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Monk Mental Arc to Challenger before end of season | Educational Adc Stream! !Coaching

08-21-2024 · 3h 19m

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[00:00:35] to summoner's fit. 30 seconds into a minion spawn.
[00:01:12] Yeah, what's up, Jason? I'm good, man.
[00:01:16] I must be loud.
[00:01:30] That's all I do.
[00:03:03] Four CS. Or eight CS.
[00:03:06] Bro, do I really have to stay because this guy's invading like a monkey?
[00:03:11] I don't like this.
[00:03:37] Even if I land that, he doesn't die, so it doesn't matter.
[00:03:42] Like, actually, though.
[00:03:44] He's just a monkey. I don't know why he tried to do that. Makes no sense.
[00:03:50] Eh. First the way, everybody save in line.
[00:05:21] Look, 20% skill, 15% concentrate, the power of will.
[00:05:26] We gotta be careful because Udyr can be here.
[00:05:51] Oh, Udyr's mad.
[00:07:10] Alright, what's up then?
[00:07:22] Maybe I have cancer.
[00:07:57] There's a chance.
[00:08:25] You might be getting ganked right now.
[00:08:31] I could see it.
[00:08:44] There he is.
[00:09:45] It was Klaus.
[00:09:46] I don't know why they went for that, but either way it was Klaus.
[00:09:59] It doesn't really make sense, but it is what it is.
[00:10:04] If Nami had healed me, I would have lived.
[00:10:07] It's okay.
[00:10:10] I think I could have lived anyway.
[00:10:26] And who cares okay excuse me. What was that like angle? I just got CC'd for I
[00:11:41] Should have had a triple vein like condemned me like sideways and I went into the wall
[00:11:50] I should have had the triple marvelous my man
[00:12:23] What's great just sit mid man?
[00:12:26] It comes out of base and runs mid on repeat. That's I feel bad for him
[00:12:32] There's nothing I can do to help him not really
[00:12:36] Because that's like I'm just I'm doing my job, you know
[00:12:38] I've missed like three kills now, that's my bad, but yeah, it is what it is.
[00:12:45] It's actually clean as fuck.
[00:14:31] That was not clean.
[00:14:32] What not me did was clean, like actually that was clean as fuck.
[00:14:39] It is kind of funny.
[00:14:50] Different time streaming, same like popping off, like still same bad teammates.
[00:14:57] Top and mid are both down to 1,000 CS.
[00:15:01] to uh League of Legends boys um dead or okay that's my bad I was not expecting to get flashed
[00:15:49] can in Blitz stunned god damn man these games are crazy they just fight
[00:16:59] my bad I should have known that I couldn't walk there that's on me
[00:17:05] but we we don't have vision and mine you know my team's not it's always a field
[00:18:05] bad man when you can't do anything in the game when you want to but I guess that's
[00:18:10] just part of the ego. Where's my team at? Oh nobody followed me. Yeah we're in the
[00:19:55] piss. The piss of the lows where we have to wait 35 minutes to play the game
[00:20:02] because everybody wants to perm scale in an A. It is worth it. Nobody wants to
[00:20:11] like fight for objectives in the C.L.O.
[00:20:13] They destroyed them bot, but it doesn't matter because
[00:20:43] there's no actual macro that happens in the C.L.O.
[00:20:45] Everybody just fights.
[00:20:47] So if you're not playing like a fight champion,
[00:20:49] just good luck.
[00:20:51] I should honestly just take fucking
[00:20:59] full scaling runes in the C.L.O. too.
[00:21:03] Because they fight a lot, but they also
[00:21:05] don't know how to end the game, so you just
[00:21:07] always have time.
[00:21:29] Yeah, just like that.
[00:22:17] try and do it by the way like I guarantee they try and do this even though
[00:22:23] they shouldn't they're going to they are on it right now oh maybe not oh no oh
[00:22:33] no oh no oh no she didn't finish him off no me didn't get the kill oh she
[00:23:12] literally didn't take the air didn't that's so unlucky I know it's really
[00:24:52] toxic but dude I'm so sick and tired of having to carry every game I play like
[00:24:57] these people were like just even reasonably decent every game wouldn't
[00:25:02] feel like I'm pulling out my own hair trying to carry okay
[00:28:09] should I actually help these guys or let them end because I'm gonna be real
[00:28:25] Man I'm sick and tired of I am really sick and tired of getting like
[00:28:36] Having to play the game and nobody else plays the game
[00:28:40] Like I know it's toxic, but dude, it's so obnoxiously boring
[00:28:44] It's like oh, okay. I have a huge lead again for the 12th game in a row
[00:28:49] Okay, well, I'm playing 80 carries so my team's gonna do what oh, yeah
[00:28:53] They're gonna be selfish and play really really stupidly selfish
[00:28:56] and we're going to never peel our 80 carry because like that's his job fucking
[00:29:03] or 80 carries doing well and when I'm not oh I sure hope he carries me even
[00:29:12] though I suck like I'm not gonna keep I'm not gonna try to win but I do hope
[00:29:16] he carries me I hate this game league sucks man we're really gonna win the
[00:30:13] game off that like them them just like trying to kill me for the 15th time
[00:30:18] I hate this game.
[00:30:22] This game sucks.
[00:30:41] Like, I didn't even enjoy myself, man.
[00:31:07] I'm going to be honest.
[00:31:09] Like, I had to solo carry this game, and I still didn't enjoy myself.
[00:31:11] There's got to be something, like, mentally wrong going on there, right?
[00:31:17] When, like, we have to carry a game, and you're just not enjoying yourself.
[00:31:23] There's got to be something wrong with that.
[00:31:25] Like, I don't think games should feel like work.
[00:31:38] You know?
[00:31:42] How's your guys night gone?
[00:32:09] A wider note. What's up guys? How you guys doing? You're watching Harry Potter? Oh shit.
[00:33:12] Sorry for being toxic last game guys. I won't type anymore. I don't know why I'm being so toxic.
[00:33:19] Like I know I want to win, but obviously like they're trying their best, right?
[00:33:24] So I don't know why I'm being so irritated. It doesn't make a lot of sense. I don't get it.
[00:33:32] My asking you or the void?
[00:34:18] Both. Which Harry Potter are you watching then?
[00:34:36] The Bold Man? Hey, what's up?
[00:35:30] The first? You haven't ever watched them together? Oh, nice.
[00:35:33] Sounds like a fun time.
[00:35:35] Harry Potter's pretty goaded.
[00:35:40] I haven't seen the Harry Potter series in so long.
[00:35:45] Dude, like, it's, oh my God, I have not watched Harry Potter in so long.
[00:35:50] Yeah, I mean, I think I could just not take League so seriously.
[00:36:44] I could try that. Well, streaming leagues is like my job, right? So even if I don't enjoy it sometimes, I still have to do it, which is why I should probably find a way to enjoy it.
[00:38:05] Because I'm lucky enough to be able to stream League for a living, which is pretty awesome. I probably shouldn't rage so much.
[00:38:17] It's just not a very rage inducing game. You can't always be happy with this game because the people in it, like when you actually try to climb,
[00:38:34] Like when you're just chevron, league's pretty fun.
[00:38:37] Like when you have a goal and you're trying to climb,
[00:38:39] it gets really frustrating to play the game during that,
[00:38:41] like that time frame because everybody's kind of massive.
[00:39:20] No, I mean, I don't think so.
[00:39:22] I don't get enough viewers to make a living
[00:39:24] off of other games, at least not at the moment.
[00:41:15] Well, I don't have a choice.
[00:41:18] It's either I quit streaming altogether or I stream league.
[00:41:22] Like I'm sorry to be mean about this, but like,
[00:41:24] Can I be honest, like, I've explained it very thoroughly.
[00:41:38] So I'm going to stop reading your comments and ask you that you refrain from, you know,
[00:41:45] typing anymore.
[00:41:46] But I'm not trying to be mean, but like you're, I've explained, I can't do it.
[00:41:52] And I've said that five times now and you just keep pushing and pushing and pushing
[00:41:55] and pushing and pushing.
[00:41:57] You donate me a thousand dollars right now, I'll play another game for a month.
[00:42:02] that happens like I can't so relax okay it's really annoying listening to that
[00:42:10] like actually though I mean it somehow or you just don't take fight I hate
[00:46:00] every jungler wants me to do drop everything I'm doing to go over and
[00:46:03] help them every time fucking wild men I don't know man junglers are fucking
[00:46:40] psychotic they like get mad at everything oh you didn't rotate when
[00:46:44] you were like fighting the enemy ball in bro you fucking suck go next big oh
[00:46:50] my bad yeah I'll improve that's on me I'll be better that's I'm lucky what the
[00:47:30] fuck my W went through that sucks I think they backed you know he's all
[00:48:31] five something you can do anything I think we're just trading grubs for
[00:48:53] dragon it is with us that sucked yeah yeah I know I know I know chill I get a
[00:49:29] bro I'm a little scared of like a random sonal my team's gonna pop it off I
[00:52:27] mean if you want me to be honest about why it's health and league it's just
[00:52:45] because like I put a lot of stress on myself to try and be good all the time
[00:52:49] So I get frustrated. I mean I can't fight that.
[00:53:31] So I'm walking. Maybe it's just they'd bot.
[00:53:40] Oh my god man.
[00:54:45] I wonder if we can ever
[00:55:51] actually take this turret. We finally got a kill.
[00:57:53] Doesn't matter though, because we're getting 4 man to mid again.
[00:59:15] I should just mute this guy.
[01:01:05] That's really funny.
[01:02:21] How did I even do the most damage?
[01:05:11] I thought that game was a fever dream.
[01:05:13] We were like winning the whole game.
[01:05:17] And somehow, like we were winning the entire game and then all of a sudden I just like got tilted.
[01:07:42] Man, I don't know.
[01:07:46] Dang, I was going to say that, Janna I played with last game was pretty good.
[01:10:08] I was hoping it was the same Janna.
[01:10:09] Let me do it with some more Agua, baby.
[01:10:46] Let me ward this really quick.
[01:10:53] So we don't get cheesed.
[01:10:55] Oh, we are getting cheesed.
[01:11:12] It is sort of this.
[01:11:31] Nah, nobody does that shit blinds somebody's ghosting.
[01:12:08] Like, that's wild behavior.
[01:12:47] This guy just level 2'd bot.
[01:12:49] Yeah.
[01:12:50] We'll just try our best, I mean this is just, it is sort of this.
[01:13:55] We need to ward our blue because I guarantee Nunu is on our, in our bot side right now.
[01:14:05] Oh wow, no way.
[01:15:56] We just have to not die because we're going to get ganked again.
[01:17:15] Pretty sure Nunu is on dragon.
[01:17:30] super super easy to track bad junglers because they'll just always do the same
[01:17:37] thing where they'll they basically bad junglers will always try and cheese you
[01:17:45] on repeat but they don't know how to play the game without a lead and they
[01:17:49] don't know how to play the game without cheesing kills so they'll just spam
[01:17:52] cheese you it's all they can really do like new news are blue right now he's
[01:18:04] in our jungle on bottom side it's not much I could do about it because
[01:18:12] Lee Sin is gonna continue to split the map. It is what it is. Or not Lee Sin, Wukong.
[01:19:58] It's kind of a boring game. We just play weak side and try not to die. That's kind of clean
[01:22:22] with it actually though. Getting good teams. Yeah, they're not the worst. I mean the
[01:23:43] only reason this game is weird is because of the level 1. It was like level 1 and
[01:24:01] level 2 just like went to shit, you know. Mainly because like there's no reason
[01:24:07] that they would ever, like I said. I usually don't like call people up, I call people up
[01:24:12] for sniping all the time, but I usually don't call people up for ghosting, like straight
[01:24:15] up ghosting. But that was like, it doesn't make sense for them to foreman around this
[01:24:22] area right here. Right, like that specific area, it doesn't make sense to foreman that
[01:24:28] with no vision. Because why would you do that, right? It doesn't make any, it literally
[01:24:34] makes no sense. Like even if it was the most RNG play of all time and it wasn't ghosting,
[01:24:51] that would mean they're like the worst three players I've ever seen in my life. Did she
[01:25:15] just quote Lerix? There's sketchy people outside of 1130. Are they? Yeah. Hey, I guess
[01:25:51] I haven't gone for a walk at like 1130 before or not in a long time. I usually go like
[01:25:56] in dusk. That didn't go well. Close.
[01:32:10] You guys were saying about my team being good. Trust me, nobody in the silo is good. Trust me.
[01:32:47] What is this guy doing? We're not going to have awards for Baron. This is going to be very
[01:35:56] bad. I don't like this. But Lee is soft ending the game on purpose by the way. Like he actually is.
[01:38:19] I don't know man. Like how do we contest the dragon? Like how do we contest this with my team
[01:38:36] just not trying to contest it? We're going to fight a worthless fight where my whole team's
[01:39:01] going to die and there you go nobody played for baron or dragon it pings not one of you
[01:39:25] understood to come and it's why you are a low low low elo not one of you will break
[01:39:34] Little master sorry to say do it. I don't care. I'm chow you're a little master
[01:39:46] Play the work
[01:39:48] Play it to int and for fun. Oh, you know, and they're just little pigs wink wink wink wink wink
[01:40:02] little winkers
[01:40:04] little piggy pigs
[01:40:07] Little master peeking little piggies
[01:40:16] wink wink
[01:40:19] Hey master wink wink
[01:40:23] Homie, your D1 masterpiece, the saddest part is, you had no idea how to play the game.
[01:40:38] Hey, Homie, do you understand how much better I am than you?
[01:40:48] Or not?
[01:40:49] Have you ever been chow?
[01:40:52] Yes or no?
[01:40:54] Answer.
[01:40:55] Yes or no?
[01:40:56] Yes or no?
[01:40:59] Answer.
[01:41:00] If no, you're bad.
[01:41:02] No, you opened your little pig mouth
[01:41:07] wink wink wink
[01:41:09] God, I hate lo-lo
[01:41:12] These people genuinely made me want to smash my face through a wall
[01:41:17] Like they suck they type they don't set up vision. They don't do anything
[01:41:22] Just absolute subhuman pieces of literal waste of air
[01:41:26] Like these these types of people are the people that make me feel like I like I just feel so mean as a person when I play with
[01:41:38] these people you know what I mean like these are the people that make me feel
[01:41:41] like an asshole because they're just so like to me they just like like I would
[01:41:48] god I would just not be mad if they didn't wake up tomorrow like I wouldn't
[01:41:52] care at all and that's not a healthy mindset to be in but these people are
[01:41:55] absolutely disgusting subhuman pieces of trash that like every day they're
[01:42:00] breathing I'm a little more sad and it just makes me sad to think that way
[01:42:05] in-game but it's still like stupid
[01:51:04] why was that guy there? why are we leashing a Zyra I don't need to do that
[01:51:58] Your story is with guns and ghosts.
[01:52:08] This comes home.
[01:52:22] My rel is like, not trying to fight at all or contest any minions.
[01:52:34] What the fuck am I watching?
[01:52:39] That was great.
[01:52:55] Oh well.
[01:52:57] We got level 2 first.
[01:53:09] Rel did not go in.
[01:53:11] I think I've played with this guy before. I think he's a diamond player and played it.
[01:53:19] Oh well.
[01:53:22] We'll try our best.
[01:53:25] We're re-citing this game against straightforward, so the game's already pretty much over.
[01:53:29] I'm gonna miss some XP.
[01:54:23] Eh, it's not much we can do.
[01:55:58] I don't know why, but even though we're winning this game, I'm still like, not enjoying it,
[01:56:02] because I'm like, oh, I don't get to like...
[01:56:05] I don't know, it just feels bad.
[01:56:08] I have like this perfectionist side where I'm like, dude, I want to be able to farm, right?
[01:56:12] Like, I want to be able to like, go in a level 2,
[01:56:15] pop off like when I set everything up perfectly and we like don't have big
[01:56:20] communication or whatever it's really frustrating because I'm like two levels
[01:56:36] down because we've missed so much XP or well I'm one full level I keep missing
[01:56:59] so much XP every time these waves crash because we're crashing them on such
[01:57:11] weird timers I can't oh my god I can't even play the game 29 CS we're
[01:57:27] just getting pushed in. He needs to engage when the wave crashes the row. If he doesn't
[01:57:36] engage when the wave crashes we're just gonna keep getting poked. Feels like Karma's just
[01:57:45] gonna RQ, RQ, RQ, RQ on a repeat and I'm never gonna be able to play the game. It is
[01:58:21] what it is. Like I said, if we don't engage this is just gonna keep happening. So it's
[01:58:30] kind of frustrating. I'm not gonna type because I've typed so much tonight already
[01:58:38] and i'm just gonna suck up and deal with it
[01:58:40] my rel does not understand that she needs to engage to win the game
[01:58:45] she's too scared
[01:58:46] i've played this guy a lot, he's a coward
[01:58:50] like he doesn't ever engage on anyone unless he has like the perfect engage that you won't
[01:58:55] ever look for spacing or anything like that so
[01:58:59] basically you just kind of like lose with this rel
[01:59:08] because i'm gonna get so fucked mcs man
[01:59:20] This guy doesn't have R, so he can't do shit.
[02:00:48] I'm bad, I should have just ulted.
[02:00:51] I played that good until I didn't.
[02:00:53] I should have just W'd when she flashed and ulted.
[02:00:56] I don't know why I didn't.
[02:01:04] I'm just bad.
[02:03:22] Dude, my team is popping the fuck off this game.
[02:03:25] You guys are insane.
[02:04:00] Can somebody help me out, is that laugh?
[02:04:02] G piece, ult.
[02:04:36] How do I, how do I do anything mid here?
[02:05:53] Oh, I don't have the mana of the ult.
[02:06:14] We just got dookied on.
[02:06:19] I mean, I probably shouldn't have ulted directly in J4's face, that was my bad.
[02:06:58] We need vision.
[02:08:25] Damn, we're losing bots.
[02:09:54] I see why people, like, forget the CS in the silo, though.
[02:09:58] Because, like, there's just so much crap that happens.
[02:10:02] Like, when you're autopiloting, like, at night and shit, like, this is crazy.
[02:10:08] Like, it's wild.
[02:12:02] Got the turret.
[02:12:07] I don't know if it's worth it, but fuck it.
[02:12:10] Like, I'm my LW.
[02:12:13] Ah, worth!
[02:12:15] That's not good, and that was Baron.
[02:12:41] I think we can stop it.
[02:12:42] I have R. If they try anyway, if they don't try, then we're chillin.
[02:12:48] They're not trying to Baron, I think we're chillin.
[02:13:16] I mean, I don't know man.
[02:13:19] I can't fight that without Echo, my bad.
[02:13:22] I felt for a bad engage, I wasn't thinking.
[02:13:30] It's on me.
[02:13:33] Cause like, it was not a good fight.
[02:13:36] They had all their cooldowns.
[02:13:37] Then we essentially we need echo in every fight and Zyra we didn't have our two strongest people
[02:13:47] Like I'm three items, but I can't like fight that
[02:13:50] Or else so bad bro. We got the TP. That's fun
[02:15:44] Guys my favorite part of that was everybody chased the fucking Jarvan around the entire map
[02:16:28] Instead of just having him come to us and hitting the Baron
[02:16:32] We were chasing him in a gigantic circle like a low elo players. I don't know man
[02:16:58] We got a huge play mid and then all of a sudden
[02:17:02] Zyra decided to like chase half the map. We started Baron late after we started Baron late our fucking
[02:17:08] rel started chasing the fucking
[02:17:11] J4 instead of tanking Baron so me GP and fucking
[02:17:15] In Zyra we're tanking the Baron with lowers our damage so Rell's like it's just, it is
[02:17:24] where it is.
[02:17:31] We just in that low of Elos.
[02:17:33] Oh this Rell is so bad bro.
[02:18:19] Thank god we have me and Nisako on this team.
[02:19:10] GP's really good too actually.
[02:19:15] The game's just really hard when your support's bad.
[02:19:17] At least it feels that way.
[02:19:59] Nice.
[02:20:50] Not bad.
[02:22:04] All you could say is, oh Rell.
[02:22:06] True.
[02:22:13] True.
[02:23:02] Ah, chat. What should we do? I'm not tired up to sleep. I want to keep streaming because I like hanging out with you guys.
[02:23:19] Talk to me. Tell me about what's going on in your guys' lives.
[02:23:26] Playing trackpad. You mean it's going super well? Hey, that's fun. Nice.
[02:24:21] Proud of yourself? Hey, you should be proud, bro.
[02:25:18] Hell yeah. Hmm. Yeah, I don't know what to play here.
[02:26:26] thinking about going in math so I could rush
[02:26:53] BT against their calm, but I don't know feel like
[02:27:18] Varus is that same Varus from last game who ran at the fuck down really hard
[02:27:28] So I think I'm gonna
[02:27:35] You know what I'm gonna play it. I don't care if we win or lose. I'm just gonna try and have fun
[02:27:42] Fuck it
[02:27:44] It was gonna dodge, but fuck it. I just want to play a game and have fun. I don't really care
[02:28:36] I cannot be good. I must be kind of hard to deal with. Miss karma. We cannot let them
[02:29:43] shove us in. Are we real? If we let them shove us in, we are going to be in a world
[02:29:50] of hurt. Because basically we don't want the wave to be like, we don't need to like
[02:30:06] shoved them in, but we need to make sure we're not shoved in.
[02:30:12] Ooh, that landed.
[02:30:14] And that's kind of close.
[02:30:16] Ooh, I suck.
[02:30:22] I missed four minions.
[02:30:28] We need to get a ward down so we don't just get railed by Kindred.
[02:30:30] And that landed.
[02:31:04] But yeah, it's good if we're pushing in the Ez-Yumi.
[02:31:09] I mean the Ez-Karma.
[02:31:11] I had Yumi on the brand.
[02:31:13] If we're pushing these guys in, it's a lot harder for them to kind of do anything,
[02:31:23] Especially when we're trying to get Friar and you know do all those things. We'll see I think karma has our Q back up
[02:31:39] We don't have to like hard shove this anymore
[02:31:43] We can just chill for a sec because I mean by Gar is not really
[02:31:47] He's not really a super good support for like
[02:31:52] Enabling damage, you know
[02:31:54] That sucks. Wow
[02:31:57] I think this guy's gonna stop my back though
[02:32:49] maybe not. kind of just ditched my vicar. he's gonna have to flash, yeah. my bad.
[02:33:19] oh blotter dude thank you for the raid. sorry I didn't have my headset in man. I'm
[02:33:41] so fucking sorry. thanks for the raid dude. I really appreciate it.
[02:33:45] good stream man. there is the karma. she must be on the grubbs or some shit.
[02:34:34] Probably should have just killed that guy there.
[02:35:11] I could have flashed Q autoed.
[02:35:34] Honestly, when I art I couldn't just not art.
[02:35:39] Or I could have saved.
[02:35:42] I could have art better.
[02:35:44] I'm just auto piloting.
[02:35:46] If I could have just blocked up a Qs that I got.
[02:35:54] That's funny.
[02:36:02] I knew this Varus was going to end because he ended the last game.
[02:36:05] So I knew it was the same guy.
[02:36:12] I could have dodged, but I genuinely was just like an animal.
[02:36:15] Like, anytime you see a kindred and you have a nasus and a varus solo lane at this time of night, you pretty much just lose the game.
[02:36:25] If you don't dodge.
[02:36:27] That's kinda like the price I pay though, I just wanted to play some leagues, so...
[02:36:31] I said fuck it, I'm not gonna dodge.
[02:36:33] But I knew this game was very likely over from champ select, just because...
[02:36:38] If you play enough in the silo, you'll like...
[02:36:41] Understands when games are...
[02:36:43] We have a Vigar support, who's doing fine.
[02:36:46] By the way, he's doing great.
[02:36:48] it's just that like you know we kind of have some like some detier champs just
[02:37:24] these what it is because we can't really do much I love our OP RQ on
[02:37:37] Karmaz you put three points in it and it just one shots you fucking silly we'll
[02:38:15] give this plate I mean bro I'm not staying you're gonna die like the
[02:38:32] fucking LeBlanc is coming down bro.
[02:38:34] Yep.
[02:38:36] Like, we're sorry we've met, you know.
[02:38:39] Not gonna stay for that.
[02:38:49] It's just not worth it.
[02:38:51] Fuck it.
[02:39:24] Yay!
[02:40:03] I mean I was dead anyway, I shouldn't have even flashed.
[02:40:06] Or I should have just arbed the wave when it was crashing.
[02:40:10] There's a chance if I arbed the wave there, that would have been fine.
[02:40:13] I don't know, it's hard to tell.
[02:40:21] It's like my NASA's build.
[02:40:23] boots cloth cloth his name's demon
[02:40:55] I would say this if you want to win games at this time of night you have to
[02:41:13] play like unironically you have to play like not gin it's really funny you have
[02:41:20] to play like really really really good brawling champs but if you want to win
[02:41:26] games at like middle of the night. You just play like Tristana, you play like Draven,
[02:41:34] Ezreal, you just play stuff that like is really oppressively OP. If we stay we are gonna
[02:42:26] get dove. I can feel it man. Like they are low, they should die here, but we are like,
[02:42:40] I mean that would require my jungle to come. I mean look at what my jungle is doing.
[02:42:53] He was literally finishing a camp for that entire time, but I mean he's a rioter, he's,
[02:42:59] you know, let's be honest, has a rioter ever been good at League?
[02:43:21] Galaxy smash?
[02:43:22] I don't think Galaxy smash could ever be good.
[02:43:54] Wonder what Riot Costco lover does at Riot.
[02:44:27] Guys I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but I think we lose.
[02:44:36] almost I feel like our mid top jungle got a little bit outclassed this one.
[02:44:41] I mean we're gonna lose another dragon.
[02:44:56] I mean isn't it funny that like basically people respect Riot so little that this guy
[02:46:35] is literally in a Rioters game running it down.
[02:46:38] Like he just doesn't care.
[02:46:40] He's like no I don't give a fuck.
[02:46:44] I'm just gonna like Rioter in the game.
[02:46:46] Nah I know Riot won't do anything.
[02:46:48] Fuck it.
[02:46:49] That's gotta be kind of embarrassing
[02:46:57] Not saying this guy could do anything. You know what I mean? Cuz like I don't know what his job is
[02:47:02] like he might not be able to like
[02:47:04] You know, he might not be like a behavior man. He probably maybe is like just a random software guy or some shit. I don't know
[02:47:10] but it's funny that like you can have people in the games and
[02:47:14] People will still not care and then let's run it down
[02:47:18] Like riders if there used to be a rider in your game, you'd be like scared to do bad
[02:47:22] because people like you'd be nervous right cuz like if you did bad you were
[02:47:28] like oh shit this guy gonna like ban me am I gonna get shit on nowadays it's
[02:47:37] like nobody even cares they're like I have a rider can't do shit so it's kind
[02:47:54] of sad this is real so bad it doesn't matter how bad he is feels bad man I
[02:48:19] I mean we're gonna lose Baron. Big shocker around Baron. This is kind of the problem
[02:48:35] with people who don't play to win. Like you never actually know what's happening.
[02:48:41] And we gotta try and get dragon. If we can like stop this soul right now, there's
[02:49:21] actually a small chance we can win. But we have to stop the soul right now.
[02:49:25] my ferris does not care oh okay we killed their jungler like that's actually
[02:49:56] solable like soul-stoppable if their jungler inted right before dragon that's
[02:50:06] actually like playable it's not good seems my jungler I still think you
[02:54:27] You should have to have a mastery requirement to play with a champion.
[02:54:37] You want to play Nasus?
[02:54:39] You got to have at least mastery three.
[02:54:42] We have one a game with Nasus.
[02:54:45] You know what I mean?
[02:54:46] Like have played a normal game.
[02:54:47] What if you get filled?
[02:54:49] You can't queue unless you have at least one or two champions of every role that have
[02:54:55] mastery three.
[02:54:56] I don't see the problem.
[02:55:00] I mean if you are, think about it.
[02:55:09] If you're leveling your own accounts, wouldn't you have champions that have like more than
[02:55:15] one champion that has mastery?
[02:55:17] At least in my opinion, it seems like you would.
[02:55:25] So if you have an account that's new and you're like, oh, I just don't have enough
[02:55:29] champs or whatever, right?
[02:55:32] Well, tough shit.
[02:55:36] If you want to smurf, you have to get, you know, two champions in all five roles
[02:55:42] that have the mastery, right?
[02:55:44] Or three champions in all five roles that have the mastery.
[02:55:48] Because everybody who has a main account
[02:55:52] will already have that.
[02:55:54] Straight out, right?
[02:56:00] Like, I guarantee I have at least like
[02:56:06] five playable champions in every role.
[02:56:09] In case I get out of the field right now,
[02:56:10] or I have like mastery three and five champs.
[02:56:27] That's what I'm saying.
[02:56:28] It's like, I feel like people are,
[02:56:29] like, right, it's too scared to do that
[02:56:30] because they're like oh well you know like you were thinking like what if like you know
[02:56:34] autofill and all this shit but it's like if people make a new account if people make a
[02:56:44] new account or whatever right and they don't have like the mastery or whatever then couldn't
[02:56:53] bet like I don't know I just feel like it would fix smurfing it fix buying accounts
[02:57:00] because you'd have to get every smurf to your to mastery right you guys get every
[02:57:04] smurf to the mastery, at least three champs in each role. And it would just take forever.
[02:57:11] And people would stop doing it. It would also fix the idea that like, you just have people
[02:57:18] going into a game and first timing champs on repeat, right? Like this guy just, I mean,
[02:57:23] he didn't try to win at all. Like, he genuinely just queued up. He's like, I'm gonna first
[02:57:30] time, Nasus. I'm sure he didn't have malicious intent. I don't think he was intending to
[02:57:38] run it down as Nasus. He might have, but I doubt it. I think he just sucks. I think he's
[02:57:45] a mid-player who got autofilled. He got autofilled to top, so he's like, okay, I'm
[02:57:51] just going to play Nasus this game. And he just completely lost us the game. He
[02:57:58] So we'll lost us this game.
[02:58:04] This guy also lost us this game.
[02:58:08] Right, this Varus.
[02:58:09] So the Varus and the,
[02:58:30] the Varus and the Nasus,
[02:58:32] both were playing champions that they don't play.
[02:58:35] Right, they're just first timing champs and shit.
[02:58:39] So I feel like if you're doing that though,
[02:58:40] like, genuinely, you shouldn't be able to.
[02:58:49] Like obviously, I don't think that'll ever happen, right?
[02:58:53] But I just don't think you should be able to first time champions and ranked and just like run it down.
[02:58:58] Cause like, I'm not saying they're trying to lose, but I'm saying like, if you get to a rank, right, like, let's say this guy's a jungle man, right?
[02:59:07] He only plays jungle and then you just decide to like start learning another role at that rank, right?
[02:59:15] Now you're just what?
[02:59:16] Griefing, right?
[02:59:17] You're just hinting.
[02:59:18] Like it's like you could be trying your best, but it's like imagine I imagine I climbed a challenger or something right?
[02:59:24] And then I'm like, oh, I guess I'm just gonna learn how to jungle and challenger and then every person that I play with gets fucked
[02:59:31] Because I'm learning how to play the role in the highest elo, right?
[02:59:35] But I didn't like get to that elo playing challenger or playing it right so personally. I just think it's like
[02:59:49] You know it isn't one of those I don't think right. I'll actually care ever like I'm kind of tired caring
[02:59:55] I'm kind of like exhausted assuming Riot won't ever care about NA, NA is just a shitty server.
[03:00:03] Every other game you get Q-Snipe, if you're a streamer, every other game you get fucking
[03:00:09] people first timing champs and running it down, etc, etc, it is what it is.
[03:00:34] Get rid of autofill?
[03:00:35] I mean you can't, like you literally can't get rid of autofill because the last time
[03:00:41] there was no autofill in the game, right?
[03:00:45] People in Challenger would literally sit in hour-long queues.
[03:00:51] Like, I think the last time autofill didn't exist in League
[03:00:53] was season five, and I remember I was ranked 10,
[03:01:00] and I sat in a, what was it, a 98 minute queue
[03:01:05] to play one game.
[03:01:06] So it's like, you literally won't be able to play the game at the highest level if there's no autofill.
[03:01:18] So like, the problem I have with autofill isn't that it's autofill, it's that some of the roles being autofilled against other roles are really bad.
[03:01:29] Right? So like, some roles just have more power than other roles, period, in solo queue, right?
[03:01:37] So if you have a jungler being autofilled versus a non-jungler, or sorry, you have a jungler
[03:01:44] not being a non-jungler being autofilled versus an actual jungler, and you're playing in anything
[03:01:50] above masters, the game's over, or you just lose.
[03:01:58] Because jungle has so much power, that non-autofilled jungle is going to destroy the fucking
[03:02:04] right whereas like if your autofill support it's not that bad like autofill support isn't that bad
[03:02:11] because like they can still exist and do their job whereas like jungle controls the entire early game
[03:02:18] so you won't get objectives you won't get stuff like if you have somebody who's like
[03:02:21] autofill pop against like solarbaka the game's over right like you he's going to int i mean
[03:02:36] I mean, that's the other thing.
[03:02:37] Obviously, boosting is like a huge, huge problem in League,
[03:02:43] but you can't fix it.
[03:02:45] It's like actually not possible to fix boosting.
[03:02:55] So it is what it is.
[03:03:00] Like I'm just saying like,
[03:03:01] it definitely feels like some model fills
[03:03:03] hurt more than other auto fills.
[03:03:05] So I feel like if Riot had a thing
[03:03:07] where it was guaranteed to put the same model fill
[03:03:09] in the same team,
[03:03:11] then it would feel more balanced.
[03:03:13] I'd actually be curious to know the dynamics behind how much longer people would have to
[03:03:26] sit in queues to have to have jungle autofill versus jungle autofill.
[03:03:31] 80 autofill versus 80 autofill.
[03:03:33] You have to have that, require that for the matchmaking.
[03:03:38] I want to know what it means.
[03:03:50] Similar though.
[03:03:51] I want a straight up like requirement.
[03:03:54] You know what I mean?
[03:03:55] I don't want it to be similar.
[03:03:56] I want it to be like,
[03:03:57] jungle will always be autofill versus jungle, that is.
[03:04:01] We've, that's what I want.
[03:04:02] I want jungle to never not be versus another jungle
[03:04:05] or never not, you know what I mean?
[03:04:07] Autofill never not versus autofill.
[03:04:10] I know they can do that too.
[03:04:11] You can like write the code to require that.
[03:04:14] I just, I wonder what,
[03:04:17] I kind of wonder what I would, what it would look like.
[03:04:21] on the back end like how long the Q times would be I have no idea they'd be longer than now but
[03:04:28] shorter than no autofill so I don't know who knows it is what it is I still think though the two
[03:04:41] biggest things plugging high you know at the moment in NA or any region is people's ability
[03:04:47] to first-time champions is really really really bad like the problem with it is like Riot wants
[03:04:58] to make the game feel fun for everyone, but I feel like you can't have your cake and eat it too.
[03:05:05] You know what I mean? You can't want competitive integrity for your ladder, but not put rules in
[03:05:15] place to give your ladder competitive integrity. Or you can't, you can't do that. Like if people
[03:05:24] don't want to play champions to get mastery to play them in ranked, right? They have no
[03:05:31] business playing ranked to begin with. Because if you're only trying to play, like, if your
[03:05:37] only premise for playing ranked is that normals aren't like try hard enough for you, but
[03:05:43] you want a first time champs in ranked, you're kind of like counteracting what you're saying.
[03:05:49] So the logic doesn't make sense, right?
[03:05:52] It's like, oh, I only play ranked
[03:05:54] because the games are more competitive,
[03:05:55] but I'm gonna first time a champion
[03:05:57] because like, you know, I'll learn better
[03:05:59] against good players.
[03:06:00] And I'm like, no, you're just gonna grief your teammates.
[03:06:05] You're literally just gonna grief your fucking teammates,
[03:06:07] bro. That's all that's gonna happen.
[03:06:09] You're gonna go like, oh, Nate, you're not him.
[03:06:11] You're not gonna pick up a champion like that
[03:06:13] and just be perfect.
[03:06:15] Just play it in normals.
[03:06:16] You know what I mean?
[03:06:17] Like, and you don't even have to require that many.
[03:06:19] So I'm saying like require like Matt, you know how fast you can get mastery three that's like three games of a champion and normals
[03:06:26] That's like two games if you win both games
[03:06:32] Like if you win both games and normals, that's like
[03:06:35] You already master three if you if you if you pull if you lose to lose three you're still like
[03:06:46] Like I swear to God if Riot just gated being able to play certain champs and ranked behind mastery
[03:06:53] requirements
[03:06:55] Like the entire ladder would be better off. First of all
[03:06:59] people might bitch and moan about having to like
[03:07:03] play normals
[03:07:05] To get enough champions to require it like say you have to have three in each role or whatever to play the role or whatever
[03:07:11] You know what I mean?
[03:07:13] Like you know how like right now you need like 20 champs to Q ranked they could just make it so that you need
[03:07:19] You know 15
[03:07:21] Mastery champions three in each role to keep ranked or whatever and people might be mad about that
[03:07:25] But I feel like if any like the only people who would actually be mad about that are people who II don't ever play the game
[03:07:32] So why would they be mad if they're just gonna play ranked and troll anyway or be?
[03:07:37] people who
[03:07:39] Do play the game, but they're on smurfs, so they don't want to have to take the time after buying a smurf
[03:07:44] To get mastery on the champions, you know, I mean
[03:07:47] I said I don't really care. I've been bitching about it for the last like year and a half and I want to say I'm kind of sick and tired of
[03:07:59] bitching about it. The thing is it's competitive integrity has been dead in North America server for like five years.
[03:08:07] Like we had a literal win trader as our rank one for like five months. Like a literal like fucking booster.
[03:08:22] boost their win trader as like our rank one and then a for five months and he
[03:08:26] never got banned so the thing is is like I feel like Riot does this thing where
[03:08:35] they want to be inclusive right they want to be fair to everyone but the
[03:08:43] problem with trying to be fair to everyone in a competitive setting is
[03:08:47] not every rank is considered equal right so if you're trying to be fair
[03:08:53] to gold players by punishing challenger players by having the same type of rules in each rank,
[03:08:59] the challenger players are not going to enjoy the game. And if you try and punish,
[03:09:04] you know, you try and enlist rules in challenger, the gold players are going to have less fun.
[03:09:09] So what you have to do is you have to make somebody have not as much fun, but challengers
[03:09:15] are top one, top 300 of each server. Gold players are like 1 million people.
[03:09:20] So it's like one million versus like 300.
[03:09:24] You know what I mean?
[03:09:25] Like obviously they're going to choose the like millions of people that are in gold and silver and share, right?
[03:09:32] They're just going to because it makes sense.
[03:09:35] It's the majority.
[03:09:36] I wish there was a way.
[03:09:41] I wish there was a way that Riot could just make it so that like first of all, I think they should have it so that every year.
[03:09:51] Every single person above masters or masters and up everybody of masters and up resets to the same illa
[03:09:59] Like they should actually make it so that like people who buy accounts and
[03:10:07] Then sit on MMR after they buy the account and they just ruin games and hi evo have to do it again
[03:10:12] And then do it again and then do it again
[03:10:16] like
[03:10:17] There's a there's like an entire like network of
[03:10:21] Like people like I wish I was tinfoil having this by the way, but I know this exists
[03:10:26] There was an entire network of accounts of people in discords and shit and they basically duo boost accounts
[03:10:32] Like they'll just they're paid to do this. They're like duo boost a new count, right?
[03:10:37] Like somebody will level a smurf they'll do a boost that smurf up to whatever elo that they want to win trade in right and
[03:10:43] Then what they'll do is they'll put that they'll put that smurf
[03:10:47] In whatever you know, they want to be able to win trade games and masters grandmasters, whatever right and they'll just sit it
[03:10:55] And the problem is is that mmR that they have that account on right never goes down ever
[03:11:02] So what they'll do is they'll just do this on like account after account after account after account and a sooner later
[03:11:08] I'm like in masters you have like 20% of masters accounts on NA or all boosted accounts
[03:11:13] Like, half are WinTrader accounts, half are Boosted accounts, and they just sit there and, like, keep their MMR when people don't want to play.
[03:11:23] And then if the person does want to play, who bought the Boost, they'll come back and they'll just int.
[03:11:27] Because they're not, like, losing MMR, right?
[03:11:30] The problem is, is I swear to God, if you don't want to hard reset the ladder for all of the, like, casual people in the game, I get that.
[03:11:38] Because if a gold player who enjoys playing three games of League a week, he's a father
[03:11:42] of ten, he fucking works at a coal mine, can only play three games a week, you know what
[03:11:47] I mean?
[03:11:48] That's his fun.
[03:11:49] And you don't want him to demote down every season, I get it.
[03:11:53] It makes sense.
[03:11:54] Okay, like the logic is there.
[03:11:56] But when you're talking about the highest point of the ladder, you have to have
[03:12:01] some kind of competitive integrity, right?
[03:12:05] You can't just ignore the comparative integrity at the highest point and say, well, there's
[03:12:09] nothing we can do.
[03:12:10] So like I'll tell you right now, if you just make it so if you are above masters MMR to
[03:12:16] not not not Elo, but MMR right like the master MMR.
[03:12:22] You drop to a baseline of X every single soft reset or whatever right so every new season
[03:12:30] if you're above masters everybody drops to an XP line.
[03:12:34] And then you have to, above masters, climb back up through those MMRs above masters every
[03:12:40] single time.
[03:12:45] That would stop so many things.
[03:12:47] All of the people who have taken years off who have high MMR, their accounts would no
[03:12:51] longer be high MMR.
[03:12:52] There would be baseline master zero.
[03:12:54] Then you'd have people who boost.
[03:12:57] They'd have to re-boost accounts, right?
[03:12:59] People would have to pay more.
[03:13:00] People are not going to pay over and over and over again to have their accounts
[03:13:02] boosted.
[03:13:03] are going to have all of the accounts in the right elos to be able to win trade constantly.
[03:13:07] They would have to do more work.
[03:13:10] It feels like the competitive integrity of the ladder would feel so much better if everybody
[03:13:14] had to...
[03:13:15] If you're already at the highest level, you should have decaying ammo mar.
[03:13:19] You should have to re-earn climbing every season rather than just sit on Challenger
[03:13:23] and mar, take as long off as you want and then not give a fuck because it's just
[03:13:28] it's stupid for everyone else.
[03:13:31] Or grandmaster or master, you know, you get it, it's stupid.
[03:13:34] But until Riot does stuff like that,
[03:13:36] nothing's gonna change.
[03:13:38] Like, Hi-Lo will always have shitty,
[03:13:41] competitive integrity.
[03:13:42] And if you, like, you could do that,
[03:13:45] you could stop people from playing account,
[03:13:47] like new champions in ranked, right?
[03:13:49] You could stop people from, you know,
[03:13:52] doing all this nonsense.
[03:13:53] They're never gonna actually watch Hi-Lo games
[03:13:55] because Ryan doesn't actually care that much, right?
[03:14:00] But it would definitely be nice.
[03:14:13] Let's just put it that way.
[03:14:14] It'd be nice if it felt like,
[03:14:25] if it felt like it didn't feel miserable
[03:14:28] trying to climb the ladder
[03:14:30] because climbing the ladder
[03:14:31] isn't about being the better player in NA.
[03:14:33] It's about abusing a broken system the best.
[03:14:41] Like if you actually want to climb
[03:14:42] in North America server,
[03:14:44] You just play jungle, play support,
[03:14:49] and you run around the map doing the stuff
[03:14:51] that's like completely wrong,
[03:14:54] but you're like gonna win
[03:14:56] because until you get up into like high, high ego,
[03:14:59] like challenger, nobody plays the game correctly ever.
[03:15:02] So you just kind of lose.
[03:15:08] You know, it is where it is.
[03:15:23] Every change has been to make the game easier
[03:15:25] for players that will never change.
[03:15:27] I mean, I don't know.
[03:15:28] I want that.
[03:15:29] You gotta understand though,
[03:15:31] We want new people to play League, guys.
[03:15:33] Like League, you should never want people to stay away from your favorite game.
[03:15:38] This is like something that I think is weird.
[03:15:40] The League community is really gated with telling everybody to stay away from the game.
[03:15:45] It doesn't make sense to me.
[03:15:46] Right?
[03:15:47] Why are we telling people not to play League?
[03:15:49] Why aren't we welcoming people to play the game?
[03:15:53] Because League is fun.
[03:15:54] The players who play it make it not fun.
[03:15:57] But League, if you're playing with your friends or you're just playing to have fun,
[03:16:00] It is a fun game.
[03:16:02] If you're playing to climb, you'll be miserable past masters.
[03:16:04] Masters, the challenger, is one of the most miserable climbs
[03:16:07] ever, not because of how hard it is,
[03:16:10] but because the players make the game awful.
[03:16:13] Like their children, and they're into the grief or something.
[03:16:16] The latter is the problem, not the game itself.
[03:16:22] But you want the game to be easier for new people to join.
[03:16:28] You don't want the game to be so overwhelmingly scary
[03:16:31] and so shitty for the new player experience,
[03:16:34] that we never have a new influx of players.
[03:16:36] Because if new people don't play the game,
[03:16:38] the game will die.
[03:16:40] And they'll actually die.
[03:16:43] Because people have lives, right?
[03:16:44] Somebody will play League for like two years,
[03:16:47] then they have to, you know, they take breaks.
[03:16:48] They have real life.
[03:16:50] And then they have school, work, stuff like that.
[03:16:52] And they stop.
[03:16:53] And they're like, oh, I'll play a few games here
[03:16:54] and there, right?
[03:16:55] Then you have kids who are like,
[03:16:57] there's kids like, you know, like,
[03:16:59] oh, I don't like Valorant.
[03:17:00] I want to try League and then they get addicted to League and then you have new waves of like children and kids and shit
[03:17:05] And then you have like new players to telling their friends to play and then they're playing together as five people like
[03:17:10] It's good to have new people coming in. It just like
[03:17:14] Riot has done this thing where they've kind of gated themselves into
[03:17:19] If you make the game easier for new players, that's good
[03:17:23] But if you're gonna do that I
[03:17:25] I would really appreciate if they also made the game more fun for existing players to where
[03:17:34] it doesn't feel like Smurfs are taking over everything.
[03:17:41] There's unregulated toxicity constantly.
[03:17:44] There's boosting wind trading, all kinds of crap at high elo that happen so much.
[03:17:49] You can Q-snipe anybody you want high elo in NA because NA is like a really low pop
[03:17:53] server at the moment.
[03:17:55] So if your favorite streamer is playing in 300 LP Masters, you can Q-Style him like it's fucking nothing.
[03:18:01] Right? Like it's easy as fuck.
[03:18:04] So it's like, I just, like, I think that, which they can't fix that, right?
[03:18:09] But I think that there's got to be like something that can happen that makes it feel like it's not as shitty.
[03:18:15] I don't know. Who knows?
[03:18:26] I'm just yapping.
[03:18:27] I'm gonna go to bed though.
[03:18:49] I told myself I was gonna come back and stream for another three hours.
[03:18:55] And I did.
[03:18:56] So I'll see you guys tomorrow 9 a.m. sharp. I'm gonna start my stream at the same
[03:19:03] time every day and try and be consistent. Thanks for watching guys, I
[03:19:08] appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow.