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The Time is now to Climb back to Challenger! No excuse only win and improve the new era is upon us join me friends

08-08-2024 · 7h 17m

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lolgeranimo VODs on twitch
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[00:00:41] Oh my god! Hello friends! How are we doing today? Do I actually win this? Holy shit!
[00:05:49] That's crazy. I did not think I was gonna win that one. I swear there's a way to optimize
[00:07:08] this shit but I don't know what it is so fuck it. I have no fucking clue, fuck it.
[00:07:18] Oh, thank god at least that guy transforms.
[00:07:25] This guy's pretty fucking strong.
[00:07:27] I think I'm stronger, but he is really strong.
[00:07:31] Oh fuck.
[00:08:21] I hope I can win this one.
[00:08:23] Come on, we got this shit.
[00:08:27] Oh yeah, I can beat this guy.
[00:08:32] This guy's like me, but like if I was a little weak bitch.
[00:09:03] Nice.
[00:09:05] Now, we just need to get a lucky early karma.
[00:09:10] Give me an early karma we win the game did you well played we go next
[00:09:14] Give it to me. Give it to me. I'm gonna be real. I have no idea
[00:09:37] What you're talking about
[00:09:39] So I I don't think it was me
[00:10:45] Nice good snipe. Oh
[00:11:08] shit
[00:12:02] Fourth shape shifter and we're chilling. This is crazy though
[00:12:06] Once we get karma
[00:12:08] My karma is gonna pretty much one shot everything on the board. Oh
[00:12:22] Oh my god. 50 damage buff. 50%. Wait this is actually gonna be insane. I need to win this round though.
[00:13:16] I mean, I just need a Shyvana or a Niko. Wait this guy is super strong. Why is this guy's
[00:13:30] butt crank refusing to fucking die bro? Hello? Oh my god. Oh my god. Dude I am strong as fuck
[00:13:54] But I need karma I need karma I need karma dude. I need to roll
[00:15:00] Okay, maybe we go eight. I just needed to roll a little bit on this round so that I could
[00:15:08] Hit four shapeshifter. I think we can go eight now. I don't want to keep rolling on seven
[00:15:18] I'm just trying to keep my streak alive. Wow a syndra
[00:15:36] There's no way it's syndrome one with no stacks does more damage than a zig-two right now. I
[00:15:42] I actually don't believe it. There's no way. I'm actually gonna level here
[00:15:51] I'm gonna level and pray we don't lose if we lose right now. I think I lose the game
[00:16:00] So we're gonna pray
[00:16:04] This guy's a karma. This was like the greediest
[00:16:12] Level up ever
[00:16:19] Okay, we killed the syndrome we went
[00:16:35] Holy fuck this mortis Thanos
[00:16:39] nice
[00:16:40] So what's my comp?
[00:17:00] It's just karma with preservers and then like flex that bunch of random shit
[00:17:04] I'm down
[00:17:06] Let's get her done. Oh, that's my karma
[00:17:21] Now can I actually play this with karma one?
[00:18:23] That's the question or do we just go nine because I have explosive growth. I
[00:18:49] Say we go nine
[00:18:50] Who do I put a death blade on man? Oh this guy has a cast three
[00:19:24] It doesn't have a bloodthirster though. So like maybe it's winnable
[00:19:29] Where my castanen is oh, I thought he was gonna walk to my karma. I was actually worried for a sec
[00:19:36] I think we win though
[00:19:38] If you had a BT on that shit, maybe he wins, but I don't know karma's
[00:19:42] This karma is smurfing it
[00:19:45] So four rounds I get 10 XP around
[00:20:11] Okay, so I think the way we play this is even if we lose
[00:20:14] we just econ and go fast nine and even if we lose around it's fun it is what it
[00:20:26] is dude holy fuck karma does damage I think it's the hat but Jesus oh my god
[00:20:52] we have two BF swords I mean I'm probably running Camille so I guess I
[00:22:14] could do this have this NASA's hold my atoms for now oh this guy's gonna beat
[00:22:23] me 100%. My karma isn't cooking. Oh yeah, I lose to this guy. My karma couldn't cook.
[00:22:37] The Cindra and the CC was too much. I want to put in Camille, but I don't think I can.
[00:23:08] I think I get too weak. I see this man also has a karma. His karma looks much weaker
[00:23:37] than my karma though. I'm sorry, friend, your karma is no match for mine. I don't
[00:24:20] I don't even know what my lagging board is.
[00:24:25] Just like Three Preserver Mage or something, maybe?
[00:24:27] I don't know.
[00:25:25] Dude, I found no Karmas or Morganas.
[00:25:32] What?
[00:26:03] Dude, I'm not gonna roll anymore.
[00:26:13] Nah, I'm not gonna roll anymore until like,
[00:26:19] you got a 14 day ban for trolling?
[00:26:20] Why were you trolling, bro?
[00:26:25] Deserved.
[00:26:36] Because it's fun.
[00:26:39] I mean, it kind of makes you a dick.
[00:26:59] Like don't you think you could have fun playing the game without trolling?
[00:27:06] I swear it's possible.
[00:27:23] Is Aspassive getting changed to a stun?
[00:27:25] It's your gold account?
[00:27:31] You don't care.
[00:27:32] I mean that still makes you an asshole.
[00:27:39] Like I mean I don't know why you'd come here and say that.
[00:27:44] Bro if you're trolling, regardless of what account you're on, you're an asshole.
[00:27:54] I don't know, I think I'm just too old to enjoy being the asshole.
[00:27:59] Like you're like happy you're being a dick to people.
[00:28:03] I think I've just like grown up.
[00:28:10] Like it's kind of embarrassing now.
[00:29:03] I mean you can do whatever you want.
[00:29:04] I just think it's a waste to everybody's time.
[00:29:08] You got to value your time, man.
[00:29:11] Like you go into a game and you're like,
[00:29:12] Oh, I'm just gonna troll. I don't care.
[00:29:15] Like you're wasting your own time.
[00:29:24] Wow, I almost beat that guy.
[00:29:26] I need a Nami or I need I need a Morgana is what I really fucking need
[00:29:35] There's Nami bro. I need this Nami, but they're throwing out there. Everybody's flaming you. I mean
[00:30:12] You can mute them
[00:30:14] Well, I beat that guy. Let's go. Hey man. I don't care what you do you could you control you do it with
[00:30:50] Fuck you what I just like I just don't see a point. I need a Morgana so badly
[00:31:08] Like do these guys have morgue 2 or something?
[00:31:13] Like how am I, how about I rolled 50 gold and not seen a morgue?
[00:31:29] Rowing 50 gold and not seeing a morgana is crazy.
[00:31:32] Okay, at least I can put the morgue in next turn.
[00:31:54] I wonder how much worse my frontline is gonna get though when I take out Nasus and Swain.
[00:32:01] I do get Preserver Mage, and I can put my items on...
[00:32:14] I mean I'm losing regardless.
[00:32:16] Like this guy's beating my ass regardless, so maybe I do need...
[00:32:59] Do I get the second edge of knight too?
[00:33:01] Let's give it to her I guess.
[00:33:10] Morgana's actually not a bad frontline if you can two star her.
[00:33:20] Yet he's last, these two guys,
[00:33:24] these two guys are really strong.
[00:33:28] I just have to be able to, I could do this.
[00:34:07] Oh, I should have rolled the balk.
[00:34:10] I'm actually gonna get f**ked there for not rolling.
[00:34:23] Yeah, this is looking bad.
[00:34:30] Let's see what we can do.
[00:34:33] Oh, there's a chrono spat.
[00:34:37] Okay, let's see.
[00:34:39] We- there's no way, right?
[00:34:40] There's no way we get a random Jax?
[00:34:44] In our shop right now.
[00:34:47] Right, like surely we don't just get a random Jax right now in the shop, right?
[00:35:24] Maybe I should be giving Yumi to Morgana.
[00:35:38] Oh no, I'm definitely losing this.
[00:35:42] My Morgana didn't get to fucking do a second cast, fuck.
[00:35:47] Damn it.
[00:35:47] I actually win this if Morg got that second cast off, man.
[00:35:58] I'm dead.
[00:35:59] Dude, I win that if morgue got her second cast off
[00:36:03] She was one HP
[00:36:06] Because she would have chrono killed
[00:36:09] After her second cast she would have chrono killed and then I would have won that because I only lost my fucking one unit
[00:36:16] I actually could have beat this guy
[00:36:22] Especially if I got a like Nami 2 in if I had given Yumi to
[00:36:29] uh the morgue too at what a healer kept her alive i don't know that was close
[00:36:48] bro i said i don't really care what you do man you do you like i'm not i'm not here to like
[00:36:55] approve of your behavior or disapprove i don't give a fuck what you're doing i'm just saying like
[00:37:01] bright like going into my chat and bragging about griefing games or like being proud that
[00:37:05] you got banned is like sad that's all i'm saying it's like kind of it's kind of a sad look
[00:37:12] Like I don't know when Riot like or I don't know when like league players decided that it was like
[00:37:21] Impressive to get banned and like oh it's cool. Look I I grieved ha ha like I think it's more of like a
[00:37:28] We got to start shaming people for doing shameful stuff
[00:37:32] straight up
[00:37:34] People need to start getting shamed for doing shameful shit my Spotify is
[00:37:50] I'm gonna get some Agua, here we go.
[00:38:28] She's looking good.
[00:45:09] I'm excited.
[00:45:10] She's upshaving.
[00:45:11] AD Carry is always like that.
[00:45:16] If you play an AD Carry that doesn't have a lot of self-agency, like if you're not
[00:45:20] playing Ezreal or something like that, you're always gonna have the feeling of supports
[00:45:26] being a topper.
[00:45:30] are just their toddlers that is or those they pissed me off to fucking support
[00:45:45] toddler players that is what he is now wound around now when I now wow now
[00:45:54] to go around now to go around now now to go around now and that is one of those
[00:46:06] champs it's actually kind of hard to transition your lead into mid game because
[00:46:10] you have bloodthirster which gives you a really big lead early best thing you
[00:46:14] can do on a myth when you're like leaving lane is try and get your second item ASAP and play
[00:46:20] around poking people when you get a chance because you can always heal it back.
[00:46:51] Ah my reward is more water, sweet.
[00:46:54] I need to push one more wave here.
[00:47:14] Girl what am I watching?
[00:47:27] Oh no.
[00:47:34] I mean this was just the worst decision ever.
[00:47:50] No, don't ping me. You invaded on a timer that nobody could follow up on by yourself, died,
[00:47:59] then got mad that that guy walked first. On a good note, he doesn't seem to know that
[00:51:32] he can probably beat me, because he's so fucking strong. Shit, he's going Ludens. He's invisible.
[00:51:51] He's trying to do the stupid inbiz cheese.
[00:51:53] Bro, I can't really come over here.
[00:52:06] Wow, we really couldn't kill that guy, huh?
[00:52:31] Damn, I was hoping we could kill him. I mean, I got a full ulti.
[00:52:52] He's kind of unlucky.
[00:52:59] Oh well!
[00:53:00] We'll go back mid.
[00:53:09] I realized my bot is doing quite the well.
[00:53:13] I swear I'm gonna kill this stupid bunny.
[00:53:17] This dumbass bunny motherfucking bitch, bro. I'm gonna kill her.
[00:53:20] I swear to f*****g god.
[00:53:27] F*****n furries.
[00:53:28] He's got so much wave player. He could probably one shot me actually though.
[00:53:40] If we're being honest, with his Ludens, he could probably just kill my ass.
[00:53:45] I'm going back mid. I'm not chasing that guy. We're back in the game lads.
[00:55:07] We lost six grubs. That kind of sucks but you know what it is? What it is?
[00:55:33] We are a little bit stronger than this guy now. I gotta wait for my R.
[00:55:42] Why would you turn into the cannon minion?
[00:55:51] Wha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Bro, there's two cannons in this wave!
[00:55:56] It's your lucky day!
[00:55:59] I should probably rotate down to this fucking fight.
[00:56:36] Cause I know there's a fight about to happen.
[00:56:39] You know, maybe I shouldn't have rotated down to that fight.
[00:57:00] Cause Amumu's just throwing the game and I need to not go near him.
[00:57:05] That's my bad.
[00:57:08] That's actually crazy.
[00:57:18] Wait, a Moo Moo actually might've just thrown the whole game by going for that random play.
[00:57:23] Cause he didn't even have Ulti.
[00:57:28] Oh yeah, I gotta stay away from that guy.
[00:57:30] That's my bad.
[00:57:32] I should've just stayed mid and pushed another wave. That's a hundred percent my bad.
[00:57:38] My man is not playing correct.
[00:57:44] He's tilted and he's getting out of jungle, so now he's like,
[00:57:47] making shitty ass fucking plays.
[00:58:36] Wait, how much do I need for Rallies? 13.50?
[00:58:38] Okay, we can get it on the next back
[00:59:07] What?
[00:59:10] No, that was a BS fucking play. I'm not gonna lie
[00:59:13] That was complete bullshit. Thank God he's dead
[00:59:19] No, I was gonna lose my mind if that guy survived there. I missed my first Q
[00:59:26] But dude, what? How is Viego able to run you down with no ulti that easily?
[00:59:32] No blade of the rune king. He just has like endless
[00:59:36] It genuinely felt like he was endlessly mobile.
[00:59:40] Like he has his W, which is whatever.
[00:59:43] But then after W, right?
[00:59:45] I really don't want a TP right in the middle of this fight.
[00:59:58] By the way, that's not a...
[01:00:01] Like, there's nowhere good to TP.
[01:00:03] If I TP on top of the fight, I just die because we don't have half our team there.
[01:00:08] Like the aurora can TP because our entire team is next to her, right?
[01:00:17] I can't.
[01:00:18] Because it was only twitching a mumu.
[01:00:31] I'm gonna go get my Rallaz.
[01:00:45] Ooh, good kill.
[01:00:50] Let's go push mid.
[01:00:51] Oh, we rotate up to top.
[01:01:29] Because we pushed mid.
[01:01:33] We covered this guy while he's taking this turret.
[01:01:36] Okay, he got it.
[01:01:37] Now we're gonna head back mid to farm that wave.
[01:01:44] We can play for dragon.
[01:01:47] Uh-oh.
[01:01:59] I wanna use this pink ward.
[01:02:04] Oh.
[01:02:05] They have found me, I guess.
[01:02:35] We should just start this immediately.
[01:02:50] I mean...
[01:02:51] Okay.
[01:02:53] That was like why didn't we go on them?
[01:02:57] Man a moomoo really doesn't want to use like this a moomoo is so weird because he doesn't want to go in and ulti
[01:03:05] When they're like all there
[01:03:08] I'm getting such weird vibes from this guy, man. I don't know if this guy actually plays the League of Legends
[01:03:15] Because he he went in before
[01:03:24] But now he didn't want to go in on like a free we had full vision control and they had to walk through us
[01:03:29] So Renekton walked up, died instantly, Niko and Amumu didn't go in.
[01:03:40] I think the way we win this game is never group until 3-4 items, because like, I don't
[01:03:44] actually think our team knows how to play the game.
[01:03:48] I think we just have to, yeah, we just gotta be super macro selfish this game.
[01:03:56] Whole people bot, perma, because like their team fighting is not very good.
[01:03:59] My team's getting very good.
[01:04:36] I couldn't TP'd to that but like I said I actually would rather do the macro.
[01:04:46] Last time I tried to go to a fight it did not end up well.
[01:04:49] I actually think we could've killed that guy if anybody was paying attention.
[01:05:32] Cause I took both of these camps he got mad so he chased me.
[01:05:39] I'm pretty sure we actually do kill him if people are paying attention there but
[01:05:43] I think it's all good.
[01:05:46] I need to push up bot wave and then go mid.
[01:05:57] I actually have to go mid, because they need help getting Baron vision.
[01:06:32] So I actually didn't mean to do that.
[01:06:38] When I flashed, I accidentally clicked the wrist.
[01:06:43] Like I didn't mean to click the fucking wrist, Harold!
[01:06:46] Bro, you see what happens though?
[01:06:52] Every time I group, if I'm not immediately with them, they will somehow die.
[01:06:59] Like I needed to somehow be immediately with them mid.
[01:07:02] I needed to push one wave, Garen pushed a wave, walked mid, killed my Amumu who didn't know how to hit Zanyas.
[01:07:18] They're on Baron by the way.
[01:07:25] And I don't know, maybe it's, maybe this elo is just power group on people, I don't know man.
[01:07:31] Like, what is this fight?
[01:08:02] Guys, why are we fighting in their jungle like that?
[01:08:07] Oh god, this is what I mean.
[01:08:09] I swear, my mistakes this game, 4 of my 7 deaths were literally just grouping up with dumb teamfights.
[01:08:17] I'm not even kidding, there were literally 4 of them, were me saying, oh I'm gonna go help my team,
[01:08:22] and then my team literally forcing fights in the worst positions ever.
[01:08:30] Like our Twitch is decent, but the other 3 people, holy fuck.
[01:08:36] Like Renekton doesn't know how to empower W.
[01:08:38] a mumu has just he has just eight brain I'm gonna go try and get tier two top
[01:08:49] I guess it's fucking crazy damn probably Andrews now that's good he ran
[01:09:45] through my Raleigh slow like he tanked my entire combo but then he ran through
[01:09:54] Raleigh slow and one shot me with oh like his Q wasn't even up he won't
[01:09:58] shot me with only E holy fuck the fuck is Garen bro the ship is
[01:10:07] imbalanced. eats a full malzar with three items. then doesn't even have his q. is so
[01:10:21] fast he can outrun rivus with no q. and then he connects and i instantly die. that's actually
[01:10:32] crazy. oh i found the garen. wow. i am just dead. again. we just solo ulted their lux.
[01:11:14] i'ma keep it real boys. i don't know if any of us can deal with this garen. somehow
[01:11:36] How Garen beat a Renekton?
[01:11:45] It is typical though, I mean our support's pretty fucking bad.
[01:11:48] Support jungle, the two worst players on the team, the game gets hard.
[01:11:53] I will say that that is very typical.
[01:12:42] Bro, we need to push out waves before we can do this.
[01:12:48] I'm gonna go push top and then head to dragon.
[01:12:59] Our MooMoo is getting caught in his jungle when we saw all of them.
[01:13:05] Like, we saw the entire enemy team walk into the jungle and a mumu still got caught.
[01:13:11] Cool, man.
[01:13:27] So not only did a mumu get caught, but then Twitch walked up and got caught by himself.
[01:13:32] Yeah, it's just jungle diff and support, to be honest.
[01:13:55] And top.
[01:13:56] Top jungle support diff.
[01:13:58] Me and Twitch tried, but we're playing the two weakest roles in the game.
[01:14:09] Nice try, boys.
[01:14:10] Nice try.
[01:14:14] I did learn a lot this game.
[01:14:15] I learned to never go to a single teamfight ever, and only play selfish.
[01:14:20] If you ever go to help your team, you are misplaying in Master Tier.
[01:14:25] They are bad players, they do not know what they are doing, and you have to play like
[01:14:28] they are dumb.
[01:14:29] And that goes to renec them one trick, too.
[01:15:06] What are you guys, Jin and Swain, pushing you in?
[01:19:01] Jin and Swain are both really immobile.
[01:19:07] Because they're such immobile champs, you should be able to just kill them.
[01:19:11] you have if you play an aggressive play style like play an aggressive champion
[01:19:17] and just all in them what you're saying is gonna be draft difference like if
[01:19:26] you're drafting something that can't abuse to push pokeliners then you're
[01:19:31] not drafting correctly like Jin and Swain like Swain is not a champion until
[01:19:40] 6 and Jin is good early but not if he can't play like overloaded like Jin has
[01:19:47] to be able to push you in to do a lot of his damage or he has to be able to set
[01:19:53] up with his support so if you just play to dodge the Swainy and all in them on
[01:20:00] repeat they can't do anything. Yeah I mean that's one of those things you
[01:24:14] just have to learn as an AD. Like AD carries get really far behind if they
[01:24:19] die even once so you just have to learn how to um you just have to learn how to
[01:24:26] play safe and like not randomly face check stuff like if your wave
[01:24:33] management's bad and you know the jungler could be there you have to check to
[01:24:36] see the junglers there before pushing up what the fuck am I watching oh well
[01:25:08] that fucking sucked I got ignited and exhausted it was my bad I didn't
[01:25:22] I didn't realize we were not gonna trade, but I mean they beat us to level 1 anyway.
[01:25:28] When Lux missed the thing, I thought we were gonna auto them down, but we do have teleport
[01:25:32] versus double lane sum, so we should probably be able to more care.
[01:26:16] I can see Rengar contesting bot wave here.
[01:26:46] We needed to push that wave in, get level 6, or level 3, because we knew that they
[01:26:54] were gonna do that on our boss item, so I was trying to push the wave really fast
[01:27:16] there.
[01:27:28] Oops, I fucked her CS.
[01:27:35] Kind of want to go topside here to help my jungler.
[01:27:41] Like, it's not even our Seraphine's fault.
[01:27:42] I'm fucking the lane up really bad, but...
[01:27:46] I think I need to go top here to help the jungler, because, uh...
[01:27:50] There's gonna be a big fight breaking out on topside of the map,
[01:27:53] and I want to be up there to help him.
[01:27:54] But I have to stay here when the wave's like this,
[01:28:12] because they could freeze it.
[01:28:27] Well, nice to get lucky.
[01:28:30] Hmm.
[01:28:31] We need to push this
[01:28:33] You want to do dragon? This is a really awkward drake, bro
[01:29:29] What?
[01:29:30] Why didn't Ori ulti that guy?
[01:29:34] I'm really confused what we're doing guys. I mean I don't understand what's happening. So we started the world's worst dragon
[01:29:47] We didn't fight them when the Rengar was like one HP in this bush
[01:29:51] Why does nobody like to use spells early game? What does everybody just like?
[01:30:00] It's like they fuck something up and then they refuse to actually play it out. I mean, I don't know that's crazy to me
[01:30:15] I don't know what they're like do to help these guys
[01:30:32] Because they I mean, I guess we just I'll just play way safer
[01:30:42] I don't know like Ori not ulting Rengar here made no sense. You just ultimate he dies
[01:30:53] Then you have fucking
[01:30:55] Not the worst. Oh, I think I'm dead. Oh nice
[01:31:31] nice. nice ult actually. kill this guy. why is this Orianna allergic to fucking using
[01:32:04] cooldowns man? like i didn't get shielded, she didn't use her Q R on either? like i'm
[01:32:15] actually frustrated by that guy. does this guy play Orianna? i mean he does play Ori,
[01:32:33] i don't understand. i want to go top and help get grubs. i'm actually surprised we haven't
[01:33:09] taking a single grub yet. I need six. Not the worst. Alright let's go get a ward in
[01:36:26] this area so our jungler in our mid can play the game. Now we're gonna recall, go
[01:36:31] get more wards and head bot. I should probably just get bot now. Well he
[01:37:24] actually killed top lane with that. What? It's actually kind of crazy. Ooh this is a weird dragon. I don't know if I like this.
[01:37:49] I need to go get wards. You're so annoying, bro. This guy literally stops our back. Come on.
[01:38:20] Wait, how fast am I? Yo, good evening, LitterBlood. I got bonus 12 move speed from that, 15 from Solarity.
[01:38:54] My 80 carry is dead. I mean, we can't really stop this. We should try and get this mid turret.
[01:40:32] Bro, get the fuck off of me.
[01:40:44] You have so much magic damage, man!
[01:40:52] Is there an enchanter anti-magic item?
[01:40:59] Or is there an item that gives me like anti-magic damage for enchanters?
[01:41:03] I don't even know.
[01:41:45] So, Kweazar.
[01:45:09] Four feet to my left.
[01:45:11] I guess I'll just go help the morons who are fighting.
[01:45:18] Dude, it's so nice.
[01:45:38] But yeah.
[01:45:39] I'm just on the...
[01:45:41] I wanna climb as fast as I can right now.
[01:45:44] Because I want to start playing in Grandmaster games, so I'm going to abuse support for the
[01:45:51] next like two days, get to GM.
[01:45:55] Once we hit GM, we'll start playing AD again.
[01:45:57] Because I know support's boring as fuck to watch.
[01:46:31] There are just too many, the problem with support is there are too many bad support
[01:46:39] players that just completely grief your games on repeat.
[01:47:06] Normally, I don't really care about bad support players. I just play the game, but I want a speedrun climb
[01:47:20] I don't want to like sit in masters for another two weeks like slowly climbing my way out of masters
[01:47:27] So we're gonna we're gonna play the easiest role to climb and then we'll start playing to try hard once we hit GM
[01:47:33] So I'm good boys
[01:47:39] You guys down for that? Oh my god
[01:47:56] And I'm back by it's oh
[01:51:21] My goodness it's time for
[01:51:30] That's right. Janna Gaming. Wait a second. Is every character in my game a girl? I don't think I've seen this before.
[01:52:00] We have an all-girl game. Ezreal? I stand by what I said. What's a good... I would say what's a girl empowerment song, but like...
[01:52:55] What is what is play this one no any carry I
[01:53:18] Got sick and tired of the rodents that I was playing with in the silo
[01:53:23] So I'm abusing support to get to GM and then we'll start playing 80 carry again
[01:53:28] So I only need I only need 200 LP to get GM. So
[01:53:37] Only eight wins. It's not too bad
[01:53:40] Or like nine wins or whatever. It's just wanna have not bad
[01:57:15] Dude they're getting he is getting three mains. Oh, what are you guys doing?
[01:57:33] So our top laner is 0 and 3 and
[01:57:38] The enemy Camille is now bot lane. That's not good. That's worth. Dude, how is this happening?
[01:58:46] So we have first time Aurora first time Zerry. I see top lane to win trade
[01:59:03] Ah, that sucks.
[01:59:07] I think we can still win, even with top lane win trading, but it's gonna be really hard.
[01:59:18] Like, I need to play around fucking...
[01:59:24] I need to play around my jungle.
[01:59:41] No, THAT was a team fight!
[02:07:32] Guys, I can't help you, good luck, like...
[02:07:36] Like, you guys, we're dead.
[02:07:43] You know what I mean? I can't stop that.
[02:07:45] I did all I could in that fight.
[02:07:49] I gotta get vision of our next objective.
[02:08:05] Anyway, with more words...
[02:09:03] This game is gonna be really important that I keep good good vision on this map. I messed up
[02:09:24] Dang, ooh, okay
[02:09:29] Damn it man. I messed up. I
[02:09:32] Olden wrong
[02:09:34] That's my B. Think I'm gonna go don core this game so that I can actually
[02:09:49] My shields actually have fucking you know value
[02:09:52] Whoa
[02:09:59] That was not warded. They just locked into that. I suck
[02:10:19] My bad. Why didn't Zerri just ult the waves? Like high key Zerri should have ulted the waves there though.
[02:10:47] If she ulted the waves she could have actually killed two people. I mean I don't know man.
[02:11:40] It is what it is. I don't even know who it is. We could have won this game if Zerri wasn't horrible with this champion.
[02:11:49] When you're in AD carry, when you're auto filled to AD, I recommend you never play the single hardest AD carry in the game.
[02:11:57] It's too hard for non-ADs to play that champ.
[02:24:38] Why is this guy hitting the wave?
[02:24:42] It's a smolder, we should just chill.
[02:24:51] Yep.
[02:24:52] Nice.
[02:24:54] So we walk at them, we stand in the bush, they have to ward the bush.
[02:25:00] Right?
[02:25:04] Wait, how did I not get the ward ping?
[02:25:09] I'm...
[02:25:10] Meaning to ward ping there.
[02:25:15] What the fuck?
[02:25:45] Lulu should be trading with this guy, I mean not Lulu.
[02:25:48] MF.
[02:25:49] bro can you walk up and like hit them bro what am I watching I'm just watching
[02:26:01] my mf do nothing it's a smother bro what in the fuck I don't know this is the
[02:26:43] awkward man I think it's worth if you gotta push the wave in like the number
[02:27:12] one thing right now should be to crash this wave you gotta get the wave
[02:27:15] crashed guys Lulu can't hold it she's too low don't worry about it Talia
[02:27:24] should be bot side of the map right now or like she could be top side if it
[02:27:29] really depends on how she's pathing her pathing is so weird I'm gonna hover
[02:27:39] mid for a sec because my court he's playing really far up and it's all he
[02:27:45] is here oh yeah there she is see told you wait fight them fight them nice huge
[02:28:50] bro huge I don't know why they're trying to fight a Leona MF but like you
[02:28:55] You guys knew you, you know?
[02:29:13] Dude, I swear, the games feel so different when I play Leona.
[02:29:19] Like, when I play Enchanter, we win.
[02:29:21] When I play Leona, we win, but like,
[02:29:24] it feels like people don't push their buttons.
[02:29:36] Let's go check Dragon.
[02:29:38] If Taliyah's trying to solo Drake,
[02:29:39] I could probably stop her.
[02:29:59] We need to push the waves.
[02:30:03] Yeah, Vex is coming, bro.
[02:30:21] Dude, that was so close.
[02:30:21] If Adam F had a slightly better ult,
[02:30:24] Before I dodge that W, we kill them.
[02:30:31] That actually sucks.
[02:30:32] We actually kill all three.
[02:30:35] If uh, we play that better.
[02:30:47] It's just me!
[02:30:48] I am the sun!
[02:30:49] Wait, what does MF have?
[02:30:57] What does he have?
[02:30:59] Dirk?
[02:31:00] That's not good.
[02:31:01] Yo, fair warning to you guys.
[02:31:03] If you're playing MF in this meta, MF's really OP right now.
[02:31:07] Rush Bloodthirster.
[02:31:10] Thank me later.
[02:31:11] Two HP. I mean, yeah, but I feel like that was a really bad ulti, you know, from Lilia?
[02:31:54] Well, Talia's fed because you suck.
[02:32:01] No, I hate when junglers type this shit, by the way. Like...
[02:32:06] My Lilia is dumb. She's basically like, oh, I know where the jungler is always. I'm the smartest player in the
[02:32:14] in the world, but you're not actually like
[02:32:16] like, playing around where she is. You're just saying that she's there. But it's like,
[02:32:24] what? That's dumb. I knew she was there, too, but you know what I did? I WALKED AT HER!
[02:39:20] Playing for, uh, oh my god. I'm going to deafen. Masters players shouldn't be allowed to type.
[02:39:31] If you're, if you're Elo is Masters, you should not be able to type in League. Because
[02:39:36] There's nothing you say until Grandmaster Challenger.
[02:39:39] Nothing you are typing in the game in this elo has any relevance at all.
[02:39:45] You don't know what you're talking about, so it's actually just worthless.
[02:40:01] Absolute pigs.
[02:40:02] I'm gonna sit in this bush and hope that they walk by.
[02:40:42] I think the funniest part about this is Corky can actually not die ever in this matchup.
[02:41:10] We need to play for something.
[02:41:12] Not bad.
[02:41:57] Alright, let's back.
[02:41:59] I feel like I need anti-healing, but we have it I guess.
[02:45:20] BT this game.
[02:45:21] Straight up, she would never die.
[02:45:24] Well, I stalled them for a very, very long time.
[02:46:27] Yeah, my MF is not an AD carry player.
[02:46:35] He hasn't farmed in 5 minutes.
[02:46:36] He's had 180 CS for 5 minutes.
[02:46:40] He was doing really good.
[02:46:41] just forgot to farm. And I can't play the game at the moment because Corky's also not farming.
[02:46:47] Like, our Corky, our Camille, and our MF are not farming. They're just walking mid and dying
[02:46:51] on repeat. Yep, first time MF called it. Hey, that's what it is. Our Lilia's going to farm
[02:47:26] another camp instead of playing for tempo. Not gonna lie, this Talia is so much better than
[02:47:57] in this fucking...
[02:47:59] Lillia.
[02:48:00] Why would Corky not just TP?
[02:48:14] I need to go back.
[02:49:20] I need- we need to not 4 man bot.
[02:49:25] Please don't 3 man bot, bro.
[02:49:28] Like they're just gonna do Baron right now if we 3 man bot.
[02:49:48] I mean, we should be fighting!
[02:49:50] My Lillia and MF are full HP.
[02:49:58] You have Camille flanking!
[02:50:14] You have Camille flanking!
[02:50:16] Go in!
[02:50:18] Or don'ts, whatever, bro.
[02:50:20] God it there's no way you guys are real I'm watching you guys literally just like
[02:50:34] do nothing this is insane they're on a very bad timer dude do Baron they had no
[02:50:57] vision of it actually pretty surprised that um that game was as hard as it is
[02:54:52] cuz I feel like we had a really good lead I think we had a great lead at one
[02:54:59] point wait I need to go look what was our lead I know we had one
[02:55:07] Oh wow, that is the most...
[02:55:11] That is the most master level graph I've ever seen in my life.
[02:55:14] Yo Endless, that's what it kinda feels like.
[02:55:36] It really does though, it kinda feels like when I'm playing support,
[02:55:54] I can like force my team to do stuff that they normally wouldn't do.
[02:56:09] And when I'm playing AD carry,
[02:56:17] I'm essentially looking at a dark map the whole game.
[02:56:20] Bad name, bad name.
[02:57:00] Yeah but, Monok, you know what, you know what sucks though?
[03:00:31] Like, what in the opener?
[03:00:33] Like, that guy is...
[03:00:37] That guy's chillin', man.
[03:00:41] Can you hit them, bro?
[03:01:05] Why is my Zary being a pussy?
[03:01:08] Like, I know it's a braum, dude, but, like, you have clintons!
[03:01:12] Like, just get stunned!
[03:01:15] Like, this Zary is an idiot!
[03:01:23] Like, why would you not fight that when you have clints?
[03:01:26] Oh...
[03:01:29] Is there no audio?
[03:01:38] There should be audio.
[03:01:40] You might have something going on on your ends.
[03:01:42] yo why and what's up bro how you doing man
[03:01:48] long time no see I'm sitting here
[03:01:52] oh he's watching ads my bad man
[03:02:02] we can 2v2 these guys very fucking easily
[03:02:22] chase this bitch down I take it back those bad
[03:02:41] bad play it's okay though my AD carry might have 5cs at 4 minutes into the
[03:03:01] game
[03:03:01] and he might be he might be a little special
[03:03:06] But you know what I think that's fine
[03:03:08] All right, 80 carry player we have to push this next wave in so I can recall okay
[03:03:13] We have to do it. We do not have a choice
[03:03:16] Use your E. Thank you. Okay. Let's jump now. I recall. I'm gonna put a ward for you. Okay. I'm gonna go recall
[03:03:53] Surprise that boy bird didn't want to just go like fuck with that guy
[03:03:56] Yo bro, can I have one?
[03:04:12] Thank you
[03:04:14] Jesus. Oh, yeah, I took one minion shut the fuck up
[03:04:22] Yo, what's up, lion?
[03:04:24] How you doing, bro? You're to watch me lose my sanity playing North American's highest prestige honor of master's solo queue
[03:05:08] Super server gameplay
[03:05:10] No masters is actually though like
[03:05:18] Everybody flams masters, but it's actually like you know when Goku goes into the hyperbolic time chamber
[03:05:25] That's what it feels like
[03:05:27] Right like it's like a it's like a training session
[03:05:29] Well, you're just you're like intentionally making the gravity 10,000 times harder so that you can ascend faster
[03:05:41] That's like what masters is
[03:05:51] Why is my Zary not just hitting wrong?
[03:05:54] Well, what are we doing?
[03:05:56] Bro, you know your you know your auto attack can hit him in the bush, right?
[03:06:00] like it's a
[03:06:03] Yo monoc they give it 18 months man. Welcome back. I don't know if my Zary knows but the like
[03:06:10] They all suck. Every one of them is bad.
[03:09:23] Like the champ? I don't even think the champ's bad.
[03:09:28] I think the champ's just hard to play. You know when I hit him?
[03:10:05] We're gonna 100% dive this guy.
[03:10:15] I'm gonna go save my rumble, he's the man.
[03:10:24] Kill the turret, just kill it.
[03:10:29] Just kill it. Auto the turret down.
[03:10:35] Just fucking finish it. Thank you.
[03:10:39] my zerry's pretty good well she's she's playing the game oh wait let's see the
[03:10:59] outplay wait okay actually kind of clean oh oh there's a bear there yo run to me
[03:11:36] bro why is my zerry there why are we scared guys what are we what are we
[03:11:56] scared of over here yo would you mind killing them bro like what am I watching
[03:12:15] Jesus! I juke 4 different things! I'm like sitting here like oop oop oop oop and just
[03:12:30] juke everything. What are we doing, Zerry? Bro, what are we doing? Just push the wave,
[03:12:37] man. We should take this turret. That's fun. Yeah, I'll be right there, guys. Don't
[03:13:39] mind me. I'm on my way. Holy mother of fuck, man. Support is like, there are some games
[03:13:50] like this one where support is kind of fun. Where like I'm literally just running in circles
[03:13:57] around the map. Why did my rumble just flash away? What am I watching bro just fight them
[03:14:18] on what am I nah you are you are not serious right now. I hate all of you says the Zerry
[03:14:45] homie I gotta be honest with you men you're not very good and I say that I
[03:14:51] say that with you know the utmost respect you're not a very good player my
[03:15:11] rumble is also not a very good player why wouldn't he just ultied his dead
[03:15:20] there and kill him I feel like unless you're playing something that can
[03:15:27] literally do everything for your teammates they will never understand
[03:15:30] when to fight like when you're playing Leona they understand stun equals
[03:15:35] kill right but if you're playing in a
[03:15:37] chance or a lot of the like premise of
[03:15:39] the fight is on them and they they have
[03:15:43] no clue how to like do damage without
[03:15:45] somebody like walking down somebody
[03:15:48] for them it's actually wilds like why
[03:15:52] are we just not playing forward here
[03:15:55] like Zary just just fight them use your
[03:16:10] R key if she fights there we they
[03:16:18] don't die or like they can't kill
[03:16:20] over. Why do Zerry players save their R key so much? It doesn't make sense to me.
[03:16:44] Hit your R button! Aw dude, like what am I watching? I got ulted. Zerry missed 4 autos
[03:16:57] on a Zed that was logged into the wall. Like, she like literally in the wall. 4 autos
[03:17:17] like how do you suck at bat champion like I suck at Zerry and I cannot with
[03:17:32] four autos in a row on a guy stunned come on bro my Zerry died again yeah we
[03:17:59] can go next listen this is an AD diff it's jungle mid AD I did all I could guys
[03:18:05] you guys are just bad at league we have a support main playing first time a
[03:18:10] Why does my support have teleports I'm gonna play Zerry, and I'm just gonna farm
[03:21:45] That's it. We're just gonna farm. Isn't this the runes everybody uses in Korea?
[03:22:10] Let me go look. Oh, they do this
[03:22:40] Interesting. He doesn't even take scaling runes very interesting
[03:22:50] He doesn't take scaling he just does
[03:22:52] We have no AP. Well, I guess we have Shibana
[03:23:04] why are our boys and girls let's see if we can have fun playing a zerry game
[03:23:22] shall we all right let's fucking go let's do it oh oh oh oh oh oh any the ward
[03:24:36] I'm gonna mute all I'm gonna mute all and focus on my own gameplay this game
[03:24:50] just watching like focusing on the masters like we're gonna be a zen monk
[03:24:56] this game music for good mental what is this playlist this is not this is not
[03:25:23] good music how is this I can't even hear it
[03:25:38] difference in mutol when deafen is deafen tells everybody you deafen's
[03:25:45] mutol doesn't tell them so like you say slash deafen when you want everybody
[03:25:50] to know that you're not paying attention to what they have to say
[03:25:52] oh my god I missed a melee minion of XP that's not good I mean we should
[03:26:30] honestly just be letting this wave push into us I'm kind of trolling there's no
[03:26:37] way that we can there's no way we can fight level one with Alistair regardless
[03:26:46] like even if they mess up it's like too hard to fight level one so they just
[03:26:56] better just to let this just push in I think we can probably fight them soon
[03:27:11] At level 3, I'm pretty sure we just win. We can fight these guys when my E is back up
[03:27:39] Actually, we can probably fight him now
[03:27:41] It really depends on what my Alistar wants to do because Zary's actually pretty good at
[03:27:54] Taking early fights if I have all my cooldowns up
[03:28:00] like say combos the
[03:28:13] He needed to combo the zillion there
[03:28:18] He needed to a
[03:28:30] Pombo, Zilean, and B headbutt the other guy, but it is okay, it is what it is.
[03:28:40] So the reason that went so bad was because Zilean was here, right?
[03:28:46] And Alistair was here, but he went for the Jinn.
[03:28:49] When you have a support blatantly walking up to you like that, you combo him, you ignite,
[03:28:54] and you blow him up.
[03:28:58] The reason that you don't ever wait to dive deeper on the enemy AD is because if
[03:29:03] If you wait to dive, like you go deep on them, that's when you're going to get shit on because
[03:29:08] like you saw that it took more time, right?
[03:29:10] We had to dive deeper.
[03:29:11] It was less safe.
[03:29:12] Like if you just combo the guy in the front, you can take a trade, right?
[03:29:16] Like Alistar combos him, we take a trade on him.
[03:29:19] And if it goes bad, we just walk away.
[03:29:21] Or it's like, if you commit all the way to the deep dive, we can no longer like
[03:29:25] play aggressively because you don't know what you're like, we're stuck in this
[03:29:30] like really bad situation.
[03:29:32] I pushed in the bot wave there, so Jin missed half a wave.
[03:30:18] We don't need to hard shove this, I can't buy anything.
[03:30:34] But yeah, Jin missing half that wave was really, really big for us.
[03:30:43] I also missed half a wave because I went to the dragon fight even when it was over.
[03:30:49] I guess we got the zillion flash, which is pretty useful, but I don't know, we'll
[03:30:59] see how it goes.
[03:31:00] There's not really much.
[03:31:04] I need to get tier 2 boots.
[03:31:07] Soonish.
[03:31:17] You see what I mean though? By Alistar is not in the bush.
[03:31:22] You remember like just the last game when I said that my master tier supports?
[03:31:27] Don't stand in the bush.
[03:31:30] Like, you are a melee champion, okay?
[03:31:34] As a melee champion, your job is to like,
[03:31:37] create this idea that they should be scared of you.
[03:31:40] And now he's just standing mid AFK like this is so rough and nothing happened. Okay
[03:32:13] That was a very good use of a roam timer by Alistair and now they're getting to be toot
[03:32:20] Was that actually worth it? I don't even think it was
[03:32:33] Zilean staying to like hit me with a random double bomb is like so weird
[03:32:40] Huh, I should have gone back. I missed my back timer. That's on me
[03:33:08] I should have gone back when the first wave was dead on the can the double cannon wave
[03:33:12] I gotta keep it real man
[03:33:33] Watching support players struggle with this role makes me like question
[03:33:38] So much about myself. I mean, there's no way we can kill them guys. I
[03:33:51] Don't have mana
[03:33:52] Like I don't have mana so like fighting that is impossible. I should stay and push this wave
[03:34:03] Because I have E. Oh, I should be gotten the plate too thing. It's fun
[03:34:26] hmm what do I do this game what do I do I'm not actually sure how I'm gonna
[03:34:34] impact the game so far I feel like this is just like a typical 80 carry game
[03:34:38] that I get a lot at the time where my support's not doing like he's not
[03:34:42] negatively impacting the game but we're missing so many opportunities to do
[03:34:45] stuff but I mean it's okay I'm gonna look for a fight though I mean I have
[03:34:55] my shift hmm I don't think I can actually try and kill these guys I was
[03:35:29] is roaming again so I think we just play wave clear sim. They're gonna try and push the
[03:35:37] wave in, we just play wave clear sim. I'm probably gonna ult this wave so they can't dive me.
[03:35:47] Oh they're not even gonna try. Well this is fun. My bad. I should have just ulted the
[03:36:11] wave and fought him. Like 100%. Man I'm getting so annoyed by the fact that I can't play
[03:36:20] the games I want to play or do the things I want to do because every game is like
[03:36:24] this. Like I know it's just a mental warfare game in this elo, but like dude, how can every
[03:36:33] support player like enemy zilean is playing forward slowing me on repeat going ham doing
[03:36:39] work. My support is roaming and as he has two KP and he's roamed the entire game. Like
[03:36:49] how do you think this is good? You also lost the grub fight. Like genuinely how
[03:37:00] How the fuck did they even lose the grub fight?
[03:37:02] Like, they've lost six grubs.
[03:37:13] Dive him.
[03:37:15] Dive him!
[03:37:40] Thank god.
[03:37:43] Okay, we at least made a play there.
[03:37:45] That was good.
[03:37:57] I want to go mid right now and have Aurelia go bot.
[03:38:02] Cause Rift is about to spawn, it's 14 minutes.
[03:38:06] So it's better if I'm mid at this point and Aurelia's bot because she has teleport.
[03:38:10] Also if I go bot right now, and my team does play Rift and they don't, there's
[03:38:14] a chance I just die.
[03:38:16] So it's better to be mid and knew the Rift Herald play on this timer.
[03:38:21] I'm gonna go into the lane, fuck it.
[03:38:48] Oh, there's a gen here.
[03:38:50] Okay, that's not too bad.
[03:39:01] I didn't really do anything, but I soaked a lot of pressure.
[03:39:07] The only reason that that fight went halfway decent was because the Yone and the Zillian
[03:39:14] were both focused on me.
[03:39:53] How did that guy get away?
[03:40:59] I'll farm in the grubbies.
[03:41:01] Nice, we got Bot-Turret, that's not the worst.
[03:41:43] some vision I can't see where the fuck the enemy is which means I can't position
[03:41:54] around them damn it I needed to juke that damn it man I put myself in a weird
[03:42:30] spot because if I juke that I kill him but I sincerely just fucked myself so
[03:42:37] bad you know can somebody explain to me why Zack is allowed to basically like
[03:42:49] one-shot everybody with full tank Zack means will tell you that that is
[03:42:54] balanced, but I cannot think that that's balanced. Or am I delusional? Who the fuck knows? I don't
[03:43:08] fucking know. Alright. This is how we do it. This is how we do it. Oh, interesting.
[03:43:43] Well, you gotta- you all? Nah. Damn. Alright chat, we need to wake up a little bit here.
[03:43:57] How's everybody's day going? I am gonna fucking try and stop dying
[03:44:11] This is how we do it
[03:44:16] This is how we do it
[03:44:19] We need some vision control. I need to start forming as much as I can. Oh really a bro
[03:44:33] My wave
[03:44:34] It could be a Baron. Oh, they're just ganking top
[03:45:07] This is how we do it. What do I even get next item, man? Are we BT? Or maybe a Plastrosper, actually.
[03:46:32] What is my Alistar doing? But I'm really confused why he didn't get comboed there.
[03:47:06] Hello? We need Mortal Reminder. Once we get Mortal Reminder? Because nobody has anti-healing.
[03:47:27] Once we get Mortal Reminder, I think we can, uh, we can win. We also need a Ward on that.
[03:47:36] somebody needs to push bot outs it's gonna be really hard to fight on this
[03:47:58] wave versus Zach it's got to push it and leave wait really a bro you got to push
[03:48:20] every way like you they're not just gonna start Baron even if a rally has
[03:48:28] bought they're not just gonna start it out of nowhere holy shit that was
[03:49:05] actually a really sick play we should get Baron I don't think we can
[03:49:25] actually ends but maybe we can oh maybe we can wow let's fucking go how I live
[03:49:47] the I swear to God I did not deserve to live there they just like stopped
[03:49:55] chasing me like I flashed the wall and they were all like nah let him go and I
[03:50:03] came back dude Zerry might be the key like maybe Zerry's the key to climbing
[03:50:18] Like maybe my eyes are beginning to open because that game was so incredibly boring.
[03:50:37] All we did was farm the whole game, but we were way more useful than the gen.
[03:50:40] Who the fuck knows?
[03:51:01] Oh well, let's go again.
[03:51:04] I'm not gonna hide my Q one time.
[03:51:07] And if we get Q sniped, I'm gonna cry.
[03:51:17] I'm going to cry tears of sadness.
[03:51:21] tears coming out of my fucking face oh let's listen to riot August talk about the game to
[03:51:49] be honest I don't really focus on the state of characters and master plus that is a very
[03:51:54] small subset of the community and so and also hold on hold on we matter he just said he
[03:52:07] doesn't focus on masters plus because we are too small of a community we still matter
[03:52:16] You absolute asshole!
[03:52:20] Incredibly, incredibly optimized.
[03:52:22] We don't focus on Masters Plus, it's too smart of a community.
[03:52:46] You're a dick.
[03:52:48] Meaning that it's fairly unrealistic to ensure that every single character is in a perfect
[03:52:57] state for that area.
[03:52:58] Okay, that's fair.
[03:52:59] Or that is our character to be balanced around it.
[03:53:01] Maybe I should have paused them.
[03:53:02] That's fair.
[03:53:03] But generally if some character is not very good in Master Plus
[03:53:07] It's usually not the right decision to like force them to be good there because I agree
[03:53:12] I agree the thing I would say about a character like even Master Plus is
[03:53:18] We have nerfed her a lot. We have nerfed her items a lot. Yes, because Eve is not a fun
[03:53:25] champion listen
[03:53:27] Listen, Eve is not a fun or interactive champion.
[03:53:34] She goes invisible the entire game.
[03:53:39] You can be 50 kill, 80 carry, and you can still instantly fucking die.
[03:53:50] You can't build MR versus her as an assassin, which is supposed to counter her.
[03:53:54] Right?
[03:53:55] You can't build MR because she shreds MR.
[03:53:59] Like she's just broken, man.
[03:54:01] She's like she's not a good champion, but her design is extremely unfun
[03:54:08] Like you basically shut every other way of playing the game down when she's in the game and she's strong
[03:54:14] So Eve specifically might just be in a really bad state because of all the nerf
[03:54:21] She's received don't know not saying that's true
[03:54:23] But it could be true and then additionally you've heard this from me many times on the stream
[03:54:28] I personally feel like assassins especially AP assassins who aren't Leblanc might be struggling right now to be effective
[03:54:36] And I don't think he was an exception
[03:54:38] So if I was to say why might he be weak and master plus aside from the nursery thunderer my initial take would be I
[03:54:45] wonder if I would say I wonder if just in general are
[03:54:50] assassins and AP assassins weak and master plus like well, yeah
[03:54:54] I I don't think I ever see assassins carry and masters pause right now. I never see assassins carry
[03:55:01] So yes, they are weak, but the problem is is like if you try and if you try to make assassins strong
[03:55:08] You have to nerf a lot of like the systems that are in place at the moment. So like
[03:55:13] for example
[03:55:16] Assassins want to take ignite, right? So because assassins want to take ignite
[03:55:21] They don't want like they're gonna naturally lose to people with teleport at the moment because of the the systems that are in place in the game
[03:55:30] So like the back timers right or not back timers the the death response they're getting fixed next patch, right?
[03:55:36] That will naturally help assassins because that'll mean that you don't have to take teleport
[03:55:42] Because like you you don't just get behind by solo killing now
[03:55:45] So, assassins are going to naturally get a bit better.
[03:55:48] Nerfing 80 carries mid makes assassins better.
[03:55:51] Right?
[03:55:52] So, now that 80 carries mid or nerfed a bit, now assassins can thrive a bit more.
[03:55:56] Once the death timer has changed, assassins can thrive a bit more.
[03:55:59] So like, the only way to actually have assassins not be dog shit without their numbers being
[03:56:03] too good is to fix the systems that are in place in League.
[03:56:10] Echo is falling off right now, Eve's falling off right now.
[03:56:14] I don't know how well Diana does up there, right? Although she's more of a bruiser, right? Diana's really bad
[03:56:19] Like there's a lot of AP assassin characters that are like kind of at their all-time lows for playwright at the moment and
[03:56:26] To me that would probably indicate that there's something going on with their ability to do their jobs
[03:56:31] Those would be you know some of the ways I'm thinking about it
[03:56:34] It's their way to give everyone sustain and when deal with tanks without making her too broken
[03:56:42] Black Cleaver and Remus Hydra feels so underwhelming. If Black Cleaver is not effective for dealing with tanks on a character
[03:56:48] like Riven, which it probably isn't because she doesn't want health. I think the question
[03:56:52] to ask is, is there a missing piece of the item puzzle now that there is no AD armor pen
[03:57:00] option in the system? Like pure AD, pure armor pen. Lead for the entire history of its existence
[03:57:07] has had an AD armor pen option that currently doesn't exist because you either have to
[03:57:13] get 80 lethality 80 health or 80 crit true actually that's leaving the
[03:57:19] character out to dry so the question I didn't even think about that but I mean
[03:57:25] that's true do we need an item like that or should Riven herself be changed to
[03:57:29] account for the fact that I'm like that doesn't doesn't exist for the time
[03:57:33] being for the things to think about there
[03:57:35] ribbon as a jungler I mean she could probably jungle I think one thing to
[03:57:40] think about with ribbon though is like is that what ribbon players want it feels
[03:57:44] like one of the things ribbon players would kind of want is trolling on their
[03:57:48] lane opponents like ribbon is kind of a character who wants to like be this like
[03:57:51] high-skill fantasy character who pops off snowballs and lane beats the crap out
[03:57:55] of her opponent whether or not that's possible right now is like an open
[03:57:59] question right I think a lot of ribbon players have been talking about
[03:58:02] recently where she's not really a lane bully anymore and doesn't really have
[03:58:05] ability to snowball out a game so yeah we could let her jungle but I don't know
[03:58:11] if jungling is exactly what her player base is interested in doing is the thing
[03:58:16] to think about there why are Ionian boots getting nerfed with 1k more gold and
[03:58:20] three less summoner haste the boots already lost five haste we are nerfing
[03:58:23] the boots across the board for the most part the decision is that boots
[03:58:29] are too good and too efficient meaning that it's just a really strong power
[03:58:33] our spike and so we are just making them all worse at that or making that's fair. I mean
[03:58:38] so everything I mean I'll be real boots have been so broken for so long that I don't think
[03:58:44] people fully understand how much stats you're getting for spending the gold like when you
[03:58:49] were spending 900 gold on Swifties you are getting the fastest possible boot and the
[03:58:56] the fastest possible move speed for 900 gold.
[03:59:00] That's insane, right?
[03:59:03] For Zerkers, you were getting 35 attack speed,
[03:59:08] which is, again, insane.
[03:59:12] My one sad part about doing this,
[03:59:14] I think the idea is generally good, by the way.
[03:59:16] I think most of the changes are really good,
[03:59:18] but I think the classes this affects the most,
[03:59:20] actually, is supports in a pretty bad way,
[03:59:23] where supports need cheaper boots
[03:59:25] because they need cheap items.
[03:59:28] I disagree with this.
[03:59:30] The reason I disagree with this,
[03:59:31] I do think supports need cheaper items, obviously,
[03:59:34] because they make less gold, yada, yada.
[03:59:36] But I don't think supports being able to back at 900 gold
[03:59:40] and get Swifties on reap, every support did this.
[03:59:43] Every single support did this, guys.
[03:59:45] So for years, for years and years and years,
[03:59:48] the entire meta of support was back
[03:59:50] and get the fastest possible boots early game
[03:59:53] that you can get.
[03:59:54] So it was like, get mobility boots,
[03:59:56] then they nerfed mobility boots twice.
[03:59:58] So everybody was like, okay, what's the next cheapest option?
[04:00:00] Okay, let's get Swifties.
[04:00:01] So they nerfed Swifties twice,
[04:00:03] then they nerfed Swifties again.
[04:00:04] And now they're like, oh, well, you know,
[04:00:06] what does sports have left?
[04:00:08] My like, sports have like the normal boots left.
[04:00:11] Like when you back at 1,100 on a support,
[04:00:17] you should have 1,100, like,
[04:00:22] I don't think we should be enabling supports
[04:00:24] to have free items earlier than like everybody else
[04:00:28] for not doing anything.
[04:00:31] That's my issue with it, right?
[04:00:37] Like if you are a support
[04:00:45] and you're just existing
[04:00:48] and now you have faster, like you have cheap options
[04:00:53] of items but you didn't farm.
[04:00:55] You didn't like earn those items.
[04:00:57] just existed in the lane, right?
[04:01:00] And now we want them to be able to spike
[04:01:02] as fast as the carries can for less work.
[04:01:06] And like that is why I hate the support role.
[04:01:08] It's not that the support role is easy
[04:01:10] and all this other shit,
[04:01:11] like I actually don't care about that.
[04:01:12] What I care about is that supports get benefit
[04:01:15] from doing the least.
[04:01:18] So it's also extremely hard to punish that.
[04:01:57] Dude, my Ezreal is real rusty right now.
[04:02:33] I think it's gonna storm outside.
[04:02:52] I'm like dude, I'm missing so many spells like I'm all in probably a hundred games
[04:06:16] Everything he's doing is completely correct. It's actually kind of interesting
[04:06:22] No, I just Ezreal is like even when I told you yesterday like Draven is one of those champions
[04:06:31] That you have to play a lot till I kind of get the feeling of how to play him
[04:06:35] Like you can have played a thousand Draven games and you have to like you have to like unrust
[04:06:40] as well as the exact same
[04:06:42] Like if I play like 10 Ezreal games today, I'll unrust, but because Ezreal is just about, he's purely about spacing.
[04:06:52] That's like his entire kit is just spacing.
[04:06:59] So it's like how I position my character in like conjunction with their character and my ability to land skill shots and shits.
[04:07:06] You have to stand close enough.
[04:07:12] Like right there, I could have actually killed that guy if I spaced better.
[04:07:22] That was an exact thing that I was talking about.
[04:07:25] I ulted so that they would split because I knew that they were gonna go for the fight there
[04:07:31] But I'm missing so many cues
[04:07:41] Yeah, I don't like when I'm bad at a champion that I that I
[04:07:49] Normally am not bad at it makes me feel bad
[04:07:52] Like I always feel so shit
[04:07:57] Nocturne's there
[04:07:58] We just chill and I never e-forwarding the way we play nocturne on his bot camps here in our
[04:08:05] Cosmics on top camps we never e forward and we just chill we should leave
[04:08:23] They might think I'm backing so I'm just sitting out of vision so that they don't know where I am I
[04:08:34] Also need to save some mana so I can e if nocturnalts. I don't have the mana. That was a good play
[04:09:01] I just didn't have mana man. I saw
[04:09:12] That was actually a free fucking kill by karma, but I would have had to I would I had to like flash forward to fight that
[04:09:20] And I didn't have the balls to like
[04:09:22] Er, no flash, sorry I didn't have my flash.
[04:09:24] I would have to E forward with my mana to kill that guy and I didn't have the balls because
[04:09:27] I think I was going to die if I didn't.
[04:09:29] But Karma played that correct.
[04:09:32] It was just that like we knew Nocturne was probably still bot.
[04:09:38] I mean I should be at like 90 CS, we should be up 3 plates and I should have already
[04:09:42] had 2 kills.
[04:09:44] My Ezreal is not good right now.
[04:09:58] Na na na na na na na.
[04:10:18] Who was he?
[04:10:23] I missed half my wave though, which isn't good.
[04:10:27] Uh, okay.
[04:10:38] I do have Barrier, so if Nocturne tries to ult me, I think I can survive it.
[04:10:41] I don't know what his ult cooldown is.
[04:10:49] It should be up really soon though.
[04:11:07] Nocturne not being able to take our camps, even though I missed one wave and I lost my flash,
[04:11:12] I think it's worth it by the way.
[04:11:14] Nocturne without flash, he's not gonna be able to ever ult me now.
[04:11:22] It's gonna be too hard for him to actually ult me, with no flash.
[04:11:25] Because if he ults me, I can just E. And normally, you would just flash if I did that.
[04:12:09] That's worth.
[04:12:10] I should have played that slower, though.
[04:12:12] When I E'd forward on the knock turn, I should have played that odd slower.
[04:12:16] That was kind of my bad.
[04:12:17] Like, it was the right idea, but it was executed wrong.
[04:12:21] I said, I'm playing really bad right now on Ezreal.
[04:12:25] It was the right idea.
[04:12:28] It was executed poorly, and that's just on me.
[04:12:36] So knock has no ulti.
[04:12:37] He has no flash.
[04:12:38] Uh, Senna no flash barrier.
[04:12:43] Brand has just been sitting and laying the whole game.
[04:12:50] Yo, what support item does Karma go?
[04:12:54] Does she go the dream one?
[04:12:56] Or does she go the damage one?
[04:12:58] Uh, I mean, I can play super far up as Ezreal.
[04:13:45] Just takes a lot of APM.
[04:14:08] What?!
[04:14:14] Wait, you saw that, right?
[04:14:16] What?!
[04:14:20] I juke that stun.
[04:14:33] Man, how boring...
[04:14:35] Is fucking brand Senna bot lane, bro? How fucking boring, man? Like what an absolutely fucking
[04:15:09] Horribly boring game. Ooh, Cassante just solo'd my jungler. God, I'm missing skill shots by literally a hair of a
[04:15:32] Like you literally just one hair, man
[04:15:36] Oh
[04:15:38] Dude, I need to quit the game
[04:16:07] What the fuck I got killed by Brando from off-screen. Oh
[04:16:51] Yeah, we needed a back there and then I eat into the wall
[04:16:54] Holy fuck. I'm playing bad. God. What is wrong with me? I'm just like
[04:17:09] You know when something's off by like a quarter of a millimeter
[04:17:13] It still works, but like in a really janky fucking way
[04:17:17] Like your dryer still works, but it's like making that fucking obnoxious noise gets off balance
[04:17:22] That's what this fucking feels like like I I'm still playing better than them
[04:17:27] But not like
[04:17:28] Like I feel shitty
[04:17:46] Spissures. No, it's my brain
[04:17:50] It's not lag
[04:17:51] Like my brain is fucked
[04:18:27] Bro, thank you so much for the resubs or I mean like the gifts dude
[04:18:32] Welcome to the League of Draven
[04:18:39] Seriously, thank you so much for the gifted subs
[04:18:42] welcome to the league of Draven no worries no I mean it's a lot man I
[04:18:52] appreciate it thank you welcome to the league of Draven especially when I'm
[04:18:59] playing like dog shit you know I appreciate it bro welcome to the league
[04:19:04] of Draven welcome to the league of Draven welcome to the league of Draven
[04:19:25] Welcome to the league of Draven. Welcome to the league of Draven.
[04:19:45] I gotta go back. I have no mana.
[04:19:51] By the way, I'm so far behind your average thing.
[04:19:56] You should have two full items at 20 minutes on Israel, pretty much always.
[04:20:01] Like you're you're
[04:20:07] You're go-to like them spike should be 19 to 20 minutes you have
[04:20:13] Manamune and Triforce
[04:20:15] That's not good
[04:20:20] Like they're doing macro
[04:24:21] I'm really confused
[04:24:23] Like I'm not used to watching people do macro. I think I should be going last whisper second not this
[04:24:52] By the way
[04:24:53] Cuz I'm going bloodthirster, but I think I should be going last was for a second because I need to be able to kill Nocturne and
[04:25:24] Hamots that was a really awkward play because
[04:25:31] They were all five mid
[04:25:35] Like we didn't have all five mid there. So they were all five mid
[04:25:41] We should have just not that was like the first time I've seen this calzix make a mistake
[04:25:46] Because we should just be letting way push bot. Oh
[04:25:56] my fiora in God
[04:25:58] what the fuck am I what oh my I mean honestly I think we should have just we
[04:26:29] should just be going to do Baron right now our timer for doing Baron right now
[04:26:32] is huge like we should just be doing it okay our timer is getting a little bit
[04:26:54] worse okay I think we got it though nice huge I don't think they because it
[04:27:06] wasn't warded right that's why I called for that so it wasn't warded so
[04:27:27] it was like kind of one of those things where they would have had to like
[04:27:30] face-check it with like one person or two people and if they do that we just
[04:27:34] leave so it's not a huge deal man I really need armor pen to be have sort of
[04:27:43] such a mistake it's actually such a worthless fucking item fuck I have to
[04:27:53] stay on the map right now because my bot lane is pushing in so I have to
[04:27:58] rotate over and stay on the map that's really bad we should actually just
[04:28:19] reset nobody saw that right oh my god why did I fight that we knew fewer was top
[04:28:47] we are throwing very very hard like right now I should have my grudge right
[04:28:59] actually I shouldn't even be going grudge I should probably straight up
[04:29:05] probably just go actually 25 armor pin I probably need this actually motor
[04:29:22] Oh, I ulted in a weird spot rip.
[04:29:35] Oh, I hit everyone though.
[04:29:39] Not the worst.
[04:29:40] Yeah, their jungle is dead and they're all low.
[04:29:45] We should definitely actually like fight this.
[04:29:48] We just have to be careful how we like approach it.
[04:30:04] Not bad.
[04:30:06] I secured a dragon.
[04:30:13] I think I could have lived but at least I got us the drake.
[04:30:19] Like getting the dragon there and that's like our soul, right?
[04:30:22] So it's huge.
[04:30:23] But I think I could have lived if I played it slower.
[04:30:27] I just didn't want them to be able to get the dragon.
[04:30:37] You know what sucks about armor pin items now in League?
[04:30:43] There's no grudges trash.
[04:30:51] Like this item sucks.
[04:30:56] It actually feels so bad.
[04:31:05] Like Mortal Reminder is probably the best armor pin item now.
[04:31:09] Like Dom's is pretty bad.
[04:31:21] I think we have to just wait for Baron, to be honest.
[04:31:24] Like, I actually think it's just a wait for Baron angle.
[04:31:32] Like, we could poke him and shit, but I think it's just gonna be...
[04:31:36] We just have to wait for Baron.
[04:31:39] That's on me.
[04:32:15] Nice, not bad, not bad.
[04:32:21] Sorry, this game's kind of hard for me to commentate, because I have to focus a bit.
[04:32:25] And I think we back and go to Baron.
[04:33:39] I'm gonna get Bloodthirster now.
[04:33:44] And that'll probably be my last item before the game ends.
[04:33:47] I'm getting BT, so it's a lot harder for them to dive me.
[04:33:51] So now I have the Mountain Drake shield, extra life steal, because they're doing the combo
[04:33:57] where Ori is ulting Nocturne, right?
[04:34:00] So it's almost undodgeable when he actually lands it.
[04:34:06] So what I'm gonna do is, I'm getting an even bigger shield so that when they finally
[04:34:24] go all in on me, my shield is too big for them to one shot me.
[04:35:07] No, it's through!
[04:35:12] That was an absolutely fun ass game.
[04:35:15] God damn, that game was actually really fun.
[04:35:22] Dude, I started so bad though.
[04:35:25] Holy fuck, I literally hinted so hard early.
[04:35:29] Well, at first it wasn't fun because I was playing bad.
[04:35:40] Like, I was playing bad, I missed like three kills in lane and we're against fucking,
[04:35:45] yeah, Brand Senna.
[04:35:46] So it's like, oh okay, we're against like the most unfun fucking bot lane ever.
[04:35:58] We ended up putting in work at the ends
[04:36:01] So we brought it back. I had to like shake off the rust halfway through that fucking game, man
[04:36:16] That shit was wild
[04:36:19] You know what rating were my teammates by the way?
[04:36:27] They all played so good
[04:36:30] Did I find the four best masters players in existence or was I in like a GM game?
[04:36:38] Okay, I was in a GM game. Okay. I was gonna say it like I
[04:36:45] I was like that was not a master's quality game
[04:36:52] Like that was yeah, it was like a low Grandmaster game and this guy is a challenger support
[04:37:04] That's I recognize this guy's name. This guy's actually really good. I
[04:37:09] Don't think I've ever lost with this guy actually though every time I play with him. We do really well
[04:37:17] This guy played really well too
[04:37:25] Like hi Pete this guy actually played so good this guy
[04:37:35] You played good too all my teammates didn't I'm just looking at their ratings to see
[04:37:43] What they're all rated?
[04:37:46] Yeah, this guy was challenger. Okay
[04:37:49] dude
[04:37:51] Isn't it crazy?
[04:37:52] How you can literally tell the difference. It's like night and day
[04:37:57] Like in game. I can I didn't even look them up, right? I didn't look up a single person on my team
[04:38:02] I immediately knew that my team was challengers
[04:38:05] Or like the high-eo players
[04:38:07] Because they were like doing everything correctly not taking dumb fights. They were positioning right like I was the misplaying one on it like in this game
[04:38:20] I was just running it down
[04:38:22] Well not running it out, but I was playing bad
[04:38:25] Yeah, this guy's challenger too like I have four challenger teammates
[04:38:37] Wait, I'm not even kidding look at this everyone of my teammates is challenger was this guy challenger
[04:38:48] No, but he's like a high grandmaster. It's close enough
[04:38:51] Challenger. Challenger.
[04:38:54] Like, we should have won that game from Champ Select with how good everybody was on the team.
[04:39:10] This guy is like, hi GM.
[04:39:11] Do I have any VIP slots open?
[04:39:15] No.
[04:39:16] You actually reminded me.
[04:39:17] I need to go in and remove a lot of my VIPs.
[04:39:20] I actually have a lot of people who want a VIP with their points.
[04:39:23] And I haven't done like a VIP cleansing in like, probably two years.
[04:39:29] Oh, this guy was Challenger too.
[04:39:31] enemy top laner. What was this random game? It just put me in a random game with like actual
[04:39:43] humans. Do that again! Yo real talk can I get in another game with humans? I love it. That
[04:39:59] game was fucking great. Like that's why I want to get into GM MMR because every not
[04:40:21] every game but a lot of games are like that where even if you're playing bad you can
[04:40:24] still like come back because people aren't throwing the game. Dude I think it's underrated
[04:40:38] Like, when people play League and they're wondering, like, why it's hard for people to climb,
[04:40:42] I actually think it's incredibly underrated,
[04:40:46] as one of the main reasons people can climb so easily when they play League is not being the reason you're losing.
[04:40:53] Alright, I'm gonna try another Zerri game.
[04:41:07] I'm not very good at Zerri, so this is just a complete limit test coin flip, you know, warning experience.
[04:41:17] Oh, let's finish watching this. I'm gonna go get some water, and then we'll finish watching this.
[04:41:20] And so, I should probably pause it until I'm back.
[04:41:22] I might need to play an ad right now too, let me check.
[04:41:27] I don't know if an ad played during the game, but I don't want one to play while we're in
[04:41:31] game so let me check and see if I need to play one.
[04:41:45] Yeah, it's gonna play in 15 minutes if I don't play it now.
[04:41:48] I'm gonna play a quick two minute ad, I'll be right back.
[04:45:29] Well, okay, the thing about it is if you're in iron, your mechanics don't matter at
[04:45:33] all.
[04:45:37] Like, I know that sounds really weird to say, but straight up if you're in iron,
[04:45:41] it's likely your mechanics aren't what's holding you back.
[04:46:01] Because I mean, there are people who get to challenger every year with like, really, really
[04:46:10] easy champions.
[04:46:11] Right, like people can play, I mean look at Tyler1, Tyler1 is good, but he's not mechanically
[04:46:17] good right, like he's good in terms of like, he understands how the game works at like
[04:46:22] a decent level.
[04:46:23] I'm so dead, I'm not gonna flash, I'm gonna see if I can give it to, yeah, that's
[04:46:41] my bad.
[04:46:42] awarded for rex eye I was autopiloted damn it man I literally wasn't thinking
[04:46:48] because I was going on a rant like it sounds like such a bad excuse but like I
[04:46:54] know exactly like I knew that was coming because when you look at like what
[04:47:00] what happens our kindred invaded topside right so because our kindred
[04:47:06] invaded, we know that Rek'Sai is gonna be pot. I just fucked up. Man, my bad, my bad.
[04:47:21] But yeah, like I was saying, you can get high elo without having really good mechanics.
[04:47:25] You just gotta figure out a champion that works for you and what that champion's good at.
[04:47:33] And there's a lot of champions that just win from... Yeah, this guy's here.
[04:47:45] There's a lot of champions that can just win from doing the proper thing on the map
[04:47:51] Unless you just really enjoy mechanical champs, right? And then you know it is with us
[04:47:56] Because I mean that's what I that's where I'm at right like I really like playing mechanical champs
[04:48:01] So like when I have a bad game, I feel the bad game really hard. Why is my Janna not going to help?
[04:48:12] bro
[04:48:14] What are we doing Janna like?
[04:48:27] Why was my Janna not walking?
[04:48:31] She just stood in lane
[04:48:33] Like you don't have to be there with me man. You can you can go to that fight. Oh
[04:48:47] Oh
[04:49:01] Yeah, I went cold this game because it's gonna be a farm line
[04:49:05] We're gonna face all and we're playing Janna and Seraphine
[04:49:09] So it's just gonna be a farm line this game
[04:49:11] So that means that I want to farm the best I can I flash two weights
[04:49:42] This Janna is not very good though. I don't know why she didn't hit the Seraphine
[04:49:51] Like, all jokes aside, if she just walked into the Seraphine and ignored the Aesol, we would have won that.
[04:49:58] Cause Aesol doesn't actually do anything. Like, all he does is hold Q.
[04:50:04] So if we just bully the support, Aesol can't kill us.
[04:50:12] So like, he should have walked up and W'd the Seraphine and then walked forward.
[04:50:19] The difference from my last support to this support, I can tell this support is...
[04:50:24] Uh...
[04:50:26] Like a master's fire.
[04:50:28] Not- not saying he has a flame.
[04:50:30] I just- I can tell that he's not on the same level as the Karma.
[04:50:37] Cause he's not seeing the- the plays that um...
[04:50:40] That I'm seeing.
[04:51:05] Uh-oh, Aesola's fuckin' Rhyla's already.
[04:51:08] Holy fuck.
[04:51:31] I mean...
[04:51:32] Yeah, this Janna's not very good.
[04:51:38] She could've walked over and saved me there.
[04:51:42] Like, I was warning for us and she's not even trying to help me.
[04:51:46] This is one of those support players that doesn't actually play the game for fun.
[04:51:51] They play to like, essentially just like push their buttons and button waste 20 minutes.
[04:52:00] Like she's not even, she's probably watching TikToks.
[04:52:05] If I'm being honest.
[04:52:07] Very likely this guy's like watching TikToks, he's not like zoned in.
[04:52:30] It is frustrating as fuck but it is one of those.
[04:52:37] I am dead.
[04:52:38] Like she didn't even ult to save me, and then she died anyway
[04:52:46] Yeah, that that guy is trolling a hundred percent would be a queue snipe
[04:53:11] It's very very very possible. It could be a queue snipe because he's not typing and he's
[04:53:36] Pretty much intentionally trolling with his spells like what are we doing here?
[04:54:14] Where's my kinder that?
[04:54:16] Like what what is this?
[04:54:20] Why are we going after that guy?
[04:54:22] Thank you. What am I watching? My kindred, like, we were fighting them and kindred walked
[04:54:35] around. She was right here when the fight started. Oh, god. All I can really do against
[04:55:30] this Aesol is try and take his turret. It isn't actually that bad. I think once I
[04:56:16] get two items, like, if I can get two items, we can win the game. I'm just really
[04:56:53] under leveled right now and I'm really behind in terms of gold. I need to go get my shiv.
[04:57:25] Fuck, is this next wave a cannon wave? I gotta stay because I only need 7 CS. I missed one!
[04:58:46] Okay, we are very strong. We're back in the game. That's why I needed to finish the coal
[04:58:59] because now I can buy shiv, sell coal and get the seal. So like now we're 1.5 items.
[04:59:04] Aysol is gonna be two items, but we can still like be useful. So we have that going for us. I'm dead. Oh
[04:59:47] Wow, they five
[04:59:49] Ulted me
[04:59:51] I mean, I'm not gonna lie. I was not thinking I was gonna get fucking five man altered there. Oh
[05:00:04] No, they're just going in one by one
[05:00:06] That felt so bad. I got
[05:00:18] literally well Rex I ulted Janna but he used it as a gap closer I got fucking
[05:00:25] ulted ulted ulted jesus I got four man ulted these people are just
[05:01:17] fighting us mid on repeat right now how do we play this we are losing
[05:01:48] everything on the map this is rough man wait my Janna is actually trolling
[05:01:57] by the way. She has blue orb. Yeah, it is a Q snipe. Damn. I didn't hide champ selects
[05:02:12] this game. You cheeky, cheeky motherfucker, Jenna. Nice, I got him. Nice, actually not
[05:03:18] the worst. Wait, Akali kills? You got him? Ooh, plus. Ooh, nice! Okay, not the worst.
[05:03:34] Do we have Garen pushing top?
[05:03:36] Oh my god, it's winnable.
[05:03:42] Wait no, this Janna goes blue trinket, I'm trolling.
[05:03:46] Wait, this guy actually goes blue trinket ever again.
[05:03:49] I thought it was a snipe, but he's actually just bad.
[05:03:56] Like he never goes red trinket ever.
[05:03:59] Oh, oh god.
[05:04:14] Hmm, we should try to push bot.
[05:04:44] Oh, I'm just dead, I shouldn't have flashed.
[05:04:46] Damn, did he have the empowered ults?
[05:04:49] That was my badden.
[05:04:56] The Rexli ulti too?
[05:05:00] I mean, A-Soul has no ult.
[05:05:07] In theory, they could stop this as long as they don't fuck up their poke.
[05:05:12] Janna needs to ward this. Okay.
[05:05:15] They should run to sleep with...
[05:05:18] You guys don't have to fight.
[05:05:30] Huge!
[05:05:31] Oh my god.
[05:05:34] Just don't die to A-Soul please.
[05:05:35] Oh, I'm gonna back. Fuck this.
[05:06:15] What an insanely weird game.
[05:06:17] hmm we need to get this mid turret when we can I don't think I can fight this
[05:07:24] bro like this is not good I mean I don't have all there's no way I can stop this
[05:08:04] I mean this is like me just suiciding here dude why is a soul so OP what the
[05:08:41] absolute fuck man we should just back the boots but that doesn't feel good for
[05:15:19] all of them that said though if that ends up actually being a problem we
[05:15:24] can always adjust it right like maybe long-term support items are supposed
[05:15:27] to give an extra 100 gold to account for the fact that, you know, their boots are more
[05:15:30] expensive. Who knows? So, you don't need to do that. But overall, I think the changes
[05:15:35] are generally pretty good. And we're basically just squishing the boots a little bit, making
[05:15:40] it less, less optimal and strong. Zaya's release in design. I think Zaya's great.
[05:15:46] I think Zaya suffers from being good in pro play as does Recon, which means that
[05:15:51] it's very hard to make them an actual like, it means it's hard to like make their
[05:15:55] their couple nature as real as it could be.
[05:15:59] Unfortunately, I think that's the big sad part about it.
[05:16:02] Yeah, no, I mean, it's the same thing as Callista Thresh
[05:16:07] or Callista Renata, right?
[05:16:09] Like there's certain combos in the game
[05:16:11] that are so oppressive and OP that like,
[05:16:14] like Xeriyumi, stuff like that, right?
[05:16:16] Like it's just that they're either pick band in pro play
[05:16:20] and it just decides pro play for like,
[05:16:22] fucking the entire season.
[05:16:23] It decides draft, it decides pick band,
[05:16:26] besides all that shit for like the entirety of the season.
[05:16:30] And it's like, it's been, I mean, it's been like that
[05:16:32] since like the games released
[05:16:33] because that's just how bot lane is.
[05:16:34] They're gonna have combos that are OP
[05:16:36] because it's two main lane.
[05:16:39] But Riot can't buff champions like Zaya or Rakan
[05:16:42] because they're way too oppressive at what they do.
[05:16:45] Like by nature and by design, they're too good.
[05:16:48] Right?
[05:16:49] It's like why Kalista can't be buffed
[05:16:50] because the pros can use Kalista way too well.
[05:16:55] Like, you can't physically lane versus a good Colista player in a good support player, and you can't physically lane versus a good Zyra Rakan, stuff like that, so.
[05:17:10] Yeah, to be honest, is her and Rakan don't get to feel as realistic of a pair as I think we would have liked in the long term, and that's a direct result of bouncing them for pro play.
[05:17:22] to then further expand on that. I think then like so why is that why do they have to balance for
[05:17:27] pro play well rakan's an incredibly mobile support that's very pro bound and zayas ultimate at the
[05:17:33] end of the day is a very pro bound spell having something that says i'm the ad carry and if what
[05:17:37] you care about right now is the ad carry not dying i can ensure that never happens
[05:17:43] yeah so the other thing that's really awkward about zaya and rakan being strong and in general
[05:17:48] is when you have a champion designed to completely shut down an entire champions kit or entire comp
[05:17:54] Like if the enemy picks all engage right?
[05:17:57] You want to pick Zaya now imagine if Zaya is meta and you want to first pick Zaya
[05:18:03] So like let's imagine you want to counter pick the enemy by picking Zaya into a full engage comp, right?
[05:18:08] That's a good pick and that's a good design because now you have a chance to like play an ad carry that struggles to be dove
[05:18:15] however
[05:18:16] Let's say Ziya and Rakan are like s-plus tier in the meta always and this was like part of the meta for years, right?
[05:18:23] And your first picking Ziya, so whoever first picks Ziya the other team either ask the ban or pick Rakan
[05:18:30] Right, so it forces one team to either ban a champion or pick a champion no matter what or it forces them to like pick or ban something
[05:18:36] You know what I mean? And then second what it does is when your first picking Ziya the enemy team can't draft dive
[05:18:43] So they physically have to change the entire draft around your one pick like five people have to change their draft and pro player under one pick
[05:18:52] because if it's an AD carry meta and you need to kill the AD, but you can't.
[05:18:57] Now you have to draft stuff that doesn't that doesn't dive on top of the Zaya and more like controls the area around the Zaya.
[05:19:06] Like you draft like a longer range poke stuff, right?
[05:19:10] Or you draft like splitting stuff, like zone control stuff.
[05:19:14] And, and like you have to change your entire draft based on one champion.
[05:19:18] And it feels really, really, really cringe for a lot of people that want to like play a team comp that goes in.
[05:19:26] Right. And a lot of pro play is like about finding the perfect time to go in.
[05:19:31] That's like high elo, etc.
[05:19:33] Because a lot of pro play is AD carry, the game revolves around AD, because it's like, it's just the MOBA genre.
[05:19:39] So, what ends up happening, you know, is if they pick Zyre, now you have to play a completely different game against their...
[05:19:45] And she just changes the dynamic of pro and high elo way too much.
[05:19:50] Especially when Rakan is also strong.
[05:19:53] Because Rakan is, Rakan's by nature, will always be a good champion no matter what, because his ulti is broken.
[05:19:59] Because Rakan's ultimate has literally no counter play,
[05:20:05] he will always by nature be broken.
[05:20:08] Like no matter what they do to him,
[05:20:11] unless they change his ulti or something,
[05:20:13] he will always be too good.
[05:20:14] Because his ultimate is like,
[05:20:17] I don't know if you guys have ever been Rakan ulted,
[05:20:18] maybe there's like newer players and
[05:20:20] Rakan doesn't get played in a while, I don't know.
[05:20:22] But it's like the least interactive,
[05:20:24] most unfun way of dying.
[05:20:26] Because it's like,
[05:20:28] You can see that the enemy Rakan is standing in the back of the team fight and you're like
[05:20:33] sieging, right?
[05:20:34] Let's say like you're walking into the enemy team.
[05:20:36] You can see that the enemy Rakan is in the very back and you're like, oh, I'll play around
[05:20:39] that.
[05:20:40] That's fun.
[05:20:41] Like we just play around that, right?
[05:20:42] And then like all of a sudden, Rakan is to one guy, ease to another guy, and an
[05:20:46] RWs and gap closes two screens and you're dead.
[05:20:50] And then flashes on you and you're dead.
[05:20:53] So it's like, it's super uninteractive and shitty.
[05:20:56] when you have Ziya, the interaction with Ziya and Rakan paired together is a really oppressive
[05:21:03] bot lane versus all lanes as well. If somebody were to pick, let's say Ziya and Rakan are
[05:21:08] strong, if somebody picks Leona and Draven, the Leona and Draven will just murder or
[05:21:14] get murdered because if Leona goes in, the Rakan and the Ziya, you can just auto
[05:21:20] Leona, auto Leona, auto Leona. Oh, Leona went in? Okay, well, Rakan can just W right
[05:21:24] on top of all of the feathers.
[05:21:27] And then now the person who engages
[05:21:29] just gets fucking ripped a new one, you know, like it's,
[05:21:31] it's like two, like stuff like that
[05:21:34] is way too hard to balance.
[05:21:35] Like I don't even blame Riot for keeping champs
[05:21:37] like this week, because this was a cool idea.
[05:21:41] Like I think champion design wise,
[05:21:43] Zyra Khan was one of the coolest ideas Riot ever did.
[05:21:47] Because it was like the first time
[05:21:48] they released two champions together, right?
[05:21:50] And it was like, oh, we're releasing a support MAD.
[05:21:53] And, you know, like, e-couples can go crazy.
[05:21:56] And it's like, you can play with your duo and like have fun.
[05:21:58] And like, it was a really cool idea.
[05:22:01] I thought it was great.
[05:22:02] The problem is when you do something like that
[05:22:04] and they like intertwine their abilities,
[05:22:06] if they're too bad, then nobody's gonna play them.
[05:22:09] And if they're too good, everyone's gonna play them.
[05:22:11] So it's like, it's a really awkward situation.
[05:22:18] Is a very, very, very powerful output.
[05:22:20] And we put it on her purely because of the desire
[05:22:23] for uniqueness, like that was the main reason we did that.
[05:22:26] one of the main, oh, just to add to it,
[05:22:28] I'll stop pausing after this, just to add to it.
[05:22:30] A lot of people don't understand,
[05:22:31] like I get why people are asking this question to him
[05:22:34] because they're probably lower elo players.
[05:22:36] When you've played in Challenger before,
[05:22:38] during the metas that are really egregious,
[05:22:40] like during like the current meta, for example, right?
[05:22:42] The current meta for like three months was AD carry meta.
[05:22:45] If you play in Challenger and AD carry meta,
[05:22:47] every single game is for AD carries, right?
[05:22:49] And it's like fun for like a month, maybe.
[05:22:52] But then it gets to this point
[05:22:54] where every single game is like,
[05:22:56] Zerry Mid, Trist Mid, Top, fucking Vayne,
[05:23:00] like support fucking, or support Leona,
[05:23:03] support Nautilus, and then 480s,
[05:23:05] and every single game is 480s.
[05:23:07] And it's like, it gets to this point where,
[05:23:09] in Lolilo, you don't see that, right?
[05:23:10] Like you don't see 480s in gold.
[05:23:12] And so it's not a big deal.
[05:23:14] But like, when you're experiencing like,
[05:23:16] well, I gotta pick ban Trist,
[05:23:18] I gotta pick ban Zerry,
[05:23:19] I gotta pick ban Zyra Khan,
[05:23:20] every game in Challenger,
[05:23:21] it gets so boring and so old really fast.
[05:23:25] So it's definitely something that Riot can't leave OP
[05:23:30] for a long period of time.
[05:23:30] It's like TFT right now.
[05:23:32] Like I'm sure there's gotta be at least a few people
[05:23:34] who play TFT in my chat, right?
[05:23:36] There's gotta be a few of you.
[05:23:38] So like right now Riot released the worst TFT meta
[05:23:41] I've ever seen in my life.
[05:23:42] I've played every TFT set and the current one,
[05:23:45] like I think Riot does a great job with TFT.
[05:23:47] I think it's awesome.
[05:23:49] They try really hard.
[05:23:49] I think they're like the Riot TFT team is great.
[05:23:53] Right?
[05:23:53] They released the most imbalanced, awful,
[05:23:56] like meta of patch I've ever seen
[05:23:59] on release for this new set.
[05:24:01] And it's like literally one champion is so broken
[05:24:04] in the patch that if you don't pick the champion,
[05:24:07] like you don't have to main the champion, right?
[05:24:09] Like you don't have to play the champion every time
[05:24:12] or you don't have to, sorry,
[05:24:12] three star the champion or like use the champion
[05:24:15] as all of your items and shit.
[05:24:16] But if you don't have that champion on your board
[05:24:19] for certain points in the game, you will lose.
[05:24:22] Like it doesn't matter how good you are at TFT,
[05:24:24] you will just lose.
[05:24:26] And that in itself feels shitty.
[05:24:30] Like it feels shitty that like you can be better than people
[05:24:34] and if they high roll, like TFT has always been
[05:24:38] a high roll game, like you can lose when you're better,
[05:24:39] that's just TFT.
[05:24:41] But like if you're better,
[05:24:42] like let's say you have a challenger player
[05:24:43] and he's playing gold for example, right?
[05:24:46] Challenger players should almost never not top two or top one in gold unless somebody's super high rolls, right? I'm talking like
[05:24:54] Somebody gets like the most high roll shit ever perfect items perfect shit early
[05:24:58] Like and even then the challenger still might beat them because like the way the knowledge gaps the skill in that deal, right?
[05:25:05] so
[05:25:07] But right now I genuinely think a challenger could go into like a gold lobby and literally get like third
[05:25:13] because if two people just hit Syndra and he can make the perfect level 10 board and he would still lose to Syndra too.
[05:25:21] Syndra thramming. It's stupid. It's just like a dumb, it's a dumb like meta of play where you don't actually have a lot of control over the meta
[05:25:33] or over like what you're doing and you're forced to do something or you can't play the game and it's really unfun.
[05:25:38] And the reason I brought up TFT is because it does happen in League a lot, where in Hyelo,
[05:25:45] people say they want to get to Challenger, they say they want to get to Grandmaster,
[05:25:49] they're like, oh, I can't wait, I'm getting better, I'm diamonds, maybe I can hit Masters,
[05:25:54] maybe I can do this.
[05:25:55] The problem is, you really like playing your champion.
[05:25:58] Let's say you're a hymerdinger one trick, and you really like playing hymer, right?
[05:26:02] And you're like, oh, hymer's super fun.
[05:26:04] I love him, he's my favorite champ.
[05:26:06] Well, what's going to happen is you're going to get into the games where people
[05:26:08] we're playing all of the sweaty meta shit.
[05:26:11] And Heimer's just gonna do nothing versus it, right?
[05:26:13] Like, you're gonna be like, I'm a Heimer top player.
[05:26:15] I really enjoy playing the game.
[05:26:17] And then they're gonna pick, like,
[05:26:18] the sweatiest, most absurd,
[05:26:19] they're gonna pick a roar and shit on you.
[05:26:21] They're gonna pick fucking Cassante and Infascale.
[05:26:23] They're gonna pick Mundo and Infascale
[05:26:25] and just be more useful.
[05:26:26] Like, you're just gonna lose.
[05:26:28] And then you're gonna be, like, really sad,
[05:26:30] that you're like, oh, I hate that I have to play
[05:26:32] versus the champion every game.
[05:26:33] But that's just what Hyelo is.
[05:26:34] Hyelo is min-maxing every possible effort to climb.
[05:26:38] And that's why high elo climbs.
[05:26:40] Like, obviously it's not every high elo player.
[05:26:43] Like, some people are just naturally really good
[05:26:45] at the game in general and then climb on every roll
[05:26:47] with multiple champions, et cetera.
[05:26:49] But in general, I would say the main reason
[05:26:52] it feels shitty to play in high elo
[05:26:54] if you're like a for fun player is that like,
[05:26:56] you stop having, your fun does not come
[05:26:58] from like pushing your buttons in high elo anymore.
[05:27:01] Your fun comes from, you drafted better than them.
[05:27:04] You outplayed them at one point in the game
[05:27:06] at six minutes, and then after you outplayed him at six minutes,
[05:27:09] the entire game was scripted because everybody is doing the perfect play
[05:27:13] for the next 20 minutes until somebody ends the game.
[05:27:16] So it gets really tedious and boring outside of really small little windows
[05:27:24] and really like off-games, but when I add it's about to play in about
[05:27:32] two minutes, so I would play it right now, but
[05:27:36] I'm in just good luck. You'll see an add in two minutes, sorry.
[05:27:40] I should have pointed between the games.
[05:27:42] That's on me.
[05:28:06] I gotta push this wave in. We don't want to get level 2'd.
[05:28:31] Okay, well, we're gonna get level 2'd.
[05:28:36] Like, we actually can beat them to be 2 at level 2.
[05:28:40] This, this Sona really, I mean this, hi, read his name.
[05:28:49] This Leona really fucked me.
[05:28:51] Cause we should have, we should have been fighting for level 2.
[05:28:54] We have barrier, they have cleanse. We win the level 2.
[05:28:57] level 2. But now I can't walk up to even farm. We have to just let it full crash. Because
[05:29:05] we half shoved it. The thing about it is like you can't half shove the wave. Like we
[05:29:11] did right? You have to full shove it in or you have to full let it shove. That's actually
[05:29:33] pretty good for us. I mean I have barrier. Oh I didn't barrier, fuck. I thought I
[05:30:01] I had an extra seconds. I don't know why we went on the not of us again though
[05:30:07] This Leona's definitely not a Leona player. Oh my god. Yeah, no that guy does not play Leona
[05:30:22] Wait, we kill them all here
[05:30:27] Go
[05:30:42] No, man
[05:30:43] But yeah, I misplayed it a little bit. But yeah, holy fuck
[05:30:51] That was like one of the worst
[05:30:54] Leona did not know how to play that Matt or that like situation. Oh, we should not be hard shoving this with
[05:31:07] We should hard shove the next wave and stack and dive stop to stop stop so stop
[05:31:13] Oh, the waves gonna crash on a bad time or we could have stacked this
[05:31:20] There's not always a pop but now I can't kill that guy
[05:31:47] Now we can that is real actually played that well
[05:32:00] Damn, he actually fucking flashed on me with all I wonder if I could have taken a better angle
[05:32:38] Like when I eat here, I wonder if I could have taken a better angle and lived
[05:32:44] Ah, it's hard to know. I hate this game. I'm almost... I need sex. Once I get sex, we can
[05:33:27] fight. Doesn't really matter. I mean, I'm just gonna end. Because the Aurora was coming
[05:34:53] down anyway. Uh, I mean, I think that should have gone better. I probably could have killed...
[05:35:13] No, I don't know if I could have killed Nautilus. I don't know. It would have
[05:35:17] been hard. We got his cleanse though, which is huge. Not bad. Shibana's bot.
[05:36:10] Oh, okay. I want to go get my shiv, so I need 200 gold. Oh, I don't think they can
[05:36:45] dive us, but if Aurora's here, this could be bad. Hey, what's up, Shotcoder? How you
[05:37:32] doing, man? How are the games? Not bad. We're just... I'm trying to learn some
[05:37:50] Zerry. I was, like, doing some other stuff earlier, and I was, like, man, I'm not
[05:37:55] having fun. So, like, I'm gonna do something where I can just have fun.
[05:37:58] I was, like, what would make me have fun? I was, like, all right, I'm just
[05:38:01] going to learn Zerry.
[05:38:03] Fuck it.
[05:38:35] So Esriel and Aurora, everybody went top just now.
[05:38:38] So that means I'm going to get some plates pretty easily here.
[05:38:44] In fact, I'm going to walk up between the turrets over here.
[05:38:49] And I'm going to put a ward down there.
[05:39:06] OK, well, I should have not done that.
[05:39:07] I didn't know if Shib was there.
[05:39:10] I'm bad.
[05:39:12] I should have probably put the ward here.
[05:39:17] I also knew that Shibana probably was going bot side.
[05:39:21] That was my bad.
[05:39:22] I just lost this dragon.
[05:39:24] Oops.
[05:39:26] Big oopsies, big, big, big oopsies.
[05:39:29] Oh, maybe it's okay.
[05:39:31] Alright, it's fine.
[05:39:36] Maybe?
[05:39:37] I don't know.
[05:39:38] Maybe it's not fun.
[05:39:42] Ooh, that was a good one.
[05:39:55] Damn, I could've gotten another plate and not died bot.
[05:40:18] Damn, I should've had so much better CS too.
[05:40:57] Wait, why did I face check that?
[05:41:01] Wait, I didn't know there was three people!
[05:41:03] I thought it was only one!
[05:41:06] Oh no, I threw!
[05:41:13] I thought it was only the Trabana, and Pantheon stuck it in, deep.
[05:41:20] I'm so bad.
[05:41:37] I stand by this.
[05:41:38] Aurora is a good champion played by bad players.
[05:41:42] That's right, I said it.
[05:41:44] I do not think I should come to this, but...
[05:43:19] Fuck it.
[05:43:19] Eh, not assaults.
[05:43:50] I suck, I suck, I suck.
[05:43:51] Oh my god, that was like my best Zerri play I've ever done.
[05:44:39] And I fucked it up!
[05:45:29] Oh, I forfeited.
[05:45:33] Aw.
[05:45:37] Bro, I suck.
[05:45:41] I missed three autos, quite blank, on that Aurora.
[05:45:58] 19.
[05:46:02] What is that, M.M.? Like, give me, like, what?
[05:46:06] 19 LP in my balls?
[05:46:32] Well, that was fun.
[05:46:56] Yo, what's up, Mappa?
[05:46:59] Hello.
[05:46:59] Goals we had
[05:47:03] In in design over those years was it was very important that every character like does do something like very unique and so
[05:47:12] Ziya being like and I'm the 80 carry who can avoid assassins because I have this ultimate
[05:47:16] Was a pretty pretty unique thing to give her. I mean, yeah, I was disgusting
[05:47:22] One thing that's a little rough for Ziya over the long term is
[05:47:26] the pro tilt of her kit in regards to
[05:47:29] um, how she works with a comm it's not a problem currently well that's because we
[05:47:34] made it not a problem by making them a lot weaker together right maybe we could
[05:47:38] buff it again like maybe we can improve that but yeah I think there was this
[05:47:43] thing that happened in game design a few years ago which I think in the
[05:47:48] long term was like not a few years ago this is like over a decade ago and I
[05:47:52] think in the long term it was kind of incorrect and it was this thing where
[05:47:55] it's like a lot of devs were like, hey, why would we create
[05:48:00] complicated skill trees for a game when players are just going
[05:48:04] to solve the shield screen and just go look up a build online?
[05:48:07] We think about this a lot in League of Legends actually.
[05:48:09] It's like, why players in League don't make rune choices, right?
[05:48:14] They just auto select their runes 99% of the time, right?
[05:48:18] And so it's like, why make a skill tree when people are
[05:48:22] just going to go solve it and then go look it up online?
[05:48:25] But at the same time, a non-choice that feels like a choice can still be incredibly compelling.
[05:48:33] The idea that your build is solved but you chose to solve it is fun, right?
[05:48:39] The idea that you have all these things you can do and here's what you chose to do even
[05:48:42] if it was somewhat solved, that's fun, that's exciting.
[05:48:46] And so I think years ago the games industry had a bit of a tilt towards just kind
[05:48:50] of automate all the choices for everybody because they're just going to look it
[05:48:54] up on a guide online anyways, it's like, yeah, but even the act of looking something up on
[05:48:59] a guide is a choice.
[05:49:03] He makes a good point.
[05:49:06] I would rather, like, it's like in, wow, I was talking about this, like, the new expansion
[05:49:11] is coming out or whatever.
[05:49:12] So, like, every year, me or every new expansion, my friends usually do the first raid.
[05:49:17] I don't know if we're doing it this year, but you in the past.
[05:49:21] And basically every new expansion of WoW, every single person figures out the most optimal
[05:49:25] runes for damage for every spec no matter what.
[05:49:28] Somebody just maths it, they literally just math it out and that is your optimal runes
[05:49:33] and every single person just follows it because it's the highest damage.
[05:49:37] There's no counter play to it, it's just that optimized is the best damage.
[05:49:40] So what ends up happening though is I would be more mad if I didn't get to choose
[05:49:45] my runes at all or it would feel worse than just like going to that site and
[05:49:50] copying anyway because like what if there's a fight and I'm like what if I
[05:49:53] change one rune on my fight for this specific thing like you have little
[05:49:56] choices you can make throughout like you can optimize little things with like
[05:50:01] your choices rather than like forcing people to do like force people to do
[05:50:06] stuff so that makes sense 100% oh we are autofill jungle oh I don't know
[05:50:51] what to ban. It's Ban Kindred. I don't even think she's good, but if like somebody is smurfing
[05:51:00] on her or some shit, I'm just going to get dumpstered. Kane? Okay. I'll be real. Whenever
[05:51:19] I go against Kane, I feel like there's two ways to play this. You can play the invade
[05:51:24] game where you try to invade or whatever, or you can just play the power farm game
[05:51:35] where you do nothing but power farm. I don't want to pick another AP champ. We already
[05:51:50] have two APs. I mean I could just play Hecarim. I don't think Hecarim is too bad
[05:52:13] here actually. What's the Hecarim build? It's like phase rush and then the build is
[05:52:52] what looks to be... Oh this guy does a weird build, okay. I'll try this out,
[05:53:11] fuck it. It's Eclipse. He goes Eclipse into... well everybody goes Eclipse into
[05:53:20] Black Cleaver. But then this guy went, he went Zeke's Convergence. How interesting. How interesting.
[05:54:05] Okay, let's do that boys. Uh, where do I start on Hecarim? I don't even know. I could have
[06:00:28] probably invaded his other jet. I mean, I have way too much gold. Like, my tempo is
[06:00:34] so fucking fucked. What's going on down here? Fuck, I kind of want to go help them.
[06:01:00] really volatile situation. That's what I was worried about. Wait, why am I jungling vs
[06:01:17] Kerasmai, by the way? Why am I auto-filled vs a literal jungle player? Somebody explain
[06:01:35] to me why I would be vs a fucking challenger jungler auto-filled in this game. Why? Surely
[06:02:33] you guys win that though okay cool wait why is the enemy bot lane top oh my god
[06:02:44] I mean my bad man my bad I forced such a shitty play I was a hundred percent on
[06:02:54] me what the fuck that's not good Jin backed off really far I mean my my bad
[06:05:23] I guess I thought we win that because I ulted into the mf but the gin had
[06:05:28] backed off really really far so maybe that's my fault dude I don't know it's
[06:05:34] really hard to tell from like the lane states what's happening because my mid
[06:05:40] is doing fine like he's up 30 CS but the enemy jungler has the full item already
[06:05:57] hold on me pretty sure they might be on dragon here but I can't go to dragon
[06:07:01] I mean I I'm definitely not as good of a jungler as Karrasmire so I like I don't know where to be on the map it at
[06:08:00] But like I said I've only gotten masters playing jungle. I mean, yeah, I
[06:08:40] They grouped up and got double fucking
[06:08:44] Damn, I mean they should have just left I
[06:08:47] Should have pinged them to leave
[06:08:49] Because they grouped up and I knew Gragas was gonna flash his E into them
[06:08:53] because like both my solos are just losing naturally. Like I don't think I'm
[06:09:00] even doing a bad job. I have one less KP and the score is 15 to 8. Like I
[06:09:06] genuinely don't think I'm doing that bad of a job for being auto-filled against
[06:09:10] the challenger jungle player on his main one trick. I think that I don't really
[06:09:16] know what the fuck I'm supposed to do in this situation because I have three
[06:09:20] losing lanes and Kane hasn't impacted them so like I just have losing
[06:09:35] lanes and Cain hasn't actually impacted the lanes. Not really, not like a f***, like we
[06:09:42] have almost the same KP and they have double kills. Wait, my team's trying to forfeit?
[06:09:50] What? What an auto-fill game, bro. I pick Ekrem, I do halfway decent. Team just wants
[06:10:05] the forfeit. This is f***ing miserable. Like what are you guys doing? I think I'm
[06:10:46] dead and damn I shouldn't have gone in there I thought we were gonna Seraphine
[06:10:56] Ulti there like as she was dying yeah I mean I'll be real I don't know what more
[06:11:03] I could do this game like I know I misplayed like I'm not an idiot I know
[06:11:07] I could have played better but this was like I ganked bot got their flash right
[06:11:13] So I got bot flash I
[06:11:15] Killed top lane
[06:11:20] Like I helped top I helped bot I
[06:11:24] Had a good like I got a really good early Drake. I
[06:11:28] Got five grubs I
[06:11:31] Pressured mid twice on his roams, so he couldn't kill bot lane
[06:11:35] Like I genuinely don't know outside of staying on the map with too much gold early
[06:11:45] There wasn't a lot. I could I think I could do difference. It was just like
[06:11:59] My top laner got wrecked. Yeah, I mean, I I don't know. I think that they've just mentally given up at this point
[06:12:14] I couldn't even move. I got CC'd from my entire tree bar. I mean, I don't know man
[06:12:48] This is wild how bad every one of these players was
[06:12:51] How did I do the best on the team when I was auto-filled? This is not allowed
[06:12:59] Bring my ball beans duo queue. Oh, that's depressing. I think the only reason I'm not operating here is because
[06:13:51] I'm trying to spite them like straight up. It's just like pure spite that I don't want to forfeit her
[06:14:00] But I can't even stack my Q. I mean we might be able to go kill top
[06:14:18] My gin is a hundred percent gonna get ulted by this guy
[06:14:33] Somehow we didn't use Seraphine ult. How did we not Seraphine ulti?
[06:14:50] Oh no, okay, we just lose
[06:14:54] But I realize now that my team is just bad
[06:14:57] They're just low master players
[06:15:01] Dude, how did like this is what by the way, this is what they're fixing next patch. Hopefully
[06:15:12] I'm hoping they're fixing this next patch
[06:15:15] Because I got autofilled
[06:15:18] Right, and I'm the only person on this team who's autofilled
[06:15:22] But the enemy has zero autofills and I'm versus the challenger Kane one trick
[06:15:28] so I
[06:15:32] I feel and I still performed the best I
[06:15:35] Feel like something is off with the matchmaking
[06:15:39] He's doing top. He's doing top jungle
[06:15:47] So he got his secondary
[06:15:49] Right, so he's doing top jungle and I'm queuing 80 carry mid
[06:15:54] So he got his secondary role. I got auto-filled
[06:16:02] You know what I'm saying? It just feels weird like I don't know how Ryan has left the game in this state
[06:16:09] Like the matchmaking for so long because this game was over when we like locked in the game
[06:16:15] because my ad carry is
[06:16:18] First-timing gin so we have an ad carry player who doesn't play gin just playing for fun
[06:16:24] Kevin is duo got shafted right our one trick mid laner got shafted because like it happens people have bad games
[06:16:30] but my top laner locked in first-time Lucian and
[06:16:34] Also got shafted and I feel like even though Keras might be a good player
[06:16:42] I don't think he did anything in this game like shut up. I don't think he did anything in this game
[06:16:50] I think he's farmed and got kills off of like
[06:16:54] these idiots
[06:16:56] Like it feels bad
[06:16:59] Jungle is not a fun role
[06:17:02] Like I like you can literally just play this role
[06:17:06] And you can feel like you don't have any control of the game because like I helped every lane
[06:17:11] I helped mid-top and bot. I helped every single in. I just couldn't play the game.
[06:17:16] It's such a feels bad man. Like outside of just camping in a lane and doing nothing. I don't I don't know what else to do that game.
[06:17:39] Like it's stupid.
[06:17:41] My laner's got rocked. Like how do you drop 9k damage?
[06:17:51] Jin Serafine should destroy MF Umi because the way you play that matchup is you just shove them in over and over again.
[06:17:57] Like, if you're losing trades to MFUMI as Jhin Seraphine, you're not playing the waves.
[06:18:04] That means you're just like, existing in the lane, and you're not actually playing to win.
[06:18:10] You're just playing to push your buttons and talk to your duo.
[06:18:15] It doesn't make a lot of sense.
[06:18:19] But it is one of those.
[06:18:39] I wouldn't even be mad about losing that game if it was even on both sides.
[06:18:47] Like, if I was versed in autofill jungler, I wouldn't even be upset, right?
[06:18:57] Because then I'd be like, okay.
[06:19:00] But the fact that the enemy team had zero autofills, and I'm autofilled to the most
[06:19:05] important role in the game, it just feels really badly intended.
[06:19:10] Like, they should have you wait.
[06:19:19] Like if that's gonna be the case, just wait next to two minutes until somebody who
[06:19:23] needs to be autofilled is in the game in the MMR and just put put them in the same game because it's
[06:19:31] just such a stupid matchmaking system oh well because that like wasn't even fun that's the worst part
[06:19:50] that was actually not fun like i think jungler was pretty fun for the most part that was not fun
[06:20:03] it was like everyone of my lanes lost before i could even get to them like my top laner died
[06:20:22] to a level 3 gank, or a level 4 gank, but he traded, so it's fine.
[06:20:32] Then, my top laner traded another one for one, on another gank.
[06:20:39] We get dragon.
[06:20:42] The enemy, Kain, dies again, but my middle laner gets solo killed.
[06:20:51] Then we had a weird invade.
[06:20:54] Like, I think we should have won this, if I recall.
[06:20:59] I don't remember what happened here.
[06:21:00] It was like a very close fight if I remember.
[06:21:03] So I killed the Gragas, oh this was the top lane fight, you know.
[06:21:13] Then I went bot, killed Yumi, I don't know.
[06:21:21] Oh well.
[06:22:11] How am I even sitting in such long queues?
[06:22:13] Maybe I have to play support.
[06:22:26] Like maybe AD mid or too popular at this time of day.
[06:22:43] Yeah, I don't know, I don't know what to do.
[06:23:18] I don't know who the best AD in NA is man, I don't care.
[06:23:22] I don't give a shit.
[06:23:23] I don't want to ban.
[06:24:16] We have another auto pill jungle.
[06:24:44] Dude, how unlucky.
[06:25:58] That guy's dodging for us.
[06:25:59] I'm gonna leave Q and then re-Q.
[06:26:13] Also gonna hide my Q.
[06:27:21] Gonna get some water, I'll be right back.
[06:27:24] I hope my Q does not pop while I'm getting water.
[06:27:29] That would fucking suck.
[06:27:33] Dude, the second I stood up it popped.
[06:27:35] Are you fucking kidding me?
[06:27:37] Are you kidding me?
[06:27:38] The millisecond!
[06:27:43] It knows, man, I'm telling you.
[06:27:44] like it actually knows you stand up boom dude it's man how strong is Seraphine
[06:28:14] right now Jesus Seraphine kind of opium when I think game versus Pike I kind
[06:28:52] of want practice Zarya some more but would Zarya actually be good versus
[06:28:57] team I don't know we have us well we have a Maokai hmm honestly I get big
[06:29:09] Cause I am here maybe.
[06:29:10] Cause they have pipe.
[06:29:19] So Zayam might actually be decent.
[06:29:20] I'm gonna go take a leak, I'll be right back.
[06:29:30] So you can once I'm gonna do my runes then go take a leak.
[06:29:39] But you get the idea.
[06:29:40] Uh, it's actually too bad.
[06:33:47] No!
[06:33:48] My cannon bro.
[06:33:58] Bro, no way.
[06:34:42] Cause I'm baiting for him to gank bot.
[06:34:46] He DC's here.
[06:34:52] That's so unlucky.
[06:35:08] actually the most unlucky shit ever okay I guess we just lose I mean at least we
[06:35:25] get the remake LP loss production I just want to play the game though man I'll be
[06:35:36] real with you I just really want to play League fuck me man I am so bad at
[06:35:44] CSing on Zaya for some reason it's like I don't know it's not her
[06:35:47] animation I don't know what it is it's like I don't know what it is I mean
[06:36:04] rumble could be down here okay at least it was a fast cue I think my support is
[06:39:57] autofilled I'm pretty sure my support's autofilled so I think I'm gonna play I'm
[06:40:22] gonna play a scaling AD not a lane bully AD or one that like can do both
[06:40:30] I got on big Zarius particularly OP but I think she's good for solo queue if
[06:40:38] if you're like, that's why I wanted to practice her.
[06:40:42] I think she's really good in solo queue right now
[06:40:44] because solo queue is like really, really shitty.
[06:40:49] I think there's a lot of like random fighting
[06:40:50] that happens and then people don't end properly
[06:40:53] and she like that.
[06:40:55] Dude, I think I am gonna start perm banning Seraphine though.
[06:40:58] I think like something happened.
[06:41:01] I don't know what it was, but now I've seen Seraphine
[06:41:04] so much in my games recently.
[06:41:09] And I don't know why I've seen her so much,
[06:41:11] but I've seen her a fuck done.
[06:41:13] And I hate playing versus surfing support and surfing AD.
[06:41:17] Because it's just non-interactive.
[06:41:34] Like it's a super giga non-interactive lane.
[06:41:49] Because I wanna.
[06:41:53] Alrighty.
[06:41:58] I actually don't know how this matchup is gonna go.
[06:41:59] Let's figure it out.
[06:42:34] I might take a small break.
[06:42:36] We'll make some dinner after this game.
[06:42:39] And then I'll come back
[06:42:39] and we'll do another like three, four hours stream after.
[06:42:42] I know I didn't come back yesterday,
[06:42:44] but I'll come back today.
[06:42:53] I just want to
[06:43:00] Not feel like I'm fucking lightheaded from hunger. I'm gonna have to let them push
[06:43:37] Jin's too good at pushing early
[06:43:40] They also overpushed the lane, so it's gonna crash on wave two instead of wave three
[06:44:00] So that's not bad for us damn I
[06:44:55] Needed the Leona to
[06:44:58] She needed to stun the Jin not the
[06:45:00] Well, she played it good. Wait, just dive him. Why are we valuing crap here?
[06:48:21] Yeah, so like AD carry is just this sometimes if you are curious.
[06:48:26] Sometimes your role in the game is just
[06:48:29] don't die and chill.
[06:48:30] See because if you don't die and you chill, wait, if you don't die and you chill,
[06:49:31] a lot of time you can just
[06:49:36] get your own kill. Damn. Bro, I'm actually, do you guys see that?
[06:49:41] SHIV? That was actually the SHIV nerf! I would have had SHIV on that back timer, but it was
[06:49:49] 2- now it's 2100 instead of 2k! Actually, got fucked by the nerf! Damn. I don't know
[06:50:16] where Rell is, but I don't have E, so I gotta be a little care. I really want to
[06:55:10] just fight them. Why is this Leona not using cooldowns? She has Ignite, Flash, and
[06:55:27] ulti, just flash, Q the jhin and ulti him. Like, what am I watching? Hello? Like, this-
[06:55:47] okay no more forcing fights with this Leona, she does not understand how the game works.
[06:55:53] This guy is fucking horrible. Like, I was trying to be nice, but like, Jesus you suck.
[06:56:08] Like all- he doesn't even have cleanse. All he has to do is literally walk up,
[06:56:13] Flash Q'd the- the Jhin, he instantly dies.
[06:56:17] For yeah, I mean, there was no point right there in fighting that.
[07:01:20] Like yeah, it was third Drake, but it was such a bad fight and I was coming from base.
[07:01:26] So it's like, ehh, I mean we've already thrown so many fights at this point.
[07:01:30] I'd rather get like two camps and a mid turret.
[07:01:34] I need to go buy ASAP.
[07:01:43] I wonder if I should get a Bloodthirster.
[07:01:55] This is kind of a bad dragon or baron call.
[07:02:19] Yeah, like I said, that was a bad baron call.
[07:02:24] Like, I probably could have maybe one, like, popped off there, but I'd rather save the baron.
[07:02:30] Like, our team is doing this thing where we're playing, we're making bad calls.
[07:02:33] Because Vlad is ahead of our team and now my team's like, nervous.
[07:02:37] So I'd really rather not, like, just lose the game because they...
[07:02:42] don't know how to play from behinds.
[07:04:14] I still have baron.
[07:04:16] Ooh, that's awkward.
[07:04:17] I mean, yeah, this is just wilds
[07:05:18] We can't really do much. I mean, this is just silly
[07:05:28] The enemy team is not really doing much either though. Like all we have to do is just leave and then push top
[07:05:33] Like low key though like our entire play. We got two inhibs. All we have to do is macro and we're fun
[07:05:42] The reason that went bad was because like my team overstayed after killing the turret and I I mean I told them not to but
[07:05:48] They died again
[07:06:02] Bro, what is happening? How do you guys just die like that? Wait, we have two in hit-down. Just come top
[07:07:15] No, I don't understand
[07:07:17] Like why are we not just doing Baron and siege in top? Why are we?
[07:07:24] Why are we doing this where we're like splitting mid and bot? I don't get it man
[07:07:32] Like our entire play right now should be playing on the only turret that's not down. Like why are we pushing mid?
[07:08:09] guys what am I watching push the up but oh my god I don't know what to say man
[07:08:19] we're we're literally just letting them farm and hips like what is happening
[07:08:24] right now but like what if guys two and hips down to two inhibitors are down
[07:08:45] right now this one and this one for four minutes I have spam pinged my team
[07:08:50] to walk with me top what are we doing instead we're forming race camp we're
[07:08:56] pushing the inhibits already down just play with me oh my god masters is the
[07:09:06] worst evil ever my support is literally retarded oh my god can we push top
[07:09:36] Nope, we can't push top guys.
[07:09:51] Masters is not real.
[07:09:53] Like we, I don't know man, this deal is not real.
[07:10:00] Like what are we doing?
[07:10:23] Oh my god, my team's pushing top.
[07:11:06] I mean, why is my Leona, like where is she?
[07:11:13] Like, we can actually kill them.
[07:11:17] Oh my god.
[07:11:18] Like, I could have done that with her.
[07:11:25] Now, imagine my Leona didn't have cancer in the brain and she played with her AD carry
[07:11:33] and we did that together.
[07:11:36] We would win the game.
[07:11:42] You guys are making this game so hard.
[07:11:45] Just group.
[07:11:50] I don't know what to say.
[07:11:51] Just group up.
[07:11:56] Just group once.
[07:12:04] Like this Leona hates happiness, man.
[07:12:06] She's like going out of her way to intentionally not play with me.
[07:12:11] Did you realize how annoying that is?
[07:12:20] Guys, top in the head.
[07:12:25] How many times do I have to ping?
[07:13:08] Lee Sin is nowhere to be found.
[07:13:13] He's farming his camps, that's all I can really say.
[07:13:34] We've had, for about 12 minutes now, we've had two inhibs down by the way, 12 minutes.
[07:13:40] And my team doesn't seem to know that they can simply, as five, walk into the enemy base,
[07:13:47] take the third inhib and we automatically win the game.
[07:13:51] That's it, that's all you gotta do.
[07:13:52] You just take the third inhib, we win the game because they get overwhelmed and
[07:13:54] And they can't play the game anymore because there's too many supers and then we just go
[07:13:57] stand there.
[07:13:58] It's reeeeeeally really really easy.
[07:14:01] Like it's super easy.
[07:14:02] Some may say the easiest.
[07:14:07] Like I don't know man, Masters is just a hell of a dick.
[07:14:15] Like are we ever going to walk top or are we going to keep farming camps?
[07:14:22] I'm just going to try and 1v1 Fiora if I die, I die.
[07:14:26] It is what it is man.
[07:14:45] Oh wow, I got double ulted.
[07:14:48] Where's my team?
[07:14:49] Oh, they're hanging out mid
[07:14:51] cool
[07:14:53] No, I'm glad that we're not pushing the like we're just hanging out in the jungle guys for fun
[07:14:59] Like this is disgusting masters players are actual retards
[07:15:05] Like I wish I could type so I can spend a guy's group and ends
[07:15:09] But these people are absolute retards like I'm about to just forfeit because I want out of the