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Try Hard Climb Day no more trolling! We Abuse Adc

07-26-2024 · 5h 48m

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[00:00:00] you
[00:00:39] so so I don't care where here is, just point me to an adventure. your adventure welcome to summoner's rift
[00:00:48] 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[00:01:30] Feels like the whole world's gone crazy. I'm going to try and get this. Winx has fallen. You have slain an enemy. An ally has been slain an enemy has been slain
[00:05:34] enemy double kill oh okay oh yeah i totally have one of those uh so so All of this belongs in a museum. so I'm at my best when the world's on the brink of annihilation. I'm going to go ahead and do this. um so uh uh uh so... so hmm This is definitely going to be a hard game, just because Top's not doing too good this oh so I'm going for you, shallow white feather.
[00:05:35] What do you need?
[00:05:39] Where are you going buddy?
[00:05:48] Get up! Oh, damn it! Never met a problem I couldn't blast away with magic that I don't even understand.
[00:05:55] Hmm-mm-mmm... even understand
[00:06:52] man cannon small i really wanted that uh uh That was close. Ummm...
[00:06:55] Probably still got... Probably just do that.
[00:07:04] I did not think Sylas was gonna fucking roam
[00:07:08] on like the weirdest timer ever.
[00:07:13] My bad.
[00:07:17] He roamed bot out of base and then TPp'd back mid that's crazy myself There's an unspoken law in archaeology.
[00:07:49] Finders keepers.
[00:09:33] You've got the ability to... so uh more clear a path uh uh oh yes Man, my bad. I actually think I could have killed all of them if I didn't whiff R. I tried to R the fucking Sona, but I should've just E'd over the wall when this guy E'd. Killed her.
[00:09:39] And then played from that angle.
[00:09:44] Because Yuumi wanted to go help the Lee,
[00:09:46] which is totally fine because
[00:09:47] he was getting kind of railed.
[00:09:51] We should get this dragon on because we was getting kind of railed
[00:10:45] would you get this dragon though man i don't know why we wouldn't do We need to break this so we can go help our mid laner. damn it ied one spell!
[00:10:49] Damnit, like literally one spell.
[00:10:55] I did cancel an auto though.
[00:11:03] I really wish the Yuumi would just come back bot so that I could break this turret. The faster we break this, the faster
[00:11:05] I can go help the team.
[00:11:09] Well,
[00:11:09] I mean, they're doing okay it looks like actually.
[00:11:11] It's not too bad. Okay.
[00:11:37] Last time I was in Shireen okay that's ridiculous i just wanted this movie scare him I'm going to try and get the most out of this. I'll be back
[00:11:39] with a new video
[00:11:41] soon.
[00:11:43] See you then! part of the adventure so uh so uh yeah you learn that from me hurts doesn't it huh
[00:13:22] wait are you Let's go mid! yay here uh What?
[00:14:07] I mean, I see why they're nerfing Sylas. He literally landed one spell and I died.
[00:14:15] Oh, he's just going to go for the kill. landed one spell and I died.
[00:14:21] Like, it was 1300 damage and he landed 1E.
[00:14:23] I should have just flashed it, but Jesus...
[00:14:26] That's not okay. Like, that's's not okay.
[00:14:27] Like, that's really
[00:14:28] not okay.
[00:14:41] Because it's like, you should never have a champion that's that overloaded with one item where they can 100-0 champ.
[00:14:46] Just from W autos.
[00:15:47] Yeah! Just from like W autos. to fire a warning shot or two uh okay uh I wish Yumi would come sit on me. I don't know why she's refusing to.
[00:15:51] That kind of sucks Okay. Oh, that's awkward.
[00:16:18] I think I'm dead.
[00:16:25] I am indeed.
[00:16:27] Ha! I don't know why I was there.
[00:16:31] Damn, I really uh...
[00:16:33] gotta stop invading when I know
[00:16:36] that they're probably there.
[00:16:38] It is what it is. It's my bad.
[00:16:48] I do kinda wish though that like I said
[00:16:51] if Yuumi sits on me,
[00:16:54] I'd have fucking 15 kills right now.
[00:16:56] But he's...
[00:16:57] I think the Yuumi is salty.
[00:16:58] I messed up once so they're like-
[00:16:59] Now they're kinda punishing me for making a mistake. Got him! And enemy existence is over. They really hate me and Shurima.
[00:17:20] And in Noxus, Demons feed from the water.
[00:17:24] I haven't had Diodia yet. Seemed nice.
[00:17:28] Oh no! seem nice
[00:17:40] your turret has been destroyed Your team is building incredible. Magic coming at you!
[00:17:48] Must have ricocheted off a cricket or something God damn it!
[00:18:18] Shut down. Damn. I'm really, really sad this Yuumi refuses to help me they got ironically it's just it doesn't make any
[00:18:26] sense for her not to be on me i'm still like her best friend or whatever Hmm. hmm hmm oh Well, that's a good one. so has destroyed oh so Oh shit, we have a Yuumi!
[00:20:30] Oh my god. We finally have a Yuumi boys.
[00:20:33] We've finally done it.
[00:20:39] Oh, a player with the DHS. oh so so I'm a little sad.
[00:21:27] But, that was kind of my bad. I should have just hit the mid turret.
[00:21:28] I was limit testing it a bit.
[00:21:33] Can't really say
[00:21:33] I'm tryharding, huh?
[00:21:34] If I'm like limit testing.
[00:21:37] It's probably not the best
[00:21:39] excuse.
[00:21:41] We should just do Baron though.
[00:23:34] Okay let's just do baron before i throw the game Let's do it. Oh, we got the old masterworked Triforce. just play for baron push away of mid we got the zombies so so huh so I'm trying to forfeit?
[00:23:36] What?
[00:23:46] Is my team actually tilted when the score is 40-23? That's crazy.
[00:23:48] Like yeah, Lee Sin didn't smite he's bad who cares so uh so so easy baby easy I don't know why they got so angry though, that was kind of weird....... Hmm. Yo, what's up Buzzbeater?
[00:27:03] What's up, Buzzbeater? What's up, man?. Here's a GoPro.. Okay.. Okay.... you
[00:29:03] well thanks man I appreciate it, buzzer.
[00:29:37] In Paris? That's kinda cool. you. you no I appreciate it buzzer thanks man That's really nice of you. you
[00:31:43] did I don't even play draven that much anymore.. Okay. I got banned as real. hmm. Oh, thanks for the resub man. Sorry, I just
[00:31:45] wasn't reading chat for a sec.
[00:31:47] Thank you so much for the resub, brother!
[00:31:49] Appreciate it, man. Top 3 picks
[00:31:51] right now? Uh, hmm.
[00:31:53] I think...
[00:31:57] Probably just for like solo queue
[00:31:59] probably like Ashe
[00:32:08] Uhhh probably like ash uh ezreal's good but he's kind of hard you know uh so i'd say like jinx ash kaisa are really good for solo queue
[00:32:15] ezreal is also very good but he's like a little harder and that's pretty decent. Kate?
[00:32:43] I mean,
[00:32:44] Kate's always been kind of the same.
[00:32:47] I think she's good if you can play from ahead the whole time.
[00:32:56] Because if she gets behind,
[00:32:57] she can't really play the game.
[00:32:59] Yo, thanks, Blank Emotion.
[00:33:00] I appreciate it, man. Okay... Thanks, Buzz. I appreciate it, man.
[00:33:43] I love you guys too.... you you. Hmm? Carry this one?
[00:34:59] Yeah, I'm going to try man.
[00:35:00] I'll give it my all but I'm on support.
[00:35:04] So we'll see how it goes.
[00:35:14] I'm on TV. Hey, what's up?
[00:35:20] Cool.
[00:36:01] You're back in the club ah i hope you had a good time so. Oh, man. I hope these runes are good.
[00:36:04] Let's rob it. Dude, I just panicked.
[00:36:06] I didn't know what the fuck to pick.
[00:36:09] They banned Janna.
[00:36:11] I was like, gonna pick Janna?
[00:36:13] I didn't want to pick Senna into this.
[00:36:14] And then I was like... Oh, I probably should have picked Nautilus but...
[00:36:17] We also have a Zeri so...
[00:36:18] I kind of want to play an Enchanter with Zeri, so I was like,
[00:36:19] I kind of want to play an Enchanter with Zeri
[00:36:20] because it's kind of OP.
[00:36:21] But...
[00:36:23] I don't know.
[00:36:27] Are the Olympics soon?
[00:36:52] I have not been following that shit at all. So, As far as opening ceremony? Ah, cool.
[00:36:56] Nice. Okay. Try to watch it?
[00:37:09] Maybe. I don't have my cable, so I'd have to find somewhere to watch it online maybe twitch will stream it who knows I lend my aim.
[00:37:27] Welcome to Summoner's Rift!
[00:37:33] Am I gonna see a new Deadpool movie?
[00:37:36] I'm not sure yet.
[00:37:45] I mean,
[00:37:45] I wanted to but
[00:37:46] I'll see how it goes.
[00:37:58] Carry it? I mean, I'll give it my all i'm gonna i'll do as much as uh this fucking enchanted unicorn bitch can Minions have spawned.... okay i heed their call
[00:38:41] let's get it
[00:39:29] we need bush control oh the whole room so Damn, I was gonna fucking outplay that actually. I was gonna flash
[00:39:32] into the alcove?
[00:39:36] Ooh, Sari...
[00:39:38] Sari no!
[00:39:40] She should have just E eat over this wall.
[00:39:46] When I snared
[00:39:47] the
[00:39:47] Jinx, I thought
[00:39:51] Zeri was going to get the double kill.
[00:39:52] I think what happened was...
[00:39:56] I should have flashed sooner?
[00:39:59] I was trying to bait out the...
[00:40:00] I was trying to bait out the jinx to get rooted by my E, right?
[00:40:05] But I think I should have just flashed sooner and then...
[00:40:09] Zeri might've been able to pick up a kill.
[00:40:11] I don't know it's hard to tell.
[00:40:18] Because I also don't think Zeri had to die after I died, right? Like she
[00:40:20] could have just ran away
[00:40:23] or like
[00:40:24] just chilled but she used her Could have just ran away. Or like, uh...
[00:40:25] Just chilled. But she used her cleanse and her flash which is not very good.
[00:40:32] I'm gonna try to get the kill. I am so dead.
[00:40:42] Well, you know
[00:40:47] on a good note
[00:40:48] at least it's my autofill game
[00:40:49] because yeah
[00:40:51] our AD carry is not very good
[00:40:52] So
[00:40:55] at least we just get to
[00:40:56] play our autofill game and not have to support again.
[00:40:58] And then you know...
[00:41:00] This AD Carry player will just stay in Diamond.
[00:41:06] Oh yeah, he's not a Zeri player. He is an Ashe player.
[00:41:17] Very interesting. We should hard shove this so it pushes back to us, but...
[00:41:42] It really depends.
[00:41:48] Where am I needed?
[00:41:54] Honestly though, we might still be able to win if we can just get the shutdown on the uh Nice. Yeah, if we can get the shutdown on the Jinx on somebody important, we got this.
[00:42:36] Because our solos are actually doing really well.
[00:42:42] It's really just... we got shit on early. Damn, that guy actually could have lived had he played that a little better okay so because i actually uh i almost kept him alive the zary it was really, really close.
[00:43:51] I'm gonna go buy boots.
[00:43:53] I should stay if that guy's doing that.
[00:44:03] I want to get boots ASAP,
[00:44:05] but I should definitely stay. Okay. um so hmm um I should stop throwing Q's randomly.
[00:45:00] Like, I should aim them a little I am completely um um so I mean, I have no mana.
[00:46:07] I'm sorry homies. Literally
[00:46:11] oomph! I tried man.
[00:46:15] ... man I
[00:46:31] Got a back row
[00:46:35] Please just back
[00:46:39] Please I beg thee!
[00:46:45] Oh...
[00:46:48] Dude, Imma be gonna be honest.
[00:46:51] I don't know how to help the mid and AD.
[00:46:54] They're kind of...
[00:46:56] You know...
[00:46:58] Special.
[00:47:06] Yeah, no that's a good word for it special so I want to get some wards so we can do
[00:47:40] grubs.
[00:47:42] I don't think it's ever a We Play Around
[00:47:46] bot lane angle this game.
[00:47:49] Oh, our guy is going to try and kill me Oh.
[00:48:08] Well...
[00:48:10] Okay!
[00:48:12] I do think we win that.
[00:48:16] But Okay. I do think we win that. Like, to be honest, but...
[00:48:19] If they don't want to do it,
[00:48:21] that's cool.
[00:48:23] I don't really have anyone
[00:48:24] to play around.
[00:48:25] My Zeri is not really playing like too aggro right now and Gragas
[00:48:33] is also not playing too aggro right now and gregas is also not playing to agro Hmm.
[00:48:54] I'm trying to help you boys At least she got executed. I said we stack some dragons.
[00:49:33] You know what we could have done done we could actually maybe just killed the it might as been able to sort of kill the uh
[00:49:37] the ad carry when he walked back to lane. I should have made a call for it, I think.
[00:49:52] Oh... Oh. Uh oh. uh I'm not sure we can win this one.
[00:50:34] My bad.
[00:50:36] Yeah, I mean,
[00:50:36] I'll be real.
[00:50:38] I definitely kind of...
[00:50:39] As toxic as it is,
[00:50:41] I think I've kind of...
[00:50:44] I think I've kind of i i think i kind of uh given up on this
[00:50:51] one you know locked out if you will.
[00:50:54] You know how they say walk in or whatever?
[00:50:56] I feel like I'm a little locked out.
[00:52:05] Hmm. hmm Oh, that makes a lot more sense. so so How uh I mean i was alive for a while.
[00:52:12] I'm a little sad.
[00:52:15] I'm not sure how
[00:52:17] that guy
[00:52:18] killed me.
[00:52:21] I feel like I stayed alive for a long time.
[00:52:25] Oh, huge shutdown! Let's go!
[00:53:09] Big? big okay maybe we can just scale I mean they kind of scale too so you know it's kind of hard so What do I build on Soraka, by the way? Like what's the new build on her?
[00:53:11] I actually don't know.
[00:53:15] Like, Moonstone's not bad. I am so dead.
[00:53:30] Maybe I shouldn't be trying to get wards over there.
[00:53:37] You know, maybe that was a bit greedy.
[00:53:41] Not gonna lie to you.
[00:53:56] Okay. gonna lie to you Hmm. The only thing that kinda sucks is, uh... I guess I just have to be
[00:54:00] patient. Like, I've been kind of face-checking. I think like five
[00:54:04] my deaths are me just face checking, so...
[00:54:07] I guess I'll just be patient.
[00:54:10] I'm just a really bad support when I can't play the game
[00:54:17] because being patient to me is really annoying.
[00:54:25] Grace please... Oh, I'm coming.
[00:54:31] I got you? well i genuinely just got stun lock for my entire HP bar.
[00:55:06] I'm actually surprised we let them do that, though.
[00:55:07] Real talk?
[00:55:12] When they were here... I'm pretty sure cassio just alts when they're both right there and we win like zary goes over the wall i'm pretty
[00:55:15] sure what happens is very very just ease the wall casio ults
[00:55:19] and we just win that.
[00:55:25] That's why I was fighting it because we actually do win that fight.
[00:55:28] You saw how long I lived for
[00:55:31] and I was stunlocked that whole time you saw how long i lived for
[00:56:04] and i was stun locked that whole time so I am sad. We should try and fight this!
[00:56:49] Oh, no... so so so Hmm. I mean, I'll be brutally honest.
[00:56:57] I don't know if this team is good enough...
[00:57:01] I'm playing a champ that doesn't actually do anything outside of support.
[00:57:05] And I don't know if this team is good enough to uh
[00:57:19] to carry the game on their champions been slain
[00:57:26] can you push the wave at least
[00:57:48] yeah this game's done the fact he didn't want free gold just now is crazy I think it's just clocked. As the kids would say nowadays cooked I say we go next.
[00:58:14] Why are we hitting now?
[00:58:18] Are we just being petty?
[00:58:20] Like, what's happening?
[00:58:23] Okay. we just being petty like what's happening
[00:58:32] like what's happening?
[00:58:37] Like guys.
[00:58:44] It's okay to lose games, you guys are just learning, okay?
[00:58:46] You don't need to be tilted, boys!
[00:58:48] Like, you're just learning.
[00:58:50] Like we have first time Shaco.
[00:58:55] Okay, versus like Thanos Hecarim
[00:58:57] with first time Shaco.
[00:59:00] It's okay to lose games.
[00:59:04] Like it's not a big deal guys. to lose games
[00:59:59] like it's not a big deal guys I mean, I have a Bork Zeri. That's horrid! so I kind of want to get caught just to die.
[01:00:02] Like, it sounds really toxic but I kind of want to like
[01:00:03] accidentally get caught so that we can
[01:00:06] just end the game.
[01:00:08] Like real talk. we can just end the game
[01:00:33] like real talk like i'm close to being at that level you know i hate your What's my favorite game ever? Ooh, I don't know.
[01:00:34] That's hard.
[01:00:35] I'd have to think about that one. like there's a lot of really good games some like Final Fantasy games
[01:00:53] some Zelda games
[01:01:00] oh thank god i don't know i don't know what my uh
[01:01:06] favorite game would be Your inhibitor has been destroyed your inhibitor
[01:01:24] has been destroyed your turret has been destroyed
[01:01:29] your turret has been destroyed your turret has been destroyed. That was just one of those games that you're going to get
[01:01:50] that's unwinnable. Even if we played perfect,
[01:01:52] that was an unwinnable one.
[01:01:54] Just because
[01:01:55] we had
[01:01:59] first time Zeri,
[01:02:02] first time Shago.
[01:02:04] It happens.
[01:02:29] Yeah. Shago, it happens. Those are the Zeri players that, like...
[01:02:34] I really give it to those players on AD Carry.
[01:02:39] The people that I usually just like absolutely ass blast are The AD carries like that.
[01:02:42] Like, the enemy Jinx wasn't too bad actually.
[01:02:45] But that's area was... I mean, bro.
[01:03:40] I was just picking for the team.
[01:03:42] Like, Soraka was a good pick. I was just picking for the team. Like Soraka was a good pick.
[01:03:43] It was just...
[01:03:45] Everybody fucking lost their lands.
[01:03:47] I couldn't do anything.
[01:03:50] I tried.
[01:03:52] We had Bork Zeri..... you you oh
[01:05:14] shit it's an underrated ps1 or
[01:05:27] ps2 game
[01:05:27] i don't know, you're asking
[01:05:29] the... You're asking the fucking
[01:05:31] think questions.
[01:05:34] I don't know, man.
[01:05:38] I remember I played some pretty troll ass games back in my day.
[01:05:42] I don't know if it's underrated, it's pretty trash but I remember playing a game where you were like
[01:05:48] It was like a Japan import game.
[01:05:51] And you were, like, a mosquito
[01:05:53] and your entire goal
[01:05:55] was to suck blood out of people's bodies
[01:06:50] That may have been one of the weirdest games I've ever played. Yeah, Mr. Mosquito. I mean, it was kind of fun.. I rented a lot of games as a kid, so I had some weird fucking games.
[01:06:52] Like there was one game
[01:06:54] I remember
[01:06:55] for N64
[01:06:57] called Silicon Valley
[01:06:58] and you were basically
[01:07:00] like a little
[01:07:00] fucking microchip turd
[01:07:02] and you would just
[01:07:02] walk around
[01:07:03] and your entire goal was to like beat the game but you
[01:07:06] had to like take over uh animals that were like robots because you were a microchip.
[01:07:24] I think Big Blasto was kind of a funny-ass fucking PlayStation game.
[01:07:26] I think it was kind of trash, but it is...
[01:07:28] It is funny. There's like Way of the Samurai.
[01:07:44] That was a funny ass
[01:07:45] few franchise of games. Dude, I think it's crazy
[01:08:07] how... dude i think it's crazy how
[01:08:11] i barely get 80 carry anymore
[01:08:15] i have to fail almost every game because like people
[01:08:19] think AD carry is fun again
[01:08:21] cause it's like strong.
[01:08:23] The problem is
[01:08:24] everyone sucks.
[01:08:29] So what I'm trying to like
[01:08:30] I end up filling
[01:08:31] half my fucking games
[01:08:33] yeah but this guy
[01:08:36] asked for fucking AD
[01:08:37] and I don't wanna
[01:08:38] like I can play
[01:08:40] every role so I don't mind filling it's just um No, I mean
[01:08:55] I'm just trying to
[01:08:56] win right now.
[01:08:57] So I'm like
[01:08:58] I'm being nice. Mid is a better role in Diamond anyway, but it's just a lot more boring. boring An Ari Hmm. I don't want to play Nylah.
[01:09:37] Well,
[01:09:38] I don't want to play Nylah mid.
[01:10:01] It's like I have to pick an AP champ. I'm gonna get some water.
[01:10:02] I'll be right back. I think Malz might be my best mid laner.
[01:10:12] Which is hilarious, because he's not good.
[01:10:16] I don't even understand how
[01:10:17] I win so much on Malzahar,
[01:10:19] because he's not a good
[01:10:21] champion.
[01:10:25] But
[01:10:25] for some reason, I always like do really well.
[01:10:30] It's like everybody below a grandmaster even just sucks versus Champ May.
[01:10:37] I think it's because people get mad
[01:10:39] that he's just standing there.
[01:10:41] You know what it might be?
[01:10:43] I think people get mad
[01:10:44] at the fact that
[01:10:46] Malzahar just exists in the mid lane
[01:10:49] and they're like, man
[01:10:51] I can't do anything
[01:10:52] he's Malzahar
[01:10:54] right?
[01:10:56] And then
[01:10:57] they want to kill you so they start forcing shitty plays. And then they want to kill you, so they start forcing shitty plays.
[01:11:01] Because they get bored and they start forcing
[01:11:03] shitty plays, you just kill them.
[01:11:08] I mean, hey man
[01:11:10] you know
[01:11:11] like I've been playing in Diamond a little too long
[01:11:15] I gotta get this account back to GM
[01:11:17] You know
[01:11:19] I gotta do what you gotta do.
[01:11:23] Sometimes you gotta play boring shit.
[01:11:24] It is what it is.
[01:11:57] League sucks! so so Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[01:12:05] There are not a lot of good AP mids right now. There are a few... but I don't have them on this account so...
[01:12:13] But like, I thinkora is really good the new champ but i've never played that
[01:12:19] because i don't own it on a scout
[01:12:24] so yeah i don't know.
[01:12:25] I could pick Cassio but...
[01:12:33] What am I watching?
[01:12:40] What the fuck is this?
[01:12:44] Guys, what am going.
[01:12:49] Guys, what am I watching right now? Okay, I gotta be honest guys.
[01:13:00] Well, I'm going back med. Is this mid-Zell? Why am I laning 1v2?
[01:13:33] Wait what the fuck's going on?
[01:13:37] Why am I laning 1v2 right now?
[01:13:44] Hello?
[01:13:48] What the fuck?
[01:14:27] Guys! Oh, my gosh. What the absolute fuck am I watching? I mean, you guys are more
[01:14:29] than welcome to fucking chase me.
[01:14:34] Feel free.
[01:14:36] You guys do you.
[01:14:44] Damn it. If that bush was warded, I'd kill them.
[01:14:52] Wait... wait how is my bot lane losing you guys are 1v2
[01:15:03] they are duo Q 1v2.
[01:15:09] Guys, Zilean has literally not left mid.
[01:15:13] What's going on here?
[01:15:17] What am I watching, dudes?
[01:15:21] How did Lucian 1v2 you guys bot?
[01:15:33] Oh! guys bought. Oh, fuck!
[01:15:36] Honestly? We're probably gonna win this game though
[01:15:37] just because
[01:15:39] like
[01:15:40] the sheer fact that this is this much of a
[01:15:43] fiesta
[01:15:44] I'm pretty sure we just auto-win.
[01:15:49] Anytime there's a fiesta like this, early game...
[01:15:52] ...I know that the game quality is really bad.
[01:15:56] Which means all I have to do is like play consistently when
[01:16:03] And I am king of consistency
[01:16:22] We're done. hmm
[01:16:28] i stand by it by the way I'm still king of consistency.
[01:16:33] That was 100% worth because Kayn's level 3?
[01:16:35] So like,
[01:16:36] I forced the level 3 Kayn
[01:16:37] to come mid?
[01:16:52] I still... to come mid i still don't know how my bot lane is losing dive oh my god.
[01:17:00] Yeah, I'mma be real. Diamond is literally just Platinum. I don't think there's a single person other than me in this game who I would trust with like...
[01:17:07] I'm gonna be honest, I don't think I'd trust a single human in this game other than myself
[01:17:12] with like a power saw
[01:17:14] straight up.
[01:17:18] Like,
[01:17:18] I don't think
[01:17:19] I would trust him
[01:17:19] to go within 50 yards
[01:17:21] of a school either.
[01:17:26] Like that's just not you know it's not trustworthy Oh Uh-oh.
[01:17:46] I think I'm dead.
[01:17:54] Dude, how am I getting like...
[01:17:57] The enemy AD carry is in my lane.
[01:18:00] So I lane 1v2
[01:18:05] I couldn't save my ult there there's no way bro
[01:18:09] like i would be real if i didn't know that ari wouldn't have died Well, the R literally locked her down so that Leona could get to her.
[01:18:33] Like, Leona wouldn't have been able to gap close without the R.
[01:19:00] That was like the point of it I'm not worried though actually. Like I said, i'm pretty sure we just win this game
[01:19:04] Like high key i'm pretty sure with a lot of...
[01:19:17] Whenever I see the gameplay that's occurring, playing I don't care.
[01:19:23] That's not what I'm doing.
[01:19:26] I'm playing forward because I don't expect the enemy AD carry to come mid at level 4.
[01:19:36] Like, that's not really something that typically happens...
[01:19:40] You know?
[01:19:42] Like, I don't expect the enemy AD carry
[01:19:45] to be in my... or the enemy support
[01:19:47] to lane in my lane for
[01:19:48] two minutes at the start of the game.
[01:19:50] I don't expect the AD carry to roam.
[01:19:53] Like, there's a lot of weird shit going on but I'm not gonna change like the play style
[01:19:57] based on like them doing dumb shit because if you look I'm up a lot of farm right now.
[01:20:11] Like if uh... If you notice, I'm up quite a bit of xp and farm
[01:20:19] so like i'm not in a bad spot Why is Leona waning?
[01:20:29] Man, Leona. Come on bro Oh, I'm so dead. He actually got that W ult on me. Damn! damn so so I still do not understand why this Z Elena's mid, but fuck it. so so Got him. Got them both, baby.
[01:22:15] Let's go!
[01:22:17] Worth it!
[01:22:37] Okay. hmm I told you though, like I'm pretty confident when
[01:22:39] I know that I can win
[01:22:40] games.
[01:22:43] Because when stuff like that happens... that I can win games. Because
[01:22:43] when stuff like that happens...
[01:22:45] Like,
[01:22:45] when the enemy's doing weird shit,
[01:22:47] they're gonna keep
[01:22:48] doing weird shit
[01:22:49] the entire game, right?
[01:22:51] And if they're doing
[01:22:52] weird shit
[01:22:52] the whole game,
[01:22:53] they're not consistent players which means
[01:22:56] They're gonna lose because they don't know what the fuck. They're supposed to be doing at certain points in the game
[01:23:04] That's just like kind of how it works.
[01:23:11] So that's why I don't get too worried.
[01:23:20] Okay. I mean, look.
[01:23:21] Boom.
[01:23:21] Zilean is half HP.
[01:23:28] I might be dead, but like... Okay.
[01:23:29] I mean, I got the ults.
[01:23:31] I thought Leona was gonna do something,
[01:23:32] But I was just wrong.
[01:23:33] That's on me.
[01:23:37] Oh! Actually, well played.
[01:23:39] Nice.
[01:23:48] Okay, I take it back.
[01:23:53] Hmm.
[01:23:57] I mean, I'm two levels up and 45 CS lead.
[01:24:00] Like, that's crazy that I've had this many people in my lane
[01:24:02] and I'm still doing well.
[01:24:03] This already doesn't even have an item yet, man!
[01:25:20] Okay. an enemy has been slain yes how so I want to go bot and have Kaisa and Leona go mid, but... uh Whoa, buddy.
[01:25:21] What the fuck do you think you're doing
[01:25:35] you are a psycho mother dashed into the turret like what so
[01:25:45] i need to be a little care because i don't know where Kane is.
[01:26:10] Oh we see him okay, we're chillin'. Hmm. Maybe I should go back.
[01:26:13] I don't know, it's hard to tell if I should.
[01:26:15] Because like,
[01:26:19] I don't want to die to something stupid right now, and... Kayn is going to come bot side in a second.
[01:26:22] Like 100% he comes bot in a sec.
[01:26:24] Oh! There's that guy.
[01:26:30] I'm not gonna flash...
[01:26:32] At least...
[01:26:36] We pulled two people bot but yeah, that was what I was talking about.
[01:26:41] That was really obvious. I was like... I was calling it out.
[01:26:45] I just didn't think it was going to be Gragas
[01:26:47] To be honest. I thought it would be kane so i was like oh just uh
[01:26:49] play around with
[01:26:57] wait cassante should get top turret it's worth more gold oh he's tp'ing so so Wow, I actually killed that Zill.
[01:27:39] I'm not gonna lie.
[01:27:41] Like, I might be like getting a little down and dirty here but this is funny.
[01:27:46] They keep sending four people to stop me everywhere I go
[01:27:50] And I keep getting at least one kill every time i will take it
[01:28:04] because now we got the Rylize.
[01:28:10] The Rylize is exceptionally overpowered for this strategy these idiots are doing.
[01:28:16] Because what they're doing, right?
[01:28:19] They're just sending a bunch of people to chase me.
[01:28:21] But with Rylai's all I have to do is
[01:28:22] dot one up
[01:28:23] put out the little jizz
[01:28:25] the gizlings and then we just win
[01:28:30] it's like oh you're gonna chase me not today bro We also have two Drakes, which is really good.
[01:28:44] We're just overall in a really good.
[01:28:47] We're just overall in a really good spot this game. And we're still in a good spot.
[01:29:13] I'm dying because I'm expecting a lot more than I should be out of the homies. It's kind of my bad.
[01:29:15] Because when they do that, right?
[01:29:17] When Kayn roams like that or when...
[01:29:19] Like, first of all, Graves should be bought.
[01:29:21] There's just so much that's going on
[01:29:23] right now that's really awkward, right?
[01:29:26] They should win this
[01:29:27] without a doubt.
[01:29:34] We only should have just stunned Kayn there and then they one-tapped him because he has no ult.
[01:29:40] You always play off of people having no cooldowns,
[01:29:40] and you're just all-in.
[01:29:46] Uh-oh, they're forcing 5v4?
[01:29:46] That's not good.
[01:29:51] I mean, they don't have ulti on Kayn but it is still...
[01:29:55] not good.
[01:30:00] Ooh Kaisa you gotta get in there and auto!
[01:30:03] Nope. Kaisa is not about the autos.
[01:30:07] She does NOT seem to enjoy autoing very much this Kaisa. Oh... huh so This is really
[01:30:39] depressing.
[01:30:58] Like, they do not want to try and fight each other right now Oh, my team's fighting?
[01:31:00] Okay. Shutdown! so okay
[01:31:19] i mean surely you guys win this right they're all one HP.
[01:31:33] My favorite part of that was Leona watching me and Kassante
[01:31:35] like this isn't warded.
[01:31:38] My favorite part of that was
[01:31:39] literally Leona just standing there
[01:31:41] watching me and Kassante fight
[01:31:43] them with a look on her face
[01:31:45] like, go team! Go!
[01:31:55] I should TP. i should tp I'm dead.
[01:32:16] We got Baron, though.
[01:32:18] They decided to go on me instead of play for Baron, which I don't really understand but it is what it is.
[01:32:33] Just save Baron, guys.
[01:32:35] I mean...
[01:32:36] I don't know
[01:32:37] what's happening
[01:32:37] in this game.
[01:32:38] It's pretty much
[01:32:39] like the team has this game. It's pretty much... it's pretty
[01:32:41] like the team is really dumb
[01:32:45] Like, why? Why not just back and save
[01:32:47] Baron? God we are
[01:32:49] in the worst timeline right now.
[01:32:51] If there was a timeline where Thanos won and deleted every smart human on the planet...
[01:32:56] That's the timeline that I'm currently in.
[01:32:58] I'm playing with four people who Thanosos like tried but they they got lucky they got lucky
[01:33:07] it's crazy i've never seen a uh 1 game where I genuinely think these people might be...
[01:33:18] You know the aliens from Men in Black? That's what this kind of reminds me of. I mean, I want a side lane, something weird happens where my team gets caught.
[01:33:58] Or they four-man me in a side lane!
[01:34:05] Because Malz is so good at side-leaning.
[01:34:16] I...
[01:34:21] I really need you guys to walk forward.
[01:34:25] I can't really do much, because Kayn is going to be top.
[01:34:35] Mmm, I got my Leandros. That's not too bad.
[01:34:43] We're gonna do a lot of damage now.
[01:34:48] Like, we're level 15.
[01:34:49] I have three items. We're gonna be smurfing it.
[01:34:53] If I get an E on somebody they are going to pretty much instantly die.
[01:35:01] This is pretty...
[01:35:02] This is going to be pretty gross.
[01:35:03] And then my next item
[01:35:04] is just going to be
[01:35:05] Void Staff.
[01:35:08] Okay.
[01:35:26] I actually had the Flash. Okay, so okay i accept the flash I need to get rid of that guy's fucking... I really need to get rid of his thing If I can just R him, he's dead instantly.
[01:35:48] But...
[01:35:49] I can't get in the wall so so Can you guys hit them?
[01:36:31] Like, Kaisa walk up and hit!
[01:36:39] Goddamn. We got dragon though so I mean it's not the end of the world.
[01:36:43] My Ghasanti and my Leona died without using ults, but it is what it is.
[01:36:53] Jesus Christ. jesus christ
[01:37:06] i almost want to go zhonya just for this mouth or just for this fucking cane but i don't think it's worth like
[01:37:09] actually though The Acadia Begins. We need wards on Baron. We just gotta push bot, get Ward's Baron and...
[01:37:44] Get level 16 really quick.
[01:37:47] Guys? Come! Guys, come.
[01:37:51] They're gonna try and catch me...
[01:37:55] Which is actually fine.
[01:37:59] ... Second psycho team, is it?
[01:38:14] Shut down. Nice. Having Gragas over here with me is not actually that bad. I I do kind of wish Kassante was with me, but... Got him!
[01:38:57] Dude, I wish I could type. Like, I would just tell my team to literally...
[01:39:01] We just need Kassanthi to group up and let me split
[01:39:03] or I can group now, but...
[01:39:08] Because
[01:39:09] I do so much damage. I just don't do any
[01:39:11] damage to this guy specifically yet.
[01:39:14] Once I get
[01:39:15] Criploon,
[01:39:18] I will do infinity damage
[01:39:20] to that Gragas but
[01:39:21] until then it's kind of hard.
[01:39:35] Whoa! my team hard wins this. nice job boys and girls dragons up in a minute.
[01:40:13] Not bad! I'm almost level 18. I think I'm going to be the highest level in the game. Like there's not even a level 16 yet. I'm gonna sit right here in this bush, and we're going to see if they face check into Malzar. uh our casante is not in a good spot destroyed that was not good Okay, not bad though. So, so Okay, well I am Thanos.
[01:42:09] I'm real strong.
[01:42:13] Level 18...
[01:42:15] Four full items like I am very, very, very strong.
[01:42:20] Last item? I just get like fuckin' Cat or like Zhonyonyas or some shit and we just win
[01:42:34] I also have flash r
[01:42:38] Oh my also have flash R. Ooh, my...
[01:42:43] I'm not gonna
[01:42:45] R that guy though.
[01:42:47] He's like the only one where if I R him
[01:42:49] It's not bad
[01:42:51] But I need my team to follow up immediately
[01:42:53] Because he's the tank
[01:42:54] And if they don't follow up right away
[01:42:57] It's going to be really hard
[01:42:58] To do anything against them.
[01:43:00] Then I'll just waste my R.
[01:43:02] He should all ran and kill that guy right now. so We got Zill ult. so so This is funny, because I think we actually win way harder than it looks.
[01:44:03] I think what's going on here is...
[01:44:06] My Leona and my Kassante are scared to dive.
[01:44:12] There we go.
[01:44:15] Yes, thank you! is They should be able to end.
[01:44:40] I mean, maybe?
[01:44:42] I don't know.
[01:44:43] They could also go top and get that.
[01:44:51] Baron's up soon no back up
[01:44:59] they're not good enough just back Safer to back up here.
[01:45:04] Since all that guy is doing
[01:45:06] is going for me,'m gonna get as long as
[01:45:09] the cane i wasn't gonna do it because i think hat is actually better but so I'm just gonna play to win. I'm going to use the same
[01:45:51] move
[01:45:53] that
[01:45:55] I
[01:45:57] used
[01:45:59] in the Okay. Well, I was planning to win this one. Uh, okay.
[01:46:12] Well I was planning to win
[01:46:14] and my Kassante
[01:46:16] TP'd and then left
[01:46:18] like
[01:46:19] he didn't come with me.
[01:46:24] I'm a little confused,
[01:46:28] because he literally committed to the TP but then he just ran away.
[01:46:33] And then the other T- but then he just ran away
[01:46:39] and then the other the other teammates didn't get baron i think there needs to be comms in league
[01:46:43] they need that comes so i can literally just league. They need to add
[01:46:44] comms so I can literally just be like,
[01:46:46] guys, this is what you're going to do?
[01:46:48] I'm telling you, this game would have ended
[01:46:50] at 15 minutes. We would have won in 15
[01:46:52] minutes if I could have calmed with my team and been like
[01:46:55] do this this this this this and you win the game boom games over 15 minutes it's not even close Because, like, my team is just throwing.
[01:47:10] Like...
[01:47:11] Like for what?
[01:47:13] Why are we doing Baron there with me dead?
[01:47:25] Yo, throw some fucking balls! like what are we doing grow grow a fucking sack Nah. You do not get to type
[01:47:50] Y with every
[01:47:52] summoner and ulti available?
[01:47:55] And you're like, but why man
[01:47:56] after you start...
[01:47:57] Nah nah nah nah. Nah nah nah nah.
[01:47:58] Nah nah nah nah nah,
[01:48:00] You diamond pigs.
[01:48:01] Nope nope nope nope noooope
[01:48:04] Noop noop noop noop noop noop
[01:48:08] Noop noop noop You've lost the only person Nope, nope, nope. Nope, nope, nope.
[01:48:09] You've lost the only person who's ever been above Diamond.
[01:48:13] You've lost his ability to try or care about this game.
[01:48:17] You have officially lost me trying to win this. I'm gonna coin flip every fight, play for fun...
[01:48:28] It is what it is. hey you can be done bro i'm gonna be real with you man if you don beg you to watch
[01:48:58] like i don't apologize for being me so so so so so Damn, he was almost fucking dead.
[01:50:14] If I got one E off,
[01:50:15] that would have killed him.
[01:50:21] Oh. If I got one E off, I would have killed him. I played that almost perfectly though.
[01:50:25] Almost.
[01:50:25] I had to R him before i could get an e
[01:50:29] i didn't have a choice
[01:50:31] because he would just uh art my r so
[01:50:47] flash therier both available.
[01:50:53] You got to love when the players who suck
[01:50:57] the most beg for their role.
[01:51:02] Bro, can I AD?
[01:51:03] We're duo.
[01:51:05] Then he doesn't use a single cooldown
[01:51:07] and gets absolutely pissed
[01:51:09] fucked in the ass.
[01:51:11] Doesn't understand how to play the game at all.
[01:51:20] That's what I get for being nice, man.
[01:51:21] Being nice is overrated. so so okay I wonder if they're gonna figure out that all we have to do to win the game is literally
[01:52:09] walk mid. Guys, just walk mid! Like, I'm just like...I don't know what else to say like i'm pinging a thousand times go
[01:52:32] just are uh I genuinely think that
[01:53:10] was one of the most awful quality games
[01:53:13] I've played a league in 10 years.
[01:53:17] Like, I think think and I mean this you could have put a squad of
[01:53:23] four gold players on my team and we would have won that game faster.. The flame had to happen.
[01:53:56] I don't flame people that often in game.
[01:54:00] It had to happen.
[01:54:01] It had to. That embarrassed
[01:54:03] me. I got second-hand embarrassment. Okay. Like, the game was so bad
[01:54:27] I got 14 LP.
[01:54:30] Like, think about this.
[01:54:31] I got 14 LP for one of the worst quality games I've ever played. That's insane.. Ha ha ha.. Did people even do damage to the turrets? In a 41-minute game, Bolt supports placed less than 50 words. That's crazy. I'm not even trying to be mean.
[01:56:12] I think that game should be studied.
[01:56:16] Like, you don't get games like that very often, right?
[01:56:18] Those games are pretty rare.
[01:56:20] But I mean...
[01:56:22] That was insane.
[01:56:27] It was essentially
[01:56:28] 2v1 mid the whole game, followed by like a big throw, followed by like a big throw
[01:56:41] followed by like
[01:56:42] we come back into the game
[01:56:43] followed by another huge throw
[01:56:45] Like what the fuck?
[01:56:56] Also Mal does very little damage to people who build Pyramar.
[01:57:01] That fucking Gragas was just tanking me, man.
[01:57:05] Even with Void Staff, he was just tanking me.
[01:57:09] I was not able to do damage
[01:57:28] i could like one shot the uh I could one-shot anybody else in their team,
[01:59:24] but yeah, that fucking Greg is... Okay..... What do I want to play? play. you you I haven't gotten to play Ash tonight.
[01:59:26] Every time I lock it in, somebody dodges.
[01:59:28] I want to do an Ash game. Please don't dodge, please.. I don't play Draven too much anymore. Hmm.
[02:00:15] My Lux is going tank? maybe tank lux is open us
[02:01:11] you Okay. Yeah, we got to play an AD carry game though.
[02:01:12] That's kind of fun.
[02:01:13] Oh god.
[02:01:16] I think his name is Analbot. Huh. his anal anal but huh what him
[02:02:30] you so Ain't no bot. so so you want our players on piano nice this song the song is great
[02:02:47] hello fact for mac 30 seconds until minions You know what? I'm going to mute all this game.
[02:02:52] Just enjoy the silence, you know?
[02:02:55] Too many yappers.
[02:02:55] First blood.
[02:03:02] Minions have
[02:03:03] spawned.
[02:03:09] Hmm, oh it's on the top
[02:03:13] . oh it's you on that top I have
[02:03:27] 100 points of evolution
[02:03:31] Quest is gone
[02:03:35] I'm going to Hmm, I should have clicked backward. I trolled. My back click was so toxic. I could have killed both.
[02:04:11] We might be getting level 2 Viego ganks.
[02:04:23] I guess Viego is actually not level 2 ganking us.
[02:04:32] Good poke.
[02:04:43] Oh, he is level 2-ing us! Kill this guy. Damn.
[02:04:45] I pinged him too late.
[02:04:49] If Lux binds the Nami there, we insta-kill the Nami with QE.
[02:04:57] And if we insta-kill the Nami there with QE...
[02:05:00] We kite the Viego after. That's why i was saying to do that
[02:05:08] fighting 2v3s is actually really really easy. But you just have to be
[02:05:12] on the same page.
[02:05:16] That's kind of
[02:05:16] the issue with...
[02:05:18] Like I wish there were
[02:05:20] comms in League
[02:05:20] type shit
[02:05:21] where like
[02:05:22] it looks like your're inting right
[02:05:24] it's like i'll draw him out he just ran into an instant
[02:05:26] but it's like we actually win that if we fight together
[02:05:29] but it's hard because I can't like, I mean I can't tell him
[02:05:33] that we win.
[02:05:45] Oh my god, I just missed five CS.
[02:05:48] I am the GOAT of csing.
[02:05:55] That's my only issue with uh... we get
[02:05:56] in terms of life
[02:06:01] com i got man I mean, I had to either juke up or juke down.
[02:06:19] Lux should have this though.
[02:06:22] Nice.
[02:06:31] The wave will push to us.
[02:07:00] Honestly, I think that was actually not a bad outcome considering the waves in a great spot i think it was actually good outcome The day our tribes are one, the world will tremble. Let me think... should actually be a pretty free kill if Taliyah comes. They have no ward and I don't really see them being able to do anything here. there. so That's fine.
[02:08:00] Not bad.
[02:08:03] The worthy sacrifice.
[02:08:20] Dude, I don't know why CS is so off. I gotta focus!
[02:08:22] 26 cs in six minutes I kind of want to fast shove this wave.
[02:08:41] I think I should have slow pushed another wave.
[02:08:47] I definitely should have slow pushed another wave. Uh, I definitely should have slow-cooked another wave.
[02:08:49] Uh...
[02:08:50] That's fine.
[02:08:53] Nah, it's not fun.
[02:08:55] Yeah.
[02:09:22] Uh... it's not fun yeah i guess it was fine because they up the freeze but i got too much gold i'm playing really bad right now I gotta walk in. Today's supposed to be my
[02:09:23] try-hard day, and I'm just limit testing
[02:09:24] and trolling and playing bad.
[02:09:28] Let me lock in a little bit
[02:09:37] i actually think the tank Lux might pop off.
[02:09:41] Ooh, okay.
[02:09:44] Cleanse, flash...
[02:09:46] I can 1v2 him now.
[02:09:49] So this is what we're gonna look to do right now, okay?
[02:09:54] They're gonna- oh they overstayed. Yep, this is what we're gonna look to do, okay?
[02:09:58] I'm going to get level 6 and I'm'm gonna walk at Ezreal. Force him
[02:10:01] to use his shit.
[02:10:11] Ah!
[02:10:12] Dude, if I actually...
[02:10:14] I didn't want to arrow until after he R'd.
[02:10:17] But had I arrowed sooner?
[02:10:19] I think I double kill.
[02:10:29] Almost 100% guaranteed. think I double kill almost a hundred percent guaranteed hold on I'm gonna stop reading chat for seconds I want to walk in. I'm like... I'm, like, irritated at myself.
[02:10:36] Give me a sec.
[02:10:41] Behave, chat.
[02:11:06] What? Behave chat. okay not bad. What's the Nami? She's here.
[02:11:20] She is sick, she has her item. item so I was going to ward, but she's using scanner right now.
[02:12:03] Which also means Viagra is bot.
[02:12:13] Yeah, Viagos here 100%. That's why she's trying to posture to set up for him. I loved my mother.
[02:12:19] I loved my battle sister.
[02:12:21] I love my people.
[02:12:23] It is because of this
[02:12:25] love that I fight.
[02:12:45] Thank you for watching! okay I'm so dead.
[02:12:48] Dammit. Aw, my bad.
[02:12:59] Why did that guy TP though? That's wild.
[02:13:09] This guy should just recall. Either push the wave or recall. Like, him doing
[02:13:11] this really slow little thing...
[02:13:13] The reason it's bad is because he's staying on the map longer than he wants to.
[02:13:18] So like, he just stayed for an extra 45 seconds in the map.
[02:13:21] Which means I'm already back to lane and Taliyah's already back to lane and talia's already backed elaine and for us to make plays now
[02:13:27] we're gonna have to wait another 40 seconds or 30 seconds for him to buy and get back on the map
[02:13:32] so like when stuff like that's going on, That's why you always back immediately.
[02:13:35] You don't greed your
[02:13:37] Back timers for stuff like that because
[02:13:39] It puts you really far behind
[02:14:10] Shutdown I don't know why, my movement is just so trashed. I mean my hand hurts but my hand always hurts.
[02:14:39] So it's like, I don't want to use that as an excuse Ooh, that's not good. I got him back.
[02:14:47] What a weird dive. I maybe should have pinged him off of it.
[02:14:53] Because yeah, we just threw like fucking so many shutdowns at them because we were greeting a random dive that didn't need to happen.
[02:15:34] Hmm... not aim above the target okay My people know all the aqualings and party units keep their peace. Can't miss! I do not seek the throne of our I couldn't walk past the turret because
[02:16:07] the wave hadn't crashed yet.
[02:16:09] Dude,
[02:16:10] I'm so sad.
[02:16:11] I actually played this really well
[02:16:13] but I got creep blocked like as I was walking at the end I actually played this really well,
[02:16:15] but I got creep blocked.
[02:16:16] Like as I was walking at the Ezreal,
[02:16:18] I ate three minions.
[02:16:20] It just like jiggled me just enough I couldn't follow up.
[02:16:22] That made me really mad, actually.
[02:16:26] Because I should always proxy there.
[02:16:30] The problem is... like I said, I fucking got creep-locked and then after we got creepwalked i should have well i walked like this
[02:16:39] but i should have walked like this i should just walk down that was me being stupid. I guess i'm just dead.
[02:17:00] Wow, I hawk shotted here and they were both standing here
[02:17:05] And my hawkshot didn't see them here when I hawked out of here.
[02:17:09] So somehow my hawkshot hit the tri-bush but they weren't here or they were standing right there.
[02:17:21] Ah, I don't know this is just an off game for me i don't really know what else to say it's literally just an off game is
[02:17:37] that guy's first time in yone He's doing pretty good though considering his
[02:17:40] first timing. That guy, I respect it. Well I came top and JSTP'd up here.
[02:17:52] That's awkward. We should just get this turret. Because I mean, I went fucking top here instead of going bot.
[02:18:57] Okay. I'm going to try bad in literally like months. I don't know what's happening. I think i'm just getting inside my own head
[02:19:03] Like, I'm overthinking it and just getting inside my own head.
[02:19:11] What? what
[02:19:40] oh he's dead yeah i knew he was coming back Damn. Maybe I flash and avoid that?
[02:19:42] He auto'd me to death, I took no Q's so yeah. Just got auto'd.
[02:19:48] Not actually sure I could have avoided that
[02:19:50] with autos... thinking about it.
[02:19:52] It would've been meh.
[02:19:54] I think I played it fine.
[02:19:58] I think what's actually happening is put it fine
[02:20:02] i think what's actually happening is i'm falling victim to like this idea that i need to be fighting perma
[02:20:05] but i don't.
[02:20:49] You guys can check that, it's not illegal. so uh uh three dragons. so um what you're really so hear my mother and her dress so Hmm.
[02:22:43] That Jayce should go back. so Uh-oh, my Lux is in Pickle. Actually that's Tank Lux. She might be okay! I forgot that Tank Lux is OP.
[02:22:51] Nevermind.
[02:22:54] I take it back!
[02:22:57] I still think Tank Lux is kinda popping off, but...
[02:23:03] We should wait for my arrow. It's about to be up right now.
[02:23:09] If they go for this bot turret, we just kill them all. Oh no, I didn't see the Viego above me.
[02:23:38] My bad.
[02:23:43] I knew he was somewhere,
[02:23:44] I just didn't know which way
[02:23:45] if he was up or down.
[02:23:46] I should have just ran.
[02:23:48] This is such a weird game.
[02:23:50] We have such low vision control
[02:23:52] and we have such low vision control and
[02:23:54] We have no frontliner. So, uh because we have no front liner in such a low vision control
[02:23:59] It's really stressing me
[02:25:54] You stressing me. We just need vision. Man, I really want to stop fighting so much but I don't think this elo knows how to play slow. so so no fate is written so again so so Hmm. Well, I got the turret! Huge.
[02:25:55] Which means I got my Last Whisper. Huge. Which means I got my Last Whisper, huge!
[02:26:04] They're not on Baron, huge.
[02:26:17] Not bad. So we got three items, got Last Whisperer...
[02:26:44] My score sucks but we're pretty strong. I really want to clear out Baron vision and play for Baron. Having fucking three items is huge
[02:26:48] like it's a really big deal um I want to stand here and look for arrow. um uh and adam has been slain I won't miss. so um Oh, interesting. oh interesting We should 1000% play for Baron.
[02:29:09] I'm trying to make a lot of plays here, but i need my team to play with me a little bit so so so Guys?
[02:30:02] Why are we chasing Ezreal?
[02:30:10] Just do burn. so so um and i call spirit walker
[02:31:03] hey i'm playing like shit but I'll try my best man.
[02:33:06] I gotta lock in you know? Cause I've been playing so bad It's really bad. Double kill. so garden so so so make it count Legendary!
[02:33:30] No one escapes my bow. so Yeah, we got this? You want me to do a sniper arrow down mid?
[02:33:38] Alright. But if I miss... You want me to do a sniper arrow down mid?
[02:33:40] Alright. But if I miss...
[02:33:43] It's on you!
[02:33:49] From downtown?! Oh my god, i actually hit that guy
[02:33:56] no way okay so Yeah, we did it.
[02:34:31] We were able to walk in and carry this shit let's go... Worth.
[02:34:57] It's about sending the message worth it.
[02:35:01] I'll take an extra death for a message.
[02:35:09] Okay. take an extra death for a message. Dude, I don't know what's wrong with me.
[02:35:10] I played that shit so bad.
[02:35:37] Like a holy fuck I played bad that game I gotta be honest,
[02:35:38] I think that Lux actually surprised me.
[02:35:44] She played really well.
[02:35:57] For like going full tank Lux you're a uh knights battle warmogs imperial mandate.
[02:36:00] God dang.
[02:36:07] Yo, sorry for being a little low on energy guys.
[02:36:09] I already did
[02:36:10] a seven-hour stream earlier today.
[02:36:12] This is like my second stream.
[02:36:14] I'm just a little tired.. I'm actually surprised we were not that ahead. Yeah, every time we lost our lead was when I died.
[02:36:55] That's my button.
[02:37:00] Actually, I didn't die here.
[02:37:03] What happened there?
[02:37:06] Oh, I did die. Although Wings just sent me a message saying he had a sick new-new.
[02:37:28] I gotta go work.
[02:37:29] Oh, bro! When you send a message, it says go look at the Nunu I just had in my game.
[02:37:47] Okay, let's take a look.
[02:37:54] What is this monstrous fucking...
[02:37:58] Oh my god.
[02:38:00] What is that monster of a new dude?
[02:38:03] Holy fuck.
[02:38:47] I want to watch him fight. Okay.. He's at 3000 NOM damage to that fucking backliner.
[02:38:49] What the fuck?
[02:38:57] Wait,
[02:38:57] that's crazy.. 3,000 damage gnomes. Noms Thank you.. Oh. like I said
[02:40:31] are you reformed yet
[02:40:32] we get a little more reformed yet. We get a little more reformed every day. It's about the journey, not you know.
[02:40:49] Yo, BuzzerBeater, thanks for hanging out, man.
[02:40:51] I hope you have a good rest of your night.
[02:41:49] Enjoy the Olympics, man. Have a good day, homie. hmm Hmm. Thanks, man. You too. Dude, I have played almost no PBE of the new set.
[02:41:51] I think it comes out on
[02:41:53] like in a week.
[02:41:55] It comes out next Wednesday
[02:41:57] or Tuesday? Wednesday?
[02:42:03] I don't know what day it comes out like a week from today i don't know
[02:42:29] something like that so All righty. What AD carry are we going to play?
[02:42:44] No, what's up? What's up cat. What do you want?
[02:42:46] What do you want kitten?
[02:44:12] Hmm.. What is going on?.. Okay, let'ses look sick. Oh dude what the forge bro oh your items suck do what the forge...
[02:44:31] ...
[02:44:35] Bro, what are you going to do with bf swords. Huh... so Dude, you know what's crazy?
[02:45:49] I actually don't understand...
[02:45:51] Uh... some sometimes what people pick
[02:46:04] they're like the weirdest what people pick.
[02:46:07] People pick the weirdest shit.
[02:46:14] Am I supposed to rush hmm
[02:46:17] am I
[02:46:20] supposed to
[02:46:21] rush
[02:46:22] Kraken this game or I feel like essence we were still the best rush
[02:46:32] like i swear it is Damn, that guy actually just fucking healed late.
[02:46:51] Good, good.
[02:46:55] Heal late and tilt your AD carry.
[02:46:58] Good.
[02:47:00] I might as well get another pot.
[02:47:03] I wonder if
[02:47:04] there's any world that you just, like, straight up
[02:47:06] buy two pots with the
[02:47:08] first blood assist gold?
[02:47:10] And you just have, like, and go ham on them level 2 or whatever?
[02:47:19] I don't know.
[02:47:21] Who knows?
[02:47:24] Not I. this is right side They are about to hit level 2. Now we hit level two
[02:48:01] oh my god.
[02:48:16] I'm not sure
[02:48:21] if Thresh... I think he just had a seizure.
[02:48:26] I think he had a seizure on his keyboard there
[02:48:29] he walked up with hook whipped sway on a guy in melee range
[02:48:34] that's actually kind of crazy any stars blush not gonna lie that's that's wild okay um Hmm.
[02:49:32] Uh,
[02:49:33] okay.
[02:49:36] I'm gonna keep it a buck with you guys.
[02:49:38] I don't think we go in with thresh anymore
[02:49:48] i uh yeah I, uh...
[02:49:50] Yeah.
[02:49:53] Do you guys think people are just really tired at this time of night?
[02:49:55] Like that's- like they played all day
[02:49:57] and then they just like-
[02:49:59] No, this is his first game of the day.
[02:50:02] Oh, he's just really...
[02:50:04] Rusty.
[02:50:07] We'll go with...
[02:50:07] He's really rusty.
[02:50:21] Okay. He's really rusty on Thresh. Okay, he's shaking off the rust. I respect it. so uh hmm this is gonna be kind of hard to...
[02:51:11] I mean, I gotta back up bro. He's a Jhin. In fact
[02:51:13] you're probably just dead to be honest
[02:51:22] Oh
[02:51:29] Hmm Hmm. What an absolutely crazy fucking game we are currently playing.
[02:51:33] This is wild.
[02:51:41] I swear every game in this elo feels
[02:51:43] like, like this is the same as the Ashe game
[02:51:45] and the game before that
[02:51:47] where i i feel like it just feels so
[02:51:49] awkward
[02:51:51] because it's not like i'm playing that
[02:51:53] poorly
[02:51:55] but it's really awkward because there are like,
[02:52:11] really awkward fights being forced and you have to follow up on the fights.
[02:52:15] But then it's like
[02:52:28] huh I don't know.
[02:52:31] I don't really know how to explain it!
[02:52:39] We're also, we should totally gank bot lane. Zach should totally come down here man. They have no flashes. This is a really hard game for me to play. I could have buried him.
[02:53:17] This is an extremely hard game for me to play because we don't have...
[02:53:25] Like, Thresh is not engaging and I have to basically...
[02:53:28] So basically when your support
[02:53:29] doesn't know how to engage
[02:53:30] against the poke lane
[02:53:31] like he's not doing it
[02:53:32] you have to play absolutely perfect
[02:53:37] you're not allowed to make any mistakes and i'm making some mistakes so it's not great. more so so okay
[02:54:33] i don't want to fight that guy i want you to fight the
[02:54:37] jinn who's going to walk through here
[02:54:59] They never Nice. Huge.
[02:55:05] Welcome to the League of Draven! Ready to be on? Bro, what is happening?
[02:55:21] Guys I cannot fight this with you men. Oh. Holy fuck, what is going on? Yo, Jason! Thank you for the resub man.
[02:56:01] Thank you for the 19, welcome back!
[02:56:04] I mean...
[02:56:05] I have to leave that frozen.
[02:56:06] I don't have a choice.
[02:56:09] Why is everyone permafighting?
[02:56:13] I'll be real, I don't know.
[02:56:17] Like, I genuinely
[02:56:19] don't know but...
[02:56:21] I mean it is what it is. We just have to
[02:56:23] like kind of adapt to it right like we got to try and figure out if
[02:56:27] we can adapt to this without losing too much resources to do it. Hmm... Hmm.
[02:56:51] It's dumb? Yeah, but I mean it's still lowkey right?
[02:57:01] Something seems too big for me to do... solo queue right? Can't really do too much in solo
[02:57:03] queue.
[02:57:30] ... so I am so dead. Nice, nice, nice,
[02:57:31] nice, nice.
[02:57:33] I really wanted the Zerath to get that.
[02:57:37] Like,
[02:57:37] I fucked up, but I really needed
[02:57:38] Zerath to get that because I don't think this is
[02:57:42] what you can dodge all of Zarek's abilities if he's fed
[02:57:45] but it's extremely hard to dodge all of...
[02:57:55] Like, Jhin being fed is just a way bigger stat check.
[02:58:04] So I think I'd enjoy the Xerath getting that over the gym.
[02:58:18] I mean my bad, I shouldn't have limit tested. It's a bit late in the day,
[02:58:21] I don't know if like early morning reactions.
[02:59:09] Okay, I'm just not gonna move my character. I mean, I gotta run. We're getting ganked by hecarim Honestly, am I mid and my top or smurfing it?
[02:59:16] I think all we do this game is just make sure we don't lose the game for our team.
[02:59:19] Our mid-top are both doing really well,
[02:59:21] and our jungler
[02:59:22] is playing mid and top, so...
[02:59:25] I think it's one of those games where
[02:59:28] we just make sure we're not the reason we lose
[02:59:29] and that's it Crazy how Thresh ignited.
[02:59:42] I mean, like I said, I don't know.
[03:00:27] I'm almost positive that a lot of this game right now is just the most ridiculous crazy ever happening so Yeah, like I don't even know what just occurred. Like I'm just kind of walking to the fights right now because if I don't, my team might lose.
[03:00:32] Like, I actually think they 100% lose that fight
[03:00:34] if I'm not there.
[03:00:35] So even though I gained nothing out of it...
[03:00:37] I feel like when you're in games like this... Like, if you're in games like this,
[03:00:42] if you're in games like this,
[03:00:43] you have two ways to play the game.
[03:00:46] You can be 10 CS a minute and just play really consistent
[03:00:47] and hope that
[03:00:48] you're good enough with items
[03:00:50] to carry later on.
[03:00:52] Because the enemy's going to get a bunch of items too
[03:00:54] because they're going to kill your team.
[03:00:58] But
[03:00:58] you'll have more consistent items.
[03:01:05] I would have more items than I do now if i was just playing consistent but
[03:01:14] you can do that or you can uh fiesta with your team and you just have to play really well
[03:01:16] and you can't make mistakes.
[03:01:19] The problem is
[03:01:20] I've been playing
[03:01:26] the other way for so long now.
[03:01:30] Like, the consistency way?
[03:02:04] Yeah. Like the consistency way? so Like, I've been playing the consistency way for like weeks. And even though it's good,
[03:02:06] like,
[03:02:06] it's not a bad way
[03:02:07] to play the game.
[03:02:08] I have been
[03:02:09] not able
[03:02:10] to climb too well
[03:02:11] with that strategy.
[03:02:14] So I said,
[03:02:15] fuck it.
[03:02:15] I'm just going
[03:02:16] to join the Fiesta strat, at least for this elo.
[03:02:18] I don't think you can...
[03:02:19] I don't think you can Fiesta when you get into Masters
[03:02:22] but I think in Diamonds
[03:02:23] Fiesting is fine.
[03:02:29] So I'm just kind of like say I'm just saying fuck it
[03:02:29] i'm just going to join the party because
[03:02:32] if I don't join the party
[03:02:36] the parties gonna happen whether I join it or not.
[03:02:58] Ahhhh! I didn't think they'd send three people bot and use two ults to stop me from taking tier 1 turret.
[03:03:01] I mean, my bad. 100% my bad.
[03:03:03] Because that's crazy.
[03:03:06] I don't know how to explain how crazy that actually is
[03:03:09] but it's crazy
[03:03:10] that they value
[03:03:10] this tier one turret
[03:03:11] to use that many ults.
[03:03:15] Like,
[03:03:15] that's...
[03:03:16] I...
[03:03:16] It's wilds.
[03:03:18] I mean,
[03:03:19] look at this.
[03:03:19] My team is valuing a kill over...
[03:03:23] They're valuing killing Viktor bot lane
[03:03:25] over Rift and mid turret.
[03:03:32] That's why you can't, like,
[03:03:34] take this elo too seriously, I've learned.
[03:03:38] Right? Like, you can't get too mad at
[03:03:40] this elo or, like, think it's kind of ridiculous.
[03:03:43] Because Diamond players are just as bad as Emerald players...
[03:03:46] Just as bad as Silver players.
[03:03:48] Diamond players have slightly better mechanics.
[03:04:20] But they're not very good. so Not meaning to, like, blame them by the way. I mean they're fine.
[03:04:25] I more mean that they don't play League of Legends in this Halo yet.
[03:04:27] They play, like, Deathmatch Sim.
[03:04:29] And they know how their characters work.
[03:04:32] They just don't know how League of Legends works.
[03:04:36] Which is, like I said, it it's fine it's not like a so You see what I mean about like we're just death matching?
[03:05:03] This is kind of what I meant. Like, we just got done with a fight? Boom. Another fight.
[03:05:11] Haha! Like... it doesn't make sense man. Everybody literally just perm fights
[03:05:29] but i think something that I've learned
[03:05:30] is you can either
[03:05:33] embrace the perm fighting in a fiesta
[03:05:35] or you can try and go against the fiesta.
[03:05:38] But if you try to go against the Fiesta. But if you try to go against
[03:05:39] the Fiesta,
[03:05:40] it's pretty...
[03:05:43] You gotta be really...
[03:05:44] You gotta be like
[03:05:45] reckless level good
[03:05:46] to go against the Fiesta.
[03:05:48] I don't know
[03:05:48] if that makes sense
[03:05:49] to you guys,
[03:05:50] but you gotta be like double-lift
[03:05:52] reckless level good where you're
[03:05:54] using your 10 CS a minute
[03:05:56] perfectly to never die,
[03:05:58] to always be on tempo and all that shit.
[03:06:02] Because you staying
[03:06:03] in farming side waves
[03:06:04] and doing 10 CS a minute
[03:06:05] is fine.
[03:06:06] But if you're not
[03:06:07] doing it absolutely
[03:06:09] perfectly,
[03:06:10] it starts getting really bad so so Oh, that's another reason
[03:06:48] Ashe is also extremely good.
[03:06:51] Ashe is really,
[03:06:52] really, really good in solo queue because of the fiestas that are happening or whatever
[03:07:01] Life
[03:07:17] Is Just like... Legendary.
[03:07:20] Yeah, it's not even slowing things down but she like uh when there's fiestas going on like that, having a stun is wild.
[03:07:30] Like when you think about it, having a stun or whatever to completely stop somebody's fight...
[03:07:36] crazy broken.
[03:07:50] I mean we don't have wards. I can't go over...I don't have this. We're gonna check it but... It's so hard for me to get on top of this Zerath, man.
[03:08:05] Okay I mean you're... okay.
[03:08:09] I don't know what that guy is doing. i mean you're okay
[03:08:12] i don't know what that guy's doing
[03:08:19] like this is the most random fucking baron of all time
[03:08:47] but it works out I didn't even have to use some... You guys like that confidence so I'm leaving. End it? I mean, bro. That shit ain't even up to me
[03:09:36] i'm trying but it's it's hard i mean their entire team except for hecker
[03:09:41] amount ranges man jinn like uh him outranges me. Jhin, like...
[03:09:46] Xerath?
[03:09:48] If they want to
[03:09:49] hit me, I have to put on
[03:09:51] my fucking jukeboots.
[03:09:54] Because if I get hit by a single spell by jim and zara they'll just one shot me so like if i try and uh push if i try to end this too, there's a pretty good chance we lose.
[03:10:19] So I gotta play smart. I'm going to go back and get the so nice so I mean, look at this shit. It's fucking...
[03:11:19] That Jhin had three full items.
[03:11:21] Jesus! Dude, that
[03:11:23] is so crazy.
[03:11:27] Like,
[03:11:28] that was like what? A 23-minute
[03:11:29] game? Somehow Jhin had three items.
[03:11:33] The fucking gold
[03:11:34] that gets thrown around in these elos is
[03:11:36] insane. I just have to, like, not...
[03:11:54] I think I figured out how
[03:11:55] to climb.
[03:11:58] I think I have
[03:11:59] a really weird perfectionist
[03:12:01] kind of controlling attitude
[03:12:04] when it comes to, like, League sometimes.
[03:12:06] Where, like...
[03:12:06] I know how the game is supposed to be played
[03:12:09] because I've been Challenger before
[03:12:10] and the game doesn't change.
[03:12:12] How the game is played
[03:12:13] doesn't change, right?
[03:12:15] So like
[03:12:16] the
[03:12:17] meta changes and all that shit but
[03:12:20] the games actual... Like how you
[03:12:22] win in League doesn't change and the macro doesn't change.
[03:12:25] So I know all of that. The problem
[03:12:27] that I have sometimes is that
[03:12:29] I um
[03:12:31] I will force
[03:12:33] like the proper shit.
[03:12:35] Like I was saying earlier,
[03:12:37] I won't walk to the fiestas
[03:12:39] but the problem is
[03:12:40] if you walk to the fiesta
[03:12:43] I'm better than them
[03:12:45] mechanically.
[03:12:46] So I should probably just walk to the Fiesta
[03:12:49] even if it's not correct
[03:12:53] because if your team commits all of their resources
[03:12:56] to the Fiesta that you're walking through,
[03:12:58] and even if you come out ahead yourself,
[03:13:00] your team's behind. And normally
[03:13:02] it wouldn't matter because normally you being
[03:13:03] ahead is like a net win, right? Let's say
[03:13:05] you get a level ahead or you get an item or whatever.
[03:13:07] That's normally good.
[03:13:10] But I feel like in solo queue, people
[03:13:12] get tilted really hard
[03:13:13] and people's
[03:13:16] tilt is what makes them oh my AD carry didn't rotate to this.
[03:13:23] And then they just will stop trying... Okay.. Man, I got up to go get a drink.
[03:14:35] And the queue popped. The first time the queue pops in under two minutes.
[03:14:41] And it's because I went up to get a drink. I need something to watch while we chill. Let's watch Skara.... Where is it here? Thank you. Okay.. You Yo, can you guys stop harassing other streamers that I'm watching, man?
[03:17:41] Like, I get it.
[03:17:43] You guys don't like me.
[03:17:44] You hate watching me. Bl, you hate watching me, blah
[03:17:45] blah blah blah blah.
[03:17:48] Can you guys not
[03:17:49] harass other streamers in their chat
[03:17:51] dude?
[03:17:53] At least be, like, civil. um Wow, somebody dodged. okay Okay. I like how
[03:18:59] Scar is playing Quinn.
[03:19:02] I enjoy that. them buffing Dark Harvest
[03:19:18] I don't know how i feel about it honestly
[03:19:27] because dark harvest is pretty op or me it was pretty op it's pretty shitty but i also don't like dark harvest champions
[03:19:37] like the snowbally dark harvest champs i don't like them so That's funny.
[03:20:09] Yeah.. so.. So, Okay. Okay.. Holy fuck.
[03:21:51] He literally one shot that guy.
[03:22:06] Okay. I gotta play this Quinn build more.
[03:22:12] Next time I get autofill top,
[03:22:13] I gotta play the Quinn build.
[03:22:27] That looks fun as fuck. You know what that reminds me of?
[03:22:29] That build reminds me of, back in the day
[03:22:31] there was...
[03:22:35] Electrocute?
[03:22:38] I think it was when Electrocute first came out.
[03:22:43] It was like Electrocute or Thunderlords Or something and I remember playing Quinn with it
[03:22:45] And you would literally just one shot people
[03:22:47] You would just go full AD
[03:22:52] And just one tap people
[03:22:53] And it was so much fun
[03:23:01] i have a clip of me one-shotting afro move from full hp in like a quarter of a second
[03:23:07] and it's one of my favorite clips of all time Okay. prefer ad sure prefer AD.
[03:23:37] Sure.
[03:23:40] Fuck it, sure man, take AD.
[03:23:42] Just, just,
[03:23:43] just take it man I'm surprised he went collector third or fourth.
[03:24:04] He should just go, what?
[03:25:18] What? What the fuck? Okay.... Oh my god.
[03:25:24] Oh no, Skara got barely CC'd.
[03:25:27] Dude, I saw his vision though.
[03:25:30] Dude, I saw his vision man.
[03:25:32] I saw the vision of what he was trying to do.
[03:25:34] I fucking saw it, dude.
[03:25:38] You know what? What are the rooms for this?
[03:25:45] It's like...
[03:25:51] ...
[03:25:53] It's like this, right?
[03:25:57] Right. I actually need to go look up the runes. What the absolute fuck?
[03:26:22] These are interesting.
[03:26:31] Oh, I should have taken cleanse.
[03:26:32] I'm trolling.
[03:26:34] Too late. Okay, so you go...
[03:26:41] What did we do? Clayton's would have been so much better though.
[03:26:45] But we go... I've done this build before but I want to make sure I'm doing it right.
[03:26:49] Let's just Hydra into...
[03:27:03] Looks like a lot of people go collector, yeah. Oh actually this guy went Edge of Night.
[03:27:06] That's actually... that sounds better. I mean, Edge seems good into their comp to be honest with you.
[03:27:23] Look at this shit it's like...
[03:27:27] They have fucking Eve, Gragas...
[03:27:33] Annie, Pyke.
[03:27:38] Like they- all of their fucking comp is like They open with some sort of like fuckin'
[03:27:41] Oh they don't have Gragas. But they have, like,
[03:27:42] we have Gragas. I'm that tired.
[03:27:46] But yeah, I think it's
[03:27:46] more of... All their comp
[03:27:49] is they open with some sort of dick in my ass.
[03:28:27] ... some sort of dick in my ass spawn Yeah, I think the build is going to be probably Propane then Boots, then Edge of Night.
[03:29:19] Stick to the plan now! Dude, why is level 1 electrocute so op by the way that's so disgusting So It's kind of hard to actually...
[03:29:31] I have to auto, then E-auto To get the electrocute proc
[03:29:32] Right
[03:29:33] That's why you see me like kinda
[03:29:36] Not just E-autowing or whatever
[03:29:37] Every five seconds
[03:29:38] Oh no Okay not just e-autoing or whatever every five seconds.
[03:29:39] Oh, no!
[03:29:44] I have to auto first so I can get the electrocute proc.
[03:29:51] That's why I'm trying to like... Uh, I kinda wanna go in here cause I think Eve is here.
[03:29:55] Somewhere. Wait, where'd she go?
[03:30:06] Their E is not full clearing?
[03:30:10] What? Oh.
[03:30:14] I mean, I missed the full wave!
[03:30:18] I didn't know Eve wasn't gonna Falklair.
[03:30:22] It's actually crazy.
[03:30:25] I don't know why she wouldn't, that's kind of insane!
[03:30:31] Down to full level.
[03:30:40] Damn, if I didn't fuck up my auto there, if I didn't cancel it...
[03:30:45] ...I think I'd actually kill her because I would've gotten two passive procs
[03:30:49] and then I could have double-autoed with my W passive
[03:30:52] and Ignited and she would've died. She's gonna TP back.
[03:30:59] I should push this in ASAP so that, uh...she either has to TP or sometimes they'll like not tp because
[03:31:06] they want to see if you're gonna push which i think is like smart kind of
[03:31:13] oh i better flash.
[03:31:21] OH MY GOD!
[03:31:24] WHAT?! What?
[03:31:32] Wait, I literally took like half my fucking HP in one second.
[03:31:41] Holy crap!
[03:31:44] You know what I should've actually done, though?
[03:31:46] I should've just walked down.
[03:31:48] Like, going like this was stupid.
[03:31:50] I should have just gone like this.
[03:31:51] Because if I go like this...
[03:31:53] Eve can never get me.
[03:31:55] Even if she flashes, she can't get me.
[03:31:57] That's just my bad
[03:32:00] i knew she was ganking too from the left side i should have just hugged the right so He wants to do dragon, but I do not like that dragon call.
[03:32:36] Like, I'm five bro. This is the worst Dragon Call ever, man. I mean, I'm hoping you guys can do something.
[03:33:07] Okay, I mean...
[03:33:10] I'm really confused why we didn't just fight
[03:33:15] like they wanted me to come to dragon right
[03:33:19] but then like nobody did anything.
[03:33:23] We just stood there and like nobody, we have 30 ways to engage.
[03:33:29] I mean that's why I didn't want to go but
[03:33:32] I told you my new philosophy is
[03:33:35] I go help the team.
[03:33:37] The Dragon Call
[03:33:39] was absolutely terrible,
[03:33:41] My new philosophy
[03:33:43] is I help the team because if I don't, they're going to do it whether
[03:33:47] I go or not.
[03:33:48] And I'd rather like them...
[03:33:52] I can play from behind typically a lot of the time my teammates can't so
[03:33:59] like if i'm behind and they're like i'm okay with it oh my god bro this is so disgusting, by the way.
[03:34:20] Like high key... not even low-key, high key...
[03:34:24] It's disgusting what I'm watching.
[03:34:32] Can you leave me? Like...
[03:34:35] I'd rather not fight if we can help it annie is stronger than me right now
[03:34:41] oh viego's invading again
[03:34:46] okay i can't go to that one though
[03:34:57] oh my god. I'm dead.
[03:35:11] Woop!
[03:35:15] I knew it was a bad call to do that, but
[03:35:19] it is what it is.
[03:35:25] I'll be real!
[03:35:27] I gave this guy 80 carry
[03:35:29] He's down 15 CS in the lane where he is 1v2.
[03:35:35] I'm always frustrated when I don't get...
[03:35:39] When I give my role and they play like this,
[03:35:42] I get really annoyed.
[03:35:47] Like it's actually one of my biggest pet peeves.
[03:35:50] I do it because I can...
[03:35:51] This guy is definitely gonna have be
[03:35:53] like doing nothing mid
[03:35:56] and even if like i get behind mid i can still uh macro later so it's not a big
[03:36:00] deal but it's definitely frustrating i'll tell you that um I mean... i mean did he not like think that they were there i'm really confused. Did they not know?
[03:36:49] Maybe I should have pinged it. That's actually not bad.
[03:37:04] I lose my flash, but we get...
[03:37:08] Like high key? That's not bad at all.
[03:37:11] Because I lose flash, but we end up getting EVAR.
[03:37:17] This is kind of ridiculous though. I need that. Oh my god, he's gonna Force another dragon. Oh no.
[03:38:05] Bro, why do you keep doing this man?
[03:38:15] Like man like either do the dragon or don't do it but like
[03:38:18] oh you waited so long
[03:38:32] i mean i'm just dead. Yeah.
[03:38:33] Well they got the dragon but
[03:38:37] You see like the issue that I always have to deal with
[03:38:41] when I am playing in this elo.
[03:38:44] They will force the worst plays imaginable,
[03:38:46] and then your
[03:38:48] teammates will watch you
[03:38:50] try and salvage those bad
[03:38:52] plays.
[03:38:57] They'll watch you literally have to like salvage those plays.
[03:39:04] And they won't play the game. so So I have to do such weird gameplay.
[03:39:40] Sorry if it sounds like I'm whining,
[03:39:42] I'm just trying to vent.
[03:39:45] Because I actually
[03:39:46] do hate playing like this, but...
[03:39:49] Like, I genuinely can't stand playing like I have to play in Diamond 1.
[03:39:55] Because if I just sat mid this whole game and did nothing but farm,
[03:40:00] like I can already tell you what would happen is my teammates would rage.
[03:40:04] They would all be far behind right now and they'd all be raging.
[03:40:08] Okay, guess i'm just dead
[03:40:12] like pike's mid like what is happening oh well
[03:40:28] no way
[03:41:11] I lose a trail an ally has been slain is says forfeit please I don't want to play with you. The issue is...
[03:41:14] We have a very awkward team.
[03:41:22] Where essentially, team where essentially like we can win the game
[03:41:46] but it's gonna be like a really weird game
[03:41:52] like i genuinely do think we can win i but i do think it's going to be a very
[03:41:56] interesting game Because, like, Kaisa's got two items almost.
[03:42:15] And she's not doing bad, it's just that
[03:42:17] the early game has been really awful.
[03:42:20] Mainly because
[03:42:20] of Top and Jungle, but...
[03:42:25] ... Like that Viego is not very good.
[03:42:37] But I am not not gonna forfeit because
[03:42:40] I literally inted my entire game away to help this Viego do his fucking...
[03:42:45] To do his early dragons.
[03:42:51] So, because we did those early dragons
[03:42:53] I'm not gonna forfeit
[03:42:55] Because i don't think it's fair
[03:42:57] that we forfeit because he forced dog plays right like i don't think
[03:43:03] it's fair that we do that it's like i want to be able to like play the game A bird's eye view is the best advantage.
[03:43:27] I'm almost positive there's an Eve somewhere around here,
[03:43:29] and that's why I can't go for her.
[03:43:32] Yeah, she's mad. I'm going to go ahead really do anything. I think that might be worth it.
[03:44:13] Don't get dragon, but wait just go! I think that might be worth it.
[03:44:16] They'll get dragon, but wait just go!
[03:44:21] Wait...wait stop tilting, go!
[03:44:30] Their jungler's dead. There's junglers then. Just go in! Wait, I'm so frustrated. frustrated I just go in because I know that it will make my team win.
[03:45:12] Straight up, the only reason I went in there is because I knew that my team would win alpha Dude, how crazy is it that
[03:45:36] It's actually like
[03:45:37] A viable strat to like run it the down that's insane Because Annie has 80 CS at 19 minutes.
[03:45:59] Like surely that's not correct Damn.
[03:46:22] I actually got outplayed.
[03:46:24] My bad.
[03:46:25] I thought I would kill him, like I didn't do enough damage.
[03:46:30] Maybe
[03:46:30] I needed to...
[03:46:32] I mean, I needed to dodge the w obviously but uh oh i missed my q too damn
[03:46:37] i didn't think about it i missed q and msw brandon't dodge his w
[03:46:49] damn without me alive to soak pressure
[03:46:57] like to soak their cooldowns i mean not pressure uh my team does just die i have to stay alive
[03:47:00] like i really have to stay alive so that um they use their cooldowns on me Oh
[03:47:20] Jesus fucking Christ
[03:47:27] See you just like that. Yeah, yes see what I mean It worked out exactly like I said at one
[03:47:40] You Like how insane is that? How insane is that, how insane is that.
[03:47:42] I'm literally like okay guys they need me alive so that
[03:47:45] I can pull all the pressure. My team can win
[03:47:48] the fight instantly,
[03:47:50] literally instantly.
[03:47:52] I walk at them. They just
[03:47:54] fucking go for it. God, Link.
[03:48:17] They like see me and they're like dude this Quinn's a bitch.
[03:48:26] What? what so yeah
[03:48:58] they had zion swarm yeah zaya's fun
[03:49:04] i can't tell if she's okay but she's definitely fun so I should be getting Edge of Night, not Lord Dom's.
[03:49:31] I don't know at what point I forgot that I was trying to go edge of night this game but
[03:49:37] i did and it it's definitely happening the happening.
[03:49:50] Ooh.
[03:49:53] Oh, I'm dead.
[03:49:55] Wow...
[03:49:57] Of course I just-
[03:49:58] I just die right before the dragon.
[03:49:59] Goddammit!
[03:50:03] I did not even think that
[03:50:04] That would be happening.
[03:50:08] Not bad, though.
[03:50:11] They have no...
[03:50:13] Uh...
[03:50:15] If the enemy's smart smart they instantly start dragging here
[03:50:19] if they're bad they give us time to get there
[03:50:25] it looks like they're not starting it okay they up because yeah when you have
[03:50:31] numbers you don't want to wait you want to just go right like that's
[03:50:37] like they they Right? Like, that's... They essentially just made the mistake of giving everybody time to do things.
[03:50:52] Like, what the fuck
[03:50:57] i don't get it is zyia or is our kaisa afk like what is going on
[03:51:06] like what i mean l Lulu didn't ulti.
[03:51:14] Help me and I will peel you.
[03:51:16] How about you ult yourself?
[03:51:22] Oh god... Oh, God.
[03:51:24] I like how this guy is flaming me
[03:51:26] but he didn't ulti.
[03:51:30] You know, be as mad
[03:51:31] as you want, bro but if you ult the if you hold the guy there
[03:51:33] you live or old me and he's just
[03:51:44] pissed off at the world.
[03:51:47] Maybe that's what it is.
[03:51:49] We lose now!
[03:51:52] Dude, I don't...
[03:51:53] I genuinely don't know if these players
[03:51:55] are human beings, by the way.
[03:51:59] Like,
[03:51:59] Lulu has not played correctly
[03:52:01] the entire game. Kai said DC'd'd greg is engaged so like we knew kaiser had
[03:52:07] deced right gragas engaged after we saw kaisa dc then viego engaged after we knew Kai'Sa was DC'd. so The only thing I don't like about this build, by the way is that I uh...
[03:52:49] I'm about to die by the way.
[03:52:54] The only thing I don't like about this build is that...
[03:53:01] Um.
[03:53:04] I don't have any attack speed until after I auto-attack once.
[03:53:09] Right? Because you don't get the attack speed outside of the W.
[03:53:48] Okay. so so I wonder what caused all that.
[03:53:51] Dude, how am I still two levels up?
[03:53:53] I don't understand
[03:53:54] how League works.
[03:53:56] I'm somehow
[03:53:58] trolling the entire game
[03:53:59] like I have 15 deaths or 12 deaths
[03:54:02] i'm two level i'm the highest level on our team is Uh oh.
[03:54:35] I gotta run. I really wanna go push bot,
[03:54:39] but I think if I go push bot the second
[03:54:41] I go somebody's gonna get caught.
[03:54:44] Like we're in this weird
[03:54:45] spot right now where
[03:54:47] literally the second that I go anywhere
[03:54:50] somebody's gonna get caught.
[03:54:52] It would take me literally two seconds to push bot, but...
[03:55:00] Yeah. Told ya Told ya.
[03:55:21] Literally two seconds to push bot, right? Boom. Inst instantly somebody gets caught the
[03:55:26] second i walk anywhere near bottom i go to red boom cot oh he gets
[03:55:31] semi
[03:55:36] the problem is there's no macro in this elo, so these players just go mid and pray that the enemy team doesn't kill them I'm gonna try and make a pick.
[03:56:02] I think i can one-shot Jhin.
[03:56:05] I think I'm going to just fly really fast into him,
[03:56:08] And just pray.
[03:56:11] Oh, nevermind. I mean there's nothing I can do with Dragon. Just gotta push mid. Oh
[03:56:33] Can't do that
[03:56:42] My little it's a little unfortunate we were winning the game so hard and then all of a sudden they just
[03:56:45] like the entire enemy team just got tilted or my team did i mean Yeah, not bad.
[03:57:08] Like actually not bad though. What do you see up there? You know what a lot of this actually is, by the way?
[03:57:31] I'm like slowly realizing it.
[03:57:35] A lot of it is uh
[03:58:04] they don't know how to play as a team um I'm dead.
[03:58:09] We've given up? Yeah, the Lulu's diamonds
[03:58:11] like I said.
[03:58:17] You're not wrong but like
[03:58:19] I also want to point out
[03:58:21] the Pyke is level
[03:58:23] 14.
[03:58:31] Jhin is level 17. This game, like I'm not gonna actually take credit for this loss by the way.
[03:58:36] This loss was a 1000% bot diff.
[03:58:40] Kai'Sa DC'd at the dragon, like she literally
[03:58:43] DC'ed on the most important part of the game
[03:58:47] Then our team fought as She DC that the most important part of the game,
[03:58:52] our team decided that they wanted to fight.
[03:58:54] As she DC.
[03:58:56] That's that's on them.
[03:58:58] You guys just suck... you
[03:59:57] Yeah, I'm not taking any credit for that loss. I played for the team and the team let me down. Welcome to low elo. I could have never rotated to a single fight, 10 CS a minute.
[04:00:07] But instead, I rotated to every fight.
[04:00:09] I got focused.
[04:00:11] I still had some of the highest, like...
[04:00:14] Look at this.
[04:00:15] My Viego had 11,000 damage as a Viego.
[04:00:20] He had less damage than Pike.
[04:00:31] I had more damage than Gregus and pike, or and Viego.
[04:00:38] Viego did 69 damage to turrets.
[04:00:42] Wu had 71 ward score
[04:00:44] versus 129.
[04:00:47] 27 wards placed
[04:00:49] versus 67.
[04:00:53] You want to know why we lost
[04:00:55] that game actually, though?
[04:00:58] The Pyke placed 40 more wards than the Lulu.
[04:01:02] 40.
[04:01:05] Literally 40 more wards than Lulu.
[04:01:15] And the Lulu was flaming her team.
[04:01:19] If you get, like, 40 gapped on words...
[04:01:24] You genuinely...
[04:01:26] Like I don't even know what to say to you.
[04:01:29] You're genuinely retarded.
[04:01:34] Actually though, like you are actually a retard.
[04:01:40] That's embarrassing... so..... Hmm. so Okay.... Yeah, I'm a little sad.
[04:04:34] I think we should have won last game.
[04:04:37] Like genuinely.
[04:04:38] I think it was literally just Kaisa
[04:04:40] DC'd and then
[04:04:41] when she DC'd, our team ran
[04:04:44] into them like idiots.
[04:05:14] ... okay It should actually be a really easy game.
[04:05:18] Ashe shits on their team except for J4... Damn, I was hoping we would get to go versus one of the people from last game. I absolutely love
[04:06:10] when your team flames you
[04:06:19] and then you go versus them
[04:06:21] and you just absolutely fuck them up.. The fact that Kaisa or Ezreal went barrier...
[04:06:56] There's no way that that's correct.
[04:07:04] Dude, I want to play some more Quinn.
[04:07:07] Like high key,
[04:07:08] Quinn is so fun.
[04:07:12] Like, that game was complete and utter dogshit, but Quinn's still really fun.
[04:07:21] ... to summoner's rift
[04:07:30] lucian is not as good as clem wishin makes dog i don't know why people think it's good.
[04:07:47] It's actually bad. Like, Lucian mid loses to pretty much every single mage in the game.
[04:07:53] I hold a bow of true lights,
[04:07:55] I hope it has fallen.
[04:08:19] Prepare yourself! you face an unspoiled. I don't really care about the players.
[04:08:23] Looking people up before games is worthless.
[04:08:26] The only reason I would ever do it, is because of... Like, if I want to see
[04:08:38] If somebody plays something very unique
[04:08:40] Like Zoe support
[04:08:42] Right?
[04:08:42] Like, I only asked them for Zobby.g
[04:08:44] So I could see
[04:08:44] If he plays Zoe.
[04:08:48] Like, if he was fucking horrible at Zoe,
[04:08:51] I would still play it out because like...
[04:08:53] ...I just want people to play their main champion. yes Yeah, but I mean i don't give a fuck if he plays lucian it doesn't affect me
[04:09:26] Like if he's first timing lucian, he's gonna end. It is what it is right? But it doesn't affect me?
[04:09:32] I can carry that. What I can't carry is like... somebodytiming Zoe in the lane.
[04:09:43] I mean, it's not sad.
[04:09:44] I don't know.
[04:09:46] One thing I think that
[04:09:48] you guys really gotta stop doing
[04:09:49] is getting so upset One thing I think that you guys really gotta stop doing is like...
[04:09:51] Getting so upset over people doing stuff.
[04:09:56] Like, if somebody's first-timing a champ in the game it sucks balls.
[04:09:59] I get mad too but
[04:10:00] I think
[04:10:04] the best thing to do is just focus on
[04:10:05] what you can control.
[04:11:08] Oh so um oh so so Oh my god. I can't believe I just missed that. so Wow, she actually killed me.
[04:11:31] I thought my barrier would just keep me alive!
[04:11:35] Wow... I suck!
[04:11:45] Like, I could have lived there.
[04:11:52] I'm almost positive that
[04:11:56] J4 is top right now and our team needs to be care.
[04:12:02] Our top laner should be very careful right now
[04:12:06] because I'm very positive that J4 is up there. uh I hate this game.
[04:12:39] I hate League.
[04:12:50] No, he actually fucking lived.
[04:12:54] Dude, I played that so...
[04:12:56] Whatever.
[04:13:15] Okay. Dude. they think me cold i have seen things
[04:13:50] hmm what's that arrow right now so So if I kill that little thing, her little bubble... If she's next to the bubble when I kill it does she get
[04:13:53] the bubble?
[04:13:56] I've always wondered that.
[04:13:58] Or does she have to physically hit the minion?
[04:14:47] Spirit, breathe. so I'm going to try and get the first one. uh um i have arrow We could definitely just do dragon.
[04:14:56] It really depends on if Zoe wants to, though.
[04:15:00] Or I mean, if Zyra wants to.
[04:15:06] To be honest,
[04:15:07] I'd rather not do bad dragons than force
[04:15:11] dragons
[04:15:15] i mean i'm just dead that was a very good timer for them to do that. My flash was on the 3 second cooldown.
[04:15:30] Like, VERY good timer for that. An enemy has been slain. so we may complete so let's go so so the failure so right Wait a second.
[04:17:25] What?
[04:17:27] How did that just happen?
[04:17:41] Okay, I'm really confused.
[04:17:44] The Ezreal lived?
[04:17:48] Okay.
[04:17:54] I shouldn't have flashed. Straight up, I really shouldn't have.
[04:18:00] My bad! I thought I was going gonna kill the j4 i guess i suck um oh so so so so game I should have just killed the turret.
[04:19:37] The only reason I even walked back up was to hit the turret, and I was going to suicide for the gold.
[04:19:43] And I... I was like, yeah never mind. A battle worthy of the Freljord.
[04:20:11] Hm. hmm I was positive
[04:20:13] J4's Bobcams were up
[04:20:15] I'm just bad
[04:20:52] still winter state okay so Oh, Rakan got it. Big, big...
[04:20:58] Our top laner seems a bit tilted.
[04:21:03] You know what's funny though? We can actually win the game, like if he just plays.
[04:21:12] Like actually though, like he should just play. He's tilted because he got weak-sided, but it's like every single one of us is ahead.
[04:21:28] I mean, Riot hardware bans for people doing this now. So it'll go a little bad for the guy. He's gonna let one bad day of tilt just get his account permed forever. your approach is is everywhere power of an ice Shut down. so um I'm wondering who's tilting in our games right now.
[04:23:13] I mean, it's probably Aatrox, but...
[04:23:16] It's crazy that he would tilt in a game like this!
[04:23:20] Our mid is doing really well.
[04:23:22] I'm way ahead, and mid's
[04:23:23] way ahead. Our Zoe's actually
[04:23:25] smurfing.
[04:23:27] Our jungler's way ahead.
[04:23:32] I can't believe he's tilted.
[04:23:35] All because
[04:23:36] he lost to Renekton? Like, that's crazy.
[04:24:02] Okay. so Oh! I found the Renekton, guys.
[04:24:13] I knew we were going to get flanked, but it was a necessary risk.
[04:24:23] I think I need BT. Or, I mean, I think I need BT.
[04:24:25] Or, I mean,
[04:24:25] I think I need Lifesteal now.
[04:24:28] I'm gonna get Lifesteal
[04:24:29] and then probably IE after.
[04:24:31] I don't think
[04:24:32] I need Dom's this game.
[04:24:33] Eh, maybe.
[04:24:35] The Renekton's
[04:24:36] gonna be tanky but
[04:24:37] I don't think it's
[04:24:40] that big of a deal
[04:24:41] because the thing about Renekton
[04:24:44] is he's just gonna to one-shot you.
[04:24:46] So, you have Mercs...
[04:24:51] He might go Tabis. I don't know.
[04:25:29] I can't really walk up at the moment. That's a good one. Uh, that's really bad. We need to not go anywhere near the Aatrox. By the way, that was literally just Aatrox baiting all of us. Aatrox and Lucian are both... they baited us.
[04:25:32] We need to not do that again. That was our one collective group throw of the game.
[04:25:37] If we do that again,
[04:25:39] we could actually
[04:25:40] throw.
[04:25:46] Because
[04:25:46] uh
[04:25:48] The enemy team is very uh
[04:26:32] the enemy team is very very very trying to win Okay. Oh, somebody's in there. We should 1000% do Baron on spawn. Now I don't know if my team's gonna try but we should
[04:26:37] it it's actually a very good play to do baron on spawn here and sack the dragon
[04:26:43] because we don't want the game to like, prolong?
[04:26:46] And we have an insanely good Baron team. so We should fight men. in.
[04:27:25] Oh, I'm dead.
[04:27:29] Ah, I should have hit the Renekton instead.
[04:27:36] Fuck... Why were they not mid?
[04:27:38] Man...
[04:27:41] I'm very frustrated by that.
[04:27:46] Like, actually very, very frustrated about it. I pinged to come mid and they ignored me
[04:27:54] like i pinged mid 30 times it was like assist assist and they all just stood right there and completely
[04:27:59] ignored my pings because the way we play that is we don't funnel through this area
[04:28:05] we play off of my arrow and and then Zoe fishes for E.
[04:28:09] So the way we play this is that we literally just fish...
[04:28:11] Zoe fish E?
[04:28:15] Not gonna lie...
[04:28:17] Lucian could've Q'd. He could have B have buffered a queue but he didn't because
[04:28:22] he's bad at lucian
[04:28:28] oh i hate low elo Oh, I hate Loilo.
[04:28:35] They just give up at the first sign of any trouble because they're bad players.
[04:28:49] I mean, I don't know man,
[04:28:50] I'd give up too, I don't know man.
[04:28:51] I'd give up too, I guess.
[04:28:56] I am tilted.
[04:29:00] Whatever.
[04:29:37] Okay. Whatever. I'm very frustrated because the Zoe is a mid main. That means that the Zoe's not actually putting wards down, because they they're mid main. Like, uh...
[04:29:41] That's the only thing I dislike about...
[04:29:46] Genuinely, the only thing I dislike about mid mains is that they... When they get autofill to support,
[04:29:48] They're mechanically better than support players are.
[04:29:50] But they don't ward.
[04:29:58] That's probably the only thing that i think is really really bad that players do when they get autofilled they don't warn
[04:30:02] and you have to ward men I have to remind her to put words down. so we can make a pick on somebody There's literally no reason for the enemy team to be top right now.
[04:30:54] At all.
[04:30:55] So we can just make a pick.
[04:31:51] If they push mid or they, we just push bot. Zyra can hold it. the I am such a low level what the fuck. I don't know if that's worth. That Ezreal is definitely worth more than I am, but it's not really... I don't know if it's worth it to trade the one for one when my team is all dead
[04:31:55] Well, it's all day trucks now
[04:31:58] He's if he chases and doesn't get the kill we lose
[04:32:10] Uh-oh oh he just needs one reset
[04:32:15] oh he's trying oh he's trying. Oh, he's dead.
[04:32:21] Damn.
[04:32:24] I hold a bow through life. I fold my heart.
[04:32:28] No joke though, I think that...
[04:32:34] League is the most fun game in the world.
[04:32:36] If people are willing to play League of Legends
[04:32:44] But 90% of time, people aren't willing to play League because they get frustrated. so so so Well, we just needed to finish the dragon and leave.
[04:33:36] It's kind of funny. All we had to do there was finish Drake and leave, but Lucian and Zoe wanted to fight.
[04:33:53] Because fighting... I mean, fighting's fun! Don't get me wrong.
[04:33:59] Fighting is very fun. Like when you fight in League it's-it's fun. It's fun to fight.
[04:34:04] Problem is, fighting is the worst thing you can do in league like fighting is fun but it's also the worst way to win the game you win the game by simply just winning the game.
[04:34:21] Oh, they all separated out of my arrow?
[04:34:24] What?
[04:34:26] That's actually crazy.
[04:34:38] Um... And I'm really sad. These games tonight have been...
[04:34:40] Really hard!
[04:34:41] Oh, I'm dead.
[04:34:46] Like... You have been
[04:34:47] smacked.
[04:34:48] I don't know.
[04:34:49] I don't know what to say.
[04:34:50] It's like...
[04:35:07] Just fight it. You're literally at an advantage! oh i'm so sad
[04:35:11] I feel like I can't stop dying because like nobody's playing with me
[04:35:15] Look at the enemy team!
[04:35:18] Kai'Sa and Ezreal have three people who are frontlining for them,
[04:35:22] I have...
[04:35:25] none. I have zero.
[04:35:31] It's really frustrating, man.
[04:35:35] Like Zoe support is not bad but this Zoe by the way has not had a single KP in 15 minutes.
[04:35:41] I'm not even kidding she has not gotten a single KP in 15 minutes of time. um okay Like, the enemy Rakan literally has fucking Zeke's man. Jesus.
[04:36:23] I don't know,
[04:36:24] I'm frustrated.
[04:36:28] I'm frustrated
[04:36:28] because of how stupid it is that you can't play a league of legends in solo queue
[04:36:36] uh if your team doesn't want to play with you but i mean it mean, it's my fault. Like,
[04:36:41] I'm the one who's
[04:36:42] playing badly.
[04:36:45] Right? Like, I'm not tilted at that.
[04:36:47] It's just like... It is my
[04:36:49] fault. I'm just frustrated at myself because it's my biggest flaw, I literally do not understand why I am like this.
[04:36:58] My biggest flaw is that I always want to help my team regardless of if it's a good or bad play
[04:37:04] and i put myself incredibly behind a lot of the time for that. i mean look
[04:37:30] perfect example you just watched it.
[04:37:35] I try and help the Lucian because he's caught,
[04:37:39] And we lose the game because of that.
[04:37:46] Damn... Damn. Alright, I'm gonna play one more game and then go to bed.
[04:37:50] I am going to play...
[04:37:53] Zero-
[04:37:54] I'm gonna try the double F strat where I don't ever zero.
[04:37:56] I'm going to try the double F strat where I don't ever participate
[04:37:58] in a single thing that's not pushing.
[04:38:02] Like,
[04:38:02] I'm never going to go...
[04:38:04] If my team is doing a bad play,
[04:38:07] I immediately ignore them.
[04:38:11] If I know it's a bad play or if I need
[04:38:13] to be somewhere else on the map,
[04:38:15] I'll do that. I'm going to try it,
[04:38:16] I'm going to try full on
[04:38:18] Going in with the mindset
[04:38:19] That i will not make a single play
[04:38:21] That i do not want to make personally
[04:38:23] And if they make it and they die
[04:38:24] It's on them
[04:38:26] If they tilt It doesn't, it's on them. If they tilt, it doesn't matter. It's
[04:38:28] on them. I'm gonna retrain my
[04:38:32] brain to do this.
[04:38:36] Okay? I don't have any other ways of doing it.
[04:38:38] I have to just retrain.
[04:38:40] It's literally just retraining your brain
[04:38:41] to not ever,
[04:38:43] ever help your team
[04:38:45] unless you agree with the call... you you Let's see how this game plays out when I do that... like i'm going to coin flip zero things right no solo queue fun pure consistency
[04:40:31] no coin flipping fights for fun no trying to outplay pure consistency 10 cs minutes good back timers No deaths. because we should have won that game, but what happened was my team was doing bad plays and I fell victim to copying their bad plays.
[04:41:16] That's literally it. It was, I followed bad play.... so........ you you.... All right, let's do it. No interaction.
[04:44:47] Full focus, zero interaction with anybody in the game.
[04:44:55] No deaths, good CS, good waves...
[04:45:00] forefront fights, only...
[04:45:09] Playing for self.
[04:45:38] And only me Thanks for watching! Mayumi didn't use a single summoner.
[04:45:41] Cool.
[04:45:52] By the way, we kill Jinx there 100% and we kill everybody actually if Yumi uses Exhaust on Jinx she dies. And...we win the game, but it's completely fine.
[04:46:03] I'm almost positive this Yuumi is a Q snipe. So,
[04:46:08] I looked her up and how she was reacting in champ selects
[04:46:13] it's very obviously a Q snipe
[04:46:16] so...I don't expect
[04:46:17] to win.
[04:46:19] Whoever's listening in the stream who's
[04:46:21] Q-Sniping though, hey man you did it!
[04:46:23] You made me more depressed than I was earlier
[04:46:25] and I'm proud of you.
[04:46:30] You're a great person, and I hope
[04:46:32] you succeed.
[04:47:02] Thank you. okay Exhaust, exhaust, exhaust, exhausts... Exhausts, then exhausts, then exhausts.
[04:47:06] Guess we're not using exhausts
[04:47:17] exhaust exhaust exhaust exhaust Hmm. Wow! Oh.
[04:47:49] Fun. Hope I end on a win.
[04:47:51] I hope I don't wake up tomorrow in-game.
[04:47:53] People like this Yuumi need to be shot in the face in game.
[04:47:57] Like, I genuinely mean that. This person is not a human to me.
[04:48:01] This person is just some subhuman piece of garbage
[04:48:03] that I genuinely don't think deserves
[04:48:06] to be breathing air.
[04:48:08] In-game, of course.
[04:48:11] These people are disgusting to me.
[04:48:17] Like, if I could pay money to not have this person ever come near anybody ever again,
[04:48:23] I would.
[04:48:29] Like, I just genuinely hate these people.
[04:48:36] Like yeah it's a video game, I get it but it's like dude after this long of people just griefing every day all day
[04:48:40] when you're trying to do a goal and you have people target
[04:48:42] into you and grieve and troll
[04:48:49] It really is just murders your your brain dude
[04:48:52] and i don't have sympathy for people that are willing to
[04:48:55] go out of their way to make other
[04:48:56] people unhappy i think those people need to be put in
[04:49:00] the dirt like genuinely so so I'm going to try and I don't think other people value their time.
[04:49:54] And I just, I dunno man...
[04:49:58] I know I can only control myself like like I'm not delusional.
[04:50:03] I wish that it wasn't every game like this, right?
[04:50:09] Last game, guy trolling. This game,
[04:50:12] guy trolling. This game,
[04:50:14] guy trolling. And they're always the supports because
[04:50:15] for some reason Riot has this
[04:50:18] idea that
[04:50:19] support players are like their pet I mean, I can't.
[04:50:42] Like, I'm so mentally exhausted at this point.
[04:50:46] I'll be real like,
[04:50:47] I mean that was my fault 100%.
[04:50:48] But I just...
[04:50:51] I'm mentally exhausted you know? After hours upon hours
[04:50:55] upon hours of this.
[04:50:57] It gets to you and it breaks
[04:50:58] your spirit.
[04:51:02] Like trying your best
[04:51:03] for hours on end
[04:51:04] just to have the Like trying your best for hours on end
[04:51:06] just to have like Losers Q-Snipe you and losers try troll and losers not trying to win
[04:51:11] Like it. Just feels bad
[04:51:28] And I don't know how to explain it. Like, I'm just full autopilot. No thought. No care. I was gonna giga try hard this game and then I saw that my Yuumi didn't use summoners in a level 1 all-in,
[04:51:39] then I 1v2'd them
[04:51:41] level 2. And she
[04:51:43] still didn't use summoners in a
[04:51:45] straight up 1v2.
[04:51:48] It's like use summoners in a straight up 1v2.
[04:51:52] It's like Geronimo, maybe she's bad it's like I mean in Diamond one i expect you to use your fucking summoner's men if this was like silver i get it right
[04:51:56] but like dude... Oh, my God. uh so so Boom. Headshot.
[04:52:58] I check on you every year or so, keep the faith.
[04:53:02] Don't waste your time on a plethora of virgins, just focus on playing well and feeling good. Hey, they give it a 10 man. I really appreciate that dude.
[04:53:26] Yeah, I know man like logically I get it right?
[04:53:31] Logically speaking I understand I shouldn't care and normally i don't
[04:53:35] right but it's been like 15 hours
[04:53:41] you know like when you stream all day and then you have a goal in mind.
[04:53:44] And you're like oh I want to improve, I wanna hit that goal.
[04:53:47] And you just have like...
[04:53:50] So many people.
[04:53:53] It's like I get it y'know logically I shouldn't ever be tilted and just do my best every game.
[04:53:57] I get it. But it just wears on you so much.
[04:54:04] I do really appreciate the nice words though.
[04:54:12] Oh, cool.
[04:54:22] Yep. Late exhaust yet again.
[04:54:26] Should have exhausted early but she held it until the graves was on top
[04:54:30] of me yep GG
[04:54:42] I truly hope nobody saw that.
[04:55:06] Now i'm here! I mean it's just crazy to think this entire game would have been different if Yuumi had just used her Sons of One. The ENTIRE game's different, like actually though.
[04:55:11] But...
[04:55:15] She didn't want to.
[04:55:19] ... I am so enjoying this!
[04:55:26] Holy shit.
[04:55:29] Woohoo, now I can bat around the body! I mean, it's fucking 2AM.
[04:55:39] I do enjoy League still but I've been playing it all day you know?
[04:55:46] Like I'm good. I'm just fucking frustrated because...
[04:56:24] I'm playing League all day. Oh that was one hell of a fucking... almost me dying I mean if i duo I could get to GM with like 95% win rate. I just...
[04:56:24] I really don't want to duo queue.
[04:56:28] It kind of cheapens
[04:56:29] the entire process of climbing.
[04:56:32] It's more fun.
[04:56:35] Duoing is definitely more fun, but it's more fun doing is definitely more fun but it's like cheapens the entire idea uh Shut down.
[04:56:58] I guess we're going this way!
[04:57:03] Must have ricocheted off a picket or... something.
[04:57:16] God, that's sick! I mean, I think I just have to give this turret... Turret's pretty fucking low. it turns pretty low oh Oh.
[04:57:33] Didn't use heal.
[04:57:39] Fun.
[04:57:44] You see what I mean, though?
[04:57:46] Like I'm not gonna lie
[04:57:48] AD carry is the best role in the game when you're able to play
[04:57:53] the role with human beings.
[04:57:56] Not fucking oxygen thieves who every single game queue up to have fucking brain cancer
[04:58:03] just spread throughout the entire rift like I just wish wish support mains had to take IQ tests before they could fight League of Legends.
[04:58:17] Genuinely... I don't know. Mike. I don't know man.
[04:58:58] Can we go next so I can...
[04:59:04] Just... Play a different game? just
[04:59:39] play a different game so Like I said, man. League is fun. This is 15 hours of the worst elo in-in the entire game. That's why my mental is shot right now.
[04:59:42] It has nothing to do with, like, League as a whole or anything crazy.
[04:59:54] It's just 15 hours of
[04:59:56] the worst ELO that you can possibly play in. Of any elo in existence, Diamond I Masters is quite literally the worst hero in existence. the enemy Janna is quite literally just smurfing on everyone while my Yuumi
[05:00:27] probably begs her duo to take his pants off.
[05:00:37] Sleep on mic retards.
[05:00:45] Read your message?
[05:00:48] I don't want to play at least, man. It's going to make...
[05:00:49] Like, I'll be real, I like money
[05:00:51] and I like subs but
[05:00:54] dude, I'm gonna fucking
[05:00:56] blow my brains out in-game if I have to play an
[05:00:58] LA Struggle game, I'm gonna be real with you.
[05:00:59] I can't right now.
[05:01:16] Emerald is not cancer, you just trash that league Anybody who says Emerald is hard to climb in
[05:01:36] Is just coping
[05:01:37] I have played this game for 12 years
[05:01:40] And I've never gotten stuck
[05:01:41] In Plat or Emerald once
[05:01:44] in my lifetime.
[05:01:48] Like not
[05:01:48] once in my life have I gotten stuck in that elo.
[05:01:59] The reason people say Emerald's hard to climb in is because they fucking suck.
[05:02:02] Like, all you have to do to win an Emerald
[05:02:03] is quite literally just fundamentally play the game like you will do everything better
[05:02:09] you will farm better you will uh macro better micro better. They're just bad.
[05:02:52] Thank you.. They said, it's not about my rank or anything like that right now.
[05:02:56] It's about the fact that my last three games were so unplayably bad that I just don't,
[05:02:59] like I just want one game.
[05:03:01] One singular game
[05:03:04] where I have four people
[05:03:06] trying their best
[05:03:07] locking it in
[05:03:09] playing the game and then playing their best, locking it in playing the game
[05:03:11] playing their best champions
[05:03:12] playing their best efforts
[05:03:14] fully locked in
[05:03:15] giving it their all
[05:03:16] if I can get one game like that
[05:03:19] I will stop bitching
[05:03:20] One one game like that, I will stop bitching.
[05:03:22] One.
[05:03:26] Like, one single game where people are putting in effort.
[05:03:27] One.
[05:03:29] That's all I ask. One game
[05:03:31] where people are
[05:03:34] queuing up to play the game
[05:03:36] that they are queuing to play.
[05:04:09] What one game.
[05:04:10] Where I have a human being on my team was like, yo, I got your back man.
[05:04:14] Let's try and win this.
[05:04:16] Like masters diamond is literally you are the only one who tries to win every game you play in this halo and if
[05:04:27] your team will never attempt to win the game enemy team won't attempt
[05:04:33] to win the game they'll all Everybody will run in circles fighting,
[05:04:36] throwing their buttons until somebody loses.
[05:04:42] Then they'll queue up and they'll do it again because
[05:04:44] everybody in this new generation is brain rot.
[05:04:48] Anybody who's not in Grandmaster Challenger
[05:04:50] is a brain rot retard, who basically only wants to
[05:04:54] push their button, turn their brain off and just do nothing because
[05:04:57] their life's a failure.
[05:05:05] It drives me crazy. Okay. Like, I'm sorry for being rude.
[05:05:35] 15 hours of league with some of the worst humans on the planet.
[05:05:40] We'll do that to you.
[05:05:51] I genuinely wouldn't wish
[05:05:52] if I had a mortal enemy
[05:05:55] who wanted me to die
[05:05:57] I wouldn't
[05:05:59] wish one single game in the 0 on them.
[05:06:08] Like, I genuinely think it would be more – it would be nicer – to like feed
[05:06:27] somebody's ball sack
[05:06:30] to like
[05:06:30] a park of pigeons.
[05:06:36] Like stretch them out and let
[05:06:37] pigeons peck at their nut sack. That would be nicer than forcing
[05:06:41] them to play a Masters Diamond 1 League of Legends
[05:06:44] video game.
[05:06:49] Because
[05:06:49] at least, like... At least like you're feeding somebody.
[05:07:00] Like at least the birds don't fly away hungry. why are we hungry okay Hey man, do you mind if I just don't do this OPIg review right now like i'll refund you dude i just i now is not a good time.. Thank you. Hey, thank you so much for the raid Alex. I appreciate it.
[05:08:28] I hope you had a wonderful stream. Have some nice food..... What do I want to play?
[05:09:45] I don't know, man.
[05:09:49] Let's see they picked Eve which is pretty feels Batman I I hate playing receive.. I don't know. What the fuck is that comp?
[05:11:05] I mean, it's various top maokai kate support i guess and then eve hmm Hmm.
[05:11:22] Well, let's do an MF game.
[05:11:32] I don't think MF is super good at the moment, to be honest.
[05:11:36] But...I'm down to play one.
[05:11:40] The Bloodthirster shield will help a lot with the uh... Like bt shell to help a bit with
[05:11:48] eve Okay. I've seen so many EVE players lately.
[05:12:18] I think that champ sucks, but... but I know what I'm doing.
[05:12:41] Eve is a weird
[05:12:42] fucking champion design, because
[05:12:44] she's so bad.
[05:12:48] The champ is so dogshit,
[05:12:51] but she's super overpowered
[05:12:52] if
[05:12:53] you're if people don't respect it.
[05:13:03] It genuinely goes from being the most dogshit champ in the game to the most
[05:13:08] oppressive champ in the game really fucking quick.
[05:13:15] Because if you
[05:13:16] just don't
[05:13:17] play to Eve's like game and you just do macro
[05:13:24] right like if you just do macro and you just
[05:13:27] like never overextend in stupid spots
[05:13:29] And just play for all your vision
[05:13:31] Yves is pretty dogshit
[05:13:34] Actually the champ's kinda not worth playing ever
[05:13:40] Unless you like like Plunk Eve, obviously.
[05:13:49] Am I best here? I don't know if she's S tier.
[05:13:52] I would say... Oh, okay.
[05:14:05] I'd say she's A+.
[05:14:26] Okay. so Because I think the champs that are better than her Are still better than her
[05:14:27] Like Ezreal
[05:14:30] I'm pretty sure is still better than MF
[05:14:32] Kaisa is still better than mf uh kaisa is still better in a math so
[05:14:52] we need to back.
[05:14:57] He's gonna flash W me?
[05:15:01] I actually want to back even though they're low.
[05:15:06] Does he know i'm here? He does, I'm dead!
[05:15:13] Damn that was a good ward by him. I did not expect Damn.
[05:15:17] That was a good ward by him.
[05:15:18] I did not expect it.
[05:15:24] I like how the Caitlyn flashed, though.
[05:15:25] That's kind of funny. Because I'll be real like she did not need to flash
[05:15:39] I do think it was...
[05:15:42] I don't think we're still fine, though.
[05:15:53] Like, I'm not nearly as tilted as last game because the Janna's actually really good. Her lane phase was really really good so I gotta be a little care
[05:16:27] I don't want to get like flanked by Maokai to my left. um Yeah, this Janna's very good.
[05:17:03] Jesus Christ. I have been
[05:17:07] blessed! so so Thank you for watching! I don't to go back.
[05:18:28] I really want to go back because there's no way he catches me with that flash.
[05:18:36] I want to go back because I have the F sword.
[05:18:40] But, I also don't want to go back because...
[05:18:44] If they try and back on this timer, they're fucked.
[05:18:48] So, they have to crash the wave.
[05:18:49] And when they crash this wave, there's no way they can dive me
[05:18:53] so I just chill. And then I can do this.
[05:19:18] And now, I have tempo advantage.
[05:19:22] Huge!
[05:19:42] Sure you can handle me? But yeah, I do think MF is
[05:19:44] really good in this meta.
[05:19:48] Like I said,
[05:19:49] her issue is that she
[05:19:50] struggles really hard with being useful compared to the other ADs. I Yeah, I will man. I gotta go into the, I got you.
[05:20:33] Hmm... I don't mind weaksiding too much here.
[05:20:38] Like, if Janna's roaming, it's not that big of a deal.
[05:20:42] I do think we could definitely just kill these guys
[05:20:44] if she comes bot
[05:20:45] because I have a BF sword to her Dirk I do think we can definitely just kill these guys if she comes bot.
[05:20:47] Because, I have a BF sword to her Dirk. Like, I'm in a really good spot but...
[05:20:55] I should actually land it then. so you see how like all I really have to do is survive in the bot lane? Uh oh. Maybe not.
[05:21:42] It seems my team has been vanquished in a
[05:21:43] advantageous position.
[05:23:08] Set sail! so so me nice I'm kind of sad that we lost Dragon, but it's fun. 1750. Oof. Even if I sell my... oof. That's such a fucking feels bad man, what the hell?
[05:23:12] Like imagine being 50 gold off your fucking item.
[05:23:16] Oof.
[05:23:27] Dang, that's unfortunate!
[05:23:31] See if he walks up? Nah, he's not.
[05:23:35] I mean... all I can really do this game like my team's kind of running it on topside now.
[05:23:43] But I mean, all I can really do is just chill.
[05:23:45] Right?
[05:23:46] You just chill. Right? You just relax.
[05:23:49] Try not to die to Eve.
[05:23:52] Go even.
[05:24:02] Because my Janna's roaming a lot and she's getting a lot done.
[05:24:08] Which means even though they're kind of getting smoked on the other side of the map, She's getting so much done on either side of the map she's getting so much done on the
[05:24:10] other side of the map that even though they're getting smoked a bit
[05:24:13] uh it's worth it because she's like stopping
[05:24:16] them from getting smoked harder.
[05:24:20] If that makes sense. Okay. Step 2 Oh, Do we think Eve is bot right now?
[05:24:58] I think she could be. And the fact that she could be is scaring me. Would she gank bot by herself? Very likely not.
[05:25:27] Oops.
[05:25:55] Okay. so This is actually pretty good.
[05:25:57] We got mid turret, we got bot turret...
[05:25:59] ...we got good CS.
[05:26:03] This is actually a pretty good situation to be in now what should I
[05:26:14] what boots should I build?
[05:26:17] Probably tabi's.
[05:26:19] I feel like this is definitely a tabi's game.
[05:26:30] I mean, Ghost2 still plays. I saw him streaming the other day.
[05:26:34] What is this? I'm level, I'm almost level 11.
[05:26:56] Like real talk we could fucking... I can demolish these guys man.
[05:27:04] Yeah, I'm very fucking strong. I just need Janna sits with me I can actually just straight up kill everybody on their team.
[05:27:26] Not even... not even kidding.
[05:27:40] You've got dangerous eyes! Not even kidding. I think it's... uh oh Uh oh.
[05:28:12] Oh, I was right! Okay, I'm not gonna lie to you, I was right.
[05:28:17] Okay, I'm not gonna lie to you, I was kind of like half...
[05:28:21] I was like half bullshitting when I said that I think I could kill everybody on their team
[05:28:24] But like, I was- I don't know, I was right. I could kill them all.
[05:28:33] Cool.
[05:28:42] Dude, BTMF is crazy!
[05:28:47] Like your early game is out. I haven't played enough BTMF
[05:28:49] to like...
[05:28:51] This was one of my first games that I've played MF in a while
[05:28:55] Dude, this is kinda insane.
[05:28:59] Maybe I should just spam BTMF to fucking Grandmaster?
[05:29:02] Like you just...
[05:29:08] Have this like aura, I don't know. It's like this fucking aura of like...
[05:29:14] Like I said, I don't think it's OP?
[05:29:16] It's hard to...
[05:29:19] It's hard to explain.
[05:29:21] Because, it's not like broken
[05:29:25] But it's like
[05:29:29] You're so fucking strong
[05:30:27] Foreign so so so Hmm. The only thing that kind of sucks is I don't really know where to go on the map at this point.
[05:30:28] Mid?
[05:30:29] We already took mid T2. t2 Okay, that was cool. run i like that Yeah, I don't know if MF is broken or what is happening.
[05:31:41] But I am running over the enemy team. Like I just killed the Riven point blank, tanked her in the face. so I'm just gonna go. i listen i'm down for you glazing me like that's sick but like you know i
[05:32:10] like a good glazing but i've done nothing
[05:32:34] this is wild like straight up I've done actually nothing. Yeah, I don't know what this Kane's name is.
[05:32:34] What the fuck is that?
[05:32:39] He's got like characters in his fucking name. I'm gonna need you to stay with me if you can.
[05:33:09] I know this Eve is lurking somewhere so not step two so so hmm so I think we can just get Baron.
[05:34:50] I mean,
[05:34:50] I'm pretty fucking strong.
[05:35:03] Is this a Merc Dreads game? I think it is.
[05:35:11] Because they have so much CC.
[05:35:56] Oh nice! unstoppable oh nice uh don't get cocky I mean, I am so fucking strong. I'm all 15! This is insane.
[05:36:07] I want to do this, I'm going to do this.
[05:36:14] Oh, he backed.
[05:36:17] You know what? Fuck it. Let's just do it anyway.
[05:36:23] ... so so um dangerous eyes i like that hmm Guys, I just face tanked a Revan.
[05:37:25] Like, I literally didn't move.
[05:37:35] Do we think that's fair?
[05:37:50] Maybe I shouldn't have done that Nah, I mean maybe we win.
[05:37:52] You know what? Worth it.
[05:37:53] I don't care.
[05:37:55] Fucking worth it.
[05:37:57] It ended the game faster.
[05:38:00] Okay. end of the game faster.
[05:38:08] Man, maybe MF is broken? I can't tell!
[05:38:12] Like...I did just literally face tank Riven but she had no armor
[05:38:14] so I can't tell, man. Eve did 5000 damage.
[05:38:44] Holy shit!
[05:38:47] That Eve did the same damage as Maokai.
[05:38:53] Like, you know you got crippled when
[05:38:55] you're doing less damage than the Jaina.
[05:38:59] Holy shit! That was a fun game.
[05:39:13] Now here's the kicker, though.
[05:39:20] Do we call it on that game and try and sleep? Because technically, that was like a fun game or
[05:39:34] do i try another MF game? I mean,
[05:39:52] I was pretty down bad before that game.
[05:39:59] That was a rough one.
[05:40:00] Not going to lie to you, boys.
[05:40:02] I've been having a rough few hours.
[05:40:10] Okay, it's not showing it but
[05:40:10] you can see we were playing
[05:40:15] well and then all of a sudden like boom.
[05:40:19] We got griefed.. I don't know. Let me think.
[05:40:55] My hand could probably use a little bit of rest.
[05:40:58] ..... Yeah, I mean,
[05:41:27] I've been playing so long, man.
[05:41:29] Look at this.
[05:41:33] I think...
[05:41:39] Uh, I think I played 19 games today.
[05:41:47] I think I played for 14 hours straight, almost. No, we played 15.
[05:42:00] Sorry, we played 20 games because it hasn't updated.
[05:42:13] Yeah, we played
[05:42:13] 20 games today.
[05:42:15] Dude, that's so many games a league.
[05:42:17] Like when you're 33
[05:42:18] and your wrist hurts?
[05:42:19] No.
[05:42:24] But I think
[05:42:25] we have the strategy to But I think...
[05:42:28] We have the strategy.
[05:42:35] Like, I think we can get through Masters Diamond playing MF. If I can deal with the sheer amount of boredom that this champion brings... Wait, where's my MF game?
[05:42:55] Where'd my game go?
[05:43:03] What?
[05:43:06] Hello?
[05:43:15] Wha- I didn't hallucinate this, right?!
[05:43:19] Where the fuck is my game?
[05:43:26] Wait, we just played a mech game right? Like I'm not that tired Maybe you're right.
[05:43:47] Maybe that guy's name broke it.
[05:43:54] Like, that's completely possible.
[05:43:57] Like the system
[05:44:08] couldn't find him
[05:44:09] like in the somehow his name
[05:44:12] was like unfindable.
[05:44:16] So it just didn't register the game in the match history.
[05:44:20] That's actually kind of crazy.
[05:44:24] I didn't know that could even happen.
[05:44:48] Wow!. Cool.
[05:44:56] I like how Alex rated me or whatever right
[05:44:59] and then she just left
[05:45:00] she was like She's like, I'm gonna go eat. Oh, food is super important.
[05:45:57] Trust me, I get it you know what guys I think I am going to call it. Yo, X Firm. I will refund your stuff. I got you bro.
[05:45:59] I'll do it when i log off
[05:46:06] i won't forget about you no man Yeah, I'm gonna go lay in bed and relax.
[05:46:20] Uh, I'll be live tomorrow like always.
[05:46:22] Thank you guys so much for watching.
[05:46:25] Thanks for all the subs we got today.
[05:46:27] Thanks for everybody dealing with me being an emotional little bitch over a children's video game.
[05:46:41] I really appreciate it. I appreciate you guys more than you will probably ever know. Like, I might hate League of Legends sometimes because the game is shitty sometimes.
[05:47:00] It's great!
[05:47:01] It's a great game but you know, the community community is kinda trash sometimes.
[05:47:07] I do love streaming and I do love my community for the most part.
[05:47:16] You guys are awesome.
[05:47:30] It means a lot that I can turn on my stream and just chill with you guys for, uh, you know, a few hours at a time. It's definitely one of the best parts
[05:47:38] of my day.
[05:47:40] So I appreciate it.
[05:47:41] I appreciate you guys
[05:47:42] hanging out.
[05:47:51] I'll see you guys tomorrow, if I don't see you tomorrow.
[05:47:56] Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend.