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Masters Adc Solo Q | Educational stream

08-07-2024 · 6h 23m

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[00:00:57] I think I'm just dead. I think I'm okay with that though because we did get his flash.
[00:01:29] We got the flash end thing and it's not that bad. I really think it's good though.
[00:01:49] Let's see how I guess. They'll be a little stronger level one, but they also use both
[00:01:54] wards yeah I mean they use both wards which means I mean I guess Eve is weak
[00:02:02] starting bot anyway which is I mean I guess it's fine
[00:02:09] Darius went boos instead of longsword why oh he won a potion he wasted his other
[00:02:39] pot and so he won the pot I mean they have no flash or ignite we could
[00:02:53] definitely just like we could hit this guy huge told me without uh without flash
[00:03:32] it's just too easy to kill them I still have flash oh yeah we're in such a good
[00:03:54] fucking spot oh yeah we're in such a good spot we already have 20 AD that guy's
[00:04:07] no flash she's got no way of pushing the wave in
[00:04:09] Hey, short show and the fuck?
[00:04:26] Why is he fucking his wave up?
[00:04:29] I feel like Shaco might be here.
[00:04:44] Like, I don't know why, it just kind of feels like Shaco's here.
[00:04:53] Because like, Braum was actually trying to...
[00:05:04] He was actually trying to fight that Shaco's been.
[00:05:07] I mean, I guess we could just wait until I have Barrier up to go in.
[00:05:46] That's probably not a bad call.
[00:05:53] I don't wanna poke these guys a bit, but...
[00:05:55] I mean, Shaco's top. 9.45! God, my boots are taking forever!
[00:07:13] What the fuck?
[00:07:21] Holy shit, this Corky's solo killing the real Chovy.
[00:07:26] Incredible.
[00:07:27] Oh, we got a Faleo Splash again. That's pretty big. Not bad.
[00:07:52] Not bad.
[00:07:53] Brom went mid.
[00:08:19] 8.25. Damn, I need 100 gold.
[00:08:57] Just trying to get some EXP.
[00:08:58] I mean we should be able to snowball bot really hard off of this, like from our position, but
[00:09:09] I'll be honest it's kind of a little bit rough because we're definitely not playing aggressive
[00:09:21] enough in like a very, very, very advantageous spot and this is just going to push into
[00:09:31] us.
[00:09:32] Just chill for a sec.
[00:09:38] We could try and fight but I think it's worth with no vision of Shaga.
[00:09:41] Just let this wave crash.
[00:09:51] We could freeze this too, but I think if we freeze it right now, they're both going to
[00:09:55] roam around the map.
[00:09:58] There's no reason not to freeze, but I think we could kill these guys once he runs out of
[00:10:22] red.
[00:10:23] I think we just wait for Rell6 and then we wait for him to run out of his red gun and
[00:10:27] then we just go for it.
[00:10:37] That didn't go well.
[00:10:40] Yeah, that was the problem.
[00:10:42] went in right when he went in right when the guy still had red gun that was like
[00:10:49] super unfortunate so the guy just ulted he just spun and then all day it's just
[00:10:58] too much maybe I should have gone immediately maybe I missed like an auto
[00:11:06] I don't know I have to go rewatch it I might have missed an auto which might
[00:11:14] of killed the Phelios. I do think me sitting on that much gold and us forcing that on bad
[00:11:23] gun timers was the issue. Cause like we don't really have any business fighting him when
[00:11:27] he's got red white. Doesn't make any sense. I don't really know how I'm gonna play this.
[00:11:52] We have good CS, we have good timers on our shit. It's just like, it's gonna be
[00:11:59] be hard. I mean, maybe we can dive him. Nice, not bad. Oh, we got top. I don't know where
[00:12:49] Braum is. He could be coming bot on this wave with the Pellios. I'll be top. Alright,
[00:13:14] I'm just gonna back. I can get my Q upgrade. I don't think I can get my E upgrade yet.
[00:13:20] I don't think I have enough gold. Q upgrade. Yeah, I'm slightly down. Feels bad, man.
[00:13:32] This isn't too bad though i mean we just go mid and then we're chillin
[00:13:41] oh i'm just dead nice ulti
[00:14:08] that's fun when we got cinder r we got braum ulti end ignite
[00:14:32] oop i should have backed under my turret stupid ass shago just use i mean i should have known
[00:14:52] that was coming that was my bad fucking braum is mid and of course that guys mid
[00:15:47] He's like I'm just gonna hang out here. I mean, it's my bad. I just it's kind of lame
[00:15:54] Like where else would you be bro?
[00:16:08] Why are you hanging out mid like that? Come on
[00:16:16] Holy set damage is balanced. What?
[00:16:21] We should get this. I have ult. I mean I could kill this aphelios verandal
[00:16:30] or verandal being probably should just do it off-screen
[00:16:46] If he walks up that means somebody is here a hundred percent. So it's like not worth
[00:16:59] Dude like, like come on man! Like why would Syndra go mid here over beat bot? I mean my bad I just don't understand it.
[00:17:15] Doesn't make sense. Like why are they A-ramming? I mean my bad. What an interesting stupid little
[00:17:50] play. Of course that guy lives at one HP. Well at least this guy dies surely right?
[00:18:05] Nice, fuck that guy. Fuck, Syndra players and their OPS fucking skill list champs.
[00:18:19] Huh. That was just not needed, but it is with this.
[00:18:27] She just played for Drake. I can't believe they're buffing Syndra, by the way.
[00:18:37] Like, I know the champs, like, kinda in a bad spot against, like, the Metamite AD mids and shit,
[00:18:42] but I don't think it's gonna be bad, by any means.
[00:19:18] I mean, okay.
[00:19:29] Good work, guys.
[00:19:31] What fucking, like...
[00:19:33] God, the enemy team's so cringe, man.
[00:19:37] They literally- Wait, what am I watching?
[00:19:40] No way he lives.
[00:19:42] Oh my God.
[00:19:45] That's insane.
[00:20:25] What the fuck?
[00:20:26] Do you think I should probably keep a ward on that?
[00:20:52] Dragon?
[00:20:53] Or the Baron?
[00:21:11] We don't know if it's a ward, it could be...
[00:21:13] There could be wards everywhere.
[00:21:15] there probably is to be honest the way the enemy is playing right now I misplayed
[00:21:50] that so bad by the way holy fuck I played that bad I missed my W well we
[00:22:31] got a W upgrade let's go okay let's do it we should get Baron they're sending
[00:22:53] two bot and their jungle are just died now yeah like we get Baron here 100%
[00:23:01] Oh, geez.
[00:23:51] I like how that static shift procs on your fucking W.
[00:23:59] Killing a minion. That's funny.
[00:24:01] What?
[00:25:06] What?
[00:25:07] She literally only hit R and I died.
[00:25:10] Oh, I guess she got W on me and Q?
[00:25:14] What? Oh, the W Q was here. The R was just the A and...
[00:25:18] Ah, my bad.
[00:25:20] She just ran away.
[00:25:25] Well, she doesn't have any pen either.
[00:25:40] She's literally just a giant fucking tank or she's like a giant just nuke bot against people with no M.R.
[00:25:51] Damn. I honestly think there's a time and a place where we actually don't take that dragon.
[00:26:09] If there's a time line where we don't do that shit. I don't know what it is but oh my computer just super lagged.
[00:26:16] Wait I think there's a time and a place where we actually don't take that.
[00:26:24] I mean that was a pretty bad play.
[00:27:12] Well, I'm dead dude. She didn't even are I was reading chat. Wow, I died immediately as well
[00:27:45] Got a love's legal legends so much damage being thrown around that it's fucking wilds
[00:27:57] Damn, bro. Oh my god
[00:28:16] Find a way to end the game, but I think what's gonna happen is we're just gonna end it with Baron
[00:28:21] Because I think we I think it's too hard to end the game right now unless we get bought in head down
[00:28:27] So I think we just got a play for Baron to do it.
[00:28:31] I should actually go back like right now so I can get my zhonyas before this Baron.
[00:28:56] Like it's really important.
[00:30:48] XD.
[00:31:07] XD.
[00:31:08] Where's this set and Kaisa lose this game?
[00:31:57] Disgusting.
[00:31:58] Ah.
[00:31:59] I mean I feel like that's like a typical EVE player.
[00:32:08] Set 1v9 to the game by pushing Scylain.
[00:32:15] did pretty much nothing the whole game. Seems like a typical Eve player. Gigi Eve. Have a
[00:32:28] nice night man. We'll be really nice to this guy because whenever you're mean to somebody
[00:32:39] or whenever you're like really nice to somebody and they're in a bad mood it makes them angry.
[00:32:44] You ever notice that? Somebody's in a bad mood and you're like nice to them. It makes
[00:32:53] angry dude added me like he's so mad that he added me because I said have a
[00:33:01] nice night that is so fucking funny I'll be honest I did not play that game
[00:33:39] super well I got caught so many times mid-game man that's my bad chat how are
[00:33:55] we doing oh you guys are still watching the ad for another five seconds all right
[00:33:59] I think that's over how you guys doing what's up good evening how we doing
[00:34:03] boys good evening how we doing we feeling good tonight I forgot it was
[00:34:22] Tuesday fucking t-split comes in here acts like a toxic fuck oh should have
[00:35:17] been beef now you'd miss anything just some random kid rage and like always
[00:35:27] man you good just a random rager go back from the gym ah nice nice normal
[00:35:40] Tuesday indeed normal Tuesday indeed I don't know what I want to play man I
[00:35:50] don't know what sounds fun oh okay well I guess I don't have to figure it out
[00:35:54] yet Camille support oh geez I think it's auto film don't tell me you're gonna
[00:36:16] go brand AD holy shit oh I respect Kaisa I see I can respect Kaisa brand I
[00:36:22] I can't respect the dude, I'm sorry.
[00:36:27] Well, time to go brand-a-d.
[00:36:29] Can you imagine?
[00:36:32] Can you imagine I just walk it in?
[00:36:38] Actually, let me see what my mid's playing.
[00:36:53] You know what, let's play to win.
[00:36:56] Fuck it, let's play to win.
[00:36:58] You pick Casadin.
[00:36:59] Okay, we're not playing to win.
[00:37:01] You know, that's on me.
[00:37:02] I need to be better.
[00:37:05] Oh, somebody dodged.
[00:37:06] Okay.
[00:37:14] and then somebody declined.
[00:37:17] I should leave Q.
[00:37:19] Wait 30 seconds and then Q up.
[00:37:22] Dude, anytime this shit happens, you know somebody's getting banned out on their one trick
[00:37:27] in the next lobby and you know you're just gonna get a fucking shit on.
[00:37:31] If that person is on your team.
[00:37:38] Dude, on another note, I was playing some TFT.
[00:37:41] Dude, this set of TFT feels like it should be so much fun.
[00:37:47] Like it feels like like the traits and everything are actually really cool
[00:37:53] Like I like the traits and I like the the champions and shit in the TFT set, but dude I
[00:38:02] Genuinely don't know how riot can go through two weeks of PvE and
[00:38:08] release what might be the most
[00:38:12] imbalanced TFT set to ever come out for the last five years or
[00:38:17] five sets
[00:38:18] Like I genuinely think this is the most in balance the tft set's been in like five sets since like set two
[00:38:27] It's actually crazy. Well, no, right with tft is decent at balancing usually like they're good enough
[00:38:54] it feels like
[00:38:55] that like
[00:38:58] They usually have like something that's like a meta that like requires a little bit of skill to play
[00:39:05] right now it genuinely feels like
[00:39:08] There's like two characters in the game and if you get one early you top two no matter what
[00:39:14] If you get the other one you top three no matter what and everybody else is just
[00:39:21] Not having fun. It's really stupid. Like every single tft lobby is
[00:39:30] The same character on four different teams and then if they're not playing that they're playing one of the other
[00:39:39] three different characters, or the other two characters that are OP, there's like three
[00:39:45] things that are absolutely broken at the moment. And it feels like the entire lobby is always
[00:39:51] playing like one of those three things and nobody plays anything else and it's super boring.
[00:39:56] And it sucks because if you don't play one of those three things, you don't like you're
[00:40:01] literally just go ape and instantly if you don't play one of the three things. So it's
[00:40:06] like it forces you to do it because everybody else is doing it, but it's not fun to do that.
[00:40:12] Like there's no variety almost at all, and it's super stupid. And my only issue with
[00:40:21] stuff like that of like balance, because it's like, okay, balancing isn't super easy
[00:40:25] to do. But don't you think that like the entire point of having like people play
[00:40:32] it before it gets released is that like they realized that those things are really,
[00:40:37] the OP and then they like return them down a little bit. It seems just it's just crazy.
[00:41:00] Who knows? I don't know. The TFT dev team is typically better than the league dev team.
[00:41:40] Like the TFT dev team is really good. They usually like communicate with the public a
[00:41:54] lot like they communicate with the community. They fix stuff really fast. I mean this
[00:42:03] It's like pretty uncommon like there's always stuff that's OP when they release new stuff
[00:42:09] but I do think it's
[00:42:11] Kind of crazy levels of like
[00:42:15] Like this is like very rare from them, but it's kind of annoying like I think that
[00:42:27] Riot should genuinely
[00:42:32] not have PBB PDE at all if
[00:42:34] if people are going to not tell like this is my thing about it people will find very broken shit
[00:42:41] on the pve and then they won't tell riot that they found broken shit at least this is this is like
[00:42:49] my my tinfoil hat theory my tinfoil hat theory is that like there's a lot of streamers and a lot of
[00:42:54] people who like uh like high elo players or whatever right that like basically like climbing really
[00:42:59] fast at the start of every set. And my tinfoil hat theory is that they find really broken shit
[00:43:06] on the PDE and then they don't they intentionally don't report it to Riot and they use the broken
[00:43:12] shit the first week of the release to climb extremely fast because nobody else knows that
[00:43:22] it's OP but them and their little group of discord people like their little group of like other
[00:43:26] challenges. So then what happens is like that group of people is just like climbing out of their
[00:43:33] ass and then everybody adapts to what they are doing. They're like, oh, this person's climbing
[00:43:38] really fast. And then they go look and then like that person adapts the meta because that person
[00:43:42] figured that first. But I feel like it'd be more fun if like if if the whole point of it is
[00:43:53] going to generally be like I'm not going to report really broken shit that needs toned down
[00:44:00] because I want to be the best at the start of the experiment at the start of the set.
[00:44:04] I feel like Riot shouldn't even do PBE at that point and they should just release the sets
[00:44:12] and like the first week can be everybody figuring it out and seeing what's broken
[00:44:17] and what needs nerfs and shits because I don't even know what the point of the PBE is then
[00:44:23] That people can just play it not tell riot and then they're still OP shit. It's really weird
[00:44:30] I think it's like a dumb way to like do it bro. Have I been in queue for 10 minutes right now?
[00:44:45] Oh, I feel like I've been in queue for it's been 15 minutes. I was gonna say I feel like I've been in queue forever, man
[00:44:54] Guys, it's 9 p.m
[00:44:56] Why am I in queue?
[00:44:59] For seven minutes at 9 p.m
[00:45:02] Like what what's happening? I even have support secondary. This is crazy
[00:46:08] I might actually have to play brand of this game because we have Yasuo mid jungle we have 80 mid 80 jungle I
[00:46:27] Might have to play an AP AD
[00:46:29] I'll say I
[00:46:33] Don't know if I want to but I might have to
[00:46:35] That's the price I pay for wanting to climb the Challenger.
[00:46:40] We have to play, what's the team comp needs.
[00:46:43] Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna, I mean, or not, we got Brands.
[00:47:49] Alright, I'll be right back.
[00:47:56] One sec guys.
[00:47:57] I'm gonna grab some water.
[00:48:53] Oh, wait, what are we versus?
[00:48:56] Uh, wait, wait, wait, wait.
[00:48:58] So it's MF Alistar, first man, Kale Top.
[00:49:02] Okay.
[00:49:07] My Yasuo and my set are both taking fucking...
[00:49:11] Ignite.
[00:49:12] Ballsy.
[00:49:14] Especially when you versus Tristana.
[00:49:24] That's really ballsy.
[00:49:28] Like, I respect it.
[00:49:29] Alright boys, we're 200 LP away from GM.
[00:49:35] If we can just win 200 LP, we can get GM.
[00:49:38] And then once we get GM,
[00:49:39] we can get to Challenger.
[00:49:45] What is this matchmaking, by the way?
[00:49:48] Holy fuck, what is happening?
[00:49:51] We got Tai Chi or we got we got fucking
[00:49:55] Tai Chi he's like a Timo one trick on set top
[00:49:59] So we got a challenger Timo one trick as our top laner
[00:50:08] There's two GM's in the game, but I mean that's fine. It is with us
[00:50:11] Dude, this is how in God's name. Are we on blue side?
[00:50:19] This is crazy
[00:50:21] Like I don't know how to explain this to you, but like we have a 800 LP challenger player
[00:50:33] 600 LP GM player and
[00:50:39] We're on blue side
[00:50:41] That means the enemy teams MMR is insane like what I mean in theory. We should just win
[00:50:55] Because we have technically we have like higher actual rated player. I don't know. I don't know. I don't fucking know man
[00:51:13] I think in theory we should win though. I
[00:51:18] I like our team comp too.
[00:51:22] Like we have Yasuo vs 3 ranged, it's not bad.
[00:51:24] I mean we got to ignite.
[00:51:51] We got that guy to ignite and his splash, it's not bad.
[00:51:59] I think we should chill for a sec though, yeah we chill because they're going to get
[00:52:02] level 2 first, just going to get some XP.
[00:52:11] I don't know how, I should honestly just TP.
[00:52:25] I should have just blown my TP right now so I don't die, but it is what it is, okay?
[00:52:42] I mean I have TP now, so I'll be real, that's not even bad.
[00:53:13] That's why I took Teleport though, it's actually not bad.
[00:53:19] We should push this in though.
[00:53:34] That was the only bad part about that was yeah, that was a really weird awkward roam
[00:53:37] timer.
[00:53:45] Maybe I should have rushed Boots?
[00:53:46] I don't know.
[00:53:53] I feel like against this team I kind of want to rush Pradivise.
[00:53:56] Like, I want to be like really cringe and rush Rallies, but I don't know if I can.
[00:54:02] We'll see.
[00:54:23] Hmm.
[00:54:24] I'm gonna have to back off the...
[00:54:26] Actually, I mean, I have Flash.
[00:54:28] Maybe I can survive this, actually.
[00:54:31] I'm just gonna have to play it correctly.
[00:54:46] Whatever.
[00:54:47] Honestly, it's just gonna keep happening like that.
[00:54:50] I should have flashed the combo.
[00:54:52] Cause like them doing that is always worth.
[00:54:59] I gotta warm up, man.
[00:55:41] I haven't played League all day.
[00:55:43] I played the last game bad too.
[00:56:22] Ooh, not bad.
[00:56:47] Actually huge.
[00:56:57] Ah, it's not gonna be.
[00:56:58] Man, I, oops.
[00:57:07] Not bad.
[00:57:09] I wonder if I should just go tier two boots.
[00:57:12] Or if I should go Ralei's here.
[00:57:15] I don't know, man.
[00:57:16] It's kinda hard to like,
[00:57:18] know what the best option is here,
[00:57:19] cause like I feel like tier two boots is good.
[00:57:22] Considering they have like,
[00:57:24] they're just diving me and shit,
[00:57:25] it might be,
[00:57:26] I guess, I think it's actually not bad.
[00:57:28] It'll also make my R do a lot of damage.
[00:57:32] Like if we get into a fight.
[00:57:38] I'm playing not great.
[00:57:41] I don't have flash here.
[00:57:43] He's gonna hex flash over this wall.
[00:57:46] Yeah.
[00:58:14] There's no way they're all gonna live, right?
[00:58:19] There's just no way they all live.
[00:58:21] That's insane.
[00:58:42] I'm not gonna fucking...
[00:58:44] Well, that sucks.
[00:58:46] They're all one HP.
[00:58:48] I literally whiffed one spell during that like when it was the outlet or when the moon was right there
[00:58:55] I literally w'd wrong and then we got shed on for it, but I
[00:59:01] Don't know how that they just did that and my yasuo didn't roam bot at all
[00:59:08] Like I'll be real I misplayed that pretty bad, but I also they have no clue how
[00:59:15] Yasuo did not roam bot
[00:59:17] like that's actually like like all we had to do was walk bot and he gets like
[00:59:27] four kills in the games over because they repushed the wave like they literally
[00:59:34] repushed it you don't get a mid this lane I go YouTube what wait that scores
[01:00:22] nine to ten why are we raging I'm so confused what the fuck can you guys
[01:00:33] just chill like i don't get it
[01:00:36] oh fuck
[01:00:39] i've probably not done a single dragon either
[01:00:43] and not bad
[01:01:18] did i really need to go i need to go back
[01:01:22] you know what i should do is tp
[01:01:30] wow i actually missed
[01:01:39] i mean he was gonna ulti my q regardless but
[01:01:42] me missing that was pretty fucking bad
[01:01:46] yeah i'm a little sad
[01:01:48] I actually think we could win this game though.
[01:02:08] Like our mid is pretty trash but I think it is winnable.
[01:02:12] Just because of how overpowered Brand is and our jungler is not bad.
[01:02:16] I mean our top is trolling and our mid are trolling.
[01:02:25] Like I'm not playing well though but I do think it's weird that we have a Teemo one
[01:02:32] trick who didn't pick Teemo and then we have a Yasuo player.
[01:02:36] He's on his one trick.
[01:02:37] didn't want to play Yasuo? You didn't want to play the game? This game? I don't know,
[01:02:44] it's interesting. He got mad that somebody like, helped him? I don't know. Oh, I'm dead.
[01:03:01] Ah, he actually got that. Damn. I'm bad. What was I thinking? I'm just bad that's on me.
[01:03:18] I misplayed that. Oh, that was an absolutely horrendous one, well. It kind of sucks because
[01:03:30] Like I am I'm misplaying pretty hard
[01:03:33] But it's kind of sad that like even with me misplaying
[01:03:37] Like the game is still like this
[01:03:39] It kind of makes me sad. We had great dive guys. I mean guys, they're not very good. We can win this
[01:04:17] Especially once I get Rivalis, I think it's actually super winnable
[01:04:20] Because now if they try and do something like that not only do they die
[01:04:23] But now they get like slowed and we can follow up
[01:04:25] Like my damage is gonna be trash right now
[01:04:29] But it's like it shouldn't be too bad because I'm still brands and I still have fated ashes
[01:04:48] Also the enemy is not collecting dragons
[01:04:52] So I think without them collecting drakes we actually do win this
[01:05:18] We should wait for my r
[01:05:27] My r's not up for 10
[01:05:40] I can't really do much guys
[01:05:42] So we shouldn't wait for my r
[01:05:45] If we wait for my r there, I kill them all
[01:05:49] Like that was a perfect r actually
[01:05:51] like I actually think we're gonna win this game if people stop being angry
[01:06:13] because once I get two items we should just auto win probably or not nice not
[01:07:04] bad I am completely um I am completely um dude I actually think I killed the
[01:07:35] MF there five times out of ten if I wasn't completely fucking um also I
[01:07:41] So I mismanaged my spells a bit.
[01:07:43] I couldn't proc my passive on her because I was always like mismanaging my spells.
[01:07:50] I think I'm gonna go for this dragon.
[01:07:58] I mean this turret.
[01:07:59] Nice, we got two drakes.
[01:08:07] Oh yeah, this game is winnable.
[01:08:08] I have R coming up soon.
[01:08:12] Wait, wait, let me go get my Andres.
[01:08:42] Okay, I have my Andres, I'm coming!
[01:08:57] I'm gonna say fuck the minions, I don't even care.
[01:09:04] This game's like a fucking fiesta.
[01:09:06] Ooh, that's not good.
[01:09:23] Uh-oh.
[01:09:24] And they're also well, man
[01:09:27] Dude, I landed such a good ulti
[01:09:31] Like I got hit by the MF ult, but I actually landed such a good ult there
[01:09:37] I just don't know what more to do. You also inted in the sideline and
[01:09:43] We couldn't really like I couldn't really do much more
[01:09:46] my ult hit like three people proc my passive twice, but I
[01:09:53] Mean that one fight and a thousand we under damage within one fight. We can win this guys. We have two drakes
[01:10:13] might as well try. Oh my god I missed. I have no mana. I have no mana guys. Like I'm sorry
[01:11:47] lads I couldn't. I had no mana. Okay. I think it's dead. Okay. I think I'm dead. I mean I
[01:12:23] don't know that was kind of a bad play by me. I don't know. I didn't have R. Kind of
[01:12:28] a stupid play to even go for. Honestly our vehicle is not even that bad. It's playing
[01:12:54] pretty damn well. I just need to get some pen because their support and their jungler
[01:13:03] both have. What the fuck? That's not good. I mean bro I gotta push the waves. I mean
[01:13:54] I guess it's just a mid-diff but I did clear the waves enough that they can't end so
[01:14:02] that's good but yeah I mean this Trist is just 1v9ing because the Yasuo threw a
[01:14:08] tenta temper tantrum like a baby rip I mean I'll make a ticket for the Yasuo
[01:14:29] I'll make a ticket for the Yasuo he admitted that he wasn't gonna play the
[01:14:57] game so like when you type and admit you're you're doing that in the game
[01:15:02] and then you mute it's pretty easy to get them perm bands especially now that
[01:15:08] Vanguard is a thing.
[01:15:38] Can't believe I performed the best.
[01:15:40] That's depressing,
[01:15:41] because I played so bad this game
[01:15:42] and I still somehow performed the best.
[01:15:46] Just report, that's all we can do.
[01:16:25] Hmm, GGs.
[01:16:31] So we had a Zed, you know what I don't get?
[01:16:35] We had a Zed, one trick.
[01:16:37] He got banned out, so it's like, okay, whatever.
[01:16:39] He got banned out, he's a one trick,
[01:16:40] it is what it is.
[01:16:49] Is Vanguard doing anything?
[01:16:50] They're about to.
[01:16:51] So right now Vanguard is collecting data.
[01:16:57] So Riot needs a lot of data to make things work.
[01:17:01] So what's happening at the moment is Vanguard is collecting a fuck ton of data.
[01:17:05] So what's going to end up happening is in the next three to four months,
[01:17:11] yeah, Red understands.
[01:17:15] Basically, in the next three to four months,
[01:17:18] Riot's going to start like, hardware banning people, so all of their accounts get banned,
[01:17:24] not just the account they're playing on, but for them to feel confident about doing that
[01:17:29] on a big scale, they have to wait.
[01:17:33] Like essentially they have to like wait a few months after they release Vanguard, because
[01:17:37] it needs to be like studied really hardcore with like, they don't want to do it randomly
[01:17:43] and fuck over the player base.
[01:17:44] So they're like, it just takes time.
[01:17:51] But trust me when I tell you, Riot is very, very invested.
[01:17:56] Riot's league in NA is almost dead.
[01:18:00] Right now, the NA numbers of league
[01:18:02] are the lowest they've been in probably five years
[01:18:04] since COVID, like since 2020 or whatever COVID happens.
[01:18:08] Like, they're literally the lowest they've been since then.
[01:18:13] So Riot's actually taking a lot of steps
[01:18:15] to make the game more fun.
[01:18:18] That's why they're making really big balance changes.
[01:18:21] That's why they brought out Vanguard in League.
[01:18:24] It's because their numbers are actual trash in NA right now.
[01:18:27] In Korea and China, League is bigger than it's ever been.
[01:18:30] It's massive, right, in Korea and China.
[01:18:33] But in NA, it's really, really bad at the moment.
[01:18:36] So because, you know, Bright doesn't want it to die in NA,
[01:18:41] they're like intentionally trying to do a bunch of stuff.
[01:18:56] Well, the reason Vanguard helps with trolls and not just scripters is because, so Vanguard
[01:19:05] stops scripts, but Vanguard has kernel level access to your PC, which means Vanguard can
[01:19:12] see the numbers on the hardware in your computer.
[01:19:18] So like, you know, your, your motherboard, your fucking, uh, like the number that your
[01:19:23] PC identifies as, right, they can see that.
[01:19:28] So what ends up happening is if you, like if, if somebody starts griefing, right, let's
[01:19:36] say somebody's trolling and when that person's like, let's say they get banned on two accounts
[01:19:42] and then they continue to troll so they get banned on a third account, like Vanguard
[01:19:46] will establish that all of those bands were from the same PC it was that was
[01:20:00] they're all from the same PC and so it will ban the PC instead of banning the
[01:20:08] individual accounts
[01:22:15] Let's sustain myself. Welcome to Summer's Wrath. My people know that they're second to minions born. I will teach them peace. Today, minions have spawned and their pains are prepared.
[01:23:08] Okay. But yeah, I mean, well, the problem was soft-denting, like, that Yasuo, right? That guy was soft-denting that game. Like, he was intending to lose that game.
[01:23:18] Even though it was a completely winnable game, he got mad, so he was, yeah, it was soft-denting that game.
[01:23:23] The thing is, is like Riot can't do anything about that guy, unless he literally types that he's trolling, which he did.
[01:23:31] The problem is, is like, that's another thing that I was saying is like Riot has to get a lot of data.
[01:23:36] Like, it has to get a lot of data on the players that do stuff like that consistently, so that they can not just ban people having actual bad games.
[01:23:55] I kinda wanted to fight these guys level 1, to be honest with you.
[01:24:36] Not bad.
[01:24:37] I need to recall before the sieve gets down here.
[01:24:53] Problem is, is this wave is gonna...
[01:24:55] This next wave is gonna be really hard to push in.
[01:24:58] We need to push this ASAP.
[01:25:23] Yeah, we gotta leave because sieve is here.
[01:25:30] I'm gonna back all the way at the turret, because I don't know where the fuck the sieve is.
[01:25:33] I know she's bot side, but like, you know...
[01:25:35] What do you think? Is the OP support right now? Threshville is bad?
[01:25:41] I mean, Leona, Rel, Nautilus, they're all really good at the moments.
[01:25:46] Like I genuinely think Leona, Rell, Nott are like power 3 supports if you're just looking for like an engaged support in solo queue, they're very, very, very good.
[01:25:57] Janna is very good.
[01:26:02] Janna is good because Janna counters Rell, Nottos, and Leona.
[01:26:08] I think Lulu is okay too.
[01:26:13] Like with certain champs, like if you're playing like Zary or something with a Zary.
[01:26:18] I think there's a lot of good stuff in solo queue.
[01:26:21] I feel like there's a lot of really good champs right now in solo queue for support.
[01:26:32] You have a lot to choose from.
[01:26:33] Oh, I'm so bad.
[01:27:08] I want to get one plate and then we go help dragon.
[01:27:25] Helping dragon here is fine, it's just, uh, you give up like self-agency to help the
[01:27:31] teammate.
[01:27:32] Oh, it's Prismal.
[01:27:34] I didn't even notice.
[01:27:35] God, I haven't seen Prismal in forever, man.
[01:27:39] Ooh, we should freeze this.
[01:28:05] like an OG challenger AD carry player. You played dynamic cube prismal? Oh nice.
[01:28:55] Yeah he's like I said he's an OG OG. I've known prismal for a long time. I used to talk to him
[01:29:03] about AD carry all the time. We could probably just kill these guys actually though even though
[01:29:16] I have like 3k or 13. Okay I'm gonna try a build this game that I have never tried before
[01:29:25] And I'm gonna do it just because there was it was a really really funny
[01:29:30] I'm only doing this because I saw a really funny interaction today. I saw a really funny inner
[01:29:44] Sorry, I saw a really funny interaction today on Twitter
[01:29:47] But about people like debating
[01:29:53] Ashbuilds
[01:29:54] So I'm gonna do this just because I
[01:29:57] Saw the funniest debate ever
[01:29:59] This is completely a meme, but we're gonna do it for funnies
[01:30:02] You know what's funny? I think Prismal actually climbed to like top 10 earlier in the season
[01:30:28] Like I remember seeing him at like top 10. It was like kind of crazy. He was doing so good
[01:30:39] At least I think I think that was him. I could be just completely wrong
[01:30:50] Yeah, my CS is trash. Ie rush and see how this feels. I
[01:31:01] Think it's the worst build ever, but I
[01:31:04] Have flamed this build a thousand times
[01:31:08] And I've never tried it. Let me just take this turret
[01:32:38] Yeah, we probably just get dragon here.
[01:33:14] Jin's having fun.
[01:33:15] Oh, he's having so much fun.
[01:33:16] That Jin is funning all over the place right now.
[01:33:18] It's crazy.
[01:33:49] I have so much gold right now.
[01:33:52] Can I back?
[01:33:53] Please?
[01:33:56] Oh man, if I get my back stopped, okay.
[01:34:01] Honestly, this game is going so well that I'm not going to troll by going at Troll
[01:34:08] Build.
[01:34:09] Okay, listen, I know I said I was going to do it, but like, I can buy an entire
[01:34:13] Bork?
[01:34:14] Like I I don't want to grief my team after my team has worked this hard
[01:34:23] I'll do it in like another game
[01:34:26] My teams worked so hard to get me fed. I don't want to like grief them. Okay. I grieved them
[01:34:49] That was my bad. I literally
[01:34:52] Misstepped one inch
[01:34:54] You know, it's funny. I think if I had I actually killed cast there
[01:34:59] Like when he when he art in initially, I think if I had IE I actually kill him
[01:35:04] That's that's actually the funniest irony of that because like Bork is good
[01:35:09] But I only did 300 damage with Bork
[01:35:11] And if I crit once with IE or if I got the passive crits, I think because he lived like 250 HP
[01:35:18] He would have been slower and I would have gotten an extra auto in. Oh
[01:35:30] No way
[01:35:32] Wow
[01:35:34] I'm a little nervous
[01:36:23] I'm gonna lie. I don't really have a reason to be. I'm just a bit too nervous
[01:36:38] No, no, no, no, there's none of them. No, you don't get to hold the wave here, bro. That's not how that works
[01:36:59] Really, this guy actually just ulted the wave. Oh my god
[01:38:04] I'm getting so unlucky with those. I could have probably ulted, I could have probably rifted there actually
[01:38:46] I think IE is really good on any AD carry if you can buy like the back timers like I I agree
[01:39:38] like I think any AD carry that can go IE with like good back timers is really good.
[01:39:43] I think Ash I am not confident enough with IE.
[01:39:47] I did not want to like grief our game because I'm like I'm forefunding a build I've never
[01:39:52] done before but I think you can go IE.
[01:39:56] You can do it on any, like I said, any AD carry pretty much.
[01:40:09] Uh-oh.
[01:40:11] Uhhh, my bad.
[01:40:14] No, that's not Eve's, that's not Janus' fault.
[01:40:16] Yeah, that was, that's my bad.
[01:40:19] Like, I don't know what I'm doing.
[01:40:21] What am I walking up for mid?
[01:40:24] Like, what am I doing, right?
[01:40:25] Like, I'm so fucking stupid.
[01:40:29] That's like, hey, Geronimo, you want to die?
[01:40:32] And I'm like, yeah, let's do it.
[01:40:33] Let's die.
[01:40:34] No, I was just limit testing, but I got kind of fucked.
[01:40:38] I'm kind of him. True. Prismal is him. Fucking true. You know who's not him? Fucking washed up
[01:40:54] Eddie Cary. That's who's not him. I'm actually surprised that we're railing
[01:41:04] these guys this hard when we're on Blue Side. Okay, I can't believe they are
[01:43:56] not forefronting this by the way. This is like the most insanely ridiculous game
[01:44:03] I've seen in a hot minute odd schedule. Uh, yeah, I'm good
[01:44:24] Hey, I had some errands I had to run today and I still wanted to do like a stream
[01:44:35] So I couldn't start my stream until later in the day
[01:44:38] But I still wanted a stream so
[01:44:43] Here we are our arrows impossible to land like what is happening skill issue?
[01:45:25] Okay, listen, I'm 33. Give me a fucking break
[01:45:32] Okay, Eric. Relax
[01:46:19] see why uh why make it hard we don't have to right okay we'll fuck you too
[01:46:26] dude so the 48 to 12 game and they didn't forfeit that entire time I'm not
[01:47:06] gonna lie to you that's insane like I haven't seen a game where there was that
[01:47:16] much heart and friendship in a long time so you're gonna fucking episode
[01:47:20] Naruto. Fuck it, Prismal, bud. Yeah. Oh my god. Yeah, I love Prismal though. He's a good dude.
[01:49:06] I was gonna say, I think he was like way higher, you know, at the start of the season. And I don't
[01:49:11] think he, uh, or at least last season, I don't know. There's so many seasons nowadays, man.
[01:49:15] Yo, you too, bro. Yo, you too, man. Hope you've been good. Yeah, I mean, there's too many
[01:49:23] fucking seasons now. Like, I can't keep track of when people are playing, not playing,
[01:49:29] I don't fucking know man. You know what I'm saying like this shit is ridiculous
[01:49:47] Wait a second. Oh shit. Okay, so the the patches out
[01:49:54] Let's see what they're doing. Okay, they're making a
[01:50:06] zeer
[01:50:07] fucking
[01:50:10] Okay, I mean I
[01:50:13] Don't know enough about a zeer, but these these nerfs don't look or these buffs don't look that good
[01:50:18] because they're already gutting AD mids so I don't think like I see who's gonna
[01:50:22] really care but maybe the armor is good for safety champs too I don't like
[01:50:26] minions and shit I don't know Orianna getting Q AP ratio that's kind of nice
[01:50:32] she'll hit harder I think this is good Ori really sucks away game and she's not
[01:50:39] supposed to suck but she doesn't hit very hard it feels like so I think
[01:50:43] it's pretty good I don't like this I think buffing cindra's R damage is
[01:50:55] is the worst way to buff Syndra.
[01:50:58] Cause her R damage is already fucking stupid.
[01:51:01] Like her R late game already gets to the point
[01:51:04] where you're gonna die, you're gonna die.
[01:51:05] So I guess it's just like a level one R buff.
[01:51:09] I fucking hate Syndra, fuck that champ.
[01:51:15] Silas is getting 25 HP level one.
[01:51:27] Silas is gonna be insane by the way.
[01:51:29] I just wanna like, dude, Silas is gonna be so broken.
[01:51:32] This champ is gonna be insane next batch.
[01:51:35] He's like he he's bad right now because they gutted his like one-shot skill is bullshit build
[01:51:41] But they buffed his is like tankiness
[01:51:44] So now if you go bruiser Silas you just go like D shield in lane or whatever
[01:51:48] Like with the new D shield buffs if they're good
[01:51:51] I haven't seen them yet, but oh, they're not even buffing D shield
[01:51:55] They like pulled back on the D shield buffs. Thank God
[01:51:58] fuck D shield that shit did not need buffed but I mean sounds it's still gonna be good
[01:52:06] I think that'll be a good champ you just build them tankier like you build them more bruiser than mage
[01:52:15] That's he's he's a bruiser mage now right like you want to build him for like extended fights
[01:52:21] Katarina buffs is just
[01:52:24] Ridiculous what is this?
[01:52:27] What the fuck is this? Oh my fucking god
[01:52:39] Yeah, I'm a perm band cat.
[01:52:42] She gets 40 base damage on her Q and 10% AP.
[01:52:51] No, fuck this champ.
[01:52:54] That champ's not getting unbanned for a month.
[01:53:00] They lowered her E damage, so they're just making her an AP champion.
[01:53:06] Because right now you build like AD on hit on her,
[01:53:09] and you auto people to death level one with like E and shit.
[01:53:14] Or level two, whatever it is.
[01:53:15] But it's like, dude, this is too much.
[01:53:20] Like, holy fuck, Katarina's gonna be insane.
[01:53:23] She's just gonna one-shot you.
[01:53:35] Vi gets 10 damage.
[01:53:37] I mean, I don't know, does this do anything?
[01:53:39] I don't fucking know.
[01:53:41] I don't feel like Vi 10 damage does anything.
[01:53:43] I think it's like a placebo buff
[01:53:44] to make people play Vi.
[01:53:46] I think Vi's already good.
[01:53:49] Skarner, they just up his AD ratios?
[01:53:55] Okay.
[01:53:57] I mean, whatever, Skarner sucks, he needs it.
[01:54:00] We're calling passive damage is going down W damage is going down. Wait
[01:54:12] Wait, I'm confused we're calling might be a typo
[01:54:21] This this could be a typo and maybe it's like going up
[01:54:26] Like maybe it's like 151 now and it's like backwards or some shits
[01:54:31] That's the only thing I can think of is that it's backwards
[01:54:34] cool down on Q is going up by one second.
[01:54:37] I mean, whatever.
[01:54:38] I'd be quirky.
[01:54:39] Korki's been like boring and strong for three, four months.
[01:54:45] Who cares?
[01:54:46] Lucian changes.
[01:54:52] Q base damage going down.
[01:54:54] Passive total AD ratio going up.
[01:54:59] I mean, this isn't like, okay.
[01:55:04] Riot doesn't understand how the game works.
[01:55:07] Bot lane.
[01:55:09] Like, I feel like Riot thinks this is like a
[01:55:12] This is like a bot lane buff, but the entire premise of playing Lucian bot in any matchup
[01:55:19] that's not Lucian Mereo or Lucian Nami, like this, this isn't really a big deal if you're
[01:55:25] playing like Lucian Nami or Lucian Mereo, but if you're playing Lucian by themselves
[01:55:29] with like an engage or something, you want to poke.
[01:55:33] The whole point of Lucian is that you want to poke them with your Q through the minion
[01:55:37] with. And nerfing that is just like stupid. And then buffing the passive a bit, like I
[01:55:43] don't know, this is bad. This is just gonna make Lucian weaker overall. But he's not
[01:55:49] even played bot lane very much right now, so like, I don't know, I think Riot's on
[01:55:55] some bad shit right now. That's a terrible change. Like he'll be stronger at two items.
[01:56:10] Lucian at two items will be stronger with his passive, but his lane phase is really
[01:56:13] bad but his lane phase is already not the best bot lane if your versus like the meta laners at the
[01:56:19] moment so I I don't know where to begin with this shit it's kind of weird who knows man you know
[01:56:37] what I'm gonna play a Lucian game all this Lucian talk I'm gonna play a Lucian AD game let's see
[01:56:44] how this goes uh Kiana adjustments more armor I don't mean it'll help her lane Q going up W
[01:57:27] going down R going down. I mean this is okay so I like this because maybe I won't die in one combo
[01:57:36] from Kiana now and she'll have to do a second Q. I mean I kind of like this it makes her less linear.
[01:57:42] I think Kiana's a trash champ regardless but it is one of those.
[01:57:46] Tax speed growth going down, crit going down, W route going up. So they're just gutting poor
[01:57:54] Senna. Like they're making Senna a fucking enchanter. What am I reading? They want you
[01:58:21] to build AP. Like they literally want you to build enchanter AP healing hybrid Senna.
[01:58:37] I mean this is terrible. Like I mean Senna's gonna be OP. This makes, I wanna clarify something.
[01:58:48] This makes Senna OP.
[01:58:49] Like Senna's gonna be really strong.
[01:58:51] But the problem I have with this is like, her entire like, she's just gonna be another
[01:58:57] like heal block.
[01:58:58] She's gonna be like a literal enchanter.
[01:59:00] Oh, this is broken.
[01:59:06] What the fuck?
[01:59:07] So you can instantly stack Black Cleaver now.
[01:59:11] Like this is so broken.
[01:59:14] You can just exist and stack Black Cleaver Insta.
[01:59:17] That's absurd.
[01:59:23] They are reverting the Doran's buffs they did at the start of the year.
[01:59:28] So they're basically just reverting the Doran's buffs they did at the very start of the item
[01:59:33] rework.
[01:59:34] Which is, I mean, I'll be honest, Doran's Blade has been the best Doran's item for
[01:59:38] a while.
[01:59:39] This is probably needed.
[01:59:43] This is weird that they're nerfing Bork this Ardent.
[01:59:47] Like Bork is getting super nerfed.
[01:59:51] The Death Simer change is amazing.
[01:59:53] The home guards change is amazing.
[01:59:57] The other changes in this patch are actually pretty good.
[02:00:00] I think the worst changes are the Lucian change and the Bork nerf is kind of weird.
[02:00:09] I think Bork has been strong, it's been OP for a while, Bork is really OP.
[02:00:14] It's OP, I'm like Yasuo, Yone, fucking every 80 carry.
[02:00:23] But my only issue with like the Bork shit is, what do you build on AD now?
[02:00:29] I think the only AD carries, like the best AD carries now are gonna be MF, Draven, like
[02:00:34] any AD carry that has high base AD ratios and you can rush BT is gonna be OP.
[02:00:40] That's the only thing I can think of.
[02:00:43] Like high key, if you are a champ that can rush Bloodthirster, you're gonna be so
[02:00:49] loving next patch.
[02:00:53] they didn't do anything to Zary. Like Zary is still gonna be really strong. Like right now
[02:01:00] Zary is the best AD if you're a good AD player and I think she's still gonna be the best AD.
[02:01:12] Fuck, I got a P. I got a P and I didn't realize I had to P until right now. And now I'm sad
[02:01:31] because I am realizing I have to P in the middle of the fucking game. Ooh, if that landed
[02:01:59] did that guy was dead this is pretty bad oh no I'm not sure we can dive this yeah
[02:02:27] we should back up and this was we needed a I should have crashed the last wave
[02:02:33] faster it's my gun should we even back here probably not because if they try and
[02:02:42] push this wave in we could probably just kill them oh they're slowing or
[02:02:48] they're so pushing interesting I wonder if we could actually just sack like one
[02:02:54] minion here I wonder if I could sack one minion here and see if they'll push up
[02:03:01] on this net likes like it might be worse because if we can actually catch
[02:03:06] them up okay never mind I missed timed it I'm so bad at league I'm so trash at
[02:03:41] this game bro I missed timed it and I didn't even have the flash like I
[02:03:46] I didn't even have to flash.
[02:03:48] Like literally, I could have just sat there and be like,
[02:03:50] oh, okay, I'll push the wave in.
[02:03:53] I'm so bad.
[02:03:57] Like, how am I a human, man?
[02:03:59] Like, real talk, how?
[02:04:01] Better question, how did we not fear him?
[02:04:08] What?
[02:04:14] Oh, okay.
[02:04:18] Pull him under the turret.
[02:04:36] Okay.
[02:04:38] What am I watching?
[02:04:52] I mean, this is... this is a shit show, bro.
[02:04:59] Yikes.
[02:05:04] I wonder if I could actually kill this smolder.
[02:05:06] Nah, Lulu's gonna be here.
[02:05:09] It's a cannon wave, so I should definitely back here.
[02:05:15] Dude.
[02:05:16] I'll be real, I don't even understand what's going on.
[02:05:19] You know what this game feels like to me?
[02:05:21] This game feels like I'm doing nothing correct at all.
[02:05:25] But like, these people are just feeding me free kills because they're stupid.
[02:05:29] And somehow that works.
[02:05:31] Like I don't think I've done anything correct.
[02:05:34] I'm not kidding.
[02:05:35] Like my lanes, my management, my farm, but like somehow, some way, they are just scrolling.
[02:05:45] Who knows, man.
[02:05:52] I don't know what the fuck's going on.
[02:05:57] You want that?
[02:05:58] Or like, okay.
[02:06:00] I mean, we should let this next wave crash, push it in.
[02:06:04] Yeah.
[02:06:08] So now I think we hard shove this wave.
[02:06:10] We could probably look for a dive actually.
[02:06:27] Nah, we don't dive this, bro.
[02:06:29] Mid could be here, yeah, yeah, this is...
[02:06:32] I have too big of a shutdown.
[02:06:34] We don't have vision in the talent rooms
[02:06:36] and if we give the O3 talent 700 gold,
[02:06:39] I'm gonna be real, the game is probably doomed.
[02:06:41] So we should probably just not troll that, you know?
[02:06:51] Like I'm down to like play for fun and shit,
[02:06:53] but like, I kinda wanna climb a bit.
[02:06:56] I've been stuck in Masters the whole season
[02:06:57] so I'm a little annoyed.
[02:07:02] So like I would be definitely super duper down to like,
[02:07:07] you know, not being masters.
[02:07:09] Yee is here.
[02:07:20] Maybe I trolled that.
[02:07:23] I think Pike should have hooked the Yee first.
[02:07:27] I think if Pike hooked Yee as I dashed the wall, right?
[02:07:33] Like I think if Pike hooked the Yee, when I was,
[02:07:35] like maybe I should have just been here to begin with.
[02:07:39] And I should have just let Pike hit the Yee.
[02:07:41] Yeah, I think that was the play. I should have just gone here.
[02:07:44] Because when I went here, I don't think it's warded, but I autoed when I dashed and he got the Q.
[02:07:52] I do think Pyke probably could have stopped, played that a bit better, but I could have too, so it is with this.
[02:08:03] I think the biggest issue we're going to have this game is even though I'm Giga fed.
[02:08:10] I think our jungler is Giga tilted.
[02:08:13] And we don't have dragons for some reason.
[02:08:15] I don't I don't really know why we don't have dragons, but we don't we should dive we see their entire team
[02:08:23] We should dive these guys
[02:08:43] Where is the yee? I'm pretty sure the yee is
[02:08:46] I'm almost positive the yee is here
[02:08:49] And I'm also positive that me and pike can kill him if pike plays it correctly
[02:08:54] Because all he has to do is land the stun on the yee and all the yee'll die nice
[02:09:16] Wait, that's huge. Nice really big. I want to keep zoning the smolder
[02:09:25] But I also want to go rotate
[02:09:29] As soon as I can
[02:09:30] Because it's solo queue and I don't like solo queue
[02:09:44] Like unless I know that the person I'm playing with is really good
[02:09:47] So what you decision-making is like I don't like it man. I want to say I'm down with that take my shut down bro
[02:10:02] But I had a shut down right? Oh, I didn't hang on whatever. I actually don't know what the best option here is. I
[02:10:13] Almost think it's get ie
[02:10:15] But I mean I can just buy flicker blades, so I'm gonna do it
[02:10:20] Okay, I think it's actually better just get IE but like go for IE or whatever
[02:10:27] But I mean I could buy the fucking flicker blades. I kind of want to just buy that
[02:10:32] RFC would probably be pretty good too. What is Kai'sa here? Well, I guess you can't really walk up on I
[02:11:01] Don't like this bro. Yeah, we haven't done dragon. It's like fuck it. Who needs dragons men. Where did I just kill these guys?
[02:12:01] So fucking strong
[02:12:12] this is kind of silly
[02:12:14] ooh maybe I should push this midway before I go back
[02:12:27] uhhhh nah fuck it
[02:12:29] dude I wanted to get tabbies
[02:12:36] but I forgot they made the tabbies more expensive
[02:12:39] damn
[02:12:40] that's not good you guys are just fighting when I'm not there
[02:12:46] that's crazy
[02:12:48] holy shit
[02:13:18] that was fucking scary what the hell
[02:13:22] ooh
[02:13:23] that scared the shit out of me
[02:13:30] Yeah, I think Xurkers might be the worst loot on Lucian, but I don't know.
[02:13:45] I guess, I think Swifties is way better.
[02:13:47] I wanted Tabi's, but yeah.
[02:13:50] Oh well.
[02:13:51] My bee, my bee, my bee.
[02:13:54] Dude, I bet you these guys don't forfeit because they have Yi Lulu and Svldr.
[02:14:13] Oh, I'm dead.
[02:14:14] Don't do it, you're gonna die too.
[02:14:20] Oh, okay.
[02:14:23] I am so fucking bad at League.
[02:14:27] Oh my god.
[02:14:31] Don't worry, I've given Yi a lot of gold.
[02:14:36] Okay, I'll be real. We can actually hard win at...
[02:14:42] Wait, we can do Baron at 20 minutes.
[02:14:45] I think the way we win this without just throwing our game away,
[02:14:48] because Yi is just so fed.
[02:14:50] I think the way we actually win this is we just do Baron at 20.
[02:14:55] Or we just kill him in a fear.
[02:14:58] That's also, you know, viable.
[02:15:01] Ooh, well played.
[02:15:21] Me and my drum!
[02:15:42] Why do I feel like Yi is here? Oh, yes.
[02:15:44] Where'd we kill this guy, no?
[02:16:13] I guess not.
[02:16:15] Actually, there's a rift coming.
[02:16:25] I mean, I don't want to get in the rift.
[02:16:27] Oh, rift's dancing.
[02:16:29] Oh, that's cute.
[02:16:31] I mean, I'll be real, I really don't want to get inside of the rift there.
[02:16:33] Nice.
[02:16:55] Chat, this is for you guys.
[02:17:01] That's for you guys.
[02:17:23] I'm gonna get BT.
[02:17:26] crit I don't think I need more we just get BT and then end the game no probably
[02:17:34] I mean yeah I'm here I got you that guy just exploded I didn't even insist well
[02:18:33] they really aren't forfeiting dude dude is there like a weird thing going on
[02:18:38] where nobody is forfeiting any game ever right now like these last two games
[02:18:42] We it we're up so much gold and they are just not forfeiting games
[02:18:48] I'm not even trying to be like toxic when I say it's just like some games are genuinely not winnable
[02:19:10] No
[02:19:12] My fingers are so small and tired and old
[02:19:17] actually killed them all there if I was
[02:19:19] ten years younger
[02:19:21] Like unironically. Oh well GG
[02:19:37] 45 to 19. I'm telling you people not forfeiting is weird
[02:19:40] I get it because like any game is loseable, but it's definitely weird
[02:19:52] If we lose because kaisa didn't end the game. I'm gonna be really salty. I don't think we will but I would be salty
[02:20:07] Because this is this is looking like a throw. Oh, no, if we lost that I wouldn't even be mad
[02:20:48] I've been out. Okay. I'd be mad but like in a way where I'd be really funny content
[02:20:54] I'd be like wow
[02:20:56] Because I mean I was about to hit four items at 20 minutes
[02:21:03] Four at emulsion, 20 minutes, 15.
[02:21:05] That's like, unloosable unless I suck.
[02:21:11] Nice.
[02:21:13] Like I said, we need 200 LP to get the GM cutoff.
[02:21:16] And then once we hit GM,
[02:21:19] I think it's actually easier to climb the Challenger
[02:21:22] once you hit GM.
[02:21:25] I'm not 100%, but I think it is,
[02:21:26] because it used to be the way it used to work,
[02:21:29] but I haven't been Challenger in five years.
[02:21:30] So I'm lost, so let's see.
[02:22:58] Every time I queue up, I wait in a nine minute queue,
[02:23:01] right? Then I queue up. Check this out. I sit in a nine minute queue at the computer
[02:23:12] the whole time, right? I go to P. Boom. Instant, instant pop. The second I go to P. Man, fuck
[02:23:20] you. Okay, let me think. Okay, cool. Dude, I don't, I don't understand League of Legends
[02:23:44] at the moment. The games feel so awkward. Like every game I've played has felt like they all
[02:23:58] feel so coin flip. Like one side just dominates the other side no matter what. Like so if you're
[02:24:07] on the losing side like the games probably get really hard when you're the one on the
[02:24:10] losing end. Like that's what it feels like. It feels like if I'm on the losing end
[02:24:14] I can like this brand game like I could have played a lot better right like I didn't play well this game
[02:24:19] But like I didn't play bad
[02:24:22] like
[02:24:23] I wasn't the reason we lost this game like my mid laner rage quit
[02:24:27] Tide taiji was on fucking set for some reason and timo wasn't even banned. So like he just decided to play whatever
[02:24:33] So like the solos were just straight up trolling
[02:24:37] And it feels like uh the game was unplayable because like
[02:24:39] Tristana just got gigafed. This game my TF was just trolling. Like he got shit on by a
[02:24:53] Mundo and this Mundo was just unkillable, right? Like look at this. Like it genuinely kind of
[02:24:58] feels like all these games are, I mean I don't know, for lack of a better way of putting it,
[02:25:05] it feels like these games are incredibly one-sided and coin flip and all you can do is spam games
[02:25:13] to climb unless you are like playing the absolute most meta shit like if I was willing to play like
[02:25:21] ash every game or like play brand every game or play like stuff like that you know like I
[02:25:29] could probably climb pretty fast if I was willing to play support I could climb really fast because
[02:25:33] like I mean my jet like I I'm 22 and what like what does that win rate like seven on jana
[02:25:40] 22 and 8 or 14 and 8 and I pretty much like so will win my team the game every game when
[02:25:50] I play support in this you know I don't want to do that shit because it's so boring to play
[02:26:03] support every game.
[02:26:04] I might be on pike just because that that last pike wasn't the worst player but he was
[02:26:24] actually pretty decent but I also kind of want to man yee because that last yee wasn't
[02:26:30] very good but you saw like how close the game was even though that yee sucked he
[02:26:34] he was still yee and I feel like when you play against yee, I always feel like yee is
[02:26:42] one of those champs that he can be completely behind out of the game worthless and if he's
[02:26:50] playing against people who don't know what they're doing and they just fight, if he picks
[02:26:54] up one or two shutdowns from really shitty fights, he just feels like he's so broken
[02:27:00] that it's unplayable.
[02:27:01] I kind of want to hold my support pick if this guy will trade me because they already picked Darius
[02:27:21] So I kind of hold my support pick here just because
[02:27:28] They have Draven showing but they don't have their support showing okay, so they have zillion oh
[02:27:33] I mean, I don't know what to play
[02:27:36] I'm assuming Leona or Nautilus would be good here because then we could do
[02:27:41] We would have like a way of peeling and engaging at the same time, but
[02:27:50] I'll be real I don't actually know what the best support here is. I think I'm going to take
[02:28:09] Maybe I should take exhaust this game. I almost always take ignite, but I think exhaust might actually be better
[02:28:19] Or heal, like heal or exhaust. I actually don't know
[02:28:32] Because exhaust is so good versus everybody on their team and Senna's not really like a kill lane champ
[02:28:37] Like, we'll get exhausted versus their entire team.
[02:28:45] It feels so OP.
[02:28:46] How's your guys night going, by the way?
[02:29:19] Can you guys hear me?
[02:29:21] Fuck, I'm talking to myself.
[02:29:26] I know I don't normally stream at this time, so I probably don't have as many of the main
[02:29:31] homies here today, but you know.
[02:30:01] Break it down, got the album, favorite song.
[02:30:13] I'm not gonna lie, Rumble got fucked.
[02:30:15] I did not see the Darius jungle coming, like I traded him earlier, but I did not see Darius
[02:30:22] jungle coming.
[02:30:24] You know what?
[02:30:25] I am sorry man.
[02:30:27] I fucked you.
[02:30:28] It's fucking ripped.
[02:30:34] I don't think we ever fight this lane like, like would you, I don't know if we ever
[02:30:42] actually fight this lane.
[02:30:46] We I think we just scale.
[02:30:49] You want to fight level one bro?
[02:30:51] I mean there's just no way.
[02:30:58] I think some of them needed the auto that once.
[02:31:02] Actually though, there's just like actually no way these guys are gonna hit level two first guaranteed bro
[02:31:14] No, maybe not. I don't know if he actually wins that
[02:31:32] It's actually pretty close
[02:31:39] Hmm actually wasn't too bad. Well, I mean that I'm me dying was bad, but
[02:31:47] The rest of it wasn't too bad because they ain't got the kill
[02:31:57] You can support me new role pops off so fucking hard. It's actually kind of silly
[02:32:40] Like it happens so fucking early man. Not bad
[02:33:27] Like, holy fuck, actually, really good.
[02:33:30] Let's go!
[02:33:33] I got fucking Tabby's already!
[02:33:35] Oh my...
[02:33:37] That's what I'm talking about.
[02:33:39] I'm gonna go take this fucking ward out.
[02:33:51] Fuck, fuck this ward.
[02:33:58] I'm gonna make sure he has to int to the turret, and I'm gonna take the ward out.
[02:34:04] The reason I do that is because he's just gonna proxy until, uh...
[02:34:08] until he doesn't have to, or until he cants anymore.
[02:34:11] If I don't go.
[02:34:18] Is Senobot viable?
[02:34:20] I think it's actually not bad.
[02:34:22] I think the problem with Senna AD carry at the moment is...
[02:34:26] Uh, it's really hard to pull off in solo queue.
[02:34:33] Give me a sec.
[02:34:47] No, that's Minish.
[02:34:50] Minish is the other singed one trick in high elo.
[02:35:41] I did not just walk away from that.
[02:35:58] I can't believe I just got away.
[02:36:00] Holy shit!
[02:36:17] I mean, yeah, we overstayed.
[02:36:19] I'm just gonna be honest, we should not have been pushing that wave.
[02:36:25] like that was that was us being the
[02:36:30] greediest fucks ever
[02:36:32] just keep building tabbies it won't make
[02:36:44] your height grow any
[02:36:45] god damn this fucked up bro let's messed up
[02:36:55] I almost have Ward we should actually
[02:37:26] probably just chill here until I get six
[02:37:29] because we know their jungler's bot like we should 100% just chill for a sec
[02:37:38] dude I played that pretty fucking good like I actually I played that pretty well
[02:38:39] But I caught the Draven with the Q, we killed him.
[02:38:47] Then we had a really good kill on the other guy too.
[02:38:56] Oh. Uh oh. Wait, I'm really dumb.
[02:39:12] I didn't think he went up. That's my bad.
[02:39:16] Uh oh. I hope I don't die here. That would suck.
[02:39:20] I did not have a ward.
[02:40:15] Uh, damn. I think I went too fast. Uh-oh.
[02:40:21] Actually, we win this. Never mind. We're chillin'. Okay, nice.
[02:40:24] I was saying that we win that. I fucked up, but I think it's fine.
[02:40:29] My team's a little bit too fed. Damn, I kinda suck.
[02:40:40] I wanna go do grubs. I wanna go get a ward down so my center doesn't just get gapped.
[02:40:59] Oh, that's what we're doing, huh? It's kinda cringe, bro. Not gonna lie.
[02:41:59] Hmm. How do we play this? I don't know.
[02:42:20] I mean we're super ahead but I think the Lucian adjustments are like I mean unless
[02:42:29] 0.5 passive damage is a lot bigger than my small brain thinks they feel kind of
[02:42:34] bad because I like the Q damage in lane but I mean I could just be bad you know
[02:42:41] you never know like I personally really like Q damage I think I'm playing
[02:43:44] really bad. Like I just fucked that up. I should have just ulted. I mean, I'll be real,
[02:43:57] Senna's not wrong. We all kind of point out like donkeys. It's okay though, because like
[02:44:38] when you play like a donkey, it doesn't matter. When you're playing Leona, you just win
[02:44:43] anyway. Because this champion is broken. You just walk at people, you have a two-second
[02:44:49] cool down stun and then you're like oh okay I guess we win sweet like it's it's
[02:45:02] kind of stupid I mean we should just go to dragon over rift but actually maybe
[02:45:11] we should be doing rift because like I don't know man I don't have ward so I
[02:45:28] have to like maybe I just threw okay I threw oh I'm positive that was a good
[02:45:55] engage but my team wasn't there so it turned into a bad engage if that makes
[02:45:59] sense like it like this was the proper play but because nobody was there it
[02:46:06] wasn't the proper play it's only the proper play if like everybody's there
[02:46:11] but it was the correct play I just didn't hit I didn't look at my mini map
[02:46:17] I mean there's no way we kill this guy right hey that's my ward bro I mean I
[02:47:15] I feel like we should be invading their camps here.
[02:47:18] I feel like that's a way better play.
[02:47:23] We are like so incredibly strong.
[02:47:24] I feel like we should just be taking camps.
[02:47:49] In my life, I am not.
[02:47:52] Well, that bleed was always collector.
[02:47:55] Okay.
[02:47:56] By the way, invading the camps there was fine.
[02:47:59] The problem was, the problem was we tunneled here
[02:48:11] and we didn't have rumble.
[02:48:14] So maybe it wasn't fine.
[02:48:16] Maybe I'm coping.
[02:48:19] Maybe it was like a back off angle, my bad.
[02:48:23] Thought we were just so much stronger
[02:48:28] that we could just run them over there,
[02:48:29] but I think I guess I'm wrong.
[02:48:32] So I'm being, oh, I need to get anti healing.
[02:48:38] Because nobody else is gonna get anti healing,
[02:48:40] so I gotta do it.
[02:48:50] I need to get vision, but nobody's helping me push waves,
[02:48:54] so I can't really get vision.
[02:48:56] It's really awkward.
[02:49:11] Like we need to push these waves in.
[02:49:14] Like, what are we doing?
[02:49:16] I mean push the wave bro like I don't know what you I mean I stunned him, but
[02:49:39] Like this is really awkward. Oh
[02:49:45] Nice, well played, but Senna's like
[02:49:48] Not pushing the wave on tempo. She's like like I don't know I I mean I think it's my fault
[02:49:56] I should never die, but I'm definitely confused on what's going on
[02:50:02] Because when Senna was like walking around the jungle there for a bit not pushing the mid wave
[02:50:07] Like it was like a full 45 seconds of us not pushing mid wave
[02:50:10] so we were late to being able to get full vision on dragon or baron which is
[02:50:17] really awkward why don't we just why don't we just play for baron we don't
[02:50:25] even need dragon fucking just play for baron yeah it's free because they're
[02:50:53] all setting up vision around I would say they're setting up all their vision
[02:51:09] on dragon so we just do baron there and we went yeah exactly that's like
[02:51:18] That was actually the perfect call. I'm glad they've followed it like just to explain it to you guys like why I was making that call
[02:51:34] When we died they took the time to get full vision control on top side of the map I
[02:51:44] Backed and my rumbles gonna die for it fuck. Oh, no, he's alive. Nice. So when I died though or when we died
[02:51:51] We took like they they basically get tempo to like control this area of the map, right?
[02:51:57] So because they're all controlling this area the map because dragons coming up
[02:52:01] We they haven't controlled this area of the map yet, right because they they can't
[02:52:05] You can't you only have you only have time to do certain things on certain timers
[02:52:08] So because they didn't take the time there. It's like chess
[02:52:12] They didn't use their turn essentially to take control of vision on bot or I mean on top
[02:52:18] So what we ended up getting to do is we ended up getting to
[02:52:21] Well, I got a I got a ward flanks and shits. Oh my god. Oh my god
[02:52:55] you know sometimes I feel like you like your own gameplay gives you cancer you
[02:53:10] know like I feel it happens yeah we're gonna chase that guy and not like hold
[02:53:20] our way up here okay sure I mean it's fine I bought time I don't think chasing
[02:53:38] the hill is the play when we have Baron but you know it is what it is our
[02:53:45] Our Yone is getting a lot of uh...
[02:53:48] Oh, I was gonna say he's getting a lot of shit done top, but he's not actually getting a lot of shit done top?
[02:53:59] I think now he is.
[02:54:04] But yeah, them chasing Talon was really trolled. They just let him sit back there and we just pushed the wave.
[02:54:09] Well, I'm pretty sure that's literally it. You just sit there and...
[02:54:15] Oh, that- they're both dead.
[02:54:16] Oh ho ho, yeah.
[02:54:23] You made homemade beef jerky.
[02:54:26] Huh.
[02:54:27] Uh, interesting.
[02:54:32] I don't even know how that would happen.
[02:54:34] Like, I'm realizing in this moment I don't actually know the process.
[02:54:39] Okay, I got a bunch of wards down, so I need to go get more wards.
[02:55:08] Well, I think every game in Masters is this game.
[02:55:32] That's the thing.
[02:55:33] Like, in Masters here there's no cohesion ever.
[02:55:36] Like, this is pretty much every game in Masters here, you know.
[02:55:44] I mean, we should just be playing for soul.
[02:56:09] the fuck am I watching guys we should be playing for this what the fuck what is
[02:56:23] this nice that's what I meant by like it doesn't make sense to be mid and they
[02:57:08] tried to like flank this shit was crazy I think the Leona pick was actually
[02:57:23] smurf this game I think I did way more Leona than I would have on something
[02:57:27] like Janna like I actually think the Leona is super OP because like I was
[02:57:36] setting up so many fucking kills during middle-eight.
[02:57:55] Who do I honor?
[02:57:56] I think if it's a rumble.
[02:57:58] He said nothing and he played his heart out.
[02:58:02] So I'm gonna give that honor to rumble.
[02:58:11] What's going on here?
[02:58:25] This is some like beef.
[02:58:29] These two players have some hardcore beef
[02:58:33] and I don't know what it's about,
[02:58:34] but I'm kind of invested.
[02:58:41] Are these two like, okay,
[02:58:51] I mean this guy's just a straight up
[02:58:55] 80 carry main
[02:58:57] Let's look at op.g
[02:59:01] It's like a battle of the fucking ages. So this guy's like a
[02:59:06] He's like a 300 masters 80 carry main for a few years. Okay, or no, he plays Senna. He's a Senna one trick
[02:59:16] Going against my boy the motion screen hashtag law
[02:59:21] Always a streamer. Oh
[02:59:23] This guy looks like he's about low GM peak. Is he streaming right now? Oh, he is
[02:59:40] What's going on here? Oh, he's flaming vigorous
[03:00:43] Also, the Santa's the villain. Is that what you're saying? Huh?
[03:01:15] It's like watching two kindergarteners argue about which one is smarter
[03:01:22] That's kind of what the vibe I was getting there like they're both like smart in kindergarten
[03:01:28] You know what I mean?
[03:01:30] That's kind of what that felt like.
[03:01:32] Alright boys, there's gonna be a quick ad.
[03:01:51] Alright, really quick ad.
[03:01:55] And then we will continue our journey
[03:01:59] through the piss that is Master Tier.
[03:02:04] Honestly, Master's hasn't been too bad
[03:02:07] today, but I think overall it's fucking miserable.
[03:02:11] But I think we just have to get to like 500-ish LP.
[03:02:17] If you get, like I said, if you can hit GM, the game gets so much easier to climb.
[03:02:21] From my remembrance, obviously I can't say that from experience this season, but from
[03:02:29] what I remember, when you hit GM, it genuinely feels like the game is easier, but I don't
[03:02:36] know, we'll see.
[03:02:37] We'll have to take a look, you know, see how it goes.
[03:02:53] move. And it's already so late. I never I never fucking stream this
[03:03:00] late. Why do sometimes let's pray rare. So all we have to do is hit
[03:03:24] grandmaster. Then once we hit grandmaster, we can hit challenger.
[03:03:30] Then once we hit challenger, we can take a break from playing
[03:03:35] league and do or try harding and we can just play for fun.
[03:03:42] That's the goal. Right? Like hit challenger and then have fun. Now I'm not sure that's
[03:03:59] going to happen, but it could. It could happen. I don't actually know. I would, like if I
[03:04:20] had extra money right now, I would just upgrade my computer so I could stream variety stuff
[03:04:25] instead of League when I'm not feeling like playing League. That's kind of why I want
[03:04:36] I want to get to at least Grandmaster and then I want to do some coaching
[03:04:44] Because I actually think I'm a pretty damn good coach
[03:04:46] I'm old and washed up when it comes to like
[03:04:49] Mechanics and shit, but I think I'm a pretty good coach when it comes to like how to play AD
[03:04:53] Because I've been challenger since season fucking three
[03:04:56] but
[03:04:57] So I kind of want to do coaching and then I could make a little extra money doing that
[03:05:01] I was thinking about doing some sub stuff too like I was thinking in maybe next week or like maybe this weekend
[03:05:11] Actually, I have my friend's kid's birthday party this weekend, maybe on Friday or something.
[03:05:21] Maybe next Monday or Friday or something or maybe next weekend.
[03:05:25] I was thinking about doing some sub.
[03:05:30] Every sub gets to pick my champion or something, like somebody else's sub and then they get
[03:05:36] to pick the champion that they want to learn, me play AD carry or whatever.
[03:05:44] to make the stream more interactive and fun what is this yeah my friend has a
[03:07:13] 4090 his computer is so nice because he just upgraded this computer after a few
[03:07:19] years he got like almost all like top-of-the-line stuff his computer is
[03:07:22] so nice but yeah it's fucking huge 4090 graphics it's fucking gigantic man it's
[03:07:30] It's like a, it's like a fucking boat inside of your case.
[03:07:50] Yeah, what's it still worth?
[03:07:51] Yeah, I mean, it's fucking huge, dude.
[03:08:04] I have no idea how to build a PC.
[03:08:05] He just bought a pre-built one.
[03:08:08] And if I, whenever I didn't have money to upgrade my PC,
[03:08:16] I'm just gonna buy a pre-built one too.
[03:08:18] Cause I mean, it's so much less hassle.
[03:08:32] Like I feel like the only reason to build PCs
[03:08:34] is if you think it's a fun hobby.
[03:08:40] Because I feel like buying pre-built
[03:08:42] is the same thing as building nowadays
[03:08:44] because it's almost all the same price.
[03:08:47] So you just build it if it's a hobby.
[03:08:49] Like if you just find it fun.
[03:08:55] 10 years ago, building your PC was way cheaper
[03:08:58] because you could get way better performance 10 years ago.
[03:09:02] Like the PC I'm using now is 10 years old
[03:09:04] or it's like nine years old.
[03:09:09] It was custom built for me.
[03:09:22] I somehow missed my 12 minute queue.
[03:09:28] I'm upset.
[03:09:32] I was in queue for 12 minutes
[03:09:34] and I somehow missed my queue.
[03:09:39] God damn it.
[03:09:43] That is so tragic.
[03:09:56] Hold on, how do I read this?
[03:10:11] Can I zoom in?
[03:10:12] This is insane.
[03:10:21] What the fuck?
[03:10:24] Dude, this guy is insane.
[03:10:28] He charted so much crap.
[03:10:37] Like he charted win rates versus supports.
[03:10:40] Like AD carry win rate versus support that he charted.
[03:10:51] Oh my God.
[03:10:57] This is insane.
[03:11:08] It's on Reddit.
[03:11:09] This is the post I am looking at.
[03:11:14] I can link it to you, yeah.
[03:11:19] But I mean, yeah, some guy, like 10 million diamond plus
[03:11:26] games to mathematically derive champion classes
[03:11:28] in the bot lane using matchups and synergies.
[03:11:32] There's a part two?
[03:11:40] Wait, why is Tarek his own... what is this?
[03:11:49] Why do we have like,
[03:11:52] poke support, planemaker, engage, enchanter, warden, Tarek?
[03:12:04] Oh my God, that is so fucking funny.
[03:12:12] I guess if you were to classify Tarek,
[03:12:19] he really doesn't feel like any of these.
[03:12:26] Tarek's like a...
[03:12:28] He's like a combination of everything, right?
[03:12:33] He's like a champion that can play make.
[03:12:36] He can't engage.
[03:12:37] He can't poke.
[03:12:38] Like I think poke is the only thing Terra can't do.
[03:12:42] But he can like, he's kind of a warden, right?
[03:12:45] He's like a tanky kind of like mitigator.
[03:12:49] He's an enchanter because he can heal.
[03:12:53] That's interesting.
[03:13:17] By the way, we're sitting in a, I waited, I missed my 12 minute queue so now we're
[03:13:21] still in queue. Just in case you guys were curious why I'm looking at this. Yeah, I missed
[03:13:26] my queue. So yeah, we get to sit through another 10 minute queue, because it's 12 o'clock.
[03:13:34] There's the only warden to be anywhere near the synergy derived poke on hit classes. Any
[03:13:50] current classes by Bod synergy? How do you classify this? Okay, on hit. Wait, he put
[03:14:04] Lucian and on hit why? That's a really weird
[03:14:11] Lucian sub burst
[03:14:14] How do you classify this?
[03:14:16] They're pulling the sports energy class is very strong basically can a support run ardent does the sport have a built-in on hits there
[03:14:33] We can the support like that. Oh, I see what he's saying
[03:14:36] so the reason you put Lucian and on hit is because
[03:14:41] Lucian's trade pattern is being buffed by Milio and Nami
[03:14:44] So basically his trade pattern is like you get a Nami buff and you trade so it's like an on-hit Nami attack damage
[03:14:55] bot. It's like
[03:14:58] Personally, I think that that's still like a weird thing. I don't know if he should be there, but it makes sense
[03:15:03] I get his logic. Yeah, I guess I get it. I don't I don't think Varus should be in DPS, but
[03:15:28] Goddamn, I mean it makes sense
[03:16:10] Poked support, Poked AD, or the highest win rate, on hit, on hit AD, or the highest win
[03:16:17] rate.
[03:16:18] I mean, it makes sense.
[03:16:22] But, uh, I have to, like, get close to my monitor with my old man eyes.
[03:16:37] What is going on?
[03:16:41] So who is Sona's best AD?
[03:16:49] Yasuo and Nyla.
[03:16:51] Wow.
[03:16:52] What?
[03:16:54] That's crazy.
[03:17:03] What the fuck?
[03:17:05] I guess Nyla makes sense because Nyla benefits
[03:17:09] from the Enchanter thing and the level six all ends
[03:17:11] pretty brutal, right?
[03:17:14] Like Nyla Sona makes a little bit of sense
[03:17:16] because also like you get six faster
[03:17:18] and Sona's entire kit is getting level six.
[03:17:22] So that makes sense.
[03:17:34] Ziya Milio is the worst Ziya?
[03:17:37] No, Zerath.
[03:17:39] So it goes Zerath and then Milio
[03:17:41] is actually the worst Ziya.
[03:17:43] Lulu's eye is bad? No way. No, no way that's true. What? Brom Jin is pretty bad. Jin Lulu's
[03:18:26] pretty bad. Jin Yumi. Dude, look at Yumi's red bar of death. Look at Yumi's red bar.
[03:18:35] Holy. Dude, Yumi might have the worst win rate with every champion. Look at that shit.
[03:18:48] Holy fuck. I think I maybe should have played Sena AD
[03:19:06] Because we have a Seraphine. I actually don't think it would have been bad
[03:19:27] Yasuo you say
[03:19:29] Where's Yasuo?
[03:19:31] Yeah, Yasuo with on hit stuff is crazy
[03:19:41] It's good with poke supports too apparently
[03:19:43] The only thing it looks like Yasuo is really bad with is like Zerath
[03:19:49] Niko
[03:19:52] Malkai?
[03:19:54] Interesting. This is such an interesting little graph. I'll have to look into that more later. I'll be a beat
[03:20:20] That's actually pretty interesting. What am I against? Oh god guys, we're against light yagami. How the fuck?
[03:20:58] Guys, I think it's doomed
[03:21:00] How the fuck do you beat light yagami bro?
[03:21:05] That's oh geez
[03:21:08] How the fuck do we win this shit?
[03:21:46] Dude, I've only played five games in three and a half hours
[03:22:10] Like I have actually been getting zero games in
[03:22:17] That's actually kind of nuts. I don't know what to say about that. I have games and fucking three not about Jesus
[03:22:26] Oh, I have that Viego from earlier. I
[03:22:33] Lost with his Viego in my team earlier, but he's actually not bad. Oh, he is down bad though
[03:22:41] He has lost almost every game today
[03:22:49] Okay, if I go to open my energy drink that I'm drinking at 12 a.m. because I'm a loomatech I go to open this and
[03:23:05] A fight breaks out I'm gonna be really frustrated
[03:23:09] Okay
[03:23:11] You sons of bitches. I think they're invading us. I just don't know where they're invading us
[03:23:21] But I am pretty sure they're invading man
[03:23:37] Imagine if they were ghosting and they just knew we were here. Not bad.
[03:24:17] Good trade. Fucking Nautilus is wanting to be already. No way.
[03:24:53] What the fuck? Where is that jungle?
[03:24:56] I just hawk shot it through our entire jungle. He must have started his red.
[03:25:00] Yeah, he must have started on his red and he is pathing down.
[03:25:09] It's the only way to pick up. Oh, yeah, there he is. Pretty sure that Diana is still in
[03:25:37] the jungle. Yeah, there she is. Don't ever let it be told that Geronimo does not play
[03:25:57] for his jungler. I just walked out of my lane to all the way to my jungle to stop that.
[03:26:05] I really need to go back, but we probably have to slow push this way then. I don't
[03:26:26] we can fast-push it and oh I'm so bad I was like if I miss that I quit I wanted to get
[03:27:33] that point what was Ash's old cue I believe it was just you just activated it back in
[03:27:41] the day and it just like did more damage I actually can't remember but I think
[03:27:53] that's just what it was like I think it was like I you activate it and I
[03:28:02] I think it does more damage and like slows or something.
[03:28:08] Oh, you're right.
[03:28:10] She didn't used to have slow at,
[03:28:12] like she didn't used to have slow on her autos.
[03:28:16] No, you guys are right.
[03:28:16] I totally remember now.
[03:28:17] It was basically like,
[03:28:19] cause you would go manamoon ash.
[03:28:25] Like the, you would literally go manamoon ash
[03:28:29] so that you could, uh, yeah.
[03:28:31] No, I remember now.
[03:28:32] Okay.
[03:28:44] I mean, I need to back.
[03:28:49] I'm sitting here on fucking 1700 gold.
[03:28:52] like I can't fucking find a back timer okay let's go this good this is the cannon wave this might be
[03:29:11] a good time to back there's no way he goes for this right I have to get this fucking point man
[03:29:45] dude I'm just sitting on 25 our gold like what the fuck I'm never gonna have a good back timer ever
[03:29:52] what the hell like I'm gonna miss this wave and you know what fuck it I don't care
[03:30:00] We're gonna miss the wave. It is one of those
[03:30:05] Whatever
[03:30:11] Yeah, the really good ash players used to do something like that where they would toggle it on it's kind of like silver
[03:30:17] You remember silver
[03:30:18] How silver was kind of the same thing with like her W was a toggle and it would like a we
[03:30:22] It's kind of the same idea like the really good players would toggle it off and on really fast
[03:30:26] I was like back in the day where ash did that I was a draven one trick
[03:30:35] So, I didn't play a lot of Ash, I kind of want to, I mean I'm insanely strong right now.
[03:31:04] I want to push my lead really hard.
[03:31:08] The only issues is like we might get ganked by Diana in a second, and I don't have Flash.
[03:31:18] Nautilus is going to be sick soon, and I don't have Flash.
[03:31:23] So I think I'm actually just going to push this.
[03:31:25] Our jungler is top, so I think I'm just gonna push this wave in and...
[03:31:28] Oh, okay, we're chillin'.
[03:31:32] We need to dive.
[03:31:33] Ooh, this is awkward.
[03:32:07] I'm dead.
[03:32:08] RIP.
[03:32:12] That was really awkward.
[03:32:15] The guy outplayed us, like I whiffed arrow, and then we got stuck in this, like...
[03:32:20] We got stuck in this little, like, area where I'm sitting there, like, okay, do
[03:32:23] I want to keep diving?
[03:32:24] Do I want to...
[03:32:25] Do I not want to dive?
[03:32:26] Do I want to dive?
[03:32:27] Do I not want to dive?
[03:32:28] And then I'm like, well, I guess I'm fucked.
[03:32:39] What was Vlad's oldie?
[03:32:41] Fuck man, I don't, bro, I was around
[03:32:45] when the wheel was invented and shit,
[03:32:46] but like I, I mean Vlad's oldie was like the same thing
[03:32:50] as it is now, but like I believe you just used it.
[03:32:54] Like you can charge it now,
[03:32:55] but I believe like the way Vlad's oldie used to work
[03:32:58] is you just used it.
[03:33:01] Like it was just like, but it charged.
[03:33:03] Did it charge to like four or something?
[03:33:05] Like, instead of charging it, like holding it a duration,
[03:33:09] it would charge like a number?
[03:33:12] Is that how it works?
[03:33:13] Like you could spam the E and it would charge up,
[03:33:14] if I remember.
[03:33:15] The stacking, that's the word I'm looking for.
[03:33:17] It's like a stacking thing.
[03:33:24] Like, am I an idiot?
[03:33:26] Don't answer that.
[03:33:42] I mean, old Vlad was so much fucking fun.
[03:33:47] I actually loved playing old Vlad.
[03:33:51] Like, high key, it was so much fun to play, bro.
[03:33:56] New Vlad is not very fun.
[03:34:16] Damn, I think I could have killed the both of them right there.
[03:34:21] I think I actually double killed them there if I...
[03:34:24] I might stop, because I have Flash.
[03:34:27] Why didn't I just Flash on the Kaisa?
[03:34:30] I'm actually, like, almost positive I double killed.
[03:34:41] I was distracted by thinking about Vladimir.
[03:35:11] I mean, yeah, I can't really...
[03:35:13] Oh, I'm gonna die.
[03:35:15] Oh, maybe not.
[03:35:27] Man, I played that so good!
[03:35:40] Oh, we got Mid turret, though. Nice.
[03:35:43] Dude, I actually played that so clean, though.
[03:35:46] If we had a- I would've killed everybody if we had a pink ward in that bush.
[03:35:51] Cause I lost vision, so I couldn't fight it.
[03:35:54] But dodging that fucking hook, point blank, was so good.
[03:35:58] I just couldn't, uh...
[03:36:00] Maybe if I kited this way, I would've been okay? I don't know.
[03:36:04] I actually think Riot's idea of making the champs less linear is pretty good.
[03:36:16] Like, when you think about it, uh...
[03:36:18] A lot of the old champions were like really shitty to play versus if you got behinds.
[03:36:26] If you ever got behind on the old champs, it was really shitty to play versus them.
[03:36:41] Like imagine like old Aurelia right?
[03:36:43] Like if you remember old Aurelia was like, if she ever got a lead on you, that shit
[03:36:48] was like Gigi well played.
[03:36:51] You just don't, it's like five times worse than new Aurelia.
[03:37:00] And then you had like Old Akali was way, way, way worse as well, because Old Akali was just
[03:37:06] like a stat check fucking machine.
[03:37:08] Right?
[03:37:09] I guess it was crazy.
[03:37:11] What's happening over here?
[03:37:13] Oh, I should go mid.
[03:37:17] I'm autopiloting talking to you guys that's on me.
[03:37:21] That's my fault.
[03:37:22] Oh, I can't go this way.
[03:37:23] Yeah, you don't want to do that.
[03:37:29] I honestly should have just taken fucking, I'm kind of griefing.
[03:37:33] I should have just taken, uh, bot turret there.
[03:37:53] Oh, that was actually like, a crazy good fucking...
[03:37:57] Wait, that was a crazy good play by them.
[03:38:00] Wait, I got shit on it. He actually knew I was gonna juke up,
[03:38:03] hooked my juke, and then, uh...
[03:38:06] You know what I should have done? Is I should have arrowed it.
[03:38:09] I could have outplayed that.
[03:38:11] That's why I was, uh, I was taking the fight, because I was ego-ing it, and I wanted to try and outplay it.
[03:38:15] I genuinely could have outplayed that. I think the way I do it is...
[03:38:19] I just auto attack
[03:38:22] The Nautilus I ulti the Nautilus when he's here because he has to walk up and hook
[03:38:27] So they got open Nautilus there and then I just walk deterred and then if they commit I killed him. Oh
[03:38:33] Damn, I didn't realize this game was actually like I did not realize my team was getting railed
[03:38:38] I should probably lock in a little bit
[03:38:40] That's on me. Are we gonna chase this or no?
[03:38:57] And we probably should oh my god
[03:39:07] My...
[03:39:08] Oh, mouse should have definitely walked up and fought that, by the way.
[03:39:18] Then being able to walk away from that mouse was wrong, because he was, he's scared.
[03:39:23] The mouse is a little scared, but he could have, like, when they walked through here,
[03:39:26] he could have walked up and used this Q to slow them all, because he has, he has
[03:39:30] Rylas, so he could have used this Q to slow them all, right?
[03:39:36] And then when he used Q to solo them all, he could have, we would have caught up to them.
[03:39:40] And then we would have been able to R off of it.
[03:39:47] That was the play that like, I see all the time because I play Miles.
[03:39:52] So like I know that that's how that play should go.
[03:39:54] Ooh, this is really awkward.
[03:40:08] Honestly, our Miles is really fed.
[03:40:11] We just need Miles to group.
[03:40:20] We're fine.
[03:40:21] I mean, I'm still very fucking strong.
[03:40:25] I think the big issue that we're having this game is that our Jax is getting shit on, but, okay.
[03:40:39] Okay, that was a good route though.
[03:40:43] Honestly, Seraphine's playing well.
[03:40:46] Wait, Zoltan.
[03:40:48] Oh man.
[03:40:50] My Malzahs is like scared shitless to use the spells, Zoltagai.
[03:40:55] Wait, you win that, you win that, you win that, you win that, keep going, keep going.
[03:41:05] Man, this is a really hard game for me to play versus because they have a lot of dives.
[03:41:11] Like, picking Ast was good for lane phase, right?
[03:41:13] Because in lane, we played really well.
[03:41:15] Out of lane, I've died three times now, like an idiot.
[03:41:22] Like, genuinely, it's like more of a...
[03:41:24] In lane, I played...
[03:41:27] I made one mistake on that dive.
[03:41:29] The dive was pretty bad, but they didn't really do much.
[03:41:32] The big issue was...
[03:41:35] I rotated late to mid,
[03:41:36] because I was autopiloting and then I also didn't take bots or it when I should have so it was like a
[03:41:45] but I'm pretty sure mals won b9s their team like I'm not even kidding I don't think it's possible
[03:41:53] for the enemy team to fight lay game into mouse like I've done enough uh mouse games to know
[03:42:00] just how silly it is I mean I'm just dead like I don't know what we're doing here
[03:42:06] We can't come from below it
[03:42:11] You cannot come from below dragon you have to come from mid
[03:42:15] Like the rate like you can't do that you can't come up
[03:42:19] Because if they come up we're gonna lose mid cryo, and then I get split
[03:42:24] Okay, I can tell you right now the enemy team is a lot better than my team at knowing where to be on the map at certain times
[03:42:35] like our jungler and our
[03:42:37] our our jungler and our support don't know where to be on the map like they
[03:42:43] they don't have any clue like they're following each other around but this is
[03:42:47] why the jungler has died so much because he's ignoring macro to like just walk at
[03:42:54] them like an idiot it's kind of funny because this
[03:43:01] vehicle is not even bad but he's like oh man that guy actually didn't even
[03:43:13] play that like he just ate my arrow damn that sucks I mean he just
[03:43:18] That checked me. All right, this one is done now
[03:43:22] It's I threw my lead and it's just a I mean I just threw my lead and our top side got dumpstered
[03:43:34] We're winning to the trash player ruined it
[03:43:38] So this is the problem with a lot of people that can't climb in league
[03:43:41] They blame everybody else on their team when they have like I can safely say like I threw my lead this game
[03:43:47] And I'm a I'm like a contributor to us losing right and I could say that because like you can you can see like
[03:43:52] I've been kind of messing up, but I mean I could I could blame my team all day this game right because everybody has been messing up
[03:43:59] It's like I could say oh well, you know
[03:44:01] You also got a free lane against Jax when he never should have or like mouth power has no idea how to macro mid game
[03:44:06] So like we're just kind of getting shit on like I could say all these things like
[03:44:11] Players the biggest thing in league that it's a good teaching thing for you guys is
[03:44:17] You got to understand
[03:44:19] That like this video is one one game today, and he's not bad
[03:44:25] The problem is is like what go where my teammates?
[03:44:31] Like what are what are you in down here? Why are we fighting them not in the lane?
[03:44:37] Like even if we win this fight, it's still wrong, right? That's like something that I'm trying to get through your heads like
[03:44:47] There's no value in taking random fights in weird spots like this because those don't do anything
[03:44:54] Like, oh, this Malz is not, uh, this Malz is interesting.
[03:45:11] He's not spacing well.
[03:45:12] Wait, kill, kill him!
[03:45:17] Oh, this Malz is trolling.
[03:45:19] Dude, I almost want to play a Malzahar game now because of how, like, I'm watching
[03:45:24] this Malz play and he's not, I would have, I would have aced him.
[03:45:29] I would have killed all four.
[03:45:31] If I was this Malzahar with this lead I had, that he had this game, I would
[03:45:34] killed all four of them just in that fight. The fact he didn't walk up to QE the Diana when I
[03:45:41] arrowed her, like he didn't use spells on her. He could have killed Diana because he has Rylai's.
[03:45:50] So the biggest thing about Malz is when you build Rylai's you have to space
[03:45:54] close enough that like you can fight them but not close enough that they can hit you back.
[03:45:59] It's a really awkward situation, but I'm, dude I want to play Miles so bad now.
[03:46:19] I mean, I literally just died in the fucking double stun of the double knockup.
[03:46:24] You know what's funny, our team comp is way better than theirs.
[03:46:34] We just got fucked because I died too much.
[03:46:39] Honestly, if I hadn't muted all this game, I'd be 5-0.
[03:46:44] I got too distracted by everybody raging at each other and blaming.
[03:46:48] That's one of my biggest flaws.
[03:46:50] I get really distracted by people flaming each other.
[03:46:53] I 100% would have carried this game if I had muted it all from the start.
[03:47:01] Cause it's like, does it, I mean, like I can't even play now.
[03:47:04] This guy's just got a fucking 6 level lead on me, man.
[03:47:07] Like at this point it's AD diff.
[03:47:08] Like, we were shitting on him earlier.
[03:47:10] Now it's just straight up like, the AD carry's scaled
[03:47:13] and I can't do anything.
[03:47:14] It just is where it is.
[03:47:15] I'm level 11.
[03:47:17] Like Diana's level 16.
[03:47:19] Everybody on their team is 16.
[03:47:21] I'm level 11.
[03:47:54] I mean, it's too hard.
[03:47:56] She's so strong, like it's not even my team's faults at this point it's mine, she's just so strong
[03:48:07] Like I said I got two behinds, I was too distracted, I don't know if we can win this
[03:48:41] The problem is is I can tell this is a really low masters game
[03:48:46] And I fucked up the macro and if you fuck up your macro in a low masters game
[03:48:50] There's no macro to be had for the rest of the game
[03:48:52] So if you ever put yourself behind in a game like this, it's almost impossible to come back
[03:48:57] Because they don't actually know
[03:49:00] Like they don't actually know how to do anything except for fight. So if I'm behind I can't help them, right?
[03:49:28] Like I'm not trying to be rude. It's just that's just how it works. I don't have vision. There's no wards
[03:49:51] I can't like I can't fight. There's no there's no words
[03:49:55] Like the fact that we're not warding that area is really really rough. They're definitely on Baron
[03:50:14] Maybe if we can stop this next dragon, but that's a big maybe like I am worthless man. Oh
[03:50:26] My god, but he actually chased me down
[03:50:32] Do I can't be I cannot be worth golds. That's wild
[03:50:37] Like there's no way I'm worth gold, right? Oh, no, you got to go. Oh, he's trolling
[03:50:48] Damn the hat by is really bad
[03:50:51] He needs a shred
[03:50:53] Nobody has any MR Shred on the team and he's never gonna be able to kill Diana
[03:50:59] But yeah, if you look at the levels the the main reason the game is so hard if you look at those oh huge
[03:51:44] Yeah, I'm too weak
[03:51:46] But yeah, I mean they just have so many levels on us
[03:51:49] Like I'm level 13 this guy's level 14. They have 18 17 17 like I'm just too far behind
[03:51:56] Our jungler is really far behind too
[03:52:01] Damn this guy says why can't my ash do that?
[03:52:07] I mean I'm gonna keep it real like this game is partially my fault but I definitely don't
[03:52:15] think I should be getting flamed while I'm playing in a game I'm being flamed by and
[03:52:26] I'm gonna be toxic here.
[03:52:27] I'm being flamed by a guy who is hitting masters for the first time in his entire career
[03:52:35] of playing league. He has finally hit master tier after years of diamonds. Like I'm still
[03:52:44] 200 LP above him and I'm embarrassed. He's proud of 70 LP. I'm embarrassed at 300 LP.
[03:52:52] That's the difference between our skill levels. By the way, is I'm embarrassed that I'm 300
[03:53:00] LP. He's proud of 70. If you ever wonder like the difference of skills between people.
[03:53:06] Like you guys got to stop raging at each other and just improve
[03:53:28] Like sort of you guys just fucking suck like I don't understand. No, you could be proud of whatever you're at
[03:53:36] The reason I said that wasn't to like put you down. Whatever you're proud of I'm saying like you shouldn't be flaming people
[03:53:45] in league
[03:53:47] Like over like a like you shouldn't be flaming people in your games
[03:53:52] when the people in your games are like
[03:53:54] Like everybody views the game differently, right?
[03:53:58] That's what I'm trying to say.
[03:53:59] Like that Mausar was first timing Maus.
[03:54:02] Like he was literally first timing Mausar.
[03:54:04] He got really fed, but he didn't do anything with his lead.
[03:54:09] Like he, watching him play the game as Maus player
[03:54:12] was like frustrating.
[03:54:16] But I mean, I fucked up my lane phase snowball.
[03:54:18] So it is one of those, like here I had a huge lead,
[03:54:26] right? It was like right here.
[03:54:28] I was autopiloting and not paying attention, and I just fucked up.
[03:54:33] Because what ended up happening was I rotated mid for the wave.
[03:54:41] Like, I rotated mid for the wave, and I got caught by Natoa Suk.
[03:54:48] The problem that happened after was like our entire team got really...
[03:54:51] Basically, our entire team just got really tilted and just started running it down,
[03:54:55] and they didn't want to try and win anymore.
[03:54:57] Yo, thank you for the raid man. I appreciate it
[03:55:04] Thank you angry Korean men or the raid
[03:55:10] Appreciate it, bro
[03:55:18] Thank you. Welcome. Welcome, but yeah
[03:55:23] I think the biggest thing that you want to think about when you're playing league by the way is
[03:55:28] What you can personally do to improve and get better
[03:55:32] Because I'll be honest with you. I
[03:55:35] Don't think this Viego is a bad player
[03:55:37] But look at his match history, right? Like he's getting shit on every game
[03:55:45] Like he's just getting dumpstered, right?
[03:55:47] And I don't think he's bad.
[03:55:49] I think that he views the game as like a...
[03:55:54] I think he's viewing the game as it's his teammate's fault that he's losing,
[03:55:57] but I'm watching him make...
[03:55:58] Like that game, he made a thousand mistakes, right?
[03:56:01] Whereas like, if you view the game as like,
[03:56:03] it's your fault if you lose, your match history looks like this.
[03:56:09] Like, you just have to learn why you're losing, improve,
[03:56:13] and then figure it out and just play better.
[03:56:21] That's why I try to tell you guys, like,
[03:56:23] Don't focus on your teammate's mistakes when you're playing the game.
[03:56:27] Because if you focus on your teammate's mistakes when you're playing the game,
[03:56:30] you are going to literally just, you'll never actually get better.
[03:56:33] And you'll be like, Oh, it's this guy's fault or this guy's faults.
[03:56:37] Cause like I'm telling you right now, if I had that mouse, the hardest lead
[03:56:40] that he had early where he had two full items at like, at like 13 minutes,
[03:56:47] he had two full items.
[03:56:47] I would have solo carried this game because their team comp can't
[03:56:54] function into mouse.
[03:56:57] Like, Mouserheart beats everybody on their team.
[03:57:00] Like, he counters Nautilus.
[03:57:02] He counters Yasuo.
[03:57:04] He counters Diana.
[03:57:06] He counters Vlad.
[03:57:08] And he counters Kaisa.
[03:57:10] The reason it's not even his R that counters them, it's his Q.
[03:57:15] The reason Mous is so OP versus like a really melee heavy
[03:57:20] spellcaster, like, think about what they have to do to win
[03:57:23] the game.
[03:57:24] When Yasuo goes in, he has to spam spells, right?
[03:57:26] He has to spam Q and shit.
[03:57:28] If you silence him, he can't.
[03:57:30] If, when Diana goes in, she has to spam spells.
[03:57:33] She can't if you silence her.
[03:57:35] Same with this guy, same with this guy.
[03:57:36] Like, when you silence spellcaster melee's,
[03:57:42] and they're not like stat checking auto attackers,
[03:57:45] it's the most broken shit in the game.
[03:57:49] Okay, I got support, autofills.
[03:57:52] I was gonna play Malz, but we got out of film.
[03:57:57] RIP.
[03:58:00] No, RIP.
[03:58:14] What should I ban?
[03:58:16] What do I think is annoying to play versus,
[03:58:22] ask for mid?
[03:58:23] Nah, I don't wanna support player,
[03:58:25] or I don't wanna mid player having to play,
[03:58:27] like I can play every role at Grandmaster.
[03:58:30] So I'd rather just like, I'm just trying to climb
[03:58:32] right now, I'm not trying to like do anything crazy.
[03:58:39] Kaisa?
[03:58:40] No, I don't need to ban Kaisa.
[03:58:40] Kaisa was not OP.
[03:58:45] Like that Kaisa wasn't very good.
[03:58:47] She just got really fed because,
[03:58:51] she just got incredibly, incredibly fed
[03:58:53] because I made one mistake
[03:58:54] and her team was ahead of my team.
[03:58:58] There's a difference between a player being really good
[03:59:00] and a player having a lead
[03:59:03] with a bunch of players on their team doing well.
[03:59:09] Like if I notice that players like exceptionally go
[03:59:11] to the champion, I'll maybe ban it.
[03:59:14] But I don't think,
[03:59:15] I don't think below like challenger players
[03:59:17] I've ever tried to target band people because the thing about it is like if you're a masters player
[03:59:24] Even if you have one good game
[03:59:26] That doesn't mean that you're gonna have a good game on the same champ the next game because the thing the thing about league is like
[03:59:33] Being masters, right?
[03:59:36] Like you are still so bad at so many important things in this elo like
[03:59:41] Masters players are very good at certain things, but they're very bad at other things
[03:59:46] And that's why masters is such a like a down like nobody who's good enjoys playing in a C.L.O.
[03:59:52] Because a lot of these players will like forget macro not play accordingly
[03:59:56] Etc. Etc. And it's really hard to play the game because they don't play together
[04:00:01] Like the kaisa like if that was a good kaisa, she would have had 11 CS a minute and she would have 1v5 to the game before
[04:00:10] Before it even got close
[04:00:16] Like you can tell when people are really good
[04:00:19] Like she was okay
[04:00:21] But I don't think I don't think she was good enough for me to want to ban ban her out
[04:00:27] Like it's to me. That's not you know, it is one of those
[04:00:30] See me passionates. Yeah, the new passions are interesting. I
[04:00:34] Don't know how I feel about them. I got to let it sink in
[04:00:39] Like I think Doran's needed nerfs because I think Doran's blade was been OP for a long time
[04:00:45] Lucian Q nerf is weird because it it
[04:00:48] It is, it will take him out of mid lane with the Doran's Blade nerf, like the Doran's
[04:00:55] Blade nerf with the Lucian Q nerf.
[04:00:57] I think, I don't think it will be played mid very much, but I think he's like kind of
[04:01:09] shitty, like they were like, oh we want him to be able to be played bot lane.
[04:01:13] The problem I have with Lucian being played bot lane is they nerfed his Q, I was talking
[04:01:19] about this earlier, but like they nerfed Lucian Q base damage, right?
[04:01:22] The problem with doing that is the whole point of playing Lucian in bot lane is to be a lane
[04:01:29] bully.
[04:01:30] Like you're not playing Lucian to scale.
[04:01:32] Right?
[04:01:33] Like you're not scaling with Lucian.
[04:01:34] That's just, like they up this passive scaling a little bit.
[04:01:38] But he's still not a scaling champion.
[04:01:44] So I think he's going to be shitty, but I think he's just going to be bad.
[04:01:50] Sorry, and ad's going to play.
[04:01:51] I forgot to play it between the games.
[04:02:05] How did we get a 5 man Echo stun?
[04:02:08] And we didn't kill them all.
[04:02:18] What?
[04:02:22] Okay.
[04:02:23] How did we get a 5 man Echo stun?
[04:02:27] And none of them died.
[04:02:31] This guy says why not use Ignite or Flash?
[04:02:33] I hope he's not talking to me.
[04:02:35] Cause...
[04:02:39] I mean that was literally like...
[04:02:44] I literally stunned the main guy
[04:02:48] in the Echo stun.
[04:02:49] I absorbed all of the damage.
[04:02:51] Why is my Draven leashing?
[04:02:55] Nah, I'm gonna deafen. I'm gonna tilt too hard.
[04:02:59] I can tell this is a very low elo game. Like this is a low masters game.
[04:03:03] I'm gonna tilt. Like watching my Draven leash
[04:03:07] is wild behavior. Like if you ever leash as an AD carry,
[04:03:13] you are actually griefing your team. Yeah I took that shit, I don't care.
[04:03:26] I'm gonna try my best at the game but I'm pretty sure.
[04:03:58] Uh, what?
[04:04:01] I mean, we just have to wait for the- oh, I'm dead.
[04:04:06] We just have to wait for the fucking- like, I'm getting level- level 3 Briar Ganks.
[04:04:11] Like, what is happening?
[04:04:14] This is a crazy game.
[04:04:18] Like the enemy Briar is level 3 ganking bot.
[04:04:21] Like, you gotta get some XP, Draven.
[04:04:25] Oh, he's so dead, man.
[04:04:26] Yeah, I mean, this is- this is a crazy low quality game.
[04:04:35] That's why I got to focus because I
[04:04:43] Forgot that it's like demon hours right now right we're in the demon hour timers
[04:04:47] I like didn't I never stream at this time ever so I totally forgot what time it was
[04:05:06] That's just that's my bad. Whoa
[04:05:15] It's actually going for this. That's crazy. That is a wild fucking attempt
[04:05:25] But yeah, like I said, I I got a mute just because like we can actually win this game
[04:05:30] especially since I got uh taking that kill early was actually not that bad
[04:05:36] because early tabbies is gonna make me extremely fucking tanky like you just
[04:05:45] let me get there man like I'm literally you're gonna die I mean bro all you had
[04:05:54] to do was literally walk this is why I can't play around bot dude like oh my
[04:06:00] god he's an idiot's all he had to do was literally wait three seconds for me
[04:06:06] to get the lane and they don't die there. He's just a Draven main so his brains, he
[04:06:12] was like tilted from birth. Oh I'm so dead. He must have normal worded it, my bad. Well
[04:07:07] I don't want that actually. I really have a lane to play around. We're, oh you know
[04:07:16] what this is? This is just a blue side game. This is just a straight up blue side game.
[04:07:25] Like holy fuck, why wouldn't you just, he should have let the blind hit him he
[04:07:28] he has cleanse. If you have the blind hit him there and then walks in, he kills them all.
[04:07:41] Uh, yeah this game is a 15. What am I watching? Oh my god, you guys are horrendous players.
[04:07:56] This is painful for me to watch. Like this is, like I am, I see why they auto filled
[04:08:05] me in this game because if they didn't, I would have absolutely dumpstered this
[04:08:11] Like if they'd given me a better AD, this game would already be over.
[04:08:18] We would have won at level 1.
[04:08:42] That's very worth it.
[04:08:43] Nice, huge.
[04:08:52] Oh, we'll think of that shutdown too.
[04:08:56] Oh my God.
[04:08:58] Nice.
[04:08:59] That's actually really big.
[04:09:03] What is this guy doing?
[04:09:04] Like what am I what?
[04:09:08] What the f- what is going on?
[04:09:10] This is a very, very low quality game.
[04:09:14] Holy shit, what am I watching?
[04:09:16] Can you fuck off?
[04:09:23] Like wh- what the...
[04:09:25] What is going on?
[04:09:34] I mean there's just no way.
[04:09:36] There's no way that this guy is doing this.
[04:09:44] What am I what?
[04:09:46] What's going on?
[04:10:08] Okay, Draven solo killed that guy.
[04:10:11] I mean honestly this game...
[04:10:13] We might win this game because it's such a fucking fiesta.
[04:10:16] Like the enemy team is just as bad as my team.
[04:10:19] Everybody's pretty fucking bad. We might be able to just win because of it though
[04:10:28] Because when you get into games like this the game is actually a lot easier than you think
[04:10:45] But a lot of people get frustrated in games like this, but they're actually really easy
[04:10:52] The reason they're so easy is because nobody actually knows
[04:11:15] Nobody actually knows where to be on the map when games like this break out
[04:11:21] Yeah, see we're coming back
[04:11:23] The fiesta games are easy if you're playing a champion that can snowball and
[04:11:27] And right now we're playing a champion that can snowball the enemy has no AP other than locks
[04:11:48] Wait, my foot
[04:11:58] Okay, my flash just came up
[04:12:03] Dude, I'm actually so sad. You have no idea my flash came up as I was gonna hex flash forward to get I
[04:12:11] Knew the twitch was there and I fucking was trying to hex flip. I don't want to talk about it
[04:12:15] You know, I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. That's I'm just bad
[04:12:18] Well, just what is I'm just bad
[04:12:21] Let's not talk about it. Let's not discuss it
[04:12:27] My Echo is also very bad.
[04:12:30] Like I'm bad, Echo's bad, everybody's bad.
[04:12:34] We all suck ass.
[04:12:37] Okay, well, my Draven's also bad.
[04:13:03] I still think we can win.
[04:13:05] But I need to stop playing around Draven.
[04:13:07] He's not our wincon.
[04:13:08] Neither's Talon, though.
[04:13:15] I mean, Talon's got 57 CS.
[04:13:17] He does have an item.
[04:13:19] I think our wincon is actually Echo and Aurora.
[04:13:24] Because I think if Echo can get fed enough,
[04:13:26] He's not very smart, but he's like playing echo
[04:13:29] Okay, let's try let's try and get him fed and let's try and get him fed huge and I took the wrong thing. Oh, I have the wrong item
[04:14:20] That's on me. I'm supposed to take the red one the fuck is this wow that guy didn't die
[04:14:51] So close that was a good try that was a good try
[04:14:55] Wait, I'm supposed to go. You know what would have killed him
[04:14:57] dude I'm not even kidding when I say this if I had what's it called he dies
[04:15:05] there holy shit I'm bad man also I don't think I should have the warm mail I
[04:15:12] think I go bramble frozen heart you don't actually do this game I think I go
[04:15:16] frozen heart warmogs Jesus these people just die man like there's no thought
[04:15:25] wait there's no way you killed me bro what are you doing like you just used
[04:15:33] his ulti like what was that for at least they used their stuff on me I'll take
[04:16:01] it so as they're using their shit on me it is fine I don't give a fuck cuz I
[04:16:08] mean one more death is not gonna change this game this game is fucking
[04:16:21] hilarious. Oh, I actually missed. That makes me sad. Okay. Yeah, buddy, let's go! Wait,
[04:17:06] that was actually so good. Ooh, that's not good. Uh-oh. I am dead. Damn, I think I actually
[04:17:56] might have killed that guy if I played that better. I should have just backed in this
[04:17:59] bush. I was like, okay, I'm gonna go try and help after we made the play, but I
[04:18:03] I think I should've just faxed.
[04:18:05] Oops.
[04:18:06] Those is my bad.
[04:18:09] Dude, I actually think once we get warmogs,
[04:18:11] we probably just win.
[04:18:15] Cause we have so much AD,
[04:18:16] and none of them are gonna build shred except for Twitch.
[04:18:19] Or sorry, we'll have so much HP and so much armor.
[04:18:24] I've actually reduced so much healing.
[04:18:30] You gotta be careful, man.
[04:18:31] Twitch is just gonna kill you.
[04:18:37] Oh, Twitch is mid.
[04:18:37] Or bot.
[04:18:39] Okay.
[04:19:04] What the fuck?
[04:19:05] Okay.
[04:19:07] Oh, there's the, there's the Leona.
[04:19:09] I mean, not Leona, uh, Lux.
[04:19:13] I don't think that's a good play.
[04:19:14] You're not gonna kill him there.
[04:19:17] I'm gonna loop around and see if I can hex flash.
[04:19:20] But I think Leona just clears,
[04:19:22] or Leona, I think the Lux just clears it.
[04:19:25] Okay, well, I got a bed.
[04:19:29] Man, like I'm telling you,
[04:19:31] it's kind of wild because I swear to God,
[04:19:35] it doesn't make sense that these people
[04:19:38] are doing these things.
[04:19:39] I don't know how else to explain it.
[04:19:43] Like, think about it really quick.
[04:19:45] Why would Echo be here by himself
[04:19:48] after he just got a giant lead?
[04:19:52] He's just like, okay, I'm gonna throw my lead.
[04:19:55] Cause we have two dragons, just scale.
[04:20:07] Yo, Twitch is over here, by the way.
[04:20:12] Nice, huge.
[04:20:24] I'm gonna get some vision.
[04:20:29] I wonder if we could actually start up kill these guys.
[04:20:33] Like, I wonder if we could do Baron, like on spawn.
[04:20:39] Probably not, but you never know.
[04:20:42] Like, if they're not checking,
[04:20:46] like if they're not warding and checking and shit,
[04:20:47] maybe we could do it.
[04:21:02] Games like this, whoever gets Baron first
[04:21:04] is gonna explode the game.
[04:21:07] Straight up, like straight up,
[04:21:09] whoever gets Baron first this game
[04:21:10] is gonna like explode the game out of control.
[04:21:33] Nice.
[04:21:34] We got their AD.
[04:21:37] Ooh, not nice.
[04:21:42] Ooh, that's not good.
[04:21:44] Okay, they might get Baron here.
[04:21:46] I- my Draven died mid.
[04:21:49] He got twitched.
[04:21:51] There's not much I could do about that. I mean, I pinged him, but I can't stand mid with him cuz...
[04:21:56] Wait, they can stop that if they go for that Baron. They don't have damage.
[04:22:01] Well, they do, but not consistent. They don't have twitch.
[04:22:04] Let's gooooo! Yeah, I'm backing by the way, 100%.
[04:22:46] Don't- don't die. Don't die. Don't do this.
[04:22:49] Like, why are we throwing all of our Barrens away?
[04:22:53] Okay.
[04:22:54] Well, at least me and Echo have Barren, the other three, they don't like Barren.
[04:22:59] Ooh, that's not good.
[04:23:27] Why did he just finish the Baron?
[04:23:33] What?
[04:23:34] Why wouldn't he just finish the drake?
[04:23:36] Why were you trying to kill the Twitch?
[04:23:38] I don't understand.
[04:23:43] The logic just wasn't there.
[04:23:45] The dragon was at 20% HP.
[04:23:47] What?
[04:23:48] Just finished the dragon?
[04:23:51] the fuck? Like I was only on the twitch to zone him so that my jungler could finish the drake.
[04:23:58] By the way I just want to point something out to you guys. If you ever wonder
[04:24:02] Geronimo, I don't know if I could ever climb to high elo. I'm stuck in flat gold, silver,
[04:24:07] whatever you think you're stuck in. Never forget these players that I'm playing with right
[04:24:13] now are master tier players and they're just as lost as anybody else that you've ever played
[04:24:21] with. These people are just as lost as you and your teammates. They're just, like I said before,
[04:24:32] master's players aren't very good. They're just better at what they know how to do.
[04:24:39] But they're not actually that good when it comes to how the game should be played overall.
[04:24:46] Like they just die on repeat, like stuff like this, right?
[04:24:49] Like my, or my Talon mid has 113 CS at 23 minutes.
[04:25:16] I need to save my shit for Twitch.
[04:25:31] Damn it.
[04:25:32] I, Twitch is just so fed it's hard to get on him.
[04:25:36] I mean he's six fucking items.
[04:25:40] Like what am I watching man just leave.
[04:25:42] Like if we play as a team one time we actually might be able to win.
[04:25:50] I'm not even kidding.
[04:25:51] If we play as a team a single time in this game like 1-5-0-5 we might actually
[04:25:55] to win like twitch is fed but he doesn't have cleanse twitch has no cleanse and
[04:26:02] he's uh he's playing it like once I have flash up right I can just flash Q him and
[04:26:09] then I'll arm after and we can one shot the twitch with echo echo and talon so
[04:26:15] like we can actually kill them we have the ability are my bad I thought I was
[04:26:32] tankier than I was I was wrong I also saw talon boy me and I was like oh
[04:26:40] talent can help but I do not blame that guy for not coming over to me at all I
[04:26:48] need to get wards though like I can't really get wards since everybody's
[04:26:52] dying so much it's really really really hard man if we had just gotten that
[04:27:03] third Drake this game would be so much better okay the Lucian is bot why
[04:27:18] do I feel like my Echo is about to die wait how did we lose that their twitch
[04:27:45] inch that I did what what was that why wouldn't he just what holy fuck okay these
[04:28:00] might be the worst players I've ever witnessed in my life what am I watching
[04:28:05] my my 80 carry is a challenger 80 carry like he ended challenger last season
[04:28:11] like I'm not even kid like this guy ended child and he's one of the worst
[04:28:21] players I've ever seen. I gotta be real. I think North American Challenger might be
[04:28:42] just bad. You gonna have a bad day? He's not having a bad day. He's doing really
[04:28:59] dumb shit. I mean, what am I watching? Like what? The Aurora is not even that
[04:29:41] bad. I feel like the Echo and the Draven are trolling very hard. Okay, the Aurora
[04:29:51] Laura's also trolling.
[04:29:53] Okay, maybe she is bad.
[04:29:57] What?
[04:30:00] My brain hurts.
[04:30:02] I'm just gonna keep it real, my brain really hurts.
[04:30:06] I feel like this might be the lowest quality League of Legends game I've ever played in
[04:30:11] 13 years.
[04:30:16] Like I have challenger players in my game and I genuinely think that this might be
[04:30:23] the lowest quality game ever played on NA.
[04:30:25] Like this is...
[04:30:29] Painful.
[04:30:30] Like this is actual pain.
[04:30:38] Like Draven has more deaths than I do.
[04:30:50] And I'm...
[04:30:51] a Leona.
[04:30:52] I mean we should try and kill Briar.
[04:31:16] Oh yeah we lose.
[04:31:18] GG.
[04:31:19] I mean this is wilds.
[04:31:23] You could literally show,
[04:31:26] like look at this,
[04:31:27] you could show this
[04:31:29] on one of those guest the ranks
[04:31:31] and not one person would think
[04:31:33] anybody in this game is above gold.
[04:31:38] But this is like, I mastered tier, and this guy was challenger last season, and he's on his one-track.
[04:31:55] Like, this is embarrassing.
[04:32:00] This guy's also on his one-track.
[04:32:10] Oh god, NA is doomed.
[04:32:19] Yeah, this region's done.
[04:32:23] Straight up, I don't think NA will ever recover.
[04:32:28] This might be like, the literal worst game of all time.
[04:32:34] That's crazy.
[04:32:37] I got added by the Draven, what's good bro. I think watching your level one and the
[04:32:55] rest of the lane phase and game was embarrassing by the way. I can see why
[04:33:04] you are no longer down. That's gonna really piss him off, my bad. That was
[04:33:21] was meant for a toxic fuck who added me, apologies.
[04:33:28] I sent it to first blood accident, that guy got 18 deaths in my gang, then flamed me.
[04:34:07] I'm tired.
[04:34:19] I mean like I said before, people can have a bad day but like you can't really drop
[04:34:27] 18 deaths on 80 carry have five CS a minute die on repeat and
[04:34:34] Then save it like you're trying your best to win
[04:34:37] Like I don't think you can you can say that in fact I'll report him
[04:34:47] I'm sure he's been reported before. I mean this guy just simply is bad
[04:35:13] Talon CS at the end of the game was five CS a minute
[04:35:20] Draven's was 5.5. Okay, not bad. I
[04:35:23] I respect it, we're getting them silver numbers.
[04:35:29] We got them silver level CS numbers boys, no worries, no worries.
[04:35:34] Dude, you know what's funny?
[04:35:38] I think the only reason we were in this game, I'm gonna say this, I think the only reason
[04:35:44] we were even in that game was look at the vision difference on the teams.
[04:35:50] This guy put 26 wards down.
[04:35:54] I put 57.
[04:35:59] I genuinely think the only reason that that game was like playable was because I was warding so we didn't get shit on harder
[04:36:07] Goddamn this guy has been challenger for the entire split. I would rail this guy ball in
[04:36:33] Wait, I kind of want to go see what happened level one like I I don't know how we lost level one
[04:36:47] I want to go see what happened because we had a five-man Echo stun like look at this right watch
[04:37:06] so
[04:37:13] First of all Draven should have not autod
[04:37:17] Like they should have he should have let him full face check here, but
[04:37:24] Why are my Aurora and Talon AFK?
[04:37:30] Wait, they are actually AFK
[04:37:36] Watch this my Aurora and Talon are actually AFK
[04:37:44] Look Talon is is tabbed out
[04:37:55] This is why we lost
[04:37:57] This Talon is a wind trader. Look at his name. I think he's actually a wind trader because look at this
[04:38:08] He either tabbed out in the world. He like he walked to the bush
[04:38:13] Dude, you know what it is. Hold on. Did Talon ping the bush?
[04:38:17] Was it Talon who pinged?
[04:38:24] It might be the classic wind trade. If it was Talon who pinged the bush
[04:38:31] Walked into it
[04:38:40] It might be the classic wind trade
[04:38:42] Echo pinged the bush.
[04:38:57] Maybe Talon just tabbed out.
[04:38:58] He walked into the bush and literally looked at his second monitor.
[04:39:03] There's no other excuse for it, look.
[04:39:05] But he's literally not, not playing.
[04:39:08] Look, like he's, he's actually not playing the game.
[04:39:15] Look at this.
[04:39:18] We got a five man Echo stun level one.
[04:39:23] Like he, he is actually tabbed out because if he was playing the game this Lucian
[04:39:32] Instantly dies
[04:39:34] Right he instantly dies on that face check and then we just went
[04:39:39] Briar got the most disgusting E. I've ever seen in my life
[04:39:43] Holy fuck
[04:39:46] That was actually disgusting I didn't even notice that that was so gross
[04:39:56] Why is he okay? This Draven is horrible
[04:40:34] What am I watching Draven? Oh my god
[04:40:40] Yeah, no, I would shit on this Draven if I ever go versus guy
[04:40:42] This this is challenger mechanics from a Draven main in North America, so I just want to make this clear
[04:40:49] All the Draven has to do to win this is
[04:40:53] Literally walk here and auto them all
[04:40:57] Briar has no flash. She has E start
[04:41:01] Right this guy is one HP. This guy is out of the fight. No Q
[04:41:10] instead he flashes
[04:41:12] Like an absolute ape
[04:41:14] Then the Echo walks back in with no spells.
[04:41:22] No, yeah, that was the worst thing I've ever witnessed in my life.
[04:41:39] North America's doomed.
[04:41:44] NA's doomed, boys. You heard it there first.
[04:41:46] Anyway, how's your day going?
[04:42:06] Good? My day's going pretty good, too.
[04:42:08] This might be my last game, because I don't know if I...
[04:42:26] I don't know if I want to keep playing.
[04:42:28] Those last two games were so bad.
[04:42:31] Like they were so bad quality that I don't know if I want to actually play anymore
[04:42:38] Like until tomorrow, but I actually want to climb but those were like
[04:42:52] The worst quality games. I've I've played in a while
[04:42:56] Also, I've been streaming
[04:42:59] Five hours and I've only played one two three four five six seven games in five hours
[04:43:05] Like the the queue I'm sitting through like a 15 minute average queue time
[04:43:20] Which is crazy
[04:43:23] Like I know we're like reasonably high ego, right?
[04:43:25] Like we're like 300 LP masters.
[04:43:27] So like it's like reasonably high, but like that's insane.
[04:43:33] Do I do coaching?
[04:43:34] I'm gonna start coaching actually.
[04:43:36] I want to like, I'm gonna try and get Challenger back, right?
[04:43:44] Like that's the goal, get back to Challenger.
[04:43:48] But I do want to do some coaching
[04:43:49] because I think it'd be fun stream content too.
[04:43:52] Like I think that there's a lack of really good
[04:43:56] 80 carry coaching in the league scene.
[04:44:00] Like there's a lot of coaches in the league scene, but I don't think
[04:44:02] there's good 80 carry coaches that are really good one on one coaching.
[04:44:06] Like anytime I see an 80 carry player coach another player,
[04:44:09] they don't focus on like the important shit of a D.
[04:44:13] A lot of them focus on like the wrong shit because climbing
[04:44:20] and solo queue as an 80 carry is much different than like.
[04:44:23] It's much much much different than other things
[04:44:28] So I think I can actually do good at coaching. I have a coaching thing in my discord setup, but I haven't actually set up
[04:44:42] Oh, yeah, there you go. I
[04:44:48] Was gonna say I think I have discord. I mean, I think I have a stream elements thing
[04:44:52] Dude, our team comp is not very good. We're either gonna win the game or lose the game very
[04:45:10] handedly. Wait, are we red side finally? I've played five blue side games in a row.
[04:45:20] What are we? Five blue side games in a row. Five. I think we're finally red side.
[04:45:28] Like I think we finally have the advantage. Nice. Whoa. They have mid-riven jungle Zed.
[04:45:47] Mid-riven took ignite? That's interesting. Okay, so I'm gonna teach you guys something
[04:46:03] about mouse, the mouse magic versus like really aggressive
[04:46:07] mid laners. Okay. So really aggressive mayday mids. You can
[04:46:12] actually shit on these people because he has ignite, but you
[04:46:16] have to use your teleport correctly. I'm not actually
[04:46:29] gonna ward that normally I always word rates. Well, because
[04:46:35] you put that word there, I'm gonna go put a word here. But
[04:46:42] yeah, so you can shit on these people if you do it
[04:46:46] correctly. This is actually a really hard matchup for me though.
[04:46:50] Riven should shit on me really hard because she can push, gap close, and she can kill my
[04:46:58] little guys by existing. Like if you get your little jizzlets killed, you have a really
[04:47:04] bad time playing the game. I'm gonna hold the wave. Red side advantage. So red side
[04:47:20] Redside blue side is basically an important part of the lane and my brain is old and bad.
[04:47:29] I need to focus for like 2 seconds.
[04:47:30] Aw I fucked up.
[04:47:32] Damn.
[04:47:33] But yeah she can kill those really easily.
[04:47:35] But anyway.
[04:47:36] Oh my god I'm really bad.
[04:47:37] Oh my god I'm super bad.
[04:47:41] I'm gonna miss this one too.
[04:47:42] Okay got it nice.
[04:47:43] Thank god.
[04:47:44] But yeah so Redside blue side is basically like the people.
[04:47:48] Redside gets first pick.
[04:47:49] Uh sorry blue side gets first pick.
[04:47:51] Redside gets last pick.
[04:47:54] The reason that people, to balance that out,
[04:47:58] because first pick is such an important thing in League
[04:48:00] or it used to be, Riot makes it so that
[04:48:03] red side has higher elo players than blue side.
[04:48:08] So right now I'm on red side, right?
[04:48:09] Because we didn't have first pick, we had last pick.
[04:48:12] And my average elo of red side is higher
[04:48:16] than the average elo of blue side in this game.
[04:48:19] Which means that because the average elo is higher
[04:48:22] in my game or because my average hero is higher on my team, I should have the advantage
[04:48:29] to win theoretically.
[04:48:38] Why does this ribbon let me use E on her?
[04:48:41] She's just letting me stack my mana flow.
[04:48:43] That's really weird because the thing about Malph is like I will like heavily outscale
[04:48:51] this ribbon.
[04:48:57] He can't kill me?
[04:49:05] So like right now, right?
[04:49:09] I have teleport, right?
[04:49:11] So this guy's pretty low.
[04:49:14] at like half HP because he's at half and he's backing now I can TP push this in
[04:49:22] actually he has Revan I don't know it's hard to tell oh that's bad okay he's not
[04:49:32] gonna miss anything that was such unlucky timing oh I'm so sad you have no
[04:49:37] idea that was the most unlucky timing ever he's only miss one minion like
[04:49:43] He'll get here because he's ribbon and he's mobile.
[04:49:47] Damn.
[04:49:48] Oh, he missed the cannon.
[04:49:50] Missing the cannon's pretty big.
[04:49:52] I'm okay with that.
[04:49:55] But yeah, I don't want to actually ever like...
[04:49:59] Uh, I don't want to ever fight the ribbon until I get...
[04:50:02] item.
[04:50:04] Once I get an item, I can fight the ribbon pretty fuckin' easily.
[04:50:08] Or once I get six, right?
[04:50:12] Ooh, I can bait this.
[04:50:14] Because MinoZed is here.
[04:50:15] This guy is soaking really important XP right now.
[04:50:26] Cause the ribbon's gonna get sick before me.
[04:50:34] Well actually she missed the cannon so I don't know.
[04:50:35] It's hard to tell.
[04:50:37] But yeah, I outscale ribbon really really really well into mid game.
[04:50:46] She's like better late game I think.
[04:50:49] I don't actually know what the scaling is, where the ribbon ever smells, but I think
[04:50:52] she's better mid or late.
[04:50:56] I can't, I'm gonna be honest, I don't know.
[04:50:59] Okay so here the ribbon went back again on a really weird timer but I'm gonna go
[04:51:08] back on this timer too and now I'm gonna get I'm gonna get my book and now that
[04:51:14] I've lost chapter we can probably never back in this lane so we can win this lane
[04:51:20] now by just sitting in lane permanently the only real way ribbon can get a kill
[04:51:25] on me is if she flashes on me or if I like face check a bush okay so I'm
[04:51:46] I'm gonna go back mid for one second, push this wave,
[04:51:49] and then I'm gonna go help my teammate again.
[04:52:02] The big thing that I wanna do in this matchup
[04:52:03] is I wanna always have this ribbon,
[04:52:08] I wanna always have this ribbon playing catch up
[04:52:11] on the waves, okay he's not there.
[04:52:39] I was gonna say, no, no, we just saw him,
[04:52:40] Zed's over here.
[04:52:42] Like we literally just saw the Zed, we're flying this.
[04:53:01] Cool, all right, I got my,
[04:53:03] I got my mana foe full stack, that's huge.
[04:53:05] Zed's right here, or that.
[04:53:15] One of the good things that I can do here is I'm just going to push permanently.
[04:53:23] What this does is it makes it so Riven can never roam and she can never push forward
[04:53:26] on my, uh, she can never really push forward on the waves without giving up too much farm
[04:53:32] and giving up plates.
[04:53:33] And now we're just going to poke her.
[04:53:37] She has no sustain.
[04:53:38] Like, this is pretty boring, right?
[04:53:44] But that's just kind of how this matchup goes with Malz.
[04:53:56] That's just kind of how the Malz matchup, you know, kicks out.
[04:54:06] She's probably going to back, like I can see her backing right now because she's
[04:54:11] too low but because she's gonna back here I'm gonna push this wave in and she's
[04:54:17] gonna miss an entire wave if she actually backs yep there it is now I got to be
[04:54:26] careful though because we're in a spot where I could die if I'm not careful
[04:54:31] because we can die to Zed on a flank or something but if you notice like I'm
[04:54:43] zoning her from actually getting the the last hits on the minions by walking
[04:54:47] up and doing that okay so she full backs I'm gonna try and take a plate
[04:54:55] Okay, I got a plate now. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back
[04:55:11] Grab my item and then we head back. I
[04:55:14] Have teleport so if she does push this wave really fast
[04:55:18] I can't just TP to that cannon
[04:55:21] Like we can do this
[04:55:23] Now we can hold the wave here. She can't crash the wave because I TP to the cannon
[04:55:27] And if we look at our items she has call fields to my
[04:55:36] My black fire torch. She's down two plates
[04:55:38] She's gonna just she asked to try and kill me or she's gonna bleed out
[04:55:42] I'm gonna go bot cuz they're trying to dive smolder and I want to cover my teammates
[04:56:01] In case anything crazy happens. I want to cover them. I didn't really want to are but I don't have are so we shouldn't be fighting
[04:56:48] Like that was the I was one of the best case scenarios for us
[04:56:56] the longer this game goes the better because
[04:57:00] We have a smolder we have a smolder in a mouse
[04:57:02] So like if this game goes on for a while, we're gonna be in a great spot
[04:57:07] You see how I'm kind of spacing the thresh though, and I'm just doing damage with my silence
[04:57:15] I was not saying before that other mouse like he didn't know how to
[04:57:19] He didn't feel like he knew how to like actually use mouths of ours kit to his advantage
[04:57:24] Who am I die here?
[04:57:53] huge
[04:57:58] Fucking massive man. I think we get this turret. Oh, maybe we don't oh, maybe maybe I fucked up
[04:58:17] Hold on
[04:58:19] No, I think we still get the turret. Yeah, we do you see what I'm kind of mean though about how
[04:58:39] You kind of see what I mean by the way about how
[04:58:43] The game shakes out when you're playing
[04:58:46] Like why I say that like mid is
[04:58:51] One of the better roles to climb in the C. Lo it's because
[04:58:57] The game shakes out really awkwardly
[04:59:00] Like if you look at how the game is playing right now, right?
[04:59:05] All you really have to do is like keep really good fundamentals when you're in a lane that has a lot of
[04:59:10] ways that when you're in a lane that has a lot of like
[04:59:16] Potential like to do stuff. He just fundamentally play to not die
[04:59:20] 10 CS a minute take plates like be smart about your shit
[04:59:24] So now like we are giga ahead. I'm two full items at 14 minutes. I missed the wave
[05:00:12] But yeah, this is like the fundamental thing that I try and get through everybody's head and is
[05:00:20] The reason that I'm up to levels the reason I'm like
[05:00:24] Winning and shit. It's not that like Mal's counters ribbon. I think ribbon actually does really well versus me. I
[05:00:30] Think it's just that this guy doesn't know how to play the matchup and
[05:00:35] He like he didn't know how to like position the waves to play the matchup and he didn't know how to like
[05:00:40] He needed to like flash on me early game and like go aggro on like level one two
[05:00:46] Because now it's just he's he's too far behind now
[05:01:01] Like he'll never be able to catch up unless he gets a shot down. It's in chovies
[05:01:18] Realize we got Sanch
[05:01:21] nice
[05:03:14] Yo, can you kill that minion burl?
[05:03:17] I'm trying to I'm trying to farm
[05:03:33] Surprise dude. I told you that every game feels so one-sided in the silo
[05:03:37] like the last two games we got shit on the whole game right this game we're
[05:03:44] like we're shitting on them I don't know it feels really interesting I guess we
[05:04:12] just went I had no kills I was zero zero and nine what the fuck I worked so
[05:05:13] hard and I only got 19 LP okay I'm gonna be right I didn't work very hard I
[05:05:20] I was just playing Malz.
[05:05:24] Dude, I can't believe Sanch actually beat me in CS.
[05:05:28] This fucking smolder fuck.
[05:05:48] Yeah, I mean, I like Malz.
[05:05:50] He's like one of my go-to mid laners.
[05:05:55] I really enjoy playing him.
[05:06:38] Dude, we're playing like the two most brain dead champions.
[05:06:58] Bro, guys, do I actually wanna play another game?
[05:07:02] Dude, do I actually wanna play another league?
[05:07:05] It's 2 AM and the quality of these games,
[05:07:09] it feels like I'm flipping a fucking coin in the air.
[05:07:15] Like the game quality here was actually good.
[05:07:18] The start of the day, right?
[05:07:20] Like the game quality was actually really good
[05:07:22] and we were able to like carry these games, right?
[05:07:24] Like we were popping off, the games were fun,
[05:07:26] they were good.
[05:07:27] Like these were like now, did these last two games?
[05:07:30] Like these were not video games.
[05:07:34] Like these were like, like I don't even know what to say about these last two games.
[05:07:46] This one was my fault.
[05:07:47] Like I played bad this game.
[05:07:50] I think that was the only game I played really bad was this one.
[05:07:53] This game I don't think this was a video game.
[05:07:56] I think this was a Twilight Zone like random shit.
[05:08:00] I had a Challenger Draven with like some sort of brain damage and then I had a fucking
[05:08:05] Win trade player like four CS a minute to Alan like I don't know man
[05:08:09] Like I'll be real. I kind of want to play TFT
[05:08:17] You know you guys you guys want to watch me play some TFT instead of Q up 3 a.m. League of Legends
[05:08:26] I think I would have more fun like these these aren't even fucking games
[05:08:39] Like genuinely I'm not even playing games
[05:08:43] You know what we're doing we're signing up to flip a coin in the fucking air
[05:08:47] I'm gonna take a piss
[05:08:49] Let me decide it while I fucking take a leak.
[05:08:54] I mean, this is just crazy.
[05:10:18] I come back from my piss and I notice my cue popped.
[05:10:23] And I was not here.
[05:10:26] Feels fucking bad, man.
[05:10:42] Dude, I actually think I'll hit GM tomorrow, though.
[05:10:46] I mean, I feel like I'm playing well.
[05:10:49] I am pretty sure we'll just hit GM tomorrow.
[05:11:01] The problem is, yeah, I think,
[05:11:11] I think I can actually hit challenger. I think it's a combination of things. It's a combination of A, A carries OP, B and A league might be the worst quality games it's ever been in the history of video games.
[05:11:26] So like, I can probably just climb by existing in these games and not ending.
[05:11:34] Like I don't think you have to 1v9 the games, I think you can literally just exist, play Metachamps and don't int.
[05:11:41] And you can probably just climb up to like GM at least.
[05:11:44] GM the Challenger is probably like, I think you can climb to GM by just not being the weight of the loss.
[05:11:51] But I think GM the Challenger is just like you have to be better, but I think that the players are a lot better than Grandmaster.
[05:11:59] Like they're still trolls and shit, but I think they're a lot better overall.
[05:12:03] So the games feel like more like games so it's a lot easier to climb. I could be wrong too. I have no fucking claim
[05:12:15] Like I said the last time I was consistently in high GM was like years ago, man. I'm I'm washed. So
[05:12:22] Who knows I don't know my Draven's pretty bad man. I'll be honest my Draven is trashed. I
[05:12:54] Haven't played like Draven's one of those champs that you have to play a ton
[05:13:00] because uh, oh
[05:13:02] Oh, I actually might have to play AD, man.
[05:13:04] I might have to play Lucian, man,
[05:13:09] because we have an Echo jungle,
[05:13:10] so I might have to play Lucian.
[05:13:12] It is what I'm...
[05:13:16] What was I going to say? Oh, yeah, Draven's one of those champs that...
[05:13:23] He requires you to keep up the knowledge.
[05:13:28] You have to have the muscle memory really, and...
[05:13:31] He's like a champ you have to main,
[05:13:32] because of just the output of what you have to do
[05:13:37] to play the champion efficiently.
[05:13:40] He's not hard per se, but he's very niche, where it's like you can go even with Draven
[05:13:47] and most of the time pick up a random kill and probably just win the game off it.
[05:13:52] But if you ever watch really good Draven players play the game, like people who only play Draven,
[05:13:58] like Hums is pretty good at Draven, Han Sama if you were watching might actually play
[05:14:02] Draven or you watch like...
[05:14:06] There's no, I don't really respect a lot of other Draven players in NA, because most people
[05:14:10] are just fucking horrible at the champ.
[05:14:12] But I think that last guy, right, that last player was Challenger, he was a Challenger
[05:14:17] Draven man.
[05:14:18] And he was, I know bad games happen, but he played so fucking bad.
[05:14:24] So it's more like, I think that champion is broken if it's in the right hands,
[05:14:31] but it's also really hard to play
[05:14:35] to like the limits of the champion.
[05:14:38] Like anybody with fingers can play driven,
[05:14:40] but I have weird, this weird like,
[05:14:45] I don't know how to phrase it.
[05:14:46] It's like, when you've played a champion so much,
[05:14:49] like over years and years and years, right?
[05:14:51] Like being like really good at the champion.
[05:14:54] Like you've played a ton of whatever champion
[05:14:56] you got really high, low on the champion,
[05:14:58] you know what the champion in and out.
[05:15:00] When you know what you can do with the champion and then you can't pull it off because you're rusty or something, it makes me mad.
[05:15:08] It shouldn't make me mad, right?
[05:15:12] In theory, I shouldn't be getting mad about that.
[05:15:15] But I do, I get mad.
[05:15:51] I'm getting a little tired though, so this might be my last game.
[05:15:56] And then tomorrow we'll do a stream at our normal time.
[05:15:59] I don't have any errands for the rest of the week, so tomorrow we can do our normal stream time.
[05:16:04] And I'll have a lot more energy tomorrow. I'm so dead on energy today, man
[05:16:13] I just made I made a promise to myself that I would stream at least every single day
[05:16:33] this month
[05:16:35] For a little bit every day, and I didn't want to like I got home yesterday around like 6 p.m
[05:16:42] And I didn't want to like not stream so I was like fucking I'm just gonna I'm just gonna stream late. Oh
[05:17:10] I better mute
[05:17:15] What's up, bro?
[05:17:17] What's going on Mr. Fizz?
[05:17:19] How's your day going?
[05:17:21] Good? Bad?
[05:17:33] I want to ward Raptors.
[05:17:39] Getting a Raptor Ward is pretty nice.
[05:19:12] I should hover the boss side.
[05:19:14] Ooh, that's a bad cue.
[05:19:16] I'm not hovering the boss side correctly here.
[05:19:19] Dude, I'm playing so bad.
[05:19:45] Oh, I'm just dead.
[05:19:49] I should have flashed the Camille's flash.
[05:19:51] That was my bad.
[05:19:58] flashed there I would have been I would have played that perfect I didn't know
[05:20:05] Camille was gonna come I wasn't paying attention that's my bad like I was
[05:20:10] playing it correct just not yeah that's fine I can actually hold this wave
[05:20:22] though because Fizz has fucking ignite I think the only thing you can
[05:20:33] actually like practice at night is literally just personal like personal
[05:20:38] shit because like you can't impact the games at this time of night outside of
[05:20:44] like your own perfect gameplay like I already fucked up once and gave the fizz
[05:20:52] a free kill but because I have teleport and TP's broken as shit I'm up a full
[05:20:59] level almost and 15 CS wait what why didn't he uh oh why didn't he fight
[05:21:36] back wait we actually could have killed them both there like how do you use any
[05:21:43] spells at all I'm sacking a lot of my lane pressure to fuck with that via go
[05:22:13] right now so hopefully we don't lose the game off it hopefully in you know oh
[05:22:25] this guy's six I'm pretty sure Fizz is the top he's definitely roaming I don't
[05:22:47] know where he's roaming to but he's definitely roaming somewhere oh he
[05:22:52] went back. Dude I almost want to get MR. Like low-key I almost want to grab that.
[05:23:03] Like a negatron just so I don't get absolutely one shot. And a negatron like
[05:23:09] no magic. Because he can maybe kill me with ignite even without landing
[05:23:15] ult. Nice. At least that guy died before it's got bought. I mean I feel like my
[05:24:30] echo is trolling a little bit but like I'm very curious as to what he's doing.
[05:24:48] He's invading on repeat and dying on repeat. Sonya getting killed isn't the
[05:25:01] absolute worst thing because Sonya's like her scaling is crazy good so like it's
[05:25:15] It's not the absolute worst if she gets a bunch of kills.
[05:25:18] It's obviously like I wish I got the kills, but it's like if she gets inflated really
[05:25:23] fast with like golden shits, we definitely get a decent, we definitely get like a decent
[05:25:36] lead.
[05:25:38] Dude, I forgot they nerfed fucking merc treads.
[05:25:44] I dude, I timed that back so that I would have enough for merc treads and I forgot
[05:25:51] they made it a hundred gold more god damn it I cannot go down there and help
[05:26:26] you guys you guys should just back up I wonder if he'll either way if maybe I
[05:27:02] can just kill him maybe what a boring lane like this is such a boring fucking
[05:27:19] lane god damn bro you think the ignite fizz would be trying to be a little
[05:27:31] more aggro damn this is like one of the only timers that fizz can roam on so
[05:28:17] So yeah, they need to be careful.
[05:28:38] I'm TPing mid.
[05:28:40] I wasn't gonna TP bot, but like I'm going mid, bro.
[05:29:20] Whoa.
[05:29:22] They're actually trying to dive that guy?
[05:29:25] Wait, what?
[05:29:44] How can you still be a double?
[05:29:45] Oh, I don't even care about him getting the double kill.
[05:29:46] It's not even that bad.
[05:29:48] I'm more impressed that the enemy tried to dive
[05:29:52] my bot lane.
[05:29:53] That may have been like one of the worst choices
[05:29:55] I've seen people make in a while.
[05:29:57] It's like MF with bloodthirster full HP and you're like, yeah, this is a good idea
[05:30:04] We got that no worries
[05:30:07] What I mean, I'm gonna take this mid turn right now
[05:30:27] But oh, I'm bad
[05:30:58] Dang I had that
[05:31:01] So I actually could have won that if I flashed the fizzar
[05:31:08] Those is my B
[05:31:13] It is what it is. As long as you don't lose mid turret. I'm okay with it
[05:31:16] they should be careful though it's kind of funny because I'm playing well but I'm
[05:31:26] also playing bad it's like a funny combination of like my like my like
[05:31:34] laning is good but I'm doing dumb shit and dying for free like I got four
[05:31:41] plates mid and I had really good like control of mid lane wait this guy's
[05:31:51] die sir okay oh my bad I space strong that makes me sad oh I'm sad because yeah
[05:32:10] that fits for old I just space wrong I didn't know Viagra was there dang wait
[05:32:22] what no no no wait okay nevermind because like I'm I'm incredibly strong
[05:32:31] I just need to stop dying. What am I watching? This is... guys they know you're going for that.
[05:32:56] I wonder if this red will still be there? Oh I barely got it. Let's go. I don't know what's
[05:33:21] going on. We don't seem to be doing anything, but I can't walk anywhere because if fizz is
[05:33:33] standing in a bush I die. If I had better spade... I knew I was gonna gank my fizz,
[05:34:05] But I know I knew it was a bait, but I am my mechanics are so bad right now, whatever
[05:34:12] If we lose it's my faults
[05:34:15] I'm just dying for free over and over again really bad fucking
[05:34:22] There's no R. Oh
[05:34:27] Whoa, that's not balanced. We just need to get dragon
[05:34:42] If we can get one dragon, I'm pretty sure we just win. I don't think I can one-by-one the fizz anymore
[05:35:18] even if I dodge ult he's got so much like base damage that's really bad and
[05:35:32] cameo is gonna come bot 100% can I 1v1 her I don't know I guess we're gonna
[05:35:45] find out maybe I shouldn't try this before dragon yeah it's probably not a
[05:35:54] good call if there wasn't a wall there I win whatever man we should be
[05:36:34] controlling vision oh that's not good oh that's okay so now get in there like
[05:36:43] so now go go in bro you fucking pussy how was this Camille's death timer so
[05:36:52] low oh yeah she didn't die I'm worth a party we need vision here I'm coming
[05:37:07] Y'all flanking? Okay. At least we got the dragon I guess. There's that. I'm dead. I
[05:37:41] think that's worth though. He wasted his flash for a kill. I don't think him
[05:37:46] flashing is worth there because he's not gonna have it for the next fight and
[05:37:50] the next fight is gonna be one of the more important fights of the game. So
[05:37:54] it might be worth. Well he's obviously like it's worth to get a kill but not
[05:38:05] having flash is huge yeah I think my my goal here is like I'm just gonna be I'm
[05:38:16] gonna try my best to dish out as much possible damage and fights because I
[05:38:20] can't really do much else right now this guy's no flash TP I'm gonna go hover
[05:38:34] mid top I don't have TP and I'm two items so we can actually win a fight
[05:38:39] pretty hard here where we can kill this guy he has no flash I'll pink
[05:38:45] that for you guys. Uh, we need a ward like here. Yeah, that was the dumbest thing I've
[05:39:41] ever seen somebody do. Hmm. What do I get next? Probably RFC? Oh, I'm dead. My bad.
[05:40:11] God damn it. I'll be real. I didn't even think about dying to Camille there. No,
[05:40:19] I started up. I didn't even think I was good. Like she would do that. I'm just
[05:40:22] I should have blue trinket it to make sure
[05:40:25] My bad, maybe I should actually go armor pen
[05:40:36] We might need some anti healing actually I do think I actually go anti heal here
[05:40:49] Cuz Samira can heal a lot with BT when she's holding
[05:40:53] Viego like this guy's Hydra
[05:40:56] That guy's Hydra Viego has actually watching this
[05:41:00] Should I just TP mid? I don't want to
[05:41:07] They are 100% going to make a play on my team.
[05:41:13] Please don't- oh my god.
[05:41:17] That is probably not very good.
[05:41:36] I am so bad.
[05:41:46] God damn it man.
[05:41:49] I need to take a break.
[05:41:51] Uh oh, I'm playing so fucking bad.
[05:41:54] I think the TP was fine.
[05:41:56] Uh, actually.
[05:41:59] But the problem was,
[05:42:01] I knew we were getting flanked.
[05:42:04] Like I pinged like 30 times so that they need to ward this
[05:42:09] Because this is like what happened is exactly why you don't do what my team just did where
[05:42:14] You don't siege mid with no wards on flanks, right?
[05:42:17] like so we saw the Viego in the fizz here and
[05:42:21] The homies didn't know that they were getting flanked
[05:42:25] So I tried to ping but they weren't paying attention and then they got flanked that was too late
[05:42:39] My MF has now been fizzled three times
[05:42:42] Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, you gotta suck some pretty monster cock to get fizzled in three
[05:42:51] times in a row on AD carry.
[05:42:56] Not trying to be mean, I'm doing really bad this game, but it's pretty easy to not get
[05:43:01] fizzled on AD because he has to be on top of you to land his ult.
[05:43:06] This kind of sucks because I've been trying to just A-Ram with the team and help him
[05:43:13] out.
[05:43:14] I think I should have just split and pulled the fizz to a sideline
[05:43:17] Because now I can't 1v1 anyone
[05:43:20] Maybe once I get more doms or I mean more reminder, but I'll down dead
[05:43:49] Okay, they are trolling so fucking hard. It's actually huge for us. They like gig a fucking griefs
[05:44:14] Uh, I don't think we can do this though. I mean
[05:44:17] Samira has flash
[05:44:19] Yeah, I'm just gonna die
[05:44:28] We got the turret, but I don't think it was worth
[05:44:32] damn I thought the play was different but I'm just wrong okay let's see not not
[05:44:44] the worst though so now we got we got some anti healing we got some fucking
[05:44:47] we got three items I don't know what to get next I kind of want to get I kind
[05:44:56] of get BT instead of an on hit like instead of like Navori or attack speed
[05:45:00] I kind of get BT so like actually life steal through I need to be able to
[05:45:03] lifesteal through their their Camille ulti. You guys should be very careful
[05:45:12] chasing into that. I want to go bot and push this wave in but I'm gonna go mid.
[05:45:21] We need to get vision. Oh I can't ping anymore. We need to control vision. We
[05:45:32] should just force mid right now. Camille's gonna split. We should start this and
[05:45:56] just turn. Yeah, C.Viego's not in a good spot to contest us. He's mid. Now
[05:46:21] Now we just need to play for the inners.
[05:46:25] Play for inner turrets.
[05:46:29] I'm the worst player on the planet.
[05:46:33] Wait, we can catch this guy, come here.
[05:46:58] Oh, I cannot 1v1 this Camille.
[05:47:01] Okay, well, I'm just gonna see if he mad.
[05:47:04] Hopefully I don't die.
[05:47:32] Huge end!
[05:47:34] Let's go!
[05:47:42] Dude, I played so bad that game!
[05:47:48] Huge!
[05:47:52] I don't know who to honor.
[05:47:53] Everybody played so fucking good. I think I played well in lane. I played really well
[05:48:05] The mid game I played like dog shits and
[05:48:09] I made a lot of good picks
[05:48:12] Like I did good damage right like I had good damage and I made good picks
[05:48:17] Like when I picked the Thresh
[05:48:20] Like when I got the the two picks on the Thresh and then when I got the um, I
[05:48:24] I stated I'm not dying mid game
[05:48:29] And I was like I was keeping relevant the whole game which is important
[05:48:36] Like the mid game deaths were just me being so and now I should not play another
[05:48:42] I'll be real. I I
[05:48:45] Died like three times because I was actually zoned out not thinking like I like used all of my last
[05:48:57] brain cells just now to fucking
[05:48:59] and focus up so we didn't just into the game.
[05:49:09] But I think we actually had a pretty one, two, three, four,
[05:49:14] five, six, we went six and three, that's not bad.
[05:49:20] That's not bad.
[05:49:22] We're 300 LP almost.
[05:49:25] Masters is like four, or GM's like 450.
[05:49:29] We could probably get GM tomorrow for 480.
[05:49:32] I think we actually can.
[05:49:33] Like if we keep playing like this,
[05:49:36] Like during the well if we keep playing like well and my brain's on like if I'm playing well and my brain is like turned on
[05:49:43] Pretty sure I can head jam tomorrow
[05:49:46] Because we're getting what it's only what six wins
[05:49:52] No, seven
[05:49:54] It's not too bad. I'm gonna play a tft and then maybe go to bed
[05:50:05] Best com to force and tft bro tft right now is the most awful meta I've ever seen in my entire fun life
[05:50:12] TFC at the moment is like, just play fucking Syndra every game.
[05:50:20] Syndra, Kasadin.
[05:50:23] If you see a Syndra or a Kasadin on your fucking, like in your shop early game, you
[05:50:29] just force it so fucking hard that your fingers hurt.
[05:50:34] That's it.
[05:50:39] That's the meta.
[05:50:42] If you don't see a Syndra or a Kas early, you force Kogma.
[05:50:46] If you don't see a Kogma, you force Karma,
[05:50:49] well, fast eight Karma.
[05:50:52] If you ever see a Karma and you're not hitting,
[05:50:54] you always just force Karma.
[05:50:56] Like the meta right now is so incredibly fucking boring.
[05:50:59] But it's so insanely boring.
[05:51:02] Because it's like, you can literally just force
[05:51:05] like one of three comps.
[05:51:08] And even if you don't hit,
[05:51:09] you can like luck into another like,
[05:51:13] like the comps are so strong
[05:51:15] that if you just force those comps,
[05:51:19] you save so much HP that you could just get to like higher.
[05:51:22] And if they do hit, basically,
[05:51:24] if you hit a level three Syndra early,
[05:51:26] you automatically get top two.
[05:51:28] If you had a level three cast early,
[05:51:30] you automatically get top two.
[05:51:34] If you had an early Karma, you auto top three.
[05:51:40] Like it's really stupid.
[05:51:42] The meta is not fun.
[05:51:49] I think TFT is really fun.
[05:51:51] Like I said, I was saying this earlier,
[05:51:53] I really like the champions right now.
[05:51:55] Like I think the actual champions and like the meta of TFT like not the meta
[05:51:59] That's the wrong thing like the traits are fun
[05:52:02] Like I like the idea of like the bees the bees are kind of cool. I think that's like a cool trait
[05:52:07] Like witchcraft is kind of a cool trait
[05:52:11] Chronos a cool trait
[05:52:13] Like I like the traits like pyros a cool idea like you give pyros back to somebody and they're just Thanos
[05:52:19] So I like the traits it's just that like
[05:52:22] Like the boring part about it is that there's the stuff that's OP right now is so OP that
[05:52:29] you're not allowed to do like four fun shit because you'll never have fun.
[05:52:36] Like you can hit the most perfect like rumble re-roll comp, like you get the rumble hero
[05:52:41] augment, you hit the perfect re-roll, you get rumble three at like fucking four, like
[05:52:45] three one and you'll still lose.
[05:52:48] You'll get like fourth, like you'll get like fourth place.
[05:53:01] I hit the most insane thing ever with the sugar.
[05:53:04] I capped it out.
[05:53:07] I didn't know you could cap out sugar, but I capped it out.
[05:53:16] I sent wings a screenshot.
[05:53:19] Well, let me show you.
[05:53:20] It's really cool.
[05:53:35] When you cap out the stacks or whatever in sugar,
[05:53:43] you just auto win the game.
[05:53:45] It's really funny.
[05:53:50] I mean like this, this right here,
[05:53:52] I feel like I'm playing Kogma
[05:54:12] But I also feel like if I because if I don't force Kogma, I feel like I'm just gonna lose, right?
[05:54:17] Yeah, I like half the force Kogma. I don't even know if I should hold this byghar. It's kind of trolling
[05:54:31] Dude, I don't know like the the school mascot thing seems really cool, and it gives me a free Syndra
[05:54:38] You want to know how broken Syndra is by the way, I?
[05:54:41] almost want to take this this just
[05:54:45] Just to get Syndra, but I'm not even kidding
[05:54:51] And this this thing I've never ran this do it. I've never run this before if we lose we lose. Oh, I forgot to level fuck
[05:55:18] I need ash Elise Nila
[05:55:27] Who's the carry in this calm? Is it just syndrome?
[05:55:32] Like like high-key it's literally just syndrome it is yeah, I that's so stupid
[05:55:39] Like it's actually just Cindra God that's so dumb no I need that
[05:55:55] Losing I should have actually not leveled huh oh I'm stupid fuck I think I think I'm supposed
[05:56:11] to not level there so that I have a better chance at hitting ash but I don't actually
[05:56:19] know okay how does this comp go it's ash Elise you just play all the Eldritches
[05:56:29] right? Syndra, Nyla, Mord, what are the Eldritches I don't even know I'm gonna
[05:56:44] Briar you probably put in like a shape shifter you probably just like throw a
[05:56:51] shape shifter in there Nami okay how do I how do I do this I feel like I
[05:57:15] pre-level here but maybe that's wrong I don't know I'm gonna pre-level cuz I
[05:57:22] can't make economy one oh I hope I lose I could really use a carousel wait am I
[05:57:52] gonna win oh my god I won oh no wait maybe I lost enough before that I I'll
[05:57:59] I'll still be first pick.
[05:58:01] Oh?
[05:58:04] Wait, I'm still first pick.
[05:58:06] Aw, sweet.
[05:58:09] I need a tier.
[05:58:13] Wait, don't path over there.
[05:58:14] Don't do that.
[05:58:16] Bro.
[05:58:18] Man.
[05:58:28] Man, that guy took my tier.
[05:58:56] What is that?
[05:58:56] What did I get?
[05:58:59] Oh.
[05:59:10] I sure wish I had the ability to use my augment.
[05:59:15] That'd be cool.
[05:59:18] Dude, I can't even, like, I'm
[05:59:19] applying eldritch without eldritch
[05:59:21] oh this guy has eldritch as well
[05:59:28] what are you doing?
[05:59:39] oh yeah i was gonna show you the screenshot
[05:59:43] of like when i hit the max sugarcraft
[05:59:45] or whatever
[05:59:46] let me show you
[05:59:48] it was fucking insane
[05:59:51] my computer was like almost
[05:59:53] lagging
[05:59:54] from all of the crap going on
[05:59:59] i don't know if i will win this next round
[06:00:01] so i think i'm just gonna sell this away
[06:00:03] fuck i kinda wanna buy that niko
[06:00:11] I don't want to buy an ego and just be strong, but I shouldn't.
[06:00:16] I should econ.
[06:00:18] Or should I?
[06:00:19] You know what?
[06:00:20] Fuck it.
[06:00:21] I don't know.
[06:00:25] Check this out.
[06:00:26] Look at this shit.
[06:00:28] I had like a...
[06:00:31] Your like cake turns into like a giant fucking dildo cake and it just starts shooting
[06:00:38] little mini donuts cakes.
[06:00:41] It just starts shooting cake.
[06:00:44] I beat it, this guy had 10 portal.
[06:00:47] I beat a 10 portal comp because my little thing was just shooting little dildo cakes.
[06:00:54] It was fucking hilarious.
[06:00:55] Okay, so when do I get another Eldritch?
[06:01:16] When does that happen?
[06:01:17] Yeah, I think the cap is 22.
[06:01:23] If you hit 2200, you get a free fawn, like it just gives you a fawn, and then you
[06:01:29] get the super cake.
[06:01:37] That game, I don't think I've ever high rolled harder though.
[06:01:40] I started the game with, uh, what was it, wow, these items suck.
[06:01:51] I started the game with 4 sugar, like on round 2-1.
[06:02:03] It was the highest rolled shit I've ever seen.
[06:02:05] Dude, what do I even do here?
[06:02:18] Like, how do I play this?
[06:02:22] Like, do I BT him?
[06:02:27] Like, I don't know.
[06:02:29] Like, you have Briar in the comp, right?
[06:02:37] on I just want to I'm just trying to throw some items out holy shit look at him go
[06:02:48] dude tainted golems got the fucking titans resolve stacking let's go bro let's fucking go
[06:03:04] maybe I go explosive growth and I just straight up try and hit eight ASAP
[06:03:15] is this avenge the fallen one actually good wait in cancer crest is OP
[06:03:26] right? Pretty sure because it also gives me a Syndra and I'm almost positive and
[06:03:39] cantor crest is like just broken so now I just need to hit a tier so I can
[06:04:00] actually have some mana for my Syndra. Dude how dumb is it that even though I
[06:04:11] I have an eldritch like like how dumb is it that like I literally only took this
[06:04:19] because you play Cinder in the comp I hate that I hate that Cinder is so meta
[06:04:25] like but the the problem is like if I don't abuse it I will just lose because
[06:04:32] everybody else will abuse it it feels bad oh I forgot about karma and who's
[06:04:53] my I just play this for now right like this is just my comfort right now pretty
[06:05:01] sure well this guy's not going Cindra this guy's not going Cindra this guy is
[06:05:08] indeed going Cindra and he already has fucking five Cindras cool guys pooped on
[06:05:38] me what fuck don't put me at third pick I still need a tear bro if I can't
[06:06:03] get a tier what do I even build and I don't know okay yeah I mean fuck me dude
[06:06:14] I didn't want a tier anyway I guess I'll take Nassus for now oh another
[06:06:34] Syndra do I actually reroll for this Syndra I have a lot of syndras but that
[06:07:04] other guy has five but he has five syndras already I kind of just want to
[06:07:15] go I'm being honest I kind of want to just go fast eight say fuck
[06:07:22] Cinder carry and
[06:07:24] Just go seven eldritch and have my eldritch carry because I have them augment
[06:07:33] Like cinder just like carries me there. Yeah, I think I'm gonna do that fuck fuck this reroll shit. It shit sucks
[06:07:44] Is that even worth buying?
[06:07:56] Let's see how this goes
[06:08:16] Cuz like I have the champion dupe, so I'm thinking I just go briar
[06:08:22] Cuz we already have the BT
[06:08:31] We don't have a shoujins so like cinder hasn't been stacking
[06:08:39] I don't know.
[06:08:43] Oh.
[06:08:45] Wait, this guy is so strong.
[06:08:48] Oh, he has Nami.
[06:08:50] I think I still win, because Cinder's broken.
[06:08:53] Yeah, that's stupid.
[06:08:55] I had no business winning that.
[06:08:59] But you know what? Cinder's broken, so fuck it.
[06:09:27] This is gonna be a weird comp.
[06:09:29] Because if we do want to play 4-Incantor,
[06:09:36] which I'm assuming we do,
[06:09:43] oh, we finally got Nila.
[06:09:45] I'm gonna go Fast 8, fuck this.
[06:09:59] Well, as fast as I can.
[06:10:01] I should re-roll one of these, right?
[06:10:08] One of these tears, maybe? Or one of these?
[06:10:15] That's not bad. I could just give that to Briar.
[06:10:28] Edge of Night. I think it's literally just going to be like
[06:10:32] somehow we have Briar carry. I don't have a Shogun's.
[06:10:36] I have no mana. I have no mana. Like how the fuck do I play?
[06:10:49] All I needed was one tear. One single tear.
[06:10:57] Here dear god. There's a karma wait whoa, but I have four eldritch
[06:11:42] But how do I get this in I guess I have to take out the
[06:11:45] That guy for now. Can I play morgan this calm? Oh, I would love to I
[06:12:00] Don't know if I can
[06:12:05] Wait, why does he have a hat his hat good? Oh?
[06:12:09] Wait, holy fuck. He's so big
[06:12:16] Okay, we definitely want to rush seven eldritch as fast as possible
[06:12:19] That guy is so fucking broken. I don't even know if I can run Kench.
[06:12:53] I'm finding them, but I don't know. Oh my god, bro.
[06:12:57] How do I even like how do I even run this?
[06:13:02] Like get rid of NASA's?
[06:13:05] Kench 2 is so broken. I can't drop foreign cancer.
[06:13:17] That's just way too OP. I don't know. Fuck it.
[06:13:34] Fuck it. Fuck it. We need 7L Dritch Briar for Nasus, and then... I guess we do drop one of them.
[06:13:55] Oh, I can get a tier. And it's on a 5 cost. Nice.
[06:14:11] Okay. Do I... I wonder if I'm supposed to actually remake the Syndra?
[06:14:26] Like, I don't know if I'm actually strong enough right now. What am I missing? Oh, I'm missing Mord.
[06:14:43] Okay now I'm strong enough. Now I'm definitely strong enough with that
[06:15:02] Nasus I'm pretty sure. The Nasus is a fucking beast. I think we go 9. Like I
[06:15:25] think we just go 9. Because we need to hit fucking at 9 we could we could put in
[06:15:36] 7 and 4 in canter. Like we could do 7 4 at 9. 100% because you just do the two
[06:16:12] Eldritches and then you take out Nassus for because I think he has to have three
[06:16:26] items like I I'm gonna get outscaled if I don't have my that guy's a briar to
[06:16:31] wait is that what I just saw was that was a briar to that's insane wait a
[06:16:37] science wait am I trolling I am trolling I don't know why I thought
[06:16:49] that was briar I must be more tired than I thought it was Gwen okay where's
[06:17:06] Where's the Syndra guy? Oh, there he is, up at second place. And he didn't even hit,
[06:17:12] like he literally is just doing shape, shift, or Syndra. He has one Briar. Dude, I've hit
[06:17:22] three Morgs. I wish I hit one Briar. Any other game, I probably pray that I hit Morgana.
[06:17:30] I feel like I should go Shiv, but I can't. Dude, how do I even play this? None of
[06:18:06] my units can even hold the items. Like I need a Mord. Like does Nyla hold my edge of night
[06:18:19] right now? Probably. Oh my god I'm getting railed man. Okay so we just do what? That guy
[06:18:52] holds my items for now I guess? I don't know. Dude I can't roll. This is such a dog shit
[06:19:03] position. Like if I roll an 8 for fucking 3% chance at Briar? Is that really worth
[06:19:23] it? I mean I think if I lose this round I have to because I don't think I can go
[06:19:28] nine. Wait I'm gonna and I'm gonna lose 100% Wow I do I have to just roll an eight
[06:19:37] that's such a feels bad man well let's hope we hit a prior. Two camels okay
[06:20:15] well we lose cool it's doomed well I got eight with like a great opener I
[06:20:50] I even played Syndra, but I didn't get a tier for the first five rounds
[06:21:01] Damn, but I must have misplanned
[06:21:07] That was so shitty. I didn't see a single Briar
[06:21:16] And I didn't see a single I couldn't make it to nine right? I
[06:21:20] Couldn't get Syndra two or Cinder three so I couldn't make it to nine
[06:21:23] I couldn't get Cinder three and I
[06:21:29] Couldn't really do much else because I had to play Eldritch
[06:21:33] huh I wonder you know what it was it was because I had no shred well I guess
[06:21:39] Cinder has shred like built in I don't know yeah that's just rough oh well
[06:21:45] yo boys I'm gonna go to bed I streamed late today but I'm gonna go lay down get
[06:21:57] some sleep I'll be live tomorrow same time as I normally am so thanks for
[06:22:04] watching I appreciate guys you guys are goaded appreciate you guys a lot but
[06:22:14] Yeah, I usually stream at like 10,
[06:22:16] or sorry, 11 a.m. my time, which is like 10 a.m. PST,
[06:22:21] is usually when I start my stream.
[06:22:22] So I'm figuring if I go to sleep right now,
[06:22:24] I can probably still stream.
[06:22:25] That's like, gives me eight hours.
[06:22:27] And then I can probably still do a nice,
[06:22:31] I'm gonna do like a long stream tomorrow, I think,
[06:22:33] like 10 hours-ish.
[06:22:36] So I'll have like a nice 10 hours-ish stream.
[06:22:38] I wanna try and get GM, and I'm so close.
[06:22:41] So I think I think we can hit GM tomorrow on League
[06:22:46] That's the goal, but yeah, thanks for watching guys. I appreciate it
[06:22:48] If you like the stream, don't forget to follow if you're interested in coaching you do
[06:22:53] You can join the discord
[06:22:55] You can which is you can check out the coaching section
[06:22:59] If you're interested in following all my socials and stuff like that it helps grow the stream
[06:23:04] I appreciate it a lot and thanks for just we don't watching and hang out. I mean tonight. I appreciate I guess
[06:23:09] We just have a wonderful rest of your night and I'll see you tomorrow. I'll see you later
[06:23:12] today, well tomorrow. Later guys.