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Monk Mental Arc to Challenger before end of season | Educational stream

08-28-2024 · 5h 20m

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[00:00:19] Well, that guy just got fucking- that's not good.
[00:01:56] He's a hard matchup.
[00:02:36] Not too bad.
[00:03:40] Walked him by watching.
[00:04:38] It's a pretty hard lane for me.
[00:04:41] I gotta just chill until six.
[00:04:43] It's like not easy at all.
[00:04:49] Especially when like I don't know where the fuck Daoia was.
[00:04:57] Because I know what I know. He's here. Yeah, I do have R. We've just probably try and kill this guy, but
[00:05:30] I mean, bro, it's kind of hard to like fight the game right now versus this action. You gotta relax.
[00:06:11] This is not an easy matchup.
[00:06:15] I mean, anytime, maybe I go once or you just come in and you still these guys. I mean, of course,
[00:07:49] Gallio's mid on that timer. He did flash though. It's just so annoying. I literally can't walk to
[00:08:02] like get Ward's or vision or anything if Gallio's not standing in the lane because he just walks mid.
[00:08:09] It's like super fucking annoying mid to play mid sometimes when the enemy support just sits
[00:08:17] it's new man.
[00:08:18] Cause like my support, like this guy's literally on my fucking turret, right?
[00:08:25] So it's like my support's not bad, but it's like, they're getting out pressured on really
[00:08:29] bad tempo bobbin.
[00:08:30] This guy can literally just kill me bro, yeah, you sir.
[00:09:10] You can't invade, you know I can't try to make cause you aren't ganking, but I
[00:09:18] I mean, it's just, I think he should just be ganking.
[00:09:55] Like the Viego is trolling so hard this game.
[00:09:59] Like, it doesn't make any sense that he's not just ganking, right?
[00:10:01] It makes no sense.
[00:10:13] Because, like, I'm mouse.
[00:10:15] I went even against an action, which shouldn't be happening.
[00:10:25] And for whatever reason, we're, like, not playing to help me kill this guy when I have R.
[00:10:32] So, like, I'm never gonna be able to walk around, right?
[00:10:34] It's just as simple as just how it works.
[00:10:36] I just simply can't walk out, uh, without R, and I can't walk out to help them.
[00:10:42] Like, it's, it's like, unironically that easy.
[00:11:22] I'm not even kidding.
[00:11:24] Anytime we want to get kills, they just come mid and we win.
[00:11:28] It's like, unironically that easy to win.
[00:11:30] Like, straight up, it's like, anytime they want to kill, just walk mid, you get a kill, bro.
[00:12:00] It's so easy.
[00:12:02] Hold on.
[00:12:09] is that people do not realize that when I play Males.
[00:12:13] They're helping.
[00:12:57] Damn.
[00:12:58] So there's no way.
[00:13:02] Then we got top turret.
[00:13:03] Man, our game is just falling the fuck apart now, huh?
[00:13:24] All of a sudden, our game is just falling the fuck apart.
[00:14:00] Yeah, I mean, I don't know what's going on.
[00:14:05] Like, genuinely, all we have to do to win this game is
[00:14:08] like straight out fucking play around mid.
[00:14:13] But for some reason they're not?
[00:14:17] Oh well.
[00:14:19] We give it our all.
[00:14:20] I mean I gotta go bot here.
[00:15:08] So we don't lose this fucking turret.
[00:15:33] There's like a pretty decent chance they face check this.
[00:15:54] I mean I don't know man.
[00:15:57] They're doing shit off of such bad tempo.
[00:16:34] Like I was still there damn.
[00:17:13] This guy is like, I don't even know what I'm watching right now.
[00:17:17] He's so mad over like his own misplays, he like shot himself in the foot and now he's
[00:17:26] mad it hurts.
[00:17:27] They're just rocks bro.
[00:17:30] If you were like unironically saw what was in the game for your team because you're trying
[00:17:36] too hard to push leads, it doesn't make any sense.
[00:19:41] What the fuck is happening man?
[00:20:03] Good lord.
[00:21:15] I don't really know how we're gonna win this.
[00:21:26] I think we could have won.
[00:21:34] I think we had the win if the team didn't tilt.
[00:21:52] They are dead.
[00:21:53] 1,000% action.
[00:21:57] I can't really keep up with them right now.
[00:21:59] Coming out of base and shifts.
[00:22:57] And then I can't go in here even with R.
[00:23:10] The only good thing is we can actually
[00:23:12] wave clear really, really, really well.
[00:23:18] Looks like our only saving grace
[00:23:19] is that we have super good wave clear on this team.
[00:23:34] I mean, these guys are dumb.
[00:23:35] They just literally ignore macro.
[00:23:37] That's why this Yorick is shitting on them
[00:23:40] Like he's just walking around the map fucking taking ferrets because my team's too stupid to like walk through him and kill him
[00:23:45] There's no way we can kill like I he's just gonna run away. This guy's peeing actions level. I mean, yeah actions had
[00:24:48] Enemy support mid five times enemy jungler with the mid five times. I still went even in lane like in a matchup that action wins
[00:24:57] I don't know what you want from me, bro. That's embarrassing
[00:25:00] embarrassing. And I owe 25 LP for that because we have somebody with higher MMR than them.
[00:25:07] That's disgusting. Played the best, lose the most. Doesn't make sense. I just feel like
[00:25:23] I need to add these people and tell them that you can gank mid when you have a Malzahar
[00:25:28] mid. Like the second that your Malz gets six, you can literally just walk mid and you
[00:25:33] win the game. I feel like these people don't understand that concept, so I need
[00:25:40] to start typing it to them like that's the crazy part also it's even crazier
[00:25:46] that smolder one lane with galeo galeo smolder beats a nyla leona like that's
[00:25:53] even fucking crazier start up I mean I think our top liner did fine it was just
[00:26:03] yeah it was just huge fucking jungle bot diff and then the york just walks around
[00:26:09] the map right like he's just ha york's just walking around the map doing
[00:26:13] macro like he doesn't give a fuck he's just like gonna push sideline gonna push sideline
[00:26:18] I swear pushing sidelines like religiously like I need to stop by trying to fight with my team
[00:26:25] and I need to do what that York just did or like all I do is just push side because like I swear
[00:26:31] it's OP in the CLO because everybody just coin flip fights and if you do nothing but push a
[00:26:36] sideways if you can win the side I'm gonna say that you can't lose the side push like
[00:26:42] even if your team gets aced you get so much on the map it's like disgusting
[00:26:48] like i swear it's just a low eo thing that people don't know in na how do i like play macro
[00:26:54] so they just coin flip fight on repeat and if it works it works and if it doesn't it doesn't
[00:26:58] and then they just sit 50% win rate 300 LP masters for a fucking six months because they just coin
[00:27:04] on a foot flight with no thoughts in their brain.
[00:27:07] It's fucking miserable.
[00:27:12] It is worth this though.
[00:27:46] I think it might be the way to carry
[00:27:48] as you just play so incredibly selfish
[00:27:52] that you win the game through it, like actually though.
[00:27:59] Like you can't help teammates at all.
[00:28:01] They have no idea what they're doing.
[00:28:02] And if you help them, they're just gonna keep inting.
[00:28:07] I don't know, it's a really hard dynamic
[00:28:11] because it's like, I was the only person
[00:28:15] last game versus somebody who counters them. Then I managed to go even with Galeo sitting
[00:28:25] mid half the game. I think that that Leona might actually be a bot account. Okay, I think
[00:30:02] this might actually be a bot account. I'll just report it, fuck it. Jesus, my bot lane
[00:31:59] last game lost to an autofilled Svolder. Thank God I'm not playing AD this game.
[00:35:17] Hmm. Oh my god. Also, why do they have 25 LP for my first game of the day just now?
[00:35:49] Did Riot like...
[00:35:52] Super fuck...
[00:35:56] Did Riot like, super fuck something up with this patch?
[00:36:02] Cause that's a little crazy.
[00:37:26] What am I watching?
[00:37:36] Like, what are we doing? We're just a-ramming for fun or what?
[00:37:40] Like, what is happening?
[00:38:04] This is crazy, man.
[00:38:04] What is this guy doing?
[00:38:47] I mean, I guess, uh... God, man, what the fuck?
[00:40:07] It's okay.
[00:40:08] What in the fuck is happening?
[00:40:30] This is crazy.
[00:41:56] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[00:42:11] I'm just dead.
[00:42:12] I mean, I hope you can kill him, but he has pool probably.
[00:42:16] What am I watching?
[00:42:20] You know he has pool?
[00:42:22] Oh, God.
[00:42:26] That was the slowest mechanics I've ever witnessed in a rally I do.
[00:42:40] like this is this has got to be like I'm in golds right I've got to be in gold
[00:42:45] right now that was the slowest mechanical prowess I've ever seen a human
[00:42:49] being do in my entire life that was crazy like I watched that happen in
[00:42:57] slow motion this is a really funny game I thought it's a 30 CS at 8 minutes
[00:44:51] it's like the lowest level game I've played in so long the fuck is happening
[00:45:17] Are there like just nobody playing in like Masters right now?
[00:45:22] I put me in like a Super Vole-E-Login.
[00:45:24] Is my jungler's fighting Vlad top?
[00:46:17] Jesus Christ.
[00:46:19] How he entered?
[00:46:42] Holy moly.
[00:46:44] We've dropped into the Twilight Zone of Evo.
[00:46:46] I think I just watched my J4 mess up his combo.
[00:47:21] Like actually though.
[00:47:25] I think he somehow fucked his EQ combo on a guy who resulted.
[00:47:30] That is hilarious and sad.
[00:47:35] We're torn out, there you go the three months man, welcome back.
[00:48:26] Sorry I missed you.
[00:48:28] Damn, he actually got me.
[00:48:49] I'll be real.
[00:48:55] I did not know he was going to kill me there, it's funny.
[00:48:57] Okay I shouldn't have face checked in.
[00:49:08] Reddit has people complaining about post patch LP.
[00:49:11] Wait, I don't get it.
[00:49:12] I don't know what's going on.
[00:49:15] Losing 25 LP is insane, but it doesn't make sense.
[00:49:22] It's a little awkward, I don't have...
[00:50:05] I wanna try and break mid here, but I think you'd better commit to kill this guy.
[00:50:34] It's okay.
[00:50:37] Like, I wanna be able to break this turret, but I need like another body mid so that I
[00:50:43] can actually just walk up to the turret without dying down over there.
[00:51:25] What the fuck?
[00:51:26] How was I typing, and somehow it took me out of like typing and did like what?
[00:51:32] Like I actually lived.
[00:52:10] That guy just lived, went mid, and killed them, or is killing our turret.
[00:52:15] God damn it, man.
[00:52:54] Damn.
[00:52:55] If I had ult, he might have died.
[00:52:56] It's not that bad though, because, um, it's actually completely fine to have that happen
[00:53:08] now because, uh, now that he has no flash, I can probably kill him.
[00:53:29] Games like this are really awkward because I have to, like, you know what, I'm gonna
[00:53:36] That's the chief behind this guy. Let's kill him.
[00:53:38] They don't have a ward there.
[00:55:00] Not much I can do there. I mean, I genuinely fucking solo killed their AD.
[00:55:06] That's not very smart though.
[00:55:12] Yeah, I mean, these people, these people suck, by the way.
[00:55:24] They're actually really bad.
[00:55:26] We should be able to win this game pretty easily once I got them.
[00:55:31] Like, the Vlad doing that tells me,
[00:55:33] oh yeah, they're not very good.
[00:57:15] Wait, that guy can just kill me with one Q from 40%?
[00:57:28] So, let me get this straight.
[00:57:30] He sat in stealth for the entire fight, then he can kill me with two items when I have three
[00:57:39] from 40% HP by whipping two of his spells and only landing one Q.
[00:57:45] That's insane. That's crazy, man. This is a really big mistake from the enemy team.
[00:58:20] What was my rally doing?
[00:58:34] Okay, I don't know how I got into a low elo game.
[00:58:39] You are all legit diamonds, but you guys need to learn why you aren't climbing and changing.
[00:58:50] This is depressing.
[00:58:52] Now in a 100 CS on AD, 0 shrooms or wards on support, jungler never ganked mid with a stun bot.
[00:59:13] Like you people are horrific. Yo Stephen I'm about to permit ban you by the way.
[00:59:37] Any last words? We don't allow that kind of like douche baggery in this chat.
[00:59:42] any last words my man? you might as well stop being a fake bitch yo don't come
[00:59:53] begging in the unbanned police by the way like after like because I'm having a
[01:00:00] bad day today and you're like oh I'm gonna be a dick to Geronimo yeah don't
[01:00:03] don't come begging when you want to actually watch the stream and partake
[01:00:07] just don'ts have a nice day hey we got the dragon it's actually not bad I
[01:00:57] I mean, I'm six items we can try to win. Oh my god, he just ulted the Zary.
[01:03:08] I mean, ulted the only guy who can dash out of it.
[01:03:14] Okay, they got caught again.
[01:03:32] I mean, the enemy team doesn't have a wave.
[01:03:43] I mean, I hope you guys can at least do something.
[01:04:21] I got them all to 1 HP, but I doubt they'll be able to do anything.
[01:04:26] That's my bad.
[01:04:27] I should have just walked away and not fought that guy.
[01:04:32] Like, I know that they're not good enough to actually do anything off of it, so that's
[01:04:38] my bad, if 100% sense.
[01:05:04] Go hit them!
[01:05:20] My AD carry just watched them do Baron in front of his face at 20% HP, then waited until
[01:05:26] the Lilia got there to go up and walk in and hit them.
[01:05:31] Oh my god.
[01:05:33] Like, this part is actually mentally retarded.
[01:05:40] And I mean that in a toxic way, because like, there's no other way to say it.
[01:06:21] Okay.
[01:06:24] I guess we're gonna lose, I mean, I'm gonna keep it 100, you should all quit the game.
[01:06:34] I mean that, this was impressive how bad you are.
[01:07:28] Jesus, oh my god.
[01:07:34] I'm gonna be 100% with you guys, if we get another game that's unwinnable, like we've
[01:07:39] I've had two Unwinnable games in a row due to teammates.
[01:07:42] I'm calling it for the day, and I'm just taking the day off.
[01:07:47] This ain't worth my time.
[01:07:56] Straight up, it's just not worth my time.
[01:08:04] Like this is disgusting.
[01:08:27] Like what's going on with the batch making right now?
[01:08:32] Like why did I, why did I just get into a Diamond game?
[01:08:37] I was in a Grandmaster game before this,
[01:08:39] now I'm in a Diamond game in the same MMR.
[01:08:43] Like what the fuck's going on, guys?
[01:08:45] Riot, what did you fuck up this time?
[01:08:53] Oh, shut up, what did Riot fuck up this time then?
[01:09:02] Like, can you guys not have one patch
[01:09:04] where you don't fucking drool on yourselves like retards?
[01:09:07] I gotta be real, Riot, like this is disgusting.
[01:09:09] I don't know what to say, Riot's like mentally retarded.
[01:15:02] Well, let's hope this game goes well
[01:15:03] where we're taking the day off, boys, let's get it.
[01:15:14] Do we have double it?
[01:15:15] On our team, thank God.
[01:15:23] Or is our AD carry a human?
[01:15:25] On our AD carry is a human being.
[01:16:04] What has Double have been doing?
[01:16:05] He's on like the grind grinds of smolder. What the fuck? Look at this.
[01:16:12] What is he doing, man? He's just playing so much smolder.
[01:16:20] I mean, he's got like six items every game and he just can't carry.
[01:16:26] What the fuck?
[01:16:31] The smolder is bad. Like maybe smolder sucks.
[01:16:41] I feel like if you got like five items smolder every game,
[01:16:44] I feel like it's got to be able to carry that, right?
[01:16:49] Dude, this fucking Katerina, whatever we start in the bush, what are we doing bro?
[01:17:01] What is this guy doing?
[01:17:42] He's trying to hold the wave.
[01:17:47] Interesting choice.
[01:17:48] The fuck?
[01:17:54] He's trying really hard to keep the wave, the cannon out of the fucking, he's trying
[01:18:19] like ultra hard to keep the cannon off the turret, but he's taking like half his
[01:18:38] HP to do it.
[01:18:39] I'm about to have my another biscuit, something bad.
[01:19:21] I think I'm gonna let this guy try and push this wave in, because we don't need the Pryo.
[01:19:26] I don't want to get my passive back.
[01:19:41] I'm just gonna give a nice stand.
[01:20:07] Nice.
[01:20:08] I need one more wave so I can get my, um...
[01:20:15] I need to get my book.
[01:20:29] Like, the book is the only...
[01:20:32] Like, the book's like the only thing I need to, like, be able to function the lane.
[01:20:44] This is, like, my one-timer, where Katarina's gonna roam.
[01:20:48] Yeah, I mean, I told him.
[01:20:49] I think I pushed too fast.
[01:21:14] Yeah.
[01:22:56] Hmm.
[01:23:29] Not bad.
[01:23:30] That could have been a lot better, but it's kind of been us trying so hard to kill me man. Like what are we doing?
[01:24:02] You just took half your HP for fun. What are we doing brother? What are we doing brother? Oh how to
[01:25:02] Help the sacrum when he ends like that. We could just kill them
[01:25:21] It's like a very small timer for catch rune bot here. Oh ranger rune bot. We need to get down there and help them
[01:26:32] I mean yeah, this is like
[01:26:39] Impossible for my team to play the play ball right now really want to kill this Katarina
[01:27:09] But I need a heck of them to come in. I mean I feel for him
[01:28:08] I was on a really bad timer, so I couldn't actually play the game. I mean, I just got fucking
[01:29:25] Four points made. I think we get TP on these guys, but I don't want them to run away
[01:30:10] It's actually too bad. Nice job. Yeah, my team's kind of smurfing it. It was my
[01:33:09] uh heck for i'm not coming to rift and we're just using so much crap on the map right now this sucks
[01:35:30] i think i can push top out here because i don't have teleport so i want to stay like near dragon
[01:35:35] or baron cool let's go you're not bad i'm gonna lose my mind man fuck this janna like can you
[01:38:42] You gotta just fuck off!
[01:40:27] I got my arcane saved.
[01:40:29] I'm bad.
[01:40:30] GG!
[01:40:47] What a good game!
[01:40:54] Dude, everybody just played well.
[01:40:57] What the fuck?
[01:41:00] That was such a good game.
[01:41:05] Let's fucking go.
[01:41:07] That was spicy.
[01:41:09] Plus 27.
[01:41:38] What is happening?
[01:41:44] What is going on?
[01:41:46] With the LP here actually lose 25 for the first game lose 17 for the second game
[01:42:10] Game 27 for the third like right right what the absolute fuck is happening right now
[01:42:17] Like what's happening man? Like are we just did we hit a switch and we're just randomizing?
[01:42:27] games and bosses or what?
[01:44:44] Internet's are even more insane
[01:44:46] 15, 25, 15, 22, like, yeah, I don't get it, man.
[01:44:52] Like what?
[01:45:02] No worries.
[01:45:04] Right at the end of the season,
[01:45:07] Riot got a limit test a little bit.
[01:45:12] The Riot game's special.
[01:45:15] Dude, there's literally a month left of the season.
[01:45:24] Yeah, I'll be right back.
[01:46:16] I'm gonna take a quick,
[01:46:18] I'm gonna take a quick bathroom break and grab some water, I'll be right back.
[01:47:21] One, two, three, fuck, where is my, it's so hot in my house, like dude, I don't know.
[01:48:13] Dude, it's actually like crazy out in my house.
[01:48:25] For no reason, I don't get it.
[01:48:33] I'm just gonna sit in front of it.
[01:49:04] Dude, I almost wanna be in Smulder.
[01:49:07] Because every time I pick Smulder, or every time I pick Malz,
[01:49:11] There's a chance that somebody picks Smolder and I just lose mid.
[01:49:15] It actually feels so bad when you get countered by Smolder mid as mouse.
[01:49:21] Cause like, you can play the matchup, but you can't ever use your like Voidlings near him.
[01:49:29] Like he just straight up counters you.
[01:49:32] Like once he gets 25 stacks, every time you use your Voidlings,
[01:49:36] he queues and he gets like an extra three stacks or two stacks every queue.
[01:49:40] It's disgusting. Also, can I say, how come every single time I don't ban Yasuo, they always pick Yasuo?
[01:50:00] Like, you notice that? Like, actually them.
[01:50:11] Like, every time. But like, there can't be that many Yasuo mains who play the game, right?
[01:50:19] Shit's ridiculous. Do I think Malsahar is better than Vex? Yeah. Oh yeah.
[01:50:57] I mean vex is garbage. I mean I'm not gonna dodge so you guys want to feel free
[01:51:33] but like we did get out drafted but like I don't want to dodge every game I get
[01:51:37] out drafted man. Like I'm gonna be sitting here in Q for like 30 days if I
[01:51:42] do that. Am I playing wow? Yeah I didn't realize how fast you can get to max
[01:51:49] level playing wow. I hit 80 last night and now I'm trying to like this
[01:51:57] morning I was doing like what are those like weird world quests you can do the
[01:52:04] like delve things there's like you go into like they're like little fucking
[01:52:11] weird dungeons with like followers I don't know I did like two of those this
[01:52:19] morning before I got on stream that was kind of fun well I was pretty fun this
[01:53:02] expansion so far though like I've been enjoying myself like the leveling is
[01:53:10] usually the most boring part and the leveling wasn't too bad because it was
[01:53:13] like took I think it took like seven hours to level from 70 to 80 or whatever
[01:53:20] which is like nothing usually it takes like fucking 20 or something absurd right
[01:53:28] like it takes a bad it's the absolute ass nine amount of time yeah I'm still
[01:53:37] planning to walk but I might level some other characters since it was so easy
[01:53:40] Like, since the leveling doesn't take that long, I might level some other guys.
[01:53:53] If I have a warrior, I have a druid.
[01:54:01] Like, Yasuo players are really fucking weird sometimes.
[01:54:37] Like this guy, for example, right?
[01:54:39] Like, what are we doing?
[01:55:02] I hate this matchup.
[01:55:04] It's not that bad, but it's really based on how good the Yasuo player is.
[01:55:10] Like, if the Yasuo player is really, really good, like they're like a very, very
[01:55:17] good Yasuo.
[01:55:18] This matchup's unplayable, man.
[01:55:21] It's not unplayable if they suck. Like, this guy's not very good.
[01:55:26] Well, like, yeah, you play with, like, a really good fucking Yasuo, or against one.
[01:55:30] Who knows how to, like, kill your little guys on repeat.
[01:55:34] Like, this matchup starts feeling really dog-shits.
[01:55:37] I'm gonna go against the back one with my E.
[01:55:46] That's really bad.
[01:56:06] What am I watching?
[01:56:07] I needed that to reset that E.
[01:56:25] Oh, man.
[01:56:27] I mean, what do you want me to do here, buddy?
[01:56:31] I'm completely loom, like...
[01:56:44] I'm Malus, guys.
[01:58:10] And he actually got six. He played that well.
[01:58:13] He got six off of the fucking...
[01:58:16] I mean, I can't be mad, he played that well.
[01:59:04] I mean, he's gotta be roaming bot here.
[01:59:06] Yeah, he was still game.
[02:00:35] I refreshed the E too, that's super good.
[02:00:37] He actually walked mid...
[02:01:22] to flash army you son of a bitch we should be able to just do this I have a
[02:02:03] full item now so this is actually pretty good man just a little bit it's kind of
[02:04:26] hard to play when I'm boom that's kind of bad I mean this guy is kind of fucked
[02:04:59] but it was a bad are either way I need to cancel that I think yes TP I
[02:05:31] actually shouldn't go back it's probably bad to go back here to be a TPH I
[02:05:57] My game is only out by use my my w
[02:06:34] That's my beer. You know, I'm actually surprised that people aren't flaming
[02:09:04] Like what's going on? I feel like I've entered the twilight zone where like nobody's typing anything negative
[02:09:12] This is like a new experience of master tier and now fighters a hundred percent C being
[02:10:23] Jesus
[02:10:26] What a game what the fuck I
[02:10:29] I should have flashed that fucking mouthvote.
[02:12:16] I wasn't paying attention to it.
[02:12:55] Fuck it, YOLO.
[02:13:46] Relax, it's second dragon, bro.
[02:13:50] Doesn't fucking matter.
[02:13:52] This game is like, I ain't gonna lie, I'm getting like zero fucking CS, but we're doing a
[02:15:22] good job just winning.
[02:15:23] So that's good.
[02:15:24] Got three fucking items like we're jamming who was calling for a dodge. Oh
[02:15:51] Don't dodge these
[02:17:57] They were even today. I think we're two and two
[02:19:05] Dude did the the the gains and losses and all this shit. I don't know what the fuck is happening
[02:19:16] What is going on? I'm gonna be real
[02:19:19] Riot really did some some dirty shit on the back ends like what?
[02:19:26] Like what is this 23 like what what is this based on?
[02:19:30] Like what are the like what is the LP based on? There's no consistency
[02:19:45] What is it based on like like it's
[02:19:58] What the fuck like first game of the day we get like we just get trolled by our bot lane
[02:20:11] We lose 25 second game. I was 17
[02:20:15] Yeah, what's up? What's on axis? Yeah, I don't know man. This is some weird shit
[02:20:20] Also Axis, who the fuck is this? This Absolene guy. Have you heard of this guy?
[02:20:31] I swear this has got to be a boosted player, man.
[02:20:33] This guy ended Challenger last season.
[02:20:36] He's a Yasuo Yone player, and he has run it down every game I've ever seen him in existence.
[02:20:44] Fate Carry is like a weird... I don't know if this guy's actually good or not.
[02:20:53] Like, I want to blame his champion.
[02:20:55] I want to blame the fact that Nilo's trash, but like I don't, because like this guy runs
[02:21:07] it down a lot too, that I've seen, but like Nilo might just be bad.
[02:21:11] Yeah, but they wouldn't like giving you, giving you LP based on the team's rating
[02:21:38] is not how LP is supposed to be given.
[02:21:42] Like that doesn't make sense, right?
[02:21:45] It has to go off of MMR.
[02:21:47] That's the entire premise of why you get lose or get LP.
[02:21:52] Oh, you're memeing.
[02:21:59] You put a random, oh fuck you, I didn't read the thing.
[02:22:04] Oh fuck off.
[02:22:36] I'll be real, I just want to get into games where the games feel better.
[02:22:40] That's all I care about.
[02:22:41] Because a lot of these games in the COO just feel like I'm wasting 25 minutes of
[02:22:47] my time half the time.
[02:23:06] Or I swear if I don't ban Yasuo they will pick it.
[02:23:10] I swear they fucking will.
[02:23:14] But I'm going to ban Smolder because I think it's 10 times worse than Yasuo.
[02:23:35] That's actually really easy for Malzahar.
[02:23:39] It's actually kind of funny.
[02:23:40] A lot of them melee mids are incredibly easy for Malz if you have like hands.
[02:23:48] Because a lot of the time melee mids have to all end you, right?
[02:23:53] And when they have to all end you and do their damage on top of you or whatever, right?
[02:23:59] Why did this guy just say 13, 14 and hover Yuumi?
[02:24:03] Am I getting, am I getting win-traded?
[02:24:05] But what I was saying is the silence is like the most underrated thing in Miles's kit.
[02:24:26] The silence is so broken.
[02:24:30] It's like a, it's like any time a melee champ tries to all in, you get an AoE silence on
[02:24:37] like two or three people with your Q, right?
[02:24:41] So if you can aim your silence to like silence important people in teamfights during like
[02:24:44] important timers.
[02:24:46] I'm pretty sure level, like level 13,
[02:24:49] mouse silence is two full seconds.
[02:24:51] So I'm pretty sure what you end up doing
[02:24:54] is, or at least what I end up doing
[02:24:56] is I end up watching the team fight for like,
[02:24:58] okay, I don't know, the, the Zack engaged, right?
[02:25:03] So like after the Zack engages,
[02:25:04] he wants to like bar and do all this fancy shit.
[02:25:07] So what I do is I usually just silence
[02:25:10] the two mayways that are on top of whoever
[02:25:12] they're trying to kill.
[02:25:15] And then they have like two seconds
[02:25:16] not been able to actually do anything and they just take damage. Outside of that, I also usually
[02:25:21] will like sometimes I'll like look for backline silences if I can like get them.
[02:25:25] Like say I'm sitting in a bush and the enemy carry is just walking past me.
[02:25:29] You can actually like disrupt the enemy teamfight really hard by sitting in a bush.
[02:25:35] It's kind of like the same thing with Orianna right or any other like person who can use a big
[02:25:39] cooldown. You can just like sit there and like disrupt the teamfight by making sure the enemy
[02:25:44] Kerry can't get into the fight. So it's actually kind of interesting. I want to do an AD Kerry
[02:26:17] teaching day today, but I'll be honest. I don't want to play AD Kerry because part of me wanted to
[02:26:30] try that like collector jinx thing again. I don't think it's super good, but I wanted to try it.
[02:27:08] I guess I could play a wow and cue if the cues are this long.
[02:27:14] Run around and pick up some like fucking herbs or some shit. Okay. Yeah, fuck you too.
[02:27:22] well that's okay long time to open thanks Pete thanks bro it seems I have
[02:28:13] been autofilled lads
[02:28:38] I will have no judgments in this chat about how I'm a fucking fox by the way
[02:29:02] there will be no judgments you are not allowed right looks like we're playing a
[02:29:42] John again a John again lads so John again wait I wanted to put something on
[02:29:55] the auction house but I don't remember where the auction house is in this new
[02:29:58] city is this the office it is not is this the auction house the auction
[02:30:11] house is closed what do you mean the auction house is closed like that's all
[02:30:28] All that I wanted to do!
[02:30:47] There's bugs at the moment.
[02:30:48] Ah, okay.
[02:30:49] Oh, I can make one of these.
[02:31:27] Oh, I need to make, well, MassWolf thread.
[02:31:32] Oh, I'm assuming I just buy that, though, from the...
[02:31:36] That's probably just the thing you buy from the fucking...
[02:31:40] Hammer guy.
[02:31:57] Oh, we got sights.
[02:32:00] The lad.
[02:32:01] The homie.
[02:32:02] I probably shouldn't have picked...
[02:32:15] Okay, fuck you too, dude.
[02:32:17] I'm trying to scratch my nut sack and you're over here fucking sweating your ass off playing
[02:32:21] Senna.
[02:32:22] Like, what are we doing?
[02:32:24] I mean, Sides, you can walk up.
[02:32:42] This is gonna be a really annoying lane though, I'm not gonna lie.
[02:32:47] Like, oh I just spilled water near my keyboard, that's not good.
[02:32:53] Oh my god, one sec.
[02:33:17] Dammit man.
[02:33:28] I'm trying not to int, but there is a giant pool of water on my mouse pad in front
[02:33:34] of me.
[02:33:44] fucking suck. That was like the actual worst timing possible right there. God fucking dammit man.
[02:34:12] Well at least I died so I can go get a towel really quick. I mean I'll be honest,
[02:35:15] this game I should have a thousand percent uh sorry I've gotta clean this up this water before
[02:35:22] it like seeps into my shit. I think this game I should have a thousand percent banned Senna
[02:35:28] if I'm not first pick or I should have picked Nautilus. That's like how we win this.
[02:35:35] Oh, the band sent out our pick battles. Get this shoved in. Oh yeah, they bought the Varus, huh?
[02:35:57] This is a really hard game. It's not even his fault. It's just really, really hard to play.
[02:36:15] We have to, like, regank the lane with, I don't know how this is playable. Is there water in my keyboard, man?
[02:37:03] that wouldn't be good. I'm like trying to not I'm trying to like fucking oh my
[02:37:24] god I'm trying really hard to like not fucking in this game we'll clean up this
[02:37:30] mess dude name another role in the game where you can literally make a mess
[02:37:37] clean it up while you're playing the role. Oh wait, the sides play a lot of Kaisa? I feel
[02:38:15] like we're in like a really interesting situation right now where we should be able to kill
[02:38:21] them. I was gonna say we should be able to kill them, but Jesus Christ, I need to get
[02:39:12] Swifties man. Dude normally I would rip my AD carry a new one for being down 30 CS,
[02:39:22] but like this game is just my fault. Like I picked a bad champ, so it's like a hard
[02:39:30] match up for him and then I fucking I'm kind of just playing bad spilled fucking
[02:39:41] water on my keyboard and I'm playing like dog shit yeah this is the Senate
[02:40:26] nerf patch science push science you should recall I don't think that fight was
[02:40:44] worth it little bro and now here's where I need to figure out if I need to roam
[02:40:56] if I roam top here for trying to play for these grubs I roam for this and
[02:41:03] my kaisa dies we lose the game everybody's gonna die because I didn't
[02:42:28] hit my F key. Oh no, like legitimately that's so bad. We win the game right there if I just
[02:42:47] hit my button. It actually, the game's just over. Fuck. Cause like bot lane, we just lost
[02:43:12] a thousand XP. Like we didn't get any kills and we lost so much XP bot. Well this sucks.
[02:44:08] We are definitely in a pickle. I think I can actually one-shot me under my turret
[02:44:38] I'll be real, I didn't think he could do that.
[02:45:51] I think we can kill his Varus.
[02:45:53] No, I don't think Saidz is challenger, but he's not bad.
[02:46:37] But he's not a bad player though.
[02:47:41] This is such a weird, awkward game because I can't get...
[02:47:44] I don't have vision.
[02:47:45] Bro, let me back, man.
[02:48:04] Okay, nice, we got our item.
[02:48:11] Huge.
[02:48:14] I really needed the back, man.
[02:48:32] We do need to play for Dragon.
[02:48:35] They have to face check into us, which is really good.
[02:49:18] It's a good dragon.
[02:50:11] Damn, I think I actually could have saved the Hecarim if I moved faster, or I mean the
[02:50:19] Zac.
[02:50:20] Uh, we should actually be good here.
[02:50:48] I seem to get some vision on top side.
[02:50:52] How do we play this?
[02:50:58] Let me think.
[02:50:59] I think we play around Riven.
[02:51:00] I think we could get a ward in this bush.
[02:51:50] Damn it.
[02:51:51] I genuinely didn't think the Zoe was just going to be sitting there watching.
[02:52:04] That's my bad.
[02:52:24] Holy shit, this Riven is smurfing.
[02:52:26] I think we get some awards.
[02:53:23] Not bad though.
[02:53:24] vision in their jungle right like down here and shit we're chillin now we just
[02:53:40] need some good sight uh middle of side of mid vision we do this I got the way
[02:55:52] guys anybody we could try they're trying to 3-1 us so like let's get out we
[02:56:52] fucked up you got the mid and hit down so it's not that I mean the mid turn
[02:57:02] down so it's not that bad but yeah we kind of fucked up there because we
[02:57:06] didn't some we didn't play for tower we played for dive but if you play for
[02:57:14] dive. We are definitely in an interesting spot. I think I need anti-healing if anybody has it,
[02:57:54] do they? Oh, I guess our mid does. How do we play this? What do we think, chat? How do we play this?
[02:58:49] I want to make a pick on somebody. We need to be playing objectives, man, not this dirty-ass
[03:00:41] shit please stop diving kills just play in hibs and objectives this is getting
[03:00:58] really bad we move baron in great now as we ego fun it sucks I mean to be honest
[03:02:18] we lose the game now you guys ego this is why no no you can't blame others
[03:02:27] when you make mistakes you just say yes I messed up and you know no no no but it's
[03:02:37] not allowed when you throw you aren't allowed to say what says the guy who
[03:02:48] threw by himself and is now mad I agree on down the ego and emotions you messed
[03:03:05] It happens. Learn. Improve. I couldn't really do anything there. I ate the uh, I ate the
[03:03:57] damage for the homie. Well I just hate when people like fuck up, then they refuse to admit
[03:04:10] that they were the ones who fucked up. It's so annoying. Cause it's like dude, you literally
[03:04:17] threw the game by trying to fight instead of taking the objectives. Right like we
[03:04:22] knew there was one minute on Dragon Baron and you decided to like coinfoot fight
[03:04:26] because you were having fun but you messed up then you got mad at everybody else in
[03:04:33] the game because you messed up it's just really cringe it's like it's okay to
[03:04:40] make mistakes but don't fucking flame your fucking boys when you're the one
[03:04:45] who messed up you know our drummers down a hundred CS we're gonna have to make a
[03:05:32] good pick because this is really rough huge sides I mean you're literally
[03:06:32] low masters all of you. Why is a low master player blaming when you solo through? Like
[03:06:46] holy like I'm being flamed by a masters player because he threw the game like nah
[03:06:55] bro that's cringe let's not let's not sit here and pretend you played this
[03:06:59] game properly like at all. Mr. I'd rather coin flip perm fight than do the
[03:07:05] objectives and push waves and shit nah you fucking suck like I'm sorry but
[03:07:12] true like literally two master peaking players flaming because they don't
[03:07:41] understand macro master peekers all the two master peeks are duo queue no wonder
[03:07:51] they're flaming wait you're 200 LP what you threw we both know you threw but
[03:08:32] But instead of just understanding and moving on, you flame everyone, but yourself.
[03:08:42] No, in the base, when you didn't play for tempo and objective.
[03:08:50] Yes, it is fine.
[03:08:55] You're literally 600 games.
[03:08:59] Well, masters peak.
[03:09:01] Like, only who knew who you were arguing with?
[03:09:08] It's pathetic!
[03:09:09] A Riven One Trick, who's never broken GM or TAL, is flaming others, while duo-abusing
[03:09:19] and still getting destroyed, like holy moly, you diamond loser!
[03:09:27] Enjoy it lowly though, it's your home.
[03:09:32] It's pathetic and sad, but true.
[03:09:38] Uh-huh. Yeah, for sure.
[03:09:42] I lost 15 for that game.
[03:09:44] Oh, man, I can't stand anybody bow challenger typing.
[03:10:01] Like, it's just disgusting.
[03:10:04] This guy's got a Blanc one-trick.
[03:10:05] He's never ended above Masters.
[03:10:08] Riven one-trick, never ended above Masters.
[03:10:11] And yet they type.
[03:10:13] Like, they're not literally losing games for their teammates.
[03:10:17] Like, it's so pathetic.
[03:10:21] Like, I'm sorry, but like, you've got to understand,
[03:10:23] Like if you are not like able to, like I can first time
[03:10:28] top lane champs right now and win in masters,
[03:10:31] first time in champs.
[03:10:32] Like you have to understand that like the game is not about,
[03:10:36] oh, I am better mechanically.
[03:10:38] Oh, I am better at this.
[03:10:40] Like the game is about understanding very important
[03:10:43] moments in the game and realizing that you need
[03:10:46] to play for the objectives, not for random fights
[03:10:51] and actually turn your brain on.
[03:10:52] you have to think okay what is my goal what do we play for not oh I want to kill
[03:11:00] this guy he looks funny like when you start thinking about how like the game
[03:11:07] is actually snowballed and won you climb when you stop thinking about that you
[03:11:12] lose that's what we lost play in simple the ribbon in the book long for egoing
[03:11:23] all-game long. Sides couldn't play the game because they would just ego the whole game.
[03:11:30] And they're the two lowest LP players in the team. And it's disgusting. This is what I mean
[03:11:41] by low masters is gross, man. Like if you're a low masters player, I feel like Riot should
[03:11:47] unironically delete. If Riot removed your ability to chat in Master SoloQ, all of these
[03:11:53] players would be forced to improve. And I think it would actually make the game better.
[03:11:59] Sryup, I think it would make the game better.
[03:12:04] If they were forced to fucking not type, sorry, I'll stop bitching.
[03:12:15] I just, I can't be bothered.
[03:12:18] That game was a free win and we lost due to them being stupid.
[03:12:22] It is was.
[03:12:31] That's why I like playing solo lane on this climb that I'm doing.
[03:12:35] The reason I like playing solo lane on this climb is because solo lane has the most ability
[03:12:38] to actually do the background.
[03:12:41] That's why I like it.
[03:12:43] Like you can control the sidewage push, you can control all of the macros, the solo laner,
[03:12:51] you control when you rotate, you control when you can side, you control when you group,
[03:12:55] when you pull pressure, whereas like, oh well, fuck it, I'm not gonna let it ruin my mood
[03:13:23] today.
[03:14:31] Miles isn't my best performing champ.
[03:14:34] My best performing champ is probably like, Jynxer, MF, or Jin, but Miles is made as
[03:14:42] different role than AD. Like you have to understand the difference in roles not
[03:14:48] like anything else. I mean in terms of win rate it's still not my highest one
[03:15:11] right. I don't even need these boots and these cuffs are worse too damn. I have to level my
[03:15:48] fucking... I gotta level my shit up though. What does recraft equipment? What does that mean?
[03:16:07] What's- ooh that would be a good thing I could get- what is this?
[03:16:37] Adorning ribbon?
[03:16:38] I'm assuming I'd just buy, you know, I think one of these.
[03:17:21] I'm in Q by the way, like casual weapon.
[03:17:25] Uh, I mean, so it depends.
[03:17:30] I got- I grinded a lot of soul shuffle last season so I could get- er the last time
[03:17:35] I played so I could get top ten.
[03:17:41] So I did get like rank 8 Warlock or whatever, last time I played Solo Shuffle, like I was
[03:17:48] like top 8 Warlocks in the world or whatever, or on NA.
[03:17:53] And then raiding, I did, I like just play with my friends casually, we have our own
[03:18:01] little raid we do, we just, we usually just finish heroic and then we give up, we'll
[03:18:12] just like clear heroic and then we give up buying WoW for the next two years into
[03:18:15] the next expansion.
[03:18:16] That's how it pretty much always goes.
[03:18:22] Mythic's like too hard to get a group of consistent people, we don't have enough players and we only have like eight people in our group, so.
[03:18:35] It's like not worth going through the trouble. I mean I'm sure we could do Mythic, but it's like not worth going through trouble finding like an actual raid.
[03:19:12] I'm going to play aggressive ADs.
[03:19:14] Oh.
[03:19:17] Just because uh, first of all, assassins suck balls right now.
[03:19:23] So, like, playing Assassin's feels miserable at the moment.
[03:19:29] And I also kind of just don't enjoy the playstyle.
[03:19:41] I've never played the Assassin's enough to learn them.
[03:19:44] Like, I mean, I'm sure I could probably pop off on Assassin's, but I would have to put
[03:19:49] in too many games that I could learn them at this point, and I'm just too lazy.
[03:20:18] I am just in queue, by the way, if you're wondering what the fuck is happening.
[03:20:21] I need to buy it. Wait, you know what I need? I need...
[03:21:11] This shit's 26 gold apiece. That's insane.
[03:21:48] Holy shit. What is... what is going on?
[03:21:54] Every time I refresh, the price is changing. What the fuck?
[03:22:01] Did you guys see that? The price was changing every millisecond that I was refreshing.
[03:22:07] Look at that. It's insane. I can't believe the price was changing that much that fast.
[03:22:13] What the fuck?
[03:22:53] Is there any way for me to do this faster?
[03:22:58] Does everybody know?
[03:23:02] Is there a way for me to like, can I just put in 100 or do I have to click this all the
[03:23:07] way to the right?
[03:23:09] Does everybody know?
[03:23:10] Any wild players?
[03:23:18] Do I have to like literally sit here?
[03:23:20] You can type it.
[03:23:22] Can you?
[03:23:23] Oh.
[03:23:24] I mean, that's fine.
[03:23:28] Oh, thank god. So, making these... oh my game, so let's start.
[03:23:51] Okay, we get 25. I wonder if I can get a new... I know you can do the specialty thing at 25.
[03:24:07] Let's see if I can buy a new thing. Oh wow, I can buy a lot of them. Nice, that's huge.
[03:24:12] Sick. We'll finish doing that stuff when we... when our game's done.
[03:24:28] Just get one for the stack. Uh, sure. I'm down.
[03:24:37] Wait a second, everyone. My, uh, I just want to... I just want to say this real quick.
[03:24:42] My mouse is currently blanking red like it's about to die. I'm a little bit scared
[03:24:50] And we get a page in the chat for my mouse not to die
[03:24:55] Crafting order quests. Oh, you're totally right. I should do that. I
[03:24:59] Forgot like I have not played wow. When did when did the last wow release?
[03:25:03] I haven't played while since the literal last release like whenever it released
[03:25:16] Like, whenever the fucking crafting system came out in the last expansion, I haven't
[03:25:22] played WoW since then, so I don't remember how all the crafting stuff works.
[03:25:25] Not bad, not bad.
[03:25:27] Don't hate the crafting system?
[03:25:43] Is it really that bad?
[03:25:44] Like, what's so bad about it?
[03:26:04] Is it just, like, badly optimized?
[03:26:06] Is it just, like, a scam you have to, like, fucking, you have to, like, try too hard
[03:26:15] to level it up and it's not worth it or something?
[03:26:17] Cause I mean right now I'm kind of having fun. It feels a little fun.
[03:26:20] I forgot TF can just kill my Voidlings with one fucking Q.
[03:26:30] I forgot about that. That's so annoying bro.
[03:26:34] That's what I forgot. It's stupid too because he can literally just Q him
[03:26:54] any time he wants. Yeah I can't help you guys by the way I feel up.
[03:27:11] TF's fucking me in the ass. He's giving it to me real fucking nice and good.
[03:27:17] Dude, that water that I spilled on my keyboard earlier, like, did something to my keyboard
[03:27:36] in terms of, like, not in, like, it's broken, but it's, like, it, like, I didn't soak it
[03:27:41] up fast enough.
[03:27:42] I don't know how to describe this.
[03:27:43] And now there's, like, a wet spot on my keyboard and my mouse is, like, gliding differently
[03:27:51] over that spot.
[03:27:53] Does that make any sense at all?
[03:28:07] Mouse pad.
[03:28:08] Yeah, yeah.
[03:28:09] Sorry, my keyboard.
[03:28:10] water earlier and now there's like a wet spot and my mouse is like texture is
[03:28:14] like gliding poorly over the wet spot and it's like actually messing with my
[03:28:17] god it sounds so made up but it's like messing with my clicks
[03:28:22] literally it's like I can't like I'm messing my movement up it's like
[03:28:34] slightly like dragging on that spot because it's wet I don't know if you
[03:28:49] guys play wow in chat I think wow is fun for a little bit every every expansion
[03:28:54] I play like a month of WoW every single new expansion and then I quit for two years
[03:29:00] Then I play another month of WoW and then I quit. Not a boomer. You can enjoy WoW and be a zoomer
[03:29:12] Okay, it's fun. You got to give it a chance, bro
[03:29:15] And last expansion I got into mythic. I did I got the 20s on every mythic boss and then I got the heroic
[03:29:37] I got the gladiator
[03:29:39] Right. I got like soul shuffle gladiator. I got
[03:29:41] That's the 20 or 10 Mythic bosses or whatever, or plus 20 and every Mythic boss did the
[03:29:57] heroic raid.
[03:29:58] And then outside of that, I just did nothing.
[03:30:01] I quit.
[03:30:02] There was nothing else to do.
[03:30:03] And I'm not going to do Mythic raiding.
[03:30:06] And I was in a spot that I could have gone for rank one at the end of the season in
[03:30:12] solo shuffle.
[03:30:13] But I'll be honest, I cued one solo shuffle.
[03:30:17] I sat in a, I think it was like a 90 minute queue and I lost all six rounds so I gave up.
[03:30:28] I was like, nevermind.
[03:30:30] I was like, yeah, it's not really anything.
[03:30:43] Dude, my favorite mouse games are when I can turn my brain off and my team just wins.
[03:31:15] Like I key, it's just so much fun.
[03:31:17] Then we push one more wave here and then we go back.
[03:31:36] Pretty sure this guy is already gonna back.
[03:31:38] I think we pull this minion into this, these minions, it dies, we get enough mana for W,
[03:31:45] it hopefully kills that, yeah okay, then we kill that, we go back, we might have to get
[03:31:55] grubs though, uh I'm backed, be careful, he's, TF has a little bit of fry right now, I
[03:32:04] need my team to chill.
[03:32:05] Now WoW takes a lot of time, the only good thing is, even though WoW takes a lot of
[03:32:19] time they made the leveling process really fast. Like I only spent maybe seven
[03:32:24] seven-and-a-half hours leveling to max level. It is very quick. Like I think they
[03:32:35] know that leveling is not fun for people and they were like okay we're gonna
[03:32:38] make the leveling process less painful. You won't be to go top though. Don't say
[03:33:01] that. But this is really bad. The TF's gonna have first move here and I
[03:33:07] can't go top. This is kind of bad. I mean I can look bot but the second
[03:33:26] I walk down here they're gonna immediately walk back because there's a word yeah I mean I can't do anything
[03:33:34] also whenever I sit in river like this it's always scary because if
[03:33:38] rex eye shows up tf can just like ulti on top of me and I just instantly die
[03:33:47] I kind of wish my jungler was coming mid we can just kill this tf in like two seconds with my hour
[03:33:53] dude I swear this happens every time I play mouse I'll be like hey guys we could win we can kill
[03:34:00] them really easily if we just gank and then my my like jungler will never come
[03:34:05] near mid ever I I do not understand like what Jim pretty good we got a flash
[03:34:50] I'll take it he has no ult in it no flash actually isn't too bad I don't know
[03:35:08] if I like this play okay they keep eating but it isn't too bad it's the
[03:36:02] possible you can't cleanse mousel but you can QSS it yeah I gotta keep my
[03:37:27] talent from raging my talent is like losing in mind because yeah I mean a lot
[03:38:01] of the time like when games go like this people get really frustrated I do too
[03:38:06] sometimes right when I'm like really often also to answer your question to
[03:38:12] the guy who was here earlier I don't know he's still here but another reason
[03:38:14] that I play like really really relaxing easy champs when I queue you know
[03:38:21] or whatever. Another reason is because I don't get as tilted when I play champions like this
[03:38:35] because I'm not like sweating my ass off 30 APMs like per second like literally like working harder
[03:38:43] than everyone and still losing. Like when I'm playing AD and I'm like up 45 CS, 5 plates,
[03:38:51] rotating like two full items like when I'm doing that shit and I'm just like sweating
[03:38:55] hard as fuck right? Like it makes me like very frustrated very quickly when I'm
[03:39:03] working hard and not getting benefit. So it's like a me personally thing. Don't
[03:39:21] have to go bot here we can literally just play around refs. My Talon's gonna go to
[03:39:28] a fight he should not be going to. My Talon should just be cross mapping right
[03:39:33] now. There's no value at all in going bot. We just cross map and we play for this.
[03:39:37] He is... this guy is really trolling.
[03:39:50] Is that one?
[03:39:51] Or are you a 500 gold shutdown?
[03:39:54] Please chill.
[03:39:55] Yeah, that was... yeah, I mean, he just did that to himself.
[03:40:12] He's really tilted and he's not thinking.
[03:40:15] Like, when people get this tilted and they stop thinking,
[03:40:36] this is when they, like, think that they're playing well
[03:40:39] and that everybody's like, they're like,
[03:40:41] oh, I'm playing really smart well, blah, blah, blah.
[03:40:44] But, like, what he just did was,
[03:40:46] was he threw his entire readaway because he wanted to like go for a play that
[03:40:50] should never have happened right because he's like oh we need to play for X Y
[03:40:56] blah blah blah but at the end of the day like we didn't actually do that's like
[03:41:03] like just just calm oh my god I'm gonna lose my mind this guy does not
[03:41:09] understand how to just do the objectives can we try and get this or no I
[03:41:28] don't know why some junglers just hate ref I'll be real I don't know why
[03:41:34] Like there are some junglers that will just never do Rift.
[03:41:37] I think Rift is like one of those things where when you understand the game at like a pretty
[03:41:44] decent level, Rift becomes the best objective on the map.
[03:41:47] Like it's crazy.
[03:42:19] This is really funny.
[03:42:22] We are genuinely just throwing the game away because people want to fight.
[03:42:25] I mean I'm used to it, it's just the funniest part.
[03:42:30] Yeah I don't have any mana.
[03:42:34] I need to clear this one fucking wave.
[03:42:37] Okay nice.
[03:42:48] actually didn't give me gold. We don't actually need this dragon, so that's why I TP'd up here.
[03:43:20] Because I have rifts and I don't think, I don't have ult, so I don't think going to this dragon is
[03:43:27] probably a good call. I mean this guy doesn't have ult either, so it's like, he can't really kill
[03:43:45] me without ult either. So I think this guy is kind of struggling too. Is that, you
[03:43:51] You can craft the T2.
[03:44:19] LATE UP ITS!
[03:45:00] I mean, honestly, we should just play for a play here, but...
[03:45:03] We don't have any vision.
[03:45:05] If they ever made it so you could QSS mouse ults,
[03:46:07] or not QSS, so you could cleanse mouse ults,
[03:46:10] I'm actually almost positive that...
[03:46:13] Mouse would be the most worthless champion in the entire game by like...
[03:46:18] 10,000 miles.
[03:46:20] Like, this champion would be so dumb, shit, if you could just cleanse his ult.
[03:46:35] I don't know if I should actually be going mid here, but we outscaled him. We don't need to be like scared of
[03:47:30] Too much right now if our talent un-tilted we win the game if he stays tilted it's like a fitty-fitty
[03:47:45] We'll see our ghost because our talent is like angry at
[03:47:56] Nothing, but he's like throwing the game on purpose
[03:47:59] Because he's so pissed off
[03:48:01] That he's like mad at nothing and he thinks that like
[03:48:05] We are nobody's allowed to play the game because like this support made a mistake or something
[03:48:09] I don't know. It's really funny, but I mean once I get three items. We just win the game anyway
[03:48:31] Like genuinely the game is just fucking dooms for them
[03:48:33] This is like I have to get my team to understand that we need to play for Baron not dragon
[03:50:27] Like just we can win the game off of just playing for Baron. I
[03:50:30] I have three items. We do Baron in like five seconds.
[03:50:35] One push, one mid wave, then go to Baron.
[03:50:59] I'll have to stay once. I gotta queue this once.
[03:51:12] My Leona didn't buy a pink ward, that's not good.
[03:51:14] I'm gonna get the wave.
[03:51:55] Cool. I think we just end.
[03:52:06] Oh yeah, nice. 2G.
[03:52:09] See? Team's easy as fuck. Easy peasy, right?
[03:52:14] I told you, we're too strong to fail at that point.
[03:52:17] the team was just panicking because it's like for some reason Talon got mad that
[03:52:23] the guy wasn't listening to him and he threw a temper tantrum how dare this
[03:52:27] support not listen to my calls fuck you plus 17 okay seriously what has happened
[03:52:37] like what's going on with the LP guys what the fuck's going on boys I've got
[03:52:49] I've gotten a 27, I've gotten a 17, I've lost a 15, I've gotten a 23, I've gotten a 25,
[03:52:57] I've lost a 25, like, like, Riot, straight up, like, what is happening guys?
[03:53:05] Like Riot Games, I need some like feedback here bros.
[03:53:08] Like what the fuck did we do to matchmaking today?
[03:53:11] To make it feel like I'm in a fucking, I'm throwing a dart at a board and whatever
[03:53:15] I hit I get or lose that on LP. You know what I mean? Like that's what it feels like
[03:53:21] Like what the fuck?
[03:53:23] Somebody got plus 50 of course they did
[03:53:27] Like what the hell man, I did not take a shower today and
[03:53:53] Holy fuck I smell bad. I just wanted I got wanted to share that with you guys because I can smell myself
[03:53:58] And it's not great, but it was important that I let you know that. Okay. I don't remember I
[03:54:16] Need to look this up
[03:54:18] I feel like crafting is the only thing where like you have to look up everything you're doing
[03:54:23] Because it'll get really cringe really fast
[03:54:26] Like like crafting genuinely feels like it's like the most cringe thing ever because you have to grind so much garbage
[03:54:40] What is this what is patreon?
[03:54:43] Bro am I a patron on now?
[03:54:46] So this levels me up twice. I mean I might as well do it
[03:55:05] because it gives me kind of an obscene amount of level like it levels me up
[03:55:12] literally twice and I think it's the cheapest for me to make fuck it I guess
[03:55:22] we just keep going I mean I just want to level 35 for 25 and five seconds mantle
[03:55:49] this is look like yeah it's obvious fuck and I guess I'll make a mantle
[03:56:05] because I can actually use the mantle. I need to do one for first crafts. Alright, we did
[03:56:30] one for the first crafts. Oh, I need to make one of these for first crafts as well. What
[03:56:38] is storm dust? I mean, I'm assuming you just buy it on the auction house. Could I sell
[03:56:52] one of these mantles? I wonder if I could actually sell these on the auction house
[03:56:59] and people would buy them. And I could scum-ozz people. I wonder if I could like scan.
[03:57:15] Oh guys, it's the start of the expansion. Look at this new gear you can get. It's like not even good gear, but like I
[03:57:23] Wonder if people will buy it. I mean I might as well. Fuck it
[03:57:27] Free money if they are dumb enough to buy it
[03:57:30] We'll try it once. I'll like put all of them on the auction house one time and we'll see if people are stupid enough to buy it
[03:57:42] If they're not then fuck it
[03:57:44] You know what's kind of interesting? I can just sit here? This is kind of funny. I can just sit here and like do funny ass crafting stuff while I'm in queue for League of 1-1? 37? Okay.
[03:59:24] Oh no, I'm playing with the two like retard one and retard two from two games ago
[03:59:53] The ribbon and the fucking ribbon do a guy. I don't know
[03:59:58] I'm gonna mute now man. I'm I don't want to hear their rage. I'm gonna be a son of son. I don't want to hear it man
[04:00:07] We're gonna mute now and we're just gonna enjoy our life and we're just gonna keep vibing
[04:00:12] Sound good boys
[04:00:15] Fuck them
[04:00:17] Give me a mutant vibe mute in vibe
[04:00:30] All right, here we go.
[04:00:33] The Giga lagging!
[04:00:49] I like lagged at my ass for one second.
[04:00:55] That was hilarious.
[04:00:57] I'm not to give some CS.
[04:01:16] I don't have a choice.
[04:01:19] I don't want to lose any HP.
[04:01:42] I swear, people just trade on you for fun when you play mouse.
[04:01:47] Like they don't even think about why they should be trading or how to trade.
[04:01:51] I swear to God, they just do it for fun.
[04:02:00] I swear to God.
[04:02:21] I can already hear the ribbon crying like a baby.
[04:02:27] I can't play, it's Grasp the Riven.
[04:02:29] I mean, it's Grasp, Nidalee, I can't play.
[04:03:42] Then you relax, Mr. Vlad, okay?
[04:03:45] Relax, bro.
[04:03:47] I'm just vibing.
[04:03:50] I don't need you to just be like sweating your ass off.
[04:03:54] We're vibing.
[04:03:56] Chill.
[04:03:57] I fucked up.
[04:04:19] I needed to not eat that.
[04:04:21] Why did I eat that?
[04:04:22] That's gonna really fuck me up.
[04:04:31] I mean, that's fine, let's go back.
[04:04:35] I have enough for my book, so I just TP.
[04:04:42] Like, Malz is just like, once you get the, uh, once you get the old lost chapter, it doesn't matter anymore.
[04:04:48] Like, you're vibing at this point.
[04:06:00] I mean, they are 100% on dragon right now.
[04:06:02] Oh, that blad is so mad, I just shit on him.
[04:06:42] Like, I should have died there.
[04:06:46] The king did come and they didn't.
[04:06:48] Damn.
[04:06:50] Like, Swain should have just come.
[04:07:03] Ulti now.
[04:07:05] Build Batman.
[04:07:40] My ribbon's getting so shafted.
[04:07:42] Remax? I max Q because the silence goes up. I mean, I think I'm just dead.
[04:08:24] It's like kind of hard to flash there because he just ulted me if I flash.
[04:08:28] I think I just made the mistake of going for the plate.
[04:08:32] So, yeah, if you look, the voidling damage goes up when you max it,
[04:08:41] but it's only really like that doesn't really matter because 90% of your damage is not voidlings.
[04:08:46] 90% of your damage is like this. Your Q duration goes up to 2, so that's like a huge thing.
[04:08:51] Goes from 1 to 2, and the damage goes up a lot. So the duration going up by a full second is pretty huge.
[04:09:02] Especially when it's like a 3 second cooldown. So when you're just spamming an ability, that's like an AoE silence on a 3 second cooldown.
[04:09:13] it's really big that it's I can't really walk up past the mid line right now in
[04:09:33] mid because hecarim can just stand and crushes I mean I guess we're gonna give
[04:09:56] grubs but I don't think we should be getting grubs I'm gonna be honest but
[04:10:02] I mean I really don't think we should give this but we have to getting two
[04:10:30] We should play for dragon instead of trying to like kill medley as five people we should
[04:10:43] just play for the objectives.
[04:10:50] I'm picking up the slack because my ribbon is tilted out of her mind right now so I'm
[04:10:55] gonna have to go bot, push that and push mid.
[04:10:59] Like what am I watching?
[04:11:01] This is the worst macro I've ever seen.
[04:11:31] I'm just losing plates because my team wants the three man top.
[04:11:34] That actually makes me sad.
[04:11:37] Are we actually gonna get fucking 15 plates?
[04:12:31] There's no way that they gave me 15 plates in, there's just no way.
[04:12:57] Dude nobody in this elo protects their fucking turrets.
[04:13:01] They just do not care about like losing plates.
[04:13:05] I think this is like the big issue with why this elo has so inconsistence.
[04:13:11] Like they genuinely don't seem to give a fuck about, like they don't seem to give a fuck
[04:13:19] about their turrets at all.
[04:13:21] It's fucking wild.
[04:13:22] But it's like those turrets are so important men and dicks.
[04:15:01] I actually thought I could outplay that, but I got slowed by something.
[04:15:05] What slows me?
[04:15:06] Does Vlad's E slow?
[04:15:12] And I just never knew that, or is it the red?
[04:15:23] If Vlad's E slows and I never knew that, that would be wild.
[04:15:26] It's actually kind of funny because I'm so far ahead of Vlad.
[04:15:47] Like we are giga head. It's just that my sport says that I've died a lot. We're just going full boss in law
[04:16:00] Because we have like really really really good CS per minute. We got five plates
[04:16:09] We're almost on a 13. Yeah, I mean we're smurfing this in terms of like
[04:16:17] Use on the map. I think I need to get anti-heal a lot of healing on their team. I'm gonna grab it. I
[04:16:27] I want to get tier 2 boots.
[04:16:31] Dude, you know why I died?
[04:16:32] Wait a second, I know why I died.
[04:16:36] Straight up I died because I didn't have boots 2.
[04:16:44] That's actually why I died because I don't have boots 2.
[04:16:51] Because I usually always have boots 2 at this stage of the game.
[04:16:55] But I didn't have it.
[04:16:58] I didn't push the top wave in, so like, it's fucking glad, man.
[04:17:03] I like intentionally didn't do this macro because I wanted to go to the dragon fight
[04:17:14] But that was bad
[04:17:16] Losing t2 top is never worth
[04:17:45] whatever
[04:17:47] Man, I need boots too so bad
[04:17:50] I was wondering how I got ran down. It's just ghost boots too. He's too fast and he has fucking Cosmic Drive Jesus
[04:17:57] He's literally got like a fucking
[04:17:59] infinite movement speed hack on me even with Raiwan is this fucking insane
[04:18:12] and if you go get choo choo boots I'm way too fucking slow okay now we're
[04:19:01] chilling my fucking team it's funny because this game is so free if they
[04:20:06] just don't make dumb calls like trying to kill Vlad there dumbest call I've
[04:20:14] seen I don't get it but it is with us and then this guy came down and
[04:20:31] shared t2 gold with me like why bro like you walked all the way down here so
[04:20:38] that you could share the gold that is fucking crazy man you're 0 and 4 with
[04:20:45] like no idea how to play the game that is wild wild fucking behavior I just
[04:21:26] Tweedle D and Tweedle Diff shader like losing the game for us again.
[04:21:30] I don't know man.
[04:21:32] Like I have almost 100 CS late on this server because she doesn't understand how to play a
[04:21:45] game.
[04:21:51] I'm trying though.
[04:21:52] I think once I get Leandri's I can carry.
[04:22:07] Like whip-shitting me, I mean, but I need Leandri's badly.
[04:22:14] That double burn is just so oppressive in teamfights.
[04:22:19] Like the Rhyla is double burn just feels so oppressive.
[04:22:22] I'm in a really really bad spot because I need to go back and stop them from ending the game
[04:23:18] Because my team fought dragon for no reason at all
[04:23:21] Guys just stop. I got three items. I might be able to do this
[04:24:24] Basically, I'm gonna be looking to try and silence this Vlad during an important part
[04:24:28] I mean I couldn't TP'd but I don't think it would have been worth
[04:24:45] High key
[04:24:54] Like there's no reason to fight this
[04:24:56] Where's this wave it's funny because I'm literally doing all of the fucking macro on the map
[04:25:59] Okay, I
[04:26:00] In
[04:26:01] Bamboozled that nobody's pushing any waves
[04:26:04] Like I'm literally walking to a wave pushing it in by myself
[04:26:07] Do that and don't get up for you win. I don't know man
[04:27:01] The duo just hates winning games
[04:27:06] Such bad play
[04:27:07] Learn macro. Maybe you don't sit another 5,000 games there
[04:27:19] Like the duo retards again are like losing the game for us
[04:27:26] Like my only two mouse losses today are with tweedle D and tweedle dumb
[04:27:30] They're so fucking stupid. Like they're the dumbest two players I've ever seen
[04:27:39] They like genuinely have no idea how to macro or do anything with value like
[04:27:44] How do we even lose that last team fight? I walked down the heck room
[04:27:48] right? Like, Hecarim sat there my full ulti, Nidalee was hitting me the whole time. Like,
[04:27:54] where was the damage from our team? Like, what were they doing? We had a cane, we had
[04:28:02] a Tom Kench, we had a Redden with Ignite. Where was the damage, guys? I gotta go look.
[04:28:10] Yeah, I mean, they solo lost another game. It's embarrassing. Like, these two players
[04:28:21] don't know how to play the game literally at all. Like, what happened at this last
[04:28:24] fight. They've lost every game they've played today and it's been their fault
[04:28:30] every time. So let's look at this. We catch their thrash, right? Watch. We catch
[04:28:41] the thrash, right? Ribbon hops into the wall. I'll back this up for you guys.
[04:28:51] I'll back this up for you guys so you can see this Immaculate Masters Ribbon
[04:28:58] game play. Let's check this out. Okay, so we catch this guy, Riven, hops into the wall,
[04:29:10] Tom Ketch completely whips his W, right? So my team's, like, the best thought process
[04:29:15] here would be like, let's just, like, run away, right? Like, the best thought process
[04:29:20] would be like, let's push mid and back up. But I was like, okay, I have access to
[04:29:25] their strongest player. So I'm gonna ulti, like, you know, like, I'm gonna ulti the
[04:29:30] Hecarim, I'm gonna zone them, right?
[04:29:33] So let's watch and see what happens here.
[04:29:35] We slow them all, swing ults, I ulti Hecarim.
[04:29:40] So my king is currently farming raptor.
[04:29:47] My Riven has ultimate, she's way back here.
[04:29:51] So let's take a look at where our teammates are.
[04:29:53] My jungler is farming raptors.
[04:29:59] Instead of finding a way to flank
[04:30:01] and go around to try and kill the backline, right?
[04:30:04] He's farming raptors.
[04:30:06] Then we have Swain who is currently three items.
[04:30:10] Like he's pretty strong, right?
[04:30:11] Like he's strong.
[04:30:13] He's not as strong as I am because I'm level 17
[04:30:15] with like 11 CS a minute, so I'm very strong.
[04:30:18] But he's very, he's strong.
[04:30:20] We have Riven who has all of her spells up.
[04:30:23] Like what happens?
[04:30:31] Why is she not just going over the wall
[04:30:34] and one shot into the Hecarim?
[04:30:40] What?
[04:30:49] Like I don't get it.
[04:30:55] My cane gets hooked
[04:30:59] And instead of staying in the fight, goes to farm a raptor.
[04:31:03] Like for some reason, just as he wants to farm.
[04:31:06] Then I get a good ulti on their hecarim.
[04:31:08] I almost solo him, right?
[04:31:11] Boom, double silence into an ulti.
[04:31:13] Swayne is zoning these three.
[04:31:15] I'm like, surely my Tom Kentsch will flash
[04:31:20] or surely my Riven will go over the wall
[04:31:22] or surely my Kane will go over the wall here, right?
[04:31:27] She dashes Q2s, but she doesn't Q3.
[04:31:34] Like that, what was that?
[04:31:41] So we don't Q3 for some reason.
[04:31:45] And so after the hacker runs away,
[04:31:49] Tomcans flash is late.
[04:31:55] And then even after everything,
[04:31:59] now Vlad one shots the other two people.
[04:32:02] Kane has literally not hit another champion
[04:32:05] in this fight yet, right?
[04:32:07] Like, Riven and Kane have not, this is the first time touching a champion.
[04:32:14] I almost solo this jinx, I make a mistake here and I kite up instead of down.
[04:32:20] You know what's funny, if I had, I actually could have stalled this game out of how I
[04:32:24] rev-jim.
[04:32:25] That's the saddest part.
[04:32:26] Yeah, but that's the thing, you don't have to do a loop.
[04:32:36] I've played Riven, like you can back up and Q3 over that wall easily.
[04:32:43] Like if you click here and then here really fast like if you go boom-boom
[04:32:47] You can Q3 over the wall
[04:32:49] You just have to click away from the wall and then immediately back into the wall and you can Q3
[04:32:52] Like I don't play ribbon and I've done this like I've done these jumps before
[04:32:58] What I'm saying is like she took way too long to do it, right?
[04:33:03] And if we look at like what's going on in this game like I'm literally a level fucking 17 almost four items dude
[04:33:10] Like I have a hundred CS 150 CS lead over my solos or the other two people like I'm sorry
[04:33:21] But you guys like are just so bad
[04:33:27] My cane also somehow some way
[04:33:30] Managed to go blue cane in the game like this and then never actually dives the enemy carry
[04:33:38] My blue cane was front-lining. I mean, I don't know man. We had one ward down
[04:33:53] Like this is just crazy to me
[04:33:55] Well, you guys got to understand that like this is the these are the players that I'm playing with when I queue lead
[04:34:01] Like you cannot tell me you actually think that I'm a master's player
[04:34:05] After seeing me play in these games of how I play the game
[04:34:09] Versus how they play the game
[04:34:11] Look at this
[04:34:12] Like the issue is it's like this elo is just really cringe
[04:34:20] Because you get like this is the third jungler. I've had in a row that rages the whole game, right?
[04:34:25] my jungler is raging the whole game in a winning game. He's just throwing a temper tantrum,
[04:34:32] third jungler in a row. Then you have like top and AD don't know how to macro, like my team
[04:34:39] three manned top turret instead of defending our own plates. I took mid turret, right? I took,
[04:34:45] what was it? I took mid plates. Then I had to go, or no, we didn't take mid plates,
[04:34:49] sorry I took I went I had to walk bot after my team took bot they took bot
[04:34:57] dirt first then my team three manned top so I had to clear mid and clear bot
[04:35:04] with the ribbon old for nothing literally nothing actually I'll show you
[04:35:14] what ribbon altered for if you really want to see how embarrassing a 300 LP
[04:35:18] ribbon is watch that's what she altered for yeah she altered so that she could
[04:35:38] uh he went to the wall this is a ribbon one trick by the way this guy has over
[04:35:45] a thousand games of ribbon and he doesn't know how to jump this wall as
[04:35:49] ribbon she lost confidence I mean bro if you have a thousand games of a champ and
[04:36:03] you're losing confidence on the champion that you have a thousand games on and
[04:36:06] you are a one-trick? Like, I have to be honest with you. You're just fucking bad.
[04:36:13] Like, I lose confidence when I play like a Phelios. Right? Like, I've played a
[04:36:20] Phelios, but like I don't know him that well. But like, I don't lose confidence in
[04:36:25] myself if I'm playing a one-trick that I have thousands of games on. I'm not
[04:36:31] going to be like, oh man, you don't have it. If you are somebody who loses confidence because
[04:36:40] you make a mistake in a game, I'm sorry, but you're not him. You never will be him. You're
[04:36:44] going to be mediocre. You should just stop trying to climb. Climbing is 99% mental.
[04:36:52] Straight up. If you can't keep mental and learn how to play the game through macro
[04:37:02] and winning the game and not raging the whole game, you'll never win. You'll
[04:37:06] I'll just sit in the loo either for life, playing 10,000 games, being a fucking retard, flaming
[04:37:12] your team.
[04:37:15] That is what it is.
[04:37:16] Is this an electrocute game or is this a, I think it's a crack and start game?
[04:37:56] Give me a sec.
[04:37:57] Well, that seems dodging anyway.
[04:38:02] I've been in queue this whole time, I've been whining.
[04:38:05] I don't know man, like, stuff like this just makes me like so frustrated to play
[04:38:11] League.
[04:38:12] Like I know you have to climb through games like this, but it's so frustrating
[04:38:15] man.
[04:38:16] Like when the enemy top is up 30 or 3000 gold the enemy AD is up 2000 gold
[04:38:23] Enemy jungler is equal, but like he's just raging
[04:38:26] It's so annoying
[04:38:28] Because like these games are so easy to win
[04:38:36] Like players like this ribbon and players like this
[04:38:40] Swain and players like this cane these three are the reason that this master that the epitome of
[04:38:47] Why masters is hard to climb they are the epitome of
[04:38:50] Of dog shit raging retards and like every high-level player hates this Revan
[04:38:57] Every high-level player hates this fucking swain in the skin
[04:39:01] Because like they're not actually high-level, but they think they're better than they are
[04:39:05] And it's really annoying to play with them on your team
[04:39:10] Instead of playing to win they played a like
[04:39:12] troll
[04:39:14] That's disgusting
[04:39:15] It is was I hate when people do this shit. This is why I told you guys I have to ban smolder always
[04:44:47] I didn't I forgot to ban smolder this game because I was tabbed out. They're so fringe
[04:45:24] Why did Greg is not have E that's embarrassing that's warden I think
[04:46:33] The Gregus is really bad because he doesn't have E or he didn't take a level one when the rise face checked. Oh
[04:46:47] He's Diamond 4
[04:46:49] like he's like a legitimate d4 player who's auto fills oh rip alright I'm just gonna vibe
[04:47:04] try our bests like he asked his team for a leash like you asked your team for a leash
[04:47:18] you're mentally retarded well yeah you should never level spells ever early game ever like
[04:47:59] like if you have a CC spell versus like a uh yeah I mean that's just some very obvious
[04:48:05] shit the wage is perfect for this like bot will put or top's gonna push in here and we
[04:48:16] just kill the rise visit the flush what did I just watch bro what the fuck are you doing
[04:48:40] oh my god alright please don't come top please please please their god don't come
[04:48:47] top row like he literally walked up right before the wave was about to like push in wide open
[04:49:01] no thought just like yeah man fuck it and now this rise is fighting me when he has no mana
[04:49:12] I I okay I don't know what to say money department what are we doing like you're
[04:49:42] you're gonna what freeze the way with no mana just standing there like what am I
[04:49:48] watching bro do people just not like walk at you when you do that in a
[04:49:54] silo like what is happening I'm gonna stop I'm gonna stop making fun of him
[04:50:10] I'm gonna stop in front of me no more no more fighting this guy he's trying
[04:50:14] best. Listen, no more fighting, no more fighting. He is doing his absolute best. Oh, I mean,
[04:51:13] you gotta understand the loudest, like the worst players are the loudest and lead because
[04:51:20] they're more focused on what other people are doing than themselves. So they just
[04:51:24] gap. It is what it is. Like if people are good, they focus on their own gameplay.
[04:51:30] Is that why I always yapp?
[04:51:35] T, I yapp at you because like,
[04:51:39] you're such a great person.
[04:51:42] G-split, you just got me killed, I want you to understand that.
[04:51:48] I read your chat and died because I wasn't watching the map.
[04:51:55] Like, understand that was on you.
[04:51:58] You knew I'd blame that on you?
[04:52:16] Well, let's see.
[04:52:17] I wasn't dead and then you came in and I did die.
[04:52:21] Who else are we blaming that on?
[04:52:30] Why would we not take these
[04:52:37] Why would we not take this from my Greg is just altered air when we saw the shake I
[04:52:49] Can't I can't I I
[04:52:52] Can't we saw the shake-o
[04:52:54] Like we saw him and we literally saw him in stuff
[04:53:09] Why are we all together? I still appreciate you T split
[04:53:23] Even after you got me killed I still appreciate you. We don't play double up this long weekend
[04:54:04] What the fuck is a long weekend?
[04:54:07] What are you saying?
[04:54:12] Like a three day weekend?
[04:54:14] Is there some sort of government holiday that I don't know about?
[04:54:17] Labor day?
[04:54:18] Wait, I'm unemployed.
[04:54:19] What do you mean it's a labor day?
[04:54:20] You think I'm supposed to know what labor day?
[04:54:22] What the fuck am I supposed to know it's a labor day?
[04:54:28] You think I do labor?
[04:54:36] 40?
[04:54:37] I, excuse me.
[04:54:38] Well, I'm just, I'm 40 years come from, but like, crazy motherfucker.
[04:54:47] Dude, I can't use my little minions to farm if Smulder will kill them and he'll stack
[04:54:59] for free.
[04:55:35] Why is a Collie- what is this?
[04:55:38] How did I just- like how did my Collie just like lose three plates top?
[04:55:42] How'd you lose three plates bro?
[04:55:47] How?
[04:55:48] How am I like- oh whatever I'm not gonna ask anymore man.
[04:56:24] I can't use my W, because every time I use W, he'll get free stacks.
[04:56:30] So even though I want to use W, I can't, and it feels really bad.
[04:56:41] We need to just gank this guy, Shredor is going to try and gank bot.
[04:57:41] Like a thousand percent he's going to try to gank bot right now.
[04:57:49] Who guests?
[04:57:50] fathers.
[04:58:54] What?
[04:58:55] The absolute fuck.
[04:58:56] Okay, that guy just TPed bot.
[04:59:10] So we get rektx.
[04:59:27] Where is my teammate?
[04:59:29] happening here I am really confused that where my support is like I'm quite
[04:59:43] literally like playing by myself one beat like 1v2 like what is fucking
[04:59:49] happening like Bragg is not using alts not me not like using like what what
[05:00:01] they absolutely fuck is the silo I don't know what to say it's like
[05:00:08] actually unplayable if I'm not there if I'm not standing directly next to
[05:00:13] these people they just run it down so like nobody on my team is helping
[05:00:35] Gragas derefts. Kali can't 1v1 the Ryze because she has 100 CS. Oh shit. My Gragas is pinging
[05:00:54] Ryze. Wait, do we actually think Ryze is an issue this game? I think I need to mute all.
[05:01:06] I think it's that time of game where if I don't mute all right now, I'm going to
[05:01:10] have a brain aneurysm and I'm going to get banned on Twitch. Let's be honest here.
[05:01:30] game is so free if we just play it to win. Like the enemy is so bad. Like these people
[05:01:44] are not very good. Look at where they're standing right now. They're pushed up on tier 2 tower.
[05:01:51] Like that's crazy man. Like enemy jungler is 1 and 4. All we have to do is literally
[05:02:10] just let me scale and we win the game. I mean it kind of sucks because the smolder
[05:02:14] is like, he should be being shut down but he's not. Like I specifically traded lanes,
[05:02:21] You've been all that jazz so that we could
[05:02:37] Yeah, don't don't block it guys. It's cool. Like my bad. Like why would we block the shot, right?
[05:02:45] No, that's worthless like fuck me. I dodged two of them and now me ran away
[05:03:08] genuinely think
[05:03:10] If you are hard stuff like if you are trying your best in this elo, and this is your gameplay I
[05:03:16] Mean this with every fiber my being I think you might need to be checked for actual brain tumors
[05:03:21] Like the literal brain tumors. Oh my god. Hey guys, I know you guys like walking in circles around the big objective
[05:04:23] but maybe
[05:04:26] Maybe we do the objective
[05:04:29] Like I understand you guys don't want to okay. I get it you guys are diamond players
[05:04:35] You think that like it's fun to just push button turn the brain off and zug zug zug aroo
[05:04:40] But let's be honest. Okay guys like I
[05:04:42] I think my brain is physically cannot handle any more of this gameplay. Like I'm begging you to be humans
[05:04:51] Like I'm begging. This is wild
[05:04:54] like I
[05:04:56] Like if you're a human being trying to win this game, it is one of me
[05:04:59] I could put four bronze people from my chat in this game right now
[05:05:04] And we have a decent chance at winning
[05:05:06] Like like where is my team?
[05:05:20] What is this?
[05:05:22] Like, I don't get it.
[05:05:25] I don't get it.
[05:05:26] I saw two people below me.
[05:05:27] Right?
[05:05:28] I saw two people below me.
[05:05:29] My Nami could have literally walked up and just, like, what is happening?
[05:05:38] Don't worry, guys.
[05:05:56] Akali is pushing the only lane that doesn't have an objective or need to be pushed.
[05:06:04] Like instead of helping the team at all, she's literally doing the only thing to
[05:06:11] not have any impact on the game whatsoever.
[05:06:13] Oh my God.
[05:06:27] was this possible? Like what is this, Ven? Guys, what is going on where I'm 1v4'ing
[05:06:59] their team? Like, please. Please. I mean, I don't know, man. I give up. Like, I don't
[05:08:11] know what to do, man. Like, every game is like this. Every game is just three people
[05:08:17] who just are genuinely griefing the game for fun.
[05:08:22] Like, my Gragas has 120 CS at 23 minutes.
[05:08:25] He's about three levels down.
[05:08:27] My Midlaner's three levels down.
[05:08:29] My AD carry's three levels down.
[05:08:31] My support's three levels down.
[05:08:34] Guys, I don't understand why you can't just like,
[05:08:38] get carried.
[05:08:40] Like, why is it so difficult for you guys
[05:08:43] to just like sack the fuck up
[05:08:46] and allow yourself to be carried.
[05:08:50] Why are master's players like this, man?
[05:08:53] Like, dude, you people are such veins on this game.
[05:09:00] Like, it's actually so unfun to play with these people.
[05:09:05] Holy fuck.
[05:09:28] Like, where's my Nami?
[05:09:29] Can we ulti?
[05:09:31] Use your ults.
[05:09:33] So we're just not gonna ult from vision there.
[05:09:49] And we killed the clone.
[05:09:52] Like dude, you actually just killed the clone.
[05:09:57] So I get feared.
[05:10:02] What is this like brain damage?
[05:10:21] If you queue up and you put this,
[05:10:24] like if you have a game where you're 173
[05:10:25] and you're like, you should be banned
[05:10:28] from ranks for three weeks.
[05:10:30] Right, and this is not taking action.
[05:10:32] If you have a bad game, it's okay to have a bad game
[05:10:35] once, but if this happens multiple times in a scenario
[05:10:37] in a situation, just ban them from ranks.
[05:10:40] They don't need to be banned from the game,
[05:10:42] but you can ban them from ranks.
[05:10:48] This is insane.
[05:11:03] Like dude, I, like how is this game this hard?
[05:11:12] How are we not trying to get dragon?
[05:11:15] Neither jungler is doing dragon.
[05:11:21] What?
[05:11:22] Like what are we?
[05:11:25] Neither jungler is trying to get drake.
[05:11:31] What the fuck?
[05:12:28] How did my jinx die man?
[05:12:30] What?
[05:12:40] I mean at least we bought some time.
[05:12:45] Like once I get, once I get Void Staff, we should win the game.
[05:12:51] Oh my god, but like what are we doing, guys?
[05:12:55] What are we fucking doing?
[05:12:59] Like the three dumbest fucking people on the team.
[05:13:03] Like dude, we know we're retarded, but like let's siege mid without our two carries
[05:13:11] and see if our two carries can win us the game.
[05:13:14] Like let's see, let's see if we can do it.
[05:13:16] Like yeah, we might be mentally retarded and need to be turn banned from life,
[05:13:19] But like
[05:13:21] Let's just play for fun and waste everybody's time
[05:13:27] Fuck um
[05:13:58] What okay, I guess we lose I
[05:14:05] Fall old and rise and nobody hit him we didn't jinx old him we didn't do anything
[05:14:12] Like I I don't know what to say. This is not a this is not a carryable game
[05:14:18] Like I could have played this game absolutely perfect, not carryable.
[05:14:22] Like this is actually not winnable.
[05:14:29] How am I playing with a Diamond 4 Akali?
[05:14:35] She didn't even decay, she's a legitimate Diamond 4 Akali.
[05:14:39] How is she in my game?
[05:14:43] How is a legitimate Diamond Akali in a game with a 300 LP Masters?
[05:14:47] Like how is this even possible?
[05:14:50] Mappa, shut the fuck up, you're retarded.
[05:14:57] Like dude, did you think it'd be good to type something so ignorant right now and dumb when
[05:15:01] I'm tilted?
[05:15:04] Like that would go off well, shut the fuck up.
[05:15:12] Like you don't understand that there should never be a diamond player anywhere near the
[05:15:15] game in matchmaking in general.
[05:15:17] Okay, don't type again in my chat or your perm bands.
[05:15:20] Time out for the rest of the day.
[05:15:23] You made the mistake of typing when I'm pissed.
[05:15:25] Pay the consequences, Pussy.
[05:15:31] You typed again, bye.
[05:15:34] Learn your place.
[05:15:59] There's one thing you should know about my chat.
[05:16:02] If I'm tilted and you type, you will get perm banned.
[05:16:05] I don't care if you're a sob,
[05:16:06] you've been here watching for years.
[05:16:07] Like if I'm tilted, you'll get banned.
[05:16:09] So I would keep your fucking mouth shut when I'm tilted.
[05:16:13] That's the only thing that you need to know about my chat.
[05:16:17] Like I don't see you as a human being when I'm tilted.
[05:16:18] I don't give a fuck.
[05:16:20] You're a random name in the chat when I'm this mad.
[05:16:23] Like when I'm not tilted, sure.
[05:16:25] But when I'm tilted,
[05:16:26] like I don't give a fuck about you.
[05:16:40] That is what it is.
[05:17:21] Every single game today has been me performing well
[05:17:25] and losing games, every game.
[05:17:28] I play well, I lose, I play well, I lose.
[05:20:12] I'm gonna go off stream.
[05:20:14] I'll see you guys tomorrow.
[05:20:16] I had the dodge, so I'm just gonna go do something else.