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Monk Mental Arc to Challenger before end of season | Educational Adc Stream! !Coaching

08-23-2024 · 1h 21m

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[00:03:58] Yo, what's up shatter?
[00:07:21] You pie, you perceive with your mind!
[00:07:23] I am the market bit of mental.
[00:07:27] What is the problem?
[00:07:32] What's the big problem?
[00:07:34] What is wrong with this?
[00:07:49] I suck.
[00:08:17] What three seconds stunned me though, Jesus.
[00:08:27] I could have killed all of them, I messed up.
[00:09:20] My god.
[00:13:49] Hmm. Hmm.
[00:28:04] I just sent a med. Oh, what are you doing? What is this? I'm just, uh, oh that sucks.
[00:32:21] My E ran out. I guess my guys got to it. Yeah, I missed like four CS and now I'm gonna be,
[00:32:38] uh that sucked but i'm sad that's a really free fight i kind of slightly fucked it up
[00:34:33] like that should have been free as fuck i just messed up it was my man
[00:34:36] Oh shit.
[00:40:31] Dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada
[00:40:38] dada dada dada dada dada.
[00:40:43] Aww, shoulda TP'd.
[00:40:56] Aw, that's not on.
[00:40:57] I shoulda TP'd there.
[00:41:03] Dang.
[00:41:21] Oh yeah, Yumi jungle is broken.
[00:41:23] I'll have to give it a try.
[00:41:32] Doesn't sound broken, but like, you know, maybe that's the secret.
[00:41:37] and they actually got rift heralded, kinda sucks
[00:42:52] aww that actually sucked too
[00:42:57] dang, nothing done, I should have just flashed into the fucking bush
[00:43:15] I lost vision man, I slavenced them and lost vision in the bush
[00:43:19] that's so cringe by the way, but
[00:43:23] actually that's so cringe, pretty sure we win the game
[00:44:01] even though we're like losing turrets and shit just because they haven't gotten any dragons
[00:44:05] And I don't think they can get dragons if we play it right
[00:44:10] Serpent has no ulti right now, so I push one more wave and then we just go
[00:44:14] Christ man
[00:45:39] Fucking I have my shield on and I still take half my fucking health
[00:47:53] Fuck am I watching? Am I really dead from that? Oh my god. I am. Oh my god
[00:48:10] I was just kind of crazy that that fight actually worked out like that, but oh they're forfeit. Nice
[00:51:20] We did it. Yeah
[00:51:22] poggers we are exactly where we started at the start of today we got soft
[00:52:20] hinted so much man I can't believe the amount of people who just get so mad
[00:52:31] they run at the fuck down in these games it doesn't make sense like I three
[00:52:44] games today that we should have won but I think this one was oh this no this
[00:52:51] was a soft dent too. So four of our losses literally just all soft
[00:52:57] dents. Maybe not maybe not this one this one they just stopped trying to win. But
[00:53:04] the other three were literally like this Katerina added me and told me she was
[00:53:07] inting me. And I just don't understand. It didn't make sense. This one we had
[00:53:16] like these two just trolling. I think they were win trading I don't know. Such
[00:53:23] weird behavior. God love. In my heart. What the fuck do I even pick?
[00:57:56] The sun is red. 30 seconds into a minion spawn.
[00:58:07] Brave enough to oppose me. Fool enough to die.
[00:58:35] Have spawn.
[00:58:57] You're sure there's been slain.
[01:02:20] What the fuck is happening here? I mean, I can't really do much, man. I'm trying.
[01:03:18] There's not much I can do outside of how to CS lead at this point.
[01:03:21] I mean I don't know man you guys are just fucking fighting for fun.
[01:15:31] I don't know how to actually play the game with this Katarina, she's so bad.
[01:16:44] Well that was a fun game.
[01:18:54] Yeah I don't want to play any more League tonight guys.
[01:18:59] That's just not fun, I'm gonna be honest.
[01:19:03] Guy first time to Katarina for fun and my Lulu,
[01:19:09] my general's area was my best player.
[01:19:11] My top lost 1v1, my Lulu had no idea what he was doing.
[01:19:15] It's fucking miserable.
[01:20:48] I'm gonna get off though, I'm tired.
[01:20:50] I'm just gonna go chill and then probably
[01:20:51] try and go to sleep early tonight.
[01:20:54] Like these games are miserable, man.
[01:20:55] They're too shitty for me to,
[01:20:57] like I could probably carry these if I wasn't tired,
[01:21:00] but like these games are, like I'm literally playing
[01:21:02] with fucking Diamond Lulu.
[01:21:05] I have Jungle Zerry who's like our best player.
[01:21:08] My top mid both lose lane in matchups they counter.
[01:21:11] It's just, it's like, I don't have it in me
[01:21:14] to like 1v9 every single game I play right now.
[01:21:17] And as an AD carry, you either 1v9 or you lose.
[01:21:19] So I'm gonna take a break.
[01:21:23] I'll see you guys tomorrow.
[01:21:24] Hope I'll have some more energy.
[01:21:25] I'll get some good sleep.
[01:21:28] Bye guys.