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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.
.... Thank you. so so I bravely volunteer to charge in breakfast.
Welcome to Summoner's Ring! 30 seconds until minions fall so If it's worth shooting once,
it's probably worth shooting a lot
minions have spawned so so ready so wanna see the fireworks so so easy peasy so so Thanks for watching! so so so Oh my god, I auto'd the wrong guy.
Oh...my god it's first game of the day Oh my god, I auto'd the wrong guy. Oh
my god. It's first game of the day.
I'm so fucking bad.
Oh my god.
Dude, I actually double kill that if I just
jump in the second I see nidalee but i
listen is first game of the day let me get some warm-up going okay
nobody watch that. Delete the pod. so so so uh huh Where's the action? so so up so
spire has 30 cs I got one minion with that. so but slain
and India has been slain
Take this so I should not have gotten that plate. I griefed my back on the wall.
I double-griefed my
back? Fuck...
... so oh
i feel like i have to type this shit
This guy only has steel caps. The only thing that kind of sucks is like, I don't have boots. So she is faster than me. so What is that combo this guy keeps trying to do? we've got this okay
i think i'm dead, boys. Maybe I should have just died
to the Diana. Probably.
... Probably.
You know,
up 30 CS,
two plates,
about to be two plates. About to be two plates.
Not the worst, considering I'm
still waking up a bit.
Not bad,
I think. Not bad.
Okay. I think. Not bad. What do you owe us this?
I'm not sure. I think it's like D3,
Like mid diamond or low diamond... something like that?
I only have 10 games. So we gotta build. So, we got a bit to go. so It's not gonna hate me. Diana hates farming, man.
This guy really just does not like to farm.
I wonder if he knows that Gib's gold. Like surely, right? Like surely he knows that.
Ooh yeah, I'm not going to that fight. enemy has been so so so This guy just walk over, get healed by Nid and then walk back into the mid lane?
I wonder if he's gonna try and all in me as i take his turret.
Motherfucker. He did. That's okay though. you have been slain so so I'm going to have boots Sheen.
Very interesting.
That's why I said I would go bot, by the way, because
I know. I should actually stay mid here so i can help this uh Hecarim. so Wait, this guy's a sniper? I've never sniped me like five times.
That was actually kind of crazy. I shall allow you to back yes Hmm.
Oh, this guy still doesn't hit very hard. You will die if you don't get the kill! so An ally has been slain. so Wrong. wrong That guy sucked.
Wait, that guy also sucks.
We both suck
it's okay we can stop together I kind of want to get this, uh... Rift Herald the dragon's up in 30s so I wanna go buy. Well, I'm having a fucking seizure on my keyboard. What am I watching? so Wait, Janna help me. Aw. Damn if she warded that bush I would have killed them all. so so so Back to the action.
Is this last proof?
Take me in... I'm a little sad, but...
We should still be fine in this game. I just won't take risky plays without...
Since I...
... Shut down. so so so so green so so me um so oh so is oh my god i just canceled like 30 autos and spit on myself IRL. Oh, yeah. I'm dead. Wait they win that though. They win that just fight! You actually win
that, just fight! Oh Hecarim bro you gotta fight. You're just gonna die, like...
Oh no! My bad, I- okay The enemy has been slain.
I'm gonna need the extended warranty.
Ready? I'm not gonna lie.
I made like two mistakes this game and we might lose because of it.
Well, two big mistakes.
I've made a lot of little mistakes.
Do it, Kaisa! Do it! so so Double kill. Double kill. Double kill.
Three more?
One... so so uh Oh, Kaisa does some damage. I mean, I'll be real.
I forgot her invis is broken as fuck.
That's on me?
I mean, this entire game is on me i'm just playing bad
but once we get bt I'm pretty confident we win.
I can go BT here, or I can go...
I don't know. I think BT is just better.
The war turret has been destroyed! Oh, oh. Ooh, ooh! I actually kind of cleaned with it. Not gonna lie.
Oh, that's a good one. Let's get this mid and headman.
If they fight us, we can just end the game. so so so I played that game horrible.
But we won.
Good warm-up, though.. Like, I did some good damage
but I was just dying for free
so much.
That's my B.
Dude, I'm
so tired.
I got four hours of sleep last night
but I couldn't sleep.
Like I laid in bed for like
an hour trying to sleep
and then An hour, trying to sleep.
Got like three hours of sleep woke up, tried to sleep again
couldn't sleep and said fuck it. okay we're like
we're like D2MMR.
I'm not the worst.
I'm surprised this guy has such a high win rate, by the way.
This has got to be a boost. Like, this person like... I don't know that's wild. You're tired of being ironed? Just get better. Just improve.
Yo, what's up Barry? so........... Thank you. Dude, I was watching Sanchovi's vid this morning.
He had a video.
I was watching the shit.
I could not stop laughing for like 45 straight minutes
this is maybe the most funny thing i think i've watched in a while
it's when he plays with the guy, shits on him.
The guy adds him.
He calls him retarded.
And then the guy tries to say he's a challenger player.
So Sanchovies asks him
to play his best champions that he got Challenger
with because he thinks he bought the account.
And then it proceeds to like
He's just one of the worst players i've ever seen in my life. Okay.... you. I was on apartment.
Still on? No, I tried to get some sleep. Like, I tried to get off
because servers actually went down so I was like oh okay fuck it
and uh, I laid in bed for an hour, finally fell asleep for three hours
then layed in bed another hour and i couldn't sleep so i just gotta
i'm pretty tired like i'm beat but like i don't want to like go lay down at 10 a.m
and try and sleep because like that will supremely fuck my sleep schedule.
Five hours?
Oh, I only got three.
I mean,
I can work on three hours.
I'm just gonna be sluggish, you know?
Like I said, I just don't want to uh go to sleep at like 10 a.m that would not be good. Dude, yeah.
My friend has had two kids now and I don't know when or how they sleep.
It doesn't make sense.
I have no idea how they sleep. It doesn't make sense. I have no idea
how they ever found sleep.
They're magicians.
My friend actually was
doing his
master's degree while raising a child
like i got like a baby that is it was like the most insane i've ever seen
no he has like absolute superpowers he had full-time job
while raising a kid, while getting his master's.
He's fucking insane.
I was like, when did you sleep? He was like, oh, that's
the fun part. I didn't. And I was like oh that's the fun part i didn't and i was like oh yeah i just didn't Dude, I think my favorite part about this is they keep calling this guy penis. Okay.. Why didn't he just ult?.. Okay. Wait.
This guy, dude I wish I could give you guys context.
This guy built a Thornmail on Diana since Chovy said
Why did you build Thornmail on Diana? And he said I know more about my champ
than you do and so Chov was like i think you're an idiot. I'm sorry. I think all of that was the wrong order. so. Dude, I...
That is a two hour long video. And I was watching it
the like- I was just watching that shit earlier today.
Oh my god,
I could not stop fucking laughing.
It's so fucking good.
The entire video is just that guy
just being the world's most delusional human being I've ever seen. And it is the greatest series of like... 30 seconds until minions fall off.
I'm in your elo? Oh, let's go.
I don't actually know what MMR I'm in.
I had some like D2s
in my game last game. I had a
D4 player. We'll see.
I think if I win three more
games in a row, I'll be in masters so here's hoping that i don't throw my
games Did I see the Trist nerfs? No, I don't know what they are.
I have no idea.
I'm assuming it's probably something to do with her E interaction
with turrets or does her E damage early?
Q is going to cost eating damage early. Q's gonna cost 50 mana now?
Oh, that's actually kind of a big deal.
But it completely like fucks her over
for 80 carry, so...
Like that's kind of unfortunate cause like
because she's OP mid? She is just what fucked for AD carry now.
Actually I take it back, she isn't even fucked. She still fine. She She's just gonna be like, you can't spam her Q on cooldown. Right? That'll just be it. You can't just hold q and win the game
but she'll still be good so this you'll have to actually like pick and choose when to use
your cue now like before you could just use Q whenever you wanted, right?
So now you'll have to kind of
pick and choose.
I'm a little nervous about being ganked by fucking Elise. That's why I'm not jumping in yet.
I really don't want to get ganked by Elise at level 3. Sorry. Ooh, I suck.
Oh, I'm gonna miss so much CS here.
Well this is bot? 16 CS?
I should have gone and left
Oh what is this all he's doing Wait, what the What are you doing, man? I might have to actually flash here. We'll see.
I might be okay too. Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm gonna push one more wave because this guy can't really... What is this fucking Katarina doing?
Bro what are you...
What are you doing, man?
Like right there
I just Q'd.
And I wouldn't have been able to use that
Q to push that wave really fast.
Next patch. That's like
the only difference.
And all the times I've used Q
I wouldn't have had enough mana stacked up to be able to play
the game really.
So like, the Q-mana thing is actually a pretty
big deal, especially late game.
Like, late game, when you get
Navori, like you go Kraken Navori
You're essentially just spamming your Q button
over and over again on repeat
So I think Trist
will still be decent
But she'll have a lot more
like mana counterplay now
because 50 mana on the champion
with low base mana
is pretty good. That's a pretty good nerf.
I don't know where the Katarina went, but she's not mid.
Okay, Elise is mid. Where'd Katarina go? Okay there she is. What is happening?
Yo, Elise why are you sitting mid for like three minutes? Okay, there she is. What's happening?
Yo, Elise why are you sitting mid for like 45 minutes man? Like what is happening right now?
Can you fuck off out of my lane?
Why isn't Nivea here? Guys, what-what is happening?
Like sincerely, you signed your mid laner. Can you guys stop?
I'm losing my fucking mind, man. What is this? easy has been slain I don't think you should ever take Ignite on mid laners vs Tristana doesn't feel like the champion where Ignite really good just being honest there so Oh, Smolder is dead.
I should be able little care because my
my jungler's spot Hmm, I think I can still stop that guy's grubs.
I don't think i have to but i probably can it really depends
But yeah, I mean I'm't have to stop his grubs. Oh, I missed the cannon. Chat am i a bad player? bring on the I feel kind of bad because there's literally nothing that this guy can do to stop this.
Like, Tristana just absolutely fucking demolishes Katarina.
That is one of the hardest counters in the game.
Fuck! One shooting one! okay this guy has boots too.
I mean, Elise is probably above me at my upper left.
I'm gonna go ahead and assume she's above me.
Obviously, you can see we have no vision but I think that's
where she should be.
I could just be wrong.
Okay. I could just be wrong. Oh yeah, there she is!
I just leave...
And that right there is why Tristana is stupid.
This guy wasted all that time
to walk mid so I could walk away.
It's super stupid. Like there is nothing that guy can even do.
Now I just leave again.
See? We just walk away again.
An enemy has been slain! it just keeps happening
that guy can sit mid all game and he'll never kill me. Because every time he tries, I just walk away.
I use my little yodel legs and I just...
Walk away.
And now this Katarina can't back, that's why you don't take Ignite because now she can't back.
She's just stuck in the leg. Right? Like... Because now she can't back.
She's just stuck in the lead, right?
Like she's sitting here helpless watching me kill her fucking turret
She's gonna have to all-in me soon with ignite and then she's going to fail on her all-in. And after she fails her all in with Ignites...
...she's going to lose the game, and she's going to be tilted. so Mundo is trying to come mid now. What are you doing, Mundo?
What are you doing bro? I need to go back and buy some boots.
Surely they don't walk up to the turret?
Wow, they actually did. What the fuck?
I mean, I could have just killed them all there, but...
Interesting. so um so so so so I probably could have just killed him if I had my E. ear
that's what is up? It should be around half.
There's no way you're doing this. Nice. Thanks for watching! I'm going to try and get the turret. your team has destroyed a turret so so this might be a little greedy going through this reptile when my junglers top are bot, but fuck it.
Well I can't see. wow so so so um so what i missed that cannon bro the bad guy I'm dead. Damn, I can actually just instantly die. My bad, my ego'd.
Yeah, my TP bot to ego a death.
Honestly, I knew Elise was there. But uh...
For some reason didn't buffer my jump.
Like my brain is too small. I can see.
Wait, Lillia double kills this now? She should double kill that.
Oh my god she played that so well
oh my god!
Straight up, she played that like fucking near perfect. That was crazy.
Oh... Oh. You see how I'm pretty much always spamming my Q though? Like that's just gonna be the only thing that like, the nerf does.
It's going to make it so I can't just burma always spam my queue
that's literally all it's going to do I Egoed again
Okay, I knew they're all there
And I still egoed it because I'm bored
My bad I'll stop.
I'm bored.
Because like...
I know this game is like 99.9% over.
Because essentially we have better scaling than them with three drakes and we have uh oh we're better scaling we have three drakes and we have just overall like
better everything. So I know the game's probably over but unless my team wants to die And Adelaide has been slain.
Unless my team wants to die 500 times, but this Lillia is a good player.
The fact that Lillia's good makes the game so much easier too. I really want that bot turret.
We should just do Baron. Like, I have a feeling this fucking Lillia is...
Or this fucking Elise is...
I think she's bot side right now. She should be.
She's probably pathing up, so we kind of missed our window but it's fine so has been destroyed What the?
We should still just do Baron. Okay, how am I this bad at League?
Oh, Leia's finally gonna die.
Oh my god!
I think she's still dead.
...I've been throwing pretty hard.
Our Vayne's really tilted, so she's not gonna group.
So I gotta play better.
Whatever let's just get soul. Dude I'm really throw happy this morning it's cause I'm tired
I swear when you don't get good sleep you just start throwing fucking games
straight up I want some! Come on!
You see that?
Definitely get out of here. Which one more wave?
Ooh, actually...
The fact that Nivea's top right now is really worrisome. Somebody could be up here.
They could be sacking Drake to try and go for a Baron play. so Yeah.
Fuck, they were stacking Baron for that...
Or Dragon for that.
Why do I keep doing this?
We shouldn't have three bot right now, but that's not my- That's not their fault.
I mean we know they're on it, but they're just gonna get it like no that's bad.
Oh man, my team is panicking over Baron.
Guys, Baron doesn't even matter right now. I'm gonna be real.
My team is just panicking. so Oh
Our jungle is dead, but I think we can still do this believe it or not. Dude, I am throwing so bad though.
I don't know why I'm even on the sides
of the map that
I'm on by the way
Like high key,
I don't even know
why I went Bork third
instead of going Dom's third
and I don't know why I'm on the side
of the map that I'm always on. Like, I'm always on the wrong side
of the map.
It's like full autopilot
and my brain just doesn't think.
Okay. brain just doesn't think on a good note we're actually in a really good spot now though we just play for
i really need lord doms though I'm gonna go for the
Wundo is going to be so fucking strong until I get doms, and then he's going to melt like butter. so Oh, that might just be GG. Nice well played.
Yeah, GG. Nice well played.
Yeah, GG.
Dude, I don't know how I went from fucking 10 CS a minute...
11 CS a minute, no deaths to dying six fucking times in ten minutes.
My brain is broken this morning.
Like, I'm actually
playing the early game so...
The leads that I am getting in an early game are so big
That I should never ever get even close to throwing
And I still happened
to somehow run it down.
That's so embarrassing, man. I did not realize three hours of sleep was gonna take me out this hard.
I'm going to be honest with you guys.
Caffeine? Dude, that's the sad part.
I'm drinking to take a leak.
Maybe I need some water.
I haven't had water in like an hour.
Let me go get a glass of water.
We'll get some water and see if maybe that will help
a bit.
... Thank you...... Okay... I'm going to get some crackers. issues. How's your guys day going by the way?.. How's your guys day going on this wonderful Wednesday morning? Not only is the earliest I've streamed in probably six months, but
I also
earliest have streamed in six months and probably the longest streams i've had in six months Oh yeah, we were watching the Centrovia thing.
Let's continue. So,. you Okay... uh Okay..... Oh, I'll give you guys a little bit of backstory.
Okay? They're bullying this guy because
he played against Sanj like twice.
Then he added
Sanj. Sanj called him a retard.
He got offended and then said that Sanj
is terrible.
Then he said he was a Challenger player,
so Sanj asked him if he would play his Challenger
that he used when he hit Challenger
and then they discerned
that he bought his account
because they asked him to play as top played champs
when he was in Challenger on that account
and so now
he's going through the process of playing the champions in which he was quote-unquote challenger, and he's doing an absolute horrible job.
That's the only reason they're bullying him.
They're not bullying him because they just wanted to be mean.
The guy was literally shit-talking,
saying he was Challenger,
and they were trying to like prove he's not
i'll continue the video now you guys probably understood enough from that..... you
you you
you you hmm.. See?
You guys hear what Vakken just said.
Their scores might be worse, but that doesn't mean they lost the lane
i feel like once you realize that that's possible you've ascended into being a good player.. Who cares what he bought?
Oh, they don't give a fuck.
This is the funniest part about it, right? I don't give a fuck. This is the funniest part about it, right?
I don't actually think Sanj or
Vakken give two fucks that this guy
bought his account. They actually
don't care. But he's
like... The reason they're going on about this, because A.
Sanchez is a streamer, so it's content.
And B.
The guy was going out of his way
to continuously be toxic towards towards him like two hours after
they played a game together and he was still trying to be an so like he just decided
to just go in on him.
We're in a story right now.
We're in an adventure, we're in a story right now. Okay, we're in an adventure.
We're on a journey.
This is a two-hour and 14-minute fucking video.
We are in the middle of a journey.
Like... This is
like... This is a story
that we've
been investing in here. This isn't just
them shitting on him.
This was't just them shitting on him. We've gotten here through
a voyage. so.. I can't breathe.
Yeah, this guy jumped in the crubs earlier and died because
the enemy team was there and he used his grub zone.
... grubs I mean higher than kaguma Higher than Kogba... This is what I mean. He's trying to get him
To admit that he bought the account
And the funny part is, he doesn't give a fuck
That he... I know Sanj
Does not care that he bought this account he
gives zero bucks that this is the bot account he's just trying to get the guy to admit he bought it Okay.... wait where are we i want to show you guys the blue buff play 125 53 okay watch this
this might be one of the funniest plays i've ever seen a player make let alone a challenger player watch player.
Watch. Watch.
Watch. you. So, That's what they were talking about when they said, you almost died to Bloop up at level one.
Where were we before?
Were we 20...
Were we 25?
Here? Yeah. before? Were we 20? Where we 25
here. Yo, thanks Zippy. I appreciate it man. You got my back.. I can't breathe, man.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe. The other guy called is Vakken.
He's like a high challenger jungler for seven, eight years now
but he sits like he's that's like seven or he says it's like 900 to a thousand lp every season
like the reason sancho brought him in is because uh they're friends and vacken
was like yo or he was like, yo. Or he was like, yo this guy claims to be a
challenger jungler so I'm gonna have Vakken you know assess his gameplay
And here we are assess his gameplay
and here we are
alright guys
what are the odds that we can get through one game without me throwing my entire lead early game?
What do we think? What are the odds? Do we think we can do it? I think we can.
I swear we can.
Listen, trust in me, okay?
I swear we can get through it without me throwing my lead is subram Sometimes outnumbered. I almost threw my lane level one.
In my defense,
that was actually a good play to fuck with
that Udyr. Nice leash.
Oh please!
I stalled out his shit like...
First of all, he's at half like half hp second i stalled the shit like five six seconds
you that was a good play so oh my box got railed.
They just got... I see what happened. They got level 2 power spikes.
Woo! No! Dude, how?
Like, how did I just let that happen?
Like seriously though. How man? so What?
What are you doing?
Oh, I'm just dabbing.
I don't know what's going on here. what are you doing
oh i'm just dead wow
I got double flashed on. I thought uh the J4 was gonna walk. My bad! No, I mean my B.
Like straight up, I thought J4 was going to walk because he was in the jungle next to me.
Nice. Stopped his back...
I don't know if it'll actually matter because he's just gonna TP but...
Wait how did I top 9?
Ooh this is gonna be another one of those games where I got a 1v9.
Like last game we got a little lucky you know what I'm saying?
We got a little lucky last game where our team wasn't bad.
That's a pretty rare thing, though. Okay. like i actually like not even trying to be mean saying this.
I don't think I've had a winning team outside of that last game
that we just played in what had to be dear God
just the disgusting amount of time
like that guy had somehow some way that jinn had flash after all of that jinn had flash
that is crazy! so
at least they got his shutdown
but i said this is gonna be one of them 1v2 or 1v5ers nah i'm sorry one of them 1v5ers.
It's okay, I carry.
I got you boys! Oh, I just missed all my CS. That's fine. You know what we need to do? We just gotta play until I can hit my second wind.
Right, like that's all it matters. I've got to hit the second wind man.
Once we wake up and hit the second wind, man.
Once we wake up and hit that second wind... We are juiced!
We're chillin'!
The fuck is this? Go away.
Like, what am I watching right now man?
Like surely... Surely we're not doing this, right?
Like surely that's not happening.
What the fuck?
... so so uh so There's no way I can stop that dragon. is it oh is that tick tock song huh
i'm not gonna lie some kind of slaps it's kind of catchy right?
Wait tell me I'm wrong. It's pretty catchy
Hows that hanging? Very fucking tired, but outside of that hey we're chilling man. Hmm. I got my item. I got three hours of sleep last night
because I laid in bed for two hours unable to sleep,
just sitting there staring at the fucking ceiling.
Then I got three hours of sleep, woke up.
Was like, well, I really can't fucking...
I can't sleep.
So you know what?
I'm just gonna play some more League.
Because I'm not gonna go to sleep at 10 a.m.
Or 8 a.m. or you know 8 am or whatever i'm not i'm not gonna sleep all there uh I found my long lost mental. through actually though Okay, I have a question. Do you guys think that this Udyr and this Galio are duo?
They have to be, right? Because this is like kind of ridiculous.
My bad.
It's okay though. We still win. What is
J4 doing?
I'm gonna have to lock in this game actually though.
Like when you- sometimes you can just feel the games that you're going gonna have to actually lock in.
You can just fucking field them, man.
you might wanna go top and gank the Garen
who's proxying the dude's wave, man.
Like... seeing the dude's wave, man. Like you should get off that
gromp and go like,
help your teammate
who is being proxied
but hey
that's just my thought
i think they're trying to four man bot oh no there's Sc so bad.
It's like a huge bait.
Like anytime I see an Emulsion game or a Fire Golem Collector on Lucian
I think to myself like there's no way that this guy plays Lucian.
Easy peasy. Because it's just so bad, you're always zoom Foreign so Let me get in there! Thank you for watching! okay oh
close Close.
Very close. J4 very close j4 I don't think you want to do that bro What a crazy game!
Garen is sitting in that bush trying to stop me from taking points. Or he was. so so Do you want to see the fireworks? What the fuck did I just listen to?
Your friend, Ally has been slain. I gotta say, I'm so depressed that I act like it's my birthday every day.
That's kinda... That's sad. I mean that's kind of...
That's sad. I really want to get this turret.
It's just so hard to get the turret when
I don't know where Udyr is... Oh, he's top. Okay.
Alright, I can take turret on this next wave.
We're gonna lose top turret and mid turret... er bot turret but
I could probably get turret on this wave. Wait.
Wait, team?
I got distracted by the forfeit votes and then j4 is quite bad. Like, my illusion's bad but j4 is exceptionally bad because he's sitting there typing instead of
playing We're actually not losing hard enough to get
bounties is when you think about that it's actually kind of insane
because like my team just keeps getting wiped on repeat so i need armor pins so badly see the problem with this game is gonna be that
The enemy team is so escalated
Like they're so
Escalated from the homies
That they can just build pure fucking armor like their entire
team to build pure a fucking armor at the moment.
And there's not much I can do to stop it.
So I need to wait until I get more doms right? Oh Ooh.
Oh! Well played!
Wait, MJ4 killed this guy too? Oh huge! This happens a lot in lower elos.
People will just throw kills around
in the game because they're tilted,
and what it does is like...
It makes the people who like these people's items are really cheap right so it makes all of their cheap ass items like really escalated.
We have to get Drake.
We don't have choice, we don't have wards.
Nah man, we don't have vision, we have to get Drake.
Whoa! we have to get very...
Whoa! Okay.... so Garen's top, we could actually fight this if...
I just really wish the Thresh would have gone in there.
Oh, thanks man!
This Thresh is kind of a pussy, no lie. so I was this guy not being danged right now by the way so so so so Uh, Galio TP'd. uh so so I meant to type
Pryo, but I typed Tempo.
It was funnest.... meant to type prio but I typed tempo this was
I need to go mid here because my team is gonna fight around the spare and if
I'm not there they're gonna die
this is like one of those moments where they will genuinely just end
from out there
like i have tp but it generally just doesn't matter so There is nothing for me to TP to. so Did I seriously just get stunned as I went for the fucking jump play on Zyra?
Oh, you cowards.
Don't give up when you have Smurfs.
You low Elos.
Man, I got
fucking trolled.
Low Elo players
are wilds, man.
They lose their lane and then they forfeit.
You guys shouldn't queue League.
Your mental
is that bad
a one game.
Okay, I mean, yeah.
These two points... Our ball main got railed
but it doesn't really matter.
I'm gonna try a 180 carry game.
Mid is fun,
but I feel like every single game that is hard
is hard...
I'm gonna show you guys something.
Every game I've played, my AD Carry has inted every game I've played. Well this guy didn't int but he got
shit on him and he didn't do well.
This game it was Azaira
she did fine.
This game, my AD carry actually started this game 1-5.
By the way. This game, my AD carry did well.
Actually though he did really well again so out of my last six games,
my AD carries lost the lane five
of six games.
My AD carry actually did well this game.
This game was my fault, my AD actually did well.
The AD carry actually did bad this game he just popped off later
this game i don't remember what this game was
oh this was the unwinnable game there's like a few unwinnable games this game was. Oh,
this was the
unwinnable game.
There was like
a few unwinnable games.
This game I just
played then.
So we had one
unwinnable game so far.
Like, I think every game
was actually winnable except for this
one. Actually we had two unwinnable games.
We had this one and this
one were... Not that one. This one and this one
were unwinnable because I remember what happened in the games
and it was...
My team forfeited this game.
Right when I hit six items,
my team forfeited
so I couldn't play the game.
They got aced
then they didn't let me try and win, so
I mean it is what it is, it happens right?
This game... What happened?
Oh yeah this game was the guy who Q sniped me
and just sat mid the whole game and my team didn't take
advantage of it so I just died under my turret five times.
I'm kind of sad because I feel like
I only misplayed one time last game.
I could have snowballed my early
game lead a lot harder.
Like, I could've snowballed my early game lead a lot harder. Like, there was
a little bit of my early game...
I wasn't snowballing it hard enough.
But like, you guys know...
Let me show you something, okay?
If you got like dude i don't know how people can climb and league without understanding
like the basics of hitting tab and not building bad items
look at my team's build!
This guy had Collector,
and he was going Collector IE.
Look at the enemy team's build, man Armor
Garen gets armor naturally with his W
So my AD carry had no shred which is why he did this much damage
my j4 went pure lethality j4
against the team with tanks and a Zyra.
So if he ults in,
Zyra ults,
he's going to insta-die, right?
And the only person that he can one-shot on the enemy team is Jin.
I got mid.
Acute AD!
Wow, this guy's a Masters J4 player.
And he goes Lethality every game.
That's just horrible.
Okay. so I'm gonna yeah they were duo okay i was wondering because that guy camped made real harm
if i banu deer though these guys just lose oh they're in
a different game either way they just lose if you
ban a deer.
The shift and itemization?
The thing is, it's still not like a shift in itemization.
If somebody
builds armor, you don't build lethality. You never have, right?
All you have to do is hit tab
and see like
when you're playing League, you have to just think
actively about what your champion
does and what the enemy champions
are building to counter what your champion
does. So if you're playing
full Lethality J4, but they have three champions that are unkillable and the other two champions...
One of them is a Zyra so you're just gonna blow up right like you have no defensives so you're just going to explode
i feel like you have to swap your builds up because
if you want obviously that guy probably doesn't care.
It's not like we're playing in high elo yet.
That guy is Masters, but
we're playing him D2 or whatever.
So obviously, it doesn't really matter or whatever. So, like, obviously
it doesn't really matter but
I do think it's one of those things that
gets overlooked a lot
is, like, your build and how you play the game
is really important in League of Legends.
All right, do you guys think we play Ezreal here
or do we just go for the easy mode Corki?
Let's play Ez.
I need to buy Malz so I have an AP champ I can play.
I forgot that I don't own Malzahar in this account.
Team comp doesn't matter at the CeeLo.
Like, your team comp's not a huge deal because nobody farms correctly and nobody
does anything right in the sealer, so
you having AP and AD and shit, none of it
matters. That's why I'm not too worried
about this, but I should buy mouths.
Yeah, no, you're right.
The thing about it is your ability to have good awareness
on what you should be building in League
is one of the skills of
League. No, I'm saying like a lot of people will queue up and autopilot their builds.
The same exact build every game.
And sometimes they'll just be like...
Why am I doing no damage?
But they'll build Collector or RFC here.
Like these worthless ass items.
Last game,
I almost went Lord Dom second actually.
Normally I don't go
Lord Dom second on Trist.
I always go Flicker Blade because it's just OP.
Like, Flicker Blade is insane on Trist
because you have so much mobility
and so much push power and shit.
But I was really close to going Lord Dom second, because they were building armor after I finished my Kraken. The fact he went Sunfire plate and the Udyr went plated, I was like I should probably get Doms second
but I was like okay
I can probably
get Doms by 20 minutes if the
game's even.
Like if everybody on my team was trying to win and didn't just mentally give up and
start throwing kills around i would have had doms at 20 minutes it would have been fine but i mean it is what it is right you can't win every game you play I also didn't play perfect so like I had some bad like I had some bad fights.
Some bad spacing and shit.
No, you're fine then.
Okay. No, you're fine man. Yo whatever your peak is by the way, you should never be like ashamed cause like...
Yeah I think D2's bad but like
I also play the game for 10 years and i'm i play like thousands of games you know
don't worry about it bro I mean, yeah. Whatever works
for you. Like, I think there's some builds that
are just really good on some champions no matter
what. Right? Like, I don't think you're ever gonna build
like Locket on Janna, for example, right?
So some builds are like
really OP on some champs, etc.
But uh... You pretty much always go...
What is this?
Just hit him.
What's he going to do?
Okay. What's he gonna do? Oh yeah, uh...
Is there anything I can say? Oh yeah. But like, sometimes you just change your build up based on what's happening in the game. We need a ward covering the entrance to our bot side.
Because Skarner is going to invade our bot side.
It's because Skarner is going to invade our bot side.
So I think what I'm going to do here is he's probably going to invade really fast on our bot side.
Because he's probably just going to go try and get red.
So what I'm actually going to do here is I'm going to push this wave in.
And I'm going to go face check our bot camps really quick. Yeah, he's on red buff right now. He's either on red or he's on Krugs. so uh You see the importance of making a plan and sticking to it? Because we invaded, I knew that the Skarner was was gonna look to go for a map split and
Because he was going to go for a map split. I was like, okay
What's he gonna do his play is just gonna have to be to go to bot camps
So let's go push mid in because it's a vlad and he can't match
the push then once you once we push this midway then we can just go to bot camps
and kill him because he's not going to be... The other thing that
you got to think about is like,
he's not going to actually be
level 3, right? I knew he wasn't going to be 3 either.
So I'm taking that trade on purpose because he just
TP'd, so I want to go back and
I want to...
This guy's a moron, by the way.
But that's just so not worth it.
But um...
Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and...
Keep you back.
Uh, I'm going to miss probably three or four minions here but it's fine.
This guy is at half
and I should be able
to still pry on my team.
Skarner's bot.ård's bot. That's good to know. Hit tab, he has 18 CS. so I rarely know what i'm looking for. Skarner is possibly below me, that's why i'm hovering on the top side of mid here. I need to go to ward down.
He could be on dragonboard I need to go get a ward done.
He could be on dragon right now, which makes me kind of sad.
Because I would really appreciate not losing first dragon this early on, just because my team is...
Not warding it. But... I think if he was on dragon that might be gone already so I think he's actually...
Oh, he just started Drake.
Oh no here he is.
I mean i'm fine this guy can't kill me he's level fucking...
He's level 4 and he can't do shit. man i actually had a flash. That's so unfortunate man.
I was so close to my six. so um so Yeah.
They need to just bail, I think.
Oh he's 1 HP maybe always one hp
dude our jax is definitely outclassed a bit but i think it's fine
it should be okay it's just like really really hard to pressure Vlad after I had to...
After I, like, used my lead to go put the Skarner behind,
it's hard to pressure Vlad.
Okay. so i go out there for myself yeah so so so once it's a ruin i can legally This is... uh so so i'll make this I should wait.
I'm just listening to the top 50.
I actually almost never listened to this music ever,
I think it's the first time in like
nine months I've listened to the top- top 50 or whatever songs I think you just got really unlucky, I'm gonna be real
like straight up I think you got like the most unlucky time to come to the stream
... time to like come to the stream Oh.
Alright, sure man.
I'm not going to give up. You learned that from me. so okay Another day, another bullseye. another day has been nice uh so uh I'm dead.
Can he actually kill that guy?
Ooh, well played!
I think he's dead though.
Well still well played!
I think the issue that is happening here is my team is trying way too hard to fight them instead of play off of uh
they need to just play off of objectives
because we're forcing too many really bad fights like Like, Vlad got two kills bot for no reason.
... um The goblin's for sure. A talent's on me! An ally has been slain.
An enemy has been slain.
An ally has been slain so dude you gotta stop doing that man Do not come mid.
Told you five times.
Stop coming. Bro,
you are forcing
versus a fed mid
You've done this five
times with your
every camp up and Drake up. Go do the objectives!
Grubbs is not what you play for. You play for Drake!
An ally has been slain.
No! oh Okay, I got to mute.
I'm going to get you tilted listening to a Diamond player use the word
Oh! diamond player use the word tempo it cleanses your reign totally that rocks so Marvelous! so Like, I'm sorry but if you ever have somebody kill your lane for you, like early and you still lose...
I'm on mute.
Sorry, but low elo.
You all suck.
Stop whining.
Stop typing. We Improve. Stop typing.
We win. No type.
No type, stop.
This is really worth ten times the ASCII I hate low elo because all they do is type. Like anyone below Grandmaster should never be typing in a video game ever, but they just
do it like they just type and whine and bitch and moan and rage
And then it makes me focus on that over the game. So I got a mute them
That's not good so Hopefully that guy takes top turret because I literally just fucking had to execute
because the top laner ran bot.
Damn, what did I tell you though? Every time I play League at the moment my AD Carry ints every game.
Like I'm telling you, every single game your AD Carry will int. It's like better to play AD even though it's a worse role.
Wait that sounds crazy to say this but it's like
Better to play an AD carry because- or it's better to play AD
Because even though it's a worse roll
Your AD Carry is always going to be bad
right like they'll just end on repeat.
Wait why would you not go in on that guy?
What the fuck am i watching
no way No way.
Jesus, man.
Uh... uh uh Thank you for watching! so uh I mean, we get to the win.
We just have to kill Vlad one time. here so know your environment my environment God, he's such a baby.
I don't know why low-ego players are such babies.
I think it's just pure ego.
Like, they get their ego hurt and so they just don't want to play anymore.
Oh, a plan! hmm huh
I mean he got it but i still don't think it was worth um your team has destroyed the turret
and you're done
your team
has destroyed the turret
oh Okay with that, as long as I got my item. You guys need to leave.
Can Fiora actually kill that guy? Ooh, I don't know. Nah she can't...
She didn't proc her ulti on him! This guy unmuted, said nothing and then remuted. It's kind of funny.
Dude the only reason this game is hard
is because these Jax walked mid
or my bot lane let Vlad walk bot
The one timer where he could walk bot.
They didn't back up, he gets a double kill and then
Jax walks mid and tries to kill him and dies.
It's actually so frustrating so It was close. We almost got him, but we need to stop fighting. so so has been destroyed.
My death has been greatly exaggerated And we're gonna lose baron
what did i just see down here? Was that Urgot? Yeah it was. so I'm just dead and he's so fed man. What am I watching? so is uh whatever so so I mean, this game's done. I'm like mentally checked out at this point.
Like they have better scaling than us and I'm mentally checked out.
I killed their jungler at level two, my bot lane still managed to not play the game.
It is one of those uh Thank you.
My team is... scared Vlad. I mean, that's probably understandable. Your inhibitor has been destroyed.
Enemy quadra-kill based.
Your turret has been destroyed.
Your turret has been destroyed
why would i discord with a Diamond player, bro? Like sincerely.
Why would you believe that my time
Would be wasted Discording with a Diamond player?
Maybe if you pay me for coaching, but
this is wild.
Like what are you doing bro?
The only reason that game was even hard
was literally because
bot lane inted the Vlad at level 2
and my Jax did 12,000 damage.
How do you how do you
do the least
damage in the
game as a
Jax when I
killed the
enemy jungler
at level 2?
That's wild
to me.
Like let me take a look at this guy's OP.gg.
Surely he's smurfing, right?
He's not smurfing.
He's literally inting every game.
He's a diamond four player oh
oh god Oh, God. Yeah, I don't think
I should add this guy.
I feel like if I add him
I'm going to lose brain cells he's like a player where
like you add him and you realize the world population is dumber than you once thought
right like you at him and you realize immediately the world population is stupid.
Because there's just no excuse.
Like, everything he was doing was wrong.
I killed the enemy Skarner,
He never invaded,
so we started their jungle while they were still Right? He never invaded.
So we started their jungle level one.
I ended up killing the enemy Skarner.
He didn't invade the enemy Skarner's bot side to try and put the Skarner behind, right? Because the Skarner
did blue and then walked to our bot side,
right? So all he had to do was
recall, enter the enemy Skarner's bot
side, and he wins the game.
Like that's pretty much all you had to do
like i'm i wish i was kidding
like vlad is gonna out scale me as Ezreal, right?
So my only play Is either A
Take the turret
Like I just sit there and take the turret, right?
That's the only way I can play the matchup
I either sit there
And I just hit the turret
Until it's gone
Because it's gone.
Because it's impossible to actually kill Vlad.
Or, I either just sit there and hit the turret
till it's gone and try and help the team
or get prio and walk around to help the team, or I get prio
and walk around to help my teammate in the jungle.
The problem was that my teammate wasn't doing anything
to push his lead in the jungle
so what ended up happening
was I was pushed forward
trying to pressure my lead on the Vlad
but I had to back
at one timer. I had
2,000 gold, right? It was like...
I think it was the level 6. The second TP timer
I had 2k gold. Vlad just Tp'd back
I was teleporting back
And my bot lane decided to take that exact moment
to fight bot for no reason,
give Vlad a double kill
and then my Jax
decided he wanted
to do grubs
and he ran directly
into the Vlad
and died and said, why is my mid
Like, they're just dumb.
That's why I tell you
nobody below Grandmaster
Challenger has any idea how to play League of Legends
at all. Like actually zero.
So if you ever have a teammate telling
you that they think you're playing bad, just realize like
that person probably like
You know, like this is a good way to not tilt when your team tells you what to do. Just understand that like it's very likely that person trying to tell you how to play League was that kid who sat in the back of a class in kindergarten sniffing glue
or eating glue.
He was the glue eater.
So, like,
you shouldn't listen
to glue eaters, guys. Take it from me, it lost two games.
I'm upset.
Both games I could have played better, but...
...I was a little bit frustrated by just how stupid my Jax was.
I just need to go back to muting all. I have 100% win rate when I mute all.
Look, I'm not even kidding. Every game that
I've won handedly was me muting all
who bans v? That champ sucks.
The only reason
Vlad got fed last game
was literally...
Like, literally because fucking
Balmain just decided to fight him 50 times.
Why... Why, uh... Why is everybody banning Ashe?
I know she's good but she's not like
Like I don't see anybody ban Ashe on my main.
Like, high Masters, low GM games right now?
I barely ever see Ashe get banned.
But in Diamond, Ashe is banned every game.
It's hilarious. Why do we have a top pollution?. I'm kind of down to play a know the game.
I mean, in the defense of people who don't trust people
if you trust your teammates
there's a chance that you can lose.
Like, you have to trust your teammates to an extent right
like uh but you have to trust them a little bit
but the problem is is like if you trust your teammates to play perfect or do
something like perfectly there's
a pretty good chance you're going to be disappointed dude do i really have
to take cleanse because reverse tf fucking cleanse, because we're versus TF.
I'm not doing it, man.
I don't care.
How many are you going at?
Okay. I'm gonna going at
I'll be doing the cleanse, I don't care.
I just have to pay attention to where TF is. Well, yeah. I mean, Renata's a weird champ. Not a lot of people see her in the game well yeah
I mean
Renata's a weird champ
not a lot of people
see Renata very often
like if you play
a champion
then not a lot
of people know
what the champion does
it's not a really
straightforward champ
uh it's definitely frustrating
like when i play draven i'll have people stand behind me when I'm playing Draven.
And they don't realize how OP Draven is.
Like, I'll have Nautilus and Leona's and shit be scared to go in.
And it's just it's because people are really nervous about
making mistakes Minions has spawned. I'll see you tomorrow. I really need a new gun, but don't tell me how to do it. Dude, anybody else love Hollywood Undead?
I always forget this band exists and then I hear one of their songs and
i'm like oh yeah, I like those men.
How are these people so late to land? What is happening?
Did I just get ignited? so so so Okay, that guy's an idiot. I'll take a free kill bro. thanks Tommy!
You're afraid to spend your shit for an OP.GG review?
Wait, why? Don't be scared of that man!
The only thing I might roast you on is your choice of champion
But i'll tell you right now I don't actually give a fuck what is your choice of champion.
But I'll tell you right now,
I don't actually give a fuck what elo you are.
Like, I flame Diamond players and Masters players because I don't like
these people as humans.
Like, if you're Masters and you're a non-douchebag Masters player or you're Diamond and you're
a non douche bag Diamond player.
I don't care about your rank man, I really don't.
As long as you try your best and have fun it's a video game.
Also... you try your best and you have fun it's a video game also why did spotify start playing this song
i'm feeling, like... concerned.
Like you trying to say something? Spotify? what's happening so so We could have killed them both, by the way. If not of's just walked behind but uh because i have two boots
we can definitely kill him oh nice try Hey.
Okay, now I'm a little low
but that was my bad.
We need to push this because I need to go back. I think he's gonna try and... That's fine. I should have flashed it. Oh, I don't have Flash.
Well you know what? I would've flashed if I could've.
Just letting you know...I would've flashed that if I could have guessed.
Wait there's a plate there?
Do I want to greed that?
Nah, fuck it.
I was like thinking about all this, do I wanna greed this plate?
Nah, fuck it.
Yo I don't think I've ever...
Wait this song kinda slaps!
What is this?
I'm on like a random playlist right now.
This shit's kinda... This shit's kinda dope.
Come on! Dragon instead of IE? It depends. If I have the ability to buy the components for IE, I'll do it but Kraken's just such a good power spike
Like I said, say I go back at 13
and I'm like, oh, I guess I'll get a BF.
You can get it.
But IE is really awkward buy, because when you buy the IE too,
You don't have great synergy until you finish your second item.
Kraken spikes on one item, IE spikes on two. So it really just depends. What the fuck? so No fucking way.
I'm dead.
Dude! I'm dead.
Why did I fight that?
Like, our jungler's
top. What was I doing?
I need to drink some energy drink. Also What was I doing?
I need to drink some energy drink.
Also, how did my ult miss that-that was the worst part about that by the way
My fucking ult missed
Point blank. That Aphel is just how i griefed by the way like what that guy just did by the way it's like what i tell you guys never to do that was like a picture Like, you don't ever do that.
I'll show you why right now.
I'm the best in my lane! so you see how he hasn't backed yet and he's just stuck in the lane Ooh, okay.
Wait, I'm really tilted.
That was horrendous.
I almost just inted.
But yeah, basically he overstayed for those two plates. But when he overstayed, what I'm trying to say in so many words is
When he overstayed like that, he ended up losing more than he gained from the fights.
That's why you have to learn when to back as an AD carry carry it's really important to learn back timers as navy We should get this turret, by the way. Like 100%. But yeah, you should 100% learn
backtimers as an AD carry.
Because you see how that that entire thing he stayed for two extra plates bought
and and literally in staying for two extra plates he lost his entire turret.
Right? That's like something that you don't learn. I see Masters players mess stuff up like that a lot.
Like, the biggest difference that I always notice between Masters and
GM is GM players
have a lot better understanding of when to back
in the games. And like, when
to be on the map and shits
It's like, Masters players have no clue.
And obviously I get anything below Masters too right?
An ally has been slain! An enemy has been slain I don't know why
kind of want to get out of the habit
of like
making it seem
like Masters is bad
because like
I have this really
bad habit
of like flaming
or talking
because like
I don't like them but they're not that bad as players. It's just that...
They make- the reason I bring up stuff like that is because they do make, like, really obvious mistakes.
And those obvious
mistakes, it might not seem like a big deal
when you're, like...
the difference between Masters- The difference between any ELO, let's put it this way, the difference between Masters...
The difference between any ELO. Let's put it this way.
The difference between any ELO is consistency right?
You guys can agree with that?
Diamond to masters,
you know,
gold's gold to emerald.
Like whatever it's all
like consistency and how
well you play every game.
So it's like that's
like the difference I
noticed the most.
It's like sometimes I'll see people back at the right times
and other times I'll see them
overstay because something happens,
right? So something crazy will be happening
in the game and they'll be like, oh,
I need to participate in this fight, right? Like, oh, I need to participate in this fight.
Like people have this really bad habit, especially in Diamond and Masters
where they over-participate in fights that they shouldn't be playing in
because everybody wants to help each other, right? fights that they shouldn't be playing in.
Because people, you know,
everybody wants to help each other, right? Like it's like a team game. So despite what
everybody says about League being the worst
game ever, nobody's teamwork, blah blah blah
I would say like every single player I play with
has this idea that they want to help
each other.
Right? They want to
team fight. If something's happening next
to them, they wanna go help that guy in a fight. But something's happening next to them they want to go help that guy
in a fight but it's like sometimes it's better to just not do that
and you have to learn when those times are to be able to like kind of improve
diamond doesn't look it's just consistently playing smart smart. I would say Diamond is making your own luck.
That's what Diamond does, You're making your own luck, because you're still going to get bad players. so Okay, can we all pretend nobody saw that
Chat, I need you guys to have my back on this one.
Nobody saw that okay?
Like I need this guys, I need this.
Like i'm tired.
I'm playing bad this morning.
Oh my god.
Well that guy's...
That guy's not happy with life right now.
Oh! Oh.
Woo! Let's go! Dude, I told you guys though. Every time... Like, I swear something is in the water
When i'm winning mid my bot lane is losing really hard
So if ever swap to bot lane during the days where my lanes are just losing
i win most of my games because then my midlane usually does decently and
I'm never like doing badly on bots, so it, so you just kind of even it out. so me so so is Your team has destroyed an inhibitor.
Is it diamond?
It's NA Diamond, does that make you feel better so so I kind of like going Lord Dom's on Jinx third.
Just on every AD third,
I kind of like Dom's.
I feel like IE
actually doesn't feel that good.
Like, I can't
explain it, but something about this
core right here, these three items...
It feels so much better than having Infinity Edge.
... We're Well yeah, IE got nerfed but...
It's still good. It's just like not as good. Ehhhhh too weak! What means Raven? Ion Lucian's not bad. uh like i my build on lucian is essence super and die I stole it from one of the rank 1 Lucian players on NA.
And, I really like it though. so so Whee! Like, this is the guy that I copied...
What's his fucking name?
Do you know who Shogo is?
No. You know who Shogo is? He has a weird name.
He streams like every day. No clue. Here, I'll give you a stream too.
He's probably like top three best AD carries in NA right now.
But he's extremely good.
I gotta find his account because he named it something stupid and I don't remember how to spell it. Okay, let me turn the music down. By the way, was that a good music volume?
Because that is blasting my eardrums.
music volume
is really quiet for you guys
and really loud for me. It's annoying.
Okay, I know he is here somewhere. Where is
he? Abula...
No, Tau No. How?
Okay, I'm going to lose my mind.
Where is he?
Dude, I have him added on my main.
I just don't want to go in my main account dude
i'm just too tired to like see the name god damn it.
Oh, god damn it.
This is his main.
I'll just show you his main account. He has two accounts in Challenger.
I just stole the build from him.
He goes Kraken Slayer sometimes,
and then his main build that he does on Lucian is he goes Essence into IE and to Doms.
Almost every single game, he does that build.
And it's extremely good. like that build is crazy good. You do a lot
of fucking damage with that build.
You're probably getting wrecked because Lucian's a hard champion to play lane phase. People think Lucian is easy,
because people watch good players play it
or they like... It's straightforward
to play Lucian. But when you're playing
against people that are really good and they're
playing better champions, because Lucian is not a good champion
so when you're playing against people who are, like, better...
Playing better champs, like Ezreal or Jinx or Ashe or something,
Like, he's pretty fucking hard to play.
Because you have to wait for, like, the perfect time to go in.
Oh, Playstone!
Yo, so I have a thing on my stream
where you can't... I can't see your
name because links don't work.
Tell me what your name is and tell me what your uh server is
and i'll look it up i got you, man.
I like disabled links eight years ago because people were linking porn
and I never
re-enabled it even though I could probably
re-enabled it, even though like I could probably re-enable
Bro, no way.
Did you see that fucking douchery that I just had to deal with?
Look at this. I just had to deal with. Look at this,
I'm trying to copy this
and this stupid pin message thing comes up.
Like... Alright, let's check it out baby.
Let's see... Alright, let's check it out baby.
Let's see...
Oh you haven't played any ranked this season?
Oh wait I haven't updated that, lemme see. Wait you haven't played ranked since 2020?
You want an OP.G review?
I mean,
I can give you one
but like
I don't know much about ARAM I mean, I can give you one. But like...
I don't know much about ARAM.
It's oops. Oh!
Oops! Oh, oops!
I'm dumb. I didn't know that it was... Okay my bad bro.
I'm stupid.
I was like damn this man just paid for an aram review let's go
i mean you hit diamond that's pretty good
he had before like two spots ago that's not bad
all right let me see
i don't
put on
the champion
Wait, why can't i see your stats what what's happening
like if i can't see your champions stats.
there we go. I this isn't bad you do really well with smolder
and kong
let me see... First thing, right out of the gate
You gotta work on your CS
Like obviously
I wanna point something out to you okay?
I'm gonna just uh show you something really quick.
These games that you're losing,
you only have 6.7, 5.5 on this
win, whatever, right?
These smolder games
that you're just like
absolutely fucking smurfing in,
you're not smurfing
in these games
because you're playing
like Smolders OP
or you're just better
at Smolder.
You're just farming better.
This is
something that naturally happens
that people don't realize.
As you get
better at farming,
you'll just be stronger.
So you'll hit spikes sooner, you'll do more
damage at important timers, etc., etc.
So like, you should just focus
on farming
really well during the early lane phase.
Make sure that's something
you're really looking into because
the reason you're doing so well on Smolder is because
he's easy to farm with and then
you're probably doing bad early game and then you're probably catching... You're probably doing bad early game.
And then you're like catching up in farm late game
because you just explode the waves or whatever.
But if you think about how good
your gameplay would be
if you weren't missing all those CS and lane and shit.
Because a lot of people undervalue how important
early game is.
It's like a snowball, right?
Here I'll make
like a quick little
really fast little example
of what I'm talking about.
it's all snowball so it's like let's say your first item
let's say normally you get your first item at 11 minutes right
like that means your second item is going to be delayed
like let's say you get it at 11 and then
your second item,
you get it.
Like I don't know 19 or whatever,
Yeah. or whatever, right? Well, if you farm better
this is going to create a really big snowball.
Because what's going to happen is
let's say you get your first item at 9 minutes.
It's not even going to be 17.
It's going to be something like 15.
So you actually, like, snowball it way harder into the mid game in your second item.
Because if you snowball your first item, right?
That means that now you're stronger
You are making the enemy weaker.
You're farming faster,
farming better
because you have more AD
and more power.
You're missing less CS.
You're getting plates probably
accruing more gold.
You're probably... The enemy's not
fighting you as much, probably, and they're
giving you more room to walk around
the map and help fights because you have an item.
It's just like getting early
items, the faster you get one item,
the faster you get your second
and then the faster
you get your third
and it just amplifies.
Now this is 19.
This would have been 24
or 23 maybe
but it's just like...
It's a big snowball, so that's why the early game is SO important.
Because it snowballs incredibly hard with how fast you can get items
and how fast you can snowball your items.
Your champs aren't bad?
Well, I don't think Smolder's
bad in Emerald and Diamond.
Which is where you're playing.
So, I mean...
And you have a good win rate.
You have 61.
You don't die very much. Right? Like, you have 61 yeah you don't die very much right like you
have good like not dying which is i mean you have less
tests than i do right on average like that's good
i die way too much so like this is good. You have good deaths. Your CS could use a little bit of work but outside of the CS...
Which is just everything, like I can CS better right? Outside of everybody can CS better, right? Outside of like...
Everybody can CS better.
So outside of that really basic tip
of just CS better
and focus on laning and shit
I would say
Sorry, I'm doing my runes real quick I would say...
Sorry, I'm doing my runes real quick.
I would say outside of that just play Smolder.
Like try...
Don't spread yourself really thin.
Just be a one trick because
if you don't have to think about what your champion is doing right then you can
think about how to play the game there's two things in a league that people
get confused about one is the matchups going on like the champion versus champion matchups and
then there's like playing actual league right like they're two very different things
because actual League of Legends is
not matchups and champions, it's
macro and spacing
and timers and
understanding win cons
and things like that.
That's League.
But it's hard to learn matchups for every single champion
while trying to learn League at the same time.
Like you can't physically learn both of those
at the same time. It's too hard.
You stretch yourself too thin.
So it's a lot easier if you pick one.
That's why you see people
who get really high elo are usually
1-tricks, right?
I 1- one tricked Draven
to Challenger when I first hit Challenger, right?
And then I started to like
broaden my horizon after
I hit Challenger. I started
learning other ADs and kind of
figuring out different
champs and matchups because I'd already figured out League.
So you just
have to pick one or two
champs that you're comfortable with, like you could pick Kog'Maw and Smolder
and just play only those
two, unless it's boring
but if you want to get better at stuff
it's going to be a boring spam
of games because you have to learn the timers the muscle memory, the games because you have to like learn the timers,
the muscle memory, the damage. You have to like learn the champion so
you don't have to think about it right? Like you don't have
to think about the champion very much when you're playing the matchup and stuff hold on one second Sorry, I was talking to my team in champ select.
Okay, uh...
So yeah, I mean that's fine.
It looks like you jungle a little bit too.
Like your jungle is not bad.
That's good.
But yeah, I mean, outside of that, it's kind of hard to
say what to do.
Don't buy Control Wards in Emerald or
Diamond. Like, don't ever buy Control Wards in Emerald
or Diamond, ever. Nobody below grandmaster knows how to use control
words even masters players can't use these things so like just don't even bother
don't bother buying words like i know it sounds like weird advice don't it's just a waste of
your gold like you're gonna put a pink ward down, and
you team is never going to play around your pink ever! They will ignore it and nothing
will happen. Maybe if you are trying to do a Baron call
and, like,
you're trying to force your team
to do a Baron or something.
But outside of that
don't ever buy this.
It's just a waste of gold.
If I answered Oh, I didn't answer you yet, Rock. Sorry, I was doing the OP-G review.
I got you in a second. But outside of that, like I said, just stick to two champions
1v2. Focus on
your early game a bit more
and just play and learn what works
and revise.
You're not dying very much. You have less deaths than
I do.
You have good deaths than I do. You...
Have good KDAs, you might be playing too much
KDA but
that's something that you learn as you get a little bit higher
into diamonds. Like you start
learning how to like hard carry and stuff.
But I wouldn't focus on that until you actually hit Diamond,
then you can kind of start learning
how to hard carry and stuff.
Any tips on what to do with supports
you try to play over aggro in the early game?
Okay, if your support is playing
over aggro, there's two matchups
that you can do. One,
you can use them as fodder if you're strong. Like, if you're playing
a lane bully, like if you're playing Draven, if you're playing Lucian
if you're playing Tristana, if you're playing Ashe
like if you're playing something that does damage early game
okay? You can use your teammate
as cannon fodder.
So, like...
If they walk up and soak all of those spells, right?
Let's say the enemy is playing Ezreal-Janna
And you're fucking Seraphine gets caught
and I'm playing Ashe, right?
Like, and let's say they use
all of their spells on the Seraphine.
You should be able to kill one of them.
Because they're using all of their spells spells on her you should be able to
turn their aggression against them because now they have nothing to hit you right like use your
teammates over aggression to try and like make plays now if you're
against something like pike draven and your teammate's just running it down
you can't really do anything try not to die
try not to die and try not to die and try not to
just farm the best you can
and look for
timers that you can be
really aggressive in the games.
... in the games. Like right here, right? You see how far up
I'm playing already? Ashe is already...
Jinx is already
back. This is something nobody does
in this elo.
I'm not doing anything special.
I'm just playing really far forward
I know that they can't beat us 2v2
and because I know that they can't beat us
right? I'm just gonna sit here
and play far enough up that if they do try to fight us,
They take too much damage.
You see Jinx is already at half HP and she's still level 1 right? So...
Right there I missed one CS but she missed two.
I miss 2 CS because I'm bad and old but that doesn't matter.
Or it does, but I'd like to forget that I'm bad and old.
Here we're gonna back.
So right now on this timer
We three wave crashed
On this three wave crash we have a few options.
I can either stay or I can back
and I can buy a coal.
This is like a very specific
timer that you can do this
if you have 450 gold because you crash the wave,
you stack all three waves up with a cannon and it crashes.
And you can see I'm already halfway back in the lane
and they haven't pushed this wave yet right?
So because of that, it gives me enough time to get back and they haven't pushed this wave in yet, right?
So because of that it gives me enough time to get back
to the lane. And now I just have a free item
I'm gonna be a little bit slower on my level 3
you can see they're both level three but i'm also gonna hawk shot because
i know kane is up here cain isn't up here somewhere so i want to find him okay
but yeah so now you see... This isn't too bad right?
I don't know what my team's doing.
I'm a little scared, not gonna lie.
Okay, uh... I could fast shove this because they're backing but I'm gonna slow. I'm just going to hold the wave here.
But yeah so you can see like what I just did.
It just creates this idea that
they aren't gonna be able to push the wave in fast enough
for you to not be able to get back to lane
and then you're going to have a call.
So now every CS that I
get with this call is
like me getting further
ahead of them for free,
Like it's absolute
Like I have a 14,
I have 14 cold stacks now and that's just the free lead like even if he comes back with a cult
he didn't but even if you came back with a call
he would still be 14 cs down with his cold so it's like
you got to just uh CS down with this cult. So it's like, you gotta just
play around
timers and things like that.
We're gonna crash this wave.
I'm gonna hawk shot up through
the top side jungle.
You're gonna see Kayane probably in about three seconds with the hawk shots
there he is he's on raptors i don't even need to like
zoom over to him i just know that he's there because i know how his pathing works
so because i know how his jungle pathing works uh i know he's got to be on
raptors right oh i fucked up but it's fine
and we can actually play extremely aggressive here
because we know kane is not here.
Okay, he just used a heal.
So now we know Kayn will be here in about 3 or 4 seconds. Right? So now though, I need to push this in.
I'm going to ping to push this as fast
as I can and we're gonna battle because
Kayn is going to be here very, very soon.
I can Hawkshot and show you exactly where Kayn is even though
we have no wards but I'm not wasting my Hawkshot because I don't want to.
But I'm telling you right now, Kayn is on Gromp.
Like... You can learn
to track the enemy junglers
by their pathing and by like
their timers of what they're doing very easily if you're uh as you get better at the
game like kane is pretty likely somewhere around here right now or somewhere around
here i'm gonna hawk shot so we can see
so i did i hawks out of here instead of here uh because i wanted my teammate to be able
to there was a play going on mid and i wanted my team to be able to... There was a play
going on mid,
and I wanted my team
to be able to safely
make that play mid.
The Kayn's definitely
on dragon.
He's not.
Okay, apparently
I'm bad.
Okay, the Kayn's there,
but maybe he's slower than I thought Apparently I'm bad. Okay, it came there, but...
Maybe he's slower than I thought.
Maybe he's doing everything slower.
Because like,
He is where I said he's supposed to be.
But he's like, slower. But, He's like slower.
I don't know man.
Maybe he's just an idiot.
Okay that's mean.
Maybe he's just...
Maybe he's just bad.
I'm bad at League, don't say a word.
I'm just bad.
I don't want to talk about it.
We won't discuss what just occurred okay? I'm tired old and bad. That's all you need to know. I got three hours of sleep last night.
That's my excuse.
I did a 13 hour stream yesterday and then got 3 hours of sleep last night, okay?
Oh, I just missed the Recess.
I don't want to volley here yet.
Knowing level spikes is also extremely important.
So right here...
They're both Level 5 so right here uh
they're both level five and i'm still level six so
i do think they're about to hit level six on this wave but i think i can walk up before they hit sex Ooh, okay.
Wait we actually killed that guy right there!
Oh no! Wait, we actually killed that guy right there.
You see how I'm forcing fights though?
When I know that we have an advantage, right?
Like, we're scrapping but I know that we have the
advantage so it's not that...
Okay. We can just give up. We can go next. It's fine.
I don't want to play anymore guys it's not it's not good.
She actually has higher range than me at level 7.
Level 6 we have about the same range with her rockets and my autos level 7 she has high range so i gotta
care uh pretty confident kane's bar right now but i'm gonna just check with Hawkshot, yeah he is okay.
We have Hecarim down here so we could fight this. But I'm gonna back up.
I'm playing bad, man. Goddamn.
That was an amazing impression of a bronze player.
Hey, man. Bronze player? amazing impression of a bronze player hey man bronze players need love too okay um I'm gonna see where this Jinx backs and arrow her.
Okay, I'm going to arrow that Jinx where she's backing because it's going to stop her back.
What that does is,
That's going to make her slower by about 10-15 seconds on her recall
Which means what that's going to do for me is I'm gonna be able to push this next wave in before she can
actually get back to the lane.
I'm gonna ping spam this so like you could be hydronimo you wasted your arrow but it doesn't actually matter
because we're gonna get back to lane before they can And so all this fighting we're doing right now, right?
The reason I know we can fight between the turret here...
If you're curious or like Dranama, how the fuck do you know that the jungler's not
there right? Because I know
that uh...the jungler just passed
bot so he has to go top
So on this exact timer
The Jungler has to go top side which means we can walk between the turrets because
I stopped the guy's back. So even though
we don't have arrow
Even though we don't have arrow
I stopped his back which means we can walk
between the turrets because we have a timer where they
can't possibly be there on time and all of these things i wish we hadn't let those two minions
we would have had two more plates right now if we hadn't let those two minions fucking crash but
so now i don't want to do it again though because we don't know where kane is now
before it was okay because we knew cane was top now i it becomes risky
because even if cain isn't here it's just not worth taking the risk
and he is here, so yeah, exactly.
I do have Arrow.
I want to save Arrow for when Hecarim gets here.
So, I'm not using it yet
i mean we shouldn't even be fighting we should just be backing for dragon but there we go oh I'm dead.
Oh well it happens. Man.
But you can kind of see, like, I'm it bad right? but everything i'm saying is like
Everything I'm saying
This is one of those times where its do as I say not
As I do. Im just tired
But yeah, everything
I'm saying is like
objectively what you
should be doing to
snowball games as an
AD carry.
Like everything
I'm doing like
it's like I'm
just trying to get
get it through your
guys heads how much
goes through my head when we're playing the game.
A lot of the time time people don't think...
People don't actually think about a lot of things in the game when they're playing.
And the reason I'm vocalizing everything that I'm thinking right now is because
I want you to understand what what high yield players actively think About the whole game
Like, you're thinking about okay Kayn's gonna be top
Uh this guy is not going to have this."
Like, when I stopped that guys back with Arrow, right?
I was thinking, okay what am I gonna do here?
I'm gonna walk in and we're gonna fight them between turrets.
Stuff like that is like what will help you climb as
you improve and learn your limits of
your champions and stuff like that. And I'm not even doing it well, right?
Like, I'm old and washed.
Like, imagine if it was like a fucking Challenger AD instead of old hardstuck fucking Grandmaster Geronimo.
They'd be doing better than I am am. They have better CS, everything.
So here during mid game...
I'll go over what your job is mid-game because this is where everybody gets scared.
Or not scared. Why did I say scared?
This is wherever... Maybe you're scared. I don't know.
But this is where everybody gets confused.
Like, this is probably the biggest point that
I notice.
People just don't know what the the biggest point that I notice, people just
don't know what the fuck to do
after 14 minutes in the game.
Right? Like, I notice
this so much. People just get confused.
They throw the game,
they don't know what their role is,
like, what do I go? How do I play?
Because every tower's down and you're
like, yeah, I don't know what to do here.
Your job is... You see how all I'm doing
is pushing waves and then rotating around
into different fights?
Right? I'm not doing anything crazy, right? Like, I'm just pushing mid-wave there
and then I rotate bot so we can help that guy kill that guy. Now because
I pushed mid before i rotated right the enemy team's
not gonna be able to actually play the game here Oh no, he actually got that fucking pool off.
He got two pools there, damn.
I mean, surely that's not allowed.
W- What?
What? Okay.
They nerfed your champ by the way Wait, they nerfed Zac. Like last patch! They nerfed that exact thing.
Like they literally nerfed his healing and i just watched this zach heal to 40 in three seconds
from one hp From 1 HP. What the fuck?
Okay. is so Wait, am I dead?
Please don't kill me.
Oh, Seraphine.
I love you baby oh a really good trick for you guys is uh
i know this is pretty obvious to a lot of people but a lot of people don't
actively look at this a lot.
I've just trained myself to do it because I'm not a loser.
If you're ever wondering like,
oh, Geronimo, how am I going to know what the wave timers are?
Like if you ever get lost in the middle of the game.
Lost in the sauce because there's too much crap going on.
Just look at your own wave, right?
Every wave is exactly the same.
So like it mirrors each other, right?
So if you're sitting...
Fucking red buff man.
So if you're sitting there like, oh
when's the wave gonna be here?
Just look at your own
wave and then be like, oh that's when
the wave's gonna be mid.
Right? So now I can just time it, so we do dragon.
I go back mid and I push the wave.
What I'm doing here...
I can't stress enough how important what I'm doing right now is.
This is actually like what climbs you out of masters
if you're doing this in like gold and silver
and shit, you're a beast
because being able to mid prio correctly
and shit is actually how people climb out of Master Chair. Man, I really want to like...
Kind of want to ego this.
I'm kind of bored.
Pretty sure we win this game regardless right now i don't want to just take a fight to
take a fight i'm really fucking bored I don't have arrow.
Still don't the arrow. so so Dude, I really want to fight this for fun. so so That was fun.
I just got bored.
Okay. He's got Borden. What?
Am I getting flamed by this Hecarim right now?
After carrying
his ass?
Excuse me?
My bad. Sorry bro!
The fuck? This guy better have 95%
Oh, I just got 34 LP.
Oh shit.
This guy better have
95 fucking percent
win rate Hecarim right now. This guy better have 95 fucking percent win rate Hecarim right now.
This motherfucker flaming
You better have never lost a fucking game, bro.
Okay, well...
I mean...
He did lose one though.
Listen, in all fairness Like, listen.
In all fairness, he did lose one game.
In all fairness,
he is not 16-0.
So he's trash.
He's garbage.
God damn it.
Okay, he's also duo
So that's also not fair
Is this stupid fuck
Is this Huncho?
Did I just get fucking Did I just get fucking... Did I just get random diffed by Huncho?
I feel like Huncho is the only person
that can play Hecarim
decently, and he duo abuses every time
he plays the game.
How did you guys lose?
Oh, this karma had 13 deaths.
That makes sense.
Holy fuck!
This guy just fed off the ball lane.
I see how they lost.
Dude... Anybody else think it feels really bad when the enemy has a champion that's so un-interactive
That if they get fed off of teammates that you can't control,
you just lose the fucking game.
That might be
one of the only things I fucking
hate about League of Legends sometimes
is like it happens a sometimes.
It's like,
it happens a lot when you play AD carry
especially right?
Where like I'll be
winning my lane
and I'll just come
out of lane phase
and there's just
that fucking like
Akali, Kha'Zix, Rengar
coming into my face. I'm like oh that's fun.
That was enjoyable.
Yo, I did more damage than Zac though. Suck my dick what was this guy doing these guys is for funning fucking shaman atop.
I respect it. Oh Hello. How did you guys lose a game? No.
I just
need to watch that child now, notice? Hold me in hands... GG's man. Yo, can we all take a quick look at the most broken thing I've ever seen by
the way? I'm gonna get some water and take like a five minute break so that's why I'm not
Zaxxer bro
like ah I gotta be honest man. That fucking bot play...
Can we remove your champ from the game.
Like, you might be good at Zac, but like there's no world you live here
... world you live here ever. Like, no.
No, no, no.
Like, watch this.
What the fuck am I watching then?
You're like, dude, it's a 1v3 oh shit i'm dead wait never mind i'm zach
oh i'm dead again? Nah.
No it's cool. Now don't mind me.
Now we're good. Hell yeah!
Like dude...
I actually think you could've just killed these two too!
Like, actually!
That's so stupid!
Dude, did you even notice?
Did you even notice the
early game passive nerf on Zac?
Did you even feel it?
I've never played this champ
so I don't even fucking know.
He seems the exact same to me, but maybe he's nerfed?
I have no idea.
But yeah, that's crazy. That was some wild I can't remember where we killed the enemy bot lane. Oh, it was right here.
Yeah so like this is what I was talking about before, right?
I'll show you like the full map view of... I'll show you the full map view of...
I'll show you the full map view of what I was talking about when I said
you should try and snowball leads through tempo.
Like, this is probably
the perfect example of bot lane tempo
that I can give you
in just a
This is a good example
of bot lane tempo. A lot of people don't know what
tempo is because it's hard to describe
what tempo is to a lot of people.
This is a good example
of what ball-dying tempo means, okay?
So here we're coming out of base, right?
We just...
We came off a buy.
The enemy Jinx
is trying to reset here.
We arrow her in the face.
We arrowed her earlier... there it is! I think it's bugged.
But yeah, she tries to reset, I'm watching...
I'll show you what I mean though. She tries to reset, I'm watching, and arrow. Right?
I did this.
I could have
arrowed the cane
but he's got that
I arrowed her
So now
her back timer
is stalled
map cover
Is there a map cover on him? There is no map cover. Is there a map
cover on?
There is no map
cover, you guys
can see it.
Yo, okay.
So we stalled
her back, right?
This is what
tempo is. Watch.
So because we stalled her back, okay?
She's here...
...instead of here.
This time... instead of here. This tiny little bit
of time, this
six or seven seconds of time when we arrowed
to stop her back, it stalled
her so she couldn't walk to the turret.
And instead,
she's stuck walking way up here, right?
What that does for us is that allows
us to walk up past the turret
because we can win
2v2 very easily.
And all of these minions that are dying to the turret,
I don't want this Jinx to get any of these minions or any of these minions.
So I'm going to proxy the wave with the Seraphine because we know
Kayn is top
because he has no camp spot and so we're basically
just going to walk up like I told you in game
and you can see
from the other plv how easy this typically is to do
here i'm not chasing right we're just chilling now we walk back, and it's GG.
And that was all.
Like, now they're even further behind because Jinx got zero CS.
She walked the lane.
They used all their summoners.
They used Flash, Barrier, Heal, Flash, Ultis.
And she has nothing to show for it because she can't walk through the wave.
And then here... I'm mid in my jungle or smurfing, so they just absolutely obliterate
these fucking diamond players.
And then... Dude, this actually sucked.
This sucked. These
minions that snuck through fucked me so bad.
This pissed me off, but i didn't proxy past this wave
uh because we knew kane was gonna come bought out of base
or we knew he could we didn't know he would but we knew he could,
we didn't know he would but
we knew he
could come bot
which he ended
up doing.
So that's
why we stopped
I actually probably should have backed. If i'm being absolutely anal about my gameplay,
I probably should've backed but I don't care that much.
How did we win between the turrets?
It's because Ashe is... Ashe Seraphine
is just better than Jinx
Melio. So, like... is just better than Jinx's
So like,
Ashe is one of the strongest champions in the game
early game. Like she's
crazy OP. Okay?
She's just beyond OP.
Seraphine had her ulti.
She had all of her spells, right?
I was using... I was basically spacing out the
Jinx's autos, so
when we walked up to volley auto,
Seraphine locked in the guy with
a double E off my volley. Then
she ulted. Then he got Melio ulted
and flashed. When he got Melio ulted
and flashed... I guess I can just show you the fight. When he got melee ulted and flashed...
I guess I can just show you the fight.
When he got melee ulted and flashed, okay?
He could no longer play the game.
The reason we win this is because A, I have a level lead. Right? I have a two-level lead on Melio and I have a full-level
lead on this guy. Okay? I have my Q charged up.
So even though we don't have Barrier and even though we don't have barrier and even
though we don't have arrow, it doesn't matter because she has heal.
Her spells are worth more than Mirio's spells at the moment like
The only really worth Mirio spell is W so it's like it is what it is
milia whiffs his cue right he gets instantly ulted and flashes
if you see how I play this, right? I don't keep fighting here even though I probably could.
If I probably could have fought this in all honesty i probably just could
have kept doddling this guy and killed him but i kind of wanted to back up because i wanted to uh
kill these minions and just zone them. My goal isn't
to kill them here, it's to like zone them off the wave. But I probably could have killed
them. Looking back at the replay, I probably could have killed them. I mean we killed them anyway, but...
Because these four minions fucked us right?
Because they ended up getting stuck down here.
This is just me knowing the limits of my champion.
Like I have more items than he does.
He has Retrix and Berserker Greaves so I have an extra what?
20% attack speed?
He has...
No, yeah. It's pretty much just 20% attack speed. So I have the extra 20% attack speed because I have the Cull and the Hearthbound
And then he has Seraphine which is better than Melio in 2v2s Ash is better than Jinio in 2v2s, and Ashe is better
than Jinx in 1v1s and 2v2s early
because I just have more power on my kit.
That's just naturally how it works.
Jinx has scaling, Ashe has lane bullying.
So it's just I'm stronger, we fight. It's that simple.
It'd be like the same thing with Draven right?
Like if I was Draven instead of Ashe
you would be like oh it makes sense
that your shitting on this Jinx right?
Because you are Draven.
You gotta just start thinking about some champs
Like Ashe is just Draven with slows
That's how you got to think about her
She's literally just Draven but with slows.
Like she is just as strong early game
Wait what the fuck did he type?
Oh Oh. I'm going to go grab some water.
I'll be right back.
I'm gonna get
some water and
grab a snack.
Should I play an add?
Probably, so it doesn't play in the middle of the game.
Okay. I'm going to play a quick ad so it doesn't play in the middle of the fucking game.
And I'll BRB anyway, I'm going to grab some water... don't go anywhere boys our voice... you you you
you Dude, I didn't realize.
I haven't streamed in the morning in a long time. Dude, I did not realize...
I don't really
care about view count, right?
I haven't given a shit about view count in like five years.
I guess I did not realize how different the view count is at times of day.
Because it's always streamed at the same time. Because I think we're...
There's no music? Oh, it's just really quiet.
Here, I'll turn it up.
But yeah, it's kind of weird because like I said
I don't ever look at my view count but I just had it open and just now
And I was like oh yeah
Like I don't get that many viewers anymore but it's like uh I'm usually not like sub 100 you know
I was like damn
I don't think I've been sub 100 viewers ever
even when I first started streaming I don't think I've been sub 100 viewers ever.
Even when I first started streaming.
Either League's dying or I'm a bad streamer.
Or both.
I feel like
I mean, I'm tired today but
i think it's just prime time right like everybody streaming right now. it's all good though no worries Okay. do you guys like watching AD carry
more than Trist
I have to assume you do
but tristan is kind of fun to watch i guess because she's kind of op
i don't know. Maybe am i 11 and five or no way Man, wow.
Man, I fucking suck.
In my defense
having a really good win rate
on AD carry
when you're solo queuing is hard.
Like, it's not easy.
If you're duo queueing? You should never lose the game if you're playing bot lane but...
...if you're solo queue queuing it's actually pretty hard Okay.. um I will say this, dude.
I'm gonna sleep good as fuck tonight.
I am exhausted.
I'm at that point, you know?
You know when you get to the point of being so tired and you just lay down
and instantly fall asleep?
Your brain is just like... If you lay down right now you're not getting back up and that's
like kind of where i'm at right now i'm hoping i can hit my second wind that's my goal. Okay. if we can just hit second wind barrel we're chilling. Who's this?
Who is this guy?
Is that Rumble I played with earlier?
Oh, it was... Okay. I wonder how many...
I just got 34 LP for that win.
I'm hoping...
I mean, I'm hoping
to at least master soon. but i mean losing those two games earlier kind of like for some reason riot does this thing where
even if you win like seven or eight in a row
if you lose one
do you go like back down and division vision i don't really know why they do it but
they definitely do. I'm going to go with the Dude, I want to start banning Udyr every game.
I think Udyr is the most fucking
elo-inflated dogshit
jungler that I've seen in a long time.
he clears camps too fast,
He doesn't have counterplay when he's running at you.
Like, he's too tanky
does too much damage for not actually
standing there and fighting you
And he does...he's too healthy at doing everything he does.
He's never in danger of dying.
He gets caught, and he runs away.
He wants to
fight you? He runs through CC.
He wants to clear his camps,
he's the second fastest camp clearer in the game.
He can go like AP
and then
he goes Liandrys
and after Liandry's
he just builds pure tank.
I don't know.
That champ is stupid.
I think Udyr is...
I don't think Udyr
is easy to play,
but I think the champion
is fucking stupid. right like i genuinely hate that champion so
then i almost wanted coins I almost want to take cleanse.
What do i think is the most stupid champ?
Probably Yuumi, but...
I don't know. Probably Yumi, but...
I don't know.
I barely see Yumi anymore because she sucks.
So, I'm not really sure.
Why am I against Geronimo?
Well that's not weird.
Well I better put a map cover on. There's no way that's a coincidence!
Eeeeee... 30 seconds until minions spawn. I ask for your wisdom, first builder and forge lord. the answer who the most fun 80 carry to watch is... I don't know.
I like watching...
I like watching AD carries that, like, do stuff.
Like, I can't stand watching Smolder.
This is boring.
Smolder's fun to play, but he's boring as fuck to watch.
... watch top karthus interesting thing Worth it.
Was it worth it? I don't know!
Maybe, maybe not. mark there
it was not
it was puts on sunglasses not Not worth it.
Nah, my wave's fucked. It wasn't worth...
I wasted sums
when I could've just sat there.
Like if I-I didn't have to flash on the ends
I could've just sat there and uh
sent him back he has no teleport and i could have been way ahead in the lane All failure hits are one people.
Instead, I'm level 1 with a giant ass wave frozen in front of the enemy team's turret has been
their deer is bought we need to push this
okay back up. hmm um I'm just dead.
Uh, okay.
Maybe I shouldn't have done that.
Okay, I'll be real...I might've thrown the game.
So, I'm a little confused though.
I don't know how Brand is so slow on his full clear. My bad.
That just might be it, I thought Brand was going to get there quicker.
Actually not a four-step. Because Brand, I mean...
I should have just looked at the map.
Brandt should have been there, but that's not his fault, right?
I mean, I forced the play.
For the Fendulur! uh our brand is uh oh dear one-Trek. Who got his Udyr stolen?
So it might be a bit of a rough game.
Okay. We do have a bomb, so that's nice. Okay, I guess I'm just dead. He should have just Guardianed me at least! I don't know why Braum was there. Although...
Okay. I'm a little confused, but I mean... I guess I could play safer?
I don't think I should have to, but
I will.
My top laner's murdering
their Karthus.
We have the worst support in jungle, but we have a really good top.
Dude! What am I watching? Like what are you doing? so so Oh, come on Braum. Why is this Braum...
Okay, this Braum is really bad.
Why was he not tagging that guy. uh What is happening right now guys Thank you. I got it back.
We can't, we can't, we can't.
I mean we could win this game because the enemy
ball wind is pretty bad.
I always feel bad when I like flame them. But, we can win.
Well he is definitely winnable. I just have to play slower like our darius is really good
are darius and i think our doge mid is pretty good.
I just cracked open an energy drink,
so give it a sec and maybe it'll wake me up a bit.
Okay. sec and maybe it'll wake me up a bit
why does this guy not ever tag the fucking
why is he not tag them man
like bro Like, bro! um so what's happening so so oh Dude, I don't know.
This guy is just...
His Braum is not playing well this game. I don't really have anything else to say, like without being mean. So I just won't
say anything. He is just not having a good game we'll put it that way Oh, he's a Nami one trick. Okay that makes more sense.
That's my bad then.
Because Braum counters Ezreal and Nautilus. He's just not using Q. so feel winter state On a good note though, I'm playing Ashe so...
I can just arrow stuff I probably have to sac this turret.
I think you're near a spot, I just get dove. power of an ice form right Dude, this Braum hates doing anything as a team.
He literally just runs around by himself.
But he just got caught, what are you doing?
What was that?
He just ran into the jungle to die for fun.
Ooh, that guy is definitely soft-empting. okay now really Really? Damn, I was trying to volley.
Uh...I was trying to volley auto the Zoe.
It's all good.
I don't know...
This is a really rough game. so um legendary I won't
Together we are Together we are
Watch my back oh What is my Brahms deal man? I mean, I don't know Oh um I don't know man, like...
That's so frustrating. let's do it pierced. is so I didn't want to take that, but I didn't know if that guy would actually...
I didn't know if that guy would have died. Oh god, he's got like 30 flashes! Damn.
I didn't notice the flashes on the ground, because I don't play against Zoe enough. Oh no! Legendary.
That's my man.
This is not the goddess Avalos' glory I wish to recapture it is our peoples so like um just Like, this is what I mean.
I don't know. He refuses to try. Like, maybe I'm a bitch for this but like dude, I can't keep mental with this guy. My team is doing so good! I just like...
The Braum stands right next to me and doesn't use any spells as I die.
He's done it eight times!
Like, I'll just die and he'll use zero spells.
That is so frustrating man So We really need to break mid.
Like, we can't really do much until we... break mid or get Baron. ah Oh. oh my god how is this allowed I don't know how they're allowed to walk up
to our tier 2 and double flash
on us like that
without being punished, but...
They are fed so maybe that's just
Maybe it's
just the price.
Oh Oh god, yeah this is dumb.
I mean i don't know how we play this man.
Like it's just unplayable.
... so has been destroyed praise kindred the 200 million
i have no idea how my brand died to a... so
our brand died to that carthus who was 2 in... or 1 and 12.
And he died to Karthus, 1v1 as two item brands. Oh no! so so Oh.
I mean, I could have barrier that.
I didn't think it was gonna reach.
That's my bad. Oh This car this is are inting on purpose, and we're still losing. so so
let's see how close they can get. I'll be real, I don't really know how we're gonna win this with Braum throwing a temper tantrum in base the whole game so so so uh I don't know how we break mid turret. No way he lived! Aww.
That was one HP, bro.
Damn. so so so so so It makes me kind of sad because this game was totally one from top and mid.
But our jungle and our support wanted to grief the whole game
which doesn't make any sense I have seen things so different. destroyed okay so so so huh i just got one shot All right. so so I mean, I'll be real.
This is a crazy game.
I think we need Baron over Dragon, man.
This dragon's pretty worthless.
Guys. No! trying to do better Okay.
I mean,
I'll probably omit by myself while
Brand farms camps.
Like just... camps. unstoppable unstoppable The ally has been slain.
We are all
Like bro, I can't play the game because the only person that
need to help me play against game against their team is Trolley.
And they have way too much mobility, like the deer just runs at me at Mach speed and
one shots me. Like, I'm gonna keep trying my best but like this is such a hard game man.
Because i'm just going to die a lot.
Like, I-I'm just getting like briefed by the homies um I mean if I can get a Bork
I think we can win.
I mean, I think we can win right now
but if I can get a Bork
we can definitely hold out.
Like, I might be able to actually kite you there with a Bork
since Braum's not standing with me. If Braum just played one team fight out, we would win the game by the way.
Where's the Udyr, by the way?
Somebody should pay attention to where the fuck the Udyr is.
I'm gonna go back just in case...
I feel like somebody's,
like, sneaking around,
you know?
Oh! Told ya.
God, I'm smart.
What did I just say?
That right there is fucking game sense, boys. Okay. Six and fourteen? Doesn't matter, I saved the game. so This is the theory of life, folks. so so so um uh We can fight this just fight Foreign so so I don't know. okay we got this we got this winnable uh okay of Wait, we won the game.
Oh my fucking god
Our mid and our top
The hawk to it
dude our mid top deserved that hawk 2-ish.
Honestly, that's wild.
I cannot believe how good our mid and our top played.
That is crazy. I played so good. Holy fuck, what a fucking game though.
That was wild.
Dude, if Braum wasn't trolling
90% of that fucking game,
we win from fucking champ select because our comp is so good. I mean, I'll be real.
I think the Zoe is just a coincidence.
Because he hasn't been streamstyping.
He's just playing the game.
I think his name
is just Geronimo.
Like, I think his name is just Geronimo. Like, I think it's literally just a coincidence.
Actually though...
That's funny.
Gray minds think alike! so you
so I turn the music down for a sec. Dude,
I'm going to be real with you guys.
I'm feeling so
incredibly tired.
I don't know how I'm winning games right now.
I'm on full autopilot.
The three hours of sleep is kicking my ass. Oh, I should report that Karthus.
Thank you for reminding me.
I can't be mad at people not being banned
for inting if I'm not reporting them, right?
Like this guy drops 21
deaths and just walks into the enemy team on repeat.
That guy deserves to get banned.
There's like absolutely no way that guy's not throwing I tried to add the Darius, but he didn't add me.
I was going to say thank you for the carry
all right i need to make a choice right now if i should try and keep playing because I'm going to be real.
Look at the difference in my game quality.
Okay. Okay. That might be the worst Ash game I've ever had....
... Yo, what's up homie?
Yo how is your guys day going?
What you guys up to?
Do we have any new viewers in the chat, do we have any old viewers, any lurkers? I know I don't normally stream at this time and like y'know...
...I'm kind of dead so
not like you know making like I'm kind
of a bad streamer but I appreciate you at least I can say in the last 24 hours I've streamed 17 of
those 24 hours.
That's kind of cool, right?
Dude. does anybody like I know this is a weird question. Does anybody actually make content on TikTok?
I had a question but I didn't want like message a random streamer about this dude
i tried to upload a video on tick-tock this morning from my stream yesterday
and it said it couldn't upload it or something
Because there was like a
What was the term they used
Was against their
Rules Something was against their rules, but it was like the same video that I've always uploaded.
It was just blue text that says...
Is this open? It's a clickbait title with blue text
and all of a sudden it was like we're not sure
they were like this isn't creative enough or something. And I was like, what?
That shit was crazy.
I sat there for like 30 minutes trying to figure that out and I couldn't figure it out.
I think I deleted it or I could show you the video oh it's on my youtube i can share my short here.
It's on my YouTube, so I'll just show you that.
I think YouTube also fucked it up though.
Like something with the algorithm on YouTube and on TikTok fucked my video.
Yeah, it has four views.
My last video got ten thousand the video before that got eleven dozen Like something's weird going on.
I don't know what I did
different this time.
It's not any different than my other shorts.
Like I genuinely don't know.
Like, apparently this wasn't creative...
Like, I couldn't upload this to TikTok.
And then on YouTube it has like five views
just because it's not going out to my like for you
thing like you know how there's the like shorts and the like 4u page of stuff
it's not it says it's like not allowed to go to that.
And I don't know why.
I wonder why?
Like, I don't know what would stop that.
Right? Like, I don't get it.
So I'm trying to figure it out.
Because it's never happened before
because i mean there's this video right
like this video was fine it was the same thing though, look. Literally the same thing. It's literally just like
blue text and it's me talking and going in
Just wild! I don't know.
It's the exact same thing
only like
I guess there is no music but I don't think it's the
music because they didn't say it was copyright.
So it's just...
I don't know
it's weird
I was just wondering
if any of you guys had any ideas, but...
I know like 99% of the population doesn't make content on TikTok.
So, I get it.
Dude, I kinda wanna play a TFT.
Oh. Dude, I kinda wanna play a TFT. Oh...I was gonna say, well played.
Thanks for carrying..... Thank you. um...... You're pretty new here.
Oh, welcome, dude. you're pretty new here oh welcome dude
all right i'm gonna play one TFT and see how I feel.
I think 16 hours of streaming with three hours of sleep, I don't think at 33 years old my body can do this.
Well, I'm not healthy enough to do it.
Let's put it that way.
I'm a fucking gamer who sits on his ass all day playing League.
I'm definitely not
healthy enough
to be able to stream for fucking
a super amount of time.
Huh. I mean, honestly,
I think a lot of league players are nice.
I think that it's just... Something I've learned is like
the toxic fucks
are the loudest fucks. It's like real life,
right? Like the people who
were the most obnoxious are usually the
loudest fucks. So you
just don't notice the people being nice because they don't type
so you'll probably play with like three or like through three nice people a game on your team,
but the one douchebag just makes it feel so bad.
And then like...
I mean look at me,
I haven't been toxic the whole day right?
Like the entire today
I haven't been toxic or rude
or anything. Except for this
last game. Like this last game we just
played I got tilted because
like they were just trolling
and it finally set me off and shit.
So, it's like...
I think most people are typically nice.
It's just sometimes people get set off because of
snowballs of douchebags.
I don't know if you were here yesterday when we
were doing
when we were doing um
when we were doing what's it called
we had to do five normals on this
account yesterday
and i played in like like, actual new ELO
because that account had never done
normals before.
And I had to do
five chat restrict normals or whatever?
Like, I played with, like... normals or whatever
like i played with like literal new players like actual level fives and shit like these people were actual like
well you can just tell like they didn't know what they were doing.
They weren't
smurfs, they weren't bots
these people were just new to the game.
they were brand new playing League.
Like learning the game, having fun, leveling accounts, blah, blah, blah.
These were the nicest people I think I've ever interacted with in the last five years
like i could not believe it
like i'm still in shock about how nice every single one of these people was, in this game.
Like, this Aatrox? It was adorable! This guy was like... I think it was a girl. She
was essentially like, oh sorry for
playing bad, I'm just trying to learn League, I'm new so that I can play with my
boyfriend and I was like, that's the most
absurdly adorable thing I think
I've ever heard.
It's a fucking normal game
and this person felt like, felt bad
about doing bad on the normal...
I was like, no. Like, what
kind of dogshit community do we have where
this person feels bad? They need
to apologize for doing bad in a fucking normal game at level 5?
Like nah
Our community sucks. Tell me I'm wrong, man.
Tell me I'm wrong.
Like I said,
I've always said this
League is one of the
greatest games
to ever be made
but it has it's just of the greatest games to ever be made.
But it has... It's just overshadowed by how dog shit the community is.
You know what's funny?
The League community is actually good, too.
There's like a pretty good amount of like everybody focuses on the toxic people in
the league community but there are a lot of really like good people in the lead community as well like like that Darius last game he was keeping it chill the whole time or that
a trucks you know like
there are a lot of like really chill people my destination is clear
this story has not yet finished.
Dude, you know what sucks? I can't even be happy about this. Did you guys see this shit?
The rank 1 NA player beat the record for LP.
He's the highest LP anybody has ever been in North America
right now.
He beat it like two hours ago
i want to be like congratulatory of the guy because that's like a cool
accomplishment but it's like hard to be proud of
something like that.
I mean, I guess it's not his fault.
His MMR is so high.
He's played on red side
his last...
God, I think he's been on Redside.
His last like
28 out of 29 games
or something absurd. so you forgot to bow so But I will say, this guy's account is crazy.
Look at that shit!
63% win rate...
Rank 1 challenger 2154 lp That is so crazy. That guy is a fucking monster, man.
I will not be surprised when that guy gets picked up to be on a pro team.
I will not be surprised at all.
... so so all right chat Oh. Yeah, we're kind of smurfing it.
The Heavenly Spat's doing some work...
I'm gonna pre-level and
we're going to hit a Kayn right now.
You guys ready?
We are going to get Lee Sin or Kayn on this pre level 100%.
I foreseen it!
I am the prophet of TFT. Right now?
2% chance?
Alright, well...
You know, at least we hit some other units. We hit some like heavenly units that's kinda cool right?
Like we hit some it next turn. No, I've never had Kappa?
That's wild.
I feel like if you banned Kappa from your chat emotes,
You're trolling. That is crazy. so What is that guy gonna build?
Oh, he's going to go Mythic Spat.
I feel like I want a Last Whisperer.
Or, like, the... I always forget what it's called. The Shroud?
Even Shroud.
I'm in your game?
Oh, sick!
Hey man, easy on me okay
I've been up for fucking
God knows how long
I'm just fucking tired.
Go easy on me,
I'm an old man.
Don't beat my ass too hard.
Oh shit, you have the Yasuo little legend.
Aw sick.
Wait that little legend is actually really cool. That's sick!
He typed to me?
Sorry I don't read chat very often. My bad man.
I got you to play AD?
I'm also chat restricted so like...
...I can't type back to you.
Yo that's sick though man, I'm happy uh-
I'm happy you enjoy the stream!
Just watch me play Draven back in the day? Damn, that was a long time ago.
I appreciate it though man.
Hope you've been good! I appreciate it though man.
Hope you've been good.
Took a break from League?
Uh, I wish I could take a break from League.
You must have grown 10 inches, become
a millionaire, hot wife, run marathons, buff
tan... just ten thousand Like run marathons, buff, tan.
Like just 10 thousand IQ increase?
That's incredible. I'm impressed.
Oh! Oh.
Hey, JeraLongTenRocie, how you been? Yo, what's up,
BroBok? I'm good, man. How are you?
I'm very, very,
very tired. So if I'm like not responding immediately
or like you know
I'm not ignoring you.
did like a 16
I mean I did
a 12 hour stream yesterday and then I no way man
I just fall our streaming man
i just 12 hours three minutes and i um did not get much sleep.
I woke up and immediately started streaming again. So yeah, I...
I'm dead man. Oh you were here?
Ah cool, cool. Yeah, I plan on streaming a fuck ton this month so I'll be live a lot.
I took a lot of time off last month because I was...
I mean for all purposes, I was... I mean, for all
purposes, I was not feeling
very mentally sound.
Just to be completely honest. yeah I wasn't feeling super mentally sound last month.
I'm feeling good now! Like, I've streaming a lot this month
because I took some time off last month.
I should not have leveled.
I'm just auto-piloting.
Why am I level 6, man?
I have 10 gold to my name and I'm on one losing streak.
What do I doing?
It's cool seeing players. Hey, hey!
No worries man.
It's cool seeing you too.
I do enjoy the nice messages.
Whenever somebody is like, hey, I used to watch you or
I did X, Y and Z because
of your streamer.
I really loved you know,
loved your dress.
Like whenever somebody says stuff like that,
it does like feel good.
So I do appreciate get a Kha'Zix by the way? What the fuck is happening? so oh my way of the town. Go to me.
Oh, Heavenly?
You don't have to go Reapers with Heavenly.
You can go we send too
i usually just play whatever i get
but they're not very good at tfc so
i feel like reapers is one of those comps where like if you hit you get top
two and if you don't hit you get bot four
so it's like a super...
Like you have to hit Kayn or Lee, or Wukong.
Hmm. hmm it's gonna be knights now right I never play Nautilus, right?
In this comp.
I don't think so.
I mean, I want to but I can't. How have I seen no Kha'Zix, man?
That's crazy.
Like genuinely zero Kha'Zix.
What is going on?
Oh shit this guy's got a Sylas! so another spat wait there's one Another spat?
Wait, this Woodstock guy is also going Heavenly?
Bro! You got a spat earlier you gotta spit now and you're going heavenly
dude i want the forecast unit but i want this
feels bad man them i need a chain vest because i think i need edge and i or titans Edgenite. Or Titans.
Just make sure I don't miss fucking Kha'Zix.
If I'm tired enough,
I will just scroll over that guy right now
who else am i looking for let me think so Dude, Yone is such a good item holder for Kayn.
It's kinda crazy how good he is.
Oh yo, Auron! Oh, yo.
Arachnid my bad, man.
Might be bro. Okay. I think I'm supposed to level here if i'm going full sweat
okay Okay.
You know, I'll take it guys. Nothing like a level 7 Irelia the first place guy. Or the other undefeated guy. dude i don't even know if you can give heavenly to aurelia i don't think anything it's good
because like all the stats are worthless the ap is worthless uh the hp the armor like it's just shitty shitty. Seriously, where's my Cosmix bro? Yeah yeah you can have either Kayn or Lee Sin for sure. Or like Udyr. Any melee.
You can give it to Rakan too. Dude I had a heavenly Rakan one time who just straight up was like one-shotting the enemy's team.
A Rakan 2 with Heavenly is no joke.
That shit will actually smurf.
Like it's actually kinda gross.
Uh, I think I'm supposed to roll here until I find Kane.
But I'm on seven, so it's hard.
I'll be real.
I don't know what the play is here.
I think I give... Oh no! I have an edge.
... I think Ajunite's too important. Like even with an Irelia, I think Edgen knight's way too important.
Dude, how am I still winning?
I mean, I know my comp is good but still it's like... Dude, how am I still winning?
I mean, I know my comp's good but still it's like...
I'm behind tempo on leveling up so hard.
Like I'm not even at 50 gold 7.
Stand in the puddles to catch fish for Tom Kinch. Sweet.
Yo, Tin!
Wake up!
Tin, you fucker oh good
good work 10
good work bro
nice job
so So if you have a pool spawn below
you with this minigame
does it not count unless you move is that how that works
i don't actually know I almost want to take support because if it's Banshees,
I just win the game. But Freaky Friday is really good.
I'm just going to level.
I have no gold, but we're going to do a walk-roll.
The gardens of the past Wait, Mana Moon Kindred seems insane.
Holy fuck!
Wait, I barely won that.
I'm glad I leveled.
I still don't have a Kha'Zix. There's another guy going Reaper.
This guy has came to
well i'm not even sure I should roll like if I lose i lose but like i don't even know if i should roll you bought and sold cane for Yo, you're a real one man.
That's a real homie right there.
Oh wait this guy is just demolishing me.
He's got the bard item.
Nooooo! He's got the bard item. No!
My win streak!
You monster! that woodstock guy did indeed go eighth you were right when you called him going 8th.
I think I have to go Lee Sin or Reth Nemran. so so i am I can't find a Lee Sin or a Rakan.
Wait this is actually crazy though.
Or a Kay, I mean.
I can't find at least an orcane!
Like, I don't want to just sit here and roll
to ten every round, but I don't have a choice.
Like, actually...
I mean, I guess I do have a choice.
I could just not and go 9, but... See, this is where I always fail.
I need somebody who's like a challenger player to tell me if I should go 9 or stay 8 here
and roll.
This is like the exact timer
that I always fuck stuff up.
I never know if I should just roll or...
Did it go 9? Yeah, but I mean, if I-
I guess maybe you're supposed to wait until somebody dies with the units you need
right like in theory
i'm not even positioning man i'm just
i'm just letting it happen.
Well that's the thing is I don't think I'm playing Kayn this game, I think I'm playing um...
I'm almost positive.
How did I beat this guy?
Dude, who knew Double Triforce
Quicksilver Aurelia
is OP.
Who knew?
Yeah, I mean I guess I can go 9. I just...
I always feel bad when I realize going 9 is probably the play
but I've already rolled like 30 gold worth of econ
Like, I should probably be 9 on 5-1
Like, I should have just sacked all of stage 4...
When I went 8, right? I probably should've like
if I was doing it properly
I probably should've just sacked all of stage four. Dude, is it even worth?
There's no way in hell.
That might be worth.
Like, the Soraka might be worth? But I don't think I don't know what we got here maybe um maybe Maybe I'm just supposed to go a defensive item.
Maybe it's just another edge when I get Wukong.
Say fuck it? Because, yeah.
I think on 5-1 or 5-2
I should be going 9 right now.
It's hard to tell, right?
Well it's probably not Hard to tell
I'm just bad
Like right now
I don't know what the best
Board is
Is it actually better to just take out...
Because I'm losing anyway.
And all this gives me
is Umbral
But I think Umbral Behemoth
is fake.
But I can't give my Edge of Night to anybody,
so it's kind of like whatever.
Rock over Kha'Zix? I don't know, Kha'Zix gives crit though.
Like the AP...I don't feel like the AP is better than the crit because with Irelia I get a bunch of crit from the Kha'Zix.
And she doesn't scale that well with AP.
Maybe you're right though.
Like maybe I'm supposed to.
I think- no, you know what it is?
I'm supposed to take out Kindred.
I'm so stupid.
I have a kindred in my comp for no reason, it literally is doing nothing but adding one Reaper.
Like this is what we do yeah yeah okay and then we just give soraka
i could have done morgue too.
Okay, I think what we do here is...I don't think I ever played Jonah.
I think we hold this in case we decide to go Thor Reaper? Who do I give this to dude? I just have this? God damn it.
Well, this is fucking stupid.
I'm just wasting an item.
Not giving it to Soraka.
Okay. Not giving it to Soraka. Alright, so on 5-5 or 5-4
whatever this... the round after Carousel
will... I think we can level
to 9 on the round after Carousel, right?
I don't want to sac two more rounds. I think I'm going to lose.
Like, I don't think I could make it to Elder unless I RNG a Wukong right now or something.
Wait? Oh, you are rational. You're outmaned?
Unlucky bro.
You can watch me lose though.
That'll be fun.
So Wukong for... I mean... we can be here Okay, I'm doing something wrong. What am I doing wrong? I think...
I mean, I want my Heavenly Spat on not Yone.
Done with League? No, I'm just playing one TFT. We'll go play some more League after.
Sorry, I forgot to change the game my bad.
Okay... Okay. Let me think...
Yeah, I mean that's what
i'm thinking.
Art is empty without okay I'm going to use the same I guess I should take out...
I want Sage in the comp, but I don't know if I need Sage in the comp.
There we go.
Oh, I'm just dead.
Okay, I'm not quite dead.
I don't know if I want Dragonlord, actually.
Hold on.
Let me think.
Do I even need Let me think, let me think.
Do I even need...
Seven Heavenly? Can I just do this? Like is it worth having...
I mean the Qiyana gives me a bunch of AD. be this aurelia is like really me over
like she's doing good but like like...I'm getting kinda fucked. You know?
... my journey's only beginning
no it's not worth worth. I mean,
I think
I'm just
going to
I think
I'm too
We hit
a point
where I
think I'm too tired to think about all of these options We hit a point where I think
I'm too tired
to think about
all of these options.
I'm sorry
for letting you guys down,
I'm probably gonna get
I think the play is I think the actual play is even my really
was doing all of my damage.
Yeah, I don't know.
Because my Rellia was doing a fuck ton of damage but
it's really hard to like the fact i think i just have to have cane
like the fact that this guy has a kane three Yeah, maybe I should have reforged the guy.
Dude how did this guy get a cane 3 man?
Like I was struggling...I couldn't find one cane!
I rolled so much gold.
This guy gets cane 3
Dude, I had such a good opener that game.
You know what it is? This is exactly what I said by the way
this comp does.
I had like an 8 or 9
win streak right?
I had the 8 or 9 win streak, right? I had the 8 or 9 win streak.
97 HP.
I didn't hit a single cane for
two full rounds.
the Heavenly Comp's so OP but you have to hit
Kayn or Lee Sin early
so that you can snowball the 9
and then get a Wukong 2.
Because I think you have
to have a Wukong 2.
To get top two with this comp, it's gotta be like Kayn 2.
With these two items, it's like Kayn 2 instead of Lee.
Because the second duelist is worthless right? Like this duelist is irrelevant.
So you want the Kain 2 so
you get the Ghostly and then you want the
Wukong 2 and then you like want Rakan
and then you could have Irelia
in...like Irelia 2's not bad
her item sucked but that's still in a rally at two.
Yeah, it is what it is.
I actually hate going... Dude, I actually hate going...
Dude, I actually
really hate going fucking
Like, I stay away from that comp at all costs.
Because it's so based on Hidden Cane on the level 8 rolldown, and I hate that shit.
I like staying flexible.
Like, I like either doing fast 9
with a bunch of items that can just go on
random units
or I like going AP Well, I can play the melee comps. It's just that
I don't like to because you have to hit.
Like a lot of the melee comps are just so incredibly...
You have to play three Tft games to play tft now
wait that's interesting why do they do
that i wonder what the reasoning is behind that. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Alright, let's drink some energy
drink and pray that we can wake up. You know I'm gonna do
some pushups. Some squats or something
I'm going to take a short walk around my room get the blood flowing Oh. oh
oh yeah get the blood flowing boys let's go
oh i'm gonna walk next to my window get the Sun in the eyes you know that'll really help nice sun and the eyeballs oh I haven't seen
the Sun in 24 hours off It was cool finding you.
Hey, thanks for stopping by man.
I stream every day.
If you're ever bored coming out
nice having you to chat.
Oh, I haven't stretched my wrists. I've been too tired,
I need to do a wrist stretch hold on.
I was like I stood up for a second
and I was like oh there's my back feel fucking...
I think my goal for today is just get
this account into Masters MMR.
That's my goal.
If we can get Masters
I can go to bed early and then If we can get Masters MMR,
I can go to bed early and then wake up tomorrow
and stream with a full night's sleep. Oh, yeah.
I'm going to get some more water too. you you oh Oh, he banned Jinx. I kind of wanted to be lazy and play Jinx.
Excuse me.
Hmm... Hmm. Well, this is interesting I have to pick something. something
whatever if there's nothing i'm just gonna be bored and keep playing OP champs.
Like, so this is my tryhard account to get Challenger...
So we have to uh- or one of my tryhards accounts
We have to play boring boring-ass shit.
Even if it's boring, we just
play the best...... Smolder vs. Ash, that is the bold choice by that guy.
Holy fuck!
That guy really wants to take it in the ass. so That is crazy to me. You pick Smolder against Ashe, you are fucking psychotic.
Maybe Smolder's his favorite champion, who knows?
Maybe I'm just being mean.
Like maybe that guy's favorite champ is Smolder and I'm just being an asshole.
Nah fuck him.
Okay. haha given form i am Okay. I'm tired? Oh, you have no idea.
I just like...
I can't go to sleep until at least like 7.
I really don't want to wake up at like 2am, 1am.
I don't want to fuck my sleep schedule up because I couldn't sleep last night
oh what is this guy doing what are you doing Wait, that Alistar has no flash.
Just kill him. Oh my god, oh my god I can't see us. Oh my god, I really can't CS bro.
I should have enough for my boots with two kills.
In THREE WAVES! In three waves. I should have had boots too, and the game is just done right there.
Like if you ever get two kills in the first like fucking three waves, You just get boots too and then game's over.
Especially when they don't have flashes right?
It's just free but...
Apparently I'm just bad at everything.
Dude, I might have to
just walk in for the next three hours
straight up just like hard
walk in so that I don't fucking int. Wait, how did I just take half my HP?
Was that just pure minions and Alistar Q?
Honestly, I need to go back. back i need just full recall here but
bro chill Bro chill. Why am I being flamed?
Or not flamed, but pinged. I don't know why I said flamed.
I didn't mute all this game, huh?
I always mute all because these players are like really awkward.
Where they... They like, do really dumb plays like that and they spam ping you.
Like dude... what am I watching right now?
Yeah like this is just stupid.
Like stop forcing!
This is crazy. so so is Oh, fuck. What's happening?
I've never had a fiddle
sit in my lane for
this long. Pre-level 6, but hey. Now we have. Oh, I can turn my map cover off by the way.
Not a lot of people know this is me.
I turned it on earlier because there was like maybe a guy who knew it was me.
But, I think I can turn it off.
I know that's way more enjoyable experience when the map covers off. stuff.
Because you guys can actually see
the map and what's going on.
I still think it's kind of weird this guy picked fucking
Smolder into Ashe, like that is...
Like I said, maybe it's his favorite champ.
Because like there's-
I mean you're suicidal if he did that.
... Oh, I missed. Dude you know how bad you gotta be to miss volley?
Huh? huh because
i mean bro i gotta push the waves. no
the am I watching?
Holy fuck!
That's Mulder Lent! What am I doing, by the way?
I'm just trolling.
I need to go back.
Just go back!
Just go back!
You have a thousand gold shutdown at eight minutes in the game what am i doing just go back like just just just go back.
You have no reason to be there Geronimo! What are you doing bro?
You're being stupid.
Dude, I have 9 of the 11 KP!
Wait, I have more kills than there are minutes in the game.
I'm averaging one kill a minute
god if i wasn't tired this would be a youtuber and a half
like a pogchamp face one kill per minute pug um I'm really torn right now, because I'm torn between honoring this Alistar.
I mean, honoring the Fiddle and
not wanting to
honor him because he's so fucking obnoxiously
What do you guys think? Should I honor him or should I say
he's annoying as shit
and we just don't honor him or should i say like he's annoying as shit and we just don't honor
him Don't take tower yet.
Bro, what is wrong with you man?
It's fucking diamonds.
We're not playing fucking LCS
Oh Oh.
You know, I'm old.
That's my excuse. Okay. I do not seek the throne of Avarosa. Fair. fair what is
dude have you guys i don't think i've ever had two item ash
at 11 minutes like actually though uh I'm playing with fire because I don't have flash.
And I'm worth a thousand gold.
Oh my god!
Okay. In his defense, I think he just went oomph.
So like you know...I can't be too mad.
Like I didn't play that well. mad. It looked embarrassing, but in his defense
that's pretty unlucky.
Bro, I have fucking... This guy still has ult! Fucking...
This guy still has ult.
I think I can just ult him when he tries to ult me though. Oh, fuck it. I'm not chasing that so so Whoa! Alright.
What are the odds that I don't die this game?
I don't think I've had a deathless game in my last
150 games of League.
Something about me, I always have to dive. At least once.
Not quite sure why but i do I wonder if they'll forfeit at 15. The score is 6-25
at 15 minutes, so maybe they will?
I think we're up 9k gold at 15.
Not sure.
Maybe they won't forfeit, damn!
Oh no! so Wait, I just noticed that I have no assists.
You guys see that? Oh, shit! I have no assists. so oh okay, fuck me.
Hold on.
I think this cannon is worth more than smolder.
Give me a sec.
Okay. Give me a sec. Like, unironically I think the cannon's worth more than smolder. An enemy has been slain. Bro, why have they not forfeited?
I'm genuinely Not even saying that to try and be mean. so I'm gonna get a BT so that I can like not die. I wanna keep my i want to keep my zero deaths i don't know so that guy's worth 300 gold?
Is he even getting assists?
That's crazy so so No! My zeroed it. Dang. I knew,
I told you.
I can't not die.
I'm like coded in my brain
to get bored
and ADHD
my way into... Like, I'm like coded to ADHD my brain into uh... what's it called? Into up dying sometimes.
It's because I get so bored.
Like, I just want to fight and do stuff
and like...
I mean, I have like fucking 9 CS a minute. 14 kills. Almost 4 full items at 20 minutes in the game. so Don't worry guys, we're just two manning Baron casually. so so so an enemy has been slain I mean that Alistar has no flash now so...
Yeah we just kill killed Surgat.
Wait? team?
Yo, we don't need Drake
by the way. Just walk
with me and end please
I'm so bored bro with me and end, please.
I'm so bored bros
Call me
Nevermind you aren't worth it Oh, I'm so bored man. Zed, you're gonna have to ult bro. Alright, well it's uh... we got the shadow.
Greg, just come with me okay? I won end game you guys prolong games too much in low elo
it's silly side I'm just never five. Stop farming. one your team has destroyed so Cool. Let's win the game.
Cool, wow we did it Why am I the only one hitting the chair guys guys I mean, I'm gonna lose my mind man. What am I watching?
You guys really don't know how to play, do you? Just hit the turrets. Not the champs. I'm going to go YouTube peaker rag rag imma walk mid Brag.
Brag, I'mma walk mid, come or loose. I don't care anymore.
I'll be real, I'm so over the fucking... I'm over this like super prolonged game shit.
The game should have ended 15 minutes ago or 10 minutes. But my team is refusing to group because they want to farm for fun.
Dude I'm telling you man people... They just do not know how to end games so so uh Honestly, I hope we lose. uh so Dude, I mean, I don't even know what to say. These people are disgustingly bad.
Like, I don't even want to build armor pen because they don't have that much armor.
Right... No helping the team, they are bad. Only me feel like this is disgusting to me.
I do not understand how these people
this bad at closing games out in low elo.
Like, I do not get it
like i had literally one kill a minute and you guys refuse the play to win
because you're too stupid Like, you guys just want to for whatever reason stall games out in lower ELOs because
you're scared of just walking forward. Because like like you have horrible mechanics or you don't understand vision
or you don't play to win or you know i don't know what the reasoning is but like do whatever
you know what it we'll play the game really slow
we will go bot and play the most slow games of league of all time
ultra perfect correct gameplay league Wow, I killed their Yeet? Crazy. Ah, sorry for being a toxic fuck.
I just like...
I needed to mute earlier.
Everybody in these ELOs is like, awful.
Fuck it. Like, I don't mind
that they suck but they like, suck and they type
so it's like ultra fucking
Like why am I not getting health? Like, it's really disgusting when the game lasts 15 extra minutes
because your teammates are too stupid
to simply walk up to the turret and use fiddle ultimate
to dive them and you just win like it's it's actually that easy by the way. When you have a four item Ashe at 20 minutes all you have to do is simply walk to a turret, stand behind the turret when we siege, you fiddle ults.
We kill two or three of them and win the game.
But instead my fiddle is like why are we rushing the game bro?
We can just scale and win later
against a literal Smolder
Yi. He wants to scale versus
Smolder Azir Yi
with top Shyvana,
Zed and Ashe.
Like I'm not trying to be mean when I say this
but I'm not trying to be mean when I say this.
These players have zero idea how to play League.
People just don't get how the game works.
This is wild.
The meta and the jungle were duo, And they were both so fucking bad.
It looks like we're in a D1 MMR though, that's good.
........ oh this guy's nice so that guy was nice i like that guy You see what I mean, though?
Remember earlier when I said that there's tons of really nice people
who play League.
They just get overshadowed
by the douchebags.
That's like
a perfect example.
That guy was actually
really nice.
Like, Ragus
was super duper nice.
And he was good! He was good and nice...... Who's this? Who's... Nah. you know at least the cute times are good.. I don't really mind if he plays
Alloy Jungle, as long as he can prove
He plays it
Like, I don't mind off meta picks
I just want to know they played the champion.......... I don't know... Whatever, I'll just play it.
I don't care.
Usually I would dodge this game. If I was off stream, I would 100% dodge this game.
If I was off stream,
I would 100% dodge this game.
But I don't feel like waiting in fucking...
I don't feel like waiting for the queue.
So I'm just gonna say fuck it, you know? I don't feel like waiting for the Q. So,
I'm just gonna say fuck it, you know?
Okay. I think i need like four more wins to hit Master's MMR.
Like I said, if I hit Master's MMR today...
...I'll be happy and then we can come back tomorrow and try and hit GMMMR.
Welcome to Summoner's Rift! anymore. Oh, if you re-sub
even if it's with Prime
you have to refresh the stream
There is like an announcement button you have to hit
if you refresh it'll give you
a button that says
share or something
I got you bro.
I appreciate the prime.
Thank you so much.
Like even if it doesn't get announced I appreciate it man
Thank you so much for the
The prime
It's nice of you
I would be more hype right now
But I feel like
I want to jump into a vat
Of like Liquid molten metal Like, you know hype right now, but I feel like I want to jump into a vat of liquid molten
Welcome to the League of Draven.
Always teaching
I'm gonna learn from my mistakes and just mute all at the very start of this game.
Yo, thank you for the six months man. Welcome back.
Doesn't sound relaxing? It's not. She is nadoing our bush as we speak...
Or not.
... Hmm.
That way I actually kinda fucked up there.
Okay, I'm going to try and kill that guy. uh
okay not worth Ooh. Okay. Not worth.
I mean, at least
I didn't use
like sums
but still not worth.
But you know what i do like i like the aggression
I'll be honest
like that went to but the fact that that leona was no
hesitation willing to just dive that motherfucker
i can respect that.
I want this cannon.
Wait, let me get the cannon.
There's too much gold. There's too much gold!
Okay cool.
Like that was too big of a wave man, I can't give up fucking 11 minions.
We just slow push this.
An ally has been slain! Kane could be bought right now.
Ekko's their top winner.
I have not been tracking Kayn.
An ally has been slain.
Okay. So there is a definite chance King can be bot. Oh no, we see him he's top. Okay, we see him. so Now it's just back.
Ooh, is that pinked? Free Pink Warden? I'm down.
Oooh yeah!
Free wards baby!
Uh...I fucked my back timer but free wards are free wards.
I think they're going to hard shove this wave.
I don't know if i can back here
If they do, I need to stay
Yeah, they are hard shoving it This is gonna be a really awkward game.
Jinx doesn't have a lot of pressure to like make plays early game. oops Oops.
Whoa, what is happening over here?
Wait everybody is so fucking low. I don't know. Spicy. so and oh i should turn the music up you guys can't hear it i forgot that like it's super quiet for you guys. i'm crazy so so hmm
maybe on dragon or baron mini baron Ooh. oh close I mean, we should just do Dragon.
There's no point in trying to dive them or anything. oh this is now a bad dragon
we have to finish this. so so
man Man, Leona.
Just go kill that guy. He's got no thumbs. Leona! Oh nah.
Oh nah... Kinda left me high and dry there, buddy!
... so so I'm actually really sad we lost that, because that was a really free fight for us.
The only reason it didn't go well is because... so Man. so I knew this game was going to be a shit show by the the way that's why i wanted to dodge it
just based on like the champ selects but so so so Oh That Woo! That was well planned. oh i got hit by the thing. I'm bad. Damn. My bad. I needed 100 gold and I inted before I got my hundred gold. I really don't want to sell the Dorans. It's really not worth... Do I need Mortal Reminder third this game?
Probably not.
They do have two healing items
or two healing things but it's probably not worth so okay so Damn it! damn it If Leona actually stayed with me in that fight and chased, we would have gotten a triple. I mean, if I played
the teamfight a little better too.
I cancelled Nautilus on the Urgot so...
It is what it is right?
I think I am going to get Mortal Reminder though.
That healing that guy just did was kind of wild.
Right like that Urgot sat at like 30 hp for
quite a while i think it was way too long so so so so Yeah, that's why we can't do that. so I'm relying too heavily on my team right now. That's my bad. Like, it's just- It's on me.
I'm playing too team reliant. Whoa, the fuck? Oh fuck You so so so Hmm. What an interesting game!
They also have wards everywhere, man! what an interesting game
they also have wards everywhere in our jungle right now it's kind of wild so so so Whoa! enemy so so Damn it. If I didn't E poorly, I had that.
Leona what are you doing bro? This Leona is not a very good team player. Not gonna lie. so I need a BT this game pretty badly.
Damn, our top laner is definitely a little tilted.
Uh oh! We gotta help this guy. so oh okay That's fun.
It just... I don't know.
I'll play slower, yes.
Warwick and Trins. slower yes boric and trims are weird players
we don't have to play for these objectives i'm just forcing This kind of sucks. The enemy has a way better solo laners.
They also have a really good... Believe it or not, the enemy has a really fucking good
like that janna is way better than leona So Wow Wow.
Again, I said give
because Nid is bad
and nobody hit the Janna. You guys need to learn to play with AD. No flame, but Diamond is your home for life until you do I'm feeling my tiredness.
I don't want to make excuses though, so we're going to walk in. so my ally has been slain
my trend just died with no sums so Wait, why don't we just kill that guy? so and now he has been slain This is really hard because I threw my lead by dying like one time early even though we were playing well
the game ways of the game is very winnable but I definitely threw my lead and so I have to play around that now. so so so so so so What?
Dude! Dude, like just help me. Leona! Heal me only! Stop diving!
Stand me. If not on me, you are misplaying.
If you dive and I can't auto, it's bad dive. So just hit what's in front. Okay?
I beg! We're in this soft inting because small
PP, IRL so so so No way.
The Urgot just flashed us.
Damn, that's GG.
Dang. Dang... Dang, nice try.
Next time you have a
one bot lane
stop inting in mid jungle top
and Leona never leave your AD when ahead. We're in game, diamonds.
Ugh I hate diamonds.
Ugh I hate diamond elo. It's so cringe. You can always be the better player and still lose games in this elo because of how dogshit everyone is.
Like, I win that game every time
if I'm not
sleep deprived.
I'm just frustrated because of how hard we won lane
and then we had like
top wasn't trying, mid and jungle weren't
trying to win it's so frustrating man
like they just didn't want to win i'll report them very likely
they have been reported before with that gameplay so hopefully yeah we'll see
let's see what happens. so. Okay..... Games like that make me so sad, because it was so easy if I played Perfect.
Like the snowball was so easy.
I think I just have to play Ashe.
I wanted to play Jinx for fun.
But the problem with playing Jinx is like...
Jinx is incredibly strong if you have a team that stands in front of you and helps you.
Even Leona! But Leona was just diving instead of peeling.
And until you get up into literally 500-600 LP GM, people don't peel in League.
They have this weird idea that they just want to turn their brain off and...
Zog zog.
So you have to position like nearly perfect to play the game And I can't do that right now so i'll just play
i'll just put like ash
get some easy wins. Ashe pretty much auto-wins you the game until GM, I figured that out.
Nobody can play
macro in anywhere below
Grandmaster, and Ashe
is too good of a lane bully. Nobody can
play versus her either.
They just try to ego check you,
and if they miss that once,
you win.
Makes me sad because the enemy ball lane was trash. But we just lose, because our mid top and jungle didn't want to play. If you're in silver, what should you spam?
I think in silver
your AD carry doesn't matter too much.
Like, I can give you some easy ADs to spam that have good scaling and stuff, because in Silver
you're probably just going to want to scale.
You play Smolder... Jinx is good, Smolder's good... Sivir's probably good in silver.
Like, I can imagine
Sivir's pretty good.
So it's like Jinx
Trying to think of some other easier champions Smolder, Sivir...
I'm trying to think of some other easier champs that are hyperscaling.
I would say the number one thing you should focus on though is like if you're in Silver as an AD
just focus on fundamentals of a game not what champions are playing i mean you can do both right like you
can play good champs and fundamentals
mf is really good
in that elo too
she's a
she's really
really strong
like damage wise
it depends on what you want to do right if you want
to like be a lane bully and practice that you can play mf if you want to be a uh
if you wanna be more of like a scaling champ
and just practice that, then you can play
some older Jinx.
Maybe Jhin might be
a little too hard for lower elo
because he's got a weird playstyle.
But yeah,
I would say focus on just like do your best to
focus on the fundamentals
CSing wave management
positioning and things like that
Kate's too hard for
this is going to be a hot take but unless you just enjoy playing kate champ's too hard
like i there's like a few champs that I don't recommend people to play below at least Diamond for AD.
Because you won't have the mechanics. If you're not Diamond on AD,
You probably won't have the mechanics to play a lot of the 80 carries
like i wouldn't recommend caitlyn below diamond unless like
he said you can play whatever you want.
Caitlyn's just really hard.
She's very hard because Cait is a champ
The reason she's so hard is because
you can't...
Man, how do I put this?
You can't make a mistake with Caitlyn or you get put behind.
And if you get put behind with Kaitlin,
you're not playing the game.
Kaitlin has to play Caitlyn well.
... Oh, I have that same Tryndamere from last game.
I think it's time to get my LP back.
What do you guys think?
I'm versed versus that same trend.
Well, actually,
I don't know if I can get my LP back.
I don't know, bro.
That last game I just played,
like... If I was full-on like fresh geronimo
i carried the out of that game that would have been a free win Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
Dude, the worst feeling in the game is going on a 3-4 win streak
and then you lose one game and it like completely resets your mmr
boost you have to win like eight or nine in the road to get a good mmr boost going
for new accounts if you if you win like four and then you lose one
it just completely her anymore feels bad oh wait where did he go if you put it there Why is Morgana in my lane and why did she heal?
Like, what?! oh What the fuck?
He's gonna try and flash on me.
Like, I know how Tryndamere players play.
But he's literally gonna just try
and flash. He's gonna try
and flashy ignite.
Okay. zin you can literally just kill him like i don't know what i'm watching right now
like look at this like what's happening
i'm losing my minds There we go. This is wild that this guy does not want to... so Tryndamere players might be the dumbest players. Like, I think Yuumi players might be smarter than Trin players... actually though. yes so do you sell earplugs too has been slain
hmm i mean i don't know man win streaks lose streaks none of it matters so you should just strive for improvement Like i know it sounds like im reading off a card but i mean it actually doesn't matter Like, you'll be at whatever elo you deserve to be at eventually.
It might take a while but...
You will be at whatever elo you deserve.
The fact that Tryndamere is trying... like, eating through my turret with my zen doing wolves is crazy easy so That's so worth it. He misses that whole whiff. Yeah, this Mork keeps coming mid and healing by the way.
Dude I have 27 CS in 6 minutes because...
...I've had Morg in my lane twice. What do you want? I think we're in D1, D2 MMR.
I don't know. I just lost a game in D1 MMR so this might be D2 MMR.
It's hard to tell on new accounts, I'll be real, I don't know. so oh Dude, I fucking didn't reset my bomb.
Ahhhh...I'm playing so bad.
I was going to ult the Viego,
but I didn't think I had to.
Oh my bad.
I wish my Xin would gank mid though, because
it's so
easy to gank Tryndamere.
I don't think he will, because
I asked him to gank and he's a jungle Like, I don't think he will because...
...I asked him to gank and he's a jungle player.
So he's gonna like be mad at life you know?
Anytime you ever ask like a jungle player to do something, even if it's nicely...
You can be nice about it and say, hey man would you mind doing this?
They'll unironically just straight up grief you.
They won't do what you asked and then they'll just straight up like
do the exact opposite
because they feel like
your being an asshole
I was like hey Trynd has no
so-and-so mid and he's a melee. We can kill him.
He sits on my turret for five minutes.
Morg comes mid twice.
Okay. comes mid twice Wait, look at this.
Just gank, man!
Aw, he's I got bot again.
Okay... Cause- Because, I mean, I can't out-Pryo the Trance.
He will always have first move without ganks.
Like, look at this... I genuinely can't do anything. Winners don't duck! so Oh my god, they're all solo. That's kind of wild. I think we just take...
We don't get his full turn here, but we get a lot of it.
Because Trin died and now he has to walk back mid, yeah?
Uh, I think I should go back and just buy kraken slayer but so so yes Hmm. I kind of want to gank bot, but if I do that, I lose mid. Like a thousand percent I just die mid or I lose my mid turret here if I try and TP bot. um um Dude, you know what sucks about League?
I'm still thinking
About last game and how
I should have carried that, and I messed up.
Even though it doesn't
matter at all. How fucking
stupid is League of Legends, man?
I'm dwelling on a loss that has
that doesn't matter literally at all Damn it. That kind of sucked. I think my team wins this really hard though, so I pizza it's fine.
I don't want to lose mid turret gonna lose mid plates?
I am. It's Moj.
That's why I asked Cait to go mid. losing mid after we just had such a big lead feels so bad.
You guys have no idea how bad that fucking feels.
Maybe you do, I don't know. know I just like massacred the enemy trends, right?
And we just lose the fucking four plates in a mid turret because
my team's being lazy. That feels
so bad, man.
I gotta wait for one more Q.
Oh my god, of course he's top.
I'm bad. Man we're gonna lose top turret too?
Like what is going on? I'm so sad.
Hopefully we at least get this...
I can only pray that we get this dragon at least.
We just lost two turrets for free to Tryndamere, one because I messed up and the other one because my team messed up but...
I don't know man, that sucks.
Yo you guys gotta help each other.
Oh wow!
Wait that's actually a cool mechanic did you guys know that does that? Wait I didn't't know that did that.
When you Viego ult it actually reduces the damage of... The spell being shot at you.
the Kato got reduced.
My entire team is just inting Viego.
They didn't want to help each other, so they entered. That's unlucky. Oh well, that's fine. so Fuck.
If I had one more jump, I'd kill him. Like if I-I canceled an auto and if I didn't cancel that auto, I would've killed him.
Please stop giving free turrets. Just play for objectives, I beg you.
No random fighting for fun.
Let's go ward around mid please I'll be real with you guys.
I don't know how much more I have to play
will you get me today?
Not that I'm like tilted
and I know
I sound tilted
but I'm not tilted
I'm just
playing bad I know I sound tilted, but I'm not tilted. I'm just...
playing bad
and I don't know if I have any more
power in me, you know?
I think my tiredness is finally catching up. Oh, that sucked. I guess...
Ugh, I gotta go bot don't I?
Yeah he's gonna take that if I don't. so 1250. I see 1250 and we're chillin
Diego's bought I can't sit down here always mid, he's mid now? Okay maybe I can.
... so so so Ugh. Man...
Wait, my team wins that! Just fight with him! Help him!
Oh my god...
Awwww Oh my god. Ah, macro sucks in this elo. I'll just group and we can ARAM for fun. F it. so so I got my entire team is just watching them do baron
like they're literally just like let's trade shaking dragon for berry.
Jesus Christ. I gotta take a break after this game.
I'm turning toxic.
Like, I don't want to be toxic today, so I've got to take a break because like
I'm turning into an asshole
because like I know that they're bad and
I'm expecting too much of them.
You know, it's like when you expect
too much of,
like... I don't
Let's say
your son
just isn't
good at
stuff and
you're like
you expect
too much
of him and you're like, expect too much of them.
And you're like, alright, well I'm just
going to be okay with the fact my son can only
count to seven.
There's no shame in that.
... in that. My mechanics aren't there right now
to be able to 1v4 these fights
because I'm too tired. And I think
I'm forcing fights that are correct,
I mean yeah, my Zen is so fucking horrendous dude.
I wish we had wards somewhere Like why aren't we just going in?
Bragg is just holding ult for fun.
Come on bro! Use your ulti. Okay... okay so so Remember when I told you Caitlyn can't play from behind, you have to play from ahead with that champ
my caitlyn is not very good at kate this is what i was talking about right
you can't play caitlin unless you know what you're doing because
you will just get on so
i'm gonna stop yapping and try and focus on walking in so i can carry this though
i don't want to lose another game. so so Okay, I guess my team just wanted to int.
Or ints
like i don't understand how you guys die they They don't even have Hard Engage!
Like, they literally don't have
Hard Engage. I'm versus the only person who's actually...
I'm versus the only person on the enemy team that is strong, which is Friend of Mare.
And he had Ulti. Like, I don't know man. Ah, whatever.
Like what are we doing? Just forfeit please. It is a Saber wannabe.
Scared of ever using autos.
Bragus can't R, Lux
can't ward, Zin can't breathe
Yeah Zin can't breathe.
Yeah, it's let me out. This game is done.
It's just a bot top jungle biffy in the jiffy. so I'm not gonna lie to you, it is really depressing watching how bad players are in this elo.
Like... like you sure are!
You'll never climb Greg You'll sit in diamonds for life. Hey morons! so Go to Baron guys!
Come on, let's wake the fuck up.
Let's play League! wanna see the fireworks Oh
We're still gonna do this with no jungler? Alright fuck it I'm down.
Their Jungler might be alive but like you know, fuck it right? so so don't worry guys, Gnar ended the game. Cool.
Don't worry, lads!
Normally I'd be really excited for a game like this because it's really close and fun, but I'm not having any fun.
By the way they will BD you if you don't ward for it.
That's on you, Miss Lux!
He has R so you have to kill before he gets to nexus okay gotta get back out there so so an ally has been slain so uh Thank you for watching! We have to wait for our inhib.
We don't have a choice.
I'm going to go back up! so so so so so so yeah okay so anyway uh so The power has been slain.
Remember to take a deep breath.
We are staying in here for much longer. This is not this is a really intense game so so so so so so so okay so
guys Guys.
Just go to Baron!... so holy holy so so so i'm gonna lose my fucking mind by the way see the fire I'm going to try and get the holy man Why is this game so hard?
If we just group up and walk mid once, we win by the way. Double kill.
Let's get in range your inhibitor has been destroyed wow so Oh
Whatever it's my bad I guess
I did get hit by everything
Man... Thought i played that correctly i don't know so so Ugh.
Well, my team is doing fine in terms of mechanics right? Like they're not inting but they ran around the map because they don't know how to just play uh
they don't know how to play to ends they're too scared that if
they go try and end we're gonna lose the game
they're like pissing themselves over it. yeah i mean i know they're scared of the
trend back door Yeah, I mean, I know they're scared of the Trynd backdoor.
The thing is that if you just ward, Trynd trend camp back door you so so You guys gotta fight them, by the way.
You will not have a choice.
I got the wrong pot. just go go mid
guys they're just gonna try and get dragon just go mid so so I mean, whatever man these two are just standing mid for fun i don't know okay wow fun Wow, fun. Fun guys.
You really are great at League.
Like dude I go mid.
I pull four people
mid with me, right?
My team is literally
standing AFK.
Like if they just
walked mid with me
we win the game.
That's it. They walk mid we win the game. Right? That's it! They walk mid,
we win the game. But all four of them are watching the enemy team do Dragon
Gnar TPs to stop my push
Gnar TPs to the minion to stop my push, right?
All four of my teammates are standing
in the fucking middle of the lane.. like that is so depressing man I don't know what to do.
I'm not like...
I'm too tired for this.
Like, I am too tired
to carry four retards right now.
I can't do it.
I've been up 24 hours.
Longer. But longer than 24 hours now
like i am not coherent enough to carry four retards
like they're so bad i cannot carry them Okay..... whatever.... It is what it is.
I'm going to take a break.
I need to get some...
I'm going to rest for the rest of the day and just chill........... I'm going to get off for now.
I'll see you guys tomorrow.
I'll be fully rested and we'll pop off.