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Gera - GrandMaster Adc takes on Top lane | Happy 4th of July

07-05-2024 · 3h 28m

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[00:00:00] Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[00:00:10] Thirty seconds until minion spawns.
[00:01:05] Hold on! seconds until minions fall so What the fuck? so Hmm. They will say may cause torn clothes, mood swings, purpleness. Me watch for that.
[00:01:16] Ugh!
[00:02:11] Watch out for Beth! oh so uh I'm going to try and get the first one. what hey What? Hey.
[00:02:23] Dude, why does this Shen have an item?! do you get three bots
[00:03:26] and we got first blood i was like what Oh, my cannon. so cleaver We started this practice oh shit j4 is here. Oh my goodness.
[00:03:30] Holy jay-foring moly.
[00:03:35] Oh this Chen doesn't have TP. I mean you can sit here J4 if you want but you're kind of trolling
[00:04:06] feel free bro. so Man, am I dead?
[00:04:34] Please don't die.
[00:04:36] Oh...
[00:04:37] His ignite barely fucking killed me.
[00:04:40] Damn. he fucking killed me damn It's gonna be hard getting weak-sided like that, just because I couldn't fix my wave. Mundo not remember mundo before mundo was mundo.
[00:05:15] I don't really mind being weaksided, I just have to fix my waves.
[00:05:21] And Jhin is like one of Mundo's hardest counters, so it's pretty rough. I don't know why I'm getting pinged. pings fun An enemy has been slain.
[00:05:56] An ally
[00:06:00] has been slain.
[00:06:04] Double kill! on a good note i did get to fix my wave. No, J4 is up there? Oh well.
[00:06:35] Damn I really wanted to proxy that but j4 being here is unfortunate uh I kind of fucked my own wave. That's not fun. so uh uh You don't need medical supplies. Man, are you actually going for this?
[00:07:55] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[00:07:57] Greetings from a sad German.
[00:08:00] We lost versus Spain.
[00:08:02] Sad Bible thump.
[00:08:04] What? I forgot
[00:08:08] how funny the voice sounds for like
[00:08:12] this! I haven't heard the voice talk in a while, because my shit was all fucked.
[00:08:22] I forgot how fucking funny it sounds.
[00:08:29] Why is he doing it twice?!
[00:08:41] What the fuck? Why do they keep twice? You guys hear it twice too?
[00:08:43] Yo thank you for the two months though man. I appreciate it. Welcome back.
[00:08:58] Only once? Oh! I heard it twice!
[00:09:04] Mungo Take 5! Need refill prescription! Let's go! That's kind of funny. I don't know why I heard it twice. yo thank you so much though man i appreciate it
[00:09:25] i don't know what that means we lost to Spain. Are you talking about like soccer?
[00:09:35] I don't keep up with soccer so if there's a Soccer World Cup going on right now, I don't actually know
[00:09:43] I'm sorry for your loss
[00:09:46] Yes, okay.
[00:09:55] Who's the best soccer team right now?
[00:09:59] Pay first please
[00:10:05] like who's looking like they're gonna win the whole thing Spain. Are you just saying spain because they beat salts or is it like they're actually decent?
[00:10:46] Youngster team. Oh, they got the young fucking
[00:10:50] So you're saying Spain's got the young boys they're full of testosterone and
[00:11:01] drugs rugs so uh uh dude i can't help Oh, well played.
[00:12:22] So Armundo's just AFK'ing it? I mean a little bit. Well you're not wrong but like...
[00:13:03] In my defense, I was also fighting the Shen uh uh Should I go mid here? Or should I go... I don't know.
[00:13:04] I kinda wanna go back top, but...
[00:13:08] These people are just sitting mid so like you know... know
[00:13:27] i could maybe walk to this dragon down here. Shen might be trying to look for a fucking ulti right now. medical professional i don't know what chin's old cooldown is early though so like maybe it's not up you know uh so I'm going to try and get the first one. medical school yes uh Nice try, nerds. I got your turret and left! I'm not sure if you can see it, but the enemy is still there. Dude, I saw the
[00:15:25] World Cup thing today.
[00:15:27] I was watching it earlier.
[00:15:29] Dude, EU played Moondown. Did you guys see that?
[00:15:33] I don't know if anybody's watching
[00:15:34] the World Cup or not World Cup but like
[00:15:35] Esports Cup thing in Saudi Arabia
[00:15:38] or whatever. Dude they were playing fucking
[00:15:39] uh
[00:15:40] I told you man Mundo's OP. They played Mundo. electricity electricity make the brain work good so Thank you for watching! so so uh oh okay What, we out here trying to kill Mundo or what?
[00:17:29] You guys are wild. um um so Yeah, I got dead.
[00:18:23] There's no way... wait what is this guy doing?
[00:18:31] That Zeri thought! That's airy thought.
[00:18:36] Bruh, I don't even know what to get next.
[00:18:41] I kind of want to get like a...
[00:18:43] Like a Sunfire or something
[00:18:45] just for like a little bit
[00:18:46] of wave clear.
[00:18:48] A little bit of like sustained damage
[00:18:49] on top of their team
[00:18:50] but like...
[00:18:52] Maybe it's like
[00:18:53] a Hollowed Radiance angle?
[00:18:55] Because they have a fed Sylas.
[00:19:10] Okay. Getting some nice hard steel facts. Let's go! Dude, I'm down with the Heartsteal stack-a-roos.
[00:19:18] Maybe it's just Spirited Visage for now...
[00:19:24] It could be a Spiristage angle for right now.
[00:19:27] I can see that, and then we get like
[00:19:31] our wave clear burn item next. Dude my mouse is about to die!
[00:19:35] Oh my god. dude my mouse is about to die welcome to the league of draven guten abend okay i don't know
[00:19:41] what means but i appreciate that thank you for the 75 homie i I heard you guys just lost in World Cup.
[00:19:50] I'm sorry.
[00:19:52] You'll get them next time.
[00:19:53] I believe in you. so This patient gets stuck.
[00:20:09] No, I'm not a fucking cleaver!
[00:20:15] Ha ha ha ha ha!
[00:20:44] Inflict your life! uh Don't worry about it though bro. Whenever you're like, dude, it sucks that we lost the World Cup or something like that. Just remember America has never gotten even close to winning Worlds and League of legends that'll make you feel better
[00:20:58] just remember like we're worse in space Where do you guys but I'll try.
[00:21:36] I don't know what's going on here.
[00:21:41] I think he's trying to get me out of there. is me to play god then me remember oh where's their shin at uh uh uh um so.
[00:23:19] . Foreman Heartsteal Sacks, yeah!
[00:23:35] Would you get hollowed radiance? We should get
[00:23:42] Hollowed Radiance.
[00:23:44] Because they're like purely...
[00:23:46] They have a lot of AP, actually.
[00:24:04] Okay. pretty sure we can just kill them no you guys could literally just go to Baron right now my homies are like really nervous
[00:24:11] about doing the old bear room you guys can do it pretty easy I wouldn't
[00:24:16] worry too much about it
[00:24:20] I mean I got almost four fucking items.
[00:24:27] Actually, I do have four items. I almost have five items. Oh, shit! Yo Shen, homie! what's up? okay okay walls best care for old pain new pain yeah you guys got baron i hope so I'm pretty sure I'm okay boys like it'd be pretty impressive if they could kill me so has been Oh my goodness.
[00:26:45] You guys should just go get fucking... Whatever it's called, man. dragon Hmm. Labels say, may cause torn clothes, mood swings, purpleness.
[00:27:08] Beware of that!
[00:27:25] Hyah! Guys, just go get dragon or something. you don't have to group guys What am I watching? oh
[00:27:59] i don't know why these guys are with me up here.
[00:28:03] It's all good, though.
[00:28:07] I think once I get the Tiamat they just lose so it is what it is.
[00:28:12] Dude, I definitely do n- I definitely take a lot of damage from zary
[00:28:20] because i have no armor i'm like pure magic damage mitigation which is is good, though.
[00:28:21] It's like good to be pure magic damage
[00:28:22] because that means that
[00:28:23] outside of Zeri
[00:28:25] I will take almost no damage.
[00:28:28] Also
[00:28:28] can we talk about how the fact
[00:28:29] that I have 7 000
[00:28:32] hp right now oh my god we talked about that for a sec boys also when we talk
[00:28:39] about the fact that this game is so incredibly hard to end even though i have
[00:28:41] a hundred cs lead and five items almost Mundo the Moon! i mean i could go mid but you guys are crazy Chill the fuck out, bro! remember What are the homies doing right now, man?
[00:30:33] What are you guys doing oh Oh, that was kind of clean actually. I'm pretty sure he's dead but that's kinda clean.
[00:30:36] Give him credit yo guys i'm gonna be real with you there's no way you guys
[00:30:45] kill me here just Just back up. Just leave. Holy fuck.
[00:31:02] I have 8,000 HP!
[00:31:05] Look at this!
[00:31:24] What? Look at this! Guys? Guys, I feel like I'm
[00:31:24] very powerful.
[00:31:29] Okay. You guys pinging me back?
[00:31:43] Are you fucking serious?
[00:32:13] Fuck. so You guys out here pinging me back. how dare you so oh God, my team's like spam pinging me and shit.
[00:33:00] Like dude, you guys wait until
[00:33:01] you see how much damage I'm doing
[00:33:03] compared to you motherfuckers.... Oh yeah.
[00:33:55] Oh my God! I did as much damage
[00:34:03] As the enemy AD carry
[00:34:04] As Mundo
[00:34:05] Mundo
[00:34:08] Smasher! Mundo.
[00:34:27] Yo, I think we're almost in Tyler though.
[00:34:30] We're not getting into D1?
[00:34:31] We're getting into the Tyler 1 ELO.
[00:34:38] Actually what elo is he right now? Is he climbing finally?... He's playing AD Carry.
[00:35:29] I wonder why he's queuing AD Carry so much.
[00:37:37] ........ you you. I don't even know what that means. Is France a good team? okay You have to ult him. Tyler, what are you doing? Just ult him, man. Thank you. okay Thank you. Draven's pretty good.
[00:38:35] He just needs
[00:38:36] a support.
[00:38:39] Yeah, he just needs a support
[00:39:06] mike the better the support the better the driving us. Welcome to Summoner's Rift. Best cure for old pain? New Pain! I'm going to go ahead and do that.. Dude, I feel bad when people ask me about stuff in the games because I can't respond to them.
[00:39:39] You know what I mean? Like, when they're like...
[00:39:42] You still win the matchup, right?
[00:39:44] And I'm like...
[00:39:45] Oh, well.
[00:39:47] I don't know.
[00:39:47] But, I mean,
[00:39:48] I can't seem to tell you.
[00:39:50] My bad, bro.
[00:40:09] It felt bad It's the perfect place to do medicine.
[00:40:25] Everyone sit there! there looks like you got too many
[00:40:59] why is this guy's name stop it apps uh uh These x-rays look fine.
[00:41:01] That means they give me two x-rays.
[00:41:05] First love. First love. I wonder if I actually could have gotten all of that...
[00:41:16] Damn, he actually got an auto off for his Grass proc fuck. Fuck! I need to know why I'm not.
[00:41:35] Yeah, suck it! Eat that Q baby. Eat that Q. Boom! Eat that one too.
[00:41:47] Eat all of the fucking Jews ooh I think
[00:41:52] I'm dead he's gonna try to ignite yeah
[00:41:56] I had it back there cuz he a hundred
[00:41:58] percent right through at night me there
[00:41:59] so if I don't back, I'm just fucking dead. On a good note, though, he has...
[00:42:21] He has Ignite, so without TP it's a lot harder for him to actually do anything.
[00:42:29] We'll just... unless he kills me with ignite we'll just not scale him
[00:42:38] it's no big deal uh so. Dude, this guy healed half his HP by walking over his blobs.
[00:43:21] What the fuck? uh That's what you want to do!
[00:43:39] I love you.
[00:43:48] Oh, gosh!
[00:43:50] The anesthesia's being wore off.
[00:43:57] That top's OP! No, I just think
[00:43:59] I need to scale into him.
[00:44:03] This guy says win trade bro
[00:44:05] you're playing Kog'Maw in the Draven
[00:44:07] like you'd win that matchup The problem is, is you took double
[00:44:09] heal instead of barrier
[00:44:11] because your bad.
[00:44:13] Like all you had to do as Kog'Maw
[00:44:15] to win this match up in the game was either take
[00:44:17] cleanse for the Pantheon You either take cleanse for the Pantheon, you either take cleanse
[00:44:20] for the Pantheon stun and then just kill Draven
[00:44:22] or you take barrier.
[00:44:26] Like, you're just bad bro.
[00:44:31] You took double heal?
[00:44:34] That's on you, okay little guy.
[00:44:39] This guys got a full level lead on me. That's not good. Damn, if I Q'd before he actually would have died Dude, you literally can't move.
[00:45:19] No that's OP. The only issue is
[00:45:23] that kinda sucks
[00:45:24] is
[00:45:26] our jungler
[00:45:28] is really AFK
[00:45:30] this game.
[00:45:30] Like he's definitely trolling
[00:45:31] and our AD carry's trolling
[00:45:32] just 17 CS
[00:45:33] so we have like our AD carry and our ad carry strolling just 17 cs so we have like our 80 carrier and
[00:45:36] our jungler are both really bad so it's going to be kind of rough
[00:45:40] to play because these two are the worst two players
[00:45:47] and i'm in a counter matchup so
[00:45:52] exact doesn't scale but he wins lane extremely hard
[00:46:09] Like I will outscale this guy very hard. Once I get warmogs, the Zac just loses the lane.
[00:46:13] Like every other fucking Mundo win. blood sample i think i'm dead uh This is pretty much a doomed game though, I'm pretty sure we just lose.
[00:47:05] Because if you look at it, my Pogma's got 20 CS right now?
[00:47:09] I think he's just trolling. He's either trolling or he's just... 20 CS right now.
[00:47:11] I think he's just trolling.
[00:47:12] He's either trolling or he's just exceptionally bad at AD carry
[00:47:14] because it's pretty hard
[00:47:19] to be down that much CS on AD carry when you're... and Kog'Maw counters Draven. It's like one of Draven's hardest counters. Like, I'm countered and I still have CS type shit you know? not again The Zac's not very good.
[00:47:56] Holy fuck, why would he do that?
[00:47:59] He creeped his entire game by going for a plate
[00:48:02] when he has
[00:48:06] bombies oh god these players are really bad Shut up please! I'm gonna get warmogs and then hopefully we can win the fight. uh is uh uh so This guy really fucking...
[00:49:48] This guy's really silly
[00:50:02] what are you doing, bro?
[00:50:04] This guy is funny.
[00:50:06] This Zach.
[00:50:08] He's kind of a funny little dude. Oh! me so three I'm not sure we can actually win.
[00:50:50] Just because...
[00:50:52] ... Just because the enemy team is going to have a pretty big advantage in terms of like their bot mid are doing really, really well.
[00:51:10] Pretty sure Pantheon's gonna come up here right now, but it should be okay.
[00:51:18] They're on... they're like guaranteed on grubs at the moment. Damn, I'm gonna have to get top tower.
[00:51:38] Yeah, I don't know what to do this one boys!
[00:51:42] Like, this ones pretty rough our team is getting pretty railed uh Kind of sucks, because we're just going to lose side turrets like this.
[00:52:17] But there's not a lot I can do about losing the side turrets, just because...
[00:52:29] There's not a lot you can do about it, just because your team is getting so railed.
[00:52:40] Yeah I mean if this game were to go a little bit longer we would definitely win this.
[00:52:45] The Zac's not very good. so He's just strong because he's Zac.
[00:53:11] Versus Mundo early. like
[00:53:29] tp what holy What holy fuck what the fuck so All right. I am dead.
[00:54:11] My healing wasn't strong enough. What am I watching, dude?
[00:54:23] I feel like low-evo games are...
[00:54:29] Very, very fiesty.
[00:54:31] What is happening?
[00:54:33] Holy shit!
[00:54:41] The AD carries and the C-low just perma die when they get behind. He has no clue what he's doing. Junglers too, like what is that? Holy fuck you people are
[00:54:53] Sweatingly bad
[00:54:55] I feel kind of bad, because it's like
[00:55:02] Jesus man, you people are actually
[00:55:04] gapped
[00:55:04] Like whenever I see games like this i feel bad because like
[00:55:12] ooh like the enemy team is bad my team's bad these people are just gonna sit in
[00:55:17] this elo forever zilla forever That guy is Let's see.
[00:55:46] That guy is way too fucking strong, I can't do anything. Red Boooth OP. Man, I want to keep pushing it sideways but...
[00:56:18] It's kind of hard. Good patience, you stick.
[00:56:25] No way cleaver.
[00:56:34] The enemy has been slain. Hmm. Well, they did kill the Zac though. You enjoy that! Ugh!
[00:56:55] Ugh! so I think I could beat this guy if I had a little bit more armor.
[00:57:22] Like, there'd be a chance, but Tristana's pretty OP
[00:57:23] then.
[00:57:26] Like, that champ is kind of crazy
[00:57:27] right now.
[00:57:54] Oh! like that champ is kind of crazy right now If I could get a Heartstone, maybe.... Whatever it is. Even then though
[00:57:54] I would have no armor so it's like really
[00:57:56] fucking rough.
[00:58:00] Oh. I don't think that Tristan's very smart, though. She's fed its block but I don't know how smart that is.
[00:58:09] Maybe I try and go some armor? holy fuck Okay, yeah.
[00:58:40] These people suck.
[00:58:43] Holy shit! They're bad! What am I watching?
[00:58:47] Oh my god...
[00:58:50] ... so so Honestly, I should just hit yes here because like it's kind of a waste of time. yeah i forgot
[00:59:43] it's kind of a waste of time i mean these people suck
[00:59:48] we would have won if... Because that Zac is fucking horrible.
[00:59:50] So we would've won if
[00:59:52] we didn't literally just
[00:59:54] have our bot lane and mid
[00:59:56] junglers lose from
[00:59:58] champ select.
[01:00:00] Oh, well.
[01:00:50] I mean, it's a long game. 20 years? Oh, yeah. Dude, that is wild.
[01:00:52] Look how bad Diamond players are.
[01:00:56] My man has queued up three games of League today
[01:00:58] inted in all three games
[01:01:00] secured zero kills
[01:01:03] and in all three games, secured zero kills. And this was his
[01:01:04] first Games of League
[01:01:06] in three weeks. This guy plays Kog'Maw with heal when nami also has heel so he doesn't
[01:01:27] change his and then they loses a matchup that he wins
[01:01:33] no i think the game's good.
[01:01:34] I think people are just really bad at it.
[01:01:36] Like I said,
[01:01:37] I don't think you're actually good
[01:01:38] at League until your Grandmaster.
[01:01:40] You're not actually good
[01:01:41] at League until then.
[01:01:43] If you're a diamond player,
[01:01:45] you're an idiot who
[01:01:47] understands the basic concepts of pushing your
[01:01:49] buttons.
[01:02:17] ... Okay. No, I mean you just gotta accept it, right?
[01:02:19] I haven't really had a game that felt
[01:02:21] that bad in a long time.
[01:02:23] Does it really matter?
[01:02:25] I mean not really.
[01:02:42] ... Does it really matter? I mean, not really. Like you get one game like that every 40 games. So it's not too bad.
[01:02:44] It's like who cares?
[01:02:47] I mean this guy's really bad too
[01:02:48] it is one of those men
[01:05:22] okay............. Yeah, what are Darius runes? What am I supposed to take on this champ? so I hope I saved my runes.
[01:05:49] Okay,
[01:05:50] I think we have the wrong
[01:05:51] secondary runes, but
[01:05:54] we have the correct normal
[01:05:56] rune, so I think we're good.
[01:06:04] ... So what am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to...
[01:06:06] Let me see.
[01:06:19] I'm supposed to just probably ghost at him level one. to summoner's rift my destination is clear so I wonder if I can kill him between the tower.
[01:07:18] Like, is he gonna walk? Is he going to walk with the minions?
[01:09:11] Or is he going to be late? I will not rest ah I'm going to try and get the first one. so so i got a level three hack game That's my Vi, I only have 11 CS. strength of bubble I'm going to ask you if you want to go to a Third Eye of the Lion concert in this free ticket.
[01:09:12] Wait, why would you not? Why would you not want to go to a free concert You alright?
[01:09:27] Oh, nice.
[01:09:32] Good work.
[01:11:34] Stunned! so get him Vi! so i have my orders and i yes wow Why does Cho's q have no cooldown like straight up though that's so awkward it definitely feels like it has
[01:11:38] no cool down uh cool It has been slain. An enemy has been slain. ah Make no mistakes. hmm yes I'm going to go ahead and do that. so is I will not rest. I actually really like
[01:13:48] inting
[01:13:50] low elo players, just trolling in their
[01:13:53] games.
[01:13:54] Because they're all actual
[01:13:57] douchebags.
[01:13:59] Everybody in this elo is just such a horrible person,
[01:14:02] and it's funny to watch them
[01:14:03] be mad over being bad at League.
[01:14:09] ... so scared so has been slain never retreat
[01:14:52] oh they're funny. I do not tolerate cowardice.
[01:15:10] Hmm?
[01:15:11] Like, if these people weren't all the same
[01:15:14] delusional douchebag human i wouldn't like take pleasure in griefing
[01:15:18] them but i know that they're all the same delusional idiot and diamond
[01:15:23] like they're all one person they They share like, one hive brain cell so I
[01:15:29] derive pleasure from knowing that they're not having a good experience. I have my orders. killing spree Oh All of diamond is a hive mind? Pretty much. They're all idiots, like they are all delusional
[01:16:16] low elo players who basically will just troll in grief if they get behind at all or
[01:16:22] they're like... Like this Vi for example, right? This guy is first timing Vi and he's
[01:16:27] just running it down. Right? Same as me. I'm first timing Darius.
[01:16:36] I asked our
[01:16:37] support player in champ select if he
[01:16:39] would link his
[01:16:40] And he in Champ Select if he would link his OB.GG and he said go fuck yourself
[01:16:43] so I was like okay well I'll just first try
[01:16:45] I'll just first time a champ
[01:16:46] it doesn't make sense
[01:16:49] people are just weird
[01:16:50] but I can It doesn't make sense. People are just weird.
[01:16:52] But I can ask nicely, like hey, can you link your OP.GG?
[01:16:56] I just got griefed by a guy.
[01:16:58] I don't want to play with the Lux player.
[01:17:00] Alright.
[01:17:03] The guy said, go fuck yourself.
[01:17:07] And I was like, well, okay.
[01:17:09] Well it's probably that guy.
[01:17:12] The funniest part is It's not even the same guy. The funniest part is
[01:17:13] it's not even the same
[01:17:14] guy.
[01:17:19] Like he just had some
[01:17:20] weird ego where he
[01:17:21] didn't want to actually
[01:17:22] like link his OPWGgg i don't know why
[01:17:32] well it doesn't make sense you know. uh you get it i don't like if you're salty because somebody asks you to link your op.g
[01:18:05] because you just got griefed by a guy
[01:18:07] and he wants to make sure you're not that guy?
[01:18:09] You have to be mentally fucking retarded
[01:18:11] to get upset about that.
[01:18:15] Well, you have to have actual mental damage
[01:18:17] To be upset about somebody like
[01:18:18] Nicely asking you
[01:18:20] So that he didn't have to play with the same guy
[01:18:22] I just explained the full dialogue.
[01:18:28] Okay, Zeb...I'm gonna say this in the nicest
[01:18:32] way possible-are you the guy who comments on situations that you don't have
[01:18:36] the full info of before finding out the full info
[01:18:39] like you're the guy who like somebody says something
[01:18:42] you don't actually know the full context and you make an assumption in a comment
[01:18:45] based on not having the full context of the
[01:18:47] situation at hand?
[01:18:53] Are you that guy? uh You didn't answer my question. Oh I'm saying is
[01:19:32] you should try
[01:19:35] to not comment on situations
[01:19:37] that you don't have full context of.
[01:19:52] That's just a good high IQ I do not tolerate... And if you go into a situation commenting on something where you don't have the full context of what's actually occurring, you're just assuming things based on not using your
[01:19:58] own logic and understanding of what's happening. alert uh Because it wouldn't matter if I told him
[01:20:28] I was a smurf or not.
[01:20:31] Like, none of that would matter at all, right?
[01:20:32] Like, none of that has any context.
[01:20:34] Like, none of that matters any context. None of that matters.
[01:20:36] This is what I'm telling you though
[01:20:38] If you personally get mad because somebody wants to know
[01:20:40] if you're gonna grief them in champ select
[01:20:42] Because they just got griefed by a guy playing the same champion
[01:20:44] If you get mad about that,
[01:20:47] you're a fucking retard.
[01:20:51] Because that means you have no understanding
[01:20:53] of like why
[01:20:55] that person... Like what's the downside?
[01:21:00] So again you assumed something and commented on a situation
[01:21:04] that you didn't know the full context of, yes or no.
[01:21:07] Because you do this a lot! This is why I'm bringing this up and treating you like
[01:21:10] a child right now. Because you do this A LOT
[01:21:13] where you'll comment on situations in my stream as you enter without
[01:21:16] getting full context before commenting.
[01:21:18] And it's really annoying.
[01:21:23] Okay, like I said, I don't mind you
[01:21:26] not being here for the context.
[01:21:29] But I'm saying...
[01:21:35] God, it's so hard to talk to stupid people. Okay.
[01:21:39] I don't care that you weren't here for the context
[01:21:41] i care that you're commenting on the context when you weren't here for the
[01:21:45] context
[01:21:48] was that clear? so Yeah, but I don't like
[01:22:23] misinformation. You know this.
[01:22:25] Listen,
[01:22:26] I'm not joking with you right now, okay?
[01:22:29] I do not enjoy misinformation
[01:22:31] spread throughout my stream and I do not enjoy misinformation spread throughout my stream, and I do not enjoy misinformation coming from people assuming the wrong thing about what I am trying to convey.
[01:22:39] That is one of my biggest pet peeves.
[01:22:41] So if you cannot handle that, I will just ban you now and we can move on.
[01:22:48] Like vibing is fine but do not ever spread
[01:22:50] misinformation and do not ever question me when i'm telling you the information is correct
[01:22:59] are we understood
[01:23:03] it's super annoying.
[01:23:12] That is not a yes or a no.
[01:23:13] Are we understood?
[01:23:14] I'm going to treat you like a retard. Until you start acting like a human being, I'm going to treat you like a until you start acting
[01:23:16] like a human being i'm gonna treat you like a yes or no
[01:23:22] i'ma go pee and i better say yes or no in the chat or you're banned.. Thank you. I mean, yeah.
[01:24:28] I had a bad game but I also like
[01:24:30] just don't
[01:24:30] appreciate the disrespect
[01:24:32] from my viewers.
[01:24:33] You know what I'm saying?.. I mean, I don't know man. Zed doesn't seem to give a fuck if he gets banned.
[01:25:11] That's fine. it is what it is you
[01:25:35] I don't know man I just warned you so much about being annoying in the chat. Like, it's hard, man. It's hard
[01:25:37] to want to keep your ear.
[01:25:39] Just don't speak
[01:25:40] in my chat
[01:25:42] unless you're actually saying something of value or you're like not commenting on something
[01:25:48] you don't have any info on get the info first then speak on the info after you've educated yourself
[01:25:57] on the topic being talked about. Super annoying!
[01:26:02] We've talked about this before man Okay...... You
[01:27:29] Oh Oh It is what it is. No, I didn't watch the soccer game.
[01:27:46] I don't give a fuck about soccer............... you you Hmm. Failed badman.
[01:30:55] Wait, what am I against?
[01:30:59] Gwen!
[01:31:01] Damn, Gwen's kind of OP.
[01:31:05] I hope this doesn't go badly.
[01:31:08] Oh well.
[01:31:10] It is what it is. Oh... so so Welcome to Summoner's Rift. 30 seconds until minions fall. I'm going to go ahead and do that. Minions have spawned. Best cure for old pain? NEW PAIN! It's a throw cue.
[01:33:10] Why are you even doing that I'm going to go ahead and do that. Mundo not remember Mundo before Mundo was Mundo.
[01:33:36] What a crazy...
[01:33:40] Invade! What a crazy invade from the fucking Kha'Zix. 4-6 I'm going to try and get the first one. No one needs Oops.
[01:34:34] I was scratching, I don't want to talk about it.
[01:34:41] I was scratching my nose
[01:34:43] when i put my hand on the keyboard and it
[01:34:46] did that.
[01:34:48] I-I don want to talk about it I'm going to try and get the first one. Oh yeah!
[01:35:17] Guys, I think my Caitlyn is upset about something.
[01:35:29] Are you okay bro? What the fuck. what the I'm going to try and get the I mean, the Gwen has no TP.
[01:35:59] I could probably abuse it pretty hard if I...
[01:36:03] If I were to like... abuse it pretty hard if i
[01:36:08] if i were to like push the wave in or if i were to just go back
[01:36:09] right now i could probably abuse it
[01:36:11] pretty hard.
[01:36:17] Like on that exact timer.
[01:38:02] People build People building anti-healing against Mundo early? I don't think they know what Mundo does. is like What what so hmm uh I feel like that's such an interesting choice by that guy to try and fight me. But I mean, I guess I kinda get it?
[01:38:06] Like, I kind of get why he tried...I guess.
[01:38:09] Come on!
[01:38:26] Come on up! Cause you didn't know I was about to hit 6. Oh well.
[01:38:29] That's understandable. hmm Do I miss ADK Frustration? I don't know if I...
[01:38:57] I mean,
[01:38:58] I don't think
[01:38:58] I missed the frustration.
[01:38:59] But I miss...
[01:39:00] I mean,
[01:39:01] I do miss playing
[01:39:01] AD Carry sometimes.
[01:39:22] But, I mean, the frustrations carry sometimes but i mean the frustration i don't know who would miss that I do have level six. Alright, my ult back up.
[01:39:24] I don't think this guy can beat me.
[01:39:35] I think he can beat me if i with my
[01:39:41] q
[01:40:31] my bad My bad. uh so hmm Hmm.
[01:40:39] Why is this Gwen holding the wave?
[01:40:43] Whatcha doing, bro? Oops. oops so I like how he says,
[01:41:17] anyone seen Mundo's brain scissors?
[01:41:19] And then he's versus Gwen
[01:41:20] who is just holding giant ass scissors.
[01:41:24] It's kind kinda funny. so Oh, I have enough gold for my warmogs. Dude, why?
[01:42:25] I guess I should have flashed holy okay i know gwen does well versus window but i can win this matchup if i play it correct
[01:42:31] like actually though I'm going to go ahead and do that. No, you always go War Mogs first no matter what.
[01:42:56] The HP is too good.
[01:43:11] Like, having MR is worthless.
[01:43:16] Early game.
[01:43:55] Because most of her damage is from like spells and shit, but it's... so You see how I'm just like doing a decent amount of damage with my spells?
[01:44:05] Like, I don't need MR to beat her. I just need better...
[01:44:11] I need better movement all right she wasted her ult now we just let the warmogs do its job so this um is uh so so Your team has destroyed the turret.
[01:46:00] Shut down!
[01:46:02] You know we found them, you're too late to destroy us.
[01:46:07] Hit quick!
[01:46:09] An enemy has been slain. Fuck, I missed a cannon. quick so oh gold that's so much gold You know I'm winning too hard when I am having my AD carry go to a different lane?
[01:47:12] I feel like that's how you're winning a little too hard in League. When, like,
[01:47:16] you're the top winner and you're like hey AD Carry uh you should go play safe against
[01:47:21] like the enemy top I am Mundo.
[01:47:32] Oh, this guy does not do very much damage, does he so I'm fine man. these x-rays look fine that's the mean sake if me took x-rays so um so so so see which way An ally has been slain.
[01:49:30] Medical school? Yes, Mundo probably been there
[01:49:37] the is happening here um so Why am I getting pings? What do you guys want?
[01:50:26] I'll probably go Spirit Vintage next, but... um Man, they actually chased my ass down that hard?
[01:50:54] Yeah fuck you guys.
[01:50:57] I mean... my bad. What even slowed me for that long? Guess it was just red buff. It's all I'm going to go in. Dude, our bombing is 0-8 and 1. What the fuck?
[01:51:35] Holy shit, they're actually getting railed.
[01:51:41] They have no idea what they're doing.
[01:51:48] And then Ahri decided to flank?
[01:51:51] What?
[01:51:52] You guys are... What?
[01:51:52] You guys are psychopaths.
[01:51:55] Like, what am I watching? Bro. so I mean, we have no vision of Baron. We want to fight that. I need wards. yeah uh I mean, there's not really much I can do.
[01:53:15] If I group up then we just lose oh um hmm so Okay, good. There it goes. I play around you, Lundo.
[01:54:26] It's probably a good idea I'm going to try and get the um Hmm. hmm uh hmm uh Thanks for watching! what is Not the worst. There was automatic in Swedish.
[01:56:41] That's kind of funny, so you're from Sweden and it auto-Swedished the message?
[01:56:46] That's actually kinda funny though. your turret has been destroyed I feel like
[01:57:06] I need some armor.
[01:57:08] Right?
[01:57:09] Some sort of armor item.
[01:57:12] Like, Sunfire wouldn't be bad to help with wave clear, but it only gives 50 armor, whereas like Thornmail gives me anti-healing and a bunch of other armor.
[01:57:27] It's probably a Thornmail but it gives no hp i don't know it gets 350.
[01:57:57] i'm impressed we're taking this long to like try and win this game You wanted to apologize for being a dick? I don't really care man.
[01:58:17] It's all good.
[01:58:25] Guys why are we grouping with me?
[01:58:31] Don't do that.
[01:58:34] Nah, we can't win that teamfight man. Can somebody go help or stop the Rengar? peace you guys stop doing this shit? just go mid guys you guys don't really care i just assume most people get mad in grief
[01:59:56] i've done it this was
[02:00:02] we gotta push mid waves man uh uh I'm dead.
[02:00:47] What was that? What just happened?
[02:00:50] I got chased by both the top and the AD, or the top
[02:00:53] and mid.
[02:00:56] What just happened? Guys.
[02:00:57] Like, what am I watching?
[02:01:01] Where did my Kha'Zix die?
[02:01:05] ... so
[02:01:19] just fight them!
[02:01:29] Do I really have to go group with them?
[02:01:31] Come on, guys.
[02:01:33] Like, I'm fighting the two hardest counters to me.
[02:01:37] Ugh,
[02:01:38] I really do.
[02:01:38] I have to go group with the fucking team
[02:01:40] because they genuinely
[02:01:42] don't know what they're doing.
[02:01:45] Like, I don't know how
[02:01:46] Kha'Zix died.
[02:02:01] ... I'm trying my best there but
[02:02:57] I mean, I got his ulti that's huge like gwen's not here like why aren't we fighting I mean, I don't know man. You guys are fucking psychos. Dude I... Dude, I don't know. This is insane. yes I mean, I don't know bro.
[02:03:21] My Kha'Zix just trolled the entire game and then my mid jungle in AD.
[02:03:27] Damn.
[02:03:30] It is what it is. I mean, I don't know why our AD carry
[02:03:33] was griefing but
[02:03:34] it is what it is, I suppose.
[02:03:41] Okay.
[02:03:42] Okay. Okay. I need to teach this Kha'Zix why he lost that game so we can improve some people.
[02:04:04] I mean, granted, these two people are, but...
[02:04:17] ... I mean, what? Did I just get called washed up by a guy who quite literally did 20,000 damage on a champion designed to do damage.
[02:04:32] Why do low elo players
[02:04:34] talk shit
[02:04:35] to streamers that are high reloading
[02:04:37] them?
[02:04:43] I will never understand why Loyola players do anything
[02:04:45] Like, why they even type
[02:04:46] Like I said
[02:04:47] If you're not in Grandmaster
[02:04:48] You should not be egoing
[02:04:49] And typing on anyone
[02:04:50] You are really bad at League if you're not in GM.
[02:04:53] End of story.
[02:04:54] Like, you aren't even playing the game
[02:04:56] if you're not in GM yet.
[02:05:20] Straight up, you are not playing league of legends until you hit gm That's why it's weird when people flame and shit, because everybody is just so bad in the CLO.
[02:05:23] It's like if I play AD AD carry I'll drop 15 wins
[02:05:24] in a row right now
[02:05:24] without even trying
[02:05:26] the people are so bad
[02:05:28] I just don't understand
[02:05:29] why the players
[02:05:30] and the CLL
[02:05:31] have this weird
[02:05:31] hard on for
[02:05:32] typing when
[02:05:36] they suck.
[02:05:37] It's wild.
[02:05:48] Because the main reason these people suck is because they have no macro.
[02:05:52] Like, the Ahri and the Kha'Zix last game... I think our bot lane was inting on purpose.
[02:05:56] I'm fairly sure it was just a soft int
[02:05:58] like they were trying to lose on purpose but
[02:06:02] Our fucking jungle and mid
[02:06:04] were really trash at understanding what their role was.
[02:06:15] Yeah, that's what I'm saying is like
[02:06:16] I'm pretty sure the Senna...
[02:06:17] I mean,
[02:06:18] the Senna honored me.
[02:06:19] Didn't say a word all game
[02:06:20] and first time in Senna.
[02:06:23] I'm pretty confident
[02:06:24] the Senna was just
[02:06:25] a target ints
[02:06:25] like somebody queued up
[02:06:26] to int me because I didn't hide my queue.
[02:06:30] It happens.
[02:06:31] Like, whenever I play in Pisslow...
[02:06:32] ...I get targeted into it a lot.
[02:06:34] Because people are just cringe.
[02:06:35] They just enjoy targeting streamers.
[02:06:43] Like, whenever I play on this smurf, people just do it.
[02:06:46] It kind of comes with the
[02:06:47] territory of playing in a low EO and a smurf
[02:06:48] But it does happen a lot cheers what it is........ What do I want to play? First Raven, really.
[02:08:42] That sounds fun....... streaming took ignite instead of barrier
[02:09:59] well that's just stupid. Like, that's not a good player! huh there's one with a hidden entrance around here Welcome to Summoner's Ring.
[02:10:26] There is an unspoken law in archaeology. Finders keepers.
[02:10:35] I want to go get some water, see if I have time to get water before the game starts.
[02:10:41] Tell me if they walk into that bush.
[02:10:45] Tell me if they walk
[02:10:46] into that bush, Chet, so I don't die
[02:10:47] when I get back.
[02:11:29] Okay. back Minions has spawned. Do they walk into the bush or are we good? You should never leash, by the way. Leashing? If you're leashing as a laner
[02:11:33] in the current season, you are trolling everybody in the game including your jungler.
[02:11:38] Trust me when I say don't ever leash.
[02:11:41] Like if
[02:11:42] you're leashing and league right now, you are
[02:11:43] trolling every single game you play.
[02:11:46] Junglers do not need leashes and
[02:11:53] you give up lane priority to try and leash. yes Oh, and that right there is why you take barrier over ignite by the way Wait a second.
[02:12:47] Wait, he E'd and then didn't kill...
[02:12:50] My bad.
[02:12:57] Oh no, you're dead what I fucking trolled I I mean I'll be real he eat and I thought he was going to...
[02:13:02] Like, I didn't need to E over the wall.
[02:13:05] I could have just sat back here but he E'd this way
[02:13:07] to E into the Senna but the Senna
[02:13:09] lost vision
[02:13:09] so I E'd over thinking he was gonna E Senna and I was in killer but then I yeah, whatever
[02:13:21] Honestly the echo just lost himself to game so it's whatever.
[02:13:29] He has no top camps and he has no bot camps to farm, so...
[02:13:42] That Senna just trolled though. I don't know what that was.
[02:13:46] Like look at the wave man! You can't walk up like that. What the fuck is that?
[02:13:53] The hell? or something If I don't know the rules, then how can I do rating? Okay.
[02:14:49] Pretty sure they backed, so we should push the wave there because they backed
[02:14:53] We have a timer right now that's pretty good for being able to
[02:14:57] push the wave and have it push back into us.
[02:15:05] Echo should actually be bought right now so we need to be careful yeah he's on rates I'm going to use my ultimate. damn i was trying to get one more auto off so I can actually kill the guy, but...
[02:15:53] Oh. The gauntlets for sure. Talents on me.
[02:15:57] I should go back.
[02:16:01] I'm done.
[02:16:12] That's why
[02:16:12] I was saying
[02:16:13] I should back
[02:16:13] because if he has Flash, I just die there but That's why I was saying I should back.
[02:16:14] Because if he has Flash, I just die there but...
[02:16:17] I'm okay with it.
[02:16:18] I just like him being greedy.
[02:16:23] Sometimes I'm just greedy because I'm bored.
[02:16:28] I was like, dude, I just want to hit stuff and board.
[02:16:32] But he has no flash now Hmm. That's not young.
[02:16:47] Why would...
[02:16:50] I don't know, maybe he just wants to go for the kill? Why would...
[02:16:57] Ooh.
[02:17:01] So like right there, for example? What you just watched was
[02:17:05] my teammates didn't know how to play to kill the AD carry
[02:17:10] instead of play to kill the support.
[02:17:13] He just tunnel visioned on killing support over the AD and then the AD killed him. That's why, like you saw that I did
[02:17:19] that to them recently right?
[02:17:21] Like you saw it
[02:17:23] three minutes ago when I
[02:17:25] killed them. Like I did the same thing
[02:17:27] They focused Senna and I just killed the dragon
[02:17:44] So Oh, I missed my Q. Bro. Bro Senna, just ward the bush man. Yeah yeah you know what you did wrong.
[02:17:59] Like literally she double kills that if she just wards that bush.
[02:18:04] She just didn't think about it.
[02:18:08] That's okay, bro.
[02:18:13] Don't worry about it man she also whiffed her w in the dragon
[02:18:21] she went to w with r and didn't ward the bush so she died.
[02:18:25] I died because I whiffed Q and she whiffed WR
[02:18:28] And then she died because she didn't ward the bush uh uh Like, that guy is
[02:19:15] probably the most Draven draven player i've ever seen That's a lot of damage. ruin i can legally lose
[02:19:42] welcome to the league of draven party hack happy partner anniversary
[02:19:50] yo thank you for the 55 man welcome back hey i appreciate it a lot
[02:19:56] welcome back bro thank you Welcome back, bro. Thank you. uh Hmm.
[02:20:51] Pretty sure we just double kill them here if i If I land the Q on that Lulu, she's probably dead
[02:21:22] we still have heal we have all of everything Watch and learn. If this guy had Rushed Bloodthirster,
[02:21:23] this lane would be so much harder by the way i need to go back
[02:21:30] i'm being really greedy trying to get this turret, but I don't know if I can without
[02:21:34] Triforce.
[02:21:35] Unless they back literally right now, I'm not going to be able to get it without Triforce.
[02:21:40] I'm gonna walk up and see if they backed...
[02:21:42] Oh, they did!
[02:21:43] Okay we got it.
[02:21:44] Nice.
[02:21:49] Cool.
[02:22:00] I was trying to get first turret but... this
[02:22:03] yeah i mean these guys kind of themselves bought and topped my team in their gym this is kind of bad I don't want to lose plate
[02:22:13] spot plate spot. Dude, we're gonna lose so many plates by right now and this is not good guys. That is such a field bad man, by the way.
[02:22:59] I pinged my team to go defend bot turret That is such a feels bad man, by the way.
[02:23:02] I pinged my team to go defend bot turret and they didn't
[02:23:05] And we ended up losing a bunch of points for it
[02:24:07] Like that is such a feels bad man in is uh Hmm. I don't know what to say right now. We're still ahead, but like dude we should be so much further ahead. for their head i can't get hauled into wizard court again
[02:24:10] oh well
[02:24:18] oh thank god the Draven's a return. He went fucking opportunity.
[02:25:46] He went opportunity Draven. They nerfed the shit out of that Somebody should go top. so uh uh What the fuck was that? so What are you people doing, man?
[02:25:47] Like what am I watching? Oh. watching like what the?
[02:26:01] What's he doing? so What is this guy doing? I don't know, man. that is still possible. Don't do it. Yeah! um oh Oh, here
[02:27:38] i use a fake name in Demacia.
[02:27:39] Jero Lightfeather.
[02:27:43] We should come top lane and try
[02:27:44] and kill Topa Tower.
[02:28:15] Marvelous! Brian killed four-foot tower. sounds dangerous This isn't good. That's very not good.
[02:28:20] I had a blue trinket, and I didn't use it
[02:28:24] And I knew that was a bad call to fight that
[02:28:26] Or do I go there?
[02:28:28] I thought Senna would come with me, but I don't think...
[02:28:30] I don't think I'm in the elo yet where
[02:28:33] people actually understand what's going on mid-game.
[02:28:35] I think they just walk in circles and kind of look
[02:28:37] for fights.
[02:28:39] Like, they don't care about like...
[02:28:42] I don't think anybody in the CLO cares about objectives.
[02:28:46] They just want kills, and if they can't get kills
[02:28:49] they don't wanna be a part of whatever's happening.
[02:28:56] Also I don't think people read patch notes
[02:28:56] below Masters.
[02:28:57] Like I think
[02:28:58] like this is going
[02:29:00] to sound toxic
[02:29:00] but like both my support and the enemy AD both have opportunity.
[02:29:06] And this item got GIGA nerfed for ranged. I mean like...
[02:29:11] It is unplayably nerfed for ranged.
[02:29:14] Because the stats on it are just so dogshit now for ranged.
[02:29:18] And two ranged champions win opportunity.
[02:29:28] Okay. win opportunity. So I don't think those people read patch notes,
[02:29:30] I'm just gonna be honest.
[02:29:36] I always know it's your fault. An enemy has been slain.
[02:29:41] I'm going to have to kill you. so Where is our team at?
[02:30:07] Hello?
[02:30:15] Like, what am I watching?
[02:30:21] What is even happening?
[02:30:23] Dude, dude.
[02:30:24] I don't think like...
[02:30:25] I feel like I'm in a twilight zone
[02:30:27] like i don't notice it as much when i'm
[02:30:28] playing top right
[02:30:29] when i'm playing top i'm just like
[02:30:31] focusing on myself and like winning and
[02:30:32] or like you know trying to figure out
[02:30:35] how to like pressure my needs and crap
[02:30:36] like that
[02:30:37] but i'm playing ad, it's a lot more
[02:30:38] evident how fucking dog shit everybody is.
[02:30:43] Like what are you doing? Why are you solo invading?
[02:30:45] What are you doing?
[02:30:49] Like what does this guy-
[02:30:54] Nobody's on the map...
[02:30:56] And this guys like, time to 1v4.
[02:31:01] Like look at this!
[02:31:02] Go bot lane!
[02:31:05] Dude,
[02:31:06] this is crazy!
[02:31:13] And look, now they're on fucking
[02:31:21] kill her guys they're still on Baron.
[02:31:25] Retards walk over to Baron!
[02:31:27] Thank you!
[02:31:33] Like I don't know why I'm getting tilted over a low elo game but like it's starting to piss me off because they're just doing nothing.
[02:31:37] Wake up! I'm going to go ahead and get the He's gonna ult you, bro. Follow the combat speed of your target.
[02:32:16] An ally has been slain. A beaten path is a foreign one.
[02:32:21] When they meet... oh that's why i can't play ad carry Holy!
[02:32:37] This is why I can't play AD Carry.
[02:32:41] My mind instantly becomes a toxic mess when I play AD.
[02:32:45] Because, I'm just looking at everybody thinking like good lord these players suck.
[02:32:48] When I'm playing a role that I'm not, like, a main in or I'm not, like, maining my role
[02:32:50] I'm like, oh, okay, well
[02:32:52] they suck but, like, I suck too so
[02:32:54] But when you're playing a role
[02:32:57] where like, you know. You can just
[02:32:59] visibly see everybody being bad
[02:33:01] it changes SO much
[02:33:26] ... yeah Dark as this! I need the map. Oh, Ah, like right there man! Where was my Senna ulti?
[02:33:48] If she ults earlier we win win that. But she's holding it...
[02:33:52] I don't know why.
[02:34:00] Like just walk up and hit them like guys don't try and steal it. Just hit them
[02:34:07] There you go
[02:34:12] No ulti!
[02:34:20] Riven's bot. They can't do Baron, back up. Dude I don't know why I'm getting so tilted.
[02:34:23] I have no idea! so so I mean, we just go to Baron.
[02:35:09] Go to Baron! Their Drangor's dead!
[02:36:03] ... the jungler's dead uh so um It was close.
[02:36:03] She almost died. Bro, this is crazy to me.
[02:36:12] Like what am I watching?
[02:36:34] Just push the wave, bro. You don't need to chase him. Push the wave! Push the wave! Push the wave!
[02:36:41] There you go. Now you're playing League. Good work, Riven! Push the wave. Thank you.
[02:36:52] Nice work little bro. the secrets would pass and sell them to the highest bidder does that make me a criminal
[02:36:59] i wish i could ping my quirky just went mid instead of bot
[02:37:13] he should have instantly gone bought out of base because he has TP. I'm going to use the same move as the
[02:37:15] artifact
[02:37:17] and kill some bad guys
[02:37:19] impossible comebacks are
[02:37:21] sort of my specialty blast them But guys, come on. We need to either just do Baron or...
[02:37:39] My Diana's bot? Okay.
[02:37:42] I don't know if they're even gonna kill that guy before he gets the turret.
[02:38:35] They did not. I don't know if they're even gonna kill that guy before he gets the turret. so Like, what is happening man? what i'm doing Just start it, go. Just do it!
[02:38:36] I don't even care man
[02:38:43] Do the fucking Baron Wow crazy Wow, crazy!
[02:38:49] God you people
[02:38:53] smell bad.
[02:38:57] ... I didn't barrier.
[02:39:04] Not done.
[02:39:19] Or just leave just walk away you guys have baron just leave
[02:39:54] stop fighting god I hate how everybody just doesn't do things in this elo because they're scared. It drives me fucking crazy. That was horrible positioning Wait, why didn't dana just go in
[02:39:59] Oh my god guys they're gonna be on dragon right now
[02:40:08] Whatever man be on dragon right now oh whatever man corgi should be teleporting to the dragon dragon thank you Thank you. oh I Need somebody with barren hair. Come on guys uh so so Okay.
[02:42:15] Oh, we lose. GG.
[02:42:19] That's GG actually That's GG actually, they just win.
[02:42:25] No I mean they actually lose like it's just...
[02:42:35] Or we actually just lose the game server
[02:42:46] all because diana wanted to dive a fight when we just taken him and leave. Oh well, GG.
[02:42:49] Yep, League sucks.
[02:42:50] Garbage players.
[02:42:52] This is why I don't like playing AD Carry in low elo.
[02:42:54] You will just watch people be retarded.
[02:42:58] Makes me sick to my stomach, have garbage there.
[02:43:01] My guy's physical illness.
[02:43:04] My Senna didn't do a single thing the entire game correctly.
[02:43:06] Diana bad engages, no macro.
[02:43:09] Corki had down syndrome.
[02:43:10] Top laner also down syndrome. Thank you..... I'm going to grief a game.
[02:44:14] I don't care.
[02:44:17] I'm just going to queue up and grief a game.
[02:44:18] I'm in the first time time a champ and we just lose
[02:44:21] please learn how to play raven friend it's okay to suck but you did zero
[02:44:40] like literally zero no towers bad dives no planks
[02:44:53] over forcing bad wave management bad side laning no understanding of tempo.
[02:45:03] Your diamonds. I'm playing your role for fun and out climbing you.
[02:45:09] You are not playing correct. Yeah, Yes.
[02:45:15] But I'm saying all those things
[02:45:19] I said you did badly, learn learn improve.
[02:45:27] Okay, thank you.
[02:45:33] Why do you believe we lost that?
[02:45:38] Why didn't you side lane pressure into flanks with flash R?
[02:45:44] That's your entire kit. 6 CS per minute. How?
[02:46:13] Yes, how.
[02:46:15] Counter Aatrox.
[02:46:18] Like, badly.
[02:46:24] And you took Ignite while countering
[02:46:25] and still lost one goon.
[02:46:30] Let yourself get frozen,
[02:46:35] then when I carried you,
[02:46:38] you refused to side lane.
[02:46:42] Okay?
[02:46:45] Bro...
[02:47:00] Your job! your job is fix your own lane it's not hard don't focus on kills focus on waves hills worthless babes matter yes but worthless. Babes?
[02:47:13] Yes, but if I go low
[02:47:13] did you ever chase a kill?
[02:47:17] Yes or no?
[02:47:19] Did you ever hit Aatrox
[02:47:21] instead of pushing wave? Yes or no?
[02:47:29] Okay. And you know why you got on because you chased pills and played for kills
[02:47:40] play four waves Play for waves.. Yes, but why? Okay.
[02:48:16] Why even engage there
[02:48:20] at the end?
[02:48:23] Do you not understand we don't have to okay angle or not do you think we can win the game without fighting them?
[02:48:39] Yes or no.
[02:48:47] Okay. Okay. okay yes
[02:48:50] so why force an all in
[02:48:53] yes yes you adhd didn't think that's why your diamond
[02:49:04] just turn brain on think about winning the game not winning the fights. for work
[02:49:36] oh sorry don't take it nice no flame but you aren't good enough to do that i don't know man nobody in chow takes ignite not one human and chow takes it for very good reason.
[02:50:05] It's worthless
[02:50:07] if you can't understand how to use it.
[02:50:16] You don't solo kill with good wave, bad sum Good wave. mechanics don't matter in league
[02:50:44] waves too
[02:50:47] only waves
[02:50:50] GG's I don't know
[02:51:01] I feel like trolling people on this account
[02:51:04] Like That game made me mad I feel like trolling people on this account.
[02:51:07] Like, that game made me mad.
[02:51:09] The last three games I've played have made me mad from people just being so incredibly bad.
[02:51:14] Like, I had two Senna players just run
[02:51:16] it down in a row,
[02:51:18] both of which were just two of the worst
[02:51:20] players I've ever seen.
[02:51:37] I had a quirky mid player run it down. I don't know, man.
[02:51:47] I'll be or be. I'm going to decide if I even want to keep streaming today.
[02:51:49] I'll be or be.
[02:51:50] Cat's dead,
[02:51:51] I'm not having fun.
[02:51:53] I'll be real,
[02:51:53] there's not a lot of value
[02:51:54] in me streaming.
[02:52:48] I'll be real, minute... Senna's garbage. If you play Senna,
[02:53:08] you're griefing your team. don't do it. Unless you are literally a grandmaster level gamer, Senna is not your champ. You will int on Senna went
[02:53:15] Opportunity.
[02:53:18] You need to understand
[02:53:20] that. Opportunity, Senna.
[02:53:27] Opportunity was nerfed last patch very very hard far ranged
[02:53:32] it is not a good item.. I don't know man
[02:53:58] I'll try one more if I lose this one
[02:54:00] I'm probably just not going to stream today
[02:54:02] which sucks because it's my streamer anniversary
[02:54:05] or whatever but dude I'm just dude i'm not
[02:54:07] having fun playing league like this is miserable man like actually though Shelly, though.
[02:54:23] These people do not understand how to play League of Legends and it's so disgusting.
[02:54:30] ... legends and it's so disgusting it's like i understand they're new they're diamond players they're new to the game
[02:54:34] but dude holy man Holy fuck, man. I don't even care about LP.
[02:55:02] Like, I said, this is not my main account.
[02:55:04] I don't give a shit about LP.
[02:55:05] I'm just not having fun.
[02:55:08] Like, I don't...
[02:55:08] I don't care about winning or losing, man.
[02:55:10] I'm just not having fun. like playing with like actual retards it's not fun.. Hmm. I got jungle autofill.
[02:56:21] Well,
[02:56:22] I did say
[02:56:22] I wanted the grief.
[02:58:03] Okay. well i did say i wanted the grief Yeah.......... believe i'm against zyra jungle
[02:58:57] huh... Okay. hmm eh
[02:59:01] we chillin not having a ton of fun today but it is what it is one of those.... Oh, no. I'm going to get blinded by the sun's dick in about 15 minutes.
[03:00:25] I can see it. It's already moving across my face.
[03:00:44] What the fuck? That's not much good.
[03:00:49] Don't do it, man.
[03:01:22] Don't do it, son son it's not worth it yo crossfire thank you for the 55 month resub by the way i know i'm a bit late, but I do appreciate it. Thanks, homie.
[03:01:24] Oh...
[03:01:27] Hmm...
[03:01:31] Bro... Brown... This is a remake?
[03:02:13] Somebody's computer exploded? What's going on okay What is happening? Hello? Where are you little lost dreams? to your home in between welcome to the surface we lie down to see.
[03:05:30] 30 seconds until minions spawn. What are you saying? oh my god Nothing cries louder than loneliness. and loneliness oh so so so uh Little jungle pets of doom. doom i'll tell you a secret never mind someone might hear how attractive
[03:05:38] would i rate Lilia?
[03:05:40] Well, she's a deer.
[03:05:44] Is she still a deer when I'm choosing to rate this?
[03:05:48] Like... choosing to rate this like I'm just saying, like uh... you know. so okay If we win this? Why did we... aww.
[03:06:59] She walked over like she wanted to fight, and then she didn't want to fight.
[03:07:03] That makes me sad.
[03:07:05] Oh well, I didn't plan on winning this game anyway
[03:07:09] just playing for fun
[03:07:13] It is what it is is
[03:07:38] all right i think willia if she wasn't a deer very attractive
[03:07:39] well you know it's kind of one of those things
[03:07:44] where it's like
[03:07:44] she is a deer.
[03:07:47] So if you were to look at that,
[03:07:49] you're like, okay, well...
[03:07:52] Objectively speaking... so I don't think that's a red flag, though.
[03:08:17] I mean,
[03:08:17] think about it.
[03:08:18] If you find Lilia attractive, that means you just end up really
[03:08:20] like nice looking faces you know it doesn't make you a furry it just means like you're
[03:08:26] you're kind of into some nice faces right like
[03:08:31] well you don't think It'd be interesting to be a furry.
[03:08:53] I don't think it'd be interesting at all.
[03:08:55] I think that would
[03:08:56] be fucking awful.
[03:08:59] Not to offend furries,
[03:09:00] I just don't think, you know...
[03:09:02] Personally...
[03:09:04] I would be able to be into...
[03:09:07] The furry type of...
[03:09:13] Thing. furry type of... thing.
[03:09:19] Like, I don't know
[03:09:21] if like, you know, could see myself having a quote unquote fursona. You know as they put it in the furry company. so I had to be an animal, what would it be?
[03:10:00] A raccoon.
[03:10:03] Infinity food glitch. Infinity Food Glitch. No, I think I would
[03:10:27] want to
[03:10:27] be like
[03:10:27] a panda
[03:10:28] if I'm
[03:10:29] being honest
[03:10:30] like
[03:10:32] I would
[03:10:32] just
[03:10:32] wanna
[03:10:32] be
[03:10:32] like
[03:10:33] a really
[03:10:33] lazy
[03:10:34] animal
[03:10:34] that you
[03:10:35] could
[03:10:35] in theory
[03:10:36] fucking
[03:10:37] you know That you could like in theory fucking...
[03:10:43] You know, if you're just a panda vibing or whatever. Imagine how easy that would be to live.
[03:10:47] Like you'd get taken care of. Right?
[03:10:57] I mean granted, you might be too stupid to do anything but...
[03:11:04] Like, you're too stupid to do anything on your own as a panda so that's kinda shitty.
[03:11:27] But like... as a panda so like that's kind of that Kai'Sa, but I don't know if I can bro. Nah, I'm good bro.
[03:11:32] Nah, I'm good bro no i'm good I've gotten us three grubs, a dragon.
[03:11:50] Like, I'm vibing.
[03:11:53] You know? We're chilling. Got us three grubs.
[03:11:57] Got a dragon...
[03:12:01] You guys want to keep dying to random ganks that you shouldn't be dying to?
[03:12:07] That's on you.
[03:12:19] Because the meta right now for jungle is literally just full clear. Get ultra fucking strong by out-full clearing the enemy, and objectives along the way Wait, I can't believe how expensive Landry's is compared to Deathfire Torch.
[03:13:40] It's 200 extra gold, Jesus! so I mean, I don't know how you're gonna actually want me to play that buddy. me I mean, what do you want me to do? You're just like dying and then you're like hey come help me and do everything for me. So yeah, fuck
[03:13:42] you man. I came
[03:13:44] up there, guess what?
[03:13:46] I died because you in the
[03:13:48] mid lane are trash.
[03:13:56] I always laugh when players in lanes think they have to have help from their jungler to win the game
[03:14:04] like if they die to a gank that's like very easily avoidable
[03:14:08] because the enemy like the enemy doesn't have cc so What's that? A dream?
[03:14:33] You're a main in the game.
[03:14:37] Dreams live on, even after the Dreamer
[03:14:41] I like talking to you and enemy has been slain
[03:15:04] Every time I hold my branch, i see the tree with my fingers I
[03:15:22] Am i being spam pinged right now
[03:15:30] Bro you're one in four like I get it. You suck. You're angry that you're bad.
[03:15:40] Oh no! You're bad at League. Crazy bro. You lost your lane because you died to a level 3 gank that you could have warded for, but you chose not to ward early and then you died to a level three gank that you could have warded for but you chose not the word early
[03:15:48] and then you died to level 3 gang because you don't know how to pilot your champion crazy Poggers. oh
[03:16:20] it's always the lowest lp players whining and bitching the most. I need my JoJo to hold my cock when I pee!
[03:16:24] Well... do you hmm It's funny because the only reason I even am ganking in the first place is because I think that it's fun to like make the idiots mad.
[03:17:21] Because, like, I know the gank is going Idiots mad.
[03:17:26] Because I know the gank's gonna go bad, but they don't know that it's going to be bad because they're stupid?
[03:17:29] So...I like
[03:17:30] ganking because then
[03:17:32] The gank will go bad and then they get angry.
[03:17:36] And it's funny to watch them rage about their own decisions. so The human spigot
[03:18:02] Like look at that like what was that my fault too, bro
[03:18:06] That you guys both died there?
[03:18:06] Is that just on me?
[03:18:17] Cover one time. Why don't you... You're playing Ezreal, why don't you just not die?
[03:18:25] Like if you are dying to a fucking gank from Sylas as an Ezreal,
[03:18:29] you are horrible at League, bro.
[03:18:54] Okay. I'm gonna hit no so i can waste some more of their time. This game state's because of you, Lilia.
[03:18:56] So you're 0-4, right?
[03:19:00] You have only died to Sylas.
[03:19:06] Early game can't play because Sylas gapped you. Just rope. Well, now I get to make a ticket and get that anti-perm band
[03:19:11] because he said just rope. And i am petty enough that I'm gonna do it. so This is, by the way, what you're seeing right now
[03:19:36] Is why I griefed them
[03:19:37] Because players like this
[03:19:39] They deserve to be grieved
[03:19:40] Because they're just actual losers Shut up.
[03:20:03] Like, Mystical brings me joy.
[03:20:13] I have literal joy knowing that these people are going to lose this game because of their own decisions.
[03:20:17] Because they're actually just Brandon. because I don't really care about
[03:20:29] winning or losing and if people want to
[03:20:31] do that whole like super
[03:20:33] blame shit hey take the L bro
[03:20:37] Difference between you and me as I play
[03:20:39] fucking 300 games of League a week
[03:20:41] You can only play on the weekends for your free time after your job, after your school. All that shit.
[03:20:47] And if you wanna
[03:20:49] type and flame and all that shit
[03:20:51] play better. Just improve.
[03:20:53] Be a better player.
[03:20:57] Cause I don't value your time at all.
[03:21:00] When you're an asshole, I don't value your time. You can waste your time...
[03:21:04] ...alllll you goddamn want hmm Darn it. I died again.
[03:21:35] Unlucky.
[03:22:03] Unlucky. lane Your turret has been destroyed. Now we just have to wait for my property master to reload.
[03:22:09] I want to meet a human.
[03:22:11] From over here, can they see me?
[03:22:14] Do you wanna let them see me?
[03:22:19] Report Lillia!
[03:22:20] I went one and six on Annie and I touched children bro any
[03:22:27] listen you're probably not allowed within ten yards of a school, man.
[03:23:38] Rocks!... Come on, bro. Add me! Hey, you died to a level 3 gank? Good job, buddy. What do you mean good job, buddy? Bro... I was just gonna give you a tip! Like your Diamond III with over 200 games played, I I was gonna give you a tip on how to climb.
[03:23:40] Come on bro!
[03:23:44] Report Danny? Ah true.
[03:24:19] I'll make a ticket later too.. Hey, homie
[03:24:58] you.. you Happy partner anniversary.
[03:25:00] Thanks, man. I appreciate it.
[03:25:03] Man, I really don't want to play League right now because this is what's going
[03:25:07] to happen, right?
[03:25:08] I'm not in the mood to play League.
[03:25:09] So what's going to happen is I'm on a Smurf and i'm not in the mood to play league
[03:25:23] so i'm pretty sure
[03:25:24] I'm just gonna run it the fuck down
[03:25:25] The whole game, or the whole day
[03:25:27] If I keep playing right now
[03:25:29] Like I said, I don't have a computer that is good enough to play Elden Ring, bro. I've told
[03:25:48] I've said that multiple times
[03:25:50] I would love to play a different game but i can't
[03:26:13] feels bad man Honestly, I might take the day off today and just play... I might just try hard on my main account tomorrow
[03:26:21] i don't know what i want to do man i feel bad because like
[03:26:29] i wanna like I want to like have you people enjoy yourselves
[03:26:32] and have a good time in my chat
[03:26:33] but I'm not enjoying myself for having
[03:26:36] a good time so it's going to make
[03:26:37] you guys not having a good time so it's gonna make like you know
[03:26:38] you guys don't have a good time and then i'm just going to be being an
[03:26:43] and i don't want to be an
[03:26:46] like i really don't.
[03:26:51] I just... dude, I dunno man.
[03:26:54] I don't have it in me to care.
[03:26:56] The Dr. Mundo is fun sometimes but I'm not in the mood
[03:26:58] to play Mundo is fun sometimes, but I'm not in the mood to play Mundo right now.
[03:27:01] And I'm not in the mood to play
[03:27:02] the game in general right now, I think. I don't know.
[03:27:19] I'm going to take a short break and see if
[03:27:22] I want to come back and stream some more.
[03:27:26] I will be live tomorrow,
[03:27:28] even though normally I don't go live on Saturday.
[03:27:30] I'll be live tomorrow anyway so uh if
[03:27:34] i don't do a second stream today i'll be live tomorrow and you guys can come by
[03:27:40] but yeah But yeah.
[03:27:47] Hope you guys have a wonderful day if I don't see you.
[03:27:49] Sorry about the short stream,
[03:27:50] dude,
[03:27:51] I don't know,
[03:27:53] I just can't be bothered to play League right now.
[03:27:55] I could probably stream something else but I don't know.
[03:27:57] I don't know how I'm feeling.
[03:27:59] Anyway.
[03:28:04] Have a good day. Thank you for all the really kind words today.
[03:28:10] We've been subbed or we've been partnered for 11 years on Twitch, which is wild. That's crazy
[03:28:18] Eleven years partner on twitch is wild but sorry if I'm not doing anything for it
[03:28:23] Just don't know what I would do for it maybe i'll do a subathon at some points