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Teaching Adc | Challenger climb before end of season

08-26-2024 · 5h 07m

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[00:00:05] Welcome to Summoner's Red, seconds to ring in spawn.
[00:00:18] Hello, lads.
[00:01:12] Hello.
[00:02:34] Oh no, I suck.
[00:02:36] I didn't actually think I would die to that.
[00:02:38] That's why I'm...
[00:02:56] My bee.
[00:12:32] Wow!
[00:12:33] What's up, guys?
[00:12:36] How's everybody doing?
[00:14:08] Honestly, we just probably play for Rift and then we just win the game.
[00:16:01] Very interesting game we are going on.
[00:16:04] Very, very interesting.
[00:16:07] Yo, I'm gonna leave, boys. I'm sorry, I'm 1HP over here.
[00:17:56] You are glad.
[00:17:58] Surprisingly, the enemy team hasn't forfeited. This is kind of crazy. They're getting kind of cooked.
[00:18:13] You guys are getting a little bit cooked, man.
[00:18:17] I'm confused why you guys are in this game, but it is one of those
[00:18:21] What an incredibly easy and very boring ass game
[00:20:31] Like actually though like what the fuck they seem a little upset
[00:21:45] Yo, what's up guys? How you guys doing?
[00:21:48] What's up dudes?
[00:22:21] Dude tonight's just gonna be a chill stream. I'm just gonna
[00:22:25] Relax, we're not gonna be like super energetic or anything
[00:22:28] It's gonna play some League of Legends for a few hours, relax with the boys and chats.
[00:22:42] I got you boys.
[00:23:04] Coach still playing well.
[00:23:05] Apparently.
[00:23:23] I don't know what he's playing.
[00:23:24] I mean, I know the new expansion just came out.
[00:23:26] I got Wonderfee's playing the new expansion or if he's just playing like one of the
[00:23:57] like 40 random like side things you can play with, with WoW now.
[00:24:11] You can do, WoW has so many different stuff.
[00:24:13] So many different things you can do now.
[00:24:15] It's kind of silly.
[00:24:16] You can do like classic normal WoW.
[00:24:19] You can do like the season of discovery thing.
[00:24:22] There's so much crap you can do in WoW.
[00:24:37] I don't think it comes out until Tuesday,
[00:24:40] like the actual game.
[00:24:43] I think it's early access
[00:24:46] and then on Tuesday the actual one comes out.
[00:24:51] I'm still deciding if I want to play a little bit
[00:24:53] for fun because I don't think a few of my friends
[00:24:57] gonna be playing until like a month from now ish maybe longer so I'm still deciding if I
[00:25:04] want to like actually solo play because I haven't solo played wow in a long time and it's like
[00:25:18] a I don't know if I'd want to wow is like a really interesting game because it is like
[00:26:02] there is a lot of casual stuff you can do in wow it's pretty casual friendly with
[00:26:06] the idea that like once you start playing it it's it gets pretty easy to understand like
[00:26:16] they've done a lot of like making the game easy to understand but it is still an MMO so
[00:26:20] you have to be like willing to want to play an MMO to enjoy while you will always have
[00:26:26] like the MMO things you have to grind gear you have to grind levels you have to like
[00:26:31] do all the MMO stuff like it's a time sink for sure you have the group of people
[00:26:38] to defeat the content stuff like that. What in the fu- What is going on here? How did I
[00:30:46] lose my home guards before this guy did it? What? How did I lose home guards? I should
[00:31:10] probably be standing there but I think it's too risky to walk up now. Oh well. Hopefully
[00:31:20] they don't kill us. Hopefully they don't like come from here and then just go like
[00:31:26] Oh well, you're dead. Well, that would suck, huh?
[00:31:38] My pike is mid. My Lucian is definitely tabbed out.
[00:32:46] I dodged every spell, literally got level 2 for you, and you still die.
[00:36:41] Can you all stop typing this plan?
[00:36:55] Yes, maybe you respect that he's roaming.
[00:37:04] It's weird, LoElo literally just dies to every game, like, then you blame others for dying.
[00:37:19] I mean, AD Carry and Cal, I'm telling you, everyone in this LoElo is an idiot.
[00:37:33] Hey, thingman, this voice is... whatever.
[00:37:45] Stay LoElo, I don't care, man.
[00:37:47] I'm a mute, so I can't... LoElo, there it is, crunch.
[00:39:08] What's bothering you after the game? I'm Blushin'.
[00:39:10] oh you don't want to do that bro bro you you really really really really really
[00:39:18] don't want to bother be with me after this game but you really want to rewatch
[00:39:23] you not auto attacking and fumbling a 2v1 that you have absolutely no business
[00:39:31] fumbling like do we really want to watch them and like come on do we really
[00:39:47] I want to watch you AFK at level 1 instead of start in the lane to get a push, like we
[00:39:55] don't need to watch that man, because I'm going to tell you right now, like you AFK
[00:40:04] at level 1, okay?
[00:40:06] You relate to the lane, I still pushed, I got level 2 for you men.
[00:40:11] You proceeded to whiff everything somehow as an auto attack based champion, and like
[00:40:17] somehow managed to space poorly, play poorly, and not have any clue what you were supposed
[00:40:22] to be doing at all.
[00:40:25] Like, I'm sorry, you can think I'm toxic, you can think whatever, but like, you genuinely
[00:40:33] solo lost us the bot lane because you don't have hands.
[00:40:36] Like, there's just no reason to bother you with a low master peaking player about something
[00:40:43] after I just watched you completely fuck the game up.
[00:40:47] Like, it's just worthless.
[00:40:49] I'm sorry, man. It's about or that
[00:41:43] My smolder is also top-line what does that have to do with me dodging every spell level one
[00:43:15] Forcing every cooldown and then you not using your cooldowns like correctly. I don't I don't understand
[00:43:24] Like you made a mistake man. It is what it is
[00:43:29] Like you don't need to be insecure about it. You do fucked up. I
[00:43:32] I wasn't even going to flame you for your fuck up because everybody makes mistakes.
[00:43:37] Right?
[00:43:46] Like it happens to everyone then.
[00:43:49] What?
[00:43:51] Then you like proceeded to come into my chat and say we should bottom review you fucking
[00:43:54] up and it's just, it's stupid.
[00:44:21] Like the simple fact that I can look at the play that was just made, right?
[00:44:26] And I can have, I can have you quite literally tell me you think you played that correctly
[00:44:32] and that like, I'm bad or some shits
[00:44:37] is like why Vodabooing with people is worthless
[00:45:05] I mean like look at that
[00:45:09] they're all 1HP, we have
[00:45:13] we have a fucking
[00:45:15] Bork Lucian with Barrier who's scared to walk up when everybody's 1HP
[00:45:21] like it's like, I'm not trying to find me man, you just like
[00:45:23] you aren't a good AD carry player
[00:45:27] like maybe you're good at other roles, I don't know, maybe you're autofilled, right?
[00:45:29] I'm chain-inting and giving bad excuses.
[00:45:39] Uh, sure, man. You can think whatever you want.
[00:45:42] I don't really... I don't think I gotta convince anything to you.
[00:45:53] Like some random guy in my Twitch chat who's probably low-evo.
[00:46:02] I don't think I need to convince anything, you know?
[00:46:05] They'd be like trying to convince a kindergartner like how to do calculus.
[00:46:11] It's like at the end of the day they really don't know what they're doing.
[00:46:17] I'm trying to convince them how to, it's just worthless.
[00:46:27] We're same elo.
[00:46:28] Bro, you've never been above master tier.
[00:46:31] If you truly believe that you and I are the same skill level, that's totally cool, man.
[00:46:38] But, I'm telling you you're wrong.
[00:46:49] You're just throwing a temper tantrum.
[00:46:53] Because you're angry that you made a mistake.
[00:46:55] And instead of understanding that you made a mistake, you needed to deflect that
[00:46:59] blame onto me.
[00:47:01] It is what it is.
[00:47:24] I've entered over a thousand games and low masters in a row.
[00:47:28] I mean that's just not true.
[00:47:30] I think you might be making some stats up a little bit, but
[00:47:40] as I said man, you can flame me.
[00:47:49] I don't know who you are in the game.
[00:47:51] Clearly you're somebody in the game that's not enjoying that I'm playing in the game with you right now,
[00:47:55] but that's totally okay with me.
[00:48:02] Like I said, I don't really have anything to prove to you, you know?
[00:48:06] If you think I suck, that's totally, that's your progress, man. That's your choice.
[00:48:15] But like, you thinking I'm bad doesn't really hurt my feelings, you know?
[00:48:20] It doesn't make me insecure that you think I'm a bad player.
[00:48:23] I've hated you since season 3, your plague to high elo.
[00:48:29] Well, I got some bad news for you, little bro.
[00:48:34] If you're below Challenger, you're not in high elo.
[00:48:38] So, I think you should probably... chill.
[00:48:43] If you're a Masters player, I know you want to think that you're playing League of Legends well when you're playing Masters, but you're not
[00:48:54] Masters players are literally dog shit at this game
[00:48:58] You guys have no clue like you you have no idea how the game is played
[00:49:06] like
[00:49:07] It's sad
[00:49:11] But it is what it is, you know
[00:49:19] like I don't want to blame you but
[00:49:22] You know, we can't we can't necessarily say like
[00:49:26] You're high evil dude how crazy is it that?
[00:50:13] Masters players are like so weird and so angry at life
[00:50:18] That they like
[00:50:21] Play badly
[00:50:23] Get upset that they played badly and then flame you because they played badly. I don't know man
[00:50:35] You guys need to you guys got to touch some grass. I'm gonna keep it real
[00:50:41] They are or you are well, let's go over this
[00:51:29] Right, let's let's just like take a take a what will
[00:51:37] Go over this step by step of what's going on right now. Okay? You're mad
[00:51:45] About virtual LP in low elo in a virtual video game and you're mad enough that you came to my chat
[00:51:55] to flame me about
[00:51:58] how I suck
[00:51:59] In a video game
[00:52:01] That you also suck at
[00:52:11] Did I get that right?
[00:52:27] Bro, I've been streaming for an hour. I don't know why you guys harbor this much like random hatred of people. It doesn't make sense
[00:52:40] Like I have to be honest with you guys like
[00:52:44] You guys are bad at League and it's okay. Like who cares?
[00:52:52] But you don't need to come into my chat randomly after my second game of the day
[00:52:58] to tell me that like I'm
[00:53:00] Bad or I should quit the league or like what I like it's just a weird behavior, man
[00:53:05] But you guys have no shame you should not feel shame for being masters
[00:53:12] like yes, you suck at the game but
[00:53:18] That doesn't mean you can't stop sucking at the game at some point
[00:53:21] I mean, I just don't care about what people think of me on the internet. That's the thing
[00:53:54] like what
[00:53:56] Some random low-eo player thinks I'm bad at league
[00:53:59] Why should that bother me? Why should I get offended by that?
[00:54:03] You know, it just doesn't make sense
[00:54:05] Like I feel like people have this weird idea that
[00:54:14] They need to be like upset by stuff and it just doesn't make sense
[00:54:23] Like I'm just chillin here relax and playing some league, you know
[00:54:37] Yeah, I just have a bunch of people that I'm very clearly just like a bunch of random dudes
[00:54:48] They're sitting in a discord because like all three of those guys came out at the same time
[00:54:52] Which means they're sitting at a discord
[00:54:54] Probably jacking each other off about how good they are when they're low masters in a children's video game
[00:54:59] So they come to the chat and they're like dude, we got a flaming come come help me flame him, dude
[00:55:05] Come help me man
[00:55:07] And they're like yeah do it and I was like yeah go ahead
[00:55:13] And then I tell them they're retarded because like they're just bad at the game. I
[00:55:19] Mean if you want me to literally like we can watch the bot to watch
[00:55:23] We can get like a nice little
[00:55:27] We can get a nice little water review going if if we really want to but like Tony right now
[00:55:36] That's gonna be it's gonna be real embarrassing
[00:55:39] Like this is gonna be really really embarrassing alright, so let's check it out so level one
[00:56:01] My Lucian is clearly tabbed out right
[00:56:06] The wave has literally crashed in the lane and my Lucian is standing here in this bush tabbed out
[00:56:15] So he's already not playing the game
[00:56:19] Right
[00:56:21] Like for whatever reason he's standing there, so he comes the lane wait
[00:56:24] Whatever doesn't matter, right?
[00:56:26] So I'm trying to get I'm trying to get the push for us because we win the level 2. I poke the I poke the kaisa
[00:56:36] We got some good poke. I'm like, okay, we need to push this wave in
[00:56:39] They're gonna try and get level 2, but we can we can match their level 2
[00:56:42] And then we can peel back and we can fight them, right?
[00:56:45] now watch this I
[00:56:48] Dodge pikes thing I heal I get us level 2
[00:56:51] So from this position, right, you're thinking yourself like pretty sure Lucian at least kills the Kaisa
[00:57:00] Right like surely, you know
[00:57:02] This guy can kill the 20% HP Kaisa like like if I were to freeze frame this is there ever a world that you see Kaisa living here?
[00:57:11] Because I mean I don't I don't think so
[00:57:19] Lucian warded the bush
[00:57:21] like walks up to juke the W
[00:57:26] but then like
[00:57:29] for whatever reason
[00:57:31] Like, you could have just walked down to Juke that, you could have flashed that, you could have done anything, then you went in her position to outplay the shit out of you.
[00:58:05] So I mean, I guess that if we really want to have auto review this, I don't know what more to say except for like, that's just embarrassing.
[00:58:13] That you just let that guy live at one HP.
[00:58:17] When you flashed and autoed minions after, like you didn't even get dash level 2, like
[00:58:24] you literally got W level 2 as well.
[00:58:28] Like I'm not quite sure why we leveled up and leveled our W instead of our E, but apparently
[00:58:36] I'm the bad one, but that's okay.
[00:58:40] Then I'm not sure why we walked up here instead of here, because if you walk here
[00:58:44] she can't escape her only way of escaping would be to flash that way which you can chase
[00:58:50] So you literally walk upward instead of into her so now you're letting her be able to kite you
[00:58:58] Like you should be on top of her but you know my bad. I'm just bad
[00:59:07] So here up weird she she flashes away and you get shit on and then you flash auto a minion
[00:59:14] So like, I mean, I don't think that we should ever be calling me bad after that's the gameplay
[00:59:21] that, uh, I just witnessed level 2.
[00:59:25] And that was after my Lucian came 8 seconds late to lane, uh, on the first life because
[00:59:32] he was AFK in the bush.
[00:59:34] Let's not forget that either.
[00:59:36] Let's not forget he was literally AFK.
[00:59:46] So you can find me all you want, but...
[00:59:49] I mean, you're just simply wrong.
[00:59:52] Like I said, I'm not calling you bad because like I think it's fun to call people bad, man.
[00:59:57] Like, you made a mistake, right? It is what it is. Like, you suck.
[01:00:00] It's...
[01:00:01] Like, if you weren't bad, you wouldn't be duo-abusing and still negative win rate
[01:00:07] with 500 games played, masters, right? You wouldn't be a negative win rate 500 gameplay master player who duo queues
[01:00:13] if you were a good player.
[01:00:17] That's just the truth.
[01:00:19] I mean, why would I dodge Ryne on Kde?
[01:00:33] Support's very easy to play.
[01:00:37] I mean, I've climbed to Grandmaster as support only, and the role's a joke.
[01:00:43] No, yeah, I mean, level W, griefed this early game, and then got mad.
[01:01:02] It is one of this.
[01:01:03] Like I said, it is one of this.
[01:01:08] And then our mid and our top swapped for some reason.
[01:01:13] And then our Wrexai didn't 3 camp into a bot, he tried to full clear.
[01:01:18] Which is fine, there's nothing wrong with full clearing, that's totally cool.
[01:01:22] But you can't be mad if like, you're doing a full clear and then you aren't there for
[01:01:27] like the third wave crash.
[01:01:53] I might have to just concede level 2 here.
[01:01:58] The Seraphine's playing a little bit too.
[01:02:03] We were targeting different players.
[01:02:17] No he started Q, not W by the way.
[01:02:22] Like Walryd, you're just wrong.
[01:02:25] I just watched him on.
[01:02:28] He 100% started Q.
[01:02:36] But again, none of that even matters.
[01:02:37] It's like worthless.
[01:02:38] Either way, I don't care man, I don't want to be real.
[01:03:39] I don't want to sit here and argue with people that don't think so.
[01:03:47] Like trying to argue with people on the internet when I know that I know more
[01:03:50] than them and I know that I'm right. Like it's just not worth it anymore. I genuinely don't
[01:03:56] care enough because no matter what people will ego and refuse to understand anything outside
[01:04:08] of their own thought process when they're when they're just like stupid. So it's like
[01:04:14] arguing with somebody stupid and he's not willing to listen is not worth it. It just
[01:04:17] feels bad so it's not worth the time I just want to play lead you know don't
[01:04:50] really care what am I watching here the fuck the surfing typing like what the
[01:05:03] purpose of simulator you've been here for like 40 minutes trying to start
[01:05:59] drama man when you're not like you're not the Lucian you're not like Tyler
[01:06:04] doesn't say that like I don't know why you're like doing this weird twitch
[01:06:07] chat thing we're like you're trying to start drama man I I don't know what
[01:06:11] is wrong with you but like you should just... like it doesn't make sense bro like
[01:06:18] this is like some weird mentally ill shit you know you're in like a random
[01:06:22] twitch streamers thing trying to start random drama I just put the fries in the
[01:06:33] bag man like I don't get it I mean they don't have ult we probably just
[01:09:19] killed them my fucking mouse man oh god it's actually just like constantly
[01:09:33] going crazy right now interesting my bad I suppose I thought Seraphine was
[01:10:08] closer when I like went for that that's why I mean I have a vamp scepter like
[01:10:18] they physically can't beat us right now and we are chilling uh-oh what are you
[01:10:35] doing bro windows coming huh we leave I don't know why Dr. Mundo's down here at
[01:10:47] fucking 11 minutes but that was not a good old and there's no way they can
[01:11:35] actually kill us get solutions completely I mean I can go back and get BT
[01:12:00] The problem is is like I could stay too and probably get another plate because they have
[01:12:07] the back here.
[01:12:08] Like what I'm doing is ultra fucking greedy but it's not that bad.
[01:12:14] Because they have the back, we can like choose the back.
[01:12:21] I can just grab a plate and then back.
[01:12:26] We actually probably could have gotten this turret if I just auto it the whole time.
[01:12:29] Because we have four grove but that's whatever.
[01:12:35] I mean we win fights pretty fucking hard.
[01:12:56] I think the only downside is, I think Seraphine's total...
[01:13:01] I don't know if she...
[01:13:03] Oh, this isn't good.
[01:13:10] Oh, I'm back at full HP.
[01:13:14] Huh!
[01:13:15] What a thirst for OP.
[01:13:27] Yeah, BT's funny.
[01:13:29] You literally just fucking eat my entire HP bar and then I just, like, heal it back.
[01:13:36] Damn, man, it is going to die.
[01:13:38] You should have ulted, to be honest, though.
[01:13:57] Can't really help you, bro.
[01:13:59] You went down the pill too deep.
[01:14:53] I think our next play should be to get Rift.
[01:14:59] Technically.
[01:15:00] I don't think we have any reason to be bot side or anything like crazy like that.
[01:15:06] Riptile dopey.
[01:15:07] This is gonna suck, I gotta go forward here.
[01:15:40] We should just, again, we should get this Riptile, that doesn't make sense not to.
[01:16:16] What?
[01:16:17] Wait, we're like giga ahead of them.
[01:16:23] Masters is such a weird place, cause we're like, like very, very, very far ahead of
[01:16:30] these guys.
[01:16:31] But for some weird reason, even though we're like super ahead, they're just like, they're tilted.
[01:16:46] I don't know why.
[01:16:47] Really, bro, I know you're in the bush man, like come on, like what am I watching man?
[01:17:06] Like I'm just confused.
[01:17:40] I did kind of waste my flash when I don't think I needed to, but it's okay.
[01:17:48] We probably just take this, I don't think we can get down the bot, but we can get
[01:17:51] this turret while my bot lane is fighting.
[01:18:07] back here and we buy our item and then we play for a dragon. I could take these camps but I think
[01:18:14] it's gonna take me too long. I mean I'm like the ultra fucking strong right now. We just play for
[01:18:29] hopefully dragon. We don't need this dragon so we don't have to play for it if like
[01:18:39] say somebody gets caught or something. We don't have to play for the dragon because we
[01:18:44] don't need it but. I mean we have Diana up here behind us she's literally right there.
[01:18:55] We got top T2, we're getting bot T2, we're getting dragon, Gwen got fucking, she won
[01:19:27] B3'd them top.
[01:19:29] Yeah, this game's fucking, I don't know who was trying to fork it, but this game's free
[01:19:34] bro.
[01:19:35] Like, like yeah, this game's fucking over.
[01:19:58] It's 20 minutes and we just took every inhibitor at the exact same time.
[01:20:02] That's what I mean, like I never understand why people get so mad in solo queue, like
[01:20:52] I swear, like, this is why I call masters bad.
[01:20:56] I swear to God, you masters players have the biggest brain rot of any elo, like, even
[01:21:02] emerald players are just bad, but like, masters players have like, brain rot bad.
[01:21:08] Like, you guys will not ever actively think about the game at all.
[01:21:14] Like, zero active thought about the game.
[01:21:18] Like actually zero.
[01:21:19] Like, you don't care, but you, like, get mad and call other people bad, but you don't actually
[01:21:30] think about the game.
[01:21:34] You guys just autopilot, pick champs, think that you're better than everyone, and then,
[01:21:38] like, oh, it's my teammates fault if we can't do this or that, and it's like, no, you just
[01:21:41] fucking suck.
[01:21:44] Like, the difference between GM and Chow is that Chow and GM's, like, they're thinking
[01:21:49] about what they're doing in the game as they're doing it.
[01:21:51] They're not just, like, autopilot and doing the same bullshit every game.
[01:21:54] People are just stupid.
[01:21:58] Yo, are you guys like what's happening in chatter? You guys stupid fucks going on you guys are just letting this random guy troll you
[01:24:45] I know if I want to play on that again, that's got boring my goodness God
[01:31:02] You guys are silly
[01:31:04] I maybe could have flashed, but I don't think it's worth.
[01:31:53] I was hoping to get the kill though, that's for sure.
[01:31:58] I actually killed the Jhin there if I...
[01:32:01] We win that every time if I focus Jhin with all my spells.
[01:32:04] I cured the Janna because I wanted to bounce it to the Jhin, but I think it didn't bounce.
[01:32:11] Did I all chat me?
[01:32:19] I don't never understand League players.
[01:32:28] they're not actually like human beings they are but they're like weird I see we
[01:33:18] should sleep the wave but I think we have to push it because it looks like my
[01:33:29] jungle are once the fight on both side of the map she shouldn't want to do that
[01:33:32] but she does so we gotta push these guys are weird like I don't know what
[01:35:24] they're doing well I don't think he knew I had barrier right I think that
[01:35:48] was the issue. Also like this was not a good dragon by the Gwynn. If she does die that is
[01:36:03] 100% on her by the way. Like I, she can be mad, rage, like all that, it's 100% her fault.
[01:36:20] We had to. That's kind of what I mean by like people in Masters don't know what they're
[01:36:44] doing. Right? Like that's the literal like I just showed you exactly what I mean when
[01:36:51] when I say like, master's players don't use their brain.
[01:36:57] Like it's not a personal vendetta, it's just the truth.
[01:37:25] I mean, I was gonna die regardless, so.
[01:37:27] See there, we die fast, and we die slow.
[01:37:32] I really didn't expect Udyr to hover bot that long.
[01:37:36] It's my bad.
[01:37:39] Start up, because he did Baron or did Dragon,
[01:37:42] but he didn't reset to go top side after he did Dragon,
[01:37:45] like normal junglers would.
[01:37:48] Like he hovered in Bokside, like Bokside River for 30 to 40 seconds after he did Dragon, which doesn't, like I said it doesn't make sense.
[01:37:59] Like I shouldn't have been so aggro on them, so that's my fault until I saw where he was.
[01:38:05] Cause like I, you never know what they're gonna do, right? That's my fault.
[01:38:09] It is funny though, cause like this Gwen just keeps doing dumb shit.
[01:38:17] Like, she's invading topside where our topside's pushed in.
[01:38:23] Like our top had no prior and she invaded topside just now.
[01:38:32] Which does not make sense.
[01:38:35] And she knew that it was obvious that Udyr was going to come back.
[01:38:47] I'm not quite sure what that was, but why would we dive that, bro?
[01:38:55] Are you softening?
[01:39:02] You are softening.
[01:39:03] Nah, it's fine.
[01:39:14] I get a lot of people like you
[01:39:17] You aren't special
[01:39:26] I know you use knives
[01:39:58] It's obvious what you're doing
[01:40:42] Now the Yuumi is a shared account
[01:40:50] Like straight out this is just a shared account
[01:41:03] But it is what it is
[01:41:05] Like I mentally don't care
[01:41:11] Yo this isn't worth my time
[01:41:14] Let's move on
[01:41:17] Upman and Jungler suck
[01:41:20] What do you mean, is a shared account?
[01:41:29] I mean, you all are losing and I don't have it in me.
[01:41:35] I can't be bothered.
[01:41:45] Oh well, sure bro.
[01:41:56] I can't be bothered to give a fuck.
[01:42:07] I'm all out of fucks.
[01:42:25] Hmm?
[01:42:26] I'm just...
[01:44:37] Sometimes I just don't have it in me, so like super tryhard in games and low elo.
[01:44:43] Which is, I mean that's how you get out of low elo's, you have to super tryhard,
[01:44:46] Like I said, I just don't have it in me sometimes.
[01:44:55] Like sometimes I just want to relax and not super sweat.
[01:45:29] I want to take a break.
[01:45:31] Wait, why?
[01:45:38] I mean, am I playing bad?
[01:45:40] There's a lot of trolls tonight.
[01:45:49] Isn't that past your guys bedtime?
[01:45:51] Like straight up.
[01:46:02] Oh well, I'm just going to perm you guys.
[01:46:04] Yeah, it's okay.
[01:46:41] I mean, I don't mind perm banning trolls.
[01:46:43] It doesn't hurt my feelings.
[01:46:45] That's what I feel.
[01:48:02] Guys, the game's been over. I don't know how to tell us...
[01:48:04] I don't know how to tell you guys this.
[01:48:07] Because for some reason you guys don't listen every time I say this, so I'll say it again.
[01:48:11] The Yumi is trying to lose.
[01:48:14] I don't know man, I feel like...
[01:48:59] I feel like I always tell people...
[01:49:02] But that somebody's win trading or somebody's doing something, cause like I've played this game for a fucking 11 years.
[01:49:07] I can tell when it's happening, you know?
[01:49:11] And I feel like people will still argue with me, so it's annoying.
[01:49:15] And then I feel like I have to like justify myself, the random idiots.
[01:49:18] Like I stopped caring about this game literally 10 minutes ago.
[01:49:34] Like I looked at Yumi's accounts and I can genuinely see that this game is a lost game.
[01:49:40] I have a 3-in-7 pop, a 1-in-5 minion.
[01:49:44] Like I'm better than their ball lane, sure, but like to carry this game I would have
[01:49:48] had to go like really, really, really sweaty and try hard to carry this.
[01:49:55] and I just don't feel like doing that right now.
[01:49:58] Straight up, like, I would have had to sweat my ass off
[01:50:01] to carry this and it's just not worth it.
[01:51:07] Oh, I don't really care about this either.
[01:51:08] I told you, like, I'm just straight up
[01:51:11] playing for fun today.
[01:51:13] I just don't want to sit in a game
[01:51:14] that's very clearly doomed, you know?
[01:51:16] It's not worth my time.
[01:51:18] My time is valuable in terms of, like,
[01:51:20] I'm having fun in the game
[01:51:22] and if I'm the only one doing well
[01:51:24] and my team still wants to play the game out,
[01:51:26] I do not value their time.
[01:51:33] If you go 2 and 7, you hit no on the 4-foot vote and I'm the one carrying, I will autopilot
[01:51:38] the game so it was like, unless I feel like 1 benign, like you don't get to choose that
[01:51:44] you get to stay in the game with me carrying you.
[01:51:48] You did not choose your best champ, you did not play your best.
[01:51:52] You move on, you go again, it is for this.
[01:51:56] Well, yeah, like I'm telling you guys, like I'm, I get, I get like, like flamed
[01:53:02] in my chat but like guys he's like this is a bot account.
[01:53:09] Start up this person purchased an account.
[01:53:13] Like I don't know what else to say.
[01:53:18] They haven't played the game in 19 days.
[01:53:21] They come back they lose every single game and their flash is swapped.
[01:53:33] Like I don't know what you want from me.
[01:53:38] Like it stays with us.
[01:53:40] I'm going to make a ticket that account will get banned so who cares.
[01:57:21] these guys trying to play Shaco Chugat Bot?
[01:57:26] You guys are crazy.
[01:57:35] What the fuck is happening?
[01:58:57] What?
[01:59:11] What the absolute fuck?
[01:59:13] What is this?
[01:59:18] I mean I thought I queued up for a masters game.
[01:59:22] I am not sure if I'm right, but it is what it is.
[01:59:31] I mean it is a North American masters game so you never know.
[01:59:35] I mean you can just kill this guy.
[01:59:45] No?
[01:59:48] I don't understand why we're not just killing him.
[02:00:06] Yeah, I mean easy peasy.
[02:00:12] What? What am I watching?
[02:00:18] Wait, what's happening, bro?
[02:00:23] Wait, you don't have to do that.
[02:00:28] Wait, you don't need to get the plate there, you're fine, bud.
[02:00:38] That was a good charm.
[02:00:42] That was a good play.
[02:00:44] They chunked the shit out of that guy.
[02:00:57] I mean, what?
[02:00:59] Hey, stop that.
[02:01:05] Stop with the boxes, bro.
[02:01:08] It's not cool.
[02:01:16] How does this guy farm?
[02:01:22] I mean, we can just kill them.
[02:01:37] I'm a little sad, because, like, bang,
[02:01:43] we probably win that if we just straight up fight it.
[02:01:47] I think Puck did well.
[02:01:49] Like, I'm not trying to find the guy. I think he played it correct.
[02:01:52] Like, I probably should have just been further back.
[02:01:55] Because maybe we were getting ganked.
[02:01:57] I just ego'd it, because I was like, oh, I have a BF sword.
[02:01:59] We can easily kill these guys.
[02:02:01] Ah, I see.
[02:02:23] Dude, this is how every game tonight has been.
[02:02:25] Like, legitimately every single game we've played tonight has been like this.
[02:02:39] This is actually crazy.
[02:02:48] I still stand by it by the way.
[02:02:52] There has got to be a co-wint- there's got to be some sort of like...
[02:02:57] There's no way there's a coincidence
[02:03:01] that every time I do well in lane, my solos end.
[02:03:10] Like, I refuse to believe that's a coincidence, man.
[02:03:13] Because for the past four days straight,
[02:03:15] I've been winning lane every game and for the past four days straight I've had really
[02:03:21] Interesting emphasis on interesting solo laners
[02:03:25] Like it must just be unlucky, you know, like we must just be going through like the
[02:03:39] the weird unlucky streak of like I
[02:03:43] Mean, I guess the enemy bot lane is trolling too
[02:03:47] So like enemy bot lane is trolling
[02:03:49] So like the enemy top lane
[02:03:58] My top lane could just be having a bad game
[02:04:01] It's also Reven vs Vayne, which is a pretty hard matchup.
[02:04:05] To be completely fair, that matchup is really fucking cancer, so I get it.
[02:04:19] In my mid, actually you know what, I take everything back.
[02:04:22] My mid is doing really well.
[02:04:23] He's up 30 CS, my top is in a bad matchup, so it's kinda understandable that he's gonna
[02:04:28] be down CS.
[02:04:30] I take it back, these guys are doing well.
[02:04:36] I was being too negative.
[02:05:00] We probably just should try and take this turret.
[02:05:02] Oh, there's a Zed here. This is gonna get interesting really quick. Nice, not bad.
[02:06:33] I think I played that pretty well.
[02:06:44] The Bloodthirster came in fucking clutch.
[02:06:47] We heal off the- the Krugs to stay alive.
[02:06:53] Then we fucking kite out. We heal off the fucking Raptors to stay alive after that.
[02:06:58] Dude, BT is OP.
[02:07:02] Like that's so broken.
[02:07:04] There's no world that that should ever have been allowed.
[02:07:07] That's so funny. Wow, well played. I don't know why Vayne's bot, but I got fucked
[02:07:45] Yeah
[02:07:51] The vein was like yo, I'm gonna go try and make a play bot side. Fuck it. And she did indeed
[02:08:01] Respect. I think the only reason bloodthirsters healing is so insane on MF is because the passive and the Q both give a
[02:08:19] Huge amount and when you bounce the Q off minions
[02:08:22] I think one of the things that's like kind of funny is like when you bounce the Q off the minions, right?
[02:08:28] it gives you the double hit and it like double lifesteals right which is really OP like maybe
[02:08:58] they should make maybe to balance this they should make it so the second part of MF's Q
[02:09:05] like I wonder if it would balance it if they made it to the second part of MFQ doesn't
[02:09:10] lifesteal is bad but that would like low key actually make a pretty big difference
[02:09:16] Like you don't even have to nerf the actual damage of the Q, you just nerf the like ratio
[02:09:23] that like, like the bounce heals less, you know?
[02:09:28] I don't know, what do you guys think?
[02:09:29] I think that would definitely make like the Bloodthirster rush a little more balanced
[02:09:38] for sure.
[02:09:43] Because like I said, the main reason that it feels so broken is because A, like the
[02:09:48] The extra shield makes it so your W never gets cancelled, right?
[02:09:53] You hit her mana issues?
[02:09:58] I mean that's why you just go Essence Reaver.
[02:10:04] Like once you get this core, like once you get the items I have right now, you like
[02:10:08] unironically just take over the game because I could just spam, you just spam Q.
[02:10:13] Pre-Essence?
[02:10:22] Oh yeah.
[02:10:27] I don't think it's too bad pre-Essence Reaver as long as you know what you're
[02:10:31] doing.
[02:10:36] Like you just can't spam Q like a madman, you know?
[02:10:39] This is really awkward. I want to take this turret
[02:11:12] It's hard to take though. Yeah, I figured that was gonna happen the second I went for the turret
[02:11:35] It is was I
[02:11:39] greeted my turret, huh?
[02:11:47] I mean you guys just play like you don't have to do that. Oh, no. Oh, no
[02:11:56] I think my I feel like if I were to ever have had cancer in my lifetime
[02:12:03] this is probably what it feels like because I just watched my team do the
[02:12:16] most hilarious shit I've ever seen they were like okay the enemy vain is
[02:12:24] currently ulting how do we fight the enemy vain when she's ulting we don't
[02:12:30] wait for her ult to fall off that's too like smarts instead what do we do we
[02:12:38] We just fight, and then we call Bane broken.
[02:12:51] Instead of playing around the mechanic, we fight stupidly, and then call it broken.
[02:12:56] That's how you actually play it.
[02:13:03] Who's with me?
[02:13:25] Like here, instead of getting rifts, and playing to end the game, we just keep, you know,
[02:13:42] You just keep like random coinfoot fighting like this instead of playing for like objectives.
[02:13:49] Cause like fuck it.
[02:13:53] We ball.
[02:14:00] Like that right there is hilarious.
[02:14:02] Okay so instead of doing dragon, like the normal you know smart understanding human
[02:15:16] would, my hecarim's like not fighting.
[02:15:18] This is what I mean, this is why I hate Visilo.
[02:15:26] The Seable makes me really, really, really, really frustrated, because you have to like
[02:15:31] be the one doing everything and that's not fun ever.
[02:15:39] I don't know how to phrase it.
[02:15:41] It's like being the person doing every bit of fucking stuff in the game to make sure
[02:15:46] that you win is quite literally not fun, but it has to be done.
[02:15:52] Like you remember last game when I was like, oh, I don't want to
[02:16:23] Last game when I was like, I don't want to have to like or I don't want to just one be one be five this game
[02:16:38] This is this is what I meant is like
[02:16:42] I
[02:16:43] Didn't like want to have to do this again. I just wasn't feeling it last game
[02:16:51] I'm feeling at this game. Just cuz like, you know, we lost last game. So I kind of want to play but I
[02:16:57] Definitely wasn't feeling it last game. Well, yeah, I mean it is what it is, right?
[02:17:12] That's just the they said this is just how masters works
[02:17:16] You are the one carrying the game or there will be like
[02:17:20] Somebody inevitably throwing the game
[02:17:24] Because they don't think in the seal about what the win cons are they think about like how can I do damage and how can I fight and like
[02:17:30] Everybody in the seal are just egos and they etc etc and I've said it before
[02:17:37] Winning isn't what people want to do in the seal
[02:17:40] They think they want to win, but they don't actually want to win
[02:17:43] Like there's no reason for us to be fighting in the jungle there at all, but it do be what it do be
[02:18:20] Then
[02:19:06] They killed the Shaco clone and I got feared that's super cool
[02:19:13] And then she art into a mouse a hard
[02:19:17] like you see what I mean though about like
[02:19:20] It's like it's it's
[02:19:22] comical how bad it is like
[02:19:27] Like it's comical man, and it never gets better
[02:19:30] like this is insane like why are they even fighting like it doesn't make any
[02:19:50] sense like they're bored or they just want to push their buttons and so
[02:19:54] they're just like okay well we're just gonna fight this and it just prolongs
[02:20:00] games I think it's because people in this you know I've never had to
[02:20:04] actually end games they they don't know like towers give gold they don't
[02:20:08] no macro they don't know any of that shit they just kind of walk in circles
[02:20:17] like we should be playing for baron but i mean we're not because you know for whatever reason
[02:20:25] we're just not like my hecarim's pathing bot again for another full clear instead of playing off our
[02:20:35] incredibly fed level 15 mf and this is why this elo takes a long time to climb out of unless you're
[02:20:45] really really really really good player and you full focus every game because the win con is
[02:20:59] there but nobody guys it oh i'm just dead oh that's my bad and i followed the ribbon
[02:21:19] i thought like ribbon knew what she was doing and i followed her and that was a hundred percent
[02:21:22] my bad then my pike whipped his ults yep there it is there's the throw
[02:21:33] I mean, it's my fault, I guess.
[02:21:41] Yo, I'm too tired to carry you, if you don't want to win.
[02:21:48] I'm gonna throw out the forfeit, up to you.
[02:21:52] Listen to calls, do what I say, or lose.
[02:21:56] No, no.
[02:21:57] The play was barren.
[02:21:59] But you ignore it, those masters.
[02:22:07] Barren play, two minutes before Drake.
[02:22:11] Vaude? See, why I'm right. Group or I lose this game. I don't care. No more farm. Come
[02:22:33] or lose. I'm so sick and tired of this, we're like, I'm chow. You absolute moron. Just commit.
[02:23:36] God, I fucking hate this hero, man. Like they just overthink everything. You have
[02:24:08] a fucking five item mf dude stop overthinking shit and just play play to
[02:24:18] win fights we don't need drake to win the game like I am so irritated I'm six
[02:24:45] item mf bum win game we go bot not med very simple do not go med holy shit
[02:25:06] He's mentally retarded. Hey low evo robot. It's like they literally
[02:25:21] Do everything in their power to make sure that you cannot win these games
[02:25:26] It drives me fucking crazy. He just knocked him out of my
[02:25:36] Holy
[02:25:38] Fuck
[02:25:39] Like he eat him out of my old like what the fuck man
[02:25:50] Or do you see why I don't try hard in these games?
[02:25:58] It's not because I don't know what I'm doing, that's literally not it.
[02:26:01] Wow, we did it, Pog.
[02:26:20] Wow, no way!
[02:26:23] We listened.
[02:26:24] Wow, we won, wow!
[02:26:26] Low elo, stop ego-ing.
[02:26:28] Ever.
[02:26:29] You suck.
[02:26:31] Learn macro.
[02:26:32] Holy eff.
[02:26:45] Just go get Drake.
[02:26:48] That was sad to watch.
[02:26:56] was embarrassing to watch. Soviet Dragon guys, holy fuck. No listen, I only got Toxic. It's
[02:27:08] embarrassing. You guys are this bad by the way. I mean, oh dear god. Dear fucking god.
[02:27:38] The guy, I don't know man, I feel bad for like these people being this fucking bad at League.
[02:27:43] Cause like, they think they're like high enough elo, they think they know what they're
[02:27:46] doing but they're too low elo to actually know what they're doing so it's this weird concept of like
[02:27:53] they're just fucking dumb and I have to like actively tell them how to play the game like look
[02:28:13] at this like what is my team doing right now why are we why are we mid oh okay we're fighting
[02:28:21] mid oh okay for whatever dumb reason we were like yeah let's fight here this is fun man this is
[02:28:28] This is really fun.
[02:28:30] This is super cool.
[02:28:32] My team is fighting to fight.
[02:28:34] Like, cool guys. Nice job, heck.
[02:28:37] I can't go anywhere because, like,
[02:28:41] we have no vision either.
[02:28:43] Like, we have no words.
[02:28:45] Jesus Christ.
[02:28:53] Oh, my God.
[02:28:58] I genuinely don't think
[02:29:02] these are human beings.
[02:29:15] Like, I, yeah, let me out.
[02:29:17] That...
[02:29:19] had to fight.
[02:29:21] and then you all had had to fight when it is just open you guys will never
[02:29:31] improve by the way ever why are we fighting them when in the hibs are down
[02:29:41] pushing tell me I'll listen mr. Boiro go go go okay do we need Baron to win
[02:29:56] Okay, can we do the same thing on the inhib?
[02:30:06] Yes or no?
[02:30:08] Yes or no?
[02:30:10] Yes!
[02:30:11] Yes, we do!
[02:30:18] I'm over it.
[02:30:19] I'm gonna go int, top, come or lose.
[02:30:22] I'm over, you sub-humans.
[02:30:33] I lose this game now.
[02:30:35] You know, listen, I don't care.
[02:30:38] I'm so mad right now, I don't care.
[02:30:45] I'm gonna just force a fight if we lose, we lose.
[02:30:47] I'm so fucking sick and tired of this, man.
[02:30:50] You people are not humans to me, you are subhuman trash.
[02:30:53] You people are really dumb, aren't you?
[02:31:29] This guy will just kill me, yes, thank you.
[02:31:34] Stop pinging, you low elo-
[02:31:41] God, it's so annoying.
[02:31:43] I'm the only one playing well.
[02:31:45] I'm doing everything to win the game for my team.
[02:31:47] And they will literally not try to win at all.
[02:31:51] They will ignore every call.
[02:31:52] They will ego on repeat.
[02:31:54] they will literally be fucking mental retards in this elo.
[02:31:57] This is why this elo makes me mad, man.
[02:31:59] We have four mentally retarded humans
[02:32:01] who like, literally can't just follow the 20 kill mf's macro.
[02:32:05] They're so inept, so retarded, so ego-filled,
[02:32:08] that they can't just listen to me
[02:32:10] and do what I say because they think they're right.
[02:32:13] When they're playing in the lowest,
[02:32:15] God awful dog shit elo I've ever played in in my life.
[02:32:22] Please, all four of you, quit this game now.
[02:32:26] You will never climb with your egos and your gameplay.
[02:32:42] Call me. I'm chow. Literally. It's crazy that you don't think streamers have more than one account.
[02:32:59] It's crazy. You had four CS per minute in a winning matchup at 35 minutes.
[02:33:12] Yes, I am good.
[02:33:16] I'm very good.
[02:33:19] You are bad.
[02:33:21] Very bad.
[02:33:24] You are low elo and you don't realize it.
[02:33:29] It's cringe.
[02:33:30] Like, I can't believe these are human beings.
[02:33:36] It makes me physically mad.
[02:33:38] I'm being flamed by a fucking ribbon player who might or might not have Down syndrome
[02:33:42] IRL.
[02:33:43] Because you'd have to have some form of Down syndrome to think that you played
[02:33:46] this game well, at all.
[02:33:52] You'd have to have Down syndrome to be a 4 CS per minute ribbon top player.
[02:34:00] There's no way you are not a retard.
[02:34:05] This is disgusting.
[02:34:10] You had 4 CS per minute in a 35 minute game.
[02:34:15] You did 18,000 damage, bro.
[02:34:20] I don't know what to say to you, except for you're fucking retarded.
[02:34:26] I did everything for all of you.
[02:34:29] You refused to listen to macro,
[02:34:31] almost all of you had 10 deaths.
[02:34:33] Look at your fucking KDAs.
[02:34:35] Look at your fucking CS per minutes.
[02:34:39] Like dude, you guys are not good players
[02:34:41] because you're in masters.
[02:34:42] Like you need to understand something.
[02:34:45] Until you hit Grandmaster Challenger,
[02:34:47] you are really bad.
[02:34:50] I mean like, I could literally play Teemo, 80 carry
[02:34:55] to 200 to 300 LP Masters. It's like you guys suck. And there's nothing wrong with being bad.
[02:35:04] Everybody has to learn. But the egos on these players in this elo are absolutely crazy.
[02:35:13] Like I can tell you exactly what we should be doing, right? Like literally in the game,
[02:35:19] I can be typing to you what we should be doing, how we should be playing,
[02:35:24] How the macro works, and they will all have 20 kills.
[02:35:28] Like, I will have 20 kills.
[02:35:31] Max items.
[02:35:32] And they will still ignore what you are saying.
[02:35:35] To go do random shit, randomly on the map for no reason.
[02:35:40] Because their fucking egos and their fucking retard brands can't think.
[02:35:47] And I wouldn't care so much about this if it wasn't like this every game.
[02:35:53] This game, I had to 1v9.
[02:35:55] This game, I had to 1v9 and I chose not to because they were fucking losers.
[02:36:00] Again, 1v9.
[02:36:01] Like, every single one of these fucking games, you have to literally 1v9
[02:36:05] because they are so inept and so fucking stupid
[02:36:08] that it's like you either 1v9 the game or they will find a way to throw because they're fucking retarded.
[02:36:18] Like, you people make me fucking sick.
[02:36:20] Like, this game had 5 CS per minute, man.
[02:36:27] You're literally losing to a guy who's playing Vayntop with 5 CS per minute.
[02:36:40] Like, Jesus Christ.
[02:36:42] Like these people are they just disgust me
[02:36:48] Like like I they don't deserve me to carry them
[02:36:51] But I if I want to have fun personally and I want to climb I have to carry them. It's like imagine
[02:36:57] you're like
[02:36:59] dragging a fucking dead like dead weight idiot
[02:37:05] But you have to cross the finish line or you don't make money like say say somebody's like you have to you have to
[02:37:10] cross the finish line
[02:37:12] It's literally just a walk. You have to walk three miles, and after three miles if you both cross the finish line you win.
[02:37:20] And that's all you have to do, right? It's that simple. It's very direct.
[02:37:24] And then like, let's say your teammate literally just starts like sitting down.
[02:37:28] And you're like, bro, we can win.
[02:37:30] And he's like, no, I don't care.
[02:37:32] Or he sees like your teammates, an idiot, and he sees like an ice cream truck.
[02:37:35] So he starts chasing the fucking ice cream truck.
[02:37:37] You know what I mean?
[02:37:38] And you're like, bro, we can just, like, you can ignore it.
[02:37:41] You can get all the ice cream you want after, like, we win.
[02:37:45] And they're like, no.
[02:37:46] I need it now.
[02:37:47] They're just fucking morons.
[02:37:49] And then you have to literally, like, pick them up and carry them over the finish line,
[02:37:53] knowing that this person is a fucking idiot.
[02:37:56] You have to or you just lose.
[02:38:01] And it makes me fucking miserable.
[02:38:03] I hate carrying losers.
[02:38:05] I hate carrying retards.
[02:38:07] And I have to do it every game that I want to win.
[02:38:12] It's super unfun.
[02:38:20] Like if you are, like I just wish that these losers
[02:38:23] would drop their ego.
[02:38:25] Like I don't care if they suck.
[02:38:26] I've said this a thousand times, I don't care if they suck.
[02:38:29] But like the fact that they ego on each other
[02:38:32] and me and all these other people, like,
[02:38:34] it's like dude, you guys are literally,
[02:38:37] like when you're in masters,
[02:38:38] I just want you to understand this.
[02:38:39] I respect, like I think the majority of streamers
[02:38:43] who have been challenger respect like lower
[02:38:46] elo players more than masters players like I I genuinely respect like diamond
[02:38:53] four players and like gold players and plat players more than masters because at
[02:38:59] least like plat players feel like they're trying to get better and they're
[02:39:03] trying to like improve and they're trying to win in masters it feels like
[02:39:08] you're just fucking stupid you're just a monkey running around the map like
[02:39:14] Doing no thought plays on repeat and then if it doesn't work you want to go to the next game
[02:39:19] So you can do another no thought play and then you do that for six hours straight playing a thousand games a season
[02:39:26] It's just cringe
[02:39:33] It drives me fucking crazy
[02:39:37] Like the fact that these people find ways to win is mind-blowing. Did you wait is this is this a sentence?
[02:41:14] I don't know what you said man. I'm sorry. Have a nice day a youtuber
[02:41:38] YouTube man. By the way, I've been in queue for 10 minutes. I've gone through two dodges.
[02:41:54] I mean, there's one of those. Nice, congrats man. Oh my god, somebody dodged.
[02:46:27] Plot? No, that's good. Plots not bad man. Yeah, MF and Ash are, they always said, if
[02:47:00] you just swap to like meta and you know why they're meta and you play them, yeah
[02:47:04] You're calm you're calm fast. Yeah, so are you having fun, man?
[02:48:00] Yeah, AD carry is really fun if you
[02:48:04] Play like what's meta and you get good at it. It is really fun
[02:51:22] Like a banding is cringe
[02:52:53] What hmm, I don't know what to say about that man
[02:55:16] Like what I guess what is oh?
[02:55:38] It's so gross. Yeah, that makes sense
[02:56:10] The homies are definitely I sat in a 15 minute queue
[02:56:18] Yeah, it makes sense
[02:56:21] Like every time I sit in a 15 minute queue my teammates suck
[02:56:32] No, this is no you're not diving this
[02:56:49] Stop that
[02:56:52] Let's keep it real for a second. You're definitely not diving this room. Let's relax
[02:57:40] Cake get nerfed. She's actually getting buffed next patch.
[02:57:44] What do you play into MF?
[02:58:12] I mean, you can play a lot of stuff into MF. You just have to play the lane to not take a bunch of early trades.
[02:58:22] You can play scaling into her. You can play Ezreal. You can play Ashe.
[02:58:33] You can probably play Varus. Draven's really, really good into MF.
[02:58:40] I would say a lot of when you're playing versus MF a lot of I
[02:59:04] Mean my bot wave is frozen, but I can't walk up because my jungler is top. So
[02:59:10] It's not much I can do here, right? I just have to back. I don't have a choice
[02:59:15] This is really embarrassing
[02:59:24] I'm talking like I'm
[02:59:28] I'm wishing I hadn't watched that with my eyeballs embarrassing
[02:59:33] Why didn't he hook that guy?
[02:59:43] Okay, I mean
[02:59:49] You all suck
[02:59:53] A lot has been frozen
[03:00:02] Youngler is still playing topside
[03:00:06] The two losing wins per zero
[03:00:21] Masters do be like that
[03:01:01] Don't win that. They're so neverminds. I think Lucian has all
[03:02:05] Was there retyping? I don't know. I think they're friends or something
[03:03:24] Maybe they know each other who knows I don't really know if like young kids play league nowadays
[03:03:46] Yeah, I don't actually know if like
[03:04:21] League is a game played by actual kids, or if it's just all 30 year old men.
[03:04:30] I think in NA League is all 20 year olds, like college people.
[03:04:35] I think the, like, League age in NA is like 22 plus, cause all the people below like 20s,
[03:04:44] like early 20s, they all play Valorant.
[03:04:46] No, kids in China and Korea play a lot of League.
[03:05:06] I don't think you understand how popular League is in China and Korea.
[03:05:13] They play a lot in the Asian countries.
[03:06:26] Nice.
[03:06:49] League is popular, just not in NA.
[03:06:52] Even in EU League is pretty popular still.
[03:06:55] NA is just like a weird region where for some reason people just do not want to play League in NA.
[03:07:11] Like straight up, they just don't.
[03:07:31] Yeah, I mean, like I said, I think it's legit just like, some sort of weird love for FPS.
[03:08:28] It's just like a cultural difference. I mean, NA has always been really FPS heavy compared to
[03:08:37] like Asian countries, like Cod, Halo, CSGO, like it's all much, you know, it's always been like
[03:08:50] bigger in NA. Ooh, my bad. Well, I fucked up. I was reading chat for one second and that
[03:09:30] happens that sucks I should go top and take top turret this is a bad play we
[03:10:34] should go top Baron and top I'm gonna get stuck in here guys guys guys how do I
[03:11:41] walk out without you I'm a math also we win the fight why are you running I
[03:12:01] I don't know. How scared is this low elo?
[03:12:11] Why would you fight when I'm dead?
[03:12:19] Doth hit R. I will kill them all. I'm fed. Learn the game.
[03:12:31] I'm gonna lose my fucking minds.
[03:12:42] They just bitch me for no reason.
[03:12:45] I mean, I can't even walk over there because I don't know where Kozaks is.
[03:12:50] Like Kozaks can just fucking walk over and kill me.
[03:12:55] like where is this cosmic sense okay spots earth top I don't know man by the
[03:13:54] way you guys will not even come close to winning in college if you don't play
[03:14:02] around 80 I don't sit here and one foot for fun let me out like I know I'm
[03:14:41] being a bitch but like I just not having fun playing with people who don't
[03:14:45] play as a team.
[03:14:47] Well, you guys are just such losers.
[03:14:52] They literally only play around themselves and nobody else, nothing else.
[03:14:57] Like, look at this.
[03:15:01] Like, dude, are we gonna do the dragon? No? Okay.
[03:15:05] Nah, yeah, fuck it. We don't need to.
[03:15:07] Like, I just hate people that don't play the game to win.
[03:15:14] That's my only gripe about what we love.
[03:15:17] It's like, play to win?
[03:15:19] If you suck, you suck, but play to win. That's all I ask.
[03:15:21] Like, what are we doing?
[03:15:44] That's in two minutes.
[03:15:46] Like, what?
[03:15:51] I don't know, man.
[03:16:16] My notch is allergic to teamwork.
[03:16:22] Braggas, too.
[03:16:26] We can't follow instructions.
[03:16:30] We ego.
[03:16:32] I'm better than you.
[03:16:33] So yes, I ego.
[03:16:40] I don't like to AFK sit in games with low elos.
[03:16:55] Murph, I'm a streamer.
[03:17:03] play the game
[03:17:05] to win
[03:17:06] or at least
[03:17:14] so sick and tired of this
[03:17:40] like everybody just like the waste time in league
[03:17:45] like for some reason they just prolong games that you could end ten minutes
[03:17:51] right like they prolong games you can end like ten minutes prior
[03:17:55] just for whatever reason i don't know why
[03:18:21] but you can end the game instead they choose to not end the game
[03:18:25] and it's super boring
[03:18:43] Like it's so fucking boring.
[03:18:48] Like all of these people don't know how to end games.
[03:18:50] That's the issue, right?
[03:18:51] And I'm like, okay, we can do this to end the game, guys.
[03:18:54] And what they'll do is they'll just autopilot,
[03:18:55] autopilot, autopilot, autopilot,
[03:18:56] autopilot and troll an autopilot.
[03:18:58] And they'll do all these things and it's like,
[03:19:00] guys, we can just win right now.
[03:19:01] And they're like, no, we need this.
[03:19:02] And I'm like, no, we don't.
[03:19:03] But if you really want to just sit in the game
[03:19:06] for fun for another four minutes,
[03:19:07] even though we don't have to sit in the game
[03:19:09] for fun for four minutes.
[03:19:10] Sure, man.
[03:19:11] Fuck it.
[03:19:12] We'll waste our time.
[03:19:13] I'm only angry because like winning and low masters doesn't feel like winning like these like you got to understand like
[03:19:31] These games are so embarrassing to me because that everybody sucks in these games, right?
[03:19:36] like
[03:19:38] This is not mentally stimulating for me like imagine Mike Tyson walked into a kindergarten and started punching children in the face
[03:19:53] Like that's what it feels like to play in masters for me. I'm punching children in the face
[03:19:59] Like every single game is me punching a toddler and it's like it's not fun
[03:20:08] You know like I'm not I'm not getting like a dopamine thrill from punching toddlers in the face
[03:20:13] The problem is like do you see this right here? This is exactly what I'm talking about dude. Okay?
[03:20:27] We had a 7,000 gold leave at 18 minutes. Okay?
[03:20:30] Literally all we had to do
[03:20:32] Was listen to my calls and we win the game right now right here at 18 minutes. We win the game
[03:20:37] We just walk down a lane, stay at 5, take all their camps, wait for Baron, around Baron we just take Baron and win, right?
[03:20:45] Instead, what ended up happening?
[03:20:48] Everybody just ran in circles.
[03:20:50] For, they extended the game an extra...
[03:20:55] What was this?
[03:20:58] They extended the game an extra 10 minutes for fun.
[03:21:00] Or maybe maybe 8 minutes.
[03:21:02] Like, we just wanted to push our buttons for 8 minutes for whatever reason instead of just ending the game.
[03:21:09] I mean, I get it's a video game.
[03:21:12] They're probably just wanting to push buttons and have fun.
[03:21:14] I get it man. It's just boring to me. And the thing is that you're drawn a moe.
[03:21:35] Why don't you just play in high elo if you are bored of this? It's because I have to
[03:21:39] climb through this to get to high elo. But the problem is, is like, playing in
[03:21:45] this elo is like miserable. So you have to like deal with the misery of playing in
[03:21:51] this elo because nobody listens and everybody trolls the whole game. And the
[03:21:54] trade-off is like you'll climb out eventually but like while you're here
[03:21:59] it's just misery super misery man and I don't want to be sitting here whining
[03:22:09] and crying about it all day I'll just be all I mean I'll be a hundred percent
[03:22:14] honestly guys I didn't even want to stream League today like I just don't
[03:22:19] want to play League today but I wanted to stream because I said I would stream
[03:22:25] every day this month what I want to do instead I mean I just wanted to take
[03:22:35] like a mental break day but I started against that's where like I just do
[03:22:42] nothing and don't play league just chill relax on Sunday that's why I'm so
[03:22:48] irritable today is because I'm just I'm I'm fucking fried you know what I mean
[03:22:53] I'm sure you guys have had bad days at your jobs too or like you're just
[03:22:59] fried but you have to go to work. And I mean I can't really complain because
[03:23:07] it's like playing games is really really not work it's like easiest fuck right.
[03:23:12] But it's like if I could just play a different game I wouldn't really I'd be
[03:23:17] way happier. But it's like playing League of Legends is work sometimes. Like
[03:23:22] League might be one of the only games in the world that it's still work
[03:23:27] to play a video game. If you're a stringer. So I'm sorry for being a bitch tonight.
[03:23:51] Hmm, this Thresh's name is so funny. I could only count to three.
[03:27:54] I might give Jin, or the average IQ of a Threshman.
[03:28:02] Hey, thanks for stopping by during the protein. Hope you have a good night, man.
[03:28:17] Well, no. I don't think he's just as related to quantity, but I don't think that's true at all.
[03:28:42] But he's also like a really big streamer.
[03:28:46] like if you have like a very established, like if you have like a very very
[03:28:52] established like community stream and stuff like that it becomes much easier
[03:28:57] to just stream like on a certain schedule and then do like you know YouTube
[03:29:04] stuff after like whatever yeah because I think if you compare like other people's
[03:30:39] success that's just dumb like if anything you do I think comparing
[03:30:48] yourself to other people makes you feel bad about yourself. And I don't like that. You
[03:31:13] can be critical of yourself and like self reflect and use other people as examples of what it
[03:31:23] works and what doesn't work. But I think I don't like that comparing yourself to stuff.
[03:32:21] nice I need to go bot lane so that I can get some levels oh you know I'm here
[03:33:27] okay okay bro relaxes chill we get it man you wet oh she wanted six first okay
[03:33:51] my bad I mean I just saw him e-forward but I could have waited
[03:33:55] oh you win that you should have arred pretty sure she wins that this guy says
[03:34:10] it's not bad but she's not good she's like in between good and bad like she
[03:34:17] has the balls to go in sometimes but not others so it's like cuz I mean I
[03:34:22] pretty much carried the early laning phase right like the level 2 I dodged
[03:34:27] everything and she had a free lane I mean just just hit the guy like I mean I
[03:34:40] don't know man this is gonna drive me fucking crazy this guy is so weird look
[03:37:37] Taz hey doing man there's no way they stay though sorry it's really far up this
[03:39:12] is not good damn it's that's my fault I should have just been helping that guy
[03:39:20] relax you gotta let him die bro welcome to the league of Draven yo merc
[03:42:14] thank you the 53 man welcome back appreciate it a lot dude welcome back
[03:42:19] I'ma just throw out the old forfeit I quite too good you don't okay but hey
[03:43:12] Okay, but I'm chow, your d1. Do what I say, don't lose.
[03:43:23] Say go rifts, you go. You don't power bot. I'm tracking enemy. Wastes of my time.
[03:43:37] You ate. Victives always win games. Again, I don't play for fun in low elo.
[03:44:10] And say, for mid, you all go to farm, sides, and camps.
[03:49:12] Lee goes to camps, doesn't back, with team.
[03:49:18] Anivia goes top.
[03:49:22] Let me out.
[03:49:24] Not one of you is ever going past low master.
[03:49:29] This isn't worth my time.
[03:49:45] See what I say, or I leave game, and you lose.
[03:49:48] I don't care anymore.
[03:49:50] I'll take the report.
[03:49:52] Yeah, I'mma leave, if I guess.
[03:50:21] Retired to Jarylo's.
[03:50:30] You threw our Baron and our third Drake.
[03:50:36] Nice guy, so.
[03:50:41] Nibbio.
[03:50:45] I even advocated for your AFK, but then you do this.
[03:50:52] I fucking hate Luleva.
[03:51:17] One last chance.
[03:51:18] We died with R. Why are we fighting when no objective is up?
[03:52:15] Anyway, let's try it.
[03:52:19] What objective is being quite for?
[03:52:21] I don't care anymore, I'ma just play brain off, no more, try hard.
[03:52:45] We can lose since we want to.
[03:52:47] So ban.
[03:53:19] It's my job to care.
[03:53:23] I get paid to be good.
[03:53:26] isn't fun for me to play in low my good no I fucking hate these losers people who
[03:54:43] don't try to win in the game and then they're like oh you take the game too
[03:54:45] seriously bro I don't want to sit in low elo like this is not fun for me like I
[03:54:52] I get that it's fun and it's casual for people to be hard-stuck in the CEO
[03:54:56] because this is like it's fun for them but like I'm not my goal is not to be
[03:55:01] stuck in low elo like I'm not judging them or like their scale why don't give
[03:55:05] fuck how good or bad they are. I just don't want to play in the silo with these players
[03:55:11] for longer than I have to. Like, it's just not fun.
[03:55:16] Dude, the objective! Holy fuck, I'm gonna lose my minds. It's so insane how, like,
[03:55:53] you guys have zero instinct. But I was doing the macro. You should be doing. You are
[03:56:17] standing in a bush. Yes, you need to cover the supers. You cover them. Then you walk to
[03:56:37] then you walk to Baron when they go to defend in base. Then they can't get to Baron. Wow,
[03:56:47] no way. Never mind. Tempo isn't good to talk to those of us. On board. I will force
[03:57:15] fights either or lose no like I'm genuinely not trying that hard to win
[03:57:47] anymore because it's just like boring to me it's boring when I know mid and hip
[03:58:01] down we should be doing the objectives and my team is like quite literally too
[03:58:05] scared to do the objectives you ever call me that loser again I'll make it my
[03:58:44] I don't blame you for playing for fun, but I don't want to sit in low elo with you as
[03:59:27] you are confused.
[03:59:44] I don't know.
[03:59:48] I just feel like people like this amivia, they don't understand that time is money
[03:59:55] and they don't understand that yes, you might not give a fuck, you might just queue up
[03:59:59] a random ranked league game, not care about anybody's time, not give a shit about anything
[04:00:04] and just not care, but you have to respect your teammates' time.
[04:00:09] If you're not trying your best to win a ranked game in anything you do, if you're not putting
[04:00:15] in a 100% effort, when other people are trying, you're a loser and I just feel like you're
[04:00:20] the best.
[04:00:21] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[04:00:25] If you're playing a ranked game of anything, I would expect my teammates to put in equal
[04:00:32] effort. It's just stupid. I don't even care about the winning or losing the game, just
[04:00:39] put in your effort so it might don't just autopilot and AFK and troll like it's disgusting.
[04:00:46] Yo Peter, they give it to the 85 months, man. Welcome back. I appreciate it a lot, dude.
[04:00:51] Thank you. Hmm? I'm here. How am I being hypocritical, though? I try my best to win
[04:05:50] when my teammates are going to try their best to win. All I ask for you, or all
[04:06:00] All I ask of you when you queue league, or queue anything that's like a competitive game
[04:06:04] mode, is you try your best.
[04:06:08] That's pretty much all I ask.
[04:06:11] If you're not willing to try your best, why are you queuing ranked, right?
[04:06:14] And I'll never apologize for that.
[04:06:15] Like, yeah, I am the sweaty try hard guy, but I mean, that's what ranked is for.
[04:06:22] It is designed for that.
[04:06:25] Like normals exist.
[04:06:29] Like because they're normals.
[04:06:39] Like all I'm saying is like if you queue a competitive game type, and your teammates like
[04:06:49] and you and you aren't like trying to win and you just don't care and it's it's not fun.
[04:06:56] Like nobody has fun.
[04:06:58] Like what you have fun, but it's like a team sport type thing right like you can tell
[04:07:04] All these people never played team sports and never did anything with friends because
[04:07:09] if you're like queuing up and not respecting your teammates time, okay, because that's what
[04:07:14] truly matters is everybody's time has value, right?
[04:07:17] Your time has value, their time has value, everybody's time has equal value, okay?
[04:07:24] Everybody has equal value.
[04:07:26] So if you're queuing up and you're valuing your time over everybody else's, it's
[04:07:29] It's unfun because it's like when people are like, I play strictly for fun, I don't
[04:07:35] care.
[04:07:36] And it's like, well, why are you playing ranked?
[04:07:39] And they're like, oh, because I just don't care.
[04:07:41] It's always everybody's excuses.
[04:07:43] I don't care.
[04:07:44] Right?
[04:07:45] It's always everybody's excuses.
[04:07:46] ID, I don't care, but it's like, I just don't like the attitude of having people
[04:07:56] trying to win the game and you going, I don't care because the entire premise
[04:08:03] of a team game. Did you say I wasn't trying last game? When I buy myself, you absolute
[04:08:12] retard got every one of my lanes a lead as the support. Buy myself, one bot lane for
[04:08:21] my AD secured us two early dragons, like stopped two mid ganks to snowball mid. And
[04:08:33] you're genuinely saying I somehow was not playing to win.
[04:08:40] No, you're actually like mentally retarded, bro.
[04:08:46] Like that's crazy that you believe that,
[04:08:48] but I'm not gonna argue with somebody,
[04:08:50] like it's like as soon as you show me that you're an idiot,
[04:08:52] like I can't argue with you anymore, right?
[04:08:54] I guess it's not worth it.
[04:09:48] The only time that I played bad
[04:09:51] was at the very end of the game.
[04:10:00] Like the first fucking 85% of that game
[04:10:03] I was carrying very hard, making very good calls, doing everything for everyone.
[04:10:13] So if you want to pick and choose the very last part of the game where I started autopiloting
[04:10:18] and not carrying, after like I tried for 85% max effort on that game, well you can do whatever
[04:10:25] the fuck you want man, but like you're the same losers, you're one of the same
[04:10:29] losers that goes like, I'm gonna ignore every good thing this person's ever done
[04:10:33] Because they got tilted one time.
[04:10:35] Like, you're the same fucking loser, man.
[04:10:39] You only see the negative things that are going on.
[04:10:42] And instead of looking at all of the positive things, and it's fucking disgusting.
[04:10:49] I just don't like people like you.
[04:11:00] Like, it just irritates me, because I hate when people do that shit.
[04:11:03] That's like, I get flamed all the time for being a fucking tryhard.
[04:11:07] But it's like, dude, it's my job.
[04:11:09] And I'm happy to be, like, queuing up a ranked game trying my best.
[04:11:16] Because if I wasn't trying my best at that last game, we don't win that game.
[04:11:22] And it drives me fucking crazy that I have to defend myself to people.
[04:11:26] Everyday in Twitch chat who don't see that like...
[04:11:31] It doesn't make you cringe to try in a video game designed to be tr- like...
[04:11:57] I think it's weird that like...
[04:12:04] It's like we've like entered this weird era
[04:12:07] where people think it's like cringed to tryhard and competitive things
[04:12:12] and I don't get it. Like I will never understand that.
[04:12:17] Like obviously it's cringe to like
[04:12:22] be the guy who's like ultra sweating and aram
[04:12:27] like that's fucking cringe right like if I'm queuing up an aram
[04:12:30] and I'm just like macroing everyone and like ultra sweating and shit and
[04:12:35] raging and aram yeah that's cringe as fuck.
[04:12:37] Well that was actually a good bounce by that guy.
[04:13:47] Hi Key, that guy did a really good bounce there.
[04:14:34] Why are you getting 9 adds?
[04:14:36] What?
[04:14:39] I mean bro like, I gotta play adds.
[04:14:48] I apologize if they're happening right now, it's cause I didn't play them between the
[04:14:51] game because of this raging.
[04:14:53] So I'm sorry.
[04:14:54] But I mean, I'm not gonna apologize for making bank.
[04:15:04] Fuck that.
[04:15:10] I apologize that they're right now, but like, bro, I'm definitely gonna do ads.
[04:15:19] Gotta make a living.
[04:16:31] Also, I just wanna say, I literally said I was being a whiny bitch today.
[04:16:38] Like, I said that like, two hours ago, right?
[04:16:42] I said that like, I'm burnt out right now, like, crazy.
[04:16:47] Like, I'm going to be a bitch today about trying to win.
[04:16:50] Like, I'm going to be like, overly fucking try hard.
[04:16:54] because like I didn't want to stream today but I promised myself I wouldn't
[04:17:00] because I wanted to stream every day and I didn't I haven't taken a day off of
[04:17:04] streaming in a bit so I'm burnt out so I'm seeing this as like a I just want to
[04:17:10] like win every game especially if I'm playing well every game like I said I
[04:17:24] understand like that's not healthy I get it but that's where we are right
[04:17:31] now please don't have Lisa and kill me right now I'm backing in the worst
[04:18:38] Do you have auto-attack on and settings are off?
[04:18:51] I actually don't know man.
[04:19:00] I'm not sure where to see that.
[04:19:04] It's on.
[04:19:07] It is on.
[04:19:08] I usually just hit S so I don't really even think about it to be honest with you.
[04:19:33] Cause yeah, I usually just hit S whenever I want to.
[04:19:37] Why am I 1v2ing bot right now?
[04:19:52] This doesn't make sense.
[04:19:53] What's happening?
[04:19:55] Yeah, I'm not quite sure why we're A-ramming.
[04:20:10] That doesn't make sense, but fuck it.
[04:20:26] Well, that sucked.
[04:20:29] Yo, no more ARAMs.
[04:20:32] Play to me and my lead.
[04:20:35] Not random fighting, please.
[04:20:41] Sarah, set bot, take turret.
[04:20:44] Rotate, don't ARAM.
[04:20:53] And you have lead bot.
[04:20:55] Don't roam.
[04:20:56] You push lead.
[04:21:02] Then after you take turret, you rotate to help.
[04:21:11] Wow we're muting ourselves because we're insecure. Good work.
[04:21:15] Well, she's gonna die. I love League of Legends. Go next.
[04:21:45] Whatever. Go next.
[04:21:47] I tried, you didn't wanna win. Had to be bothered.
[04:21:51] I will try my best every game until my teammates don't and then I stop caring.
[04:22:04] Like this isn't fun.
[04:22:25] For its top. Bad fight for Zero.
[04:24:04] It's the fifth bad fight my teams like forced on me.
[04:24:07] me. They clearly don't understand the game. They just they're playing for fun. So I don't
[04:24:13] want to play with four funners. This is the fifth fucking team in a row that I've just
[04:24:19] had playing like 100% for fun. And it's so boring. Like they genuinely do not understand
[04:24:29] why you shouldn't be just randomly fighting like that. Like in their brains, they're
[04:24:34] like ah it's fun though bro it's fun it's not it's not fun fun is winning
[04:24:42] fighting like retards and losing the fight is not fun that is not a fun way
[04:24:49] to play league just use your old or don't yeah fuck fuck ulting please move
[04:25:39] on this is not fun well I mean I can't walk anywhere we have no vision
[04:27:34] Like we have zero wards down man.
[04:27:43] Vendomer is not pushing sideways and I mean yeah, I don't know.
[04:28:20] This is just crazy.
[04:28:21] And it won't, yeah I mean the game's winnable.
[04:30:39] It hasn't been elusible the whole time.
[04:30:41] I'm just throwing a temper tantrum because I'm fucking bored of, uh, like I'm not
[04:30:49] having any fun playing League right now.
[04:30:51] Like to me at the moment it's pure, like trying to win every game so that I can
[04:30:56] just like gain LP I said it right now it's like I'm not actually enjoying the
[04:31:02] game I'm just doing it purely from like a climbing standpoint which is why I'm
[04:31:11] not enjoying why I'm being irritable and shit I mean I do think it's a bad thing
[04:31:38] like the mental I'm in right now is not good like this is not a healthy
[04:31:42] mentality to have like I'm fully aware it's not it's not like I'm like
[04:32:07] delusional like I know that I'm not in a good mental right now and I know that
[04:32:12] that's not good and I know like why I'm not in a good mental which is why I
[04:32:24] like you know I warned you guys that I was just gonna be a bitch today so okay
[04:32:31] full on warned you guys like I'm assuming tomorrow will be a lot better
[04:32:39] right like I'll wake up we'll get some good sleep I'll be in a good mood but
[04:32:43] I don't know it's just like the perfect storm of like I'm just a
[04:32:50] bitch that I like I know it's not fun to listen to me bitch and moan and whine and
[04:33:14] I know that my stream today has been terrible like I'm not an idiot this is
[04:33:18] not the quality of stream that I like okay I'm well aware this is just one
[04:33:31] of the moods that I get in sometimes and normally I don't stream when I'm in
[04:33:42] this mood so I apologize I mean if you guys really want to understand my
[04:35:18] mentality. You have to understand that like I'm not proud of myself winning in
[04:35:25] the silo. Like the only reason like the silo to me is that you have to
[04:35:33] understand it's believe what you want about how good you think I am blah blah
[04:35:38] blah. Like the silo is not how you owe it to me personally. And while like other
[04:35:45] people are allowed to be proud of their accomplishments that's totally
[04:35:48] fine I am not because this is very so miserably low you know like I'm more
[04:36:06] irritated that I keep having to play the same climb because I keep getting soft
[04:36:11] into it and hard into it like there'll be like one day where I play very well and
[04:36:19] I'm getting like q-styped and hard into it and soft into it and all that shit
[04:36:22] and I lose like 100 LP 200 LP then I have to climb it all back and it's
[04:36:27] this mindless fucking grind where I don't feel like I'm making any headway at all even
[04:36:34] though I'm playing well every game.
[04:36:39] But I don't want to stream, I don't want to go off stream because if I play it off
[04:36:42] stream it feels shitty.
[04:36:44] Cause it's like I only want to play League because I don't want to play off stream or
[04:36:48] I want to stream it.
[04:36:55] But when I stream it, I have this little cult of retards that Q snipes me like twice
[04:37:00] a week for like hours on end it becomes
[04:37:03] unstreamable. Alright, so here's all my
[04:37:05] games. It's fucking miserable because like
[04:37:13] I said I wouldn't even care. I genuinely
[04:37:20] wouldn't even fucking care if like if I
[04:37:31] could just climb without getting fucking
[04:37:34] losers inting the games half the time.
[04:37:37] It wouldn't bother me at all. I don't
[04:38:33] know, I might dodge this. I don't feel
[04:38:39] like jungling. Yes, but what you're not understanding Dylan is that League is a team game, okay?
[04:38:49] Like my early game, my level, like I cannot physically improve in this elo outside of
[04:39:02] min-maxing like the smallest things right now. Like I can have better CS slightly or
[04:39:11] Or like, like I don't think you understand, like to improve at the game you have to actually
[04:39:20] be losing like individually getting shit on, because the only way to improve is to get
[04:39:26] shit on.
[04:39:27] Okay?
[04:39:28] But I'm not actually getting shit on ever, because in Masters these players suck.
[04:39:37] Well they don't suck, but like I'm saying they suck because like in my brain they're
[04:39:41] They're not very good, right?
[04:39:43] They have a lot to learn.
[04:39:46] Like objectively they're good, whatever.
[04:39:48] Whatever you want to believe.
[04:39:50] But like, you have to understand that like,
[04:39:53] I crave getting better and improving.
[04:39:59] And it's impossible to like personally see
[04:40:05] that your efforts are being paid off
[04:40:07] when you're always ahead in farm,
[04:40:09] always ahead in doing damage, always winning lane,
[04:40:13] right? Like I understand that I can improve at other parts of the game, but because I'm
[04:40:22] playing AD Carry, you like have to work with your team to push your lead. But in Masters,
[04:40:32] your teammates don't know how to play the game. So if I get a lead bot, like look at
[04:40:40] this last game for example, right? We had a massive lead this game bot lane. What
[04:40:44] ended up happening right my seraphine started random like for absolutely no
[04:40:49] like I don't even know why but like at a certain point she just walked mid we were
[04:40:54] we were we were hyper but fucking the enemy team bot and all of a sudden
[04:40:59] seraphine's like okay I'm done like snowballing I'm gonna go stand mid and
[04:41:04] I'm like what the fuck like it doesn't make sense like none of the choices
[04:41:10] that in the silo make any sense and it's like yeah we still won the game but like like I you just
[04:41:22] you just have to go with like you have to like play with horrible decision-making and i'm a control
[04:41:28] freak right like by nature i'm a control freak so i hate when i know the play is right and people
[04:41:36] are just it's like a personal flaw i have like when i know that the play is right and we
[04:41:44] We need to win through a certain win con and because I'm playing ad carry. I can't solo win through that win con. It's annoying
[04:41:51] Super fucking annoying. I I understand that right like I know everybody in the seal sucks
[04:42:24] The enemy is just as bad as your team, but that's not what I'm bitching about. I don't care like
[04:42:29] How do I put this man?
[04:42:32] I've said this so many times and I don't know why you guys don't understand this
[04:42:36] I don't know how to phrase this better. Maybe I'm just not smart enough
[04:42:39] Maybe I'm not smart enough to explain this
[04:42:42] I don't know. Maybe I'm just not like I don't have the intelligence
[04:42:46] To explain this in a way where I can get people to understand what I'm saying
[04:42:49] Like I don't get frustrated by my teammates not being good
[04:42:57] Like their skill level doesn't bother me. Okay?
[04:43:01] It's the fact that
[04:43:03] There are so many games
[04:43:06] Where I am giga ahead in this elo, right?
[04:43:09] like I'm just we've won the game at like eight minutes in the game because I'm
[04:43:14] just like I'm consistently better but the problem is your teammates will do this
[04:43:21] thing where instead of playing around the fact that you're doing well they will
[04:43:28] literally just rage troll be like self-centered ego lords on the other side
[04:43:33] of the map or they'll ruin your game on purpose or they'll like waste your
[04:43:38] time you're like hey we can win through bot and your drummers like don't
[04:43:41] don't tell me how to jungle, as I'm like 9-0 and all I did was say, hey, come bot.
[04:43:48] You know what I mean?
[04:43:49] Like, it's frustrating, man, because it's not, it's their attitudes and how they don't
[04:43:55] play as a team in Masters.
[04:43:57] It has nothing to do with their skill.
[04:44:00] I don't know how else to phrase it, like, Masters is the same as gold.
[04:44:04] Like to me, like, they're all shitty players, right?
[04:44:07] Like, obviously it's relative, okay?
[04:44:08] I'm not trying to blame anybody.
[04:44:10] I want you guys to understand like whatever rank you feel good about getting you should feel good about that
[04:44:15] Okay, I play the game all day every day. So I'm a very high standard for myself
[04:44:19] But what I'm telling you is like it annoys me
[04:44:23] what I'm sitting here for like hundreds upon hundreds of games and
[04:44:28] You just have people like making it miserable experience for you to play the game and
[04:44:36] And for no other reason than they just don't want to try to play the game
[04:44:41] If they get behind it, they don't want to win as a team anymore.
[04:44:44] If they don't want you to say, hey, I can literally not even tell them what to do or be mean.
[04:44:51] I can just say, hey, Nunu, are you willing to gank bot at level 2?
[04:44:55] Because they have a Draven Pike, they're going to be aggro.
[04:44:57] We could shift our gameplay and play to gank.
[04:45:01] I would make a game plan and they would just tell me I'm trash.
[04:45:05] And I'm like, okay.
[04:45:07] And then they'll path top, get double killed and say GG.
[04:45:10] And I'm like, well, we could have made the game.
[04:45:12] It's fucking annoying.
[04:45:17] Like I said, if I wasn't trying this hard to climb,
[04:45:22] this wouldn't bother me.
[04:45:25] People being idiots in video games
[04:45:28] has been the age-old tale since the dawn of time.
[04:45:30] This shit doesn't bother me
[04:45:32] until I'm trying to accomplish a goal
[04:45:34] that I have to work with them to do.
[04:45:38] That's when I get fucking annoyed.
[04:45:39] Because when I'm spending so much of my time trying my absolute best and performing every
[04:45:46] game, and you have people who are intentionally trying to ruin the game for you, it feels
[04:45:53] super shitty.
[04:45:55] If I'm just queuing up a random game on stream to play a Faleos and do a commentary game,
[04:46:00] I don't care if they grieve me because it's like, okay whatever, I'll just do another
[04:46:03] one, right?
[04:46:04] But when I'm trying to accomplish a goal and you have people actively being douches,
[04:46:09] It gets to you after like months of this.
[04:46:13] Yes, obviously I can get better and I can improve, right?
[04:46:17] And I can't control my teammates.
[04:46:18] I'm not delusional.
[04:46:20] I'm fully aware of that.
[04:46:21] I'm not a delusional retard.
[04:46:24] I'm aware of all of that.
[04:46:26] But in the moment, some days are just worse than others when I'm like trying to accomplish
[04:46:35] a goal that I know I can hit.
[04:46:38] That's the thing too.
[04:46:39] I know that I'm good enough right now to accomplish the goal that I want to.
[04:46:44] The problem is,
[04:46:46] there's like a thousand struggles you have to go through to get there.
[04:46:50] It's like, I have to climb this ladder of degenerate morons
[04:46:58] who are all trying to int games for fun
[04:47:03] or waste people's time
[04:47:05] or they're mad at some things and they just run at that.
[04:47:08] Like it's so miserable man.
[04:47:17] And yes, I understand that's what I'm signing up for
[04:47:19] when I'm playing League of Legends.
[04:47:20] Okay, again, not delusional, understand.
[04:47:23] But what I'm telling you is like,
[04:47:24] sometimes even if I am fully understanding
[04:47:30] of what is going on, I, like I still,
[04:47:35] like I, it still gets to me, man.
[04:48:02] Cause you guys gotta understand,
[04:48:04] like I don't like being in this mental, right?
[04:48:08] This is not something I like.
[04:48:09] I don't like whining and bitching for four hours a day on stream and then raging like I want to make my stream fun
[04:48:15] I want to make like people be able to come in and have a good time. I
[04:48:19] Don't want to make you guys scared because I'm scared to type because I'm raging my ass off and chat over a fucking stupid game
[04:48:26] Like I don't want to be in that mental
[04:48:28] But it's like my brain is hardwired to like when I have a goal. I
[04:48:34] Like do everything in my power to have my goal and when I know I can have my goal
[04:48:39] I'll like continue to do everything in my power to hit that goal.
[04:48:43] And that's like, like I, I'm just, I just turn into an asshole after like I see a lot
[04:48:52] of people like being dicks.
[04:48:54] It's like, I wish that I didn't have this fucking mental block, but I do.
[04:49:03] And like I said, it's mainly just burnout and shit.
[04:49:10] But I mean, I don't wake up and say like, oh shit, I can't wait to wind on stream
[04:49:13] for six hours.
[04:49:15] Like I want certain to be fun and I try my best to make it fun, but like I said, streaming
[04:49:22] league is a weird thing because like league is such a small community in the Hyro community.
[04:49:32] If you have people that don't like you, they will like spend hours of their day to like
[04:49:37] make you like miserable.
[04:49:41] It's like it's disgusting behavior, but it is what it is.
[04:49:43] Right.
[04:49:44] It's just like people will do it.
[04:49:46] And that shit feels bad.
[04:50:06] I mean I do do coaching, but I've been just trying to grind lately.
[04:50:19] I actually have one sub who wants to do coaching on stream I think, but I haven't even, I feel
[04:50:25] bad excited, I haven't even gotten back to him.
[04:50:27] He was like asking about coaching and I haven't made a date for him yet.
[04:50:57] Drinking if you, if you want me to I can, but I'm just going to tell you right now,
[04:51:01] the only problem with OPIG reviews is like, I usually just say the same thing.
[04:51:06] Like, if you want to use your point, I'll do it, I'm not telling you not to, I'm just
[04:51:11] saying like, basically when I see an OPWG review it's literally just like, stick to
[04:51:16] this champion, die less, CS more, because it's impossible to like give good feedback
[04:51:27] on OPWG outside of like, just the very basic shit, right?
[04:51:33] Because I need to like, see why you're dying, I need to see like, why you're
[04:51:36] not CSing. I need to see like why you're not like usually say you start a game 9-0 and
[04:51:44] you'll lose. I need to see like why you lost, right? Like OPIG reviews are weird because
[04:51:50] it's like it's hard for me to actually help you outside of like the basic stuff of like
[04:51:55] you're good at this champ stop playing this champ. And like if you're dying a lot, you
[04:52:02] If you're getting leads early and you have good CS early, just focus on CSing later, and focus on not dying later and stuff like that.
[04:52:09] It's really, really hard to find advice past the generic.
[04:52:19] That's why I feel bad when people are like, hey, do the OPNG review and then I just go through the motions of doing the exact same thing.
[04:52:25] I want to help you guys. Like, like I said, I'm not making fun of you.
[04:52:31] If people want to give it to me and they want to pay the points, I'll do it, right?
[04:52:36] Like, I'm okay with it.
[04:52:38] I just, I'm just saying, like it's, it definitely feels like I'm not actually helping people.
[04:52:55] With whatever it is per minute, I mean, if I'm locked in and I'm not tilted, probably like 8.5 to 9.
[04:53:03] But it goes up in better games.
[04:53:06] So like, the higher elo you get, the better your CS gets.
[04:53:09] So like if you put me in a Masters game right now, I could probably get like 9 CS a minute on average.
[04:53:22] If you put me in like a Challenger game, it could go up to like close to 10.
[04:53:27] Depending on the game. Because in Hy-Hero games there's a lot less fighting.
[04:53:39] So a lot more of the game is just wave management and catching side waves before objectives and things like that, right?
[04:53:48] Maybe that happens a lot more in high ego where people don't fight without a reason
[04:53:52] So you end up like spending more time forming than fighting whereas in master tier people just fight for fun on repeat
[04:54:02] And sometimes you like you don't you don't want to it's the wrong play
[04:54:06] But you you have to go to the fight
[04:54:08] There there are times where like there's a giant wave about to crash
[04:54:12] Worth like 500 gold or something and I have to go to a random team fight because if I don't like we will
[04:54:19] just lose the game off it right it's a worthless fight but like it's one of those things where
[04:54:23] it's like if I don't just walk I just have to because it's so lucky. I mean 7.7 is not
[04:54:47] that bad if you're in Diamondman but you also have to understand like you should never
[04:54:54] compare yourself to people like me or people like that are 80 carries that are very high
[04:55:00] you know because I've been cssing for 10 years and I know how to collect CS on the map
[04:55:09] Right like the difference is like I won't miss that much CS if I'm like locked in I
[04:55:15] Usually won't miss CS because I'll wave manage very well, and I won't miss that many minions and lane and then on top of that
[04:55:22] Like 70% of your CS comes from after lane phase anyway a
[04:55:26] A lot of lower elo players think that you have to have 10 CS a minute in lane, but a
[04:55:33] lot of your CS doesn't come from lane.
[04:55:37] A lot of the CS in the game comes from after lane phase, where I'm walking around the map
[04:55:45] just collecting minions.
[04:55:47] Like, oh, I pushed a mid wave and I'm gonna go top.
[04:55:50] So let's say I push a mid wave after we go mid or whatever, and then I walk top
[04:55:54] and we get killed because they just let us kill them, right?
[04:55:57] Now I get five more minions top, right?
[04:55:59] And then I push another wave in, hit the turret, get six more.
[04:56:02] Then I take that turret and then I recall that I go back mid and get six more.
[04:56:06] Like, you're just...
[04:56:08] You just have to understand that, like, the tempo of the game accelerates a lot
[04:56:12] after 15 minutes, 14 minutes.
[04:56:14] And that, like, you're... like, not the wave.
[04:56:17] I'm pretty sure the waves move faster, too.
[04:56:19] Or, like, they move faster, but they...
[04:56:20] There's, like, one more cannon spawn or something.
[04:56:24] The cannons spawn like every second wave instead of every third or something at a certain point.
[04:56:29] I don't know exactly what it is, but there's just more minions on the map.
[04:56:33] You can walk around the map and like you're taking jungle camps very frequently.
[04:56:38] Like say you push mid in and there's nothing to do when your jungler is bot, you just take raptors, right?
[04:56:42] And then you go back mid and you get another mid wave, then like that's on up.
[04:56:45] So you just like walk over and take the enemy raptors.
[04:56:48] And now you're up to raptor camps, 8 CS, like that's two full waves.
[04:56:52] like almost you know almost two and a half. So like you got to understand like the way CS works is
[04:56:57] it's very very like it's based a lot on like a lot of the time people like 80 carries below
[04:57:05] Grandmaster which is you know 90% 99.9% but like a lot of 80 carries don't actually
[04:57:12] like do what they need to do mid game they just run around. So like 80 carries won't get
[04:57:17] confused they're like push a mid-wave and then they just stand there right they're like they're like
[04:57:23] run in circles they're like I don't want to take my jungler's camps but it's like why if your jungler
[04:57:29] is not near the camp why are you saving it for him like it'll spawn in like a minute 45 anyway
[04:57:36] who the fuck cares just take it right like if your jungler is like bot lane and you have nothing
[04:57:44] to do, just go farm a raptor camp. Like there's no downside to it. Go take scuttle. Go do something.
[04:57:53] You know what I mean? Like your job as the ad carry in games is to gather as much resources as you
[04:58:04] can. That's literally your job. Your job is not like gank lanes. Your job is not like push mid and
[04:58:11] then like immediately be in like a fucking jungle fight, right? Like your job is like
[04:58:16] Like get resources in the best, most efficient way you can between 14 minutes and 20 minutes.
[04:58:24] Because from 2 minutes of the game when minions crash to 14 minutes, laning phase is just you
[04:58:32] trying to not die to ganks, take tower plates, and min max zoning and farming, right?
[04:58:38] That's your job.
[04:58:40] As the AD carry at least.
[04:58:42] And then once you go mid at 14, typically you'll go mid around 14-15.
[04:58:49] Once you go mid around then, now your job is like, you're not making any substantial plays
[04:58:54] on the map outside of waiting for like Baron and like third or fourth dragon, right?
[04:58:59] So now your job is just get as much gold as you can.
[04:59:04] And if like, if there's not a direct way of getting gold by killing people, your
[04:59:09] job should be, okay, I'm just gonna take camps.
[04:59:11] I'm gonna walk over to lanes that need like collected like you farm a mid-wave and nobody's collecting a top wave being pushed in
[04:59:18] Just walk top right just to walk top for one wave take take the 600 or the 300 gold
[04:59:24] And then what push another wave top or walk back mid like you don't have to just stand and do nothing
[04:59:30] And that's like the biggest thing I noticed that separates like good
[04:59:39] 80 carries from like mediocre 80 carries is just the the fact of like I will like when I
[04:59:45] You'll notice that when I get a lead in games, I have very very high CS, right?
[04:59:56] Like if I ever get a lead like look at this game, right?
[04:59:59] This game we had a massive lead bot. I had like 10 CS a minute, right at 20 minutes. They forwarded.
[05:00:08] This game, this was a 35 minute game. I still had 9.1
[05:00:15] While walking around the map and like doing all the macro for my team.
[05:00:19] Like, look at my teammate's CS in this game, right?
[05:00:23] It's got a 4.
[05:00:26] As a top lane Riven player, this man had 4 CS a minute.
[05:00:28] At 35 minutes.
[05:00:30] This man had 6.8.
[05:00:34] Like...
[05:00:35] Even the Akhram, 7.
[05:00:37] Like...
[05:00:38] This man had 5.
[05:00:39] 5.
[05:00:40] 5.6 on the enemy AD.
[05:00:42] Like...
[05:00:44] There's a reason that like...
[05:00:47] I had...
[05:00:48] It was 35 minutes and I had 6 items with Zephyr.
[05:00:51] It's not because I had 20 kills, it's because I had 20 kills and 300 CS.
[05:00:57] Right?
[05:01:02] Like I'm level 18, my Riven's 15, my Auri's 15, 16.
[05:01:08] Like your job as the AD carry is to get, like you're just absorbing every resource
[05:01:15] on the map.
[05:01:16] If your team is not smart enough to go absorb it themselves, just go do it yourself.
[05:01:25] Games like this, right?
[05:01:34] like this where you have less CS per minute. These are more difficult to carry or to get
[05:01:44] high CS numbers because what was happening in this game was we had escalated the game
[05:01:51] so quickly by killing bot turret. I went mid and I killed mid turret. My team didn't understand
[05:01:57] what the goal of the game was anymore so they started running in circles, perm fighting.
[05:02:02] And I have to walk to those fights when I have a big lead, if they're near me.
[05:02:07] So I'm just walking to the fights, and then the enemy team is basically flashing on me
[05:02:11] on repeat.
[05:02:12] So I'm just dying, even though my team's winning fights, I'm dying.
[05:02:17] Because I'm not getting peeled by these guys, they're all focused on diving, right?
[05:02:23] Basically what was happening in this game is Khazix would kill me while my four teammates
[05:02:26] like dive the two and ten locks or the you know the four and five week like it
[05:02:32] basically in solo queue it's it's just hard sometimes because your teammates
[05:02:37] will forget you exist but that's just the normal 80 carry problem some games
[05:02:46] you're just not gonna be able to farm because people suck it is one of this I
[05:02:53] mean this game my jungler had 3.2 CS per minute so yeah I don't really think I
[05:03:28] can like explain to you guys how important it is to actually have high
[05:03:32] ICS per minute every game you play.
[05:03:38] Like fighting is fun, right?
[05:03:42] When you get like items, you want to go push those,
[05:03:44] you push your buttons and kill people.
[05:03:49] It's fun.
[05:03:50] That's a fun part of the game.
[05:03:53] I love outplaying people, right?
[05:03:55] Like I love it.
[05:03:56] It's fun to outplay, it's fun to push buttons.
[05:03:59] The biggest thing that I can say is like,
[05:04:00] when you are outplaying people and pushing buttons,
[05:04:03] your goal needs to be,
[05:04:05] Are you trying to have fun or you're trying to climb because if you're trying to climb you can't have fun
[05:04:12] Well, you can't just not as much as you want, but yeah, I'm gonna be honest
[05:05:00] I'm gonna just it's 1 a.m
[05:05:03] I'm gonna go to bed
[05:05:06] Because I don't want to sit here, and I don't want to be raging like I don't want to be in this mental
[05:05:20] Like I think I just need to go to sleep
[05:05:32] Like I'd love to stream because I always said I love talking to you guys and chilling and hanging out rent
[05:05:40] Like as much as it sounds like I'm an asshole and I hate my life on stream when I play league I
[05:05:46] Actually really enjoy the fact that I get to spend a lot of my time with you guys and you know have fun playing a video game
[05:05:56] I'm just I should just take a break right now and come back tomorrow
[05:06:01] Because like even though I'm winning
[05:06:09] My mental is taking such a hard hit
[05:06:11] and like you know that you should take a break.
[05:06:14] I think you know you should take a break
[05:06:17] when you've won six of your fucking,
[05:06:19] or yeah you've won six of your last like eight games
[05:06:25] and you're still mad.
[05:06:26] Not, I'm not mad, but like I don't,
[05:06:28] I'm like not enjoying myself.
[05:06:34] You know what I mean?
[05:06:36] So I should probably, that's, that's like my,
[05:06:40] My like, okay, I should probably go to sleep.
[05:06:42] Moments.
[05:06:45] When I'm winning and I'm winning a lot
[05:06:48] and I'm still kind of miserable, so.
[05:06:57] But yeah, I do appreciate you guys.
[05:06:59] Like I said, I love you guys, so I'll be back tomorrow.
[05:07:19] Thanks for watching guys.
[05:07:21] You guys are awesome.