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Emerald to Challenger (30 days left of season) I we the battle yesterday but we will not lose the war!

08-24-2024 · 5h 53m

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[00:00:55] I feel like I need another Vigar, man.
[00:07:06] I need a Vigar 2 at least.
[00:07:08] And a Nami.
[00:07:09] Like, come on, bro.
[00:07:19] Damn, that guy actually got that.
[00:07:39] Got him insane.
[00:08:42] I cannot get a Vigar 2 so I can stabilize and go at 8.
[00:08:50] I just need a Vigar 2, bro.
[00:08:54] the fuck come on dude I'm so doomed that guy has so many vigars and he's five
[00:09:36] mage I mean if I can get eight I'm putting five mage but I need vigar two
[00:09:41] men like the vigar one's trying his best man but he does no damage come on vigar
[00:10:07] I'm doomed the shit's giving me vexes but not vigars or Nami where'd my item
[00:11:30] 30% true damage is pretty OP.
[00:12:22] I can't get a single Nami, man.
[00:12:25] I think I'm doomed.
[00:12:33] This guy has a shape, shift, or smolder too.
[00:12:36] I lose.
[00:12:41] Even with 30% bonus true damage, I lose.
[00:12:48] Wait, I won.
[00:12:51] Wait, 30% bonus true damage OP.
[00:12:53] Dude, where are the Namis?
[00:13:06] I don't understand.
[00:13:07] I think I lose for this guy.
[00:13:51] No!
[00:13:52] Come on!
[00:13:53] I had such a good comp, man. I just couldn't find a Nami. I needed 5 mage.
[00:14:02] It's got a Nami 2, Vex 3. I'm sad.
[00:14:33] Whatever. Hello friends, how's it been going?
[00:18:12] Hello, guys. How are we doing today?
[00:18:49] I hope everybody's having a wonderful day so far!
[00:21:17] Alright, let's play some League.
[00:21:19] What?
[00:24:39] Hello hello.
[00:24:48] How are we feeling today?
[00:25:44] Bro, my support's all the way top.
[00:25:48] That's not good.
[00:25:50] Come back.
[00:25:56] Come bot.
[00:26:01] How are you just leashing?
[00:26:48] Not the worst.
[00:26:51] Took a fucking turret shot there, but it is what it is.
[00:27:04] We should back up.
[00:27:09] Not bad.
[00:27:10] We got both summs.
[00:27:11] Well, this is how I'm ghosting into my lane right now.
[00:27:18] That guy dead is full.
[00:27:26] you guys are actually staying why holy fuck here's their psychos man stop that
[00:28:26] guy's back to wow the sins walked around that guy's a psycho I mean I'm not
[00:28:37] gonna lie I underestimated the will of a pissed off jungler who did not enjoy
[00:28:44] that I stopped his back. Holy shit he literally walked like this. Oh I stopped his back by
[00:28:50] the way. He walked like this all the way around. That's actually hilarious. I mean the Zin
[00:28:59] just lost the game for himself by doing that so I'm okay with it. Like he pretty much
[00:29:14] just uh the reason he lost the game is because like he put himself so far behind in the
[00:29:20] jungle because he's not bought for three full minutes which is just not, that's
[00:29:28] That's not a good plan.
[00:29:29] I mean she didn't die, we could play it.
[00:29:59] Ooh, not in full vision.
[00:30:11] Oh, you're crazy.
[00:30:13] To my tempo.
[00:31:19] Should have backed up for the second play.
[00:31:21] There's no way, bro.
[00:32:04] Ooh, I suck.
[00:33:42] Damn.
[00:33:43] The Zin is just sitting down here, man.
[00:33:46] Like, what are you doing?
[00:33:47] What are you doing, bro?
[00:33:52] Why are you just pushing blind on repeats?
[00:33:54] What are you doing, man?
[00:34:15] This Zin just hates happiness, man.
[00:34:17] Anytime I'm trying to be happy, Zin's like,
[00:34:21] like nope nope nope nope nope this guy won't let me be happy man damn that took
[00:34:34] him a while I feel like Ziggs the Ziggs might be faker I'm like barely missing
[00:35:06] shit right now I barely missing fucking cues and shit it's first game of the
[00:35:15] day man I'm dead no there being one top what very interesting my Zach probably
[00:37:52] should have just ulted but that's okay I don't know why he didn't just hold that
[00:38:01] guy this is not a good play we've lost the wreck herald to uh I mean at least
[00:40:06] they didn't get rafts that's good just do the dragon man I don't know what's
[00:41:00] going on in the game. They are like hard fighting over this dragon. What the fuck is
[00:41:17] happening? What the fuck? That Seraphine literally was trying her absolute hardest
[00:43:40] not to give me the kill. And brawl. This is a doozy. This...Zack might be mentally
[00:46:23] silly. Am I really just getting chased down right now? What are you guys doing?
[00:46:59] Wait, he bounced it off the...
[00:48:58] Hmm, I'm dead.
[00:49:05] Damn, why is that in-
[00:49:07] just chasing by herself into the jungle after me, man?
[00:49:09] Come on!
[00:49:10] Oh, nice job.
[00:49:37] So that's got 4,000 gold?
[00:49:39] Yo, Richie Rich, let me have some.
[00:49:41] What the absolute fuck?
[00:50:46] We should just go to Baron, but...
[00:50:48] ehh, that is what it is.
[00:50:49] I have so much gold, man.
[00:51:29] Let's go to Baron.
[00:51:46] What?
[00:51:57] I got one shot and it's in.
[00:51:59] Oh, fuck?
[00:52:13] Easy peasy. Oh my god one sec. I miss like you
[00:57:56] Fuck I
[00:57:58] Was making a shake I was making a protein shake
[00:58:04] Come on
[00:58:06] What the fuck
[00:58:11] toxic man
[00:58:12] One benefit to using an account
[00:58:46] Then nobody knows of me is I can turn off the map cover
[00:58:49] That's good. Oh my goodness. Oh my damn. Okay. Oh my goodness. Oh my damn.
[01:00:38] Seems we have a Zyra support. Very interesting. Varus. Oh, I haven't seen Varus.
[01:02:13] I haven't played for a Varus in a minute, man. This guy out here playing fucking Varus.
[01:02:18] Maybe it's like top Varus though, you know?
[01:02:21] Like, I don't know.
[01:02:22] It could be top Varus, it could be mid Varus, it could be AD Varus, it could be fucking
[01:02:27] jungle Varus, support Varus, I don't know, man.
[01:02:33] What is it?
[01:02:34] Oh shit, we have a Taric jungle?
[01:02:36] Okay, we got a Taric jungle.
[01:02:48] Ooh, the enemy has brand jungle.
[01:02:52] Not bad.
[01:02:58] What's up guys?
[01:02:59] How's everybody's day going?
[01:03:00] Hello, hello, hello.
[01:03:03] afternoon I hope everybody's having a wonderful day holy fuck look at their
[01:03:37] team these guys have like damage on damage on damage on damage look at these
[01:03:48] guys god damn oh they dodged I was like wait a second where what is this I
[01:04:07] Let's see a clip of Guma.
[01:04:10] I click, clip of Guma.
[01:04:11] Let's see, what's up?
[01:04:18] Guma 1v4.
[01:04:21] Well, I need to find out where Guma is.
[01:04:23] He's playing Nila.
[01:04:37] What the fuck?
[01:04:52] Oh my god!
[01:05:07] What is Guma's KDA before the fight?
[01:05:09] He's 1 and 2.
[01:05:11] He's got 3 items.
[01:05:13] Okay.
[01:05:15] Level, I don't know what level he is.
[01:05:24] Guma's level 17.
[01:05:34] I mean, he R flashed, but I'm wondering.
[01:05:51] Dash.
[01:05:52] R.
[01:05:53] E- dash dash.
[01:05:54] R.
[01:05:57] He didn't even flash.
[01:05:58] How did T1 get sent him?
[01:06:16] Wait, how the fuck did, uh...
[01:06:20] How did they get sent him?
[01:06:28] Is this an hour-long video, bro?
[01:06:31] I need some TLDR, man.
[01:06:38] I can't listen to an hour of this.
[01:06:51] Freaks passionate, I respect it, but...
[01:06:56] Oh my God.
[01:06:57] Is there like a, is it always timestamped so I can just go look at what I want?
[01:07:03] It is not.
[01:07:04] Oh, somebody did it.
[01:08:09] Okay.
[01:08:47] Okay.
[01:08:48] I'm not gonna lie.
[01:08:50] I think I just watched two minutes of him not explain a single thing that he did to
[01:08:56] fix the thing.
[01:09:00] Instead he just hit the damn freak.
[01:09:04] Ugh.
[01:09:05] Just talked about how he wanted to get support to people who are working on this.
[01:09:13] I mean I do too bro, I do too.
[01:09:15] Can you tell me what's being worked on?
[01:09:31] What the fuck am I watching?
[01:09:54] That was not good.
[01:09:57] My entire team wanted to lose the game at level 1.
[01:10:05] Oh well.
[01:10:06] Let's see if we can salvage this.
[01:10:23] I mean what do you want Zed to do at level 1 Mr. Blitz?
[01:10:28] Bro.
[01:10:29] Holy mother of fuck.
[01:10:32] This is going to be a long one.
[01:10:36] I can already tell this is going to be a long one.
[01:10:41] Enemy Draven starts with fucking double kill.
[01:10:44] He doesn't have flash though.
[01:10:47] Like the only saving grace is that he has no flash.
[01:10:51] Yo can my support come bot?
[01:10:53] Like okay.
[01:11:06] I'll just 1v2 for a bit so we go.
[01:11:09] I've 1v2'd before.
[01:11:27] Holy moly.
[01:11:28] That's an okay trade to take because I have the minion setting him to I don't think the blitz crank is going to
[01:12:20] I
[01:12:24] Don't think he's gonna be much use this game. So what the focus on disfarming and trying not to die
[01:12:30] That's our goal
[01:12:32] All right, what's it just then?
[01:12:35] Yeah, what's great is like a thousand percent just gonna run it down the game
[01:12:50] That guy has no clue what he's doing. I wait to get fucked, but I don't write choice
[01:13:35] Still says Q. Are we in Q? Do you know? Maybe we're in Q. Maybe I'm Q-Maxing. You don't know, bro?
[01:14:15] Nah, I appreciate it. Name is Draven have pretty equal items. Oh yeah, you're dead, buddy.
[01:14:55] I'm a little sick, so I could probably kill one of them if they go for a dive or something,
[01:15:26] but I can't really 1v2 a Draven Pike at the moments. Like I need time. Oh, no,
[01:15:36] Oh, that was good. That was very good.
[01:15:59] Just like that, Blitzcrank has redeemed himself.
[01:16:02] Well played! Afternoon!
[01:16:14] Shotcoder, something.
[01:16:17] Man, my wave's fucked again? Bro.
[01:16:21] Come on!
[01:16:23] How many times is my wave gonna get fucked today?
[01:16:27] Like, let me play, man!
[01:18:27] Oh my god.
[01:18:36] Nice job, lads. Nice job.
[01:18:42] we finished our PT pike has ghost so we don't have to really worry about midnight
[01:18:49] okay I'm here bro hey what's this guy doing I don't know if I can actually go
[01:19:50] up to that fight bro it's a lot of people over there nice try bro take me out
[01:20:23] you say we don't know I say you take me out yeah but let's end the hook we
[01:20:43] got to kill off one of my sucks this is pretty good he's missed like 17 but he's
[01:20:49] landed one and the one hook he landed we did get a kill so like you know I got
[01:20:56] it I gotta be yeah I hope this pike hooks me I'm like trying to get him to
[01:21:09] hook me nice try smurfing bro you'd how is your dear the tankiest champion
[01:22:10] on the planet like is there a champion tank here I don't know that was
[01:22:15] insane he has only andries and switchies again I don't know I mean I can't get up
[01:22:33] there echo needs to go stop that for my team ranging relax lads relax relax
[01:23:04] boys but in the other tone just calling the other tone become so numb I
[01:23:34] can't fail you now so much more aware want to do. Dammit. I could have killed that
[01:26:03] Diana if I spaced that better. I wonder if we just go straight IE here instead of
[01:26:21] getting boots too. Like the smart sensible play would be to sell this cloth
[01:26:31] armor and buy infinity edge. I mean so the smart sensible play would be to buy
[01:26:35] Tabby's and then by rapid-fire cannon, but the fucking pop-off play is to just buy IE
[01:26:44] We pop off in these parts
[01:26:55] Dude, I'm gonna lose my mind at the fact that I just Q autoed that pipe with infinity edge bloodthirster essence reaver and
[01:27:31] He just
[01:27:32] Absorbed it because of this a bit. Look at this. He blocked 900 damage from this one of this one item
[01:27:38] Not gonna lie that should never be a thing
[01:27:43] He has reduced so much damage with that item. It's so BS. Maybe I should have gone, maybe
[01:28:14] I should have just gone and played it. Nah, I used more fun. Fuck you guys. How much damage
[01:29:32] would my R do to Baron? Like, would it be worth? I guess I could test it. 1862. How
[01:29:48] much damage does it say it does in the tooltip? So on the tooltip it says it does
[01:29:52] thousand damage. It only did 1862 to Baron. So I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm
[01:30:14] being told the truth. You know, just saying. I'm not I'm not quite sure the
[01:30:20] truth is coming out. Look at this. Even without critting it does 4,500.
[01:30:42] Baron must have infinite armor. That's the only thing I think of. We go again.
[01:32:25] Nice job Willy. Listen Willy, I appreciate that. You're a beast bro.
[01:32:31] Nice fucking play, we go again. Right in Q today? I mean nobody knows this is my
[01:34:14] count. I don't think I need to hide Q until Hyrule. The only time you really get
[01:34:26] Q sniped is like high diamond blow masters. Oh my god, should I take exhaust?
[01:37:28] I mean cleanse? Maybe. I don't know what I want to. Maybe I should take cleanse.
[01:37:35] I always consider it versus fucking Lilliam, man.
[01:37:39] She just makes it impossible to play the game.
[01:37:42] I guess it'll depend on what their AD is.
[01:38:17] I mean I guess I should have taken barrier.
[01:38:20] We want to like push up and win. Don't worry guys, I got some pretzels.
[01:38:26] Pretzels!
[01:38:31] Wait, who's winning the challenge or whatever with Boss, Flower, and Aeolus or whatever?
[01:39:25] Like who's in the lead? I haven't checked on it. Boss at 6... 100? Oh shit.
[01:40:21] How does Boss climb so well, man? Like, how the fuck is Boss so insane at climbing?
[01:40:33] The dude's crazy. Yeah, I feel like the boss is just like weirdly stupidly good at like
[01:40:52] Men maxing everything he can and when in terms of like gold, but it doesn't make a lot of sense
[01:41:12] Okay, there's this force. Yes in the first two waves while being uncontested. Oh
[01:41:32] Nice
[01:41:35] Good, I'm him don't worry. I'll miss some more guys. Oh
[01:41:47] my god, I
[01:41:49] Can't miss the cannon. Oh my god. She autoed the cannon. I
[01:41:54] Just missed nine CS on the first two waves
[01:41:59] nine
[01:42:02] Nine CS gotta walk in my karma is whole man
[01:42:40] He literally hasn't noticed single spell
[01:42:43] Dude, he hit me with the one poison stack and now I can't back
[01:43:01] That is toxic, bro. Mmm. Oh, yeah, it is box. We probably don't want to be fighting miss karma
[01:43:18] We want to let the wave push into us with Lillia bot like this.
[01:43:24] Oh, she didn't know no.
[01:43:29] It's okay.
[01:43:34] It's really, really bad to try and push the wave right now, because Lillia is to our left.
[01:43:40] We want Lillia to be forced to go mid here.
[01:43:49] Okay, she went mid.
[01:43:58] Wait, we can kill this guy.
[01:43:59] She didn't heal.
[01:44:33] I think the twitch still has a barrier.
[01:44:35] So we gotta be a little care.
[01:44:37] Here's this guy
[01:44:39] Honestly though we win this really hard
[01:44:41] Yeah, let's say we win that very very very very very hard not the worst
[01:45:36] This is kind of awkward because like I have such a bad buy and what?
[01:45:45] Fucking 800 gold buy so I couldn't buy
[01:45:50] pickaxe
[01:46:24] Where are you people going? I was thinking I wanted to
[01:46:58] uh, ulti. Karma is standing right on top of me, so the Bard can just fucking hook or use
[01:47:35] a Q. Don't do that bro. I'm supposed to be lost that. Like, Natalie must have done literally
[01:47:57] no damage. Like, she must have just gotten stunned by Bard or some shits. Like, she tipped
[01:48:03] the portal, so she must have just gotten sort of stunned by Bard. Right? It must
[01:48:09] There's been like barred stun into one shot. I didn't have like a good camera angle on it
[01:48:18] But I mean, I don't know how else she would have died
[01:48:21] Kind of suck cuz like I couldn't are I don't really mind chunking them there. I guess I just back. This is really awkward
[01:49:35] I mean twitch is definitely in stealth bro. Like I get your you know a half or whatever or your full HP
[01:49:43] But like calm it down. This is awkward because every time that they open on us
[01:49:52] Karma's not using her summoners
[01:49:54] Well, she's doing that thing that a lot of players do, where they hold their sums for
[01:50:02] like this perfect idea of when they should use them.
[01:50:10] Use heal.
[01:50:11] There you go.
[01:50:12] That was a good heal.
[01:50:13] She dodged the thing with her heal, that was really really good.
[01:50:17] Maybe I should have gone mid here, yeah probably.
[01:50:22] Brand's going to get two points.
[01:50:25] Probably should have gone mid.
[01:51:07] Why am I getting spam pinged?
[01:51:09] guys I'm I'm fine relax boys relax I'm okay no need to panic lads I guess I go
[01:52:00] top there's two ways I could play this I can go to that dragon or go top but
[01:52:12] because before I just died I don't want to lose a top plates and if the satrox
[01:52:18] commits to this like past the first plate it is impossible for him to kill me
[01:52:23] 1v1 because I'm so fed so if he tries then I just get a free kill I'm
[01:52:50] I'm actually surprised about how broken Atrox is though.
[01:52:53] He almost killed me with fucking half a component of an item.
[01:53:02] Like that's actually crazy that he almost just killed me with...
[01:53:05] Hall of Flower, Pickaxe.
[01:53:07] And we're the same level.
[01:53:43] I missed the cannon.
[01:54:00] And these people are like panicky.
[01:54:03] We're so far ahead. You guys don't need to panic.
[01:54:08] Like I'm almost two items.
[01:54:12] Yeeeaahhh!
[01:54:14] Don't wanna be just like you!
[01:54:17] You slimy fuck. My Lux didn't eat, like she has all of her cooldowns man. Okay.
[01:54:56] So I think in Emerald, you cannot literally walk near your team and expect them to hit their buttons.
[01:55:04] That's my bad. I need to just play solo. Like play completely for myself in the solo.
[01:55:11] Cause like right there I was like, oh shit I can walk up, my Lux is behind me, she can ult the brand, right?
[01:55:18] Like, that was my thought process. It's like, okay, it walks in behind me, she's his old friend here,
[01:55:21] and we kill him instantly, and then Twitch opens, we kill him. But, uh, that didn't happen,
[01:55:33] which is, you know, it's unfortunate. Like, that guy just
[01:56:04] ulted me so that he could run away. What? Thanks for the shield, Karma. Appreciate it, baby.
[01:56:34] Oh, he's probably back off. Push one wave mid, back off, and then we can get the,
[01:57:03] We can get Rift. Dragon's on for three. We can't cg2s.
[01:57:06] Yo, let's just get Rift.
[01:57:08] I mean, I could go farm camps and stuff, but I think this is kind of free.
[01:57:16] I do need anti-healing soon.
[01:57:26] Get off that turret, bro.
[01:57:59] I got the willya.
[01:58:52] Not bad.
[01:58:54] I'll take it.
[01:59:01] I actually think I could have lived there.
[01:59:03] But, uh, I chose to, like, ult.
[01:59:11] Yeah, I could have probably lived if I had just auto'd the atrox.
[01:59:14] Bloodthirster healing is kinda broken, if you didn't notice.
[01:59:22] So that's a bit to broken.
[01:59:34] That was a good stun, but you guys gotta run.
[01:59:40] Wait, we win this.
[02:00:01] Uh oh, this ain't good.
[02:00:02] Wait, how did none of them take damage?
[02:00:09] Wait, that was actually kinda crazy.
[02:00:21] Like, Loli ulted me, and then I watched my team run away.
[02:00:58] This is gonna be a really awkward fight, because we had no vision.
[02:01:37] I mean, they could Baron.
[02:01:39] It really depends on what they want to do.
[02:01:59] I'm stunned.
[02:02:23] I think we should just do Baron and win.
[02:02:43] Because I mean, I think doing Baron and winning here is just the best call.
[02:02:46] Somebody should also go push bot wave in.
[02:03:09] Shield me! Kill me! Thank you!
[02:03:12] Dude, I just face tanked?
[02:03:14] Four people on their team.
[02:03:17] Ha ha ha! There's no way that's balanced!
[02:03:28] That was insane!
[02:03:40] Like I was life stealing through it!
[02:03:41] Which is a lie if you are not wrong. Dude how am I so slow? Does everybody on
[02:04:37] their team have a Rhylize? Like is there like four Rhylize? Like why am I just
[02:04:41] sitting here slow? I can't actually get on this fight by the way. Alright GG. I'll
[02:05:15] just say I can't like play the game in that fight. It was like I was too
[02:05:20] ranged. Good work Fiora. You're a smurf bro.
[02:05:42] Danger zone. Say I'm pretty fly for a white guy.
[02:08:44] Power things? No, bud. What about you?
[02:09:21] I think this game, I'm gonna have to go third item.
[02:09:51] Maybe even second item, anti-shielding.
[02:09:54] Which is gonna be unkillable if there's like another enchanter bot.
[02:09:58] I mean, what I'll probably do is I'll probably go normal like BT Essence,
[02:10:24] but then I'll probably go Serpents, depending on what their support is.
[02:10:27] We'll see, we'll see, in the mirror.
[02:10:58] Yeah, I definitely need, definitely need Serpents.
[02:11:21] I might get Serpents second this game, because if I can get Serpents early, we'll win every single fight.
[02:11:45] Yeah, Serpents early wins this every fight this game. We'll see how it goes.
[02:12:18] I need to, I need to fucking, wait that may almost kind of sick.
[02:12:29] We're just riding a horse. I never noticed that.
[02:12:34] the dirt she said this doesn't hurt she said help me come help me bro we should
[02:14:09] not be getting bullied by this guy I think my Leona is just scared to go in
[02:14:17] level one that's okay we could probably dobe this twitch but I think that's a
[02:14:58] little advanced for my homie I would go cold this game as well because I think
[02:15:08] it's gonna be a scaling game but I need to I need to get items ASAP I can't
[02:15:14] really scale too hard this game I gotta like rush BT serpents maybe even rush
[02:15:21] serpents I don't know oh yeah it's gonna be like really really really important
[02:15:28] Serpents against Seraphine and Ivern slow push this wave and we can go in Ivern is in
[02:16:25] our jungle though we should go help Ivern's trying to uh Ivern was trying to do a return
[02:17:10] gang not today mr. Ivern hmm I think I have to wait for BF here it's two OP 4080s to two
[02:17:58] my greatest level 3 doing dragon holy shit bro you have balls that is crazy
[02:18:14] oh yeah I'm just gonna take the wave thanks bro it's a big wave though be
[02:18:25] careful we're gonna keep it on by one guys this is not good you know I can't
[02:20:00] move my fucking character Jesus Christ I was slowed for literally 45 seconds I
[02:20:10] I should have not gone to that play but I got baited to go to it because the
[02:20:18] entire team was there but I'm stupid that's all it is I'm just stupid
[02:20:24] orn tp'd and Wukong couldn't tp'd so we just lose that play even without the
[02:20:33] orn tp'd I think we lose though real talk what the fuck yeah Morn is really
[02:20:41] going ham on trying to get kills. My man is straight up demon mode right now.
[02:20:51] Who in the roundee? 875. Which should be level 5 still. Unless you get 6 in the
[02:21:36] insta just now. Which is possible. Come on don't be cringe man. Alright so we
[02:22:13] get Serpents next. Even though I do kind of want... I really like the mana you
[02:22:17] get from essence but I need serpents like Ivern and Seraphina are gonna start
[02:22:23] getting items other Graves wanted to do dragon hey moon too much Q spamming
[02:23:31] they're definitely on drake I think I want to push this and then reset or we
[02:23:49] can go to dragon but it really depends nice I just say they can't do this
[02:24:13] dragon by the way like we're going to kind of fed Jesus that guy's kind of a
[02:24:30] beast and I saw Leona back like the second I walked to Drake by the way I
[02:24:36] saw Leona hit her back button I was like oh cuz yeah I mean we can stop that
[02:24:42] but like we don't have to because graves is top I just don't I don't think we
[02:24:48] wanna saw how fed I was we say it's not a huge deal I'm not really I don't
[02:24:58] we should be pushing this. Like that was a good time to freeze but I mean we could also just take
[02:25:07] this turret so I guess we're just back. I kind of want to go mid but I mean I can go mid but
[02:26:08] we're gonna lose top turret. Ornn's hitting it. I mean I should have just backed up an ulted.
[02:26:51] I need to mute. There are so many bad pings being thrown out by my team right now
[02:26:58] and it actually did affect me like maybe it's just spamming random pings,
[02:27:01] Wukong spamming random pings, like all these pings are worthless to me and
[02:27:08] They're like overloading my senses
[02:27:10] So they're causing me to make mistakes because they're just like
[02:27:15] bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing
[02:27:17] Well like none of their pings have value right? So I'm like losing my
[02:27:22] My brain can't focus. I got my item. That's actually really funny. Could be warded. Okay. It's not
[02:29:23] Don't worry guys. I'm just gonna BCC for 15 minutes
[02:29:32] like actually though like what the fuck I say like 45 seconds of CC Christ man I
[02:29:49] mean that is just the worst play I have seen what are you guys doing we're
[02:31:15] getting into another fight holy fuck man holy shit dude that dragon by the way
[02:31:43] it was beating my ass you guys see that shit my man was fucking me in the ass
[02:31:50] cheats as I was like trying to walk by and don't think we need that dragon I'm
[02:32:16] gonna keep it real dude I'm at takes jungle camps so fucking badly it's
[02:32:42] comical as you don't need the dragon help we're fighting for dragon again
[02:33:05] brice oh we're going for dragon again brice the almighty bro all for the
[02:34:02] second dragon of the game just get one shot fuck was that that was actually
[02:36:48] Really really funny. Oh, it seems the homies have died this are he's trying to give her best 1v9 performance
[02:37:02] She's giving it her all man. I give her respect
[02:37:10] Like she's playing well
[02:37:13] She's she's on the 1v9 juice mode. It's my last item fucking IE probably why wait, how did that knock me up?
[02:37:50] Wow, I almost actually won that way. How did that orange thing knock me up by the way? I was not near the wall
[02:38:05] Like I was here and he hit this wall and it knocked that's crazy. I mean I guess I could group up
[02:38:27] Team trying to throw no, they're not trying to throw
[02:38:34] They're just fighting without me which is like I mean it's common right like
[02:38:39] They're trying to fight without me, but
[02:38:41] The problem is is like you can kind of see what's happening right like graves is up here
[02:38:45] Wukong's just on that giga split push.
[02:38:51] So it's not really that they're fighting without me, it's that- or so it's not really that
[02:38:56] they're trying to throw, they're just like, not thinking about what the wincon is this
[02:39:00] game.
[02:39:05] Like in their minds, the wincon is- like they need to by themselves push the leads and
[02:39:11] things like that.
[02:39:12] How does Ornn have the ability to solo me as a tank?
[02:39:43] I mean, he has Thornmail and Sunfire, I guess, but... Jesus.
[02:39:48] It's kind of funny, because, yeah, like, this is what I mean.
[02:39:51] Everybody's trying to be the main character of this game.
[02:39:53] Nobody is, like, trying to play as a team.
[02:39:56] This is just, like, a typical lower elo thing, right?
[02:40:00] Like, when you play in this elo, nobody cares about being a teamwork.
[02:40:03] They only think about themselves.
[02:40:04] They're like, I need to go in and I can make the play.
[02:40:06] I can be the main character.
[02:40:08] Like, right now, there's nothing to do on the map, and I know my graves.
[02:40:13] And my Leona are gonna get caught.
[02:40:14] I know they are because it's just the nature of, you know, like ADHD players.
[02:40:25] It is one of those.
[02:40:25] It's not a big deal.
[02:40:35] We just do Baron too.
[02:40:42] The problem is Twitch is like somewhat strong now because he's not as strong,
[02:40:46] but he's like somewhat strong.
[02:41:03] See, like when we have Leona and Wukong here, it's almost impossible for
[02:41:07] them to actually beat us in a fight.
[02:41:10] That's just the nature of like, you know, team, team games.
[02:41:14] I'll leave because I know that they're just gonna int right there. I
[02:41:39] Like how three of my teammates have their old fees by the way, I think that's actually kind of funny
[02:41:48] But three of them order we have all and they just didn't use it. I can't really stop this
[02:42:06] Baron my time seems dead. So we just go top and siege top now. That sucks. I actually just got one shot
[02:43:16] You better leave. Oh
[02:43:21] Oh, damn. I hope we don't lose them. I mean, we shouldn't. They don't have a wave, but I'm actually going to undefein for a sec and tell them what to do because I can tell that they're very tilted.
[02:43:40] Yo, Leona, sit me perma. Don't go near team.
[02:43:48] I'm six item, AD carry Smurf.
[02:43:52] Won't go near our team.
[02:43:54] You all need to stand on me and me alone.
[02:43:57] Don't ever walk alone.
[02:44:00] Go where I go.
[02:44:02] On top, you come top.
[02:44:05] Crust.
[02:44:06] Easy game.
[02:44:13] Please just walk with me and me alone.
[02:44:16] Break worthless.
[02:44:18] Leona, me, now.
[02:44:25] I don't know man.
[02:45:07] guys why are we not with me I say come me you ignore why is Graves bots why is
[02:45:18] a Nidia solo top like I'm telling you how to win I'm child literally you stand
[02:45:30] with me never not with me got it with me always I go maybe you go men
[02:45:40] Wait, wait to me!
[02:46:02] Riona, your job!
[02:46:11] Stun!
[02:46:12] Twitch!
[02:46:19] Woo, R-twitch!
[02:46:20] Like, can you come, bro?
[02:46:41] Like, stop!
[02:46:48] Being trolls!
[02:46:49] Yeah!
[02:46:50] I don't know, you guys don't listen in emeralds like you deserve this.
[02:47:23] I ping you to all group, you AFK ignore it, cause autopilots.
[02:47:29] No, no, admit faults. You are this hero because you saw. So I'm Chow and you're low-e-low Emerald.
[02:47:41] Think about it. Why is that? God, low-e-low is gross.
[02:47:51] Yes, I'm a streamer. I'm smurfing in your game for content. You absolute moron. God.
[02:48:07] We actually lose this game because like they were I type calm group
[02:48:12] They say wait, you only said to group with leona. I'm like, are you retarded?
[02:48:18] Understand
[02:48:20] Why you're before why you're emeralds by the way
[02:48:25] You all suck learn your place. It sickenes me you breathe air
[02:48:44] We go again
[02:48:46] I hate pistols. I hate them so much
[02:48:50] Pistolo players mentally retarded running in circles like the
[02:48:55] My a maleful carry me do
[02:48:59] Like oh, I hate love you
[02:49:01] Welcome to Summoner's Rift. I return stronger than I left.
[02:56:25] Thirty seconds until minions spawn. Pass-spawn.
[02:56:56] It's a good day for a hunt.
[02:57:33] Oh, shit.
[02:58:51] Alright, let's game, boys. Let's game.
[02:59:48] Nice.
[02:59:50] I wish to grow old, but that is why we must fight.
[03:00:04] This world is changing
[03:00:22] We decide and tomorrow
[03:00:24] What the funky what a funny little game? Oh shit my way better crash crash crash it. Nice
[03:02:28] So fuck what am I watching what's happening? This isn't good
[03:03:13] And I meant to
[03:03:15] That was the I was not ready to die that you play that while bro
[03:03:41] That's drum. I'll say wait a second. What am I doing?
[03:04:19] dude I
[03:04:21] Can't farm there's too much fighting
[03:04:27] Everybody's just fighting man. Just are me. He should just use our right now
[03:05:57] please
[03:05:59] Please are oh like I could have gone around and we could have actually
[03:06:10] um, go with them.
[03:06:12] I think the smolder has barrier.
[03:06:23] What the fuck, bro?
[03:06:53] What's a fuck?
[03:07:07] That's close.
[03:07:47] I can't help you guys, I'm sorry.
[03:08:03] I'm sorry, boys, I gotta go back, I'm too low.
[03:08:17] Damn, man.
[03:08:55] They have so much poke, bro.
[03:08:57] Like, fuck off, they're just getting fireballs and paints.
[03:09:04] I'm getting paint and fireballs throwing at me.
[03:09:06] Like, fucking crazy right now.
[03:09:09] Fuck off.
[03:09:10] He's what goes, I always tune in when you're dead.
[03:09:52] Alright, he's what?
[03:09:55] Have you ever tuned in and said something nice to me?
[03:09:59] Have you?
[03:10:01] Huh?
[03:10:06] Have you ever just joined and said, hey, if you're on a mo?
[03:10:10] I hope you're having a wonderful day.
[03:10:19] No, I never get that message.
[03:10:54] I hope your weekend is going swell, Miss T.
[03:11:34] Well, I mean, you want me to message you, I miss you?
[03:11:36] I'm not gonna lie to you, like.
[03:11:39] I mean, that's toxic. You want me to message you that I'm lying?
[03:11:44] Come on.
[03:12:07] Oh, I mean, I do hate Umi players.
[03:12:08] Yo, can I get a one-in-chat if you hate Umi players?
[03:12:15] Please and thank you.
[03:12:17] I can't be the only one.
[03:12:34] No one's watching me.
[03:12:36] I mean, that's...
[03:12:36] That's kind of mean.
[03:12:40] There's tons of cool people here hanging out and watching.
[03:12:42] But I actually, like, died this, man.
[03:12:58] Like, do I literally just sit here and just, like, slowly whittle away at the turret one auto at a time?
[03:13:04] Like, I don't want to use Rift.
[03:13:05] Fuck right off, bro.
[03:14:14] Is this guy fucking faker of GP?
[03:14:22] Jesus, bro. That fucking hurt.
[03:14:32] Deserved shutdown.
[03:14:56] You're just toxic.
[03:14:58] You're just toxic.
[03:15:01] How do you know I'm frying my back?
[03:15:14] That fucking sucks.
[03:15:25] Okay, was that a deserved shutdown for GP?
[03:15:36] Did he deserve that?
[03:15:41] I think he did.
[03:15:42] What do you mean no?
[03:15:50] That fucked up.
[03:15:56] Drink water?
[03:16:23] Okay.
[03:16:26] I'm eating pretzels, so I am a bit parked.
[03:16:50] Well, that was fun.
[03:16:52] I mean, I guess I'll just stop throwing.
[03:16:55] Bro, they sent four people top.
[03:17:00] And, my god.
[03:17:04] I should just wait for my Janna.
[03:17:12] The- the 06-2 fucking dipshit ass way is just following anywhere I walk on the map.
[03:17:18] This dipshit is just following me to try and stop me from doing everything.
[03:17:32] This is the part of the game where we have to actually do something.
[03:17:38] Uh, you know what? Let's just do Baron.
[03:17:40] Do it.
[03:17:42] Fuck it. I'm very fed. Do Baron.
[03:17:45] Yo, uh...
[03:17:50] Dude, Kaisa does Baron so gigafast.
[03:18:18] It's kind of silly.
[03:18:20] It's like Kaisa, Kog'Maw.
[03:18:24] Who else does Baron really fast?
[03:18:28] Yo, Leblanc.
[03:19:16] How's it going?
[03:19:27] Imagine if the AD carry waited for the support.
[03:19:29] Imagine if the support didn't sit in base
[03:19:31] choosing their items for 10 minutes.
[03:19:38] Like imagine support players actually like have their items preloaded on what they were going to choose before they went to base.
[03:19:44] But hey,
[03:19:50] 80 carries didn't need their handheld.
[03:19:53] I wish, I wish 80 carries didn't need their handheld.
[03:19:57] You realize how OP the role is when it's played mid?
[03:20:01] Yo, let's kill some people.
[03:20:26] We got the squad rolling up.
[03:20:54] By the way, I did not mean to hit R there.
[03:20:56] I straight up misclicked.
[03:21:00] I took my hand off my keyboard for half a second.
[03:21:03] I'm not even kidding I took my hand off my keyboard right in that time that I take my hand off my keyboard
[03:21:11] I put it back and I accidentally put my finger on R instead of W my W key and well
[03:21:19] Well, I aren't in we are doing boys
[03:21:27] That was my bad
[03:21:38] Sometimes you just got an inch, you know it's part of the fun of playing League of Legends. Let's go here
[03:22:02] I'll wait for Janna this time. I'll actually wait for Janna this time. Am I dead? I totally am.
[03:23:38] Oh my...
[03:23:40] Oh my god.
[03:23:42] Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
[03:23:44] I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive.
[03:24:20] Turned out right...
[03:24:22] Alright, let's go in, buds.
[03:24:44] Oh.
[03:24:45] I got fucking feared.
[03:24:48] Fuck you guys.
[03:24:52] I'm telling you, man, this way is literally out to get me.
[03:24:55] everywhere I go this way it's just sitting there like trying to stop me
[03:24:59] like it's insane I don't matter where I am the way it's like it's like I got
[03:25:08] you bro like I pissed this guy off or something I don't even know what I did
[03:25:32] man don't be no like a rockstar whoa you said fuck hip-cree my Jenna's name was
[03:26:59] Ward syndrome what a beast name I'm gonna be real whenever I have a
[03:27:31] support and their names Ward syndrome I think it's like I think it's like a turn
[03:27:37] on you know I think I support that wards it's kind of hot I was not dueling they
[03:27:56] added me after last game when we lost I don't do oq I'm not a loser and I have
[03:28:29] no friends both of those things can be true what I want to play we're really
[03:29:52] AP Heavy. Wow. We are Giga AP Heavy. Wait, excuse me. Why does the enemy team have 30
[03:30:40] stuns? I'm gonna go take a piss, all baby. You guys have fun. Talking amongst yourselves.
[03:30:54] Except for you, T-Split. Don't have any fun.
[03:31:59] Dude, I killed a spider. Crushed it on my wall. With my foot. Fuck spiders. They're
[03:32:24] Fucking disgusting. I don't know why I felt the need to tell you all that, but like I wanted you guys to know
[03:32:36] Somebody else hate spiders. I feel like that when they're just working around they like are evil, right?
[03:32:50] That's what it feels like. I feel like the spiders are evil. What if spiders all this time were really like nice?
[03:33:17] Right like what if they were like what what if spiders all this time have just been really really nice
[03:33:24] You know, I got slowed by that Zerath W
[03:33:41] That was unfortunate. They are nice. They just want to eat bugs. Yeah, tell that to fucking black widows
[03:34:04] Are black widows nice?
[03:34:20] You are not gonna fucking walk over here and do that
[03:34:30] Fuck you this guy this guy actually fucking
[03:34:42] Walking over to me right now. We just got to let this wave push into us
[03:35:04] Because this isn't playable for them once the wave pushes up.
[03:35:29] Ah, I should back.
[03:35:31] Yeah, it's fourth shot.
[03:35:33] I'll make you guys a deal.
[03:35:56] If we win this game, I'll turn my webcam on.
[03:36:00] Deal?
[03:36:26] We can only bite when provoked.
[03:36:28] Okay, but I don't want them biting me ever.
[03:36:33] Can I have a sign or something that just simply says, hey, I'm not going to be
[03:36:38] Nice I will not kill you if you don't bite me like written in spider knees and if they'd never touch me
[03:36:44] I will never touch them, but like you can't have the mutual agreements
[03:36:47] You know I'm saying like like we I can't speak spider
[03:36:54] So like I don't know it's like either there's no agreement there
[03:36:58] How'd it go in on Stacey's man, it's got it going yeah
[03:37:14] There's got it going on
[03:37:17] Can I come over at the school after school came by the pool from her business trip wait
[03:37:39] wait my car was it too oh I suck bro fuck off I'm in love with Stacy's mom
[03:38:15] He's got it going on
[03:38:19] There's mom. There's got it going on
[03:38:23] Yeah, guys, there's no way we can fight this dragon. You guys are psychos
[03:38:34] You guys are the psychopaths are doing goers top. We're not fighting that was wrong with you
[03:38:41] Don't need to deafen again. I come on bro. We could have dove that
[03:39:14] But oh me your diamond for
[03:39:22] I don't know man, this Evo is sad.
[03:39:30] We play top instead of bot as jungle.
[03:39:35] Then my pants supports his flaming when he's D4.
[03:39:42] I don't know, I'll mute and try to carry, but Jesus.
[03:39:47] I don't know what is wrong with low Evo players,
[03:39:58] but like your guys' Egos are way higher than your scale
[03:40:00] and it is embarrassing.
[03:40:36] I probably have to back here.
[03:40:54] I mean, I'm just gonna have to sit way back here.
[03:40:57] I shouldn't have to, like I shouldn't be getting zoned, but like it's too hard with uh...
[03:41:05] With Pantheon trolling.
[03:41:13] God, this guy just calls everyone a dog.
[03:41:15] Everyone everyone a dog, bro.
[03:41:31] What are you doing?
[03:41:55] This is a big wave, bro.
[03:42:14] Why is uh...
[03:42:32] I want you to just kill this Lee.
[03:43:15] I could go back and get BC.
[03:43:18] You could probably kill that guy if you just...
[03:43:20] ...jumped on him there.
[03:43:49] I need my blood thirster.
[03:43:54] It's definitely funny watching games like this though.
[03:43:57] Like from the perspective of like we should probably just be winning
[03:44:11] It is funny
[03:44:13] But we just got a place slow
[03:44:16] We don't really have a nice chance to like 1v9 this at the moment like I could go in and just fight them
[03:44:29] But I mean like what do you want, bro?
[03:44:53] Like I'm fighting every instinct right now to not into this game because this Pantheon's annoying
[03:45:02] By the enemy's era this five times this Pantheon skill level Pantheon's just
[03:45:21] getting kills. Like, the Pantheon's not playing the game under the presumption that he's actually
[03:45:28] a support. He's playing the game under the presumption that, like, he needs to carry
[03:45:32] every game. I'm dead. Oh, well, we can go next. Maybe I should just AFK. Nah. I do
[03:47:33] have a man. I'mma go on it. He was boring. I mean, you haven't been bought once in
[03:47:49] In a Draven game, why would I sit down here, 1v2 in a low elo game?
[03:48:02] Just trust me, you suck at this game.
[03:48:06] Do I improve?
[03:48:08] Improve, but don't blame when you suck.
[03:48:16] Since we all have ego and aren't able to admit you suck, I'm going to cost you this game.
[03:48:26] I'm here for streamed smurf contents, but holy moly you guys stop and have Egon though lose out of care.
[03:48:49] I mean I can't be bothered to play with like D4 losers who are trolling all game.
[03:49:08] Fuck it, it's not worth my time.
[03:49:10] Sup Jera, what's up man? How's it going bro? How's everybody doing today?
[03:49:56] I hope you're all having a wonderful day.
[03:49:59] It shins to shreds!
[03:52:00] Nerd in machine, teenagers scared of living shit out of me.
[03:53:28] Yeah, I mean I usually mute cause like every single human being who plays League is toxic nowadays.
[03:53:34] So it's best to just mute them cause everybody's just super douchey.
[03:54:47] Don't worry guys, we got jungle.
[03:54:50] He wasn't good enough for...
[03:56:41] Oh my god.
[03:56:50] Reverse Olaf.
[03:57:13] I don't think I've played with Olaf jungle in a long time.
[03:57:16] Is Olaf jungle a B?
[03:57:27] No, I'm dead.
[03:57:32] He ghosted.
[03:57:35] That's fun.
[03:57:42] My ward, you know what's funny, my ward didn't see him.
[03:57:51] That was actually interesting.
[03:57:53] Because he was standing, because he was here,
[03:57:55] when I warded here I didn't see him.
[03:58:00] That's what feels bad, man, right there.
[03:58:16] Don't worry there, guys.
[03:58:18] My first game of the day, I got Auto-Feld Jungle
[03:58:20] versus Grandmaster Jungle One Trick. No worries. Riot's new system is working perfectly.
[03:58:35] I can't help that guy. You know what's interesting? I'm actually surprised that
[03:59:46] Oop didn't invade me. I actually wonder if I should have just gone Pure HP. I never
[04:01:19] know what I'm supposed to build on Mundo Jungle now because it used to be like
[04:01:23] hard steal is pretty bad because you can't stack it. So I actually always
[04:01:34] think like maybe I should be going... what an interesting choice. Not gonna lie, the
[04:02:20] amount Mundo like melts dragons is a little gross. Like he does dragons so
[04:02:31] fast for being level 4. That's crazy. Oh my god what is happening? You guys think
[04:03:13] it's worth to try and get grubs here? Cuz I'm not sex. I think Olaf could
[04:03:36] just kill me so do people not finish grubs on purpose so that like it doesn't
[04:03:47] tell the enemy jungler that you're at grubs is that like a legit strat by the
[04:03:52] way is there anybody know in chat I'm asking you guys Olaf is probably in his
[04:04:33] bot side but he could be splitting the map I'm a little worried that Olaf is
[04:05:20] yep there is I was gonna say I'm a little worried that he's mid he's
[04:05:31] He's actually out farming me.
[04:05:35] I mean, I guess I've out ganked him, but still, that's kind of crazy.
[04:05:38] Why am I getting spampings here?
[04:06:33] I'm confused.
[04:08:02] This is a really interesting game.
[04:08:04] I don't feel like I'm doing well.
[04:08:07] I feel like I'm actually doing well this game, but I'm not, like, losing.
[04:08:21] I have two dragons, and I'm about to get six grubs with two dragons.
[04:08:38] No.
[04:08:39] I mean, not having 80 carries on my team has nothing to do with the meta.
[04:08:43] I think he's just a swan player.
[04:10:05] We're actually doing really well.
[04:10:22] Like I'm my giga strong.
[04:11:35] I wish I was Mundo, huh?
[04:11:38] Does anybody actually wish they were Mundo?
[04:11:44] That'd be one hell of a fucking,
[04:12:03] we're almost level 11, that's pretty huge.
[04:12:11] Massive.
[04:12:54] You guys think they're gonna forfeit
[04:12:55] or are they just gonna play this out?
[04:12:59] Cause I think we just win.
[04:13:01] I mean, I could be wrong,
[04:13:02] but it's looking pretty good for us.
[04:13:39] How am I slowed right now, man?
[04:13:49] Okay, I mean it was looking good.
[04:13:54] Uh, I don't think that was a fight we should have taken.
[04:14:50] Mmm, I kinda wanna just get really cost efficient next item.
[04:14:54] I'm probably just gonna go spear visage.
[04:15:49] We need vision.
[04:16:30] Yo, Manko, thank you for the raid, man.
[04:16:33] I appreciate it a lot, bro.
[04:16:36] Thank you so much, man.
[04:16:40] So I'm a little focused right now
[04:16:41] and auto-filled me versus some random
[04:16:43] Grandmaster fucking Jungle Main.
[04:16:46] So I'm like fucking Mundo-ing
[04:16:47] trying to like not throw the game you know as my small ad carry brain is
[04:16:53] struggling to play jungle yeah to walk in man like I'm just like yo thanks so
[04:17:04] much for the rate man I'll be at a good stream welcome to the day that smiley
[04:17:20] face thank you for the three month reset man welcome back appreciate it a lot
[04:17:24] man these are much bro I need to go back and buy for dragon I think I'm
[04:17:54] I'm strong enough to just 1v9 their team at this point, but I don't know it's kind of hard to tell
[04:18:00] Like a fellow with those net blasts was Brayette's
[04:18:03] Well, this is disgusting
[04:18:34] Wait, what am I watching? Wait, what are we doing guys?
[04:18:37] No, this is this is not the play
[04:18:39] Guys we we we killed their jungler and then you guys were like now fuck it
[04:18:45] But are they gonna go mid? All right, you guys go mid. I'm gonna I'm gonna snake this dragon
[04:18:49] That's fun
[04:18:50] Wait, are we are we mad right now like
[04:19:02] guys we're about to get dragon soul what oh my silence is lost be a Baron we need
[04:19:47] to go check cuz Olaf can just like do that shit with like one DPS I don't think
[04:19:59] we can do Baron though but Olaf's dead I'm I'm really dumb we can definitely do
[04:20:07] Baron as I can't solo it though like if you want to come over here and then
[04:20:17] hit it I'm down we have the slowest Baron ever okay we got to get off
[04:20:27] Aaron this is crazy guys I don't do any damage what am I watching oh I mean I
[04:21:06] don't know what to do because I'm like super tanky why is my Swain who's got
[04:21:16] two items at 25 minutes in the game finding everyone for what yeah chase
[04:21:41] him down there's them down bro is there an item I can build on Mundo that
[04:22:05] will give me damage I don't have enough HP for warmogs or not warmogs
[04:22:11] Atmogs or whatever. I wonder if Titanic Hydra will give me enough damage with my
[04:22:18] current HP. I don't know. I have no fucking clue. Maybe I should just get
[04:22:33] Sunfire. I don't know I just have so many weird components. I just want to get blue
[04:22:54] before we fight this. Do I have time to get blue before you guys just
[04:22:59] ape in or no? Okay the answer was no. Okay I'm coming guys. How much damage
[04:23:09] my thornmail done 17 that's not bad guys we gotta push these waves in guys here
[04:23:31] I'll take the turret for us guys guys please let's go top oh my god the macro
[04:23:48] it's in some noise keep can I get a pog in the chats for the macro in in
[04:23:55] master tier it's insane we should play for elder by the way elder 100% we
[04:24:27] play elder here yeah it's gonna just don't expect me to like outsmite this guy
[04:24:45] okay like I am him sometimes but like right now I'm kind of like her excuse
[04:24:53] me that was insensitive I'm them somebody take that plant out somebody
[04:25:01] with fucking long range take that plant outs damn him I don't miss these I
[04:25:17] don't miss these uncontested nobody's here I don't miss these easy what the
[04:25:36] What the fuck do I even buy man? I bought a fucking thing on accidents.
[04:25:40] I bought a thing and the thing doesn't build into anything good.
[04:25:44] Alright we go with pistol mask.
[04:25:46] Fuck it.
[04:25:47] It can't be that bad.
[04:25:49] My entire team is AP.
[04:25:51] Like we got a full AP comp so like a pistol can't be that bad.
[04:26:14] Oh my god that hit so hard.
[04:26:21] Wait wait wait what would uh trick do?
[04:26:23] Okay disrespect, disrespect.
[04:26:27] Give me the disrespect.
[04:26:39] Okay give me the disrespect.
[04:26:50] Let's go!
[04:26:56] Otto filled Dr. Mundo Geronimo with the W in my client broke
[04:27:10] I gotta give it to Camille
[04:27:22] plus 18 I
[04:27:25] Got Otto filled against a Grandmaster jungler, and I got 18 LP
[04:27:32] Riot is this a sick joke? I performed it
[04:27:47] Performed it's a sick joke. Yo manco. Are you still here?
[04:28:11] you want to see what happened yesterday on my stream you want to you want to check
[04:28:18] this out I'll show you I'll show you the greatest day of League of Legends of all
[04:28:29] time you ready for this don't blink you guys might miss it started off you know
[04:28:41] we're popping off we're like we're like what 340 LP we're chilling it's like oh
[04:28:48] Oh shit! Oh, oh no, just one bad gate. No, it's fine. Okay. Well, there's three games we couldn't carry. Oh geez, four gates. Oh, oh no.
[04:28:56] Oh no, stop. Okay, we can, we can stop, we can stop joking now.
[04:28:59] Listen, guys, we can, we can listen. Oh, okay, we went one of the 11 and one.
[04:29:04] Maybe it'll turn around. No, nope.
[04:29:07] Okay.
[04:29:08] Okay, well, we wanted, okay. Oh geez.
[04:29:20] Yesterday was cinema.
[04:29:30] Nice stats. Hey, I actually played really good in the first five losses
[04:29:36] Then I tilted because I had played well and lost five games in a row
[04:29:40] So I started to play really trash after the first five losses
[04:29:45] But for those first five losses, I'm actually playing well
[04:29:50] like I had
[04:29:52] two people Q sniping at me
[04:29:55] then I had
[04:29:57] One guy get mad at another guy on my team because he said he was bad
[04:30:02] So he decided to soften it me of everybody on the team. I didn't say a word and he softened in me
[04:30:09] He's like no, I hate my I hate my ad carry. I'm like, oh, sorry for existing bro
[04:30:14] My bad, wait, we did not have that big of a lead actually though
[04:30:30] Even though we were really far it felt like we were really far ahead. We weren't wow
[04:30:39] Like it genuinely did not feel like we were super far ahead or it felt like we were forehead
[04:30:45] Sorry, but apparently we weren't yeah
[04:30:56] I mean they were somehow like I think the only reason we won this game was literally because I collected all the dragon balls I
[04:31:02] Think it was because we got we got six grubs and all the dragon balls and Camille was like playing really well
[04:31:10] Because that game was hard goddamn
[04:31:22] What is this?
[04:31:33] The world premiere of janitor Thresh is his old wet floor signs. Oh
[04:32:03] my god
[04:32:05] His squeegee hook is really really funny
[04:32:29] The fucking squeegee hook is fucking hilarious
[04:32:38] That's actually fucking cool, I like that and when he pulls it it like squeegees the floor look wait
[04:33:01] That's actually really cool. Okay. I mean like I read this first comment and
[04:33:10] like
[04:33:11] This is why I can't open Twitter
[04:33:14] Like I didn't I didn't like and everybody's all horny and ruining everything
[04:33:33] Fucking horny's horny motherfuckers ruining shit. All right boys and girls
[04:33:44] Welcome to the stream where we are down 200 LP from where we were yesterday as we try to climb back while apparently we get plus 18
[04:33:51] And we try not to lose our mental sanity. Welcome. I hope you're all having a wonderful day
[04:33:56] Surely though because we had a day of losing we'll have a day of winning, right?
[04:34:07] But surely that is what's gonna happen, right?
[04:34:14] Right?
[04:34:17] Surely a day of losing means that we get a day of winning.
[04:34:21] We have Vel'Kal support?
[04:34:24] Hmm, how do I play with this?
[04:34:26] Let me think.
[04:34:27] Uh, I mean I could play Jhin.
[04:34:29] Jhin Vel'Kal isn't bad but they have Bellvath.
[04:34:31] I don't know.
[04:34:34] It's hard. It's hard to say.
[04:34:37] Let's go to Jin.
[04:34:39] I could play MF here too, but like...
[04:34:43] The problem with MF Vel'Koz is like you have a good Wombo, but it's kind of hard to play the lane.
[04:34:47] With Jin, we have like a way of like any time that you land Z, I auto W and any time I W key ease.
[04:34:56] So like, we can actually synergize with ourselves really hard or with each other.
[04:35:01] So it's not that bad. It's not that bad at all.
[04:35:20] Wait, what's their comp?
[04:35:35] Ez, Namiplot, Huimid.
[04:35:38] I hope this guy doesn't lock in something like really fucking tanky top.
[04:35:43] Cause right now this actually isn't a bad comp for Jin, but if this guy goes like Ornn
[04:35:47] or some shit, it's gonna suck.
[04:35:54] Yasuo.
[04:35:55] Okay, I mean that's kind of annoying, but it's not as bad as Tank.
[04:36:00] Cause like Windwall's like, okay, well her Windwall may whatever, but it's not as
[04:36:06] bad as Tank.
[04:36:07] All right boys, let's get it. Oh, we have missed my cue this guy's either the most 1d9 jungler in the game
[04:36:56] Or he ints every area in this game
[04:36:59] Let's see how it goes
[04:37:02] Let's hope he's a let's hope he's in 1d9 mode
[04:37:06] All right once in the chat and then we're gonna win
[04:37:09] Once in the chat if you think this game's a
[04:37:12] A dub
[04:37:13] Give it to me
[04:37:16] I want to see what the people think
[04:37:18] The people of twitch chat
[04:37:20] So we got one guy
[04:37:31] Who's like yeah, you win these then we got one guy who's just horny. Oh, they put a word down. Okay. That was smart
[04:38:26] That's smart of him. I didn't expect him to bail. So both of us use our wards
[04:38:47] For for fucking lane control
[04:38:51] That's actually like really bad
[04:39:02] But we'll see how it goes back off so that I can
[04:39:34] Watch for Belleveth. Oh fucking 12% HP. What are we doing? You are more than welcome to
[04:40:15] try and kill that guy by yourself. But like I'm literally 12 HP okay? Wait if he lives
[04:40:24] he's the goat. Wait. What? Holy shit! Oh I'm bad. I just threw my Q into a solo minion.
[04:41:47] My god, like real talk though, like how mad
[04:41:51] How mad how mad is this guy?
[04:42:07] Holy shit, bro. I mean, can I be honest? I would just leave like
[04:42:14] Like if I'm Ezreal, I'm probably leaving dude. Like I mean that is that's like
[04:42:26] This is unplayable
[04:42:29] It's not even his fault
[04:42:38] It's one of those games where like it's not even 80 carries fault
[04:42:45] They're just getting fucking dove. Oh my god
[04:43:06] Bro
[04:43:47] Holy mother of fuck. I need to go back. I have too much golden. Oh my god
[04:44:31] Like what do they even do man? Like real talk. I don't even know what they're supposed to do against this
[04:44:44] Just just cry
[04:45:23] No, this is this is like I feel like this is one of those things that like
[04:45:31] Like this should be banned. I feel like I'm witnessing like I
[04:45:39] Don't I don't know man. This is like
[04:45:43] This is dirty dirty
[04:45:45] And now I have oh my god. I have a nine-minute shiv
[04:45:55] Oh
[04:46:06] My god, so we have the nine-minute shiv
[04:46:15] with boots and
[04:46:17] We killed their turret at nine minutes or like eight minutes
[04:46:22] Wait, hold on almost there guys
[04:46:47] Yo, I can't help you just saying like I had nothing. I'm sorry, bro. This is
[04:46:57] Is that Ezreal freezing?
[04:47:01] He's like
[04:47:02] Finally
[04:47:04] Finally some farm it only took me
[04:47:12] Eight minutes to be able to hit minions. Oh my god, please tell me I'm not gonna miss all of these bro
[04:47:32] Okay, I'll just say if I miss all of those CS I'm gonna cry
[04:47:36] And I'm in I'm I'm a pretty ugly crier like I'm not gonna lie to you
[04:47:42] Hey guys
[04:47:46] Wait guys, I'm gonna die. Okay. I gave my shut down. I'm bad
[04:47:53] Wait, I did not think we were gonna get cut off right there
[04:47:57] Wait, I threw I threw it through
[04:48:00] That's actually like the worst case scenario
[04:48:03] My bad like this is this like the worst case scenario because I
[04:48:11] Thought we were gonna walk back
[04:48:14] I could show you what happened in the VOD.
[04:48:16] It's hard to describe what just happened in the moment because it was a really big miscommunication.
[04:48:22] Basically, I didn't know where Vel'Koz was going to walk to, so I walked assuming that we would have some safety walking through Vel'Koz.
[04:48:35] But then Vel'Koz saw the Belveth, right?
[04:48:38] And when Vel'Koz saw the Belveth, he backed off.
[04:48:41] And I walked up because I thought we were going to fight it.
[04:48:44] It was like just a big miscommunication. That's all it was with the last top turret. I should have saved my flash
[04:49:14] I should have just backed off save flash
[04:49:22] Dude, this is actually turning into an actual game. I mean that's kind of fun
[04:49:29] But yeah, it's so the problem is our top laner is getting murdered
[04:49:34] Right like this this guy is getting murdered like just as hard as we murdered ants, right?
[04:49:41] So this is turning into a doozy
[04:49:46] And then I died on accident here, which is like a huge huge huge no no
[04:49:53] So I don't tell me you see how like OP Belbeth is versus mobile champs
[04:50:04] That's why I was scared to pitch in this game because Belbeth is like so fucking broken versus mobile champs
[04:50:32] Amen, man. I know I shouldn't have ulted there, but I wanted to see if we could fight that. Oh
[04:50:40] My god
[04:50:42] What the fuck is happening
[04:50:45] What the absolute fuck is this is just chaos. Oh my god, it's just chaos boys. I go mid but nobody's bot
[04:51:06] We murdered their bot, but at the cost of our our top lane wait, why does Velka take all the farm?
[04:51:22] Wait, he just took everything. I
[04:51:26] Walked down here for that you jerk. Okay. It's okay. We might
[04:51:43] Have thrown our lead
[04:51:45] That doesn't mean we can't win
[04:51:47] We just have to be very very careful not to do it again because we still have two drakes and the Israel is still like really fucked
[04:52:09] We need vision guys you guys can't uh
[04:52:13] Yeah, like see we're getting
[04:52:18] Gotcha, bitch. I mean there's one minion back there. Just chillin
[04:52:38] But yeah, that's why I warded that bush. I was like, okay if we don't work this bush
[04:52:42] We are actually going to get fucked. Oh is that guy so fucking strong?
[04:53:04] Wait, he whiffed everything and still killed me, but he auto-ed me to death.
[04:53:14] Did 900 damage, just auto-ing.
[04:53:16] Jesus Christ.
[04:53:17] Wait, Smolder, you might want to hit them instead of the...
[04:53:24] Okay.
[04:53:25] Dude, this is a hard game.
[04:53:28] We got a really big lead, but this is such a...
[04:53:31] It's like a hard Jhin game, you know?
[04:53:33] That's the problem.
[04:53:34] It's like a super hard game to play Jhin in because of Bellbeth.
[04:53:37] She's like, shuts me down completely.
[04:53:39] Well, she wouldn't shut me down if we weren't behind, uh, if we had a melee champ that could
[04:53:49] sit in front of me, it wouldn't be too bad.
[04:53:51] Like, I don't know man, I feel like I'm juicing so much, it just doesn't matter because I'm
[04:54:27] the AD carry and that's my job.
[04:54:36] Your job is side with TP.
[04:54:42] Yes, we're in macro.
[04:54:51] I'm being told to not be mid as the AD carry.
[04:54:54] Like I don't know, it's wilds.
[04:55:02] Like I should be the one mid, we should not be sharing XP.
[04:55:04] I can't side lane vs Belvent.
[04:55:06] I have shit.
[04:55:13] What are we saying right now?
[04:55:46] I can't see where the Nami went so it's kinda hard for me to use R.
[04:56:16] Holy fuck, this is like one hell of a fucking game.
[04:56:20] Jesus.
[04:56:21] But yeah, I mean, the only reason I typed that guy is cause like, there's absolutely
[04:56:29] no reason for Smolder to be mid at the moment.
[04:56:32] Like I'm Jin, I'm like really, really, really stupidly immobile, right?
[04:56:36] So I can't be like side-leaning when like it has to be him, because he has teleport.
[04:56:41] And he has, uh, he's smoldered, so he has like some ways of getting away.
[04:56:52] So like when we do this thing where I go mid and smolder refuses to go to a side, we're
[04:56:57] just losing, like I can't side.
[04:57:01] If I was like Vayne or Kaisa or something, I could side, but as Jin there's no way.
[04:57:16] We need to push a mid wave, we're never gonna make it top in time.
[04:57:20] Like there's no world we can make it top here.
[04:57:26] So we just need to try and take this turret.
[04:57:27] And we just hit this.
[04:57:36] The odds way can actually stop this are pretty low, so I don't know why we're scared man.
[04:57:49] I'm pretty sure they're on Baron.
[04:57:50] Yeah, I mean I don't know why we're scared to hit that, damn.
[04:57:56] It makes no sense.
[04:57:58] Ooh, this is gonna be a rough game.
[04:58:03] one death I had early on Rift was like game losing. It kind of sucks because like normally
[04:58:12] that shouldn't lose us the game, right? But like we put a lot of resources into me and
[04:58:17] then my top just got railed. And because we traded sides of the map and I died once
[04:58:25] it was just really really really bad. And our jungler is really behind now because
[04:58:32] he went for ganks. Basically he was trying to gank a lot, right? Which is like what
[04:58:37] at least does. And the bellback was just farming. So now our jungler is behind because of that.
[04:58:42] I don't think it's our jungler's fault really, right? I think more it's just the dynamic of
[04:58:50] the champion differences. Well, actually it's a flash, huh? It's fucking crazy. Ooh, not bad. Not bad at all.
[04:59:34] Bellback is taking our bot turret. Ooh, well played. So we lost in him, which sucks.
[04:59:45] Dude, you know what's kinda shitty?
[04:59:48] Unironically, I think Belveth and Lilia are like the two most bano strenghors in the game
[04:59:52] right now.
[04:59:59] Like, I think that if you don't ban Belveth and Lilia, somebody will pick them and one
[05:00:06] of them will, like, they'll just get fed every time.
[05:00:21] Yeah, we should wait for smolders, uh, items to fight.
[05:00:26] Like, we basically are just gonna give Dragon.
[05:00:33] I also need three items.
[05:00:35] We need double three items to fight them.
[05:00:37] Belveth is a little 15. It's too hard.
[05:01:01] We have no vision. I don't know where she went.
[05:01:52] It's not me has some weird ego.
[05:01:55] Bro, relax. You're getting like hard carried by Senior or Jungler.
[05:02:02] You don't need to be an asshole.
[05:02:23] Okay, here we go.
[05:02:30] This...
[05:02:32] I think I need Infinity Edge?
[05:02:35] I don't know.
[05:02:37] Sorry, I'm not reading chat right now. I'm trying to walk in.
[05:02:41] Apologies, but yeah, I think I think we just need IE
[05:02:45] My jungler is 90 CS
[05:03:11] Somebody's got a quick bot. Okay, Smulder's got it. Nice. Nice. Nice. They're trying really hard like they're they're in here
[05:03:26] And they're trying really hard to like catch us out of position
[05:03:29] Yeah, like that. Of course
[05:04:21] That's my bad
[05:04:28] God, they're all so low, bro. Oh
[05:04:32] My god, at least got feared
[05:04:34] Dude, they're all so low.
[05:04:51] I think we're just seeing the importance of farming versus ganking a ton, because we stopped
[05:04:57] farming at some points, and Bellevif got a massive, massive lead.
[05:05:02] She has 229 CS, man.
[05:05:05] She's got six items, and my Elise is working on her third.
[05:05:09] Like Elise did really, really good to get us a head bot, but we did not have any way
[05:05:15] of like fighting after that.
[05:05:17] It's really frustrating
[05:05:24] If I was not Jin, I would have carried this game much harder
[05:05:29] Like I said that that first like point where I got caught was so disruptive
[05:05:34] because uh
[05:05:36] I'm so immobile and I wasn't I literally just didn't respect the like one time and I gave about that 900 gold
[05:05:45] And you know what it was a hundred percent my bad, right like it just sucks because it's like such a
[05:05:50] uh unfortunate situation oh god the jizzlets are here oh she went up i got
[05:06:11] shit on oh i'm dead damn i didn't think his e would reach me
[05:06:21] oh that sucks dang but i said i think a lot of this is just my bad for gen
[05:06:56] pic wait i don't know what the fuck's happening
[05:07:05] maybe we can win yeah i mean i can't do shit
[05:07:26] they're too like it's just unplayable why did i get flamed by the
[05:07:42] Nami by the way. I don't get it. Like we absolutely shit on them. Nami did nothing.
[05:07:48] Why is it always the guy who gets shit on that's like all chatting by the way. I
[05:07:53] don't get it. You are shit. What? You picked mid-smolder. Then AFK mid after
[05:08:39] bot turret dropped. I don't know man. I think low masters are really dumb. Like you have
[05:08:53] so much to learn. I mean I don't want to be mean it's like I think low masters players
[05:09:02] are like the dumbest players in the planet. Like I get flamed by Nami for playing quote
[05:09:09] unquote like being the worst on the team or something. It's like what? Like there's
[05:09:14] There's nothing I can do that game.
[05:09:16] It's quite literally just,
[05:09:19] Belvets 20 and one with 10 CS a minute.
[05:09:24] My jungler has 90 CS.
[05:09:30] I can't play, there's nothing I do.
[05:09:32] Like I had a full shiv at nine minutes, right?
[05:09:36] But I'm still like required,
[05:09:38] like they have two people that just run at me on repeat
[05:09:42] and we have nobody who's like able to peel me.
[05:09:47] So, my jungler did fine early, but then didn't know how to,
[05:09:51] like, he didn't know how to play the game after.
[05:09:53] My top laner ran it down
[05:09:55] because I think he got weaksided or something, I don't know.
[05:09:58] But I mean, Smulder Mid was like the worst pick imaginable
[05:10:01] this game.
[05:10:04] It doesn't make a lot of sense,
[05:10:04] because like Smulder Mid has no value in this game at all.
[05:10:07] Like, you're never gonna be able to carry
[05:10:08] with Smulder this game.
[05:10:19] Like, we had a really big lead, right?
[05:10:22] But then like, after we had a big lead,
[05:10:24] we just didn't play around me.
[05:10:28] Well yeah, Vel'Koz is like the only person
[05:10:30] who should be playing Vel'Koz is Azap.
[05:10:33] There's not a single person who plays Vel'Koz
[05:10:35] at a high level other than Azap.
[05:10:37] Like every Vel'Koz player is bad other than him.
[05:10:40] Like quite literally every single one of them sucks.
[05:10:44] He's the only one that actually I respect.
[05:10:48] But it's like, I don't even care that we had a Vel'Koz
[05:10:50] because we dominated the lane.
[05:10:52] Like the lane was fine.
[05:10:53] Like I said, I'm not even mad about that.
[05:10:55] I'm confused why I'm getting all chatted
[05:10:59] by a player who is quite literally,
[05:11:07] like why am I getting all chatted by a guy
[05:11:09] who's he ended Masters zero LP last season
[05:11:16] as a support main that's crazy.
[05:11:26] Like if you're a support main and you aren't challenger,
[05:11:28] you're bad at the role.
[05:11:30] Like I'm sorry, I know that's mean to say, but it's true.
[05:11:33] Support is such an easy role
[05:11:35] and it's so OP that if you have like 500 games played
[05:11:38] of support and you haven't reached Challenger,
[05:11:41] you aren't gonna ever be good at League.
[05:11:43] That's just the hard truth.
[05:11:45] Because the role is so broken
[05:11:51] and the role has so much impact in the game
[05:11:55] that it's basically a free win
[05:11:56] anytime somebody with a brain queues up with support.
[05:12:03] So it's weird that you would like flame people.
[05:12:04] I don't know, I don't know, I don't know what it is.
[05:12:06] Low-e-low players like to yap.
[05:12:08] They're low-e-low.
[05:12:10] They dapped the loudest.
[05:12:13] I tried my best.
[05:12:17] I feel like I did quite well that game,
[05:12:19] considering what I was given from a team.
[05:12:24] The Elise played exceptionally well early,
[05:12:26] but the other two didn't play very well.
[05:12:28] Actually, the other three.
[05:12:31] There wasn't much I could do after lane.
[05:12:38] Yeah, I mean, it is one of those.
[05:12:42] Like, I could literally queue support right now,
[05:12:44] be challenger in two weeks.
[05:12:46] I'm not even kidding.
[05:12:47] If I played 10 hours in sport every day
[05:12:49] the next two weeks, I'd be challenger like,
[05:12:52] Garen, I would bet money that I could hit challenger
[05:12:55] in two weeks playing only support, it's that easy.
[05:13:00] Especially since I'm one of the best Senna players
[05:13:02] on this server.
[05:13:03] So all I have to do is like, literally first pick
[05:13:05] Senna every game and she's so broken right now,
[05:13:07] you just auto win.
[05:13:21] I don't know man, people got some weird yapping.
[05:13:52] Oh well, bro, you guys wanna see how crazy it is
[05:14:06] to play Jungle versus AD carry by the way?
[05:14:10] So I suck balls at jungle right like I'm just bad at the role like I am the terrible jungler I
[05:14:19] Carried against a grand master jungler last game
[05:14:25] Like the game was actually like we I got three I got four dragons six grubs elder Drake
[05:14:31] Like I played exceptionally exceptionally well
[05:14:35] Right I carried my ass off my favorite part though is that I
[05:14:43] I had more impact in this game playing off-roll like playing a role. I don't know how to play I
[05:14:50] Had more impact on winning the game than playing my main role that I've been challenger on
[05:14:56] Like many times
[05:15:02] It's it's a weird dynamic
[05:15:04] This guy's going J4. Okay. I need a champion with a dash
[05:15:16] We're not gonna make the same mistake. We did last game
[05:15:19] Let's do an as game as is really good versus J4. Well, I mean jungles always gonna be the most impactful role
[05:15:42] That's just the nature of the role. Well, there's nothing you can do about it
[05:15:46] The nature of the role is that it's a role that can impact everywhere on the map at once unless you know where they are
[05:15:54] Right. It's like jungles like shroding your cat type shit
[05:15:57] We're like you don't know where they are ever
[05:16:10] Give me one second. Okay guys
[05:16:14] I'll be right back
[05:19:05] Alright
[05:19:06] Let's do an Ezreal game lads. We'll do a production. Okay, that didn't work. I want to get some water, but we're invading
[05:19:44] We're doing this. Okay
[05:19:46] Do they know there's no way they know
[05:19:55] Right, there's no way they know
[05:21:04] Okay, wait, but I'm here. Oh, he left
[05:21:12] This is gonna be an interesting one, let's see. Oh my god, okay, they're gonna hit level two there
[05:21:29] Okay, he flashed it on me. I need help. I'm dead.
[05:21:35] He should have flayed them away.
[05:21:37] Why did we hold flay? I don't get it. I don't understand why this guy's holding spells.
[05:21:56] He's just trolling like if it's a fucking like Q-Sniper or something.
[05:22:27] I mean, I'll just honestly, I got Q-Sniper so many times yesterday that it's just like not fun.
[05:22:35] And the fact that he's not typing at all
[05:22:45] is pretty sus I'm gonna go look up this is this first game of the day he's
[05:22:53] thought them thing yeah he is okay yeah no it's a Q snipe damn oh well I'm gonna
[05:23:02] stop caring then I was gonna try my best this game guys but he's this is like
[05:23:07] one of my fanboys that Q snipes me he hasn't played in six days he's playing
[05:23:10] a champ he's not he's first time in thrush after not playing for six days
[05:23:13] And he's not typing and he's intentionally doing things badly, but it's very very very obvious
[05:23:20] This happens a lot when I don't I didn't hide my queue so it's very easy to do to Q's night me, so I'm just gonna
[05:23:28] We're just gonna take some risks play for fun
[05:23:31] Not not take the game too seriously
[05:23:33] That's the best way to fight back
[05:23:39] When people like you just to and you and shit you just don't take the game too seriously when they do that
[05:23:43] Because their whole point of Q-sniping you is they want like a reaction of you being mad that they're trolling, but if you just stop caring
[05:23:51] It's like okay well, it was on cooldown it wasn't at all, and if it was on cooldown that means that he
[05:24:07] Played nothing. I mean look at what he just did. He just walked into a bush blind died
[05:24:28] I'm telling you man. This is like I don't know. I'm not always like
[05:24:33] like I'm not always right about this stuff, but like
[05:24:45] I'm not wrong very often either, but you see how he has both of his summoners up too?
[05:24:52] So he walked into that bush blind knowing the jungler is there, and he has both of his sums up.
[05:25:00] Like it's pretty obvious. Well you gotta take into consideration this is like 300, 400 LP Masters
[05:25:09] right? So like at this level of play when you see people trolling like this, it's intentional.
[05:25:16] Like, bad games do happen. Like, I can totally get behind that, right?
[05:25:20] But the thing is, it's like, when you're 400LP, you don't have a bad enough game that you're just like,
[05:25:24] whiffing every single spell.
[05:25:28] Like, face-checking horrible timers, stuff like that, right?
[05:25:31] Like, that just simply doesn't happen, at Haillua.
[05:25:35] Like, if the person is doing that, they're just trolling.
[05:25:43] That's just simply how it works.
[05:25:45] Because, I mean, if he wasn't trolling, too, he would very likely type.
[05:25:57] because he didn't mute right like he didn't mute or anything so because he
[05:26:02] didn't mute and he's not typing it's very very clear that he's not he doesn't
[05:26:06] care I mean this is this is wild man I mean I can't really play the game I'll
[05:26:46] keep trying my best but I can't really play very frustrating and he keeps
[05:27:17] shoving the wave in instead of slow pushing it's like he's intentionally
[05:27:21] pushing it so we get killed because this is a really bad fresh time or we should
[05:27:26] just be slow pushing because we don't have vision it doesn't make sense I can't
[05:28:25] really play the game against this guy he's already got a shiv it's gonna
[05:28:29] perv him probably in he's gonna he's gonna out shove me I cannot beat this
[05:28:40] guy in the shove not right now I'm probably just gonna die surprised I
[05:29:07] didn't go in on that W he landed there where I think he just killed me if he
[05:29:12] he did because he's way stronger than I think he realizes yeah I don't think he
[05:29:17] knows how strong he is like he can pretty much kill me anytime he wants
[05:29:26] okay bro we got TP'd on by A-Soul I'm trying to figure out how we can win this
[05:30:21] like in my brain like obviously I'm gonna play it out in scale right because
[05:30:27] that's like our best bet our best bet's just play this out scale try our
[05:30:31] rest that's literally our best bet oh I'm so dead oof nice try I don't know what
[05:31:56] to say like I it just like the game feels really awkward right now I can't
[05:32:02] really put my finger on it like to be it feels like it is such an awkward game
[05:32:06] because it feels like a soul is just like everywhere on the map like this
[05:32:11] guy is literally just gapping my thrush has died five times now with full
[05:32:17] sums so it's kind of rough. Our top is doing decent though and those are our mids doing okay.
[05:32:31] So like I don't want to like you know give up. I mean I shouldn't even be coming close to
[05:33:02] killing this Kaisa. Oh my god A-Soul's Mia again. Bro A-Soul go back mid.
[05:33:31] He's too strong man. I tried to E and to kill him but he's just too fed.
[05:33:36] You see what I mean though? Every loss is typically support diff. That's why I told you like if I just
[05:33:51] cued support for two weeks straight like a hundred games of support I'd hit challenger in whatever
[05:33:57] you 80% win rates. Because every single game that's hard is always support diff. Support is the
[05:34:03] only role in Master Tier. Support in Jungle are the only two roles that actually have a lot of
[05:34:07] relevance and a lot of support players just troll so much when they play this role.
[05:34:12] Also the benefit of playing support 99.9% of the people that int me Q support so they
[05:34:58] can int me because it's almost guaranteed supports that least played role in this in this in this
[05:35:05] elo so it's really easy for somebody to Q into you if you're not hiding your clients so if I
[05:35:11] forget to hide my client for one second it's always the support is rafing and they just
[05:35:14] directly fuck the lane up you know so it's very frustrating I am like giga
[05:35:28] autopilot right now but my feel I just miss like five times with her are right
[05:36:12] there the fuck was that I mean I should probably go mid I'm just tilted I mean
[05:37:48] we'll try and win we need this next dragon his thrush is unironically just
[05:37:59] sitting here like soaking soaking my XP like I know he's watching for me so I
[05:38:10] I can push this safely or whatever and he can just lantern me out, but I wish he would be a little further back
[05:38:19] I mean we should just back. I have a lot of gold. I mean we do not win 5v5
[05:39:30] What is happening?
[05:39:58] There's J4 LP if the moment I keep seeing him and he always does well
[05:41:54] Is that Champ OP? I mean this just isn't playable. I'm being dove with no minions
[05:43:47] Holy shit
[05:43:58] Yikes, they have so many levels on us man
[05:44:11] And Aesol has 20 kills with 25 stack mages.
[05:44:16] Like I'm not trying to be like negative here but like this is not winnable.
[05:44:21] Like come on.
[05:44:25] Aesol is one of the highest scaling champs in the game. Aurora lost lane to a scaling champ.
[05:44:30] Aurora isn't a scaling champ. She's a lane boy champ.
[05:44:36] Resh, like I don't know if he did it on purpose or what but he definitely briefed the bot lane really really fucking hard so he made it unplayable.
[05:44:46] And then Skarner is down 4 levels. So I mean I don't know what to say 3 levels, sorry like it's
[05:45:03] Like I people have bad games. I don't really care. I like I like I have 12 deaths. I don't give a fuck
[05:45:08] It's just that I don't know what our win con is. I mean, I do no damage
[05:45:31] Like we don't have a win con. Oh well. I'm just telling her man. I I deserve it
[05:46:27] I didn't hide my Q like you don't hide your Q you deserve to get Q sniped as a streamer, right?
[05:46:38] It is what it is. I mean, that's just the moralizing
[05:47:04] That's makes me sad. I'll be every okay, so I think I'm actually gonna call it and
[05:48:48] Go hang out with my IRL friends. I think that sounds more fun
[05:49:05] then getting
[05:49:06] fucking target griefs all day for the next three hours on a Saturday
[05:49:10] I think I'm just gonna be in a really bad mood for the next like, like, like, I don't know what it is, but like, on the weekends, it's way worse too.
[05:49:45] During the weekdays, every game is really good. Like, I wish that I was kidding. Like, during the weekdays, every game feels like people are trying to win.
[05:49:54] Every game feels like they're not, like, just people aren't just trolling and first-timing champs and breathing.
[05:49:59] And then when you play on the weekends, it's just like a fucking coin flip.
[05:50:03] Like you literally just get like the most coin flip kit.
[05:50:08] It's crazy.
[05:50:09] You get like people have time to like target and people have time to like.
[05:50:14] Go out of their way to like sit there and try and make you miserable in games.
[05:50:18] It feels like it feels like a weekend is just like loser city
[05:50:23] because everybody's like got all the free time to do shit, you know,
[05:50:32] it sucks.
[05:50:33] But I don't want to like like I know
[05:50:36] I can feel it coming, you know?
[05:50:38] I don't want to sit here and rage at League of Legends
[05:50:42] for the next five hours and make like, you know,
[05:50:47] like I want to like make, you know,
[05:50:50] I want to be like positive when I'm streaming,
[05:50:52] not sitting here raging and mad and shit.
[05:50:55] So we'll be back tomorrow.
[05:51:02] I might even take tomorrow off
[05:51:03] and play on my Smurf all day tomorrow.
[05:51:05] Like I might, I think my play is going to be, we don't plan the weekends for the next month, right?
[05:51:15] So, no matter what, we just don't play weekends, we plan our smurf on the weekends.
[05:51:20] And then during the weekdays, when the people who are like trying to queue snipe and do all this shit, they have school, they have work.
[05:51:26] I can play when they all have to do schoolwork and shits.
[05:51:32] Because if you look at my graph,
[05:51:35] I lose all my LP every time a weekend happens.
[05:51:40] I wish I was kidding.
[05:51:42] I looked at the stats last night,
[05:51:45] and I will essentially climb to 300 LP during the weekdays.
[05:51:53] Then I'll lose it all on the weekend.
[05:51:55] Then during the week, I'll climb back to 300 LP
[05:51:57] over the course of a week.
[05:51:59] Then I'll lose it all on the weekends again.
[05:52:01] Like literally, it's happened three times now.
[05:52:09] I think that it's either, like, I think it's just better
[05:52:12] if I just play on my Smurf on the weekends
[05:52:16] when like everybody's like just trolling in solo queue
[05:52:20] and there's like people more out,
[05:52:21] more like likely to be able to Q-Snipe and check that, right?
[05:52:26] Cause I'll also be having more fun then, right?
[05:52:29] Like I have a lot more fun
[05:52:31] when people are trying to win in the game
[05:52:32] and when I can focus on winning and having a good time.
[05:52:35] Well, when the games feel unplayable
[05:52:37] because people are just trolling,
[05:52:39] I mean, that's just, they've ruined my mental
[05:52:41] for like the whole weekend.
[05:52:48] I'm gonna go for now.
[05:52:51] I really appreciate the raid from Manko.
[05:52:53] Thank you so much, man.
[05:52:53] I don't know if he's still here, he's probably not.
[05:52:55] Probably went to go chill and do something else,
[05:52:57] but either way, it was really nice of him to raid me.
[05:53:01] I appreciate it.
[05:53:02] And thanks for everybody hanging out and watching today too.
[05:53:05] I really appreciate your guys support
[05:53:07] and you guys supporting me.
[05:53:10] You guys are awesome, I really appreciate it.
[05:53:16] I will be back tomorrow
[05:53:20] to stream some more games of League.
[05:53:24] And like I said, tomorrow we'll probably play on,
[05:53:26] we'll probably play on my Geronimo account tomorrow.
[05:53:29] We're just like mid diamonds.
[05:53:32] And then on Monday we'll climb this account again.
[05:53:35] And that'll be it, anyway.
[05:53:38] Like I said, thanks for watching.
[05:53:39] I'm gonna peace out, have a good one guys.
[05:53:41] Hope you guys have a great day.