attacks and i can upgrade to black maybe 30 for addy 40 for rune
[09:01:09] oh 60 for dragon
[09:01:19] the glory of demacia
[09:01:29] yuko 1993 asses matchup has to be good for me None.
[09:01:53] I'm gonna regen. Ah! One left.
[09:02:00] He's older than you? Why are you playing, bro?
[09:02:10] That guy is older than me. Clear as wither with Q? Oh shit. Oh my god, I'm putting this guy. The Garen god is doing it.
[09:03:14] Look at the spacing, look at the clicks! spacing with the click I mean, that was a little bit... Oh my god.
[09:03:15] I have cancer.
[09:03:15] Bro!
[09:03:16] Oh, here we go again.
[09:03:17] God damn it.
[09:03:26] Oh, here we go again well i'm limit testing man
[09:04:18] how you improve as a player never forget why Terrible fucking player. You are bad. I will fight as long as I stand! I let you kill me.
[09:04:24] He understands that I let him kill me, right?
[09:04:29] Like obviously that's a free kill. How boring would that have been?
[09:04:33] Fear is the first of many foes a free kill how boring would that have been three
[09:04:53] showed you the strength of the monster I get six on this next wave, then my time will be as much ass. so do not...
[09:05:35] Fuckin' idiot.
[09:05:37] How bad this guy is! Oh my god, he's
[09:05:40] so bad right guys?
[09:05:44] We're laughing at you.
[09:05:46] Garrett or Nasus,
[09:05:48] you're terrible!
[09:06:14] An enemy has been slain later
[09:06:52] i'm comfortably lifting right now by the way. Comfortable fucking lead. down hey you're You're fucked.
[09:07:03] Yeah, GG's in right word. I look at people and they wonder all day
[09:07:27] Who are you, and who are not the one that you're good at?
[09:07:31] Can you use Stats for 3? Why might I ask? Let's see who scales better.
[09:07:35] This world needs hope uh so Oh
[09:08:30] Dumbass Dumbass alert, dumb ass alert dumbass alert Killing spree.
[09:08:35] An ally has been slain.
[09:08:43] An enemy has been slain? What are you doing, problem?
[09:08:47] There!
[09:08:49] A new ally has been slain. I'm dead. I really think she's gonna be better than me later. You better back up, bitch. away no ult. Yo, this guy's healing enough? hey is never forget why we fight actually so worth. Bro... Bro.
[09:11:02] This account is...
[09:11:04] There's something messed up on this account.
[09:11:06] It makes me play worse.
[09:11:09] Is it my mouse settings or something?
[09:11:12] I do not know.
[09:11:22] I mean, I'm not lying.
[09:11:24] Like, dude, this is an Emerald 1 game and I'm like...
[09:11:25] I can't click my...
[09:11:27] I've been failing flashes, bro.
[09:11:28] Just playing in 1000 LP lobbies.
[09:11:31] I just played against rank 1 twice today!
[09:11:35] Bro, it's something fucked up.
[09:13:15] True! Actually true. True actually true Oh Sorry but you're not going to be more the fucker in this game though. An enemy has been slain.
[09:14:01] Without a doubt.
[09:14:05] You have like 250, but it's nothing.
[09:14:09] It's trash. that's nothing trash oh man
[09:14:31] you got a lot of items though.
[09:14:33] Why are you pp'ing at sub?
[09:14:37] Mistyboy's in at sub as well.
[09:14:41] This sub, yep, I just think... here so My god my team. Do something! here's something Oh, Nassus is poking!
[09:15:53] Gonna take a fucking damage! so uh down never wait
[09:16:44] oh fuck off oh get the fuck out of here i should
[09:16:49] just auto it i'm so stupid man oh what's wrong with me
[09:16:58] that's 1000 gold! I can't kill the Nasus. um i need to go 1993. oh so okay uh oh your eyes I mean, bro, the shields are the fucking problem.
[09:18:57] I can carry.
[09:20:52] I... problem I can carry I A man is only as good as his promise. Or whatever. or whatever going to macro. so In the king's name. uh you will I'm gonna lose Baron here actually, I think I meld it. Or not it, my team's all low.
[09:20:57] Low Elos maybe they won't start it
[09:21:04] one national reminder i was thinking about it but he's like the only one that it's been for. Come on, get there.
[09:21:22] Oh it looks great! Oh!
[09:21:43] Fucking Lux is smurfing!
[09:21:51] Actually, he's a smurfer count 100%.
[09:21:53] Because Lux isn't 100% of the Smurf account.
[09:21:55] Just so we're clear. or ghosting because they blue trinketed that at the exact right time. but uh I'm going to try and get him. so three so On what fucking godforsaken planet can these dipshits do better so I'm a bit disgusted.
[09:24:07] I even watched him try is I'm very strong.
[09:24:39] Listen, these guys are very bad at macro.
[09:24:41] Because Nasus keeps wanting to group.
[09:25:46] Good noise! oh my god we let him uh so Hey, a little bit damage turd slow
[09:25:48] getting big nice thick strong so Oh! I don't know if i kill called He's throwing.
[09:26:44] Dude I'm fucking gonna kill this Lux so many fucking times.
[09:26:54] Nice! Good job!
[09:26:56] Keep letting me side.
[09:26:58] Let's see win. I'm Challenger.
[09:27:04] Dude, that was so newbie.
[09:27:06] The fact that me being bot
[09:27:07] and doing this is breaking their brain is insane Incoming!
[09:27:23] You scared the sub-golf? Getting closer and closer every day? Not worried at all. uh I love the way they farm these camps so bad I feel this game.
[09:28:04] Slip down! Fear not, I'm coming for you. so This guy is... I know Morgana or Orkul saw it, but this Lux is bullshit by the way.
[09:28:31] I think this Lux 100% goes through.
[09:28:40] Not coping.
[09:28:50] He's too quick with it. I noticed that right here on the blue trinket.
[09:30:04] Bastard. so Thanks for watching! so so oh That's a bitch. I killed their most fed player and we lost.
[09:30:10] While taking all of them.
[09:30:13] They lost to the 447
[09:30:15] level 15 Nasus.
[09:30:30] Oh! masses it's only 567 stacks, it's not good.
[09:30:38] I think Lux is ghosting her ass off 100%.
[09:30:42] I actually got picked twice
[09:30:44] from LuxGhosting, and I swear to God despite
[09:30:46] anything else we won.
[09:30:48] Even if he wasn't, he's what LuxGhosting is.
[09:30:50] ...she does that on a few other streamers too
[09:30:52] see her name everywhere in cell beta cup his wife has a bf2 i bet lux mid loser
[09:31:00] wait this guy does it the other streamers too they're d4 bro it's their d4 bro the d4 player
[09:31:10] I fucking hate summertime my house has dumb little fucking spider fucks going on my house.
[09:31:17] That was winnable, bro! I had him not die to get in the side lane.
[09:31:20] Alright one more.
[09:31:25] Crying over some spiders cover a
[09:31:27] pussy
[09:31:31] there's a couple limit tests there it's
[09:31:33] fun Oh my god.
[09:31:39] Only down 1.3k, I actually willed us to victory that game.
[09:31:45] But could have gotten a side lane bro. Oh my god that I mean dude yes, that was GG but honestly it's how we lost but bro
[09:31:56] Playing too safe. It was all the Baron.
[09:32:00] I mean, it was kind of goaded ghosting though because that takes...
[09:32:06] It's like during the middle of fights. That fights actually not the easiest way to ghost I'm not killing lots of the game a game losing play.
[09:32:30] That was when I was sitting by that blast cone.
[09:32:34] I should have been bot lane, if I was bot lane there it's just one.
[09:32:37] Oh my god...
[09:32:38] If I push the bot wave out because at this point I'm that point it beat asses whatever it's learning
[09:32:42] we're learning it is what it is operation ggg still under full effect no i'm not a
[09:32:48] but i bet you would be pissed too if you kill one then you see another an hour later.
[09:32:59] Just... just give up then bro. What am I gonna tell you? Quit! a second oh
[09:33:32] sorry i was getting food. New ordering McDonald's.
[09:33:50] Looking at pictures of Miss Sailoroo. so oh my god bro i could have won that game my team My team!
[09:34:49] Sucks oh it's fine. Fine! That's fine.
[09:34:57] ... so
[09:35:07] i stopped counter pick
[09:35:14] I'm going
[09:35:25] We reach uttering a no fucking time and like 25 bro. Today we start at 11.8k, we're at 12.4 so we got 600.
[09:35:33] But I streamed longer today, so...
[09:35:47] Gonna be honest. Not looking hot. I think it's better for Garen.
[09:35:48] Trust, I'm gold?
[09:35:51] I'll pass on trusting you, brother.
[09:36:18] That's pretty much the same prop.. What's up? What's up, Yappler2. Do you think Shayla will grow up like a gamer like you or do you think she'll still contribute to the stream?
[09:36:19] I don't know.
[09:36:20] I'm not sure.
[09:36:21] I'm just curious.
[09:36:22] I mean, it's been a while since we've played together and I'm not sure if we're going
[09:36:23] to be playing together again.
[09:36:24] But yeah, I'm excited about this game. I'm looking forward to it. I'm excited for the next one. What's up, Yappler2? Do you think Saylor will grow up like a gamer like you, Taylor?
[09:36:25] Or do you still attribute- should I actually attribute Saylor to you?
[09:36:28] Why are you trying to swap people? Throw in the talent and just play for fun.
[09:36:31] Teemo is usually open.
[09:36:33] What am I talking about bro?
[09:36:35] I'm Challenger.
[09:36:37] You mad?
[09:36:40] Oh, he's third today at...
[09:36:50] Third! 722 LP so I gained 17 LP.
[09:36:59] Oh my god, please go Garen so I can kill you 100 times.
[09:37:02] I will kill you 100 times if you go Garen.
[09:37:03] Go Garen!
[09:37:04] Go Garen! Okay. me is ignite really the best on garen Like dude, I really want to go 2P.
[09:37:53] No, I didn't limit Fester's Ignite then. Try Conqueror. Actually, let's fuck it. Let's try Conqueror once. all right last game of the night lads. Can escape with conquer if you overextend? And, this was it. I'm gonna play where I'm walking, pray when I'm talking is to you.
[09:38:46] Fight for my attention, boy, your attention, you must prove it.
[09:38:51] Cause if you can find me, you're gonna find me, you let it move. Wait, what the fuck?
[09:39:10] Nevermind.
[09:39:14] Seeing shit, sorry.
[09:39:20] Sorry.
[09:39:24] Fighting my demons guys. They're beating my ass right now.
[09:39:27] I got round two though. I actually think i'm just inted every game in this account'm not gonna lie it's fucking uh both bot laners have support item guys our deeds shake the future And now you're gonna get it, Bobby.
[09:40:38] Now you're gonna
[09:40:38] get it, Bobby!
[09:41:09] I'm sweating this fucking game. Lock in. Do it for her. so oh who says that bro who says that? Bro, who says that anymore? so so off the fucking kill engine or more you can't lost i'm winning leave the charge
[09:41:56] the more you can on loss i'm winning this
[09:42:03] game all right your conqueror actually stacked so fast? He stacks it instantly?
[09:42:32] I do not like this skin Z.
[09:43:52] Oh, no! Here we go. fear not I'm gonna go for the kill. god damn it My life's up. stop Stop dying bro, I got a game to fucking win. They really don't matter they're fighting so I got so low on planet to defeat, it's high in room! I will fight as long as I stand!
[09:45:40] Shit I'm 2k rated. so All these spots? I Keep faith in yourself. I am back
[09:45:44] Any bots still about to have support item?
[09:46:23] Yes yes I'm gonna get the Tixxun. so I'm going to use the same move as before and then
[09:46:25] I'll
[09:46:27] do
[09:46:29] a
[09:46:31] different move What?
[09:46:40] Little bitch.
[09:46:45] Yo! Little bitch! Healed that?
[09:47:49] That made me unhappy. mediocre day i'm up a week already um so oh You have been slain. Learning, learning, learning, learning, learning, learning, I am learning, I am learning, limit testing and learning,
[09:47:54] Limit testing and learning, limit testing and learning. I am learning. I am learning.
[09:47:58] It's fine.
[09:48:00] You got to laugh it up now.
[09:48:01] You'll see.
[09:48:03] We'll see who gets the last laugh.
[09:48:04] That's all I got to say.
[09:48:07] This world needs hope.
[09:48:14] Do I conquer better as of right now? Yeah!
[09:48:17] Feels like I can fight back
[09:48:24] in the king's name
[09:48:44] damage force justin Damage force, just damage. here
[09:50:01] has been slain so Fucking ult you piece of no so we must not
[09:50:11] get for any gold Yeah, for an eagle. Also I think I snagged.
[09:50:15] We fight! ally has been slain okay keep up
[09:50:47] has been destroyed Ah, that's it. Nice!
[09:51:15] That gold reset earlier when I died on purpose.
[09:51:19] Alright, hold on, we're back. yes uh so I'm just kidding, I'm out of breath.
[09:52:13] I'm not out of breath.
[09:52:14] I'm not out of breath at all actually.
[09:52:22] Yo Rice Bo to that gift!
[09:52:26] Perm Explosive 34-1 squad sub sub there's no subs lads
[09:52:34] where's my bot torrent? I thought I almost reset again.
[09:53:06] How did Doom miss phase rush though? i bring uh Are we getting into 20k one way or another bruh?
[09:53:44] Yeah, yeah.
[09:53:45] We'll see.
[09:53:46] Nightwalk now is 5.
[09:53:48] My god this hype train's going insane what will I do?
[09:53:54] This bananas! top cap double support items balance i guess not Your team has destroyed turret.
[09:54:20] Thanks for the gifted sub and supporting this stream.
[09:54:23] People are insane, they want gifts so bad bro.
[09:54:27] Guys come on! More gifts so that
[09:54:31] the community is better shut up just a match
[09:54:36] Any more to Elden Ring
[09:54:55] Oh What's today? Yeah. Blitz today he added backslash hang clean.
[09:54:59] Tomorrow is...
[09:55:04] ... Your ally has been slain.
[09:55:10] Lord of Musks! What is tomorrow?
[09:55:17] An adventure? Let's incline. No? Yes?
[09:55:22] Can't remember. Am i going in order Oh, it's incline. Me cook!
[09:55:51] Let me look
[09:56:07] Yeah, it's so dark in your room but I still see you big team. I thought you were a brother huh? Please explain
[09:56:10] Emma brother brother huh please explain i am a brother
[09:56:15] light skin and it and winter just got over so you know happened to the sun much I didn't want to use my sums on that guy, but fuck it.
[09:56:37] Hell yeah!
[09:57:27] Slanging dat thing! We fight for those who cannot so Oh, I have Nidalee and Katarina come. Oh my god! I actually hate playing it slim. did you know you can subscribe for free using twitch prime
[09:57:45] let's watch because garen
[09:57:51] i added it minus three dollars. And true.
[09:58:06] Yeah, I missed his heart.
[09:58:11] Well i think it's gonna be fine if i had phase rush rush so Oh, this guy's actually annoying the shit out of me. I'm not gonna lie.
[09:58:49] The guy who's following around...
[09:58:51] I can't do anything about it, can I?
[09:58:53] I don't think I CAN!
[09:58:56] This- by the way has completely put me off of ever going Conqueror again. Just this one like- this interaction. Fuck this. Yeah, fuck this shit. I'm so good on Garen, you're crazy? How?
[09:59:43] Bro, okay Do I die without any- if I didn't have
[09:59:45] phase rush these times
[09:59:49] No. I would say that I want to have more kills but
[10:00:27] ... I mean, I would have more kills. oh this world needs hope only from surviving lane after it's terrible
[10:00:31] or so go. in the king's name so um so so I got her flash, I can kill her.
[10:01:47] Look at my fucking buy! Oh. My. God.
[10:01:51] I gotta go A.
[10:01:58] Yeah, passive.
[10:02:00] Almost a good play but not quite? Is there a kill- Yeah, massive.
[10:02:03] Almost a good play but not quite? Is there a kill angle there?
[10:02:09] 3 of 5 waited for my Q cooldown.
[10:02:16] I started with E. There's no windmau5.
[10:02:25] Wait, can you not?
[10:02:29] Wait it's just weird because I actually have a teammate.
[10:02:35] Crossfade Monkey Nightwalker Beamer? That sucks! so so Shit.
[10:03:11] Like, can I see... sometimes you have to refresh and then sometimes you have to wait.
[10:03:14] Like, I couldn't see it when we first had a way.
[10:03:50] We fucking win! I'm so very large. I'm just swaying out of my fucking face.
[10:03:51] I'm actually doing so- He's completely useless against everybody on my team!
[10:03:56] He just fucking annoys me.
[10:03:57] Bro, fuck no phase run.
[10:04:23] Oh, shit. I mean, if that's the case and you have to build Taint Deer with Conqueror then I don't want to play it. I'd just like the Glass Cannon.
[10:04:28] No ult! Oh! oh Oops. Not bad. You must have lost your mind.
[10:05:06] I'm not sure what you're talking about. so now you be strong I think Katarina is trying to build AD because she's their lady
[10:05:51] those fat fucking 20 50 subscriptions gifted subscriptions is shut down Shut down. so I
[10:06:57] Hit this bro hit this bro This bro hit this bro
[10:07:37] Oh Oh Oz Pause. So bad, Nid.
[10:07:38] There we go. There we go.
[10:07:48] So quiet!
[10:08:58] I said this is on jungle calm down now hold up no not now. Hold up. so There goes Cloud Soul! there goes cloud soul Oh, Samaritan! Yo, these fucking losers are just giving you so much money for some dumbass challenge. How much money am I gonna pay?
[10:09:00] Is that what I was talking to my financial advisor for?
[10:09:04] Is that it? You're right.
[10:09:06] Yo by the way bro we got a heavy incoming soon.
[10:09:13] These dumbasses are actually falling into the sub goal bait.
[10:09:17] Who they know once you hit 20k subs i'm
[10:09:19] never streaming again let's imagine with 3k subs i press stop
[10:09:24] streaming and you've never seen me again and i go like off
[10:09:28] off the grid, off the map.
[10:09:35] Have you done it before? No, I haven't. our laugh here is the first chest incident yes that's not after getting subbed I'm gonna go to the other side. uh Rampage. night walk that was 20 get the sub bro
[10:11:11] I'm Italy. I didn't do it last night how boring bye Ned
[10:11:35] fuck my camera! an inhibitor
[10:11:36] gee guys GG guys!
[10:11:50] Dib, quiet. GG easy. Jungle diff no put down. it is quiet easy jungle diff open down
[10:12:02] and you would hear that last fight oh well the fuck did I just press? Hey Nightwalker, don't get gined up for this one.
[10:12:04] Alright it's our last game! Not a bad day, especially for a Monday.
[10:12:15] We saw the day 3-0 on our main.
[10:12:17] We were 2 wins and 3 wins with Challenger.
[10:12:18] Lost against Rank 1 twice
[10:12:20] dropped down one two in a row
[10:12:22] ended even up 20 LP
[10:12:24] pretty much win. Got some
[10:12:26] Garon experience
[10:12:27] Good day.
[10:12:31] Wish you a good night. Patriots, go for Aquario subs. Alright, that's it for us.
[10:12:33] Tell the subs, the dees, the follows
[10:12:34] on my Twitter, on my Insta.
[10:12:36] Hey squad, we out in this bitch mother
[10:12:38] FUCKERS! And with that being said,
[10:12:42] I'll see you pipsqueak,
[10:12:44] freckle-faced,
[10:12:45] fat-nosed,
[10:12:46] fat-eared,
[10:12:48] ugly,
[10:12:49] loser,
[10:12:50] bastard!