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Masters Adc Solo Q | Educational stream

08-07-2024 · 7h 30m

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[00:00:48] His name is dual lisa
[00:00:52] pork dual lisa
[00:02:05] Shit what a gamer no who you are lucky
[00:03:24] We got both his pots
[00:03:26] We do and miss the song there. I'm assuming he's gonna come back
[00:03:44] my cannon yeah I'm assuming he's gonna TP oh my god I've missed so much CS like I
[00:03:57] unironically missed so much CS I'm okay with that actually yeah what the
[00:04:19] boys go board egg hmm I could go TP like a TV back here and probably shouldn't
[00:05:06] I'm kind of playing with fire over just like I want to stay so I can
[00:05:24] actually buy something on my back timer, but not bad.
[00:05:38] You're nothing knight.
[00:05:40] So it is hard for him to actually kill me.
[00:05:52] You're a beast.
[00:06:03] You're insane, Lissandra.
[00:06:10] You're a gamer.
[00:07:35] You think Renekton stayed?
[00:07:39] The answer was yes.
[00:07:42] Ha ha!
[00:07:44] I was like, I wonder if he actually stayed?
[00:07:47] I don't think it's a good play to stay for him,
[00:07:53] But I definitely, um, I definitely fell for it.
[00:08:03] Cause yeah, I mean that play is really risky because he has ignite.
[00:08:06] So if I don't die there and I just back, he wastes like two or like the full minute of tempo.
[00:08:28] I mean, I'm really fucking strong.
[00:08:56] I definitely want to get this turret, but I need to be a little care.
[00:09:01] Like I want to try and poke her before I go for it.
[00:09:23] She shouldn't have TP yet.
[00:09:49] 1100 gold.
[00:09:51] Damn, I need one more wave for my item or I need to like back and sell my thing.
[00:09:58] Damn, that Darius died with ignite and flash out.
[00:10:01] I think I'm just dead.
[00:10:11] Oh my bad, I should have hugged my ward.
[00:10:24] I don't know why I wasn't hugging my ward there.
[00:10:28] We should still be fine.
[00:10:29] But, I mean that was needless death.
[00:10:32] Like I was pure ego man.
[00:10:34] I was thinking about something like not game related.
[00:10:37] My brain was like.
[00:10:38] Alright, so this guy has no ult, this guy has no ult, Stragons in 1.
[00:10:45] We should get Grubs.
[00:10:46] I don't want to give them Grubs with a winning top lane.
[00:10:52] It's like really bad in my opinion.
[00:10:54] I'm pretty sure he has TP now.
[00:11:50] We win very very very hard on top side of the map right now.
[00:11:54] Cause I have a full item, I don't know if it's under it.
[00:11:59] We could, I don't want to trade.
[00:12:03] We should not trade Grubs though.
[00:12:31] Huh.
[00:12:32] Well, they got dragon
[00:12:34] We should try and get grubs ace up. I could back here actually too
[00:12:52] Is it's like a more ago mark trades?
[00:12:54] It might be I really want to get grubs men like we should not be giving them that I need the back
[00:13:52] I have so much golds
[00:13:54] Getting on this one gold when we're gonna be playing for grubs in a second. It's really bad
[00:13:59] They're gonna look for a play mid here hundred percent
[00:14:10] They don't have any other choice really. I don't know man giving six grubs because my brand is a pussy
[00:14:24] doesn't seem very good my team is not doing very well but I think it's okay as
[00:15:25] long as we as long as we keep playing well ourselves I think it's fine it's
[00:15:32] fine because yeah we lost we have full mid-prior like I took their turret and
[00:15:36] everything we have full mid-prior right now and we're losing objectives on the
[00:15:40] map which makes no sense you run down to me well I was hoping my ball lane
[00:16:36] would rotate. They should rotate out of bot lane now. I don't know if they will, but
[00:16:47] they should. Because that Lulu's been roaming so much. We should have a free ass fucking...
[00:17:04] we should have a free ass lane. Just because Lulu's been roaming so much. I'm gonna walk
[00:17:11] through this drake even though I don't think we need to, but I'm so strong. I think
[00:17:16] Forcing this dragon if they try and fight us. It's probably a good idea. Yeah, and we're just losing so many objectives
[00:17:24] It definitely feels like the homies don't want to do the objectives, that's what that's what this feels like
[00:17:31] As should be made. I'm gonna push one wave and then go back and buy IE. I kind of want to get a ma
[00:18:20] or maybe a
[00:18:21] Maybe I should get a
[00:18:22] QSS
[00:18:24] Because if I get QSS, I think I'll be actually unkillable by Lissandra because if she holds me she dies if she holds herself
[00:18:32] Like I can't die
[00:18:34] So I think it's like a win-win. We need some vision. I can't play on the map anywhere without vision
[00:19:04] Arsona is not putting words down, which is really frustrating
[00:19:07] Because like I said, I want to be able to play on the map, but there's just gonna be so many like
[00:19:15] like gaps in vision that I'm not going to be able to play around.
[00:19:19] I just got like literally ulted for my entire HP bar while my team stood mid.
[00:20:04] Okay.
[00:20:05] I'm getting really frustrated that these two are just literal AFK players.
[00:20:11] Like they don't, they're not interacting with anything on the map.
[00:20:15] They're just standing mid, pushing one wave, standing mid.
[00:20:17] Like my Ezreal is not playing Ezreal correctly.
[00:20:21] It's getting really frustrating.
[00:20:22] Like Ezreal should be playing really far forward Q spamming on repeat.
[00:20:28] Like basically his entire kit is just walk forward, like play here, like ward here, ward
[00:20:33] here and then play really far up.
[00:20:36] And as he's playing like super far up, I'll see.
[00:20:51] I think I'm going to go, I think it's an RFC angle.
[00:21:09] But yeah, I think QSS will be good, but maybe I don't need it either.
[00:21:26] I don't know.
[00:21:27] How did my team just die mid when I was being chased by two?
[00:22:10] What?
[00:22:12] I gotta be real, I'm a little confused.
[00:22:17] Like, how are you guys losing so bad? I have 6kp, I've been non-stop, flashed on, every ulti on repeat.
[00:22:24] You have 1kp is the 80 carry.
[00:22:27] You're down in form.
[00:22:30] Ooh, maybe it's an 80 carry kinda day.
[00:22:32] If these are the 80 carry players that I'm gonna go versus if I play AD today, I'm gonna be challenger tomorrow.
[00:22:37] this is sad my support has no words down either like literally zero I can't
[00:23:00] believe the lack of words this guy has as well you're gonna queue in a poke you
[00:23:11] got this problem we a hundred percent by the way go to Baron hair not bad
[00:24:01] noise now I am curious if I should just get a QSS I kind of want to like
[00:24:18] pardon me once they just grab a QSS and then I'll never die again well not to
[00:24:22] Miss Underholtz. I could get Ma as well, but like, he was just probably better? I don't know.
[00:24:30] So I really don't want to A-Ram right now, but I don't know if I have a choice. I feel like if I don't
[00:24:37] walk with my team right now, they are going to get caught. Nice! Oh, my bad. Oh well,
[00:25:44] it was one of those. I suck. Should I actually just finish this item?
[00:25:57] It gives me life steal. I kind of want to oh geez. What is my dairies doing? This man is dead by the way
[00:26:04] Like he's a level up, but I don't know if you can 1v2 the Lulu and the Renekton
[00:26:13] He's got to go in the Lulu or he's gonna die. Yeah, like wait. What is this France?
[00:26:19] Bro, what am I watching? Oh my oh my god. Oh
[00:26:23] My god, they they like we made a play and they literally decided to int
[00:26:30] Dude, like what is this elo? You make a play and your team runs it down three seconds after you make the play, right?
[00:26:37] Like, like I inted under the turret. That was my bad
[00:26:40] But I was like, okay, even though I'm inting, right?
[00:26:43] In theory, it like I killed three people
[00:26:47] So we're super far ahead. Let me see
[00:27:39] Okay, that guy's gonna die
[00:28:09] Interesting. Oh wow, there's fucking five people there. That's my bad. Oh
[00:28:52] oh no yeah I don't do damage to that guy yet oh okay surely you guys win this
[00:28:59] right you got this E nice well played some you guys should just play for Baron
[00:29:12] or play for inhibs right like those are the two plays you guys got I believe
[00:29:17] me guess Baron or the two inhibitors one of those two you guys got it wait
[00:29:34] They're going for the only objective that's actually like really hard to take
[00:29:38] That's a feels bad man
[00:29:44] Just I say they leave yeah, they should just bail and then we go to
[00:29:48] Baron here. I'm so dead. I
[00:31:08] QSS
[00:31:10] Nothing, but like why aren't we using cooldowns guys?
[00:31:14] So now has all grand as all I just just fight
[00:31:17] Thank you. Oh my god. Oh
[00:31:40] Thank God
[00:31:42] Yeah, like my team's just watching me go in 1v3. I shouldn't have done that, but that's crazy
[00:31:51] They're also scared
[00:31:53] They're like pissing themselves that I go. I don't know if we should say
[00:31:57] Don't like the death timer changes. Oh, yeah
[00:32:04] the death timer changes are going to be fucking sick really excited for that shit because
[00:32:15] Right now good like macro and good tempo isn't were rewarded nearly as good as like
[00:32:21] It will be.
[00:32:23] Basically, if you understand how tempo works at the moments,
[00:32:30] you get more reward for good tempo.
[00:32:36] It like punishes people for making mistakes more.
[00:32:40] So like, let's say you're in a lane, you know, and you die.
[00:32:44] Now you can't just walk back to the lane before like, because you get home guards, right?
[00:32:48] So the reason it kind of felt bad the last like year and a half,
[00:32:52] two years whenever they did that change was because essentially what ends up happening
[00:32:58] is you kill somebody they get home guards they spawn in like fucking seven seconds or whatever
[00:33:05] six seconds it's like shorter than a recall so they get a free recall then they home
[00:33:09] guards back to the lane and you can't push the waves in fast enough sometimes to where
[00:33:15] like you deny them for dying so they just get to like collect the wave with no downside
[00:33:21] And then sometimes they can even like teleport back, hold the wave, and now if you back, you're punished for getting a kill and winning lane
[00:33:30] because they've held the wave, so you just bleed XP for like a full minute.
[00:33:34] It's a really shitty way to play the game, where people don't get punished for bad gameplay.
[00:33:42] So it's like, oh, I'm just gonna int for this, TP back, no punishment.
[00:33:47] Or I'm just going to enter this, home guard back, no punishment.
[00:33:50] Like, the punishments, you're down 300 gold, but like, being down 300 gold is worthless.
[00:33:57] Because like, early game's not about golds, early game's about XP.
[00:34:01] Because each level, early game is worth infinity more gold than you'll have.
[00:34:07] Like, a level 3 versus a level 2 is infinitely more OP than like, a longsword versus no longsword.
[00:34:13] You know what I'm saying?
[00:34:18] like I think the death timer changes are fucking god god dear it's bringing it's
[00:34:22] like fixing the game they we dumbed the game down for so long like the game's
[00:34:27] been so dumbed down that people can just like play like dog shit and not be
[00:34:31] punished for it now all these people that actually have to play good and that
[00:34:35] can be punished are gonna get punished and it's gonna be fucking amazing
[00:34:38] yeah I mean a hundred percent man it's like the domino effect of
[00:35:04] of everything, everything snowballs off everything, right?
[00:35:08] It's like the butterfly effect.
[00:35:09] It's like every single thing,
[00:35:10] snowballs off every single thing.
[00:35:13] You're 100% right.
[00:35:17] So it's like, if people can be punished more for bad,
[00:35:23] for fighting early, that means that you don't get punished
[00:35:25] as hard for taking ignite, right?
[00:35:27] So you actually have like value in taking a summoner
[00:35:29] that's not CP.
[00:35:31] Then you can actually like impact the game
[00:35:33] by taking a summoner that's not teleport.
[00:35:35] If people get punished more for dying early,
[00:35:41] and they can't just like,
[00:35:42] they actually have to like,
[00:35:43] like proxying is gonna be worse now, right?
[00:35:47] Like you can still proxy,
[00:35:48] but doing the like permanent proxy shit
[00:35:51] is gonna be much worse than it is now.
[00:35:55] Because every time you die when you're proxying,
[00:35:58] it's gonna be like three to four seconds longer
[00:36:00] to get back to lane,
[00:36:03] which can mean that the next wave
[00:36:06] you can't get the, you know how like boss will die
[00:36:09] and then he has a timer to get back to the lane
[00:36:11] before the next wave gets there.
[00:36:13] He's not gonna have that same window anymore
[00:36:16] because those four to five seconds
[00:36:17] that he's gonna be walking the lane,
[00:36:20] it's essentially gonna like gut his ability
[00:36:22] to get to lane on the wave timer.
[00:36:26] So that extra five seconds of travel time
[00:36:28] that he has to do is gonna really fuck with him.
[00:36:31] And it's gonna, and it's just like it just,
[00:36:33] It messes with a lot of the like...
[00:36:36] It basically slows the tempo of the game down when death timers are slower
[00:36:40] and it makes it more meaningful when you get leads.
[00:36:54] Because right now, it's actually kind of funny.
[00:36:56] It's actually not even worth bot lane to go for kills early unless you can also push the wave in.
[00:37:03] Like in Challenger and shits?
[00:37:05] A lot of the time, they won't even 2v2 in like, like, look at pro play.
[00:37:10] They barely 2v2 because if they die and their wave is fucked,
[00:37:18] they lose more than they gain.
[00:37:19] Because then the enemy just comes back.
[00:37:22] They can't crash the wave in time,
[00:37:24] or the enemy gets the prio from crashing the wave
[00:37:27] from getting there early enough to push the next wave
[00:37:30] because they died so fast.
[00:37:32] And now you miss half a wave.
[00:37:33] It's just so many stupid little things
[00:37:36] that you can do while playing with the stupid current
[00:37:40] death timers gives way too much ease so I'm totally fucking down man like fuck
[00:37:47] bad gameplay being like benefit like fuck that shit I'm totally down now if they
[00:38:01] want to fix assassins they have to assassins are still gonna be really
[00:38:06] shitty mid until they fix the until they fix the roam timer on mid where
[00:38:12] the waves crash at certain timers and shit assassins still aren't gonna be
[00:38:16] played mid at high elo because you can't assassins only skill is being able to roam and they sack like half a wave to roam
[00:38:26] But if you're sacking one wave to attempt a roam every time you're roaming and sometimes you're even sacking a plate and a wave
[00:38:32] It's never gonna be worth
[00:38:34] Bro every time I pick mouths they pick smolder dude fuck this
[00:38:41] These people don't even play smolder
[00:38:43] They just like every time a big mouth they pick smolder because it's a free fucking lane phase for this guy
[00:38:49] I do know how to beat him
[00:39:05] Basically you get level two and then you shove him in on repeat and he can't really play the game early
[00:39:11] That's all I can really do against smolder
[00:39:16] Because he's it's a lot harder from the stack
[00:39:23] At these really really early levels. It's much harder to stack when the
[00:39:28] When the waves being shoved in because he can't
[00:39:30] He has to use a lot of mana on like W and E and shit to like try and form
[00:39:36] So basically if you can just shove him in on repeat like this it puts him in like a really
[00:39:42] awkward spot where
[00:39:47] He's gonna have a lot of trouble
[00:39:49] The problem is smolder just will eventually get to the point where he can one-shot me and my minions
[00:39:57] Or you can kill the wave and the minions and then it just turns into this like
[00:40:00] It turns into this really dog shit fucking situation where I can't use my voidlings to push because smolder can just kill
[00:40:08] He just killed him a lot of people only pick smolder because they know it
[00:40:15] counters mouths are though
[00:40:17] Your crabs give a stack. Yeah, they do. That's the shitty part about smolder vs. Mouse
[00:40:23] It's literally like a hard mouths counter
[00:40:26] because every one of his like everyone my crabs gives him a stack so like later
[00:40:32] on in the game when he has this like when he has his first upgrade Q or
[00:40:35] whatever right he just fucking starts perms stacking on me and it feels like
[00:40:41] dog shits I just killed this guy oh okay I rumble didn't even want to try
[00:40:53] Okay, don't get me wrong. I think
[00:41:04] Malzahar can win against smolder
[00:41:08] But it's definitely
[00:41:10] very smolder favored
[00:41:13] Because I've won this matchup before but not because I deserve to win a lot of time
[00:41:18] It's because the smolder players don't know like that like if you go look I bet you this guy doesn't play smolder
[00:41:23] I bet you just picked it because
[00:41:25] Like it's pretty likely just picked it because he wanted to like he saw that smolders a good counter
[00:41:29] And I hate when the melee minion does that. Oh, he has his Q upgrade that sucks versus waving
[00:42:40] On a good note, it's really hard for him to without getting ganks
[00:42:50] It's actually pretty hard for him to get me off the turret so I can just sit there
[00:42:54] As long as I ward I can actually take plates pretty easy in this matchup
[00:42:58] Unless he like all wins me. We can fight this. I have ult dude
[00:43:12] Like this is actually fightable
[00:43:14] Or not
[00:43:19] Okay, I guess we didn't want to fight that and this rumble really doesn't want to be aggressive
[00:43:28] I mean my bad. I didn't like I just fucking ran it but
[00:43:31] Because we we have gpr. I have my arm
[00:43:39] But I guess we just I just don't want to play super safe when I have prior mid the whole game
[00:43:44] This is like one of my biggest pet needs about flying in after here
[00:43:48] The players and masters don't fight when they have prior
[00:43:52] Like I can Pryo mid all day long and my teammates will never try and fight with my Pryo.
[00:44:01] I don't know if it's because they're not used to people using their Pryo.
[00:44:05] Right, like I don't know if it's because like the Master of Flares aren't used to people actually rotating
[00:44:10] or not used to like people trying to help each other and like all that shit.
[00:44:13] I don't know what it is, but it's definitely an interesting little thing that happens.
[00:44:18] Like really often.
[00:44:22] Because like even though I'm playing Malz, it doesn't matter because I have six.
[00:44:29] What I'm in yet is was I should have just not walked over there. That's my bad
[00:44:53] I'm so dead. I think we just lose
[00:45:40] My bot lane is Blitz Samira losing to Zary karma and my rumble is forcing fights
[00:45:49] My rumble is forcing fights that we physically can't play but and he's not forcing fights that we can
[00:45:57] So this is gonna be a very frustrating game for me because I keep like having cryo
[00:46:01] but they're like first of all Samira losing to Zerri as you should probably
[00:46:07] stop playing lead emergence at that point. I don't know that's mean but probably if you
[00:46:12] can't win in a blitz Samira matchup versus Zerri you don't know how that
[00:46:16] champion works. That's a free fight but I mean maybe I should just sit mid like
[00:46:32] maybe I should just stop roaming and just sit mid because every time I've tried to do
[00:46:36] something on the map it has failed like right now I don't even have six but
[00:46:42] I'm like roaming bot and yeah I mean they're just insane I mean I don't know
[00:47:12] what they want me to do I just for bit yeah I mean you fucking suck bro you
[00:47:19] guys are losing an unrucible balling matchup it's actually just painful
[00:47:26] like I'm I'm getting punished because I'm winning mid that's what's happening
[00:47:34] I'm being punished for this because I'm not staying mid. I'm trying to help the team. I should just stay in mid
[00:47:42] But the problem is it's like my ball lane needs to snowball because they don't snowball
[00:47:46] They will lose the game. Oh God my ad carries an X challenger player. Oh
[00:47:55] That's so bad
[00:47:57] Why I don't respect challenger
[00:48:00] Like I'm telling you straight out like I don't respect challenger because like you can have people like this guy
[00:48:06] I do the Samira who are like losing to a masters player.
[00:48:11] It was like bad games happen.
[00:48:12] I'm having a bad game too, but I don't know, man.
[00:48:21] To me, it feels kind of awkward.
[00:48:26] Oh, well.
[00:48:34] I mean, I'll take the L.
[00:48:35] I just could have just never roamed this game
[00:48:38] and probably done better.
[00:48:43] It is one of those, man.
[00:48:45] I should never go to the lane that's losing ever.
[00:48:51] Like, it sounds toxic, but I think
[00:48:53] That's just how you play it.
[00:48:55] Because if you try and help your teammates when they're getting railed this hard, you just give up your own agency.
[00:48:59] I mean, that's just my gun.
[00:49:05] Wait, why does this guy have hail of blades?
[00:49:24] Wait, there's no world hail of blades to marry, that's good.
[00:49:27] That guy should just go...
[00:49:31] Fuckin' fleet or some shit.
[00:49:37] I do think this game is done, though.
[00:49:39] But it said, Smolder outscales me, so we have to use the fact that I'm stronger than him early to win the game.
[00:50:12] Dude, I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna get fucking railed.
[00:50:15] Like, look at this shit.
[00:50:17] I'm just fucking dead.
[00:50:19] Yeah, it's not playable.
[00:50:52] I mean, I did learn...
[00:50:54] I should not go to losing bot lane.
[00:50:57] That's like, it's like something I could learn from this game.
[00:51:01] I should never go help a losing bot lane.
[00:51:03] You can maybe help losing top, but not bot.
[00:51:06] Bots do snowball even when they're losing, it's like too hard.
[00:51:10] You just gotta let them lose.
[00:51:12] Cause like, if they're losing in a kill lane like that against Xerri, they're pretty outclassed
[00:51:19] which means I have to play, I shouldn't go down there, it's not me.
[00:51:22] Cause like, I think I could have sat mid and actually beat this, no, I'm not even kidding.
[00:51:48] Cause he got every kill other than the like, one that he got just now, when I was roaming.
[00:51:56] So if I just sat mid, I think we'd just be, I'd be 10 CS a minute and I wouldn't
[00:52:01] have lost my lane.
[00:52:02] My top two decent, but maybe that is just sort of my bad. I do think we four but though
[00:52:37] When Balan loses this hard, it's pretty much un-wonderful
[00:52:41] Like if Balan was going even even up little the games still wobble, but like
[00:52:45] They lost so hard that it's pretty hard to play. I mean they do win 2v2 if
[00:52:57] what's
[00:52:58] landed hooks
[00:53:00] Like this which hasn't landed a single hook the whole game where we're being flamed by the blitz one trick who's
[00:53:24] Landed two hooks in 16 months
[00:53:29] legal legends for our legal legends
[00:53:31] And I'm down to something else
[00:53:33] Like I I mean small there's gonna carry the game regardless
[00:53:41] We don't anybody they can deal with that guy
[00:53:45] We just go next
[00:53:47] It's just a massive massive support difference game that happens sometimes
[00:54:13] Support's one of those roles that's like too important, and if you get somebody who's
[00:54:18] just like hard death, you obviously lose games.
[00:54:21] We're blue side, so they have the advantage to begin with.
[00:54:25] It looks funny, I don't even know if I can kill this smolder, you can fight full combo
[00:54:49] him, I don't know if I can actually kill him.
[00:54:51] Or about to find out.
[00:54:52] It was closer than I thought it would be, considering he already has 254 stacks.
[00:55:07] God damn.
[00:55:13] I, I can't pick Malz if people can play Smoldermid.
[00:55:17] Cause it, it's happened so much that it's like a constant like people actually just straight up counter pick me with Smolder now.
[00:55:26] So I think, and I don't want to ban it cause like banning Smolder is such a waste of a ban, right?
[00:55:32] It's one of those things where it's like I just have to last pick.
[00:55:35] Like if I, if I pick Malz and they pick Smolder, I just am so countered and stupid.
[00:55:43] But if I pick, uh, like if I don't, like say they pick Smoldermid and I haven't picked yet, I can just pick Lucian and I just auto win.
[00:55:50] So it's like, it's not worth banning this champion.
[00:55:53] It just feels awkward.
[00:56:00] I mean, I think the only way we can win this game is if we can kill smaller ones.
[00:56:35] Maybe if we can get a kill on him, but dude, he's...
[00:56:39] This guy is so fucking strong.
[00:56:45] Dude has 280 stacks, man.
[00:56:48] Yeah, this is crazy.
[00:57:26] No, I just shouldn't ever roam this game.
[00:57:30] That's my bad.
[00:57:32] If I had never roamed this game, I'm pretty sure we'd just won the game.
[00:57:35] I died so many times, so like, stupid shit.
[00:57:54] And I put myself behinds.
[00:58:11] So their only play is to kill Smulder somehow.
[00:58:15] If we can kill him, maybe we can win.
[00:58:38] I don't even think it's work deep into this, by the way.
[00:58:49] I think Smulder's gonna come back to us.
[00:58:55] I was this guy so fucking tanky.
[00:59:06] Oh, he's got wits in.
[00:59:09] What?
[00:59:10] This guy rushes wits in second against GBE?
[00:59:15] Just for me and Rumble?
[00:59:17] Holy fuck.
[00:59:20] That's insane, what a beast.
[00:59:22] Now he's striking up.
[00:59:31] I need a pan that seems...
[00:59:33] I don't really know how to function in a game right now.
[00:59:48] I'm definitely dying too much, but...
[00:59:52] I'm just trying to create pressure on the outside of the map.
[00:59:56] But it's probably a bad plan.
[01:00:01] Yeah, my bad.
[01:00:03] I think once I get a pen item, I can maybe be useful.
[01:00:27] Yeah, I mean, it's just...
[01:00:46] Your turd has been destroyed.
[01:01:13] I mean, I should have stayed mid. It's my bad.
[01:01:16] If I stayed mid the whole game, I'm pretty pretty sure I would have been destroyed.
[01:01:20] Oh, I would.
[01:01:51] I'm down to play games out, but like...
[01:01:53] They have a fucking smolder with like 300 something facts
[01:01:58] Little 16 bro like I'm out of a game. I
[01:02:01] Don't know how I don't know how this is going to kill him. He's got a karma shield
[01:02:08] And they have a fed series in a four-at-em's area four-at-em smolder
[01:02:15] And we don't have like a lot of damage damage
[01:02:21] Richie P against
[01:02:27] rock throw
[01:02:29] I don't think there's any worlds that I can actually interact with that play.
[01:03:04] I've seen one that would.
[01:03:06] So I think even if I TP, it's the bad TP whether or not.
[01:03:30] I don't want to die there, but I was going to die right away, so...
[01:03:33] At least I have a wood staff now.
[01:03:49] I mean, bro, I can't function in these fights without wood staff.
[01:03:51] It's not going to happen.
[01:03:53] They have too much of R.
[01:03:55] I mean, you saw, like, I eat the...
[01:03:57] I eat that fucking Rallioms now?
[01:03:59] It's your damage.
[01:04:05] Okay, how are we not whining about the fact that Samira's top right now is dragon coming up?
[01:04:10] But we're mad that I died with no objective to up a map.
[01:04:14] That type of shit's weird to me.
[01:04:16] Like, there was no objective up? I died?
[01:04:18] But I got a 2-2 turret.
[01:04:22] Our Samira walked top?
[01:04:26] Yeah, I mean, I'll come mid. I'm just gonna EW the bomb.
[01:04:36] And I agree, we gotta just force-ify it.
[01:04:39] But we just don't have... I mean, look at this.
[01:04:54] I mean, let's ask to go in.
[01:04:56] Somebody asked, but the reason we couldn't do that, Dragon,
[01:05:25] was because we didn't have anybody in the plane with us,
[01:05:27] or we didn't get vision before the objective.
[01:05:30] So we had to walk into them when we had no vision.
[01:05:34] That's why it's more important, like,
[01:05:36] it's stupid, the stuff people care about.
[01:05:41] It's like, yeah, I mean, I've played this game before.
[01:05:44] There's so many little mistakes being made
[01:05:45] by everybody in the game.
[01:05:52] Like, kills don't matter.
[01:05:54] They're not everything.
[01:05:56] Macro is really important.
[01:06:21] I mean, we just gotta wait a second.
[01:06:23] We're pushing the waves, and...
[01:06:44] Yeah, I mean, we have to flip it. We don't have a choice.
[01:07:06] We didn't have a choice. We have to go for that.
[01:07:19] We can't just sit on here. I pushed two waves here before it came, but...
[01:07:23] Yeah, it's too hard.
[01:07:34] Maybe they'll fuck up and we'll just win. Who knows.
[01:07:37] Like, maybe they'll just genuinely mess something up on, like, a macro play.
[01:07:42] And we'll just somehow win. Maybe.
[01:07:44] I think what's gonna actually happen though is they're just gonna get Baron here
[01:07:48] And we're not gonna be able to play the game, but
[01:07:53] Let's see one of us should put bot or what we should do is I guess we just try and force a fight
[01:08:08] We got the brands. Are we just gonna flip it? Fuck it. I say we flip it
[01:09:13] They're not gonna walk mid unless they're idiots
[01:10:13] push one more wave
[01:10:14] mobile 18
[01:10:34] We cannot give these guys
[01:10:36] We cannot give these guys vision control right now.
[01:10:41] We killed two of them, we can actually get Elder here.
[01:11:21] I mean I can't really play the game here.
[01:12:18] Let me TP.
[01:12:28] I missed the cannon.
[01:12:39] Fuck.
[01:13:08] Did they win this?
[01:13:09] Surely you guys win this, right?
[01:13:11] They have one cannon.
[01:13:19] I don't know if they can actually do it with one cannon, but we'll see.
[01:13:28] I don't know if they can.
[01:13:32] We'll see.
[01:13:34] I mean I think they can, but it'll really depend on the Aurelia.
[01:13:39] Uh oh.
[01:13:41] Uh oh.
[01:13:42] Uh-oh, no this is really bad.
[01:13:49] Wait, can Rumble actually ends?
[01:13:51] Wait, Karma's up?
[01:13:59] Oh my God.
[01:14:01] Oh my God.
[01:14:04] My mic's dying?
[01:14:05] Fuck, I'm sorry.
[01:14:07] I didn't notice you guys were saying stuff.
[01:14:08] I'm sorry guys.
[01:14:20] Is that better?
[01:14:23] Did I fix it?
[01:14:32] Sorry, I wasn't looking at chat.
[01:14:34] I was trying to focus on the game.
[01:14:39] Wait, can you guys hear me?
[01:14:47] Oh you can?
[01:14:48] Okay, cool.
[01:14:49] Yeah, I mean I was trying to focus on the game
[01:14:51] because I ran it down kinda hard
[01:14:52] I didn't want to like I wanted to try and win
[01:14:56] Dude, I feel like at this at that point in the game. We just I
[01:15:01] Can't believe we won this. You know what it was it was
[01:15:06] The enemy team didn't know how to macro like they they kept well first of all GP and rumble were smurfing but
[01:15:17] Like these two were obviously smurfing their ass off
[01:15:20] But like we we had no business winning that game. I
[01:15:23] think it was genuinely like
[01:15:25] Rumble and GP carrying our damage, and then I was just pushing sidewaves
[01:15:32] So I was just like non-stop pushing waves in so they couldn't get any pressure
[01:15:36] That was all I was doing. I was literally just a wave pushing machine and then the other three were just doing all the damage
[01:15:41] I want to play AD carry. These mid games are fun, but
[01:15:52] Wow, we've been winning a lot of mid
[01:15:54] But I can't play 80 okay, so we need a hundred and what 40 LP to get GM
[01:16:09] What help here yet?
[01:16:14] What worry where we at 3 30 3 28?
[01:16:18] So we need what 480 so we need 150
[01:16:24] Which is what 8 wins?
[01:16:26] Yeah, that it's so much fucking grinding like dude
[01:16:33] Climbing through the ranks is just a grind, like playing good and bad and everything's whatever, but like god damn
[01:16:45] You got to climb so much LP. It was a very we just need to hit I
[01:17:04] Stand by this by the way if we can hit GM
[01:17:07] Like if we can get into like GM challenger MMR, I can probably climb the challenger in like a week. I
[01:17:14] Stand by that. I think I can
[01:17:16] GM Challenger MMR is easier than Masters. It actually is.
[01:17:21] Like, genuinely it's easier.
[01:17:24] Sorry for being kind of a whining bitch last game.
[01:17:39] I was kind of tilted at myself and I'm also tired. I didn't get much sleep.
[01:17:46] I'm going to take a leak.
[01:17:55] Blue TFG set?
[01:17:57] I have a love-hate relationship with the Blue TFG set.
[01:18:02] I think it's a really fun set that's like
[01:18:06] Fucked over by really bad balance
[01:18:09] Is that better?
[01:19:47] Did it fix a bit? I just have to buy a new cord for my mic
[01:19:55] Every time that my cat plays with my mic cord so every like
[01:19:59] every like I
[01:20:01] Don't know like a year and a half my cat will eventually break my cord and I have to buy a new one
[01:20:25] Yo, what's up boys?
[01:20:26] Hello! Hello lads. How's everybody's day going? Are we FEELING?
[01:20:38] Oh shit! Oh nice! I'll be right back.
[01:21:39] I swear to god, if I go into the kitchen to get an energy drink and the Q-Pops, I'm gonna rage.
[01:21:46] I'm gonna be pissed. I'm gonna get mad. Thank god. Thank god!
[01:22:16] all right oh nice right when I sat down let's go already here we fucking go I
[01:23:10] think it's time to play some fucking video up never mind I thought I was time
[01:23:15] for video games it was not not yet not yet not yet yo chat what's your guys
[01:23:29] favorite ad carry at the moments I assume some of you guys are ad carry
[01:23:36] I would hope so that'd be interesting but I was like oh we just have I love to hate watch you and I'm back on
[01:23:47] Mf. Oh good choice
[01:24:01] Ezreal
[01:24:02] Yeah, Israel's sick
[01:24:05] He's OP too favorite gay streamer
[01:24:11] Yeah, totally always love to play kaisa even when she's not meta guys is fun as fuck. I wish I was better at her
[01:24:28] She's like one of those fun 80s, and I just suck balls at her
[01:24:32] I mean, I could probably get good at her if I practiced her for a while, but she's got such like a funny playstyle.
[01:24:47] You have to like train your brain to not use Q, like...
[01:24:51] Oh, I got mid.
[01:24:55] Or Q'd AD, and I got mid.
[01:24:59] We can't say I didn't try.
[01:25:04] Just saying. Like, you know, you can't say I didn't try.
[01:25:24] Sportman, you're one of the first streamers that found Twitch years ago. Enjoy your stream.
[01:25:26] Good to see other side thought process from doing things.
[01:25:28] Ah, thanks, bro.
[01:25:30] Appreciate it.
[01:25:31] I'm a little washed now, but like, you know, work we out here trying to
[01:25:36] entertain some homies and have some fun. I
[01:25:43] Still absolutely fucking refuse to ban smolder. I will never ban that champion. I don't care
[01:25:49] I can do either
[01:25:54] So, okay in the years
[01:26:12] God damn
[01:26:13] And you've been around for a while
[01:26:24] Seven years. Oh my fucking god
[01:26:27] Do I even have new viewers anymore? Is everybody just old and senile?
[01:26:36] We got the retirement home in this bitch
[01:26:51] Ragnarrol's eight years eight months goddamn five months. You know what I still appreciate you
[01:27:00] I could have AD middib and then Lily I would have been our solo AP. I
[01:27:36] Should learn another AP mid. I only know two AP mids
[01:27:41] Malzahar and Cassiopeia.
[01:27:48] I should probably learn another AP mid.
[01:27:51] Like I can play AD mid so I'm crazy I can just play every champ but wait oh yeah might.
[01:28:02] Yeah man when I was learning Huay that shit went real well.
[01:28:06] I think I'm 1 in 7 on Huay but that shit was terrible.
[01:28:26] buffing cat. Dude I think Katarina buffs are too big. Straight up dude she's going to be
[01:28:34] insane. Like the Katarina buffs don't make sense to me. I have no idea why they're buffing
[01:28:48] that champ in the way they're buffing it. They're buffing her Q to be like 40 base
[01:28:54] damage stronger that's insane I guess I could kaisa men do the like hybrid
[01:29:15] shift build I could do like the rageblade Nashor's kaisa build men it
[01:29:19] wouldn't be bad I've seen a lot of people do it or you could just go the
[01:29:23] manamoon build right you go like the you can go like the ship build or you
[01:29:27] can go the manamoon build both are fun the manamoon ones you just spam W the
[01:29:32] You like have a little bit of auto-damage and shit. It's like hybrid
[01:29:36] We're in vex vex is uh interesting. I
[01:29:41] Don't think vex is good. I
[01:29:44] Think I would get mad that the champion sucks
[01:29:47] Like I'm okay if I'm bad at a good champion. I'm okay with that right so I'm like I'll get better
[01:29:54] If I'm good at a bad champion like mouse a hard
[01:29:57] is not a good champion. Like I will lose games because Malz is trash. Like
[01:30:08] straight up I'll just lose because this champ sucks. Like I'm good at Malz but
[01:30:13] it doesn't matter because it's like the champion is just trash right? It's just a
[01:30:18] bad champ. He says his name is Ibreedmen. Alright chat let's do a
[01:30:50] prediction. Let's do a prediction. Do we think I'm gonna win? Yes or no? Throw in
[01:31:00] your prediction. Go for it. I do not like going versus Katarina with Conqueror. Katarina
[01:31:19] with Conqueror is so fucking annoying to play against early. Because she can just all win
[01:31:29] me. Incredibly early. I always miss that one. Like I always do it. I need to like figure
[01:31:49] out why I miss that every time. And just not do it. It's fucking brutal man. He's
[01:32:08] gonna take that and try and fight me. But I don't think he can. Do I want to push
[01:32:22] the cannon wave I kind of do I can't can I cheat or recall mid is that possible it
[01:32:39] might be possible I've never done this before but I'm down like we're about to
[01:33:01] find out if I can like maybe this might be too greedy I don't know we'll see
[01:33:09] because I think going back on that timer like that's like the perfect timer for
[01:33:13] me to back but I'm gonna miss two minions so maybe it's bad hmm I don't
[01:33:21] Oh. You know what the funny thing about mouse is?
[01:33:49] Katarina can't, uh, she can't all in me without losing her wave.
[01:33:58] So like right there, she tried to all in me or whatever, but I just pushed the wave.
[01:34:07] Trying to wait for my passive.
[01:34:08] Oh, what's up, Lilia?
[01:34:11] How you doing, bro?
[01:34:22] I'm pretty sure I'm okay, by the way.
[01:34:24] Oh, am I dying here?
[01:34:36] This is bad.
[01:34:43] Uh, I need to wait for my passive again.
[01:34:49] Oh, I'm so dead.
[01:34:51] I'm not even gonna flash. Wait, maybe?
[01:34:54] Yeah, I'm just dead.
[01:34:59] Oh, I'm bad.
[01:35:00] I don't know what it is.
[01:35:05] What a weird rum timer from Bard.
[01:35:06] I did not expect that rum timer.
[01:35:26] The reason it's a weird rum timer
[01:35:27] is because my Balvan was pushing the wave in
[01:35:33] and he still walked mid.
[01:35:36] It didn't make sense.
[01:35:53] I have ult.
[01:35:55] We could actually just kill them.
[01:36:19] I don't know if we can do this dragon.
[01:36:21] Maybe.
[01:36:22] We would have to do it on such a weird tempo timer for mid. I don't think we can stop that
[01:36:53] I mean I have six so we should be able to kill the Katarina, but
[01:36:59] It's really up to my team
[01:37:01] Because I can't kill her by myself. I have no mana. This is not very good. I have zero mana
[01:37:26] And I have to save my R for fucking Katarina. I have very low mana
[01:37:49] Just gonna play Ibro. I mean I'm just gonna R him if he does check
[01:38:19] I'm gonna let him back. Oh, that guy's dead.
[01:39:02] They don't know why they were making a play when I wasn't on the map.
[01:39:09] Like that was just so troll, man.
[01:39:13] Like, like what? That doesn't make sense.
[01:39:18] Like Katerina has ignite, she's back, that's like her only back timer in the last five minutes.
[01:39:25] And we were like, dude, we need to push right here right now.
[01:39:28] that's so frustrating actually though like this guy has three kills and he
[01:39:35] didn't do anything he walked to bot lane I mean I have a 20 CS lead in the
[01:39:43] plate but that's about all I can do right now I mean I've had old this whole
[01:39:52] time like if they wanted to get a kill they could this is really interesting
[01:40:46] because like we actually win fights but I can't interact with the game right
[01:40:53] now I had to save my I had to save my shit for Katarina if I don't save my
[01:41:42] R for cat she just wipes us there that's why the fight looks so awkward
[01:41:48] because I was like I can't ulti anyone this is good though we're in a good
[01:42:13] spot now we just need to I actually went a very good spot we just need to
[01:42:21] we better got I mean you're just getting ganked by your dear bro he
[01:42:28] should have just dove the tower if he was gonna do that how was this
[01:42:32] cat arena walking around the map impacting the game like this and we're
[01:42:36] just letting her like what is the worst macro I've ever seen she literally just
[01:42:41] takes ignite walks around the map hopes that somebody dies to her on
[01:42:45] horrible timers and if they do cool if not well fuck rip you know I mean just
[01:42:58] split the map bro yeah like this cat we just got arena man like you quite
[01:43:17] literally just coin flips fight after fight after fight after fight you
[01:43:26] You know what, I'm gonna get fuckin'...
[01:43:32] I'm gonna get fuckin' Lucidity, fuck this.
[01:43:41] I want my Ulti up, like always.
[01:43:50] I think this game is gonna be about my Ulti being up,
[01:43:53] not my damage, straight up.
[01:44:16] We should try and take him in.
[01:44:18] I have a massive fuckin' lead, by the way, holy shit.
[01:44:22] I just noticed I'm like 10 CS a minute right now.
[01:44:25] Katarina has like six.
[01:44:35] Honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm dead.
[01:44:38] Yeah, that fucking sucks, man.
[01:44:43] Fuck, I knew that was gonna happen.
[01:44:45] I- I shouldn't push the wave in and left, like, W'd it.
[01:44:48] Man!
[01:44:49] I knew it was gonna happen, because I knew Bard was mid.
[01:44:52] That's just my bad.
[01:44:55] That sucks.
[01:45:06] Damn it, man, that was a huge mistake.
[01:45:21] How is my AD carry getting solo killed?
[01:45:24] That's wild.
[01:45:30] Dude, I'm telling you, every game that I don't play bot, my bot hard fucking ints.
[01:45:34] Like it's not even weakened, it's like a hard int.
[01:45:37] I gotta stop getting caught by Bard and Udyr though.
[01:46:30] They literally just perm a fight man, I don't know.
[01:46:38] Like it genuinely feels like if I'm not perm fighting with them, even though I'm doing
[01:46:42] the correct macro and shit, it feels like my team just runs it down.
[01:46:47] And I died once this game, really stupidly, which was just a hundred percent my bad.
[01:46:54] Okay, once we get right eyes, I think we're we're good. I'm gonna sit bot for a little bit because uh, I
[01:47:20] Don't think Katarina can kill me with just work
[01:47:22] And I don't think I want to be on top side of the map right now without
[01:47:30] I don't think it's good to be top side of them else
[01:47:37] Yeah, I could sniff that guy out a mile away
[01:47:40] Pretty sure dear is gonna look for all the camps on
[01:47:49] Bot side here. So I gotta be further back
[01:47:51] Okay, I'm gonna go back. I got rise I
[01:47:55] I do not think this is a good fight. We should not fight the strike. We have no vision of it, man
[01:48:10] Like we're like the Ergot is strong, but like we're we're blindly walking into a dragon
[01:48:16] We got to be careful of Bard. I said we just flip it. I mean I genuinely couldn't like get closer
[01:49:29] You've got a R. I can't bro. If I are earlier
[01:49:33] Here, Katerina will wipe us.
[01:49:39] Don't save R when Garen is on me.
[01:49:42] How the fuck is a Garen on top of Lilia?
[01:49:45] Yeah, but like how do you not just run away?
[01:49:56] Like we have four people peeling the Garen off the Lilia.
[01:50:00] Like Milio can Q.
[01:50:02] I mean I can R, I'm sure.
[01:50:04] Like I'll just R with the Garen, but the Katerina will just kill us all.
[01:50:07] Like I can do that.
[01:50:11] I can try.
[01:50:13] I just don't like that play.
[01:50:15] I landed like seven Qs with Rylai's in that fight.
[01:50:28] The problem is, I don't think our team does any damage.
[01:51:24] How are you guys not able to kite Garen?
[01:51:28] How does Garen even get on these people?
[01:51:32] Do they get Bartolted?
[01:51:35] I'm pretty sure Jhin is the issue,
[01:51:36] not the Garen, by the way.
[01:51:40] Like I would almost bet it's Jhin, not Garen.
[01:51:44] Cause like, I refuse to believe this Garen
[01:51:46] is somehow getting on four range champs.
[01:51:49] Or like three range champs in Alillia.
[01:51:52] Like I absolutely refuse to believe that he is somehow getting on those champions as a
[01:51:56] Garen with no flash.
[01:51:58] I don't understand how you let a Garen gap close on you like that.
[01:52:05] It would have to be like a Bardar.
[01:52:08] But my team has higher range than them.
[01:52:13] So it's actually impossible.
[01:52:14] I mean I guess I could just go walk in stand with my team and just coin flip every fight.
[01:52:23] I hate doing that because I feel like that's literally the worst thing ever.
[01:52:28] They shouldn't be...
[01:52:29] The only reason the game is even harder is because my team is perm coin flipping every
[01:52:32] fight.
[01:52:33] I'm dead.
[01:52:39] I mean, I don't want to play this one.
[01:52:42] It's like, look at like...
[01:52:43] Look at where Milio died, bro.
[01:52:46] Nah, you guys suck.
[01:52:49] Like, I didn't want to play mid this game and I literally only lost because the Cat
[01:52:57] arena roamed through four wards to kill my bot lane. That mouse ults and a
[01:53:04] phelios baron. Bro, I think the problem is Bard has, Bard has 19 kp and you have
[01:53:11] eight. I think that's actually the problem by the way. Like let's let's keep
[01:53:39] it real here. I could have played a lot better this game but you guys did nothing.
[01:53:46] no one play AP this patch bro you're two four and three on Lillia oh I got a
[01:54:09] mute I just got a mute all like I'm gonna be a hundred percent honest
[01:54:13] listening to my teammates lose their lane this fucking hard and then blame me
[01:54:18] like like I literally mouse committed to split oh my god I can't I got a mute
[01:54:31] LoL players are the worst human beings to play with. My 100 LP master peeking
[01:54:38] Milio is telling me that I should group up and force fights when there's no objectives up.
[01:54:48] And then my Lilia is down three levels. My 80 carry is being solo killed on repeat bot.
[01:54:53] like literally bot lane lost 2v2 then like you guys just suck like I'm sorry I
[01:55:02] can't I can't be nice here I mean I'll just cue secondary support so at least I
[01:55:33] can impact the game I mean I could play AD mid and probably win most of my games
[01:55:37] in this year but Jesus fucking Christ I do this shit pisses me off like I got
[01:55:45] a mute all it actually is so frustrating like you play with people
[01:55:50] that are way lower LP than you, right? 39 LP top. This guy is literally just bad. Like,
[01:56:06] you're a fiddle one trick trying to play Lilia. Just stick to your one trick. I don't even
[01:56:14] know what this guy is doing. This guy is fucking never played Mirio in his life and he's
[01:56:21] playing Mirio for some reason. But he's doing it against, like, he picked Mirio
[01:56:28] And then he didn't actually play Melio correctly, they lost the lane.
[01:56:34] So he picked Melio, never cued the top laner.
[01:56:42] I don't know man, it's kind of gross.
[01:56:48] How did a knight garen get on top of you when you're playing Melio?
[01:56:54] I don't understand.
[01:57:04] This guy is trash, he's just bad at the game.
[01:57:06] But nah, I don't want to play Aphelios, Aphelios is trash champion.
[01:57:19] When you walk Aphelios you are griefing yourself.
[01:57:22] I can do a Phelios on a Smurf, but I'm not gonna play it on this account.
[01:57:33] Good game.
[01:57:34] Thank you for LP.
[01:57:35] Homie, I don't know who you are.
[01:57:42] I don't keep track of low master players, bro.
[01:57:44] That's not my thing.
[01:57:55] I'm proud of you.
[01:57:57] You got some LP, bro.
[01:57:59] Grats.
[01:58:00] Like what?
[01:58:12] Like, I don't even know who this Echo guy was in the game.
[01:58:42] Like, should I even know who the fuck this is?
[01:58:49] Cause I don't think anybody on the anime team played well.
[01:58:54] to Bard. I feel like Low Masters is the weirdest deal ever. We're not even in Low Masters,
[01:59:46] we're in like High Masters and this is still weird. I was considering going Zery this game.
[02:00:01] I was thinking about it. I need something that can like fight with Yumi. Like Yumi
[02:00:22] wants to be really aggro, right? Or you either want to be aggro or you want to
[02:00:26] play for like really good scaling and then you want to have like safety for her.
[02:00:30] So I needed to pick something with a dash, so it's either Xerri Ezreal.
[02:00:33] It's like Xerri Ezreal both are really good with Yumi.
[02:00:39] I'm not very good at Xerri, so I was like okay I could probably play some Lucian.
[02:00:44] That's probably a better pick.
[02:00:45] I don't know who my top laner is, but my man has been smurfing it a bit.
[02:01:44] This guy is kind of popping off.
[02:01:47] Look at this guy's fucking match history man.
[02:01:54] what the fuck just kind of popping the fuck off I'm gonna mute all just cuz
[02:02:08] like I'm doing it for my own mental like my my mental is volatile after like
[02:02:19] being flamed by absolutely morons last game so I'm gonna go ahead and mute all
[02:02:28] and we'll just chill and focus on the game you know easy holy shit my Umi is
[02:02:57] dark harvest dude he's going in I gotta wait we gotta let it just full
[02:03:37] shoving. The only thing that kind of sucks is like we don't want these guys to be able
[02:04:11] to shove us in the whole game. Like if I just let these guys shove me in it's gonna be a
[02:04:18] pretty miserable experience. Who do you think I can just kill this MF? Let's see, I'm gonna
[02:04:37] do it once they... fuck I fucked up. Dude I was trying to get... if I told you what
[02:04:53] happened you guys would be like oh that makes sense. I'm actually really frustrated.
[02:04:59] We were level 2 first, but when I autoed the MF, the minion that was about to die right
[02:05:06] here didn't die, so I ended up putting myself in a really dumb spot because I was trying
[02:05:11] to get level 2 off of the minion.
[02:05:13] I was trying to be like fancy, because we win that every time if I just hit level
[02:05:18] 2 or level 3 on that timer.
[02:05:21] I just messed up.
[02:05:22] That's why I'm on.
[02:05:25] I'm sad.
[02:05:26] Cuz that was such a free fight and then I wasted my flash. Oh my god
[02:05:35] Gross rose gameplay for me. Oh my god my CS 2
[02:05:58] Man, I thought I win that
[02:06:49] My jungler didn't want to rotate he was doing dragon
[02:07:05] Okay, I mean, I don't know bro. This guy picks first time you me like blind picks you me and I don't play Zerri, so we're fucked
[02:07:29] That's my bad
[02:07:31] I mean blind picks you meet and then
[02:07:37] Which is like I don't even think it's fine, but then it's like we also kind of get fucked over by I
[02:07:47] Fucked up the level 2 spike or level 3 spike, and then I tried to kite to the jungler, but I fucked that up
[02:07:56] I don't mind playing with you meet. I just
[02:08:38] The only champ I really play with her is like well as fucking
[02:08:46] Ezreal
[02:09:09] Okay, oh that's actually pretty huge. I don't think he catches that guy. Well, silly game goes, but it's not looking good
[02:09:46] We have three lane boys and all three lane boys lost their lane
[02:09:50] Like when I throw loser to the block, it's gonna be a bad for us for a lot of the game
[02:10:01] I mean, I just like I'm checked out
[02:10:13] I'll be real. I think this game is just done man. I want to go next. I feel bad for our Gungor is actually not playing
[02:11:12] bad at all these we've got three losing lands there's not much you can do oh
[02:11:34] shit the bushy bushy oh here you go chat that's for you don't worry it's 13
[02:14:24] minutes we got our first item and that's only on her second we're chilling
[02:14:28] oh nice job I'm dead I ain't gonna lie I feel like I've like mentally checked
[02:15:43] out of this one I hope we just 15 to move on like I feel bad because our
[02:15:51] jungle was actually playing pretty well this game but outside of that like we
[02:15:55] are just getting railed mid lost mid took grasp Ezreal lost I lost
[02:16:05] Yumi's just being Yumi so it was one of those yo guys what guys what am I
[02:16:45] watching like our roar is literally AFK wait why are you mid bro we're just
[02:17:14] gonna lose top turret. Okay. How would we hit no and play like this though? That's what
[02:17:32] I don't get. We're like we're not we're not doing anything we're just like slowly losing
[02:17:38] instead of losing and like we're losing very slowly instead of losing in 10 minutes. So
[02:18:15] we're gonna go bot. I went man. I mean maybe we can look for a play here. Alright
[02:19:11] Ekrem doesn't have ult.
[02:19:20] Muggers?
[02:19:35] Yeah, I'm a lot of men, man.
[02:19:37] Ekrem and Yumi are very clearly the ones hitting no,
[02:19:40] and they're not actually partaking in the game anyway.
[02:19:43] So I'm just a lot of men.
[02:19:47] Like, they're just permsighting.
[02:20:08] Oh, thank God.
[02:20:14] This game was miserable.
[02:20:35] That was an absolutely giga miserable game.
[02:21:10] My Aurora mid did less damage than my Yumi.
[02:21:20] I thought I did bad.
[02:21:23] I was like, dude, I'm playing bad this game,
[02:21:25] And when I looked, that Aurora played even worse.
[02:22:33] I would be right back.
[02:23:57] I mean, I think Yumi is a fine pick, by the way.
[02:24:00] Like, I think Yumi's fine.
[02:24:08] I think the problem in that game was just that level three spike, I mistimed the level
[02:24:17] up or like when the minion, we just got fucked in the minion and then after all that,
[02:24:28] our top and our mid both ran it down too.
[02:24:30] So it was like, it was kind of frustrating
[02:24:33] because like I ran it down and then Top Mid also ran it down.
[02:24:35] So it was like, okay, well we just lose.
[02:24:39] It is what it is.
[02:25:05] Dude, I should start banning Hecarim every game actually.
[02:25:12] There's actually so many people who play Hecarim
[02:25:15] in this healer.
[02:25:18] I feel like you ban him.
[02:25:19] You get like one of the Hecarim players almost always.
[02:26:21] I'm just sitting in queue.
[02:28:02] All right boys, it's a Janna game.
[02:28:05] We got support.
[02:28:06] We got support.
[02:28:09] Ah, that means it's a Johnna game.
[02:28:16] What am I against?
[02:29:35] Uh, this meta is really cool.
[02:29:41] I think Janna is actually pretty good versus team though.
[02:29:50] I can ulti Camille out of her ults.
[02:29:52] I can nato the Samira Q or the Samira stun.
[02:29:56] Uh, I can...
[02:29:58] I actually think, yeah, I think Janna is a good pick here. Nice.
[02:30:02] Alright boys, wait let's...
[02:30:05] I gotta change the music?
[02:30:08] Give me one sec. Oh, I'm gonna have to reopen Spotify. It bugged out
[02:30:15] Fucking rip
[02:30:18] Fuckin rip. Wow. I sat in a ten minute queue for a diamond game
[02:30:25] Fun actually the shit in this game is really awkward the fuck
[02:30:42] What is going on here? All right boys. I am speed
[02:31:06] Let's get the double you. Oh shit. The fighting has broken out already
[02:31:17] So that's what I like to see. Gaming. Alright, I'm just gonna go chill bot.
[02:32:00] Okay, so this lane, I think what we do in this lane actually is just, we're gonna try
[02:32:08] our hardest to dodge the Niko E. Niko Q is super fucking annoying to try and dodge.
[02:32:16] It's like almost undodgeable.
[02:32:18] It's like loxy.
[02:32:21] It's almost like unbeatable if the Niko isn't terrible.
[02:32:25] Okay, so every time that she throws it though, I'm gonna walk up and I'm gonna start, I'm
[02:32:33] gonna force her to put that ward down in that bush.
[02:32:46] Give a nice little trade.
[02:32:50] We should go forward here.
[02:32:51] Nice, not bad.
[02:32:56] I actually probably could have played more aggro on that, but it is what it is.
[02:33:01] I don't think Kaisa Jungle is going to gank us early game, that would be wild, but you never know.
[02:33:19] I kind of want to save my nato just in case we do get level 3 Kaisa ganks.
[02:33:25] Like it is possible.
[02:33:27] Okay, I'm going to push this wave in with my nato so we can like secure our level 3.
[02:33:47] I'm going to walk up.
[02:33:59] Uh, I mean, Sivir should be winning that fight.
[02:34:08] Oh, she's dead nice.
[02:34:09] I would say Sivir better win that because like
[02:34:15] When I all in Sivir didn't fight she didn't fight with me
[02:34:21] Because we win that every time if Sivir just hits them. I don't want to take this guy's xp
[02:34:31] I might be able to fuck with this Yone
[02:34:40] Not bad. I don't think people know how to play versus Samira
[02:35:08] Like all you have to do is space out or E
[02:35:13] like when Samira goes in right it's actually very very simple Niko is here
[02:35:19] by the way she's one of the minions we can hit tab and we can see that she's
[02:35:25] one of the minions yeah we need to crash the wave okay not bad but yeah we just
[02:35:52] crash this wave now we're gonna back up nice not bad not bad but yeah so like
[02:35:56] Samira is a really easy trade pattern if you guys ever go for Samira this
[02:36:01] is pretty good advice she's the way she trades is she just Q autos and then
[02:36:05] E's forward right? Or should Q autos and just like take small little trades? Literally all
[02:36:09] you have to do to beat that is stay out of range of the Q auto or stay out of range of
[02:36:14] the E. Why are we pushing? We should just freeze this. Oh no. I don't like this like spam push
[02:36:27] strat because like it's good once you have mana but until it has mana this is like
[02:36:33] a bad strategy man. You gotta back up. You don't have a ward. We don't have vision
[02:37:02] So we know Kaisa's top, but they'll get all solo there, Eddie
[02:37:20] Don't worry about I guess
[02:37:22] Yeah, I need fucking 50 gold. I think I'm dead. I
[02:38:00] Am indeed
[02:38:04] Why didn't she oh my server so bad?
[02:38:08] We were trying to push the wave in but Sivir wasn't hitting the minions
[02:38:12] So like you notice how I was autoing the cannon the whole time and Sivir was just standing there hitting me
[02:38:20] She needs to just kill the cannon and then push the rest in or she needs to back
[02:38:26] The silver is really I
[02:38:29] Can tell she's a diamond player. Let's just put it that way
[02:38:32] So right there was kind of what I was talking about when I said that you can outspace
[02:39:07] Samira
[02:39:08] all you have to do really outspace Samira is
[02:39:14] Make sure that when she's fighting you oh, okay. I mean this guy's just bad. So I'm just gonna leave but
[02:39:23] But when she's fighting you, you just need to run away from her when she tries to use
[02:39:31] her E.
[02:39:32] Like stay right outside her E range and you're chillin' for most of the game.
[02:39:37] I think we can actually just kill the Kaisa here.
[02:39:42] She's on her camp.
[02:39:43] She's on her rates.
[02:39:54] I need to back and get more wards.
[02:40:00] Damn.
[02:40:01] Ooh, nice.
[02:40:02] I need to back and get more wards here though.
[02:40:06] Wait, I'm gonna see if he queues forward.
[02:40:16] I should go back bot, because I have a feeling the server is going to run it down if I don't.
[02:40:26] But I need to get some boards for dragon.
[02:40:28] I think at this point our best bet is just playing around drake as much as we can.
[02:40:38] Like our wincon is just getting 4 drakes.
[02:40:40] Our top is doing great, our mid is doing great, our jungle is doing great.
[02:40:45] Our adc is doing decent.
[02:40:48] But they have like a really OP team comp when it comes to like...
[02:40:52] They have a really really OP team comp when it comes to uh, hold on
[02:41:10] Yeah, my bot laner died. I'll just say if I keep doing that he is going to die
[02:41:14] Well, it's just it's just obvious. He's about to fucking run it down. I need my teammate here. How are we giving crab?
[02:41:41] Guys, how are we giving anything right now? This is wild star. Thank you
[02:42:00] Damn, you can immediately tell I have four challengers in my last game
[02:42:26] This game I have four diamonds
[02:42:29] You can immediately see the difference. I don't want to go play for grubs, but my timer is bad
[02:43:08] I went bot for like two seconds for no reason just now
[02:43:12] And it kind of sucks. Oh
[02:43:18] You know, I can I can help you with this guy beat him
[02:43:22] Okay here, we should get grubs by the way the fact my silver died is really embarrassing
[02:44:05] Because it's impossible for Sivir to ever die.
[02:44:10] The whole point of playing Sivir is you have infinite wave clear.
[02:44:14] So like I kind of want to go look at the Vod and figure out how that guy didn't wave clear.
[02:44:18] Nice, I got my support item.
[02:44:31] Maybe I should stay mid here.
[02:44:40] I think this guy is going to go in.
[02:44:54] I need to back and get my support item, guess.
[02:44:57] I don't know, my team's invading.
[02:45:00] Shiv, just take risk bro.
[02:45:03] like if I have to stay on the map we need to get a Rift or Blue or something
[02:45:12] like we need to get something out of me staying on the map here because I don't
[02:45:24] like this this is like okay nice like whatever I have to stay in the map is
[02:45:37] the support for longer than like two minutes and you don't you don't get to
[02:45:40] get wards it feels so bad wait wait what is that stat you said my
[02:45:47] My server is top deaths on the server?
[02:45:55] What a fucking statistic!
[02:46:11] That is actually really fucking funny.
[02:46:14] Wait, why are we not- why is nobody mid?
[02:46:36] Hello?
[02:46:37] What is happening?
[02:46:38] Team?
[02:46:39] I mean, I'll push mid for us, but like, guys, there's no world we should have nobody
[02:46:53] mid here.
[02:47:04] Okay.
[02:47:05] So, I walk bot for two seconds, then I wa- where- dude, where am I supposed to
[02:47:11] be. I don't have anybody to play around on the map. Where the fuck am I supposed to be
[02:47:18] right now? I'm walking bot, he ints. I'm walking mid, nobody's standing mid for two minutes.
[02:47:27] My server sold all her items and bought three zeals. I love low elo league of legends.
[02:47:36] Oop she left base so now she gets perm bans. By the way, just as an FYI to you guys
[02:47:45] who do this type of shit, this like inting thing,
[02:47:49] just a little bit of an FYI, that actually hit me.
[02:48:05] Riot is gonna start Vanguard banning when people do this,
[02:48:09] which means you won't be able to play any Riot game
[02:48:13] for six months.
[02:48:16] Not Vanguard or not, not, not.
[02:48:20] You won't be able to play, like,
[02:48:21] they literally won't let you log into the lead client
[02:48:24] for six months.
[02:48:25] So I suggest if you guys get mad and you start selling your items and trolling
[02:48:30] That you understand that you are trading six months of playing the game
[02:48:35] For raging one time in a random league of legends game
[02:48:40] That doesn't matter at all
[02:48:42] Because like I I guarantee you this guy gets banned
[02:48:46] Like I I will promise you he's getting banned
[02:49:05] Hogi you want to make a bet?
[02:49:09] Riot said
[02:49:11] In an official riot post they were going to start
[02:49:17] Hardware banning for for soft inting games. It is an official riot reddit post
[02:49:24] Go look it up on reddit, bro. Go look it up little guy
[02:49:32] Sounds like you a little you're gonna be you're gonna be a little mad and find you the post
[02:49:37] Okay. Oh, bro. I could easily find you the posts
[02:49:42] $100? Oh that's the easiest $100 I've ever made. I'll do that to this game, bro. Easy fucking money.
[02:49:57] I can tell though that you're somebody who's scared of being hardware bands. You're probably
[02:50:15] somebody who softens. Like I can tell you're like a softenter. Because you're like,
[02:50:23] nah, they won't do it, man. Oh, they're going to. And trust me, it will be glorious.
[02:50:38] You say every account I've touched has been banned?
[02:50:57] Wouldn't that mean the account that I'm playing on right now is banned?
[02:51:03] But I'm playing on it?
[02:51:06] That's crazy.
[02:51:08] I'm beating the system.
[02:51:10] I'm currently playing on a banned account.
[02:51:12] It's been chabanned 200 times.
[02:51:17] It's been chabanned one time.
[02:51:19] Ever.
[02:51:22] And it's currently banned.
[02:51:24] Chabanned.
[02:51:29] Hogi, all I'm saying is when I show you the posts, you're gonna have to give
[02:51:33] me a hundred dollars or else everybody in chat is gonna know you're a liar. I hope you're
[02:51:39] okay with that bro. Oh I'm dead as fuck. The ho- ho you guys a troll? Oh yeah no he's
[02:52:00] this- this ho- you guys been a troll in my chat for a long time. He's just- he's a
[02:52:07] hate watcher. He's a loser. The only reason I don't ban him is because he gives me
[02:52:11] free money. Like he's about to give me a free hundred dollars so it's like it's
[02:52:16] worth you know. I'm gonna go hang out next to the area and see if we can ca-
[02:52:28] Uh, let's see what we can carry.
[02:52:31] Carry with Zerry because our fourth Drake's about to come up.
[02:52:43] There's a next door.
[02:52:44] Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
[02:52:45] It's like there's literally articles about the fact Riot is going to start
[02:52:49] hardware banning people for soft ending.
[02:52:51] Like there's literally articles from Riot employees.
[02:52:59] That's why I know I'm right.
[02:53:02] Like it's not like I'm bullshitting.
[02:53:04] Like I know I'm right.
[02:53:26] Oh, that was a dirty play.
[02:53:37] I mean, I'm down to forfeit.
[02:53:38] I'll just, uh, I'll make it take him to get this guy banned.
[02:53:40] I mean, it's really easy to get people banned by making tickets when they literally sell their items and start running it down.
[02:53:49] That's like the easiest way to get people banned.
[02:53:56] And you might be saying, but Geronimo, he doesn't care about his account, he's on a smurf.
[02:54:00] Welcome to Hardware Bans.
[02:54:03] Welcome to Vanguard Hardware Bans, lads.
[02:54:07] Welcome.
[02:54:08] And if you don't think, by the way,
[02:54:10] that Riot is collecting your data with Vanguard right now so that they can ban you when you troll.
[02:54:15] you are delusional yo wait a second so like everybody in chat just linked this
[02:54:30] guy the the thing he said he would give me a hundred dollars if I could if we
[02:54:35] could link him the video I mean the thing and he hasn't spoken since the
[02:55:31] nano nice your word hoagie poogies go hoagie poogies are you there where is
[02:56:45] my hundred dollars fucking lied to man then me and Tom are trying to run
[02:57:21] him down over here. Yo boys, real talk though, like let's get out of this game.
[02:57:27] Xari isn't good enough to carry this, she's D1. Let's be real here. Like I sat in a 12
[02:57:34] minute queue just now to get into a Diamond 1 game where my AD carry threw a temper tantrum
[02:57:39] and sold his items. Let's just move on. This ain't worth my time. I'm gonna make
[02:58:22] sure he's banned this patch, but once they implement next patch, they implement the
[02:58:27] the hardware bands. If he's banned this patch, he's gonna get banned next patch too. So it'll
[02:58:33] be great. Alright, we cured him. Damn, we had three games in a row that were just like
[02:58:44] super shitty and unfun. Those games were not fun at all. It was like one game was just
[02:58:53] me, I just ran it down, right? Like the, the mouse game, I just ran it the fuck
[02:58:58] down man, that was just my bad. But after the mouse game, we just like, like the last
[02:59:05] two games were literally just people absolutely running it down trolling you
[02:59:16] know what else is bad by the way this silver just came off a chat restrict so
[02:59:25] he just played his quick play games and his normals he got chat restricted played
[02:59:31] his five games and then started playing again so now his account's gonna get
[02:59:37] perm banned when I make the ticket and when his account gets perm banned it's
[02:59:41] gonna go on his record and it's gonna Vanguard's gonna see it's Pog dude I'm
[03:00:03] so excited though where's this hoagie guy like telling me I was delusional when
[03:00:10] I was making it up where you at bro here I'll go find it somebody has the
[03:00:20] Twitter post probably that they could just link me or I think this link but
[03:00:24] yeah let's go see I'm gonna sit through a long-ass queue again because you know
[03:00:40] for some reason the queues are insane. Here it is. Here is the post. By the way,
[03:00:53] League will be looking into increased detection of and punishment for soft inting,
[03:00:58] which is a large problem in the game. Now that we have machine ID info with Vanguard,
[03:01:04] how quickly should we transition punishment from account level to hardware level?
[03:01:08] This was one month ago from Riot themselves.
[03:01:21] So yes, Riot will be using Vanguard to ban people,
[03:01:27] hardware ban people, not just cheaters,
[03:01:31] but people who are inting and soft inting games on repeat.
[03:01:34] They will be using Vanguard in the near future to do that.
[03:01:37] Now where is my $100?
[03:01:41] You little bitch.
[03:01:43] Or are we just too scared to face the music?
[03:01:47] music. Mr. Hogi Pogies? Did he leave? Did he get nervous? Did my man get nervous? What
[03:02:33] are we doing, bro? He says, I'll admit when I'm wrong. Whoa. He says, I'll admit when
[03:02:46] I'm wrong. I proved him wrong and he left. I don't know man, that seems bitch made.
[03:02:53] Like, I knew he wasn't going to do it because he's a bitch, but it's some bitch made shit.
[03:02:58] Nah, I'm telling you man.
[03:03:13] People will just say random lies.
[03:03:17] You prove them wrong, they leave because they can't just admit that they were wrong.
[03:03:23] It's pathetic.
[03:03:24] On that note, how's everybody's day going?
[03:03:39] I hope everybody's having a wonderful day.
[03:03:42] I hope you're all having a great day.
[03:03:51] Chillin'.
[03:04:16] By the way, I'm all four people getting hardware banned for soft ending and shit.
[03:04:21] Like, if I do it, I expect to get a harder event.
[03:04:26] I'm all for it, man.
[03:04:27] If you troll and soft-dent and ruin games and shit, like, you should get banned.
[03:04:31] I don't care.
[03:04:33] You could be the biggest streamer on the platform.
[03:04:35] You could be the most important person.
[03:04:36] I don't give a fuck.
[03:04:37] Just, like, you genuinely deserve to be banned.
[03:04:40] Alright.
[03:05:20] That was a fast game, at least, or a fast Q-time.
[03:05:23] Alright, dude, we've lost our last three games in a row.
[03:05:40] We gotta lock in and carry this one.
[03:05:43] I am sick and tired of letting the losers distract me so we lose.
[03:05:49] We gotta lock the fuck in!
[03:05:54] Oh yeah!
[03:05:59] Are you ready, chat?
[03:06:01] Ooh, what's going on here?
[03:07:02] We should be able to just straight up kill these guys.
[03:07:05] Level one.
[03:07:06] Even in the wave, if he just walks like...
[03:07:08] Even if they walk into the- like up with the wave, it's a Seraphine, and it's a Nautilus-ez.
[03:07:13] So we can just straight up kill them.
[03:07:16] Wait for the wave?
[03:07:17] Mmm, go.
[03:07:18] go go why is this guy so scared I'm not even kidding he could have just walked up
[03:07:38] and just like fucking straight up hold to that guy or not hold to yeah no he could
[03:07:42] just walked up and just straight up fucking auto-cured that guy like flash
[03:07:47] you could even flashed on him and you would have died or he would have had to
[03:07:50] flash at least we need to push this wave in okay I mean we can straight up
[03:08:40] just like I said before we can sort of just go in any time my Nautilus might
[03:09:15] be mentally retarded. Because he went in, but he tanked the turret. Okay. I am not going
[03:09:31] to force my teammates to do things that they are uncomfortable with, because I'm realizing
[03:09:37] again that even at 300, 400 LP Masters, support players are retarded. So we need to play
[03:09:49] like they are retarded and not play like they know what they're doing because
[03:09:55] the easiest way to lose games before they begin is to force bad players to play
[03:09:59] in a way that they do not know how to play and this is an auto-filled AD carry
[03:10:06] main in who's a diamond one player he ended diamond one 23 LP and he's currently
[03:10:15] zero LP masters and the only reason he's in my game is because NA is a
[03:10:19] a dead server. Why is my Nautilus so bad? What's going on here, bro? I said I wanted
[03:11:14] to play AD Carry, but it might be mid. It might be like, I went up 300LP playing mid
[03:11:18] support, and then I'm like, oh, I'm going to play some AD Carry games, and I'm already
[03:11:22] wanting to play mid support some more. I'm not even kidding. Like, AD Carry might be
[03:11:27] the worst role in the game until the Grand Master. This is miserable. Like, I don't
[03:11:34] have words for how miserable this is. I was having so much fun playing mid every
[03:11:38] game, just stomping everyone I go against because everybody in the ceiling is trash.
[03:11:41] I play a few AD carry games and it feels unplayable. You get a Nautilus, you play
[03:11:50] support, you get a Sivir who sells her items and runs you down. When you're
[03:11:55] winning, you're winning the game and your Sivir rages and throws like
[03:11:58] throws the game away. Then you play AD and your Nautilus doesn't know how
[03:12:02] walk up level 1 to a Seraphine Kaisa or land hook, he doesn't know how to play Nautilus.
[03:12:13] I think it's just going to be me playing 80 carries mid until we hit Grandmaster.
[03:12:19] Like actually though, this is like crazy how bad this guy is.
[03:12:33] I can't play the game.
[03:12:35] I'm sorry that I'm raging at this guy but like this is not playable.
[03:12:45] My support is unironically making the game so unplayable by just simply existing.
[03:12:51] Like, if you're gonna play, like, straight up, if you're gonna play fucking support,
[03:12:56] put your autofill and you don't know how to play support, play Janna.
[03:13:00] We're gonna get ganked by fucking Zac again.
[03:13:26] I don't even know how I'm out CS'ing Kaisa.
[03:13:45] This is this guy's first game of League of Legends in 10 days.
[03:13:52] And he's, he's autofilled and playing his 30% win rate in autos.
[03:13:57] I don't know it's crazy I think I can still carry this but it's I gotta get
[03:14:07] the shutdown I mean I don't know what to say like we're just getting dove on
[03:15:58] repeat by Zach we didn't even ignite this is crazy I don't know like I can't
[03:16:13] play the game man like I don't think you guys fully understand just how
[03:16:24] much easier it is to climb on a solo lane actually you should because I've
[03:16:29] I've been climbing on a solo lane incredibly easily.
[03:16:32] Like I play mid and I go up 400 LP in a week.
[03:16:36] I play fucking 80 carry, I lose my mind
[03:16:39] and want to never Q League again.
[03:16:44] This role is just so trash.
[03:16:53] Cause you can get camps.
[03:17:00] I'm dead.
[03:17:02] I wanna say if I went to that Q,
[03:17:04] I actually might've killed him.
[03:17:14] And then he took the 600 gold shutdown.
[03:17:17] Nah, that's crazy.
[03:17:27] My jungler has 0kp at 12 minutes and he's being out-farmed by a Zac.
[03:17:36] How is this possible?
[03:17:37] How is the Zac out-farming my jungler who's a champion specifically designed to farm?
[03:17:46] There's no world, right?
[03:17:47] There's no way.
[03:17:48] We can go next, by the way, like I'm just going to Q mid the rest of the day.
[03:17:53] AD carry is not a fun role.
[03:17:56] Mid at least like I get to do, like if I make a mistake it's my fault.
[03:18:00] You know what I mean?
[03:18:02] Like, balling just feels genuinely so bad.
[03:18:09] Like, 15th time that I've been ganked by Zach.
[03:18:13] Like, what the fuck?
[03:18:33] I mean, let's go next, guys.
[03:18:46] Yeah, Gwen, I don't give a fuck, bro.
[03:18:47] You're a low elo player.
[03:18:52] I don't scare men.
[03:18:55] I have to be honest with you, Miss Gwen.
[03:18:56] You're a literal diamond player.
[03:19:02] Like, your first time in Gwen too.
[03:19:04] You've never played the champ.
[03:19:06] Like, you literally are first time
[03:19:07] a champion in ranks. God, I hate, like, I didn't even think about this stuff. Like,
[03:19:12] I'm not even kidding. When I play mid, I just have so much fun because mid is actually a
[03:19:20] role where you can have fun. Whereas like, adc carries a role where like your fun is
[03:19:26] based on is your jungler not trolling is your fucking top laner trolling is your
[03:19:32] mid trolling is your support trolling. But you have so many fucking like system
[03:19:37] checks in place to see if you get to have fun as an ad carry. It's so boring, but genuinely
[03:19:50] so boring. I mean I can't, I literally can't do anything. My Nautilus quite literally walked
[03:20:14] up and did nothing, the entire lane except for int. It is one of those bro. My 0kp jungler.
[03:20:51] Look where you are moron. God. I just can't believe how bad the jungle and the support
[03:21:11] where that game. I didn't realize like how badly I actually carry when I play mid. Like
[03:21:18] my jungle and my support are this bad every game, but when I'm playing mid, I hard carry.
[03:21:23] Right? Like I'm saying like the power that I do on the map when I'm playing mid is insane.
[03:21:31] Like I'm doing so much. Oh, the support was a soft dense. It was a Q snipe.
[03:22:28] He honored me and said GG smiley face
[03:22:34] So it was just a softense. I didn't hide my queue last champ select
[03:29:20] Okay, let's see how this goes. Oh, let's see how this game goes. Hopefully hopefully we get a
[03:29:33] Quality lead game not a master's shit show
[03:29:41] So hopefully we'll see how it goes like what are what are these what are these absolute
[03:30:19] garbage fucking matchmaking's also this ball guy has been queue sniping me all day.
[03:30:32] So I'm just gonna mute all and I'm just gonna death and if you want the antique and ends
[03:30:37] for stream I don't care man you do you I'm just gonna focus on myself.
[03:30:48] I can't really, like I am beyond frustrated at these people
[03:30:52] because I just want to play the game and they're,
[03:30:55] like I'm getting a lot of cringe losers today.
[03:31:03] It is one of those,
[03:31:05] but we'll just definitely every game
[03:31:07] and focus on our own shit.
[03:31:11] I have a feeling we're going to lose a lot of LP today
[03:31:13] and then gain a lot of LP back.
[03:31:16] Cause right of this thing where when you go
[03:31:20] on win streaks, it'll auto put bad players
[03:31:22] your team who are on winning or losing streaks so that you can even out your win
[03:31:27] rate but I don't know we'll see. Castle Crushers music? Oh yeah this music's sick.
[03:32:38] Not bad. I got E level 2 just because I wanted to get that extra little bit of
[03:32:48] poke on them. I don't think there's much I can do to like really poke them. Oh I'm sad.
[03:33:08] I can't really do too much here. I mean there's no way I can fight that.
[03:33:36] The wave is way too big man, there's not much I could do, I mean, Bard's not really a champ
[03:34:06] that I can like help, we can't really like win lane with Bard unless he's like really
[03:34:11] crazy good at the keys, like this guy was like, you know, fucking Danos at like Bard
[03:34:19] queuing and shits, yeah, but it's too hard, what am I watching, Zac just not gonna,
[03:34:40] why didn't he go in?
[03:34:47] Ah, it felt bad.
[03:34:49] I feel like we got a little baited by the Zac there.
[03:34:52] Was it me down?
[03:34:55] So I feel like Bard and Gage actually wasn't the worst.
[03:35:22] I got it back here,
[03:35:23] cause Lux is gonna have teleport?
[03:35:26] Yeah, I don't know.
[03:35:28] I need to back ASAP.
[03:35:30] I'm gonna have to take a bad back timer
[03:35:31] just cause they have TP.
[03:35:35] Oh, here comes the Bard Rums.
[03:35:46] I'm okay with that
[03:35:47] cause if the Q hits me, it's not a big deal.
[03:35:50] Like the Q hitting me there is actually not a huge deal, just because the E is like, she's maxing E, right? So...
[03:36:11] The only good saving grace about our comp vs their comp is if I can get...
[03:36:17] Like, once I get Bloodthirster, I'm never gonna be able to die again to their team outside of like their top and mid, who are both getting shafted, so...
[03:36:28] And now that I have Vamp Scepter, it's gonna be a really... a much easier lane with the Vamp Scepter than it was...
[03:36:35] Because they have double poke and we're getting shoved in.
[03:36:38] Lux is such a funny playstyle, it's so toxic.
[03:36:56] I can take trades now as long as I don't get binded.
[03:37:15] But as long as I don't get bound, I can take good trades.
[03:37:26] I just have to try and get XP.
[03:37:35] I can't get the CS, but I'm just trying to get XP right now.
[03:37:39] So, alright, nice. Stay with everything, that's really good.
[03:37:50] Not bad. Got him.
[03:38:05] Worth it.
[03:38:07] because Nasus was behind me.
[03:38:10] Nasus is in here, somewhere.
[03:38:14] Yeah.
[03:38:15] So it's worth it because I was gonna get dove by Nasus
[03:38:18] regardless and we traded a one for one, which is huge.
[03:38:24] Where's my supports?
[03:38:25] He's a troll.
[03:38:27] This guy has been in three of my last four games
[03:38:29] and he's trolled when he's on my team
[03:38:32] and he's like super sweated when he's versus me.
[03:38:34] He's just a stream sniper trying to be cute.
[03:38:45] It is one of those, man.
[03:38:58] I actually had to flash that, huh?
[03:39:01] Wow, Lux is balanced.
[03:39:06] Yeah, Lux seems really balanced, by the way.
[03:39:09] Her ult is just back up the set, like, what?
[03:39:13] Her ult has no cooldown.
[03:39:16] She has 10,000 range, undodgeable.
[03:39:35] Goddamn, man.
[03:39:38] I mean, this guy that I'm versus is a challenger, so he's not bad.
[03:39:43] I've played against this guy before. He has an accountant challenger.
[03:39:46] This guy is actually like some 13 year old challenger player.
[03:39:54] It's actually kind of nuts.
[03:40:02] Oh damn.
[03:40:05] I think we win that if Bard used the blocks, but yeah, I need to play around the fact
[03:40:12] that this guy is going to just troll.
[03:40:18] But he is straight up griefing, so I need to play around it.
[03:40:24] My mid and my top are doing very well though, and my jungler is doing very well.
[03:40:30] So I think we can win if I just try my absolute hardest and I'll die and just farm, just trying
[03:41:44] to life steal a bit.
[03:41:48] I should be able to E R, well please don't, like I've been waiting on this wave, please
[03:42:00] don't come down here just to absorb my XP, you fucker.
[03:42:02] Yeah I mean he is very obviously just trolling to troll at this point, you can just see
[03:42:18] it.
[03:42:19] Like, he came bot to soak my XP, didn't flash, didn't ignite, like, died on purpose, like, dude.
[03:42:27] Like, I get you think it's funny to, like, do this shit on stream, like, haha, he-he.
[03:42:31] But, like, can you just, like, play the game, man? Like, like, sincerely, man, I get it.
[03:42:40] You think it's funny to grief and troll, but, like, we have teammates, like, they're trying to win the game.
[03:42:46] Like, it's not cool, dude. Don't be cringe and, like, fuck them over, man.
[03:42:51] Damn, our mid is pretty damn good.
[03:43:26] I'm gonna just wait to Q after this game until this guy gets into Q.
[03:43:30] Like, even if we win this game, I'm still gonna do it because like, it's just, it's
[03:43:52] like really unfun.
[03:43:53] Like, I just wanna have fun and I am not having fun with this guy.
[03:43:57] I'm gonna always bot turret.
[03:44:39] Somebody's gotta go bot, farm that wave, but I can't do it.
[03:44:42] I gotta go mid.
[03:44:43] I told you, it's actually so OP versus Lux to have BT.
[03:45:34] Because when she combos me, if there's something I can lifesteal off of next to her, it's really
[03:45:39] hard for her to actually kill me.
[03:45:43] Because I just auto the minion wave, and I would heal most of her damage.
[03:45:46] That's what I was saying.
[03:46:05] Next patch, I actually think, what if there's 3Ds that are already really good, like Draven
[03:46:11] and MF?
[03:46:12] But I think next patch they're going to be even better.
[03:46:14] I mean, we can't play for this dragon.
[03:46:32] Our colleague's doing such a good job.
[03:46:37] This is just gonna be a game where I have to basically just farm up until I get 2-3 items.
[03:46:43] Try not to die during the mid game and hope that we can scale without losing too bad.
[03:46:49] I'm so dead.
[03:47:59] Fuck.
[03:48:00] Ah, that was a good binding.
[03:48:04] Damn it.
[03:48:05] That was a very good binding.
[03:48:11] I should have played it slower.
[03:48:12] I was going too aggressive on that.
[03:48:22] I can't believe Bard mistimed his Q on his own ulti.
[03:48:26] I mean, I guess I can because that guy is just straight trolling, but the reason I ulted
[03:48:30] Pramptiff is because Bard can Q as his ult is wearing off, and he can stun them without
[03:48:36] any counterplay, right?
[03:48:37] Like, his particle goes off as they become available, so if he's good, he just stuns
[03:48:43] them off the ult, but we got their flashes, it's good.
[03:49:03] Oh, I actually missed that cannon.
[03:49:06] Oh, my cannon.
[03:49:08] Why am I just 1v2 versus these guys, by the way?
[03:49:33] I'm literally just sitting here one-by-twoing their fucking...
[03:49:37] ...Ball in.
[03:49:39] God, it's so...
[03:49:40] ...epnoxious.
[03:50:03] What the fuck is this, man?
[03:50:09] Why am I getting TP'd on?
[03:50:12] The fuck?
[03:50:25] That's crazy.
[03:50:30] I need 2...
[03:50:32] ...thousand gold for my item.
[03:50:36] Huh.
[03:50:37] Alright, guys, done.
[03:50:53] Alright, I need 200 gold for my item.
[03:50:57] I guess I can go top and farm that.
[03:51:40] I mean, they can do Baron.
[03:51:42] No
[03:51:43] Yeah, we got her flash
[03:52:30] Okay, we're fighting in their jungle
[03:52:46] For what reason? I mean, I know the bar is throwing boys clad fighting. Come on guys
[03:52:58] Our jungler's dead our mid mid isn't there man. I don't know why this is so hard
[03:53:10] Like this genuinely just feels like these people are not trying to win at all
[03:53:13] It's such a feels bad man. I don't know what else to say it just it genuinely feels bad man
[03:53:31] Like they barred didn't ulti I got a three-man ulti in the pit
[03:54:28] But we didn't use Bartle to save me
[03:54:30] He just didn't care
[03:54:36] Damn I wish that I could queue mid and get mid
[03:54:51] 99% of the time, but if I Q mid AD I will always get AD
[03:54:57] Because mid is such like sought-out role and AD carry is not a sought-out role
[03:55:01] So I will always get AD if I Q mid AD
[03:55:04] If I Q mid like top, there's a chance that I get like mid more, but I don't know. It's really rough
[03:55:34] Nassas is just taking our base
[03:55:36] Okay
[03:55:43] Let's just go next man the Bard ulted to try and get us to lose the fight
[03:55:52] because they have Baron. He's, it is what it is. Like he, I've accepted that we're
[03:56:01] gonna lose this because Bard is a sniper. I know who the Bard is too. He has a
[03:56:15] Smurf account that he snipes me on, on his, like whenever I'm on my other
[03:56:19] account. This is his main account and he's sniping on this account. Like he,
[03:56:29] it's really painful man. Really wants to do this game. I'm like trying to
[03:57:07] keep a good positive mental but it's so hard man.
[03:57:09] Oh, this isn't too bad I mean I have three full items.
[03:59:03] It's not the worst, could be worse.
[03:59:11] So I definitely hit hard now.
[03:59:52] Guys?
[03:59:53] Okay.
[03:59:58] Cool.
[04:00:03] I mean it is what it is.
[04:00:08] I feel bad for my teammates man because it's not their fault that like this guy is
[04:00:12] griefing me right?
[04:00:13] Like they didn't sign up for this.
[04:00:15] And they're playing well it's just that the Bard refuses that like he's just
[04:00:18] straight up griefing.
[04:00:19] I mean look at what he's doing right now.
[04:00:33] He's walking around the map doing nothing.
[04:00:35] Well, my Kled is like trying to pressure like, like, look at this.
[04:00:39] He built witch pain barred.
[04:00:41] Like, you can't tell me this guy's trying to win, right?
[04:00:44] Like, he's just not.
[04:00:50] It is what it is.
[04:00:51] It's just, you know, the life of being a streamer.
[04:00:55] It's like, the price you pay to get to play video games for a living is you get
[04:01:02] to get grief for a living.
[04:01:55] Where's our Zac at?
[04:02:08] Our Zac just didn't want to help that guy.
[04:02:11] Damn.
[04:02:13] Oh.
[04:02:14] Now he's going in 1v3.
[04:02:35] is what it is. They have a 200 CS Nasus. Honestly this game would have been actually really free
[04:02:45] if we didn't have a troll jungle and a troll support for the 5th game in a row. I'm telling
[04:02:59] you every game I've lost today was literally my jungle and my support trolling. The two
[04:03:03] most overpowered roles are the only two roles that matter in this specific elo and
[04:03:09] it's really painful. The reason mid's OP is because if you win mid you can side
[04:03:15] And if you can side, even if they suck, and they try and lose, you can 1v5 the game by side-laning the entire game.
[04:03:23] Because nobody in the silo knows how to side-lan.
[04:03:27] So if you can just win mid, you can side, right? And if you can side, you auto win the game.
[04:03:33] It is one of those, man.
[04:03:34] Could take a break for about five minutes, though. I'll be right back.
[04:03:46] I'm gonna Q dodge the support.
[04:09:59] Hmm?
[04:10:00] I'm not, I'm not trying to hide the fact that I'm not bad.
[04:10:04] What?
[04:10:08] I'm just hiding my chance, like, bro.
[04:10:10] Like it kind of sucks that I have to hide my champ select every game.
[04:11:41] Or else I just straight up get Q-Sniper griefed, but I mean, it is what it is, right?
[04:11:46] And it's just like the price you pay for being a streamer sucks ass, but there's not much
[04:11:57] I can do about it.
[04:13:58] Oh look, I'm versus the Q-Sniper again.
[04:14:00] Who would have guessed?
[04:14:03] Oh look I'm versus the Q sniper again who would a guest I
[04:14:39] Waited at 15 minutes the queue and he also waited
[04:14:45] Foggers who would a guest voice
[04:14:55] It's always funny it's never not funny been halla dude, I don't care like Jesus Christ man
[04:15:27] I don't care let him snipe me all day man. Listen. I play this game 24 seven
[04:15:35] If this guy wants to snipe me for one day of my life, I'm still gonna get Challenger.
[04:15:42] This guy has to do something, right?
[04:15:45] I'm sure he has school, he has work, he has something he has to do.
[04:15:48] I can queue up 10 to 12 hours every day.
[04:15:54] Him griefing me one day is not gonna be a big deal.
[04:15:57] Like it is what it is.
[04:16:04] It's not too bad.
[04:18:02] What is this guy doing?
[04:18:07] you're just gonna tank the wave like that you're fucking psycho bro I mean you
[04:18:14] can't freeze it I got some psycho behavior and then oh I think I'm dead I
[04:18:28] actually didn't chase me nice I'm pretty sure I actually die there if he
[04:18:55] chases me but I'll take him not chasing me listen I'm down he's pretty damn good
[04:19:33] vs. Malz so I gotta be kind of careful because this isn't really an easy match
[04:19:37] up he has really good sustain and he can all in me pretty much whenever he wants
[04:19:43] so I have to play my range really well in this matchup there's not really much I
[04:20:35] can do here he even went an early no magic mantle too that's crazy oh this
[04:21:29] guy is really fucking sweating look at him just like ultra fucking I mean I can't
[04:22:00] really play play this you can just valk up and probably kill me so I have
[04:22:05] to be really care.
[04:22:06] Like I said, Corky is definitely a very, very, very strong fucking champion versus Malz
[04:22:32] and Lyn.
[04:22:33] Like, it is not an easy game.
[04:22:38] He's not the brightest tool in the toolbox, right?
[04:22:43] Like, he's not smart, he's just like playing a really oppressive champ that I can't fight
[04:22:48] back on yet.
[04:22:49] Oh, I'm dead.
[04:22:59] Oh, he's not gonna die, is he?
[04:23:05] Yeah.
[04:23:07] He's so fucking close to dead, damn.
[04:23:11] It was very, very, very close to, it was like, there, maybe like, 70 inch thing.
[04:23:25] The hard part about this is I know my stream sniper told them, like I know that he told
[04:23:30] the mid laner to stream snipe.
[04:23:33] Like he was like, hey, go look up, it's Geronimo, go, you know, watch his stream.
[04:23:41] So it's like hard to ever get anything done, even with a map cover.
[04:23:55] You rushed QSS.
[04:23:57] Wow.
[04:23:58] Okay.
[04:23:59] I mean, that's probably pretty smart.
[04:24:03] I can't really do much against the QSS rush.
[04:24:19] Ooh, nice job!
[04:24:24] Callista popped off.
[04:24:27] Well played.
[04:24:38] I kind of wish Leona would come mid and gank this guy, but...
[04:24:43] Cause like he's playing, he's valking into me under my turret.
[04:24:51] But if Ivern or Leona gank him, he just instantize.
[04:24:55] Like he's playing so disrespectful and stupid.
[04:24:58] But my Leona is like raging?
[04:25:00] What do you mean forfeit?
[04:25:09] How is my team this mad?
[04:25:12] Guys, I'm the only one like, who's literally in like a bad matchup.
[04:25:18] You guys should all be fine.
[04:25:21] I don't know, Master Tier is wild.
[04:25:23] These people are mentally ill, bro.
[04:25:26] What is going on?
[04:26:01] They have no rumble, they can't fight that.
[04:26:37] I wish this guy would get ganked at some point.
[04:26:41] We ganked him one time and he had to, uh, we ganked him one single time and
[04:26:50] had to fucking immediately flash like we just gank him again I guarantee he's
[04:27:06] gonna have to like flash again I hope my fanboys here okay what is my Ivan
[04:27:38] doing that's kind of crazy dude what is this like fanboying mommy why are we
[04:28:12] just sitting mid right now bro like I get it you're like you know you've been
[04:28:17] a little fanboy but like this is wild this is like absolutely crazy levels of
[04:28:22] silly bro what the fuck yeah this is so hard for me to play but he literally has
[04:29:10] a fucking worthless ass QSS too and I still I'm still struggling because like
[04:29:16] it beats me like it's a bad build versus my Garen but it beats the shit out of
[04:29:22] me he stalled his build really hard though yeah I mean I don't know what to
[04:29:48] say it's just literally my ivern's living ball in my ball in is still
[04:29:52] losing even though he's living bot lane well they're not losing but they're like
[04:29:56] not doing well like like what what is this man why is he allowed to do this my
[04:30:09] man is pushed up further than fucking like I don't understand like I killed this
[04:30:21] guy I don't get it look at this I mean he's dead surely how is this allowed
[04:30:35] though why would we redemption him so that you get the kill oh thank god but
[04:30:46] Like I don't I don't know how it's allowed that that guy gets to push up into my tier two and do that
[04:30:51] When we have an Ivern a Leona
[04:30:54] Like if I was ever fighting somebody here as a mid laner I
[04:30:59] Would instantly get fucking
[04:31:04] Okay
[04:31:05] Like I would instantly get ganked super fucking hard of us ever at tier two tower. I mean
[04:31:40] Leona didn't ulti
[04:31:42] Like I don't get it. Yeah, I don't I don't understand like I mean I was getting CC'd I can't or when I'm being CC'd
[04:31:53] But we own it didn't even try
[04:31:56] Like all she had to do was walk at the quirky hit queue or walk at the other guy and hit queue and we win
[04:32:01] Oh is gap. So like this guy is trash, but it doesn't matter. I mean, I can't really do anything
[04:33:17] my support is
[04:33:58] First timing Leona and they're all just raging at the other guy
[04:34:05] whatever. Honestly, I'm just in loser's queue so I don't really mind. Like I said, we're
[04:34:26] getting hard queue sniped. See how the Nami is calling me in human? Nami, bro, you queue
[04:34:34] sniping to grief when you're on my team and then like sweating and ghosting when you
[04:34:38] verse me? You gotta realize, man, I'm not upset by this. Like, I'm gonna play
[04:34:46] Another like you're gonna get off stream today, and I'm gonna play another 10 hours, and I'm gonna end GM
[04:34:52] You're just gonna like I won't even hide my cue you can cue site me again like the thing is is like you're spending your free time
[04:34:59] Griefing a streamer that doesn't even know who the fuck you are
[04:35:02] Like I can unironically play this game all day. Well, you have to go to a nine to five
[04:35:11] Something wrong with a nine to five, but eventually you're gonna have to go to work
[04:35:15] So grief me all you want bro. I make money either way
[04:35:25] Like I said the only thing that actually matters in league at the moment is your support in your jungle and every single game today
[04:36:04] My support in my jungle have been bad
[04:36:06] Like every single game, so it's just it is what it is right like you sometimes you get bad supports and bad junglers
[04:38:24] I don't think Smulder was a good pick this game, but we'll see how it goes.
[04:46:26] I might have to roam a lot, because the thing about smolder is um...
[04:46:45] he's good into weak lanes, but not strong lanes
[04:47:07] why would you show?
[04:47:15] why would we not auto the ward brother?
[04:47:37] yeah, it's a roam angle
[04:47:40] you picked smolder into a comp that, like, I picked Leona
[04:47:44] specifically to be aggressive, and you picked smolder, so like, yeah, you're...
[04:47:48] you can 1v2
[04:47:51] sorry, lad
[04:47:52] I don't give a fuck
[04:48:01] We're just gonna roam around and hope we can accomplish something.
[04:48:05] You're level one. Yep.
[04:48:08] I am.
[04:49:50] Wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp wamp.
[04:50:17] Maybe we don't pick Smulder and when I pick Leona.
[04:50:22] You know, maybe that's the thing.
[04:50:46] Hey, be as mad as you want, bro.
[04:50:48] You're still going to be diamond tomorrow. Nobody cares.
[04:50:58] Running in the 90's.
[04:51:56] Why didn't he let me tank?
[04:51:57] Like he intentionally didn't let me tank wait. I was walking at him. I
[04:52:10] Mean, I don't understand I
[04:52:12] Was literally walking at the Leona or mean the guy to use my cue
[04:52:17] But you guys could be as mad as you want like I said, I don't give a fuck you guys to me
[04:52:26] You guys are subhuman
[04:52:28] Like this is how I view masters players you guys like if there was a world where I had to pay to keep you alive
[04:52:34] I would let you die and
[04:52:37] The price would literally be one dollar
[04:52:40] Like I would let you die for a dollar. That's my view on like how important you are as a human being to me
[04:52:48] But you're not even a human being you're like you're an actual subhuman
[04:52:53] I don't really give a fuck if these people want to be toxic and flame
[04:53:32] I don't care man. Let them be toxic and flame like my top laner is losing 1v1 my chill gap has 30 CS
[04:53:45] Like you guys are just bad
[04:53:50] your 30 LP
[04:53:53] master's player
[04:53:54] There's just no way you can ever be mad at anyone
[04:53:59] You know I mean like I
[04:54:01] Like 30 LP is like I feel like if you have like a average intelligence you can hit 30 LP masters
[04:54:07] I make the game unplayable for Udyr. By the way
[04:54:36] Like sure I play how did I do that? I'm curious
[04:54:42] Like did I did I cause the Udyr to like ants?
[04:54:52] your peaks d4 I
[04:54:57] Mean it's okay to be d4
[04:54:59] What he said before, I don't mind what elo you are, like being whatever elo you are is
[04:55:06] fine right, like it is what it is.
[04:55:11] I think what irritates me is when the low elo players have ego, like when you get these
[04:55:16] people who are like inting their ass off, like my Udyr is losing to a Heimerdinger jungle
[04:55:21] right now.
[04:55:22] Like unironically he is losing to Heimerjungle as Udyr, and he is blaming me for the
[04:55:29] fact he's losing to Hymerjungle, which is hilarious. That's why you're like
[04:55:54] getting mad at delusional diamond players is just not worth it, because these
[04:55:58] people are like, they're just dumb. Ooh, nice you got him. Well played, smolder.
[04:57:18] Hell yeah, and the Lucian executed. Hell yeah. Nice job. My Cho is gonna die
[04:57:42] And then he's gonna spam ping me. That's not his fault. I mean you didn't even attempt to fight
[04:58:14] Like you're losing to a hymerdinger who rushed hat they gone ironically you're losing to a hymerdinger who rushed hat
[04:58:29] jungle hymer
[04:58:32] Like
[04:58:33] Rabbidans rush jungle hymerdinger is beating the shit out of my fucking jungler. Yeah, these people are just like
[04:58:47] I'll be honest man. I don't really mind
[04:58:51] Playing bad in their games
[04:58:53] When they're this fucking delusional
[04:58:56] My chugath rushed warmogs. Why do these people yaps so much? Like why you guys hyping so much?
[05:00:49] Good god
[05:00:52] You guys are fucking crazy man. I mean we can dive this but I mean smolders playing good
[05:01:42] The only issue I have with the smolder pick is that like he should have hovered it before I picked Leona
[05:01:47] because I would have been completely okay with the smolder pick if we picked
[05:01:53] something that wasn't like if I had like been playing genre or something right
[05:02:00] oh I do think we can win I mean I don't think the game's over by any means I
[05:02:16] think we can win because smolder is pretty fed and smolder is smolder so
[05:02:23] we could probably win but it is crazy that the other three people on
[05:02:27] the team are like this toxic when they're playing this fucking bad like
[05:02:33] Like the fact that Cho lost to Yonei mid, then the fact that like Lucian lost to Tiaeth
[05:02:38] and then the fact like all of these like random lane things, like this Cho guy is so angry.
[05:02:53] Like they're literally just, they're literally just yapping so hard.
[05:02:59] I need to go top son.
[05:03:19] Eh, I shouldn't have flashed, but it is what it is.
[05:04:20] I'm like just checked out this game mentally.
[05:04:23] I shouldn't be checked out, but I am, you know, because like, the typing and all that shit.
[05:04:27] Like, I'm six game losing streak, because I was getting Q sniped by a fuckin' fanboy.
[05:04:32] And then fuckin' uh, this game is just, oh god.
[05:04:38] So much yapping.
[05:04:42] Like, I'm trying to mentally keep this shit together, bro. This is rough.
[05:04:55] Like, just the sheer amount of yaps is outrageous.
[05:05:49] I mean, we got 100% do this.
[05:05:52] Like, what is my Odeer doing? He's getting a camp?
[05:05:56] Why are we doing red?
[05:05:57] I'm going pure glass cannon frozen heart to fuck over
[05:06:23] Everybody that's not Heimer
[05:06:25] What is the the yeah, bro?
[05:07:27] We should back
[05:07:45] We have a lot of gold and I need cool dance. I need my warmogs to heal me. Thanks
[05:09:19] Yeah, I mean we should probably not fight this. Is that really be man. It's pretty good at smolder
[05:10:01] You should probably go back
[05:11:11] Not bad. Smolder sacks. He's probably got like 300 something. Yeah
[05:11:35] Oh man, it's at $3.66.
[05:11:38] Holy fuck.
[05:11:56] That's worth.
[05:11:57] Me dying for that?
[05:11:58] Converse not worth.
[05:12:00] GG.
[05:12:17] No, I mean, honestly, Vman carried the shit out of that game.
[05:12:26] He played that way better than my team.
[05:12:30] Or A-man V, whoever the fuck this is.
[05:12:41] I mean, the problem with that game was that, like,
[05:12:44] our three solo laners were so garbage that
[05:12:47] they didn't realize that, like, they were the problem.
[05:12:56] You guys?
[05:12:57] Yeah.
[05:12:58] so much for being low elo that hurts bro yes difference between us I'm
[05:13:26] embarrassed to be a low masters you are proud this is your peak this is my shame
[05:13:36] like I'm ashamed of being in this elo these people are like like like don't
[05:13:50] get me wrong I think you should be proud of being in whatever elo you're
[05:13:54] But I'm like like I'm ashamed that I'm in this elo these these people that are like
[05:14:02] flaming
[05:14:03] Is it be man? Oh
[05:15:12] It's not
[05:15:48] Bro, we broke the losing streak or that we had a six game losing streak
[05:16:01] We broke it
[05:16:03] Now we just win now we got the the slingshot
[05:16:20] We have the elo slingshot and it's about the
[05:16:22] uh, it's it's about to because we dipped down we were like what 300 LP we dipped down now
[05:16:28] It's gonna slingshot us into gym
[05:16:31] Easiest games of my life
[05:18:39] Look at the little emoji
[05:18:42] Ash, I'm playing in
[05:19:57] I'm playing support, so I'm not gonna play ash support
[05:20:00] Ash supports kind of garbage right now to be honest with you. It's pretty bad
[05:20:03] Okay, the reason I'm playing support is I had I was playing mid and ad earlier. Let me show you what happens
[05:20:16] I have like or at least earlier. I had like a little fanboy sniping me for three hours
[05:20:22] Look at this
[05:20:24] This guy was sniping me for literally three hours straights
[05:20:28] Like he queued up picked first time you me with dark harvest trolled the game
[05:20:35] Then he trolled Tyler next game
[05:20:38] like he sniped him then this game he sniped me again he went versus me played
[05:20:46] his best champion ghosted pinged where like the entire game this game he first
[05:20:56] time's barred with the wheat and he goes lichbane shurellias it just runs
[05:21:03] it down why the game's unplayable next game goes Nami shits on my balling
[05:21:10] permacits mid the whole game so like it was just like if I play support I don't
[05:21:16] have to play with that guy like I can beat the guy's not a good player so like
[05:21:22] I'll shit on him if I go versus him but like if I'm in the same role or the same
[05:21:26] lane is in I'll destroy him but the problem is it's too easy for him to
[05:21:34] queue snipe me if I'm playing AD so I have to fucking queue up support because
[05:21:39] he doesn't know how to not play support he can only play support I think
[05:21:54] them okay I mean there's no way they chase me here right? Surely my team
[05:22:03] shows up here they just chased all the way into my 2-2 turret it might have been
[05:22:19] like the dumbest chase I've ever seen like if the homies showed up they just
[05:22:23] all die that's crazy well yeah I'm just pretty good vs Velkas because it's
[05:22:30] just an engage vs in a mobile champ like all I really have to do is get
[05:22:48] him to use flash early and then I can like we just walk up. Not bad. I mean I'll take
[05:23:22] that because I got a bunch of their sums. We got barrier. Not bad. If the MF was a little
[05:23:34] bit better we would have killed them both there but it's not a big deal. The MF can
[05:24:04] just kill this guy right now. Just hit him. Like bro he has nothing. Just auto him.
[05:24:08] He doesn't have Barrier, there you go, like it's wild, cause like the Ezreal's MF's at
[05:24:23] 60% HP, has Barrier, has Flash, right?
[05:24:27] So I don't understand, like, okay, I can tell my AD carry doesn't really know how to play
[05:24:33] aggressive in the lane, because the Ezreal had no Flash, no Barrier, right?
[05:24:40] And this guy had no Heal, cause he healed at the very start.
[05:24:43] So because they had no defensive sums, what should happen immediately in the games is
[05:24:47] the- like when Ezreal's walking up into the MF like that, it should pretty much just be
[05:24:52] an instant like, he's dead.
[05:24:54] I don't want to flank.
[05:25:57] Like I want to go back in, but I think Shaco could be down here right now, so I'm a little
[05:26:02] worried.
[05:26:18] We need to reset this so I can go by.
[05:26:21] Like we need to push this wave in, uh, very hard here.
[05:26:27] Don't let them freeze. Okay. I need to reset. I mean like I said supports a really easy role
[05:26:41] So I would hope that I could win the lane
[05:26:45] Like this role is pretty basic
[05:26:47] The only reason I don't play this role is because it's incredibly incredibly boring
[05:26:56] Like you don't get to do anything you just walk at them and put words down. Well, that's not good
[05:27:47] I'm all scented. I need to go bot and help my I need to go bot and help my ad carry soon
[05:28:21] I mean, we can dive this, but I need to go blot.
[05:28:36] Ooh, well played.
[05:28:45] I think the only thing that's kinda bad about my ADS, you didn't know we should have ulted the wave there.
[05:28:50] If he had ulted the wave, he would have been fine.
[05:28:53] Like, he wouldn't have even gotten low.
[05:28:55] But he's playing really well.
[05:29:02] Oh, he fucked up.
[05:29:04] Oh well, nice try.
[05:29:07] This is a nice try.
[05:29:20] What is going on here?
[05:29:23] Why isn't Zoe pushing the wave?
[05:29:27] The fuck?
[05:29:28] It's good to me six I think
[05:29:54] Yeah
[05:29:56] We should do dragon. How did my team just die?
[05:30:39] Said bro stop look at my HP. How are you? How are you low?
[05:30:42] I mean if that's like if you if you were genuinely just like super low from camps, I don't know what to say
[05:30:53] Cuz I mean oh, it's because the shake-o clone was fucking them in the ass. I
[05:30:59] Know what it was
[05:31:06] Nobody like they were too scared to just kill the shaco. Oh, I don't know why but my team is like super scared to play the game
[05:31:53] This is not a good dive
[05:32:25] Like I'm definitely gonna die. I lived
[05:32:33] Okay, best dive ever. It's not too bad. I think we should just win now, right?
[05:33:13] Pretty sure well played wait
[05:33:21] Wait well played by a zeer
[05:33:24] Damn, okay
[05:33:27] Wow.
[05:33:30] This year kinda smurfed him.
[05:33:32] Okay, not gonna lie, if that guy had just, uh, walked into me, the MF, I could've...
[05:34:00] I could've walked into them.
[05:34:12] Our jungler is throwing shutdowns.
[05:34:16] That's not good.
[05:34:17] That's very not good.
[05:34:22] I gotta back off.
[05:34:57] Oh, that's warded.
[05:34:59] Okay, we'll fuck you too, dude.
[05:35:09] Shager was like a thousand percent down there.
[05:35:37] No way.
[05:35:38] Ooh, nice shoot.
[05:35:39] Ooh!
[05:35:40] Unlucky.
[05:35:41] Yeah, I mean no joke that Leona is definitely not having a good game
[05:35:50] Wait, I said Leona. I meant Zoe. What did I say Leona?
[05:35:58] Leona's having a stupendous game
[05:36:00] The Zoe is not having a good game. Okay. I'm just bad. I tried to QM and I suck I
[05:37:01] Was gonna lock at bait QRM and I literally didn't hit lock it. I
[05:37:08] You know what? I'm just bad guys. It's it's okay
[05:37:11] Sometimes you're bad. Sometimes you're bad
[05:37:14] You guys don't have to die for this dragon, by the way. It's not that important.
[05:37:26] Like, it's not a huge deal. Oh, god.
[05:37:34] Oh, oh, god. What am I watching? Like, what are you doing, bro?
[05:38:45] Like, either hit the turret or, like...
[05:38:49] What am I watching? Guys, I don't have any mana. If we could refrain from fighting this,
[05:39:39] I would be forever happy. Oh, he ghosted at me. No, fuck you, bro.
[05:39:54] the fuck is that you fucking ghosted me man I don't have words I don't have pink
[05:40:17] word slots I need to go get words on Baron I'm not like pinging enough this
[05:40:25] game I need to ping to my team know what the plays are dude I'm so good like
[05:41:03] I'm actually him dude that was some of the dirtiest Leona gameplay I've seen
[05:41:13] in a while now that wasn't just walking up to him like I'm listen I
[05:41:41] I only glazed myself when I play support when I when I actually make a cool play
[05:41:47] This role is easy as fuck
[05:41:49] But that was actually like nobody in this elo is doing that man
[05:41:54] Nobody is hex flashing forward catching the enemy support
[05:41:59] Then flash queuing Ezreal
[05:42:01] like ulting the
[05:42:03] the Ezreal E
[05:42:05] Then eating to the shake go off of that and then cute like I played that well. I need to word flanks
[05:42:27] Like dude, I'm playing these fights so well
[05:43:04] This isn't good. I mean, I'm just gonna die. So I'm just gonna
[05:43:58] I'm gonna stall for as long as I can. Oh, I could have killed that guy. That was a clicking
[05:44:07] What what is even happening there?
[05:44:10] Okay, that was a bit
[05:44:12] funny
[05:44:14] We should have probably not been there, but I mean it is with us. Well, I mean Zoe's just wrong, but
[05:44:25] When you take the inhib you just leave and then like play for dragon I feel like I really want to get
[05:44:37] some sort of magic damage thing to mitigate because like I feel like I'm already mitigating a lot of damage from
[05:44:50] I said, I feel like I'm already mitigating a fuck ton of damage from their
[05:44:55] 80s
[05:44:56] from like Ezreal and
[05:45:01] Shaco
[05:45:03] What is this?
[05:45:06] Bro my Lee Sin is trolling. Why are you there? What why is Renekton here?
[05:45:34] Guys, I don't know what I'm watching, but this is not gameplay
[05:45:39] Our goal here is to like play for
[05:45:43] This and this by the way like Renekton. What are you guys doing?
[05:45:46] This is the worst Mac I've ever seen like nobody's top wave
[05:45:52] As the the next objective is Baron and top tower
[05:45:57] I'll ping it for him. I'll ping it for him
[05:46:00] Like I don't know what I'm watching but yeah, like everybody's just like in bot lane even though being hips down
[05:46:05] Guys push the wave
[05:46:11] What is happening? Please?
[05:46:16] I feel like you have to like hold their cocks in this yellow
[05:46:29] They don't they hate macro these fucks really fucking hate macro man
[05:46:37] Like what what is this fight going on?
[05:47:12] I'll tell you man. I like you. I legitimately just have to fucking I am so good
[05:47:40] You guys leave like a holy fuck. Oh
[05:48:05] If we send them after paying attention we would have killed them both there
[05:48:09] It's okay though
[05:48:12] We shouldn't actually be here
[05:48:14] We should be letting bot shove in. Ooh, that was a good play actually.
[05:48:19] What am I watching? This is the most fiesta shit ever.
[05:48:43] Guys, we can just go to Baron.
[05:48:46] I mean, we can just go to this. Just go to Baron.
[05:48:53] Or don't. I don't know. What?
[05:48:56] Yeah, I mean they have to defend bot turret. Look at this.
[05:49:01] They have to defend like a thousand fucking things at the moment on the map.
[05:49:05] This would be the perfect time to do this.
[05:49:19] That is the Clung.
[05:49:21] That was not the Clung.
[05:49:23] No wait, it was the Clung.
[05:49:36] He like poofed it back. That's why I got confused.
[05:50:21] Here we just go ends.
[05:50:22] I landed some sick ults that game on people.
[05:50:47] That ulti in the jungle there on the Vel'Koz?
[05:50:51] Did I like max range stunned that guy?
[05:51:00] No, I'm telling you, Leona, the only reason I feel like support mains don't climb faster
[05:51:05] is because they aren't willing to play Leona because this champion is mind-numbingly boring.
[05:51:09] Like, I can feel my IQ lessening.
[05:51:19] You know, like, as you play support more and more, your brain, like, unironically shrinks.
[05:51:25] Like, it becomes smooth.
[05:51:27] I can feel the wrinkles in my brain smoothing out as I play this role on repeat.
[05:51:32] Like, there's no thought.
[05:51:35] Like, I'm not thinking.
[05:51:40] I also did the same damage as the enemy jungle mid and my mid.
[05:51:45] By the way, that's crazy.
[05:51:51] am I doing so much damage? What? Like that's actually a crazy amount of damage from a support
[05:52:02] that's designed to be a tank. That's insane. Because I took, look at the damage I took,
[05:52:12] right? Like I took second most damage on team. Mitigated fucking 52k. Wait, this guy beat
[05:52:21] me in vision score? Oh, I beat him by one. Get fucked. I mean, I'll give Velka's credit.
[05:52:26] He put a lot of wards down. He bought 11 control wards. I know he destroyed 11 wards. Wow.
[05:52:35] I'm telling you man, if I really want to climb, I could very easily climb into like mid GM, playing fucking mid support every game.
[05:52:53] But dude, it is mind numbingly boring.
[05:52:59] Like some, like I got to the point after being Q-Snipe by that reject, I got to the point where I just wanted to win some games.
[05:53:05] That's why I'm playing Leona.
[05:53:07] Because like the game quality will get a lot better once we get into Grandmaster.
[05:53:11] Like, you know, it'll unironically get better.
[05:53:14] Masters is just this shithole. It's such a shithole in the Zelo.
[05:53:20] It's like old D4. That's like what Masters feels like. It feels like D4 of like old where everybody's trolling.
[05:53:28] Nobody's ever trying to win. There's no macro. There's no thought. It's just like perm fighting.
[05:53:32] Everybody's raging and typing half the games.
[05:53:41] Dude, you're not wrong. Like, I swear, support means make people think their role sucks
[05:54:07] because they'll see a team of all ranged,
[05:54:12] like no joke, right?
[05:54:14] Like, Support mains will see an entire team
[05:54:16] of ranged champions, and they'll be like,
[05:54:19] I need to also pick ranged.
[05:54:22] And you're like, wait, but if you pick a melee engage,
[05:54:27] you win.
[05:54:28] And they're like, yeah, but I wanna play Zerath.
[05:54:31] And you're like, but why?
[05:54:33] And they're like, I don't know, it sounds fun.
[05:54:34] And I'm like, man, I wish I had the luxury
[05:54:36] of playing a fucking random champ that sounded fun
[05:54:40] in my role and still getting carried half the games.
[05:54:56] Cause the reason support is so broken
[05:54:58] and nobody believes it's broken, right?
[05:55:01] Or like only high-eval players know how broken support is.
[05:55:03] But the reason that everybody understands
[05:55:06] how broken it is, who's high-eval,
[05:55:07] is because they know that like all you have to do
[05:55:10] is walk around the map as a sport
[05:55:13] and just like place wards and be aggressive
[05:55:15] at the right timers.
[05:55:17] and you pretty much just automatically win games.
[05:55:26] Is Senna bad?
[05:55:27] I don't think she's bad, but you can't play her.
[05:55:29] Like I can't pick Senna here, right?
[05:55:31] The meta right now is not Senna friendly.
[05:55:37] Like the league meta right now is like hard to play Senna.
[05:55:40] You can play her if like you have a tank top,
[05:55:43] tank jungle, or you have like a Seraphine AD,
[05:55:47] or like mage AD, you can play Senna.
[05:55:50] Stuff like that, but you can't just stick it.
[05:57:11] Cal's being played?
[05:57:12] Oh yeah, no.
[05:57:13] Alistar's pretty good.
[05:57:15] The only problem with Alistar at the moment
[05:57:17] is he's not a champion until level three.
[05:57:21] Alistar's been good for years.
[05:57:23] The problem with Alistar is that
[05:57:25] people don't know how to play him.
[05:57:27] Like, okay, so Alistar's big thing
[05:57:30] is that he has a lot of displacement, right?
[05:57:33] His ulti's broken and he has a lot of displacement.
[05:57:36] So what I mean by that is like,
[05:57:38] he doesn't just have like,
[05:57:39] people think of Alistar and they think like,
[05:57:42] one dimensional, right?
[05:57:43] Like he can only QW, right?
[05:57:45] Or WQ or whatever, and that's his kit.
[05:57:48] But if you ever watch somebody like Alicopter
[05:57:51] or like really high elo, like Alistar One Tricks,
[05:57:54] play the champion, you see a lot of different types
[05:58:01] of like game play that they do.
[05:58:03] Like you'll see somebody like Hexflash here.
[05:58:06] Like say, you know how I was like Hexflashing
[05:58:08] behind them on Lionel last game?
[05:58:10] He'll like Hexflash here.
[05:58:12] Like they'll be under turret here or something
[05:58:15] and Alicopter will walk here, hex flash here
[05:58:18] and then like W them into his AD carry
[05:58:20] and then Q, right?
[05:58:22] He'll walk like into them and Q after.
[05:58:24] Like there's a lot of little tricks that you can do
[05:58:28] that are really obnoxious with Alistar.
[05:58:31] The problem is, is people only see the game
[05:58:34] from like you have to walk at people
[05:58:37] but you don't have to walk at people.
[05:58:39] You can, like, flank and go behind people.
[05:58:43] And once you learn that, like, that map is not a one-to-one ratio walk at them or don't play,
[05:58:48] you get way better at the game.
[05:58:52] Like, I can tell instantly my support's good if I see them, like, flanking.
[05:58:59] I will instantly know they're a good player.
[05:59:07] Like, I'm gonna walk up into this bush.
[05:59:15] You see how, like, I back them off immediately when I walk into this bush?
[05:59:20] This is something that a lot of people don't do, where they won't play forward like this.
[05:59:43] There's no reason for me to be there right now. I'm gonna gank this guy.
[05:59:53] I mean, the reason I'm here by the way is because I know that their entire team is
[05:59:59] in top river. I don't know where they are, but I know they're up here.
[06:00:07] So I walked up here to help, because Shaco invaded these two camps, right?
[06:00:38] huge. And I froze the wave. I need to go bot. The only reason that I could roam, by the
[06:01:11] way, is because they have a Seraphine. Like, unironically, that's like the only reason
[06:01:19] I could roam. Because, you see, like, Seraphine does nothing. Like, if I was roaming and
[06:01:26] they had an actual AD, she might get dove, but because they have a Seraphine, they
[06:01:35] can't really dive. Not level 3 yet. Oh, Kane's right here. Ooh, this isn't good. Alright,
[06:02:42] run boys. Run. We overextended. A little bit too deep. My bad, I'm terrible at the game.
[06:02:53] I apologize, I'll improve. I gotta go bot because the wave's pushing- okay, this is
[06:03:01] an important thing that I want you guys to understand. They could have- they're
[06:03:06] dumb but they could have frozen that wave and my Samira would have been fucked until
[06:03:14] I went down there to help her break the freeze. Combo me.
[06:03:31] Do it pussy. We should try and get dragon. Yeah I'll check I'll check I got you. I know
[06:04:13] what AD carry mains want. I've played a lot of AD. I know what they need. I didn't
[06:05:06] mean to take that it was it was aftershock I'm so sorry bro. You see how I'm always
[06:05:37] looking for like a flank though that's the most important thing that I think a
[06:05:42] lot of people don't understand I'm checking every bush right like I'm
[06:05:47] walking up I'm checking the bushes that was not a good check of the bush I'm
[06:06:03] dead thing that was not a great bush check that was my bad I juke the
[06:06:11] surfing thing but yeah I mean I kind of entered after that's my gun I knew
[06:06:21] Maybe they could be in there, that bush, but I just ego'd it.
[06:06:24] I was like, eh, fuck it, I'm way on it.
[06:06:32] I should have walked mid by the way.
[06:06:34] Actually, I wouldn't have even made it, no one.
[06:06:36] Yeah, I straight up wouldn't have even made it mid had I walked mid there.
[06:06:44] We need to push on our waves.
[06:06:58] You should not push up to that though.
[06:07:02] He needs the reset.
[06:07:07] Samira needs the reset.
[06:07:10] You're at 1 HP bro.
[06:07:24] We should pull this out by the way.
[06:07:26] Okay, I'm trash.
[06:07:47] I can still get him. I don't know. Oh, I'm glad I missed that. But yeah, that's why I told Samira to go back because, um...
[06:08:07] If she hadn't backed on that wave timer, she would have been fucked, by the way.
[06:08:11] Hit it. Hit the... Thank you. Yeah, way is in the bush. I'm really low, guys. Oh, this is bad. Uh-oh.
[06:08:32] I mean, he's dead. He's dead. He's dead. I can't help him. Oh, my God. Bro, I mean, we can't play that.
[06:08:44] Ugh.
[06:08:45] Going for that was so troll.
[06:08:52] You lucky fucker.
[06:08:54] GG.
[06:08:56] What are you even saying?
[06:09:01] I mean I get it, my teammates are really bad this game, but every game's wonable.
[06:09:09] Like Cassiopeia is losing lane even though I ganked her lane twice.
[06:09:13] My top laner is losing lane even though I ganked his lane.
[06:09:18] And my adc is down 25 CS to a mage.
[06:10:28] I'm dead.
[06:10:36] waste their time why are we not getting this well we didn't get we didn't get
[06:11:07] void grubbies by the way I played that fight about as well as I possibly could
[06:11:12] have FYI I landed the perfect stun on two people during the fight where's my
[06:12:02] team at well I'm dead or what oh I walk into his jizz this is a very hard
[06:12:32] game to play out because of how like my team is not very good like I feel
[06:12:42] I feel like I've done quite a bit this game, like I set my team up for so much success.
[06:12:50] Like I won my top side early on an early roam, Samira actually played the early game really
[06:12:55] well, but then like, somehow mid and top all lost.
[06:13:02] And Shaco's like refusing to actually play the game.
[06:13:05] Yeah, I whipped my ult, that kind of sucks.
[06:13:49] Ooh, my team won on the other side of the map though, not bad.
[06:14:01] That was a good juke by her though for my ulti, I shouldn't have thrown it.
[06:14:04] Where the shit goes trolling wait no, he's not she goes a genius
[06:14:26] They ate rocks is trolling
[06:14:28] Yeah, I'm telling you they're gonna throw the game
[06:14:31] Everybody always does this
[06:14:34] They like get a lead somehow and then they end up throwing because they don't know how to keep their lead
[06:14:39] I I mean, why would you walk that way? I don't understand
[06:15:17] What the fuck am I watching then like what was the Samira thinking?
[06:15:33] Like, I was here, right? And the TP was happening here?
[06:15:36] Why not just walk through the turret and, like, to me?
[06:15:41] Like, why run this way when you could run to me on the other side of the turret?
[06:15:47] Like, it doesn't make sense.
[06:15:49] Like, genuinely, I don't get it.
[06:15:53] Like, I was specifically sitting there to help that guy, and he ran away.
[06:15:59] I don't really know what to say.
[06:16:27] Like, this Samira is so bad.
[06:16:32] Why are we melee arranging the Atrox? I don't get it.
[06:16:36] Like, holy fuck this guy's bad. It's like he doesn't even like space.
[06:16:45] Like, genuinely, he's not even attempting to space. He's just walking in circles.
[06:16:51] I mean, I can't really do much here. Huge.
[06:17:18] They could be on Baron though, we need to check. Guys.
[06:17:25] Guys, check Baron. Okay, they're not on Baron.
[06:17:34] That is warded. What am I walking here?
[06:17:52] Why would we not fight this 4v4 when they're face-checking us?
[06:17:57] Oh my god. I mean I guess I just won't go in.
[06:18:07] Guys you're gonna get flanked by the same guy that you just ignored.
[06:18:36] Don't know what is going on.
[06:18:49] It's hard to go in when none of them want to go in.
[06:18:53] It's very awkward. You made a good pick.
[06:19:00] But then they didn't want to go in. I mean I just walked out of that apparently.
[06:19:26] I mean, Leona's a little broken, like how the fuck did I just walk out of that?
[06:19:33] I need to get some wards on Baron, but it's like, dude I hate this elo because not a single
[06:19:46] one of these people is trying to win.
[06:19:49] In terms of like, look at the macro going on in the game.
[06:19:53] Push this guys, push this.
[06:19:57] Like my Samira's bot lane, like they're all split guys, we win these fights like,
[06:20:16] Guys, all you have to do when he is splitting is either match him or engage.
[06:20:22] It's not actually that hard.
[06:20:24] I mean, okay.
[06:20:48] Uh, sure.
[06:20:54] Holy shit, man.
[06:20:55] I, I have not seen players be this bad mechanically in a while.
[06:21:03] Surely this guy doesn't play Samira, right?
[06:21:07] Like if I go look, surely he's just playing Samira for fun and he's not a one trick, right?
[06:21:11] Cause if this guy has a Samira one trick, I think he should quit League of Legends.
[06:21:14] Because that's really embarrassing with their all one tricks
[06:21:28] Like they're all one tricks on their one tricks. Oh
[06:21:34] You guys suck like what am I watching like push waves
[06:21:51] You know, I'm telling you the only thing that's good about playing mouths is that every wave is always pushed
[06:21:56] Like I will always have waves pushed all like constantly when I play mouse
[06:22:00] And I don't think I don't think like it goes very valued. I mean, I could not have had a better engage there. I
[06:22:31] Don't I don't know man. I don't think I could have had a better engage in that fight. I
[06:22:36] caught
[06:22:38] Their Seraphine point blank they had way had to teleport in
[06:22:43] H rocks and way weren't there. We got 3d5'd
[06:22:51] What is this Samira build who the fuck goes collector on Samira?
[06:22:55] I mean let's try and get dragon
[06:23:09] Like you know what the smear build is this game by the way just so you guys know the smear build this game is always
[06:23:20] Serpents
[06:23:23] Because they have a seraphine anytime. There's a seraphine in the game. You always build serpents. It's like it's like Ivern. Oh
[06:24:05] No, oh my god
[06:24:15] Yeah, I mean I don't know I tried my best I
[06:24:19] Won I pretty much impacted every single lane
[06:24:23] They just lost their lands
[06:24:26] And Samira is really bad like you hit them guys what they're on me what?
[06:24:49] The entire team is on me and my team is standing there watching
[06:24:54] No, I don't
[06:24:56] This is sad
[06:25:00] If you're curious by the way, this is why you always take teleports
[06:25:22] Like a hundred percent my team trolled by not taking TP this game like
[06:25:41] They have three teleports
[06:25:45] My team has zero teleports, and they all got gapped
[06:25:48] My Leona is a bot account says the negative win rate Diamond 1 Samira player who's 3-8.
[06:26:00] What? This guy averages 6 CS a minute on 80 carry. Like every 80 carry he plays,
[06:26:19] he averages 6 CS a minute. What? These people can't be real. Jesus Christ. That was wild.
[06:27:49] I'm gonna play a Senna game. I need to have fun. I don't give a fuck about my team in this
[06:27:58] game let's do a Senna game and have a have a fun game I just want to play one
[06:28:03] game for fun like everybody else seems to be playing for fun in my games today so
[06:28:09] I'm gonna play a game for fun I gotta be real man these these games are fucking
[06:28:19] miserable today god damn she's rough lads like my renektin who took a night
[06:28:39] lost lane to atrox after I ganked the shaco had 6cs per minute on shaco which
[06:28:50] is illegal. Cassiopeia vs. Wei is just a skill matchup. The guy took Ghost for some reason.
[06:29:00] I don't know why he took Ghost, but that's a really bad choice. Like he needs TP in that
[06:29:07] lane. And yeah, I mean, our AD carry is just a bad player. I'm gonna play a Senna
[06:29:40] game for fun. I don't know what to ban. I could ban Nautilus. I swear. Should we
[06:30:36] Can we just play Draven?
[06:30:40] Do you guys think I should just abuse Draven?
[06:30:44] I don't know, like I don't play a lot of Draven anymore
[06:30:49] because the champion's like kind of like one tricky.
[06:30:55] But I'm starting to feel like
[06:30:57] if I play Draven in this elo,
[06:30:58] I'm gonna get really fed every game.
[06:31:02] That's what it kinda feels like.
[06:31:24] No, no, no, like I would play AD.
[06:31:38] I wish I had a true damage chroma.
[06:31:45] Wait, can I, oh no, I was like, can I afford this?
[06:31:50] Wait, dude, this is so scummy.
[06:31:53] I didn't know that, I didn't know Riot did this.
[06:31:56] Wait, so I can push the,
[06:31:58] I can literally not have enough RP, push the button.
[06:32:04] And it's like, oh, would you like to buy
[06:32:05] some RP and champ select?
[06:32:08] Dude, this is so scummy.
[06:32:10] Dude, I, you want, do you want to get some more money?
[06:32:26] Holy shit, that did not used to be like that.
[06:32:32] I swear to God it didn't. That's like newer.
[06:32:35] Because I swear you didn't, like it used to just grayed out
[06:32:39] and you couldn't buy anything in, if you didn't have an FRP.
[06:32:42] You had to do it between games.
[06:32:46] What am I listening to? This sounds like some sort of like
[06:32:49] little kid music.
[06:32:52] You know what this music reminds me of? It was like the Rugrats.
[06:32:56] Listen to it, listen to it.
[06:32:58] Tell me it doesn't give you like weird Rugrat vibes.
[06:33:22] Oh fuck, I feel bad.
[06:33:24] There was a guy earlier who was like first time in the stream and he was asking what the song was that was playing and he asked like three different times
[06:33:32] Even did exclamation point song and I never answered him. Oh, I feel bad. Oh
[06:33:43] No, I'm sorry, bro
[06:33:46] Whoever that was. I'm sorry, man. I don't know all grass. I wasn't reading chat. I've been really bad at reading chat today
[06:33:53] I've just been fucking losing my mind playing in
[06:33:59] Playing fucking League of Legends lads
[06:34:08] Who's ready to win some video games?
[06:34:10] One in the chat if you want to win a video game two in the chat if you want to see me
[06:34:16] Climb three in the chat if you don't care. You're just here to watch me get mad at video games
[06:34:22] Or in the chat if you had a good day to nice nice
[06:34:52] but guys I promise you by the way I promise you in everything that is holy
[06:34:59] when I get out of masters I will stop tilting I promise you I will stop fucking
[06:35:05] raging when I get out of the CLO I fucking promise you but we can win this
[06:35:32] level one this Ezreal should be just auto-ing the brand like the fact he's
[06:35:55] not walking up and hitting them is insane. Like we're playing Ezreal bro. Ezreal is literally
[06:36:04] the best laning champ in the game if you're good. Oh I actually got hit. Fuck. Okay I'm
[06:36:16] not kidding. What should have happened there was when I walked up level 2 the Ezreal should
[06:36:21] have like unironically just killed the Brands. I'm serious. Because the Brand was
[06:36:31] what? 1 HP? And he has teleport. Like he's just not hitting them. I guess now is
[06:36:44] little harder to hit them but there you go I'm gonna keep it real this Ezreal is
[06:37:06] not an Ezreal player I'm gonna fake back and we're gonna kill them watch you
[06:37:12] ready we're gonna stand in bit right here we're gonna see if brand TP is
[06:37:18] back to lane fuck they know I'm here my soul gave me away feels bad man I
[06:37:28] actually got stunned that was well played though but I oh shit had I had
[06:37:46] to go for it. Talon was gonna kill me there regardless but I'll be real I I know I'm really
[06:37:57] critical of like this player he's probably trying his best the only reason I get really
[06:38:02] critical of AD carry mains that play my like champions that I know how to play is because
[06:38:06] like I'm watching this guy like and I'm like if this was me I double killed him level
[06:38:10] one because all you have to do is literally like like right now he can literally just
[06:38:16] kill this guy he has flash like this guy should die right now but like when he
[06:38:29] When he landed that W on that brand, he has Flash, right?
[06:38:31] So he could have W'd forward, or he could have E'd forward, Flash, Q'd, and he would
[06:38:37] have dumpstered that guy.
[06:38:38] Sorry, I'm just really critical because I like know what the champ's capable of, the
[06:38:47] faults I have.
[06:38:51] I am too critical of the video game when I know what a champion is capable of and
[06:38:58] I don't see it happening.
[06:38:59] I'm like, oh, that's frustrating.
[06:39:00] Wait, we should kill this guy.
[06:39:07] You should kill with karma.
[06:39:08] Ooh, that's not good.
[06:39:42] Dang.
[06:39:44] What even happened there?
[06:39:51] I thought that was going way better than apparently it was.
[06:39:54] Wait, is this a merc treads game?
[06:39:56] I think it is.
[06:39:57] They have so much magic damage.
[06:40:18] I mean, but yeah, I think we should have won in that little jungle fight, because the
[06:40:25] karma died into the...
[06:40:27] Uh, we ended up two-man stun.
[06:40:30] That was pretty sick.
[06:40:31] You can walk up, bro.
[06:40:34] You don't have to be scared.
[06:40:35] Listen, I got you Ezreal, okay?
[06:40:40] I got you, bro.
[06:40:59] Worth it.
[06:41:00] Wait, Ezreal?
[06:41:01] Ezreal, please.
[06:41:02] Ezreal, please, thank you.
[06:41:04] Is it still worth it?
[06:41:15] Probably.
[06:41:16] I gotta go bot and push that wave in with my Ez, but I want to check the jungle.
[06:41:23] Dude, how is my Echo this tunnel vision?
[06:41:45] How are we this tunneled, Echo?
[06:41:48] We saw them.
[06:41:49] We saw him in our jungle.
[06:41:55] Okay.
[06:41:56] I feel like this Echo just doesn't play the game.
[06:42:05] We're fighting four feet from the lane and he's like, no man I'm gonna walk around here
[06:42:11] instead of like three feet to my right so I can get two kills.
[06:42:14] Alright, thank you.
[06:43:30] I need level six.
[06:43:31] Dude, rushing boots on Senna is kind of busted.
[06:44:11] Like I never used to do this, I used to just get the free boots.
[06:44:14] It's kind of broken though.
[06:44:37] I should probably back in a better spot.
[06:44:38] Uh oh, what's going on bot?
[06:44:57] down but i think i could have lived
[06:45:44] damn i'm coming bro
[06:45:56] yo i'm coming man don't die oh you're dead
[06:46:01] it's okay brand's dead too
[06:46:03] fights what the fuck was that
[06:46:46] this is kind of annoying i cannot get a ward in that bush
[06:47:11] wait you can't back on this wave
[06:47:31] yo ads you gonna participate in the fight or no
[06:47:35] i'm fucking wouldn't be doing these guys bro
[06:48:12] i need to go back
[06:48:13] get some wards. Dude, how sad is it that they're completely gutting Senna? Like, how
[06:48:25] depressing is that, man? Well, this is one of my favorite champs, bro. Like, the fact
[06:48:39] that they're making Senna an enchanter is gonna just... it's so... ugh. It's so disgusting
[06:48:47] to me. I just want to play Senna the way she was meant to be played. An 80-carry
[06:48:56] type champ, but you get all the power of the support roll.
[06:49:00] Bam.
[06:49:17] Okay, I'm not gonna lie, I don't know what my Ez was doing, like I just won B3 their team
[06:49:25] while Ezreal just farmed I think.
[06:49:27] Not really sure, but it's worth it.
[06:49:34] Try to vest there.
[06:49:35] I'm gonna get edge of night.
[06:49:38] Tell me man, playing support AD is so OP, because like I can do all the damage and
[06:49:53] all the like work for my ad carry and he he gets the farm and I get to do all the actual work
[06:50:02] which I'm cool with doing we can kill this cat arena what what are we scared of we should not
[06:51:34] be scared of this cat arena this guy I'm gonna be scared of because that is insane that's why I
[06:52:07] need edge of night though I'm pretty sure edge of night just straight up blocks that right
[06:52:16] Cause when he ults, if I W, he has to proc the other thing.
[06:52:20] Wait Ezreal needs to be mid, not bot.
[06:52:26] Well, we're getting into another permaflight, okay?
[06:52:32] Maybe Ez can take the turret, I don't know.
[06:52:35] We should play for objectives guys.
[06:53:04] Honestly, we could probably Baron on spawn, I'm not even kidding.
[06:53:07] Cause I have Bork.
[06:53:09] If we pink Baron here, we can make a pick right now.
[06:53:29] When they go to like try and
[06:53:31] Ward Baron because I'm about to have
[06:53:35] Like I pinked Baron so they can't of oh, no
[06:53:55] Okay, I feel like I played that pretty well. I'm dead. Maybe I am dead that sucks. I think I got hit by
[06:54:13] The brandy wait, is that new new soloing Baron wait, can he solo that?
[06:54:20] Wait, isn't Nunu this broken?
[06:54:24] No, surely Nunu's not this broken.
[06:54:34] What?
[06:54:44] What?
[06:54:54] Wait, you guys shouldn't be there.
[06:54:56] Just save Baron.
[06:54:57] Dude, I'm soloing their entire team.
[06:55:28] I get Karrina to 1 HP, Brand to 2 HP.
[06:56:29] We just take this turret.
[06:56:30] Oh, I'm just dead.
[06:56:52] I should not have flashed.
[06:56:53] Wait, does that have W?
[06:57:04] Nope.
[06:57:05] Nice try.
[06:57:11] need anti-healing oh no oh no my team's throwing oh no whoa he almost instantly
[06:57:29] died a talent that's wild all right this is a very important this is a very
[06:57:41] important part of the game we literally just group as five and we win the game
[06:57:46] here that's all we do it's actually that easy we group Ezreal I need help
[06:58:34] pushing mid and getting vision where we can kill this warwick right now they
[06:59:35] win that because I got fucking I got fucking Talon ulted just go in just go
[06:59:49] into game make them come to you you can't end oh no I said we say fuck this
[07:00:21] dragon and we play for Baron because we can end the game with Baron to an
[07:00:29] two and hips down with we have baron we can end okay I got
[07:00:54] ulted by fucking Talon why are we standing at baron instead of mid oh no
[07:01:03] guys push mid oh my god there guys you don't need dragon either just end the
[07:01:13] game I can wish I could type I wish I could fucking type right now end the
[07:01:18] game look it look at mid let me ping oh no you guys did you're choosing the
[07:01:27] literal worst option look at mid oh like you guys didn't have to do any of it I
[07:02:12] mean now we don't have time we can get this in head but yeah dude if even one
[07:02:33] person on our team walked mid there we win the game all right if you really
[07:02:59] one of them how to end we literally just go top as five top is five top is five
[07:03:06] top is five like I'm getting fucking flash ulted by this fucking towel in
[07:03:16] every two seconds why is my why is my Ezreal backing guy like what am I
[07:03:33] watching nah man why would we help our 80 carry right like I don't want to play
[07:03:45] Bro, Israel's backing for a fucking single BF sword my fucking like
[07:03:52] My my fucking new new is like chasing karma
[07:03:56] Like what is happening?
[07:04:10] Israel just you kill him
[07:04:16] Holy fuck
[07:04:18] Why is it so hard for people to just walk it down mid and win the game?
[07:04:33] What do you people hate happiness?
[07:04:37] Yes!
[07:04:55] Aww!
[07:04:56] Homie.
[07:05:04] I un- you guys realize, right?
[07:05:10] You were fighting worthless times for zero reason.
[07:05:18] Like at Baron, you walk mid and you win.
[07:05:24] Like legit.
[07:05:25] No.
[07:05:33] You're just diamonds.
[07:05:34] God, I don't know what to say.
[07:05:54] Why am I being flamed by a guy who's hard stuck in masters?
[07:06:00] one, bro. Like you were good at set. Like I got to give him credit. He was a good set
[07:06:11] player. Right. Like I think he played well. I just think that he's, I don't know why he
[07:06:19] took so long to play the game though. Like this is the difference between high elo and
[07:06:25] low elo. So like we're 300 LP masters almost right like 250. So we're right in the middle
[07:06:30] of master tier right now. If a challenger team gets F 5000 gold lead at 17 minutes,
[07:06:38] The game is over by 20 minutes.
[07:06:41] The game isn't just like stalled out from 21 minutes to 20 to 30 minutes.
[07:06:47] There isn't a 9 minute stall where people don't know what the fuck they're doing.
[07:06:51] Like people don't know how to end games in the zero.
[07:06:54] They essentially just run in circles.
[07:06:59] Like I think people just prioritize farming way too much in the zero and all they have
[07:07:04] to do is quite literally run it down with their team when they get a lead.
[07:07:22] Oh well, it is one of those.
[07:07:34] I had fun.
[07:07:45] Yeah, I only killed seven wards.
[07:07:47] Fuck, I suck.
[07:07:53] Man, I kinda wanna play AD Carry.
[07:07:57] I'm not gonna lie, I kinda wanna play AD.
[07:08:21] The problem is, the second I play AD Carry,
[07:08:23] I know I'm gonna regret playing AD.
[07:08:34] It happens every time.
[07:09:35] Hold on, I wanna watch this.
[07:10:24] Yeah, this sucked, by the way.
[07:10:26] This was brutal.
[07:10:27] If you ever took a break,
[07:10:28] you were just in Smurf queue for like 30 games
[07:10:31] and it was unplayable.
[07:10:51] True.
[07:10:54] true
[07:13:10] That's that's fair
[07:13:52] Yeah, we'll finish watching that after yeah, no, I mean
[07:13:54] I mean, I do think, hold on, you guys want to know how to counter Rek'Sai ganks, by the
[07:14:04] way?
[07:14:08] I don't actually know if that was a good word.
[07:14:10] I should have maybe put one here.
[07:14:12] Yeah, he might go all the way around instead of going through river there.
[07:14:16] But yeah, if I ever go against the Rek'Sai, I usually put a ward down early in river,
[07:14:22] Because most Rek'Sai players will level 3 gank bot and what they'll do is they'll go around, right?
[07:14:47] So I'll try and show you guys, like I know I have my nap covered, but I'll try and show you guys if that ward catches Rek'Sai.
[07:14:57] Because Rek'Sai's got a really really nasty level 3 gank bot and that's one of the things that you always want to watch for when you are playing versus him, her, them.
[07:15:10] So, like, we don't see that they're there, so Rek'Sai is ganking mid.
[07:15:26] See?
[07:15:27] So, like, when I hawk shot it through the jungle and we saw that Rek'Sai wasn't on his camps,
[07:15:32] it was really obvious that he was gonna gank mid.
[07:15:35] So when that's going on, I shoulda spam pinged my mid laner to back up. That's on me.
[07:15:54] We should die these guys. Like, very, very hard.
[07:15:57] What's back?
[07:16:28] Wait, why is this minion chasing me?
[07:16:30] wow I really pissed that minion off he was like hey fuck back here and if I got
[07:16:38] any of those kills I'd have boots and that sucks yeah I mean Smurf Q's trash
[07:16:51] though it's really bad a lot of people who play League wants Murphy back but
[07:17:02] it's so garbage Mike and and all my other minion oh no I'm just dead by
[07:18:00] the way yeah I mean I couldn't really get off of this low I just got railed
[07:18:19] You need to make sure that it crashes all the way
[07:18:22] Don't let me we all freeze it
[07:18:25] No, they just got dumpstered
[07:18:44] They got baited so hard
[07:18:49] this sucks I
[07:18:52] Can't really do much here because the wave is just in such a dog shit spot
[07:18:56] I don't know how I'm gonna play this. I guess we should have definitely gone on cog mother
[07:20:46] That's my bad. I mean yeah, we have to go cog in there
[07:20:53] I'm just stupid because if we don't go cog there. He just runs me down ghosts. That's on me
[07:22:19] Yeah, I mean Kogma
[07:22:20] Milia was a very very very strong one
[07:22:23] So we have to kind of just play accordingly. I honestly kind of think that blitz should just roam but
[07:22:34] There's W's down
[07:23:07] When Kog was W's down, that's when you fight him
[07:23:17] But I don't know if I can
[07:23:19] I think I threw my ability that like 1v2 the lane a bit
[07:23:30] So I think at this point we literally just have to sit here and
[07:23:34] Kind of chill. I want to be aggro, but it's really hard
[07:23:49] This is why did you get more help? I mean bro brother. I'm 1v2 bot. I
[07:24:16] Don't know what more help you want
[07:24:19] But I genuinely don't know what you want brother. Oh, I think I just threw my temple off
[07:24:54] What are we doing? What the fuck?
[07:25:05] I mean, this is just like every other game. When your jungle and your support are bad, the game gets really rough.
[07:25:10] Oh, I see what's happening.
[07:25:12] So, we have- we have an autofill.
[07:25:15] Our jungle is autofilled, and our support is autofilled.
[07:25:19] It is one of those. We just have two autos.
[07:25:33] Oh no, the support's on roll, but the jungle is autofilled.
[07:25:36] I don't want to get dove here.
[07:26:06] I mean, I- I don't know what this is.
[07:26:08] Why are we top?
[07:26:12] What?
[07:26:14] What's going on up here bro?
[07:26:16] Blitz is just chillin' top or something, I don't know.
[07:26:26] Yeah, I mean this game is done just because the support diff is so big.
[07:26:30] Like, when you see the difference between when I play support versus when these randoms
[07:26:35] play support, like, you guys can't tell me that you don't immediately notice the impact.
[07:26:40] Like, this Blitzcrank has no idea where to be on the map, how to play the map,
[07:26:44] no idea when to go in, how to go in.
[07:26:46] Like when I play support, I literally pull so much pressure
[07:26:50] that I'm just constantly 1v2 and 1v3ing, like even as Janna, all that shits.
[07:26:57] Like you just have like, I feel like it's just weird that you would play the support role and your goal is just AFK.
[07:27:07] It's such a weird choice.
[07:27:12] But he's not even putting wards down.
[07:27:19] He has to literally like, where are our wards at?
[07:27:43] I guess I'm gonna take a break out of this game, and I'm gonna make some food
[07:27:47] And I'll come back and I'll do another second stream
[07:27:52] But I want to get some food
[07:27:55] Like if I'm gonna be getting like fucking if I'm gonna be getting fucking team gapped all night
[07:28:00] I want to be able to at least you know make some food
[07:28:03] We only ganked the o3 but wait they didn't wait said she didn't even gank bot. Oh
[07:28:14] Masters is not fun
[07:28:16] Yeah, I think it's a I think it's a legit
[07:28:19] I've said this many times and I always go back to playing AD.
[07:28:24] I am going to never play AD carry until we hit four or five hundred LP.
[07:28:30] It's just too shitty of a role, like it's too coin flip.
[07:28:34] That's a better way of putting it.
[07:28:35] AD carry is a really good role but it's way too coin flip for me.
[07:28:41] You basically coin flip if your teammates are going to help you and play well every
[07:28:44] game you play.
[07:28:46] like the odds of winning 80 carry is a literal 50-50 in master tier at least the odds of winning support
[07:28:55] 80-20 I'd say I think I have an 80% one right on support right now in my last 30-40 games
[07:29:02] maybe it's like 65-35 but yeah I'm gonna take a break and go make some dinner
[07:29:13] thanks for watching guys I appreciate it um so I'll come back and do a second stream but I
[07:29:17] I need to stretch my legs and make some,
[07:29:20] I'm getting lightheaded, so I'm gonna make some dinner
[07:29:23] and get some fresh air really quick.
[07:29:32] Yeah, I mean these, it's,
[07:29:34] I'm definitely not playing AD Carry until GM.
[07:29:37] I've been climbing so efficiently off AD.
[07:29:40] The problem is, is like, like, like support,
[07:29:43] I think I've lost four support games in my last 30
[07:29:45] without, I'm not even exaggerating.
[07:29:47] And my mid games are all really good as well.
[07:29:54] AD carry is just two coin flip.
[07:29:57] Like I've grown out of the coin flip.
[07:29:59] I used to love the coin flip.
[07:30:00] I've grown out of it.
[07:30:01] It's not funny anymore to play AD.
[07:30:03] The role's trash.
[07:30:05] I'm gonna be real.
[07:30:06] The role's dog shit.