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Monk Mental Arc to Challenger before end of season | Educational stream

08-15-2024 · 6h 04m

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[00:02:11] The fuck is happening here?
[00:02:26] Anunu. Interesting.
[00:03:32] Cool.
[00:04:46] Well, this guy's got a level 2 Nile up.
[00:04:48] Wow.
[00:04:50] That sucks. How strong.
[00:05:19] These guys are beasts.
[00:06:00] Now we're game!
[00:06:06] Hello gamers!
[00:06:07] Good morning.
[00:07:19] I was thinking it might be kind of fun to like polymorph my...
[00:07:22] Ziggs.
[00:07:24] But, fuck it.
[00:07:34] Fuck it!
[00:07:35] How do I play this not the worst?
[00:09:08] Let's see I actually am wondering what we use these items for I guess we'll find out what they're
[00:09:25] After we get items there
[00:09:28] We'll figure it out. Won't we I have a feeling I'm not gonna get a lot of items that I'm just gonna get a lot of gold
[00:09:33] Why do I feel like my items suck?
[00:10:12] Hold on. I'm a little confused. But can I even slam anything? I
[00:10:26] I guess I can play Calista. Oh fuck, I forgot to put the TFT thing on the screen.
[00:10:54] Why didn't you remind me? What are we doing, chat? Spin to win. Yeah, I do not
[00:11:19] have spin to win items. That'd be cool if I did. But there's no way Thomas
[00:11:58] Kench is better, right? With no traits? The no trait Kench? There's like no way.
[00:12:04] Wait, this guy's Warwick's kind of crazy. Wait, get off of my- wait a second.
[00:12:21] I'm so gonna lose this. This guy's team is insane. Now I have no anti-heal for his Warwick. He's gonna heal.
[00:12:28] Oh wait, nevermind. Maybe I'm maybe I'm stronger than I think. Maybe Warwick is
[00:12:40] just a worthless unit. Oh shit, a Varus. I feel like I need... I did lose Hunter
[00:13:18] and Beam Ancer. I think I'm just weaker. Varus feels like he's probably OP
[00:13:29] though maybe does another cast I think he just kills them all nice I'm doing I'm
[00:13:45] good man how are you I just need a rageblade yeah the sets good I have so
[00:14:14] many tears I guess I can just make a hodge
[00:14:25] he has an infinity edge multi striker spat Callista yeah I don't beat this
[00:15:23] guy and a recon wait he's got a Callista and a fucking recon oh I would
[00:15:36] have beat this guy dude oh I did beat him holy fuck that's so lucky I'm gonna
[00:15:50] be real I don't think there's any world that I win this next one though but I
[00:15:58] think that's okay I don't beat this guy but I think it's fine because I mean we
[00:16:37] win streaks for so long this game we have slammin just giving us the juice
[00:16:51] what are you doing Olaf huh what are we doing buddy what I'm probably gonna
[00:18:12] miss around here because I need to think what the fuck is happening the
[00:18:43] The only problem with doing Portal is we have, I guess Last Whisper is fine.
[00:18:45] I'm gonna have to change my entire fucking comp up though.
[00:18:55] Let me think.
[00:19:47] I just need to get Terek items, right?
[00:19:52] Use my tank.
[00:19:54] And then I need a Bastion.
[00:19:55] I need a Zoe or a Jace.
[00:21:05] Wait, Krug.
[00:21:10] Oh my god.
[00:21:11] I'm gonna be real.
[00:22:20] I don't really know.
[00:22:22] I need eight Portal, but maybe I should just use my Duplicator on Raz.
[00:23:38] I just don't know if it's worth it for a zero item...
[00:23:41] ...Raz.
[00:23:47] Oh, this guy on Versa has Portal as well.
[00:23:52] Wait, he already has 8 Portal in now.
[00:23:56] Wait, fuck you, bro!
[00:24:20] Oh my God.
[00:24:25] Bro, I needed...
[00:24:27] cost unit.
[00:25:07] Nice, I got my two- my two guys. We're chillin'.
[00:25:33] Okay, let me think. How do I play this?
[00:25:35] Do I really- is 8 Portal really more valuable than...
[00:26:46] Who wins? Portal, Nami?
[00:26:48] with BT who wins this oh no nice sorry I haven't been reading chat my mom's doing
[00:27:55] my mom's doing good okay just dumps her name black he beat me with six portal
[00:28:11] he's got level 2 Diana level 2 cameo what what the absolute fuck okay I get
[00:29:30] fourth unless I can hit like a Nora 2 or something randomly I'm pretty sure I
[00:29:36] fourth. Yeah, it's doomed. Oh, I beat that guy. I think it was the Nami-diff. Okay, all you guys
[00:30:45] have to do is give me a Nora, and like, actually, I don't know, this guy's six blaster. I actually
[00:30:56] don't know if I can beat any of these guys. These guys are crazy strong. Okay. Honestly, we got
[00:32:23] fourth. It is one of those. I'll be right back. I'm gonna grab some water and then
[00:32:55] and then let's play some League.
[00:39:45] It's man after day.
[00:39:46] Oh, possibly, I don't know why I went French there for a sec.
[00:40:25] I agree, Chris Brand.
[00:40:30] Today is a W day.
[00:40:35] Let's fucking get it.
[00:40:48] The fuck do I wanna play?
[00:40:51] This guy picked Bard, and we picked Camille.
[00:41:02] Well, fuck me.
[00:41:04] We have a Yi and a Camille.
[00:41:05] What the fuck do you want me to play here?
[00:41:21] you. Rexai and my team is Camille Yee. Thank god. Like what was that? Oh my god. Hello.
[00:43:42] I'm in queue time simulator today. Good to meet you all. Dude it took them one day to
[00:44:34] change this. Dude did you guys see this yesterday? They were 100Ds was coming out with a
[00:44:43] and a colleague emote and this was this was gonna be the fucking emote they
[00:44:50] released dude they would have sold millions of this like like actually
[00:45:06] just millions of these would be all over league right made them change it I
[00:45:11] mean I wonder why they change it to this dude that's like infinitely worse
[00:45:39] Sorry, I'm picking my champion
[00:45:42] That's like infinitely worse right like look at look at this one
[00:45:47] Like come on
[00:45:49] This emote is fucking hilarious
[00:45:52] Right, it's like you know what we can't do it man
[00:46:09] Too many people
[00:46:13] Would be upset we can imagine some guy killed you
[00:46:22] Emotes on you you got a small dick
[00:46:27] Like come on
[00:46:29] They've been fucking perfect, bro
[00:46:36] This one's just dog shit
[00:46:40] Yeah, like there's so many funny uses for this like imagine
[00:46:55] Imagine there's like three people and they're like scared to dive you they're like being bitches about it
[00:46:59] And you just flash this you just flash this one at them
[00:47:04] Right you're all being surrounded by a bunch of people and you just like giving the flash of their collie
[00:47:08] You're like, yeah. Oh
[00:47:12] It'd be so good man. There's so many uses alas. We will not be using
[00:47:27] Alas, Riot will not be allowing the small penis emote.
[00:47:34] It's a tragedy.
[00:48:09] If you lose lane, if you win lane, all sub.
[00:48:13] If you lose lane, all sub.
[00:48:14] Wait a second.
[00:48:29] Hear me out, how about you guys just win lane.
[00:48:32] Sound good?
[00:48:36] This is going to be a very interesting game.
[00:48:39] Because Zig Zyra is just going to shove us in the entire fucking game.
[00:48:44] there's gonna be perm shoved so hopefully while we're being shoved in by
[00:48:55] hopefully while we're being shoved in by twiddle d and twiddle dumb we can maybe
[00:49:11] make some like sick plays I'm also disappointed more than your parents were
[00:49:26] on your birthday I feel you man why is my serpents name Janna's car she doesn't
[00:50:03] need a car bro she flies like what is what what am I looking at here oh good
[00:50:39] poke did he stood right on my he stood right on those minions for me to poke
[00:50:45] him that was 1000% worth it I should have flashed instantly though like first
[00:51:43] game of the day first game of the day jitters okay give me a break give me a
[00:51:45] break first game of the day but yeah I should have flashed instantly when I
[00:51:49] end of the W because I had my flash Q auto did she just kill my cannon surfing
[00:52:01] bro you don't need to kill my cannon bro it wasn't taking damage bro guys
[00:52:17] there's no world we're gonna be able to help you by the way on that mr. Wukong
[00:52:21] just as an FYI alright buddy dude there is no fucking way to play versus
[00:52:42] Zyra and Ziggs without taking like 90% of your fucking HP.
[00:52:49] God.
[00:52:51] Yeah, would you mind hitting the plant that's beating me in the face bro?
[00:52:55] I'd appreciate it, man.
[00:52:56] I fucked myself there.
[00:53:25] I zoned myself way too far away from the fight.
[00:53:29] That was my bad.
[00:53:41] We have the Swifties.
[00:53:44] Say it with me, chat.
[00:53:45] The Swifties.
[00:53:48] The Swifties.
[00:53:53] this so low oh good god the amount of like hope that these two just throw at
[00:55:00] you man good lord man nice fucking nice job bro
[00:56:27] Oh, oh Barry calm down calm down Barry calm down little bro. Okay, the baits was successful
[00:56:46] Nice work. Let's fucking go
[00:57:44] Did zigz just TV top?
[00:58:12] He did
[00:58:16] Wow, I think that zigz just hates fucking happiness
[00:58:27] What's am?
[00:58:29] Baaay dance with me checks. Oh
[00:59:24] Wow wait that guy does so much damage. Oh
[00:59:36] He's five and or he's three and one actually
[00:59:40] My bad, dude. How did you do so much damage?
[00:59:47] Like I couldn't even run right it was literally like I pretty much got cute eat twice. I
[00:59:55] I got I ate like maybe 200 damage been all got cued eat twice and then I think I cued twice actually
[01:00:04] We can kill this guy. We have ulti
[01:00:17] Why didn't she ulti bag I like immediately?
[01:00:36] Like she should have literally all the bad cat arena the second that are e-landed
[01:00:42] Because you know that the cat arena is gonna all in us, right?
[01:00:52] So you gotta you gotta ulti that
[01:00:54] One more time!
[01:01:03] Damn, Miss Katarina is really trying to die.
[01:01:23] Good luck, bro.
[01:01:29] I'm just gonna kill the wave instantly, every time!
[01:01:33] So good fucking luck!
[01:01:35] GL, bro, GL!
[01:01:39] We're really doing this, where we're just zoning me out.
[01:01:59] Well, this is boring.
[01:02:02] You're both gonna die.
[01:02:03] Good luck.
[01:02:05] Oh, Keanu's coming! Weird!
[01:02:20] Yo, come back!
[01:02:21] Yeah, I wish I had that Akali emote now.
[01:03:34] So much fucking poke, man.
[01:03:38] The O4 Ziggs is just throwing every spell at me.
[01:03:46] God, it's so boring.
[01:04:03] We don't know where Akali is, care.
[01:04:05] Or not Akali, Katarina.
[01:04:59] Kills him.
[01:05:01] Three day.
[01:06:14] All me, I secured both of those kills by myself and nobody helps.
[01:06:24] That's right.
[01:06:34] I'm actually impressed that Katarina is trying this hard.
[01:06:42] Which you bought as Danya's for that exact moment to try and snowball a game.
[01:06:46] Like I, you know what, I respect it.
[01:06:53] We need more people who are tryharding when the game looks bad.
[01:06:56] We'll have to try and close this game out by, ooh this isn't good.
[01:07:34] We'll probably have to try and close this game out by 20 minutes so that we don't
[01:07:44] get like snowballed on by like there's, they have a way of, if we're not careful
[01:07:50] we can just die to them.
[01:07:52] Like their team combat is a really strong one though.
[01:07:56] Oh, it's job lads!
[01:08:38] Easy peasy.
[01:08:40] GG.
[01:08:47] JJ! JJ! JJ!
[01:08:56] We did it! We've done it!
[01:08:58] Who do we honor though?
[01:09:33] Yes, we go again.
[01:09:35] We don't want to watch this riot August thing.
[01:10:39] Wait, I put it on 1080 but it didn't fix its webcam.
[01:11:26] That makes sense!
[01:13:00] Very true.
[01:13:21] Yeah, fuck more players. I mean, I guess that's kind of cool
[01:15:58] What
[01:16:00] What we're not a
[01:16:20] Wait, that does not sound fun
[01:16:24] Imagine you're playing a champion and the champion just takes like you literally can't move your character
[01:16:35] What the fuck?
[01:16:37] It's such a weird way of getting the ego. That's funny. I kind of like listening to how they create stuff
[01:17:20] I think it's kind of fun to listen to how people create stuff sometimes. All right
[01:17:34] Let's go boys. Jin it to win it
[01:17:37] Let's keep this train a rolling
[01:17:43] It's time. What's our matchup? We're against poopy
[01:17:55] Cool. Oh, what's going on? What are we doing? I
[01:18:02] I don't like this I love that I mean if we're gonna do this dude you got to put a ward down some oh my god
[01:18:31] It's all you get I can't add him. Oh, I guess I'll have to add more that guy is level two. I
[01:19:15] Say we chill
[01:19:21] Let's let the wave push in mr. Pandan
[01:19:25] I've not spent my gold yet. You should push this like I wanted to back on that wave
[01:20:32] But after you push the last wave, I mean there's no way man
[01:20:41] I mean the problem here oh no oh bro you are oh oh bro what am I watching yeah
[01:21:12] you don't want to go for plays like that and then he took my whole wave let's not
[01:21:20] come bot okay just farm you aren't him and just focus AD over support
[01:21:30] says I killed with the board first I'm like I can't just ignore the AD carry
[01:21:54] punching me in the in the cock hole you know like that's not possible but I'm
[01:22:34] in this guy's got a bf sword and he is super strong I think we got a chill man
[01:22:43] but yeah when your teammates do dumb shit like this on repeat it's best to not
[01:23:20] fall too hard into their like little trap of fighting right you got to keep a
[01:23:26] cool head and you got to realize that like if you can't go to the fight don't
[01:23:31] feel too bad about not being able to go to the fight. Like right now we don't ever
[01:23:35] fight this. Camp down is 1 HP, there's literally no reason for us to fight. Like
[01:23:42] you should just go back because a Felios can just kill all of us. He has a
[01:23:49] BF Sword, he has level 6. Now we can kill them because the Felios lost his
[01:24:04] good guns and we had Karthus there but we need to wait, right? That's the
[01:24:09] thing you have to wait for that perfect moment cool we're back in the game you
[01:24:38] know it's funny I think you're supposed to go collector in solo queue on Jin
[01:24:42] right now because I think it's better to just like fight and kill people with
[01:24:45] like I think it's better to kill people with the the like raw over-static
[01:24:53] damage you know what I'm saying but I kind of like getting shits it makes me
[01:25:03] feel like I could actually play the game if I go like if I don't snowball because
[01:25:10] collector makes me feel like if I if I don't snowball I can't play the game
[01:25:13] this is probably doesn't just spam shoving us in what the fuck gotta go we
[01:26:38] gotta go back and get some mana never be scared to go back and grab mana even
[01:26:45] if you're like oh I could only buy like one thing or like you know I I want to
[01:26:48] I'm like if you're an ad carry that has to weave casts with your autos
[01:26:55] And you have anything that you actually can buy and you have like a good timer like that where you push the wave and insta
[01:27:01] And you can go back. It's always worth going back. I have all but I don't actually know if
[01:27:31] What I'm in good there. Oh, I don't know about that ulti. Why did they swap by the way?
[01:28:13] What was my pantheon doing? I guess that's worth
[01:28:45] Earth. We see that, uh, Apellios and Seraphine are mid right now, right? So when you see that
[01:28:53] the enemy has nobody that can actually stop you from pushing, make sure that you take
[01:28:57] the time to min-max a little bit of your gold if you can't buy anything. And, uh, don't
[01:29:02] be too afraid to push one more wave if nobody's gonna be here to stop you. So
[01:29:07] now, uh, we're gonna go back though, because now we, like, they're gonna be spawning,
[01:29:11] they're gonna be walking bot. Alright, Zed wants to go bot, so I'll head mid. Let's
[01:29:21] do it oh god that's that shit on that
[01:29:25] sender I didn't realize she's 52cs oh my
[01:29:29] god said gave her the fucking zee back
[01:29:47] all the way up under the turret because
[01:29:48] he can snare me while he quit me with
[01:29:54] that auto Jesus or that Q I gotta be a
[01:30:01] little care because once a failure gets
[01:30:05] ie you got to be a little bit nervous
[01:30:07] right like he's I'm not gonna lie to
[01:30:09] boys a failure says he's you know he's
[01:30:12] He's a big boy once he gets IE so you gotta be a little careful.
[01:30:16] He doesn't do a lot of consistent damage, but he does a lot of burst.
[01:30:47] Mine.
[01:30:51] Okay, I'm not gonna lie, that was a little toxic.
[01:30:54] Okay, listen.
[01:30:56] I should try and push one more wave here.
[01:31:51] It's a little risky, I think, but I should push one more as fast as I can.
[01:31:59] I'm gonna go back.
[01:32:03] Actually, I could stay and probably help, uh, I forfeited.
[01:32:15] Okay.
[01:32:16] Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
[01:32:33] Poggers.
[01:32:58] We're on the grind, boys.
[01:32:59] We go again.
[01:33:10] All right, let's finish watching this Riot August thing.
[01:36:00] I get it.
[01:36:03] I think that's a cool idea.
[01:36:06] Right, I think that's a reasonable thing to think.
[01:36:11] Okay.
[01:36:31] Oh god, it's so quiet all of a sudden.
[01:36:36] It's so quiet.
[01:36:40] What do we talk about?
[01:36:58] Oh no.
[01:37:02] I'm just gonna leave this uncomfortable silence
[01:37:04] in the stream for right now and see what what happens we'll just we'll just give
[01:37:17] a sit yeah hello chat are you there
[01:37:44] hello is anyone out there I'm just going to sit here and talk to the mic like
[01:37:59] this until people respond I'll kill you we have a Senna support what do we play
[01:39:14] with Senna support. I'm not sure. I think I want to play another Jhin game. I feel as
[01:39:42] though Jhin has been quite fun.
[01:39:44] Alright, we are against Lucian Nami. Lucian Nami is definitely going to be a hard lane
[01:42:11] for us. But I think as long as we bait out the Lucian Dash, like the way we're going
[01:42:20] to play this Lion is I'm going to bait out the Lucian Dash. Okay, hear me out, hear me
[01:42:25] out. We want to get Lucian to dash into us where he can't follow up with the slow on
[01:42:31] Nami immediately. Just like out of range basically. We want to kind of bait him.
[01:42:37] And then we want to go forward with the W.
[01:42:42] So I want to land, I want to, the perfect way,
[01:42:46] I think to play this lane for me would be,
[01:42:48] we get the push on them,
[01:42:51] because we have better push than they do.
[01:42:52] We get a little bit of the push on them,
[01:42:54] and then after we get a little bit of the push,
[01:42:56] we're going to try and just fight them outside
[01:43:00] of their range and play around Lucian's dash,
[01:43:03] like really accordingly.
[01:43:59] Not bad, got a good trade.
[01:44:17] Ooh, that's a good cube by him.
[01:44:19] Alright, I'm gonna try and push the waves.
[01:44:23] I'm gonna pop my pot now too,
[01:44:24] because we're probably gonna fight.
[01:44:29] They're not quite level two,
[01:44:30] so we're gonna play up just a bit.
[01:44:41] This melee's gonna give him level two,
[01:44:42] so we gotta be careful.
[01:44:45] It looks like, why am I getting pinged?
[01:44:57] I mean, are we just...
[01:44:59] This is really weird.
[01:45:04] I mean, this is a really awkward situation we're in.
[01:45:09] Hi, hello.
[01:45:13] This is like a super awkward situation
[01:45:15] because my leeson is weak setting bot
[01:45:29] and there's no way that I can survive this dive
[01:45:31] if I'm sitting at half HP, so.
[01:45:35] I'm gonna just pray that I don't get zoned off
[01:45:37] walking back to the wave by the echo.
[01:45:44] Oh, they didn't even crash the wave?
[01:45:56] All right, we wanna thin this wave out
[01:45:57] because echo is about to dive us.
[01:46:01] Our jungler's top, their jungler's bot,
[01:46:02] which means echo is going to come try and dive us
[01:46:04] right now.
[01:46:17] I'm just gonna keep autoing this whole time.
[01:46:22] There wasn't really much I could do.
[01:46:23] I got E so that I could maybe try and slow them on the dive, but it didn't really have
[01:46:29] any huge impacts.
[01:46:31] Now they are going to want to back here, so I'm going to try and push this wave in.
[01:46:34] Oh my god, I canceled two autos.
[01:46:51] We need to crash this wave as fast as possible so that I can reset after.
[01:46:55] Oh my god, I'm bad.
[01:47:00] This is probably the worst case scenario right now.
[01:47:03] I've missed a lot of CS.
[01:47:10] My team's popping off.
[01:47:11] This is a really awkward scenario for us personally.
[01:47:15] We crashed the wave fine, but we are down like a full wave,
[01:47:19] half a level of XP, and I missed a few important CS.
[01:47:27] But yeah, on that dive, when they were diving,
[01:47:30] the Senna should have just let the wave crash.
[01:47:33] She tried to freeze it, which was fine,
[01:47:36] if they weren't there.
[01:47:37] But because we knew Lee Sin was top,
[01:47:41] we just had to let the wave crash
[01:47:47] because she took too much damage trying to freeze it
[01:47:52] I'm gonna put some traps down in areas where they could come through to try and gank
[01:47:57] like here and everywhere else
[01:48:04] Lucian's got a long sword over me so I'm gonna play a little bit
[01:48:07] uh... reserved
[01:48:10] we play back a tiny bit
[01:48:19] alright Lucian's kinda trolling
[01:48:21] uh... one thing that you always want to be watching for here too is
[01:48:26] watch for the Nami bubble that is your number one
[01:48:29] way you're gonna die in the sling
[01:48:33] So basically every time, every time Nami kind of spaces forward towards me, I'm going to play a little bit back, right?
[01:48:45] That's my goal. Alright, use the Z. I'm going to use that.
[01:48:58] Dodge the bubble.
[01:49:00] Pop barrier early. I'm going to run out.
[01:49:04] W the Nami.
[01:49:08] I have to flash here. I'm dead. Okay.
[01:49:11] Dang, I barely space-drung on that.
[01:49:15] That sucks.
[01:49:16] I should be okay because I can get back to lane, but yeah, that was my bad
[01:49:23] It is a cannon wave so I'm only gonna miss one minion. It's not that big of a deal
[01:50:05] Okay, the only good thing that I can pick up it comes from something like that is
[01:50:10] My top side it's kind of just nuking them
[01:50:13] We're just gonna have to be a little kid mouse
[01:50:16] stop it
[01:50:18] We're just gonna have to be a little careful on
[01:50:20] bot side because I
[01:50:22] that one death is gonna be like really hard because uh
[01:50:25] Even though I used flash and they used flash they have a much easier time killing me
[01:50:33] Because they're playing fish
[01:50:35] They're playing Wushanami, right? So it's really hard to
[01:50:42] Survive in that lane or in this lane with no flash
[01:51:36] Okay, that was some fucking sick teamwork. I'm only gonna get one plate and then we're immediately back. All right
[01:52:21] So right now
[01:52:22] When we're walking back to lane guys pay attention to this okay when we're walking back to lane something that you need to understand is
[01:52:28] How you can die my Senna is pathing top for grubs, right?
[01:52:33] So I need to find a way to wave clear this without dying and without getting dove
[01:52:40] They're just going to keep pushing the wave up on repeats here. Oh, I played that so good
[01:53:45] Literally wave cleared it perfectly juke
[01:53:49] ability
[01:53:50] How boring man
[01:54:16] Yeah
[01:54:18] God you people are boring like why are we picking on the gin man?
[01:54:36] Jesus
[01:54:37] Why should I care?
[01:55:16] Why should I would be?
[01:55:18] Why should I care?
[01:55:21] I have barrier so I think because I have barrier we can keep playing up here
[01:55:54] This Lee Sin is pretty good. Never mind he died. Actually you know what? Even though he died he's still pretty good.
[01:56:08] See I said you had turret too slow. Brother there's a wave! They're slow! They're not blaming!
[01:56:48] The wave is slow. Man that guy is crazy, crazy tanky. That is outrageous.
[01:57:59] Alright, what are the odds they come down here?
[01:58:19] Pretty damn high, apparently.
[01:58:21] They don't need to do death timers? Yeah, I love them.
[01:58:58] People get punished. Like, if you die in lane, you actually, like, have downside to fucking dying.
[01:59:07] It's actually awesome.
[01:59:17] That's a fucking movie love to death timers.
[01:59:55] The one on the ground...
[01:59:57] ...was turned.
[01:59:59] Uh, I could beat that guy 1v1, but I don't think it's worth it.
[02:00:08] hmm I should push this wave huh eh forget the music died I miss American pie my
[02:00:24] shivvy to the levy but the levy was dry this will be the day that I die day that
[02:00:36] I die music died by mr. American pie
[02:01:40] Stepping to do that, even through that, even dry.
[02:01:44] Oh baby.
[02:02:32] This will be the day that I die.
[02:03:10] How's the climb going?
[02:03:17] It's, you know, playing solo queue.
[02:03:20] Sometimes it's a slow, consistent grind, you know?
[02:03:29] We lost like 200 LP a few days ago from just pure tilt and I didn't take a break.
[02:03:37] So we're getting it back.
[02:03:39] Oh my goodness.
[02:05:22] damn their team comp is very mobile very very very mobile oh shit I think people
[02:06:06] are starting to realize Santa's broken I think that's the first Santa van I've
[02:06:10] seen
[02:06:11] there you're bound bound when I know now now now
[02:06:48] well adds can anyone in chat tell me what the goal is for the lane that I'm
[02:06:57] in right now like what's my plan on the first three waves I've talked
[02:07:01] you about this? We have a Sona, they have a Seraphine, both 80 carries are somewhat scaling.
[02:07:06] What do you guys think the plan is? What did you have? Nope. You jungle, you don't know.
[02:07:30] All right, listen. We're going to factor in a lot of different things, okay? Astro has it right.
[02:07:39] So our plan, and again, your plan isn't going to always work, but my plan in this game is to
[02:07:45] fight them a bit at level one because Jhin is stronger, force them off the wave, and then
[02:07:50] And I want to slow push waves 1, 2, 3, get wave 3 crashing and I want to reset on a wave
[02:07:57] 3 crash to get my cheater.
[02:07:59] I want to go back and buy a call because this is a heavy scaling game.
[02:08:08] So I'm going to auto the wave early and I'm going to start like throwing out spells just
[02:08:12] because I want to control the wave.
[02:08:28] Now if they're going to contest us for the wave like this, we walk up and we poke.
[02:08:40] Okay.
[02:08:43] I missed a few CS there, but it's not the end of the world.
[02:08:46] We can't really three wave it
[02:08:49] So our plan is getting a call at this stage is still not bad
[02:08:57] Because like I said, it'll really depend on what our gold is when we back
[02:09:01] I'm gonna walk up and I'm gonna start pressuring the wave in this bush
[02:09:05] He's just gonna not barrier. We want to push this wave as fast as we can
[02:09:38] cool
[02:09:40] So here I'm not gonna get a call
[02:09:42] If you ever have a thousand gold on your first recall, it's pretty much always go Swifties
[02:09:46] Like the value of having a boots especially since everybody's boots are more expensive now
[02:09:55] The value of having boots this fast on something like gin is really really really really really high
[02:10:01] So going the early Swifties it's gonna give me like I don't have as much damage
[02:10:09] But I have a lot of mobility and a lot of chase potential and kite potential and dog
[02:10:14] But that just it's like a you're investing in your ability to play the game much easier when you buy early Swifties
[02:10:21] I got a fast shove this wave because Jinx just came back to lane.
[02:10:33] She only pushed one wave before she only pushed one wave so she has no gold.
[02:10:58] You can kind of see just how fast I am.
[02:11:00] I can just move in and out of the bushes pretty easily.
[02:11:04] We can walk up.
[02:11:06] We can zone a bit here.
[02:11:11] Oh no.
[02:11:12] I'm going to try and get one plate.
[02:11:22] We see that Ekko is top so because we see Ekko is top, I'm actually going to
[02:11:26] hard shove this next wave into. But yeah, because we see Echoes top, we can play a little
[02:11:31] bit more forward. I wasted my barrier. Not bad. I fucked up though, and I got double
[02:12:03] E'd. We got to be really careful about that. You can see like my Sona almost died because
[02:12:11] I fucked up, so. She ate the Jinx flame jumps for me. I think they're going to go back
[02:12:32] here, so what I'm going to do is, we're going to do the same thing we did before.
[02:12:36] to push the wave as fast as we can. I essentially want this wave to crash before this wave gets
[02:12:51] to turret, right? That's my goal. So now that we crashed that wave before the other wave got to
[02:12:58] turret, it'll bounce back to us, and now they have to make a choice if they want to push this wave
[02:13:03] or they want to slow push. They could crash this wave in the next wave as a cannon wave,
[02:13:07] or they can slow push this wave. It looks like they're slow pushing the wave,
[02:13:12] Which is totally fine with me now. We're gonna get six first
[02:13:18] Sona's level four, so they're gonna have double six. Well, so nice only level five
[02:13:23] And that's something we need to think about for the future. We're gonna get six right now
[02:13:31] Using Jin six is a lot harder than using you know like Sona sex or something like that
[02:13:37] We see echo is toppling again
[02:14:00] Our team is playing really far up, so I want to play really far up
[02:14:03] Like our team is playing really aggressive though right there. I knew that the a soul was going to uh, I
[02:15:04] Knew the a souls II or whatever was gonna slow that guy, so I decided to walk up and make sure that I was kind of
[02:15:14] Helping him out to dive the turret
[02:15:18] Alright, we're gonna reset same thing as before we go back to lane
[02:15:22] We do need to be a little care though now. We know we have no cooldowns right?
[02:15:28] Why did sort of flash?
[02:15:30] We know that we have no cooldowns. We have no flash and no barrier
[02:15:33] Seraphine is going to have level 6 I believe or she is level 6. I think she's gonna have her ulti up.
[02:15:40] Yone, I don't know if he has ult yet but Echo was level 5 so as we walk into lane we're gonna make our plan to let this wave push into us slowly.
[02:15:52] And we're just gonna collect the wave and hope that we can get something done.
[02:15:56] Gotta be a little careful of the Seraphine arm. I kinda wanna try and shove the wave in.
[02:16:38] Oh, we're gonna ganks. Jesus Christ. That was my badden. I should have, uh, I should have pinged
[02:17:06] Sona to put a ward down. She has three wards available and we're not putting our wards down.
[02:17:10] Uh, that's, I mean, it's, it's like my fault for not respecting the fact that they could be down
[02:17:16] there and pinging her. I mean, there's no way you kill me here, bro. What is A-Soul doing? Oh,
[02:18:06] nice, you got to kill. I was saying, I really hope A-Soul gets at least one kill there,
[02:18:10] cuz like I got them all pretty fucking low. What are you doing? Why is this guy
[02:18:22] bought? Bro I don't even know what to say about this game. This game is wild.
[02:18:48] So it's back up a bit. That was huge. Nice job. I'm gonna push one more wave. We
[02:19:44] know that their jungler is top so I have I have the ability to shove this wave
[02:19:49] without just completely losing my tempo. Now I don't want to keep trying to
[02:19:54] killed this. I don't want to kill this tier 2 because they have time to make
[02:19:59] plays on the map. I'm playing NA sadly. We're gonna siege around mid now because
[02:20:42] we're ready to bot turret and it's the safest lane and the closest to all the
[02:20:45] objectives. If we can get a ward on dragon or rifts big like fucking fake
[02:20:51] rifts dragon. I don't know what to call it. Shelly. Oh I killed that guy with
[02:21:33] ship. Cool. Seriously though, how did I miss? He's up in 20 but I should be
[02:22:05] able to back and get my RFC before the drake. This is a weird timer. I maybe should be staying
[02:22:12] here if I'm being 100% honest. There's a good chance that was actually a timer I should stay on,
[02:22:18] but I don't know if we can play for the dragon because the way it's working is like we need to
[02:22:21] wait for Shennar. And we need Sona to be able to go back and get stuff too, so it's like
[02:22:26] we were going to be late to the drake regardless. I'm going to walk through here.
[02:22:39] Always put your traps down on Jin in the corners around areas that are going to be like tighter
[02:22:47] corner areas mainly because when people walk around the map they walk in their corners.
[02:22:56] The auto-pathic in the game will just do it automatically.
[02:23:06] So here we should look for refs but we need a ward in this bush because I can't function
[02:23:10] unless there's a ward there.
[02:23:22] This is kind of bad guys.
[02:23:25] I'm just getting, like, thrown arounds.
[02:23:34] Bro, what is happening?
[02:23:38] Ooh, my bad.
[02:23:39] I mean, I-
[02:23:41] I don't know where we were. Like, Shen- Shen ulted me.
[02:23:45] Sona held her ult. Maybe it was down, I don't know.
[02:23:47] But I don't know where Belvet and, uh, Acil were.
[02:23:51] Cause we didn't push waves in.
[02:23:52] Ah, stop fighting.
[02:25:38] Play team.
[02:25:40] Not self.
[02:25:46] You never walk into jungle, okay?
[02:25:48] Ever.
[02:25:49] If they can fight you,
[02:25:50] Just give. You aren't win-con. Damn, I might have thrown the game by over-fighting once.
[02:26:06] What are you doing, man? Oh, this Belveth is briefing the game. Hmm, this is really
[02:26:59] frustrating because Belveth is pretty much solo losing us the game. Damn, dude, if I
[02:27:35] had done a better ulti there, by the way, I'm so sad, man. If I had done a better
[02:27:42] Oh, I would have killed all of them with a better old
[02:27:52] I'm so sad dude. I just said give 40 times
[02:28:32] Man guys come on
[02:28:36] Yeah, we have to give that we do we it's too hard
[02:28:50] We need to wait for Shenolds
[02:28:53] To even come close to contesting this
[02:29:28] No, I saw
[02:29:30] I'm gonna try and get my fourth shot on my RFC prop
[02:29:41] And then we're gonna walk up and they're not gonna know that I have the RFC
[02:30:00] Look at them all!
[02:30:05] Oh my Belbeth Jizzing God!
[02:30:29] I'm dead.
[02:30:31] I thought...
[02:30:33] I don't know, my brain went numb right there.
[02:30:37] We overstayed, I knew we overstayed.
[02:30:40] I like how my whole team is like...
[02:31:40] ...winding about...
[02:32:13] You know what's funny?
[02:32:14] The only reason my team is inting right now...
[02:32:17] because they're mad that Yone is strong.
[02:32:20] Like they're they're not playing around me who's also strong
[02:32:26] They're they're just raging that Yone's a good champion right now
[02:32:33] Which is just like so bad. Oh, yeah, we're close to IE once I get IE the game gets so much easier
[02:32:47] Okay, let's let's leave
[02:32:49] We should try and get this and then I need to keep pushing mid waves in
[02:33:04] Okay, okay nice. So now I hit like a fucking monster truck
[02:33:15] What we need to do is play for mid Pryo, but we also play for top and Baron
[02:33:20] I don't care about this dragon at all because I don't want the game to be going for like another 10 minutes
[02:33:26] I'm gonna push one wave mid
[02:33:53] Listen gun. Oh, we just went again
[02:34:18] Nice, let's go
[02:34:20] The name like boy mommy gaming you can't expect him to be a good player. Listen. You don't need to do him like that
[02:35:12] Okay, you don't need to do him like that. You think you are pitless echo. I'm literally top damage on our team
[02:35:43] Sona player typing
[02:35:45] Play something with skill then speak dog
[02:35:51] The seraphine player said that the Sona player wasn't skillful enough to type
[02:35:57] We lived in a simulation. I think
[02:36:03] My CS by the way
[02:36:49] 8.4
[02:36:51] 8.4, 8.2, 8.3, do I have autism?
[02:36:58] Like what is happening?
[02:37:04] Am I getting like the exact CS numbers every game
[02:37:12] with different times in every game?
[02:37:14] But it's like always 8.4 average.
[02:37:19] What the fuck?
[02:37:28] What about the other GIN games?
[02:37:33] Well, I lost that one.
[02:38:11] Let's just do this.
[02:38:26] So my CS on Jin is interesting.
[02:38:36] Lately, I've been averaging 8.4,
[02:38:45] but when I'm doing really good, I have good CS, like nines.
[02:38:54] Interesting.
[02:39:00] What champs are doing well this split?
[02:39:02] For AD carry, there's a lot of AD carry champs
[02:39:04] that are good right now.
[02:39:06] Ashe is good, Jin is good.
[02:39:10] Varus is decent, Ezreal's good.
[02:39:15] I think there's more good ADs than bad.
[02:39:17] I think that you can, I think almost every AD carry might be playable right now.
[02:39:20] I think the ones that are unplayable that you shouldn't play are like Tristana, Kalista.
[02:39:25] I'm trying to think.
[02:39:33] Like don't play Trist or Kalista.
[02:39:34] They kind of, like Kalista is way too hard for a lot of people and Trist is just shitty.
[02:39:38] That's not bad.
[02:39:39] You can play almost any AD right now.
[02:39:41] Like most ADs are actually pretty good right now.
[02:39:43] If you want the absolute highest top tier ADs for like Challenger, I would say
[02:39:49] like Challenger.
[02:39:50] They're probably only playing like Ezreal every game.
[02:39:53] probably like Ezreal, Ash, Jin, Varus. That's what I'm assuming. I haven't played in it,
[02:40:04] but you can just go look at the ladder. Yeah, here you go, look. This is the number 180
[02:40:22] carry on the ladder right now, right? Like literally, he's ranked 180 carry on the ladder
[02:40:26] at rank 14. Ezreal, Ash, Jin. There you go, that was right. Some Varus, Ezreal, Varus,
[02:40:40] Ezreal, a Draven game.
[02:40:47] He tried playing Zaya, but it went to shit.
[02:40:51] But yeah, I mean, he mainly just plays
[02:40:53] Ezreal, Jin, Ash, every game.
[02:40:55] Sometimes they'll play off meta stuff.
[02:40:57] You know, like, he'll try a Varus game here and there,
[02:40:58] MF game.
[02:41:00] But I would say his consistency is, he plays Zary too.
[02:41:07] What is this, Chatter?
[02:41:08] Oh, that's Angry Korean men.
[02:41:10] I think long ago, his caps lock key broke.
[02:41:14] So he's just always here screaming.
[02:41:27] I like to, I like to, in my head,
[02:41:30] Picture him screaming in like a Korean accent.
[02:41:36] You know?
[02:41:50] Yo, you guys wanna see some Senna?
[02:41:59] You guys are about to see some Senna gaming.
[02:42:02] You're about to see why Senna be broken at the moment.
[02:42:20] Hold on, I might need to play an ad right now.
[02:42:23] I don't know when the last ad played.
[02:42:24] I don't have my thing open.
[02:42:26] Let me go look.
[02:42:38] Yeah, I'm gonna play an ad now
[02:42:39] so one doesn't play in the middle of the game.
[02:42:41] Oh baby, I need to get some Agua.
[02:42:58] Some Wata.
[02:43:37] Oh.
[02:43:43] Little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little.
[02:43:45] Put it back.
[02:44:19] You did not just flash on me and then ignite me, what?
[02:44:23] What?
[02:44:29] Hmm.
[02:44:30] What?
[02:44:40] What the fuck was that?
[02:45:03] I did my brands not use barrier.
[02:45:20] Okay.
[02:45:23] Dude, these people suck.
[02:45:26] Uh, what?
[02:45:28] My brand didn't use barrier there.
[02:45:31] I'm really confused, man.
[02:45:35] Oh my god.
[02:45:37] What is- what- what am I watching right now?
[02:45:40] I'm actually confused as fuck because what's been ha- like where it came bought.
[02:46:15] I mean we need to push this before we die but...
[02:46:25] Please listen calls.
[02:46:27] I need to keep crash wave.
[02:46:29] Not slow push.
[02:47:00] I can't believe it's enemy Kaisa's 3-0, because Brand didn't hit his fucking barrier key.
[02:47:07] And then Warwick decided to run into the fucking enemy Kaisa at level 1 and chase him.
[02:47:14] Like, there's no way, like...
[02:47:16] Fine, it's fine, it's fine.
[02:47:17] Like, I'm gonna lose my mind with this guy.
[02:47:34] I don't know, man.
[02:47:36] I don't know, man.
[02:47:38] First time, Autofill Brand is sus.
[02:48:06] I'm pretty sure there's a 15, by the way.
[02:48:07] My brand is autofilled. He doesn't know how to play brand like this first ever brand game
[02:48:16] And he's just autofilled. So pretty sure we just lose
[02:48:20] Like straight up our only wincon here is me getting
[02:49:29] Somebody random fed on our team because like I have I have a really really really low quality team here
[02:49:35] My top laner. This is the second game in three weeks and my jungler. This is his fifth game in three weeks
[02:49:42] We're just fine, but if we do want to win this game, we are going to have to, like, quite literally,
[02:50:01] we have to play around people that are brands, because, like, watching, like,
[02:50:06] brands just never gonna be the wincom this game, sadly. I'm gonna go help our Warwick if he's
[02:50:23] trying to invade over here. You know what I mean? I mean, yeah, that was obvious. I can't really
[02:51:27] walk anywhere. I was on Jinx. Uh, she's okay. Jinx still has the same issue of, like,
[02:52:02] Like a lot of the meta ADs are really good versus her.
[02:52:05] Right?
[02:52:06] Like Ash, Varus, any lane boy AD is really really good versus Jinx, Ezreal.
[02:52:14] So she has the issue of like, it's really hard to play Jinx against good players.
[02:52:21] I mean I think IE rush Jinx is probably fine.
[02:52:26] I don't see it being bad.
[02:52:56] Why would that guy tank the turret?
[02:52:58] Why would you tank the turret shot bro?
[02:53:02] When you go Fleet over PTA. I mean you go Fleet if you have an Enchant there and you go PTA if you have an Engage
[02:53:33] That's pretty much it. I mean we need vision
[02:55:09] What was my brand doing?
[02:55:10] We just we should just move on this games the brand is just trolling
[02:55:31] It actually kind of sucks because I do think we could win this game if
[02:56:25] If everybody was playing their main champs and shit
[02:56:27] We actually totally win this game because like Senna is so broken that once I scale up
[02:56:38] I can actually win us this game just by being Senna
[02:56:41] Right? But it's just one of those things where it becomes really fucking hard to win games
[02:56:50] like this when people are not trying to win.
[02:56:54] Ooh, that was actually really close, let's go!
[02:57:45] Wait, dare I say winnable chats?
[02:57:48] Wait, dare I say it?
[02:57:51] Is it winnable?
[02:58:56] Oh my god, are we just running around the map like idiots?
[02:58:58] Alright, we're getting into a death match, let's go!
[02:59:21] Can we play the new Wild Expansion?
[02:59:23] try. What? I think once we get Moonstone, I actually think we can win. I just need that
[03:00:41] core of Moonstone plus Echoes, and then the two Moonstone and Echoes, once you start getting
[03:00:47] stacks and shits, you actually start healing so much. So I think it might actually be
[03:00:55] OP. I need help warding if we can. If you guys don't mind. I guess I'm dead. If
[03:01:37] We don't ward and fight as a team, we lose by the way.
[03:01:49] Why are we chasing Darius?
[03:01:54] Look at Matt, play as a team, you apes.
[03:02:17] I mean, whatever bro.
[03:02:23] Yeah, let's move on.
[03:02:25] Mid is lost.
[03:02:52] I don't even know, well I, yeah I mean I baited a little bit
[03:03:53] but it just doesn't work or it doesn't like playable.
[03:04:08] Dude, I ain't gonna lie. This is such an awkward fucking game.
[03:04:12] Oh, how to win games like this? Because...
[03:04:16] You're just gonna very slowly bleed out.
[03:04:20] Right?
[03:04:22] Like, we're slowly losing every objective and we're slowly bleeding out in games like this.
[03:04:28] And they're just gonna- they're going to outscale us with like, kaisa and shit.
[03:04:31] I mean, we gotta try something.
[03:05:50] Why would they do that?
[03:05:52] Were they like, pushed mid there?
[03:05:54] That was a weird choice by the enemy. They kind of trolled that. They're kind of trolling, honestly.
[03:06:24] As long as my team doesn't lose right now, I think we're fine.
[03:06:35] Okay, they're managing to lose right now. Just waveclair, boys.
[03:07:04] Like, literally, that's pretty much all we have to do is just waveclair.
[03:07:08] Baron's not up for a bit. We just need to look for picks.
[03:07:52] I need to get wards on Baron, er, Dragon.
[03:09:09] Guys, kill him!
[03:10:02] NU-
[03:10:03] FOOT JOCK!
[03:10:42] I could really use some help warding Baron.
[03:10:47] Please.
[03:11:02] We need to push a mid wave, and then we need to ward Baron.
[03:11:06] But I don't know if I can do it by myself.
[03:11:08] It's too hard.
[03:11:11] Like a high key, I will just die.
[03:11:17] Yup, there it is.
[03:11:19] Told ya.
[03:11:31] Yeah, that's your G.
[03:11:34] Uh, I mean, I typed it.
[03:11:36] In chat.
[03:11:37] to come mid. But you all ignored me. They deserve it. I mean they ignored me. I was
[03:11:57] like come mid, they ignored me. I mean I carried my best this game. You can't get
[03:12:11] four monkeys. Like if you have four low master players and they're all monkeys,
[03:12:15] you can't get four monkeys to find the banana. They're all gonna fight over
[03:12:20] who deserves the banana and they're not gonna go get the banana. So like you
[03:12:24] You know, you can't really control it.
[03:12:29] It is all of this.
[03:13:25] Makes me sad, we actually win that game.
[03:13:31] I was only adding the brand so that I can,
[03:13:33] I was trying to add him so I could dodge him.
[03:13:36] I'm just gonna wait to queue.
[03:13:40] When your teammates matches through it looks like this
[03:13:46] and the only win they had was you literally
[03:13:49] one B-ninning the game for them
[03:13:52] and solo carrying them.
[03:13:54] That was their only win was you solo carrying the game.
[03:13:57] You take a quick five minute break
[03:13:58] and you wait for them to queue up.
[03:14:01] Cause this person's just gonna be a detriment
[03:14:03] to the team every game they play.
[03:14:06] Like they're never gonna be useful in their games today.
[03:14:09] They're just having a bad day.
[03:14:44] Double baby!
[03:14:51] Give it energy drink.
[03:15:13] I need to drink at this hour.
[03:15:14] It's 3.30.
[03:16:36] All right, I should be able to queue up.
[03:16:39] That guy should be in game.
[03:16:41] or like he he should we shouldn't get him
[03:16:44] i think i think i think we're chilling
[03:17:29] so he'll so much
[03:17:51] but that that that that that that that that that
[03:17:59] bro it's crazy i'm actually playing so well today
[03:18:03] and i've even been playing well in the senate games but now that senate can't
[03:18:07] solo carry games
[03:18:10] but now that you can't like do the damage to solo carry the games or
[03:18:13] whatever right
[03:18:14] The games feel so much harder, even though the Senate build is broken, because I can heal my team like a fuckton, right?
[03:18:24] Like, I can, I can like heal my team a ton, you know, give them vision and do all that shit.
[03:18:37] But, uh, I mean, my ulti, when I bought the, when I was three items, my ult was literally shielding for like 1500 AoE.
[03:18:45] The problem is, is like, you can't like do the damage that your team needs to do.
[03:18:49] You can only heal your team.
[03:18:51] So I'm sitting there like healing my teammates,
[03:18:54] but they're just not grouping.
[03:18:56] So it's always like an unfair matchup.
[03:19:01] I think Santa's busted his fuck right now.
[03:19:04] Like I think she's incredibly broken,
[03:19:06] but I think you still have to like have people
[03:19:12] play around you.
[03:19:31] Me too, man.
[03:19:32] The new Akali emote was so good.
[03:19:35] That shit was so good.
[03:20:00] The Akali emote, oh I can show it to you.
[03:20:02] It was basically a collie making a small symbol with her fingers.
[03:20:12] Like she's like, she's basically saying somebody has a small penis.
[03:20:18] And it was the best emote I've seen come out of league in a while.
[03:20:22] And then Riot said they had to change it.
[03:20:24] So they changed it.
[03:20:25] And now it looks shitty.
[03:20:26] Fair, I'll show it.
[03:20:28] I'll find it.
[03:20:29] Hold on.
[03:20:41] Riot just likes ruining all the fun.
[03:20:57] So the one on the right was the original emote.
[03:21:01] Like dude, they ruined it, man.
[03:21:09] The one on the right was so fucking good.
[03:21:12] Dude, I'd never buy emotes ever.
[03:21:19] Right?
[03:21:20] Ever.
[03:21:21] I'd never buy emotes.
[03:21:22] I would have bought this emote and spammed the shit out of this.
[03:21:26] Like anytime you outplay somebody, you just throw the emote out and it's fucking
[03:21:31] funny.
[03:21:50] would have gone insane. Why? Is that like a Korean culture thing where like they get mad
[03:21:56] about that? It's so good. Suggestor of radical feminism in Korea? What? Man, feminists ruin
[03:22:33] everything. God. I'm kidding. Don't cancel me. Please. I gotta stand up doing some squats.
[03:23:11] Gotta get the blood flowing.
[03:23:14] Hey!
[03:23:16] Come on, dick, get back!
[03:23:59] Dude, I think it's weird that we have an entire set of women that hate men and an entire set
[03:24:08] of men that hate women.
[03:24:12] Dude, just chill.
[03:24:15] Who cares?
[03:24:17] You're all fucking bad at League.
[03:24:20] At the end of the day, you guys all suck at League, right?
[03:24:23] Who cares?
[03:24:24] Why's my Mereo, whose name is Relkitten, playing Mereo?
[03:24:55] Hmm...
[03:25:02] Excuse me, Relkitten?
[03:25:42] This is bad.
[03:25:50] Ooh, that's not that bad.
[03:25:54] Them using...
[03:25:57] Or him taking tower shots, actually pretty good for us.
[03:26:00] We're definitely gonna have to play a little safe.
[03:26:16] Like, we don't have a choice.
[03:26:24] But this isn't too bad.
[03:26:36] Because we are weak-sided games,
[03:26:37] So because we're weak side we don't have a choice right this is one of those games that like
[03:26:48] If the enemy was smarter we wouldn't just to lose the game
[03:26:53] Like they're playing such an oppressive lane, but they don't know how to play the lane phase
[03:26:58] So we would just be getting shit on if they were smarter players
[03:27:01] This is the importance of wave management right here. You guys are seeing it like
[03:27:09] If this was like if this action is Seraphine were smarter
[03:27:12] They would have crashed the wave earlier, right?
[03:27:15] And then after they crashed the wave, they would have let it bounce and then freeze it.
[03:27:19] And then because we're weak side, we wouldn't be able to stop the freeze.
[03:27:23] And that's kind of the issue with a lot of players when they play League.
[03:27:33] And that's why I try and tell you guys, like, a lot of the game is not as much about your teammates as you think it is.
[03:27:40] Like you always have the potential to do things.
[03:27:42] You just have to look for what your play is.
[03:27:45] Every game your play will change, right?
[03:27:48] And you always have to look and see what your play is
[03:27:51] Like this game they need to this ass just keeps shoving. I'm bad. I'm bad. I'm bad. I'm bad
[03:28:14] How should I be playing? Oh, did you ask that before I explained it?
[03:28:52] Because I went over it. I said that what they should do is
[03:28:56] When you have lane dominance as a as a team
[03:29:01] Right so Ash and Seraphine have a stronger lane phase than we do so because they have a stronger lane phase
[03:29:06] because Ashe is naturally just better than Jhin and Lane.
[03:29:09] Okay? Yeah, I could just go a little more in depth here.
[03:29:12] The way they should play it is they should walk at us level 1 and fight us.
[03:29:15] It's almost impossible for us to actually fight them level 1,
[03:29:18] as Milio Jhin, because they just have more power.
[03:29:20] So if they just walk at us and fight us level 1 and stat check us,
[03:29:23] they can control the wave push, and if they control the wave push,
[03:29:26] then they can 3 stack the wave, recall,
[03:29:30] and then after they 3 stack the wave, recall,
[03:29:32] recall, then they can freeze while our jungler is playing topside. Bro, there are so many
[03:29:48] minions here man. We should fight this by the way, 100% go. Like what was my Mili-O doing?
[03:30:30] My Mili-O ditched me! Boy, he's beating me ditched me! Oh yeah, I mean the reason I knew
[03:31:27] we could win that fight was because I've been playing League of Legends for 10 years
[03:31:31] and I have no life. We got their arrow. We should just back up and let them push
[03:31:53] this way then okay not too bad we could totally kill this guy I'm just scared to
[03:33:21] fight this because I don't know if Milo's gonna follow up Viego is also
[03:33:26] probably bot side we need vision on top side river
[03:33:30] Ash arrow is up yeah Viego is bot okay we should back right now go get shiv
[03:34:10] and then play for we get shiv here we're on a big spike Ash is gonna have
[03:34:24] the back after this. Again, don't fight. And these people just don't care, do they?
[03:34:46] You can literally type to them. Bro, what is Master's, man? I can literally type to
[03:34:55] them. I'm going to back. Play for objective. Point one seconds after I back, they immediately
[03:35:13] go in. What the fuck? Diego is probably on grubs right now. That's why I'm taking
[03:35:27] this. We're gonna see Grubz drop in probably 3 to, you know, maybe 5 to 10 seconds. Never
[03:35:33] mind, Milio's a bad player. Or not Milio. Why am I flaming my own Milio? I'm in Diego.
[03:36:30] What the fuck? What are we being pinged back on, by the way? I haven't seen a game where
[03:37:17] people didn't just take Grubz in a while. You guys see this, kids? The enemy team
[03:37:28] my team just left the grubs up there's only three taken I should have rotated
[03:37:42] mid but yeah I was gonna say they're gonna get that a hundred percent my
[03:38:09] Rengar is a little lost on the map he doesn't actually know where to go for
[03:38:13] the objectives so like that's kind of what's happening right now is Rengar
[03:38:18] it's very lost was it put it that way I fucked up damn it I think I
[03:38:58] actually had that my movement was bad I gotta go back I'm too um we need to play
[03:39:36] this dragon this is so frustrating all we had to do is do the dragon but they
[03:40:57] refused that's very very very frustrating oh um maybe dead yep fucking a man just
[03:41:09] do the Drake and objective kills do not matter oh my god man I don't know
[03:41:28] you guys just never listen in the CLO.
[03:41:32] Ah, it's so frustrating.
[03:41:35] Yes, I'm flaming my team.
[03:41:55] Yes, they deserve it.
[03:42:06] The fact we won bot lane while being weaksided that hard
[03:42:09] and we still ended up winning and coming out way ahead,
[03:42:11] while also like winning every other lane for my team as well
[03:42:19] and my team is still finding ways to throw the game.
[03:42:22] This isn't starting to irritate me, you know?
[03:42:24] We gotta walk in and carry games like this.
[03:43:06] Dude, how are people dying, man?
[03:43:27] Man, this is really frustrating.
[03:43:47] This is like an extremely frustrating game.
[03:43:50] That's why I'm not talking as much,
[03:43:51] like I'm trying to walk in
[03:43:52] because I really want to win.
[03:43:56] Cause like I have to,
[03:43:58] there's certain times in certain games
[03:44:00] where when you are better than the elo,
[03:44:02] you have to prove it.
[03:44:06] And so you have to kind of like walk in
[03:44:08] for a bit in games like this.
[03:44:09] These are the games where you have to walk in
[03:44:11] so that you can actually focus
[03:44:14] on like those little,
[03:44:15] those little moments,
[03:46:42] where you just grieve.
[03:46:43] Welcome to the league of Draven.
[03:48:05] I can't get that.
[03:48:06] I'm just gonna back.
[03:48:31] I don't want to go BT over IE this game to be honest.
[03:48:35] But I didn't have enough for Vampscepter.
[03:48:54] I can't really contest waves right now without Melio with me.
[03:50:26] Nice job guys.
[03:50:28] That was actually so incredibly well played by everyone.
[03:50:32] Like they all just like played that correctly.
[03:50:34] That was some teamwork.
[03:50:36] Ah.
[03:51:25] We gotta push mid wave.
[03:53:01] We should back.
[03:53:03] I don't think we will, but we should.
[03:53:32] Nice, GG.
[03:53:42] Dude, I had to walk in during the mid game there.
[03:53:44] I'm not gonna lie.
[03:53:45] My team was really trying to throw that one.
[03:53:53] I gotta give it to Melio, though.
[03:53:54] What is this Melio skinned?
[03:54:06] He's got like a little frog outfit.
[03:54:10] Oh my God.
[03:54:27] Gee, fuckin' gee.
[03:54:32] These two said I was the shot color.
[03:54:33] Yo, thanks, homies.
[03:54:37] No, that Melio was playing really good.
[03:54:41] That guy was playing really, really, really, really, really, really good.
[03:54:45] Like, that melee was playing great.
[03:54:54] Mundo with the most damage.
[03:54:56] Yeah.
[03:54:57] I mean, it's not really fair though, because Mundo is just throwing cleavers at Renekton in the whole game.
[03:55:03] Top lane damage is like, super fake.
[03:55:07] Right? Because like, Renekton also had the most damage on his team.
[03:55:12] So like, both top laners had the most damage, but like...
[03:55:15] Did you ever see Renekton do literally anything in this game?
[03:55:20] Like, I didn't even know they had a Renekton.
[03:55:24] I never saw this player.
[03:55:26] Like, ever.
[03:55:27] Like, I never saw this guy.
[03:55:33] I think I accidentally killed him with like a Q-Bounce at one point.
[03:55:38] I think that was my one value of like seeing Renekton is like he died to a Q-Bounce.
[03:56:09] This fucking song is...
[03:56:11] Yo, we've been kind of dropping some fucking bombs on Jin.
[03:56:37] Dude, how do I break out of this like weird, weird thing that I have with Jin?
[03:56:49] I swear I have an 8.4 CS average.
[03:56:56] Like every single game, 8.3, 8.2, 8.4, 8.4, 8.5.
[03:57:06] I do think Jin, like I was seeing, like I said, I talked to Taco, I played against them
[03:57:33] like three days ago, and he was telling, he was telling me that like he thinks Shiv
[03:57:37] is bad. But I don't agree. It might just be a playstyle difference. Oh, I'm support. Oh,
[03:57:53] my bad. I didn't even notice. But no yet. Jin feels, uh, I feel like Shiv. The reason I
[03:58:12] really like Shiv with Jin is it like genuinely feels like, how do I put this? Shiv Jin feels
[03:58:25] like, like when you have collector, you do more damage up front and you can brawl better early.
[03:58:30] but if you ever like get behind I don't know shit just feels like I get so much
[03:58:36] good like I have so much good like wave you wave tempo during the mid game and
[03:58:45] whenever you hit shiv and bot lane you can insta clear the wave with one trap
[03:58:49] a cue and a shiv like I actually really like it was the grandmaster cutoff
[03:59:07] like 500 ish. I was close like two days ago I was like 430 but then I went on a
[03:59:17] bender and lost 250 LP. I played 23 games of league in one day. Honestly as long as
[03:59:29] we don't do that I'm pretty sure I can get GM pretty easily. Like as long as we
[03:59:37] don't drop the like 24 game tilt queue I'm pretty sure we can do it because I
[03:59:43] mean I'm playing very very well. I really want to try and get challenger
[04:00:07] before the end of the season.
[04:00:09] I'm motivated.
[04:00:10] Guys, I fear my AD carry has died.
[04:01:23] Well, no, I had told you before, man.
[04:01:25] Like once you get into GM, if you're a challenger player,
[04:01:28] once you get to GM, you win.
[04:01:30] You'll win streak very, very, very, very fast.
[04:01:35] Like it happens to every single player
[04:01:38] who's ever been challenger will sit in masters for a bit
[04:01:41] or the masters games are miserable.
[04:01:43] And then once you hit like an actual lobby
[04:01:45] where you get challengers in GMs.
[04:01:47] The game feels a lot easier.
[04:01:50] It happened to QD, it happens to Dom,
[04:01:51] it happened to Tyler,
[04:01:53] it happens to everybody who streams.
[04:01:54] It's impossible to not have it happen.
[04:02:07] Like I think the biggest difference
[04:02:08] between Grandmaster and challengers
[04:02:12] and why it's easy for like challenger players
[04:02:15] who have been challenging in the past
[04:02:16] to climb the chow through GM
[04:02:17] and GMs kind of get stuck and have to learn
[04:02:19] is because I think if you hit GM
[04:02:21] you can easily hit challenger on any roll.
[04:02:25] You just have to learn like the reasoning
[04:02:27] behind hitting challenger.
[04:02:29] Like, if you can get out of masters,
[04:02:32] you know enough about the game to hit challenger
[04:02:33] at that point, you just have to learn a little bit more.
[04:03:00] Shouldn't we just back?
[04:03:04] Yeah, like, see, this is a good moment
[04:03:06] to explain this, right?
[04:03:07] Our wave is in a really good spot right now.
[04:03:11] So this is like one of these moments
[04:03:12] where, like, we notice that our wave is in a decent spot.
[04:03:15] So we have a tempo timer to back here.
[04:03:17] They're going to push the wave under the turret,
[04:03:19] but we have time to get back there
[04:03:21] and collect that wave
[04:03:22] without being stuck in the lane, right?
[04:03:28] Man, stop building Slingshot!
[04:03:32] This item sucks!
[04:03:34] Yeah, it's more of like,
[04:04:07] masters players don't play as a team.
[04:04:12] I don't really know how else to phrase it,
[04:04:13] because everybody's gonna think I'm coping,
[04:04:15] because like you're like Geronimo.
[04:04:16] You haven't been, you know,
[04:04:18] you haven't been Challenger since 2019, how would you know?
[04:04:21] I'm just telling you like,
[04:04:22] from my experience having getting Challenger
[04:04:24] seven years before that,
[04:04:26] Every single time you hit a certain breakpoint in League, on the climb, every single time
[04:04:32] there's always a breakpoint and you always hit this like, uh, this point where like it
[04:04:38] feels like your teammates play around you and when you, you'll still lose games, but
[04:04:42] when your teammates play around you, games are a thousand times easier for everyone.
[04:04:52] It's just teamwork.
[04:04:53] In a team-based game.
[04:04:58] It's fucking wild, right?
[04:04:59] Okay, you ordered that, I'm on it.
[04:05:21] I'm gonna go back bot. I should've shielded him.
[04:05:42] Ooh, it's close.
[04:06:00] I'm not gonna waste my flash.
[04:06:18] I was dead regardless.
[04:06:26] That was such a weird play.
[04:06:28] Uh, Kaisa pinged like she wanted to go in, right?
[04:06:32] So I went forward, but she didn't actually go.
[04:06:39] It's not her fault, I fucked up, but
[04:06:41] I do feel like it's really awkward, timer.
[04:06:46] Oh, they're both dead.
[04:06:48] Oh my god, what are you guys doing?
[04:06:50] Oh my god.
[04:07:24] What the fuck is happening?
[04:07:32] I don't think they know he's on this, so I don't think there's any point in not backing here.
[04:08:06] Because I want to go get vision on top side.
[04:08:12] Like I want to get some vision on top side right now, because we have a really good lead, and I want to keep our lead.
[04:08:27] I mean, Volibear is definitely going to invade him.
[04:08:30] I should walk over there.
[04:08:35] Oh he didn't invade him. He went mid.
[04:08:37] I guess we can't really stop this.
[04:09:08] Actually, I should stay here in case this guy invades my zen.
[04:09:16] There's like a very real chance that he tries to invade here.
[04:09:23] Not bad.
[04:10:05] I'm glad I stayed, because yeah, I think, I think I just won us the game.
[04:10:10] Like, I'm almost positive staying there, uh, and turning that fight, turning that dive,
[04:10:17] I'm pretty sure I won us the game.
[04:10:18] We'll have to see, but, uh, it was a really big play.
[04:10:26] Okay, I got six.
[04:10:51] Oh, I was coming.
[04:11:07] Damn, I was actually on my way.
[04:11:18] That's super unlucky, man.
[04:11:19] I can't move I am
[04:12:39] Walk ahead. I need to back
[04:14:45] So I can get some words for this
[04:14:47] Kaisa, I mean our lane assignments are so bad man
[04:15:02] Like Kaisa should be fucking mid. Yone should be bot. We should be playing for rift
[04:15:07] Like our lane assignments are absolutely dog. Like Kaisa is just so dumb
[04:16:41] Like there's literally no reason for it to ever be bot right now
[04:16:51] Like I'm telling you so this is like why a lot of you guys do the same thing this guy's was doing by the way
[04:17:00] A lot of you do this when you're winning a game like this and you're like, oh shit
[04:17:03] I don't need to like I can sit bot and just fun. No, just go me
[04:17:07] Like your entire job at this point in the game when you're when you're doing this. Oh
[04:17:14] I'm not the flash damn
[04:17:17] Your entire job at this point by the way is to like unironically just help your team
[04:17:23] By being in the middle of the map like I've told you guys like, you know thousands of times
[04:17:28] Being in the middle of the map is how you win the games. They have wards everywhere
[04:17:44] Okay, fuck you too, bro.
[04:17:59] That- that must be warded.
[04:18:11] This pink ward is not seeing the ward.
[04:18:13] I will bet you guys any amount of money that there's a ward right here,
[04:18:18] and this pink ward is in a spot where it doesn't see the ward on the other side of the bush.
[04:18:22] I will bet you.
[04:19:27] Let's just go get dragon.
[04:19:39] Let's just go get dragon.
[04:19:40] I'm- I'm doing so much right now to keep you fucks alive,
[04:21:49] wouldn't mind like not forcing me to be fucking Kiria, I would appreciate it. Nice. Yeah, we
[04:22:29] just take Dragon, or we just take Baron here. Then we go top and bot with Baron and that's
[04:22:35] our end game. Mid will auto shove. We have good vision of them rotating if they do try
[04:22:45] and rotate. I'm gonna put a ward here so we can see if they try and flank. Dude, I'm
[04:24:34] not gonna lie. I don't think I've seen a bigger support Kingdom in one of my games
[04:24:38] and like not to full on glaze myself here, but I did
[04:24:42] Did I I ran a fucking clinic this game that win was literally clinical?
[04:24:49] I got zero honors for my clinical clinical carry. Come on man
[04:25:06] Look at this
[04:25:08] That's gonna put down 11 wards. I did 10k damage
[04:25:23] I don't even know how much I shielded
[04:25:27] Healed 5k
[04:25:31] Shielded fucking as much as Senna ult, okay, what I'm seeing here is like Senna's just like a better Janna
[04:25:40] What the fuck?
[04:25:42] But Senna's broken
[04:25:44] Shout healed me and out shielded me. Yes, Senna's disgusting and out damaged me
[04:25:55] The only thing I beat her on is like CC score and
[04:26:01] but barely no, I'm telling you man if I like
[04:26:17] if I hadn't
[04:26:19] Rotated if I hadn't ditched balling we would have lost this game
[04:26:25] Like, I don't even think Kaisa is a bad player, this guy, but the problem is, is like, I had to go topside, I stopped two dives, a one-my mid laner, the lock, okay, he's playing lock-it, Yone.
[04:26:42] Bro, can people just play the game?
[04:26:51] Do you guys realize how stressful it is to be walking around the map carrying you all?
[04:26:58] and then you you build a locket check the mid bush at 1755
[04:27:15] i mean i can i'm pretty sure there was a ward because i mean lux walked up and full comboed me
[04:27:26] i just think that that mid bush you can put a pink yeah see i told you my game sense is unmatched
[04:27:41] i told you i would bet you any amount of money that there was a ward there
[04:27:56] like there's there's actually a little trick to this right was this my pink
[04:28:03] Was that my pink? Did I put that down? Am I trolling?
[04:28:08] Who put this pink down?
[04:28:12] It had to be me.
[04:28:17] Rip.
[04:28:18] But yeah, uh...
[04:28:20] There's a trick to this.
[04:28:21] You essentially...
[04:28:23] Yeah, I fucked it up.
[04:28:25] You have to put the pink ward in, like, this.
[04:28:28] There's, like, a line.
[04:28:30] The bush is too far. Vision.
[04:28:32] Ward vision only goes, like, here.
[04:28:35] Right?
[04:28:36] So, yeah, if you put a pink here, they can ward here.
[04:28:40] and if you put a pink here, then you can ward here.
[04:28:43] Right, which is exactly what happens.
[04:28:45] That's how I knew, like, when Lux comboed me, I knew there was a ward in there.
[04:28:50] I just fucked up the ward.
[04:28:55] Like, right here, right?
[04:28:58] Because this is my vision, right, of this.
[04:29:16] It is my bad.
[04:29:17] Got an AD again.
[04:29:39] Noice.
[04:30:00] Is this a...
[04:30:01] Dude.
[04:30:03] I have not seen another Malzahar player
[04:30:06] In like so long it's been so long since I saw another mouse player
[04:30:43] Wait, our team comp is so bad. Wait, this is the worst team comp ever.
[04:30:54] Cosix is better
[04:31:06] Belleveth is like she has to invade the problem with Belleveth is you have to invade with Belleveth, right?
[04:31:13] So if you pick Malzahar with Belleveth
[04:31:16] You can do it, but the Malzahar has to know how to play the lane
[04:31:19] Like I've played with Belbeth's as mells before and you just you have to shove
[04:31:25] at like you you have to literally walk into the lane and start shoving as fast
[04:31:30] as you can because you won't get level 3 ganked mid like the Belbeth being in the
[04:31:36] game makes it so you don't die mid.
[04:31:48] Like our draft better now I think the enemy
[04:31:51] trolled with their draft. The Jace is really bad here that's a bad champion
[04:32:01] here. What does my taric have? Ignite. Oh geez, I don't know. But yeah, I mean the entire
[04:32:16] game is really weird. I will say that's a very weird draft from both teams. I feel like they're
[04:32:23] just one-tricks. I mean both people's drafts suck. Basically, both teams do the same exact
[04:32:55] thing. Like, oh and ironically both teams just accomplish the same goal in draft
[04:33:00] which is split.
[04:33:02] Like, both teams want to split and make picks
[04:33:06] by rotating and controlling vision.
[04:33:09] Like, we don't have team fight comps, right?
[04:33:11] They have Jace, Trindamere.
[04:33:14] Basically, this is what happens.
[04:33:15] They have Jace, Trindamere,
[04:33:17] but they mixed Jace and Trindamere with MF,
[04:33:19] Rel, and Karthus.
[04:33:21] So it's like, MF, Rel, Karthus
[04:33:23] are really good at team fighting.
[04:33:25] But the other two don't want a team fight.
[04:33:27] They want to like siege and poke.
[04:33:40] But then we also have like our comp which is like
[04:33:44] Malz and Quinn both want to like push and look for picks
[04:33:48] And then Jin and Taric want to like control
[04:33:53] Like zone control areas and like push waves
[04:33:56] Taric wants to like kind of brawl and skirmish a bit
[04:34:00] I don't know, I mean it is one of those
[04:34:03] It's solo queue so team comp doesn't actually matter until high elo but
[04:34:07] Oh no, that's fucking BS but okay bro
[04:34:36] no that was BS well that's fun lose half my HP I sidestepped that by the way
[04:34:55] that's total bullshit but whatever I think Terak has stun right level one oh
[04:35:03] my god I'm gonna miss every CS by the way okay it's fun it's isn't too bad me
[04:35:26] getting fucking W at level one is so unlucky we got a backup because now
[04:35:35] Now, like I can, uh,
[04:35:38] Don't be wrong, I can play off of it. It's just like really annoying
[04:35:42] Because right now the waves gonna bounce and we have to play around this bounce
[04:35:47] And this is gonna be a very hard wave to bounce or to play around. Oh my god
[04:36:13] That guy actually got level 3
[04:36:16] We had to take that fight by the way. It had to happen
[04:36:20] That's what I meant by like, I think we actually win that
[04:36:25] uh
[04:36:27] I missed my w here
[04:36:31] Like when we initially were fighting them we were level three to level two
[04:36:35] And I think I should have w'd the fucking
[04:36:37] Raoul I would have killed her before she got to
[04:36:41] Run away and then we could have just taken the w
[04:36:45] Kind of sucks
[04:36:49] Because we actually played that really smart
[04:36:53] For us having to play off the bounce like that
[04:36:55] The Taric played it smart too because we forced it, uh, Rell was the one who was playing it dumb
[04:37:02] And then we fought it instead of running when we saw the Carthus
[04:37:06] Yeah, that was a good game or a good fight. We just misplayed it
[04:37:11] This is kind of bad though because now the waves gonna bounce again
[04:37:30] God, this is so annoying
[04:37:32] We keep having to play the bounces. Oh, Carthus is top. We're chilling
[04:37:36] Okay, the Carthus isn't very good. Oh nah
[04:38:14] Oh no
[04:38:16] What a shot of whiskey
[04:38:19] Daniel my history
[04:38:21] You're not gonna lie
[04:38:39] Mouser Harbor's trend is such a hard matchup
[04:38:42] for a mouse a hard
[04:38:43] because turn America can just kill your little voidlings and you can't play the game I
[04:39:14] Want to push this in?
[04:39:28] No, Derek's doing fine
[04:39:32] landing stun is harder than you think on
[04:39:37] Unarranged like landing stun on rails fun
[04:39:40] landing stone on range is harder than you think it is. I'm gonna miss a CS file.
[04:40:21] Oh I forgot to say math I can't do this. Goddamn it. I'm actually gonna rotate up
[04:40:29] to this. There's really no reason for me not to like rotate up right there
[04:40:52] because uh because I wasn't like sitting on the way I wasn't gonna like hit
[04:41:05] the plates there with that map coming back that fast so it's on the big
[04:41:10] video. She has B Epsword. She's a lot stronger than me right now so I gotta
[04:41:19] to be careful with that bounce was brutal I missed that that last fourth shot man
[04:41:56] man I trolled my Quinn men that was such a good room too like I've got a land
[04:42:15] those I mean my Quinn's getting railed but that's that's like a skill matchup
[04:42:33] like the Jace Quinn matchup is like a you just have to be better than Jace
[04:42:38] I mean it kind of sucks is I do kind of wish we were playing bot side a
[04:43:05] little bit more this game just because playing around our losing lane is it's
[04:43:10] really awkward guys okay I don't think I can walk up to this wave what the fuck
[04:44:42] my team stinks you guys suck god damn I really hope we don't give that turret
[04:46:21] but I don't even have a choice like I mean I can't sit bot and just get zoned
[04:46:26] by MF as she freezes the wave. So what I choose to do instead of sitting bot and just like being
[04:46:32] zoned is you have to sack like it's like a better of or it's a better of two shitty options right.
[04:46:39] I can either roam and we lose bots or it and MF gets a small lead or
[04:46:48] or I can roam up to like try and help them in. I really need to back for shift. There's a very
[04:47:05] small chance we can win this game, but it's pretty rough, because yeah, I mean, basically
[04:47:18] our top laner and our support are kind of trolling a bit, so it's like, the game gets
[04:47:27] a lot harder. Oh, I'm dead. Dang. Yeah, I'm actually a ditched Taric and ran to the
[04:47:53] left. This Taric is not very good. I'm surprised this Taric is Grandmaster, because yeah,
[04:48:00] this guy's maybe he's just having a bad day like bad days happen I guess there's a
[04:48:13] chance because yeah this guy doesn't really know how to play the he doesn't
[04:48:21] really know how to play the map or how to play the lane but he is really really
[04:48:32] bad warning I mean I don't know we just go next I mean it was just a
[04:49:11] straight-up jungle top support diff. I can't do anything.
[04:49:15] MF just got to play the game the way she wanted, which is the comps terrible.
[04:49:21] Yeah, I mean this was terrible comp.
[04:49:24] My Tarek also didn't, like, he did, he got free boots instead of rushing boots.
[04:49:50] You gotta always rush boots on support, especially melee support, Sven.
[04:49:57] If you don't rush boots on melee supports, like, it still doesn't make sense.
[04:50:01] you're not gonna be able to do anything the whole game. You're gonna be super
[04:50:04] immobile. Yo boys, let's just like move on. Like bad games happen, like nobody
[04:50:11] can be, like I'm not even mad. I just don't want to like waste my time in this
[04:50:14] game. Like who cares right? But like you know don't waste everybody's time.
[04:50:23] I was actually kind of clean with it a little bit but like like Derek's just
[04:50:34] AFK mad. Like I don't know what we're supposed to do here. I mean
[04:50:44] yeah he's this guy is not trying to win I mean honestly we're holding out kind of
[04:51:32] hard but maybe it's winnable if if mouth it's like three items but we don't
[04:52:04] fight this I'm dead oh my I'm dead actually still oh this sucks I'm bad
[04:53:07] oh huge we can play for dragons actually though like that's that's
[04:53:20] actually a huge pick by the way because now being able to play for Drake here
[04:53:24] is is really really big we need a ward on Baron though there's a big wave top
[04:53:59] guys like if we want back in the game fighting is not gonna be the way we do
[04:54:04] it macro is they are definitely on that you know I went down oh it's good
[04:55:09] route went up it's not bad though they got Baron but it's not the worst I
[04:55:26] mean we traded a few barons the problem here is that again we stalled
[04:55:30] them out like Jayce chasing. Like the fact that we were able to stall them is not bad.
[04:55:36] Man they have so much, they have so many pinks. Dude I'm so behind the enemy AD. He has
[04:56:29] fucking three nap items. I'm so fucking behind him man. Hmm. I think Mal is gonna walk
[04:57:08] up and we should have tried to fight that. But that's okay. And that's not air.
[04:57:31] We need to push mid, and then we need to get dragon vision.
[04:58:28] Oh, I'm so dead.
[04:59:07] Man.
[04:59:09] I knew that was gonna happen.
[04:59:10] I needed to flash or flash.
[04:59:13] Damn.
[04:59:14] I mean, you have to get...
[04:59:18] I couldn't walk up.
[05:00:14] That's really weird.
[05:00:15] Oh, my bad.
[05:00:57] I mean, our jungler was autofilled.
[05:01:33] I think the enemy jungler might have been autofilled too.
[05:01:35] Honestly, both junglers were autofilled.
[05:01:42] just picked a much harder jungler to play. It is with us. I mean that was a jungle bit.
[05:02:13] Obviously our Terak wasn't very good but like the Terak did play pretty fucking bad but it's like
[05:02:20] it's whatever. The reason that game was hard wasn't because Terak was playing bad per se.
[05:02:26] It was because of our caustics was never in the right place at the right time. Everyone of
[05:02:41] of our lanes lost early bot lane we kind of went even but it is what it is.
[05:02:47] Malzhar did well mid but it's Trindamere so he's going to win early and then Carthus just
[05:02:52] formed like if you're auto filled in the jungle role just play a champ that you can
[05:02:56] like play Carthus right play Lilia do something like that.
[05:03:00] Whenever people try to play actual junglers and they don't know how to play jungle they
[05:03:03] always ends like straight up it's better to just play something that you know how
[05:03:12] to play than to like, RNG a random fucking champion that you don't know how to.
[05:03:22] Cause I mean, I'mma keep it 100% with you.
[05:03:27] The reason this guy is on a losing streak right now is because he's playing bad at every single
[05:03:31] fucking game.
[05:03:32] Like I don't even think Miles is, I don't even think he played bad, to be honest, Miles
[05:04:02] played fun.
[05:04:05] Quinn definitely sucked.
[05:04:07] Cause Quinn shits on Jace if you know how the matchup works.
[05:04:14] I'd have to go watch the VOD, but I just don't care to like comment on it because Quinn should in theory be able to fight Jace early game really easily.
[05:04:27] Basically, you just you just fight the Jace and if you save your E, right, you just walk up and kind of like Q auto trade with him or if you are going to E auto him, you wait for him to transform first.
[05:04:38] But if you, uh, if you wait for him to transform, you can play the game really, really easily
[05:04:45] because Jace won't be able to transform back and then he's stuck in melee.
[05:04:49] So you walk up and if Jace like queues you or whatever as a melee form, you just E him.
[05:04:55] Yeah, I mean games like this, I don't mind losing because I could have played a little
[05:05:10] better and honestly the game was winnable.
[05:05:15] We were down a decent amount of gold, but I actually think that game was winnable.
[05:05:21] I don't think I played bad. I think I could have played a little better, but
[05:05:26] that's just like one of them games where like we won almost every other game today.
[05:05:30] So you're going to get games where like your team is just playing wrong.
[05:05:34] They happen. So the matchmaking looks better. Like that last game we played, there was one
[05:06:10] GM on each team and they force autofilled both junglers. So I got, I actually think the
[05:06:27] the matchmaking looks better. I got banned MF. Dude, MF's not that OP. I'm surprised people
[05:06:54] think MF is OP. I don't think she's that good. I mean, she's good in lower elo so I get it.
[05:07:03] But like, in general, MF doesn't feel like she's that OP. Cog-ma. We've been doing good
[05:07:22] with Jhin, but I think I have to play Ez. Oh, he's banned, nevermind. Fuck. I'm
[05:07:28] I'm gonna take a week
[05:09:13] I think we have another autopill jungler, but at least he's playing Shyvana
[05:09:20] So it's not that bad. All right boys. This is what we're gonna do. We're against Nami Kog. I mean
[05:09:41] They can just beat us
[05:09:43] Like Nami Kog has so much damage
[05:09:46] It's kind of like Lucian Kogma or Lucian Nami, but without Lucian's dash and like burst
[05:09:52] But they they can run us down really easy if we get caught on opposition
[05:09:55] Basically, if Pyke ever does a bad engage, they will run us down.
[05:10:01] So we have to...
[05:10:02] I think the best way to play this game would be to bait out CogmaW and then look for an
[05:10:08] engage when CogmaW is down.
[05:10:12] I think that would be like the best way to do it.
[05:10:31] We'll see how it goes.
[05:10:50] What the fuck?
[05:10:51] What was that?
[05:11:04] What a crazy fight.
[05:11:05] What am I walking happening right now?
[05:11:12] What is happening?
[05:11:29] I shouldn't have flashed.
[05:11:39] Or you know what I should have done?
[05:11:40] Is flashed over the wall here.
[05:11:41] But was it gonna flash?
[05:11:43] I shouldn't have walked around.
[05:11:44] I shouldn't have just flashed into him with the fourth shot to kill the cog.
[05:11:47] Nice.
[05:11:59] Cogman missed the full melee wave.
[05:12:01] Alright guys, so since Cogman missed the full melee wave, we're going to try
[05:12:09] and three stack the wave and reset to buy item.
[05:12:11] Like I said before, like I said before if we fuck up the Engager they can kill us pretty
[05:12:37] easily.
[05:12:41] We need to crash this.
[05:13:19] I'm just dead.
[05:13:20] I don't even know if it's worth barriering there.
[05:13:23] Cause at least Nami gets it if I don't barrier it.
[05:13:28] Ooh nice.
[05:13:30] Not the worst.
[05:13:33] Like that wasn't the worst outcome because Nami got the kill.
[05:13:39] I'm gonna get back to lane and we got Graves flash for free.
[05:13:41] We got the fucking kill let's go wait not worth
[05:14:06] Wait, maybe not worth. Oh my god, I'm gonna slow push this
[05:14:33] Mainly because if I try and fast-push that wave in
[05:14:38] It's gonna crash on a weird timer and I don't want I just want to buy some time and those actually really well played by them
[05:15:06] Yeah, I'm aware that he's bad guys behind us
[05:15:09] But we don't really have a choice man. Like it's either I die to Nami or I die to Aurora, right?
[05:15:21] This way we kill Kogma. He misses the whole wave
[05:15:24] Right like that was actually like almost the best-case scenario for us
[05:15:30] Because Aurora is coming from behind us, right? So we crashed the wave. They took a big trade now. I'm level five
[05:15:37] Cogma's level three
[05:15:38] So Cog is almost four. He's about to hit four on this next wave, but
[05:15:43] We do have a really big
[05:15:45] lead
[05:15:46] By denying him all of that XP and
[05:15:55] Shivana I got the dragon which is huge. I can't actually tell if
[05:16:29] Nami is top or not. Oh, she is okay. Well, that hit me as BS. I'm blind
[05:17:26] It's actually huge
[05:17:35] We should not have this I guess it's worth. I do think we need to back up now
[05:18:13] Clean oh, yeah. No, my arm was clean as fuck man. I'm I'm him. I'm too good
[05:18:18] Yeah that guy was trolling I don't know why he didn't back when we we killed the
[05:18:34] Nami he needed to just immediately back. The problem is our mid laner is a
[05:18:45] support man. Our jungler is atop and our mid's a support man so she's versus an
[05:18:52] actual mid laner and the actual mid laner is like sticking in her ass. Like
[05:18:57] she's doing her best which is fine it's just we're not gonna have a lot of
[05:19:01] mid pressure let's put it that way. What is happening here man and I'm
[05:19:38] I'm just dead.
[05:19:42] Yeah, I mean, this is just insane.
[05:19:46] We can't play the game if we do this, by the way.
[05:21:27] I mean, I can't fight this, man.
[05:22:05] I mean, I don't really know what to do this game.
[05:22:09] I think I'm not playing that bad.
[05:22:11] Like, we're winning lane even with a two-in-five pipe
[05:22:22] and auto-fill jungle, auto-fill mid.
[05:22:27] Like, we're doing very, very well,
[05:22:29] considering our team is all outclassed.
[05:22:33] I just don't know what to do to, like,
[05:22:34] area of this game. Why wouldn't you ult? You have flash and you have R. I don't mind,
[05:23:14] do you want it? It's like I hate the autofill excuse. Like I understand being autofill, it
[05:23:18] sucks right? Like you will just like get unlucky things happen to you when you get autofilled
[05:23:23] sometimes. Like I get it. I don't like when like it's a play that is really obvious
[05:23:45] and then you're like oh bro I'm autofilled. But then you're like what? I mean I don't
[05:24:11] hope we can win this man. I'm trying my best, but like, this game does not feel
[05:24:17] winnable. Damn, this is two games that were literally unwinnable. Like, normally,
[05:24:57] I'm like, oh I played bad, or like normally I can like see that it's my
[05:25:01] fault we lose. Well, like this is bad. Oh my god, bro. Why are you guys hitting
[05:25:18] no? Oh my god. Dude, this is the most NA special shit ever. They run it
[05:25:53] down like it's always the people who run it down who hit no man like literally it
[05:26:00] always is like it's the NA special they run it down and hit no you spite people
[05:26:23] my one and five Shiv and my in team men in team top in team supports of you
[05:26:44] The masters think this is fine.
[05:26:47] You guys stink.
[05:26:48] Dude, I hate when people say this shit.
[05:27:18] They're like, dude, why are you so mad?
[05:27:20] You know why I'm irritated?
[05:27:21] It's because you're wasting everybody's time.
[05:27:26] That's what I care about.
[05:27:27] I don't know.
[05:28:04] It just drives me fucking crazy, man.
[05:28:06] God, these people are so cringe.
[05:28:52] Masters players are such losers.
[05:28:53] Do you want masters with the same elo to me?
[05:29:18] Like everybody's the same skill until GM.
[05:29:20] like there isn't much of a difference to me. Thank God we can get out of this
[05:30:12] fucking low master game with all my teammates having 10 plus deaths. Like come
[05:30:18] on guys. Like I'm sorry but you queue up and you fucking drop 10 deaths on any
[05:30:34] roll you're not trying to win. So just like if people want a forfeit just let
[05:30:39] them. My support's a non me one trick with like a negative win rate hard
[05:30:46] stuck masters 40 LP like it's so disgustingly bad like come on man don't
[05:30:59] waste people's time I don't care if they suck just don't waste time like you're
[05:31:11] gonna get people who are bad on your team right like it's league man like people
[05:31:16] are gonna suck they're gonna play to troll whatever like I don't care like that's
[05:31:20] just part of playing a team game you're gonna get retards but like when
[05:31:23] they push no and waste everybody's time that's when I get fucking annoyed
[05:31:26] because like if you were trying to win genuinely or if you had genuinely thought
[05:31:31] the game was winnable and you were genuinely trying your best to win
[05:31:34] that's why you're hitting no you wouldn't be like typing right you wouldn't be
[05:31:40] going 0-1-15 you wouldn't be typing in the game you wouldn't be dropping 6 CS
[05:31:44] a minute you wouldn't be like you'd be like focused trying to win that's why
[05:31:56] I think it's stupid but I said I I don't get mad at people for being bad
[05:32:05] at a game that they don't know how to play like if you're this is the
[05:32:08] issue right? Whatever elo you are at you deserve to be that elo so it's okay. Like I'm not gonna
[05:32:16] get mad at their skill level for not knowing how to do stuff that they've never learned.
[05:32:20] Right that's it is one of this but god like you put numbers like this up and you just
[05:32:26] waste everybody's time like come on bro. Like if you're autofill then you genuinely can't
[05:32:33] play autofill, just dodge. Like playing, like you saw that that game an hour ago that I played
[05:34:32] Janna, like the game or whatever, that was Janna. That game was literally I had to do everything
[05:34:38] for everyone, right? So I had to literally walk up when everybody they're laying, perfect
[05:34:45] NATO is perfect peeling, perfect keeping everybody alive, snowballing the game, whatever.
[05:34:49] the problem is it's like you can only do that on support and jungle there's no
[05:34:57] the role in the game that you can like perfectly enable the early agency if
[05:35:00] you're good enough it's only support jungle that you can do stuff like that
[05:35:03] so it's very frustrating like ruins the vibe you know but I think I'm just
[05:35:17] gonna mute all this game so I can keep my mental like I don't want to
[05:35:20] tilt like we're playing really well today even in the losses we're
[05:35:24] playing really good at all. We just have to keep playing well and grind it out.
[05:37:15] What is this weird thing everybody agrees to in the silo about walking?
[05:37:35] Everybody just walks the raptors and starts fighting each other. What do you
[05:37:57] Want what are you trying to do here men? Oh, he's just warding you want to uh, I
[05:38:51] Didn't want a two-way to crash this but it's kind of hard
[05:38:53] We have a karma because like she's gonna poke right so
[05:38:57] Like she's a hundred percent. It's gonna like poke but I think with karma we should be shoving these guys in on repeat
[05:39:07] Like actually though, that's not good. I think we probably just keep pushing these guys in until
[05:39:56] Because heckraps pathing up
[05:39:58] So we probably just push these guys in until level 4.
[05:40:10] Kaisa's kind of struggling to farm, but I also think we should maybe hold the wave right
[05:40:16] now.
[05:40:30] I'll have enough gold on this next wave.
[05:40:34] It's the cannon, so I have enough gold now to get my tier 2 boots before Hecarim shows
[05:41:01] up bot.
[05:41:10] Because Hecarim should be bot side soon, right yet, because we saw him path up in
[05:41:17] his wraith camp just spawned so he should be botline, which means we don't want to be overextended
[05:41:21] too much on this timer. Yep, there he is, he's mid. Okay, he went through mid. He's got 32 CS,
[05:41:46] which means he's doing his, he's like finished with his Polklare because Ekko also has 32,
[05:41:55] or he's halfway done with it rather, which means he should be playing for grubs. We
[05:42:58] stacked the entire way bot so that means that we should be able to do dragon pretty
[05:43:01] easily here because it's gonna be really hard for them to play against this
[05:43:07] I want to pay attention to levels they're both level 5 I'm level 5 but I'm
[05:43:23] gonna be level 6 soon-ish pretty sure hecarim is top but again we're just
[05:43:30] gonna like we're already up we already have a 20 CS lead so we might as well
[05:43:34] just keep what is this we need to go back damn it was so close to killing
[05:44:33] them there makes me so sad we should have been able to kill them
[05:44:39] Hecarim is in our bot side right now
[05:45:14] Yeah, I'm coming I'm coming nice not bad. I'm bad. We got hex sums there. It's really good. Why aren't we diving this?
[05:46:43] What why would we not dive this bro?
[05:46:45] What just take the turret take the turret. I'm gonna lose my mines
[05:47:06] Like I need to be able to get to another lane because my my laners are getting railed and solos
[05:47:26] We need to push one more mid wave. I mean since he backs we're gonna do do dragon
[05:48:35] And we can do it just fight it like what are we doing guys?
[05:48:59] How do we play this? Let me think
[05:50:17] Dude, this is three games in a row my solos have lost. What is happening?
[05:50:35] This is actually fucking crazy
[05:50:37] Not just lost but like lost so badly that I can't play the game
[05:50:44] Also my support's not putting boards down. Oh my god, what are we doing? I don't really know what to do
[05:52:41] I mean, I I genuinely don't know what to do
[05:53:34] Every game I've played, I'm just prying, I'm playing forward, I'm playing to win lanes.
[05:53:40] Like, he's just win trading.
[05:53:58] I mean, I don't know what to say.
[05:54:02] Like, he is just trolling.
[05:54:09] I mean, the game is definitely winnable.
[05:56:25] No, this Yo-Nate's griefing. Like, what the fuck, bro?
[05:58:23] Yeah, like, he's actually just trolling.
[05:58:25] That's my bad.
[05:59:05] Nah, you can...
[06:00:03] Dude, these people are so cringe.
[06:00:05] Like it makes me so disgusted
[06:00:11] Like dude, he's just inting for fun. He's a go
[06:00:16] Like dude, I don't know my only losses were with this Yone by the way
[06:00:21] Like he's on a 10 game losing streak. I'm not even making it up 10 games
[06:00:26] cool my
[06:00:58] Fucking Yasuo is just pushing
[06:01:00] I said man. I this game just sucks because
[06:01:11] People like this Yone won't get punished
[06:01:13] Like, I have to go out of my way to get this guy punished, right?
[06:01:16] I have to make a ticket, I have to show the, like, bot of where he's trolling.
[06:01:19] Like, it just sucks.
[06:01:21] Like, that's why this game feels bad to play.
[06:01:40] Hmm.
[06:01:41] I mean, look at this guy.
[06:01:48] Like, it's super obvious that he's trolling, man.
[06:01:52] Anybody with half a brain can see that he's trolling on purpose.
[06:02:26] This is so frustrating, man.
[06:02:28] I don't know how to stop this, man.
[06:03:31] This Yone is literally lost me three games in a row now.
[06:03:35] Like it's got to either be he's tilted because like I
[06:03:40] Said he was bad. It's either that or I'm gonna take a break
[06:04:09] It's very clear that this guy's stream sniping me
[06:04:12] So I'm gonna take a short break go make some dinner and I'll do a second stream after
[06:04:16] Thanks for watching for now guys. I really appreciate it
[06:04:19] Hopefully we won't get stream sniped by this guy
[06:04:21] I'm gonna make a ticket and I'm gonna send it to the LPP discordant
[06:04:26] So we'll see if anything happens, but
[06:04:29] Thanks for watching so much guys. I appreciate a lot