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It's time to Hit GrandMaster - Late night with Geranimo

08-19-2024 · 2h 40m

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[00:00:09] I think we can actually fight them.
[00:02:41] That's not good.
[00:02:42] She missed her W.
[00:02:43] Oh, no.
[00:02:44] Nice try.
[00:02:46] That's kind of awkward.
[00:02:47] I thought I could actually kill.
[00:02:55] Dang.
[00:02:56] I thought I could kill the Hecarim, but she just ran, I guess.
[00:03:07] Like straight up I was like, oh, we can kill Hecarim.
[00:03:10] I was wrong.
[00:03:11] Welcome to the league of Draven
[00:03:14] Yo Peter, thank you so much man. Welcome back, bro. How are you doing?
[00:03:50] This is really awkward. Oh driven spin. We still might get ganked though. I
[00:04:38] Think heck room is on bot timer. Not bad
[00:05:16] Holy shit
[00:05:19] Yeah, we're fed as fuck. Oh my goodness gracious
[00:06:07] What's this man? He just died this driven not gonna lie. That was actually really scary
[00:07:18] because I saw that Blitz was trying to hook me,
[00:07:22] but Draven actually used this thing on me, like, perfectly.
[00:07:25] His E so I couldn't dodge it. It was actually really fucking scary.
[00:07:52] Oh my goodness. I mean, I could go Bid here, but I think
[00:07:58] Vick's gonna go back, man. Hard to farm. I think we got this as long as I don't get hooked,
[00:08:24] but, I mean, Blitz doesn't flash, so hopefully he's gonna Hex Flash on me.
[00:08:29] me. Don't do it, don't hex flash on her bro. I'm pretty sure that comes here by the
[00:08:35] way. Damn it. That was a crazy hook that guy just landed on me. He hooked me through
[00:09:00] Ralph. Like you just shit on me. I don't know why. I have like a blindness. The bullets
[00:09:23] hook sometimes. Like sometimes I can dodge it perfectly and other times it's like
[00:09:28] a magnet. Like I run into it. Like it's not even like the guy that like outplays
[00:09:33] me I just run into the blitzhawk. Dude my team is playing topside. I really don't think they
[00:10:37] should be playing topside there. I'm telling you man I'm a fucking blitzhawk magnet sometimes.
[00:12:29] Stop blaming. It's annoying. I will carry you. Well, sit me perma. All game. Sidelanes.
[00:12:40] Stop dying. Oh my god bro. I'm really sad this game is free if my team just decides
[00:15:06] to stop dying at any point and I hope they kill them. They're not going to. That's sad.
[00:15:56] Okay. This is really rough because we're getting into fights, but what's happening is my rel
[00:16:02] is like literally like scared to walk with me. Like I'm going into places that I know
[00:16:09] we can win, but it's very frustrating. I don't want to just have to sit here and
[00:16:16] play ultra safe at all game when you have a big lead like this. It's really frustrating
[00:16:21] to do that. Knowing I was bought, you chose to engage. Yes. Okay, how did they fight you?
[00:17:14] No, you're bad. Legit, you're just low, elo, and back. Sorry. But it's true. There is
[00:17:23] zero value in forcing that. Play is weight drake. You just want to fight and you're
[00:17:33] D1. I'm a forfeit and move on, I don't carry D1 peekers. You suck, sorry to say.
[00:17:43] Let's move on. I've lost my will to care. Sorry I can't carry D1 peekers. Peek peek peek
[00:17:59] peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek peek
[00:18:02] When you're peaking in D1 clap your hands. When you're peaking in D1 and flaming
[00:18:07] your team, clap your hands. If you are not a smart enough player to stand with your fed
[00:18:23] AD carry as the support, you need to go where they go, they do not go where you go because
[00:18:28] the AD carries are doing the damage to the objectives. I am not going to go hover my
[00:18:34] random support, whatever. I am not going to go hover my random support standing somewhere
[00:18:53] stupid. That's just not how the game works. Like I go mid to push a wave, entire team
[00:19:06] is not there with me again right like they're just doing random shit like it
[00:19:13] doesn't make sense is what I'm saying like they're like hey why was the ad carry
[00:19:16] not mid I walk mid nobody's there like it doesn't make sense they're just like I
[00:19:22] don't understand what masters players even want like guys I get it you are
[00:19:27] low elo it's okay but like I don't understand the thought process here
[00:19:31] all you had to do was not die top side of the map and you auto win this
[00:19:38] game, right? I mean, I don't know man. It is one of those. I don't know why we're in
[00:21:08] this game though. Svolder's like stacking, he's dying top. I don't even remember. We
[00:21:16] have a 2 and 8 victor. Holy smoke. I was not prepared to have to carry 4 children.
[00:21:25] Maybe the fucking mentally prepared to carry 4 children, man. It's just wilds.
[00:21:35] Dude I'm not gonna lie to you, I genuinely hate being the one who's doing the best on
[00:22:25] the team and then I don't want to play because my team is trolling.
[00:22:30] But I have to be the one to carry the people who are trolling.
[00:22:33] Guys, why are we not killing the one HP Hecarim who's worth a thousand golds?
[00:22:53] Like what is happening here?
[00:25:16] What are you people doing man?
[00:25:17] Ah just leave!
[00:25:20] Ah just fucking leave guys!
[00:25:51] We just need to push top and bot.
[00:27:50] Did Hecarim just ulti?
[00:27:54] actually not bad because we cannot give them soul it is crazy how bad these
[00:29:18] players are I don't know what to do here man I got dragon I'm like nobody's playing
[00:30:14] as a team at all like I killed their hacker and I baited all of his cool
[00:30:19] downs killed him killed the next sister it's for us dude this evil makes me so
[00:32:15] unreasonably mad we won though so it's chill did my client just break hello
[00:32:53] Hello, clients.
[00:33:04] Right, how did you break the client?
[00:33:39] I can't believe I decayed out of GM to play with this pig.
[00:33:44] He was never GM.
[00:33:48] But he's lying.
[00:33:49] I'm so confused.
[00:34:06] The guy's literally just lying.
[00:34:08] Like, what?
[00:34:20] That's so weird.
[00:34:31] Anyway, what's up, guys?
[00:34:35] How are we doing tonight?
[00:34:37] What's up, guys?
[00:34:38] I told you, guys, that would come back.
[00:35:12] I told you.
[00:35:13] I think what I'm learning
[00:35:57] is that muting is very good for my mental fortitude.
[00:36:10] As soon as we're muted, I stopped something.
[00:36:17] I think it's like, I like to pretend
[00:36:19] when I mute people in League now,
[00:36:21] I like to pretend that they're being nice.
[00:36:23] When I know they're trolling,
[00:36:26] but I'm like, oh, maybe he's just being a nice guy.
[00:36:29] You know, like maybe he's nice.
[00:36:32] Like maybe they're all being really nice.
[00:36:36] Like you gotta lie to yourself. You gotta be a little delusional about your teammates, you know.
[00:36:40] Just a little bit.
[00:36:44] Womp, womp, womp, womp.
[00:37:22] Momp, momp, momp, momp.
[00:37:32] Momp, momp, momp, momp.
[00:37:34] A topling!
[00:37:55] Now what should we play top lane?
[00:38:10] You guys think it's smolder top?
[00:40:00] Or smolder AD?
[00:40:02] Cause that last guy played smolder top.
[00:40:06] Oh no, it's Renekton. Okay.
[00:40:08] I don't even know what to play here, man.
[00:40:18] I mean, I could play, I could play Quinn would cleanse this game and it would actually smurf, but
[00:40:36] like unironically it would smurf. But what are the secondaries for Quinn now? This, right?
[00:41:01] Maybe this? I actually don't know. I don't know what the secondaries are for the electrocute Quinn.
[00:41:29] Nah, I don't want to go Mundo into Renekton. That's like a really easy Renekton matchup.
[00:41:35] Like Renekton absolutely dumpsters Mundo if the Renekton has any sort of like ability to play
[00:41:41] top lane at all so it's like it's kind of fun you know I should be able to win this lane though
[00:42:27] because if he actually tries to fight me and stun me uh it's pretty fucking
[00:42:36] from my experience it's pretty easy to just kill him after renekton's like he has to dash
[00:42:46] in stun and then dash out or he can dash in then stun and dash you for like the the damage
[00:42:54] But if he does that you can just run him down with boots and W
[00:42:58] So we'll see how this goes
[00:43:02] Basically, he should never be able to stun me unless he flashes
[00:43:07] Right like if he flashes he can stun me whenever he wants
[00:43:13] But that's why you take cleanse so he can't just flash stun you and then I'm pretty sure
[00:43:32] I go try and get bush control early. I'm pretty sure. I'm gonna a-click and then my bush
[00:43:55] My bush.
[00:43:57] Okay there's no ward in the bush because the minions would be showing if there was a ward.
[00:44:03] Or they'd be like aggoring to me.
[00:44:13] He's gonna walk up and try and get the XP.
[00:44:16] And when he does, I think I'm gonna try and zone him off the XP.
[00:44:18] Like I lost the CS, but I actually don't know if I got it, if I zone him off that XP
[00:44:30] or not.
[00:44:36] It's hard to tell.
[00:45:26] Well I actually got hit.
[00:45:27] Pretty sure Lee Sin is top.
[00:45:59] That's why I had to do that.
[00:46:00] He has no flash.
[00:46:10] Oh, you're gonna let that guy push that wave in and back?
[00:46:16] Oh, that's saddened.
[00:46:18] Damn.
[00:46:22] There's no flash!
[00:46:23] Wow, I cannot believe, uh, Kindred was scared of, uh, level 3 Renekton, or level 4 with no flash.
[00:46:48] And no Fury.
[00:46:51] Like, there's no way that guy kills her. Even if he stuns her, she can't die.
[00:46:55] Really, it's impossible.
[00:47:26] Missed it.
[00:47:27] We can actually dive them, but right now, or dive this guy.
[00:47:29] I would need kindred to actually come we'll say I don't like this
[00:48:01] Can you focus this guy?
[00:48:09] Like what is this?
[00:48:12] No, this guy's win trading. No, like that's that was legit. He was trolling
[00:48:40] Like I he didn't I don't know what I just watched
[00:48:43] He didn't even try to auto that guy
[00:48:46] Like I walked over to help him if you walked away when I came over there a genuinely like can't help this guy
[00:49:26] because uh
[00:49:27] If I try and help the kindred he's just gonna uh
[00:49:49] Well, he's gonna genuinely like troll again. He doesn't have flash so
[00:51:45] Wonder if I'm supposed to go E max secondary right like I wonder if I'm supposed to ooh that's kind of awkward
[00:52:17] Pretty sure he has
[00:52:29] He did not flash on me earlier did he when I flat or when I cleansed I don't think he flashed so I
[00:52:36] Think he just double W'd or double E'd I mean whoa
[00:52:58] What? Silas is really fucking good. Like what? This man is covering me so fucking hard. Like
[00:53:22] Jesus man, we're actually though. Yo, we almost have our boots already. Charged up. Oh my god,
[00:54:01] I'm so bad. I'm so dead. Jesus fucking Christ. Who is this Silas and can like, can we have a,
[00:54:51] You know a private chat. It's actually kind of crazy
[00:55:32] You know Quinn top is actually not bad as long as everybody in the enemy team is like reasonably squishy
[00:55:38] Kind of fun
[00:55:40] Like I'm misplaying the shit out of this land and it's still kind of fun
[00:56:22] Yeah, I feel kind of bad me reneger and it's like really intense like
[00:56:28] Spacing war and then all of a sudden Silas just shows up. He's like yeah, what's up?
[00:56:32] We're in this like really close-knit like micro-spacing war and Silas just shows up
[00:56:41] and he's like, hey bro, damn, I got the turret, that's worth.
[00:57:01] A long time, thanks for the memories, what's so good?
[00:57:10] We gotta give Silas that dirty honor.
[00:58:14] My man played so fucking good.
[00:58:59] But what did he say?
[00:59:03] He said his account got hacked and banned for intentional feeding.
[00:59:07] I don't think that's what happens, bro.
[00:59:13] Yo, Moon Taxi, they're the bits, man.
[01:00:32] Go get your games, thanks bro, I appreciate it, man.
[01:00:37] Hope you're having a good morning, too.
[01:00:38] Wait, what's Wings doing?
[01:01:00] Wings just messaged me and said he had a TFT game
[01:01:11] where it was 10 Portal vs. 10 Portal,
[01:01:14] and it was complete RNG on who won.
[01:01:18] Based on, like, what the Portals were doing.
[01:01:21] Not gonna lie, that's kind of funny.
[01:01:23] What is going on?
[01:02:10] He's just straight up forcing the re-roll. I don't think you ever read Bard. I think you only run bard at like seven
[01:02:40] Dude, I don't think I've ever met somebody who says caramel
[01:03:08] Every person I've ever met says caramel. I think caramel is like the snooty way of saying it because it's like the proper way
[01:03:20] You know I'm saying everybody's like yo, it's caramel
[01:03:35] watching wings like boomer a p.m. Roll in TFT is
[01:03:39] is one of my favorite things that I enjoy doing when Wings is streaming.
[01:03:44] It's genuinely so good. I love watching him boomerall.
[01:03:50] Is he uncontested? He's just hitting every fucking unit. Like it's nothing.
[01:04:19] What in the... Wings user items?
[01:04:50] Naked Arie. Naked Arie.
[01:05:06] Don't do it. Go Bastioncrest.
[01:05:20] You were...
[01:05:21] No, you're already there.
[01:05:23] Nooooooo!
[01:05:59] Use your items!
[01:06:41] I don't know what champion I want to play.
[01:08:06] I like watching wings, it's relaxing.
[01:08:17] Let's see how this goes.
[01:08:18] I have not played a Casiopia game in a hot fucking minute.
[01:08:25] So let's see how this goes.
[01:08:27] I mean I haven't seen a mid Jason so long oh my god I should have QE'd I'm positive I
[01:10:15] live there if I QE I don't know if I can actually kill him without I don't know
[01:11:50] Why we're trying to fight that so hard when he has no stacks of his shit, but you know, it is what it is
[01:11:58] Heck is soft ending
[01:12:59] 15 all report. I mean that grim is very obviously soft ending. I
[01:13:29] Don't know why he would fight that. We'll just try and have fun
[01:13:44] Like this game is very likely a loss
[01:13:47] Hecarim fucked over top if you fucked over my land and he's fucked over himself
[01:13:51] So I mean it's just it's pretty much a loss, but we'll try our best
[01:13:56] You know
[01:13:57] These what it is
[01:14:08] Yeah, I mean this is just funny. What am I supposed to build on?
[01:15:15] I suppose go black
[01:15:33] Am I supposed to go black part torch or is it just archangels straight up probably just dark angels?
[01:15:44] How am I supposed to play this game?
[01:16:30] Damn, Zekrom like actually solo lost me in my lane.
[01:16:36] Maybe if I can get a solo kill, but we'll see.
[01:16:43] Maybe he'll walk into my queue or something.
[01:16:45] At least I got to like try a fun for fun champ this game.
[01:17:57] So like I'm not like losing, I'm like not losing on a champion I normally play or anything.
[01:18:14] That's not too bad.
[01:18:34] You know, bang
[01:18:37] And not for long the future
[01:18:40] Someone let me out of my cage. Ah
[01:18:51] No ass
[01:18:54] He could be scared
[01:18:59] Intangible, unmanageable. See, ain't you seein' lose?
[01:20:25] No, see with your minds. Do the bento
[01:20:40] Boys love this
[01:20:42] It's all in your head. Y'all sunshine
[01:20:51] You know, by and all I'm found now.
[01:20:57] Yeah, somebody's shut up and do damage.
[01:22:59] What if I can't, if I can't do damage?
[01:23:06] Then what? I was winning mid until we forced the world's worst Scuttle crab plate.
[01:23:20] We forced the world's worst Scuttle plate, and then he decided to run it down to my middle lane or twice.
[01:23:28] I mean, I can't play at that point. Like I just die on a repeat like it's
[01:23:31] It's unfortunate, I don't know what he expects, he's playing fucking Nami in low masters.
[01:25:18] That guy is really angry.
[01:25:29] He's very upset.
[01:25:30] Oh, I gotta report the Hecarim.
[01:25:56] The Hecarim is just very, very, very tilted, and he's running it down every game.
[01:26:02] Actually, he played well in the game, the first game that we played, where we like
[01:26:08] beat him or whatever.
[01:26:09] He was the Hecarim in the MF game.
[01:26:11] But he is like, he's having a bad run of things after that.
[01:26:16] I think we tilted him and now he's just losing every game.
[01:26:23] I mean he should just chill, take a break.
[01:26:25] Because yeah, I mean he completely fucked that game up.
[01:26:33] Like I solo killed the enemy mid.
[01:26:43] I came back to lane and as I was pushing my wave in, instead of ganking mid, he went
[01:26:49] for Scuttle Crab and then he went in before I got there.
[01:26:53] Like basically I had like we recalled right me and Jace both met in the middle so Jace
[01:26:58] got the push on me first so he got level four so Jace was four I was three and then Hecarim
[01:27:05] started the fight and then after uh that fight happens I just got fucked over Hecarim
[01:27:24] invaded he like tilt invaded raptors and then died and then yeah we just lost it
[01:27:33] is one of those. I got mid again. Dang. Dude, does this Quinn jungle guy ever fucking sleep?
[01:29:37] I have run into this Quinn jungle guy like four times in the past three days.
[01:29:42] Does this guy ever sleep? He has 900 games. Wait, he's crazy. Also, why do I seem smolder
[01:30:10] every single game? Like, that champ sucks. Am I against Ezreal man or smolderman? The world
[01:31:09] We'll never know. Yo, what's up Avira? We're against Senua or Smulder
[01:31:45] No, cuz 5 AD at level one is is a lot of AD
[01:32:08] When every single one of your
[01:32:11] When every single one of your abilities scales with AD
[01:32:14] 5 AD is a lot of AD at level one. It helps you CS
[01:32:22] It helps you trade fight
[01:32:24] Like, think about it this way, every time you auto, you're doing, like, you have that 580,
[01:32:30] right?
[01:32:31] And if you're autoing, like, 10 times over 1, that's 5 bonus AD, 10 times.
[01:32:37] The extra HP is, like, worthless.
[01:32:42] You're using a spell that does AD damage, right?
[01:32:50] Let's say, yeah, you're using, like, a spell that does AD damage.
[01:32:53] Now that spell is adding another 5, or whatever the amplifier is, right?
[01:32:58] It's just more value.
[01:33:05] Tankier doesn't do anything. Not early game, so it's kind of worthless.
[01:33:10] Hey, I found the game. Smolder is... this Smolder is really interesting.
[01:33:58] I don't think that was a good play by him to do that. Take that early trade.
[01:34:04] Not an interest on him, man. The only game values since fighting level 1 and 2 is game losing?
[01:34:32] I mean, not really. The thing about fighting early is...
[01:34:36] Good players, like bad players fight for kills early, good players fight for...
[01:34:43] Poke and like pressure
[01:34:46] Like let's say you're fighting let's say you're playing like Leona and you flash you like flash Q
[01:34:51] And you force the enemy to use their flash or their cleanse that like all the one or something, right?
[01:34:55] Now every time that you use e they have to respect that
[01:34:59] Right, so it's like easier for you to
[01:35:02] like the reasoning behind doing things at the highest level is
[01:35:26] Not just getting kills
[01:35:33] When you're doing things at the highest level you're setting things up for the future
[01:35:37] Really bro?
[01:35:39] A lot of people rush Shiv on Zarya.
[01:36:26] Oh it gives attack speed and it helps her wave clear.
[01:36:29] Shiv is like the best item in the game right now.
[01:36:32] That you can rush on 80 carries.
[01:36:34] Every other item is really cost and efficient.
[01:36:36] So the reason you go Shiv is just simply because it's cost efficient.
[01:36:40] Sure that's why.
[01:36:44] It's literally just cost efficiency.
[01:37:03] How did he not die?
[01:37:07] He was definitely in fucking kill range there.
[01:37:10] If you're wondering why I didn't flash or why it didn't jump,
[01:37:13] because if I jump, he flashes the jump anyway.
[01:37:19] Can he? No, he's got TP.
[01:37:48] Kogi? No, I think what it was was, uh, he propped wait.
[01:37:53] Oh.
[01:39:23] Seems my AD carry is running it down.
[01:39:33] That's unfortunate.
[01:39:34] Ooh, there's a canemid.
[01:40:30] I guess I'll just go back.
[01:40:47] Damn.
[01:41:36] You know what's crazy?
[01:41:37] I don't think this jinx actually understands that Riot, like he's already admitted that he's trying to lose, right?
[01:41:44] If I just send it and take it to Riot, he will like, unironically, not only lose his account, but he'll get hardware bans.
[01:41:52] Which means he'll get 2 week banned on his computer.
[01:41:55] So he'll try and log in and do a smurf or something, and he won't be able to log into that account either.
[01:41:59] Yeah, if you soft int now, Riot hardware bans.
[01:42:28] That sucked. That's embarrassing.
[01:45:10] Thank god we got it.
[01:45:11] Same scene as it's.
[01:45:47] The same scene as it's.
[01:46:15] Let's see if Smulder's here.
[01:46:20] Oh he is.
[01:46:21] Ooh nice job.
[01:47:04] Killer?
[01:47:22] Damn, I think I actually could have killed...
[01:47:26] Uh, I probably played that better. I could have killed all three.
[01:47:29] I'm a little rusty on Trist because I haven't played her very much since she got nerfed.
[01:47:41] It's my first Trist game in like three intergames.
[01:47:53] Once I get three items we should actually just straight up win by the way.
[01:47:56] Like, not even kidding, like, the enemy team has no fingers, so I'll just auto-kill them
[01:48:03] all when I get three items.
[01:48:05] Like, they don't know how to position.
[01:48:09] They're just really fed, so they do a lot of damage right now, which is the scary part,
[01:48:13] right?
[01:49:26] The only shitty part about this game is I tried to help my team, so my CS is really
[01:49:29] bad.
[01:49:30] I should have just sat mid, perma, and just permscaled.
[01:49:34] That's on me.
[01:50:38] Not the worst, actually.
[01:50:42] That could have gone a lot worse.
[01:50:45] I do think I need to finish BT.
[01:50:52] I need the lifesteal to kill them.
[01:50:57] Well played.
[01:51:01] I think me and Quinn can carry this.
[01:51:58] Well that was lame.
[01:51:59] My W went off when his R wasn't down yet.
[01:52:03] My bad.
[01:52:05] I need R to fight that guy.
[01:52:08] Like, I can kill him.
[01:52:10] That can actually play that incredibly well, by the way.
[01:52:13] Just so you guys know,
[01:52:14] she actually played that almost perfect,
[01:52:16] Because she walked into the bush.
[01:52:22] She walked into this bush so I couldn't auto her during her ultimate.
[01:52:32] Because she has cooldowns, right?
[01:52:34] So during the downtime of her cooldown, she walked into that bush so I couldn't ulti.
[01:52:36] It was actually extremely well played, actually not that bad.
[01:53:33] Taking the bottom head.
[01:53:34] A lot of people don't know how to end the game when they take bottom head, so it's
[01:53:41] not that bad.
[01:53:48] Some do so you know I could be bad. I'm just saying like a lot of people don't so
[01:54:02] We're level 15. It's not bad. There's literally nowhere to TP to
[01:54:34] I can't beat I can't TP to there
[01:54:37] Yeah, man
[01:54:39] That actually would have been a free TP, but like I couldn't TP there
[01:55:00] man
[01:55:02] Damn
[01:55:05] They really had to die right in front of baron, huh?
[01:55:12] when
[01:55:13] You really just had to die
[01:55:16] in front of Baron. I don't know. Oh well, at least I get, I get to get Jinx two week
[01:56:31] banned, so. There's always that like silver lining. I got to practice trust again and
[01:56:37] I get to get Jinx two week bans. So I'm chill. It's a cool, you know, it is with us.
[02:01:05] I got to report him and then remind myself to make a ticket. I'll just, I'll report
[02:01:31] after this game. I know it's like really fucking petty to like go out of my way to get these
[02:02:06] people banned. But I'm gonna be real like there's just so many people that do this so much.
[02:02:13] Like they all just troll and grief constantly right? Like if I get even like two of them
[02:02:19] like one or two of them banned a week. Like I see that as a win right because that person
[02:02:23] is now no longer having fun. Like if I ruin somebody's week because they get banned in
[02:02:37] league and now they have nothing to do. I see that as an absolute win.
[02:03:59] Welcome to the league of Draven.
[02:04:06] Yo Valgar, thank you for the sub man, welcome to the family.
[02:05:34] Whatever, I'll try to play one more. I know it's night time so the games at this time of
[02:05:39] night are like really low quality so like I know what I signed up for. It's just boring
[02:05:55] because like the last game was so free.
[02:05:58] Huh? What is going on?
[02:07:47] Where they've double exhaust. Holy shit.
[02:07:59] Yeah, I don't know. I just think that, like I said,
[02:08:12] I'm glad Riot is like actively starting to do stuff with Soft Ending.
[02:08:17] It's still really hard to ban people for Soft Ending.
[02:08:20] You have to have like, they have to admit it in chat to get banned.
[02:08:23] Right, like actually though, like,
[02:08:26] if Soft Ending, like Soft Ending is like impossible to find
[02:08:29] if they don't just straight out admit it.
[02:08:31] But if they admit it, I do like how Riot is actually banning when people admit that they're
[02:08:39] trolling now.
[02:08:40] Like before, what was happening was you could say, I'm going to run this game down, then
[02:08:47] you could go 0-6 and try and make a claim that you weren't trying to lose because it's
[02:08:52] like, oh, I can also say I'm going to jump off a cliff and then not jump off a cliff.
[02:08:58] Like your words don't have impact, your actions do.
[02:09:03] But I think now Riot's looking into the idea that words plus the actions have
[02:09:07] the impact so it's like if you say you're gonna do it and then you have a really bad game.
[02:09:11] Like you kind of like you kind of trolled yourself by saying that you were trolling right like
[02:09:18] it feels like you kind of just griefed yourself so it feels pretty good but I mean the game
[02:09:26] still sucks like I love League but like Masters here elo is the worst play that's ever
[02:09:32] touched this game like I I don't think I can explain to you the amount of like
[02:09:39] feels bad that it takes to grind through the silo as a player that like doesn't belong in the silo
[02:09:47] like you have to go above and beyond every single game and you will still lose like half your games because people will just troll
[02:09:53] and it feels so bad man
[02:09:55] Oh, how did I miss 2 cs though? That's really good
[02:10:30] stuff in the life
[02:11:23] put myself behind right there to go help my jungler not die
[02:11:26] which feels bad but
[02:11:30] I think it's actually worth because him not dying is pretty important
[02:11:33] like if I can recover from like fucking myself over bot lane a bit but if your
[02:11:41] teammates get behind in the C.L.O. they will just rage and start trolling and when I
[02:12:09] cancel lotto we still have heal and we still have barrier so we should be good
[02:12:25] and I don't think we dive this bro I'ma keep it real with you my Senna is
[02:13:17] playing very very very very passive at least just because like I said he
[02:13:21] He doesn't play Senna.
[02:13:23] Senna is like one of the hardest champs in the game to play officially if you don't
[02:13:27] know what you're doing.
[02:13:28] That's all I know about that is that I actually, that's where it actually hit me.
[02:14:27] I want to kill this guy.
[02:14:29] We can kill him pretty easily right now because he has no W for a few seconds.
[02:14:32] I think he did spot now though.
[02:14:36] Dang.
[02:14:37] I'm pretty sure that he did spot.
[02:14:55] You have no heal, please back up.
[02:15:24] Nice.
[02:15:26] No, you son of a bitch!
[02:15:30] We got a flash though, which means I'll be able to kill her as soon as we get back to
[02:15:37] lane.
[02:16:19] I don't like this at all.
[02:16:20] Why did this guy just pink ward this?
[02:16:35] What?
[02:16:36] Wait, that's actually crazy.
[02:16:38] It's actually kind of insane that he pink warded that.
[02:16:41] I'm not kidding.
[02:17:21] Honestly, this center's not that bad.
[02:17:30] Like I'm kind of impressed.
[02:17:45] The real issue is like our Galio's kind of getting dicked, but I think it's fun.
[02:17:50] We just gotta try and look for a fight bot.
[02:17:54] Their double exhaust is so obnoxious.
[02:18:00] Like straight up that is one of the most obnoxious fucking things ever, man.
[02:18:04] Cause I jump in and I'm just like unable to use my character.
[02:18:07] I don't know how I'm gonna fucking engage.
[02:18:19] I respect it.
[02:18:20] Isn't too bad.
[02:19:21] We got like four plates right there.
[02:19:23] Let's fucking go.
[02:19:49] Spice Day!
[02:19:50] Here we go, Tabby, to this game.
[02:20:31] I want to go Thurkers, but it's like their comp is way too fucking...
[02:20:38] Based on auto attacks and shit and armor, like...
[02:20:41] If I don't go Tabi's, I'm gonna have a real fucking bad time.
[02:20:45] Like, if I live by like 5 HP, it'll be worth, you know?
[02:20:50] Like, if I can like, reduce their ability to like...
[02:20:52] If I can reduce their, uh...
[02:21:02] I don't remember, the lethal, that's the word I'm looking for.
[02:21:05] Like, if they don't have lethal, we're chillin'.
[02:21:06] Like, can you word this? I can maybe make a pick.
[02:21:15] Ah, it's fun.
[02:21:26] I'm gonna auto twice and then jump in.
[02:21:28] Damn, I canceled an auto.
[02:21:34] Feels bad, man.
[02:21:36] Dude, I'm canceling autos!
[02:21:45] What is wrong with me? I think it's just that I'm tired.
[02:21:52] I can't believe I just canceled two autos.
[02:21:54] Nice, we got ten points.
[02:22:04] Not bad.
[02:23:17] Why'd you leave?
[02:23:21] I'm um... we can get red.
[02:23:37] Did I hate backing on 2k gold when I'm playing Tristana?
[02:23:45] Feels so fucking bad.
[02:23:46] Uh-oh, what's going on over here?
[02:23:59] I'm coming!
[02:24:00] Don't die!
[02:24:03] Uh-oh.
[02:24:04] But I can't make it, I'm sorry bro.
[02:24:14] Go up.
[02:24:31] The reason I jumped is I don't know if Sona has R.
[02:24:41] If Sona has R, I'm gonna die so...
[02:24:58] Fuck, I didn't see...
[02:25:04] I didn't see an Acton behind me, I suck.
[02:25:07] Dammit!
[02:25:08] I'm so bad.
[02:25:18] Awareness goes down a lot at night, right?
[02:25:21] You know being a fucking human being I can I just play at night sometimes because like I want to stream and I can probably
[02:25:33] It sounds kind of eagly, but I could probably play in this elo half asleep
[02:25:36] There's no ward. I can't I can't participate in this fight by the way
[02:26:26] There's no way I can't fight because there's no ward
[02:26:28] There was a ward in the bush
[02:26:42] I could have easily pen to that but like we shouldn't fight this we should give but I know my team's not gonna give so
[02:27:37] We always give that though just because fighting it's way too fucking risky when
[02:27:44] Trinamere is top. Well it doesn't make sense. It's crazy that they've been
[02:27:52] A-ramming for like fucking five minutes man. What? There's no way you guys
[02:28:04] kill me here. What are you doing? That is wild they tried to do that. Like the
[02:28:23] most random solo that I've ever seen. Dude this this game is wild I don't
[02:28:42] know where to be on the map right now honestly because like in theory like I I know where to be
[02:28:49] but like where where I think I know where to be is not where we should be you know the sad part of
[02:29:59] that is I think that which tells me that that Samira knows like that's awkward hmm we really
[02:30:34] they need to do Baron. Okay, I was not expecting... I'll be real, I was not
[02:31:31] expecting them to get off Baron to come mid like that, but my bad. Because I could
[02:31:38] have lived, I just arbed it into something. Man, I really want to go BT, but Bork is
[02:31:58] so fucking good this game too. Fuck it, I'm just gonna sell Dorons. It feels bad,
[02:32:04] but this next fight is gonna make or break the game probably. Because the
[02:32:09] His next fight is like, uh, gonna be really, really, really important.
[02:33:01] That should be GG.
[02:33:27] Stringermer's kind of a smurf.
[02:33:28] He's doing good.
[02:33:38] Come on guys.
[02:33:40] I'm doing the slowest dragon known to man.
[02:33:44] I got you boys.
[02:34:08] We just have to not get ulted by Kiana.
[02:34:11] If we can not get ulted by Kiana, we're chillin'.
[02:34:17] Oh, he just straight up ulted.
[02:35:05] That Galio didn't? God damn. That's a homie right there. I'm bad. I mean that was straight up just a good play by him.
[02:35:31] I tried to buffer with my jump. I knew he was going to try that. I suck and I didn't hit my W key fast enough.
[02:35:39] It is one of those. He doesn't have flash now so it's not a big deal but we stalled out the Baron a little bit so that's why it's a slight deal but not a huge deal.
[02:35:51] everything about what that I just watched was sad he literally got baited by
[02:36:19] Kyoto then he got like mad that he got baited and so he tried to flash it's
[02:36:37] actually almost impossible for them to kill me now like without reneken flash
[02:36:42] it's really fucking hard I think I really held his fucking arm that landed
[02:37:14] my balls.
[02:37:16] Alright, GG.
[02:38:03] It was kind of sloppy, but we got it.
[02:38:09] Well, sloppy, but we did it.
[02:38:13] No worries.
[02:38:14] You know, I'm on her, Senna.
[02:38:23] I felt kind of bad for saying that that guy was bad at Senna in Champ Select.
[02:38:29] He was bad at Senna, but I felt bad for it, so.
[02:38:32] Man, I'm a little tired.
[02:38:57] I did come back and do a second stream.
[02:39:01] We did have seven hours earlier
[02:39:03] and then we came back and we did a second stream
[02:39:04] for three more.
[02:39:06] I could play another one, but I kind of want to
[02:39:07] have my wrist rest if I'm being 100% honest with you guys.
[02:39:12] I do feel like, I think I could play Tristana
[02:39:16] to get to GM.
[02:39:20] Even though I think Tristana is really bad,
[02:39:24] I think Tristana is a cheat code to climb
[02:39:30] because even though she sucks,
[02:39:32] People will like try and fight her.
[02:39:35] She has really, really good.
[02:39:37] She still has her jump, right?
[02:39:39] And her jump is broken.
[02:39:48] All right, guys, I'm sorry to do this to you.
[02:39:52] I apologize, but I think I'm gonna call it at the...
[02:39:57] I'm gonna go to bed.
[02:40:04] Yo, thanks for all the people who subbed.
[02:40:06] Thanks for everybody who watched, hung out with me today.
[02:40:09] I'll post the bot after the game if you wanna go check it out.
[02:40:11] But yeah, we're gonna check it off.
[02:40:14] Thanks for watching guys, I appreciate it.
[02:40:15] Follow me on my socials, you know, to get updates,
[02:40:18] see when I go live, I go in about coaching,
[02:40:21] stuff like that, so if you're interested, but yeah.
[02:40:25] I'll be live tomorrow, we're gonna do another
[02:40:27] eight to 10 hours stream tomorrow,
[02:40:29] and we're just gonna keep pumping them out
[02:40:30] until either my brain breaks, my hand breaks,
[02:40:35] or my mental, so we'll see.
[02:40:43] Thanks for watching guys, appreciate it.
[02:40:45] I love you guys, and I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day.
[02:40:50] I'll see you tomorrow.
[02:40:51] Later!