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Masters Adc Solo Q | Is adc still op? or do we Malz

07-31-2024 · 8h 19m

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[00:01:05] Oh my god, what is that thing?
[00:03:11] I don't actually know how to play this comp. I guess we'll figure it out. I don't have the note on. Oops.
[00:04:32] I think I'm supposed to re-roll Cogba. Hmm, a rumble with Morellas.
[00:05:39] seems a bit counter seems a bit overdone but they got beat me you son of a
[00:06:06] bitch damn I wanted one of those this will just grab this because it's half a
[00:06:42] cog nice no I see what's up lads hmm I see
[00:07:49] it's gone there oh fuck that guy's got the Elise augment I need some more
[00:09:13] Kog'maw items. Well these items are okay. I got the last whisper and BS sword. I gotta
[00:10:29] win this round. I leveled up for it. Oh no, this guy also leveled up. Oh no. Why did that
[00:10:50] guy level? He's not even on a win streak. Very interesting. Anger issues. Anger issues,
[00:11:09] This wouldn't be too bad, but I kind of want this actually like high key. Watch this
[00:11:32] Then we go infinity edge and then we can use the prowlers on
[00:11:37] We can use the prowlers thing on oboff later
[00:11:53] Make me one gold one gold
[00:11:58] Nice worth. Oh
[00:12:02] My god, it's already paid for itself. Oh my god worth it. This is interesting
[00:13:01] Honestly, not bad
[00:13:26] We lost we got a better spot on carousel never mind. We're still fourth or third
[00:13:33] Feels bad man. I take it all back
[00:13:39] Man if I can get that Olaf with crit glove I would be jizzing myself. Oh fucking unlucky
[00:13:48] It's not the worst though. We got a IE
[00:14:30] Not so bad
[00:14:32] This is interesting because yeah, I don't think I can actually get in for hunter until level seven
[00:14:44] but I have to roll one level six dude cog does some damage god damn he saw a
[00:15:05] level fucking two cog too holy fuck wait I'm supposed to have Tristan on this
[00:15:59] comp uh-oh I did not know that probably passed a few wait why would you have
[00:16:29] Tristan this comp that doesn't make sense oh shit everybody has what's it called
[00:18:01] now. Alright I gotta hit cog 2 or cog 3 and I gotta go 7. Hopefully I can hit. I'm gonna
[00:18:07] roll a bit. I think I'm just gonna grab this so I can just hit this right now. It's kind
[00:19:10] of interesting. I think I'm supposed to re-roll all three stars. But I'll be real,
[00:19:39] I kinda don't want to re-roll all three stars. So I feel like that shit's gonna
[00:19:56] take so long. I kinda want to just go 9. Oh I just got destroyed. Oh he's
[00:20:41] I think I'm just going to put in Zareth.
[00:22:16] Zareth gives you like really overpowered charms, if I recall.
[00:22:39] Now I do feel like I need to put in, oh man, this is just so much better.
[00:22:43] I kind of want to hold Zareth though, I like that.
[00:23:51] My boy gets a shield.
[00:24:15] We either give Jynx items or we give Olaf items.
[00:24:17] I kind of want to give Olaf items, if I'm being honest.
[00:24:26] Do one of these.
[00:24:27] This doesn't seem too bad.
[00:24:38] We seem to get a level 2 Olaf now.
[00:24:46] Like, I ain't gonna lie, we're kinda smurfing it.
[00:25:12] A little bit.
[00:25:13] Man, do I wanna go 9?
[00:25:17] Or do I wanna stay 8?
[00:25:19] I don't even know.
[00:25:20] I feel like getting a Jinx 3 would actually be pretty beast,
[00:25:26] but I also, like, put this recurve on her.
[00:25:30] So she's not gonna be able to get max items.
[00:25:40] And having Diana 2 would be pretty fucking beast as well.
[00:25:44] Motherfucker.
[00:26:16] I don't actually know what the best call is
[00:26:19] I kind of want to go 9
[00:26:21] Fuck, I don't know. I don't know what to do lads. I should hold that in case there's a hunter spat on castle
[00:28:42] Not bad
[00:28:44] I see an ola. Am I ever actually going to use Tristana? I mean, she gives blaster, but
[00:29:14] With no items it feels kind of worthless
[00:29:17] Bro, this airless guy is so fucking strong.
[00:29:39] Dude, I'm making so much gold with Collector.
[00:29:54] Oh my god.
[00:31:28] Why is this guy so strong?
[00:32:13] I don't think I can get stronger outside of Jinx 3 and Diana 2.
[00:32:17] Dude, Smulder looks so funny.
[00:32:25] What is he doing?
[00:32:26] I kind of forgot Olaf was like a champion.
[00:32:41] Is Olaf gonna insta-die to fucking...
[00:33:21] Oh, I fucked up.
[00:33:28] I should put Olaf in the second row so he doesn't literally instantly die.
[00:33:35] Yeah, cause uh, that's not good.
[00:33:40] Oh, I think I lose, this guy's really fucking strong.
[00:34:45] Unless Olaf can somehow like start killing backline units.
[00:34:49] Wait, I won.
[00:35:04] Ooh, what was he dying at?
[00:35:22] I'm against this guy.
[00:35:35] Yeah, the new set just came out today.
[00:36:18] Man, if I can just hit Jinx three.
[00:36:21] Yeah, I haven't quite figured out the new set.
[00:36:27] I played one off stream, I got fourth.
[00:36:31] And then this is my like second game,
[00:36:33] and I'm fourth third?
[00:36:36] I don't remember it.
[00:36:37] No, I played two.
[00:36:38] I got, I lost one, I got like bought four,
[00:36:42] and then now I'm, now I got fourth.
[00:37:24] I really can't get a Janks, huh?
[00:37:46] Let's go!
[00:37:50] Damn, my Ghostport almost beat that guy too.
[00:37:54] Give me a Janks!
[00:37:57] Bro, just give me a Janks.
[00:38:05] You will give me a Smolder too.
[00:38:09] Jesus.
[00:38:24] Ooh, he got his Rekhan too.
[00:38:26] Oh fuck, he got Morg too right as the last round started.
[00:38:31] Dang, that might actually be the difference.
[00:38:55] Dude, his Vex tanked 23,000 damage.
[00:39:01] Gaww!
[00:39:02] I thought my comp was pretty strong too.
[00:39:11] Maybe this comp can't get first unless you super high roll.
[00:39:16] I thought my comp was pretty good.
[00:39:23] With the prowlers Olaf, so like Olaf was killing the back line and shit, that was pretty cool.
[00:39:28] Level 2 Smolder, fucking...
[00:39:30] Really tanky Blitzcrank, level 2 Diana, level 2 Earl, level 2 Cog.
[00:39:36] Dang.
[00:39:39] Maybe if I hit the Jinx, I would have had enough damage.
[00:39:44] I don't fucking know.
[00:39:45] Like maybe you need Jinx 3 to like secondary carry with Cog or something?
[00:39:57] Cause Cog would, it was like all Cog off but I don't know.
[00:40:02] Who the fuck knows?
[00:40:06] Alright, let's play some League.
[00:41:30] Alright, let's warm up with a mid game.
[00:41:32] hello boys good morning how we doing today yeah Hawkins smolder I think it's
[00:44:51] pike mid it's gotta be like mids fine though I don't I don't really mind it at
[00:44:57] all because pike mids like one of those champs right now okay oh we got our
[00:45:32] water stick
[00:46:03] when does that streaming 2013 oh okay no yeah fuck you too bro I hate pike players
[00:47:36] because they're so cringe they literally just do this shit and look at this like
[00:47:56] he just walk up and kill me without trying three autos then but you know
[00:48:01] what he loses I need to remember pike players physically can't beat you as
[00:48:06] miles later on like I got to remember that they physically can't win later so
[00:48:12] I just need to not ever die to his hook because once you start pushing the wave
[00:48:20] they can't deal with it see like he only knows how to be aggro right see he is
[00:49:00] struggling a little bit though to farm but it's so boring they literally just
[00:50:00] stand here? Then you just wait for the wave and farm, wait for the wave and farm, or you
[00:50:10] die. Because they just got- I think the only reason Pyke mid players can win is because
[00:50:16] they bore you to death. Slow push into a random hook, slow push into hook, whatever, I'm
[00:50:24] gonna beat this motherfuckers ass. In about five minutes he won't even be able to play
[00:50:29] fun game. Don't even try bro you're gonna roam you're gonna get mad you're gonna
[00:50:35] whine and cry once I hit R. All you know how to do is be a little bitch and be
[00:50:41] aggro the whole lane. Didn't even go Hydra. Oh you're trolling. How are you
[00:51:10] gonna shove the wave? You just gonna go for kills? I guess the answer is yes.
[00:51:22] Fucked up level one. Ah my bad. I gotta stop doing this but I mean it's
[00:51:44] first game of the day so you gotta deal with it but rip hey homie I'ma be real
[00:51:52] with you okay when you walked through mid and didn't try to hit the pike at all
[00:51:56] earlier because you're a greedy little bitch you're gonna get fucked over in
[00:52:03] the jungle now like there's nothing I can do about it you're just gonna get
[00:52:09] fucked he's the fed pike pike sucks but like a
[00:52:15] champion is bad but like if he gets fed it's LP for a bit. Honestly I wouldn't mind going
[00:52:29] next. I fucked the game up personally and every one of my laners is losing really bad
[00:52:35] so it might just be a next angle to TBH. We do outscale them but they do have smolder
[00:52:42] so it's like ehh the itch. God what a pussy. Why aren't you going in? Pyke was literally
[00:53:28] 1HB. Dude, we don't know what we're doing, man. Oh God, we should just go in. She's not
[00:53:48] even, she's not even using spells. Oh fuck. I mean, it's not outplayable. Basically, you
[00:54:16] can walk up. He just autos you. Without boots, I can't dodge the Q. Pike Q's impossible
[00:54:23] to dodge without boots, as they just walk at you. Honestly, we probably just lose.
[00:54:31] I don't think my team understands how bad this is for them, because you're just
[00:54:34] I'm just gonna start roaming and I can't abuse the roams.
[00:54:37] I fucked up early.
[00:54:47] Because I fucked up early, it puts us really far behinds.
[00:54:50] I mean, you wanted me to R, I get it.
[00:55:42] I was trying to silence him before R-ing,
[00:55:44] but I should've starred.
[00:56:06] Dude, I should've just mute to save my mental.
[00:56:10] Cause I know I'm playing bad.
[00:56:24] Yeah, I'm just gonna mute.
[00:56:25] I mean, bad was a bad play to begin with.
[00:56:29] This is a 15.
[00:56:35] I fucked up and our team doesn't know how to play safe.
[00:56:42] Like, I messed up the lane phase and instead of just playing safe and trying to look for, like, waiting for, like, other stuff, they're just, uh, doing this, where we're just dying on repeat now.
[00:56:57] Because they wanted to keep forcing... them.
[00:57:05] I mean, it sucks. It's my bad. I messed up one thing in SnowBold.
[00:57:10] It just sucks that, like, my team is so stupid that they're just forcing fights on repeat, even though, like, we can't fight them.
[00:57:16] It's like, how do you beat a pike early game, right?
[00:57:19] You wait and you scale and you force them to make plays into you
[00:57:25] But instead of doing that my team is
[00:57:28] They're just forcing fights around the guy that has fucking that's fed
[00:57:33] It's like I can't do anything to stop that bro
[00:57:36] Like I messed up, but like you shouldn't be forcing fights around the fed player
[00:57:40] End of story. Yeah, and I don't know what that guy's doing. Yo, let's go next
[00:58:06] You guys can blame me for the game. I don't care. Just don't waste time
[00:58:09] I mean that was actually pretty big for us.
[00:58:55] I don't know if it'll matter, but it was.
[00:58:58] I will get back into the game from that 100%.
[00:59:29] The problem is, it's like you can see, it's not just me losing the game either right now.
[00:59:36] Like I had a really bad early game, but it's also like, every one of my lanes also lost,
[00:59:42] so you gotta, you know, I mean if somehow we can get like three items on everyone,
[01:00:17] We can win though, because our comp is better, but...
[01:00:20] Hmm...
[01:00:28] It's gonna be hard because, like I said, my team is just forcing fights for no reason.
[01:00:32] Yeah, I mean, the kindred's tilted.
[01:00:43] Surprisingly, the pike isn't the best player on the team.
[01:00:54] I might actually hit no this game so I can warm up.
[01:01:12] Because like I said, if I can hit like four items, their team comp can't play versus me.
[01:01:29] What's the fuck?
[01:01:33] Why is Gromp hitting me?
[01:02:00] I'm getting flanks.
[01:02:01] Yeah.
[01:02:02] Dang.
[01:02:03] That was good by him.
[01:02:08] I actually had him if I silenced him before he did that.
[01:02:12] Or if I had my passive.
[01:02:15] Now we can win.
[01:02:16] I should have just inted for the turret.
[01:02:21] If I int for turret there I get Rylai's.
[01:02:24] And if I get Rylai's I think we actually, I can kite them out.
[01:02:29] Because the big issue here is like my team is like mentally just taxed.
[01:02:41] Oh shit, my jungler is on a 7 game losing streak.
[01:02:44] Okay, I see why he's mentally taxed.
[01:02:54] He's been getting gapped all day along.
[01:03:16] Got solo ulted by the way.
[01:03:35] Oh god.
[01:03:44] I mean the enemy has no dragons.
[01:03:47] Like it sounds like hope, but it's like, uh...
[01:03:50] I actually, like I said, I think a lot of these games and masters are always, like the enemy will eventually throw.
[01:03:57] Believe it or not, people throw all the fucking time in the silo.
[01:04:00] because people don't play to close games up they play for kills and hope they
[01:04:08] didn't meet porphets so I think if you just don't forfeit you have a pretty good
[01:04:12] chance to come back this is probably the worst possible spot for my team to
[01:05:06] fight by the way oh yeah no they're just trying to lose okay the kindred's
[01:05:12] just trying to get out of the game yeah that sucks the seven street gloss he
[01:05:26] doesn't want to play oh that's well played by that guy oh that was well
[01:05:42] I'll play by that guy, too.
[01:05:44] You know, I would duke up.
[01:05:58] Honestly, for some reason, every day
[01:06:01] that I have a really bad start to the stream
[01:06:03] when it comes to wins, I always end up
[01:06:07] on a massive win streak later.
[01:06:12] I don't know why it is.
[01:06:13] It's like, you lose first game of the day,
[01:06:15] I always win my next five.
[01:06:17] But if I ever win first game of the day,
[01:06:19] I always lose three or four in a row.
[01:06:22] High key, I'm not actually sure why that is.
[01:06:52] Riven's insane. The champ's crazy strong. For being fed has nothing to do with it.
[01:07:04] I wouldn't go next. You guys got this! Wow, nice job. Poggers. Pussies.
[01:09:10] No, I mean I just messed up. That pike wasn't very good. I just fucked up
[01:11:28] and gave him an early kill like all I had to do all you have to do against Pike is
[01:11:34] when he walks at you to fight you level one you walk into your wave and you just
[01:11:38] stand in your wave and auto him and he can't he can't beat you when you won
[01:11:41] because that's all they want to do they want to just fight you for level one
[01:11:48] Pryo since you're a mage and if you just stand in your wave he can never
[01:11:52] fight you your wave will just kill him so this is my bad I just played the
[01:11:57] level one wrong because I was autopilot in first game of the day I do think
[01:12:06] It's funny that like my eight lost streak in grid decided to grief the game
[01:12:30] and our duo Q ball in it got shit on by a smolder as a Lucian.
[01:12:37] The Lucian Leona lost to a smolder with teleport.
[01:13:35] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[01:13:51] Yo, background, thank you for the 38, man.
[01:13:56] Welcome back.
[01:14:31] I might have to play AD mid this game.
[01:14:33] because we have uh yeah I'm gonna have to play 80 mid no oh god it's gonna get
[01:14:50] buffed but I don't know how big the buffs actually are pretty sure he's still
[01:14:55] trash no I'll probably play Lucian I'm pretty sure that Ziggs 80 carry Aurora
[01:15:25] top see what they pick hmm oh no it's Ziggs mid okay that's real did get
[01:16:28] nerfs, but I don't think it's a big enough nerf to matter. I don't think Riot deleted
[01:16:38] Kraken Sire for ranged champs. 80% damage from 100 isn't that bad. But it's still good.
[01:16:47] I don't think it's like unplayably bad or something. I do think the best AD carries at
[01:17:28] the moment changed a bit, but I think Ashe is still really OP. I think Ashe is still
[01:17:37] really good. I don't know how good Varus is yet because I haven't played with him or against
[01:17:44] him yet and I like played him myself so I don't actually know how good Varus is. I think
[01:18:26] MF is like the winner of this patch more than anyone and Draven. MF and Draven because
[01:18:32] their items didn't get touched. I should just chill and farm because I can beat
[01:20:49] I don't need him, wouldn't be one if I don't take folk when he finally like runs out of the lane, whatever bro.
[01:21:24] Just walks up pew, walks up pew. That's okay though. I mean I'm just playing so bad. I gotta walk in.
[01:21:45] By the way, I just want to say that Ziggs would have died level one without me flashing before the Ezreal nerfs.
[01:22:50] Just saying this guy literally just wants the spam shove the lives
[01:23:31] Not down. I
[01:24:27] Fuck at fucking down that
[01:24:30] Yeah
[01:24:37] Anybody else think junglers are the biggest plusies in the fucking world like you're intentionally fighting the Zin Zhao, right?
[01:24:44] Like you're choosing to do that
[01:24:47] As Diana right like you are griefing your own game
[01:24:56] Orfit, okay, bro
[01:24:58] I'm beyond tilted, dude.
[01:25:02] Okay, nobody else gets to play in my game because I am the main character.
[01:25:07] I am odd, you know, I'm 100 LP Masters, okay?
[01:25:12] I am a very qualified jungler.
[01:25:16] I'm just tilted.
[01:25:17] Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
[01:25:46] We're just choosing not to gank the Super Immobile Mage mid because like that's not
[01:25:51] fun.
[01:25:57] Oh, cool.
[01:25:58] I'm being pinged.
[01:26:02] What?
[01:26:31] Today might be a mute all day for the whole day, by the way.
[01:26:37] Not gonna lie.
[01:26:39] It might be one of them days.
[01:26:43] We got the pistols typing today.
[01:26:46] Wow, you're so good, bro.
[01:29:47] I mean, you just stat-checks me.
[01:29:52] Auto-attacked to death.
[01:30:06] Somehow junglers are the worst player on your team every game you play.
[01:30:10] You'd think it'd be like supports, but somehow it's always junglers.
[01:30:13] Pop is also getting really fucking railed.
[01:31:00] It's losing his tier 2 turret.
[01:31:05] Aw, why did you go bombies, bro?
[01:31:08] What does bombies do?
[01:31:10] You gotta rush MR.
[01:31:13] Now yeah, this game is definitely done, but I'm just dead.
[01:32:12] Oh, maybe not.
[01:32:13] Oh, thank God I'm alive.
[01:32:14] I mean, if we can get the shutdown on the Zin and the Ziggs, there's a chance we're gonna win,
[01:32:30] but it's gonna be hard, feels bad.
[01:33:47] He had like 10 HP, man, that's unlucky.
[01:33:55] If I kill him there, we definitely can win.
[01:34:25] I definitely think lethality varus is really bad,
[01:34:27] especially with opportunity.
[01:34:29] You don't go opportunity on range champs anymore.
[01:34:32] It's like ultra shit.
[01:34:42] But I mean, I don't think that's our biggest problem.
[01:34:44] I'm gonna be real.
[01:34:47] I don't think our problem is the opportunity varus,
[01:34:49] I think it's like every one of us got shit on I think that's our problem
[01:34:56] There's been like wice now that that ziggs has lived at one HP
[01:35:04] And if either time I'd kill them we the game's different, but I like slightly
[01:35:12] mechanically messed up both times
[01:35:15] Feels bad man. We need to try and get some turrets man
[01:35:40] Like we cannot just shove our face into them right now. We are not strong enough. Oh, she got the shut down on the ziggs
[01:36:05] It's actually kind of big.
[01:36:08] Dang it.
[01:37:10] I missed two queues that I couldn't miss there.
[01:37:12] Wait, they killed that guy though.
[01:37:13] Ooh, that's a good ult!
[01:37:21] I mean, Ziggs is crazy strong, yeah.
[01:38:32] We could try and...
[01:38:36] I don't know.
[01:38:37] We could try and do Baron soon if we get some vision.
[01:38:41] We need to try and do something.
[01:38:44] Because the next dragon is going to be like, you know, when we have to fight
[01:38:47] them.
[01:39:22] I fucked up.
[01:39:23] I mean we got to try this.
[01:39:27] We should try even though we're going to Sigsman, like we should try.
[01:39:33] It's going to suck balls, but we have to try, man.
[01:39:43] We need Skarner though, I mean, I don't think it was a throw, but whatever.
[01:39:58] Everybody needs to go bot so we can play around fucking dragon vision.
[01:40:03] This is the thing though, we were, we're so fucked now because we used our tempo
[01:40:08] on the map to try and like walk around baron now we don't have tempo to get vision for dragon
[01:40:15] so now we're just like behind and we have to face check a dragon holy shits maybe it's dare I say
[01:42:14] winnable that's really bad we didn't therapy noltey was it down we lose that's gg but
[01:43:54] But did we not Sarah-Altz?
[01:44:02] Maybe it was down.
[01:44:03] Well, we lost because we used all of our cooldowns on their worthless-ash-ass, or ash.
[01:44:22] Our Serpent didn't get her ult off, she just insta-died, and then Diana used all of her
[01:44:27] cooldowns on their AD carry with one item.
[01:44:31] Like you gotta use your- you gotta save your shit.
[01:44:33] Yeah, I mean the problem with that game was really I kind of want to go see the
[01:45:31] end I want to go see the last fight because Diana I mean I already know what
[01:45:37] happened Diana blew her load into the ash and Seraphine didn't some Seraphine
[01:45:47] didn't ulti off of the Diana engage at the end so we didn't have follow-up so
[01:45:54] when Diana went in she got stuck there and instantly died because that's
[01:46:00] That's just Diana, Diana's just a bad champion.
[01:46:04] What happened early game with Diana dying by the way?
[01:46:14] Like this was literally just Diana knowing he was here and taking the fight anyway.
[01:46:22] This was pure ego.
[01:46:23] Like look at this.
[01:46:28] She's fighting a Zin.
[01:46:35] I mean that was 100% her faults.
[01:46:37] Like you're just going to take random fights against Zin all game long, you're an idiot.
[01:46:52] I don't even think that was a bad play by our bot lane either.
[01:47:04] Man, me and that, me and that Ziggs had such, such insane 1v1s, look at this 1v1, man.
[01:47:10] Me and this Ziggs had such fucking insanely funny 1v1s, watch this.
[01:47:17] Watch this 1v1, this was actually really fun.
[01:47:20] It's so close!
[01:47:55] I mean, this guy is literally just dying to the easiest to avoid shit I've ever seen.
[01:47:59] That's two straight deaths that he died to and then here he's just going in to die again
[01:48:07] Like every one of these Diana plays with her own fault. No, Seraphine did have Ulta at the end
[01:48:23] No, Seraphine should have ulted right now
[01:48:26] Because this is the thing if Seraphine ults right now we kill Ash and Melio, right? Like if she had ulted on the
[01:48:36] If she had ulted on the backside of this fight, we kill Ash and Melio and we're able to play off of it
[01:48:42] But instead she like walked up didn't all got caught by that and died
[01:48:47] like it's just a mistake it happens, but uh
[01:48:53] She should if she altered there. I think we have that
[01:49:20] So now
[01:49:22] Why is every support play so much passive shit?
[01:49:43] Why are we playing passive ass shit guys? I don't know how good NF is into zillion, but
[01:49:59] It can't be that bad. I'm gonna take cleanse even though barriers useful
[01:50:23] Their team comp is the most cancer shit. I've ever seen they have so many fucking stuns. It's gonna hurt my balls
[01:50:31] I mean honestly, I'm not playing that good today. We got a lock in
[01:51:23] Guys, I don't think nerfing like I don't think 80 carry got nerfed that bad
[01:51:55] I think people are over exaggerating it very very hard. I mean I do think
[01:52:25] I'm gonna mute all of this game.
[01:52:29] I do think Aurora needs nerfed harder.
[01:52:39] They only nerfed her R. I think they need to nerf her entire kit, like nerf her damage
[01:52:45] on every spell by like 10%.
[01:52:50] She's way too fucking OP.
[01:53:06] We have to play pretty safe this game because then it's Azzelian.
[01:53:08] Or not Azzelian, because we have a Sona.
[01:53:13] Oh my god.
[01:53:18] They definitely have the push on us.
[01:53:24] Well, if Sona would not hit the minions, please don't hit the minions, friends.
[01:53:36] Dude, you can execute the minion with your auto.
[01:54:17] Okay, well, I was like literally not hitting the cannons so she would get a stack.
[01:54:32] I know it's the same for every minion, but like, I don't see a reason to like not
[01:54:38] take that there.
[01:54:39] Well, William might be bought, I don't know.
[01:54:51] I wanna actually trade a bit on these guys, but I'm just trying to poke them out as best I can.
[01:55:55] Just follow me, cause we need a little controversy.
[01:55:59] Indeed, without me.
[01:56:08] What? Just kill this guy.
[01:56:18] I was like, wait a second, we win that.
[01:56:22] Like, he's fighting us in our minion wave on our side of the thing.
[01:56:31] And his zilean was really far back.
[01:57:48] I was almost gonna flash to avoid that.
[01:57:51] Not even kidding.
[01:57:52] It was close. I was like, should I waste flash to not get this guy the skill?
[01:57:59] Get your Sona, get your Sona!
[01:58:10] Ooh.
[01:58:14] You know, if Hecket ran back to Sona, or if Sona had flashed in front of that W for Hecarim,
[01:58:22] that would have been legendary.
[01:58:24] Wait, what are we doing?
[01:58:28] We don't let this guy do that.
[01:58:29] No, no, no.
[01:58:30] He doesn't get the farm, Miss Sona.
[01:58:33] He's 1v2 in this lane against us.
[01:58:35] He does not get to farm.
[01:59:10] My destiny, she said, ooh, ooh, dance with me.
[01:59:58] Sona's not very good.
[02:00:00] Apparently neither's Hecarim, what did you guys just do?
[02:00:08] Wait, they literally could've just,
[02:00:56] this is gonna be a hard game because the,
[02:01:00] every one of my lanes is getting murdered right now.
[02:01:03] Like, mid-top and jungle are very bad.
[02:01:09] And I can't type.
[02:01:09] Normally when I'm in the mood I'm in right now,
[02:01:12] I would type and tell these guys the macro.
[02:01:14] Like, after we killed the Zilean, my heck room needed to just do Dragon.
[02:01:26] What the fuck am I watching, bro?
[02:01:49] I guess the enemy team wanted to just give me a thousand kills.
[02:02:47] I think that's actually worth.
[02:02:50] Zile got my shutdown.
[02:02:51] Like, high key, I think that's actually worth.
[02:03:01] As in Zile got the shutdown, we forced the Zile ults.
[02:03:07] Yeah, I think that's good.
[02:03:10] We'll lose dragon, but like we're also really far ahead bot like on in terms of plates
[02:03:18] I just need my team to help me get plates
[02:03:22] You guys really got to just come help me take this turret
[02:04:01] man
[02:04:03] Why would you guys dive instead of just take the turret? Oh, don't worry my whole team died guys
[02:04:09] League is such a weird game man
[02:04:16] Like I literally like say I ping turret 3,000 times
[02:04:19] They go on a mission to just run it the fuck down in the middle of the jungle
[02:04:26] They're just like bored. Oh, here we go another fight. I'm gonna lose my mind man
[02:05:24] Can you guys just stop fighting for five seconds?
[02:05:28] Like actually just five
[02:05:31] Like god damn it, bro
[02:05:33] Like I don't know what to do man. You guys just permanently fight and it's just always bad
[02:05:56] Like why is my sona like?
[02:06:23] guys what's my sona hugging my echrom's cock in the fucking river sit with
[02:06:33] your two item 80 carry bro I promise you'll win wait Jesus man come on like
[02:07:04] dude where is my sona why is my sona just not with me
[02:07:12] like bro I'm literally 1v9 just stand on top of me and hit R it makes no sense
[02:07:27] Once you wouldn't hit R there, bro.
[02:07:28] I don't get it, man.
[02:07:53] Why do people not want to waitin'?
[02:07:57] Guys, we almost like, very, like you can see that I'm strong.
[02:08:39] My heckin' is taking my wave.
[02:08:42] Ultium.
[02:08:43] Nice.
[02:08:46] Heal 3, our mid top, are lost as fuck.
[02:09:19] But I mean, this is just gonna be how this game has to go.
[02:09:23] Like actually though, this game is going to be hard.
[02:09:26] Do I almost want to go shield bow this game? I'm gonna try it. We get some vision
[02:10:18] please
[02:10:22] Please put a ward down. I mean they're on riff the hundred percent here. I just can't walk in
[02:10:36] Where's our Zerath at?
[02:11:01] Okay, our Zerath is whiffing every cue. Oh
[02:11:10] Or every R. Okay. Got him. Oh
[02:11:17] We shit. I think I just got cancer watching that. I think the shield bow actually saved me. Oh
[02:11:54] oh my god my god can you guys at least try it you're playing xerath go poke him on hb
[02:12:32] holy fuck guys awesome bro my favorite part of that was like how did my xerath not position
[02:14:43] at all whatever i mean bro i'm trying my best it's literally a win trade like it's actually
[02:14:58] a win trade and two duo duo people like these people are duo queue and they both have 80
[02:15:05] percent win rates so they're inflated because they're not actually that good we're just on blue
[02:15:14] side this game so the game is 10 times harder than it needs to be for me because blue side is
[02:15:21] Incredibly, incredibly bias.
[02:15:25] Like everybody is better than their counterparts except for me.
[02:15:33] Like by a mile too, not even close.
[02:15:37] I mean it is what it is man. I don't know. I'm just going to be happy.
[02:15:58] I played really well this game and I tried my best.
[02:16:02] That's all you can do. I played well and I tried my best.
[02:16:10] Like these four people did not attempt to win this game
[02:16:15] At all
[02:16:17] Why they didn't even try
[02:16:19] So I can always be happy that I am not them
[02:16:26] Like when you look in the mirror, you don't have to be that these fucking ugly
[02:16:31] Disgusting motherfuckers. I tried to heal off the minions the best I could and then hit like I was trying to proc my passive
[02:18:08] I was trying to like pass it proc pass it proc minions pass it proc, but I couldn't
[02:18:12] Like I said this game is just unwinnable. I
[02:18:17] played really well
[02:18:19] Considering these four people weren't trying from start to finish so it is what it is
[02:18:24] This is just gross man. I'm just gonna add them so I can dodge. I really don't want to play with these people
[02:19:38] People like that who don't try to win. It's not worth my time to even queue when they're in the same queue
[02:23:21] Oh, but the side of that picture the ice-free skate is getting pretty thin
[02:23:25] Board
[02:23:32] Hey, no
[02:23:35] Game on go play. Hey, no
[02:23:46] Man, I've lost three games in a row and I think one of them was my fault.
[02:23:50] Like, the very first game of the day was my bad, right?
[02:23:54] The other two were like, unwinnable.
[02:23:56] I don't know what to do, bro.
[02:24:24] If I lose again, dude, I'm gonna have to take like a...
[02:24:27] an hour break and play a TF2 or something.
[02:24:30] Cause like...
[02:24:34] Like, I'm not playing bad.
[02:24:38] And the fact that I'm losing games while not playing bad is frustrating as shit.
[02:24:51] Cause my only losses were literally...
[02:24:54] my teammates running it down.
[02:24:58] Like last game, the game before that,
[02:25:00] and then the first game was my bad, I ran it down.
[02:25:03] But I will say this,
[02:25:06] I ran it down but so did my teammates.
[02:25:09] So it was like we all ran it down.
[02:25:13] The last two games, I didn't really run it down,
[02:25:32] but the first game I did, yeah.
[02:25:34] I mean, we should win this really hard.
[02:25:39] Way is actually pretty bad for a solution.
[02:25:43] I figured out, flavor solution is really easy for Lucian,
[02:25:47] because you can just dash plays E, right?
[02:25:51] Like it's super easy to just dash the E, but I mean,
[02:26:17] I don't know, Masters is just,
[02:26:18] you have to spam games to climb through it.
[02:26:20] Unless you're playing Dooku
[02:26:21] or unless you're playing like a really OP role,
[02:26:26] you have to spam games to climb through it.
[02:26:31] It, I mean, it is one of those.
[02:26:32] Like it's always been like this.
[02:26:33] It's just, it's just really demoralizing sometimes,
[02:26:39] you know, because I mean,
[02:26:49] I could have played last game better.
[02:26:52] 100%, right? I think I got caught twice being stupid.
[02:26:56] And even though those two deaths didn't lose me to game,
[02:27:00] they were definitely not good.
[02:27:02] You know what the best part of this patch is so far?
[02:27:21] Anyone want to guess what the best part of the patch is?
[02:27:25] Anyone in Chattathal?
[02:27:27] When I hit Tab, I don't have to rearrange
[02:27:44] every single player
[02:27:48] in the scoreboard every game.
[02:27:52] Oh, that was fucking obnoxious, actually, though.
[02:28:14] I'm with you when we are part-beaty-two.
[02:28:47] I'm way too far back.
[02:28:49] Play with or without you.
[02:28:53] Feel the pain with or without you.
[02:29:01] Oh, bad cue.
[02:29:19] We need to push the sun.
[02:29:21] Fuck.
[02:29:45] He's gonna try to throw my back into you, butterflies.
[02:30:06] We should be playing like way more forward here.
[02:30:11] The longer we deny them, the better it is.
[02:30:24] Where's Brandat?
[02:30:26] Like, is he top?
[02:30:32] He could be topside, I don't know.
[02:30:43] Smolderbacks.
[02:30:46] I should honestly also back here.
[02:30:48] I'm kind of greeting.
[02:30:49] The only reason I'm greeting is because I can't really stop.
[02:30:54] I can't really, like, buy anything if I back right now, because I want to rush BT.
[02:31:02] I could go Cole.
[02:31:35] I need to get this plate, huh?
[02:31:37] Yeah.
[02:31:42] Now I want to stay one more wave because I want BF Sword.
[02:31:44] Oh my god.
[02:31:45] You're gonna help me push the wave, bro.
[02:32:48] Okay, the wave's in the now.
[02:32:51] They can't freeze it with that wave, so we're okay.
[02:32:57] They're probably gonna try and push it themselves.
[02:33:03] Yeah, cause they need to back too.
[02:33:47] Did I freeze this right?
[02:33:48] Oh, I did, I like the goal.
[02:33:51] Nice.
[02:34:39] I guess we got roamed on by Lucian.
[02:34:42] That sucks.
[02:34:51] We need to get dragon if we can, man.
[02:34:54] If Lucian's able to roam like this,
[02:34:56] we really need to get dragon.
[02:35:45] I mean, I'm just bad.
[02:35:48] Oh, my bad.
[02:35:51] We need a ward.
[02:36:11] We can win this actually.
[02:36:38] Rump, can you get off of my cock bro?
[02:36:41] Jesus
[02:36:43] Man, I don't think Nami knew that that was gonna happen. I tried pinging it, but nice. That's actually really huge
[02:37:14] God man, I we're getting so
[02:37:18] Camped and we have no help like our top is losing while like he's getting zero
[02:37:23] Damn, this is really frustrating
[02:37:30] And Nami doesn't actually do anything like vision wise
[02:37:51] wards bro get them down let's go wards you have two available let's put them
[02:37:59] down let's clear some wards let's get some wards of our own down my nami vision
[02:38:05] game baby vision game my Namo we can have a ward in here right now you have
[02:38:29] two available I don't man come I really know what to do my Nami is Nami and
[02:39:02] she's really really bad like this Nami is really really bad like she's not even
[02:39:19] attempting to put words down it's really frustrating okay dude I'm getting so sad
[02:41:06] nobody's here to follow you up moron even if you look me you see nothing
[02:41:30] happens I guess I should have pushed the bot but I guess I didn't know that
[02:42:32] ran why didn't the Nami are into our arms down I'm stupid that's not her fault
[02:43:10] that's mine because I didn't proc press the attack and I think it would have
[02:43:14] actually killed him what is happening how are we just losing all of our
[02:44:10] side lanes right now like what's going on guys what the fuck I actually don't
[02:45:42] know if we have to give this we gave up mid we're getting TP flanked about
[02:45:59] Wushin. I mean they have... okay. Dude, I don't even know how we're gonna play this. We need wards.
[02:47:12] Can you ward dragon? Push top. I need 100 gold for my item.
[02:48:32] I can sell potion, but it's not enough.
[02:48:36] This is such an awkward spot to be in. Okay, she's dead.
[02:49:11] We can stop this. We can stop this. I have R. I have R.
[02:49:14] Okay, they're not on it. That's good.
[02:49:15] Oh, I think it's winnable. I do. I think it's winnable. Let me think about it. Let me talk through how I think we have to win, though.
[02:51:29] There I'm baron. This isn't good. I want to pressure the map while they try and run for my team.
[02:52:06] Dude, the only thing I don't like about NS, like she's fun to play and she's kind of OP.
[02:52:34] Something that I really don't like about her though is that like her auto attacks, like because her attack speed changes or whatever so much.
[02:52:45] much I really hate her like auto attack speed changes like it's so fucking
[02:52:55] annoying actually cuz like I'll be autoing and then I I'll like lose my
[02:53:05] attack speed right so all like as I'm like moving and microing and shits I'll
[02:53:12] like miss I'll cancel an auto right cuz like my attack speed goes down to like
[02:53:17] below that like what my brand is used to it's really awkward honestly we need
[02:54:07] How do you go top and get this turd in?
[02:54:58] Nice job.
[02:55:27] What item do I want to get?
[02:55:28] I feel like I need Last Whisper now.
[02:55:33] Like it might just be late enough now I need Last Whisper.
[02:55:39] Brand is top, let's get full control of dragon.
[02:55:45] Push mid, we're going to get mid Pryo here
[02:55:46] and then we're going to push in
[02:55:47] and get full control of the dragon
[02:55:49] while continuing to keep mid Pryo.
[02:55:55] My goal in this fight is,
[02:56:27] all right, we end.
[02:56:48] We're going to sell D-Blade for cloak?
[02:56:50] Never, nah.
[02:56:53] It's never worth selling D-Blade for Cloak, because D-Blade's stats are way too good, like it's so cost efficient for 15% crit's not worth.
[02:57:01] Like I would only sell D-Blade if I could full finish an item, right?
[02:57:08] Like, say it's like third item, fourth item, and like it will literally be finished if I sell D-Blade and buy it.
[02:57:15] I'll do it then.
[02:57:16] But like D-Blade's so fucking good that when you sell that item, you have to be prepared to like buy a more important item.
[02:57:29] Because arguably it's the most important item in your kit for like half the game because
[02:57:34] it gives you built in lifesteal and HP.
[02:57:38] It's just so cost efficient.
[02:57:39] This is a good way to put it.
[02:57:40] It's so cost efficient.
[02:57:41] Boys, we broke the losing streak.
[02:57:55] We managed to do it.
[02:57:56] Wow, that was a very even damage spread.
[02:58:00] Holy shit.
[02:58:01] BT, it wouldn't be necessary.
[02:58:15] I mean, it's not necessary.
[02:58:17] But it's just like, it's just like the value of this like 1080, right 1080 100 health, 3.5
[02:58:34] lifesteal all for 450 is crazy.
[02:58:39] Like if I sell 1080 100 health and 3.5 lifesteal for 15 crit, that doesn't feel good.
[02:58:47] You know what I mean?
[02:58:49] Like that does not feel good.
[02:58:52] If I sell this for like a Lord Dom's, it feels fine.
[02:59:09] Yo, what's up, Barry?
[02:59:13] I'm gonna go grab a yogurt.
[02:59:15] I'll be our B, guys.
[02:59:21] I'm gonna get a yogurt.
[03:00:21] How come every time I get up to go do something,
[03:00:25] the queue doesn't pop or the queue pops instantly?
[03:00:29] But when I'm sitting in my chair,
[03:00:30] he's standing here for five to seven minutes,
[03:00:34] doing nothing, it just sits in queue.
[03:00:44] Wait, they put in the new queue decline thing.
[03:00:49] Wait, if I walk to the kitchen right now,
[03:00:51] don't I, and I miss my queue?
[03:00:54] Doesn't it just lock me out now?
[03:01:03] No, I'm kind of scared.
[03:01:09] I'm kind of scared to go to the kitchen real quick.
[03:01:11] I left my water in the kitchen, I wanna go get it.
[03:01:17] Welcome to the League of Dream.
[03:01:19] You're very, thank you for the six months, welcome back.
[03:01:22] Yeah, they added something this game,
[03:01:24] or okay, they added something in this patch,
[03:01:26] where it gets harder to stream snipe people.
[03:01:29] So there's a really big issue in high elo
[03:01:31] of people getting stream sniped,
[03:01:32] like a really, really big issue.
[03:01:34] It's been happening, and I mean, you can do it in any game.
[03:01:36] Any game with a mashing system
[03:01:37] where you're watching a streamer queue up,
[03:01:39] if you're in the highest elos,
[03:01:41] it's really easy because there's not that many players,
[03:01:43] right?
[03:01:43] And not all the players in those elos
[03:01:45] are always queuing, et cetera.
[03:01:46] So it's super easy to queue snipe people
[03:01:49] if you want to, if you're in their MMR range
[03:01:51] when they're playing.
[03:01:52] And a lot of people will queue snipe streamers
[03:01:54] like grief or intertroll or RIT, you know, not only that, but like there's a lot of
[03:01:59] win trades that happen where people have to like queue up at the same time and decline
[03:02:02] and then all that shit. So what ends up happening? What they did is they made it so that you
[03:02:07] can only decline a Q-pop twice before you get locked out now. So if you don't accept
[03:02:14] it on the first queue, like I just went to the bathroom, right? And I missed my queue.
[03:02:19] So now if I miss again, it'll lock me out instead of like it used to take four
[03:02:23] Q's to lock you out now it takes two so they have it so people can't sit here and Q snipe
[03:02:29] or win trade or like they don't want people to be able to easily get into each other's games without
[03:02:33] like punishment. I don't have a P-Jug. Yeah I'm not a real gamer I don't have a P-Jug.
[03:02:47] I'm sorry I've let you guys down all in proof I apologize I'm sorry guys okay really
[03:03:20] Thank you. Please man. Please. Okay, beer beat. Okay, I'm back, I'm back, I'm back, I'm back.
[03:04:15] What have we been? Draven. Yo, real talk though, MF feels pretty good.
[03:04:28] Especially after the nerfs out the other ADs, MF feels decent.
[03:04:52] My bad. Yeah, yeah, you can trade me. All right, what are we doing, boys?
[03:05:01] MF into Ash doesn't feel super bad, but it also doesn't feel super good.
[03:05:05] I'm gonna do it. I
[03:05:09] Don't hate it because ashes typically like a poke champ and
[03:05:18] It's not well, it's not poke champ all in but she's like a really good wing bully champ that can like kind of
[03:05:23] Fuck with you a lot, you know, you know anybody been playing the new TFT
[03:05:35] What do you guys think I?
[03:05:37] Actually think it's a lot of fun the new TFT is really fun. I
[03:05:50] Think they did a good job so far. We had the game on insult for a year
[03:06:07] Oh, you're missing out on Swarm, TFT, bro.
[03:06:12] You're missing out on some actual fun things.
[03:06:14] You don't have to play League.
[03:06:17] Swarm's actually really fun for a little bit.
[03:06:21] I wouldn't say it's fun permanently,
[03:06:27] but it's fun for a little bit.
[03:06:36] Like it was definitely like,
[03:06:37] I probably put like 12 hours total into Swarm.
[03:06:40] It's fun.
[03:06:51] Yo, what's up, Jason?
[03:06:53] I think I have to take cleanse.
[03:06:58] Look at that comp.
[03:07:00] The problem with their comp is, I can dodge everything, right?
[03:07:03] You can technically dodge everything in their comp.
[03:07:06] The problem is, is if you get tagged by a single thing,
[03:07:09] it's like a snowball effect of death.
[03:07:14] You get hit by a Brom Q, now you're getting Lux Q'd,
[03:07:17] now you're getting fuckin' Shen ulted or Shen taunted.
[03:07:20] You get hit by an Ash arrow, you're getting hit by a Brom,
[03:07:22] you're getting hit by Lux.
[03:07:24] You get hit by Lux, you get hit by Brom and Ash,
[03:07:26] you get hit by Shen, you're getting hit by these two, like,
[03:07:28] There's like, undodgeable shit after you get hit by the first deton.
[03:07:40] The only shitty part is, uh, I have cleanse into barrier ignite, so it's gonna be kinda
[03:07:49] hard to win lane.
[03:07:50] Like, we're gonna have to go even in lane probably, unless Ashe walks into like, five
[03:07:59] queues.
[03:08:00] Like, unless this Ashe walks into a ton of my queues or something, right, and I just
[03:08:08] get free fucking damage.
[03:08:21] Don't leave this bush, he says.
[03:08:23] okay don't do it oh my fuck you yeah I'm not gonna use flash there what is
[03:09:20] even happening right now man I okay sweet dude the only shitty part about
[03:09:34] playing in math is I want to rush blood fester right but like what do I buy with
[03:09:39] 700 gold like what do I get here if I get cool I don't have enough gold for
[03:09:48] longsword. If I get longsword I don't have gold for
[03:09:52] coal or anything else. I can't buy boots.
[03:10:00] Ah, it's crazy. I mean this is kind of crazy because I'm really strong.
[03:10:27] It's kind of crazy of them to actually fight that.
[03:10:56] Wrong hockey. It wasn't level 3!
[03:11:22] Wait for me to give level 3 flash.
[03:11:29] And we kill.
[03:11:34] Hey, Zilean! He had barrier! I have cleanse! You need to understand the power dynamic here.
[03:11:51] I was- if I was 3, we double kill that, but I was level 2. They were level 3. You need to
[03:11:58] understand levels, understand the power dynamic. You absolute fucking monkey!
[03:12:04] But the water mop if you flash we show we don't get baited
[03:12:11] Yeah, listen, there's a reason that you have not climbed in ten years
[03:12:16] Just don't overthink it zillion. Okay, like you're not him. Come on, bro
[03:12:24] Like you just threw our entire lead we have because you got you had ego
[03:12:29] Like it's so pain
[03:12:31] We need the ward men.
[03:13:13] They're all gonna do it.
[03:13:19] I don't know if my zilean is autofilled, but he's not playing like he's caring at all about anything.
[03:13:28] So I have to do it.
[03:14:21] I'm the real shady, oh you other Slim Shadys are just imitating, so won't the real Slim Shady please stand up?
[03:14:27] Please stand up. Please stand up.
[03:14:29] Well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too.
[03:14:38] Let alone Stan me.
[03:14:40] Wouldn't it be weird?
[03:14:42] Like get me here
[03:14:44] That's a brand new spears Christina. I get better on credit against the chairs
[03:14:49] Why are we fighting so much
[03:14:52] What got our Zach is oh and for me like
[03:14:57] What you guys don't have to fight I don't even know what to say about this
[03:15:08] There's gonna be a weird game again
[03:16:16] like I
[03:16:19] Our team is really allergic to not dying
[03:16:22] This guy's 0 and 5 mid as Zack. He's just not farming. Oh, he's a support Zack player trying to play Zack mid.
[03:16:38] Oh no guys. Damn, that was good. I should have flashed sooner. That was a well-planned.
[03:17:41] Like when he W flashed on me, I should have flashed immediately.
[03:17:46] At my show, I have cancer
[03:18:10] Plaguing in a zero
[03:18:13] Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na-
[03:18:27] Cancer
[03:18:30] Na na cancer
[03:18:32] ading
[03:18:45] Killed me
[03:18:47] Please do
[03:18:48] Nanana nanana nanana nanana
[03:19:17] That wasn't too bad.
[03:19:47] Turn the lights off. Kill me now. Ow.
[03:19:50] Dude I forgot, murder treads are so fucking expensive now.
[03:19:57] I think my favorite part of this game so far has been that my jungler has no KP.
[03:20:19] Somehow. I mean I was gonna try.
[03:21:05] I feel like at this point I get it, cuz we have to try to do something, right?
[03:21:11] So I kind of understand why they're doing that, like forcing so hard.
[03:21:19] Zack's not boosted, he's just a support man.
[03:21:23] Like support man's don't know how good the game is played.
[03:21:30] But it's not really his faults.
[03:21:33] I mean it is, but it isn't, because it's like he's auto-called mid, and he picked his one trick.
[03:21:38] He's a one trick Zack support, so he picked his one trick mid.
[03:21:44] The problem is, it's like, honestly the bigger problem is Zed.
[03:21:47] just afk forming the whole game and not being ahead I think that's a bigger
[03:22:01] problem I mean I think it's a 15 I'm down to try to win a lot of games but I
[03:22:24] don't think this one's winnable man Arzad and Arzak have made this game
[03:22:30] almost unplayable like this is crazy this is rough no I mean I don't think
[03:23:04] Zill's been playing bad I think at the very very very start Zillian fucked
[03:23:09] up at the very start of the game when he forced a fight that didn't need to be forced but outside
[03:23:14] of that I don't think he's actually playing bad. Like it's this game is not his fault at all.
[03:23:20] So literally just like we threw a thousand kills at them on repeat
[03:23:25] in mid jungle. Like it's it's just not playable. Maybe I get hubris
[03:23:59] And we just pray they throw the game. I feel like I'm just gonna get here breast
[03:24:10] And we're gonna pray to God that they just throw the game at us and I get a bunch of kills
[03:24:16] That's what we're gonna do
[03:24:18] Cuz honestly
[03:24:20] Like at this point
[03:24:22] We got a we got a Hail Mary some shit, you know
[03:24:26] Like my team is not forfeiting and the game is not looking good
[03:24:29] So we gotta hail marry something. I got fucking r flashed
[03:26:02] He didn't even do it the pro way he fucking flashed the kick like a pussy
[03:26:09] Real men war jump the kick old man flash the kick
[03:26:17] I would know because I'm old. I mean there's no way they play for this, right?
[03:26:38] Shen has our
[03:26:40] Hold on the team's cooking
[03:27:07] Yeah, I'm gonna be real there's absolutely no point in me flashing that because if I waste my flash there
[03:27:45] I'm just gonna get shit on later
[03:27:48] The misplay was like walking into this area against the fed Lee
[03:27:54] When we did that vision
[03:27:56] Dude, I swear
[03:28:01] Every game is just jungle fighting on repeat masters has turned into junglers just perma fight each other and if
[03:28:12] if they get behind, they lose the game for their team.
[03:28:17] That's what this feels like anyway.
[03:28:19] It feels like jungle death every game
[03:28:20] because all they do is fight each other in the jungle
[03:28:23] instead of like playing consistency.
[03:29:03] That was a good blue trinket.
[03:29:10] I mean, I don't know.
[03:29:18] It definitely feels bad
[03:29:22] because jungle is the best role in the game
[03:29:25] but it's the most volatile role in the game
[03:29:27] because it's the best role.
[03:29:29] So if they decide they just wanna like fight for fun
[03:29:33] and you get pulled into it as the jungler or as the laners,
[03:29:36] basically if the enemy like has a good,
[03:29:42] like early scourge comp and you just lose.
[03:29:47] Like Zach, Zach is doing fine,
[03:29:48] but he died so much early that I like put,
[03:29:51] it put it, it made it so hard to play for everyone else.
[03:29:56] And then Braum is just such a good pick.
[03:30:14] Oh my God.
[03:30:18] Okay, not bad.
[03:30:30] Okay!
[03:30:35] Yeah, well, like I said, Braum is such a good pick into this elo.
[03:30:39] Leona too.
[03:30:40] I think Leona, Braum, or OP, not because people...
[03:30:43] Not because the champs are just broken by nature.
[03:30:45] I think it's that it's good in this elo.
[03:30:48] Straight up.
[03:30:56] Because there's so much fighting and both those champs are really good at mitigating
[03:31:00] fights early.
[03:31:01] You're right, I haven't needed...
[03:31:47] That's not good.
[03:31:54] I am going to push spot because I can't go to that fight.
[03:31:57] There's absolutely no way I can use that fight, so...
[03:32:31] Dang, I actually almost fucking killed him.
[03:32:34] If I juke that, I 100% kill that guy.
[03:32:38] It's too hard though, cause it's like,
[03:32:42] she can throw one spell here, has the blue trinket,
[03:32:44] and then I have to like weave
[03:32:45] without being able to see her, and she can see me.
[03:33:15] Fuck it.
[03:33:17] We gotta go maximum damage, I need IE.
[03:33:21] Our only way to win this is to get lucky
[03:33:25] that like they throw a team fight at us randomly,
[03:33:28] And we just killed them all with like a really lucky Wombo combo.
[03:33:35] So I just need maximum DPS for that.
[03:34:03] I mean, I can't even flash.
[03:34:05] Maybe?
[03:34:09] Dang.
[03:34:18] Dang, if we had Zac there, that was a free fucking fight.
[03:34:33] Dude, you gotta stop splitting, Mr. Zac, and just come group, dude.
[03:34:36] Like, we actually win that in a few groups.
[03:34:39] Like, you can't macro in a game like this.
[03:34:41] Like, if you-
[03:34:42] If you died this much and fucked the game over early,
[03:34:45] you gotta just group up and faceroll your way.
[03:34:48] You can't say, oh, time to macro half way, like 27 minutes into the game.
[03:34:53] That's not how it works, bro.
[03:35:01] Like, high key if Zac was there, my teammate system.
[03:35:11] Like, what are we doing, man?
[03:35:13] Oh, he's gonna die.
[03:35:27] Maybe we can make a pick.
[03:36:04] They can't do Baron, so that's good.
[03:36:07] Actually, they probably could, but I don't think that will.
[03:37:04] This is crazy.
[03:37:09] Oh, I guess, probably dead.
[03:37:14] It's still Tweetle B and Tweetle Dip shit.
[03:37:17] Those two are just so in to throw in the game for fun.
[03:37:21] Tweedledee and Tweedledum, they are just so in to throw in the games for fun right now.
[03:37:37] I mean, we should just give Drake. It doesn't make sense to fight that.
[03:38:13] You always give Drake there.
[03:38:18] Like, that, like, can't get Drake is worthless.
[03:38:21] Or, like, the soul is not as good as the other souls, so you just give it and you wait to, like, fight them in a better spot.
[03:38:28] D, we actually might have been able to win this fight.
[03:38:54] I'm not even kidding, we might have actually been able to win that fight.
[03:38:58] If uh, if me and Allawi were alive, but instead, Allawi ran it down to try and make a play
[03:39:04] to stop Dragon, but the Dragon doesn't matter as much as ending the game.
[03:39:08] It's just a low evil thing, the Allawi's the diamond.
[03:39:11] She's like master's zero LP, so she's basically a diamond player.
[03:39:17] Man, every game today is like this.
[03:39:22] Dang. Didn't want to win.
[03:39:26] I gotta dodge them. I'm gonna add to dodge.
[03:40:33] God damn, every game today has been so rough.
[03:40:40] What are we supposed to do in games like that?
[03:40:56] You can try if you want.
[03:41:02] You aren't a League of Legends batman.
[03:41:24] No.
[03:41:25] Vanguard.
[03:41:27] Hardware band's here.
[03:41:29] Because you admitted.
[03:41:51] I mean, go look at me.
[03:42:04] That's not my address.
[03:42:09] Go look though.
[03:42:13] You're a random kid on the Internet.
[03:42:20] Don't get a big head.
[03:42:35] Tell me, what's my name?
[03:42:37] Tell me.
[03:42:45] Yeah, go.
[03:42:47] What's my name?
[03:43:00] Bro, my name is literally my Twitter.
[03:43:13] Bro, bro, you can if you can't figure out that this is me.
[03:43:20] Come on.
[03:43:21] My name is literally my Twitter.
[03:43:27] All you have to do is fucking go to my, figure out that I'm a Twitch streamer.
[03:43:35] Go to my Twitter and it literally says my name.
[03:43:38] Call me.
[03:43:46] This is boring me.
[03:43:48] Oh yeah.
[03:43:51] You have 30 seconds.
[03:43:59] Mr. Hacker Man.
[03:44:02] I'm waiting.
[03:44:13] I swear to god bro, I swear to god
[03:44:22] That is so fucking funny dude. I ain't gonna lie though. This is so incredibly boring of a day of solo queue
[03:44:51] We've been getting railed
[03:44:55] All day, and I've been playing well all day
[03:44:59] Like like actually just unwinnable games
[03:45:04] This is wild
[03:45:07] Every game today has been mid jungle diff
[03:45:09] Like every single one
[03:45:45] Man like I almost want to just play a tft really quick because of how fucking boring it is
[03:45:53] Playing I'm gonna play one tft
[03:45:56] I'm gonna do it man. I'm telling you right now
[03:45:58] I'm not having fun playing league and I don't want to into all my LP away because I'm tilted
[03:46:03] So I'm gonna take a small break play one tft have fun
[03:46:06] Get my dopamine level up from a tft game and then go back to the depression that is League of Legends
[03:46:11] because because I mean this is my match yesterday man we're literally just
[03:46:19] losing every game and it sucks because like this is probably the only game I
[03:46:23] think I played bad I mean I played bad in this game but not I wasn't the
[03:46:27] reason we lose it's more like this game I played bad this game I played bad but
[03:46:39] like we still lose because people are trolling this game I played good this
[03:46:43] guy drops 14 deaths this guy is first timeings there this game we
[03:46:47] we actually ended up winning.
[03:46:54] Like we were all losing early,
[03:46:55] everybody kept mental and we ended up winning the game.
[03:47:03] It was actually really good.
[03:47:06] And then obviously this game was just unplayable.
[03:47:16] Dude, I'm telling you man,
[03:47:18] Low Masters is, oh God.
[03:47:21] Low Masters is literally just you have to spam games
[03:47:23] and keep good mental.
[03:47:25] And it's so annoying.
[03:47:39] Look at this guy.
[03:47:43] I'm not with my jungles in mid today.
[03:47:44] Are you guys okay?
[03:47:47] I'm telling you I need to give him a hug man.
[03:47:53] Dude, my jungler is- Oh my god!
[03:48:06] These people need hugs!
[03:48:18] Happy with myself though, because I'm not actually upset.
[03:48:23] Or like, I'm not tilted to the point of being an asshole.
[03:48:26] Like I'm still in a good mood.
[03:48:28] So I'm happy with myself.
[03:48:33] Like I'm proud.
[03:48:36] I can feel the reformation occurring.
[03:48:44] I can feel it occurring in my balls.
[03:49:03] Just the way you are.
[03:49:07] Like it just the way you were
[03:49:13] Don't actually know I don't I don't know any early game comp stuff
[03:49:27] That's not true. I know how to like make three unit comps. Do I sell the zillion and just buy two warwick's
[03:50:29] Wait, is blaster crest good?
[03:50:31] There's no way it's bad
[03:51:06] okay
[03:51:07] What can I do to get to?
[03:51:11] How do I get I'm assuming I play like smolder? I mean I'm proud of you
[03:52:42] I'm proud of you for no longer playing league
[03:52:44] Good work, buddy. You're smurfing
[03:52:52] Smurfing IRL
[03:52:54] Okay, really though. How do I play this? I want to make econ like what is my comp look like?
[03:53:36] What are all the blasters?
[03:53:38] Okay, so it's Tristana
[03:53:54] Wait, do I win this?
[03:54:00] No, I won holy shit
[03:54:05] I think should I get the level 2 Tristana? I almost want to get level 2 Trist here so that I can
[03:54:27] Snowball I'm gonna do it. Okay. Hold on. What are the blasters?
[03:54:37] rumble
[03:54:44] as
[03:54:47] way
[03:54:48] Baris Mulder, I'm gonna assume I probably just go some sort of comp with like
[03:55:27] Varus, I think it's actually worth the like roll here, but I need to keep Econ, but it might be worth the actually roll
[03:56:14] Because I have some pairs
[03:56:18] Or you level up and then put in
[03:56:22] Like fight roll once and like find new new or something. I'm not gonna live though Tristana kind of slaps
[03:56:42] Holy shit
[03:56:51] Tristana, dude should I just reroll fucking
[03:57:32] Tristana? Oh my god. Okay maybe I should just re-roll Trist. I already have six. Seven.
[03:57:49] I mean it's gotta happen now. Oh my god. This is kind of an insane opener. But I think
[03:58:43] I'm still gonna lose though. Okay this guy might actually be stronger than me. Holy
[03:58:55] shit he is. Kind of suck. Cause I can't slam any of them right now. Dude I actually
[04:00:07] don't know I don't have any idea what to do with my comp right now because like I
[04:00:13] feel like we have to ferry at this point because we have almost fucking Trist
[04:00:21] three holy fuck we almost natural the Trist three on three three okay what the
[04:01:11] fuck is happening is three star max yeah this is like very very very rare like
[04:01:22] Like I got extremely lucky, like I'm very strong.
[04:01:51] I think I need a rageblade, but there's no rods, what the fuck am I supposed to do with
[04:02:09] no rods man?
[04:02:48] I think I need, okay I think what we do is we go eight, I think Trist two can get us
[04:02:54] to eight, or Trist three can get us to eight.
[04:02:58] We put in Varus, we put in four blaster and then we go nine, right?
[04:03:06] We go 9 after 4 Blaster, and then we go 6 Blaster at 9 with Smulder.
[04:03:18] Oh my god, he's so strong.
[04:03:42] I kinda wanna drop 4 Bastion and put in Vanguard.
[04:03:58] You know what I should've done?
[04:03:59] I should sell the Poppy by the Hecarim, cause Poppy's kinda dog shit.
[04:04:08] No, you can still see Tristana.
[04:04:13] Actually, I had no I can'ts.
[04:04:16] Yeah, I can't buy any more Trists.
[04:04:19] I don't know why I said I could.
[04:04:22] Oh man, this guy's stronger than even me.
[04:04:27] Actually I think I'm stronger than that guy if I had front line.
[04:04:31] Cause that guy's front line is, if I had shred
[04:04:35] and front line, I am stronger.
[04:04:46] Okay, not bad.
[04:04:51] Oh no, I need that guy in for,
[04:04:54] oh no, that's just the blaster spots.
[04:05:58] So we have four Bastion, four Blaster.
[04:06:13] But I don't think I can actually out DPS
[04:06:15] this guy's front line yet.
[04:06:18] I'm gonna be honest even with this gigatrists cuz I have no defensives
[04:06:34] Dude, I really uh
[04:06:50] Want to go reinforcements here, but I don't have a battle log. You know what fuck it
[04:07:37] Okay, what the fuck is happening here?
[04:07:40] Hold on. What is my comp? I
[04:07:54] Barely beat that guy with a level 2 nasus
[04:07:57] Dude, is 4 Bastion even good?
[04:08:04] I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I'm very, very, very dizzy and very confused right
[04:08:50] now.
[04:09:00] Oh shit, that guy has a fucking- that guy has a level 3- or level 2 Varus.
[04:09:20] I need Shred.
[04:09:21] I can have a level 2 Morgue right now, but I don't think it does anything.
[04:10:26] Wow, he actually beat me?
[04:12:16] Should I be not using Nassus and using- I'm trying so hard to figure out what
[04:12:27] the fuck I should be doing right now.
[04:12:38] I have no fucking clue, man.
[04:12:55] Because I don't know if I actually should even be playing these two.
[04:12:59] I feel like I can play Tom because Rumble's in the comp.
[04:13:02] But I don't know if I should even be playing...
[04:13:12] I have no way of sustaining whatever is happening here.
[04:13:44] I feel like I have to go 9 to like actually win the lobby.
[04:14:05] What's my... What's my comp at 9 look like though?
[04:14:07] We put in Smulder?
[04:14:18] Like Diana maybe?
[04:14:24] You can take out Rumble for Smulder, take out Tom, put in Diana...
[04:14:28] Shen
[04:14:30] You can put in Diana Shen. I think that would be good
[04:14:48] we can take out
[04:14:52] rumble and
[04:14:53] Tom put in Diana Shen
[04:14:57] And then we can add a
[04:15:00] Smolder I just need a really good frontline
[04:15:41] Well that guy's front lines crazy. Oh, he's six frost. Oh, he's spawning guys
[04:16:08] What are you sir good tanks? I don't know yet. The set just came out today
[04:16:13] I have no idea.
[04:16:14] Do I even have to run Six Blaster?
[04:17:27] Probably not.
[04:17:28] Because the problem is my front line is falling over.
[04:17:34] Which is probably just Six Blaster not being good enough.
[04:18:24] I might be just dead, I think.
[04:18:28] I needed Smolder.
[04:18:31] Or I think I needed to take out Six Blaster for now.
[04:18:36] I maybe put it in later.
[04:18:38] Maybe I'm okay.
[04:18:39] I don't know.
[04:18:40] this OP. Okay. Ooh interesting, interesting. Come on Smulder. I think I'm fucked. Maybe?
[04:20:20] Oh my god, this lobby. Oh! Now I don't actually know if I should give him items or not. I
[04:21:09] think I've lost. This guy is so crazy strong. I got fourth. Man. What even beat me? What
[04:21:31] was that? Oh, he's got a little too cameo. Oh, how good.
[04:22:09] Let's put it. Don't worry, guys, the client is really well done.
[04:22:33] Riot is doing a wonderful job with the clients. I'd go into
[04:22:42] Taskman here to close the fucking client. That's crazy,
[04:22:46] Riot. Like, really? Oh, baby. I'm thinking I should just
[04:27:34] start abusing Draven when he's open. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[04:28:26] Alright, let's see. What do I want to play?
[04:28:48] Tall, you support. Or do these swap?
[04:29:18] Uh, you might have swaps.
[04:29:27] Hmm. All good. I'll be right...
[04:29:30] I'm gonna try Bork Rush.
[04:29:32] Good. And Spracken got a little nerfed.
[04:29:34] Oh!
[04:31:01] Alright lads.
[04:31:03] Let's fucking get him!
[04:31:27] You better dance!
[04:31:29] Dude I'm gonna be a little bit late to lane.
[04:31:37] I hope they're not in there. Oh, thank god. I guess you could still go static ship rush
[04:31:49] But I think work is probably just better
[04:32:00] Works like the most expensive, but it's also
[04:32:04] Easily the best damage output now
[04:32:07] Because I crack and sir is not bad, but it's gotten a little nerfed. I don't like this because
[04:32:21] It's like people don't leash anymore, but if they did leash
[04:32:25] Lee Sin could come.
[04:32:27] There is W's up.
[04:32:42] I said we walk forward here.
[04:33:05] Damn I could have killed that guy too if I didn't
[04:33:07] space back to here probably.
[04:33:20] I think I'm over staying.
[04:33:25] Oh got it.
[04:33:38] Wait we win this though.
[04:33:40] I would say there's no way they actually win that.
[04:33:45] So if this guy face checks
[04:33:48] we just kill him.
[04:34:03] Dude if I
[04:34:05] didn't put two points in
[04:34:07] or if I didn't put a point in Q
[04:34:09] That's my badden.
[04:34:12] Like, high-key if I didn't put a point in Q there and I put two in W, he dies with the ballie.
[04:34:18] Damn, I auto-paradact!
[04:34:20] I'm trash.
[04:34:23] I'm so bad.
[04:35:04] Yeah, I see what you're trying to do, but I don't think this is a good play.
[04:35:34] I'm a little scared.
[04:35:37] Uh, because we don't know exactly where he is right now.
[04:35:44] And I don't have a good ward down.
[04:35:45] I do think we're fine, but like if we ganked, I think we're okay.
[04:35:48] Lee Sin is definitely here somewhere. I promise he is here somewhere or
[04:36:09] they're mid laner or something. Like why would they do this you know? Like they
[04:36:13] know they lose 2v2. He could be bush ganking. I don't know this is awkward
[04:36:20] man. Okay Lee's top. Okay we're chillin. We can go get dragon. I kind of want to back.
[04:37:02] Honestly I'd really like to back here but like normally I think back timer
[04:37:10] is 10 times more important than this. Yeah, I think only the karma should be helping him,
[04:37:15] but I don't want to make my jungler angry in this elo. We can kill this guy. Oh yeah,
[04:37:33] he knows he's dead. Okay. Push this wave. I don't really need the back. We can actually
[04:38:32] just leave these minions here. It's fine. As long as the melee is die, you can leave
[04:38:42] the casters. Naisu! Oh buddy! Oh shit, nice job Zed. My man's beast. Beast mode! Nice
[04:39:04] job homie. Look at bot. I'm gonna look for a fight almost immediately when we get bot.
[04:39:12] We are very very strong. I don't want to throw my arrow there. I probably could have,
[04:39:19] I don't think he would have dodged it but he's definitely like looking and expecting
[04:39:24] So we just probably we chill I kind of want to slow push this I do have hot shot
[04:39:51] I didn't get the plate. I'm assuming I go
[04:41:27] Probably just the same thing as before we go like
[04:41:30] Phantom dancer
[04:41:31] Sorry, PD or hurricane and then yeah, we just go about and easy peasy
[04:41:37] Oh
[04:41:39] Oh
[04:41:41] The teleports! I'm pretty sure I just won B2 these guys.
[04:41:54] What the fuck is happening up here?
[04:42:57] They have some mana.
[04:43:49] I am home.
[04:44:09] I don't want to go back and get my PD, but...
[04:44:12] 160 golds.
[04:44:14] I mean, I'm greeting so fucking hard.
[04:44:17] I should not be sitting under the fucking gold.
[04:44:19] But I'll be honest, I am gay to fucking greet.
[04:44:22] What is going on? Oh shit, okay.
[04:44:53] Ta-da-da-da-da-da!
[04:46:01] Yo, ergot, let's fight!
[04:46:58] That was well played.
[04:47:00] God, I did not think he was fully valid, that's my bad.
[04:47:12] Dude just stuck it in me and I felt every inch.
[04:47:30] Dude, he's shitting on us!
[04:47:34] That weebill does some damage.
[04:47:36] I don't think that was even worth my flash.
[04:48:16] I think we just get ref there.
[04:48:33] Uh, I'll go get it after this.
[04:49:04] Ooh, this is really awkward.
[04:49:07] Guys?
[04:49:35] Jesus!
[04:49:37] Running at me, maybe I should have just chased the leesin down.
[04:49:44] I kind of bitched out, I'm not gonna lie, that was my bad.
[04:50:03] Pretty sure we could just do Baron on spawn.
[04:50:05] Even with our Rengar being so weak, we just basically, I'm almost positive, Rengar, go
[04:50:12] here.
[04:50:16] I've never seen this Rengar and Bush guy ever perform, like genuinely I've never
[04:50:22] seen this guy once perform.
[04:50:24] He gets gapped every time I've ever seen him play the game.
[04:50:31] So, but he's obviously like in this elo, right?
[04:50:34] So like it's kind of crazy.
[04:50:37] I must just be really unlucky
[04:50:38] or we have like really bad play styles.
[04:50:41] Like combinations.
[04:50:54] He's just gonna ult bro.
[04:51:41] Oh, we can win this easy.
[04:52:33] The fuck, wait, where did our other teammate go?
[04:52:38] Didn't we have a Zed?
[04:52:41] My bad.
[04:52:42] Maybe I threw.
[04:52:43] Where was Zed?
[04:52:58] My bad.
[04:53:01] I didn't see Zed die up here.
[04:53:03] He must have just died the Baron. I don't know what else it would have been
[04:53:08] Start up. That's just my bad. I want to get Baron off the map so fucking badly right now though
[04:53:21] Is there got OP?
[04:54:04] Quadra kill
[04:54:06] Yo, come give me my pentalee if you have the balls
[04:54:21] Pussy worst players you ever seen
[04:54:40] Excuse me. We are in
[04:54:42] 200 LP master elo
[04:54:44] How dare you?
[04:55:10] Nobody plays there got a what's up, man?
[04:55:13] Yeah, I don't know if we're gots like I don't think he's bad
[04:55:18] Like he's not OP. He's not yes dear, but he's like he's not bad
[04:55:22] Yo, we are about to run these people over
[04:55:37] Or I'm about to take my entire HP bar
[04:56:05] Dude, what the fuck don't forfeit you apes
[04:56:10] Okay, deaf and time
[04:56:12] My team is forcing really dumb shit, and I'm falling for it because I want to fight because it's fun.
[04:56:20] The problem is, is the people who want to fight are the worst players on the team.
[04:56:25] Like the Rengar and the Taliyah are the ones spamping the fight, but they're really, really, really bad.
[04:56:33] So if you ever go down three levels in the jungle, you fucked something real bad.
[04:56:39] We got to lock in. I don't want to lose this game.
[04:56:46] They have a much better jungler thus our top laner is very very very fed
[04:56:54] But they have a very very fed jungler. I
[04:56:59] Don't know why karma walked up there
[04:57:03] I think last item is a hundred percent gonna be a GA
[04:57:06] Why are you guys just dying to this guy?
[04:57:16] Wait his old was back up. He just youth. Oh, he has
[04:57:20] axiom
[04:57:25] Okay, I fucked up. I didn't notice yet axiom my bad. He styled on me man. Okay guys all we got to do to win this group
[04:57:32] Listen, they have a better jungler than us. He's not a bad player. We need to disgroup up and play around
[04:57:38] Play around our four item ad carry
[04:57:41] So all we got to do lads. That's it play around the old adc
[04:57:54] The only good news is Lee Sin can't really get stronger. He's at his peak strength
[04:58:10] So and he can still die in one second
[04:58:12] Cause he has CDR boots right, so he's going like max spells.
[04:58:18] If Taliyah throws down her W, he'll still die in like 2 seconds.
[04:58:22] Dude, none of you guys can split vs this guy.
[04:58:34] We need to just group.
[04:58:35] Like they're just trying to make a pick on us when we push mid here.
[04:58:55] Like literally, that's all they're trying to do.
[04:58:58] Like we're, they're trying to kill us when we siege mid.
[04:59:03] If we just 5-man, we win the game.
[04:59:28] We can wait for Baron.
[04:59:35] Okay.
[04:59:39] Nobody come mid when I ping it 3,000 times because the two retards can't be they can't be bothered to come mid
[04:59:47] God man come on. I wish I could type
[05:00:07] Literally all I need the all I need them to do is just stand mid. That's it. That's all they have to do
[05:00:12] I ping mid they come in we just stand as a group and nobody ever dies
[05:00:16] That's literally all they have to do is just stand mid guys
[05:00:19] But for some reason they don't want to play with me
[05:00:25] or Rengar does. Dude, oh my god guys just group. Just push! Push! Lanez! Guys, you can't
[05:02:12] end. Just go get Baron. Aww, why is it the two dipshits? Why are the two morons the
[05:02:20] ones who are alive that should have been started 35 40 seconds ago man you can't
[05:02:36] do it now I whatever I'm down to lose that guy kills me in one cue every time
[05:03:07] and I'm just so I'm just tilting so I can't play it's on me I'll take the L
[05:03:12] like I'm too tilted it's on me I'm bad like I know we can win the game if we
[05:03:19] 5v5 one time and everybody stands with me because I can kill him in two
[05:03:23] seconds and he's only going for me. He has no boots. But the problem is that these four
[05:03:27] people don't think that the AD carry is an important factor to the game. Like none of
[05:03:33] them give a shit about me as the AD. They just want to do their own thing, play their
[05:03:36] own game and never play with their AD once. And it's so frustrating, man. Like what
[05:03:43] are we doing? What? You kill him for fuck's sake? Thank you. I got one shot. I played
[05:04:33] one fight for fun and we lose because nobody wants to listen. Whatever. You gonna go in
[05:04:46] before they die or what? I fucked up. It's whatever. I mean it is a team diff but I had
[05:04:59] such a big lead I should have carried. I will however be dodging any Rengars for the next
[05:05:11] five years. Cause Rengar players are never good players. I need to add the supports.
[05:05:38] I need to tell her. I need to improve her. I need to improve this player. I need to
[05:05:44] to tell them to sit with me? Like when you have a fed AD you don't leave their side.
[05:05:48] They didn't know. They didn't know the game plan. Oh well. Oh our mid was a support man.
[05:06:09] Ah, damn. It is one of those. I don't care anymore. I'm not sweating a single game today
[05:18:19] for the rest of the day. We're just going to play for fun. I am so sick and tired
[05:18:25] of tryharding and having everyone fucking running circles throwing leads like it's so boring to me
[05:18:35] so i'm just gonna just be chill when we win if we lose we lose i don't give a fuck i mean
[05:18:41] i played well every game except for the last game like that ash game i didn't play the best
[05:18:49] but it is where this man well what's ranked died to a team with zero cc level one
[05:19:04] Perfect. There's the DP. Yay. They actually rotated. Dude, how many pink wards are you
[05:24:45] guys going to buy? That's the third pink ward mid. What are we doing? I actually think
[05:25:47] I could have lived there. I'm not going to lie, that was like me being lazy. I could
[05:25:54] have just walked up ER'd and then he would have died faster and he wouldn't have gotten
[05:25:58] this whole tough because he had like a split second between knock up and ult or
[05:26:04] whatever to get this whole tough so it was what it was
[05:26:10] anything go back I think we should back dude they all have fucking blast like
[05:27:54] what is happening holy shit I still hate this game sometimes it feels like
[05:28:31] balls
[05:29:35] Where's this little cheeky a soul bullshit this guy's trying to do right now by the way
[05:29:47] What are you doing, bro? I
[05:29:53] Got all understands
[05:29:55] Didn't they nerf a soul this patch?
[05:30:43] Thank God fuck that champion like sincerely though. I thank God that champ got nerfs
[05:31:04] Now if they could just nerf like brand as well, we would be chilling
[05:31:18] Yo, can somebody tell me how much AP do I get from full stacked ring?
[05:31:24] Does anybody know?
[05:31:25] Like, not when it turns into magize, but like, add just the ring and it's full stacked. How much AP does this give?
[05:31:37] I'm too lazy to do the math. I'm sure there's somebody who knows.
[05:31:48] It's 4 AP per stack, so 40.
[05:31:51] It's kind of a lot.
[05:31:56] So, 55 AP with full stacks for an item that costs 350 gold.
[05:32:01] Wait, that's insane.
[05:32:02] well actually the value on that's absurd the throws begin don't worry guys my
[05:32:53] team is managing to throw the game no worries I don't think I should upgrade to
[05:33:17] magize though I don't think it's worth but yeah I don't know I'm getting a lot
[05:33:35] of fun kills I don't know what do you guys think that we upgrade the Andres and
[05:33:39] and we just play like normal or do we go magi's fun I don't know man I did not
[05:34:42] trust myself don't worry though don't worry boys our bot lane had to throw
[05:35:04] again our blitz is one in seven he's like yo hold my beer we have to see each
[05:35:10] minute tier tier two tier tier one tower the tier three tower hold my beer
[05:35:15] guys we have to do this and I was like wait why and he's like I don't know I'm
[05:35:20] bored well we have yet another massive lead in the game right now and I'm not
[05:35:48] actually sure we're gonna be able to translate this lead but we'll try our
[05:35:51] best we don't actually need dragon but fuck it the fuck am I watching did they
[05:37:14] just use therapy notes damn they just seraphine old it and gin old it huh
[05:37:27] That's crazy. I think I'm dead. That's my bad. I made really bad throw.
[05:37:51] Fucking A. The one thing I needed to not do was die right there, man.
[05:38:00] Because
[05:38:01] my team is not playing to win other than Nunu.
[05:38:05] Nunu is actually playing to win, but my team is not. Maybe we decided to take a fight
[05:40:03] after getting Baron.
[05:40:05] Oh, we got Baron guys!
[05:40:08] Oh, we better fight him! Let's not use Baron!
[05:40:12] This is what I mean, man! Every game is fucking like this!
[05:40:18] You massively win early, and your team gets bored of winning,
[05:40:24] and they just don't play five minutes of good gameplay.
[05:40:31] And if you make one mistake, you like automatically just fucking lose the game.
[05:40:44] Like look at this.
[05:41:37] Like dude, what the fuck?
[05:41:50] Can you please just groove?
[05:41:57] If you're gonna inch, finish the inhib.
[05:42:06] Like that entire time you could have done anything.
[05:42:09] I don't know man, League is such a dog shit game.
[05:42:18] You're only as strong as the weakest member is not the strongest and that's the problem
[05:42:22] with League.
[05:42:23] It's super frustrating, man.
[05:42:29] Like, I literally just have to, like, perma,
[05:42:40] like, macro everyone in the COO because they, like,
[05:42:43] they literally will just run it down, run it down.
[05:42:46] Oh, another run it down, another run it down, maybe.
[05:42:48] Another one, another one, another one, let's run it some more.
[05:42:51] You die once.
[05:42:53] Then, like, your team just, like, mentally implodes more.
[05:42:56] I don't get it.
[05:42:59] Like, please, uh...
[05:43:05] Guys, we have top inhibitor, right?
[05:43:08] Why would we not push bot here?
[05:43:10] I don't get it you don't need to be mid come bot like dude why are we soft-dancing
[05:43:28] I don't get it man at least like if you're not gonna be worth anything please
[05:43:42] just stop their backs like dude I don't get it like why are you guys allergic to
[05:44:02] macro in this elo like I I don't get it man I I get flamed apparently for
[05:44:09] being this like toxic fuck who doesn't try to win games but it's like dude
[05:44:13] Look at my team. I'm the only one trying except for maybe Garen is like splitting well
[05:44:19] But Nunu was trying and then he just mentally boomed and started running it down a
[05:44:24] Ballane is just bad, but that's that's whatever
[05:44:52] What am I watching?
[05:44:57] Okay, not the worst
[05:45:00] Surely you guys can kill her right?
[05:45:03] End of the game that a moomoo by the way just solo altered me and
[05:45:12] And nobody hit him except for Nuna. I mean surely you guys don't just die to Briar, right? Like
[05:45:40] Thank you
[05:45:42] For ending the game finally
[05:45:45] Jesus Christ
[05:45:47] Like imagine how garbage you have to be to be this far ahead and you refuse to play the game correctly with your teammates
[05:45:58] It's disgusting to me. Like our jungler is probably the only one who was decent on that team
[05:46:33] like because he knew what he was doing early game really well like his early
[05:46:42] game was perfect it was just that like I don't know why late game he just didn't
[05:46:49] like when we got Baron the entire play of when we get Baron is you just walk
[05:46:55] away and play lanes but we get Baron and then all of a sudden like like I
[05:47:03] died before the first Baron that was like just completely me being fucking
[05:47:07] stupid right but then it's like okay I died before the Baron that's on me in
[05:47:10] my bad, I gotta just like, I'll TP and stop it, whatever.
[05:47:15] But dude, we get Baron and then the team just runs down
[05:47:17] after it, does not make sense.
[05:47:21] Like why?
[05:47:26] Like it drives me crazy that people don't try to macro
[05:47:28] in the solo.
[05:47:34] Cause like the reason masters players can't climb
[05:47:37] is because they literally don't know how to macro.
[05:47:40] Like they'll get leads and they won't have any idea
[05:47:42] how to translate that lead to a win.
[05:47:45] They think that having a lead means that they can always
[05:47:47] win every team fight always.
[05:47:48] And then like, if they mess up,
[05:47:50] They fight without a cooldown, they die, they throw a shutdown over to the enemy team, the enemy team also gets like waves and XP, objectives, whatever, now the game is 3k gold depth, like closer.
[05:48:01] It's just frustrating, I'm sorry.
[05:48:07] I'm in a bad mood today. I was in a great mood earlier and then dude, it's just been like, every game today has been the hardest games known to man.
[05:48:18] Like I have to have perfect macro.
[05:48:22] No deaths, right?
[05:48:27] Like, I have to do all the macro for the teammates.
[05:48:30] I have to never die.
[05:48:32] I have to have perfect micro,
[05:48:34] because there's just gonna be some dipshit
[05:48:36] on both teams, right?
[05:48:39] Like every game there's some moron
[05:48:41] who doesn't understand how to just win the game.
[05:48:47] Sometimes they're on your team,
[05:48:48] sometimes they're on the enemy team.
[05:48:50] But they are always there in the C alone.
[05:48:58] No, league is fun.
[05:49:00] Listen, all these people saying league's not fun
[05:49:03] Wham wham wham. League is a good game.
[05:49:07] Like I enjoy League.
[05:49:09] I don't enjoy
[05:49:11] the retards that play League and make the game unfun for other people.
[05:49:15] That was not even close, bro.
[05:53:30] I gotta be honest then.
[05:54:01] Why do I have to ping my own support to look at the map and go like do stuff?
[05:54:04] Oh, what am I watching?
[05:54:38] Okay, uh, Aysol did zero.
[05:54:56] I mean, I think Blitzcrank might have brain damage.
[05:54:59] I believe we need Blitzcrank.
[05:55:25] Come on, bro.
[05:55:28] Come on, Blitzcrank, bro.
[05:55:29] You can't roam on this timer!
[05:55:33] Use your brain!
[05:55:34] Oh, my God.
[05:55:51] I mean, good hook, bro.
[05:56:04] Sweet man.
[05:56:06] Yeah, another dog shit support of nope. I'm done with AD told GM
[05:56:30] It's official. I'm gonna keep mid support every game. I was having so much more fun not playing AD carry yesterday
[05:56:39] Like I had fun the whole day
[05:56:42] There was like almost zero non fun. I was having it's free wins because everybody sucks at those two roles and
[05:56:52] There are two ten times more impactful roles than AD
[05:56:55] So we just play support support mid and we win 90% of our games
[05:57:03] We'll still lose games, but you know, it'll happen, but at least we'll have 99.9% better win rates
[05:57:11] So it is worth us
[05:57:12] This role with just two fucking dogs shit at the C. Lo
[05:57:16] Like I don't have the patience to play with people who
[05:57:19] Wait, literally don't want to play League of Legends. I mean my blitzkrieg is not trying to win
[05:57:27] like it's just embarrassing man yeah we're just gonna run in the lane yeah oh
[05:57:38] yeah no yeah okay oh so you're retarded okay I don't know why I keep
[05:58:15] playing 80 it's the worst most unfun role in league like I genuinely can climb
[05:58:21] so easily off on other roles like I have more fun on other roles and I can
[05:58:27] climb easier I don't know why I keep playing this role well you're just
[05:58:45] gonna waste your ulti?
[05:58:47] Okay.
[05:58:52] Like AD carry used to be fun.
[05:58:54] Back when people actually might play it to win.
[05:58:57] Like your supports and all that shit,
[05:58:59] but they don't anymore.
[05:59:01] Like what is this?
[05:59:03] Like what, what is, like I don't,
[05:59:07] like he's for sure trolling, right?
[05:59:09] Like he is trying to lose.
[05:59:12] Like what is that?
[05:59:18] And it sucks because you don't get to play the game
[05:59:21] when your teammates do this.
[05:59:24] That's why this world was fun.
[05:59:27] You get teammates who literally just run it down
[05:59:29] every game and you don't get to play.
[05:59:34] Like we're losing to Nami Samphin.
[05:59:37] And we have a Blitzcrank.
[05:59:53] He's just refusing to actually like play the game.
[05:59:59] This Nami would rather stop my back
[06:00:01] than freeze the wave for his,
[06:00:03] God, you people are bad.
[06:01:02] That's, I mean, that's awesome.
[06:01:04] I really enjoy that.
[06:01:10] You know what the worst part about it is?
[06:01:12] I'm toxic if I leave this lane.
[06:01:17] People are like, how dare you be toxic, Dronamo?
[06:01:23] Like, if I walk away from the lane because it's unwinnable,
[06:01:26] because Blitzcrank is intentionally trolling,
[06:01:29] like the AD carry is the one who's seen as an asshole.
[06:01:33] It's such a broken system.
[06:01:35] I should lose less LP if my Blitzcrank is bad.
[06:01:39] Riot needs to implement the skill-based matchmaking,
[06:01:41] where if my Blitz drops fucking 10,000 missed hooks and goes 0-10,
[06:01:47] He loses all of the LP that I would have lost on top of his own.
[06:01:52] I lose 5, he loses 29.
[06:01:59] Like, this is just stupid.
[06:02:15] Because if his gameplay didn't directly fuck up my fun,
[06:02:19] because I'm in lane with a fucking moron,
[06:02:23] the game would be fine.
[06:02:25] That's why when I'm playing mid and people suck, I'm not that mad.
[06:02:32] No, the supports aren't holding you back, Deb, you fucking stop.
[06:02:36] Stop coping, bro.
[06:02:41] Like Diamond 4 players, like Masters players are bad, Diamond 4 players don't have fucking brain activity.
[06:02:48] You get bad supports? Okay, how did I coin? Stop making fucking excuses, you're, like, it's sad.
[06:03:06] Bro, if you're in Diamond, you just suck. It's not your fucking supports.
[06:03:11] Like Masters is understandable because the Celo is trash. You peaked D3.
[06:03:25] I mean bro, I'm not gonna argue with you, Zeb.
[06:03:28] Like, I'm just being white and honest, Ben.
[06:03:32] You're just as bad as your dog shit supports are.
[06:03:35] Like, you are the same Elo as them.
[06:03:37] I have 1v2 bot lanes in your Elo.
[06:03:46] Like you gotta figure out, like, don't blame your support unless you're literally in, like,
[06:03:53] high Elo.
[06:03:54] Or you've been high Elo.
[06:03:59] It is disgusting.
[06:04:01] It doesn't matter what Elo I am, man.
[06:04:03] Like, you're just being a bitch.
[06:04:12] I mean, I'm not gonna baby the guy it like
[06:05:05] The guys fucking diamond four and telling me that he can't climb because of his supports
[06:05:10] Well, like diamond four players are literally retarded like their actual retards
[06:05:15] So it's like if you can't climb out of D4 you really suck. It's not your teammates
[06:05:20] Like there's a reason like challengers don't get stuck in diamonds challengers get stuck in masters
[06:05:26] but not diamonds. Can we go next? Oh come on. I'm sad. I really want to go next.
[06:06:17] I feel he has nerfs. No. It's 10% damage on his Q-Brow. Like it's not a big deal.
[06:06:32] I think I'm just bot covering the wave when it should be Camille. I'm really
[06:07:12] scared because I could die so so easily as fucking Lissandra. No, I mean I'll
[06:07:42] play AD carry again once I hit GM. Once you get grandmaster, AD carries are
[06:07:47] Completely different game
[06:07:49] Like once you have supports, you know how to play the game somewhat. It's not even close
[06:07:54] It's you're playing a completely different game
[06:07:56] Like right now. I have a boy too. I think has literally missed seven hooks
[06:08:07] in a row
[06:08:09] He landed maybe two hooks this game out of 40. What am I watching? I mean, I just don't care
[06:08:37] Like we're not winning this
[06:08:41] This is the same a soul that I took a shit on last game
[06:08:46] come on man you guys really don't have to hostage games like this
[06:13:50] I don't know man, this is boring as fuck.
[06:17:41] Thank God, I only took the entire game.
[06:18:35] What?
[06:18:36] Sucked?
[06:18:42] But yeah, I mean it's just mid support every game.
[06:18:45] I can't be bothered man.
[06:18:47] Playing with people like that Blitzcrank who just are so...
[06:18:53] They literally don't care.
[06:18:57] They're not even queuing up to play League. They're just, well, for whatever reason, you know, burning 10 minutes
[06:19:03] It's just not fun.
[06:19:08] I said I wouldn't care if it didn't directly affect me, but like my fun is tied to my support's fun when you play AD
[06:19:14] so
[06:19:16] Well, not even because like if you play that they get his roam
[06:19:19] So your fun is that tied to if your support is willing to play the game
[06:19:23] All right, let's see how this game goes
[06:25:21] I don't know what he's even talking about that's that guy from earlier I'll just
[06:27:19] uh mute him because I know he's gonna be a fucking weirdo so tonight tonight
[06:28:10] I need the hell every time, if I make it.
[06:28:15] Oh, this guy's a knight.
[06:28:19] This is said.
[06:28:20] I gotta be a little care.
[06:28:36] It doesn't matter.
[06:28:37] Oh, well.
[06:28:38] I had it tonight, tonight, on the rooftop, top of the world, tonight, tonight, and
[06:29:18] get crazy, let it all out.
[06:29:22] He has W back up now.
[06:29:25] Got it back up a bit.
[06:29:37] And this is our show.
[06:29:39] Once I get 1200 gold, I just TP back and this guy is lane locked so that I can get him to use his TP or his Shadow.
[06:29:46] I'm gonna use this Shuriken.
[06:30:42] That was just a flub.
[06:30:47] Whoopsies.
[06:30:48] I have a R, we're gonna just kill this guy.
[06:31:05] Alright, you do you bro.
[06:31:40] I wonder if he's gonna try again.
[06:32:03] That guy was still mad.
[06:32:34] I don't have ult, so we probably can't kill him.
[06:33:01] Wow, he actually killed me.
[06:33:03] I didn't think he could do that.
[06:33:05] Like in the silence.
[06:33:07] Well done. I mean, he played that well. I shouldn't have eagled it.
[06:33:14] He only had a one timer to kill me, and it was literally on that wave. So if he couldn't kill
[06:33:19] me on that wave crash, I'd just reset and he loses. He did burn everything, so now he can't
[06:33:28] play the game for the next, what, 60, 70 seconds, whatever, set altars. Because now I don't have
[06:33:47] to be scared of dying to him. Echo could gank mid, but we can't really kill this guy yet.
[06:34:37] I think I actually have to stay, because yeah, he's gonna go for that.
[06:35:08] Like, I'm trying to play with this guy, but he's not going in on my waves.
[06:36:06] That's not good. That guy is probably dead, but...
[06:36:15] Oh, maybe not. That guy is very strong. Like, that's gross level strong.
[06:36:57] He got one item. I have to be scared now.
[06:39:02] What do I do here? This is bad. I should not have rotated to that.
[06:39:56] Oh, yeah, one misplay. Let's forfeit guys
[06:40:01] Don't change master's players like never change men
[06:40:07] Masters players are fucking psychotic
[06:40:09] Well, you guys make one mistake and now you're like no
[06:40:14] We we got a forfeit man. It's dooms
[06:40:20] That's crazy
[06:40:23] Like we're up so much gold we're two dragons we outscale them we have seraphine mowls
[06:40:28] Howls, Scion, like that's insane.
[06:42:13] Yeah, I think we should give that.
[06:42:20] No, I 100% agree.
[06:42:21] I think we give and we just take tier two top and scale.
[06:42:24] Cause we outscaled them.
[06:42:56] Yeah, they can five man that,
[06:42:57] and then we get two turrets top,
[06:43:04] bunch of global gold, perfect.
[06:43:16] One hell of a fight.
[06:43:46] You guys realize you can just stop letting him hit you.
[06:43:51] God, whatever.
[06:43:53] I mean it works out, cause Olaf's the only fed one, but it is hilarious.
[06:43:57] I mean it's hilarious that like, uh, they don't understand that they can just walk away
[06:44:08] from the Olaf.
[06:44:10] If you just kite him for 3 seconds, he can't like refresh his thing, like his thing only
[06:44:15] has like a 3 second duration.
[06:44:20] So you just kite him for 3 seconds, it falls off and you win.
[06:44:23] But like, Ziggs is now running it down?
[06:44:26] Like I don't understand this.
[06:44:28] God, I hate Loilo, man.
[06:44:47] Dude, he doesn't matter!
[06:44:49] Holy fuck!
[06:44:53] I gotta mute him. I gotta save Sanity.
[06:45:01] They have no teleport on their team.
[06:45:03] All we have to do is literally play around TP and we win.
[06:46:30] Did Raldus ignite me?
[06:47:32] Please put wards down.
[06:48:33] God, I hate this team.
[06:48:35] Guys, you don't have to do this, Dragon.
[06:48:38] Like it actually doesn't matter.
[06:49:17] He's dead.
[06:50:11] We should just bear in the fucking socks my seraphine didn't alts
[06:51:57] They need to play slower they didn't like understand the idea was like you can't you can't do that
[06:52:06] They need to play so much slower like the problem that we're having right now is that
[06:52:13] My team don't like we don't have a D like we have no ad damage, right? So because we drafted no actual ad
[06:52:20] It's really hard for us to break off
[06:52:22] because you can just walk up my team.
[06:52:25] My team doesn't understand that like if we just slow play with Baron, eventually the turret
[06:52:29] will die.
[06:52:32] But I can't type that to him because I'm chat restricted.
[06:52:35] So I just have to like somehow get them to understand that the slower we play the
[06:52:41] better because Olaf is the only issue.
[06:52:48] The rest of them don't matter, but Olaf doesn't, like I can't kill him when he's
[06:52:52] ulting.
[06:53:12] I'm gonna get ran down by...
[06:53:18] Yeah, my jungler's actually gonna get ran down.
[06:53:21] Dude, stop trying to forfeit, you're pissing me off.
[06:53:29] Like, dude dies towards a temper tantrum because he's bad.
[06:53:33] Like, I hate when people do this shit.
[06:53:35] Just run!
[06:54:39] Guys, wait for his ult to run out!
[06:54:46] It's not fucking rocket science!
[06:54:49] Fluff's ulting? Let's keep fucking fighting him!
[06:54:57] I don't know what to say, man!
[06:54:59] Like I'm 1v2'ing their jungle in their top, or their jungle in their mid.
[06:55:08] My team's like fighting Olaf, like you guys are all ranged champs except for like these
[06:55:13] two, just, just kite.
[06:55:16] Like I genuinely don't know what to do.
[06:55:23] Like they just run the fuck away.
[06:55:25] You know what I mean?
[06:55:36] Like it's wilds.
[06:55:38] And I'm the only one who has anti healing even though I shouldn't have it because
[06:55:43] Because I need to get more damage so I can actually kill people.
[06:55:46] Like, honestly, I'm about to sell Rylai- What is this?
[06:55:53] Are we retarded?
[06:55:54] What was that, bro?
[06:55:55] Like, I need to maybe even sell Rylai's, but just like Rylai's is so good.
[06:56:25] Dude, Sion, go push!
[06:56:28] God, we have two TP's, and I want to go shove side.
[06:56:33] But if I do it, my team will 1000% get fucked.
[06:56:37] Wait, Olaf's not here!
[06:56:42] Fight!
[06:56:43] Ulti!
[06:57:02] God, this is sad.
[06:57:18] I mean, I don't know what to even say.
[06:57:20] Serafine still has ulti.
[06:57:22] Oh, nice ult, bro.
[06:57:24] Like, Serafine's holding her ultimate till next year.
[06:57:36] Sion can't even R.
[06:57:40] We see Olaf toppling.
[06:57:42] I say, hey, go in, Sion.
[06:57:44] What does he do?
[06:57:46] He stands there with his cock in his hand, like,
[06:57:49] do I go in?
[06:57:50] I don't know!
[06:57:53] Like, bro.
[06:58:10] I don't know how to carry four retards!
[06:58:13] I am zah!
[06:59:38] I just flashed in place.
[06:59:40] Like, should I just give her the boots?
[07:00:21] By Zanya's?
[07:00:22] Like, I don't even know, man!
[07:00:51] I mean, nobody on my team has anti-healing!
[07:00:54] Fuck it!
[07:01:12] I am just gonna be slow.
[07:01:18] I have 1,023 AP!
[07:01:33] Retards!
[07:01:34] Dude, I don't know what to say or do.
[07:01:49] I'm actually losing my fuckin' minds, and I can't ping.
[07:02:09] It's a bait, you morons!
[07:02:53] Come the fuck on!
[07:02:56] Just live, man!
[07:02:58] He's a- Bro, he can kill you.
[07:03:20] You're never going to kill this guy.
[07:03:22] Dude, I can't even play the game.
[07:03:39] Like, what do I get, man?
[07:03:41] I just one-shot their entire team!
[07:03:44] Did we get rid of Shadowflame or Blacktorch?
[07:04:05] I don't know.
[07:05:11] Well, that's fucking cancer.
[07:05:30] Cool.
[07:05:31] GG, I guess, guys, because for whatever reason, nobody listens to Geronimo.
[07:05:39] Comsta dog shit!
[07:05:47] You are dog shit!
[07:05:49] It is 41 minutes and you have 183 CS and Scion!
[07:06:14] the wave! Come on verse SKT1, everybody's tryharding? My team is three retards and me. Mid cap, whatever
[07:06:37] dude. It is what it is. Sion, nobody knows macro, I begged them, I couldn't type. It
[07:06:47] is what it is. Just understand, I'm glad you won't make it to 30. When you leave
[07:07:22] the note and your parents are smiling? Just remember, you deserve it. Absolute fucking
[07:07:31] rejects, man. Such subhuman trash. Like, I don't even care that they suck, but they just
[07:07:43] got their losers. Like, these people are actual subhuman garbage. Whatever, man. Did I genuinely
[07:16:14] cannot stand the CLO? It's so painful to play here, man. Like, nobody plays to
[07:16:27] win. I have lost so many games today that I did not deserve to lose. Just because people
[07:16:44] refuse to play the game when they get behind. Like if they're not the one who's the main character,
[07:16:50] they refuse to play the game. It's so fucking stupid, man. Like I don't know what to say, man.
[07:19:39] Jesus Christ, they're so bad. Want to push? I want to go to Grubbs, we should push.
[07:22:40] Like I really just ult for that? What? That's insane. Wait, they made Swifties cost more.
[07:25:12] I forgot. Oh that sucks. Fuck, I forgot they didn't nerf Swifties. I guess I'll just get these for now.
[07:25:26] I mean how do I even like help the homies right now? Everybody's losing their lanes individually
[07:28:12] except for bot lane, I don't even know if I'm being honest.
[07:28:19] I'm not even fully sure how this Echo even has kills.
[07:29:02] Like we've had Echo bot lane the whole game.
[07:29:26] I mean, like this is insane.
[07:29:37] Like we are like unironically smashing these guys 2v3.
[07:31:58] I mean, I insta-stopped that guy's thing.
[07:32:02] I got his flash, I insta-stopped his fucking ulti,
[07:32:06] we got his flash.
[07:33:39] I kinda wanna go get my bot lane or a good ward, but there's not much we can do right now.
[07:34:51] All we can really do is wait for Baron.
[07:39:22] Wow.
[07:39:23] Pog.
[07:39:24] Dude, it's so boring.
[07:39:29] Support is seriously so broken, but it's so boring.
[07:39:39] It's crazy.
[07:39:52] My client broke.
[07:39:57] Feels bad.
[07:40:51] I don't know, man.
[07:40:53] I'm like torn so hard right now between just spamming only support and climbing my ass off
[07:41:06] or playing a role that's like fun.
[07:41:19] It's wild.
[07:41:20] It's kind of hard to play with Yasuo.
[07:50:52] AD carry him in.
[07:50:53] He scales well though.
[07:50:55] Whoa, you're actually going for the dives. That's actually kind of wild. I really want to go help our
[07:51:39] jungler just in case the ego invades
[07:51:43] But we suck
[07:52:14] When do you guys think Leona's gonna get sick of getting natoed on our E and she's just gonna flash on me
[07:52:46] Like when do you guys think it's gonna happen?
[07:52:49] My money is on the next E. She's gonna flash Q
[07:52:54] So Swifties are a thousand gold now
[07:53:47] Bro that's so trash. Seriously though, Swifty's being fucking thousand gold? It's actually pretty brutal.
[07:54:42] I had to stay for an extra wave to get my boots or I would have backed and gone to grubs.
[07:54:46] But it was kinda ridiculous actually. Ooh that hurt, what the fuck.
[07:55:07] So in half.
[07:55:46] Mamma Mia.
[07:55:48] Here I go again.
[07:55:50] Mamma.
[07:55:52] Sist you.
[07:55:53] Mamma Mia.
[07:55:55] Now again.
[07:56:59] Mamma Mia.
[07:57:01] Here I go again.
[07:57:06] Mamma Mia.
[07:57:08] So fucking bored.
[07:57:10] Mamma.
[07:57:12] Mamma.
[07:57:13] Wait, why are there five people made?
[07:58:04] Nice, nice.
[07:58:09] Yasuo gets free plates!
[07:58:14] Not bad.
[07:59:18] Break, break, you'll break, break you'll hot.
[07:59:22] Break, break, you'll break, break you'll hot.
[07:59:25] I'm only gonna break, break, you'll break, break you'll hot.
[08:00:50] Ooh, I fucked up.
[08:00:52] I think I'm still alive, but I didn't fuck up.
[08:00:55] Oopsies!
[08:02:05] Well, this didn't go well.
[08:02:11] I didn't want to do that, but...
[08:02:14] Stiko forced it.
[08:02:16] Like we should have just been on refs
[08:02:21] Because our our ad carry is bot
[08:02:24] Yeah, we don't need to be playing for stupid plays like that because I didn't have ulti so there was no way I could save him
[08:02:38] He ate the entire MF ult and then that's a lot of cooldowns
[08:05:33] They just keep fighting when I don't have ults
[08:05:52] Like genuinely that's the only reason they're dying. They're getting wombo'd by Leona combo on repeat
[08:06:06] We should get baron, dude. I feel like I'm falling asleep playing support, but I'm literally
[08:10:14] just doing everything.
[08:10:17] Supports like the one role that lets you literally do everything on the map. Can you guys just
[08:11:43] go do baron man, or dragon, jesus.
[08:11:49] It's like we have soul and my team's bored before soul again.
[08:12:04] This is wild bro.
[08:12:28] That is so incredibly broken.
[08:12:31] What the fuck?
[08:12:33] Holy fuck that's broken.
[08:13:14] I cannot wait until people start understanding how to close games up.
[08:13:18] I don't know what elo that is but like dude holy fuck this is boring.
[08:13:47] Well it's just like to me like I only play support when I'm just wanting to climb it's
[08:13:54] like a job.
[08:13:55] Poggers we did it. I don't know man
[08:16:03] It's like the people who play in this elo on support don't even try to win. Yo boys
[08:16:27] I'm gonna take a break I feel like I'm
[08:16:33] I can't like make the stream enjoyable right now because I'm not enjoying myself playing league
[08:16:46] Thank you for watching. I appreciate it a lot. So yeah, I mean, I'm gonna take a break
[08:16:56] I think I mean I played well today. I'm just like I said right now my only goal is to climb and
[08:17:04] It's kind of annoying because like
[08:17:07] When your goal is to climb instead of like half one and stream you definitely have a different mindset
[08:17:13] It's very frustrating because I
[08:17:18] Can just sit here and like play 80 carry all day and have fun and all that shit, but it's like I
[08:17:22] I just I got I just wanted to climb for once and then be able to do that after but it's just dude
[08:17:29] But some of the games that I'm losing today are fucking wild man
[08:17:37] Like these games that I'm losing randomly because people are literally just trolling
[08:17:43] These are insane
[08:17:45] Like it's it's fucking crazy and I feel like
[08:17:56] Like when I, I mean look at this, like when I play support, it's a completely different
[08:18:05] fucking world, support and like, like I lose sometimes, but like they're not, they're like
[08:18:13] impossible games, right?
[08:18:15] Like I just, I'm just gonna speed run this shit.
[08:18:23] I don't want to sit here and like masters and play it because I just don't enjoy
[08:18:26] myself and I can't make, I'm just gonna be, I can't make an enjoyable stream playing
[08:18:29] in masters right now because my mental is just not there.
[08:18:36] So I'm just going to speed run out of this dog shit,
[08:18:39] you know, playing support in mid,
[08:18:41] or I guess I can play AD carry support in AD,
[08:18:44] but I'm going to play support primary
[08:18:48] and just speed run out, because this is just so annoying.
[08:18:51] Like playing, you guys know, it's like, dude,
[08:18:54] I want to be having fun and being interactive with you
[08:18:57] guys, but I can't, whatever game genuinely feels
[08:19:00] like dog shit, but I do appreciate you guys watching,
[08:19:06] regardless, and I appreciate all the support.
[08:19:13] Sorry for having such fucking boring streams the last week, dude.
[08:19:17] I said, I'll do better. I just, I'm so
[08:19:22] burnt out on playing in fucking masters here because every other game just feels so fucking bad.
[08:19:28] It's like, you sweat the entire game and then you just lose because people won't play to win.
[08:19:32] And then you have to deal with that.
[08:19:33] And it's like, if I'm just like not caring about rank, I'm okay with it.
[08:19:37] But right now I'm just, you know, anyway, I'm going to go make some dinner.
[08:19:43] Thank you for watching. I appreciate it a lot, guys.