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Masters Adc Solo Q || Saturday gaming

06-29-2024 · 5h 18m

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[00:00:00] ................ you cars is um in here so so um is so one minute so um is is is um Oh my god, this fucking Taliyah just wants to fucking die man.
[00:05:59] Like she just straight up wants to fucking die. so okay uh so many times so on this um oh pretty sure this guy just dies on repeat like Oh well. so is Okay.
[00:08:19] Taliyah used her
[00:08:20] TP again.
[00:08:34] Fifth fucking... Oh my god bro like i swear if fiddle just comes mid and dives this guy one time we will literally just win the game
[00:08:50] like one single dive, we've got that instantly and we just win.
[00:08:58] I sent this guy back about 500 times, but because he's Taliyah, He can get back to lane a thousand different ways really fast.
[00:09:06] And i can't like finish him off How is this guy allowed to do this? This is crazy! This is wild!
[00:09:55] I'm getting no help.
[00:09:59] Help me!
[00:10:00] Guys, I have 10 CS a minute.
[00:10:03] I just can't back because I have three people in my lane.
[00:10:06] Perma... come on.
[00:10:09] This is not allowed
[00:10:11] What am I watching?
[00:10:27] This guy is literally just has everybody mid.
[00:10:31] And, I can't play the game even though I've forced this flash three
[00:10:36] times
[00:10:41] dude it's so wild. At least we got good CS. Damn, is that Fiddle though? If he ever came mid I would have had that shit. uh so oh so oh this isn't good i got hecarim above me so so so so is so Whatever, man. Hecarim's bot for some reason with no camps up.
[00:13:47] He's like I'm gonna walk by here not a camp up on bot side of the map but fuck it we're just going to hang out.
[00:13:55] This motherfucker.
[00:13:58] So boring.
[00:14:08] Like, riffift Herald's up.
[00:14:12] No camps.
[00:14:15] I mean, he's gotta be in here. I guess now but
[00:14:18] But you has to be in there maybe don't know
[00:14:29] Yeah, there he is. I was gonna say it makes sense that he has to be on our bot side.
[00:14:34] That's the only camps up on the map. so oh oh the so so uh uh Worth it!
[00:16:20] We just get fucking executed as we take the t2 i love it Just back up
[00:16:41] Go get dragon
[00:16:42] You're chilling
[00:16:42] I mean, I'm fucking Superman level strong right now.
[00:16:49] Like you guys just gotta let me do my thing, you know?
[00:17:29] Okay. so is oh This is your turn. The music's for the sad man.
[00:17:32] Forever young!
[00:17:33] I wanna be forever young!
[00:17:37] Do you really want to live forever? Forever uh hey i don't think there's doing is having a fun game by the way
[00:18:13] My man is not in the best, uh um Okay
[00:18:42] Why is this kaisa so scared just out of them go in there you go. Nice job
[00:18:49] Like they're they're focusing me and kaiser's pissing herself by it
[00:18:55] He's like, I don't know do we go in?
[00:18:57] You do Kaisa you go in bro you got this
[00:18:59] I believe in you
[00:19:03] Good work, buddy.
[00:19:08] 9x bot?
[00:19:11] Wait, Taliyah's the one who got railed.
[00:19:12] What?
[00:19:14] Why is that guy tilted to this bot lane?
[00:19:15] He would have been literally out of the game had my jungler camped mid or like gone mid
[00:19:21] one time.
[00:19:22] Taliyah would've literally been out of the game. That's the father that's disturbing them The son is younger kid, younger every year
[00:19:39] So when you love me baby this is how you let me know
[00:19:43] Don't ever let me go
[00:19:44] That's how you let me know I don't even need to be worried
[00:19:54] I'm not gonna leave you wanting it for ever
[00:20:02] Someday crazybiscuit
[00:20:41] how you doing, little bro? Chilling. Good to hear man I'm actually pretty surprised that they are hostaging a game like this.
[00:20:47] I think it's one of those games where you just go next and you're just like, eh, it sucks but...
[00:21:07] Shit happens, y'know? shit happens you know But you can't be too mad at games like that. It happens to everybody.
[00:21:14] They just had three losing lanes and their jungler couldn't play because Fiddle had three winning
[00:21:15] wins.
[00:21:45] It is what it is so tight I'm high on the lead Not gonna lie, it's kind of hard to
[00:21:54] pressure my mid-lead when
[00:21:58] we aren't playing for like mid dive
[00:22:00] and shit. Like, it's really hard
[00:22:02] because I can get that Taliyah
[00:22:04] to like 4 HP five different times so like first time she just backs
[00:22:09] walks back misses half a wave right second time she walks back rtps third time.
[00:22:19] She ults back, so she has like a thousand ways to
[00:22:21] tempo the wave. It's actually
[00:22:23] really rough because everything
[00:22:25] I'm doing, I'm putting her behind, but like
[00:22:27] I can never actually kill her.
[00:22:36] Without help from Fiddle because if I ever try to overextend, I just die at a fucking Hecarim. Yo, how's your Saturday going though, Crizzy?
[00:22:57] Just hanging out, chilling, relaxing.
[00:23:26] Having a good weekend men! oh I'm high on believing That you're in love with me I'm hooked on a feeling
[00:23:28] And I'm high on believing Yeah, I'm just chilling.
[00:23:34] I usually don't stream on Saturdays
[00:23:35] but I was like man
[00:23:36] I got nothing else to do today
[00:23:38] I'm just gonna
[00:23:39] fuck it
[00:23:40] I'm just gonna play some League
[00:23:41] I was like if I'm just gonna play some League.
[00:23:45] If I'm just gonna play some League let's just fucking stream who cares?
[00:30:49] Dude, I think I love banning Nautilus now.................................... I'm going to try and get the kill. me but only.. my bad i was trying to bait that to go in there but I fucked up.
[00:30:52] We only got my shutdown so it's not that bad but...
[00:30:57] Definitely could have played that cleaner Because like I barely went into the turret range, right?
[00:31:15] Like when I eat forward
[00:31:16] I was trying to kill the Leona in the
[00:31:19] Zoe bubble with one shot-shot her. But I went slightly too soon and then
[00:31:26] I went into the turret because uh... I could have flashed the Riona Q out of the turret range and I would
[00:31:35] have actually killed all three it's all good though.
[00:31:46] I don't want to push this, but I don't know where Kaisa is.
[00:31:58] Like, I'm not sure if Kaisa's roaming up to that fight or what so I should probably just push
[00:32:09] yeah she is running up to the fight so Trying to keep her off of this turret
[00:32:37] oh she already walked all the way around okay i was trying to keep her off the
[00:32:40] turn i could have actually ah i suck i could have 100 percent
[00:32:44] uh dove her between turrets there.
[00:32:48] I didn't see her, like there's the ward that I put down but it's not far enough she hugged the right side so I couldn't see it in time. i mean i could probably just kill them both under their chart right now
[00:33:17] so push this and then uh
[00:33:20] you probably just slow push this, and then kill them both under the turret to
[00:33:22] be honest. an enemy uh so Dude, I couldn't click the lantern.
[00:34:15] That was like so fucking annoying.
[00:34:18] It was just out of quick range there that it was super fucking annoying or it was super annoying or it was like on a minion barely I mean, their bot lane is so fucking out of the game right now that like my team should
[00:34:46] have the freest fucking lanes with our wife right now. tend to build my uncle's museum
[00:35:11] yo what's up what's up boys how's your
[00:35:13] guys saturday? Hello lads. i couldn't blast away with magic that i don't even understand uh a foreign Outro Music I don't know if freezing right now is actually worth.
[00:36:13] I think it is.
[00:36:14] It's, like, always good to get, like, small leads like this, but...
[00:36:18] Kind of want to actually push the wave in and just like start harassing him under
[00:36:22] the turret. Like I'm strong enough that i could probably honestly just straight up take
[00:36:26] the bot turret and rotate. rotate Yeah, we only went top so...
[00:36:49] Now we push. we take the turret. so um i'm uh Yeah, it's like a little late on taking that but it is what it is.
[00:37:48] Like we can play for Drake here but I think it's actually better to go for the where it is.
[00:37:56] Like, we can play for Drake here, but I think it's actually
[00:37:58] better to just go top and play for
[00:38:00] that turret so we can snowball the game.
[00:38:05] Because there's two ways to play this, right? We play for Drake
[00:38:07] and we help secure
[00:38:09] a lead or we just don't let
[00:38:11] this guy take objectives
[00:38:12] and we play for that.
[00:38:19] ... ah because like our top is getting murdered so i want to get some fucking... And I'm pretty sure I 1v2 this. Just gonna thin the wave out a bit. I
[00:39:32] Might die here. We'll see yeah, he's gonna flash on me. I was say it's i was pretty sure he was just going to do that i should have spaced better
[00:39:35] like thresh should in theory be with me and not be mid
[00:39:38] but i get why he's maddened like like you you should just be hugging me the whole game right because
[00:39:46] like i'm the strongest player but i i get it like i said, it's more of like a...
[00:39:54] He wants to play mid there because he essentially wants to be in the best spot
[00:40:01] to rotate around the map. Mid mid is... you can do either
[00:40:04] is what I'm saying
[00:40:05] but I just messed up taking too much
[00:40:07] damage top
[00:40:12] like I should have never died, because uh...
[00:40:18] I took too much damage.
[00:40:21] If I took less damage, I would've never been in lethal and I would've just killed them outright.
[00:40:32] I'm actually pretty sure by the way that we can just kill these guys right now. We gotta be clinical this game with what we're trying to do. Constant fucking pressure
[00:40:57] on the map.
[00:41:00] We just want to constantly be
[00:41:01] pushing, constantly be hitting
[00:41:03] towers, taking
[00:41:05] every neutral objective on spawn.
[00:41:08] Okay, I'm going to go top now because Zoe's going to go mid.
[00:41:14] There's a pink in here, right?
[00:41:15] Okay, you moved it.
[00:41:26] Okay. He moved it. Cool.
[00:41:31] We take this turret and then we... they have 3 people bot so might actually be able to get T2 turret uh i don't have enough gold to get my item yet.
[00:42:01] Need a little more.
[00:42:05] Like, backing with 200 gold for my item is just not worth it.
[00:42:09] ... I need 100 Gs.
[00:42:23] It's probably just one wave, and then we go back.
[00:42:31] One wave, we recall, get our item and we're chilling Nah, we gotta push mid now.
[00:42:50] They have three people bot um oh these people are Alright, now we back.
[00:43:34] Now we play for... Third drake.
[00:43:41] This isn't actually too bad,
[00:43:43] We're in a really good spot
[00:43:45] I mean i'm almost like closing in on three items.
[00:43:48] Like, I'm three levels up
[00:43:50] on the enemy AD.
[00:43:51] Dude, this shit is
[00:43:52] free as fuck.
[00:47:59] Oh, wait a minute. open so the horse uh so Thanks for watching!................. you doesn't know that her job is to engage
[00:48:01] with zhonya's right so what's happening
[00:48:06] is like she goes in with zhonyas and r and then yasuo follows up
[00:48:10] but these two players are the two worst players on our team
[00:48:13] and we've thrown the game by sieging mid,
[00:48:15] that mid siege where they...
[00:48:18] Yeah, like these three
[00:48:18] players are infinitely better than
[00:48:20] our teammates. So we have to play
[00:48:23] very careful.
[00:48:24] Like the Wukong, the Graves and So we have to play very careful.
[00:48:30] Like the Wukong, Graves and Jax are very much outclassing our team
[00:48:35] Me and Thresh are better in their bot lane, but that doesn't matter in solo queue.
[00:48:44] So we just have to play around me and me only.
[00:48:49] So what that means is like, we're gonna have to pretty much never make another mistake
[00:48:51] and pray.
[00:49:34] Okay. daddy huh Okay, they might have just thrown the entire game with that. Oh, our Zoe got caught right after we caught somebody. That's fun.
[00:49:37] Uh oh. Oh
[00:49:49] Why are they going in, man?
[00:49:51] Like I'm not with them.
[00:49:54] This is driving me crazy.
[00:49:55] All we have to do is quite literally just
[00:49:57] sit with our team.
[00:50:18] They sit with me me we win the game But our team is like never with me outside of Thresh.
[00:50:19] He's the only one sitting with me. It's actually kind of wild because such a free win like actually though
[00:50:31] look i made a pick mid on Jax.
[00:50:33] Baited him into us.
[00:50:35] Damn, I really need the Zoe and the fucking... Oh
[00:50:49] This is a really hard game now
[00:51:50] I'm gonna have to go Thanos mode just like full-on 1v9 motor 2v5 with thresh oh man can this guy stop dying? It's really annoying, man.. I Like dude what is happening
[00:51:55] Guys you're gonna get stopped by minions. Just leave! Go back!
[00:52:02] Dude just group with me one time
[00:52:12] I mean the Thresh isn't wrong. It's kind of wild that both our solos lost this bad
[00:52:13] but they got both the kills. Like if I
[00:52:15] got both kills level one we would have won lane
[00:52:17] so much harder you have no idea like i would have broke turret
[00:52:20] eight minutes i broke her at 10 minutes i would have brooked her in 8 minutes like it wouldn't
[00:52:23] that insane our comps don't even shit you're just bad at the game.
[00:52:33] No, just play with me for once!
[00:52:45] I gotta be real with you man, you just gotta play with me for once. Because the real issue is that our
[00:52:47] Zoe keeps getting caught inside,
[00:52:49] our Yasuo's never grouping and me and thresh are pretty much 2v5ing their team
[00:53:01] we're pretty much like literally were like literally just 2v5ing them but... uh Like, I don't know how many more times
[00:53:30] I gotta ping
[00:53:30] for this guy to like not do that
[00:53:35] Like I literally ping danger danger danger eight times and he just walks in to die
[00:53:40] Like dude, you knew they were there
[00:53:44] Like I could literally pinged you.
[00:53:51] The worst part about this too is it actually
[00:53:53] does matter.
[00:53:57] Like, this guy thinks the game's over because he's a moron but like this game is so free like if i can get to last whisper we win the game automatically yo can you guys just focus on playing the game instead of raging Oh Like we have no teleport.
[00:54:40] For some reason my team's not playing... guys Guys, you guys have to fucking...
[00:55:06] You have to go...
[00:55:24] Oh my god, my team is fucking stupid. Oh Like Diana go back man, I
[00:56:29] Mean I don't know dude. I'm gonna lose my fucking mind man so so Yeah, we lost our fucking base because I pinged 40 times for somebody to go cover that and nobody fucking did it.
[00:56:37] It's so fucking obnoxious, man.
[00:57:08] Like it's such a free win if they just stop throwing and play the macro. Please let me get my item guys. Just play for play for wave clear and poke don't all in please
[00:57:16] okay i just need this item and we're chilling So Well, I should probably just go sell my Dorans for it, to be honest.
[00:57:42] I need it before we can push out. We have no vision. Wow, I didn't actually kill those. That's depressing.
[00:58:10] Dude, it's crazy how hard you have to carry in this eloo though like i'm telling you man masters is
[00:58:13] like this weird cesspool of like you genuinely have to like 1v5 so Yeah, I know they're pushing in bot turret man but they are also pushing in mid turret.
[00:58:41] We gotta push one mid wave.
[00:58:52] Okay, I got solo ulted by Wukong. so Uh, where's my team?
[00:59:22] Like why am I the only one trying to hit
[00:59:24] The back line here
[00:59:25] My Zoe
[00:59:27] and my fucking Diana and everything are just
[00:59:29] watching.
[00:59:31] Dude, how depressing
[00:59:33] is this that like
[00:59:34] I literally had three people who refused to play around me as the ad that was fed and
[00:59:40] that's why they lost like not one of them played around me the entire game hey by the way you guys
[00:59:51] rocked your egos and played near your bed smurfing ad you auto win
[01:00:06] you won't climb your egos are too big
[01:00:15] like that's disgusting how bad they are.
[01:00:23] It's so gross how easy games
[01:00:24] are in League
[01:00:24] and how hard everyone
[01:00:25] makes it out of pure ego.
[01:00:27] I'm gonna add to Dodge,
[01:00:29] I don't wanna play
[01:00:29] with these people.
[01:00:31] None of them are good, and
[01:00:33] I'd rather not take the chance they're on my
[01:00:35] team.
[01:00:42] My god is embarrassing, man. It's so embarrassing.
[01:00:47] Like... I gotta be real.
[01:00:51] Our jungler literally picking first time Diana as an AD carry main.
[01:00:56] Running it down.
[01:00:58] Diamond won AD Carry Main.
[01:01:01] He's in his highest LP of all-time right now with a 50% HP boost. Diamond won AD Carry main. He peaked...
[01:01:02] he's in his highest LP of all time right now with a 50% win rate,
[01:01:05] he went up 200 LP with 50% winrate from last season
[01:01:08] which is already really stupid
[01:01:11] So if you guys want to know why League is broken right now...
[01:01:14] This guy has never been above
[01:01:15] Diamond in his life. He was Masters way
[01:01:17] back in Season 4, right?
[01:01:19] So he just ends Diamond every season.
[01:01:22] But he has a
[01:01:23] completely even win rate.
[01:01:25] And he went up 200 LP from last season with an even win rate.
[01:01:30] That tells me that the system is broken because you have a 50% win rate and you're going up 200 LP,
[01:01:38] The system's trying to inflate you into an elo you do not belong in.
[01:01:45] So it kinda sucks.
[01:01:51] Our mid laner was good mechanically on Zoe, but he had no idea how to macro and that's why he soloed through the game by getting caught three to four times mid-game
[01:01:56] he just kept going into a side lane and getting caught, going into a side lane
[01:01:58] getting caught. Like people just need to be patient until 20 minutes
[01:02:02] like we had probably a 10k gold lead that
[01:02:05] game and we threw it
[01:02:07] because my team didn't want to wait.
[01:02:09] All they had to do was sit on their hands.
[01:02:12] That's it.
[01:02:13] All you have to do when you
[01:02:15] have a lead that big is literally wait.
[01:02:17] You just have to be patient and wait.
[01:02:23] Right? That's it! We had a 3 dragon lead with 10k gold lead,
[01:02:29] three item Ezreal.
[01:02:30] All you have to do is stand there and wait for Baron
[01:02:34] to spawn, bait Baron or stand there
[01:02:36] and wait for Dragon to spawn, bait Dragon
[01:02:39] and you automatically win the game.
[01:02:41] But instead they wanted to just push their buttons
[01:02:43] overextending as Diamond players.
[01:02:46] But it is what it is.
[01:02:47] ... But it is what it is. They just wanna have fun................ Oh god. oh god
[01:06:18] my top is first time jackson my Soraka as a 30%
[01:06:23] win rate on Soraka, so this is gonna get wild.
[01:06:28] This is
[01:06:29] gonna get wild really fucking quick.
[01:06:33] Pretty sure we lose this game, though.
[01:06:36] But we'll see.
[01:06:41] ... It's kind of hard to win every game in Master Tier.
[01:06:56] They're all coin flippers, I think if I played perfect last game we'd win but...
[01:07:00] That is what it is. so so i think soraka was kind of a shitty pick this game though
[01:07:35] i guess it's not bad against the carthus so so so oh I'm just gonna back. uh Damn, that Bubba guy did not enjoy...
[01:09:06] My man was down bad.
[01:09:11] That man is just angry at life. What's up with you, bro? so Who the fuck cares? oh that was a bad E by me.
[01:09:59] Oh my god.
[01:10:00] Holy fuck!
[01:10:01] Oh my god I'm just misclicking all over the place. so I think I need to get like one rocket auto for a presence of mind prop. I mean we can just sit here and scale.
[01:10:44] It's Ez vs Jinx, if he doesn't win lane he he's just gonna get destroyed scaling-wise.
[01:10:54] Especially since I have Cole, like he's just going to get murdered right now.
[01:10:58] B is forward? I think we just kill him
[01:11:07] Oh, he just barrier'd for fun
[01:11:14] What?
[01:11:36] That Israel should not have barrier there. so We almost had that.
[01:11:38] Hopefully, he can clean that up.
[01:11:39] They have no sums.
[01:11:41] Damn. I actually think they win that
[01:11:43] by the way all right i'm pretty confident that
[01:11:47] hecarim kills them all there but i didn't really ping that they
[01:11:50] didn't use some so he's probably not paying attention
[01:11:58] I mean, they genuinely have no cooldowns though.
[01:12:02] They should've just die to a bonker Damn it.
[01:12:16] Yeah, they say I pretty much just killed them both.
[01:12:22] I was thinking maybe I should have gone mid here but just to like hold the wave
[01:12:30] for that guy because he's gonna miss a turret plate.
[01:12:35] Or the other guy is going to get a turret plate because I went bot instead of mid, which is my bad.
[01:12:45] We can proxy a tiny bit here just because we know that their Karthus is top. is okay And Oh Oh, you have a heal?
[01:13:30] Heal!
[01:13:31] Aww, I must've been down.
[01:13:38] We win that.
[01:13:41] Damn, oh well.
[01:13:44] I think her heal was down, it's fine then.
[01:13:47] I should have just backed off after the wave.
[01:13:49] Because we do outscale them on half of the force fights. just backed off after the wave.
[01:13:51] Because we do outscale them on half of the force fights.
[01:13:52] I just wanted to because I was like, oh shit.
[01:13:55] You know?
[01:13:58] I'm playing
[01:13:59] extremely aggro because the enemy bot lane is pretty trash.
[01:14:06] So, I am kind of playing really, really, really agro but my soraka is pretty good too oh he's not that bad so i was like i think we can just like straight up
[01:14:30] fight a lot of these fights just because this rock is good so so um um Oh. It's not going well.
[01:15:35] So we'll probably just back off a tiny bit here.
[01:15:42] Soraka is not 6 yet, so it's like kind of an unplayable fucking...
[01:15:53] Ooh, she did not play that correctly. is is I wasted it all to watch you go.
[01:16:30] I kept everything inside and even though I tried,
[01:16:33] It all fell apart.
[01:16:35] What it meant for me will eventually be a memory of the time when I tried.
[01:17:09] Oh my goodness on a good note, Soraka just heals me up so we don't actually get chunked by that which is really nice. If we got chunked by that we we would be in such a bad spot. What an What a nice save for the plate when I backed.
[01:17:28] It's because if I stay for the plate there, it doesn't buy me anything. Like don't get to buy an extra like item or
[01:17:36] anything from the gold and i end up throwing off my uh
[01:17:41] ability to get back to lane at like a decent time because it takes me an extra what i gave let's say i take
[01:17:46] that play to that it's like an extra eight seconds to my recall that means that i'm eight seconds
[01:17:50] late to lane for essentially a bunch of gold that doesn't actually do anything to me or for me Wow, I couldn't even fucking kill that guy, huh?
[01:18:13] I don't know.
[01:18:14] This Soraka is not very good.
[01:18:15] I'm dying for her now because she's just like...
[01:18:19] I don't know, that was really rough, man.
[01:18:22] This guy is pretty dogshit at
[01:18:23] Soraka, I'm not gonna lie. But we knew
[01:18:25] he was dogshit, he's just, you know, it is what it is.
[01:18:28] Because all you gotta do is like
[01:18:30] when we know that our Hecarim's topside
[01:18:32] you just chill.
[01:18:34] You let the wave crash, you chill
[01:18:36] and you just relax.
[01:18:41] Like super duper easy to do but like soraka is
[01:18:55] unable to do that because she's well let's be honest she's just fucking bad. It's wild, dude!
[01:19:00] Send me a wishlist so i can send you a mouse with a non-broken scroll wheel dude i have like a problem where i have
[01:19:05] to have it be this type of mouse that's like the issue. so Come on, Raka.
[01:19:37] Back up, bro.
[01:20:13] Come on, Raka. You don't have the hands for it man just back up so Dude, I'm gonna lose my mind with this Raka though. This guy like, oh.
[01:20:15] He genuinely doesn't give a fuck about how bad he is either. wait i can't even play the game man that's fine so so We need to just chill, man.
[01:21:16] We need some vision on bot mid side of...
[01:21:21] We need some vision. Oh
[01:21:43] Wait, I can't play the game against this fucking shitty ass Ez because...
[01:21:51] Every time i try to, it's just......I get no fucking help. It's really, really awkward and...
[01:21:54] ... Nice. nice nice jump
[01:22:13] huge let's go winnable oh is a good good that he's brainless.
[01:23:03] Like straight up, it's fucking wild
[01:23:05] Like everybody plays that champ nowadays on an a and they're all so fucking bad at it
[01:24:12] Oh killing so so so so Ah What a beast
[01:24:17] No, it's an orange.
[01:24:20] I want to go get blue.
[01:24:28] E! I need. I think I need, oh my god, my mouse wheel.
[01:24:34] Stop mouse wheel please man!
[01:24:37] Please, I beg you!
[01:24:39] I'm in the middle of a game please please stop so fucking soraka just ditches me man i juked everything
[01:25:11] i juked ornald, I juked Rakan W.
[01:25:25] Like come on!
[01:25:36] Fucking Soraka just stands there with a cock in her hand.
[01:26:29] My man's fucking growth score he likes to watch uh everything lights up makes you want to shout talk about happiness Yo, we got it though we're helping soraka's win rate one game at a time
[01:26:34] okay real talk though like what the is the matchmaking going on right now?
[01:26:38] Dude, I swear North America is actually a dead server.
[01:26:42] Look at that matchmaking!
[01:26:47] Like-I mean My MMR is good
[01:26:48] But like
[01:26:49] What the fuck
[01:26:49] Is happening?
[01:26:51] We have like
[01:26:51] D1
[01:26:52] Masters
[01:26:53] But he's not
[01:26:55] He's on a Smurf
[01:26:55] But then we have
[01:26:58] GM
[01:26:58] Then we have gm
[01:27:06] there was zero op masters versus like a bunch of low master players
[01:27:10] like what is happening?
[01:27:16] And the funniest part about this is they had the higher MMR.
[01:27:21] They were on red side! They had red- Side MMR, I don't get it!
[01:27:36] That's crazy! Bro, I'm actually sad.
[01:27:38] I should have won this side matter.
[01:27:39] Yeah.
[01:28:25] Redside has higher MMR always. So the team that has the higher MMR will always be put on red It's to balance it out. is is and it can't you hope, and it can't you hope and it can't you hope Okay. It's just really awkward.
[01:28:37] So like...
[01:28:38] The way you put this right is
[01:28:40] I gotta ban Hecarim
[01:28:41] just because Huncho is too good.
[01:28:43] If Huncho is playing in the ELO
[01:28:44] at the moment
[01:28:45] I gotta ban him.
[01:28:45] I think he's the only Hecarim i'm scared of in this elo uh what was
[01:28:49] i gonna say oh yeah yeah like um
[01:28:54] they balance the game because Blue gets first pick, right?
[01:29:00] So they give the lower MMR first pick and you gain more ELO when you win against the higher mmr so it's like they give red side higher mmar players
[01:29:12] and then blue side gets first pick and you win more and lose less if you win or lose.
[01:29:19] The problem with doing
[01:29:21] that is sometimes the algorithm puts
[01:29:23] weird games in place
[01:29:25] that don't make sense. Like I've seen some
[01:29:27] weird ass screenshots of like 1000 LP jungler on red side versus
[01:29:32] master 0 LP non smurf blue side.
[01:29:35] And it's like...
[01:29:36] It doesn't matter how good or bad your M...
[01:29:41] When stuff like that happens, it doesn't matter how good or bad your M... Like when stuff like that happens It doesn't matter how good or bad you're
[01:29:45] Like MMR is.
[01:29:46] You just like RedSide is gonna win
[01:29:50] When you have that big of a gap.
[01:29:52] So it doesn't matter if like...
[01:29:55] It's very interesting, they should never put people
[01:29:59] multiple hundreds of LP versus other people.
[01:30:04] Like they do it when
[01:30:06] the game can't find a match
[01:30:08] after like a long period of time.
[01:30:10] Like say that Challenger player players in queue for 30 minutes
[01:30:12] they'll just stick him in like a random mid masters game but they won't offset the mmr
[01:30:19] they'll just what they'll do is
[01:30:22] they'll put like everybody on the enemy
[01:30:23] team at like 300 lp masters his team
[01:30:25] will be like
[01:30:27] 100 lp masters but he's challenger and
[01:30:29] they're not so he's probably just gonna
[01:30:31] win the game.
[01:30:36] It's a very interesting way that Riot
[01:30:38] algorithm places people.
[01:30:39] It's really stupid.
[01:30:41] Like, it's a really bad
[01:30:42] way to do it but I don't know if they have any better
[01:30:46] way to do it so it's kind of unfortunate
[01:30:52] It is what it is, you know? yeah I think the only thing
[01:31:27] I dislike about
[01:31:28] The matchmaking in League
[01:31:29] To be honest with you
[01:31:30] Is
[01:31:30] The fact that Riot
[01:31:34] Would value time
[01:31:35] Over quality But Riot would value time over quality.
[01:31:37] Because a lot of the
[01:31:39] time, you'll sit in three to four minute
[01:31:41] queues, even in high elo.
[01:31:43] But the quality of the game will suffer
[01:31:45] for it because they'll just pull people into the game will suffer for it.
[01:31:50] Because they'll just pull people into the game that like, you know...
[01:31:54] Off-roll or weird MMRs or shit like that.
[01:31:57] Cause there's not enough people playing at that time of day Or that elo at that time of day or that evo with that time of
[01:31:59] day or something so like to offset that right likes to
[01:32:04] like mess with the algorithm so you don't sit
[01:32:07] in 45 minute queues and shit which I think is fine to
[01:32:11] an extent but sometimes it just like goes the algorithm like doesn't out
[01:32:15] my answer as like one every 50 games or whatever that gets matchmade gets like ultra fucked.
[01:32:22] So it's just like a...
[01:32:24] I think though it's like a...
[01:32:26] I think they consider it...
[01:32:28] There's like a word for it.
[01:32:30] They consider it... There's like a word for it. They
[01:32:31] consider it, like, enough of an outlier
[01:32:33] or something like that
[01:32:35] where they're just like,
[01:32:37] well,
[01:32:38] it happens so little that it's not that big of a deal.
[01:32:46] Yeah, like an acceptable margin of error.
[01:32:54] They allow that because
[01:32:55] I think the percentages or something
[01:32:58] are something like...
[01:33:01] The percentages of lowered game like lowered wait time make up for
[01:33:07] the margin of error of like one or two bad games every like 50.
[01:33:11] so i think they've like done math, it just feels bad when you
[01:33:14] get those games. Right? Like that shit just feels bad
[01:33:35] oh i'm versus my Soraka from last game.
[01:33:37] He's playing a Lowey top.
[01:33:41] Dude, you know after I flamed this guy by the way? You know this
[01:33:43] guy is going to sweat his balls off to win this game.
[01:33:50] Like, you know he is!
[01:33:58] What? They always do, man.
[01:33:59] You ever flame somebody in solo queue?
[01:34:01] Then you go against them next game?
[01:34:03] They will drop the most focused, mentally try-hard
[01:34:07] game against you of their life. They're in
[01:34:09] Game 5 finals
[01:34:11] of fucking worlds.
[01:34:13] Right? Like this man's about to ascend
[01:34:15] type shit.
[01:34:17] But he's gonna be like, oh it's that guy?
[01:34:19] Oh it's time and he's going to be
[01:34:21] fucking literal
[01:34:25] What was the team called with death on it
[01:34:28] that won 2023 worlds
[01:34:30] with like the miracle run
[01:34:32] he's gonna go fucking full-on
[01:34:34] DRX yeah
[01:34:36] he's gonna go fucking full- on DRX mode on my ass.
[01:34:51] FeelsFull It feels fucking bad.
[01:34:53] It could be a remake, too.
[01:34:55] This is a really long fucking...
[01:34:58] This is a really long...
[01:35:01] ...load time, man.
[01:35:04] Whenever something like this happens I always assume it's just the fucking remake.
[01:35:28] Oh my god! I don't like it. I mean, we got a ward. Whenever you're against the Kindred they'll always invade you early right?
[01:35:31] Like no matter what they always invade you early right like no matter what they will
[01:35:32] invade you early so you you have to ward but you have to award every single entrance.
[01:35:47] You guys gotta go watch Topside, man.
[01:35:59] ... Why are we... What the fuck am I watching?
[01:36:04] This mid-land What the fuck am I watching? Is mid lane just... yeah, I mean mid lane is pretty much just AD carries.
[01:36:11] It's cause AD item spikes are too good against mage item spikes right now
[01:36:16] so it's pretty much just mid lane is 2op for ad carries the moments Please don't leash, bro.
[01:36:30] We should never leash this lane.
[01:36:33] We're playing Ashe
[01:36:34] versus Jinx Lulu. If they get a push on us, we are never going to play the game so...
[01:36:39] Like I'm- We're stronger than them in lane as Ashe Bard but we can't let them push the wave in out of one.
[01:36:55] But we also need to put an early ward down.
[01:36:58] Oh, we see the Kindred. you see what i mean though about like kindred's already invading our fucking...
[01:37:39] Oh, that guy just wasted his fucking Q. That's not good. I didn't start E this game because we know where Kindred is, so there's no point in starting
[01:37:42] E. Like if we didn't know where Kindred was already, I would have started E so that we
[01:37:46] could figure it out but...
[01:37:54] I can't really fight that. I need to go back! Like, I'm so low.
[01:38:05] Like,
[01:38:06] I need to go back ASAP.
[01:38:08] Or I need Bard to like put some cookies
[01:38:09] down for me.
[01:38:10] We actually have sustained with like the
[01:38:12] cookies but we're not putting them down so it's kind of rough because those
[01:38:18] cookies are actually opiates fluff early game. Like lowkey
[01:38:25] You just gotta stack them up and shit's op as fuck
[01:42:13] I'm so sorry so um Oh my god.................... Okay, I can't play aggressive anymore.
[01:42:17] Watching this bard play League of Legends just now gave me a fucking brain aneurysm.
[01:42:20] Little bro, queued nothing...
[01:42:31] Like he queueed nothing and then he didn't like try and do anything to like stall anything, and then he just walked up and died afterward without using his E.
[01:42:36] This guy is on a four- losing streak, so he's probably just tilted and playing really
[01:42:42] bad.
[01:42:45] This Bard is definitely...
[01:42:46] He's the KDA player, so he's not going to play forward to try and make plays.
[01:42:50] He's just gonna...
[01:42:50] He's gonna be one of those players that just AFKs
[01:42:52] and gets carried.
[01:42:55] So like
[01:42:56] I have to play around the fact
[01:42:58] that he's gonna AFK and get carried which means I have to play around the fact that he's gonna AFK and get carried.
[01:43:00] Which means, I kinda just have to farm and scale.
[01:43:07] I can always tell if somebody is like good or bad the second i-
[01:43:10] Like, the first five seconds of the lane.
[01:43:18] Like how they space,
[01:43:19] How aggressive they play in certain matchups things
[01:43:21] like that. Like you can really feel how good somebody is uh it's really really funny so so so so yes Bust?
[01:44:31] Oh, I'm a cusser, bro.
[01:44:33] I say fuck shit balls i'm gonna go back Dude this enemy jungler is getting fucking railed feel bad
[01:45:06] Okay, I don't feel bad but I do feel bad.
[01:45:08] But I don't feel bad so it's like...
[01:45:09] Yo Bard you should just go up there man.
[01:45:12] Go roam.
[01:45:13] Like I don't think we're actually accomplishing anything bot right now.
[01:45:18] He should just perm room.
[01:45:19] Like,
[01:45:19] I can weak side.
[01:45:22] Like,
[01:45:23] I don't think a Jinx Lulu is going to be able to dive me with barrier without the enemy jungler here.
[01:45:29] So, I'm okay with just like weak siding it's not a big deal to me
[01:45:35] oh i'm so bad i missed four of those fucking minions, man. Are you kidding me? When I arrowed this guy and my bard ignored it. Okay.
[01:46:04] This Bard is like actually retarded.
[01:46:08] I arrowed him
[01:46:09] Like He way I arrowed him. Like...
[01:46:12] He waits two seconds
[01:46:14] after I arrow to go in,
[01:46:18] then he doesn't Q
[01:46:23] I-I'm I'm... Oh god, Bard bro.
[01:46:27] You are not him.
[01:46:35] You are not him, bro.
[01:46:39] Dude sees me fighting them?
[01:46:41] Has to clear the ward before eating forward or going
[01:46:43] in at all?
[01:46:45] I mean,
[01:46:46] I don't know man.
[01:46:47] Like this shit is rough.
[01:46:55] Like I am just tilted.
[01:46:55] Like,
[01:46:56] I don't want to play with this retard.
[01:46:57] I know we win
[01:46:57] this game
[01:46:58] because my jungler
[01:46:58] is doing well
[01:46:59] but like
[01:47:00] this Bard
[01:47:00] is actually horrible.
[01:47:06] No, it's not about ignoring bot You're just bad
[01:47:07] Do you see how far ahead our jungler is on their jungler?
[01:47:10] You're just retarded man
[01:47:12] Like it has nothing to do with ignoring. We're getting weak-sided this game, there's nothing wrong with being weak-sided but you're not accomplishing anything at all!
[01:47:24] Even with us being weak-sided, you're not even helping the team.
[01:47:28] You're running in circles collecting chimes getting carried
[01:47:32] then the one play that I went for or the two plays i went for in the game, you're not even like participating
[01:47:38] in.
[01:47:40] Like this is the level of intelligence that low elo players have!
[01:47:46] My man is quite literally AFK.
[01:47:50] And he's like, oh we didn't play bot side. Bro that's not even
[01:47:54] the problem! I mean it- Like the problem is... Oh, we didn't play bot side.
[01:47:58] The problem is...
[01:47:59] You didn't do anything.
[01:48:04] Because it's not like Kindred did anything this game.
[01:48:08] Okay. anything this game.
[01:48:15] And we win 2v2, right? Like, we win hard 2v2.
[01:48:18] Like stop sharing plates with me! Bro your autos don't do- oh we're just gonna grief.
[01:48:25] Okay retard. This is what I mean man, low elo players sicken me.
[01:48:41] Like, you guys have no idea how like angry high-level players get at low level players unless you watch some league streams not even because they're bad but because
[01:48:44] they do this shit where they like troll and ego
[01:48:48] and it's so fucking obnoxious
[01:48:57] Whatever I'm not gonna rage about it. I'm gonna try and just chill
[01:49:02] Like he's just sharing first turret gold with me like why
[01:49:08] like why are you sharing turret gold as a bard it doesn't make sense
[01:49:15] i got my 80 carry you just give me solo gold we win like you don't need the support does not need like
[01:49:17] to share that gold of man
[01:49:26] it doesn't make sense
[01:49:45] but he's just dumb though You know what I think is crazy? I think Bard players are either the best player in the game or like actual, they have no brain.
[01:49:51] Like there's no one between...
[01:49:54] I flashed
[01:49:59] my statement stands like oh my god bro
[01:50:24] like he fucking ulted my arrow man
[01:50:32] like they're in a choke point about to
[01:50:35] die
[01:50:36] and he's like this is the time to ulti.
[01:50:39] Like that is wild man! This guy has no mana.
[01:50:58] Ooh, bot wave is really big
[01:51:01] We're just- oh we're losing so much farm bot that's a feels bad man
[01:51:20] Oh I mean, my team's doing really well though. The Bard is just bad bad it is what it is oh I think I gotta buy a pink ward.
[01:51:57] I don't think the barb's going to, so
[01:51:59] I'll do that.
[01:52:00] Because I really want to win this game,
[01:52:02] so...
[01:52:02] I'm gonna just go out of my way to like make us win as best I can.
[01:52:08] Our team's doing really well though.
[01:52:11] This is what I meant by Bard's an idiot.
[01:52:13] He was trying to say that like we were losing because
[01:52:17] bot side got no help but he like doesn't understand that that's like the point of playing
[01:52:22] weak side he's like one of those players that doesn't get that like bots
[01:52:26] are getting no help is fine if like top and mid are getting so far ahead that it doesn't matter. Okay.
[01:52:54] My favorite part of that was how Bard didn't use his R. Like, this is the worst player I've ever seen!
[01:53:02] Like dude why not just R them at the end of the Kindred ults.
[01:53:11] What? Like, it's's like brain damage!
[01:53:16] Like, at the end of the Kindred ult you you just are them right because they're standing inside
[01:53:20] the kindred girls so why not are them so they can't do damage
[01:53:27] like i i just don't get it.
[01:53:31] It's like his brain doesn't think about these things. His brain is just like...
[01:53:36] Too old? My god. To oh my god
[01:53:49] I think I could take a chat player. Like I think I could take a chat player.
[01:53:51] Like, I think I could take like a gold player from chat
[01:53:53] and you guys might have better
[01:53:55] bard skill than this guy.
[01:53:58] No joke.
[01:54:55] Okay. No joke. so so so What is this guy doing? Wait, the enemy mid support are stupid as fuck.
[01:54:58] What're they doing?
[01:55:01] Why are you guys just sitting mid?
[01:55:03] We're like literally ending the game.
[01:55:11] ...
[01:55:18] ... so
[01:55:29] like what i think that hurt i don't know that's crazy I mean, we can't do this.
[01:55:49] Bard needs the tank, but he's too stupid.
[01:56:13] Okay. so Like, why is my fucking Kha'Zix tanking Baron there?
[01:56:16] When we have a 70% HP
[01:56:18] Bard.
[01:56:35] Like, bro... when we have a 70 hp barb like bro what Wait, how the fuck is Kindred... How did we lose all of our top camps?
[01:56:37] What?
[01:56:39] Who took those? It's kind of funny because the enemy bot lane has like 10 CS a minute. Perfect, like...
[01:56:57] They have perfect CS and shit but they're just standing there doing nothing.
[01:57:03] They're not at the right place
[01:57:04] at the right time.
[01:57:15] No, yeah.
[01:57:17] Our jungle are 1v9'd the shit out of this game.
[01:57:19] Our mid did really, really well too.
[01:57:21] Our mid and our jungle just were insanely good
[01:57:22] in this game I don't know. um I'm out of control. Somebody help me.
[01:57:56] She's taking my pain slow, but I can't get the club.
[01:58:00] And I'm wearing a string on top of these bottles,
[01:58:02] touching these bottles, watching them go home. is so I'm gonna get some water.
[01:58:41] I'll be right back, boys!
[01:58:52] Hopefully the queue doesn't pop.
[02:03:27] That would suck. i like to break it down this door that's got me open.. um i like to break it We'll be right back. Outro Music................. It's shitty. so oh
[02:03:37] you know what i think is kind of funny? There's so many people who are, like,
[02:03:40] raging at content creators
[02:03:42] for doing the...
[02:03:44] you know the, like, cup thing
[02:03:46] that's happening? The League cup thing that's happening? The League Cup thing.
[02:03:49] That's happening soon.
[02:03:55] In Saudi Arabia or whatever.
[02:04:03] Dude, people are so mad at content creators
[02:04:04] for participating in that shit
[02:04:06] but it's like dude I bet you they're paying
[02:04:09] them stupid amounts of money
[02:04:11] and maybe they need money.
[02:04:13] You know? Who knows? is oh
[02:04:39] that's what i'm saying. It's like, uh...
[02:04:47] I feel like if you already have millions of dollars
[02:04:49] at that point it's probably like moral right
[02:04:53] like at that point you just either care or you don't care
[02:04:56] so it's like oh i think what they're doing is bad i don't want to be a part
[02:04:59] of it or you do the whole like...
[02:05:05] Okay.
[02:05:09] You either- If you already have a million dollars or something, I guess
[02:05:11] then I could see people getting irritated.
[02:05:12] Because it's like oh you're choosing blahblahblahblah but...
[02:05:35] Oh! but I mean some people just you know... They wanna make the bag.
[02:05:39] Some people need money. Money is important.
[02:05:57] Okay, I'm going mid.
[02:06:17] Is this a Malz game or a Tristana game let's find out now where it's Twitch and Jinx.
[02:06:19] Where the fuck is Twitch gonna go?
[02:06:21] I wonder if Twitch is going supports.
[02:06:24] Mid.
[02:06:26] I don't even know anymore, like
[02:06:28] I swear to god
[02:06:30] I have been traumatized by so many
[02:06:32] bad comps
[02:06:34] in League of Legends
[02:06:36] I genuinely can't even guess where this twitch is gonna go
[02:06:42] i'm assuming it's support but you never know
[02:06:47] right like I don't fucking know.
[02:06:53] Okay, I have to go Malz because
[02:06:57] I hate that I have to go Malzahar.
[02:07:02] Because giving Sylas
[02:07:04] a free Malzahar ulti does not
[02:07:06] feel good, but I feel like every
[02:07:08] other fucking- Like, I can't go Trist.
[02:07:11] Because they have Graves and if I go Trist and we're full AD against Graves, we just lose.
[02:07:38] So it's kind of rough you know Malz is pretty good versus their team though. Other than Sylas, Malz was good versus us.
[02:07:41] Graves dashes in like an ult him. Mundo walks up.
[02:07:44] I build burn right? So like Malz builds burn. I mean, Casio would have been good here too but...
[02:07:58] My last Casio game made me mad.
[02:08:01] So I'm like taking a break
[02:08:03] from playing Casio
[02:08:04] after,
[02:08:04] like,
[02:08:05] I started the
[02:08:06] game 1v3ing
[02:08:07] the anime team
[02:08:08] and then my
[02:08:09] team just
[02:08:10] inted the rest
[02:08:11] of the game.
[02:08:21] Yeah, the game yeah i'm never gonna pick malphite into slylus ever like i don't think you fully understand how bad that is Wait, Malphite and Alistar are like...
[02:08:51] Those are a few picks where when you see the enemy pick a Sylas. silas How did I fall for that?
[02:09:15] I totally forgot about Twitch.
[02:09:25] Okay. for that. I totally forgot about Twitch. What does Alistar ult do? It makes him really tanky,
[02:09:27] like it reduces all damage while it's active dude switch support is so boring because they just sit mid at level one
[02:09:56] or he invades our jungle at level 1.
[02:10:08] The fuck am I watching right now? What is going on?
[02:10:27] Dude, every Sylas that I play versus does the same thing where they try and fight me at level one.
[02:10:29] It's kind of funny.
[02:10:31] Every one of them does the exact same thing look at this.
[02:10:47] They all do the exact same thing.
[02:10:58] And they all, like almost die every time they do it. Like everyone of them does that and everyone of them almost dies.
[02:11:02] I wish that i was making this up
[02:11:10] look at this what like this is crazy by the way getting level three gang to my
[02:11:14] fucking graves the way getting level three ganks by graves
[02:11:24] this is miserable.
[02:11:41] Like, they're all retarded. Every fucking Sylas player is a moron, every single one of them
[02:11:48] It happens EVERY TIME i do this matchup
[02:12:04] sorry i don't know why I'm yelling. But no it's like seriously every i you can go back to every bot
[02:12:09] i've ever had of a mouse versus silas matchup and
[02:12:13] every game that i play this match up the silence will walk
[02:12:17] up level one take half his HP walk up level two blow both his potions
[02:12:22] then he will try and make a play at level three I dodge one spell any loses
[02:12:28] begin or you lose this land I dodge one spell and he loses the game.
[02:12:30] Or, he loses this lane.
[02:12:40] I mean, I am a Malzahar.
[02:12:41] I would prefer if we didn't just like...
[02:12:43] If I'm being 100% honest, man,
[02:12:44] I would prefer
[02:12:45] if you didn't just force that.
[02:12:47] Like,
[02:12:48] I already got fucking ganked
[02:12:49] by this guy
[02:12:50] one my lane while being ganked by this guy. Won my lane while being ganked
[02:12:52] by Graves level fucking three,
[02:12:54] and I'm auto-filled?
[02:12:56] Listen...
[02:12:58] I am performing well above
[02:13:00] where I should be performing right now. You guys don't mind? Like, just let me scale, you know? Please. so Wait. Like, I don't understand man. yeah ah
[02:14:04] like real talk cans just leave me alone?
[02:14:14] Like please... Like, please? Oh, thank you Mr. Excel2R! I tried my best! okay
[02:14:47] that's on jinx i I think Jinx is very good.
[02:14:49] I don't think she's blind pickable, unless you know what
[02:14:53] you're doing but...
[02:14:57] Like, I think she is blind pickable if you're a really good player in every matchup.
[02:15:05] But, uh...
[02:15:06] I think there are better solo queue ADs right now than Jinx.
[02:15:13] But I think she's extremely good in this like at the moment like she has some bad matchups but i think overall she's like extremely good Hmm. hmm
[02:15:44] okay The world we know, the western civilization. location
[02:16:04] location
[02:16:08] says californication I wonder if Twitch will try and kill me as
[02:16:22] I walk to mid right now. If he does,
[02:16:25] I'm never not listening
[02:16:26] to my instincts again.
[02:16:29] Because that's like what I would do
[02:16:31] is like I would sit mid
[02:16:33] because bot lane's over
[02:16:34] and I would try and kill
[02:16:40] the mouse I mean, his ult's about to run out so he's gotta try and...
[02:16:55] Okay that's one of the funniest interactions I've seen.
[02:16:58] That was actually really fucking funny.
[02:17:04] I have never seen that before, actually. That was crazy. What happened?
[02:17:25] He ulted me while my passive was going.
[02:17:28] Right?
[02:17:29] So he...
[02:17:31] The ult stays, the way Malzahar works is
[02:17:33] the ult will stay
[02:17:35] but it doesn't do damage.
[02:17:48] Okay. damage. It works like that on Morg's Spell Shield, too.
[02:17:59] Yo! Bahava! Draid Thank you so much for the raid man. I appreciate it.
[02:18:05] Hope we had a good stream bro. vacation I appreciate raids either way you know?
[02:19:11] Everybody gotta start somewhere so I Graves live, I must have fucked something up like Like, there is no way he lived
[02:19:16] there if I don't fuck up.
[02:19:20] I think it refreshed my E on the Graves.
[02:19:24] I think that's what I fucked up.
[02:19:28] Yeah,
[02:19:30] I didn't queue him so my E didn't refresh.
[02:19:39] Because I was going to, there's like no world that I can actually... Wait.
[02:19:41] There's no way I TP'd to that, right? Okay.
[02:19:44] I was gonna say, I could TP
[02:19:45] but would it be worth probably not and if they died all tp Okay, he has my ult.
[02:20:18] I think Graves is below me right now
[02:20:20] so I gotta be able to care.
[02:20:32] I'm pretty confident Graves is somewhere in here. I don't know where he is, but he's somewhere.
[02:20:37] Pretty sure... right? pretty sure
[02:20:43] right where are you at
[02:20:45] were you at graves
[02:20:50] if he went top side he's trolling though because dragon is coming up.
[02:20:52] There's no way he went top, that would be crazy.
[02:20:58] I mean I can just kill the Sylas in my ulti.
[02:21:02] I'm at a point now where I can straight- the Sylas and end my ulti. I'm at that point now where
[02:21:03] I can just straight up kill Sylas in my ult.
[02:21:09] I can't walk bot.
[02:21:13] I just need to keep pushing mid. I almost want to go top here and help our teammate out, if I'm being honest.
[02:21:21] But I also kind of want to like try and get bot plates
[02:21:26] Like right now i'm going to show you a trek watch
[02:21:29] Right when it focuses the cannon
[02:21:31] not a lot of people know this but
[02:21:33] When it focuses
[02:21:34] the cannon...
[02:21:36] That was probably
[02:21:41] not worth.
[02:21:42] So when it starts focusing the cannon...
[02:21:45] That's when you use your W.
[02:21:48] Because it only goes on the...
[02:21:52] What's it called?
[02:21:53] I can't think of the word I'm looking for.
[02:21:56] It only goes on your little voidlings, your like jizzlets
[02:22:00] after it kills the minions
[02:22:04] So if you use your uh shit
[02:22:11] after like when it's folks in canon you can get like five gizlets hitting the
[02:22:14] turret and if you get that like if you get them hitting the turret.
[02:22:17] And if you get them hitting the turret or whatever,
[02:22:21] these do a lot of damage to tower.
[02:22:25] Like an
[02:22:25] inhuman amount of damage to tower.'s crazy how fast miles can push if you
[02:22:29] have those stacked up so like the play for like fast pushing in like a lane with mouths
[02:22:36] did you stack up your passive to two? Like, you stacked the double W
[02:22:39] Passive to 2. Then
[02:22:41] You wait for the cannon wave and then you just unload
[02:22:47] I'm just gonna push a wave.
[02:22:48] I mean, I am like crazy levels of strong right now we're fine that guy picking me back is
[02:22:55] wild. Because I mean, even Graves can't do shit to me right now.
[02:23:07] Like high key he can't kill me 1v1.
[02:23:13] I'm gonna grab that because I think it's about to run out.
[02:23:17] He might not be able to kill me in 1v, but he can definitely kill me 2v2.
[02:23:21] Damn... I didn't even think about Twitch being there. Darn.
[02:23:28] Ooh that was a really good play.
[02:23:31] Twitch has no R though. You could just take the turret it's one hb
[02:23:46] i'm actually surprised he didn't try and take the turf there i'll be real
[02:23:50] so it's literally 1hp if He could've just easily taken that.
[02:23:58] I'm just gonna TP, because something is going on...
[02:24:02] And like, I don't want to uh not be here for this so i'm just gonna tp Okay.
[02:24:20] I think we still win this, but...
[02:24:22] Definitely crazy.
[02:24:24] Ooh.
[02:24:25] I can't ult the Mundo there.
[02:24:29] Okay, so
[02:24:29] I think what happened there was
[02:24:31] uh...
[02:24:33] I didn't realize that
[02:24:35] they were chasing
[02:24:36] the other guy.
[02:24:38] They were chasing
[02:24:38] the graves,
[02:24:39] so I should have
[02:24:40] just played safer.
[02:24:43] My bad.
[02:24:47] I need anti-healing, nobody else has it so i need to grab it
[02:24:51] because mine will just like... ooh! It's really bad bro
[02:24:59] uh
[02:25:04] what is happening this is how every one of my mouth games
[02:25:08] goes we went hard real we win really hard early and then
[02:25:11] what happens is we win too hard and then this elo gets like
[02:25:15] basically the only issue I have with Master Elo is sometimes you will get games like this where every single one of your lane wins.
[02:25:24] But then at the same time they're not used to winning this hard so they just run in circles and die.
[02:25:34] Then people get fed who shouldn't be fed
[02:25:35] and you get
[02:25:37] in a really bad spot
[02:25:38] really fast.
[02:25:40] Like this right? This is really wild.
[02:25:46] Wait how did my AD Carry just die
[02:25:48] right like it's crazy.
[02:25:56] Like this is what I was talking about before.
[02:25:57] It's like your team
[02:25:58] will be way too impatient.
[02:26:01] This happened earlier today, too.
[02:26:03] Our only loss earlier was the team was too impatient.
[02:26:07] Like straight up, it's just like this happens
[02:26:09] when people are impatient and they don't just play
[02:26:12] the scale with the macro and chip, and then they just want to fight
[02:26:16] during this downtime. But the problem is like when you just
[02:26:19] fight during the down time uh not everybody's in position always that's why
[02:26:25] it gets better to play slow with macro because uh because if everybody's like, you know, playing slow with macro and shits.
[02:26:37] Like right now I want to go bot and push that wave in. Oh, that just got shit on.
[02:27:08] Oh yeah. Like this, you don't need to do that man.
[02:27:16] Ezreal just back off! You guys don't have to fight that.
[02:27:18] You don't need to ego that. Just leave or
[02:27:20] die.
[02:27:27] Mike... Like... That doesn't make sense to me, right?
[02:27:31] Ezreal and Thresh pretty much got handed a free win
[02:27:35] right there. And he decided to ego the enemy AD carry for fun.
[02:27:41] That's exactly what I was talking about. It just doesn't make sense, right?
[02:27:44] That's the difference between high- and low-ego right there.
[02:27:46] In high-ego that guy doesn't ego, he just walks away. That's the difference between high and low elo right there.
[02:27:49] In high elo, that guy doesn't need to go he just walks away
[02:27:51] in low elo
[02:27:53] He is bored so he wants to like
[02:27:56] You know, he wants to play the game But I mean it is what this I can't be too mad about
[02:28:04] it you know here's with us that's just the league of legends
[02:28:12] i don't want to push that wave before I go back it's actually pretty big.
[02:28:25] I feel like I need to get Liandrys but I also feel like I need to get...
[02:28:30] Oh this is really weird.
[02:28:32] I need Liandry's but I also need Void Staff
[02:28:36] But Liandry's has more value at the moment than Void Staff
[02:28:39] But Void Staff? Void Staff is definitely OP. so Nice. nice I feel kinda bad for Jinx, because there was genuinely nothing that guy could do to fight me like i i have him slowed by
[02:29:40] all right like i had him slowed by the rise to fucking rise.
[02:29:50] And I know that I can just beat him
[02:29:50] 2v2 or 1v1
[02:29:51] because I have a
[02:29:52] two-level lead.
[02:29:55] So, like... two level lead
[02:30:01] so like i feel kind of bad for him to be honest
[02:30:07] we need to push bot and get some vision of bot side right now
[02:30:12] Like we can just sort of kill the scribes Foreign I need you to get rid of his uh, his immunity. Help!
[02:30:26] I need you to get rid of his immunity, man. Thank you. Oh, I should have just kept running.
[02:30:48] Man, I shouldn've just kept running.
[02:30:50] Man, I shouldn't have TP'd. I shoulda just pushed the fucking wave in. That's my bad.
[02:30:55] Oh well...
[02:31:02] Eh, might B dude. I missplayed.
[02:31:03] They should be able to just win.
[02:31:09] Just ignore fighting and hit hit the Nexus nice GG
[02:31:15] Noice
[02:31:22] Where's my camera? Oh, I got you. is Dude, there is a huge storm outside.
[02:31:44] What the fuck?
[02:31:49] I feel like it's gonna be...
[02:31:50] It's hot and it's about to rain.
[02:31:52] So we're going to get some of that nice juicy hot rain.
[02:31:58] Fucking love it.
[02:31:59] . Not gonna lie, dude.
[02:32:07] The fact that my bot lane got shit on
[02:32:09] that hard...
[02:32:11] How did you guys lose so badly, BotLin?
[02:32:20] Like that Ezreal is grandmaster
[02:32:27] how are you gm but you can't play the We in the city with a flow, shake that and roll
[02:32:36] And I'm a god dang Rolling Stone
[02:32:38] I don't beg, I can hold my own
[02:32:40] I wanna break, I could hold the throne
[02:32:42] In this way of the turn
[02:32:44] I'ma sell it for gold, my code name is... What even LPS GM right right now it's like 350 360. since
[02:33:05] not too bad of a day today we've been having. We have two losses on the day. Both games were unwinnable.
[02:33:16] I think we're like five and... or no, we're 7-2?
[02:33:21] Yeah. We're 7-2. And both games were almost unwinnable. Actually one of them I think we could have won oh my goodness chat.
[02:33:56] Okay, what are we doing right now
[02:34:10] okay, okay, okay.
[02:34:15] Wait, Scarra's playing League?
[02:34:28] But I haven't seen Skarra play league in so long!
[02:34:32] That was my bad actually if i got
[02:34:34] there faster i didn't have mana to kill oh that's probably my fault man
[02:34:42] scarra legal legends is one of my favorite things. I love watching him play League. oh
[02:35:03] oh shit Oh shit Master be I am a master beaver right there.
[02:35:18] He's been playing the last few days? Nice!
[02:35:30] Hey, where is his mini-map?
[02:35:34] Wait. Wai...wait wait wait wait what's going on with my brain? Where the fuck is this mini map?
[02:35:43] Oh, it's on the left side behind us. And that's why...
[02:35:46] Okay.
[02:35:48] Dude, I haven't seen Minimap
[02:35:50] on the left side in so long
[02:35:52] I genuinely just got
[02:35:54] confused because you can't see it.
[02:35:55] He traded one.
[02:35:58] You can't kill there. I mean, he gets... He traded one. Ahhhh!
[02:35:59] So you can kill there?
[02:36:00] That's crazy.
[02:36:02] Also my mid lane has two kills is kind of annoying but sure.
[02:36:08] Champ icons on the left?
[02:36:09] I don't even notice champ icons!
[02:36:11] Can i be honest with you,
[02:36:13] I think...
[02:36:15] I don't think I've looked at who's alive
[02:36:17] On the enemy team without using tab in
[02:36:20] eight years.
[02:36:24] Like, I don't look
[02:36:26] at this
[02:36:27] ever. Even when it's here, above the
[02:36:31] I don't look at this ever.
[02:36:38] Like, I genuinely
[02:36:39] like
[02:36:39] Oh yeah, it genuinely like...
[02:36:42] Oh yeah it's like ultis. I look for ulti that's the only thing I ever look at is ults.
[02:36:45] That's true but I usually also notice it
[02:36:47] like I'll hit tab
[02:36:50] I usually see everything
[02:36:52] in the tab window
[02:36:53] when I hit tab,
[02:36:54] but like...
[02:36:55] I've trained my brain
[02:36:56] to look for
[02:36:57] everything
[02:37:00] when I hit tab. is the best first item yo that wasissandra skin is sick.
[02:37:15] What IS this Lissandra skin?
[02:37:19] What is she?
[02:37:26] Like what-what does this cost her health? What is this called? Is this Project? I was never sure if Malignant's the right item to buy.
[02:37:29] Space Groove? Oh, that's why it looks so cool. Okay.
[02:37:37] Yeah, that's autofilled.
[02:37:59] Yeah, I'm down to do Blackfire.
[02:38:01] I'm going to try Blackfire.
[02:38:03] I got into the
[02:38:04] 7-minute queue and autofill combo.
[02:38:11] The combo!
[02:38:13] My biggest problem with this build is we don't have much ulti CDR. But I think that's fine.
[02:38:17] Do I still have Ulti Hunter here?
[02:38:20] My kill is low in this game.
[02:38:23] And my Yi already got a huge lead.
[02:38:25] So not worried.
[02:38:26] It's just... Yeah, i'm never killing this main man
[02:38:30] yeah i don't know how he kills viego Boston I don't see a lot of
[02:38:46] people play it but when they do he has like infinity sustain.
[02:38:50] You never- It's impossible to get him out of lane without ganking him.
[02:38:56] And you can't really ever solo kill him, because he just... the lifesteal drain tanks your combos.
[02:39:09] Aatrox was stealth?
[02:39:11] Kinda.
[02:39:11] I did that thing where I trust chat.
[02:39:13] I don't even know if
[02:39:15] chat lied to me or not.
[02:39:17] And I'm just like, oh yeah, you know that sounds about right.
[02:39:19] Wait a second
[02:39:37] An ally has been slain Wait, this emote is so good.
[02:39:39] This one guy emote is so good. I need to get
[02:39:41] this. That's such a good emote is so good. I need to get this. That's such a good emote!
[02:39:47] That is SO GOOD! Rowell might be better now
[02:39:57] Rowell is a piece of shit
[02:39:59] Man, Rowell is a complete piece of shit
[02:40:01] The lack of CDR is a complete piece of shit. The... the
[02:40:04] lack of CDR makes your
[02:40:06] character terrible. I don't know what
[02:40:08] 7 TV is, but
[02:40:10] I'll trust you.
[02:40:12] Like, you need this cdr to do damage Well, I know what the other ones are.
[02:40:42] Like, I know better Twitch TV and the franker z tv one
[02:40:48] but i don't know what seven TV is
[02:40:53] i mean i'll have to look at it. I didn't know it was so OP. You fucking cunt!
[02:41:16] Everyone use it now? Oh. Well, I'll have to check it out after a stream.
[02:41:19] Oh no...
[02:41:21] Does it cost money?
[02:41:31] No? Okay. Yeah, I'll have to check it out! I'm gonna fucking go here. That was a fast fucking load time, man I guess that our comp is kinda cooked?
[02:41:57] Wait, what?
[02:41:59] Wait isn't our comp decent?
[02:42:00] I'm confused.
[02:42:01] We have Ez Leona...
[02:42:04] And no, this guy is just wrong!
[02:42:10] I mean the Kha'Zix pick is weird.
[02:42:12] But that's just...I mean it is what it is.
[02:42:20] ... Also, is this Middly?
[02:42:33] Wait, are they playing middly? I haven't seen a mid lane in years.
[02:42:47] That's crazy!
[02:42:49] And she started Dark Seal. All you want is what you can have.
[02:43:06] Just know that
[02:43:07] my life's a mess.
[02:43:11] Sit back,
[02:43:11] relax and go where I used to
[02:43:14] have it. I'm gonna sit in the bush, and if she wards it
[02:43:16] I'm going to kill it with my Q.
[02:43:20] Heheh! Gotcha!
[02:43:24] ... I took like half my HP, but worth.
[02:43:34] We win level 2 very hard. I see the edge to like actually push the wave
[02:43:40] Like he has to he has to push hard here
[02:44:04] Oh like yeah he's This is awkward, because I want to go in but it's also hard without Bone Plating. Because like, I really wanna go forward here and fight,
[02:44:07] But it's hard to go in without as
[02:44:09] I don't know how good the Ezreal is okay that was really good. We got his cleanse. Getting his cleanse this early is huge.
[02:44:25] Because my flash is like whatever it's not actually a big deal
[02:44:37] because like i can just hex flash or i
[02:44:38] can uh
[02:44:46] flank him and just land q
[02:44:50] it's actually really good for us.
[02:44:56] Okay, bro.
[02:45:00] He doesn't seem to be uh
[02:45:06] dodging those
[02:45:11] my man's like nah i'm not gonna dodge those.
[02:45:13] Like, ah understandable.
[02:45:15] We gotta play safe though
[02:45:17] cause I'm pretty... until we see Rengar
[02:45:19] Like if we see Rengar
[02:45:21] no no don't don't don't know who Rengar is.
[02:45:25] Our Kha'Zix is top and we don't see Rengar so...
[02:45:31] That means Rengar is very likely bot. see okay um god i'm good Did I play that almost as good as I think I could have? I don't know. Okay.
[02:47:06] I don't know where to be on the map right now,
[02:47:09] I'm not gonna...I don't think we give them this turret
[02:47:13] i don't think we give them a start like we don't give them plates there that's illegal illegal oh my god I'm like trying to do too much at the
[02:47:31] moments I've got something to tell you I'm gonna take you
[02:47:43] Just come back and die
[02:47:45] Die, die, die
[02:47:47] I'll see you
[02:47:49] I'll see you
[02:47:54] No we don't dive though, because Janna's here. We're just chunking him out.
[02:48:01] We should push this, though. superstar I don't know where Rengar is.
[02:48:26] I'm a little nervous about trying to make
[02:48:28] a play.
[02:48:39] Okay. I will protect you. Oh, he's top? Okay, I'm gonna go top and help my team here. My team is trying to make a really big play here, so I'm just going top and try to help.
[02:48:53] Like if I sit here and zone the Rengar off this wave it's huge...
[02:48:56] Then I can walk back bot now? If I just sit here and zone the Rengar off this wave, it's huge.
[02:48:59] Then I can walk back bot now?
[02:49:13] Like, just my existence makes it so Rengar can't play the game. game whoa oh okay okay
[02:49:28] yo come here.
[02:49:29] Yo, fight me!
[02:49:56] Haha oh Very nicely done, Mistrest.
[02:50:02] That's what I call the old razzle dazzle boys.
[02:50:14] I actually need to back air, I'll just eat this wave for him and then back up
[02:50:20] I really hope he didn't cue me man Fuck you Man!
[02:50:23] Fuck you. Is this a this is definitely a tabby's game right pretty sure oh
[02:50:44] Okay Oh. Okay.
[02:50:46] Maybe it's a Swifties game.
[02:50:49] Wait, he didn't kill that Rengar.
[02:50:56] Ooh! Ooh! Ooh. Wait, that's clean with it!
[02:50:59] Janna is above you, Janna is above you.
[02:51:02] Ohhhh if he had Qued blind into that bush...
[02:51:06] Like uh...
[02:51:08] That's like the game sense diff.
[02:51:11] Like that was just pure game sense diff right there.
[02:51:14] If you get blind-queueed into that bush just now uh
[02:51:23] you would have actually killed that guy.
[02:51:32] Oh, he didn't have cooldowns...
[02:51:37] Oh no! I mean, he 100% kills that guy if he had all of his buttons.
[02:51:41] Him pinging me is wild because like that's actually just stupid.
[02:51:45] Oh, these guys are dead or what? Can we even kill this guy's just dead or what?
[02:51:48] Can we even kill this guy? Me and Kha'Zix?
[02:51:52] Wait for the wave. Don't fight in the wave!
[02:51:55] Okay we can go Not bad.
[02:52:13] Okay, I'm not gonna lie my Hwaye is dying weirdly.
[02:52:18] I don't understand why this way
[02:52:20] is tilted, because
[02:52:22] I've helped this way as much as
[02:52:24] like... my god Oh, I feel bad.
[02:52:49] I need to sit bot and help this guy.
[02:52:56] Alright, I feel so bad man.
[02:53:03] Oh... Oh.
[02:53:07] Because I want to help the Ez, but like, I went top and I helped Kha'Zix
[02:53:09] and then I went...
[02:53:11] Ez is getting two mans or three mans because uh so hard if ezreal was a better player i
[02:53:19] would feel so much more confident sitting bot.
[02:53:28] I mean, this way is not very good.
[02:53:29] This guy's... He went horizon way? Oh yeah, that guy's trolling.
[02:53:34] I'm gonna have to mute him.
[02:53:35] Oh, he muted himself. Okay.
[02:53:37] No, yeah, I'm gonna just play around the
[02:53:38] Kha'Zix.
[02:53:41] If I'm being honest,
[02:53:42] Ezreal's not a bad player, but he's not
[02:53:44] clutch. Yeah. if i'm being honest the ezreal's not a bad player but he's not clutch
[02:53:47] like he's not clutch even if that makes sense to anybody They'll have to get through me.
[02:54:08] There's like three different times now where the Ezreal has fucked up.
[02:54:16] Like here, we could fight them but I want to go in.
[02:54:17] But uh...I can't because I'm scared of Ezreal not playing it correctly.
[02:54:33] Dude, it's actually wild that uh my mid is this angry
[02:54:39] i'm at and by top like you guys are just bad.
[02:54:45] Like straight up if you lose your lanes like that, you're just bad at the game.
[02:55:14] I don't think they should ever be pinging that's just wild Dude, how easy is it though to just dive people straight up? That's wild no?
[02:55:20] I'm always curious how support players don't just want to dive people on repeat. It doesn't make any sense.
[02:55:27] Like that Janna is by herself under turret my as a triforce
[02:55:33] just walk up qr dude instant eyes
[02:55:38] i swear to god it's always like one person on your team who is playing poorly and they
[02:55:44] always get mad at something.
[02:55:50] Like some... Something makes them mad?
[02:56:08] Oh, my God! What am I watching, guys? Okay.
[02:56:10] I mean you're dead like like you gotta run bro Okay. okay
[02:56:42] guys the game's not over are you too
[02:56:44] stupid not over are you too stupid
[02:56:49] jesus they play bad and they're like i don't want to pee anymore
[02:56:54] do you wanna more i don't want to play anymore
[02:57:01] Guys
[02:57:05] Like literally the game is not over like you do not need to freak the fuck out. Like this is crazy to me, like it's 11-16! Why are 16.
[02:57:21] Like, why are we raging? Stop!
[02:57:32] It's like dude, you went TF top and lost. It happens right? You're bad.
[02:57:36] Kha'Zix is doing fine he's against the rengar and way is first timing away like if you first
[02:57:41] time a champion ranks you're not gonna do great on the champion your first timing
[02:57:46] especially at champion like quay because it's such a hard champ.
[02:57:59] That's not an easy champ to play first time you know I'm trying really hard to help my homies. Guys, I have...
[02:58:31] I mean, I'm very strong. You guys could just...
[02:58:37] Wait, Kha'Zix? Fight! Help him!
[02:58:45] Okay.
[02:58:48] Uh, not the worst.
[02:58:52] Not
[02:58:52] the worst at all.
[02:58:54] We got bot turret for
[02:58:56] all of that fighting. Kha'Zix is
[02:58:57] an idiot, but...
[02:59:00] This is like one
[02:59:02] of those games that you look at and you're like
[02:59:03] I think every single one of these people is
[02:59:05] actually boosted.
[02:59:08] They're either all autofilled or they're
[02:59:09] all boosted because this is wild to me
[02:59:11] how bad everyone is.
[02:59:35] ... so Like, my Hwaye just watched me get auto-attacked for ten years. Like, okay nice!
[02:59:40] Go heal.
[02:59:43] Look I think I just absorbed a thousand auto attacks
[02:59:45] from Trist and my way used through zero abilities
[02:59:50] like i know she had nasus in her face but like christ what is going on guys so um I am definitely dead.
[03:00:41] Dude, look how tanky I am definitely dead. Look how tanky I am!
[03:00:45] This Ezreal doesn't have the balls to actually take fights
[03:00:49] We might lose, Ezreal's not good enough to play aggro with his lead,
[03:00:52] and this is why I didn't want to sit bot
[03:00:54] if you're curious.
[03:00:57] Like I said, you can always tell how
[03:00:58] good people are based on like how they're
[03:01:00] spacing and playing early game this ezreal is not
[03:01:03] the best ad carry player but he doesn't know what his champ does
[03:01:16] like if that was me on Ez, we would have already won the game. Straight up, the games over, GG well played, we go next.
[03:01:19] 15 if I was as well here
[03:01:25] lawyer would be close it would have been a fifteen-year hmm
[03:01:41] yeah i should have just hit yes. These guys don't...
[03:01:44] This Ezreal doesn't even know how to play the lane.
[03:01:50] He's just straight up AFKing.
[03:01:52] He's not good enough.
[03:01:55] Unfortunate
[03:01:58] It makes me sad because
[03:02:01] Like their bobbling is not very good
[03:02:04] Their team's not very good in general, but
[03:02:06] my team doesn't want to win.
[03:02:10] Like they've already decided
[03:02:11] that they don't want to play and because of that
[03:02:12] they like don't want to be in the game anymore.
[03:02:18] So they have the game anymore so they've like turned off their brain this happens a fuck ton so Ooh, not the worst.
[03:02:46] Not the worst.
[03:02:47] I have Wormog's passive!
[03:02:51] But I have Warmog's passive, we might be able to actually fight.
[03:02:58] I have Warmog's, let's go! Where was our damage?
[03:03:21] The fuck? I had Triss just hitting me
[03:03:25] the whole time.
[03:03:29] Okay... E forward! okay e forward thank you if this Israel can grow sac, we can win this game.
[03:03:45] So enough. Like if this Ez grows its sac...
[03:03:47] We-we-we can win, we can win.
[03:03:49] Cause this is actually like a definite-
[03:03:51] Their only AP is Nidalee. They have AP mid. is actually like a definite their only ap
[03:03:52] is nidalee they have ap mid with moonstone
[03:03:58] girl sack play aggro and we win oh
[03:04:19] holy fuck they're bad. It is wild how bad the difference in skill is! is it's actually crazy though like high key absolutely insane so uh we shouldn't fight actually out of turret it's not good
[03:04:59] okay tf just decided he didn't want to uh
[03:05:02] use cooldowns there Yikes.
[03:05:16] I mean, I'll be real.
[03:05:18] I don't know what I could have done better this game.
[03:05:21] Ezra...
[03:05:22] I had nobody to play around. so so Look, I obviously didn't play perfect but................... Dude, I've seen four different people with bot accounts in the past week.
[03:09:19] How are people spending hundreds of dollars on Master's accounts.
[03:09:25] That's crazy to me!
[03:09:33] Legitimately though, it's wild.
[03:09:37] I feel like spending hundreds of dollars on accounts that...
[03:09:40] You're spending actual money on a rank in a video game so that you can lose every
[03:09:45] one of your games.
[03:09:48] People have way too
[03:09:49] much money.
[03:09:53] You guys got way too much fucking money, bro.
[03:09:56] Give me some of your money! Like if you're willing to spend $200 on a Masters account...
[03:10:00] ...give me some of your money, bro. I'll use it. I'll use your money.
[03:10:07] You pay me $200? I'll get you higher LP than that account.
[03:10:11] You give me 200, I'll literally
[03:10:13] get you GM.
[03:10:20] Instead of spending 200 on a Masters fucking account. Like you're just wasting your money because you're gonna lose every game and then you're
[03:10:24] going to have to pay more money.
[03:10:28] Shit's wild.
[03:10:30] Chat,
[03:10:32] start communicating with me right now
[03:10:33] or I'm gonna scream
[03:10:36] into the mic.
[03:10:41] If you are here participate in the discussion
[03:11:11] you stupid You stupid fox! Thank you.
[03:11:14] I appreciate it. Bye. Thank you.
[03:11:35] What do I even want to play? I don't know.
[03:11:36] What am I in the mood for? I'm up all night to get some. I'm up all night for good fun,
[03:11:43] and I'm up all night to get lucky.
[03:11:45] Pretty kind of stuff.
[03:11:47] I'm up all night to get some
[03:11:49] I'm up all night for good fun
[03:11:51] I'm up all out to get up one night to get lucky and what's oh blitzcrank i like blitz i like that is We're up all night to get some, we're up all night for good fun.
[03:12:57] We're up all night to get lucky!
[03:13:02] Night to get pretty, ba da ba ba ba da ba
[03:13:06] Ba da ba brum brum bum bum
[03:13:12] We're up all night to get lucky
[03:13:19] All night to get lucky. We're up all night to get lucky. We're up all night to get lucky.
[03:13:21] We're up all night to get lucky.
[03:13:23] We're up all night to get lucky.
[03:13:27] Beep beep beep Beep beep beep I'll be here and there playing the new Final Fantasy XIV expansion? Ah, I did hear
[03:13:40] there was a new
[03:13:42] Final Fantasy
[03:13:43] expansion.
[03:13:57] Okay. I've never really been into FFXIV. I played it very briefly with my friends,
[03:14:00] I think like two years ago or something.
[03:14:02] I didn't even get max level.
[03:14:04] Like everybody just quit so I quit.
[03:14:10] One of my friends plays it a lot.
[03:14:12] Like, he made it this mission to compare it to WoW and beat Final Fantasy XIV.
[03:14:19] He says it's terrible.
[03:14:22] Like, he says it's literally like...
[03:14:25] Way worse than WoW in every way.
[03:14:30] But people who play Final Fantasy are like die-hard Final Fantasy players.
[03:14:36] Like, I mean like DIE-HARD Final Fantasy players. So it's like they refuse the biggest bad.
[03:15:01] You can slip through the cracks and the crevices they refuse to face that Oh my mouse is about to die again.
[03:15:02] That's not good.
[03:15:07] I have to charge me mouse!
[03:15:28] What do you think, Clockwork? Do you enjoy Final Fantasy XIV or is it overrated like my friend says? Enjoy it? Oh, that's good.
[03:15:35] I think one of his biggest gripes is like the story's not very good.
[03:15:40] And the characters look really stupid.
[03:15:53] Okay. because like i will say the final fantasy 7 or the fantasy 14 characters do look stupid like i know that that's
[03:15:56] like part of the charm a lot of people like they're
[03:15:58] like stupid looking characters right no he's he's beaten the entire thing you beat every expansion
[03:16:04] and he is up to as he is up to date in final fantasy 14 as far as you can be but he's also like uh he has a really big
[03:16:15] hard-on for wow so take it with a grain of salt of like you know he does love wow but wow is really good so i get
[03:16:23] it I will say this
[03:16:32] the battle system in WoW is
[03:16:35] definitely better than the battle system
[03:16:36] in Final Fantasy though
[03:16:37] story aside
[03:16:39] you know whatever else aside like the battle system allow us crazy good
[03:16:46] But I don't think any MMO is ever gonna beat the battle system and wow
[03:16:50] Just because I mean it's like it's like not possible to beat that
[03:16:55] just cause it's too good okay No, no, I'm not shitting on you or anything like that.
[03:17:17] I'm just telling you what I've been told, you know?
[03:17:23] You like whatever the fuck you want to like
[03:17:24] oh okay so Oh, I think WoW PvP might be the best PvP in all of existence.
[03:17:57] Of any game ever created,
[03:18:00] WoW PvP might be the best.
[03:18:03] The way WoW PvP works, it just like...
[03:18:11] It's hard to put your finger on it.
[03:18:14] The systems in place and the movement and how it feels.
[03:18:20] Oh.
[03:18:24] Okay, I'm just bad.
[03:18:26] Dude, he actually hooked me wait. I'm not crazy right that was an insane hook or what
[03:18:40] Wait like how crazy am I?
[03:18:41] That was... I swear to God he hooked me past the Thresh.
[03:18:45] Like Thresh was in his face.
[03:18:47] He like walked a foot. That was crazy.
[03:18:49] I don't even know what to say.
[03:18:51] I was positive that guy was dead.
[03:18:56] It's the last time I PvP'd him out?
[03:18:57] I played
[03:18:58] the solo shuffle thing when the new It's the last time i've been wow, I played
[03:19:02] The solo shuffle thing when the new expansion came out
[03:19:05] like a year ago Maybe it was a little over a year. Maybe it was like a little over a year ago
[03:19:08] I don't know but I played like the solo shuffle experience thing and uh
[03:19:13] i got gladiator in that i actually got top 10 in that solar shuffle thing. And it was fun!
[03:19:21] I mean, WoW is...
[03:19:23] WoW PPP
[03:19:25] is fun.
[03:19:29] It's like riding a bike. Like, if you were good at WoW
[03:19:32] It's the exact same game as it used to be
[03:19:34] Only it's...
[03:19:36] It's the exact same game
[03:19:38] It's just a lot faster than it used to be
[03:19:40] Like everything else
[03:19:43] or just more stupid in the game micro stuns suck But I mean, I was like the rank 4 Affliction lock on Solar Shuffle for two months.
[03:20:12] When everybody was playing Deemo and Dessro in shits, I was the masochist playing Affliction.
[03:20:18] And people hated having me on their team.
[03:20:22] Like I would literally get flamed the second the doors- the second. I zoned in I would get fucking flames
[03:20:27] They'd be like why are you playing that shit, and I'd be like all right relax. I'm trying my best
[03:20:44] oh Like, alright, relax. I'm trying my best. I think Shaco is bot. There's no way, man.
[03:21:10] Like come on!
[03:21:21] Okay... I guess we're just...
[03:21:27] I guess we're just getting the jungle diff.
[03:21:28] Like what are you doing, bro?
[03:21:31] Lil' Bro, please play
[03:21:33] the game, Lil' Bro.
[03:21:35] Why are we standing here?
[03:21:37] AFK!
[03:21:39] Okay. What am I watching here AFK. Okay, like
[03:21:40] what am I watching?
[03:21:42] They just walked up at
[03:21:44] 20% HP.
[03:21:48] Like, Lillia could have killed both of them.
[03:21:53] Like what? There's no way this guy mains Lillia right?
[03:21:59] He just- like that's wild man!
[03:22:01] He just watched both of them. No sums, no cooldowns.
[03:22:07] Has Flash available...
[03:22:12] ... Has Flash available?
[03:22:25] I am so sad. I mean, Lillia just loops around.
[03:22:27] If she just loops around,
[03:22:28] she kills them both
[03:22:28] because they can't run.
[03:22:30] They have no cooldowns.
[03:22:33] Like, like... can't run they have no cooldowns
[03:22:37] like uh where do they run to right it's not like they physically can't run We should also be really aggro here, even though they have a lead on us
[03:22:56] because thresh is five and i'm six
[03:23:01] like this is gonna keep happening.
[03:23:11] Whatever man...
[03:23:19] I think this game's doomed. if i'm being completely honest oh that was actually clean
[03:23:26] i mean if i'm being honest this game is definitely dooms it is a massive jungle diff, by the way.
[03:23:32] We should 15.
[03:23:35] I'm always down to try and win games, but when it's the jungler being gapped this hard
[03:23:37] you have to forfeit there's no there's no winning
[03:23:43] he asked for jungle too this guy in chat begged for jungle he said please let me jungle This Lilia has lost 210 LP in the last 24 hours.
[03:24:07] I mean, I'm dead.
[03:24:12] I can't even move!
[03:24:13] I'm literally creep-blocked.
[03:24:15] Wait, I actually couldn't
[03:24:16] move from that area
[03:24:17] by the way.
[03:24:20] The minion creep blocked me into
[03:24:22] the corner! I was like clicking
[03:24:24] it didn't let me move.
[03:24:26] Like even after the
[03:24:28] Jinx thing went away, I still couldn't move.
[03:24:31] That was funny.
[03:24:39] This is just frustrating because you have a jungler who's getting outclassed on the easiest slash best role in the game.
[03:24:44] On his one trick too.
[03:24:47] Like he's literally being outclassed on his one trick and still unable to play the game which is very
[03:24:53] frustrating I got DC'd. Wait, did I DC? Did my stream go down for a second?
[03:25:17] Like, did I actually see? Hello? Did I DC? Oh.
[03:25:38] I was like, wait! I couldn't move when I was clicking.
[03:25:41] So I guess you guys couldn't see it so I was DC'd.
[03:25:43] Oh okay. guys couldn't see it so i was gc oh okay
[03:25:46] that's not why i died i think i was dead either way but
[03:25:50] uh i definitely think it was interesting Yeah, I guess you guys couldn't see it.
[03:26:01] I was running into the wall
[03:26:02] and I got flame chomped
[03:26:04] and I couldn't move my character.
[03:26:23] That was wild I swear by the way, I never get mad when my jungler wins. Like if my junglers doing like really good shit on the map, by the way...
[03:26:27] I never actually get mad at him.
[03:26:30] Just want to make this clear.
[03:26:31] Like, I've talked about this before.
[03:26:32] I don't get mad if my jungler's not camping my lane.
[03:26:34] That doesn't make me upset.
[03:26:35] What irritates me is when...
[03:26:40] When I'm getting camped the whole game and they're living at 1 HP
[03:26:42] and then my jungler's AFK doing nothing.
[03:26:45] That's what makes me fucking mad.
[03:26:52] Because it's really easy as a jungler to do something
[03:26:59] like genuinely jungle is the easiest role to like do something on right because you're always like able to play the game as a jungler
[03:27:07] that's why i'm like frustrated right now.
[03:27:19] It is what it is.
[03:27:22] Oh, I need to max W second.
[03:27:23] I forgot.
[03:27:26] That's my man.
[03:27:30] Damn, I can't really walk up. I'm just gonna die to shaco if i try I can't.
[03:27:45] Yeah...
[03:27:53] Like, the game's definitely winnable. It's just like... I... This is one of those games where I do want to kinda go next
[03:27:58] because this is so miserable for me but
[03:28:02] My mid and my top are actually doing quite good so i'm gonna try my best
[03:28:08] it's just gonna be rough because like we need to kill jinx and we have to kill her.
[03:28:15] Like, we're not even attempting to play
[03:28:19] to kill her right now either which is really rough.
[03:28:23] Huh! Lily is literally just power farming, but she's down in farm which is changing. We decide who wins. Oh, that's the real one.
[03:28:39] Okay this Blitz is kind of goaded though!
[03:28:44] That was a really good hook.
[03:28:45] What the fuck
[03:28:55] Like that was that's a crazy good hook by Blitz.
[03:29:03] I just missed a lot of hooks actually.
[03:29:08] What? Guys, are we just gonna like actually let them do this by the way?
[03:29:27] Like... We can't just let them take turret.
[03:29:31] Please! I can't defend this!
[03:29:35] They're gonna take it on this cannon wave.
[03:29:47] Okay, well Lilia had to farm her camp Yeah I got hooked but i'll be real
[03:29:52] like i don't care louie also just missed an e
[03:29:57] she has zero damage and she walked into a shako box, yeah.
[03:30:01] Forfeit.
[03:30:03] Yeah, please go next.
[03:30:06] This is the worst jungler
[03:30:07] I've seen in probably 10,000 games
[03:30:09] I've played League.
[03:30:10] I would rather take one of you people as my jungler probably 10 000 games i've played league
[03:30:11] i would rather take one of you people as
[03:30:13] my jungler from twitch chat
[03:30:16] oh a thousand percent i would rather
[03:30:17] have a twitch chatter is my jungle than
[03:30:18] this guy
[03:30:20] he is so outrageously bad, I think I could jungle versus him myself and drop 20 kills. Don't drag you into it.
[03:30:36] What do you mean?
[03:30:41] Wait, I just gave you credit
[03:31:45] I said, you would be better! I said anybody from my chat could out jungle this guy. guy is It is what it is.
[03:31:45] I mean, like I said,
[03:31:47] I've mentally checked out of this one. I'm okay with losing this one.
[03:31:50] This is just one of those games where
[03:31:52] if I played perfect, maybe I'd carry,
[03:31:54] but it would have been
[03:31:56] a really hard, mentally exhausting game and I wasn't...
[03:32:00] I just didn't want to mentally have to do that, so.
[03:32:06] It is what it is.
[03:32:15] Maybe I shouldn't give my roll anymore? I agree.
[03:32:17] My Anivia's playing well while off-rolled, by the way. This Anivia gave her role to this Lilia and this Lilia's running it down. How wild is that?
[03:32:35] That's why I never give my role in solo queue, unless
[03:32:37] like I know that I can perform
[03:32:39] extremely well off of it. And even then,
[03:32:42] if somebody asks for a roll
[03:32:48] there's a pretty good chance that i'll ask them for their, and if they have a negative win rate
[03:32:52] in the past 20, I usually just say no
[03:32:54] because like I'd rather them be
[03:32:58] on a role that they don't know how to play
[03:33:00] and if they're going to int, then on an important roll.
[03:33:04] Like, if they're jungler
[03:33:04] and they're like, hey, let me jungle.
[03:33:07] Like, make them play mid,
[03:33:08] because they're going to suck on jungle, right?
[03:33:15] Like... gonna suck on jungle right like it's gonna they're just going to end some
[03:33:16] jungle so you might as well dislike what
[03:33:22] I'm ends on a different role, in my opinion.
[03:33:32] Oh! oh Well they actually killed that guy, wow. Okay.
[03:34:01] That's kind of wild actually. What was up? Oh, what's up, Japapi. How you doing man?
[03:34:10] How have you been? Just chilling.
[03:34:13] How is your weekend going so far bro
[03:34:47] i usually don't stream on saturdays so like i'm just vibing today you know Are days gonna soon? Are you old like me an old man
[03:34:58] fucking mouse man
[03:35:11] 26 damn 26? Damn.
[03:35:19] Bro, I'm not gonna try and take that many. Like if we stand there we're gonna get flanked by the whole team
[03:35:29] one fourth of your life wait Wait are you gonna be fuckin...
[03:35:32] You're livin' to a hundred?! Oh shit.
[03:35:36] Wait, you're smurfing!
[03:35:40] ... so so so oh he's gone
[03:36:38] uh i want to go back. You guys can get this turret. I mean, if we wanna win, we have to play for this dragon.
[03:36:42] We don't really have a choice.
[03:36:43] Oh wait, I'm supposed to do this.
[03:36:51] We just straight up don't have a choice if we want to win that.
[03:36:55] If they get Cloud Soul with their comp, we're just gonna get fucking railed, man.
[03:37:06] Poppy...with the fuckin'... The Poppy with the fucking guest appearance.
[03:37:26] Ooh, that's not good oh they overstayed a bit hey lads you guys overstate a little but I think we get Baron and play for Sol.
[03:37:40] Uh, huh... Uh... Huh.
[03:37:42] Okay.
[03:37:46] I don't know how we're gonna fight this.
[03:37:49] We have no vision.
[03:37:51] Like... don't know how we're gonna fight this. We have no vision. Like, can you pink it or something?
[03:37:59] Oh, now this is rough. I mean, I don't have a choice.
[03:38:15] Like, I'm just gonna die.
[03:38:17] Ah!
[03:38:18] I think we lose.
[03:38:21] Aatrox got caught and then we lose Baron lose.
[03:38:23] Aatrox got caught,
[03:38:24] and then we lose Baron,
[03:38:25] and then we try to fight Baron,
[03:38:25] then Lillia died.
[03:38:27] Blitz and Lillia
[03:38:28] both died,
[03:38:28] but we needed
[03:38:28] to just play for
[03:38:29] our soul.
[03:38:32] Dude, low masters is basically the biggest like
[03:38:35] this elo will never not be the worst players that somehow
[03:38:39] squeaked into high elo that i've ever seen in my life
[03:38:42] like to poppy as a Grandmaster Challenger player
[03:38:46] wouldn't you say it's crazy sometimes seeing how the players
[03:38:50] and low masters even manage to get to this elo with their gameplay.
[03:38:56] Like, it's...
[03:38:57] Not to even whine about it,
[03:38:58] it's just crazy watching the level
[03:39:01] of intelligence.
[03:39:02] It's like, how did they...
[03:39:04] Sometimes you'll play with people in the back
[03:39:05] how the fuck did they get here because it's like it's wild the decision
[03:39:11] making right like the it's like pure logic it's like okay our atrox dragon is up in one minute right
[03:39:19] that's their dragon soul so instead of thinking oh dragons up in
[03:39:24] one minute it's their dragon? Like let's play around
[03:39:27] that right? Instead of thinking that what ends
[03:39:29] up happening we
[03:39:30] overstay to hit turret for no
[03:39:33] reason at all. Like
[03:39:34] what am I watching?
[03:39:37] Like what?
[03:39:39] Oh,
[03:39:39] I'm dead.
[03:39:42] Like, they overstayed
[03:39:43] to hit mid turret when there's zero
[03:39:45] chance they're gonna kill this turret, right? Like, there's zero chance they're gonna kill this turret, right? Like
[03:39:48] there's zero chance they would ever kill this turret
[03:39:50] and instead of prepping
[03:39:52] dragon and not dying their thought
[03:39:54] process is I need to
[03:39:56] just hit my buttons and try and like fight them for fun
[03:39:59] here. But then you're like, why?
[03:40:01] Why would you fight them for fun here?
[03:40:03] And they're like, I don't know man. And then they cope
[03:40:05] It's always the copers
[03:40:06] It's the people who are like, bro, this game was lost 10 minutes
[03:40:10] ago. Or they always make excuses.
[03:40:12] They're like, no man, the game was lost. No man,
[03:40:13] this happened. No man, this happened.
[03:40:15] It doesn't matter what I do, this is happening.
[03:40:17] I'm like, it does matter because you just
[03:40:20] threw the game.
[03:40:27] It's straight up wild to me
[03:40:28] because it doesn't make sense.
[03:40:31] And then you have junglers like this Lilia
[03:40:33] who AFK'd the entire game, right?
[03:40:37] And they still got out-farmed.
[03:40:39] So, like...
[03:40:41] They quite literally
[03:40:43] did nothing but
[03:40:45] AFK farm. First of all,
[03:40:47] they begged for their role. This is the most funny part about this
[03:40:49] In champ select this L this only begged for jungle right like bang so
[03:40:53] he was like please let me jungle i can't play any other roles so our anivia who's
[03:40:57] doing very well off roll gave this this liia her role, right?
[03:41:06] So we gave the Lillia her role.
[03:41:09] She ended up performing the worst on
[03:41:11] the team having no pressure in the game we got ganked by shako
[03:41:16] she afk'd three feet away from the fight both of the enemy were one hp
[03:41:21] under the turret hitting the the turret. Lilia reset
[03:41:24] in front of both of them...
[03:41:28] Then started
[03:41:30] spam pinging like she wasn't the problem.
[03:41:32] Now if you ever wonder why these players need to be banned,
[03:41:36] this player in question has dropped over 200 LP in one sitting of League of legends you deserve to be banned
[03:41:46] you need to quit the game or take a break
[03:41:50] you are playing badly bro you have been playing league for 24 hours.
[03:41:55] Go to bed.
[03:42:02] Like, you are in fact the problem.
[03:42:14] Like,
[03:42:17] like you've been playing League for 24 hours. This guy has been queuing league
[03:42:23] He's played 30 games in 24 hours and he is solo losing his team the game was every game
[03:42:30] Like you got to take a break man like what's wrong with you that's like pure addiction
[03:42:41] that's literally just pure addiction It's a big addiction. It's crazy when you think about it, actually. so
[03:42:58] well you gotta take a break bro.
[03:43:00] Cause like...
[03:43:04] I'm not gonna lie, Lillia counters Shaco too. You literally
[03:43:08] counter that champ.
[03:43:12] Lillia counters their whole team actually, because they have no CC
[03:43:14] outside of Malz right?
[03:43:15] Like Malzahar is the only person who is good on
[03:43:17] their team against Lillia
[03:43:18] The rest of them suck
[03:43:21] So like Lillia just wins that matchup
[03:43:23] versus Shaco cause he power forms
[03:43:25] Lillia power forms quicker than
[03:43:27] Shaco, can full clear on repeat
[03:43:29] do the objectives and then play to
[03:43:32] strong side bot.
[03:43:34] It's really easy.
[03:43:41] Even this guy said keep abusing Lilia. You cannot play jungle.
[03:43:45] Like I normally wouldn't like you shouldn't type but like dude he is getting railed every game.
[03:43:51] I need to add this guy so that I don't play with him.
[03:43:53] Not to flame, I just need to dodge him.
[03:44:00] Like,
[03:44:00] I have to dodge this guy.
[03:44:03] Okay, we'll block him.
[03:44:04] I think when you block somebody it shows that they're blocked in champ select.
[03:44:08] So if I block him now and get into a game with someone who's hovering Lillia next game
[03:44:13] in champ select and they're blocked
[03:44:15] like already like if they're muted from champ select i just dodge By the way, if you ever wonder if Winner's Q and Wizard's Q is real...
[03:44:35] Let me show you something funny.
[03:44:39] It's a thousand percent real! Watch this.
[03:44:41] I'm gonna show you something really funny.
[03:44:43] Check us out, check this out..................... uh I think there should be a system in place that stops you from playing League for X amount of hours in a row.
[03:48:43] I know
[03:48:43] they won't do that because
[03:48:45] they enjoy
[03:48:48] the addiction,
[03:48:49] but I do think there should be a system in place that stops you from doing that
[03:48:54] it'd be healthy Well, like if you play 20 games in a row...
[03:49:11] Yeah but I think it should require it.
[03:49:13] That's what I'm saying.
[03:49:13] Let's say you play 20 games in a row.
[03:49:15] You physically can't queue up for one hour.
[03:49:19] They lock your account from ranked
[03:49:21] for at least 1-2 hours.
[03:49:23] Okay? your account from ranked for at least one to two hours.
[03:49:32] Like straight up, I think that would be good.
[03:49:37] The swap accounts? We have Vanguard, just lock the system for two hours.
[03:49:44] Everybody in the world has to
[03:49:45] use Vanguard, right?
[03:49:47] Just hardware ban
[03:49:49] the accounts from being able
[03:49:51] to queue ranks for 2 hours.
[03:49:53] They can't do that? Of course they can.
[03:49:56] If you don't think they can do that,
[03:49:57] you're wild.
[03:49:59] They can 100%
[03:49:59] do that, bro.
[03:50:13] People will quit? Dude, how often do you think people are playing 24 hours of League? That's not happening all the time you're insane
[03:50:33] like that's not like a common problem, but it does happen sometimes. And I'm saying they should make it so that it can never
[03:50:39] happen. Like, it's like a
[03:50:41] .001% of the
[03:50:43] population plays
[03:50:44] too much. Like, that
[03:50:47] level. Like, Way too much.
[03:50:49] And it should lock out your computer for an hour.
[03:54:15] I mean, from a business standpoint..................... What's the difference between somebody being hardware banned for cheating and not able to use the computer?
[03:54:17] Or somebody like Riot using that same hardware ban for like one hour to
[03:54:22] require a downtime so people don't
[03:54:25] die of blood clots and shit
[03:54:26] for safety.
[03:54:28] For your safety, we're going to make sure
[03:54:31] you can't play for one hour.
[03:54:33] Take a one-hour break.
[03:54:40] We don't want you playing our
[03:54:41] game that much that's
[03:54:43] that like i'm not saying they will but i'm saying like they could
[03:54:47] and there'd be nothing wrong with it is I
[03:55:15] Mean, I guess we just wait cuz Because Shaco could be boss-odd.
[03:55:20] Dancing! Dancing! um Oh yeah, no.
[03:55:44] Shaco's definitely in our jungle.
[03:55:48] No, yeah. He's definitely in our jungle. No, yeah he is definitely there. so What am I watching?
[03:56:24] Hello?
[03:56:28] How the fuck did they let that happen?
[03:56:35] I mean, it should bleed into gaming as a whole.
[03:56:38] Playing for long periods of time
[03:56:40] As somebody who's done it myself. It's not healthy bro, which should be it should be controlled
[03:56:46] It's a gambling like you should not let kids and people play for like
[03:56:51] Long periods of time.
[03:56:52] It's very unhealthy.
[03:56:55] Like incredibly
[03:56:56] unhealthy.
[03:57:01] But that should be regulated. I feel like you're tunnel visioning too hard on this really bad idea of our rights.
[03:57:19] It's like, dude, I'm not saying that you don't deserve it.
[03:57:21] You can kill yourself if you want by playing too much and having blood clots and shit
[03:57:26] That's your right but kids that don't know better? It's just stupid
[03:57:32] I genuinely think it's just a bad fucking...
[03:57:34] Personally, I think it's like
[03:57:38] There should be regulation on
[03:57:42] Certain things
[03:57:46] Like it is unhealthy and that's really
[03:57:47] really bad
[03:57:50] like i've done my longest stream ever i
[03:57:53] did a 35 hour
[03:57:54] stream and i was awake for
[03:57:56] 39 hours.
[03:57:58] Like, I was awake for four hours before
[03:58:00] the stream and then I did a 35-hour stream.
[03:58:03] And it
[03:58:04] was super unhealthy.
[03:58:07] Like, it was like I felt so bad.
[03:58:12] It was miserably bad. Oh! I chose to do it. Yeah, and i'm saying it What I'm saying, it's like something that...
[03:58:54] Like, it's not good.
[03:58:57] That's like saying we shouldn't stop people from jumping off bridges because they choose to do it.
[03:59:02] Right? Like something that is unhealthy for your life, right?
[03:59:05] Somebody ending their life by jumping off a bridge or doing something, right?
[03:59:09] We shouldn't stop them, right? Because it's like
[03:59:10] technically
[03:59:11] it's their choice by that
[03:59:15] logic, right? Like you can't
[03:59:17] like... There are some things
[03:59:19] that are just bad.
[03:59:21] And it's like, people are too stupid or young or whatever.
[03:59:24] They're not stupid but like in
[03:59:25] bad mindsets etc and you should
[03:59:27] regulate certain things.
[03:59:41] ... Thanks. Because, like... I think that
[03:59:43] Like
[03:59:43] I mean, I guess it's just the difference in belief
[03:59:46] I'm just saying, like, I believe that
[03:59:48] We should
[03:59:50] Not allow people to even have the potential of
[03:59:53] doing something destructive
[03:59:55] if
[03:59:57] like, we have the option to not allow
[03:59:59] that.
[04:00:01] You know what I'm saying?
[04:00:04] Like it's...
[04:00:05] There's just too...
[04:00:06] It's like people are dumb.
[04:00:09] I'm saying how much
[04:00:10] people can eat?
[04:00:11] Well no,
[04:00:12] I'm not saying like... Okay. The amount of people
[04:00:15] dying from overeating
[04:00:17] every day is
[04:00:19] it's not a direct correlation
[04:00:21] of that happening immediately. Like nobody's doing
[04:00:23] 24 hour streams every single day always playing the game.
[04:00:26] It's like... it's rare.
[04:00:29] I'm saying those type of things should not be happening...
[04:00:36] Hold on.
[04:00:40] Hold on one sec, I gotta not die here
[04:00:42] he still has ult
[04:00:50] I just personally think that like there should be something to stop,
[04:00:52] like a potential of that happening. Okay. I mean, I genuinely can't do anything here.
[04:01:02] Nice! Huge.
[04:01:08] Because then like... I'm just saying
[04:01:09] I think that, like...
[04:01:11] I know they won't do it
[04:01:13] but it just feels
[04:01:13] to me
[04:01:14] like I feel like
[04:01:15] there should be
[04:01:16] some sort of
[04:01:17] system there should be some sort of system in place to make it
[04:01:21] so people don't just
[04:01:22] play
[04:01:27] stuff. I mean, it's the thing with gambling, right?
[04:01:29] Obviously casinos won't do that because
[04:01:31] they won't do that
[04:01:34] because it makes them money or whatever
[04:01:35] to have people do that shit.
[04:01:37] But I'm saying like
[04:01:37] I think that that's
[04:01:40] kind of wrong, you know? Like, personally.
[04:01:45] Because I've myself
[04:01:46] stayed awake streaming 24
[04:01:48] hours, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it's like... It fucks you up!
[04:01:51] Right? Like, and I wasn't like- this isn't
[04:01:53] when I was old. Like, I was young.
[04:01:55] Like, it fucks you the fuck up.
[04:01:57] It's not great.
[04:02:55] ... it's not great so Like obviously, you know none of that will ever happen because it is what it is but I think that's just my POV. Oh, this axe is really good.
[04:02:58] This guy's crazy, man.
[04:03:00] Like, this guy is popping the fuck off................... What the fuck?
[04:06:22] The fuck, Shaco?
[04:06:23] Fuck off, bro. Fuck! Man. Let me go back.
[04:06:28] I'm going to die.
[04:06:30] I'm going to die.
[04:06:36] Man! Let me go back.
[04:06:44] I gotta get this turret, I'm just gonna die if I stay there.
[04:06:58] He almost got it though. 26 year working 3 jobs, PC class. Ended up doing 42 hours no sleep.
[04:06:59] Ended up having a seizure and needed meds for three years.
[04:07:03] See that's what I'm saying is like...
[04:07:05] Like obviously you are a special case too right?
[04:07:08] Not everybody has you.
[04:07:11] So you can only say for your pov and perspective but i think it's like it just was so much more unhealthy than't think people realize how bad it actually is to stay up for that long a
[04:07:26] period of time.
[04:07:29] My body felt like dog shit.
[04:07:30] I'm telling you right now.
[04:07:31] I wasn't even in a bad space.
[04:07:38] Oh, you stupid fucker.
[04:07:40] Like, I wasn't even
[04:07:41] in a bad... I wasn't unhealthy.
[04:07:43] I wasn't like...
[04:07:44] I was young. This was like
[04:07:46] 2015 when I did the
[04:07:48] 34-hour stream or 35-hour stream or whatever.
[04:07:52] It was like 2015 2015 i was whatever age nine years ago so like what
[04:07:57] i was younger i was like 24. i don't know my math's bad yeah i was like 24.
[04:08:04] so it's like
[04:08:05] I wasn't young
[04:08:05] but I also
[04:08:06] wasn't like old.
[04:08:06] I was like
[04:08:07] in my 20s
[04:08:07] and I'm telling you
[04:08:09] that shit took me out
[04:08:09] for like two days
[04:08:10] actually.
[04:08:11] Like I remember
[04:08:12] getting off stream
[04:08:13] and I was like hallucinating.
[04:08:15] Not actual, but when I closed my eyes
[04:08:18] it was like...
[04:08:20] I just felt like shit.
[04:08:22] I was really, really tired
[04:08:24] and then I slept for 15 hours or some crazy shits
[04:08:29] And then when I woke up I was still tired
[04:08:34] What the fuck is that?
[04:08:42] Like, what am I watching here?
[04:08:44] What's happening here? That Ezreal is a psycho. Oh, nice try. nice track
[04:09:26] up Yeah, no it's been a long time.
[04:09:35] I mean haven't you ever seen like uh...
[04:09:39] Haven't you ever seen like uh... haven't you guys ever seen
[04:09:45] pictures of streamers and shit after 24 hour streams?
[04:09:52] It's not good.
[04:09:57] Unless they're on... even when they're on some sort of stimulants
[04:10:01] like Adderall or caffeine and all that shit.
[04:10:02] Dude, it's rough.
[04:10:05] Your body gets fucked. I gotta honor this act. This guy smurfed, man!
[04:10:14] I played like dog shit in this game. This guy just carried me. oh Haha
[04:10:37] But I mean, yeah I mean, like I said, I used to do really really long streams when I okay
[04:10:41] There was like this was was, like, 2022, I think.
[04:10:46] I don't know.
[04:10:46] Maybe it was 2021?
[04:10:47] I can't remember.
[04:10:48] There was a year where I streamed more than I've ever streamed before
[04:10:52] and it's how I hurt my hand.
[04:10:55] Like there was a...
[04:10:57] I actually did like damage to my hand. It's where my wrist pain came from.
[04:11:01] I was streaming for
[04:11:03] For like three straight months,
[04:11:05] I was streaming literally 10 to 12 hours a day every day
[04:11:10] for like three straight months.
[04:11:12] And I remember some like some days were like 16 hours.
[04:11:17] Some days for like nine hours but then I would like do I turn around and do like a 1617 hour stream.
[04:11:24] Like my average for that year was wild.
[04:11:27] I can go look it up
[04:11:29] on Twitch to see how many hours per
[04:11:31] month I had but it was like very
[04:11:33] unhealthy and I felt
[04:11:34] dog shit for... It took so long to recover from that.
[04:11:38] And my wrist still hasn't recovered fully after years.
[04:11:45] It's rough man
[04:12:01] and the thing is like I was an adult right?
[04:12:05] Like video games are usually for kids. And kid's bodies are obviously more withstanding but...
[04:12:09] I think it's the
[04:12:09] reason. Like in China they regulate it
[04:12:11] don't they?
[04:12:13] I think they do. I think in China they
[04:12:15] actually limit how much you can play games
[04:12:17] or something.
[04:12:22] Which I mean I don't think you should do it i think china limits it to like three hours a day which is wild that's like way too little but
[04:12:28] china's crazy they you should never take it to that level in my opinion
[04:12:33] like that's like the crazy level
[04:12:39] but yeah like i said i think that it's for kids. There should be some regulation
[04:12:50] Because if you look at like the nowadays stuff too, every kid sits on their like...
[04:12:57] They all sit on their iPads and shit. their tablets for like hours and hours
[04:13:07] that can't be good like there's no way that's like super good Because when I was a kid,
[04:13:33] I played video games a lot too.
[04:13:35] But I also like...
[04:13:36] When I was like...
[04:13:37] I didn't start really playing a ton of...
[04:13:40] Even when...
[04:13:40] When I was a kid,
[04:13:42] I did play a lot of games.
[04:13:43] But it was also like not when i was
[04:13:44] really young
[04:13:47] like i would still go outside and do stuff That was a pop-up warning?
[04:14:04] Yeah, but I mean, dude.
[04:14:05] Like having a warning is
[04:14:06] like worthless to the kid when's the last time like you're telling
[04:14:11] me when you were a kid and you have a warning pop up you gave
[04:14:15] two about it.
[04:14:18] I didn't fucking care
[04:14:21] I didn't give two fucks if a warning popped up when i was a kid
[04:14:24] Like that shit doesn't matter
[04:14:25] 🎵 this doesn't matter
[04:14:30] i care about that that be careful parents want to be shitty yeah but okay
[04:14:45] parents can only do so much I do think the majority of how kids turn out
[04:14:50] is based on like upbringing,
[04:14:52] but you also have times where parents will
[04:14:56] do things in their control
[04:14:58] like limit stuff et cetera. And then the kid
[04:15:00] will just continue to do it or
[04:15:02] you know
[04:15:02] You can't do it full control
[04:15:06] because that gets too controlling
[04:15:08] You have to find the sweet spot I assume I've never raised a child but I'm assuming You have to find the sweet spot, I assume. I've never raised
[04:15:11] a child but I'm assuming you have to find like this sweet spot
[04:15:13] of like
[04:15:13] being
[04:15:15] firm but also not like
[04:15:19] overbearing. Because then you get like weird
[04:15:21] uptight kids.
[04:15:37] ... Oh, shit. Cause I mean yeah also it's like hard to regulate
[04:15:40] Like imagine... Imagine you're like a single parent,
[04:15:43] right? How do you like regulate
[04:15:44] your child doing stuff when you're
[04:15:46] like a single parent and you're working two jobs?
[04:15:50] Right? It's
[04:15:51] extra hard because you can't control like everything your kid
[04:15:54] does what do you probably have daycare right and that day care you can't
[04:16:00] control everything that's happening and then you have like like there's tons of stuff
[04:16:06] it's not all on the parents That's what I'm saying.
[04:16:19] Like, when you have stuff in play that helps make stuff easier for people it's pretty nice
[04:16:29] right like if you have stuff that just like assists you in doing things
[04:16:32] like parental controls right like frontal controls are nice because like
[04:16:36] you can set a timer and then if you're not home that timer can just turn off the tv
[04:16:42] right so it's like that's like a nice thing that can happen where you have control over that.
[04:16:48] But, you can have like kids like me who were are smarter than they should've been at that age.
[04:17:11] And I figured out how to get past parental controls extremely fucking easily. is Like, I was a little fucking problem child then.
[04:17:35] My mom would take my game away because I was being toxic or
[04:17:39] something.
[04:17:39] She were like, you
[04:17:40] know, grab me or take
[04:17:41] like my PlayStation
[04:17:42] cord away or whatever
[04:17:43] if I couldn't play it.
[04:17:44] I would literally just
[04:17:44] go like...
[04:17:45] My mom had to work
[04:17:46] like two jobs
[04:17:47] because she was
[04:17:48] raising me alone.
[04:17:50] And I would have to go...
[04:17:51] I would just go into her room and grab it
[04:17:53] because I knew that she...
[04:17:54] I was home alone a lot,
[04:17:56] and I knew that she couldn't do anything about it.
[04:17:58] So I would literally just like go get it and
[04:18:01] then I would play for like three hours and then I would put it back
[04:18:03] And I'm sure like there are kids doing
[04:18:07] the same shit
[04:18:30] Okay. so We should push this in and then go to that fight. Uh oh, this is really awkward. I need to push this?
[04:19:02] I don't know... okay nice Yeah, I mean obviously there's smarter ways of doing it. Like the internet and gaming like big consoles
[04:19:05] and shit were like very like newish when i was a kid right
[04:19:09] so obviously there's like a lot of like technology is like very common now
[04:19:14] so it's a lot easier to deal with. Why am I being p something wrong? There's no world that I die here and i'm trying to push the wave for you guys
[04:19:59] Oh Wait, we killed that guy if he fights... Okayyyy?
[04:20:01] What is my Ekko doing? So he invaded-
[04:20:03] Wait, my Ekko has 10 CS!
[04:20:05] Wait a second this Ekko's an idiot
[04:20:07] What am I watching? Like what's happening right now by the way?
[04:20:11] What?
[04:20:13] So my Ekko invaded the Lee on a timer that we could invade or whatever like I, I came. But my karma's level 2.
[04:20:21] Yeah, this is wild.
[04:20:22] I don't know what's happening. I've just been autopiloting
[04:20:24] this game playing the lane
[04:20:25] and somehow Ezreal has two kills
[04:20:28] and my Ekko is getting
[04:20:31] fucking, he's just griefing.
[04:20:35] Like what's happening here?
[04:20:38] This is why you can't autopilot in League
[04:20:41] Because like I'm just like sitting here. Like everything I've done up to that point was really good
[04:20:46] Okay, played the lane perfects good trades good tempo
[04:20:50] right and Then I auto piloted for two seconds and didn't realize what was going on in
[04:20:54] the game like i i didn't see what i needed to do in that situation because i was just
[04:20:58] like running blindly through the fight.
[04:21:04] But I should've just immediately backed, so I'd let them die.
[04:21:10] That's why autopiloting is silly. Like right here Karma's walking to this fight late.
[04:21:16] Karma should honestly just dive, see how she's late to the fight?
[04:21:20] She should have died while in.
[04:21:22] She should've sat between the turrets and killed
[04:21:24] the Ezreal. That right there is
[04:21:26] something that you don't ever see people in Masters
[04:21:28] do, where
[04:21:30] they will get...
[04:21:32] They'll walk to a fight,
[04:21:36] but they'll be late to that fight and instead of
[04:21:38] Understanding that their weight in the fight. Like we need to dive this guy
[04:21:45] So instead of understanding if there are weights of that fight, They will still walk through the fight. And there's always something you can do on the other side of the map
[04:21:49] For example...
[04:21:52] We shouldn't be pushing this in mindlessly right now either.
[04:21:55] So like, right there Ezreal had to walk back to lane, right?
[04:21:59] And so because he's walking back to lane
[04:22:01] He's gotta walk through the middle of the turrets
[04:22:04] When he does that, Karma can walk between
[04:22:07] towers and W him, and we can just kill him between the turrets
[04:22:11] Right? Because you see how Taric is pretty much
[04:22:15] just...Taric is pretty much just...
[04:22:18] Taric is, like, permanently roaming right now, right?
[04:22:21] But I can't, like- There's no way to punish Taric roaming yet without stacking the wave and diving.
[04:22:27] Like, we either A, get
[04:22:28] dragon or B, we stack the
[04:22:30] wave and we dive the guy
[04:22:31] because there's literally no other way to punish
[04:22:34] and that's just how the game works.
[04:22:37] It's all about timers and shit and that's just how the game works. It's all about timers and shit,
[04:22:39] and that's just like you know...
[04:22:42] We're getting flanked by Lee.
[04:22:58] Oh! I mean, she should have just played that differently as well. Like we knew we were getting flanked by Lee and she should have stood with me.
[04:23:02] All she had to do was R-W the Lee Sin, walk up to me where my flamethrumps
[04:23:08] were, R-W W to Lee and then we
[04:23:11] just kill them because we're stronger.
[04:23:17] But like I said
[04:23:18] a lot of this stuff
[04:23:20] is strong But like I said, a lot of this stuff is stuff that
[04:23:23] I know because I've been Challenger.
[04:23:26] Right? And these are
[04:23:27] little micro...
[04:23:29] What's the word I'm going for?
[04:23:31] Where you do micro... What's the word I'm going for?
[04:23:36] Where like you do really small, minute things but they're very important.
[04:23:40] Micro decisions, they are little tiny micro decisions that matter a lot.
[04:23:43] Because that's the difference between Challenger and Masters, it's like
[04:23:44] those micro decisions on how to punish people
[04:23:47] for making mistakes
[04:23:48] Like when somebody does make a mistake or
[04:23:51] someone makes a play on the side of
[04:23:52] the map, you need to know how to punish that.
[04:23:56] And you need to know how to like put them behind for making that
[04:23:58] play.
[04:24:00] And a lot of the time people don't know how to do that.
[04:24:03] You see all my team is
[04:24:04] just like arguing now over playing?
[04:24:08] Right,
[04:24:08] like this is what I'm talking about it's
[04:24:10] they're all raging
[04:24:12] but they all fucked up.
[04:24:15] Like they've all made mistakes They're all raging, but they all fucked up. Like,
[04:24:15] they've all made mistakes at this point
[04:24:17] and they're all playing bad
[04:24:18] but they're like whining
[04:24:21] about it for no reason
[04:24:33] Oh, that's my bad bad rocket should have saved Rocket there.
[04:24:38] Yeah, if I save Rocket there we win this.
[04:24:40] Damn, my bad.
[04:24:43] I trolled that so hard man.
[04:24:45] I would have triple killed him there.
[04:24:47] That would have been an actual triple kill if I saved Rocket. Damn.
[04:24:50] Because I shot it
[04:24:51] as soon as I saw the Karma W was going to
[04:24:53] land.
[04:25:00] I might be able to live. I do have, uh...
[04:25:03] Oh, barrier didn't matter apparently. My bad.
[04:25:06] I thought I could live by getting hit
[04:25:08] by the Q and baiting it with Barrier then flashing but that's okay
[04:25:15] this is kind of funny because I've done almost nothing wrong.
[04:25:20] I made that mistake with the rocket, but this is how AD Carry works in solo queue.
[04:25:25] You can play... The two misplays were right here when I walked to the fight.
[04:25:28] I should have not walked to that fight, and what I just did too is
[04:25:34] I should've backed sooner when I was fighting just now.
[04:25:39] Those are my two big misplays. when I was fighting just now.
[04:25:41] Those were, like, my two big misplays.
[04:25:44] But you can't really do other stuff.
[04:25:47] Like, I'm not playing wrong otherwise.
[04:25:50] Like, I have a good CS lead. We're vibing you know?
[04:25:54] Oh, I missed the cannon. I can go to hell. My bad. But I mean, if you look at the game so far like i've gotten good
[04:26:03] I've gotten really good plates
[04:26:07] Right like i'm playing pretty well
[04:26:27] I think that's a lot of damage right like i'm playing pretty well we're up 20 cs we're almost a full level Well, the Lee Sin is definitely better than my Ekko.
[04:26:31] My Ekko's a Shaco one trick. This is the Shaco from the last two games we played.
[04:26:34] He genuinely is just a shake of one trick so
[04:26:53] he's not good at echo you know it is what it is I think this stupid Lee Sin is in my jungle again.
[04:26:55] Yep, he is.
[04:26:59] So this is like Karma griefing by the way.
[04:27:02] Karma is ultra
[04:27:03] griefing right now by being topside. I don't know why this guy's top, it doesn't make sense but...
[04:27:11] Because she shouldn't be top right now, it does not make any sense
[04:27:22] like she's doing it again, she's pathing top for the 15th time supports do this too and I don't know why
[04:27:26] i've done nothing wrong right? But i'm getting punished because my
[04:27:31] support is deciding to like run around the map for absolutely no
[04:27:35] reason on the map for absolutely no reason.
[04:27:43] So I'm getting punished, and it's a really shitty feeling.
[04:27:51] Oh my mouth-wheeling god. My mouse wheel is fucked.
[04:27:57] Like I'm very strong, like I don't know why Karma is roaming.
[04:27:58] Stop roaming! Okay. I took both kills, man.
[04:28:21] That's so unlucky.
[04:28:22] He could have let me kill that Ezreal too.
[04:28:28] Oh. Damn, I really needed those kills man.
[04:28:36] We can get this turret but yeah I really needed those fun kills When we get IE, it's not the worst. are games doing well? Oh.
[04:29:30] I gotta be kind of care, because this Orianna can kill me with her ulti really fucking easily
[04:29:41] man What am I watching happen right now? Yeah, that wasn't the worst.
[04:30:05] Yo Ez is right here?
[04:30:07] Guys?
[04:30:13] Huh?
[04:30:15] We should get this dragon.
[04:30:21] This actually isn't bad.
[04:30:23] We're in a really good spot.
[04:30:26] We're kind of coming back
[04:30:34] Like I don't have great kills but
[04:30:38] My CS is decent.
[04:30:55] Oh man. oh man this is really rough I can't really play the game.
[04:31:06] I gotta push mid. I don't think we should fight this, by the way. This is such a bad fight actually though.
[04:31:17] Like we don't have Dus and it's only second dragon
[04:31:21] we have no vision no darius i think we just back up
[04:31:26] i think we just chill and
[04:31:29] don't fight this.
[04:32:12] Okay my mouse wheel is actually pissing me off okay i think we're good so I could put something over it, like just straight up tape it. It's not a bad idea. so I do kind of want that blue, but I think my Karma's gonna take it.
[04:32:44] Oh don't- oh thank goddon't... Aw, thank god!
[04:32:47] Okay you guys gotta let me push a mid wave.
[04:32:53] Okay we can actually win this.
[04:32:55] Lee Sin is falling off................... I mean, a lot of what's happening is just my team not knowing how to prio mid.
[04:36:20] So, like, what just happened, if you're curious, was
[04:36:22] probably the biggest thing that
[04:36:24] Masters players don't know how to do and that's
[04:36:26] priority mid waves.
[04:36:28] My Ekko was way over here, my Karma was way over
[04:36:31] here and my Yasuo was way over here so when I'm pushing the wave
[04:36:35] I ran to them but they should have already been mid
[04:36:39] And the reason that a lot of people don't understand why made prior is so
[04:36:42] important is because it's never like they don't look at the game from the
[04:36:45] perspective of how do we win they look at the game from the perspective of how
[04:36:48] do we have fun and fight each other on repeat and And it's quite honestly just like a difference in
[04:36:54] skill. Like, Chavangers look at how to win, Masters players look at how to
[04:36:59] have fun...and there's nothing wrong with trying to have fun, but
[04:37:03] it's definitely a different view on the game.
[04:37:06] Like I'm
[04:37:07] looking at how to win every single second of every
[04:37:09] single game.
[04:37:11] Masters players are looking at how to min-max their fun.
[04:37:18] Because they're not thinking about waves and gold and tempo.
[04:37:24] They're thinking about
[04:37:25] fighting, and how can I maybe
[04:37:28] get a pick on somebody?
[04:37:38] So right now, we need to play for a mid-priority again.
[04:38:00] Ekko just went into them 1v2 by himself, Madden. Like right there? How did that guy get to do that? Well like we have so many people just here.
[04:38:11] Like where is the team at right?
[04:38:16] My Yasuo's dead is the team at right like
[04:38:36] my yasuo and my karma just walked up and died for free You can kind of see the difference in how I play the game versus how my team plays. They don't understand what the goal is. And the goal is like...
[04:38:42] Like you can kind of see, right?
[04:38:44] I'm baiting these fights on purpose.
[04:38:49] Right? I intentionally knew that was about to happen
[04:38:51] because what else is the enemy team
[04:38:53] going to do, right? So what i'm doing
[04:38:55] is hovering beside my Echoes
[04:38:57] and trying to get them to dive me on a bad
[04:39:00] wave while I wave clear.
[04:39:02] And this type of shit is like
[04:39:04] what you need to do if you want to win games
[04:39:06] in solo queue as an AD.
[04:39:08] You have to essentially play the game to be forward,, you have to essentially like play the game
[04:39:11] to be forward and you have to play the game
[04:39:13] to be aggressive.
[04:39:14] Because if you're not doing that as an AD carry
[04:39:16] Like your just going to coin flip games over
[04:39:19] and over again and you are never gonna to make plays. And you're just always
[04:39:21] going to be mad that your team sucks.
[04:39:33] Because like I said before, there's not a lot I can do outside of farm right now
[04:39:35] and just get gold.
[04:39:46] They don't have a dragon soul point right now, so we're chilling.
[04:39:56] This guy is also being extremely greedy. I just need more doms,
[04:39:58] if we can get doms
[04:39:59] we can win the game
[04:40:01] If i can stall
[04:40:31] If we can stall long enough that I can get Doms, we can win. man my team is just are you guys doing? Why are we just standing in random spots?
[04:40:38] What am I watching happen? Come defend!
[04:41:23] Oh, no. so oh man this is fucking rough dude oh Alright.
[04:41:29] Like, we should be able to make some picks somewhere.
[04:41:43] Okay, we're gonna run into a really big problem right now where we need to either play for dragon or defend top turret But we can't do neither.
[04:41:53] We can't choose to do neither of these things. Oh, it's happening again where
[04:41:54] the mid-Pryo is like... I'm trying
[04:41:57] to Pryo mid. The enemy team is stopping
[04:41:59] me from Prying mid.
[04:42:00] Oh, you see what's happening, right? The enemy team is stopping me from priming mid.
[04:42:03] You see what's happening, right?
[04:42:12] This is why I tell you guys it's very important that people play the game.
[04:42:17] My team is just allergic to playing the game.
[04:42:21] Nobody's pro- Like I have all four people flashing on me for mid wave. My team is AFK.
[04:42:27] That is the biggest difference between high and low elo.
[04:42:30] In high elo, everybody fights for that midwave we were just trying to farm. Every single person will fight for that wave in high elo.
[04:42:36] In this elo my team is like no, give that wave. But it's like what are we doing right like play the game i think it's a lot of the time
[04:42:48] it also has that a lot to do with the fact of people just don't want to play the game so I
[04:43:23] Mean what's my echo doing? Okay. Nice now push wave.
[04:43:27] They're gonna push bot.
[04:43:28] You gotta push mid-wave and then go defend bot.
[04:43:31] Like, League of Legends is a game about playing the game.
[04:43:33] Right?
[04:43:34] If you're not playing the game with your team...
[04:43:37] Why are you playing League?
[04:43:39] Like, League is not a farm sim.
[04:43:41] It is but it's not right?
[04:43:42] Like, League is a game about
[04:43:44] You playing to kill the enemy Nexus
[04:43:46] And then farming is how you get gold To kill the enemy Nexus. And then farming is how you get gold
[04:43:47] to kill the enemy Nexus, okay?
[04:43:50] So your job while playing League of Legends
[04:43:52] is give yourself
[04:43:54] the best ability to do that.
[04:43:58] Which means you need
[04:44:00] to priority the waves
[04:44:01] because the waves are what give you gold
[04:44:03] and control vision
[04:44:05] and control tempo
[04:44:05] and let you push towers
[04:44:06] to win the game.
[04:44:10] Okay, and let you push towers to win the game. I mean, Lee's not a bad player.
[04:44:11] I mean, this is baiting.
[04:44:12] He used to be Challenger back in the day.
[04:44:15] He's not mechanically bad.
[04:44:19] I think that biggest problem is, like,
[04:44:21] I am very strong right now
[04:44:23] but I can't play the game.
[04:44:33] Like, it's so fucking hard for me to actually play the game right now. Because you see how like I'm getting mid-prior and doing all these things to give us pressure?
[04:44:45] Every time I get mid-prior, when I push for pressure...
[04:44:48] ...I just need my team to walk with me and fight with me
[04:44:53] because I am three items,
[04:44:55] like I do a lot of damage at the moment
[04:44:56] so like I'm very very very fucking strong
[04:44:59] but it's hard
[04:45:01] to play the game when even when you're three items like this, if my team doesn't walk up.
[04:45:06] Like they are on dragon, they are on Baron but I can't walk up because I'm being choked in or i'm being like choked out right
[04:45:22] oh okay well I'm dead.
[04:45:27] You see how
[04:45:28] easy the game is if people play
[04:45:30] frontline? So like right there, right?
[04:45:33] My Darius is standing
[04:45:35] behind us. My
[04:45:36] Karma, my Echo, they're all standing
[04:45:38] behind us.
[04:45:41] You can't... Like if you're
[04:45:43] a melee engage champ, go the fuck in. If you're a melee engaged champ go the fuck in
[04:45:46] if you're picking darius and you have ghost flash just go in
[04:45:50] you're playing fucking echo go the fuck in
[04:45:53] whichever team goes in first allows that team to play the game.
[04:46:05] Like, it's all about pressuring the map.
[04:46:10] And whichever team pressures harder and faster gives their team much higher chance to win. I mean, I can't even play the game.
[04:46:30] I'm just getting fucked by the fucking Orianna.
[04:46:33] Like this game's not playable for me as the Jinx.
[04:46:37] The karma,
[04:46:44] the support... I mean basically my entire team is trash. All three of my teammates were garbage. All four. They're horrible players.
[04:46:54] There's just not much I can do as a Jinx this game.
[04:46:57] I think I played exceptionally well the whole game.
[04:47:53] There's just not much I can do when the team is that bad. all the words are gonna breathe from me so. I need to add that Shaco so I can dodge him. He's playing so fucking bad.
[04:47:55] This Echo and this Karma, both
[04:47:57] are... I need to add them so I can dodge.
[04:47:59] Oh, they blocked me already. Okay, we block them too.
[04:48:05] There's actually a cheat code
[04:48:06] you can use for high elo. I told
[04:48:08] you about this earlier but if you block
[04:48:10] somebody it's free.
[04:48:12] Homie
[04:48:13] You un- homie you unironically
[04:48:17] have not beat me
[04:48:20] and also just
[04:48:23] lose every game to every jungler.
[04:48:28] Here is Shaco one trick who doesn't understand how to play the game.
[04:48:34] You invaded level two bot and got two of us killed for zero like
[04:48:50] no flame bro but
[04:48:52] you really suck at late
[04:48:54] I'm suck at me
[04:48:58] i'm i don't think you know that
[04:49:06] for me I mean, because I'm PLT Chow.
[04:49:17] I am a streamer.
[04:49:19] I literally stream it. What?
[04:49:34] That guy got so angry.
[04:49:51] Okay. I mean, I'm gonna be real with you though. That Shaco was literally the reason we lost.
[04:49:53] It was Shaco and Karma.
[04:49:55] The Shaco and the Karma both't know how to play
[04:50:04] The lane phase at all
[04:50:05] And the Shaco also didn't know
[04:50:07] How to play the lane phase
[04:50:08] Or not the Shaker,
[04:50:11] but Echo
[04:50:12] was level 2
[04:50:13] trying to invade
[04:50:14] early game.
[04:50:16] Like basically
[04:50:16] what happened
[04:50:17] was Karma
[04:50:17] didn't know
[04:50:18] how to punish
[04:50:18] the enemy
[04:50:20] support
[04:50:21] that was roaming
[04:50:21] around the map Karma didn't know how to punish that, right?
[04:50:24] So because Karma didn't know how to punish
[04:50:25] the enemy support roaming
[04:50:26] I couldn't punish Ezreal
[04:50:29] other than just being like
[04:50:31] I had higher CS than Ezreal the whole game.
[04:50:33] Right?
[04:50:34] I did way,
[04:50:35] w-w-way more damage
[04:50:36] than the Ezreal
[04:50:37] in terms of like
[04:50:38] what I could accomplish
[04:50:39] with no frontline
[04:50:40] and no teammates.
[04:50:42] Prioritized every, baited a lot of fights out that should not have happened but I'm
[04:50:47] just better.
[04:50:48] There's a lot of shit that happens in League it's kind of embarrassing. embarrassing but it is what it is so I mean Lulu's not a great champ unless the Lulu is a good player because you still have to
[04:51:27] have the Lulu stand next
[04:51:29] to me.
[04:51:34] Like,
[04:51:35] the thing about AD carry is you have to have people stand with you
[04:51:38] to play the game.
[04:51:40] Like, I will-
[04:51:41] Listen, if I had a team that would always stand with me as the AD,
[04:51:47] I would already be Challenger.
[04:51:50] Like, I'm better than every single AD carry
[04:51:52] anywhere near this elo.
[04:51:54] I farm better, have more damage per minute output,
[04:51:57] my wave management's better.
[04:51:58] My mechanics are better. It just doesn't matter.
[04:52:01] I'm better than every single AD carry
[04:52:02] I'm playing versus. It just doesn't matter because
[04:52:04] the problem
[04:52:06] is you have to be so much better
[04:52:08] that you make up for the fact
[04:52:09] that your team doesn't know how to play.
[04:52:13] Like, you have to be so
[04:52:15] much better at AD
[04:52:17] that you are carrying the players that are essentially...
[04:52:28] Oh we just lose.
[04:52:30] This game's over already.
[04:52:34] We have that Lilia from like two games ago.
[04:52:37] We had the Lilia from two games ago and he lost two of his games to more of
[04:52:43] his games
[04:52:47] so like this game's done we can't win
[04:52:51] this we can't win this
[04:53:04] i should have seen it in champ select though that's wild because i i this really a block so I should have seen him walk in champs like it's unlucky
[04:53:09] oh well I'm just gonna be at, and we'll try our best to win.
[04:53:16] It's pretty unlikely that we win this.
[04:53:18] The enemy Darius is a smurf so he's going to perform pretty well. I'm obviously like gonna win
[04:53:25] i'm gonna win bot but
[04:53:29] we'll see how it goes our mid laner is first timing TF.
[04:53:37] And our jungler is the guy who was just running it down, like he's tilted.
[04:53:43] So we'll see how it goes.
[04:53:45] Like I said, we'll try our best. That's all we can really do.
[04:53:53] ... uh so uh They worded both bushes, huh?
[04:54:36] That's actually kind of crazy
[04:54:39] Actually, he's on the mark a minion
[04:54:51] You see I'm just kind of like sitting here playing forward but not
[04:54:54] playing too far forward and I'm not
[04:54:56] pushing the wave in?
[04:55:00] This is... What we're gonna do is
[04:55:02] We should play really far forward here
[04:55:08] Here we have a really big advantage.
[04:55:17] I think what were going to do is, I'm just going to go ahead and back here.
[04:55:25] If he W's me it's fine.
[04:55:30] I'm going to back and get a call.
[04:55:33] The reason i'm doing this is because uh,
[04:55:36] I want to make sure I have like a solidified
[04:55:38] mid game
[04:55:41] I could have sat bot just now and
[04:55:42] prio'd really hard for my Nocturne
[04:55:45] and just, like, tried to push my lead.
[04:55:48] But that's what I normally
[04:55:49] do. So, like, I'm trying to learn how
[04:55:51] to climb normally
[04:55:53] i push up and i play really aggro right on that timer
[04:55:58] i always do that that's like my normal gameplay
[04:56:01] the problem is is like that doesn't work.
[04:56:03] If your teammate doesn't play with you,
[04:56:06] let's say this guy doesn't play up with me,
[04:56:08] that doesn't actually work that well.
[04:56:38] Okay bro, that Okay, bro. That's not it. Like what the fuck? That guy just flashed like what? so I'm gonna go ahead and... This isn't too bad.
[04:56:40] Wave's in a good spot, we can thin this and play-
[04:56:44] We can thin this and then we'll have a CS lead. I mean, an XP lead.
[04:56:48] This is actually really good. They're gonna miss a cannon too.
[04:56:51] So we got the freeze, they're going to miss a cannon,
[04:56:53] And we are in some really good spots.
[04:57:03] Gragas is mid.
[04:57:08] He already did all of his pathing. I want to play forward here because that guy just wasted his thing. so was hitting a different target than me, which is not good.
[04:57:34] She should have been hitting the same target as me.
[04:57:41] Like there's no reason for her to hit Jhin there.
[04:57:46] You see how low the fucking Karma is right?
[04:57:48] Like there's just no value in hitting Jhin.
[04:57:53] Like if Jhin hits her it's fine because the Karma will die.
[04:57:59] ... is Nocturne should be down here at this point, or TF.
[04:58:25] TF should either dive or Nox should be down here but...
[04:58:29] I don't know if they will right? Like cause it's like lower elo.
[04:58:36] Yeah, like Nox is a good choice. they will right like because it's like uh lower elo yeah like nocturne and tf should be
[04:58:47] down here right now they lose the game if they're down here right now Oh man, come on guys. Because we're gonna get ganked by fucking gragas soon yep there he is
[04:58:57] they're just so low there's like zero value and not pushing our lead right now Because either they back and they miss a wave, or they stay and they get dove by TF, right?
[04:59:16] Or the threat of the dive is there.
[04:59:29] I got one but it's is what it is. Like this is what I mean though,
[04:59:32] It's like...
[04:59:34] Why is this guy doing dragon?
[04:59:36] Why isn't he using Ulti?
[04:59:37] I don't know. It's kind of rough. At least we got Drake.
[04:59:50] But yeah, I mean...
[04:59:52] This is what I was talking about before
[04:59:53] where it's like...
[04:59:56] It's like look at my lead right
[04:59:58] this is like crazy I have a 22
[05:00:01] CS lead almost two full
[05:00:03] plates almost two full levels or almost
[05:00:05] a full level lead on the
[05:00:07] enemy bot lane and I've set up my team to basically be able
[05:00:09] to win the game for free by just walking to bolling like tf just old spot and he
[05:00:14] wins the game for free but instead he's like tilting by... I don't know, this role is really awkward.
[05:00:38] Because I'm so fucking far ahead right now.
[05:00:45] Okay, getting his cleanse is really good.
[05:00:57] Because now he has no cleanse. Which means TF can ulti and uh come down here so so We have to start making plays.
[05:01:41] We don't have a choice.
[05:01:42] Like, this is going to be one of those games where we have choice.
[05:01:45] This is going to be one of those games where we have to be aggressive.
[05:01:49] If
[05:01:49] we're not making plays, we're going to lose
[05:01:51] because my team
[05:01:53] is not very good and when they're not very good, right?
[05:01:55] And when they're not very good...
[05:01:56] It's 1000% on you to make the plays.
[05:02:01] And you just have to play differently
[05:02:03] When your team is doing poorly in your games
[05:02:05] You have to look for the ability
[05:02:08] to play yo have a good night goodnight barry
[05:02:16] well i said a lot of it is you just got to understand when you're playing AD carry.
[05:02:19] This role is, you know...
[05:02:22] A mid-to late game role so technically like us having this big of a lead with Cole
[05:02:28] as long as we play
[05:02:30] smart, we can win this game
[05:02:32] pretty easily still.
[05:02:34] We just have to play
[05:02:35] you know
[05:02:35] we have to play smart.
[05:02:42] I mean there's no way you're actually trying to do this right?
[05:02:48] I mean I I have Arrow.
[05:02:49] If they tried that, they'd get double killed straight up.
[05:02:53] I double kill them there if they try that. so um five
[05:03:27] we need wards because greg is going to be boss side soon. Yeah, he's bot right now.
[05:03:36] I kinda wanna save arrow but I also want to shoot it
[05:03:38] I don't know, it's hard to
[05:03:45] Hard to tell what's better choice here
[05:03:52] this guy still has no cleanse we should be able to just kill him the slulu is not that bad she's just really passive
[05:04:00] like sure the blue was not a bad player. She's just extremely passive.
[05:04:08] Like, Bad Support Player was like my support last game was really bad right?
[05:04:13] That was a bad support player.
[05:04:21] ...
[05:04:33] ... like because you can see what lulu did just now where she roamed to the grubs and she won my team the grub fight
[05:04:36] maybe you didn't see it because i got my mini map covered but yeah she roamed
[05:04:39] to the grub fight just now and it won my team the grub fight
[05:04:47] which is not bad, right? Because it's like I...
[05:04:49] They couldn't punish it. You see how they tried to
[05:04:51] punish it and they couldn't punish the
[05:04:53] Grub fight?
[05:04:55] Because they couldn't punish it that's like
[05:04:57] what happened to us last game the enemy support roams and then they couldn't punish right so
[05:05:14] i need one minion. One minion!
[05:05:22] For my call.
[05:05:23] Dude, how bad does that fucking feel?
[05:05:27] Actually though...
[05:06:08] Feels so fucking bad. I just missed fucking strong right now. Like I'm Thanos Strong.
[05:06:10] Oh don't die Lulu
[05:06:13] Oh no
[05:07:26] Foreign so so um i mean i'm so strong at the moment that we just win every fight so oh Your team has destroyed the turret. On it, Grim!
[05:07:27] Can't keep away!
[05:07:31] Noble's army has lost their turret.
[05:07:35] You know what's kind of funny?
[05:07:37] I think right there is actually a really good example
[05:07:41] of the perfect reasoning behind why it was important that we won lane.
[05:07:45] So like, when you win lane
[05:07:48] as hard as we did, we had
[05:07:50] Kraken Slayer on that timer, right?
[05:07:52] So because we had Kraken Slayer
[05:07:54] on that exact timer,
[05:07:55] we were able to win that fight
[05:07:57] because we put the enemy AD carry behind so hard
[05:08:02] that he couldn't actually, like, impact the game on that timer.
[05:08:16] Okay. and so because of that All of our effort
[05:08:20] worked out right there because we got to
[05:08:24] Oh, this is really bad. I don't have like
[05:08:28] I mean bro, I don't know how to play this bro. okay let's wait on the l Lulu buffs. I mean, Lulu is crazy fun to play with as an AD carry.
[05:08:57] Dude, I think Lulu is like one of those champs that makes you better. Like she... Elo inflates your AD Carry skill.
[05:09:05] Like straight up! She inflates AD Carry's
[05:09:07] skill huge.
[05:09:09] If you're like a
[05:09:11] let's say you are like a D1 AD carry
[05:09:13] and you play with Lulu.
[05:09:15] Lulu makes you,
[05:09:16] she inflates you
[05:09:17] by 200 LP.
[05:09:19] So now you're
[05:09:19] like a master 280.
[05:09:21] Or if you're
[05:09:21] like a master 280,
[05:09:22] you're like a master 280, you're like a GM80.
[05:09:24] Like she gives you so much free ability to play the game
[05:09:28] She makes up for every weakness that AD Carry has has.
[05:09:37] So it just makes it so fucking incredibly hard.
[05:09:41] It's kind of fun.
[05:09:44] Lulu might be my favorite support to play with um so oh my god stop please please mouse please so oh no Oh no! I actually think we killed them all there if I played it better.
[05:11:17] Oh, they forfeited. Cool. Dude, we actually won with uh with this jungler
[05:11:21] i mean we carried this guy really hard but we we won with him that's wild
[05:11:30] i will straight up say
[05:11:32] I did not think we were going to win that.
[05:11:38] Like,
[05:11:38] like I did not think
[05:11:39] we were going to beat that guy
[05:11:40] or win with this Strangler. howdy partner I'm gonna go take a leak.
[05:12:17] I'll be right back.
[05:12:22] Dude, you know what?
[05:12:23] I think the funniest thing in League is?
[05:12:25] When you get that mutual respect of like your support honors you and you honor your support.
[05:12:33] That... You guys know what I'm talking about the mutual respect oh baby i gotta pee. is is so is. oh my goodness all right chats how are we doing on this fine saturday evening Saturday evening.
[05:15:29] What's up boys? How we doing? We'll see it. Thank you. um. is is That was at 840?
[05:15:32] Yo, I think uh
[05:15:33] I kind of want to take a small break
[05:15:35] and make some dinner.
[05:15:40] You guys cool with that?
[05:15:45] I think I'm gonna take like an hour break and make some dinner.
[05:15:52] Like, I know everyone's doing five hours and you're like, Geronimo your job is not very hard.
[05:15:56] It's like, I-I know but i don't have anybody to make me food so
[05:16:01] i i need to go like make some food real quick and then
[05:16:04] uh i can i could do some more streaming though after I'm not gonna come back.
[05:16:25] I think i'll come back, I mean i'm having fun playing league today actually
[05:16:33] like i don't feel like playing off stream and i uh i still want to play
[05:16:36] some more leagues so I think I'll come back.
[05:16:46] What's my win rate today?
[05:16:53] We played a lot of games today. What the fuck?
[05:16:56] 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...
[05:17:01] We're what 9 and 5? 6, 7, 8, 9.
[05:17:03] Or what?
[05:17:03] 9 and 5?
[05:17:06] That's not too bad.
[05:17:14] I think we played pretty well in most games too.
[05:17:17] Like this game wasn't winnable.
[05:17:19] This game I probably could have carried if I played better, it was close.
[05:17:27] This game wasn't winnable
[05:17:35] this game wasn't one of allable either This game was probably maybe winnable if I didn't like autopilot and fuck up. I don't know who cares either way
[05:17:44] I'm gonna take a break and make some food Either way.
[05:17:46] I'm gonna take a break and make some food.
[05:17:50] Uh, I'll probably do another stream though. Why not? You know, fuck it.
[05:17:54] But uh yeah! Guys thank you so much for watching. I appreciate it a lot.
[05:17:55] I appreciate all the support you guys give me every day.
[05:17:57] Uh, I really appreciate, you know...
[05:18:00] You guys know I love ya. you.
[05:18:12] Thank you for watching.
[05:18:14] I'll be back in a little bit.
[05:18:16] If I don't see you later,
[05:18:17] I hope you have a wonderful rest
[05:18:17] of your weekend.
[05:18:18] You guys are
[05:18:19] wonderful people.