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Try Hard Climb Day no more trolling! We Abuse Adc

07-27-2024 · 8h 08m

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[00:00:00] Minions have spawned. as was I'm going to try and get the first blood. blood so my life has been oh so uh so so so um so so so so so so so um so so so Oh, why did he... Ooh, I think I could have actually just flashed on him and he would've died.
[00:04:56] With the old Flash R? That actually would've been really sick. so ah uh so nice um Rampage.
[00:07:32] We got em! God. God! Fucking murdered me, man. so is so Mom Man My man! This Janna is GOATED.
[00:07:40] Oh my god! so so um Man, I really want to get plates but I don't know... so We're getting some really good poke though.
[00:08:51] Every time I land the E or the Q... uh oh
[00:08:59] Oh, we're chillin'. What? uh so No. Nice!
[00:09:39] The fuck?
[00:09:46] Nice try. so ah so uh not bad Not bad. so like we should probably stop this drake right Your team has just been destroyed.
[00:11:32] I'm gonna push away mid and then look for a TP bot to help the homies. so let's change so so so Kind of crazy.
[00:12:47] I kind of think
[00:12:47] I should go back and get Rallies
[00:12:49] instead of just hitting tier 2, but I do have another wave. so worth it
[00:13:16] i got the turret,
[00:13:24] got the kill. Oh my god.
[00:13:28] Leona gets
[00:13:28] my shutdown? Dude.
[00:13:31] It could not have been more
[00:13:32] perfect. It could not have been more perfect! okay atrox Okay, Aatrox.
[00:14:00] Oh my god, the Aatrox's name is Power. so so so uh I'm gonna save you.
[00:15:07] Your team has destroyed the turret! We can just leave that and hit him up. Like actually, it's not even like bad at all. I should bail.
[00:15:25] Pretty good chance they're coming top with Leona and everybody,
[00:15:29] And I don't have uh oh we're gonna okay we're chilling
[00:15:33] i don't know if i could actually 1v1 a zero right now without ulti He's just assassin?
[00:15:46] I don't know.
[00:15:49] You're talking about mid lane, jungle...
[00:15:54] Like what role are you trying to play you know
[00:16:01] krugs get off of me! your team has destroyed an inhibitor as was Yeah, I mean, I'll be honest. It's probably like...
[00:16:41] I'm trying to think of some mid assassins that you could play
[00:16:46] that are good for starting.
[00:16:49] I don't know.
[00:16:51] I think Akali is pretty easy,
[00:16:53] Zed and Talon...
[00:16:54] Zed's hard.
[00:16:55] Katarina is hard. Talon,
[00:16:57] pretty easy. Pretty brainless
[00:16:59] but I don't know how good
[00:17:01] assassins are right now. They kind of suck.
[00:17:06] Right? Like this meta is kind kinda shitty for assassins.
[00:17:13] So my opinion you should just pick whatever you think is fun.
[00:17:57] I know that's like a cop-out answer so so Damn.
[00:17:58] I actually think I could've lived there.
[00:18:00] Not even kidding, I think I could've lived there. Not even kidding, I think I could have lived
[00:18:01] there if I didn't
[00:18:03] R
[00:18:07] the wrong guy.
[00:18:13] Near Elo, the concept of meta as unknown? Well, okay. So, meta is just whatever champion is like...
[00:18:17] So, meta is meta because the champions that are played in the meta
[00:18:20] Are just extremely strong
[00:18:24] like but you don't have to play meta to climb or have fun you know obviously
[00:18:28] but it's like if you want to just like give yourself the best way to climb you play meta but i said you don't have to play That's why I was trying to say, like, play whatever you think seems the most fun.
[00:20:00] Did one E just take this Darius to half HP, by the way? so so so God damn!
[00:20:05] First game of the day was a fucking smurf.
[00:20:11] I had almost six items at fucking 20 minutes.
[00:20:16] 10 CS a minute,
[00:20:22] 20 stack Magize. Malz got buffed when they made
[00:20:24] Black Torch and Leandry's, two different
[00:20:26] burns. Think about
[00:20:28] it like Malz is a budget version of Brand.
[00:20:32] That's a good way to put it.
[00:20:37] The reason
[00:20:39] Brand is OP is because the items, the way they synergize with his passive
[00:20:42] Work really well
[00:20:43] Whereas like Malz is not
[00:20:45] OP but you can get away
[00:20:47] With playing him because people don't respect
[00:20:49] The dot damage from moules
[00:20:52] cause nobody plays the champion. But he does do good damage.
[00:21:06] I actually...
[00:21:07] The reason I actually like Malz
[00:21:08] is he does so much damage to turrets.
[00:21:13] Like, low-key, Malz does
[00:21:16] some of the highest DPS to
[00:21:17] turrets in the game.
[00:21:23] How much LP? I just need one more win, but
[00:21:25] I said Masters
[00:21:29] I'm not gonna...I can climb to Masters on
[00:21:33] every roll. So i can climb to masters on like every role so my goal is to at least hit gm and then once we have
[00:21:39] gm we can look to chow but like one thing i noticed is in this elo that I've been playing in,
[00:21:46] it's a lot easier
[00:21:47] to climb on
[00:21:49] champions
[00:21:51] with a lot of control.
[00:21:55] AD carry is
[00:21:56] still the best role in the game,
[00:21:58] but
[00:21:59] I have been not having a lot of luck with it because
[00:22:02] I can be up like 50 CS
[00:22:04] on AD.
[00:22:05] I could take tower at 10 minutes and be up 50 50 CS on AD. A full tower...
[00:22:06] I could take tower at 10 minutes,
[00:22:07] be at 50 CS...
[00:22:08] It doesn't matter
[00:22:08] because you still need your support
[00:22:10] to play with you when you play AD.
[00:22:14] And if your support
[00:22:15] doesn't want to help you
[00:22:16] play the game the way you need to like help you play the game
[00:22:16] the way you need to be able to play the game the game feels really bad so i got kind of sick Of playing in low elo
[00:22:38] So I'm gonna power
[00:22:39] I'm gonna speedrun myself
[00:22:40] To like mid masters
[00:22:41] Like two three hundred LP
[00:22:42] Playing
[00:22:43] Really easy
[00:22:46] Boring champions
[00:22:47] Like I'm just gonna play Leona janna mazahar
[00:22:51] fucking like even though they're boring as fuck
[00:22:55] i'm almost positive that this is just such a better strategy for climbing right now.
[00:23:18] At least until i get a little higher.
[00:23:28] Well,
[00:23:28] the reason I'm doing this is
[00:23:30] I actually remember
[00:23:32] there was
[00:23:34] an EU guy
[00:23:35] on NA recently.
[00:23:39] I actually have him added on
[00:23:40] his account, I just don't know
[00:23:41] what his name was. I actually have him added on this account. I just don't know...
[00:23:42] I don't remember what his name was.
[00:23:44] Oh, this Kerbos guy, yeah.
[00:23:47] This guy came to NA
[00:23:48] and he got Challenger on NA
[00:23:50] and he's a top laner, right?
[00:23:54] And I remember
[00:23:55] when I was watching him play
[00:23:57] when he was in Masters
[00:23:58] he was just spamming Yorick.
[00:24:04] He was literally only playing Yorick. He was literally only playing Yorick, and I
[00:24:06] was like that seems so boring why is
[00:24:08] he only playing yorick because he doesn't main
[00:24:10] yorick he's just playing it and i realized
[00:24:20] he knows that he has to do the macro so i i literally like was watching it and i was like when he got to Grandmaster,
[00:24:26] He started playing normal top lanes again.
[00:24:28] Right? Like he wasn't Playing Yorick when he hit GM.
[00:24:30] He was playing like range top stuff,
[00:24:33] Meta stuff, etc.
[00:24:34] And I was like, I mean it makes sense
[00:24:36] I think the biggest thing that you have to do
[00:24:42] is you just have to be
[00:24:43] nobody knows how to macro in Masters so if you can play a role that like abuses people not knowing how to macro extra hard,
[00:24:52] Like, like your eclectic miles are is like the mid lane york where like you you go to a lane and you just push the wave right and then
[00:24:59] he pushed away but then you push the wave and if they leave you alone for like two seconds
[00:25:03] you take their turn and if they try and gank you, you get rivalized and you just hide away.
[00:25:12] So I was like, Malz is
[00:25:14] actually pretty good
[00:25:15] at being able to just control the macro.
[00:25:26] And obviously, if you watch me, my issue is not winning lane in any of OMN. My issue is like trying to 1v9 the game from botlane with nobody playing around you at all as the AD carry.
[00:25:40] It's really hard.
[00:25:45] Think about it this way, every time somebody plays around you as an AD...
[00:25:47] Like let's say I'm 5 kills and my team stands
[00:25:49] around me like my support just hovers me when I'm five kills and my team stands around me.
[00:25:50] My support just hovers me when I'm hitting a tower.
[00:25:53] I get three times stronger.
[00:25:58] But if they don't do that... You can die and keep your shutdown because you're made of paper.
[00:26:04] So you can still do it but I didn't want the stress
[00:26:09] Of having to climb by doing that.. I wanted to just be able to like, rest my hand a little bit where like my hand doesn't
[00:26:47] just hurt all day.
[00:26:48] Because I'm playing mouse and be able to you know control the pacing of the game. Thank you.... I mean,
[00:27:47] I'll be real with you.
[00:27:48] I like Assassin meta
[00:27:49] more than what we have now.
[00:27:53] Even as an AD carry,
[00:27:54] I think Assassin meta
[00:27:55] is a thousand times
[00:27:56] more fun
[00:27:56] than fucking
[00:27:57] three AD carries a thousand times more fun than fucking
[00:27:59] 380 carries every game
[00:28:01] you play.
[00:28:05] Cause at least
[00:28:07] assassins, like you know what their goal is.
[00:28:10] And you know that like...
[00:28:12] You can outplay them to an extent.
[00:28:15] Like you can outplay assassins right?
[00:28:17] You can't outplay...
[00:28:18] Like...
[00:28:20] You can outplay AD, it's just
[00:28:24] when everybody is playing AD carries and
[00:28:26] literally just fucking
[00:28:28] farming 10 CS a minute then that's the game?
[00:28:32] It's kind of
[00:28:33] boring.
[00:28:35] And that's coming from like an AD carry
[00:28:36] meme.
[00:28:57] Minions have spawned. Well, yeah.
[00:28:58] I mean, assassins suck. There's two little, like...
[00:29:03] I don't know. Assassins don't feel very good.
[00:29:11] ... Oh, that did not hit me. Hitbox.
[00:29:31] You know what I think they should actually do with Malzahar?
[00:29:34] Because Malz isn't very good right now.
[00:29:38] But you know what I think would be actually cool if they did it? I think something that they could do, instead of buffing damage or anything like that...
[00:29:42] They should make some interaction with his passive
[00:29:46] to where like when your passive is up, I don't know you gain
[00:29:51] value of the passive being off cooldown so like
[00:29:54] there's value in not getting hit.
[00:29:56] Like keeping your passive
[00:30:02] Something like that
[00:30:04] I think it would be kind of cool i fucked up god that fucking How does Diana not take damage bro so I mean if they made Malz R un-QSSable, I think he would be too broken.
[00:31:09] I'll be honest
[00:31:17] because it's kind of different than Mord.
[00:31:31] Like, Mortal you still have like counterplay in the ults right?
[00:31:39] You don't have counter play if you can't get out of Maus ult.
[00:31:59] Why is this guy just letting me, like fuck him in the ass? He doesn't give a fuck.
[00:32:10] I don't know, I think Kha'Zix should have actually just gone and like jumped...
[00:32:15] Like high key right there, I think Kha'zix should have probably just jumped in and dove him under the turret.
[00:32:19] But it is what it is.
[00:32:23] Is this guy gonna try to freeze the wave? Uh...I mean, i'm gonna keep it real with you i'm just gonna stay get my book
[00:32:33] right i'm just going to stay get my book and then TP back with the book.
[00:32:40] Cause like he's going to try and zone me here but I only need 100 gold which isn't too bad And I don't think he can kill me until 6.
[00:33:01] He's just missing CS to try and poke me.
[00:33:05] It's kind of He has to try and poke me.
[00:33:10] Like, it's kind of interesting.
[00:34:45] Oh, he's just eating my e okay i mean you do you bro so so uh they're on grubs right now. Well that's interesting. Wait, what's my team doing guys? Like, I gotta be honest with that one, I'm a little upset.
[00:34:48] What the fuck was that bros?
[00:34:53] Fucking full ulted that guy and you guys just like watched oh i up
[00:35:00] i need the back I'm probably gonna miss one wave.
[00:35:17] My back's too late.
[00:35:18] I needed to not greed the plate, and I needed to just insta-back
[00:35:20] because that plate
[00:35:22] cost me probably half a wave here or full wave.
[00:35:26] Dude, I'm so sad!
[00:35:27] That Diana should have instantly died
[00:35:29] and then we should have killed the other two right after.
[00:35:48] Okay. I mean, the only thing that we can't i mean we can maybe try and fight dragon here but
[00:35:49] the problem is if i don't have ulti okay
[00:36:06] without ults i'm pretty worthless until I get an item.
[00:36:34] I mean, I have ult now so... oh thank god thank the fucking gods.
[00:36:47] Is Teargun on Malz? it's okay sometimes i feel like if you're versus assassins
[00:36:54] getting a seraph isn't that bad right like it's not the worst to get
[00:36:59] serifs if your verseins, but from my experience
[00:37:03] there's not a lot of assassins
[00:37:05] in the game so having
[00:37:07] Blackfire Torch into
[00:37:09] like Rylize and Leandry
[00:37:11] those three items when you have those
[00:37:13] three... You kind of just melt. Like you just melt everybody.
[00:37:20] And you're annoying because you have the Rlai's, so it's like super good.
[00:37:26] Damn we lost another three grubs. wait i didn't even get an assist I'm not roaming on that because, like I said before,
[00:38:00] I don't have ult.
[00:38:01] And me roaming down there with no ult is not going to be as useful
[00:38:03] as me – believe it or not,
[00:38:05] it's not gonna be as useful as me well even or not it's not going to be
[00:38:06] as useful as me taking points An enemy has been slain.
[00:38:17] Killing spade.
[00:38:23] Even if they do get shit on here,
[00:38:25] it's still more useful for me to do this.
[00:38:30] Because I didn't have ulti.
[00:38:36] ...... so Ooh, I'm dead.
[00:38:58] I did not expect Leona
[00:39:00] to come from above me.
[00:39:02] Fuck,
[00:39:02] I should have just finished
[00:39:03] the fucking turret.
[00:39:08] That was stupid of me. If I'm gonna commit to the death,
[00:39:11] I might as well just commit to the death, you know?
[00:39:15] Because two more autos...I could have finished that turn in 2 autos. That was a pretty big misplay. But yeah, I mean you can kind of see like if I get first turret there it's 12 minutes
[00:39:37] and we take first turret.
[00:39:39] They can't play the game, you know?
[00:39:51] Nice.
[00:39:53] Mid turret is definitely the best turret on the map to take early.
[00:39:57] It like completely fucks over the pressure.
[00:40:01] ... fucks over the pressure. It just opens up the map so much. your team has destroyed a turret What's the play?
[00:40:32] I mean, we just sit mid and keep pushing waves.
[00:40:34] The difference is is now uh
[00:40:39] when i push mid-waves in
[00:40:42] but diana has to walk further to catch them, so she has to stay closer.
[00:40:49] Basically she has to walk a further distance to get the mid waves when I push them now.
[00:40:55] And it also means that I can rotate to fights much faster than her.
[00:40:58] Because she has to, you know, play around that.
[00:41:04] So like now? Even though I don't have ult i'm gonna rotate so so Nice. so uh so so I am gonna go get my Rylize.
[00:42:50] Rylize is just too OP.
[00:43:01] Like, straight up, Rylai on Malice
[00:43:03] is like a cheat code.
[00:43:04] I would never ever build this item if it wasn't for like straight up relies on mouths it's like a cheat code
[00:43:09] like i would never ever build this item if it wasn't literally just broken his on him it's kind of like uh asol right like a soul and ra or a so whenz both use the same type of shit. oh they forfeited.
[00:43:39] Okay.
[00:43:40] Yay!
[00:43:41] We did it!
[00:43:41] Woo!
[00:43:43] We got Masters
[00:43:44] for the 747th time, guys.
[00:43:48] We're so good! No way, wow.
[00:44:17] Viego outdamaged by Leona.
[00:44:23] Leona did
[00:44:24] out damage Diego. That's sad. God, look how depressing
[00:44:49] my fucking...
[00:44:54] Match history is.
[00:44:58] Like- This is sad bro!
[00:45:16] Hahahaha This is sad, bro. Like Like, I play my best role.
[00:45:23] I get like people first timing Pyke,
[00:45:26] first timing Taric.
[00:45:29] Like the games just feel insane.
[00:45:41] I jack off, don't think about
[00:45:43] the game and play Malzahar and the games are insanely easy I think mid is actually a really hard role.
[00:46:01] The problem is...
[00:46:04] I think every role is hard in its own regard, to be honest.
[00:46:09] Except for support. Support is easy.
[00:46:10] But I think every role's hard.
[00:46:13] It's just that the reason it kind of feels like some games are easier than others,
[00:46:18] or some roles are easier
[00:46:19] than others, is because
[00:46:21] I would say AD Carry
[00:46:25] is a broken role,
[00:46:28] when you hit Grandmaster, AD carry
[00:46:30] is by far the best role in the game.
[00:46:33] Like whatever... Whoever has the better
[00:46:34] AD almost always wins
[00:46:35] like GM+, right?
[00:46:39] But the problem is, it's like when you're below
[00:46:41] GM, the games
[00:46:43] aren't games.
[00:46:44] I don't know how to phrase this but
[00:46:46] you're not playing League of Legends.
[00:46:49] You're playing like...
[00:46:53] I dunno.
[00:46:55] I dunno how to explain it.
[00:47:01] You're like playing fucking farm sim
[00:47:03] and you're watching
[00:47:04] a bunch of your teammates
[00:47:05] just int
[00:47:05] while you farm.
[00:47:07] And if you ever try
[00:47:08] and go in,
[00:47:10] your teammates will like full HP run away from you.
[00:47:22] Like that Janna last game or whatever, right? That literally
[00:47:23] walked mid. Flash
[00:47:26] ult E'd me
[00:47:27] Like, that guy was a support
[00:47:34] like let me show you guys what it looks
[00:47:41] like to be an actual support player in league let me show you guys what it looks like to be an actual support player in League.
[00:47:44] Let me show this to you guys if you're just tuning in. so Watch this!
[00:48:10] Where was it?
[00:48:19] Oh, it's right here. Watch!
[00:48:23] Like watch Oh, it's right here. Watch.
[00:48:27] Like watch what my Leona does there. Or sorry,
[00:48:29] watch what my...
[00:48:30] Okay, this isn't it.
[00:48:33] Where is it?
[00:48:38] Okay. isn't it? Where is it? No, I swear. It must have been sooner.
[00:49:03] Okay, I'm confused. Oh, it's right here. Okay watch.
[00:49:09] So it was that first play.
[00:49:13] First of all I just want to say, watch me outplay this guy and I'm kidding.
[00:49:17] I get my ulti literally gets...
[00:49:20] My ultimate got cancelled.
[00:49:22] Watch how good this Janna plays.
[00:49:24] Look at that!
[00:49:27] Walked back into range. Watch this.
[00:49:35] Nado walks up to heal me.
[00:49:53] Flashes kills the Shyivana now watch this
[00:50:01] so I'm just pushing one more wave in right so that I can go back. Watch.
[00:50:12] This guy was actually paying attention to that
[00:50:22] Like he stops his back...
[00:50:24] Sees the fucking Leona.
[00:50:35] Like you think this is like basic shit but I haven't seen a support do this in like 700 games i have not seen a single support player actually do this in like 700 games where
[00:50:38] they're willing to use their cooldowns to help their teammate every normal support just lets me die here. And now Leona has no Flash or Ignite. Oh yeah, this guy almost kills me. so I got both the tower and the kill for that. Like, I was trying to get this turret.
[00:52:03] Let's look at my gold, right?
[00:52:06] So I've got 2,000 gold... so i'm at 2000 gold watch
[00:52:19] wow he actually still saw me in the bush. I don't know how
[00:52:20] I didn't drop vision.
[00:52:21] That's weird.
[00:52:26] But I got the turret
[00:52:27] and the kill,
[00:52:29] and then now I'm at...
[00:52:31] 3k, so I went up 1k gold.
[00:52:34] And then the Leona got my shutdown. Honestly, I thought that I was going to drop Vision
[00:52:49] when I flashed in the bush......... What is this tweet? If elected,
[00:54:45] Kamala Harris
[00:54:47] will remove Minion Block entirely.
[00:54:50] She's got my vote. Is Trump going to remove Minion Block?
[00:55:09] I didn't think so. Is Trump gonna remove Minion Block?
[00:55:09] I didn't think so. Okay. Oh, dude.
[00:55:40] I don't want to talk about politics.
[00:55:45] Like, fuck that shit.
[00:56:02] I'd rather not today anyway. Bro, a single wasp got into my house earlier today.
[00:56:06] I'm trying to figure out where the fuck he came in from.
[00:56:10] Like did he sneak in like somehow through the door?
[00:56:17] That shit's wild.
[00:56:18] I've never seen a wasp at my house before
[00:56:22] and I don't leave the door open
[00:56:25] I gotta go searching.
[00:56:48] ... What the fuck?
[00:56:49] Wait,
[00:56:51] the enemy team has like insanely good comp.
[00:56:59] Outside of outside of Shen Shen is like the only champ on their team that sucks
[00:57:02] but they have
[00:57:05] S plus tier
[00:57:06] of every other role
[00:57:10] like vlad versus scion i feel like vlad wins that
[00:57:13] because he can just go even lucian is gonna open up my butthole.
[00:57:20] very good vs Twitch.
[00:57:36] I'm not sure if this is a good trade, but it's still pretty good. We're going to have to win through skill.
[00:57:40] That's why we're playing Malzahar.
[00:57:43] The pure skill champion. Welcome to Summer's Bride. Wait, I did not know Malzahar's E...
[00:57:59] The mana it gets back is based on your
[00:58:02] mana. I have played
[00:58:06] 5,000 Malz games and I did not know that.
[00:58:33] Okay. that what the Like, look at this. You guys see this shit?
[00:58:41] That's crazy.
[00:58:45] I did not know that.
[00:58:50] I also didn't know your your w has an AD ratio?
[00:59:10] What?! For what reason Fuck.
[00:59:29] He's gonna get level two!
[00:59:34] I might have to sack that minion that was a terrible trade by me and i missed three cs oops dude i'm telling you man CS. Oops.
[00:59:59] Dude,
[01:00:00] I'm telling you man,
[01:00:03] Lucian just completely I am lucky he did not flash
[01:00:07] I'm
[01:00:07] lucky he didn't flash double auto. If he flashed double auto there, I'm lucky he didn't flash double auto. If he flashed double auto there,
[01:00:10] I'm dead by the way. Lucian is so good for smells.
[01:00:15] So that's what I was saying, I'm get my my ass cheeks spread open so Nice. Every time I land the Q, it's really fucking good for us. I need to be care. okay I can't tell if Lucian's actually gonna go back. okay this actually isn't too bad uh we have the wave in a really good spot or rather uh we're in a really good
[01:01:49] spot which only has one biscuit and he's almost completely um
[01:01:55] oh i'm dead He's almost completely oom.
[01:01:58] Oh, I'm dead.
[01:02:00] Yep.
[01:02:03] I needed to flash the actual slow.
[01:02:10] Damn it!
[01:02:22] Ahhh, I suck. I'm so sad about that.
[01:02:24] I should never die there.
[01:02:53] Okay. should never die there so Nice. I got R.
[01:02:58] Damn, Lucian's gonna come back though and he's gonna have
[01:02:58] a really big spike on me. so so so so Okay.
[01:03:57] I mean, why are you even doing that?
[01:04:06] Why would you even do grubs?
[01:04:08] I mean, that guy's just a moron.
[01:04:09] I gotta be real.
[01:04:10] I shouldn't even rotate.
[01:04:10] That's on me.
[01:04:15] Because he's almost four or five doing grubs.
[01:04:21] And he's mad that Sion is getting tempoed?
[01:04:25] But it's like, you'd never play for that anyway.
[01:04:27] That's my bad. I mean, like I said,
[01:04:29] I chose to follow that.
[01:04:31] I should have just let him die
[01:04:34] because I had a really good lane state.
[01:04:36] So when you have good lane state, there's no reason to
[01:04:38] break your lane state. The Vi is just tilted because he's getting outjungled.
[01:04:59] Or rather, he's making really bad decisions.
[01:05:54] I'm going to go for the kill. Ult him! Damn, I couldn't get my E. what um Okay, I'm not gonna lie.
[01:05:55] I suck.
[01:05:58] How did I not think about Shen support?
[01:06:01] ... How did I not think about Shen support?
[01:06:23] God, I'm stupid. My bad. It's okay though, like I said,
[01:06:25] I think we actually win this game.
[01:06:27] Our team comp is good. And we definitely outscaled them. uh an ally has been slain so uh what am I watching?
[01:07:27] Wait, why would you ult her?
[01:07:31] Why would you ult her?
[01:07:35] Oh my Vi is so bad.
[01:07:41] Why would you not ult the Lucian who has no flash?
[01:07:45] At 1 HP.
[01:07:52] Yeah, this Vi is horrendous compared to the Lilia. The Lilia's
[01:07:54] not even that good, to be honest.
[01:07:56] The Lilia's pretty bad too. They're both pretty bad,
[01:07:58] but Lilia is doing a little better.
[01:08:03] Vi is wasting her big cooldowns,
[01:08:05] not playing for the map.
[01:08:09] All you have to do to win on Vi for the map. Like,
[01:08:09] all you have to do
[01:08:10] to win on Vi
[01:08:11] when you have a Mal's mid
[01:08:12] is literally
[01:08:12] you get level 6
[01:08:13] you play on
[01:08:15] your level 6 Spike
[01:08:16] and you win the game
[01:08:16] by the way.
[01:08:20] Like, she just comes mid, I R,
[01:08:22] and the guy dies.
[01:08:43] ... I I do think we can win though. I think my team is getting tilted over nothing. so so that's 100 worth it i mean i've gotten both the Shen ult's.
[01:09:27] I don't know how my team is like tilted by the way.
[01:09:31] I have three of our 4k. I got both Shendeltes.
[01:09:39] I've had three Lilia ganks,
[01:09:53] forced both Shendelts. For both Shen ults, I'm winning in plates. Like, actually we're tied in plates but I shouldn't be winning against Lucian to begin with. Lucian shits on me I do think it's winnable. so so so so Oh shit.
[01:11:14] Wait, that was such a good play by Shen.
[01:11:22] RTP? RTP. RFCP.
[01:11:25] Dude, the Shen has literally won this guy in his lane
[01:11:27] the whole game.
[01:11:29] Like I am actually
[01:11:30] slightly salty because the shen has literally won this lucian's lane
[01:11:38] dude just hit him I could be playing a lot better though.
[01:11:56] To be real if we can get this turret and we can get...
[01:12:13] If we can get this dragon, like I said, we could actually win. so We should have MeeGoBot, maybe.
[01:12:43] Because I teleport? because i teleport so so
[01:13:17] what am I watching? Yeah, my Twitch is really
[01:13:42] low level.
[01:13:54] This Twitch needs to just go farm. He's got 100 CS.
[01:14:05] Yeah, my 37 gold for my ravines that sucks Like I said though you see how like I actually think the game is winnable
[01:14:09] I mean we have two dragons and We're gonna get a lot of gold You see how, like... I actually think the game is winnable.
[01:14:13] I mean, we have two dragons and they're not winning that hard
[01:14:15] in fights right now.
[01:14:17] And we scale well.
[01:14:20] Like, think about it.
[01:14:21] I'll get to the point. like unless this Lucian stops egoing
[01:14:26] He needs to build a QSS because I can just kill him
[01:14:32] Even though our Vi is kind of trolling, I think we're fine.
[01:14:38] We just keep going, we scale. I don't think I have the damage to kill this guy though.
[01:14:56] Not without chunking him first. Like if I R'ed him there, I don't think he does. so so so so dude why is she not autoing?
[01:16:11] I like how my Vi is flaming me, but i am actually playing very well
[01:16:38] this guy has gapped him into oblivion. I mean, the thing about it is like we got perma Shen ulted. Perma Lillia ganked mid. So we couldn't do much.
[01:16:42] I think we played fine considering.
[01:16:45] I'm just going to die a few times in this lane.
[01:16:47] It's just going to happen.
[01:16:52] Vi should be playing mid on cooldown with me,
[01:16:54] but if she doesn't I will
[01:16:56] just die.
[01:17:12] ... My favorite part of this is how Vi just dies for fun.
[01:17:17] Like, she doesn't understand that you don't have to be fighting there.... I mean, third Shen ult of the game.
[01:17:39] Yeah, there's not much I can do.
[01:17:42] I'll be real.
[01:17:43] I think that that one was just unwinnable.
[01:17:45] Like,
[01:17:46] I think even if I play perfect,
[01:17:47] we lose.
[01:17:49] So we'll shake it off.
[01:17:53] Because I'm actually...
[01:17:54] I played really well that game.
[01:17:57] KDA is irrelevant,
[01:17:58] but I played well.
[01:18:04] The amount of pressure
[01:18:05] and the amount of resources I was pulling mid...
[01:18:08] There's no world that my team should have ever been behind.
[01:18:13] I want to see the damage meter because I had like 8 CS
[01:18:17] a minute.
[01:18:22] Yeah, like I
[01:18:23] played well.
[01:18:25] I was going to say, versus a counter matchup.
[01:18:28] Right? Like Lucian counters me.
[01:18:33] I have three people in my lane.
[01:18:35] I ate three of their shenalds.
[01:18:39] We ate three shenelts, had three people
[01:18:41] in their lane, second most damage to turrets, plates...
[01:18:43] Yeah, I think I played well.
[01:18:45] I'm not gonna be too upset.
[01:18:47] We go again.
[01:18:54] I mean, I won be too upset we go again i mean i won what eight in a row so we were gonna get the at some point
[01:19:15] yo yeah big with than 13. Welcome back. oh the vice autofields
[01:19:25] it was an auto field jungle player that's why he thought he was good. And it looks like our Twitch...
[01:19:34] Okay, I'll be real.
[01:19:35] I don't have words for Twitch.
[01:19:36] I think Twitch just had a bad game.
[01:19:39] This guy just kind of sucks in general.
[01:19:41] He averages six CS a minute.
[01:19:43] So, like, we just got
[01:19:44] bad teammates that game. It is what it is.
[01:19:47] We had autofill jungle,
[01:19:49] autofill support... And then we had first time Sion.
[01:20:07] Wait, I think everybody on my team was autofill.
[01:20:11] Wait, I'm not even kidding.
[01:20:15] Look at this.
[01:20:16] AD Carry main?
[01:20:19] Twitch was on roll.
[01:20:21] Supports an AD Carry main.
[01:20:23] Top lanes and support man
[01:20:26] how unlucky man we genuinely got three autofills that's just unlucky... Dude, I have so many champion capsules and shit over all my accounts.
[01:21:20] I don't know how to even use all this garbage, man.
[01:21:24] I don't think I'm ever going to be able to use all this garbage... Okay, nice. We don't have the same AD in jungle. That's good i'll take it Thank you..... I wish I had a Malz skin.
[01:23:32] Aery bad?
[01:23:33] No, Aery's good.
[01:23:34] I just...
[01:23:35] Uh, I think Aery is better if you can auto.
[01:23:41] Usually I can't auto attack trade versus a lot of the mid laners.
[01:24:09] So it's better to take Comet Poke? Like, whatever mid I'm against this game, right? I think I'm against either Aurora or Jayce.
[01:24:12] Both of them are gonna be impossible for me to...
[01:24:17] To auto attack like I can't auto trade with either Damn, this Mord's taking...
[01:24:40] Oh, okay.
[01:24:42] I was going to say, damn!
[01:24:43] He's going Ignite on Mordekaiser?
[01:24:45] This guy's got balls!. Wait. I take it back?
[01:25:03] Our AD carry is the best we've ever had in this game, and that's why we're so focused on our team.
[01:25:07] We have a lot of good players out there.
[01:25:09] We need to get them going.
[01:25:11] We don't want to lose any of those guys. We just want to make sure they stay strong. Wait.
[01:25:13] I take it back?
[01:25:16] Our AD carry is the Vi that was raging last game.
[01:25:18] Uh-oh.
[01:25:21] All right,
[01:25:22] I'll let you guys choose.
[01:25:28] Do you want me to keep the chat undeafened so you guys can... Like, I'm not tilted, so she can rage and I won't tilt.
[01:25:31] Do you guys wanna see the Jinx tilt?
[01:25:35] Or content?
[01:25:37] Or do you wanna see me-
[01:25:39] Should I just death in her and say fuck it?
[01:25:41] What do you guys think?
[01:25:57] ... You guys wanna see it? Alright. Here, I'm gonna take off my map cover
[01:26:16] and if we start going against people that know this is me i gotta put it back on, okay? Like,
[01:26:16] like,
[01:26:16] I don't mind not having a map cover on.
[01:26:17] Obviously if like people know it's...
[01:26:19] Don't know it's me.
[01:26:22] But...
[01:26:23] The weak players are fucking shameless, man.
[01:26:26] Like they will ant you for
[01:26:28] fucking 10 LP or I mean
[01:26:30] sorry, they will ghost you
[01:26:31] for 10 LP.
[01:26:52] Yeah. trading early on mouths like getting those early E's is so important.
[01:26:56] Because it stacks my mana flow And being able to stack my mana flow early is really, really big. Okay.
[01:27:16] I'm just bad, apparently.
[01:27:37] Okay. i'm just bad apparently I really want Belveth to gank mid. I'm trying to hold the wave in a good spot so Belbeth can get a good gank. so
[01:28:49] is I need the prio so i can go help Belveth and check her jungle. there so so Nice.
[01:28:52] The wave is in, like, a weird spot right now.
[01:28:55] I don't really want to E the wave. I have Abyss Gate coming up in 10, but I don't really want to eat the wave i have a biscuit coming up in
[01:28:57] 10 but i don't really want to do is go back on the timer where I get my book. uh This is really bad.
[01:29:48] I need to go back.
[01:30:00] I think I'm just gonna back now, so my team doesn't get fucked over by me being low mid.
[01:30:27] Let me TP! so Damn, I mistimed it.
[01:30:27] Oops. Hold on. I need to go make sure I can stop her back.
[01:30:36] Got it.
[01:30:39] Huge. What?
[01:30:56] Damn, I almost got my e we got her, she got him rather.
[01:31:16] Damn I think I could have played that better
[01:31:20] Like I think maybe I shouldn't have ulted the Jax?
[01:31:24] No I think the Jax ult was good
[01:31:26] I think Belvedax ult was good. I think Bellblade should have focused him.
[01:31:29] Maybe? I don't know.
[01:31:35] Okay. so so I gotta be a little care i don't have
[01:32:09] alts yes not bad I'm going to go back and get my item. No, yeah this Belveth's really good. Or she's playing well in this game.
[01:33:09] It's helping me control the tempo of the game so so so I'm gonna wait for the turret to start hitting the cannon. Then, I'm going to use my uh my shed
[01:34:06] if you ever want to do maximum damage on turret pushes
[01:34:10] always make sure that you wait for the cannon to be the one getting hit
[01:34:16] before using your W.
[01:34:19] It sounds like it's not a huge deal, but
[01:34:21] it's a pretty big deal.
[01:34:27] Hmm... Hmm.
[01:34:33] Maybe I should have stayed, because this isn't a cannon wave so I don't know if I can get back in time.
[01:34:37] Am I listening to like Plants vs. Zombies?
[01:34:41] Like, what is this?
[01:34:43] Angry Birds!
[01:34:45] What the fuck am I
[01:34:46] listening to?
[01:35:49] You gotta promise you'll be there What the fuck am I listening to? This is not a good fight, I think. so so Damn, I actually think I could have killed them all.
[01:35:50] I think I fucked up.
[01:36:22] That makes me sad. so Should I go back?
[01:36:23] I am pretty low.
[01:36:29] I think I should go back here, and we should play for dragon.
[01:37:42] Oh, I got really close. That's not good. What's your new drink? I still think we should just do dragon. so so ah dang Ah, dang. My bad.
[01:37:45] Aw that was so close man! I shouldn't have been there, though.
[01:37:53] Like, I was playing with fire just hitting the turret for no reason.
[01:37:59] Ooh. Ooh! Oh. Dude, I can't believe I almost survived that gank though.
[01:38:20] Oh nice, Aurora went top?
[01:38:22] I can get a free mid turret.
[01:38:30] Ooh Jax is top too nice!
[01:38:34] Get free mid pushing another wave
[01:38:44] ward war deep rotate over to grubs.
[01:38:52] Go grab Top Wave!... Hover grubs really quick while I wait for the waves.
[01:39:09] Now, I go back top... Now we back and get Rylize. Guys? Jinx should go top side here, so we can play for ref. She's still bot, so I'm just gonna go top. okay uh so Jinx should swap with me? Pretty sure Jax is in Tribush.
[01:40:46] Yeah.
[01:40:48] Or he's like looping around or something. so I don't know if...
[01:41:28] What is going on in this game? so So Is the song The fuck is this song? so is so an enemy has been slain so Nice. That's actually not bad. We got that guy's... We have TP?
[01:43:13] I'm gonna push one more wave.
[01:43:18] Nice!
[01:43:19] Honestly, they should've let me go top.
[01:43:21] I'm very fucking strong.
[01:43:38] I mean, I can keep going bot here because Baron's gonna come up soon but... I do think i should go top.
[01:43:39] I'm pretty positive that I can 1v1 anybody.
[01:43:42] And it's not even close.
[01:43:50] But maybe that means that I should be bot lane, because Baron's coming up.
[01:43:58] Uh...I don't know man.
[01:44:02] Listen, I'm gonna try and get to you but like...
[01:44:08] Yeah, other than that I don't think we can actually get there. so uh Not bad! Yo, you guys like that uh yes like them schmooovements We should get this.
[01:45:23] Let's just do Baron.
[01:45:24] I'm three full items.
[01:45:28] I'm level 14, three item. Let's just do Baron, fuck it. Can somebody ward that? Hello?
[01:45:56] I mean, I can go bot but we could also just go do Baron. do baron
[01:46:07] like we can literally just do this in like 10 seconds
[01:46:10] just do it fuck it it. I have Blackfire Torch and Liandry's. Alistair just knocked that guy into the Baron pit. so is your team has destroyed an enjoy we're almost level 16. so so Let's do it, baby!
[01:47:52] That didn't too bad. Maybe I should have had top?
[01:47:55] I don't need to tax more farm from Jinx but...
[01:47:58] Oh she is backing. I don't need to like tax more farm from Jinx, but...
[01:48:00] Oh she's backing.
[01:49:29] OH YOU BITCH! so all right do you think we can 100 to zero this guy yes or no so so so Easy peasy! Wait, let me pad my stats! Okay. I think we had-I THINK we had almost 12 CS a minute.
[01:49:34] It was close. it was close.
[01:49:40] I don't actually know how much we had
[01:49:42] but I think it was near 12.
[01:49:53] i think i carried i think everybody on my team did well,
[01:49:57] and I got 19 LP in Masters.
[01:50:02] 11?
[01:50:30] Okay. Whatever. whatever GM today? I don't think I can climb. Even if I won every
[01:50:32] single game,
[01:50:34] I don't think it's happening today.
[01:50:36] I need 450 LPp to hit gm and i'm getting 19lp a win you would need
[01:50:47] what What?
[01:50:49] Is that...
[01:50:53] That's like 20 straight wins. I think we'll hit...
[01:51:09] I'm pretty confident we'll hit GM with the way I'm playing but
[01:51:16] I don't know about hitting Jim today.
[01:51:25] Rank one, just win a hundred games in a row? Okay I got you bet! Let's do it.. What is this score based on? I had 11 CS a minute the most damage by a mile what are we basing this on? I like how this guy's name is
[01:52:23] YouAreDogWater, hashtag I'm pro.
[01:52:29] Why did this guy just randomly
[01:52:31] go from playing only Diana Cossacks.
[01:52:36] And he's like, dude, I want to play a Jacks game.
[01:52:53] And And this guy hasn't even played in like fucking three months.
[01:53:29] Like what is happening?. I respect the more top players.
[01:53:31] I have to respect more top players because
[01:53:33] nobody else wants
[01:53:35] to play that champion, so somebody's
[01:53:37] got to do it.
[01:53:39] And I
[01:53:40] respect the shit out of people willing to play
[01:53:42] Mord top because
[01:53:44] Mord top is so fucking bad.
[01:54:16] Thank you... Wait, this is literally called...
[01:54:24] Wait, this is quite literally called the Giga Chad theme. What does that fucking mean? Thank you.... Have I done swarm gaming?
[01:55:21] Yeah.
[01:55:22] The only thing
[01:55:22] I would actually have to do
[01:55:23] on swarm is beat the last boss
[01:55:25] with every character. That's like all I have left to do on Swarm is beat the last boss with every character. That's, like, all I have
[01:55:27] left to do. I just have to
[01:55:29] beat Aatrox and all the characters but
[01:55:30] it's not very fun anymore.
[01:55:33] It was fun for, like, a little bit
[01:55:34] when the game was hard but they like they have
[01:55:37] the thing where like as you clear the endgame stuff like as you farm
[01:55:42] it you get like too strong and then the
[01:55:44] game just becomes a standing simulator.
[01:55:53] So I'm kind of over it,
[01:55:55] It was fun though.
[01:56:00] I just didn't want to do standing sim.
[01:56:03] You know what I'm saying? Okay, so this guy said he couldn't AD carry.
[01:56:12] So I'm giving him my role.
[01:56:15] You know, just because I'm a nice guy and I actually play AD.
[01:56:23] So it is what it
[01:56:24] is.
[01:56:26] Hmm.
[01:56:29] Jesus Christ, their team comp is stupid.
[01:56:32] You know what's actually a perfect pick here?
[01:56:35] I don't know if I'm going to do it, but you know what's
[01:56:36] actually the perfect pick?
[01:56:38] It's Sivir.
[01:56:47] Okay. pick is Sivir. Not even kidding,
[01:56:48] Sivir would have been
[01:56:49] the absolute...
[01:56:50] Like if there's a time
[01:56:50] and a place to play Sivir this have been the absolute... If there's a time and a place to play Sivir, this would be it.
[01:56:57] Because they
[01:56:58] have four dive champions, three
[01:57:00] melees, a low-range AD.
[01:57:06] Is this the Sims? I would recognize
[01:57:09] this shit anywhere! anywhere.
[01:57:19] Oh, Super Mario Galaxy.
[01:58:23] Same thing. same thing Thank you.. so so Bro, can people's computers be a little bit shittier? I'm trying to go get water. so Minions have I had to take a piss, go get some water.
[01:59:10] Like...
[01:59:12] Can people's fucking internet be shittier
[01:59:14] please so I don't have to sit here
[01:59:16] and do this?
[01:59:17] I would appreciate it Oh, okay.
[01:59:36] God, that water tastes good.
[01:59:40] I swear,
[01:59:41] water is so fucking refreshing man.
[01:59:52] Kog'Maw wasted his W. I mean, we should 100% be aggressive after that. Okay, Kog's W is going to be back up.
[02:00:14] So we need to...
[02:00:19] I'm going to Hawkshot up to Wolves.
[02:00:23] Okay.
[02:00:26] Seg? Okay. Sedge is three camping and ganking bot.
[02:01:19] Okay. so they fight you Worth it. Damn it, I actually could have outplayed that. Dude, I'm so tilted. I actually had that? I think
[02:01:20] I should have just maybe...
[02:01:21] It's hard to tell.
[02:01:23] I really think
[02:01:24] maybe I should have
[02:01:24] just...
[02:01:26] Wait,
[02:01:26] do I get this kill?
[02:01:31] Ha ha ha ha ha Wait, do I get this kill? Anyway.
[02:01:33] I think I should have just maybe tried to kill Kog'Maw the whole time...
[02:01:37] Because I was baiting on purpose because we win that
[02:01:40] 2v3.
[02:01:42] Like, if I didn't mess up,
[02:01:43] I would have triple killed him.
[02:01:48] Because Kog wasted his
[02:01:49] E really early on.
[02:01:56] Or his W, I mean he wasted his W early so he didn't have W.
[02:02:03] Right? And because he didn't have w right and because he didn't have w
[02:03:18] it's a free fight Right. Whoa, buddy! um so so quickly Damn, I needed to juke that. that was my bad for not juking it to be honest
[02:03:19] it's kind of hard to juke the
[02:03:22] E level 1
[02:03:23] like if they're good
[02:03:26] They just walk at you
[02:03:27] And then they E you point blank
[02:03:29] So it's kind of hard actually
[02:03:31] But
[02:03:31] I think I could've forgot to mute oh i'm just not even reading chat.
[02:03:55] Damn, I just took half my HP for fun!
[02:03:57] My bad. I am not very smart. What the fuck was that? Like, I'm actually an idiot. They are doing dragon, and we should just freeze this.
[02:04:20] Like,
[02:04:21] we know they're on Drake.
[02:04:26] Just give Drake!
[02:04:26] We can't fight it, dude.
[02:04:29] Oh my god, they're actually gonna fight Drake.
[02:04:31] Oh my god you guys are psychos.
[02:04:34] No just game! It's actually worthless.
[02:04:39] Oh my god...
[02:04:41] What the fuck, man? so I'm dead.
[02:05:09] Maybe?
[02:05:11] Ah, he got his flash! Maybe?
[02:05:14] Ah, he got his flash.
[02:05:21] Damn. I'm not even gonna die! damn
[02:05:28] i'm not even kidding i actually think we win that if
[02:07:12] i guess i should have just rotated earlier this on me me so you face true ice Dude look at the wards! no it was so close! uh man Man. I arrowed top or mid and I whiffed.
[02:08:20] So, I got fucking screwed on the dive. uh so so Wow. Well that was fun. My bad.
[02:08:21] Man I'm just running it down.
[02:08:23] Like I did not need to be... Oh like we saw her on the I'm just running it down. Like,
[02:08:24] I did not need to be...
[02:08:25] Like,
[02:08:26] we saw her on the E
[02:08:27] but I thought
[02:08:28] her recall finished
[02:08:29] and then I egoed it
[02:08:30] but we didn't know
[02:08:31] her recall finish
[02:08:32] so that was my bad. I missed 3 CS. i missed three cs Wait, we win this.
[02:09:19] We win this!
[02:09:20] Just fight!
[02:09:23] Because I have cleanse. so so so so I'm going to try and get the so They think me cold. I have seen things the Shadow Cups cannot imagine. An enemy has been slain.
[02:11:02] Ooh, that's a nice try.
[02:11:08] Okay, I have cleanse...
[02:11:19] ...I could ego this. I'm dead.
[02:11:22] My bad.
[02:11:24] I should have cleansed the slow,
[02:11:26] I didn't think she'd actually be able to kill me without
[02:11:28] the slow. Or with just
[02:11:30] the slow, I'm just bad.
[02:11:47] The ice is not... so Your turret is destroyed.
[02:11:51] And your ally has been slain.
[02:11:55] The enemy has been slain!
[02:12:42] I am a war mother of the cheap, only because no one else will do what must be done. insane so Thanks for watching! Oh my god, man.
[02:12:44] Dude!
[02:12:45] Fuck this Leona!
[02:12:47] She just walks at me!
[02:12:53] I'm just falling for it too. She's like, oh, ulti? Oh!
[02:12:57] Like, I shouldn't have even been there.
[02:13:07] Ah, Suna is fucking me in the ass. I don't think she's playing particularly
[02:13:08] OP or anything.
[02:13:09] I'm just playing really bad.
[02:13:13] She's just walking at me i'm just playing really bad
[02:13:40] like she's just walking at me and hitting q and i'm just letting her so I mean,
[02:13:41] I don't know.
[02:13:44] I can't fight because we have no wards oh no
[02:13:48] i don't think i'm gonna walk the fights anymore
[02:13:51] like i genuinely can't keep doing this while we're fighting on repeat like this.
[02:13:58] The only reason that we keep doing these stupid fights is because Pantheon and Aatrox are ahead, so they want to roll.
[02:14:09] But I can't even auto, man
[02:14:11] because we don't have vision. Yeah, I don't know.
[02:14:16] I don't know why when I play AD carry
[02:14:18] I... Like, when I play Malz
[02:14:20] I play smart. When I play AD carry
[02:14:22] I play Zog. I don't even know why.
[02:15:23] Okay. and the battle is so together one Dude, there is so much shit we have to do on the map. We gotta push bot out... so shall you so so i don't know why we're doing value
[02:16:45] dude this is insane!
[02:16:53] We're literally just getting into like...
[02:16:58] fucking 50 fights!
[02:17:02] I can't even farm! Ooooooh. um so so so I will show this.
[02:18:00] Did you guys see that guy trying to be fancy?
[02:18:01] You saw that, right?
[02:18:05] He tried the
[02:18:09] arrow into a TPp like i kind of yeah i respect it it was kind of cool again No, this Taliyah is a good player.
[02:18:29] This Taliyah has Challenger.
[02:18:30] This is what a challenger jungler looks like when they're playing in a low yellow
[02:18:34] game not so What is our team doing? Man, I really sucked this game.
[02:19:38] I died like so many fucking times for no reason.
[02:21:21] I hope so so so so I'm going to go ahead and do that. so Okay. No fate is written. um so the three sisters are a myth that has strangled our people. It is a tale of fame.
[02:22:29] Fuck! Fuck. so so um Your team has destroyed a turret. The Freljords shall unite!
[02:22:36] Get this!
[02:24:39] I'll break away from the face of death! uh is so Oh Whoo oh what a weird game man god damn dude what is that so I do not seek the throne of Avarosa. um I'm going to try and get the first one. I dream of a nation for my Have I been? I'm good.
[02:24:41] Just playing some League of Legends. I won't miss. we're never gonna be able to do baron unless we pink it must be pinkett uh so uh i will only so so so nice Nice. I said just take off the rust from all
[02:26:59] the Malzahar games.
[02:27:01] When you play too much
[02:27:02] Malzahar your decision making and mechanics go to shit.
[02:27:10] We just had to shake off the rust a bit y'know?
[02:27:13] No worries.
[02:27:26] Wait, so last time I got plus 19.
[02:27:28] Now I get plus 21.
[02:27:34] Yeah, I don't understand how the LP system works, but whatever.
[02:27:39] Oh, this guy's a streamer. I say, I've played with this guy's a streamer i say i've played with this guy before when i was in challenger so i think this guy is like actually a very good jungler. No. no Oh, he was doing with the support. okay.. I need like 500 LP for GM.
[02:29:21] What did I do wrong?
[02:29:24] What?!
[02:29:28] Hey!
[02:29:32] I thought that was I feel like I was the only person on the team not inting. Rude... Mid preferred now. I play AD carry, but someone would have to support.
[02:30:34] Dude, why do we have no 80 carries on our team
[02:30:42] what is happening
[02:30:48] what's going on? so our mid laner doesn't play bot our ad carry wants mid
[02:31:13] i said i would play a d
[02:31:18] and this guy said, fuck no.
[02:31:24] I feel dodge this.
[02:31:47] Do I want to wait five minutes to play?
[02:31:49] I don't know if I do.
[02:32:07] Okay. off I do Holy fuck, our team comp is horrible.
[02:32:17] What the fuck is this? I mean surely
[02:32:20] I just dodged this right
[02:32:21] like
[02:32:24] let's be honest.
[02:32:27] Surely I dodged this.
[02:32:29] This is insane.. I mean, I guess
[02:32:58] I could not dodge and see how it goes.
[02:33:02] Am I willing to
[02:33:03] risk tilt?
[02:33:08] That's the actual question. You know what? I kind of want to play Leona.
[02:33:31] I'm down.
[02:33:33] Leona sounds fun.
[02:33:35] Let's just fucking do it.
[02:33:38] Oh, somebody dodged.
[02:33:39] And I'm going to hit the X button and recue. Should we do a roll, though?
[02:33:58] What do you guys think?
[02:33:59] Yeah?
[02:34:25] Ah, Fuck it. Okay. So it's a, it's non-male.
[02:34:30] Maybe bottom, maybe human before 2012?
[02:34:34] What? What chance What champion is before 2012 that can be played maybe half human, maybe bottom?
[02:34:50] That's a flex bottom pick!
[02:34:59] And it's not a dude.
[02:35:03] A female flex bottom pick?
[02:35:07] What?
[02:35:10] What the absolute fuck is this?
[02:35:13] I need more info.
[02:35:16] Ezra, shut the fuck up. Before 2011, not Demacia, not Noxus. what
[02:35:40] quinn Quinn?. Tristana.
[02:36:15] Bro.
[02:36:18] 2009? So it's a legitimate... 2009
[02:36:19] so it's a legitimate release champion
[02:36:22] It's a
[02:36:24] champion that came out on release
[02:36:56] Okay What the fuck?. I don't know guys.
[02:36:59] Nidalee?
[02:37:00] How is Nidalee part bottom?
[02:37:13] Like, I don't fucking know.
[02:37:13] Soraka?
[02:37:16] Yeah, but how is Soraka part AD?
[02:37:42] Dude, I feel like I'm getting really thrown off by this one clue. I'm just gonna start naming champs. Hold on, uh...
[02:37:46] Let me think of old champions that can play every role. Female range, 2009...
[02:37:56] I don't know. We could try Soraka but it's also like half human Or Soraka is a celestial so it's like part human.
[02:38:00] It can't be Ash.
[02:38:03] What?
[02:38:05] I hate this game. I hate this game.
[02:38:07] I hate this game, I HATE-
[02:38:09] Nah, nah nah nah nah nah
[02:38:12] Dude what the fuck? Nah, go fuck yourself game
[02:38:30] Join the glorious evolution.
[02:38:32] Isn't this Victor?
[02:38:53] Join the glorious evolution. Okay. Okay, I know what this is.
[02:38:55] But like, I've seen this before.
[02:38:56] But what the fuck is that? What? I know I've seen this before, but I just can't put my finger on it.
[02:39:06] God what is this man?
[02:39:15] Well that didn't really help. Oh it's a turtle!
[02:39:19] Is it Rammus? really help? Oh, it's a turtle.
[02:39:21] Is it Ramus?
[02:39:24] Ah!
[02:39:27] I had to see it in color. Okay. Dynamite.
[02:39:40] Ziggs.
[02:39:43] It's clearly zigs.
[02:39:45] Yeah, nobody else is explosions.
[02:39:50] Syndra.
[02:40:01] Don't ask me how I knew that was just the carcindora
[02:40:04] i've never played that skin risk
[02:40:19] 30 seconds until minions spawn
[02:40:24] yo what's up sw? How's it going bro?
[02:40:27] Swain give me a sec. I'm doing my scoreboard.
[02:40:48] It can't be a beacon.
[02:40:50] Minions have spawned. You guys like how I'm, like,
[02:40:59] 1,000 APM trying to get one E off
[02:41:02] on this fucking Swain?
[02:41:03] And he's just walking backward.
[02:41:39] Okay. backward hmm I don't think he can actually fight me level 1, even in the minion wave.
[02:42:48] If he's fighting me in a minion wave like that it's not really possible. so so This guy is really into taking fights Oh, I'm dead. Damn! I needed to flash that Q. I'll be real,
[02:42:48] I had to go for
[02:42:49] that because he
[02:42:52] just gave it to me
[02:42:52] like if he's going
[02:42:53] to tank the minion wave like that. I gotta try
[02:43:45] Oh so so so What am I watching? Oh, this is really interesting.
[02:43:52] Swain actually does well versus me, I think.
[02:44:54] Okay. Because he can Q and take out all of my Voidlings instantly. Oh. oh If I had Aery, he dies there. Also if I flashed into him instead of like...
[02:44:58] Uh, I flashed like sideways kinda.
[02:45:04] I-I kill him there let's just put it that way.
[02:45:07] I just messed up really bad. so Really, bro? huh Did you guys see this motherfucking bard just walk into mid to fuck me over? okay
[02:46:04] look at that i missed three CS because of Bard.
[02:46:12] I got none of those, that's crazy Gotcha, bitch!
[02:46:47] Don't fuck with the number one mazahar in north america so Yeah, you guys ever heard those words uttered ever?
[02:47:17] Number one Malzahar NA.
[02:48:04] Yeah, I'm a bit of a problem uh so You guys remember when Gunblade was in the game?
[02:48:11] Do you guys think that like, it would break the game having that back in the game?
[02:48:13] Like imagine like... swain with gunblade or something like that
[02:48:21] like that would just be insane, right?
[02:48:48] ... Guys, I can't kill this guy.
[02:48:49] I have no mana.
[02:48:51] I have no mana, man. Second sight. uh yes Okay.
[02:49:23] Got his flash, though.
[02:49:29] I actually think that's worth. Because he wastes his flash to get a kill?
[02:49:33] Uh, I can TP back to lane. We know Swain has no ulti...
[02:49:37] ... no ulti so so so so so jesus fucking christ man why is Jesus fucking Christ, man.
[02:50:55] Why is Swain unkillable?
[02:51:06] Like don't get me wrong.
[02:51:10] I don't think I'm playing this matchup particularly well.
[02:51:22] But this is kind of insane. Ooh, I think Hog's dead either way.
[02:53:04] I should've Path Bot. so I mean, I almost killed him with just my ulti. so so insane so so How did my cane not ulti what the fuck oh he's owen four he is straight running it
[02:53:07] oh god
[02:53:11] no yeah he is straight running it. I didn't even notice.
[02:53:15] I was like why does this game feel so hard? Like it's not like the just in our in mid lane half the game like ball lanes losing 2v2 and uh and I've had Ekko mid the whole game.
[02:53:39] I do think we scale, but like I said it's gonna be hard
[02:54:42] because we can just get echo shut down at some point oh i went to rel fucking rip that actually feels bad, man. so oh he flashed on me yeah i'm dead damn
[02:55:01] it kind of sucks because I could be playing the matchup better, 1000%, but I don't think it feels weird to have him just like flash on me with a it feels really hard to deal with we just need to get rylai's and once we get realized i can kite him info item info We need to get his shutdown. uh um yes Dude!
[02:56:18] Why is this guy taking the shutdowns?
[02:56:25] Man... Man.
[02:56:33] Our support is taking all the gold!
[02:56:38] That's actually such a feels bad.
[02:56:46] Like our two hyper carries didn't get it, And I had to burn Flash and Ult for that.
[02:57:03] Okay. I'm gonna have to start playing a little bit more risky. Oh, he TP'd for this. Okay that's fine.
[02:57:09] Him TPPing to kill me there is fine in my opinion because now he's gonna be no flash, no TP, no ults...
[02:57:17] ...for at least one minute.
[02:57:22] Which is good. We do need to try and get some pressure on the map.
[02:57:36] Like, I'm probably going to die a lot this game just because we do need to get some pressure on
[02:57:42] the map so as long as i'm pressuring it's not the worst like if swain is bot and he's covering the 1 in 5 Malz using big cooldowns etc.
[02:57:54] And I don't like just die on repeat with nothing done
[02:57:58] It's not the worst uh outcome Oh, Oh no.
[02:58:27] I think I should have TP'd to that fight.
[02:58:30] Like,
[02:58:31] I actually think
[02:58:32] if I TP TP to that fight
[02:58:35] we win.
[02:58:35] But the problem is
[02:58:38] none of us use any ults.
[02:58:43] Or none of them use many ults. if i tp to the fight maybe they have their ults up
[02:58:47] i actually don't know
[02:58:52] i'm okay giving him a hip here by the way so
[02:59:16] damn Damn. I should have just inted
[02:59:20] for this, because I could've afforded my item.
[02:59:24] Damn! I think if I TP
[02:59:27] we might have won the fight.
[02:59:29] It would've been a lot closer
[02:59:31] because like I said
[02:59:31] we didn't actually use ultis
[02:59:33] and I think they might have
[02:59:35] just come up on the timers
[02:59:36] of like...
[02:59:37] It could have just been a timer thing.
[02:59:40] They came up right as everybody died, so if I TP there,
[02:59:44] maybe I use my teleport that Swain wasted, and then we use our Teleport lead there.
[02:59:52] That might have been the gameplay that would've changed it.
[02:59:57] I was definitely considering doing it.
[03:00:01] That's what i was watching.
[03:01:38] Okay, Hmm. I think we should try and fight. so so so so uh so I cannot believe I survived.
[03:01:59] I don't like that we're giving this dragon, though. It's such a feels-bad man, especially after a fight like that. But yeah, I mean we have to get dragon so it is what it is.
[03:02:31] I think he could risk it but it would be a risk. Okay. Why does he haveell not ulti? Oh no.
[03:02:36] Rell didn't ward and she didn't ult. oh no
[03:02:43] rel didn't ward and she didn't ult okay i'm starting to think ralph's soft ending
[03:02:51] that was a really really really kind of toxic way to play that fight
[03:02:59] it's okay though.
[03:03:08] I mean, go in!
[03:03:34] Go in before they take everything! Thank you! I mean, I'll be honest.
[03:03:36] I could have played this game better but uh...
[03:03:37] I'm not sure that was winnable.
[03:03:39] Our jungler and our bot lane both
[03:03:41] really ran it down.
[03:03:49] Hmm... I did die early to Swain though so that was kind of my bad
[03:03:56] like i in my own personal play i definitely could have not died to swing
[03:03:59] earlier because i outscale the swain really hard
[03:04:07] i just have to not uh die in lane
[03:04:10] um All right, so I did learn though.
[03:04:18] I got a good learning experience from that game.
[03:04:22] Both games that I've lost today were literally just playing around my jungler...
[03:04:28] When I shouldn't.
[03:04:30] So, like, I'm getting a little smarter at mid.
[03:04:48] Because... Because I should never be playing around my jungler when my jungler is doing weird stuff.
[03:04:51] I can prio mid perma but I shouldn't be sitting near that guy.'s that's on me
[03:05:03] okay i died mid early then we returned killed swain
[03:05:07] so we we got 1v1ed then we we returned 1v1 to the Swain.
[03:05:10] Then Echo killed Kayn.
[03:05:13] Then Swain killed
[03:05:14] Kayn.
[03:05:15] Then Bard killed Kayn.
[03:05:18] Then Swain killed Kayn again, yeah he was just dying.
[03:05:25] I wonder if there's any way that could have actually helped him?
[03:05:29] I don't think so.
[03:05:34] I don't know.
[03:05:36] Outside of not dying,
[03:05:37] I don't know what else
[03:05:37] I could do.
[03:05:43] Okay. Outside of not dying, I don't know what else I could do. Because
[03:05:44] that last fight,
[03:05:45] I was really doing work
[03:05:48] in those last two fights.
[03:05:52] Like, I solo-won us the fight
[03:05:53] at bot...
[03:05:57] I think I just need to
[03:06:01] die less in lane,
[03:06:05] not ego as hard and
[03:06:07] play safer.
[03:06:10] Because I can always outplay them mid game no matter what. Yeah, I don't think that was the reason we lost.
[03:06:40] But I think I...
[03:06:50] I think I could have carried,
[03:06:51] is what I'm saying. Okay. Okay, hear me out.
[03:07:07] What if I ban Swain?
[03:07:12] Not because I'm insecure
[03:07:13] but because that guy is a literal one trick.
[03:07:18] Watch.
[03:07:45] Okay, it's negative win rate on every other champ so if he's on the enemy team he just loses from He wasn't actually bad at Swim though
[03:07:49] Like I He wasn't actually bad at Swain, though. I think some of his spacing was bad, but mine was too.
[03:08:08] Okay. all right i'll be i'm gonna grab a snack i'll see you guys in...
[03:08:11] One minute. Don't go anywhere.
[03:10:01] Did you fucking hear me? Don't go anywhere! Okay........ All right, what am I against mid? Oh, nothing. Okay, Asper's
[03:10:07] mouths? I think
[03:10:09] Casper's mouths is pretty much just
[03:10:10] Cassiopeia wins that
[03:10:12] exclusively.
[03:11:21] I don't think I can actually win that matchup unless the cast is bad. Okay..............
[03:11:23] ...
[03:11:25] ...
[03:11:27] ...
[03:11:29] ... Poison the poison dude
[03:11:35] all right boys
[03:11:40] production we could do a production sure. Will Geronimo win this game?
[03:12:11] Place your bets now.......... I have not seen Kane top in a long time.
[03:14:15] Wow.
[03:14:20] I wonder how good it is. Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[03:14:41] Thirty seconds until minions spawn.
[03:14:44] I believe my top laner is Charizmai.
[03:14:50] ...
[03:16:24] .... We'll see how it goes. I don't like that warden. so uh so so Damn, I should have flashed it.
[03:16:26] I didn't know he could do that. You know what I don't like about Sylas' kit?
[03:16:34] The only thing that I don't like is, there's counterplay to it.
[03:16:37] I don't like how one-dimensional it is, where the counterplay is literally just...
[03:16:42] You either dodge his E or you die. uh
[03:17:00] because like this guy is obviously not because like this guy is obviously not because like this guy is obviously not very good.
[03:17:06] He... I mean he just inted.
[03:17:16] At least the ward's in a good spot.
[03:17:24] But, like... what's the word I'm going for?
[03:17:32] Guys! Why can't I ping?
[03:17:34] Oh,
[03:17:37] I tried to ping that my mid was roaming.
[03:17:42] But it didn't let me ping more than twice.
[03:17:45] Okay. but it didn't let me ping more than twice
[03:17:51] like i genuinely pinged as much as i could and my bot lane still died because it like locked me out of
[03:17:54] my pings dude blocking you
[03:17:57] out of pings is actually the dumbest thing ryan has ever done
[03:18:05] straight up it's so fucking stupid. like Like, I wouldn't...
[03:18:30] It wouldn't bother me if I...
[03:18:34] Like, it genuinely wouldn't bother me at all if
[03:18:39] like that right there i don't think is fair
[03:18:48] so That right there, I don't think is fair.
[03:19:04] Where he can E? Like what he just did, that's not fair in my opinion. Yeah yeah I'm aware man!
[03:19:06] I know Rakan's mid- er Janna's
[03:19:08] mid. I know Rakan's min- er, Janna's min.
[03:19:13] Like, I...
[03:19:17] Like he doesn't have to land anything! The enemy has been slain. Sorry, I'm raging.
[03:19:26] I don't like being stat-checked
[03:19:28] because he walks into the wave
[03:19:30] like an idiot
[03:19:30] with a fucking amp tomb.
[03:19:36] Like, I don't like being stat checked
[03:19:38] like that where like
[03:19:39] he just walks up in the worst positioning ever to hit you
[03:19:46] so yeah i should dodge right like i know that it's on me to dodge and it's not a
[03:19:51] hard skill shot i get it I'm still gonna whine about it it is in motion That kind of sucks. I thought Charizmai would walk over.
[03:20:50] Uh, I think he's proxying so it's not his fault.
[03:20:54] Like that-that's on his faults.
[03:20:56] I just just saw him
[03:20:57] top...
[03:20:59] I saw him right here and I was like oh
[03:21:01] he's gonna walk and then he didn't so
[03:21:03] I'm fucked.
[03:21:11] At least we got the shutdown on the Kha'Zix, so that's good.
[03:21:17] Dude I actually played that really well though. I instantly removed the silence...
[03:21:23] Or I instantly removed the silo soul.
[03:22:23] You guys ready? He'm gonna get fucking stat checked again by fucking Sylas. Cool. so so Like, what is this? Charizmai, wha-what are you doing man?
[03:22:31] Listen, Charizmai, I'm not gonna let you get away with it. I'm all for you like...
[03:22:37] Like proxying men but you're down...
[03:22:41] Bro, your're losing in CS.
[03:22:50] Like how are you losing in CS, brother? Dude. Oh my god. Now I have Janna mid! I did it. Dude, I feel like I have every right to be irritated this game.
[03:23:41] I have every right!
[03:23:42] I have been...
[03:23:46] I got stat checked soloed once by the
[03:23:48] Sylas. Then, I returned
[03:23:50] and soloed him, right? So it didn't even matter
[03:23:52] because me and Sylas both
[03:23:54] soloed each other.
[03:23:56] Then, I had Aatrox in my lane twice
[03:23:58] Pazix three times
[03:24:01] And now Janna
[03:24:03] Dude, why does it feel like mid lane is the new way in that like everybody just gets they
[03:24:28] just sit in your lane
[03:24:34] like look at this
[03:24:39] he went down He wins every spell!
[03:24:59] Like dude, you literally win every single spell except for w like every spell Dude, you cannot blame me for this stupid bullshit mid? When I was winning mid, I got ganked by Kha'Zix three times. Janna once. And my top laner is losing in CS. so Like, look at this!
[03:26:01] Like why man? uh
[03:26:09] cares mike you can join fights bro so so Nah, I don't know man.
[03:26:44] That one's my fault.
[03:26:47] That one's
[03:26:48] my fault because I'm up too far.
[03:26:53] Like, I'll take the L on that one.
[03:26:57] I was way too far there. Well no, I mean I've only died twice overextending. The other six deaths were literally...
[03:27:17] Fucking dying to stupid shit.
[03:27:21] Like my bot lane is getting
[03:27:23] murdered 2v2.
[03:27:25] Because Kha'Zix hasn't left mid.
[03:27:27] He's never ganked top and never ganked bot.
[03:27:32] Like, they're getting murdered 2v2 so so so so so I actually think we can win just because uh straight up i don't think they're very good
[03:28:49] like, I don't think anybody in the enemy team is that good i think what's happening is just simply we're in like a weird spot right now Wait, why not just run?
[03:29:03] Okay, I think Ezreal might actually be trolling.
[03:29:08] Why would he not just run away?
[03:29:13] What?
[03:31:04] What? so That's like, okay. That was just me egoing the dragon push. Surely this guy just dies, right? so so so so second An enemy has been slain.
[03:31:09] How did my E not kill those minions?
[03:31:11] What?
[03:32:14] Oh no, can you not die again as... so so so hmm okay what the fuck is care is my doing
[03:32:19] bro why are you like What am I watching right now?
[03:32:24] You walked bot to form a wave and then walked top?
[03:34:34] Okay. uh and so much so uh so Wait, he killed that guy? wow I'm gonna stay top here because I want them to have to walk to me so Okay, not bad. If I can get out of this bad habit of dying in lane phase, by the way, as Malz.
[03:34:46] Like if i can get out of a habit Of dying in lane phase as Malz
[03:34:49] I swear to god
[03:34:50] I'm so good at like after lane
[03:34:53] On this champ
[03:34:54] Right? Like, I'm so good
[03:34:57] At this champion after lane phase
[03:34:58] That I think we just win the games so Bro, really?
[03:35:34] That one W is going to make me have to walk all the way...
[03:35:36] I hate this game.
[03:35:47] Okay. Dude, I told you though this. Sylas is dog shit!
[03:35:49] Like, I didn't want to be mean but like...
[03:35:51] This guy sucks balls All he did during the lane face was literally walking me with
[03:35:56] w wait straight up It's so cringe.
[03:36:20] And now look at him. Now he's down like... He has what? 1.5
[03:36:23] items?
[03:36:29] No stack magi is 1.5 items a no stack magize 1.5 items he's versus uh three item mouths
[03:36:53] is it down 45 cs Why is Vi here? Bro, why are we ganking this? Aww just... I hate you.
[03:38:07] I think they should have just done Nash earlier, yeah. so so so so My bad.
[03:38:09] I didn't think it was going to be him, too.
[03:38:12] That's on me. i was limit testing too hard
[03:38:16] i was like really feeling myself right you know what i mean
[03:39:07] i was feeling myself a little too hard those are my bad No joke though, I do think uh... destroying Oh You see I do think cares might play this game well, but I think like
[03:39:13] I feel like he needs to find the in-between of proxying
[03:39:19] and still partaking in the game........ I hate this guy.
[03:40:47] What's proxying?
[03:40:48] Proxying is...
[03:40:49] Here,
[03:40:49] I'll show you.
[03:40:51] It's easier to explain
[03:40:52] like it's easier for me just to show you what it is Okay. Proxying is... let me show you. When did he start proxying?
[03:41:48] Oh this okay so this is proxy so basically he cuts the wave off between the turrets. His wave is never going to touch the minions.
[03:41:51] It's like a really... Oh yeah! You know what it is.
[03:41:54] You just didn't know it was called Proxying yeah so you know what it is you just didn't know was called proxying yeah
[03:41:56] yeah you're good yeah so he cuts the wave off here
[03:41:59] so you know obviously the minions don't uh get here and then this way of auto pushes
[03:42:04] and it guarantees you don't lose cs and you don't get zoned and then this wave auto pushes and it guarantees you don't lose cs and you
[03:42:06] don't get zoned. And then if this guy chases he loses the
[03:42:10] xp that crashes, and you don't lose anything
[03:42:12] so it's like a win-win it's like the boss and law, right?
[03:42:19] So this... I think this was
[03:42:21] me trying to
[03:42:23] do too much.
[03:42:28] For example like I actually think this was a fine play
[03:42:31] because I have R
[03:42:32] but
[03:42:35] I can't guarantee
[03:42:37] like this guy has a shutdown he's level 5 but I can't guarantee,
[03:42:39] like this guy has a shutdown.
[03:42:41] He's level five and I have R so we can get his shutdown.
[03:42:45] We have Vi here and this guy has my R.
[03:42:48] But I think the reason this goes so bad is because like I I said, I didn't know that Kayn wasn't going to come.
[03:42:52] Because if you look at this...
[03:42:53] Like, I actually played that very well.
[03:42:58] I insta-silenced it but maybe I just don't take this fight.
[03:43:08] Because we do get the kill.
[03:43:11] Like, we stop the Grubs and we get the shutdown, right?
[03:43:15] But it's like... So it's a net win
[03:43:19] because Vi ended up carrying the game.
[03:43:21] So,
[03:43:21] because Vi 1v9'd this game for us...
[03:43:24] Like,
[03:43:25] this was technically a win
[03:43:26] because she got the shutdown
[03:43:28] and we stopped their snowball on the the grubs but it puts me behind and you guys saw like once i
[03:43:35] got three items on mouths i was pretty much 1v3 people right like just straight up one be trained I mean kill this guy by the way was use two Q's.
[03:44:02] They physically can't fight me.
[03:44:06] When you get three atoms on mouths? It's like a cheat code. so God, look how much damage fucking Malzahar's little gizlets does. i might have to play an 80 mid because this guy wants to go fly at the top so one fight i did 184 damage with leandry's Andries.
[03:45:03] I was tunnel visioned here,
[03:45:05] I'm not gonna lie, this was my bad.
[03:45:06] I tunneled so hard.
[03:45:09] Like,
[03:45:10] I got baited and outsmarted.
[03:45:11] I didn't even think
[03:45:11] about the Kha'Zix.
[03:45:13] And they actually
[03:45:14] played this really well.
[03:45:17] Like no joke, the enemy- like they baited me really well. Like, no joke, the enemy...
[03:45:18] They baited me really well.
[03:45:21] Like, Janna
[03:45:22] baited out my ulti, right?
[03:45:24] So I walk up.
[03:45:26] Janna baits out the ult. Kites me.
[03:45:32] And Janna baits out the ult. Kites me. I can't walk up because she'll just
[03:45:33] keep running.
[03:45:35] And then the Kha'Zix goes into the bush,
[03:45:38] stealths from the bush.
[03:45:41] Like I mean
[03:45:41] I'm not even like
[03:45:42] obviously I shouldn't
[03:45:43] have egoed this.
[03:45:44] That's my bad
[03:45:45] but I mean
[03:45:46] they played it well.
[03:45:47] Right?
[03:45:47] Like that was actually
[03:45:48] a well-played
[03:45:49] everybody kiting me until like Right, that was actually a well-played...
[03:45:50] Everybody kiting me until the second they can engage. so so You know what? I'm gonna go Malz.
[03:46:29] I don't wanna... They're going Taliyah,
[03:46:31] I don't wanna pick're going tall yet i don't want to pick an 80 min so. you owe me a win Bye...... you you
[03:48:20] you. I actually like this guy. He's a nice dude.
[03:48:59] Well, you have heard of me. You know what I need?. So, Okay, let's do this....... you
[03:51:07] chad how are we doing today how you guys feeling we feeling good? We feeling powerful?
[03:51:15] We feeling like it's going to be a good weekend?
[03:51:19] ... It's going to be a good weekend. What do I want to play?
[03:51:47] Fuck it, I'll just play Maus.
[03:52:49] .... um oh my goodness gracious boys.... Did this guy just pick Malfin to fucking...
[03:52:53] Into Tryndamere? Bro, you're toxic. Okay.. I don't even know what the fuck I'm in a really good mood today, guys.
[03:53:33] I hope you guys are having
[03:53:34] a wonderful weekend.
[03:54:04] Bye! This guy's name is permaban echo To the four. Good Lord.
[03:54:14] Another shot of whiskey.
[03:54:18] Dance with me!
[03:54:37] Thank you. with me That's worth, by the way.
[03:54:39] Like actually though. I don't have to burn flash.
[03:54:46] Or, I mean,
[03:54:46] I don't have to burn TP
[03:54:47] to get back to lane.
[03:54:48] They used Ignite Flash on Vex.
[03:54:52] I still have my TP.
[03:54:55] And Pantheon flashed!
[03:54:59] Like, actually worth... Oh, I didn't do the prediction for you guys.
[03:55:09] Oops.
[03:55:10] I'll give you guys money in a sec.
[03:55:12] Sorry.
[03:55:17] Okay. sorry oh the sun's gonna i me in about 10 minutes You want to The only thing I'm a little scared of is Pantheon. He's going to be able to gank really easily. uh so oh i missed the fucking
[03:56:24] i miss the cannon so I mean, I'm just dead.
[03:56:48] I didn't see him.
[03:56:51] Are you blind yes i'm just bad bro like relax it was my bad okay so so uh we are I might as well go get that, right?
[03:58:04] I got nothing else to do.
[03:58:17] I should actually let this push in a bit though. Like, I like having the perma-priote but
[03:58:21] I can only do it now. now uh My
[03:58:55] this actually isn't too bad
[03:59:04] because yeah he's not gonna be able to push this in fast enough because it's a cannon so i will do the power uh see so It wants me to go top, which I mean I could it's just like...
[04:00:10] I'd rather push mid.
[04:00:16] Oh, that guy's dead.
[04:00:23] An ally has been destroyed.
[04:01:39] Enemy killing spree. so so so so so so This is the first time I've seen a very similar game. It's not like it was
[04:01:40] just a regular
[04:01:42] game, but
[04:01:43] it's
[04:01:44] more of
[04:01:45] an
[04:01:46] adventure
[04:01:47] kind
[04:01:48] of
[04:01:49] thing where you Dude, what is our team doing? so where's my team? so so uh What am I watching?
[04:03:16] Why are you guys doing this?
[04:03:24] ... I mean, surely Rakan has to back there right?
[04:03:32] Dude.
[04:03:33] I can't see it is actually so incredibly bright right now
[04:03:37] in my house. Like, I wish
[04:03:39] this was like me making
[04:03:41] an excuse.
[04:03:43] Like, my screen is like...
[04:03:45] The sun is literally just on. somebody turned it up on ultra bright mode and now so later so How do I even see here?
[04:04:55] Oh my god, I need to like put a curtain up.
[04:05:00] I can like see Vex's outline and kind of the mini-map. Second Scythe.
[04:05:19] Okay, they know. now without question Okay.
[04:05:51] What is this?
[04:05:57] What am I watching?
[04:06:00] Why are we not trying to fight that?
[04:06:04] What the fuck? to fight that.
[04:06:09] What the fuck?
[04:06:15] Like, we actually win that so hard if Smolder ults and Seraphine walks up and heals.
[04:06:19] I'm not even kidding. That's like the freest win ever.
[04:06:23] Damn, they really don't want to fight bot lane right now.
[04:06:27] It actually doesn't make any sense to me. They really don't want to fight bot lane right now.
[04:06:30] It actually doesn't make any sense to me.
[04:06:39] I should stop roaming and just sit mid.
[04:06:50] Like, them not going for that play is...
[04:06:55] I feel like it's a coin flip because I don't know if they're gonna go for that player. Oh, shit! I mean, how do I play the game man? Guys, I'm very strong.
[04:07:14] Like, I am actually so incredibly strong...
[04:07:20] But I can't do anything because...
[04:07:27] ...I have too many people in my land so so so so uh Is Victor a hard counter to Maus?
[04:08:40] I don't think so. I mean in theory, yeah you could W on top of my like if you were to like R my R right
[04:09:03] like in theory it'd be OP but ahead I'm not gonna lie, Seraphine and Smulder need to start playing the game.
[04:09:49] I feel like they're sitting there, full HP, full mana, not using cooldowns like if they participate we can win
[04:09:53] smolder's not even trying to fight and uh
[04:09:57] seraphine was there but she had heels heals. She had a bunch of cooldowns she could have used.
[04:10:03] Like it's genuinely feeling like Seraphine is win trading because she's friends with the Vladimir
[04:10:09] Or that she's friends with the Malphite or something? Cause? Because she learned to mouth stream at the start of the stream.
[04:10:13] So it feels like this is a win trade. so What's going on? so so so Wait, this sucks.
[04:11:33] We actually win this game so hard so Like, not even joking. We win this game so hard a summoner has reconnected I just need to get Liandrys and we win.
[04:12:44] It's like the same as Malz always is, you get Liandrys, you win the game.
[04:12:58] I mean, I don't know what kha'zix is even doing so so uh so what
[04:14:02] why was guy doing that? hmm Like, high key? three items at 21 minutes.
[04:14:46] We are really strong.
[04:15:30] The fuck is this? so so I mean, the Rakan wasted his shit. They need to ward that. guys there's nowhere to tp2 so is so Nice. Nice, huge. guys we need wards here. like i have i have tp My bad.
[04:17:43] I mean,
[04:17:44] I TP'd for Cloud Soul
[04:17:45] but like
[04:17:46] why are you dying here?
[04:17:50] No, you're a moron! I had
[04:17:52] fucking teleport dipshit!
[04:17:55] We entered for tower!
[04:17:58] No, you're a fucking
[04:17:58] retard.
[04:18:02] I No, you're a fucking retard. I had teleport!
[04:18:05] What you are doing is dying for free...
[04:18:08] Our bot lane got caught again, and then you died for free.
[04:18:13] And I got double ulted.
[04:18:32] Okay. Bro, you just need to put wards down man
[04:18:37] surfing you got to get words
[04:18:47] we can win this game so easily oh my god bro just walk through mid toward uh
[04:19:28] it's okay we can still do it. so i mean i don't know man like the seraphine has to be wind trading by the way like i'm not even kidding i think it's actually a win trade though
[04:19:32] because she was in the guy's chat earlier. The guy that we were...
[04:19:50] That we went to at the start of the stream,
[04:19:53] she was in his chat,
[04:19:55] this Seraphine.
[04:19:56] Because she was fanboying him
[04:19:58] i think it's actually a soft fence like it's i'm looking at it and i'm
[04:20:04] like this this feels really soft binti i, look at what she's doing.
[04:20:11] Like, Swolder is just bad, right?
[04:20:13] The Swolder player is a bad player.
[04:20:18] But
[04:20:19] I'm getting frustrated with the fact that my bot lane is just collectively 2 and 12,
[04:20:23] And they're not even trying to win.
[04:20:26] Because top lane won, I won extremely hard...
[04:20:33] If we just play, together we win the game. so And anyone has been slain.
[04:20:52] Enemy killing spree.
[04:20:54] Enemy killing spree.
[04:21:05] Oh no, why are they fighting? Why are you guys fighting? That's not good.
[04:21:09] Haha! haha so Why are we peeing me, bro?
[04:21:43] What? Like... Why are we pinging me, bro?
[04:21:46] What? Like...
[04:21:48] I misplayed once?
[04:21:59] I hate Diamond so much. Like, they'd rather
[04:22:00] win trade each other
[04:22:01] and then
[04:22:02] they'd rather fucking win trade each other and
[04:22:07] whine the entire game. It's like, Smolder, bro
[04:22:09] you literally are down
[04:22:11] 100 CS on Draven
[04:22:12] that's not your
[04:22:15] team's fault for not ganking the draven
[04:22:18] like straight up it's just not like that's not dr that's not
[04:22:21] your team's faults you're just bad and seraphine is like i would bet my left nut this seraphine is when trading for the Malphite.
[04:22:43] The fact that they were linking the Malphite stream
[04:22:44] constantly, both lobbies
[04:22:46] the fact that they were linking to Malphite's stream
[04:22:49] and then I went to the stream, and the Seraphine
[04:22:51] was in the stream
[04:22:52] glazing the Malphite. It's like dude
[04:22:55] Master of Players are fucking weird
[04:22:57] man
[04:22:58] You guys would rather glaze each other Asteroid players are fucking weird, man.
[04:23:00] You guys would rather glaze each other
[04:23:01] sitting low elo than try to win the game.
[04:23:05] It's fucking
[04:23:06] pathetic. Okay.
[04:23:21] Yeah, it is one of those. I'll just... I'm gonna make a ticket.
[04:23:29] I wanna be super cringe and go into my VOD, record them like when I went to the guy's stream.
[04:23:36] Record them literally talking then I'm going to show that they linked the thing
[04:23:41] And I'm just just gonna make a ticket. Wait, am I being flamed by some random retard in my chat?
[04:24:00] Bro, who even are you?
[04:24:02] Huh!
[04:24:04] What? Bro, who even are you? Ha!
[04:24:08] Yeah, you are. Oh...
[04:24:10] Okay.
[04:24:19] Homie, you're spending your Saturday watching people play video games on the internet. And then you said that I should get a life.
[04:24:21] I want you to understand this.
[04:24:23] You're spending your
[04:24:25] Saturday afternoon flaming a man
[04:24:27] on the internet that
[04:24:29] you are watching in your free time.
[04:24:33] Surely we understand you're a fucking loser, right?
[04:24:37] Surely we understand that that's embarrassing.
[04:24:49] Get a real job? I enjoy my job, homie. I get to play games for a living! It's fucking great. I love it.
[04:24:55] Like, I'm working.
[04:24:57] I'm chilling.
[04:25:00] You're getting mad in a
[04:25:01] chat room on the internet at
[04:25:03] a man you've never met before
[04:25:04] trying to flame him.
[04:25:09] Like, what's wrong with you, bro?
[04:25:11] Did you have a bad week?
[04:25:13] You want to talk about it?
[04:25:20] Because I got gotta be real bro like there's some embarrassing things that people do on the internet
[04:25:25] I think me bitching about being win traded against
[04:25:28] is less embarrassing than you flaming a guy
[04:25:33] over a children's video game
[04:25:35] you've never met before
[04:25:36] on your free time day off on a Saturday?
[04:25:42] I think that it's pretty...
[04:25:45] Eh.
[04:25:47] I hope you have
[04:25:48] a good day, though, man.
[04:25:55] I'm the physical embodiment of embarrassing? Yo drop your insta!
[04:26:00] Let's compare
[04:26:03] what do you look like bro drop the insta. I mean, you must be like Hugh Jackman level attractive, right?
[04:26:27] But you got to
[04:26:31] be 6'5", rich, stunningly good looking.
[04:26:37] Surely. Homie, if you're going to go find a fake Instagram of somebody.
[04:26:50] You got to like you gotta at least have it on deck.
[04:26:54] Because the longer you take
[04:26:55] to link your Instagram,
[04:26:57] it's, like, painfully obvious
[04:26:59] that it's not you.
[04:27:02] Like,
[04:27:02] you can literally just tab
[04:27:03] over to your second monitor, hit Instagram and it'll log
[04:27:06] you in.
[04:27:07] You copy paste it and we're done.
[04:27:10] Come on man.
[04:27:22] Listen there's no shame in being ashamed of who you are. There's a lot of people who are but you can't talk on the internet when you look like
[04:27:30] you know the hunchback of notre dame
[04:27:34] it's embarrassing.
[04:27:48] I mean, we got like Quasimodo looking motherfucker over here.
[04:27:52] Flaming everybody else on the internet.
[04:27:56] Bro, I said drop the Insta.
[04:27:59] Why are we being insecure?
[04:28:04] Listen if you're so attractive why are we being insecure?
[04:28:13] You can prove me wrong right now with a simple click I don't use social media oh but you're on Twitch.
[04:28:22] My bad.
[04:28:26] So,
[04:28:26] you have a Twitch account
[04:28:27] but no social media accounts. My bad, I didn't realize I was dealing with such a specific alpha.
[04:28:37] Dude you can just say you're ugly.
[04:28:41] I don't care, right?
[04:28:45] I don't.
[04:28:46] I'm not even trying to flame you.
[04:28:47] You do you. you Bro, I'm...
[04:29:06] Listen.
[04:29:09] Listen, man.
[04:29:10] You're like the embodiment of small cock aura.
[04:29:14] You got like the small dick energy going on right now.
[04:29:17] You came into the chat trying to flame me because I'm playing video games for a living
[04:29:22] on a Saturday while you're
[04:29:24] watching somebody play video
[04:29:26] games for a living in your free time
[04:29:28] and flaming them about it. Then,
[04:29:30] you tried to attack me for how I look
[04:29:32] and I was like, okay. Let's
[04:29:35] compare. And then you said
[04:29:36] you don't have social media. You can't.
[04:29:39] But you should trust me, bro.. I don't use social media, bro.
[04:30:01] That was an exact quote, by the way.
[04:30:09] Then you said, I didn't say that.
[04:30:16] Homie? Listen... I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day man.
[04:30:23] But gotta chill. Alright? you gotta check.
[04:30:28] Alright?
[04:30:29] You gotta check.
[04:30:30] Because I'm gonna keep it real with you.
[04:30:32] Anybody who's
[04:30:33] as happy at life
[04:30:35] as you are claiming
[04:30:35] would not sit
[04:30:37] in a chat room of a 33 year old man playing league
[04:30:40] of legends trying to tell other people that you're better than them
[04:30:46] i'm just saying
[04:30:49] all right I'm just saying. Alright, what's...
[04:30:51] Wait come on
[04:30:53] It just screams
[04:30:55] insecurity
[04:31:13] ... security that was my last game? I don't know, man. You think I care about Diamond players? Like...
[04:31:15] Listen.
[04:31:21] LISTEN! Listen.
[04:31:27] You said I was a whiny old man.
[04:31:35] Yeah, but didn't you also say I was short and ugly, balding all that shit too? Come on man. I have the receipts! Come on bro.
[04:31:39] You didn't? Bro. I literally have the receipts. Come on, don't do this. Don't be that guy. Oh, come on then. Like I said, nobody's here to judge you.
[04:32:09] Nobody really cares about you.
[04:32:12] You're in a chat room on the internet. Nobody really cares, just enjoy your Saturday man. uh so oh down oh i gotta get a ward down Thanks for watching! uh so what the did i just watch yo thez roams.
[04:34:01] They're powerful.
[04:34:09] Yeah see that shit? The pre-six mazahar roam that's how we do it up in this
[04:34:15] bitch okay so
[04:34:38] yo dublis let me have med The fuck is happening down here Okay.
[04:35:07] Sure. so uh so okay
[04:35:50] dang man how many motherfuckers are in my lane
[04:35:57] oh there oh i got tp it's okay Oh shit, the homies are popping off bro He's so close! Oh, I don't think I can go through here. Oh she's back okay Ah, I gotta uh i gotta stay one more wave actually okay so Oh, that wasn't a cannon wave.
[04:38:05] Oh I fucked up.
[04:38:07] Mannnn...I fucked up.
[04:38:15] Enemy rampage
[04:39:28] dupliss is not happy so Thanks for watching! sight ordains it Hmm. Dupliss does not want any part of Toplan. He is not having that
[04:39:50] damn it man Damn it, man. We didn't kill that guy?pliss didn't uh ulti
[04:39:56] oh he didn't know early enough sorry The only good thing about Dupliss is this guy greets a lot.
[04:40:10] And he does it on like 50 different accounts, right?
[04:40:12] Like this top laner.
[04:40:16] This guy's been around for like 15 years and he griefs on every single account he plays on once riot starts hardware banning
[04:40:21] these will be the kind of people they get that they get removed from the game.
[04:40:30] And that's just like a super awesome little bonus.
[04:41:23] Oh! awesome like little bonus enemy so so Wait, what?
[04:41:25] I couldn't even R.
[04:41:27] Because he chained me.
[04:41:33] Like, if I R there? I just die. Right? Because it pulls my R.
[04:41:35] Holy shit!
[04:41:39] He actually one-tacked me.
[04:41:43] Jesus... so so is and are Hmm.
[04:42:52] Do you guys think the game is winnable?
[04:42:54] I think it is.
[04:42:57] I actually still think the game's winnable. I'm dead.
[04:43:11] Still winnable!
[04:43:13] I knew he was gonna do that, but uh...
[04:43:15] I wanted to try and get the plate.
[04:43:17] And I griefed for a plate. That's my bad.
[04:43:23] Oopsies. They should let me bot. hmm so so That sucks.
[04:44:30] Leona did not mean to get that shutdown, and she got it somehow.
[04:44:34] That actually feels bad, man.
[04:45:05] Okay. so hmm i really wish that leona was actually mid with me. Guys, what are we doing?
[04:45:11] This is rough.
[04:45:16] Because Leona walked back and forth here,
[04:45:18] she should have just walked directly like this.
[04:45:19] She walked like this.
[04:45:22] It's kind of my bad, though.
[04:45:37] Man... Dupliss is making this impossible for me to play the game. Like actually though, man.
[04:45:41] He keeps walking to where I need to be. Dipshit. huge though,
[04:46:09] huge.
[04:46:10] Now we just got to get some bounties on these turrets and we are
[04:46:13] chilling.
[04:46:50] Okay. I think there's too many people that are Miya and I'm too low. We got this shit.
[04:46:54] 5v5? No, we should never 5v5 right now. Maybe if I get some items we can 5v5, but not until then. so I should have saved my R. That was my bad. Stun him! Pew him! What? My Leona just E'd missed instead of Q'ing.
[04:47:51] What am I watching? Why?
[04:47:53] Why are we dying? Hello?
[04:47:57] What the fuck was that?! Wait, my Leona is peeing dragon? No! You can't do Drake.
[04:48:12] I need to save my R for ye or qued though
[04:48:17] i don't have a choice
[04:48:21] like i eat the seraphine like a dipshit.
[04:48:29] Dude, can you guys stop walking to the fucking lanes I'm in?
[04:48:33] I'm gonna lose my
[04:48:33] mind.
[04:49:27] Okay. i'm a rusman so Okay. so enemy has been slain how were they even fighting over?
[04:49:29] There's literally no objective up. so um so so Guys, I genuinely could not have played that better.
[04:51:20] Wait, I'm not even kidding. i couldn't have played that better has been so so Dude, I don't know what more I could have done there. I literally kited them for like 35 seconds?
[04:51:23] Almost killed all three of them?
[04:51:31] Like, I don't know. It was literally just like my team didn't want to exist.
[04:51:36] That's super frustrating.
[04:51:37] I juked so much shit!
[04:51:45] I'm so dead. bro Oh.
[04:52:13] Our jungler is first time jungling, running it down as nocturne top lane is dupliss so he's just soft ending so so Oh It's okay. It is get hostaged.
[04:53:24] Dupliss, homie!
[04:53:26] You don't get to run it down?
[04:53:28] You've been inting?
[04:53:30] Dupliss you lost...
[04:53:32] 17 of your last 20 games Excuse me 18 of your last 20 games
[04:53:38] i'm not even making this up he has literally
[04:53:41] lost 18 of his last 20 games Ooh, and that does literally no damage.
[04:54:09] That sucks.
[04:54:12] Yeah like this is embarrassing look at this.
[04:54:15] Like I'm surprised this guy hasn't blown his brains out look at this
[04:54:23] like holy bro bro
[04:54:32] that's crazy I just feel bad for him like dude is down bad and he's obviouslylling every game.
[04:54:52] I'll be real,
[04:54:55] these last two games were actually
[04:54:57] unwinnable no matter how good I played.
[04:55:01] Masters is one of those elos where no matter how good you play you can just lose
[04:55:05] like the game before this one we got a the seraphine was
[04:55:08] like legitimately win trading.
[04:55:10] So this game, Seraphine legit win trading.
[04:55:13] And then
[04:55:14] this game, we had
[04:55:18] first time Nocturne
[04:55:20] and Dupliss running it down
[04:55:28] it is north as you can't win some of these games.
[04:55:41] I should report him though.
[04:55:43] I'll make a ticket too... I think we're at the point.
[04:56:24] I have to hide my queue................................... you you so
[05:02:58] it is in motion. Welcome to Summoner's Rift. 30 seconds until minions spawn. so I'm going to go ahead and do that. Minions have spawned. so we are timeless I'm going to use the This guy started Doran's Blade? What dorn's blade katarina so yes It can't be a beacon. so I was like, wait. Where's the
[05:05:48] Dolbath? I was like, wait where's the...Doll Bath? so so so Why are you question mark painting me, bro?
[05:06:41] I'm playing Malzahar. You went all in and I yoinked it?
[05:07:00] I don't think the guy was gonna die! so so straight up i don't think the dude was gonna die there Fuck, I messed up.
[05:07:52] I need to go back! is oh katarina backed at like a bad timer actually.
[05:08:24] Ooh that's a really bad timer! so
[05:09:22] dude i haven't bought a pink ward all day but I actually want to buy one. like i think uh Please don't die bot right now Okay, uh I got shen Oh, okay.
[05:09:24] I got Shen ulted!
[05:09:28] Thank god I didn't TP.
[05:09:32] Me having TP is actually gonna save my lane. um so I Mean that guy's just dead.
[05:10:18] Even if I ulti, it doesn't do anything.
[05:10:23] What the fuck am I watching? watching.
[05:10:34] I mean,
[05:10:35] why are we diving?
[05:10:44] You didn't bury her yeah honestly this is a slash definite angle listen i've been in a great mood all day okay and i'veards literally running my games down
[05:10:49] all day. But you know what?
[05:10:52] I'm kind of annoyed it finally hit the wall where like
[05:10:56] the two retards are being extra retarded so i'm going to just deafen
[05:11:07] but it is comically annoying how retarded they both are.
[05:11:11] Like, all these people have to do
[05:11:13] is go even and we win the game.
[05:11:15] But instead,
[05:11:16] they're fighting early-game
[05:11:18] against a Katarina with Ignite and a Bel'Veth when we're playing Gwen Malzahar.
[05:11:29] It's insanity like all you guys got to do is literally not run it down.
[05:11:48] Like my lane was won like I won the. And you guys decided to just
[05:11:53] give her three kills for fun?
[05:12:02] I mean, I can't even play bro. Now she's too fed
[05:12:16] Can you leave for once? God damn.
[05:12:19] Nothing like only losing your lane because your teammates decided that
[05:12:23] you get to lose the game.
[05:12:25] God!
[05:12:29] Hey bro, let's duel them against a Katarina early-game
[05:12:33] Herder... game.
[05:13:29] It's almost like they're retarded. uh uh was Okay, I guess I'll get altered by shin again
[05:13:51] i mean i'm gonna keep it real. I'm trying my best. Two Shen ults. two shenolds two awful forces
[05:13:54] I mean,
[05:13:55] I'm gonna try my best.
[05:15:11] Okay. so so slain oh i'm dead so so are 1v2 by the way.
[05:15:22] Thank you God God.
[05:15:28] Bro, no joke though.
[05:15:32] I swear to god
[05:15:34] mid is actually just like the funniest lane in the game nowadays it's pretty much just
[05:15:42] your team will just permanently do weird
[05:15:45] like a perm fight and do weird ass shit, even if you're not stronger? Fuck.
[05:16:11] Worth it.
[05:16:14] I just am gonna go boss and law, full on int for plates we got to do it we just go full bossing law um so so yeah my team just got on yeah so so Jesus!
[05:17:51] Let's fucking go.
[05:18:02] Same stupid fucking go same stupid stuff you see in gold it's because like i've told you guys before masters and gold but but with slightly better mechanics.
[05:18:08] Macro doesn't really change until...
[05:18:12] I would say macro as a whole
[05:18:14] doesn't change that much
[05:18:16] until Grandmaster challenger Like, Masters still has dogshit macro and dogshit decision making.
[05:18:36] That's like why people in masters struggle well you could put a master's player
[05:18:41] in a challenger game and they could like win against challengers if it comes to
[05:18:45] like just mechanics understanding of their champions But the issue is always going to be
[05:18:53] like out of a hundred games,
[05:18:55] the Masters player will make mistakes over
[05:18:57] and over again. Whereas the challenger players really consistent so so like this katararina's got good mechanics.
[05:19:45] But she took ignite on Katarina. I have to save my R. so so ah Are there any games where I go Leandry's second?
[05:20:57] Actually,
[05:20:58] I don't think so.
[05:21:00] I'm not going to lie,
[05:21:01] personally,
[05:21:03] I really,
[05:21:06] really personally value the Rylize slow over the Liandry's damage.
[05:21:09] Because, like, I feel like Malz
[05:21:10] is... Malz is gonna not do
[05:21:12] super good damage regardless, right?
[05:21:16] Like, as Malz, you're never gonna do that crazy 1v9 damage.
[05:21:20] It's just not going to happen unless you're ultra fed. do not challenge me so Dude, I played that so good!
[05:22:04] Like what the fuck?!
[05:22:27] Well you see what I mean? The, the Rylai's actually like right there specifically. That was like the perfect reason of why I get Rylai's. Did ya see how like the Bel'Veth and Shen were both getting kited that whole time.
[05:22:34] It's just, it's beautiful, right?
[05:22:41] ...... was seen God, I misplayed my silence there.
[05:23:08] I missed two silences. oh that ash is dead You see how much fighting happens though in like Masters?
[05:23:33] It's the same as gold, you just have to kind of go with it.
[05:23:39] People just want...
[05:23:40] The thing about it is
[05:23:41] you got to understand, right?
[05:23:45] Masters players
[05:23:47] Diamond players everybody who plays League just wants to have fun.
[05:23:54] And what's the best way to have fun playing League?
[05:23:59] Fighting. Right?
[05:24:01] Like, look at that! So like right there...
[05:24:03] My Gwen just gave a thousand gold to Katarina
[05:24:08] For no reason There was no reason.
[05:24:09] Like, there was no reason to chase, right?
[05:24:11] Like, it was actually just worthless
[05:24:13] to chase that.
[05:24:14] And now she made the game ten times harder.
[05:24:49] But her value in chasing it was like she wanted to have fun so Okay. Yo, I got three items boys! Why are we going in? This is so bad. Okay it worked but like i still think
[05:24:54] it's bad
[05:25:01] i need to push one mage. ah We should not be on Baron there.
[05:25:30] I don't know why they were trying to do Baron, that does not make sense.
[05:25:37] It is what it is. I'm just gonna be the fodder who
[05:25:41] does the right call and gets killed for it this happens a lot where like Dude, why are you guys doing Baron?
[05:26:02] Just get off Baron.
[05:26:04] You guys gotta stop trying to do Baron. It's so bad.
[05:26:11] But you really don't have to do the objective like that. he hit him oh my god what a fucking arrow They're on dragon. See, this is a good Baron call.
[05:26:49] Nice!
[05:26:51] This is nice! Ash, you really gotta stop walking up low bro.
[05:27:08] His ash just walks up
[05:27:10] constantly with no vision.
[05:27:19] I want to go top,
[05:28:14] but if I don't hover mid right now my team's gonna get caught. I really wanted to kill her there with my R. I'm going to try and get the kill. so bad what me Trying my best, bro. Yeah! so so I don't have R. Yeah, that guy's done.
[05:28:55] We gotta leave killing spree so No!
[05:29:31] I should have just left.
[05:29:37] Okay, stop trying to forfeit, dipshits.
[05:29:40] We're down two inhibs, like relax.
[05:29:44] You guys wanted to coin flip fight permanently this game okay?
[05:29:49] When you coin flip fight per this game, okay?
[05:29:51] When you coin flip fight perma like this,
[05:29:52] you create this really bad area
[05:29:55] of...
[05:29:56] You create really bad snowballs because
[05:29:58] you're fighting.
[05:30:03] Instead of just consistently scaling.
[05:30:05] Just,
[05:30:07] you just got to play the game out when you do that.
[05:30:07] You know,
[05:30:12] you don't have a choice or if you create the shitty plays and the shitty like atmosphere of the game with your gameplay
[05:30:13] you gotta deal with it uh My clut has no boots.
[05:30:37] I wonder, is the No Boot build actually that gun?
[05:30:41] ... so so was so I'm not the champion, buddy. Nice.
[05:31:46] GG!
[05:31:48] We finally got a W.
[05:31:56] Let's go. I'm telling you, if you just
[05:32:13] deafen every single game...
[05:32:16] I think you win
[05:32:17] 99% more games, definitely.
[05:32:19] Because everybody's just such a bitch.
[05:32:23] All the players in Masters, these people are bitches.
[05:32:27] Like unironically absolute bitches.. I'm going to go take a piss and get some water.
[05:32:59] I'll be right
[05:33:05] oh yeah Thank you...........
[05:34:07] ...
[05:34:09] ...
[05:34:11] ...
[05:34:13] ...
[05:34:15] ... Mousy horror gaming...... you you. All right, lads. I'm back.
[05:35:48] How are we feeling today?
[05:35:50] Okay. today. You're not going to lie?
[05:36:29] I swear
[05:36:29] to God.
[05:36:52] Okay. It sucks balls uh mentally
[05:37:01] to climb through masters and shit
[05:38:59] you have to literally just like be okay with losing. Okay.. Huh.. so. Okay. We should watch something.
[05:40:56] What should we watch, boys? boys......... This guy said he's ASAP at home.
[05:42:24] Feels fucking bad, man. Okay..... Hmm. What should I play?
[05:42:28] We need AD.. Hmm.
[05:42:55] The problem is...
[05:43:13] I don't want to get screwed over by Rammus.
[05:43:19] But we need a B because this guy picked Lux.
[05:43:22] We need like some AD damage.
[05:43:26] And I got countered with Yasuo.
[05:43:30] Feels bad, man. with yasuo feels bad man So, I'm pretty sure it's also a top. Maybe you're right.
[05:44:12] Maybe you're right.
[05:44:15] Okay. Maybe you're right.
[05:44:23] Oh, I just gave out the points for the prediction from like three games ago... or four games ago.
[05:44:28] Yo, I got vigorous on fucking Lux.
[05:44:41] What? Fucking Lux? Vigorize!
[05:44:44] This motherfucker playing blocks.
[05:44:51] THIS MOTHERFUCKER! oh One for the love we can't give back. I got you. uh I'm okay with that
[05:45:43] I mean, Alistar with that i mean alistair's mid
[05:46:12] not quite sure why. Damn, Xerath made it back. That sucks. so
[05:46:27] i really want a three wave crash this
[05:46:32] but i don't know if I can.
[05:47:31] Yeah because we could get like level 2'd by Rammus. so I'm going to go the same strategy as before, but with a different character. Yeah, I gotta be careful.
[05:48:14] Because I don't know where Rammus is. oh Yeah, we see Rammus top. Yeah. I wonder if i'm actually supposed to go fleet lucian solution. Right? I don't even know if we can fight this bro so What am I watching, man?
[05:48:58] I'm 1 HP!
[05:49:32] Okay. yeah an enemy has been slain what we had can still be Huh. Hmm... It's kind of hard to actually play the game versus Rammus.
[05:49:39] Right? Like...
[05:49:43] He is actually incredibly fucking hard to play versus. don't so so so so I gotta go back mid and not lose my wave. Alistair is roaming top. nothing is painful to seeing someone good so I want to be more aggro against this guy i'm just really worried about uh
[05:51:46] ramus ganking me is like a kind of like a fear
[05:51:56] because if i ever dash forward, Rammus can gank me. Or if he's ever nearby and I end up dashing, I'm just dead right? So it's like...
[05:52:00] It really is not worth it
[05:52:07] unless i see him like if i see ramus i can
[05:52:10] uh i could start being really aggro for sure. I think Rammus might try and dive. so I can't miss this wave. so an ally has been slain an enemy enslaved I mean, yeah.
[05:53:37] I don't know what he wants me to do. I have no mana man.
[05:53:43] At least our bot lane is doing well because like...
[05:53:48] Alistar has been mid a lot.
[05:53:57] I can't really do much with
[05:53:59] Alistar and Rammus on the map constantly.
[05:54:01] I just have to let Bot lane do their thing.
[05:54:05] We just gotta scale up and let Bot lane do their
[05:54:07] thing, because yeah, I mean, I could play aggro
[05:54:09] and dodge all of his shit, but if I... Like I said, I can play aggro and dodge all of his shit.
[05:54:14] But if I ever dash forward and Rammus does happen to be there
[05:54:15] I either have to burn my flash or die. so Oh wow, look.
[05:54:41] Crazy!
[05:54:42] Like who would have guessed so right like Dude, he still has flash? My bad.
[05:55:32] Man I suck. um hey so so i think if it was like first game of the day i'd be reacting to it so so whatever
[05:57:00] i got the turret.
[05:57:06] We're gonna lose some plates though. so I must have been a little too fast. so so so what i can't walk up it's not the rates that are me it's what could have been so so so
[05:58:55] oh hey what's up don't want to be on the wrong side an enemy has been slain I'm quite um... so our games today pretty good actually we're uh pretty positive and i think we're pretty positive and I think we're playing I'm having fun so that's good your turret has been destroyed um so so um so Ooh, nice try.
[06:01:25] Should I have gone Merc Trooper? has been slain
[06:01:30] should i have gone mark treads this game over plated
[06:01:35] i don't know
[06:01:38] i think i should have it's a little too late now, but I think this is the Merc Treads game. so killing sprees so an enemy has been slain so so I'm gonna push one wave top and then immediately walk bot for dragon. I'm going to go ahead and do that. We should be good. We are oh so Whoa!
[06:04:13] I thought they found an officer. she feels cold Dude, the fact Lux R can go through Yasuo wind wall is really fucking silly.
[06:04:48] Who else agrees?
[06:04:51] Any agreeers in the chat?
[06:06:07] It's not a projectile? I know, I just think it's weird. so so so so uh An ally has been slain. By the light! Help me, Junkrat.
[06:06:09] Your team has destroyed a turret.
[06:06:13] Your team has destroyed an inhibitor.
[06:06:17] Nice blow with spectral magic your team destroyed an individual
[06:06:23] not bad i mean we could probably just go to baron anytime like we can we can do a few things. We can either play off of
[06:06:30] Mitten Head being down by just playing for a soul
[06:06:36] but that's in like three
[06:06:39] minutes. Or we'd just play me bot TP or any of us bot I guess.
[06:06:46] Play any of us bot and then the rest Baron, or I guess Gnar maybe should go bot.
[06:06:51] Because they could use my DPS at Baron. I'm gonna sit here for a sec, see if we can get a pick. so so this is my so Damn.
[06:08:01] My bad.
[06:08:14] Man, we should just be doing Baron. I don't know why we're not. Here, I'll buy a pink so we can do Baron. Because I feel like we should be able to do Baron anytime, but uh...
[06:08:28] I'll buy the pink ahead and do this. There's literally nowhere to TP to. me know where to tp2 so so priest trust me Nice.
[06:09:45] JJ!
[06:09:55] I think Senna... Isla's going through Wind Wall is fine.
[06:10:00] Maybe that makes me silly.
[06:10:05] I actually think it's fine.
[06:10:26] ... Because she has a very specific kit. Who is Hey Teddy? Who the fuck is this random guy? Oh, this is the guy who played Yi?
[06:10:52] Ah! This is the guy that guy who played Yi?
[06:10:56] Ah, this is the guy that I pissed off yesterday.
[06:10:58] You remember the guy who added me and told
[06:10:59] me to kill myself?
[06:11:01] That's him.
[06:11:03] Let's see what he wants.
[06:11:07] Okay. That's him. Let's see what he wants. What's up, bro?
[06:11:10] How was your Saturday? Thank you.... you Why did this guy not...
[06:12:13] He added me.
[06:12:16] And now he's ignoring me.
[06:12:20] Hello? and now he's ignoring me hello
[06:12:24] mr ye
[06:13:26] yes Yes I know. So, How boring.. Oh my goodness.
[06:13:30] What time is it?
[06:13:35] 730 on Saturday?
[06:14:14] Not bad, not bad. Okay. uh Oh, maybe I should hide my Q. The last two games where I hid my Q went a lot better than the ones before.. Okay. you
[06:14:51] you you.. you
[06:17:18] you you Is Is, uh... huh. Let's see who is streaming. Okay... Okay, let's see what's happening here. Okay. Respect?. I knew Electro was a bottom.
[06:17:58] He's got that energy, you know? It is what it is. Okay.. Bro, I think the only reason that I would Q AD right now.
[06:19:09] The only reason I would Q AD carry at the moment is
[06:19:11] literally because I'm sitting in like 8 minute queues
[06:19:13] queueing Minth.
[06:19:22] Like this shit is frustrating as shit.
[06:19:43] .... Good. We started that, now we can leave.
[06:19:52] Wait, Sanchovi looks a lot different than he did the last time
[06:19:56] I was here.
[06:20:00] Huh. Okay. Wow, let's see what Skara is up to.
[06:20:21] What's up, Skara?
[06:20:27] Oh, he's playing some Pyke?
[06:20:30] I respect it.
[06:20:37] Ha ha!
[06:20:38] Oh no! Oh, no. Okay.....
[06:21:36] . I don't know what it is, but something about watching Skara play League makes me feel happy... you you I swear you're not supposed to take bleats on lucian but
[06:22:53] i feel like it would actually be so good in some matchups yeah nobody does it though
[06:23:05] press the's too good.
[06:23:14] Ah, I took the wrong runes though.
[06:23:18] You are supposed to go...
[06:23:21] Absorb life.
[06:23:24] And I did not do that.
[06:23:28] Fuck.
[06:23:29] Okay, I see why Lucian's OP.
[06:23:31] I should have looked up that shit last game.
[06:23:35] Yeah you're supposed to go Absorb Life and then you just rush Tier 2 boots.
[06:23:38] If you get AP, you just go Mercs
[06:23:40] And if your're against AD,
[06:23:45] you go Tabis.
[06:23:47] And then you just go Boots,
[06:23:48] Tabis...
[06:23:51] Or you go like
[06:23:54] Kraken Slayer
[06:23:55] Tabi's
[06:23:57] Essence Weaver
[06:23:59] and then
[06:24:00] you just chill what do we want to listen
[06:24:08] to guys like what's some music we want
[06:24:09] a vibe too right now what are you
[06:24:10] thinking i don't know.
[06:24:31] Let's listen to some relaxing music. Yo dick, I'm changing my music!
[06:26:05] Can you fuck off? i'm changing my music can you off so that's the word for someone with nothing to lose something seems too good to be true Oh my god, I'm bad. so so What?
[06:26:09] Wow. My bad. right side and a wrong side uh not the rate that helped me I'm going to go ahead and do that. right if you can't run from it hmm hmm Okay.
[06:27:55] I feel like
[06:27:56] I don't have a huge choice, because
[06:27:57] I feel like I have to play
[06:27:58] super aggro in this matchup.
[06:28:00] But,
[06:28:01] I definitely shouldn't be dying.
[06:28:03] So,
[06:28:04] I think my issue here
[06:28:05] is that I'm just
[06:28:06] not hovering
[06:28:08] the right side of mid.
[06:28:10] So when I knew Talon
[06:28:11] was top, I hovered bot which was good
[06:28:13] but when I knew Talon was
[06:28:15] bot, I didn't hover
[06:28:16] top and both my deaths were me not
[06:28:20] hovering the right side of the map.
[06:28:22] Or, the right side of the lane, sorry.
[06:29:13] These are blood-fueling Fucking Fucking A. so i mean wisely on a mid whatever my bad
[06:29:23] i mean i should not be dying but
[06:29:30] if that didn't flash uh i actually would have 1v3'd oh yeah because i would had cole killed the... I would have juked
[06:29:34] the stupid-ass fucking Leona thing.
[06:29:38] Then I would have cold killed
[06:29:39] the other guy.
[06:29:41] Trust me, it would have been disgusting.
[06:29:43] We would have... I would have been disgusting we would uh that would've been fine Damn, I think if
[06:30:04] I had just prioritized the right side of the map, I'd be so much further ahead right now.
[06:30:09] Or part- The right side of the lane rather.
[06:30:12] I'd be SO fucking far ahead.
[06:30:39] It's missing nothing. um so yo happiness is for other folks best life can hurt four
[06:30:41] mr sky
[06:30:47] an ally has been slain mr sky Damn, that's kind of depressing. I can't really be too aggro here because Talon could be bot or he
[06:31:16] could be on bot side of mid so I'm gonna keep that in my mind. uh Oh, I'm dead
[06:31:59] i didn't have dash that was a good timer for him to go in that's my bed damn if i had uh Tabi's right now... Holy fuck, I would be in such a good spot.
[06:32:22] Like, I 100% understand why the runes are the way they are i think talon is going to come mid here because that needs him to cover I really hope I don't die for one point.
[06:32:53] No, there's Talon wow!
[06:32:55] What a thought! talon wow what i thought
[06:33:02] talon is just sucking this zed's
[06:33:08] to take peace man i need your help
[06:33:10] and i'm like hey bro
[06:33:14] fight your own battles he's like, no.
[06:33:29] Whatever bro. Talon will never leave mid.
[06:33:33] This game's on me. It's my bad.
[06:33:37] I've just fucked up because I went aggro early and hovered the wrong side.
[06:33:43] Now Talon's fed...
[06:33:47] It's my fault.
[06:33:57] Talon is not even playing correctly. The fuck? I called him. fuck i clicked men so so so my wife is half dead I mean, of course Leona's here.
[06:34:57] Like why wouldn't she be?
[06:35:00] Like what the fuck man? again I mean, I don't do damage. What do you want? He has fucking Eclipse. so i mean i fucked up early. It's on me.
[06:36:23] That's just my bad. I can save her. Shouldn't we do Dragonhand?
[06:36:42] Yes! I wish this guy would tell me what happened though.
[06:36:44] Bro, I'm having a bad game.
[06:36:45] It happens to everyone?
[06:36:48] We can still win
[06:36:49] but you guys gotta try and win.
[06:36:52] Oh! can still win but you guys gotta try and
[06:37:00] win
[06:38:10] win cage is uh um huge Wow, one play. That's actually huge! so something so so I wonder if I should have just killed the turret.
[06:39:07] Because I knew that I was going to int to kill
[06:39:09] this turret
[06:39:10] and it's my
[06:39:10] gun.
[06:39:12] Like, he
[06:39:12] doesn't see his
[06:39:13] ult back up
[06:39:13] at this point
[06:39:13] every time
[06:39:14] he wants
[06:39:15] so I just
[06:39:16] need to stop
[06:39:17] inting.
[06:39:24] Damn, the Zed sucks too. He's just so fed that he can stat check me now. I just got ganked too much... like I let myself get ganked, I mean...
[06:39:29] I could've gone even mid and won through being better and not risking it.
[06:39:37] Like just being consistent, I mean...
[06:39:41] That's just my bad.
[06:39:49] Like, I now know though that like...I know how to play Lucian mid now.
[06:39:54] You literally just go boot rush on whatever...
[06:39:59] you go the really high sustain runes then you go boot rush so so so so uh I just had the strangest...
[06:41:08] How are you supposed to greet her when they think that more of her comes back?
[06:41:14] Her return has been destroyed. I look at this guy's like, we lost 4v5.
[06:41:23] I mean...
[06:41:24] Yeah, we did.
[06:41:27] But it wasn't like everybody played it correctly.
[06:41:35] Because if you look at what happened, Karma died at the very start of the fight, didn't use sums...
[06:41:48] I mean there's not much we can do here. I think might just be GG
[06:41:56] Zed is pretty fucking strong because I messed up
[06:42:00] So, I don't know if we're gonna actually play the game anymore because i messed up
[06:42:05] so i don't know if we can actually play the game anymore the thing that sucks is like...
[06:42:15] Zed's pretty fucking strong.
[06:42:19] I just can't do much right now.
[06:42:22] I can split because Teemo can 1v1 me pretty easy and Talon can kill me.
[06:42:32] So I don't know.
[06:42:37] Oh my god, my team is going to get into a fight the second I walk away! way. I'm gonna go's no way that I can play the game right now without items.
[06:43:17] Our team is really strong but
[06:45:16] we can't i can't ignore the macro Because I'm already worthless and I'll be even more worthless if I don't play correctly. so I mean, we leave by the way. We don't ever fight this. Are they actually going to try and siege against us when we have baron that would be a crazy siege uh uh talon didn't oh so we gotta be care so so so Nice. I got my two items. Huge!
[06:45:21] This is actually pretty good, we just have to play for Dragon Vision now.
[06:45:32] If we can push out top and play for like a goodramming, but I don't really have a choice.
[06:45:50] Because I can't really go top. We need wards. one shot so is so If we can get this dragon,
[06:47:02] uh...
[06:47:02] This will be huge for us.
[06:47:49] Okay. nice Nice. uh I'm gonna pray this isn't warded. Okay, okay yeah for sure bro uh I'm just trying to buy as much time
[06:48:18] As i can
[06:48:18] Yeah
[06:48:21] Leona's just like
[06:48:22] I'm gonna ward this bush
[06:48:23] Next to mid.
[06:48:25] Nah bro, that was...
[06:48:27] Listen.
[06:48:29] You're crazy. No, that was a good ward.
[06:48:42] I just am salty.
[06:49:22] I kind of want to go... Kind of like a Bork. We need to push mid.
[06:50:33] We need to get vision on Baron and mid. so how do you kill what's already dead Man, we knew he was there. Like, we gotta just engage or do something. Whatever...
[06:50:41] To be honest, this uh...
[06:50:43] This throw isn't good. so He's good, he just messed up. Peace. I mean, this is what it looks like. The best that I can hope for
[06:51:27] is peace.
[06:51:33] They're all on top side of the map
[06:51:35] We can actually get Dragon Vision right now. I just want to make sure we have like some Baron vision. you stare into the ghost yeah they're on baron but i mean there's not much we can do about it. That's like the price we pay for going to Dragon as 5. We have to sack baron
[06:52:57] i honestly think we should just wait out baron What am I fucking watching?
[06:53:31] I mean, this is insane.
[06:53:38] That's why i said we should wait out Baron by the way.
[06:53:41] Like literally that was why i said we should wait out Baron.
[06:53:48] They should have never sieged. I'm literally spam pinging them back a thousand times.
[06:53:52] They're sieging in a horrible spot when the enemy has Baron.
[06:53:56] It doesn't make sense. I mean my bad I Mean I played bad but like...
[06:54:42] Honestly?
[06:54:44] I'll be real with you.
[06:54:46] I wanted out of his game.
[06:54:48] I didn't mean to TP like that. I thought I had, like a barrier
[06:54:49] I was autopiloting
[06:54:50] but
[06:54:50] listening to that guy
[06:54:54] whine and cry
[06:54:55] the whole game
[06:54:56] is crazy.
[06:55:45] Yeah. This is crazy. I have to add this guy. Like, it's actually disgusting that he is typing. It makes me kind of sick to my stomach That guy is gross, man.
[06:55:55] Because like I said before the only reason that we lost our game was like...
[06:55:59] We actually were in a really good spot to win after we got the second dragon. Okay.. Okay. Well, that guy's getting reported.
[06:56:31] You know what my favorite thing is?
[06:56:32] People will say toxic shit to you
[06:56:34] then they'll remove you but if you make a ticket
[06:56:40] riot will ban them over private messages and people don't know that. Okay... Nothing goes through? It does. Every ticket you make goes through. They just don't let you monitor it Okay..... Okay, I kind of want to try Lucian mid again. Hear me out.
[06:59:08] But with the correct runes.
[06:59:22] Okay. All right, hear me out.
[06:59:22] Hear me out.
[06:59:22] Let's try it out.
[06:59:40] We'll take the right ruins and see how this feels. because high key I actually do think
[06:59:42] if I was able to rush Tabby's that game,
[06:59:50] I would have smurfed on him.
[07:00:04] Okay. So you want to play top lane in low masters?
[07:00:06] I think on NA,
[07:00:09] low masters is dead. Or it's like not dead, I guess but it's like...
[07:00:17] People don't wanna play jungle and top in this elo because it's too hard for them to improve.
[07:00:25] So everybody plays mid AD support, cause the roles are much much easier whereas like jungle top or
[07:00:31] like
[07:00:34] they take a lot more thought than just queue up and push buttons
[07:00:40] so like those are the two most auto-filled roles in this yellow is jungle top so Why do we have top Diana and jungle various? Jungle various.
[07:01:13] What?
[07:01:45] Oh, well. so Well, that's why it's so easy to climb. It's easy and hard right? That's what I was telling you
[07:01:49] like that's why I've been climbing so fast on Malzahar in LoMasters
[07:01:53] is because when people just want to not think and turn
[07:01:56] their brain off, if you play a stat check champ
[07:01:58] that beats them not thinking and turning their brain
[07:02:00] off, like, you automatically
[07:02:02] will beat the shit out of people who are autopiloting.
[07:02:06] Right? Like,
[07:02:07] if you're playing Mundo top and they're not willing to
[07:02:09] punish you early, you'll
[07:02:10] outscale and you'll just beat the shit out of them.
[07:02:15] If you're playing Malzahar,
[07:02:17] you'll outscale and beat the shit outta him.
[07:02:19] You play Seraphine?
[07:02:20] You'll outscale and beat the shit outta them
[07:02:21] because people don't want to stack waves
[07:02:23] they don't wanna zone
[07:02:25] People just wanna exist during the lane phase in Lone Master. They don't wanna like, pressure the lane. now i know different It is one of those. and you'll never need to draw What we had can still be.
[07:03:22] I know it.
[07:03:27] Wow! We've only just met, and I'm already inspired.
[07:03:35] My body's warm.
[07:03:39] Do it again.
[07:04:31] Do it again. to your head so so so I think I want to go cold this game. Like high key, going cold is actually broken. I'm okay. I mean this Ekko is still trying to kill me mid.
[07:05:11] I don't know what he's thinking.
[07:05:16] Oops.
[07:05:22] I think he's going to go bot.
[07:05:24] Yep. Oh Nice auto him oh nice Because this guy's already bleeding out on CS.
[07:05:58] I already have a massive CS lead
[07:05:59] on this guy. if
[07:06:37] so the coal is just going to make the cs lead even worse I guess he didn't want to TP. Weird, like he just missed like five minions for not cping so so Uh, why did I listen to Mr. Retard's pings?
[07:07:22] Oh, that was an instant death And I just threw my entire lane because
[07:07:26] that dipshit was like
[07:07:28] come, come, come, help, help, help, come, come, come.
[07:07:32] Like he's doing crab?
[07:07:34] Nah, I threw my entire freeze and my entire lane so that I could fucking...
[07:07:38] Go like not play- Like our botlane is freezing.
[07:07:44] Nah, I'm tilting.
[07:07:47] Like all one tilts obviously but I just need to listen to my own gut.
[07:07:59] Fuck you there! Too bad. I'll be there.
[07:08:06] You have seen an enemy. Trust me, I'm going to go with the so so Maybe I should have gone Merc Treads ASAP.
[07:08:49] Like, I could've maybe bought Mercs there and it might
[07:08:52] have actually been OP. It's hard
[07:08:54] to tell.
[07:08:57] Because they do have
[07:08:58] a lot of fucking Mercable
[07:09:00] like shit.
[07:09:23] Right? Like, early and mark merkable like right like early merc treads would probably be beast mode into tf as well okay This ain't war.
[07:10:53] War is end. An enemy has been slain. enemies That isn't too bad, we have a huge lead like not bad at all. uh i don't know if we can get dragon yet so Guys, I think the TF is tilted. What do you think? need to believe that Wait, I have a question. Why is my
[07:11:15] why's my Hwaye top lane? What is going on in the game? Hello, guys.
[07:11:29] Play as top for some reason in game hello guys
[07:11:32] way's top for some reason so Team?
[07:12:01] Why am I going bot lane to pick up this wave? What is happening?
[07:12:12] Like, what is going on right now? Are we like tilted and went top even though the enemy TF is actively trolling?
[07:12:26] Hmm.
[07:12:29] You have to really be hating League of Legends if you're...
[07:12:39] Oh, you got an oh you gotta actually be hating league if you're trolling in a game that
[07:12:43] the enemy is running it down.
[07:12:53] It's like the new meta, when you lose lane, you just leave lane.
[07:12:59] It's like
[07:12:59] the meta of
[07:13:01] trolls. Like I've done it
[07:13:05] when I'm trolling.
[07:13:07] I'm not sure why it's the meta but it is. I'm going to go.
[07:14:51] What do you think? Something seems too easy. so so so hmm some call it magic i call it good aim so so This is kind of funny.
[07:15:40] I don't think they actually know how to play around people like moving on the map If you can't run from it, you might as well shoot it. and they sent five or three bot. My bad.
[07:15:51] If our Hwaye would just stop trolling and going top, we could actually just win the game.
[07:15:58] It's very frustrating with this guy, but I think it's okay.
[07:16:05] Wait a minute, what am I watching?
[07:16:08] Wait, my Diana is trying to do Radden.
[07:16:17] There's been like 500 people just dogpiling into bot lane on repeat.
[07:16:20] If we had anybody down there, we'd win every one of those fights.
[07:16:22] My team is like trying to bully
[07:16:24] the TF.
[07:16:32] Guys can we play the game?
[07:16:49] Come on guys. Killing TF more doesn't matter. I think I just saw Echo's passive.
[07:16:52] Wait, why did Diana just fucking TP?
[07:16:59] What?
[07:17:39] Oh! what me Wait, that was actually really well played. never mind okay nevermind My bad. Bro, I don't even know what the fuck I'm watching.
[07:18:08] Wait there's no way this MF dies. so um so Hmm.
[07:19:44] And we got Dragon dragon let's go so And we're gonna lose mid-turn Hmm.
[07:20:16] I mean, I don't know what to do really. We should get rifts. I'm just dead or what? Yep. Um,
[07:20:16] I'm trolling.
[07:20:22] Man,
[07:20:23] I trolled.
[07:20:25] Guys, you have a TP behind you!
[07:20:27] Dude there is no
[07:20:29] way...
[07:20:31] How are they all
[07:20:33] so worthless? I die and our entire backbone of our team is gone
[07:20:42] i'm not even kidding i died one time somehow the other four people are literally unable to use spells.
[07:20:52] Man my bad...
[07:20:56] Like that's such a feels- man. You guys have no idea.
[07:21:05] Diamond is such a weird elo,. Nobody can control their fucking characters and they all tilt in five seconds. Your third has been destroyed. Why isn't Thresh going forward?
[07:21:42] Oh...
[07:22:48] Like, why is my Thresh playing like a pussy? so so so Thank you for watching! is been destroyed
[07:24:01] like real talk though how are these guys at full HP. so so so so Guys, we don't need to forfeit. Come on. Like yes you guys are bad but
[07:24:04] We went into this game with the knowledge that you guys were
[07:24:07] Bad. Like you guys are queuing up not playing your best champs
[07:24:10] not trying to win you guys got to understand that like your intent to do that was your choice nobody
[07:24:18] else's You know what the funniest part about this game is though?
[07:24:39] Like, low-key, we are so far ahead it doesn't feel
[07:24:42] like it because uh if you look at like what's going on in the game it definitely feels weird But like, I'm very fucking strong. so like and that's the only one who's strong on their team. so so They also only have two dragons, so it's not even that bad. so is What is even happening? huh The enemy is legendary. I'm almost 16 with four items
[07:27:23] like i actually think once i get i think my last item i'm probably gonna get
[07:27:29] uh probably ie and i think if I get IE we just win the game.
[07:27:39] I guess I could get GA.
[07:27:45] Guys, what am I watching here?
[07:27:49] This is pretty much the only way to throw the game would be to do this.
[07:27:57] To, like, randomly start a fight for no reason?... oh yeah it's actually like the only way to throw the game guys
[07:28:09] you don't have to do that you know like you can just chill I'm not talking about them.
[07:28:33] Here we got an ulti. is where i fight the dead Oh.
[07:29:08] Fuck.
[07:29:12] Guess who's not here while they siege bot?
[07:29:17] Man. Man.
[07:29:28] The TF who's literally 0-14 is going to win the game because
[07:29:29] The four people on my team are throwing temper tantrums.
[07:29:34] Are you not gonna even try? No? Okay... No, okay
[07:29:44] Yep this is why low masters is bad
[07:29:48] You get people who pretty much have brain damage IRL
[07:29:51] But the thing is it's like enemy also had brain damage. But my team had so much brain damage that they're making
[07:29:55] third world countries look like they're billionaires.. I probably spend 30 to 45 minutes a day making tickets.
[07:30:29] But maybe some would say it's cringe,
[07:30:32] I'd say it's justice.
[07:30:45] All the Elos aren't The same shit
[07:30:45] You're delusional
[07:30:47] If you think that
[07:30:47] Trust me
[07:30:49] When I say
[07:30:49] If I were to play
[07:30:50] In your elo
[07:30:51] I would drop
[07:30:51] 35 kills
[07:30:52] 40
[07:30:52] Like if you're In gold and silver And you think I would drop 35 kills, 40.
[07:30:55] Like if you're in gold and silver And you think that like
[07:30:56] Your elo is the same as any other elo
[07:30:59] You're just fucking trash at league
[07:31:00] Last time I played in gold
[07:31:02] I dropped 42 kills.
[07:31:11] Trust me when I say challengers are a lot
[07:31:13] better than you.
[07:31:14] A lot.
[07:31:15] You're delusional if you think otherwise........... hmm
[07:33:15] well hopefully we can win this one
[07:33:22] I mean I'm not going to lie man playing well Well, hopefully we can win this one.
[07:33:24] I mean,
[07:33:25] I'm not going to lie man playing well.
[07:33:26] I've been playing well all day.
[07:33:28] I think I've had two bad games and playing well
[07:33:31] and still getting like shit on
[07:33:33] because people refuse to play the game is so frustrating.
[07:33:40] It is so, so, so frustrating. Like, I'll show you exactly what my team was last game if you're curious.
[07:34:04] My top laner was an Echo Jungle one trick picks diana top to troll
[07:34:09] my jungler was a top laner picked jungle darius my ad carry Jungle Darius. My AD carry
[07:34:16] picked first time Hway AD carry
[07:34:21] and ran it down.
[07:34:22] I popped the fuck off,
[07:34:24] and then my support was playing decent, but he's Diamond 1.
[07:34:28] So...
[07:34:29] He didn't really know what else to do right?
[07:34:31] It's not even his fault.
[07:34:33] Because he's D1 so he's at least trying
[07:34:35] But he's just not good.. Bam! Feedback penalty.
[07:35:18] I didn't even have to make a ticket. Oh, this was the soft enter i didn't hide q uh my bad Riot needs to just implement hardware bans yesterday.
[07:36:09] Like, no joke! If people knew that they would get hardware ban for softending...
[07:36:14] I promise you like i promise you they would stop
[07:36:27] like the first time it became like a big Reddit thread of like... I got banned for soft inting for three months.
[07:36:31] This isn't fair.
[07:36:33] Everybody would instantly stop and they would just perm dodge if the queue was bad.
[07:36:39] Like say, I didn't like the draft and they didn't want to play it,
[07:36:42] They would dodge instead of troll.
[07:36:45] I promise you they won
[07:36:53] riot just needs to implement that immediately it'll fix so much the only sad part about it is i think
[07:37:04] it will probably take out 30 to 40 percent of masters players they will
[07:37:08] get hardware banned within two three months
[07:37:13] like legitimately thirty to forty percent of all masters who will get
[07:37:16] hardware vendor they'll stop playing reed uh This guy took Ignite, so he's going to look for an all-win at level 2.
[07:37:51] Which is fine.
[07:38:15] Okay. oh my god I actually just got shit on.
[07:38:23] I have Force, yes. Oh my god!
[07:38:27] Oh my god, I'm so bad.
[07:38:31] ... holy fuck Holy fuck.
[07:38:46] Dude, what is wrong with my CSing right now?
[07:38:50] He's gonna try and flash on me.
[07:40:17] Alright. he's gonna try and flash on me so Damn, if I had 20 CS right now the game actually be the game would be over we would have already won um um Guys, thank you. I ain't gonna lie, this fucking sucks.
[07:40:20] Because when I went to this fight, I tried to Flash E the
[07:40:22] Talon, but I could only
[07:40:24] get a Flash Auto.
[07:40:27] I should have just instantly
[07:40:28] walked over to him. I queued the Nautilus here, but I should have just instantly walked over to him. I queued the Nautilus here, but I should've just instantly walked over
[07:40:33] to the Talon. Okay, we outscale. so so receives Every Assassin's Every assassin player is the same human.
[07:41:49] They all play ultra stupidly aggro in lane, and then once you uh
[07:41:59] once you start to get a small lead they can't play the game anymore And by it, what I mean they're all the same human is assassins are trash.
[07:42:13] So that's like more what I mean. uh yeah um so so so An enemy has been slain. he's not gonna be able to like roam probably Hmm.
[07:44:07] I don't really mind going even with him, if we go even I win.
[07:44:10] Because I'm a mage vs an assassin. I mean, I can't face check this. You just have to get the grubs.
[07:44:18] I genuinely can't face check that bro.
[07:44:26] Okay or just die. There's nothing I can do about that
[07:44:45] i need a hundred gold for my item. Nice.
[07:45:17] I needed to back, but Nautilus was kind of fucking my back timer there. so Wait, I hit back there and it didn't work.
[07:45:48] Goddammit that was a good backtimer.
[07:45:52] We can kill the Talon pretty much whenever.
[07:45:56] But I also need...
[07:45:59] ... need uh Okay, I got item now.
[07:46:23] I can actually 1v1 Talon now but he's gonna reset on this wave
[07:46:29] or he's going to gank top
[07:46:33] As long as the Talon doesn't get killed
[07:46:35] around the map, we automatically win.
[07:46:39] Bro, you know he's top. You know Talon's
[07:46:41] top, bro.
[07:46:41] Oh my god. You know Talon's top, bro.
[07:47:18] Nice job, boy! so What? Wow.
[07:47:22] I mean, I'll be real,
[07:47:24] I didn't know he could 100-0 me like that.
[07:47:28] Like, he ate my full combo?
[07:47:30] I silenced him in stealth?
[07:47:33] Damn.
[07:47:34] I'm bad
[07:51:31] on a good note i do have tp though so he can't really do anything else so uh so ah shut down I'm going to use the same move as before, but with a different character. so so so Really small brain talent player. so so as was an ally has been slain H1 so so so so uh up there again
[07:51:38] yeah i couldn't run to the leona i was going to try i just overstayed also i think i could have face tanked the Wukong?
[07:51:47] Like maybe that was my bad?
[07:51:54] Oops. How did I misclick twice?
[07:51:59] That was embarrassing so so so so Why am I queuing tower? It charges my Voidlands stacks. So when I'm pushing really fast, it'll give me more Voidlings to hit the tower. so this name
[07:53:32] like uh see this number where it says two uh as was so so so I can't really push up
[07:54:41] right now
[07:54:42] with nobody on the map, because even though I can't really push up right now with nobody on the map, because even though I can kill
[07:54:46] Aphelios real easy...
[07:54:50] He could definitely fuck me up if I overstep a bit. Honestly, at this point in the game,
[07:55:01] I think we just wait for Miley Andres or we just look for like a sick ass. Or
[07:55:07] we just look for like a sick ass play. a bacon
[07:55:17] fuck i walked over a ward This is so scary. I don't know where they are, and I'm pretty sure I can 1v1 them all.
[07:55:43] But Talon surprised me last time so...
[07:55:47] Kind of
[07:55:48] scares me a bit.
[07:55:55] Alright, Talon's
[07:55:56] mid. We're chilling.
[07:56:44] Okay. all right talon's mad we're chilling yeah enemy so Not bad, though.
[07:56:46] I mean, we got the Wukong too.
[07:56:50] We got the Tier 2 tower.
[07:56:53] We got the Wukong let's go
[07:59:36] i'm really scared my team is going to get engaged on. They haven't boughten, so I'm a little nervous. so so What's your brand? I guess we can just go for a kill. That was fine. so so so so oh so so okay did we go magice Fuck it, we commit.
[07:59:50] We commit to the Jais. Let's just get Baron and win.
[07:59:51] I'm kind of hungry,
[07:59:54] I kinda wanna go to the store and get some din
[08:00:28] had that snack earlier but that was like you know it's a snack fucking snack I'm dead by the way, I'll just, I'm very dead. My bad guys. I lost all 10 stacks of my magis.
[08:00:31] Man...
[08:00:36] You guys can still do this though
[08:00:40] i have tp Well played. Walk in.
[08:01:04] Staying Staying We did it
[08:01:28] yeah Fuck yeah! so I'm telling you man
[08:01:53] I need to just go back
[08:01:55] To playing fucking
[08:01:57] Only Malzahar and
[08:01:59] Lomasters it's not fun,
[08:02:02] but it works.
[08:02:06] Right?
[08:02:07] Like straight up,
[08:02:08] it works.
[08:02:12] Like I... it works. Like, I played
[08:02:14] three non-Miles
[08:02:16] games...I popped off in
[08:02:18] this one really hard, popped off in this one
[08:02:20] really hard.
[08:02:22] Couldn't carry did like we had a lot of help and then
[08:02:24] this game I think was just 100%
[08:02:26] I fucked up. So it's like
[08:02:28] I fucked up on this one learned from my mistake
[08:02:30] popped off but we couldn't carry because we had literally
[08:02:33] people running it.
[08:02:36] But there's been games
[08:02:37] where we've had people running it and Malz just
[08:02:39] carries regardless
[08:02:40] because the champion's design is like...
[08:02:44] It's really hard for them to play
[08:02:46] into you once you get Rylons and shit.
[08:02:51] So even though I didn't pop off
[08:02:52] this game, I did so much when it came to, like...
[08:02:55] ...making the enemy worthless.
[08:03:01] I mean, I swear to God, it's just that.
[08:03:03] That's all it is.
[08:03:05] If you try too hard
[08:03:05] to win in this...
[08:03:07] at this elo
[08:03:07] or in this like meta
[08:03:09] mid anyway
[08:03:12] you just have to like
[08:03:13] AFK farm
[08:03:13] and just be more useful.
[08:03:16] If you try too hard to push a lead you just get on this mid meta is weird i'll maybe i'm gonna take a leak
[08:03:19] and then i'm going to see if i want to uh play anymore...... Okay. Chat! Chat, how we doing today? I know my chat's a little dead right now. I haven't been talking to you guys.
[08:04:48] I've been whining about a children's video game, but how are you guys doing? What's up? Talk to me. How's everybody's life going?. All right, good talk.
[08:05:24] Good talk.. you know i had a question my stream is in 1080p, right? Yes?
[08:06:07] Okay, cool.
[08:06:11] I'm going to go ahead and Yes. Okay, cool. all right homies i think i'm gonna take break. We had a nice eight-hour stream today. Not too bad. Not too bad. Appreciate it a lot. Thank you so much for hanging out as always and uh as always if you enjoy the stream...
[08:07:04] Don't forget to follow.
[08:07:17] And don't forget to follow me on all my social media. Instagram, Facebook
[08:07:21] Twitter all that shit down below the stream
[08:07:23] I appreciate all your guys
[08:07:25] support love you guys thank you so much for
[08:07:27] tuning in lurking hanging out
[08:07:29] whatever thank you for all the resubs,
[08:07:32] the primes, the follows.
[08:07:34] Appreciate it, boys.
[08:07:39] And I hope you guys have a
[08:07:40] wonderful rest of your Saturday night.
[08:07:42] I'm going to go ahead and take a break,
[08:07:45] go make some food, chill for the rest of the night
[08:07:48] and I hope you guys have a good rest of your day.
[08:07:53] Later boys!