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Geranimo - Finally Reformed? or? Adc can be fun!

07-16-2024 · 6h 09m

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[00:00:00] convenient spawn sometimes outnumbered never outgunned Minions have spawned. Where's the action? My mom. I might just drop in. so get in my way i dare you ready aim fire so so so so so so so so what what I'm going to go ahead and do that. um so Let's get this party started. so oh my god oh my god. Oh my god.
[00:07:03] Okay. back to the action so huh yes so so so so. ah it is one of those boys wow so so I'm gonna go in there. Ha!
[00:07:04] Couldn't push the wave in, huh? so so so oh my god so yes unlike and allies has been slain oh What is going on with my teammates here? Really? Her auto killed me?
[00:09:32] Jesus.
[00:09:38] Dude, how am I getting fucking constantly ganked by this guy?
[00:09:45] Like Jesus man. Enemies are his living mid. I could use some help.
[00:09:50] Like I know it's like some fanboy shit but Jesus man!
[00:09:57] ... so are more like uh so ah
[00:10:49] it's four people mid again
[00:11:05] Good lord man
[00:11:10] why is there just constantly four people
[00:12:02] here Like, look at this! so Yeah, I don't know if I can ever help the Zeri. She's too shitty.
[00:12:08] Like Thresh isn't even... you know what? I thought it was Thresh that was the problem but it's actually this Zeri. Yeah, this Zeri is not very good bro. so I do think this game is winnable, but we have to like...
[00:12:48] My jungler and my AD are really bad.
[00:12:54] So it's going to be hard. Okay. I mean, just the sheer thing of like...
[00:13:16] I can't play versus Yone because I'm always 1v2.
[00:13:20] It's crazy.
[00:13:22] And then I can't play versus like
[00:13:31] wait this is wild though actually. so so so I just need a point in the right direction
[00:14:30] this is gonna be such a hard game man so Now you see him, now you don't.
[00:15:23] The only saving grace is the yone, it's like kind of bad. All right, boys. We just need to get a Zyra kill. Okay, Zyra seems to have infinity damage at the moment. An enemy has been slain. I mean, the Zarya and the Shiv are horrible so we cannot do this where we like Like, Zeri doesn't actually know how to space.
[00:16:21] It's probably one of those players who is first-timing Zeri trying to learn AD because
[00:16:26] AD is OP or whatever. Maybe we should shoot faster.
[00:16:42] We seem to get shutdowns... But, we do need dragons really badly.
[00:16:50] Problem is, I don't know how to actually get vision of this A Bandle Gunner never turns on unless it's to taunt you. What am I watching?
[00:17:32] What the fuck was that, guys?
[00:17:35] I guess we give dragon.
[00:17:41] I mean, we have no vision either. How do we have no wards man? so so I think Zyra's gotta be a permaban. junglers cannot play versus that champ
[00:18:27] like non-junglers who don't understand how zyra works they just
[00:18:31] do not know how bad that champ is if you don't like give it a thousand kills Oh, this is unwinnable. all so back to the Nah, this game is cooked.
[00:19:31] We lose.
[00:19:32] This isn't the Losers Q game.
[00:19:39] Yeah, it's just Bob and Biff, Loser Q Game.
[00:19:56] Winners I mean, look at my teammates right now. Jesus!
[00:19:57] Now like there are some games you just can't
[00:19:59] can't win this is just one of them it is what it
[00:20:01] does i'm happy with how i played we played
[00:20:05] overall pretty well
[00:20:57] but considering how bad the teammates are, we played pretty decently. so so I don't know. I feel kinda... I will say it is a little bit unfortunate.
[00:21:00] What?
[00:21:01] Low Masters is basically unfortunate. But, low
[00:21:03] Masters is basically like
[00:21:05] the absolute worst elo you
[00:21:07] could ever play in when it comes to
[00:21:09] consistency of players. Like they will
[00:21:11] all run it down and do badly will they have to be the main
[00:21:14] character in this elo so they will either be the main character or they'll make sure that you can't
[00:21:19] play the game
[00:21:55] that is how league works in LoL Master. I might get dropped. so An ally has been slain.
[00:22:02] The enemy has been slayed. What? uh uh i have to try and kill the zyra right now so She's dead, she's dead, she's dead. Like, I literally killed their strongest member.
[00:23:11] And my Aatrox is still getting caught!
[00:23:15] Order that. god man I just need a point in the right direction. so I mean, I don't know man.
[00:23:56] I killed a Zyra. Our 11 death, 3kp Thresh still got caught.
[00:24:09] Our Aatrox still got caught. so so I'm going to try and get the first explosion. Guys, I'm trying to push out all the side waves for us.
[00:25:00] Don't die, please! Oh my god.
[00:25:11] Why would you not flash over the wall? And why would you go in?
[00:25:24] So, like, they have Baron and my team's
[00:25:25] like, yo, we gotta fight him outside of the base, bro.
[00:25:28] It's always the two dumbest people on the team doing
[00:25:31] that too like always this is wild man so down so so funny because we actually could have defended that by the way
[00:26:32] like i'm not even meaning we could have defended that, by the way. I'm not even memeing we could've defended that had we not been completely trolling.
[00:26:37] If the two ditches didn't die for no reason...
[00:26:41] That actually was defendable without losing our turrets
[00:26:55] So so
[00:27:46] i mean leona wasted her chip, just leave. let's see so I don't know how I'm actually gonna hit these guys. Like, I have some decent range but...
[00:27:52] I mean we HAVE don't know.
[00:28:07] Thresh and Shiv didn't want to go in. You guys will never improve or climb.
[00:28:15] At least they played well! Our dogshit teammates were bad, but it is what it is.
[00:28:23] I'm happy I played well.
[00:28:27] Diamond1TopLaner gets shit on by Gnar, has no idea how to play Aatrox.
[00:28:31] Jungler is a Shyvana one-trick
[00:28:33] hardstuck low master.
[00:29:24] Support is a Thresh one trick, hard cycle of masters!. Okay. It is one it is, boys.
[00:29:28] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[00:29:30] Sometimes you get the shitters.
[00:29:32] Born in 1964.
[00:29:33] CEO entrepreneur Jeffrey,
[00:29:35] Jeffrey Bezos.
[00:29:37] Jeffrey Bezos indeed.
[00:29:43] Thank you for that 33 leaf i appreciate it welcome back
[00:29:47] i mean it's just an 80 def bro
[00:29:52] just a bit of an AD carry differential................................. you you. This is going to be one hell of a day, I'll tell you that right now.
[00:36:16] I forgot? Low Masters is like worse than Diamond,
[00:36:20] but not for the same reasons.
[00:36:22] Diamond is bad because the players are bad.
[00:36:24] Masters is bad because the players are bad
[00:36:25] and they're fucking delusional.
[00:36:39] But hey, you know what?
[00:36:41] We get the dub we went easy peasy
[00:37:05] i've carried delusional retards for years we just gotta keep doing it now Welcome to Summoner's Rift. I just need a point in the right direction.
[00:37:08] 30 seconds until minions spawn. Dude, whenever people pick Ziggs mid or Ziggs AD Carry I mean...
[00:37:17] I just know that they're fucking insecure. Watch where you're exploding, bitch!
[00:37:26] Back to base.
[00:37:37] Minions have spawned. Let's get this party started. Let's go baby!
[00:37:59] Hello, Imad the Tech.
[00:38:02] Let's win this game, please.
[00:38:07] My account is in a bit of loser's queue I could really use an ISO
[00:38:11] Win streak? Man, I need to stop standing on the wave.
[00:38:30] I'm going to be real.
[00:38:37] On a good note, this Ziggs is just trying to spam Q on me not the wave.
[00:38:41] So because he's spamming Q on. You lose the two tempo and you die. oh I do not want to flash or barrier because the Nautilus was going gonna get the kill anyway.
[00:39:33] Now I will say, I think it's hilarious that my Rell...
[00:39:37] Somehow got hooked and soloed but hey, it is what it is.
[00:39:41] You know? You get bad players in every elo supports you know every elo
[00:39:51] the only thing you got to remember is that these people are loving, caring
[00:39:53] people IRL and they for sure
[00:39:57] are allowed within 150 yards of schools.
[00:40:01] So like that's all you got to think about, it's not a big deal. okay
[00:40:18] did echo just steal that uh i think echo just stole my brand scuttle out
[00:40:22] like right in front of his face.
[00:40:29] Like I thought Ekko was top but I think he actually just smited it In front of the dude's
[00:40:31] Face that is actually sad
[00:40:50] Kind of funny, but kind of sad too. Let me get in there.
[00:41:12] Okay, I got one top. okay Okay. I mean we could have killed that guy, but
[00:41:14] my rel is in a corner
[00:41:16] jacking it the fuck off.
[00:41:19] I don't think my rel realizes that we can kill the Nautilus as well...
[00:41:27] Like why is she so scared?
[00:41:29] I have barrier bro.
[00:41:31] Like dude just...
[00:41:37] Why are we scared?!
[00:41:38] Go in!
[00:41:44] Oh my god. Oh my god.
[00:41:52] Oh, she's a bit of a tard.
[00:41:55] Oh no, she drinks juice through a fucking straw. straw
[00:42:07] holy crap these people are bad
[00:42:10] damn if i jumped earlier i actually would have killed that guy. I'm not even kidding.
[00:42:11] Because he didn't get his... He wouldn't have gotten his E down.
[00:42:20] Please don't chase them.
[00:42:22] Yeah, doing the wave is fun.
[00:42:26] You're gonna get hooked and die just please don't...
[00:42:29] Oi dude!
[00:42:35] I'm not gonna let you go. like dude it's like nobody respects the fact that they can die in this elo It's okay, Rel. I've seen my fair share of retards.
[00:42:55] I've learned...I've been bred in the retarded support players' men.
[00:42:59] I know how to carry them.
[00:43:01] You- Today is the day that you are gifted free LP that you do not deserve, Miss Rell.
[00:43:19] Share a shits ah
[00:43:27] I'm sad. Whatever.
[00:43:35] I think my realm might actually be one of those retards from like the commercials.
[00:43:39] Like when you think about them, I'm like
[00:43:41] ugh.
[00:43:44] I'm not kidding though.
[00:43:45] I actually truly believe
[00:43:47] support players might have like the dumbest...
[00:43:50] Like it sounds so mean man but it's like
[00:43:54] i truly do think support players might actually be the dumbest players to ever play video games.
[00:44:02] The problem is, they don't understand at all how to like...
[00:44:06] Not be stupid
[00:44:16] like just engage look at Look at this. I'm dodging everything and he still won't go in.
[00:44:27] I just dodged ulti, 3 Qs, 4 Qs.
[00:44:31] W?
[00:44:33] Like why would you not go in man?
[00:44:35] What retarded syndrome juice do you have swimming in your tiny little retard brain?
[00:44:40] Go in! Go in, retard-o! swimming in your tiny little retard brain go
[00:44:41] in go in retardo go in and then in in in i n
[00:44:53] oh we are retarded in the sea but we don't go in we just stand there we look like we're please just put the brain These retards need to die in game so Like the Ziggs is retarded too!
[00:45:41] It just doesn't matter man.
[00:45:53] Like, I cannot tell you just how annoying it is
[00:45:58] to have to play ad carry when every single person you play with is just so much worse than you play the game to win or don't queue the fuck up.
[00:46:09] That's my entire thought process.
[00:46:12] Retard, retardos! Oh, it's... I'm mid and jungle just got 1v2'd.
[00:46:46] Guys, come on.
[00:46:57] We have first time Jungle Brand and first time mid Nefiri.
[00:47:00] AND first time top Renekton!
[00:47:43] That's so frustrating, man. so Like, dude, what the fuck also like i don't know man
[00:48:10] like Also like I don't know man. I'm gonna keep trying my best because today is about... Today, I told myself
[00:48:12] I would try every single game no matter what
[00:48:15] so i'm gonna keep trying my absolute hardest
[00:48:19] but jesus fucking christ like no matter what i am gonna try because i do think every game is winnable in the ceilo
[00:48:31] regardless of how they start but i gotta be honest with you men watching people just autopilot every single game in na
[00:48:39] like this game is so cooked
[00:48:42] well not a single one of these humans is trying to win, nor do they give a shit about winning.
[00:48:47] And it's like okay if you play the game for fun there's no issue with that but if
[00:48:50] you're playing ranked?
[00:48:51] Play to win.
[00:48:53] End of discussion!
[00:48:54] Play to win if you're playing ranked.
[00:49:33] I'm getting TP'd on, man! whatever okay This is why I refused to Q AD though until GM.
[00:49:37] Like genuinely, I've said that in the past, I'm and AD. I'm genuinely not Qing AD carry
[00:49:39] until we get GM.
[00:49:41] Mid is just too strong
[00:49:42] right now
[00:49:42] in low elo.
[00:49:44] Once you get into GM,
[00:49:46] uh...
[00:49:46] AD carry is broken
[00:49:48] but until then
[00:49:49] like you get supports
[00:49:49] like this rel who basically like i genuinely think
[00:49:53] this guy like he's so dumb that he like has no
[00:49:57] no idea where he even is right now okay the game's wonderful we do triple kill
[00:50:12] okay the game's wonderful we do have another uh
[00:50:15] we have another human on the team renekton is actually pretty good uh so so so We fight this! We have numbers, go! so so so is so Why are we just not hitting the dragon?
[00:52:32] I mean, the thing.
[00:52:33] Like, I don't know man this is crazy. so It's fine. I can't really fight this guy yet.
[00:53:15] I need Navori first.
[00:53:18] Actually, if he face checks
[00:53:20] I might be able to get him.
[00:53:22] But I mean, he's level 12 with...
[00:53:32] Yeah, I can't fight him yet.
[00:53:35] That shit's crazy man. I need to go mid.
[00:53:50] But my mid laner just TP'd mid himself.
[00:54:02] So this is kind of hard. so so Wow.
[00:54:46] I actually got one shot.
[00:54:48] I should have pulled it into the bush.
[00:54:56] Like 100% I just pulled onto the bush there every time. That's my B.
[00:55:01] Just wait clear, you guys can like...
[00:55:04] Ekko is not even there! Just kill that guy.
[00:55:07] There ya go!
[00:55:16] Oh my god.
[00:55:19] Oh my god
[00:55:28] oh my god. Wait, he had ult up again? Oh, I mean I don't think we can fight this dragon anymore man.
[00:56:17] You guys gotta come mid you can't stand in the bush over there.
[00:56:21] Like... yeah sometimes outnumbered
[00:56:39] i mean yeah they're gonna get that of course Am I just dead?
[00:57:01] I am.
[00:57:03] I mean,
[00:57:04] I got his ghost and his exhaust though
[00:57:05] so I guess that's good.
[00:57:08] Dude, we really needed
[00:57:10] to not lose that dragon.
[00:57:16] Oh! That was good.
[00:57:22] There's a big shutdown, but you guys gotta back up.
[00:57:33] Dude, the
[00:57:34] 0-3 Nasus can just run you down, by
[00:57:36] the way, as they AD carry. Tell me that
[00:57:38] that's a balanced champion design where the 0-3 Nasus with no items can
[00:57:42] just run you down because he weathers you once. I'm sorry, but nah, that's actually stupid design.
[00:57:51] That's why I think NASA needs a rework.
[00:57:55] His design is just dumb. Okay. uh oh That was worth, that was worth, THAT WAS WORTH!
[00:58:46] LET'S GO! so so We just really,
[00:59:19] really cannot give up.
[00:59:24] Next drag. Next really We need to look for a pick on mid right now. so They have wards everywhere.
[01:00:14] We need to clear the vision so so so so If we can stop this dragon,
[01:01:17] We can totally win the game.
[01:01:24] I mean, We're in a really good spot. To get it, we have good vision.
[01:01:32] Let's do it baby. Huge.
[01:01:45] I'm not getting dead, but like you know...
[01:05:12] Oh we got some acceptance points I think that's an acceptable death if we can get the turret. take his camps so uh We just have to wait for Baron. Like, it's literally all we can do right now is wait for Baron. so so so i can't actually like see what's happening here well so Oh, jaw. um way to back for Beiroun. uh They could rush Baron, so we gotta make sure they don't...
[01:05:13] Okay.
[01:05:14] They're not rushing it.
[01:05:14] Okay.
[01:05:15] We're fine.
[01:05:18] Because yeah, they could have rushed that so oops Oops. I'm old. so okay
[01:06:23] just do ben Just do it! so Legendary.
[01:06:51] Easy-peasy. I'm just trying to stall them so they have to push this. Because if I keep pushing
[01:06:53] this big wave in, they're gonna have to stop this wave.
[01:06:58] If they have to stop that wave, they can't stop the mid waves. so I mean, we could go to Dragon but...
[01:07:32] Maybe we should go to Drake. Everybody's probably got a lot of gold on our team.
[01:07:41] Yeah, fuck it. We might as well.
[01:07:42] It's just free.
[01:07:45] Everybody's got so much gold. Might as well do this real quick so like if they do need the back they can Oh, I just flashed on that guy and didn't kill him. Easy peasy.
[01:08:33] Nice.
[01:08:35] Fucking easy!
[01:08:38] Nah, that game was hard as fuck. Dude I needed that win.
[01:08:54] Now we're going to win every game today.
[01:08:57] Like, I'm not even kidding.
[01:08:59] The way my brain works is if I can get one dopamine rush of winning,
[01:09:03] I win every game. Bro, I ain't gonna lie though.
[01:09:22] Playing fucking versus
[01:09:24] mage bot lane when your
[01:09:26] support doesn't really know what they're doing is
[01:09:28] super, super frustrating
[01:09:30] because it's like
[01:09:32] Ziggs is an annoying ass champ.
[01:09:35] But you can take advantage of Zigg's
[01:09:37] lack of mobility really easily
[01:09:38] if you just get bush control
[01:09:41] and then hex flash on the Ziggs.
[01:09:43] That's why we killed him at level 2
[01:09:45] because he tried to walk up
[01:09:46] and we just gap closed
[01:09:47] and he instant died.. Honestly, if I can get...
[01:10:15] If every game I can get one single person playing to win on my team...
[01:10:19] ...I can win.
[01:10:22] Like, one other person who's like, playing to try and win win the game, not
[01:10:28] for fun.
[01:10:31] Like when you get four for funners
[01:10:32] it becomes a lot harder
[01:10:33] so you gotta get at least one other
[01:10:36] tryhard sweat.
[01:10:38] That Renekton
[01:10:39] was the only other sweat on the team
[01:10:41] and he was like trying to win,
[01:10:42] playing macro, all that shit.
[01:10:44] It was so much better.
[01:10:46] The game before that, I think Kraken is
[01:11:04] probably the best go-to
[01:11:05] item on Jinx.
[01:11:09] You can go IE, but there's a time and place to go IE. so so. Okay... Oh, we're last picking mid are we?
[01:12:30] Huh enemy team huh.
[01:12:33] Okay, I gotta go pee so i'm gonna pray
[01:12:38] they don't pick yone or like something that i have to take pressing attack for
[01:12:44] like action are you on air or something Please don't pick that. I have to pee. okay.... They picked Corky.
[01:14:03] I don't know what's better
[01:14:05] against Corky, actually, though.
[01:14:07] I don't know if it's Fleet or PTA.
[01:14:09] I think it's always Fleet, but...
[01:14:11] I think there's sometimes you could probably go PTA and Corki.
[01:14:14] Or, I mean, versus Corki.
[01:14:41] Okay. so Goodbye. Bye, boys. goodbye
[01:14:45] all right boys
[01:14:57] time to win some video games yeah Ah, what a noob.
[01:15:00] Does my AD carry have
[01:15:02] 300
[01:15:07] and have 373
[01:15:11] mastery right now? 373 what
[01:15:19] oh Holy.
[01:15:30] I was like,
[01:15:31] damn,
[01:15:32] I got some mastery on Tristana's account
[01:15:33] and then I look
[01:15:34] and I'm like,
[01:15:35] wait a second.
[01:15:36] This guy has 300 more masteries, wait a second. That guy has 300
[01:15:37] more masters, right? 30 seconds until the main score.
[01:15:55] We'll be counting stars.
[01:16:03] Dance with me Tristana, dance!
[01:16:06] Uh oh...
[01:16:08] They're giving a bit of the old invade
[01:16:13] wait why would the enemy team invade us we win so hard level 1.
[01:16:24] That's actually crazy, though.
[01:16:28] Like, not even kidding?
[01:16:31] The fact they're invading level one with their comp is insane
[01:16:38] damn i don't have Bone Plating.
[01:16:44] I could pretty easily beat this guy with Bone Plating right now but I gotta...
[01:16:46] ...I gotta wait for it.
[01:16:49] Without it? There's like no way I can beat him level 1.
[01:16:54] Not with missing some hp
[01:17:03] now i can Now I can. Because he just tanked my entire minion wave.
[01:17:16] How's the level two?
[01:17:24] Wait, how is he level 2? He's never been executed.
[01:17:28] How did he get level two there? Wait am I retarded? What happens?
[01:18:16] I think I was watching the minions interesting so I need to push this wave, crash it and go back ASAP.
[01:18:19] Cause its in a really bad spots.
[01:18:24] Yeah...
[01:18:27] You know what's funny? I actually think I win that.
[01:18:31] I should have just tried to fight him, but with my full combo I do win that.
[01:18:36] Because his only advantage over me is Tear.
[01:18:41] And I had Bone Plating...
[01:18:50] Because, I'm actually pretty sure that I win 1v1 against Corki really hard when Bone Plating's up, if we're equal items.
[01:19:40] On a good note he didn't push the wave fast enough so that's good. what this I'm actually gonna back immediately. I want another long sword.
[01:19:42] Okay, so I have a plan here.
[01:19:45] I wanna back on this tempo.
[01:19:47] He's not gonna know
[01:19:48] I'm backed, right?
[01:19:51] Or he knows now but like he would probably not assume I was back because I just got back to lane.
[01:19:55] So my thought process is... He has to fuck me over here
[01:19:59] He has to push that wave in when he gets back to lane
[01:20:01] To make me lose a wave for my bad tempo
[01:20:07] well because he didn't i'm actually fine
[01:20:38] and now i have two longswords. I actually think if I jumped on him there with my W, it might have killed him.
[01:20:40] Oh! I'm dead.
[01:20:42] Fucking Twitch...
[01:20:44] Ah that's not bad.
[01:20:46] I was not even thinking about Twitch being Mia.
[01:20:52] He did ignite me, I think right? Yeah.
[01:20:58] Damn! I played it right.
[01:21:01] I just didn't play around Twitch's Mia.
[01:21:06] Because the other trade on Corki was correct. Although, I don't think that they can actually fight right now because Corki had the back. don't write themselves
[01:21:31] brandon's level five
[01:21:38] i'm gonna wait for him to use a spell and then i'm gonna jump Okay.
[01:21:55] We have seen an enemy. Pretty sure Corki's here.
[01:22:01] Like, Corki is in the bush. Yeah I see their grubs.
[01:22:09] ... If he tries to fight me here, I think he loses.
[01:22:16] Oh no he doesn't. That's hard.
[01:22:27] He is too strong.
[01:22:31] I should have just not taken my HP.
[01:22:33] I'm going to get z zoned off my turret here.
[01:22:35] Maybe?
[01:22:39] Oof.
[01:22:41] Oof.
[01:22:44] Okay. oof
[01:22:57] like this really sucks sucks. Like, what the fuck bro?
[01:23:01] I'm just getting fucking twitched.
[01:25:01] ... retched is How does this enemy Twitch have 5 kills? so I'm going to try and get the first one. enemy has been slain what the Where's the action? How did I do that? so Come on! The enemy has been slain. Okay, nice.
[01:25:07] We've killed Twitch a bunch now. That's huge.
[01:25:10] We just have to keep making sure
[01:25:11] Twitch can't play the game and work shell in this
[01:25:13] game so um Hmm.
[01:26:17] This is a really weird game, it's so hard for me to play. so wait my bot lane died and my top just died.
[01:26:21] Ooh that's not good. I gotta take fights.
[01:26:28] There is not really much else I can do when top and bot are kinda getting ran over.
[01:26:32] Just try to take plates, and pressure the map. That's the best I can do.
[01:26:36] Cause my tempo got fucked earlier when Twitch was able to just freely roam.
[01:26:41] Like, every time Twitch roamed mid it like fucked me over so...
[01:26:44] I did about as well
[01:26:46] as I think I could've
[01:26:49] outside of dying, obviously.
[01:26:51] Like, I shouldn't have died, but outside of dying I think I did well.
[01:27:14] ... I mean, I gotta get to my wave guys. But you guys gotta help me a bit. The fact that this Twitch gets to sit mid like basically uncontested for so long is
[01:27:38] actually really rough by the way.
[01:27:49] It's hard to explain how rough it actually is.... And then our bot lane died.
[01:28:01] Oh, we got dragon? That's not bad.
[01:28:12] I need help pushing against the cannon.
[01:28:23] Um...I mean, I'll be real.
[01:28:26] Oh, I guess I'm just bad.
[01:28:29] I'll be real! This is a massive supportive difference this game.
[01:28:42] Like I don't even blame the Draven for losing bot at the moment, because like our support is
[01:28:48] really gapped.
[01:28:52] First of all,
[01:28:53] he's playing Skarner's support, which is garbage
[01:28:54] now. Like it's really, really bad.
[01:28:57] And outside of even that, he...
[01:29:00] They lost against a Twitch who
[01:29:01] roamed for half the game.
[01:29:03] So like if you're losing that much pressure
[01:29:05] bot against a guy roaming
[01:29:06] you're
[01:29:08] doing something wrong with your waves or you're not
[01:29:10] diving the enemy bot lane.
[01:29:12] You have two options when Twitch roams.
[01:29:14] You either A, match it as
[01:29:16] he's roaming. Or B...
[01:29:19] You dive the enemy bot lane
[01:29:21] so that the enemy AD carry
[01:29:23] gets abused for the roam.
[01:29:26] Those are literally
[01:29:27] the two options.
[01:29:29] We kill this guy what are happening man?
[01:29:49] How was that guy allowed to walk into our jungle?
[01:30:00] Nah, this is doomed. Jungle diff.
[01:30:03] Jungle support diff. We go next.
[01:30:06] I know I said that I wouldn't give up but this is not actually winnable.
[01:30:12] I had Twitch in my lane for literally 5
[01:30:14] straight minutes,
[01:30:16] Skarner has 7 KP
[01:30:18] Horrible player
[01:30:23] Draven might have 300 mastery on that champ, but he is still a master tier Draven player
[01:30:29] Which means he's fucking bad
[01:30:31] We ain't dealing with hums over here. We're dealing with like... budget hums. I mean look at what's happening right now.
[01:30:58] Like, get rifts!
[01:31:01] Dank mid! Do something, man!
[01:31:05] Oh! Do something, man! Like why is my
[01:31:07] Zyra like, I'ma farm another wave
[01:31:09] I'm a farm another wave
[01:31:11] Gonna farm some more waves
[01:31:13] Gonna gonna farm the waves like how do you form this many
[01:31:18] waves and you're still behind in cs so so I just need a
[01:31:59] Like, the simple fact that this MF was able to
[01:32:06] Just do whatever she wanted this game
[01:32:08] Willy nilly No fucking Like MF was able to just do whatever she wanted this game.
[01:32:10] Willy nilly,
[01:32:11] no fucking... I don't know man, this is just gross to me.
[01:32:15] And you know what the funniest part is?
[01:32:16] Draven hard counters MF.
[01:32:20] I'm not even kidding, that is one of MF's hardest counters is Draven. Whatever, bro.
[01:32:34] That is what it is, man.
[01:32:38] I told you we are in a loser's queue 100 so It does blow my mind though that you can get to this level on support.
[01:33:12] Like it actually does blow my mind
[01:33:15] you can get to a master gm support and i actually have no idea how to play the
[01:33:19] role because the row is so easy
[01:33:22] and supports are always...
[01:33:24] The deciding factor of this specific yellow, it's always support.
[01:34:15] It's really frustrating. so so sometimes outnumbered i mean i can't walk up I'm just gonna die on repeat if I do.
[01:34:17] We have no control
[01:34:19] of the map.
[01:34:23] Wow!
[01:34:31] Like it's just stupid. We have no control but my team hits No on the Forfeit vote.
[01:34:49] I don't know man. Intra is currently first timing a champion mid. I mean, first timing a champion.
[01:34:53] Cool.
[01:34:55] My hardstuck master tier support peeker
[01:34:57] is like, I'm going to first time Zra. Doesn't know how to play Zyra.
[01:35:04] I don't know what itated. He's a Diamond 2 player, inflated by abusing Skarner.
[01:35:18] But Skarner got nerfed so now he doesn't know what to do.
[01:35:25] A carry is just a diamond player.. It is embarrassing that jungle support
[01:35:46] are literally the only roles
[01:35:47] that feel like they have any relevance.
[01:35:50] Like, it's actually embarrassing though.
[01:35:53] My top laner is... I don't even know what he plays.
[01:35:58] He plays Riven.
[01:36:00] Riven and Shyvana. And he's like,
[01:36:01] I'm gonna to first-time trends.
[01:36:10] I don't know, man. I don't know. I'm definitely on loser's queue.
[01:36:18] I just don't know what to do.
[01:36:19] Thank you. When your lanes lose with multiple people in your lane the whole game...
[01:36:33] If Twitch is in my lane the entire game and my lanes still lose it's confirmed losers
[01:36:38] because it's always winners if your teammates know how to pressure a lead
[01:36:42] it's losers if they don't. That's how it works.
[01:36:49] Like,
[01:36:50] if the enemy Twitch roams,
[01:36:52] like I get a kill for it
[01:36:54] and then my team decides to not pressure bot.
[01:36:59] It's pretty much always a loser's queue angle. I mean,
[01:37:10] I think I'm just gonna sell out.
[01:37:14] I'm gonna play the most boring shit ever.
[01:37:16] It is one of those...
[01:37:17] Like, I hate doing this because
[01:37:18] it's literally mind-numbingly boring
[01:37:21] but I'm going to suck it up and just
[01:37:23] play the mind-numbingly boring playstyles
[01:37:25] that this elo needs me to do to win oh well........ I got to hide my cue.. this is also how i know i'm in losers queue by the way like my junglers on a six-game loss streak.
[01:40:02] Top winner?
[01:40:04] Five-game loss streak
[01:40:05] while simultaneously first-timing new champs.
[01:40:14] I mean, it is what it is.
[01:40:17] You just gotta play
[01:40:18] leagues of grinds.
[01:40:20] You just gotta play through the loser's queues.... Yeah, Twitch support's annoying.
[01:41:11] It's beatable though.
[01:41:14] The thing about it is
[01:41:15] like Twitch support is beatable right? Like 100%
[01:41:17] it's beatable. The issue is when
[01:41:19] you play versus something like Twitch support
[01:41:21] you have to have your ball main...
[01:41:24] When you're playing versus something
[01:41:26] that's a roaming support, you have to just
[01:41:28] have... They're going to roam no matter what.
[01:41:31] Right? So you
[01:41:32] have to abuse their roams.
[01:41:36] And the only way to abuse their roams and the only way to abuse their rooms is the support has to know how to abuse the enemy's rooms a lot of supports will
[01:41:41] just autopilot in the game and if the enemy is actively trying to win
[01:41:45] your support will be lost.
[01:41:49] It just is what it
[01:41:49] is but
[01:41:50] it's definitely annoying Definitely annoying. so so. so so so so so so... so............... so........... Yeah, wait in the 10 minute queue. so so All right, boys.
[01:49:52] We try our best.
[01:50:17] I actually don't know, uh...I really donups like every other matchup but
[01:50:21] i don't know
[01:51:26] no idea No idea. Minions have spawned. so I'm going to go with the zero This is going to be a long and boring game, boys. Dude, did he just jump on me from the bush all the way when I was here?
[01:51:39] That's crazy He doesn't even have stacks yet! first so so
[01:52:32] why mundo do this for the community
[01:52:39] i don't know if he's in the bush or if he went back so i just gotta chill
[01:52:44] oh yeah there he is
[01:53:10] like what the man Dude, why can he almost 100- 0 me with no items? Yes. Oh my god, I fucked up. uh I don't actually know if I can ever fight this guy.
[01:53:51] But we'll see.
[01:55:07] Oh! so Well, my job is just don't die right so I will keep trying my best best so so like An ally has been slayed. Just kill him, he's got no flash!
[01:55:11] An enemy has been slain.
[01:55:20] Okay, not the worst...
[01:55:25] I got hit by the turret on that one?
[01:55:28] Dude.
[01:55:29] Dude, I'm not gonna lie, this is fucking terrible versus Rengar as Mundo. This is so hard man. i'm like trying my best to type to these guys instead of just like ping because
[01:56:03] i don't know if they know what i'm gonna say
[01:56:06] or what i'm trying to say when i'm pinging and shits but
[01:56:16] this guy is two full levels up on me. Holy fuck!
[01:56:27] I'm six and he's low, so is like my one time to like play the game Fuck! If I had Q, if I didn't waste my Q, I would have killed him.
[01:56:45] bad.
[01:56:50] I didn't know he could 100-0 me.
[01:56:54] I should have played that smarter...I should've just ulted the second I got ults, because it takes a little bit.
[01:57:07] I mean, our bot lane is going to get shafted for a
[01:57:08] bit because they picked
[01:57:09] the literal most like
[01:57:10] egregiously bad early game bot i've ever seen they went smolder sona so um Ooh, Diego with the fucking 1v3 or what?
[01:57:45] Jesus.
[01:57:49] Damn I really wanted to get that plate
[01:57:51] but apparently
[01:57:53] I'm not getting eating turret shots right now. uh for old pain what what was that why did he say gg
[01:58:45] oh he deceived Oh, he DC'd. I think I'm just dead. That was really unlucky timing though. Welcome, Reha! Let's break up those muscles!
[01:59:28] Like right as I baited the Rengar's ulti or whatever
[01:59:33] Fucking Karthus, or right as I baited that, Karthus DC'd. Which is just so unlucky
[01:59:58] Oh so We need to not lose every objective though. We're down quite a few objectives at the moment.
[02:00:01] Oh, nice huge.
[02:00:04] Wait, we only got one bot? Oh okay. This is good!
[02:00:08] I can get plates.
[02:00:12] Play first please! so I
[02:00:32] Mean, I can't stop that. What do you fucking want? Mundo i'm mundo Like, I gave this guy his roll.
[02:00:58] Right? Like, I gave him fucking... I gave him mid. He's doing well.
[02:01:02] And I'm versus one of the hardest matchups
[02:01:04] for top laners in general.
[02:01:27] Ooh! for top laners in general. Oh, I mean, our team is literally like the most scaling comp
[02:01:28] I've ever seen.
[02:01:30] We have Mundo, Karthus, Smolder, Sona.
[02:01:37] Right? So it's like...
[02:01:40] we just play a scale.
[02:01:50] Shut down! slain shut down
[02:02:13] you crazy yeah i just need them to scale. Because like I said, I'm actually pretty strong now.
[02:02:16] Believe it or not, I'm not that far behind anymore.
[02:02:20] We got the Wormogs and Rengar made a really weird roam. That's completely okay. You know why?
[02:02:37] We got the Warmogs.
[02:03:06] Balanced and fair gameplay right here boys Oh, okay.
[02:03:06] Never mind.
[02:03:09] Apparently he can kill me.
[02:03:10] Oh, he has Hydra.
[02:03:11] I'm dumb.
[02:03:12] That was my bad.
[02:03:16] I should have checked to see if he had Hydra. Hydras broken as shit.
[02:03:22] Don't walk through the minion wave, he's gonna heal!
[02:03:25] Oh no bro
[02:03:30] aww, he heals off the wave wow here we go I just need to mute them.
[02:04:11] Because this game is easily winnable.
[02:04:14] Our jungler's just really delusional.
[02:04:25] We decided to gousional jungle player because he's playing Karthus and he thinks he's like not literally inflated.
[02:04:28] Like I gotta be real man
[02:04:31] if you're a Karthus player
[02:04:33] and your typing to your team
[02:04:35] You literally do nothing but
[02:04:37] walk in circles
[02:04:44] All you do as Karthus is walk around and farm. Hit R.
[02:04:51] He didn't do anything. That's why I gotta mute him so I don't tilt. Because, I mean... this isn't playable for me. Wait, so no ults.
[02:05:22] Also how did my bot lane lose? I'm going to use the same
[02:05:35] strategy
[02:05:37] as
[02:05:39] before
[02:05:41] and
[02:05:43] then I'll Your turret has been destroyed. I'm going to try and get the sword. then me remember so so I'm going to go ahead and do that. Mundo not remember mundo before mundo was mundo First, you lost jungle. Getting GM once.
[02:07:13] Hog.
[02:07:17] I'mma just wait for
[02:07:19] Astellus and be hard stuck here for life.
[02:07:37] Not much I can do. Got hard countered, was auto-filled, waited 10 minutes for this game... Yep! Sounds like League of Legends, boys.
[02:07:47] Love it.
[02:07:51] My favorite part is that my bot lane got gapped.
[02:07:52] Like, guys, you aren't allowed to be mad at people when you yourself are being gapped.
[02:07:56] You're just not.
[02:07:57] So like if you get all of the resources,
[02:07:59] I cart this path spot the entire game
[02:08:01] and you lose lane that's on you like nobody else that is on you My smolder is also first timing smolder.
[02:08:20] That is what it is, man.
[02:08:27] 10 minute queue into an autofill... Into my fucking bot lane getting gapped again.
[02:08:34] It is what it is.
[02:08:36] We move on.
[02:08:38] We are in loser's queue, so I mean
[02:08:40] it is what it is.
[02:08:45] It is impressive to me that bot lane can get gapped this fucking hard though.
[02:08:50] Like it's such an easy role.
[02:08:54] I don't know if i could play with myself bot, I would never lose but it's like dude
[02:09:05] I don't care. Just fucking...
[02:09:09] Like, just let me out bro.
[02:09:11] Just kill me please.
[02:09:17] Please say yes, guys.
[02:09:19] We have first time Sona and first time Smolder
[02:09:23] And their idea when I asked them why they picked it
[02:09:25] They were like, I don't know, I felt like playing Sona
[02:09:29] Uh wonder why you can't climb?
[02:09:32] I felt like playing a champ
[02:09:33] but don't know how to play. jungler is just some hard stock retard retard Thank you. oh whatever i'm just gonna AFK here. so so so This Ezreal is auto-filled.
[02:11:14] My bot lane lost to auto-filled first time Ezreal is autofilled. My bot lane lost to autofill first time Ezreal because they wanted to pick Smolder Sona.
[02:11:23] I don't know, I just wish players played to win, like I know they don't right?
[02:11:27] Like I know there's no effort being put in by anybody in any game ever nowadays
[02:11:32] but dude it's so boring man
[02:11:35] It's like why even queue up if you're just wasting 10 minutes of
[02:11:37] your time or 30 minutes it's so gross like this isn't fun for me
[02:11:45] yeah i'm just muting everybody at the start of every champ select. Not giving my role ever. Playing completely selfish and playing completely to win personal stats, personal game.
[02:11:54] We're just gonna spam a thousand games in the next five weeks and get to Challenger without even having
[02:11:59] teammates. That's our new plan. No team help, full selfish. It is what of those.
[02:12:09] Because none of these people are ever going to use leads or help each other
[02:12:13] do anything positive, they're just gonna pick first time champs and troll in grief
[02:12:17] it is one of those on chance and troll in grief.
[02:12:20] It is what it is.
[02:12:24] I'm just going to play for my own selfish games.
[02:19:36] ... so Okay.......... time for another 10 minute queue so i can get autofilled again let's go So, Okay...... Okay................ Well, here's helping. Fingers crossed.. Let's see how it goes.
[02:19:42] The enemy has...
[02:19:45] a Smurf AD. So, smurf ad so let's give it our all the thing is is the longer you're in Loser's Queue,
[02:19:59] the longer they'll put you in Winner's Queue.
[02:20:01] So it's like a trade-off.
[02:20:03] And we've been on Losers' Queue for 25 games on this account
[02:20:05] so once we do get into Winners' Queue
[02:20:07] We're gonna slingshot it's gonna be crazy I'm telling you this.
[02:20:26] That's how Riot balances losers winners.
[02:20:29] They want the 50% win rate so they're like
[02:20:31] okay.
[02:20:33] Like my win rate was 70%
[02:20:35] when I got into Masters
[02:20:36] so it needed to really drop
[02:20:39] my win rate down.
[02:20:41] But...
[02:20:44] We'll see how it goes. uh Just flash, man.
[02:21:16] What is happening right now?
[02:21:19] Like what the fuck is going on?
[02:21:23] Like guys, the wall... what the fuck is going on
[02:21:26] like guys the wave is spawning can you guys go to your lanes
[02:21:30] please
[02:21:36] what's happening?
[02:21:48] I'm getting railed by minions. Oh my god! This guy is playing the really super un-interactive Nasus shit.
[02:22:09] Or he's just gonna spam E on the wave pretty much constantly?
[02:22:12] But I don't think it's actually that bad
[02:22:32] because he's not gonna not able to actually stack on the wave so it's not going to be that bad so And if I push the wave in like this, he's not going to be able to deal with it either. so oh Yeah, Wunder's Q is not real guys.
[02:23:27] Never forget.
[02:23:28] It's not real at all
[02:23:38] like for sure man it's's just... it's not real.
[02:23:45] Let Riot keep brainwashing you.
[02:23:51] The enemy jungler is 3-0 at three minutes in the game.
[02:23:57] My top laner has four CS and has died twice, my top side twice with four cs
[02:24:06] jungler oh one
[02:24:09] like and there's no impacts that i could have done at all, because I'm playing Maus.
[02:24:16] And
[02:24:16] we A-rammed it like three minutes into
[02:24:19] the game, or three seconds into the game.
[02:25:11] ... like dude what are we doing What am I watching? Damn, I could have killed them all actually had I not fucked up. That's my bad.
[02:25:16] Is that really warded? They warded that!
[02:25:19] Oh my god.
[02:25:21] Nah...
[02:25:27] Like, you know Nasus is behind you!
[02:25:29] What are you doing?
[02:25:35] You saw him on a ward!
[02:25:44] My ally has been slain. Insight ordains it. so trust me winners losers has never been more real than it is this season.
[02:26:12] It is wild. so oh I miss uh let me say
[02:26:49] i mean i have r we could try and make it play madden so so so so okay my bot out again i mean i don't know how to beat this, it's genuinely like just stupid.
[02:28:02] Like
[02:28:03] I don't know man
[02:28:06] Look at the score line man
[02:28:10] like what am i to do
[02:28:16] I'm telling you, Loserspue is real. You just have to play a thousand fucking games
[02:28:19] to get out of it. It's disgusting.
[02:28:24] I mean look at this.
[02:28:33] We We have first time Kate,
[02:28:34] first time Rel.
[02:28:35] By the way, both of them are first-timing their champs,
[02:28:36] both ball laners.
[02:28:37] We have Grandmaster
[02:28:39] Braum OneTrick. He's a GM player against Diamond2Rel, who is first-timing Rel I don't know, man.
[02:28:55] They genuinely tag accounts for algorithms it's so stupid
[02:29:05] if you don't believe it you're just delusional Oh, this is wild. in due course uh so so
[02:30:05] i mean i'm just dead.
[02:30:09] At least they got the wave. My top is about to lose his turret at 10 minutes in the game
[02:30:27] to this Renekton.
[02:30:31] I don't know, man.
[02:30:31] I'm not even mad anymore.
[02:30:32] I'm impressed like...
[02:30:35] I'm genuinely just impressed with how insane this is.
[02:30:40] Like, it's not even mad.
[02:30:44] How do you think you win this bro?
[02:30:48] What?! win this bro what
[02:30:55] like what am i watching right now
[02:31:10] oh don't worry guys no it's cool.
[02:31:17] I mean... It is what it is.
[02:31:21] I've been autofilled every game.
[02:31:23] So let's go over what's happening.
[02:31:25] I've been autofilled every game.
[02:31:28] The role I'm queuing has been the weakest link every game.
[02:31:31] I'm being literally just three four manned every
[02:31:35] game made the whole game top and jungle and bot lane have
[02:31:40] had in five games three KP combined four KP excuse me so
[02:31:47] I mean I don't know what to say man this is crazy
[02:31:50] this shit just not playable.
[02:31:54] Like, actually...
[02:32:00] You just have to spam games.
[02:32:02] There's no actual skill.
[02:32:07] But you guys become a game where you spam games as much as you can, to climb now.
[02:32:13] It's disgusting but it is what it is. Why is Camille here? What are you doing?
[02:32:37] Camille... I know Renekton counters Camille.
[02:32:41] I get that.
[02:32:44] But like, you should be able to not die. so so so so I said,
[02:33:43] I'm going to try my best
[02:33:44] to win but
[02:33:45] we'll see what happens.
[02:34:21] We'll give it our all. so What the fuck?
[02:34:24] Whoa, these rotations don't make sense.
[02:34:31] Dude I don't think we can ever kill this Nasus until I get an item
[02:34:33] like straight up he's so strong man he's level 12.
[02:34:37] why can't do anything
[02:34:41] my ad carry just done and my support died
[02:34:45] Yeah, I mean I don't know man
[02:34:59] It isn't worth it It is what it is. I can't really control the outcome of these games, so...
[02:35:03] I'm gonna not get mad at him
[02:35:12] like i can't control the outcome so i'm not going gonna get mad. I'm just gonna spam as many games
[02:35:16] as I can and try my best every game.
[02:35:20] Because Riot has decided quantity
[02:35:22] over quality is what matters now.
[02:36:06] Nothing less, nothing more. is so There's one of those. We move on, we go next.
[02:36:11] We lose, we lose.
[02:36:13] Win some, lose some.
[02:36:15] Try our best every game, that's all we can do.
[02:36:28] ...... Okay.... you you......................... Oh. Okay. I mean, for whatever reason
[02:42:35] my
[02:42:35] teammate picked LeBlanc AD
[02:42:38] so
[02:42:39] whatever
[02:42:40] like I said I can't control the teammates we're just going to play
[02:42:45] the best we can every game
[02:42:50] it's all we can do I said we're in hard loser's queue this account.
[02:43:04] Only way out is to play through it. account.
[02:43:05] Only way out is to play through it.
[02:43:08] Like, unironically, the only way
[02:43:09] to get out of loser's queue is to spam as many games
[02:43:11] you possibly can and Riot
[02:43:13] will be like, oh, you're actually trending towards not 50%,
[02:43:16] so we're going to give you the slingshot.
[02:43:18] And then it's boom.
[02:43:20] 20 wins in a row?
[02:43:22] And then you're out of low heroes, so you can
[02:43:24] actually impact the games with your team.
[02:43:27] It's all part of the strat.
[02:43:59] Sadly, it is the only way to make the strat work too. I have first time Fizz mid and first time LeBlanc AD.
[02:44:05] So you know what? We just try our best, like I said.
[02:44:08] Minions have spawned. Ever vigilant.
[02:44:11] And the Kaisa is ghosting, 100%.
[02:44:17] She fired on me without vision twice.
[02:44:20] Like exactly where I was standing, but she had no vision of where I was standing.
[02:44:31] Oh that's crazy.
[02:44:32] The third time?
[02:45:10] Bro, you gotta stop trying to ghost for free free wins man come on this is sad uh I don't even know how to like play with LeBlanc AD like she can't play the game.
[02:45:18] Right? Like I can't actually play the game with this guy. so And I can't really roam mid, because we have first time Fizz so I can't impact that lane either.
[02:45:46] I can't hit this cannon...
[02:45:49] ...I can't go in close to the turret. My LeBlanc missed the cannon.
[02:45:54] Done. might want to miss the cannon Can you push the wave in, man?
[02:46:16] Like I can't function when the wave is like this, retard.
[02:46:26] Let it push to us, or...
[02:46:31] Crash Ape. yeah so Whatever.
[02:47:05] I mean, I don't know how to play with this guy so so An ally has been slain. Executed.
[02:47:45] An enemy has been slain. Ever vigilant. I'm just gonna play around the map
[02:48:06] and try and make something happen.
[02:48:09] Because, yeah, like I said,
[02:48:10] we have a Nasus jungle
[02:48:11] who's just going to perm farm
[02:48:12] the whole game.
[02:48:14] And we have a fucking first time LeBlanc AD
[02:48:18] losing to tier Kai'Sa because she can't trade.
[02:48:22] So it is what it is... sorry for this Alright. all right will my
[02:48:49] leblanc be able to fight them ever i i don't know because theblanc is really good early but i'm not actually sure if this guy like does
[02:49:03] damage because we should have probably won lane with how strong leblanc is but i don't know
[02:49:16] like i can't really go in without her like going in as well
[02:49:20] like she needs to just like w forward and attempt to go in you know
[02:49:27] like that that's perfect, thank you!
[02:49:29] Perfect, bro
[02:49:37] ... there's no way we dive this. Oh, we do?
[02:50:04] I don't know if that was actually a good dive or not, but fuck it.
[02:50:11] I mean, it worked.
[02:50:57] We should stack some dragons. This guy missed a lot of plates. I do not think our Nasus, the way is going to do dragon.
[02:51:21] I bet he wants to farm. Which is pretty So, I can be on the other side of her. Me not having flash isn't that big of a deal though. Stand and fight.
[02:51:44] I need to sit in lane for a sec, this is why he's gonna push.
[02:53:37] I will protect you! shhh stay at the vanguard guard I must not fall. so I'm going to use the same strategy as before, but with a different character. yeah so so I'm going to try and get the other one. We lock in. I almost fucked that up. so i will protect so so so oh guys i found their jungler First light approaches. rampage Hmm.
[02:55:49] I kind of wish we didn't all back on that timer, but...
[02:55:58] Man, I always wanted this. Wait, he actually got his R off in my Q timer.
[02:56:17] I've never seen that before!
[02:56:19] Like, he GOT... That was crazy, he actually got the R.
[02:56:24] I thought I did that correctly but i did
[02:56:28] not
[02:56:34] oh i'm dead.
[02:56:41] Bye-bye.
[02:56:43] Damn, that Kai'Sa should have died.
[02:56:45] I flash Q R'd but my R was like literally a.1 second she got to R and then flashed.
[02:56:53] I mean that's just my bad. We should've killed her on there and then we wouldn't have died An ally has been slain.
[02:57:11] We really need to...
[02:57:17] Your team has destroyed Turrets. Let's try and get some towers.
[02:57:21] That's what I want to do, I wanna try and get some towers. so Thank you for watching! has been slain so I mean, we could dive this but I need to...
[02:58:21] I don't know if LeBlanc wants to. Actually, I don't even know if we could dive this but i need to i don't know if oblong wants to
[02:58:22] actually i don't even know if we can dive it to be honest because uh that's interesting This is really sad. Guys
[02:58:58] Like like what the fuck was that man
[02:59:07] oh my god. Why not just do Drake?
[02:59:11] Why die if...
[02:59:13] Objectives, Ms LeBlanc. Objectives!
[02:59:18] Aww... I'm saddened. whatever Whatever.
[02:59:39] I'm trying, man!
[02:59:43] I don't have much to work with this game... I can work with Viego...
[02:59:45] But Viego is the only thing that I actually have to work with this game so...
[02:59:50] We'll have to work with Mr. Viego.
[02:59:57] Stay at the back so I mean, I don't think we should be fighting this at all. so I mean this is just so bad.
[03:00:48] Nasus was just trying to power farm.
[03:01:00] I don't have a ward.
[03:01:09] Dammit!
[03:01:11] Oh, come on! I don't know.
[03:01:12] I'm gonna go to the other side of this thing. I would really appreciate if we could move on though
[03:01:35] like i just have to get these loser q games out of the way
[03:01:41] it is That's... so uh Yep, Cool.
[03:03:16] Who would have guessed? so I'm going to try and get the turret. has been destroyed we have an autofilled jungler it gets even worse we have an auto filled jungler and we have first time LeBlanc AD.
[03:03:23] I mean, Tony you can't make this shit up man. This loser's queue is crazy.
[03:03:29] Your opponent has been destroyed
[03:03:36] or it is actually insane three so I mean it is what it is. uh Shut down. This is so unfun. Cool. I'm going to try and get the Your turret has been destroyed.
[03:05:30] Your inhibitor has been destroyed.
[03:05:38] Your inhibitor has been destroyed.
[03:06:57] An ally has been slain. so Thanks for watching! I mean, I don't know man. I must not fall. so so
[03:09:20] there is so so so so I'll be right back. so I'll be killing Spree. I will protect you. Your treasure has been destroyed! so Thanks for watching! I mean, these games are genuinely just not winnable games.
[03:09:21] People are just first-timing champs,
[03:09:23] being autofilled nonstop. Like stuff like that happens you just you just you just prepare mentally to lose and go next
[03:09:31] trying in those games is such a waste of time
[03:14:07] it's all good So,................ Thank you.. Thank you for the bits, bro... Welcome to the league of Draven
[03:14:15] yo thanks for five gifted man i appreciate it welcome to the league of draven
[03:14:18] thanks grim you're a real one man welcome to the League of Draven.
[03:14:26] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[03:14:41] Welcome to the League of Draven........................................ All right, let's try our best. It's not like it matters at the moment. Okay. I don't know, man.
[03:22:17] Like...
[03:22:17] I know the game's not just about winning, but
[03:22:20] I would like a win you know what i mean
[03:22:27] like i would like to be able to win my lane for once
[03:22:31] and have it have any impact on the game whatsoever.
[03:22:48] Thank you. on a good note everybody seems to be on their roll this game so that's the
[03:22:50] first time we've had everybody on their
[03:22:52] role in 24 games.
[03:23:00] So maybe this is it,
[03:23:01] maybe this was the turning point.
[03:23:04] Right? Maybe this is the start of the winner's queue
[03:23:09] i believe Okay... I mean, I had to wait 15 minutes
[03:23:58] in queue
[03:23:59] in a Diamond 2 game.
[03:24:02] 15 minutes
[03:24:03] to get my roll.
[03:24:08] Like there is just no way man.
[03:24:09] League is... like if you play before 5pm
[03:24:13] league is actually dead in NA.
[03:24:17] This game is doomed in NA if you play early on in the day now.
[03:24:22] Like, no joke!
[03:24:24] I think League of Legends is so dead in North America...
[03:24:29] You have a lower queue time at
[03:24:31] 2am than you do at 2pm now.
[03:24:33] Because at least the Chinese
[03:24:35] people, like the people from China who are
[03:24:37] playing, they'll be playing on
[03:24:39] NA server at 2am.
[03:24:41] And I think there's more people from China who play in off hours
[03:24:45] at their off hours than NA. It's really sad.. Minions have spawned.
[03:25:21] Water's cold! Something touched my foot! I gotta mute because my Shen is already griefing.
[03:25:37] Like, there's no reason to even type something like that unless you're trolling. so huh uh oh
[03:26:48] bro stop hitting the minions the gauntlets for show the talents on me hmm Hmm.
[03:27:13] We should play forward here. yeah
[03:29:05] an enemy has been slain I'm a professional. um so so I mean we can just chill, don't have to push. Just on the drinks. Oh, it is so hot I should just go back but
[03:29:06] yeah I wanted to recall
[03:29:11] Should've recalled after I shoved it because now we're giving them a shove.
[03:29:17] Don't really care if they shove it here though.
[03:29:21] I did fuck my tempo really bad, though.
[03:29:24] Wait why is he not shoving it? Oh my god I've dropped to the elo where he doesn't know I fucked my tempo.
[03:29:28] Holy fuck how am I in?! Oh my god, I've dropped to the elo where he doesn't know I fucked my tempo.
[03:29:31] Holy fuck! Ow, my earrrr!! Some people call me... winnable okay oh Oh.
[03:30:27] I need to go back. Actually Nami might be able to heal me.
[03:30:29] I don't know, this is a really weird timer.
[03:30:37] Like, I need to thin it but also like...
[03:30:41] Double kill!... kill when you've got talent there's no such thing so so so so so This is crazy.
[03:32:07] I can't believe we actually have a team. This is crazy, this is actually crazy! I'm in my element, fighting evil.
[03:32:31] Life is good.
[03:32:39] This is a lot of fun. huh uh uh so uh I would have gone in on that Karthus right there, like I would eat into him.
[03:33:45] But I was actually a little scared, I didn't know where Nautilus was.
[03:33:50] Like I didn't know if he backed or just sitting in the bush with the Karthus.
[03:33:54] Then when I warded the bush i was like oh
[03:33:56] okay I do think we should have bought them between turrets there, but... uh so so Ah, fuck it. I'm just go back
[03:35:04] it's too hard to dive that guy because i don't have some full combo mana
[03:35:12] nice you can send the bill to my uncle's museum Okay, yeah.
[03:35:27] We gotta really go help our top lane. Our mid's doing really well but we got to break bot and go our top lane.
[03:35:32] Our mid's doing really well, but we gotta break bot and go help top.
[03:35:35] So my next goal is
[03:35:36] to take turret
[03:35:36] so we can go get the Shen out of
[03:35:40] top lane.
[03:35:43] He's got good KDA, but he's not
[03:35:45] able to... Shen can't really fight the Fiora.
[03:36:36] ... okay so so so The team has destroyed and turned.
[03:36:38] That's it!
[03:38:01] Alright guys, don't miss me too much so so so so okay okay Killing spires. I'll come back later and give you the rubble for artifacts. Executed.
[03:38:21] I'll make this wiki end. uh Darkest hit.
[03:38:46] I don't know if it's moving!
[03:38:50] I'm not even breaking a sweat.
[03:39:01] Rancid. Shut down.
[03:39:05] Your team has destroyed a turret,
[03:39:07] enemy double-killed
[03:39:17] Hmm... Hmm.
[03:39:28] I don't know if it would be an honor, man. Apparently I'm just bad.
[03:39:35] I think I'm...
[03:39:37] I mean I'm down 400 LP.
[03:39:47] So apparently i just suck
[03:40:10] appreciate it though We need to just play... Continue to play up on their turret here.
[03:40:24] Like, we need to just play super forward on their turrets.
[03:40:32] Because if we don't... Welcome to the League of Draven.
[03:40:35] I'm not gonna be able to push my lead.
[03:40:42] Hey, thank you for gifting us up man. I really appreciate it.
[03:40:43] Thank you so much! so I'm going to try and get the first one. so an ancient magic so I'm going to go ahead and do it here. That hit me in my ass cheeks How much gold am I at? I mean we could just do Baron on spawn with the pink ward pretty easily uh Your turret has been destroyed. uh wow wow so so so I think we just have to do Baron. um Let me go buy and then we do Baron. Honestly, my team's doing really well.
[03:45:16] Wait who took red? uh so I have to play up really far.
[03:45:59] I don't know how this is gonna have to go
[03:46:06] basically when you play ezreal and you want push your lead you have to play
[03:46:10] giga far forward Am I dead? am i dead
[03:46:36] fuck
[03:46:39] i tried to flash over the wall to get
[03:46:42] the plants I suck
[03:46:52] it's up too much damage. so I'm going to try and get the i honestly can't believe out of all my games, this is the one where the enemy doesn't forfeit.
[03:47:41] Like i'm not even trying to like... think about it, think about it.
[03:47:45] Out of every game we've played in the past like three weeks
[03:47:50] this might be the biggest like everybody on my team just destroyed the enemy team
[03:47:56] and i don't think i've seen a game where like they just don't forfeit like enemy
[03:48:02] mid at 0 KB uh legendary oh we did it we won we won we won a game
[03:48:46] holy it is possible to win like it's not impossible to win. Like it's not impossible
[03:48:51] to win games. You just need
[03:48:54] everybody on your team to play
[03:48:57] well and you like drop all And you, like...
[03:49:05] drop 9 kills,
[03:49:07] 11 CS a minute to get 19 LP and D1. That's all it takes.
[03:49:20] That's all it takes to win games in Diamond
[03:49:21] is you just have to drop perfect stats almost
[03:49:29] that's it just perfect stats Holy fuck! fuck.
[03:49:56] Dude, at least everybody who's playing champs
[03:49:58] they know how to play.
[03:50:01] Dude, I'm telling you
[03:50:02] that's the only issue with League
[03:50:04] is people will just first-time champs like crazy.
[03:50:12] Like, I had five straight games – think about this.
[03:50:19] Five straight games today of people first-timing champions for fun
[03:51:15] like that's that's that's crazy.. so. I can't believe we won one though.
[03:51:15] Holy fuck.
[03:51:24] I forgot what it feels like to win a game. I've been losing so much,
[03:51:25] I actually forgot what it feels like to win... Okay.. do we have a one?
[03:52:32] We,
[03:52:33] we got to win.
[03:52:34] We got to win.
[03:52:37] We finally did it. We got to win. We finally did it, we gotta win.
[03:52:38] We got a W.
[03:52:41] I'm hoping that this is where it turns rounds
[03:52:44] but I can't be sure well
[03:52:53] i don't know man man so so. okay okay so so okay so. Well, we got out of Felden. Fuck it.
[03:58:40] It is what it is................. Okay, do you guys think mid Garen... Do you think Garen needs a nerf?
[03:58:44] Chat.
[03:58:45] Do you guys think Garun needs a nerf. so so No? I'm gonna be honest, I kinda think he does.
[03:59:30] I think Aaron's actually crazy OP. Like, the problem with Garen is he kind of just does everything he needs to do very easily.
[03:59:48] It's not the item though, it is actually the champions.
[03:59:52] Or it's Garen in this instance like... It's actually the champions.
[03:59:54] Or it's Garen in this instance.
[04:00:02] He's too strong at just becoming like, you can't shut him down.
[04:00:03] It's impossible to actually
[04:00:04] shut down Garen, right?
[04:00:07] So if it's impossible
[04:00:08] to actually shut down Garen...
[04:00:11] He's just gonna always be able to scale unless you can work with your jungler
[04:00:20] to like impact the map with your lead but even then he just proxy bad matchups like the fact is e does so much damage to minions early
[04:00:30] you can just proxy full waves with like one e I don't think it's good.
[04:00:40] I don't think it's healthy. like i think when you have champions that break the game design
[04:00:51] that that like like you're not fighting them enough they're able to just like
[04:00:55] cheat certain
[04:00:57] fundamentals. I think that's when the
[04:00:59] champion needs to be looked at.
[04:01:03] Because you have a champion...
[04:01:05] Remember when Sion was kind of like that right the same idea where like sion had that
[04:01:10] whole phase where he was just like he could literally just cheat the
[04:01:13] mechanics essentially
[04:01:23] right right so i'm gonna cheat the mechanics and just like become an unstoppable monster that wouldn't matter how many times you kill them blah blah
[04:01:26] like it's like garen is at that point right now where like...
[04:01:31] The items he can use are too OP for his specific
[04:01:35] kit. They interact with his kit too well.
[04:01:44] Not only that, but I think that like...
[04:01:46] He's too safe and
[04:01:47] there's no like
[04:01:51] what's the counterplay to Garen?
[04:02:06] ... like i'm sure there is counter play or he would be picked banned every game
[04:03:18] even though he's like really boring but like like i don't know what the counter play is first uh so so an enemy has been slain. An ally
[04:03:22] has been slain. Like that Garen just gets to sit in lane
[04:03:40] i mean look what's happening right now
[04:03:44] garren hasn't had to back one time
[04:03:50] to me that feels like a broken thing yeah but he's playing mid dead. Like genuinely though, I feel like Garen...
[04:04:14] Like I know you could say it's just the items or whatever, but like...
[04:04:24] My issue with that type of shit is you can't
[04:04:26] nerf one item because it's OP on one
[04:04:28] champion. Or like it's really strong on one champ
[04:04:31] you have to nerf the champion at that point
[04:04:35] Because if it's not super
[04:04:37] egregiously broken on every
[04:04:39] champion then it's like okay well that champions has a stupid interaction
[04:04:44] right and then you have to so uh maybe i'm well like you i just think that like that feels kind of weird so Well, that's the thing about it though.
[04:05:40] Garrett also has like
[04:05:41] The ability to like
[04:05:42] Ignore bad matchups.
[04:05:45] Like anytime a champion has the ability
[04:05:47] to just ignore a bad matchup,
[04:05:48] I feel like it's not a good design. I'm definitely dead, but maybe we can...
[04:06:13] Maybe we get some damage off, though.
[04:06:25] I think Udyr could be in my fucking bot side right now.
[04:06:28] Yeah, he just took all of my bot side camps. Like, I yeah he just took all my botside camps like i think he only took he might have only taken blue
[04:06:33] but i still think it's shitty like i don't know what jin is even thinking
[04:06:37] like we knew he was there.
[04:06:40] Yeah I literally said it was there. I should have pinged.
[04:06:45] Ah the person who got my roll is tilted because he wasn't paying attention to the mini map.
[04:06:54] Uprit, stop.
[04:07:00] We knew Ubier was there. so so so so What the fuck?
[04:08:05] Okay, my bad.
[04:08:07] Ugh.
[04:08:11] My bad.
[04:08:14] I should have pinged.
[04:08:17] Jin, stop man.
[04:08:20] Please.
[04:08:23] Any killing sprees? No. Yes, I am. But I'm also not dying because of my own mistakes. You leave turret. so I don't know, man.
[04:09:22] I'm autofilled and you're the worst
[04:09:24] player in this game
[04:09:26] on the easiest roll. stop typing you d2 hard stuck loser
[04:10:13] i'm main ad And I can climb! Why can't you? so This doesn't mean. And play the game!
[04:10:26] I'm mute now, bye-bye. Mid, you need to actually push waves for once. My mid and my AD are literally just griefing this game into oblivion.
[04:10:37] I don't know, I queued mid-AD and got jungle, both the roles I queued for are int'ing.
[04:10:44] Ah, it's wild.
[04:11:08] Okay. so I mean, I don't know what to do.
[04:11:09] Like...
[04:11:14] Like,
[04:11:14] like,
[04:11:17] I'm the auto-filled one and I'm doing better than my mid and my AD.
[04:11:23] When you get autofilled, and perform better than your team there's nothing to do.
[04:11:26] It's actually just not your fault.
[04:11:27] End of story.
[04:11:30] I don't know what to say.
[04:11:34] Like, my mid is quite literally
[04:11:36] playing Like, my mid is quite literally playing Aesol into Garen and somehow he got solo killed twice.
[04:11:43] I mean...I don't know man. okay so Hmm. Well, we're not out of
[04:12:23] loser's queue yet. The algorithm did not
[04:12:24] enjoy the fact that I had a good game
[04:12:26] last game. They were like
[04:12:28] wait you got free win no no no have some have some shitty teammates again bro so so Oh man. I mean, I don't know what to do. so so Oh, okay.
[04:14:14] Cool.
[04:14:29] Sweet. Alright, I guess we just lose okay that's fun guys though That was fun. Guys, that game
[04:14:30] was 100% my fault.
[04:14:31] I need to just improve.
[04:14:34] Autofeld performed the best on my team.
[04:14:36] Didn't forfeit.
[04:14:41] Four losing lanes, four losing players,
[04:14:43] all trolling and tilting
[04:14:44] and I did the best on my team
[04:14:46] but hey Riot will tell you that loser's queue doesn't exist
[04:14:50] and there was a complete coin flip that i got those people on my team
[04:14:56] for sure For sure......... I wonder what Riot's reasoning is, letting people go be autofilled on one team and then not be like have zero autofills in the other
[04:16:49] team my team had two autofills me and support the enemy team had zero.
[04:16:58] This was my mid.
[04:17:00] Loser's Q is fake, by the way!
[04:17:02] This was my mid.
[04:17:04] This was my id
[04:22:52] this was my sport autof filled as well okay...... so okay uh............... you you. My mother loved me. She fought and died trying to give me a better life. So I fight, and will die fighting to give all Avarosans a better life.
[04:23:03] Welcome to Summoner's Rift! 30 seconds until minions spawn. We are all a of him, blood of blood. Minions have spawned.
[04:23:38] When I say Avarosa, I hear my mother and her dreams. I will show them the power of an Iceborn. so um uh so and any rest of the slave.
[04:25:02] It is not the goddess Avarosa's glory I wish to recapture,
[04:25:06] it is our peoples I am a war mother, a chieftain. Only because no one else will do what must be done uh family, heart. They are all uh Move quickly, position well and the battle is won before blood is drawn. so oh no An ally has been slain. wait into uh uh so this This one's for you! the escapes my..
[04:28:41] .
[04:28:43] .
[04:28:45] .
[04:28:47] .
[04:28:49] .. I'm going to go ahead and do that. The enemy has been slain. An ally has been slain. so Man. I got minions. I have been engaged. The strong must try the impossible. This is the oath i must fulfill I will not allow it to be divided. so so my tribe will bring peace heavy only uh so so uh The cold does not forgive. uh down so so so so I'm going to try and get the first one. A battle worthy of the Prell Yord.. I'm going to use the from the funeral of her sins.
[04:34:04] You have saved me,
[04:34:07] and I know you will stop them.
[04:34:09] Huh! Spog!
[04:35:56] And any vengeance is fine better than you huh so the bow is my will has been destroyed so I'm going to try and get the first one. I do my best work from afar. so oh The three sisters are a myth that has strangled our people it is a terrible failure peace requires a steady so so so i don't know so so I will be there. You don't have to worry about me.
[04:37:42] There will be peace in the desert,
[04:40:37] I will forge it. there will be peace I'm going to try and get the first one. tribes are one the war so so Thanks for watching! uh The relic has been destroyed. so so so so keep it so uh happy I won't admit it.
[04:43:56] The ice is not pain, it is surrender. uh I'm going to try and kill him. so so strong so so I dream of a nation for my people. We will use the force. so so so I'm going to go back and do a quick run through. so um it has been slain before i was fusing so so so so so What is it to lead? It is to love. It is to preach caution even when you are elated. It is to give hope even when you feel none. so so so Thank you for watching! I'm going to use the
[04:45:58] same skill as before.
[04:46:04] I'll be using this so so
[04:46:23] it has been destroyed destroyed and um so so Thank you.................................................... you so In the north, a great chieftain is called War Mother.
[04:56:50] Only when mother has the right to risk lives in war.
[04:56:55] Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[04:57:05] 30 seconds until convenient spawn. uh I'm going to use the same strategy as before, but with a different character... I dream of a nation for my people. I'm going to use the so so uh my people know only cold and fire
[04:58:55] i will teach them peace Let's see how close they can get.
[04:59:18] I won't let you down!
[04:59:22] Hold it right there!
[05:00:21] I'm running out of heroes... uh my husband's name I'm going to use the same strategy as before, but with a different character. For the War Tribe, we will join us. This is the Will of Avalosa. um I say it in the name of blood of blood. Away! away uh uh kill I am a war mother, a chieftain.
[05:01:19] Only because no one else will do what must be done.
[05:03:06] Help! will do what must be done so A battle worthy of the Freljord. swiftly now uh try oh I'm going to go back and check if there's any more enemies. Bless us, Ildhark.
[05:03:07] Warden of sacrifice.
[05:03:09] Protect my husband.
[05:03:11] Protect my kingdom. My death pleases you, let us-
[05:03:15] Their enemy has been slain
[05:03:17] Their ally has
[05:03:19] been slain Triple kill oh so so shall you my arrows fly true so so uh An ally has been slain. The Rosin is the tribe of many. This is all you need to look at one people.
[05:05:03] The Black and Copper variant! We're very close. Lead the target. so so has been slain so so so I'm going to go with the oh I'm a snake. so your audience are uh I dream of the day when all tribes are unified.
[05:07:27] I dream of no yadda needing to lead. so
[05:08:30] the bow is so oh seek peace but bring the tools of war Shut down. Inhale. an enemy has been slain today so so so so enemy Avarosa speaks one truth, as all gods must. so so escapes my aim me The enemy has destroyed the turret.
[05:11:23] Move quickly, position well and the battle is won before blood is drawn. on slain an enemy has been slain I'm going to try and get the first kill. so
[05:12:10] no fate is written except by us so so An ally has been slain. Peace requires a steady mind. There will be peace in the failures so in and enemy
[05:13:11] enemy killing spree so so I'd rest with you.
[05:13:51] Enemy killing spree.
[05:13:59] Shut down. so I hold a bow of true ice so so so uh uh i have given so oh Thank you for watching!. Your turret has been destroyed.
[05:16:29] Raise Anivia, the Frostbringer. Let us feel the coming of change.
[05:16:35] Practice the freedom to travel in safety. so so so Thank you for watching! enemy double kill I don't miss. uh are uh so me I'm going to go ahead and do that.. I'm going to try and get the sword. my tribe will be real right through it i must press on uh so so um so I'm going to use the
[05:20:45] same a barocin so uh so so Thanks for watching! I'm going to go for the double kill.
[05:21:51] Enemy double kill!
[05:21:53] The enemy is dominating
[05:21:55] An ally has been slain
[05:21:57] Enemy
[05:21:59] Double Kill Haste enemy double kill
[05:28:48] haste your turret has been destroyed an enemy has been slain so Thank you................................. you so so I call front line. 30 seconds until minions fall.
[05:29:23] If it's worth shooting once, it's probably worth shooting a lot.. Minions have spawned. Winners don't duck!
[05:38:58] How did they do this? so so so so so I'm going to try and get the so so so so so so where's the action so First Blood so so so I might just knock him. get in my way so so so so so so easy peasy so so so so you don't hurt him if you don't hit him so so so you have slain an enemy good right so enemy has been slain Thanks for watching! An ally has been slain. so so so is so so so so an ally has been slain an enemy has been slain I'm going to try and get the so let's get this party started uh I'm going to try and get the most out of this.
[05:42:06] I'll just go with so so so so so so so so so so so Shut down. Here comes the food. so where's the action so so uh so so
[05:43:41] i might just drop in. so um so I'm going to go ahead and do that. so so oh peasy and enemy is unstoppable Thanks for watching! I just need a so Shit. so so I'm going to try and get the so oh so has been slain uh so so so so so so maybe we should shoot back so so
[05:50:03] you so An ally has been slain. did you see that first explosion so Orders are more like that. An ally has been slain, and anyone who has been slain. so so Thank you for watching!. so so so so so so so so so so I'm going to go back and do this. so aced so so so so so yeah so so so so so so so Your turret has been destroyed. so so so so so so um so i'm a dream duty so so so so so so so oh so Thanks for watching! so so so so so you don't hurt him if you don't hit him so so amazing so so so so Bring on the bad guys! um so insane so so so I'm going to use the same
[06:02:55] strategy
[06:02:57] as
[06:02:59] before.
[06:03:03] I'll go Sometimes outnumbered, never outgunned. I'm going to try and get the first one. so under so before shooting once so so Thanks for watching!............................... Thank you.