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Adc Academy - How to Climb on Adc from a Hardstuck GrandMaster Adc Grandpa

07-09-2024 · 12h 29m

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[00:00:00] ... Hello.
[00:00:42] Hello....... I mean, I kind of want to take cleanse but they have so many stuns. But you know what? I'm gonna ego it.
[00:02:14] We are egoing this shit.
[00:02:16] Fuck it.
[00:03:19] ..... so praise kindred the two hunters pray we see death so we may complete our labors and die with our eyes open 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[00:03:24] My tribe will bring peace to the north,
[00:03:52] The south should fear us. hmm Hmm. We should just fuckin'...
[00:03:55] We should just fuckin' cheese these guys! Come, like...
[00:03:58] Come down here, friend! We must press on. Wait, my Plex name is I Can't Hit Hooks. Oh, is that a comet?
[00:04:42] Jin?
[00:04:43] What the heck.
[00:04:44] That's not good. uh oh You don't have to push that man, you can just chill. I'm actually a little confused why they level 2 ganked us like that. That was some wild
[00:05:45] fucking shit, I don't know.
[00:06:12] Okay. You know what though? At least the Pyke's name was like not, you know incorrect.
[00:06:17] I'll give Pyke this he was being honest when he said he couldn't land hooks.
[00:06:35] Respect! Like, not everybody can be honest like that. I Think I'm dead.
[00:06:40] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[00:06:43] I can hit sub button kappa.
[00:06:48] Not that bad bad though.
[00:06:49] Ooh they killed that guy 100%. Nice!
[00:06:53] Yo, bigger than 23!
[00:06:57] Welcome back! Appreciate it a lot, bro. Hmm... Hmm.
[00:07:15] Alright, I'm gonna go Tier 2 boot.
[00:07:22] I don't think he's going to land, cause it's a Zyra bro. Nah, I mean...
[00:07:27] Like if you wanna hug Zyra, you have to stun her first.
[00:07:34] You really don't have a choice.
[00:07:53] I am a war mother! Hmm, let me see. Are sure we just kill both of them. oh okay I mean, we could probably just kill these guys but it depends on if Pyke thinks he can actually land a hook.
[00:08:39] I might be dead here. Yeah, I'm dead. It's too hard! Like Pyke landed the hook but he didn't land a stun so it's too hard to actually go in on that.
[00:08:48] I expected
[00:08:49] him to land the stun, that's why I walked up,
[00:08:50] but he whiffed it.
[00:08:52] So I think at this point, I'm just gonna assume
[00:08:54] Pyke is not able to actually land spells.
[00:08:58] Not in a mean way, but
[00:08:59] he's not a good enough player to follow up and
[00:09:01] play this correctly.
[00:09:06] So because of that, what we are going to do is
[00:09:08] we're actually going to straight up just ignore every time
[00:09:10] he hooks unless it's
[00:09:12] actually like a very, very
[00:09:14] straight-up obvious
[00:09:16] hook where we can immediately follow up like
[00:09:19] i don't want to have to rely on him landing the second part of
[00:09:22] his combo to be able to follow up
[00:09:28] all right people got bad games but when your support is having a bad game you have to play essentially
[00:09:35] just 100% for yourself. so Oh, we almost fight that.
[00:10:41] I do want to try and kill one of these people, but...
[00:10:47] I would probably have to try and kill the Zyra.
[00:11:16] Mmmmm. um pike just ditched me I got a bell. Pike pretty much completely ditched my ass so I just got a complete bail. I think I need to ban Zyra.
[00:11:31] The champ's too good against players who don't know what they're doing.
[00:11:34] Like, the champ's just
[00:11:35] good in general right now.
[00:11:36] I think Zyra is worth a ban at the moment anyway,
[00:11:39] but especially against people who don't know how to play around her plants
[00:11:44] which is most players,
[00:11:46] I think I gotta ban that champ.
[00:12:47] My people know only cold and hardship i will teach them peace my mercy has limits. so Zyra doesn't really know what to do. Because she can't walk past me, and
[00:12:52] they can't really do much.
[00:12:59] I'm essentially just
[00:13:01] pushing in the wave so that they...
[00:13:03] So, the Jhin has to make a play on the wave before he can make a play on the...
[00:13:06] On the play.
[00:13:16] Ooh, that guy's dead.
[00:13:24] Ooh he lives! I can't believe he lives actually. That's wild. Why are they flaming the Djinn? all for your design um I really need to go back.
[00:14:13] We're getting shit on by poke.
[00:14:19] And I'm not...
[00:14:22] No, I mean,
[00:14:23] I don't know if I can actually go in here man.
[00:14:42] Yeah. yeah I'm dead. Rip!
[00:14:43] I think that shit actually kills me.
[00:14:46] Oh, it's so close
[00:14:57] holy i wish I wish I could type to help the homies out with like how what to do this game
[00:15:05] it's a little too hard because our teammates don't
[00:15:11] they're not having the greatest game
[00:15:13] topside because
[00:15:13] they're playing kind of awkward.
[00:15:18] We gotta
[00:15:19] essentially try to snowball bot now Now that I have Kraken it's a little easier, but we gotta try and look for plays on bot
[00:15:27] So I can actually play the game yes uh i mean he's gonna have to ulti.
[00:16:13] I really want to go in on this bot lane.
[00:16:20] We're a lot stronger than they are, but my Pyke is... My Pyke's roaming so I can't... This is just going to be one of those games that's going to take a while.
[00:16:28] I can already feel it.
[00:16:30] This is going to be a game
[00:16:31] that we're going to be in the game for a bit.
[00:16:42] It's my first game of the day, so I gotta warm up.
[00:17:28] ... oh guide me Peace requires a steady hand. I think we should be doing dragon instead of ref there, but it's all good
[00:17:50] it's a little difficult to actually play this out properly right now. I have to dodge a lot of shit.
[00:17:53] Let's try and thin this out.
[00:18:31] Okay. hmm We are probably going to lose bot turret for that I guess. Yeah, I mean we can fight this but we need Pyke to start warding. We have so little vision, it's impossible to actually fight this without
[00:18:33] vision. Nah man I'm not gonna ult that cause Sedge is
[00:18:37] pretty likely just sitting in Tribush right now and
[00:18:41] we can't go in without making sure you know i dream of the day after the tribes are unified
[00:18:56] this is really awkward because it's hard for me to keep up good cs and
[00:18:59] games like this or getting zoned off my wave half the game.
[00:19:12] It's not the worst, though. It is me! The bow is my will given form.
[00:19:15] It's me.
[00:19:40] Oh, no! I do not know what i'm listening to. He's gonna try to get me mid and he should just go side, isn't there?
[00:19:46] Okay... I'm assuming they subduanialed that. Around the outside! damn i kind of wish uh so so hmm so I don't think it's just jungle death.
[00:20:55] I'm pretty confident that a lot of this game is support death.
[00:21:04] Okay. support diff. I mean, the enemy jungler is doing fine, but...
[00:21:22] Seek help? I'm pretty sure, though, right now all we really have to do is just let me scale up.
[00:21:24] We have two drakes,
[00:21:29] we have two dragons and then Azir's a scaling champ as well so it is one of those Our Pyke's kind of dumb.
[00:22:34] Whoa, the fuck? that guy's kind of dumb too Pretty confident we can just kill these guys. so see how close they can get
[00:22:43] damn this pike just straight up keeps hinting
[00:22:47] like this pipe does not enjoy playing with his team. Hmm. Ow! Well that fucking hurt.
[00:22:59] That was one of those things I didn't want to do. hmm ow well that hurt there's one rocket I mean, the thing is We will win this game if it goes long enough.
[00:23:37] Just because once I get two items, we will probably just carry it
[00:23:49] or three items i mean It's just that my team is really, really far behind.
[00:24:09] We're getting pushed in on pretty much every angle right now because the team is so far behind.
[00:24:18] Oh, I'm going to die maybe?
[00:24:20] Dang.
[00:24:23] I think that would have been perfect if Pyke hooked the Corki in or stunned him.
[00:24:28] But it is what it is.
[00:24:33] Yo, Pyke get Get in there, bro.
[00:24:36] What am I watching?
[00:24:38] Oh my god. He literally just dashed in
[00:24:40] after they got out of the turret.
[00:24:43] Yikes.
[00:24:44] Yeah, but I'm not gonna lie to you, this Pyke is...
[00:24:48] essentially really bad.
[00:24:51] Because he doesn't know how to position around the fight so that he can go in.
[00:24:55] Azir actually just made such a good play right there the problem was
[00:24:59] pike doesn't know what he's doing at all this guy might be like a bronze support player
[00:25:08] well he's playing He's
[00:25:08] The reason
[00:25:09] I think the reason
[00:25:09] He's in this elo
[00:25:10] Is because what
[00:25:10] He's doing
[00:25:11] Is
[00:25:12] I'm pretty sure
[00:25:12] He's doing
[00:25:12] The thing
[00:25:13] That a lot of
[00:25:13] Pyke players do
[00:25:14] Where like
[00:25:14] You can climb
[00:25:16] Really high
[00:25:16] By winning lane
[00:25:17] On that champ But if you go against somebody who counters you they can put down like Climber, Shaco, Zyra something like that.
[00:25:25] He probably just doesn't know what to do when he can't hook them on repeat and lane phase Hmm. hmm
[00:25:56] this is a really hard game for me to play right now oh i'm dead maybe yeah
[00:26:03] i mean i guess we lose cassandra is just way too strong
[00:26:09] basically like yeah this guy...
[00:26:14] I don't even blame Kindred too much. Honestly it was just mid top and support mid-top end support.
[00:26:29] Ooh, that Pyke's got a... he should watch some
[00:26:30] videos on how to climb.
[00:26:35] Not gonna lie, lie pike's decision making that game thinking that like the game was based on anything other than his bad play is really disheartening Thank you. Okay. oh no no that's not me. Would I have a fanboy?
[00:27:42] Probably.
[00:27:43] I have a lot of fanboys.
[00:27:45] I'm quite popular.
[00:27:47] It's true.
[00:28:20] Thank you. Okay. I think he had played versus me.
[00:28:22] It's my first game of the day, bro!
[00:28:23] What do you mean?..... Wait, that guy did play versus somebody named Geronimo.
[00:29:00] Who the fuck is this guy?. I wonder if they'll actually get to play Trist.
[00:29:31] Most people just dodge when you pick Trist.
[00:29:34] People don't want to deal with it, so people just dodge when you pick Trist. People don't want to
[00:29:35] deal with it, so they just dodge.
[00:30:06] Okay. I'm just 80.
[00:30:18] Okay boys, what do we got? This guy banned Pyke?
[00:30:31] Interesting.
[00:30:33] I feel like the only
[00:30:34] supports worth banning right now
[00:30:36] are, like... I'd say, dude, the only supports that I think are worth banning right now are like...
[00:30:39] I'd say, like,
[00:30:41] dude, the only supports that I think are worth banning right now are Leona and Braum.
[00:30:53] ... I think Leona, Braum and Nautilus maybe.
[00:31:00] Those are the only three that I think you should ban if you're going to play Nautilus or Leona and you just ban Braum.
[00:31:02] And if you're going to play like
[00:31:03] an Enchanter,
[00:31:05] you just ban Nautilus
[00:31:07] because like Enchantress can deal with Leona. Okay. This guy tried to go Malphite mid.
[00:31:25] I mean, a lot of people do this.
[00:31:26] They try and counter Trist with Malfi mid
[00:31:28] but it doesn't actually counter Trist.
[00:31:30] This is like a really,
[00:31:32] really dumb thing that
[00:31:34] a lot of people try and do
[00:31:35] because they don't know what to pick.
[00:31:38] A lot of people are like, dude,
[00:31:39] what do I pick against Trist?
[00:31:41] If you really want me to
[00:31:42] tell you when you're playing
[00:31:45] against Trist
[00:31:45] Trist is just like really meta right now and really
[00:31:48] OP in like 90% of matchups
[00:31:50] but if you really wanna just counter counter her talia is really good uh
[00:31:55] you can play like you can counter pick her
[00:32:00] you could put a quirky and just go even you can play like
[00:32:05] essentially anything that actually has value if you just fight Orianna's not
[00:32:11] bad against Trist, Hway is not that bad against trysts i think a good trust shits on
[00:32:16] way but i think like you're not gonna be playing it's good tristan isn't so like gm
[00:32:22] like in solo queue like if you're if you're against somebody who's like...
[00:32:25] If you're in Diamond or lower and you're playing against Trist.
[00:32:29] Trust me when I say that Trist is not going to be good enough to matter. hmm Hmm.
[00:32:49] Ooh, look at the ward that's huge!
[00:32:51] But yeah I think picking Malphite mid
[00:32:53] is really troll.
[00:32:58] Like this shit... I don't think I've ever actually lost
[00:33:00] to a Malphite mid as Trist.
[00:33:02] You like...
[00:33:04] you kind of lose
[00:33:05] super early
[00:33:06] and then maybe at six you kind of get like
[00:33:12] maybe it's six like he has kill pressure with the jungler but
[00:33:15] the problem with mouth mid is that like...
[00:33:24] Tristana just outscales you so hard.
[00:33:25] And if you don't,
[00:33:27] Like, you can never really kill her.
[00:33:29] So if you don't just straight up kill her in lane and get to the point
[00:33:31] your solo killing her on repeats...
[00:33:34] Like, if you go AP mouth
[00:33:35] she can flash or buffer
[00:33:37] your ults and you just can't kill her. And if you go AD mouth, or whatever...
[00:33:44] Or if you go tank mouth then Trist just laughs at
[00:33:46] you and takes your turrets in front of your face. Ooh, canceled Nautilus.
[00:34:15] Like this guy has 5 CS!
[00:34:21] Because like you can't walk up to Tristana to trade or you can't walk up to farm. I'm gonna miss a CS spot.
[00:34:39] And now, like this guy is what?
[00:34:41] Now he's half HP under his turret.
[00:34:46] I can just hit him?
[00:34:52] And now he has a TP back.
[00:34:55] He's already solo,
[00:34:56] he's gotta TP back.
[00:35:01] Or he's gotta like
[00:35:02] beg the Kindred to come try and gank.
[00:35:05] But if Kindred...
[00:35:06] If I'm not low,
[00:35:08] right?
[00:35:09] Like this is the issue
[00:35:09] with begging Kindred
[00:35:10] to come gank.
[00:35:11] If I'm not actually low
[00:35:12] on the Kindred gank,
[00:35:14] Kindred can't really
[00:35:14] do anything. Like he has to chunk me out enough
[00:35:18] for i'm actually low on the gank I mean, here
[00:35:30] I'm just gonna sit mid and just farm for most of this game.
[00:35:35] He's trying to get in range
[00:35:36] to Q me but it's like...
[00:35:37] Kind of fucking worthless.
[00:35:46] I could've jumped in right there and if he didn't flash the jump,
[00:35:48] he would've died.
[00:35:51] But if he does flash the jump then I...
[00:35:53] In Kindred's there, I kind of just die.
[00:35:55] So I think I'm going to play safe for a sec.
[00:36:00] He'll TP back... so so Hmm.
[00:36:40] I mean, yeah, okay. So we're in a good spot he already wasted TP. We got good CS per minute.
[00:36:45] Uh...I think I'm gonna push this wave in? This wave doesn't quite get me my item that I want but it's good enough
[00:37:04] We're gonna back and then then I'm going to go grab. If I didn't miss like two CS,
[00:37:06] I'd have my item but it's not a big deal. He can't really do anything here because he has to go through the cannon.
[00:37:22] And, he doesn't have enough damage to go through the cannon and he doesn't have enough damage to
[00:37:23] go through the cannon without uh using all of his mana All right, so he's going to back 100%
[00:37:39] right now. But when he backs there
[00:37:41] he's going to miss an entire wave.
[00:37:44] So what we're going to do is gonna miss an entire wave
[00:37:49] so what we're going to do is because he has no tp right we're going to fast shove this way then which means i'm going to e the minion
[00:37:52] waves we're going to shove this in as fast as we can.
[00:37:58] Now I have a few options, I need to take a plate here
[00:38:00] on his backdimer or I can go back and buy.
[00:38:02] I don't think I actually have anything to buy
[00:38:04] so I think I'm just going to walk up and take a plate because we see the kind buy. So, I think I'm just gonna walk up
[00:38:06] and take a plate
[00:38:06] because we see the Kindred.
[00:38:07] So,
[00:38:08] I can pretty safely
[00:38:08] take a plate.
[00:38:12] So now,
[00:38:12] we gotta be
[00:38:13] a little more careful
[00:38:13] because he does have
[00:38:14] level six
[00:38:14] and he has tabbies
[00:38:15] which means if Kindred comes mid i don't uh
[00:38:19] like for example kinder comes mid and i don't just immediately w the ulti
[00:38:25] like if i don't buffer the ults there's a good chance that I can die.
[00:38:28] So we are going to be a little more care.
[00:38:40] I'm just gonna auto him. If he's going to let me hit him, I'm just going to hit him.
[00:38:45] He's already at 40% again which means if he tries to all in me again i could just kill him
[00:38:52] and this is gonna keep happening until either
[00:38:55] he gets mad and tries to ult kill me and fails? Or Kindred ganks.
[00:39:05] It's pretty much
[00:39:06] just how this is going to go.
[00:39:17] Okay. go he's probably gonna hold me here yeah i think i am dead here maybe we'll see
[00:39:21] yeah i'm dead all right so i up I fucked up because I took the turret shot.
[00:39:25] He also ulted my ult
[00:39:27] so I got kind of outplayed. Not gonna lie.
[00:39:30] But I do think it's fine
[00:39:31] because I'm going to show you exactly why
[00:39:33] I'm going to take advantage of my misplay. So like, I made a mistake but
[00:39:37] I can take advantage of my own mistake very heavily now.
[00:39:40] So Zolty has a really long cooldown at level one,
[00:39:43] he's not gonna have it available
[00:39:45] and because I
[00:39:47] still have a reasonably big lead
[00:39:49] on him,
[00:39:51] I'm just going to walk up, the waves and then start hitting his turret.
[00:39:53] And he's either going to have to A hit the minions
[00:39:55] To stop me from hitting the turret
[00:39:59] To farm or hit me
[00:40:01] And you can't do both without ulti, so...
[00:40:08] Like here you see I'm just gonna auto him
[00:40:18] and here if he can walk out and hit me all he wants, because he can never actually kill me without ults. Now dying once does put me in a really awkward spot. Oh, I'm dead. Yeah.
[00:40:51] Okay, we got his flash. It's not the end of the world.
[00:41:01] Wait is my support in jungle just having a full-on discussion about baking?
[00:41:10] Yo I'm down to discuss baking but like you should play the game too
[00:41:16] like enemy kindred 5kp zin 0. Like no flame Zin like I'm sure your bakeryery's great man. But you should probably play the game a bit.
[00:41:25] If you're playing Xan and losing to Kindred, then you've already lost the game.
[00:41:29] Xan is specifically designed and picked to counter kindred
[00:41:33] because you want to invade her constantly and you want to put her on
[00:41:36] the back foot pretty much the entire game.
[00:41:40] Because if you don't put the Xin
[00:41:41] on the back foot, the whole end
[00:41:42] you're going to be really far
[00:41:43] or I mean that Kindred
[00:41:45] she's got scale you into oblivion
[00:41:47] so Zin is not a full clear jungler
[00:41:49] he's a jungler where like where you play to put the enemy behind.
[00:42:00] The course you're in, it's probably worth it. huh He's going to TP back. oh we tp to the warren okay I'm a little sad that the Zin is kind of playing stupid.
[00:42:50] But like I said, we just have to scale
[00:43:05] Let's go ward over here. I'll probably just go...
[00:43:09] Probably go Ward Dom second this game, or third I mean.
[00:43:13] ... our third i'm in
[00:43:25] it almost feels like our zen is auto filled if i'm being honest that's kind of what it feels like. Oh, not bad.
[00:43:44] See that's what he needs to do
[00:43:45] to the Kindred
[00:43:45] pretty much the whole game. if this in just does that to
[00:43:49] kinder the whole game we are chilling like straight up that's just like the best play for him to do
[00:43:54] walk at the kindred constantly and just fight Because there's two options that'll
[00:43:59] happen. One, Malphite will walk to the fight
[00:44:01] or two, Malphite will sit mid.
[00:44:03] If Malph sits mid we win the game. Because he's not shutting down my farm.
[00:44:18] He's just really denying me plates.
[00:44:20] And I don't want to leave lane anyway, I just want to AFK farm so...
[00:44:58] Oh! Hmm that was a That was unfortunate. Malphite flashed and then kept his ult. No smart buy him, actually. I'm happy both our side lanes are doing really well though,
[00:45:02] because getting counterpicked and then
[00:45:05] getting camped by Kindred half the game,
[00:45:07] it's definitely not great.
[00:45:11] I still think we're fine, but it's definitely rough.
[00:45:17] Ulting early was sus?
[00:45:18] I don't think so.
[00:45:20] I think ulting him when I did was fine, because Kindred like... we didn't know Kindred was there.
[00:45:31] And if Kindred wasn't there there we would have been completely fine so Easy peasy.
[00:46:06] What a boring game.
[00:46:15] I ain't gonna lie, I'm bored as shit.
[00:46:19] Oh we're getting mid turd here nice.
[00:46:40] Nice! if i didn't mess up a little bit early game on that very first fight,
[00:46:44] I actually would have won this lane so hard.
[00:46:47] Like that very first fight where I took that turret shot?
[00:46:49] If I didn't get hit by that,
[00:46:51] I actually just win this lane without even... It's not even close.
[00:47:04] Ooh, good TP. Also I'm pretty sure Mundo just shits on this Malphite the whole game. Like straight up? I think that Mundo just destroys them. kill Nice, got the top turret I got this one.
[00:47:55] Watch out, you're exploding! Whoa...
[00:47:58] The fuck?
[00:48:01] Mr. Zig just came mid!
[00:48:04] Hey bro, relax, chill. Calm it down.
[00:48:08] I'm just trying to chill? Alright, I'm just trying to farm some waves!
[00:48:12] Calm the fuck down, Zig!
[00:48:21] Oh I mean, I can 100-0 this guy really easy.
[00:48:24] ZigZig is kinda trolling. Oh, I mean, I can 100-0 this guy really easy.
[00:48:44] It's kind of trolling. hmm are they two manning
[00:48:48] bot with malphite
[00:48:50] janna
[00:48:50] wait that's funny as fuck
[00:48:54] like they just swapped it up to have ziggs go mid for some reason bad guy I'm gonna be double-killing you.
[00:49:23] Orders are more like guidelines, really. Come on, cut! so let me get in there yeah They got 4 people bot. I might be able to take this top turret. uh
[00:50:20] i think i can actually take this.
[00:50:23] Nice!
[00:50:31] I think I'm gonna go been slain
[00:50:33] i think i'm gonna go dom seconds instead of uh
[00:50:40] okay i think we're going to go Dom's here instead of going... Oh well.
[00:50:59] Pretty sure they get this dragon. Now I just need to get Navori and we're chillin'.
[00:51:10] Okay.
[00:51:12] Malfight's top...
[00:51:14] The only issue with what's happening here is we have so little vision, like Yuumi is just not warding at all.
[00:51:19] She has 17 vision score she hasn't put a single ward down. so so so Hmm. What did that be? I don't know.
[00:51:58] I'm not sure what it is, but...
[00:51:59] Oh!
[00:52:00] It's a It's a Hmm. How did that be?
[00:52:11] I don't think I could have killed him, maybe if I jumped past
[00:52:13] him in hard but I was slowed so...
[00:52:15] Meh.
[00:52:17] I think he just kills me there and then that's just the price i pay it's like i
[00:52:19] paid a price because i uh went for the turret
[00:52:24] i mean i'm extremely strong right now like way stronger than my score says
[00:52:29] because i have two inner turrets,
[00:52:33] like 9 CS a minute and 2 inner turrets
[00:52:35] We're doing really well
[00:52:42] We just have to get our jungler to play the game.
[00:52:47] Like,
[00:52:47] our jungler is like
[00:52:48] super duper
[00:52:49] autofilled. he's not really playing
[00:52:54] he's not really planning to win this one
[00:53:01] we need to get some vision on Baron.
[00:53:05] Because the enemy jungler is way too fed right now.
[00:53:11] I mean, we should just be doing Baron because... Janna's gonna face check this.
[00:53:29] I can't sit there without my Vayne there, just because...
[00:53:35] If Mouth
[00:53:37] facechecks with, I die.
[00:53:53] Okay. I mean, there's no way I can help you guys with this fight.
[00:53:58] Not until Malalfold's...
[00:54:08] I don't know why Vayne and Yuumi went bot there. That was really dumb pretty sure mouth still has r
[00:54:13] i need to go push bot but i can can't. We need vision on Baron.
[00:54:20] Okay, Malfolded.
[00:54:25] Oh! I mean, I cannot help you guys.
[00:54:32] I'm going to be real.
[00:54:55] I dare you to do it. Okay, well at least we got... Hopefully we killed GP.
[00:54:57] No, we're not.
[00:55:00] Holy fuck, this is a hard game, man.
[00:55:02] Our AD carry and support aren't
[00:55:04] very good, and I'm too far behind
[00:55:06] at the moment until I can get some more
[00:55:08] items to make any significant plays.
[00:55:12] We really just need Mundo to be the one splitting, me grouping
[00:55:16] and then we need Yuumi and Vayne to group up
[00:55:19] and start sitting mid
[00:55:21] They don't know where to be on the map right now,
[00:55:23] and I think that's the big problem with what's happening.
[00:55:33] Like, what is that?
[00:55:35] No, yeah.
[00:55:36] That's like 100% that guy's trolling
[00:55:37] by the way.
[00:55:38] Like, our Zin
[00:55:39] is not trying to win.
[00:56:07] Okay. not trying to win so Hmm.
[00:56:09] Why is my team doing this? I need to go grab the wave shut down
[00:56:28] i need to go grab the wave so that they can't uh push I didn't really have a choice.
[00:56:30] I'm trying to, like, break the wave because my team's doing this.
[00:56:34] Oof, guys. What the fuck I feel like I'm a little confused at what's going on.
[00:56:47] It definitely feels very awkward
[00:56:51] to be playing this game where our bot lane is doing
[00:56:55] this... our bot lane is doing this so so shut down so so so If we can...
[00:58:20] Kindred's got their whole team. I think we can win if we can... Kindred's got their whole team.
[00:58:22] I think we can win if we can just kill
[00:58:24] Kindred.
[00:58:28] This Vayne build
[00:58:29] is not very good, but
[00:58:30] I do think we can win if we can kill kindred or if i can like pull them around
[00:58:35] we can also win right like if i can pull the enemy team in circles or on the map
[00:58:41] that would be really really good as well easy peasy oh so I'm going to go ahead and do that. um
[00:59:45] they actually three mananned a random bush top?
[00:59:49] I don't understand this elo. Like, why?
[00:59:54] There was no wave there...
[00:59:57] I probably could have jumped forward and killed another wave.
[00:59:59] That was the best play.
[01:00:02] Jump forward,
[01:00:03] kill another wave there,
[01:00:03] and then play backward.
[01:00:06] That was definitely the best play.
[01:00:08] Because them killing me doesn't do anything
[01:00:09] like they can't take any turrets from it and they can't really like
[01:00:13] uh break the base it just gives them a little bit of priority to take vision top side.
[01:00:26] I do think we really, really need to win
[01:00:28] through split this game though. I don't know if we can 5v5 him with Kindred being so strong.
[01:00:32] Like, kindred's level 18 with almost five items at fucking 28 minutes.
[01:00:36] That guy being SO strong it's gonna be hard to 5v5.
[01:00:44] Oh my god. strong it's gonna be hard to 5v5. I don't know why our Mundo keeps recalling, he needs to push sideways He's the push sidewaves. Oof! I mean, maybe the Vayne can make something happen here.
[01:01:14] But it seems kind of hard.
[01:01:17] Yeah, she's probably dead too.
[01:01:18] Bam rip.
[01:01:21] I mean, yeah, we knew that they were like maybe around here there's not much
[01:01:23] we can do i mean this kindred is just so strong man
[01:01:28] like this guy is thanos
[01:01:32] gotta dodge Trist mid.
[01:01:37] Wait a second...
[01:01:40] You realize this game had nothing to do with Trist and all to do with GP and Kindred, right?
[01:01:46] I think this guy's just
[01:01:47] bad. It's just a low-level player.
[01:01:50] I don't need to be upset about it. He's just a moron.
[01:01:53] Yeah,
[01:01:53] our Vayne understands it's a jungle gap.
[01:01:57] I think our jungler is a win trader.
[01:02:00] I didn't really hide Q this first game of the day and he hasn't played in two weeks so...
[01:02:06] Pretty sure he's a win trade
[01:02:08] or like a targetance.
[01:02:53] It is with us... I don't really know what to ban in this elo, because it seems like everybody just gets shit on by
[01:02:55] everything. Like...
[01:02:58] Our AD carry picked Vayne over Karthus.
[01:03:01] Our AD carry hovered Karthus then he picked Vayne even though
[01:03:05] he's a Karthus one trick and we needed AP
[01:03:09] He decided to troll
[01:03:10] and pick Vayne.
[01:03:12] Then he pretty much did nothing the whole game
[01:03:14] with his lead. Him and his duo
[01:03:16] were worthless.
[01:03:18] Yeah, I don't know. That's hard.
[01:03:20] That's a hard game. It is with us. Hmm. Let me see.
[01:04:04] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[01:04:08] Oh wow, 109. Time flies.
[01:04:11] Hey Lunar, they've got 109-month resub.
[01:04:16] Thank you so much, bro.
[01:04:17] I appreciate it a lot.
[01:04:18] Welcome back.
[01:04:21] My man. my man how you been bro.. You know what I think it actually is?
[01:05:05] I think I banned Kindred in the silo i'm not even kidding
[01:05:10] i actually think kindred might be the like uh the main thing you ban in this elo in the CLO.
[01:05:30] Because I have noticed that every Kindred I go versus is always fed. And I think it's because players in the CLO don't know how to jungle.
[01:05:33] Like, anybody below mid-masters has no idea how to jungle.
[01:05:37] They essentially just run in circles
[01:05:40] and pray and hope their team carries them,
[01:05:43] whereas Kindred...
[01:05:44] If you go even with Kindred early,
[01:05:46] she'll just win the game.
[01:05:47] If you try and go even with that champ,
[01:05:49] she'll's infinity scale
[01:05:51] to stacks
[01:05:51] and you just lose
[01:05:52] the champ is
[01:05:53] the solo queue
[01:05:54] champ
[01:05:55] do I want
[01:05:59] to put Trist
[01:05:59] into Yasuo
[01:06:00] I kind of do because I kind of want to pick Tristan the Yasuo?
[01:06:00] I kind of do, because I kinda wanna ego it.
[01:06:04] Like part of me wants to just like ego this Yasuo a little bit
[01:06:08] I've been playing really non-mechanical champs for a bit.
[01:06:13] So,
[01:06:13] I kind of want to...
[01:06:19] Honestly,
[01:06:19] I kind of want to play...
[01:06:33] I kinda wanna play like mechanical shit. Warm back up.
[01:06:37] No, I'm sorry.
[01:06:41] We gotta warm up bro! We got a warm-up roll.
[01:06:48] A player left?
[01:06:50] Oh, you pussies. Okay. Why you guys dodged?
[01:06:59] You bitches..... Wait, what?
[01:08:04] You said you could pick Karthus there and it'll have the same value.
[01:08:05] I mean,
[01:08:06] you're just simply wrong.
[01:08:09] Like if he walks in Malphite
[01:08:11] and you pick Karthus, right?
[01:08:13] Like we have an actual team fight threat
[01:08:16] at that point
[01:08:17] to where like we can walk into mid lane and control prio of mid. They
[01:08:24] built pure armor on two champions right? So because they built pure armor on two champs, it makes everybody weaker.
[01:08:32] And it makes everyone have to do different spikes and different things.
[01:08:42] Yeah but the fact that you took so long to get out of lane phase versus Ziggs
[01:08:44] Janna
[01:08:45] That's not your team's fault
[01:08:47] This is what I'm saying
[01:08:49] You gotta understand
[01:08:50] There were a bunch of times where like people
[01:08:52] were low on the map a karthus would have had more value there and b
[01:08:57] you could have just like it takes vayne a long time to wave clear compared to karthus right
[01:09:04] well that's what i'm saying like you're completely ignoring the
[01:09:08] you're completely ignoring what i'm saying to you
[01:09:10] i'm saying because you take so long to wave clear...
[01:09:14] You're never going to be able to actually do anything balling.
[01:09:19] Like, you'll just get a power farm.
[01:09:20] But in the league, why do you want to go even?
[01:09:24] How can Karthus ever kill a 20-0 Kindred?
[01:09:26] Yeah, but he didn't spawn into the game with 20 kills.
[01:09:29] This is what you're not understanding.
[01:09:36] Yeah, but Karthus outscales Ziggs.
[01:09:37] Like very hard.
[01:09:38] Karthus is to outscale Ziggs and you have more control over dragons
[01:09:40] because when Ziggs goes to push, right?
[01:09:44] Then you can instantly... When Ziggs goes to push, right? Then you can instantly...
[01:09:45] When Ziggs goes to push, then you can instantly
[01:09:47] push back.
[01:09:53] Okay, I'm telling you straight out like...
[01:09:56] I mean, I don't want to argue man.
[01:09:58] You can think Vayne was a good pick there but
[01:10:01] A you went Wits and Vayne
[01:10:03] which might actually just be the worst build that
[01:10:07] you could possibly ever go on that champion. And B,
[01:10:10] we didn't
[01:10:11] actually have any control
[01:10:13] of the game because you were never mid.
[01:10:15] You never walked
[01:10:17] mid
[01:10:17] to do a single
[01:10:18] mid-wave clear
[01:10:19] that game.
[01:10:22] Like,
[01:10:23] you and Yumi's job
[01:10:24] is sit
[01:10:25] mid
[01:10:26] after 14 minutes and
[01:10:28] wave clear.
[01:10:30] Okay,
[01:10:31] I'm going to break this down, man.
[01:10:34] Your duo had 17
[01:10:36] vision score at 15 minutes last game he had put down like six wards in 15 minutes Yeah, but damage doesn't matter.
[01:10:55] Bro, I don't know how to explain this
[01:10:57] to a Diamond player.
[01:10:57] Listen,
[01:10:59] damage doesn't matter
[01:11:00] in League.
[01:11:01] Like,
[01:11:02] it does if it's 8K?
[01:11:03] No,
[01:11:03] it doesn't.
[01:11:04] Like,
[01:11:05] on my main account
[01:11:06] I have constantly
[01:11:07] junglers that do
[01:11:08] eight 9K damage with like their
[01:11:10] 8 and 1
[01:11:11] stuff like that
[01:11:12] and they constantly do
[01:11:14] you know
[01:11:15] 8, 9k damage or whatever
[01:11:17] I have that all the time bro
[01:11:19] like I mean, I have that all the time, bro.
[01:11:23] Like, Belvett's do no damage. Belvett's
[01:11:25] job isn't to do damage, right?
[01:11:27] Zin is the exact same as Belveth.
[01:11:29] His job's not to do damage in the game unless he gets giga fed
[01:11:32] his job is to like create space so that he can like fight
[01:11:36] the kindred on repeat the problem is zen can never invade
[01:11:40] to fight them because you're always pushed in bot.
[01:11:44] So even though I have prio mid, the enemy Janna can roam around
[01:11:47] doing whatever she wants and your Yuumi is stuck to you right?
[01:11:50] So that means because you're always
[01:11:52] pushed in bot but the enemy
[01:11:53] cannot do anything.
[01:11:56] You were promo pushing? Okay.
[01:11:58] So why did you guys not
[01:11:59] like either A take
[01:12:01] the turret or B get deep wards so we could see where Kindred was on the enemy camps. Instead you and your Yuumi sat in the lane going even farming You got all their sums? Okay.
[01:12:20] Why didn't you just freeze the wave on them, then?
[01:12:23] How does a Ziggs and a Janna break a freeze?
[01:12:26] They can't.
[01:12:28] So,
[01:12:29] why not just hold the wave in front of
[01:12:31] the turret, freeze, and deny
[01:12:33] them if that was happening?
[01:12:36] If you're winning that hard, why not deny the ziggs into stone in the whole game i'm not lying i'm asking you a question
[01:12:57] because i Because I'm telling you right now, if you play Vayne against a mage, your goal as Vayne vs. Mage is to all-in the mage, as Vayne Yuumi. Your goal is
[01:12:59] to kill Ziggs or zone him off of
[01:13:01] waves.
[01:13:03] That's your goal.
[01:13:06] You don't want to go even with mages
[01:13:08] as a lane like that
[01:13:10] because it's what they want.
[01:13:13] Also,
[01:13:14] Malphite, whether you're playing
[01:13:17] an AD carry with true damage or not,
[01:13:21] Malphite can shut you down
[01:13:23] as Vayne just as hard
[01:13:24] as he can shut me down.
[01:13:25] Whereas as Karthus,
[01:13:27] Malphite can't shut you
[01:13:28] down as hard because if Malf Ulti was Karthus, Malfite can't shut you down this hard.
[01:13:29] Because if Malf ult's you as Karthus,
[01:13:30] you're still doing your job
[01:13:31] and you're eating a Malfult.
[01:13:35] Like do you understand?
[01:13:38] Like I'm not saying everybody played
[01:13:42] perfect on that shit, man. I'm not. But what
[01:13:44] I'm saying is the difference that you're not
[01:13:46] understanding in the game
[01:13:47] is that you genuinely don't have this understanding
[01:13:51] of why you weren't able to push your lead.
[01:13:53] Like,
[01:13:55] it wasn't just your pick.
[01:13:57] It was a lot of different factors
[01:13:59] of why you couldn't push your lead last game
[01:14:01] but you got to realize that like
[01:14:06] the game isn't about like being up in cs and then not using it
[01:14:10] the game isn't about
[01:14:11] having this big lead
[01:14:13] League is about
[01:14:15] using your golds.
[01:14:17] If you have a thousand gold over the enemy
[01:14:19] don't you think that
[01:14:21] like enemy, like don't you think that if you have a thousand gold over the enemy
[01:14:28] he should be feeling the fact that you have a thousand gold over him
[01:14:42] like if you're just going even with a cs lead and then saying, like, but I'm winning in CS.
[01:14:44] If you're not doing anything with your lead,
[01:14:45] you're not doing anything with your lead.
[01:14:48] Having a CS lead is worthless if you're
[01:14:49] not using the CS lead. That's what
[01:14:51] I'm trying to tell you.
[01:14:53] And if you can't use the CS lead
[01:14:55] because you were playing Vayne,
[01:14:57] which is fine like I said before
[01:14:59] You're playing Vayne there's nothing
[01:15:01] wrong with that but
[01:15:03] you have to play Vayne a very certain way
[01:15:05] to be able to utilize your lead well enough.
[01:15:14] Homie, I'm not trying to argue with you. Listen, okay...
[01:15:16] You can be as mad at me as you want, okay?
[01:15:18] I'm not gonna argue anymore, alright? It's just kind of like a waste of my time at this point.
[01:15:22] Bro, your-
[01:15:24] I'm going to say this and I don't mean this to be insulting to you.
[01:15:28] But it's just the truth. You're a diamond player.
[01:15:32] You have never been above diamonds.
[01:15:34] You do not understand how the game works past diamonds another lie okay show me an
[01:15:41] account that you have ended Grandmaster or Challenger on and I will change my
[01:15:45] tune instantly I will apologize right here right now
[01:15:51] i will literally say i'm sorry and i will immediately apologize
[01:15:59] masters is done I apologize. Masters is Diamond, yes.
[01:16:01] You are not good if you're a Master's.
[01:16:03] need to understand
[01:16:07] Masters is just Diamond with more gameplay or more games
[01:16:12] like trust me man you are not you are the same skill level as diamond players and masters
[01:16:18] to somebody who's not a Masters player,
[01:16:20] you're the same skill level. Like okay, yes, you are better than Diamond
[01:16:24] players by hitting Masters. But what I'm trying to tell you... Man this is
[01:16:28] so hard to explain
[01:16:30] to me you guys are all the same does that make sense
[01:16:38] like masters diamond you're all the same to me.
[01:16:42] Grandmaster and Challenger is pretty much the same if it's low-Challenger.
[01:16:47] If it's low-Challenger, Grandmaster and Challenger are almost the same.
[01:16:51] If it's high Challenger, Grandmaster Challenger is almost the same. If it's high Challenger...
[01:16:53] Like if you're in top 50 Challenger? No.
[01:16:56] It's nowhere near.
[01:16:57] It's really hard up there.
[01:17:00] High Challenger? It's much harder.
[01:17:04] Much, much, much, much harder.
[01:17:07] If you're in the games where you see all those people play...
[01:17:12] Those games are way, are way way harder than
[01:17:16] then low challenger games because well
[01:17:17] challenger games just are a bunch of
[01:17:19] like
[01:17:20] they're essentially just games where
[01:17:21] like you'll get sometimes you get where sometimes you get Masters,
[01:17:23] sometimes you get GMs.
[01:17:25] People can squeak win streaks into it and stuff like that.
[01:17:28] Once you get up into 900 to 1,000 LP,
[01:17:32] the Challenger players are extremely good.
[01:17:40] I mean, my knowledge is like low Challenger.
[01:17:42] Like...I don't think I'll ever...
[01:17:45] At one point, I was maybe high challenger a long time ago.
[01:17:50] But right now it's nah, I'm nowhere.
[01:17:52] I'm not that close anymore.
[01:17:56] But knowledge is different than gameplay, like LS has high Challenger gameplay
[01:18:00] knowledge right? Stuff like that.
[01:18:03] But LS can't get into high challenger. So it's like...
[01:18:07] It really just depends
[01:18:11] That's why I said I've been hardstuck GM, because I have
[01:18:15] I'm a hardstuck GM player right now.
[01:18:17] It just stays with this.
[01:18:23] Hmm, I don't think I can beat this guy right now.
[01:18:29] Hmm.
[01:18:31] I should have been more aggressive in lane.
[01:18:32] That was autopiloting.
[01:18:36] But yeah, man.
[01:18:37] Like I said...
[01:18:39] I'm just gonna say one last thing before I drop this because a lot of Masters players think they're better than they are.
[01:18:46] Masters the Challenger is probably silver to diamond.
[01:18:53] And I'm not even making it up.
[01:18:56] You're essentially silver to diamond in
[01:19:00] difference. Like that
[01:19:02] big of a gap between Masters and Challenger
[01:19:04] like, you don't understand
[01:19:06] the game in Masters
[01:19:08] You might think you do, but you don't and it's not like i'm not saying that to be mean
[01:19:13] you are just you have no idea how the game works in master 2 compared to Challenger. I'm tuning on Diamond 3.
[01:19:32] Yeah!
[01:19:34] This is my stream account that
[01:19:36] I just play on to commentate and chill
[01:19:38] and vibe and shit.
[01:19:40] If you go look at this account last season...
[01:19:44] This account's been GM for two and a half years.
[01:19:48] I have like seven accounts, man.
[01:19:51] One of my accounts is usually always in high elo.
[01:19:53] It just depends on what account I want to play at the time.
[01:19:56] Like, I'm gonna be honest with you...
[01:19:58] ...I don't have to sweat my ass off on every account, y'know?
[01:20:00] Sometimes I feel like sweating, sometimes I feel like just chilling and playing the
[01:20:04] game and talking to my chat like not every account is used to sweat you
[01:20:08] know what i mean not every like seconds use the sweat in the game.
[01:20:23] Man, I need to go back. It's too hard though. I'm gonna miss a cannon if i go back right now.
[01:20:26] He can't kill me with that R, it just sucks cause like...
[01:20:30] ...I can't really do anything. Like I can't pressure my lead right now.
[01:20:39] Oh no! lead right now. I'll probably just wait for TP.
[01:20:44] You're doing it for a friend? Yeah, okay. I mean...
[01:20:47] Like I said that's fine there is nothing wrong with that.
[01:20:51] You could be on smurf too! I don't fucking know.
[01:20:53] I'm just saying if you are only masters
[01:20:55] like I don't think your smurfing Like you technically smurfin you're smurfing
[01:20:56] like you're technically
[01:20:58] smurfing but you're smurfing
[01:20:59] like a gold player would be
[01:21:00] smurfing in silver
[01:21:00] you know what I mean
[01:21:01] like you're not that much better
[01:21:03] than the silver players
[01:21:04] that's all I'm saying
[01:21:05] like I'm not trying to put you down
[01:21:06] man
[01:21:06] I'm saying. Like, I'm not trying to put you down man, I'm just being honest.
[01:21:10] Like that's why like...the entire reason I did this too wasn't even to be derogatory towards you it was to like explain to you that I'm not trying- like, I'm not going to argue with you.
[01:21:20] Because
[01:21:21] it's hard to argue with people who don't know what they're
[01:21:23] talking about, right? It's like, I can explain
[01:21:25] something to you and you won't understand what
[01:21:27] I'm saying, and then you'll just argue it, but you'll be wrong.
[01:21:30] But I can't prove to you you're wrong
[01:21:31] because
[01:21:33] like you don't understand
[01:21:34] what I'm saying. Like I can say like this is
[01:21:37] how you're supposed to play this but then you'll
[01:21:39] just be like okay that's not possible and then we'll argue about it now back well this is stupid
[01:21:48] i don't play the game for a living. That's fine too, like I said!
[01:21:51] I'm not rank shaming you for your rank. Like bro,
[01:21:55] I'm not saying oh you're masters and you're a dogshit player. I'm saying
[01:21:59] You are masters, but you don't understand as much as you think you do.
[01:22:02] And that's why I don't argue with you it has nothing to do with like your rank
[01:22:05] Like i'm just saying like as an understanding of like
[01:22:09] You don't understand the game so it's
[01:22:12] like it's hard to argue with people who
[01:22:13] don't understand the game
[01:22:15] i'm not trying to be mean man like if
[01:22:17] you're taking
[01:22:18] offense that i'm saying masters is bad like that's just you personally being upset about that because
[01:22:24] it's all relative like i think bastards is bad masters could be great if you're a casual player
[01:22:30] and you just you know know, play for fun.
[01:22:32] Yada yada masters is great.
[01:22:34] There's nothing wrong with that.
[01:22:37] Like you should be proud of that.
[01:22:39] Oh,
[01:22:40] I'm dead as fuck.
[01:22:41] Maybe.
[01:22:43] I don't know oh no i'm okay
[01:22:48] yeah we care um Yeah, it's been a while since I played Corki man. What is this, like...
[01:23:19] fucking support Shaco ganking me?
[01:23:22] Like, what is this, bro?
[01:23:23] What's happening?
[01:23:41] Okay. what's happening But anyway, man.
[01:23:43] I feel like you're taking everything I'm saying personally
[01:23:44] and I really don't want that to be the case
[01:23:46] so we can just drop it.
[01:23:47] You can think I'm wrong about what I'm saying,
[01:23:49] That's totally fine.
[01:23:51] You could think I'm a sweat, you could think I'm a loser
[01:23:53] I mean, I don't care man, I'm just here
[01:23:55] To teach people who are new to AD some tips
[01:23:57] and help some people out
[01:23:58] while I do it.
[01:24:11] Okay. I'm making up arguments. Not, I mean, I'm not trying to.
[01:24:13] The fuck?
[01:24:17] I'm just telling you it's hard to argue with people who don't know what you're talking about.
[01:24:25] Can i moan your name real quick? Yeah, that's not gonna happen. That's some that's some right there
[01:24:31] that's that's not going to happen but
[01:24:35] you know what i respect the fact you asked because you know that's embarrassing so i appreciate that
[01:24:44] thanks balls Why is the support Shaco just standing in my lane.
[01:25:04] Oh, my cannon.
[01:25:05] I suck. Okay. wait that was actually beasts. I'm dead.
[01:25:25] I didn't know Zolt was back up! I got baited!
[01:25:29] Well played Shaco.
[01:25:32] I actually didn't know Zolt was up, I got jubated.
[01:25:36] What is
[01:25:37] going on in this game?
[01:25:38] I'm so autopiloted talking to chat
[01:25:41] that I actually don't know
[01:25:43] what is even happening. Like my top lane is getting pushed in
[01:25:45] so Yone took top
[01:25:47] Oh, let me assess the situation
[01:25:49] Yone took top and then he
[01:25:51] went bot and took bot
[01:25:52] Yone's just like murdering my team he couldn't take mid so that's why he left
[01:25:59] the mid when he tried to uh he tried to take mid earlier but he
[01:26:02] couldn't take it so he left this yoni's gonna be huge man he has
[01:26:05] so many plants.
[01:26:15] We are losing a lot of objectives because our teammates...
[01:26:22] Our team's getting shit on, so we're losing a lot of objectives around the map.
[01:27:01] Like, we won mid but it doesn't really matter I mean, I'm just dead. I should be back here.
[01:27:02] He's going to poof.
[01:27:08] Hmm. I don't know where our support and bot laner are.
[01:27:14] I mean, I have to farm one wave here.
[01:27:23] They should go mid and I'll go bot. I don't think I can 1v1 Yone yet though, I need Manamune.
[01:27:27] This is way too fucking hard.
[01:27:30] Like that Yone is just way too fed
[01:27:34] so i'll need manaman before i can one do another
[01:27:40] man the ceo goes so slow though like crazy slow
[01:27:43] like i just realized that blinked and it's
[01:27:45] like 15 minutes into the game and we have one drake taken We can kill this guy.
[01:28:00] We can 2v1 him for sure.
[01:28:05] Really just depends on if Kayn 1th actually can help.
[01:28:11] We got Shaco behind us?
[01:28:19] Yo, hit him. What are you doing?
[01:28:23] WTF I just watched my Kayn not hit him once.
[01:28:27] Like he just stood there! He was like trying to go hit the guy
[01:28:31] He was trying to hit the, what's it called?
[01:28:36] He was trying to hit the back clone, or whatever it is.
[01:28:41] I don't think I can help...
[01:28:44] Pantheon has got gotta get down there.
[01:28:54] Let me see... I'm gonna stop paying attention to chat for a sec, if you wanna keep arguing or whatever, feel free.
[01:29:01] You do you.
[01:29:04] Like, I've been autopiloting this whole fun game so...
[01:29:12] Gonna be hard to win? I don't think so.
[01:29:15] I mean we have okay. Uh
[01:29:23] I think we're fine
[01:29:31] I don't think it'll be that hard to win as long as we play it smart. Because we scale really well. Like, me at two items,
[01:29:42] we have three items.
[01:29:43] I'll just one-shot half their team.
[01:29:45] So we just have to scale.
[01:29:48] Malice scales really well too, but...
[01:29:51] The only thing that kind of sucks
[01:29:53] is this Yone
[01:29:53] is really far ahead.
[01:29:58] But if I can keep him bot
[01:30:00] so he's not pushing his lead on our team,
[01:30:01] I think we're chillin'.
[01:30:40] Is it Malz? Or this guy doesn't get to push his lead on our team we're in a decent spot um The dork in James.
[01:30:44] This guy needs, uh... Serpents. I mean, I'll get Serpants too but I have to get like third.
[01:30:57] Uhh... Wait, kill this guy right now. Right when he poofs back.
[01:30:59] Nice!
[01:31:00] Not bad, not bad. wait kill busy Not bad.
[01:31:27] It's actually pretty good, we got a bunch of shit.
[01:31:31] Uh... okay. It actually isn't too bad.
[01:31:47] Pretty sure Yone is going to come bot. I don't know why he wouldn't.
[01:31:50] So, we're back before he gets this turret... Oh, he's top!
[01:31:54] They are definitely gonna take turrets on the map right now. I mean, I can't really stop that.
[01:32:07] I'm just going to take spot to it and then try
[01:32:08] him to... Okay.
[01:32:10] I don't know what this guy's doing.
[01:32:12] That is illegal.
[01:32:15] That is crazy.
[01:32:22] Alright, we're two items. I'm gonna go Serpents next.
[01:32:36] Uh... We need to get some vision. We need to get top turret and we need to get, um...
[01:32:41] We need to get top turret and we need to get some vision.
[01:32:48] Kayn should come kill this guy right now.
[01:32:53] Like, this guy will die right here right now
[01:33:25] somebody should come up here he's gonna push another wave Oh, there he is. I don't know if i can actually kill this guy. Oh, we can.
[01:33:48] Okay not bad. Not the worst. I mean, this guy is just wrong by the way.
[01:33:50] Like what he's saying is just wrong.
[01:33:52] This is why I tell you guys like you just ignore your teammates by the way.
[01:33:58] Like straight up what he's saying is 1000% factually incorrect.
[01:34:03] He's like oh Corki needs to group or we lose.
[01:34:05] But that's so untrue that it's not true at all. He's like, oh corgi needs the group or we lose
[01:34:09] But that's just so untrue that it's like painful that he said That okay um I don't know if there's actually a place where I can TP here, man.
[01:34:45] Nah, if I TP there, I'd just die. Like 1000% I'm dead if I TP.
[01:34:55] Because I just got a trillion fucking gold, right?
[01:35:04] This is like what I was talking about before. There's really no way to talk to people who
[01:35:08] don't know how the game works
[01:35:13] see like our team is just tilted because they don't actually know how the game is played so now they're freaking out and they're
[01:35:15] like oh we just lose blah blah so Okay, I got one.
[01:35:36] It's probably worth
[01:35:37] because we got the dragon earlier
[01:35:41] and then we got that just now oops
[01:35:42] that's not what i want so with this but yeah so the reason that uh
[01:35:47] the reason that like me just blindly grouping on the map is stupid is
[01:35:50] because people
[01:35:51] people don't view the game until you get up into higher elo
[01:35:53] about winning the game in terms of
[01:35:55] how do we win? How do we get gold?
[01:35:57] How do we use that gold to get resources?
[01:35:59] Etc. People just view the game as
[01:36:01] if we lose this dragon fight, we lose the game.
[01:36:04] But hit tab and look at this, alright?
[01:36:07] I want you to hit tab and look at this.
[01:36:09] A We got the dragon
[01:36:11] B Fighting for that dragon when I'm getting two turrets top.
[01:36:15] I got two turrets top and three
[01:36:17] waves, so we
[01:36:19] didn't even have to get this dragon. We could
[01:36:21] have literally let the enemy team have the dragon
[01:36:23] and we would have been really far ahead.
[01:36:26] Like, going for the dragon
[01:36:27] was actually what my team
[01:36:29] made the mistake.
[01:36:31] When they went for the drake, it was the dumbest
[01:36:33] shit I've seen.
[01:36:36] Because going for the drake is
[01:36:38] worthless, is what I'm trying to get in so many words.
[01:36:42] Like right now, my Kayn
[01:36:44] just died again.
[01:36:47] My singe is mad over nothing.
[01:36:48] My cane and my brand died here.
[01:36:50] What objective do we have
[01:36:52] to be standing here?
[01:36:54] There's no objective to be had.
[01:36:57] So the thing There's no objective to be had. So, like... The thing is my team
[01:36:59] is angry over nothing.
[01:37:11] And if Singed was there, we would have won that fight too just now. But he's tilted and so he is splitting
[01:37:14] and our Pantheon is tilted
[01:37:16] So he's splitting.
[01:37:19] But I'm strong enough now that if they group up, we'll
[01:37:21] win the game. Like straight up
[01:37:23] like the enemy can't win here, right?
[01:37:26] And once
[01:37:27] we 5v5 now, we auto-win the game.
[01:37:29] But for some reason people get tilted thinking like
[01:37:31] The game is over from X Y Z yadda yadda yadda
[01:37:35] I don't actually know what to build now
[01:37:37] I think this crit cloakak was trolling,
[01:37:40] I think I go BT.
[01:37:42] Should I go...
[01:37:44] I think I go BT instead of...
[01:37:46] Because I was going to go Ward Doms
[01:37:48] but I think it's actually a BT angle.
[01:37:53] Like high key? I think it's BT.
[01:37:56] If you're curious the only reason why I haven't muted my team is because like
[01:37:58] I'm trying to teach you guys why you don't care what your teammates think ever in solo queue.
[01:38:04] Because when I'm on my main tryharding, I mute every single player I play with
[01:38:08] unless I know that they're a good player, I mute them
[01:38:11] and it's because nobody in solo queue
[01:38:12] has any advice
[01:38:13] that's going to give you
[01:38:14] an ability to help
[01:38:15] unless they're in Challenger.
[01:38:17] Like if they're
[01:38:17] a Challenger level player,
[01:38:19] sure,
[01:38:19] you can get their advice
[01:38:20] and shit but like
[01:38:20] if you're in like Sure, you can get their advice and shit but like...
[01:38:26] If you're in silver, bronze, gold just mute.
[01:38:28] None of your teammates know what they are doing.
[01:38:30] If they did then it wouldn't be bronze.
[01:38:32] They wouldn't be silver, you know what I'm saying?
[01:38:34] So fuck them.
[01:38:37] Like just ignore the idiots and just play the game. Fundamentally
[01:38:39] play the game correct and you'll win most of your
[01:38:41] games.
[01:38:43] ... you'll win most of your games.
[01:38:54] Oh man, I really need to go get... Back up.
[01:38:57] My team doesn't understand how strong I am because
[01:38:59] they're too focused on
[01:39:00] stupid shit.
[01:39:03] What are they doing? This doesn't make sense to me.
[01:39:06] We have a wave pushing into us and my team is choosing to take a fight in the jungle.
[01:39:12] This type of shit is why people lose games.
[01:39:15] They just get bored. they want to fight.
[01:39:18] Don't be the guy who gets bored and wants to fight.
[01:39:22] It's actually worthless.
[01:39:24] What value does that hold?
[01:39:37] Kill him. Motherfucker!
[01:39:41] I actually could have killed BMF if I bitched out.
[01:39:45] That was my bad
[01:39:54] i gotta be careful to not get mouse ulted. I mean, Malz is literally taking our base.
[01:40:13] But I can't walk into him because he will kill me.
[01:40:17] He has ulti. Okay.
[01:40:28] God, these people are so dumb.
[01:40:32] Like I said, don't be like these people. They're tilting because they're terrible at League.
[01:40:37] The main reason that the game is even thrown into whack
[01:40:40] is because... they're basically
[01:40:41] fighting on repeat right now.
[01:40:43] Because they are panicking.
[01:40:45] Like, this game was fine.
[01:40:47] They panicked when the enemy team got barren
[01:40:49] and instead of just grouping around me they
[01:40:51] got caught in the jungle five times over and over again
[01:40:59] like this is like you don't need to push me like there's no reason for
[01:41:03] you to be exposed like that like we're not stopping this baron that's never happening
[01:41:18] we have no way of stopping Baron right now, right? Like we're just gonna have to eat the fact that they're going to get Baron.
[01:41:37] It sucks but it's just the way it's going to work. Yeah, like right there?
[01:41:38] I don't know what that was.
[01:41:39] Dude just walked up. Like stuff like that is what I was talking about.
[01:41:47] The Brand just walked up to fight, but he doesn't need to fight right?
[01:41:52] What's the point? I do have to be careful because the mallets can just flash ult me and i'll just die.
[01:42:15] We need to look for a play.
[01:42:19] Like, we have to engage before the wave
[01:42:21] crashes, guys. Yeah, yeah,
[01:42:23] kill that guy. Go, go, go.
[01:42:38] Okay. I mean, I guess we just lose.
[01:42:41] Yeah, I mean... I can't really do much.
[01:42:43] We didn't go in.
[01:42:44] Damn. Dude, this elo is harder than Grandmaster
[01:42:47] because your teammates will just fight for this elo is harder than Grandmaster.
[01:42:50] Because your teammates will just fight for no reason
[01:42:51] when you're doing something on the map, right?
[01:42:53] Like what they'll do
[01:42:54] is they'll be like,
[01:42:55] oh, we can't win a 5v5?
[01:42:58] Let's keep forcing a 5v5 even though we can't win a 5v5? Let's keep forcing a 5v5, even though we
[01:43:00] can't win that 5v5.
[01:43:04] And then they will keep doing it
[01:43:06] until you can't fight them because
[01:43:08] they're all really dumb.
[01:43:11] It's actually... Why do you think
[01:43:13] when I play Mundo in this elo, I always win?
[01:43:15] The reason is because top
[01:43:17] is the best role below challenger.
[01:43:21] And it's basically like if you can play with a top laner,
[01:43:24] or if you're a challenger
[01:43:25] playing in low elo, I can
[01:43:27] gap everybody in this elo playing top
[01:43:29] way easier than AD because 80 carry sucks below gm
[01:43:37] but i also should have abused the mazahar a lot harder this game
[01:43:40] because i was auto piloting talking to the guy in chat.
[01:43:44] And I could have easily taken over this game
[01:43:47] because the mouse walked into me and died at level 2.
[01:43:50] So I could've easily just taken over the game by simply just macroing and playing correctly.
[01:43:58] But yeah, a lot of lower elo games typically are...
[01:44:07] What's this guy even saying?
[01:44:13] I don't even know what he's saying. A lot of lower-tier games are typically more about your ability to take over the game early game than it is your ability to like play the macro so i would say like
[01:44:29] the reason this specific elo like low masters high diamond the reason this
[01:44:32] specific yellow is so hard is because these players don't know
[01:44:36] what they're doing. They get lost, and then they force
[01:44:38] fights when they get behind. So people in
[01:44:40] this ELO don't know how to stop fighting.
[01:44:42] That's a good way of putting it.
[01:44:44] When they start losing, they keep losing.
[01:44:48] They don't
[01:44:49] know how to not
[01:44:50] bleed out essentially.
[01:44:53] So when I got those two towers top
[01:44:55] was right here and you can see like I took uh...
[01:44:57] I took two turrets. I killed two people.
[01:45:00] I killed the Malz and i killed the Ivern
[01:45:01] and I took two turrets, right? So when I did that my team wanted to
[01:45:06] fight a dragon that didn't need
[01:45:08] to happen. They were like, oh we need to fight second Drake
[01:45:12] but that dragon is worthless because we're getting so much gold on the other side of the map
[01:45:16] you just sack that dragon and use farm. You don't
[01:45:19] need to farm that because we outscale them
[01:45:21] so because we outscale them and we have so much gold
[01:45:23] you don't do that, because when they
[01:45:25] fought that dragon what ended up happening
[01:45:27] was they ended up throwing the entire game away
[01:45:29] because i had to go buy so they started
[01:45:32] a fight while i was buying and after i
[01:45:34] got like my 3000 gold spike right
[01:45:36] then they lost giving the enemy team
[01:45:38] baron when the enemy team got Baron,
[01:45:40] they started snowballing around the map
[01:45:41] because my team died after they got Baron as well.
[01:45:44] So like the Brand walked...
[01:45:46] The Brand and the Kayn walked into the jungle
[01:45:48] for no reason, no objective, no thoughts.
[01:45:51] And they essentially died again.
[01:45:52] That's what I'm trying to tell you guys. If you want to climb in League...
[01:45:55] League is not about fighting.
[01:45:57] Kills, damage, all that shit
[01:45:59] it's absolutely worthless. None of that matters.
[01:46:01] If you actually want to climb in League of Legends
[01:46:03] learn how to play
[01:46:05] correctly
[01:46:06] by playing for objectives
[01:46:09] and macro because fighting is not how you win games
[01:46:19] because you're gonna you're gonna start going against people that are way better
[01:46:21] at fighting than him right so what i mean by that is like you're going to start going against people that are way better at fighting than you, right?
[01:46:23] So what I mean by that is like
[01:46:24] you're gonna start going into people
[01:46:25] who have way better mechanics.
[01:46:27] And as soon as you hit that wall of people
[01:46:29] that are mechanically better than you
[01:46:30] you're going to start being confused
[01:46:32] because you're like to start being confused.
[01:46:33] Because you're like,
[01:46:34] oh I mechanically was winning
[01:46:35] until this point.
[01:46:36] But it's like okay yeah
[01:46:37] now you're just getting caught
[01:46:38] and you're still dying
[01:46:39] and blah blah blah.
[01:46:40] And people also
[01:46:41] understand how to
[01:46:42] counter pick you
[01:46:42] in high relos right? Like when you get into all like people also like understand how to counter pick you in higher heroes right
[01:46:43] like when you get into uh like all that jazz
[01:46:48] here i'll play an ad carry game for you
[01:46:53] i feel kind of warmed up, so I'm going to just you uh how to 1v9 a game on ad carry And it's going to look a lot different than your games.
[01:47:21] Like, I'm telling you right now,
[01:47:22] pay attention to everything I'm doing in this game.
[01:47:25] All right? And I'm going to teach you how
[01:47:26] to 1v9 a game from the ad carry role through like snowballing properly
[01:47:31] and understanding like when to fight how to fight things like that so pay to this one lads.
[01:47:53] I swear to god Tristana AD Carry players still take Taste of Blood and Treasure Hunter, but I swear it's bad.
[01:47:59] Like, I swear that fucking sucks.
[01:48:03] I swear it's this.
[01:48:06] Jack and Biscuit
[01:48:07] I swear it is.
[01:48:09] Or like Jack and Biscuit, I swear to God. Or like Jack and...
[01:48:11] You don't need biscuit on trust so it could be like
[01:48:13] Jack and Triple Tonic maybe? Because you do want early boots.
[01:48:28] Because this tree just feels so fucking bad.
[01:48:31] Like, it just feels bad.
[01:48:36] The treasure hunter's kind of trash.
[01:48:50] Eyeball's like okay but... Let's try this. Let's try this. I haven't tried this yet, I want to try this.
[01:48:53] This is like the Zeri runes
[01:48:58] Okay let's do...
[01:49:01] Uh don't want cleanse over barrier let me think
[01:49:06] cleanse could be good here over barrier but barry is just op
[01:49:11] the problem with cleanser or barrier here is like the only thing that I would really cleanse too much about
[01:49:14] That I can't buffer. Like, I can buffer this stun
[01:49:17] I can buffer this stun
[01:49:21] I can buffer this stun I think if you can buffer this stun.
[01:49:24] I think if you can buffer the stun, or like the stun
[01:49:28] isn't a point click, you pretty much always take
[01:49:32] Barrier always take barrier. We'll see. All right, watch and learn this one. All right, I'm going to teach you guys from the very start of the game.
[01:50:13] Moodle.
[01:50:15] Alright watch this.
[01:50:17] Very start of the game...
[01:50:18] Just mute them all.
[01:50:22] None of them matter.
[01:50:22] Their pings don't matter.
[01:50:23] Their gameplay is dogshit.
[01:50:25] Mute everybody.
[01:50:27] Okay? Your teammates... shit. Mute everybody. Yeah?
[01:50:28] Your teammates are
[01:50:30] lost, little puppies with no idea how to play League.
[01:50:33] Communicating with them in solo queue
[01:50:34] below Grandmaster Challenger
[01:50:36] is absolutely worthless. Your teammates don't matter.
[01:50:40] They're gonna make
[01:50:41] bad calls. They're gonna do stupid shit.
[01:50:43] It's just not worth it.
[01:50:47] I'm gonna ward this middle bush.
[01:50:49] Uh,
[01:50:50] I ward this bush because
[01:50:51] if they do choose to...
[01:50:54] I need to go stand over here.
[01:50:56] Nobody's watching
[01:50:56] at this entrance.
[01:50:57] If they choose to like
[01:50:59] try and cheese or something...
[01:51:01] If they
[01:51:04] choose to try and cheese or something like that
[01:51:06] on this bot fight, or in this bot bush,
[01:51:08] I'm going to see them, and we're going to be able to play around it.
[01:51:11] I only really do this against
[01:51:13] all in lanes. If it's an enchanter lane
[01:51:15] I don't do it too much but
[01:51:16] I'll do this a lot against all in lanes.
[01:51:22] Another against all win-wins. Another really good tip
[01:51:23] is don't ever
[01:51:25] level an ability
[01:51:28] until the game actually starts
[01:51:31] because ability until the game actually starts
[01:51:33] because there's no real reason to Okay, so they're starting in lane. I'm gonna get E.
[01:51:53] If she walks in,
[01:51:54] we just fight.
[01:51:57] I can't see her? Okay.
[01:51:59] So, I'm gonna stay a little further back here.
[01:52:02] The reason I'm gonna stay a little bit
[01:52:04] further back is because i really don't want to
[01:52:08] uh i don't wanna just get w by rel so i'm staying on the left side of the lane
[01:52:12] rel can't get to me on the left side of the lane rel can't get to me on the left side
[01:52:14] of the lane here okay roll one in i can auto her
[01:52:21] so here we're gonna hit level two first okay
[01:52:38] and he's dead So here I'm gonna do something that I want you all to
[01:52:41] Pay attention to, okay?
[01:52:43] I'm going to fast push this wave as fast as I can
[01:52:45] The reason we're fast pushing this wave as fast as I can.
[01:52:47] The reason we're fast pushing this wave is so that you can...
[01:52:49] Oh man, I fucked up and the
[01:52:50] cannon wasn't close enough. I suck.
[01:52:53] But don't pay attention to that.
[01:52:54] Pay attention to what I'm doing.
[01:52:56] So here, we're to go back, okay?
[01:52:57] I'm not going to hit the turret.
[01:52:59] I'm not going to stay overstay.
[01:53:01] I'm not gonna do any of this shit, okay?
[01:53:02] I'm going to immediately back as soon as the wave crashes.
[01:53:06] The reason that you do this
[01:53:08] is because now, okay? I have a 700 gold buy.
[01:53:12] So now I have my gold buy and I can walk back into the lane. Okay?
[01:53:16] Yeah. to the lane. Okay?
[01:53:23] Now, we know Kai'Sa has no flash,
[01:53:23] right?
[01:53:27] So we know Kai'Sa has no flash, which means she she i don't think
[01:53:28] she cleansed i didn't see her cleanse
[01:53:30] anyway but
[01:53:31] now the wave's gonna push to us once we
[01:53:33] get level three
[01:53:34] we're going to look for another all-in
[01:53:36] we're going to be a little careful
[01:53:37] because we don't know where udir is and
[01:53:38] he could be pathing down.
[01:53:40] Like, nobody's spotted him because nobody's warding
[01:53:42] which is going to happen a lot in
[01:53:44] the lower elos. People just aren't going to ward.
[01:53:47] Okay? And when people
[01:53:48] aren't warding
[01:53:49] you can't okay and when people aren't warding
[01:53:51] you can't know where the enemy jungler is without seeing them
[01:53:55] so we see the enemy jungler he's on bot side of the map
[01:53:59] or he's mid but he's like he he passed mid, but he's like...
[01:54:00] He paths down.
[01:54:02] So because he pathed down, that's gonna give me some knowledge, okay?
[01:54:05] Now he's on top side.
[01:54:06] He went all the way to top.
[01:54:07] But because he pathed down,
[01:54:09] That's gonna give me some really important knowledge.
[01:54:14] It's gonna tell me that his top camps are gonna spawn before his bot camps Okay.
[01:54:28] I accidentally Barrier'd because I normally have Cleanse, and I was trying to cleanse that's done
[01:54:33] but it's fine so same thing as before we get the kill
[01:54:38] and we push the wave in as fast as possible We can get one plate here. Okay.
[01:54:55] I'm going to be a little bit late
[01:54:57] getting back to lane here,
[01:54:58] but what I'm going to do...
[01:55:00] And I'm going to specifically
[01:55:01] do this because
[01:55:01] I'm playing Tristana.
[01:55:03] You don't have to do this. do it because i take jack of all trades
[01:55:06] i'm gonna go tier two boots so you don't have to do this if you guys don't want to okay like
[01:55:11] there's a very specific thing that i'm doing for runes
[01:55:14] i have jack of all trade so when i buy my boots i get uh
[01:55:21] i get all the stats i also
[01:55:24] probably could have gotten this because because I forgot that gives movement speed.
[01:55:28] I think you can go Retrix there as well actually, because it gives movement speed.
[01:55:36] That was kind of my bad.
[01:55:37] I didn't realize that.
[01:55:45] Alright, guys done. all right guys then i'm not gonna walk over and chase i'm just gonna
[01:55:49] walk to lane and i'm gonna push the wave in as fast as i can same thing as before So here,
[01:56:04] Udyr could be bought right now because
[01:56:07] he... Remember what we talked about earlier?
[01:56:09] He farmed his camps from top to bot.
[01:56:11] So, because he farmed his camps from top to bot
[01:56:13] that means there's a good chance
[01:56:15] that he can be bot right now.
[01:56:17] I don't want to be super pushed up right now without the knowledge of where Udyr is.
[01:56:26] We don't have vision, so I'm not going to do more than just get a point.
[01:56:32] Okay we see a deer up top on grubs.
[01:56:35] Now we can play forward again because now that we know the deer is on grubs
[01:56:38] we're chumming.
[01:56:40] So here we have two ways to play this
[01:56:41] we can either a shove the wave or b we can let the
[01:56:44] waves sit and if you let the way of sit and slowly stack up uh we can maybe make
[01:56:50] a bigger play on a dive.
[01:56:52] We could probably actually shove this and just dive this guy because Rell went back
[01:56:56] Like that's the best play I think, is you shove the wave in fast then you dive
[01:57:00] because R relbacks.
[01:57:02] But...
[01:57:14] That guy got kinda shit on.
[01:57:17] Oh, I didn't mean to do that actually.
[01:57:20] That actually kind of sucks.
[01:57:25] I think I can just sort-of kill the kaisa right now with a E flash.
[01:57:39] I think I can kill her. Okay. I messed up my timing.
[01:57:41] Damn, I actually could have killed her
[01:57:43] but I messed up my damage.
[01:57:46] I needed to jump in auto once then E-auto because she got just out of range so I couldn't auto her.
[01:57:53] It's not the worst cause Rell got the kill. But it's always worth to kill the enemy AD as long as they don't get the kill on you when a wave is crashed,
[01:58:04] Because then they're getting denied gold and xp
[01:58:14] so both junglers and both supports are in top or mid. What I'm going to do is walk here,
[01:58:22] And I'm gonna walk around like this and try and see if I can...
[01:58:30] I wonder if this guy is going to try and fight me.
[01:58:33] Hit tab, he definitely doesn't win if he does.
[01:58:37] The only reason I didn't jump on him there is because
[01:58:39] I think Udyr is on dragon,
[01:58:40] and because I think Udyr's
[01:58:43] on dragon, I don't want to jump in
[01:58:44] and get caught in this weird spot.
[01:58:50] Right? Like, I don't want to get caught
[01:58:51] in a weird spot
[01:58:51] where I can't play the game
[01:58:52] without getting a reset.
[01:58:56] Yeah.
[01:59:13] But yeah, you can kind of see i'm just gonna do damage give him a few little up taps okay I still want to try and fight.
[01:59:15] We can kill this Kai'Sa? I mean, we can just go in.
[01:59:25] You can go on that guy too.
[01:59:29] I think he thinks
[01:59:30] he has to go on Kai'Sa here but he doesn't have to he can go in rel
[01:59:33] like i'm so strong that we can just straight up kill them with any fight Okay, let's try and get some more plates.
[01:59:52] Okay we're gonna dive!
[01:59:55] Leona is tanking?
[01:59:58] Ooh that's awkward.
[02:00:02] I mean that was a really awkward ass dive because Kha'Zix didn't actually do anything.
[02:00:09] He went in but he didn't actually fight.
[02:00:19] Pretty sure the Kai'Sa's still there,
[02:00:19] yep, there she is.
[02:00:26] Damn, I really want to stay for my fucking Kraken Slayer. It's only one more wave.
[02:00:27] It's kind of dangerous but I really want to stay for it.
[02:00:39] We can, I mean we can kill this guy. This is not illegal...
[02:00:40] This is pretty illegal what this guys doing.
[02:00:43] There you go nice.
[02:00:44] The reason I ulted him was is i didn't want him to get
[02:00:47] his uh he didn't wanna get this thing off
[02:00:52] we can dive the kaisa here as well diver
[02:00:55] diaper just go here as well. Dive her. Dive her. Just go.
[02:01:01] So, even if Leona dies, again, that is
[02:01:03] worth. The reason that's worth is because the Kai'Sa
[02:01:05] dies, she misses this wave and i just get a bunch of plates for
[02:01:09] free so like never be scared of like making dive plays like that I'm telling the Kha'Zix that that kyce is going to walk from the lane
[02:01:30] she's gonna walk here from the lane and when she does he can kill her Okay, Kha'Zix is... he played that really weird.
[02:01:46] I don't know how I feel about that.
[02:01:49] That's fine. We just take the turret anyway. I feel about that.
[02:01:52] That's fine, we just take the turret anyway.
[02:01:59] I could have let the cannon die but i'm in a hurry so I don't care.
[02:02:02] Udyr is top and they he has mid we have 3k so i want to back
[02:02:08] i'm gonna go kraken then we're going to go to vory
[02:02:10] uh i'm gonna head Kraken, then we're gonna go Navori. Uh...I'm gonna head top here
[02:02:12] because Top lane needs the biggest help
[02:02:15] Like my top is bleeding out very very hard
[02:02:17] My mid is too
[02:02:18] My mid and my top are both like doing really poorly
[02:02:21] But because both my mid and top are doing really poorly
[02:02:23] I want to go help them by getting them out of the lane
[02:02:25] as soon as I can.
[02:02:27] Dragon's up in a minute 30, but this is
[02:02:29] still like...
[02:02:37] At this point in the game, getting second drake doesn't actually matter too much.
[02:02:45] What I want to do is get as much gold as I can, and the best way to get as much gold as I can is come top and get plates.
[02:02:50] We should kill them?
[02:02:51] Wait, kill this guy.
[02:03:06] I mean...I don't have vision so I can't move my fucking character.
[02:03:16] Oh they have five people up here.
[02:03:18] Ooh, that sucks.
[02:03:20] So the reason that went so poorly is because we lost vision
[02:03:22] and I couldn't do anything.
[02:03:24] Like, we knew that was going to happen
[02:03:26] but we should have had vision
[02:03:28] to prepare for that
[02:03:30] essentially.
[02:03:32] Also,
[02:03:33] our teammates did not
[02:03:35] have any idea what we were doing there.
[02:03:37] Like, the two people who are here on that pink warden
[02:03:41] but because they're on that pink warden
[02:03:43] They kind of trolled the Syndra and the... The Syndra and the Leonicon
[02:03:49] griefs because they didn't
[02:03:50] use their stun properly.
[02:03:54] We could have probably insta-killed somebody
[02:03:56] we could have instakilled the kale under
[02:03:57] the turret but they went for a different play which
[02:04:01] was kind of awkward
[02:04:07] oh just kill this guy. What the fuck?
[02:04:13] I don't know what that guy was thinking!
[02:04:34] ... I mean that was not a good play. Awkward.
[02:04:37] We should get dragon. good dragon I think I'm gonna back so I can go get
[02:04:57] my Navori.
[02:05:05] The only problem is that I'm backing on a really awkward timer right now. Because...
[02:05:09] The timer that I'm backing at the moment is really, really, really awkward.
[02:05:12] If this guy is smart
[02:05:13] he pushes the wave and he just takes my turret all right he's not that smart I'm not gonna jump in to stop him, just gonna walk if i stop my stopping.
[02:05:29] It's too dangerous that i jump on that so uh I got the vamp scepter instead of like
[02:06:10] the pickaxe or whatever because i
[02:06:12] actually don't know if the vamp scepter
[02:06:14] are the pickaxes worth
[02:06:15] I don't know why they didn't just, like...
[02:06:17] Like, if you're gonna dive that,
[02:06:18] just ulti the guy.
[02:06:20] That's really awkward.
[02:06:21] All he had to do there was ulti the...
[02:06:26] Dude, what is with this Elo and ARAM? You guys gotta stop ARAMing man.
[02:06:31] Like this shit is wild! There's just like so many people standing in my lane mid.
[02:06:39] What is with you people?
[02:08:07] What is Oh, we can win this I just need a point in the right direction oh that was spicy so I'm gonna go ahead and get Dom's next okay let's see how this goes but yeah like i said i went bt because uh they don't have that they're not that tanky right when you hit tab
[02:08:10] they have like merc treads a bunch of. So they're not actually that tanky.
[02:08:15] So it's not that bad to going DUMs. I mean...
[02:08:29] And I don't really need IE so Ooh, I actually just got boxed so oh my fucking god! The fuckin' BTV. the fucking bt value I need the back row like we need to go get dragon and I need the back. You guys have just kept me on the map for a fucking year over here.
[02:10:06] Like, I can stay if I can get blue buff.
[02:10:16] Alright, so yeah like right now our next goal
[02:10:18] this is a very important thing
[02:10:20] Our next goal is we essentially want to get Baron right?
[02:10:23] We wanna take all of the outer turrets
[02:10:25] and we wanna get Baron
[02:10:28] because when we get Baron
[02:10:29] we'll be able to siege
[02:10:30] and I'll be able to siege and we'll be able to uh fight for the next big objectives as
[02:10:36] uh the turrets much easier
[02:10:41] this turret down here is extremely low so because it's so low i'm just gonna come down here is extremely low.
[02:10:43] So because it's so low, I'm just gonna come down here and kill it.
[02:10:47] Get this free gold, and then now I have enough gold for my Lord Dom's
[02:10:51] And now that I have the Lord Dom's gold
[02:10:53] I'm going to ping. We should do Baron.
[02:10:57] One thing
[02:10:58] that I haven't gone as in detail
[02:10:59] that I probably should've in this game is
[02:11:01] when you're playing to win and you
[02:11:03] really are just full tryharding, full sweating, and you're playing to win and you really are just, you know full tryharding, full sweating
[02:11:05] and you're playing AD. No matter what role
[02:11:07] your playing okay?
[02:11:09] You need to be the one telling
[02:11:11] your team where to go and what to do
[02:11:13] Like, you have to kind of
[02:11:16] ping to remind them when you're really sweating
[02:11:18] and doing this shit,
[02:11:20] you have to ping to tell them what to do
[02:11:22] and how to do it. Players in League
[02:11:24] autopilot even Challenger players autopilot.
[02:11:27] Right? Like everybody just gets into this phase
[02:11:29] sometimes where they're autopiloting. And if you
[02:11:31] don't want to be a part of that
[02:11:33] and you don't want your team
[02:11:35] to autopilot, you have to keep them focused.
[02:11:37] It sucks and it's a lot of extra work
[02:11:41] That you shouldn't have to do but you do.
[02:11:57] I'm gonna go back Okay, we got that.
[02:12:00] We do Baron here, by the way.
[02:12:01] Come.
[02:12:02] We do Baron.
[02:12:06] I don't even care about pushing mid.
[02:12:07] I just want to do this ASAP.
[02:12:09] Just do it.
[02:12:11] I'm four item Tristana. We will kill this in like five seconds.
[02:12:15] Now
[02:12:15] I'm going to keep an eye on
[02:12:17] down here but you see we have a pink warden?
[02:12:20] And the more...the faster you commit to doing things
[02:12:24] Uh The The faster you commit to doing things, the harder you make it for the enemy
[02:12:45] to react to what you're doing. So if you're going to do an objective or
[02:12:49] something get vision of the objective and just
[02:12:51] start it like if they're not close enough to follow up immediately
[02:12:55] start it and then if it goes bad get off of it right like you can choose when to fight.
[02:13:07] So here we're gonna take this... We don't push any further though.
[02:13:11] This is something I see a lot of people do that are in the lower tier
[02:13:14] ELOs, okay? When you guys
[02:13:16] get something, you want to go even further
[02:13:18] beyond. You want to keep going. Like, you get
[02:13:19] greedy, right? You're like, oh shit, I want to get more.
[02:13:22] Like, we're so strong, blah blah, blah, we have Baron, but
[02:13:24] a lot of the time what happens
[02:13:26] is a lot of your teammates haven't actually
[02:13:28] bought yet.
[02:13:31] Right? Like a lot of players
[02:13:32] they haven't bought yet on my team
[02:13:35] so unless you know the kaisa just walks into you like an idiot
[02:13:38] you want to like back up you want to reset and you want to play around like what your team can do
[02:13:44] the reason i'm continuing to push now is because it's just straight up 4v5
[02:13:48] right like they can't engage.
[02:14:04] Okay, Rells...I'm gonna hit Rell here. I'm gonna ignore the KS. Rel off of me so she can't engage.
[02:14:06] Okay, I'm going to hit Rel here. I'm going to ignore the Kayle and kite up.
[02:14:09] Hit the Rel.
[02:14:10] Get that guy. I'm going to jump down.
[02:14:14] I'm going to probably
[02:14:15] flash forward here.
[02:14:16] Okay. I'm gonna probably flash forward here.
[02:14:25] I'm going to auto it to Lightsteal,
[02:14:28] and now I'm just going gonna hit the turrets.
[02:14:34] Auto to lifesteal some more, and the game's over.
[02:14:37] So you guys can kinda see it... My team did not do good this game right? Nobody did great.
[02:14:41] Nobody did particularly well. My top didn't do well, my jungle kinda got carried
[02:14:45] my support was kinda lost a bit
[02:14:47] Like it doesn't matter how good or bad your teammates are,
[02:14:49] if you are clinically playing the game in a way
[02:14:54] where you are just in the mindset of
[02:14:57] I don't give a fuck if my team is bad.
[02:15:00] I'm going to win this game.
[02:15:03] You have to learn
[02:15:05] to get into the mindset
[02:15:07] of being the 1v9 monster.
[02:15:09] Right? mindset of being the 1v9 monster.
[02:15:13] Because your teammates are going to suck
[02:15:14] up to Challenger, everybody's bad
[02:15:17] even in Challenger people
[02:15:19] suck sometimes. Bad games happen you have to have that like dog in you
[02:15:24] you know i'm saying This is, like, what I'm trying to say.
[02:15:35] Like, obviously, I'm on a smurf.
[02:15:36] You know, we're in Diamond.
[02:15:37] It's low elo or whatever.
[02:15:38] But Diamond is still higher than, like, 90% of the player base.
[02:15:43] I'm only doing this because
[02:15:45] I'm trying to teach you guys how to carry,
[02:15:47] so we're playing on this account.
[02:15:51] But even damage aside, I don't care about this.
[02:15:53] What I care is the stat that I want you to understand
[02:15:57] is more important than damage.
[02:15:59] If you look at what I did in that game
[02:16:01] I walked around the map and took turrets and icst
[02:16:08] okay i had 10.8 cs
[02:16:11] i took turrets i did damage i didn I didn't die. That's all you
[02:16:14] have to do to win games in League.
[02:16:16] Don't die, take objectives,
[02:16:19] get farm and
[02:16:20] do damage.. People in Diamond, 6 and 7 CS per minute.
[02:16:40] They're like this all the way up to
[02:16:42] Challenger.
[02:16:44] Like, okay. The thing is
[02:16:47] when you're playing versus people that are as good
[02:16:49] as you...
[02:16:51] So like, I'm clearly better than the sealer right?
[02:16:55] When you're playing against people that are as good
[02:16:57] as you are, it's harder to CS
[02:16:59] because they will fight you
[02:17:01] for CS.
[02:17:03] So if I go against a GM
[02:17:05] AD carry, I can't guarantee that I'll have
[02:17:08] 9 to
[02:17:10] 10 CS a minute
[02:17:11] every game. Because that's just not possible.
[02:17:14] What will happen is
[02:17:15] your support will roam, you'll get zoned off waves.
[02:17:18] Or to not die, you have to go up CS.
[02:17:21] Or they'll pressure
[02:17:23] you early and you're just in a losing
[02:17:24] matchup. Let's say you pick Jinx
[02:17:26] and they pick Draven Pyke.
[02:17:29] You're just in a losing matchup at that point, so you are just going to bleed a few CS away
[02:17:33] if they're playing correctly no matter what.
[02:17:36] What ends up happening is like
[02:17:39] a lot of people
[02:17:41] like diamond players just don't
[02:17:43] value CS. People value fighting
[02:17:45] if you're diamond and below in the league
[02:17:46] you're not valuing the right stuff
[02:17:48] you're usually just perma-fighting and when you fight, you're not valuing the right stuff. You're usually just perma-fighting, and when
[02:17:51] you fight, you're not getting CS, okay?
[02:17:54] And that's why a lot of these
[02:17:55] players can't climb consistently because they just want
[02:17:57] to fight, and in the games where they get fed
[02:17:59] they pop off and they're able to carry
[02:18:00] because they're fed.
[02:18:02] But the thing is being fed doesn't always happen.
[02:18:04] Sometimes you are the bitch.
[02:18:05] Sometimes you get outplayed.
[02:18:06] Sometimes stuff happens.
[02:18:08] So you have to play consistently
[02:18:10] to get gold rather than
[02:18:12] play to kill. Play to get
[02:18:14] gold consistently and the most consistent way to get gold
[02:18:16] is towers and farm
[02:18:18] And once you kind of ascend
[02:18:20] into like- I don't think even Masters players
[02:18:23] just fight as much as Diamond
[02:18:25] players do with very little macro
[02:18:27] knowledge. Like they'll just fight. They won't care about
[02:18:29] CS. They won't care about any of that. They'll just fight
[02:18:31] with not a lot of knowledge, and what'll happen
[02:18:33] is they're just slightly better mechanically
[02:18:35] than the Diamond players, so they climb.
[02:18:38] That's why when I told
[02:18:39] that guy earlier who was in the chat flaming me
[02:18:41] for doing bad in his game or whatever. When I told him earlier
[02:18:44] that he said he was a Masters player
[02:18:46] it was something to be really impressive
[02:18:48] to me. The reason higher ELO players
[02:18:50] don't think Masters players are good
[02:18:52] I've said this before and I'll say it again for you guys.
[02:18:54] It's not that we think you suck balls at league if you're masters.
[02:18:59] You're in the top 1% of all players.
[02:19:01] You are good at the game.
[02:19:03] You are just not nearly
[02:19:05] as good as you think you
[02:19:06] are, right?
[02:19:10] Like you have about a
[02:19:11] thousand LP of knowledge
[02:19:12] difference between Masters
[02:19:13] and Challenger.
[02:19:19] And if you think about it, 1000LP is two and a half divisions worth of skill. So you just have to kind of learn, right?
[02:19:34] You have to kind of learn how to play the game properly,
[02:19:36] and then you'll start to naturally climb.
[02:19:44] But I mean, this is a really good indicator.
[02:19:47] Did it from my perspective in that game?
[02:19:50] This is the perfect indicator
[02:19:51] of why you have to view games as 1v9 games.
[02:19:55] Did it seem at any point
[02:19:57] like we were going to lose that game from
[02:19:58] my perspective, right? Like you watching
[02:20:01] my stream. Did it ever seem like
[02:20:02] we were behind or going to lose?
[02:20:04] It didn't, right?
[02:20:07] When you're looking at the game state but that's because i wasn't focusing on how bad my
[02:20:12] team was doing like look how bad everybody on my team did right they i had 17.7k gold
[02:20:19] the next closest on my team
[02:20:22] didn't break 10k
[02:20:23] so it was almost
[02:20:24] 10,000 gold above
[02:20:25] half of my team
[02:20:25] the enemy had a
[02:20:28] 2,000 gold lead at one point.
[02:20:30] I think I died 1 time and that one time I died the enemy got
[02:20:33] a 2k gold lead right?
[02:20:39] You just have to understand that winning games has nothing to do with your teammates.
[02:20:56] They're going to play bad, they're going to
[02:20:57] play good. You just have
[02:20:59] to find ways to try and improve
[02:21:01] every game even if you're going to lose or find ways to try and improve every game, even if you're going to lose or
[02:21:03] find ways to carry every game. That's pretty much all you can do... Okay. Anyway, what do you guys think?
[02:21:48] How's your day going? What are you guys up to today?
[02:22:00] How is everybody feeling? We chilling, we vibing
[02:22:04] we feeling good All right.
[02:22:18] What AD carry should I play?
[02:22:20] We have Nautilus locked in,
[02:22:22] Rell Samira...
[02:22:23] Let me think.
[02:22:28] I mean,
[02:22:29] I could play Kai'Sa here but
[02:22:29] I'm gonna play a hard matchup
[02:22:31] so that you guys can learn
[02:22:32] how to play
[02:22:33] a harder matchup.
[02:22:37] Like they have
[02:22:37] a dive comp
[02:22:38] and I'm playing
[02:22:39] ash so I
[02:22:39] have to play
[02:22:40] this matchup
[02:22:40] very very
[02:22:41] well
[02:22:42] right
[02:22:43] I have to
[02:22:44] play the
[02:22:44] matchup
[02:22:45] incredibly
[02:22:45] well or
[02:22:46] I'm just
[02:22:46] going to
[02:22:46] get around
[02:22:46] so uh the only reason I picked this matchup is because or I'm just going to get round.
[02:22:50] So the only reason I picked this matchup
[02:22:50] is because like
[02:22:51] I want to kind of teach you guys
[02:22:52] how to play the matchups
[02:22:55] when maybe
[02:22:56] you get countered
[02:22:57] let's say you pick
[02:22:58] a champion early
[02:22:58] and you get countered like Let's say you pick a champion early, and you get countered. Like the enemy team
[02:23:00] is extremely good
[02:23:01] versus Ashe, right? Like look at their comp.
[02:23:05] These players
[02:23:06] are extremely good versus me.
[02:23:08] Right? Like their whole team is.
[02:23:10] It's your birthday?
[02:23:11] Hey!
[02:23:11] FeelsBirthdayMan's in the chat
[02:23:12] from a boy, Fenroy.
[02:23:15] Come on, guys.
[02:23:15] Give my FeelsBirthdayMan
[02:23:16] happy birthday, bro.
[02:23:17] I'm gonna go take a piss,
[02:23:18] I'll be right back.
[02:23:19] Don't go anywhere... What the hell?
[02:24:01] Who dodged? Hold on.
[02:24:04] Who dodged and then who didn't accept my cue? Huh?
[02:24:08] Which one of you was it?
[02:24:12] Don't be shy now.
[02:24:13] Which one of you fucks did it?
[02:24:15] I'm disappointed in my chat........ Oh my goodness.
[02:25:45] Alright boys and girls, sup-a-sup-asup?
[02:25:49] Hello governor! Hello, boys. By the way, if you guys have any questions
[02:26:08] or you want to ask anything between
[02:26:10] queues
[02:26:10] like league related or whatever or you want to ask anything between queues,
[02:26:13] like league-related or whatever. Feel free.
[02:26:17] Don't
[02:26:17] think you have dumb questions
[02:26:20] or whatever.
[02:27:11] All right. think you have like, you know, dumb questions or whatever.... you so Okay. Where's my music taste from?
[02:27:40] Oh, I just listen to everything man.
[02:27:50] I don't know. I don't have, like, a genre. Your last four losses, did you just put the team differential?
[02:27:53] I mean, don't look at stats.
[02:27:55] Okay.
[02:27:57] Dude, one thing I'm going to say is
[02:27:58] don't look it or care about this.
[02:28:02] These don't matter.
[02:28:05] Listen.
[02:28:07] is like little funny things that are like
[02:28:09] oh this, that and all of this garbage
[02:28:11] none of this matters man
[02:28:12] None of it matters
[02:28:17] Like nothing on this site matters
[02:28:19] The only thing you should be using
[02:28:20] the site for is tracking
[02:28:22] stats like
[02:28:24] was my CS good?
[02:28:26] This game could have been better
[02:28:28] Did I build correctly in this matchup
[02:28:30] you can look and see if you should have built something
[02:28:33] different was there a timer that
[02:28:35] you could have done something
[02:28:35] these worthless ass
[02:28:39] fucking stupid words down here and like all of this other
[02:28:41] garbage, none of this matters.
[02:28:44] Like League is not
[02:28:45] a game where you should be looking
[02:28:48] statistically at why you lost in terms
[02:28:50] of like,
[02:28:55] the game said I deserve to win or like the game blah, blah, blah.
[02:28:57] My teammates have been doing bad every game.
[02:28:59] Like they do everybody sucks right?
[02:29:01] Like every single person sucks. Like they do everybody sucks, right? Like every single person sucks like people have bad days
[02:29:04] People have days where they just want to be lazy
[02:29:06] Sometimes people suck it is what it is men
[02:29:10] All you can do is try and climb throughout your own personal skill.
[02:29:21] Okay, if you're ahead by big margins
[02:29:24] right?
[02:29:25] Think about what's going on
[02:29:27] in the game that's causing you to lose
[02:29:29] So
[02:29:30] let's say one thing
[02:29:33] that's really big that a lot of bad ad carry players do
[02:29:37] well saying bad is like kind of toxic but like
[02:29:40] any carry players do this a lot that are not like... until they learn
[02:29:45] it. You have to learn that
[02:29:47] your back timer and being on the map
[02:29:49] at certain points and being and doing things
[02:29:51] is important.
[02:29:53] So if you have 2, but dragons up in 30 seconds
[02:29:59] don't just stay an extra 400 gold for your item just go back spend and walk to
[02:30:03] drake now if it's a's a dragon that doesn't matter
[02:30:07] or let's say your support just got
[02:30:09] picked and you're not going to have vision
[02:30:11] you need to assess that
[02:30:12] and not walk to that dragon and then try
[02:30:14] and apply pressure somewhere else in the map.
[02:30:16] If you're really
[02:30:17] strong,
[02:30:18] you also want to be
[02:30:19] really prioing mid.
[02:30:22] Like did you notice
[02:30:23] that last game
[02:30:24] after I broke
[02:30:25] bot lane right?
[02:30:26] After I broke bot lane, right? After I broke bot lane last
[02:30:28] game, I went mid. Well, I went top
[02:30:30] but my team wasn't good enough to play around top
[02:30:32] so I went mid.
[02:30:34] Okay? When I was
[02:30:36] standing mid with my lead,
[02:30:38] I just permanently forced them to try and kill me.
[02:30:44] Think about every time that the enemy died mid
[02:30:47] it's because they were trying to force fights
[02:30:49] on me on repeat.
[02:30:52] And I was just playing
[02:30:53] far enough up that they can't
[02:30:55] force those fights.
[02:31:03] They have to try or i take their turret or i poke them where i just kill them uh but i'm playing on like i'm doing a bunch of things that you need
[02:31:08] to learn how to do when you're playing around mid.
[02:31:11] So, for example,
[02:31:13] if I'm... I'm going to use this little mini-map right here
[02:31:15] to show you what I mean.
[02:31:17] If I know the entire enemy team
[02:31:19] is on top side of river,
[02:31:20] I will hug the top side of river. I will hug
[02:31:21] the bot side of river
[02:31:22] when I'm in mid, so I'll walk up
[02:31:25] on the bot side of river and I'll
[02:31:27] start hitting them under the turret or I'll start
[02:31:29] walking to do things. Let's say my team is all trying
[02:31:33] to get vision of topside river i'll push mid wave in and then i'll walk in with my team there will
[02:31:39] very likely be one person forming that that mid wave, so you'll have
[02:31:43] priority to walk in and have the advantage
[02:31:45] in numbers. If your
[02:31:47] team isn't trying to contest that vision
[02:31:48] and they're all playing bot side, then
[02:31:51] you just hug the side that your team's on and
[02:31:53] don't go near the side where you have no vision
[02:31:55] and where the enemy is playing. You do
[02:31:57] the same thing. It's like you swap it
[02:31:59] back and forth. You're always playing
[02:32:01] to essentially
[02:32:03] make you're always playing to essentially make them feel
[02:32:06] uncomfortable. You're trying to squeeze
[02:32:08] them out of wins.
[02:32:16] You have to learn with leads in the league how to play aggressive with leads.
[02:32:19] Like, if you're doing well
[02:32:20] in the game and you're waiting for somebody
[02:32:22] else to make the play for you
[02:32:24] you are going to have a bad time for somebody else to make the play for you,
[02:32:25] You're going to have a bad time.
[02:32:30] But you have to learn how
[02:32:31] to do things yourself
[02:32:32] and have the confidence
[02:32:33] to do it.
[02:32:35] And then you have to learn through trial
[02:32:37] and error when you're pushing a lead too far
[02:32:40] and when you're pushing a lead too little, right?
[02:32:44] So let's say you start the game 5-0 and you
[02:32:47] take the bot turret. Let's say you go mid
[02:32:49] and you push
[02:32:51] a wave in, right? You need to actively
[02:32:53] be always looking about what to do on the map.
[02:32:55] If there's nothing to do, hit the turret.
[02:32:57] Like if you don't think you could safely hit
[02:32:59] the turret just stand there and do nothing
[02:33:03] but your goal is
[02:33:05] make them play around you with your lead
[02:33:10] if they have too much wave clear mid just go even and then walk around the map because
[02:33:16] people will always be doing things right there people will always be doing things.
[02:33:19] People will always be doing something on the map,
[02:33:21] your jungler, the enemy jungler, top supports
[02:33:24] everybody's doing something.
[02:33:25] So if you're adding an extra human to every single play,
[02:33:29] You're doing something correctly.
[02:33:35] Because I lose games where I'm ahead all the time too.
[02:33:39] But you should...
[02:33:41] If you get far enough ahead enough times,
[02:33:43] You shouldn't be losing every game that you have a lead.
[02:33:46] If you're losing every game that you have a lead
[02:33:48] That means you don't know how to push your lead.
[02:33:51] And you just have to play with being aggressive at certain times,
[02:33:57] tracking cooldowns, understanding when to fight,
[02:33:59] how to fight things like that.
[02:34:07] And if you're not doing that then you're
[02:34:10] not going to be able to climb
[02:34:12] as high as you probably would have been able to had you been pushing your lead better. Because I mean, at the end of the day man it's just you.
[02:34:41] You can only control yourself.
[02:34:44] Know what I'm saying?
[02:34:45] And you got to learn.
[02:34:48] I mean, I lost three games today in low EVO.
[02:34:53] Like, well, what's low to me?
[02:34:54] I'm 1-3 today.
[02:35:03] But I'm gradually
[02:35:04] shaking off the rest.
[02:35:07] Because I haven't been playing AD carry for a week, so I'm like
[02:35:10] gradually shaking the rest off.
[02:37:56] Okay. So,...... Oh, yeah. oh yeah brothers..... In God's name, it is happening.
[02:38:09] What is going on? Hello?
[02:38:17] Yes, hello. Hello, hello, hello.
[02:38:25] Excuse me? hmm
[02:38:28] excuse me
[02:38:36] whoever's hamster died please resuscitate them thank you dear God oh my fucking goodness shit is wild.. so so Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[02:39:40] If you come along, try not to die. to summoners
[02:39:50] did this just say that...
[02:39:53] Is this motherfucker ghosting?
[02:39:56] Bro.
[02:39:59] Bro, stop fucking ghosting.
[02:40:08] What is this loser shit?
[02:40:18] Yeah, my fucking Garen is ghosting their Draengor.
[02:40:25] Where the fuck are we ghosting in diamonds?
[02:40:26] Hello?
[02:40:28] Are you okay, man?
[02:40:32] Watch your own monitor.
[02:40:34] Christ.
[02:40:42] Dude, I swear to God people are so disrespectful with ghosting
[02:40:44] that is. It's actually just disgusting.
[02:40:51] Like it makes me sick, bro.
[02:40:56] I'm gonna sit in the bush for a sec, and then I'm just going to W.
[02:41:01] I probably could have...
[02:41:09] Oh, I'm not going get that am I? Okay.
[02:41:14] I mean this is a really bad gank.
[02:41:24] Like why? Also, why didn't that Nami heal me earlier than that?
[02:41:30] Ooh.
[02:41:32] Nami should have healed me instantly!
[02:41:37] What am I watching, man?
[02:41:39] Like what is going on here?
[02:41:47] I mean I'm just gonna back because there's really no reason not to.
[02:41:54] What the fuck?
[02:41:59] But yeah when we were getting ganked like that, uh...
[02:42:01] When the Sylas was level 2 ganking us or whatever.
[02:42:03] You should always, uh...
[02:42:07] Take it from me.
[02:42:09] Always fucking heal early when you're playing Sylas. Take it from me, always fucking...
[02:42:13] heal early when you're playing League.
[02:42:23] I mean,
[02:42:25] I'm gonna be honest with you.
[02:42:28] I might AFK because this isn't like...
[02:42:36] Weak-siding your Lucian Nami?
[02:42:37] Because you don't want to,
[02:42:39] he has no reason to split the map.
[02:42:45] I'm getting level 2 ganks?
[02:42:46] Wait,
[02:42:46] I'm getting flamed by this retard?
[02:42:49] I mean,
[02:42:49] I'm gonna be real.
[02:42:50] A,
[02:42:51] I'm torn
[02:42:52] because part of me
[02:42:53] wants to lose the game on purpose now.
[02:42:55] Because my J4 is a piece of shit.
[02:42:57] And he's weak-siding Illusion Nami.
[02:43:01] But part of me also wants to...
[02:43:05] Like... Part of me also wants to... Like, he's not
[02:43:07] like, he doesn't understand that his
[02:43:09] job is not split map against Sylas.
[02:43:11] As J4
[02:43:13] he should be trying to fight bot side.
[02:43:17] But you never split map. You always go down because we want to fight them botside. never
[02:43:31] i'm being flamed by some guy that i don't know who he is who is I mean, we should just fight them. Why would we not fight this?
[02:44:03] Like, what are we doing?
[02:44:07] Are you guys just dumb? Like, what am I watching here?
[02:44:11] Like dude! Just... like... go in.
[02:44:18] This J4 is a moron! You're full HP! What are you fucking scared of?
[02:44:27] What are we scared of, Lil Bro?
[02:44:42] Okay. I'm gonna be honest.
[02:44:50] I'm only tilted right now because of how garbage both this Nami and this J4R,
[02:44:53] I should just take a breath and untilt. Because the enemy Sylas
[02:44:55] is ten times more garbage than both
[02:44:57] these guys combined.
[02:44:58] The Sylas was pretty much just griefing to
[02:45:00] sit in my lane.
[02:45:02] But he's just a low elo but it is what
[02:45:05] it is. Dude,
[02:45:06] I think I'm just really frustrated
[02:45:09] by how bad
[02:45:10] like we're playing Lucian Nami.
[02:45:13] The Karma just walked into the turret and died.
[02:45:17] And my Nami is nervous. She's scared of playing League.
[02:45:21] ... scared of playing League.
[02:45:30] Yeah, I don't know why E'd, but that's fine.
[02:45:40] We could either dive or do dragon, but we gotta do one of them. Okay, we should dive. Art shall blossom from your head.
[02:46:08] Like, what am I watching?
[02:46:10] Okay.
[02:46:11] So Nami didn't heal.
[02:46:14] She didn't use bubble.
[02:46:16] J4 didn't auto Bubble. J4 didn't auto-attack.
[02:46:24] I'm about to just AFK
[02:46:26] so that we lose this on purpose
[02:46:28] because these two players are horrible.
[02:46:36] Like, they're actually REALLY bad.
[02:46:47] Like holy mother of fuck fuck they're back. okay nami yo miss mental retard Okay, Nami. Yo, Miss Mental Retard!
[02:47:12] God I-I can't stand like... Just fight!
[02:47:20] Like just just fight!
[02:47:22] She has heal? What am I gonna do?
[02:47:27] You heal.
[02:47:39] Tell me why I shouldn't AFK right now.
[02:47:41] Tell me. My Nami is a... now tell me my nami isn't is literally trolling
[02:47:46] my j4 is like whatever he's bad i don't really care but this nami might have actual brain damage.
[02:47:55] Somebody in chat tell me why I shouldn't AFK on my Smurf right now.
[02:47:59] Why I should give two fucks
[02:48:09] like give me a reason to win the game for this like
[02:48:12] absolute garbage player
[02:48:20] like look at this guy didn't even heal makes sense
[02:48:39] how do diamond players not end themselves irl after every fucking time
[02:48:43] they wake up like i want to know how these they wake up.
[02:48:49] Like, I wanna know how these people wake up and don't just put a bullet... Nevermind.
[02:48:55] These people disgust me though, like holy fuck. You guys are disgusting human beings.
[02:49:01] Like I would look at you IRL and spit in your face and say wow...
[02:49:05] Thanos was right.
[02:49:09] You're a fucking food thief.
[02:49:12] Emerald players are fine.
[02:49:16] Diamond players are delusional. There's a difference.
[02:49:18] Like, emerald players are toxic as fuck, right?
[02:49:21] But diamond
[02:49:21] players are delusional and toxic.
[02:49:40] ... so oh
[02:49:49] i mean i might just pull the Nagur and start a AFK. Like, this is gross man. My J4 completely trolls the game by weaksiding a Lucian Nami lane after we get level 2 ganks.
[02:50:18] He's strong-sightiding a Garen lane.
[02:50:23] Which is just disgusting.
[02:50:24] Like, I don't know what the fuck that is.
[02:50:28] Then my Nami decides to not actually play the game.
[02:50:32] She's a KDA fucking player.
[02:50:35] Like, just literally trolling because
[02:50:37] KDA is like...
[02:50:39] I mean yeah, I might just head out and play some Lola Duel.
[02:50:41] Like I said
[02:50:45] The only thing keeping me from tabbing out right now and playing LoL is the fact that my mid and top are trying to win.
[02:50:51] That's pretty much the only thing keeping me from doing that right now.
[02:50:55] Is that, I'm trying to respect my mid and top a bit...
[02:50:59] We're gonna die anyway so I gotta play forward here.
[02:51:03] Cause I mean, I'm gonna to die out of the fucking jungle or whatever.
[02:51:05] But
[02:51:05] Yeah. But yeah, I mean these two are like the only people making me not completely rage quit right now.
[02:51:23] The fact that they're still trying to win.
[02:51:25] Like i'm just trying to respect
[02:51:27] of the other two teammates because this J4 and
[02:51:29] this Nami are absolute garbage human beings
[02:51:31] like they're not only bad
[02:51:33] but they're so fucking cringely
[02:51:35] like bad that it like hurts my balls knowing
[02:51:37] that they are literally waking up every day and
[02:51:40] stealing food from babies
[02:51:43] like imagine imagine you wake up and you steal food from babies.
[02:51:49] Like, that's who you are as a person.
[02:51:52] It's disgusting.
[02:51:57] Because I mean... we win this game outright. Nami is not even attempting to win anymore.
[02:52:00] We're just losing Tier 2 tower because my Nami is like hugging J4's cock.
[02:52:53] Okay. so it is uh Dude, these people are so bad. I'm like, what?
[02:53:08] What? Also, who the fuck is this?
[02:53:09] I don't even know Who this Silas is
[02:53:10] Like straight up I don't even know Who this guy is This is of us is.
[02:53:13] Like, straight up,
[02:53:15] I don't even know who this guy is. Is it like some fanboy?
[02:53:17] What's happening, bro?
[02:53:19] Did I fuck your girlfriend?
[02:53:20] Like, what is going on? This is some, like like wild fanboying
[02:53:32] he hates me i don't even know who he is.
[02:53:35] You know that scene in like...
[02:53:39] You know that scene in Infinity War where, like,
[02:53:41] That guy's like you took everything from me and he's like
[02:53:43] I don't even know who you are
[02:53:52] like i genuinely i don't know who the fuck this guy even is. Yeah. yeah i don't know so
[02:54:34] you just some guy guy I'm down to four of it though
[02:54:52] let me just go to a new game this one's doomed like our fucking uh jungle support are just gonna lose their
[02:55:06] next 10 games in a row so i don't really see any point it
[02:55:09] doesn't really see any point it doesn't
[02:55:10] really matter You might want to put some wards down, bro.
[02:55:24] Like Miss Nami?
[02:55:28] Might wanna put a few wards down.
[02:55:30] You have like 30, you know? You might want to put a few wards down.
[02:55:31] You have like 30, you know?
[02:55:34] Might wanna put some of them down.
[02:55:37] You know what's funny? I could definitely carry this game...
[02:55:40] ...I just don't know if I want to.
[02:55:46] Like, I can carry every Diamond game... right?
[02:55:51] Everybody's just bad.
[02:55:52] I can pretty much carry every Diamond game I play in.
[02:55:54] I just don't know if I want to because it's like so fucking...
[02:55:58] It's such an annoying thing.
[02:56:18] Hey, why did that change twice would you see that the cannon changed focus twice
[02:56:25] well that was wild.
[02:56:36] I don't know if I can actually groove up and do much right now on the other side of the map maybe i just try to take this turret I
[02:56:55] Just dash into the wall
[02:57:31] never oh Oh I mean the enemy team pretty bad. I don't know what they're doing. Holy fuck that guy's bad.
[02:57:40] Wait the silence is really, REALLY fucking bad.
[02:57:44] What the fuck was that bro? oh
[02:57:55] you decided to go in one before or what i don't get it I mean...
[02:58:18] Okay.
[02:58:20] What the fuck?
[02:58:27] Wait, when I lived that and then the J4 and Nami bolted... This is what I mean. Like, how embarrassing
[02:58:33] is this man?
[02:58:37] Like you guys are... That is
[02:58:39] embarrassing.
[02:58:41] I live the fight, right?
[02:58:43] And then they're both like
[02:58:44] Oh we need to die
[02:58:45] Like holy shit you people suck
[02:58:48] What the fuck
[02:58:50] You're not as bad
[02:58:53] As this fucking Sylas is.
[02:58:54] I mean, everybody in this elo is bad but...
[02:58:57] This is disgusting.
[02:58:58] I don't even know what to say about this shit. Like dude, like what's he doing?
[02:59:08] Are you good- like what is wrong with you?
[02:59:13] Are you good? Like, what is wrong with you?
[02:59:16] Are you okay, bro?
[02:59:35] Dude, I feel like lower level players are more concerned about weird shit than anybody else. Ah okay... Ah, okay. I kind of want to get tabbies, but...
[02:59:54] Or not tabbies. Merc treads.
[02:59:56] What the? Merc treads.
[02:59:59] What the?
[03:00:03] My J4 is top? Man, how'd you die top bro?
[03:00:07] Wow! Dude League is such a funny game.
[03:00:11] I literally went 0-9 this game and I'm still the only one playing the game to win.
[03:00:37] League is... still the only one playing the game to win. She has every cooldown. But she just ran.
[03:00:42] You see what I mean?
[03:00:43] By like, these players aren't trying to win?
[03:00:46] It's wild!
[03:00:48] Because if Nami
[03:00:49] walked up with me and gave me her E I would have insta-killed the Karma.
[03:00:53] Then she just RQs the Sylas, then we kill the Sylas after.
[03:00:57] It's literally like... We instakill these two because they're both melee.
[03:01:00] We instakill Karma with Nami's Mandate,
[03:01:03] she has Mandate, so she just E's me
[03:01:05] ours behind me to stop the two melees
[03:01:07] and then we insta-kill both.
[03:01:12] But for some reason, they don't want to like... Nami doesn't actually want to play the game. She just wants to stand there and do nothing.
[03:01:21] I wouldn't even care but it's such a waste of time. I mean, we should just engage on this. like what are we doing go in holy Like, my Jarvan is just watching. Wait, what?
[03:02:20] I'm just watching my team watch everybody die.
[03:02:24] What the...
[03:02:30] Yeah, like Jhin is standing right here just autoing me.
[03:02:34] Jarvan's standing right here not going in. He finally in jim instant eyes we win the fight
[03:02:40] why are these people so scared to disengage when the enemy is being stupid
[03:02:45] it's actually wild playing ad carry in this elo is wild because these people are really bad J4 is being outleveled by silas who ganked bot seven times what Oh my god, they're just bad.
[03:03:35] Vy'gar also didn't go hat he went Ludens.
[03:03:39] Oh...
[03:03:42] What the fuck?
[03:03:43] Why would you got Luden's, bro? My J4 is in the back.
[03:03:59] What am I watching? um so so Why is the Garen just standing there?
[03:04:41] Ooh, Vygarde didn't even use...
[03:04:44] You know what I'm down to just get out.
[03:04:47] Like, I'm the only one trying to play
[03:04:49] and I feel disgusted that I'm even
[03:04:51] trying to win this game for these people
[03:04:57] Come on guys, let me out of the game!
[03:05:05] It is just gross. Playing in this elo is just disgusting to me, like it physically hurts my balls. I ain't got time to die.
[03:05:21] Happiness is for other folks.
[03:05:23] Like, my nami's AFK.
[03:05:26] What are we doing?
[03:05:27] Checking out Netflix?
[03:05:28] Checking out the Target catalog.
[03:05:29] Like what's going on?
[03:05:33] Play the game bro.
[03:05:35] Hey yes or play the game?
[03:05:37] Nah I'm saying
[03:05:37] like you're already wasting my time
[03:05:40] and my time's worth 10 of yours.
[03:05:42] Just either fucking play the game
[03:05:44] or hit us, you know?
[03:05:46] Hit us with this. What is my Nami doing?
[03:06:01] They don't even have their jungler.
[03:06:09] Nami, you can go ward it. Like...
[03:06:12] It is possible to throw a ward at the thing.
[03:06:19] Okay.
[03:06:40] My nami doesn't want to God, I'm not gonna lie to you man. If you can't climb out of diamond to the support main, uh...
[03:06:44] You just fucking suck.
[03:06:48] This guy has a Nami one trick and he still can't climb out of diamonds.
[03:07:00] My jungler... I don't even know what this guy mains. Maybe he's not a J4 player.
[03:07:08] Oh, my jungler is autofill. That is a little more forgiving, I'm not gonna lie. So the fact that my jungler got so shit on because he was auto-filled and didn't know what to do...
[03:07:13] I'll give him this. That's a little bit more forgiving, right?
[03:07:23] Didn't get healed
[03:07:24] or Nami ulted, like she didn't use ult or heal.
[03:07:28] She has to actually be trolling!
[03:07:34] Let me check... I didn't hide Q. There's a high chance she used the Q snipe.
[03:07:38] It is a Q snipe. Okay. I confirmed.
[03:07:42] Because I didn't hide my Q and this Nami has been trolling since level 1
[03:07:46] So it's pretty obviously a Q snipe that's just on me i should hide my cue every game I mean, look at this. Do you guys see how like obvious it is that the nami is
[03:08:11] trolling she has had heal andlr ult in five minutes literally five look at this yes I mean, I tried.
[03:08:59] The Nami is not trying to win.
[03:09:14] Chill? Wait, why? I mean, I'm getting targeted. I don't want to chill, you know?
[03:09:17] Like it's a waste of my time.
[03:09:19] You guys got to understand playing in this elo doesn't do anything for me right? Like I'm on a smurf
[03:09:24] right now. So playing in this elo is
[03:09:26] completely worthless. I'm not trying to climb
[03:09:28] I'm not trying to have fun playing
[03:09:30] in low elo. It's not fun right? These people suck
[03:09:32] I don't gain value out of playing in Piss Lap.
[03:09:35] The value I gain is that I can
[03:09:37] teach you guys the game and have a good time.
[03:09:39] When I have somebody intentionally
[03:09:40] griefing the game like this Nami...
[03:09:43] When you have somebody like Nami intentionally griefing your game like it's a waste of your time because
[03:09:49] my time is money right and there's not any queued up because
[03:09:52] she wants to essentially mess with that.
[03:10:00] Right? So, like, the Nami queued up to, like,
[03:10:02] mess with my income. That's why I'm annoyed.
[03:10:21] Okay. that's why i'm annoyed Like, it's super annoying.
[03:10:25] It's just not fun for me, you know?
[03:10:34] I think you have fun in League.
[03:10:35] I have fun
[03:10:35] in League all the time.
[03:10:37] I think if you're not having fun playing
[03:10:39] league that's a personal choice like if people are trying their best i
[03:10:43] have fun every game
[03:10:46] when people are like intentionally griefing and trolling it's not fun is Why would you ult that guy? I mean, Nami intentionally walked away from the Jhin shot.
[03:11:32] So the Vy'Gar would die.
[03:11:37] Am Hearthstucker throwing intentionally? No, I just don't try to win in games like this.
[03:11:42] Like when I get a game like this, I just don't try to win in games like this. Like when I get a game
[03:11:43] like this, I stop caring.
[03:11:47] Right? Because these games don't mean anything
[03:11:48] to me.
[03:11:50] Like I'll
[03:11:51] try my best but I get Q sniped a lot.
[03:11:54] It's really easy to Q snipe people in League.
[03:11:55] So I get Q sniped quite a bit, right?
[03:11:57] Like, a ton.
[03:11:59] And I have no value to try hard on
[03:12:01] my low elo accounts. I don't like
[03:12:04] there's
[03:12:06] no value in tryharding when you get Qs times
[03:12:08] by Nami, right? And you just give
[03:12:10] people griefing and shit. There's just no value
[03:12:12] in it. What's the value?
[03:12:15] Like, if I want to try hard,
[03:12:16] I'll go on my main. Like, I'll go on the GM, you know?
[03:12:20] I play
[03:12:21] in this elo to typically teach
[03:12:22] but when you get griefed like that it's super unfun
[03:12:28] like i'm down to teach games and but not when people are briefing Okay. okay because i mean i half-assed that game the entire game and i still
[03:13:04] ended up almost winning i mean it is what it is, right?
[03:13:10] You gotta understand, I don't give a fuck about LoL Evo. Like all of these
[03:13:12] players, they don't matter
[03:13:14] to me. Like they're bad
[03:13:16] unless you are literally Challenger GM,
[03:13:19] I don't think you're a good player in League.
[03:13:22] And there's
[03:13:23] a lot of fanboys in Diamond and Masters.
[03:13:25] Like, a lot of fanboys.
[03:13:27] You have people just Q-sniping you all day trolling trying to ruin make you upset
[03:13:31] to get a reaction they're just fanboys you know what i mean this is with us like if you want
[03:13:37] to watch me try hard come back on one of the days where I'm just like playing my main and then like you'll see a huge difference. But yeah, I can't be bothered to like try hard in games like this right it's just not worth it I'll hide my Q.
[03:14:09] Make it a little harder for the people
[03:14:11] that are queue sniping this night.
[03:14:13] We'll make it a little harder.
[03:14:36] Okay.. Well, like I said, League's fun.
[03:14:38] Like, League is really fun and I love teaching the game.
[03:14:39] I just...
[03:14:40] Uh...
[03:14:40] I mean, sometimes you literally
[03:14:41] just can't...
[03:14:42] You get griefed. Right? Like, sometimes you literally just can't you get griefed
[03:14:44] right like sometimes you just get trolled like the j4 and the nami were both just
[03:14:48] trolling that game they didn't want to win they had absolutely no intention of trying to win
[03:18:55] i mean that's what it is right you can't wear them all..................... must be joking saying Nami J4 is trolling they were they
[03:18:57] were both actively trolling
[03:18:58] that game like unironically they trolled again but
[03:19:03] for me to explain why they were trolling i think you'd have
[03:19:06] to be above a diamond level and i don't think nate 1v9 is above a diamond level in the league
[03:19:13] so i'm just going to go ahead and not try to explain that to you of course you are i doubt it masters is diamond to me unless
[03:19:29] you are currently in grandmaster challenger i don't respect your
[03:19:33] opinion bro like i'm sorry but masters is just as dog shit at diamonds you all suck
[03:19:38] like i don't think you fully understood what happened that game
[03:19:42] and I think either you didn't see it
[03:19:45] or you're just
[03:19:48] trolling, that's all I can really say
[03:19:51] It's either you're trolling or you didn't see what happened.
[03:19:56] There's 70% win rate?
[03:19:58] Yeah, and my main is GM.
[03:20:01] So I have a Grandmaster account right now, 78% win rate.
[03:20:04] I have a Masters 100 LP account, 55% win rate.
[03:20:08] I have this account that I play for on stream with a 50% win rate.
[03:20:13] Bro, I'm a streamer. I have accounts in almost every game with a 50% win rate.
[03:20:15] Bro, I'm a streamer.
[03:20:17] I have accounts in almost every elo.
[03:20:18] Like,
[03:20:20] I don't know how to explain this to you.
[03:20:24] I'm delusional. How is me telling you that
[03:20:26] I have accounts in GM and Masters
[03:20:28] delusional?
[03:20:31] What?
[03:20:33] Here, I'll show
[03:20:34] you my Master's accounts.
[03:20:55] Because my GM account is my upstream account, but I? This is my master's accounts.
[03:21:00] Okay?
[03:21:01] It was just what 300 LP.
[03:21:03] I lost like seven of the rope.
[03:21:06] We have losers queue and I tilted, so we lost like
[03:21:08] 7, and then I stopped playing on it.
[03:21:10] But this is my fucking... What was it?
[03:21:12] I don't even remember the highest LP
[03:21:14] it was at. Like 226.
[03:21:19] So yeah, it was like 250 or whatever. That was the highest LP I think. It was like 250 or some shit.
[03:21:23] Yeah...that's my smurf! So this is one of my smurfs at 250.
[03:21:27] Either counts 500 LPGM, and
[03:21:29] then this account is my
[03:21:31] stream accounts, so it has
[03:21:33] the name Geronimo
[03:21:35] You can believe me or
[03:21:37] don't believe me I don't believe me. I don't really care, man.
[03:21:44] I don't know if I'm gonna argue with Twitch viewers who are gold players.
[03:21:51] You do you little bro.
[03:21:53] Like it's like beneath
[03:21:55] me to talk to people that are in Masters here
[03:21:57] and Diamonds about League of Legends
[03:21:58] and have me think that like you're not an idiot.
[03:22:01] Come back when you can hit GM or Challenger then we can have a discussion
[03:22:05] about the game. But until you hit GM and Chow I don't want to discuss
[03:22:09] the game, okay? Bro, I-I don't want to discuss the game, okay?
[03:22:12] Bro.
[03:22:13] I don't need to prove anything.
[03:22:16] The account I'm on right now was 580 LP
[03:22:18] Grandmaster last season.
[03:22:21] Like it's not like i'm lying
[03:22:23] like i i don't understand right like i genuinely i don't get it
[03:22:32] like i think you guys are just retarded.
[03:22:33] No, I don't have anything else to say.
[03:22:35] Like, I think you guys are just little retarded fanboys.
[03:22:37] Like, I don't know what else to say! knows i'm trash dude do all the retards come into my chat?
[03:22:55] Like, you guys realize you guys are actual
[03:22:56] bad players, right?
[03:23:02] Like I...
[03:23:03] Dude, I cannot believe the delusions that I get in Twitch chat.
[03:23:07] It's like only Diamond players and Masters players have these egos
[03:23:11] That try to shit talk Twitch streamers who are better than them
[03:23:17] Like it's wild that you guys do this shit it actually blows my mind like i just don't know where it comes from right like
[03:23:24] i don't know where this like weird delusion comes from
[03:23:30] hey man how about this you link me your main account
[03:23:32] right now and we'll have a discussion sound good How about that?
[03:23:56] Because right now, you're calling me out saying I'm a liar, all this shit.
[03:23:59] How about you link me your account?
[03:24:03] Your main account,
[03:24:05] link it to me and we can have
[03:24:06] a discussion about the game.
[03:24:08] Like I showed you one of my accounts that's in Challenger, or in Masters
[03:24:14] Why don't you do the same? like i'll eat my words right now if you're a grandmaster challenger player
[03:24:28] i'll say okay my bad you're right.
[03:24:31] If you link a GM account to me and it's yours
[03:24:35] You can add me on it, it's your account
[03:24:39] By all means bro. I will eat the shit.
[03:24:44] But the thing is
[03:24:45] it's like
[03:24:45] I know you can't.
[03:24:48] So you're just a random troll
[03:24:49] in Twitch chat.
[03:24:51] You're like a random troll in Twitch chat. You're like
[03:24:52] a gold player, maybe diamond player
[03:24:54] who's basically
[03:24:56] trying to tell a multi-season
[03:24:58] challenger Grandmaster AD Carry
[03:25:00] that he's bad at League because they had one bad game
[03:25:03] where he trolled half the game
[03:25:04] because he was getting griefed.
[03:25:06] That's what you're trying to do right now,
[03:25:09] and then I asked you to prove
[03:25:10] that you had any sort of standing
[03:25:11] and understanding of the game,
[03:25:13] and you can't. So I just feel like until
[03:25:17] you can, you can't comment on it right?
[03:25:21] Like when I told you, I'll immediately admit i'm wrong if
[03:25:23] you can just link me like an account that like you actively
[03:25:37] you can make me an account that you actively play on, that's like right now yours and I'll shut the fuck up.
[03:25:39] But outside of that?
[03:25:40] You just...
[03:25:41] You're a troll so I'm gonna move on.
[03:25:47] Hope you have a good day, man.
[03:25:51] I hope you spend a little bit more of your day
[03:25:53] doing something useful other than playing diamond games in league of legends to
[03:25:57] nobody like you have no viewers nobody gives a fuck you're just raging and oh i eat the jarvin on
[03:26:13] the jump instead of
[03:26:16] eating the fucking uh bard i hit the jarvan because i have fat ass fingers
[03:26:21] might be cause yeah i would have killed both i would have double
[03:26:25] killed right there if i eat the j4 if I even if I hit the J4,
[03:26:28] I would've killed him. But I was focusing
[03:26:30] on Bard and they were right on top of each other when
[03:26:32] I jumped.
[03:26:34] It was like Fatman versus fucking
[03:26:36] giant skeletal beast.
[03:26:43] We actually had pretty good scaling with our team comp though, I'm digging it. Silas and hatewatchers? Bro,
[03:27:00] Silas has one viewer.
[03:27:02] And it's his mom.
[03:27:06] Like, you gotta understand
[03:27:07] Twitch is full of people who want attention and clout,
[03:27:11] but they're not good enough or entertaining
[03:27:13] enough to actually get it.
[03:27:15] Right? So what you
[03:27:17] get is people who will try and start drama
[03:27:19] with people that matter.
[03:27:21] Like people with viewers viewers People who are better than them etc. And they'll try to start
[03:27:25] drama with those people so they can get attention in Twitch Cloud and all this other garbage
[03:27:29] nobody actually cares about.
[03:27:40] Like, if you go look at the Sylas' stream, I bet he has like four viewers.
[03:27:45] And it's probably really fucking depressing.
[03:27:49] So who cares?
[03:27:51] Like giving people that attention is just worthless. an ally has been slain
[03:28:07] am i trying to win this time no i'm just autopilot
[03:28:12] i've been talking to you this whole time. When I try to win,
[03:28:15] I literally... like full focus it's obvious bro
[03:28:21] Like i can autopilot and play in this dog shit elo.
[03:28:25] Because these players are terrible. um J4 could be bot right now, but I do kind of want to just go for a fight.
[03:28:55] Even though J4 is probably bot
[03:29:01] because it sounds kind of fun. Oh, J4's mid. Okay. We're chillin'.
[03:29:08] I wanna jump in and I want Sona ulti but...
[03:29:14] It really depends on the Sona. She's gotta ulti when I jump in.
[03:29:19] Let's do it, baby! Oh my god... I mean we scale, Sona scales really hard so it's not the end of the world but... Hmm.
[03:30:01] Mid to me, huh?
[03:30:03] Let's push one more wave and then I go back and buy my
[03:30:07] Dragon Slayer I got hit by that. What the fuck?
[03:30:27] I mean, I'll be real. I did not think I was gonna get hit by that
[03:30:58] Trist has too fat of an ass. It's too OP. No. No, I mean, I'm pretty sure it just clipped me. Sometimes like uh...
[03:31:01] You just get clipped by shit. It is what it is.
[03:31:04] Like I could have left and not farmed the live
[03:31:05] i just greeted because i wanted the boots
[03:32:16] right cause if I get boots better then we're chilling We 2v2 this really, really hard. so so I think if Sona stayed with me out to the left. Because I had to kite away from the bard because the bards ranged so i had to cut
[03:32:21] away from him but if sona stayed i think we just double kill oh well i mean it's not a
[03:32:24] big deal though that's fine so so Ooh, I'm just dead or what? Yep.
[03:33:03] Wait fight that! Fight that! Fight that!
[03:33:05] Oh you guys have Viktor! Fight!
[03:33:10] Oh no why did you guys not fight?
[03:33:12] You had Victor!
[03:33:15] Damn.
[03:33:17] I was gonna say if they had Victor there, they should have fought it but here's what it is...
[03:34:31] Gotta get back out of here! but as well as so I'm going to go back and do the same thing. brother oh I'm pushing push on my wave.
[03:34:52] Ooh, I mean that I got stun. well i might just be dead
[03:35:14] maybe not Maybe not. He's dead, he's dead. I'm dead, I'm dead!
[03:35:17] Okay nice.
[03:35:20] Not the worst, not the worst.
[03:35:20] This could have gone way worse.
[03:35:25] Does TL choke so bad against T1 the other day?
[03:35:28] Oh dude, TL... I was actually kind of proud of them though.
[03:35:32] I'm not gonna lie, dude. TL
[03:35:34] I was proud of them because how well they did do
[03:35:36] Like, they actually
[03:35:38] could have won
[03:35:40] like that was insane.
[03:35:44] TL actually could have beat T1.
[03:35:47] They were
[03:35:48] actually shitting on them.
[03:35:51] If they didn't throw, it might have been like...
[03:35:54] NA might actually won the whole tourney. like that was crazy It was so disappointing.
[03:36:21] But it was actually really cool to see, regardless of them losing.
[03:36:25] Regardless of the losses or whatever, I think it was sick to see them play well.
[03:36:33] Is that bad? Yeah Yeah I guess so.
[03:36:35] Oh thank god Bar doesn't have ult.
[03:36:39] Uh yeah I'm not going to that fight.
[03:36:42] That guy's already dead. There's not much I can do there.
[03:37:00] Like we couldn't really play the game, really?
[03:37:02] On that timer? my team is like doing some weird shit right now.
[03:37:22] Hmm, huh that actually wasn't too bad.
[03:37:29] Let's go mid and take this turret. There is not much I can do here.
[03:37:34] Like, the fight is pretty much already over right? Like I can't really impact that fight.
[03:37:38] So I'm just gonna go mid and take this turret.
[03:37:47] Uh... Bard is coming. Ooh we actually just kill this j4 so um
[03:38:18] i think if i get to sona we can win this
[03:38:20] but to sona we can win this but Oh, okay. I gotta go back.
[03:38:46] This isn't actually too bad.
[03:38:49] I can't help you bro. You're just edge.
[03:38:52] Which is not the worst situation to be in right now.
[03:38:59] My team's not the worst.
[03:39:10] Let's see if we can pull this back.
[03:39:14] We kind of autopilot it a bit at the start, but I still think the enemy team is kind of dogshit.
[03:39:19] So I think it's winnable.
[03:39:23] They're probably going to focus me?
[03:39:25] I mean they are definitely going gonna focus me. I mean, they're definitely gonna focus me but...
[03:39:28] It doesn't really matter because like if they focus me it opens up opportunities for my team to play a game.
[03:39:40] Like, if the enemy team focuses on
[03:39:41] the best player
[03:39:41] on the team
[03:39:42] it's not bad.
[03:39:50] Like I kind of want them to focus me.
[03:39:56] Because that means they're using their resources to try and kill me.
[03:40:00] Is it winnable uh i mean maybe
[03:40:03] i think every game in this yellows winnable just depends on like how hard i want to try a lot of League of Legends has like winnable games. so We should not do this.
[03:40:46] Oh, we're doing it.
[03:40:47] Fuck it.
[03:40:55] Voidware has no Smite, so it's a little risky.
[03:41:17] And I'm on a pink ward. not the worst i need to get more doms damn i think we're gonna lose mid turret which kind of sucks but
[03:41:22] it is what it is
[03:41:24] yeah which kind of sucks but it is what it is
[03:41:43] yeah we lose mid turn here and then I am not actually going to walk through this dragon fight.
[03:41:45] So, I don't think we win this dragon fight and we have no vision of dragon
[03:41:49] fight right now or the dragon i think it's a horrible
[03:41:52] fight to take.
[03:41:57] I'm going to try and get gold.
[03:41:59] We don't lose off of this dragon.
[03:42:03] If we lose this,
[03:42:05] we only lose three drakes so So it's not the end of
[03:42:06] the world and we have a wave that I can play topside with
[03:42:12] with Baron so i'd rather use baron here and try and get some
[03:42:15] some extra golds. okay we got that guy's tp because you see like i just got a
[03:42:34] ton of gold right that gold i just got is worth more than that third drake.
[03:42:44] Because we're not going to win off of stalling that dragon, but we might off of getting like an extra 2 000 gold
[03:42:58] right Thanks for watching! Dude, Sona just did not want to help me there.
[03:43:22] But it's fine.
[03:43:24] I threw away my Baron but I killed two of them
[03:43:26] and got a shutdown.
[03:43:35] I'm just trying really hard to get my BT as fast as possible. I reeeally need BT right now.
[03:43:37] I don't even care about IE, I'm pretty sure
[03:43:49] I actually lived there if
[03:43:51] If I buffered my R. But it's fine.
[03:43:57] Once we get BTE, we should be able to just win the game. Not a huge deal.
[03:44:05] We have three minutes till the next dragon, so it's not a big deal. so So What is this put my AD at?
[03:44:39] 265...
[03:44:42] 290?
[03:44:43] Ooh, that's pretty good.
[03:44:49] Our team is fighting over no objectives
[03:44:53] So when your team does this where they get bored and start
[03:44:55] fighting over no objectives and shits.
[03:44:56] Your job is just push waves, so they can't push waves.
[03:45:00] You see how they're trying to like push the waves in right now?
[03:45:03] Bard is on my left, so we can't really... I can't really walk up yeah so uh so I really wish Sona would sit with me.
[03:46:01] If Sona sits with me, we'll just win the game because...
[03:46:05] Like her stats will be too good.
[03:46:09] My last item is probably going to be IE, but...
[03:46:16] I need to try and make a pick on somebody on bot side of the map right now.
[03:46:21] Alright J4 is right here Uh oh, I think I'm dead.
[03:46:37] Yep! That was my bad.
[03:46:39] That's probably the single worst play I made.
[03:46:42] My team can't win this fight without me. That was probably the single worst play I made.
[03:46:44] My team can't win this fight without me,
[03:46:46] I should have just Bumper Jumped the J4 ults.
[03:46:49] Just wait for me or go to Dragon guys.
[03:46:53] That's why I i wanted the uh sona to come with me but she was a little late
[03:46:58] to the play and i should have just waited for her that was 100 maybe like 100 my bad might be
[03:47:11] like a hundred percent my bad there uh oh my team's chasing zed instead of doing drake
[03:47:19] go to the dragon. Don't let them walk into the drake. Sona, don't walk down! No no no!
[03:47:21] Don't walk down! Walk to your team!
[03:47:23] Sona, walk to your teammates!
[03:47:26] Okay, Sona's retarded.
[03:47:29] Instead of walking to her team she walked directly into four people on the enemy team.
[03:47:35] Well let's hope J4 can steal this. I mean Volgar. so Fuck me. I think we just lost the game.
[03:48:05] Fuck, man! We got the dragon? I should have jumped out instead of in.
[03:48:11] That was my bad.
[03:48:15] Just don't die and maybe they can stall like maybe this Sona can stall. Just don't die.
[03:48:20] Please don't die man!
[03:48:22] Like dude, what does that ward
[03:48:24] do?
[03:48:26] What retard thinks-
[03:48:30] We need to boost it hard things oh anything
[03:48:36] like dude are you human like dude diamond players are not human like this guy is actually not a human being.
[03:48:40] Like, I can physically see this person drooling on themselves trying to figure out the next best play.
[03:48:46] Like...
[03:48:49] Like, like, I don't even know. I'm stupid.
[03:49:05] You are indeed, Sono. You are indeed. so I'm going to go ahead and do that. so so don't just walk with me please don't face check kill this guy right now go Why is my sona at DC?
[03:50:13] What the fuck man. Like what the the heck what the absolute
[03:50:18] fuck
[03:50:22] but she actually was bc'd I can carry this still.
[03:50:44] You know what?
[03:50:45] Fuck it, fuck this Sona.
[03:50:46] I'll win without her. You want to rage quit like a little bitch? That's fine, I'll win
[03:50:53] without you pussy. so so so so Oh, we didn't lose? so now you came back moron so so That guy actually fucking lived. Oh my god, I'm bad.
[03:52:42] Damn it.
[03:52:44] I mean surely my team can 1v3 the Zed.
[03:52:46] I fucked up and died.
[03:52:52] Kill the dragon!
[03:52:55] Guys, just do it.
[03:52:59] Fight them! You're 4v2!
[03:53:03] Holy crap! Do the dragon!
[03:53:11] Do the dragon! Please stop chasing. Guys do the dragon!
[03:53:30] Weetons! Guys, guys go do Drake. Like literally only dragon matters! Holy shit why are we chasing kills?
[03:53:40] And...we lost drake. Because my team chased the kill and that that 30 seconds that they chased lost us to dragon. That is why you don't
[03:53:42] chase kills.
[03:53:45] God, I hate
[03:53:46] retarded players.
[03:53:49] Like it's disgusting watching how dumb every single one of these human beings is So, right for our teammates.
[03:54:45] I mean, that was my mistake because I inted trying to kill the Seraphine. That's just Oh my bad.
[03:54:48] Like dude, like what is this?
[03:54:49] Whatever, I'm done.
[03:54:52] I'm done, my Sona's fucking retarded.
[03:55:01] The retard! The retard! done my sona is fucking retarded like I'm six item tryst and my sonas hugging our a trucks man like what are you doing
[03:55:06] like how fucking mentally retarded are
[03:55:11] you we need to bring back shaming like
[03:55:13] this sona could feel pure shame for how she is playing this game.
[03:55:18] Like, ult the waves!
[03:55:22] Ult the wave! wave back
[03:55:35] Sona I know you're watching the stream.
[03:55:37] Listen, I'm gonna be real with you bro. You have no friends IRL
[03:55:41] Your mom doesn't love you. Do the world a favor.
[03:55:45] Gotta get back up! You're a sad, pathetic loser.
[03:55:51] And I mean that.
[03:55:54] Like you're just queuing up to grief games
[03:55:56] because it's fun for you.
[03:55:58] Just fucking quit.
[03:56:02] You are so unfun dude.
[03:56:06] Maybe my Sona will finally come with me.
[03:56:15] Crazy! crazy so Oh man. oh my god.
[03:57:19] Dude, what am I watching? watching.
[03:57:28] Are you people human?
[03:57:32] ... Are you people human? Dude, I don't know what to say right now we need to just go do baron like badly Our top is pushing in really hard. like we have to do something that's not just running in circles guys okay fight them Okay.
[03:58:34] Victor went back to defend, and then my team engaged after victor went back like dude i don't know man
[03:58:49] like what is this? What am I watching? Nah.
[03:58:53] I'm so frustrated. This is disgusting to me.
[03:58:57] ... This is disgusting to me.
[03:59:06] These players need to be put down...
[03:59:07] Some sort of kennel.
[03:59:15] Fun- Yeah, you fucking suck! What do you mean fun? Bro, you're bad! Maybe if you didn't suck balls, you would have fun.
[04:00:10] Are you kidding me? so.. Holy fuck, man. I am disgusted right now.
[04:00:17] Like, actually disgusted with the play that I'm watching.. Oh, I'm so disgusted. You guys have no idea.
[04:00:40] Like, I want to smash my face into a wall how disgusted I am.
[04:00:44] I'm actually disgusted I am. I'm actually
[04:00:45] disgusted.
[04:00:48] Volibear,
[04:00:50] like just a
[04:00:50] mental retard. Why are we scared to talk?
[04:01:10] Add me, pussy.
[04:01:13] Are we scared?
[04:01:15] Scared of communicating?
[04:01:17] Are we a fucking bitch?
[04:01:24] My god, you disgusting subhuman pieces of trash. Like, you're so bad. Every one of you is so bad.
[04:01:47] Like it makes me physically ill knowing you breathe.
[04:01:54] Like watching you people try and function is like,
[04:01:56] I want to watch you.
[04:01:57] I would pay money to watch you shop for shoes. Because I know you get lost
[04:02:01] like, no joke,
[04:02:03] you try and shop for shoes,
[04:02:05] you'd somehow get lost
[04:02:06] and end up buying a camel.
[04:02:10] Like, you're so retarded
[04:02:11] Look how bad
[04:02:13] You are
[04:02:14] All you had to do that game
[04:02:15] Whatever
[04:02:15] All you had to do
[04:02:16] Was group with your AD
[04:02:17] And you auto win the game
[04:02:18] I'm not even kidding
[04:02:19] You just group
[04:02:20] With your AD carry
[04:02:21] You automatically Win that game.
[04:02:23] But you guys are too fucking stupid. Like, you're too mentally
[04:02:25] retarded to even attempt to do any
[04:02:27] of that. Instead, you guys are like
[04:02:29] nah man, like, I'm gonna go
[04:02:31] do my own thing we taught it
[04:02:32] with a W because I can't say the word R
[04:02:36] I can't sound it out
[04:02:38] god
[04:02:40] I fucking hate these
[04:02:41] pigs of human beings.
[04:02:45] Oh, well. You know what is going to be great though?
[04:02:58] Riot confirmed they're gonna be hardware banning soft enters soon.
[04:03:01] They confirmed it.
[04:03:03] So if you hard int or you soft, Riot's gonna start hardware banning you not just account banning.
[04:03:14] That is going to be so fucking great when they start doing that. I'm excited. You guys have no idea, I am so excited for Hardware Bans. All of these fucking losers are not going to be able
[04:03:26] To play League
[04:03:27] And it's gonna be fucking amazing You know what?
[04:03:44] Just because of how fucking stupid everyone is,
[04:03:49] you know what I might do?
[04:03:51] Should we just do it? What do you guys think?
[04:04:01] All of these players
[04:04:08] who think I suck or are toxic
[04:04:11] and all these fucking retards...
[04:04:16] I might just do a speedrun account to challenger.
[04:04:22] I might just use one of my accounts and speedrun it to chow.
[04:04:25] Okay, cool. I think one of my accounts is...
[04:04:43] Let me see.
[04:04:46] What account could I use?
[04:04:49] I think there are two accounts that like not being used right now.
[04:04:53] But one of them is chat banned.
[04:04:59] I don't know, I have to see. Let me see. Like, so I might have to play like the five games on it or whatever.
[04:05:22] Let's do it.
[04:05:23] I am so sick and tired.
[04:05:32] I am
[04:05:32] sick and tired of these absolute fucking morons questioning my ability to play League of Legends.
[04:05:46] It's disgusting to me.
[04:06:14] That is the wrong password. I'm pretty sure this account is five game restricted though, so we got to do normals.
[04:06:17] Like i'm almost positive.
[04:07:04] Because I haven't played on this account since last year.. That is. Alright. Actually the last time I put in this account was in February February.
[04:07:17] But you know what? Let's just do it.
[04:07:18] I'm kind of sick and tired Of
[04:07:21] People putting dirt on my name
[04:07:24] I'm a little
[04:07:26] Sick and tired of it
[04:07:27] All of these losers in Diamond and shit...
[04:07:36] I know they don't matter, but you know what?
[04:07:41] I know that these people don't actually matter but let's do it. you
[04:08:15] viewer normals no i'm just going to try and win these normals as fast as I can.
[04:08:22] Like, I would normally play with you guys but I don't wanna like pro long games and shit.
[04:08:25] We'll do sub- sub games another time.
[04:10:09] Okay,..... I'll play in quick play for two minutes. Hello? The fuck was happening? This is wild. League's actually not dead at all.
[04:10:14] Like, I saw the numbers recently it's like very alive. League is very, very alive. like
[04:10:27] league is actually like a super popular game right now okay I mean, it's alive in every region. Like NA is obviously, I mean you're not wrong,
[04:10:59] NA is definitely like lower play than China. You ain't wrong about that
[04:11:10] i wonder if korea is lower than china because they play a lot in korea too but
[04:11:17] i don't actually know what the like they don't actually have the numbers
[04:11:20] available for china like they don't post them.
[04:11:35] Which is kind of fun, right? Like imagine your biggest player base
[04:11:37] you don't even see the numbers on that ship it's kind of funny
[04:11:42] china has the highest play risk i mean i would not be surprised
[04:11:46] i mean they have the highest population! okay What the fuck is this? Oh, something about my settings feels off. I don't know why.
[04:12:49] The fuck?
[04:12:52] Wait, why do I have heal by the way?
[04:12:56] Why did they give me heal and quick play instead of TP
[04:13:00] for mid Trist. What the?
[04:13:12] Worth! Worth.
[04:13:20] Oh, I forgot I don't have TP.
[04:13:32] Is the Trist going boing-boing?
[04:13:37] True.
[04:13:43] True. I did go, boing boing
[04:13:48] you ain't wrong Hey.
[04:14:04] This guy just fucking
[04:14:05] Windwalled my This guy just fucking wind walled my CS. That's toxic as fuck, bro. is What? what Dude, I've been rewatching Game of Thrones.
[04:14:57] I forgot how fucking good the early seasons of Game of Thrones are. They're so fucking beast.
[04:15:04] I had like forgotten because I haven't seen them in like fucking years.
[04:15:08] Like, I remembered they were beasts but but like...I forgot how beast.
[04:15:12] It's a pretty good rewatch.
[04:15:20] Like it's been a pretty nice rewatch.
[04:15:24] What season? I just finished season four I
[04:15:48] Don't actually remember if anything cool happens in season 5 but What What?
[04:16:37] What did this guy just do? so Okay, I think I'm against bots. Okay, I feel bad.
[04:16:42] But I think I'm against actual bots.
[04:16:53] These have to be like brand new players.
[04:17:29] Okay, now I just feel bad. is I don't want to beat up on people in normals that are learning the game.
[04:17:33] But because I was naughty, I have to play my five games.
[04:17:36] Like, I genuinely feel kind of bad about it. What do I do? that Yeah, House of the Dragon is actually pretty good.
[04:17:59] I kind of like it.
[04:18:00] Dude, the...
[04:18:01] The fucking fight
[04:18:03] in the newest episode
[04:18:05] was fucking sick.
[04:18:08] I don't know how
[04:18:09] expensive that shit was to...
[04:18:15] Nah, I'm gonna be real.
[04:18:17] I don't know how expensive that would've been
[04:18:18] to fucking do but like
[04:18:28] I'm gonna- Like to keep it real that was like
[04:18:31] probably one of the most insane insanely cool things i've seen out of the Game of Thrones universe.
[04:18:41] Like, that was a pretty well-anim animated episode of Game of Thrones.
[04:18:45] Or like House Of The Dragon or whatever, it's pretty sick.
[04:18:58] I feel like they blew their entire budget for the season on that episode of the show, though.
[04:19:01] If I'm being honest.
[04:19:03] Like,
[04:19:04] I have a feeling they blew their
[04:19:05] budget.
[04:19:12] The fuck is going on top?
[04:19:19] I don't see her yet up there. the focus going on top
[04:19:36] up Yeah, yeah. Absorb Life is the best rune on Trist by a mile.
[04:19:39] You should take Absorb Life on almost every AD carry, actually, at the moment.
[04:19:45] Like if you are playing AD carry
[04:19:46] at the moment and you don't need Presence of Minds,
[04:19:49] You should almost always take Absorb Life.
[04:19:53] It's too OP.
[04:19:56] If you go versus people without it, when you have it, you'll notice it almost immediately.
[04:20:05] And I don't take Bloodline because Bloodline kind of blows.
[04:20:35] Like, Bloodlines good if you're... Like, if you absolutely need lifesteal.
[04:20:38] I get it on Jinx.
[04:20:40] If you're not gonna build Bloodthirster for a while I get it on Jinx.
[04:20:42] If you're not going to build Bloodthirster for a while, on the champion, it's really good.
[04:20:45] But if you're playing anything where
[04:20:49] you might get an early vamp or early
[04:20:51] sustain.
[04:20:54] It just feels bad.
[04:21:07] Do you guys think my wait time in Quick Play was so long?
[04:21:11] Not because I was too high E-Rogue, but because I was too low Eero to find a game.
[04:21:18] Like, I'm starting to think that
[04:21:19] that was actually what was fucking with it? Like, I feel kinda bad.
[04:21:41] I don't think that's true. They don't get lower priority in matchmaking if you're restricted.
[04:21:50] Restriction has nothing to do with matchmaking. I don't know. Because half of Hyela wouldn't be able to play the game.
[04:22:21] Like imagine you're a high elo player, and you just wouldn't be able to play league
[04:22:30] like 90 of high eos like gets chat restricted at some point disconnected so Do you think if we tried to forfeit, they would just forfeit?
[04:23:05] And we could just save time.
[04:23:08] Oh! Maybe they will. Wait...this is such a good idea.
[04:23:14] Because they're doing bad right? And I'm the one who started the forfeit vote.
[04:23:19] So like maybe they want to get out of the game.
[04:23:24] Come on guys, can we save one more? And then I can...
[04:23:28] Yeah yeah she 1v2'd you look oh no darn hey yes
[04:23:34] Hey yes, hey yes
[04:23:37] Yes
[04:23:41] Quick play doesn't impact her anymore. No.
[04:23:45] Because I have previous season MMR.
[04:24:04] Oh, that's a good one! yes yes yes Yes! It is.
[04:24:10] Okay...
[04:24:15] Is rank restricted? I mean, I am rank-restricted. That's why I'm doing normal games.
[04:24:18] I have to play five normals.
[04:24:22] But the only way you get ranked restricted is by doing...
[04:24:27] The only way you get ranked restricted is literally by chat restriction.
[04:24:49] I got chat-restricted like six months ago, and i never did my games has been destroyed i mean i don't mind Oh, this guy's's good.
[04:25:09] This Caitlyn is murdering my teammates! so so I'm going to go ahead and do this. You don't hurt him if you don't hit him.
[04:25:59] Do you think that Caitlyn can come out of base and one-shot me with ult?
[04:26:06] I feel like she totally could, maybe.
[04:26:10] I don't know, She's two items.
[04:26:12] Not sure.
[04:26:16] It'd be close. so so Man, my teammates are so nice.
[04:27:01] Dude! I'm telling you man...
[04:27:08] Oh my god that is like the most wholesome thing I've read in so long.
[04:27:13] Aww, that's so wholesome.
[04:27:20] Oh.
[04:27:23] Dude, I'm telling you,
[04:27:25] I don't know what it is man.
[04:27:29] Like... The lower level League players
[04:27:31] are like the nicest
[04:27:33] human beings on the planet
[04:27:40] They're such nice people like they just play the game to have fun Like, I genuinely like these type of people.
[04:28:01] Listen you guys...I get really toxic and really mean.
[04:28:06] Right?
[04:28:07] I don't ever get mean to people like this.
[04:28:11] Like, if you're genuinely new to the game or just trying your best...
[04:28:17] ...I won't be mean to you. Cause these people are just vibin'.
[04:28:24] The people that I'm mean too,
[04:28:26] the fucking losers in Diamond and Masters
[04:28:28] who have these like egos
[04:28:31] that just make everybody
[04:28:32] they think they're better than they are
[04:28:34] and they just flame everybody for no reason
[04:28:36] those people disgust me
[04:28:38] but like These people disgust me.
[04:28:45] But like, the people when you play games like this where you're just vibing with
[04:28:48] People who are trying to learn the game
[04:28:52] This person is trying to learn the game so they can play with their boyfriend.
[04:28:54] That's absolutely adorable,
[04:28:55] bro.
[04:29:05] They just want to do something with their significant other that's fun. Now I don't know why they chose League of Legends, like that was not a good choice?
[04:29:09] Right, like that wasn't a great choice, but
[04:29:17] You know I'm not gonna like flame him for it. is Dude, I really feel bad now.
[04:29:42] But I just have to play the normals so that I can get out of this elo.
[04:29:46] Or, so I can play ranked.
[04:29:48] I just feel so bad!
[04:29:53] Oh, I gotta go help my team. They're getting smurfed on. I gotta go help them. uh uh yes take so I mean bro
[04:31:05] Why can everybody who plays this game so just like genuinely nice.
[04:31:29] And they're just enjoying themselves playing normals
[04:31:31] and shit.
[04:31:33] It makes me like...
[04:31:35] it brings a tear,
[04:31:36] you know when the Grinch
[04:31:38] had his heart
[04:31:40] made bigger.
[04:31:43] That's what I'm feeling right now.
[04:31:45] Right? Like, I've been playing League
[04:31:47] in fuckin'...
[04:31:49] fuckin' dogshit
[04:31:51] diamond masters for so long. I forget that like people are actually enjoy the fucking game
[04:32:00] Like it's wild right because like these people are actually just enjoying
[04:32:04] themselves having a good time like they're like worried about playing
[04:32:07] bad and letting people down and shit i'm like no you're fine man
[04:32:10] like what the fuck fuck.
[04:32:16] Like, I just wish everybody was like this mentality.
[04:32:19] Just like have fun
[04:32:20] and play the game.
[04:32:22] Like, I'm sweaty as fuck too.
[04:32:24] Where like, I'm sweaty as fuck too. Right?
[04:32:25] I'm a sweaty motherfucker when it comes to League.
[04:32:28] But I feel like...
[04:32:30] I only get tilted
[04:32:31] When losers are being losers. so I want to fight for these people.
[04:33:15] Like, I want these people to have the greatest time playing this game that they've ever had.
[04:33:23] Like-I wanna protect them at all costs. costs I dare you to do it.
[04:33:46] Go now, Jager!
[04:33:48] How ya feel? You're mine! so I mean, she's probably on like whoever she's vibing with.
[04:34:09] You know? whoever she's vibing with you know they said this is just like
[04:34:19] I were playing we're playing normals.
[04:34:29] Dude you know what we are going to do? I'm gonna tell you guys what we're gonna do right now. You ready? Listen up.
[04:34:34] We're gonna go ahead
[04:34:35] and get this
[04:34:37] account to Challenger.
[04:34:40] I'm going to try hard every
[04:34:41] game that I'm playing on these accounts. I'm gonna M try hard every game that i'm playing on this accounts
[04:34:44] i'm going to mute all every game and i'm going to pretend everybody is as
[04:34:47] wholesome as the people i'm playing with right now
[04:34:50] that's how we're going to do it we're just pretend everybody is just
[04:34:53] as nice as everybody that I'm playing with.
[04:34:56] And we are gonna live in that delusion and not actually hear what these people have to say so um oh um so so so so hey let's go Bro I turn into such a fucking...
[04:37:05] I don't know why
[04:37:07] I turn into
[04:37:08] like
[04:37:10] I just want these people to have like the greatest lives ever.
[04:37:17] Like, I don't know why.
[04:37:20] Like every one of these human beings was like the nicest person.
[04:37:27] Like I don't know why anybody would want to actually play in high elo ever.
[04:37:40] Like, genuinely, man.
[04:37:42] These people are all just enjoying League like they're new to the game, they're enjoying themselves
[04:37:45] and they're just having a good time
[04:37:48] trying to...
[04:37:49] I don't know man
[04:37:51] it touches my heart.
[04:37:57] ... it like touches my heart like i genuinely don't know how to like feel. Like, I don't even want to be ruining the game for those players.
[04:38:21] I was trying to end that game as fast as possible.
[04:38:24] Right?
[04:38:25] Like, I want to get back into rankeds.
[04:38:26] Like, I need to get into ranks.
[04:38:29] I'm in normals? It's not about that it's about like...
[04:38:33] I don't know- it's something about the innocence of these people
[04:38:37] makes me feel
[04:38:39] different.
[04:38:40] I don't know how to explain it.
[04:38:54] Like, it's their innocence and they're like just wanting to play to have fun. I can't explain it.
[04:38:56] I don't know Like, I don't want to ruin these games.
[04:39:18] Like, I have to...
[04:39:21] Dude, this feels so bad.
[04:39:23] I have to play four games
[04:39:24] to get out of normals
[04:39:26] because I'm playing versus actual new players.
[04:39:29] Okay?
[04:39:31] Like, this doesn't make me happy
[04:39:34] These people are just learning
[04:39:36] the game, right like
[04:39:38] This person is trying to play so they can play with their
[04:39:40] boyfriend This person is playing for a reason. to get better so they can put their boyfriend.
[04:39:45] This person was just, like,
[04:39:47] upset that they kept DCing but, like...
[04:39:49] Like, they're just learning the game and trying to have fun.
[04:39:50] Like, this person's iron
[04:40:13] they just play quick play Hi, team.
[04:40:16] Like, dude, are we really gonna like...
[04:40:17] Bro, I need you to not be
[04:40:19] super nice. Like, I need
[04:40:21] bro, I need you to be an asshole.
[04:40:23] Twitch, please. Please be an asshole. Like Twitch please...
[04:40:25] Please be an asshole.
[04:40:27] I can't do this again
[04:40:29] Like i cant sit here and like
[04:40:31] Have wholesome motherfuckers
[04:40:33] in my games. Like, oh my god.
[04:40:36] I don't know what to do.
[04:40:37] I can't-
[04:40:37] I can't do this.
[04:40:38] It's too nice.
[04:40:39] It's too nice.
[04:40:41] Like these people are like
[04:40:42] like they're making me feel so bad.
[04:40:46] Like I just I have to play four games because I was toxic seven months ago, okay?
[04:40:51] I'm not trying to ruin your games.
[04:40:54] Oh, I feel so bad!
[04:40:56] They are just chilling after work having fun oh my god
[04:41:04] hello like oh my god
[04:41:11] when i play something and don't normally play everybody in these games is actually
[04:41:16] like their actual like iron like...
[04:41:21] They're actual, iron new players.
[04:41:25] They are actually iron players or new
[04:41:27] players.
[04:41:29] So whatever I play,
[04:41:30] I'm going to win.
[04:41:33] Like whatever I end up playing,
[04:41:34] I'm going to destroy them.
[04:41:37] And I don't want
[04:41:38] to make people
[04:41:38] who are learning the game not have fun.
[04:41:42] You know? Like, I just feel bad.
[04:41:46] Aww...
[04:41:54] What's that? I hate Diamond players.
[04:41:55] I hate Masters players.
[04:41:56] Like,
[04:41:57] I genuinely hate them as people but these people
[04:41:58] like,
[04:41:59] I can't hate them.
[04:42:00] They're just they're just trying to have fun This is why I don't typically smurf on...
[04:42:20] I don't make new accounts anymore. on, like...
[04:42:23] I don't make new accounts anymore because I don't
[04:42:25] like smurfing in
[04:42:26] actual low elo.
[04:42:29] I don't know how anybody
[04:42:31] could actually enjoy ruining people's time.
[04:42:35] Like, if you're smurfing in Diamond 4 and you're a Masters player or something...
[04:42:41] ...I get it. It's not that big of a deal.
[04:42:44] But if you're like...
[04:42:46] If you're like a fucking diamond player or something, or masters and you're
[04:42:48] smurfing in gold and shit, you're just being an asshole.
[04:42:52] Or bronze or some shits.
[04:42:58] I don't know, man.
[04:43:02] Maybe i'm a pussy.
[04:43:06] Who knows? maybe i'm a pussy who knows maybe i'm just a pussy
[04:43:10] i'm trying really hard to like
[04:43:13] i'm trying really hard to let this guy kill me, man.
[04:43:18] Like, I want him to feel like he made a cool play.
[04:43:22] Well played. still Like, I don't...
[04:43:41] I'm torn.
[04:43:42] I don't know if I should rip the band-aid off.
[04:43:44] Like, I don't know if I should just
[04:43:45] rip the band-aid off so I can get through this quickly or if I should be nice.
[04:43:49] I'm torn.
[04:43:50] I don't know what to do.
[04:44:01] Like, I want them to enjoy their time. But I genuinely...
[04:44:11] This account is like 2 years old, and I've never played normals on it.
[04:44:16] So its MMR is really low.
[04:44:20] This account got leveled like literally with only a Rams or not a rams like bot games or whatever it was
[04:45:13] I Oh, I feel so bad. so so so i mean i don't know what to say i feel like I mean,
[04:45:14] I don't know what to say.
[04:45:15] I feel like in League,
[04:45:17] if League players weren't absolute fucking awful pieces of shit
[04:45:20] 100% of the time,
[04:45:21] I feel like
[04:45:22] everybody would just enjoy
[04:45:24] the game more because the only thing i hate is when
[04:45:29] they're like dog shit awful humans type
[04:45:33] like dog awful oh Oh shit.
[04:46:08] Rengar, you got him?
[04:46:09] I believe in you.
[04:46:14] Well okay,
[04:46:14] you don't understand.
[04:46:20] Masters and Diamond players are like 99 douchebags
[04:46:23] like it's like every other elo might have like a five percent douchebag rate. Masters and Diamond are like 95% douchebag.
[04:46:33] Trust me, I've played enough in the elos that I fully understand how douchey every one of them is.
[04:46:40] Like, it's miserable man.
[04:46:49] Like not- And the enemy is enslaved. Like, not only are they toxic SOBs but like, they suck. So it's even worse.
[04:46:57] And the enemy is enslaved. like imagine you're like an nba player and you have some random street kid come up and call you bad
[04:47:10] because you missed a free throw in like the nba finals
[04:47:14] you're like dude like shut up Oh, my God. okay
[04:47:45] is the call he's kind of good for like mechanics it's not bad
[04:48:00] not the worst All right.
[04:48:01] This is going to be our rule set.
[04:48:02] You guys ready?
[04:48:07] I need you guys to hold me to this. So we're doing the unranked challenger, right
[04:48:09] on this account.
[04:48:11] We're going to try hard every game but i need you guys to hold me to this
[04:48:17] i will not type negative things to my team we will only type macro or not at all.
[04:48:38] I will not add to the negativity of this
[04:48:41] dog shit game.
[04:49:03] Okay. so By the way, this account's MMR is high elo already. Or it's like Diamond so...
[04:49:09] I wouldn't worry too much about like... I'm not gonna be starting the unranked challenger in gold.
[04:49:13] Like, I'm not ruining Gold games.
[04:49:15] It's probably going to get put in like... Probably for my placements,
[04:49:19] gonna be putting high emerald.
[04:49:21] Like I'm assuming it'll be emerald 2 or 1.
[04:49:27] So I'm not just griefing, LoLGames. enemy killing spree Kill me Akali.
[04:49:57] Oh, close. Wait kill that guy!
[04:49:59] I'm trying to make the Akali Oh, close. Wait kill that guy! Aw...
[04:50:02] I'm trying to make the Akali feel good.
[04:50:04] Like i want to make them have a fun time
[04:50:06] but i don't know how to do that without inting
[04:50:09] But i don't wanna int
[04:50:12] like i'm trying to just make sure everybody has a good time in this game.
[04:50:15] That's my goal.
[04:50:17] I'm going to let this J4 kill me.
[04:50:39] Oh, nice! so Yeah, but... Okay.
[04:50:40] Dude, like, let me explain something.
[04:50:43] 10 kills
[04:50:44] on somebody like me is not the same as
[04:50:46] 4 kills on MF. Or 4
[04:50:48] kills on me is not the same as 4 kills...
[04:50:49] You know what I mean?
[04:50:52] Like if I sweat in this normal game right now, you know it's gonna happen. Right?
[04:51:01] If I just full-sweat and it's fucking normal,. It's gonna not be good. I dropped 90,000 damage last game Like, I don't enjoy... Contrary to popular belief,
[04:51:24] uh, I'm an asshole. But I'm not an i don't enjoy contrary to popular belief uh
[04:51:27] i'm an but i'm not an who enjoys beating up on people that i
[04:51:30] am better than like i'm an because i talk
[04:51:33] people right i have ego i should talk people that's? I have ego, I shit-talk people, that's why
[04:51:37] I'm an asshole. But I'm not an asshole
[04:51:39] because I enjoy beating up on lower
[04:51:41] level players. That's
[04:51:42] just stupid.
[04:51:46] If you enjoy queuing into low level players and
[04:51:49] you're a smurf and you do it to feel better about
[04:51:52] yourself i think you're just an insecure little
[04:51:54] bitch i'm gonna be honest.
[04:52:07] Oh, please kill me! Bro, I'm just afk autoing you please
[04:52:11] okay at least he killed me Like, believe it or not, I would love if more people played League, right? Like this is what
[04:52:31] I think you guys gotta understand.
[04:52:33] I don't hate League.
[04:52:34] I know a lot of people are like Geronimo, you're lying. You hate League.
[04:52:37] No, I love this game. This game has
[04:52:39] been a huge part of my life for like 10 years. Right? I played this game. This game has been a huge part of my life for like 10 years, right?
[04:52:41] I played this game through my entire 20s.
[04:52:45] This game is my job. Like, I love this game.
[04:52:47] I love the community that's around the game usually
[04:52:50] but I hate some of the players
[04:52:52] that play it. Like when I get
[04:52:54] frustrated at the game, it's not the game that makes me
[04:52:56] upset. It's the people that are just absolutely
[04:52:58] fucking awful, awful humans.
[04:53:01] So when people like,
[04:53:02] you know,
[04:53:02] who are new to the game
[04:53:03] want to come learn
[04:53:05] the game,
[04:53:06] like I don't want
[04:53:07] to shit on them
[04:53:08] and be like,
[04:53:08] hi,
[04:53:09] you suck,
[04:53:10] blah,
[04:53:10] blah,
[04:53:10] Like I would like
[04:53:11] having people
[04:53:11] who are new
[04:53:12] to the game come learn the game.
[04:53:14] Like our game is gonna die unless we have new players
[04:53:17] constantly joining the game you know?
[04:53:21] And I-I would love having new people constantly joining the game.
[04:53:26] It'd be great. Now I feel bad.
[04:53:39] That's why I don't think, like...
[04:53:43] I think Riot should probably remove smurfing altogether, but that's just me.
[04:53:50] Or if you're not going to remove smurfing, make it so like there's higher
[04:54:00] punishments right? Like if you're gonna allow smurfing
[04:54:02] make it
[04:54:04] no, no. Smurf queue should never be in the game.
[04:54:06] Don't ever talk about SmurfQ again.
[04:54:08] No, no, no.
[04:54:09] Fuck SmurfQ.
[04:54:10] No, I didn't.
[04:54:10] It didn't help anything.
[04:54:12] Listen,
[04:54:12] I'm sitting here telling you
[04:54:14] that I think Smurfs shouldn't be in the game.
[04:54:18] I will never advocate for SmurfQ ever.
[04:54:20] You didn't get to experience
[04:54:22] SmurfQ, okay?
[04:54:24] SmurfQ is the worst thing
[04:54:26] that Riot has ever put into this game by a mile.
[04:54:28] And the reason it is, is because if you were playing on an account that decayed
[04:54:32] You're in smurf queue
[04:54:34] and you wait in 30 minute queues
[04:54:40] to play with quote unquote other smurfs
[04:54:51] just because you decayed an account and it feels awful. Like, for
[04:54:51] actual smurfs, SmurfQ was fine.
[04:54:54] Right? It was like somebody actually smurfing.
[04:54:56] But if it's like
[04:54:57] you had to go do school and you came back
[04:55:00] And you're like, I want to play at the end of the season
[04:55:02] And try and climb
[04:55:03] Then all of a sudden
[04:55:08] You are in 20 minute queues because you were Diamond 1 before.
[04:55:17] Right?
[04:55:18] You're in like, 20 minute queues cause you were D1 or whatever.
[04:55:22] And then, like...
[04:55:23] Now you have to...
[04:55:24] You can't even play the game.
[04:55:26] Like getting into a game was harder
[04:55:28] in Smurf queue than playing the game.
[04:55:32] It just was awful,
[04:55:33] the way they designed it.
[04:55:34] I think SmurfQ
[04:55:34] was a good idea.
[04:55:35] They just designed it
[04:55:36] and implemented it
[04:55:37] really bad.
[04:55:39] So if they brought back
[04:55:40] SmurfQ
[04:55:40] and their idea behind doing SmurfQ was like...
[04:55:44] Let's say they bring back SmurfQ,
[04:55:49] They make it way more accessible to decay.
[04:56:03] I think it'd be fun.
[04:56:08] Right?
[04:56:08] But it's just...
[04:56:09] I don't know.
[04:56:17] I think what would also fix it is you could just leave smurfs in the game if you like account banned people or like uh so i
[04:56:23] think there's not actually that many smurfs in league
[04:56:26] like this is gonna be a hot take but i don't think a lot of people are going to agree with
[04:56:31] i don't think there's that many people like regarding the whole player base
[04:56:36] right? I'm saying regarding the entire
[04:56:38] player base. There's not that
[04:56:40] many smurfs
[04:56:41] Right?
[04:56:44] Like probably less than 2% of the entire player base is smurfs.
[04:56:48] Because there's a lot, like a lot of people who just don't play ranked.
[04:56:51] Right? Like a lot of that league playerbase doesn't play ranked.
[04:56:54] So because they don't play ranked,
[04:56:56] They're probably not even making a second account
[04:56:57] They're just playing normals and shit right?
[04:56:59] So it's probably like 2%
[04:57:01] Less than 2% smurf
[04:57:03] And I think that like
[04:57:05] If Riot was just
[04:57:08] to actually punish people for
[04:57:10] when people do
[04:57:12] smurf and then they get
[04:57:13] let's say
[04:57:17] they do smurf and then get shit on when they're smurfing, or rather they get banned. That's what I'm trying to say, sorry I can't talk right now apparently.
[04:57:27] Let's say they are smurfing but they get banned,
[04:57:29] right? It should
[04:57:31] ban your main too.
[04:57:34] Right? You don't need to
[04:57:35] perma-ban it. Like I'm saying... But like let's say
[04:57:37] your smurf gets chat restricted. Your main is also
[04:57:40] chat restricted.
[04:57:42] If your Smurf gets banned for two weeks,
[04:57:44] your main is banned for two weeks.
[04:57:47] People would still
[04:57:48] Smurf,
[04:57:51] but they would like play
[04:57:52] more proactively to win
[04:57:54] every game when they were smurfing.
[04:57:56] And they wouldn't... They would take their
[04:57:59] Smurfs more seriously
[04:58:00] and then while they're taking their smurfs more seriously and then while they're taking
[04:58:02] their smurfs more seriously right they would also like slowly climb
[04:58:08] to their elo on that account Does that make sense to you guys?
[04:58:13] So if you have people
[04:58:14] who are smurfing with the intent of staying in low
[04:58:16] ELO, if they got banned
[04:58:18] for it... Say somebody was
[04:58:20] soft inting and they're trying to lose
[04:58:23] on a smurf to just mess with people
[04:58:24] because they think it's fun, right?
[04:58:26] So they're trying to de-rank on a smurf.
[04:58:28] If that account got banned
[04:58:30] your main account would get banned too.
[04:58:33] So it would be very
[04:58:35] heavily
[04:58:39] It'd be a lot more
[04:58:44] decentified.
[04:58:46] I don't know what the... De-incentified?
[04:58:47] To smurf and troll.
[04:58:59] Because then, let's say you're on an account that is designed to troll people and shit on bronze players.
[04:59:00] But let's say like...
[04:59:02] You start losing on purpose to get down to that elo because let's say you're a diamond player, and then like
[04:59:06] you lose on purpose to get down to bronze. And then you-you get that account banned in the process
[04:59:10] now your main account is banned. That person's never gonna do that again
[04:59:14] Right? Like th-that'll be one of those moments That person's never gonna do that again.
[04:59:18] Right? Like, that'll be one of those moments where that person says,
[04:59:21] Oh, that is way too risky. I'm ready to pay for this! right i feel like a lot of the reason league players do toxic
[04:59:32] shit is because they can get away with doing
[04:59:34] toxic Maybe if they can get away with doing toxic shit.
[04:59:39] Maybe that's like a hot take and I'm just wrong, but I do feel like a lot of the reason League players get away with shit is because they can.
[05:00:01] Like, what do you guys think? I guess I should have asked you guys.
[05:00:02] What do you guys think about hardware bans and that idea? Uh...
[05:00:11] Hardware bans, and that idea.
[05:00:14] Because Riot actually said recently uh...
[05:00:19] Riot actually said yesterday,
[05:00:20] they came out with a post yesterday which was asking
[05:00:22] the community when they
[05:00:24] should start doing hardware
[05:00:25] bans for people because
[05:00:26] like they...
[05:00:27] I think that they just
[05:00:29] recently...
[05:00:31] I told you guys months ago, remember when Vanguard first got
[05:00:35] implemented? I told you they're going to start hardware banning people
[05:00:39] but to what degree they are gonna to do it? I don't
[05:00:41] know. But they will start hardware
[05:00:43] banning people, right?
[05:00:46] What do you guys think about that?
[05:00:48] Like let's get a discussion going. I mean, I'm just
[05:00:49] playing a normal game so...
[05:00:51] I'm not like sweating or anything we're just playing normals
[05:00:55] Like what do you guys think in terms of like
[05:00:57] Do you think it's a good idea to start hardware banning griefers?
[05:01:00] What- like better, would it improve your
[05:01:02] personal experience playing the game
[05:01:04] to hardware
[05:01:06] banned people?
[05:01:08] Do you think your personal experience playing would be improved
[05:01:11] as just whether you're a casual player, tryhard player or ranked player.
[05:01:18] Do you think making it so people won't be able to make a new new spur for buying new smarts if they get
[05:01:23] banned is a good idea or do you not care
[05:01:30] well the reason that would be a bad idea
[05:01:32] is because...
[05:01:35] Like somebody pointed out. There's like PC Cafe culture.
[05:01:42] This isn't big in EU and NA, but in Korea and China there's a lot of like PC cafes.
[05:01:56] Right? And it
[05:01:58] would be really hard for
[05:02:00] PC cafes to stay in business unless
[05:02:02] they specifically had...
[05:02:04] I think the only way they could do that is if
[05:02:07] they specifically proved to Riot
[05:02:09] that was a PC bank.
[05:02:11] Right? It was like a place where people
[05:02:13] go to play multiple accounts or
[05:02:15] log in from the same IP and shit,
[05:02:17] they'd have to prove to Riot
[05:02:19] so that Riot doesn't hardware ban that.
[05:02:30] Yeah, you're not wrong.
[05:02:30] I mean...
[05:02:32] There's still scripting, right?
[05:02:33] Like, I was watching Humstream and he's already...
[05:02:36] He's playing on the Middle East server, right? And he's already ran into
[05:02:39] a ton of Scripters on the Middle East server.
[05:02:43] Like, Vanguard can't
[05:02:45] ban every Scripter, right? Because it's like
[05:02:47] it's not possible.
[05:02:48] There will always be like new script stripping software
[05:02:52] there's always like new cheating ways all that shit you're basically just
[05:02:55] playing a game of like can we stop them before
[05:02:58] it gets out of hand?
[05:03:03] I do...
[05:03:04] I have not seen a single Scripter on NA.
[05:03:06] I'll say this.
[05:03:07] I haven't seen a single Scripter on NA
[05:03:09] since,
[05:03:10] uh...
[05:03:13] Since Vanguard
[05:03:15] got implemented
[05:03:16] I haven't seen a
[05:03:16] like personally
[05:03:17] I haven't seen
[05:03:17] a single scripter.
[05:03:24] But obviously like i'm you know not
[05:03:42] i'm not playing in like, I mean, I guess I'm not playing in, like... I mean,
[05:03:42] I guess I'm
[05:03:42] playing in Masters
[05:03:43] and Scripters
[05:03:44] are in Masters
[05:03:44] a lot.
[05:03:46] But...
[05:03:46] I haven't seen
[05:03:47] a lot of Scripters
[05:03:48] personally.
[05:03:55] The Scripter got banned by a guy in high elo? I mean, then Vanguard's doing its job right if it is banning shit.
[05:04:05] There are ways to bypass Vanguard right now.
[05:04:07] Like, I know for a fact there's ways to do it.
[05:04:10] You know what's kind of sad?
[05:04:11] I think I've told you guys this story, right?
[05:04:14] I'm pretty sure I've told this to you guys before.
[05:04:20] There was a guy I was playing with last split
[05:04:23] This was like two weeks
[05:04:25] before Vanguard came out, right?
[05:04:27] And I was queuing up with him on my
[05:04:29] off-stream account and he was
[05:04:31] a... He's a scripter.
[05:04:34] And I played with him one game,
[05:04:36] and I added him because he knew who I was
[05:04:38] so I added him and I was like hey
[05:04:40] what are you gonna do when VanGun
[05:04:42] comes out? Like I was just trying to talk to him right
[05:04:44] cause he wasn't a douchebag. He was like... He was a cheater
[05:04:46] but like he was weirdly
[05:04:49] nice. I mean don't
[05:04:51] get me wrong. I reported him.
[05:04:52] Just to clarify right now before you think of an asshole.
[05:04:54] I reported the guy. But there's only so much i can do right so i just
[05:04:57] added him to have a discussion after reporting him and he was like he was like yo uh vanguard
[05:05:02] only gets the cheap scripter software so if you're if you're not using like the top-of-the-line script or software.
[05:05:08] So if you're not using the top of the line scripting software,
[05:05:11] Vanguard gets it 100%.
[05:05:12] But he was telling me that there's
[05:05:14] software that can bypass
[05:05:16] Vanguard because people do it in Valorant.
[05:05:19] That's how he was telling me, right?
[05:05:21] Because Vanguard has been
[05:05:22] in Valorant for a while.
[05:05:24] So he was like,
[05:05:24] there are scripts
[05:05:25] and aim bots and things
[05:05:27] that can bypass Vanguard,
[05:05:29] they're just extremely expensive.
[05:05:33] So you're still going to have people scripting
[05:05:40] and cheating in the games. They're just going to be paying more...
[05:05:43] Before Vanguard,
[05:05:46] you could just download a script for free, he was saying.
[05:05:49] You could just download shitty scripts and maybe
[05:05:52] you'd get caught, maybe you wouldn't but they worked is what he was saying. He said those
[05:05:57] scripts would essentially be good enough to get like average players
[05:06:00] to masters or whatever, right?
[05:06:04] But now it's like,
[05:06:05] now that Vanguard is out you can still script.
[05:06:08] but it's just way,
[05:06:09] way harder because you have to download a lot
[05:06:12] of software and you have to
[05:06:14] set it up in your computer a way
[05:06:16] where Vanguard can't detect it or something.
[05:06:18] There's something weird with it.
[05:06:20] I talked to this guy for like an hour about this shit.
[05:06:23] Because I thought it was interesting,
[05:06:25] right? Because I was like...
[05:06:26] This is my only chance to talk to a scripter who's
[05:06:29] like... He seems like he doesn't get...
[05:06:31] You know what it was? The reason he was being nice to me
[05:06:33] If you guys actually want to know and I can prove this by the way
[05:06:36] Because I took screenshots of what he typed to me because if I thought it was funny
[05:06:41] So I can prove this but he was the reason i thought it was so funny
[05:06:47] was because uh he was asking me to report directly to riot like he was asking me to report directly to Riot.
[05:06:55] He was asking me to go into the
[05:06:57] LPP Discord and send
[05:06:58] Riot... He was snitching on his fellow
[05:07:01] scripters that he didn't like.
[05:07:04] He linked me
[05:07:05] nine accounts in Masters that were all scripters,
[05:07:09] and he was like, all of these people are awful people. You should get them banned.
[05:07:14] And he just snitched on all of them.
[05:07:17] I was like, bro, this guy is goaded.
[05:07:21] He's talking
[05:07:22] to me about how they're scripting
[05:07:24] that... He wasn't flaming me.
[05:07:26] He didn't try and gaslight either.
[05:07:28] My favorite part is like,
[05:07:29] I respected him because he didn't gas light.
[05:07:32] He literally just said yes,
[05:07:34] I'm a scripter.
[05:07:37] He was like yeah, I'm a scripter. He was like, yeah,
[05:07:37] I'm a scripter.
[05:07:38] I'm not worried about Vanguard because I have the expensive
[05:07:40] version of the scripts.
[05:07:41] I do this for a living.
[05:07:42] He was basically saying
[05:07:43] he scripts for a living.
[05:07:44] He makes money off
[05:07:45] of scripting to like
[05:07:46] Grandmaster challenger
[05:07:47] he showed me three accounts that he had in challenger at that moment he had
[05:07:51] three separate accounts and i looked him up and i trusted him
[05:07:54] because they were all accounts with only zary
[05:07:57] it was literally only zeri played on every account,
[05:08:00] and he had like 90% win rates in Challenger.
[05:08:03] And he was like all I want you to do
[05:08:05] is make sure you report these accounts
[05:08:07] and they linked me like 10 accounts, the link to Riot.
[05:08:10] And I thought it was absolutely fucking hilarious.
[05:08:12] Like, I couldn't stop laughing. You know what I did really enjoy?
[05:08:28] Not a lot of people
[05:08:29] know this, but you know the software that lets you see like the champ select or whatever?
[05:08:33] One thing I thought was really...that I really enjoyed with Vanguard is that
[05:08:39] The first week Vanguard came out,
[05:08:42] Twitter exploded because tons of people were getting banned
[05:08:49] because that's a third-party software and Vanguard detects it.
[05:08:54] So people were getting two-week banned off of their Champ Select thing
[05:09:00] that showed who was in Champ Select.
[05:09:03] And I was loving it, man.
[05:09:04] I was all for it.
[05:09:05] People were like, dude, that's not fair.
[05:09:07] Why am I getting banned?
[05:09:08] I never bought other scripted.
[05:09:09] And I'm like, do you use the fucking third-party cheating software?
[05:09:12] And they're like, yeah. And I was like, do you use the fucking third-party cheating software? And they're like, yeah.
[05:09:13] And I was like...
[05:09:14] Deserved.
[05:09:25] Guess I've got banned by it?
[05:09:26] Yeah, deserved.
[05:09:38] Wait, that Lee Sin just ward jumped! Okay we're not in Kansas anymore.
[05:10:23] That guy just ward jumped to auto me Dude, I can safely say that I never used the champ select screening thing, and I'm happy that people who did use it got bans. See, I feel bad. Like...
[05:10:25] See stuff like that makes me feel bad man.
[05:10:28] Cause like what if this Diana just got home from their
[05:10:32] 7 hour shift at work and they're just trying to play a game
[05:10:36] with their friends.
[05:10:44] But at the same time, Riot's system says that I have to play five normals before i can play League of Legends again.
[05:10:51] So,
[05:10:52] I feel bad. There should be an outlier.
[05:11:01] I should, like...
[05:11:02] There should be a timer.
[05:11:03] Like if it takes me nine months or whatever
[05:11:04] like if I don't play on the account for nine months
[05:11:06] I should be able to just skip this.
[05:11:09] I just feel bad right now. Like i think i made the Diana AFK
[05:11:13] Yeah, like I made the mid afk
[05:11:16] Now I feel really bad man
[05:11:20] God damn it!
[05:11:24] No, I agree.
[05:11:25] I don't think...
[05:11:26] I think if you're
[05:11:27] chatbanned
[05:11:27] you should not be able
[05:11:28] to go into games
[05:11:29] with new players.
[05:11:32] Like, if you're...
[05:11:33] My account's level 40, right? This account's
[05:11:36] a very early account, but it's level 40.
[05:11:39] I should never be
[05:11:40] able to play with a new player ever.
[05:11:48] Just ever. I just shouldn't. Like, I don't know how Riot fixes that but I shouldn't be able to play with new players
[05:11:58] four foot ten i mean i i don't have any control over it
[05:12:01] it's the enemy team. But yeah, I mean it. I don't think you should
[05:12:10] be able to play with... Like Riot should not subject normals players to chat band people
[05:12:18] like if you get it should be even worse like as i'm doing this while
[05:12:22] chadband okay i i'm gonna advocate for this right now
[05:12:27] and this is like i'm chat band so i i i this would affect me
[05:12:30] i just want to make that clear i think riot
[05:12:34] shouldn't should put all of the chat banned people...
[05:12:38] You would have to wait in long queues if you get chatbanned,
[05:12:42] To play with other chatbanned people.
[05:12:44] So it'd be double the punishment, right?
[05:12:48] So it'd be like...
[05:12:50] Like, instead of putting me in a game
[05:12:53] with people who are literally brand new
[05:12:55] to the game and forcing me to shit on
[05:12:57] fucking bronze players
[05:12:59] so that I can play ranked again,
[05:13:02] you should just
[05:13:03] put me in a game. Make it
[05:13:05] a 30-minute queue.
[05:13:07] I guarantee
[05:13:08] if you made chat restrict
[05:13:10] a 30 minute queue, I would never
[05:13:12] fucking type again.
[05:13:14] Even in my most heated moments
[05:13:15] I would be like Geronimo remember that time you had to wait four hours
[05:13:19] to do five games you don't want to do that again like it would be like trauma
[05:13:30] right Right?
[05:13:32] So it's like, why not do that?
[05:13:36] Like, I should be punished because I'm chat restricted.
[05:13:39] And there should be something that punishes you for that. punished because I'm chat restricted.
[05:13:40] Right? And there should be something that punishes you for that.
[05:13:42] But putting me against people
[05:13:44] that are just playing after
[05:13:45] one or two games of normals after work
[05:13:48] or what if these people are brand new to the game
[05:13:50] and they're just learning League because one of
[05:13:53] their friends asked them to play League or something, right?
[05:13:56] The friend's like, hey, you should
[05:13:57] learn League. And he's like, sure, I'll try it out.
[05:13:59] And like, you go versus me
[05:14:00] like chat restricted on a Smurf sure i'll try it out and like you go versus me
[05:14:01] like chat restricted on a smurf
[05:14:04] in a normal game and like i just
[05:14:07] kill you before the lane starts
[05:14:10] like i don't want to be here i don't
[05:14:13] want to be doing that but i don't have a choice because i was
[05:14:17] toxic so because i was toxic i'm punishing new players.
[05:14:26] Like that
[05:14:27] to me seems really fucking
[05:14:29] stupid.
[05:14:31] You know what I'm saying?
[05:14:36] Yeah. You know what I'm saying? That is why Riot's like, oh new players don't come to League.
[05:14:39] It's because the new player experience in League is awful.
[05:14:46] Like, it's actually awful.
[05:14:48] Like, the new player experience
[05:14:50] in League of Legends is fucking horrendous.
[05:14:57] ... fucking horrendous. Like,
[05:14:58] that's what I'm saying. It's like, dude,
[05:15:07] I'm okay with admitting I should be punished
[05:15:09] because I deserve it.
[05:15:11] I was toxic, right?
[05:15:13] But I just just feel bad man
[05:15:19] because if these guys were also assholes i wouldn't feel bad
[05:15:23] like you guys know you can go back in my VOD three hours ago.
[05:15:27] And I was telling people to not wake up tomorrow.
[05:15:30] Right? In-game.
[05:15:32] I was like dude, I don't want this guy to wake up in game tomorrow because he was being such a piece of shit in the Diamond game, right? You can literally
[05:15:37] go look it up in the VOD three hours
[05:15:39] ago. And at the same time
[05:15:41] like
[05:15:42] if you're... But if you're new and
[05:15:45] you're trying your best and you just want to have fun
[05:15:47] Like, I'm okay with shitting on people who are awful
[05:15:50] Like, I'm okay with
[05:15:52] Shitting on douchebags, right?
[05:15:53] Somebody gets chat restricted and I'm chat restricted
[05:15:55] I'm okay with shitting on that guy because we're both assholes
[05:15:58] but like i don't want to fuck with the innocent guy man
[05:16:05] by the way the only reason i'm whining about this so much is it's like this
[05:16:08] shit actually kind of bothers me.
[05:16:12] Like
[05:16:12] I'm not just trying to play this
[05:16:14] Like
[05:16:14] This empathy card
[05:16:16] Or something
[05:16:16] It's always bothered me.
[05:16:19] It's why you guys Don't see me smurf On accounts Like, this shit actually- it's always bothered me.
[05:16:23] It's why you guys don't see me smurf on accounts that aren't in Diamond or Masters.
[05:16:28] When was the last time you saw me smurf on any account that wasn't in Diamond or Masters masters it's like never right like years i'm talking
[05:16:34] like like years ago
[05:16:38] and it's because i don't like ruining the experience for new players. Dude, everybody's so nice man.
[05:16:58] Fucking A.
[05:17:03] Dude, I'm going to hell.
[05:17:06] Like there's a nice spot in hell with Geronimo's name on it, man.
[05:17:09] I'm going to hell.
[05:17:14] Like I'm I'm going to fucking hell man Like, I want you guys to look at this.
[05:17:33] Do you think this is fun for anybody?
[05:17:36] Like, be realistic.
[05:17:41] This is a 26 minute game.
[05:17:43] Was this fun for a single human being in this game?
[05:17:50] I did 84,000 damage in 26 minutes and got two pentakills.
[05:17:57] I didn't have fun!
[05:18:00] Nobody else was having fun!
[05:18:09] Like... Like, there's no way! Right? Look at this.
[05:18:13] It's like I was playing a co-op versus AI bot game.
[05:18:25] I just feel bad.
[05:18:27] I had more kills than I think both teams combined.
[05:18:35] 27,
[05:18:37] 31.
[05:18:39] I had
[05:18:40] 33 kills and both teams combined
[05:18:43] at 34 without me.
[05:18:45] So it's 34
[05:18:46] kills to 33.
[05:18:54] Okay. So it's 34 kills to 33. It's just not good.
[05:18:57] The only reason I'm doing this is because I want to do my unranked Challenger on this account.
[05:19:02] Like, I wanna prove to you like rejects...
[05:19:05] Or not-not you guys but like THE rejects
[05:19:08] I wanna prove to YOU THE rejects
[05:19:13] That I can get Challenger in my main account.
[05:19:17] My Geronimo accounts too hard stuck and my other accounts,
[05:19:19] uh,
[05:19:38] I don't wanna play on world first
[05:19:55] i mean i guess I could play on this one.
[05:19:57] Right?
[05:19:58] I guess I could play on this account.
[05:20:00] My nobody really accounts. This account had a bit of a loose streak too.
[05:20:05] I haven't played on this account in a month.
[05:20:11] But, I mean...
[05:20:13] I guess I could play on this account.
[05:20:14] I just don't want to.
[05:20:19] I guess I could, though.
[05:20:27] I think this was a different... This is my other account that's no longer... Oh, no. This is my account now.
[05:20:33] This is the account I play with friends on. Like, I duo with friends on this account.
[05:20:40] It's like High Emeralds.
[05:20:43] I don't have an account below High Emerald MMR.
[05:20:47] I refuse to play below higher worlds
[05:20:51] like the last time i remember i played
[05:20:58] the last time i played below like diamonds on a smurf was when...
[05:21:01] Dude, these people are too nice man.
[05:21:04] They're too nice.
[05:21:07] I don't know what to do.
[05:21:10] I'm going to hell. I'm going to hell.
[05:21:12] They're too nice. They're too nice.
[05:21:21] I'm going to hell. Like, this is crazy.
[05:21:24] Ugh... We're on game four, man.
[05:21:41] Ugh... I'm going to hell.
[05:21:46] 100%. The main map is too small compared to the map cover?
[05:21:58] Ah, that's probably true actually.
[05:22:00] Wait why am I using a map cover in normals?
[05:22:02] That's kind of worthless huh?
[05:22:08] This guy playing mid Ashe? Hey! Wait, this Ashe is autoing me.
[05:22:26] Okay, this Ashe might be a little bit better than Bronze.
[05:22:31] He's taking smart trades.
[05:22:33] Wait, I might actually be able to have fun.
[05:22:37] I don't know, we'll see.
[05:22:41] If he doesn't back up no never mind
[05:22:45] you know what i'm not gonna be able to have fun i take it back
[05:22:52] nevermind Nevermind.
[05:23:03] Dude, you know what's actually kind of funny?
[05:23:06] I think Xayah might be OP right now.
[05:23:10] Like, I think Xayah might be an OP AD that I haven't looked at in a while.
[05:23:15] Like lowkey.
[05:23:21] I saw some high level people playing her and she actually seems pretty good.
[05:23:26] What do you all think of this game? This is a normal game and I'm going to hell.
[05:23:29] That's all you need to know.
[05:23:33] I am doing my Riot mandated punishment
[05:23:40] by shitting on new players so that I can play ranked. And I'm going to hell, so.... I got chat restricted in February on this account. And I can't play ranked until...
[05:24:10] I do my Riot-mandated...
[05:24:14] Toxic shit.
[05:24:21] Like, surely this is more toxic than whatever the fuck I said.
[05:24:25] Like...
[05:24:31] Like straight up, this has to be more toxic than whatever the fuck I said. Right? Like, this has to be.
[05:24:37] ...
[05:24:54] ... February? Oh no, this is just one of my accounts I don't play on. Like, I have a thousand other accounts.
[05:24:56] My main's not restricted.
[05:25:00] My smurf isn't restricted. Worldforce isn't restricted but like world force isn't restricted
[05:25:03] geronimo's not restricted well geronimos like chat restricted but
[05:25:07] that's like a year and a half or whatever
[05:25:09] that was from like a year no that was actually from over a year ago.
[05:25:15] I don't know if Geronimo will ever get un-chat restricted, I have no idea.
[05:25:18] Like, I'll be real...
[05:25:20] I can't even remember when I wasn't chat restricted on that account.
[05:25:24] Didn't it get unrestricted in April?
[05:25:26] No! So this is the fun,
[05:25:28] this is the fun part.
[05:25:30] The day it was supposed to get unrestricted
[05:25:32] it just re-restricted me until
[05:25:35] January 1st of
[05:25:36] 2025.
[05:25:40] I didn't even get to...
[05:25:43] Nothing happened. It was just like, you have a new one.
[05:25:45] I'm like, oh.
[05:25:46] Okay.
[05:25:47] My apologies.
[05:25:48] I will improve.
[05:25:51] That account's honor is actually high again.
[05:25:56] Like what? is actually high again. Like, low-key that account's an honorable account.
[05:26:00] I get rewards! I just can't type because it's been so
[05:26:04] fucking long. so No, this account
[05:26:36] I'm not chat restricted.
[05:26:38] I mean, like I I'm not chat restricted.
[05:26:44] Like I said, I got chat restricted on this account like six months ago, whatever February was...
[05:28:00] But I just never did the games to get unrestricted. I think this is the first time I've seen an invade. The Sona Smolder Invade was not something that was on my bingo card. so I don't know man This ashes movements not that bad
[05:28:03] He's probably at least gold.
[05:28:09] I would put this guy like, gold maybe?
[05:28:13] He's not the worst player well he's
[05:28:15] not he's definitely not like iron
[05:28:19] but he's moving his character
[05:28:23] and he's like actually kind of auto-spaced me once.
[05:28:25] Where he had the advantage and auto spaced me a single time.
[05:28:29] He also built Cole which is kind of impressive.
[05:28:33] Because he knows what Cull is.
[05:28:39] So maybe I don't feel as bad. I'll just stay until i get my fucking item.
[05:28:54] I mean dude like i said, i'm just gonna be delusional.
[05:28:57] What I'm going to do is I'm just going to mute every...
[05:28:59] Hey! Where's the stun timer?
[05:29:01] I'm just going to be
[05:29:02] delusional when I finally
[05:29:05] get to play ranked.
[05:29:06] I'm just going to mute all every game and i'm gonna pretend
[05:29:09] that everybody's really nice and wholesome so we're just going to be like ultra delusional so Like somebody pings me, I'm gonna be like
[05:29:33] Oh he's pinging me because
[05:29:35] I made a cool play
[05:29:36] Not because he wants me to kill myself.
[05:29:41] Smiley face.
[05:29:55] Oh, no! Let me get in there.
[05:29:58] Dude, I'm not gonna lie.
[05:30:01] It is hard to be an actual good role model in the League community
[05:30:05] because everybody's such a piece of shit
[05:30:13] Because it just gets you you. Once you play League for like...
[05:30:17] Hours and hours, months at a time and days
[05:30:21] The toxicity seeps into your balls.
[05:30:23] Like, it just feels so bad.
[05:30:27] I got you, Ashe.
[05:30:28] I won't let you die to the turret.
[05:30:29] I got you, bro. I got you. Yeah, Broxa? There's a few. Broxah is really nice.
[05:30:41] Sturgeson is's really nice. Xerxes is also really nice.
[05:30:46] Like, Xerxes is nice, Broxah's nice...
[05:30:48] There are a few other people that I can't think of right now but there are a few streamers that are pretty nice
[05:30:57] like even with all the toxicity but i mean i've seen broxa loses minds
[05:31:02] like i've seen bruxa lose his mind to toxicity too.
[05:31:05] And Broxah is like one of the nicest fucks in the League community.
[05:31:08] I've seen him lose it, to people being toxic.
[05:31:16] Even like... Like, even the most pure
[05:31:18] mental players
[05:31:20] will lose their minds sometimes.
[05:31:25] Azap's really nice. I think azap just has like ridiculously good mental
[05:31:30] like i don't know what's up with that guy's mental but his mental is like the
[05:31:34] best mental of anybody i've ever seen in my life.
[05:31:39] Like he can somehow
[05:31:40] no matter what
[05:31:43] the game state is
[05:31:43] never get upset
[05:31:45] or he gets upset
[05:31:46] but he like
[05:31:46] doesn't show he's upset in
[05:31:50] game. Like he'll whine on stream or something.
[05:31:55] He's definitely
[05:31:56] a mental fucking monk.
[05:31:59] Also, he's just weird...
[05:32:01] Like, what?
[05:32:02] Also, I have no idea how the fuck...
[05:32:06] I don't know.
[05:32:09] That was weird.
[05:32:10] Uh,
[05:32:10] I have no idea how the fuck
[05:32:12] Azab gets the challenger
[05:32:14] on the world's worst champion.
[05:32:18] Oh see,
[05:32:19] this is, see? This is...
[05:32:19] See, like...
[05:32:20] Guys.
[05:32:21] This is what I'm used to, right?
[05:32:23] Like, this is good.
[05:32:24] Right?
[05:32:24] Like, now I feel like
[05:32:26] I'm at home in League of Legends.
[05:32:27] Right?
[05:32:29] Report Ashe. Report Shaco racist. Okay. legends right report ash report shako racist like see this is what now we're getting into league
[05:32:35] right like this is there you go
[05:32:41] see now i feel better about shitting on them.
[05:32:43] Because like
[05:32:43] I know they're pieces of shit.
[05:32:46] So like
[05:32:46] Now I don't feel as bad.
[05:32:49] See that's what I needed
[05:32:50] I needed them to be assholes in all chat so I knew they were douches.
[05:32:54] Because now I feel good about it. Like they deserve it. But like before, you know? They didn't deserve that okay This guy just said it's okay our jungler has no brain.
[05:33:33] My Darius then? okay our jungler has no brain my darius then
[05:33:39] like real talk though like why are we flaming guys i'm hitting their nexus.
[05:33:49] Why are you guys flaming each other?
[05:33:50] I'm literally hitting their nexus.
[05:33:53] What happened to the, like, three games ago where i had the people who like
[05:33:55] the one dude was like fucking learning the game for their
[05:34:00] boyfriend or some shit like bring that guy back right like i
[05:34:04] want i want that guy to come back what happened to that guy girl whatever is i don't know tissue
[05:34:09] paper pigeon or whatever the fuck people are
[05:34:13] you know like that person i want that person my game I Dude, I miss when...
[05:34:42] I genuinely miss when... Uh...
[05:34:55] When League League's always been toxic, but I miss when League was
[05:34:57] more like personable.
[05:35:00] I don't know how to phrase it.
[05:35:04] Like, when League was more
[05:35:06] kind of AP Soraka?
[05:35:08] Bro, what the fuck?
[05:35:12] Well, our Trist is plat.
[05:35:16] Bro?
[05:35:22] No wrong. Social, I don't know.
[05:35:32] I kind of wish it was more social.
[05:35:35] Like, even when people were toxic
[05:35:36] the game was more fun when people always
[05:35:38] talked to each other.
[05:35:40] Nowadays
[05:35:41] League has turned into this wasteland of just... nobody communicates with each other ever. Because everybody's scared of getting banned.
[05:35:56] Like, unironically I think Riot adding really strict chat restrictions...
[05:36:08] ...I think it unironically made people more toxic
[05:36:22] because you can get banned for just saying stupid shit.
[05:36:26] Like, not even- like, you could ban it from being toxic and that's fine...
[05:36:29] But sometimes people will get banned for just...
[05:36:32] Saying dumb shit.
[05:36:41] Not always, like I- just so you know, like...
[05:36:45] ...I know people in chat like to cope and say like, Geronimo that's me! i said oh my god have a nice day and i got perm
[05:36:47] bands no you didn't okay you said oh my god have a nice day and then you said the n-word five times
[05:36:51] like don't don't be don't pretend you know like don't pretend that's you like that's not no but there are people
[05:37:00] that will like accidentally trigger it so So Anytime a chatter says I was banned I'm like, no you're not. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it.
[05:37:29] Anytime a chatter says
[05:37:30] I was banned unfairly
[05:37:32] I know that they are lying
[05:37:35] Just letting you know
[05:37:36] Like if a twitch chatter goes
[05:37:37] Geronimo
[05:37:41] I got banned for two weeks unfairly. I'm like no you didn't know you didn't it's so rare.
[05:37:45] Like I don't think people fully understand just how rare it is
[05:37:48] for like outliers of people getting banned that don't deserve
[05:37:51] to be banned. It's incredibly
[05:37:53] rare.
[05:37:59] I think
[05:38:00] I've gotten banned when I didn't deserve it one time in 10,000 games of League.
[05:38:09] One time. And I messaged riot and they lifted my band because i if i remember correctly
[05:38:19] uh it was a game where i was getting dove and fanboyed by the enemy team like
[05:38:23] crazy i had like 13 deaths or something i went like 1 13 and 0.
[05:38:29] and i got uh ticketed so my account got banned.
[05:38:33] And I just messaged Riot the next day
[05:38:34] and then banned my accounts
[05:38:35] because I told them to watch the VOD
[05:38:39] because in the VOD,
[05:38:40] I was still trying to win.
[05:38:42] I ended up taking four turrets or something it
[05:38:45] was obvious i wasn't trolling and that might be like the only time.. All right, last game.
[05:39:20] Last game. Let's make this one quick
[05:39:22] so we can get to ranked.
[05:39:24] I don't want to beat up on gold players no no we're getting into the elo we're Nah, nah, nah.
[05:39:37] We're getting into the ELO where these people are like...
[05:39:40] You saw it last game?
[05:39:41] Everybody was being toxic, right? Like that Ash trolled
[05:39:44] and some guy...
[05:39:45] See, we're getting into the ELO now where
[05:39:47] these people are
[05:39:48] actually assholes
[05:39:49] so I don't feel
[05:39:50] bad about shitting
[05:39:51] on them.
[05:39:59] Like we're getting into the MMR range where we're playing against like
[05:40:00] people that aren't terrible.
[05:40:03] So...
[05:40:07] I feel less bad about gapping them because they're just toxic.
[05:40:18] Ashe tilted because of
[05:40:20] skill gap?
[05:40:21] Yeah, but the fact he was being a toxic fuck
[05:40:23] doesn't like... You can tilt
[05:40:26] because I'm better than you.
[05:40:28] Like that's fine.
[05:40:31] But Like, that's fine. But like... when you're being
[05:40:33] toxic- a toxic fuck, like c'mon
[05:41:02] Like just be Why'd you be tilted? Just don't say anything. so Minions have swarmed. Maybe we should shoot faster!
[05:41:12] The first rule of League was to blame jungle, and she did.
[05:41:15] Yeah, and this was her jungler.
[05:41:17] Her jungler was level fucking six.
[05:41:26] So Ashe was level 161. Ashe was level 161
[05:41:30] blaming the level 6 player.
[05:41:32] So yeah, I think the ash is a moron No, I have uh...I have IRL friends that have never been banned.
[05:42:03] Like they're pretty wholesome nice people so Oh. I think i'm dead.
[05:42:46] Wait, that Trundle did a good combo. He auto-queued.
[05:42:49] That was well played! Nice job!
[05:43:06] Oh... That's quite well played. Wait, wait, I'm gonna get Wait.
[05:43:11] Wait, wait, wait, wait, I'm gonna get solo killed.
[05:43:14] Okay.
[05:43:15] Listen.
[05:43:17] Listen!
[05:43:23] I was one-handing the...
[05:43:26] Listen.
[05:43:27] Okay?
[05:43:28] That wasn't my fault.
[05:43:29] I was drinking,
[05:44:00] and I tried to like... reposition. so Dude, I'm never gonna live that down. They're gonna draw. Remember that time in that normal game?
[05:44:06] That you got solo killed by a fucking level 5 player?
[05:44:08] I don't know, but no.
[05:44:09] I don't.
[05:44:11] But I will remember.
[05:44:12] I will never forget.
[05:44:15] The North never forgets. uh What are you doing?
[05:44:41] Yeah, what television shows
[05:44:42] are you guys watching right now?
[05:44:44] You guys watching anything cool?
[05:44:49] I said earlier, I started uh... I started rewatching Game of Thrones because it was kind of fun. Or I forgot how good it
[05:44:53] was and I wanted to like remind myself. And yeah, it's pretty good. It's a shame it ended at season six. one huh By the way, I just want to point something out.
[05:45:43] Okay?
[05:45:44] Just to like...
[05:45:45] Because I can't prove this any other way than
[05:45:48] like this.
[05:45:49] Just remember if you guys ever say stuff
[05:45:52] like geronimo like whenever i'm teaching
[05:45:55] you guys by the way i get i get told this a lot when i'm
[05:45:58] teaching you guys where i'll have like a silver player or
[05:46:01] a gold player or some shit or a bronze player they'll be like
[05:46:04] geronimo if you did that in my elo it wouldn't work
[05:46:08] like i'll do something and i'll say this is how you're supposed to do this right
[05:46:11] and then people will be like no that doesn't work in my email
[05:46:14] i just want you to understand like i dropped a double pentakill
[05:46:18] 12 cs a minute.
[05:46:25] 33 kill game against silver players.
[05:46:29] You guys genuinely
[05:46:33] are silver because you belong there. Like, just... understand that, okay?
[05:46:37] It's hard
[05:46:39] to explain but like, you guys have to
[05:46:43] ... but like you guys have to
[05:47:21] you just gotta understand that type of sometimes so I might have let him back.
[05:47:23] I'm not gonna fuck with this back,
[05:47:24] I would feel bad.
[05:47:36] You have to assume nobody has mechanics well no
[05:47:37] what I'm saying though
[05:47:37] is like
[05:47:38] mechanics are
[05:47:39] no mechanics
[05:47:40] right
[05:47:40] it's still
[05:47:41] that's part of
[05:47:43] playing league
[05:47:44] having mechanics
[05:47:45] is part of
[05:47:46] playing the game
[05:47:46] so if you guys are in silver and you're drawing them on Like, having mechanics is part of playing the game.
[05:47:47] So like if you guys are in silver and you're like Geronimo none of my teammates would have made this play with you
[05:47:52] If I did the same thing
[05:47:53] I'm like well I mean...
[05:47:56] You're just wrong
[05:47:57] Like that's what i'm trying to get at right? It's like people were just wrong. Like, that's what I'm trying to get at, right?
[05:47:59] It's like people are just wrong.
[05:48:01] Like anytime you make an excuse
[05:48:03] for being stuck in whatever elo you're in
[05:48:05] and if it's not Masters
[05:48:07] If you're not stuck in low Masters
[05:48:08] that is the only elo I will allow
[05:48:11] people to make excuses for being stuck in.
[05:48:14] That is literally
[05:48:15] the only elo I will allow
[05:48:17] because
[05:48:18] you can be in low masters and genuinely be stuck. That elo is miserable. Miserable.
[05:48:37] I watched QTpie sit in low masters for a thousand games last season,
[05:48:43] and then he went up to 1000 lp challenger in a week that that elo is a pit of hell that no man deserves
[05:48:49] i would not wish games of low masters on my worst enemy.
[05:49:06] I'm just dead, huh? Wow. That was well played.
[05:49:14] No, like straight up though it's actually a circle of hell.
[05:49:22] Who wins between a Fiddle and a Warwick? They're both just healing.
[05:49:29] I guess we found out! up where's the action up
[05:50:04] yeah i found the fid. What's up bro?
[05:50:09] What do you guys think Fiddlesticks name is outside of Fiddlesticks? Like if he had like...
[05:50:13] If Fiddle had a name that wasn't fiddle what do you what would you call
[05:50:16] him
[05:50:19] you know like a normal name
[05:50:25] is he like a Robert?
[05:50:30] Aw, he's not a Steve. No way.
[05:50:33] Fiddle does not give me Steve vibes. Austin? What are you trying to say?
[05:50:51] I don't think Fiddle gives Austin vibes. Austin gives me vibes of like really good at League, tall, handsome...
[05:50:57] Just a really intelligent awesome cook.
[05:51:03] That's like the vibes I get from Austin you know?
[05:51:17] I'm staying in an enemy team. Young, too.
[05:51:18] Like really young.
[05:51:19] You know?
[05:51:20] Not 30. Not know? Not 30.
[05:51:21] Not 33,
[05:51:23] like 17.
[05:51:24] Like just...
[05:51:26] Like a young powerful fucking
[05:51:28] unit of a human.
[05:51:39] That's ag the Austin vibes, you know? I'm gonna get ulted by Fiddle in about five seconds.
[05:51:51] Wait! Nooooooo! Your team has destroyed No!
[05:51:59] Austin gives me 5-2 vibes.
[05:52:07] That's... that's... there is no way. You're just incorrect.
[05:52:36] That's just incorrect. so Yo, what's up Warwick? Thanks man.
[05:52:38] We're seeing it bro. so so so so so uh has been slain an enemy has been slain
[05:54:17] what's your guys favorite name what would it be this guy says Ben.
[05:54:23] I wonder if that's his name?
[05:54:27] Is everybody's favorite name their own name? There is no way.
[05:54:31] Right? There is not way everyone's favorite name is their own name. Well, some people have to hate their name
[05:54:37] Like there's got to be somebody out there
[05:54:51] Is Because, like, you don't have any control over it, right?
[05:54:55] Like, your parents could troll your ass off when you're
[05:54:56] at birth and you're just like
[05:54:58] my name is stupid.
[05:55:01] They could literally just name you stupid
[05:55:02] and you would just be stupid.
[05:55:05] You just have to deal with that.
[05:55:08] You are
[05:55:09] stupid until you can name change.
[05:55:18] What's the legality behind name changing, by the way?
[05:55:21] I'm actually curious.
[05:55:29] Like do you have to be a certain age? Or is it all just like... Parents can tell you that you can do it if you're below 18.
[05:55:33] You have to have parental- Yeah sure, you can change his name Dude, what are Elon's kids names?
[05:55:53] Aren't they actually super fucking weird so oh you want to troll this fucking kid super hard your team has destroyed a current shut down so I was trying to end this game um
[05:57:06] my adhd is kicking in and i'm starting to get like
[05:57:10] bored let's try on this Bored.
[05:57:12] I'll try and end this.
[05:57:21] Sure way to win this, right?
[05:57:28] Well... you know
[05:57:32] A three item yordle is no match for a spinny man.
[05:57:44] I think I was outplayed.
[05:57:48] Dude, I can't believe I lost that!
[05:57:51] That's actually crazy.
[05:57:54] Teammate? Phage? Steel Caps... I was up two levels. He was level 11 when I fought him.
[05:57:59] So I was up 2 levels.
[05:58:01] I landed every spell? I didn't have ult, I guess but...
[05:58:05] Damn! I thought I could just stat check him.
[05:58:07] Straight up! I thought I could 100% just stat check his ass.
[05:58:15] ... so so Fuck, dude their spawn timers are so slow. so Wait, wait I suck.
[05:59:16] What you got this? I believe in your setup.
[05:59:22] Nice try. Ooh.
[05:59:43] Okay, let's see it, Senna. Give it to me?
[05:59:44] Oh!
[05:59:46] Give it to me, Senna!
[05:59:48] Oh shit, the movement!
[05:59:50] Oh, the spacing! Let's go!
[06:00:50] Come on! all the spacing let's go so let's go so so Oh my god!
[06:01:19] Wait, that guy just outplayed me. so What? Wait, what? No.
[06:01:23] Wait for Harold? Why?
[06:01:27] Why am I waiting for the Herald? Wow. Report. What do you mean?! What did I do?
[06:01:47] You wanted to watch Shelly dance?
[06:01:51] Ah.
[06:01:52] But the Herald was top!
[06:01:57] Like how...
[06:01:58] It had to go through like five turrets how would he have gotten there All right.
[06:02:18] I think it's time we play some ranked i'm gonna get some water though i'll be rb
[06:02:28] there's an ad playing right now anyway so half the stream is watching that ad............ Fuck! Oh, whatever.
[06:04:52] I'll be right back........ Oh, okay. I'm back. Sorry. I'm back. I'm back.
[06:06:22] Oh yeah! I wanted to watch this thing on Twitter.
[06:06:25] One of the other like high, high-yellow coach people
[06:06:27] made a video on
[06:06:29] Agur and AFKing his game.
[06:06:35] He made, like,
[06:06:36] a commentary video
[06:06:37] on Agur and AFK-ing that game.
[06:06:39] Because there was this Reddit thread about, oh,
[06:06:41] Agur and AFK'd the game because some guy was controlling him.
[06:07:22] Yeah. okay Yes, thank you. Listen this is something that I think makes me really frustrated because Riot has this idea
[06:07:25] that it's okay to play League, quote unquote your way. Right?
[06:07:26] The problem with that is when your way
[06:07:29] like intentionally forces every other person to play around
[06:07:32] your way of playing, it is a griefing way to play the game.
[06:07:36] Like if your way of playing the game only works
[06:07:40] if every single other person on your team plays around you
[06:07:43] correctly.
[06:07:45] That's not a good...
[06:07:47] That's not fair
[06:07:48] to your teammates, right? That's shitty.
[06:07:51] It's really shitty because then everybody is like,
[06:07:54] you're not enjoying the game.
[06:07:57] If I have a guy who's saying – this was back to the –
[06:08:02] do you guys remember back in – is like maybe seven years ago five
[06:08:05] years ago.
[06:08:05] I don't know when this was but like the Timo thing
[06:08:09] with that Timo guy who got into the argument
[06:08:13] with nightblue,
[06:08:14] and it was all over Reddit right?
[06:08:16] And it was because like the Teemo guy
[06:08:18] was literally walking top every single game.
[06:08:20] Yeah Nubrak!
[06:08:22] He was walking top he's playing Teemo support
[06:08:24] and he would walk top every game
[06:08:26] and just AFK in the lane and stealth every single game
[06:08:28] you played.
[06:08:29] And it was like ruining everybody's games because
[06:08:32] everybody has to play around that now,
[06:08:33] right?
[06:08:33] Like your AD carry didn't sign up to have to 1v2
[06:08:36] the lane with a Teemo sitting top.
[06:08:38] Your top laner didn't sign up to be like
[06:08:40] 1v2ing
[06:08:41] because this guy wants to sit in their lane and
[06:08:44] soak their XP blah blah blah
[06:08:45] and he doesn't say...
[06:08:47] He didn't say he was going to do it in champ select.
[06:08:48] He just does it every game where he did it, right?
[06:08:51] I feel like that play style,
[06:08:52] it's so unhealthy because Riot
[06:08:54] allows stuff like that to happen.
[06:08:57] And then if a Gurren doesn't want to sit in the game
[06:08:59] with somebody doing that, so he leaves?
[06:09:01] Now, a Gurren is punished
[06:09:02] because he didn't want to spend 25 minutes of his time
[06:09:05] playing a game out
[06:09:07] that he would have had to specifically
[06:09:08] play around that player griefing.
[06:09:11] I'm
[06:09:12] with Agurin leaving the game,
[06:09:14] personally. Like, I know that's kind of a weird
[06:09:16] toxic take, but I don't think it's okay for people to like play champions
[06:09:24] like this off meta play styles and then if it goes badly,
[06:09:29] your teammate just has to suffer.
[06:09:32] Because you want
[06:09:33] to play how you want to play. It's just really stupid.. yeah so Yeah.
[06:10:17] Exactly.
[06:10:18] This is what I'm saying.
[06:10:19] If you want to play an off meta champion in a lane that's fine right there is nothing wrong
[06:10:24] with that like it sucks like obviously like if you want to play teemo support you can play teemo
[06:10:30] support if you're playing support, that's the
[06:10:33] thing that I think people... Because you can dodge that, right?
[06:10:35] Like if I don't want to play with Timo's support, I just dodge.
[06:10:38] But like
[06:10:39] if that guy is going into the game and I'm like
[06:10:41] hey fuck it, maybe this Timo's support is good and then he sits top the game, and I'm like, hey, fuck it. Maybe this Teemo support's good.
[06:10:43] And then he sits top the entire game
[06:10:45] and ruins the entire game
[06:10:46] and your idea going into the game
[06:10:48] was that you were gonna have a support
[06:10:49] and now you don't
[06:10:50] because he has a different playstyle?
[06:10:52] That is something that... He's just toxic like it's up
[06:10:57] that's like something i'm trying to get through you guys
[06:11:02] because yeah that's a that's a very shitty playstyle.
[06:11:43] Okay.. Exactly.
[06:11:47] This is what I'm saying. It's like...
[06:11:48] There's some games
[06:11:50] are just not playable, right?
[06:11:53] Like
[06:11:53] he cannot
[06:11:56] physically play the game right now.
[06:11:59] Like, his bot side camps are not up, right?
[06:12:01] This is like the only way he can get gold.
[06:12:04] He can't walk into the enemy bot side to take camps when shit like this is happening?
[06:12:10] Because look at the enemy mid.
[06:12:11] It's 5-0.
[06:12:13] The enemy, like...
[06:12:15] fucking Leona could just roam.
[06:12:18] There's no way for him to play the game.
[06:12:25] Yes.
[06:12:38] Hmm! I have not watched this before, by the way.
[06:12:44] Listen, listen, before you guys try and expose me i have never watched this video
[06:12:53] i have never watched this. But I knew
[06:12:54] this was exactly the same
[06:12:56] thing.
[06:12:57] It is not okay to have these
[06:13:00] off-meta playsty styles if your team does not want
[06:13:03] to play with this. Yes, it was awful.
[06:13:25] It was absolutely terrible.
[06:13:28] Yeah, it sucked.
[06:13:29] It was awful. so See, this is the issue that I have with the League community.
[06:13:52] People...
[06:16:58] Hold on. I was going to flash the video....... Okay. See. Okay.... I'm going to go ahead and do this. nice you can send a bill to my uncle Welcome to Summoner's Rift. I'm at my best when the world's on the brink of a disaster. 30 seconds until minions fall. yeah
[06:17:16] i rarely know what i'm looking for, but I always find it.
[06:17:27] Minions have spawned. Anyway.
[06:17:43] Like I was saying,
[06:17:45] I think it's stupid that we...
[06:17:47] That like the League community will
[06:17:49] demonize people for not wanting to waste
[06:17:51] their time, but they ignore
[06:17:53] the people that are doing the griefing
[06:17:55] that caused the waste of time
[06:17:57] to begin with.
[06:18:00] That's all I was going to say i think it's stupid I hate the word
[06:18:12] or procured.
[06:18:16] Don't make me feel like God damn it.
[06:18:20] Huh! uh so What the fuck? How am I missing so much CS? Hold on, what is going on?
[06:19:00] My brain hurts.
[06:19:05] What the fuck?
[06:19:13] ... but i haven't lost my reward uh so uh uh What the fuck did I just watch?
[06:20:12] Hold on, something weird is going on with my mouse. mouse What is happening?
[06:20:40] My mouse dying? The fuck?
[06:20:43] Like straight up, I don't know what that was.
[06:20:50] How weird.
[06:20:52] Wait, they actually backed at a good timer? Wow.
[06:21:00] I hope it's fixed.
[06:21:08] Feels better.
[06:21:09] Definitely feels better than it did.
[06:21:21] That was really weird. It was like hyper...
[06:21:28] I don't know how to put it, it was like fucking with the speed.
[06:21:37] So I couldn't control my mouse speed as well.
[06:22:04] It's really awkward. Whoa. They got flashed on me?
[06:22:08] Ooh, okay.
[06:22:11] I think we should have killed that guy when he flashed on me just now, but...
[06:22:25] Oh I'm dead. I'm just bad 100%.
[06:22:29] I was not paying attention to that.
[06:22:31] Ooh, I gotta lock in! I'm like...
[06:22:32] Getting shit on because I'm autopiloting.
[06:22:35] Trying to figure out what's going on with my fucking mouse.
[06:22:40] I gotta walk in, though.
[06:22:43] Like nothing changed! Hold on. I'm just unplugging it really quick and seeing if I can't get all of you to be supporting me. hmm Hmm.
[06:23:27] I'm gonna have to play a little bit more passive until 6.
[06:23:34] That first fuckup with my mouse, where I just sort of inted and got Seraphine killed...
[06:23:37] Like, I got her killed too.
[06:23:43] Because she committed to the fight, then I wasn't paying attention and I died to TF. On a good note, we're still in a good spot though.
[06:23:47] We have almost our entire turret so...
[06:23:51] We have Dragon, we have almost their entire turret.
[06:23:53] We are chilling. I just have to
[06:23:57] focus up
[06:24:01] Pretty sure Shaco is bot right now. I maybe should have pinged the Shaco. Maybe that's my bad. so so so uh uh Gotta be careful, because the TF can just ulti bot right now.
[06:25:35] Yeah we gotta back off because TF can come.
[06:25:49] TF could go top here too. If Smolder stays, we can probably kill him.
[06:25:59] It depends on that.
[06:26:05] Because we can kill him, but she has to land her ulti on him.
[06:26:12] Oh! Ulti him!
[06:26:17] Ooh, I just missed
[06:26:18] two of my spells
[06:26:19] on a guy who was ulted.
[06:26:24] Ooh, Seraphine also missed her spells. that's not good. Don't do it! Don't do it! I don't know if they can actually shove that in... Maybe
[06:26:31] they can? Man, I am playing kinda bad.
[06:26:36] It's okay though.
[06:26:39] I think it's cause I'm fucking... first of all, I haven't played ezreal in like a month and a half
[06:26:45] not 80. i've played him mid but i haven't played him in a week
[06:26:48] i gotta shake off the rust i'm playing like the hardest mechanical ad
[06:26:52] and my fucking mouse fucked up early
[06:26:57] I lost my early game.
[06:26:59] I'm just bad.
[06:27:34] Ah, we chillin'. ah which one though um Hmm, gotta be careful of Tiff.
[06:28:02] I don't know where Tiff is so we gotta chill shago's bot too I don't know where Chaco is, I just know he's bots. Because I saw him for like half a second on that ward.
[06:28:07] Okay, went mid. We're chillin'.
[06:28:12] TF could still ult so we gotta be able to care.
[06:28:18] If Seraphina has ult, we can probably just kill them with TF ults though so it's not that bad. wait someone made Ooh.
[06:28:45] Sona with the mid gank out of nowhere!
[06:28:48] Seraphine should just cheese this guy.
[06:28:52] I mean, we could still get TFf games but if smolder stayed here
[06:28:57] okay he didn't oh yeah i should have been more patient. Ooh, this isn't good.
[06:29:15] That was really good though!
[06:29:17] That's a good play.
[06:29:21] Ooh, Ultrim?
[06:29:23] Okay. Back up?
[06:29:30] I'm gonna get my Triforce
[06:29:33] This is a... I'm gonna get my triforce
[06:29:39] This is a me fucking up the early game really put us behind
[06:29:47] Because uh ezreal's like a champ that has the snowball.
[06:31:24] That is really bad Nunu gank. He has no damage. all right we're gonna get back to it uh uh I'll come back later. so so so Whoa. Whoa!
[06:31:27] I should have flashed sooner, I didn't know he was gonna burn me alive.
[06:31:32] My bad.
[06:31:35] We're still fine, but I definitely should've flashed that.
[06:31:39] Because I thought he was going to back up. so so No time to waste! I'll take that down uh so I want to play really far forward but i can't
[06:33:06] we envision We need vision.
[06:33:11] Like, Seraphine needs to get some wards down. She has very low vision right now.
[06:33:18] It's really hard for us to play her with such a lot of vision.
[06:33:26] She is going to get ulted. she's gonna get olden yeah so. so uh um Dragon's up. I just don't know if we can fight it.
[06:34:37] TF is top, so there's a chance.
[06:34:42] We need to get... I don't know about this, man.
[06:34:45] Like, I can't follow up on that.
[06:34:51] Like, I really can't.
[06:35:01] Uh oh!
[06:35:03] Ooh, that was a really good rumble plank actually though. Like really, really good.
[06:35:10] Yo... don't waste bolts on their support.
[06:35:18] Just play with me only.
[06:35:22] Okay?
[06:35:24] Sarah, don't R them in your decks.
[06:35:28] I got this.
[06:35:35] Let me play please. I got you but I need time. This role sucks. I want less time. is destroyed
[06:35:51] like yeah my team's like gapped out of their fucking minds this game but
[06:35:54] we can still win that's just how League works. so uh The beaten path is a boring path.
[06:36:46] An enemy has been slain.
[06:37:48] Get out! me uh uh i got to retrain my brain for it's actually kind of awkward. Oh no, what are you guys doing? They are just not having a fun time.
[06:37:59] I'll be real, this rumble is way better than
[06:38:01] ROF.
[06:38:22] Okay. Oh, wow. Damn, I mean this game is my fault.
[06:38:25] I could have easily snowballed this if I didn't fuck up my lane phase
[06:38:27] because the enemy bot lane is not very good snowballed this if I didn't fuck up my lane phase.
[06:38:28] Because the enemy botlane is not very good, but I couldn't push my lead and it's a
[06:38:32] Sona so if you don't push your lead early, you can't really play the game right?
[06:38:36] ... Can't really play the game, right?
[06:38:43] It's Mulder Sona.
[06:38:47] So we have to win lane and I fucked up the level 2.
[06:38:50] I don't know what it was.
[06:38:52] I, like, unplugged my mouse and plugged it back in and my mouse is fine now.
[06:38:54] Before though, it was like...
[06:38:57] Like, it actually had something wrong with with it i don't know what it was
[06:39:04] we're gonna get flanked by rumble so uh bad guys The problem is my Nunu has mentally given up already.
[06:39:49] Damn, everybody on my team I think is mentally giving up already.
[06:39:55] Damn.
[06:39:56] I might have to play a different champ than Ez in this elo.
[06:39:59] Like, I might have to play an even harder snowball champ
[06:40:09] like this yellow like low diamond is not about anything other than like tilting your opponents This Rumble is actually not that bad by the way.
[06:40:27] The Rumble's smurfing.
[06:40:29] I see why he shit on our Olaf,
[06:40:31] He's actually not bad.
[06:40:40] Damn, that one misplay early...
[06:40:44] Like I couldn't carry my team because they all tilted too hard.
[06:40:49] Yeah, I think I need to play something more aggressive. Like, I have to really win lane in low diamonds
[06:40:54] Because these people are like...
[06:40:56] Low diamond is like low. They're both the same. If they get behind, they tilt incredibly hard. Like, they don't want to play levels of tilt if they get behind. because the enemy ad wasn't that good and the enemy sona was really bad
[06:41:14] i just needed to uh not up my Airbnb. Okay. Let me see. Do I have every AD carry on this account?
[06:41:36] I don't even know.
[06:41:37] Because, I think when I'm going to play... accounts i don't even know
[06:41:39] because i think what i'm going to play
[06:41:41] if tristana's banned
[06:41:42] i think i'm gonna play uh
[06:41:44] i can play ezreal but
[06:41:47] i have to play like actually perfect
[06:41:49] to make ezra work cause you have to play like actually perfect To make Ezreal work
[06:41:50] Because you have to pretty much 1v2 the lane
[06:41:53] Like Ezreal's fine but you have to
[06:41:57] Really make him work
[06:41:58] To snowball in this elo.
[06:42:03] So I could play for scaling too, like I could just go something like
[06:42:09] I could just go something like Kaisa.
[06:42:12] The problem with scaling is, you saw last game
[06:42:16] if you try and play scaling versus scaling in this elo
[06:42:20] You pretty much coin flip if your team's going to tilt before you can get out of lane.
[06:42:24] So I have to push my lead by being a better player.
[06:42:27] I could play Jinx too, or Ashe.
[06:42:29] I'm gonna play Ashe actually.
[06:42:31] I think Ashe would be really good in the silo
[06:42:36] like if i play ash i can 1v2 everything without trying we'll get quirky too
[06:42:48] i could buy lucian
[06:42:52] okay i think we're good.
[06:42:55] Zeri's not bad either but i'm not very good at Zeri.. Yeah, I mean...
[06:43:30] Damn, I wish my mouse hadn't fucked up.
[06:43:33] Like obviously the rest of the game
[06:43:34] wasn't the mouse's fault, but like me dying at level
[06:43:37] two to a Sona smolder.
[06:43:39] Like it sucks.
[06:43:40] Cause like when I,
[06:43:41] when I went into fight my
[06:43:42] mouse and like moved me
[06:43:43] backward.
[06:43:44] I didn't mean to.
[06:44:19] Yeah. I didn't mean to. That was very unfortunate. Awesome. if i really wanted the power through this dog shit elo, I would just play mid-top.
[06:44:22] I want to do it on AD.
[06:44:24] But if you really want to power through this elo,
[06:44:26] you just play mid-top every game and you just
[06:44:28] shit on everyone.
[06:44:31] Like, I could just play fucking Mundo or
[06:44:32] Vayne top and just 1v9
[06:44:34] and then mid you just play Trist Corki
[06:44:37] but I don't really want to do that. All right, yeah we're fine.
[06:44:59] So I was looking at the stats, I was like my.
[06:45:03] I was trying to figure out like I was looking at the settings and I mouse since i'm not in queue.
[06:45:08] I don't know nothing's off I don't know why it was maybe there was like something wrong with the connection because it's
[06:45:12] like a wireless mouse but it's working after i re-plugged in
[06:45:17] like it's like there's no issues maybe i just have to unplug
[06:45:21] and plug it in again.
[06:45:24] Everybody was always right.
[06:45:26] You just unplug it and plug it in again,
[06:45:27] and you're chilling.
[06:45:31] Just like everybody...
[06:45:34] Everybody always Just like everybody, everybody always said. So I think we'll go Trist or we'll go Ashe.
[06:45:53] I can still play Ezreal in some matchups,
[06:45:56] but I think the hardest carry champs right now is...
[06:46:01] I just play Trist Ashe.
[06:46:14] Okay. stash. Yeah,
[06:46:15] that's what we'll do.
[06:46:18] I don't know if I want to do Thank you. so okay What are you doing, dumbass?
[06:47:16] What are you doing, cat?
[06:47:20] What are you doing?
[06:47:20] What?
[06:47:23] You just giving away?
[06:47:26] Yeah.
[06:47:39] Haha! Dude, the way my cat lays... I need to take a picture of it sometime for you guys.
[06:47:43] She lays completely on her back!
[06:47:47] Like, my other cat hates being on her back
[06:47:51] This cat lays directly on her back. This cat lays directly
[06:47:53] on her back, feet straight up
[06:47:55] in the air.
[06:48:02] It is the funniest looking thing you could ever imagine.
[06:48:07] It is so fucking funny.
[06:48:09] Thank you.. Barrier's better than heal?
[06:48:28] Uh, yeah.
[06:48:29] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[06:48:30] Barrier is a lot
[06:48:31] better than heal.
[06:48:33] I think barrier
[06:48:33] is better on every AD
[06:48:34] right now. Like, I think yourier's better on every AD right now.
[06:48:36] Like,
[06:48:36] I think you should just always default Barrier
[06:48:38] instead of Heal
[06:48:39] unless they have something
[06:48:40] that you should cleanse.
[06:48:42] Like,
[06:48:42] that game they had Tristana
[06:48:44] or that game they had
[06:48:45] Poppy Vigar game they had Tristana, or that game they had Poppy
[06:48:46] Vigar
[06:48:48] I don't
[06:48:51] remember what the rest of their comp was. It was like Poppy
[06:48:52] Vigar something
[06:48:53] But But you don't want to...
[06:49:01] Heal's just not worth it.
[06:49:03] If you want to take heal bot, your support should
[06:49:05] take it.
[06:49:09] ... bot your support should take it barriers got too much value I kinda wanna ban Poppy.. Kind of feeling the poppy, man.
[06:49:51] I kind of like it because
[06:49:51] if there was a guy
[06:49:54] who could play
[06:49:55] Poppy supports,
[06:49:57] it feels really good
[06:49:58] picking or banning
[06:50:00] it and then you can just play freely.
[06:50:02] The only thing I hate
[06:50:03] about Poppy support is that you can beat it
[06:50:05] but it shuts down any aggression.
[06:50:08] Leona doesn't shut down aggression
[06:50:09] that hard because
[06:50:10] let's say they go on my support right i can just
[06:50:13] jump past her or let's say like they do go on me and i cleanse it i could just jump pastor right
[06:50:19] like i can i can pretty much jump on the kaisa whenever I want when I play Trist.
[06:50:23] But, when you play
[06:50:24] versus Poppy
[06:50:27] or there's some other champs
[06:50:29] that do it too.
[06:50:30] Zyra is another champion that like really disgusting when you're playing an all-in champ
[06:50:35] right like xayah is a really good counter she like uh just completely mitigates all in and...
[06:50:46] Yo, what's going on?
[06:50:50] Why are everybody dodging?
[06:50:51] What's happening here Like what is happening here?
[06:51:10] Why are there 50,000 dodges?
[06:51:11] Yes. This is wild. I think
[06:51:37] there's different
[06:51:39] you guys can like
[06:51:40] let me know if this is true but I think
[06:51:43] there's different
[06:51:45] matchmaking during your placements.
[06:51:50] Like,
[06:51:51] it feels like
[06:51:55] there is.
[06:51:58] Because I'm in this accounts like d4
[06:52:01] right we were playing a d4 game
[06:52:02] but shouldn't be playing in a d4 game and having a five-minute queue
[06:52:15] especially when we're playing ad because nobody plays id in the sealer
[06:52:26] no nobody was in their placements in that game like i was the only one in my placements, it's just that
[06:52:31] The game is taking forever to like find a match
[06:52:39] That's-that was all I was worried about.
[06:52:41] It's annoying.
[06:52:43] Dude, what do you ban in this elo
[06:52:45] by the way?
[06:52:48] Like
[06:52:49] what's OP?
[06:52:54] I don't even know.
[06:52:57] I don't know what's OP in a CLL.
[06:53:04] I'm assuming anything that can just like hard snowball is broken as fuck in a CLL. Because like I said,
[06:53:05] when people start dying in Diamond, they just keep dying.
[06:53:07] They don't stop dying.
[06:53:34] Let's see, I want Zeri. Nylah's pretty bad in every elo
[06:53:35] like that champ is trash
[06:53:37] I will never be scared of Nyla
[06:53:39] in my entire life
[06:53:40] unless you are literally
[06:53:45] a challenger Nylah one trick
[06:53:47] I don't think
[06:53:47] I'm ever scared of that champ
[06:53:49] it doesn't do anything
[06:53:51] like it genuinely
[06:53:54] just sits there.
[06:53:56] They have to all in,
[06:53:57] you have no options.
[06:53:59] Like neither of this
[06:54:00] issue is like
[06:54:00] you literally
[06:54:01] have to all in
[06:54:02] but
[06:54:03] the problem
[06:54:04] is like
[06:54:05] if you lose one all But the problem is, like...
[06:54:07] If you lose one all-in on Ni'Vo your game's over.
[06:54:10] So it's not worth it. If you're losing to Nyla,
[06:54:23] you have a lot of...
[06:54:24] You got all the problems happening in your games
[06:54:26] if you're losing to that champ than
[06:54:28] did
[06:54:30] you think. Trust.
[06:54:41] You definitely should not be losing to Nada.
[06:56:04] Yeah. Well, if you haven't seen her why would you say NILA OP? What? hmm huh so here to charge Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[06:56:10] Let's get this party started!
[06:56:15] 30 seconds until minions fall. I don't know about this... um Minions have spawned.. running home um me Not bad.
[06:57:35] Okay, we got his flash. Not bad.
[06:57:37] Should've just killed Zerath. Right when we hit level 2? Huh.
[06:58:59] I don't know why he wouldn't go for the Xerath, because he had no flash. But that's okay. one shooting once Oh, I gotta be really careful. I have to dodge this next Seraph ability! so I should have just flashed over.
[06:59:05] If i had flashed over right there, probably would have killed her. But I might've died to the Eaves so it's really hard to tell.
[06:59:10] Is there a Might dash here? I need to go back ASAP.
[06:59:30] The Eve can just kill me whenever she wants right now?
[06:59:34] Well, I guess she can't because i have bomb but Man. so oh Ooh.
[07:00:44] We could probably kill the Zerath, but Pyke's gotta land a good stun or a good stun. Or a good hook. Because he's too healthy for me to jump in and I haven't backed yet.
[07:00:48] So, it's a little too hard.
[07:00:54] Oh my god. So, it's a little too hard. Ooh I can't jump in on that, I'm too low. Sorry bro.
[07:00:57] Oh he's dead.
[07:00:59] Yeah if I go in on that I just die.
[07:01:03] It's way too shitty.
[07:01:06] I don't think they've warded this so we'll see.
[07:01:53] They're just going to push this and I'm just gonna farm it and then back. so oh Oh, not the worst. I probably shouldn't have even pushed that though.
[07:01:54] I should've just backed. Like actually though.
[07:02:01] Dude uh... That first fight, I actually spaced kinda wrong on on this area but it's not too bad
[07:02:12] when i got cleansed back up we're vibing they got no flash on uh one of them we should just try and kill him I kind of want to just jump on this area, because she's got...
[07:02:41] I kind of wanted to jump on both. I'm pretty sure Eid could be bought right now maybe care I just need a point in the right direction.
[07:06:01] Falling back! That looks good. so So Just kill Zarya. so so so so so dare you so so so What an absolutely wild little fucking game right there what was that Oh, wow. I'm getting a lot of damage. Why do I have to check this?
[07:06:03] Oh.
[07:06:09] My life has been slaving back. I mean, Zareph might hit six right now. He might just kill me I had to back because Eve could be bought and Xerath, etc.
[07:06:39] I'm just sitting here grabbing my Kraken Slayer.
[07:06:44] Probably lose a plate cause I had bad tempo, but
[07:06:46] I was trying to greed my...
[07:06:48] I was trying to greed that last
[07:06:50] plate. It's literally one
[07:06:52] fucking HP.
[07:06:57] So I was trying to grid that so I could fuckin' get my item.
[07:06:59] Ooh, well played! oh so Who is that?
[07:07:37] Lissandra? Oh, okay. Alright well I mean
[07:07:41] it's fine so so so okay
[07:08:28] damn i kind of fucked up there.
[07:08:30] I should've let Pyke stun him- er not stun him,
[07:08:32] I should have jumped in when Pyke stunned him is what I meant to say.
[07:08:36] I jumped late so I ended up giving the shutdown.
[07:09:02] Might be... ended up giving the shutdown. Hmm, I actually kind of want to go mid here.
[07:09:06] Towers are going to drop anyway, so I kind of want to go mid.
[07:09:07] I'm going to go mid. Or he'll TP back. Okay, never mind.
[07:09:15] That wasn't good.
[07:09:19] I wanted him to TP bot bot but here's one of those so oh well 14 has destroyed I actually hit me with them.
[07:10:13] Alright, we got back.
[07:10:15] Eve can just come in. so Rikski, come on!
[07:11:29] Easy peasy. so uh we Damn, I actually could have lived there. Pyke used this thing into the fucking Lissandra.
[07:11:41] Alright, we'll put... Oh, what button?
[07:11:48] Damn this game is fucking done.
[07:11:59] My flickerblade? I mean it's Tristana's best second item.
[07:12:14] Her uptime of spells was more important than the extra attack and speed you get from PD. So, you just go Flickerblade. Because it gives more value.
[07:12:20] I'd rather do a second rotation of my E in a fight than auto a little faster or so Oh So I actually Oh.
[07:12:57] Is that actually warded or is he just guessing?
[07:13:01] Oh, he was just straight-guessing. Wow.
[07:13:05] Okay... huh so so um so so Hmm. That guy got wiped right there. I'm going to go back and do this. um I need to go buy...
[07:15:07] I can get my item, cool. Fuck.
[07:15:24] The mouse was doing that thing again.
[07:17:43] I guess I'll just have to unplug it and plug it in again I don't want to try and get this red but it might be greedy. sweet an enemy has been slain so so so so I'm going to try and get the so so so Damn. She actually one-shot me with that.
[07:17:49] Oh well, it's not a big deal.
[07:18:07] Ooh, Woppa. Well played. please
[07:18:16] pretty sure it's just over.
[07:18:28] Yeah, it's a bit over. Ooh! Well played Darius.
[07:18:32] Kinda spicy right there. That was kinda slick.
[07:18:36] Ooh you're dead though.
[07:18:39] You did.
[07:18:41] Still the well played.
[07:19:19] We should just do Baron. so so he has no r i dare you to do it even though our so so so so so so so I gotta pad my stats!...... Oh shit, the set 12 artwork for TFT got released?
[07:22:20] Hold on. Let me take a look at this.
[07:22:26] Let me take a look.
[07:22:28] Oh, that's kind of cool.
[07:22:35] Morgana?
[07:22:36] It looks like there's,
[07:22:36] Like a...
[07:22:39] Like a Halloween type theme.
[07:22:40] Where they have,
[07:22:41] Like witches.
[07:22:44] Pengu's like a wizard.
[07:22:46] They have, like,
[07:22:48] Pengu Wizard, then they have like... Oh, it's magic and
[07:22:50] I'm stupid.
[07:22:52] Wait, Nunu is...
[07:22:59] Wait it's B-Nunu.
[07:23:03] Who's this? What is this thing? Is that just like a little legend? Briar? Oh.
[07:23:19] I mean, that's kind of cool. Waze? way is a way as a confirmed champ. Okay, be b ice and frozen oh
[07:23:44] interesting
[07:23:47] dude i know a lot of people don't give a fuck.
[07:23:50] I actually kind of like TFT though.
[07:23:52] I fuck with it.
[07:23:54] TFT is sick.
[07:23:56] Like, I fuck with TFT. so i'm kind of excited for the new set because the last set is getting really boring.. Okay. you you. Oh, sure. I'll trade you. Mr. Top lane. Yo, I got you bro.
[07:25:27] I will trade you. Okay. What do I want to play?
[07:25:48] We have a Heimerdinger support.
[07:25:50] Interesting.
[07:25:54] I don't know how good Heimer support with TP is.
[07:25:58] Oh, he's auto-filled.
[07:26:00] I mean...
[07:26:02] If he's auto-filled and picking Heim support maybe he plays Heimer.
[07:26:08] Maybe he's a Heimer topper mid player right and he just got out of film which is totally fine like that's totally okay.
[07:26:23] Alright, I'll be a wreath.
[07:26:26] I'm gonna grab some more water and I need to eat something i haven't eaten anything today i gotta get some food in me. uh i don't think i need cleanse though short take barrier. So,.. Yeah, I probably don't need a...
[07:28:05] I don't think I need cleanse this game.
[07:28:09] Pretty sure if I have to cleanse something?
[07:28:13] Uh, I'm already in a bad spot
[07:28:18] not what i'm saying boys you know what i'm saying
[07:28:27] yeah let me cleanse the unclenchable Malzar. For sure bro!
[07:28:33] You're trolling. so so Welcome to Summon same strategy as before. I don't want to get shit on. I mean, if they face check that,
[07:29:55] They're probably just gonna die.
[07:29:58] I believe in you.
[07:30:01] We just get them to face check this and then they just die and we're chilling
[07:30:09] i believe in you.
[07:30:18] I mean, I don't think it's very good but...
[07:30:34] Because like they have to walk in. Is that the same Xerath or a different Xerath?
[07:30:47] I don't know.
[07:30:51] That is a different zareth
[07:31:40] two xerath supports in two games the fuck that's kind of crazy Oh, nice try Maybe I should have gone on the Kai'Sa there instead of the Xerath. I was thinking that I wanted to go Xerath because he was already low, but I think that was a Kai'Sa jump. Hmm.
[07:32:07] I wonder if we can just sit here?
[07:32:09] Go for a kill.
[07:32:17] I don't know if it's actually warded or not.
[07:32:25] We should go help our graves though. So... Wow, that was very close.
[07:32:46] I should have jumped in sooner.
[07:33:04] Okay. I mean we 100% should try and dive these guys, no? This is wild. Like, Zerath has one HP.
[07:33:21] I'm just gonna jump on him. Hmm.
[07:33:45] How interesting, they actually are just staying.
[07:33:51] This is some ego if I've ever seen it. Yeah, man, I mean,
[07:34:07] I don't know what that was, bro.
[07:34:09] You gotta not ego.
[07:34:28] Okay. They don't push the wave without me there.
[07:34:29] What are we doing?
[07:34:31] Aw, smudge.
[07:34:34] Don't do that! Come on! Okay. so My Graves hasn't actually backed yet. Normally, I wouldn't go help this guy on Dragon.
[07:35:11] But I'm the one who typed it to him. So I'm gonna go help him.
[07:35:15] Just cause like...I literally typed it to him.
[07:35:19] So I'll feel bad if I don't go help them a little bit
[07:35:22] normally i wouldn't but i think it's worth Pretty sure they have exhaust back.
[07:35:48] That's why he is playing so far up. Pretty sure I killed him through exhaust though. so so so so so I'll take it. I had to commit once I started
[07:37:15] egoing so
[07:37:16] I was like
[07:37:17] ah fuck it Like once I started egoing, so... I was like, eh fuck it.
[07:37:19] Like once I egoed that shit
[07:37:21] I just- I mean I had to commit at that point, so
[07:37:23] It was what it was
[07:37:27] What the fuck am I watching? Hello?
[07:37:31] Okay, Heimerdinger is 1v1ing the Kai'Sa. Let's get it!
[07:37:36] Let's see it, Heimer!
[07:38:50] Uh...I think you're dead so I think that's on Graves. so okay Okay. Man, what are you people doing? What am I watching right now, guys? Come on. is Damn.
[07:39:25] I'm bad.
[07:39:27] I thought I could juke the, uh... Zarathult
[07:39:31] Or not Zarathult, Zerathy It's all good
[07:39:49] my bad so I don't have jump, and if knock goes on me right now, I'm probably going to die. We'll see.
[07:40:21] Nocturne is in bot side?
[07:40:27] I don't know where in botside he is, but he's definitely down here somewhere.
[07:40:38] Might be up here yeah there is so Oh, that was actually a good play.
[07:41:09] I mean hopefully we can just...
[07:41:12] We could get a free dragon I mean, hopefully we can just...
[07:41:14] We could get a free dragon.
[07:41:18] Oh you fucker man. Zarek is poking the shit out of me man.
[07:41:41] Oh, I'm just dead or what Damn it. I mean, I couldn't see where the Nocturne was so like...
[07:41:44] Nocturne actually just shit on me because I couldn't see where the Nocturne was.
[07:41:47] So like...Nocturne actually just shit on me because I couldn't fucking see.
[07:41:50] Ooh. Heimer didn't ulti.
[07:41:54] I think if Heimer had healed me when we were fighting here i could have
[07:41:55] gone in and just killed
[07:41:58] but in his defense he has one kp and he's auto filled so like
[07:42:02] i'm not gonna be too critical of this guy, like he's very clearly autofilled.
[07:42:07] You know what I mean? Like he's got 1kp...
[07:42:10] He's not a support player so he's trying his best and I can respect that.
[07:42:15] Like I got stunned by Zyra. That's my bad. We got two drakes.
[07:42:33] We are vibing. What the fuck?
[07:42:47] Dude, I don't know why but I can't see the stuns. Like...
[07:42:51] I can't see the Stun Bar on any of my accounts.
[07:42:55] I think it's a bug for this patch or something.
[07:42:59] Because like, I haven't been able
[07:43:00] to see a single stun bar.
[07:43:02] It feels really bad.
[07:43:06] Okay.
[07:43:08] Something is warded over here, by the way. Like 100%. Because... Yeah, like he knew exactly where I was standing that whole time. So this is definitely more than that but i mean timo's doing a really good job top lane and uh uh Your team has destroyed a turret.
[07:43:54] Your threat is in your favor.
[07:43:57] An enemy has been slain.
[07:43:59] The enemy has been slain.
[07:44:02] Shut down the turret! uh so so It's going to be a harder game. I've gotten hit by too many things, and we definitely don't have... the best players.
[07:45:00] So I'm just going to focus on improve.
[07:45:04] We just focus on farm,
[07:45:05] focus on turrets and
[07:45:06] take objectives on timers when we're chilling. so so I don't know why Sylas came mid. That's really bad.
[07:45:53] Like that's like super bad.
[07:45:56] Cause it's like look at this, like... like so so so Cool, we got three drakes.
[07:46:53] Stacking the drake is just like such a
[07:46:54] really big thing right now. Okay
[07:46:59] I don't know why Sylas just inted 1v2 into the enemy mid but
[07:47:04] in the enemy mid, but... In the enemy AD. Okay.
[07:47:08] One Q
[07:47:09] just took 40% of my HP and he has
[07:47:11] one item. That's
[07:47:13] crazy, by the way like that's actually insane
[07:47:20] but that should never happen in a billion years that's insane
[07:47:31] oh no this is very bad i can't see and i
[07:47:35] can't like play the game.
[07:47:37] Yeah, that was a really bad play
[07:47:41] because um...
[07:47:45] ... I couldn't see. We're definitely in a weird elo where my Sylas
[07:48:09] and my Graves both just want to permanently
[07:48:11] fight. And fighting is really
[07:48:13] bad, so...
[07:48:18] They just want to permfight, but perm fight is like the worst thing we could do right now. I gotta try and get bought through it.
[07:48:39] This kinda sucks, I need to get Lord Dom's so i can actually
[07:48:44] kill people on the enemy team but I also need BTs so that I don't just fucking die.
[07:48:56] Oh, that was actually a roger.
[07:49:00] Yeah, I need BT so I don't just die to fuckin'
[07:49:03] oak. Cause the enemy team Yeah, I need BT so that I don't just die to fucking poke.
[07:49:06] Because the enemy team is gonna be poking me.
[07:49:29] I actually probably have to go IE this game because I have pickaxe and I don't think I should get BT. That guy has not ulted yet, so I can't really walk up. Ah!
[07:49:30] Yeah he just flash-ard me. Couldn't do much.
[07:49:37] Use your ult, Sylas! Use your Nocturne ult man!
[07:49:40] What did I just watch? Okay nice.
[07:49:44] Not the worst.
[07:49:45] We didn't lose dragon.
[07:49:47] We're not losing objectives or anything.
[07:49:49] Not the worst.
[07:49:51] The issue here is like I said
[07:49:53] I'm the only one they're focusing and uh i need my team to play around me
[07:50:02] we just need to play for dragon and play around the heimerdinger so so Ooh, this is not good.
[07:50:49] They're gonna Baron.
[07:50:51] I can't do anything.
[07:50:52] I have to just push bot
[07:50:54] because I came bot
[07:50:55] to try and put some pressure
[07:50:58] on the map
[07:50:58] but I can't... I have to just take this turret.
[07:51:00] I can't even go to Baron. Yeah they're gonna get it. Man, this is really rough.
[07:51:23] I really need
[07:51:24] items. The game is just exploding
[07:51:27] too fast so I can't get
[07:51:29] items because the game's exploding.
[07:51:32] Right? Like they're just uh everybody on my team is fighting so so Holy fuck, no way.
[07:52:08] Nocturne E'd my thing?
[07:52:10] Kai'Sa went invis on my last auto?
[07:52:13] Holy fuck, that actually
[07:52:15] sucked.
[07:52:16] Kaisa went invis. I flashed away from Malz
[07:52:19] so he couldn't ult me, right? Like, I flashed out of
[07:52:21] his ult range.
[07:52:22] And then I...
[07:52:23] I needed to just probably
[07:52:26] try and kill the Nocturne.
[07:52:29] Yeah, I think that was
[07:52:30] the play. IE is so bad.
[07:52:32] This item sucks.
[07:52:34] I need Lord Dom's so much worse than IE.
[07:52:37] Like, this item...
[07:52:38] Like, I was hitting Kai'Sa just now with like fucking 50% crit autos, 300 AD or 275.
[07:52:45] Kai'Sa was taking like negative damage,
[07:52:47] I hit her with so much damage. so I cannot jump on this guy cuz those guys are fucking nothing I want to try and died of the fucking nocturne
[07:53:19] i want to try and kill him it's just that like nocturnes hovering him
[07:53:24] it's too hard This Sylas is not... He's really lost, man.
[07:53:36] He does not know where he needs to be on the map right now.
[07:53:49] Oh, he didn't even ulti? Man you- you didn't even get his ult?!
[07:53:56] Damn. What the fuck, bro? so Oh, good kill
[07:54:40] he died but he got a really good kill so They have so many wards just everywhere. so so so so um um okay i'm just dead oh maybe not
[07:56:29] oh my god i couldn't see because right when we went in, Nock ulted the second we went in.
[07:56:36] Oh my god... so God, that's so fucking tilting.
[07:56:59] Like I had to go into the fucking bush.
[07:57:09] Okay... Okay.
[07:57:17] I mean, that was my fault. I shouldn't have gone into that area.
[07:57:19] I should've just played the middle of the lane.
[07:57:22] Like, I know that that's like a thing
[07:57:24] that can happen right so i gotta stop doing that I mean, I'm so incredibly strong.
[07:57:40] I can 100% win this game for my team if i can uh see
[07:57:50] we should just sit here and and well we should start baron actually you know
[07:57:53] what let's do this so It was actually huge. I can't see.
[07:58:45] No way! NO WAY!
[07:58:47] He fucking E'd so late.
[07:58:50] I'm so bad.
[07:58:51] Why would you E, like,
[07:58:53] so late, bro?
[07:58:54] You're seeing me auto you
[07:58:55] and you're like,
[07:58:56] his reaction time was
[07:58:57] so bad!
[07:58:59] Oh, we could have done Baron.
[07:59:01] Like I actually just outplayed myself.
[07:59:03] Push mid.
[07:59:08] Pushing mid. Oh, my Graves is definitely dead.
[07:59:25] Or Heimer, one of them.
[07:59:28] Fuck, I might have thrown...
[07:59:32] Because I flashed into him.
[07:59:34] If I kill him, I kill Trundle too and then we just get Baron in the game but...
[07:59:38] Damn.
[07:59:41] I'm just like slightly messing up mechanics Damn.
[07:59:48] I'm just like slightly messing up mechanics, and it's really fucking us because we're so far behinds.
[07:59:54] On a good note, I have six items so that's good. Also not being able to see is so fucking annoying.
[08:00:00] Like holy motherfuck it's AIDS not being able to fuckin see shit. so no fucking way, man!
[08:00:36] God! It's so
[08:00:40] annoying. For the last
[08:00:44] time, play with me and Teemo.
[08:00:48] Sylas? Oh or Forfeit.
[08:00:51] Because you're all low elo awful players.
[08:00:55] Go come climb, suckers.
[08:00:57] God, stuckets! Man I messed up two things that game and we lose.
[08:01:01] Nah, I'm playing mid. It's mid to chow. I can't be bothered to play AD carry.
[08:01:05] This role is too trash.'s two dog shits you
[08:01:11] get hymer supports you get guys afk mid 15 k 3 and 10.
[08:01:39] you up again mr graves silas i will make you rue the day dude i can't man how is the zelo this hard you're always playing with a retard
[08:01:43] you're playing with multiple retards actually you're playing with like
[08:01:48] heimerdinger support and then you're playing with like your jungler's a
[08:01:51] and then your mid laners also your top laners are human but he's like hitting yes on forfeit vote because he's mentally
[08:01:54] retired as well like this is disgusting d2 quit? Quit the game. Or Emerald 2? You won't improve. Quit the game.
[08:02:05] This was the EVE that I stuck my dick into last game wasn't it?
[08:02:10] Quit the game, bro.
[08:02:11] You've peaked.
[08:02:12] You've peaked.
[08:02:15] If you're below Grandmaster in League
[08:02:16] your dog shit at this game
[08:02:18] quit.
[08:02:18] Quit now.
[08:02:19] I'm sick of being nice
[08:02:20] to these people
[08:02:20] quit.
[08:02:21] Quit the game.
[08:02:23] Like playing with a Heimerdinger, missing every stun, dying on repeats...
[08:02:27] 5k P Heimer? How many wards did you have, Heimer?
[08:02:31] How many wards? Let's see.
[08:02:33] Vision score.
[08:02:36] 52 to 96.
[08:02:40] 52 to 96.
[08:02:42] 54 awards placed to 20.
[08:02:48] Ugh, yeah I'm not Q'ing AD. This roll is too trash.
[08:02:52] I see why it's a priority roll.
[08:02:54] Too garbage.
[08:02:56] We queued mid-top.
[08:03:01] That roll is way too trash.
[08:03:03] I can't.
[08:03:07] Like, it's so unfun.
[08:03:10] I don't know who can deal with playing
[08:03:11] AD carry in this elo
[08:03:12] past like one game.
[08:03:15] Like, it's actually miserable.
[08:03:16] I feel bad for anybody who's not duo-queue
[08:03:18] playing below Masters
[08:03:20] on AD.
[08:03:22] It's winnable. You can win these games
[08:03:24] but, because, I mean, i did not play perfect by any means
[08:03:27] right like i've been streaming eight hours my hand hurts i'm tired whatever so i'm not playing great
[08:03:32] but like the fact that the games are this hard, like,
[08:03:37] the fact that they're this hard to win.
[08:03:38] Like,
[08:03:39] look at this.
[08:03:41] When you have,
[08:03:41] like,
[08:03:41] that big of a lead,
[08:03:42] like we had three dragons
[08:03:43] and the fact that
[08:03:45] it's still
[08:03:46] almost impossible to play the game with
[08:03:48] three Drakes, because
[08:03:50] like 3 of your teammates are just so
[08:03:52] bad...
[08:03:56] It is rough.
[08:03:59] AD Carry just doesn't have the control you need to carry games in this elo.
[08:04:02] To win
[08:04:03] on this, in this elo
[08:04:04] you need to be playing a role that has
[08:04:07] impact right? So like let's say I'm mid
[08:04:09] against this Malz. He just dies
[08:04:11] like five times or he loses all his
[08:04:13] plates, right? And he just gets roamed on
[08:04:15] and then he's really far behind. Whereas
[08:04:17] like this Sylas is just running in circles confused on how to play league
[08:04:21] i think his brain broke
[08:04:26] silos is like drooling on, trying not to be the next top retard.
[08:04:35] But it's rough.
[08:04:38] I'm going to be real.
[08:04:40] Anybody who's playing in Zillow?
[08:04:41] Like, you guys suck.
[08:04:43] If you're Diamond or Masters,
[08:04:44] You are fucking bad.
[08:04:45] Like, I'm sorry.
[08:04:46] I was trying to be nice earlier.
[08:04:47] You guys are just fucking bad.
[08:04:50] Like, I mean it.
[08:04:50] Like, you mean it. You really suck.. Like that guy first-timed Teemo.
[08:05:19] And he did well.
[08:05:21] He actually did very well.
[08:05:24] For first-timing Teimo, he did a wonderful job
[08:05:28] but he didn't know how to play around his team and then I
[08:05:31] threw twice so it was my bad. I'll play some more AD.
[08:06:03] The supports I've been getting in this elo
[08:06:08] like i'm not in the after eight hours i can't like mentally
[08:06:11] be okay with like having a heimerdinger support
[08:06:14] with every spell the entire game while i 1v2 them on repeat i can't do it Okay. Why don't we back in chat after a three-year absence due to no good internet at home.. Welcome back homie. I actually don't hate Tarek here. That's not bad.
[08:07:47] Wow, like Tarek's actually not a bad pick.
[08:07:52] Oh, that's impressive.
[08:07:53] That's not bad.
[08:07:54] Not bad at all. I can't believe I lost two games.
[08:08:12] D4 is the same as WorldW Masters. These games are exactly
[08:08:15] the same. I'm not gonna,
[08:08:16] I'm not lying, like
[08:08:17] WoW Masters and D4 are both such
[08:08:20] weird elos because
[08:08:22] basically everybody just gets mad
[08:08:24] and then starts trolling when they get behind.
[08:08:26] So that Graves and that Silas
[08:08:28] didn't want to play the game anymore
[08:08:29] when they got behind
[08:08:30] because they were frustrated. It's actually kind of insane.
[08:08:44] It's okay, though.
[08:08:47] We win this game.
[08:08:48] Easy dobs! Let's do a prediction. Okay. Silence. so so Welcome to Summoner's Raid.
[08:10:03] I don't care where Kira is, just point me toward Adventure.
[08:10:08] Thirty seconds until minions spawn. um got words to really
[08:10:37] bro i don't do it with diamond players what's going on
[08:10:41] you knew i was gonna tell you no, bro.
[08:10:52] Like...I'm not even going to Evo Boost you.
[08:10:56] Like what? No plan survives first contact with me. I'm going to try and get the most out of this
[08:11:16] I think it's
[08:11:18] a good idea
[08:11:20] to go
[08:11:22] with
[08:11:24] the best impossible comebacks are sort of my special uh adventure Marvelous death!
[08:12:02] A beaten path is a boring path. Time to show me your best Oh, my bad.
[08:12:17] Little too egoey so dangerous uh you have seen an enemy Oh.
[08:13:04] Well, that's a faster way to get back. Why would Kha'Zix be there? What is this Kha'Zix pathing.
[08:13:24] What the fuck?
[08:13:28] He went from...
[08:13:30] He stopped doing his camp topside
[08:13:32] completely and walked down to bot crab.
[08:13:37] Or, walks to bot mid to try and kill me. That's actually crazy! Like, high key that's like one of the craziest paths I've ever seen.
[08:13:50] Doesn't make sense. I think
[08:14:00] I pissed the Kha'Zix off so he's gonna sit mid
[08:14:02] for a lot of this game
[08:14:03] because like I tried to fuck with him too much in the jungle and
[08:14:06] i've angered the diamond player so like he's gonna go full diamond to just sit my lane the whole game uh so uh like really bro?
[08:15:04] Yeah. I mean this is wild! This guy actually just sitting mid non-stop.
[08:15:13] Like, zero farming,
[08:15:15] zero anything, just per mid.
[08:15:17] I gotta relearn how to climb
[08:15:19] in low elo, I guess. Because what ends up happening is
[08:15:21] these players don't play
[08:15:23] efficiently, right? They play with
[08:15:24] the idea they want
[08:15:27] perma-kills and I need to remember that.
[08:15:30] Right? Like I need to re that. Like, I need to re-teach
[08:15:32] myself that none of these players are playing
[08:15:34] to do like...
[08:15:36] anything other than kill you.
[08:15:40] They aren't actually playing with any other brain activity except for get kills.
[08:15:47] So, they're just gonna sit in your lane and try to fight you on repeat.
[08:15:52] So if I don't die we just win because there's no way
[08:15:59] uh there's no way that we don't outscale them Marvelous!
[08:16:15] Okay, shut up.
[08:16:23] Totally that rocks huh uh Watch out for him! Like holy fuck.
[08:17:17] Thank you.
[08:17:19] I was baiting that like crazy.
[08:17:23] Ooh, we can kill him!
[08:17:27] There's absolutely no way that guy kills you. Yeah nice
[08:17:37] No time to waste! uh yeah Thanks for watching! feels like the whole world's gone crazy oh my god like i can just pull clear that wave huh
[08:18:42] i did not know that. I'm always open to new ideas.
[08:18:58] My new ideas.
[08:19:18] Oh, yeah! I'm going to go with the Hmm.
[08:19:36] The enemy jungler is literally 6 and 1. What the fuck? oh my god
[08:19:42] being ganked again by the enemy jungler huh bro this guy does not leave mid
[08:19:46] good fucking god. so What?
[08:20:12] Are you good bro? has been slain uh uh uh I mean we're trying to win this 2v1 essentially, which is pretty fucking hard.
[08:21:24] Not undoable but it's pretty fucking hard.
[08:21:32] ... oh
[08:21:46] Oh, no. Oh my god!
[08:21:51] I see how Botlane's losing.
[08:21:56] I 1000% get it. After that beauty of a play. yeah dude this guy is flash ulting me mid.
[08:22:32] Like, what the fuck?
[08:22:36] This is the most crazy jungle diff I've ever seen.
[08:22:39] I'm literally getting flash ulted mid by enemy Kha'Zix!
[08:22:43] My jungler can't seem to fucking full clear properly.
[08:23:47] Really hope nobody saw that... properly like a holy fuck you just open a katarina oh thank god fake names so so Holy mother fuck. Man, I need to push one more wave but it's
[08:23:51] dangerous because she is going to blow this wave up I need to push one more wave, but it's dangerous.
[08:23:55] Because she's going to blow this wave up in like a quarter of a second.
[08:24:04] I guess I go to backed because i had tp
[08:24:12] yeah there's no way you're diving me here bro. Fuck off, Leona oh bro fuck off ayana
[08:24:42] the fuck The fuck? Not bad.
[08:25:07] Let's add some positivity to the game nice job all Your turret has been destroyed your ally has been slain
[08:25:16] take five everyone Okay, Kha'Zix is top. That's good to know. Yeah.
[08:25:48] We do need to play for this dragon though.
[08:25:55] I don't know if I can actually fight this Katarina 1v1 right now.
[08:25:59] I think I can, but it's kind of rough Oh, yeah. We'll see.
[08:26:23] Yeah, keep doing that shit! Keep it coming! Oh, that's not good.
[08:26:48] Ooh, that's really not good?
[08:27:08] Last hit! That's the really not good? and times
[08:27:31] up huh Okay, I got him.
[08:27:33] Fuck, man!
[08:27:34] I almost... I should have E'd earlier and then I should have spaced that out but it's fine oh yikes is so Like, what the fuck?
[08:28:35] He still had his R.
[08:28:39] Shoot Rocket!
[08:28:40] Shoot Rocket!
[08:28:50] Oh my god, my Jinx is retarded. Oh my god, my Jinx is retarded.
[08:28:52] Oh my god,
[08:28:53] my Jax is retarded.
[08:29:00] Oh my god,
[08:29:01] he's actually horrible. Oh my god, he's actually horrible.
[08:29:02] Oh my god they're the worst players I've ever seen.
[08:29:05] Oh my god it's like watching a fucking slow motion car crash.
[08:29:11] You're still getting that little mishap from the Expedition mod. I feel like it's painful as fuck to watch. so so so so uh so so uh so I feel like I have cancer and it hurts my brain. Like just how cancerous it feels to,
[08:31:07] like, have this cancer spreading into my balls
[08:31:14] this is so crazy that i can't like even begin to explain
[08:31:22] just how bad everyone
[08:31:23] is.
[08:31:29] ... Like, what is this?
[08:31:40] This guy's just taking a top tier two.
[08:31:44] What?
[08:31:48] How does that guy get to take top tier two?
[08:31:51] How does this guy
[08:31:52] get to do this retards yo earth the retard's on my team can
[08:31:57] you guys like play the game oh Wow, we did it! We killed them. Wow, Pog!
[08:32:22] Somehow Jack's died bot.
[08:32:26] What are you doing what are you doing what are you doing
[08:32:29] you can't do anything over there like we need help here so uh uh all right guys don't know. um huh What am I watching? enemy has been so so so uh I'm not gonna lie,
[08:35:12] I've learned my lesson.
[08:35:13] I will not ever try and cheese the enemy jungler like that again
[08:35:18] i have learned my lesson I mean, of course Smolder is bought for absolutely no reason. so Huge. so so come on everyone don't continue to fight without me
[08:37:30] so yona might have brain damage so so oh Woo! Sorry, I had to flame the diamond player.
[08:37:33] Dude just sat mid at the end of that fight. Sorry, I had to flame the diamond player.
[08:37:35] Dude just sat mid
[08:37:36] the entire fucking game doing nothing but
[08:37:37] camping me. I had to flame him.
[08:37:39] I know it was toxic.
[08:37:41] I had to do it.
[08:37:46] It had to do it. I had to do it. It had to be done.
[08:37:47] It had to be done.
[08:37:51] It had to be done.
[08:37:52] It had to be done.
[08:37:52] I had to flame that guy. Smulder?
[08:38:12] I don't think Smulder was ghosting, homie.
[08:38:14] I don't think anybody knows this accounts me.
[08:38:30] Like, like, I think it was just warded.
[08:38:40] Like, it's pretty good chance that I was just warded. You know?
[08:38:46] Where did you think he was ghosting? Let me see. Well, I griefed early game.
[08:39:08] Like my level two was the most ego-filled troll thing
[08:39:11] I've ever seen.
[08:39:13] Don't get me wrong.
[08:39:14] I deserve to lose that game.
[08:39:26] My level 2, when I walked into that guy's jungle and started hitting him on his camp... That was pretty troll.
[08:39:29] Like, that was like me purely egoing, but...
[08:39:35] Thank God the enemy team decided to just throw the game away by...
[08:39:40] I mean Malphite solo tried to ult me
[08:39:43] at the end.
[08:39:46] That guy
[08:39:47] tried to solo ult me at the end
[08:39:49] thinking I wouldn't flash his ult.
[08:39:51] So he had no ulti for that fight, and then after
[08:39:53] I just TP back and we just win the fight...
[08:39:56] Like if Malphite has no ult,
[08:39:57] he's worthless. He doesn't do anything.
[08:40:00] Right? Like that's the problem
[08:40:01] with Malphite as a champ.
[08:40:04] If he doesn't have an ulti...
[08:40:06] What the fuck does he do, right? Am I
[08:40:08] right?......
[08:40:15] ...
[08:40:17] ...
[08:40:19] ...
[08:40:21] ...
[08:40:23] ... Like, you I'll even embarrass myself.
[08:40:27] Here let me crack open a soda.
[08:40:31] I want to keep streaming.
[08:40:40] I want to keep streaming, but I need some caffeine.
[08:41:01] Let me crack open a Diet Dr Pepper. Shall we boys? Yeah, we'll give this a look. Let me show you.
[08:41:03] Like right here, I was egoing because I crashed the wave.
[08:41:09] Watch.
[08:41:10] I should have just reset like right now.
[08:41:13] He reset his camp.
[08:41:15] Right now,
[08:41:16] I should have just walked away. Like, I stalled the Kha'Zix which is what I wanted to do...
[08:41:22] Like, I just completely trolled right?
[08:41:24] Like this was a good play- like fucking with Kha'zix was a good play, but I should have just left him alone and just
[08:41:29] walked back mid.
[08:41:37] Funny enough, this Katarina...
[08:41:40] I don't think she knew how good Ezreal is so she just decided to take my autos.
[08:41:45] Dude that is a crazy E!
[08:41:54] Oh no! a crazy E. Did you guys see this?
[08:42:04] That is a crazy E-forward.
[08:42:11] What was that?
[08:42:20] Oh my god, this guy's a psychopath! But...
[08:42:46] Like, what do you think was gonna happen? This was me. I lazy backed here, too. This was my fault. Never do the lazy back!
[08:42:50] I deserved that death. 1000% I deserve that death. Here, my bot lane should have respected this gank. Like, as you can see like I was straight trolling in these games.
[08:43:12] Right?
[08:43:13] Like you guys could just tell i was straight rolling man I should have hugged the bot side.
[08:43:32] Dude, I was just playing so bad this game.
[08:43:35] I hugged my non-ward side god i played like dog man
[08:43:44] i really gotta drink some caffeine.
[08:43:50] Because, yeah,
[08:43:51] that was crazy.
[08:43:53] I hugged my non-war side of my map.
[08:43:57] Tried to fight CZix for no reason
[08:43:58] other than like
[08:44:00] for fun, I guess?
[08:44:05] Damn, I suck. damn i suck
[08:44:11] character's not balanced tarik's pretty crazy
[08:44:17] but you're not wrong. Tarek's pretty insane. you the one thing that sucks about Taric is he's really bad...
[08:44:43] Um...
[08:44:48] He's really, really bad into double range bot.
[08:44:54] Like if the enemy team only has like one melee, Terra kind of sucks.
[08:44:59] Right? Like he's super good into stuff like Nautilus.
[08:45:03] Stuff like Leona.
[08:45:08] Right, the enemy team had a Kha'Zix,
[08:45:10] a Leona,
[08:45:12] they had four melee champs.
[08:45:15] Terika was like the perfect pick
[08:45:16] into four melees.
[08:45:19] That was a really good pick.
[08:45:40] Thank you. good pick but uh yeah i mean it's it's really really bad pick not in the four my eyes uh somebody remind me after this game i'm gonna eat
[08:45:46] i'm gonna do a long stream tonight because I've been doing really short streams lately.
[08:45:50] And I feel REALLY bad about doing that.
[08:45:52] And uh, I actually am in the mood to play some League tonight.
[08:45:55] So we're going to do a longer stream.
[08:45:58] I got to eat after this game, though.
[08:45:59] I have not eaten...
[08:46:00] I woke up today at 9am and I haven't eaten anything.
[08:47:57] I need to eat some food. so. you you...... Hmm. Do we play Dressless game?
[08:47:59] Or do we play Ezreal? It's kind of hard to tell.
[08:48:02] Like, I want to play. I need to figure out
[08:48:04] what champ I think is going to be more useful
[08:48:06] to 1v9 the game.
[08:48:08] I think Ezreal and Trist are both
[08:48:10] really good. God no
[08:48:19] I mean bro
[08:48:20] sometimes you gotta do
[08:48:20] what you gotta do
[08:48:21] like we're tryharding on this account
[08:48:25] so I can get to Challenger.
[08:48:28] You know what I'm saying?
[08:48:31] Okay, that guy decided to grief.
[08:48:34] Okay. I'll make the ticket personally.
[08:48:39] I'm lucky he doesn't want free win. thanks is.. I'm not gonna dodge, because
[08:49:36] I'd rather get this guy banned than dodge.
[08:49:38] Yeah, that's what I thought.
[08:49:40] I knew he would dodge.
[08:49:46] Anytime somebody is griefing champ selects
[08:49:48] you just say I'm'm gonna make a ticket myself
[08:49:55] because what ends up happening is if you uh
[08:50:00] if you make a ticket in League and they grief with bad sums and troll, Riot bans tickets pretty heavily nowadays.
[08:50:09] They're super heavy on banning people who grief.
[08:50:14] The problem is, you have to actually make a ticket for them
[08:50:18] to ban them. It's not automated, right?
[08:50:22] You can't do it's not like automated right? But you can do I can automate a ban anymore.
[08:50:28] Or it's too hard for them to like automate
[08:50:32] Ban people to like automate ban people.
[08:50:41] Do I want
[08:50:41] to play Vayne top or do I want to play Mundo?
[08:50:45] I don't know what I want to play.
[08:50:48] I mean,
[08:50:48] I'm red side so I get to pick. What's like a really bad champ to go versus?
[08:51:06] Top lane right now.
[08:51:11] What do you guys think?
[08:51:13] I was gonna say like
[08:51:15] Teemo's pretty annoying
[08:51:16] to go versus
[08:51:17] right?
[08:51:19] Like,
[08:51:19] Teemo's pretty obnoxious.
[08:51:22] Darius
[08:51:23] he banned Vayne
[08:51:25] and picked Darius I He banned Vayne and picked Darius?
[08:51:27] I mean, I could easily just play Mundo this game and probably win.
[08:51:35] Or TF.
[08:51:37] I could just be really cringe and pick
[08:51:39] TF top.
[08:51:41] How sweaty are we gonna go
[08:51:43] this game, guys? What do you guys think?
[08:51:45] How sweaty are we being?
[08:51:50] ... How sweaty are we being? I could easily go TF top and just run this kid over.
[08:51:55] Nah, Quinn's not good here.
[08:51:58] But TF or Mundo are both looking okay.
[08:52:07] Like, both of them are looking pretty sick.
[08:52:16] It really depends actually because you see how we have a ranged support? The fact that we have a ranged support...
[08:52:23] the game gets a lot harder to play.
[08:52:27] Like say I pick Quinn right? Then we we have four ranged and Gragas...
[08:52:33] It's kind of hard for Gragas to play the game then right?
[08:52:42] But I will say this.
[08:52:44] I think when you're in lower ELOs,
[08:52:47] it's better to play stat check champs that can push really hard.
[08:52:50] Like whenever you're playing in an elo
[08:52:52] like below Masters,
[08:52:55] it's really important to play
[08:52:56] stat check push champs
[08:52:58] because nobody on this elo
[08:53:00] knows how to actually macro or anything, right?
[08:53:03] I'm gonna reset my Q.
[08:53:05] Nobody in the CLO really knows how to macro
[08:53:06] and because nobody
[08:53:08] in the CLO really knows how to macro
[08:53:10] playing just like stat check push champs.
[08:53:13] It's really, really, really OP.
[08:53:28] Bro, this might be the worst start to an unranked account I've ever had.
[08:53:31] I feel terrible. Let's open some chests.
[08:53:43] Briar, Project Yee,
[08:53:45] Cosmic Huntress Nidalee.
[08:53:47] Crystal Rose Janna.
[08:53:49] Lord Darius.
[08:53:51] El Macho Mundo.
[08:53:53] Blood Moon Thresh.
[08:53:54] Gladiator... Ooh, that's a good skin.
[08:53:58] I kind of like
[08:53:59] Gladiator Draven.
[08:54:06] Ziggs.
[08:54:07] High Noon Yone.
[08:54:10] Odyssey Kama.
[08:54:12] Aether Winged Kale.
[08:54:13] Wait, we're getting a lot of legendary skins.
[08:54:14] What the fuck?
[08:54:19] Dude, we just got so many legendary skins.
[08:54:36] What the hell?. Bewitching Senna. Ooh.
[08:54:39] Okay, what did we just get?
[08:54:41] We just got a bunch of stuff.
[08:54:44] Let's look at the skins.
[08:54:47] Let's look at the skins.
[08:54:49] Do you guys see any skins worth trying to buy?
[08:54:53] Oh, I don't have enough orange essence anyway for most of them.
[08:54:57] We gotta wait- we gotta accumulate the orange essence
[08:55:00] a bit more.
[08:55:03] The Mundo skin?
[08:55:06] Where's the Mundo skin?
[08:55:12] Oh. skin. Oh, El Macho
[08:55:13] Moon? No, that skin sucks.
[08:55:17] Like if I'm gonna get a skin it's gonna be like Glad
[08:55:18] Draven... skin is gonna be like glad draven or like ssg ezreal or something
[08:55:28] that mundo skin is so garbage, bro. How do I have...
[08:55:53] Okay, somebody explain to me how I have
[08:55:55] Tryndamere Chromas.
[08:55:59] What is this?
[08:56:02] When the fuck did I get trendemir chroma i don't even have the champion
[08:56:13] oh you just get it for free.
[08:56:16] Okay.
[08:56:27] Okay, I didn't know.
[08:56:34] Wait, this is a cool Jarvan thing.
[08:56:39] I wanted to change my thing.
[08:56:43] What the hell? How's trying to change my thing?
[08:56:46] You guys are toxic.
[08:56:54] Want it right now you would gotta just feel so just feels so good Do it just like you. I did what Iension to break.
[08:57:42] I kind of wanna play Tristana.
[08:57:48] Trade me. What? trade me trade me what
[08:57:54] why would you not want to trade that's wild
[08:57:59] the fact that i didn't want to trade as the top laner,
[08:58:02] and he just wanted a blind pick Kled top with Barrier Ignite.
[08:58:06] I have a lot of faith in that man.
[08:58:09] I'm going to be real.
[08:58:10] I think that man... I'm gonna a bit.
[08:58:25] I'm gonna grab some more water and soda.. Thank you.. Bro!
[08:59:09] Seriously, what the fuck?
[08:59:20] Okay. I know it's late right like we're in demon hours or whatever
[08:59:23] right now but can somebody explain to me
[08:59:26] why...
[08:59:31] Like, I get we're in demon hours,
[08:59:35] blah, blah, blah, blah.
[09:00:42] Why has there been like a thousand dodges this is kind of crazy you know so so. you realize it's late and they have to dodge And go to bed for work
[09:00:43] Alright that's fair
[09:00:45] No that's fair
[09:00:46] Why would they queue up though
[09:00:49] Like do they like autopilot Queue up Like Like Why would they queue up, though?
[09:00:52] Like, did they autopilot queue up when you hit the button
[09:00:54] and you're not thinking about it
[09:00:56] and then they accept it
[09:00:56] and they were like,
[09:00:57] oh wait, it's fucking 11.
[09:01:04] It was like a like it was a mistake to queue up and they
[09:01:05] just autopiloted it
[09:01:34] .... I'm going to be annoyingly positive.
[09:01:48] Being negative never seems to work, So let's be like annoyingly positive.
[09:02:13] Let's see how it goes. Silence is crazy? Do you guys get more annoyed by people being positive or people
[09:02:21] Being negative, or would you rather people just not type?
[09:02:38] Because I feel like typing,
[09:02:40] oh, we got this, or asking somebody how their night's going...
[09:02:43] I feel like that can't be
[09:02:44] THAT tilting.
[09:02:50] Oh! Oh.
[09:02:53] We got a fucking doozy of a mid lane fight.
[09:02:56] Action!
[09:02:58] Like, this is actually gonna be a really fun mid
[09:03:08] Shows get hyped This song slaps! Here we go, boys.
[09:03:26] Let's get it! Thank you.. What are we against?
[09:03:59] I didn't notice their jungle was Sylas. For some reason, my brain thought it was top.
[09:04:05] Nasus, Sylas,
[09:04:06] Akshin, Ashe, Nautilus?
[09:04:07] Ooh, they have kind of a dirty comp, not gonna lie.
[09:04:11] Like, enemy
[09:04:11] comp is actually pretty fucking dirty when you look at it.
[09:04:17] Wait that's actually kind of scary.
[09:04:21] Lowkey their comps kinda... Kinda scary.
[09:04:25] I think we'll be fine but uh...
[09:04:31] Like I think-I think we'll be okay.
[09:04:34] But yeah, their comp is kinda...
[09:04:36] Kinda crazy.
[09:04:44] Like if you look at what that comp does, it's pretty fucking wild.
[09:04:48] It's like really straightforward and really easy to play.
[09:04:51] Outside of like Ak-Chan, I guess.
[09:04:54] Like, Ak-Chan is kind of hard to play.
[09:04:57] But outside of him... Aircon was pretty fucking easy to play. It's just like...
[09:05:03] Oh, sorry you're on AFK? Oh no he's here. Cool. All right, let's see if we can...
[09:05:24] Whoa.
[09:05:26] What?
[09:05:29] What am I watching?
[09:05:33] Whoa! What the fook?
[09:05:37] Nautilus just came from...
[09:05:40] above me?
[09:05:43] They're probably on our red.
[09:05:49] Like, there's a very good chance they're on our red buff.
[09:05:51] They invaded and started on our red.
[09:05:54] I need to go check for my...
[09:06:04] I need to go check for my Diana so she doesn't just get shit on.
[09:06:09] But, I also...
[09:06:13] ...need to get a really good push early on this action.
[09:06:24] I could either check this or go ward.
[09:06:27] The way we do it is, right? I can either check this or go ward Wraiths.
[09:06:30] Okay, Wraith Cam's gone which means he didn't start our Red.
[09:06:33] That's good.
[09:06:41] You see how he like dashed into me and I didn't just run, I traded?
[09:06:45] You don't want to ever just run and let them freely trade on you.
[09:06:49] It's never worth it.
[09:06:52] Okay we see Sylas bot. I looked to bot and Sylas 3-camped bot which means he still has his top camps up
[09:07:01] Which means my Diana could actually invade...
[09:07:05] If she wanted to right now, she can actually invade the uh...
[09:07:09] The silence of topside and maybe get some really good... good counter jungling going but you know if she doesn't want to, that's cool.
[09:07:30] Here I kind of want to
[09:07:31] hold the wave a bit in front of the turret
[09:07:34] like this.
[09:07:36] Okay. a bit in front of the turret like this
[09:07:45] my diana might die here if i lose prio because like action is mia yeah, she's gonna die.
[09:07:48] 100%. I mean, I can't help her.
[09:07:50] Oh, yeah, Nautilus is here too? Oh, no, yeah, we're not
[09:07:52] doing that, bro.
[09:07:55] Like if
[09:07:56] Nautilus wasn't there as well?
[09:07:58] If Batman didn't level 2 roam up for crap?
[09:08:01] Dude that's crazy.
[09:08:07] ... uh Ooh, not bad.
[09:08:23] So you see how immediately when we get that kill
[09:08:28] We're gonna push the wave.
[09:08:33] Right?
[09:08:33] We're going to immediately go mid and shove the wave in.
[09:08:36] Now we're on a timer action is going to run mid out of base
[09:08:39] And he does have the home guard boots so what i'm gonna do here
[09:08:43] i'll push this as fast as i can and then we're bail i'm not gonna full shove the wave in
[09:08:47] because we're on a timer for axiom to be made
[09:08:52] now i do have, like I said,
[09:08:54] teleport so this is not too bad
[09:08:56] to just go back on the timer
[09:08:58] and TP back.
[09:09:09] It's kind of unfortunate I can't get Sheen, but because we have Jack-o'-Trades what I
[09:09:11] can get is Boots tier Longsword.
[09:09:17] And now
[09:09:17] even though the action
[09:09:19] is pretty strong, we can still play
[09:09:21] fairly aggressive here in the lane.
[09:09:28] He's running directly to my jungler who is on dragon.
[09:09:32] The problem is, because I'm always going to be a little late to these fights...
[09:09:36] Ooh. I do not like the fact that my jungler's forcing this by the way.
[09:09:43] Like this is not good bro.
[09:09:54] Oh no I E late!
[09:09:56] No!
[09:09:59] My camera was bad and I
[09:10:00] E'd poorly.
[09:10:02] Okay, so going to the fight was fine
[09:10:04] but I need an E over the wall
[09:10:05] because normally you don't go to fights like that going to the fight was fine, but I need an E over the wall. Because normally
[09:10:07] you don't go to fights like that, but it was
[09:10:08] fine because I was on tempo to do it.
[09:10:11] Yo,
[09:10:12] let's just farm. Okay, Diana?
[09:10:34] ... Okay, Diana. And that was my bad. I just played it wrong. Hmm.
[09:10:44] I don't know where Nautilus is right now.
[09:10:49] So, I need to be a little care.
[09:10:59] Okay... my bad
[09:11:16] jesus silas and god I actually could have killed that guy too.
[09:11:18] I'm playing really sloppy right now.
[09:11:21] Shouldn't get three grubs. This Nautilus is roaming a lot!
[09:11:25] Like, kind of a stupid amount. Like you're 2v1'd. down. Ooh, good kill.
[09:11:47] The only problem is I think action can walk bot right now
[09:11:49] and kill that guy.
[09:11:55] The only real way for me to pressure action off of going bot is for me to push mid, but I can't walk up to the turret yet.
[09:12:12] So actually it's gonna be invis for a bit here.
[09:12:14] I can probably beat him 1v1.
[09:12:17] Oh, never mind.
[09:12:17] He has Kraken Slayer.
[09:12:18] I definitely can't.
[09:12:19] I take it back?
[09:12:20] Yeah, he has Kraken Slayer already.
[09:12:21] Holy fuck.
[09:12:23] Okay, we're not gonna be fighting this guy until uh try force
[09:12:32] man that nautilus is actually making good versus me. oh
[09:13:16] do they really gotta stop fighting.
[09:13:19] Like Diana's just fighting on repeat right now
[09:13:23] and she needs to stop. Every time this Diana fights like that
[09:13:27] we can't fight back.
[09:13:31] Because they're stronger than us at the moment and we need to just chill.
[09:13:56] No way that kills me. What in the absolute fuck?
[09:14:00] Nautilus just came mid and ulted. What am I watching?
[09:14:07] Wait, Diana killed that guy. Wait, Diana?
[09:14:13] One more? Nice!
[09:14:19] That was actually huge!
[09:14:23] Bro I'm not gonna lie, I don't think I've been fanboyed this much mid in years.
[09:14:27] They don't know it's me so they're not fanboying but like...
[09:14:29] It sure fucking feels like I'm getting fanboyed.
[09:14:32] Look at this Nautilus not obviously what are you doing?
[09:14:36] He's trying to freeze the mid waves
[09:14:40] Am I playing versus faker
[09:14:43] Kyria?
[09:14:47] Nautilus walks to every objective.
[09:14:51] Like, every single objective he's walking to early game.
[09:14:54] Every single one.
[09:15:00] I mean my bot lane is doing really well considering like...
[09:15:04] Considering Nautilus is roaming so much,
[09:15:05] the bot lane's actually doing quite well.
[09:15:13] The Diana on the other hand not doing great Jesus Christ! Kraken Slayer is so broken. Oh
[09:15:41] Bro what the fuck
[09:15:48] No way! What HP?
[09:15:50] Okay, I know for a fact now
[09:15:52] that I'm being Q sniped.
[09:15:56] There's no way you spend this much time mid unless you're Q sniping and just sitting in my lane on purpose.
[09:16:05] Yeah, it is a Q snipe. 100%. I just checked the accounts. Yo whoever's in chat queue sniping, stop sitting in my lane bro it's really annoying
[09:16:46] like your bot lane is getting gaps just go go bot and help them out man go up your bottom this is obnoxious bro so so An enemy has been slain. God, this fucking guy.
[09:17:41] I gotta be care because I don't have E.
[09:17:44] I can bait him pretty easily probably but Dude, my team is actually doing so good though.
[09:18:06] Oh this is bad.
[09:18:10] I mean i'm just dead.
[09:18:14] Yeah i'm just dead imma get auto'd.
[09:18:16] We can't do stuff like that without vision.
[09:18:18] I knew that was bad too and I still fell for my own... Ugh! That was my bad.
[09:18:23] I should've never called for it. Or not called for it, I should have called an off rather. I just wanted this ruby scarab.
[09:18:51] It looked great on my mantle.
[09:18:56] Enemy killing spree.
[09:19:24] Run! enemy killing spree Yeah, who would have guessed? Nautilus is here again.
[09:19:27] Yeah, who would've guessed bro?
[09:20:44] Nautilus maybe you should go bot man! uh uh so so so Now is the time. No way to predict a twist and turns ahead. That's why I wing it!
[09:20:54] Marvelous! so Okay.
[09:21:32] Man, these guys are like actually really fucking cringe.
[09:21:36] When I've never seen that interaction? That was wild.
[09:21:40] Dude...I'm not gonna lie. I know it's nighttime and it's like easy to Q-snipe people
[09:21:44] but this is crazy.
[09:21:48] I have not been like, he sniped and just camped like this in a long time. Okay. Okay, that guy can one-shot me by landing
[09:22:15] one spell? My bad. I should have flashed the E. Okay. so so so Sounds dangerous. wait we got a fight guys we can't give another dragon What am I watching here? Like what is happening? dude i have to be honest i have no idea how
[09:23:53] to play games that are this fucking chaotic chaotic.
[09:24:03] Oh nice, nice huge... Shut down so The fanboyism is wild though. Yeah, the Nautilus by the way is making these calls.
[09:24:46] The Nautilus is definitely...
[09:24:49] ...the one who Q snipes.
[09:24:52] Other than just sitting in my lane half the game,
[09:24:54] he banned Trist
[09:24:55] and he also is
[09:24:57] making calls
[09:25:00] based on the fact that I don't have a minimap cover on.
[09:25:04] This is cringe, bro! You gotta stop doing shit like this.
[09:25:12] Like, don't make me put a minimap cover on because you can't keep it in your pants oh that's not fun bro robbing if you have coffee which i do Okay, I'm just dead.
[09:25:38] This guy is like un-fucking believably strong.
[09:25:42] No yeah, I'm dead.
[09:25:47] I will support death if I am lucky. A summoner has disconnected I did learn a valuable lesson this game.
[09:26:11] I learned a very valuable lesson in this
[09:26:15] game, I have to hide my champ selects
[09:26:18] i have to use map cover and i have to play uh to never help my team ever
[09:26:28] like we played 10 cs a minute so um I'm not gonna lie this is kind of wild
[09:27:14] low evil games are more intense than
[09:27:16] grandmaster games cuz I couldn't play games.
[09:27:23] Because I couldn't play the game, it was basically just Nautilus sitting in my lane the whole lane
[09:27:25] because he's a fanboy and then our bot lane
[09:27:27] lost 1v2? Well we didn't lose
[09:27:29] The Kai'Sa didn't lose but she doesn't know what she's doing.
[09:27:33] It's not really her fault.
[09:28:00] Okay. so Every time I play in low elo, I always have to relearn how to climb through it. And then I go on like a 15 game win streak once i relearn how to climb through loweo
[09:28:06] it happens so much you'd think i would remember but i never do so Like, let me show you. Yeah, I got a hide cue though.
[09:28:51] Diana was actually
[09:28:52] an autofill.
[09:28:56] So it's not really her fault she got autofilled.
[09:28:58] But dude,
[09:29:00] I can't believe I have to hide Q in Diamond 4.
[09:29:05] Do you guys realize how insane that is
[09:29:16] I should not have to hide Q&D for her. so so I'm intrigued.
[09:30:02] A lot of good mazes out there.
[09:30:03] None of them are good.
[09:30:06] Like, this was horrible.
[09:30:08] But like, why are there four people mid?
[09:30:09] Right? Like, the bot wave is here and they're
[09:30:12] formatting mid. This doesn't make any sense.
[09:30:19] These guys got
[09:30:20] level three ganks.
[09:30:56] My Diana went for a bad play here. This guy's just autofilled, so he's too stupid to back off the crab. So he's not gonna understand. And then she's forcing... Yeah, I just didn't walk to these.
[09:30:58] I should have let her die.
[09:31:00] Honestly?
[09:31:00] I don't know why I was falling victim
[09:31:02] to this walking-to people thing i learned my lesson though we're chilling so so I'm going to go ahead and do that. Dude, I did not realize how many
[09:31:59] fucking crazy levels of cringe
[09:32:02] people are in Low Diamonds. You get like
[09:32:06] Q sniped? Camped? Trolled? Inted? People get autofilled they don't dodge? This level is wild man I feel bad for you guys. Like actually though.
[09:32:25] Like I kind of genuinely feel bad. only so bad you... On another note though, I bet you if you were a jungler
[09:33:17] like if you're a jungler playing
[09:33:19] at this time of night, you probably just get free wins
[09:33:21] up to GM.. Because everybody's always auto-filmed. so...... you you Oh, interesting. how very interesting... This should be a pretty easy game. I don't really see...
[09:36:27] I don't really see us losing this.
[09:36:34] They don't really have a way of winning.
[09:36:38] Like, Galio can't play mid...
[09:36:40] Or Galio support can't play the game.
[09:36:43] And if it's LeBlanc support,
[09:36:44] Galio mid.
[09:36:46] LeBlanc can maybe play but that's double ranged bot versus Galio which means
[09:36:53] If they like do anything... Like all they have to do is not die and they just win.
[09:36:58] So we're chilling. Why do I recognize this guy's name?
[09:37:14] I think I played with this guy earlier.
[09:37:19] This jungler...
[09:37:25] I don't know why, but I recognize his name.
[09:37:28] Oh, I did play with this guy earlier.
[09:37:32] This guy ran it the fuck down super ultra hard earlier.
[09:37:43] And then he took a two hour break, and he's ready to run it down again.
[09:37:50] Actually you know what? I'm going to give him the benefit of that.
[09:37:52] Maybe he's reformed.
[09:37:57] He averages like 11 deaths a game on Nunu, but he might be reformed. You know? You never know.
[09:38:08] Who the fuck knows?
[09:38:23] Okay. Who the fuck knows? Aww. Aw.
[09:38:27] Lucian said hi to his Nami.
[09:38:29] That's cute.
[09:38:32] That's fucking adorable.
[09:38:41] Oh my god, they're being so wholesome again.
[09:38:44] They're being wholesome again! I can't...
[09:38:52] ... so Well, Blanka has Ignite so I'm going to pop an early pot because she's gonna get level two here damn my bow and just got dumpstered. so so hmm I was gonna die there regardless so it's like fuck it you know we got our
[09:40:18] ignite I have TP, so I lose nothing.
[09:40:20] I killed the Lee Sin. We got our ignite.
[09:40:24] I have TP, so I lose literally nothing. We're chillin'.
[09:40:28] ... stalling the galleons back Okay. We're in a really good spot now.
[09:41:09] Pretty sure Lee Sin is on his red, or he's like on Krugs or something.
[09:41:30] Hmm where is he? He's gotta be somewhere boss side. I'm not gonna use my jump there, because uh...I wanna save it. but...
[09:41:39] Lee Sin is heading back down bot.
[09:41:43] I can jump in here
[09:41:48] because he can't fight me.
[09:42:16] Now, he's at half, he has no clone. so oh
[09:42:28] ooh that's what way Ooh, that was well played. If I was A-clicking, I'd kill him
[09:42:32] but it's still really well played. Like I got
[09:42:36] credit where credit is due you know. That's impressive to me.
[09:42:40] Well done.
[09:42:47] He shouldn't have stayed so long, but still well done either way. An enemy has been slain. so Nice.
[09:43:27] Katrine? She does have Ignite, so I gotta be a little care
[09:43:32] but
[09:43:34] she is at 30% HP
[09:43:35] so ignite or no ignites
[09:43:38] uh
[09:43:39] she will die if she
[09:43:40] messes up
[09:44:12] um She will die if she messes up. Right right there i was just uh trying to play around her CSing.
[09:44:19] Bro, I'm not gonna lie, having
[09:44:20] like... the enemy
[09:44:23] jungler has been mid so much this game like i don't know what to say
[09:44:27] this is like actually kind of blows my mind.
[09:44:44] I don't think I should have gone for a plate there.
[09:44:46] I'm gonna miss a CS... or, a wave rather.
[09:44:51] Well actually if that guy doesn't push then I don't miss shit but
[09:44:54] That guy SHOULD be pushing! The Sibling should be pushing the wave, but if he doesn't I'm okay with it.
[09:44:58] What's happening top? Oh...
[09:45:01] I mean this guys surely just dead.
[09:45:04] You've got to just be dead right?
[09:45:08] What do I watching?
[09:45:12] Why didn't he just try and snowball away? Well you could have at least tried. I think you should always try. Okay, got her again. She's 1 HP again. Not bad. not done oh I mean, I had Kraken Slayer. I over-stayed here, but...
[09:46:39] ...I can probably be okay with the overstay just because I have...
[09:46:50] Just because I have TP.
[09:46:55] Typically that's usually a bad play by me but tp bails me out
[09:47:01] there's no way you're gonna go for this right like surely you don't
[09:47:04] come on bro is it really Come on, bro.
[09:47:10] Is it really worth taking half your HP for stopping me?
[09:47:51] Come on, bro. Surely that's not worth. No. No, like what is happening in these games man? Like, okay I know that was pure ego but like...
[09:48:01] Look at what's happening here. The enemy Kai'Sa just 1v2'd my bot lane. Excuse me, 1v3'd... Stop forcing bot. I will carry.
[09:48:06] But you cannot just tilt okay
[09:48:16] i've been 1v3 most of the game. It's okay, I don't mind but...
[09:48:25] What else? page
[09:48:32] now these players just tilt over nothing and they're not even the ones like
[09:48:36] getting camps I think the game's over? How?!
[09:48:52] How is this game over?!
[09:49:00] ... so so Oh my god, like look at this!
[09:49:28] Fucking 3 mid again! I'm telling you, what is going on?
[09:49:41] How is there like
[09:49:42] a fucking enemy team just hates me this is wild This is crazy.
[09:50:03] I've had Galio, Lee Sin and fucking LeBlanc in my lane for probably more than I'd been
[09:50:08] in my lane by itself.
[09:50:11] Not even kidding!
[09:50:13] But we did get bot turret... like the good news is my team got bot turret. Right?
[09:50:18] So they abused the fact that Galio's been mid all game.
[09:50:21] The fact they abused it is huge. I'm down with that.
[09:50:30] Oh my god! Oh, he's mid again.
[09:50:30] Okay.
[09:50:32] Oh, and Lee Sin's here.
[09:50:32] Okay.
[09:50:37] Okay, I'm just dead again or what?
[09:50:37] Like... what is this
[09:50:39] like what the man
[09:50:46] tell me in a while
[09:51:09] like what the fuck? Dude, I don't even know what to say right now about just how crazy this is.
[09:51:36] I have never had this many people in a lane with me for THIS long?
[09:51:58] Even in high elo, people don't do this because it's just bad Oh, Lee Sin's boss. Like... Like, we exhausted late.
[09:52:08] Nami.
[09:52:09] Sit with us men.
[09:52:15] Bro, why are you
[09:52:17] always Mia?
[09:52:19] Like, my Nami's
[09:52:20] actually AFK!
[09:52:23] Like, no flame bro but just afk sit with team support easy roll
[09:52:33] like what am I watching?
[09:52:44] Lucian! You're retarded IRL and in-game. Shut the fuck up!
[09:52:48] You are actually a fucking retard. Be the fuck quiet.
[09:52:53] We know speak when we are this retarded.
[09:53:05] Riven, Emerald? no speak. You are beneath everyone in life and in League. Wanna compare?
[09:53:27] You can meet my peak. I'll literally give you $1,000. so so so I'm going to go for the monkey.
[09:54:25] Low elo players are actually just monkeys you guys aren't dressed pigs like
[09:54:32] like i mean that like you guys are piggies in the elo. You guys ego
[09:54:34] like little piggies
[09:54:35] but you fucking suck
[09:54:41] But you ego, but you suck.
[09:54:47] Like I'm literally 1v3ing mid for 5 straight minutes...
[09:54:58] And somehow my bot and my top are tilted like i want you to imagine this i want you to imagine your mid is 1v3 for five straight minutes, and somehow you're
[09:55:05] tilting.
[09:55:11] Oh my god, he's fucking 20
[09:55:13] HP man. Fucking A. Like this Lee god he's fucking 20 hp man fucking a
[09:55:15] like this lucian this lee has not left
[09:55:18] mid the entire game
[09:55:19] which is fine like i'm used to it
[09:55:22] but like
[09:55:23] how is the oh man i'm sorry for whining i'm tilted this is crazy to me shut down You know what's crazy?
[09:55:53] How does Riven even lose lane
[09:55:54] to an Aatrox?
[09:55:58] I don't actually know the To an Aatrox.
[09:56:04] I don't actually know the matchup, so I'm genuinely kind of asking like does Aatrox beat Riven or is that a skill match up?
[09:56:07] Maybe he's just outclassed. I don't know
[09:56:11] Maybe you know like it happens
[09:56:14] Cuz I genuinely like I don't know top lane matchups
[09:56:17] It's like Riven would have an advantage if the ribbons good But I feel like if the ribbon's good but i feel like uh if the ribbon is not
[09:56:21] good the other guy has an advantage 100 so He's gonna poof back over?
[09:56:52] Okay...
[09:56:55] Nami, what are you doing?
[09:56:59] Where is my Nami bot again? This is wild. I don't know why this nami sits alone so much so like what the fuck? Bro, where is our team? Oh my god.
[09:57:54] Like what-what is Riven doing? Help the homie!
[09:57:58] Well played Lucian.
[09:58:00] Riven just...
[09:58:02] likes to watch Yes, and I 1v4'd all game long.
[09:58:25] While you lost 1v1 in crime.
[09:58:34] Homie, Riven beats Aatroxx if you aren't bad so
[09:58:58] this is rough. Where is my team?
[09:59:15] Oh, there they are
[09:59:15] Holy fuck
[09:59:17] I found him.
[09:59:24] I'm going to be honest, though.
[09:59:25] That was such a bad play by them.
[10:00:20] Fuck. Fuck. oh my fucking god bro fucking five mid again what the fuck? so so I feel kind of bad. This Lucian's not that bad, but this Nami is really bad.
[10:00:28] Like the Lucians's not actually mechanically that bad. Play it you low elo fuck. so Again, people have this weird idea that KDA matters at all and it never does um I'm going to try and get the first one. Nice job.
[10:01:31] KDA doesn't matter at all in the League, what matters is like
[10:01:34] What you're doing with your kills and your gold
[10:01:40] Just ignore that near gold just ignore each other you all suck
[10:01:45] jesus christ guys relax Relax.
[10:01:54] I shouldn't even be typing, I'm just tilting.
[10:02:00] You remember earlier by the way when I told you that like...... I love the game and I hate the fucking players in the game? so Okay, well that's fine. I just got one shot by the fucking Lee.
[10:02:35] Like, oh he's 16 and 7? I didn't even see.
[10:02:38] Fuck, I shouldn't have forfeited
[10:02:39] or I shouldn't have tried to flank that.
[10:02:42] That was my fault.
[10:02:43] I did not see that guy with 16 kills.
[10:02:45] How the fuck did I get one shot?
[10:02:48] But it's just
[10:02:49] he just ults
[10:02:50] because he is full Lethality Lee Sin.
[10:02:54] Bro, because he's fully family listen
[10:03:03] bro you realize i killed their lee level two and you still lost jungle let that sink in
[10:03:14] you all suck. huge Hmm.
[10:03:41] I cannot push this... I think if Revan comes, we might be able to win this fight. so How in God's name did Aatrox have Flash, Exhaust and Ulti on me there?
[10:04:18] And like we lost the fight
[10:04:20] on the other side of the map.
[10:04:22] That is wild.
[10:04:24] I mean we have to just give this.
[10:04:26] We can't fight this unless he lands that.
[10:04:49] ... he lands that I swear to God, low evil players don't even want to play League of Legends. I swear they don't.
[10:04:55] They just want to win,
[10:04:56] but they don't want to play.
[10:04:58] Lucian has four items.
[10:05:00] Why would you not want
[10:05:01] to play League right now?
[10:05:04] He's like trying to forfeit.
[10:05:05] Like, why?
[10:05:09] Like, games like this are why you play League of Legends.
[10:05:12] Like, unironically, these are like the why you play League of Legends. Like, unironically these are the games you play League for.
[10:05:16] I'm getting so stuck!
[10:05:19] I don't know what to do with my life... so so let's go this guy I don't understand.
[10:05:59] Revan, we could just kill that guy but...
[10:06:02] Okay. My team is going to die on Baron right now so How did Revan die? an ally has been slain
[10:06:50] how did reven die
[10:09:27] she had both sums so so so so so so so so so so so I'm going to go ahead and do that. so Okay. Not the worst. I mean, I'm literally one or two b-fiving with nami I almost want to get a GA, but I don't know if I can. so so hey so so so Thanks for watching! so oh so The difference between Hyde Elo and this Elo is like, This hero likes the ego
[10:12:19] Like they're good.
[10:12:22] But like...
[10:12:23] They will throw the game because of like
[10:12:25] They're angry at the world
[10:12:26] Because they're just fucking dogshit players.
[10:12:39] Like, Jesus, you people are bad.
[10:12:42] I'm being flamed by a D4 ribbon an Emerald 280 carry
[10:12:47] and a
[10:12:48] D4 support
[10:12:58] i should know sorry jungle jungle my support was actually good
[10:13:03] like this is disgusting you people are horrible players so like i don't even know what to say
[10:13:07] like lucian played fine but his attitude was horrid
[10:13:15] like it is crazy that like i had three people in my lane the whole game
[10:13:22] and i still had to end up carrying the game.
[10:13:28] Lucian did his job, but that is crazy.
[10:13:32] I want to add this Nami and say thank you for playing the game. so so so. you
[10:14:36] homie you are literally d4 trying to int games and being bad at it
[10:14:43] it's so embarrassing
[10:14:51] hyping non-stop okay bro you are or? Low master peak?
[10:15:01] Maybe.
[10:15:04] You still suck.
[10:16:11] Okay. oh my god man... God, I don't know what to say man. I shouldn't even be typing to this loser. I typed a typing for you to play league is not toxic you absolute moron.
[10:16:38] Just play the game you queued up to play.
[10:16:41] It's so easy.
[10:16:43] Like, dude, this is my issue with every single person that plays League and higher elos.
[10:16:49] You guys queue up but you don't want to play the game!
[10:16:53] If the game goes bad even a little little bit you get tilted and you get mad
[10:16:57] and want to run it down.
[10:16:59] And if this guy is smurfing
[10:17:01] its even worse.
[10:17:03] If your smurfinng and the game goes badly
[10:17:05] You should use that To figure out how to carry because
[10:17:08] you are better than the elo that you're playing in. Correct? So why
[10:17:12] are you like saying GG go next because you got shit on
[10:17:16] instead of figuring out WHY you got shit on instead of figuring out
[10:17:18] why you got shit on
[10:17:19] and just getting better.
[10:17:21] Like,
[10:17:21] just stop typing in games
[10:17:23] and play the fucking game.
[10:17:27] Yes,
[10:17:31] I did have 11 deaths. I also did double your damage to turrets and champs while being 1v3 mid,
[10:17:41] then typing to you.
[10:17:47] Bro! you are acting like Riven is rocket science.
[10:17:56] Are you joking?
[10:18:00] Your champ... are you joking
[10:18:06] your champ has like three combos i'm saying you weren't even trying to hit them.
[10:18:16] Yes, I should do more damage,
[10:18:23] but you did so little.
[10:18:25] It's embarrassing.
[10:18:30] I should stop typing to this guy, huh?
[10:18:33] I'm gonna just move on.
[10:18:36] Go walk in lowy-low.
[10:18:38] If you wanna improve, do it.
[10:18:41] But stop typing.
[10:18:43] A community is toxic do it. Let's stop typing. The community
[10:18:44] is toxic enough.
[10:18:49] Yeah.
[10:18:54] Like, dude.
[10:18:56] I'm just gonna... I'm gonna mute him.
[10:18:57] There's no reason
[10:18:57] to talk to this guy anymore.
[10:19:00] I can't remove him
[10:19:01] because apparently
[10:19:01] you can't remove people
[10:19:02] in chat but dude
[10:19:03] I shouldn't even type to these people like
[10:19:06] i know that they're disgusting ggs man it was such a hard game uh wait who are you yo ggs man Yo, GG's man.
[10:19:24] The Galio? Oh, GG's dude!
[10:19:26] Wait how did you know it was me?
[10:19:30] Wait, what? That's crazy.
[10:19:43] That's impressive. No, you played really well, Galio.
[10:19:45] You played well.
[10:19:50] Like I was getting like you sitting mid with Lee Sin
[10:19:52] for like the fucking five straight minutes.
[10:19:54] Dude, you guys tilted me.
[10:19:56] I'm not going to lie lie you guys broke my mental man
[10:20:00] me just sitting there for five straight minutes getting analed by three
[10:20:04] people holy my mental boomed we had to like i had to like lock in while typing to my team
[10:20:14] i've also been streaming for 10 hours so like think about this man, I'm 10 hours deep into a stream playing on
[10:20:25] a Smurf typing while being 1v3'd every game.
[10:20:33] It's just wild.
[10:20:36] Seriously, though, how the fuck did this guy even know it was me?
[10:20:40] How'd you know it was me? How'd you know it's me?
[10:20:42] That's crazy.
[10:20:46] Was it the dashing good looks?
[10:20:48] I get that a lot.
[10:21:00] Here, I'll put my webcam on for you guys oh yeah
[10:21:07] first love
[10:21:11] i got you, boys.
[10:21:17] You're swagged out?
[10:21:19] I don't know what that means because I'm 33.
[10:21:21] I respect it though.
[10:21:51] Minions have spawned. means because i'm 33. i respect it though lost the brush Ooh, dude. You know what's crazy? I actually think Syndra is a good pick into Trist.
[10:21:56] I never see people pick Syndra into Trist, but like high key
[10:22:00] I actually think it's a good pick. Real talk
[10:22:04] because if i jump in and then I get E'd...
[10:22:07] You're not a sniper? No you're fine man. You're good.
[10:22:11] No worries bro.
[10:22:14] Even if you were
[10:22:15] a sniper it's like as long as you're just playing I don't care.
[10:22:17] Like when people snipe and then they ghost and cheat and troll and all that shit
[10:22:21] That's when I usually go like, oh what a loser. But if you're just playing the game
[10:22:25] I don't really care when people snipe But like, if you're just playing the game...
[10:22:29] Like I don't really care when people snipe.
[10:22:34] If you're sniping to get on my team and trying your best, there's nothing wrong with that right?
[10:22:40] Sometimes people will do whatever. Yeah, the Nautilus a few games ago
[10:22:42] was blatantly ghosting.
[10:22:46] That guy was
[10:22:47] blatantly fucking...
[10:22:49] Oh my!
[10:22:51] OH MY!
[10:22:55] Wait. My bot lane is Gumiase?
[10:23:00] What the fuck? Wait, my bot lane is Gumiass-ing? What?!
[10:23:08] We got T1 Bobbin!
[10:23:13] So like right here, if I jump in when she Qs this minion wave...
[10:23:15] Ooh, she actually fucked it up.
[10:23:17] And I missed my cannon.
[10:23:23] But yeah so the way Syndra can beat Trist is like if I jump in she can save her E right?
[10:23:27] And she could just sit there and E me away every time I try to jump in.
[10:23:47] That's kinda why Syndra beats Trist. Well, beat is a bad word but it's not a bad matchup because I think Trist still does better than Syndra for the majority of the game, but... Dude isn't playing versus Tristana fun?
[10:23:49] Where I just auto her while she farms under
[10:23:51] the turret and she can't play the game.
[10:23:53] Isn't that, like, ultra fun?
[10:23:57] Nah, this champ
[10:23:57] needs nerfed though.
[10:24:00] I just hope
[10:24:01] they don't nerf Trist out of AD carry.
[10:24:05] Because you guys know how much I love playing Trist AD.
[10:24:24] So I'm just hoping that
[10:24:25] they don't nerf tryst ad carry enough
[10:24:33] but she does need in there. A hundred percent.
[10:24:40] So I'm hoping what they do...
[10:24:41] You know what?
[10:24:42] They said that they were going to try and tackle
[10:24:43] with her turret damage early.
[10:24:47] I'm hoping all they
[10:24:48] do is nerf her
[10:24:50] damage to turrets.
[10:24:53] Like, genuinely. I'm hoping that
[10:24:54] what they do is they make her E... I'm hoping that like what they do is they make her e uh i i'm hoping that they nerf
[10:24:58] for e damage to turrets see it says like uh it like taps out on turrets or something
[10:25:04] i don't remember how works but i'm hoping that like that's all they do and
[10:25:08] they don't actually nerf her damage damage because tristana
[10:25:12] damaged damage is not actually that op
[10:25:16] like it's not nearly as OP as people think. I know you guys are like, Geronimo your capping her damage is insane.
[10:25:34] But it's not that her damage is insane,
[10:25:36] It's that she has insane damage and
[10:25:40] can kill your turret in five seconds.
[10:25:43] Like there are no other mids
[10:25:44] that can literally delete
[10:25:45] your turret if you make one mistake.
[10:25:51] Right? That's like the issue with Trist.
[10:25:55] One mistake, oh turret is gone. Okay.
[10:26:05] ... Wait, I can walk up right now? And I just hit the turret in front of her and there's nothing she can do about it left.
[10:26:09] Right? I'm taking point. there's nothing she can do about it left.
[10:26:12] Right?
[10:26:12] I just take a point.
[10:26:16] And then the other part that kind of sucks when you're playing versus Trist is not only
[10:26:18] can I take a plate, but I
[10:26:20] can fucking do damage to her so if she tries to fight me...
[10:26:24] Right? If she tries to fight me as I'm taking that bite, she can't do shit.
[10:26:31] Like, THAT'S why it's OP!
[10:26:48] Yo, Graves you good? What am I...Graves? Homie? Like, don't get me wrong.
[10:26:50] Tristana's damage is crazy good but that's like her kit.
[10:26:52] Her kit is designed to have her be good in lane.
[10:27:01] I could've 1v3'd that. I just suck.
[10:27:09] If i dodge that hook, I definitely 1v3'ed that.
[10:27:19] ... I have jumped back up, but I gotta be careful.
[10:27:21] I don't know where Pyke is.
[10:27:22] I think they're on Dragon,
[10:27:23] but I don't know for sure.
[10:27:26] And Syndra is six, so she can just one-shot me from half.
[10:27:35] I'm actually gonna jump in and try to kill Syndra. Her E is on cooldown.
[10:27:39] If she gets a little bit closer, I'm going for it.
[10:27:44] Okay her E's back.
[10:27:49] Her E's back. Her E is back now I believe.
[10:27:52] What?
[10:27:55] What is happening?
[10:28:01] Like am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious this graves just kind of walks into mid like what what is what is going on
[10:28:27] like low-key this guy just walks in my life right now Wait, they 4-footed?
[10:28:47] What?! Who AFK'd?
[10:28:49] Was it our top B team? What? Who AFK'd?
[10:28:55] Was it our top, the enemy top laner?
[10:29:09] What?! The fuck? Okay. Oh, yeah.
[10:29:14] Oh, it was him.
[10:29:16] Wait, I gotta go see why this guy AFK'd.
[10:29:18] I gotta go see.
[10:29:20] Like, I need to see what happened
[10:29:21] because he died like twice and then...
[10:29:23] He died once, then AFK'd.
[10:29:26] But he made it to level 6!
[10:29:30] This guy made it
[10:29:31] to level 6 and then AFK'd.
[10:29:34] That's crazy.
[10:29:37] Let's go see why.
[10:29:45] What is that? What is that?
[10:29:51] Like I said, a follow would mean a lot.
[10:30:11] If you guys want to go follow the O and 2 Jinxs, because like why not? Feel free. okay i wanna i want to see what happened top
[10:30:19] let's take a look. Oh god, what is this?
[10:30:23] Okay they're five manning Rumble...
[10:30:25] He flashes.
[10:30:30] They have no other CC because Viego started Q.
[10:30:34] Did I just watch Viego flash Q the Rumble?
[10:30:37] Nah, there's no way right? I not just watch this vehicle flash cue a rumble
[10:30:43] Like like what was that?
[10:30:46] like what What Like what?
[10:30:51] What?! WHAT?!
[10:31:29] ... what the oh my god Guys, don't ever let your dreams be dreams.
[10:31:38] You too can get to Diamond. Anybody in chat, you can get to Diamond I believe in you, you can do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams just do it. Like what the absolute that i just watched okay so yone stayed in the game for a
[10:31:47] little bit then it looks like he died one time to Rumble and gave up and left.
[10:31:54] So let's watch.
[10:31:58] So his wave is fucked...
[10:32:01] Wait, could he have not gotten his wave fucked there?
[10:32:04] I gotta make sure it's...not like a troll.
[10:32:09] I gotta make sure he didn't fuck himself.
[10:32:13] Ohhhh, he fucked himself. I i mean i'm gonna be
[10:32:15] honest yone did this guy did it to himself where was
[10:32:18] his tp
[10:32:21] when did he even tp what the fuck
[10:32:37] i mean to be fair, Rumble top is not balanced.
[10:32:39] This is the most broken top laner in the game right now.
[10:32:41] Right?
[10:32:42] Like that champ is not balanced, to be fair.
[10:32:43] But like... Oh, Yone. What are you doing?
[10:32:51] I mean, I'm gonna be 100%.
[10:32:53] Yone did this to himself.
[10:32:57] Like dude is not waiting for the wave.
[10:33:00] He should just be right here
[10:33:01] hovering to get XP.
[10:33:04] Why are you
[10:33:05] walking up to this guy when you're level 2?
[10:33:08] This is wild. He's fighting
[10:33:10] a Rumble who's about to overheat.
[10:33:12] Wait, he's fighting a Rumble
[10:33:14] level 2 versus level 3.
[10:33:32] That's crazy. that's crazy that's craziness you're a psychopath Wait, he's taking too much damage.
[10:33:34] Like this is the issue okay?
[10:33:38] I'll give you guys a little bit of a teaching lesson here. This is the issue with why this Yone
[10:33:40] fucked himself, and that's what I'm saying
[10:33:42] Yeah, the Rumble was a stronger champ than Yone early
[10:33:44] but you shouldn't be taking damage like
[10:33:46] this
[10:33:48] He knows that the Rumble has boots and an Amp Tomb.
[10:33:51] Right? Because Rumble got two kills
[10:33:53] on level one. So because
[10:33:55] Rumble got two kills on level 1 you know
[10:33:57] that Rumble has boot-Amp Tomb. Which means
[10:33:59] he has an advantage. Okay? Because he has the advantage you shouldn't be trading into him.
[10:34:02] You should just be waiting for like a gank or setting up wave management
[10:34:06] because you know he has no flash
[10:34:08] So Graves is pathing top right? This Graves is pathing top right this grave's is packing up
[10:34:13] which means that uh yone cannot put himself in this situation Let's just speed it up.
[10:34:26] I mean, yeah he's just fucked!
[10:34:27] He fucked himself.
[10:34:31] Like, he took too much damage and now he's in kill range.
[10:34:37] Even here, he didn't even play this that bad.
[10:34:39] But he took so much damage that he has to use the TP.
[10:34:43] So, now he has to tv back right so he's pretty much lost the lane at this point
[10:34:48] because he has to tp back and his only his tp buy is a is a what
[10:34:52] does it keep you buying dagger. So he didn't
[10:34:54] even buy... Wait.
[10:34:58] Why didn't he buy pots?
[10:35:04] Huh.
[10:35:06] Why didn't he buy potions?
[10:35:09] That's crazy.
[10:35:11] He has 150, he should have bought refillable.
[10:35:16] Because he is taking so much damage.
[10:35:22] Here, like this right here too like
[10:35:29] like after tp's back, let me show you guys what i'm trying to say
[10:35:34] so after this guy TP's back...
[10:35:39] Watch, watch.
[10:35:43] Holy fuck just sit on Yone bro. Okay.
[10:35:47] He's choosing to take these trades? Like that was a good trade right? That was actually a really, really good trade.
[10:35:51] He should honestly just straight up all in the Rumble
[10:35:53] right now with his E.
[10:35:54] He has the third Q.
[10:35:56] He's just all-in Rumble.
[10:35:57] He's just E and all-in him.
[10:35:58] I don't know what that was. That is like
[10:36:00] what the fuck that Q was.
[10:36:02] But Rumble's Q is on cooldown
[10:36:04] and he can't E him through
[10:36:06] the minion wave. So,
[10:36:08] he should have just E'd,
[10:36:09] traded,
[10:36:10] and then...
[10:36:11] Because he needs to crash this.
[10:36:12] The important thing that you guys gotta understand about Leeg is like
[10:36:14] fighting this guy doesn't matter.
[10:36:16] He's trying to make this Rumble use his teleport.
[10:36:18] He needs to crash this wave so we can go back and buy.
[10:36:21] Sorry, my game is about to start.
[10:36:23] I was going to go more in-depth
[10:36:24] about that but the game is about to start.. you
[10:36:49] yo how's your guys day going chat i usually don't stream this like. This is kind of wild.
[10:36:52] How you guys doing?
[10:37:00] I haven't done a long stream like this in months. By the way, if you guys have any questions about the game,
[10:37:27] don't be scared to ask in between queues or whatever you want to ask.
[10:37:41] Like for the most part
[10:37:44] this is a teaching stream.
[10:37:46] I feel like there's not
[10:37:47] a lot of
[10:37:47] AD carry teachers
[10:37:52] going on right now.
[10:37:53] I think Saber
[10:37:54] and Rektile are the only two ad carry
[10:37:58] players that like teach the game so i kind of wanted to
[10:38:02] uh i kind of wanted to start teaching the game again.
[10:38:08] But, I also have to prove to everybody that like...
[10:38:11] Every year this shit happens where every single year
[10:38:15] people think I'm washed up because I'm not playing in Challenger GM constantly
[10:38:18] Because like
[10:38:19] I'll just play for fun or I'll troll or whatever
[10:38:21] Once a year, I gotta do a climb
[10:38:23] Up to GM Child just to tell people
[10:38:25] They're fucking stupid
[10:38:26] We gotta prove them wrong, you know just to tell people they're fucking stupid.
[10:38:43] We gotta prove them wrong, you know? People be...
[10:38:50] People be silly.
[10:38:53] It's 2 AM, you work at 8?
[10:38:54] Bro, you should get some sleep.
[10:38:56] Get some sleep, brother. Okay. brother Zed vs Trist is an interesting matchup. because i'm actually pretty sure i win this extremely hard but zed can win I'm pretty sure.
[10:39:34] Like if I make a mistake he can capitalize pretty hard on it.
[10:39:37] But I'm pretty sure I have like a stupidly good advantage in this lane. I'm gonna sit here and just auto him when he farms so Oh, this guy does have Ignite.
[10:40:35] I didn't check to see if he had Ignite.
[10:40:37] I'm glad I just did.
[10:40:43] I actually should've jumped on him the second he used his E, but I can already tell I'm getting tired.
[10:40:49] I normally am laying in bed trying to sleep at this time.
[10:40:54] But I thought hey, I owe you guys some streams. uh Whoa.
[10:41:22] Interesting. That was a really interesting choice, but I gotta play like that what am i watching
[10:41:46] what hey Hey! If you're Give him the lick.
[10:42:13] Yeah, give him the lick!
[10:42:16] Oh well...
[10:42:19] Maybe we push this in and then then if he stays, we dive him?
[10:42:31] Oh I'm dead.
[10:42:34] I should have jumped! My bad.
[10:42:37] Shoulda...jumped. That's fine. oh our bot lane is not doing hot loco's ad carry is pretty dog shit though so i
[10:42:53] didn't expect him to do well
[10:42:58] like that's not a good thing rank oh I should put my unranked challenger rank on there huh.
[10:43:08] Somebody remind me after this game to put my rank on there.
[10:43:13] Because I'm going to forget.
[10:43:15] I always do.
[10:44:03] At the moment we've only played seven games we're playing in like d4 emerald Ooh, he's level six. He has a sex spike. Is he gonna use it? Doesn't look like it. Damn I really want that fucking plate. Bro.
[10:44:10] He might try and go in here. If he does, I just kill him.
[10:44:15] Man, I can't jump him even without his fucking E.
[10:44:19] Oh, I gotta go help my team.
[10:44:29] I'm gonna walk this way so that if the Zed tries to follow, I can just kill him.
[10:44:34] I do need to be careful face-checking this
[10:44:35] though.
[10:44:38] Let's see if we can get him to waste his W
[10:44:39] on the wave. didn't I could probably
[10:44:45] jump in and kill them but I wanted to use this w there we go What is he doing? Where'd he go?
[10:45:09] Is he just gone? Oh. Wait, what?
[10:45:11] How did he get there?
[10:45:13] Wait, am I an idiot?
[10:45:17] Wait that was some fucking sorcery.
[10:45:27] ... I don't think he's dead.
[10:45:32] Oh, it's so close!
[10:45:48] I need one more auto. Ah.
[10:45:51] I'm 150 gold off.
[10:45:53] Like,
[10:45:54] I should not be staying here.
[10:46:00] Because I can't take this point.
[10:46:04] And he's gonna come back with ulti.
[10:46:09] Now I've trapped myself in lane...
[10:46:13] The thing is though, I just really want Kraken S kraken so i do this so much to myself
[10:46:18] like sometimes i just ego it and i know it's bad okay
[10:46:26] okay i'm fine.
[10:46:36] Alright, I'll just go back. I can afford it in a sec.
[10:46:47] I ego this shit way too hard, man.
[10:46:50] Ooh, Zyra might die.
[10:46:56] Okay, maybe I shouldn't have pinged her.
[10:46:59] She didn't...
[10:47:01] She didn't understand that assignment.
[10:47:03] My bad.
[10:47:08] I just wanted to catch the wave but she ganked the Zed.
[10:47:13] Oh, she muted herself? Okay...
[10:47:16] I kinda get it. She didn't know what I wanted because I couldn't ping and type it.
[10:47:20] I should've just typed catch wave that was my bad.
[10:48:00] Pretty sure i just take this. Yeah, he can't stop us. Ah, if I flash before he got his auto slow, I kill him.
[10:48:01] Dang. I fucked up slightly, my bad. Like, I had the right idea... wrong execution. I'm old. so Dude, what the fuck?
[10:48:35] Crushing waves is an ever fuck
[10:48:41] crushing weights doesn't ever wait memories are dying days just like hurricanes
[10:48:44] is that has all right he didn't ult during that fight. No I know he didn't.
[10:48:52] He only hit me with one Q. Not bad.
[10:48:55] I gotta push this wave in and then rotate.
[10:49:00] I mean, I can 1v1 him pretty easy but I don't wanna jump in if Ekko's nearby so I'm going to...
[10:49:06] Like I said, push this wave and I'm gonna rotate.
[10:49:10] Ooh! He ultimated him.
[10:49:13] Wait that was actually such a good play by him.
[10:49:17] He shit on me.
[10:49:19] Well played, I have to actually back I think. That was a
[10:49:23] really good combo because he got
[10:49:27] me with triple shuriken. Careful.
[10:49:48] That will be there in a sec yeah there he is
[10:49:53] you know i can't fight because we don't have uh vision
[10:49:58] i don't have wards.
[10:50:05] Oh man, I really wanna fuckin' go mid.
[10:50:19] ... okay where's senna senna come senna i need you. Senna! Stop typing!
[10:50:31] An enemy has been slain... I mean, that guy's just bad.
[10:50:40] I can't help him
[10:50:47] senna be typing up a storm so Let's fucking go. Nice job, lads.
[10:51:19] I think I can get two plates here before the plate...
[10:51:24] Or before the plate. Right before
[10:51:25] the thing drops.
[10:51:28] Nice.
[10:51:29] Maybe three?
[10:51:32] Oh,
[10:51:33] the triple
[10:51:34] plate?
[10:51:54] Oh, the rare triple plate oh they're rare triple plate Is this warded, you guys think? It definitely is.
[10:51:56] Yeah like 100% that's warded.
[10:51:59] Oh it wasn't warded. I for sure thought
[10:52:03] that was warded.
[10:52:07] Ooh my bad. that keeps me waiting
[10:52:30] wait i think karma is to my left. Yep there it is.
[10:52:33] Wait this guy is trolling.
[10:52:44] Yeah that was troll as fuck man. Damn Damn, he actually got that. If Ezreal's in one of these bushes I just kill him but we'll see.
[10:53:15] Like he might ego this and try to fight. Not today not today not today oh
[10:53:27] mine
[10:53:32] you guys think this is warded?
[10:53:36] Like, what are the odds? Oh, I think we're gonna lose mid.
[10:53:53] I don't know if I can actually get there in time maybe oh i can okay Okay.
[10:54:17] Ow, okay.
[10:54:21] That's not very fun.
[10:54:25] ... um I wonder if their red buff's up.
[10:54:46] Can't really check, it's a cannon wave so i gotta push this in
[10:54:50] it'd be cool if the red was up though i don't wanna go check Oh, I got outplayed.
[10:55:08] I
[10:55:09] mistracked his shadows,
[10:55:12] my bad.
[10:55:15] Like,
[10:55:15] I win that
[10:55:16] if I don't
[10:55:16] fuck up.
[10:55:18] Like,
[10:55:18] I thought the
[10:55:19] first shadow he used or whatever was
[10:55:21] his uh second channel i don't know how to phrase it
[10:55:25] i just messed up
[10:55:29] i'm just dog it is what it is.
[10:55:31] I gotta stop making misplays though, because we're in the point where every misplay I make my team's not doing too hot so if I make a bunch more misplays like...
[10:55:38] ...I could probably lose the game for my team.
[10:55:51] Sorry, I gotta be a little careful.
[10:55:53] Ooh, well played!
[10:55:55] Forces the ult... Ohp, nevermind.
[10:56:08] Oooh. I don't think Zed should be in these bushes. Like, I should not be face checking these. Oh my god.
[10:56:11] I am... oh my god, I'm pissing myself.
[10:56:21] It shouldn't be bot either but
[10:56:23] Dragon's up SX so i kind of want to like
[10:56:25] take a croak take about wave
[10:56:31] uh one sec somebody's at my back door.
[10:56:44] Give me seconds... seconds. Hey man.
[10:56:58] You can come in.
[10:57:12] Sorry I'm just streaming. so uh Sometimes outnumbered, never out. so so I had that guy if i didn't mess up Wait, what's happening over here?
[10:58:38] Holy fuck.
[10:58:39] My team is losing to Baron.
[10:58:44] Where they're, like, hard losing
[10:58:46] to Baron. Dude, Ekko is gonna steal this.
[10:58:48] Ekko is gonna 1v4
[10:58:50] steal this. I'm calling it
[10:58:52] now. Yeah
[10:58:55] Oh
[10:58:58] My god, what to do? Well, I can tell because my team is...
[10:59:22] They're losing all their wins.
[10:59:26] When you are against people who are just losing their lanes
[10:59:28] You can tell what is going to happen before it happens
[10:59:36] I'm not sure if this is a good idea so uh
[10:59:53] i probably shouldn't ego that hi hello How you doing man? Welcome to the stream! You missed my team getting 1v4'd at Baron and getting outsmarted welcome Oh, that was a good ulti actually.
[11:00:26] Ooh, that was the bad play by me though.
[11:00:32] My bad.
[11:00:33] I misplayed the Walmart. Just play with me. Uh, do I need...
[11:00:55] I think I need GA.
[11:00:56] I don't think I actually
[11:00:57] need Dumbs this game.
[11:01:04] I mean, I fucked up.
[11:01:08] We can still win this.
[11:01:08] I just... I can't make mistakes like that.
[11:01:10] I egoed it.
[11:01:11] I guess I'm egoing.
[11:01:13] I'm...ed it. I guess not egoing. Hold on...
[11:01:19] Jesus Christ. I definitely need a GA though. 100
[11:02:18] oh that was a good w by that guy. Not bad. oh that's really bad. Uh I think I can still play this really well but...
[11:02:23] Please don't kill me. Fuck! Don't die!
[11:02:30] Leave, leave, leave!
[11:02:32] Leave, don't fight! so so God, man.
[11:03:12] I see Tom to sit with me
[11:03:13] and I need to
[11:03:14] walk in.
[11:03:19] God, they have such a disgustingly OP comp for snowballing the lead if I make one mistake.
[11:03:26] You know what's funny?
[11:03:27] I didn't even actually make the mistake this game.
[11:03:28] It was my teammates but I don't want to blame my team.
[11:03:32] Like, I-I don't want to blame them, you know?
[11:03:33] It's just like stupid to do that.
[11:03:44] I really don't need doms because nobody has armor. It would literally just be for fucking base armor at this point, and GA is so much more value
[11:04:02] they have to be behind this Camille, no?
[11:04:09] Okay I need...
[11:04:13] 70 gold for GA
[11:04:14] I'll feel a lot more confident
[11:04:17] like jumping in when I have GA
[11:04:18] okay that's fine
[11:04:23] we got this we got this Okay, that's fine.
[11:04:27] We got this! Just need to focus up.
[11:04:36] God... Okay. Because I mean, I'm almost level 18.
[11:04:40] Like, I'm very high-level.
[11:04:44] ... so so oh my god what the fuck is happening over there? oh what is going on Oh my god guys please
[11:06:00] wait how did my salad die one way okay not bad we need to go get Baron.
[11:06:37] And now I sell GA and I grab... so so I'm gonna go back to the base. so jay we get doms so oh they're gonna try and actually macro?
[11:07:50] Well that's actually interesting. They did the macro correctly there
[11:07:54] actually peace Okay, we just push mid. so so so so so so Oh oh that should be gg Nice.
[11:09:59] Close game, I almost threw that it was so close. cross yo boys give me like two minutes
[11:10:15] okay like two minutes okay I need to talk somebody around very quick i will be right back
[11:10:29] don't go anywhere
[11:14:23] oh yeah trista is is really gross. Super-gross. The champ's RP. I'll be with you in a second.. Thank you..... Okay. Thank you. you you........ All right, I'm going to have to be a little quieter. Uh, I have a friend here
[11:14:27] and he's trying to sleep so I don't want to like you know
[11:14:31] keep him up.
[11:14:37] So, I'm going to have to be a little quieter as I'm talking but
[11:14:41] you guys should be... As long as, can you hear me at this volume?
[11:14:48] I talk like this. Can you still hear me or am I
[11:14:52] do I need to get closer to the mic? so....... What did you just say?
[11:16:36] When you look at other mid-laners,
[11:16:37] you feel depressed.
[11:16:38] Kinda.
[11:16:41] Like I could see that, kinda.
[11:16:44] Like, you're not
[11:16:45] completely wrong.
[11:16:49] Because Tristan is definitely one of those mids that's like
[11:16:56] she's kind
[11:16:57] of like the
[11:16:58] idea of
[11:16:59] she has two of like...
[11:17:05] She has too good of an early game.
[11:17:06] Even though I threw this game twice,
[11:17:08] you can see here,
[11:17:10] I threw my lead really hard twice.
[11:17:16] We were still able to play the game dude this is crazy by the way look at this so i
[11:17:24] i think this is actually kind of wild so i 1v3'd them bot right right? I killed all three of these guys' bot here.
[11:17:27] My team got aced at Baron and we lost Baron. That's crazy. We dropped like 6k gold lead instantly that was wild oh i forgot i need to put the rank
[11:18:02] robot thing i need to put this account on there. My bad.
[11:18:07] Low rank bot.
[11:18:11] Hold on, let me put the account in there.
[11:18:15] It said hey Tristana What is that? I'm scared to click this even though it's a YouTube link.
[11:18:46] I'm kind of a pussy. Yeah, it's like demon hours.
[11:19:09] And homies linking me some weird
[11:19:10] ass shit.... What is... what's going on?
[11:20:06] Is this guy, is this guy okay?.... you
[11:21:23] guys I think my Raptor might be high as fuck. I'm not sure. What is his name.
[11:21:52] What's his name?
[11:21:54] Spogbobble?
[11:21:56] Oh, geez.
[11:21:58] Oh, geez.
[11:21:59] His name is Spogbobble. You know maybe that's his IRL name we don't know.
[11:22:03] Not gonna judge him right like that's you know maybe it's a side real name man.
[11:22:14] What do we know? We don't know. Too much judgment! What was the Melio spamming?
[11:22:27] Oh.
[11:22:30] You know, maybe that's a Zyrel name.
[11:22:32] Welcome to the League of Legends. You know, maybe that's a Zyrel name.
[11:22:35] Welcome to the League of Draven! We don't know.
[11:22:40] Yo, Shafen, thank you for the 78. i really appreciate it man welcome back
[11:22:45] thank you so much
[11:22:51] welcome to my first 12-hour stream in like three months we're vibing
[11:23:00] hope you're having a good time This ain't a scene, it's a damn arms race.
[11:23:20] Started work in the UK?
[11:23:22] Hey!
[11:23:23] That's good, right?
[11:23:25] Well I don't know, is it good? Maybe it's good? Maybe it's bad? Not sure.
[11:23:33] I'm helping send you through boring emails and glad i can help men
[11:23:46] whoa Whoa.
[11:23:50] Okay.
[11:23:54] Oh, okay.
[11:23:56] Wait is that a mid Sajuan? Okay.
[11:23:59] Wait, is that a mid Sejuani?
[11:24:01] Okay, I did not
[11:24:03] check what was going on in this game
[11:24:05] from drafts.
[11:24:09] But that is definitely a... What?
[11:24:17] That was definitely a mid-Sedge.
[11:24:20] I think...
[11:24:22] So it is!
[11:24:24] On a good note, she wasted Ignite and she has no Flash. no flash so If it weren't shooting one, it probably wouldn't have leveled my E yet actually.
[11:25:06] Like low-key, I could've slow pushed this and not leveled B.
[11:25:11] And then I coulda crashed wave 3 instead of wave 2
[11:25:13] because it's probably going to
[11:25:15] crash wave 2
[11:25:16] and I could have crashed wave 3 if I didn't level my
[11:25:19] E there, like high key.
[11:25:21] That kind of sucks actually.
[11:26:09] Oh well well it's all good Thanks for watching! i might just drop in I feel like I just gotta auto this guy a bunch. Like, there's nothing else to do against him, just auto attack him as much as I can.
[11:26:14] Yep. yep Yeah, we should have won that very hard. Thank God Melio came! Braided pubes with the fucking play! My man. if this guy has
[11:26:54] ignite which I think
[11:26:56] he does
[11:26:56] I think I die here
[11:26:57] like he's going to does i think i die here
[11:27:00] like he's gonna try and go for it there's no flash so i just have to juke
[11:27:04] this damn i was trying to bait that guy's all-in, but...
[11:27:25] I need to push.
[11:27:28] Oh man, I really wish this guy was helping me push this wave. It's okay though.
[11:27:37] Uh... Man.
[11:27:48] Okay, I'm fine. I'm out.
[11:27:55] I'm gonna miss a wave here but I don't really have a choice. This sucks.
[11:27:57] I really don't want to miss this wave,
[11:27:59] But I really don't have a choice.
[11:28:05] Damn. All this because I kinda fucked up level 1.
[11:28:09] It's fine.
[11:28:11] Sedge, Mia for a sec.
[11:28:13] Thank you for help. I'll return favor with LP I have never seen a Sejuani mid in my entire League of Legends career.
[11:28:38] It's actually pretty interesting.
[11:28:41] Oh, my God.
[11:28:42] I missed four CS.
[11:28:45] This guy is not
[11:28:47] six yet but he could be six on this wave
[11:28:48] so I gotta be careful.
[11:29:00] Oh my god. I might have to flash here. What the fuck am I watching?
[11:29:14] He might get six on this wave.
[11:29:16] I'm a little nervous.
[11:29:18] You know? Dude, this guy's actually like a Sejuani Connoisseur.
[11:29:32] Look at that shit!
[11:29:35] He knows his damage this is wild so Oh, you guys gotta be care.
[11:30:14] I have to be.
[11:30:27] Okay. I mean, I can TP now but like... I'm late guys so
[11:30:31] please be careful.
[11:30:41] I have no boots you guys gotta be careful here
[11:30:49] wait there's just no way right wait there's just no way right? Like guys
[11:30:57] Please don't force things when I'm not
[11:31:01] There okay. I will carry but you cannot force stuff like that
[11:31:11] like uh fid just get six okay? With autofilled it's ok
[11:31:16] but don't force
[11:31:18] Just...
[11:31:20] Get 6, play to win
[11:31:24] I think my fiddles autofill because he is trying to do the thing that a lot of autofill junglers do.
[11:31:28] Where they overforce objectives even though the objective is worthless.
[11:31:32] You would not believe how often people do this shit.
[11:31:36] It's so common.
[11:31:44] Like they'll unironically force the worst objectives ever. Yeah, he is autofilled. Okay.
[11:31:50] I was gonna say they'll do this thing where like they don't understand that they can't do the objective because they're autofilled so they're not thinking about it and they're just like oh oh junglers told me to play for the objective or whatever. What?
[11:32:16] He actually knocked my jump. What?
[11:32:49] He actually knocked my jump. so Okay, I'm really strong.
[11:32:50] I'm going to have to solo carry this again.
[11:32:54] My back's getting a lot of...
[11:32:56] Not going to lie to you, boys.
[11:32:58] I'm getting a lot of workout with my back today.
[11:33:00] It's like what?
[11:33:01] The fourth game in a row I've had the 1v9.
[11:33:03] Like, whoa Diamond! You get some back workout going on in this elo.
[11:33:16] That's of wild. Oh, I hate this game.
[11:33:35] What? WTF?
[11:33:45] Just run I guess.
[11:33:49] Wait, do I just die here? No way.
[11:33:51] Wow!
[11:33:52] I do.
[11:33:53] I just die.
[11:33:54] I mean, my bad. Like, straight up. I was not expecting to die. My bad, straight up.
[11:33:55] I was not expecting to die to just a 57 CS
[11:33:58] ult ignite Sejuani.
[11:34:01] But it is my fault.
[11:34:05] Please don't give pipe.
[11:34:10] She has no armor, that's...
[11:34:13] My fault! 100%.
[11:34:18] Ooh, Melio kind of Smurfed that.
[11:34:20] And that!
[11:34:22] Wow!
[11:34:30] Dude... I'm confused. Because I think I'm just losing because I don't know how Sejuani works.
[11:34:34] Right? Like I think I fucked up because i ate her son
[11:34:43] so 20's weird to me like i genuinely don't know how that champ works currently What? How did I just take two fucking turret shots? So Joanie's gonna try and flank me right now?
[11:35:16] I guarantee it. Somebody is, yep there he is. Fucking knew it.
[11:35:23] Oh this guy went...
[11:35:47] Die! so I love this Melio.
[11:35:50] But our Lucian is getting shafted pretty hard by Melio coming mid so much,
[11:35:54] so I feel bad for Lucian.
[11:36:30] But, I mean...I'll be real. I do think like i'm gonna be the one carrying the game. So I don't blame the Melio for coming mid so much. I need 100 golds.
[11:36:32] What the fuck?
[11:36:35] Wait, he's just doing this?
[11:36:35] What the fuck is this?
[11:36:37] I mean, this is not allowed, bro.
[11:36:40] Okay, he's getting off.
[11:36:40] I was gonna say, what?
[11:36:43] That's some wild shit right there.
[11:36:49] Pretty sure Sedge is like... Right, yeah.
[11:37:00] What the... WHAT THE FUCK?! Okay, I think I figured out why this guy is so strong. It's the passive interaction with... Like, her passive does a ton of damage and it interacts really awkwardly.
[11:37:33] I get it. That's why I like UC see how she does no damage now?
[11:37:51] Like right there, she did zero damage to me.
[11:37:55] It's because now her passive is down. If I can keep her
[11:37:59] passive down and her ults down, she can't do anything. Oh my god.
[11:38:17] I actually got outplayed. Oh, not bad.
[11:38:28] I gotta stop making little mistakes like that.
[11:38:30] That's the second one this game.
[11:38:32] I got to stop doing that just because... in games where you have to 1v9
[11:38:34] cause you're getting resources every mistake is a really bad deal we're down three grubs already.
[11:38:48] I don't have TP right now either.
[11:39:35] We got two drakes, or we got one drake. Not bad. not bad Once I get BT, this guy will never be able to kill me. I'm actually wondering, do you guys think I go Orc this game or BT? It's probably just BT. Like I said, he is going HP but the BT's value is way too good. hmm uh hello so so hmm
[11:40:54] brains up for three minutes. Sylas is on bad, I need to go back and buy.
[11:40:58] Man, I really need lifesteal.
[11:41:03] Like badly.
[11:41:09] Don't do it!
[11:41:11] Sylas is in there.
[11:41:21] I need more doms, that's what I fucking need.
[11:41:30] If we can get a Doms third right now, and then I can get BTR Bork fourth...
[11:41:35] Pretty sure it makes the game unplayable for the enemy and we just win
[11:42:02] hopefully oh Oh. No, come on!
[11:42:06] I'm so bad.
[11:42:09] I fucking should have just hit- whoa.
[11:42:13] That was not good.
[11:42:39] Okay. That was not good. just back off. Dammit.
[11:42:43] It is, like quite literally me versus their entire team right now.
[11:42:47] ... versus their entire team right now
[11:42:58] i can't face check that. Feels bad. And we lost bot turret. Man, if these guys were just like a little bit human, we'd win this game without even it being close. I said,
[11:43:29] I can't flame them because like... Where is my team?
[11:43:48] Guys, please. so so again so so oh i'm dead. Worth.
[11:45:01] I got the shutdown though? It's probably worth...
[11:45:03] Wait should I-I shouldn't get
[11:45:05] doms this game, I should get anti-healing.
[11:45:07] Nobody else is going to get it, so I know I need this.
[11:45:10] Yeah, it's a guaranteed
[11:45:11] mortal reminder angle.
[11:45:31] ... Oh, you guys win that. Nice! Huge! Wait, do Baron. so so
[11:46:03] what the What the fuck am I watching? Whoa, what is going on here guys?
[11:46:07] Uh okay. Well that was a very interesting fight. so Clean up
[11:46:55] Damn it man uh i should not have called the baron that's my bad so I mean, my bad.
[11:47:20] I just tried to push
[11:47:21] my lead too hard.
[11:47:22] I think calling the Baron
[11:47:23] was bad
[11:47:24] just because we don't need
[11:47:25] to do Baron toon to win we can
[11:47:25] just perma scale right like doing the bear in there is uh it
[11:47:31] wins us the game but we don't have to win right now
[11:47:34] because we're playing we have a better scaling comp anyway
[11:47:39] so i'm just i think i'm just trying too hard to push the lead because i'm scared
[11:47:43] my team's gonna end later like the lighter the game goes it's
[11:47:47] actually easier for me to carry
[11:49:17] because i'll have more items. so worth shooting a lot so so Thanks for watching! Their Jinx should never be allowed to be here is because I'm by myself.
[11:49:31] Need you guys to push or pressure
[11:49:35] when I'm bot. You can't AFK.
[11:49:40] Give this. Do not die.
[11:49:44] But, when I go bot, just play mid and push or top and kill Sedge.
[11:49:53] Like...
[11:49:55] Go play! Like...
[11:49:58] What the heck?
[11:50:04] That was my fault though, I should have 1000% been able to kill the fucking-
[11:50:05] No that's 100% my fault.
[11:50:11] I should have been able to kill the Trist
[11:50:12] before the Sylas got there. Like, I'm just briefing my macro because I'm getting tired. It's been a long stream.
[11:50:22] Let's...
[11:50:29] We're sparing.
[11:50:36] Fuck it. hi so so so so so We can end when you save the wave. so GG. Man, I almost threw that game.
[11:52:27] Maybe I should go to bed soon.
[11:52:29] Like, I had the lead
[11:52:31] in my grasp
[11:52:33] and then I threw like three times
[11:52:35] Like straight up, I just like
[11:52:42] fumbled that shit over and over
[11:52:44] I can't believe I just honored a guy named Braided Pubes, by the way.
[11:52:48] Like,
[11:52:48] I feel like part of me died honoring
[11:52:50] a man named Braided Pubes but, you know,
[11:52:52] it is what it is.
[11:52:56] Part of me died there but, you know, it is what it is. Part of me died there, but you know
[11:52:57] it is what it is.
[11:53:01] It is what it is. dude my kda just gets worse and worse the longer I play. I do not have energy drinks in my house.
[11:53:37] I should probably go get some for tomorrow's stream..... Ignore that.... What brand do I like?
[11:55:33] I don't know, I like a lot of different stuff for energy drinks.
[11:55:35] I've tried out pretty much every energy drink at this point
[11:55:41] like i've tried so many but i think i wish rain Rain tastes really good.
[11:55:50] I just wish rain didn't have like 300 milligrams of caffeine or whatever the fuck it has that's absurd.
[11:56:01] Because it taste good it's just that like there's so much caffeine
[11:56:04] like i love caffeine and i i tweak out from too much caffeine when I drink Ren.
[11:56:16] But, I mean...
[11:56:17] What are some other things that I think are good?
[11:56:19] I mean Monster what are some other things that I think are good? I mean Monster. White Monster.
[11:56:22] Classic.
[11:56:25] Orange Monster.
[11:56:26] Pretty good.
[11:56:28] Like I was on an orange monster binge for a while.
[11:56:32] For a little bit.
[11:56:33] I was on a bit of an orange monster binge.
[11:56:41] Okay..........
[11:56:43] ...
[11:56:45] ...
[11:56:47] ...
[11:56:49] Mango Monster? I think i tried that a long time ago but i was never like in
[11:56:56] a mango kind of like i was never really like a mango kind of guy
[11:57:05] you like a mango kind of guy. Like, nothing against
[11:57:06] Mango. I think it's, like, good.
[11:57:10] I think the artificial
[11:57:11] Mango flavor... I don't know how much I like it, like, personally. I think the artificial mango flavor,
[11:57:27] I don't know how much I like it personally. But I do know it's good.
[11:57:38] Like, tons of people love that shit for a reason. Alright,
[11:57:39] it looks like the build on Corki every game
[11:57:41] is exactly the same.
[11:57:44] There's no variance. Everybody builds the same. There's no variance,
[11:57:45] everybody builds
[11:57:46] the same shit on Corki
[11:57:47] every single game.
[11:57:49] It's quite literally
[11:57:50] Mana Moon
[11:57:51] Seg Triforce, Man of Moon, RFC.
[11:58:03] And if it gets late enough
[11:58:04] you just go...
[11:58:06] Lord Dom's Eye.
[11:58:25] Ghost? I actually had a ghost energy drink at the very start of my stream, like 13 hours ago or whatever.
[11:58:31] Or 12 hours ago, I had a ghost energy drink i had the uh cherry limeade one
[11:58:40] love that man that shit, man. It's good.
[11:58:41] I feel like some of these energy drinks have so
[11:58:43] much caffeine that it's hard for me to...
[11:58:45] Like, I have to really want
[11:58:46] some of these.
[11:58:49] Ghost has a lot
[11:58:49] of caffeine too. It has 200.
[11:58:52] Like, how much does Monster have?
[11:58:53] I think Monster is like the lightest caffeine you can get.
[11:59:03] Okay. maybe red bulls lighter
[11:59:15] yeah monster is not that much Monster's like 150-ish. Yeah, it's like 160, 150.
[11:59:22] So it's not too bad.
[11:59:23] Whereas when you drink a rain,
[11:59:24] you're drinking two fucking monsters
[11:59:26] which is crazy.
[11:59:28] That is wild.
[11:59:35] Okay. That is wild. Well, I don't think there's a maximum allowed like the second you go like say the maximum
[11:59:41] is like 400
[11:59:42] I think it is.
[11:59:43] I don't think
[11:59:44] like the second
[11:59:44] you go over
[11:59:45] fucking 400
[11:59:46] you just drop dead
[11:59:47] but
[11:59:47] I think there's
[11:59:49] like a daily allotted
[11:59:50] uh
[11:59:50] there's like
[11:59:52] a recommended amount that you shouldn't go over so your heart doesn't
[11:59:54] explode in like 15 years. Like, you don't want your heart working overtime like for
[11:59:59] 10 years straight or something, you know? That wouldn't be good.
[12:00:10] Like I'm pretty
[12:00:12] sure
[12:00:12] everybody's different too. Everyone Like, I'm pretty sure...
[12:00:16] Everybody's different too. Like everybody is different right?
[12:00:17] Like I can handle-
[12:00:18] I have a really high caffeine tolerance
[12:00:20] because I've been drinking caffeine
[12:00:22] for like 10 years plus every day.
[12:00:26] But for like 10 years plus every day but i very rarely go over that like 400 amounts like very rarely
[12:00:32] like maybe if i'm doing like a 24-hour stream I'll go over it right?
[12:00:36] But I usually don't drink caffeine
[12:00:38] unless I'm
[12:00:40] streaming or
[12:00:42] I just want like a soda.
[12:00:44] But I mean, soda has such negligible caffeine that it's like...
[12:00:50] Like actually though, sodas' caffeine is so negligible compared to energy drinks you don't even really notice that if you have
[12:00:57] like one soda
[12:01:02] i'm an addict oh i'm hugely a caffeine addict
[12:01:05] huge caffeine addict. Huge caffeine addict.
[12:01:09] Huge.
[12:01:14] Like, I've stopped cold turkey in the past, drinking
[12:01:15] caffeine and shit, and I get like, the withdrawals were real bad. Like
[12:01:23] it the caffeine withdrawals you get sometimes? They're excruciating.
[12:01:36] Yeah.
[12:01:37] If you ever want to stop doing capping in there,
[12:01:39] do it.
[12:01:41] Like if you ever want to do...
[12:01:44] I don't know what I'm trying to say here.
[12:01:48] If you ever want to, um...
[12:01:52] Like, cut out caffeine?
[12:01:55] Like, if you're just trying to, like, straight up
[12:01:56] not do it anymore?
[12:01:58] Trust me when I say, like, you should just slow do it.
[12:02:02] Like if you drink a lot of caffeine in the day don't cold turkey it.
[12:02:04] It is not worth it man.
[12:02:07] You're like oh I'll feel great. No you won't.
[12:02:10] You won't feel great for like three weeks
[12:02:18] So you might as well just do like one of those things where you drink like way less per day, right?
[12:02:25] Like let's say you drink 300 a day.
[12:02:27] Drink like 100.
[12:02:30] You know, like go way down or some shit
[12:02:37] You feel like that for yeah I did that a long time ago
[12:02:39] I tried to cold turkey. I had a really big health kick in, like, 2019 for some
[12:02:44] reason. I don't know why. I think
[12:02:46] everybody just has health kicks sometimes, you know?
[12:02:48] But yeah, I had this, like, health kick in
[12:02:49] 2019 and I was
[12:02:52] like, dude, I'm not gonna drink caffeine.
[12:02:54] I'm gonna eat super healthy every day.
[12:02:58] And I mean,
[12:02:58] I was in good shape,
[12:02:59] the skinniest and most in shape I've been.
[12:03:02] But at the start of that, the first month
[12:03:05] of that was...
[12:03:07] I don't think I'd wish that on my worst enemy, man.
[12:03:09] That shit was so
[12:03:10] incredibly brutal.
[12:03:15] Like,
[12:03:16] always tired, right?
[12:03:17] You're in a natural state
[12:03:20] of being tired
[12:03:21] because you're not drinking any
[12:03:24] caffeine so your body isn't making...
[12:03:26] Your body's not making the thing
[12:03:29] that makes you not tired.
[12:03:31] Because you drank caffeine
[12:03:32] for so long.
[12:03:35] So you're just always fucking tired. Then if you don't drink enough caffeine, your head hurts.
[12:03:42] Right? Like your head just fucking hurts and it sucks.
[12:03:46] The fuck is this? What are you doing? It fucking hurts. And it sucks.
[12:03:49] The fuck is this? What are you doing?
[12:03:58] I'm autopiloting really hard.
[12:03:59] I should probably focus, huh?
[12:04:01] This is like my try-hard account.
[12:04:02] I should probably focus.
[12:04:04] I'm just getting tired and whenever I get tired
[12:04:05] I get really talky.
[12:04:07] Like I get chatty.
[12:04:21] Because it's not like I'm playing in silver.
[12:04:22] I'm still playing in D2.
[12:04:25] So the players aren't that bad. That kind of thing has been slated so Wait, how did my character turn? Did you see that? I got stunned sideways.
[12:04:52] That was wild.
[12:04:56] Oh, I'm getting ganked.
[12:04:58] You might try and flash here...
[12:05:01] Yeah, I gotta f- flash here yeah i gotta
[12:05:08] oh i should have helped man bro if i just
[12:05:12] valked forward auto'd him he dies.
[12:05:13] Man!
[12:05:15] I had that double kill.
[12:05:19] Like high key.
[12:05:21] I just had to Valk forward and double...
[12:05:23] Or auto.
[12:05:24] Oh, God.
[12:05:26] Wait, there's no way this guy
[12:05:27] just gets to sit here at one HP.
[12:05:30] Right?
[12:05:30] Like he doesn't just get
[12:05:31] a push this wave in, right?
[12:05:32] Like this doesn't get to happen no no no this is disgusting I know I got ganked or whatever, but like that is gross dude.
[12:05:53] My man just like walk it up trying to push the wave in at 1 HP. That shit is never allowed.
[12:05:58] I ever do that? I instantly get 4-man ganked from fucking Africa.
[12:06:03] Like I'm being hexflashed the enemy support behind my turret.
[12:06:10] Right, that shit is fucking rough.
[12:06:16] Did you know what kind of sucks about playing mid lane nowadays?
[12:06:19] You don't have any roam timers.
[12:06:21] Not really...
[12:06:23] Because like right now, if I go roam
[12:06:27] Like imagine I go roam...
[12:06:29] Like, imagine I go roam right now, right?
[12:06:30] I just, like,
[12:06:32] can't do anything with it.
[12:06:37] Like, I lose a wave and then that wave isn't worth roaming. It actually feels bad. What the fuck? Oh, he actually killed me with that ult.
[12:07:03] The Zarya's not
[12:07:04] that bad.
[12:07:07] This is the Sedge I was
[12:07:08] playing last game? He's not that bad.
[12:07:11] Oh, he's Masters! Okay, I was wondering...
[12:07:15] I was like this guy's not THAT bad. because he wasn't that bad last game either he was just playing sedge mid He used it pretty fast.
[12:07:46] I mean, if you're a Xerath player, you can just spam your R key.
[12:07:51] It's not that bad.
[12:07:55] I need to push this though. Wow, he even pinked this.
[12:08:07] Wow! That's actually kind of impressive.
[12:08:11] I did not expect that from him.
[12:08:13] I am going to Realm Bot because both I did not expect that from him.
[12:08:17] I am gonna roam bot, because both these guys are 1 HP.
[12:08:33] If I don't come down here now, I'm just trolling so... Push. Push the wave.
[12:08:42] Team, teammates! Teammates please. Please dear god, teammates.
[12:08:49] Thank you. Appreciate it. so so Hmm, Pyke's five. He's not six so...
[12:09:22] Damn I don't like this though. I kind of took too much damage there.
[12:09:33] I took so much damage from trying to make that dive happen.
[12:09:35] I should have just sat in that.
[12:09:36] Anytime I ever roam, it never goes well. Like, I never actually do well with roams. hmm nah this isn't really trying to dive me right now? Is that what we're doing?
[12:10:09] Ooh. This ain't good. I'm just dead, I'm not even gonna flash. Aatrox is a little lost. My bad.
[12:10:25] I'll be real,
[12:10:25] I don't know what Aatrox was doing.
[12:10:26] He should have just
[12:10:27] ran at them.
[12:10:28] Like he was like
[12:10:29] kind of
[12:10:30] you know what he did there
[12:10:31] that like kinda makes
[12:10:33] me a little tilted?
[12:10:35] Uh, he did the thing
[12:10:36] that a lot of people do when they play
[12:10:38] when they play
[12:10:40] uh
[12:10:41] solo ends. Like, when a fight's happening near them play solo lanes,
[12:10:44] when a fight's happening near them, they
[12:10:46] hesitate on whether they want to go to the fight or not.
[12:10:48] But they half walk through it.
[12:10:50] It happens so much, man.
[12:10:53] They're like, oh my
[12:10:55] God. I am gonna pretend
[12:10:57] I didn't see that because
[12:10:59] uh...
[12:11:01] Wow.
[12:11:54] ... Wow. I am just gonna pretend I did not see that. slain so I got his flash. Damn, that was a good kick. If he didn't kick me there I would have killed him. want to kill them Ooh.
[12:12:13] Well played!
[12:12:20] Dude, I'm actually kind of the weak link this game. I'm playing bad.
[12:12:28] My Corki's not even bad either, I'm just playing bad. Oh, okay.
[12:12:55] Man, what the fuck? I mean my bad I suppose.
[12:12:59] My Aatrox is kind of a bitch.
[12:13:08] Like dude, our side lanes are winning so hard but they...
[12:13:14] They fucking hate helping team. I'll be honest the amount that i have been like ran down right now is insane
[12:13:24] We just killed them both! Aatrox wins that. What am I watching? What the fuck? There's no way this Lee Sin is this greedy, right? Dude, what is going on with my mouse wheel right now? Stop it.
[12:14:17] Oh my god! It's like full broken.
[12:14:20] Oh my god. I can usually fix it...
[12:14:22] ...I think it's not a good feel.
[12:14:42] Hmm... Maybe I should take a break after this game.
[12:14:45] Like, I'm very clearly not playing well
[12:15:20] but i think my tiredness has finally caught up to me Bro, like why are you bot right now like why in god's name is that guy bought. Like, Rift
[12:15:21] is up. My team
[12:15:23] is duo sieging mid and
[12:15:25] this Lee Sin's like yo
[12:15:26] I'm gonna go bot and kill the fucking
[12:15:29] fodder.
[12:15:35] Bro, why you gotta ruin my kda man like i'm tired okay i'm 33. i can't do all-nighters anymore more so so I back. You guys think I go...
[12:16:41] Hold on, quick question.
[12:16:44] Do you guys think I go...
[12:16:45] Well played.
[12:16:48] Do you guys think I go
[12:16:49] Mark Trace this game? Probably.
[12:16:51] Tabby's doesn't seem that good.
[12:16:54] Like,
[12:16:55] they don't have that many autos outside of fucking...
[12:17:01] Thelios Lee.
[12:17:03] Like Pyke doesn't really auto and if Sett is autoing me i'm pretty sure i'm trolling right like
[12:17:12] if so it's that's autoing me i'm pretty sure i've made some mistakes in the game.
[12:17:23] Eh, it's all good.
[12:17:25] I'll trade one for ones like that all day right now.
[12:17:29] I'm okay with it.
[12:17:31] Like,
[12:17:32] I knew I was getting
[12:17:32] baited but
[12:17:34] I was like,
[12:17:34] eh,
[12:17:34] fuck it.
[12:17:59] Okay. so I just realized in this moment,
[12:18:06] I'm asking my Aatrox if he wants to top or bot and I'm full muted.
[12:18:12] So like in this moment, I'm talking to myself.
[12:18:18] You know...
[12:18:23] Sometimes in life you get old you just become really stupid.
[12:18:27] Yeah? What do you guys think yeah? I'll fight you! um so this
[12:19:00] i'll be real what i'm doing right now is so illegal
[12:19:14] yeah that's not allowed. I'm terrible.
[12:19:21] If I die here it's 100% deserved.
[12:19:27] Chat are you guys there? Am I talking to myself?
[12:19:29] Can you hear me? Or are you
[12:19:31] guys all just like lurking and vibing?
[12:19:43] Okay. You're gone? Ah, rip. GG.
[12:19:45] We knew you well. gg
[12:19:53] we knew you well it's 4am dude hi tell me about him man i feel you i'm a i mean i appreciate you guys ride or dying with me today on this 12 and
[12:19:57] a half hour stream.
[12:20:00] I appreciate it, boys.
[12:20:03] You guys are the real ones.
[12:20:04] You guys are the homies.
[12:20:23] Oh. Oh, I think we're going to lose top turret. Oh. Whoa, fuck you guys!
[12:20:26] Like what the hell?
[12:20:29] Like wha- What?! the hell like what
[12:20:34] off
[12:20:38] like i'm weak but i'm not that weak bro so has destroyed
[12:21:10] yeah my team just straight carried me this game.
[12:21:14] Yo... Thank you for carry.
[12:21:18] You know? Everybody's gotta get carried once in a while right?
[12:21:22] My team straight carried me.
[12:21:24] Wait, pad stats so it doesn't look like we got too carried?
[12:21:26] Wait, pad the stats?
[12:21:29] Okay, nice.
[12:21:31] Good work.
[12:21:35] Smooth Good work. Smurf to the end? I think anybody with two items on Corki can just walk at people and auto them, then they die.
[12:21:41] It's kind of why Corki is broken right now.
[12:21:43] It's like kind
[12:21:44] of the same idea as tryst except for corky takes less mechanics than trist
[12:21:49] like just a slightly higher mechanical requirement and quirky just like kills you.
[12:22:00] I don't know who to honor.
[12:22:02] Every single player played so good on my team, man.
[12:22:08] I genuinely don't know who to honor. Damn.
[12:22:11] I kind of want
[12:22:11] to do one more, but I'm playing
[12:22:13] so bad right now.
[12:22:18] Like it's probably
[12:22:19] best I don't know.
[12:22:36] Give me a sec. Let me think if I want to do another... So, Hmm.
[12:23:10] Oh, why do I still have this guy? My friend's list. Fuck that guy. hmm Hmm.
[12:23:36] Because the problem I'm going to have is...
[12:23:38] I just got a free win, right?
[12:23:39] This is my thought process.
[12:23:40] Let me break this down for you guys.
[12:23:43] So I had to actually 1v5
[12:23:45] four different fucking games
[12:23:48] in a row, right?
[12:23:54] These four games games I had to go absolutely Thanos
[12:23:56] mode. Like, I had to straight up just 1v9
[12:23:58] these
[12:23:58] And I don't know if I have
[12:24:02] the 1v9 in me at the moment to do it again. and you gotta kinda like
[12:24:18] the issue with League
[12:24:22] is you have to, like...
[12:24:26] be willing to
[12:24:27] put in, like, a thousand percent
[12:24:29] effort
[12:24:30] every game. Or you kind of just
[12:24:33] start getting shit on.
[12:24:38] ... or you kind of just start getting shit on. And I want to keep, like, good win rate, right?
[12:24:40] I want to keep, like, a good win rate
[12:24:41] and I want to try and get this account to Chao.
[12:24:45] Oh, we reversed two Masters
[12:24:46] players. Wait, how did these
[12:24:48] guys fall so hard?
[12:24:53] Yo, thank you for the raid, man. I appreciate it.
[12:24:57] Both of these players were Masters last year.
[12:25:02] And now they're...
[12:25:04] D3, negative one rate.
[12:25:08] Huh. Huh...
[12:25:14] Maybe they were boosted?
[12:25:16] No I mean the Xerath wasn't that bad. Oh he's been Masters more than once.
[12:25:23] No my MMR is really bad on this account right? Like super bad.
[12:25:27] Look at how bad it is i'm playing d3
[12:25:33] it's because i went two and three in my placements
[12:25:38] those are like the worst placements I've ever had.
[12:25:45] Like,
[12:25:45] I straight up went two and three
[12:25:46] in my placements.
[12:25:48] Like all three of my losses were in my placements. All three of my losses were in my placements.
[12:26:03] Because of that, you see how I'm just like in Diamond 4 MMR now? You see how I started in D4 MMR?
[12:26:07] Lost. Then it put me an Emerald. I won.
[12:26:09] Then it put me a D4. I lost. Then I won. Then I lost.
[12:26:12] And then it gave me an emerald 2 game.
[12:26:14] I destroyed it.
[12:26:16] Or we won.
[12:26:18] Then it gave me a d4 game,
[12:26:19] d3.
[12:26:21] So like
[12:26:22] if I win my next
[12:26:27] eight in a row, I'll be Masters
[12:26:29] MMR tomorrow
[12:26:31] pretty easily.
[12:26:34] I think we can hit Masters
[12:26:35] MMR tomorrow pretty easily.
[12:26:38] We just have to win like 8 or 9
[12:26:40] in a row, and then we're chilling, which isn't hard.
[12:26:42] I mean...
[12:26:43] If I warm up before I play...
[12:26:45] Like, I didn't really have a good warm-up.
[12:26:48] Like this game,
[12:26:49] I was like straight up my mouse fucked up.
[12:26:53] And I was playing
[12:26:54] the hardest champ in the game to snowball with
[12:26:56] and I couldn't snowball because
[12:26:58] my mouse fucked up and I just trolled.
[12:27:01] What happened this game?
[12:27:03] Oh, this game my team just forfeited.
[12:27:05] I remember.
[12:27:06] I was trying to carry this one.
[12:27:09] They just gave up.
[12:27:10] Like, I didn't even get to try and carry it.
[12:27:11] They just did not want to play anymore.
[12:27:13] I had six items
[12:27:14] and they just forfeited.
[12:27:20] My team forfeited this game too.
[12:27:25] But, I mean,
[12:27:27] this one was more okay. This was the Q snipe.
[12:27:45] This Galaxy guy spent 90% of his game mid lane. I mean, I can just disable... My mouse is really good.
[12:27:47] It's literally only the scroll wheel.
[12:27:49] Like,
[12:27:50] I could probably
[12:27:51] just go into Windows
[12:27:52] and disable the scroll wheel
[12:27:53] or I could put tape
[12:27:54] over the scroll wheel. wheel but yeah this guy
[12:28:02] Q sniped me earlier and then just straight
[12:28:04] up fucking
[12:28:06] sat mid the whole game.
[12:28:10] That was frustrating. I mean,
[12:28:26] I'm trying to decide
[12:28:27] if I want to keep playing.
[12:28:27] I'm pretty tired.
[12:28:30] I did like 12 and a half hour stream i really don't want to like run it down I think I'm going to call it.
[12:28:47] I think I'm going to
[12:28:48] call it for now, guys. now guys i'm gonna let my wrist rest and then i'm gonna come back tomorrow and we'll play some more games tomorrow.
[12:29:20] But, yo, thank you for everybody who resubs today.
[12:29:21] I appreciate it a lot.
[12:29:22] Thank you for the new subs,
[12:29:25] the old subs, people just watching. Thank you for the new subs, the old subs people just watching thinking of the followers. Thank you for hanging out with me choosing to spend your day
[12:29:31] with me. Appreciate it a lot guys hope you have a wonderful rest of your day
[12:29:37] and if i don't see tomorrow uh yeah
[12:29:41] you smell bad sorry that's just how it works
[12:29:45] if i don't see you you smell bad so Sorry, it's just how it works. If I don't see you, you smell bad
[12:29:46] so I better see tomorrow if you don't wanna stink.
[12:29:52] Later dudes have a good one.
[12:29:55] I'll see you tomorrow.
[12:29:57] Bye bye.