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Monk Mental Arc to Challenger before end of season | Educational stream

08-27-2024 · 6h 52m

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[00:01:53] What is going on here? Hello dads
[00:02:11] Hello lads. I mean the whole awakening. Let's do it. I
[00:03:41] Don't know what that means, but like let's do it. Hell. Yeah. Oh shit. What's going on? Oh, no
[00:04:29] I mean hurry. I can't get through the door. I mean, it's wild but back to me while I was kind of always the same
[00:06:12] Like the horse a bit different the
[00:06:14] sometimes like the ease in which you can do stuff is different but it's always
[00:06:18] almost the same. My game is about to start and I'm protecting this guy from
[00:07:09] the villainous evil. Alright let's see if I can protect us from villainous evil.
[00:08:39] This is like I can't log out right now. Alright. What the fuck? It was like
[00:08:47] I thought that you me man
[00:08:49] So hey, what's up, man? How's it going?
[00:10:33] Listen to the annoying back man. I don't think I can stay here. Yasuo has no like actual resource
[00:11:15] He's just gonna sit there and fight the whole time. You know, it's funny
[00:11:22] I was actually gonna ban Yasuo this game because I was curing mid
[00:11:26] Like like no joke. I was gonna ban Yasuo because I'm curing mid right now and I hate playing versus Yasuo mid
[00:11:33] And lo and behold, I go versus Yasuo AD. All Yasuo players are losers, every single one of them.
[00:11:41] Because they just play a champion that requires like very mediocre fucking skill.
[00:11:50] And it just counters AD carries. But they're too pussy to play that champion in mid where it belongs.
[00:11:57] And look at this shit. This is bitch mode, man. Damn, Diana walked in on that exact timer.
[00:12:43] Why is Diana even bought?
[00:12:47] Damn, my bad. I don't know what she's even bought to be honest with you, though
[00:12:52] because
[00:12:54] What a value that she had being bought right now. Her camps aren't even up.
[00:13:12] Loser-ass Diana bought players. I mean, Yasuo bought players. Probably gonna need help on this wave bounce.
[00:14:04] I mean, yeah, I'm gonna need help on the wave bounce because uh,
[00:14:14] not too much I can do.
[00:14:15] On a good note, they're not very smart and they crash the wave for no reason. I mean, we can't really stop that guy
[00:15:50] Whenever man, Diane is just always bought. I mean, I guess yeah, I'll just never fight. I guess
[00:16:22] This is my bad. I should have banned this cringe ass champ that I always banned when I'm playing good
[00:17:10] The zero skill zero mechanics champion. I don't think we can back on this wave
[00:19:28] Well, I still can't get shiv
[00:21:20] God, I'm that far behind, huh? Jesus. I did not realize that was that far behinds.
[00:21:33] I mean, I could buy a ship now, but damn, I really want to get my coal finished.
[00:22:03] Fucking Zed's here, though.
[00:22:05] To finish coal.
[00:22:15] That'll go mad. This is like the greatest shit ever, but fuck it.
[00:22:20] Honestly, deserved easy victory.
[00:23:28] deserved easy-ass victory for having to play versus fucking Yachtwo man not just
[00:24:06] normal Yachtwo, but this guy's intentionally queuing AD Yachtwo because
[00:24:13] he's insecure going mid. Crazy bro. What is this queue? Dude I didn't even get to play Wow.
[00:24:28] What is this instant pop queue? What the fuck is this? I was in queue for 30
[00:24:40] 30 seconds man. Okay. Listen I didn't know 12, 12 p.m. on a Tuesday was the time I was
[00:24:57] not familiar with your game. My apologies. Now as long as they don't just pick smolder
[00:25:33] and fuck me in the ass, I think we're actually fine. I do hate picking mouths though because
[00:25:41] like they'll just pick smolder if they're good and then I just can't play the game.
[00:25:47] So I like genuinely have to dodge. It's not like I'm Blinnable or anything I guess.
[00:26:03] Man the MMR is so wonky. I'm gonna see you know. I swear you just have to be above
[00:26:37] 300 400 LP and you can actually get good quality games
[00:26:40] You just got to make that break point
[00:26:43] If you can't make that break points these games are gonna be weird for a bit
[00:26:52] Because a lot of masters sneak into the games and then it's like really awkward. I
[00:28:05] Don't know what is wrong with people bro
[00:28:14] Why should I worry?
[00:29:19] The message brought me don't know, man.
[00:30:14] Now do we think that they are invading us?
[00:30:17] Cool.
[00:30:39] I'll take a free kill with my XP.
[00:30:46] Oh no, I missed all three mails.
[00:30:50] That's so bad.
[00:30:51] Kills don't give me enough XP.
[00:31:09] So we're going to be in a weird spot for a little bit.
[00:31:43] The audio sounds weird.
[00:31:44] Let me mess with it for a second.
[00:31:46] That should be better.
[00:31:59] I was fucking with a setting yesterday.
[00:32:02] Does that sound better?
[00:32:08] Does that sound better? Answer me!
[00:32:24] Hello? Like I could use some like, I mean, what's the problem? Help me out here or you're gonna hear it the whole stream.
[00:32:42] Why didn't you guys mention this last game?
[00:33:01] Well I don't know man, my viewers are retarded, I don't know.
[00:33:06] Now I appreciate it once I...
[00:33:11] I mean I'm not gonna be able to fix it until after the game.
[00:33:31] I'm gonna have to go into my settings and fix it.
[00:33:37] So I'm not gonna be able to do this off the game guys.
[00:33:39] You just gonna have to deal with it.
[00:33:41] Nah, I appreciate it man.
[00:33:48] You just gonna have to deal with bad audio for this game.
[00:34:00] I mean bro, I can't do anything about it right now!
[00:34:22] Wait, I didn't mean to put that down.
[00:34:59] Alright, did that do anything?
[00:36:03] What I just did?
[00:36:04] Or do I need to fuck with it some more?
[00:36:10] No?
[00:36:16] Oh god, I'm sorry.
[00:37:32] Deffin before I wish bodily harm on these people.
[00:37:35] Oh, I'm dead.
[00:37:36] Alright, no more reading chat!
[00:37:45] more talking to people in game. I am not a streamer for the next 10 minutes. I'm gonna focus on my
[00:37:52] game because I'm pissed the fuck off. Deal with the mic, deal with the music, deal with it,
[00:37:58] like, stop. I don't care. Deal with it, plusies. Trying to get this fucking win. Trying to focus.
[00:43:52] That was a really good roll. Holy shit. That roll and that combo was really, really,
[00:46:52] really good it's okay we don't lose too much we only lose one drake but it's
[00:47:00] annoying that's not good probably shouldn't be bought right now
[00:49:21] Baron's up honestly we could do this dragon this Baron we need a pink ward
[00:50:14] though this is not a good play it's gonna be Baron I guess
[00:50:44] I'm gonna go top but I think we just win if I group up and we just hit R
[00:51:38] probably smart to go top though we need dragon man just win the game the
[00:52:26] The rel has flash though, we gotta be careful of the rel flash ulti play again.
[00:52:40] We can win, we should just group up and win.
[00:52:43] Why are these guys taking so long?
[00:54:12] We should back up bro.
[00:54:33] Am I watching a kerf?
[00:54:35] I literally just have to walk up and take the inhibs and win the game.
[00:54:59] That's actually it.
[00:55:00] What's going on?
[00:55:33] Why is my politics doing camps?
[00:55:36] This is so awkward man.
[00:55:38] I just group up and win, I don't get this.
[00:55:41] Alex bro, come on, talk to my watching man.
[00:55:47] I really hate ending the game man.
[00:56:28] GG.
[00:56:35] I can fix, or try and fix my audio shit.
[00:56:38] Fuck you guys.
[00:56:39] I mean you guys say it sounds weird, but I don't know.
[00:57:11] There's like nothing that changed.
[00:57:12] Give me a sec.
[00:57:13] Let me try something.
[00:57:40] Better or worse?
[00:57:44] It feels like it's a lot more sensitive now.
[00:57:46] I don't know, it feels really sensitive now when I talk.
[00:58:01] All right, tell me if it gets worse is that worse than it was
[00:58:12] Is it back to how it was?
[00:58:30] Hello guys, I need your end play
[00:58:43] What is happening?
[00:58:45] Are you guys got to help me like I'm traveling. I'm trying to figure this out
[00:59:04] Tell me if it gets better or worse
[00:59:09] Is that better or worse then it was talking then like five seconds ago. Are you all retarded?
[00:59:27] worse
[00:59:31] Like are am I am I like I swear to God you people are
[00:59:37] The worst helpers on the planet.
[00:59:39] One sec.
[01:00:00] Is that better or worse than it was?
[01:00:21] So now it's better? Like this sounds better than it did?
[01:00:34] That's what you guys are saying?
[01:00:43] Okay, I'm going to change another setting. Tell me if it's better or worse or wrong.
[01:00:46] Is this better or worse? I changed something slightly.
[01:00:51] Can't notice the difference.
[01:01:04] I don't know what the button I'm hitting.
[01:01:09] I don't even know what this does.
[01:01:11] That's what I was wondering.
[01:01:14] I don't actually know what that button does, so it is one of those.
[01:01:18] I'll just figure it out. I mean, if it's not changing anything, I'm just going to leave it.
[01:01:27] It sounds better though right now than I did before. Like it's back to like normal,
[01:01:34] like it sounds decent. Okay, I turned something else on just now. Is this better or worse?
[01:01:45] I turned on like a different thing, or does it sound exactly the same?
[01:01:48] Not normal. I mean, these are the same, almost the same exact settings
[01:02:00] that I always use so it not sounding normal doesn't make sense I mean I I don't
[01:02:30] know if I can get it to normal if this is the I mean I'm sitting closer to my mic
[01:02:36] than I normally do because I'm doing this does it sound the same now is it
[01:02:44] normally does or do I need to mess with it some more like is this good
[01:03:00] Hello, that's, hello. Can you guys help? Does this sound more normal? Does this sound fine? Hello.
[01:03:26] Is this like good enough audio? Like, are you going to, does it sound good?
[01:03:34] As long as it doesn't sound like I'm in a tunnel, I can work with that for now.
[01:03:59] As long as it sounds decent and it doesn't sound like I'm in a tunnel, I'm okay with it.
[01:04:20] I'll figure it out if it fucks up
[01:04:30] Okay, but like you have to understand from my point of view when you say it's perceptively different like
[01:04:37] That's not helpful
[01:04:40] Like that's like
[01:04:43] Like like I can't hear it but that's not helpful to me so it still sounds like I'm in a tunnel right now
[01:05:04] Because he's saying I'm in a tunnel. He's saying it's fine
[01:05:08] Like what is happening?
[01:05:12] Like are some of you retard like I don't know I'm getting really frustrated. I'm getting actually pissed
[01:05:25] Like say helpful things, please. I'm not mad at you guys, but like you're not being helpful at all
[01:07:07] Hello, does it sound the same as you did five seconds ago? Does it still sound bad?
[01:07:16] Hello, it's good. Okay. Thank you. Sorry. I'm not trying to be mean
[01:07:40] it's like
[01:07:44] Fucking I don't because I can't hear it and like half the chat saying something that the other half is saying is not happening
[01:07:50] And then it's like it's so annoying to try and fix that when like you guys are fucking split personality. Oh
[01:07:59] My god, I mean this is not how I normally I mean this is this is how my mic should sound
[01:08:13] So if it ever doesn't sound like this you guys should tell me like it's not supposed to sound
[01:08:20] actually I don't know if this is how my mic is supposed to sound it's picking up
[01:08:34] my clicks now like it got very sensitive all of a sudden like picking up too
[01:08:41] much in the background interesting well then it's been fucked for a while
[01:09:11] because it's not supposed to when I originally did my audio it was really
[01:09:21] really good it's supposed to just be you only hear my voice I originally did
[01:09:26] that like two years ago.
[01:09:44] I mean, I don't want that to be part of my mic.
[01:09:48] I'm gonna have to, I guess I'll just have to figure it out.
[01:09:58] Guys, my mic.
[01:09:59] It's coming out of this mic.
[01:10:01] Trust me, it's not a different mic.
[01:10:04] I'm not a complete retard.
[01:10:11] It's the settings, bro.
[01:10:12] It's not the mic.
[01:10:16] You would know if it was the mic.
[01:10:25] I'd have it.
[01:10:45] Like you guys don't understand.
[01:10:46] It has nothing to do with the mic.
[01:10:47] It's like something, the mic is fine.
[01:10:51] It's like the settings are off on the mic.
[01:10:56] Like the mic itself is connected properly.
[01:10:59] It is the, there are like a bunch of different settings
[01:11:03] on my mic to make it not, make it so you don't hear
[01:11:07] like there's like gates and compressors and things
[01:11:12] Impressors and things like that so you guys don't hear background noise. It's intentional, but if that's not like working at the moments
[01:11:25] I have to go in after stream and figure out why what about now I
[01:11:37] Turned off a big thing. I could sound different. Yeah, that makes sense. I turned it back up. It's fine
[01:12:13] I mean, I'll figure it out after stream. This is like I
[01:12:17] I'm getting too fucking frustrated that stupid ass
[01:12:21] I'll figure it out after stream.
[01:12:31] I mean does this sound fun though?
[01:12:33] Is my mic like reasonable?
[01:12:35] Like it doesn't sound bad.
[01:12:37] It's like whatever.
[01:13:02] Now this guy is telling me it's a little different but you a little bit ago said this is exactly
[01:13:08] what it normally sounds like.
[01:13:11] Like this is why I get pissed.
[01:13:14] Like you yourself said it sounds normal ten minutes ago and now you're like it
[01:13:19] sounds different.
[01:13:22] Which is it man? It's not changing randomly. I just want like consistency in your answers
[01:13:47] Like that's that's so unhelpful
[01:13:51] I'm not asking for help. I'm asking you to use your eardrums. Oh my fucking god
[01:15:03] I'm gonna start screaming as loud as I can to the mic if we don't shut up about my mic
[01:15:09] Like I'm actually getting frustrated. I get you guys think it's fun to piss me off
[01:15:19] But like I'm actually getting mad
[01:15:21] Does it sound like it does every other stream? Yes or no? Alright, I'm done talking then.
[01:16:17] Not done talking for the rest of the stream. Because you guys told me I fixed it and now
[01:16:23] you're telling me that it's not fixed. But nobody cared to tell me that it wasn't fixed.
[01:16:32] So like I'm done. Like I'm so annoying. Like I'm disputing my mic and I'm done
[01:16:44] talking. Like I'm actually just pissed.
[02:01:09] Has been slain, has been slain, has been slain, to Summoner's Rift, to Dominion's Fall, has Fall.
[02:17:45] Hey, that last game was terrible.
[02:21:06] This is really sad to watch.
[02:21:08] Why are we A-rimming?
[02:21:16] What the fuck is happening, guys?
[02:23:23] Oh, okay.
[02:23:24] Oh, you know, junglers are fucking retarded.
[02:23:45] you guys hear me chat hello I can't uh I'm not gonna flash for that gonna that
[02:26:54] room is really fucking bad fuck I mean we're gonna need a wu-kong for this
[02:33:25] dragon let's see if we can get this going should be able to push I got two
[02:33:41] items. Oh my god! The Shelley play! Holy fuck. That wasn't good. Man I should have
[02:40:47] won every one of my games today by the way. Like on Ironic 3, the last two losses were
[02:40:59] just so unfortunate. And the last two losses were so fucking unfortunate man. Oh baby.
[02:41:24] By the way, I know my mic probably sounds like shit, I can't do anything about it right
[02:41:30] now, so you guys just gotta deal with it for today, okay?
[02:41:37] It is worth it, guys.
[02:41:44] I don't have a choice.
[02:41:45] It's not that bad, it just sounds like I'm further away, okay?
[02:42:56] Because I have to buy, I have to order the cord.
[02:43:13] Every like, three years I have to replace this like cord because my cat chews on it.
[02:43:31] Luckily, it's not actually expensive.
[02:43:36] So that's good.
[02:44:06] I've definitely heard some good things about the Wukong game.
[02:45:50] Well, I bought the new cord, so hopefully it should get here on Thursday.
[02:45:55] And then hopefully it'll whatever.
[02:46:01] Hopefully it'll be fine.
[02:46:02] I mean, I had it with my fit in four years, so probably about time.
[02:46:10] It's probably the issue that's going on too.
[02:46:18] Because every time I unplug it and plug it back in, you guys tell me it sounds better, so we'll see.
[02:46:27] Like I always get like, oh yeah, it sounds better once I unplug it and plug it back in, you know.
[02:46:31] So we'll see how it goes.
[02:46:33] We shall see.
[02:46:39] Hopefully my key doesn't pop, I think it's an agua.
[02:46:41] Fuck.
[02:48:28] Let me unplug this and plug it back in.
[02:48:30] Okay, how does that sound?
[02:48:40] Do I still sound far away?
[02:48:42] Does it still sound like I'm a little more far away than usual?
[02:49:09] Hello?
[02:49:10] I mean it's gotta be the cord then if it sounds fine every time I plug it in
[02:49:20] Right like if it if it's like good for like a little bit when I plug in there
[02:49:25] It's probably just something going on in the connection. I don't know
[02:49:31] Okay, you guys might be really mad when I do this. I'm sorry. I'm gonna test something. Tell me if it sounds bad
[02:49:56] Okay
[02:50:06] I'm gonna assume that didn't sound good.
[02:50:09] Listen, I'm gonna assume that that didn't sound good, okay, by bad.
[02:50:19] Is it better now?
[02:50:29] Is it at least, like, is it back to, like, normal?
[02:50:40] They going, by the way.
[02:51:10] Sorry, I got so irritated earlier.
[02:51:26] The sound stuff made me mad.
[02:51:27] Oh, I still think some of the people on chat are silly fuckers.
[02:51:56] Oh, trust me, I still think some of you guys are idiots.
[02:52:00] But I'm nominating, so it is one of those, you know.
[02:52:26] Cause yeah, I was like, I was like, man,
[02:52:28] I'm asking them a question and they're just ignoring me.
[02:52:31] Bro, I've been playing a little bit of WoW.
[02:52:47] The new WoW expansion is so fast to level up.
[02:52:52] It's kind of insane.
[02:52:54] I think I've played two, maybe two and a half hours
[02:52:57] of WoW total when I'm already almost 75.
[02:53:00] Like I'm like halfway to the max level
[02:53:03] after like two and a half hours.
[02:53:04] It's kind of insane.
[02:53:19] Should I try the Lee Fowley Jinx thing today?
[02:53:22] I've been seeing a lot of people talk about it on Twitter.
[02:53:26] What do you guys think?
[02:53:29] Should we give it a try?
[02:55:15] I mean, I don't know how good it actually is, to be honest.
[02:55:18] I haven't seen many people play it yet, bro.
[02:55:59] Gonna be honest.
[02:56:00] There's ways and ways things going on from this guy.
[02:56:05] I'm all for a man who believes in trying his best to win.
[02:56:15] But like, what the fuck?
[02:56:29] Like, I don't mind people paying.
[02:56:31] Just not like five seconds into the game.
[02:56:40] Like, I get like Tarzan vibes, and it gives me PTSD.
[02:56:52] You know, like, whenever somebody
[02:56:53] spams things like that, I always think of like,
[02:56:56] Tarzan doing that to me.
[02:57:00] And I'm just like, dude, leave me alone.
[02:58:20] The Trumblers get so killed by one,
[02:58:22] but that's insane.
[02:58:33] That's some like next level beast mode shit right there.
[02:58:43] Yo, Yone, you wanna like focus on the wave, bro?
[02:58:47] Just saying, like, I mean, we don't have to fight
[02:58:54] for this guy, it's just like we can just chill.
[02:58:59] Like this isn't like necessary.
[02:59:00] Draven's not even here, man.
[02:59:16] Yeah, man, I'm, mmm, I can't really play the game
[02:59:21] in the moments.
[02:59:23] I needed to crash that wave.
[02:59:25] I should have, honestly,
[02:59:26] I should have prioritized crashing that wave.
[02:59:28] That's bad.
[02:59:29] I don't want to go back on this bad buy timer, but I'm just getting zoned off of my minions.
[02:59:43] This is not good.
[02:59:45] I literally need fucking 50 gold.
[03:00:01] I cannot express how badly that J4 just fucked my lane.
[03:00:19] Trying to force that scuttle fight was the yone fucking...
[03:00:38] Come on, bro.
[03:00:42] We all know you're not going to actually ult me.
[03:00:45] just relax chill the fuck out I don't know why we wouldn't kill bro my wave all
[03:01:22] right J4 when I can't walk through this dragon it's on you bro just let me know
[03:01:29] we could kill this guy but if it's weird ego so look bro like literally I have
[03:01:53] R you just walk men we just win but the Echo is even trying to gank me before
[03:02:06] my fucking own teammate like look at this man like the echo just flashed on me hey
[03:02:20] homie if you're gonna just ignore the guy made the 40% when I have R won't play
[03:02:29] a ganking jungle that's crazy that we didn't get that like he literally did
[03:02:50] raptors over gank mid. That's so crazy to me. Cause I even outplayed him. Like that's
[03:03:12] the shitty part. I outplayed the yone. He had to get bailed out by the fucking mech.
[03:03:22] That goes mid for the fifth time. Like somehow my jungler refuses to gank and their jungler
[03:03:36] is Thanos so this is going to be an interesting game. I'm going to change my build for
[03:03:43] this game. I think this game I'm gonna need to have my aura very often. Kinda sucks
[03:03:58] cuz like literally if J4 comes mid at any point like we never get behind him
[03:04:03] the game's over. But he's like doing this thing where he's just like not ganking
[03:04:08] a mouse a hard with R. And it's so fucking frustrating man. Like I'm getting
[03:04:16] fucking swarmed by Echo. Like I dodged three Echo ganks already. I've gotten
[03:04:22] killed by two of them and I dodged three of them. Like that fact on its own is wild.
[03:04:49] The fact that this guy was just standing here mid for this long is not allowed. What is
[03:05:10] this bro? Well I don't get it man. It's okay I look forward. The guy is soft in there.
[03:06:27] I mean this game is over. Our team, RJ4 doesn't want to play the game and I mean
[03:07:04] look at this like this is crazy hmm I'm gonna tag and play some WoW but in this
[03:07:50] game it's just done like I'll be real it's just not worth my time to sit in a
[03:07:58] game like this where nobody's trying to get vision nobody's trying to do
[03:08:01] anything like I have better stuff I can do with my time it's staying worth it
[03:08:23] to sit here it's a bit of a jungle death huh the guy who was spam pinging at
[03:09:09] the start of the game to try his absolute best to get a read it looks
[03:09:21] like he's decided to not try anymore. Ah, he's 300 LPP. It is one of those. J4 was trolling.
[03:10:52] Trundle was an autofill to AD carry main, ran it down against the one, first timing
[03:10:57] Trundle. And my jungler decided to grief, so it is sort of this. Dude, this quest,
[03:11:52] I have to like actually do this quest.
[03:11:56] This quest is like a, if I log out, I'm fucked.
[03:13:46] I don't think my queue times are long enough
[03:13:48] for me to be able to do this quest, like legitimately.
[03:13:57] Cause like the last time I logged out, it like made me,
[03:14:01] why is the sound so loud?
[03:14:16] What's happening?
[03:14:19] Why is it maxed, man?
[03:14:21] Jesus!
[03:14:36] Yeah, like my Q already pops.
[03:14:39] The wow sound? Yeah, can you guys not hear the wow sounds?
[03:14:43] It's fucking burning my eardrums up the parts.
[03:14:47] Oh, you can't hear it.
[03:14:49] Oh, OK.
[03:14:54] Let me see if I can fix that.
[03:14:55] Let me see if I can make it so you guys can hear the wow sounds.
[03:14:58] Give me one sec.
[03:15:34] Can you hear it now?
[03:15:37] I don't have a target.
[03:15:38] I need to target something first.
[03:15:39] I don't have a target.
[03:15:41] I require a target.
[03:15:42] I need to target something first.
[03:15:45] You hear it now?
[03:15:45] Yeah, I mean I genuinely don't think I can actually like unironically I don't think I can do this
[03:16:06] It's too like long like you've done so like five or two minutes right now
[03:16:25] But how do I leave this area? I guess I was all about
[03:16:46] Dude those these last four games have felt so weird man
[03:16:51] I don't really know how to explain it to you guys
[03:16:52] It was like I got into two high elo games like grandmaster games
[03:16:57] we should have won both of them but somehow we lost both and then this last
[03:17:03] game we just played against the Yone our G4 was like he added me to rage at me he
[03:17:09] sent me I think he sent me like a novel that I didn't read I feel like he didn't
[03:17:22] understand that like you you can't just like he was like raging saying it was a
[03:17:31] mid-diff but I was like I don't think that Yone did anything that game
[03:17:34] actually though like I can admit if I get death but like you only just kind of
[03:17:40] like like push these buttons you know I mean there wasn't anything great that
[03:17:48] was going on in my opinion I was like what was that noise my fucking phone fell
[03:17:57] onto the floor is this guy still typing bro I have literally not typed to you
[03:18:16] why why are we typing what is wrong with this guy I added them so I could
[03:18:40] dodge him and he typed me a novel actually he added me I said yes then he
[03:18:55] typed a novel I'll be honest I don't know how to beat Asel's mouths I think he
[03:19:06] just hard counters me cuz you can kill my little guys I do think
[03:19:27] Asel should get like hard fucking ganked on repeat this game though
[03:19:34] I'm gonna miss the minion because this asyl is playing like really fucking far up
[03:19:43] I mean I'm not in Rome I can't roam to that bro like roaming to random plays this early in the game is so dumb
[03:20:09] and like honestly there's like that that I could do anyway
[03:20:19] it's like really a flaming Rengar for full clearing
[03:20:35] wait you're supposed to full clear
[03:20:37] we're in a full clear meta
[03:20:45] what do you mean?
[03:20:51] that's wild behavior bro
[03:21:12] I think I counter Aesol.
[03:21:15] Hold on.
[03:21:16] I counter Aesol.
[03:21:20] But I could be wrong.
[03:21:21] Because I think I can just Q his beam every time.
[03:22:11] Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. This is a weird matchup.
[03:22:13] I'm not actually sure who wins this.
[03:22:15] I'm gonna be honest. I'm not sure at all.
[03:22:20] I have no clue.
[03:22:21] What's Janon, man?
[03:23:13] I see it, man. I got you.
[03:23:15] Like, chill.
[03:23:18] Why don't you just relax, man?
[03:23:20] I got a spot. Okay.
[03:23:44] These are the good times in your life
[03:24:40] But on a shmime it'll be alright
[03:24:44] These are the good times in your life
[03:25:18] Just wait.
[03:25:21] He will push way.
[03:25:25] Oh me. It's...
[03:25:27] Chell, we win.
[03:25:29] What's wrong with you?
[03:25:32] You're not even losing. This course one to one.
[03:25:36] Topside.
[03:25:41] Like, what has him so tilted?
[03:25:43] I don't even get it!
[03:25:53] I mean, I'm dead as fuck.
[03:26:00] Call me.
[03:26:02] You realize...
[03:26:04] You don't need jungle to win the game.
[03:26:07] In your lane.
[03:26:11] I don't know man.
[03:26:12] War Reaver is wild.
[03:26:15] You got something in here.
[03:26:33] Just reports. I make tickets.
[03:26:36] Alright.
[03:26:37] Uh...
[03:26:38] Power upings.
[03:26:40] For this now.
[03:26:41] I mean, Master's is wild, dude.
[03:27:10] Like, you get to throw temper tantrums so much, but they don't even need to throw a temper tantrum because, like, we're not even losing the game that ad, or we weren't, until that guy did that.
[03:27:22] He, like, got mad that Camille wasn't fucking... er, that William was playing for objectives instead of playing for kills.
[03:27:31] Like you actually got mad at them.
[03:27:35] It is.
[03:27:36] Focus on game.
[03:27:37] Not really.
[03:27:50] He knew they were there.
[03:27:51] You have to give camps.
[03:27:54] And that is the case.
[03:28:03] This elo is so doomed.
[03:28:07] They have no clue what they're doing man.
[03:28:10] This is crazy.
[03:28:13] Like they are so bad.
[03:28:15] What is even happening right now?
[03:28:57] Masters players are funny.
[03:28:58] Master's players will ego very, very, very hard, they will play with ego and rage, oh
[03:29:19] my god.
[03:29:20] To be honest, this game is actually pretty free if we just play.
[03:29:29] I top lost their turret and my bot lane lost their turret, I don't know, you gotta love
[03:29:54] sometimes.
[03:29:55] You gotta love blowing it up sometimes.
[03:30:00] They kind of just troll and run in circles, do you guys ever try to win in this hero?
[03:30:54] Or do you just rage and hope to win?
[03:30:59] Because I'm going to keep it 100, you guys won't come close to GM or Jow with your current
[03:31:13] skill and mental.
[03:31:24] I'mma hit no, cause to be honest you all don't deserve out, as your master 100.
[03:32:03] I don't think I will forfeit.
[03:32:20] I'm enjoying myself.
[03:32:34] It's the mania.
[03:32:37] And your major drill.
[03:32:39] Like a run-o.
[03:33:16] Hey, thanks, honey.
[03:34:25] Whatever, I just make a ticket.
[03:34:26] The guy flashed in place and started trolling.
[03:34:31] Camille also, like, trolled, so.
[03:34:33] I will make a ticket for both.
[03:34:37] One less griefer on the rift.
[03:34:50] If I have to hear one more time about my mic,
[03:34:52] I'm gonna start screaming into the mic
[03:34:55] so that you have fucking brain damage.
[03:34:57] Like actually, no.
[03:36:09] Man, what is it with,
[03:36:12] until you met 300 to 400 LP Masters,
[03:36:15] or 200 to 400 LP Masters,
[03:36:17] is like the worst place to play of any elo.
[03:36:21] like it genuinely feels so bad to play in this in the zero like every one of these
[03:36:32] players just griefs gives up and trolls every one of them either you have the
[03:36:42] creepers or the enemy has the griefers but in in like 200 to 400 oppie masters
[03:36:46] NA there's always griefers you know you have more the enemy does but they're
[03:36:51] always there you can't find 10 players who are trying to win but it
[03:37:00] doesn't make any sense. It's fucking crazy. Does it get better? Yes, because, like,
[03:37:12] there's less people hire Iroh, right? So because there's less people hire Iroh,
[03:37:17] there's less retards hire Iroh because a you have to be better to get to that Iroh
[03:37:22] and b the fact that there's less means that there's less retards every game.
[03:37:28] So like when you have 500 people who are all the same like people and they
[03:37:34] all know each other they don't intentionally greet each other on repeat
[03:37:38] because it would be unfun for it's like a mutual understanding that if you fucking
[03:37:42] ruin the game and grandmaster challenger you're just fucking gonna get
[03:37:46] hinted by everybody else so it's like a mutual understanding the only people
[03:37:54] that don't give a fuck are masters players because they're dog shit at
[03:37:57] league like they're all bad at the game they have no idea how to play the
[03:38:01] game and they walk in circles getting mad when people don't play the
[03:38:05] game exactly how they want the game to be played. If like masters players unironically
[03:38:11] running circles they play a thousand games a season to go 50% win rate to basically just
[03:38:21] coin flip like on repeat coin flip plays. That's all they do. They just coin flip games sitting
[03:38:29] between like 0 to 400 LP Masters occasionally. On repeats, just coin flipping every game they
[03:38:36] play. Well, yes, every game. They either go 10-0 or 0-10, and that's their only stat line.
[03:38:41] And it's like they never learn how to play League. Like, it's not that I think that
[03:38:54] they don't realize that they can't climb, maybe some of them do. But I think like
[03:38:58] Masters players have really big egos. Like, worse than anything, their egos are what
[03:39:06] like, makes me the most irritated by them, because I've lost three games today alone just to pure ego.
[03:39:21] I'm not even kidding. Pure ego has lost me three games alone today. Like, that last game was winnable,
[03:39:30] right? But not my team to ego'd each other. They didn't want to play anymore. The game before
[03:39:35] that, my J4 ego'd, because I asked him to gank mid, he refused, he ego'd. He was like,
[03:39:40] nope, you suck. I'm not gonna gank. I'm like, okay, the first loss I had today,
[03:39:47] We had a free win. Everybody was winning. We were up to like 9,000 gold.
[03:39:52] What ended up happening? I'll tell you what ended up happening. I'll give you a hint.
[03:40:09] My like 14 kill Lucian decided to dash into five people three times in a row
[03:40:18] because he didn't want to fight. He wanted to fight instead of do the macro because the macro
[03:40:21] was boring to me. So because the macro was boring, he ran it the fuck down.
[03:40:28] It's just not like fun to play in Masters. Like if you know how League is played it's
[03:40:47] not fun to play in the silo because there's no strategy, there's no thoughts. It's just
[03:40:53] morons pushing their buttons, throwing games because they want to fight. I bitch about it
[03:40:59] every day. I don't want to keep bitching about it, I'm just saying like it's just
[03:41:03] how it is. I'm just farming herbs between Qs because I can't do my campaign quest.
[03:44:24] Yeah, I physically can't do it because it takes too long somehow. I got into like an Aston's campaign quest
[03:44:37] The second that I was having the Q League
[03:44:52] So you just do some of these shitty side quests
[03:44:57] We can I really not level up from this or I'm like I'm like the bar is invincible. Oh my god. What the fuck?
[03:46:07] I was not getting XP from that is from these guys. Is that what's happening or what?
[03:46:11] This guy's really do not get back speeded.
[03:46:27] Oh, we did.
[03:46:35] Okay.
[03:46:43] I mean, like I said, I'm not too mad about them sucking.
[03:46:45] I'm just irritated, like, in general, because it's like fucking annoying as fuck.
[03:46:50] Like, I don't think you should.
[03:46:53] It's like annoying as fuck to just have every single game be the same thing, where, like,
[03:46:59] somebody rages at somebody else, they give up at five seconds into the game, and then
[03:47:02] you lose because not because you're the better player or the worst player, but
[03:47:05] because your teammates are fucking mentally ill, like that's the annoying thing.
[03:47:12] I can't really push the wave in level one versus Mr. Yasuo.
[03:48:17] Every time he dashes up, I'm just gonna... basically every time this guy dashes up,
[03:48:29] I'm gonna try and dodge, dodging almost every fucking Yasuo Q right now.
[03:49:39] I genuinely don't understand, I wish my life would become mad.
[03:49:52] I told her twice that mid was gankable early, she just ignored me, it's like it feels bad
[03:50:02] man.
[03:50:25] I think junglers have this weird idea that somehow Malzhar doesn't do damage early game,
[03:50:34] but like he does decent damage it's just hard to like, it's hard to actually like stay
[03:50:47] on top like especially when you're against stuff like Yone and like Yasuo early.
[03:50:52] Like they're melee champs, you should be able to just play around ganking them early game.
[03:50:58] Like it's not that bad.
[03:50:59] Cause like this guy was at what 30% level 3 for a while, now he's back to fold with his
[03:51:12] fleet but works in balance but I think it feels bad man when you know well I'm gonna
[03:51:48] stop bitching.
[03:51:49] Are you actually doing this?
[03:52:25] I mean there's just no way you're doing this bro.
[03:52:30] Not after you didn't buy.
[03:52:31] Like you haven't bought yet bro.
[03:52:34] What are we doing? Use my ult so we can get Dragon. I mean, I used my ult so we can get Scuttle, or Grubbs, so I'm hoping...
[03:53:23] I don't know, do you guys think I could go the faster ult this game, or just do my normal Black Fire touch ships?
[03:53:29] Because I feel like having a faster ult is really nice against this Yasuo, but later on it won't really matter, because I'll just have Rai-Lies, so it won't matter at all.
[03:53:38] And then I think I'm gonna want the black fire touch later on because of the red eyes
[03:53:46] So I think it's just like what I want that first item
[03:53:49] Well, yeah, it depends on the I guess it's just like the game of like
[03:54:06] What's the word one for?
[03:54:09] GP's gonna get mad
[03:54:12] You also had one timer to roam he roams GP's angry I swear man
[03:54:45] Like anybody ever dies to something they always have to blame somebody else instead of their fucking brains
[03:54:54] Like you can literally ping a thousand fucking times
[03:54:59] They'll still be like no, bro. It's your god to never let him roam and I'm like yeah, well, I mean
[03:55:06] You know shit happens. I got a back eventually
[03:55:11] Telling you man the main reason masters players are too stupid to like improve is they don't think about back timers
[03:55:31] and they don't think about other players' back timers.
[03:55:34] If you guys want to get better at the game, right?
[03:55:37] If you guys want to get better at the game,
[03:55:39] understand very fast that you can't play the game
[03:55:44] around things that aren't specifically timed.
[03:55:47] Like right now, right?
[03:55:49] This guy has a very specific timer right now to roam.
[03:55:53] Right?
[03:55:54] This is his only roam timer for the next two minutes.
[03:55:57] Because he doesn't have resources
[03:55:59] and I went to go buy an item.
[03:56:03] So now, if my team doesn't die to this roam, we're in a very, very good spot, right?
[03:56:08] It's just how it is.
[03:56:09] Boom.
[03:56:14] If they didn't die, we're in a great spot.
[03:56:17] Because I have a full item, and he only has Vance up there.
[03:56:23] I'm two plates up, one wave up, two plates, full item, and a solo killed their mid, see?
[03:56:53] It's genuinely that easy.
[03:57:13] This is awkward because I have to watch this angle this guy's on.
[03:57:20] Like we don't have a ward here so I have to like stand here as the ward.
[03:57:35] I should just win against Yasuo now.
[03:57:37] We're like in the spot now where it's gonna be impossible for Yasuo to actually play the game anymore.
[03:57:43] Because he's too far behinds.
[03:57:46] So all I really have to do is just uh...
[03:57:50] Not die anymore and we've pretty much we can never lose to Yasuo now.
[03:57:56] Cause once I get Rylai's too, like the big issue here is gonna be that Yasuo is not gonna be able to out tempo my item spikes.
[03:58:03] So once I get Rallaz, he's just going to be sitting there slow, just dying.
[03:58:10] I mean there's not much I can do. Yasuo's going to try and go bot here.
[03:58:25] He's either going to go bot, or he's going to, and they're going to try and dive, or he's going to come back mid.
[03:58:37] Like Yasuo's looking for a way to fight me right now, but he can't, right?
[03:58:41] I need him to get us going.
[03:58:50] Oh, he found a way.
[03:58:52] I'm dead.
[03:58:54] I'm dead.
[03:58:55] Dammit man, fucking Lillia. That was a good play.
[03:58:58] should have gone I should have gone the safe route oh no my bell has dead like
[03:59:07] dude don't it's the only way we release it's fine the blame game starts I can't
[03:59:38] with low masters like I can't man you stop stop typing like it's disgusting
[04:00:02] to me the guy literally runs it down in my lane says you're the reason we're
[04:00:08] losing miles of heart like you're so cringe bro like I solo win jungle their
[04:00:14] role or their their game I make one mistake died of earlier and apparently
[04:00:21] I'm you know that caused my velvet to give us 600 gold shut down the fucking
[04:00:25] Yasuo because she can't blame the spell I just I hate what we were so much like
[04:00:36] they just refused to take faults I wouldn't even matter if they didn't
[04:00:44] just like, admit they fucked up.
[04:00:48] Like, it's disgusting how fucking pathetic it is
[04:00:50] for players nowadays.
[04:00:52] Like, people who play this game nowadays are so insecure.
[04:00:57] They're probably like, it's a fucking video game,
[04:00:58] and yeah, there are gonna be people better than you.
[04:01:01] Like, you can admit you fucked up,
[04:01:02] it's not gonna fucking, you're not gonna melt.
[04:01:34] You wanna go away, bro?
[04:01:59] That's what, a classic double thing?
[04:02:01] Yeah, people still play it.
[04:02:03] I'm pretty sure it's like, wow, classic,
[04:02:05] play them now, though.
[04:02:45] Pretty sure it's impossible for Yasuo to kill me so well now.
[04:02:50] Like once you get the Rylai's, I don't think you can actually do anything.
[04:02:55] Cause I think you can literally just walk around, right?
[04:03:01] Like once, if you ever get your E on him, he can't like physically keep up with you.
[04:03:08] Rylai's is 2-0-B.
[04:03:15] See, like I can just sit here and keep him in like,
[04:03:18] this bad spot that he doesn't want to be in.
[04:03:21] See?
[04:03:27] It's a-
[04:03:28] Like it's like painful rip. Rallies is so fucking broken man. I don't have ult so I don't think there's a reason to TP.
[04:03:40] If I had ulti I would TP 100% but without ult it's like just not worth TPing because uh...
[04:03:47] Oh I mean I have the Rallies slow but it's like not... I mean that's not a reason to teleport when I could just get ulted.
[04:03:58] How did this guy know I was in there? What? Like, what?
[04:04:31] Like, he walked straight to me. Unless that's... Wait, is this actually warded?
[04:04:42] That would be crazy. I mean, there's a chance it is, for sure.
[04:04:46] My GP can't side lane vs. that guy. I can, though.
[04:05:20] That's gotta be careful to not...
[04:05:23] Stragon is kind of important. I do have teleports. I just want to get some nice
[04:05:38] pressure on the map whoa what an interesting choice the fuck this guy
[04:05:54] actually fucking TP'd to top oh he actually killed me wait Yone is broken
[04:06:09] wow I did not understand how broken that champ is like that's actually crazy
[04:06:23] man my team is trolling they're two manning the gas one for a kill instead
[04:06:35] of playing for objectives but I mean I died so it is sort of this I guess is
[04:06:44] everyone was mid for that but I can see P on this and you know the holds nice
[04:07:56] love them damn I genuinely got shit on by that you know earlier though I did I
[04:08:03] can't believe you know a is still in his current state like allowed to be
[04:08:10] this crazy strong like I swear Yone is broken as fuck and Yone means have this
[04:08:20] weird like delusion that their champion is bad but I swear this
[04:08:28] champ is broken I bet my fucking nuts on it man this champion is insane what's
[04:08:44] I'm saying it's like I think the wind shitters
[04:08:49] Like genuinely
[04:08:51] I mean I'm just dead
[04:08:58] Like they did get buffed they have no ults well played
[04:09:15] Super well played nice job
[04:09:17] Like I said, that's so clean though legit
[04:09:28] Yeah, but I mean the problem I have with like the wind shitters getting buffs is I feel like
[04:09:33] people have this misconception that like
[04:09:35] flat sheet equals hard but like the problem with Yone is like Yone has bad
[04:09:41] matchups but he's also like once he gets like two items like his bad matchups
[04:09:47] don't matter anymore. That makes sense like he's one of these champs that has
[04:09:53] so much like power in his kit like his E speeds him up for some reason he can
[04:10:03] mitigate CC with his E and speeds him up. He has a W shield cooldown on like almost no
[04:10:12] cooldown. His shield is like, you know what I mean? Like his shield gives, it's almost
[04:10:17] got no cooldown on this W. His scaling is crazy. He doesn't even build crit. Yeah, I don't
[04:10:46] know. Yone's just so weird, man. I mean, look at that. He autoed that guy to death.
[04:10:54] He didn't even do anything pro. He literally hit auto.
[04:10:58] Like that wasn't even impressive.
[04:11:03] Yeah, Lilia's been broken for a while.
[04:11:07] The reason Lilia's broken is because of a bunch of shit that happened at the start of the season.
[04:11:16] Like Lilia's not actually...
[04:11:20] Unless they just gut her, she's never not gonna be OP.
[04:11:23] until they like change what until they just change what's going on with until
[04:11:43] they change what's going on with um the jungle in general will it will never be
[04:11:48] not OP it isn't even Rivalize that makes her OP it's a lot of different shit
[04:11:56] like I'll give like the ideas of why I'm not like I'm not a jungle main but I
[04:12:01] kind of understand it a little bit of why she's OP so the meta of the
[04:12:06] jungle is power farm right so because power farm meta is the meta that means
[04:12:12] that something like gloria who's very good at power farming fated ashes is
[04:12:15] gonna be strong right the second thing that's like makes you strong is because
[04:12:20] objectives are important and because you know power farming meta or whatever
[04:12:23] she also has she's like one of the fastest clears she also has very very
[04:12:28] high mobility and in this meta mobility is is really good her ulti is
[04:12:34] cc cc always good right she has like just a lot of shit um she can build like tanky burn kind of
[04:12:44] shit uh she has good ganks because she has so much movement speed uh she just it's she has so much
[04:12:57] shit that allows her to like live in the meta right now because it's better to sit in the jungle
[04:13:03] in full clear than it is to try and invade and like play to gank, then every jungler that
[04:13:10] full clears is going to be better than every jungler that ganks at the moments.
[04:13:15] So like, the only time you see gank junglers pop off in solo queue is when they're versus
[04:13:20] bad junglers, like if you ever see like a Lee Sin pop off or some Lely or something,
[04:13:26] that Lely is a bad player.
[04:13:27] I know that sounds mean to say it, but like if you were to watch like a Gurren,
[04:13:32] Or if you were to watch like Tarzan's or if you were to watch like somebody really good at jungle
[04:13:37] and you watch like how they do each matchup, they will always pick the most meta AD or junglers and they will always play the matchups.
[04:13:44] Like, to where if somebody wants to invade and fight them, they simply don't go near that person.
[04:13:50] So like they'll ward early and let's say, let's say they get, I don't know, for example, Lee Sin wants to invade.
[04:13:59] They'll find out where Lee Sin is starting, they'll ward, and then they'll not, like, they'll split the map, right?
[04:14:05] They won't go near their camps on that side of the map. And then the Lee Sin can't be two places at once.
[04:14:13] So it becomes this, like, thing where if you really want to shut down that type of jungling,
[04:14:20] like, it just takes too much effort to pick invade junglers in this meta.
[04:14:24] You need your team to do a lot when you pick invade junglers right now.
[04:14:28] Like, you need your team to be willing to, like, sacrifice waves to come help you in the jungle.
[04:14:33] to help you snowball, to ward deep, to find where they are.
[04:14:36] It's just easier to play Udyr, Shyvana, Lillia,
[04:14:43] like Dr. Mundo.
[04:14:44] It's just like easier to play Hecarim,
[04:14:47] champions that full clear and become like Thanos
[04:14:51] in this meta.
[04:15:02] I mean, think about this,
[04:15:03] that Lillia didn't even play bad, right?
[04:15:11] I think she played fine, to be honest.
[04:15:20] She just like had a losing mid.
[04:15:23] She had a losing bot lane, and Belveth is really annoying to play with two losing lans.
[04:15:31] I mean, this is what it is.
[04:15:51] Wow is impossible to play in Q if you're in Masters.
[04:15:55] Maybe I was in Challenger, but I'm doing Masters.
[04:15:59] You get like two minute Qs.
[04:16:00] Like I can't even log into Wow, man.
[04:16:06] You know what's funny?
[04:16:33] I have so many- I have so many stupid fucking-
[04:16:39] whatever it's called. Herbs? I've been farming so many herbs I don't even know
[04:16:49] what to do with them outside of like sell them on the Alchem house or something.
[04:16:52] Like genuinely I have no clue. Man I wanted to try without what he jinxed this game but
[04:17:35] we ran into a problem the enemy team has Zac so I don't actually know if I
[04:17:41] can do it. I can play without he jinxed this one against Zac was I want
[04:17:58] I'm gonna try it today, but like...
[04:18:01] I'm not playing that against Zach, I'm gonna fucking hate my life.
[04:18:04] He's gonna sit and bop the entire game and I'm gonna fucking cry.
[04:18:08] But that's just- it's gonna happen.
[04:18:10] I need one more- I need to free one more of those old guys.
[04:18:31] Where are they?
[04:19:22] How do I collect gas samples?
[04:19:39] Stand in the gas vents.
[04:19:46] Okay, I'm in the gas vents, I think.
[04:19:48] Is this another gas vents?
[04:19:59] Oh, this.
[04:20:04] Oh, interesting.
[04:20:05] That's not cool.
[04:20:06] I guess I'll find my game.
[04:20:14] Hold on, there's a super herb over here.
[04:20:24] I gotta grab this so quick.
[04:20:29] God, I'm almost maxed on fucking herbalism already.
[04:20:32] I'm level 58.
[04:20:39] That's fucking crazy, man.
[04:20:41] I'm level 58.
[04:20:43] I've only put literally three hours into this fucking game.
[04:20:46] Dude, they made WoW?
[04:20:50] Really casual-friendly.
[04:20:52] I kinda like that.
[04:21:01] I kinda dig it.
[04:21:04] Hey, what's up, sir Nasty?
[04:21:05] How you doing, man?
[04:21:06] Well, I mean the content's not even out yet.
[04:21:16] out yet. In the new expansion. There's literally no contents. Right? So everybody's just leveling
[04:21:22] and shit. But I think leveling is the most boring part of playing. Wow. So like, making
[04:21:28] the leveling process fast and easy is fun. Because it's fucking boring as shit. Like
[04:21:37] it's by far the most boring part. Any problems with what you're doing today? Hey,
[04:22:01] you got this man. I don't mind grinding an RPG. It's like I can grind for hours.
[04:22:34] I'm gonna grind Lord man. I like to grind like in RPGs and shit. I just don't like grinding like unfun leveling
[04:22:45] But that's my issue
[04:22:54] like if the leveling process is like super mundane similar and unfun is like
[04:23:00] It just it just turns into this like
[04:23:05] TDM
[04:23:14] Zac is bought
[04:23:16] I'm gonna have to flash probably. I don't know because we know Zac's spot right now
[04:23:22] How did my jungler get so far behind by the way I should have flashed that I should have flashed that I knew he was gonna flash
[04:23:44] I'm like damn. How did my jungler gets so far behind the second in terms of
[04:23:53] Jungle clear
[04:23:54] It's not his fault. We died. I knew we were getting ganked. I should have flashed
[04:23:58] I'm just confused because that's really awkward. They used a lot of spells there though
[04:24:11] So we're fine
[04:24:12] I mean, Zack's top. I think we can, I mean, we could play forward here, but
[04:25:26] It's not that bad. Okay, we can't play forward if Nautilus is whipping every hook. I gotta be real, man
[04:25:48] It's okay. He's trying his best
[04:26:38] I'm sure he'll win one eventually
[04:26:40] Well, my issue with like wow is like I'm okay with grinding to level up too if it's fun
[04:26:54] Right, but you can't really make grinding to level up that fun
[04:26:59] like it's not it's not like possible to make it fun what am I watching right now
[04:27:15] how did we just whip everything like they went in that was a horrible play
[04:27:26] because Cinderella no mana we surely should have killed at least one I mean
[04:27:39] the wave is like in such a bad okay we're fine this is kind of crazy like
[04:27:55] this shouldn't be this hard to win if that's actually cubic oh it is cubic
[04:28:09] damn yeah I'm like the only one versus challenger
[04:28:15] I mean Kubrick's really good so he's gonna know how to
[04:28:20] actually play the wave states even gods bleed
[04:28:37] I need to get this wave shoved I do not care about fighting this Nami and Albra
[04:28:53] okay I just need to get the wave in okay I missed the cannon but I don't give a fuck
[04:29:03] my tempo is kind of fucked damn
[04:29:14] I should have just, if I was gonna miss the can and I should have just tried harder to
[04:29:22] push it.
[04:29:23] I'm gonna miss a wave, don't lose a plate here.
[04:29:29] Even with that MF passive it's still hard.
[04:29:31] Oh, they're not playing for plate?
[04:29:41] Interesting.
[04:29:44] Where are they?
[04:29:45] Like, if they're not playing for plate they have to be doing something.
[04:29:52] Like this is scary, I don't know what the fuck they would do.
[04:29:57] Maybe he just wanted to reset, because he's got, uh, hold for a back or something?
[04:30:03] I don't know. Like this chance he just needed the back for an item.
[04:30:11] Oh, yeah, there it is.
[04:30:17] Like, I'm almost positive he'll face check this.
[04:30:20] We just cleared the ward out.
[04:30:24] We could just fight this, no?
[04:30:27] That's warded.
[04:31:14] What am I missing, too?
[04:31:17] I don't even know, bro.
[04:31:27] It's just on this play list.
[04:31:29] I mean, I could tell you what it is, though.
[04:32:01] Because I have a good song.
[04:32:04] It's called Pure Sunlight by, like, a bunch of people.
[04:32:12] That I've never heard of.
[04:32:14] It looks like it's like a monster cat song.
[04:32:31] It's not too bad.
[04:32:35] Maybe it's not bad against Cinder, but I think,
[04:32:37] because I'm so fast, it's like a little bit easier
[04:32:40] to move around the Cinder.
[04:33:14] Oh, he's just pushing it.
[04:34:08] That was well played.
[04:34:10] I don't know why Nautilus went around,
[04:34:12] but it is what is, like he's,
[04:34:17] why Nautilus is a little special,
[04:34:18] but you know, he's trying his best,
[04:34:19] so I'm not gonna find him.
[04:34:51] It's really annoying to have to deal with,
[04:34:53] Like, uh, basically just getting 1v2'd.
[04:34:59] Cause I can't push my lead with this Nautilus.
[04:35:38] Wow, that actually kills me. Jesus.
[04:35:46] I mean, that's my gun.
[04:36:47] I mean, I don't know. Why are we folding spells?
[04:36:53] Like, I don't know what to say, man.
[04:37:03] Your R is not...
[04:37:05] a big pull-down just to use it.
[04:37:16] Like, we're gonna lose this game because my Nautilus is fucking the target.
[04:37:21] I was trying really hard not to find him, it's just annoying.
[04:37:24] Like he's genuinely just walking in circles. This guy's challenger mid laner and he has no fucking clue how to just walk up and hit R
[04:37:39] Like imagine you can get challenger on mid lane and not know how to walk up with Nautilus and hit your fucking R key bro
[04:37:46] That's how easy that fucking roll was
[04:37:48] Like every fucking five seconds
[04:37:56] I'm about to get ganked
[04:37:57] I'm aware about what's about to happen then. I don't have a choice at that point
[04:38:13] I'm just getting tilted now.
[04:38:21] I mean, if I untilted, we can probably still win, but I've thrown really hard because I'm
[04:38:26] tilted that we're not playing aggressive.
[04:38:28] This is why I can't play AD in this elo, because even though my support's a challenger
[04:38:33] player, he's retarded, and I can't, like, I can't not tilt from it.
[04:38:39] It's like a personal issue I have.
[04:38:42] When I see something that's really easy to comprehend and somebody just doesn't
[04:38:45] understand it, I think we lose two.
[04:38:50] That's... we have Leedon... not... refused to.
[04:39:01] I think it's just the pin.
[04:39:02] I don't know, this Tully is pretty good.
[04:40:00] The problem is, is...
[04:40:03] Cupik's also pretty decent.
[04:40:06] He is off Seraphine, though.
[04:40:37] Pretty sure I could've gotten that turn, but...
[04:40:45] Yeah, I mean, I would've died for it, but it might've been worth.
[04:40:48] That's a lot of fucking gold.
[04:41:06] Jesus, Syndranami's balanced.
[04:41:08] Good God.
[04:41:11] Literally just walked up EQR, guys dead.
[04:41:24] I still might be like what's going on here. Don't worry. Not is top. I get your autofills
[04:41:45] but can you just stand with the team and engage and win? League is such a simple game.
[04:42:01] Like this is disgusting to me. Hit R or forfeit. I'm over Yasuo, one tricks,
[04:42:19] game defend. I mean how do we how do we play this? We need vision. Jesus man yeah
[04:43:53] my bad I'll stop typing. I'm not just the best like I don't know man what's
[04:44:17] win-tongue? Yes top lost mid-lost. Bought one but we have not. This or this. Easiest
[04:45:24] game ever but sadly we lose this was I'm just being honest like this shit's boring
[04:49:34] as fuck it's like enemy Nami 22 kp I just can't play not always isn't doing
[04:49:44] his job warding like we have no vision nobody's pushing waves out and side
[04:49:48] waves so I have to go do it then every time I push a side wave nobody's
[04:49:53] pushing the midwaves, so I have to go do it.
[04:50:41] Notice, Urgot does macro.
[04:51:28] Like the enemy top has 100 CS lead
[04:51:30] on my fucking top laner.
[04:51:32] Like how fucking dog shit are you at Teemo?
[04:51:34] But you can't like macro.
[04:51:38] Like bro, what?
[04:51:40] Like push waves, do shit man.
[04:51:46] Like how is this Teemo 500 LP grandmaster?
[04:51:50] This guy is horrible.
[04:52:24] Cinder broken?
[04:52:30] I don't think so, I think Cinder sucks, but I don't think a champ's good.
[04:52:40] I think the problem is, we had a good team comp to shut her down, and so will, but our
[04:52:48] Nautilus is just really fucking bad.
[04:52:55] I mean, look at what our Naut's doing, this guy's just rolling.
[04:52:58] He's been running in circles the whole game.
[04:53:26] The Nautilus is just some random LoL player, because if he wasn't LoL, he'd be able
[04:53:45] to play Nautilus.
[04:53:46] You can put any challenger on Nautilus and they'll play that champion well.
[04:53:53] Any challenger who's actually a challenger player will play Nautilus correctly because
[04:53:57] the champion requires no thought.
[04:53:58] I mean it is with this.
[04:54:22] We had a Diamond player first time Timo, we had Nautifold Nautilus, and our mid laner
[04:54:31] just got railed so it is with this man.
[04:54:42] We just move on.
[04:54:43] It's not a big deal.
[04:56:18] I mean I would say just pick whatever champion you want to play that's fun because
[04:56:25] the only way to get good at stuff is to play a lot. And if you're not having fun when you're playing,
[04:56:31] you're not going to be able to get good by playing a lot. So even if you're doing bad on chance right
[04:56:41] now, just play something for fun, you know? What are the ruins for B-Fality Jinx?
[04:58:52] God, this is going to be such a hard Jinx game. I just want to try it out.
[04:59:45] Like, if it's bad, it's bad, right? I just want to give it a try because it sounds kind of fun.
[05:00:16] Like, I'm down to try it. I'm going to mute all and just focus on myself.
[05:01:02] I don't know why I've been in a dookie mood, but I don't want to be typing and being toxic
[05:01:09] and shit.
[05:01:32] This is gonna be such a hard game, man.
[05:01:48] Oh, I'm dead.
[05:02:10] I mean, that's not bad.
[05:02:12] Nobody was watching for the invade, though, like, look at this.
[05:02:17] This is why I get mad if I take the game too seriously, right?
[05:02:20] Let me show you something.
[05:02:22] The reason I get irritated when I take the game too seriously is like, every one
[05:02:25] of my teammates has a ward available. We're against a Blitzcrank, right? Of course the
[05:02:33] Blitz won't be, yeah. But what I'm saying is, like I warded one of the areas that Blitz
[05:02:37] can invade from and I was covering to stand. Like you shouldn't, it's frustrating to me
[05:02:48] that like, even Grandmaster on NA, people just won't ward level one against Blitz. Like
[05:02:55] Like nobody will like play to cover each other.
[05:02:58] Everybody's just tabbed out in AFK.
[05:03:01] It's really frustrating, man.
[05:03:07] Yeah, but I mean, it's fucking...
[05:03:10] When NA or not NA, like, if you get GM, you're not that bad.
[05:03:15] It's not like a gold player setting GM from other regions and shit, you know?
[05:03:56] Yeah, I mean, that's, I feel like what you should do, right?
[05:03:59] 100%.
[05:04:02] But if you're a burst of Blitzcrank, everybody should ward entrances, or you should stack.
[05:04:07] Or do both.
[05:04:27] Obviously, like, yeah, if they're not doing that, I shouldn't be getting caught.
[05:04:34] You know, like, I'm not gonna take no, no blame there.
[05:05:06] But it still has flash. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be careful.
[05:05:11] Pretty sure that guy has flash. So you could flash on me still.
[05:05:15] We needed boots too. I fucked up just enough minions. I couldn't get boots too there.
[05:05:48] I think that's really done.
[05:05:50] I mean, Dirk's fine. It'll be like, I'll do a lot of damage with W and shit.
[05:06:06] So it's not the worst, but I have just been so whiny the last
[05:06:18] few days I think I'm just I think I'm just annoyed at the game oh shit my
[05:06:42] whole team is muting themselves I mean I could freeze this but the gen is trying
[05:06:50] to back as well which is push I could have froze that it wouldn't have been that
[05:07:09] bad to freeze settle pretty sure this guy's the last flash so we got to be
[05:07:27] able to care yours you got hooked and he instant I need to go to an interesting
[05:08:47] little game we got going on here. I mean why is Rengar taxing me? Like what? Bro what did
[05:09:09] I do to you? I really needed to boost two right there. That's not good. I guess somehow
[05:09:17] I'm at fault. Okay. Not much I can do. I mean top's just a 0-4. I mean support got hooked
[05:09:39] once. There's not a ton I can do in this game right now. I mean we're trying to
[05:09:59] Which are lead but I don't think I can get BF by here
[05:10:21] Like I have to get boots such a bad feeling man like getting boots feels so fucking bad, but
[05:11:05] I mean, I don't know. Melio's fine. This is such a rough game. I
[05:11:19] That's so many games like this today by the way. We're
[05:11:23] The game is like winnable through bot, but we never play through bot
[05:11:28] It's really frustrating like why man
[05:12:07] Why though? I've done nothing to you. Why are we doing this? I don't get it. I've not played
[05:12:19] poorly. I'm literally winning lane while being down a kill because nobody watched up level
[05:12:26] 1. Why the fuck am I getting griefed? You're so wrong. I don't get it. Literally. I've
[05:12:43] actually done nothing wrong. This game is 1,000% winnable still too because the only
[05:12:50] The first thing that's fed is Wrexai, right? And we can beat Wrexai.
[05:12:53] That's...Mid? I don't know man, this is so raw.
[05:13:50] I got TP'd on. I'm dead.
[05:13:52] Fuck me man.
[05:14:02] How the fuck is my...Jace top getting shit on so bad?
[05:14:12] So my mid is first timing Azir, my top is first timing Jace.
[05:14:19] My support is Yozu, so he's like, not bad at Milio, but it's not like...
[05:14:25] play Melio. Man, NA is, I feel like this region is so fucked. I have a literal 20% made of it.
[05:14:36] But Yozee's a great player. I just, I don't think he plays Melio. Like, I don't think,
[05:14:45] like I think this game we need something different, but it's not his fault at all.
[05:14:54] This is just rough. And this is just a frustrating game. Guys, nobody covering top tower.
[05:15:21] I don't know what to say here, I'm not going to lie, High Masters, Low GM is just as doomed
[05:16:03] as Low Masters, except for these players are a little bit better, like straight up, like
[05:16:12] they're a little bit better, but it's still like, this is what Low GM looks like, Jesus
[05:16:17] fucking Christ.
[05:16:18] It genuinely kind of feels like these people just troll and point flip, even on the red
[05:16:30] side, I don't think my support is even doing that bad, in the last game my support
[05:16:43] trash but this game it's like he's not even doing that bad right he's quite fine
[05:16:49] probably just like Rengar decided to come bot and troll I mean bro climbing in
[05:17:15] NA it's just it's not about being the better player it's about spamming games
[05:17:20] and being like good at the specific things that you need to be good at to
[05:17:24] climb like a being a better player doesn't actually matter I mean that's
[05:17:32] solo queue in general solo queue's got its own little like rules for climbing and shit but
[05:17:39] it's definitely rough i mean jinx is pretty garbage right now like she's not the best
[05:17:45] champ to play if you want to climb but i just wanted to try this like week now anything
[05:17:50] i like kaisa i do i just uh i'm not the best at her like i'm good at jinx i'm good at like
[05:18:16] MF, Ezreal, Ashe.
[05:18:20] I just haven't played a lot of Kaisa, so I don't have a lot of like,
[05:18:25] sort of, I don't have a lot of like, muscle memory, and like,
[05:18:29] matchup knowledge and damage knowledge and chips.
[05:18:36] Maybe dead. Oh, thank god.
[05:18:51] Actually not that bad though.
[05:18:57] If I had a ulti right now, I would kill all of them.
[05:19:04] I wish to god, I had a fucking ult man.
[05:19:06] God, that would have been so good if I had uh,
[05:19:11] mana for ult.
[05:19:22] I think I actually could have killed like, three people there.
[05:19:28] Is that a collector? It would have been fucking dirty.
[05:19:30] Oh, that came from a really awkward spot.
[05:19:40] I'm just dead.
[05:19:42] Well, I was not expecting that. I'll be real.
[05:19:44] I play with cookies, I just like it's...
[05:19:49] I've been on the map for a while.
[05:19:52] God, I did not expect it to come from, like, there.
[05:20:06] Like, I was trying to walk down.
[05:20:08] I can't walk up here. I don't know where the fuck they all are.
[05:20:55] I want to clear this, but I can't.
[05:20:58] We should be able to, I should be able to walk up here, but I need somebody hovering.
[05:21:02] I think I could have maybe done more there with better W's.
[05:22:08] But I mean, we had a zeer bot, so there's not much I can do.
[05:22:42] Man, I really need side lane wards, man.
[05:22:45] Or a side of, like, lane wards.
[05:22:51] I mean, this sucks.
[05:23:41] I don't know, man.
[05:23:43] I'm on again. We need vision on this.
[05:23:45] They're really... that's huge.
[05:24:22] I think they're dead.
[05:24:54] What are we forfeit there? It's like the worst forfeit timer ever.
[05:24:57] I mean, this guy just what? Tanks a thousand fucking turret shots?
[05:25:18] Heals all of it? Jesus Christ. I mean, his fed is fucked, but that's still crazy, man.
[05:25:52] Okay, huge. God, there are so many wreck sites on this fucking everywhere, bro.
[05:26:49] And this build feels like I do nothing.
[05:26:52] But I think it could also just be that Jinx does nothing into their comp.
[05:26:58] Like, I can't auto-attack into their comp. Like, it's too hard.
[05:27:04] feel like genuinely I can't fucking auto we need to push mid and we really need to contest this mid wave guys
[05:27:49] like rex size pushing bot I mean guys I told myself I wouldn't type but I'm getting so fucking annoyed
[05:28:14] like why aren't we just contesting waves I think Briar's gonna steal this maybe not okay well played
[05:28:29] you guys got it back actually really well played though oh my team's popping off let's drop
[05:28:39] It's built... I'm not sure how good this is, man.
[05:28:41] It's built fuels like I can't play the game.
[05:28:46] Like, it doesn't feel very good.
[05:28:48] Then we lost two in Hibs.
[05:28:52] Ooh, that was a big rocket, though.
[05:29:57] Wow, wait, that rocket did so much damage, though.
[05:30:00] Not gonna lie, that was a huge fucking rocket.
[05:30:09] I think we have to back off and push bot.
[05:30:16] Like I was doing it? Okay, that's fun.
[05:30:37] Maybe this is literally just a build where you just spam W and spam rocket.
[05:30:42] Like, that's the build.
[05:30:49] Which would be really fucking embarrassing.
[05:30:54] If that build was good, I'm so gonna die.
[05:31:00] Guys, they're gonna push top like 100% if we're stopped there.
[05:31:09] Honestly, we're kind of back into the game, we just have to wait for our inhibs.
[05:32:33] I mean, if we can somehow find a way, if we can find a way to like actually push outwaves
[05:33:12] without getting caught by their team, we can win.
[05:33:17] It's just, it's really hard to do that, like we're gonna have to just like beeline
[05:33:26] down a lane or something, or make a pick on Rek'Sai and then beeline down a lane.
[05:33:30] Because there's not much else we can do
[05:33:39] Because we have no vision
[05:33:44] Rex says top again
[05:33:45] Like essentially Rex says just sitting top
[05:33:50] And our only place to like either go for him as we can't just lose all of our fucking shit again
[05:34:27] I feel like I actually needed to go some sort of attack speed instead of this
[05:35:02] Vamph Scepter. I feel like I'm still so slow
[05:35:07] Bro fuck off
[05:35:49] My bad, I really hope they don't lose because I fucked up
[05:35:56] I'm gonna be so fucking depressed
[05:35:58] Like that's just such a big fuck up
[05:36:02] Dude, you know what the funniest part about that is I should have just fought under the turret
[05:36:13] And I think I actually would have done better if I just fought instead of trying to run
[05:36:17] Because I got CC'd under the turret for like 30 seconds. I should have just ran here and just fought like high-key
[05:37:53] Holy shit. I did nothing this game. I literally did nothing
[05:38:17] I just wave cleared and had like one rocket that did something.
[05:38:21] Nah, I need some water, but I genuinely think that that is the, like, I don't know when the
[05:38:29] build is supposed to be good.
[05:38:36] Like what's it supposed to do?
[05:38:38] Like, I mean, it has really good ults.
[05:38:52] Like the ult damage being lethality, like you definitely feel that your ult hits hard.
[05:38:56] Like that one ult I admit did literally like 45% of the guy's HP.
[05:39:01] It was 15, it did like 45 or 44 or whatever, just had a collector range, so that was pretty good.
[05:39:06] But outside of that, I mean, I like don't have any mobility.
[05:39:11] So I can't like actually play the game.
[05:39:15] It's like you only have W, R?
[05:39:21] Maybe it was just a team comp was really bad too.
[05:39:27] I don't know.
[05:39:35] Maybe our team comp was kind of trash because we had no like frontline.
[05:39:44] I don't know. All I'm saying is that shit. It did not feel good. Let's put it that way. It did not feel that good.
[05:39:52] I'll be right. I'm gonna take a week. Give me one sec. I need to find a snack like me.
[05:42:28] Okay, I'm back. I mean, I don't think so. I'm probably kind of bad today. Like,
[05:42:38] today is interesting. I don't know. Today is an interesting day. I am not sure.
[05:43:19] I said I'm playing just I can't even put my finger on it. I'm just playing bad
[05:43:25] All right, I think it's straight up because I was playing really really good yesterday and I can tell that like
[05:44:07] My brain is like a bit fogged at the moment
[05:44:17] I can just kind of feel the brain fog. I don't know what I want to play. Caitlyn's trash. I'm not gonna play that
[05:45:26] At least not right now
[05:45:46] Damn it. I don't want to have to take cleanse. If I have to take cleanse, it's shit's gonna suck.
[05:46:05] Okay, nice. I don't have to.
[05:46:08] I just say, I feel like having to take cleanse when you're playing against like
[05:46:13] Zed, Garen, Ezreal, and you want to like play aggro because you have a side lesson shit.
[05:46:18] It's super, super bad feeling. Oh, it's in redox. Need a range?
[05:46:44] No, you don't need range versus Thresh or with Salus, you just need like having range at the
[05:46:53] moment is only good if like they don't have all in. If they pick something that has a hook,
[05:46:59] having range is like you have to play the range with your teammate really well. Like
[05:47:06] say you pick Caitlyn, my teammate would like have to pick Pharma or this you have to pick
[05:47:12] like, like, KatoLox or something. Like, we would have to have something.
[05:47:20] Did this guy just link me an image guide to play Pyke as strong or so much?
[05:47:51] I mean, yeah, it ranges me, but the MF as matchup is just once MF gets bloodthirsted
[05:48:00] or Ezreal can't really play the game. I don't want to click this, man.
[05:48:18] Like, I don't know what the fuck this man wants me to play, like, what ADs, but
[05:48:27] I don't want to click his link.
[05:49:35] He wants me to play Seraphine or Lux.
[05:49:38] How, no!
[05:49:50] You're a psychopath.
[05:49:51] Smolder.
[05:49:58] Why is he telling me to play Smolder?
[05:50:00] We have a pike.
[05:50:01] I mean, whatever.
[05:50:26] Smolder, I haven't played Smolder in a while.
[05:50:28] Sounds kind of fun.
[05:50:30] I'll play a Smolder game.
[05:50:31] I don't give a fuck.
[05:50:32] I think I might have to take...
[05:50:45] cleanse this game.
[05:50:46] I mean, I can ego it and take...
[05:51:01] and take this.
[05:51:02] It's just annoying.
[05:51:05] But I can ego it and take Barrier, it kind of sucks because they have Lillia, and anytime I
[05:51:21] see a Lillia I almost always take Clemence because Lillia's got like the most oppressively
[05:51:26] broken ulti in the game. It's like too hard to play versus Lillia without Clemence sometimes.
[05:51:59] We'll see how it goes. I'm really confused of what we're doing. This is like one hell of a
[05:52:41] Level 1. I do not think we win level 1 by the way.
[05:52:49] Smolder.
[05:52:54] Pike.
[05:52:56] They have barrier and heal.
[05:52:59] And guardian.
[05:53:01] Like holy fuck they have like a thousand fucking ways to absorb the damage.
[05:53:29] Oh that sucks.
[05:53:30] I flashed 2-way.
[05:53:38] What in the absolute fuck is happening?
[05:53:42] Like what if just watch occur?
[05:53:45] I mean I shouldn't have flashed or I should have flashed one second like 0.1
[05:53:50] millisecond faster. It is what it is. I didn't think her auto was gonna kill me
[05:53:58] at the end of the barrier so I was like kind of like she's gonna need two autos
[05:54:02] but she only needs a barely one. I'll be real with you like I feel like they
[05:54:13] trolled harder than I did though. I don't understand why they would chase
[05:54:18] that hard. Yeah, that was close. I almost got him. Another one in the back of the dust.
[05:55:41] Moving back to dust. Man, my stacks are not looking great. I mean, bro, I do got a stack,
[05:56:23] you know? That's just simply how the champ works. Like, I know you want to fight and
[05:56:31] shit, and I respect it. Why is there an F mid? What? I mean, there's no way that this
[05:57:02] should be working. We froze bot, they walked mid and just double killed? What? That's fucking
[05:57:16] crazy. Somebody's mad. Why is Kled bot? I just got ulted by their top lane? What in
[05:58:06] God's name is even that happening? Guys, you guys wanted me to pick smolder, right?
[05:58:20] But like, you can't, you can't want me to pick smolder and then permanently fight them
[05:58:25] before I can like get stat I don't I don't get it what's happening that's that's she healed
[05:59:03] the 380 HP from barbed cookies that were like blown across the fucking ground well that sucks
[05:59:12] 380 HP. That's crazy, man. Yeah, this is miserable. I'm sorry to say, but I think I'm done flying
[05:59:35] 80 carries, so I get some mid GM. Like, I haven't felt more miserable all day. Like, it's literally
[05:59:45] every single support I've had today has brain cancer. Like, maybe that makes me an asshole to
[05:59:52] say but like this isn't fun like it's not fun playing with brain cancer players
[05:59:58] my pike is level three and he just I needed throwing I don't know like this
[06:00:13] isn't fun for me I was playing beta it's just like shell and biven pushing the
[06:00:18] waves now my waves are staying permanently I can't play the game this is
[06:00:31] stupid dealing with these players it's just it's not fun this is not fun like
[06:00:46] Like, unironically, every support I've had today, I could out-support them at any point
[06:00:51] in my entire 10-year career.
[06:00:53] Like, they'd never been able to play their role.
[06:00:56] Yozu was like the only one who's a human.
[06:00:58] Like, it's disgusting.
[06:01:27] The worst part is, like, I just get realm.
[06:01:29] Like, I can't play the game.
[06:01:39] Like, Pyke's just roaming around so he doesn't die.
[06:01:42] But I mean, he completely fucked the land.
[06:01:43] And I can't play the game.
[06:02:01] This is stupid.
[06:02:02] Okay.
[06:02:51] I mean, yeah, this is not playable.
[06:02:56] Hmm.
[06:02:59] I'm a taven by wow, my guy is trolling, I'm good.
[06:03:10] I'm gonna stand on this bunch over here and I mean nobody even gives a fuck so fuck it.
[06:03:30] High low NA boys, but we have first time, play mid.
[06:05:06] Give it to ya, you gon' give it to ya, it's gon' give it to ya.
[06:05:10] well this is a really fun game I'm very much enjoying myself this is great I
[06:05:38] have a team at like yeah it's really fun yes I like oh man why do you not
[06:06:16] enjoy playing the game well every single game has been like this today where I
[06:06:22] get one retard on team they make the game unplayable and then you don't get
[06:06:29] to play the game. So yeah, that's pretty miserable. If Riot actually banned these people, the game
[06:06:39] would be saved. Like, unironically, if Riot just banned people like this Pike permanently,
[06:06:47] like they just vanguard banned this guy, and they banned everybody who liked this Pike,
[06:06:51] they just trolled and instant shit, the game would actually be unironically saved.
[06:06:56] But Riot doesn't have the balls to do it, so it's just boring. It's just
[06:07:15] actually boring. Sorry for being a negative fuck today. But I mean, I'm just not enjoying
[06:07:29] myself playing with these players. Playing AD carry is quite literally unplayable until
[06:07:50] you hit Grandmaster Challenger. It is not even a role. Like I'm not even kidding. This
[06:07:55] isn't even a role until you hit GM Challenge. Either the enemy support makes it unplayable
[06:08:00] for the enemy AD, or my support makes it unplayable for me, right? There's no
[06:08:04] close matches. That's what sucks about this. There's no close games. Every support player
[06:08:13] is just mentally retarded in the SEALA. So either the enemy support ends or your support
[06:08:20] ends, but there's no carrying bad support players. It's fucking stupid. They're just
[06:08:28] actual retards. I mean, it's just that it is what it is. I did more damage than
[06:10:55] Pyke, Kha'Zix, and Garen while being zoned the entire game and trolled.
[06:11:04] Like, I managed to do more damage than every one of them. That's actually crazy.
[06:17:59] One back, bros. Yeah, I'm just not having fun playing
[06:18:03] AD carry on the C.O.O. It's, like, just actually not fun.
[06:20:18] Hmm. Interesting.
[06:20:22] Okay, I mean, let's see how it goes, shall we?
[06:22:29] Let's do it twice.
[06:22:30] Oh my god, run away.
[06:22:59] I don't know.
[06:23:59] This guy is kind of making some questionable moments.
[06:24:03] I don't know why they're fighting.
[06:24:22] They really shouldn't be.
[06:24:23] It's like Gallio's going to be there.
[06:24:34] I take it back.
[06:24:35] I'm just bad.
[06:24:36] Honestly, didn't think they were going to be able to win that, just bad at the game I guess,
[06:24:43] it's not bad.
[06:24:51] That's crazy.
[06:24:55] They managed to straight up 2v3 him.
[06:24:59] I'm getting a small CS lane, it's not too bad.
[06:26:30] That's not a level lane, but I don't actually know if I'm going to be able to play the
[06:26:34] level lead out.
[06:26:35] Just so you know, because I'm going to have to go back at some point.
[06:26:45] I'm just going back, huh?
[06:27:07] I mean, he doesn't have TP. Oh, that's not good. That's really not good.
[06:27:17] Now I have my passive. It should be okay. My wave's fucked, though.
[06:27:31] Damn it. I really, really, really needed that minion to die with my E on it, so I can get mana for W.
[06:27:36] That is not fun. I mean, there's absolutely no way I can help that guy.
[06:27:54] Like, we just, uh, we couldn't proud...
[06:27:56] works there. I mean don't walk back in, please. Couldn't really get down there to help him.
[06:29:31] I think my next goal, I mean this guy has Swifties so he's just going to run back to
[06:29:41] mid right now. I'm a little nervous though about Pantheon. I didn't see if it was
[06:29:46] up or not. I should have been better about paying attention to it. I didn't see if
[06:29:55] it was up. Brand coming mid. I mean this is not good. I thought Tom was going to
[06:31:37] go mid that's my bad I was like oh Tom won't go mid here because he'll catch the
[06:31:52] way but he went top so I go see if the pantyhounds on grubbs like pretty
[06:32:18] fucking badly actually oh no he's on red okay we should do grubbs actually 100%
[06:32:29] like I have a full item in pantyhounds I'm in the scouting resistance like there's
[06:32:36] no way they can fight without a like just zero chance they could fight
[06:32:42] without it or without item my gin is about to get dove there's literally
[06:33:02] nothing I do to stop that I'm gonna put on my ultimate but I could see him
[06:33:20] looking for a middle tier so that he can play the game I could see it there's
[06:33:40] Pam we can we can fight this
[06:33:44] I have ult
[06:34:25] hmm yeah it's all that coming it's kind of really gonna deny my fucking mid
[06:35:02] you know to deny in this world got me back as I have thirty two in a group like
[06:35:25] you got me back I promise we can win the game I'm fucking huge this is not
[06:35:38] bad game with those game ah here it goes again
[06:36:44] no show no game oh here it goes again wasn't a good hole was it I mean kind of
[06:37:53] No worries. Should I TP mid? It's probably better to just keep the TP.
[06:38:23] We're in a really really good spot. I'm gonna keep it real. I don't know what the fuck my team's doing right now.
[06:38:40] You guys good or what? What are you guys doing?
[06:38:45] Like everybody played so good this game up until like this exact moment and then everybody went full fucking dope.
[06:38:59] I probably should go top here, but this was...
[06:40:21] Where are we not doing Baron?
[06:42:01] Where's my jungler?
[06:42:02] Just do the Baron, man.
[06:42:07] I want to go push bot, but I don't know if my team will get caught if I do.
[06:42:57] Like, I could just group up and R somebody mid and probably win.
[06:43:12] Yeah, this is why I watched, man.
[06:43:14] I figured that would happen.
[06:43:27] I don't know why.
[06:45:19] Yeah, I don't know.
[06:45:21] I'll be real.
[06:45:22] So much more like fun as brain dead is playing miles,
[06:45:26] Midas just playing mid and not having to like deal with like all of these supports.
[06:45:33] Dude, it's like the world's biggest ego is just running arounds, not playing the game to win.
[06:45:48] But it's actually a little depressing.
[06:45:51] But like so many of these games are just when you're playing 80 carry,
[06:45:56] They're so unwinnable because of all the supports
[06:46:08] who just like troll every five seconds.
[06:46:30] I know it's not fun to watch,
[06:46:31] but like I keep doing this thing
[06:46:35] where I will get up to like 350 LP
[06:46:37] and I'll play AD for fun.
[06:46:39] Cause I'm like, you know what,
[06:46:40] maybe I'm high enough to play AD.
[06:46:42] I don't think I am.
[06:46:43] I think I need to hit GM
[06:46:44] before I can play AD carry
[06:46:46] and not feel like my supports have brand image.
[06:46:54] So until then, I feel like my mental
[06:46:59] is just better when I play mid. How's your guys day going though? Are you guys all on a good day?
[06:47:33] Are you guys chilling? Everybody having a wonderful day of League of Legends? Actually, I bet you're
[06:47:43] having, you guys are having a good day not playing League. I bet you guys are like, yo,
[06:47:48] our day is great when not playing League. I'm like, yeah. Honestly, I do, like, I don't know,
[06:47:54] I like League and just like, when it becomes your job, holy fuck, this game sucks sometimes.
[06:48:00] See, like, this is what I'm talking about.
[06:48:25] Like, I genuinely think I rather dodge than play with a puppy support.
[06:48:33] Like, this isn't fun.
[06:48:53] Like, this is what sucks about playing AD, right?
[06:48:57] So I could admit AD or whatever, but it's like, dude, I don't want to sit here and have my supports,
[06:49:01] literally just troll and pick whatever the fuck they want because, like,
[06:49:05] and then I have to, like, deal with it as the AD, you know?
[06:49:09] know it's like really frustrating it's like the support players just get to
[06:49:16] have fun do whatever they want pick for trolling pick for fun and then like you
[06:49:21] have to pick the most meta 80 carries you have to try hard you have to do all
[06:49:25] the work while your support just like ince ones around the map in some more
[06:49:29] it just doesn't sound of their life running in circles it's fucking
[06:49:36] frustrating then that's why I've been enjoying other lanes more often really
[06:49:45] Because not having to actually interact with people who are just straight up briefing, it's actually quite enjoyable.
[06:49:56] Like I tilt way less when I'm not just in bot lane, having my support be like, well, time to int and I'm just like, oh, okay.
[06:50:05] Yo, I think I'm going to get off early today. I think I'm going to get off early today, guys.
[06:51:17] I appreciate you guys watching. You guys didn't know I love you.
[06:51:20] Thank you to everybody who's new here or just, you know, followed or whatever you guys did today. I really do appreciate it.
[06:51:27] I might do a second stream later tonight. I feel like I'm just bitching too much for right now.
[06:51:38] I got all the play ID and if I'm going to get out of the ad a lot, I'm just going to take a break and chill for a little bit.
[06:51:45] I'm going to like eat some food, play some WoW, relax for a little bit, and then I'll probably come back and do another few hours of stream.
[06:51:52] Few hours though late-night stream
[06:51:56] But thanks for watching us
[06:52:00] Also, I'll have the mic issue fixed on
[06:52:04] Thursday I
[06:52:05] Know I know I sound like I'm underwater. I'm in a tunnel or whatever
[06:52:08] Sorry about that. I'll have it fixed on Thursday
[06:52:11] Because I had to order a new cord for the mic so it gets around Thursday
[06:52:16] So it'll be fixed then and you guys won't have to hear me in a like weird
[06:52:20] your mic issue. Well yeah, thanks so much. I really appreciate all the follows. Appreciate
[06:52:28] all the subs. Appreciate you guys just hanging out. Thanks so much. I hope you guys have
[06:52:34] a wonderful rest of your night. If I don't see you later. And if I don't, I'll see
[06:52:39] you tomorrow. If I don't see you tomorrow.