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Gera - GrandMaster Adc takes on Top lane as DR MUNDO GAMING

07-04-2024 · 4h 19m

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[00:00:00] Journal. First day in new hospital. Already have five patients!
[00:00:10] Welcome to Summoner's rift You ain't no hero! You got cream as pharmacist's cyst.
[00:01:16] Mundo take five! I'm going to use the same strategy as before, but with a different character. Minions have spawned. oh we do always at zero so uh so uh I'm going to have to go back and get the Me must be good, Doc. Patients never come back! uh These x-rays look fine. That's what we'd say if we took x-rays.
[00:02:46] Bonesaw! so here you go uh uh he just had enough mana for that damn
[00:03:41] he has enough mana to use his q now though hmm so Let's see which way. maybe an enemy has been slain very still so so you that look infected I'm not sure if this is the best way to end it, but I'll try. best cure for old pain I'm not trying to be an enemy!
[00:06:01] Doctoring hard, everyone always screams.
[00:06:04] And now my husband's slain. everyone always Hold on, M don't need to consult other doctors. so
[00:06:47] hey what's up boys? so and we won't push Mimundo
[00:07:15] An enemy has been slain
[00:07:19] an enemy has been slain. hmm so so I'm actually okay with this.
[00:08:15] I mean,
[00:08:15] I don't think he ever kills me.
[00:08:28] So it's like I'm okay with it. And then once I get War Mogs he just loses the game outright. right uh Clear! Ready first, please.
[00:08:58] Oops. No need to sterilize instruments... whatever that mean.
[00:11:05] And big grenade! so so how we feel today hmm swigs so so Thank you for watching! so so I'm going to try and for the first one. I An enemy has been slain. A summoner has disconnected.
[00:11:31] Remember Oath, first you know... something. so okay bro Okay, bro. i mean you can go kill that guy if you want feel free so so so so doctor okay Okay.
[00:13:39] Bro, there's no way you can kill me. You gotta just chill. Like it's physically impossible. scram This is just such a boring
[00:14:15] ass game.
[00:14:17] Finch just sits there, running in circles
[00:14:19] trying to kill me.
[00:14:21] I just sit here, 10 CS a minute.
[00:15:10] Okay. uh uh uh Oh well.
[00:15:15] I'll be real,
[00:15:16] I'm just bored out of my mind, man. Okay. I mean, my Kha'Zix is down 80 CS.
[00:15:36] He's just not farming, he's just getting gapped. I don't really care too much though, I mean... me and the AD carry are both like really
[00:16:12] really fed so it's not a big deal. so I'm going to go with the where he so uh I don't know if I actually want to go down to this fight, but at guess we can. we started this practice so so okay so so is your team has destroyed on mundo today
[00:19:06] fucking mundo's voice lines are so
[00:19:08] fucking stupid good patient cleaver so Oh, that's not good.
[00:21:02] I don't know what I'm watching there... agreed yeah my team is really bad we go without so I mean, we pretty much infinitely scale like crazy hard this game.
[00:21:08] They just gotta
[00:21:09] quite literally chill.
[00:21:13] Then once I get my third item, we just win the game.
[00:21:53] Okay. Thank you. so You guys genuinely just gotta chill. Don't come bobbing guys come on I hate when my teammates do this shit where
[00:22:01] that I come bot like us Huh.
[00:22:19] Okay, well Nami...
[00:22:21] Definitely did a bad wave there.
[00:22:22] But again, you can kind of see why I'm getting annoyed though.
[00:22:24] Like, I had two people-
[00:22:26] Three people of the enemy team bot right?
[00:22:28] Whereas my team like only- they should just be doing dragon.
[00:22:32] Or baron. It drives me crazy when people try and help each other rather than just win the game. Guys, you're gonna get dove.
[00:22:55] Like do you not understand like...
[00:23:16] Oh that is such a low IQ human being Like, what are you doing?
[00:23:17] Just leave.
[00:23:19] Why are you even here?
[00:23:22] Like, holy fuck.
[00:23:28] Cool, the enemy team got Infernal Soul...
[00:23:32] Because my team decided we wanted to troll the whole game.
[00:23:39] Man, League is such
[00:23:40] a funny game because it's genuinely just...
[00:23:43] People have no idea what their goal is unless somebody tells them what to do.
[00:23:47] And I'm too lazy right now to ping every single macro call on the map.
[00:23:52] Like, I could just ping it all but like oh i'm so lazy man i mean there's no way you kill me bro Like, what are you doing man? so I'm going to try and get the first one. is so Jesus. jesus It is funny watching people not know what the goal is. I mean, I can't really do anything without my ulti. so so We just have to play for we're just gonna have to play for fucking
[00:26:32] Elder We're just gonna have to play for fucking......uh, Elder.
[00:26:40] Best cure for all pain?
[00:27:18] DLM! that's cure for all things so I I mean, I have ult. I could probably just kill them but... uh What are you people doing, men?
[00:27:52] You guys are crazy, bro.
[00:28:09] You guys are crazy, bro. It genuinely drives me crazy that I have to fucking ping these guys everything they need to do what should i get next i don't even know
[00:28:13] what item to get next it's probably just some sort of mr it's very best MMR. With 27 medical diplomas, Mundo ready to cure what ails you. Like, what am I watching?
[00:28:50] What was that?
[00:28:56] Why did my Jinx Nami and Kha'Zix just walk forward?
[00:29:05] Like Like, what?
[00:29:08] This is the most retarded shit I've ever seen. Okay. Oh god, like why would you not just stand there and wait?
[00:29:18] I guess we lose because
[00:29:24] we have retards. Like, four retards too!
[00:29:26] It's not even like one retard, it's four.
[00:29:28] They're actually just
[00:29:30] bad. um Oh no, dude.
[00:29:48] Low elo players are so bad at League.
[00:29:53] It is quite painful to watch. Like, genuinely watching people not understand how to not die before an objective is wild.
[00:30:16] My Jinx walked into a corky she's like yeah the four item quirky who's
[00:30:22] got a three level advantage surely won't just surely won't just kill me with his W. No, for sure.
[00:30:36] They have Eldritch Rake guys. Just wait it out. so What am I watching?
[00:31:06] Guys, just leave! Like what are you doing?
[00:31:13] Oh my god they all have brain damage man
[00:31:17] Kha'Zix! Just walk the fuck away bro
[00:31:21] Brain Damage Kha'Zix, just walk the fuck away, bro. Brain damage!
[00:31:23] What are you doing?
[00:31:24] You're not useful!
[00:31:27] Oh my god, they're retarded.
[00:31:35] Oh my god, they're retarded. Oh my god, they-
[00:31:37] They're like we gotta fight the elder team bro it has to happen!
[00:31:41] And you're like but wait why and they're
[00:31:42] like because them we told him
[00:31:46] like what
[00:31:49] you guys are psychos man Like, why would you kind of just...
[00:32:06] We lose three dragons.
[00:32:08] Or four dragons.
[00:32:09] We lose Elder because we're fighting...
[00:32:11] Jesus Christ.
[00:32:21] Okay. fight it. Jesus Christ. Yeah, I don't know what to say man that's just disgusting.
[00:32:25] They're so bad.
[00:32:33] Like, I think that these people need to be put down for brain damage damage. Like we shouldn't allow these people
[00:32:35] in our society. That is disgusting. Yo, you guys in the nicest way if you not play league that was so embarrassing.
[00:33:05] I need to add them, so that I can give them a direct like, hello.
[00:33:16] In the nicest way. Hello.
[00:33:22] In the nicest way, please don't queue up.
[00:33:27] That's really embarrassing. You are d3
[00:33:33] you shouldn't ever type When I did more damage than you all combined or when i soloed their fed mid top three times
[00:33:59] or when i trip towers you guys walking mid and standing dying every time before objectives slash dying
[00:34:11] every time before objectives
[00:34:13] is your fault.
[00:34:16] And it's why you are diamond.
[00:34:20] Like, don't flame bro
[00:34:21] but you are Like, no flame bro. But...
[00:34:23] You are diamond.
[00:34:27] I could get diamonds with literally no fingers
[00:34:38] I'm unmannered good they don't deserve manners these people are subhuman garbage i have I have.
[00:34:44] Like your role and
[00:34:48] Your gameplay is why you can't climb
[00:34:52] Yeah why you can't climb
[00:35:00] and ciao it's season three
[00:35:09] for me you are diamond
[00:35:16] there's just no way diamond players are this delusional, right? Like they actually are mentally retarded.
[00:35:24] So let me ask. How do you play so badly on such an easy roll
[00:35:40] okay want to know how to stop singe from diving you walk away from the tower.
[00:35:51] You want to know
[00:35:52] how you stop him from running
[00:35:56] at you mid?
[00:35:58] You wave
[00:36:00] and wait for me to come.
[00:36:07] Homie,
[00:36:22] Singed didn't cause you to lose bot lane 2v2 or cause you to have bad warts. You just...
[00:36:24] you did.
[00:36:26] Until power drops,
[00:36:28] you lose the lane. No? No no! Whoever kills tower first is the winner. Kills don't matter. Only objectives
[00:36:41] matter. This is why you're
[00:36:45] .d3
[00:36:49] Okay, so I was up 80 CS and 4 levels on Singed.
[00:36:56] But you say I lost.
[00:37:00] Do you not understand
[00:37:03] your own logic is bad. yes
[00:37:16] I did lose lane
[00:37:21] he proxied,
[00:37:24] but I was up
[00:37:25] 2k gold
[00:37:27] for land phase.
[00:37:30] And the fact you don't
[00:37:32] realize why your are low elo for 10 years
[00:37:38] is why you won't climb and why you will sit before for life Call me. I'm saying you are literally 2K LP below me below me you understand to me you are an iron player That's our skill deck. Iron to diamond four
[00:38:28] plus i'm playing mundo for fun on a smurf. me
[00:38:57] except you don't know who I am.
[00:39:01] It's literally why you suck. I wish you the best, but
[00:39:13] you and your duo
[00:39:15] are awful.
[00:39:24] You want to improve, come watch the stream.
[00:40:05] Maybe you'll learn something.. Jesus. Okay. Like a Tilton?
[00:40:06] I'm not tilted.
[00:40:09] I'm just letting these subhuman pieces of trash know that they're subhuman pieces of trash.
[00:40:11] Like,
[00:40:11] I'm not tilted or mad.
[00:40:13] Like,
[00:40:13] I don't care about winning or losing.
[00:40:15] I just take it personally
[00:40:17] like...
[00:40:18] I'm personally disgusted by the level
[00:40:21] of lack of intelligence
[00:40:22] of these players and their ego that comes along with
[00:40:26] their very low iq
[00:40:30] like I'm personally disgusted that they type and play
[00:40:33] like they're good at the game when in reality,
[00:40:35] they're horrible.
[00:40:36] And I need them to know
[00:40:37] that they're horrible
[00:40:38] so that they don't keep
[00:40:40] thinking they're good.
[00:40:43] It's important to me
[00:40:44] that they understand understand they suck.
[00:40:55] Like if we just have delusional retards running around the world do you really think like
[00:40:59] the world will get any better?...... it is what it is............ These shit's gonna kinda suck.
[00:44:33] We're gonna get fuckin'...
[00:44:36] murdered by ghosting.
[00:44:42] I think everybody just ghosts. In a sea well, we're gonna get murdered. I catch dreams so the humans can chase them.
[00:45:01] Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[00:45:11] 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[00:45:14] Nothing comes my way but bumbonly mess.
[00:45:22] You, over there! Do you hear me? mess Pretty sure I'm supposed to start raptors, but I don't remember. oh oh oh so
[00:46:24] see what i mean I mean.
[00:46:36] That was pretty much exactly what i was talking about. They're gonna start in my jungle, and they're gonna ghost
[00:46:37] and see exactly where I am.
[00:46:41] Because that's just how
[00:46:42] Diamond players play
[00:46:43] League of Legends.
[00:46:46] That's why I usually
[00:46:47] don't queue jungle.
[00:46:49] Like, I only queue jungle if I have a delay because like...
[00:46:53] that's just kinda how League is nowadays.
[00:46:56] It's not about being good or being better.
[00:46:58] It's about can we ghost or being better. It's about, like...
[00:46:59] Can we ghost and cheat for some LP?
[00:47:03] It is what it is.
[00:47:07] Welcome to...
[00:47:09] Being a streamer You're wondering why I know he's ghosting? It's because
[00:47:30] him standing at my wraiths level 1,
[00:47:33] if my jungler... I mean,
[00:47:34] if my top laner just pushes the wave in at level 1,
[00:47:37] like, if he goes to wraiths
[00:47:38] or red and my jungler
[00:47:40] just pushes the wave in at level 1, or my top laner.
[00:47:42] He loses a full wave and his lane is over from level one
[00:47:46] because he doesn't have...
[00:47:49] Because he didn't teleport so he has ignite right?
[00:47:53] So if you lose the lane at level one with your a teleport, so he has Ignite. If he
[00:47:53] loses the lane at level 1 with Ignite,
[00:47:55] the game's over.
[00:47:57] He can guarantee to know that
[00:47:59] it's not going to happen because
[00:48:00] he I just...
[00:48:06] Because he can watch my stream and see where
[00:48:07] the enemy team is.
[00:50:08] What's going on? uh um uh so The humans forget so much when they awake. I'm going to go you can see it, but the hmm hmm so And we can kill this guy if you want to. Nevermind, you just farm your camps. I don't really care. We're probably just gonna 15 this one.
[00:50:33] It is what it is.
[00:50:41] Let's get our autofill game out of the way.
[00:50:48] I gotta have it in me to try hard, especially like... so dreams so um so so so RIP.
[00:52:18] We can just go next i don't mind Do we need help more than Godot and Skrull?
[00:52:39] Like I said, I don't have an enemy to micromanage exactly how we're supposed to be playing this out and all kinds of shits. is so so Oh. do they remember Bum bum bum bum bum. uh uh When they say goodnight, you think they mean it.
[00:54:26] Boom! Headshot. the photo so yes so i can say hello uh to out my awkwardness
[00:55:45] yeah i'm not ganking your land bro
[00:55:50] ezreal's not even there. You're absolutely fucking stupid. so has been Yes! Fall away
[00:56:25] Rise asleep
[00:56:27] Mother tree used to have so many flowers
[00:56:31] I think now it's time Time has come uh so so so okay so so so so so we need five so hold my yes I say okay, but... so I'm so confused why that guy's fucking doing that.
[00:59:34] That Nunu has, like, tried to kill me by dying three times now.
[00:59:39] Like, what are you doing bro?
[00:59:59] You guys are some freaky fucks. Where you leave is always behind you. It's no wonder the humans are lost!
[01:00:05] Your turret has been destroyed so so so life has been so so um so so so Hmm. Oh, wow.
[01:02:25] Nice job.
[01:03:54] Nice try bro so is so um so so so Dang. I'm lucky. so so uh oh oh too much pressure so is so Cool, let's move on
[01:06:19] moving on so more Why'd this guy hit no? Come on bros. Let's keep it to real.
[01:08:32] Come on... come on so so so Nice. so I'm going to go ahead and kill him. your team has destroyed shut down so I don't know. That kind of
[01:08:52] and my pad board being in this one not gonna lie This Fizz is pinging so much, but he's like... I feel like he's one of those players that's a ping-er
[01:08:56] But he's mentally stupid.
[01:09:00] ... is so Darn it. darn it I'm going to try and get the first one. an ally has been slain uh rise asleep so so um um so so um um Pretty sure they can't end the game here but...
[01:12:10] Oh, maybe they can. Gwyn's kind of fed.
[01:12:19] Hoggers... we won!
[01:12:24] I mean i gotta keep it real, man.
[01:12:26] I did not care about that game at all.
[01:12:29] Not even a little bit. yo what's up t1 anthony how are you doing man dude top lane's a little broken. That game was literally like I didn't give a fuck and then our bot side was terrible. Gwen just solo carries the game by sitting top and 1v9ing.
[01:15:50] That shit's kind of wild.............. Holy fuck, what is our comp?
[01:15:51] Wait. Okay.... Okay, wait 1 sec.
[01:16:34] Silence.... Hello, hello. Okay. I remember I turned chat off because they were like,
[01:17:51] I could probably keep chat on, to be honest.
[01:17:56] I turned it off because people were doing that disconnect thing where they can type you and disconnect you from the game
[01:18:05] Because Vanguard is hilarious to you and disconnect you from the game because like vanguard's hilarious
[01:18:14] you guys know what I'm talking about?
[01:18:25] Well, I don't think my friends are going to whisper it to me.
[01:18:30] Pretty sure that probably won't happen. uh anyone seen mundo's brain scissors I'm going to go ahead and do that. Oh, this guy also has...
[01:19:13] What's it called?
[01:19:15] Maybe I shouldn't take early trades with Camille as Mundo.
[01:19:19] Because I've been doing it a lot.
[01:19:21] Wait, wait. Where have I got to take early trades
[01:19:23] to try and stack my...
[01:19:26] What's that called?
[01:19:30] Like, I've been doing that a lot in general, where I try and stack Grasp early.
[01:19:34] But I don't think I can do it against a lot of matchups.
[01:19:37] It's actually just too hard. No, I mean people... you could do it in game chat. in-game chat um An enemy has been slain.
[01:20:14] An ally has been slain.
[01:20:26] Ooh, that hurt.
[01:20:27] Okay.
[01:20:30] So I think it's take zero trades with Camille.
[01:20:45] Okay. Camille. It's definitely take zero trades, because apparently you just take your entire HP bar. hmm um Good flash my man. yes oh so I See huh
[01:22:46] i see so huh Huh. Interesting. cool I mean, that's just some good old fashioned gameplay right there.
[01:23:20] I don't think he realized that like, once I get six he just loses if he doesn't have ult.
[01:23:36] I just have too much AD.
[01:23:39] Like,
[01:23:40] I'm at 114 right now
[01:23:41] with
[01:23:42] 1800 HP
[01:23:45] so it's kind of hard
[01:23:46] for him to play the game
[01:23:51] uh i should probably chill for a sec Oh no, my bot lane. oh excuse me
[01:24:09] oh no my bot lane they've died no is is I don't know if he's going to come out of that queue he does
[01:25:40] oh well Not gonna lie, the old bot lane is looking a little rough down there. I wonder what my Shaco's doing. You could just kill this guy, he's a baddie.
[01:25:47] That was some bat farming.
[01:25:51] Oh nice! Get two plates here, go back by...
[01:26:09] War mugs. Huge!
[01:26:13] Damn we already got the mugs boys! Oh my goodness!
[01:26:20] We're about to have boots in a minute.
[01:26:22] We got the warmogs... so Do I have more AD than Camille? oh so I did not want to have to flash for that, but whatever. No No way no way no way so here you go Yeah, he actually got me.
[01:28:18] Honestly? Worth.
[01:28:21] And I'll tell you why.
[01:28:23] Because... He's worth gold again And I'll tell you why.
[01:28:26] Because he's worth gold again,
[01:28:29] and he only got 400 gold off me,
[01:28:30] and he's about to die anyway.
[01:28:33] Worth it. Okay. worth it uh oh How did Camille...
[01:29:14] Or how did that Quinn not take that turret?
[01:29:17] There's like no way That Quinn didn't take that turret. There's like, no way
[01:29:19] that Quinn didn't take the turret there, right?
[01:29:22] What
[01:29:23] the hell?
[01:29:24] Wait, what?
[01:29:37] Oh! It's kind of wild, actually.
[01:29:41] Earth's so fucking low I'm surprised that that guy didn't kill it
[01:30:46] because like camille can't kill the quinn so is That's all good. so is rumble there Is Rumble their support?
[01:30:47] Oh.
[01:30:50] I mean, that makes a lot more sense.
[01:30:52] I thought Rumble was their fucking jungler, and then I saw Hecarim.
[01:30:55] And I was like wait he's the support?
[01:31:01] That does make more sense oops okay need blood sample
[01:31:42] i don't think this is a good play but fuck it
[01:31:46] we go for it um Very interesting.
[01:32:22] Oh, hey, there's a Lucian here. What's up, bro?
[01:32:34] Yeah, we lost top. I should let Lucian come- er Jin come in.
[01:32:39] Like there's absolutely no way he can defend against the Camille.
[01:32:43] So... I should just let him come in.
[01:32:47] What was this?
[01:32:50] Wait, there is no way you guys kill me
[01:32:52] what are you doing
[01:32:55] like actually though who the am i watching I got too much gold here, guys.
[01:33:08] If you guys don't mind...
[01:33:10] I'm definitely down for you guys to just kind of...
[01:33:17] I found a Rumble.
[01:33:25] Where'd he go? Oh, there he is. I was like, where is that guy? so uh uh Damn, this Quinn hates getting towers.
[01:34:23] I don't know what this guy's issue is. Pretty sure I could probably just take the power in front of this guy.
[01:34:42] Right? Like, I would probably just do that but
[01:34:53] i wonder if it's cost my ult to do it.
[01:35:09] But I can probably do it.
[01:35:11] But I can probably do it.
[01:35:14] Okay, so...
[01:35:19] ... oh Oh we won, cool.
[01:35:44] Yay! How are the games going?
[01:36:02] We're playing Mundo.
[01:36:05] The games
[01:36:06] are going about as what you would expect
[01:36:08] when you're playing Mundo.
[01:36:11] Boring,
[01:36:12] long,
[01:36:41] OP... boring, long, OP. But we're chilling i'm having a good day overall how about you guys how's your guy's day going somebody friend requested me and then unfriend requested you.. Thunderstorms, so you're staying inside?
[01:37:47] I feel you.
[01:38:45] I feel ya, bro!. Okay.. Played with LL Trigger. Oh, cool. Trigger's a cool dude.
[01:38:47] Him and his love for Lucian.......... Crazy Curia play to bring T1 back. Damn, they're down by 5K. Wait, curious? Kind of cracked.
[01:40:49] Holy fuck!... fuck
[01:41:19] oh my god he just keeps... Dude, that's actually kind of crazy.
[01:41:25] Fucking Curio is so good.
[01:41:29] Dude, he's a menace man.
[01:41:31] Kyria is actually a fucking menace. fucking mess....... Thank you..... Oh, yeah. oh
[01:43:54] oh yeah
[01:43:58] all right boys and girls
[01:44:17] it's mundo time It's Mundo time. Welcome to Summoner's Rift. 30 seconds until minions fall. It's Mundo in time. But I don't really know what we're gonna do.
[01:44:50] I just realized Mundo's facial hair is like the fuckboy, like facial hair.
[01:45:16] He's got that, like, chin strap. Hmm.
[01:45:20] You guys think I'll get level 2 ganked by a level three gang by grabs i don't think so but you never know right like so so so I I did this last game too where I took an early trade and I was like,
[01:46:17] I probably shouldn't take early trades.
[01:46:21] Did the exact same thing last game.
[01:46:25] I don't know why i'm addicted to taking early garbage trades on fucking Lundo.
[01:46:29] Like, I don't-I don't know why I am so addicted to it?
[01:46:32] I have no idea.
[01:46:38] I cannot help you, by the way, bro.
[01:46:41] Like this wave is way too fucking big.
[01:46:44] There's just no way.
[01:46:48] You're a psycho.
[01:46:55] Yeah I mean you are level 2 ganking this guy. Like, I don't know what to say. You trying to level
[01:46:59] 2 gank a fucking Jax? so do this for the community What the fuck?
[01:47:33] What are you guys doing
[01:47:40] like what the fuck is happening uh nope I should have just
[01:48:12] TP'd,
[01:48:13] I guess.
[01:48:14] I'm going to miss
[01:48:15] so much XP
[01:48:16] because I didn't
[01:48:17] TP.
[01:48:17] That's my bad.
[01:48:20] But I should have left the way i didn't tp that's my bad
[01:48:22] but i should have left the way of even so i could tp and get a cannon
[01:48:24] ah it's might be
[01:48:27] this is gonna be kind of hard because i
[01:48:29] had to burn my flash. And I burned my TP and he got red.
[01:48:38] I don't think it's unplayable but it's hard Although he did just really fuck up.
[01:48:56] He took way more HP than
[01:48:58] he probably should have
[01:48:59] because I got Mundo, so i have better region Dude, what am I watching?
[01:49:22] What are you people doing? Can you guys like sincerely fuck off?
[01:49:29] This is wild man. so doctor Shut down. ba I'm going to try and get the first one. so I should have ulted sooner.
[01:50:43] I didn't know he could kill me with Ult R. My bad
[01:50:53] Or I mean ulti, I didn't know you could come in with that sorry
[01:51:02] I think the only reason this game is going hard is because he got a free kill and then i also messed up my back timer.
[01:51:05] It's okay though, I mean... we just vibe. so I'm gonna spray.
[01:51:40] They really couldn't kill that guy? Jesus.
[01:52:17] It's kind of wild actually uh Damn. Yeah, I mean that's just not playable. Like he can jump in and tank the entire wave while he tanks me.
[01:52:23] He is too far ahead.
[01:52:27] I guess
[01:52:28] I just have to literally sit there and let the wave
[01:52:30] push into me.
[01:52:39] Oh, don't die again man. Like what am I watching? Okay.
[01:52:43] Yeah now thisko for sure
[01:52:47] deserves this loss
[01:52:49] and I'm okay with giving it to him
[01:52:51] I'm okay with this Ekko losing the game
[01:52:54] He fed my guy a free kill early and then
[01:52:59] he just jumped in and fed him into shutdown
[01:53:03] so yeah i mean you can just lose bro that's really what you want i don't really care uh so What?
[01:53:53] I mean, now I'm just gonna go grief you.
[01:53:56] I'm just going to follow you around in the jungle and take all your camps.
[01:53:59] You deserve the loss buddy.
[01:54:01] Enjoy.
[01:54:09] D4 jungle main? Couldn't not int my lane? Good luck. I mean the guy literally solo lost my lane twice now so I go fuck him.
[01:54:37] Wanted to lose...I give loose. one true side um me I mean, all he had to do was not fight at all, ever. Like you just have the not level 2 gank and the game was free
[01:55:32] Our bot lane and our mid are doing really well
[01:55:35] But this fucking absolute retard
[01:55:37] decided he wanted the level 2 gank
[01:55:39] my lane, give him red
[01:55:41] then come die again for
[01:55:43] free. Give him a shutdown
[01:55:45] Nah I mean want to lose? I Give him a shutdown.
[01:55:50] Nah, I mean... want to lose? I give loose.
[01:56:07] Sir! Anyone seen Mungo's brain scissors?! I have no sympathy for people like this guy. You did it yourself.
[01:56:13] Had he just typed a simple, my bad?
[01:56:17] Like unironically? My bad.
[01:56:21] Like, unironically...
[01:56:23] I would've been not tilted at all
[01:56:26] had he just typed a simple MB
[01:56:30] I'd have been like, oh he's just stupid. Am I not speaking English? Shouldn't be on the internet. Yes.
[01:56:43] Mind if I speak English? Shouldn't be on the NA server then.
[01:56:47] If you're from another country and you're not playing on your own server,
[01:56:49] I don't give a like what the so Doctoring hard, everyone always screaming at you.
[01:57:22] Shut down.
[01:57:32] Like I said, bad players deserve to lose.
[01:57:39] I'm on a smurf account so I don't really give two fucks about their LP.
[01:57:44] If they want to troll and
[01:57:44] they wanna grief and shit, feel free man
[01:57:46] I'll lose you every single game. Thanks for watching! your team has destroyed so uh So in the next story, I mean yeah.
[01:58:42] I don't really give a fuck like this game was literally brought to you by
[01:58:48] my jungler was intentionally trolling this game was literally brought to you by like my jungler was intentionally trolling
[01:58:50] this game so like why would i sit in a game where my junglers trolling on purpose you know who cares This is the legendary, and some of it is real.
[01:59:02] The Queen..... I just genuinely don't give a fuck about low elo pissers. I'm just low-evo pissers.
[01:59:43] I'm just chillin'
[01:59:43] and playing for fun. I mean, what that guy did to my game
[01:59:55] should be illegal.
[01:59:57] Where he literally walks into my lane level 2
[02:00:01] gives the enemy Jax a free kill
[02:00:03] ganks on a bad way lane level two gives the enemy jacks a free kill
[02:00:04] like ganks on a bad wave gives the enemy jack's a free kill then he walks
[02:00:08] back into my lane at level six
[02:00:12] gives the jacks a shutdown and then walks back into my lane again 30 seconds later so.... Bye. What a little bit of that, but bye.. Okay. I mean, I don't know.
[02:01:54] I don't know
[02:01:54] if Windows matchups
[02:01:55] that well.
[02:06:06] Yeah. so.... you you.... Oh. Okay.......... I can't remember how the last game versus Aatrox went.
[02:06:10] I think we did well.
[02:06:25] Maybe we lost? Oh no,
[02:06:26] we won.
[02:06:28] But...
[02:06:31] It was definitely um... Interesting. Okay. Oh, this Aatrox took Ignite.
[02:07:16] He's gonna want to go for kills.
[02:07:19] Very interesting. So,. What am I eating eating just some popcorn already have five patients What are we doing?
[02:08:31] Oh yeah, I love this ship.
[02:08:35] The only problem
[02:08:36] is I need to go get...
[02:08:38] I forgot to get a paper towel
[02:08:39] because it's like buttered popcorn
[02:08:42] and I need to
[02:08:44] uh...
[02:08:53] I need to wipe my hands, but my team's invading. Wings have spawned! Wee-hoo, wee-hoo, wee-hoo!
[02:09:00] So I can only use one hand.
[02:09:32] How we doin', fiction? um I'm going top row, I'm not doing this. I Go out call me
[02:09:36] Like, I don't know what kind of like dumb fucking random shit that was but...
[02:09:48] Dude, I cannot play with one hand.
[02:09:51] Hold on.
[02:09:53] Surely there's something around her to wipe my hands down. mundo help people inside and built over okay Ah, I'm bad
[02:11:27] damn it man i've missed four cs what the fuck oh my god. so so I'm going to go for the last one. I'll just
[02:11:29] wait until
[02:11:31] he gets
[02:11:33] his
[02:11:35] ultimate and then I need help pushing. One more wave, please. he's gonna tp or he doesn't have tp i mean so he's like
[02:11:51] he needs the now an ally has been slain so hmm Hmm, me should get second opinion. What you think? Me concur? Huh! Great! We agree then! ba-ba-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop so Hmm. Pretty sure hmm pretty sure right when i hit six
[02:13:26] right now i can just kill him but we'll see I actually fucking ran away. Hmm. I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure I'm just dead when he hits 6.
[02:14:06] Because uh...
[02:14:07] He just flashes on me.
[02:14:11] But I do have TP.
[02:14:14] So it's not the end of the world.
[02:14:17] In fact, he is actually pretty fucked because he has no flash now.
[02:15:34] Oh! so yep so so see which I see why H-Rox does so well into Mundo though.
[02:15:36] Like, I get it.
[02:15:44] Cause look at this, it like almost unplayable actually.
[02:15:48] He has too much mobility and too much damage.
[02:15:54] Like I get why everybody thinks this matchup is super hard.
[02:16:26] Because it's like on me to have to dodge every single one of Aatrox' spells. That is so cringe, man. I actually outplayed that and Shaco came in and won him the fucking like he got him his reset
[02:16:31] If you didn't get that that ulti reset, he would have died from the tower
[02:16:35] That's so cringe.
[02:16:36] If he didn't get the ult reset and the triumph,
[02:16:37] he would have died. Okay. An enemy has been slain. I wonder if I could have like squeaked the auto-attack and healed with Grasp just enough or something.
[02:17:11] Ugh!
[02:17:24] You're gonna pay for this! Or maybe it was just don't get low. Because I took a big chunk before the dive.
[02:17:27] So like, maybe I was just trying not to get low. before the dive.
[02:17:31] So like maybe I was just trying not to get low before the dive there? Damn.
[02:17:35] God, it's so annoying!
[02:17:37] Aatrox is... he's not an champ, but he's so fucking annoying. an enemy is unstoppable Once I get warmogs,
[02:18:08] I think we're fine.
[02:18:09] It's like every other matchup.
[02:18:12] Okay. i think we're fine it's like every other matchup
[02:18:26] all right so every other match up by play, once you get the mogs, you're kind of chilling. But until then it's kinda rough yeah. What the fuck? Okay.
[02:18:46] Oh, he's just trying to chunk me for the Shaco. I'm like okay, I see.
[02:18:48] I see why he was doing that now.
[02:19:05] Okay. okay everyone always screaming
[02:19:52] i mean i don't know if I can actually play this man. so so That's annoying. Really? I actually couldn't kill his box with an auto and a Q.
[02:20:01] So, I ended up getting feared, proccing my passive and then dying.
[02:20:06] That's so frustrating because I would have won that.
[02:20:26] Damn... it's frustrating as fuck Hmm. My ball main is not doing too well.
[02:20:35] They're not doing that bad though It's like, eh it's like whatever
[02:20:38] I think a lot of my
[02:20:39] issue here is that I just fucked up that box. um uh Oh, okay.
[02:21:50] I'm not sure this... so Man, come on. Whatever.
[02:21:51] I got plates.
[02:21:54] I killed the fizz. Whatever. I got plates,
[02:21:56] I killed the Fizz...
[02:21:59] I'm hoping we can
[02:22:00] take Bot Turret off that, so
[02:22:02] it is what it is.
[02:22:04] Oh well. so is
[02:22:35] oh i didn't even realize our mid is getting shafted by this Fizz so hard.
[02:22:41] I'm surprised that Renekton did so well... or so badly versus Fizz.
[02:22:47] Especially a Fizz who just walked up and got punched in the face by me
[02:22:51] Like this guy is not very good
[02:23:02] The fuck What the fuck? Okay, I I'm dead. Okay.
[02:23:23] Guess I'm dead. I really wish Blitz had, like,
[02:23:25] done anything right there? He just stood
[02:23:27] there and watched? Like if he
[02:23:29] ulted to create some space or punch the fizz
[02:23:35] like i see why bot lane is losing though my this guy's really bad at blitz
[02:23:41] like i get it. he should have hit the leona when she was tanking
[02:24:03] what an interesting game.
[02:24:06] Yo, don't go bot.
[02:24:09] There's no value in you being here.
[02:24:10] Don't do that.
[02:24:51] Okay. do that so ah Honestly, if we can kill the Shaco,
[02:25:35] we're chilling. uh uh so I'm definitely dead. But we did get the Fizzle.
[02:25:42] I got a gold for my item and we got Fizzled, perfect.
[02:25:53] Now we just get Spirit Visage and I think I'm unkillable. We'll see. We'll see how it goes. so I guess i'll come to this fight
[02:26:27] away first oh My entire team just died. I walked into the fight, but damn. You guys just literally ran into them.
[02:27:20] Alright...I don't think I'm gonna group for fights anymore.
[02:27:25] These people aren't good enough to team fight.
[02:27:31] Like, they essentially just walk into the enemy
[02:27:32] with no thought, so...
[02:27:36] It's probably best if i split please don't split redactin me bot bro me bot Reductan. Me bot, bro.
[02:27:58] Me bot.
[02:28:00] Go group.
[02:28:00] You're just gonna int anyway?
[02:28:02] Okay.
[02:28:04] Or go bot.
[02:28:05] Okay.
[02:28:06] My team's fighting mid.
[02:28:09] Ooh. Oh! okay my team's fighting mid
[02:28:15] oh she got the shutdown
[02:28:28] ah interesting time
[02:28:33] you really gonna chase me? You guys are dumb as dirt if you're gonna chase me here.
[02:28:37] You're actually really stupid. stupid Okay. Yep. Not gonna lie, that's kind of funny.
[02:29:18] Hmm... I'm not actually sure if I can...
[02:29:24] What the fuck?
[02:29:30] Alright, you do you.
[02:30:17] I wanna go bot but... hmm Hmm. Okay, I'm a little confused when I'm watching. What?
[02:30:19] I had the cutoff there and...
[02:30:22] Okay, well, nah, I don't want to play with these people.
[02:30:25] Let's go next- I don't wanna play with these people!
[02:30:27] Lilia is not a good player.
[02:30:30] She's valuing bad things and...
[02:30:33] The only person who was doing well on the team was me,
[02:30:36] And now I don't want to play anymore
[02:30:45] yeah let's go next boys
[02:30:56] like you're gonna die man
[02:31:11] Wow who could have foreseen that not i Well, this is fun. Like, what am I watching right now?
[02:31:35] Can we forfeit?
[02:31:40] The AD Carry is AFK. Blitz and the lilia are balling like you guys are
[02:31:45] it's fine to suck i don't mind you guys being bad but like don't waste my time. Come on. Like, our 80 Like our AD carry is an AFK bro.
[02:32:09] He has lost his minds. Shut down. so inhibitor has been destroyed
[02:32:52] thank god I'm sorry.... He's not jamming.
[02:33:43] It's just spam. yeah man everyone on the internet is telling the truth. You're right. My apologies. Nobody
[02:34:17] is GM
[02:34:19] who is in this EL unless of smart if you didn't play like a smurf
[02:34:30] it is
[02:35:58] level 60. it's not Yes....... Dude, I don't look like this Neil Oosthoak guy. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! This guy this guy's like you know I don't think...
[02:36:39] What the fuck?
[02:36:45] I mean,
[02:36:46] I could see it.
[02:36:47] He has the same hair as me
[02:36:48] or just the same hairstyle.
[02:36:56] I could see that he has a wider face,
[02:37:36] He has some more manly jaw... Do I work out my jaw? Not very much. And by very much, I mean pretty much never i do eat food though
[02:37:40] you know I do get some food eating done from time to time, so that's not too bad.
[02:38:07] This fucking guy.
[02:38:10] Who is this guy?
[02:38:12] How did you even know about this guy?
[02:38:14] What does he do?
[02:38:17] He's a year older than me.. so... oh oh
[02:39:35] that's what i would look like if i was
[02:39:37] like a dutch
[02:39:39] model model Me started this practice with nothing but bone stopping dreams. I'm going to try and get a little more of that. bad we recommend aggressive treatment minions has spawned Does my passive take...
[02:40:40] Is it impossible for Mord to ult me
[02:40:42] if I have Passive Up?
[02:40:50] Hmm. passive up i don't actually know how that works He has to eat me first?
[02:40:58] Ah, interesting.
[02:41:04] So as long
[02:41:05] as I never get E'd
[02:41:06] Mord can never kill me. So as long as I never get Eid,
[02:41:08] Mord can never kill me.
[02:41:11] Or he can never ult
[02:41:12] me.
[02:41:16] I feel like...
[02:41:17] That's a pretty... I feel like that favors Mundo really hard.
[02:41:26] That's gotta be a soft counter. so so so so um Oh, he finally got it.
[02:42:42] So he can land it.
[02:42:52] Well you can't QSS Mordar anymore.
[02:42:57] But you can avoid it. Like he can't aura Banshees. has been slain uh wow Wow. uh A DONUT!
[02:44:09] Fucking Shaco just poofs in and throws the shit. Like,
[02:44:10] like no way.
[02:44:12] Right?
[02:44:12] Like no fucking way
[02:44:13] this guy just literally poofs in.
[02:44:16] Nah,
[02:44:17] fuck you dude.
[02:44:44] This motherfucker. I fucking hate Shaco.
[02:44:48] Not because he's OP, but just because he's so fucking annoying I missed another cannon. so uh uh anyone seen mundo's brain scissors so man An ally has been slain. I guess he can ult me now.
[02:46:32] Well, for the next 30 seconds.
[02:46:36] So I guess if I just don't die in the next 30 seconds or get an ult range in the next the community so so I'm going to use the same strategy as before, but with a different I don't think
[02:47:36] I'm gonna walk all the way down there.
[02:47:38] I'm not gonna play it.
[02:47:41] That's not worth, bro. Oh, patience! Where are you?
[02:47:57] Medicine time!
[02:47:59] Are you just not gonna go for your minions?
[02:48:05] I don't understand.
[02:48:12] That's okay Fuck Fuck.
[02:48:28] Dude, I've missed so much CS
[02:48:29] that I'm just like actually missed
[02:48:31] because I suck.
[02:48:33] Painful.
[02:48:42] Painful. I mean, you gotta give that up man.
[02:48:57] Sorry bro all you gotta give that up man sorry bro Mundo's pain always at zero.
[02:49:50] Really, that hit me? Jesus I did not think that was gonna hit me. never come back so An enemy has been slain.
[02:49:53] An ally has been slain.
[02:49:56] An ally has been slain!
[02:51:18] I'm strong! so Rampage so down me so He went Raiwize. Of all things he could have gone, he went Raiwize?
[02:51:23] That's crazy I guess it's shit on me.
[02:51:46] I wanted to take the fight, even though
[02:51:48] I knew he had R because I've never like...
[02:51:50] I've never actually
[02:51:52] limit tested that before and I don't know
[02:51:54] what Mord's cooldowns are so I was like
[02:51:55] okay, I want to see if I can like
[02:51:57] if there's some way to outplay that. So I was like, okay. I want to see if I can...
[02:52:01] If there's some way out play that
[02:52:04] Like I actually wanted to just test it
[02:52:10] Like I wanted to see if I could survive his like all-in or whatever.
[02:52:22] The answer is no, I couldn't. But now I know. It's not the end of the world.
[02:52:28] You just have to never get hit by his E. If you dodge his E, you win the game.
[02:52:38] Because then he can't ever ult you because it's easy too long of a cooldown i think oh i can get two plates here though so uh oh interesting Wow. Dude, that sucked! The only reason I even died was because the Nami showed up.
[02:53:54] Because like Mord wouldn't have been able to get in range of me without the Nami slow. uh Your turret has been destroyed.
[02:54:21] Stupid ass Nami, slow.
[02:54:49] Your team has destroyed I think we ought to win though. It's like one of those games where
[02:54:53] Mord can't really do anything to impact the game
[02:54:57] because he is a morgue so so is as instruments whatever that means uh oh
[02:56:09] i should probably go bot maybe so um Hmm. The first time jungle. I'll be real...
[02:56:52] I think a lot of it is more about...
[02:57:02] Don't get me wrong, I think our jungler's definitely not like the best player on
[02:57:08] the team but he's doing fine i mean let's care for old pain More TP'd.
[02:57:37] Man, I want to go help the homies but
[02:57:39] I don't know if I can... Man, I wanna go help the homies but...
[02:57:39] ...I don't know if I can even help since Rek'Sai's dead. uh so so is so all right so This is gonna be a really awkward-ass game.
[02:59:11] I need to, like, pull people bot, but
[02:59:14] I also, like... Like, I can pull people bot, but I also...
[02:59:16] Like, I can't really take...
[02:59:22] I don't think you need QSS. How are you gonna you gonna just doesn't take you out of mortal
[02:59:30] i don't think our way knows that And there's no other stuns on their team. so so so hmm hmm so I think Spirit Visage gives us a really good chance to fight the game go attempt brain transplant on mundo today
[03:01:22] why should just group up.
[03:01:32] Pretty sure Mord is going to come top right now to defend this i think when he does we play for dragon so what is this Oh, I had a shutdown?
[03:02:17] Okay. Our jungler is really bad by the way. more does not are like way needs to just, instead of split the whole game.
[03:02:44] Eh whatever...
[03:02:46] I guess i don't care too much Oh I want to push top wave in, but...
[03:03:06] Actually, I have time. I can push
[03:03:08] top wave.
[03:03:12] Gets me level 15 almost.
[03:03:15] There's a cannon. I need one more minion, then i get 15 we can tp to the fight.
[03:03:24] I need a flank TP. um hmm
[03:03:52] okay Okay.
[03:03:59] Wow, I just couldn't move for that like 35 seconds by the way actually
[03:04:07] i still can't move
[03:04:11] what the fuck man i literally couldn't move for fucking
[03:04:23] god that was annoying.
[03:04:28] Like literally just infinite fucking cc uh oh so so so All right, we're pretty strong. okay so um so uh so. So,..... Thank you...... Okay. Thank you........... Ha!
[03:11:34] Blue Deer top, it's free low.
[03:11:38] I don't know if I'm...
[03:11:39] Dude, I would just Anton their deer.
[03:11:45] I'll be real.
[03:11:46] I would just get shit on. I would just get shit on..... well yeah i mean i know how to breach i just don't know how to play you here Pointy ear... hmm. Okay.... Renekton. connecting very interesting
[03:14:44] wait what the fuck is this?
[03:14:58] Hold on a second.
[03:15:01] Wait I didn't see this earlier.
[03:15:04] How come nobody in chat said anything Yo, I got donated $100 earlier.
[03:15:31] By a guy named Corey Cox.
[03:15:44] Yo, are you here bro it never popped up why didn't it pop up well that's what i'm saying. It's like, I never heard it
[03:15:47] and you guys didn't see it either?
[03:15:53] What the fuck?
[03:15:56] Why did it not work?
[03:16:01] That's so wild.
[03:16:16] What? Bro, I don't know if he's still here or not.
[03:16:20] I hope he is. Let me figure this out. Yo, whoever it was, I appreciated a lot!
[03:16:24] Well, Corey Copps but...I don't think it's a viewer.
[03:16:28] ... I don't think it's a viewer.
[03:16:35] Well, now I feel bad.
[03:16:38] Because like
[03:16:38] it says it is a person on Twitch
[03:16:42] But not like
[03:16:43] Uh
[03:16:44] They don't follow me
[03:16:47] And they've never typed in my chat
[03:16:49] So I'm going to go ahead and assume it's not, like that
[03:16:52] person on Twitch. What the hell?
[03:17:00] I mean, I didn't know my alerts weren't working hold on
[03:17:08] i don't get it
[03:17:11] uh one sec let me figure this out.
[03:17:25] Like if I do a preview...
[03:17:46] Here. Let me do a test preview. I mean that
[03:17:50] that worked but it didn't pop up on my stream
[03:18:05] what minions has What? Let me put another – hold on. Add browser source. here let me test it again
[03:18:21] it didn't pop up again
[03:18:33] like what the doctor i want to figure out why that's not working after this game dude
[03:18:44] i feel so bad now because like uh that was so nice of the guy like it's so much money
[03:18:51] like some like i don't know who it was right because like uh it doesn't
[03:18:54] i don't think he's actually the name at donated under i don't
[03:18:58] think it was actually him Under, I don't think it was actually him.
[03:19:01] Or like, I don't think that's his Twitch name.
[03:19:07] I'm not sure if he is the one who donated under or if he is just a random person. Bro, I feel so bad.
[03:19:19] Yo, if you are here i mean i feel
[03:19:21] like because it was two hours ago he donated right
[03:19:24] and i don't have apparently my uh my alerts aren't working
[03:19:28] so i couldn't hear it when it happened and he didn't say anything in the chat.
[03:19:34] At least like I didn't see anybody say anything in the chat regarding that.
[03:19:40] So I feel so bad, man. why Well, if the guy is here I am so sorry bro.
[03:20:33] Oh Like, why did it not... work? work
[03:20:46] because it says It should work I literally just copy pasted the
[03:20:53] Same thing i've always had on my stream
[03:20:55] Does it alert you guys Same thing I've always had on my stream
[03:21:01] Does it alert you guys when a donation or me and when a sub happens at least?
[03:21:05] Like say a sub happens. You guys hear the subs sound rights
[03:21:54] Or is that not been happening hello hello Hey, Prince Flash! Stop! Huh. huh what the so Okay, so if it didn't work last month when you did it that means it's just not working
[03:22:21] So i'm really confused
[03:22:27] okay what about now can you guys see it now i going to do another preview.
[03:22:39] I mean it doesn't show up on my actual stream. Wait... wait can you guys at least hear it so
[03:22:52] did you hear it the first time I tested too?
[03:22:57] Or did you only hear it this time?
[03:23:03] Because I've tested like three times. Did you only hear this one time?
[03:23:07] Or did you hear it before?
[03:23:13] This is important because I opened up a different program. Alright, let me try something.
[03:23:36] Hold on, let me try something.
[03:24:12] Hold on, lemme try something out. All right, hold on. man Man, I feel so bad.
[03:24:15] Like, I really want to thank whoever gave me $100.
[03:24:17] It's so much money.
[03:24:20] But I don't get donations that often.
[03:24:31] Oh, I'm dead as fuck.
[03:24:34] Okay, what about now? Do you see it now?
[03:24:36] No.
[03:24:42] Why is it not working? So you guys can hear it now, but you can't see it.
[03:24:45] What the fuck...
[03:24:48] I'm so fucking confused.
[03:25:03] Because I don't know what would have like triggered this to not work that's my issue has been slain
[03:26:51] like i don't understand. Pay first, please! uh uh okay Oh, I missed the Quaver. bad I'm not dead, but... so This is how we doctor. An enemy has been slain.
[03:26:56] Okay, after this game
[03:26:57] We gotta fix that though
[03:26:58] The alert Okay after this game we gotta fix that though
[03:27:04] The like alerts I didn't know they weren't showing subs and shit
[03:27:10] And I feel like the least I can do for being a bad streamer
[03:27:29] is at least like show subs and when you guys sub you know No, he's... he's one hp
[03:27:35] all right let me see what's going on so oh uh Hmm, me should get second opinion.
[03:28:19] What you think?
[03:28:21] Me concur!
[03:28:23] Great! We agree with you.
[03:28:31] Enemy killing spree
[03:29:51] An ally has been slain. so um so so uh Normally, I would have to go back and do the same thing. name
[03:29:58] normally i would run directly to that j4 but i don't think i have to
[03:30:51] i think i can just take this turret. so is uh Oh my mid is doing really, really well. Or not my mid...
[03:30:52] Well he's doing good too.
[03:30:55] My jungler is doing great.
[03:30:57] Everybody on my team is doing really well.
[03:31:00] Like I'm the weak link
[03:31:00] this game
[03:31:01] because I've
[03:31:04] been distracted trying to figure out how to fix my alerts. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I had no idea they were on the fritz.
[03:31:34] Because like, I usually can't hear my alerts. The reason that I didn't know they were fucked up is because I can't hear my alerts, uh, usually myself.
[03:31:44] Right? When I thank you guys for subs and stuff it's cause like...
[03:31:49] You know, I can see it in the chat.
[03:31:52] And I don't get that many donations so I just don't have like-
[03:31:56] I didn't know if I was getting a donation order nuts
[03:32:01] that's kind of crazy though hmm terrible so has been uh Thanks for watching! Take two of these!
[03:33:17] Incision!
[03:33:22] Let's see which way I'm going to use the same These x-rays look fine. That's what means they give me two x-rays.
[03:33:47] Get away from here!
[03:33:54] Hi, thank you for choosing Moundo. What's your trip-off today?
[03:34:01] Mundo take 5! Need refill prescription shards!
[03:34:13] Ready to go! Wait, is this Diana tilted or trolling? Did she just ult? Is that what... like, what just happens?
[03:34:21] I think she just ulted for fun. Man, I suck. so God. Godlike.
[03:35:14] Your team has destroyed a turret.
[03:35:18] Shut down!
[03:35:20] The search is successful! My fire... me kill an ally has been slain wait is my team mad like what why are you guys angry i don't understand.
[03:35:45] You guys are crazy. Got the blue now! so Thanks for watching! I'm going to go for the first one.
[03:36:15] I'm going to
[03:36:17] take a
[03:36:19] little bit of
[03:36:21] time
[03:36:23] and then oh is wow so Dammit.
[03:37:14] If I hadn't missed that cleaver on Xayaya, I would have killed all three of them. so Your turret has been destroyed. Bro, how is this not working?
[03:38:01] I do not understand.
[03:38:07] Like it worked for like, what
[03:38:09] eight years and then now it's just fucked.
[03:38:13] I don't get it.
[03:38:16] Like, what happens?
[03:38:18] Because I have never touched it.
[03:39:04] ... I've never touched it. so so Am I gonna ping the flash? Wait, what flash?
[03:39:09] I don't know what you're talking about bro.
[03:39:11] I'm like figuring something out IRL with the stream like I'm just kind of assuming
[03:39:24] this game's whatever.
[03:39:31] Like, this specific game is like...
[03:39:35] Whatever for me. Like, i have definitely not been focused on the game so so so i think i could beat this renekton if i Bye. I think I could beat him 1v1 if I can stop that. I mean, I'll push one wave and then go try, but... so I'm actually surprised that I have the most CS on our team.
[03:41:49] Because, I've been kind of just like chilling.
[03:41:53] Our Warwick's actually pretty good. He's doing decent.
[03:41:57] I think the biggest problem in this game is just...
[03:42:00] Enemy AD carry and enemy, um...
[03:42:07] Actually, I think it's just the ad Damn, I had one second until my shit was back up for my passive and my ulti. An enemy has been slain.
[03:42:48] Your turret has been destroyed.
[03:42:56] Boom! Headshot!
[03:42:58] This is a test donation for 92 dollars oh wait that time it worked on the stream has been slain your turret has been destroyed
[03:43:14] what the What the hell? I'm going to try my skill to get the first kill. uh mundo probably go
[03:44:41] i don't just want to a-, but I don't know if we have a choice because my team is really into this fighting right now. Push one more wave... Yes. uh
[03:45:06] this is wild oh, they got the other guy though. That's good. Not almost has no r
[03:45:32] uh oh
[03:45:36] that was not great, boys.
[03:45:47] I don't know how it got called bad...
[03:45:50] But, it is what it is. Because like...
[03:45:51] Me pushing bot wave wasn't bad there by the way.
[03:45:55] The real issue was that my team
[03:45:57] Was killing J4 or whatever which was fine.
[03:46:00] But they didn't actually
[03:46:01] know how to...
[03:47:17] ... uh Okay, not the worst. We need Baron. oh oh i'm the bad one though
[03:47:28] don't mind me though guys, I'm the bad one.
[03:48:32] I was zoning the J4 and they still got outsmited. like i made jake Like I made J4 take forever to go to the Baron, but I don't know. It just didn't matter. what the What the fuck? I mean, I'm gonna keep it real. This game is just like...
[03:48:37] Wait. It was literally the AD diff.
[03:48:40] This game was 1000% AD diff, by the way.
[03:48:44] Like I don't think Renekton did anything.
[03:48:46] He just kind of existed. Okay. Oh well, I don't really care. Let me figure this out really, really quick.
[03:49:08] So why does it do let me mute this alert and see if it still does the same of Draven.
[03:49:27] This is a subscription test.
[03:49:30] So you guys can't see that either?
[03:49:33] Okay... So you guys can't see that either.
[03:49:35] Okay.
[03:49:39] Very interesting, give me a sec. What the fuck? what the
[03:49:47] this is interesting i can't believe you guys haven't been able to see it
[03:49:53] see stuff like this this whole time give me a sec let me. Welcome to the League of Draven this is a subscription test Welcome to the League of Draven.
[03:50:52] This is a subscription test.
[03:50:55] Okay, so now you saw it.
[03:50:58] Oh, you saw it on screen now, right?
[03:51:01] Okay.
[03:51:05] But you can hear it twice,
[03:51:06] right?
[03:51:12] Okay, here.
[03:51:18] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[03:51:36] This is a subscription test oh my god shut up okay welcome to the league of draven this is a subscription test
[03:51:42] i know there's a visual going on, bro.
[03:51:44] Like you said,
[03:51:45] there was no visual?
[03:51:59] I just watched it pop up
[03:52:00] don't troll me right now, okay?
[03:52:04] I'm trying to figure this out.
[03:52:10] It wasn't from an earlier one. I just
[03:52:12] triggered it.
[03:52:22] Why,
[03:52:23] in-tall game,
[03:52:23] are you deafened?
[03:52:26] I'm assuming you were the Warwick. Listen bro, I...
[03:52:33] I'll be real, I was on a Smurf account and I don't really give a shit about your elo
[03:52:36] Like nobody in this game played well.
[03:52:40] Like, that game was 1000% AD diff.
[03:52:43] You can be as mad
[03:52:44] at me as you want. I was trying to figure
[03:52:46] out something with my
[03:52:46] stream IRL for most of
[03:52:48] that game, and I still
[03:52:49] managed to do the most
[03:52:50] damage on our team
[03:52:53] managed to do the
[03:52:54] second-most damage
[03:52:54] deterrence.
[03:52:55] You did zero.
[03:52:59] You lost the smite fight to j4 and our bot lane got gapped like i don't i don't care man but if you want to blame me for that game feel free but
[03:53:06] either of you i'm trying to figure something out but like... You, you.
[03:53:07] I'm trying to figure something out.
[03:53:11] We lost from macro.
[03:53:14] Well no we lost because
[03:53:15] they had a six item 80 carry
[03:53:21] and none of you guys knew what you were doing
[03:53:30] we can win.
[03:53:31] You didn't try. I mean, I did try.
[03:53:33] I was just not full focused. No.
[03:53:36] Bro, like I said you can be mad
[03:53:37] feel free man but
[03:53:38] I'm on a smurf and I still You can be mad, feel free man. But like...
[03:53:39] Like I'm on a smurf and I still performed quite well for being half-assed
[03:53:44] by mentally doing it.
[03:53:48] I don't care.
[03:53:53] Why die to the dragon fights?
[03:53:56] The dragon death didn't matter at all because you guys
[03:53:57] killed J4, right?
[03:54:03] They used three ultis on me.
[03:54:05] They used Diana ult, Nautilus ult...
[03:54:07] And then I got Renekton ulted.
[03:54:09] So I got Renekton ulted, Diana ulted and Nautilin ulted diana altered and now assaulted okay
[03:54:13] i bought their entire team out of the dragon pit you guys killed j4 and then
[03:54:18] you guys let them walk back into the pit to fight you. We had no
[03:54:23] vision from our Renata, our Renata didn't
[03:54:25] use her ulti
[03:54:25] when they were in a choke
[03:54:28] You guys forced the Xayah ulti
[03:54:31] but then never capitalized when they were split.
[03:54:34] Like, I don't want to sit here and explain
[03:54:35] the game to you. If you want to think
[03:54:37] on the problem we lost, that's fine, but like...
[03:54:41] There's a lot more issues with why you're in diamonds than one streamer,
[03:54:46] one game.
[03:54:47] Like just come on man.
[03:54:48] Just focus on yourself.
[03:54:52] You have 500 games in D2
[03:54:54] and I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm saying that because
[03:54:57] like you clearly have no fucking clue
[03:54:58] how to push leads when you get a lead
[03:55:01] so instead of blaming the
[03:55:03] smurf who was half-assing
[03:55:04] the game and still performed
[03:55:05] better than fucking half our team,
[03:55:08] just focus on yourself.
[03:55:10] There's no reason to tunnel vision on me.
[03:55:12] It doesn't make sense. Homie
[03:55:28] If you don't understand that
[03:55:30] That game was a bot diff
[03:55:31] I don't know what to say to you
[03:55:33] That's all I'm gonna say
[03:55:34] Like once you figure out why that game was a bot diff
[03:55:38] you'll maybe climb out of diamonds maybe but
[03:55:42] i don't think you fully understand that that's okay there's nothing wrong
[03:55:46] with that but But like...
[03:55:47] You got other shit to think about, you know? Like, relax.. I mean, sure man.
[03:56:21] Whatever.
[03:56:22] Like I said people in low elo like you guys only look at KDA and you guys think KDA matters
[03:56:28] right?
[03:56:29] KDA is irrelevant. What you do in KDA matters, right? KDA is irrelevant. Like what you do in the game
[03:56:31] matters
[03:56:32] like how you impact the game
[03:56:34] matters not your KDA
[03:56:35] so I mean you guys
[03:56:37] I'm not going to argue with you guys anymore because it's a waste of my time.
[03:56:42] But let's just say
[03:56:43] like you guys really got to...
[03:56:45] You got to understand why
[03:56:46] like
[03:56:47] you know
[03:56:48] why you guys are hard stuck in diamonds
[03:56:50] because it's not because of your teammates
[03:57:03] all right so we figured that out.
[03:57:05] The donation... I mean the sub shows up now.
[03:57:08] Let me see if the raid test shows up.
[03:57:11] Let's see this.
[03:57:13] That shows up. Let's see this. That
[03:57:14] shows up.
[03:57:16] Why would that show
[03:57:18] up?
[03:57:24] Interesting. Does this show up?
[03:57:28] That shows up!
[03:57:32] Hmm... shows up Boom! Headshot.
[03:57:51] This is a test donation for three dollars okay at least i can hear it now No, you're good too on fangirl.
[03:58:14] You're fine.
[03:58:16] I wasn't trying to attack
[03:58:17] you, man.
[03:58:20] There's a lot of people
[03:58:21] that will like play with
[03:58:22] me in a game when I'm on
[03:58:24] a lower level account and
[03:58:27] they will like not understand that like it's not just up to me
[03:58:31] to carry your games for you because i'm on a smurf right like stuff like that is just really weird.
[03:58:40] And people don't get why, like...
[03:58:42] Because I mean if you look at the last game, right?
[03:58:45] My AD carry did 23,000 damage and the enemy AD did 60,000 damage and the enemy AD
[03:58:48] did 60,000
[03:58:49] damage.
[03:58:51] So if you think
[03:58:53] about it in relation
[03:58:54] to like how
[03:58:55] the fuck am I
[03:58:56] supposed to
[03:58:56] actively help
[03:58:58] my team
[03:58:59] when I'm soaking a ton of damage every fight and my ad carry is still
[03:59:04] not managing to do anything like that's not 100 if your AD carry can't space and can't auto
[03:59:10] And can't stay alive in fights
[03:59:11] That's not your front line problem
[03:59:14] Unless like
[03:59:15] I'm dying so fast
[03:59:18] That he doesn't get to use his spells
[03:59:19] But that wasn't happening fast that he doesn't get to use his spells.
[03:59:21] But, that wasn't happening.
[03:59:25] He's also Jhin.
[03:59:27] There's another no excuse for dying that fast on Jhin
[03:59:29] because you can just sit in the back on jin and use your r
[03:59:34] and your w and so it just doesn't make sense
[03:59:38] also i was getting solo not assaulted every team fighted every team fight, right? If you're getting
[03:59:43] Nautilus ulted every single team fight
[03:59:44] as the tank
[03:59:47] you're doing your job. That means
[03:59:49] that the other four people aren't
[03:59:51] getting ulted which which is good.
[03:59:54] Because if Amundo's eating an auto-assault,
[03:59:56] I feel like he's doing his job.
[04:00:00] Okay, well...
[04:00:01] I want to figure out what happens
[04:00:03] to...
[04:00:06] Man,
[04:00:07] I really want to figure out what happens
[04:00:08] uh...
[04:00:10] What that guy's thing was who donated to me earlier.
[04:00:16] Like, what his in-game name is I Don't know how to, though.
[04:00:27] I guess I could email him
[04:00:28] because like
[04:00:30] I personally get his email
[04:00:31] when he donates to me.
[04:00:34] Right?
[04:00:34] Like
[04:00:35] I get everybody's emails when they donate to me
[04:00:37] so I guess I could just email him and say thank you
[04:00:39] because I don't know
[04:00:41] who he is it's driving me crazy
[04:00:43] cause like
[04:00:43] $100
[04:00:45] is a decent sized
[04:00:46] donation to give
[04:00:47] a streamer and
[04:00:48] I didn't even see
[04:00:49] it.
[04:00:50] Like so I couldn't
[04:00:51] say thank you
[04:00:51] and I feel bad.
[04:00:57] I think we fixed
[04:00:59] the alerts though.
[04:01:04] So,
[04:01:05] I'm hoping...
[04:01:12] I'm hoping now that we fixed the alerts,
[04:01:16] when people sub and shit they'll be able to see it again.
[04:01:27] Because I don't think the sub alert has been going off for you guys.
[04:01:31] Right? Like, I don't actually think you guys have been
[04:01:33] seeing the sub alert for like months
[04:01:37] or the donation alert i didn't know that
[04:01:47] so i'm sorry.. Welcome to the
[04:02:16] League of Draven.
[04:02:18] This is a subscription test.
[04:02:20] No, yeah like if I don't say thank you for your This is a subscription test.
[04:02:22] No, yeah.
[04:02:24] Like if I don't say thank you for your guys' subs it's not because I'm not
[04:02:26] like ignoring you.
[04:02:29] It's cause I genuinely
[04:02:30] don't, you know, it sounds double.
[04:02:32] Yeah, I don't know how to stop that.
[04:02:37] Let me try it now.
[04:02:41] Welcome to the League of Draven this is a subscription test
[04:02:49] huh
[04:02:52] all right let me try it now.
[04:03:01] Why is it... I'm hearing it twice too.
[04:03:06] What the
[04:03:07] fuck? Alright, hold on
[04:03:09] let me do it one more time. I need to figure
[04:03:11] out where it's coming through twice.
[04:03:13] Welcome to the League of draven this is a subscription test it's good now?
[04:03:28] You guys can only hear it once?
[04:03:33] Okay, because I can still
[04:03:34] hear it twice.
[04:03:36] But if you guys can only hear it twice. But if you guys
[04:03:37] can only hear it once,
[04:03:38] I don't really care.
[04:03:41] Like me hearing it twice
[04:03:43] doesn't bother me.
[04:03:45] You got a once?
[04:03:47] Okay.
[04:03:52] Because like I said, the reason I hear it twice is because I have my shit set up
[04:03:56] so that uh... my VOD deletes
[04:03:59] the- like, my VOD deletes my music
[04:04:01] so I don't get copyrighted.
[04:04:03] Right? So it doesn't save
[04:04:05] my VOD music but to do that I had to
[04:04:07] wire my music through a different setting in
[04:04:09] my OBS.
[04:04:15] Well no, that's what I'm saying.
[04:04:17] I know that's the problem but now
[04:04:18] that you guys can still hear it that's what I'm saying. It's like, I know that's the problem, but now that now,
[04:04:19] like now that you guys can still hear it,
[04:04:22] if you guys,
[04:04:24] now that you can see it and you can only hear it once,
[04:04:26] I think it's fixed.
[04:04:27] So I think we're okay with it,
[04:04:28] which is good because that means I can like, I're okay with it. Which is good, because that means
[04:04:31] like...I'm good with it.
[04:04:39] Wait did you guys only hear that once are you good
[04:04:47] once okay let me try the donation one just to make sure because they're two different ones
[04:04:53] i had to add a different uh setting for the donation one so give me a sec
[04:04:58] let me try this.
[04:05:07] Did you hear that one twice? Because I heard that one twice.
[04:05:11] Did you hear it twice or once?
[04:05:13] Only once? Okay, cool. Alright Yeah, you guys are fine then.
[04:05:15] We're chillin' then, we're chillin'.
[04:05:26] Okay so Okay, so I fixed the alerts.
[04:05:27] That's really good.
[04:05:28] Cool.
[04:05:29] Okay.
[04:05:31] I can also make different alerts.
[04:05:32] Maybe I'll mess with the alert stuff.
[04:05:33] I can make different alerts where you guys
[04:05:35] can just like there's actually a cool thing where you guys can play
[04:05:38] pay channel points to put alerts on the stream that might be kind of cool
[04:05:47] uh that might be kind of cool i'll like with that off stream at some point
[04:05:54] but yeah all i gotta email that guy who donated me and say thank you But yeah, I'll...
[04:05:55] I gotta email that guy who donated me and say thank you.
[04:05:57] But uh...
[04:05:59] I'll be right back guys.
[04:06:00] So I'm gonna take a leak.
[04:06:03] I still feel kind of sick.
[04:06:04] So I've been taking...
[04:06:06] I've been drinking a lot of water.
[04:06:08] So it's just going through my fucking...
[04:06:19] Shit's been going through my body like crazy.
[04:06:24] Ruby? Yeah. Okay...... oh my god.
[04:07:47] Dude, I gotta buy a new chair at some point. Like after I
[04:07:51] save up some money to get a new computer,
[04:07:53] I gotta buy a new chair man.
[04:07:55] This chair I'm sitting in the posture
[04:07:58] it's not ergonomic
[04:07:59] and it's so bad.
[04:08:02] I can feel like, feel
[04:08:03] my fucking body.
[04:08:06] Like, you know how when
[04:08:06] you're a little sick?
[04:08:08] Not, like, super sick
[04:08:09] but a little bit
[04:08:09] your body...
[04:08:11] Like, you feel
[04:08:12] your aches and shit
[04:08:12] in your body
[04:08:13] a little more for some reason. Like, your body's
[04:08:15] like hyper aware for some reason.
[04:08:17] Dude,
[04:08:18] my fucking back
[04:08:21] and my, like, shoulders have
[04:08:22] so much pressure on them from having to...
[04:08:25] Because I can't...
[04:08:27] I don't know how to put it. It's awkward.
[04:08:31] It's hard
[04:08:32] to sit in my chair
[04:08:33] comfortably without
[04:08:35] leaning over too much. And so I have to
[04:08:40] sit here, right? And then it's hard to sit in my chair without leaning over a ton.
[04:08:53] Okay. over a ton. Well, my chair is
[04:08:55] decent enough. It's just that sometimes when I'm getting like...
[04:09:00] it doesn't auto make my posture good. You know what I mean?
[04:09:05] So if I'm sitting in the chair...
[04:09:07] Like, I don't have an ergonomic thing for my back.
[04:09:10] Like a pillow or something.
[04:09:22] So the way my chair sits it's like it's not good it definitely like is getting to my back
[04:09:27] um is getting to my back I'm getting old.
[04:09:45] Maybe.
[04:09:46] I don't know,
[04:09:47] I've been trying to do more exercise lately and eating better, but I just like...
[04:09:53] Oh man, sitting in this chair for eight hours a day?
[04:09:57] It's definitely my posture needs work.
[04:10:01] I can
[04:10:02] definitely feel it
[04:10:03] needing some posture
[04:10:05] work.
[04:10:10] Can you tell when it's going to rain?
[04:10:13] Does one knee hurt?
[04:10:15] Alright, well fuck you too dude.
[04:10:19] Fuck off, man.
[04:10:29] Are you saying my age is...
[04:10:33] I can tell when the storms are coming. It's like, oh every time my back hurts, a storms coming. Playing Mundo is good for me though
[04:10:50] because I can also...
[04:10:52] Another thing that's really good at the moment
[04:10:54] is I can let my body...
[04:10:57] I can let my hand rest.
[04:10:58] My hand has been really getting bad lately.
[04:11:01] Like, I've been getting...
[04:11:01] My hand has been hurting after like an hour
[04:11:03] which is really is really bad. So it's probably good that I take a few days off from trying to climb.
[04:11:32] Because, like,
[04:11:33] Mundo is really, really easy
[04:11:35] on my fucking hands.
[04:11:38] It takes no
[04:11:39] macro or anything.
[04:11:41] I just click around and do whatever.. I've been beating wings in TFT for the entire set.
[04:12:07] Like, I... The entire set.
[04:12:12] Like, I troll every game I play TFT now.
[04:12:13] I was like 270 or 280 LP Masters
[04:12:17] and I just decided to start... LP Masters.
[04:12:20] And I just decided to start...
[04:12:21] I didn't want
[04:12:21] to climb the GM
[04:12:22] because it was
[04:12:22] actually really
[04:12:24] unfun.
[04:12:25] Like,
[04:12:25] when you get
[04:12:26] that high
[04:12:26] it becomes
[04:12:27] kind of like
[04:12:28] League
[04:12:28] where you have
[04:12:29] zero fun. the game is no
[04:12:31] longer fun you're only playing the most meta bullshit so I just decided to start
[04:12:39] playing for fun and I'm, I mean I'm still masters.
[04:12:43] Wings is like...the problem with wings in TFT
[04:12:45] Is he uh, he knows what he needs
[04:12:47] To do but he won't
[04:12:49] Slam items if they're not perfect.
[04:12:53] Wings could get Masters in
[04:12:54] TFT really, really easy.
[04:12:56] He does the thing that a lot of people
[04:12:58] do when they don't understand
[04:13:00] that
[04:13:00] basically, TFT's when they don't understand that, like...
[04:13:05] Basically, TFT is not about picking a comp and then building your comp
[04:13:07] around it or building your items around it.
[04:13:09] It's about seeing what items you have
[04:13:11] and then picking your comp around it.
[04:13:12] Wings just has it backwards
[04:13:18] because that's the skill of TFT
[04:13:20] is figuring out how to make a meta-comp happen
[04:13:24] with the items you're given early game
[04:13:26] so that you can slam stuff, save HP
[04:13:28] and then build a comp around
[04:13:30] the items you're slamming and saving HP.
[04:13:33] That's the entire game.
[04:13:35] So if you start the game with
[04:13:36] a tier, let's say he
[04:13:39] starts with like a Shiv but he gets an early
[04:13:41] Aphelios right? He won't just
[04:13:43] slam Shiv on Aphelios and use ophelia as like a placeholder
[04:13:47] and then swap his comp to play like lily late game or something you won't do that he'll just
[04:13:52] like put his recurve bow on his Aphelios,
[04:13:56] and he'll just hold his tear on his bench doing nothing.
[04:13:57] And he'll lose eight rounds.
[04:13:59] Then he'll lose 30-40 HP
[04:14:01] just because he doesn't want to...
[04:14:03] He doesn't want to have
[04:14:06] to play around his items.
[04:14:12] Like I said,
[04:14:13] he might not care.
[04:14:14] Like I said,
[04:14:14] I'm just saying like
[04:14:15] let him play however he wants
[04:14:17] right? I don't think
[04:14:18] he's a bad player. I think that that's
[04:14:21] something I've noticed that he does
[04:14:23] because he knows comps
[04:14:25] he knows timers, he knows when to level up he knows how to econ he knows comps, he knows timers, he knows when to level up.
[04:14:27] He knows how to econ.
[04:14:29] Well, he knows a lot about TFT.
[04:14:31] He just doesn't know about the importance
[04:14:34] of actually building your comp around the items you get
[04:14:37] and not building your items around your comp.
[04:14:41] Because he says he low rolls a lot, but
[04:14:43] low rolling is part of the game
[04:14:45] whereas like if I don't have
[04:14:47] let's say I'm going
[04:14:49] some sort of comp
[04:14:51] where you roll
[04:14:52] for a level 3 unit.
[04:14:53] If I only have
[04:14:54] two of those units
[04:14:55] at 4-1
[04:14:56] I just give up
[04:14:57] on rolling for it
[04:14:57] and I just go 9.
[04:14:59] And you won't get first doing that, but you won't get eighth.
[04:15:07] You'll get fourth or third, right?
[04:15:10] Because your comp's going to be like whatever.
[04:15:12] But you're still getting third as opposed to eighth.
[04:15:16] And that's kind of like...
[04:15:17] You just got to understand those moments that happen
[04:15:19] and adapt to like accepting
[04:15:22] that you cannot get first
[04:15:23] and I think that's something that
[04:15:25] Wings doesn't want to play like that
[04:15:27] and, I mean, I don't want to play
[04:15:29] like that sometimes, too.
[04:15:33] That's why I lose LP.
[04:15:37] Because it's boring.
[04:15:39] You have to spam games and it's boring.
[04:15:41] It's more fun to just go for like the big win or the big lose..... you
[04:16:52] yeah i mean like i said winning in TFT is definitely about optimizing everything you're doing. And some people just don't want to do that.
[04:16:57] I feel like optimizing for everything you're doing is fun until you realize it's not.
[04:17:03] Like,
[04:17:05] it's fun, but it's the same thing in League, right?
[04:17:08] So to explain, it's the same thing in League. Right? So to explain,
[04:17:08] it's like when you get into GM and League, right?
[04:17:12] Everybody in GM+,
[04:17:14] not everybody, but the average person
[04:17:16] in GM is optimizing a lot of their gameplay, right?
[04:17:19] They're not taking big risks.
[04:17:20] They're not going for big plays.
[04:17:22] They're optimizing farm,
[04:17:23] optimizing gold,
[04:17:24] optimizing damage,
[04:17:25] optimizing macro,
[04:17:26] stuff like that.
[04:17:27] They're not going nuts
[04:17:28] with trying to just win the
[04:17:30] game at level one.
[04:17:32] They don't do that in GM+. Whereas in TFT it's almost the same. Unless you're handed
[04:17:37] a free win on a silver platter... like let's say the enemy top laner
[04:17:40] just ints into you level 2
[04:17:41] and you're like oh I just win the game type shit
[04:17:44] unless something like that happens
[04:17:46] it's the same in TFT where unless you
[04:17:48] hit the perfect augments and the perfect stuff
[04:17:50] a lot of the game is you optimizing a really boring play style of like i'm going to optimize
[04:17:58] every chance i can get of doing this comp.
[04:18:01] And it's like, this comp is the best comp.
[04:18:03] I'm going to just do this comp.
[04:18:05] I'm going to do this comp and this comp.
[04:18:06] It just becomes this...
[04:18:08] It's not fun unless you're really into the optimization aspect of having fun through optimization, GM Plus and League and GM Plus and TFT are both over-optimized gameplay. And if you're not into that, you're not going to have fun.
[04:18:23] And that's why a lot of people don't get
[04:18:24] to that level.
[04:18:27] Because you have to have
[04:18:28] fun through the optimization instead of
[04:18:30] fun through the game.
[04:18:34] It is what it is.
[04:18:36] I don't know.
[04:18:41] ... I am going to take a quick break, though.
[04:18:57] I'm going to restart my computer, go make some dinner and take a quick break and then see if hopefully when I come back
[04:19:02] my OBS settings and all that stuff
[04:19:06] for the subs and the donors
[04:19:08] I hope it stays the same
[04:19:10] we'll see how it goes
[04:19:12] anyway
[04:19:12] I'll see you guys in a little bit all right happy fourth of july guys
[04:19:18] if you guys are like having a good time you know whatever spending time with your friends
[04:19:21] family etc or if you just don't live in the us and
[04:19:24] you don't give a either way Either way, happy Fourth of July.
[04:19:27] I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your night
[04:19:29] if I don't see you later.
[04:19:32] And yeah,
[04:19:33] I'll see you tomorrow
[04:19:34] if I don't see you later, guys.
[04:19:36] Well, I mean, if I don't...