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Try Hard Climb Day no more trolling! We Abuse Adc

07-25-2024 · 6h 44m

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[00:00:00] so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so oh Oh so so so so so so so so so so Oh, I'm so dead. so so so so so so so so so. so so so so so so so so so so so so so Thank you. so so so so so so so I've been getting so little actual spell upgrades it's kind of silly so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so many tentacles
[00:19:56] so many tentacles.
[00:20:00] So many tentacles!
[00:20:07] ...... so so so so Run! so so so so so Oh, I think I'm dead.. Oh, no. The wave.
[00:22:32] Oh, well.
[00:22:34] Damn. I gave it my all.
[00:22:37] I think I just fucked up when
[00:22:39] I
[00:22:39] had too many shitty upgrades earlier.
[00:22:52] Oops.
[00:22:54] Oh, well.
[00:22:55] I'm just trying to eat, start the stream.
[00:22:57] What's up guys
[00:23:02] how you guys doing what's up
[00:23:06] so i was trying to play something where
[00:23:08] i could just afk and try and eat while I played.
[00:23:12] I'm almost done eating.
[00:23:15] Oh, what's up?
[00:23:17] How we doing?
[00:23:21] What's up lads.
[00:23:25] Suppity sup sup
[00:23:29] I'm gonna play Leona and stay afk. so so time to sit here and eat some more food.
[00:24:15] Oh, never mind! It's actually so incredibly hard...
[00:24:29] To, uh...
[00:24:33] Eat while running around the sun map. I ain't gonna lie. so so Cool.
[00:25:10] Oops! Nobody saw that. Listen, I can't use my mouse right now.
[00:25:27] Be nice. house right now be nice fuck so Oh, At least I'm playing a tanky champ. We got that going for us, don't worry boys. hmm oh he knocked me in thanks bro
[00:26:58] appreciate it Do I actually want damage over...
[00:27:18] Hmm.
[00:27:21] I don't know!
[00:27:24] Bug it. okay so Oh Cool.
[00:27:59] Alright, hope I can finish eating. I wonder where the Belbbet thing is gonna be.
[00:28:28] I have no idea. Oh, it's in the bottom. so
[00:28:56] much bonus xp early should be huge oh boy What? What?
[00:29:24] WHAT?! What?
[00:29:27] I got hit by a meteor.
[00:29:28] Oh, that's BS. Okay. Bullshit!
[00:29:39] How fucking dare you?
[00:29:43] Bullfucking shit. Bull fucking shit, dicks. okay yo good morning How's everybody doing?
[00:30:07] Oh!
[00:30:11] What's up lads?
[00:30:15] I'm just gonna go ahead and Sup lads.
[00:30:25] Yeah, hit him with the shield slam.
[00:30:28] Give it to him. Boom!
[00:30:30] Boom!
[00:31:06] Boom! boom so Hmm. Area size even worse, probably? worth probably so so Whoa! so so so I don't have haste.
[00:32:37] That's not good. This is going to be an interesting run with no haste. so so so so so so so hmm Not having spells...
[00:34:27] is funny.
[00:34:29] Maybe I should re-roll some spells.
[00:34:33] Like, it's probably a good idea. so Maybe I should have taken the annihilator Fuck it. fuck it
[00:35:29] survive in the circle swarms got it so so so so so so so Vroom vroom motherfucker I really want like Ice Armor or something not these dog shit
[00:37:31] but it's not giving me like ice armor or radiant or something. You guys are toxic, bro. with the absolute
[00:37:58] hold on almost
[00:38:04] oh all right i can Hold on. Almost done here. Oh...
[00:38:07] Alright, I can use my mouth now!
[00:38:11] Let's do it!
[00:38:45] ... so so Dude, I actually have so little actual damage. Oh thank god.
[00:39:00] Race to the finish! Alright, we're racing.
[00:39:08] We made it?... I don't know how much I like Enemies. so huh
[00:39:39] oh we got the haste one. so so so A Belvedere trial has fallen. On my way I'll be real.
[00:40:59] I should probably kill
[00:41:01] the big guys before
[00:41:04] I do this trial.
[00:41:09] Okay. before I do this trial. That is a lot of motherfuckers. so so so
[00:41:45] cogmas dude
[00:41:49] the cogmas man The fucking Kog'Maws, man. so so so so I think if we just upgrade all of the stupid shit, like, I won't see it anymore and everything will just automatically be
[00:43:03] the other upgrades.
[00:43:09] So like now, I should never see any upgrades that aren't just actual
[00:43:13] upgrades.
[00:46:28] In theory! so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so Okay, cool.
[00:46:30] Now we got this upgraded? Holy shit!
[00:46:41] Wait, swords OP? so so so Okay, I only need what?
[00:47:29] Three more levels and three more cards what three more levels and i ought to are three more cards in
[00:47:32] three more levels so so Oh my god, I need another card.
[00:48:17] I don't think there's gonna be another card before I can fucking... No!
[00:48:28] My upgrades! so okay i do not do damage so I can't even kill it with that ult thing
[00:49:23] god damn it
[00:49:25] oh my god
[00:49:27] I took like i was like the greediest build ever and i
[00:49:33] was like it was good but i don't do any single target damage at all
[00:49:40] oh that's funny.
[00:49:41] Alright, whatever dude.
[00:49:43] Holy shit. Oh, oops. Did I put that in right?
[00:50:04] Oh, I did. Sweet.
[00:50:06] All right, boys.
[00:50:09] I'm going to queue up
[00:50:09] and then I'll be uh right to back....... Oh. Thank you.... Don't worry, I made it back.. So,. Okay.. Zeris support? Talk. Who the fuck picks Zera's support? Xero support. Okay.. Okay..... you
[00:56:00] you
[00:56:04] part of back All right, I'm back.
[00:56:08] Dude, I was gonna play Tristana.
[00:56:11] Uh... And the enemy Ashe banned Trist.
[00:56:16] Like who does that?
[00:56:18] Who bans Trist as Ashe?
[00:56:21] How many Trist on an AD Carries are you seeing
[00:56:24] that you're like, oh I better ban it which is not a care as you see
[00:56:25] the like all i've ever been it's Like, God damn man. How many of these bucks are they seeing? Oh yes.
[00:57:05] Stick with me and you'll be fine. Stick with me, and you'll be fine.
[00:57:10] I'm sure...
[00:57:16] I'm sure Ezreal I'm sure Ezreal.
[00:57:19] I'm sure bro.
[00:57:31] Okay. 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[00:57:40] Feels like the whole world gone crazy right on schedule
[00:58:00] marty bird Marty Bird. Minions have spawned. Water's cold.
[00:58:01] Something touched my foot!
[00:58:04] Alright, lads. Hey there, Gauntlet. How you doing buddy? Don't make me put my goggles on What the fuck? oh uh Nice, we got the exhaust we got the heel
[00:59:31] not bad we got both sons so You have seen the movies.
[00:59:49] I was a snake, now you can be me.
[00:59:54] That was a warning shot!
[01:00:03] Ha! I missed my cannon.
[01:00:06] This kind of sucks,
[01:00:07] like can't... Like uh...
[01:00:09] I might just
[01:00:13] My wave is not in a good spot
[01:01:06] Oh so uh here What? Nope. The fuck was that bro? I'm not sure what you're talking about. that warwick seems uh a little bit special. oh I kind of want to spam shove, but we'll probably just wait until they get back to lane.
[01:02:02] Because I want to push them under their turret, and I want and get a lot of turret damage.
[01:02:12] That guy just got four mans.
[01:02:22] That Warwick has every single one of his camps up.
[01:03:39] And he's choosing to try and invade the nudo that is hilarious so so so so yeah The Nunu's gonna have to come down here and help his Ashe. His Ashe is level 4. is that's level four so so uh
[01:04:21] probably just back i do love fighting but I'm pretty low and I don't want to
[01:04:27] give a shutdown I mean they just use three ults to try and get uh kill us or one big ulti and then uh the wave is
[01:04:40] in a decent spot now one big olden two sums that's what i meant to say so basically three olds
[01:04:50] i don't read books about the world it's not bad though
[01:04:53] if i hadn't missed that queue on ash i'd'd probably be Thanos right now.
[01:04:58] I think I'm pretty close to
[01:04:59] Thanos but we're not quite there.
[01:05:06] Nami is still roaming. draven
[01:05:23] okay nami and nunu are top so let's take the turret uh uh so Damn, I missed three Q's.
[01:06:18] Honestly really bad gameplay by me.
[01:06:25] I think me and Xerath could have actually probably killed all three.
[01:06:31] If I had ulted the Nami instead of the Zed, insta-killed her and then...
[01:06:34] Or, I mean, Brand and then kited. We'd probably kill.
[01:06:38] It's not bad though!
[01:06:40] Zed should be able to get two plates.
[01:06:43] One, two, three, four! Zed should be able to get two plates.
[01:07:05] Once we take this tower, uh... We just rotate. uh Cool. Let's take this!
[01:07:11] I'm not gonna push that one because it's too late.
[01:09:26] I'm not gonna push that wave, we're just gonna rotate. rotate mid get this guy out of this lane We should do grubs right now, and we should just go stop that 100%. Oh, okay. so so uh uh so all right we can get this turret, we recall?
[01:09:32] We should probably go top. I don depends on what Nasus wants to do.
[01:09:42] Because if we go top, we can definitely get like...
[01:09:45] Actually I don't know if we could even make it up there in time to get plates.
[01:09:51] We are accelerating the game ultra fast right now so what we gotta do now is we got to start
[01:09:55] walking around the map and we got to start killing them since I have almost
[01:10:01] two items at 13 minutes we're gonna start just like kind of pushing our lead
[01:10:05] a bit
[01:10:13] holy moly i have a lot of i'm already level nine so Thanks for watching! All right.
[01:10:55] Nice, we got T2. We go get Mana Moon...
[01:11:01] Get reffed and end this shit.
[01:11:05] All of this belongs in the museum.
[01:11:09] I won't say anything. Yo, Pretorna.
[01:11:14] Thank you for the two months, man.
[01:11:15] Welcome back. i always know a shortcut so Oh, a plan! Yeah, I can't be bothered. he's just gonna top No way to predict a twist and turns ahead.
[01:12:04] That's why I wing it!
[01:12:07] We're just gonna walk around the map and take everything.
[01:12:17] Ugh! I'm surprised they didn't forfeit, to be honest. What is this Warwick doing? so I'm going to try and get the That asshole's really trying to kill that guy But damn.
[01:13:33] I mean, I'm not gonna lie...
[01:13:44] The enemy team is very, very, very Giga behind. I'm a little impressed they're not forfeiting
[01:13:46] because that's kind of impressive
[01:13:47] because they are
[01:13:53] probably down like 11 K gold okay I almost have three items and my mana moon's not even half stacked do it uh yeah um okay the beaten path is a boring path
[01:15:14] why would you take that, Zen? i'm actually impressed they're making us do this
[01:15:40] like they're genuinely just sitting inside their base yeah uh marvel
[01:16:15] and my boots are not waterproof fantastic honestly we just do baron on spawn and win the game I'm surprised they're holding hostage though.
[01:16:46] Like it's actually kind of crazy. so so so I'm just gonna leave.
[01:17:30] I mean, I guess I get it. Our team...
[01:17:32] I guess our team
[01:17:35] i guess our team just kind of sucks
[01:17:36] that's probably why they're doing this
[01:17:39] because like oh shit
[01:17:40] we realized that the enemy team
[01:17:43] other than the ezreal kind of sucks
[01:17:50] guys what are you doing I am embarrassed for that Zed. Not gonna lie.
[01:18:57] Okay. uh uh another Yo, homies! Are we gonna play as a team or not
[01:19:00] what is going on my warwick's farming camps
[01:19:06] i mean i guess i get it they don't know how to end games in the cmo
[01:19:27] now i see why you guys didn't forfeit i get it Like, why are we recalling? I have Baron! Whatever. I guess we need Sol.
[01:19:36] I think my team is like, they don't realize that I'm
[01:19:40] 226 CS to
[01:19:42] Ashe's 93.
[01:20:30] Oh! so so uh I mean, I ain't gonna lie.
[01:20:32] Oh my god!
[01:20:34] My team did something. so manipulation runs in my family it's in my blood like uh i mean i'm just confused what's happening guys
[01:21:20] xerath has an ulting
[01:21:24] use your alts Dude, I unironically
[01:21:36] cannot believe what I'm watching right now.
[01:21:41] That I am this far ahead on AD Carry and it's actually just me versus the enemy team.
[01:21:47] Look! Use your ulti!
[01:21:55] Come on, retard.
[01:21:56] Oh, he's too retarded.
[01:22:00] Jesus. Jesus.
[01:22:17] Oh my god, they finally forfeited. Thank God because this Nasus, Zerath and Warwick might have had brain damage. Like I've never seen three people so stupid they don't know how to walk into the enemy with a giant lead.
[01:22:31] Holy fuck. So, Okay. Holy shit. holy
[01:23:18] did i could not have i could not have been further ahead during the mid game
[01:23:36] like i have never seen a team ahead by 8000 gold and the games take another 10 minutes. I've never seen that.
[01:23:39] But every time I walk up to do anything,
[01:23:43] my team is just
[01:23:45] standing in the lanes doing nothing. They're not sieging or anything.
[01:23:49] So I can solo siege but they have too much ways of killing me if I make a mistake...... you you Not gonna lie though, I don't think I've seen a team play as safe as that team played either
[01:25:20] though.
[01:25:21] Like the enemy team was essentially sitting inside of their base
[01:25:24] for 10 straight minutes
[01:25:25] that was like the most
[01:25:30] them trying to stall the game
[01:25:32] I've ever seen
[01:25:33] Diamond trying to stall the game I've ever seen like
[01:25:34] Diamond players do. Okay.. Serafine, you say? Hmm....... This guy locked in SONAAA!
[01:27:51] Why do you people hate me? Okay. I was actually thinking about going TP this game because of... Definitely considering.
[01:28:55] Because there's not a ton of...
[01:29:00] There's not a ton of kill pressure in these lands
[01:29:13] welcome to summoners i gotta mute.
[01:29:21] I can already tell this Yasuo is
[01:29:25] gonna lose his fucking mind Oh so I think I'm dead.
[01:29:51] I am.
[01:29:53] I shouldn't have even flashed, fuck it.
[01:30:13] I am dead! Wait, I just walked that Yasuo not auto attack that Seraphine? Oh my god!
[01:30:17] What the fuck. The fucker! great job if you have a college degree which i do not have a college degree Once we get
[01:30:52] level 2, I can just 1v2 them
[01:31:03] I mean there's no way this guy walks up right? This is crazy
[01:31:48] What are you doing bro what so I'm going to try and get the first one. Once it's a ruin, I can...
[01:31:52] We could fight these guys pretty easily right now.
[01:32:00] There might be a chance that Kha'Zix is bot.
[01:32:24] So we do need to be a little bit hesitant on just like straight up eating forward without wards, but... But... Yeah, Kha'Zix is here. We gotta kill Kha'Zix.
[01:32:28] Bro! Bro.
[01:32:31] Oh, my Sona's terrible.
[01:32:35] It's fine, it's fine,
[01:32:39] it's fine.
[01:32:46] I could've just warded or ping to ward or backed off so it is what it is.
[01:32:53] Again, anytime I die in this this hero it's always my fault.
[01:32:57] Cause like I know what's about to happen and I know trusting people is...
[01:33:04] Like if you trust bad players, you're just as bad as they are. Like that's on
[01:33:05] you.
[01:33:38] ... Yeah, he has a 20% win rate on Sona. Please go put wards down, Senon. another day, another bullseye Why is my Sona not hitting them?
[01:34:18] She's literally walking in circles!
[01:34:22] Seraphine is weaving spells, weaving autos...
[01:34:25] Like blocking my Q. Sona's
[01:34:28] drooling on her fucking self watching
[01:34:30] Netflix on second monitor wondering where her
[01:34:32] fucking duo is.
[01:34:45] ... I genuinely hate players like Sona. but it is what it
[01:34:50] is
[01:34:56] you're not hit the wave. Stop!
[01:35:04] You've already fucked up enough
[01:35:06] of my waves, stop!
[01:35:12] It's like it's like they enjoy being retarded
[01:35:16] it's really like support mains enjoy having brain damage. I can smell her
[01:35:24] brain trying to work. It's disgusting and
[01:35:28] embarrassing. Oh.
[01:35:47] Sona's 800 feet behind me, not using spells?
[01:35:50] Cool.
[01:36:00] Okay. Cool. How come I never get to go
[01:36:02] versus the Sonos of the world?
[01:36:04] Why are they always on my team?
[01:36:07] They should let me go versus the Sonas.
[01:36:11] Genuinely.
[01:36:42] I'd be Challenger tomorrow. priceless artifacts for sale an ally has been slain so you couldn't hit Q?
[01:36:55] Oh my god, you people are really bad
[01:37:00] guys
[01:37:07] whatever let's just scale.
[01:37:11] If I know one thing about this elo that is always true...
[01:37:15] They will never know how to end the game.
[01:37:21] So we can just play it for scaling.
[01:37:26] Dude,
[01:37:27] can you stop hitting minions man?
[01:37:33] Like bro just stop.
[01:38:10] Oh my god. This Sona needs to be put into some kind of camp, you know so she can have a good summer vacation. My Sona didn't kill. Please get cancer brain tumors, please let them grow
[01:38:21] Like I genuinely think Sona needs to get some cancer.
[01:38:24] I mean it!
[01:38:25] I mean, like...
[01:38:26] There's no way this person is contributing anything positive
[01:38:29] To the world with, like, this level of gameplay
[01:38:31] It's with, like, this level of gameplay.
[01:38:36] It's borderline disgusting knowing that they breathe air.
[01:38:39] But it is what it is, you know?
[01:38:42] The world needs people that like you got to look at and say,
[01:38:46] I get it.
[01:38:52] Didn't use ulti. Cool. Or heal! is magic coming at you Maybe I can carry, but it's going to be hard. I don't know the rules, then how can i be breaking them?
[01:39:38] They shot me.
[01:39:45] Huh! She's already got a BT, it's going to be really hard first contact with me.
[01:40:02] Don't attempt anything glorious in my absence. I'm being frozen on. Hmm. Okay, Sona finally came back to lane. I respect it it only took her four minutes enemy seraphine is faker than Thanos and fucking Gumiasi all combined.
[01:41:05] Kiria... Mine is somebody that you would like look at on the side of the road
[01:41:09] kind of like give a double take and throw up a little bit in your mouth
[01:41:17] you'd be like oh god i think you know if there is a god like
[01:41:21] we should probably remove this person like they're having a pretty bad life, their value is
[01:41:26] pretty low. Looks like she's trolling I wish you would troll her. I-I wish she might like
[01:41:36] someday troll herself off a bridge
[01:41:39] Like, i think that'd be cool trolling
[01:41:42] Like if her car just went off a bridge someday in game I think I think you could be like oh man nissan was just trolling her dude
[01:41:53] her brakes failed damn she was getting trolled so so I should probably back. mmm let's roll back i think my team just got one v2'd dude Ah, my Sona's defending bot turret by herself.
[01:43:23] Like, I mean this though! Like, I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Players like this...
[01:43:25] I don't see why they're allowed to play League of Legends
[01:43:27] ever.
[01:43:35] Like, I genuinely mean this this you should not be allowed to physically queue up a league
[01:43:48] if you're playing like like this every game just trolling it's so boring man like the guys from china he's a cn player
[01:43:53] so i get he's upset that his region got shit on and smurfed on by Korea,
[01:43:55] like four straight years in a row.
[01:43:55] Like,
[01:43:56] I get it.
[01:43:56] You're retarded.
[01:43:57] Your region sucks.
[01:43:59] But like,
[01:44:00] why are we griefing NA solo queue bro? Yeah. you bro Please say yes.
[01:44:18] Please say yes, please say yes, please hit yes.
[01:44:25] Please hit yes man. I'll pay you to hit yes.
[01:44:29] I'm the only person on this team trying to win.
[01:44:33] I really don't want to have to carry everybody this game. Please say yes.
[01:44:36] Like, I have to save my mental for games that are a lot more likely to be one. so my
[01:45:09] one has no boots who needs a map uh so Okay.
[01:46:09] No, yeah, we for sure win this game game guys. I'm glad we didn't
[01:46:12] forfeit by the way. Like we for sure win with
[01:46:16] The CN player clearly
[01:46:20] Win trading player clearly win trading the top gwen went one six versus a champ they beat
[01:46:31] and our
[01:46:34] jungler there who's at least in one trick trying to play hecarim so I Mean are we gonna fight or not?
[01:47:08] Mmm whatever.
[01:47:11] At least the game's over.
[01:47:23] I mean, I don't even know what to say. I think it's a mid angle...
[01:47:24] I think we play mid every game today two bad supports
[01:47:28] two times in a row is already showing me if i want to actually like hard climb it's always
[01:47:34] a mid-angle ad carry is just too dogshit of a role
[01:47:37] to climb until you get into high reload
[01:47:39] because you're always going
[01:47:41] to get those Sonas.
[01:47:43] The Sonas who just AFK,
[01:47:45] troll, ruin the wave, grief.
[01:47:48] You're going to get those people on repeat because
[01:47:50] they're just... That's who
[01:47:52] they are as people.
[01:47:54] Sport players are just the worst human beings on the planet
[01:47:56] and it is what it
[01:47:59] is.
[01:55:10] .... Thank you. Okay.................................... Don't worry though. I'm going to start sitting in 45-minute queues. That's just how it's going to work.
[01:55:11] Unless I queue, like, top...
[01:55:13] Unless I queue, like, top topper jungle i would be sitting through like such such big cues Like, it's just going to happen. so.. You know what's kind of weird about comments like this?
[01:56:29] This guy said that I'm...
[01:56:34] I flame all day, but he said he hasn't watched my stream in years.
[01:56:41] Doesn't that seem like a little...
[01:56:44] Doesn't it seem like a little counter-wife?
[01:56:47] You're countering your own statement!
[01:56:51] You're saying you never
[01:56:52] watch the stream?
[01:57:06] That's cool, I'll just ban you.
[01:57:10] Banning YOU was the best part of my day! Thanks homie.
[01:57:19] Yo, it's cool.
[01:57:20] I'm just gonna ban you guys.
[01:57:21] You guys are bringing the vibe down so I'm just gonna ban you guys you guys are bringing the vibe down so
[01:57:24] i'm just going to ban you
[01:57:28] sorry is My life's real lucid, I don't know if I am dreaming or if I'm gonna die.
[01:57:48] If I die, I'm done.
[01:57:49] I'm a black hole doll.
[01:57:51] If you bring negativity to the stream, you get banned.
[01:57:54] I think it's pretty easy to just not be an
[01:57:56] asshole on the stream, you know?
[01:57:59] I think it's
[01:58:00] very, very easy to do.
[01:58:02] Personally.
[02:00:05] ... so so so i really can't help but feel it is so so so know is I spent my days dancing on my grave But it's okay, there's nothing left to say
[02:00:10] Cause my road is made of stone
[02:00:12] And I have nowhere else to go my you................ you so watching you back there's nothing i can't be Get fucked. one thing Man, I suck. Hey I'm so bad um Pretty sure Graves is below us, trying to do Scuttle or something
[02:06:40] oh he's not okay you could be above us then trying to do scuttle I don't know where he is. flashing I really, really, really want to fucking jump on this LeBlanc but... um is I think he's gonna come back and TP. Yep, I'll say he didn't TP the first time because I didn't put the wave so... i feel it burn down this river every time I'm dead.
[02:07:12] Damn, that guy had flashed, that's my bad So this guy has no flash, this guy has no flash.
[02:07:40] We should do dragon or rifts.
[02:07:43] I mean, dragon OR grubs, but I think I can push mid and then go...
[02:08:00] Maybe stop him?
[02:08:01] I don't know.
[02:08:02] It's hard.
[02:08:12] Maybe we don't. Maybe we just go for fights Almost level 7.
[02:08:37] Oops.
[02:08:40] I think if i jump in right now and Graves is around,
[02:08:43] I'm gonna die so i gotta be a little care
[02:08:51] okay he was hovering is is I don't know if I should fight before I.................... I mean, there's no way i can help you guys
[02:13:02] i'm a little bit sad Nice. We got our TP. It's actually really big. I'm going to go for the
[02:13:04] E-Q, and then we'll see what happens
[02:13:05] when we get back up there.
[02:13:06] I think that's a good idea.
[02:13:07] I don't know if it's
[02:13:08] gonna be a good idea
[02:13:09] or not.
[02:13:10] But yeah,
[02:13:11] I'm just gonna
[02:13:12] try to do my best to keep this game Nice. We got our TP. It's actually really big. so so uh so Ooh, I should have hit her there. I actually don't know if i can 1v1 this guy right now.
[02:14:25] Hand with ulti and bone plating is is He didn't die?
[02:15:03] Whoa.
[02:15:04] He has to be at literally 1 HP. so so so hmm Hmm.
[02:16:06] You know what kind of sucks?
[02:16:08] No joke, next patch
[02:16:10] when they nerf Kraken Slayer, I don't get that
[02:16:12] kill.
[02:16:16] Like, straight up,
[02:16:17] I-I don't get that kill next match.
[02:16:19] That shit's gonna kinda suck.... This kind of sucks.
[02:16:38] I need help so I don't lose my turret.
[02:16:42] Okay, we're chowing. Can I have a chillin'?
[02:16:50] Do you know how it goes on ya? Do I have a Grazania? Uhhh...
[02:16:59] Maybe. I mean, yeah.
[02:17:01] I feel like
[02:17:03] Your question is
[02:17:05] so outlandish that I don't know how to answer it
[02:17:13] bro the turret I
[02:17:29] It's like the question is confusing me because it's like this dude are there people that exist that don't like lasagna like are they human is Peace, what did you say? I'm not your streamer?
[02:18:20] Excuse me?
[02:18:37] Do you not like lasagna? I don't know what to say. are you somebody who just hates happiness
[02:18:43] uh you look in the mirror and you say yeah smiling kittens disgusting Fuck smiling. Kittens? Disgusting.
[02:19:05] Look at what's happening! Thank you. And it is my work and I'll admit it You say you're fine, take my word
[02:19:09] But all of it is my work
[02:19:13] And that's why What?
[02:19:22] I'm trying to read T-Split's bullshit.
[02:19:48] I'M trying to read T--split's bullshit while playing league at the same time Blame you? I do!
[02:19:56] Whoa! Wait, that guy... whoa
[02:20:34] wait that guy played that so well wait what's going on this game by the way i feel like i'm winning but i'm losing It almost feels like the same feeling of, you find a duo that you kind of work with. But then your duo is T-Split and you're like, I mean, I'm torn.
[02:20:47] Doing's fun but then you gotta listen to her talk about Yuumi...
[02:21:21] It's just you know it's rough it's so really bro
[02:21:24] bro you can't catch me. Like what are we doing?
[02:21:30] Graves! What are we doing man?! Like stop Like seriously, dude.
[02:22:21] You see this? I got a fucking Graves chasing me down like I fucked his mom. so so You would risk the game to run me down in-game? Well, I mean it's like a win-win though. Like you gotta remember
[02:22:25] you play Yuumi right so like when
[02:22:29] when i run it down you run it down we both run it down it's a win-win so not even close is oh Oh god, my teammates actually want to fight this dragon.
[02:23:26] I do not like
[02:23:27] this dragon fights.
[02:23:53] Okay. so What? Oh, I guess
[02:23:53] he's dead or what?
[02:23:56] Wow.
[02:23:59] Yeah, I should not
[02:23:59] have gone to that. That was my bad.
[02:24:03] If I should've TP'd here, I would've taken this inhib.
[02:24:07] I gotta trust my gut.
[02:24:10] Like that was 1000% my own bad because...
[02:24:15] ...I know it's never worth in this in this uh elo it's never worth playing with your team
[02:24:23] well you just have to go do the macro and become Thanos in a side lane.
[02:24:27] Because these players aren't good enough mechanically to play the game.
[02:24:33] If they were good enough mechanically they'd have a lead
[02:24:55] like people who are good enough uh will always have leads. If they have a lead, uh...
[02:24:56] They don't need you to save them.
[02:25:52] Oh! yo let's kill this kill this guy right now so so okay don't worry guys my lilia decided to walk around Baron I'm not gonna lie man. I don't know how the enemy team can for Manus
[02:26:02] Like what is happening?
[02:26:05] Guys, you have to fight. God.
[02:26:17] Don't worry, guys.
[02:26:18] Set...
[02:26:19] Set name is LosersQOP.
[02:26:23] I wonder if he IS the Loser's Q?
[02:26:34] It's okay.
[02:26:46] The LeBlanc gets to do whatever she wants, because... once because never forget league is not about the best player it's about the worst player 🎵 It's actually wild to me how easy games are when people play as a team but people won't do it I'm sorry.................
[02:30:17] .
[02:30:19] .
[02:30:21] .
[02:30:23] .
[02:30:25] .. Get Dragon! There's two top!
[02:30:28] Let's open our fucking brain cell a little bit.
[02:30:32] Just a small, tiny bit of power.
[02:30:36] I'm gonna go to the other side and get my brain cell a little bit just a small
[02:30:39] little tiny bit of brain cell like why
[02:30:42] are we forming okay Like, I don't know man. I pulled three people top
[02:31:12] for 45 seconds
[02:31:15] and my team's just farming camps.
[02:31:23] Nice, We got the inhib. That's huge.
[02:31:27] Now, guys... All we have to do to win this...
[02:31:29] I know it sounds crazy, but all we have to do is win this.
[02:31:31] It's literally walk onto the map and play the game.
[02:31:41] Or face check your red buff and keep auto piloting that's super fun man so so is so so so so Woo! Nice job. I mean, this is the problem with climbing in Diamond. You get people that are really like astral buttfucking each team both games or every game there's one person on each team that's Astro buttfucking somebody.
[02:33:52] I'm always the person on my team but the enemy team also sometimes has Astro butt fuckers
[02:33:59] and when you're versus an Astro buttfucker, it's
[02:34:01] kind of hard if they can stat check you. You have to
[02:34:03] play perfect.
[02:34:08] So it's like stressful.
[02:34:13] ... So it's like stressful. Like the higher you go, the easier it gets when you know how to play League.
[02:34:20] Because you're not constantly against your own team every game. But I made a mistake at this, like...
[02:34:43] I think it was actually right here.
[02:34:46] It was.
[02:34:47] It was right here.
[02:34:49] I made a mistake right here when I TP'd.
[02:34:53] Like, I should have just TP'd, like,
[02:34:53] I should've just
[02:34:54] TP'd top
[02:34:55] and taken the
[02:34:55] top inhib
[02:34:56] at,
[02:34:57] like,
[02:34:57] 20 minutes.
[02:34:58] And I went to
[02:34:59] the dragon fight
[02:35:00] like an idiot.
[02:35:04] That was me being fucking master
[02:35:12] that was me being fucking stupid me being a dumb dumb
[02:35:16] ah how we doing today lads how are we doing today, lads? How we doing chat?
[02:35:20] Yo what's up Spooky Ninja. Welcome to the stream bro.
[02:35:23] Oh you've been following me for a while.
[02:35:27] This is just like the first time you've ever typed. Dude, you been following since 2019?
[02:35:31] And this is the first time you ever typed!
[02:35:33] That's- that's uh...
[02:35:37] some restraint.
[02:35:41] I respect it. That's work mode engaged! so dude who's the longest follower in my chat which one of you is it? Let's see.
[02:36:20] So far, the leading follower
[02:36:22] has 10 years
[02:36:24] 6 months
[02:36:26] for my boy FlyLol.
[02:36:38] Holy shit! Oh! for my boy flyhole holy ben is nine years, 11 days.
[02:36:42] Nine years two months four years
[02:36:48] Ducky is 10 years six months? Wait, what was Fly?
[02:36:55] Wait wait wait this is close.
[02:36:57] 10-6 39
[02:37:00] 10-6 15 20 Dude, ducky! 10, 6, 15, 20.
[02:37:02] Dude, Ducky!
[02:37:04] Fly barely got you, dude.
[02:37:06] He got you by literally
[02:37:08] like
[02:37:09] half of a month.
[02:37:19] What? half of a month nine years oh Oh shit.
[02:37:28] Ooh, Elir is close too! 15 days 10 years?
[02:37:54] Oh my god dude i'm surprised Ooh, Daphne's close too. I have so many people who've been here for ten years. Ten years is insane to think about.
[02:38:02] Like actually though, like it's actually crazy to think about 10 years.
[02:38:10] Kronkon...
[02:38:11] I was gonna say,
[02:38:13] speaking of 10 years...
[02:38:17] Kronkon has been subbed! How many months is this?
[02:38:21] Or how many years is this? You've been subbed for 10 years and 2 months.
[02:38:41] Oh my god!
[02:38:47] That is insane! God.
[02:39:01] I am so sorry.
[02:39:09] I'm so sorry that i'm the streamer
[02:39:13] that you follow i apologize $600 subbed?
[02:39:25] Yeah, how much of that did Twitch give me though?
[02:39:28] What's................... you IRL leaderboards? No, no, no, no.
[02:42:44] Listen! Listen!
[02:42:48] We don't need a leaderboard for like most...
[02:42:52] Nah, nah nah we're good
[02:43:00] like we don't need to know who the best like person in the world is at like drinking oj you know
[02:43:07] like that's not we don't need them
[02:43:11] but most dicks taken in the ass
[02:43:15] at once.
[02:43:23] Can you imagine how bad that would be
[02:43:24] for society?
[02:43:41] Think about it I'm so dead.
[02:43:43] I fucked up. Fuck. so i should have pinged that i was going to do that because tarik wasn't ready with the stun
[02:43:56] and that's not his fault.
[02:44:03] Like genuinely? I assumed he could read my mind. It was my bad.
[02:44:08] I like forgot that I'm playing bot lane! assumed he could read my mind. It was my bad. I, like, forgot
[02:44:09] that I'm playing bot lane.
[02:44:11] Right?
[02:44:13] Like, it's unfortunate.
[02:44:18] I got too excited from playing mid last game and having all the self-agency in the world. so My apologies, I am just bad. Hmm. You know what's funny?
[02:45:04] I was actually considering taking...
[02:45:06] Cleans this game against Renata.
[02:45:09] Renata is like one of those champs that I actually think
[02:45:10] Cleans has a lot of value against uh because their ulti's kind
[02:45:15] of broken so
[02:45:33] we can fight no we don't need to run bro he does no dash
[02:45:36] oh my god.
[02:45:49] I thought Tarek was trying to stun him with his, so I jumped...
[02:45:53] I jumped in thinking Tic was using his stun from his body, so I jumped over.
[02:46:01] Hold on, I need to see if this guy mains Taric.
[02:46:07] Not in a flame way but I have to know if he mains Taric or not because
[02:46:11] if he doesn't and I've been doing this it's my fault for not checking
[02:46:15] Or he does main Taric, he's just Diamond 2.
[02:46:23] So that is my fault.
[02:46:41] He doesn't know how to walk his stun, which is my bad my bad
[02:46:47] we have lost bot lane one thousand percent though so we gotta just chill um What is my Taric doing?
[02:47:17] Okay.
[02:47:18] I think my Taric has brain damage.
[02:47:23] I was trying to be nice before but like that's crazy
[02:47:31] And you guys wonder you guys wonder why I don't Q AD carry in this elo.
[02:47:34] Because the enemy Renata is like fucking Faker on steroids, throwing spells, trying to space, trying to play the game.
[02:47:42] My Taric has land-slammed me. spells, like trying to space, trying to play the game.
[02:47:44] My Taric has landed a single stun the entire game.
[02:48:23] ... so Why would he hit him
[02:52:24] i guess i could have flashed to like...................... Okay, I need like one wave. waves so So, Eek! Wait, what are you guys talking about in chat? I looked over for the first time
[02:52:26] in like a minute. Are you guys talking about food?
[02:52:32] What the fuck Are you talking about food? The fuck are you talking about?
[02:52:46] Yo. Yo, what is your guys' current favorite food? Because I know it changes for a lot of people.
[02:52:49] It does for me.
[02:52:50] Like, what's your go-to at the moment?
[02:52:53] Like when you're craving something
[02:52:54] and then you're like, oh I'm gonna get this.
[02:53:05] Mine at the moment, I think...
[02:53:08] Has been just like uh...
[02:53:13] I don't know why, but it's been...
[02:53:18] Like whenever I just want to eat something,
[02:53:19] I want to eat like ice cream.
[02:53:22] Like I just want to be fat.
[02:53:28] Whoa! What is happening over here? Oh, I'm leaving. Good luck
[02:53:32] Taric
[02:53:40] Godspeed tarik god speed what is this guy doing? Alright good ulti bro.
[02:53:47] Very well done.
[02:53:48] I respect it. We'll run our way together
[02:53:57] We'll spend some time forever
[02:54:01] You'll never feel bad anymore i need three coal stacks yeah the fuck
[02:54:22] wait we can totally kill this guy
[02:54:26] they have no Renata, W.
[02:54:34] Or apparently no Renata R. makes me feel so fun This is a time when the river will never fill back anymore. A little jizz like grub popped off my body.
[02:55:30] We should just straight up walk up and hit them, bro. I want to jump in, but...
[02:55:46] ...I don't know how Taric ulti works.
[02:55:50] And I think if I outrange him? can he ult me if I jump in?
[02:55:55] Because I don't know how it works.
[02:55:57] So like, I'm not going to take the risk.
[02:56:08] Okay. because i've jumped in before and terracult doesn't hit me
[02:56:37] and i'm just really confused is I think the first person to invent a way to eat any kind of food you want, and still get the nutrition your body needs...
[02:56:42] will be the most insane...
[02:56:48] Well actually they'll probably get killed. But I don't want to think about that. so I'd like to think that they would be celebrated and it would be awesome.
[02:57:16] Closing the god damn door, no.
[02:57:19] These kinds of things sense a poison nationality. oh It's not a day. Get him, Tim! get him team oh good work that's the kind of gameplay i like to see nice job lads
[02:58:20] do you sir to your son TSM!
[02:58:22] TSM!
[02:58:25] Did you guys see?
[02:58:26] They're gonna be doing a new esports thing
[02:58:28] in the future,
[02:58:33] it's going to be like an annual
[02:58:35] esports tournament thing
[02:58:37] or whatever.
[02:58:39] It looks interesting.
[02:58:42] I don't know how
[02:58:43] good esports are at making money,
[02:58:47] but
[02:58:48] it definitely is like interesting to watch.
[02:59:01] ... so well that's what I'm saying.
[02:59:05] Like, I think esports loses money pretty much exclusively more than gains it.
[02:59:11] Has there ever been an esport that has made money over time just directly from the sport?
[02:59:18] I guess i could google it.
[02:59:20] eSports...made money? made money life dies one look could kill my friends
[02:59:44] yes esports organizations can make money. Okay, I don't care about that.
[02:59:56] In 2022, the global esports industry was valued at nearly $1.4 billion.
[03:00:05] I feel like that's really low though.
[03:00:07] Oh my god. I feel like that's really low, though. Look, look, i feel like
[03:00:21] i feel like 1.4 billion is such a low number for like a global industry industry?
[03:00:35] I don't know.
[03:00:39] Like, how much is like other stuff valued at right like let's look how much is amazon worth
[03:00:48] yeah i mean i mean I mean, I mean. Your poison running through my veins
[03:01:04] Your poison
[03:01:05] I don't wanna break these chains, point and then...
[03:01:16] Yeah like you know.
[03:01:19] Like when you compare it to Amazon amazon who's worth like you know 1.8 trillion
[03:01:26] you know we like this seems really small
[03:01:32] right Right. That's what i'm saying i feel like esports like this is revenue wait check what?
[03:02:07] What's Apple worth?
[03:02:11] How much is apple worth?
[03:02:15] Ha ha! yeah i know value is not revenue but i'm wondering what...
[03:02:39] What's the biggest company in the world? Is it... Like I actually have two...
[03:02:43] I'm gamer brain so I don't know this.
[03:02:47] What is actually the biggest company in the world?
[03:02:57] I'm sure somebody in chat knows
[03:03:04] i mean i can google it but
[03:03:13] what is the largest... No, I need to rephrase that because it's more like what is...
[03:03:19] Uh. What company is worth the most money?
[03:03:29] I mean this is just going off of market. Market cap? Apple has the highest
[03:03:45] on Microsoft and NVIDIA.
[03:03:47] NVIDIA?
[03:04:37] When did NVIDIA get is is nvidia just purely ai or whatever Richest Companies by Net Assets. companies by net assets. Berkshire Hathaway, 534 billion net assets. That's insane.. oh is
[03:05:05] you don't have so much money oh ¶¶ these are all just weird the company with the highest revenue is Walmart?
[03:05:57] I mean, is that true? I mean, I know Walmart's big.
[03:06:23] But it's not that...
[03:06:25] Walmart's...
[03:06:26] Walmart's not that big in other countries, is it?
[03:06:28] I don't know..................... and the kind that you know you want
[03:09:44] is what I just
[03:09:46] feel sad
[03:09:47] Yeah, 10 cents worth
[03:09:49] $427 billion.
[03:09:52] It's so good
[03:09:54] It's so good oh
[03:10:02] okay ten's like silly that is still a lot of money.
[03:10:25] Dude, I want you guys to think about this.
[03:10:29] Riot Games is worth 3.27 billion dollars and my client breaks once a day.
[03:10:44] Like, Riot what's going on bro?
[03:11:03] I'm so sorry. what's going on bro Like, I have to physically like reload
[03:11:05] my client once a day.
[03:11:09] What's happening with that, you know? Is there a game company?
[03:11:24] How much is Blizzard worth?
[03:11:29] I wonder what company
[03:11:30] is worth the most money. Like, what gaming company is worth the most money like what gaming companies work the most
[03:11:34] if I were to guess it would have to be something like
[03:11:40] Like like exclusive gaming company I don't know, like...
[03:11:44] Like exclusive gaming company. I dunno! I don't know.
[03:11:59] Like,
[03:11:59] I don't know how popular...
[03:12:01] Is it just Nintendo?
[03:12:04] There's no way, right? I mean, it might be.
[03:12:08] I don't actually know.
[03:12:12] It would be Microsoft but I don't want to count microsoft because like
[03:12:15] i guess you can, but it's not exclusive is uh is you know I That guy recognize Now he's getting attached to me
[03:13:19] Yeah, he's getting inked on
[03:13:21] He asked for a machine
[03:13:23] But they threw him in the very water
[03:13:25] And say he's trying too hard
[03:13:27] And his last cry is terror No! I was fucking flashbanged. I
[03:13:44] Did not need to flash I could have dove him I couldn't push the wave and dome him
[03:13:48] Because if I pushed away, he gets dove anyway.
[03:13:52] Right? Like, he can't play the game regardless, he's at 1 HP.
[03:13:57] I am stupid.
[03:14:00] My bad. stupid my bad Nintendo's worth a puny 63 billion?
[03:14:17] God, what pussies.
[03:14:19] Like the way they like ego everyone and hate their
[03:14:23] fan base you think they would be worth at least 100 bill so
[03:14:42] guys my grave seems to have deseeded.
[03:14:46] That's unfortunate. Like a jail cell, a penitentiary
[03:14:54] My time spent there it only made me sick
[03:14:59] So I don't have to walk with me like ever
[03:15:02] I know how to do the things you do But never gonna hear them words you say um don't wanna be just like you hmm
[03:15:35] well i hopeves comes back. do you really want to be me
[03:16:04] don't worry vigar's doing his thing is I mean, should we just forfeit?
[03:16:43] Graves is literally gone so
[03:16:47] Guys he's he's afk What What?
[03:16:56] What?
[03:17:11] Like, none of you are winning your lanes. You guys are all losing your lanes.
[03:17:14] And we don't want to forfeit when the jungler is literally AFK!
[03:17:22] This cannot be real.
[03:17:26] You people
[03:17:28] cannot be real.
[03:17:31] What?
[03:17:47] What? what I mean, maybe I can carry but like... it's kinda hard man.
[03:17:51] ... people I don't want to dash up.
[03:18:21] He's six, so if I waste Ash...
[03:18:50] He just ulties and i just die Guys, it's not very fun to play the game when our jungler is dc'd and he hasn't said anything.
[03:19:16] Guys! Like, I'm always down to play. But like, this person is auto-filled in the jungle role.
[03:19:26] I think it's an actual rage quit.
[03:19:29] Like, I think something happened
[03:19:32] and he rage quits.
[03:19:34] He hasn't played the game in five days,
[03:19:36] he queues up,
[03:19:38] is autofilled,
[03:19:39] and then like he's gone.
[03:19:53] Oh my god. And then, like he's gone. Come on, bros. Thank you!
[03:20:01] Like it's it's very clearly an actual ridge but You know what's crazy?
[03:20:19] With so many rage quits, it should just give you your LP.
[03:20:23] Giving you an autofill doesn't make sense it's going to just give you your lp is Outro Music I'm gonna hide my Q.
[03:21:05] I don't trust that.
[03:21:34] I don't trust it. How can you see into my eyes?
[03:21:36] Like open doors
[03:22:05] Leading you down is so You know what I'm wondering? Does Riot actually mitigate MMR with Lost Mitigated or not not i wonder if they do
[03:22:17] because nobody cares about the lp I'm not going to wake up. This is my last time.
[03:22:22] I can't wake up before I come undone.
[03:22:26] Save me from the nothing that I've become.
[03:23:05] No more of this waiting. me me me Call my name and sing it from the top We're all in love, we're not gonna die
[03:23:08] What is this?
[03:23:09] The team has the best belief radar
[03:23:11] Paired in teams each duo will try to identify whether our contestants are above you or below.
[03:23:17] Who will emerge victorious?
[03:23:19] I think we'll win because we have ice, the best ADC in Europe
[03:23:23] I think Nuke and Sylvie is last place
[03:23:26] You know it I think Nuke and Ceo is last place.
[03:23:28] He goes! You're the best!
[03:23:29] Just go!
[03:23:31] For Ceo and Nuke,
[03:23:33] I would be surprised if they scored more than 3 points.
[03:23:36] That's good. I will be surprised if they score more than 3 points.
[03:23:39] Hello!
[03:23:42] My first question is, do you have any victory skins?
[03:23:44] Yes, I have.
[03:23:46] On which champions do you have them?ilani for example morgana and switchhole do you think is
[03:23:50] most happy i don't know the most impact has a jungle yeah what is your main champion
[03:23:55] my main champion is milio
[03:23:59] milio
[03:24:04] who means milio what do you even mean?
[03:24:32] Dude, I don't think I've seen a Mirio main in ever? Do you like Nautilus? Yes.
[03:24:33] Okay, higher, higher.
[03:24:35] Above gold.
[03:24:36] You're above gold, I think so too.
[03:24:38] Hi.
[03:24:40] How long have you been playing League for?
[03:24:43] Since season 4
[03:24:45] Did you have any break or...
[03:24:47] I've been playing on and off very much
[03:24:49] On and Off, ok I we have to take this into account because if someone's been playing on and off
[03:24:53] maybe they never grind in months.
[03:24:54] What do you mean?
[03:24:55] As a rule sorry.
[03:24:57] Do you like Azir?
[03:24:59] Bet?
[03:25:01] Alright, I'll follow ice.
[03:25:02] Hiya, hiya!
[03:25:03] It's okay but it is not...
[03:25:05] But we have no info?
[03:25:06] It's okay!
[03:25:07] I can give you the...
[03:25:09] Thank you.
[03:25:11] What's the cooldown of TP after 10 minutes?
[03:25:15] 4 minutes I think.
[03:25:16] Are you at your peak rank right now or...
[03:25:19] Hmm, I'd say so yeah.
[03:25:20] What summons do you play?
[03:25:22] Ornn, Shen and Gnar
[03:25:25] Vigotat, Yorubo
[03:25:27] He looks like he's proud of his hero, you know
[03:25:29] So it has to be right
[03:25:32] Yeah, I would say right
[03:25:33] Higher higher HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO KNOW Yeah, I would say higher. How are you supposed to know what elo they are?
[03:25:40] Like, what are these questions?
[03:25:42] These don't tell you anything!
[03:25:46] What do you watch any esports i do can you tell me the five players of
[03:25:49] genji oh um jovi i don't know their top laner.
[03:25:57] When did you start to think?
[03:25:59] When Xin Zhao came out, so season 1 I want to say.
[03:26:07] How can Sana win the lane
[03:26:14] what how can sana win the league what do they say?
[03:26:22] I have a question. If you played Tristana against Syndra, how can Tristana win the lane?
[03:26:28] Oh so Tristana against Syndra. How can Tristana win the lane?
[03:26:36] I mean,
[03:26:37] I don't even know that.
[03:26:39] I'm assuming you just push her in.
[03:26:43] You just like
[03:26:44] spam shove her in
[03:26:45] and then
[03:26:46] uh Pryo.
[03:26:49] I don't know. You just farm 10 CS a minute
[03:26:51] take her tower and spam shove her in
[03:26:57] Cause if the Syndra's good she just just holds E and then you can't ever jump in because
[03:27:01] she sees your jump every time.
[03:27:04] So it's probably just...
[03:27:05] I don't know. You probably just take turret.
[03:27:44] Oh, baby! I'll be right back. This is a very good way to get the summoner's rift. spawn. I mean,
[03:27:45] that puts
[03:27:45] five no
[03:27:46] idea.
[03:27:47] Wait for
[03:27:48] Cinder to
[03:27:48] use E.
[03:27:49] Yeah,
[03:27:49] but if she
[03:27:50] never used
[03:27:50] the E,
[03:27:51] then you can't... What if she never used the then you can't like what if she never uses the ability
[03:27:59] then what do you do do so so I'm coming for you. favorite Tristan? I don't know.
[03:28:59] I haven't used the Trist skin in a long time.
[03:29:04] I'm gonna go ahead and say probably...
[03:29:10] either Dragon Trainer or the Firefighter one.
[03:29:15] The one that shoots water is really cool,
[03:29:17] the Firefighter one or whatever?
[03:29:19] That one's super fun. thinking If you beg, you follow.
[03:29:41] And murder, you may be my gun when she is.
[03:29:48] I'm a woman of the earth. so
[03:29:59] i really need to push this wave in.
[03:30:07] I cannot have the waves of sitting here I can't help but smile
[03:30:23] To write back what you gave me
[03:30:29] You've been at large
[03:30:31] Picking up the edge of my heart is What is happening?
[03:30:55] Where's my team at? Like, that was such a
[03:30:59] long fight. Where were you guys?
[03:31:03] Hello?
[03:31:07] You guys just having a nice jack?
[03:31:11] Like my support's just jacking it?
[03:31:15] Holy fuck.
[03:31:30] That's crazy
[03:31:34] we almost two re-thread them
[03:32:16] well our bot lane didn't even get a point is oh i got a blue buff. Let's go. Who needs mana?
[03:32:17] Who needs their Q not to cost mana when you have infinite
[03:32:20] Mana
[03:33:07] Foreign so I hate League. Okay, real talk though How in the ever living fuck
[03:33:09] Am I struggling right now with this?
[03:33:16] This shits.
[03:33:21] You guys should just do dragon, yeah.
[03:33:24] Dragon or scuttle crab?
[03:33:28] Or little grubbies. I couldn't think of what they were called.
[03:33:32] ... now i couldn't think of what they were called
[03:33:42] just finish the dragon!
[03:33:49] Oh, that was actually the world's best NATO.
[03:33:55] Guys.
[03:33:58] What am I watching here? Like, what am i watching my brand is running away from that guy
[03:34:12] dude i'm gonna lose my mind so we're watching them do the objective.
[03:34:19] Nobody's even attempting to hit them! My Thresh is behind everyone.
[03:34:27] You people are... everyone. You
[03:34:28] people are
[03:34:29] crazy!
[03:34:32] Like, I don't even
[03:34:34] understand what your goal
[03:34:36] was!
[03:34:38] What did I watching?
[03:34:47] Like, holy fuck!
[03:34:55] Yeah, we no longer go to objectives
[03:34:57] to help the homies
[03:35:01] nah that just doesn't happen i'm gonna be real Like I have, every game
[03:35:25] I try and help somebody,
[03:35:27] I talk...
[03:35:27] I say the same thing
[03:35:28] every game by the way.
[03:35:29] I'm like dude
[03:35:30] I should not be helping
[03:35:31] these people. And then after i say it we
[03:35:34] end up winning why can't i not learn and just like remember what my goal is? God, fuck this
[03:35:55] Aria dude.
[03:35:57] I'm dead.
[03:36:06] Mike's Like, she's not even good at Ahri. I'm just bad at Tristana
[03:36:08] At the moment
[03:36:08] How do I get myself charmed?
[03:36:14] Oh god I'm like playing so bad from tilt.
[03:36:24] Like I-I tilt because I put myself behind.
[03:36:27] Because I do dumb shit.
[03:36:29] Like really dumb plays that are like trying to help my teammates and I put myself behind doing it
[03:36:36] because, like, I'll watch
[03:36:38] my brand with four spells point
[03:36:40] blank. And I'll be like, yo, my bad
[03:36:42] guys. It was a mistake.
[03:36:45] But it's like,
[03:36:46] mistakes happen. I've made a few this game
[03:36:49] as well.
[03:36:50] But I gotta keep it 100.
[03:36:55] The odds of my team making mistakes is too high for my taste. hmm
[03:37:19] wish we got Grubbs and Dragon.
[03:37:23] God...
[03:37:27] My ball main is like, they watchedler one play brand the ad or something and
[03:37:30] the guy he was like typing in chat he's like dude i've seen
[03:37:33] tyler play 80 brand it's so broken he's like this shit's unlosable I mean
[03:37:43] he's probably right to be honest but I
[03:37:45] do think it's probably on losable like
[03:37:48] 80 brand is pretty broken but
[03:37:53] like that champ is just stupid let's see if i can bait his uh charm I really need to get him to use charm.
[03:38:17] If i can bait his charm, we can definitely pop off. Oh my.
[03:38:38] I actually missed the cannon. Holy shit, I'm bad. I mean it's unavoidable.
[03:39:01] Damn, I had to ulti sooner.
[03:39:11] God, this fucking Nidalee hovering this dipshit mid is fucking pissing me off.
[03:39:21] Like, this Nidalee hasn't left mid the whole game and it's so fucking annoying.
[03:39:27] Just chase him down! he has no flash!
[03:39:39] Yeah you about to lose your whole fucking turret. Fuck you, Ahri!
[03:39:40] Sorry I'm being toxic right now because I fucking hate this Ahri.
[03:39:45] Stupid fucks. Stupid fox.
[03:39:53] Good work, Kisante.
[03:39:57] Keep being OP up there.
[03:40:04] Wow, she nailed me with that, what the fuck? Oh, I think Ahri has ulti. Uh-oh. She does have her stupid item
[03:41:21] on a good note we should get grubs here I think Ahri's roaming bot, he was. once so I think I can actually kill her without Kraken, so she's gonna go for one more wave. Like, she probably thinks i backed so
[03:41:23] she's gonna go for a wave so hmm i mean at least we got the kill god i'm playing so bad this game like i can visibly see myself playing badly.
[03:42:25] What the fuck? I just cracked open an energy drink, and it exploded in my face.
[03:42:34] Fuck's sake... sake so so Yeah, they're nerfing Kragenslayer next patch but...
[03:43:16] I don't actually think the Kragenslayer nerf is THAT bad.
[03:43:19] I think the nerf that sucks is the
[03:43:23] LDR nerf, it's really big
[03:43:27] Like that nerf is definitely not good
[03:43:51] ... definitely not good Can you put a ward down?
[03:43:53] Like, I would like to be able to see.
[03:43:57] Thank you.
[03:44:24] Okay. so okay Okay.
[03:44:32] I don't know how i'm gonna fight this but...
[03:44:41] Like, this is really bad guys yours are literally fighting in the only spot that we can't win a fight
[03:44:46] out of everywhere you could have fought
[03:45:41] yeah i can't play with the team these people are silly is so so Oh We need to get some objectives, guys.
[03:45:42] Come on.
[03:45:44] Come on, let's start doing some stuff.
[03:45:49] Come on, guys.
[03:46:32] Let's start getting some objectives going. me yes wait how did you guys die men? What?
[03:46:55] How are you people dying like what like you know the tower is there to defend you right guys guys
[03:47:00] you guys get that right like the towers there to protect you
[03:47:32] like it you don't have to leave the tower. don't forfeit because you suck please I hate you all.
[03:47:34] I hate you with such a passion of a thousand fucking...
[03:47:39] I genuinely hate everybody
[03:47:41] on my team with a passion of a thousand
[03:47:43] raging Kerrins.
[03:47:45] But bro, I thought thatad was lying. He played Brand AD and he was overpowered!
[03:47:52] Yeah well you're retarded in your Diamond. Why are we playing Brand AD?
[03:47:58]'re a Diamond player.
[03:48:01] Please don't play Champions that you don't know how to play.
[03:48:06] Like, I will carry you, but like first timing because you saw
[03:48:10] hey makes me think that you have a brain tumor
[03:48:16] also my cassandra needs to stop going bot lane!
[03:48:20] I've tried to go bot five times and he keeps going bot and going bot and going bot and going bot.
[03:48:26] Hey...
[03:48:28] Maybe we let the guy who can split push go split.
[03:48:33] Oh my god!
[03:48:36] Who would have thought it'd be insane?
[03:48:48] Oh! I'd be insane. It's crazy that these games are this hard and low even i will never understand so my guts are you kidding me?
[03:49:27] How did you lose 3v4?!
[03:49:40] Hey, retard. I don't know what to say.
[03:49:57] It's actually like three retards and a semi-retard every game.
[03:50:03] Like, every single game there's three retards
[03:50:04] and then a semi-tard.
[03:50:06] That's like what League of Legends is nowadays Like every single game there's three retards and then a semi-tard.
[03:50:10] That's like what League of Legends is nowadays, it's three tards and a semi-tard
[03:50:19] And if you get the three tardes it's fucking 1000 times harder to play League than it should be.
[03:50:55] Hey Tardos! Yes, I am talking about you the Tarbs. Why is my warwick forming red buff what are we doing tard oh no so I just need Lord Dom's to do anything. Dude, it is crazy that I have to...
[03:50:57] I genuinely can't even do damage without lord doms
[03:51:01] i can't even do damage man
[03:51:06] but hey 80 carry needs nerfed guys. The items are 2 OP.
[03:51:11] GP has a Triforce and I full combo'd him 6 times.
[03:51:16] 3 bombs, he used 1 Flash auto...
[03:51:24] But I think ad carry is op
[03:51:45] nerf it We can still win because they can fuck up really badly like if they mess up at all and just like fuck up we can Win so so so game is still winnable if you guys just play I just have to get Lord Dom so that I can't play the game.
[03:52:42] No, yeah take the thing, that's good man.
[03:52:45] Take the thing, that's good man. Take the cannon! so so i can't um is what is um is Like, why are we griefing me?
[03:54:37] What did I do to you?
[03:54:38] Like, I don't get it.
[03:54:41] Like, I'm literally the only one trying to win.
[03:54:44] Why are we creeping me bro?
[03:54:46] The fuck?
[03:54:50] Wait what?
[03:55:18] Oh my god Wait, what? That's insane Oh, that was a good charm.
[03:55:19] I mean, I had to go for it.
[03:55:21] We would have lost as soon as they hit the turret.
[03:55:24] I mean,
[03:55:37] I'm going to personally make a ticket and get the thresh fans I'm gonna get them, oh yeah
[03:55:47] Like i'm petty enough. I'm gonna do everything in my power to get him banned.
[03:55:51] And Riot hardware bans now.
[03:55:53] They'll ban every one of his accounts. I just don't get why he's griefing me. Like what did I do to him? him like i'm literally the only one with a positive score and trying
[03:56:12] to win the game and he's like yo bro i don't want to win but why and he's like because i'm retarded that doesn't make sense
[03:56:25] like i don't know man it's it's retarded these players are. what what
[03:57:01] what what
[03:57:05] but i saw where we were saying exactly I think I took tower.
[03:57:21] Was up gold. Tower.
[03:57:24] Was up gold.
[03:57:33] I mean, my bad, I guess you can stay and
[03:57:34] diamond too
[03:57:36] and be a
[03:57:38] troll
[03:57:39] I mean, you're a diamond player.
[03:57:49] Hard stuff.
[03:57:50] Which is just pathetic.
[03:58:45] Oh! Like being diamond is just embarrassing. is give it to me homie I'm a streamer.
[04:00:14] Multiple accounts. not podcast you know Thank you. so um um Thank you. Whatever.
[04:00:16] I mean,
[04:00:18] it's kind of pathetic that the guy is just griefing
[04:00:20] the game for fun
[04:00:21] but
[04:00:21] I can't really expect
[04:00:23] anything different
[04:00:24] from what we have in players like diamond
[04:00:26] players will never amount to anything in life and anything they're just losers through and through so My favorite part was he said he started griefing because I got solo killed once by Ahri mid.
[04:01:03] Which, I think is insane.
[04:01:08] Because... insane. Because
[04:01:09] I was quite literally
[04:01:12] the only person on our team even attempting
[04:01:14] to win the game.
[04:01:17] They lost bot lane. My jungler lost jungle and my top lost top and I was the only person who actually won their lane.
[04:01:27] But it is what it is. It's just low evil players.
[04:01:30] I shouldn't get too mad at Delusion. You can't be upset when people are delusional. so.. Why did he remove me?
[04:02:17] Damn bro, you removed me?! You couldn't stand getting flamed?
[04:02:24] That's sad.
[04:02:28] Like this is the guy who was
[04:02:30] flaming by the way.
[04:02:51] Brother, you can't even win in clash you know to date i've never lost a clash when i queue up to play clash, I win because I'm a winner Wait, who's on the enemy team?
[04:03:09] Or who was on my team?
[04:03:10] Who should I ban chat?
[04:03:16] Okay. Well I can promise you paradise No need to serve on your knees
[04:03:20] And when you're lost in the darkest of hours
[04:03:25] Take a moment and tell me who you are Outro Music.................. so I'll be against the Lux, right?
[04:07:05] Doesn't Ez have a thing for Lux like they're into each other or something. so so so
[04:08:33] you so we're gonna oh four cs is not a good luck lux i'm gonna be honest.
[04:08:42] What the fuck? I really need to just keep pushing this guy in,
[04:08:44] because I think
[04:08:46] what's going on right now is
[04:08:48] he's struggling to
[04:08:50] farm when he gets pushed
[04:08:52] in. A lot of people do that
[04:08:55] where they get really flustered when they get shoved in
[04:08:58] Especially on mages. They don't know how to farm well under the turret So I think doing it is really good. like it works very well especially in these lower helos oh
[04:09:25] okay why does this guy have ignite?
[04:09:30] Wait, why did she want to have a night
[04:09:37] Am I bad not think I was gonna to get ignited by Shyvana.
[04:09:47] That's crazy
[04:09:52] i don't even think i'm like wrong to not assume did i get ignited
[04:09:57] you're my drama you should just check and i'm like the last time you saw
[04:10:00] shivhan taking night this guy she's only got 17 cs she's gonna have to teleport back oh if i threw w there first then ew auto'd i would have killed her Okay, there's the gp I'm actually gonna go check, make sure they're not on Drake. Oh
[04:11:13] She went top wait she wanted all four
[04:12:12] the is oh sex 33 to 58 not bad maybe i should be checking the grubbies so so Damn, I didn't really have a choice.
[04:12:55] Maybe I could've played inside of the...
[04:12:58] Maybe I could've played inside here and played it a little slower. I don't know,
[04:13:02] it would've been close either way.
[04:13:58] On a good note though we're up double fiat almost she's about to um here we go lads Damn, I missed the stopping her back. Oh shit! Shyvana came mid with ult.
[04:14:02] Okay?
[04:14:12] I don't think I've seen somebody ult to stop mid wave in a while. Okay? you're beasts
[04:14:48] Oh so so so
[04:16:42] she's got uh she's got the ulti i know so so so so so so so Bro, what am I watching? so
[04:18:02] what are you people doing? so We lost all the grubs! I'm not going to lie. so Oh my god, bro. It's so hard to actually break this turret
[04:18:08] but it's just like i've had ship missed three times chip keeps like protecting me from killing the Lux and taking the turret. Yes We should just be diving.
[04:18:36] But being honest, we should just be straight up my skarner I'm gonna take my gun, I'm gonna see you.
[04:19:08] Come on and drive her out until I catch ya. is I'm gonna be a hero, yeah, yeah
[04:19:26] Every song we got so bad
[04:19:28] And I need no people
[04:19:30] Yes, yes, yes
[04:19:32] I'm gonna run as a trash
[04:19:34] Use every word to be the best How do I fucking hit the turret?
[04:19:40] She can literally just wave clear with zero threat
[04:19:57] did she just E-Ignite me?
[04:20:02] I have been E-Ignited four times.
[04:20:06] And I finally died...
[04:20:07] I'm gonna lose it. And I finally died.
[04:20:09] I'm gonna lose it.
[04:20:16] Please take this! Oh, man. this bitch this
[04:20:36] dude i feel like lux is the ultimate you pick lux and
[04:20:39] you're just a
[04:20:43] you pick lux and you just like you go down 80 cs mid
[04:20:47] but you never die because lux just can't die.
[04:21:00] Straight up, though.
[04:21:01] It's crazy! so so is so I got 10 CS a minute.
[04:22:04] Cook turret.
[04:22:07] Have a 40 CS lead, a full level
[04:22:09] lead...
[04:22:11] And it still feels like I'm
[04:22:13] fucking playing versus
[04:22:15] a wall that I can't get past because of
[04:22:17] wave player. That's insane! so so so so so so so so so Some people live
[04:24:04] on selfish desires
[04:24:06] some choose to shop when they
[04:24:08] speak and death even
[04:24:10] stops
[04:24:12] God is a flame of those deep in fire
[04:24:16] Seeking out that way my voice
[04:24:19] One for tomorrow
[04:24:21] You see me fast enough Search endlessly
[04:24:33] Find your way free Endlessly Fighting
[04:24:36] for the free
[04:24:38] Life as
[04:24:40] The Angel
[04:24:42] of the Sea
[04:24:55] No Nice ult Bitch nice ult bitch
[04:25:03] music
[04:25:24] music All right. Oh Dude me and the zary are both like 10 cs a minute in the game, three dragons.
[04:25:32] Not gonna lie me and Nazaria are kind of popping off.
[04:25:37] Okay I queued air but that's not fair right? Like that's...
[04:25:40] Listen. is
[04:25:57] yo i actually think we should just start up duberon I'm dead. come on
[04:26:39] like imagine you play Lux. You go 0-1-0 and you forfeit. Like real talk though like Is that fun for anyone involved? so Endlessly, until we're free
[04:27:07] Fly past the edge of the sea
[04:27:12] No friend in me me are we still so
[04:27:46] yeah i mean this shivvana came mid a thousand times too. so so so so so easy motherfucking peasy Motherfucking Peezy!
[04:29:07] Now let's see who predicted wrong.
[04:29:11] Damn, all these people in chat predicting wrong with their points.
[04:29:19] Maybe you should have a little more faith so 9.9?
[04:29:58] I've failed you guys. I only have 9.9 CS a minute.
[04:30:00] I failed, I'm done. so.
[04:30:18] .
[04:30:23] . so so so..
[04:31:00] .
[04:31:02] .
[04:31:04] .
[04:31:06] .
[04:31:08] .. I'm not surprised. You're a low elo player.
[04:31:19] Listen, you're not wrong... but you don't need to say it.
[04:31:29] Toxic bro. so Thank you... so
[04:32:24] did this guy just go, I'm full AP. Support me in conquering the rift. Like what? has been strangely set aside.
[04:32:46] Reason for living,
[04:32:49] my mind is forgiving
[04:32:52] and destiny is proving
[04:32:55] to be absent from my life. is I know when you're sleeping
[04:33:09] I know the things you're dreaming
[04:33:15] And I know you will never give up and die. going ship and not building yeah i don't know why you wouldn't build children so let's stop breathing I know when you're sleeping
[04:34:05] I know the things i will be right back father father you know how long uh dreaming all the things you're dreaming I can't stop this feeling
[04:35:26] I ain't going to sleep again
[04:35:34] I ain't gonna be so dreaming Okay.
[04:35:42] I'm back.
[04:35:53] I have to meet all What is going on?
[04:36:26] Oh, Rin's not running?
[04:36:27] I got you.
[04:36:29] There you go, bro................. I'm going to try and get the first one. uh uh uh oh oh Okay, not bad. so so wow That guy gets to live at 1 HP.
[04:41:24] That is crazy! yo shiv can you get dragon at least
[04:41:37] listen i don't mind getting like losing all my sums and shit early because I got four people in my lane. But you gotta get Drake so uh so so so Oh. Bro, just hit that guy!
[04:42:58] Why didn't she just hit him oh
[04:43:10] okay This is very rough.
[04:43:24] Seeing as I'm literally getting
[04:43:27] ganked on repeat. My TF
[04:43:29] top is losing a lane that he can't possibly
[04:43:31] lose, and
[04:43:32] my bot lane
[04:43:34] is unironically also losing a lane that they can't possibly lose.
[04:43:44] I am sad. sad okay so so so so so so
[04:45:11] i think we just go next.
[04:45:15] It's actually
[04:45:15] just not playable since, like,
[04:45:17] I've basically been griefed
[04:45:19] from champ selects.
[04:45:21] Like, what's happening top?
[04:45:26] Nah, yeah, this is 100% we just go next.
[04:45:34] If bot lane was actually like winning hard instead of going even I'd be down but nah it's not it's not winnable
[04:45:38] atrox is somehow winning a fucking matchup that's impossible to win as well
[04:45:43] like it's actually like impossible to to win as well. Like, it's actually like
[04:45:45] impossible to win that matchup with Zatrox.
[04:45:49] Because all you have to do is every time you walk at the TF
[04:45:53] he just cards you and walks away and you went you automatically like die
[04:57:03] So like this is wild like even nami's in my land Like, what's this? so so so so so uh so so so What am I watching, man? so so. so so so uh so so your train has been destroyed so uh so so so uh magic I I'm not going to let you get away with this.................. you so so so so so so so so so the enemy has been slain uh um We'll be right back. um so you uh uh oh uh yeah so so yes so so so so um um um oh uh so uh okay so so so history.. uh Outro Music Each and every one To his most
[05:02:07] One
[05:02:09] And I'm left
[05:02:10] Drowned by the sun
[05:02:13] Slashing through
[05:02:14] Every inch of The power of time is Thank you.. so uh so um and water of what we owe. This, the song
[05:03:43] of sons and daughters
[05:03:45] hide the heart
[05:03:47] of who we are
[05:03:49] making peace to build
[05:03:51] a future strong united working till we fall we call our home the sons and daughters is Together
[05:04:35] Through the coldest
[05:04:41] Till we're lifeless
[05:04:45] Together to um... so. uh so. Outro Music is I'm not a clown, and you're pretty much my only real best.
[05:06:55] Wait, that's what I just can't do.
[05:06:58] That's all I can do.
[05:07:00] Just let me be. so so. so Thank you. I'm a burning bird in an olden days
[05:08:00] I've been fighting for my life
[05:08:02] I'm running now
[05:08:03] Oh, I just wanna take it
[05:08:05] And break the darkness that's within me The darkness has driven away
[05:08:10] No hiding in our shadows, I ain't over
[05:08:16] We're left with an essence of fear So when the swinging air can't serve me
[05:08:22] Nothing can save you and there's no way out.. is I'm a is and it's not over
[05:09:23] we've been through enough to get
[05:09:28] closer
[05:09:29] letting ourselves fall into the same trap I know my battles in the air so so. um is 30 seconds... so so so so so so so so so so six so so so so is so so so so is Rampage
[05:15:09] Without question
[05:15:11] Rampage so so so so so um so so so so so so so so uh is This is your time to play
[05:18:19] This is a desperate day
[05:18:22] We made a sacrifice
[05:18:24] And now we get to take it live We shoot without a gun We'll see you next time.................. you so so so so so so now so so so oh is is is so so so so is so is so um uh I'm on my way home, still lost at sea
[05:25:48] The moon is distracting me down to my knees
[05:25:54] I've come a long way um is is oh so so so so uh is is we do what we must because but there's no sense putting over what i'm used to
[05:28:04] you just keep on flying
[05:28:07] and the world is yours
[05:28:10] so don't worry about me
[05:28:12] cause I'll be right here so i'm not even so so so um so so so so me so so so. so so.
[05:31:17] .
[05:31:22] . Thank you.. is I'm a little bit of either work or work you know it
[05:31:59] Can't get me to tell you the way to mankind
[05:32:03] I can show, I'm the only one
[05:32:07] I ain't never gonna be alone in future um oh so. is so so so so so i'm going to so okay Thank you.. you so so. for is Thank you. let's go Outro Music the master of I'm at the top, are you ready now to die?
[05:36:36] Like a moth from the bottom and into the top
[05:36:39] For the first time I feel alive
[05:36:41] You can fly like any else, smoke like your heart
[05:36:45] Do you think I can fly like an eagle, strike like a hawk.
[05:36:57] Do you think you can actually?
[05:36:59] Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's talk. so my game I knew where this was going, I would listen to you Right now I distance myself from whatever you have to say
[05:37:30] I've made this something way bigger than you were ever gonna be
[05:37:33] I've made it this far
[05:37:34] And I'm taking it to the top
[05:37:36] I came out of the bottom
[05:37:38] And into the top
[05:37:39] For the first time I feel alive
[05:37:41] I can fly like radio, straight like a hawk
[05:37:45] Do you think you can survive?
[05:37:48] I came out from theger, standing to the top
[05:37:51] For the first time I feel alive
[05:37:53] You fly like an eagle, straight with your heart
[05:37:57] Do you think you can't?
[05:37:59] I hear it on the top do you think so so.
[05:38:36] . uh all right guys
[05:39:04] sorry i'm back all right guys
[05:39:08] sorry i'm back
[05:41:05] sorry how are you guys doing um. so so so so so um I'm chewing bones of my own. oh somebody dodged. What the fuck?
[05:51:53] I can't see shit! so Sorry about being so quiet the last, like, game or so. so. so that's Thank you..................................................... you is get over your I was there for you in the darkest times
[05:51:55] I was there for you
[05:51:57] in the darkest nights
[05:51:59] I was there for you
[05:52:01] in the darkest nights I was there for you is so oh oh oh is so so i'm not sure I tried to fight
[05:53:39] Your love should have been a lie
[05:53:42] Call me up tonight
[05:53:44] Hold on tonight
[05:53:46] Cause if what you do
[05:53:48] Is all we've got is is um. is me I'll be gone tonight, so don't worry about it.
[05:54:44] Cause it's gonna do, don't need no
[05:54:48] Don't need no
[05:54:50] Don't need no
[05:54:52] Don't need no Don't need no um um so so I want you by my side
[05:55:38] So that I never feel alone
[05:55:41] They've always been so kind
[05:55:45] But now they brought you away from here okay okay is is um so for me so so that i never feel alone oh oh so so um um is um oh
[05:58:57] this belbeth will not leave me the fuck alone.
[05:59:00] Like are you guys seeing this? This is fucking wild! like it's actually kind of crazy
[05:59:14] straight up though like this guy has been mad like 30 fucking times it's actually crazy is is Damn, I should have buffered the jump.
[06:00:00] I was actually going to jump
[06:00:01] because I knew he was going to flash on me. I was actually trying to, uh as- cause I knew he was gonna flash on me.
[06:00:03] I was actually trying to jump up here...
[06:00:05] he did that and if I had buffered the jump I would've killed him.
[06:00:09] I just-
[06:00:10] My brain wanted to input it but my fingers didn't do it
[06:00:21] i do think it's kind of funny that somehow renekton uh like zero kill renectin in 1v1 me me man my top laners poppin but and we're doing good mid but uh maybe carry
[06:00:45] is very behind.
[06:00:52] Nidalee's pretty behind too, considering the Vell'Less been in my nuts the whole game.
[06:00:58] But, it is what it is.
[06:01:01] It's trying its best I assume so...
[06:01:04] Oh look! The bell's bot again. Crazy.
[06:01:12] Oh that's fun.
[06:01:15] Absolutely crazy man, Belveth is like oh I'm gonna gank bot.
[06:01:20] On this exact timer.
[06:01:22] No, this is too sus to not be something crazy by the way.
[06:01:27] Like the Bel'Veth has not left my lane or stopped going to where i am
[06:01:30] the whole game
[06:01:33] i think it's a little too soft for coincidence
[06:01:37] that's just insane. so so I
[06:02:25] Maybe it is, I don't know like maybe it's just this guy. Just wants to like maybe he's just mad at me and he's just like you know maybe he's just like i hate the tristan amids right i mean a lot of people do some of the mids.
[06:02:33] I mean, a lot of people do.
[06:02:39] Oh,
[06:02:40] I'm dead.
[06:02:42] Nah, that's...
[06:02:44] No yeah he is definitely not playing with a full deck of cards there.
[06:02:52] Like somehow he knew to walk behind me?
[06:02:56] On that timer?
[06:02:58] What?
[06:03:15] I'm gonna put my map cover on. Just for this game, because this is way too sus for him to be in the right spot always, but he's got 500 games diamond one hard stock and he's playing like a fucking like
[06:03:19] jungle genius this game somehow nah we
[06:03:24] we use the uh the old map cover. I'll keep you ready................ you is And yeah, this guy is first-timing Kai'Sa and this guy's first-timing...
[06:07:01] It's first time Kai'Sa and first time Nidalee.
[06:07:05] That does make sense. oh I know everyone hurts differently
[06:07:22] As the shadow washes over me
[06:07:26] And just don't want to leave.
[06:07:38] I know anyone can step away
[06:09:28] It doesn't always have to be this way Yeah, Kaisa did 3000 damage. I'm gonna report her. Pretty sure that's a bot account so um so. so so. uh It doesn't always have to be this way.
[06:09:32] Oh, oh.
[06:12:53] It isn't you that I've been looking for. Thank you.................. Thank you. I can feel something heavy on my heart. I can feel something tearing me apart.
[06:12:56] I can feel that you got me through the dark.
[06:13:34] I can feel the love tonight. so so Outro Music I'm just tearing me apart Hey, I'm here, everything is on fire, everything is on fire, make a noise, you have to stay asleep, wake up, so that the whole night goes on until 8 o'clock.
[06:13:54] All neighbors are annoyed, fuck it if they complain, I miss them all. foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign is I can show you what you want to see and take you where you want to be.
[06:15:32] You could be my love, even if the sky is falling down.................... so so oh is is Thank you. so Thank you. I'm going to be.. Round and round and around for me
[06:20:40] Listen to me, I want you with me
[06:20:43] Close your eyes and watch my sleep
[06:20:46] Feel the beat of yourself in me
[06:20:49] Round and round and around for me.
[06:20:53] .
[06:20:58] . so uh is i'm ready you're ready to watch me show me what you got Don't let the chaos go good and you shall see so so I'm back, sorry. to disagree The mana rune? Oh, presence of minds? Uh... I don't know.
[06:23:24] I mean, you could probably take
[06:23:26] presence of minds.
[06:23:31] I just take absorborb Life because I take biscuits, so all of my mana issues aren't too bad.
[06:23:39] And I don't really notice the mana being too big of a deal until later uh so and waste away with me I love to hide
[06:24:16] in the dark
[06:24:17] It's never been around
[06:24:20] If you wanted it
[06:24:23] to be
[06:24:24] All over my head I wanted it to be true
[06:24:24] I broke my head out of the edge of the sea
[06:24:29] And I want to learn................. you hey. is so so I'm a demon I'm a demon
[06:28:31] I'm a demon
[06:28:33] I'm a demon
[06:28:37] You're a demon to yourself before you play
[06:28:40] All of us will betray do yourself to stay I know I put the time on hold
[06:29:05] Well, I turned my back and looked for
[06:29:09] The better section of love oh is like is well I don't think you can see me fight
[06:30:12] I don't give a shit if the dark fell
[06:30:14] And light went to the ground is Thanks for watching! We'll be right back................. so I'm going to be perfected. is so.
[06:34:24] .
[06:34:29] . so so I love the feeling of all those hands
[06:34:53] giving me a smile and a hand in return.
[06:34:56] I love it when you're on my side,
[06:34:59] but I know it's not how I feel.
[06:35:02] I love to go around the world and see what happens next. i have to move I don't know, man.
[06:35:22] They win bot lane and I make the Jhin AFK for like five minutes.
[06:35:27] My top and my jungle refuse
[06:35:29] to play safe. They refuse to
[06:35:30] stop ganking top.
[06:35:33] It's just the old life of
[06:35:35] solo queue.
[06:35:37] You win mid, your solo queue. You win mid,
[06:35:38] your bot loses. You win bot, your mid
[06:35:39] loses. Your top loses.
[06:35:42] Nobody will play safe
[06:35:43] and nobody will play to not be the main
[06:35:45] character because everybody has been told a thousand times and
[06:35:49] a thousand times again they matter and they're the main character but they're not they're one
[06:35:56] in five on our god
[06:36:01] it's really frustrating my jinn can't land a hook if the guy is not standing
[06:36:05] still I'm very frustrated right now.
[06:36:12] I love... wait, get the fuck out of my lane!
[06:36:17] Bro you're not out of my lane
[06:36:21] like bro you have 89 cs this brand i'm like dude
[06:36:24] your champion plays itself and you still can't see us with him like come on
[06:36:28] we've lost two dragons even with a winning bot lane come on guys................................... I mean it's fine if i'm not in a bad mood
[06:43:01] It's not a big deal like i'm just in a bad mood right now
[06:43:05] like i've carried games way worse than this i just mentally can't
[06:43:08] if i could keep it together right now so
[06:43:12] i don't want to play
[06:43:20] league is just a mental game like everybody's still bad enemy team is so bad i just have completely stopped there
[06:43:25] which means like if i keep queuing i'm gonna I will just take a small break. so down In fact, I'm not even gonna let myself be
[06:44:05] hostage then. Like this is... this is stupid getting
[06:44:10] hostage in a game that like maybe it's
[06:44:12] one of them if it's not but like there
[06:44:14] goes literally the only one trying to
[06:44:15] win I I don't know
[06:44:26] Uh, i'm gonna get off stream i'll be back in a little bit guys
[06:44:31] Sorry I'm gonna get off stream. I'll be back in a little bit, guys. Sorry, I just...
[06:44:32] I need to go do something else.
[06:44:34] I'll be back.