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Try Hard Climb Day no more trolling! We Abuse Adc

07-28-2024 · 7h 23m

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[00:00:00] I'm going to show you how to get the first one. inside so out of question What? uh so so so so we can so trust I'm going to go ahead and do that. so so so as was foreseen
[00:03:11] an ally has been slain, an enemy has been slain so so You warded that bush. Oh, shh. In!
[00:04:01] Ah.
[00:04:07] The fuck? uh so so so so Pretty sure we could have killed this guy. so so one a little sad i think we could have killed that valkos
[00:06:04] all we had to do was walk them in. so so so I'm going to go ahead and do that. as worse for uh is Okay. okay Yeah, we ain't going bot again. I think it's a sit-mid all game angle
[00:08:08] because I ain't gonna lie
[00:08:10] our team does not enjoy winning this game.
[00:08:17] They're losing bot lane very badly.
[00:08:24] So, I gotta stop being gravitated. so I'm going to try and get the first one. without question an enemy has been slain an ally has been so Thanks for watching! so An ally has been slain. so so so so so so good so so to see how so so Shut down.
[00:12:03] Double kill. as was so so Enemy cannon spray.
[00:12:48] And now my husband's snake is back. Enemy double-dash! so so so so An enemy has been slain.
[00:16:48] Enemy rampaged without question. so An enemy has been slain. so uh so uh uh uh I'm going to try and get the sword. um so so motion ah so so um Your ally has been slain. You are slain in the army.
[00:16:51] Die!
[00:19:17] Your turret has been destroyed I'm going to try and get the first one. it so without so so I'm going to try and get the kill. are timeless so I'm going to go ahead and kill this guy. team has destroyed a turret enemy I'm going to go ahead and do that. Your team has destroyed a turret. Enemy double kill!
[00:19:25] That was for seeing... Your team has destroyed a turret so so so so so so yeah I'm going to go ahead and do this. so enemy killing spree so so so so so Your first mission is clear.
[00:22:16] Enemy in the water has been hit.
[00:22:20] Your inhibitor has been destroyed.
[00:22:24] Your inhibitor has been destroyed. Do not check in on me, will you? so so Let's go. so so so so and so so so so so so so so Shut down.
[00:25:31] Your campaign has been slain.
[00:27:33] Everyone's on the case. so um so so so so so so so so Damn.
[00:27:34] I got Kite-ed.
[00:27:35] I should have
[00:27:35] just R'd the
[00:27:36] Rek'Sai. I didn't just R'd the Wrexai.
[00:27:36] I didn't think he was gonna...
[00:27:37] I didn't think he wouldn't die.
[00:27:40] I should have just R'd him.
[00:27:41] I was hesitating.
[00:27:44] Because I didn't want to R him here,
[00:27:46] because I was like,
[00:27:46] okay, we can just kill him and then I can save R
[00:27:48] for the other guy. But
[00:27:49] I should have just R'd him. Oh well.
[00:27:54] First game
[00:27:54] of the day I realized
[00:27:56] I just need to not ever do anything team related and wait.
[00:28:01] That's on me.
[00:28:05] Clear the waves! Nice. um really just don't care about actual gameplay in this elo.
[00:28:34] What am I watching guys? Look at him just chase kills.
[00:28:48] What the fuck? It's so embarrassing! so so so so so so we can't see I'm just dead.
[00:30:23] I got solo-ulted while these two
[00:30:25] just chased nothing.
[00:30:27] Yeah, this is disgusting, Elo.
[00:30:36] That was absolutely gross how bad they are holy shit
[00:30:47] like i can do macro but i can't do that level of macro where I have to push every lane while everybody on my team runs around and chases kills... Jesus.
[00:31:30] That may have been one of the most embarrassing games i've seen people play. Okay............................................ you you. so Welcome to Silent Ridge. 30 seconds until minions spawn With ease. Minions have spawned.
[00:40:06] Wow! wow Okay. I'm going to try and get the first one. uh easy so so so so so so so so upon the wind An enemy has been slain. When's my next Dark Souls stream?
[00:43:13] Yeah. um You have slain an enemy.
[00:45:06] Breathlessly... endlessly so so so so as you wish What? Why is my Caitlyn playing so safe? Hello?
[00:45:09] What are you scared of bro? so so as you wish
[00:45:52] i don't understand why this gaiman's
[00:45:54] pissing herself so much
[00:46:01] oh she missed missed
[00:46:10] straight miss her e is an ally has been slain Why wouldn't she ult there when I gave her the shield?
[00:46:46] She should just ulti and we should just take the turret
[00:46:51] like homie i don't just want to sit here and zone him
[00:47:34] we should literally just take the turret so so Like, I don't want to sit down here if she's not going to be aggressive it's just not worth it
[00:47:37] like why are we scared to walk up you know it doesn't make sense. Just ult him!
[00:47:47] Jesus...
[00:47:51] Yeah this Caitlyn's definitely not our wincon There is no she carries. She's scared of her own shadow. so so so In harmony.
[00:48:36] I actually think our mid might be a much better wincon.
[00:48:50] I'm going to go for the mid. our caitlyn could have 1v2'd them just now
[00:49:18] like actually actually uh The enemy has been slain.
[00:49:28] My team is being slayed. With pain. um so so so Thank you for watching! I'm going to go ahead and do that. so so so so Dude, my magi stacks.
[00:51:33] Feels bad. bad I'm going to use the same what okay the storm of Can somebody explain to me how this Caitlyn is breathing? so so so so uh so so so team has destroyed so so so These people are just pissing themselves, man.
[00:54:55] My Caitlyn is like scared to walk up and play the game.
[00:55:02] I don't know, man.
[00:55:03] I think that it's like
[00:55:04] somehow
[00:55:06] every day when
[00:55:08] I start playing League
[00:55:09] I always look and I always notice Every day when I start playing League,
[00:55:10] I always look and I always notice.
[00:55:14] I should be embarrassed to be in this elo. so.. uh it's all good though how you guys doing what's up?....... Dude, my special shop or whatever. It gave me a 30% discount on an Ezreal skin.
[00:57:46] I think it really wants me to play Ezreal..... you
[01:02:02] you you You like to think your shit don't stink, but........ Thank you. okay........ Holy shit, we got our team comp.
[01:02:03] We got Quinn mid.
[01:02:10] Vayne. This is the first vain ad carry game I've seen in like a hundred games Quinn man what the fuck?
[01:02:42] Looks so fine that I really wanna make him mine. Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[01:03:06] Thirty seconds until minions spawn convenience oh my goodness my scroll wheel. It's fucked!
[01:03:31] Boop! Boop boop boop. As you wish.
[01:03:39] Black boots, long brown hair...
[01:04:40] Sweet wither. so so so so What are you doing? Why are you hitting different targets?
[01:04:48] Bro just hit one of them.
[01:04:59] Oh my god.
[01:05:03] It's a romangle, lads. This is what we call...
[01:05:08] Yeah, this is what we call a Roamangle.
[01:05:14] I mean, this guy is fucking horrendous. There's no saving this lane.
[01:05:19] Our wincon is putting Ashe behinds. I'm sorry. You were strong! Let's fight the enemy again!
[01:05:44] I genuinely can't be bot.
[01:05:48] Watching how that Vayne fucked up that badly, like on every single fucking thing we just did.
[01:05:56] No trading at all level 1 when we were level 2 she didn't even try to fight i peeled her twice she swapped targets three times
[01:06:06] like nah it's not With ease, an ally has been so so Breathlessly.
[01:07:04] And Amy has been slain! I mean, bot's just gonna get zoned bro.
[01:07:17] I'm not going to go down there like...
[01:07:21] You're not the wincon when you fuck up level 1 that bad.
[01:07:24] I'm sorry. Okay. so so as you wish
[01:08:00] an ally has been slain
[01:09:10] yeah it's free win because I'm helping the other lanes man. so so whatever man Yeah, same game's done. Yo, I'm not going bot...
[01:09:11] There's no point! If I go bot...
[01:09:13] ...I will be accomplishing nothing on the map. And Vayne is already out of the game.
[01:09:20] Like it's just... Stop man.
[01:09:28] He did it to himself! so so so uh so yes so
[01:10:46] oh you have ult!
[01:10:53] What are we doing? Nah... this is disgusting.
[01:11:04] Talon has no ultimate! We have a numbers advantage...
[01:11:10] Get me out of this game.
[01:11:14] Like none
[01:11:15] of our team is trying- like dude
[01:11:17] my Siobhan is scared
[01:11:19] to go in.
[01:11:43] Oh My Siobhan is scared to go in I I agree, you're losing to TF as a Quinn. Your brain was broken at birth.
[01:12:24] ... quickly um I mean, whatever bro. These people don't... Oh my god. We have a Quinn mid who's losing this badly.
[01:12:32] Oh, it's first time Vayne.
[01:12:40] Oh, it's the same retard Cait from last game!
[01:12:43] Oh... this is a deserved loss.
[01:13:28] I carried this guy last game and he deserves to lose this one i'm okay with it Breath of the Dead. And we have autpeel Shyvana. One.
[01:13:39] You gonna do anything or no?
[01:13:46] Okay, we don't trade in this elo. Oh! so so This is sad.
[01:14:16] Like this is like actually sad.
[01:14:28] My Quinn is like actually scared to play the game. uh so is This is Janna not getting out.
[01:15:22] Okay.
[01:15:29] I will literally tab out and watch YouTube.
[01:18:32] ... Thank you. so so upon the wind so so so With ease. so an ally has been slain so so so so so I could agree with that. I think assassins should have a place in the meta. uh With ease. so Well, no. Because I don't think AD Carry is OP in itself.
[01:19:23] I think it's the runes that allow it to be strong in a solo lane.
[01:19:30] It's like the sustain and all of that shit, right?
[01:19:32] That's like the issue. It's just purely
[01:19:36] Sustain and other shit like that where it's... AD carries
[01:19:40] Aren't strong by themselves. an enemy is unstoppable stop so so Nice.
[01:20:55] There's that guy? That's right, August. He's like one of the people who designs champions.
[01:21:01] He designed Jhin, Zeri... he's designed a lot of really popular champions. So,..... That's true no yeah this is what I'm telling you.
[01:22:44] Uh... Yeah, what's up Bestriven?
[01:22:46] Nah, I mean, I've told you guys this before right?
[01:22:48] Like when Zeri first got released
[01:22:50] people thought the champ sucked
[01:22:52] but high elo players and pro players
[01:22:55] played like 30 Zeri games,
[01:22:56] and were like this champion is not balanced at all
[01:22:58] and it's broken.
[01:23:00] This champion needs immediate nerfs.
[01:23:03] It's like the same thing with
[01:23:04] there's all kinds of shit that happens
[01:23:09] in League where only
[01:23:10] the high elo players know if something is good
[01:23:12] and it's because they can play
[01:23:14] the champion at the level that it can be like perfected very
[01:23:17] fast because they spam it and it's like you get a lot of people though uh
[01:23:24] you get a lot of people who don't understand that.
[01:23:30] And they think champions just suck when they get released.
[01:23:34] And then those champions
[01:23:35] That like quote unquote suck It's like Corki.
[01:23:38] Corki was broken when he got
[01:23:40] released. But everybody thought
[01:23:42] he was weak because nobody understood how to
[01:23:44] use, like, EMAX.
[01:23:46] So once people figured out the Halo Blades
[01:23:48] Lethality Emac shit,
[01:23:50] Corky was pick-ban every game and he had to be
[01:23:52] nerfed, right?
[01:23:53] People have this really bad
[01:23:56] mindset of when something comes out. It's either...
[01:23:58] If they don't know how to build it immediately
[01:24:01] or they don't know, like, how it's supposed
[01:24:02] to be played or any of that shit,
[01:24:04] they'll immediately say it's bad if it takes, like,
[01:24:06] a little bit of intuition to figure out.
[01:24:13] Right? And so, it's like... It's just one of those things
[01:24:24] where it's really
[01:24:26] hard to...
[01:24:28] And I get it, because
[01:24:29] it's probably very hard for to for and i get it because like
[01:24:30] it's hard it's probably very hard for
[01:24:32] riot to understand how to balance
[01:24:34] champions like that
[01:24:36] because
[01:24:37] when they release a champion that is
[01:24:39] obviously very,
[01:24:40] very good at the highest level.
[01:24:42] It's very difficult for them to balance that around
[01:24:45] a basic level because they want the average player
[01:24:47] to be able to play a champion, right?
[01:24:49] So if they release Aurora, they want the average
[01:24:52] player to be able to learn Aurora and
[01:24:54] have fun with it and love the design and all that
[01:24:56] shit. But the problem
[01:24:58] with releasing Aurora in
[01:25:00] this state where you release her and then
[01:25:03] immediately, the pro players
[01:25:04] would be like, this is the number I need.
[01:25:07] You have
[01:25:08] super good pro players who are like,
[01:25:10] somebody does the math, and they like you build this, this and this
[01:25:13] And at five minutes in the game
[01:25:15] You clear entire backline
[01:25:17] And it gives you a 5 second tempo swing
[01:25:19] or something
[01:25:21] Right? Once they figure that out,
[01:25:25] the champion just is broken.
[01:25:33] But nobody in like medium to low elo is going to figure that out, and nobody's going
[01:25:37] to play the champion correctly in medium to low elo. They're all just
[01:25:41] going to have to wait for like the high elo players to learn what it
[01:25:45] is, and then people will start to figure out.
[01:25:47] Mundo! Mundo was OP
[01:25:49] for like three months. You guys
[01:25:51] realize nothing happened, right?
[01:25:54] Mundo got no buffs.
[01:25:56] Wormont's got no buffs.
[01:25:59] Nothing happened
[01:26:00] for like three months
[01:26:02] and then all of a sudden
[01:26:04] everybody started going wait a second, everybody started going, wait a second.
[01:26:07] Mundo is broken with War Mog's
[01:26:09] rush. Right?
[01:26:11] Nothing happened. No game states were changed
[01:26:13] really towards that shit.
[01:26:15] And then all of a sudden it's like, oh wow, Mundo is crazy shit. And then all of a sudden, it's like, oh wow,
[01:26:16] Mundo is crazy strong.
[01:26:18] And it's like...
[01:26:19] That's the same idea
[01:26:20] that I'm trying to like...
[01:26:21] Like as soon as somebody does it
[01:26:23] and they figure out
[01:26:23] the strategy
[01:26:24] and then it trickles down
[01:26:25] into lower elos,
[01:26:26] that's when it usually gets nerfed.
[01:26:28] It's when the strategy finally
[01:26:30] trickles down and like the casual
[01:26:32] players are doing the strats. yep Yep. That's actually not true though.
[01:27:06] No, no I don't agree with that.
[01:27:08] Like his idea behind pros and agree with that. His idea
[01:27:09] behind pros learning
[01:27:13] faster so they're always going to be in pro
[01:27:15] new characters are, I don't think that's true.
[01:27:17] I think
[01:27:18] new characters are very overtuned
[01:27:21] because it's very hard to balance
[01:27:23] new characters
[01:27:24] that you're overloading with
[01:27:27] special stuff.
[01:27:29] When you make it really,
[01:27:32] really hard to play a character
[01:27:33] and you balance that character around being
[01:27:35] hard.
[01:27:37] That is why
[01:27:39] pros will play it in pro
[01:27:41] play. It's because they can play
[01:27:43] that champion at the level it is designed
[01:27:45] to be played at, right?
[01:27:47] At the absolute highest skill
[01:27:49] ceiling of that champion and when that's
[01:27:51] played at the highest skill ceiling where like you're not up your
[01:27:53] auto weebs with aurora you're using her ulti perfectly you're doing it's why azir is so
[01:27:58] broken in pro play right it's like azir has always been trash in solo queue.
[01:28:05] But in pro play he's the most pick ban champ of all time. Other than maybe Zeri.
[01:28:10] And it's simply just because...
[01:28:13] The pros understand how broken his ear ult is. Okay, I'm not quite sure why that guy's going...
[01:28:31] Okay.
[01:28:32] Guys, I think my Tal talent's retarded But yeah, like look at what's happening right now with Aurora.
[01:28:59] She can stat check you.
[01:29:01] This is some dogshit low elo player.
[01:29:03] This Aurora is some horrible fucking
[01:29:05] low elo piss dog just horrible player and he can stat check me though
[01:29:16] look at this he should not be losing these trades but
[01:29:18] he's missing all of his cues he doesn't know what he's doing etc right so I'm so dead, by the way.
[01:29:43] I'm actually dead.
[01:29:45] Oh!
[01:30:01] Oh! No! You bitch. Oh,
[01:30:05] nice.
[01:30:09] That was for something... But yeah, like I said.
[01:30:18] Champions like Aurora and all that shit
[01:30:20] they're always going to be
[01:30:22] uh that's why new champions are played in pro it's not because the pros pick
[01:30:25] it up faster than everybody else because i mean they do but that's not the reason
[01:30:29] that they're playing they're played because
[01:30:31] they're objectively the best champions in
[01:30:33] that role for that time frame.
[01:30:37] Like,
[01:30:37] why would you play
[01:30:38] fucking...
[01:30:41] Why would you play Renekton when gusante exists
[01:30:45] right it's like that type of shape it doesn't make any sense so I am so dead. I'll be real, I'm just full autopiloted right now not thinking at all.
[01:31:20] Talking to you guys.
[01:31:22] I should like focus up a little bit, you know?
[01:31:27] Because I knew Hecarim was there.
[01:31:29] I just legitimately...
[01:31:32] Didn't care.
[01:31:35] But yeah, like I said,
[01:31:42] I think a lot of League of Legends is about...
[01:31:46] Or a lot of the new champion designs.
[01:31:49] I don't think it's easy to do, right?
[01:31:52] Like...I don't think it's easy to design champions.
[01:31:54] I don't think it is.
[01:31:56] I think it's like a nightmare, right?
[01:31:58] I think designing champions is fucking nightmare fuel, man.
[01:32:01] Like that shit would suck because you have to design it for pro and you want to make
[01:32:02] a fun kit and all this shit. But yeah
[01:32:04] I do think that
[01:32:06] him saying that new champions are only good because pros win them faster
[01:32:12] is dumb. Because that just means they were good to begin with, but pros
[01:32:16] understood they were good first because they play the most.
[01:32:21] But like,
[01:32:22] if a champion is bad
[01:32:24] pros aren't just going to magically
[01:32:26] play that champion.
[01:32:29] You know what I'm saying?
[01:32:31] Like, you release a garbage champ,
[01:32:33] pros aren't going to be like, oh, time to play this champion.
[01:32:36] They're
[01:32:37] going to be like, this champ sucks.
[01:32:41] Like, think about it, when Nefiri got released
[01:32:45] Did we see Nefiri in pro play? Not really. Okay. so
[01:33:12] an enemy has been slain why are we in my lane with me i mean i'm just gonna die
[01:33:30] why is my talon in the lane with me.
[01:33:35] No, this guy's actually griefing though.
[01:33:38] What?
[01:33:39] Like he's standing
[01:33:40] mid with me before
[01:33:43] being six. Look at all that lo elo is crazy
[01:33:47] well you know this literally you will have one player on your team who's mentally retarded every
[01:33:52] game and if that mentally retarded player decides you don't get to play league of legends
[01:33:57] you don't get to play legal legends it's insane so I mean, on a good note though
[01:34:28] this Aurora is the same
[01:34:29] okay bro
[01:34:31] like I'm being fucking
[01:34:35] I just got ulted by Maokai fucking...
[01:34:41] I just got ulted by Maokai.
[01:34:47] So, like we'll probably still win because this is the same dipshit from last game but dude how come i never see supports
[01:34:52] walk mid like full all in the jungler or the jungler has been made twice now
[01:34:57] the enemy support once with ulti and flash
[01:35:03] and my jungler is playing talon farming gromp on top side of the map That's insane to me.
[01:35:16] People are so fucking bad at League. that league.
[01:35:25] God, I hate being the asshole who points this shit out
[01:35:27] but it's sad. It's depressing.
[01:35:57] Yeah! sad like it's depressing so Oh, I got Hecarim mid for the fifth time.
[01:36:02] Don't worry about it guys.. 0kp emerald 2 jungler and the enemy has 6 kp out of 9 5 ganks mid hecarim it is what it is but i do think these people are disgusting Oh well. We scale and we try and carry later, because the one thing that people in this elo don't know how to do they don't know how to play after lane
[01:36:38] phase ends so that's usually when you can start popping off against bad players because in lane
[01:36:44] they'll just like fight you on repeat and if they have the better jungler
[01:36:48] They will win every time.
[01:36:50] But once you get out of lane phase, the game gets a lot easier because you can just...
[01:36:55] Like, they won't know how to side-lane, they won't know how to macro They won't know how to sideline, they won't know how to macro.
[01:36:57] They won't know how to pressure the map at timers.
[01:36:59] They'll just exist in their lane.
[01:37:01] They're like ARAM is what I'm saying.
[01:37:03] So it is what it is. this big shutdown on Draven, nice!
[01:37:23] An enemy has been slain.
[01:37:45] Oh no... You kind of see what I mean though, Aurora can somehow do anything pro just now.
[01:37:55] She just walked up and armed me.
[01:37:59] And I'm at 1 HP.
[01:38:01] Like it's really weird. The champion is like
[01:38:05] super overstated. And when you have a champion that
[01:38:09] is that overstated where they can just walk up,
[01:38:11] because she doesn't even have a good mythic.
[01:38:13] Or like she has Rod of Ages and this item sucks for power.
[01:38:16] This is one of the worst items you can buy early game
[01:38:19] because it doesn't actually give you power right away.
[01:38:21] So she's almost one-shotting me
[01:38:23] with an item designed to scale.
[01:38:25] That's insane.
[01:38:27] We demand sacrifice.
[01:38:59] Sacrifice... nice I mean look at this guy he doesn't even understand how to farm. He's getting out-traded by a fucking
[01:39:01] 1 in 5 Malzahar, man.
[01:39:25] Okay. mazahar man that's how i know new champs are pretty much always broken almost like look at this i'm'm at half! She used one spell! so dude get the fuck away.
[01:40:03] I'm getting ghost-ulted!
[01:40:25] What am i to do man This is what I mean.
[01:40:27] I hate low elo games.
[01:40:29] Anything below mid, even mid masters now is sad
[01:40:31] these people suck and it's disgusting that i have to play with them
[01:40:47] because the thing about League now is nobody wants to help anybody do anything.
[01:40:54] They just want to stand there and scale separately. It's fucking awful, man.
[01:41:10] Okay. Like, why is Hecarim ganking me over Draven? I don't get it.
[01:41:11] You know?
[01:41:12] It doesn't make sense.
[01:41:15] Like why are you camping me bro?
[01:41:40] Alright, got my first gank. Also, I don't understand why people don't camp Malzahar Lane. harley i guess i'm dead
[01:41:50] like i don't understand why people can't mouth the hard lanes because you just win. Like anytime that anybody wants a free kill they just walk mid and i guess an r and they win uh This Raven really needs to go Lifesteal.
[01:42:23] If he had a BT, he would be murdering these people.
[01:42:28] Because he has no LS. He has no lifesteal.
[01:42:36] I'm going to die! uh god double kill
[01:43:07] i guess he's murdering people anyway. Your team has destroyed a turtle. so I'm just gonna get some damage off
[01:43:49] because I can't actually take that turret yet.
[01:43:53] But now it's at half, so if I do get a good shove with the cannon...
[01:43:57] I can probably just kill it with the cannon. so do not challenge faith's will so
[01:44:33] dude it's crazy that this guy is losing trades. so has destroyed
[01:45:04] telling you man the biggest thing that you can do to carry
[01:45:07] in this elo is just perma side lane and permafarm it's actually op so That was for seeing. so so Nice. boggers Damn.
[01:46:25] Did he actually?
[01:46:29] Did his combo perfectly, I couldn't play the game.
[01:46:42] I'm a little curious how the fuck Talon died, but nah, I'm not gonna think too much about
[01:46:47] it. so so so so so so so so so This is sad so uh so so Okay.
[01:49:46] I don't really mind too much.
[01:49:54] How much did I reduce?
[01:49:57] 600 healing reduction, damn. That's actually kind of crazy considering uh...
[01:50:00] I just bought the item.
[01:50:02] 600 healing reduction is insane that is insanity for like two fights so I'm going to go top and push.
[01:50:52] I wanted to just group so we could hit them, but I should probably go push.
[01:51:00] Because if you don't have a good push going when there's no objective up,
[01:51:05] this is the absolute best time to push.
[01:51:07] Is not having the objective up.
[01:51:43] So I can go get tier 2 top or force somebody to defend it so so Your turret has been destroyed.
[01:51:47] An enemy has been slain.
[01:51:49] Shut down!
[01:52:31] Double kill! uh I'm going to try and get the so Cool. We got the old three items.
[01:52:36] Poggers.
[01:53:19] We are timeless! I'm pretty sure Hecarim will come over here, so we should just try and kill him. There it is. That was interesting. We didn't do anything.
[01:53:22] We used no spells.
[01:53:25] What the fuck
[01:53:26] was my team doing?
[01:53:30] Draven should have just ulted.
[01:53:31] He would have killed the Hecarim.
[01:53:33] You should have been paying attention. Ult that. We kill Hecarim.
[01:53:36] We set up Baron and we do Baron.
[01:54:25] Okay. Baron and we do Baron. so second sight or d Bow bow bow. Our team's not very smart. We knew they were were gonna force mid there
[01:54:36] like we were we that was very obvious they're going to force men so so i mean there's almost no way they can't do it.
[01:55:28] They're too low.
[01:55:29] Just go fight them.
[01:55:30] Like literally just go kill them all.
[01:56:27] He's Draven has some not great mechanics, I'm gonna be real. So Just do it Cool. I bad. I kind of want to go group, like I should probably just run it down mid right now because pushing side is good and I don't think anybody can kill me except maybe Hecarim.
[01:56:32] Like, pushing sides super good but uh...
[01:56:36] I need to be there so that I can R the Hecarim engage on the uh... Draven. so so so I didn't get my E off, man.
[01:57:31] God!
[01:57:32] If I got an E on either of them they both die.
[01:57:37] Man!
[01:57:39] I'm so sad...
[01:57:41] Like literally dude
[01:57:43] I was spamming E but like you a quarter of a second where you're CC'd.
[01:57:48] Guys what are ya doing?
[01:57:52] They were just cheesing for fun.
[01:57:56] Oh... They're just cheesing for fun. Oh, like what am I watching?
[01:57:59] They're just gonna die! um Holy fuck, man.
[01:58:28] They literally- like if I just literally got my E off there...
[01:58:32] None of this would be happening. Like yeah, my team's gonna overstay regardless.
[01:58:35] I suck.
[01:58:39] Man!
[01:58:41] Had I just gotten E off, we'd win the game right then
[01:58:43] and there.
[01:58:45] That makes me so sad because yeah like
[01:58:48] The problem with what my team's doing is they are essentially just
[01:58:56] trying to fight instead of kill towers, like I said.
[01:59:00] League is a tower defense simulator game...
[01:59:03] ...disguised as a battle royal.
[01:59:11] I mean you're dead.
[02:01:08] Nice job Aurora! You were really intelligent. so Oh, they just love inting man. I don't know, it's wild. What has slowed me? so so so Got it. I told you though, after 14 minutes nobody knows what the fuck they're doing in this elo.
[02:01:12] They just run in circles and int. Like it's actually painful. like imagine you just lock your
[02:01:34] I don't know what else to say except for
[02:01:36] everybody just get
[02:01:38] nobody is playing
[02:01:39] League of Legends
[02:01:40] in this area
[02:01:40] they're playing
[02:01:42] deathmatch simulator
[02:01:43] for fun
[02:01:44] angled shit
[02:01:45] and you have to be
[02:01:48] the one
[02:01:48] to do the macro with one other person on your team.
[02:01:52] If one other person isn't doing the macro, the game gets ten times harder. I think Riot
[02:02:13] should make it a point to explain
[02:02:18] that objectives get...
[02:02:20] You know what Riot should actually do?
[02:02:23] They should make objectives worth double the gold they are right now.
[02:02:26] It would throw
[02:02:27] high elo into, like,
[02:02:29] a rage, but low
[02:02:31] elo would just, like... The difference between good and bad players would just, like...
[02:02:32] The difference between good and bad players
[02:02:34] would be night and day.
[02:02:36] If I kill a turret over fighting you,
[02:02:38] it's worth 50 CS
[02:02:40] or 10 kills or something, you know?
[02:02:43] And then you just
[02:02:44] can kill me five times and I'll just int for the turret
[02:02:46] and you lose. Because you're too stupid
[02:02:48] to understand objectives.
[02:04:09] .... So,..... you you
[02:05:53] you........ I'll be right back. I'm going to take a piss..... so I'm just like, it hit me
[02:07:17] white boy all right play that fucking music is The Chattier Begins Minions have spawned. and behind And behind...
[02:08:23] This guy just said, any buff men? so so so what oh What? Oh.
[02:09:21] I feel like I didn't have to flash, but
[02:09:23] I did it because
[02:09:25] I didn't check to see if he had ignite
[02:09:27] and I'm really stupid uh if i had just checked to see if he had Ignite, I wouldn't have flashed.
[02:09:54] I'm bad. uh Hmm. hmm so so That guy cannot be happy. Man, I have 1100 gold. If I had better CS, I would already have my item. okay so challenge so insane so I don't think that Zed is very happy with like...
[02:12:41] I'll be real, I don't think he's happy with the fact that I'm literally just like
[02:12:47] 1 HP every fucking time that he wants to kill me.
[02:12:52] Like that's gotta be some anger, right?
[02:12:56] Alright I'm gonna walk mid I think what we're going to do here is like Zed
[02:12:58] wants the recall, right
[02:13:00] We should get-we should look for dragon grubs. Uh, I'm gonna push one wave,
[02:13:04] then I'm gonna look for another wave and then we should get either dragon or grubs. We push one more wave here.
[02:13:17] Zed's gonna have to collect this wave.
[02:13:24] I'm going to let it burn, and then I'm going to walk bot,
[02:13:26] and we should do Drake. This is actually a really good timer for me.
[02:13:41] Like, even if bot lane doesn't come...
[02:13:43] I think the timer here is actually really good.
[02:13:45] No! Do the objective, we already committed to half of it, just fucking do it.
[02:14:04] Yeah... I'm telling you, man.
[02:14:08] Like that guy didn't see how he almost walked over?
[02:14:12] You guys saw that right? He literally almost walked to try and kill the Brand.
[02:14:17] That right there is the actual issue.
[02:14:26] That he didn't understand, like we don't need to kill the brand there We should just commit to the dragon Hmm. I should have walked over there sooner
[02:14:53] that's my bad so our goal in this lane is don't die to the zed and we've accomplished like our goal Like literally, that's just
[02:15:30] We want to not die
[02:15:31] and we wanna make sure
[02:15:33] that like that's...
[02:15:36] Don't die
[02:15:37] and play for scaling.
[02:15:41] If we can keep the assassin, like not assassinating on the map or
[02:15:45] We can put him behind once.
[02:15:47] We got our next item.
[02:15:48] He's not gonna play the game.
[02:15:57] He's also going to get frustrated soon, and he's gonna force an all-in that's not good. Because fucking assassin player does it.
[02:16:09] They get frustrated when you're playing like a mage or something and And then they will try to all-in you, and
[02:16:14] they'll be like, well...
[02:16:16] We gotta try!
[02:16:21] I'm actually gonna let him push this in.
[02:16:44] Uh, right now is it's a really bad time for me to die if i end up dying because i need to
[02:16:48] oh i'm lagging.
[02:16:54] Dude, I hit a lag spike right at that moment by the way! I'm not even kidding.
[02:16:57] That's crazy
[02:17:19] I got so lucky cool we'll walk back to lane we'll have teleport insurance and this is what we're gonna do
[02:17:21] now that we have our item
[02:17:25] I'm just going to play very in
[02:17:27] this Zed's face so if he ever goes to rome he loses the game so oh Alright, so Zed has Eclipse. We both have an item.
[02:18:08] Once my ult comes back up we can start playing uh much more aggro so so Alright, at ten seconds he has a small window to kill me here. Oh my god. that
[02:19:15] it's a thank Brand for free win.
[02:19:20] Wait, this guy straight he lost 1v1! Dude, can you guys confirm something? i'm not a huge mid laner
[02:19:58] Do we have any midlaners in the chat? I need to ask you guys a question
[02:20:02] Do you get more mad at losing to champions like mouths
[02:20:08] Champions that just like stand there and farm.
[02:20:11] Does it actually add a little bit of a debuff? so Because when I play
[02:20:36] bot lane,
[02:20:38] when I lose
[02:20:39] to something like
[02:20:39] Smolder, right?
[02:20:42] I get really mad just subconsciously.
[02:20:47] Even if I'm playing Jinx, Zeri, it doesn't matter.
[02:20:52] Subconsciously, I'm like...x, Zeri. It doesn't matter. Like subconsciously, I'm like this champion can't play the game
[02:20:56] The fact that he's able to play the game right now is making me upset
[02:21:00] ... upset so about singe too yeah i guess that makes sense huh song What did Brand do that made that guy rage?
[02:21:56] Let's go look.
[02:22:02] Like, what did he do
[02:22:03] to make that guy rage quit?
[02:22:39] Okay. What did he do that made that guy rage quit? so Okay, he's just chillin'. I mean at the moment he is just existing.
[02:22:47] I mean, he's just farming.
[02:23:06] Okay. He went bot, got a kill. Reset.
[02:23:27] Went top. went up hovered a gank they got out played Backed. Did grubs
[02:23:35] i'm gonna be real it doesn't really look like bran did anything wrong so so Did he want
[02:24:12] Bran to gank me?
[02:24:16] Was that what this was?
[02:24:17] It's like,
[02:24:17] he was mad
[02:24:18] that Brand wasn't
[02:24:18] ganking mid.
[02:24:24] Yeah, but think about this.
[02:24:26] Like how do they actually kill me?
[02:24:30] That's what I'm saying.
[02:24:31] Like they can't actually kill me.
[02:24:33] Let's say Brand does walk mid when I'm standing here and gank.
[02:24:40] Like, how-how does that... like right now right let's say in theory he wants the brand to gank right now how does bran gang me
[02:25:02] like where we have a ward here or that's their ward, sorry.
[02:25:10] Oh I guess he could walk around and gank from here but I still think even if he like
[02:25:14] ganks me it doesn't change the game.
[02:25:19] But I guess he could.
[02:25:21] But he also doesn't know that
[02:25:23] I'm stupid.
[02:25:26] Well you gotta remember
[02:25:27] he doesn't know there's no wards.
[02:25:29] So like if you're a jungler and you're just walking around the map not assuming
[02:25:33] There's wards in places
[02:25:42] Because we don't have any vision, but he doesn't know that.
[02:25:54] So it's harder to make that justification. He could try, I guess... so...... And I say adieu! I do. Welcome to Summer Shade. In due course.
[02:27:54] Thirty seconds until minions spawn.
[02:28:00] How we doing? We're chill are you doing man what's up rito
[02:29:00] what's up bro We do. so I'm going to try and get the first one. uh I am bad. I am just bad at League.
[02:29:03] I should have, like going for the ward there was fine but... Oh Well, we see either trade autos or do zero damage.
[02:29:28] I opted for the one where I actually did some damage.
[02:29:32] Right? It was either that or do no damage all so uh What?
[02:30:09] No, that's BS by the way I uh We are time. uh so I need to push this in ASAP
[02:31:23] so that I can actually not get
[02:31:25] frozen.
[02:31:28] Because I need to get a reset.
[02:31:30] And if I don't back right now uh he's gonna be able to freeze the wave
[02:31:44] what do i think of Smolder?
[02:31:45] I think Smolder is really,
[02:31:46] really,
[02:31:47] really bad early game.
[02:31:48] But that's the trade off is like it's a trash champion
[02:31:50] early.
[02:31:51] But if you can get
[02:31:51] to late game, you pretty much
[02:31:53] auto-win. That's just kind of
[02:31:55] how it works.
[02:31:59] I personally don't like the champion
[02:32:01] design of that type of shit, but it is what it is.
[02:32:08] It's like's like the AD carry version of Kayle or whatever right? yes so so second sight uh so so Why don't you eat over the wall by way, and we could have just killed the guy
[02:33:43] Cuz I didn't have a ward
[02:34:06] Oh so I mean, that was an absolutely horrendous fucking decision
[02:34:07] to go for that.
[02:34:12] Because our bot lane was
[02:34:14] super shoved in.
[02:34:16] So, MF had
[02:34:18] to farm the bot wave.
[02:34:21] So it's like MF had to form
[02:34:23] bot, and I'm playing Malzahar, which
[02:34:24] I mean, I was six, but
[02:34:26] the problem is
[02:34:28] this Bard is not very good, and because
[02:34:31] the Bard's not very good
[02:34:32] he's not gonna be able to actually like
[02:34:34] impact
[02:34:34] the fight early we have just a hyper
[02:34:37] scaling comp
[02:34:38] there's really no reason for us not to
[02:34:40] hyperscale. so uh okay Damn it, man.
[02:35:31] I'm just slowed the entire time.
[02:35:34] If I wasn't
[02:35:34] slowed that whole time,
[02:35:36] I could have maybe done something but Dude, I swear.
[02:35:53] Every single time
[02:35:53] I ever play mid...
[02:35:56] Like the enemy players
[02:35:59] are in my lane
[02:36:00] non-stop
[02:36:02] whereas like
[02:36:03] my team is never
[02:36:05] in my lane
[02:36:06] Bard walked mid early didn't even do anything.
[02:36:09] Zilean flash combo'd me.
[02:36:13] I like stopped it.
[02:36:17] Like I don't know man. This shit's crazy. I can't really help ballin.
[02:36:55] Oh, I got everybody mid again.
[02:37:23] Like what the fuck is this? this I don't get it, man.
[02:37:26] Because I'm just existing.
[02:37:28] I'm not even overextending.
[02:37:30] Like, I would get it if I was like autoing their turret.
[02:37:35] Right? Like if I was just standing there autoing their turret. If I was just standing there, autoing the turret
[02:37:37] I get it, I should get ganked
[02:37:39] but like, I'm just existing
[02:37:43] Look at this! This is insane!
[02:38:07] Like, dude...
[02:38:15] I literally played that almost perfect dodged every spell except for brands
[02:38:21] bullshit are and if Brandon have a fucking 10 minute Liandry's, I wouldn't even died.
[02:38:34] Like how is this even happening?
[02:38:49] How are you losing bot lane to a team that's been mid three times.
[02:38:59] God! God.
[02:39:04] Like there's literally not much more I can say. Okay, Like, just genuinely though.
[02:39:14] I'm beating an Ezreal 1v1 as a Mal'dahar!
[02:39:20] Do you guys understand how ridiculously silly that is?
[02:39:24] That should not be happening. so
[02:39:40] like like come on! An enemy has been slain.
[02:40:10] I'm done!
[02:40:18] God damn it! oh there's no world i should be winning against ezreal as mouse so Like what? This guy's a fucking dipshit. what is going on boys my ad carry is he rushed kraken slayer Yeah, my target is right here. Damn, I thought I could kill that guy there.
[02:41:32] That's what I'm adding. oh so so Soak them drowned.
[02:42:13] Let us know the following after you have discussed all of these with me now.
[02:42:19] You can do so.
[02:42:23] Killing spree! killing speed okay we can win this game. The enemy team is also kind of bad. so i need to go bot Well, we either lose tier 2 turret or we lose tier one mid here i think so That's what sucks. Yeah, he sucked the whole fucking game!
[02:43:39] It's just that I was fucking 1v5 mid!
[02:45:04] Oh my god, that's a lot of damage fucking 1v5 me Ezreal teleporting to that worthless fight. Oh no, you guys are gonna lose your tier too and i can't see you guys gotta relax, man. I don't know how we're gonna play this Drake at all.
[02:45:09] Like, I don't think we can.
[02:45:15] Which just sucks.
[02:45:20] I mean, I'm extremely strong so like maybe we can?
[02:45:25] Like, I'm very fucking strong.
[02:45:31] Moron! We can win!
[02:45:36] You just have to actually play with me.
[02:46:01] Oh my god... so I guess we're just giving.
[02:46:03] I don't think we should,
[02:46:04] I think we should fight!
[02:46:57] I'm extremely strong but so so so There's no way I'm getting flamed here, right? Like, I have to be honest mf is actually afk
[02:47:05] but he's not even trying to play anymore he's just giving up
[02:47:10] like there's no world
[02:47:11] that we flame the only person
[02:47:13] who's playing well on the team.
[02:47:17] Like, we went too late.
[02:47:22] If you- if you wanna know why that actually was such a bad play...
[02:47:25] It's because when I pinged that we needed to fight...
[02:47:30] My jungler and my laoi went late, so they started the dragon. so They're gonna... there's a chance they can try and do Baron here.
[02:47:58] I have to be really careful. my enemy has been slain i mean i was scared of brands so me okay your team has destroyed a turret so We should be able to get this Baron. Nice. so so so so my husband's We cannot give this dragon. Guys, what are we doing?
[02:51:01] Thank you.
[02:51:09] Like I'm literally zoning what, three of them?
[02:51:13] God... god at least we get the dragon because we got their jungler jesus so so Well, the thing about MF splitting is until she spends her gold and groups all that gold
[02:51:55] she's using to kill towers is worthless, right?
[02:52:02] That's the only downside.
[02:52:04] Until she actually groups and uses the gold to help us in a teamfight, it's not
[02:52:06] good.
[02:52:15] Sick and sightful game. teamfight, it's not like good. Because she can't 1v1 anybody in the side lane.
[02:52:19] She only has two items at 25 minutes i have four so so Uh, I fucked up.
[02:53:00] What am I watching? I fucked up.
[02:53:03] What am I watching?
[02:53:06] Oh my god.
[02:53:09] Bro,
[02:53:10] I messed up one time!
[02:53:14] Ah... Bro, I messed up one time. Ah. I don't know, man.
[02:53:15] Why are we not...
[02:53:16] Oh yeah, ping me, retard.
[02:53:19] We should be sieging mid with Baron anyway.
[02:53:38] But ping me man ping me when you're too stupid to get mid prio for sure like help your teammate
[02:53:43] look at this MF, man!
[02:53:47] No that guy is trolling.
[02:53:51] There's no way that mf is not
[02:54:01] trolling We need to push mid. so so so so um your team has destroyed a turret so I
[02:55:48] Like how on being pinged by the idiots Like like what?
[02:55:58] How is it always the retards who ping you when you're doing the right shit.. Okay.. My map did 4000 damage!. Dude, you know what's funny?
[02:57:22] Look at this.
[02:57:23] Imagine
[02:57:24] you're so tilted
[02:57:26] Imagine
[02:57:29] you're so tilted off of losing three
[02:57:31] games in a row that you
[02:57:33] intentionally use all of
[02:57:35] your effort to lose the
[02:57:37] fourth game.
[02:57:41] You're like, I don't want to play anymore I hate everyone these people suck blah, blah, blah
[02:57:44] and you intentionally do everything in your power
[02:57:46] to lose and then you're dragged kicking
[02:57:49] and screaming over the finish line.
[02:57:53] That's embarrassing.
[02:57:59] God damn, bro.. Oh, we did it boys. We got a run a bit of the wind streak today.
[02:58:39] Oh yeah I can smell the win streak.
[02:58:46] We're playing well, we're keeping mental.
[02:58:51] This is how we do it.
[02:58:52] Okay. Is that what we're doing?
[02:59:37] Easy peasy.. All we had to do was play a bit of the malzihar welcome to the league of draven yo chris brandon
[03:00:02] hey thank you so much man thank you for that two-month resub welcome back Oh shit.
[03:00:06] Here we go again Dude, are you guys...
[03:00:32] Is anybody else...
[03:00:34] I have the TFT excitement.
[03:00:37] I was playing with Wings again last night
[03:00:39] on the PDE for a little bit.
[03:00:41] And, the new TFT...
[03:00:43] I know that it's like the same TFT
[03:00:45] it's always been, but
[03:00:46] I enjoy this set currently
[03:00:49] more than I did last set like the new set coming out
[03:00:55] feels more fun then the current set that's out right now it's actually been pretty fun.
[03:01:04] They did this thing where they basically...
[03:01:09] Like, there's still OP stuff.
[03:01:15] But it feels a little more like...
[03:01:26] You have options to beat people with really good comps.
[03:01:32] Because there's these little charms in the game now, this is what they added. They added these little charms and what the charms do is the charms give you um,......
[03:01:45] ...
[03:01:47] ...
[03:01:49] ...
[03:01:51] The charms
[03:01:53] give you every three rerolls or something.
[03:01:56] It gives you a little thing that helps you win.
[03:01:58] It's like a little buff.
[03:02:19] Okay. But I've been having fun, man.
[03:02:32] Like, I think I'm actually gonna do some TFT streaming when the new set comes out.
[03:02:35] I'm going to take a small break from League for like, a few days.
[03:02:38] Do some TFT gaming because it's just so much fun, honestly.
[03:02:44] Oh!. I saw people told me to drink water. Will do.
[03:03:13] Dude, if this guy's in Grandmaster, he must be down bad.
[03:03:16] Real talk?
[03:03:18] This bard
[03:03:19] on the enemy team
[03:03:20] has to be down real bad. he wants me to go mid or go top.
[03:03:43] Okay.
[03:03:51] Oh, never mind. The enemy Ivern is the Grandmaster
[03:03:54] and he's just sitting at 500 LP
[03:03:56] like he didn't lose.
[03:04:00] Like what is this matchmaking?
[03:04:04] What? like what is this matchmaking
[03:04:55] excuse me me like what Well now I'm in an even harder lane than I was in before. Glad we swapped, bro. and our life has been slain so so Like what am i supposed to do
[03:05:57] i'm gonna get dove i took too many trades
[03:06:08] i think i got him. Okay. Okay. so so so so Maybe I should have gone and relieved this guy off of mid.
[03:07:11] What do you guys think?
[03:07:12] Like, should I just rotate to mid there? I don't know.
[03:07:17] It's hard to tell.
[03:07:19] I'm not sure.
[03:07:24] Because if I swapped into mid on that timer...... it might have fucked my Yone really bad.
[03:07:30] Like, I was fine but like...
[03:07:34] I don't know he might have gotten super fucked just stack up the mana for a little bit. so of course I mean it's not possible He just spins in and I lose.
[03:08:34] Like, it's stupid!
[03:09:32] Okay. I mean, the fact that like this Yone wanted to fucking uh swap is super shit and so Dude, my Yone is getting so shit on right now that I- That's embarrassing.
[03:09:39] Like, I get it but it's like a hard matchup or whatever but...
[03:09:44] Like what the fuck bro
[03:09:53] you know why he's getting shit on, by the way?
[03:09:58] He's getting shit on because he's not killing the tentacles. Guys?
[03:10:21] Why is Bard mid?
[03:10:25] Whatever.
[03:10:28] Dude, this happens so much where
[03:10:31] I will do decent in my lane with no help
[03:10:35] In a counter matchup
[03:10:38] And then the person that i literally trade with to help because they're being babies gets on making uh Double Kill! uh I think that's worth, just because killing ivorne is pretty big there use his motion I have ult. so so so damn if he didn't flash he dies so so so Okay, not bad. we got our item second sight ordains it so No, I like being at 1 HP.
[03:14:29] That's super fun!
[03:14:31] Barely an inconvenience Double kill. so okay Okay.
[03:15:18] My bad.
[03:15:20] I actually kind of fucked up.
[03:15:24] I got hit by E.
[03:15:25] That was my bad.
[03:15:28] Dude, this is crazy!
[03:15:47] It can't be a big injury... Hopefully the fact that we have a better AD carry will matter this game. destroyed and current
[03:16:53] i'm hoping anyway so so wow don't ever let you let anyone tell you tryndamere is a balance champion don't let them I can kill the Tryndamere if he were to come bot right now.
[03:17:00] Even without ulti, I think he just kills me. so I got a I gotta go bot bro.
[03:17:37] I can't leave Trynd by himself for like any time, he will just win the game. Tryndamere pushes too fast like if i ever go not near shit i just die This guy's level 12.
[03:18:02] How in the fuck is this guy level 12. so Holy shit, what do I even do there i don't know
[03:18:40] i'm gonna push bot though I I do think that
[03:19:02] I need, what's it called though?
[03:19:05] I'm going to get Rylize
[03:19:06] so that I can kite them and then I'm going to get
[03:19:08] After I get Rylai so that I can kite them, and then I'm going to get...
[03:19:13] After I get Rylai's after we get Rellers, we're gonna get Orb Morellos.
[03:19:26] And then I think we'll just do the normal Liandrys. Hello, angry Korean men. How you doing, man?
[03:19:55] No, I've been queuing mid. It's netted me about 300 LP so far.
[03:20:01] It's pretty op so so Crystal Scepter? Rylize? No, you can't
[03:20:47] rush Rylize.
[03:20:49] You'll just get railed
[03:20:51] unless you're playing Aesol. so so so so so so Yeah, I'm on the stop them from split pushing duty all game.
[03:22:08] Which is a good duty to be on.
[03:22:24] Oh well. I mean, I did the best I could! so
[03:22:40] your team has destroyed I mean, it's crazy that this guy with no defensive stats whatsoever can eat my entire full combo and not get even close to dying.
[03:22:55] Like that to me is wild.
[03:22:59] Like no defensive stats, just pure
[03:23:01] like
[03:23:01] healing from his fucking thing.
[03:23:05] ...
[03:23:07] ...
[03:23:09] ...
[03:23:11] ...
[03:23:13] ...... so and then he can just spin away so so that was Okay. Thank God our AD carry is good.
[03:24:30] And our Leona.
[03:24:32] Honestly, our bot lane in general is just really good.
[03:26:37] Our Yone is on like a four game losing streak so he's just tilted so so wow so so so so Dude, me and that Jinx just gave them a masterclass. I mean, yeah.
[03:26:38] I got railed this game.
[03:26:39] In my defense,
[03:26:40] I'm pretty sure Tryndamere is supposed to absolutely destroy me.
[03:26:43] Like the Yone wanted to swap
[03:26:46] which I think was the right call
[03:26:47] but I showed that I was top
[03:26:49] like an idiot early.
[03:26:51] It was my fault.
[03:26:52] I showed that I was playing top early
[03:26:54] like we were swapping on them
[03:26:55] so they swapped on us
[03:26:57] and when they swapped on us i'm in like a long lane against trendemir which
[03:27:02] is the worst case scenario so it just kind of turned into that really shithole game because I showed that we were swapping. That's kinda my bad. but jinx played really really well though and leona i think they both played so good.. Dude, I swear just having a champion
[03:28:01] like Malz in your...
[03:28:04] I don't know what it is.
[03:28:06] I'd have to think about it but there's something
[03:28:08] about having Malz on your team
[03:28:11] You always have somebody who's like somewhat useful, right?
[03:28:15] Because you can always push lanes and take turrets pretty
[03:28:19] fast. You go Rylai so you're always kind of adding a little bit of use
[03:28:23] And then on top of all that adding a little bit of use.
[03:28:25] And then on top of all of that, you also
[03:28:26] have really, really good waveclear.
[03:28:34] Like if they don't
[03:28:36] destroy your Voidlings
[03:28:38] you actually can kill
[03:28:40] super minions instantly
[03:28:41] at like three items.
[03:28:44] Your Voidlings will just one-shot them.
[03:28:47] Even barrened up super minions,
[03:28:49] it's crazy.
[03:29:08] ... I'm telling you though, this is the win streak boys. This is the win streak.
[03:29:16] Wait what is this Okay. Thank you.... Okay.. I love this. Okay.. Dude, he's
[03:31:22] whining about the same thing that I
[03:31:24] whine about in solo queue, but in pro play.
[03:31:27] People are so
[03:31:28] fucking stupid nowadays.
[03:31:31] Everybody thinks that
[03:31:32] pros are really smart and good.
[03:31:35] No, you guys fucking suck! Unless
[03:31:37] you're in Korea or China,
[03:31:39] like none of the pro players even
[03:31:41] have fucking macro. They just AFK
[03:31:44] their brain every
[03:31:45] game. Panic, don't know basic shit it's crazy how bad our regions are it's crazy... you Okay. You're welcome. you.. you you
[03:33:44] you
[03:33:45] you
[03:33:47] you
[03:33:49] you
[03:33:51] you
[03:33:53] you you. I can't just... yeah so Dude, I love that. See,
[03:34:42] I think more people should call out
[03:34:44] fucking dog shit regions
[03:34:46] for being dog shit I agree that was the realest like i love
[03:34:52] that i love when people are flaming pros because
[03:34:55] just cause you're a pro doesn't mean you're not a moron.
[03:35:00] People glorify pros as being these great players, and they
[03:35:02] are. They're good. They're way
[03:35:04] better than average. But they make some of
[03:35:06] the dumbest decisions
[03:35:07] I think I've ever seen in my life.
[03:35:12] They don't even know basic macro
[03:35:15] sometimes.
[03:35:16] It's why I stopped watching LCS.
[03:35:18] I can't watch LCS anymore.
[03:35:22] Not because, like,
[03:35:23] I'm older.
[03:35:24] It's just...
[03:35:25] It's unfun to watch
[03:35:27] solo queue level players
[03:35:30] like... level players like walk in circles
[03:35:35] for me personally
[03:35:37] I can't watch that
[03:35:39] it is I can't watch that.
[03:35:47] It is painful.
[03:35:55] Okay, I just took half of my HP with one E auto. Fucking feelsbadman.
[03:35:57] Lock in Austin. austin He's gonna get level two. and worse for some You might look for like a flash play into Ignite or something weird.
[03:36:55] Like I could see him doing that okay okay Okay, I missed my Q? That was worth if I killed her there. Whatever man.
[03:37:46] I mean...I don't know what this guy was doing.
[03:37:54] He came into my lane,
[03:37:56] died when I was like doing fine and then I tilted
[03:37:58] and inted too. We're just gonna
[03:38:00] death in and try our best with this guy but it's pretty and then I tilted and inted too. We're just gonna death end
[03:38:00] and try our best with this guy,
[03:38:02] but it's pretty obvious
[03:38:04] that this Nocturne is not trying to win
[03:38:06] because that was like a...
[03:38:09] I've seen gold players
[03:38:10] do disgusting things like that
[03:38:14] yeah 600 games diamond one yeah he's he's
[03:38:18] he's a bad player we just go next
[03:38:24] like the enemy sucks too but like they're
[03:38:27] better than my team we have a victor ad he's first timing victor 80.
[03:38:39] like enemy jungler is walking mid to like hold the waves whereas my jungler just walks
[03:38:46] mid to give Lux a kill.
[03:38:48] Like it is what it is bro. We'll just try our best.
[03:38:57] I did mess up a free kill, so that's also fun.
[03:39:20] First time Senna and a first-time Viktor.
[03:39:24] So that's gonna be a really fun little oh well Oh well.
[03:39:52] I mean, I can't really play the game
[03:39:56] It is what it is. Oh, I missed some XP for the block.
[03:40:02] Yeah...
[03:40:07] Like this guy's not that good so like maybe it's winnable actually? Michael. Like what?
[03:40:36] I'm dead. Damn, I got hit by the one skill try I need to not get hit by.
[03:40:42] Oh well, I mean it is what it is.
[03:40:50] Go! oh
[03:40:59] i do still think this lux is trash so we might be able to still win.
[03:41:04] The problem is, it's like...
[03:41:06] She has such an advantage
[03:41:08] given to her by
[03:41:11] other people and it's very frustrating
[03:41:27] like how is this guy not being dove? I don do it myself.
[03:41:39] Don't worry Nocturne, I'll kill her bro.
[03:41:54] I got you, man.
[03:41:55] I will heal the Lux by myself
[03:41:58] under her turret.
[03:41:59] The one that we gave first blood to
[03:42:02] in Red Buff.
[03:42:17] Okay. An enemy has been slain. hmm
[03:43:02] i see yes is I mean, of course the Udyr is just randomly mid again.
[03:43:05] Ah man...
[03:43:16] I have a 0kp jungler. How does this happen every game? Where I will like individually win my lane, every game. But the enemy jungler support... My jungler... Like how are you p- you can you just stay away from
[03:43:22] my fucking lane if i go even like if this jungle order
[03:43:25] never comes into my lane i'm up 40 cs and a kill right now
[03:43:30] like it's disgusting man so now so is An enemy has been slain.
[03:44:45] Cool, I got one shot by E. 1e boom dead don't worry we're not gonna even
[03:44:55] try to kill her because nocturne had the ult top.
[03:44:58] Whatever bro...
[03:45:03] I wish junglers understood that their actions have consequences to other lanes.
[03:45:09] I really do.
[03:45:15] But they never will
[03:46:28] hence why their junglers so so so so so Oh, thank God.
[03:46:31] Oh, thank God we finally did something. I was gonna say this Lux who I've been like walking up and just railing...
[03:46:37] ...I really needed us to do something there.
[03:48:02] I get her to 5 HP by myself. Okay. so so so so so Damn.
[03:49:04] If I had landed my Q, she dies. my bad uh your team has destroyed Yeah, I mean that's what always happens man. Everybody gets infinity help and then I just win anyway.
[03:51:27] This always fucking happens. so so so your team has destroyed a turret we've been so so so not bad Not bad. so so Cool. So...
[03:51:30] They have two dragons. When's the next
[03:51:32] drake? One minute? We should play for this
[03:51:34] dragon actually though, because I just hit a really big
[03:51:36] spike.
[03:51:38] We could definitely
[03:51:40] play for this dra strike in my opinion uh an enemy has been slain so so If you guys want to know one of the reasons I love Malz,
[03:52:46] You just do this.
[03:52:48] I can go mid and put an EW
[03:52:50] And then I could walk for the objective
[03:52:52] It's one of my favorite things about Malz
[03:52:56] It gives you so much tempo To like walk around air prior a mouse.
[03:52:57] It gives you so much tempo to just walk around, or prio I mean.
[03:53:00] You get so much priority, just walk
[03:53:01] around the map. I love it.
[03:54:00] Oh oh yeah buddy um uh so Dude, if I didn't oom, I actually think I had that.
[03:54:03] Dude, I actually had that! I went OOM So I couldn't use Q
[03:54:05] and E at the end so I was like
[03:54:07] nervous because I wanted to maybe try and squeak
[03:54:09] something? Oh my god... I wanted to maybe try and squeak something.
[03:54:13] Oh my god...
[03:54:21] I think that guy's dead that was a wild flash rip I don't think they can Baron here, but they might try. so so so so so What?
[03:56:03] What are these people doing? so
[03:56:16] they're still trying to do Baron, I think.
[03:56:21] I still think they're... nope okay they're not.
[03:57:09] Oh no! I need to back guys, I'm low. there's nowhere to tp2 guys so so they genuinely are just fighting on repeat. so so so Second second Wait, how did I just die?
[03:58:17] Uh that's really bad.
[03:58:21] Oh I got Luxulted!
[03:58:25] I got Udyr magic thinged and Lux ult'd.
[03:58:36] I was like, wait.
[03:58:39] I just got railed by something.
[03:58:42] Dang.
[03:58:44] I could have dodged that.
[03:58:47] God, Lux ult? Just her ulti did 866 and then like the double r from udir
[03:58:54] and then the ulti i took almost my entire hp bar
[03:59:02] it's actually wild how good lux is late game
[03:59:07] because like she's not she doesn't
[03:59:08] actually do anything
[03:59:12] but she just hits r
[03:59:15] and she does like 900 damage if you get hit by it it's like a little mini game
[03:59:19] you're not allowed to get hit by lux are late so Well, I killed two people but...
[03:59:51] I don't know if it matters.
[03:59:53] Uh-oh.
[03:59:55] That's really bad.
[04:00:08] Why is the Senna just watching him do that? What, go help.
[04:00:10] That's crazy you didn't help that guy at all.
[04:00:15] What?
[04:00:19] We need to just go to Baron, by the way.
[04:00:23] All we really have to do here is get control of mid-priote, play for Baron.
[04:00:27] And we should just auto win because our team comp's actually insane.
[04:00:31] Like now that I'm three items? I melt their frontline like you saw me i just killed braum new deer
[04:00:37] pretty much instantly all we really have to do is
[04:00:44] i mean i can go bot and pressure bot lane very easily as well.
[04:00:49] Right?
[04:00:50] I could do that.
[04:00:52] Wait, Udyr is bot! hot. so so so Not bad at all. Nice! I need one or gold. If i get one of
[04:02:07] Gold we're vibing.
[04:02:20] I suck!
[04:02:28] Yo, boys don't mind me.
[04:02:31] I'm just really bad.
[04:02:36] Smiley face.
[04:02:41] Like why did I even walk up to that guy? Okay, Mouth ults in.
[04:03:03] Uhhh... okay! Actually really good. Alton.
[04:03:06] Uh, okay. Actually really good. Okay. so so so so Oh, she's still alive? Holy crap. I mean on a good note we actually got some... Not bad, we got some good shit.
[04:04:24] Not too bad! I don't know if they can even Dragon.
[04:04:28] We just go Bot and win the game now
[04:04:32] they have no turrets uh i got four items i should be able to do like true damage
[04:04:36] to them though regardless of mr. So we're chillin'. of course so so uh I'm dead.
[04:05:46] I'm alive!
[04:05:49] Don't know how, but I am. Not bad. Thank you........................................................................................... All right, I'm back.
[04:22:19] You guys ready to game? so. I'm ready. Okay. Okay. ah Okay.
[04:24:07] We need something to watch.
[04:24:09] Oh, we were watching that I Will Dominate thing
[04:24:10] where he's whining about all the teams.
[04:27:25] Okay. about all the teams........ you you Okay........ Holy shit! The voice crack.
[04:27:35] He's so mad, he's actually... No. No, real talk though.
[04:28:01] I'm telling you man, straight up
[04:28:05] people have just gotten so bad in League of Legends that
[04:28:09] macro does not exist.
[04:28:12] Like, there's...
[04:28:13] Even in pro play, only good teams
[04:28:15] do macro. Everybody
[04:28:17] else just wants to
[04:28:19] say I'm better than you Everybody else just wants to, like...
[04:28:20] Say I'm better than you mechanically and just perm fight.
[04:28:26] It's stupid.
[04:28:31] Like, tell me I'm wrong. Tell me
[04:28:32] like...
[04:28:34] Everybody who plays
[04:28:35] all the NA and EU teams right now
[04:28:39] literally just don't like
[04:28:41] actually macro.
[04:28:45] I feel
[04:28:45] like 90% of them just exist
[04:28:47] to
[04:28:48] fight each other with random aram or like you get a lead and then all of
[04:28:56] a sudden it's like okay well
[04:29:24] sorry Sorry. Not bad, we got some good poke Sorry
[04:29:26] You get a lead
[04:29:27] And everybody's scared to do the fucking
[04:29:30] The shit you have to do
[04:29:32] To win
[04:29:33] I swear the shit you have to do to win.
[04:29:36] I swear that's just actually what it is, though.
[04:29:43] Like, people would just...
[04:29:44] I don't know if they don't know how or if like
[04:29:46] They just genuinely think the best strategy
[04:29:49] Is to permanently fight each other
[04:29:51] But it's in solo queue too.
[04:29:59] It's fucking wild.
[04:30:13] I think we might have to wait for wave three.
[04:30:21] I mean, I have flash but like...
[04:30:44] Uh oh. Oh, whatever. I got his flash. His flash is worth more than my flash.
[04:30:52] I played that awful but we got his flash, so it's fine. It is one of those.
[04:31:00] Did Aks action just walk butt and kill my jinx
[04:31:05] damn prep okay me cool I said to make sure the waves didn't get frozen.
[04:32:05] Oh my god.
[04:32:07] I mean,
[04:32:07] I'm 1 HP bro,
[04:32:08] I can't...
[04:32:11] Like,
[04:32:11] I genuinely can't come help you on that one i've been doing a lot sorry homies I mean,
[04:32:29] I don't know. Bad macro when you say
[04:32:31] it's just bad macro
[04:32:32] is just a lack of like having the balls to be aggressive if you ask me so In my opinion, there's like a really bad thing of like...
[04:33:03] I have to go bot here or Jinx is gonna get fucking dove.
[04:33:09] Like she wants me to go to grubs but if I don't cover her bot
[04:33:13] She will just get dove under turret
[04:33:16] What was I going to say? Oh yeah
[04:33:17] So I think it is...
[04:33:19] Anytime I see an NA team,
[04:33:20] it's the same thing with EU now.
[04:33:22] EU didn't used to be like this, but now they are.
[04:33:24] I don't know why.
[04:33:26] But basically, anytime somebody gets a lead
[04:33:30] they're too scared of throwing
[04:33:32] they don't have any confidence
[04:33:33] and I've said this for years
[04:33:36] literally years I've said this
[04:33:38] shit where
[04:33:38] league players do not have confidence Like, literally years I've said this shit where like...
[04:33:39] League players do not have confidence.
[04:33:54] Oh my god. Or any... Sorry, pro players. I should be more...
[04:33:56] I should be 100% more
[04:33:57] clear on what I'm saying pro players in league for like na ndu do not have the confidence
[04:34:06] that other regions have of just like playing to win. Like they'll get a lead
[04:34:12] and then there's some sort
[04:34:14] of aura where they're like, okay we can't throw
[04:34:16] We finally had a lead or some shit against
[04:34:18] the team that we've never had a lead against oh my god
[04:34:20] And then like they'll not close out the games. It's like how to lead against. Oh my god.
[04:34:23] They'll just not close out the games. It's like they get in their own head
[04:34:25] and they don't
[04:34:26] actually play the game
[04:34:28] properly.
[04:35:07] It's really silly, and it has been that way for a very long time. so I mean, I can't.
[04:35:08] Like, they know.
[04:35:11] Come on bro,
[04:35:11] they know. They know. Like that was a fucking generous, by the way.
[04:35:28] I did not deserve to land that hook.
[04:35:36] Where are these pings? What way what am i what am i like
[04:35:37] wait what is happening so so so I'll take it i stopped them and uh we stopped their back and this guy still has no flash
[04:36:39] nice free Nice. Free.
[04:36:45] See? It's always worth it.
[04:36:49] You're like Geronimo, I can't believe you died like that.
[04:36:52] Yeah well they died too.
[04:36:54] Suck it. um
[04:37:07] pretty sure that guy's dead yep yep so so Dude, I'm telling you man. League is such a simple game when you just like understand that your job
[04:37:56] is to just play the game so Now we're gonna back up. so so so so Nice. nice i think i have gone the wrong item, guys.
[04:39:43] Whoops! That's not good.
[04:39:47] Fuck! I think I'm supposed to go Knight's Vow.
[04:39:51] ... supposed to go night style
[04:39:54] that's not good
[04:39:59] yeah i'm supposed to go nice though so I think Locket is good, but it's not as
[04:40:24] good.
[04:40:27] It's kind of like a...... um so okay so Double kill. He's dead too.
[04:41:32] Oh, he got executed though! Nice!
[04:41:43] Am I supposed to go Celestial or do you go Slay? Does anybody know?
[04:41:45] I'll go Celestial because I'm not sure.
[04:41:55] But, I assume Slay is probably pretty fucking good.
[04:41:59] Because like Slay you just R or whatever and then...
[04:44:05] Celestial's better though it like a little mini aftershock yes so so so Hmm. hmm He really didn't want to dive that. so Shut down. Bro, that was not a good play. Why are we not just...
[04:44:07] I don't know.
[04:44:09] I feel like we should be winning the game through other means at the moment.
[04:44:20] Hmm Hmm.
[04:44:34] Like, I think we should just be winning the game through getting Rift and breaking towers.
[04:44:41] But...I can't really force my team to do that so it's kind of rough, you know? Oh! I know bro. Cool.
[04:45:11] Guys, I think they overcommitted a bit.
[04:45:15] What do you guys think?
[04:45:22] They really wanted to kill the Nautilus. You see what I mean when I say that like, support's not that hard. It's just so boring.
[04:45:47] Like, I'm... I can't do this.
[04:45:49] Like, I'm autofilled
[04:45:49] with this game, right?
[04:45:50] So it's fine.
[04:45:51] But I can't do this
[04:45:53] for like long
[04:45:53] periods of time.
[04:46:00] My brain is just too coded to not have to... I don't even know how to phrase it, I just can't do it. so okay you guys too.
[04:46:33] I can't really go in because Brand is right behind him.
[04:46:35] Like it's just not... Nah, we shouldn't.
[04:46:38] No, I like Lee. it's just not nah we shouldn't
[04:47:35] no i like league right like leagues really fun Okay, I don't know what I just watched but I don't think a single thing that me or that brand did was correct. um Well, I'm not gonna lie...
[04:47:57] I got shit on. so What is killing me? Just all kinds of damage, Is that what's happening?
[04:48:05] Like is it literally just all different damages? That's kind of what it feels like
[04:48:09] I don't know how oh they forfeited. Okay
[04:48:13] Honestly, I don't really know how to build
[04:48:15] to stop that much damage
[04:48:17] because I'm just dying
[04:48:18] to everything. I can't tell if supports feel tanky.
[04:48:30] Is it me, or do
[04:48:31] supports like... You either have
[04:48:33] to build tank, or you have to build a supportive item there isn't
[04:48:36] a tanky supportive item that does that feels like your tanki
[04:48:47] but it's got to be like warmogs, or so you can feel tanky. But then you don't actually have a support item.
[04:48:51] Right? You're just tank.
[04:48:55] But if you build this,
[04:48:58] you would think the stats
[04:48:59] would be good but this item blows cock.
[04:49:03] They must have nerfed this item.
[04:49:05] The stats on this are awful.
[04:49:08] Look at the stats for how much gold it costs!
[04:49:11] What?
[04:49:13] Okay, this item's trash. oh god
[04:49:21] I did not realize how bad this item actually was
[04:49:24] I should have just gone locket or some shit
[04:49:39] okay like look at the stats 10 haste 40 armor 100 base region this gives you 30 30 200 and then the shield and you still get 10 haste so the only difference is
[04:49:42] this eats damage from an ally
[04:49:43] but the problem
[04:49:46] is you lose 30 MR
[04:49:47] and it doesn't actually feel like the damage mitigates that much maybe I'm
[04:49:55] wrong I can't tell
[04:50:02] huh
[04:50:06] i don't know
[04:50:12] too too much thinking we'll go back to just zug-zugging and climbing. I mean, we're up 150 LP on the day so I'm feeling pretty good.
[04:50:17] Let's watch Dom rage about LAC.. Ha ha ha! okay.. Silence. Yeah
[04:51:44] No I'm telling you
[04:51:46] You know what Yeah. No, I'm telling you.
[04:51:48] I'm telling you, man.
[04:51:51] You know what is the biggest problem?
[04:51:53] And this is normal sports too, right?
[04:51:55] This isn't just league.
[04:51:58] This is any sort of normal sport.
[04:52:00] The biggest problem with a lot of players in sports
[04:52:03] or on teams
[04:52:06] is when they're young,
[04:52:09] they get too flabby or on teams is when they're young they don't
[04:52:10] they get too flustered and they stop
[04:52:12] thinking about like what's important
[04:52:15] right
[04:52:16] so it's like when you're like a younger player and you're just really gifted at the game,
[04:52:21] like you're good,
[04:52:22] You'll stop doing the fundamental thinking sometimes.
[04:52:26] So it is actually important to have the one person on
[04:52:31] the team be like,
[04:52:32] don't forget to do this.
[04:52:35] Everybody's thinking about their own
[04:52:37] shit. They're flustered. They're nervous. All that shit.
[04:52:40] They're in pro or whatever right?
[04:52:41] You need like the one person who's
[04:52:43] just reminding everybody during
[04:52:45] the game calmly, hey
[04:52:47] we're kicking ass
[04:52:49] let's look for closing it out with this objective
[04:52:52] get wards here do this and like
[04:52:54] remind people because like I swear
[04:52:56] to god when you watch people play it even in
[04:52:58] pro they do the same bullshit
[04:53:00] masters players do in league sometimes, where they...
[04:53:02] It's not that they're bad at all.
[04:53:05] It's like they forget.
[04:53:08] I'm watching
[04:53:08] pro players forget that you can literally
[04:53:11] walk mid.
[04:53:15] How many times have we seen teams just lose because they're like oh we're gonna get elder drake and then the enemy team
[04:53:19] just pushes mid and wins.
[04:53:24] Like, they don't even try to mid-priot, right? They're like
[04:53:26] oh we're at the Drake. Nothing they can do
[04:53:28] and then the enemy team's like yo you guys wanna just push?
[04:53:31] And they're like yeah
[04:53:31] and then they realize too late, right?
[04:53:35] And then everybody's being stopped
[04:53:37] and then you're like, well this fucking sucks.
[04:53:39] That happens more than you could ever
[04:53:41] admit in our
[04:53:43] regions, in NANAU. People just went through like
[04:53:45] random shit that people forget about.
[04:53:48] It's so dumb.
[04:53:51] And I feel
[04:53:52] like at the pro level you need one dude
[04:53:53] to just be on the team
[04:53:55] and be like guys objective in one minute
[04:53:59] everybody be there before the objectives so we can control.
[04:54:01] They have to walk into us get mid prior
[04:54:03] make sure you push out top real quick. Like remind them right
[04:54:07] just remind me because
[04:54:09] the kids aren't going to remember they're just hyped up on
[04:54:11] fucking all their shit trying to
[04:54:13] like push their buttons
[04:54:14] straight up. Why do you think like why do you think like
[04:54:17] Why do you think this is the one of
[04:54:19] the best descriptions of this? You remember
[04:54:21] when Faker had to take a month and
[04:54:23] half break last year?
[04:54:25] Do you guys remember that? It was,
[04:54:27] it was this,
[04:54:28] I don't know how many people follow esports in here
[04:54:29] but Faker had to
[04:54:30] leave T1
[04:54:31] for like
[04:54:32] a month and a half
[04:54:34] or some shit,
[04:54:34] right?
[04:54:35] Because his hand
[04:54:36] was bothering him.
[04:54:36] He had really bad
[04:54:37] wrist pin, hand pin.
[04:54:38] So he's like okay I need to let this rest. You know I'm doing
[04:54:41] bad it's bugging me I don't want to like you know
[04:54:42] it makes sense.
[04:54:45] He's like I'm going to take a break.
[04:54:46] His team won like one game.
[04:54:49] They got shit on. They got worse
[04:54:51] than shit on. They got absolutely
[04:54:53] gapped every game,
[04:54:55] all games while he was taking his break
[04:54:57] and it's not like the person who,
[04:55:00] I don't remember what his name was,
[04:55:01] but there was a guy
[04:55:02] who was filling in for him.
[04:55:05] He wasn't even bad.
[04:55:07] Like,
[04:55:07] not really.
[04:55:08] Like,
[04:55:08] he's still a good player,
[04:55:09] right?
[04:55:09] Like, he was like a good enough to be the sub-mid for Faker.
[04:55:12] He's not bad at league.
[04:55:14] But when you look at it from the perspective of like...
[04:55:25] When you look at it from the perspective of what does Faker actually add to the team,
[04:55:28] It's not that Faker is the best player mechanically on the team.
[04:55:32] Or he's just winning matchups every game or doing. He's probably the one on the team who literally
[04:55:34] does this. I'm telling you, that's
[04:55:36] why he's the person. He's the Cloud9
[04:55:38] high, right? He's the special.
[04:55:40] He's the high. He's the person, he is the Afromu.
[04:55:43] He is like the person on the team who reminds the kids that
[04:55:49] the game was about killing the Nexus.
[04:55:52] I swear to god that's probably actually what it
[04:55:56] is he's probably like don't forget to do
[04:56:00] this don't forget to do this let's reset
[04:56:02] let's do this, and he reminds
[04:56:04] them that the fundamentals
[04:56:06] are more important than other shit,
[04:56:08] and he keeps the glue together. You know what I mean?
[04:56:10] He helps people do that shit,
[04:56:12] and it's like... I feel like every team that doesn't have that is going to get
[04:56:15] on constantly because if it's five god tier mechanical retards they're gonna run
[04:56:20] their face into walls because league is not a game where mechanics can carry you all the way so yes Welcome to Summoner's Raid.
[04:57:01] Dude! Tell me, tell me right now!
[04:57:05] Tell me I don't say this every single day!
[04:57:12] Tell me I don't literally whine about this on stream every day league has become this fucking idea where even the highest evil players
[04:57:27] are fucking stupid.
[04:57:31] Like,
[04:57:32] like it's
[04:57:33] mind boggles me.
[04:57:35] Even in Challenger they're fucking stupid.
[04:57:42] Because I think they're fucking stupid because I feel like I don't understand the idea behind
[04:57:44] how the game has shifted
[04:57:46] in such a ridiculous way
[04:57:48] that people just forget
[04:57:51] how do we win the game?
[04:57:53] Oh, I'll tell you.
[04:57:55] We take towers!
[04:57:57] We push waves before objectives!
[04:57:59] We get mid-priority! We ward and control the area so they have to run into us it's so easy like none of that
[04:58:06] is hard because that that's not like i think it's hard to mechanically pop off.
[04:58:12] Right?
[04:58:14] Having really good mechanics and all that shit, like that's hard.
[04:58:18] But remembering to push a wave...
[04:58:20] That's not fucking difficult.
[04:58:25] Like that's why I'm like what the absolute fuck is happening to like...
[04:58:33] ......
[04:58:46] Like, what is happening to the newer generation of League players? They're actually just monkeys. so and so so so oh my god bro uh
[05:00:16] like how is this guy allowed to be at 10% Yeah.
[05:00:22] Like how is this guy allowed to be at 10% right now?
[05:00:25] Dude, I'm trying so hard man!
[05:00:28] I'm just a lowly Malus a horror.
[05:00:31] Please, he's 1 HP! No yeah, I agree with you. It's like everybody forgot the easiest part of League which is just pure fundamentals.
[05:00:47] But they know the fundamentals! They just, like, choose to ignore them.
[05:00:52] It doesn't make sense.
[05:00:55] Like, the pro players are better than
[05:00:56] me in every way, right? Like, when
[05:00:58] you think about it, you're like, okay, they're Challenger.
[05:01:01] They're, like, incredibly good like incredibly good at matchups.
[05:01:04] They know how to play lane
[05:01:05] Then you know what?
[05:01:06] They don't have to use their character
[05:01:08] They know basics
[05:01:12] But then you watch them play and you're like, why aren't they just walking at them? so How is this guy, by the way, allowed to exist in my lane?
[05:01:43] This pushed up. like real talk though
[05:01:50] what is what's happening here
[05:01:54] like i'm actually actually playing this correctly. Kindred should have buttfucked this guy six waves from Sunday at this point. Where did Yone go?
[05:02:10] Like what is he doing? Where is he?
[05:02:17] What's happening?
[05:02:22] What am I watching, it just missed half a wave. Rampage oh we went to go get boots okay I'm pretty sure, by the way.
[05:02:54] Yone probably shits on me early and then it gets a lot harder for him later but...
[05:03:01] Early game? I'll be real, I don't know how I'm supposed to fight him. I feel like I've been doing a pretty good job but... so so so Hmm.
[05:03:55] I mean, I don't know what to do here.
[05:03:59] This sucks!
[05:04:04] He's misplaying his ass off by fighting me so much.
[05:04:14] But uh he's getting away with it because Kindred is not ever ganking, doesn't make sense
[05:04:31] like this is not allowed Go up, boys. Yeah I told you I couldn't go up there.
[05:04:57] I mean this is crazy would just come mid and kill this guy with my R. Like, he will die instantly.
[05:05:00] I'm not gonna lie.
[05:05:01] I am literally playing this like...
[05:05:03] I know you guys are only seeing
[05:05:05] me like, oh,'s mao zahar
[05:05:07] like how hard could it be like the simple fact that i'm up in cs
[05:05:10] against this yone and i've had yoni like under pressure half
[05:05:14] this game as mouths early is crazy. Like I'm playing well. so so Damn, I fucked that up.
[05:05:58] I didn't want to R him there.
[05:05:59] That was my fault.
[05:06:02] Actually, though. Okay. An enemy has been slain without question.
[05:06:17] The enemy has been slain. Die! Yeah, Yonek should have died way sooner.
[05:06:29] That was 100% my bad.
[05:06:36] You know what I'm wondering right now? If it would have actually been better tempo for me to back immediately, buy my item TP and then play for Rift or Scuttles.
[05:06:46] Grubbies you know what I'm to back anyway. so I'm pretty sure they're on grubs.
[05:07:24] I fucked up something.
[05:07:26] Oh no, they are just over there? Okay.
[05:07:28] I mean, I warned him.
[05:07:30] They had the timer to do that.
[05:09:45] Okay. so um so so and many has been slain my Dude, I just destroyed that guy holy so Can I actually get the full turret or is this too greedy? so okay i am fucking strong now.
[05:09:53] I have Rylai's and fuckin'... We got Rylai's AND Blackfire Torch. We are fucking huge. uh we got relies and black fire torch we are huge he doesn't even have one item so so as was I mean, I really want to go get Dragon.
[05:10:50] Maybe not Dragon, Rift. The enemy has been slain.
[05:11:04] An ally has been slain. The enemy has been slain.
[05:11:08] I don't know if i can get there in time without tp
[05:11:13] He's fucking yorick man, he's so fucking strong
[05:11:31] So This is so bad
[05:11:40] Holy fuck I messed that up though so um your team has destroyed a turret
[05:12:21] everything yone whiffed a few things uh Oh, wait. Why didn't you... so Hmm. hmm Oh, my God. My
[05:13:40] shovel. Cool.
[05:13:57] I should actually just go to this dragon.
[05:14:04] We might have to get a dragon now we'll see
[05:14:10] i mean we can fight drake if we want to but i don't think it's worth it i think we just give because
[05:14:12] it's not worth throwing our game over we're so far ahead so Alright, never mind. We're too strong.
[05:14:39] We're fine. Hmm.
[05:15:28] That guy actually stole a dragon. I don't think that's worth it for him! so We should do Baron on spawn.
[05:15:29] We can actually just do it on spawn. I'm three full items,
[05:15:32] double burn. Like we'll kill
[05:15:33] it in probably like
[05:15:35] 10 seconds? 12? especially with kaisa oh yeah we could do very non-spawn
[05:15:40] we seem to make sure we have pinks so That's why I got a pink.
[05:16:10] I bought a pink so we could just do this on spawn without worry.
[05:17:09] Because if we pink that, they have to check it. so so and the worst one Wow. That sucks.
[05:17:14] I don't know why our jungler didn't ulti it, but...
[05:17:18] Like, genuinely, he should have just ulted.
[05:17:24] I mean, our jungler is definitely not the brightest Crayon
[05:17:26] in the box
[05:17:28] but it's okay
[05:17:29] Because this game should have been over a long time ago, right?
[05:17:36] We should've done Dragon or done Baron spawn.
[05:17:39] Everybody should have been hitting it and then Pyke stands on the other side of
[05:17:43] the wall.
[05:17:44] The way you do it is Pyke stands on the other side of the wall.
[05:17:45] The way you do it is Pike stands On the other side in these zones so Kindred did not ulti again. again
[05:18:21] okay my team is struggling to close games you see what i mean do you guys understand
[05:18:26] this region's cooked!
[05:18:30] My team is actually actively struggling to close games out.
[05:18:34] In Masters right now so I actually could have killed both, but I messed up.
[05:19:04] I needed to flash the Yone ulti, then flash...
[05:19:08] Or then ulti the Yone.
[05:19:11] But it's okay because we have... We got
[05:19:12] Void so I'm four items now.
[05:19:15] He got a thousand gold which sucks but
[05:19:17] all we need to do
[05:19:19] is group up and win.
[05:19:20] You see what I mean though? All we need to do is group up and win.
[05:19:26] You see what I mean? We lose Baron, right? And we only lost Baron because for some reason... Like, I bought the pink warden. My Pyke doesn't have pinks.
[05:19:30] My AD carry is now
[05:19:32] trying to duel people without the team
[05:19:34] as an AD carrier because he has an ego
[05:19:36] for some reason
[05:19:38] and
[05:19:40] my jungler is top.
[05:19:48] My fucking Pyke is dying.
[05:19:52] Like, this is insane
[05:19:59] look at what is happening right now how are you people dying?
[05:20:05] My whole team
[05:20:06] is just dying.
[05:20:13] Like, do we not understand that this is not like...that hard?
[05:20:19] No I'm telling you. This region is fucking cooked man
[05:20:33] this is insane! I just killed people in a 1v3. Three ultimates dodged everything, and my team literally, like...
[05:20:46] Oh, my God.
[05:20:48] Like, all you have to do is literally walk with your fed-ass mouths
[05:20:52] four items, stand with me, siege turrets. Like like my top laner is 129 CS!
[05:21:02] My jungler! AFK! My support, AFK! Why do you have a fucking th thornmail where are your pink wards
[05:21:23] the pink word that i put at Baron is still there. Think about that.
[05:21:25] Want you to actually think about that for a sec. The pink ward that I put down at Baron...
[05:21:32] is there! That's the only pink ward that has been bought on any team.
[05:21:37] Either team is my pink ward, that i put down five minutes ago
[05:21:42] storm route pipe good i think this pike needs a lobotomy but outside of that no so so uh
[05:22:35] your turret has been slain. Your turret has been destroyed.
[05:23:05] I think I just accidentally killed Yone. so Like, dude! I just killed three people on the enemy team by myself!
[05:23:12] Do you not understand how frustrated I am right now?
[05:23:38] What- guys... do you not understand how frustrated i am right now what guys Okay, I'm six item mouse.
[05:23:45] Why is... why are you here?
[05:23:48] What is this?
[05:23:50] Leave!
[05:23:56] Use your ultimate!
[05:24:01] What the absolute fuck?
[05:24:35] Guys, please! How did my entire team just die they used three altis on me and zhonya two of them and killed two people what in the fuck?
[05:24:43] Look at this!
[05:24:47] WHAT THE FUCK?! What the fuck?
[05:25:10] This is insanity how do i win
[05:25:13] yona has two items! I have six!
[05:25:19] We have no vision we knew they were there? What in the fuck?
[05:26:01] Voltage is genuinely the worst player I've ever seen on AD Carry.
[05:26:19] Holy Holy fuck!
[05:26:21] Dude, there's not a single person on my team who doesn't need to quit this game.
[05:26:26] Not a single one of these people should ever play League of Legends again, I'm not even kidding!
[05:26:30] Like this is sad...
[05:26:32] This is not only sad but like...
[05:26:34] Embarrassing!
[05:27:34] How are you so inept at macro that you can't stand with your six item mouths and not die. How?.. I don't know, man. I don't know, man.
[05:27:43] I mean, I don't have words.
[05:27:44] I could not have played that game better.
[05:27:46] I mean, I could've but like, I should not
[05:27:48] this is insane like i don't have words for how hard i smurfed that game and had nobody
[05:28:00] to play with me at all none like i don't know what to say but actually though i don't know what to say.
[05:28:32] There has literally never been a freer win than i just gave all four of them
[05:28:39] we had like the freest win ever this 10 000 gold lead at 19 minutes ten thousand
[05:28:46] and this was all me.
[05:28:49] And then somehow Jace decides to die.
[05:28:53] Like somehow my kindred just doesn't...
[05:28:56] Nobody wards anything
[05:28:57] apparently. We're doing Baron with
[05:28:59] zero wards anywhere around it
[05:29:01] Even after the Baron
[05:29:05] we're still way ahead.
[05:29:07] I 1v3 their team, kill two people, take mid in Hib
[05:29:13] and my team manages to again die there's no way. I mean,
[05:29:44] I don't know what to say, man.
[05:29:45] That just feels so bad.
[05:30:02] Like... That just feels so bad. Like, that feels so bad. Like I'm literally 1v5 I don't know
[05:30:03] that feels so fucking bad
[05:30:06] voltage add me and stop being a pussy.
[05:30:13] You absolute fucking reject! I mean,
[05:30:27] I don't have words.
[05:30:28] I don't know what else to say.
[05:30:30] That was just the most disgusting game of
[05:30:32] League I've played in months
[05:30:33] like Masters is awful So,.... Like, I don't even want to play Maus.
[05:31:47] Like, I genuinely just want to play something for fun.
[05:31:52] Like, that's how fucking stupid this is.
[05:31:57] Like, this is just so fucking dumb.... Whatever, man... you you.... I've waited a millennium for this.
[05:34:25] With ascension comes death without question
[05:34:33] dude i am just so disappointed right now
[05:35:31] welcome to disappointed right now so so so Bro, just leave and go to your fucking camp
[05:37:10] man so so so so so I'm going to try and get the I don't know how this guy is allowed to exist mid at 20% HP, but... I missed the cannon. Whatever, man!
[05:37:14] I don't think my j4 is actually caring about early ganks on j4 which is crazy
[05:37:20] but it is what it is so um I don't know what you want from me, man.
[05:37:59] Can't really do much. He was pushed up, frozen under my turret and he didn't want to gank.
[05:38:03] That is what it is.
[05:38:07] Thank you. Mike. so so so Oh man, I guess we're the best men.
[05:39:03] The best we can do is do our best.
[05:39:14] I played well last game, played well last game played with this game so far so so so They all just 1v2'd my fucking Jarvan and my top Okay.
[05:40:43] Don't worry, guys.
[05:40:45] The enemy Shyvana...
[05:40:47] Thank you!
[05:40:49] I was gonna say, man, there's no way that the enemy mid is just allowed...
[05:40:55] I was praying there was no way the enemy mid and support were allowed to do this without us killing their bot lane once that's insane so What the fuck is this? Oh.
[05:41:40] Somehow my ball man got double killed again.
[05:41:44] Okay... Okay.
[05:41:51] Ral is coming mid again.
[05:42:02] Don't worry guys, Rell is mid for the fifth time. so Okay, my bot lane died again. Okay...
[05:42:43] My bad, guys. All in proof. I'll improve. This guy is just literally doing the most illegal shit on the planet.
[05:43:05] Because we don't have a jungler.'ve seen their shivana twice now
[05:43:13] i don't know three times oh shavonna's still hovering mid
[05:43:39] i don't know man That was the best J4 ulti I've ever seen in my life. Oh, my J4 and god so um
[05:44:11] i don't know how we're gonna win though even though I'm very fed our top is not doing great. so okay okay so Don't worry guys, the fourth gank from Shyvana. What the fuck? on her what the so Oh my god, I'm bad.
[05:45:59] Aw, I'm so bad.
[05:46:03] I thought
[05:46:03] his E was
[05:46:04] going to
[05:46:04] kill me.
[05:46:05] I am
[05:46:06] so trashed.
[05:46:07] God damn
[05:46:07] it.
[05:46:08] I mean,
[05:46:09] that's my
[05:46:09] fault.
[05:46:12] I didn't know she was gonna ghost at me
[05:46:14] mid there? Like...
[05:46:15] I shouldn't have greeted.
[05:46:19] Man...
[05:46:20] Dude, I don't know how people are allowed to get away with so much in my games.
[05:46:29] Like they just get to like... This is the second time that I've made this Yone
[05:46:33] just lose his lane
[05:46:34] while he is simultaneously
[05:46:37] getting tons of help
[05:46:39] but I mean I'm trying
[05:46:41] my best it's just like I know I'm trying my best. It's just like... I know I'm better
[05:46:45] it's just stupid
[05:46:47] I guess I just have to
[05:46:50] take the fact that I'm better
[05:46:52] and be okay with it
[05:47:00] it's all I can do so i'm dead Like, like come on! How is my Xerath dying here? So my top lane just gave up his turret. My Xerath and my like...
[05:47:43] I don't know.
[05:47:48] It is what it is.
[05:47:50] This game's cooked, though.
[05:47:52] I'll be real...
[05:47:54] ...I think we move on.
[05:47:56] I've had great mental for seven straight hours today.
[05:47:59] I've had fucking god-tier mental
[05:48:03] For literal 7 hours
[05:48:06] I don't know if i can keep up the mental when these are the games, guys.
[05:48:10] I'm trying my best.
[05:48:14] You guys do not understand how bad it feels to be this much better than
[05:48:17] the people you're playing versus in matchups that
[05:48:20] you shouldn't be winning while being camped by their entire team on repeats
[05:48:28] and have to just keep a mental and be like, yeah it's cool.
[05:48:32] Like, it's cool that everybody in both my teams' games are inting while I...
[05:48:37] Permashit on mid 1v2.
[05:48:40] Literally constant rel,
[05:48:41] constant junglers.
[05:48:46] It's just frustrating.
[05:50:31] ... I mean all i can do is try my best. They're unrefpped by the way. Guys, can we at least try and play please? Come on guys, please. so so uh I don't know man, like... I mean, my J4 has mentally given up.
[05:50:37] I have a Hail of Blades Camille who's down four levels to a tail.
[05:50:37] My J4 gave up
[05:50:39] mentally, my bot lane
[05:50:40] somehow, someway
[05:50:42] managed to lose their lane
[05:50:44] with Realm Mid for half the game.
[05:50:50] Oh! realm mid for half the game. Like,
[05:50:51] I just think that if you are
[05:50:53] doing this kind of gameplay
[05:50:55] constantly, you deserve
[05:50:57] to be banned.
[05:51:02] Yeah. you deserve to be banned. Like, how do these people get to this E level?
[05:51:06] I am genuinely curious
[05:51:08] how these people can even climb.
[05:51:10] How does my level 9 at 17 minutes afk halo blades triforce camille climb
[05:51:19] i don't know. so so Like, I just genuinely don't know, guys.
[05:51:57] Somebody tell me what to do because
[05:52:01] I mean...I'm not playing bad.
[05:52:04] These two games, my last two games were literally me
[05:52:06] playing exceptionally well considering every one of my lanes
[05:52:10] was behind the entire game.
[05:52:12] And I still managed to start this game with a massive lead while being 1v2'd
[05:52:17] so i don't know i don't know how to win games like this
[05:52:21] like this is insane i know games like this will happen
[05:52:25] because that's just League
[05:52:26] but it is absolutely crazy
[05:52:30] that it feels like they're not even trying
[05:52:33] to play the game.
[05:52:36] I mean, Mike Camille is literally AFK.
[05:52:40] Look at her. Like literally just standing
[05:52:44] AFK between turns. so your team has destroyed hmm is okay all right All right. so so Oh, we almost got the shutdown.
[05:54:28] It was close.
[05:54:36] Impressive. Nice job, bro. You're a beast.
[05:54:44] Very well played.
[05:54:57] Like, at what point does this player get firm banned by the way? This is my top laner.
[05:55:01] At what point does Vanguard ban this guy?
[05:55:08] That was foreseen... At what point does Vanguard ban this guy? At what point?
[05:55:11] Like at what point are we just allowing this guy to run it down every game that he plays?
[05:55:19] Straight up.
[05:55:21] Like, I'm not even trying to be funny.
[05:55:22] It's just like, it doesn't make sense.
[05:56:00] Okay. doesn't make sense at what point is it like oh yeah he's clearly not trying anymore so All right, it's cool bro.
[05:56:02] No yeah, that's... It's fine.
[05:56:11] My jungler, by the way is first timing J4
[05:56:13] Oh
[05:56:15] my jungler is
[05:56:17] first timing Jarvan,
[05:56:20] and he hasn't played ranked in 13 days,
[05:56:22] and he lost five games
[05:56:25] in a row.
[05:56:33] So that's fun. The support decided to pick first time Zarath instead of one
[05:56:39] of the many supports they actually know how to play,
[05:56:41] They said to themselves I'm feeling it.
[05:56:43] I'm going to pick a mage. I can give you the three ways that you will instantly pick solo queue within a year.
[05:56:58] Listen up, Riot.
[05:56:59] I know there's got to be somebody listening.
[05:57:02] One,
[05:57:05] mastery requirement minimum to play a champion and ranked at all?
[05:57:08] You must
[05:57:09] have X mastery to play a champion
[05:57:11] ranked. No exceptions.
[05:57:13] Yes, that will mean more people
[05:57:15] have to play the game outside of ranked
[05:57:17] It will make the game better
[05:57:21] Stop being pussies, understand that too. and the enemy Two, when somebody is very clearly trolling games, ban them. If it is a false positive
[05:57:56] and you are scared of
[05:57:58] false positives,
[05:58:02] have them make a ticket
[05:58:04] and manually review the game it's not that hard like this guy has literally been AFK the entire game.
[05:58:30] He first timed Camille, ran it down into Kayle and made the game unplayable...
[05:58:36] And he's on a nine game losing streak.
[05:58:39] Like at what point does he get banned for trolling?
[05:58:43] At what point, man? so I don't know.
[05:59:03] I mean, my team had first time Camille, first time Xerath and first time J4.
[05:59:12] So like... those three people were not intending to win this game queuing up.
[05:59:19] They just didn't intend to win.
[05:59:27] And until Riot does something about this type of shit, their game
[05:59:29] in NA at least Is gonna be dead.
[05:59:32] Your game above Masters and NA is gonna be a dead region.
[05:59:35] I get you guys don't actually care.
[05:59:37] Right?
[05:59:38] Like, I get it.
[05:59:38] You don't give a fuck.
[05:59:41] But just understand, like when you're fired
[05:59:42] in a year, when it's your
[05:59:44] job to care and riots
[05:59:47] like we're not making enough money to pay
[05:59:48] for these people anymore. Like we can't
[05:59:51] pay for you to work here, man.. Just remember like maybe you should have worked harder at making the game more fun when your job is to do that.
[06:00:08] If you're job... Is to make the game enjoyable,
[06:00:10] And make the game balanced and make it like
[06:00:12] You don't deserve paychecks if
[06:00:15] your dog shit at your job
[06:00:25] it makes no sense.
[06:00:29] And you're going to be sitting there like, oh the job market sucks!
[06:00:32] No, you just fucking suck at your job so you got laid off like the bitch you are.
[06:01:34] I don't know, man. what the fuck was that oh yeah i opened voltages stream earlier So,. It is one of those men. All we can do is keep trying our best and keep performing. And eventually, with the number of games we play,
[06:01:37] we'll climb..... You think AD carry will reset my mental? Yeah, right.
[06:02:47] Bro I'd have even- imagine okay these last two games
[06:02:52] Imagine I wasn't playing
[06:02:55] mid.
[06:02:57] We would have lost
[06:02:58] 30 times harder
[06:03:02] because
[06:03:03] both of these games that I lost just now,
[06:03:05] I won mid by a mile. Both games.
[06:03:09] I impacted the map by literally helping every lane
[06:03:13] after I won. I took
[06:03:16] objectives,
[06:03:18] I was posturing...
[06:03:20] I was absorbing ganks
[06:03:22] Like, I'm getting ganked by their support
[06:03:24] five times not not dying.
[06:03:27] When that's happening and it gives so much power
[06:03:30] to your team...
[06:03:32] But you just gotta understand
[06:03:35] how dogshit these players are
[06:03:38] like we're gonna lose those games regardless
[06:03:48] like they're just bad.
[06:04:09] It is what it is. Okay....
[06:04:11] .
[06:04:13] .
[06:04:15] .
[06:04:17] .. Dude, I can't believe how bad mid laners can be and they can climb.
[06:04:23] Like, I know people have bad games and shit but like, how do you lose to a Malusohar 1v1 as a yone two games in a row
[06:04:44] like i know i know bad games happen and shit but that's insane mouse has zero business beating your name in Amen... I mean, I just play Malos because I think it's really fun.
[06:05:30] Well, it's fun to be able
[06:05:32] to impact the game in a way that feels like i'm doing something
[06:05:46] seriously though i don't know how this guy is not
[06:05:48] banned
[06:05:48] like
[06:05:52] listen
[06:05:54] I've ran some games down in my day but this has to trigger something
[06:06:03] right he's literally just running it
[06:06:04] down Right? Like, he's literally just running it down. so. I've been versus two games in a row let's see how it goes okay Welcome to Summoner's Build.
[06:07:29] Thirty seconds until minions spawn.
[06:07:33] Alright, that guy's dead.
[06:07:40] First blood! that guy's dead
[06:08:03] i mean if we lose the oaf uh yes
[06:08:13] i'm over it my bard ignited late didn't actually queue anything all right i'm done man i don't care
[06:08:17] like the guy face tanked us barred whiffed q didn't do anything. Whatever.
[06:08:33] I just can't be bothered to give a fuck.
[06:08:35] Not after I've, like, done so well so many games in a row man.
[06:08:40] Yeah...
[06:10:47] Yeah! so is so oh so so so so Thank you for watching! without question and Come on bro, are we really doing this? Like I don't get it.
[06:10:50] Mmmmm.
[06:10:51] Fun men.
[06:10:52] Oh no!
[06:10:53] Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! mmm fun man oh no
[06:10:59] come on dude maybe so is I mean, I don't really know what to say when stuff like this happens.
[06:11:51] It's like...
[06:11:53] I can't really get him out of lane you know?
[06:11:55] It's not possible so
[06:12:18] like he has no ghosts. so I mean, I can literally just stay though.
[06:12:53] Might as well...
[06:13:23] Wow! That was the worst block ever, by the way. I can't ult him because he had his thing going
[06:15:55] i'm doing it i'm breeding so so Why didn't he just kill that guy maybe there's no mana uh um um um so That sucks. so so I am dead. I mean, I can't ulti it's just...
[06:15:56] I knew that was coming.
[06:15:57] God damnit.
[06:15:58] No like, I-I knew I was about to get ganked.
[06:16:01] That's why Olaf was doing that. so I'm just playing bad this game. um Wow, I somehow was tanking the turret. Oh, I'm dead! Like, dude I dodged three fucking axes.
[06:17:27] My bot lane is 39 CS Smolder.
[06:17:31] Yeah, just fucking kill me man.
[06:17:38] It is what it is, bro.
[06:17:49] Somehow my fucking smolder is literally just doing nothing.
[06:17:58] Jungor's 0-3. Bot lane managed to be down 65 CS. It is what it is.
[06:18:18] I just don't have any in me anymore, man.
[06:18:20] Like, I've played well for seven straight hours.
[06:18:25] I just can't be bothered.
[06:18:28] My brain is doomed.
[06:18:48] Ooh, darn! I got hit with a Q oh no I can't man I played so well every game. And it just doesn't matter.
[06:18:56] League is only about who your worst player is,
[06:18:58] not about who your best player is.
[06:19:00] And until they change that,
[06:19:01] which I don't think they ever will
[06:19:02] because league is going down the direction of
[06:19:04] catering to babies.
[06:19:10] It's just never gonna change.
[06:19:26] Never. Yep. This is my AD carry's first game in two weeks. Cool. And that is the player...
[06:19:42] That is the player I'm going to lose to.
[06:19:46] Right there. than I'm going to lose to.
[06:19:48] Right there.
[06:19:51] Yeah.
[06:19:52] Like,
[06:19:54] I cannot stress enough to you guys
[06:19:54] how bad it feels
[06:19:55] to lose to people
[06:19:56] that are this much worse
[06:19:57] than you.
[06:19:59] And they just get to turn their brain off.
[06:20:02] They don't try to win,
[06:20:03] they don't care...
[06:20:05] ...they just coin flip a better team i don't know it is what it is i'm just over it.
[06:20:26] Masters is an ELO full of the worst players I've ever seen in my
[06:20:28] entire life.
[06:20:30] Enemy team's not better than my team, they all suck. The difference is
[06:20:32] like...
[06:20:34] I'm RMGing
[06:20:35] the teammates who suck
[06:20:37] constantly.
[06:20:41] Sorry constantly. So it's just frustrating.
[06:21:10] ... Like... Like, that shouldn't even be close but he's so bad. He is actually so bad that he can't land a single axe. Point blank!
[06:21:19] He literally just ran me down with auto attacks.
[06:21:32] Dude, I can't even forfeit man.
[06:21:38] This is depressing.
[06:21:44] You know my smolder's gotta be really bad too?
[06:21:47] When they're losing to the guy that I just stuck my dick into two games in a row. like Like, dude.
[06:22:08] How sad is this?
[06:22:14] Aw.
[06:22:14] Do I want to forfeit?
[06:22:35] I don't know, man i have it in me to try Huh. It's only 15 minutes and we have a smolder fuckets so like they're not very good and we have really
[06:23:06] good scaling so i'm gonna hit no and try my best. I know people have limited time on the weekends, but my philosophy is if you have limited time to play the game and your choice was to not try and play the game,
[06:23:31] I can't be bothered to... choice was to not try and play the game,
[06:23:32] I can't be bothered to...
[06:23:34] If I'm being completely honest,
[06:23:35] I can't be bothered to fucking
[06:23:37] care about your time.
[06:23:53] ... care about your time. yeah my husband's name
[06:24:01] like mike savanna very clearly doesn't want to play but
[06:24:18] i do I do. So suck my cock! Why did Bard not R? Like, why didn't he just R?
[06:24:29] Why is my Smolder not hitting that guy?
[06:24:33] I have so many questions.
[06:24:40] Okay, both my dragons just got big shutdowns! There we go!
[06:24:44] Huge! Like I said, winnable. they're trolling
[06:25:05] oh they're starting to troll boys so um so so so so so so uh um The team has destroyed the turret.
[06:27:06] Your tower has been destroyed.
[06:27:14] The enemy is on the second floor. That's stupid.
[06:27:25] Bard ditched me.
[06:27:28] I mean,
[06:27:28] I was back
[06:27:28] in a weird spot
[06:27:29] but I guess
[06:27:30] I got ditched.
[06:27:41] On a good note Bolton Hibbs being down is really good for us if we can survive this.
[06:27:46] Because we have a Smolder and we have a Malz. has no ult for the turret.
[06:27:56] Waves, Kill the waves! so We'll just try Please try and steal it. me me so so The saddest part about this is if we don't kill this right now,
[06:29:30] We will just lose the game.
[06:30:27] Okay. lose the game No way. Winnable, like actually winnable like actually winnable We just give Dragon. Give Dragon, doesn't matter keep scaling
[06:31:46] like it actually doesn't matter so so so ah uh so Just wait.
[06:31:49] They have mushrooms everywhere, guys. Don't.
[06:31:51] It's not worth leaving the base yet because we don't know...
[06:31:54] We need all of our inhibs up and pressure on the lanes, then we can leave the base.
[06:32:01] Once we get pressure in the lanes and we scale,
[06:32:04] We can leave. We have five minutes or three minutes until Baron
[06:32:08] We have a smolder
[06:32:12] We just scaled we just scale okay so so so So, Elder's got his two 25 stacks now.
[06:33:18] That's good. We have to leave the base at some point. oh that's actually a nice try so so um We got to make a play, guys.
[06:34:32] We got to get Baron vision right now, come on. so so so don't worry, what was my team doing that whole time?
[06:35:19] Like, what are we doing?!
[06:35:24] Guys!
[06:35:31] Just ignore the Hecarim. Like, what? Why are we chasing this guy
[06:35:45] it's like my team is pissing themselves man
[06:35:55] do baron Do Baron!
[06:36:04] Can I ping? Oh shit. oh how so so Whatever, man.
[06:37:05] I pinged Succumb and nobody came!
[06:37:07] I'm playing with the literal biggest retards on the planet.
[06:37:15] I'm like, hey guys come mid! My team's like Mid? You mean chase Hecarim
[06:37:17] for no reason? And then after
[06:37:19] we- they're like oh start
[06:37:21] Baron with nobody playing correctly
[06:37:30] i don't know man i don't
[06:37:36] like I don't know man, I don't... Like look at what's happening.
[06:37:42] That's my AD carry, by the way.
[06:37:59] He makes 300 stack Smolder look balanced!
[06:38:22] I don't know, man. I've never seen somebody make 300 stacks Molder unbalanced, but... Or don't eat me. I don't know.
[06:38:32] You guys should probably look away for this next game.
[06:38:34] I'm just going to run them down.
[06:38:36] I'm going to be honest,
[06:38:37] I'm just going to first time a champ and run people
[06:38:38] down for this next game.
[06:38:40] So you guys should probably either
[06:38:42] for this next game go take a break
[06:38:44] do whatever but I need to get it out
[06:38:46] of my system.
[06:38:55] No, no excuses you suck at the game. No macro, no brain.
[06:39:56] Don't even type. We'll get the damage to turrets. Like, zero! Three of them did zero damage to turrets. How is that even possible?. I mean,
[06:39:57] I don't care.
[06:39:57] I'm just going to first time something
[06:39:58] like I'm so sick and tired
[06:40:06] Of tryharding
[06:40:07] Being the best player
[06:40:08] Having a lead
[06:40:10] Making comebacks
[06:40:11] Doing all this shit
[06:40:13] Three games in a row where my teammates literally do nothing.
[06:40:20] So I'm done.. I'm going to play one game
[06:40:47] where I just for fun a random
[06:40:49] champion. If we lose, we lose.
[06:40:50] But I'm just gonna try and have fun.
[06:40:55] Because like dude it's so unfun
[06:40:57] To try hard that hard
[06:40:59] And just have three straight games
[06:41:02] Of people completely griefing your game................ I don't know how to play this champ.
[06:44:05] I've never even,
[06:44:06] I've never played this champion. Okay.. Good luck, retards.
[06:44:48] Good luck, retards.
[06:47:36] What do you max? 30 seconds until minions spawn we can do a min i don't really care Take care. Minions have spawned. hmm hmm so so so so hmm hmm so Ooh. I think I actually might have...
[06:47:38] I might have been able to kill
[06:47:40] that guy, actually.
[06:47:41] If I did my
[06:47:43] combo right.
[06:47:46] Huh. so If you're curious why I said
[06:48:15] I wasn't going to try hard this game, do you see what's happening to my team?
[06:48:23] When you are in Loser's Queue it is not possible to get out of Losers' Queue until you go through the required amount of games Riot makes you do. so That's why I knew that I could just play whatever I wanted this game.
[06:48:54] Because I knew the last three games were so bad.
[06:48:58] I know we were on loser's queue.
[06:49:51] Okay. so so so So, when you double Q your dogs go hit him right? See how this works. Damn it!
[06:50:16] I think that was close though.
[06:50:40] Wait, let me actually read this. Oh, okay.
[06:50:44] I get it. Ah, okay, I get it a bit.
[06:50:52] ... even though So you just R whenever you're going to all-in, and then you W. Got it?
[06:51:18] It is really easy!
[06:51:20] It's literally just R, W, Q, Q. qq so No, I can't help you bro. nice Shut down.
[06:52:26] Double kill! How am I out csing this guy? what
[06:53:09] i don't think we can fight this bro What? What just happens? huh cool so Apparently you go Eclipse. hmm okay is has been hmm I think once I get Eclipse, we can kill this guy so Am I liking the champ?
[06:55:14] I don't know yet.
[06:55:15] You guys gotta understand, I've played this champ for like five seconds. I mean, it's really basic like like like
[06:55:45] really really basic like this is a champ for like people who don't have hands so so your turret has been destroyed hmm Hmm.
[06:56:53] Wow, I really can't kill the backline with two cues at level nine what
[06:57:04] that doesn't make sense. Okay.
[06:57:31] I forgot your W
[06:57:33] gets stopped
[06:57:35] by the enemy.
[06:57:38] I should have E'd, then W'd.
[06:57:40] If I used E,
[06:57:41] then W, I would've double killed them.
[06:57:45] Because I needed to
[06:57:45] E past them and then
[06:57:47] W after.
[06:58:14] Okay. and then w after It's always really depressing to me when I look at CS numbers in low elo, like Masters. And I notice that I'm only 5 CS below my team on a champion I've never played before
[06:59:05] In a melee versus ranged matchup I gotta be real with you, it's a little sad to see. Can you queue turrets? Is there like an interaction there? Hmm. No? Okay.
[06:59:09] Interesting.
[06:59:13] Okay, so... Interesting.
[06:59:31] This Lee Sin has two full items, I'm a little scared. Because I'm about to die.
[07:00:12] Wait, wait are my dogs gonna give me away get in the cubby so an ally has been slain it i'm going for it I missed every Q.
[07:00:14] I am the worst player. Okay. so so An enemy has been slain.
[07:00:47] An enemy has been slain so so so so Okay, I'm kind of getting the hang of it.
[07:02:00] It's
[07:02:00] kind of broken.
[07:02:02] This champ does suck though.
[07:02:07] Like, I just want to make it clear, this camp is really fucking bad.
[07:02:11] An ally has been slain
[07:03:45] An ally Like even if I knew what I was doing the champion would still be really fucking bad. so been destroyed The world is full of sassy little birds. this so so Hmm. Again, I don't know how
[07:03:49] I have the same CS as my teammates. That's embarrassing, but it is what it is. This Lulu by the way, was not queuing up to win.
[07:04:07] I looked at her match history. so so These people suck.
[07:04:49] What am I watching? This place never has been destroyed. so Your team has destroyed a turret so We need to try and get the bounty on the bot turret. so I need one more wave and go get my item your indicator so I don't even know if like I did anything Huh.
[07:07:17] I don't even know if, like,
[07:07:18] I did anything correctly.
[07:07:22] I did a lot of damage,
[07:07:23] I felt like, but I wasn't really sure
[07:07:24] what was happening so Nice. so so so so Hmm. I mean, I got a lot of damage off.
[07:08:49] My Kai'Sa R'd into four people in instadive, and my Rengar is pushing bot turret.
[07:08:56] That seems about right. has destroyed your turret has been destroyed
[07:09:22] that was kind of a funny game.
[07:09:28] I don't know if that champ is for me,
[07:09:32] it's too
[07:09:33] easy and simple, but also
[07:09:36] it doesn't do anything except for...
[07:09:39] I feel like in low
[07:09:41] elo, if you're better than your laner,
[07:09:42] you'll just win.
[07:09:48] That Swain was bad and i kind of on him a little bit but
[07:18:28] he doesn't it doesn't really really let you hard carry the game. Okay. Okay........... you you Thank you............... Thank you.. ah......... Okay... you uh Welcome to summoner's Rift.
[07:18:34] Now, no now! Thirty seconds until minion spawn. seconds so Minions has fallen. I'm trying to care, but I just can't. here
[07:19:30] up so so
[07:19:51] why does theia have Conqueror? oh What?
[07:20:29] Uh, okay.
[07:20:34] Here we go now. Okay.
[07:20:36] Cheerleona.
[07:20:39] Jesus Christ.
[07:20:51] I don't know why she didn't just do that immediately, but whatever. Like she should have just walked in with the
[07:20:53] intent to dive.
[07:21:00] But... but that is what it is yo can you not
[07:21:03] like are you retarded
[07:21:05] she's like push push push Are you retarded?
[07:21:08] She's like, push, push,
[07:21:10] push. Do you not know what a freeze is? Do we have mental damage?
[07:21:12] What's going on here?
[07:21:16] Come on, bro.
[07:21:32] Okay. one bro been slain walk around yes Like, what is my...
[07:21:55] What is she doing?
[07:21:57] I don't get it.
[07:21:58] Why are you not walking at the fucking Xayah?
[07:22:06] Nah, I'm done streaming. I'm gonna AFK this one.
[07:22:10] I can't man she literally just like is so inept man
[07:22:17] like all she had to do during that fight was walk at Xayah the entire time, and then Xayah instantly dies.
[07:22:26] I'm autoing Xayah, and my Leona is walking back and forth watching me do it.
[07:22:35] And now she just went in 1v2.
[07:22:39] Aww. Oh.
[07:23:05] I just don't think these are humans. I mean,
[07:23:07] yeah,
[07:23:07] I'm leaving.
[07:23:09] I hope you guys have a great night,
[07:23:10] okay?
[07:23:11] I will see you
[07:23:11] guys tomorrow.
[07:23:13] Thanks for watching
[07:23:14] today.
[07:23:14] I appreciate it a lot you guys are awesome but i
[07:23:18] i can't queue on sunday night so i'm just gonna make sure this game's a loss and i'll see you
[07:23:22] guys next time uh thank you for watching i hope you have a wonderful rest of your night, guys.
[07:23:27] I'll see you tomorrow.
[07:23:31] Stay? Nah.
[07:23:40] There's no value in staying bye