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Adc Academy | How to ADC - Multi Season Ex Challenger helping you climb

07-23-2024 · 7h 08m

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[00:00:00] if it's worth shooting one probably worth shooting a lot so so so so uh so so so so uh sometimes outnumbered an enemy has been slain try to oh oh so And the enemy has been slain. I'm going to try and get the first one. so number two You have slain an enemy has been slain so so what is this Kayn up to? nothing like ally has been slain so Oh my goodness fire so so uh so let me get in there uh enemy has been so so so so so so so so uh I'm going to go back. in any killing spree double kill oh killing spray killing spree so your team has a strong turn of thought
[00:09:40] unstoppable
[00:09:48] what the so the kick so wow dominating an enemy has been slain so so so so so so him if you don't hit him an enemy has been slain so so so so so so get back out there I'm going to try and get the first one. Thanks for watching! An ally has been slain.
[00:13:46] Rampage!
[00:13:49] A fight!
[00:13:52] A team has been slain.
[00:13:56] Double kill.
[00:14:04] Maybe we should shoot faster! A summoner is just a weapon. you Thank you.............................................................. you you so so welcome to summer's rift 30 seconds until minions fall Oh, please don't die. I can't lose this eye kick. Not again. Minions have spawned. oh my goodness what's up guys Okay. All right.
[00:26:08] Yeah, we got to make sure Mr. Blitzcrank's not trying to leash.
[00:26:12] We don't want a leash bro so Oh, I'm just gonna die.
[00:26:50] This is kinda hard to do anything.
[00:26:54] He's gonna die too.
[00:27:08] We just need the push to get level 2, not fight level 1. The problem is Blitzcrank gets a melee.
[00:27:12] Right like Blitzcranks a melee champ they're double ranged but Blitz doesn't have CC like Anonymous does level 1 so you don't want to fight them level one with Blitz, unless we have something that's like an
[00:27:27] even footing in the lane. You never do
[00:27:29] that. So I
[00:27:31] should've just... Honestly, I was just
[00:27:33] autopiloting, not focused.
[00:27:35] The way you play that is you literally just
[00:27:37] ignore everything Blitzcrank's
[00:27:39] doing, and I just play for myself.
[00:27:42] So it's my bad.
[00:27:44] You just let him die.
[00:27:47] If he's dumb enough to hook level 1, you just let him die
[00:27:52] if he's dumb enough to hook level one you just let him die
[00:28:03] because now he's gonna roam on a very bad timer. See, he thinks this is a good time to roam
[00:28:05] but it's really bad timer
[00:28:07] because I need to push this wave in and I can't walk up without him here. So
[00:28:11] he went mid right? What this does though is it creates a 2v1 in bot off of the timer that
[00:28:18] he decided to leave. magic Oh
[00:28:53] My god, I actually had that guy.
[00:28:59] But yeah, I mean I have to take fights like that because there's no use in not doing it I can't get hauled into wizard court again.
[00:29:27] Technically,
[00:29:27] I don't have a permit for the gauntlet.
[00:29:31] You're gonna hold the waver?
[00:29:33] Jinx has to walk back
[00:29:40] waves in such a good spots bots.
[00:29:51] We're basically gonna hold the wave here and when Jinx walks up,
[00:29:53] we can look for a blitz hook now. They're trying to unfreeze it and boom pretty kill And boom! Pretty kill.
[00:30:43] We can actually walk forward here and still play aggro.
[00:30:53] Oh, nice! Nice. Actually really, really worth.
[00:30:55] I want to push this wave in Oops.
[00:31:16] Okay.
[00:31:18] Not bad, we got the wave shoved in now.
[00:31:24] We should have backed.
[00:31:29] Bonk spot. Jinx is coming bot as well.
[00:31:32] Let's do one of these.
[00:31:37] This is a really awkward-ass first game,
[00:31:38] just because the very start of the game,
[00:31:41] like level 1, we got super fucked over on our waves, so
[00:31:42] the CS is gonna be really bad.
[00:31:57] We just gotta be careful not to get flanked by LeBlanc right now, 1v2.
[00:32:46] Because LeBlanc could... okay we see our med which on Whoa, what am I watching over here? not bad Not bad.
[00:32:50] LeBlanc gets down here.
[00:32:52] I do have Barrier. Okay. Okay, Sylas is gonna come try and kill me.
[00:33:10] I do have E so I should be okay.
[00:33:26] Nah there's probably no reason to kill him. My wave bot is a little fucked right now so that... not great.
[00:33:29] Chasing that LeBlanc kill kinda fucked my wave bot, which was my bad.
[00:33:37] Like overall it's like not worth because it cost me my flash and barrier
[00:33:40] And if this Jinx was, like, kind of better...
[00:33:42] This wave would be, like,
[00:33:44] ultra fucked because she could freeze this.
[00:33:46] But she chose not to so that's actually pretty good for us.
[00:33:51] I'm extremely,
[00:33:52] extremely strong now.
[00:33:53] We got a really
[00:33:55] good
[00:33:56] item spike
[00:34:00] and I actually want to kind of keep...
[00:34:01] I wanna start pushing a bit.
[00:34:07] I think Oblong's in one of these bushes.
[00:34:13] Yeah, she is.
[00:34:16] It'd be really nice if Blitz was able to walk up.
[00:34:26] Uh yeah, we can't do anything there.
[00:34:30] I can kind of stay in like an interesting spot here.
[00:34:35] They can't dive me, because I can just wave clear.
[00:34:39] I'm going to try and thin the wave out by staying max
[00:34:41] range, and just throwing spells at the waves so that
[00:34:44] the wave gets thinned a little bit here.
[00:34:46] The Jinx is backing
[00:34:48] in this middle bush... oh, she didn't back?
[00:34:52] I think she's still backing in this middle bush, so I'm gonna ult it.
[00:34:56] Yep!
[00:34:57] I got her to stop her back...
[00:35:00] It's not bad. elements Not too bad.
[00:35:19] I think she's pretty low on mana here. We could actually fuck with her.
[00:35:30] I just gotta be careful of her rocket, but outside of that we're actually in a decent spot.
[00:35:36] Uh...I don't think Zyn has splash so I don't think he can actually get to me here.
[00:35:42] Uh...I kinda wanna make sure that Jinx can't just walk back to the wave.
[00:35:49] Oh! I'm gonna die here 100
[00:35:57] ooh we got the jinx though uh i messed up and gave a 900 gold to Zin.
[00:35:59] I thought Zin was going to start dragon,
[00:36:00] and I shouldn't have assumed that. That was my bad.
[00:36:06] Because we couldn't
[00:36:07] see he was on Drake.
[00:36:12] That was my B. I was like, it's probably likely but yeah...
[00:36:16] Oh shit there is this 5 maining bot. What the fuck?
[00:36:25] Honestly, our Riven needs to push and get plates.
[00:36:31] When there's that many people bot all of a sudden, it's really uh...
[00:36:34] ...advocatious to push and get shit done.
[00:36:41] Cause when you push, it forces the enemy to be under pressure. Like Garen can't just sit covering waves right?
[00:36:45] There's two things that happen when you push lanes...
[00:36:49] Your laner that're versus can't just
[00:36:52] roam around because they get punished.
[00:36:55] That's pretty much the easiest way
[00:36:56] to actually punish people roaming
[00:36:57] in a league is to just push because the plates
[00:37:00] early are more valuable like two points is a
[00:37:03] kill so if they roam and get a kill and you
[00:37:05] get two plates now you got a kill but they also missed uh
[00:37:10] a lot of different xp and so it's really really good That was a warning shot.
[00:37:28] Stop!
[00:37:50] What? so Dang, he actually got me.
[00:37:52] Dude, that was well played by Blitz though.
[00:37:56] I don't think you should have walked back in just now, but... The rest of it was really well played.
[00:37:58] Like the flash punch on Jinx
[00:38:00] was sick!
[00:38:04] But yeah you can see like...
[00:38:06] When you do something like that where you make a sick play like that.
[00:38:09] You see how my team got a bunch of things in the map right?
[00:38:12] So we both died. We traded 2 for 3 but we got uh...
[00:38:16] We got three kills,
[00:38:18] we got like 3 plates mid,
[00:38:21] 3 plates top and grubs.
[00:38:23] So it's like that's the trade-off
[00:38:24] you're normally trying to do.
[00:38:26] It was like if you do have people in your
[00:38:27] lane and your team is able to make a playoff of it it's really big
[00:38:32] because then it helps your team get back into the game
[00:38:36] now here like obviously my team is you know they forgot that the enemy's gonna come out of base eventually.
[00:38:45] So I mean that's just a very common thing.
[00:38:50] Because yeah, I think they should have been more understanding of like
[00:38:55] Okay the enemy just died and they're going to come out of base
[00:38:58] And then walk to the
[00:38:59] lanes that we're pushing but i mean it's it is one of those it's not a big deal Damn, if Blitz
[00:39:19] walked up to the Zen and punched him I would have lived.
[00:39:23] But again that's not really Blitz' fault, I should've been more understanding of the wave.
[00:39:36] A lot of times in the CLO, you have to play very like...
[00:39:37] You can't do anything because
[00:39:40] it is up to your team.
[00:39:42] In a perfect world, what ends up happening in League
[00:39:44] is if you pull pressure, your team can
[00:39:46] use that pressure that you pulled
[00:39:48] to win the game or
[00:39:50] relieve stress on the game
[00:39:52] is a good way to put it so like if i pull three
[00:39:54] people bot my team gets a lot on the other side of the map sometimes they do
[00:39:58] it and sometimes they don't so a really big factor of what ends up happening is you kind of just have
[00:40:08] to understand that
[00:40:09] you just have to be patient sometimes because your team
[00:40:12] won't follow up on when they
[00:40:15] should. And it's just because that's
[00:40:17] League of Legends.
[00:40:20] Sometimes they will,
[00:40:21] sometimes they won't.
[00:40:28] Not dying is usually the biggest thing that you want to focus on, though.
[00:40:37] Yeah, like here we're fighting mid which is super awkward because I don't know why we'd be fighting men but
[00:40:43] Like our goal right now is not fight made our goals like get objectives
[00:40:47] But we should look at dragon, we should look at uh rift herald stuff like that
[00:40:52] i don't know who's tilted but like i'm very far ahead and we're chilling
[00:41:02] i mean it's probably lasandra because she messed up the early game So when you're playing a champion like Ezreal too,
[00:41:12] You want to play really far forward.
[00:41:29] Okay. you see how like there i'm not scared to fight these guys?
[00:41:33] You can't be nervous to push your lead when you get a lead.
[00:41:35] Like, you can't be a pussy!
[00:41:40] You gotta just say, okay we have a lead. Let's fucking push our lead.... so Oh
[00:42:16] The only thing I didn't like about that was Blitzcrank didn't play that right. But again, you can't rely on your teammates to play things correctly.
[00:42:20] So that's kind of my
[00:42:22] fault Hmm.
[00:42:36] Our team tried the two-man dragon.
[00:42:38] They did get it, but yeah, that was kind of a bad play.
[00:42:50] Okay. bad play so when you're in the situation like this your main goal in the game is to get as much farm as possible like i i need to get farm
[00:42:56] like you always need to think about the game mid-game as
[00:43:00] your job isn't just like only sit mid, only sit here, only do this. Your job
[00:43:05] at mid game is to get as many resources
[00:43:07] as humanly possible without losing as many resources
[00:43:09] as humanly possible. So right now
[00:43:11] I do want to go mid
[00:43:13] Like we're gonna lose mid turret because I wasn't there,
[00:43:16] but we were either going to lose bot turret or we were
[00:43:18] going to lose mid turret. And the reason is
[00:43:20] because my Graves' Rage AFK
[00:43:22] sitting in base.
[00:43:24] And I can't control that. I can't control Graves' rage typing.
[00:43:28] Riven should have also been
[00:43:29] there, right? Like, Riven
[00:43:31] should also be covering mid in a perfect world.
[00:43:33] But again, like, you can't
[00:43:35] control him so
[00:43:39] He wanted to push top which was pretty much irrelevant
[00:43:42] but it is what of this I'm uh i'm gonna make sure to push this mid wave and then we can go rotate I mean, I'm just gonna die here so I have to...
[00:44:07] I had to attempt To like go in there
[00:44:09] Because
[00:44:09] Um
[00:44:11] I really didn't have a choice
[00:44:12] As soon as I got
[00:44:13] W'd
[00:44:15] I'm just gonna die
[00:44:15] No matter what
[00:44:16] So here
[00:44:17] A lot of really bad things
[00:44:18] Are happening all at once And a lot of this bad things are happening all at once.
[00:44:19] And a lot of this is because my team is trying to tilt fight.
[00:44:22] This is what we call the old Tilt Fight
[00:44:24] where they think that the only way to win
[00:44:26] is to like fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight
[00:44:29] and you can see Lissandra's
[00:44:31] doing it too, right? She's trying really hard
[00:44:32] to just be like, oh, we can only
[00:44:34] win through force fighting. I'm 0-9.
[00:44:37] We need to make a play. You don't actually need
[00:44:38] to do that. You need to take a breath and realize
[00:44:41] that the game isn't over
[00:44:42] just because you yourself are behind, right?
[00:44:44] Like I'm ahead.
[00:44:46] Graves is actually not behind.
[00:44:48] I'm not behind.
[00:44:49] I'm actually very ahead
[00:44:50] and our top laner was ahead until he...
[00:44:54] you know, tilt-fucked.
[00:44:57] 99.9% of League of Legends is purely mental
[00:45:01] And if you give up at, like,
[00:45:03] the first sign of trouble
[00:45:03] or you say, like, oh, this game was over,
[00:45:07] like, it wasn't. You just
[00:45:09] suck. So
[00:45:10] the number one thing I'm gonna tell you guys to climb in League. Stop being a pussy...
[00:45:16] Play to win. Damn, I missed the Q. That was my bad. Like this! Revan is misplaying right? Why is Revan mid?
[00:45:38] I don't know. But it IS a misplay. Should always be sidelane.
[00:45:45] You should never be grouped until three to four items on Riven.
[00:45:49] A lot of players do this thing where they get panicked
[00:45:51] and they're like, I need a group in force fights.
[00:45:53] You don't.
[00:45:54] What you need to do as a split pusher,
[00:45:56] as a top laner, a mid laner,
[00:45:58] you need to understand that your goal
[00:46:00] is not create fights. Your goal
[00:46:02] is create pressure.
[00:46:05] Pressure is different and that's why people like
[00:46:07] Y Uter I've never seen this guy above Masters ever.
[00:46:12] He sits low Masters high diamond
[00:46:15] for pretty much his entire league career.
[00:46:17] And it's because he wins lane, too.
[00:46:19] But he's too stupid to understand that
[00:46:21] after thousands and thousands
[00:46:23] of games,
[00:46:25] he's not smart enough to understand your goal
[00:46:35] is to win the game.
[00:46:38] Not to fight.
[00:46:41] Sometimes you can't win through non-fighting
[00:46:43] or through fighting.
[00:46:45] You have to win through
[00:46:46] scaling and waiting for item spikes,
[00:46:49] and macro, things like that.
[00:46:51] This game specifically, we need to wait for me to get items
[00:46:54] so...we won bot lane really hard but after we won bot
[00:46:57] my team fell apart.
[00:46:59] They didn't know what to do.
[00:47:01] They're just trolling and getting angry.
[00:47:03] Well you can see here Lissandra is just going to die.
[00:47:06] She's just mad right?
[00:47:08] She's playing emotionally. Okay. so mother an ally has been
[00:47:45] where's my entire team i just killed two
[00:47:46] of them
[00:47:53] that's crazy, actually.
[00:47:54] That they died.
[00:47:55] I didn't even notice.
[00:47:58] I mean, none of them should have died 100%. But that's actually kind of wild, yeah.
[00:48:07] Believe it or not, I can still carry this game. Only one inhib down and like 1 dragon they're about to get their second dragon
[00:48:12] No Nexus turrets down, they wasted
[00:48:14] their Baron.
[00:48:16] We scale really well. I can actually carry this pretty hard.
[00:48:20] I've carried way worse than this.
[00:48:26] Back from the dead that confirms it i am a god
[00:48:36] uh i just need to get items, right?
[00:48:38] That's just how AD carry works.
[00:48:40] Uh-oh.
[00:48:42] Our team is doing the thing where they're rage trying to force fights.
[00:48:44] Instead of playing smart and playing to scale, they're trying to rage force.
[00:48:54] The problem with rage forcing is you don't have the only person on your team with three items. You can't do that. but uh um wow Oops.
[00:49:58] I mean, that was me being stupid. My bad.
[00:50:01] I missed the Q because I thought he was...I didn't know he was gonna do
[00:50:05] that. But like I said, look at how fed we are now!
[00:50:09] We showed up to two fights.
[00:50:13] The enemy team's nowhere... They're not as ahead
[00:50:14] as they were five minutes ago.
[00:50:26] We're actually in a very, very good spot. I'm almost six item Ezreal! wait i just watched my graves dash into a
[00:50:39] holy fuck i just watched graves dashing to 2v1
[00:50:42] at 10 hp huh so Man, my bad.
[00:51:21] I wish Lissandra had ulted
[00:51:23] but it's okay.
[00:51:27] I actually... But it's okay. I Actually, I could have carried that
[00:51:31] I mean hit the wave men
[00:51:37] They could've stopped that damn...
[00:51:45] It's okay. We report Lissandra. Riot has actually been very good about banning soft enters nowadays.
[00:51:47] I'm talking, like...
[00:51:48] This guy has an actual 50% chance
[00:51:50] to get banned now,
[00:51:51] not just a 5%.
[00:51:53] Riot made this funny Vanguard where like they can detect people like the amount
[00:52:01] they're trying the amount of cooldowns being used etc and it's actually really really easy............ some people need tough love
[00:54:25] nah you suck. Learn and prove no excuses your D2 until you prove otherwise. brother was.
[00:54:41] Nah, I'm not gonna...
[00:54:43] I actually could have carried that game if I played
[00:54:47] perfect though. That was my bad.
[00:54:49] I don't like excuses that's my biggest pet peeve is when people make excuses
[00:54:56] like you did 15 000 damage damage. You had three items...
[00:55:00] Or you had two items on a champion
[00:55:02] designed to snowball the game
[00:55:04] from lane phase.
[00:55:06] You have 450 games played
[00:55:09] sitting in Diamond 2 as a Riven 1.
[00:55:12] Like, this is fucking pathetic.
[00:55:16] Like you need people to call people out.
[00:55:18] This guy has like he's been in this elo
[00:55:21] playing a thousand games a season
[00:55:23] for fucking five years
[00:55:25] Like, I gotta be honest with you
[00:55:29] man Like, I gotta be honest with you man.
[00:55:36] If your okay being in this elo that's cool but stop being a pussy
[00:55:38] and understand we could have won
[00:55:40] this game had you not been a little bitch.
[00:55:50] Did this guy
[00:55:51] run us down? Sure.
[00:55:53] But, you also ran it down, right?
[00:55:56] Like, this is what I don't like about these mentalities.
[00:55:59] He's like, oh, our mid went 0-13.
[00:56:01] Bro, you went 4-6-5. 6.8 CS a minute
[00:56:04] on Riven.
[00:56:06] And Riven should murder this team comp.
[00:56:09] Like, this is actually
[00:56:10] the easiest team comp I've ever seen for
[00:56:12] Riven beating.
[00:56:14] They're all
[00:56:15] melee champs, except
[00:56:17] for one really immobile
[00:56:19] AD carry
[00:56:19] and Riven counters
[00:56:23] burst
[00:56:23] and And Riven counters Burst.
[00:56:33] So yeah, I mean I just... I can't be bothered with people
[00:56:36] who are losers.
[00:56:43] If you want to be a 600-game player
[00:56:45] hard stuck in Diamond and blame your team, that's on you.
[00:56:49] But just know you're a loser. By the way, if you want to learn AD carry,
[00:57:01] I will teach you guys how to play AD.
[00:57:03] But I'm also not going to be nice.
[00:57:06] This is my view on this.
[00:57:11] Everybody has
[00:57:12] this idea nowadays that
[00:57:13] they want to be able
[00:57:16] to blame their team for losing games and like all this shit.
[00:57:19] It's like, no, no, no, no.
[00:57:21] Listen, just stop being a pussy.
[00:57:24] If you actually want to improve and you actually want to climb
[00:57:27] and you actually want to get good,
[00:57:29] you can't blame your team. It's on YOU to do that. Like, last game.
[00:57:45] I literally died ten times.
[00:57:47] I played bad.
[00:57:49] I played the best on my team,
[00:57:51] but I'm also not a Diamond player.
[00:57:53] So I was shitting
[00:57:54] on Diamond 1 players, right?
[00:57:55] So I'm pooping
[00:57:56] on Diamond 1 players.
[00:57:58] I should be playing better.
[00:58:00] That's just how it works. I'll miss that. All right, let me see. so... KVM?
[00:59:21] Uh, probably not.
[00:59:22] Not right now anyway.
[00:59:24] I'm not gonna play Cait into Jink Splits with a Thresh Support goals?
[00:59:44] I mean, your goal with support and lane phase
[00:59:45] should be to facilitate
[00:59:47] your AD carry.
[00:59:52] Make sure that waves are being managed
[00:59:54] correctly, don't roam on bad timers
[00:59:56] and make sure that you have vision
[00:59:59] and control of the lane based on what your champion
[01:00:03] is. Okay.. Like, last game
[01:00:37] for example, right?
[01:00:38] That Blitzcrank
[01:00:38] walked up
[01:00:40] kind of
[01:00:41] fucked the lane over level 1 by trying to fight
[01:00:43] double range level 1.
[01:00:46] Right? So he fucked the lane over level
[01:00:47] 1 a bit by fighting on a really bad
[01:00:49] angle.
[01:00:52] Then, when the wave was bouncing at level 2...
[01:00:54] Okay?
[01:00:56] When the wave was bouncing at level 2,
[01:00:59] he roamed
[01:01:00] and we got really lucky that the enemy LeBlanc also roams.
[01:01:04] Because if the enemy LeBlanc had not roamed on the timer she did...
[01:01:07] We would have been fucked.
[01:01:27] What? I'm going to have a good feeling about this. Welcome to Summoner's Island. Alright.
[01:01:33] I mean, this is a free fight.
[01:01:38] Just go in, yeah like hit them. so I'm actually not going to flash, because I value my Flash a lot there.
[01:02:08] Now, I do think that's
[01:02:09] a little sad that that happened
[01:02:10] because what ended up happening was
[01:02:12] if you notice...
[01:02:15] ... uh
[01:02:22] hold on i'm trying to do the
[01:02:28] if you notice what happens thrash started started Hook. Which was fine, there's nothing wrong with starting hook. The problem is though when Thresh
[01:02:32] starts Hook in a situation like that we have to kill who he hooks. Blitz lived a little bit
[01:02:36] and then if you also noticed the Darius didn't really participate in the fight
[01:02:42] So Darius didn't walk into the fight when the fight started he waited
[01:02:46] When a level 1 fight like that breaks out, you don't have a choice
[01:02:48] You gotta fight.
[01:02:49] Karthus should've died on top of the fight.
[01:02:51] Like people play really stupid in certain fights
[01:02:54] like level 1 and level 2 and shit.
[01:02:56] People get like really nervous
[01:02:57] but just commit to the fight.
[01:02:59] If a fight is going to happen it's better to commit than be a pussy
[01:03:03] because if you commit to the fight you're helping your teammates
[01:03:06] even if you die you are at least getting something out of it. Like right there, I don't know why Thresh didn't walk forward when we were about to
[01:03:27] hit level 2.
[01:03:28] He stood behind me, right?
[01:03:29] That's a very very very like pussy-ass playstyle.
[01:03:33] Because you see how Blitz walked up right?
[01:03:35] Blitz walked up to hook.
[01:03:38] But Thresh stood behind me...
[01:03:41] Like look at this this like walk forward bro
[01:03:49] there you go fight him Fight him!
[01:04:03] Play? Alright, I got him.
[01:04:04] Not bad.
[01:04:06] Huge! See?
[01:04:09] That's exactly what
[01:04:10] I was talking about. you just gotta have the balls to make plays and now that was super fucking
[01:04:21] good for us Jinx is gonna miss half a wave.
[01:04:27] We're back into the game, Jinx doesn't have flash.
[01:04:32] Right? So now Jinx has no flash she missed missed half a wave. We can get back to lane.
[01:04:38] Uh... we have Barrier coming up but it shouldn't matter too much.
[01:04:45] We're in very,
[01:04:46] very good spots.
[01:04:49] That Karthus
[01:04:50] definitely trolled.
[01:04:52] That was a troll. Stop chasing. You're never going to
[01:04:54] catch that guy.
[01:04:58] Stuff like that right there is uh that's a really uh unique situation i'm not going to go over what that guy just did wrong but
[01:05:04] because this is an 80 carry teaching stream today at least but yeah that card just did grief Lantern me?
[01:05:21] Lantern me?!
[01:05:23] I don't know what that was.
[01:05:28] Okay, now you're lanterning me in like
[01:05:31] oh my god
[01:05:35] stop
[01:05:38] oh my god the car Carthus is fucking
[01:05:40] my lane really bad.
[01:05:42] Okay, I'm gonna go back.
[01:05:45] I have Vamp Scepter
[01:05:46] but I want the wave to
[01:05:48] stay right where it is right now.
[01:05:50] Okay. I want the wave to stay right where it is right now.
[01:06:02] So, I backed right there because if the wave stays where it is right now, The waves never going to move from this spot until Jinx gets back to lane.
[01:06:05] Okay? Because I'm MF,
[01:06:07] I'm faster so because I'm faster for my W
[01:06:10] I can actually get back to lane before they crash this.
[01:06:13] Now I'm full HP instead of using all that time
[01:06:16] that I would have needed to push the waves in.
[01:06:18] Now I'm full HP and I'm back in lane at full HP.
[01:06:24] See?
[01:06:40] This isn't too bad. Now we do need to be a little careful, uh, we haven't seen Rengar, right? There's a pretty good chance Rengar is lane ganking bot.
[01:06:44] He's either A, top trying to invade or B,
[01:06:48] lane-ganking bot. We don't know which one it is.
[01:06:52] So because we don't know which one it is,
[01:06:55] We're gonna assume he's- Okay stop. We're fine.
[01:07:01] You see how immediately I'm pinging Thresh to go forward, right?
[01:07:09] Ooh huge.
[01:07:13] Got him big
[01:07:34] My team is getting a little screwed over at the moment, but it's not a big deal. Our goal this game is not to do anything like i'm not going to focus on how bad my team's playing
[01:07:42] what we're gonna do instead is we're gonna focus on what WE can do to win the game.
[01:07:50] I'm gonna back, again same thing as before right?
[01:07:52] I'm gonna back because the wave
[01:07:54] is going to be here it's a cannon wave
[01:07:58] and because it's a cannon wave. And because it's a cannon wave, okay?
[01:08:00] That means that it's gonna take them longer
[01:08:02] to push this wave in
[01:08:03] because it's going to take them longer
[01:08:04] to push this wave in
[01:08:06] I can use MFs movement speed
[01:08:07] and I'm get back to the lane at a pretty
[01:08:09] good tempo. Now if we hit
[01:08:11] tab, we see that Jinx...
[01:08:14] I don't know what
[01:08:15] our item spike is going to be, but
[01:08:17] we can check it out.
[01:08:20] Whenever going to be but uh we can check it out
[01:08:25] whenever jinx shows back up on the map we can see what her item spike is going to be we don't know what it is yet but we'll
[01:08:27] see in a second.
[01:08:33] Alright, so she has boots. So my team is fighting... I don't know if I have the mini-map cover on,
[01:08:35] I can't remember, but uh
[01:08:37] My team is fighting an enemy jungle
[01:08:39] I'm not gonna run to that. And the reason you don't just run to the fight
[01:08:41] like an idiot is it's
[01:08:43] like oh but Jinx got a double kill
[01:08:45] okay yeah she did. But
[01:08:47] I couldn't have prevented that regardless
[01:08:49] right? I could not have prevented
[01:08:52] what just happened, regardless
[01:08:53] had I ran directly there.
[01:08:58] So
[01:08:58] I'd rather secure
[01:08:59] my ability to get myself a lead by getting minions bot lane,
[01:09:05] getting plates, et cetera. Ooh, there's a good chance I'm dead.
[01:09:19] Ooh...
[01:09:27] Okay, I actually almost fucked up real bad there. Thank God the rest was there.
[01:09:34] Actually, I might be able to stay just because they're very low and I have Vamp Scepter and BF Sword.
[01:09:39] I need to be careful about getting flashed on by Kennen.
[01:09:42] I actually don't want
[01:09:43] to shove this wave in though.
[01:09:44] Right here, I want to shove this wave in though. Right here,
[01:09:45] I wanna sit with the wave
[01:09:48] kind of in this neutral spot
[01:09:51] until the next wave is about to crash like right now
[01:09:54] we see that the next wave is gonna crash
[01:09:56] we know that because we're looking at our own
[01:09:58] wave on the mini-map
[01:10:02] Now we're going to push this in
[01:10:04] and we're gonna recall.
[01:10:08] I'm not gonna even go for this plate.
[01:10:11] I have my Bloodthirster,
[01:10:11] okay?
[01:10:14] I don't care about that plate at all.
[01:10:16] That would take too long. We already have the item
[01:10:17] that we want, so I'm gonna grab BT.
[01:10:19] I'm not gonna get a pink ward because pink ward is
[01:10:21] like... It's an absolutely worthless
[01:10:23] fucking thing to buy at this stage of the game. Okay?
[01:10:28] Like, at this stage of the game, okay? Like,
[01:10:28] at this stage of the game,
[01:10:30] don't ever buy pinks. Especially if you're
[01:10:32] below X elo. Like, any
[01:10:34] elo that's not literally the highest
[01:10:36] elo, pinks are worthless so here another thing that I want to notice or show you is we have Bloodthirster. It's a really big item spike.
[01:10:53] Jinx only has Heartbound Axe okay? Okay.
[01:11:04] So what we want to do, now that we have this, We wanna make sure that we are understanding that we are stronger than them.
[01:11:11] Okay? uh understanding that we are stronger than them
[01:11:15] okay and i'm going to walk up and i'm just gonna start pressuring the lead I have my W, I'm stronger.
[01:11:25] I do not need to be scared of these two at all.
[01:11:29] Even if I get hooked, it's really unlikely at this stage that I'll die.
[01:11:34] Jinx is extremely weak and I have so much lifesteal with the BT
[01:11:39] plus the shield, plus everything else...
[01:11:44] It's pretty unlikely that I'll die if i get hooked unless Rengar is here. If Rengar is here, I'm definitely dead. But yeah.
[01:11:57] So here,
[01:11:58] we can actually look for some kills.
[01:12:01] Again,
[01:12:02] we need to respect the Rengar gank because I have no flash.
[01:12:07] So you see
[01:12:08] how I'm not just endlessly pushing the wave in,
[01:12:10] right? A lot of that has to do
[01:12:12] with the fact that we don't know where Rengar is. So That we don't know where Rengar is
[01:12:14] So because we don't know where Rengar is
[01:12:16] I don't want to just mindlessly push this in
[01:12:19] And overextend
[01:12:19] Uh, I mean, this is awkward.
[01:12:33] So right there was another really good thing about...
[01:12:39] You see how like...
[01:12:41] Remember in solo queue I tell you that
[01:12:44] you have to play around your own plays and things like that.
[01:12:48] That's a very good idea of why you have to do that, what you just saw.
[01:12:53] So we actually should've never died there.
[01:12:56] The way you play that is,
[01:12:57] you see how Thresh walked forward
[01:12:59] when we were getting all ends, right?
[01:13:01] You never walk forward on all ends ever with Thresh.
[01:13:05] He's the type of champion
[01:13:08] that your job is to walk backward
[01:13:10] and throw the lantern immediately
[01:13:12] when you see
[01:13:14] something bad happening.
[01:13:16] So, like, you see a bad play about to occur,
[01:13:19] you just walk the fuck back
[01:13:20] into the lantern and that's your play.
[01:13:23] Right? You're not even trying to fight
[01:13:25] or make a play out... Like, you're just like, okay, he's
[01:13:27] out.
[01:13:30] But again, I can't really control the Thresh.
[01:13:33] So because I can't control him
[01:13:34] I'm not going to focus on that.
[01:13:36] Did he fuck up? Sure.
[01:13:38] But you know, I should have not been playing that type of thing.
[01:13:48] Nice! Alright we gotta play it. I'm gonna back up... Nice.
[01:13:51] Alright, we got a plate. I'm going to back up.
[01:13:53] We see Blitz top.
[01:13:55] There's a chance that Jinx tries to
[01:13:57] walk up here. Maybe she'll W
[01:13:59] the bush. I don't know
[01:14:06] I want to take this turret.
[01:14:39] Ooh, I suck. so Okay, we're gonna walk away.
[01:14:41] Lantern me? Thank you.
[01:14:43] See, that's the perfect lantern!
[01:14:46] Right there. That's the perfect lantern because you don't need to actually do
[01:14:48] anything, you don't need to bait it, you don't need to do any crazy
[01:14:50] shit. As soon as we see
[01:14:52] that we're being ran at, it's very likely that somebody is behind him while
[01:14:55] we are getting ran at.
[01:14:57] So because someone is very likely behind him
[01:14:59] while we are being run at
[01:15:01] you just answer and then we run.
[01:15:03] The turret plate just dropped i could go bot here and defend this turret
[01:15:09] but i don't think they have the balls to actually walk up
[01:15:12] so i'm gonna walk mid so that i can help with this uh rift herald fight
[01:15:19] once the plates drop and once mid game starts
[01:15:22] you want to play around a different side of the map.
[01:15:31] Your goal is to play around...
[01:15:35] ... uh what
[01:15:42] i don't even know what I just watched, but okay.
[01:15:50] I got a flash...
[01:15:55] Uh, I mean, I'm a little frustrated by what I just watched.
[01:16:01] My Ryze... my Blitzcrank got hooked
[01:16:05] or my Thresh got hooked right? Then Ryze ulted under the turret, died, gave Jinx the reset.
[01:16:11] And then I got triple flashed on while my team finished the objective.
[01:16:21] Oh, I can tell
[01:16:22] I'm in piss low.
[01:16:25] Oh yeah, no we are
[01:16:26] in really low elo.
[01:16:31] Oh, we're in
[01:16:32] piss, piss, piss or piss low?
[01:16:35] We're in the pissiest of
[01:16:36] the piss lows possible right now.
[01:16:52] Okay. right now like this this rise is extremely bad at League yikes That's okay though.
[01:17:03] There is no reason to be even taking this fight right now, but it is what it is
[01:17:12] Ooh.
[01:17:15] I shouldn't have even walked over that.
[01:17:16] I'm going to deafen.
[01:17:19] I'm falling for getting baited by bad pings,
[01:17:21] and as soon as that happens to me,
[01:17:21] I know I need to deafen.
[01:17:26] Because what's going on now is it's the same thing that I tell you happens
[01:17:28] every game. My team
[01:17:30] is getting mad, right? They're getting
[01:17:32] ooh, emotional!
[01:17:36] And because they're being emotional players, they're getting ooh emotional and because they're being emotional players they're going to start forcing fights that shouldn't be happening like right there we
[01:17:41] never play for that dragon we sack the drake the drake doesn't matter and my darius was like no we need to play
[01:17:48] dragon dragon dragon but you don't you don't need to fight that right there's no value in it there's
[01:17:52] zero value in fighting that it's too risky for very low reward i've died three times
[01:17:57] now because i was like playing incorrectly
[01:18:01] i think one of my deaths was unavoidable but the other three were you you know, they were my bad. So what we're going to do now is we're going to start playing
[01:18:10] very, very selfish in terms of like,
[01:18:18] I'm not going to do stuff
[01:18:19] that doesn't directly net me gains.
[01:18:25] Okay.
[01:18:29] I have cancer. i really do my bad
[01:18:37] what am i gonna learn i'm never gonna learn. I know that this guy is not
[01:18:39] going to lantern me properly.
[01:18:40] I'm not going to position like he will.
[01:18:42] Playing here is fine because
[01:18:43] I'm baiting the lantern
[01:18:44] but they have the better support
[01:18:47] massively.
[01:18:50] Because they have the better support, I have to play very different than I should.
[01:18:55] But again that's just AD carry stuff.
[01:18:59] That's on me.
[01:19:46] Okay. so uh i have to go top i can't really walk up mid I don't think this guy can actually kill me.
[01:20:19] Yeah, just say that I'm pretty sure he can't because I have too much life still. uh i'm not gonna walk mid here is kind of rough, because all it does is give my... It just like wastes my time.
[01:20:22] What I'm actually going to do is push three waves bot and then recall.
[01:20:25] I don't think I can get the tower, but...
[01:20:31] What this does is you could kinda see like
[01:20:36] This forces someone to this does is you can kind of see like
[01:20:40] this forces somebody to come defend this
[01:20:44] right oh this guy should not be chasing me. I don't know what he's doing.
[01:20:49] Cannon is trolling by the way! That cannon chasing you that far?
[01:20:53] That's like...that's something you should never do.
[01:21:01] Uh, the reason I don't do that...
[01:21:03] I can go over it really fast.
[01:21:05] The reason you don't chase like that is because
[01:21:08] That cannon needs the back so they can go buy items, right?
[01:21:12] But he stalled his back because uh...he was chasing
[01:21:16] So because he stalled his back chasing
[01:21:22] what that did was that made it a lot easier for me to get
[01:21:26] back on the map without getting fucked over
[01:21:52] so he basically like gave up his turn to be on the map by chasing which was really dumb Yeah, whatever. I got him.
[01:22:01] Mmm...I'd say that's worth. We saved bot turret.
[01:22:17] I'd say it's 100% worth, because we ended up saving bot turret there even though I died. We got all of Seth's cooldowns and um...
[01:22:20] We saved the turret. And this turret is worth like a thousand gold or 800 or something
[01:22:25] insane so if we let that guy take that turret for free it we lose so much golds
[01:22:36] like in a perfect world the rides should be matching this guy but because he's
[01:22:40] not you know you have to do the work the thing about ad carry that kind of sucks is
[01:22:46] you do have to do the work sometimes to try and like play with your team
[01:22:50] and it's just kind of like what you gotta do
[01:22:55] here i'm gonna push mid.
[01:22:59] This is kinda bad. He might
[01:23:01] go for a play here...yeah he's going to.
[01:23:03] I don't think he can kill me like i said
[01:23:07] i don't think this cannon could ever kill me without flash just because i'm too fast but Wow. I genuinely got stunned for so long.
[01:23:27] I couldn't cue that guy.
[01:23:30] But this is a rough game honestly.
[01:23:33] It's rough because I'm getting targeted by...
[01:23:37] Essentially everybody's, you know, on the AD.
[01:23:39] Everybody's just going to go for me and
[01:23:41] because we're not peeling
[01:23:42] I would say like well
[01:23:44] it's definitely going to be like a rough uh
[01:23:48] game like sometimes you just die as ad because
[01:23:52] like you're doing your job it sounds stupid
[01:23:56] like and made up but it's true.
[01:23:58] Sometimes you have to go in, do your job, get a kill
[01:24:02] And that's how you play AD an enemy has been slain
[01:24:16] people who only play for KDA will struggle a lot in the lower ELOs to climb.
[01:24:29] Because this ELO is not about... Oh, I'm dead.
[01:24:33] The Seed Loader's not really about being the...
[01:24:40] The Seed Loader's not about having 10 CS a minute and being the best KDA player.
[01:24:44] The CeeLo is about applying the most pressure Because your ability to live as an AD carry when they have fed assassins and fed like,
[01:24:58] Fed uh you know mages and shit. your ability to live is very based on
[01:25:03] your team
[01:25:08] this is probably the worst fight i think they could get into right now.
[01:25:21] You should just ult, just ulti. Just use your ulti
[01:25:25] there you go
[01:25:29] not bad No prey? No.
[01:25:42] Well, I mean... I can't survive that. It's actually just not survivable right?
[01:25:46] That's just how the cookie crumbles when they get a fed AD or a fed Rengar
[01:25:50] So i'm just gonna have to keep eating his ulti and just dying
[01:25:53] Cause there is nothing you can do
[01:25:56] And that's okay! Like I said, like, you gotta be okay with
[01:25:58] like, your team fed Rengar.
[01:26:00] Like, I died to Rengar twice this game.
[01:26:02] And both my deaths to Rengar were him
[01:26:04] one-shotting me in the last two minutes of the game
[01:26:06] i didn't die a single time to him prior to that right
[01:26:10] and until like uh and i can't really control the fact that he's fed. I would say the best thing I can do is just...
[01:26:32] Play with the homies.
[01:26:37] They have a very,
[01:26:39] very strong team comp for
[01:26:40] teamfighting. I would really...
[01:26:43] I think we should actually be split-pushing
[01:26:44] this game. Like, I'm almost
[01:26:46] positive the way we should be playing this game right now is...
[01:26:51] Ryze and Darius both just split push for like the next five minutes. I mean, yeah.
[01:27:07] You can't really do much.
[01:27:32] That's just going gonna happen every time. But, if Rengar's one-shotting me, he's not one-shotting our actual carries.
[01:27:34] That's what you need to understand, right?
[01:27:36] Like this Rengar is like
[01:27:38] oh AD carry
[01:27:40] ook ook me kill.
[01:27:42] Ook-ook.
[01:27:44] But like... I'm not doing anything.
[01:27:47] I don't even have three items, right?
[01:27:49] Like, I'm fucking chilling.
[01:27:51] If he keeps ulting me, he's just gonna keep inting.
[01:27:55] Like my Darius is extremely strong. My Ryze is like getting to the point where he's strong now.
[01:28:10] That's why it's completely fine that he does that.
[01:28:12] I mean, it sucks for me but
[01:28:19] like you should always understand like what's happening in the games
[01:28:24] oh my team overstayed real hard.
[01:28:29] They're gonna go try and do Baron.
[01:28:37] The problem here is I don't think we can actually stop Aaron. We have no vision of it and we have no...
[01:28:44] This guy taking all the CS is kind of cringe but it is what it is.
[01:28:52] Yeah, we can't do anything here, guys.
[01:29:03] That's why I was saying we should probably just get Baron but...
[01:29:08] Like if we were gonna fight that Baron what would've had to happen is Karthus would've just go. People hesitate too much
[01:29:12] and their hesitation a lot of the time is why they
[01:29:16] kinda get behind in games because if you're gonna make a play just make the plan Now, our goal for the next five minutes or three minutes is don't lose with Baron.
[01:29:49] So I'm gonna try and just we're going to try our best to just wave clear oh i'm dead
[01:30:00] lantern Lantern him. Not bad! Another really good play. Ooh.
[01:30:17] Okay, really bad play.
[01:30:26] After I died when they killed the cannon, it was fine. The problem was... They all died after me.
[01:30:32] This is a really bad game. I mean, this is just...
[01:30:33] This is a really bad game.
[01:30:40] Oh, the rise
[01:30:42] is... Ah... I see. Oh, we got him you guys gotta try and wave clear
[01:31:11] you gotta try Okay.
[01:31:21] Wait, enemy's kind of throwing?
[01:31:24] Wait, enemy actually kinda threw.
[01:31:27] Like I'm not even kidding they kind of threw a bit because
[01:31:31] They threw away their Baron and we have good waveclear So if you want to know the actual way your team is supposed to help
[01:31:45] you against Rengar, Thresh is's supposed to stand on me and he's
[01:31:49] supposed to uh buy pink words and you just throw a pink word on your ad carry that's how
[01:31:54] you're supposed to play against this champ.
[01:31:59] Basically, I stand on my Thresh the whole game.
[01:32:00] He throws pink wards out
[01:32:01] and every time he puts a pink ward down
[01:32:04] I just stand on the pink ward
[01:32:05] and Thresh flays the Rengar jump
[01:32:06] because you can actually
[01:32:08] flay Rengar out of his jump.
[01:32:10] That's how you're supposed to play it.
[01:32:12] I don't know if he will do that
[01:32:13] because that's a really...
[01:32:14] I would say
[01:32:17] that's an above- above Diamond's tactic to understand how to stop Rengar.
[01:32:25] Because yeah, you see how he bought a cloth armor over pink wards?
[01:32:31] I mean what the can't walk out.
[01:32:33] We're just gonna die.
[01:33:02] Yeah, I mean... I Think what says flash? I've got a good feeling about this. I think Blitz has flash, I gotta be careful.
[01:33:06] We're gonna need to just... fight this. so I mean, I tried.
[01:33:38] It's a little hard, you know?
[01:33:40] We try our best.
[01:33:42] I think the early game
[01:33:44] I made a few mistakes when it came to...
[01:33:47] When we won lane,
[01:33:48] I died those two times mid.
[01:33:51] Which really put me behind.
[01:33:53] So that was my bad.
[01:33:55] But you are going to get
[01:33:56] games that are just not your faults.
[01:34:00] And even if you're above the level,
[01:34:02] AD Carry is not a role that allows
[01:34:04] you to climb no matter what. Even at its
[01:34:07] strongest, but it's been in years right now,
[01:34:09] it's still a role that requires your
[01:34:11] team to play around you
[01:34:12] and, you know, it happens.
[01:34:15] We had
[01:34:16] amazing You know, it happens. We had a mid with 14 deaths
[01:34:21] who was running it down for fun
[01:34:24] and oh, it is what it is.
[01:34:27] Jungler 15 deaths, top laner you know it is what it is
[01:34:31] jungler 15 deaths top laner or support 12 debts and none of them were getting rangar ulted only i was
[01:34:35] so my debts are acceptable because i'm eating their biggest cooldown on
[01:34:38] their ulti on their assassin none of the other deaths are
[01:34:41] acceptable because they're not eating rangar ults
[01:34:47] but it is one of those. We go again. Welcome to AD Carry and Loilo, boys.. Okay. You just got to be okay with losing unwinnable games.
[01:35:52] That's the nature of the role.
[01:35:55] I'd say the last two games were close to unwinnable,
[01:35:59] but I mean,
[01:36:04] I could have played better.
[01:36:08] It is what it is..... All right. all right okay. Let me see... Okay.
[01:38:35] Okay.
[01:38:38] So we have another person trolling.
[01:39:22] Okay. and trolling. so I'm not going to dodge because stuff like this happens a lot where you get a lot of people just griefing games.
[01:40:14] And I'm going to teach you guys how to win games, even with your teammates griefing. Okay... There's actually a pretty good chance I should take TP this game, believe it or not.
[01:40:51] Because the odds that Teemo actually is relevant are pretty low we'll see how it goes so I got it.
[01:40:56] All right.
[01:41:04] I'm not even going to listen to what he has to say. We're just gonna play.
[01:42:09] We're just gonna focus on carrying. carrying I'm not going to be able to do this. Minions have spawned. All right, Manco. I've had enough griefers today.
[01:42:10] I think it's chill. Ooh. Follow our plan. so there i just stood outside of their range and threw cues at them Here, we want to try and get level 2 ASAP.
[01:42:45] I'm going to hover inside this bush,
[01:42:47] And i'm just gonna keep stepping in and out of the bush here
[01:42:49] and getting level two here i'm gonna walk forward just enough to kind of trade a bit
[01:42:55] i don't want to waste my e i'm just gonna force him off the wave we pushed
[01:43:00] the wave a little too fast because i wanted a three-way crash but that's okay uh oh Oh, let's go.
[01:43:36] The Manco-Geronimo duo.
[01:43:40] 1v2s!
[01:43:43] Or 2v3s!
[01:43:47] Do we want to consider Teemo a human? Like, is Teemo a champion?
[01:43:49] Nah I wanna go back.
[01:43:51] Manco you are a psycho.
[01:43:58] But I respect it.
[01:44:04] I respect it. Although, if the Jinx is good,
[01:44:08] I think I miss a wave.
[01:44:12] If this Jinx was a decent player
[01:44:15] I think she hard shoves that wave
[01:44:17] because it's not the cannon wave
[01:44:19] and then we miss a whole wave.
[01:44:21] But
[01:44:21] I don't think she's good enough to do that
[01:44:23] so it is what it is. Dude, there's no way Katarina can ever kill Sever.
[01:44:49] Wait wait I take it back! I take it back! I TAKE IT BACK!
[01:44:52] I TAKE IT BA- like come on you guys like how I walked at that guy with red buff, auto'd him and he died?
[01:45:23] That's my favorite.
[01:45:26] One thing that i think is a very, very good tip
[01:45:29] That I don't really give enough
[01:45:31] Is when you are walking at somebody
[01:45:33] And you're autoing them
[01:45:35] You don't actually have to throw your spell
[01:45:41] This is like an age-old concept Oh, I suck.
[01:45:53] I should go back, but...
[01:45:56] This is like an age-old concept,
[01:45:57] but yeah, you don't gotta throw your spell
[01:45:59] if you can kill them with just autos that's why i didn't
[01:46:02] throw the auto or i didn't throw the queue because if i throw the cue
[01:46:05] and i miss it's like down time on my autos so it's like kind of bad bad Ooh, I probably could have weaved an auto in there actually.
[01:46:31] I'm gonna shove this...
[01:46:35] We chunked them out which means we want to shove the wave, okay? Understanding wave management is probably...
[01:46:38] ...I would say it's probably one of the biggest things bot lane that stacks up very quickly,
[01:46:44] that people don't think about in the moments.
[01:46:46] All right guys, don't make me do much.
[01:46:53] Unstoppable. Clean. I feel like
[01:46:58] I'm bullying people.
[01:47:00] Like,
[01:47:01] I feel like
[01:47:01] this is just unfair.
[01:47:03] I went from
[01:47:03] having two of the worst supports on the planet
[01:47:06] to having like a challenger teemo one trick
[01:47:12] this is just unfair
[01:47:17] i'm down to keep keep staying i guess My scroll wheel is fucked. Give me a sec.
[01:47:37] This isn't as mean.
[01:47:45] It's all you, Manco!
[01:47:51] Wait.
[01:47:52] I need 200 gold for my fucking...
[01:47:53] I need 200 gold for Triforce.
[01:47:56] I griefed.
[01:47:57] Oh, I griefed.
[01:48:00] Oh, I griefed! My bad.
[01:48:03] Whatever it's fine.
[01:48:09] Manco is my boy.
[01:48:17] Manco's the only Teemo player on the planet that I think might just...
[01:48:22] Like, I might go gay. You know? Have you seen them?
[01:48:26] I don't read books about the world.
[01:48:28] I go out there
[01:48:34] and see it for myself
[01:48:45] dude i'm trying so hard to be like informative this game but it's hard when like all of my-all the blood is not in my head you know?
[01:48:50] It's- It's hard.
[01:49:14] Oh! well this is the thing you should be playing this aggro when you play a league
[01:49:21] do it do it Do it. Do it!
[01:49:28] No!
[01:49:30] Okay, I suck.
[01:49:32] Wait, Manko's got that guy though? Worth.
[01:49:34] Nice job.
[01:49:39] That was my bad.
[01:49:41] I should have like E'd here
[01:49:43] when Lee Sin kicked me up, I should have gone
[01:49:45] there. I needed to be hiding to the right.
[01:49:49] That's my B. Dude, I need to tape my mouse wheel.
[01:50:08] I'm like actually losing my mind.
[01:50:12] I need to tape my mouse wheel so badly.
[01:50:14] Like if you guys see me randomly scrolling
[01:50:18] that's because i have a i have like a tick where
[01:50:21] i will scroll my mouse wheel as i play the game
[01:50:25] but i've done it so much that I've broken my mouse.
[01:50:32] So, if I scroll down, it like scrolls up...
[01:50:36] If that makes sense. Like, it doesn't know which way to scroll
[01:50:43] did he just okay make it you're making me look bad. Stop!
[01:50:52] Yo like stop dude, you make me look bad.
[01:51:11] Oh god, look at the arrow. I mean, we could stay and take this turret.
[01:51:16] This is really greedy but it depends on how the game state's gonna go.
[01:51:22] The reason why we can't stay is because we have another wave behind this way, but I'm very strong
[01:51:29] This turns the tier 2 turn actually is worth so much fucking gold
[01:51:33] That it's almost worth taking the death from this Katarina to just try and get it.
[01:51:34] Like I don't think I want to do that but...
[01:51:38] It's almost worth it. Maybe I should have that's it's so much gold but I don't have a shutdown
[01:51:46] I don't know it's hard to tell
[01:52:06] well the thing about playing aggro is when you're playing AD Carry, You can play aggro but you have to do it based on your support.
[01:52:10] So like Manko he's challenger So I know that he will follow me up when
[01:52:15] I do stuff.
[01:52:17] Right?
[01:52:23] So if I E forward, Menanko will fight with me.
[01:52:24] When we fought the Lee Sin at level 2...
[01:52:27] Like when we were both level 2 in the League Inc.,
[01:52:29] that we 2v3'd?
[01:52:30] I-I fought that because I knew Manko would fight with me.
[01:52:35] It's a lot different when you don't know if you're gonna get help but because
[01:52:39] a lot of uh a lot of like lower level supports won't fight 2v3s they'll just run Yo, can somebody confirm this for me by the way?
[01:53:02] Did they like lengthen
[01:53:04] The fucking Melio thing
[01:53:05] Like is that further distance fucking Melio thing.
[01:53:10] Like, is that further distance than it was before?
[01:53:12] Like, why do I feel like I'm taking a cock, like...
[01:53:14] ... nothing like that
[01:53:26] sorry for telling you to suck my ball no man you're good i'm sorry for not sucking your balls We're gonna need a bigger army.
[01:53:42] They didn't? Dude, I fucking knew it!
[01:54:01] I'll come back and get you Oh, I should have flashed the second dagger. Oh, I'm bad.
[01:54:07] Uh-oh! It's okay, Tryndamere has got her?
[01:54:12] Get her, Tryndamere's got her. Get her, Trynd!
[01:54:12] Nice.
[01:54:15] Dude, I... I fucked that up.
[01:54:26] I really hope not. It's okay, we got two items. We're chillin'.
[01:54:27] Oh I forgot my blue trinket.
[01:54:31] Oh well. here uh normally i can go top or mid the reason i'm not going top at a
[01:54:39] base here is because even though there's a wave manco is going up there already so he can stop it
[01:54:48] but yeah you you'd you normally want to auto path mid as deity carry
[01:54:52] but you can go other places if you need to it really just depends
[01:55:02] uh-oh
[01:55:05] i'm sorry Uh-oh. I'm so dead.
[01:55:09] God, Katarina's OP!
[01:55:13] Dude that's crazy how hard she gap closed on me.
[01:55:18] She went from here to here to here in a matter of four seconds. That was my bad. You know what it was?
[01:55:43] I needed the E faster.
[01:55:45] That's what happened.
[01:55:46] When Katarina E'd me here, I needed to E faster
[01:55:49] Cause as soon as she hit the dagger or as soon as she hit the Q after the E
[01:55:55] What was happening?
[01:55:57] Oh Manko MANKO What was happening? Oh, Manco.
[01:55:59] MANCO!
[01:56:02] Wait, Manco I got you bro!
[01:56:04] I got the other guy too! uh yeah
[01:56:25] yeah so What are you people doing?
[01:56:47] I'm going to put a ward there.
[01:56:58] Dude, I actually really like putting a ward in the middle of lane.
[01:57:00] I think that's like the least awarded place below grandmaster
[01:57:05] and it's like the most important ward in the game that nobody knows is important
[01:57:10] like this word right here is I will tell you right now. If you guys start warding in the lane between turrets
[01:57:19] You'll notice immediately how much easier it is to not only get kills, but
[01:57:24] to not die.
[01:57:28] Like I don't notice a lot of people doing that
[01:57:30] until a bit higher elo.
[01:57:34] And I think it's one of the most
[01:57:36] undervalued wards in the game.
[01:57:44] What if I bait this?
[01:57:45] Oh,
[01:57:46] I was gonna try and bait.
[01:57:47] Like go back here
[01:57:48] and see if Lee walks up?
[01:57:51] Wait.
[01:57:51] Wait a minute.
[01:57:52] I'm not close enough.
[01:57:52] Hold on, Lee.
[01:57:55] Oh no! I'm just an ezreal oh geez oh no the wave
[01:58:02] damn it didn't work
[01:58:21] i kind of want to go back i got a lot of gold but Yeah! Blackbeard gauntlet.
[01:58:39] Feels like the whole until Baron spawns. Like, though. We've taken everything.
[01:58:40] We're just winning.
[01:59:27] Okay. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. oh so Damn. I was just trying to get the Katarina to go in so we can win the game.
[01:59:43] Do I have sub-war done? Uh, I do. But if it's a resub you have to refresh
[01:59:47] the Twitch page and then you have to like... It's a weird Twitch thing
[01:59:51] Like if you... If it's a resub
[01:59:53] You have to actually
[02:00:05] like do it. It's really weird.
[02:00:08] Ah, the mankle! The manco.
[02:00:29] We did it boys, we f**king did it we got our first win of the day it only took it only took but in took fucking
[02:00:36] three games
[02:00:40] and
[02:00:40] my boy Manko
[02:00:44] like at
[02:00:45] 1v2ing
[02:00:47] Bobman while I stood there. Do that Rift Herald, Mango?
[02:01:01] Are you playing drunk?
[02:01:06] Mango, it's okay man. I will suck your balls okay i got you Is this man streaming?
[02:01:29] Oh, yes. I don't know if he had me muted.
[02:01:43] You should go check him out though,
[02:01:45] he's a challenger Timo One Trick.
[02:01:47] He is one of the homies.
[02:02:01] I think he has gotten Challenger on Teemo AD Carry,
[02:02:03] Teemo Top and Teemo... He's gotten it on Teemo Jungle,
[02:02:06] Teemo Top,
[02:02:07] Teemo AD but I don't know if he's gotten it
[02:02:09] on mid or support yet.
[02:02:12] But it's still pretty insane.
[02:03:28] I'll be right back...... All right, boys and girls.
[02:03:29] I'm back.
[02:03:30] Hello!
[02:03:34] Sorry about that.
[02:03:36] I'd rather play the ad right now than later.
[02:03:40] How are you guys doing?
[02:03:41] How are we doing, chat? Oh, by the way...
[02:03:56] If you guys ever want to ask anything or request a champion or something,
[02:04:02] between games is when you should probably do it.
[02:04:07] Just an FYI. I might be washed as fuck
[02:04:26] But I do know how to play the game.
[02:04:30] I just can't play it myself because I'm old. Okay. You guys know what I think is shitty? People don't realize that AD carries aren't OP. What's OP is the fact that AD carries runes, like make them unbeatable in solo lanes. Like I was looking at this thing they posted.
[02:05:27] They're going to like hardcore nerf AD carries?
[02:05:32] Like Riot's looking at like hardcore nerfing ADs, right?
[02:05:37] They're like, oh we think AD carries are broken.
[02:05:39] Like we're nerfing Static Shiv and Kraken Slayer, right?
[02:05:46] They're reworking fleets etc
[02:05:51] the problem i have with this is ad carries are only op in mid lane and like there's two ads that are good top lane in the actual ad carry role
[02:05:58] ads are not like broken really, obviously it's That's like something that I think is really...
[02:06:18] Obviously, it's an impossible balance issue.
[02:06:23] It's impossible to actually balance
[02:06:25] something like that, obviously.
[02:06:28] But I think one of the biggest issues that I do notice is
[02:06:32] when people say AD Carry they mean
[02:06:36] the champions... the marksman
[02:06:39] champions are good. But
[02:06:40] the champions themselves aren't OP.
[02:06:43] What's OP is
[02:06:44] the fact that
[02:06:46] what's OP is fleet footwork that...
[02:06:51] What's OP is Fleet Footwork is too good at sustaining mid.
[02:06:55] Versus like, mages and other champs they can't sustain
[02:06:57] you could take trades and then just sustain.
[02:07:00] Then you have
[02:07:01] the life one, whatever it's
[02:07:04] called. Absorb Life.
[02:07:07] Absorb Life is too good.
[02:07:09] So it's like Absorb Life coupled with Fleet Footwork are both is too good so it's like absorb life coupled with fleet footwork are both way
[02:07:12] too good at sustain but the problem is is that's only a solar lane issue
[02:07:20] right like it's not a bot lane issue whereas why don't you just straight up
[02:07:25] nerf those runes into oblivion and then see if people are still playing AD carries mid
[02:07:32] before nerfing actual items.
[02:07:36] They're nerfing Kraken Slayer, they're nerfing Static Shiv.
[02:07:39] I don't like this.
[02:07:40] And the reason I don't like this. And the reason I don't like this is because
[02:07:42] all this is going to do
[02:07:46] is we're gonna go back
[02:07:47] to the meta
[02:07:48] where AD carries
[02:07:49] are just,
[02:07:50] you're playing Ashe
[02:07:51] every game.
[02:07:58] You're playing Varus every game like you're just gonna be playing like these utility ad carries every game.
[02:08:05] Because they're not... Like, AD carry outside of
[02:08:06] pro play is just not going to be
[02:08:08] strong enough at one item.
[02:08:14] Like I said,
[02:08:16] I think the issue is straight up the runes.
[02:08:18] If the AD carry marksman champions
[02:08:21] were the issue...
[02:08:23] Right? At least in my opinion
[02:08:25] if the marksman champions were
[02:08:27] the issue
[02:08:27] or if the like kraken slayer
[02:08:31] was actually the issue of mid
[02:08:32] then you would have people building
[02:08:35] Kraken Slayer rush
[02:08:37] every game on mid. But they're not.
[02:08:41] Right?
[02:08:42] The Lucian mid players right now are going
[02:08:44] like... What is it?
[02:08:46] They're either going
[02:08:47] Essence Reaver or
[02:08:50] something else. I don't remember.
[02:09:01] ... But the fact that they're buffing Varus and their nerfing carry items,
[02:09:05] it just makes me think that we're gonna go back to this meta of
[02:09:11] you're only going to see ash and varus in high elo games for the next
[02:09:15] two years and it's so boring. It's so incredibly
[02:09:20] boring I just feel like there's an easier way to
[02:09:23] fix it which is just remove the sustain that AD carries get from runes.
[02:09:30] Because look at my runes right now,
[02:09:32] right? Like... At the moment,
[02:09:34] I don't actually need
[02:09:37] Hold on,
[02:09:38] I'm fixing all this shit.
[02:09:39] Like, look at my runes right now, right? I Hold on, I'm fixing all this shit.
[02:09:43] Look at my runes right now! If you look what's happening in the moment...
[02:09:45] ...I don't have sustain in my runes.
[02:09:47] Presence of Mind, Press the Attack...
[02:09:49] Like, I don't have Fleet, right? Like, I think it's balanced to
[02:09:51] have champions that are viable
[02:09:53] that don't require
[02:09:55] fleet and
[02:09:59] absorb life to sustain each other.
[02:10:03] I think Riot's issue is that they
[02:10:05] think AD carries are OP,
[02:10:07] and I do think AD carry champs are
[02:10:09] OP right now, but I think they're not OP in bot lane
[02:10:12] They're OP in solo lanes
[02:10:14] And the problem is if you nerf them for solo lane
[02:10:16] Oh my god, I'm fucked
[02:10:20] I'm actually not gonna blow anything.
[02:10:24] The reason is, they blew everything and if I blow something there...
[02:10:29] Like, I die anyway right? If I blow either of these Sums, I die anyway. So I'm not
[02:10:33] going to blow anything.
[02:10:35] I was auto-piloting and I wasn't thinking about the cheese.
[02:10:41] Now what we did
[02:10:41] get though is we got Slash Kai'Sa and we got Pantheon Ignite.
[02:10:45] Which I actually think is fine by the way.
[02:10:49] Like high key? I think it's actually okay. Okay. I'm going to teach you guys how to play from behind.
[02:11:07] Because we don't have a choice.
[02:11:09] But this will be a good game
[02:11:10] to try and teach you a little bit
[02:11:11] on how to play from behind.
[02:11:14] So,
[02:11:14] we made a mistake early game.
[02:11:16] It happens sometimes you make mistakes.
[02:11:20] What you want to do now is take advantage of the fact that our Hecarim
[02:11:24] Is pathing down to us right? Because heim is pathing down to us, right? Because Hecarim's pathing
[02:11:26] down and Kaisa has no flash we actually
[02:11:30] should straight up just be able to kill her. So what I want to do
[02:11:35] is i want to do is hold my...
[02:11:40] See how I'm baiting the Kai'Sa to stay?
[02:12:13] I don't know. i want to bait her to stay in the lane poke her with the q event wait I saw a barrier, so we're not in the worst spot when it comes to this.
[02:12:16] Uh, I do think Poppy
[02:12:18] should actually walk up.
[02:12:20] Because Pantheon still has Flash,
[02:12:24] so he can easily just flash on me and I will be in trouble.
[02:12:28] ... you know, be in trouble.
[02:12:37] Ooh this isn't good...
[02:12:40] I am still level 2.
[02:12:41] Fuck.
[02:12:44] I really need one minion, man.
[02:12:49] Okay we got 1.
[02:12:58] This is just bad like i mean we have to just go forward because we're going to die if we don't.
[02:13:07] Like, I'm trying to keep this off the wave right now.
[02:13:09] Or I'm trying to keep this wave
[02:13:11] off the turret.
[02:13:38] Okay. Not bad actually though. We lived! I'm out.
[02:13:47] Woo! Wait...
[02:13:53] Okay.
[02:13:58] Woo!
[02:14:00] Fucking close.
[02:14:07] Isn't Aurora garbage?
[02:14:08] No, Aurora's broken as shit.
[02:14:10] So whenever people think champions are bad
[02:14:12] that's usually because they don't play against the
[02:14:14] people who know what they're doing on the champions.
[02:14:17] So like, Aurora's they don't play against the people who know what they're doing on the champions so like aurora is actually incredibly op right now
[02:14:21] uh you see her a lot in high elo at the moments big lots she's very, very, very strong.
[02:14:29] She has
[02:14:30] undodgeable damage and very high
[02:14:32] burst.
[02:14:33] She has an invis, a jarvan ult,
[02:14:36] undodgeable damage, and incredibly high burst.
[02:14:46] Yeah, I mean Mid Beast is...
[02:14:48] You know, I don't know if Australians
[02:14:51] you know. I don't know if the Australians
[02:14:54] can play Aurora.
[02:14:57] It is worth it.
[02:15:10] Yeah, it might be an awesome
[02:15:21] uh my team's doing dragon right now i can't go them, so I have to sit in the lane.
[02:15:29] Wait... 200 bears get way higher LP than usual? They don't.
[02:15:32] I mean...
[02:15:36] The reason the rank 1 guy has so much LP is because he has really high MMR.
[02:15:39] It's high MMR
[02:15:40] because of the way the game is designs
[02:15:43] He just gets high MMR. I
[02:15:51] Mean I can't follow that.
[02:15:53] I mean you're an idiot.
[02:15:59] Yeah like this Hecarim is a moron.
[02:16:01] He tried to fight the Kaiaisa and the pantheon
[02:16:04] before i was level six there's no way that i can fight that it's just impossible Because I don't have flash, I don't have anything. Mid is Mia, Kha'Zix could come bot.
[02:16:30] I'm just gonna back.
[02:16:31] Okay we see Kha'Zix top.
[02:16:40] But yeah, you shouldn't listen to your dipshit teammates. That's why he seemed like just ignoring him because
[02:16:43] He got mad that he... basically he chose to have a bad fight.
[02:16:47] Okay?
[02:16:48] So what happened was
[02:16:49] he's level 5.
[02:16:51] He didn't notice that Kaisa was 6.
[02:16:53] Okay?
[02:16:54] So Kaisa has all her sums back up.
[02:16:55] She's level 6.
[02:16:56] Poppy's 4. I'm 5.
[02:16:57] We can't actually fight them because if we try to fight them...
[02:17:03] Or if I walk forward and chase the Kaisa there, I just get kited.
[02:17:08] And the Pantheon beats on me while I get kited right?
[02:17:10] And I don't have flash, I don't have ulti so I can't
[02:17:12] gap close. And I
[02:17:14] just get kited out for my entire HP bar
[02:17:16] And that's why you don't chase stupid fights,
[02:17:19] because it just doesn't make sense.
[02:17:31] And then here And here, you can see Poppy's roaming. So again we're just gonna chill.
[02:17:35] This is a pretty standard AD carry practice here.
[02:17:41] Your support roams, what do you do? You try your best to...
[02:17:47] not walk up and not die in certain circumstances. Like here I can't really walk up and die in certain circumstances.
[02:17:51] Here, I can't really walk up.
[02:17:53] I don't know where Pantheon is so until we see it
[02:17:55] I can't walk up.
[02:17:58] Because again, I could just get flashed on
[02:18:00] or die... Because, again... You know, I could just get flashed on. I could die.
[02:18:01] It was one of those things.
[02:18:04] And this is just how you have to play as AD sometimes.
[02:18:09] Like, I'm stronger than Kai'Sa individually right now but i can't
[02:18:13] like i can't really play uh with the fact that i'm stronger individually just because of how...
[02:18:28] How the support's playing.
[02:18:31] Because they have a point-click stun, so because pantheon is a point-click stun
[02:18:34] there's just absolutely no way right so we're just playing for our next spike
[02:18:38] we're just gonna play for essence reverse bike Essence River Spike.
[02:18:46] We need one wave with the Cannon here, hit tab
[02:18:50] we see that Pantheon's not six yet Or he left Vision when he wasn't 6.
[02:18:56] So if you left Vision when he wasn't 6 that means there is a pretty good chance we can just...
[02:19:02] Walk up because he isn't going to be 6 yet right?
[02:19:04] That stuff you need to focus on
[02:19:05] understanding as well.
[02:19:08] He might try and
[02:19:09] fight us here.
[02:19:13] But I think it's okay.
[02:19:17] The fact that he knew we were in there is kind of weird.
[02:19:20] I think maybe he was just guessing, I guess?
[02:19:23] It is interesting.
[02:19:38] Mmm, I could W here, like WR.
[02:19:41] Pantheon can block most of it with his shit so...
[02:19:48] A lot people do that.
[02:19:50] I can't walk up because Panthea's ult, so I'm just going to recall.
[02:19:52] My Poppy is roaming and
[02:19:54] they don't have a reason
[02:19:56] to back
[02:20:02] outside of just you know the kaisa getting her item so this is another thing that i'm talking about right this this is a very important moment that
[02:20:05] you gotta like things like this you need to understand when you can't walk up so
[02:20:12] even though the wave was even and we don't know like oh maybe they're not
[02:20:16] there if they are there it's too big of a...
[02:20:20] Let's say they did back or they didn't back.
[02:20:23] It's too big of like a I will die.
[02:20:26] Right? Like I will just die.
[02:20:33] So it's better to just back
[02:20:37] i don't really sack anything so it's not that big of a deal wow kaisa's. She already has her fucking Q upgraded.
[02:20:44] Alright we see PanP on top...
[02:20:47] Kai'Sa is sitting in this bush.
[02:20:51] At this point of the game sitting in this bush yeah
[02:20:58] at this point the game your job is look for opportunities to kill the kaisa without dying dying
[02:21:25] she might try and are here i do have barrier though though honestly if i had put a better uh like no joke If I had done a... If I'd done a better calling,
[02:21:29] I would've killed her.
[02:21:31] And I'm just gonna back.
[02:21:41] Okay. I'm just gonna back it's another one of those things I can't really do much here uh I think I'm gonna get tabbies the reason we get tabby's is because they have a lot
[02:21:48] of like auto attack based damage but yeah i can't do much.
[02:21:55] Like I said...
[02:21:56] I think right there
[02:21:57] I missed an opportunity
[02:21:58] to kill the Kai'Sa.
[02:21:59] That was my bad.
[02:22:00] I definitely could've killed her
[02:22:01] because I clicked back
[02:22:03] and I clicked forward
[02:22:04] I would've killed her
[02:22:04] so that was just my bad but...
[02:22:13] Uh here? I'm pretty sure they're not here.
[02:22:19] Because it's pretty likely Kai'Sa backed.
[02:22:26] So we're just gonna push the wave in? Oh! I'm dead. seems too big to be true.
[02:22:28] So we're just gonna push the wave in?
[02:22:29] Oh, I'm dead.
[02:22:31] Oh, maybe not.
[02:22:34] Cool. Okay, we're gonna push the wave in and then I'm gonna
[02:22:35] rotate a bit.
[02:22:41] So here, I actually don't want to be bought anymore they can dive me if they once and there's going to be a fight breaking out top i actually really
[02:22:46] don't give a about that bot turret right now.
[02:22:49] What i want to do, because plates just dropped right?
[02:22:51] So because plates just dropped,
[02:22:53] I genuinely just don't give a fuck anymore about that. so Oh.
[02:23:17] All right, we got our flash. I had a shutdown?
[02:23:21] From what?! Shut down? For more?
[02:23:25] Farming?
[02:23:29] Hit the wave. Hit the wave!
[02:23:32] HIT THE WAVE.
[02:23:36] Ah, Poppy's a bitch.
[02:23:38] Poppy's a bit of a piss.
[02:23:41] She could've walked up, uh... Cued the wave and tried to kill the wave.
[02:23:45] Like I'm not sure she would have got it but
[02:23:47] It would have been better to just try and queue the wave there
[02:23:50] And at least like force them to hit her or hit the objective.
[02:23:53] But it is what it is.
[02:23:57] Man, it kind of sucks because, like I said, at this point...
[02:23:59] Like, I've made a few mistakes but none of my mistakes were, like...
[02:24:02] Game losing or anything. A lot of it's just we are getting uh weak-sided and
[02:24:08] poppy is roaming around a lot I'm going to go ahead and do that. I can't believe they're pushed up this far with no fear of Hecarim. That's crazy.
[02:24:40] I can't believe they just did that!
[02:24:44] The fact that they weren't scared of Hecarim at all is wild.
[02:24:55] Because, yeah, I mean if Hecarim and Poppy show up on that exact timer, they didn't die.
[02:24:58] I'm kind of impressed.
[02:25:08] Do we have some HP.
[02:25:10] But yeah, I mean...
[02:25:12] Your job at this point, all I'm going to look to do
[02:25:14] at this point is just chill.
[02:25:16] We're waiting for Dragon
[02:25:17] to come up in a minute uh this guy still has no
[02:25:20] r for a second so we have that going for us
[02:25:27] like i'm not worried about that.
[02:25:31] We should just play for dragon!
[02:25:37] Alright she backed so we're gonna walk really far up and i'm gonna push the wave
[02:25:41] one of their biggest threats reset before drake
[02:25:44] what i want to do is uh i want to walk up and i want to push my lead the best i can Aurora kind of ran it a little bit.
[02:26:06] We should push one more wave mid. Hmm.
[02:26:18] If we're not gonna play for objective control here... Oh, I'm dead.
[02:26:20] But yeah, if we're not gonna play for mid-prior there
[02:26:22] We're just gonna lose dragon regardless
[02:26:24] By the way
[02:26:25] So like, Aurora kinda ran it down
[02:26:27] But we should've been playing as a team for mid-prior
[02:26:29] With Zed ulti and Hecarim
[02:26:32] And all that shit.
[02:26:34] We don't really have
[02:26:35] a choice to have to
[02:26:36] because there's two things
[02:26:39] that occur, right? Either A
[02:26:41] we play for the mid-priority or, we give the drake. Those are the two options.
[02:26:46] If you sit here... You're just gonna lose. Like, you're just gonna get shit on.
[02:27:03] But yeah, I mean I think a lot of what's going on here is that people are not doing the...
[02:27:09] They're skipping steps.
[02:27:12] Like, the macro of League, a lot of time, the macro of league is people will skip the steps that
[02:27:17] they need to do the macro like the wave management the macro stuff like that's they'll like say okay
[02:27:23] dragon's coming up i'm gonna going to completely ignore the waves,
[02:27:27] completely ignore things like that.
[02:27:29] And when they do that,
[02:27:30] that's when players who are better
[02:27:32] will start taking advantage of the fact
[02:27:34] that you did that.
[02:27:37] So let's say you don't push that mid wave in
[02:27:41] right you don't push that midway then now i can
[02:27:44] push mid and take a free turret oh we, we lost the dragon? Okay,
[02:27:48] well, we got 600 gold. So
[02:27:50] is it really that bad? Not usually.
[02:27:55] Stuff like that
[02:27:56] is...
[02:27:57] It doesn't seem like it matters in the moment, but as you improve and get a little higher ELO,
[02:28:04] That type of stuff will end up mattering.
[02:28:17] What is this guy doing?
[02:28:21] Oh.
[02:28:22] He flashed okay.
[02:28:25] Yeah, he's gonna go for the kill. But yeah.
[02:28:34] People also have this idea
[02:28:35] that you can play the game,
[02:28:37] like people will try and micromanage your AD, they're like
[02:28:39] oh why aren't you doing a thousand billion damage?
[02:28:41] Why are we not just fighting and doing this?
[02:28:44] But a lot of the time people don't actually
[02:28:45] play their role so they don't understand
[02:28:47] that you need
[02:28:49] items to be able to do 80 carry things
[02:28:52] and a lot of the time they won't hit tab and look at your items or play off of timers and stuff so
[02:28:58] the best the best thing i can say for you guys if you're running AD is do
[02:29:03] what you need to do as the AD carry
[02:29:04] and ignore your teammates.
[02:29:07] It's going to feel bad sometimes
[02:29:09] because you're going to have games
[02:29:11] where you feel like that was a bad choice
[02:29:12] or you feel like your team's getting behind
[02:29:14] but sometimes, this Poppy roamed the entire start of the game
[02:29:18] and because she roamed I couldn't play lane phase right?
[02:29:21] Because i was... The Pantheon didn't roam.
[02:29:24] So because she roamed, I can't play lane
[02:29:26] so I'm 1v2 the whole lane
[02:29:27] and we're gonna naturally get behind in CS
[02:29:30] because we're 1v2.
[02:29:42] Which means we're basically stalling out a lot of my early game and mid-game.
[02:29:45] And League is a snowball game, so so the longer the worse early game you play or the worst early game you have
[02:29:48] be uh harder the late games gonna be or the mid game's gonna be
[02:29:52] it's all about snowballing
[02:29:59] like like right there zed is randomly fighting right that doesn't do anything
[02:30:04] he's like oh we should forfeit but it's like I mean...
[02:30:30] The problem is that we don't actually have a strong frontline for me to play around.
[02:30:37] But you can kind of see, I can't even fight the Pantheon. Right? There's not much
[02:30:46] I can do as the AD Carry. I haven't really played wrong this game.
[02:30:50] It's just that we have an assassin mid who is getting caught,
[02:30:54] and because that guy keeps getting caught
[02:30:57] it becomes very difficult for us to play the game uh individually
[02:31:03] and people will get mad too he's gonna start getting
[02:31:05] mad because he doesn't understand that what he's doing is incorrect
[02:31:10] because he can't face roll that what he's doing is incorrect. Because
[02:31:11] he can't face roll his face on the
[02:31:13] keyboard and win.
[02:31:15] And this is why a lot of players
[02:31:16] don't get better and don't improve,
[02:31:19] it's because there will be games where they think
[02:31:21] that are doing well, but they don't know how to actually play with their lead.
[02:31:25] And this why I tell you guys you gotta focus on how to use your leads
[02:31:29] when you get a lead rather than oh my team sucks this guy's not helping me
[02:31:35] etc like if you get a lead in games and you're not able to close that game out not every time
[02:31:40] is it your fault but there are times where it will be your fault because you didn't properly close the game out.
[02:31:50] And it's gonna feel bad and it's gonna feel like shit.
[02:32:00] Like, right now, we cannot just randomly run our faces into this fight.
[02:32:04] Because we don't have good vision and we don't have good uh positioning
[02:32:10] like look at us like i can't play the game with wonk can just w over the wall and hit me now
[02:32:17] we're just getting w spammed by kaisa and they're just gonna win the poke game
[02:32:22] so we either have to engage before the dragon or we have to fight before we all get poked.
[02:32:49] But yeah, so this is what I'm saying though, right? Think about this.
[02:32:52] These fights
[02:32:53] are really awkward but they're only awkward
[02:32:55] because of how we're playing them right......
[02:33:08] ...
[02:33:10] ...
[02:33:12] ...
[02:33:14] ...
[02:33:16] ...... Once I get IE, the game will get a lot easier. This is mercy. I don't know if I can actually 1v1 this guy.
[02:33:58] I think we should
[02:33:59] try and fight this Kai'Sa, like try to make a pick.
[02:34:01] I think our best bet right now is trying to make a pick on Kai'Sa.
[02:34:05] Like when she farms this mid wave, like she's gonna try and contest the mid wave as well.
[02:34:09] And I think when she farms the mid wave, that's when we make a pick.
[02:34:26] I mean, I think we should contest Midwaves to be honest. Straight up, I think we should try and fight her. so We should get some vision control. I'm so dead.
[02:35:05] Yeah, I mean, I can't fight that
[02:35:09] like... We're just getting- this is- we have no reason
[02:35:13] to fight? Of course we do.
[02:35:15] What?
[02:35:20] You're fighting for mid-priority the whole time. The problem here is you can't just sit there and not try
[02:35:27] and make plays.
[02:35:29] So when you're playing League, League is a game where
[02:35:32] you do try and win.
[02:35:34] Like if your goal when playing League is a game where you do try and win. Like, if your goal when playing league
[02:35:39] is every single game that you play
[02:35:41] it's just gonna be I need to scale
[02:35:43] and I can't take fights, et cetera, et cetera, right? You do need to try and win games
[02:35:49] you should not never
[02:35:53] just let the enemy take every objective in your face
[02:35:55] and say well there's nothing
[02:35:57] we can do about it right? Because there there's nothing we can do about it.
[02:35:58] Because there's always something you can do about it.
[02:36:00] When they walk up,
[02:36:02] you grow a sack and you fucking fight them.
[02:36:10] Okay, I mean... I don't know what that is.
[02:36:11] That's one of the worst plays I've ever seen. Oh
[02:36:25] That guy's almost back up damn Yeah, I mean there's not much I can do this game.
[02:36:33] I'll be honest, I didn't even play this game wrong.
[02:36:35] Not really.
[02:36:37] Uh...I did the best that I could.
[02:36:39] We had- we got roamed on the entire game,
[02:36:41] and our top mid jungle, they just dropped the ball.
[02:36:44] They didn't know how to macro.
[02:36:46] We should have had one of them split pushing
[02:36:47] the entire game.
[02:36:49] Like Zed or Aurora should've been using the fact that they're stronger and split
[02:36:53] but they weren't doing that what they were doing is trying to group up
[02:36:56] and they just didn't they didn't have like the ability to fight.
[02:37:08] Like I said, there's not really much you can do. You just get games
[02:37:11] like this as AD.
[02:37:13] Like, I could always play better, right? Like, I messed up a few
[02:37:15] things in, like, when I was, like, the
[02:37:17] 1v1 where Kai'sa dove and, like,
[02:37:19] made a mistake and shit, right?
[02:37:21] But a lot of the game is not your fault that's the ad carry that's the beauty of playing
[02:37:26] ad is you trade your agency for knowing that if you're behind it's not your fault
[02:37:35] because if I were to
[02:37:36] review this game with my team,
[02:37:38] I would have been like,
[02:37:38] hey, why wasn't
[02:37:40] this being pushed?
[02:37:40] Why wasn't this happening?
[02:37:42] And if you are a top laner,
[02:37:43] it's your job
[02:37:44] to pressure the map. If you're a jungler, it's your job to pressure the map.
[02:37:44] If you're jungler, it's your job to pressure the map.
[02:37:47] If you're an AD carry, it's your job to just farm not die and try and become powerful.
[02:37:52] Right? That's- that's just how it works.
[02:38:04] If Poppy wasn't typing there we would've killed that guy.
[02:38:08] We get a 1000 gold shutdown if Poppy's not typing.
[02:38:12] Like, that's such a field bad man.
[02:38:20] That was actually a huge up by kazaks
[02:38:34] but my team's not looking for those mess ups at the moment. Like, they're not paying attention to
[02:38:36] the enemy making mistakes. They are just mad and egoing on each other.
[02:38:48] Okay, so here there's three people bot. I'm not gonna walk to that fight.
[02:38:52] I need to start getting pressure on the map.
[02:38:58] LeBlanc is probably going to come out of base and try
[02:39:00] and kill me.
[02:39:08] Oh no, she went to the fight. Okay.
[02:39:11] And again, this is one of those things.
[02:39:12] My team is mad that I didn't show up to that fight.
[02:39:14] But I'm not going to walk all the way
[02:39:16] to a fight
[02:39:17] that has no business happening.
[02:39:19] I'm gonna get myself ahead,
[02:39:20] and I'm going to make sure
[02:39:21] we have good potential for other things on the map.
[02:39:27] This is something a lot of players
[02:39:29] in the lower tier ELOs they think that every they think
[02:39:32] that league is about fighting league is not a game about fighting league is a game about pushing
[02:39:36] towers well he gets a tower defense game with fighting in like...
[02:39:44] Essentially, it's a tower defense game with fighting sometimes.
[02:39:46] That's all it is.
[02:39:59] And then people get mad because instead of playing the game, you know to win the game they played a fight. And when they play a fight...
[02:40:04] They get upset.
[02:40:06] And again, I'm not upset that this guy's like, oh it's a bot gap or whatever.
[02:40:09] It's not. This Kai'Sa is trash.
[02:40:10] But it doesn't matter if she's trash
[02:40:12] because she's playing a champion that's
[02:40:14] really straightforward when you get to lead
[02:40:16] and i couldn't play the game early That's just kind of how this game works. so so Yeah, I mean,
[02:41:05] I can't really do much there.
[02:41:08] They're just getting outclassed, it is what it is.
[02:41:14] But like I said,
[02:41:16] if you look at what I did this game, I played fine.
[02:41:20] Right?
[02:41:21] And I'm not going to be upset at myself
[02:41:23] because
[02:41:23] there's not much I could do.
[02:41:29] Top lane was AFK the whole game against,
[02:41:32] or he was against a guy who DC'd at level two.
[02:41:36] The enemy Singed DC'd at level two
[02:41:38] and my top laner still didn't manage
[02:41:40] to pressure the map right that's just them being stupid it
[02:41:46] is one of those
[02:41:51] all the typing?
[02:41:53] Yeah, it's low elo. Like I said... Guys, AD carry is
[02:41:55] the worst role in the game
[02:41:56] to solo queue.
[02:41:58] It's basically impossible to solo climb in this role consistently
[02:42:02] unless you play
[02:42:03] really self-sufficient, overpowered
[02:42:05] champions like Ezreal,
[02:42:07] Kai'Sa,
[02:42:09] Ashe. You have to play really
[02:42:12] overpowered champions that can 1v2 lanes
[02:42:14] because you will get supports
[02:42:20] who just run it down, right? This is what my third bad support in a row
[02:42:24] you saw what happened i had a teemo support last game
[02:42:28] right and we were up five levels on the enemy AD with a Teemo support.
[02:42:34] Because my Teemo support was playing to win.
[02:42:40] I'm assuming the Poppy was just playing Poppy for fun.
[02:42:44] Yeah, he didn't know why he picked Poppy.
[02:42:45] He just picked it for fun.
[02:42:49] But that's
[02:43:03] just how it works you have to deal with that if you want to climb on this role.
[02:43:06] You will get games where your team just gives up.
[02:43:14] It is what it is. the jungler went three and eight
[02:43:29] he first timed Hecarim
[02:43:35] got mad at his team.
[02:43:39] Top laner? D2. 300 games played.
[02:43:45] First timing Aurora! That was his first ever Aurora game.
[02:43:54] Like, this is why I don't get mad when my teammates suck because like I know everybody in the zero is bad
[02:44:00] Everybody who plays this game both challengers bad. They're all bad
[02:44:04] Grandmaster's fat
[02:44:05] Masters back everybody's back. Okay challenger players sometimes man, everybody sucks Masters, bad. Everybody's bad, okay?
[02:44:09] Challenger players, sometimes bad.
[02:44:10] Everybody sucks.
[02:44:16] People like to first-time champs and ranked and do all kinds of stuff
[02:44:17] and then blame each other. The only thing you can really focus on
[02:44:20] is your own gameplay. Like the enemy team was also trash. We just had first time Hecarim,
[02:44:43] first time Zed and first time Aurora.
[02:44:48] And because we had three people
[02:44:49] first timing champs,
[02:44:50] you know the game fell bad fell bad it is what it is
[02:44:54] that's just the way the cookie crumbles
[02:45:01] the enemy team is just as bad
[02:45:02] as your team.
[02:45:14] Here, I'll play...
[02:45:16] Uh... I'll play a really good 80 carry
[02:45:19] for 1v9-ing this game.
[02:45:20] And I'll show you the difference between
[02:45:22] playing an 8... A normal... I'll show you the difference between playing a normal...
[02:45:24] I'll show you why the S tier ADs are S tier.
[02:45:29] I'll give you a nice taste of why S tier AD carries
[02:45:31] or S tier this next game?
[02:45:37] Because the only S tier AD that I've played today has been
[02:45:39] Ez.
[02:45:42] But there's a lot
[02:45:43] of different S tier ADs.
[02:45:45] And But there's a lot of different S tier ADs. And I can show you pretty easily why they're S tier. So,.. Dude, you know what's cool that Riot
[02:46:32] is doing right now?
[02:46:34] They're making it so
[02:46:35] you can only decline twice now.
[02:46:40] Next patch, they're making it so if you decline more than twice
[02:46:43] You're locked out like a dodge
[02:46:46] I actually think that's sick
[02:47:01] That's such a cool change. It doesn't affect 99.9% of the player base, but it affects Hyelo because there are a lot of people who Q-dodgeodge in high elo, or I mean Q-Snipe in high elo.
[02:47:07] Dude all the Q-Snipers are gonna be in shambles not being able to spam Q-Snipe streamers. Oh I can't decline seven times anymore god right so cringe.... They'll never put in performance-based matchmaking
[02:48:09] because
[02:48:09] people would play too
[02:48:13] stupid.
[02:48:16] Like, you would have people just playing purely for KDA.
[02:48:20] So it would be dumb.
[02:48:55] Yeah.. I like how I hide my Q and I instantly get a nine minute queue or an eight minute queue. That's funny.
[02:48:59] Wings doesn't play League, man.
[02:49:03] If you're a wings watcher I'm sure you know that.
[02:49:07] And if you're not a wings watcher there is no reason You would ever ask me to play with wings
[02:49:08] So
[02:49:09] Come on
[02:49:11] Let's not be retarded okay Okay.
[02:49:36] I mean, you're just incorrect.
[02:49:39] Wings has played four league games in two months.
[02:50:01] You're just,? It's okay. I'm used to everybody being retarded.
[02:50:09] You're not, it's not shocking. It's okay.
[02:51:36] Don't feel bad....... I'm going to play one of the best ADs in the game, even though it's incredibly boring.
[02:51:45] ...... All right, these are going to be my runes for Ashe.
[02:52:01] Check them out! Don't... It's up to you.
[02:52:04] Oh, somebody dodged.
[02:52:05] You pick Ashe they will instantly dodge the game.
[02:52:09] Ashe is
[02:52:09] by far the best AD carry in
[02:52:11] this meta for 1v9
[02:52:13] games. The reason people don't play
[02:52:15] Ashe is because she's stupidly boring.
[02:52:19] But if you do want to climb in league,
[02:52:22] Ash is very OP.
[02:52:25] She's oppressive.
[02:52:26] She's incredibly OP early,
[02:52:28] incredibly good scaling,
[02:52:30] incredibly high agency, incredibly good scaling, incredibly high agency AD carry because you have a stun. So now I'm in an 11 minute queue.
[02:52:49] Love it! love it
[02:52:52] like how is this allowed
[02:52:55] like I'm playing in
[02:53:00] fucking D2.
[02:53:03] I am in Diamond 2 MMR.
[02:53:06] We are in low...
[02:53:07] We are in the piss lows of the piss low.
[02:53:11] The lowest of elos
[02:53:13] Why the fuck am I sitting in a 10 minute queue
[02:53:16] What the fuck is going on?
[02:53:29] This shit's crazy. What the fuck?
[02:53:43] Alright lads.
[02:53:47] We got autofilled to mid I'm not gonna dodge
[02:53:51] Because this was a 10 minute queue
[02:53:53] So we're just gonna fucking deal
[02:53:56] with it.
[02:54:02] I do not want to deal with another
[02:54:04] fucking 10 minute queue. So fuck that. it's probably zig smith since he banned zed. But they could have traded.
[02:54:43] ... I want to play Lucian, man.
[02:55:19] Lucian was actually really fun though. I'll play another one..... Alright, let's see what the runes are that people were running. uh it kind of looks like these are the rooms everybody's running actually. This is interesting.
[02:56:23] Hmm, so all these people are rushing Kraken Slayer into... Hmm.
[02:56:24] So all these people are rushing Kraken Slayer into Essence Uber.
[02:56:28] Well, that's kind of interesting.
[02:56:35] I'm not sure that's like op but oh well we'll try it out
[02:56:43] wow wait there Okay another dodge dude what is happening man?
[02:56:52] I'm gonna lose my line stop dodging
[02:56:57] What the fuck?
[02:57:01] We're just playing fucking dodge sim. League has become Dodge Simulator.. Oh my fucking can.
[02:58:01] We are going to participate in the discussion
[02:58:03] today, okay?
[02:58:05] If you're lurking, wake the fuck up!
[02:58:08] If you're not lurking, wake
[02:58:09] the fuck up!
[02:58:23] Hello? Hello? Hello? Do you want me to start screaming?
[02:58:27] You have five seconds to type. okay all right you guys asked for it
[02:58:39] you asked for it... This is just gonna play on repeat until we get some interactions in the fucking chat, bitches. so................ Okay.
[03:02:41] What is happening?
[03:02:46] Like, what is going on?
[03:02:49] Bro.... I'm pretty sure these are the runes.
[03:03:51] All right.
[03:03:55] After 20 minutes of queue,
[03:03:59] we finally get to play a game and we have Annie bot.
[03:04:05] Dude, this is the lowest ELO game I have played in
[03:04:09] in three weeks.
[03:04:11] You have Annie bot and Turd Blaster in the same game.
[03:04:17] That's fucking hilarious. Well, we'll give it our best.. so I'm gonna mute all because i already know this game is going to go bad
[03:05:03] my seraphine just healed immediately after leaving Fountain.
[03:05:13] Like, I'm pretty sure the Seraphine is a Q Sniper...
[03:05:17] ...'cause she left left fountain and healed immediately.
[03:05:21] Like, I'm almost positive
[03:05:23] because the second I showed my shit on stream
[03:05:25] this is the first Seraphine's game
[03:05:27] in five days and he doesn't first Seraphine's game in five days, and he doesn't play Seraphine.
[03:05:31] So I'm almost positive it's a Q-Snipe, but...
[03:05:35] It's okay.
[03:05:35] I'd rather have a Q-Snipe than actually play the game.
[03:05:43] Okay. you snipe and actually play the game? Personally.
[03:05:47] Like, I'd rather just play
[03:05:48] League of Legends even if we're getting targeted or whatever.
[03:05:52] I don't give a fuck as long as we get to play League.
[03:05:58] Ooh let's buy some Quinn though.
[03:06:09] Q-snipe? I mean, I know when people are Q-sniping me.
[03:06:12] Bro, I've been streaming 11 years. You think I can't tell when somebody's
[03:06:16] Q-snipping? you can pretty much always tell when you're getting cue sniped
[03:06:30] if you're paying attention, it's pretty easy.
[03:06:39] Did I fatfinger? I mean maybe! Maybe he did fatfinger, I don't know.
[03:06:43] The Mafians are a little easy so far... maybe he did fat finger i don't know
[03:06:55] maybe you're right.
[03:07:03] We'll see! I hope you're right. uh my team is fighting below me in the jungle, but I can't go down there.
[03:08:10] Now I can go down there. so Not bad.
[03:08:13] Push the wave.
[03:08:16] Yo, Ani-bot push the wave.
[03:08:18] Push the wave. Push the wave.
[03:08:22] Antibot, I know you tab out like half of your games
[03:08:26] Like i know bro but like Jared push the wave Push the wave so so Dude Holy fuck Dude, holy fuck! What the absolute fuck is happening?
[03:09:21] What is going on?
[03:09:30] The yone tried to freeze a wave into
[03:09:34] fucking Lux coming into Fucking walks coming. I don't even know what to say like this is wild
[03:09:45] Some crazy shits!
[03:09:49] Stupid guy.
[03:10:06] You're dead Like, are you people?
[03:10:09] No way! You are real humans!
[03:10:12] There's no way! What? uh What the frick did you do? I live behind anyone.
[03:10:53] Okay, well...I mean, I'm just gonna go top and hope that like
[03:10:57] they keep giving me kills i don't know
[03:11:03] it I'm down, keep giving me kills! I mean...
[03:11:25] Are they on grub? It's like,
[03:11:29] what's happening? Bait him. Bait him. Bait him. Bait him!
[03:11:53] Bait him!
[03:11:59] Or don'ts, that's fine.
[03:12:10] Don't bait him
[03:12:50] it's okay so I'm out of mana, so I'll go back and get some real quick. He shouldn't be able to push this fast enough, so I can just go back top.
[03:12:55] Maybe I should go mid.
[03:12:58] It's hard to tell, like going mid here is not bad.
[03:13:02] I would have had a double if I went mid but it's hard to tell.
[03:13:06] I'm gonna get the kill. It's hard to tell.
[03:13:51] So it's like confirmation bias, you know? enemy has been slain so Okay. Well, we got his ult. That's pretty good. He might flash? Okay.
[03:13:59] ... Gonna go back again.
[03:14:08] I mean, every time this happens
[03:14:10] where we get something,
[03:14:12] all I really have to do to like
[03:14:18] hey we got the flat alts and I backed so i'm gonna go bot and help them out
[03:14:30] cool cool
[03:14:59] okay so Time to go top?
[03:15:10] Oh, we're getting some fucking roman i mean i don't even know what to say like we're just some nice roams going.
[03:15:39] Ooh, I'm into E there?
[03:15:41] Whoa! Okay.
[03:15:52] I probably didn't even have to flash, to be honest. Vlad does not have items so like... Maybe i didn't have to flash. I kind of want to proxy a bit actually though.
[03:16:07] Like, I think I can
[03:16:08] Cause I have the fast bat. So I think I can proxy that wave, and the Vlad doesn't have to sit here
[03:16:33] and deal with it. And now I have timers
[03:16:37] to roam on the map Dude, is this Kayn trying to fight them bot lane again? Like what is like what going on man get it This is crazy!
[03:17:30] I mean, I don't even know what's happening man like
[03:17:36] i'm straight up just doing so much on the map though so yes Wait, how is my bot lane dying?
[03:18:17] Wait guys. Guys, guys, guys!
[03:18:21] I just spent like half the game down there. What is going on?
[03:18:25] ... What is going on?
[03:18:31] What is happening right now? so Okay, well I should be able to get this turret.
[03:18:55] I don't think Vlad can get here in time.
[03:18:59] I have six scrubs, but Jesus
[03:19:08] It's crazy. I can't tell if this man is a human or what the fuck is happening so uh. Like what is going the fuck on?
[03:20:21] I wonder if i can kill the Lux as she walks back to lane.
[03:20:28] Like, is there a ward here you think?
[03:20:31] Oh!
[03:20:32] They know.
[03:20:34] There was indeed a war if you guys are curious
[03:20:38] there was award there was one
[03:20:43] just in case you're curious, there was a ward there. It sucked. They saw me.
[03:20:53] I even flew around so they didn't have vision here like this ward was irrelevant because i went around
[03:21:08] i kind of want to go Bloodthirster.
[03:22:01] You know what's kinda crazy? How do we not have... Whoa, buddy. What is happening over here? Demacia is counting on us. Okay, I'm kind of running it down Ooh.
[03:22:03] Okay, I'm kind of running it down, but like I'm down.
[03:22:05] Like I'm kind of down. There's a fiesta going on and
[03:22:07] I'm all for it.
[03:22:21] ... Damn, we are getting so many objectives.
[03:22:24] I need to get some... How does this Lux know where everybody is without any vision of where everybody is by the way
[03:22:38] lux that is a bit suspicious suspicious
[03:22:54] I don't actually know what I should get third like Like, I'm probably gonna go BT at this point but...
[03:22:58] I actually don't know if BT is the best thing to get here.
[03:23:02] Because I am going Lethality so crit's probably not very good.
[03:23:42] Hmm... hmm Did they just send four people bot to defend a T1 turret? You guys are psychos! There's no way that's worth, by the way. Like zero chance. you guys are psychopaths!
[03:24:11] I got triple Holted.
[03:24:22] Yo, very well played guys.
[03:24:26] Very,
[03:24:28] very well played everyone on the enemy team. you guys are smurfing Dude, this is crazy. You teleported to the tier one i mean there's just no way so so you guys there are psychos like what am I watching? what the is happening praying so so so
[03:27:04] this is the most fiesta game I've seen in so long. I don't even know where to begin on trying to commentate this shit.
[03:27:08] What do we even do um so uh Okay.
[03:27:57] What?
[03:28:04] Guys, they just sent two people bot double ults.
[03:28:12] Surely you guys can play the game right like surely you can go in just all team
[03:28:21] jim did you see your ult! all right do baron
[03:28:41] guys you can do baron
[03:29:41] this is insane. your turret has been destroyed so so I wonder if I should go mortal reminder
[03:29:57] or if i should just straight up go like some mr well you can't really go ie What is this
[03:30:02] The crazy teleport.
[03:31:58] Ah, okay! That was very well played. I apologize, I was not familiar with your game. killing spree your team has destroyed so host your team so What in the fuck is happening? so Oh, is holy shit you guys really know how to fiesta!
[03:32:02] Holy shit Diamond players know how to fiesta.
[03:32:08] We did it boys, we did it. boys. We did it!
[03:32:12] It only took playing Quintop but we got a W!
[03:32:15] That's right, lads.
[03:32:17] Thank you for watching! Dude, it will never not amaze me
[03:32:25] how hilariously worse every player is
[03:32:29] that's not in bot lane
[03:32:30] in Diamonds.
[03:32:33] Like, when you play in Diamonds...
[03:32:34] I'm playing in the same games
[03:32:36] and the same ELOs that I'm always playing in, right?
[03:32:40] Like, I want you guys to understand this is the same ELO that I'm always playing in, right? Like, I want you guys to understand.
[03:32:41] This is the same elo
[03:32:42] that I've played
[03:32:43] my last four games in.
[03:32:46] This is what happens
[03:32:47] when you have somebody
[03:32:48] play a lane with agency
[03:32:49] who's smurfing.
[03:32:52] Like we have an 80 carry
[03:32:53] smurfing,
[03:32:54] the game is like stalled out
[03:32:56] by how bad
[03:32:56] the enemy bot lane is.
[03:32:58] If the enemy bot lane
[03:32:59] is not bad,
[03:32:59] they can just never die to you,
[03:33:01] right?
[03:33:01] They can just like scale and never die.
[03:33:03] If your lane...
[03:33:05] if the enemy bot lane is trashed,
[03:33:06] you can still snowball, obviously.
[03:33:08] But solo lanes don't have
[03:33:11] the luxury of playing like that. they have to fight you for stuff
[03:33:18] god damn All right, what AD carry do you guys want to see me play?
[03:33:38] What AD carry do you want commentary on?
[03:33:52] I was going to play Ashe and show you guys how to 1v2 lane as Ashe, but that game was fine. Like, I had fun so I was like, ah fuck fuck it I'll just play whatever you guys want
[03:34:00] where did I die when I was being hold on when I went bot...
[03:34:07] Like, who wards these bushes man?
[03:34:13] I can't believe they warded this. Damn! Damn. Because that's such a trash ward!
[03:34:28] Like, if you're going to ward for defending...
[03:34:30] This ward doesn't do anything.
[03:34:32] If you're gonna back this ward only prevents
[03:34:34] you from dying between turrets
[03:34:36] and then it just goes down the drain and you can't defend for defending it. Like, this ward doesn't do anything. If you're going to back, this ward only prevents
[03:34:39] you from dying between turrets.
[03:34:43] If you're trying to prevent dragon
[03:34:45] or being invaded, you might as well ward here
[03:34:47] or here, right? Because if you put a ward here
[03:34:49] You still see me walk in from this angle
[03:34:51] But not this angle
[03:34:52] Damn, I got shit on like what was going on early game though
[03:35:05] like what is this look at this!
[03:35:16] Like, what is
[03:35:16] this game?
[03:36:01] Like, what? like what what am i watching And then they try and gank me? oh my god what the fuck
[03:36:19] why didn't he pool? What am I watching? He doesn't have a point in E.
[03:36:41] What am I watching?! This is crazy. Smolder, Caitlyn.
[03:37:11] Man you guys just
[03:37:13] why do you guys choose the most
[03:37:16] boring AD carries that you want to learn you guys are like dude
[03:37:21] I want to learn how to farm on small oh Jesus Christ.
[03:37:33] Like I'll do it right? It's a teaching stream. I'm trying to improve
[03:37:37] you guys but like...
[03:37:40] That's crazy.. Kaelin's weird because
[03:38:05] I genuinely think
[03:38:07] Cait is trash.
[03:38:10] Like, I can teach you guys how to play Cait but A. I don't think you should be playing Cait
[03:38:19] Unless you're literally in love with Caitlyn.
[03:38:22] You love the champion.
[03:38:24] The problem with playing Caitlyn if you are below GM
[03:38:28] is that you aren't going to know what you are supposed to do on Caitlyn.
[03:38:35] And if I teach
[03:38:36] you, you're still going to need the mechanical
[03:38:38] ability to play Caitlyn.
[03:38:42] If that makes sense.
[03:38:46] Like, you guys have to mechanically be able
[03:38:50] to play Caitlyn. She's not as easy as people think.
[03:39:07] Othellio? Aphelios.
[03:39:09] Oops.
[03:39:15] The problem with Aphelios, too, is he's again like one of those...
[03:39:20] Dude, that's crazy.
[03:39:23] You guys are choosing the hardest AD carries in the game that you want to learn?
[03:39:29] Yeah. in the game that you want to understand that I can do it, like I said. But it's like... You gotta
[03:39:48] understand that I can teach you how to play
[03:39:50] Jhin or- I'll play a Jhin game
[03:39:52] I could teach you how to play Aphelios, I could teach you how to play Cait
[03:39:54] Well, Cait's banned. I was gonna
[03:39:56] play Cait but she's banned.
[03:39:58] The reason why I don't want to play Aphelios here is
[03:40:01] I could blind Aphelios this game because
[03:40:04] this guy showed Janna so it's going to be a passive lane
[03:40:07] So because we have Zil-J showing i could blind aphelios like that is a viable option The reason I didn't want to do it this This game, though, is because
[03:40:35] Aphelios takes a lot of... You have
[03:40:37] to play with your team a lot as Aphelios
[03:40:39] and I'm not good enough at him to give like a good how do i put this
[03:40:46] I think Aphelios is like one of three ADs where
[03:40:49] I don't feel comfortable teaching him because I don't know how to play them that well myself.
[03:40:55] Like, I know how to play pretty much
[03:40:56] every AD carry at a Grandmaster level
[03:40:58] but
[03:41:00] I don't know how to play Aphelios, Samira, Naila.
[03:41:06] I could play anything else.
[03:41:09] But like Aphelios, Samira and Naila are like...
[03:41:12] I can try but it's not gonna look
[03:41:13] good.
[03:41:20] You wanna learn the hard ones?
[03:41:21] Dude! If you guys want to have fun playing ad
[03:41:27] you gotta you shouldn't play 80 carries that there are
[03:41:36] like i know that's kind of weird advice but I'm serious man
[03:41:37] wow Why don't I dip into those ADs?
[03:41:48] They're not fun.
[03:41:51] I mean, Aphelios is
[03:41:52] not a fun champion.
[03:41:54] Neither is... Sam, Samira's
[03:41:56] fun but she's fun.
[03:41:58] Samira's like the most support
[03:42:00] reliant AD carry in the game besides
[03:42:02] maybe Nylas so it's like Nyla
[03:42:03] Aphelios and Samira are all really support reliant.
[03:42:06] And I just don't like that. Okay... so I think it's just a bug.
[03:43:04] I think the champ selects and in-game thing is a bug.
[03:43:11] I think it's 1000% of them.
[03:43:14] This happened once like three years ago.
[03:43:24] I'm pretty positive they'll have it fixed by next patch.
[03:43:31] It happened like three years ago or some shit.
[03:43:33] And it was awful back then too.
[03:43:35] You just gotta deal with it.
[03:43:37] It sucks, but it is what it is, you know?
[03:43:40] It is
[03:43:41] what it fucking is. Oh, okay. Let's do this...
[03:43:59] What the fuck? Okay.
[03:44:12] Here, I'll...I also uh...
[03:44:15] I'll turn my cam on in a sec but you guys can't make fun of me for having a rough week.
[03:44:21] I have not gotten a lot of sleep this week.
[03:44:35] So you're not allowed to make fun of me okay so jen is a pretty aggressive uh Okay. So...
[03:44:35] Jhin is a pretty aggressive early game AD.
[03:44:40] Ashe is as well.
[03:44:41] Like, Ashe is actually
[03:44:41] a pretty good pick into Jhin.
[03:44:45] They're...
[03:44:45] Because Jhin's immobile and Ashe
[03:44:47] And Jhin are both like
[03:44:48] We both want to lane bully
[03:44:49] So because we both want to lane bully
[03:44:52] I'm gonna try and control the wave state
[03:44:54] Over poke
[03:44:55] Always focus on the wave state over poke always focus on the wave state over poking early
[03:44:59] it's just not worth focusing on the poke
[03:45:06] i'm not gonna throw a w yet until he does that
[03:45:14] oh that was well played by ash i could have flashed here and probably lived.
[03:45:19] But, I'll give him credit. That was well played.
[03:45:27] Oh, that's a pretty good one. Not bad.
[03:45:40] Ooh.
[03:45:44] Okay, so...
[03:45:47] Wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, no.
[03:45:49] I'm right here.
[03:45:54] You know, you don't take the wave when the AD carry is literally standing there.
[03:45:56] Now that's... That is your trolling.
[03:46:03] Like, I'm all for fixing the wave as the jungler But not when I'm literally standing like four feet away
[03:46:05] Like that
[03:46:08] If you do that shit
[03:46:08] You are griefing
[03:46:09] Okay you are griefing.
[03:46:18] That guy's dead 100%, yeah. I don't know what Volibear is thinking.
[03:46:20] We push the wave in, but there's almost no way we can I don't know what Volibear is thinking.
[03:46:25] We push the wave in, but there's almost no way we can actually fight that
[03:46:27] and Zilean needs to recall
[03:46:30] So what ended up happening just now
[03:46:34] Zilean overstayed he has no mana so he can't actually impact the fight. The Volibear also overstayed. What they should have done is once the wave was pushed under the turret
[03:46:41] They should have instantly just both of them backed.
[03:46:46] Right? That's just how it should work.
[03:46:52] That's more of a...
[03:46:55] The reason I'm making a big deal about that is because it's
[03:46:58] Basically, we threw off our entire lane phase now
[03:47:01] Because Ashe is gonna have
[03:47:03] Like as you can see she has double buffs right?
[03:47:06] So now that Ashe has doubles,
[03:47:07] it's going to be really hard for me
[03:47:09] to pressure her lane
[03:47:11] as hard as I need to be able to
[03:47:13] because of the doubles.
[03:47:18] An ally has been slain. as I need to be able to because of the devils. Whoa!
[03:47:24] I mean, I don't really think that was a good play.
[03:47:29] Because I can't W randomly.
[03:47:48] Okay. That kind of stuff is like really just niche and bad. You should never do that type of shit because it kind
[03:47:52] of fucks your AD carry over really
[03:47:54] hard, so like
[03:47:56] Zile kind of griefing that play, it puts me even further behind.
[03:48:04] So he stayed before which put me behind and now him griefing that play
[03:48:08] puts me even further behind.
[03:48:10] So it becomes kind of a hard situation.
[03:48:15] So here, I actually don't think we should be pushing this.
[03:48:18] I think I should be backing.
[03:48:19] This is a hard situation as well
[03:48:22] because
[03:48:24] Zilean has decent push,
[03:48:26] but I am UMM, so it's like hard to get
[03:48:28] this under turret.
[03:48:30] I'm glad that he knew to push that in though.
[03:48:34] But you can see,
[03:48:35] I've died one time and Ashe has three kills
[03:48:37] and good tempo on the map.
[03:48:44] This kind of stuff is just what happens when you play eddie carry
[03:49:06] sometimes you just don't get the they thought we were going do dragon there because I had the back ooh yeah this is not going well you guys are trolling a bit
[03:49:14] like there's no way you can ever do drake there because i had the back right
[03:49:17] so off what you're just doing dragon on a bad
[03:49:20] tempo timer like they have canonar they have ash and janna coming out of base
[03:49:27] now you can't force stuff like that as the jungler you just can't I wonder what they think when they see me. Oh Oh I am pure. My world is pure.
[03:49:56] Ooh, the fuck?
[03:50:04] I don't think that was a good play by Ashe and Janna. They were trying to ego me in the bush, but it's like you can't do that.
[03:50:13] I'm just gonna ulti actually.
[03:50:18] Ooh, that was actually super good for us!
[03:50:22] We ended up getting the arrow there. Not bad.
[03:50:34] This actually isn't too bad, I think what we do here is we back...
[03:50:43] Oh man, staying is so risky!
[03:50:50] We can stay,
[03:50:51] but it is risky because if their jungler
[03:50:53] comes right now,
[03:50:55] there's no chance we can fight them.
[03:51:02] Okay. we can fight him. I'm just gonna back, like
[03:51:04] there's no value in me overstaying
[03:51:06] for this play.
[03:51:15] Dude, I kind of want to get Merc treads this game if i'm being honest over Swifties.
[03:51:22] They have a lot of CC. Yeah you see that's exactly what I was talking about you see how trundle um
[03:51:28] you saw trundle walked bot to try and hit the zillion that's why you're back and you don't read for the plate because we didn't know what trundle was right
[03:51:33] you have to learn these like fundamental things if you want to uh like be not running it down
[03:51:44] it's just consistent things that you can learn and teach yourself
[03:51:47] like good habits I mean these guys can't dive me. I
[03:52:07] Have mark treads and we hadbear there, so it's pretty hard to dive.
[03:52:14] This is kind of the only issue that I really see a lot of the time with uh with zen or jane i mean the only issue that i see a lot with
[03:52:18] jin is that he's you can see like he's not
[03:52:22] he doesn't have a lot of agency like jinn is not a super agent champion
[03:52:31] right and because you're not a super asian champion you kind of have these uh these things that go on oh ulti ult him
[03:52:40] ulti her ooh no joke uh that could have actually killed like four people there.
[03:52:51] But yeah, there's not a lot I can do here.
[03:52:53] This is another one of those games where you just have to take it in the ass.
[03:52:59] We have good CS,
[03:53:01] considering we've been
[03:53:02] fucking...
[03:53:05] had these people stick it in our ass
[03:53:06] the whole game.
[03:53:08] We had good CS, so that's all we can really do
[03:53:11] is keep good CS
[03:53:12] and try to continue to wave manage
[03:53:14] and play
[03:53:15] our best game.
[03:53:20] If you don't want to play games like this, where
[03:53:23] you're constantly being four-maned, constantly
[03:53:25] being support gapped,
[03:53:27] constantly being jungle gapped, AD carry is not your role. I'm gonna tell you right now
[03:53:31] If you don't want games like this, I suggest learning it of a roll
[03:53:35] Because these games happen and you have to be mentally good enough
[03:53:39] to say, okay.
[03:53:44] We're getting weak-sided
[03:53:46] and our top is still losing?
[03:53:48] We try our best.
[03:53:57] I mean AD carry is the hardest role mentally in the entire game and it's not even
[03:53:59] close.
[03:54:03] So if you don't have good mental ad carries definitely not for you Because you can, the thing about league and this is any role but it's uh obviously ad carry
[03:54:27] experiences at the most you can be a better player and you can do everything right and you can just lose It's just the nature of the game.
[03:55:04] So here, we did get a little help which is really nice i think we're gonna want to secure
[03:55:06] a dragon we're not diving that zillion that's not a dive bro I'm so gone.
[03:55:21] Alright, we're gonna back up.
[03:55:22] You know what's crazy?
[03:55:24] I genuinely have so little items.
[03:55:25] That has no meaning to me yet. I genuinely have so little items. Ooh, this is awkward.
[03:55:38] We have to give...we can't play this!
[03:55:41] Yeah that guy's old.
[03:55:44] There's just no air.
[03:55:56] They are... In here?
[03:56:00] Oh, what a bad choice by them.
[03:56:01] What the fuck?
[03:56:04] How awkward.
[03:56:07] I'll put an E down. see if we can farm this.
[03:56:13] I don't think I'm low enough to need to back because I don't think they can dive me Oh Oh, he really... Oh you really you guys really doing this huh
[03:56:45] that's crazy I don't have the mana to ulti.
[03:56:53] This kind of sucks. Where do you think my apps are?
[03:57:09] An enemy has been slaughtered.
[03:57:11] Prison from the filth and muck. Dude, this game is...
[03:57:15] I don't know what's going on in Diamond Evo,
[03:57:17] but this feels like Plat.
[03:57:19] I think Diamond has become Platinum.
[03:57:21] Like actually though.
[03:57:22] I think everybody in this Halo is plat level
[03:57:24] and then they just, somehow
[03:57:26] everybody has inflated
[03:57:28] to diamond and diamonds have inflated the masters
[03:57:30] and all that shit because these games
[03:57:32] are crazy.
[03:57:35] All right, I'm going to rotate mid.
[03:57:42] I would say make sure you're tracking cooldowns of things that can kill you and make sure that you are paying attention
[03:57:44] to where you should be
[03:57:44] on the map
[03:57:45] and don't autopilot
[03:57:46] to random spots.
[03:57:47] So here,
[03:57:48] I know that
[03:57:48] uh
[03:57:49] I don't really care
[03:57:51] about that turret
[03:57:52] I want to go mid
[03:57:53] to make sure we
[03:57:54] don't lose mid turret
[03:57:54] and it's the I want to go mid, to make sure we don't lose mid turret.
[03:57:58] And it's... the plates have dropped so losing bot turret isn't as big of a deal
[03:58:00] as
[03:58:02] it would've been before.
[03:58:07] Now somebody does need to go bot and cover that
[03:58:10] but we'll see how it goes places Hmm, this is very awkward. so You have stained an enemy. Your turret has been destroyed.
[03:59:03] We're going to walk back mid.
[03:59:04] I mean, we're going to lose mid-turret for that
[03:59:06] because that's just the tradeoff.
[03:59:13] Okay. That's just the trade-off. But, I mean, when you're in a game like this
[03:59:15] where every one of your lanes is losing except for
[03:59:17] you, you have to be the one
[03:59:19] to move around the map and make plays.
[03:59:22] If you're not going to make plays, you'll just slowly lose
[03:59:25] And it's gonna feel like shit
[03:59:47] Each bullet is a piece of my soul, each shot is bad. My CS is real bad. I can't really do much to fight that.
[03:59:59] Like, we're strong
[04:00:00] but it's kind of hard
[04:00:01] because we are not as strong as they are right now. It's kind of hard.
[04:00:05] Because we are not as strong as they are right now. I'm ready to send you out, Kha'Zix! so Can I get this tower?
[04:00:28] Okay, we got the tower. Not bad.
[04:00:42] Okay, let's go help this so Okay.
[04:01:15] Not the worst.
[04:01:17] We need to recall and we need to buy...
[04:01:20] Man, what do I want to buy? I kind of wanna get Lord Dom's but...
[04:01:27] Getting Lord Dom's at this point is going to feel so weird.
[04:01:32] I don't think I've ever gotten Collector Doms on Jhin, but I feel like I have to because their team comp is like,
[04:01:39] their frontline is really tanky.
[04:01:45] Like I kind of want RFC so that
[04:01:47] I can not die to Kennen.
[04:01:48] But I also want to be able
[04:01:49] to kill the front line
[04:01:51] because of how long
[04:01:51] it took me to kill them,
[04:01:52] right?
[04:01:53] Like,
[04:01:54] I don't want to have
[04:01:55] to sit there
[04:01:55] and not be able
[04:01:56] to kill them
[04:01:56] for long periods
[04:01:57] of time.
[04:01:59] The faster you can kill the enemy,
[04:02:01] uh...the easier it is for your team to play around
[04:02:05] you as the AD carry.
[04:02:09] Ooh that's not good. Nice. Now I'm going to walk back mid immediately.
[04:02:25] Actually, Auri can collect that wave so I'm gonna help this guy do dragon.
[04:02:32] This is a huge dragon for us. we're shutting down our third drake
[04:02:36] if we can get it i think we can get it though
[04:02:40] it's just going to be a little hard Okay, he just autoed me to death.
[04:02:58] Ooh... maybe not the best. I can't really do much against the Aatrox there,
[04:03:03] I tried my best.
[04:03:05] I mean... What could I do, right?
[04:03:08] The only thing I could have done is flash
[04:03:09] the wall and take the Hex Gate.
[04:03:13] Like, genuinely, that would have been
[04:03:14] the only thing I could have done is flash ball and take xk there
[04:03:22] because the h rocks just too fast and I don't have peel. We just have to continue to scale.
[04:03:43] It's the best thing we can do Nice.
[04:04:01] So he was trying to juke my ult, so we got a free kill.
[04:04:04] I'm gonna...
[04:04:05] Yep they're on Baron. We should just fight them! Just go!
[04:04:12] Okay nice, they got off Baron. so so Hmm.
[04:04:47] I mean, dude dove me and landed zero spells except for one Q and autoed me to death.
[04:04:56] I'll be real there's no counterpoint of that.
[04:05:00] attacked me to death.
[04:05:09] The only counterpoint to that would be like...
[04:05:12] Nah, it's not worth.
[04:05:19] Ahri needs to just TP. Zile died again without ulting that's not good whoa
[04:05:27] i mean they're stalling they're stalling for me but
[04:05:38] this is rough boys it is hard to play the game right now i'll tell you what this is why right now in the meta it's almost impossible to play non-meta champs in the meta, it's almost impossible to play non-meta
[04:05:45] champs in the meta at the moment
[04:05:47] because you kind of see
[04:05:49] how even though Ashe isn't
[04:05:51] doing anything, I couldn't take
[04:05:53] over the lane phase because she was too strong.
[04:05:57] Right, so even though we had a good
[04:05:58] lane, it's
[04:06:00] hard to take over the lane phase because
[04:06:02] Ashe is Ashe.
[04:06:15] I live for your claws. i mean this is crazy i'm just dead like holy fuck you guys really doing this huh?
[04:06:17] They're just trying to run me down.
[04:06:21] Goddamn!
[04:06:25] ... They're in the bush.
[04:06:40] We gotta push mid? We have to, guys. We don't want to fight this with Aurebot, because Auri is one of our strongest people.
[04:06:57] Also I can't...I can't fight this. This is not a position that I can fight from right now.
[04:07:07] We honestly need Ahri to just group and engage
[04:07:13] but actually though we actually just need reid's group and
[04:07:15] engaged One, two, three. That guy better fucking die.
[04:07:38] Okay, cool.
[04:07:39] Nice. Not the worst.
[04:07:40] I was gonna say,
[04:07:41] the fact that they just did that
[04:07:43] it should give us a really
[04:07:45] good tempo on doing this
[04:07:47] dragon as long as my team understands
[04:07:49] how to fight this
[04:07:51] because they used so many resources to kill me which means my team has the advantage so I serve a discerning clientele.
[04:08:24] Nice, we stalled out their dragon. Huge!
[04:08:32] Oh I hate this game.
[04:08:39] I can't really walk up because they could be in a lot
[04:08:42] of different spots right now.
[04:08:49] We know they're not on baron so i don't need to walk up so this stage of the game your job as the ad carry is
[04:08:53] try and not get caught but also try and be useful.
[04:09:03] It's very difficult when your team is behind
[04:09:05] like this
[04:09:06] because I still need to be difficult when your team's behind like this
[04:09:10] because i still need to be very useful like i need to be pushing waves and doing things like that I mean, I didn't really have a choice.
[04:09:29] I had to push mid.
[04:09:30] I could've walked out instead of back, but...
[04:09:33] Not fun.
[04:09:47] It kind of sucks because somehow Zilean... Somehow they lost this without anybody on the enemy team there except for Aatrox.
[04:09:59] There wasn't much I could do there. I should have saved my flash.
[04:10:01] I was trying to buy time.
[04:10:12] But yeah... but yeah i ain't gonna lie to you though
[04:10:23] These games are kinda hard
[04:10:24] Like the games today specifically
[04:10:28] Holy fuck
[04:10:29] I feel like I've literally been against 500 enemies all ahead the entire day.
[04:10:41] So we're just gonna try and wave clear, the next big objective for us is to try and wave clear.
[04:10:44] The next big objective for them is going to be Dragon.
[04:10:51] Let's see if we can ward deep and get some vision,
[04:10:55] and make a pick.
[04:10:58] Right now they haven't put any wards down in their jungle
[04:11:01] If we could make a pick right now on somebody
[04:11:03] We can throw off their tempo really hard.
[04:11:12] Like, we should definitely be looking before they group up
[04:11:14] or before they get their push going to make picks.
[04:11:20] That Aatrox is literally 1v3ing my team. I cannot make it down there, so I'm going to push mid.
[04:11:36] Look, I can't safely walk down there. But I might be able to get this mid T2.
[04:11:50] So we got that going.
[04:11:56] Let's reset. Okay, bro.
[04:12:13] That guy...
[04:12:14] Jesus.
[04:12:18] Something is really fishy with this specific game that I'm in right now.
[04:12:27] Like, it genuinely feels like they have knowledge they shouldn't have
[04:12:37] oh huge actually huge though
[04:12:45] actually really big I said no flash by the way. You can just kill him
[04:12:55] The enemy team hard through okay, let's go they hard hard through
[04:13:03] We can get this dragon now too.
[04:13:07] They tried to hard to end the game just now?
[04:13:11] We should be able to get the drake for free, which slows down...
[04:13:13] It stalls the game even longer.
[04:13:17] This is huge! Actually huge though. um so i'm so terrified
[04:13:54] oh this is actually pretty good.
[04:13:57] Baron's not up for two minutes
[04:13:58] so we have two minutes to farm top wave
[04:14:00] and once I hit RFC
[04:14:04] I might be able to carry like oh
[04:14:07] no ironically i might carry this so my carrier when we hit rfc the trigger on the motor so
[04:14:35] i missed my fourth shot that but not bad. I wish I didn't miss the fourth shot,
[04:15:00] but not bad.
[04:15:24] That's it. all right baron's up soon what we need to do here is we need to get full vision on baron on Baron. Okay, we do that.
[04:15:26] It's definitely
[04:15:27] GA for last item, 100%.
[04:15:29] We are extremely safe item, 100%.
[04:15:34] We are extremely scaled though.
[04:15:38] Like we're very strong.
[04:15:45] What I want to do is put uh crap stone in areas near walls that i can
[04:16:05] that i can kite through at like kenan is kennon cannons right there we gotta push mid here.
[04:16:15] Okay, I got the cannon that's all
[04:16:19] that matters. Ooh, that's actually huge!
[04:16:23] Ooh, I don't know this is hard so Well that guy actually juked that, what the fuck? Oh my god we won let's go and that is why you don't fucking give up!
[04:17:09] That game was looking doomed as FALL.
[04:17:15] One snowball into another snowball,
[04:17:17] into another snowball into another snowball, and
[04:17:19] we fucking...
[04:17:20] We stop their snowball, and we just win in
[04:17:23] one push. Let's go!. But yeah, that's why AD carry
[04:17:48] You have to have a lot of patience
[04:17:50] to play this role.
[04:17:54] Like if you had...
[04:17:55] If I had bad mental today, right?
[04:17:58] Let's be real.
[04:17:58] I've had bad mental before.
[04:18:00] If I had bad mental today today like I would have tilted in the lane phase and we would have just probably lost the game because I would have died in lane over it over again until then we would have lost but because I kept good mental we were able to get to four items and we're have lost. But because I kept good mental,
[04:18:11] we were able to get to four items
[04:18:12] and we were able to win the game.
[04:18:24] Because it doesn't matter how far ahead the enemy team is.
[04:18:26] It doesn't matter how good or bad both teams are.
[04:18:30] Everybody throws in League of Legends, guys.
[04:18:30] Everybody. Throws happen in literal like world championship games if you're
[04:18:38] not willing to play the game out look at this they were ahead the entire game, start to finish.
[04:18:45] They made one mistake at the end of the game and we won.
[04:18:52] In the span of 1 minute, we won the game. Let's go.
[04:19:20] But you can kind of see why Jhin is not a super meta pick right now, right?
[04:19:22] He's not bad.
[04:19:24] Like I did good damage.
[04:19:26] I did the most damage on our team.
[04:19:26] Right?
[04:19:26] Like, Jhin... I didn't do nothing.
[04:19:29] I had some good ults.
[04:19:30] I had some good Ws that game.
[04:19:32] I had some good traps.
[04:19:34] Like, Jhin's not bad.
[04:19:36] The problem with Jhin though is that if Jhin's not bad the problem with Jhin though is that
[04:19:37] if they
[04:19:39] enemy is picking something that's a lot more
[04:19:41] early game based, Jhin doesn't have
[04:19:43] the agency early to play against
[04:19:45] the meta champs.
[04:19:48] Like Ashe.
[04:19:50] Ashe is too strong.
[04:19:52] Ezreal, Ezreal's too strong. Tristana too strong. These champions are too
[04:19:54] strong at early game
[04:19:55] so you will have to get late game with jinn almost every game at the moment
[04:20:01] even though jin is by nature a lane boy.. God damn, what a game.
[04:20:34] That was actually a lot of fun.
[04:20:37] Like win or lose, I think
[04:20:38] I would have enjoyed that game.
[04:20:42] I mean, I'm happy we've won but
[04:20:48] dude celerity on jinn is not balanced by the way
[04:21:20] actually the celebrity gin is not balanced. Thanks for that man No hard feelings
[04:21:20] Yeah
[04:21:21] Sorry man
[04:21:21] I just pre-ban a lot of people.
[04:21:25] Yeah, I mean, I'm sure you understand.
[04:21:26] I pre-ban a lot of people because
[04:21:28] if it's like a new account that just made their
[04:21:30] account and followed me on the same day
[04:21:32] it's probably pretty likely a troll
[04:21:38] so i pre-ban those a lot Oh. Oh, baby.
[04:22:02] All right, lads.
[04:22:09] If you're new to the stream today,
[04:22:11] we are teaching ADK Reap.
[04:22:13] I'm a little washed,
[04:22:15] so it's hard for me
[04:22:16] to like play effectively sometimes.
[04:22:21] Because I'm old and washed up.
[04:22:23] But what I'm saying is still true
[04:22:35] okay what ad do you guys want to see me play this game
[04:22:39] do you guys want me to just play a meta champ and show you why they're meta like join me to play ezreal ash
[04:22:43] jinx
[04:22:47] i mean i could play MF.
[04:22:52] Kaisa.
[04:22:53] It's really up to you boys.
[04:22:58] Tristana? I can do a Tristana?
[04:22:59] I can do a
[04:23:00] Trist AD game.
[04:23:03] Trist AD carries
[04:23:04] is a little
[04:23:04] tiny bit weaker
[04:23:05] than mid
[04:23:06] because
[04:23:08] it's a two-man lane, right?
[04:23:12] So typically in two man lanes
[04:23:17] all end champs are good
[04:23:19] but they're only good if you can work with your teammate
[04:23:22] because all-in type champions are very reliant on either their ability to
[04:23:27] all in like well by themselves or their ability
[04:23:30] to work with a teammate tall and...
[04:23:34] So that's why Tristana is kind of
[04:23:36] a riskier pick.
[04:23:40] Bot lane than it is mid.
[04:23:41] Also, bot lane is very...
[04:23:43] Mid, it doesn't matter if you push, right?
[04:23:46] Like, if you're pushing mid a lot,
[04:23:48] that doesn't actually matter
[04:23:51] because like you want the prio, right because like you want the prior, right?
[04:23:53] Like you want the why the red on my profile.
[04:23:58] You know what?
[04:23:58] I don't want to talk about it.
[04:24:00] Okay.
[04:24:00] Like,
[04:24:01] yeah,
[04:24:02] you know,
[04:24:02] sometimes words are said.
[04:24:05] Okay?
[04:24:06] The system doesn't like it.
[04:24:09] It is what it is!
[04:24:11] Okay?
[04:24:12] I had a villain day.
[04:24:16] Like, listen... okay I had a villain day like listen I was playing AD carry
[04:24:18] and you know
[04:24:20] I had a bit of a villain arc for
[04:24:22] a day, I apologize
[04:24:24] you know what I don't
[04:24:25] apologize. Those people were assholes.
[04:24:28] Fuck them.
[04:24:30] I don't need to type
[04:24:31] anyway. It's fine.
[04:24:35] It's okay. What matters is that my main account has good honor, right? My main having good
[04:24:40] ... That's what matters. That's what matters. Yo, what's up, dude?
[04:24:48] What just happened?
[04:24:50] What? Hello?
[04:24:55] What do you mean?! What?
[04:24:58] What do you mean?
[04:25:03] What?
[04:25:05] Hello? Hello?
[04:25:17] The fuck was that
[04:25:25] i'm just minding my own business sitting in queue and riot's like nope and they just pulled me out of queue. Okay, that's fine.
[04:25:31] Whatever, I didn't want to play AD carry today anyway.
[04:25:33] But no, like I was saying...
[04:25:39] Essentially, the reason Tristana is way better mid than AD
[04:25:39] is because bot lane, you don't want to push permanently.
[04:25:42] And Tristana can't wave manage at all.
[04:25:45] She has very hard wave managing
[04:25:47] because she auto-pushes lanes.
[04:25:49] So... Because she auto-pushes lanes.
[04:25:50] So,
[04:25:52] because she auto-pushes waves it's very hard to deny
[04:25:53] the enemy bot lane
[04:25:54] when you get a lead.
[04:25:56] And that's like a big...
[04:25:58] The higher ELO you get
[04:25:59] the more important it is
[04:26:00] to deny the enemy
[04:26:01] bot lane with leads.
[04:26:07] Whereas like if
[04:26:08] you're below Masters
[04:26:09] it's probably not as important.
[04:26:12] Like I think Tristana is a really good AD carry champion
[04:26:15] below Masters because it's not as important to freeze
[04:26:19] and have wave management.
[04:26:21] It still is important but it's not as
[04:26:23] important as high elo.
[04:26:26] Because in high elo, if you
[04:26:27] fuck up a wave, they will
[04:26:28] freeze it on you for like five minutes
[04:26:30] and you won't get to play so it's a lot worse Can Kindred be played bot?
[04:26:46] I mean, not really.
[04:26:49] Kindred's issue is
[04:26:50] her damage
[04:26:51] is really high cooldown
[04:26:53] like her W or whatever will auto push the wave it's almost
[04:26:56] the same thing as trust your w Auto pushes the Wave when you activate it and the only
[04:27:02] way to trade with kindred is to use W not only that but you have to go get your marks so
[04:27:06] like you would have to have Bro, you know what sucks? We've actually been playing
[04:27:35] really well today and I've still just been losing games.
[04:27:38] But,
[04:27:38] I mean,
[04:27:38] I told you guys,
[04:27:39] no matter what rank you are,
[04:27:40] no matter how good you are at the game,
[04:27:42] you'll just have days or games that you can't win,
[04:27:44] right?
[04:27:46] Like,
[04:27:48] I'm like a GM current,
[04:27:49] like ex-challenger AD.
[04:27:50] I'm washed, right?
[04:27:52] But even I lose games
[04:27:54] in Diamond sometimes
[04:27:54] if I make one mistake
[04:27:56] or something.
[04:27:57] It is what it is. you don't have a choice
[04:28:02] that's why you should always focus on your own gameplay over anybody else's gameplay
[04:28:06] because if you focus on anybody else's gameplay and not your own
[04:28:08] gameplay,
[04:28:10] You can't like control them.
[04:28:12] And you're going to be playing with an against different people the next
[04:28:14] game anyway so it doesn't really matter just try and play well every game because like I said the
[04:28:28] last game should show you...
[04:28:34] Even if a team is 6,000 gold ahead they can still throw right oh this team was
[04:28:44] six k up like five k up the whole game ten minutes still through the game listen in my defense Okay.
[04:29:05] Okay.
[04:29:08] Playing AD Carry makes you toxic, also.
[04:29:12] I just want to say
[04:29:12] this role is tilting. All right.
[04:29:32] What AD carry do you guys want to see this game?
[04:29:43] You can do... I could do any meta AD if you want that.
[04:29:46] I could play...
[04:29:46] Like I said,
[04:29:48] I could play Ashe as like a meth.
[04:29:50] Like we do a meta AD angle
[04:29:52] because like you guys have seen me play
[04:29:56] You guys have been watching me play non-meta ADs today.
[04:29:59] And the problem with
[04:30:00] non-meta AD is
[04:30:01] in the current way that
[04:30:04] League works, if you play a non-meta AD,
[04:30:07] like I said before,
[04:30:08] you will get kind of railed
[04:30:09] by the meta.
[04:30:11] But I can really do whatever
[04:30:12] it's up to you guys.
[04:30:14] Oh yeah,
[04:30:14] I was going to play
[04:30:14] a Trist AD game.
[04:30:15] I forgot.
[04:30:16] We'll do Trist. Just because, like I said, I was gonna play a Trist AD game. I forgot. We'll do Trist.
[04:30:17] Just cause like I said I would last game
[04:30:19] and I- uh...I'll do it this game
[04:30:23] Okay so you can take whatever runes
[04:30:25] you guys want on tryst
[04:30:33] uh i would say these are probably the runes you take no matter what you take these rooms
[04:30:38] for like your core keystone runs this is like always. You can take secondary runes, you can go like this
[04:30:41] Like if you think you're gonna be
[04:30:43] snowballing a lot, you could probably in fighting
[04:30:44] a lot early say have like Leona your duo queue
[04:30:47] whatever. You could take Taste and Treasure
[04:30:49] and try to snowball
[04:30:50] and get a bunch of treasure stacks early.
[04:30:53] If you really want to scale
[04:30:55] you could take Absolute Gathering
[04:30:56] let's say you're in maybe a lower elo
[04:30:58] and you just want to scale up.
[04:31:01] Trist has good scaling, so you could
[04:31:02] take these two and just scale.
[04:31:04] I personally
[04:31:06] like taking Biscuit
[04:31:08] and Jack of all trades.
[04:31:11] I like doing this, the biscuit helps
[04:31:13] with the fact that
[04:31:15] Tristana's got kind of a mana
[04:31:17] issue now. Her Q now costs
[04:31:19] mana so because they made her Q cost mana a bit,
[04:31:22] having the biscuit actually feels kind of nice.
[04:31:26] Outside of that though, I really like Jack-o'-Trades too.
[04:31:30] Because this is just free 10 adaptive.
[04:31:32] This rune is so broken on so many AD carries,
[04:31:36] and I don't see people taking this enough.
[04:31:40] Like if you go look at any Korean AD ad carry they all take jack of trades on almost every single
[04:31:45] lady carry and the reason is because this is such an efficient rune early game that it's
[04:31:50] it's not even close.
[04:31:54] You can spend 600 gold,
[04:31:55] you can buy boots and dagger and get jack of trades.
[04:31:57] With Doran's Blade boot dagger
[04:31:58] you can get this
[04:31:59] and this gives you 8 AD
[04:32:00] when you buy it.
[04:32:02] So you're basically buying a longsword
[04:32:04] for 600 gold
[04:32:05] extra
[04:32:06] with everything
[04:32:09] else you're
[04:32:09] buying. I love it. also don't take cleanse against ash uh i see this happen a lot with people who pick trust
[04:32:34] or just pick ad carry against ash don't take cleanse
[04:32:39] against ash by default every game it is really bait.
[04:32:48] People get nervous about being arrowed mid-game or, like, whatever at 6, blah, blah, blah.
[04:32:51] You have to get to level 6.
[04:32:53] You have to get to mid-game.
[04:32:55] And if you're against a good Ashe player
[04:32:57] and you take cleanse,
[04:32:59] when I see people take cleanse and I'm playing Ashe,
[04:33:01] I walk at them level 1.
[04:33:04] I know they don't have barrier.
[04:33:05] I know they don't heal. I know they don't have an offensive
[04:33:08] sum, so I will literally walk
[04:33:10] at them at level 1 as Ashe and just
[04:33:12] fight them because I can stat check them with my barrier.
[04:33:17] And if you go against players who know that,
[04:33:19] you're going to get shit on taking Clems
[04:33:21] against Ashe.. so All right, boys.
[04:34:07] All right.
[04:34:21] The ad break's almost done and then we'll jump into the game what the absolute fuck is happening here?
[04:34:27] Guys, my Jyn's name- er, my Pyke's name is poopy pickle
[04:34:42] what a name so we're not actually watching where we should be here
[04:34:44] level one if you guys wanna If you guys are curious what you should do
[04:34:46] level one as an AD carry
[04:34:48] You should be watching for your jungle
[04:34:50] at level 1
[04:34:52] If you're not watching entrances for your jungle,
[04:34:55] You either A. Have to go P.
[04:34:56] Which is fine.
[04:34:57] You know.
[04:34:58] Everybody's gotta pee.
[04:35:00] Or you're being lazy.
[04:35:01] Like right now I'm being lazy.
[04:35:03] And if my jungle gets invaded on his red... It's my fault.
[04:35:05] Because we're not watching this
[04:35:37] what am i listening to what is this who is sabrina carpenter is this like a zoomer artist Alright, not bad.
[04:35:38] We got a good trade.
[04:35:40] We got the press to attack.
[04:35:41] We got the Ashe to half. Always make sure that you back up after you take a trade like that.
[04:35:52] Now here, Ashe volleys down and we're going to push for level 2.
[04:35:56] I don't even care about the CS, i just want to get level 2 first okay now i'm going
[04:36:03] to walk up and forward and i'm gonna play off of pike's. We're gonna go in.
[04:36:17] We flash away,
[04:36:20] we kite the fucking minion damage,
[04:36:21] and we're golden.
[04:36:23] Alright, so here we need to push
[04:36:25] this wave.
[04:36:31] I waited to jump in for a second
[04:36:33] so I'm gonna jump on this minion wave and we're gonna back.
[04:36:35] Okay cool.
[04:36:37] Nice! I'd say really solid
[04:36:39] uh good level 2.
[04:36:41] Nice job.
[04:36:48] So here,
[04:36:52] like I said before, you can buy two longswords Uh
[04:36:52] I can buy a retrix
[04:36:53] There's a lot of shit
[04:36:55] That I can buy here
[04:36:56] What I think I'm gonna do
[04:36:57] Is buy this
[04:36:58] And then this
[04:37:01] So if you see what I did And then this.
[04:37:05] So if you see what I did, I bought boots and I bought
[04:37:07] recurve bow okay?
[04:37:09] This gives me...I'm gonna explain this to you guys
[04:37:11] Uh, this gives me my Jack of Trade stacks.
[04:37:14] So because I have five different stats
[04:37:16] from buying the boots and the recurve,
[04:37:19] now I have an extra 10 adaptive force.
[04:37:22] Okay?
[04:37:24] The adaptive force is is gonna transition to AD,
[04:37:26] so now I'm at 86 AD
[04:37:28] and plus 21.
[04:37:32] Okay... uh...
[04:37:34] I didn't see what happened, but good work team.
[04:37:38] Well played.
[04:37:40] Oh, okay.
[04:37:41] What's going on?
[04:37:43] Oh no.
[04:37:45] We're out! What's going on? Oh no. I don't want to fast push this, actually.
[04:37:59] The reason why is because their Ashe will be back in lane in about 5 seconds.
[04:38:07] And I want to be able to crash the next wave, not the current wave.
[04:38:14] So now I'm gonna fast push this wave.
[04:38:22] When waves meet, you wanna crash them as fast as possible.
[04:38:26] Uh... your wa- when waves are meeting that's usually the best way to do it crash them as fast as possible.
[04:38:28] When waves are meeting, that's usually the best time to
[04:38:30] crash the wave.
[04:38:36] I'm okay with this.
[04:38:38] No no back off, back off, back off. I'm okay with this.
[04:38:41] No, no back off! Back off! The reason why I am okay with this is that this Ashe is essentially...
[04:38:45] She's not farming.
[04:38:49] Nah, I can't fight that bro.
[04:38:50] Go up.
[04:38:52] But yeah, the Pyke should have just left.
[04:38:57] But that Ashe missed an entire minion wave.
[04:39:02] So I want you to understand something, okay?
[04:39:04] If Pyke had just left instead of like go for the play here
[04:39:08] Pyke went up and hooked right? If he had just left
[04:39:12] The Ashe and the Melio chasing me off the turret would have been perfect
[04:39:16] And the reason it would've been perfect is because they would have missed the entire
[04:39:22] wave to
[04:39:23] try and chase a kill
[04:39:25] that doesn't matter.
[04:39:29] And
[04:39:29] that's what I'm trying to tell you guys is when you start getting better at League,
[04:39:32] you start realizing things that matter and things that don't matter.
[04:39:36] Kills don't actually matter.
[04:39:38] What matters is the fact...
[04:39:40] I mean look at what's going on.
[04:39:41] I'm a full level up on Ashe.
[04:39:44] Right?
[04:39:45] I'm a full level up on this guy now.
[04:39:51] And not only am I a full level up, but I'm uh...
[04:39:55] I'm what? 20 CS up? 48 to 25?
[04:39:59] I'm almost 40 CS up on him and he's got really bad...
[04:40:05] I'm two plates up. 40 CS up almost.
[04:40:08] And he's got bad tempo in the map.
[04:40:10] Because now the wave is going to push into us again.
[04:40:17] All of these what get off of me man
[04:40:33] what is that What's up? Fucking minion! Minion So Dude, I'm one minion off of level 6.
[04:40:57] Dude just get level 6!
[04:41:05] Holy fuck!
[04:41:12] Fucking one minion off six, that's wild. Oh he's six?
[04:41:16] I gotta play... Ash is 6, so I need to be able to care.
[04:41:38] I should have not Ego'd that. That's my bad.
[04:41:40] I don't know why I egoed that, I just- I'm so bad.
[04:41:44] I just fucked up SO much shit.
[04:41:48] It's cause I'm old! Okay'm i'm olds give me a break
[04:41:55] like i should be at 80 cs right now i could i could go on
[04:41:58] i can rip myself a new one it's fine
[04:42:04] okay we're in a chill spot now though i can back
[04:42:07] it's a cannon wave ash is gonna stay uh they're probably going to push this cannon wave in but i think it's
[04:42:13] better to back here than to wait i'm not gonna buy a refillable so i want you guys
[04:42:20] to understand something it's a little too late in the game for a refillable.
[04:42:24] Do not waste your gold if you are past this 7-8 minute mark
[04:42:28] in the game.
[04:42:30] You do not need that little tiny bit of sustain
[04:42:33] that the refillable is going to give you.
[04:42:35] It will not give you enough value to buy it, okay?
[04:42:39] Trust me, it's not worth it.
[04:42:56] Yes! It's not worth it. I'm gonna push the wave in.
[04:42:59] One thing Tristana does excel at is pushing,
[04:43:02] so when the Ashe backs like that,
[04:43:05] I'm going to be able to push waves and I'm going to be able
[04:43:07] to get plates based on Ashe's back timers.
[04:43:18] We should back off. Okay, they missed Arrow. We can walk back up. There's no way Shyvana can actually fight us
[04:43:22] She's 0-3 and she's not very strong. And I'm incredibly strong So there's almost no way shiv can fight us after
[04:43:29] arrow misses whoa what a weird choice.
[04:43:38] I think I'm gonna jump in and fight him...
[04:43:43] ...I THINK I'm gonna jump on the Ashe after Milyo's W.
[04:43:46] We'll see.
[04:43:49] If Ashe walks up right now...
[04:43:57] I don't like that though.
[04:43:58] I'm not going to fight that.
[04:43:58] That is just not a good play.
[04:44:15] Okay. and again i'm not going to chase shivana i'm gonna play for the guaranteed goal what's the
[04:44:18] guarantee gold here chats for the guaranteed gold. What's the guaranteed
[04:44:19] gold here, Chats?
[04:44:21] The guaranteed gold
[04:44:22] is the turret plates,
[04:44:23] right?
[04:44:24] Correct.
[04:44:25] So because I can
[04:44:26] guarantee you get a
[04:44:27] bunch of turret plates
[04:44:29] and maybe even take the turret.
[04:44:31] You don't chase kills, you just play for
[04:44:35] the guaranteed gold here? And even though my team died that is
[04:44:39] completely fine Think I'm okay
[04:44:55] Should still be fine
[04:44:58] Yeah, I'm fine
[04:44:58] But yeah I overstayed.
[04:45:03] It cost me my ult and my thing
[04:45:04] but it's fine.
[04:45:06] You can see though
[04:45:07] we have a massive lead
[04:45:09] on the enemy right now, right?
[04:45:11] If we take a look at what
[04:45:12] my gold is versus their gold.
[04:45:16] We have 100 CS
[04:45:17] 5 plates.
[04:45:18] We have 1.5 items
[04:45:20] and we have
[04:45:22] a full level lead on this Ashe, okay?
[04:45:24] She has 59 CS than my 97.
[04:45:26] So even though she's not doing that bad
[04:45:28] ,
[04:45:30] she is so much further behind
[04:45:32] than it looks like and that's why you need to learn
[04:45:34] why it's important to not play
[04:45:37] for things that
[04:45:39] don't matter.
[04:45:51] ... Like here, again I really don't want to just chase. I wanna get plates.
[04:45:53] These plates are way more beneficial than you guys will ever understand.
[04:46:03] Ooh, that hurt.
[04:46:06] I don't know what I'm watching here though.
[04:46:14] I'm okay dying...
[04:46:16] Oh, I thought Melio got it. Fuck, I suck. Alright my bad.
[04:46:21] I mean I'll be real- I thought Melio was gonna get it that's why I did that.
[04:46:25] I suck. My bad. so after lane phase ends this is very. I want you guys to listen, okay?
[04:46:50] After lane phase ends do not autopilot your way back into the same lane that you've been in all game, okay?
[04:46:57] I see a lot of people, you know like gold silver etc.
[04:47:00] When you guys play AD Carry
[04:47:02] You do this thing where you auto-pilot
[04:47:14] And you just walk bot after lane phase ends, or after you kill the tower Or like whatever
[04:47:15] And it's just not a good plan
[04:47:20] You want to walk
[04:47:21] to where you can get the next biggest amount
[04:47:23] of gold for the least effort,
[04:47:26] and the biggest amount of gold
[04:47:27] for the least effort is mid lane
[04:47:30] because we already took top turret
[04:47:35] also being mid has a bunch of different advantages as well
[04:47:40] one of the advantages being made is you're closer to every objective on the map.
[04:47:44] So say my team needs me... I'm like, the strongest person in the game right now, right?
[04:47:48] Let's say my team needs me to walk to rifts. Now I am close enough that I can walk to rift really easily.
[04:47:56] So here,
[04:47:57] I actually should have backed already.
[04:47:58] That was my bad.
[04:48:01] Because I have
[04:48:02] 2,000 gold.
[04:48:04] If you hit this mark and you can go back and buy an item,
[04:48:06] go back and buy your item.
[04:48:09] I see people
[04:48:10] stay on the map because they can
[04:48:12] a lot.
[04:48:16] There's no reason for you guys to stay on the map when you when you can just back you back up
[04:48:24] you go spend your goals and then you get back play AD Carry. Any questions? any questions
[04:48:59] this game is pretty much over, so...
[04:49:13] It's up to you boys.
[04:49:26] I could take that turret, but i don't think i want to
[04:49:33] again i had a lot of gold at 16. i'm just gonna go back and get a bf so even though
[04:49:36] i don't have the back there's nothing to do on the map if you, there's nothing to do on the map.
[04:49:40] If you don't have anything to do on the map, just back
[04:49:43] and just go buy something that makes you stronger.
[04:49:49] You should not be doing nothing. So like I said, yeah.
[04:50:09] Tristana's not bad bot lane as you can see like this game. We had a pike
[04:50:14] The fact we got a pipe in this game was like really nice
[04:50:21] Cuz allowed us to do I go in and fight pretty much as much as we wanted to.
[04:50:27] And Drisana is the champion that wants to fight and snowball the game
[04:50:31] as much as possible.
[04:50:33] She has good late-game scaling but her early game is very snowballing
[04:50:38] because like you know her kit in the nature of her kitten so it's just
[04:50:41] really op when do i pick rfc never and shit, so it's just really OP.
[04:50:44] When do I pick RFC?
[04:50:46] Never. Tristana is a unique champion where you always...
[04:50:48] Your Zeal item is always Navori.
[04:50:50] You just don't swap it.
[04:50:53] She has too much
[04:50:54] benefit from...
[04:50:57] She benefits way
[04:50:59] too much from the Navori
[04:51:00] effect,
[04:51:02] because it allows her to essentially have
[04:51:05] her spells always off cooldown.
[04:51:08] If you watch my spells,
[04:51:09] as I auto
[04:51:11] stuff, watch how my spells interact.
[04:51:19] Right? how my spells interact, right? Like watch
[04:51:20] my jump as I'm autoing a scuttle.
[04:51:25] My jump is back up. I just jumped into Scuttle, killed it in about four seconds and my jumps
[04:51:31] back. That right there is why it's kind of op to have this item
[04:51:40] and your queue is always up so late game you always have your cue available
[04:51:45] with with nevori queue available with Navori.
[04:51:50] And your queue is a massive steroid, so the fact that it's always up is insane amounts
[04:51:56] of stats. And there you go, that was almost a picture-perfect Triss game.
[04:52:11] We kind of fucked up a little bit, but...
[04:52:17] You know we fucked up a tiny bit, but it was very close to a perfect try scam. Trist, when do I pick RFC? Oh, I already read that. My bad.
[04:52:38] How's Vayne at the moment?
[04:52:41] I think Vayne is good.
[04:52:44] She's very situational though.
[04:52:46] You can't just blind Vayne because all
[04:52:47] the meta stuff will shit on you.
[04:52:50] Vayne has bad matchups into
[04:52:52] Ashe, Ezreal,
[04:52:54] Kai'Sa. Like all of these
[04:52:56] champs, Vayne is very...
[04:52:59] Like Vayne
[04:53:00] is a weaker version of Kai'Sa.
[04:53:02] She's a skill matchup into Ezreal, but Ezreal can stat check you.
[04:53:08] So the stats... You have to be way better
[04:53:10] to make that match up playable
[04:53:12] And in Ashe,
[04:53:13] you just go next. You will lose every
[04:53:15] time.
[04:53:17] You will take four autos before you even
[04:53:19] tumble into the Ashe if the Ashe
[04:53:21] is good. She'll volley auto you,
[04:53:23] you'll tumble forward
[04:53:24] and then you'll get stuck
[04:53:25] in the middle of the lane
[04:53:27] and you'll just be unable
[04:53:29] to move
[04:53:29] and you have to commit
[04:53:30] or you die.
[04:53:34] So Ashe is just, like...
[04:53:36] Vayne is just too much of a
[04:53:38] liability to blinds, is I guess what
[04:53:40] I'm saying. Now, you
[04:53:42] can pick Vayne into some things.
[04:53:45] Like if...
[04:53:47] I mean, Vayne's pretty bad overall right now.
[04:53:50] I'm trying to think like if your duo queue and you just like playing Vayne
[04:53:54] You can have your support pick Lulu. You can have
[04:53:57] your support pick Melio. You can have your support pick something that's
[04:54:00] really supportive with you and you can play Vayne. It's not that bad.
[04:54:10] The problem is,
[04:54:12] she's just so weak in comparison to a lot of the AD carries right now.
[04:54:40] Yeah. be 80 carries right now all right let me see.
[04:54:46] Dude, Absorb Life doing 827 is still insane.
[04:54:50] That's so much healing. They need to have got this rune.
[04:54:54] Absorb Life was OP when they first released it,
[04:54:58] It's even more OP after they buffed it and still OP after they nerfed it it's too ob All right, so we did the Tristana game.
[04:55:17] We've done MF, Ezreal, Lucian...
[04:55:22] Jhin, Trist.
[04:55:26] Did you guys want
[04:55:27] to see a meta AD carry?
[04:55:30] Did you want to see an Ashe game
[04:55:32] or another Ezreal game, or
[04:55:33] what do you guys...
[04:55:36] What are you thinking? I'll play
[04:55:38] whatever you guys want.
[04:55:43] Like, what are you thinking?
[04:55:44] Like, you want to learn and you're like Oh, I'd love to
[04:55:45] Learn how to play lane phase
[04:55:48] On X champion
[04:55:49] As long as it's not...
[04:55:53] I cannot play Samira, Niva or...
[04:55:59] I can play Aphelios but not well.
[04:56:03] I just haven't played the champions enough. play Aphelios, but not well.
[04:56:04] I just haven't an ad really quick.
[04:56:27] If I don't, it's going to play in the middle of the game and it's going to be bad.
[04:56:30] So I'll BRB.. Thank you..
[04:56:58] ................... All right. I'm back.
[05:00:32] Sorry.
[05:00:33] Whew!
[05:00:34] Sorry about that.
[05:00:39] Wait, what do you guys want me to play?
[05:00:41] Uhhh... COG.
[05:00:50] I mean, I could try them. Should I take
[05:01:06] fleets?
[05:01:08] Probably Crested Attack.
[05:01:15] Okay, attack it's probably the same runes actually.. What the hell?
[05:01:57] Why are we both fucking...
[05:01:59] What is going on? We're just listening to Justin Bieber, huh?
[05:02:13] Ah.
[05:02:17] How's your
[05:02:17] great day going, chat?
[05:02:20] What is everybody up to
[05:02:21] today?
[05:02:23] What is going on?
[05:02:29] Hello! Hello!
[05:02:32] What are you all up to?
[05:02:34] You guys doing anything cool?
[05:02:39] You guys have any plans for this week?
[05:02:43] Anything interesting?
[05:02:47] I saw that prepatch dropped on WoW.
[05:02:51] I don't know if there's any people who play WoW here,
[05:02:53] but I saw prepatch drop, so... How's that going?
[05:03:06] Is the pre-patch fun? patch fun some Wow game for old people
[05:03:22] listen
[05:03:26] you motherfucker
[05:03:27] okay
[05:03:28] some of us are old. Fuck you.. I should try webcam on one of these days.
[05:04:04] Did I just feel like I... I should try webcam on one of these days. Dude,
[05:04:04] I just feel like I
[05:04:05] got shit today.
[05:04:08] I fucking didn't get any
[05:04:10] sleep the last week pretty much support uh okay i guess we'll play support.
[05:04:26] Sweet!
[05:04:31] I wonder what support we should play? play
[05:04:40] i'm not sure
[05:04:50] we have slacker We have Soraka, Sona, Janna, Senna.
[05:04:55] I could play an Engage support.
[05:04:56] I could play an Enchanter support.
[05:05:00] What are we thinking?
[05:05:03] The meta supports at the moment are Nautilus, Leona, shit like that.
[05:05:06] The problem is
[05:05:07] AD carry players
[05:05:10] typically
[05:05:12] don't follow up until you get into
[05:05:14] mid-masters.
[05:05:16] If I hook somebody, they're not going to follow up on it
[05:05:18] and I'm just going to die.
[05:05:24] But if I first pick Nautilus
[05:05:26] I just get countered.
[05:05:29] Dude, I want to play... nautilus i just get countered yeah i'm gonna play
[05:05:32] i don't know
[05:05:35] let's just like pressure the shit out of enemy
[05:05:46] the enemy ball in.
[05:05:51] Oh, they're gonna play Ez Karma and we're gonna play Janna Kate.
[05:05:53] Oh my god!
[05:05:57] This is about to be
[05:05:59] fucking hilarious.
[05:06:10] Basically, this lane is going to come down
[05:06:12] To which of us can push
[05:06:14] Faster and more efficiently
[05:06:15] Right? That's how this is gonna happen
[05:06:18] Because Janna Ez wants
[05:06:20] To shove us in, poke us on our turret while we fight.
[05:06:24] Ez Kate want to shove us in and poke us.
[05:06:28] I mean sorry, Jana Kate
[05:06:30] wants to shove and poke. Ez Karma wants to shove and poke.
[05:06:34] Ez Karma wants to shove and poke.
[05:06:35] Why is this guy taking...
[05:06:37] He should take Barrier.
[05:06:45] I mean, he should 100% take Barrier here.
[05:06:46] It doesn't make sense to take it off.
[05:06:49] Thank you.
[05:06:53] Like, you pretty much always take Barrier at the moment with AD Carry.
[05:06:55] It doesn't matter.
[05:07:01] It's just too efficient, Like, it's too OP.
[05:07:16] Oh shit! They got the duck there Oh, shit.
[05:07:18] They got the Dr. Mundo.
[05:07:20] Dude, Mundo vs Pantheon?
[05:07:22] This Pantheon better win hard as fuck
[05:07:23] because I'm going to tell you right now, if you are playing moon dover's pants
[05:07:27] and you don't hard win your lane you're gonna have You have a bit of a rough time.. All right.
[05:08:07] Let's get her going.
[05:08:08] All right, let's get her going. Thank you.... What is going on here?
[05:09:23] Hello? Does somebody have a hamster-powered fucking PC? What the absolute fuck is happening? Yes, I will. so with ease
[05:09:58] all right so uh just straight up so you guys
[05:10:07] understand what we should be doing at
[05:10:09] the start of the game.
[05:10:11] I might be a little late to this
[05:10:13] If i die, uh
[05:10:15] I'm bad. But yeah, you always want to be putting a ward down against any lane that wants to win the lane phase versus you.
[05:10:23] You're putting a ward down in this middle bush.
[05:10:27] Ah, you see how the enemy
[05:10:28] did it too? They knew.
[05:10:30] But yeah, you want to put wards down
[05:10:31] in that middle bush
[05:10:32] so that they can't control
[05:10:35] the way the game is going to play out
[05:10:37] and lane.
[05:10:39] So you see how they're pushing in right now?
[05:10:41] We should actually just stand here,
[05:10:44] okay we wait for once the wave gets here
[05:10:52] Oh well now they know. So once the wave gets here we want to walk with
[05:11:00] the wave. If they fight us with the wave... They lose. So you don't need to
[05:11:02] walk up, we just fight them with our wave
[05:11:04] level 1
[05:11:05] and the enemy can't fight
[05:11:07] so they have to immediately walk back or they have to play in a different spot.
[05:11:18] Now here if you are a support main I'm going to show you kind of how to position and what to do.
[05:11:23] So we want to get a shove going because there's almost no way that we can possibly...
[05:11:34] You need the shove the wave in kate needs to shove the wave because there's no way we can fight this or there's
[05:11:36] no way we can play from behind in this lane
[05:11:45] we're gonna have to play from behind in the Caitlyn lane. That is worst case scenario by far. So Caitlyn needed
[05:11:49] to just shove the wave in, the whole time. Basically you Q and then use spam autos,
[05:11:54] right? Karma poking us
[05:11:55] and shit, it's irrelevant. It doesn't actually matter.
[05:11:58] Because when you're playing Caitlyn...
[05:11:59] This is why I tell you guys not to play Cait.
[05:12:02] When you're playing Caitlyn, your goal
[05:12:04] is don't get shoved in.
[05:12:07] You see how Caitlyn has 6 CS
[05:12:08] as a 12, right?
[05:12:10] That's because they're winning the shove.
[05:12:12] Push the wave.
[05:12:14] There you go, auto the minions, push the wave.
[05:12:28] Auto him. Hit him.
[05:12:56] Nice, keep hitting him you have barrier Okay, I'm a little confused.
[05:12:58] Caitlyn didn't flash or barrier and brand whiffed every one of his spells.
[05:13:06] Is my Caitlyn auto-illed? I need to check. This lane's about to change a lot if she's autofilled,
[05:13:12] I'm not gonna walk botlane the rest of the game. Not because I'm trying to be mean, but because there's no value in playing for an autofill AD.
[05:13:23] Okay she's not autofilled, but she's first-timing Cait. So yeah, she has no value in this game.
[05:13:28] We're gonna play for top mid the rest of the game.
[05:13:32] Sure it might be toxic to do this but
[05:13:34] It's always better to play for a lane
[05:13:36] That's going to have value and like helping you win Rather than playing for a lane that's gonna have value in like helping you win rather than playing for elaine that
[05:13:42] like just the simple fact that he doesn't know how to play kate and he picked it for fun
[05:13:46] like i'm here to win i'm not here to make him happy if
[05:13:48] he wanted to win he would have picked a champ
[05:13:50] He was good at.
[05:13:52] Don't view the game in terms of like
[05:13:55] Anything outside of logic
[05:13:59] If your teammates want to win They will will pick champs that are good at.
[05:14:01] If they don't...
[05:14:03] You play for the people who are trying to win.
[05:14:06] End of story. Bro, either walk up and take- what are we doing?
[05:14:28] Walk up and take the camp or don't. But what the fuck am I watching?
[05:15:01] This is insanity! Holy fuck!
[05:15:02] My jungler is an autofeld support main and my ad carry
[05:15:12] is a zary one trick
[05:15:16] hold Is a Zeri one trick? Holy shit!
[05:15:24] Are we not gonna hit him?
[05:15:27] What, what?!
[05:15:33] Alright this game's over. No, yeah, this game's done.
[05:15:38] I'll be real.
[05:15:38] I think everybody on this team is horrible.
[05:15:42] Playing Janna in a game with an autofill?
[05:15:44] A guy not autoing?
[05:15:47] Oh, it's
[05:15:48] first time Tristana.
[05:15:51] This is what we have.
[05:15:52] We have literally first-time Trist,
[05:15:54] first-time Brandt, first-time Pantheon,
[05:15:56] first-time Caitlyn.
[05:15:58] I'm not even making this up.
[05:16:00] All four of my teammates are
[05:16:02] first-timing their champs this game.
[05:16:06] I'm not even kidding.
[05:16:08] Oh! I'm not even kidding.
[05:16:23] Like, it's actually doomed! Look at this. First Jana no my main account I played Jana the Grandmaster like I literally in the grand master Jenna
[05:16:26] I played only Janna the GM last year.
[05:16:35] Janna is one of my best supports, like top two.
[05:16:40] But look at this.
[05:16:43] First time, first time, first time, first time.
[05:16:49] Yeah I don't troll pick ever in ranked.
[05:16:51] I try to win every game.
[05:16:55] I wouldn't pick something I don't know how to play.
[05:17:25] Like, I'm actually somebody in the community trying to win games i don't troll pick ever This Tristana didn't use a single thing.
[05:17:29] I mean, it's fine.
[05:17:35] This game has been over since champs.
[05:17:41] I have no sadness in running this game down.
[05:17:45] We have a first time, we have four people first-timing champs. Guys if you're gonna first-time champs in ranked
[05:17:47] You deserve to lose I don't care
[05:17:50] Maybe that makes me an asshole but like
[05:17:52] I think it makes you equally if not more toxic
[05:17:56] Just say your trying to win a game and then play
[05:17:58] a champ that you've never played before.
[05:18:04] Genuinely! I have no sympathy for people who first time champs and ranked
[05:18:09] and then get mad that the game is going poorly i have no sympathy for them before them Mike, Lee should have died right there.
[05:18:35] Trish should have killed him oh shit we're just gonna A-RAM? let's go.
[05:19:19] You know how you win when your entire team is first-timing champs?
[05:19:22] You turn the game into a fiesta.
[05:19:29] That's how you fucking win.
[05:19:32] You just turn the game into a massive fiesta. so What the fuck?
[05:20:06] Oh, huge.
[05:20:10] Big peck. uh Oh, Shamos time. Oh
[05:20:55] That's clean by the nose actually it was a good cue
[05:21:32] Upon upon the wind I Don't think maybe we should hit that guy huh? Oh my god, my Caitlyn is just smurfing. so okay winnable She pinged me?
[05:22:26] Yeah, it's because she's bad.
[05:22:29] She's going collector rush Caitlyn.
[05:22:34] Like... she's going collector rush caitlyn like you gotta understand i told you guys before
[05:22:37] your teammates pain you and like being like toxic or whatever it doesn't matter
[05:22:42] like none of these players are actually good at the game right like it doesn't matter. Like none of these players are actually good at the game, right?
[05:22:44] Like it doesn't matter what ELO everybody's in.
[05:22:47] Like if you're playing first time Kate,
[05:22:48] you're down 80 CS,
[05:22:50] you don't understand the matchup,
[05:22:51] you don't know what you're doing,
[05:22:52] blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
[05:22:53] But you're not like... his opinion is irrelevant to me. It doesn't fucking matter
[05:23:03] So it's like why get mad at somebody whose opinion is fucking irrelevant?
[05:23:08] It's just silly. and I'm the one.
[05:23:30] I can't be on hold!
[05:24:15] I'm only a strong slave. so Hmm. hmm Well, like I said... You can win most games. Like just because somebody's bad doesn't mean you can't win, guys.
[05:24:20] It's just that you have to change...
[05:24:22] Oh my god.
[05:24:25] You just have to change
[05:24:26] how you try to win.
[05:25:01] Like, I to win like like i wish that i could change that i have sight but it is what it is okay I don't know if i can actually... wait my mid laner went essence reamer
[05:25:31] i'm pretty sure i'm dead oh my god Hey, I lived.
[05:25:37] Yeah, I don't know what that is. My choice went Essence Reaver?
[05:25:39] That is crazy!
[05:25:42] You're a crazy person! That's insane.
[05:25:51] But, as I said, I think the game is winnable.
[05:25:54] Like actually though
[05:25:58] when we started the fiesta my uh my caitlyn has gotten back into the game a little bit Let's see if Ezreal will E forward. He might.
[05:26:31] If he Es forward, I think we go in.
[05:27:36] Mine. mine so uh I'm going to try and get the first one. is No, my stacks!
[05:27:38] I egoed.
[05:27:40] My bad.
[05:27:44] My stacks!
[05:27:53] I do think they die without me alive because that would be...
[05:27:55] I don't think without me there,
[05:27:57] they can make this play happen.
[05:27:59] Yeah, they're just going to run it down.
[05:28:02] The Ezreal is like an actually decent ad carry player whereas like
[05:28:06] the caitlyn is
[05:28:12] he's not very good.
[05:28:18] Ooh, Tristana got two turrets fought.
[05:28:18] That's huge.
[05:28:22] Dude, I fucking suck. Losing those stacks is actually so frustrating I'm going to use the same strategy as before, but with a different character. you
[05:28:53] uh i mean this dragon's probably gone
[05:28:56] i'll be real I mean, this dragon's probably gone.
[05:28:57] I'll be real...
[05:29:04] Ooh! Brand whiffed every spell!
[05:29:14] Holy shit! brand with every spell you know what I should actually get anti-healing I know nobody's gonna buy it, and we need it against their team badly.
[05:29:23] They have a lot of healing on their team. Dude, it is crazy how much better this Ezreal
[05:29:37] Is than my Cait
[05:29:38] Like, it is gross how much better this Ezreal is than my Cait.
[05:29:42] Like, it is gross how much better he is. kill so Oh my god, I'm dead. I mean smolder is pretty bad in general that champ just sucks like the only
[05:30:42] reason Smulders like decent is if the enemy picks something that wants to scale
[05:30:46] But then we picks like a really heavy scaling comp. You can just pick some older and outscale them
[05:30:51] Like let's say they picked jinx you can outscale them if i pick
[05:30:55] zary you can out scale most of the time unless they're really good
[05:31:49] swelter is just not a great pick in general so This is kind of hard to play the game, because like I said, I don't have good ways of playing in a game
[05:31:52] I mean brands an idiot. Like we can't stop that
[05:31:59] Thank you our jungle got shit on how do do you plan we stop the Baron?
[05:32:07] If they wanted to stop it, they would have had to already go like
[05:32:11] Like they're just bad Oh yeah,, this is probably doomed.
[05:32:29] I'll be real. I don't think any of these players should ever try and play any of their champions that they're playing right now again.
[05:32:37] This is crazy! crazy.
[05:32:47] Like Pantheon should just be using R,
[05:32:52] Brandt should walk up and R, Pantz should walk up an R, pants should walk up an R. Ooh I'm down to get out!
[05:32:56] I got my autofill game outta the way. We can just queue up now
[05:33:00] and shit on, like, everybody.
[05:33:05] I had to play autofill for four people first-timing champs
[05:33:10] versus four people sweating their ass off.
[05:33:17] It is what it is! yes so like it is crazy how much better this ezreal is than my team
[05:33:57] He's just walking at my teammates and they don't have fingers. They don't know how to hit him uh oh my god, my Kaylin. Sure.
[05:35:31] Mind of the Envision, man. i didn't get vision men so so oh my god i died for you, Brand. I died for you!
[05:35:37] Oh my god...
[05:36:15] Watching this Caitlyn play the game is insane upon the wind Oh, I mean, I got auto-filled but I don't think every AD carry
[05:36:17] sucks. The enemy Ezreal is
[05:36:19] actually pretty good mechanically
[05:36:21] I think he's bad at
[05:36:23] a lot of stuff but I think mechanicswise the enemy Ezreal is not bad.
[05:36:33] An ally has been slain. so so I don't even know what killed that ezreal hold on
[05:37:08] what did i even like wait a minute what did i even use to kill him
[05:37:12] what in I really need to go get vision.
[05:37:38] If we actually want to try and win this, I need to go get vision so we can play off of Baron. I've scorched?
[05:37:55] I mean, yeah.
[05:37:56] But that would be crazy.
[05:38:52] Okay. so so so so I mean, yeah. There's not much more I could have done there i played that almost perfect i kept
[05:38:58] brand alive through the entire morgana combo pushed mid knocked up Ezreal once, applied debuff to two people.
[05:39:10] Like that was just actually not playable.
[05:39:26] I think this is good. playable i think tristana could actually stop this.
[05:40:04] She's got to go in though, you just have to jump in. so so your turret has been destroyed when we lost our sure that's not good
[05:40:09] yeah are you guys gonna push the waves or no? No? Okay.
[05:40:14] Alright, I guess if we're not going to push the waves that's cool. Oh my god, Brand just flashed into the dragon pit!
[05:40:18] What are we doing? Oh, okay.
[05:40:24] That's crazy! oh now we want to force it Hmm.
[05:40:48] Dude, I ain't gonna lie.
[05:40:49] I think that this might be the funniest game of League
[05:40:51] I've seen in probably...
[05:40:54] Probably a year.
[05:40:57] Like it's literally like four people
[05:40:59] who have no idea how to play the game
[05:41:01] being carried by a random
[05:41:03] old man playing support.
[05:41:05] And they don't know that I'm literally
[05:41:07] the only reason this game hasn't been lost.
[05:42:15] ... It's kind of funny. in harmony so so so Oh my god. That legitimately might have been the four worst players I've seen play League of Legends in probably ten years.
[05:42:24] That's crazy.
[05:42:34] Like, actually, absolutely crazy.
[05:43:19] Why did we pick first time brands? Thank you. d3 peak learn it know it own it bye-bye g3 bye-bye Bye bye, D3.
[05:43:25] Ah, I made him mad.
[05:43:27] I made the Widowman
[05:43:29] mad. I made him angry.
[05:43:49] That was actually crazy though.
[05:43:54] We sat in a 40, like...
[05:43:57] Or is it not 40?
[05:43:58] We sat in a 14-minute queue to get autofilled the support
[05:44:00] so that we could get into a 33 minute game where we basically didn't have
[05:44:10] a team. Okay. What do you mean?
[05:44:43] My Pantheon played really well.
[05:44:45] I mean, no, you're just wrong.
[05:44:48] Like the Pants did fine.
[05:44:52] Like,
[05:44:53] I think Pantheon was the only lane that actually
[05:44:55] won their lane.
[05:45:01] No frontline? But it doesn't matter.
[05:45:03] Having frontline doesn't matter at all. This is not a frontline meta.
[05:45:08] Like, okay there's a Like...
[05:45:10] Okay, there's a reason.
[05:45:11] I'm going to say this respectfully.
[05:45:14] You're probably a hard-stuck Diamond player who thinks that Diamond is too hard
[05:45:16] to climb out of because your teammates suck.
[05:45:19] But in reality, those games we just played don't happen every game.
[05:45:25] Those are not every-game games.
[05:45:36] Like...that's rare. Like we're coming off a three-game win streak where we won B9 to every game. If you're good enough,
[05:45:40] you'll climb.
[05:45:41] When you start saying like
[05:45:42] oh I should dodge
[05:45:43] if this is top
[05:45:44] or dodge
[05:45:45] if this is
[05:45:45] like
[05:45:46] I mean
[05:45:47] you're just bad
[05:45:47] right?
[05:45:48] And I'm not saying
[05:45:49] that to be mean
[05:45:49] I'm saying that because. You just have to understand
[05:45:51] you fucking suck.
[05:45:52] If you're ever blaming your team
[05:45:54] for losing,
[05:45:55] you suck.
[05:45:57] It's just the end of the world
[05:45:59] or how it works well you can't control
[05:46:06] them like I can't
[05:46:07] control how bad my team
[05:46:08] was last game but I
[05:46:09] also didn't once get mad at them right like you notice how like
[05:46:13] i never flamed them for like playing bad i just like laughed about it because it's
[05:46:18] they're bad they're bad players i'm not gonna get mad that they're bad players.
[05:46:23] I'm not going to get mad that they're bad, I'm just going to do my best to win
[05:46:24] and I did. I kept us in the
[05:46:27] game for probably an extra 15 minutes than we should
[05:46:29] have been in that game for
[05:46:29] like straight up
[05:46:32] you see how we almost came back here Like straight up.
[05:46:33] I straight up like,
[05:46:35] you see how we almost came back here?
[05:46:38] Like I straight up gave us a way back into the game more than once.
[05:46:42] And that's all I can do.
[05:46:43] I can't control how bad or good they are,
[05:46:44] I can just do my best on my role.
[05:46:48] But at the end of the day,
[05:46:49] like obviously Ezreal is just gonna be better than Cait,
[05:46:51] all that shit, right?
[05:46:52] It doesn't matter.
[05:46:59] But it's like... I also 1v9'd these three games
[05:47:01] and this game was another game where we couldn't win because
[05:47:05] People were it was basically this game right
[05:47:08] But the difference is
[05:47:10] Is if you can win
[05:47:12] Every four game if you win four games
[05:47:14] For every two losses that are unavoidable
[05:47:15] You can still
[05:47:18] climb very, very easily
[05:47:19] That's why like
[05:47:24] flaming and saying it's your, like... Flaming and saying it's your-
[05:47:27] Like you need to dodge when you do certain things
[05:47:29] yadda yadda yadda.
[05:47:31] It's just a weak way of playing the game
[05:47:33] because you should just play games out and improve.
[05:47:41] Like, the reason Diamond players get stuck in Diamond and Masters players get stuck in Masters
[05:47:43] and all this shit... The reason they get stuck
[05:47:45] is because They make
[05:47:47] Like
[05:47:48] What's the word I'm looking for
[05:47:51] Excuses
[05:47:53] They make excuses for losing games
[05:47:55] And it's like, I get it. Sometimes you can't win. But if you're stuck in an ELO for that long,
[05:48:03] You are the problem. Not your teammates. You're not getting bad
[05:48:08] teammates every game.
[05:48:42] So just play the game the that you think is shitting on your team every game... They're all in the same elo as you are.
[05:48:45] Everybody in this elo is in the same elo.
[05:48:53] None of them are special.
[05:49:03] What do you guys think we should play?
[05:49:16] Yeah, I'm not gonna play Static Shift, Jhin. That's garbage. I'm not doing that. Zeri! Zary. I can play Ez or Ashe. Either or.
[05:49:46] Ez sounds more fun.
[05:49:48] Ashe is boring as shit. Honestly, if this was that Zeri... Or if this was that zary or this is that caitlyn from last game
[05:49:58] i would actually be so happy
[05:50:12] okay get my LP back this guy went Alistair against, well he picked Alistair into Melio.
[05:50:20] That's crazy.
[05:50:22] That some psychotic behavior right there bro. bro
[05:50:35] oh you pick you pick alistair and emilio you got
[05:50:36] you you got some masochism.
[05:50:39] That is a hard matchup. okay Okay.. I wish I had an Ez skin on this account.
[05:51:27] Not having an ez skin feels naked.
[05:51:30] I hate it! Oh.
[05:51:53] I'm not kidding, though. I think I could play any champion in any role to get out of diamonds.
[05:51:59] Like I mean that like literally any champion, any role I can get out of diamond with it
[05:52:05] so if you guys are stuck in diamond do you really got to think to yourself like
[05:52:08] what's going on Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[05:52:16] Oh, a plant! Yeah, I totally have one of those.
[05:52:21] The last time we saw it was in the game. a plan yeah i totally have one of those
[05:52:26] 30 seconds emerald i mean emerald is weird
[05:52:31] emerald is i mean you should be able to climb out of emerald too but it's
[05:52:34] definitely emerald is but it's definitely
[05:53:17] emerald is funny because like you'll just lose games cause people will just like tilt I'm going to use the same thing as before, but with a different color. what I mean, there's no way Zarya can get back to lane.
[05:53:19] Like if she actually fullbacks,
[05:53:20] she won't be able to get back to lane.
[05:53:23] I'll show you guys a trick on how to make sure that the wave is always in
[05:53:25] a good spot for you.
[05:53:27] Watch.
[05:53:36] Basically, all of these three casters are going to hit this singular minion.
[05:53:41] And Zeri is gonna miss the XP.
[05:53:49] So because Zeri missed XP on that first minion, she's gonna be a little fucked in terms of
[05:53:56] like they're not going to be able to pry us.
[05:53:57] They're not even able to push the wave in and they're not going to be able to play aggressive early.
[05:54:02] And you don't want to play passive against an Alistar lane.
[05:54:06] Alistar is one of those lanes where if you let Alistar just kind of exist,
[05:54:12] you're trolling pretty fucking hard.
[05:54:33] Okay. she's still over one like we could easily just fight
[05:54:38] God But okay Okay.
[05:54:49] So with Ezreal, my main goal when I play Ez is like
[05:54:52] I want to have them under their turret
[05:54:55] and I want to be just poking them.
[05:54:57] Ezreal's like a pokechamp
[05:54:59] Ezreal is alien bully
[05:55:01] pokechamp so that means
[05:55:03] you know I want to, you know...
[05:55:06] ...I wanna poke the shit out of him.
[05:55:11] Even though Alistar's roaming it doesn't really matter because...
[05:55:14] ...I can still sit here and I can still poke him.
[05:55:18] It's a Zeri and a Melio, so it's really hard for them to actually fight me comfortably as necessary these are the worst two players I've ever seen.
[05:55:52] Sorry, that's mean.
[05:56:01] But you can kind of see what I'm talking about, right? Like if you notice, even though my Alistar roamed...
[05:56:04] They tried to fight me in a minion wave.
[05:56:07] I didn't immediately run.
[05:56:08] I did as much damage as i could like safely while they
[05:56:11] were tanking that minion wave and then i was like okay that's enough i can't really tank anymore
[05:56:16] so i e-flash away and they have two options at that point they have so I E flash away.
[05:56:21] And they have two options at that point,
[05:56:22] they have to either crash the wave or they have to
[05:56:26] do what they did
[05:56:29] which is try and get a kill.
[05:56:30] So yeah.
[05:56:35] This guy trying to freeze this might be the dumbest shit I've ever seen.
[05:56:39] Like he's an idiot.
[05:56:57] Yeah. dumbest shit I've ever seen. Like he's an idiot. Is this guy really gonna do this? Not too bad.
[05:56:59] Alright, we crashed the wave...
[05:57:09] The waves are going to push back to us. We bought Tir-Shin. Now that we have Tir-Shin, we can actually just 1v2 them outright.
[05:57:14] If they ever try and walk up in front of the minion wave, I can just fight them 1v2.
[05:57:18] We do too much damage? Sheen is way to big a spike.
[05:57:23] Zarya only has Cull and Melio. They used all of their cooldowns earlier,
[05:57:26] so what's probably going to end up happening is
[05:57:27] Alistar's going to roam a lot. Melio
[05:57:30] is either going to match his roams, and then I'm going to just 1v1
[05:57:32] Zeri, or I'm going to 1v2
[05:57:35] and because i won the other one v2 uh we don't need to be scared of
[05:57:39] 1b-twing them
[05:57:44] i'm just going to thin the wave a bit Oh I'm bad.
[05:57:59] I'm gonna stay just out of range?
[05:58:04] You can kinda see me just out of range
[05:58:07] you can kind of see like here i'm just gonna poke
[05:58:10] not going to take another hit i'm just going to go ahead and Okay, that tells me that's warded.
[05:58:31] Yep it is! oh Yep.
[05:58:56] I kinda dig what Kindred tried to do there.
[05:59:00] She tried to essentially... Oh, she jacked my cannon. You know what Kindred? Fuck you too! I give you a compliment and you smite my cannon.
[05:59:07] Alright fuck off bro
[05:59:21] I could go boots here boots too. But I'm going to go phage because I want to get Triforce ASAP.
[05:59:25] Like I said, they can never
[05:59:27] actually fight me 2v2.
[05:59:30] Once they get 6, they can maybe fight me 2v2. Once they get 6,
[05:59:31] they can maybe fight
[05:59:32] me 2v2 because the
[05:59:34] extra movement speed
[05:59:35] and damage from
[05:59:36] Berserial is pretty
[05:59:36] insane.
[05:59:38] So I need to be a
[05:59:39] little bit scared of
[05:59:40] Berseri's 6 but
[05:59:41] for right now we're still like
[05:59:45] we can just stat check them uh with auto attacks at the moment so it's pretty easy uh
[06:00:01] Emilio is really fucking the Zeri over.
[06:00:04] The Zeris wave is in a really bad spots
[06:00:08] And what I'm gonna do here is because Zeris still level 5
[06:00:12] I really wanna make sure that Zeri has the work for this XP. but i have been known to fire a warning shot or two And you see how she freaked out and had to like immediately try and go in?
[06:00:56] She was like, oh I'm almost six. Better go in!
[06:01:02] And then she took half her HP trying to get to six and then I pulled her out of the minion wave.
[06:01:08] And she can't fight me 1v1.
[06:01:14] I'm gonna try and push one more wave. I'm going to ult it because I really want to push this way fast
[06:01:20] She's level six on level eight
[06:01:23] Uh, it's pretty impossible for her to like fight me right now
[06:01:30] Even though i'm low she still can't really fight me.
[06:01:37] I have Barrier we can win this... Oh, I'm dead.
[06:01:40] Maybe?
[06:01:47] No!
[06:01:48] Dang. Dude, I actually had that dang
[06:01:55] dude i actually had that like i'm not even kidding i actually had that dude i do think, though, what should have happened was when Kindred ulted.
[06:02:06] They should've just Alistar W'd him out, but it is what it is.
[06:02:14] Because the Kindred made a good countergank there. It was actually really well done.
[06:02:20] Listen, it's on vision. Yeah I know, I was like
[06:02:23] understanding that
[06:02:25] Bro after you smited
[06:02:27] my cannon... listen
[06:02:29] You don't get to be
[06:02:31] mad or ping or be
[06:02:32] angry after I 1v2 their
[06:02:35] bot lane level 2 and then
[06:02:36] you walk into my lane
[06:02:37] that's might make canon
[06:02:38] I've 1v1'd their bot
[06:02:40] lane 1v2ed their bot
[06:02:41] lane like four times
[06:02:42] I'm up three levels oh i want to clarify this
[06:02:45] i'm up three levels on the enemy's area civil six like i don't think you should ever actually
[06:02:56] yell at your teammates when this is happening uh when you have an ad carry is doing what i'm doing right now
[06:03:19] um i don't think you ever open your mouth in solo queue
[06:03:23] just take the free win you know
[06:03:34] but yeah you see how i'm trying to poke the...
[06:03:37] Ooh that's on me. 100%.
[06:03:44] So I died but we traded the 1 for. We forced Nocturnal Ults.
[06:03:49] It's actually not the end of the world if that happens.
[06:03:53] I should have been thinking about Nocturne, so that is my bad.
[06:04:02] Jesus, my Kindred is really tilted, man.
[06:04:12] Like she's tilted out of her mind right now. I'm pretty much 1v3ing bot lane at the moment.
[06:04:15] Still up 30 CS, 2 levels etc.
[06:04:20] I think the biggest issue that's going to happen here is just gonna be...
[06:04:29] There's an unspoken bot on the opposite side of this. so I don't think there's any reason to walk bot.
[06:04:48] I'm going to stay mid,
[06:04:49] and we're going to try and get some mid points now here i'm going to save my r
[06:05:02] and i'm going to save my E. I'm only gonna eat forward if it's a guaranteed kill because I don't want to die to Nocturne
[06:05:37] Oh shut down one thing you should learn how to do though is if you are playing a champion like Ezreal or something like that, You should learn to play very far forward.
[06:05:41] Just stay bot me let me mid
[06:05:49] if you're playing a champion that like you have a lot of range
[06:05:52] and you have a lot of mobility when you have lead, you should be playing forward on any champion
[06:05:56] but
[06:05:57] you should definitely be
[06:05:59] We should be getting rift or we should be getting Dragon.
[06:06:10] But yeah, like I said you want to play really far forward because that's how you pretty much push your lead on a champion like Ezreal.
[06:06:20] You just have to understand that, y'know, your job is poke, land Qs, weave damage we've damaged
[06:06:37] just do the dragon
[06:06:46] just do the dragon come on bro
[06:07:11] there is literally no value in not doing this Oh Damn it, man.
[06:07:14] That guy got healed like four times.
[06:07:15] Melio's OP.
[06:07:17] I'm going to Defen because the fact that Kindred didn't... Like, I'm getting tilted off the fact that myred didn't...
[06:07:20] Like, I'm getting tilted off
[06:07:21] the fact that my team is tilting.
[06:07:23] So I'm going to deafen so I can keep a cool head
[06:07:25] because obviously
[06:07:27] like my teammates right now are getting very angry
[06:07:30] because they're all playing bad, right?
[06:07:32] And because they're all playing bad...
[06:07:34] They're raging at each other and not focusing on the game.
[06:07:36] So what I need to do is make sure that I continue to focus on the game instead of rage
[06:07:45] letting bad players impact your game is one of my
[06:07:48] biggest flaws like personally and it's a reason that i i was. Like, personally.
[06:07:55] And it's a reason that I stressed to you guys like if people suck
[06:07:57] and everybody- unless you're in
[06:07:59] Challenger, everybody sucks.
[06:08:02] Your goal should always be...
[06:08:07] focus on your own gameplay.
[06:08:09] Like right there, I think I didn't need to E forward.
[06:08:16] That last dragon fight i think the dragon call was good uh but i don't think i had the e forward on it Last time I was in Shurima, I had some glitz.
[06:08:27] In reality, everyone calls me what they say.
[06:08:33] And the enemy has been saved. so Oh, you can kind of see...
[06:08:52] Damn.
[06:08:53] Not much I could do there.
[06:08:54] She had Seraphs.
[06:08:55] Uh...
[06:08:56] I messed up here when I got two posts but it is what it is.
[06:09:02] We sold Zeri and then I messed up my spacing a tiny bit
[06:09:05] But we ended up getting Rift
[06:09:07] And will end up getting a lot out of it so even though
[06:09:09] it's like kind of rough i could have played better i definitely played fine uh i think that came Played fine.
[06:09:23] I think that Kindred is definitely doing the thing where she's causing the loss now
[06:09:25] because she wants out of the game.
[06:09:31] She messed something up, so this happens a lot in league legends where somebody will mess something up and they'll get really frustrated that they
[06:09:35] messed something up right and because they get frustrated they messed something up they get frustrated, they mess something up. so Oh, that was my bad.
[06:10:07] I made a mistake again.
[06:10:08] Fuck, I'm playing bad.
[06:10:12] We're going to lose because I made that mistake just now.
[06:10:14] Damn. That was like one of the
[06:10:16] few... You can make infinite mistakes
[06:10:18] as an AD carry
[06:10:20] as long as you don't make a game-breaking mistake.
[06:10:23] Because you have to think about this.
[06:10:25] League is like a cup,
[06:10:26] an invisible cup that is filling up with retardation
[06:10:28] and your team will fill the retardation cup
[06:10:30] very quickly, right?
[06:10:31] Because they're all retardedarded so you have to basically fail it zero and then make the enemy
[06:10:36] fill their retard cup first and whichever retard cup fills up
[06:10:40] first loses the game.
[06:10:44] So every mistake you make,
[06:10:45] you're basically filling the retard cup.
[06:10:50] And that's how
[06:10:51] you have to view League.
[06:10:52] You don't view it as
[06:10:53] my team sucks, their team sucks. You view it as
[06:10:57] who is less
[06:10:58] retarded?
[06:11:08] Because at the end of the day, everybody who plays this game is garbage until you're Challenger. And even challengers are a garbage sometimes.
[06:11:19] Like Aatrox is just playing for fun right there, right?
[06:11:20] That doesn't make sense.
[06:11:24] Aatrox is literally just for-funning and just gave me a huge shutdown.
[06:11:26] Everybody's retarded.
[06:11:32] Their team, your team, everybody's bad.
[06:11:35] You just have to make sure that you're not adding to to the map.
[06:11:58] So I added to the cup.
[06:12:00] I think of my five deaths,
[06:12:01] I've added a couple twice.
[06:12:06] It's like some games you will just...
[06:12:30] Some games you will just uh some games you I'm going to die. man i really don't want to go bot here because of nocturne's down here i'm gonna die
[06:12:34] okay he's not down here
[06:12:40] but i wanted to come down here so we can get this tower.
[06:12:44] This is a very big tower because it helps us get back into the game.
[06:12:50] Nice, not bad, not bad not bad
[06:12:57] okay we're starting to get a lot of uh we're starting to get back into the game
[06:13:01] we're playing more consistent now I don't read books about the world.
[06:13:15] I go out there and see it for myself.
[06:14:05] Yeah! I always know it's your fault. so Oops. Oh no, I fucked up my E. Damn it. When Kindred ulted, I messed up my E.
[06:14:09] By the way, E-ing forward there into Melio was completely fine.
[06:14:13] It looked like I was caught but I was doing it on purpose.
[06:14:16] Because if Nocturne ults me,
[06:14:17] I just flash away and I live, right?
[06:14:19] So it's like...
[06:14:20] I'm basically baiting Nocturne to ult me
[06:14:22] so that he puts himself in a bad position.
[06:14:25] The problem was
[06:14:26] that... The problem was that when we were doing that, Hwaye was kind of off and Alistar was kind
[06:14:35] of off on how they played the team fight.
[06:14:37] And then I messed up my E twice.
[06:14:41] The first E was good, second E...
[06:14:43] Was really bad.
[06:14:47] Because I needed to use my E
[06:14:49] To go over the wall
[06:14:50] At the red buff
[06:14:52] That was just my bad
[06:14:53] Like
[06:14:55] Essentially you want to wait until your E is
[06:14:58] You want to wait until your E is...
[06:15:02] You wanna wait till the Kindred ult's off, and then you wanna E over the wall. I'm going to use the Spirit Tomb of Ekren. We're almost at Shogun, it's not too bad. Zarian Blot, which is just horrible. God
[06:15:55] I don't actually know. I don't think I can walk in here i'll be honest with you so What the fuck?
[06:16:19] Yeah, I shouldn't have walked in. I should've pushed mid.
[06:16:23] That's another mistake by me because if i push mid there i force them
[06:16:28] to have to make a choice either they do dragon or they start baron
[06:16:32] and then i can take the inhibit or I force Zeri to come mid by pushing mid.
[06:16:39] Like, the problem is it's like...I can win that Baron fight
[06:16:43] I just have to do it very carefully.
[06:16:51] And I fucked up a little bit of spacing at the start and I got slowed.
[06:17:03] Like I said, League of Legends especially AD Carry is about getting as much gold
[06:17:05] as possible and getting as many items.
[06:17:10] And the early game is just your job, early game, is just get
[06:17:12] items as fast as possible.
[06:17:14] Because like I said before,
[06:17:15] everybody in the enemy team right now is...
[06:17:19] They're all essentially playing
[06:17:21] on their
[06:17:25] max spikes. Except for Zeri.
[06:17:30] Like none of them are actually going to
[06:17:32] be stronger than they currently are.
[06:18:33] Okay. so Damn, I almost killed that Zeri. so Dude, I can't believe that A atrox lives like holy shits
[06:20:19] what the this is crazy what are you guys doing so so missed uh um Hey, not the worst. Not the worst! That could have gone a lot worse. Dude, nobody on the team but Garen has anti-healing. I have to get it. Aatrox is just running us the fuck over right now with uh healing god dang
[06:20:26] on a good note, we're one...
[06:20:38] One drake away from soul, not bad. I need a last whisper ASAP.
[06:21:00] We need vision.
[06:21:03] Okay. ASAP. We need vision!
[06:21:11] I don't know who that's on... Oh, it's on oh that's not good so I'm going to go left over here. We need to push out bot and mid, and top but it's gonna be hard to push on top.
[06:22:08] Okay... That's not good.
[06:22:17] I don't think I totally have one of those.
[06:22:30] I mean E is only low if you land spells. Like the entire premise of Ez, it's like you get benefit from landing your shit right? That's the whole point. We need to get this dragon. I need armor pen before we fight. My last item?
[06:23:12] Probably gonna go BT. so between their arms Nocturne's gonna ult me in about five seconds.
[06:23:47] I need to get to my team and play need to play around this wall so so We need to go fight them on Baron.
[06:24:33] They don't have
[06:24:38] Yes, they don't have their jungler
[06:24:41] Okay, then I honest No No! Why did Alistar knock him away?
[06:24:51] No, why was my jungler mid? Why was my Garen mid?
[06:24:56] Why did Alistar knock him away? Why was my jungler mid? Why was my Garen mid?
[06:24:57] Why did Alistar knock him away?!
[06:24:59] No!
[06:25:04] Oh no, you guys suck.
[06:25:08] I'm sad. My bad.
[06:25:12] Like, when Alistar comboed here...
[06:25:16] ...I don't know why but we had three people standing mid. Or two people. We had Garen here and
[06:25:20] uh Hue was here it doesn't make sense to do that though they need to just play with the team Oh my god, they're so lost.
[06:25:36] I think we have another chance to play though.
[06:25:54] Okay. I think we have another chance to play though I just have to play perfect and i'm really old so it's hard to play absolutely perfect
[06:26:01] because like I said our team is definitely not uh trying to win anymore i think only like maybe one person's trying to win on our team so um No, I ulted right as she...
[06:26:42] Damn, Kindred didn't ulti.
[06:26:45] Dammit! I played that last
[06:26:46] fight decent but I could have played it better.
[06:26:49] Like this game for example
[06:26:50] right? This game if I didn't
[06:26:52] make like two mistakes, I carry this 100%
[06:26:57] Because the thing is is ad carry as a role where you are not allowed to make any mistake
[06:27:01] You're allowed to make less mistakes than every other roll
[06:27:04] But it's more punishing if you make less mistakes than every other role, but it's more punishing
[06:27:05] if you make less mistakes.
[06:27:07] That's why AD Carry is the hardest role in the game to climb.
[06:27:10] It's not because
[06:27:11] all the agency and all that shit. It's because
[06:27:13] your role has the least agency but the most power if you play perfect
[06:27:18] so at the highest peak of carry potential but the most effort to carry and the highest amount of
[06:27:26] if you make a mistake,
[06:27:27] you automatically lose type shit.
[06:27:29] And I made like two or three big mistakes that game
[06:27:31] and we lost.
[06:27:35] ... Like, every time
[06:27:40] I climb up to a gym
[06:27:41] I usually play
[06:27:43] like mid and top through
[06:27:45] Diamond because it's so easy to do.
[06:27:48] What you guys saw...
[06:27:49] I played a Quinn game earlier, right?
[06:27:51] That Quinn game, I went 25 kills.
[06:27:57] Like, we went 25 kills
[06:27:58] and the game ended at 20 minutes, right?
[06:28:01] When you're playing a solo lane
[06:28:02] it's really easy to take advantage of people's mistakes
[06:28:05] because you're not reliant
[06:28:07] like I 1v2'd bot lane
[06:28:08] one lane, 1v2
[06:28:11] and we still lost this game because
[06:28:14] I made a few mistakes mid-game
[06:28:16] So it's just unfortunate
[06:28:20] like if I do a tryhard climb session
[06:28:28] I'll probably play top mid until GM.
[06:28:31] And then once we hit GM, I'll play AD again
[06:28:33] but...
[06:28:34] When you play top mid, it's just so
[06:28:37] easy to play League.
[06:28:39] Well, you guys have no idea how easy
[06:28:40] league is when you play a solo lane it's like night and day top lane easiest
[06:28:44] role in the game below gm easiest rule on the game by far
[06:28:50] like if you can't climb on top,
[06:28:51] You're just bad.
[06:28:52] Below Grandmaster.
[06:28:54] That means you don't understand wave management
[06:28:55] And you don't play meta champs.
[06:29:11] Thank you for watching! because you can understand basic wave managements and if you play like a meta champ you automatically spawn into masters top damn though what a frustrating game.
[06:29:26] What an absolutely frustrating game.
[06:29:32] .... I might actually call it for the stream today just because chat is giga dead.
[06:29:53] But, like, I feel like I'm just talking to myself.
[06:29:55] No flame to, like, the lurkers or anything, but it's like dude...
[06:29:59] ...I'm putting in a lot of effort you know? Like I'm trying really hard so...
[06:30:05] If chat is dead then this's kind of wasting my time, you know? so you like i'm just talking to myself talking
[06:30:36] about the game etc
[06:30:36] and i don't make enough money i'll etc. And I don't make enough money.
[06:30:38] I'll be real.
[06:30:39] I just don't make enough money streaming to nobody.
[06:30:42] It's kind of like
[06:30:43] I could do different shit.. I don't miss Sam... I'll try one more game. I really need to win.
[06:32:05] I'm not going to play Caitlyn.
[06:32:08] Caitlyn is not a very good champ at the moment.
[06:32:09] She's not very meta.
[06:32:11] And I have...
[06:32:13] Dude, losing like... I've played... And I have, dude Losing like
[06:32:14] I've played really well
[06:32:17] Today. Like well above
[06:32:19] This elo
[06:32:19] And I've lost so much
[06:32:22] So I'm gonna sweat my ass off this game to hard carry
[06:32:29] i need a w Caitlyn only bullies lane if your support is also a human.
[06:32:50] Ashe bullies lane both better and harder than Caitlyn,
[06:32:52] and you can do it 1v2.
[06:32:56] Ashe's the better Cait.
[06:33:06] Like, not even kidding. Ashe is the literal S-tier version of what Kate wishes she was.
[06:33:12] You have to play from ahead when you play Ash.
[06:33:15] You have to understand how to snowball leads, the same as Caitlyn.
[06:33:19] But the difference is
[06:33:20] Cait has cheesy headshots like him.
[06:33:23] That's the only difference,
[06:33:24] is Cait can headshot you cheesily
[06:33:26] and one-shot you.
[06:33:32] But it's like i don't want to play a champion just to like try and one-shot people at 10 min like 30 minutes into the game that develops really bad
[06:33:37] habits That just develops really bad habits.. Okay.. you you It should be a free one I dream of the day after the tribes are unified.
[06:34:59] I dream of no longer needing to leave. It's not about Ashe's ult that makes her OP.
[06:35:11] Ashe is the best AD carry in the game currently.
[06:35:16] Like, she is without a doubt
[06:35:18] the number one AD carry
[06:35:19] in all of League.
[06:35:21] Like S++ tier.
[06:36:06] Um... the reason people don't play her very often is because she's incredibly boring I am in need of a win. Not only a win, but a stomp. And I think the only way to actually stomp,
[06:36:12] and when you're playing in low elo,
[06:36:14] the only way to stomp is to play S+, tier champs
[06:36:16] and 1v2 the land um no one escapes my bow swiftly now so so so I mean Twitch is good versus really bad players, yeah.
[06:37:51] He's good because bad players don't respect this stuff. been slain my so enemy so um so and an enemy has been slain okay i mean they should just lose the game off that. Enemy junglers behind enemy tops
[06:39:56] behinds...I mean they're playing fucking Smolder Melio against Ashe Lulu.
[06:40:04] Like, they don't stand a chance to actually...
[06:40:07] They stand no chance
[06:40:08] to ever fight us early.
[06:40:44] Oh! interesting so Hmm, Udyr can do dragon hair. I think i'm actually gonna shove this so that udira can we can go help him if he
[06:40:51] needs us so uh Oops.
[06:41:22] I want to shove in Smolder so that he can't stack.
[06:41:27] It's really, really hard for smulder to stack uh
[06:41:33] it's really really really giga hard from the stack early if he can't
[06:41:37] like if he has to hit the uh minions when they're under the turret so i'm gonna spam shove
[06:41:42] this guy in I'm going to go back. so pretty sure Volibear is bot
[06:42:16] so now we can just slow push
[06:42:19] oh no, Volibear's top. Okay, well...
[06:42:26] We could probably slow-push this then anyway but I do want to get some plants. Spirit Walker and Fireborn. All the Yordans are my kin. I'm pretty sure
[06:43:05] Bowie Barrel's gonna be bot soon.
[06:43:07] I don't know why this guy's here.
[06:43:09] He should not be bot. This is a
[06:43:11] worthless play. Don't do that.
[06:43:18] Okay. Don't do that. Like, I don't want to dive this. Volibear's gonna be
[06:43:20] pathing bot man.
[06:43:24] This is such a bad dive.
[06:43:27] Yeah, I don't know what I'm watching, man. This is...
[06:43:39] I still don't like this dive.
[06:43:41] Even if it worked out,
[06:43:42] I still hate that.
[06:43:43] Volibear went top but that's not something
[06:43:44] you should ever play around.
[06:43:47] Like Volibear
[06:43:47] like, should have gone bot on that timer.
[06:43:50] And the fact he didn't
[06:43:51] is just really embarrassing.
[06:43:57] But if you
[06:43:57] play around, like around knowledge of something, and then it happens,
[06:44:01] and see that it worked out. That's just such bad gameplay.
[06:44:05] When you do stuff like that what you're doing is playing around the chance
[06:44:08] that something happens. And then if it does happen do stuff like that what you're doing is you're like playing around like the chance
[06:44:08] that something happens and then if it does happen you tell yourself like oh see it worked out
[06:44:14] but it's so inconsistent to do that What am I watching?
[06:44:24] This is like this, dude. Oh man, I need one more wave for Kraken Slayer.
[06:44:34] I might stay actually.
[06:44:37] Just the fact that it's only one wave is...
[06:44:41] It's too hard to give that up.
[06:44:45] It's just a really, really bad timer because I know that Volibear's doing.
[06:45:14] Like that's actual psychotic behavior.
[06:45:33] Fuck you! Dude, I swear the biggest thing I notice between good players and bad players is that bad players will just randomly do stuff
[06:45:36] like there's no benefit to it it's just that it'll literally just be a random like
[06:45:42] he's like oh i just see a champ i want to fight and it's like what Peace requires a steady hand. so That's actually crazy that Katarina roamed bot when her team was doing fucking...
[06:46:32] Like, I don't think you guys understand how insane that is.
[06:46:36] That she roamed bot just now when her team was literally doing fucking rifts or grubs or whatever. They think me cold. I have seen things the southerners cannot imagine.
[06:46:51] That's why I didn't expect that, because it's an insane position! like the fact that you would roam bot on a timer where your team is literally
[06:47:04] making like a game losing play top that doesn't make any sense to me. I'm going to use the same Bless us, Ildhark, warden of sacrifice. Protect my husband. Protect all people.
[06:47:35] Protect our families and sustain my triumphs. so I'm going to try and get the first blood. has destroyed Oh, I'm so dead.
[06:48:23] I canceled three autos! Oh, I'm so dead.
[06:48:26] I canceled three autos!
[06:48:33] I'm gonna be honest though? That is the weirdest play ever?
[06:48:41] I think... Man, I hate saying somebody's ghosting but I think they are.
[06:48:46] Because that is- There was no vision, no wards right?
[06:48:48] And they knew we were cheesing enough
[06:48:50] to send Katarina down
[06:48:53] to fight the cheese.
[06:48:55] Granted if I didn't whiff arrow, we win that, but
[06:48:57] it's still weird.
[06:48:59] I need to go look at the VOD and see if there's a ward.
[06:49:04] Because like,
[06:49:05] I don't want to make a claim.
[06:50:06] But if there's a is 100 or there's no word 100 so enemy killing spree is I'm going to go, I recognize the Katarina's name.
[06:50:07] The Katarina knows who i am
[06:50:12] right so because the catarina knows who i am that's why i said it could be
[06:50:16] ghosting it's not like a random claim
[06:50:20] I've played with this Katarina before on this account. but a mother has the right to risk lives in war so What is goodness but trying to do better than your four together
[06:51:08] no this is such a bad player Okay!
[06:51:25] I'm not even serious. so I think we're gonna lose mid turret because of how stupid that was, but it is what it
[06:51:44] is.
[06:51:45] Not much i can do about it.
[06:51:53] We do need to get this dragon. Oh nice, we got t2 so so reveal our way so so What an absolutely insanely close fight.
[06:53:21] How weird! close fight.
[06:53:24] How weird. Don't do it, Just leave. Everybody leave!
[06:53:37] We leave here?
[06:53:41] We have all the inner turrets. We just bail.
[06:53:45] Okay. Okay, you guys can't have the wave in there though. so Shhh. That's a fight that they want, by the way.
[06:54:43] That's why I was saying before we don't wanna take fights like that. Those kind of
[06:54:47] fights are the ones that they actually want
[06:54:48] the most.
[06:54:51] Where there's no value in
[06:54:52] fighting it outside of us throwing
[06:54:54] the game, right?
[06:54:56] Those fights are just not worth it.
[06:54:59] If us throwing is like those fights are just not worth it. Like, if
[06:55:00] us throwing is what we're doing
[06:55:02] and we're not getting a one game out of
[06:55:04] it... If we win that fight and we can do
[06:55:06] Baron, it's worth taking but
[06:55:07] there's no way we can do baron because i have to go by
[06:55:12] so it's like it's just not worth it so Oh, they 1000% know by the way We can end mid.
[06:55:56] Oh, they want to do Baron? I think we should have ended but...
[06:56:00] This is definitely safer.
[06:56:05] By the way, somebody is definitely ghosting. Like I'd put money on it at this point.
[06:56:09] I can go check after the game obviously but like...
[06:56:12] The fact that I literally said what's baron and within three seconds of me saying
[06:56:18] that two people were like beelining it for baron is insane coincidence.... I guess then
[06:56:46] they tried to do
[06:56:52] that was really weird
[06:56:55] my team tried to Uh, that was really weird
[06:57:01] Enemy team try or my team tried to take inhib with baron which isn't possible Like you can't do that type of shit.
[06:57:10] It's actually not possible. Ooh.
[06:57:24] Where was Udyr?
[06:57:29] What am I watching, guys?!
[06:57:32] I mean we shouldn't be fighting that without- Oh my god Akali!
[06:57:36] Holy Akali!! Holy Dolly!
[06:57:44] We shouldn't be fighting that without our team anyway, but damn. your team
[06:57:58] call me pulled up, bro!
[06:58:03] All this Lulu has to do is W the Akali. I mean
[06:58:05] W the Katarina and they win
[06:58:07] Ooh that Penta
[06:58:12] Dude, I think it's the Katarina by the way who is ghosting
[06:58:16] That was the sweatiest shit I've seen somebody do
[06:58:20] For a random diamond game
[06:58:26] she eed forward there to wave clear
[06:58:41] got him Got him! We should just go get dragon so Pretty sure I can just two-shot this Katatarina actually Damn it! If I have better spacing, I win that.
[06:59:32] Wait why didn't Lulu use collection ulti
[06:59:41] damn it i actually could have killed the male too
[06:59:44] that's okay though.
[06:59:51] But yeah, you can kind of see why Ashe is broken right?
[06:59:54] She's always useful she can snowball leads
[06:59:56] she basically takes over games really hard.
[07:00:00] Ganks happen.
[07:00:01] She slows everybody in the gank.
[07:00:03] It's really,
[07:00:05] really OP champ.
[07:00:19] So champ super lp i want to honor our colleague.
[07:00:20] That was sick.
[07:00:25] Hold on,
[07:00:26] I'm going to go look and see. Okay. Drink water? Will do. I'll get some water.
[07:00:43] Yo, sorry by the way for calling out all the lurkers before the game.
[07:00:48] I appreciate everybody who watches.
[07:01:25] I was just salty Oh, no. Yeah, 100%.
[07:01:27] 100%, by the way.
[07:01:28] The Katarina's ghost thing.
[07:01:29] 100%. Watch.
[07:01:30] Watch.
[07:01:54] 100%. Watch. Watch. 100% watch! Like, she's hovering exactly where we're standing as well as like just yeah i mean that's
[07:02:02] i missed my arrow so that was my bad but
[07:02:04] yeah I missed my arrow, so that was my bad.
[07:02:15] Baron was probably warded though to be honest like they they
[07:02:18] probably had a word on it that we didn't clear i'll be honest
[07:02:28] yeah I think they have vision.
[07:02:29] So this one makes sense.
[07:02:31] Wait, maybe not.
[07:02:31] I don't know.
[07:02:31] Let's see.
[07:02:37] They do see me walking to baron
[07:02:43] yeah they see me walk over the word so it makes sense
[07:02:52] the first one though was way too sus, but that one makes sense.
[07:02:59] Dude either way my team played so good that game. Nice job guys!
[07:03:03] I'm gonna BRB, I'm going to get some water and take a piss.
[07:03:09] BRB.
[07:03:20] Let me see.
[07:03:20] Should I play an ad too?
[07:03:23] Maybe.
[07:03:26] No, an ad just played.
[07:03:27] We're chilling. Be vibing. I'll be right back...... you
[07:04:56] you Welcome to the League of Draven. of dreaming. Oh, yeah. Yo.
[07:04:59] Peter,
[07:05:00] thank you so much
[07:05:01] for the 84
[07:05:02] months in a row
[07:05:05] of continued support.
[07:05:08] I appreciate it, man. Thank you so much.
[07:05:16] Welcome back. I'm getting a little bit tired.
[07:05:36] I might take a break actually right now.
[07:06:01] My wrist is kind of bugging me, so I might let my wrist rest for like a bit maybe we'll do a second stream in a little bit. Do some more teaching.
[07:06:05] Who knows? so Yeah, I think I'm going to take a break and let my wrist rest because
[07:06:35] my wrist kind of hurts. We've been going kind of hard today
[07:06:37] So I'm going to let my wrist rest a little bit and take a break.
[07:06:44] If you do enjoy the stream, don't forget to follow.
[07:06:46] I stream every single day.
[07:06:48] Follow me on all of the socials
[07:06:55] which are down below the stream. Also, I'm going to start doing actual coaching
[07:06:59] so if you're interested in coaching...I'll have a thing in the Discord
[07:07:03] I mean, I already have a coaching thing in the discord i mean i already have a coaching thing in the discord but if you're interested
[07:07:06] in coaching um
[07:07:12] i'll have it i'll have a Twitch bot command starting tomorrow.
[07:07:19] But you can go and tell me
[07:07:21] you're interested in the coaching section of the Discord
[07:07:23] and all DM you privately
[07:07:26] and we can talk about all of that stuff
[07:07:28] instead of that.
[07:07:29] But yeah,
[07:07:31] that'll be it for me today though guys.
[07:07:33] I appreciate you guys watching
[07:07:34] and hang out as always.
[07:07:39] You know, I love you guys thanks for supporting me
[07:07:41] i appreciate that
[07:07:45] you guys are the real homies.
[07:07:49] Thank you for all the subs and just hanging out
[07:07:51] and watching today.
[07:07:53] Appreciate it, boys.
[07:07:54] Hope you guys have a wonderful
[07:07:55] rest of your day
[07:07:56] and I will see you tomorrow
[07:07:58] if I don't do another stream.
[07:08:07] Bye, guys.