Monk Mental Arc to Challenger before end of season | Educational Adc Stream! !Coaching
08-23-2024 · 1h 21m
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Yo, what's up shatter?
You pie, you perceive with your mind!
I am the market bit of mental.
What is the problem?
What's the big problem?
What is wrong with this?
I suck.
What three seconds stunned me though, Jesus.
I could have killed all of them, I messed up.
My god.
Hmm. Hmm.
I just sent a med. Oh, what are you doing? What is this? I'm just, uh, oh that sucks.
My E ran out. I guess my guys got to it. Yeah, I missed like four CS and now I'm gonna be,
uh that sucked but i'm sad that's a really free fight i kind of slightly fucked it up
like that should have been free as fuck i just messed up it was my man
Oh shit.
Dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada
dada dada dada dada dada.
Aww, shoulda TP'd.
Aw, that's not on.
I shoulda TP'd there.
Oh yeah, Yumi jungle is broken.
I'll have to give it a try.
Doesn't sound broken, but like, you know, maybe that's the secret.
and they actually got rift heralded, kinda sucks
aww that actually sucked too
dang, nothing done, I should have just flashed into the fucking bush
I lost vision man, I slavenced them and lost vision in the bush
that's so cringe by the way, but
actually that's so cringe, pretty sure we win the game
even though we're like losing turrets and shit just because they haven't gotten any dragons
And I don't think they can get dragons if we play it right
Serpent has no ulti right now, so I push one more wave and then we just go
Christ man
Fucking I have my shield on and I still take half my fucking health
Fuck am I watching? Am I really dead from that? Oh my god. I am. Oh my god
I was just kind of crazy that that fight actually worked out like that, but oh they're forfeit. Nice
We did it. Yeah
poggers we are exactly where we started at the start of today we got soft
hinted so much man I can't believe the amount of people who just get so mad
they run at the fuck down in these games it doesn't make sense like I three
games today that we should have won but I think this one was oh this no this
was a soft dent too. So four of our losses literally just all soft
dents. Maybe not maybe not this one this one they just stopped trying to win. But
the other three were literally like this Katerina added me and told me she was
inting me. And I just don't understand. It didn't make sense. This one we had
like these two just trolling. I think they were win trading I don't know. Such
weird behavior. God love. In my heart. What the fuck do I even pick?
The sun is red. 30 seconds into a minion spawn.
Brave enough to oppose me. Fool enough to die.
Have spawn.
You're sure there's been slain.
What the fuck is happening here? I mean, I can't really do much, man. I'm trying.
There's not much I can do outside of how to CS lead at this point.
I mean I don't know man you guys are just fucking fighting for fun.
I don't know how to actually play the game with this Katarina, she's so bad.
Well that was a fun game.
Yeah I don't want to play any more League tonight guys.
That's just not fun, I'm gonna be honest.
Guy first time to Katarina for fun and my Lulu,
my general's area was my best player.
My top lost 1v1, my Lulu had no idea what he was doing.
It's fucking miserable.
I'm gonna get off though, I'm tired.
I'm just gonna go chill and then probably
try and go to sleep early tonight.
Like these games are miserable, man.
They're too shitty for me to,
like I could probably carry these if I wasn't tired,
but like these games are, like I'm literally playing
with fucking Diamond Lulu.
I have Jungle Zerry who's like our best player.
My top mid both lose lane in matchups they counter.
It's just, it's like, I don't have it in me
to like 1v9 every single game I play right now.
And as an AD carry, you either 1v9 or you lose.
So I'm gonna take a break.
I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Hope I'll have some more energy.
I'll get some good sleep.
Bye guys.