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Masters Adc Solo Q | Educational stream - Almost GrandMaster

08-12-2024 · 6h 40m

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[00:02:00] Oh, yeah. What are these horrendous dog shit ass items?
[00:02:11] Portal crown.
[00:03:46] I think I'm actually supposed to do Zoey re-roll here.
[00:03:57] Because you usually play like Arcana, or it could go fast 9.
[00:04:11] But it's a prismatic ticket, so...
[00:04:22] So it probably has to be Zoey re-roll.
[00:04:27] Because it's a prismatic ticket or whatever.
[00:04:29] And we just pray that we can hit in a reasonable amount of time
[00:04:39] That's the goal and then later on we can just play
[00:05:04] Like super late game we could just play karma with chrono. I don't know
[00:05:13] It's kind of hard to tell at least lose streaking. It's good right now
[00:05:24] Very good. Very good
[00:05:26] It means we'll get to tear
[00:05:31] Fuck I think we still get to we do okay nice. Well, there's no tear on the carousel
[00:05:44] Okay, we're in a good spot. We're in a really good spot. I think I don't know. I'll be real. This is a weird game
[00:05:53] Having cro our canvas back should be a free win
[00:05:56] Nobody else has it
[00:06:00] Our canvas bed is like really OP because yeah, you can do this
[00:06:30] And as you get more arcana's and chips
[00:06:32] you have a ton of spats so we just get bonus damage oh yeah oh I'm gonna lose
[00:06:50] this guy Lord this guy's level five Jesus honestly this went better than I
[00:07:06] thought like I think I still lose but it's not it's not that bad wow I actually
[00:07:12] won now we just need to get a bunch of prismatic ticket procs so we do this
[00:07:24] right we got a bunch of procs oh yeah two zoes I'll take it oh fuck you too is
[00:08:00] anybody actually rolling for Poppy surprised I haven't seen any poppies
[00:08:07] wait this guy is level six oh he took at what cost I was about to say holy fuck
[00:08:24] being able six on the on fucking to six is crazy not bad these items suck
[00:09:20] Do I actually want to put Zoey in there now?
[00:09:54] I mean, a Zill 2 could be good.
[00:10:07] My Econ is definitely fucked.
[00:10:09] But we do have Zoey 3, which is huge.
[00:10:20] Ooh, we could pandora's items here and get like perfect fucking items.
[00:10:32] Oh, I skipped a Hecarim.
[00:10:57] That's not good.
[00:11:13] Do I want to wait a second for items or do I want to make a Jeweled Gauntlet?
[00:11:21] I think Hatt might actually be better than Jeweled Gauntlet because you want to like
[00:11:25] kill them ASAP. What is this guy's comp? He's little 7. Oh my fucking level 7 in
[00:11:36] god. What the hell? Bro? I think I could make a spark right now. Is it worth?
[00:12:27] Probably. Because even though he's always shreds, she still wants like... I still
[00:12:35] want a snowball. Okay my team comp is insane. We hit almost everything by
[00:12:42] 3 3 we need one poppy so I think I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna start going to 8
[00:12:47] oh I want that Tom Kench yes give me Thomas give me Kench good good good
[00:13:26] that gives me 9% more damage it's not bad and then you have a Thomas now I
[00:14:17] just need to get some defensive items for my front liners I want to get a
[00:14:21] Nasser's for Zoe and then defensive items my front liners and then we just
[00:14:26] power to nine as fast as possible.
[00:14:44] Surely we'll hit Poppy naturally when we only need one Poppy.
[00:14:49] Surely at some points.
[00:15:04] Maybe this is actually better for right now.
[00:15:09] Just for now, because it gives 31 AP versus 24% damage.
[00:15:18] And the AP like scaling might be better.
[00:15:20] I don't know.
[00:15:43] We're using the three star,
[00:15:45] like if we get three star Poppy and three star Ari,
[00:15:48] this will be like crazy value.
[00:15:57] Dude, that'll be getting some crazy value.
[00:16:42] 56 bonus AP on my units right now, that's crazy.
[00:17:01] 56 bonus AP is a little nuts.
[00:17:12] Now we just gotta power to nine,
[00:17:14] find RE2 along the way.
[00:17:29] I think it's Bastion Crown every time.
[00:17:32] It's boring, but I think it's just the best choice
[00:17:46] because you may make Tom Kensha Bastion.
[00:18:00] So it's 40% bonus damage versus 56 AP.
[00:18:08] I think the 56 AP might be better right now.
[00:18:26] Oh my god, my team is now smurfing.
[00:18:35] I think a late game, the five arcana with the...
[00:18:39] Specialist might be good, but we'll see.
[00:18:50] 68 AP, with Ari being three-starred as well.
[00:18:54] Holy shit, almost 70 AP.
[00:19:03] We have almost 70 AP?
[00:19:18] Oh, somebody quit.
[00:19:48] Now I just need frontline stuff?
[00:19:54] Ooh, I could take Neelio here actually.
[00:19:57] Never mind.
[00:20:06] I could either give RE AP items, or I could make frontline items.
[00:20:13] It really depends on what I'm feeling like doing.
[00:20:47] This guy has a Camille.
[00:20:48] The fuck?
[00:20:51] Oh, he's Camille's dead.
[00:20:52] That guy has 6 Chrono in.
[00:21:01] Jesus Christ.
[00:21:06] So for one turn, my team has 100 AP with 5 Arcana.
[00:22:00] And I still can't beat this guy or what?
[00:22:10] 100 AP? Oh, thank God. That's actually kind of crazy though that was that close.
[00:22:28] 100 AP and it was that fucking close as wild. How do I fit Chrono into this comp? Just Camille,
[00:22:45] I guess. I'm just gonna go 8. Do I ever just put Karma in here? I don't think, I don't know,
[00:23:34] I don't think so. We have 6 Bastion now but I don't know if 6 Bastion is actually good.
[00:23:43] maybe it's good maybe I should be going for Bastion for scholar so I have like
[00:23:51] more DPS this is 40% versus 70 AP I think the 70 AP is actually better okay
[00:24:54] this guy is eight portal holy shit this guy is strong what the fuck I don't think
[00:25:38] I think I ever go 8 Bastion, I think it's...
[00:25:41] Even... I mean 8 Bastions kind of OP.
[00:25:44] But I would have to get rid of like...
[00:25:47] I'd have to go level 10.
[00:25:49] Because I have to keep in...
[00:25:54] Tom, Kench, and Ari.
[00:26:12] Wow. I won that. Holy fuck.
[00:26:24] I need anti-healing.
[00:27:05] I mean, in theory you could take these two out...
[00:27:11] and put in like Rise and Milio later.
[00:27:14] drop six fashion and then you can have four scholar which would give me like my
[00:27:25] arty it'd give me another backline unit in rise I have another backliner and my
[00:27:41] Zoe would cast slightly faster I'm trying to figure out a min max this
[00:27:52] Jesus Christ I have infinity rolls oh my god oh my god stop I mean now that I
[00:28:46] have taric to I don't know if I can do that anymore yeah I think now that
[00:29:07] I don't think it's possible to, uh, maybe at 9 you could just drop, I don't know, bro.
[00:30:09] I would love to actually drop from 6 Bastion because I think it's a waste, but it kind
[00:30:17] of sucks because even if like it might be a waste, I can't like physically get in
[00:30:28] for Scholar without having like a weird fucking, I don't know, like a really weird ass fucking
[00:30:42] comp like it would be like that or you get portal and shit, but I only have five and then I'd have to have
[00:30:55] Level nine I could try the 40% damage one one turn and see how it feels I
[00:31:17] Just feel like 70 appease insane like that's more than like a hat. I think it's just my comp is
[00:31:28] Like the other two comps are so high rolled that like my comp is strong, but it doesn't feel strong
[00:31:34] Like I think I'm actually incredibly strong
[00:31:39] But the other two are just so high-rolled it's like hard to even see we could try this one round 40 percent
[00:32:01] We've been losing against this guy anyway, so
[00:32:14] There's no harm in it, I guess. Oh, no, yeah, it didn't matter
[00:32:34] That guy's too fucking strong man. I think the only way I beat that guy is if I'm like level nine legitimately
[00:32:45] with like
[00:32:47] Like Jesus this guy's fucking strong. He's got double Zeke's
[00:32:55] perfect items rise
[00:32:59] Diana to
[00:33:01] You me to
[00:33:08] Frost mage
[00:33:10] portal
[00:33:13] Good lord that guy's fucking strong. Noice
[00:36:19] Okay
[00:38:09] Okay
[00:38:11] Let's see what we're doing this morning. What are they playing? I don't know what I want to play right now
[00:38:24] I don't quite know what I'm feeling.
[00:38:30] Hey, Band-Aid Ezreal, what the fuck?
[00:38:35] Who Band-Aids, man? You guys are fucking weird.
[00:38:38] Cog-ma.
[00:39:03] That's why you banned Ezreal.
[00:39:05] Interesting.
[00:39:10] I don't play the Jinx game, actually.
[00:39:16] I think Cog's actually really good in the Jinx, but, uh...
[00:39:27] I just felt like playing a Jinx game.
[00:39:29] I don't know how I feel about this Galio's...
[00:41:04] Choice of Summoner, but we'll see how it goes.
[00:41:09] God, what a weird game.
[00:41:13] At least we have Cyper on our team.
[00:41:18] The only saving grace is that our top laner is a pro player.
[00:41:25] That's the only saving grace for this fucking draft.
[00:41:30] Dear god.
[00:42:03] I was thinking about playing like an all-in champ this game,
[00:42:05] but I don't want to play an all-in champ with an auto-filled supports.
[00:42:20] So we're just going to try and go even and hope that we can exist in the laner.
[00:42:34] Hmm with my jungler auto-filled to galeo support. Where are my jungle main?
[00:42:46] We'll see. But yeah, this lane is gonna be like there's no way we can actually fight these guys in this line
[00:43:02] Not unless they like heavily mess up. Oh, that's not good
[00:43:50] They probably could have gone a little better. I probably could have killed the Nautilus too. Okay. I gotta run
[00:44:50] We got him though
[00:44:52] Not the worst my waves fought sad, but you know
[00:44:59] It was what it is. It kind of sucked because I could have just backed, but I knew that I could beat that Zin.
[00:45:18] Like I knew if Zin ganked I could just beat him or I could peel back, but I was greeting my tier two boots.
[00:45:25] Which I probably shouldn't have done.
[00:45:27] Probably should have just backed after the double. Because my wave was in like a neutral spot.
[00:45:31] I was like slow pushing towards him, but who knows. We definitely got to try and push this in.
[00:45:43] I mean bro, it's it's pushing like we got to push it in.
[00:45:51] Like, what are we backpanging me for, you know?
[00:46:02] I don't understand.
[00:46:03] Like, do you see how the wave is set up?
[00:46:08] You gotta crash it, bro.
[00:46:10] I know you're not a...
[00:46:11] I know you're not a laner, but like...
[00:46:14] You gotta crash this shit.
[00:46:15] Alright, one for one is not bad.
[00:46:30] Not the worst.
[00:46:43] He might try for a dive, but I mean, I think I...
[00:46:45] I think I can blinch through the dive if they go for it.
[00:46:48] I'm just gonna go back, cause it's a cannon wave.
[00:47:08] I always love when junglers do this shit.
[00:47:10] They're like dude we need to fight this dragon and I'm like, oh yeah, it's all the way man
[00:47:15] I'm just getting brailed down here
[00:47:19] Yeah, go fight the Drake. We got no prior in our
[00:47:24] I'm a one HP
[00:47:26] They're mids level six
[00:47:28] Our supports level three. Let's fight the dragon bro
[00:47:32] Nah super worth
[00:47:37] Damn you people are stinky
[00:47:39] These homies are stinkies
[00:47:45] You did that shit to yourself. Oh, bro
[00:47:52] Because you've given that dragon we all would have been in that really good spot
[00:48:08] This is where this
[00:48:15] Because like my CS right now is so bad because I can't farm because uh
[00:48:19] We're getting weak-sided
[00:48:21] They were getting like hard weak-sided
[00:48:30] Which is fine. Let me say I don't really mind playing weak-sided. I mean we can probably try and dive this
[00:48:51] Nice, that's fun. I go back again. I
[00:51:50] I just got back to lane, doesn't matter, I gotta back.
[00:51:59] I gotta love fucking, ugh, I gotta love this type of gameplay.
[00:52:07] They like fight us, Galio dies, I have to back.
[00:52:12] Then I get back to lane, Galio's not there yet, I have to back.
[00:52:15] He has no boots so it takes him 10 years.
[00:52:24] Fucking boring ass fucking gameplay.
[00:52:27] Damn, it's got rush for rageblade.
[00:52:44] God damn.
[00:52:49] Oh, Nautilus has six, so I gotta be careful.
[00:53:33] That's so good, I can get so many plants.
[00:53:48] I wonder if I can actually take this full tower.
[00:53:53] There's a small chance.
[00:54:09] It was close.
[00:54:10] Back right now?
[00:54:30] I really want to get this turret, but it's like three autos.
[00:54:38] But we definitely do not win a team or a fight right now.
[00:54:43] Yeah, I think I actually do need the back.
[00:54:45] We're not gonna be able to break the turret yet.
[00:54:48] It's just, they can freeze the wave, or they can hold the waves too far up.
[00:54:52] Whoa, this is a really awkward ass fight.
[00:56:09] Well, that's not fun.
[00:56:14] Sweet.
[00:56:18] I mean, yeah, I'm gonna death in now.
[00:56:22] That annoyed the shit out of me. I got spam ping to help.
[00:56:25] They trolled, and then I got fucking abused for it. Say, I'm gonna death in.
[00:56:35] A jungler lost his pinging privileges after he made a play like that.
[00:56:45] You make a play like that? You say NB?
[00:56:49] But you say, like, oh my bad man, I fucked up.
[00:56:52] Or you just get muted and I don't deal with you again.
[00:56:54] Well, that's fun.
[00:57:39] I cancelled one auto. I cancelled one auto attack and he one-shots me with R.
[00:57:45] What a fucking cringe, man. I hate brainless ass fucking champions like Kennen, where like, they don't actually do anything outside of just like...
[00:57:59] BLEEEEHHH! BLEEHHH! This R-Ave, bro, like, oh my god, he literally ran at me, no thought in his brain.
[00:58:07] And now he has no fucking R for the dragon fight, so we just win the fight.
[00:58:24] I don't I don't like this though. Yeah, I mean, that's the dumbest fucking fight ever, bro. Holy. I need to go back and buy my
[00:59:47] Downman serve, but it's gonna be a little raw. Oh, they're on rift. Welcome to the League of Draven
[01:00:16] Good and I've been I
[01:00:18] Don't know what that means, but thank you. Thank you for the resub man. Welcome back
[01:00:26] Appreciate it sweet
[01:01:00] This is probably the worst case scenario right now. Oh
[01:01:07] Sniper dude, I am sad playing jinx this game is hard
[01:01:54] They have so much dive
[01:01:56] They have so much died bro
[01:02:17] Which we would clean out some of these wards that were that they're just everywhere man
[01:02:43] Like we need to like clean out these wards
[01:02:48] There's so much vision right now. I actually think we could Baron
[01:03:14] PbH or we could like posture it, but I think we're just gonna play for dragon
[01:03:18] Yeah, not also in back because you need to get more wards.
[01:03:24] It's kinda awkward because I want to play a little bit more aggro this game but I can't
[01:03:33] really do it.
[01:03:34] It looks like they're not gonna do Baron.
[01:04:11] If we had wards, I could go in.
[01:04:39] Not bad.
[01:05:17] I'm gonna get bloodthirster this game because I really wanna be able to lifesteal through
[01:06:02] all of their damage.
[01:06:03] You know what I mean?
[01:06:04] None of them really have armor, they all have merc treads and shit.
[01:06:08] So I do think that like if I can just get BT we can slide steal through their damage and
[01:06:11] be fine.
[01:06:20] Cause yeah I think the uh I think war doms is important but not or more to remind her
[01:06:29] man I think it's important just not as important as getting BT oh we should fight this 100%.
[01:07:00] I literally got triple flashed on.
[01:07:08] I even positioned correctly there I positioned almost perfect.
[01:07:12] I just got Nautilus ulted into Kennenult, into...
[01:07:17] Zin flashing on me was too hard.
[01:07:23] I mean, there's no way they can do this. I have ult when I spawn in 14 if we can stall it.
[01:07:46] Oh, he's so close, man.
[01:07:50] If our Vlad was actually there...
[01:07:53] That would have been so good.
[01:08:06] Dude, if Vlad was actually there instead of like walking around the jungle,
[01:08:09] oh my god, we would have murdered them there.
[01:08:29] Hmm, we should just play for Dragon.
[01:08:31] Hmm, almost 15. I want to go back and get Last Whisper, but I can't on this timer.
[01:09:12] I'm very strong though. You got his ult, so I'm bad.
[01:11:05] Dude, I'm Giga fucking strong.
[01:11:17] I'm about to get my modal reminder. Dude, I am fucking Thanos over here.
[01:11:22] Grab that, and then we probably just get GA last, to be honest.
[01:11:34] I could get QSS, but I think GA is good this game because if Kennen wastes his ult diving me.
[01:11:42] Uh, it should be okay after GA, right?
[01:11:45] Nice! Yeah that game was so hard for Jinx early, but once we got items it was easy.
[01:13:15] Ma, now Ma's trash. Ma's is not a bad item. Not bad.
[01:14:10] We go again! Oh we go again!
[01:14:34] Let's do it boys! I guess Sniper's been randomly practicing Aurora.
[01:14:56] Oh, I do think that champ is way too OP though.
[01:15:33] They're gonna have to like nerf that champion 30 times for it to be balanced.
[01:16:30] God damn.
[01:17:03] What the fuck?
[01:17:04] Did this guy do the ultimate bravery of the build?
[01:17:29] Is Cogman the champ that you can change your build every game?
[01:17:36] What the fuck's going on?
[01:17:38] Oh man, it's got one game, he's got Wisset, the next game he's got Kraken.
[01:17:43] Hmm.
[01:17:44] Next game he's got Bork, then he's got Hurricane.
[01:17:52] He built a Bissell Mask this game.
[01:17:53] I think Cogner is just...
[01:18:26] He's just one of them champs that builds anything he wants.
[01:18:50] Oh shit, Catarina?
[01:18:52] I probably want something a little mobile against Catarina.
[01:19:08] I'm actually thinking of my Zyra. If they pick like two more engaged champs, I might play Zyra.
[01:19:13] It really depends.
[01:19:20] Cause you do have Rel.
[01:19:23] Oh, it's Cogner? Okay.
[01:19:25] Maybe I'll go Ezreal.
[01:19:33] Hmm.
[01:19:42] Oh, this isn't a badass game.
[01:20:10] Yeah, I like Ezreal here cause uh...
[01:20:13] You know will be it'll give me mobility
[01:20:20] Also as in the cogs not bad
[01:20:23] Because Cogma wants to just fight you outright when like you fight him right like he's just all in champ won his W timer, so
[01:20:31] As in the cogs not the worst because I can kind of like choose when to go in and poke him out first
[01:20:36] Because as out ranges Cogma sweet. I'm gonna get some water. All right boys girls
[01:22:04] Ooh, they do have Vayne Jungle.
[01:22:21] Oh, interesting.
[01:22:22] I mean, that seems bad.
[01:22:25] But, see how it goes.
[01:22:27] Vayne vs. Kain?
[01:22:30] I bet Kain is just gonna out-farm the Vayne the whole game,
[01:22:32] and he's just gonna out-scale.
[01:22:34] That's what it feels like.
[01:22:57] Ooh, the cheese, man.
[01:23:02] I like how my jungler is AFK.
[01:23:04] Or my support.
[01:23:06] Why is he in the bush?
[01:23:13] I will never understand why support players
[01:23:18] just go into the bush instantly like that's a really awkward thing cuz like
[01:23:23] literally like low elo players know that like we're getting fucking we want to
[01:23:53] push this as fast as possible I'm gonna ping it we're gonna push this so that I
[01:23:57] can reset and we can go buy on a better timer oh wow that random minion coming in
[01:24:05] over there is crazy that's a wild ass minion just coming in wow I think he
[01:24:35] He just transforms, so it's waddling into the wave.
[01:24:40] It's a fucking minion!
[01:24:43] Oh my god.
[01:25:24] Niko is one of these minions, I just don't know which one.
[01:25:27] There we go.
[01:25:28] We should honestly just like slow push this.
[01:25:37] What are you doing bro?
[01:25:45] Oh my god.
[01:25:47] Bro, stop.
[01:26:00] There's like no upside to hard shoving this in right now outside of like,
[01:26:04] we can play for Drake, but like, I don't know, it's...
[01:26:33] I was like, wait, who's that jungle again? And I remembered it was Vayne.
[01:26:36] I was like, should we be playing this far up? And I was like, oh yeah, it's,
[01:26:40] I mean, it's Vayne jungle. It doesn't really matter. It's uh, Raul is extremely nervous to go in.
[01:27:09] It's really interesting. Like, we win very hard and he's just so scared. Like, we can just go in,
[01:27:26] bro. There's literally no reason to be scared of going in here. Raul took both kills,
[01:27:47] went in late, and then focused the supports.
[01:27:51] I'm really frustrated, but there's what it is.
[01:27:56] He's trying his best, because like he's waiting for Kane, but like we are so strong.
[01:28:05] He needs to just go in because they have poke.
[01:28:08] Because they're poke lane, and we have a lead, he needs to just fight.
[01:28:12] But he doesn't know that he needs to fight, so he's playing it really safe.
[01:28:18] But we could very, very, very easily just all in, pretty much on cooldown.
[01:28:22] It just turns into we got a he's gotta have a balls to do it
[01:28:30] You know what I should have done is walked here and then flashed the wall
[01:28:55] But it's all good. I
[01:28:57] Didn't even think about his barrier to be honest with you. I was like, oh this cognizant moron
[01:29:02] I didn't think about his bearer. I do still think him trading a one-for-ones kind of dumb, but
[01:29:14] Because our waves it's such a good spot
[01:29:19] This can't just kind of pop it off. I know that's Nico, bro
[01:30:40] What the fuck am I watching all right? I'm gonna go back bot here. Hopefully
[01:31:29] I'm pretty sure Nico is probably just chasing this bush, but they have nothing else to do at the moment, so
[01:31:36] It is what it is
[01:31:37] We'll see how this goes. I don't know where the Nico is, but she's probably behind me still
[01:31:46] Until we see her I'm not gonna play
[01:31:49] Even though I'm much much stronger. I don't want to play super far up until we see the Niko
[01:31:53] Oh, we see her. Okay. Do this. Which one is Niko? She's on the screen. Why is my
[01:33:10] rel not using her ulti mitts? Like, bro, are we this scared? Their Niko flash
[01:33:23] ulted me. My rel is scared to go in at all. She whizzed, Geronimo. I need to save
[01:33:32] me KDA. I'm a KDA support player, Geronimo. I don't like going in and being aggressive.
[01:33:38] That's a no-no for me. Like go the fuck in man. You have a Triforce Ezreal. Just engage.
[01:33:49] You drive me fucking crazy. Like I literally just one shot them and you're all paid.
[01:34:00] I actually think we should go next. This rel doesn't deserve to win. Look at what he's doing.
[01:34:51] I know that's like really petty, but like dude this guy has literally reached this entire game from start to finish
[01:35:05] Actually though
[01:35:06] He's playing purely for KDA. He's not doing anything proactive on the map at all
[01:35:16] And he rushed warmogs, and he can't even use the warmogs passive like imagine that's
[01:35:37] Like come on man. That's the dumbest shit I've ever seen bro read warmogs, bro
[01:35:44] We push the towers well like would you mind if we try to get the turrets, bro?
[01:36:17] My mental booms
[01:36:59] It's called with the worst player on the planet, but Niko's an actual human being aggressive and we can't win
[01:37:12] Rel is scared of losing her KDA
[01:37:15] So she doesn't play for actual like engages and prior and pressure
[01:37:20] She's scared of dying as a
[01:37:23] Giant tank
[01:37:24] This is a very good learning experience for you guys though. Don't ever be scared to die as a fucking tank
[01:37:35] Like straight up though if you are scared to die
[01:37:37] As a fucking tank player you are an absolute fucking troll
[01:37:48] Your job is go in and if you die you die like look at this
[01:37:56] Look out fucking dog shit this Cogma is and my rel literally refused to go in until like he
[01:38:04] That's so disgusting
[01:38:07] Dude is walking into us one before I got the chart. I don't care
[01:38:35] I'm gonna throw out a lot of deaths this game
[01:38:37] because I'm gonna do things that need to be done regardless and if my team doesn't
[01:38:42] want to play with me they can lose the game I don't care I'm not in the mood
[01:38:47] to play down to my teammates dog shit skill level today that's how you climb
[01:38:51] I know but like I I'm just in a bad mood what are you dipshits doing guys
[01:39:06] like they're gonna push up to me look at this look at my row look at her
[01:39:17] Where's your ulti? Look at her! Look at her! She literally held her ult that whole time, by the way.
[01:39:33] Yeah, no, no, she's actually trolling. She is actually trolling. Held her ult until our whole team died, only used it after everybody died, then didn't ignite, and then went by herself to dragon to do nothing.
[01:39:52] He's actually griefing the game you you you literal retard
[01:40:00] Like this guy is disgusting never play the game again, bro
[01:40:10] Never play the game ever again
[01:40:12] You are the worst support player on this server. It's why you can't break 100 LP and you have a negative win rates
[01:40:26] How disgusting is that?
[01:40:29] Imagine a negative win rates, dude
[01:40:32] As a support main row has ulti by the way
[01:41:08] Just saying. So disgusting. It's so disgusting how gapped this fucking
[01:41:44] rel is. And the more disgusting part is like, she doesn't realize she's gapped
[01:41:49] because she has good KDA. I hate KDA players, man. KDA players to me are the
[01:41:54] scum of the fucking earth. Because they literally don't ever try to win the
[01:41:59] game. They just sit there and make other people do it for them and then
[01:42:05] they show up to the fight and collect KDA.
[01:42:07] Raul, you mind coming to tank or no?
[01:42:45] You mind coming to tank or no?
[01:42:49] My Raul doesn't even understand
[01:42:59] she should be tanking. Look at her.
[01:43:01] Look at her.
[01:43:03] Like, Arcane is tanking, man.
[01:43:07] Why?
[01:43:20] Wait, this red buff's kind of a beast.
[01:43:22] Never mind. I don't want any of that heat.
[01:43:24] I take it back, Raul.
[01:43:26] I don't want none of that heat.
[01:43:30] That red buff was kind of smirking on me.
[01:43:32] Dude was kind of punching me
[01:43:34] punching me in the fart box why would we be scared of a single cat arena bro oh my
[01:44:07] god like I have a half HP already man we should go bot actually though we should
[01:44:22] actually do the macro I'm being greedy like my team doesn't know the macro and
[01:44:28] so I need to go do it for him that's just that's a hundred percent my fault
[01:44:33] though I mean I'm just tilted so I'm not doing the macro I don't have a
[01:44:45] reason to be tilted I'm just frustrated this game which is weird
[01:44:48] because like we're winning and I'm still frustrated for some reason I don't get it
[01:44:53] maybe it's for this you guys like how my rel I had to kite to my rel he is like
[01:45:41] that how disgusting is that man my rel was standing by herself mid I had to
[01:45:49] literally kite to her at least bought turret and mid turret are a little low
[01:46:12] but we didn't we needed to actually break some turrets if we can I'm pretty
[01:46:18] sure we win but it's solo queue man it's solo queue with people who don't play
[01:46:25] to win they play to like have KDA so it's really rough you know I think they're
[01:47:07] finally letting us win this mouth bites rock solid look at him yeah suck it like
[01:48:39] I asked how was the game close I got you bro I'm not happy for me to be
[01:52:02] start in college it doesn't change that he sucks balls that league like you can
[01:52:06] you should I got under said why everybody got a brag about random real-life
[01:52:12] accomplishments when I said you suck at a video game like bro what like oh I'm
[01:52:18] starting caught grats I don't know man like what do you want not too bad I
[01:52:50] think we're five wins from GM well depending on how much LP we get we
[01:53:00] We might be six.
[01:53:01] Bro, I don't know why I'm so irritable and tired today.
[01:53:35] I need to like cut it out.
[01:53:41] I don't know why.
[01:53:42] It doesn't make any sense.
[01:53:48] I'm just in a weird stupid bad mood.
[01:53:50] Alright, let's change it up.
[01:54:07] Was there an earthquake?
[01:54:11] My entire Twitter timeline is people talking about there being an earthquake in California.
[01:54:19] Was there an earthquake like 20 minutes ago?
[01:54:21] The fuck?
[01:54:53] Oh, why are Ashing Jinx not playing?
[01:54:56] Um, Ash and Jinx aren't playing as much because the meta right now, well Ash is boring.
[01:55:04] Like, Ash is actually really good right now but she's boring, right?
[01:55:08] So people don't like playing boring champs.
[01:55:11] But uh, outside of that, I definitely am pretty sure we win that.
[01:55:48] I'd have to go watch what happens.
[01:55:50] I know Pyke was autoing me the whole time but I'm almost positive we actually win that.
[01:55:54] Let me see.
[01:56:21] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[01:56:28] That fucking sucks, huh?
[01:56:30] That guy actually just fucking lived at 1 HP.
[01:56:35] Y'all, they're the Ru Submen.
[01:56:44] Welcome back.
[01:57:06] I always feel like the players that I see support in the silo are one of two players.
[01:57:12] They're either good at lane phase, and then bad after lane, or they're good after lane
[01:57:18] bad at lane phase.
[01:57:19] They don't have both.
[01:57:20] Cause like, when that pike was walking up level 2 or whatever, right?
[01:57:26] Literally all the Soraka had to do when the pike was doing that was auto him, queue him, and we would have killed the pike.
[01:57:30] But they got to walk forward on us.
[01:57:33] The second that they got to walk up on us was like when we lost the 2v2.
[01:57:46] They should never have been able to walk up on us there.
[01:57:49] Like, why don't you just silence it?
[01:57:54] Like, like, it doesn't make sense man, you have a silence!
[01:57:58] Just silence the pike, the pike queue!
[01:58:02] Like I'm telling you, support players are actually retards.
[01:58:07] Like they, like I don't know what's going on with support players, but like they don't
[01:58:12] actively think.
[01:58:14] They just exist.
[01:58:16] Like don't think about how to do anything except for like, what, like how to change the
[01:58:20] channel on Netflix while not dying.
[01:58:24] It's just wild.
[01:58:25] Every time I play support I just destroy everyone.
[01:58:26] How the fuck can you guys not play the easiest role in the game?
[01:58:35] It's embarrassing.
[01:58:36] Like, last game, the rel wasn't even that bad.
[01:58:43] She wasn't the pussy, right?
[01:58:45] Like, she played the early game fine, but then she didn't go in after.
[01:58:50] She was playing for KDA the whole game.
[01:58:51] Well, you gotta grow some balls if you're playing support, man.
[01:59:00] It's such an easy roll.
[01:59:04] Like, Pyke hooks, you silence it, right?
[01:59:08] We win the train.
[01:59:09] Pyke hooks above a 1, you just Q him and auto him to death.
[01:59:12] Because they're fighting us in the minion wave.
[01:59:23] Okay.
[01:59:29] I mean, I don't know how we are just not using cooldowns as Soraka, like, what are we doing?
[01:59:37] But she's actually retarded, I don't know what else to say.
[01:59:43] Like, what the fuck is this, man? Always blame their 80 carries too, it doesn't make sense.
[01:59:52] Like, there's a reason, by the way, that whichever pro team has the better support naturally wins the game.
[01:59:59] You can interchange 80 carries like fucking nothing, because 80 carry doesn't matter.
[02:00:04] Every 80 carry is the same, they all do the same thing.
[02:00:10] Support players are the ones that are like mentally retarded.
[02:00:14] The better the support, the easier it is to play the game.
[02:00:17] It's fucking disgusting.
[02:00:38] Like, we can't even function because this guy doesn't know how to silence a pipe queue.
[02:00:55] Like, low elo is crazy, man.
[02:00:58] Like, I know it's Masters and I can't expect much, right? I get it, but...
[02:01:13] Like, look how bad they are!
[02:01:16] What the fuck was that?!
[02:01:33] Dude, he literally healed off of that.
[02:01:40] Twitch is here.
[02:01:42] Damn I should have flashed sooner though. I'll take the L on that I could have
[02:01:56] killed Pike. Like a hundred percent I could have killed Pike there. I should have
[02:02:12] flashed sooner because he got the heal from I think I'm trying. I need to back.
[02:02:33] I have a lot of golds. If I could back right now I could actually just kill
[02:02:52] them 2v2. The problem is it's like I'm on a really bad back timer it's my
[02:02:56] bad man. I did it to myself too so it kind of feels bad man. Team is
[02:03:18] interesting. But Talon's doing good. He's just like dying.
[02:03:23] Hmm.
[02:04:04] Oh, how Soraka cannot silence the Q. I totally forgot that it can go through barrier. At least I got the shutdown.
[02:04:18] Yeah, I don't know what Soraka's doing though. All you have to do to beat Pyke is literally he charges his Q
[02:04:39] and you just silence him. You silence E. Or you E Q him in.
[02:04:44] Pyke charges his Q, you just E Q him and he dies.
[02:04:46] It's like super fucking easy combo, but Twitch is mid.
[02:05:14] We can get two plates.
[02:05:16] We can still get two plates.
[02:05:21] Honestly, I think Twitch might be coming back bot, so we should...
[02:05:35] Oh no, he's mid, we're down.
[02:05:39] Ooh, the Sabancas have Ludens though, so we should be a little care.
[02:05:50] Dude, we need to go mid.
[02:05:52] Our mid laner is our weak link, and the enemy pike is abusing it now.
[02:05:59] Hook!
[02:06:00] Jesus Christ.
[02:06:08] Oh my god this fucking Soraka at mid. Yikes. Yes the 15. Our Soraka and our mid laner are gonna soul was just the game.
[02:06:29] Like when you can't silence a pike hook as Soraka you have no business playing Soraka. That's literally the entire combo of like why you pick Soraka.
[02:06:37] Not to be rude, but you literally picked the champion to use E on Pyke.
[02:06:44] That's the entire premise of why you pick it, right?
[02:06:48] And if you aren't doing that, there's no reason to be picking an immobile champ like
[02:06:51] Soraka into Pyke.
[02:07:02] It's just kind of silly.
[02:07:20] Which is still meh, and it was bad here.
[02:07:38] Why is this guy so tanky?
[02:07:39] I mean, he's level 11, I guess.
[02:07:40] Yeah, he's three levels up on me.
[02:07:51] That actually makes sense.
[02:08:11] Our talent's not bad.
[02:08:33] Man, I'm so fucking behind.
[02:08:35] What's this guy doing?
[02:08:58] Look at him!
[02:08:59] Dude, he's got three wards, and he's just not even putting wards down.
[02:09:07] Look at him!
[02:09:09] What's going on, bro?
[02:09:11] We just went for a walk, Vex.
[02:09:19] Why wouldn't she just fear him?
[02:09:23] Why wouldn't she just use her Q, fear the twitch?
[02:09:29] What?
[02:09:29] Oh, you guacamole. This game is done by the way. My Soraka didn't silence for the 15th
[02:10:05] time until after I died. Now let's go next. They have a way, way, way, way, way, way,
[02:10:14] way better mid and support than us. Like it's not even fucking, it's not even questionable.
[02:10:22] Soraka didn't heal, she didn't use silence until I died. Like you open silence, then
[02:10:28] you are then you QW or you open silence and then you Q then you are W because
[02:10:37] your Q buffs your E buffs your W but you silence because it stops their burst
[02:10:42] potential as you silence. I'm gonna death in and perm split bot that's the only way
[02:10:50] to play the game when you have retards you death in perm split and you just
[02:10:54] you don't have to go next I mean Masters is Masters is an evil full of
[02:10:58] people who like don't actually care that they suck, but they care enough that they
[02:11:03] suck to be toxic. So it is one of us. I'm done. I don't care. Four wards available
[02:11:21] from Soraka. None of them are in river. Like why are we warding up here? Like
[02:11:26] what do these do, man? This is Aurora's ward. This is Soraka's ward. We have no
[02:11:36] vision of dragon at all. I mean I'm telling you straight out, support
[02:11:46] Support players are mentally retarded, every single one of them.
[02:11:51] Unless they're in Challenger, I feel like you do have average IQ.
[02:11:55] You automatically spawn into Challenger as a support player.
[02:11:59] You can take a Diamond 180 carry, they'll spawn into high GM as a support.
[02:12:05] That's disgusting.
[02:12:16] The enemy pike rushed Thornmail, and we're going to lose to him.
[02:13:12] What is even happening, bro?
[02:13:25] The middle ender is a Yasuo one-trick and he decided to pick Vex.
[02:13:30] We have a legitimate first-time Vex versus first-time Oblong.
[02:13:56] The Oblong shit on him.
[02:13:58] And we have a Nautilus one-trick in the support role, playing first-time Soraka
[02:14:08] and running it the fuck down.
[02:14:10] Yo, just say yes, Retards, please.
[02:14:21] Don't waste time.
[02:14:23] Don't waste people's time, guys.
[02:14:25] Thank you, thank you, thank you.
[02:14:31] Like, come on man, you're a support man and you can't climb out into GM.
[02:14:35] Let's not pretend that you cared about winning this game.
[02:14:39] You're thinking about what you're going to tune into Netflix in two days, making your
[02:14:46] dinner, doing your laundry.
[02:14:47] I mean, it's disgusting.
[02:15:24] Maybe I don't play AD Carry today, because these players are really fucking bad.
[02:15:53] We've had really good success with mid lately, maybe I just played mid-game.
[02:15:56] Maybe I just spent mid.
[02:16:02] You don't have to deal with support, so you just auto-wing your way in.
[02:16:04] It's actually kind of insane.
[02:16:08] Mid is such an OP role.
[02:17:58] What the fuck is happening?
[02:17:59] I guess I'll be able to be.
[02:18:35] I'm sitting in long ass fucking Q-times anyway, because the NA server is a dead region.
[02:18:42] Yo, what do you guys think we should play?
[02:21:45] We got Pyke vs. Janna.
[02:22:34] Easy game.
[02:23:20] I do kind of like this team comp.
[02:23:23] It's not too bad.
[02:23:25] All right boys
[02:23:28] Let's walk in we got that pike from last game. It's pretty good
[02:23:34] The twitch was trash, but the pike was pretty decent. So let's fucking mute so I don't sell top of why people typing random nonsense
[02:23:47] Let's fucking go. I'll unmute for my own mental
[02:23:51] So we can focus up. Is it correct 100k channel points?
[02:24:17] Triggers hot chili. I don't even know what that means
[02:24:20] We should definitely cheese them
[02:24:26] They're probably gonna walk up at the wave, but it's probably fun
[02:24:34] As long as like we fight like as long as we don't dive fight them in the wave, I think we're okay
[02:24:42] Like the way they want with the wave we like fight here
[02:24:45] If Jana ever walks out of the wave, we can just play these bushes and play hook
[02:24:51] So that's too bad
[02:24:54] Should be easy peasy. Oh, he's back. That's
[02:25:15] Huge. Not too bad actually. Got both flashes? Not bad. I think that's actually fine by the way.
[02:27:02] Because the Janna's completely... I'm not sure if KARDIS can push this in before I can get back to lane.
[02:27:12] Someone got boots though, it's just that... Help me out! The tier boot combo is gonna give me my
[02:27:17] jack of all trades. Ooh, I kind of like that. That's not good. But how does our Fiddle not have
[02:27:31] Like why is me full clearing? Dude, I wonder why junglers don't just full clear always
[02:27:43] When you're playing something like fiddle anyone
[02:27:46] Because I feel like if you just full clear on something like fiddle right if you just like full clear something like fiddle
[02:28:05] You give yourself such a good opportunity to just never make a mistake
[02:28:09] Like why is my level three fiddle trying to gank bot? Just go for him, bro. Like what?
[02:28:20] Yeah, my miss two Qs there
[02:28:32] If I cued the Janna properly, I would've killed her.
[02:28:36] That's not bad.
[02:28:37] We need to push the wave then.
[02:28:47] The way it's sitting right now is really bad for us.
[02:28:50] Okay, that's fun.
[02:28:55] No, I think we're okay.
[02:29:11] I have Barrier and Pyke has Ignite.
[02:29:23] Probably just win.
[02:29:28] No, he definitely can't.
[02:29:36] Actually, maybe.
[02:29:38] If that guy fucks up,
[02:29:40] like, if they fuck up and just walk in front of the wave
[02:29:42] and take a bunch of dick,
[02:29:44] definitely possible.
[02:29:46] Hmm, I think we should just push this next wave and then go back because
[02:30:23] They're about to be six so I kind of want to reset before they get six
[02:30:27] Because of the fight going on so Carthus is gonna try and get six and then he's gonna try and use his R
[02:30:33] So I don't want to be there for that shit, you know, let's go Olaf my boy
[02:30:48] Boys and girls Olaf has entered the building. Oh, we got a good double ults
[02:31:25] I kind of want to e forward here, but
[02:31:27] But I also want to go help our jungler.
[02:31:31] When do you take tower?
[02:31:43] I mean, you take it as fast as you can in 90% of situations.
[02:31:48] There are a few situations where it's not worth taking.
[02:31:53] Like if, like let's say, like you're winning really hard, you know, those rare games where
[02:32:01] like you're, you're just like super duper far ahead, they can't farm, you're farming
[02:32:05] them on repeat.
[02:32:06] It's better to sit in lane and just like kind of keep farming them than it is sometimes
[02:32:10] to just, I suck. It's better to sit in lane and just farm, but I'd say for the most part
[02:32:28] it's almost always better to just take turret as fast as possible because you also get plates,
[02:32:34] remember that. So when you take bot turret, you get five
[02:32:37] plates if it's for 414, so all those plates give you a ton of gold and then it also gives
[02:32:42] you the pressure of having the turret down, plus the gold of actually taking the turret.
[02:32:46] So I would say bot lane, you're trying to take turret ASAP. So if you're pushing
[02:32:51] up and you're safely, and you can safely auto it, I would just auto the turret and do as
[02:32:54] much damage as you can.
[02:32:56] It is 1000% worth it.
[02:32:58] Oh my god, I'm so bad today.
[02:33:19] Once you take turret, you can also go help your laners much easier.
[02:33:24] Well, that sucks.
[02:33:38] We went in to fight, but I think what ended up happening was I didn't e-forward right
[02:33:42] away.
[02:33:44] Why did you not finish him off?
[02:33:46] oh my god bro I got to keep it real with you everything that just happened my
[02:33:54] team greeted so hard like the pike didn't auto attack spam the car this right
[02:34:00] then the Talon tried to go for a double kill instead of just killing the car
[02:34:06] this like when pike hooked the car this any any stunting he should just be
[02:34:13] spamming autos on him that whole time until the car this dies cuz that's so
[02:34:22] fucking brutal man like this car that's it's fed because somehow some way this
[02:34:28] pike is like I don't know you're doing really bad on my team or you're doing
[02:34:35] good last game and this game he's just getting fucking murdered man but he
[02:34:44] is doing really poor fucking hooks and engages and shits it all says 50 CS as
[02:35:02] does the fiddle fix what?
[02:35:13] Maybe my team just lost 3v2.
[02:35:16] This is not good.
[02:35:24] Maybe it is a I play mid game or a day.
[02:35:28] Like I wanna play a D but like dude this is,
[02:35:34] oh my god.
[02:35:39] Oh my god bro.
[02:35:44] You guys are so bad man.
[02:36:03] When it turns into an A rem, well,
[02:36:06] the thing is is if you take your turret early,
[02:36:09] you should want it to be an A rem.
[02:36:12] I think that's a good way to explain it.
[02:36:15] Like, let's say you, if you take turret early game, right,
[02:36:18] and then you rotate to mid or top,
[02:36:20] you want that because if you took a full turret before 14 minutes,
[02:36:23] you're really strong.
[02:36:25] Like, there's no world that you take five plates,
[02:36:28] take first turret, and like,
[02:36:30] the enemy is allowing you to do that,
[02:36:32] and you're not massively ahead.
[02:36:34] So like, you'd want them to just come mid and start fighting you.
[02:36:41] Like, your goal is just to like,
[02:36:43] use your lead at that point to take turrets and objectives, right?
[02:36:46] You want Riptarald, you want Grubs, or you want Dragon, stuff like that.
[02:36:50] You want to essentially always be looking for objectives to take.
[02:36:56] And the closest lane to every objective is Med.
[02:37:00] Now, that being said, if you're mid laner, can't lane bot lane for some reason,
[02:37:04] like they're just a...
[02:37:06] Let's say they're a mage, or somebody who physically can't exist in bot lane, like a really...
[02:37:11] like scare like they're just it's like they can die very very easily or get
[02:37:15] caught out burst enemy whatever it is if that's happening I will say you can go
[02:37:21] top sometimes but it's riskier to go top because you have to play around your
[02:37:26] team is my mid laner just letting this guy take a tier two tower guys thing
[02:37:39] this guy take t2 no this is not allowed this guy walking up and hitting
[02:37:50] our tier 2 tower at fucking 14 minutes of the game is insane. Like this is the most
[02:37:54] illegal thing I've ever seen. Oh we got six grubs? Ooh that's gonna be nice actually.
[02:38:28] I was trying. So the way we actually play that is Pyke just hooks him into a stun when
[02:38:34] he does that and we win the game. We just one shot him. Why? My Pyke is definitely not
[02:38:43] a great player. Dude this is such an annoying game. I'm gonna hit no. I think we can
[02:38:49] win but like my jungle mid and support are definitely tilted they're really
[02:38:57] fucking bad players yeah that guy's a horrid player I think me and Olaf can
[02:39:12] carry this because the later the games go the the easier it is to carry as an
[02:39:15] ad carry man I do think after the game I'm gonna play mid until we hit GM made
[02:39:31] in support like I want to teach ad carry but like I'll just do that on a
[02:39:35] smurf or something or I'll do it I'll do that once we hit GM like going
[02:39:42] through the games, Masters is like the worst elo ever to try and teach people how to play
[02:39:46] the game. Because this isn't like League of Legends, right? Nobody's actually trying to
[02:39:50] win in this elo, they're all just basically just existing, not working together, not playing
[02:39:56] the macro, not doing anything. They just kind of, like even Diamond players try harder
[02:40:01] to win than Masters players. Like look at my Pyke, he's just standing here. Like
[02:40:16] go help bot lane, go look for plays.
[02:40:19] The game's not over yet bro, just play the game.
[02:40:24] Like he's just AFK standing next to me being a moron.
[02:40:26] I don't know what to say.
[02:40:29] Like the score's 22 to 17, just play the fucking game.
[02:40:34] Like if this pike just dropped his fucking ego
[02:40:36] and played the game, we could win.
[02:40:49] Like don't get me wrong, this fucking,
[02:40:59] this card is as strong as fuck,
[02:41:01] but I mean, we're just gonna have to deal with that.
[02:41:20] I mean dude, pike, can you just play bro?
[02:41:22] Like, why are we standing here, man?
[02:41:27] Like, what are you doing?
[02:41:31] Like, what the fuck am I watching, man?
[02:41:34] Why is this guy being like this?
[02:41:37] Like, yes, the Jaina is a better player than you, man.
[02:41:40] It is what it is.
[02:41:44] Like, instead of raging, just find a way to come back into the game and prove...
[02:41:51] Like, everybody's got bad games, you know?
[02:41:52] Fuck it, just play the game.
[02:42:04] Dude, I can't even stop them from taking bot tier 2.
[02:42:24] I'm still hitting no, you guys can go fuck yourself.
[02:42:26] Like, I get it, you guys don't like playing when you get behind because, like, bad players
[02:42:35] don't like playing games when they get behind.
[02:42:38] It's why they're bad, because they- the quintessential reason master's players don't climb to GM
[02:42:44] and chowl isn't because they're terrible players, it's because they refuse to play the game
[02:42:48] when they get behind.
[02:42:51] So like, everybody makes- there's no way this shit is actually chasing me.
[02:43:48] Holy fuck, you're an idiot.
[02:44:09] My jungler is bot.
[02:44:11] Oh, that's not good.
[02:44:12] Yo, can you please...
[02:44:30] What the?
[02:44:31] I know they're on it right now, and I think we can fight it.
[02:44:34] Bro, what the fuck is happening?
[02:44:47] Oh no.
[02:46:15] I gotta push one more wave top so that we don't get all the lums.
[02:46:19] And then I'm gonna reset and hopefully I can make it to stop the...
[02:46:23] I'm dead.
[02:46:29] Yeah, and they actually sent two for me top.
[02:46:34] That's wild.
[02:46:35] I was not like, oh well, I mean...
[02:46:39] I guess Tweetle D and Tweetle Dumb are down here.
[02:46:43] So I guess it makes sense
[02:46:47] damn, man, I
[02:46:49] Think playing mid is just the most consistent like sometimes you'll have bad tops and bots
[02:46:53] But at least when you're playing mid you don't have like my last three mid laners have just been running it down every game
[02:47:00] Hey, you don't have to deal with supports that suck and be you don't have to deal with mids that suck
[02:47:09] So all you have to do is deal with 80 carries that suck, but 80 carry roll is irrelevant until grandmaster chow
[02:47:15] But I can tell people play around the AD if the roll sucks, so it's better to play solo
[02:47:22] or support, but I don't want to play support.
[02:47:24] That roll's boring as dirt.
[02:47:29] So yeah, I think it's a mid.
[02:47:30] I think it's a mid only angle until GM, Fireboy's mid support.
[02:47:35] It's not worth trying this hard on a roll that's this dog shit.
[02:47:42] Quit the game.
[02:47:43] That was embarrassing.
[02:47:44] So yeah, I think it's just the mid angle.
[02:48:05] The client is lagging.
[02:48:07] Really bad.
[02:48:17] I hate when, you know, I have to play off-roll to climb, but it is what it is, like, the ADC role is just so trashcans.
[02:48:25] Until high elo, this role is just so bad.
[02:48:29] Because it relies, every game when you QAD, your entire game relies on your support.
[02:48:36] So basically, if your support isn't, like, a god to your player, the game is really frustrating.
[02:48:45] And no supports below Challenger are good.
[02:48:48] So it just becomes frustrating.
[02:48:50] Also, I'm usually in a much better mood when I don't play with bad support players
[02:49:33] Bad support players have a way of just pissing me the fuck off
[02:49:36] Because the role is so easy and I know it's easy and watching people mess it up
[02:49:40] Well, even though it's like okay. I shouldn't be mad cuz you know, it's like whatever
[02:49:44] It's just embarrassing
[02:51:22] Check how you guys doing today
[02:51:24] Hello, it's thing on hello
[02:51:27] You said it do be this thing on I'm versus Yasuo
[02:51:42] That's fine could be yasuo ad carry, but he banned the blonk so it might just be a yasuo
[02:51:53] player who knows who knows chat wake the fuck up
[02:52:12] Can you guys hear me?
[02:53:13] Does the mic sound fine?
[02:53:48] I had to I just had to fuck with the mic a little bit so I hope it sounds fine.
[02:54:12] Sounds fine.
[02:54:13] Okay, cool.
[02:54:33] Hi, what's up man?
[02:54:34] How's it going?
[02:54:35] What's good?
[02:54:36] How's it going little bro?
[02:55:10] I think Melio can actually R my R.
[02:55:13] So we'll have to see how that goes.
[02:55:38] Way as bought.
[02:55:39] Okay, interesting.
[02:55:42] Interesting choice.
[02:55:45] What am I verse?
[02:55:46] Am I verse Garan mid?
[02:55:50] I think I'm verse Garan.
[02:55:53] I mean, I think his lanes is gonna be like
[02:55:55] really fucking boring.
[02:55:58] Cause I don't think Garan can ever kill me
[02:56:00] and I can't really kill him.
[02:56:02] So I'm pretty sure we're just gonna be going
[02:56:03] even farming.
[02:56:06] Like that's probably just the lane.
[02:56:10] We just kind of farmed it out, which, you know,
[02:56:17] feels bad then.
[02:56:53] Not gonna lie though, I think I enjoy Newdoll
[02:56:58] when I'm in this elo because I think master's players,
[02:57:01] something about master's players
[02:57:02] are just like the biggest losers on the planet.
[02:57:04] And I don't know what it is.
[02:57:05] It's like, it's like, you're like playing with the rejects
[02:57:09] that aren't good enough to like be good at the game,
[02:57:11] But they're good enough to be in this elo.
[02:57:13] And so they just type in the app so much.
[02:57:17] I don't know.
[02:57:18] It's just rough, man.
[02:57:19] Fudge!
[02:57:57] What was that?
[02:58:13] What the absolute fuck?
[02:58:24] Hecarim ghosted at level one.
[02:58:35] Dude, I am never going to be able to do anything
[02:58:37] against this Garen, though.
[02:58:39] Just auto him the entire game, and it still won't matter.
[02:58:43] I think all I can really do against this guy
[02:58:44] is try and uh uh basically hold the wave early game well i somehow missed
[02:59:08] 3cs the hell oh i should not have eved that actually wait is he dead holy shit
[02:59:44] wait you're a fucking monster you're actually a beast tecarum wait i should just get this
[03:00:10] it's always worth if you have like 350 to get dark seal like always i should tp here
[03:00:22] I do not want to miss any minions, and there's no way I was gonna make it there
[03:00:28] That was never gonna fucking happen. All right, Gary, and you do you bro?
[03:00:48] Can I silence him when he's spinning and it stops his spin or no?
[03:00:59] Like is that something I can do?
[03:01:03] Guess I can try it for fun. Yeah, I was gonna say I don't think he actually gets stopped if I silence him
[03:01:16] Like I don't think his kit works like that.
[03:01:34] What is this fucking Garen, man?
[03:01:37] What are you doing?
[03:01:40] Like, this Garen is literally just walking into the lane in front of my face, like straight
[03:02:07] up he just walks up in front of my fucking face, spins, takes like 40% of the HP?
[03:02:15] Is this the average mid lane experience?
[03:02:19] Are mid laners just fucking next level smart?
[03:02:23] What is happening?
[03:02:24] I'm fucking fighting for my life in bot lane, man.
[03:02:32] And then I look over here and it's like a garen just standing here like permanently
[03:02:35] pushing mid.
[03:02:36] Look at this guy.
[03:02:38] Guys, I peed that garen was running bot lane.
[03:03:19] Dear god, is garen gonna get a kill bot?
[03:03:23] I fucking hope not, man.
[03:03:30] Did Garen manage to run bot lane from mid on 3 wards?
[03:03:37] And get a kill?
[03:03:38] I quit this game.
[03:03:39] Oh my god.
[03:03:57] What?
[03:04:15] I mean surely that wasn't a good play.
[03:04:27] I see.
[03:04:43] I should have tanked a turret shot?
[03:04:45] I mean we shouldn't be diving that bro.
[03:04:48] What are you even saying?
[03:04:49] I mean there's no world in the history of ever that we dive that play right there
[03:05:03] by the way.
[03:05:09] I don't get it.
[03:05:10] my heck room retarded or what are you doing bro you literally like given this
[03:05:19] garen two free kills for absolutely no fucking reason though and I don't
[03:05:24] understand why what like what why like what's what's the reasoning there like
[03:05:31] I'm winning mid like handedly like a hard winning mid right like like this
[03:05:36] guy is gaffed she's done the game's over I'm tense he has a minute two
[03:05:40] plates we're like oh let's give him fucking kills not even just kills but
[03:05:47] like a shutdown Steve this is a good learning experience for you when
[03:05:54] somebody on your team makes a mistake it's not your fault for not going above
[03:05:58] and beyond to protect their mistake it's their mistake and you need to
[03:06:02] understand that like there's nothing you can do to separate that like that
[03:06:07] dive was that right anytime you are diving without a concrete plan in your
[03:06:12] dive, it is a bad dive. If your dive does not have a way, if it is risky at all, it is a bad dive.
[03:06:28] And that's something that you have to learn because you will never climb if your goal is to climb,
[03:06:34] if you don't recognize that your teammates are bad. Everybody you play with in League is bad.
[03:06:40] Until you are playing with literally Faker himself, everyone is bad. The sacrum is 400 LP
[03:06:45] masters and he might have just lost me the lane, like he might have just lost the game for
[03:06:49] force by himself. Like, straight up, he unironically solo fucked our entire game because he wanted
[03:06:58] to for whatever reject reason dive twice and give Garen a way back into the game. And again,
[03:07:08] that's not anybody's fault but his. What the fuck is this, bro? Like, this guy is
[03:07:32] An idiot.
[03:07:33] Like, if Hecarim hadn't given this guy two kills, the game would be over.
[03:07:41] Like what the fuck is happening?
[03:07:49] I'm not even kidding though.
[03:07:51] We might lose off of Hecarim's play.
[03:07:54] Unironically.
[03:07:55] I mean, yeah, I can't go help you now, man.
[03:08:10] I'm gonna be real, Mr. Hecarim.
[03:08:12] There's no world I can help you.
[03:08:14] My lane is, is, I have to sit in the lane longer now because of what we did.
[03:08:22] That's just how it works.
[03:08:25] Now I can go help you.
[03:08:28] Now we can play this.
[03:08:29] Let's go.
[03:08:39] See?
[03:08:40] That's how it works.
[03:08:41] You push mid, now I can go rotate.
[03:08:45] Easy peasy.
[03:08:49] That's League of Legends for you.
[03:08:50] Did I just get dove 100 to 0 under my turret by a Kled ult?
[03:09:01] With no minions?
[03:09:05] What the fuck are- like what is this elo?
[03:09:08] You guys are crazy.
[03:09:11] Like there's no way that was worth.
[03:09:15] He ulted for one kill mid, they lost bot turret, lost the lilius shutdown, and they lost three
[03:09:29] plates top so he could rotate mid to ulti one time.
[03:09:34] There is, like, these people are so bad!
[03:09:40] Oh, another kill to garen for my, I wish somebody would dive me and give me free kills.
[03:09:51] of them actually. I see why low elo is low elo. I get it. Trust me, I fucking get it.
[03:10:10] Because you guys just do random bad plays. Like, my Hecarim is down two full levels and
[03:10:17] has 57 CS. By the way, 57 CS? No, I think Hecarim's a win trend. I just looked at
[03:10:30] account, he's first time in heck. Hasn't played today. I'm almost positive it's a
[03:10:35] win trade. Like what he's doing is so bad and so egregious that it's like it's
[03:10:50] pretty, it's pretty bad. Yeah I confirmed it. Yep it's a target int. It's a
[03:11:12] target int win trade. That sucks. I really need to get out of the silo so I
[03:11:26] stopped getting target ints and then because the target ints aren't good
[03:11:33] enough to get to high elo. Like they know they're not good enough to get
[03:11:38] to high elo so they sit in low elo and they target at you the whole
[03:11:40] game. It's really brutal man. Like it's so frustrating. Like the fact that this guy is
[03:11:57] down 40 CS when he started the first blood in the jungle and the fact that his like
[03:12:02] literal only fucking gameplay was diving this Garen mid on repeats and throw kills at him,
[03:12:11] it's pain man. I didn't hide my Q though which is my bad. I need to hide Q every
[03:12:19] game in this elo. I mean I'm dead. Let's go next. We can't win this. Our team like I know for a fact
[03:13:14] our top and our jungle are just grieving for fun. Again is what it is. Let's just go next.
[03:13:24] The only way for me to get through this elo without being target griefed would be to play
[03:13:28] off stream. But it's not worth it to play off stream. Like if you play in league off stream
[03:13:32] you're a loser. You're either a loser or you simply don't play as a job. Because this
[03:13:45] This game is, it's fun, but like, I would never touch this game if I wasn't a streamer.
[03:13:57] Cause these people who do this to you, like they keep sniping their griefing shits.
[03:14:02] Like these people like, genuinely have no value as human beings IRL.
[03:14:11] They find it funny because they don't actually have friends or value.
[03:14:14] Ow, no way.
[03:14:26] Oh baby, I'm gonna take a week.
[03:14:39] I mean the game's over, we're just sitting in the game because, uh, heck room is
[03:14:44] soft ending.
[03:14:47] So he's gonna hit no every game or every vote
[03:14:51] Don't you guys love league? I wish I could go back to the days where like you didn't have to hide your cue every game and you didn't have to
[03:15:30] Like wait to cue you didn't have to do all that shit as a streamer because like those days were the golden days of league before the losers picked up the game and
[03:15:40] realized that they could
[03:15:42] Grief people for entertainment. I miss it. I'll be vegan
[03:17:07] That's that anyway, so I'm just gonna...
[03:17:10] You know what? I'm not even gonna talk the chat anymore.
[03:17:12] Haha, no offense to you guys, but like it's very clear you guys aren't into it, so we'll just...
[03:17:18] We'll just play an ad.
[03:17:28] I'm just gonna milk some 3-minute ads for free money.
[03:26:32] I am sad.
[03:26:37] Bro, I don't know what to do today. These games are rough.
[03:26:43] We have had trolls every game today.
[03:26:49] It's actually crazy.
[03:26:57] It's fucking wild, man. I just wanna play the game.
[03:27:31] Yeah, I need the back.
[03:27:44] What a crazy fucking game.
[03:27:46] What the app? So who the fuck is happening here?
[03:27:52] Hello? God damn, he actually lived.
[03:28:46] That sucks.
[03:28:48] He's so close to dead. I mean I can go back right now and probably just be fine.
[03:29:05] I think I can kill him too if I can surprise him with a level 3.
[03:29:08] Nice, that's huge.
[03:29:25] Actually though, I feel like an asshole for not like having fun on stream today.
[03:29:42] I'm just dude like I I have a goal to climb and
[03:29:46] Getting soft into controlled and griefs all day. It's not fun. So sorry about that guys. I mean this guy's real fucking well
[03:30:32] It's gonna be really hard from the farm. I need to get a ward down though. I have a lot of words
[03:30:39] Okay, I got I got two words. I need to put one down
[03:30:50] We see the it's fine. We see the Kiana
[03:30:53] Do this rumble is like?
[03:31:27] fucking everywhere man
[03:31:30] I need to go back push this way and then go back
[03:31:38] I actually probably could have walked back the lane instead of TP'd here
[03:32:02] because the base all wasn't really pressuring me
[03:32:06] rumble this rummed mid or top Jesus
[03:32:13] God again bro got three people in my lane or what
[03:32:37] Jesus you guys need to chill
[03:32:40] This is wilds. She should double kill in there. I think Aesol actually has fucking TP, so I mean that wasn't very good.
[03:33:24] I mean there's not much I could do. It's all pretty much they would need MF to like, they need MF to play around mid if they really want to make plays like that.
[03:33:44] We should just do grubs in my opinion. Like I'm pretty strong and I think we can just win if we do like a grub fight.
[03:33:55] I think we're doing that.
[03:33:57] I don't think we fight this, man.
[03:34:28] Alright, not too bad.
[03:34:58] Dude, what a weird ass game.
[03:35:07] I can't really, like, help my teammates, because we're constantly just in this weird struggle.
[03:35:14] Like, bro, what the fuck?
[03:36:14] Rumble's mid again.
[03:36:15] Good lord, man.
[03:36:25] This guy hates happiness!
[03:36:27] Oh, my Rumble and God again.
[03:37:53] At least I have TP, man, but, like...
[03:37:59] Can you guys take bot turret, man?
[03:38:01] like I'm okay with Rumble sitting mid the whole game but can you at least take
[03:38:06] the turret like the downside to him roaming mid the whole game should be
[03:38:12] smolders super behind and you take bot turret you don't mean that's like the
[03:38:18] downside to it like if you guys could do that I would really appreciate it man I
[03:38:22] don't need you in my lane I need you to like pressure the map when this guy
[03:38:31] comes into my lane so that's how you play it you don't you don't play in
[03:38:37] the like you don't play to like match it you just like if you can't right oh my
[03:39:44] god bro Christ man what are we doing thank you but Jesus Christ man how much
[03:40:28] more pressure do I need to pull I got fucking three people in my way in half
[03:40:34] the game well ads rumble top again surely MF can kill this guy right
[03:41:12] Surely I am going to lose my fucking minds like what it's happening right now. Holy fuck man
[03:42:20] This is sadge
[03:42:27] Nice, well played like bro fuck off damn man. These guys legit just fucking
[03:43:24] Getting ganked by all four of them
[03:43:53] cool, I
[03:43:55] Mean I hope we get mid turret for it. I
[03:43:58] Got rumble to
[03:44:00] Can we at least get Rift? Thank you. Dude, this is actually so insane.
[03:44:16] Yeah, go for the turret, bro. I don't know if I can push this wave in. I don't think I can.
[03:45:25] I think this is illegal. Yeah, better leave. How do we play this? Let me think. I feel like the way we can play this is like, uh...
[03:45:48] I can still go bot or whatever, but I feel like I should like hover mid for a sec while Baron's coming up and we should just look for a Baron.
[03:45:53] This kind of sucks because like I said, I can't even farm this game because of how much like random fighting has been going on
[03:47:05] Not bad. I mean I'm not TP
[03:47:17] Well, they were really doing that with no uh, no smite
[03:47:35] You guys are fucking psychos actually though
[03:47:39] Doing the no smite baron on a ward?
[03:47:42] God damn!
[03:48:38] Double blast on. Okay, I guess
[03:48:47] Sure. That just seems like such a waste of their cooldowns.
[03:49:20] You know what favorite thing about players in the COS?
[03:49:22] None of them try and help each other ever.
[03:49:26] Like, our teammate is like over there fighting for life against two people.
[03:49:31] And these people are like, so blind to what's happening.
[03:49:35] Ha ha ha.
[03:49:36] They're just pushing fucking mid.
[03:50:07] They're gonna have to make a choice to go to dragon here or...
[03:50:16] I think they're just gonna give us dragon for free here.
[03:50:21] Yep.
[03:50:22] I'll take it.
[03:50:23] Thanks for the free soul, pussy.
[03:50:26] People are so weird, man.
[03:50:30] This guy would rather go top to kill me than get fucking free dragon soul or to stop dragon
[03:50:34] soul.
[03:50:35] What's wrong with you?
[03:50:38] And you used your ulti.
[03:50:54] That's a good...
[03:50:58] You guys should push top.
[03:51:07] They're all pushed top, pretty good.
[03:52:32] Man, this is so fucking boring.
[03:52:39] The reason this game is going to be extended is literally because these people won't do
[03:52:43] Macro like my three teammates are standing mid trying to kill these towers
[03:52:50] Instead of doing the macro and it's letting an a soul and a Keanu farm up
[03:52:56] Yeah, it's so frustrating man. I hate I hate people that will not end the game
[03:53:01] Because like ending the game
[03:53:03] Obviously like you're having fun it sucks
[03:53:06] But what sucks worse is losing
[03:54:31] Thank God
[03:54:33] Oh, thank God
[03:54:36] Wait, how did our team think rumble was the problem by the way?
[03:54:42] That rumble like roamed around the map and he was actually a really big reason that game was so hard
[03:54:48] Like like straight up that that game was only hard because rumble was like roaming around the map the whole game
[03:55:01] Like how do you not roam that would have just killed a soul like five times?
[03:55:07] Well, that's such a weird
[03:55:22] Thing to get mad at when your teammate does that. Oh, I got high my cue my bed
[03:55:25] Like, I don't think you should ever get mad at your teammates for like roaming in certain
[03:55:32] situations because I mean sometimes you have to.
[03:55:38] Granted, I don't know if that was the situation where you have to roam, but I would have had
[03:55:42] to like watch the replay and shit so I don't know, but yeah man, I don't think games are
[03:56:46] going to get better until we get into actual hyah, but we'll just keep trying
[03:56:50] our best.
[03:56:57] I think that's all we can do is try our best, you know?
[03:56:59] It is what it is.
[03:57:04] What it is, what it is, a doobie, what it doobie.
[03:57:19] As long as I'm getting better, I'm okay with it.
[03:57:23] As long as we're not getting target griefed
[03:57:25] and I'm getting better at the game,
[03:57:26] I'm okay with it at that point.
[03:57:30] Like the only time I get irritated is when like,
[03:57:32] when the games are winnable,
[03:57:33] but like people are intentionally just throwing them
[03:57:36] because they don't want to win anymore,
[03:57:37] they get tilted or whatever.
[03:57:38] Like those are frustrating as fuck, man.
[03:57:46] And like this hero specifically has like a really high
[03:57:49] amount of people that just troll for fun.
[03:58:04] Cassiopeia AD, ooh I kinda like that.
[03:58:07] Especially against Velvet, that's not bad.
[03:58:11] I kinda like Cassiopeia AD against Velvet.
[03:58:13] I don't know how it feels against Ezreal,
[03:58:19] like maybe it's okay with Nautilus.
[03:58:21] Who knows?
[03:58:22] Ooh, is that Varus top?
[03:58:32] Ooh, Garen's like nice.
[03:59:03] Lushin was kinda fun actually,
[03:59:04] I wanna play another Lushin game.
[03:59:11] Like the beauty of playing Lushin mid is
[03:59:13] you kind of get to shut down the enemy team, even if like you can't snowball super hard,
[03:59:22] you get to shut down the enemy team like a little bit, because they have to respect,
[03:59:33] they have to respect your game playing no matter what.
[03:59:40] Con Fiesta?
[03:59:42] I've been seeing a lot of Con Fiestas today.
[03:59:45] I'm actually surprised.
[03:59:48] Like last week, we climbed up to 350 LP Masters on Friday.
[03:59:55] I didn't play over the weekend at all.
[03:59:57] Right?
[03:59:58] I played very little amount on Sunday
[04:00:01] and I played none on Saturday.
[04:00:03] And then today, I feel like every game
[04:00:17] except for the very first game of the day was a fiesta.
[04:00:20] And I think the only reason the very first game
[04:00:22] of the day wasn't fiesta
[04:00:23] was because I was in like very high level.
[04:00:29] I think the only reason this wasn't a fiesta
[04:00:32] was because I had fucking a pro player on my team top
[04:00:35] and then my mid and my jungle were really good.
[04:00:41] I think if it wasn't that, it would have been a fiesta.
[04:00:45] So it's actually kind of crazy. I've seen so many fiestas there.
[04:00:48] Everybody's just fucking frying up some fiesta bullshit.
[04:00:55] Bro, I want to be the type of person that can just have fun
[04:00:59] because I used to be that, right? I used to be able to just have fun
[04:01:01] when fiestas happen and I was like, oh, that's funny blah blah.
[04:01:04] I just like I think I will be able to get back to being that person once I actually
[04:01:09] Climb up and like reach my goal, you know
[04:01:12] Like once I get the goal, I think I'll be a lot happier playing league
[04:01:17] Because I won't really care too much anymore about winning and losing as much sure I
[04:01:39] Think that's kind of a waste but okay
[04:01:42] Him flash igniting level one is such a waste of his cooldowns
[04:01:48] Like, Belbeth got the kill, but like, sure, I don't know.
[04:01:53] You, you, bro.
[04:01:58] He's basically saying he's not gonna be able to play bot lane now for the first like four
[04:02:02] minutes, and he's hoping Belbeth carries.
[04:02:05] That's like what that does.
[04:02:07] Right?
[04:02:08] That's just like, oh, I hope my Belbeth carries with this lead we gave her, because
[04:02:12] we ain't gonna be able to do shit.
[04:02:14] Oh, he's so lucky I didn't hit.
[04:03:05] It kind of sucks that I'm not gonna be able to play Lucian next patch.
[04:03:09] Always Lucian mid.
[04:03:12] Because their nerfing is like Q-Poke.
[04:03:22] Okay, sure.
[04:03:26] I have a feeling BoVeF is like trying to gank mid.
[04:03:33] It definitely feels like this guy's walking up and playing like really aggro.
[04:03:38] So it definitely feels like BoVeF's trying to gank mid or something.
[04:03:50] Oh, he's bot. Okay.
[04:04:28] Playing his play mid is interesting.
[04:04:33] Because like after I learned what her abilities do, I actually know how to play versus her now.
[04:04:37] So it actually kind of makes it more fun. Not gonna lie.
[04:04:46] Cause now I actually know what to look out for when I'm like playing for sir.
[04:04:54] Him.
[04:04:56] Them. I don't know what they go by.
[04:04:58] Why would he stay to W the wave there?
[04:05:07] I know Belvedere is still around because like why would this guy stay
[04:05:15] at this much HP if Belvedere wasn't around you know?
[04:05:19] Like it's that's actually psychotic but
[04:05:22] Soul play it, Soul play it, I'm here.
[04:05:34] Nice.
[04:05:58] Did you just call him Hawaii?
[04:06:03] Hawaii is such a broken champ.
[04:06:06] I'm not agreeing more.
[04:06:14] It's a stitch with Leo and Stitch is a little odd.
[04:06:44] But Shed's fucking amazing, I love you guys.
[04:06:47] What the fuck is this?
[04:07:17] What's happening here?
[04:07:26] Okay.
[04:07:27] The guy just zoned himself off all of his own way.
[04:08:00] Wait, what are we doing over here, bro?
[04:08:19] I can't tell what I should get this game.
[04:08:35] I feel like maybe it's Merc Treads?
[04:08:37] I don't know, because they have Varus, right?
[04:08:41] So they have, they have Varus?
[04:08:45] Ezreal?
[04:08:46] Oh?
[04:08:56] Oh my god, no way this cast here if he lives.
[04:09:00] Holy shit.
[04:09:02] Dude, that guy actually almost fucking lived.
[04:09:11] Dude, I, I think we can have the rush boots on, uh,
[04:09:14] Uh, stuff like Lucian mid, it's so broken.
[04:09:25] It is actually broken as fuck.
[04:09:27] Like I didn't know the tech before when I was playing Lucian mid, but I didn't
[04:09:31] play as much because I was like, dude, this is overrated.
[04:09:34] The tech is literally like, they just rush boots so fast against
[04:09:39] whatever matchup they're against.
[04:09:41] And it's so broken.
[04:09:50] You are so fucking lucky, bro.
[04:10:00] The recall boots good.
[04:10:02] Not on Lucian.
[04:10:02] They're really good on Quinn.
[04:10:04] Quinn and like Janna they're actually pretty good on too.
[04:10:10] Lucian mid's okay. It's actually really OP, but I wouldn't pick it up because
[04:10:20] next patch then they're gutting it. There's like specifically nerfing Lucian
[04:10:25] next patch because it's 2 OP. So it kind of sucks. It makes me sad because I don't
[04:10:47] like when Lucian gets nerfed because he's strong mid. That's like something I
[04:10:51] really don't like. Like he's always been... it's like Tristana right? Like
[04:10:56] Tristana is really fucking bad at the moments.
[04:11:00] Like she got like absolutely fucking gutted, dude.
[04:11:05] But they didn't give her like any sort of like bot lane,
[04:11:10] like compensation buffs.
[04:11:12] So she just fucking sucks.
[04:11:29] Dude, fuck, ah!
[04:11:38] I can't even buy anything if I back right now.
[04:11:41] It's actually kind of sucks.
[04:11:43] I can't buy BF.
[04:11:55] Like I, ah, this feels so bad.
[04:12:04] How should I balance it?
[04:12:05] Tristana? I mean, I'll be real, I don't know how they balance Tristana, but they should do something.
[04:12:14] Like, I'm not a balancer, right? Like, I have no fucking clue how they would balance it.
[04:12:18] I just like, Tristana is one of my favorite champions, and right now you can't play the champ.
[04:12:24] Like, it's like, they took away lethal tempo, which is how Tristana had to play bot lane.
[04:12:30] Then they made her Q cost mana, then they made her E less efficient.
[04:12:35] So it's like already it just feels so bad to play Trists.
[04:12:40] It was like Tristana was 2 OP mid so they had to do something about it.
[04:12:55] Like it was way too strong mid right, but it was like more than anything it wasn't Tristana being OP.
[04:13:01] It was like the runes enabling Tristana to be infinite sustained.
[04:13:08] That's kind of the issue with what was going on right.
[04:13:11] The runes were enabling her to be too strong like with no downside.
[04:13:16] Like Fleet plus Absorb Life and all that shit, right?
[04:13:20] So it was like, that's why Tristana was like so oppressive mid.
[04:13:23] And that's why we got this like AD Carry mid meta.
[04:13:26] Because Fleet and Absorb Life are 2 OP.
[04:13:32] But the problem is, is they decided to like nerf Tristana as a champion.
[04:13:38] But if Tristana was OP as a champion, and not just the runes being broken,
[04:13:44] Surely she would have been played mid, right? Or played AD.
[04:13:51] But I'm literally like one of the only people...
[04:13:54] There's like two other people in high elo and A, at least, that play trust.
[04:13:58] AD. There's already like me and like two other people.
[04:14:01] So like, she's not good. She's like F tier AD.
[04:14:06] Dude, what is this fucking... way allowed to walk up mid like this the whole game?
[04:14:34] Hello, our teammates.
[04:14:36] This is wild, and this guy's allowed to do this.
[04:14:49] Like, bro, what the fuck am I watching?
[04:14:53] Jesus fucking Christ, relax, way!
[04:15:00] This guy is like, I can feel him tilted.
[04:15:03] This guy's tilted off his axe, man!
[04:15:06] I can feel the anger!
[04:15:09] Like, actually, like, what is he doing?
[04:15:12] Like, look at my bot lane!
[04:15:29] I mean, I think Way is a really, really hard champion.
[04:15:32] I thought she was a joke before.
[04:15:34] Or he. Why am I saying she?
[04:15:35] What the fuck is wrong with me?
[04:15:39] But uh...
[04:15:41] I thought he was just like a joke, right?
[04:15:48] I was like, oh this champ sucks, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
[04:15:52] but the champs are actually pretty fucking hard.
[04:15:58] Like the reason the champs are so hard is because you have to, like,
[04:16:07] not make a single, like, bad cooldown mistake.
[04:16:11] Well there's a lot of abilities but that's not like the difficulty of the champ is the abilities
[04:16:15] because, like, Aphelios has a lot of abilities, right?
[04:16:18] And he's not as hard as FW.
[04:16:20] I think the biggest issue with play is like if you mess up one of your abilities, you can just lose or you just get all in and die
[04:16:32] Like the the big reason I've been shitting on this way the whole game like I'm up 50 CS or whatever is because first of all Lucian's like good
[04:16:43] He's the lane bully, right? So like Lucian's a really good lane bully, but outside of that a lot of the other reasons
[04:16:49] I've been beating this guy's ass is because I know what ways abilities do now like I played it that one time and like
[04:16:58] So if I see him use an ability that I know is attached to another ability, I just oh in him
[04:17:04] So like when you're when you're playing its way, right?
[04:17:19] I'll give you guys a little bit of a tip because I got nothing else to really talk about this game
[04:17:22] When you're playing its way one of the biggest tips I can give you for just like understanding when you can fight him
[04:17:27] And when you can't is he has a
[04:17:31] Really awkward
[04:17:33] Like that's like a big splash that happens when he shoots you like it's like a pull in almost
[04:17:38] And when he does this big pull-in move that's like how he usually commits to fighting his like the people
[04:17:44] But when he does that pull-in or whatever he can no longer like use his CC abilities
[04:17:49] So my team wants me to walk mid
[04:17:58] by the way
[04:18:00] They want me to walk mid to help fight
[04:18:08] When there's no
[04:18:10] reason to
[04:18:15] Step up the kill participation. I mean bro. I got I'm doing I'm I mean I'm very strong
[04:18:22] strong. What do you want me to do? I mean, sure, I'll come group, but we're not fighting
[04:18:32] over anything. Like, I get what the cast is saying. Like, I don't really have a reason
[04:18:37] to be bot here, because, you know, bot and head tier 2's down, we can fight mid, blah-blah-blah.
[04:18:42] So he's not wrong. It's just like, I don't think there's anything we should be doing
[04:18:47] at this point in the game. Is that better, Cassiopeia? Is that better? Fuck off!
[04:19:27] Did I go Bork Third? Or another crit item?
[04:19:32] I saw a lot of the Korean meds going Bork Third.
[04:19:36] It felt weird to me, but like, apparently it's good.
[04:19:40] Wait, this Casio is insane!
[04:19:42] Oh my god!
[04:19:44] Wha-
[04:19:46] What the fuck was that?!
[04:19:54] Wait, this Casio actually just smirked it right there, man. That was...
[04:19:57] Kind of insane, I go, why?
[04:20:06] Like that movement was kind of crazy.
[04:20:08] Also, can somebody explain to me why, uh...
[04:20:12] Oh, okay.
[04:20:13] Sure, bro, you do you you like physically can't mess up Alistar combo by the way
[04:20:28] Well, I know that guy physically did so I'm wrong
[04:20:30] But like I think it might be one of the hardest combos like you have a higher chance of like
[04:20:37] like I genuinely think you have a higher chance of like
[04:20:46] Doing the combo without fucking it up that you do fucking up the combo. No joke. Let's go get Baron
[04:21:08] Which would be Baron? We have Casio. I mean we could take mid too I guess.
[04:21:26] It's actually kind of funny because I always wonder which one's better whether it's Baron
[04:21:30] or in Hib. I think it's like really dependent obviously but because they both they both synergize
[04:21:36] with each other right? Like if you get mid and Hib you automatically get to like take
[04:21:39] Baron for free basically. And then if you get Baron you automatically get to
[04:21:51] to take mid and hit for free or like bottom top. It's actually kind of a funny, uh, it's
[04:21:59] kind of a funny little thing that I got. It's like it changes all the time. Okay, this
[04:22:17] Cassiopeia is good. This Cassiopeia is probably the best player on the team. It's gonna let
[04:22:37] that take that and then... Hmm. Can I actually fight this guy? This is gonna be rough.
[04:22:43] We'll see. I tried.
[04:23:00] I think even if I had hands, I still can't kill that guy there.
[04:23:04] That was too mobile, it's too hard.
[04:23:06] We could get two inhibs though, so it's not that bad.
[04:23:09] But yeah, I think this Casio is like...
[04:23:12] decent. Which is not bad at all.
[04:23:16] I think the other three are kinda dipshits, but I think Casio's pretty good.
[04:23:25] Yeah, I kinda wanna try Bork... I wanna try Bork Third.
[04:23:27] I'm gonna give it a try.
[04:23:29] I think it's good.
[04:23:37] I don't know if I TP'd to this.
[04:23:39] You know what I actually do here? I don't TP to that. You know what I do? I TP here.
[04:23:45] This is what I do. That's, that's how you macro. Wait, somebody lied to me on where
[04:24:23] he was. Wait, I just got lied to by the way. Somebody pinged below me and he just
[04:24:36] came from fucking fountain. Whoever pinged that, fuck you!
[04:24:41] That was my position so wrong for that. But no, that's what I meant by like,
[04:24:50] Like, right there was a really good indicator of how you guys should always be viewing how
[04:24:56] to end games and not just fight, okay?
[04:24:59] Like, straight up, like, right there, I could have TP'd to the dragonfights, but I noticed
[04:25:04] that they, the enemy team fucked up their macro, they didn't push the bot wave in, okay?
[04:25:09] And because they didn't push that bot wave in, you need to look for opportunities to
[04:25:13] actually do things on the map to win, not just like, play around fighting.
[04:25:18] Cause yeah, if we win the fight at Dragon, we win anyway,
[04:25:20] but why not just like force them to fight me?
[04:25:23] And then if even worst case scenario,
[04:25:25] I still get two turrets.
[04:25:26] So it's like always worth to do the game winning plays
[04:25:30] and force a lot of pressure on the enemy team.
[04:25:33] It's always worth to do that.
[04:25:34] That's a, okay, that's the fastest Q I've seen
[04:25:36] in probably 10 years.
[04:25:40] I don't know if I trust a one second pop.
[04:25:42] I don't know if I trust this man.
[04:25:43] That's, that was, that was, that was scary.
[04:25:47] Hello?
[04:25:49] Hello? Does he know me? Apparently. I mean, I didn't know who he was, but he played good.
[04:25:58] Like, how's- Do you play Cass AD really well? Ezreal mid game?
[04:26:17] I mean, honestly, I could play any AD mid.
[04:26:20] Except for Trist. They made Trist pretty fucking trash, but...
[04:26:23] Any other AD, you can play mid pretty easy.
[04:26:25] Like, you could play Zary mid if you really wanted to. You could play Ezreal, like...
[04:26:28] That's why they're trying to get a bunch of champs out of mid right now.
[04:26:32] Because I'll be honest, you could play Draven mid. You could play Kaisa mid.
[04:26:35] Like mid at the moment is too easy to play 80
[04:26:39] That's why it's like people don't enjoy the meta right now. It's just cuz
[04:26:43] 80 carries are too oppressive at like doing certain things. I don't know if I want to play
[04:26:51] I'll be real with you guys. I don't know if I want to play as mid and it'll depend on what their mid laner is.
[04:27:36] Oh, they have a cat arena. You know what? I'm down. I'm down to play as vs cat. Let's do it.
[04:27:45] it. This Katerina is going to fuck a hair life. Let's fucking give it to her. Dude, Ezreal
[04:28:00] is actually one of the strongest AD carries in the game at level 1 and level 2. But the
[04:28:07] reason a lot of people don't know how strong he is is because people don't fight with
[04:28:10] his passive. Ezreal has been really strong for a very long time, right? And he's been
[04:28:16] really really strong for a long time because uh he's hard to play well he's
[04:28:23] like easy to play but he's hard to play it doesn't it's like a weird combination
[04:28:27] it's like easy hard because like there's nuanced things that a lot of people don't
[04:28:35] do on Israel and like like for example uh level two a lot of people will just
[04:28:41] fight Ezreal and Wayne because they don't know how strong he is level two
[04:28:43] right the problem is is usually at level two people are like oh if i dodge a
[04:28:48] Q I win, right? But I can actually probably just auto attack you down at level 2 with
[04:28:53] Presley attack Ezreal. If I have my full passive stacked, that's 50% extra attack speed. So
[04:29:00] you get like 50% attack speed level 2 because you're stacking your passive with your Q
[04:29:06] on the wave, right? So you're just autoing people to death at level 2. And a lot of
[04:29:11] people will undervalue how fucking broken that shit is. Is that EXPECIAL? I haven't
[04:29:50] Seen it special in years. Oh my is a blast from the fucking past
[04:30:06] Holy shit
[04:30:07] Dude it specials the homie I
[04:30:22] Still remember at one of the events me and special had shots and I talked to him for like
[04:30:27] 50 minutes about random shit. He was a good. He was a chill dude. Oh
[04:30:35] I mean he is I don't know. This was like seven years ago. So I don't fucking know. He's probably still a chill dude
[04:30:41] I don't know
[04:30:43] People change, but I'm sure he's chill. I mean I was that I like he never like gave me bad vibes
[04:30:56] Ever granted he is a support man trying to keep up my passive so
[04:31:39] When we do get level two, I can have my passive full stacked and I can just auto him to death
[04:31:47] So I'm trying to like queue at the end of my passive
[04:31:57] So I can keep it up so like when he gets level like for example, he's gonna he's gonna get level three right here
[04:32:02] I'll tell him I
[04:32:03] Want to auto him while he tries to farm under the chair here
[04:32:07] Like I want to be a really annoying little nat just doing this just
[04:32:11] Giving him autos, you know. Yeah, I think about that's mid someone. I hugged the left side of him and I missed my cannon actually though
[04:32:43] How fucking miserable is that? Oh, I fucked up bro. You're on your own
[04:33:05] I'm coming. Just just careful. I mean I I
[04:33:20] Saw the invade happening, but I can't walk immediately
[04:33:22] Because he's here so he gets to walk directly there and I have to walk through tower
[04:33:28] Like I
[04:33:32] Like I know what the heck room wanted me to do, but like I can't get there
[04:33:36] Like I can I guess but I would have to literally like
[04:33:41] Fucking sack two waves to get over there in time or sack one wave
[04:33:45] I mean this kind of sucks though like my land is super fucked now like I I hate that shit
[04:34:00] But why is our Hecarim playing topside so much, man?
[04:34:24] Oh, I need to not miss that Q.
[04:34:34] Okay, I'm not gonna lie, our Hecarim's pretty dog-shit, but we'll see.
[04:35:04] Fucking Malkai's mid?
[04:35:06] Bro.
[04:35:07] Damn, there's not a lot I can do here, man.
[04:35:15] This guy with a fucking blasting one, one HP mid, it's not nothing I can do.
[04:35:29] Surely you kill this guy, man.
[04:35:32] Thank you.
[04:35:33] Don't hit- oh.
[04:35:42] This is so gross.
[04:35:46] Our entire game got fucked.
[04:35:49] Because this guy decided that he wanted to randomly play Cane Top.
[04:35:55] He's not a top Cane player, but he wants to play Cane Top and then our jungler wanted
[04:35:59] to invade a bellbamp.
[04:36:04] Oh, I knew I shouldn't accept Instapops.
[04:36:08] I swear to God, Instapop queues are always bad, man.
[04:36:12] Look straight up, they're always bad.
[04:36:46] It's actually funny because Cain could just proxy this entire time.
[04:36:51] Like if Cain was a good top Cain player, he would just proxy the lane.
[04:36:55] Ferris can't kill him if he proxies.
[04:36:57] So he would just walk over and start proxying the lane.
[04:37:02] That's all he has to do.
[04:37:03] But for some reason he's like, uh...
[04:37:06] He's trying to play the lane normal.
[04:37:07] But like, you can never kill it.
[04:37:09] Like, you can't play the lane normal.
[04:37:24] Okay, the enemy Maokai ganks me mid again.
[04:37:28] From top side of mid.
[04:37:29] Can you guys like, pressure bottom a little bit please?
[04:37:36] Like just a, just a tad, you know?
[04:37:38] Oh my god, bro.
[04:37:42] Dude, I'm gonna ban Belveth the rest of the day.
[04:37:57] I mean, I can't, like, you fear them as far away as humanly possible.
[04:38:09] There's not much I can do there.
[04:38:11] I respect it.
[04:38:33] I respect him going for that.
[04:38:37] 100%.
[04:39:05] I don't know what to do this game.
[04:39:07] I mean, I'm, I'm like going even against Katarina, even with her getting that huge, that triple kill.
[04:39:12] So we solo killed her, I don't know if I would call her solo, but we got the shutdown
[04:39:18] She has that full nashers now though. I don't know if we can fight that anymore
[04:39:25] Top lane is just over like this this man is
[04:39:28] This man has no idea how to play vs. Ranged Tapas, Kane
[04:39:32] Like you have to proxy
[04:39:33] Bro, why is it jungle is so OP and every meta always?
[04:39:47] I stand by this, we need to make junglers not play the game for the first five minutes of the game
[04:39:52] I stand fucking by it man.
[04:39:54] Ah, Nashro's a solo P.
[04:40:03] I mean, I think we should 15.
[04:40:15] He already fucked my lane.
[04:40:21] I mean, yeah, the jungler fucked everyone.
[04:40:24] Maybe we don't invade a Belved, Katarina, Baris
[04:40:37] when we have a cane top.
[04:40:40] Maybe you just farm, go even, and outscale the Belved
[04:40:43] with better farming.
[04:40:45] Maybe that's how you play that matchup.
[04:40:47] Like, I think you just need to go dead.
[04:40:52] like I don't think I don't if you're a scaling jungler I don't think you should
[04:40:55] ever try and like win jungle there's no point like you just go even right like
[04:41:01] it's literally all you have to do like if you're a scaling jungler and you're
[04:41:06] against somebody who can laneball you you literally just go even and that's
[04:41:09] that's literally all you have to do and you win you win out in the jungle
[04:41:12] because you're going even guys I'm gonna be real we get his forfeit you
[04:41:29] guys don't have to whine and cry this game okay like I was winning med heck
[04:41:39] didn't want to play normal so we just lose. Yeah I mean it's not playable now. I
[04:42:03] could play safe and just never fight but this game is a hundred percent over.
[04:42:11] Somehow it put me in a really low elo game. Like my top laner is 60 LP. My top
[04:42:29] and my jungle are duo too. Oh gross. How can you guys like duo with each other?
[04:42:39] Drop a 1 and 9 and feel comfortable like thinking like you're playing a game to win
[04:42:47] That's disgusting bro
[04:42:50] Like imagine you're a duo top mid or top jungle and you have a negative win rate in the low elo
[04:42:58] I do that's so gross
[04:43:01] What do you want me to do guys like I don't understand? Oh, cool. Yeah, I mean, what do you want me to do man?
[04:43:38] dude boy mail you on man I don't give a fuck it's just jungle top death I am gonna
[04:44:02] ban velvet for the rest of the fucking day though having anybody who mains that
[04:44:07] champion in my games is not fun because the thing about velvet is like the
[04:44:12] champion sucks but it's like hindering like both those champs suck but for
[04:44:18] whatever reason players just play stupidly versus them and they always
[04:44:22] get fed and then you always lose because your jungle or egos it is one of those
[04:44:37] please four fits please don't hostage guess our hacker one trick is very very
[04:44:58] very bad thank god yeah I mean that game just this is what I meant by the way like
[04:45:29] every game today has just been like a miserable experience except for like
[04:45:33] the last game was okay with me and Cass but me and Cass 2v5 every game though is
[04:45:39] is a miserable experience in the COO because it's only junglers.
[04:45:56] I'm actually crazy.
[04:46:47] Damn, that game was really unfun.
[04:48:46] Hmm.
[04:48:48] What should I play?
[04:48:51] I'll be real.
[04:48:51] I kind of just want to play Zary mid.
[04:48:56] I want to say fuck ever going to any fight ever
[04:49:01] that I can't just E over the wall
[04:49:03] and instantly join the fight.
[04:49:08] I just am going to pick Zary so I can actually join fights
[04:49:11] by going over walls.
[04:49:16] That's actually why I'm picking the champ.
[04:49:19] Think about that.
[04:49:20] I'm literally just picking the champion
[04:49:21] so I can join the Estates.
[04:49:41] Hopefully they don't pick something like Lucian Ned
[04:49:43] or some shit.
[04:50:14] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[04:50:39] Somebody died?
[04:50:40] Aw.
[04:50:42] Bruh.
[04:50:45] Yo, nasty.
[04:50:45] They have a 28, man.
[04:50:46] Welcome back.
[04:50:48] What up, PSGM?
[04:50:49] Far away.
[04:50:51] I was three games off and I'm like seven.
[04:50:55] It's been a miserable day.
[04:51:00] Let me show you the day of League I've had today.
[04:51:04] I think we've had jungle diff.
[04:51:06] Two of our, I think maybe we've had the better jungler.
[04:51:09] Two or three of our eight games.
[04:51:11] So this game, worst jungler, right?
[04:51:15] This game, I think we had an even jungler.
[04:51:18] I think they were even.
[04:51:19] We were just better in every other lane.
[04:51:20] This game, worst jungler.
[04:51:24] This game, worst jungler.
[04:51:26] This game, Worst Jungle, this game our jungle was good.
[04:51:36] This game our jungle was good too.
[04:51:38] So every game we've won our jungle has been really good
[04:51:40] and every game we've lost has been like unplayable
[04:51:42] because the jungle literally just fucking blows.
[04:51:52] Like your games are so hard.
[04:52:09] I'm trying to figure out what I should play
[04:52:11] where I could like carry games more consistently.
[04:52:16] Cause at the moment the games feel
[04:52:17] really fucking coin flip
[04:52:19] and I don't wanna have to play support.
[04:52:26] Like support is so fucking boring.
[04:52:33] But I mean, every one of my games has been like flipped at level fucking three today.
[04:52:43] So I don't know what to do.
[04:53:00] He's taking Zerry.
[04:53:01] Come on. I wanted to play Zerry mid.
[04:53:06] That's toxic, bro.
[04:53:20] I'm pretty sure it's Zerry mid because unless they swap, he bans LeBlanc.
[04:53:32] You know what I could do right now?
[04:53:34] I could be ultra fucking cringe and play like Draven mid against this Zerry.
[04:53:44] Because we have a bellvath.
[04:53:45] Which means if I play something that's super aggro, early game and shit,
[04:53:55] my team won't be able to play a game with Bell Bath and Vades or plays around mid.
[04:54:01] I mean, if we need AP, I could play Kaisa mid as well.
[04:54:12] And just go like the shift build.
[04:54:16] I think it's actually Talon mid or Diana.
[04:54:25] So if it's Town of Dynamid, could definitely go Kaisa and go AP.
[04:54:36] I'm assuming Kaisa runes are probably the same as Lucian runes mid.
[04:55:12] I have to, I mean I have to assume that's true.
[04:55:15] Somebody dodged again.
[04:55:19] Well what are these dodges man?
[04:55:21] Come on, just play the game.
[04:55:22] Okay, here's the question guys.
[04:56:45] Do we play Kaisa mid?
[04:56:48] Because we're all AD?
[04:56:51] I'm down.
[04:56:55] like actually though I don't think it actually be that bad then you just rush
[04:57:15] shiv and go fucking like a hybrid AP I think it's good I'm down to try it let's
[04:57:25] do it how you doing by the way sir nasty you having a good day hope so wait I'm
[04:57:57] gonna see Yone not bad oh good to hear now I gotta play something with like a
[04:58:13] hybrid AP because we have 80 jungle, 80 support, 80 top so like if I they could
[04:58:24] just build like four randuins if I don't build like some sort of on hit like
[04:58:28] hybrid damage. Well let's see what they do. Winnable! Chat, I need your energy for this
[04:59:37] game. I need your energy, Bides. We need to break the losing streak now and
[04:59:48] slingshots into Winner's Q. We got this. We need music to jam to.
[05:00:14] Do I see the Deadpool movie? No. I heard it's really good, though.
[05:00:24] Yeah, I actually want to go see it. I might see it sometime this week.
[05:00:54] Where is this Yone at? What? What is this?
[05:00:57] Oh my god, I'm bad. Oh my god, no. Oh. Oh. That was the worst play of all time.
[05:01:23] Jesus Christ.
[05:01:24] I'm so bad.
[05:02:13] Not bad.
[05:02:40] Wow, that actually hit me?
[05:02:42] Dang.
[05:02:59] I mean, we have the wave kind of frozen here in the middle of the lane.
[05:03:03] Velvet could gank this.
[05:03:05] It really depends on how she's feeling.
[05:04:06] What?
[05:04:07] Our mid laner's okay.
[05:04:16] Listen, I'm genuinely asking if you guys are like mentally okay.
[05:04:22] Are you guys good?
[05:04:34] Like that was kind of, that's kind of really, you know, like that was not a good
[05:04:42] play from that guy. Ooh, that was a bad W. Or what the fuck is this? Why am I, why am
[05:05:33] I sincerely just like getting camped by this guy, man? Like I've never seen a
[05:05:41] Shabana gank mid this much? Pre-6. This is wild. This is crazy. Like what the fuck?
[05:05:56] Should I go back on this wave? I don't know if I can push this wave fast
[05:06:15] enough. Like this is kind of an awkward fucking situation we're in.
[05:06:20] because my team is fighting below me at dragon but I like need to push in this
[05:06:25] wave like that's it was just so awkward man we should just kill this Yona you
[05:06:51] know we know he has no ult like I stayed so they might be able to do dragon
[05:06:59] but it's both of us level fucking with his brother's level five what that's
[05:07:25] actually crazy this is a very weird game what is going on maybe even
[05:08:24] incredibly hard to to play. Why does everyone of these games confuse with me?
[05:08:39] Because I can't tell, like I feel like I'm playing well, but it's also hard to
[05:08:43] tell if you're playing well because there's so much garbage going on. I know
[05:09:04] for a fact I can't lane vs. Trindermere though. You gotta let me be mid man.
[05:09:08] There's no world I can lane vs. Trinds. Like he will run me down.
[05:09:13] Dude I hate when players do this where like they force you into a bad
[05:09:51] situation because they're too dumb to like back off of bad tempo. Wait, my cue didn't
[05:10:00] go off. Oh, I'm so fucking sad. I don't know what to say to these people. Hey, guys, just
[05:10:30] mute. By the way, I'll do your song request between games, but yeah. I don't know what
[05:10:35] to say to these people, man. This is kind of gross. Like, I feel like I just need
[05:10:40] to mute because this ribbon has no idea why she's doing what she's doing and she's
[05:10:44] just raging at me. Like she's getting shit on top. In a matchup she hard wins and she's
[05:10:50] raging at me because she went mid to like try and kill Yone. She got outplayed and then
[05:10:56] stayed mid. Bro I know how much gold I gave the trendamere. This is just fucking stupid.
[05:11:38] Aw this is so dumb. How in any world is my blot lane and my top lane losing. I don't
[05:12:07] get it. This has actually just become the worst ELO ever. You genuinely can't play the
[05:12:39] game in this ELO if your teammates are like delusional retards. I mean this is wild man.
[05:12:53] We can't fight this like there's no fucking way. But he's going to try. Okay bro. I
[05:13:07] don't have ult. There's like no way we can fight that. Like what's happening? This
[05:13:18] This is just silly.
[05:13:25] Dude, how am I being ran down by the enemy fucking Nautilus?
[05:13:31] Wait, I just got double ulted on again and flashed on.
[05:13:36] So Nautilus flashed on me, ulted me.
[05:13:40] The enemy mid, the enemy jungler ulted me.
[05:13:47] What the fuck?
[05:14:20] I don't know, I can't even farm.
[05:14:29] We picked full AD, so I had to pick an AP mid.
[05:14:32] And this was like my best AP mid I could pick
[05:14:34] outside of like mouse.
[05:14:47] I mean, okay.
[05:14:50] My Pantheon is terrible.
[05:14:53] I don't know, man.
[05:14:54] Like, how did our bot lane even lose?
[05:14:58] Oh, this is the same support that's been getting shit on every game I go versus him.
[05:15:09] Yeah, this support player is really, really bad.
[05:15:16] He duo abuses with an AD carry main.
[05:15:19] And when he can't duo abuse with that AD, he gets shit on every game.
[05:16:14] Maybe if I can get three items we can win.
[05:16:29] I mean, there's no way I can fight that guy right now,
[05:16:31] But I was I wanted to get the wave
[05:16:33] That's hurt in that wave when we have bounties on the charts is worth because I got my rage plate off it
[05:16:42] Which is really big now. I got my e upgrade and then
[05:16:48] We'll go Nashor's next and then Zonia's
[05:16:52] The only thing that sucks is like they do have two dragons
[05:17:03] That's not fun
[05:17:18] Well, that's unfortunate I don't even know why they were extended that far
[05:17:23] Like, what am I watching, man?
[05:18:35] Hmm.
[05:18:36] Bro, what the fuck?
[05:18:40] I don't know how to carry this, man.
[05:18:50] Support has 11 deaths.
[05:18:52] Like, what the fuck?
[05:19:13] My god.
[05:19:16] Maybe it's time for a name change.
[05:19:18] I think too many people know this is me now.
[05:19:21] I get grieved quite often.
[05:19:23] Did we just like name change it up like it's actually just awful. Oh my god, bro
[05:19:40] What was that?
[05:20:11] Yeah, I think if I got that w off on that you know, you would have died
[05:20:38] What am I watching?
[05:20:41] Holy that was embarrassing when we saved the game, but I don't know I'll be able to like we'll see
[05:20:51] Like I'm playing well. It's just like this is rough. I genuinely can't play the game with people
[05:20:56] like inflating the game like this there's one person who keeps running it down
[05:21:00] every game like you got one guy who's just got 13 deaths every game and just
[05:21:05] ruining the game it's really rough yeah like Draven and small like swalder
[05:21:30] should never be able to fight Draven ever there's no way I can help this I'm
[05:21:54] gonna just walk over and see if I can throw Ws but yeah it's too hard I mean
[05:22:03] I'm too like like I I did so good mid I had this guy literally he died at level two
[05:22:17] We killed the on a dove in level two
[05:22:19] Then I zoned him again. I won't be too shiv in Yone
[05:22:24] Then I rotated we killed the guy again, and then my team forced like the world's worst dragon. I
[05:22:35] Think it was just that dragon just like fucked my team so hard man
[05:22:38] I mean that's the only thing I can think of is that dragon just fucked my team
[05:22:53] okay guys I I played that very well how did we lose that fight what what the
[05:23:33] fuck oh my god this Draven is horrendous that was really embarrassing I
[05:23:45] mean I don't have a yeah this was I don't know man it's just every game is
[05:24:22] literally had one person from every team that I've been on today just running it
[05:24:26] down and make him a game unplayable. I don't get it. I mean, I don't know what to do. I
[05:26:56] feel like I have to wait five minutes to queue and hide my queue. These people that are just
[05:27:01] like doing this, it's like relentless. This is so hard. Like I want to go over to the
[05:27:09] VOD while we wait to queue up. I'm going to wait for that. I'm going to wait for that
[05:27:13] support player to get into queue. He's very, that guy is very clearly trolling. He first
[05:27:22] time to pantheon and then drop like 15 deaths or some shit like it's this guy's
[05:27:28] very very quietly trolling so I'm gonna wait to queue until he's in game I want
[05:27:34] to see like what he did bot though because this is like disgusting how did
[05:27:38] they lose so bad like what is this I mean that was literally Draven's fault by
[05:28:07] the way it worked out I don't get it it was Raven's fault and it still
[05:28:18] worked out so I'm confused so what happened here why would he go in oh no
[05:28:41] yeah he's like I said this guy's that he's soft ending that was I mean that's
[05:28:46] the most egregious thing I've ever seen that was like the most obvious soft
[05:28:52] ends I've ever seen the little bro literally jumped in 1v2 when nobody was
[05:29:00] in lane like you guys tell me this man's not soft ending I'll call you a
[05:29:03] fucking liar like I could see people doing this in like silver right but if
[05:29:11] you're new to the game or you're like gold or some shit and you don't know how
[05:29:13] the game works I could see that but like nobody in master GM is gonna be
[05:29:19] jumping in 1v2 nobody does this in high-level like it's like he was soft
[05:29:30] hinting he didn't see smolder it doesn't matter what's the goal what
[05:29:36] what would his goal be? Even if he's just hit it, the same thing applies. Some older
[05:29:44] could have dc'd and that was still the wrong play. Right? Because he doesn't do anything.
[05:29:51] He's never gonna kill Nautilus. And our Belvet was not playing correctly. So we killed Yone
[05:30:10] like 30 times. What happened to Dragon here? I don't like this Dragon, by the way.
[05:30:15] like the worst dragon ever so they could just finish the dragon why didn't
[05:30:41] Draven just go help him finish the dragon and leave for like why didn't
[05:30:43] Belbeth finish the dra- what the fuck am I watching oh my god like we played
[05:31:02] this so good Draven and Wifth are what happens here okay if anything gets
[05:31:21] hooked he goes in Draven Wifth's are then dies that like I mean I don't I
[05:31:37] I don't understand, that's not even Pantheon's fault.
[05:31:41] That was literally Draven not following up on the Pantheon.
[05:31:57] He, like, what the fuck was that?
[05:32:00] If this Draven wasn't dog shit, he flashes on the smolder
[05:32:03] when Pantheon flashes on him,
[05:32:05] and then smolder's never able to actually flash away.
[05:32:08] Saves his ult for when smolder ease or flashes
[05:32:10] and he kills him.
[05:32:19] Like, that's embarrassing.
[05:32:27] Halo Blades is dog shit here too.
[05:32:30] Cause you're playing Pantheon Draven,
[05:32:32] like you're not, like, Halo Blades
[05:32:34] if they have like a poke lane, right?
[05:32:36] And you're trying to like kill them off of a poke?
[05:32:46] And then here they just walk up and die.
[05:32:49] But I mean, you can't even play the game here
[05:32:50] because you know Smulder has,
[05:32:53] you know he has an essence raiver, so you don't win this.
[05:33:01] I mean, I don't know man, this is like,
[05:33:05] I'm gonna keep it real with you.
[05:33:06] This is like, this is kind of disgusting.
[05:33:14] Like no disrespect, but like,
[05:33:17] I don't think any of these people
[05:33:20] can flame their teammates.
[05:33:22] Like, Pantheon has died five times, he's bad.
[05:33:25] He shouldn't be playing Pantheon.
[05:33:26] Like, Pantheon is just a bad pick this game, regardless, but the fact that my ribbon forced
[05:33:43] me to go mid, and then we lost bot turret, or top turret.
[05:33:48] Like, what was this rotation, by the way?
[05:33:50] I remember this.
[05:33:51] It's like, ribbon walked mid, right?
[05:33:54] Here.
[05:33:56] Because I mean, I can't play this.
[05:34:12] Like, right now, ribbon needs to back.
[05:34:16] Like, okay, yeah, I was right by the way.
[05:34:20] So right now, Riven backs and then goes top.
[05:34:23] That's the play.
[05:34:25] Riven had time because I pushed in top wave.
[05:34:27] So like, I pushed in two waves top in the same time that Riven just sat mid.
[05:34:32] She needed to either walk top and then straight on that timer or recall.
[05:34:37] Because that was like, that was unplayable for me.
[05:34:44] I can't be versus Trendomer, he'll just dive me on repeat because like he's got
[05:34:47] boots too at that point and I don't.
[05:34:50] He's got I didn't have both or boots to so he'll just ghost and I'll just die right cuz it's trying to marry versus kaisa
[05:34:56] So I can't wait in versus that Riven stayed mid too long and then I I swear to God people just do fancy shit for no reason
[05:35:06] And it's so miserable
[05:35:09] Dude, I really don't want to bitch about me anymore
[05:35:12] like I gotta be honest though after I climbed a challenger I am never
[05:35:17] I'm leaving an account in challenge drama mar and I'm never tryharding on another account again
[05:35:24] I'm not even kidding like I'm just gonna leave an account in challenge mar and I'm never gonna fucking play
[05:35:34] To try hard on any other account ever again. Like it'll just be pure content games
[05:35:39] Like climbing through masters is something I would not put it
[05:35:42] I wouldn't put my worst enemy through climbing on through masters for one game
[05:35:47] This is so mentally draining. I think my Ezreal is actually retarded
[05:36:49] Oh my god.
[05:36:54] Why would you not just, why would you not just flash?
[05:37:00] You auto the twitch here.
[05:37:03] And then like early game when we were fighting, why would you not just, you have Conqueror.
[05:37:11] I don't know how to phrase how bad this twitch is.
[05:37:14] I mean how bad this fucking Ezreal is.
[05:37:28] My Eve just got soloed by Alistar.
[05:37:35] My Ezreal didn't fight correctly level one and my Eve got soloed by Alistair.
[05:37:42] You can't make this up.
[05:37:46] Instead of full clearing, I don't have words for how retarded these players are.
[05:37:58] That is embarrassing.
[05:38:01] I'm going to play a TFT after this game.
[05:38:12] I need to take a break because right now I want to troll these players on repeats.
[05:38:21] Like I want to lose them all their LP, but I'm just gonna end up losing all my LP
[05:38:26] So I am going to take a small break after this game because this is literally
[05:38:32] Misery incarnate
[05:38:34] Like playing with players who don't have fingers if we don't know what they're doing who troll repeats
[05:38:42] Like I I just can't believe these people are human beings
[05:38:47] Like it's so frustrating this is crazy
[05:38:53] Just eating him. I don't understand.
[05:39:02] I could not have set you up harder for that.
[05:39:06] What am I? What am I watching?
[05:39:30] I mean, no, it doesn't matter.
[05:39:31] My real is just auto film.
[05:39:34] Like, I don't care what his runes are, man.
[05:39:35] He's an auto filled Ezreal player, or he's a mid main
[05:39:38] who's auto filled to 80.
[05:39:40] So, of course, he's going to get railed.
[05:39:42] He's a low master mid mid player.
[05:39:45] It's just that, like,
[05:39:48] I can't believe how bad they are.
[05:39:50] It's like mind blowing to me.
[05:39:52] I genuinely could not be playing to help Maia's real more right now.
[05:40:32] This is like, I'm doing so much.
[05:40:35] I'm getting him so many fucking kills that he doesn't deserve to have.
[05:40:43] Our wave state is so bad.
[05:40:45] I don't know how we're gonna fix this wave state.
[05:40:49] I wanna go mid and help our mid laner, but this wave state bought us so bad.
[05:40:55] Like this is miserable.
[05:41:28] Well they, we broke the wave state.
[05:41:31] That's good.
[05:41:33] I think it's actually worth because my life is like kind of worthless and we broke the
[05:41:37] wave state.
[05:41:42] There's just no way that that goes well for them.
[05:42:17] Push the wave in.
[05:42:18] The guy is trying to back.
[05:42:19] Push the wave in.
[05:42:20] Thank you.
[05:42:21] Don't thank yourself, please.
[05:42:23] Just follow calls, okay?
[05:42:59] I mean I knew that was going to happen when I didn't like- this has been a little-
[05:43:03] like if you didn't know how to play when I was standing in the lane, he's obviously
[05:43:07] going to run it down and I'm not in the lane.
[05:43:09] So obviously I had to make a choice go top or stay bot.
[05:43:15] The problem is, is I feel like if this Ezreal is not gonna be our main wincom in this game,
[05:43:19] he's just simply like not good enough so I'm gonna make a call to play on top side of
[05:43:24] the map.
[05:43:31] The twitch isn't very good either so I can probably catch the twitch out of position
[05:43:34] later on.
[05:43:40] So we'll see how it goes.
[05:43:41] Cause the other, they're not very good overall.
[05:43:47] Playing for Ezreal the whole game is gonna be really really bad because he he just doesn't have the mechanics
[05:43:58] Sometimes you got to make those hard calls to like throw one of your laners to the dogs because he's just not gonna be the wind con
[05:44:10] You're push this so we can
[05:44:12] Please push this
[05:44:18] My talent seems stupid
[05:44:23] Like why would you not want to shove the wave and play off of tempo?
[05:44:51] I see my talent was not interested in
[05:44:55] Killing two people. What the fuck? Oh my god
[05:46:13] Like, what?
[05:46:19] Why did he not just kill the Twitch?
[05:46:37] Like, Twitch is one HP, why didn't you just finish him?
[05:46:40] Like, you're gonna die anyway, so you might as well just commit to the fight, bro.
[05:46:45] Oh my god.
[05:47:29] How is it as a real human being?
[05:47:38] He just whiffed every single spell.
[05:47:51] Well, I don't think Riot needs to bring back calendar rewards.
[05:47:54] They need to hard reset the ladder.
[05:48:07] That's what they need to do.
[05:48:08] Like if they hard reset the ladder, these people wouldn't be able to climb to the silo, because they're clearly not good enough.
[05:48:35] Like I guarantee what happens is like, a lot of these people are like grandfathered into the silo, right?
[05:48:41] Because they used to be at this level, like they played, like over the past few years they're like a really casual.
[05:48:46] So occasionally they'll climb up to the silo and they'll just sit there forever.
[05:48:50] And they'll play like a few games here and there.
[05:48:52] But I think that Riot needs to have decaying MMR.
[05:48:58] to where if you come back to the game like brakes are okay there's nothing
[05:49:01] wrong with that right but if you like take like a six month break like you
[05:49:06] should have to recline your MMR because you're not gonna be able to play at that
[05:49:12] level after six months I don't know what do you guys think I think that you
[05:49:31] shouldn't have like you just have to push mid bro my talent hates macro I
[05:49:45] don't know oh I'm dead that was my bad nah that was my bad I had no
[05:50:14] business being there. I think a lot of the fundamentals are lost in the silo
[05:50:41] specifically by the way. Like what I mean by that is like people don't uh they
[05:50:46] don't do what needs to be done to win. They just do what they want to do to
[05:50:51] have fun. That's kind of the problem with the silo is uh if you have people who
[05:51:29] don't want to win but they just want to like play occasionally and have fun
[05:51:32] there's nothing wrong with that but when they play ranks and then do it
[05:51:35] they like like they the games just get really shitty really fast real I'm
[05:52:19] just helping I'm playing bad like this is like a hundred percent my faults like
[05:52:32] my top and jungle are actually doing pretty good let's see if I can untilt
[05:52:38] and we can just try and win like let's see if we can just walk in because my
[05:52:53] my team is doing very well actually though should get some more words and
[05:53:39] go bot. Oh that was clean. Oh I didn't lock it for him. Oh I'm so fucking bad. Did that
[05:54:27] twitch just activate the thing when he was asleep? Wait that's illegal. Wait that was
[05:54:40] so unlucky. What? That's crazy that didn't land. Or what am I watching? Like real talk
[05:54:57] though how I think we somehow went came back into death matchy low we must have
[05:55:08] lost a lot of games get some wards deep we really need to play for this dragon but
[05:55:46] we also need to play for what is going on guys where's the team like I'm gonna be
[05:56:18] relevant you guys there's no world that you guys are just doing this right we
[05:56:25] have a fed top a fed mid and a fed jungle and you guys are just like
[05:56:29] running in circles like they're five manning me with my whole team standing
[05:56:34] over here like watching like confused guys just go in I don't get it man like
[05:56:42] I genuinely think if these people just fight with me we win but it cuz I I
[05:56:49] don't know if we're gonna give dragons we shouldn't give dragons but whatever
[05:57:02] bro I think we're just in for like a 40 minute game like I'm trying to
[05:58:15] snowball it but I think we just had a place safe and chill for a bit that's
[05:58:22] That's just gonna be what this game is.
[05:58:25] It is what it is.
[05:59:02] I need to go get vision on Baron.
[05:59:13] My Ezreal is definitely dead.
[05:59:20] I said there's no way that that guy is good enough
[05:59:22] to outplay that Twitch.
[05:59:58] I mean, okay.
[06:00:07] It is what it is.
[06:00:23] I mean, I'm just gonna die a lot
[06:00:25] trying to engage this game.
[06:00:26] It's just gonna happen.
[06:00:31] Like I wanted to get vision there
[06:00:32] and I was like, oh, we win that, but.
[06:00:38] I mean, we can fight this guys.
[06:00:39] This is not allowed with everybody alive.
[06:01:04] What?
[06:01:06] I mean, Fjord should've just TP'd.
[06:01:09] Ezreal should've pushed his buttons literally at all.
[06:01:13] Okay.
[06:01:21] Whatever.
[06:01:27] I mean, they're gonna get dragon for sure.
[06:01:44] The enemy team is playing for objectives a little better.
[06:01:48] Like Fjord's footing's fine, but Talon is also splitting,
[06:01:54] so it kinda feels like dog shit,
[06:01:56] We have two split pushers and no way of playing for fights.
[06:02:08] And nobody's pushing waves, like nobody's hitting waves at all.
[06:02:11] Like, oh goodness, my entire team just walked the dragon instead of pushing mid wave.
[06:02:16] They pushed the waves, guys.
[06:02:18] Ah, that's GG.
[06:02:34] Oh well.
[06:02:49] It's just simply an AD jungle diff.
[06:02:57] Our AD carry is, he's has three games of Ezreal.
[06:03:00] I use a mid man trying to play AD carry because he's tilted.
[06:03:09] It is what it is.
[06:04:04] That took my Talon so long to realize that he could end the game.
[06:04:09] He's not even going to be able to end the game now.
[06:04:11] Like, unironically, he could have ended if he wasn't stupid.
[06:04:17] Not even meaning.
[06:04:19] He could have ended just now, too, if he wasn't stupid.
[06:04:23] The Qiyana wasn't alive.
[06:04:24] Maybe we could make a pick.
[06:05:02] Like, somebody might go to Farmness and maybe we can get a pick.
[06:05:39] I think I need to pink our Nexus because nobody's going to pay attention to Twitch.
[06:05:43] Okay, we see twitch. I mean, I don't know how we even play this
[06:06:53] Our Eve is actually a moron
[06:07:34] He's just been standing up here doing nothing
[06:07:36] And now we lose the game this talent's top and Eve like
[06:07:41] Like they just walked it down mid because like Eve was too scared to go for anything
[06:07:47] That's so embarrassing
[06:07:51] This evil is like the most embarrassing when it comes to how actually ending games I've ever seen
[06:07:55] Like actually though, at least I got my autofill game out of the way.
[06:09:02] I don't know what to do right now, man.
[06:09:07] I'm losing so many games, I think two losses today out of seven were my faults.
[06:09:32] Loser's Q is insane.
[06:09:35] Like Loser's Q is actually just crazy insane.
[06:09:38] Like I play AD, my mid gets shit on, I play mid, my AD carry and jungle gets shit
[06:10:14] on.
[06:10:15] I play support, my AD carry wins, my mid wins, but players just want to like go even in low
[06:10:26] masters.
[06:10:27] They don't want to push their lead, they just want to sit there and like farm up.
[06:10:33] It doesn't make any sense man.
[06:10:34] I don't know what to do, we just go again.
[06:12:38] I'm just going to do nothing but play 10 CS a minute, that's all we're going to
[06:12:45] do.
[06:12:46] minutes. Never die, just farm. I have a Kled support if you said he was
[06:15:01] grieving so I decided to not dodge so I can send in a ticket. I have first time
[06:15:59] Garen, first time Anivia, first time Kled. Loser's Q isn't real though, Riot.
[06:16:05] Riot said so. Loser's Q isn't real guys. Riot said so. They say it's not
[06:16:16] real right would never lie it's all good though days like this happen you just
[06:16:52] gotta keep mental and try your best good job clen gonna focus on trying to see
[06:17:59] us this game there's pretty much no way we ever get a kill like not with this
[06:18:05] clen this guy's fucking horrible so I'm just gonna focus in my best one
[06:18:08] siessing and who knows maybe we'll maybe we'll get a win cuz like something
[06:18:16] weird will happen you know you never know like maybe something super weird will
[06:18:25] happen and like they won't be able to end later or some shit who knows we'll say
[06:18:28] ooh nice job could no sums used I respect it I mean not bad sure bro I
[06:20:23] think the craziest thing about this game is that like that entire thing just
[06:20:35] occurred I have to just find a way to push this wave in before we get
[06:20:51] ganks, we're gonna get fucking railed on a gank here, and my Kled's going in 1v2.
[06:21:05] You know if he didn't go in 1v2 that wouldn't have been nearly as bad.
[06:21:31] Like genuinely that wouldn't have been bad if he just didn't fight 1v2, like I don't
[06:21:35] know what to say.
[06:21:37] Like he's just 0-3, like I don't know.
[06:21:42] This is why people don't play AD Carry, like ever, because you get first strike
[06:21:50] like retard Dr. Rookie, 5,000 games played trying to climb on off meta support picks, hard
[06:21:58] stuck diamonds, just running it down every game because he has no life, no friends, nothing
[06:22:05] to do IRL, and wants to feel like he's innovative, but in reality, he's a C student who will
[06:22:11] end up at a C tier job with no friends IRL.
[06:22:15] I don't know man, sorry I'm being mean, I just, I don't know man, I'm sick and
[06:22:42] tired of not being able to play the game like I just want to play League of Legends
[06:22:45] it's been fucking five hours of just being trolled every other game it's so
[06:22:54] boring man oh yeah actually though oh yeah go in bro you got this man for sure
[06:23:04] great choice to go in after I died really good you for sure don't have
[06:23:09] brain cancer I mean enjoy the permavan that's all I'm gonna say enjoy the
[06:23:24] permavan little bro you typed in chat I'm going to end this game smiley face
[06:23:28] and you're one and four all I gotta do is make a ticket your account goes bye bye
[06:23:33] enjoy what the oh my god good good lord I'm as far as absolutely wild by the way
[06:26:52] I mean just keep letting them die as well as bro I I don't know what I'm
[06:28:07] supposed to do this game. Well this is a fun game. At least I get to report him. That's
[06:29:08] like the one benefit to playing games like this out is you get to report the people trolling.
[06:29:14] So Riot makes a, they make like a little mark on the person's account. Which means every
[06:29:21] time he gets another mark, he's more inclined to get hardware bans. If he trolls this
[06:29:26] much, then I guarantee he gets a lot of reports. We'll just go next. Let me make
[06:30:31] note I have to remember to take it this guy later I make a little note I had the
[06:37:48] dodge we had a guy who banned our teammates champion and threatened to run it
[06:37:54] down so I had the dodge it is what I was bro I don't know what to say this is
[06:39:16] just painful like look at this shaman we are four and six today actually a way
[06:39:31] way worse than that, huh?
[06:39:32] Oh no, we're 4 and 6.
[06:39:37] I guess we're 4 and 7 now, because we just played that game.
[06:39:51] I mean, yeah, I don't know, man.
[06:39:57] These games suck.
[06:39:59] I'm gonna take, like, an hour break,
[06:40:04] and then I'll come back in an hour, and we'll play some more.
[06:40:07] I appreciate you guys watching.
[06:40:10] I'll be back in an hour.
[06:40:11] I just can't...
[06:40:13] I can't keep queuing up and, like,
[06:40:15] wanting these people.
[06:40:17] Like, I'm thinking such evil thoughts.
[06:40:21] Like, I'm genuinely, like, thinking, like,
[06:40:23] I'm hoping really bad things happen to these people, so...