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Geranimo - Finally Reformed? or? Adc can be fun!

07-15-2024 · 2h 49m

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[00:00:00] Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[00:00:10] 30 seconds I'm crazy. Minions have spawned.
[00:04:07] Let's just behave, said no one ever.. so you know if you hit so so my oh so so so so First blood. so so I love how they have their sleep. you wait i'm thinking What am I watching? Hmm. At least we got...
[00:04:25] Kha'Zix got a kill.
[00:04:28] Like, it turned into like a... It was so bad and then just turn in something good hold on so so so so Damn it, I missed that much XP.
[00:05:45] It's actually kind of shit.
[00:05:49] Missed a lot of XP.
[00:05:53] ... so so I really need a new gun. But don't tell me I have your gun.
[00:06:19] Hmm
[00:07:29] It's a little rough. I can't really play too well here. are you ready to try so Jinx? so An ally has been slain It's not much I can do at the moment. so so so That sucked. I should have flashed earlier everybody ask me if i'm listening that's not good he wins that though
[00:09:10] nice fed kha'zix is always nice
[00:09:17] i'm always down Nice down. This guy's BF sword.
[00:09:37] Wishing it's gonna hurt
[00:10:01] the old bf sword bye hmm we should be able to wave clear either way. They're trying to stack the wave, but I don't think they can dive.
[00:10:15] I'm Jinx try and get the so yeah i got the best intentions so so so so Hmm.
[00:11:55] That's interesting
[00:11:58] surprised they went for that play and find care so so uh yeah This is kind of funny because we have them trapped in the lane where they can't actually
[00:13:19] impact the lane at all.
[00:13:22] So we just get the free scale.
[00:13:24] Which is like super, super nice.
[00:13:28] Because Lucian has a lot of gold and he wants to go back but he can't because I'll just take a ship.
[00:13:40] So, I actually kinda like this. I had it for a minute... so Why did we not take our gromp? The fuck? so Not the worst.
[00:14:36] I mean, my CS is kinda trash but we did get like really fucked.
[00:14:46] We did get ultra-f ultra fucked in terms of
[00:14:48] like
[00:14:52] early game shit so i think it's not that
[00:14:54] bad gotta I don't like losing dragons though. though I don't know why I walked up. oh so um yeah so uh so so Nice job.
[00:17:14] Yeah, we're in such a good spot Is What's happening over there? come on
[00:17:44] rip that guy so so oh I'm going to try and get the first one. so to bore me um two full items. i kill that guy if i don't suck
[00:19:22] dang i'm poopy so so What's this guy doing?
[00:19:59] What are you doing, Camille?
[00:22:08] Hmm. Thank you for watching! It's merely a wubz fist bumping man. I have the best intentions! so wow so so now is so What I'm just going to give it up. What do we?
[00:22:18] Let me go get my item please. I guess i'm just gonna two mana it? That's fine.
[00:22:23] No worries you guys do you. um What's going on up here? so is um uh is
[00:23:52] i couldn't have one game where I didn't die.
[00:23:56] I live there if, you know,
[00:23:58] I get help, but...
[00:24:01] I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it.
[00:24:04] It's too non-me... Okay. Thank you.. you you...... you you.......... I probably have to play Barrier.
[00:28:17] Oh well, fuck it.... Okay. Ooh, a Tristana bar...... I'm back. Sorry, I had to go get some pretzels. I have heard no better words than summoners may.
[00:31:02] This is the oath I must fulfill.
[00:31:08] Thirty seconds until minions spawn clan or tribe they will join us this is the will of avarosa small i will not allow us to be excuse me
[00:32:00] the fuck why are they better The fuck?
[00:32:05] Why are they up there?
[00:32:10] How weird.
[00:34:01] They walked all the way mid. so move quickly position well and the battle is won before blood is drawn so my people my mercy has limits nice What is goodness but trying to do better than your forebears? players. a battle worthy of the Frenwood. Hmm... um I'm
[00:34:26] up so There will be peace in the trail so I don't know why the Renata decided that his aunt
[00:35:28] like i don't think she was gonna die uh and she just backed off
[00:35:32] like i get the idea Good idea.
[00:35:41] But I did as much damage as I could. uh uh You do not aim a bow at the target.
[00:36:17] You fire knowing where the target will be.
[00:36:20] This is vision.
[00:36:22] Ooh, this is gonna be kinda bad. They're gonna have
[00:36:24] dragon. Pryo.
[00:36:26] But I think...
[00:36:27] An enemy has been slain.
[00:36:31] I actually think, uh...
[00:36:47] Aborosa guide me. I actually think we can stop it. Actually, nah probably not nevermind. I think if my mid and jungle hadn't thought we could have or my mid in support
[00:36:57] oops Wait, there's no way this Caitlyn is... so I mean, there's just no way this guy actually tries to do this right um Bro, he got me stunned.
[00:38:05] Like your only job is don't stand next to the bard.
[00:38:11] Oh my like...
[00:38:14] All right, no more plays.
[00:38:18] No more... all right no more plays no more plays if you will for miss renata
[00:38:26] all right she's herself, not tanking damage at full HP.
[00:38:31] I forgot for about three or four seconds that I was in Diamond 3.
[00:38:38] I just gotta farm it out in these games
[00:38:40] because these players don't know how to play aggro early.
[00:38:44] Like, they genuinely
[00:38:45] don't.
[00:38:47] Like right there was actually a free fight, but my Renata
[00:38:49] was full HP scared to walk
[00:38:53] up. Literally all she had to do was walk forward there
[00:38:57] and she ended up just straight up walking right behind me to where bard gets done
[00:39:02] and i doubt she was even thinking about it
[00:39:20] it's fine i I just can't trust my teammates in this elo. That's all I'm saying. like they don't really
[00:39:56] fight correctly so um Whatever, man. This Bard is so much better than Renata, but...
[00:40:06] All this playset. It's my fault. The Dragonplay was my fault.
[00:40:10] I just did it again by the way where I was like oh I need to play with...
[00:40:14] Where I just played with again, by the way. Where I was like... Oh, I need to play with...
[00:40:17] Where I just played with the Renata instead of... I don't know.
[00:40:17] I'm just bad.
[00:40:21] It's just me being dumb.
[00:40:28] Okay. me being dumb. I mean, look how dog
[00:40:29] shit she is. How do you even die to a Caitlyn
[00:40:31] with no flash under turret?
[00:40:33] Like if you die
[00:40:34] to a Cait, you stepped on a trap which means you suck My tribe will bring peace to the north. The south should fear us. Okay. Thanks for watching! Basically, I just have to play for scaling selfishness.
[00:41:26] Oh my Renata Rushed Imperial. Is that good on Renata Rush?
[00:41:32] It seems...interesting Interesting. is you I really don't like being pinged. the cold uh
[00:42:26] today the fate of our people hangs in the balance
[00:42:32] quite quickly It's actually a really easy game if Renato plays off of me. I don't know what Ashe was even thinking there. is We're not Ashe, Caitlyn.
[00:43:20] You're not gonna kill me? What are we doing? I just wanted that wave so that, er, that fight so I can get my Kraken. huge
[00:43:51] i have boots kraken slayer let's play for play first some objectives boys Ah.
[00:43:54] It was actually close.
[00:44:41] Like if they chased into mid i would have hit them so so It's supposed to rush IE? That's interesting.
[00:45:34] I mean, I guess it makes sense... together we are strong together we are so my people know only cold and hardship and the enemy has been snared.
[00:46:03] You have stolen our What an interesting little thing. So Bard can R that.
[00:46:06] Ah, and it like stays but like... are that. And it stays,
[00:46:09] but what a cool interaction.... Man, I actually would have made a sick play there
[00:46:25] if I wasn't super uh invested in items without buying them
[00:46:33] my stocks were high but my my wallet was low. If fought and died trying to give me a better life,
[00:46:49] so I fight and will die fighting
[00:46:52] to give all Avarosians a better life.
[00:46:58] Now, yes! I will show them the power of an Iceborn. I'm going to use the same um bottom
[00:47:48] up your turret has been destroyed uh so okay um Why would that guy be there?
[00:48:55] Oof, Renata. you are always in the wrong spot
[00:48:59] it's no reason to be top with dragon coming up so so Damn. damn if he didn't flash that would have been I mean the yone is you know he's trying his best
[00:50:08] this is one hell of a fiesta ass game i'm gonna be real
[00:50:14] it is that little bit silly like we're just fighting in here for fun
[00:50:19] like after i got the kill we should probably just found a dragon
[00:50:30] this dragon doesn't matter if we lose it.
[00:50:39] Yeah, that's not a good deal. I'm going to take you into my palace, why too?
[00:50:59] Soon we'll be on our way. This is so annoying. annoying Hmm.
[00:51:41] We really need fucking...
[00:51:45] We need to break mid-turn badly. The issue is, like we're trying turn badly
[00:51:48] this sure is like we're trying to break mid-tour but my renata is never with me
[00:51:52] oh you don't have the solo bow Oh, so long. an enemy has been trained well and the battle is won before blood is strong Oh nice.
[00:52:22] Yeah we can go to Baron actually, that's a good call.
[00:52:32] Okay, I'm gonna try and get Baron first that's a good call kha'zix spot two waves pushing mid it was a good call so so dude i still don't have enough what the so so so uh lives and murders innocence it is a deceiver so so so The goddess Avarosa, I say, I hear her voice.
[00:54:51] Hmm.
[00:54:52] But I only hear my mother's and more of the past.
[00:54:58] What an amazing mental that guy has.
[00:55:05] Super far ahead in the game,
[00:55:07] Fed AD, Fed fucking top.
[00:55:13] Yone's like
[00:55:20] jeremy's like oh the ash keeps fucking my q combo i don't want to play wow you aren't a at all man so so The thousand pierced beast. Give my people the resilience of your will to end this terrible period. so I'm going to go back and do this. so is uh okay your team has destroyed inhibitor What is going on with these two?
[00:57:25] What am I watching?
[00:57:33] I swear this Renata is super bad.
[00:57:38] Like, I hate being toxic like that uh at the moment at least
[00:57:44] well dude this guy is like brain dead whatever you know what? It is what it is.
[00:57:55] I can be mad all I want, but that's not gonna make him better.
[00:58:00] He's just outclassed. It is what it is. this fate is written you have slain an enemy so so can you tank this or not oh my god bro that's like taking half my HP for fun so i want you to be is
[01:01:29] you uh Okay.... you... Yo, Harlow TV. You know what's funny? I haven't read my chat in a full hour.
[01:01:39] I'm so sorry Harlow if you're still here.
[01:01:43] I am a bad streamer. So, Okay. Dude, I was looking up...
[01:02:20] I went to Scar's profile.
[01:02:22] It's like, oh, Scar is playing League today.
[01:02:24] Nice.
[01:02:25] I went to his profile.
[01:02:28] I was like, oh shit. I went to his profile. Oh shit, he's having a bad day at league.
[01:02:31] That's unfortunate.
[01:02:37] But you know what? Days like that happen. They happen to us all.
[01:02:42] Unfortunate. Yeah, how you guys doing? What's up?
[01:02:53] I didn't expect to do a second stream tonight
[01:02:54] but I was kind of like
[01:02:56] I ate some dinner and I was like
[01:02:57] Oh, you know what? Fuck it. Let's do it
[01:02:58] So here i am I'm talking to my chat during the ad break
[01:03:23] so only like a very specific few people can hear it
[01:03:26] who are using magic
[01:03:29] that's what we'll call it magic
[01:04:32] that's what we'll call it magic.. Right now I'm just eating some pretzels. Okay......... Oh, this is kind of cool. All the new TFT stuff is out or they've like it tells you
[01:06:37] what all the new TFT stuff does.. you
[01:07:45] this is kind of cool... Rek'Sai, huh? Very interesting....... Apparently, Mumu's OP.
[01:09:08] Let's give it a try.
[01:09:09] Fuck it.... hmm Hmm?
[01:09:56] I don't have facecam anymore.
[01:10:00] I dunno, I've been feeling uh...
[01:10:04] like having it off lately. Okay.
[01:10:25] Okay. okay I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it, but I think that's a good idea.
[01:10:45] I don't really know why.
[01:10:54] I just...
[01:10:57] Like,
[01:10:58] I don't know. My brain just feels better with it off. like i'll start turning it on again soon probably one so uh uh so okay okay okay so okay so so let's find some friends I'm going to try and get the kill. so has been slain you have seen an enemy
[01:14:02] damn it i was trying really hard to push this in for him.
[01:14:06] Uh, that feels bad man honestly. so Let me give you a hug. um
[01:14:52] where are we going? I mean, I cannot help these guys. Did I learn a lot from ads?
[01:15:35] Uh, I mean...
[01:15:37] Oh, I don't know. A lot is like a...
[01:15:46] A lot's probably like a stretch of a term.
[01:15:50] I earn, like... enough. Like, I earn money. so I'm going to try and get the first one. so so so so
[01:17:01] come play with me uh Oh, that's not a good dragon.
[01:17:27] That's not a good dragon.
[01:17:32] Don't do it.
[01:17:44] Let me get seven and then we can do it. let's find some friends Wait, could we actually dive bot? Hmm. hmm Let's find some friends. Come and chase me! so so This is interesting. I haven't gotten dragons, but
[01:19:32] I actually think this might be better!
[01:19:36] Because even though I haven't gotten dragons, I've been actually having a lot of impact
[01:19:40] Where are we going?
[01:19:45] So it's not that bad...
[01:20:32] ... Oh, Rek'Sai was in my jungle. hmm Wow.
[01:20:34] I literally couldn't use a single spell.
[01:20:36] But you're not even kidding, it was literally like...
[01:20:40] Straight up couldn't flash, couldn't do anything.
[01:20:44] Couldn't R, couldn't Flash... Jesus! but an arc and flash jesus
[01:20:56] yeah i mean i can't kill that guy man.
[01:20:58] Oh he wants Jinx as a sniper, okay got it. hey come back what are you doing let's find some friends rampage so oh uh i mean hopefully you can just kill that
[01:22:08] guy right wait auto him.
[01:22:11] Okay, nice.
[01:22:18] Dude, I can't believe I almost soloed a Rek'Sai
[01:22:20] as a Mumu
[01:22:21] when he had a full item. you understand how like kind of crazy that is
[01:22:36] But he had a completed item. And I literally got him to 1 HP.
[01:22:42] While tanking dragons.
[01:22:50] Mummy might be OP.
[01:23:30] Because if I had Leandra, he would have 100% died there. so Ah, whatever.
[01:23:34] Somehow that guy knew I was in there.
[01:23:37] Whatever. I knew I was in there. Whatever...
[01:23:41] If I scan and there's no ward, I'm gonna rage.
[01:23:45] Awwww. oh Man, really?
[01:24:08] I suck. Man, really?
[01:24:09] I suck.
[01:24:17] Oh my jinxing God.
[01:24:22] Okay, this guy is kind of clean with it.
[01:24:24] Not gonna lie. Where are we going?
[01:24:32] I wish i could tighten my bad. I straight up kind of griefed him.
[01:24:46] Oh, that guy's gonna die too?
[01:24:49] Man,
[01:24:50] I trolled.
[01:24:53] I'm sorry guys. so I really don't think that was a good play by my team.
[01:25:20] They're fighting over nothing so
[01:25:43] let's find some friends
[01:25:51] i mean this is scary i'm down to try but it's scary Guys, I earned that kill.
[01:27:35] What is this I mean, what is wrong with you guys? so so okay so I mean, they should win that.
[01:27:41] I shouldn't be grouping without ulti but
[01:27:44] i did it there because uh
[01:27:58] my teammates were like do want to group around my Jinx because she's very strong.
[01:28:01] The problem is,
[01:28:02] if I don't have ult up but i'm not nearly as strong right like
[01:28:06] we need to just chill like we can group but like we outscale them so like outside of smolder
[01:28:13] they have mundo jinx and a Mumu.
[01:28:15] Like you don't need to chill... You know?
[01:28:16] You don't need the like...
[01:28:17] We don't have to panic and shit.
[01:28:23] Where are they going? Like with judo melee you could just chill
[01:28:33] Like I want to engage him butek'Sai, but...
[01:28:40] The homies are definitely fighting too much on sides of the map that I'm not on. I mean...
[01:29:09] I don't know, man.
[01:29:14] I'll just deafen.
[01:29:57] I'm falling for these like garbage pings and i'm just because i'm like tired so i'm autopilot so okay we can actually just do baron Wait, come to burn. But you guys have no reason to be bought! so Like, what am I watching? Why are you guys here?
[01:30:35] Like, why are we here?
[01:30:54] Okay. like i'm getting really frustrated now. This game is so easy, like actually though it's a free game.
[01:30:58] The problem is they are unironically just pushing mid.
[01:31:04] What are we doing mid, guys?
[01:31:05] There's no turrets!
[01:31:11] Like why not just walk to Baron and do Baron
[01:31:13] with my Leandris?
[01:31:16] Shut down. walk to baron and do baron with my leandrys
[01:31:35] right like it makes no sense okay like i'm gonna be real with you guys.
[01:31:37] Straight up, this is the point when everybody throws games in League
[01:31:41] because they genuinely don't know where the fuck to be on the map.
[01:31:56] Like I threw earlier because I was listening to their pings because i'm like tired
[01:32:00] so i just started auto piloting and listening which is just bad oh my god my team is so You don't want to go up there and just A-Rim. so What is Jax doing? What?
[01:33:11] I mean... Okay. Yeah, let me out like i don't want to play with you guys
[01:33:15] My jinx is actually retarded
[01:33:19] Dragon's up she's like i'm gonna go try and 1v1 the brand support mid with Rylai's.
[01:33:25] And then she gets hit by everything.
[01:33:27] Doesn't flash, doesn't barrier.
[01:33:29] Imundo dies top.
[01:33:33] Oh god. Yeah no, guys, guys, guys, guys, God. Yeah, no guys guys guys good guys I'm gonna keep'm chill we're just going next if you guys don't mind
[01:33:53] like i don't think my team have any semblance of what the fucking game is about.
[01:34:01] They're just perm fighting.
[01:34:04] Like look at this... like wh this. Like what?
[01:34:09] We're getting into another fight bot!
[01:34:11] Like why? I don't know, man.
[01:34:19] I can't stand when teams do this shit.
[01:34:23] I refuse to play poorly around bad teams.
[01:34:25] I refuse to do it.
[01:34:26] If I lose games because they don't want
[01:34:28] to play...
[01:34:29] I just don't care, because
[01:34:32] it's such a bad...
[01:34:33] It's literally such
[01:34:36] bad fundamentals to do that Thank you for watching! I'm going to go ahead and do this. And the enemy has been slain.
[01:35:17] Let's find some bread! Oh, wow.
[01:35:32] Like, look at this! Dude, push bot!
[01:35:38] What am I watching?
[01:36:07] Like they actually don't play together at all I mean, I'm gonna keep it real with you boys. Come play with me!
[01:36:12] I-I'm just just gonna play for fun.
[01:36:16] This game
[01:36:17] has gotten so out of control from, like, nobody
[01:36:19] ever playing smart.
[01:36:21] Like, this is the typical
[01:36:23] it hit 18 minutes.
[01:36:26] My team decided to
[01:36:27] run in circles.
[01:36:30] Nobody was playing as a
[01:36:31] team. Half the team wanted to fight
[01:36:33] on top when the objective was bought. Half the team wanted to fight on top when the objective was bought.
[01:36:35] Half of the team just wanted to see champ, fight champ.
[01:36:39] Leona's walking around with a mid laner instead of walking around with an AD carry. Like, if this was fun, I would be down.
[01:36:50] But like...
[01:36:52] Not really having fun.
[01:37:50] You know, if I was having fun, I'd be 100% down. okay Oh, get fucked so What's up? Hey, what's up Zeddy. How you doing man? I'm good.
[01:37:51] You're not going to die.
[01:37:52] You're just gonna have to wait for the next one.
[01:37:53] I know.
[01:37:54] I'll be right back.
[01:37:55] I'll be right back.
[01:37:56] I'll be right back.
[01:37:58] What's up?
[01:38:00] Hey, what's up Zeddy. How you doing man?
[01:38:02] Hope you're having a good night! so so oh And yep.
[01:38:55] That's fun.
[01:39:06] Oh my god so Dude, Zhonya's has actually been giving me so much value.
[01:39:38] Like unironically...
[01:39:41] How many times have I lived because of that shit?
[01:39:43] It's kind pretty nuts, no? Bro, go away. Yeah, I'm in D.
[01:40:25] This account's in D3.
[01:41:21] So there's going to be fuck ton of deaths you know. so so so Oh, I don't have whatever it's called guys. I don't have Zhonya yet. oh my god our top wave is looking not great so uh dang so amazing Why does this Jinx have Cure Sus?
[01:42:34] What's that do?
[01:42:38] This guy needs life steal.
[01:42:44] Like, it's a 33 minute game...
[01:42:47] You guys want me to tell you how we just win the game by the way
[01:42:51] you literally just run down a lane as like five people
[01:42:56] take a turret and then take the inhib and then that's it
[01:43:05] but there's no like there's nobody doing anything right now except for fighting, perma.
[01:43:15] Like I have to... I'm pushing the waves.
[01:43:19] Because the reason people can't end games in this elo is because they don't-
[01:43:21] They never have waves.
[01:43:24] Like, they literally just let waves sit in side lanes for years.
[01:43:28] That's genuinely it.
[01:43:32] If you don't have a wave
[01:43:33] You can't push the waves in
[01:43:34] Or you can't end the game
[01:43:37] So that's why you always see people
[01:43:39] In Diamond Circle to end when they get big leads
[01:43:41] Because
[01:43:41] They always have to wait like 30-40 seconds and diamonds struggle to end when they get big leads because
[01:44:15] They always have to wait like 30 40 seconds to push waves. And when they have to wait 30-40 seconds to push waves cool I mean, I peeled. Again, we're fighting for zero reason.
[01:44:19] This is what I'm talking about though it makes no sense.
[01:44:23] I ulted four people and we still lost that.
[01:44:26] But, it's like because they're fighting for no reason! Like, they are diving here!
[01:44:31] Why would we fight against a team valued in chokes?
[01:44:35] It doesn't
[01:44:36] make sense, right?
[01:44:38] This is what I'm saying. People
[01:44:40] are like...
[01:44:42] And why is this guy defending here instead
[01:44:44] of defending here?
[01:44:47] It doesn't make sense. can drop that in hib and just
[01:44:48] defend doubles and wait for jinx and
[01:44:50] leona but instead we lose the game
[01:44:52] because mundo wanted to defend too far
[01:44:54] up see this is why people lose because like
[01:44:57] we genuinely should have won this game
[01:44:59] a thousand times but Jinx's
[01:45:01] ego is bigger than her brain right?
[01:45:03] Because Jinx is horrible. She has decent
[01:45:05] mechanics but no brain.
[01:45:08] Our mid laner is just bad. Our Leona doesn't know
[01:45:10] how to peel the Jinx. Like our Leona's never
[01:45:12] standing next to Jinx. And
[01:45:14] our Mundo is too stupid to
[01:45:16] like... He's playing his own
[01:45:18] Mundo has basically the intelligence of
[01:45:21] the person playing him. Hmm. I'm not really mad about losing, but that was sad.
[01:45:47] We had such a big lead and they just threw it away because their low elo.
[01:45:51] I mean, they deserve to lose. They're bad but...
[01:45:54] I mean look at this we had a 6k gold lead
[01:45:56] And the team didn't want to do Baron
[01:45:59] You can see exactly where we threw it, I said right here
[01:46:01] Right at 20 minutes
[01:46:03] I said do Baron
[01:46:04] My team got caught in front of
[01:46:07] they tried to dive mid
[01:46:09] died and then enemy got Baron.
[01:46:11] We even got our lead back, right?
[01:46:14] Then as we were getting our lead
[01:46:16] back, what happened?
[01:46:17] They fought again
[01:46:29] and instead of just playing for like good competent team fighting they wait they just like shoved their face into the enemy team
[01:46:32] because they're Diamond.
[01:46:36] Like,
[01:46:37] Diamond players
[01:46:38] have zero patience.
[01:46:40] Like,
[01:46:41] the Jinx had good mechanics
[01:46:42] and literally
[01:46:42] zero brain cells.
[01:46:44] Not one brain cell was active in that Jinx's head.
[01:46:59] And that's why that Jinx, until she learns to activate some brain cells, She'll never get above diamonds...... Yeah, Diamond players are like the kids in high school who think they know more than
[01:48:08] the adults.
[01:48:12] Right? Like, that's a good
[01:48:13] comparison.
[01:48:16] Like, that's what Diamond
[01:48:17] players are.
[01:48:19] They're good enough to not drink bleach, they're smart enough players to not drink bleach,
[01:48:26] but they're not smart enough to not jump off the roof and hope they don't break their leg.
[01:48:32] They're just stupid.
[01:48:36] They're just kind of stupid players. Masters players are the same
[01:48:44] I mean, masters players
[01:48:46] Are like college
[01:48:46] Diamond players
[01:48:48] Are like high school
[01:48:49] Masters players
[01:48:49] Are like college
[01:48:50] They think that they're Or like high school. Masters players are like college.
[01:48:54] They think that they're smart,
[01:48:55] and then they go to college and they realize
[01:48:55] they're stupid as fuck. Here's one of those.. I have a Jarvan support.
[01:49:37] There's no way that goes well.
[01:49:39] Oh, well, I don't really care at this point.
[01:49:40] I can't dodge, so fuck it. pocket So, you
[01:50:13] how's your guys night going what's up
[01:50:18] is everybody having a good night well i guess it's like probably day in eu if any of you guys are from eu it's probably day there 9 a.m yeah you're in the nice eu land. I'm going to go ahead and do this. um welcome to summoner's red
[01:51:28] 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[01:51:34] Ask me if I'm listening.
[01:51:57] Hint, I'm not!. My support's griefing.
[01:52:01] Well, I mean, if he AFKs mid-game,
[01:52:02] I don't really care.
[01:52:05] We get mitigated LP and i get to report him
[01:52:10] so wondering she's such a loser no he's a troll like he's he's genuinely he's just trolling.
[01:52:21] He's a Garen one trick and he just is first timing j4 support
[01:52:27] but it's just uh it's just a straight up fanboy he's just a q sniper Yeah, that's why I try not to get too mad in Diamond. In Diamond you're kind of just here for the ride so so That's a bad W. We can actually get level 2 ganked here by Ivern, but if i'm being honest there's like no way they'll do it.
[01:53:44] Damn if I went to that W they would have been forked oh we have a jungle trendemir i just noticed
[01:54:07] oh yeah we're getting the diamond treatment tonight. okay okay
[01:54:38] well i think we could have abused that but it's okay
[01:54:42] oh this is not a good play.
[01:54:45] Homie there's like nothing I can do to help you here. Like, holy fuck! Fuck. so so Oh, I'm dead.
[01:55:40] Yep.
[01:55:41] K4 needed to just walk up and hit him or read it the back like I asked
[01:55:50] them to push but he's too stupid
[01:55:55] like when I was spending the push he needed to just auto the minions.
[01:55:59] But he's an autofill top minion.
[01:56:01] Actually, he's a Garen one trick.
[01:56:05] Dog, Jinx,
[01:56:06] Ipermurum.
[01:56:07] Wow. Who would have thought that guy Q sniping me, first timing J4 and then griefing the lane...
[01:56:13] Who would've thought he'd type, oh. I roam.
[01:56:26] Yo what's up mangos? You still play Driven? Very rarely. I played some yesterday, actually.
[01:56:35] How you doing, Mango? Hope we've been good men! Like I said, I feel like Diamond is where...
[01:56:49] Diamond is where, like The idiots live
[01:56:51] Right?
[01:56:52] Like
[01:56:52] Diamond is like
[01:56:54] You have a lot of people
[01:56:55] Who have, like
[01:56:56] Actual
[01:56:56] Like they're very low IQ
[01:56:58] In this elo
[01:56:58] Masters
[01:57:00] Is people that are really bad.
[01:57:02] Masters is like Dunning-Kruger elo.
[01:57:05] This elo, they know
[01:57:06] they suck
[01:57:06] but they don't
[01:57:10] know why they suck?
[01:57:12] I don't know how to phrase it so they blame other people
[01:57:16] they blame other people in masters too but they think that they're the best
[01:57:20] like they don't know they suck in Masters.
[01:57:24] In Diamond,
[01:57:25] they know they suck, but they blame everyone.
[01:57:32] ... for your last placement hey nice so so please Yeah, yeah.
[01:58:19] For sure J4.
[01:58:20] Bro if you're just gonna soft end the game by the way...
[01:58:22] Like I mean just...
[01:58:26] I don't know why.
[01:58:31] Like, come on, man.
[01:58:33] Like, I'm so bored.
[01:58:35] If you're gonna soft-imp the game,
[01:58:36] at least make a bad engage and then like be
[01:58:38] like oopsies or something you know like at least give me some contents so I don't need to be scared or alive.
[01:59:07] An ally has been slain. Best ADC in the patch?
[01:59:15] Let me think.
[01:59:19] I mean, there's a bunch of decent ADs. Jinx is very good, Zeri is very,
[01:59:23] very good, Ezreal is very good...
[01:59:29] MF is very good if you're below Masters and Diamonds.
[01:59:34] Like, if you're in Emerald and below, MF is really good. so But yeah, I think the best AD carries for like just you can pick Kaisa MF.
[02:00:02] Sorry, Kaisa Jinf or sorry kaiser jinx zary ezreal they're very good ash too ash is also
[02:00:07] extremely good You're Draven one trick?
[02:00:22] Oh, that's good. Draven's in an interesting spot actually.
[02:00:29] Like, no joke.
[02:00:32] I can't tell if he is OP.
[02:00:34] I think he is actually weak. I can't tell if he's OP.
[02:00:36] I think he's actually weak.
[02:00:38] Like, I think a lot of people think Draven's OP, but I actually think
[02:00:40] he's really weak right now.
[02:00:44] Because the meta is like...
[02:00:51] The meta is like at...
[02:00:55] It's a really weird meta for Draven, right?
[02:00:57] It's like Ashe and...
[02:01:05] Bro you're just gonna let Daisy die like that? What the fuck?
[02:01:13] Dude did you guys see that disrespect? He just sent Daisy in on a suicide mission. Bro! Dude, what's up like- give Daisy
[02:01:26] some fucking respect, man.
[02:01:35] Ballin' mana? Oh... Err I mean uh Mage Meta.
[02:01:46] That might have been the single worst engage I've seen in a while.
[02:01:49] Well played, J4. Oh you're gonna stand on me? Thanks bro. I'm not. An enemy has been slain.
[02:03:13] Ziggs and Karthus are actually meta, but only in high elo. so so so so so
[02:03:15] yeah try Jinx?
[02:03:17] Jinx is really good, because she's just really easy. And she has
[02:03:19] really good snowballing.
[02:03:25] Jinx is definitely like if you're learning AD Carry or you just want to play a really good AD Carry in this meta, Jinx is definitely one of them. Okay. I personally love Jinx right now.
[02:03:57] I think though, when I try and...
[02:03:59] Tomorrow I'm gonna climb up my main
[02:04:01] And see if we can climb up to GM
[02:04:03] We're pretty close so we'll see
[02:04:07] But we'll see how it goes I'll probably just be spamming Ashe, Ezreal and Jinx tomorrow
[02:04:11] It will be a pretty boring ass fucking day to be honest
[02:06:01] The AD Carry meta right now is so fucking boring, man. No way! so uh I want to get that blue buff. buff insane Yeah, I see it. Darius is walking down. What is this tempo that the enemy is doing?
[02:06:10] Wait, they just lost their mid turret into a nice rift attempt? Like what is happening here? What
[02:06:33] am I watching? Like, that's the weirdest like choice I've ever seen. They went like, oh our mid turret is down? Okay, time to be reffed.
[02:06:48] Dude! Whatever.
[02:06:53] My entire team just chased a Lulu.
[02:06:57] You know what? It's my fault, I'm just bad.
[02:06:59] It is what it is,
[02:07:00] I'm terrible.
[02:07:00] I just like... Dude!
[02:07:01] How?
[02:07:02] Chinsalulu!
[02:07:03] Aw,
[02:07:04] it's my bad,
[02:07:04] my bad,
[02:07:05] my bad.
[02:07:09] I canceled like three autos.
[02:07:11] It's my bad. Can Cho get R stacks and Tibbers?
[02:07:21] I actually don't know. Probably?
[02:07:25] I have to assume he does, because if
[02:07:29] you didn't that'd be weird so um How did that Ivern live, bro? Come on.
[02:08:28] I can't believe that Ivern lived, man. That's wild!
[02:08:31] I cancelled another auto... Man!
[02:08:34] I have such a- I think it's my hands man i think it's actually carpal tunnel
[02:08:37] canceling auto attacks i'm not even kidding because it happens so much I'm thinking.
[02:08:47] How do people do this?
[02:08:52] Can you R flash
[02:08:53] with Jinx to gain extra damage from ult?
[02:08:55] Uh,
[02:08:57] no, I don't think so.
[02:09:01] Because I think
[02:09:01] the way it works is
[02:09:02] if fire's from where you are, not where you...
[02:09:09] It also locks you in place.
[02:09:12] Like Ezreal ult? You can flash or whatever. I don't think you can flash mid rocket ults.
[02:09:17] But I've never tried me you might be able to so Thanks for watching! so I've never seen a fucking j4 jungle just absolutely pop off this hard.
[02:10:16] It's kind of crazy. so so so I Think i'm dead.
[02:11:09] I actually almost killed him! Do I go?
[02:11:23] Oh, you know what item
[02:11:24] I should actually get right now?
[02:11:26] Dude, I'm going to show you guys the tech. Oh, you know what item I should actually get right now?
[02:11:29] Dude, I'm gonna show you guys the tech.
[02:11:32] We get... Serpents!
[02:11:37] That's the tech! They have Lulu and they have Ivern.
[02:11:40] Serpents is actually the tech.
[02:11:43] Yo,
[02:11:44] Yuki2 for the
[02:11:45] 126 months in a row.
[02:11:55] Appreciate it, amen. appreciate it amen so so why my kingdom why
[02:12:48] you know when the j4 stopped being a uh the game actually you know it's pretty good so uh so so What a fun game.
[02:13:51] I thought that game was going to be a loss.
[02:13:52] I'm not gonna lie.
[02:14:05] You missed Essence River Sheen?? Sorry I read that earlier. Yeah.
[02:14:08] I do too but
[02:14:09] I mean
[02:14:10] Triforce is
[02:14:13] I don't think you need Essence Waver anymore.
[02:14:20] On like 90% of champs.
[02:14:24] Although it's good on like...
[02:14:26] Essence Waver is still good on Luci... Essence Reaper is still good
[02:14:27] on Lucian and Xayah.
[02:14:30] And then Triforce
[02:14:31] is still good on
[02:14:32] Ezreal and Smolder
[02:14:35] so it's not too bad.. Is it even possible to get 10 jack of trades i don't think i've ever hit it
[02:15:18] i've like almost hit it with Ezreal.
[02:15:27] It's hard to do it with 80 carries.
[02:15:34] Like, I think the only 80 carry
[02:15:36] I've gotten 9 on was Ezreal
[02:15:38] and that was because I had a...
[02:15:40] You can go really hybrid with them, like CDR boots.
[02:15:43] And then you go like CR boots and then you have the lifesteal
[02:15:47] and then you can go armor, MR, whatever.
[02:15:51] You know what sucks about going in on Ezreal though?
[02:15:55] It sucks that
[02:15:57] when you finish...
[02:15:59] There's a bug right now with
[02:16:01] Jack of All Trades.
[02:16:03] When you finish the now with Jack of All Trades, when you
[02:16:04] finish the
[02:16:05] armor item,
[02:16:08] whatever it is... The blue item.
[02:16:10] You guys know what I'm talking about. The armor pen item.
[02:16:13] Grudge. When you finish grudged it actually
[02:16:16] removes a stack of jack-of-all-trades because for some reason it doesn't take
[02:16:23] into consideration they there'll be faculty.
[02:16:33] It's a really stupid bug.
[02:16:48] Like when you go grudge, right?
[02:16:56] You can see that like this gives five lethality, right?
[02:16:57] 10 haste and 25 AD. This giveshality, right? 10 Haste and 25 AD. This gives Armor Pin. So this is 18 Armor Pin and this is Lethality,
[02:17:01] right? So when you have these two components it gives you 2 stacks because
[02:17:05] or a stack for Lethality and Armor Pen.
[02:17:09] When you have this...
[02:17:12] Do you see how it says Rancor
[02:17:14] is gain armor
[02:17:16] pen or whatever?
[02:17:18] You see how it's called Rancor or whatever, right? But you see how it's called rankor
[02:17:19] or whatever the fuck it is?
[02:17:21] That doesn't actually count
[02:17:23] for some reason. That armor pen
[02:17:25] doesn't count towards your jack.
[02:17:34] I don't know why, but it's kind of annoying
[02:17:34] because I actually think you could get 10 stacks
[02:17:38] on Ezreal if they fixed that bug
[02:17:43] because then that item would give you
[02:17:46] four stacks by itself right so you'd get four stacks alone from grudge but you only have
[02:18:00] three which is stupid.
[02:18:09] What is this?
[02:18:16] Uh, chat?
[02:18:17] What the fuck is this?
[02:18:24] Is this an arena item or something? Like what is happening?
[02:18:32] What is this?
[02:18:35] I mean,
[02:18:36] this looks insane.
[02:18:38] It has to be an arena item, right?
[02:20:23] Because it's a thousand gold. Oh, they do put arena items in here.. Wait, Golden Spatula is insane.. What is going on here?.. Dude, I think it's... Ah! We're in such a...
[02:20:37] It's so late.
[02:20:38] It's so late. late Do you guys have anything cool planned for today? Or are you just going to work, school, chilling? What are you guys doing today? working two hours? Ooh.
[02:21:24] I know that feel, as
[02:21:28] currently at work myself.
[02:21:32] Whew! Oh!. What do I want to play this game, man?
[02:21:59] How do you know?
[02:22:03] Coffee's got to be the best thing discovered.
[02:22:05] Oh yeah, caffeine is...
[02:22:09] Caffeine has been my lifeblood for like two years. Like I've always drank
[02:22:13] caffeine but I have drank it a lot more over the last two years
[02:22:21] like when you're a kid and you have endless energy you don't understand why
[02:22:24] like adults drink so much caffeine and then he turned 30.
[02:22:29] And you're like, I get why adults drink caffeine.
[02:24:08] Okay....... Wait, how can you get 11 stacks with hybrid shiv? How do you do that? Merck treads. Okay, I'm just trying to think of what you would build. You have AP, AD, movement speed, MR, MR probably CDR
[02:24:27] attack speed
[02:24:32] I already said that
[02:24:33] and I already said that.
[02:24:38] I'm gonna grab some water.
[02:24:40] Ooh, dude, you guys ever have it where like you're feeling awake
[02:24:42] and then all of a sudden like a fucking wall
[02:24:44] hits you in the fucking... all of a sudden it's like
[02:24:46] boom what your energy just drops off a
[02:24:49] fucking cliff like within the last 20 minutes I've like completely lost all of my
[02:24:57] energy. Like, I could
[02:24:59] go lay in bed right now and just sleep.
[02:25:02] We'll see how this game goes.
[02:25:03] I might just go to sleep
[02:25:05] after this game. I mean, I've been been streaming a lot i streamed eight hours earlier
[02:25:09] and i was like oh i'll do some more streaming but yeah i mean i'm kind of tired i got kind
[02:25:13] of bad sleep last night i always slept five hours sugar crash no I didn't even have any
[02:25:19] sugar I had you know it's water okay I had a few preps I'm gonna get some water real quick.
[02:25:30] I had a few pretzels.. maybe that was it. Maybe
[02:26:03] it was like the pretzels, you know?
[02:26:06] My body hasn't had food
[02:26:07] or my body hadn't had food
[02:26:09] for a few hours. It was like, oh, digest these pretzels
[02:26:13] and it's like now we're tired.
[02:26:14] Good luck. all right yeah bro abracadabra
[02:26:39] with the old me man
[02:26:46] what the old me say
[02:26:50] Either way it is today
[02:27:19] Hey, everything is gay name was my name so Oh, that's not good.
[02:27:24] I'm not gonna lie, I misplayed that.
[02:27:25] I should've killed the Jinx.
[02:27:35] Oh, this is not good.
[02:27:37] I don't have mana.
[02:27:48] That was actually probably the worst case scenario.
[02:27:50] I had no mana.
[02:27:57] I could have killed this guy so easily though.
[02:27:59] Oh...
[02:28:02] Damn.
[02:28:05] I'm not gonna lie, I mean I completely fucked up that entire early game.
[02:28:11] Lulu played it decent, I just completely fucked it up.
[02:28:18] Like when M- or when that Seraphine flashed on me...
[02:28:21] I should have killed her instantly.
[02:28:23] Right? Because she fucked up.
[02:28:25] She Flash-double E'd me...
[02:28:27] But I missed my W.
[02:28:29] If I had W'ed her the second she did that,
[02:28:30] she would have died instantly because
[02:28:32] she can't fight that.
[02:28:35] Like it was a bad flash. It was horrible.
[02:28:38] I just am like 2am gaming.
[02:28:41] You know what I mean? My reaction times are like...
[02:28:47] Like, uh, I lost him, you know? Or my reaction times are like, yo!
[02:28:52] Remember like 15 hours ago when you were playing
[02:28:54] League? That's where they are.
[02:29:44] ... there so um Wow, he actually got that kill. That's kind of crazy. I'm not gonna lie
[02:29:47] I baited that Lulu
[02:29:50] That's my bad I have I'm sorry, bro.
[02:30:09] I have completely fucked up this lane for you.
[02:30:13] Now, these guys are playing really
[02:30:15] disrespectful right now.
[02:30:23] So like... guys are playing really disrespectful right now so like echo could gank at any point in time they have no flash He should've killed them probably 10 minutes ago, but...
[02:30:32] Obviously, you know.
[02:30:34] It's solo queue and I fucked up so I'm not gonna blame him.
[02:30:38] Wow.
[02:30:38] That echo...
[02:30:41] Did not do enough damage to kill that guy.
[02:30:49] Well, I mean, alright right my bad this game. That's where we go to bed settlement more games
[02:30:58] I mean, you know it's bad when i'm losing to Diamond players? That's like extra bad. so so so I mean, it's Demon Hours anyway.
[02:31:47] So it is what it is. I mean, truth be told
[02:32:01] if this game goes to like
[02:32:02] three items like I will out carry them but
[02:32:08] we gotta get there and i guess that i'm running on fumes we'll try our best. so What am I watching? These guys, the ego is massive. him taking a look down Oh
[02:33:24] Yeah, I'm gonna be honest that echoes
[02:33:28] He's trying his best well said he's trying his best. We'll just say that, he's trying his best.
[02:33:36] I can't really flame him when I'm playing bad too. oh i'm dead. All right, we can have it. okay i have a really weird feeling right now i have this weird feeling that we're gonna win this game I know it sounds kind of delusional, but it's...I don't know.
[02:34:45] It's like I feel it in my balls.
[02:35:09] Oh no! Thanks for watching! I take it all back. You think i'm crazy?
[02:35:13] You should see my i take it back guys
[02:35:23] oh i almost had that actually Okay.
[02:35:48] Alright, nevermind.
[02:35:50] I think we just 15'd.
[02:35:52] Like,
[02:35:53] I played bad this game
[02:35:54] and everybody else
[02:35:55] played bad too.
[02:35:59] Like when I'm playing
[02:36:01] bad and everybody's playing bad, yeah...
[02:36:03] we're probably 15.
[02:36:05] My bad.
[02:36:07] I'm just tired Corbett? Yeah, I agree. i'm trying to care
[02:36:48] it happens your turret has been destroyed happens so oh no Oh no.
[02:37:28] I'm not gonna lie, I think if I got those kills we might win.
[02:38:15] Oh no! turret has been destroyed so so We do outscale them very hard, but again... You know. again you know Honestly, this Mx is not very good.
[02:38:31] Well neither is the Seraphim they're both pretty bad but All right, chat.
[02:39:02] We try to lock in, boys.
[02:39:05] We try.
[02:39:11] One last game.
[02:39:13] Full walk-in. Let's go. I'm dead.
[02:39:21] Okay, I couldn't walk in there.
[02:39:25] I'm sorry.
[02:39:29] Okay we can forfeit.
[02:39:40] Like I said, I'm actually pretty positive
[02:39:41] that we win this game if uh...
[02:39:43] If we play it out until like 40 minutes. But I don't know if I have it in me.
[02:39:51] Because the enemy team is like playing, uh...
[02:39:54] They're playing really ego-y and whenever people play ego-y
[02:39:57] Like this they throw games. so I'm not gonna vote for But...
[02:40:24] Well, how about this? I'm not gonna vote for yes or no on the Forfeit.
[02:40:28] We'll let the team decide.
[02:40:32] Because if it is the last game we'll let the homies decide.
[02:40:37] Oh! I'm dead.
[02:40:41] Oh, I'm alive!
[02:40:43] I'M ALIVE!
[02:40:46] Get fucked cheaters.
[02:40:53] Yeah, we almost got first item. Let's fucking go!
[02:41:00] I mean, on a good note,
[02:41:02] Silver Lightning... We can't get much worse
[02:41:04] this game.
[02:41:10] ... this game. So, like, you know, we got that going for us.
[02:41:16] ... so Oh, God.
[02:41:36] Oh my god! Alright guys, I'm dead. You got me. um Oh, that was a good buffer. so Well, they have all of their ults up again?
[02:42:38] Holy fuck. Their ults have zero cooldown.
[02:42:42] I've literally just been ulted five times by all three of them um I Said I wouldn't start the forward vote so I won't.
[02:43:18] I will let my team decide.
[02:43:29] But just know, like it's gonna be pretty hard Uh-oh
[02:43:40] oh okay there we go
[02:43:45] gg GG.
[02:43:49] Yeah, like I said
[02:43:50] when I lose to Diamond 2 players
[02:43:52] I should probably call it for the night
[02:43:54] because I'm positive we win that game.
[02:44:00] The level 2, they fucked up real bad.
[02:44:07] I just messed up. So it is what it is.
[02:44:14] Too much League today and my brain's rotted huh I'm gonna call and go to bed yo thanks for watching.
[02:44:32] I saw some people
[02:44:32] I haven't seen in the chat
[02:44:34] in a while.
[02:44:36] Mangoes,
[02:44:36] Yuki2 and shit.
[02:44:38] Glad to...
[02:44:38] It was good to see you guys.
[02:44:39] It's good good talk to you
[02:44:41] i still owe you the 24 true true
[02:44:45] i was thinking about doing a subathon but i don't
[02:44:49] know how to like i don't i would have
[02:44:52] to stop it because i'm not going to film myself sleeping
[02:44:55] so i would have to like do the subathon then go to bed
[02:45:03] but i would i would either stop the stream or i
[02:45:04] would like i don't have somebody to run
[02:45:06] the stream when i'm not here
[02:45:09] does that make sense so i would have to
[02:45:11] like make a playlist that's like seven hours
[02:45:15] long of YouTube videos or something to
[02:45:19] put on or I would have to just turn the stream off and then only do the stream timer
[02:45:24] And then stream for like 15 hours or something
[02:45:28] Like, stream for 16 hours straight every day
[02:45:32] I don't know. I'd have to figure it out.
[02:45:37] Because I do want to do a subathon but I don't like...
[02:45:38] I really... Like, I don't want to do the whole
[02:45:40] filming myself sleeping
[02:45:42] because my... It's too hard.
[02:45:45] I'd have to, like, move my setup to my room.
[02:45:50] I'd have to, like,
[02:45:50] move my whole setup to my room and shit
[02:45:52] and then I'd have to, like, do a bunch of different
[02:45:54] shit. It'd be really annoying.
[02:45:56] So I would probably
[02:45:58] do like...
[02:46:00] No, not music playlists, like a YouTube
[02:46:02] playlist so there's something people would watch
[02:46:04] when I'm not here.
[02:46:08] Like so there's something people would watch when I'm not here. Like, there would need to be
[02:46:09] content on the stream.
[02:46:12] But it is
[02:46:13] what it is.
[02:46:15] No subathon? I mean, I
[02:46:16] just want to do a subathon? I mean, I just
[02:46:18] want to do a subathon for me.
[02:46:19] I don't give a fuck about you, Mango. Fuck you.
[02:46:25] Nah, I'm just kidding.
[02:46:25] But I just mean like...
[02:46:26] I wanna do a subathon eventually just because it sounds fun. no i'm just kidding but i just mean like i i want to do it
[02:46:27] like subathon eventually just because sounds fun So, Why are you awake, T-Split?
[02:47:01] I mean, yeah.
[02:47:01] I don't know.
[02:47:03] I'd have to figure out how people set it up.
[02:47:04] Like I said, it would either be... It would either be I turn the stream off
[02:47:06] and then i
[02:47:17] have like a minimum per day or something right it would have to be like the first day would be 24 hours minimum.
[02:47:21] I would just start it with a 24-hour stream
[02:47:23] if we hit the sub goal, and then
[02:47:25] after 24 hours
[02:47:26] or wherever I decide to stop the stream
[02:47:29] after that, I would
[02:47:30] sleep for a little bit
[02:47:34] but i would have to figure out what i would do in the downtime of sleeping
[02:47:38] because i can't keep the stream on or i could i can but i would have to have like a playlist set up that's
[02:47:44] long as for when i sleep and if i don't have that then i'd also have to have a way i know solar baka turned his stream off or something.
[02:48:07] Or he had a playlist, I don't know.
[02:48:08] I gotta figure something out anyway.
[02:48:10] I'm gonna go to bed.
[02:48:12] I can't think right now anyway.
[02:48:21] I'll think about it tomorrow thanks for watching guys. Appreciate it.
[02:48:25] I'll see you guys tomorrow for the normal stream time in the
[02:48:27] middle of the day where I actually am
[02:48:29] awake and coherent.
[02:48:32] Appreciate you guys.
[02:48:40] I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your night or day,
[02:48:42] wherever you are.
[02:48:44] Most of you are probably EU EU some of you are NA
[02:48:45] and you're like DJins
[02:48:47] like me
[02:48:47] who knows
[02:48:49] but yeah
[02:48:50] I appreciate all the
[02:48:52] uh
[02:48:52] I actually
[02:48:53] enjoyed seeing
[02:48:54] some of the faces
[02:48:55] that I haven't seen
[02:48:55] in a while
[02:48:56] but I appreciate all the followers and all the subs and just hanging out enjoyed seeing some of the faces that I haven't seen in a while.
[02:48:57] But, I appreciate all the followers and all the subs and just hanging out.
[02:48:59] You guys are awesome. And, I will see you guys
[02:49:01] probably in like eight hours
[02:49:03] or so. So, I'll probably just get some sleep and see you guys then.
[02:49:07] Have a good one, lads.