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Gera - GrandMaster Adc takes on Top lane | Happy 4th of July

07-05-2024 · 4h 12m

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[00:00:00] Hey, where are the doctors? Oh yeah! In Morgue!
[00:00:22] Yeah, where are other doctors? Oh yeah in morgue
[00:00:30] That's me guys
[00:00:57] Electricity make the brain work good yes nah fuck you bro you are a cringe fuck.
[00:02:14] Nah, you cringe bro. oh oh It's me, Mundo. That's me I am the dough of Mundos so I feel like I'm gonna need to go early Bramble Vest so I don't just lose the fucking game.
[00:02:17] Like, straight up.
[00:02:17] But we'll see.
[00:02:27] Oh my god, I actually would have killed him if I had just E'd.
[00:02:30] Like high key, he was dead.
[00:02:31] I should've just E'd. Like Q-E qe to kite them a bit yeah my bad
[00:02:43] i do think if i get an early Bramble,
[00:02:44] I should just rush Bramble.
[00:02:46] He definitely dies rushing Bramble.
[00:02:52] Hmm.
[00:02:53] Label say Mayclaw is allied with the Slave. Like no shot he stays alive.
[00:02:58] If I go Bramble...
[00:03:06] Whoa! Whoa. Damn, I can't believe that Warwick actually roamed all the way to a random jungle fight
[00:03:21] oh he's here here. Yeah, because like right there...
[00:03:41] If I Bramble right there he just dies.
[00:03:45] Because you can't life steal off of me i'm dead It's okay though.
[00:04:04] We got the better bot lane, game is over.
[00:04:07] Good luck Mr Warwick carrying a jinx.
[00:04:17] Good luck, homie. into I'm going to try and get the uh anyone seen mundo's brain scissors uh so uh Remember remember oh The enemy has been slain.
[00:06:15] Head bones connected to the cleaver bone! Ooh, I do have Bramble now.
[00:06:22] I don't know if it'll matter sadly but we'll see i do have it
[00:06:30] what if i go back Wheel, wheel, wheel!
[00:06:38] Heelytoos!
[00:06:47] Just one single wheely thing. I'm going to go ahead and kill this guy. enemy double kill Why does this Warwick have a...
[00:07:19] Hmm.
[00:07:25] It seems Bro has double buffs.
[00:07:30] That's time to be good. so I was gonna say, I think that had I just gone Bramble from the start...
[00:08:05] Like, I'd just win.
[00:08:09] Because he has to auto to do his damage.
[00:08:23] Yeah, that's all you bro. Go ahead.... bro go ahead beat his ass Jinx get him bro beat his ass beat his ass beat his ass!
[00:08:49] Beat his ass!
[00:09:25] Oh yeah, oh yeah! and the bazillion got the shutdown bro that is huge. Let's fucking go.
[00:10:23] Okay. Let's fucking go. so Oh, that's not good. I'm going to try and get the first one. Hmm. Well, we got dragon I guess. But I don't know why
[00:10:25] we're not talking about
[00:10:27] the dragon in this game.
[00:10:29] It's just a good thing
[00:10:31] that we have dragon I guess. But I can't believe
[00:10:51] I've already reduced 400 fucking healing.
[00:10:55] Nice! I believe I've already reduced 400 fucking healing.
[00:11:01] Go mid!
[00:11:06] Bro, go mid so you can impact the game.
[00:11:13] There's zero reason to ever be bot when you're doing well in the game.
[00:11:16] You wanna go impact it, bro?
[00:11:18] I'm just a little mundo
[00:11:20] who didn't build Brambleman
[00:11:22] Let me uh... let me
[00:11:24] split bot and do nothing.
[00:11:27] Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
[00:11:35] Patience! Where are you? Pretty sure Warwick is gonna come bot.
[00:12:55] Like, I don't know what else would happen. Yeah, he's down here. That'd be wild if he didn't come bot. I really don't want to be overext't fight this guy so Screaming at you. Jesus! Jesus. The fuck, bro? Or yeah, I just need to get some armor like i can go warmogs uh bramble and then i'll be fine Which way?
[00:13:40] Because Bork is affected by armor, right?
[00:13:40] So. You just get a little bit of that armor in there, and you're chillin'. I'm dead.
[00:13:59] There's no way I went through that. 2 OP.
[00:14:09] It's like too hard of a counter.
[00:14:12] The good news though is
[00:14:13] he won't actually be able to do anything
[00:14:15] in fights, I think.
[00:14:16] Warwick's gotta be one of those champs that he has to split
[00:14:21] so like if because my team is winning so hard on the sideline
[00:14:24] i'm pretty sure we just win the game i mean, I mean... Because my team's so far ahead.
[00:14:30] We should have just won. I'm cool with it. We got countered. Oh. so uh oh Rampage
[00:15:47] Pulse Lash
[00:15:51] That's true, old pain NEW PAIN um How's it feel Warwick?
[00:16:18] How does it feel bro? Ooh, I'm out.
[00:16:28] Nah, later boys!
[00:16:31] I'm outta this bitch. Your team has destroyed. Yo, I'm gonna go back to the base. Yo Ori!
[00:16:59] I'm full HP again buddy, what's up? Oh, they forfeited. wow you know i don't want to brag but you know it's a bit of a top diff.
[00:17:46] Nah, I did fucking nothing.
[00:17:49] I should have just rushed Bramble.
[00:17:51] That very first fight we got into,
[00:17:53] if I had Bramble,
[00:17:54] I would've won.
[00:17:55] Or if I had even a lot...
[00:17:57] Like,
[00:17:57] if I had just played safe
[00:17:58] to Bramble.
[00:18:05] Yeah. just played safe to Bramble. Yo,
[00:18:05] is Wings?
[00:18:06] Dude,
[00:18:07] Wings has been struggling
[00:18:08] to hit Diamond
[00:18:09] in TFT
[00:18:10] and I've been making it my mission
[00:18:11] to watch Wings play
[00:18:14] TFT until he gets
[00:18:17] Diamonds.
[00:20:14] Ha ha! Thank you. you Oh, my God. I mean, were you silver?.. so... Dude, Wings does have injured hands.
[00:20:15] He's... Wings is smart.
[00:20:16] He takes care of his health.
[00:20:20] I've had hand issues for three years,
[00:20:23] and I just play the game through it.
[00:20:25] And I don't think my hands have not hurt in three years. So, I mean, I respect it. So,. I don't actually know if I've ever been banned in Wings chat.
[00:21:32] Have I? You banned me, you fucker. you. I'm pretty sure that not a leaner guy is banned in my chat. How do I beat Cannon Top?
[00:22:44] Do I just farm?
[00:22:52] 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[00:22:58] I'm assuming I just farm.
[00:23:19] Pretty sure, pretty sure it's just a farm angle. You made a joke about Raid Shadow Legends?
[00:23:23] I'm sure he unbanned you. so What the fuck? fuck Oh, how did I miss that?
[00:24:16] Oh my god, no way.
[00:24:22] Am I really gonna miss two minions like that with two level Qs barely missed? That's tragic, man.
[00:24:29] Wait...why is nobody...why are none of the minions hitting the frontline?
[00:24:33] Why did they just start hitting the frontline minions?
[00:24:36] Like five seconds after I couldn't auto them or couldn't cue them
[00:24:41] What's going on?
[00:24:47] What the fuck?
[00:24:51] Oh my.
[00:24:58] Oh my- I have one CS, by the way.
[00:25:02] Just wanna let you guys know that I do indeed have one single CS.
[00:25:06] Yo Kennen can you let me get some CS bro? I'd appreciate it bro. Just a little bit please
[00:25:14] Just a little bit of CS man
[00:25:17] Oh my god, I can't get any i still have one man cannon it might be the most cancerous matchup
[00:25:24] I've ever seen he just full stacked four waves on me.
[00:25:29] And I couldn't play the fucking game, man.
[00:25:34] Wow this is fun dude, I'm having the time of my life right now
[00:25:45] cool i have seven cs Dude, what the fuck?
[00:25:58] Did you guys see that minion just like dodge my fucking...
[00:26:09] I mean, I know this guy doesn't have flash so we have that going for us but... I should just
[00:26:25] TP back.
[00:26:36] Okay. So I don't get dove.
[00:26:46] Because I'm just bleeding too much CS right now. Like, I literally have fucking 11 CS.
[00:26:49] I am bleeding way too much fucking CS.
[00:27:11] On a good note, though, I think pushing this wave in when he doesn't have TP will definitely help me even the score. Oh my god. I mean, that's fun.
[00:27:33] Look how much fun I'm having by the way when that happens where he's just like...
[00:27:36] Poke poke, poke, poke, poke
[00:27:39] Q auto
[00:27:40] poke, poke, poke
[00:27:40] Q auto
[00:27:41] poke, poke, poke
[00:27:42] Like, I gotta be real
[00:27:44] with you bro
[00:27:45] Like
[00:27:46] if you're a cannon top player I feel
[00:27:48] like you need to get your fucking
[00:27:51] like like I feel like you you sit
[00:27:55] the P in public you know like not
[00:27:57] unlike the safety of your own home
[00:27:58] not for my comfort but you sit to pee in public to send
[00:28:03] the message that you're a bitch but you want other people to understand
[00:28:07] you are a bitch
[00:28:08] You are uh
[00:28:13] You are a beta human being
[00:28:20] No good doctor
[00:28:28] canon mids a little more giga chad because like cannon mids like you knowen mid is like... You know.
[00:28:31] Usually your verse really OP shit
[00:28:33] Like Tristana
[00:28:35] So I can respect Kennen mid
[00:28:43] Kennen top though though you're just versus like
[00:28:52] melee champs that can barely fight back versus canon early and you just... You just sit to pee.
[00:29:04] Why did this cannon just roam mid?
[00:29:06] What?
[00:29:11] Did he literally just flash ulted mid? What?! What?
[00:29:17] It's seven minutes into the game.
[00:29:31] Like it's seven minutes of a game this guy is going walked mid to flash ults. There's just no way that, there's like the good that's not a
[00:29:34] there's no way that's the proper play uh Drop the healing juice.
[00:29:58] An ally has been slain.
[00:30:23] Shut down. Take two of these! shut down I actually wonder if I should just ulti right now at like, Just to stay and farm.
[00:30:25] But it's actually wouldn't be too bad.
[00:30:31] I can try and bait him or whatever, but if I ulti at the moments
[00:30:34] when his
[00:30:35] shit isn't on me to reduce my healing.
[00:30:39] I actually think it wouldn't be too bad.
[00:31:06] Because then I can just like chill for a second, just kinda... you know. Vibe? I'm gonna be honest with you, Nib.
[00:31:07] There's no way I can help you, bro.
[00:31:13] I have no like i i walk up to this guy i eat one shirt and i'm just dead
[00:31:17] just fair warning, you know?
[00:31:27] He's just countered me.
[00:31:29] You know what's funny though? I'm pretty sure
[00:31:30] I actually hard win this match You know what's funny though? I'm pretty sure...
[00:31:31] I actually hard win this matchup later on.
[00:31:35] I think once I get warmogs or whatever, he just straight loses.
[00:31:40] Like I'm almost positive the game's over.
[00:31:48] I might die to push this wave in,
[00:31:51] but it's worth... No, no, no.
[00:31:53] No, it's not.
[00:31:54] No, it's not.
[00:32:02] Fuck you, dude.
[00:32:05] Like seriously, you're so fucking annoying
[00:32:08] How are you even CS with me?
[00:32:12] In a matchup, you fucking win Come on
[00:32:15] You don't need to do this shit.
[00:32:16] You don't need the...
[00:32:18] You don't need to be even CS with me in a matchup
[00:32:23] if you auto-win.
[00:32:25] Look at this.
[00:32:31] Yeah, what I'm saying is like, yeah...
[00:32:33] Once I get my warmogs he loses the game
[00:32:41] well maybe not the game but like he was just laying He's just got to be really aggro
[00:32:49] at this exact timer
[00:32:51] He's gotta be really aggro early
[00:32:55] because he's playing canon Okay, bro. okay bro Samira worth learning? I mean it really depends on what you want. Right?
[00:33:42] If you wanna learn Samira... sure!
[00:33:46] I don't think there's anything wrong with learning her.
[00:33:49] If that's the type of champ you want to you know try and learn
[00:33:53] like it just depends on what you personally want oh uh No, there's just no way that guy is playing League of Legends. Our top lane?
[00:34:52] Okay, be honest with me right now.
[00:34:56] Are top lane ranged players really, really dumb?
[00:35:02] Wait, is he just an idiot or like what?
[00:35:09] Maybe they are just stupid.
[00:35:28] Oh! i told you guys though once i get warmogs we just win.
[00:36:45] Well...we win our lane. I can't say we're gonna win the game but we win our land once i get warmogs uh so uh so I like how my Nid is completely ignoring the fact that Kennen probably just dies there if she walks at him.
[00:36:48] I respect it though, he had to get some farm.
[00:37:08] I kind of respect that, bro.
[00:37:11] Nah, you're not doing that.
[00:37:11] Sorry.
[00:37:13] You have to take this. what the fuck are you doing?
[00:37:16] Why did my nid just stop doing the fucking rifts?
[00:37:20] Wait was my Nid a fuckin psycho like what is happening She literally got off of Rick
[00:37:25] there what it was at like four hp
[00:37:42] that's that's wild i can't believe she did that. I need 150 gold. I said just a ram and win okay I'm not sure that's how that works to be honest
[00:38:14] with you man uh you do you Killing spree.
[00:38:32] I mean,
[00:38:33] I don't know what I'm looking at here.
[00:38:35] Oh,
[00:38:35] Corki's just really
[00:38:37] fucking
[00:38:37] in Ting Hong Oh, Corki's just really fucking...
[00:38:40] uh, inting, huh?
[00:40:06] Goddamn. mundo today What the fuck? oh I have no idea why my Jinx is bottling right now. so oh Okay. So boring? Bro, you're playing ADC.
[00:40:16] Like what did you expect to be happening in a game where you're playing ADC?
[00:40:20] What do you mean?!
[00:40:24] Oh god the games so boring I picked Jinx AD oh i'm so bored like what
[00:40:30] you mean
[00:40:34] it's like imagine you chose to like fly in an airplane and you're like, God!
[00:40:39] I hate planes.
[00:40:41] Dude the air just gets... oh man it's so boring looking through an airplane window Please
[00:41:01] Not gonna lie it's hilarious to me What what
[00:41:13] okay sure bro Wow. I just got CC'd out of my ass.
[00:41:35] I honestly should just play a little safer when I don't have ults up. Like, real talk, I should do that. Because I know the cannon I know the cannon's, like, pretty bad.
[00:41:40] But if anybody, like, helps him, like that
[00:41:42] morgue just walked up and ignited me or whatever,
[00:41:44] right? The game gets so much harder.
[00:41:49] Because my AD carry seems to be bored.
[00:41:53] Apparently, like he doesn't want to farm.
[00:41:57] It's an interesting thought.
[00:42:03] Okay. It's an interesting thought. This is the same AD I had last game.
[00:42:06] He played really well last game. okay so What?
[00:42:41] Wait.
[00:42:43] Wait, I fucked up guys. Yes! What? Wait.
[00:42:44] Wait, I fucked up guys.
[00:42:47] Nobody saw that?
[00:42:47] I am sorry. Okay. uh uh uh Your team has been destroyed.
[00:43:33] I'm coming in! You've got too far with my firepower. Oh wow. hmm well we broke pots here that's good
[00:43:57] and kennen has no...
[00:43:59] Morgan has no ult, Kennen has no ult.
[00:44:03] We got the bot turret. I'm down. It's not bad.
[00:44:07] Who am I most scared of killing me?
[00:44:14] If I'm being honest, I kinda want... kind of want yeah I don't need I don't need MR.
[00:44:33] Oh, my team is not having a good one.
[00:44:38] They didn't reset after making the play bot so they're gonna lose drake
[00:45:01] Oh Oh okay there's no way you actually catch me bro what are you doing now there's just no way you guys are
[00:45:02] doing this like high key you're just griefing man
[00:45:07] i'm level 15. mike just stop that. so You guys can do this right now. Let's go to Ben. are you oh on I don't have ult for two minutes. We should wait. Not having ult here is pretty bad guys.
[00:46:52] I'm just gonna be honest with you. um Oh, okay. I mean we can get dragon if you...
[00:47:17] Err..
[00:47:19] I don't think this is a good play but Yeah, I mean my team is just gonna get flanked.
[00:47:37] That's why.
[00:47:39] That's exactly why I said it was a bad play.
[00:47:43] Jinx is not very smart.
[00:47:47] Yeah, okay...I mean you're an idiot.
[00:47:51] Come on bro. You can't be mad at your team for that one.
[00:47:56] That was 100% your fault, Jinx. I saw that coming fucking four minutes or 40 seconds before that happened. Now what's my last item on Mundo?
[00:48:04] I feel like I need more MR.
[00:48:08] Alright, Jhin is so far behind
[00:48:12] I feel like it's time to survive their fucking mages,
[00:48:15] but I don't know.
[00:48:20] I'm not actually sure what I should do.
[00:49:00] Okay. sure what I should do. so I Well, they really wanted death didn't they?
[00:49:07] God damn.
[00:49:09] Our Jinx is also really bad.
[00:49:11] Why is she always by herself?
[00:49:11] Like what?
[00:49:15] That guy's actually just trolling.
[00:49:16] He's just standing by himself.
[00:49:17] I don't know why.
[00:49:26] Wait, the Jinx is trying to forfeit... Dude, these players are so bad. Now, what do I get as my last item?
[00:49:47] I actually don't know.
[00:50:15] Hmm... i actually don't know Well, the enemy team just lost again. GG.
[00:50:16] Kennen TP'd to the fight with a wave pushing bot.
[00:50:20] Yeah they just lost did you guys so okay GG. That was funny that they did everything
[00:51:11] They could do wrong to lose that game
[00:51:13] And we still had a crybaby jinx Okay. so. Are you mad that I'm on Smurf playing a 4-1 top laner.
[00:52:11] And I can still
[00:52:11] beat you.
[00:52:16] Have a nice fourth
[00:52:17] my homie you ever hit gm i'll be waiting.. Nightstream? Yeah, we're chilling. We're vibing.
[00:52:51] All right.
[00:52:52] So, I'm going to go ahead and get started with the live stream. Night stream? Yeah, we're chilling. We're vibing.
[00:53:06] It's not too bad. Not too bad... you
[00:53:44] yo thanks homie. I appreciate it dude.
[00:53:54] I'll probably go back to climbing on my main account at some point in the near future.
[00:53:58] I'm just gonna let my old man wrist rest a bit,
[00:53:59] and I'm
[00:54:04] chilling on the Smurf playing some Dr. Mooned... Oh, yeah.... you you Okay.. you Thank you..... I wonder who I'm gonna be
[00:57:20] versus. Probably just gonna
[00:57:22] be some random pick. They're gonna
[00:57:24] pick something like fucking Rainshop.
[00:59:08] ... in range top.. Thank you. you.... I'm against Varus top. Oh, okay.
[00:59:11] Well that's going to be really unfun.
[00:59:16] I was like, dude,
[00:59:18] I wonder what range top they're going to pick against Mundo?
[00:59:31] I guess it's Varus. not gonna lie that kind of feels bad man your house wings doing is he winning his
[00:59:35] tfc games let's go check in on my boy
[00:59:39] i want to make sure wings is winning some games he knew Thanks for watching! oh wings going reaper it's a convenient spawn hi there patient looks like you got too many parts um I'm going to try and get the kill. a little bit of HAK2E. good patient get sticker wait cleaver so At least this Varus missed one minion.
[01:01:47] We have the old one-minion lead.
[01:01:50] Feels good, man.
[01:02:20] Oh! I need to do this for the community. Like Mundo always say, malpractice makes Mal perfect.
[01:02:24] Incision! Dude if Varus doesn't get ahead in the slams super hard though...
[01:02:31] Like say he doesn't just get like an ultra big lead.
[01:02:35] I'll probably just kill him at some point.
[01:02:38] He's got to like...
[01:02:41] Like ultra fucking fuck with me. so you don't die on me But I'm only down four CS, so it's not that bad.
[01:03:19] The only problem is going to be uh he got a easy reset so i'm
[01:03:24] going to be like when i do push this wave out i'm definitely going to be in a bad spot.
[01:03:41] He's going to be here in about two seconds.
[01:03:44] And I have to, like, stack the wave up
[01:03:45] without just dying.
[01:03:49] This is, like, one of the only times
[01:03:51] I should be trying to fight him.
[01:03:54] Actually, a little bit right now.
[01:03:56] I should be trying to fight him a bit because...
[01:03:59] I need him to tank the minion wave and i need...
[01:04:04] ...I need to get this wave into the turret.
[01:04:34] ... But you can see, like this is exactly how bad it's gonna be. fuck I mean that was just a terrible play cuz he actually just lost his lane.
[01:04:37] That was a terrible play.
[01:04:43] Like, unironically,
[01:04:44] he might have just lost his lane.
[01:04:46] We'll have to wait and see but...
[01:04:58] What he did was flashing on me like that and not freezing his wave.
[01:05:40] He kind of fucked himself, because he has no TP. The waves in a really good spot. um No, leave the wave. Leave the wave. We're actually in a good spot
[01:05:44] because I still have TP as well. I will say this though,
[01:05:56] I'm not actually sure.
[01:05:58] I'm not going to go down there
[01:05:59] because you see how like Rell is there? Or not Rell, Renata. I'm not gonna go down there.
[01:06:01] Because you see how, like, Rel is there?
[01:06:03] Or not Rel, uh... Renata?
[01:06:07] That's not worth me breaking this freeze to go down there right now.
[01:06:13] Like, at all. Because if I go down there even though he did gank to help me or whatever...
[01:06:18] ...I lose my entire freeze and then I just do the same thing that guy did to cause him to lose.
[01:06:24] Same exact thing happens where like, I'm in a really bad spot so...
[01:06:31] I bet you I could have probably played that better.
[01:06:35] Like the wave management there though.
[01:06:38] So, that's on me.
[01:06:48] Oh! Okay. I think I'm gonna TP back.
[01:06:51] Oh, like,
[01:06:52] I don't know what this is but like...
[01:06:55] Okay.
[01:07:07] I mean, I'll take a free kill bro. You do you. How's my bot lane losing 1v2?
[01:07:20] By the way.
[01:07:24] I will say, like...
[01:07:25] I don't know how the fuck
[01:07:27] my bot lane is losing 1v2
[01:07:31] because Renat has been roaming for a bit.
[01:07:42] Okay. How do you find World Cup VODs? I don't know.
[01:07:45] I have no idea, my man.
[01:07:49] I'm sure you could Google it.
[01:07:55] Just like give it an old google because yeah i wouldn't know Once I get...
[01:08:13] Once I get tier 2 boots, this will be a lot easier to play versus this guy. oh
[01:08:39] tried hmm yeah i don't know. Maybe somebody in chat knows.
[01:08:43] I genuinely have no clue. so When you start getting bullied by Mundo as a Varus, I feel like something has really gone poorly in your lane like i gotta be
[01:09:16] honest with you when this is your lane state something bad has occurred, and you do not
[01:09:24] deserve to win the game.
[01:09:27] There cannot be...
[01:09:28] I don't think there's a harder counter
[01:09:30] to Mundo than Varus
[01:09:32] outside of maybe Vayne.
[01:09:41] Sorry,
[01:09:42] this is crazy.
[01:09:45] Yuumi is a very sorry like this is crazy
[01:09:50] yumi is a win trade i mean i think you both suck I'm going to use the same
[01:09:56] strategy
[01:09:58] as
[01:10:00] last
[01:10:02] time
[01:10:17] I like i'm pretty confident it's just both the ezreal and the Yuumi suck.
[01:10:23] Like, it is what it is.
[01:10:31] Who cares? You know, if they're trolling, they're trolling.
[01:10:35] If they're wind trading, they're wind trading. I don't give a fuck.
[01:10:39] We're just playing for fun. Medical school, no. Yeah.
[01:11:02] The Yuumi is definitely win trading.
[01:11:04] Like 100% the Yuumi's trolling.
[01:11:05] She went Swifty Boots on Yuumi.
[01:11:09] Like 1000%, that guy is trolling, but it is what it is. I'm going to use the same yes Doctor, doctor! This is only doctor!
[01:11:48] No I mean the Yuumi is 1000% griefing.
[01:11:52] An enemy is unstoppable... percent briefing it's there's like flash changes on the account and shit like
[01:12:01] that's a that's a guaranteed grief.
[01:12:11] If there is ever flash changes in the account, it's a guaranteed win trade grief.
[01:12:19] It is what it is.
[01:12:23] It's like night time in low elo NA, so I'm not even surprised that this is going on. so so I said it is what it is.
[01:13:05] You just gotta, yeah, you just go with it. uh anyone seen one of your brain scissors
[01:13:20] i wonder if i can get a plate right in front of this jinx oh
[01:13:25] i got two other than that i don't think the jinx can actually kill me
[01:13:34] i don't know about that one wait back to managing school Let me go through, me medical professional! bye
[01:15:24] for the community why uh doctor good like Mundo always say malpractice make mal perfect Oh, perfect. This is my favorite dance move! That's a good ult, damn. A summoner has been selected.
[01:15:37] It's the...
[01:15:39] Mm-hmm.
[01:15:44] It was probably just a win trade to the Varus,
[01:15:45] to be honest.
[01:15:48] Because that Varus was typing a lot which kind of tells me that
[01:15:50] it's pretty
[01:15:52] likely a Varus win trade. Oh, well.
[01:16:12] I'm surprised people win trade in diamonds like
[01:16:12] I know these players are like
[01:16:15] they want LP or whatever
[01:16:17] but I do think that's kind of sad.
[01:16:20] Because you can get to Diamond with brain damage.
[01:16:22] Like, I think you could literally have brain tumors and get to the C-Low.
[01:16:27] Like, it's pretty much that embarrassing.
[01:18:04] Yeah. Like it's pretty much that embarrassing. Okay....... You found it? You tried searching through Twitch channels to know
[01:18:07] that's on the channel called... Cool.
[01:18:15] I don't even know what...
[01:18:22] I don't even know if watching the World Cup, like the Esports Cup thing.
[01:18:28] I don't even know when it's on.
[01:18:29] They've done a weird job of
[01:18:31] saying
[01:18:34] when it is or what it is.
[01:18:39] Like, I don't know when
[01:18:39] this broadcasts
[01:18:41] I don't know
[01:18:41] like
[01:18:42] shit's crazy................ Yeah, he's a pussy. All you have to do
[01:21:47] To pussies in league
[01:21:48] Is threaten them
[01:21:49] With reporting them
[01:21:50] if they let the game go through
[01:21:53] and they end up griefing.
[01:21:54] And they'll, like, piss themselves
[01:21:56] and stop...
[01:21:57] They'll start being scared.
[01:22:02] Because they're all...
[01:22:03] Everybody who plays this game is a fucking pussy.
[01:22:14] Okay. like there are those people who
[01:22:15] are like oh
[01:22:15] two games over
[01:22:17] blah blah blah
[01:22:18] I'm raging
[01:22:19] blah blah blah
[01:22:19] I'm like yo
[01:22:20] I'm gonna report
[01:22:21] you they're
[01:22:21] like do it and I'm like, yo, I'm gonna report you. They're like, do it. And I'm like,
[01:22:23] okay, I will. And then they're like, wait,
[01:22:25] I can't believe you reported me.
[01:22:27] And I'm like, I said
[01:22:29] I was going to.
[01:22:31] Like, I'm confused
[01:22:32] like what do you mean
[01:22:34] yeah what's up T
[01:22:40] T I just had a Umead up, T.
[01:22:46] T, I just had a Yuumi build Swifties in my game. What do you think of this
[01:22:48] build?
[01:22:50] What do you think of this Yuumi's build?
[01:22:59] What are your thoughts on this guy's build?
[01:23:00] He seems to go
[01:23:01] Swifties every game.
[01:23:07] Yeah, Swifties every game. What are your thoughts on
[01:23:09] this Yubi build?
[01:23:11] Good or bad?
[01:23:13] What do you think?
[01:23:41] I thought I would ask the resident Yumi connoisseur.. check Yumi's last season stats sure
[01:23:42] why not not.
[01:23:54] I mean, it's impressive.
[01:24:04] Yeah. oh my god it gets better
[01:24:06] laughing It gets better.
[01:24:14] Jesus Christ.
[01:24:16] How does this guy... See, I would be mad, right?
[01:24:18] Like, I would be like,
[01:24:19] oh, this guy's a dick.
[01:24:20] He's trolling.
[01:24:21] But like...
[01:24:22] Oh!
[01:24:22] Oh my god!
[01:24:26] Oh my god!
[01:24:28] Oh my god! He's 24 and 146. Holy shit! like
[01:24:43] listen I could either
[01:24:45] sit here and be really mad
[01:24:47] or I could be impressed that Riot
[01:24:50] is such a dog shit company
[01:24:52] that like this man has been
[01:24:54] griefing for years
[01:24:55] he has
[01:25:00] been grieving for years.
[01:25:04] And Ryan has not banned him?
[01:25:07] Like, I can't even be mad.
[01:25:08] That's just impressive. you mental
[01:25:16] boomed
[01:25:16] yeah bro
[01:25:17] it's fun
[01:25:17] don't worry
[01:25:18] about it
[01:25:19] dude
[01:25:19] I mean,
[01:25:24] I don't think you can beat...
[01:25:25] I don't think you can win
[01:25:25] with the Yumi
[01:25:26] with the
[01:25:27] 14% winning rate.
[01:25:32] I think you're fine, man.
[01:25:43] Oh shit, he's in another game.
[01:25:46] I will say this.
[01:25:47] I feel like it's one of two things, right?
[01:25:50] Or one of three things.
[01:25:52] It's either a Yuumi player who is...
[01:25:56] Because the Camille player is decent.
[01:25:58] I wouldn't say this player is good, they're probably like master 1LP.
[01:26:03] Right? I'd say it's like a masters 1LP peeker.
[01:26:07] So they are not good, but they're not bad. They're good enough to climb in
[01:26:09] Diamond at least.
[01:26:11] There's one of three things. Either A
[01:26:13] it's two people on
[01:26:15] the same account and one person just likes trolling,
[01:26:17] and the other one keeps them in high elo so they can troll.
[01:26:20] Two, it's a win trade
[01:26:21] account where
[01:26:22] they stay around the Masters border
[01:26:25] mid-Diamonds, low masters.
[01:26:28] And they just win trade wins or three.
[01:26:32] It's just one guy who has multiple personalities
[01:26:38] who likes to just run it down who has multiple personalities,
[01:26:42] who likes to just run it down as Yuumi sometimes.
[01:26:45] You never know. When have I been GM this season?
[01:26:50] My other account was two games off GM, like four days ago.
[01:26:56] So...
[01:26:57] I'm chillin'.
[01:27:04] I mean...I hit GM every season.
[01:27:07] The title's a lie?
[01:27:09] No, I don't think so
[01:27:10] i think i had gm last season the season before that season for that season
[01:27:13] before that hit challenger this seven seasons
[01:27:16] before that and i've been playing in gGM games for a month. So, I'm chilled.
[01:27:34] I mean, I'll get GM eventually.
[01:27:38] I just don't really care about it right now.
[01:27:40] I wanted to take a break because I lost like seven in the row on my main
[01:27:45] and then I was like, yeah...
[01:27:46] I'm taking a break for a few days
[01:27:49] let my hand rest
[01:27:50] just chill
[01:27:51] play some Mundo.
[01:27:55] Why not?
[01:28:01] How dare you! How dare you throw that at me! Oh no, oh no! Go into the bush. Yeah this is my bush.
[01:28:20] You can't
[01:28:20] touch my bush.
[01:28:27] I think that bush is warded.
[01:28:28] Like,
[01:28:28] I think this guy warded the bush
[01:28:29] because he threw the Q at a weird angle. He threw it where I was standing in the bush.
[01:28:49] CT! CT, this is why you're single though.
[01:28:54] Like I'm just being nice.
[01:28:56] I've been nothing but nice to you today positive and you just came into my stream
[01:29:00] and just wanted to be rude
[01:29:04] you know You know?
[01:29:18] You're single because you speak to me.
[01:29:21] Well, I mean, yeah, but that's not like...
[01:29:23] I give off a very powerful alpha
[01:29:25] presence.
[01:29:26] It lingers. so after speak to me for a little bit.
[01:29:31] All of the people that come in contact with feel it for the next few days, right?
[01:29:37] Like the presence they just feel it for a few days.
[01:29:41] They're like, oh she was near him.
[01:29:46] And I'm like yeah you understand. You get it.
[01:29:55] Everybody hates me? I don't think that many people hate me.
[01:29:58] I think the people who hate me...
[01:30:20] are... i think the people who hate me are just losers Is there somebody important that I care about disliking me? Not really.
[01:30:29] You know......
[01:30:31] ... If you could only save me or wingsings, you'd save Wings every time.
[01:30:45] That's totally okay.
[01:30:47] See?
[01:30:48] Wings needs somebody to save him.
[01:30:51] I just saved myself.
[01:30:55] Because I'm him,
[01:30:56] I'm built different.
[01:31:00] I would want you to try and save wings too, he needs it.
[01:31:04] Some of us need saving, there's nothing wrong with that! you know he needs it
[01:31:06] some of us need saving and there's nothing wrong with that
[01:31:08] some of us are just build there so uh Bro, Gnar I'm really trying hard here to like...
[01:31:47] Not have the micro.
[01:31:49] That's why i'm playing fucking Mundo.
[01:31:51] Can you just fuck off for two seconds?
[01:31:53] I'm trying to do this, like...
[01:31:55] Super sweaty micro under the turret
[01:31:57] For autos and shits.
[01:31:59] Like, just let me vibe, dude.
[01:32:03] Please?
[01:32:04] I had to go against Avaris last game.
[01:32:07] Like, i beat him
[01:32:12] oh i actually won that if i didn't up by the way
[01:32:19] but high key i actually would have won that if I didn't mess up.
[01:32:23] That guy's probably gone Mr. Lee. Nah he's gone dude.
[01:32:28] My lead scene just flashed by the way, I's gone dude. My lead sim just flashed for that by the way I heard his flash.
[01:32:33] That's...I like the effort though.
[01:32:37] But no, I mean I just fucked up if I didn't take uh...
[01:32:40] ...that extra auto or if I had Q'd him as he jumped in...
[01:32:43] Like when I flashed, I meant to auto-proc my Grasp and Q'em.
[01:32:47] If I had Q'd, auto-proc Grasp, we would've died. But I fucked up.
[01:32:57] I usually die like once or twice in the early lane as Mundo though.
[01:33:04] Because my ego won't let me back even though i should you know like sometimes you should just
[01:33:08] back but like sometimes my ego is like nah
[01:33:10] you got this you You're him.
[01:33:12] And then I'm like oh shit. Because you know what? I am him but like sometimes it's harder to lock in. so so Everyone is screaming at you. uh Do you get more trolling people the later at night?
[01:34:20] Oh yeah, of course.
[01:34:22] The later you are at night,
[01:34:23] the more people troll.
[01:34:26] You get like the DJjins you get the
[01:34:30] you get the people like
[01:34:33] they're just depressed sleep
[01:34:48] you get all the people at night.
[01:34:55] It's also a lot easier to Q-Snipe people. I don't think I'm getting Q-Sniped or anything like that, but if you wanted to it's way easier to Q-smite people at night.
[01:35:14] Right? Like,
[01:35:14] it's super fucking easy to do that shit
[01:35:16] if people want it to.
[01:35:23] Because lots of people are playing, etc. That's why win trading happens at night pretty often. so perfect place to do medicine. Everyone sit there!
[01:35:52] Wow I suck.
[01:35:53] I actually just fucked up 3 CS
[01:35:55] because I'm bad at League.
[01:35:57] Oh, 4 CS.
[01:36:00] I'm just bad
[01:36:00] at League of Legends, guys.
[01:36:01] 47 medical diplomas! Mungo guys. I got a plate though. x-rays Oh yeah, no. You get... especially on like 4th july i'm sure there's tons of drunk people
[01:36:49] like i'm i'm sure there is I'm going to try and get the first one. How dare you call us
[01:37:24] You Americans
[01:37:25] God
[01:37:27] You guys hear this guy?
[01:37:31] Yeah, it was the fourth though.
[01:37:33] So...
[01:37:40] ... You're sweetest? No, you're fine. I don't care.
[01:37:42] I'm just literally giving you shit, man.
[01:37:46] I am your sweetest friend.
[01:37:51] I love you. I'm gonna give you Shiba. I am indeed American,
[01:37:53] and it was indeed the fourth.
[01:38:13] Let's go! America America. America, fuck yeah! Hey, where are the doctors?
[01:38:23] Oh yeah! Eat more!
[01:38:31] Take two of these Let's go TP back.
[01:38:41] We now have our warmogs
[01:39:52] so we are going to be vibing so Thank you for watching! uh so so This guy's about to lose his entire turret right now. I feel kinda bad.
[01:39:54] Like, I'm straight up just gonna take his whole fucking turret.
[01:39:58] Yi is bot and and has no TP so his turret is fucking gone.
[01:40:05] Sorry bro, had to be done All right, what are the odds that he actually checks drugs? What do you think over under any check scrubs?
[01:40:37] Hmm doesn't look like he's doing it
[01:41:13] Interesting more like he's doing it interesting so yeah there's no saving that guy. Wait why am I being pinged? Listen
[01:41:17] I'm sorry okay? I fucked up bro! I'm sorry
[01:41:21] He said what the fuck Mundo Bro, I'm sorry.
[01:41:24] He said what the fuck Mundo?
[01:41:26] Yeah, I'm sorry dude.
[01:41:35] Okay, I'm tired. It's late. I'm fucking 33. Okay give me a break.
[01:41:43] TeeTee by the way, I really appreciate you warning me to not be in Colorado in two weeks.
[01:41:47] I assume that's why you were saying that? So it was like a nice warning for me?
[01:41:51] Uh...I just wanted to say thank you. I appreciate that. I'm going to go back and do this. Yo, did you guys see? There's like that super hurricane
[01:42:24] that's building up or whatever in the Caribbean what do you guys think of
[01:42:31] that barrel where are the fuck it's called
[01:42:35] that shit looks crazy. I'm dead.
[01:42:57] Bye!
[01:43:00] Aww, maybe I shouldn't have been fighting with 3k gold.
[01:43:04] Oopsies.
[01:43:08] Damn, I'm gonna lose top turret for that.
[01:43:10] That sucks.
[01:43:11] Well, lesson learned
[01:43:24] in the future i will not take fights like that again.
[01:43:37] Well when I have 3k.
[01:43:40] If I was like... you know if I had spent my 3k
[01:43:42] 100% would have taken that fight
[01:43:43] because I would have murdered those guys
[01:43:45] Pretty sure we just do dragon by the way
[01:43:50] I'm pretty sure
[01:43:50] It's like a 1000% We play for dragon here and win the game off of.
[01:43:57] Because I'm level 13, two full items, push one more wave, and then we just fight for Drake.
[01:44:51] Okay. doctor doctor oh so Cool.
[01:44:53] I do need to be care, though because I don't know where the fuck Yi is
[01:44:55] and if this guy's walking up to me at 20%,
[01:44:57] that means Yi could be up here, so I should back up
[01:44:59] because that is
[01:45:01] like a wild maneuver.
[01:45:05] Like look
[01:45:05] at this guy.
[01:45:13] Nah, I guarantee he's here man that is wild he's willing to do that Oh, that's crazy.
[01:45:26] I think I need...
[01:45:27] Oh, Yi was there.
[01:45:43] I think i need oh he was there i think i need uh armor Is that an RTP? There's no way they kill me.
[01:45:46] That's actually crazy, that he is TPing. There's no way you kill me here.
[01:45:52] Wait, you're a psycho?
[01:45:56] That's actually crazy.
[01:46:03] Okay. oh yeah you have been psychotic. I'm not TPing to that. That's just asking to have them walk away and I just whiff my... lose my TP.
[01:46:35] Hmm, I really do think
[01:46:37] I need fucking
[01:46:39] some sort of armor. Whoa what is this?
[01:47:21] ... oh what is this wow Wow. Yo, this Jhin kind of came over and saved my ass. Thanks Jhin! My man!
[01:47:24] That was pretty sick actually.
[01:47:27] Good gameplay.
[01:47:29] He straight up saved me.
[01:47:51] ... an ally Yo, this song is sick.
[01:47:59] Dude I forgot how good fucking Skyrim music was. I haven't played Skyrim in so long and I forgot how good the music was.
[01:48:03] I mean it's like obviously not a god. uh
[01:48:17] mundo attempt brain transplant on Mundo today.
[01:48:20] Me think it go good.
[01:48:22] Red Skyrim existed?
[01:48:24] Dude, Skyrim. i still have such a cool memory of skyrim
[01:48:44] i went to the gamestop midnight release of skyrim with my irl friends
[01:48:57] and there was just like so many cool people that I met outside that like midnight release it's pretty sick It's like random dudes, you know?
[01:49:05] Just all there to nerd out and play video games.
[01:49:09] That cool memory.
[01:49:13] I've never played Skyrim with mods, ever.
[01:49:17] Old was I?
[01:49:19] I mean when did they get released?
[01:49:27] I don't know. That'll tell you how old I was. Because it was the midnight release of the game. Long time ago, man. so I lost the T2.
[01:50:07] I'm bad.
[01:50:09] I thought we were just gonna do dragon, but my team didn't do dragon.
[01:50:13] Like my AD carry and my maideniden everybody just didn't do the Dragon?
[01:50:19] I thought we were gonna do the Drake, then rotate after but...
[01:50:23] They did not want that. Wait they're on Baron huh?
[01:50:27] We need
[01:50:28] a vision of that.
[01:50:31] There's actually a pretty high chance
[01:50:32] they're on it.
[01:50:34] Okay. I wanna be
[01:50:36] level 16 before I go to a teamfight, because at 16 Mundo's actually unkillable in teamfights with his ult up.
[01:50:45] Like... like I mean like ACTU actually unkillable.
[01:50:57] Look at this Gnar feeling like he's Faker. He's look at my look at my space gliding Dude, I really do need some armor though. High key. If I can just get armor, I can...
[01:51:28] Like actually just straight up win the game by like
[01:51:32] i mean i can already tank benar for a year but
[01:51:39] oh that's not good so Nice.
[01:52:09] We got the inhib, got two of them to go bot so we we got two of them to go bot and we
[01:52:17] got the imp have and my team got a double stopping the baron oh let's go
[01:52:25] i'm totally okay with that, that's actually not bad.
[01:52:30] Now this is the question, do I want to
[01:52:31] go Randuin's so I'm like
[01:52:33] unkillable or do I want to go
[01:52:36] Thornmail so I'm
[01:52:38] unkillable. Thornmail's more armor, Randuin's
[01:52:40] is
[01:52:40] 30% less crits
[01:52:43] but then we have Nyla
[01:52:45] critting.
[01:52:47] Let's just do this. We need some
[01:52:48] anti-heal anyway.
[01:52:51] Nobody has any anti-healing
[01:52:52] on my team right now, so we need
[01:52:54] some anti-heals, so I'll grab it. It's fine.
[01:52:58] Wait.
[01:53:00] Wait, these guys are trolling. They just lost the game.
[01:53:03] What am I watching
[01:53:04] these people do?
[01:53:05] Well you guys actively just lost the game
[01:53:07] you guys are hella trolling okay Dude, look how little damage that Brand does to me.
[01:53:35] This is like depressing man oh bro that was not a flash he wanted to make I'm taking like...
[01:54:05] Dude, they're fucking healing me.
[01:54:39] Okay. You guys should have backed the fuck up by the way. so I feel kind of bad because like I know the Gnar
[01:54:41] is just like trying his best. You know? Like, I know the Gnar is just like trying his best, you know
[01:54:44] Like I know he's trying his best. It's just like I'm playing Mundo
[01:54:48] But you stood no chance from fucking champ selects Oh, he killed me with collector.
[01:55:18] My KDA!
[01:55:19] No... What champions counter Mundo?
[01:55:33] Anything that beats his ass early in the game.
[01:55:41] Vayne, Varus, Quinn.
[01:55:45] Just pretty much anything that beats him early.
[01:55:51] Aatrox does well. Like, Ubuntu's
[01:55:52] really bad early game.
[01:55:54] Really, really, really bad early.
[01:55:57] That's why you see me, I just
[01:55:59] struggle every game until I get...
[01:56:02] I struggle pretty much every game.
[01:56:06] Got a diamond?
[01:56:07] Hey, Gratz.
[01:56:10] Want to do a Pengu?
[01:56:11] Okay. Let's play some, like,
[01:56:27] Pengu with
[01:56:28] With some, like, Pangu with the Wang.
[01:56:35] Holy fuck!
[01:56:36] I out-damaged
[01:56:37] my entire team.
[01:56:41] Fucking Mundo holy shit
[01:56:43] well the Tom Kinch matchup
[01:56:47] I haven't done it
[01:56:48] I actually don't know
[01:56:49] I don't know.
[01:56:52] I don't know if Tom Kinch has, like...
[01:56:54] Like, I don't know what he does.
[01:56:56] Like, I know what he does, but I don't know what his numbers are.
[01:56:59] So, like, I don't know if
[01:57:00] Tom Kinch has, like, percent health damage on his W.
[01:57:03] Or, I mean, on his, like, lick or, like, on his eat or...
[01:57:07] Like, I really...
[01:57:08] Like I said, I haven't done a lot of Mundo after the item rework.
[01:57:12] So, I have no idea what he beats when it comes to like other tanks Okay.. I think Mundo is probably the most sleeper OP top laner right now though.
[01:57:57] He's so good
[01:57:58] into so many games,
[01:58:00] into so many matchups
[01:58:01] because
[01:58:02] the War Mugs is just too OP.
[01:58:06] Like, for Mundo
[01:58:07] it's way too broken
[01:58:08] and Demolish
[01:58:10] his interaction
[01:58:10] with Mundo
[01:58:11] is too broken as well
[01:58:12] and then
[01:58:13] Mundo's E
[01:58:13] interaction
[01:58:14] with War Mugs
[01:58:15] is too broken
[01:58:16] so you're, like...
[01:58:18] You basically just turn into a fucking
[01:58:19] monster.
[01:58:22] That's how I do so much damage
[01:58:24] every game because you just turn into this monster that
[01:58:25] you can just just like...
[01:58:30] You have, like, 300 AD and it's stupid.
[01:58:34] Okay, let me call Wang.
[01:58:42] Let me call the Wangster. Hello?
[01:58:43] Yeah.
[01:58:45] Wait, someone's messaging
[01:58:47] me asking to play
[01:58:49] What happened?
[01:58:51] Me?
[01:58:52] You didn't invite
[01:58:52] I invited you
[01:58:54] No
[01:58:55] What's her name wanted to play
[01:58:57] Who's what's her name
[01:58:59] T Oh What's her name wanted to play? Who's what's-her-name.
[01:59:00] T.
[01:59:03] Oh, you want to play with her?
[01:59:04] I heard she smells like cabbage.
[01:59:05] It's up to you.
[01:59:07] It's up to you, man.
[01:59:09] I don't know.
[01:59:10] I mean... You said it. I said no know. I mean, T-Split... You said it.
[01:59:11] I said no.
[01:59:11] All I'm saying is
[01:59:12] T-Split came into
[01:59:14] my chat and started
[01:59:14] flaming me.
[01:59:15] Like first thing she
[01:59:16] said was just...
[01:59:17] It's up to you then.
[01:59:18] Like it's all you.
[01:59:19] Yeah, yeah.
[01:59:20] Like dude, I was having a
[01:59:21] nice night playing some Mundo Top
[01:59:23] and T-Split comes in
[01:59:25] and she's like, are you
[01:59:28] still stuck
[01:59:29] in whatever ego?
[01:59:32] I'm like, that's hurtful.
[01:59:34] Then she called me... I think she called me short.
[01:59:36] Also hurtful.
[01:59:37] But it doesn't hurt that much.
[01:59:39] It's one of those things when you have a small person calling another small person small.
[01:59:43] It doesn't hurt as bad, because you're like,
[01:59:45] eh. I guess.
[01:59:46] It's like the five-foot tall
[01:59:48] girls saying you need to be six foot.
[01:59:51] Like, you ain't six foot, I'm not dating you sort of thing.
[01:59:53] Yeah, no. T-Split's like five...
[01:59:55] T-Split's literally like five foot even so it's like hard
[01:59:57] to be mad at that. It's like
[01:59:59] when I'm dwarfing you
[02:00:01] like I can't be mad. She's saying
[02:00:03] you flamed her.
[02:00:05] When did I flame
[02:00:06] you?
[02:00:06] When?
[02:00:07] I don't know.
[02:00:07] Why am I the one
[02:00:08] playing telephone here?
[02:00:10] You guys talk to
[02:00:11] each other.
[02:00:12] Dude, you know
[02:00:13] what's hilarious?
[02:00:15] I gotta link you an account just so you
[02:00:17] can see... Like, I wasn't even mad. This guy
[02:00:19] griefed me, right? I wasn't
[02:00:20] even mad. I'm impressed
[02:00:23] by just how consistently troll this player is.
[02:00:27] Look at this guy's account.
[02:00:29] One sec.
[02:00:30] See if you can find why I say this guy's a troll, go ahead.
[02:00:35] Figure it out,
[02:00:36] I believe in you.
[02:00:37] Dude,
[02:00:37] it's like a war zone man,
[02:00:38] the fireworks dude,
[02:00:39] the fireworks!
[02:00:41] Oh yeah,
[02:00:41] they were going off for a while.
[02:00:43] I think they stopped
[02:00:44] because it's like 1am now
[02:00:45] but... I had fireworks going off it's like 1am now.
[02:00:48] I had fireworks going off yesterday at like 3am,
[02:00:50] people were just launching one off.
[02:00:52] There was a little launch and a stray one out there that was like, I'm gonna pop one off at 3am,
[02:00:54] what the fuck?
[02:00:55] Yo, we'll get that op.g real quick
[02:00:57] okay hold on let me put this on stream
[02:00:59] well let's see it's a new account
[02:01:02] there's no ranked stuff
[02:01:04] are we just looking at
[02:01:05] it's actually not a new account
[02:01:06] op.g changed their format I's actually not a new account OP.G changed their format
[02:01:08] I thought it was
[02:01:09] a new account too
[02:01:09] the format now
[02:01:11] is they give you
[02:01:11] the previous seasons
[02:01:12] under
[02:01:13] the rank
[02:01:14] like
[02:01:14] on the
[02:01:15] it's stupid
[02:01:16] it's dumb
[02:01:16] hold on
[02:01:17] I need to see it previous seasons It's stupid. It's dumb. Hold on.
[02:01:19] I need to see it.
[02:01:21] Previous seasons under the rank?
[02:01:22] Yeah, like when you scroll down to where it says what rank they're,
[02:01:23] it's like under that now.
[02:01:24] It's really stupid looking.
[02:01:25] Oh, okay.
[02:01:26] Well, I see it.
[02:01:27] Season 2022, it's gold, I see it. Season 2022,
[02:01:29] it's gold,
[02:01:29] then gold
[02:01:30] and then emerald.
[02:01:31] Yeah, but I want you
[02:01:32] to look at like...
[02:01:33] So he's basically
[02:01:33] a gold player.
[02:01:34] Do you think
[02:01:35] that's a good Yumi build
[02:01:36] that my boy is going?
[02:01:37] That's what
[02:01:38] I'm really asking.
[02:01:40] Uh, let's see. Swiftie's build ever my boy's going. That's what I'm really asking. Let's see, Swifties build every... No.
[02:01:42] You don't think that's good?
[02:01:44] I don't know who said it. Okay, I want you to do something
[02:01:46] for me. I want you to go to Champions
[02:01:48] right? He's literally a gold player yeah but i want you
[02:01:52] to click on champions and go to season 2022. and look at his yumi win rate
[02:01:59] okay one sec well this me win right here is zero yeah just look at season 2022.
[02:02:06] uh hold on how do i why did they change the site okay well
[02:02:09] yeah it'll be like dog they're like trying to keep up with
[02:02:12] the other sites and they 14 24 wins 146 losses
[02:02:17] camille 250 wins 87 losses Tell me that's not impressive
[02:02:23] as fuck you managed to do that.
[02:02:25] So what this guy is playing for
[02:02:27] is he's trying to play for win
[02:02:29] rate by deranking the account and
[02:02:31] then playing Camille to win on it. Yeah, I know.
[02:02:34] Just try to get win rate on a champ
[02:02:35] but it doesn't matter what your win rate is
[02:02:37] because you're gold.
[02:02:39] He's D4 now. It's fun.
[02:02:42] D4 is basically gold.
[02:02:44] I mean, I agree. No, I agree with you.
[02:02:46] It's just funny because he's doing the exact thing
[02:02:48] you're talking about. He like puts his shit in the gutter
[02:02:50] then he plays only Camille so it looks
[02:02:52] like he's got a 90% win rate with good stats.
[02:02:54] And then he's like, I have a 75%
[02:02:57] win rate with Camille! You have to listen
[02:02:59] to me, man! And you're like, brother,
[02:03:01] you're gold.
[02:03:02] Eight games and you're in gold.
[02:03:04] I wasn't even mad when I looked at his account.
[02:03:06] It's impressive.
[02:03:08] Riot has done nothing to this player.
[02:03:11] It's fine.
[02:03:13] It's funny to me.
[02:03:14] All the power to you, bro. It's funny to me. I'm like, okay, well
[02:03:15] all the power to you bro
[02:03:16] He says often
[02:03:19] I never flame you
[02:03:20] You are... I can disprove that right
[02:03:23] goddamn now
[02:03:23] I'm not
[02:03:26] seeing,
[02:03:26] oh you're
[02:03:27] just talking
[02:03:27] to each
[02:03:27] other,
[02:03:27] okay.
[02:03:29] I mean
[02:03:30] I could
[02:03:31] put her
[02:03:31] on the
[02:03:31] call and
[02:03:32] she can
[02:03:33] just
[02:03:33] I don't know. Up to you.
[02:03:39] But, uh...I'm streaming.
[02:03:43] Wait! I hit my random button!
[02:03:45] I don't have my tactician.
[02:03:48] Wrecked. It's okay, Splash Party is the best anyways.
[02:03:52] She gave me a question mark.
[02:03:56] For what?
[02:04:05] She says, how dare you not want her in the call because you're streaming.
[02:04:09] I mean, I said it's up to you.
[02:04:11] I just said I'm streaming.
[02:04:15] I'm proud of you. You got a diamond.
[02:04:17] Yeah!
[02:04:18] With two firsts in a row.
[02:04:19] No joke though.
[02:04:21] I actually think... I gambled my health down to one life left cooking items with Fine Vintage,
[02:04:30] and I locked in
[02:04:32] and won 10 in a row to go first.
[02:04:34] Nice!
[02:04:35] That's how you do it.
[02:04:36] Dude, this happened to Trick too.
[02:04:44] You both got stuck in Emerald for a bit and I remember right when you guys... Well, I was stuck in Emerald because I'm losing 60 and winning 40.
[02:04:47] No, that's what I'm saying though. Like, I think right when you get out of Emerald,
[02:04:52] like when you get into Diamond,
[02:04:53] he went to D1 in three days.
[02:04:56] So I'm pretty sure something happens
[02:04:58] when you promote
[02:04:59] and it becomes really easy to climb.
[02:05:03] They code Emerald
[02:05:04] to be like an Elo
[02:05:05] Vortex where it tries
[02:05:06] to keep you there as
[02:05:07] long as possible.
[02:05:08] It did the same thing
[02:05:09] with League as well,
[02:05:10] not just TFT.
[02:05:11] I think you're right. It does it with Masters
[02:05:13] in TFT too because
[02:05:15] I won five in a row in Masters
[02:05:17] two months ago
[02:05:19] or a month ago and I was only getting 37
[02:05:21] a win and it was brutal.
[02:05:24] It was really brutal.
[02:05:25] I fixed my MMR, but it took forever.
[02:05:28] Like, it was literally five wins in a row
[02:05:31] and I was still
[02:05:32] only getting 37
[02:05:33] and I was like, this is crazy.
[02:05:36] Yeah, it's weird
[02:05:37] because it's like
[02:05:38] you win enough to go from
[02:05:41] Emerald 4 to Emerald 1
[02:05:42] and it still thinks your mmr is an
[02:05:44] emerald four and you're like why like why are you pulling me back here
[02:05:47] like just look just like why is the mmo i fear there's
[02:05:51] like actually 100 actually more tft players than League players now.
[02:05:59] Well, maybe but there are definitely not more viewers.
[02:06:02] No, I mean TFT is not fun to watch.
[02:06:06] Depends.
[02:06:07] Depends?
[02:06:08] Well, it's like fun
[02:06:09] to watch sometimes.
[02:06:12] They really had
[02:06:13] to do it in
[02:06:13] Pengu Party, man.
[02:06:15] You're really doing
[02:06:15] this in Pengu party?
[02:06:16] At least it's not Kayn.
[02:06:17] You know what?
[02:06:18] At least it's not Kayn.
[02:06:19] Lillia is like
[02:06:20] the second worst.
[02:06:21] If Kayn is the worst
[02:06:21] Lillia is the second worst.
[02:06:22] Do we agree?
[02:06:25] Is this Lillia?
[02:06:26] Is that what we're doing?
[02:06:28] Yeah. She's the one that moves all the objects. I haven't seen this one that much.
[02:06:30] It's pretty annoying.
[02:06:34] Alright T, if you get top 4
[02:06:36] I'll pull you into the call. T.
[02:06:40] Why is my chat trying to flex meat right now?
[02:06:44] What kind of meat?
[02:06:46] You know exactly what kind of meat.
[02:06:48] Like beef? Yeah, you could call it beef are you talking
[02:06:53] about dong I think I'm confused yeah why would they flex don? I don't know. This guy's like talking about how his dick pokes through his pants
[02:07:03] I'm like everyone's dick does that when they get hard, okay
[02:07:06] You don't have to try and flicks that
[02:07:08] It's not a flex
[02:07:11] This guys You don't have to try to flex that. It's not a flex! This guy is flexing me as a dick
[02:07:13] That's impressive
[02:07:15] Basically
[02:07:17] You didn't see the new episode of The Boys yet, have you?
[02:07:19] No, not yet. I'll probably watch it after without swilling i really thoroughly enjoyed
[02:07:25] not close to the ankles brother if your dick is hanging down to your
[02:07:29] ankles you're two feet tall and you're a gnome
[02:07:31] from World of Warcraft.
[02:07:32] I'll say this.
[02:07:36] Like,
[02:07:36] I don't think
[02:07:36] this is a spoiler
[02:07:37] for the boys episode.
[02:07:39] I don't think...
[02:07:42] You don't seem like the person who would
[02:07:45] enjoy this episode.
[02:07:47] Why?
[02:07:48] I can't say that without spoiling it.
[02:07:50] Fine, fine.
[02:07:51] I'll watch it and then we'll see.
[02:07:53] Let's just know how you get upset when I say weird stuff to your chat when you leave?
[02:08:00] This episode is the embodiment of weird stuff.
[02:08:03] Okay but it's not up to my chat. This episode is the embodiment of weird stuff.
[02:08:05] Okay, but it's not to my chat.
[02:08:06] So it's like... What?
[02:08:10] I just didn't expect them
[02:08:12] to do that. That's all i'm gonna say it was it's
[02:08:15] it's interesting do I abuse Lux this game guys
[02:08:22] is the Lux abuse game?
[02:08:29] I don't know, do you like... Do you have the stuff for Lux?
[02:08:33] I dunno. whenever I get
[02:08:36] Lilia, like when I do get this
[02:08:38] augment, I always just play
[02:08:39] like I'm not going to have any augments.
[02:08:42] Yeah.
[02:08:44] Feels bad, man.
[02:08:46] Like because I'm assuming just like I always assume I get zero augments so it's like meh
[02:08:50] I mean we're not even getting a single augment for the first stage so you know
[02:08:54] Yeah I love it that's what i'm saying look like there's like zero fucking
[02:08:57] augments so it's like oh yeah oh yeah I forgot we have infinite remover
[02:09:02] I should give you some stuff I just don't have any I mean I can put on a little bit of
[02:09:07] items i'm so lazy to do that how do you wait
[02:09:11] how did you not have any items no i do it's just the components like
[02:09:15] they're not items oh okay guys do i do the lux thing
[02:09:22] bro if you want to do it just do it i don't want to do it but the game is
[02:09:26] just giving it to me. Then do it!
[02:09:37] Chat... chat alright fuck it
[02:09:43] I'll take it but I won't like commit to it
[02:09:46] okay this person AFK'd
[02:09:49] hey this guy went Okay, this person AFK'd.
[02:09:53] Hey, this guy went Shimmer Scale?
[02:09:57] Did you go Shimmer Scale?
[02:09:59] Wait T-Split...
[02:10:01] T, you went fucking laser corpse oh my god
[02:10:03] You fuckin' sweat
[02:10:05] What's wrong with lasers?
[02:10:07] That's like the sweatiest one
[02:10:09] No it's not!
[02:10:12] It's only sweaty if you actually do duelists
[02:10:16] Sweaty
[02:10:20] It's not sweaty.
[02:10:25] It's kinda sweaty.
[02:10:26] Not really...
[02:10:27] Let me do this, this'll be fine.
[02:10:31] How much gold you got?
[02:10:33] Eight.
[02:10:35] I have 30.
[02:10:37] I'm just, like... I don't know if I want to sell the Shen
[02:10:39] or if I want to, like,
[02:10:40] sell the Janna
[02:10:41] because I'm not sure
[02:10:42] if I want to do the Ink Shadow thing with the Ghostly's
[02:10:45] or if I actually wanna do the Lux thing. But so far these items look like they're Lux
[02:10:50] items. Man, look at Tee's ugly ass Ahri skin.
[02:10:56] I haven't looked at anything man, I'm just looking at my own board.
[02:11:01] Y'all fight like a married couple!
[02:11:03] Look at Wing's ugly ass re skin i don't have an re skin what do you mean
[02:11:09] look at your ugly fat thing splashdown chonk is goaded what are you talking about
[02:11:17] we out here just yapping now what's going on he's called chunk bro
[02:11:21] chomp yeah he's trunk he's the best and he's got little like floaties and he's got little, like, floaties
[02:11:27] and then he's got a little, like, tube thing
[02:11:29] ready to go to the pool.
[02:11:32] Yeah, but, like,
[02:11:33] will they let him in? Of course.
[02:11:35] My man's gonna be like
[02:11:37] in the wave pool just making
[02:11:39] tsunamis and shit.
[02:11:41] That's pretty fucked up.
[02:11:43] Am I wrong?
[02:11:45] Yes you're wrong.
[02:11:48] He floats like a butterfly.
[02:11:50] I had to take that from your wings, I'm sorry.
[02:11:52] It's okay, I got what I was going for.
[02:11:54] Wait were you baiting? You were trying to go for the chair?
[02:11:56] Yup.
[02:11:59] Man... Do you even want the item you stole from me?
[02:12:01] Yeah, I do.
[02:12:02] Okay.
[02:12:03] I was gonna say Kip Fogger's!
[02:12:06] Oh what?!
[02:12:08] Okay, I could go Phantom and be really cranky Oh, what?
[02:12:08] Okay.
[02:12:11] I could go Phantom and be really cringe.
[02:12:13] Let me think.
[02:12:15] I could also go Phantom and be really cringe.
[02:12:17] The double cringe Phantom. I mean it's either that yordle or laser so
[02:12:22] i can't use the other two so phantom it is and i went fandom too all right
[02:12:28] we're rnging r RNGesus, take the wheel!
[02:12:32] How do I make 40 here?
[02:12:36] Hmm...
[02:12:41] Forty gold? Yeah. I don't know,
[02:12:43] I have 20 gold. How the fuck do you
[02:12:45] have 40 gold?
[02:12:47] I'm just rich.
[02:12:49] But how? I don't know good econ chiseled jaw tall masculine man absolute Calm down, okay?
[02:13:02] Absolute.
[02:13:05] Bro, this ain't the presidential debate.
[02:13:07] You don't just got to tell lies, all right?
[02:13:08] Relax.
[02:13:10] I mean, I don't even think Biden was telling lies.
[02:13:11] I don't think he was saying anything.
[02:13:13] They're both lying. I don't think Biden was telling lies. They were both lying, I'm going to be honest.
[02:13:14] I don't think he was saying anything.
[02:13:17] They were both lying but one of them was just lying under his breath
[02:13:19] so you couldn't hear what he was saying.
[02:13:21] Medicare.
[02:13:27] Something, something I beat Medicare or something.
[02:13:28] That's what he said.
[02:13:29] I was like, well, I mean,
[02:13:30] that's impressive.
[02:13:31] He did.
[02:13:31] He be Medicare.
[02:13:32] And it's like, what?
[02:13:34] What are they talking about?
[02:13:37] Is this PvE? No, it's the new
[02:13:39] Pengu party game mode.
[02:13:41] It's kind of chill.
[02:13:44] They add in traits from previous sets
[02:13:47] and you grab them like augments
[02:13:48] and they affect your whole team.
[02:13:50] It's kind of cool.
[02:13:53] I got 50 gold.
[02:13:55] Free pity? This guy went Mountain, damn.
[02:13:58] 50 Gold!
[02:14:00] Free 50.
[02:14:01] I'm rich.
[02:14:03] Why- so wait you were Flaming T and she's 100 HP.
[02:14:09] What do you mean I was Flaming T? Yeah! Because she's going Sweat Mode.
[02:14:12] What do you mean? That's what I said.
[02:14:15] She literally got 10 gold at level 5 on on two six with a bunch of two stars he's got two
[02:14:21] stars ira or two starts i don't know dude i'm just still running my shitty ass ink shadows
[02:14:33] all right i can swap here this is uh not too bad I think okay man
[02:14:45] may have upgraded my team slightly.
[02:14:49] Yo, which one of these cupcakes would you eat?
[02:14:51] Middle left or right?
[02:14:54] The one in the middle so it doesn't unbalance the box
[02:14:57] because that gets annoying if you have to carry it
[02:15:00] well that's actually that's a that's some pretty good strats actually yeah
[02:15:03] that's not bad when you take eggs out of the carton or like donuts out of the box
[02:15:07] you gotta like take it from both sides. No, that's actually really fair.
[02:15:10] That's a good point.
[02:15:12] Yeah, because otherwise you carry it and it's like, man, this shit
[02:15:14] is fucking unbalanced.
[02:15:17] I'm just gluttonous
[02:15:18] and I'll just eat them all.
[02:15:19] I just eat all three of them.
[02:15:21] So you have to eat all of them at once?
[02:15:23] Yeah, I mean, you don't have to but what if you want to?
[02:15:25] You know sometimes you wanna just...
[02:15:27] That's good, I guess.
[02:15:28] Sometimes you want the beatus, y'know?
[02:15:30] The Beatus huh? The betas, huh?
[02:15:31] It's the betas?
[02:15:33] Yeah, the betas.
[02:15:33] You know, the diabetes.
[02:15:34] Yeah, the betas.
[02:15:35] I gotcha.
[02:15:36] I feel you.
[02:15:39] Who doesn't love that?
[02:15:41] But that's eggs, not cupcakes.
[02:15:43] Alright, I have a question. So let's say you just want
[02:15:45] some scrambled eggs, right?
[02:15:47] How many of them do you make at once?
[02:15:50] Ooh, this...
[02:15:51] I actually made eggs uh...this morning.
[02:15:52] Uh...
[02:15:53] This changes depending on
[02:15:57] how hungry I am obviously or if I have anything to eat with the eggs.
[02:16:02] What if it's just eggs?
[02:16:04] Just egg?
[02:16:05] Yeah.
[02:16:06] If I'm like
[02:16:07] a normal level of hungry,
[02:16:09] probably three.
[02:16:11] Maybe four.
[02:16:12] Maybe
[02:16:12] if I'm real hungry I'll go like four. If I'm hungry, real hungry, I'll go with four.
[02:16:16] My magic number is five.
[02:16:18] You do five?
[02:16:19] Yeah.
[02:16:20] Damn!
[02:16:22] That's pretty good.
[02:16:23] Do you like add other shit though?
[02:16:24] Do, do you like add like uh...
[02:16:25] Salt and pepper.
[02:16:26] Ah okay, okay.
[02:16:28] You ever try a little bit of cheese in there?
[02:16:32] Nah just salt and pepper with the eggs.
[02:16:34] Oh I had some milk.
[02:16:37] Ooh, milk's good.
[02:16:38] It's kind of like cream but it doesn't
[02:16:40] have that sour flavor.
[02:16:42] No, my mom got me to use
[02:16:44] milk when I was a kid. She would like add the milk to the eggs, yeah.
[02:16:47] It's really good.
[02:16:48] No, yeah, I love it.
[02:16:49] That shit's super good.
[02:16:52] Hold on.
[02:16:53] Oh, I roll at six.
[02:16:55] But, like...
[02:16:58] Why do I have a Soraka?
[02:16:59] Can I just have her?
[02:17:01] Why is she here? What are you doing Soraka? Why are you here?
[02:17:03] Are you flaming her?
[02:17:04] Four to six. Damn, you go for six. That's way more than I eat.
[02:17:09] I usually don't eat eggs alone though.
[02:17:11] I'll like do a yogurt with some eggs or I'll do some like some more of some proteins in there too other than the eggs yeah i just
[02:17:20] i usually either just go just eggs or go like eggs and i'll like maybe toast
[02:17:24] some bread with it ooh some bread some toasted bread's good
[02:17:27] sometimes when i'm feeling real good i'll put some peanut. Some toasted bread's good. Sometimes when I'm feeling real good,
[02:17:28] I'll put some peanut butter on the toasted bread and I'm like, ooh.
[02:17:31] Oh.
[02:17:33] Or like a peanut butter jelly?
[02:17:35] Just not even jelly, just
[02:17:37] peanut butter toast is so good.
[02:17:39] You know what you should do?
[02:17:41] Try doing banana slices with peanut butter on toast.
[02:17:44] Yeah, I've done that.
[02:17:45] It's super good.
[02:17:45] It's pretty good.
[02:17:46] It's pretty good, yeah.
[02:17:48] Take back what's ours.
[02:17:52] One, two, three, four... Yeah Okay, guys you guys can stop doing so much damage to me by the way I'm just trying to get to nine
[02:17:58] Don't know how I want to do this. Oh, you guys can all relax
[02:18:01] alright? I'm just trying to get to 9 here
[02:18:03] You don't need to be toxic. Same
[02:18:15] My comp's not that bad.
[02:18:20] It's not good, but it's not bad.
[02:18:27] That's alright. Good, but it's not bad. It's like you know Is this use disco guy you yep
[02:18:33] Well you phantom to me Yeah I was like thank god I phantomed your Lux
[02:18:35] Well that might not matter
[02:18:37] if you don't actually hit her though
[02:18:39] No I'll hit her
[02:18:41] Yeah after everything else is dead What? You're shooting the target dummy
[02:18:44] Lux!
[02:18:46] Oh my god!
[02:18:48] Lux was like yo
[02:18:50] fuck his extra gold
[02:18:52] Yeah, fuck your gold bro. Hey honestly if I was gonna lose anyways
[02:18:55] It's honestly might have been the best thing all right
[02:18:57] You don't need to be even you don't need to be rude man okay like this
[02:19:03] That's a little did you take my bf sword excuse me it
[02:19:08] was on my galio so won't we while we take it back for a sec well can you give me the sword then? No.
[02:19:16] Why?
[02:19:18] Because I need it!
[02:19:20] For what?
[02:19:22] To put on my bench!
[02:19:24] You're just gonna bench the sword?
[02:19:26] Yeah, why not.
[02:19:28] Because it's a waste.
[02:19:30] I mean... true but like-
[02:19:32] Alright do I go Disco 2 or Phantom 2?
[02:19:36] I mean I went Jazz for fun. Phantom too.
[02:19:39] I mean, I went Jazz for fun.
[02:19:43] I'll go Disco too. It's probably not as good but it is fun!
[02:19:46] That's what matters.
[02:19:48] 100% agree. Fun is
[02:19:50] what matters. Yes.
[02:19:56] Factual and true.
[02:20:00] I have an Annie.
[02:20:08] Why do you have an Annie?
[02:20:09] They just gave it to me.
[02:20:13] I also have Fortune in.
[02:20:17] Three fortune?
[02:20:19] Yeah Damn, that seems kind of random
[02:20:23] It's completely random
[02:20:25] That's just weird
[02:20:25] Uh
[02:20:27] Well I just got fucked by Kane. Damn.
[02:20:30] I like how we still have zero augments this game, by the way. We're about to get our first augment.
[02:20:34] Yeah! Oh, we're getting our first augment! There it comes!
[02:20:37] I was just thinking, like...we're gonna get boom-bombarded with augments right now.
[02:20:41] I hate Lillia.
[02:20:43] Like, we are gonna get so many augments
[02:20:45] and it's gonna be triple prismatic too
[02:20:47] just to fuck with us.
[02:20:49] Actually, you know what's worse?
[02:20:51] If we get fucking...
[02:20:53] I got Recombobulator.
[02:20:58] Nice. Did you take it?
[02:21:00] Did you use it?
[02:21:01] I think I'm gonna throw my entire game if I do this, but it might be worth.
[02:21:07] YOLO.
[02:21:08] You just want me to lose.
[02:21:10] No, I just said YOLO.
[02:21:11] You don't have to do it. I'm just said YOLO. You don't have to do it.
[02:21:12] It's fun, right?
[02:21:17] It's all good fun, right?
[02:21:20] Yeah, man, it gives me...
[02:21:24] Fucking I mean, it gives me... Fuck it.
[02:21:28] What did I get?
[02:21:30] An Azir, a Rakan...
[02:21:37] ... A Rakan. A Kayn.
[02:21:41] I have all the units
[02:21:43] that I need for my comp, but I can't level because I need to roll.
[02:21:46] Okay what a weird turn of events that just occurred.
[02:21:52] Oh my god come on Lux! Come on Lux, come on Lux! Pump it! Boom!
[02:21:57] She's like throwing out the bowling balls!
[02:21:59] On a good note I do have Rakan
[02:22:01] Okay who did I just beat?
[02:22:05] What do you guys think, chat?
[02:22:07] Was the Recon Bob worth it?
[02:22:09] Was the Recon Bob a little worse?
[02:22:13] Recon Bob?
[02:22:14] What did your Recon Bob 2 though?
[02:22:15] Like what'd you get?
[02:22:17] I got some decent stuff.
[02:22:21] Decent stuff, you say?
[02:22:23] Yeah, it can work if you want.
[02:22:33] You must have taken some stuff out before doing it yay of course yeah he got some decent stuff like what the fuck are you going teemo oh i mean he's just there for a
[02:22:37] server going Teemo? Well I mean he's just there for a saver. Oh you got Rakan and Kayn
[02:22:41] and like some other stuff
[02:22:47] Can really use a BF sword.
[02:22:54] These are not BF swords!
[02:22:56] I'm not liking this.
[02:22:58] What does BFsort stand for?
[02:23:02] Uh, what do you think it stands for?
[02:23:04] If you had to guess...
[02:23:06] I mean, I asked YOU!
[02:23:08] I was just curious like what do you think it stands for?
[02:23:11] Well, I mean, I asked-
[02:23:13] I asked YOU.
[02:23:15] Yeah but like, you gotta guess first
[02:23:17] You can't tell the answer right away
[02:23:19] You gotta guess It just a big fucking sword
[02:23:21] That's exactly what it stands for
[02:23:27] It's a reference to Doom
[02:23:29] and they had the gun called the BFG-9000
[02:23:32] and it literally just stood for
[02:23:34] big fucking gun. That's it.
[02:23:40] That's how you do it.
[02:23:42] Yeah.
[02:23:43] See, this is why Doom is so good though.
[02:23:45] Like I don't know if you've played it but like everyone who has played it loves it
[02:23:48] and the soundtrack is amazing for both of the games
[02:23:50] and they're coming out with another one
[02:23:52] It's because they know what people want.
[02:23:54] They just want to run around
[02:23:55] with big-ass guns and shoot shit
[02:23:57] and kill everything, right?
[02:23:59] That's what they want.
[02:24:01] It's simple, right?
[02:24:03] And it needs to look really fucking cool and that's it!
[02:24:05] That's all they care about, that's all that matters!
[02:24:08] Okay, Imma be real
[02:24:09] I do not deserve what I just highrolled
[02:24:11] I apologize to you
[02:24:13] What did you find? You got an just high rolled, I apologize to you.
[02:24:14] What did you find?
[02:24:17] You got an Aurelia already.
[02:24:18] And a Huey.
[02:24:21] So you're just trying to like do
[02:24:23] some 5cost shit.
[02:24:25] Yeah.
[02:24:26] What are you doing?
[02:24:27] I mean, I have double jazz, so I'm just...
[02:24:29] I have two jazz.
[02:24:35] I don't think Jazz works with the unique 5 cost trait though, does it?
[02:24:41] I currently have 21% bonus health and 14% bonus damage on all my units. So it does work or doesn't I'm confused
[02:24:49] I mean, I can take out I could take one hot in the sea in a sec
[02:24:55] Glad we have one augment guys.
[02:24:58] At 4-3.
[02:25:01] Fun, fun, fun! Oh TomKench ate my Lux.
[02:25:05] Yeah glad we got the singular augment happening. That's fun.
[02:25:08] Yup. Isn't it?
[02:25:13] Okay I see one more! Just one more guys!
[02:25:17] I'm almost there.
[02:25:18] I just need one more.
[02:25:22] One more what?
[02:25:23] That's why Sirius Sam was the goat?
[02:25:25] I don't think I've ever played that, but
[02:25:27] I'm guessing it's similar to Doom. You just have a bunch of guns and you go around and shoot shit right?
[02:25:32] Oh! I-I... I have heard of Serious Sam
[02:25:35] I've heard of it I think, but I don't think I've ever played it
[02:25:38] I don't think I've played it either.
[02:25:46] It's like,
[02:25:47] no one wants this Overwatch shit,
[02:25:48] you know?
[02:25:49] Or like,
[02:25:49] this Valorant shit. valorant shit like I gotta have
[02:25:51] abilities and work is a tease like i
[02:25:53] don't want teammates I don't want
[02:25:55] abilities I want big-ass guns and huge
[02:25:58] ass fucking monsters to shoot that's
[02:26:00] what I want.
[02:26:02] Keep your fucking cry...
[02:26:04] Crying...
[02:26:04] Were you a Contra player?
[02:26:07] I don't think I ever played that game.
[02:26:09] Oh,
[02:26:10] you would have liked Contra
[02:26:10] if that's what
[02:26:11] you wanted it's just shooting stuff you're shooting stuff
[02:26:17] conjo is fun hell yeah brother Hell yeah, brother
[02:26:28] Yes, did you really need a shimbo
[02:26:32] Yeah actually good. I also need Morgana so it's a win-win.
[02:26:34] Ahhhh...I see.
[02:26:36] Yup! So you hate happiness, got it?
[02:26:38] What do you mean?!
[02:26:40] Wait, wait, I'm just saying, y'know like...
[02:26:45] And I'm just sayin you know like and i'm just saying what do you mean yeah i'm just saying that it was clear no no they don't another aurelia let's go
[02:26:52] oh what do i drop for this?
[02:26:56] Fuck!
[02:26:58] Nothing like natural-ing two Aurelias on level 8.
[02:27:04] Yo, this game is over. on level eight
[02:27:10] yo this game is over like it's already over is it though i'm pretty sure i'd be impressed if we
[02:27:14] if you guys come back from this.
[02:27:18] Four Dragonlord, I'll have an Aurelia 2 in three turns.
[02:27:27] I'll be level 9. I have Jazz with Phantom. Being level 6 sucks.
[02:27:37] Why is that?
[02:27:39] I'm trying to roll for my unit, but like
[02:27:42] I can't put all of my units in so my bench
[02:27:44] is full.
[02:27:45] I beat someone who was level 9 as level
[02:27:46] 6 and I don't even know how that happened I don't have any resources. My bench is full. I beat someone who's level 9 as level 6,
[02:27:47] I don't even know how that happened
[02:27:48] I don't have any 3 stars
[02:27:49] Maybe you should just not be level 6
[02:27:51] Well I needed a roll
[02:27:53] I got it man
[02:27:55] I don't have a choice
[02:27:57] No! It's gonna reroll my units Get the fuck outta here I don't have a choice.
[02:28:01] No, it's gonna re-roll my units! Get the fuck outta here!
[02:28:05] Why did it have to happen now? I'll have to hit now then.
[02:28:08] You are just fucked. Oh, shit.
[02:28:09] No, no, it's fine.
[02:28:10] I got it.
[02:28:14] Holy shit.
[02:28:16] Okay, I'm not going to lie.
[02:28:18] That timing is really fucking funny though.
[02:28:21] That was not funny at all, oh my god that was so- Absolutely hilarious!
[02:28:23] That was bullshit it's okay I made it out
[02:28:25] I just had to fucking spend all my-
[02:28:26] You didn't see that shit?
[02:28:28] It gets the worst timing ever. It's like, okay
[02:28:31] you're playing a reroll comp. Guess what?
[02:28:33] We're gonna reroll the bellard for you
[02:28:35] anyway. That was awful!
[02:28:38] It's
[02:28:39] okay I got it. I got it.
[02:28:41] Darius is trolling?
[02:28:43] God damn right he is!
[02:28:44] Piece of shit.
[02:28:47] Fine. I made it out.
[02:28:49] Okay, who do you think is the most
[02:28:50] attractive league Okay, who do you think is the most attractive League character in this set?
[02:28:56] In THIS set?
[02:28:58] Yeah. The current set we're playing. Who's-who was the most attractive to you?
[02:29:00] Does their performance have anything
[02:29:02] to do with their attractiveness?
[02:29:07] That's just whatever
[02:29:08] you're into.
[02:29:09] Maybe you're into...
[02:29:11] Attractive in general or attractive to
[02:29:13] you like to you like do you personally
[02:29:16] like who's your favorite
[02:29:20] if you're into kane there's nothing wrong with that. No I'm not.
[02:29:24] Wait-I don't even remember all the fucking units.
[02:29:26] I mean Lillia is kinda hot
[02:29:28] If she wasn't like a deer
[02:29:30] Bro!
[02:29:32] I said SHE WASN'T A DEER IF SHE WASN'T A DEAR If she wasn't a deer! If she wasn't a deer.
[02:29:34] If she wasn't a deer, okay...
[02:29:36] She's like...
[02:29:38] If she WASN'T a deer...
[02:29:43] I SAID SHE WASN'T! Anyone else wanna try? I said she wasn't!
[02:29:47] What's the reroll? Okay, that's whatever.
[02:29:50] Zyra... Am I three-starring Zyra?
[02:29:52] Chat, that's not weird right?
[02:29:54] It's not weird because it says if she wasn't think so. Like, chat, that's not weird, right? It's not weird because it said if she wasn't
[02:29:56] a deer. It's pretty weird.
[02:29:58] But I said if she wasn't,
[02:30:00] so I covered my bases.
[02:30:02] It's pretty weird, man.
[02:30:03] I'm not gonna lie.
[02:30:08] Alright, there's no way I'm three starring the Zyra is there I don't think there is just be real oh wait Where'd my item go?
[02:30:20] Oh there it is. Okay
[02:30:25] I'm Versia Oh you fucker
[02:30:28] I didn't fucking position so I might lose
[02:30:32] I don't know
[02:30:34] Yeah she healed enough to live
[02:30:39] No you ran her mom.
[02:30:41] I'm too strong.
[02:30:42] Alright relax.
[02:30:43] Well I need to relax.
[02:30:46] I just-I mean I'm re rerolling three 5-costs.
[02:30:49] Dom's is really into Lillia.
[02:30:50] I don't know who that is but
[02:30:51] I'll take your word on it.
[02:30:54] Big grab bag!
[02:30:56] Dragonlurk!
[02:30:57] Oh, oh, oh, oh.
[02:30:59] Oh, that's it right there.
[02:31:02] What?
[02:31:03] I just found Dragon Lurk Crest.
[02:31:05] What?
[02:31:07] I said I just found Dragon Lurk Crest.
[02:31:08] Well, I heard you.
[02:31:09] I'm just confused at how that's happening.
[02:31:13] Three star Jenna and now I'm going to level up,
[02:31:15] put in Morgana.
[02:31:16] Oh my fucking God.
[02:31:17] Here we go.
[02:31:17] I'm hitting.
[02:31:18] I'm fucking hitting boys.
[02:31:20] So you're, so you're cheating again? Like we're just...
[02:31:23] What do you mean by cheating?
[02:31:26] How am I cheating?
[02:31:28] You're sitting here like, oh we got Dragonlord quest.
[02:31:32] Yeah what's wrong with that?
[02:31:34] Nothing you're cheating it's fine. It's fine to cheat.
[02:31:36] How is that cheating okay?
[02:31:38] Your Yu-Gi-Moto it's fine.
[02:31:40] There's nothing wrong in being Yu-Gi. He cheats every time! It's fine. It's
[02:31:47] Every time he brings out another person to play for him, but that other persons not cheating
[02:31:49] Yes, yes No, he's not he just plays the game normally he makes rules up
[02:31:54] that go they don't he doesn't make rules up
[02:31:57] the rules of the show are the same for everyone in the show
[02:32:01] what they can all make rules on it?
[02:32:04] They all do! Okay, so
[02:32:06] they're all cheaters? Sure.
[02:32:08] Except that the game in the show is not
[02:32:10] same as the game in the cards, so
[02:32:12] it's fine. Wait if everybody's a cheater is nobody
[02:32:15] a cheater maybe is that how it works possibly
[02:32:22] interesting Hmm, interesting.
[02:32:31] Dude I have so many traits active! Oh my god! Same.
[02:32:31] Oh my god!
[02:32:32] Same, I have quite a few traits active.
[02:32:38] I kind of need to find annie though need one more
[02:32:49] i wonder if going crown guarded was actually the right call? I don't know.
[02:32:53] Can't hit for shit, guys!
[02:32:56] I need to get to 10.
[02:33:00] I need to hit.
[02:33:03] We out here struggling.
[02:33:06] I'm on a 10 win streak.
[02:33:09] I'm on a 1
[02:33:10] win streak.
[02:33:17] Maybe Crownguard wasn't the best choice.
[02:33:20] Yeah, Lux reroll is horseshit. Oh my god.
[02:33:26] This is why I hate people that do this all the time.
[02:33:28] Wait what? They get pengu or it doesn't matter right? This is why I hate people that do this all the time.
[02:33:28] Wait, what?
[02:33:29] It doesn't matter right because it's not right.
[02:33:31] Oh you're saying it's like OP.
[02:33:32] Yeah I was gonna say...
[02:33:33] You're saying it's OP as shit.
[02:33:34] Yeah okay I was going to say,
[02:33:35] you were saying it's horseshit and that shit is actually op as fuck so like
[02:33:38] That's what I'm saying it's horseshit cause like shit is actually OP as fuck so like... Yeah that's what I'm saying. It's horseshit because it's bullshit right?
[02:33:41] Alright don't take what I need please
[02:33:43] Well you don't take what I need
[02:33:45] Okay say what you need on three
[02:33:47] One
[02:33:48] Two
[02:33:49] Three Amumu One, two, three. Irelia.
[02:33:50] Amumu.
[02:33:53] Gonna 3-star this bitch. We goin' for it!
[02:33:57] Goin' for it!
[02:33:58] I'm gonna reroll this item though.
[02:34:02] So wait if if you're into Lilia,
[02:34:04] does that make you a furry?
[02:34:05] I'm not into Lilia! I said if she
[02:34:07] wasn't a deer...
[02:34:11] I said if she wasn't a deer,
[02:34:13] she'd be hot.
[02:34:15] Brother.
[02:34:16] That's a fair fucking statement!
[02:34:19] Oops, wait,
[02:34:20] I want to give the items
[02:34:21] to this guy here.
[02:34:23] Three stars... There it is! Boom!
[02:34:30] I don't know what you're talking about, but it's kinda weird man.
[02:34:33] It's not weird!
[02:34:35] It's pretty weird...
[02:34:37] Oh there it is! Okay we two-starred that.
[02:34:40] I think i'm good to go guys.
[02:34:42] I just have to not play against I think we're good to go,
[02:34:43] I just have not play against someone broken like OP
[02:34:46] Who am i playing against now?
[02:34:49] Oh wait I think
[02:34:50] I'm knocking out someone called NowHeLo loves me that sounds like one of those uh it
[02:34:57] sounds like cheese what's name true but I was gonna say it sounds like
[02:35:03] one of those people that like constantly makes new accounts and puts in cringe e-dater names.
[02:35:08] You know what I mean?
[02:35:09] No yeah, her name is literally HeBrokeMe so I'm just...
[02:35:15] Lilia not
[02:35:16] deer is a redhead?
[02:35:18] Is she though?
[02:35:20] In this set?
[02:35:22] Bro, I need a lifesteal
[02:35:24] so that I can actually play the game.
[02:35:27] Alright, let's see.
[02:35:28] So the most attractive champion in this set?
[02:35:31] Yes, this
[02:35:32] set. Dude, I can't even
[02:35:34] look at all the units.
[02:35:38] I don't even look at all the units. I don't remember.
[02:35:39] Okay.
[02:35:43] Because you have to choose
[02:35:44] all of them.
[02:35:46] And I'm not sure if, like, their performance
[02:35:48] Oh, god damn it! The one
[02:35:50] time I put Aurelia in the corner
[02:35:52] Like... Because, like, Aurelia
[02:35:56] is pretty OP, right?
[02:35:58] You know what I'm saying yeah
[02:35:59] But it's really like hotter than you know anxiety that something is that it's the hotness skill like affected by how good they are
[02:36:06] That's what gets your own. But that's your that's your own personal opinion.
[02:36:09] I'm saying like does it matter? Or is it just looks?
[02:36:13] It's your personal opinion! In real life, so like in real life...
[02:36:17] If their skill upgrades their looks to you, then yeah.
[02:36:20] What's not about... Okay.
[02:36:21] I don't even know how to... Oh wait.
[02:36:24] Okay, I just hit a bunch of good stuff.
[02:36:26] Now I just need to somehow level the 9
[02:36:28] with 0 gold and I'll be cooking.
[02:36:31] Amumu is crazy tanky? Yeah,
[02:36:33] he's a 3-star Amumu with a bunch of items. Of course
[02:36:35] he's tanky. No, because
[02:36:37] like, okay, let's say you're looking for
[02:36:39] a partner in life, right? I know what you're saying.
[02:36:41] I'm saying that's your choice.
[02:36:43] They have goals or they like have skills
[02:36:44] or like they do things.
[02:36:45] It makes them more attractive.
[02:36:47] Yes.
[02:36:47] They were just like the loser
[02:36:48] that did nothing all day,
[02:36:50] smoked weed and just like leeched off of you.
[02:36:52] That's obviously not attractive.
[02:36:53] In this, wouldn't it not make
[02:36:56] sense if we're
[02:36:57] grading the scale based on
[02:37:00] how they perform in the game?
[02:37:03] Because that's what matters, so like if a unit is like better in the game does that make them more attractive and i said
[02:37:08] that's your choice but we need to know what we're grading off of, otherwise
[02:37:13] it's hard to decide.
[02:37:15] If we're talking about performance, then
[02:37:17] Aurelia wins hands down
[02:37:19] because she's the best fucking unit in the game.
[02:37:22] Okay? Do you value performance over looks or does it add to your
[02:37:27] personal what we're thinking about though is it just looks like everything choice you said attraction yes are they yes attraction Someone just said Lulu is hot.
[02:37:48] Okay, first off, Lulu's not in this set.
[02:37:50] Second off, what is wrong with you, man?
[02:37:53] Brother,
[02:37:54] you need to chill.
[02:38:00] Why are you kink-shaming that guy?
[02:38:03] That's not a...
[02:38:03] Lulu is like a fucking three foot tall midget, like child.
[02:38:08] Woah woah woah woah woah I don't appreciate that term.
[02:38:13] Sorry but it's just the way it is.
[02:38:16] Is Lill a redhead?
[02:38:17] Oh, she actually is.
[02:38:18] Damn, you're right.
[02:38:19] Kinda.
[02:38:19] Is Lily a redhead?
[02:38:21] In this set, kinda, yeah.
[02:38:22] I just checked.
[02:38:23] Oh, okay.
[02:38:24] He's kinda right.
[02:38:25] He kinda right!
[02:38:33] Alright, now I respect it oh man do i take nashers here like i don't think that dude i think i just get more tank items we have, we might as well tank up.
[02:38:40] A clear winner of attractiveness is Malphite?
[02:38:43] I mean...Malphite's pretty sick.
[02:38:46] So this is a good pick.
[02:38:48] There are so many characters in this that look
[02:38:49] kind of the same because they're all
[02:38:51] part of like the same-y skin line so it's hard to
[02:38:53] choose based just off what
[02:38:55] you have fucking Kayle, Riven,
[02:38:57] Aurelia, Diana and-and
[02:39:00] I'm gonna be honest like if you just look at their skins they kinda
[02:39:02] all look the same. Like y'know?
[02:39:04] Wow! You did not just say
[02:39:06] they all look the same. No listen
[02:39:08] k stop doing that stop fuckin rage baiting me. No, listen. Okay, stop doing that. Stop fucking rage-baiting me.
[02:39:11] No, because people
[02:39:12] agree those skin lines are all samey,
[02:39:15] right? They just do the same formula
[02:39:17] for both skin lines. Wow!
[02:39:18] So it's like how can you even tell which one looks better?
[02:39:22] You know what I'm saying? Am I wrong chat? Just wow.
[02:39:27] Annie is best Yordle. Annie is a child.
[02:39:32] Is she? best yordle annie is a child is she she's eight years old bro what do you mean i mean that's
[02:39:39] is she oh my god dude what am i playing with here
[02:39:49] for 10 years so 18 that's not how it works okay this is not real life they don't age like
[02:39:56] with everyone in real life okay holy i phantom you're a moomoo
[02:40:00] like 14 years i fancy here're a mumu and he's still unstoppable really
[02:40:08] all right okay sorry i it was the aim to get to put in my four Dragonlords with Recon
[02:40:15] because I wanted to level up.
[02:40:16] I'm sorry bro,
[02:40:18] I didn't mean to kill you it's just like
[02:40:19] I'm too strong.
[02:40:20] She's like The Simpsons?
[02:40:21] Yeah Bart is like what 12 years old for 50 years now?
[02:40:24] You know when you're too
[02:40:25] powerful as a human being and you just
[02:40:27] kind of win that's like have you seen
[02:40:30] invincible the new season yes I thought Uh Yes
[02:40:36] I thought you'd be stronger
[02:40:38] Yeah that part was
[02:40:41] Fucking wild
[02:40:42] Oh I thought
[02:40:44] You'd be stronger
[02:40:45] Yeah I mean that was that was a wild moment yeah
[02:40:53] What the fuck do I
[02:41:10] Hold on what the fuck do i um hold on Dude, the lobby? This lobby is so crazy. Oh yeah this is
[02:41:14] a nuts fucking lobby. No I'll invite her to the call.
[02:41:18] It's fine.
[02:41:19] I'm wondering if I should go exalted
[02:41:21] over
[02:41:23] heavenly.
[02:41:25] It's probably worth...
[02:41:27] No, I think
[02:41:29] exalted's worth your Heavenly is it
[02:41:32] calling in something well I would just
[02:41:35] get rid of Soraka you lose one altruist all but it's like 10 armor and MR is nothing.
[02:41:47] You lose attack speed and AP as well though.
[02:41:50] Not really. From the
[02:41:53] Wukong?
[02:41:54] Keep the Wukong in! Yeah, but he
[02:41:57] doesn't have Heavenly anymore, so he doesn't give it the
[02:41:58] attack speed because you need The heavenly bonus to be active
[02:42:01] I was trying to go for aurelion 3 but i don't think
[02:42:03] I can do it
[02:42:05] Jesus
[02:42:07] Look at this guy abusing story weavers
[02:42:09] So does it actually work on things like artists great lovers yes the jazz thing
[02:42:14] okay i something up hold on i just realized that soraka is actually and salted
[02:42:24] but i got more stats by taking out for dragon lord frame three
[02:42:29] so there was a action lord doesn't add a stat it adds a stun
[02:42:35] right yeah it's the same stats but with a stun but this one is pretty broken it's really good
[02:42:40] but the only issue is like like, I actually think...
[02:42:44] The timing of it too. It's like, the timing of the stun usually
[02:42:46] comes in after your units
[02:42:48] have ramped up and
[02:42:49] after your first CC has been cast.
[02:42:52] So it chains onto it.
[02:42:53] I actually think my current build
[02:42:55] might be the best possible build
[02:42:57] I can have, because I also have
[02:43:01] 30%
[02:43:03] bonus health and 20% bonus jazz damage with 17% exalted damage.
[02:43:11] Yeah, that's kind of crazy.
[02:43:14] I am awakened! crazy.
[02:43:26] But you are listening to Austin's nonsense?
[02:43:28] Wait, what's going on?
[02:43:30] I can't believe you didn't want me in the call.
[02:43:31] I said it wasn't up to me.
[02:43:32] I said it was up to him.
[02:43:32] What?
[02:43:34] I said I would invite you after this game!
[02:43:35] What is wrong with you?
[02:43:41] See, there it is do i go east love or edge of nine
[02:43:49] um well i mean well you have a really insane wukong so just give it to him I guess.
[02:43:50] That's what I was thinking!
[02:43:54] Like who would you realistically give a Thieves Gloves to?
[02:43:55] Like Lee Sin? It's like your only choice, right?
[02:44:03] I don't think my comp outside of a 3-star could get better.
[02:44:08] 2-Star Soraka... Smile face. could get better two star soraka smile face but i think
[02:44:11] i actually still lose
[02:44:14] that catch is insane okay you know what? You're gonna...
[02:44:20] Nevermind. You lost!
[02:44:21] Wow.
[02:44:23] I think I would've had to have a 3-star Aurelia to win that.
[02:44:27] I think I was literally as strong as I could've been.
[02:44:30] I think I was literally as strong as I could have been. I think...
[02:44:33] No, straight up.
[02:44:34] It was a little 10. Everything was 2-starred
[02:44:37] except for Amumu.
[02:44:39] And
[02:44:39] I had Exalted,
[02:44:41] I had
[02:44:42] fucking
[02:44:43] what?
[02:44:44] Did you have Sage?
[02:44:46] Yeah.
[02:44:47] Hmm.
[02:44:48] Do you need Sage?
[02:44:50] I mean...
[02:44:52] There's nothing to take out.
[02:44:53] They'll get rid of it outside of Wukong.
[02:44:55] Diana, Diana.
[02:44:56] Yeah, but then I lose...
[02:44:57] You still have two Dragon Lords.
[02:44:59] Yeah, but who else would I fucking put in?
[02:45:03] Well, you put in either Udyr or Lissandra
[02:45:06] and their ability messes with something on their team
[02:45:10] that allows you to win.
[02:45:11] Maybe.
[02:45:12] Yeah, because the Udyr could
[02:45:13] maybe mess with that Bard enough or
[02:45:15] the Lissandra could maybe mess with the Kenshin
[02:45:17] enough. Maybe. I don't know.
[02:45:19] I think that guy might have just been too strong.
[02:45:22] Yeah, he had three-star stuff.
[02:45:28] Happy Independence Day? I don't think
[02:45:30] anyone calls it Independence Day.
[02:45:32] We either just call it Fourthth of July, or we
[02:45:35] do this.
[02:45:36] Happy Will Smith Day.
[02:45:39] No, no, no. Oh god!
[02:45:45] What's the other guy's name from
[02:45:46] Jurassic Park
[02:45:47] that was in
[02:45:47] the movie too
[02:45:47] I can't think
[02:45:53] of his name
[02:45:56] but do you know what his name is? Someone said Jeff Goldblum.
[02:46:13] Yeah, that's his name.
[02:46:16] Hold on. I have to make a new room
[02:46:17] with T. I can't invite her to the call.
[02:46:20] Hold on. So join the
[02:46:21] new Discord call.
[02:46:28] Call? Alright then. Call. Wait, I have to
[02:46:32] change my OBS one sec.
[02:46:36] Every single time because it's got to capture the right sound.
[02:46:40] You know how it is when you split the audio?
[02:46:43] Yeah, yeah.
[02:46:44] I actually didn't even realize that my audio my notifications
[02:46:49] weren't going through my audio today.
[02:46:51] I was like, oh, that sucks.
[02:46:54] I didn't have to change the window
[02:46:55] it just picked it up. That's weird.
[02:46:57] Ah, nice.
[02:47:02] Okay...
[02:47:07] Tee, can you tell me what it feels like to be five foot tall?
[02:47:10] I mean, you're literally five foot tall.
[02:47:12] Holy shit!
[02:47:14] I'm 5'5". Woo!
[02:47:15] Damn!
[02:47:18] I'm just saying, like,
[02:47:19] I don't think Tinkerbell should be, like,
[02:47:20] talking like she's...
[02:47:22] Holy fuck, guys.
[02:47:26] You know that scene
[02:47:27] from Breaking Bad
[02:47:28] where Jesse's, like,
[02:47:29] drinking the water
[02:47:29] and just watching Skylar
[02:47:31] and Walter White
[02:47:31] have a really passive-aggressive fight.
[02:47:35] Wings, that might be
[02:47:36] the nicest thing...
[02:47:37] I'm just drinking my water.
[02:47:39] Wings,
[02:47:39] that might be
[02:47:39] the nicest thing
[02:47:40] you've ever said to me.
[02:47:41] You just compared me to Walter White.
[02:47:43] Thank you so much.
[02:47:43] I'm a genius.
[02:47:44] I love it.
[02:47:44] Thank you.
[02:47:45] You're bald.
[02:47:47] The bald take being a bald millionaire genius any day.
[02:47:51] Millionaire?
[02:47:52] Last time in check, he buried his money I mean, they're... He is budding. His airline is descending.
[02:47:54] He buried his money in the desert
[02:47:55] and never touched that shit.
[02:47:58] Yeah, but he had it.
[02:47:59] So like, it counts.
[02:48:00] Well, that's like saying you had it
[02:48:01] when you invested in stocks.
[02:48:02] You don't have it yet.
[02:48:04] No, he had the actual money. He just couldn't spend
[02:48:06] it because it was dirty. Well no, he
[02:48:08] put it in the desert. He didn't have
[02:48:10] it. Well I mean technically he did have it
[02:48:12] but he had to hide it.
[02:48:15] Yeah, but I'm saying what if someone else found it?
[02:48:17] And then he doesn't have anymore?
[02:48:19] Someone else DID fucking find it!
[02:48:21] There it is!
[02:48:23] But that doesn't mean he didn't have it
[02:48:26] where are we going radiant blessing component animals champion
[02:48:30] duplicator i'll be the one guy i got you guys
[02:48:34] you're doing your one guy he's one guy
[02:48:35] i'm gonna one guy don't worry
[02:48:39] should we use it because you're always going to be single
[02:48:44] see i knew that was coming.
[02:48:46] I knew those.
[02:48:47] That's your go-to.
[02:48:48] T, do I need to bring up
[02:48:49] your last four British boyfriends?
[02:48:51] Like, I'm confused.
[02:48:55] I know Wings isn't laughing.
[02:48:57] I'm laughing at everything!
[02:49:05] I told you, fight like a married couple it's great.
[02:49:12] This is content. He reminds me of
[02:49:24] Firecracker from the boys.
[02:49:27] Who?
[02:49:27] Firecracker.
[02:49:30] Nah.
[02:49:32] Wait, do I go
[02:49:33] Coven, Imperial
[02:49:34] or Glacial?
[02:49:37] Hmm.
[02:49:38] I don't like
[02:49:39] any of these. these all suck.
[02:49:40] Yeah, I don't like this.
[02:49:42] I don't like these at all.
[02:49:46] Screw it! I'm going Coven. Fuck it!
[02:49:56] I will it I'm going coven fuck it okay but like Cov and cog ma is that a thing
[02:49:58] I don't know I remember I did Coven Zoe that one time,
[02:50:01] that was kind of funny. Yeah, it was OP right?
[02:50:04] Yeah, it was pretty OP.
[02:50:06] I'm thinking about it.
[02:50:09] At least
[02:50:09] this time we get our augments.
[02:50:11] Holy shit, I'm hitting... At least this time we get our augments.
[02:50:14] Holy shit, I'm hitting kind of like... Yeah, I'm kinda hittin' hard here!
[02:50:18] Why are you hitting people?
[02:50:20] What do you mean?
[02:50:27] It is so weird trying to like set up a coven with three units. And it can't decide which one to give it to.
[02:50:29] No, it's absolute garbage.
[02:50:31] It's so impossible.
[02:50:32] Oh I gotta change my game to
[02:50:34] tft which one's the center it's a triangle
[02:50:40] you got to put them in a line or something. Sucks.
[02:50:47] Eh, I don't
[02:50:48] need that. Oh! Ooh, uh...
[02:50:51] Ooh, do
[02:50:52] I go Drop Blossom?
[02:50:55] Is Drop Blossom with Coven...
[02:51:00] You guys hear this shit?
[02:51:01] How am I doing it?
[02:51:02] My man's going full sweat.
[02:51:04] That's not sweat, dude! The game is just giving me stuff and I'm trying it out.
[02:51:08] Oh the games just giving me stuff that's full of sweat?
[02:51:12] Ehhh...I'm like a gay.
[02:51:18] Okay, Grandma. Time to get you back on your bed. Full sweating!
[02:51:20] I love sweating!
[02:51:23] Relax.
[02:51:25] In the for fun game mode!
[02:51:36] Can we... Thank you.
[02:51:37] There's a guy that sweated last game, I don't know what you're talking about.
[02:51:41] True! Yes.
[02:51:43] I mean, I sweated, I didn't sweat at all!
[02:51:47] Recombobulator?
[02:51:49] Yeah that was the four fun moment. What do you mean?
[02:51:52] Uh-huh.
[02:51:53] Let me just hit all of the five costs in the game. Fun moment.
[02:52:03] I have an Arcanist spat sweaty feet you can't even see my feet chat
[02:52:08] they're too small that's a problem.
[02:52:10] What, do you want big feet?
[02:52:12] Yeah.
[02:52:13] Also my feet aren't small they're like
[02:52:13] Did you know
[02:52:15] that your feet
[02:52:16] are the same size
[02:52:17] as your forearms?
[02:52:20] No they're not! From your elbow to your wrist, yes they are.
[02:52:22] No they're not! Try it right now.
[02:52:24] Everyone try it right now. They're just
[02:52:26] they're just simply not.
[02:52:28] Yeah that's true, it's it's 100 true it's facts
[02:52:34] try it no don't believe me to try it i don't want to heal of your foot to
[02:52:38] your elbow and then you'll see that your big toe goes through the edge
[02:52:42] of your wrist i don't want to do that it works i'm telling you it works
[02:52:50] he does am i wrong chat It does.
[02:52:51] Am I wrong, chat?
[02:52:54] Yeah, it's not.
[02:52:56] Yeah, it works!
[02:52:58] I touched my nose with my elbow.
[02:53:00] Yo, you know what though Wings?
[02:53:02] You know what does suck about having...
[02:53:04] I don't have big feet.
[02:53:06] I have like thick feet.
[02:53:08] Thick feet?
[02:53:10] Yeah!
[02:53:11] Like it's like they're tall...
[02:53:13] No, they're actually like tall feet though.
[02:53:16] It sucks.
[02:53:17] Like it's hard to find shoes.
[02:53:19] I've never heard of that.
[02:53:21] Like when I was...
[02:53:23] They make you have an arch though right? Like, when I was... That makes you have like an arch though, right?
[02:53:24] Yeah, I have
[02:53:25] an arch foot, yeah.
[02:53:26] No, that's a good thing
[02:53:28] because if you have
[02:53:29] a flat feet
[02:53:29] it's like...
[02:53:30] The problem though
[02:53:31] is like
[02:53:31] it's like
[02:53:32] when I was doing
[02:53:33] snowboarding boots. So
[02:53:35] actually first time I ever bust...
[02:53:37] I've been snowboarding for over 10 years
[02:53:39] and for a long time
[02:53:41] my snowboarding boots were
[02:53:43] just hurt And I didn't know they're not supposed My snowboarding boots were just... They would hurt.
[02:53:48] And I didn't know they're not supposed to hurt, right?
[02:53:49] I didn't know that.
[02:53:50] And so... You can imagine boots aren't supposed to hurt when you wear them, yes.
[02:53:55] Okay.
[02:53:56] Yes, I'm an idiot, but what I'm saying
[02:53:58] is like... Because ski boots do hurt
[02:54:00] is what I'm saying though. Ski boots are supposed
[02:54:02] to hurt and uh...
[02:54:05] Yeah, ski boots hurt like crazy.
[02:54:06] But snowboard boots are supposed to be-
[02:54:08] I've been skiing a couple times and I never had that.
[02:54:11] But snowboard boots are supposed to be comfortable as fuck right?
[02:54:14] And so I didn't know that though
[02:54:16] and my feet would always hurt after
[02:54:17] snowboarding.
[02:54:19] Snowboard boots and ski boots are very similar
[02:54:21] They're nowhere
[02:54:23] similar
[02:54:24] You were literally wearing two different...
[02:54:29] It's like a boot and a slipper type of difference.
[02:54:34] Because one of them is, like, real...
[02:54:37] Like, ski boots are really
[02:54:39] you don't have
[02:54:41] mobility. You are in the ski.
[02:54:43] You're latched into
[02:54:45] the skis. The snowboard
[02:54:47] boots are supposed to be like be you're wearing a boot.
[02:54:49] You're just like they're not
[02:54:51] super because the tightness
[02:54:53] comes from... They have to lock into the board though
[02:54:55] so it locks in.
[02:54:57] But that's like you have more room
[02:54:59] to move your
[02:55:01] in the boot
[02:55:02] because they're designed
[02:55:03] to give you more
[02:55:04] freedom
[02:55:05] to move your foot.
[02:55:06] Maybe
[02:55:06] but I still don't think
[02:55:08] either of them hurt
[02:55:10] Well The snowboard boot's not supposed to either way.
[02:55:15] Everyone took everything down.
[02:55:17] My favorite part was like...I didn't know that and I remember
[02:55:20] To go back in story so I know that. And I remember to go back and story it.
[02:55:21] So I had to get a...
[02:55:22] I had to buy or what?
[02:55:23] Didn't have to.
[02:55:24] I was buying new snowboarding boots.
[02:55:26] Man, what is this?
[02:55:28] Do I have to go Rebels?
[02:55:36] Hold on. Do I have to go Rebels? Man, this sucks. Alright, so as I was saying. So fun fact...
[02:55:47] That's when I first figured out that my
[02:55:51] foot was doing that or that my feet are fucking tall
[02:55:53] is what the guy said. I assume he's being nice,
[02:55:56] but he's like, you have tall feet.
[02:55:57] I was like, what does that fucking mean? Tall feet, bro.
[02:56:00] Yeah, because I was like, I don't even understand
[02:56:01] what the fuck you're saying. And he was like...
[02:56:03] He had to order specific boots for me
[02:56:08] because this is why your feet hurt
[02:56:09] and he showed me why the boot hurts my feet.
[02:56:13] And I was like,
[02:56:13] well that sucks.
[02:56:15] So I had to buy specific
[02:56:17] tall-footed
[02:56:19] stupid dumb shoes
[02:56:21] that cost me extra money.
[02:56:23] I was like, god damn it.
[02:56:25] Well... sucks to suck.
[02:56:27] And that's when I realized
[02:56:29] there is no benefit
[02:56:31] having big feet you can sometimes
[02:56:33] be like yeah, I like size whatever shoes.
[02:56:36] I still wear the same size shoes.
[02:56:38] They're just like uncomfortable.
[02:56:39] There's no benefit to having a tall foot.
[02:56:42] Yeah.
[02:56:43] I don't know.
[02:56:43] I've never heard of that problem before.
[02:56:45] It sucks. It's like, what am I don't know. I've never heard of that problem before in my life.
[02:56:46] Yeah it sucks! It's like what am I just stable?
[02:56:49] You know like it's harder to knock me over?
[02:56:51] I don't know.
[02:56:52] I don't know...
[02:56:54] Tall feet equals high arches? I don't know.
[02:56:58] No, it is. It sucks.
[02:56:59] Imagine being 5'5 with high arch
[02:57:01] feet. Maybe it gives your foot more support
[02:57:03] when you're running.
[02:57:05] Yeah, I don't fucking know.
[02:57:10] But imagine being short and you got like hobbit
[02:57:14] At least it's better than having like flat feet or like your feet just hurt if you walk
[02:57:18] Yeah that would suck that would suck My feet don't really ever hurt
[02:57:19] Other than that
[02:57:21] I don't have to worry about
[02:57:25] Snowboard or ski boots
[02:57:26] Because I don't do
[02:57:27] Either of those things.
[02:57:30] I live in a place that doesn't even snow.
[02:57:32] It's, yeah you can go to Big Bear.
[02:57:35] I mean, you'd have to choose to do that.
[02:57:38] I went to Big Bear it was fun. You could go to Big Bear's house man. I mean, you'd have to choose to do that.
[02:57:39] I went to Big Bear, it's fun.
[02:57:40] You gotta leave your house man, you gotta leave your house dude, know what I'm saying?
[02:57:43] Yeah, I guess that's true.
[02:57:44] He doesn't leave his house.
[02:57:47] Me? I leave my house all the time.
[02:57:49] Oh... oh...
[02:57:55] All the time. What good ever came from leaving one's house?
[02:57:59] I mean, I agree. Put it that way.
[02:58:01] Outside is the worst.
[02:58:03] Yeah.
[02:58:03] And then there's sun,
[02:58:04] you know,
[02:58:05] got to put on sunscreen
[02:58:06] like fuck the sun.
[02:58:09] True.
[02:58:23] Yeah. sun true the Sun vitamin D so you could just take pills for that! What? What, what do you mean?
[02:58:29] You don't like vitamin D? Yeah yeah
[02:58:31] I'm saying you could take pills
[02:58:34] I love pillows. Yeah pills are great
[02:58:38] Yeah, I
[02:58:41] Take so many pills
[02:58:44] Sam sees I take so many pills. Same-sies.
[02:58:48] I hate pills.
[02:58:55] Takes like 15 minutes to get daily vitamin D. You know it takes like 15 seconds to take a vitamin D pill?
[02:58:59] Just saying. Why, I don't have 15 minutes to be sitting around doing
[02:59:03] nothing just standing there like I'm some dude who forgot
[02:59:05] he was standing out front on his porch
[02:59:07] and I have to have my grandkids come
[02:59:09] and lead me back inside.
[02:59:11] I would rather just take a pill
[02:59:13] and then I'm done with it.
[02:59:15] And the pills aren't even big!
[02:59:16] Vitamin D pills are like tiny,
[02:59:18] super-tiny, you don't even know
[02:59:20] You put them in with the rest of your pill
[02:59:21] and you just take them all at once
[02:59:22] It's not even a big deal
[02:59:23] You don't even realize they're there
[02:59:25] Do you take fish oil yes nice
[02:59:33] sun up your dna? It can, yes.
[02:59:37] I think I go prismatic ticket here.
[02:59:39] Fuck is a DNA strand?
[02:59:41] I don't know what he meant by strands
[02:59:43] but yeah it does fuck up your DNA
[02:59:45] that's true.
[02:59:49] What a loser.
[02:59:50] What?
[02:59:54] What do you mean?
[02:59:56] Oh, I was saying...
[02:59:59] Oh, because he has DNA. Yeah everyone does.
[03:00:01] Nahhh...
[03:00:03] What do you mean nahh?
[03:00:05] Nah!
[03:00:07] What do you mean nahh? I mean, nah.
[03:00:09] Like not everybody's got DNA.
[03:00:11] Yes, everyone does have DNA.
[03:00:13] Do you have DNA?
[03:00:14] Everyone has.
[03:00:15] What do you mean?
[03:00:16] Do they?
[03:00:20] Geranimo if you didn't have DNA
[03:00:22] You would not exist as a
[03:00:24] multicellular organism. I mean
[03:00:26] we don't know
[03:00:28] We absolutely do know!
[03:00:30] Do we?
[03:00:31] Do we know?
[03:00:32] Yes, we do.
[03:00:38] What about Tee?
[03:00:39] Tee, do you have DNA?
[03:00:45] You're a teacher right?
[03:00:49] Huh? T. She's the teacher.
[03:00:51] Yes.
[03:00:52] So that's why I'm asking her if she thinks the answer is wrong.
[03:00:55] She seems to be ignoring you.
[03:00:57] Yeah, it's kind of painful.
[03:01:01] Yet ignored. It's kind of painful
[03:01:04] Yet ignored
[03:01:09] She also just hates happiness though. So it's like kind on you know alternate facts with general
[03:01:11] Yeah, it's like talking to someone who's a flat earther
[03:01:16] Excuse me the earth is flat yeah sure it is i'm confused at the question
[03:01:21] it's all good, man.
[03:01:23] Okay.
[03:01:29] How do I play the Arcanist comp?
[03:01:32] What am I doing?
[03:01:38] Ahhhh! I'm not hitting.
[03:01:40] I'M NOT HITTING!
[03:01:42] You've played this comp, right?
[03:01:44] Which comp?
[03:01:44] Well I kinda hit.
[03:01:46] The Arcanist comp is just...
[03:01:48] When you have the Arcanist fat it's literally
[03:01:50] Yeah, you put a lot of MUMU
[03:01:53] Right, so it's just the Lux comp with a MUMU or do you not reroll Lux?
[03:01:57] You don't need to reroll Lux. You seem to get all the Arcanist
[03:01:59] I think Zoe is the carry in that comp
[03:02:02] Because her bounces are like insane
[03:02:04] Oh so I should have gone
[03:02:06] Shiv?
[03:02:08] Shiv is good with it, yeah.
[03:02:10] Well, because Zoe's better with Shiv than Spark.
[03:02:13] Don't think I've lost a round yet.
[03:02:15] This is kind of fucking crazy. Oh my god,
[03:02:18] relax bro.
[03:02:19] What? Just playing the game.
[03:02:22] Yeah, you're cheating, it's fine,
[03:02:23] relax. How am I cheating?
[03:02:26] Do I need to tell you?
[03:02:28] Yeah, I think you would need to explain how I'm considered cheating when you're accusing me of cheating.
[03:02:35] I mean it's obvious.
[03:02:37] Is it? I mean it's obvious. Is it?
[03:02:39] I mean yeah.
[03:02:41] Well then please enlighten me if it is so obvious how am
[03:02:43] I cheating?
[03:02:45] If you can't see it for yourself, I don't know.
[03:02:47] That's crazy. Just do your own research, man!
[03:02:51] People start arguments...
[03:02:53] The manipulator handbook!
[03:02:55] Like, oh you should know!
[03:02:57] Just do your own research.
[03:03:04] Do you want to upgrade Coven or Rebels? I'm not precoving, fuck it.
[03:03:14] Just a small town girl...
[03:03:19] Yeah!
[03:03:23] Living in a lonely world.
[03:03:25] Alright.
[03:03:30] To the midnight train! As you wish. Train. like train
[03:03:37] making of trains that one dude wasn't even the train guy right
[03:03:40] um it was like pushing kick.
[03:03:43] Train wrecks?
[03:03:43] I don't think
[03:03:44] I've heard anything
[03:03:45] from that guy
[03:03:45] in like a year.
[03:03:46] Like it's just
[03:03:47] radio silence for me.
[03:03:48] No he streams
[03:03:49] every day on kick.
[03:03:50] So does XQC
[03:03:52] so there's all the time on Twitter.
[03:03:54] Yeah, he streams on kick, xQc streams on kick...
[03:03:56] He was pushing cake super hard and now I just haven't heard anything.
[03:04:00] It was like invading my timeline. Like shitty leaked Twitter posts
[03:04:06] Yeah, I think that's just cuz uh...
[03:04:08] Whenever I don't mute certain people
[03:04:11] Kick was like the most it was like popular
[03:04:19] Not only oh, that's partially it was when you respond to every single one of their posts, it shows up on my fucking timeline like crazy and I hate it.
[03:04:28] Just mute her!
[03:04:29] Maybe you should follow more than like 1 person?
[03:04:32] Can't I just follow 300 people?
[03:04:34] Wait, just mute her.
[03:04:36] That's what I did!
[03:04:40] T? How do you feel about being muted, T?
[03:04:44] I have to-I literally have to. I don't have a choice.
[03:04:46] If I don't mute my entire timeline is cringe fucking leaked Twitter posts
[03:04:52] and I can't fuckin' stand it.
[03:04:53] Damn he called you cringe did ya hear that?
[03:04:56] No not her but she replies to all of them
[03:04:57] and so it shows up in my feed
[03:05:00] And I have no choice
[03:05:01] I see it against my will
[03:05:03] Like the fucking stupid drama with public relationships that should be private
[03:05:11] I don't wanna- I don't want to- everything I see against it is against-
[03:05:14] Everything I see about it is against my will
[03:05:16] And everything I see about it is cringe as shit
[03:05:19] and it's dumb.
[03:05:21] Do you go at Moomoo 3
[03:05:22] with this comp though?
[03:05:23] You try to.
[03:05:25] You might not be able
[03:05:26] to hit it, but you try to.
[03:05:27] Well no,
[03:05:27] I have two for one so I should be able to hit it. Oh try to well no i think it's like i have two for one so i should be on the head okay then you'll probably get
[03:05:30] it because like everyone wants a moomoo three
[03:05:32] like five different comps want another three at the moment
[03:05:36] show this with my feet yes that's what I said chat.
[03:05:39] The fuck is a foot?
[03:05:41] The fuck is a kilometer?
[03:05:43] Yeah...I don't know some sort of like random non-freedom unit and I have no clue.
[03:05:47] Nonsense is what it is!
[03:05:50] Here! I have no clue. Nonsense is what it is. See, here...
[03:05:52] Here in America
[03:05:54] Okay we have
[03:05:54] Here in America
[03:05:55] What we call freedom
[03:05:57] God damn right brother
[03:06:01] And our units
[03:06:03] get freedom by
[03:06:05] proxy
[03:06:07] hell yeah
[03:06:25] oh America, Fuck yeah! Am I gonna 3-star every unit? I think I am.
[03:06:29] What? This is how they do it,
[03:06:31] the fucking Mythic players this is how they do it. The fucking Mythic players, this is how
[03:06:33] they do it. How are you three-starring
[03:06:35] all of your units? That's wild.
[03:06:38] Because I have Prismatic Ticket.
[03:06:40] Oh.
[03:06:42] Still kind of wild. Well, i haven't done it yet but i'm
[03:06:46] saying it's probably going to happen it'll happen
[03:06:52] we're definitely yeah we're definitely hitting something.
[03:06:54] We're finding some shit.
[03:06:56] Wait what do I- Okay hold on hold on.
[03:06:58] Ah fuck um um um um
[03:07:00] What the fuck am I supposed to give Niko?
[03:07:03] You have BT and um...
[03:07:07] Stoneplate, and uh
[03:07:09] Magic Pen. No you don't
[03:07:11] give magic pen, you give
[03:07:13] what's that thing um archangels oh
[03:07:17] archangel's right and then you go mythic yeah i'm going
[03:07:23] with it my kogma is uh definitely doing I'm going Mythic. My Kog'Maw is, uh...
[03:07:27] definitely doing shit.
[03:07:32] My goldmancer staff gave me my first gold just now!
[03:07:36] Pandora's items? Oh man here it comes. Here it comes chat. Okay let's
[03:07:44] uh keep these and then let's uh
[03:07:51] keep these and then
[03:07:59] my god i'm gonna three star bard for no reason? Just saying this now so you don't get mad.
[03:08:03] I'm not trying
[03:08:07] to take Niko's.
[03:08:11] Okay, dude.
[03:08:11] I'm just saying.
[03:08:12] Okay?
[03:08:13] I'm just saying.
[03:08:15] I'm not doing it on purpose.
[03:08:16] Uh-huh.
[03:08:17] You're not doing it on purpose.
[03:08:17] They're falling into my lap okay like
[03:08:20] it's not my faults
[03:08:22] yep or have i heard that one before
[03:08:26] it's not my fault okay
[03:08:28] yeah Okay. Yep.
[03:08:31] I'll sell this Niko.
[03:08:33] If I smell bullshit, that's what I'm saying, Chad.
[03:08:35] I sold the Niko! Oh! Very good.
[03:08:46] Damn, Kog'Maw is doing some nasty shit!
[03:08:51] What kind of nasty shit. What kind of nasty
[03:08:52] shit?
[03:08:55] Really nasty.
[03:08:56] He's casting every one auto
[03:08:58] because of the fucking coven.
[03:09:01] Wait, that's kinda gross.
[03:09:03] Yeah!
[03:09:04] How much AP does your Kog have? Oh my god...
[03:09:09] He's doing stuff, he's getting in.
[03:09:11] Kog'Maw!
[03:09:13] Fuck yeah!
[03:09:15] Oh shit wait...
[03:09:17] Aw nooo
[03:09:19] I got an Aurelia
[03:09:21] Wait i can do this Okay Arcancanist Aurelius sounds really bad.
[03:09:25] There we go. That's what I want.
[03:09:27] What are you guys thinking? Arcanist Aurelion?
[03:09:30] For what? Why would you do that?
[03:09:32] I mean, I don't know what it does but...
[03:09:35] That sounds so weird.
[03:09:37] Active damage gives the-
[03:09:40] The active damage does damage
[03:09:42] So once she casts
[03:09:45] I'll inverse you!
[03:09:47] Oh what's up dude?
[03:09:53] Well my cog is a fucking crown
[03:10:00] Oh God, oh mummy's got this let go because look... Oh, there it is!
[03:10:07] There's what?
[03:10:08] Oh god.
[03:10:08] There's what?!
[03:10:11] Where's your scaling?
[03:10:12] Where's the...
[03:10:13] I don't have...
[03:10:13] I'm waiting for it!
[03:10:16] Oh no.
[03:10:18] Oh my god, this is the worst
[03:10:20] fight ever. Yeah, no.
[03:10:21] Okay, I'll cancel the moves.
[03:10:23] Okay, get him on me. Get him.
[03:10:27] Okay? Yeah, I can't not Okay, get a mummy. Get him Okay
[03:10:28] Yeah, I can't not yet
[03:10:32] But soon that's my boy right there the crying little bitch oh
[03:10:36] That's what you're calling them. that's toxic for us I mean he's
[03:10:40] kind of a cryin little bitch but like yeah that's just toxic dude
[03:10:42] yeah but it's in his nature he's not sad about that he's sad
[03:10:46] about why'd you take the way He's sad about... You're kinda toxic about it. Like, you don't have to say it like that.
[03:10:49] Why'd you take the way?
[03:10:50] Why are they taking the way?!
[03:10:52] Ain't no way!
[03:10:53] Wait I absolutely had to say it like that though.
[03:10:56] No you didn't!
[03:10:58] What do you mean?
[03:10:59] I absolutely did.
[03:11:00] But why?
[03:11:02] Why not?
[03:11:04] Because I need it.
[03:11:06] You need it for what?
[03:11:09] Yes.
[03:11:11] Ah, okay.
[03:11:19] Oh my god! Stop giving me malphite and where's my nico and bard okay there's
[03:11:28] part fuck it get in their barn have fun Get in there, Bart. Have fun.
[03:11:34] Where is Niko?
[03:11:35] Who's a good user of Red Buff on the fucking Arcanist comps?
[03:11:43] That has gotta be good right? Surely...
[03:11:49] I don't even know who would use morello as well
[03:11:55] the arcanist comp
[03:11:58] wait my luck's missed
[03:12:02] bucks you can't miss bro.
[03:12:04] Just stop being bad is all I gotta say
[03:12:08] Stop being bad! She whiffed.
[03:12:12] You fucking paid this bitch off.
[03:12:16] Paid actor?
[03:12:18] Yeah, by wings of fuckin' death.
[03:12:21] I didn't do nothin'.
[03:12:23] Where are my Nikos?
[03:12:27] I didn't do anything!
[03:12:29] That's what they all say. Oh, I just got an Amumu 3.
[03:12:31] Are you still holding Luxes?
[03:12:33] No, I already hit Lux 3 and Amumu 3.
[03:12:35] So get rid of the Niko.
[03:12:37] What are you doing, man?
[03:12:38] I don't have a Niko.
[03:12:40] Oh, well, you do have two Nikos here.
[03:12:42] Yeah, the only
[03:12:46] Got it. I got it. Oh we're sure okay? We're trying to tell him
[03:12:50] Wait chillin. I did hit a moomoo three though damn
[03:12:57] Now we're just trying to hit...
[03:12:59] Zoe 3
[03:13:02] That's gonna be scary
[03:13:04] Okay, great
[03:13:06] You're so annoying, You're so cringe.
[03:13:08] What, me?
[03:13:09] Oh, I'm versus T.
[03:13:12] No, like Zoe 3 when I need to go Zoe 3.
[03:13:15] Oh, you're both hand-holding?
[03:13:19] See, I told you you're like a married couple. What do you mean hand holding?
[03:13:20] I'm in first place almost.
[03:13:22] Okay, you know the funny thing is
[03:13:24] many times I've been in Colorado
[03:13:26] he will not
[03:13:27] like meet up with me.
[03:13:29] What do you mean? That would require me to leave my house.
[03:13:33] Yeah didn't you say that you didn't leave his house?
[03:13:35] Yeah well I mean which one is it T? Do I leave or do I not leave?
[03:13:39] Do I stay or do I go?
[03:13:42] Alright. Seriously.
[03:13:44] Okay really- real talk though, I could sell the Zoes if you want me to, I don't know that I care.
[03:13:49] No, it's fine. I'll still beat you.
[03:13:53] That's...I mean, you're going to die next turn.
[03:13:57] He's got a 3-star Amumu with Arcanist
[03:13:59] It's pretty hard to beat him.
[03:14:03] I showed you this comp by the way! You thought it was bad!
[03:14:05] A Moomoo with an Arcanist sounds so bad!
[03:14:07] No, it is bad.
[03:14:09] No, it's not! It's OP!
[03:14:12] It's bad.
[03:14:13] What do you mean it's bad?
[03:14:16] You're trolling.
[03:14:23] Okay I'm sorry for that.
[03:14:25] Like, I asked you if you wanted me to sell it and then they gave me the Zoes
[03:14:27] so I just kept it but...
[03:14:29] Oh my god, I am...
[03:14:31] This is incredible.
[03:14:33] Holy shit.
[03:14:35] I'm getting so much insane stuff right now.
[03:14:37] What is Radiant Blessing?
[03:14:38] When do I get this?
[03:14:39] Does anybody know what the blessing is?
[03:14:42] Like, what's the Radiant Blessing?
[03:14:44] I think it's random. Oh okay
[03:14:46] I hit that too
[03:14:48] Yeah but everybody gets the same
[03:14:50] thing
[03:14:58] This is so illegal. There's Geronimo's deer wife, yup I got her. Wait, I think
[03:15:07] I'm going to lose
[03:15:08] this guy.
[03:15:10] Oh, a
[03:15:11] Moomoo needs...
[03:15:12] Oh,
[03:15:13] I need to get
[03:15:13] Moomoo actual
[03:15:14] defensive stats.
[03:15:16] Perhaps...
[03:15:17] Not a spark!
[03:15:19] Perhaps?
[03:15:24] Oh yeah you're supposed to give him like... what do you call it?
[03:15:31] You give him a stoneplate and then warmogs or something.
[03:15:36] Yeah he has stoneplate
[03:15:37] but uh...
[03:15:41] Or you give him
[03:15:42] defensive stuff?
[03:15:43] Spark is okay but
[03:15:45] he might die.
[03:15:48] Redemption's probably good on him.
[03:15:50] Okay, I just realized, I'm not gonna be able
[03:15:52] to
[03:15:54] actually set up my
[03:15:56] Coven ball properly
[03:15:58] while still using Rebels, unless I go
[03:16:01] 9.
[03:16:02] Oh no.
[03:16:06] That's sad.
[03:16:08] Probably have to put in a
[03:16:09] Laoi then. I'll have to set up
[03:16:11] like, a little weird shape
[03:16:13] just so the Coven stays on Kog'Maw.
[03:16:15] It's gonna be so weird.
[03:16:17] It feels like I'm balancing something!
[03:16:19] This Kog is... It feels like I'm balancing something.
[03:16:21] This cog is so... Oh yeah, I saw that about that. There's the Vietnamese pro player who actually murdered somebody.
[03:16:27] That's what I heard but I also heard it that it wasn't actually a pro player. It was like someone else
[03:16:32] Yeah, they're like God got is like someone with the similar name and they got got it mixed up. That's what I heard
[03:16:39] Oh Are you gonna win though? what I heard. Oh, I'm definitely winning.
[03:16:43] Are you gonna win though? Like, what if you go versus me?
[03:16:45] I'd win. Would you?
[03:16:48] Yes.
[03:16:49] I mean, you can keep it honest.
[03:16:51] Nah, I'd win. Yes. I mean, you can keep it honest like...
[03:16:53] Nah, I'd win.
[03:16:55] Okay, I trust you. Just saying.
[03:16:57] No, I trust. It's fine.
[03:17:04] Nah, I'd win. NAAD win.
[03:17:09] Well apparently the new Demon Slayer season is out, I need to watch it.
[03:17:17] Oh I've never been into Demon Slayers that much.
[03:17:19] The animation's really good.
[03:17:21] Yeah the animations say...
[03:17:24] It's worth watching for that.
[03:17:28] Like it's like insanely good!
[03:17:39] Wow I just like ran through this board. Hey T?
[03:17:43] T are you there?
[03:17:49] T...
[03:17:53] I just wanted to know if you're okay, because it looks like you're dead.
[03:17:57] Dude...
[03:18:00] Rude!
[03:18:02] I'm just asking, like I wanna- You know? It's like a welfare check.
[03:18:06] I want that Aurelia but I just want the item.
[03:18:10] There are like four blue buffs right here.
[03:18:12] What's up?
[03:18:14] Uh okay.
[03:18:17] Just hanging in there.'m hanging in there.
[03:18:19] Not great.
[03:18:25] Given this that should be good enough right?
[03:18:30] This is gonna be so weird. Oh it's going to ruin my...
[03:18:34] Oh! It didn't ruin my coven! Thank okay winnable what about me i'm doing good
[03:18:47] just kind of that's kind of mean It's kinda, it's kinda mean.
[03:18:51] Is it?
[03:18:52] Little bit.
[03:18:57] I'm versus somebody called Tiny.
[03:19:02] I mean, you are...
[03:19:06] T-Weave established
[03:19:08] you can't ride every roller coaster at amusement parks. Can
[03:19:12] you relax? I can like i'm over 48 inches tall first of all
[03:19:17] and i have a girl so i should be short. 48 inches is only four feet though.
[03:19:22] You're literally two inches taller than me.
[03:19:24] No, there are...
[03:19:25] First of all, five-five.
[03:19:26] Second of all...
[03:19:27] Five-two, five-four.
[03:19:28] Five-five.
[03:19:29] But second of all,
[03:19:30] I just want to say there are
[03:19:32] roller coasters that require you to be 5'2",
[03:19:34] and I don't think you can ride them.
[03:19:36] I'm 5'2".
[03:19:37] Would you wear specific shoes
[03:19:40] to the amusement park so that you could
[03:19:44] you are literally no taller than me don't talk
[03:19:48] i mean i am and you're a man oh are you are you saying that women are not equal to men?
[03:19:58] I'm just saying that...
[03:20:00] Yeah but I mean, we've established like you think... I'm just saying like you know we've established that you think like Tia...
[03:20:04] I'm just saying you don't match.
[03:20:06] But you can admit though then that women aren't equal to men right?
[03:20:11] If like I'm supposed to be
[03:20:17] nice down by what i said earlier to you
[03:20:21] married already wings where'd your kog'Maw go, bro?
[03:20:25] You Luxed it. Yeah, I did.
[03:20:28] I'm sorry. So you know what? I can just move
[03:20:29] my units once I get enough
[03:20:31] uh...
[03:20:33] Yeah, but Wings, why don't you hit tab real quick and see like what
[03:20:37] what actually killed you
[03:20:42] well okay i mean that doesn't really count because if my Kog can't kill it,
[03:20:47] It's gonna eventually win.
[03:20:49] Here is the thing. If my Kog survives and kills your Janna then we're good.
[03:20:54] I actually don't know what you're supposed to go
[03:20:58] level nine or above eight and ten with this comp.
[03:21:00] I don't know what the actual like build is.
[03:21:05] I feel like Wings is going to win.
[03:21:07] Yeah, see? That means he might I feel like Wings is gonna win.
[03:21:09] Yeah, see? That means he might. You never know.
[03:21:12] He...might...hmmmm
[03:21:17] Anything could happen, you know what I mean, anything can happen. You know what I mean?
[03:21:19] I'm gonna send it.
[03:21:23] Make a wish exists for a reason.
[03:21:27] Yeah, for people like you...
[03:21:29] Are you saying
[03:21:31] I have cancer?
[03:21:35] You have a lot of things.
[03:21:37] Are you flaming cancer? Is that what I'm...
[03:21:43] Ooh!
[03:21:45] Huge, huge, huge.
[03:21:47] Why would you flame people with cancer T that's kind of messed up
[03:21:51] this might work in my favor ah I got... Wait.
[03:22:02] I need to hit.
[03:22:04] Oh, I'm supposed to go four horsemen with this comp?
[03:22:07] What?
[03:22:09] Where do I drop out?
[03:22:10] Is Lillia worth keeping?
[03:22:12] Oh no!
[03:22:16] Okay, hear me out. If I do this...
[03:22:20] I can print him,
[03:22:22] print himself.
[03:22:24] Then we can trade positions here
[03:22:30] and then...
[03:22:32] that for that.
[03:22:34] Okay.
[03:22:36] Ooh, Wukong sounds kind of nice here actually.
[03:22:39] I think that might be better.
[03:22:41] Oh, that's got to be better. That has might be better. Oh, that's gotta be better.
[03:22:44] That is GOTTA be better.
[03:22:52] Do i keep rolling to get Lissandra in my comp, or do I just go straight to...
[03:22:55] Oh god, this guy's going Vigar.
[03:22:58] Wait, I don't think he's gonna hit in time.
[03:22:59] Wait, what?
[03:23:00] Wait, this Janna's not doing anything for my comp.
[03:23:09] Oh yeah, what was that? That guy obliterated my ass cheeks. What did you just play?
[03:23:11] Oh he's doing the literal
[03:23:13] comp I did last game. Okay.
[03:23:22] Short people think alike, I guess?
[03:23:32] Why is he short his name is tiny
[03:23:37] okay what do you want to do here Why are we shaming him right now, Tee?
[03:23:48] Okay... Looking good so far. Wait what the fuck is your comp? Your comp's actually kinda scary.
[03:23:52] Yeah I know! You're like a golden fucking...
[03:23:56] I don't even know. You just have a thousand
[03:23:59] golden units.
[03:24:05] Okay, am I gonna lie though? That EmuMU
[03:24:07] does kinda smurf.
[03:24:09] Yeah.
[03:24:10] Look at him!
[03:24:11] Oh my god, look at him!
[03:24:16] I just fought Tiny and lost because I think he one-shot
[03:24:17] No, that guy's actually strong
[03:24:21] yeah he's pretty fucking strong i barely
[03:24:23] beat your clone though
[03:24:27] you figure out how I'm gonna fight him.
[03:24:34] Oh, I finally got a Lissandra! Let's go.
[03:24:37] Uh... uh-uh-uh... I guess I just pick this up? I don't know.
[03:24:40] Give it the Bard maybe? Is Bard good enough for this? I don't know. Sure. Give it to Bard, maybe.
[03:24:41] I don't know if Bard's good enough for this.
[03:24:42] I don't know.
[03:24:43] Probably not.
[03:24:45] Yeah, he seems kind of weak.
[03:24:48] Whatever is what it is.
[03:24:52] Nice try, nice try Bard. Nice try Bard! You tried your best.
[03:24:56] Just do this... This is definitely
[03:25:00] ... Definitely
[03:25:10] Okay, I'm just gonna have to figure out how to hit that's it all I do. Okay, I'm gonna be real.
[03:25:12] I don't know what the fuck my comp is but it's funny and sad. Lux stop.
[03:25:26] Stop it, Lux!
[03:25:30] Holy fuck! Okay Tiny's pump is unbeatable. What the fuck?
[03:25:38] Oh you're versus me... or my clone
[03:25:42] Wait it's way griefing
[03:25:43] Oh my god he did that thing where he like shoots the ball and it doesn't hit the units.
[03:25:46] I remember that happened to you before.
[03:25:48] Right? Yeah, Hueys a troll.
[03:25:50] Yeah, he's griefing.
[03:25:53] Oh, I finally got my blessing!
[03:25:57] Wow thanks, it's just beefs gloves
[03:26:02] And I can't use them because I have too many items sick You always mine Oh my god.
[03:26:12] Are you new here?
[03:26:19] You can literally put these gloves on your Udyr. Like, what are you talking about? Yeah! The Udyr I just put in!
[03:26:22] Yeah okay whatever
[03:26:26] I actually need an ash though.
[03:26:28] I need four porcelain. I think wings is too powerful unless I can kill his Kog'Maw.
[03:26:52] Maybe I change my items up a bit to different people, let me see...
[03:26:57] Maybe we give...
[03:27:00] How do I min-max this?
[03:27:03] Omni-Vamp Blade on Niko instead of Gargoyles will work.
[03:27:06] Wait, why would I want to do that?
[03:27:08] I want her to be tanky.
[03:27:09] I think we give Cinder cinder's items the asandra maybe
[03:27:15] oh we want to do that chat A moment of silence. Ooh. I... We are made by our choices.
[03:27:32] I never rest alone.
[03:27:41] Spirit, reveal our way! I guess.
[03:27:46] I should have rolled.
[03:27:54] It's fine, it's fine.
[03:27:56] I'll get it soon.
[03:27:58] We'll get it soon!
[03:28:01] Uh oh.
[03:28:05] Oh no, my cog is dying!
[03:28:09] My Lux was in the wrong corner. I'm gonna lose.
[03:28:13] Fuck, my Lux was in the wrong corner i just need to hit wait oh my god
[03:28:19] i won't i lost this guy it's okay once i hit i'll win i just need to and do like an item swap okay we hit that
[03:28:29] the power of a dragon
[03:28:34] come on Come on.
[03:28:38] For fuck's sake.
[03:28:40] I'm rolling so much and I can't hit...
[03:28:43] I hate it here.
[03:28:45] Fuck! i hate it here
[03:28:51] fuck tiny come on man don't do me like that
[03:28:54] we'll do this i I think Huey might be
[03:28:57] better here.
[03:29:00] Not sure, though.
[03:29:03] Let's try it. Come on, Huey. Do something good.
[03:29:06] Ooh, let's see how this hits oh my god oh my
[03:29:11] god holy shit wait that Wade is a monster!
[03:29:21] I think I lost to the OP guy.
[03:29:27] I did.
[03:29:33] Dude, I was one Syndra off of Syndra 3.
[03:29:44] Unlucky. do me a favor and just like look at my bench real quick no I was where you were yeah I, I was so close to Cinder 3.
[03:29:51] If I hit that shit...
[03:29:53] We'll get...
[03:29:53] I don't want to alarm you
[03:29:55] but you can go look at the other guy's bench.
[03:29:58] Yeah, I see.
[03:30:00] He's trying to get a Rellia 3
[03:30:01] and Recon 3
[03:30:03] yeah
[03:30:04] I can't do much about it though
[03:30:07] you better
[03:30:09] hit before he does
[03:30:11] yeah, trying just hold You better hit before he does.
[03:30:11] Yeah, I'm trying.
[03:30:13] Just hold Aurelius and Rakan's.
[03:30:15] I don't have any gold.
[03:30:18] It would take two rounds to finish printing this Lillia...
[03:30:20] I actually think I would've won if I sat on nine instead of going ten. Oh my god
[03:30:25] My way just busted, but he died so this guy's so strong
[03:30:29] No, yeah, this guy is insane man. What's his fucking like traits? Like his other traits
[03:30:34] He was me last game. He was my exact comp last game
[03:30:38] Oh my god I think I have to take that- I have to take that fucking recon away from him
[03:30:42] You you have to he that fucking recon away from him. You- you have to, he's gonna... yeah. It's...
[03:30:45] It sucks so much.
[03:30:47] I don't want this item!
[03:30:49] Yeah but if you give him that it's GG.
[03:30:51] Yeah it's- might as well just...
[03:30:53] Okay I'm going gonna have to like...
[03:30:54] Oh!
[03:30:54] He shit-talked you!
[03:30:55] Look at him!
[03:30:59] You didn't shit-talk.
[03:31:01] He said star, star, star.
[03:31:08] I don't know. I hit you hit all winnable yep one of all give her items give her
[03:31:10] arms yeah I will I will hold on just let
[03:31:13] me okay Hold on, just let me...
[03:31:18] Okay. There it is. Oh my god!
[03:31:20] Is she your coven too?
[03:31:22] Yep. I've moved her a couple times.
[03:31:24] Oh my god! This guy went- i'm glad he broke you
[03:31:31] wait what
[03:31:34] you should talk to you. Oh...
[03:31:37] Nice! I think my Lilia
[03:31:39] got his ass.
[03:31:41] Okay, he's one off of Rakan though.
[03:31:43] And Aurelia!
[03:31:45] Hold them if I see them. if he hits you lose I know
[03:31:51] he's selling his board fuck oh no he sold entire board bro
[03:32:05] i think wait you see he's rolling 50 gold worth of populars.
[03:32:09] He got it? Yep.
[03:32:12] What did he get?
[03:32:13] He wins.
[03:32:15] Okay. Well, GG.
[03:32:19] Maybe Nautilus can stun her for 10 years?
[03:32:22] We'll see...
[03:32:23] He put her in the back like an idiot but no-
[03:32:26] His ult almost went off!
[03:32:28] It's GG GG what every that
[03:32:32] shit killed me so fast dude I had two
[03:32:34] star Nautilus and to start fucking oh
[03:32:37] man he did the board sell.
[03:32:41] Well it's not, I can't counter that like out of a bowl.
[03:32:45] Yeah its not your fault.
[03:32:47] It-I was looking for like a shop where I could freeze it.
[03:32:50] Like lock in on the shop because that counts.
[03:32:52] I'll just keep it in fucking jail forever
[03:32:54] without buying it. That's toxic.
[03:32:57] Why is he so mad over
[03:32:58] a fucking, like, Pengu party game
[03:33:00] though? Like, what the fuck?
[03:33:02] Look at my shit though.
[03:33:03] I have seven three stars.
[03:33:05] He was shit talking him.
[03:33:06] He's shit talking...
[03:33:07] Yo he's fucking...
[03:33:08] Yo I'm gonna report him actually.
[03:33:09] He's gonna get
[03:33:10] fucking chat muted
[03:33:11] over a fucking
[03:33:11] Pengu party game.
[03:33:12] I'll report him for verbal...
[03:33:14] No, you know what?
[03:33:15] As...
[03:33:15] No.
[03:33:16] I'm not going to report him because as Trick said,
[03:33:19] You don't want to be a rat.
[03:33:21] That's not being a rat.
[03:33:22] Bro, he's trying to spit in my food i'll spit back at his dude
[03:33:25] i don't give a yeah but i mean that's like you're like calling the the like owner of
[03:33:29] the restaurant to come kick him out when you're reporting him and then he's gonna be mad about
[03:33:33] it and cry about it i'm not going to think about it.
[03:33:35] Yeah, but then you're a rat.
[03:33:36] You're a snitch. The rat is the guy that
[03:33:39] started being a little bitch in the first place.
[03:33:41] Yeah, but you're snitching.
[03:33:43] No, I think what that is is called being a pussy
[03:33:45] and not standing up for yourself.
[03:33:46] That's what it is.
[03:33:48] Oh, I mean
[03:33:48] standing up for yourself
[03:33:49] is the 1v1.
[03:33:50] You snitch into the fucking...
[03:33:52] There is no way
[03:33:53] to stand up for yourself
[03:33:54] other than
[03:33:54] to get even with them.
[03:33:56] Yeah, but you're getting
[03:33:57] even by calling...
[03:34:00] I can't type anymore
[03:34:02] situation while I don't think about him
[03:34:04] for the rest of my life. Think about this,
[03:34:06] he like beat your ass and you went and told his mom.
[03:34:08] He didn't beat my ass.
[03:34:13] What do you mean? We're playing Pengu Party.
[03:34:15] You like told his mom on him.
[03:34:17] No I didn't. It's more
[03:34:19] like... it's more
[03:34:21] like he, like,
[03:34:23] threw spit wads at me in class so I
[03:34:25] filled his fucking locker with gelatin and then it
[03:34:28] solidified and locked... It just fucked all
[03:34:30] of his shit up. That's what happened.
[03:34:32] Alright, that's fair.
[03:34:33] I don't know what you guys are talking about but whatever
[03:34:36] Wing says is right. True.
[03:34:39] True and base. Why are we glazing
[03:34:41] Wing so hard right now? Someone just said to you
[03:34:43] Geronimo I'm leaving.
[03:34:46] Whoever said that
[03:34:47] is so base.
[03:34:48] I mean, that person's just jealous.
[03:34:51] I don't know what else to say.
[03:34:53] Jealous of one of the five-foot puppets?
[03:34:57] Five foot five. You mean
[03:35:00] gift to God?
[03:35:02] Gift from God? I don't understand
[03:35:04] like, you realize that
[03:35:06] Okay T, I have a question for you
[03:35:08] Do you believe in the saying
[03:35:11] where stuff is...
[03:35:13] You know character creation stuff?
[03:35:15] You have X amount of...
[03:35:16] There's a word for it but you have
[03:35:18] X amount of points you can put into a character at the start.
[03:35:21] Attribute points or something?
[03:35:25] There is a word for it,
[03:35:27] I'm too old and tired right now to think about
[03:35:29] there is a legit word for...
[03:35:31] It's just balance. There's like a balance
[03:35:34] for every person.
[03:35:36] So imagine you have points at birth.
[03:35:38] My points, I didn't put them in height.
[03:35:41] But if I was tall, I'd be too
[03:35:43] overpowered of a human because I'm good
[03:35:45] at everything else.
[03:35:48] You're not
[03:35:49] good at everything else?
[03:35:50] Good at video games. Handsome.
[03:35:53] Awesome at things like- And you're not handsome and you're not
[03:35:55] good at video games. I mean you're just
[03:35:57] You're just lying right now
[03:35:59] like I'm great at video games
[03:36:01] I was a pro player. The last time you got out of
[03:36:04] Diamond was like 10 seasons ago.
[03:36:06] I have an account right now
[03:36:08] three wins from Grandmaster.
[03:36:11] But you're
[03:36:12] not Grandmaster.
[03:36:14] My bad, I'll win three games.
[03:36:16] I'll improve.
[03:36:18] I almost want to go Coven again but
[03:36:20] I won't do it.
[03:36:22] I won't do it.
[03:36:25] They call me Jolly I won't do it.
[03:36:33] Ooh, what if I run here? I don't know listen Spadini gifted that guy a sub dude. Nice
[03:36:49] Hey hate watchers pay my bills
[03:36:59] I try not to start fights watching me. But true.
[03:37:03] Haters gonna hate.
[03:37:08] Like my girl T Swift says.
[03:37:12] You did not just say that man.
[03:37:16] Are you not a...
[03:37:18] A Swifty?
[03:37:20] Well, no.
[03:37:21] But also
[03:37:22] your girl
[03:37:23] T-Swift
[03:37:24] Yeah, we go way back
[03:37:25] Way back, huh?
[03:37:29] Yeah.
[03:37:30] High school.
[03:37:32] Sure.
[03:37:35] You don't appreciate a good
[03:37:36] Tay-Tay?
[03:37:38] Oh, what? Tay-Tay. good tete oh what tate a what am i
[03:37:42] listening to you that's what me and her
[03:37:44] your I can call her now we're close like
[03:37:46] that so it's like all my Jesus Christ
[03:37:48] make it stop.
[03:37:52] We're on that level,
[03:37:53] you know? Like we're equal.
[03:37:55] Yeah.
[03:37:56] I don't know about that man.
[03:37:58] We go way back. it's just being hurt.
[03:38:01] One of the two of you is like flying around on a private jet five times
[03:38:05] a day and fucking up everything and you're playing
[03:38:09] video games with us.
[03:38:13] Are you
[03:38:14] saying that playing video games
[03:38:15] with you is not as
[03:38:17] rewarding as flying an iJet?
[03:38:21] I don't know
[03:38:23] because one of them requires a lot of
[03:38:24] money and the other doesn't
[03:38:26] so yeah i don't value money over
[03:38:29] friendship
[03:38:32] i think everyone has a price.
[03:38:36] I value my good friends over money.
[03:38:40] That's why when she asked me to join her,
[03:38:42] I turned her down.
[03:38:45] Uh huh yeah okay man
[03:38:47] Bro i feel like you're acting like one of those people that um photoshops their face
[03:38:52] They go to the instagram page and download all their pictures or something
[03:38:56] And then photoshop their face on all the pictures
[03:38:59] They like photoshop them next to them?
[03:39:02] Yeah, it's like look at my girlfriend taylor swift
[03:39:07] oh no we're not dating we're not i would never do that holy dude
[03:39:12] the thing is like people do that though, it's really fucking weird.
[03:39:21] Is the warzone clear? Is it clear guys?
[03:39:22] I don't think i hear anymore explosions.
[03:39:25] What are you saying?
[03:39:27] Fireworks, bro. It's the 4th of July.
[03:39:29] Oh yeah. Well it was the 4th
[03:39:31] of July.
[03:39:32] Okay. Everyone here
[03:39:35] you agree with me the next day doesn't start until after you go to sleep and then wake up
[03:39:40] well
[03:39:43] I guess yeah, so it's still july 4th
[03:39:46] Well technically it's still like the fifth this is your personal next day
[03:39:50] it's not like i mean yeah what happens if like you have work on that day and then you
[03:39:55] pull an all-nighter is it still the day day before? Let's say you go to work.
[03:39:59] When you're not planning
[03:40:00] to sleep, you enter into the next day.
[03:40:03] Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
[03:40:05] Why would you pull an
[03:40:06] all-nighter? Well, I'm just saying
[03:40:08] there might be some stuff in college where you might just have to do it or whatever the circumstances may be.
[03:40:17] Maybe.
[03:40:18] And then that changes the rule a bit.
[03:40:21] Maybe.
[03:40:29] I don't know, Ch. What do you guys think?
[03:40:31] I think he's wrong.
[03:40:34] Well, because imagine it's like the fourth
[03:40:35] but you have a deadline on the fifth
[03:40:37] but then you don't sleep so technically
[03:40:39] it would be the fifth still
[03:40:40] but in your brain you're like oh technically it would be the fifth still but like in your brain you beg
[03:40:41] oh it's still before well if you're not going to sleep then you just go off of what the day is
[03:40:46] right what it says but if you're gonna sleep then yeah so the day would transition that's
[03:40:50] what i'm saying though it's like you have
[03:40:52] to know you're not going to be sleeping ahead of time now because like what if you just decide
[03:40:55] or what do you have insomnia and then you can't sleep but it still transitions well then whenever
[03:40:59] you need to wake up and have obligations that's when the day starts
[03:41:03] remember your start in your day oh that's fair
[03:41:09] because by that logic though we wouldn't celebrate the new years can you abuse glacial early to
[03:41:14] farm drives for late I don't think you really want to go dry ads with glacial
[03:41:18] yeah that just doesn't seem very good i think about that we wouldn't celebrate
[03:41:25] new year right what do you mean if the day doesn't
[03:41:30] change until you go to sleep new years would never happen.
[03:41:34] The year changes?
[03:41:37] Yeah, but the day has to change for the year to change.
[03:41:39] Does it though?
[03:41:41] Yes!
[03:41:42] What do you mean?!
[03:41:45] Does it though?
[03:41:51] Oh man, guys
[03:41:57] I don't know if i like this. Oh dude.
[03:42:03] Oh my god it gave me a lease in?
[03:42:09] I'm just gonna do this. It's fine
[03:42:13] It'll be fine guys Let's do this. It's fine man
[03:42:15] Yo you ever gotten a lease in on fucking whatever the fuck... this is crazy.
[03:42:18] Yeah why do you have a lease in?
[03:42:20] I don't know but i have one.
[03:42:23] Well maybe you should stop cheating!
[03:42:33] Yeah, generally with Glacial I think you want stuff that attacks faster So it like procs more
[03:42:34] So I'm gonna try to run something with more attack speed
[03:42:37] Draed probably doesn't uh, Draeds is more AP focused So poor.
[03:42:54] Right now,
[03:42:55] I have to run two copies of one-star
[03:42:57] units
[03:42:58] just to copies of one-star units.
[03:43:01] Like, just one-star,
[03:43:02] one-cost units
[03:43:03] because I'm just so damn poor.
[03:43:08] Finally.
[03:43:11] Okay, this should work.
[03:43:19] Yo! Yeah what's up?
[03:43:21] I'm back.
[03:43:23] What's up?
[03:43:25] What's your... thought on spiders?
[03:43:29] They're okay.
[03:43:32] Like you don't mind spiders?
[03:43:34] No.
[03:43:34] Not if they're not getting all up in my shit.
[03:43:36] If they're like in their own corner or whatever, I just leave them alone.
[03:43:40] Oh, that's fair.
[03:43:41] Unless they're like toxic but most
[03:43:43] spiders don't really bother you
[03:43:45] At least I don't live in Australia
[03:43:47] so I don't have to worry about fucking dying
[03:43:49] No yeah fuck Australian spiders
[03:43:51] And I never go on there growth-'s... The fucking bugs will
[03:43:53] one-shot you! They literally are so
[03:43:55] over tuned this patch
[03:43:57] they will literally one shot you from stealth
[03:43:59] like fuck that I'm never going there
[03:44:01] Yeah no I agree fuck spiders like
[03:44:04] Australia's Australian people are fine
[03:44:06] they're cool but like the fucking
[03:44:08] wildlife I will never deal with like
[03:44:10] ever I refuse.
[03:44:17] Fucking scorpions and the spider... The fucking spiders hiding in your goddamn shoe.
[03:44:19] They're like, oh yeah, it's normal to just tap
[03:44:21] you gotta tap on your shoes here
[03:44:22] to get out any spiders because if you put your feet in
[03:44:25] the shoes and there's a spider it'll bite
[03:44:27] your foot and you'll die. I'm like yeah no
[03:44:29] thanks dude. I don't want to worry about
[03:44:30] fucking dying because I wanted to put my
[03:44:32] shoes on in a hurry okay? Like that's
[03:44:34] fucking crazy. Am I- am I crazy
[03:44:36] for thinking that?
[03:44:38] Yeah.
[03:44:40] What do you mean yeah?!
[03:44:44] Go to take a piss, bam snake in the toilet? There's no way. You're lying. There's no way.
[03:44:52] You have to be lying. There is no way there are snakes on toilets.
[03:44:56] What about like on a plane?
[03:44:59] Oh yeah, that can happen.
[03:45:01] Yeah like...snakes on this motherfucking plane.
[03:45:04] Yeah it's gots.
[03:45:06] Motherfuckin' snakes on this motherfucking plane.
[03:45:10] Totally understandable.
[03:45:12] Wait, did you...
[03:45:13] Have you ever heard the censored version of that line, by the way?
[03:45:17] No. It's so
[03:45:19] funny what he says!
[03:45:21] What does it say? Just look at
[03:45:23] you have to listen to it, the delivery is
[03:45:25] so serious for
[03:45:27] words that actually come out of his mouth.
[03:45:29] I mean, I still can't believe to this day
[03:45:31] that like, that was a movie.
[03:45:33] Like, that seems like a fever dream to me.
[03:45:34] Not only was it a movie, but it was like better
[03:45:36] than all the like shitty serious movies
[03:45:39] that come out in the same year.
[03:45:40] Yeah, like it genuinely feels like a
[03:45:42] fever dream to me. Like it's like
[03:45:44] snakes on a plane just sounds so
[03:45:46] When they pitched it to him, they were like yeah you're just on a
[03:45:48] plane with a bunch of snakes. That's the movie
[03:45:50] He's like and you want me to be full Samuel L Jackson serious and they're like yeah
[03:45:54] Yeah, yeah exactly
[03:45:57] now he wants you to be like old so serious about the serious about the snakes and the plane. And he's like...
[03:46:01] What the fuck?
[03:46:03] Yeah!
[03:46:07] I'm thinking I might want to run one of these quicksilver's
[03:46:12] i'm not sure is qss good here who knows who knows really
[03:46:20] um sick of these snakes on this motherfucking plane you gotta you
[03:46:30] got to look up like the censored. It's so funny, dude.
[03:46:34] They actually dubbed that like nah...
[03:46:39] Oh rank? I hit diamond today on TFT
[03:46:44] We eating good
[03:46:45] today.
[03:46:45] I got two firsts
[03:46:46] in a row and
[03:46:47] finally got it.
[03:46:48] Oh, dude,
[03:46:49] you want to hear
[03:46:49] one of my worst
[03:46:50] spider stories?
[03:46:52] What?
[03:46:53] I was laying in my
[03:46:54] basement, because
[03:46:56] I used to sleep in the basements, and
[03:46:58] uh...
[03:47:00] I woke up- And I've never had this happen before!
[03:47:02] I woke up, and I sat up to like stretch out of bed and i was
[03:47:05] laying in beds again
[03:47:07] i got bonked in the face by a spider
[03:47:10] dangling over my bed as i sat up
[03:47:13] how big was it? Big enough that
[03:47:16] I noticed I bonked it in my face.
[03:47:18] What did it do afterwards?
[03:47:21] It...
[03:47:22] Well, I freaked the fuck out because
[03:47:24] it was on my face yeah and then like uh i remember jumping up
[03:47:30] like smacking like i don't know where it went maybe it died it didn't its guts weren't on my face, but I don't know where it went after.
[03:47:43] Yeah that sounds kinda... yikes.
[03:47:46] It was awful.
[03:47:48] It was the traumatic experience.
[03:47:49] I thought I'd share that with you.
[03:47:53] Oh, they nerfed Yordles.
[03:47:57] You need six three stars now to get Vigar instead of five. Yeah, they probably nerfed it because it was too easy to get Vigar instead of 5.
[03:47:59] Yeah, they probably nerfed it because it was too easy
[03:47:59] to get Vigar and everyone
[03:48:00] was just like losing
[03:48:01] the Yordles.
[03:48:02] That seems better, right?
[03:48:04] Yeah.
[03:48:06] Yeah.
[03:48:07] Yeah!
[03:48:14] So do I go to phantom or two rebel i mean you want to be anti-fun or do you want to have fun yourself
[03:48:17] well i haven't won yet so I kind of want to just win.
[03:48:21] I mean, Rebel's pretty good
[03:48:22] if you like
[03:48:23] ball up.
[03:48:24] Yeah, I mean
[03:48:25] I have Elise in.
[03:48:27] You could put him
[03:48:27] in the middle
[03:48:28] and he's like
[03:48:28] you know.
[03:48:32] Yeah, I've been doing that but like is it as fun?
[03:48:34] Speaking of you having – wait, you said you haven't won.
[03:48:35] I'm the lowest HP.
[03:48:37] God damn it, he took my Lee.
[03:48:39] No, I mean I haven't gotten a first tonight.
[03:48:40] Oh, right, tonight. Oh,
[03:48:41] right,
[03:48:41] right.
[03:48:41] True,
[03:48:42] true that,
[03:48:42] true that.
[03:48:47] Like sometimes you gotta do
[03:48:48] what you gotta do
[03:48:49] to win,
[03:48:49] you know?
[03:48:51] I mean, I don't think I got a first either.
[03:48:53] I got a second.
[03:48:54] Yeah that's fair.
[03:48:56] At least we aren't in T-level.
[03:48:58] So like...
[03:49:28] Just gonna let him say that what's she on now i don't know Wait, okay. Hear me out. No this is crazy. Okay let's do that. Oh that is crazy. Okay yeah yeah yeah no this is it.
[03:49:32] Oh my god.
[03:49:39] Okay, this has gotta be it. What'd you do?
[03:49:43] Nothing! What- what do? Nothing.
[03:49:45] What do you mean, nothing?
[03:49:47] I didn't do anything.
[03:49:49] Why do you have fucking mallets?
[03:49:51] Thank god I got one of your Tristanas with my Phantom.
[03:49:57] Why are you running why are you running phantom to
[03:49:58] why are you running mallet too because I
[03:50:02] have duelists they're both cringe as
[03:50:04] fuck now it is that cringe
[03:50:07] Also why are you
[03:50:08] Why are you holding Lee Sin
[03:50:09] You're gonna win anyways
[03:50:10] Okay am I
[03:50:12] Cause I can't walk towards you
[03:50:13] Apparently
[03:50:13] Yeah you are
[03:50:15] Gonna win
[03:50:15] You just did
[03:50:16] Yeah that was pure skill You got out Yeah, you are going to win. You just did.
[03:50:18] That was pure skill.
[03:50:19] You got outskilled.
[03:50:20] Yeah, true.
[03:50:23] Skill is what they call it, right?
[03:50:24] I believe they do.
[03:50:27] Sure thing.
[03:50:30] It's not my fault that skill is something achieved
[03:50:32] through being better.
[03:50:36] What?
[03:50:37] What are you yapping about right now?
[03:50:41] I tried.
[03:50:45] I was like, that's not going to make any sense.
[03:50:48] Yeah... I was like, that's not gonna make any sense. Yeah.
[03:50:50] But hey,
[03:50:51] I'm gonna min-max this
[03:50:53] and it's gonna work out.
[03:50:54] I have faith.
[03:51:03] T, are you full focused right now? Is that what's happening? Geek is sweating.
[03:51:04] No, I'm just ignoring you.
[03:51:06] Damn!
[03:51:09] Why? You guys legit hate each other or like well no
[03:51:19] Wait I just lost Oh God yes, you just lost? Oh god.
[03:51:21] You know what you guys remind me of?
[03:51:23] You're like the group of friends
[03:51:25] but it's like the anime group of friends
[03:51:27] where two friends constantly hang out
[03:51:30] they never get along,
[03:51:32] But they hang out anyways.
[03:51:33] And it doesn't make any sense.
[03:51:35] I am the main character so that does make sense.
[03:51:37] I don't know about that.
[03:51:39] I'm a hundred percent the MC. Like, have you...
[03:51:42] Come on.
[03:51:42] I don't know about that one.
[03:51:45] I'm like Deku.
[03:51:46] You know?
[03:51:47] Like, I'm him.
[03:51:48] So you basically can't do anything.
[03:51:51] You mean I'm a crybaby until
[03:51:53] i 1v9 everything uh
[03:51:57] i don't think he's ever won v9 anything have you watched the new seasons?
[03:52:04] The NEW SEASONS?!
[03:52:09] Yeah, like of My Hero. Like Deco's... he's overpowered as fuck!
[03:52:13] But I don't think he 1v9s anything. Oh,
[03:52:15] he 1v9s hard.
[03:52:17] No,
[03:52:18] I don't think he does.
[03:52:20] I think you should watch the show.
[03:52:22] I've seen it.
[03:52:32] You just said he doesn't want to be not because he doesn't bro watch the show i have
[03:52:35] watched the show. I have.
[03:52:36] I don't even know
[03:52:37] what you're talking about right now.
[03:52:38] Watch the show.
[03:52:39] I have.
[03:52:41] I've seen it.
[03:52:50] He's got the most heart of any anime character I've ever seen in my life. The most heart?
[03:52:52] Yeah.
[03:52:53] Brother, have you seen Berserk?
[03:52:55] Okay well yeah, Berserk doesn't count
[03:52:56] because that's like...
[03:52:58] He doesn't have heart.
[03:52:59] He has pure will.
[03:53:01] There's a difference.
[03:53:02] That's...
[03:53:03] Bro, what do you mean?
[03:53:05] Because he's doing it
[03:53:06] out of pure hatred or vengeance
[03:53:08] Of like, he's got the will to be like
[03:53:11] You deserve fucking revenge type shit
[03:53:14] But like
[03:53:20] Like Deku is not doing it for revenge. He's doing it for friendship and the world.
[03:53:23] Whereas, what's his
[03:53:24] basic position? He's doing it for
[03:53:25] he's Bill Defton. Yeah, he's built this yeah he's definitely
[03:53:31] built different that's true we have a plan
[03:53:45] i am so close to so many things right now and it's SO UNFAIR THAT I CAN'T GET THEM!
[03:53:53] Maybe if you didn't flame me...
[03:53:55] I didn't flame you? What are you talking about?
[03:53:59] At least you think I flamed you?
[03:54:00] I didn't do anything.
[03:54:02] You kind of like, you know...
[03:54:03] didn't defend me against T.
[03:54:05] Yeah but that's not my problem bro!
[03:54:07] It kinda is though.
[03:54:09] It kinda really isn't.
[03:54:11] I mean it's kind of toxic no? Like it's kinda- It kinda really isn't.
[03:54:13] I mean, it's kinda toxic now like When two people are arguing
[03:54:15] I don't get in the middle of that man
[03:54:17] That's not my business
[03:54:18] It's like
[03:54:19] I'm doing the thing that
[03:54:20] The USA should be doing in terms of global politics.
[03:54:24] When other people start fighting, you stay the fuck out of it and worry about yourself.
[03:54:29] That's what we should be doing!
[03:54:31] T is just mean.
[03:54:33] Ummm...
[03:54:36] I don't know, doesn't seem that way to me.
[03:54:39] Thank you, Wings.
[03:54:40] I appreciate that.
[03:54:42] I mean, I don't know other glazing but...
[03:54:44] Glazing? I'm not
[03:54:46] glazing, just saying.
[03:54:48] What do you mean glazing?
[03:54:52] What do you even mean by glazing?
[03:54:55] I thought it was clear.
[03:54:59] Yeah, I think you thought wrong.
[03:55:03] Toxic bro.
[03:55:05] I disagree.
[03:55:07] But I have no deer.
[03:55:09] Ripley Sin?
[03:55:11] Did I roll over a Lee? I don't think I did.
[03:55:13] My team is really awkward,
[03:55:16] because I have Heavenly but without a spat
[03:55:18] I'm playing like...
[03:55:20] Chat you're lying there's no way I rolled
[03:55:22] Overleaf. Nah!
[03:55:24] I'm playing like Reaper came but without a spat
[03:55:31] What the fuck is my team
[03:55:48] Melody I don't know what's going on with you guys? Why are you down there? I'm not down anywhere. You and...
[03:55:52] You guys were 7-8. What do you mean s- no?
[03:55:56] No! I'm working at it.
[03:55:59] No, I don't know what you're talking about!
[03:56:01] I'm doing just fine!
[03:56:07] Sam... Sam... This is the worst comp ever. I don't even care anymore.
[03:56:14] I will hit eventually.
[03:56:17] Wait, you know what you remind me of?
[03:56:19] What?
[03:56:21] Uh... from My Hero,
[03:56:22] You're like the dude with the boots.
[03:56:25] The dude with the boots?
[03:56:28] Like he's got spades-
[03:56:29] He's like a rocket shoes.
[03:56:31] Oh the run fast guy. Yeah, yeah.
[03:56:35] Why are you saying I'm like him though? I mean that's a compliment. That guys
[03:56:39] a beast. Yeah but like why him?
[03:56:41] Cause like uh...
[03:56:43] I don't know why it just like
[03:56:45] You don't know what? Something reminds me
[03:56:47] of something in your
[03:56:49] being reminds me of that.
[03:56:51] I see...
[03:56:53] His name's Nida?
[03:56:57] Hmm...
[03:57:00] Yo, are you a Naruto watcher?
[03:57:02] I've seen it before but i don't watch it currently.
[03:57:05] Did you ever watch like uh... Brotherhood?
[03:57:08] Brother- brother that's Fullmetal Alchemist what are you talking about?
[03:57:11] Not Brotherhood uh Shippuden, sorry
[03:57:15] I started watching Shippuden and it's actually
[03:57:17] I don't know if I
[03:57:19] want to finish it
[03:57:21] Does it get better? So there is like fillers so just skip the fillers and
[03:57:25] it's okay different from the first show though I was saying if they were still
[03:57:29] not too is definitely much different than shipping them we're not much
[03:57:33] different same character in ship but it's like...
[03:57:35] Why did they give me a Malphite?
[03:57:37] What are they doing?
[03:57:40] What, you don't want Malphite?
[03:57:41] I don't get it. No!
[03:57:43] Wait, why?
[03:57:45] Because I want actual units that
[03:57:47] I need.
[03:57:51] My god...
[03:57:56] Oh Oh my god. Oh, there it is.
[03:58:00] Huge!
[03:58:01] Yo, do you agree
[03:58:01] with all the critics? People who think
[03:58:04] that
[03:58:04] Fullmetal Aquus
[03:58:07] is one of the greatest animes of all time?
[03:58:09] Um, it's pretty good.
[03:58:11] I don't know about all time but it's pretty good.
[03:58:12] People put that shit really high.
[03:58:15] It's pretty good though. Like actually it's pretty good, though. Like, actually, it's pretty good.
[03:58:18] Do you remember
[03:58:19] the original or are you a
[03:58:21] Brotherhood enjoyer? I like both but
[03:58:23] I think Brotherhood is way better at animations
[03:58:26] What happened to my entire frontline?
[03:58:28] Oh, sorry. I'm running duelists.
[03:58:32] Damn, Wings just killed you T.
[03:58:34] How does that make you feel?
[03:58:36] I didn't choose that! Just trying to survive out here.
[03:58:41] Cowboy Bebop is the greatest anime of all time
[03:58:45] It's hard to say goat
[03:58:47] because they're all different in their own ways, you know. Oh damn my three-star this too
[03:58:59] Okay, that's good. Okay let's do...
[03:59:01] Ooh! Let's give everyone a crit chance.
[03:59:03] Fuck it.
[03:59:05] Seems good to me.
[03:59:07] Yeah Cowboy Bebop's good. let's do that screw it
[03:59:26] oh wait i actually got a spatula no fucking way
[03:59:30] wait really I actually got a spatula, no fucking way. Wait really?
[03:59:34] I did somehow someway it gave me a spat
[03:59:38] It feels bad for you
[03:59:42] Man don't get me exalted.
[03:59:46] Did I just
[03:59:47] put this in for exalted?
[03:59:48] Oh my god.
[03:59:58] Wait, I have exalted now. That's perfect! Now you just need to find Lee Sin and I'm good to go.
[03:59:59] I spent the entire game trying to find one Lee Sin. Good luck!
[04:00:05] Yeah, apparently I rolled over one according to my chat but they're just gaslighting me like usual
[04:00:10] I have two Lee Sins on my bench
[04:00:18] Morgana please okay I got him did you really think I was gonna be like look at my bench yeah you're beating me by eating up and
[04:00:23] gobbling my Lee sins why are you doing that
[04:00:27] i just need a duelist crest like that would be awesome
[04:00:30] i need a wukong that would be awesome i actually could use one of those too
[04:00:35] that sounds pretty good.
[04:00:37] Do not steal my Wukong!
[04:00:39] Okay, what do you mean when you say the word steal though?
[04:00:42] I mean like he's mine...
[04:00:44] Don't take.
[04:00:45] I don't think
[04:00:46] it belongs to you specifically
[04:00:49] though. Yeah, a thousand percent does.
[04:00:51] I agree with Wings. He's his own
[04:00:53] person. True.
[04:00:56] See?
[04:00:57] You're toxic.
[04:01:01] I think you are the toxic one between the three of us.
[04:01:05] I'm the nicest one here.
[04:01:07] Uh, I beg to differ.
[04:01:10] I agree.
[04:01:15] I don't have a last whisper. Fuck.
[04:01:21] An even shot, but I don't really need it anymore.
[04:01:23] Holy fuck, I beat this guy.
[04:01:25] Huh?
[04:01:27] I said holy fuck I beat this guy somehow.
[04:01:30] I'm making a comeback!
[04:01:34] Calm down, RayJ.
[04:01:40] You what?
[04:01:41] I said calm down, Ray J.
[04:01:43] I just said I'm making a comeback.
[04:01:45] Yeah, I know. Kim
[04:01:46] had a lot in common.
[04:01:49] Just... you know...
[04:01:51] just making a comeback that's all.
[04:01:55] I'm just hoping when i fight you again
[04:01:57] i can like RNG
[04:01:59] phantom your most important units?
[04:02:01] I mean, I got a lot of important units so... we'll see.
[04:02:05] That's what I said I'm hoping. Have you been playing League of Wings?
[04:02:23] Nope, haven't played it in a couple months.
[04:02:26] Oh wow...
[04:02:28] Yeah I have repetitive strain injury and my arms are lifting so not playing games like
[04:02:32] that
[04:02:33] oh I want i knocked him out with the
[04:02:35] glacial holy shit he's bad cane got
[04:02:39] stunned
[04:02:41] yes toxic and there's somebody these like That's toxic.
[04:02:43] Man, there are so many of these items and I'm just like...
[04:02:47] There is no way there is a story weaver in the crowd!
[04:02:51] Oh you needed Story Weavers?
[04:02:55] Yes! Did you- oh, you needed Story Weaver? Yes.
[04:03:08] Yeah for some reason my Irelia shows up as having dealt no damage.
[04:03:23] Which seems weird to me. I'm just enjoying the fact that Geronimo's in a position to not win again. Based.
[04:03:24] And I'm the toxic one
[04:03:26] yes
[04:03:34] at least i'm trying my best.
[04:03:38] Someone's got him.
[04:03:46] What is this guy's comp?
[04:03:47] Okay, Qiyana 3 is a little bit illegal.
[04:03:51] Oh my god!
[04:03:55] Qiyana 3 really is insane. That dish soap guy was onto something, man!
[04:04:01] I think he's the one that
[04:04:03] popularized that build?
[04:04:07] Probably. I don't know much about him, but apparently people told me he's like a pro player for...
[04:04:12] Oh my god, Wings is just abusing Duelist Glacial again.
[04:04:17] What do you mean abusing?
[04:04:23] This guy is just abusing Duelist Glacial. Abusing, huh?
[04:04:30] Abusing. You fucking heard me toxic. Yeah, I agree you are.
[04:04:32] How am I toxic?
[04:04:33] I didn't do nothing.
[04:04:36] Abusing new escalation was toxic.
[04:04:38] You see this chat and he says he's not toxic.
[04:04:40] I don't abuse.
[04:04:43] Yeah, you do.
[04:04:45] You verbally abuse your supports in solo queue.
[04:04:49] They deserve it though They're not human.
[04:04:52] It's like a reddit post about him every single day or like a tweet about him.
[04:04:57] That's just not true! Like we're just lying for fun? Or what?
[04:05:01] It is so true
[04:05:05] is it no yes yes it's not true at all oh my chisana mr jump. Chomp! You're kidding!
[04:05:13] Don't worry though you're stun-locking me
[04:05:16] She missed her jump! That's like 3k damage down the toilet
[04:05:20] Thank god she's blind
[04:05:26] stick to the plan we have a plan
[04:05:32] when do he stop crying all the time, someone asked.
[04:05:36] That is so true!
[04:05:39] I'm sitting here getting flamed and I'm the one being told I'm crying.
[04:05:44] Yes.
[04:05:46] Fuck you guys!
[04:05:48] Hey, that was a good chat.
[04:05:49] Chat is on point tonight.
[04:05:54] There's a first for everything.
[04:05:57] Well, that seems kinda toxic...
[04:06:00] You could say something like that.
[04:06:02] I was implied!
[04:06:03] I was trying to be toxic!
[04:06:04] Fuck that guy!
[04:06:05] That's pretty toxic, man.
[04:06:07] Good! I don't know if this is better, but like...
[04:06:23] I dunno.
[04:06:25] I can't know.
[04:06:28] I can't afford to put it on my other units right now.
[04:06:32] Need to have damage.
[04:06:42] I don't actually know what I'm supposed to...
[04:06:47] Am I supposed to have Morgana in this funk?
[04:06:48] Maybe. I mean, I dunno, I'm just playing like the heaven run this comp? I don't know.
[04:06:49] I mean,
[04:06:49] I don't know.
[04:06:50] I'm just playing like the heavenly
[04:06:51] comp so...
[04:06:52] Anyone else
[04:06:53] want to try?
[04:06:54] I go to
[04:06:54] Geronimo's chat
[04:06:55] and they're talking
[04:06:56] about some
[04:06:56] mid laner
[04:06:57] that killed
[04:06:58] someone.
[04:06:59] When I go to
[04:07:00] Wings chat and they're just having normal conversations
[04:07:02] like...
[04:07:04] Hmm.
[04:07:09] We are
[04:07:10] up
[04:07:12] we talk about
[04:07:13] you know
[04:07:13] popular
[04:07:14] drama.
[04:07:17] Popular, huh?
[04:07:19] Something that happened like three months ago.
[04:07:21] Also, I believe I looked into that or someone was talking about it and they said
[04:07:25] It was not the actual player. They got the wrong guy
[04:07:29] Like as in like,
[04:07:32] the guys name is same with the players name
[04:07:34] but it wasn't a player, it was another guy
[04:07:36] who's like in his 40s
[04:07:40] So uh... It wasn't actually him.
[04:07:42] So a guy who's very young and ready for life in his 40s?
[04:07:48] Yeah, why are you saying 40 is not young?
[04:07:51] No I said he's young. He's ready for life because
[04:07:53] he is 40. He's like young and
[04:07:55] ready.
[04:07:59] I'm a very young
[04:08:01] 33. yeah see you're pushing 40. what i'm on the um
[04:08:12] i'm 33!
[04:08:15] Townly sin. I'm not sure if this is gonna be good, but I'mma try it out anyways. YOLO, good luck Lee Sin, let's fucking go rank- level 1 Lee Sin, let's get it.
[04:08:38] Is there any chance I can run like Sage here?
[04:08:40] I need to get Wukong, that would be awesome
[04:08:50] I need Aurelia too.
[04:08:57] Oh dear, what are you doing, Sauron? Brother?
[04:08:59] Losing. Being a chump.
[04:09:01] He's trying his best!
[04:09:03] Between me and Wings, you cannot lose this.
[04:09:05] I'm trying! Wings has you cannot lose this. I'm trying!
[04:09:08] Wings has a better comp, so he's probably going to win.
[04:09:11] Oh, it's the
[04:09:12] comp now. I see.
[04:09:15] Well, yeah.
[04:09:16] It's not... I think it has more to do with player skill.
[04:09:22] What?
[04:09:24] Are we just lying for fun?
[04:09:28] Ooh, this is... We just lying for fun?
[04:09:35] This is actually the way. Oh damn, this is looking good!
[04:09:40] Is Kayn actually worse than Udyr?
[04:09:43] Or better? I don't know.
[04:09:44] Who knows?
[04:09:46] Geronimo is a bottom.
[04:09:48] What?
[04:09:52] Why am I getting flamed?
[04:09:56] I don't think so.
[04:10:00] Why is my Udyr walking around? Oh, it's my positioning. I don't know how to position with your deer
[04:10:05] That's not good
[04:10:15] Yeah stuned by your fucking mallets. Didn't do nothing.
[04:10:19] I didn't do nothing.
[04:10:29] I need to find... oh wow, that's nice but
[04:10:31] I need to find a specific something.
[04:10:33] And I'm not finding it and it's hurting.
[04:10:36] Where are you?
[04:10:38] Damn...
[04:10:40] I need more gunner or some kind of something.
[04:10:46] Actually don't need it it but it'd be cool I guess no actually no we're keeping what I got pretty sure you win. No, don't worry about that. I'm pretty sure you win
[04:10:53] Maybe I trapped my Lee Sin don't want to pressure you in maybe
[04:10:54] attract by the same
[04:10:56] uh...
[04:10:58] focus on the rebels
[04:11:01] yeah i i i think that's position. It's hard
[04:11:08] Tris is kind of a
[04:11:15] Menace good job wings. I think it's just the stun lock like I said, he's just the the stun watch. Like I said, it's just the stun locks are trophy.
[04:11:17] I mean...
[04:11:18] It's okay.
[04:11:21] My Triss didn't even
[04:11:22] have a mallet though.
[04:11:23] Yeah but I mean
[04:11:24] Aurelia hits
[04:11:24] the entire board
[04:11:25] so she stunneds everything.
[04:11:26] Yeah, I guess.
[04:11:27] No, I'm telling you
[04:11:28] I watched my champ
[04:11:29] not move.
[04:11:31] Morg over Diana?
[04:11:33] No, Diana was
[04:11:33] exalted and
[04:11:34] Dragonlord that's
[04:11:35] why he's keeping
[04:11:36] her in. Stage exalted Dragonlord. That's why I was keeping her in.
[04:11:37] Stage, Exalted, Dragonlord? She's given me all three
[04:11:39] of those.
[04:11:42] Dramatoma could definitely give you
[04:11:43] a guide on what it's like to be second.
[04:11:45] Wait, someone just said resident Diamond TFT player
[04:11:49] showing why he is higher ranked
[04:11:50] than Geronimo.
[04:11:51] Wait, are you?
[04:11:52] I'm Grandmaster in TFT.
[04:11:54] Yeah, see,
[04:11:55] I think he's actually higher.
[04:11:56] I'm Grandmaster in League
[04:11:57] and Grandmaster in TFT. actually i'm grandmaster in league and grand master
[04:11:58] ntft you're not the master in league you're
[04:12:00] two or three wins away t-split were you not begging me
[04:12:04] the other day to deliver with you. Zero LP, not Grandmaster.
[04:12:09] I hit GM and
[04:12:11] I stopped giving a fuck and I just inted.
[04:12:14] That's an
[04:12:15] excuse for everything.
[04:12:19] I'm gonna be real,
[04:12:20] I'm actually annoyed by it,
[04:12:21] I'm gonna leave.
[04:12:22] Like,
[04:12:23] you guys are being
[04:12:24] actually toxic
[04:12:24] and I don't appreciate
[04:12:25] the disrespect
[04:12:26] so I'm gonna leave.
[04:12:27] I'll talk to you guys later,
[04:12:28] alright?
[04:12:28] Have a good night.
[04:12:31] I then I'll talk to you guys later, alright? Have a good night. I am gonna get off.
[04:12:35] They're actually annoying me and
[04:12:37] I'm tired so I'm just going to go chill
[04:12:39] but hope you guys have a good night.
[04:12:42] Hope you guys have
[04:12:42] a wonderful rest of your night.
[04:12:45] I don't blame you.
[04:12:46] Yeah,
[04:12:46] they're being assholes
[04:12:47] and I've been listening
[04:12:49] to them be assholes
[04:12:49] for three hours now.
[04:12:52] It's like,
[04:12:53] yeah,
[04:12:53] it is what it is,
[04:12:54] but have a good night.