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Informative Adc Gameplay | A simple man climbing his way back to the gates of Challenger

06-26-2024 · 7h 28m

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[00:00:00] I'm crazy Minions have spawned.
[00:00:22] All part of the planite! fallen so I'm going to try and get the so so that hit me bro is so Wow.
[00:01:58] Missed like four CS right there. so and open it Fuck. uh Damn, I'm actually down CS here.
[00:03:11] Down 9! down nine i missed nine minions
[00:03:23] the fuck i suck so so It's okay. The enemy has been slain. uh so so so i'm trying Hmm. enough This guy actually trying to like...
[00:05:40] Freeze that wave?
[00:05:44] What? You good bro or like...
[00:05:47] Diana walked all the way by to freeze my wave!
[00:05:53] What?! What?
[00:06:09] Then she tried to do dragon at level four. This guy's crazy! um um I have no sense.
[00:06:41] That's insane! Eesh I mean we could definitely fight these guys like i'm way stronger right now
[00:06:58] and we know Diana's top. it so I really want to fight because I wanna like push up and get plates and shit.
[00:07:43] But we have to fight them for the wave so they can't thin the wave out.
[00:07:55] My jump is too slow. My jungler definitely... Or not jungler, my support definitely doesn't want to fight.
[00:07:59] Oh this is going to be interesting. thing so so Ooh, what an interesting little skirmish. I mean, I'm not doing that dragon bro. I got 1800 gold
[00:09:21] There's no value in doing that. It just makes me feel like shit, because then I have to go back on a bad timer...
[00:09:25] Nah, I'm good bro hmm Hmm. so Pretty sure we could actually. uh
[00:10:25] are we kill ezreal like between turrets to be honest with you Hmm. Diana's here.
[00:10:47] We could still win even with Diana here, but it really depends on...
[00:10:51] Like my Leona is kind of a pussy.
[00:10:55] Because Diana is 0-1-0
[00:11:01] We can win the 2v3 but it really just depends I don't want to like force Diana to have
[00:11:07] that like do a 2v3 she doesn't wanna
[00:11:08] them or not die in at Leona well that's a good Q by that guy actually. I actually think I'd live there if, uh... We played together.
[00:11:37] That was more of like-I knew that we were probably gonna get ganked
[00:11:39] but
[00:11:41] I was positioning
[00:11:43] with the idea
[00:11:45] that we were going play it different.
[00:11:47] That's my bet.
[00:11:50] Cause we definitely win that
[00:11:51] if Leona blocks the SQs at the end and she,
[00:11:54] but I mean, like I said
[00:11:55] I'm expecting a lot from this player then i shouldn't do that She's really nervous.
[00:12:12] This Leona is about throwing our lane.
[00:12:16] So she doesn't want to play forward. Wow, this Leona really doesn't like playing with me what's happening She should have just been walking on the Ezreal there, but...
[00:13:04] Okay. I get why Leona doesn't want to be aggro.
[00:13:06] She's not an aggro player.
[00:13:10] Okay. I'll stop forcing you to be aggro Leona. We can just scale. No worries.
[00:13:20] I think I've dropped too low Elo to snowball leads.
[00:13:25] Like, the support won't go in with you.
[00:13:28] They will just sit behind you
[00:13:29] and if something goes bad
[00:13:31] they don't understand
[00:13:31] to walk up a carry of the enemy
[00:13:33] because like in his mind he's
[00:13:35] not registering that i do more damage than ez he's registering oh my god
[00:13:38] like why did you peel the taric but reality, you're never
[00:13:45] peeling here. You're just always running down
[00:13:47] the enemy carry like Perma.
[00:13:49] You're just walking at the enemy AD as Leona
[00:13:51] and standing in front of his Qs,
[00:13:53] etc., and he can never play the game.
[00:13:59] And then you're just
[00:14:00] stunlocking him and shit, right?
[00:14:02] But like I said, it's
[00:14:03] a lot more
[00:14:05] like... Hmm.
[00:14:26] We take T2 turret here.
[00:14:30] We have six grubs, and uh...
[00:14:56] ... so See, we just take the T2 turret there always. You ignore your team because when you have six scrubs like that
[00:14:59] it dies when you have a cannon wave.
[00:15:05] But yeah, you can kind of see the issue
[00:15:06] with why I think
[00:15:08] this hero specifically whenever you're playing in high tier why I think... This E-Load specifically, like whenever
[00:15:11] you're playing in high Diamond low Masters
[00:15:15] I always have the best success when I play really hyper scaling champs.
[00:15:19] Whereas mid masters, I feel like you have to play lane bullies
[00:15:21] because people are too aggro in other lanes
[00:15:22] so you have to snowball your lead with lane bullying
[00:15:25] but like
[00:15:25] in this specific elo
[00:15:27] yeah it's not great
[00:15:28] cause like
[00:15:30] not the flame right
[00:15:31] like Leon is probably
[00:15:32] a good player but
[00:15:33] he's like a
[00:15:35] low master
[00:15:35] player
[00:15:36] so he doesn't know
[00:15:37] how to snowball
[00:15:37] leads
[00:15:38] he just wants to
[00:15:39] exist and scale
[00:15:41] there's levels to Sofus He just wants to like exist and scale.
[00:15:44] There's like levels to solo queue, it's really funny.
[00:15:47] The lower
[00:15:48] elo you are the better it is to just
[00:15:49] scale.
[00:15:52] And the higher you are,
[00:15:53] the better it is to just snowball the game.
[00:15:57] Because
[00:15:58] when you play with people
[00:16:00] who know how to snowball with you,
[00:16:01] the game is extremely easy.
[00:16:04] Like that Ezreal and Taric should have died
[00:16:06] like 50 times
[00:16:07] but we were too scared to fight them
[00:16:10] because she was like oh I don't want to die
[00:16:12] to Diana or whatever. But in reality
[00:16:14] if Diana ganks that they can't even
[00:16:17] kill us the only way for Diana to kill me on
[00:16:19] a gank would be
[00:16:21] for
[00:16:21] me to get Taric stunned but it's almost impossible with no Taric flash for me to get Taric stunned, but it's almost impossible with no
[00:16:26] Taric Flash for me to ever get Taric stunned
[00:16:27] with Tier 2 boots. So there's like
[00:16:29] too many factors that are just too hard.
[00:16:33] But thinking
[00:16:33] about all of those things is like above this level.
[00:16:38] Right, like LoL Masters don't think about all the factors that are going on in the game
[00:16:41] We're just thinking about they have champions, we have champions
[00:16:43] I have cooldowns, they have cooldowns
[00:17:18] You're not thinking about individual cooldowns, they have cooldowns. You're not thinking about like the individual cooldowns and shit? Well, both mid masters is the same as diamonds. It's just they're slightly better. When I say GM is different than the other ELOs that's when people start actively using their brain. Nobody uses critical thinking until you get into
[00:17:21] Grandmaster to play League.
[00:17:23] People just run in circles and fight each other. okay... Welcome to the League of Draven.. you
[00:18:41] you you. I don't think mechanics
[00:19:03] get you to GM.
[00:19:04] To get to GM. To get
[00:19:06] to GM and to
[00:19:07] get higher, you have to understand
[00:19:09] how League works. That's why everybody sits
[00:19:11] in low Masters.
[00:19:20] Because they ruin games by over pushing leads and coin flipping fights and snowballing games out of control
[00:19:22] because they want to just fight instead of do like...
[00:19:27] Like if you have a team comp that's not designed to fight early and you just wanna scale.
[00:19:31] But then,
[00:19:33] You have a support and jungler who are like early game champs just perm fighting
[00:20:04] It just becomes really bad. well like I said nobody does macro until Grandmaster ever
[00:20:07] like I'm doing all of the macro
[00:20:10] in every game I play.
[00:20:12] If I wasn't doing the
[00:20:13] macro, you guys would notice very quickly
[00:20:15] that a lot of these games are just losses
[00:20:17] because when I have a mid
[00:20:19] or top that goes 0-5
[00:20:23] Wait if I have a mid or top that goes 0-5 early
[00:20:26] and I don't actually macro the map
[00:20:31] Like pushing waves and ignoring bad dragon calls
[00:20:33] and all this shit.
[00:20:35] We would just lose faster. Okay..... If I had Perfect Mental, I would be...
[00:21:39] Yeah. Of course I'd be Challenger. Like, I mean, literally the only thing that holds me back is my mental.
[00:21:51] I know...
[00:21:51] Wait, I've been playing the game for 10 years.
[00:21:53] I've been Challenger for seven of those 10 years,
[00:21:57] or 11 years.
[00:22:04] Like I know how to get Challenger. It's just mentally doing it.
[00:22:12] You guys put way too much value in this idea that like, I don't know what i'm doing Thank you.. I got them mechanically and macro.
[00:22:54] I cap them every which way from Sunday, man.
[00:22:58] Like, every way I gap these players it doesn't matter.
[00:23:06] I mean I'm gonna play what I want to play aaron but thank you man Welcome to Sunderland's Rift.
[00:23:25] I hate the word steal, I prefer liberate or...
[00:23:29] 30 seconds until minions I'm going to use the same code as before, but with a different environment. is um um I think that Swain might have brain damage.
[00:24:43] Why am I being pinged right now?
[00:24:49] Like, why am I being pinged by my fucking bot laner right now? Like can you shut the fuck up bro?
[00:24:57] Oh, you're you're annoying living shit out of me.
[00:25:05] Like I'm not somehow watching the map. Oh, no! Like this retard down here needs to pay attention to his own lane.
[00:25:14] This is why I tell you Diamond players are bad. Masters players are bad.
[00:25:20] He's watching me overwatching his fucking own lane.
[00:25:24] He's trying to micromanage me, but he's down fuckin' 8 CS in a lane that he should be shitting on I'd be breaking them. Dude shut the fuck up! I'm gonna lose my fucking mind with these retards man
[00:26:19] god stop typing stop pinging
[00:26:25] like i don't want being pinged by diamond players Missed. But I have been known to fire a warning shot or two.
[00:26:57] Danger, I don't know if you noticed, man. I don't know if you noticed...
[00:26:59] Like, I don't know if you noticed but you're losing to Zeri
[00:27:03] as a vein
[00:27:07] like that's kind of wild huh so What am I watching, guys? And bro, you're just dead.
[00:27:53] Can you just fuck off?
[00:27:55] Just allow yourself to die man.
[00:27:58] Like I don't know what we're doing, Swen.
[00:28:06] Like dude,
[00:28:06] I'm telling you
[00:28:07] the only reason stuff like that
[00:28:08] bugs me so much, by the way...
[00:28:09] Is because...
[00:28:12] When you have people focusing more on what the fuck you're doing in the game than what they're doing...
[00:28:17] And, like, you're not doing anything wrong but they're just like they feel the need to tell it's
[00:28:20] like a tarzan thing like dipshit tarzane does this so much when you play with him
[00:28:26] he'll literally try to micromanage your wave states and shits based on like what he wants to do
[00:28:32] and you just look at him and you're like dude you are the worst person to play with Damn, he actually went up.
[00:28:53] I want to kill this guy but... Hmm. hmm
[00:29:18] i actually need the back
[00:29:25] nocturne is going to be six uh. Not right now, but somewhat soon.
[00:30:01] I wanted Deer to come dive this Swain, but he's probably not going to. He's just going to do dragon, so... that looked like it hurt next time i'll open an eye Like, if I can kill this Swain...
[00:30:03] When he's hiding under the turret like this.
[00:30:05] He loses the game. It is what it is like i
[00:30:08] i need my fucking like look at this look how low he is man but i mean i can't kill him
[00:30:16] because if i stay it throws my tempo off. It's just stupid.
[00:30:19] Maybe I can kill him now?
[00:30:21] Maybe he is backing like a dipshit next to his turret.
[00:30:32] Stuff like this is annoying, because I need my
[00:30:34] jungler to pay attention to this kind of shit.
[00:30:37] Because that Swain should have died like three more times already
[00:30:46] but uh he's kind of just chilling.
[00:30:50] I mean, the TF is going to look to ult mid right now.
[00:30:52] Super obvious.
[00:31:11] I can't really play too aggro because I know Nocturne and Tiff are both looking at mid. And my boots are not waterproof.
[00:31:25] Now though, now that Nocturne ulted and TF ulted. Now they can just get their ass kicked.
[00:31:28] Which is 2v2 honestly. just to be too honestly uh so so uh uh so Oh.
[00:32:51] I mean, this Swain's an idiot.
[00:32:57] I don't know what he's doing but Nocturne being there is kinda unfortunate.
[00:33:01] Oh! I got the assist too. Nice!
[00:33:05] Cool death. i'll call that it's not grave robbing if you have a college degree which i do I'm pretty sure Nocturne ult is about to be back up in a few seconds.
[00:33:47] So I gotta just be careful eating forward. I'm not even breaking a sweat. This lane's kind of funny.
[00:34:16] He went the literal
[00:34:18] full fucking
[00:34:19] tank early game build.
[00:34:45] Okay. That's not good. He's definitely gonna all-in me there. Dude, he's so tanky man. it's kind of funny and sad at the same time that I can be this far ahead of Med.
[00:35:19] And, uh...
[00:35:20] I still can't like really push my lead too hard until I ever see the Nocturalty.
[00:35:29] Also, it's funny that the person who was micromanaging mid and shit
[00:35:31] pinging me the whole game
[00:35:32] he's quite literally down
[00:35:35] 10 CS in a level on this area
[00:35:37] and he went kraken slayer vein Demacia's lukewarm on me. Haven't been diodering yet, pretty nice!
[00:35:48] An enemy has been silenced.
[00:35:50] Ha!
[00:35:52] Blast them, godmen!
[00:35:54] There we go!
[00:36:09] Oh no... okay well swain just trolled swain left his lane so that he can run bot but
[00:36:46] that's really troll bro An enemy has been slain. I'm in danger. Why'd that guy do that?
[00:36:49] The fuck am I watching?
[00:36:54] I was just trying to go cover the turret man you don't have to chase it
[00:37:56] what What? um so so oh Can I get an itemized receiver? Way too good at this job. Your turret has been destroyed!
[00:38:04] The fuck am I watching? I hate merging projects! I'm trying to think of...
[00:38:45] What do I want? yeah
[00:38:58] the just slowed me?
[00:39:00] Like, hit by the stupid Swain W. Like he just W'd
[00:39:04] me randomly as I was like walking by
[00:39:08] Swain bro bro. You gotta chill.
[00:39:13] That's super fucking annoying man!
[00:40:57] ... so obstacle yeah uh uh I blame the terrain I'm going to try and get him. That's not good, bro. The fuck is that?
[00:41:01] Your dear just wanted to hang out in the enemy jungle.
[00:41:05] You see what I mean, though?
[00:41:08] People don't do the macro correctly
[00:41:09] in this elo.
[00:41:11] Dragons up in two seconds.
[00:41:12] I had to back.
[00:41:15] Instead of playing for
[00:41:16] the Drake or whatever,
[00:41:17] my team's like nah man we got a
[00:41:20] random fight before the uh objective like it so uh This is what I mean by, like, if you want to win games
[00:41:57] You gotta realize, like
[00:41:59] Who's actually doing the macro on your team to carry you in the games.
[00:42:07] If nobody's doing the macro, you have to do it yourself.
[00:42:12] You don't really have a choice. doing the macro you have to do it yourself
[00:43:02] You don't really have a choice because it has to get done regardless. God, they really just want to fight, don't they? Like it doesn't even make sense why
[00:43:03] they would want to fight so much but they do.
[00:43:05] Okay that's how its gonna be huh?
[00:43:07] We're doing that? You guys are toxic!
[00:43:11] Zeri flashes on me?
[00:43:15] Aw fuck you bro.
[00:43:17] You buy a pink ward...
[00:43:20] put it in a fucking random area right there? yeah
[00:43:40] tf's just gonna run around the map killing my whole team for a bit because they're too stupid to like
[00:43:42] slow the game down.
[00:43:55] It's kind of like why TF is OP in a way, because people are too stupid to understand how to wait.
[00:43:56] I mean look at the waves man.
[00:44:10] My team's just A-ramming against a team that is better at A-ramming than them.
[00:44:14] I mean, I can't stop this Baron it's impossible.
[00:44:21] Like, I don't know man grouping up with them is just stupid but i can't really like oh maybe it is possible to stop that
[00:44:39] your ear's kind of strong. yeah yeah
[00:44:52] yeah
[00:44:54] yeah
[00:44:56] oh a plant
[00:44:58] yeah
[00:45:00] yeah I don't want to back. never
[00:45:20] like i have to ping these guys because they don't know what the fuck is
[00:45:22] happening I have to ping these guys because they don't know what the fuck is happening.
[00:45:28] They just want A-Ram.
[00:46:23] Okay. yes so uh uh Really? Really. Oh, you're dead.
[00:46:30] Really?
[00:46:34] An enemy has been slain! I'm gonna kill you! uh in turn so uh so so where were the homies why is my Udyr over there?
[00:47:54] Whatever. I TP'd and then they just stood
[00:47:57] there and watched, but it is what it is.
[00:48:00] But I think it was too quick. I should've
[00:48:02] TP'ed to the other wave because they didn't understand what was about to happen so they didn't rotate over.
[00:48:09] They don't, like you guys don't have a wave. Guys, you need the waves.
[00:48:17] Watching them not do objectives is painful. Like, this is why, by the way
[00:48:32] If you ever wonder
[00:48:33] Why people lose games
[00:48:34] It's because Right there They could've I never wonder why people lose games.
[00:48:35] It's because right there, they could have taken a free top turret.
[00:48:38] They could've rotated to me and we could've won the game.
[00:48:41] They could've done 1,000 different things right there, right?
[00:48:44] And instead, they chose to take a fight that doesn't matter because fighting
[00:48:47] is fun. Don't get it twisted! When you're fighting
[00:48:54] you are not actually playing correctly. It's more fun, but you're not better because you're fighting.
[00:49:04] Fighting doesn't win us the game it stalls the
[00:49:07] game This reminds me of discovering the spirit of the artifact. uh I rarely know what i'm looking for but I always we're just gonna have to wait for baron this is boring
[00:49:45] I mean, I could probably kill the swain. But the problem is it's like I need shen to be watching me
[00:49:50] Because I need him to watch for me
[00:49:58] cause there's a really high chance I get knock-ulted. so so is Oh, my teammate aced him.
[00:50:48] Nice.
[00:50:52] It is what it is. That's what I mean though,
[00:50:55] like I have to do all the macro push all the waves
[00:50:59] Games get prolonged for reasons that people just want
[00:51:03] to push their buttons in this elo. Anything
[00:51:05] like I said, it's just boring to me
[00:51:07] because I'm trying to climb but these
[00:51:09] people are trying to just push their buttons
[00:51:11] so it's a difference of playstyle
[00:51:13] they don't care about being in diamond
[00:51:15] or masters whatever they just want to fight because that's like fun whereas i want to
[00:51:20] climb so i have to do the boring shit that they don't want to do it's really annoying
[00:51:30] it sucks and it's boring
[00:51:36] like if you look right like i did less damage than vay and Udyr,
[00:51:41] but it doesn't matter because the enemy mid was worthless. The enemy jungler was worthless.
[00:51:46] And I took every tower on the map.
[00:51:52] That's why I tell you, damage is not always what matters.
[00:52:03] Because sometimes people just fight to fight and it's really stupid. so..... I think Trinity is necessary. You need Sheen, but you have to have Sheen..... Fuck.
[00:54:15] I thought I could make it back.
[00:54:24] I thought I could make it back in time. No. Okay..... I don't play Top that much.
[00:55:49] I'm not a huge
[00:55:50] Quinn fan.
[00:55:53] I mean, Quinn's fun
[00:55:54] but I haven't played her in a while.. you you.. Thank you..... you enemies eyes Enemy's eyes.
[00:57:58] All right, let's go over the patch notes.
[00:58:02] We got to wait two minutes anyway?
[00:58:04] Let's go over the patch notes.
[00:58:09] They nerfed... Benerfs?
[00:58:32] Chorista! They nerfed Karthus, they nerfed Kennen, Lee Sin and then they bought Lee Sin. Or do they buff Lee Sin?
[00:58:37] Wait, why would we buff Lee? Lee is broken!
[00:58:40] Wait!
[00:58:42] Lee Sin's actually so strong.
[00:58:46] Don't buff Lee! MF got three base damage and what is this?
[00:59:04] Damage lockout goes down.
[00:59:05] Upgraded move speed delay goes down.
[00:59:09] Max bonus movement speed goes up by 5
[00:59:13] Initial bonus movement speed goes up by five initial bonus movement speed it goes up from 25 to scaling all the way up to 50. like what the fuck is this?
[00:59:43] Like
[00:59:44] I'm gonna keep it real with you
[00:59:45] boys in chat right now
[00:59:47] There's no reason for mf to like be
[00:59:50] buffed in her movement speed that doesn't make sense out of all the shit
[00:59:58] that you're buffing
[01:00:00] you're making her
[01:00:04] W better
[01:00:06] that's crazy
[01:00:07] that just takes away the entire
[01:00:10] skill expression of the champ.
[01:00:13] You know what's stupid about a lot of league nowadays?
[01:00:16] What not a lot of people
[01:00:17] talk about is
[01:00:18] tempo is like...
[01:00:21] Tempo is very, very,
[01:00:22] very important.
[01:00:24] And there's a lot of champions in the game right now
[01:00:26] that get to ignore tempo.
[01:00:29] Like if you were an MF one-trick
[01:00:31] and
[01:00:32] you
[01:00:34] try to play a different AD
[01:00:37] after playing MF, you actually
[01:00:39] will int on a lot of ads the reason is is is you won't even notice it
[01:00:44] if you're probably in lower elo but the fact that like you're not gonna have that extra
[01:00:50] movement speed to move around the map
[01:00:52] you're gonna like develop habits and do things based on the timers
[01:00:54] that mf has for like her ms and her ability to move around
[01:00:58] the map because she increases your tempo
[01:01:01] because of stuff like this
[01:01:03] where she just has, you know
[01:01:05] 100 movement speed
[01:01:07] so she just has like a hundred movement speed
[01:01:09] or 50 movement speed and then when you hit W
[01:01:11] she has the initial movement speed so like this just increases your tempo on
[01:01:15] the map and a lot of people don't understand that they'll be like, oh, MF's OP.
[01:01:24] But she's not OP for the reasons you think
[01:01:26] she's OP. She's OP because she can sit on
[01:01:28] the map longer than other champs.
[01:01:30] She can rotate faster than other champs.
[01:01:32] Stuff like that.
[01:01:35] So it's like, I don't like Riot's idea
[01:01:37] though. They do this with Hecarim too.
[01:01:40] They do this with a lot of champions
[01:01:41] with really high movement speed and
[01:01:43] I think it's really unhealthy for the game.
[01:01:47] Like, when you overload kits with movement
[01:01:49] speed, you're basically upping the tempo of
[01:01:51] the champion every time you give
[01:01:53] them movement speed.
[01:01:56] And... every time you give them movement speed. And
[01:01:57] it messes with
[01:02:00] how easy it is to play the game.
[01:02:19] Where they're giving orianna 4 a.d what i mean this is kind of insane like orion is already really good at trading early
[01:02:25] but her lane her early laning is actually really good.
[01:02:28] Because she can just auto you to death
[01:02:30] because of her passive.
[01:02:32] Right?
[01:02:32] Because every auto stacks more damage or whatever.
[01:02:35] So I feel like this is
[01:02:36] Kind of stupid. So I feel like this is, like...
[01:02:39] Kind of stupid. Like you're gonna have
[01:02:49] Orianna's bullying like Corki's and shit.
[01:02:54] Um...
[01:02:54] I don't really care
[01:02:58] about this at all.
[01:02:59] ... I don't really care about this at all.
[01:03:10] This is good, this is good.
[01:03:12] This is good.
[01:03:14] Whoa, what is this?
[01:03:17] What the ever-living fucking Varus changes? Hello?
[01:03:21] Varus has two builds right now, Lethality and On-Hit.
[01:03:24] Lethality Varus is much stronger than most players
[01:03:25] realize as Maxing Hail of Arrow's second
[01:03:27] is better but less common.
[01:03:30] Meanwhile, On-Hit Varus has the problem with quick reproaching attacks we kept at 2x5
[01:03:34] Someone doesn't have a passive anymore and all the while Varus is the most picked ballgainer in pro right now
[01:03:39] We'd like to not only shake up the pro scene, but also make Varus a more enjoyable and intuitive champion.
[01:03:45] What?
[01:03:49] Huh. Like what are they gonna do? Or what did they going to do?
[01:03:53] Or what did they do?
[01:03:57] Hold on.
[01:04:10] That's kind of wild
[01:04:12] the primary change is a retooling of his passive. Instead of getting increased amounts of attack speed,
[01:04:15] it will give a smaller amount up front that should feel similar in laning phase.
[01:04:23] But as the game goes on, it gives stats that synergize with attack speed AD AP.
[01:04:28] We're also leveling up the spell weaving loop by giving more CDR refund on Blight.
[01:04:32] The Urus will have a strong spell-weaving AD attack speed item alongside his pure Lethality
[01:04:37] and on-hit ones.
[01:04:38] The secondary changes are around making his skill order more intuitive, whittling away
[01:04:43] at his pro strengths as mentioned before.
[01:04:44] Lethality players were maxing w seconds
[01:04:46] are making ranks and w matter a bit more for lethality builds to close the power disparity
[01:04:52] early game nerfs through his attack damage through base adn qw should make him less
[01:04:55] of lane boy found being a little more forgiving to use QW spell combo.
[01:05:00] Giving him more time
[01:05:00] to activate Body Quiver while charging up.
[01:05:03] What?
[01:05:04] So he's losing 3 AD
[01:05:06] attack speed growth going down So he's losing 3 AD.
[01:05:09] Attack speed growth going down.
[01:05:22] What the fuck is happening? Passive.
[01:05:23] Minion kill changed to
[01:05:26] 10% attack speed 10% attack speed
[01:05:28] 10% attack speed AD
[01:05:32] 10% attack speed AP
[01:05:33] What does this mean?
[01:05:40] What?
[01:05:48] Okay.
[01:06:03] Well, I'm assuming it means 10% of your attack speed is your AD and AP.
[01:06:03] But like...
[01:06:05] That's kind of weird.
[01:06:08] I don't know.
[01:06:10] That's a really weird thing to do.
[01:06:14] Now includes attack speed from champion levels.
[01:06:17] Okay, I mean
[01:06:18] that's fine, I guess.
[01:06:22] Attack speed cap increased from 2.5 to
[01:06:24] 2.763...
[01:06:26] Like what is this?
[01:06:30] What
[01:06:30] is the math on this?
[01:06:37] Like... What is the math on this? Why
[01:06:37] this number?
[01:06:42] Straight up, I want to know what the math is about why Like, straight up.
[01:06:43] I want to know what the math is about why they would just randomly choose this number.
[01:06:57] Okay. because that's kind of weird, no?
[01:07:03] Like it goes from 2.5 to like 2.7.6 like there's got to be a reason but it's kind of interesting Okay.
[01:07:21] Uh...
[01:07:24] Damage is going up on Blighted Quiver stacks.
[01:07:31] Missing health damage is going...
[01:07:37] down?
[01:07:41] Wait. Oh, they're not making it based on... Okay.
[01:08:03] Okay.
[01:08:07] Q cast lockout.
[01:08:11] Whenever they do really big system changes
[01:08:14] to champions like this, it scares me
[01:08:16] because Varus is either going to be horrible
[01:08:18] or he's going to be the most broken champion in the game.
[01:08:23] Straight up, there's going to be no in-between
[01:08:24] until they tweak the numbers.
[01:08:26] This patch, Varus is going to be
[01:08:27] the best champion of the game
[01:08:28] or terrible? It's the champion alive.
[01:08:51] Pretty sure. I mean, no change? Yeah, pretty sure it is. Okay. It's Pantheon.
[01:09:16] What a weird pick.
[01:09:18] I can just Blindest
[01:09:19] engage.
[01:09:22] Huh.
[01:09:22] Huh. huh you can just like buffer blind is W
[01:09:32] we'll say We'll see. Do I want fleet this game or do I want press attack? hmm Q-Cast lockout going up to.85 seconds.
[01:10:04] Base ability cooldown refund going up 1%. I mean,
[01:10:07] that's a lot.
[01:10:11] That's what? 3% per three
[01:10:13] stacks?
[01:10:15] So like if you're popping two,
[01:10:17] three stack pops in a series of like four to five seconds,
[01:10:21] then it's going up 6% CDR for like an average fight
[01:10:28] for your abilities. I mean, that's
[01:10:31] pretty insane. That snowball is
[01:10:32] really hard.
[01:10:37] I don't know. Varus might be OP he seems
[01:10:41] op equal down goes down.
[01:10:51] Base damage
[01:10:53] went up by
[01:10:55] five.
[01:10:59] I mean...
[01:11:04] If that's per feather, like if this is
[01:11:08] 50 damage per feather that's a pretty big buff. This is really big.
[01:11:42] This might kill Lanezak.
[01:11:45] If this actually has, like, impact on the game...
[01:11:48] ...this will kill Lanezak, which is really nice.
[01:11:51] Because Lanezak is broken. It's unbeatable, it's like Gragas. They both are just stupid champs.
[01:11:57] Well Opportunity's dead.
[01:12:01] Duck Harvest is dead.
[01:12:04] Electrocute's broken.
[01:12:12] ... All right, let's see how it goes. 30 seconds until minions spawn. That's got to sting. Minions have spawned.
[01:13:03] Reporting in. We needed AP.
[01:13:21] Like, that guy didn't show he was gonna play Karthus.
[01:13:23] He wasn't hovering it.
[01:13:40] So I had to like 1, 2, 3, 4
[01:13:48] First to none An ally of the slayer an ally Why though?
[01:14:02] Why would you do that?
[01:14:09] I'm so confused. Dude, I can't even push freeze it. He's gonna try, but I can't let him. One, two, three, four. one two three four what was this carthus pathing?
[01:15:27] How's he doing red right now with 24 CS?
[01:15:31] What the fuck?
[01:15:35] The hell? I mean, I can't help you bro.
[01:15:53] That's all of you buddy.
[01:15:56] I'm not gonna like leave my lane here
[01:15:58] to go walk to that fight.
[01:16:00] That's just not going to happen, so...
[01:16:20] Okay. I mean Shaco needs to go to his bot camps, but the problem is uh...
[01:16:25] He might know that Karthus is on his bot camp so he might just stay top.
[01:16:29] And if he stays top because he knows Karthus is on his bot camps.
[01:16:31] I'm kind of in a weird spot. Okay. so so I wonder if I sit right here, if I could just kill this guy.
[01:17:27] Oh, I should have flashed his Flash. Well now I know.
[01:17:35] I blinded him but I wonder if like the initial jump, hmm.
[01:17:37] I'm trying to think about what I did
[01:17:41] how I can outplay that
[01:17:42] cause I know I win that by the way
[01:17:44] like I took the fight because like I'm know I win that, by the way. Like, I took the fight because
[01:17:45] like, I'm positive I win that.
[01:17:48] That's why I took the fight.
[01:17:51] I just
[01:17:51] misplayed it. Because I was at
[01:17:53] what? 70%? he was at 30%.
[01:17:56] I needed to probably just either flash his Flash or...
[01:18:01] 1, 2, 3, 4.
[01:18:15] He's dead. Yeah, it was either Flash's flash or Blind differently. I'd have to know how the
[01:18:17] Pantheon damage comes out,
[01:18:19] because you can't blind as Q, but you can blind
[01:18:21] his autos. So I think
[01:18:23] I blinded while he was using E.
[01:18:41] ... while he was using e reporting in not sure An enemy has been slain.
[01:18:52] An army has been slain.
[01:18:55] An ally has been slain
[01:19:05] it's hard to tell because i don't know the matchup.
[01:19:14] Like,
[01:19:15] I'm trying to figure this out as we do it, you know?
[01:19:17] I'm trying to figure out
[01:19:18] the matchup
[01:19:18] as we play the matchup.
[01:19:42] Okay. figure out the matchup as we play the match up i could probably also put like Oh no, that's not good.
[01:19:52] He is an idiot though because he's trying too hard to like...
[01:19:52] He really fucked that up.
[01:20:16] Reporting in! He whiffed like, he missed half his wave chasing me for no reason. him i don't think i fight this i think i back yeah because he's
[01:20:19] he's gonna do this
[01:21:05] i think i'm okay with this he might try and dive me Oh, he has a Hexdrinker. That's why he has so much confidence. car I wonder if I ignited him If I kill him there
[01:21:06] Nah probably not.
[01:21:08] So can I avoid that?
[01:21:17] I'll probably avoid that by going back.
[01:21:21] But, I don't know. It's hard to tell.
[01:21:23] Because he knew
[01:21:24] that I was gonna do that so he waited the ult
[01:21:26] but I also probably could have walked like
[01:21:30] i can't avoid the actual damage of it but i could probably avoid that like cue after
[01:21:38] because the damage in the old doesn't do that much damage.
[01:21:40] I think it's the Q.
[01:21:48] This is a weird matchup, because I don't think it's actually...
[01:21:54] I think it's Teemo favored. You just have to know how the matchup works. I'm almost positive.
[01:22:05] He rushed Maw, complete Maw!
[01:22:09] Wow. That's some crazy
[01:22:16] it's wild that he rushed a mob versus uh versus me What am I watching? Hmm.
[01:22:52] Huh! Okay! Okay.
[01:23:39] We're just playing a bit of the old weak side this game. killing spree Pretty sure I can just sit here and chill.
[01:23:56] Because if he does roam, I'm pretty sure he loses too much. I don't think i can ever kill him with uh his maw. I mean maybe I can but...
[01:24:00] Wow. Well he can actually just
[01:24:03] 100-0 me like that! I gotta be more careful.
[01:24:07] I did not expect him to just literally 100-0 me.
[01:24:14] What?
[01:24:16] I just watched my Pyke
[01:24:17] miss every one of his spells.
[01:24:21] Okay, Pyke, please don't come top again.
[01:24:25] Holy fuck!
[01:24:26] That was embarrassing. thing my man quite just hit the Yeah, like you're dead.
[01:24:42] Dude, that was
[01:24:43] wild!
[01:24:47] That guy almost
[01:24:48] gave my Pantheon a free
[01:24:49] shutdown because he whiffed his only two spells.
[01:25:00] Dude, I'm surprised by how much damage Pantheon just shoots out of his butt cheeks. so What's this Pantheon doing? Shut down.
[01:26:08] Supporting an enemy has been slain. and swing my Am I ever going to try Elden Ring?
[01:26:11] Yeah, I'd love to. Once I save up some money to upgrade my
[01:26:15] computer, I plan on playing some Elden Ring.
[01:26:18] My computer can't really play it right now though.
[01:26:30] Okay. An enemy has been slain. Yes, sir!
[01:26:32] But I love it. I mean apparently it's like really fun so...
[01:26:36] ...I'm looking forward to it
[01:26:40] it does have a lot of hype I'm going to go for the first one
[01:26:49] and then
[01:26:51] I'll
[01:26:53] try
[01:26:55] to
[01:26:57] get a so and My trend didn't ulti. so Yes, sir! Wait, there's a blue buff here.
[01:28:04] Ooh! A piece of candy!
[01:28:12] ... so so um Where is this Pantheon at?
[01:28:51] I think he's going bought for this drake i can pressure the map okay so I don't want to get this Rift Herald, but I don't know if i can
[01:29:48] oh that guy is dead as fuck by the way. so oh dear god is uh so Bro, these fucking mushroom...
[01:30:58] Or these fucking stupid things are annoying me.
[01:31:06] Fucking boxes, man. Fuck off!
[01:31:12] Just getting boxed over and over again.
[01:31:18] It's kind of funny, because I think I'm actually doing quite a bit.
[01:31:25] I'm doing the boring macro shit this game where like,
[01:31:28] I'm just pushing the waves in.
[01:31:35] We got two items now though, we're pretty fucking huge.
[01:31:37] I wonder with 2 items if I can actually 1v1 Pantheon yet?
[01:31:43] So hard to tell...
[01:31:46] Because like I don't know the matchup enough It's so hard to tell.
[01:31:49] Because I don't know the matchup enough.
[01:31:51] I mean,
[01:31:53] I have a lot of HP but...
[01:31:57] I don't know. It's really hard to tell if i want to be one that guy so so Oh, time to back.
[01:32:40] I'm quite low. An ally has been slain. Shut down.
[01:33:11] My line has been slated. dude my team just got wiped how did you guys lose
[01:34:27] i'm aware bro oh I'm going to go with the Thanks for watching! so I really fucking... You've really committed to that role
[01:34:35] bagger number smart that guy's not very smart
[01:34:46] we should leave because pantheon can just like come kill us. so I think we just play for Baron at this point.
[01:35:24] I have so many mushrooms mid, that it's pretty impossible
[01:35:29] for them to ever like make a play mid without just being like one fucking HP.
[01:35:40] I'm trying to keep good mushrooms.
[01:35:44] I think that's my goal right now, right?
[01:35:46] Just keep up the mushroom onslaught.
[01:35:51] I don't think this is a good play to just go for this though. so It's your favorite Geronimo arc?
[01:36:28] Thanks man.
[01:36:31] Well if we play Top is relaxing...
[01:36:34] Top is a lot more relaxing than AD carry
[01:36:39] mainly because like
[01:36:41] You don't get to play the game sometimes so you just exist
[01:36:47] Shut down You play the game sometimes, so you just exist.
[01:36:54] Was I AD Carry? I gotta do like 35 APMs a minute... Or seconds. For a seconds I'm just chillin', vibing, you know?
[01:37:13] Having a nice old jolly time. He's actually always headranked. Not a lot of people know about it.
[01:37:32] Because nobody goes on the PBE.
[01:37:38] An enemy has been slain killing spree I would just be a slave.
[01:37:55] Well it's good to know that I can kill that guy now.
[01:38:12] I am level 16, so like i kind of understand Your team has destroyed a turret.
[01:38:44] Your team has destroyed an individual. I'm ready. hey they got into to kill me yeah fuck you too dude.
[01:39:07] Fuck that guy too I guess. Top is a funny role because all I have to do Is not get gapped
[01:39:09] Right, like top lane it feels
[01:39:11] Like all you have to do is not get gapped
[01:39:13] And You don't really control a lot of the game
[01:39:20] you just you just relax and sit It's very interesting. so Did that Pyke just kill that guy inside of his team and then walk away well that's toxic That's actually kind of wild. It's okay. There are some mushrooms in there for them to hit.
[01:40:36] Surely they'll hit my mushrooms right? Surely.
[01:40:40] Heh heh heh! Aww... right? Surely. Wings just hates League.
[01:40:57] You gotta understand,
[01:40:58] Wings is not a bad player
[01:40:59] and top lane is not weak.
[01:41:17] Wings just hates league of legends Whereas, like... It's kind of funny.
[01:41:18] Wings hates League.
[01:41:20] I hate the players who play League.
[01:41:25] Like, I'm not even kidding.
[01:41:28] I love the game.
[01:41:29] I hate the humans who play it. So I'm only getting 20 LP a win.
[01:41:41] Like,
[01:41:41] I know I cooked my MMR
[01:41:43] yesterday with like a bunch of losses but this is crazy You know what I think is wild? wild. My MMR dropped so drastically, but the only game I lost or the last game i lost
[01:42:18] i had a challenger player in my game
[01:42:24] this guy was gm trolling This was like a boosted account.
[01:42:30] And everybody was like, hi masters.
[01:42:33] We lost this game and then all of a sudden I'm just in diamond games.
[01:42:44] I don't get it.
[01:42:47] MMR is... I feel like MMR is just weird, weird man i don't know how mmr works it's crazy. Wait, I don't understand this.
[01:43:25] What?
[01:43:29] For a long time after being promoted to new ranked tier, you would always start at 1 LP.
[01:43:34] Especially when winning at high LP values we're making a change to count LP as normal
[01:43:38] win after being promoted.
[01:43:39] It will be more intuitive and true to players' game
[01:43:43] by a game rank journey with the inflation control
[01:43:45] and LP optimization we've been doing,
[01:43:47] you're confident that this change won't
[01:43:49] introduce inflation or break competitive integrity at
[01:43:50] base. So now if you win...
[01:43:53] What it's saying is if you win
[01:43:55] at 99 LP,
[01:43:57] you'll go to 20 LP
[01:43:59] if you get, and what they're saying is
[01:44:09] If you get promoted exactly to zero
[01:44:12] It'll put it at one. Okay.
[01:44:17] How interesting.
[01:44:48] .... Answer the team chat?
[01:44:49] What'd they say in the team chat?
[01:44:52] Who wants to kiss?
[01:44:54] Oh. No, I'm good.
[01:45:03] I think I'm good. I don't need to answer that. I'm chill. So, huh Okay. Wait a minute Hello... You Ah I'm in Jinx.
[01:46:59] Currently in Plat 3,
[01:47:01] what do you think low level players
[01:47:02] do wrong with Jinx?
[01:47:05] You probably players do wrong with Jinx? I mean, you probably just
[01:47:07] don't farm well enough
[01:47:09] or wave manage well enough.
[01:47:11] Because when you hit two
[01:47:13] items with Jinx, you pretty much just win fights.
[01:47:17] Well, you win if
[01:47:18] you're even or ahead.
[01:47:20] If the enemy's shitting on you, then you don't just win. I mean, I can try and help you this game with like telling you what I'm doing
[01:47:33] and shit like that. And why I'm doing it.
[01:47:37] You can try
[01:47:37] and be talkative.
[01:47:39] The big thing with plat players is that you're not
[01:47:41] farming.
[01:47:59] Yeah, like I think you guys think you're farming but I don't think
[01:48:00] you're actually farming. You're also probably not
[01:48:17] walking to fights properly. Or, like, not walking to fights properly.
[01:48:20] Or like, not walking to fights properly.
[01:48:23] Because the game isn't about just perma-fighting.
[01:48:25] Sometimes it is but sometimes...
[01:48:27] Like if you're playing something like Jinx
[01:48:29] It's not about perma-fighting, right?
[01:48:31] Whoa.
[01:48:37] Look here, I'm gonna rocket the
[01:48:39] first wave
[01:48:40] just because... Here, I'm going to rocket the first wave.
[01:48:42] Just because...
[01:48:50] The Leona went in level 1 which is wild that's like a horrible play i don't know why she did that
[01:48:55] but so uh that leona was really bad
[01:49:19] but that guy is horrific he does not know what he's doing.
[01:49:30] Like, he didn't push properly for level 2?
[01:49:35] And then after... like, went in level one and then didn't push properly
[01:49:37] for level two.
[01:49:39] I think the Leona's a Q
[01:49:41] sniper. I didn't hide my Q.
[01:49:43] I'm almost positive that Leona's a stream sniper.
[01:49:47] Like, you see how he's typing and shit?
[01:49:49] Like, he typed in champ select
[01:49:50] and now he's typing and shit like that too.
[01:50:08] Like... like an enemy has been slain i mean i get back here but i don't need to we we just push this wave. This is kind of what I was talking about though, but like you just have to learn how to wave
[01:50:34] manage and farm and shit as Jinx.
[01:50:41] Like right here, I'm not really down even though my Leona ran it down
[01:50:43] I'm not down that much farm
[01:50:45] We backed on a cannon wave
[01:50:47] so like if you notice they can't really punish me because um
[01:50:56] They can't punish me for anything because we backed
[01:50:57] On a canon web, so they can't push the
[01:50:59] wave in fast enough to deny any minions which means i get to back and get back
[01:51:04] to lane before the wave crashes or before they can crash it
[01:51:08] so now we save a bad situation by playing...
[01:51:17] We save a bit of a bad situation
[01:51:20] By like, playing fundamentals and here i don't actually want to fight but
[01:51:25] i do have jack of trades my jack is already stacked but his. So we're evened out right now. I missed a few CS there, that was my bad.
[01:51:51] So do I rush Kraken or I or ie like before it depends on the game
[01:51:56] it's really game dependence
[01:51:59] but you change it from game to game
[01:52:07] uh like this game i'll probably rush ie
[01:52:12] because we're not snowballing and i don't think uh I usually only rush Kraken
[01:52:15] if I think I'm going to be snowballing the lane
[01:52:17] or if I think we need to win early game
[01:52:20] because Kraken does do more damage.
[01:52:22] But, if we can scale up into mid game, I think just going IE rush into PD is better. so oh i suck so so Not bad.
[01:53:30] Fights like that, too, you have to be willing
[01:53:32] to auto.
[01:53:34] So the reason that fight ended up working out...
[01:53:37] If you noticed what I was doing
[01:53:38] that whole time
[01:53:39] is I wasn't just running when we were getting ganked, right?
[01:53:42] That's something that I think
[01:53:44] I have to teach lower-level players
[01:53:47] when they ask me how to carry as an AD carry.
[01:53:51] When you have a situation unfolding that's really awkward
[01:53:53] right?
[01:53:54] I used my E
[01:53:56] to stall the Thresh so he couldn't
[01:53:58] follow up on the Leona.
[01:54:00] When we saw the Yi on the Leona. When we saw
[01:54:01] the Yi, my Leona was stuck here,
[01:54:03] but she can run back, right?
[01:54:05] So I missed W, which was really bad.
[01:54:07] That was like the worst part of that play.
[01:54:09] That W miss was actually really, really bad. We got lucky that we didn't get fucked for
[01:54:12] it but
[01:54:12] you notice like I was just
[01:54:16] hitting them the whole time as we were running because
[01:54:18] they were focusing Leona and I
[01:54:20] was staying out of range of getting focused by
[01:54:23] them. So if they wanted to
[01:54:25] engage on me,
[01:54:27] uh... I was still far enough away.
[01:54:41] Okay. Damn, I suck. That guy sucks worse. I actually think I should back.
[01:55:04] We have no vision...
[01:55:09] And Ezreal's not weak.
[01:55:13] Me staying right now is like, I'm just egoing him.
[01:55:16] I'm just full-egoing this at the moment
[01:55:20] because i think I'm better So you see right here how my team,
[01:55:30] my Leona got caught and I didn't run to help her.
[01:55:33] I just pushed the wave.
[01:55:35] That's another thing that you have to be really careful about I just pushed the wave.
[01:55:39] That's another thing that you have to be really careful about doing.
[01:55:43] When your team gets caught, right?
[01:55:46] You got to make a choice.
[01:55:52] You don't always have to go run to help your teammate out of the situation like that. I don't want to do dragon because I'll miss a wave. so so I'm going to use my movement speed?
[01:56:31] Did it hit the guy a bit?
[01:56:32] Oh, my God.
[01:56:35] Okay, that was actually so sick from Diego.
[01:56:42] So cute. from Viego. So here, I'm going to do
[01:56:43] something really important that I want you to understand.
[01:56:46] I'm going to push this wave
[01:56:47] and then recall as fast as possible.
[01:56:49] I'm not going to focus the turret here for another plate, because
[01:56:52] I don't care about the second plate on the turret.
[01:56:54] This is an important
[01:56:56] thing that I don't talk about
[01:56:58] enough. So here, I'm just gonna back,
[01:57:00] right? I don't care about that plate at all. I don't give a fuck about any of that. I'm just gonna back right? I don't care about that plate at all.
[01:57:03] I don't give a fuck about any of that.
[01:57:05] I'm just going to back.
[01:57:07] So I push the wave in as fast as possible
[01:57:09] and now I'm going to back.
[01:57:11] You're like Geronimo you are really close to IE but i have no mana i'm sitting on stupid amounts of gold and it's just not valuable
[01:57:16] to sit on 1900 gold so you can like as soon as you start doing stuff like that where
[01:57:21] you're greeting gold timers and things like that,
[01:57:25] you're going to have people that are good enough
[01:57:25] to hit tab
[01:57:26] and understand
[01:57:27] that you haven't backed.
[01:57:29] And as soon as...
[01:57:29] Like I use that trick
[01:57:30] to kill the enemy a lot.
[01:57:33] I don't talk about it very much on stream,
[01:57:35] but I use the trick of like hit tab and
[01:57:37] notice that they haven't bought, and I just kill them.
[01:57:40] I do
[01:57:41] that a fuck ton.
[01:57:43] Because that's something
[01:57:44] that I just noticed people
[01:57:45] fundamentally do poorly a lot.
[01:58:00] So here we have a lot more AD than the Ezreal does. He is still Ezreal, so we gotta be a little care.
[01:58:04] But we do have more ADs, so I can play a little bit forward.
[01:58:07] Okay we see the Thresh.
[01:58:09] I'm going to W and keep distance.
[01:58:11] I'm gonna E there.
[01:58:14] What that E does is it makes him have to walk the long way around.
[01:58:18] So if they did want to try and 2v2 me, he would either A flash which he doesn't have
[01:58:23] or walk the long way. And if he walks the long way, then I can
[01:58:27] buy time for my team to get there or
[01:58:30] I can just straight
[01:58:32] up kill him in a 2v1.
[01:58:48] ... I can go mid if Trist wants plates. I don't care.
[01:58:50] She doesn't want plates.
[01:58:51] I don't know what I'm watching.
[01:58:54] Link, what are you doing, bro? Oh. I'm pretty sure we can just take this turret.
[01:59:23] Grubbs are OP. Alright, we just back off.
[01:59:25] We're just gonna fullback now.
[01:59:27] So like at this point in the game right?
[01:59:29] I'm sure you found yourself at this point in the game
[01:59:32] sometime or another on Jinx where you have a good lead.
[01:59:34] You won lane.
[01:59:36] Your goal is going to be
[01:59:38] you need to understand
[01:59:40] where to be on the map for the next, I guess 13 minutes in the game.
[01:59:45] For the next 7-8 minutes until Baron spawns you need
[01:59:48] to understand where you need to be on the map.
[01:59:52] Okay? Whether your Jinx, whatever AD carry you are.
[01:59:56] I don't want to go bot here because Rift Herald is spawning in 50 seconds and I want to be able to
[02:00:01] be around the rift cause i'm the strongest person on
[02:00:03] the map right now other than maybe Trist.
[02:00:10] So here uh my team's getting into a fight to my left.
[02:00:18] I'm going to push the wave because it takes two autos to push the wave, and then we're going to walk in.
[02:00:46] Okay. so That kind of sucked. Oh well.
[02:00:52] You know what I actually should have done? I should've gone top to get more plates,
[02:00:53] I actually messed up.
[02:00:55] I wanted to be mid right?
[02:00:56] But I actually think the proper play was for me to go top
[02:00:59] because there were still plates to get toppling and i missed out on like maybe 300 gold
[02:01:05] like i can get the turret but i think i missed out on like free gold which is pretty bad.
[02:01:14] Here, I'm gonna push this wave...
[02:01:19] ...I'm going to try and stay away from the bush as I push it.
[02:01:23] Like...I'm thinking like just reactively of like
[02:01:27] I don't want to be standing next to this bush
[02:01:28] if they end up like coming out to kill me here from there
[02:01:32] here we have a few options i need to go help with rifts
[02:01:35] but i think rift's just gonna die or i can sit here and I can
[02:01:45] Play for my Next item. so so so I'm gonna walk up so i can snowball with my passive.
[02:02:40] It backs them off.
[02:02:42] I think one of the main things as well is like when you get excited,
[02:02:44] like, you should be walking up to back them off of
[02:02:48] turret and shit. Like always play forward with your lead and your passive
[02:02:52] like when you're killing a turret, and you are strong
[02:02:55] and you can fight them, make sure you're playing forward
[02:02:57] in the turret.
[02:02:59] You want to play with the threat that
[02:03:01] if you kill this turret,
[02:03:02] you get your passive and then
[02:03:04] you can kill them all.
[02:03:06] And a lot of people
[02:03:06] especially in lower
[02:03:07] elos won't respect that.
[02:03:08] So if you end up
[02:03:09] killing the turret
[02:03:10] and they're just
[02:03:10] standing there trying
[02:03:11] to defend it,
[02:03:11] you can just get
[02:03:12] your passive and use
[02:03:12] it and kill all of
[02:03:13] them.
[02:03:22] Another plus 20. Man, fix my MMR.
[02:03:24] Like I have five wins in a row.
[02:03:27] Fix my MMR you stupid fucks.
[02:03:35] Getting plus 20 is making me miserable.... Like, I'm playing in...
[02:03:52] What is this?
[02:03:56] I'm playing in like 200 LP games.
[02:03:59] Or 150 LP, like why?
[02:04:00] Why am I getting plus 20? Stop.
[02:04:12] Dude, the last two days were a fucking rollercoaster.
[02:04:15] I ain't gonna lie man, look at this shit.
[02:04:16] This shit was a rollercoaster. Okay. roller coaster.
[02:04:22] We had the Malzark.
[02:04:29] We had the games where we were popping off
[02:04:31] and losing.
[02:04:34] It was
[02:04:35] fucking cinema.
[02:04:40] Why is your goal to get Challenger if you've not been GM in four years?
[02:04:43] That seems a little weird.
[02:04:47] I was... wait, I-
[02:04:50] I've been Grandmaster
[02:04:51] as recently as the last split.
[02:04:56] Like quite literally
[02:04:57] I was like 500 LP
[02:04:58] last split.
[02:05:02] Like I was GM for pretty much the whole split
[02:05:05] last but actually
[02:05:06] I'd say like 80% of the split I was GM That's like weird.
[02:05:17] I don't even know where this random statement is coming from.
[02:05:20] It's like a statement based on nothing.
[02:05:59] Okay. It's like a statement based on nothing... I mean, I can even show it to you. Look.
[02:06:04] Right? Like not even like bullshit. I mean, I can literally just show it
[02:06:13] Right? Like this is my main account that I was playing on like tryharding on the last season. Two splits.
[02:06:19] Look.
[02:06:21] I was
[02:06:22] literally GM both splits.
[02:06:24] Season 14 split one,
[02:06:25] season 13 split two
[02:06:30] 560 420.
[02:06:36] that's it's not like I'm lying.
[02:06:38] Like,
[02:06:38] I'm not a challenger player
[02:06:39] but I'm definitely
[02:06:40] a GM player.
[02:06:42] Like,
[02:06:42] I've been GM
[02:06:42] fucking
[02:06:43] every year
[02:06:45] minimum.
[02:06:47] You know what I mean?
[02:06:50] I'm not just like lying about it.. How do you determine what your count to main on each season?
[02:07:14] Oh, um...
[02:07:24] It really just depends on what account does well early,
[02:07:25] and I just plan that account.
[02:07:27] Like if my main... If I do well in my main early,
[02:07:29] I'll just plan my main.
[02:07:32] If I don't, I'll just plan my main. If I don't,
[02:07:32] I'll just plan a smurf. But I always get
[02:07:34] at least one account into GM every season... Why won't they leave in here? I know why won't they leave in here... Honestly, I should probably just go scaling runes.
[02:08:54] Like, go Absolute Focus and uh gathering this game but i don't want to
[02:09:00] i should just because of um their team comp is like they're just going to try and perm scale. Okay. I'm in to you. yeah Ta-da-ra-ta. 30 seconds into a minion storm. I'm crazy!
[02:10:45] Pen and pen. I wonder who I should play around. Hmm. Play arounds...
[02:10:51] Our team comp's really wild! I kinda like it, though.
[02:11:19] Like, it's not bad. Hmm, we should play really aggro here, level 1. They have a poke comp and we have an all-in comp. Zerath is going to W me in about two seconds. Oh, not bad though.
[02:11:40] Honestly, not that bad. I mean...
[02:11:45] We got the Xerath cleanse.
[02:11:51] This Thresh is not bad, the way he played that was exactly how I wanted to play it.
[02:12:07] ...... um I think the Thresh actually could have walked up and slain,
[02:12:25] and we might have killed them both there.
[02:12:48] Okay. This is really awkward. Because Thresh should have just stood with me to get lantern and then lanterned me away. So the awkward part about that was we were one minion away.
[02:12:54] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[02:12:54] He should have just stayed close enough to get
[02:12:56] the minion. I think he understands though.
[02:12:58] I think he knows why you messed up.
[02:13:06] Because like we saw the odier coming right and the reason i stayed was because we get level three off the next minion then he lanterns me away from the other two he
[02:13:11] lands me away from zarath and Seraphine,
[02:13:13] and we just win the fight
[02:13:14] because they can't fight us.
[02:13:17] We gap close too much distance.
[02:13:22] But I think he just kind of messed up and he just panicked and ran. That's just one of those things that's hard to...
[02:13:40] You have to know what your game plan is before it happens, right?
[02:13:46] That's why you saw me confidently stay
[02:13:47] because I'm like, okay.
[02:13:49] We win the fight no matter what.
[02:13:51] So I was like, I'm just going to stay.
[02:14:02] Okay. Hmm.
[02:14:03] So now, though, Thresh needs to come back bot.
[02:14:07] Like he can't do this thing where he's roaming on his timer
[02:14:13] because I have to play really far up so that I don't just die been slain He's the Jesus fucking Christ, man.
[02:14:54] Dude I am just not getting fucking...
[02:14:58] Oh! okay.
[02:15:04] I don't know why he walked into her dagger with the lantern
[02:15:06] but... Dude what is going on
[02:15:08] by the way? I'm getting fucking murdered over here.
[02:15:12] Like, I'm getting fucking...
[02:15:15] Five manned bot the whole fucking lane phase. What is going on bro?
[02:15:20] Like that's our third gank bot lane and we got catarina'd
[02:15:28] so not only are we getting weak-sided but t TF is losing a matchup that's impossible to lose
[02:15:33] because he's melee versus ranged.
[02:15:37] And my...
[02:15:38] So my Viego's weak-siding the wrong lane,
[02:15:40] my Thresh is messing up and my mid laner
[02:15:43] is letting a Katarina roam on him as an
[02:15:44] asses.
[02:15:47] This is going to be a rough game. All we can really
[02:15:49] do with like I can
[02:15:50] already tell you like my team is very,
[02:15:52] very outclassed this game.
[02:15:54] And because they're
[02:15:55] also outclassed
[02:15:56] what we have to do
[02:15:56] is we just have to
[02:15:57] try to scale up
[02:15:58] and win through mid-game
[02:15:59] instead of early game.
[02:16:07] That's pretty much our only bet at this point. There is not much we can do, sometimes you just get the outclassed teams that just League of Legends
[02:16:25] I suck Damn, I'd kill that guy if I don't fucking mess that up
[02:16:32] I'm sad
[02:16:34] I'm sad.
[02:16:37] I'm dead.
[02:16:39] Man!
[02:16:42] It's not warded,
[02:16:44] I just got shed on right there that is so tragic I mean this this is tragic.
[02:17:02] I can't really play the game due to just like what's been going on and we're getting really far behind now
[02:17:08] because we win this lane but Thresh played like i said thrash played really bad early so now we're just reaping the
[02:17:12] the issue of like thresh misplayed early
[02:17:19] it's like one of the reasons that if you pick a champion
[02:17:20] that has to be aggressive in lane,
[02:17:21] it's a really scary thing
[02:17:23] to do, right?
[02:17:24] Like,
[02:17:24] if you're playing a champion
[02:17:25] that has to be aggro on lane,
[02:17:27] uh,
[02:17:27] it's scary because if you do if you mess up the like double ranged
[02:17:35] lane will outscale you and what's happening right now is the enemy mid is getting gapped by cat
[02:17:44] all we can really do is continue to try and wave manage keep fundamentals
[02:17:48] up and try and look for plays.
[02:17:51] That's pretty much it. Udyr is behind us right now
[02:17:55] in our jungle so we need to push this and leave. um It is wild that I have to to i have toward that by the way that's wild
[02:18:29] this is kind of like why i wish there were comms in the game by the way
[02:18:55] dude i can't move 4.47 seconds of cc like i literally couldn't move i don't even think one of you can pull a step up!
[02:19:06] That's crazy, I couldn't even take a link turn, man.
[02:19:11] Like literally, I was spam clicking it and every time I would come out of CC I would just get CC'd again.
[02:19:20] Fucking CC locks, man!
[02:19:43] It's like I'm playing WoW Arena. uh Well, this is the thing about Jinx. Even though the game is going bad early
[02:19:45] we do scale really well
[02:19:48] we just have to keep good cs and half the points of scale
[02:19:53] this guy's up way too far man i don't know what you're doing
[02:19:57] like i can't fight this with you bro I don't know what you're doing. Like,
[02:19:58] I can't fight this with you bro.
[02:20:03] Like,
[02:20:04] I can't,
[02:20:04] I can't fight that with you man.
[02:20:19] Okay. so he should have gone for cat and anyway
[02:20:24] he should have gone for katarina because she has a shutdown the fact you didn't go for cat was really bad
[02:20:28] cause she has to shut down so there's no reason not to.
[02:20:39] But yeah, that's like...
[02:20:43] What just happened is pretty rough too
[02:20:46] because there's just been a ton of little misplays
[02:20:49] going on from everybody on the team. And when you're
[02:20:52] the AD carry that has to scale,
[02:20:54] you're the one affected
[02:20:56] the most by the misplays.
[02:20:59] Right? Because if Thresh
[02:21:00] goes in to try and 1v2 cat,
[02:21:02] And I know we can't win that 1v2.
[02:21:05] I can't commit to it with him so he just ends up dying
[02:21:08] And then I end up losing wave after wave because he dies.
[02:21:17] So the best thing you can do at this stage of the game,
[02:21:19] like I said before, is just scale up the best you can.
[02:21:39] Okay. again I mean,
[02:21:40] I can't do anything there.
[02:21:47] Like Thresh is just forcing fights that do not need to happen. Right there when we were fighting the Katarina, I didn't want to fight.
[02:21:51] I wanted to farm. I don't wanna fight that, I just wanna farm. farm, right?
[02:21:55] Like I don't want to fight that.
[02:21:56] I just want to farm.
[02:22:02] But I mean
[02:22:03] I'm just poking her, right?
[02:22:04] Because there's nothing else
[02:22:05] to do.
[02:22:09] Madeline has been slain But I mean, I'm just poking her right? Because there's nothing else to do. This kind of happens in solo queue.
[02:22:11] This is like the AD carry thing.
[02:22:14] Like every elo has this type of shit where like your team will just have bad games.
[02:22:18] And if you mess up, I messed up twice in this game
[02:22:22] and if you mess up early-game you kinda put yourself in a bad spot
[02:22:26] so you just have to play for scaling you kind of put yourself in a bad spot.
[02:22:29] So, I just have to play for scaling.
[02:22:32] That's why I like playing champions that can play for scaling
[02:22:33] or in, like...
[02:22:36] Elos like this and lower elos. Stuff like Jinx, stuff like Cesare, stuff like that.
[02:22:41] It's extremely good in certain elos because of... I mean Lan lantern me.
[02:22:53] Nice.
[02:23:03] Because you always have the opportunity to come back into the game through scaling. Because regardless of how fed this Katarina is, or regardless of how fed everyone else is...
[02:23:07] If I get the shutdown on Katarina, for example, right?
[02:23:10] Like... Let's say I get that shutdown
[02:23:13] on Kat.
[02:23:14] I can still carry the game
[02:23:16] because Katarina is a squishy champ and we have a lot of CC.
[02:23:21] So... Katarina is a squishy champ and we have a lot of CC.
[02:23:33] And Jinx has good scaling. Like, if I was like Lucian or something this game would be a lot harder
[02:23:37] because if you lose lane on something that has to win lane
[02:23:39] like Caitlyn and Lucian
[02:23:40] the game feels way more miserable.
[02:23:43] Like TF is going to have a horrible
[02:23:45] game.
[02:23:46] For example, TF is going to have one of the worst games
[02:23:49] possible right now.
[02:23:50] The reasoning is because
[02:23:52] TF has to win lane.
[02:23:55] That's the premise of why you pick TF.
[02:23:57] If TF top loses lane,
[02:23:59] that champ is fucked.
[02:25:10] Okay. fox huge so so so It's hard to all-in if we don't have the ability to like engage like right there, you see how everybody's like 1 HP?
[02:25:21] That's the worst feeling man.
[02:25:23] Cause if I kill one person in that fight
[02:25:25] that's another beauty of Jinx
[02:25:27] If you kill ONE person in that fucking fight where everybody's low,
[02:25:29] You just win because then you get the shutdown right?
[02:25:35] Or you get the reset I mean.
[02:25:38] If you get the reset, then mean. If you get the reset then
[02:25:40] the game's free.
[02:25:44] Like right now this Seraphine
[02:25:46] walking up like this with no ults
[02:25:48] This is pretty illegal.
[02:25:58] I mean,
[02:25:58] I can't take that, man.
[02:26:01] It's not... I mean, I can't take that man.
[02:26:09] Like, I'm gonna be real man this Thresh doesn't think about like who can kill people?
[02:26:15] I mean, this is wild. This threat's just really fucking bad.
[02:26:18] He's just going in without thinking about like...
[02:26:21] What can kill him and where they are.
[02:26:27] Weak setting us was a big issue, I agree.
[02:26:30] But I don't think that's why we're losing.
[02:26:32] I think we're losing because Thresh made a bunch of really bad engages.
[02:26:41] Oh, he's so lucky that didn't land.
[02:26:46] We can win though! so so Man, if TF was there
[02:27:24] We aced them. If TF and Nasus actually were there...
[02:27:27] Dude, I played that fight so good.
[02:27:31] Like, no joke, if TF and Nasus had just had the balls to hit their R key
[02:27:36] and walk in, We aced them
[02:27:37] and we killed everybody in that fight, I'm not even kidding
[02:27:39] Like, I spaced
[02:27:42] Katarina, insta-killed her
[02:27:43] Spaced, I got Aurelia and
[02:27:45] Katarina killed
[02:27:46] The only thing that hit me was Seraphine I got Aurelia and Katarina killed.
[02:27:48] The only thing that hit me was Seraphine ulti.
[02:27:51] Dude, I actually
[02:27:52] spaced that fight almost perfect.
[02:27:55] The only better
[02:27:56] play would have been dodge Seraphine Ult.
[02:28:00] And if I dodged that Seraphine ult, I'd kill all four of them.
[02:28:08] The problem is,
[02:28:09] I mean that's like...
[02:28:11] What I just did is like
[02:28:13] That is well above this level of gameplay.
[02:28:24] Like, I know that sounds ego-y, but like nobody in fucking Masters is playing the game like that.
[02:28:29] I would have had to like ascend even further beyond on that one. This is rough. My team has mentally given up.
[02:28:52] Like, the Nasus and the TF have given up.
[02:29:34] Oh my god! so so this game it's pd always i need the movement speed.
[02:29:37] Basically, this game, I have to have the movement speed from Phantom Dancer
[02:29:39] to be able to kite and play the game.
[02:29:46] Like her kite... game like hurricane's not gonna have value since we don't have a front line so i
[02:29:49] can't like hit them with the hurricane like hurricanes value goes up a lot when
[02:29:53] you have like people that you can hit
[02:29:56] turret into.
[02:29:59] Like in a teamfight right?
[02:30:01] But if I can't do that because
[02:30:03] I have no frontliners
[02:30:06] I basically just
[02:30:07] have to... Well, the only
[02:30:09] thing I hate about Seraphine is that
[02:30:10] um
[02:30:11] That
[02:30:14] player is not very good. Like, I'm very, very much better than the Seraphine.
[02:30:18] But it doesn't matter because
[02:30:20] her team won.
[02:30:22] This is the only thing I hate about that
[02:30:24] champion, right? Her team
[02:30:26] won their lanes
[02:30:28] and shits. And because her team won
[02:30:30] their lanes and shit, her value
[02:30:32] is huge from just hitting one button.
[02:30:36] If her team had lost lane
[02:30:38] I'd be able to impact the game a lot more
[02:30:40] Because she's not actually that fed
[02:30:43] But because she didn't lose lane
[02:30:45] Or because they didn't lose lane i it's hard to
[02:30:52] i mean we might be able to kill this guy right now
[02:30:58] they need to figure out uh when Mean we might be able to kill this guy right now
[02:31:06] They need to figure out we need to fight this ASAP. They have two people top so like we need to look for something When they're split like this, you always look for shit.
[02:31:14] You always look for engages on the opposite side of the map when people are split. The fuck is this? so We need to get this dragon. We got to go for a pick here.
[02:32:26] We don't really have a choice.
[02:32:29] Like, hopefully the Katarina
[02:32:30] or somebody face checks us
[02:32:31] and we can just kill them.
[02:32:57] Okay. and we can just kill them so so
[02:33:07] we should just go to baron dragon guys let's just go to baron dragon guys
[02:33:07] let's just come to drake
[02:33:11] there's no reason to be just sitting here My Viego just lost us the game.
[02:33:30] Like, why didn't you just walk to Dragon?
[02:33:32] What are you doing? Like my Viego and my Nasus just aren't coming!
[02:33:35] We pinged 300 times and they're just ignoring us!
[02:33:39] I mean the the game's over now.
[02:33:41] Like, I don't know why
[02:33:42] they would just ignore that
[02:33:44] because we had an advantage.
[02:33:47] We had a numbers advantage
[02:33:48] because we killed their Xerath and they were cut off on the other side of the lane.
[02:33:52] So if we just go in, we win.
[02:33:57] Like that guy actually lost us the game because he has an ego.
[02:34:00] That's so frustrating.
[02:34:06] The ego on that guy is crazy man
[02:34:17] and we should fight this so Hmm. Yeah, I think the Viego and the Nassau Your turret has been destroyed.
[02:34:44] Yeah, I think the Viego and the Nasus are just trying to lose.
[02:34:49] Like it feels like they're genuinely trying to lose.
[02:34:53] Oh my god! only trying to lose
[02:34:59] yeah i mean i'm pretty sure viego masses were trying to lose that game because
[02:35:03] their egos couldn't take getting shit on.
[02:35:06] The TF was too, but you can't win games like that. It is what it is
[02:35:24] we actually could have won that game.
[02:35:31] Makes me sad. Welcome to the League of Draven.
[02:35:51] Don't be sad. David, thanks for the nine months man. Welcome back........................................................................................................................... All right. Sorry, I'm back.
[02:57:30] I'm back guys, sorry.
[02:57:35] I'm gonna play a TFT real quick.
[02:57:41] I had to talk
[02:57:43] to my mom about stuff.
[02:57:51] There's like a...
[02:57:59] What is happening? I said that I just had to talk
[02:58:03] To the old mom about some important
[02:58:05] Shit
[02:58:06] Yeah she likes to like...
[02:58:14] downplay when she feels sick and shit.
[02:58:17] But she's old.
[02:58:50] So I had to try and explain to her the importance of like not downplaying feeling sick. so It is what it is. Sorry I talked so long, though. That was just kind of important Grandma didn't tell your dad
[02:59:08] the trade price against us
[02:59:09] until she finished fighting it?
[02:59:10] Damn.
[02:59:12] No, yeah, I mean that's...
[02:59:13] It's ridiculous
[02:59:21] so they do maybe but I feel like some stuff is, like...
[02:59:33] You gotta figure it out when you're...
[02:59:36] Because my mom's mom's like 64. she's old
[02:59:41] you know i got a better name hey wait and she smokes too so she's like super at risk for stuff you know.
[03:00:04] Because she like smokes etc. Etc.
[03:00:11] I was just talking to her. Yeah, my mom
[03:00:30] That's part of what we were talking about
[03:00:33] She was getting vertigo
[03:00:37] And she couldn't stand up
[03:00:39] She was like getting really dizzy and shit,
[03:00:41] and her blood pressure spiked. So she had to go
[03:00:45] the emergency room because her blood pressure
[03:00:49] was super high I don't know why she didn't call me.
[03:01:12] Fucking mom.
[03:01:13] She just like showed up
[03:01:14] because she works still and she
[03:01:17] showed up after work
[03:01:19] like three hours before
[03:01:21] she usually gets home
[03:01:22] and she was like what the fuck so i went up to
[03:01:26] see what was going on it's like yeah it came from the uh urgent care i was like what How could I never sleep?
[03:01:51] Yeah, it's fuckin'...
[03:02:28] stuff. fucking mom stuff so I'm going to go back and get the so
[03:02:39] i'll go where the trouble is.
[03:02:47] How do i even play this? Hey what's up? Hey, what's up Jack. How you doing man? Man, I think I would totally take Arcanist's Bat if I had a tier.
[03:03:15] That would actually be sick.
[03:03:19] You know what? I think i'm gonna do it anyway
[03:04:18] i think arcanist fat is just too op so yes so so I don't remember how to play Arcanist though. I think it's like you make a Moomoo in Arcanists.
[03:04:21] Pretty sure that's how you do it
[03:04:27] i don't remember so oh sorry about that though guys. I'm back.
[03:05:01] I just gotta get back in the mindset of League of Legends.
[03:05:06] Bro... why did I just open YouTube
[03:05:09] and the number one searched
[03:05:12] YouTube thing at the moment is
[03:05:13] HawkTua?
[03:05:19] What's happening tour what is happening
[03:05:24] like just the baseline youtube is hot
[03:05:26] like what is that dude
[03:05:35] like what is this horrific meme? What's happening?
[03:05:42] God damn it.
[03:05:48] Oh my fucking god. oh my god
[03:09:47] uh kill me man so so so so. so so so so so so so so it never really does so This is my choice so so I'm going to go ahead and do that. so hmm i don't know how to play this.
[03:10:01] Oh, I need an Alawi huh? That's what I need.
[03:10:04] I was like, what am I missing?
[03:10:06] I need an Alawi?
[03:10:11] Hmm.
[03:10:42] Hmm. I'm going to try and get the last one. will escape my grasp We got the old four Arcanists.
[03:11:12] Can I really not find an Alawi, man? This is wild that I can't find to roll too much. I already rolled the 20, because I'm trying to like make sure I'm on six so
[03:11:17] I can get like fucking actual units.
[03:11:21] Because I need level 3 units and level...
[03:11:24] Like, I need a Laoi,
[03:11:25] I need fucking
[03:11:26] Amumu too.
[03:11:29] Because, like, Amumu is smurfing it, but he's pretty fucking...
[03:11:35] He's giving the old Smurfs right now in terms of tanking.
[03:11:40] We gotta get him upgraded
[03:11:45] i also think i should probably save one of these for a spark even though i
[03:11:52] think shiv is better
[03:12:05] am i supposed to just go boiling points guess we have a moomoo in the locks Gives me an Amumu and a Lux.
[03:12:21] God, I almost want to roll just to try and get an Amumu to win streak. But I'm only on three
[03:12:25] so it's not that big of a deal, I guess.
[03:12:34] I really, really, really need a fucking Alawi.
[03:12:38] Like GIGABAD needing an Alawi. Uh oh.
[03:13:01] I'm pretty sure I lose to this guy. Maybe if
[03:13:01] I had a Zoe 2 or a Mumu 2
[03:13:03] I could beat him but...
[03:13:06] Maybe not. I don't know. that guy's timo is cracked oh my team owing god
[03:13:16] guy murdered me. I don't want to roll anymore.
[03:13:34] I just have so many pairs, man! What are Mumu's best items?
[03:15:35] I have to assume it's just like HP. so so so I can get the spark to a moon? so so I'm going to use the same strategy as before, but with a different character. pretty sure i replaced diana anyway so i'll just get rid of the Spark for now. Uh oh.
[03:15:51] I am getting kind of railed not having...
[03:16:20] Not having a good frontline. uh I'm going to go for the first one and then
[03:16:22] I'll
[03:16:24] get
[03:16:26] a
[03:16:28] little bit i want to see everything I don't think I go Lux 3.
[03:16:45] Because, I think if I want to
[03:16:49] go...I'm almost positive you don't Lux I think I have to go, if I want to go like
[03:16:52] almost positive you don't Lux 3
[03:16:53] with this version of the comp.
[03:16:58] Because I'm not going Lux reroll,
[03:17:00] I'm going like
[03:17:00] 8 Arcanist
[03:17:03] so I think you just go
[03:17:04] fast 8 and get
[03:17:05] Syndra
[03:17:06] or I could sit on seven and reroll for a mummy three.
[03:17:16] But, I feel like I probably need Syndra.
[03:17:21] Wow. That guy just moved me to the right side of my screen. Probably needs Syndra.
[03:17:26] Wow, that guy just murdered me!
[03:17:56] Hey! Well, this is embarrassing. Zoe 3? I feel like I would assume Zoe 3 is important as well, but...
[03:17:59] I don't know.
[03:18:00] I mean, I haven't scouted, I guess.
[03:18:03] See if people...
[03:18:04] If I can even hit Zoe 3.
[03:18:06] I just have not gotten too many zoes
[03:18:12] i just feel like having eight arcanist is
[03:18:14] like the literal like most op thing ever
[03:18:47] Is Stand back! Big strong ganko coming through! I'm not fully sure what to do here
[03:18:49] item wise
[03:18:53] i mean i guess i could make another jeweled gauntlet
[03:18:58] we'll replace her
[03:19:03] probably just do that This guy already has a Syndra 2.
[03:19:18] What the fuck?
[03:19:21] Bro, I don't even have a zoe too
[03:19:26] that guy got cinder 217. Holy fuck. so right now i could take out Zyra
[03:19:55] and if I can get an Alawi
[03:19:57] we could take out Nautilus for Alawi
[03:19:59] We could put in six Arcanist with Nautilus. Or with Illaoi over Nautilus.
[03:20:08] I think Crown Guarded could be super fucking good. good oh a syndra so way way so this is interesting. now what do i roll for right now how do i not have a zoe too
[03:21:31] i'm losing my minds
[03:21:38] i think i'm fucked.
[03:21:48] Nah, this is fake. so Let's find some friends
[03:22:30] This is the most fake shit i've ever seen how do i okay well at least now I'm doing damage.
[03:22:32] I had to completely gut my entire econ...
[03:22:41] But I'm at least doing something. Oh, I see what you're supposed to do.
[03:23:00] You're supposed to... Run faded.
[03:23:13] So I see what you're supposed to do.
[03:23:14] You're supposed to...
[03:23:16] There's two ways to play it, you can play the Amumu version where
[03:23:20] you like do the Amumu reroll with Zoe right? Which is kind of what we are doing
[03:23:24] but also just do the version where you go fast 9
[03:23:26] and you just play Syndra carry
[03:23:29] with
[03:23:29] the
[03:23:32] Arcanist spat on
[03:23:34] set and then you just have cinderella carry normal Okay, next turn we get a Moomoo 3. That's huge!
[03:24:03] I can't believe that I cannot hit an Alawi 2.
[03:24:10] That's actually wild.
[03:24:15] Okay, I went true zero to hit Alawi 2. Okay. holy mother of god this person is Thanos.
[03:24:35] Holy fuck...
[03:24:39] My Illaoi blocked more than my Amumu?
[03:24:40] Wait, how? How did my Illaoi 1 block more than my Amumu? Wait, how?
[03:24:43] How did my Alawi 1 block more than Amumu?
[03:25:37] So we got a number three. so This is rough. off I mean, my MooMoo is kind of a smurf. Oh, Allie's of smurfing it too. How is Illaoi blocking more damage than Amumu?
[03:26:02] What's happening?
[03:26:07] She's the Amumu, she's the Laoi 1!
[03:26:15] I'm not gonna roll for zoe three
[03:26:20] i think i need to go eight so and i'm seriously fresh too so so I can't believe
[03:27:16] I haven't been able
[03:27:16] to find a single
[03:27:17] Alawi 2.
[03:27:20] Like, we're not even trying to get a lally three here.
[03:27:21] We're trying to get an allowee two
[03:27:27] but think about that.
[03:28:00] A laoi 2 like what Still no Illaoi too, huh?
[03:28:01] You know what?
[03:28:04] I'm just going to roll and see if we can hit Zoe 3 and allow a...
[03:28:07] Oh. Nevermind. Help me! Oh, there is no way.
[03:28:19] Thank you! I don't think I need these two at the moment.
[03:28:43] I think after this Prince, this Zoe...
[03:28:46] We get rid of the Huey.
[03:28:53] Or I lose on this round right now before one turn before i get zoe three
[03:29:02] not eight arcanist i mean i i am gonna try.
[03:29:08] I mean, bro, I can't magically make it to level 9...
[03:29:12] Or level 8,
[03:29:26] I'll definitely play an Arcanist, but...
[03:29:30] I think Hue is probably better than having another
[03:29:35] Arcanist in right now. It's probably better, although this guy is holding my item so I'm just holding my item.
[03:29:52] So, I'm wasting an item.
[03:29:58] I'm pretty sure I lose to this guy by the way.
[03:30:03] Unless Zoe is a smurf. Like, this guy Syndra is murdering me.
[03:30:10] Oh my god I barely lost. Dude!
[03:30:12] I lost because of Syndra's...
[03:30:18] Because of the Azir token.
[03:30:22] I literally only lost because
[03:30:25] Syndra's cast was in the air?
[03:30:30] And then there was the
[03:30:31] Azir thing. Dummy.
[03:30:36] How lame!
[03:30:41] Oh well, it is one of us. Oh, well......... What the fuck is this? Oh my god.
[03:32:36] This guy apparently worked
[03:32:38] at Twitch
[03:32:39] with like the whispers.
[03:32:43] He could see everybody's whispers on Twitch
[03:32:45] and he says that there's a lot
[03:32:50] of fucking sick fucks out there.
[03:32:52] Oh my god.
[03:32:56] And he's under NDA, so he can't actually say anything. anything Dude, I wonder how many people are like creepy people on Twitch?
[03:33:27] Oh my God.
[03:33:29] Probably a lot.
[03:33:30] I'm assuming the majority,
[03:33:32] I'm assuming there's a ton of people on twitch who are probably really shitty
[03:33:35] people so Thank you.. I think the Dr. Disrespect shit is wild.
[03:34:27] That shit is wild. That shit
[03:34:28] is crazy.
[03:34:33] My man tried
[03:34:34] to defend that he was
[03:34:36] DMing underage girls
[03:34:38] with, like...
[03:34:40] the Hashinshin defense.
[03:34:47] Oh, but... I was investigated and found innocent.
[03:34:54] There was no wrongdoing.
[03:34:57] Motherfucker, you were talking sexually to underage girls like knowingly what do you mean there's no
[03:35:04] wrongdoing what because you didn't like fuck them you're fine, what's wrong with you?
[03:35:14] That's like... It's like that's some wild mental
[03:35:16] gymnastics, man.
[03:35:24] ... that's crazy hold the sheet?
[03:35:32] Nobody knows.
[03:35:34] Like, they just...
[03:35:36] If you read Doc's tweet,
[03:35:37] he literally just says
[03:35:38] that he was having discussions
[03:35:40] inappropriate discussions with underage girls. I mean
[03:35:49] that's insane.
[03:35:57] He is like, yeah I'm not...
[03:36:04] If they're 17 you don't really care. Yeah but listen the issue with that is
[03:36:08] You gotta understand like the law's the law
[03:36:12] if they are 17 you can still... This is my view on it.
[03:36:16] If I'm in a position like the Doc
[03:36:19] and you have your entire career, right? Like millions of dollars a year known for... You're the face of Twitch. You have a wife, kids, etc.
[03:37:05] Why would you talk to underage girls? Like, the logic's just not there. This shit's crazy like that shit's wild
[03:37:13] but people don't understand
[03:37:15] it's so easy to not talk
[03:37:18] to underage girls
[03:37:18] it's
[03:37:19] probably one of the
[03:37:20] easiest things
[03:37:21] in the world
[03:37:21] you literally
[03:37:23] just like
[03:37:24] don't message them
[03:37:26] I know it's like mind-boggling to people they're
[03:37:30] like yo but what if they're like 17 and they're really hot i'm like bro
[03:37:35] it's like you're 30. just don't message
[03:37:38] them it's very easy
[03:37:45] but it's simple Megan Fox at 17?
[03:37:58] Yeah, but Megan Fox at 17 looks the same as
[03:38:00] Megan Fox at 18
[03:38:01] are you getting what I'm saying
[03:38:05] like what's the
[03:38:09] I don't get it. also I think that like
[03:38:26] as I've gotten really old
[03:38:28] like as I'm like 33 now
[03:38:30] dude you look at people that are 18
[03:38:33] 19 and 20
[03:38:34] You know how like you're supposed to be an adult when you're 18
[03:38:37] or whatever?
[03:38:39] I swear
[03:38:44] Uh Uh... No, it's not okay if they're 17.
[03:38:48] What I'm saying is
[03:38:49] I swear
[03:38:50] they're babies.
[03:38:52] Like 19-year-olds are babies, bro. 18-year-olds are babies, bro.
[03:38:55] 18 year olds are babies.
[03:38:57] It feels like they're babies.
[03:39:03] As I've gotten older older they look so fucking young
[03:39:06] like when you're when you're like 17 18 everybody like looks old, but you're like oh, you know, you can tell like um
[03:39:13] You have some people who are are more mature. They look older
[03:39:16] Blah blah blah. Dude even people
[03:39:18] that are 18 now
[03:39:20] and I'm like this person is 18 years old
[03:39:22] they could be 6'5", 250 pounds
[03:39:24] of muscle and I'll still think they look like they're fucking 18
[03:39:28] They still look like a fucking baby
[03:39:30] So it's like III don't even do I genuinely don't think I could go I date girls at this point in my life that are below
[03:39:38] 25.
[03:39:40] It's actually
[03:39:41] like
[03:39:41] they're so
[03:39:44] young
[03:39:46] even if they are 18 So young.
[03:39:50] Like, even if they are 18...
[03:39:56] It gets wild to me man. Wait a second, why do i have a mouth support
[03:40:03] wait what's happening Minions have spawned.
[03:40:17] Either way, not even talking about all that stuff...
[03:40:22] You have to understand it's a predatory thing to talk to your viewers.
[03:40:23] Like if you have somebody...
[03:40:24] If you have a platform and you are using
[03:40:27] your platform in a predatory way
[03:40:35] you're a moron like your it's wrong well if you have viewers that are underage and you are using or you were talking to
[03:40:38] them on the platform that you've established, right?
[03:40:43] And you're talking about things of sexual nature or whatever.
[03:40:50] Like it's just wrong.
[03:41:00] ... Because, let me tell you something. I remember how retarded I was when I was 18 and how retarded the girls were around me when i was 18.
[03:41:15] and you know in high school and whatever like i remember it.
[03:41:30] They are not, like, adult enough to make decisions.
[03:41:49] Heh! They're really not! I mean, yeah we can push this way then and we just got to push the wave all the way and we're gonna make sure it crashes
[03:41:53] alright all right we're chilling why am i being pinged, by the way?
[03:42:19] Why am I getting pinged back? Don't ping me.
[03:42:25] I'm world first.
[03:42:29] I'm here to own.
[03:42:36] I do need
[03:42:36] to go back, though.
[03:42:55] Okay. I do need to wildest thing about all of it though
[03:42:57] is how like The doc decided to just
[03:43:01] like come out with a statement admitting that he did it saying that
[03:43:06] like he's just gonna keep streaming like
[03:43:09] nothing he's just like keep streaming like nothing.
[03:43:10] He's just like, I'ma take a break and uh...
[03:43:13] You know, I'll be back! Nothing can stop me though man
[03:43:16] Like-
[03:43:19] It's wild.
[03:43:20] It is wild, man. so so Ooh, well played.
[03:43:58] Nice job. Does that...
[03:44:11] Zach win that?
[03:44:47] Did he win that 1v2 Damn. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Zach's bot.
[03:44:48] But like...
[03:44:50] I don't think he can actually kill us.
[03:44:53] Like these pings that my team has been doing by the way... They don't make any sense.
[03:44:56] Like I'm almost positive
[03:44:57] that Zach cannot kill us.
[03:45:01] I have tier 2 boots.
[03:45:10] Like, I know why he's pinging because like He doesn't know that I'm...that I know what's going on.
[03:45:12] I get it.
[03:45:14] Like, he doesn't know that I'm not a bad player
[03:45:16] So if he can't assume I'm not a bad player, like I get it. He's going
[03:45:19] to ping and tell me what to do blah blah blah but like... It is wild to me that people will
[03:45:25] focus so heavily on spam trying to micro their fucking teammates in solo queue.
[03:45:30] Like I only do
[03:45:31] that for my supports.
[03:45:34] Like genuinely, like the
[03:45:35] only time I'll like spam micro is
[03:45:37] supports.
[03:45:41] Ooh. spam micro as supports. Ooh, that guy's dead.
[03:45:43] I don't think
[03:45:44] I'm dead. I shouldn't have to play him.
[03:45:51] Oh! Jesus!
[03:45:53] I guess I should have flashed...
[03:45:55] I didn't think he could kill me.
[03:45:57] I should've flashed.
[03:45:59] My bad.
[03:46:01] Like, I... I'll be real!
[03:46:03] I didn't think that guy could kill me!
[03:46:05] I did not think the Nefiri
[03:46:08] could do that much damage.
[03:46:09] He has a double longsword
[03:46:10] Doran's shield.
[03:46:13] And he just
[03:46:14] did fucking...
[03:46:16] I don't even know.
[03:46:19] Like
[03:46:20] 800 damage under my turret.
[03:46:24] Well no, I mean the told you so...
[03:46:25] Like, I could have walked away and tried to fight the...
[03:46:28] I tried to fight it because I didn't see the Nefiri.
[03:46:34] Like, Zac? They don't kill us without neferi like i turn that every time so if it was just
[03:46:38] zack it wasn't a big deal that's what i was trying to get like say
[03:46:42] is like being scared of the zac is worthless That's what I was trying to get, like, saying.
[03:46:44] It's like being scared of the Zac is worthless.
[03:46:47] Because it's a Smolder with a fucking Cull,
[03:46:48] a Renata who's level 5 or level 4
[03:46:51] at the time so it's like a level 4 Renata
[03:46:52] a level fucking... fucking Smolder
[03:46:55] with a Cole and Zac.
[03:46:57] And Zac wasn't 6, so it's like
[03:46:58] you gotta take in all the info
[03:47:01] right? And realize that
[03:47:02] there's no way we lose that fight.
[03:47:09] I don't think we should dive this, bro...
[03:47:12] for the simple fact that they they do have a renata
[03:47:28] i mean i'm pretty sure that's reported but
[03:47:28] I'm almost positive
[03:47:31] that shit's worded bro.
[03:47:58] Okay. uh so oh
[03:48:07] hey hello how's it going man what
[03:48:10] oh dear god
[03:48:40] are you good Okay. Yeah, I mean Zac might be here, I gotta back up
[03:48:50] that's wild that was it was a crazy uh choice to go to go on the R and the
[03:48:51] casters there.
[03:48:55] He followed me
[03:48:56] on February 6th, 2014.
[03:48:58] Holy fuck!
[03:49:00] That's a long-ass fucking time ago, thanks man!
[03:49:05] Appreciate it.
[03:49:11] They are definitely on Drake. Hmm.
[03:49:30] Now how do I play this?
[03:49:37] This is the true question, boys. How do I play this? We are weaksiding bot, which is fine.
[03:50:04] Our Malphite is kind of bad hmm Hmm. hmm Okay.
[03:50:55] Okay.
[03:50:57] Relax, guys.
[03:51:00] It's a farm game? Yeah it is.
[03:51:11] Wait for R. Sure, bro. Yeah, it is a farm game.
[03:51:15] Which is funny because the first blood I got was me
[03:51:19] just squeaking out a free kill and then the rest of the game just
[03:51:22] feels shitty
[03:51:25] please don't hold that oh my god No!
[03:51:46] I should have flashed on the first
[03:51:55] whatever it's called, man.
[03:52:00] The first reset.
[03:52:02] I wish that U a deer had not
[03:52:04] uh gone under the turret though like when he went under the turret it kind
[03:52:09] of me like that was kind of an awkward
[03:52:12] situation but it's okay.
[03:52:19] Okay... my Garen got bot turret and mid-turret.
[03:52:23] Dude, my garen is crazy okay
[03:52:38] what am i watching what the fuck is happening so my malphite support was soloing their mid man I'm a little scared that i'm about to get zacked.
[03:53:29] Like, this is the exact position
[03:53:31] that I've been in a million times
[03:53:33] and then Zack, like, bends me
[03:53:35] the fuck over.
[03:53:37] I have been in that exact spot. Zack just like,
[03:53:40] eez over this wall- There he was! Look, I fucking told you!
[03:53:44] I could fuckin' feel
[03:53:48] his aura.
[03:53:53] Like, I can feel it man!
[03:53:58] I can feel his stupid ass aura just this fucking green-ass blob
[03:54:15] sitting over the wall waiting. I could fucking feel it. Uh, do we get dragon here?
[03:54:20] I guess we could but we need our jungler.
[03:54:25] I think Zac is to my right i can smell him
[03:54:28] i can smell the goo uh oh Shut down. Dude, what is happening right now? Oh, wow.
[03:55:08] Could I have escaped that?
[03:55:11] I don't know.
[03:55:12] I mean, that would've been hard as fuck.
[03:55:15] So we lost Dragon.
[03:55:18] Or no,
[03:55:19] we got Dragon.
[03:55:21] I'm not really sure
[03:55:22] what the fuck just happened though.
[03:55:24] We got Drake but uh garen was trying to 1v4
[03:55:31] the rest of our team was just mia my mouth fight support just double killed...
[03:55:37] What?
[03:55:45] What?!
[03:55:48] Hello?
[03:55:52] Yeah, dude.
[03:55:54] Why do people play this role?
[03:55:57] Why am I playing AD Carry when my mouth support can R and just kill three people?
[03:56:01] Okay. He even knows, man.
[03:56:16] He knows that I'm worthless.
[03:56:18] Look at him.
[03:56:18] He's giving me a thumbs up
[03:56:20] he's giving the old disrespect thumbs up right now
[03:56:24] he's like bro we know you're worthless men just auto the auto of the turrets. My bad.
[03:58:08] Phew! justice I think we just win the game by the way so wait grubs are kind of op here. so Wow. Okay. I mean, nothing like just doing
[03:58:10] literally nothing and getting carried.
[03:58:15] Nothing like a game like that.
[03:58:17] Dude, stop giving me plus 20!
[03:58:21] Like give me plus 21, 22
[03:58:25] 23, why am I getting
[03:58:27] plus 20?
[03:58:28] What did we do to the
[03:58:29] MMR this patch?
[03:58:32] Like what did we do
[03:58:33] to the game in this
[03:58:34] patch where I'm
[03:58:34] getting plus 20
[03:58:35] instead of like...
[03:58:51] Why did this guy go T1 vs. Bro? GG's, unlucky. What? What are these people saying?
[03:59:15] On a good note, we've won
[03:59:17] a lot of games today. I'm pretty happy with that.
[03:59:24] I think the only game we lost,
[03:59:26] we probably could have won this game too if I played perfect.
[03:59:28] It would've been hard though
[03:59:29] because my top of my jungle didn't want to play halfway through.
[03:59:45] Okay. oh god i'm to hide my Q. Okay.... Dude, I want to play that new game mode on PBE.
[04:00:42] . What's it called? The new game mode coming you know?
[04:01:19] Like...
[04:01:31] Sounds kind of fun.
[04:01:40] I have a Bard.
[04:01:43] I don't know what to pick, man.
[04:01:46] Anytime my support hover's Bard, I don't ever
[04:01:47] know what to pick because it's like
[04:01:55] Bard's not
[04:01:55] a bad support. It's just
[04:01:59] so annoying because they're either
[04:02:02] 1v9 or they're worthless.
[04:02:05] That's how bard players work.
[04:02:07] They 1v9 the game
[04:02:08] or they're absolutely fucking worthless yeah i mean i can pick as here i just Yeah, I mean,
[04:02:23] I can pick Ez here.
[04:02:24] I just wanted to be lazy.
[04:02:29] Like,
[04:02:29] I felt like being lazy today.
[04:02:31] Not playing
[04:02:32] super mechanical shit.
[04:02:41] You know what?
[04:02:42] I feel like playing Smolder.
[04:02:51] Smolder's not even a bad champ
[04:02:53] as long as they don't play like a super aggro bot lane.
[04:03:24] Okay.. Okay. So it looks like everybody goes okay Huh.
[04:04:02] So it looks like everybody goes Essence Reaver?
[04:04:13] You can go Essence Reaver into Triforce or Essence Reaver into Shogun. Looks like those are the two builds.
[04:04:42] A lot of people do Essence Shogun RFC. Some people do Essence Triforce RFC or essence triforce Shogun all right we'll see how this goes My sneezes are plain natals, and my super fire beam breath is only getting stronger. You weren't even treated like a hatchet!
[04:04:45] Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[04:04:49] We'll see how it feels. Do you see anything fun up there?
[04:05:06] That guy said no leash. Alright, I'm down. What would you guys rate Smolder on a scale of
[04:05:21] 1 to 10 on cuteness.
[04:05:25] What do you guys think?
[04:05:30] What are you rating Smolder's cuteness,
[04:05:32] scale of 1 to 10, go.
[04:05:42] Okay. Smolder's cuteness, scale of 1 to 10. Go! I think he has a solid 8.5
[04:05:44] He is kind of cute I think it's like a solid 8.5.
[04:05:47] It's kinda cute.
[04:05:53] And then, I feel kind of cool. I mean, I'm a dragon. That's kind of sweet.
[04:06:04] Guess I got playing smolder, going to queue and I'm queuing the wave. my skin
[04:06:23] oops yeah we gotta back up
[04:06:42] What What that's bs but okay That was the most bullshit blind ever. so so I mean, good luck Poppy. Like we can't help you bro.
[04:07:29] I mean Poppy's an idiot there's not much we can do.
[04:07:34] Oh! I think I'm dead.
[04:07:38] Oh, I'm mega dead. Yeah.
[04:07:45] I mean there's not much we can do there.
[04:07:50] He is just getting jungle gapped.
[04:07:52] It is what it is.
[04:07:53] Like, enemy jungler is just walking into the jungle because
[04:07:57] he's not respecting it and he didn't ward early
[04:08:01] He went Skinner.
[04:08:10] Well, the other problem is like when you walk in Bard
[04:08:11] you're basically giving up your early game completely.
[04:08:17] Like there's... It's pretty rare that you see like good Bard players
[04:08:22] So that's why I walked Smolder because if if we're just going to give up my early game,
[04:08:24] fuck it.
[04:08:25] I'm just gonna like...
[04:08:30] I'm just gonna play to either win late or lose.
[04:08:38] I don't wanna like have to be the guy right now,
[04:08:40] I'm not in a mood to do the 1v9 game of...
[04:08:45] I pick Kai'Sa or some shit and I just
[04:08:47] won B9 this, or like Ezreal.
[04:08:49] Or not Ezreal, like Vayne.
[04:08:52] What the
[04:08:53] fuck?
[04:08:55] Why did my Bard just roam?
[04:09:00] Oh no, Bard you made a cardinal sin mistake bro.
[04:09:05] He made one of the biggest cardinal sin mistakes support players can make.
[04:09:08] He roamed on a wave shoving to the enemy
[04:09:41] you can't do what this Bard just did by the way he might have just lost us the game because look at the wave
[04:09:47] well you genuinely can't do that.
[04:09:51] When the wave is pushing out, You have to sit bot
[04:09:54] Because...
[04:09:56] Why did you stand there?
[04:09:58] I mean why did you roam?
[04:10:01] Why are we roaming
[04:10:02] mid when the play's over?
[04:10:06] You know what? I'm just gonna mute him.
[04:10:07] I'm not gonna be mad.
[04:10:09] This Bard is very clearly
[04:10:11] A bad player
[04:10:12] If I don't mute him
[04:10:13] I'm just gonna get frustrated
[04:10:15] It's better to just
[04:10:17] Mute him
[04:10:18] And understand he's bad
[04:10:19] And not
[04:10:19] Not try and explain
[04:10:21] The game to him
[04:10:21] Cause Everything he's been doing bad and not try and explain the game to him.
[04:10:23] Because everything he's been doing is just wrong, but like I said
[04:10:26] he doesn't know that and explaining it to him just makes him focus on
[04:10:31] the wrong shit.
[04:11:04] It's not worth it. Mike, you cannot pick champions like Bard if you don't know how to roam properly. Because I'm just going to get zones, right? Like, I can't walk up to the wave
[04:11:05] to stack or do anything.
[04:11:09] That's the issue with doing what he is doing
[04:11:11] Every time he roams right now
[04:11:13] I miss half a wave
[04:11:52] and i'm playing a champion that like i need to be able to farm so it's very frustrating starting so okay well he's dead
[04:11:56] yeah this guy is not very good at bard that's okay though.
[04:12:03] I think i'm gonna get dove.
[04:12:06] I'm going to try and make the outplay, fuck it. I mean, I have Barrier. um Wait, I just heard such loud ass thunder outside.
[04:12:49] Oh no!
[04:12:50] It's gonna like ultra rain.
[04:12:56] This is really bad I need to go back.
[04:13:09] All right i'm out honestly if this game goes to like 40 minutes i think we do win we have cassante we have smolder
[04:13:15] like ezreal's pretty dog lay game so if the game goes late like there's a
[04:13:21] good chance we can win right like let me stack up to
[04:13:25] like 300 stacks we're chilling my My farm is absolutely awful, but that's just gonna happen. so um so so much slain so Okay, guys.
[04:15:08] What do you guys in chat think the odds of winning this game are? Go.
[04:15:16] What do we think? It's 11 minutes in, what do we think the odds are?
[04:15:21] Give it to me.
[04:15:27] 17?!
[04:15:29] 45? I respect the 45 45 17 is wild you think it's that low the score is 11 to 9. so wait guys i need help do I max E second or W?
[04:16:08] What am I supposed to do?
[04:16:11] Who plays Smolder?
[04:16:15] Help! so Okay, well that hurt. I should not have been pushed up to the tower there.
[04:16:48] It's my bad.
[04:16:50] I was only pushed up to the tower
[04:16:52] because I was like, man,
[04:16:52] I need 100 gold.
[04:16:54] But I mean, it's too dangerous.
[04:16:56] I knew it was too dangerous. I knew it was too dangerous!
[04:16:58] I'll be 100% honest with you guys right?
[04:17:00] I'll be transparent on what I was doing.
[04:17:02] I tabbed out to go check and see what i max second
[04:17:15] and i was wrong. It's W. do you see anything fun up there?
[04:17:49] Jesus Christ, why does the Lux do so much fucking damage, man?
[04:17:59] Also, why the fuck am I getting spam fucking ran at?
[04:18:06] Good lord. good lord
[04:18:14] this is crazy so so Man, they're all 1 HP.
[04:18:50] Wait, why didn't we Bartle me?
[04:18:53] What?
[04:18:58] I mean, okay.
[04:18:59] At least Zed got fed.
[04:19:01] Wait, why didn't we Bartle me?
[04:19:05] I'm so confused.
[04:19:10] Like,
[04:19:10] I feel like
[04:19:10] I should have been
[04:19:11] Bartled to there
[04:19:11] because,
[04:19:12] like,
[04:19:12] I could've just
[04:19:12] gone over the wall
[04:19:13] and said fucking left.
[04:19:16] I only stayed because I was like trying to bait for fucking
[04:19:21] The Zed but this bard's just kind of letting me die
[04:19:25] that feels bad man wait run at the
[04:19:28] ezreal just go kill him what how does he how does he do anything
[04:19:34] just go hit him. your
[04:19:56] pretty sure i could just 100 to zero this Ezreal by the way, but I'd have to be like really careful with it
[04:20:05] Cuz I don't want to die to him. Oh
[04:20:13] You good Barton? Oh, yeah, he's fine. Whoa. What are you doing? The fuck oh Wait, why didn't he ult?
[04:20:40] Oh wait it doesn't have it.
[04:20:47] I am dead as fuck.
[04:20:50] Bye guys! I mean... dead as fuck. Bye, guys.
[04:20:52] I mean...
[04:20:54] Yeah, this game might be done.
[04:20:56] I think it's just a massive
[04:20:58] jungle support death.
[04:21:03] I mean, our mid is down two levels jungles down two levels top is down two levels and two towers
[04:21:09] i'm down to play it out but i also think the game might just be done
[04:21:19] because like sadly there's literally nothing i could do this game
[04:21:23] to carry this
[04:21:27] but this is one of those games where i would have had to play an 80 carry that can 1v9
[04:21:32] but when i saw the Bard pick,
[04:21:34] I knew we were going to lose.
[04:21:36] So I was like,
[04:21:37] I'm just gonna play Smolder
[04:21:38] and I'm just gonna exist
[04:21:39] in the game.
[04:21:42] Usually when there's
[04:21:43] losing drafts
[04:21:44] and I don't feel super sweating,
[04:21:46] I just pick something stupid.
[04:21:48] Because I know that draft...
[04:21:49] People in Masters aren't good enough
[04:21:51] to make bad drafts work.
[04:21:53] They're not good players
[04:21:56] it sounds toxic but i mean it's just true so like
[04:22:01] what ends up happening is like they will draft stuff like
[04:22:05] bard to like all that shit.
[04:22:10] And then they won't know how to play around it.
[04:22:13] And then they'll just run in circles and int control and all that shit so it's
[04:22:16] just like you know i'm cool with this playing whatever so That is the first good Bard ult I've seen.
[04:22:43] And then he knocked him out of my ult.
[04:22:48] Oh, I'm dead. Oh?
[04:23:06] Oh. Dude, this game is impossible to survive.
[04:23:16] They have so much damage and mobility it's actually impossible for me to survive
[04:23:25] because if every one of my lanes didn't lose
[04:23:29] i think this game is winnable, because our draft isn't bad.
[04:23:32] We actually have decent drafts. The problem was the Poppy pick was awful.
[04:23:36] Like, Poppy in this game does nothing.
[04:23:39] Poppy's usually used for Dash champions, like You use it to counter dash champs like Vi or Vayne, something like that.
[04:23:47] The enemy doesn't actually have dash champs they just have really fast champions.
[04:23:52] So the poppy picks pretty worthless
[04:23:58] i am dead as So yeah, that's why this game is kind of rough.
[04:24:09] We just lost in champ select to be honest. That is what it is. Heroes are born from crisis. oh so can we even kill the studio by the way I don't think we can. He's too tanky.
[04:25:28] Oh well, let's go next.
[04:25:36] Oh my jungler does not play Poppy, by the way.
[04:25:41] He is first-timing Poppy.
[04:25:49] Straight up, he is first-timing Poppy Jungle right now.
[04:25:59] That makes sense why he got shit on.
[04:26:05] Whenever people do the four fun picks, they usually lose.
[04:26:09] You can't really force a pick to win like, whenever people do the four fun picks they usually lose.
[04:26:12] You can't really four fun pick
[04:26:14] in high elo.
[04:26:21] Like if you're in...
[04:26:22] Not even that Master's a super high elo.
[04:26:24] But if you're in reasonably
[04:26:26] high elo... I would say above
[04:26:28] Diamonds, if you're above Diamonds.
[04:26:30] It's kind of hard to 4- fun pick. Because the game is just so...
[04:26:36] Like everything- every little mistake has a lot of impact on the game Also, is Riot ever going to nerf garen by the way like actual like real talk i feel like that garren
[04:27:09] champion is the most broken shit ever and riot's just okay with it being broken. and Gamer, weren't you the guy who made your account today because I banned your main
[04:27:52] account then said a complete lie in chat earlier? called you out on your lie and you
[04:28:01] disappeared for three hours lurking and watching my stream trying to
[04:28:05] be a hate watcher aren't you that guy
[04:28:12] are you good bro is has been destroyed.
[04:28:35] I'll be real, my homie.
[04:28:40] You got some weird... You got some really weird fucking love.
[04:28:47] For making new accounts to troll on the internet
[04:28:53] and spending hours of your day
[04:28:54] watching people you don't like.
[04:28:56] I mean, you could do you.
[04:28:59] There's a lot of mentally ill people in the world
[04:29:21] but I'm sure you're you know no exception it's just like weird Well, there's nothing wrong with being mentally ill.
[04:29:26] It's just... it's interesting to get the experience your mental illness.
[04:29:32] No I mean that game was lost in champ select.
[04:29:34] Like I said it is what it is.
[04:29:36] It just wasn't playable like we had first time Poppy
[04:29:39] Our Zed did fine but
[04:29:42] Bard was bad, Poppy was bad and the other two couldn't play the game because their deer
[04:29:46] was gapping.
[04:29:47] It is what it is.
[04:29:50] I mean just...
[04:29:51] It happens.
[04:29:53] You get games where they're unplayable.
[04:30:03] I mean,
[04:30:04] I'm 33.
[04:30:11] Can I ask you a question?
[04:30:13] Is there a reason
[04:30:13] uh
[04:30:16] you enjoy
[04:30:17] like
[04:30:18] I'm trying to wonder why
[04:30:21] what do
[04:30:23] I do to make you hate me
[04:30:25] so much that you make new accounts
[04:30:28] on Twitch
[04:30:29] like randomly spread lies
[04:30:32] and then
[04:30:33] this is
[04:30:36] just sad behavior.
[04:30:39] What if I do to you?
[04:30:40] Did I fuck your girlfriend?
[04:30:43] Like, I'm just confused, man.
[04:30:44] You know, like...
[04:30:45] This is weird behavior.
[04:30:57] But you made a burner account on Twitch to follow me.
[04:31:00] So that you could say this, just be hateful like
[04:31:04] you're trying to be hurtful and hateful and shit right? And you've been here for two hours doing it
[04:31:08] It's wild. And this isn't even true, like I you said
[04:31:15] You haven't been GM in four years and then I pulled up my GM account
[04:31:19] for the last two years
[04:31:21] and you didn't say anything for two hours
[04:31:26] and then the first bad game i've had in two hours
[04:31:30] that was my first loss in two hours. That was my first loss in two hours.
[04:31:34] You type again, trying to be rude. It just doesn't make sense.
[04:31:39] You know what I mean? Like, it's like a weird...
[04:31:43] It's such weird behavior.
[04:31:49] I hope whatever is up your ass tonight
[04:31:51] or today, I hope it gets better, man.
[04:31:53] Because you're clearly having a bad day.
[04:31:57] I hope
[04:31:57] your day goes better, bro.. No, I think it's just like a mentally ill human, right?
[04:32:25] The internet's full of them.
[04:32:27] It's just some random guy who
[04:32:28] like wants
[04:32:31] to be an asshole so he just says
[04:32:33] troll shit to try and get a reaction.
[04:32:40] It is what it is.
[04:34:03] People like him exist all over the world. Okay.. hit that hit that... Oh, I can tell you why they do it.
[04:34:04] They just want a reaction.
[04:34:09] I mean, this is the thing. He tried to insult my gameplay earlier, right?
[04:34:11] First thing he said when he came into the stream was he tried
[04:34:13] to insult my ELO.
[04:34:14] I proved him wrong.
[04:34:15] He's like, oh, you've never been GM.
[04:34:16] And I showed him my GM account from two months ago.
[04:34:20] And so he comes back
[04:34:22] and now he's trying to insult me as a human. It just, like I said, it's just like
[04:34:26] a delusional way that people can feel like they matter.
[04:34:30] He just wants a reaction.
[04:34:37] Like, he went through the trouble of authenticating a Twitch account.
[04:34:40] Like, he has to authenticate
[04:34:42] a Twitch account by making a phone number and making an email
[04:34:47] and authenticating both the email and the phone number to type in my chat.
[04:34:52] So he went through the process of doing that just to get a reaction.
[04:34:58] I feel like I gotta at least give him a reaction, because I don't want him to off himself.
[04:35:11] If he went through that much work to try and troll,
[04:35:11] I gotta give him a slight reaction Okay. Yeah, I mean...
[04:35:40] Yeah, it is what it is.
[04:35:41] I'm a good guy.
[04:35:51] Clearly Clearly he wasn't getting enough attention today From IRL
[04:35:52] So he's like, I'm gonna go
[04:35:54] Be toxic
[04:35:55] And get some attention elsewhere
[04:35:57] So I feel like if I don't give him the attention he
[04:35:59] needs you know like he's not getting it from anywhere else so like i'll do the world a favor I got you. I'm going to take scaling range this game.
[04:36:27] I wonder if I should
[04:36:28] take absolute I wonder if I should take Absolute Gathering to...
[04:36:33] I don't know.
[04:36:34] 10 Adaptive early is just so good.. Thank you... so so lots of belts to summoners
[04:38:02] you refuse to believe humans are that big of losers i don't
[04:38:39] like i know how much of like there's a lot of losers in the world man Okay. What a weird game.
[04:38:45] They have... Samira? I mean, they have Nyla... Karma.
[04:38:52] I don't know how I feel about this game. This is gonna be an interesting one.
[04:38:58] Very interesting game. I'm gonna go for the so so so so so How's my day going? Not bad. Just chillin'.
[04:40:24] Yeah, D1 today in TFTft hey let's go bro
[04:40:27] nice job Whoa.
[04:40:44] I mean, there's no way we get dove right now by ivern. So like
[04:41:19] Ready to cry Elden Ring? Whenever I can save up enough money to buy a new computer, I'll play some Elden Ring. Whenever I upgrade it.
[04:41:29] We gotta push this wave in.
[04:41:43] No, my minion! Bro we can't let them freeze.
[04:41:47] Even if they do fight us here, we just can't let them freeze. I mean, we gotta try and kill Karma here.
[04:41:55] We don't have a choice, we have to fight that.
[04:41:58] Because if we let them freeze that, we just lose.
[04:42:02] Cause it's a Nyla and a Karma.
[04:42:04] So if we let them freeze
[04:42:05] That right then and there...
[04:42:07] Uh...
[04:42:08] We get way too far Behind on XP XP and we just lose the game.
[04:42:14] That's why I was trying to push it really fast. so I've never even talked...
[04:42:38] I could probably reach out to a PC company and just ask.
[04:42:44] There'd probably be no harm in just like asking
[04:42:47] but i just have never like reached out to anybody because i'm just chilling so so Okay.
[04:43:21] This is rough because we cannot win this lane. Like, this is literally like an unwinnable lane for us. We just have to AFK and pray.
[04:43:34] This is one of those lanes that we... uh, we just have to scale really hard.
[04:43:40] The way you beat Nyla, is you pick something that's like a mage.
[04:43:45] You can pick a mage against Nyla right? Like Karthus or Brand or something.
[04:43:49] You could also pick...
[04:43:55] You could pick really heavy scaling things.
[04:44:00] That guy's dead and I messed up my E.
[04:44:05] But he needed to just wait...
[04:44:08] He said the wave was about to crash, he had to just wait he said the wave is about to crash
[04:44:09] he had to just wait for the way if he just walked up too close The problem here is I can't do anything.
[04:44:27] So, like they're always going to have Pryo on bot.
[04:44:31] We have to gank them or they're going to have permapriobot just naturally the way uh this matchup works. I don't think this is a good play.
[04:44:54] I don't know what's happening.
[04:44:59] My team's like...
[04:45:02] Kind of just getting railed.
[04:45:07] Well, Karma is useless after laning but Nylah's not.
[04:45:11] Nylah was pretty useful the whole game. The problem is, with this game, we needed to play really aggro on like the timer that they wouldn't be able to play the game on.
[04:45:28] Which is, like,
[04:45:29] the level 1-2 timer.
[04:45:49] Okay. i just I mean, this is just rough. This is going to be an almost impossible game.
[04:45:55] Basically,
[04:45:56] our game is going to boil down
[04:45:57] to can my mid
[04:46:00] and jungle impact the game
[04:46:01] enough
[04:46:02] before we just
[04:46:05] get railed I want to go back, but I don't want to lose all of my fights. so
[04:46:46] i gotta go back.
[04:46:53] Get a single winning lane challenge?
[04:46:55] I mean,
[04:46:57] we just can't win bot.
[04:46:58] It's not up to us.
[04:47:02] That's the funny thing about this, it is genuinely not my choice.
[04:47:07] We picked Seraphine and Seraphine cannot function versus that Ball Man.
[04:47:15] And I'm Jinx so...
[04:47:17] ...I have to scale.
[04:47:20] Right? My Seraph surfing's level five they're
[04:47:23] level eight uh and then we have quinn who's not
[04:47:26] roaming well you could have quinn spam roam
[04:47:30] that is a possibility, right?
[04:47:37] Quinn
[04:47:38] could just spam roam this game.
[04:47:40] Push in mid, roam bot.
[04:47:42] But she's not doing this game. Like, push in mid Rumbot, push in mid Rumbot.
[04:47:44] But she's not doing that which is fine. It's her choice. She can do
[04:47:46] whatever the fuck she wants.
[04:47:48] But it's...
[04:47:49] There's nothing I can do.
[04:47:54] This is, like, actually out of my control.
[04:47:57] The only thing I can do this game
[04:47:58] is farm.
[04:48:00] Farm and hope that
[04:48:01] once I get three items I can can play the game or two items
[04:48:06] That's my goal this game. Get two items and try and carry once I get your items
[04:48:11] That's why I'm going Infinity Edge instead of Kraken.
[04:48:15] Because, like, I can't snowball the early game anyway...
[04:48:21] So I might as well play for mid game I mean, there's no way you can actually do anything here.
[04:48:42] The fact Karma was like trying that hard is wild.
[04:48:44] Wait this guy just dies no huge Huge.
[04:49:08] I wish that
[04:49:09] I got those shutdowns,
[04:49:12] though.
[04:49:17] If I got those shutdowns, game's over. We win 100%.
[04:49:32] So funny enough we can't actually do this dragon.
[04:49:37] My Taliyah's kind of trolling by doing this, by the way.
[04:49:40] Because, I have to back right? So like
[04:49:42] This is the importance of what you kind
[04:49:44] Of learn later on
[04:49:46] Doing this dragon doesn't matter at all
[04:49:48] And the reason is because we just got a big shutdown
[04:49:51] or we got three big shutdowns,
[04:49:53] right? I have to fix my
[04:49:55] tempo bot lane, go spend my
[04:49:57] gold and my jungler
[04:49:59] needs to fix his tempo, and go spend his gold.
[04:50:02] Because if we don't do that
[04:50:04] he's gonna get caught on the map
[04:50:06] and he's gonna be unable to fight
[04:50:08] because he's holding his gold.
[04:50:12] So he's just gonna gold. So,
[04:50:12] he's just gonna have a bunch of gold
[04:50:14] and he's not gonna be able to play the game.
[04:50:16] Yeah, look. My jungler died, right?
[04:50:18] This is exactly what I was talking about before.
[04:50:53] Like... talked about before like so Like, he died and it was literally because he couldn't tempo. It's like... I swear to God that is You should see myself. doing it a bit the biggest thing that i would notice or
[04:51:05] that i would try and like drill into people's heads was the idea of tempo
[04:51:10] i think that guy just wasted his arm i think I heard it.
[04:51:20] Wait, I didn't see it but I think I heard him waste his R.
[04:51:24] ... more But yeah, like I said, it's like that's the biggest thing.
[04:51:40] I think between Matt if you ask any Challenger player
[04:51:43] The biggest difference between Masters and Challenger
[04:51:45] A lot of them will say
[04:51:48] it's understanding back timers in tempo like when to back how to back
[04:51:53] uh when you should be playing off of like objectives when not to play
[04:51:56] objectives like a lot of them a lot of people think of objectives, when not to play objectives.
[04:51:59] A lot of people think that
[04:52:00] they greed too much almost.
[04:52:03] You make a play and your
[04:52:04] tempo is now either
[04:52:06] you do the dragon and then immediately back or you push the dragon and then immediately back, or
[04:52:09] you push the waves and then back.
[04:52:12] Right? Like that's kind of how
[04:52:13] League works. You're on a timer, it's like chess
[04:52:15] where you take turns.
[04:52:20] I don't know if that has any value to you guys,
[04:52:22] but it's like you take turns
[04:52:28] and when you make a play extend your ability to take that turn.
[04:52:33] Oh shit!
[04:52:51] Oh... I cannot see.
[04:53:19] This is really awkward, we don't have anybody on the map that i can like we have no fucking vision This is really awkward. We have zero vision, so I can't walk anywhere.
[04:53:23] I guess you guys can't see my mini map but like this is our vision right
[04:53:23] it's pretty bad the seraphine needs to start putting wards down
[04:53:28] she has zero three on the map right now if we don't get words down
[04:53:32] we're not gonna be able to make plays.
[04:53:42] Because they are just gonna keep walking in jungle, and I'm not gonna be able
[04:53:45] to fight. It's not that I don't want to, it's just like I can't physically
[04:53:49] walk into four people with no vision. Oh my god.
[04:54:04] Like here, I have to literally check every single angle of everything.
[04:54:12] Oh, we don't have wards man...
[04:54:16] Can you guys stand here at least? have to we have to pray on man I don't know if I can get to this fight.
[04:54:33] Holy shields, man!
[04:54:36] We should back off, back off, back off.
[04:54:41] We should back off and go do dragon.
[04:54:45] I pushed the mid wave in which means we have like 15 seconds to do drake before that crashes
[04:54:51] oh nice quinn's actually going okay nice
[04:54:55] i'm going to left the map cover uh i guess i could do it for the rest of this game.
[04:55:00] A lot of people know this is me,
[04:55:02] so it's kind of hard to...
[04:55:04] It's really hard to not use a map cover
[04:55:08] in League because
[04:55:09] it still It's hard to not use a map cover in League because it's so easy to cheat.
[04:55:15] Because vision is like 80% of the game, right? Like lowkey, it's actually just such a big part of the game
[04:55:27] Damn
[04:55:43] Foreign Wait,ivan's here
[04:56:22] i think he's on Gromp right now. so Yeah, the Ivern's solo throwing the game right now. My man is just trying to push his lead too hard.
[04:56:27] I'm not gonna walk to that fight, there's no reason to.
[04:56:31] I'm going to watch it so that I can arrow or ulti if I need to like that...
[04:56:38] But I'm not going to walk through the fight because there's no value in it. Now we just leave.
[04:56:50] Like, I could walk up to that fight right now but
[04:56:53] I need to go back, right? This is another tempo thing
[04:56:55] That i was talking about my entire team you see how
[04:56:58] they're like dicking around up here none of this matters because like that tower is whatever right
[04:57:03] so essentially they're just kind of dicking around up there for fun, and it doesn't
[04:57:08] matter at all.
[04:58:13] ... Ooh, I need to go bot maybe? Nobody's here. Like our... my top laner fucked his tempo so bad. Sting? Sting? so so Hmm.
[04:58:15] We do need to be able to care.
[04:58:18] We're actually
[04:58:19] ridiculously strong
[04:58:20] now, though.
[04:58:22] I wonder...
[04:58:23] I was thinking...
[04:58:23] I was trying to figure out what I wanted to get as my next item.
[04:58:27] I'm actually...
[04:58:28] I'm not sure.
[04:58:31] I kind of want to get the anti-heal thing, like Mortal Reminder. Always ready to cry
[04:58:52] Rfc no, that's too much attack speed with no ad I need raw. Ad is my next item Like I need either ad as my next item
[04:59:01] Like I need either doms or uh, the feather thing whatever the wild arrows. I don't know why I called it the feather thing.
[04:59:21] There is a ward on this so this is ridiculously risky.
[04:59:29] I'm going to try and stand here.
[04:59:31] Dude, if you stand at the back of the pit
[04:59:33] though, I'm almost positive
[04:59:34] you take more damage.
[04:59:37] Okay, I think almost positive you take more damage
[04:59:42] okay i think that's actually how it works
[04:59:48] i don't know if that's how it works but i I think so. Like, I think there is an actual mechanic
[04:59:52] I just remember reading that in a patch note
[04:59:54] like 10 years ago or something
[04:59:56] Or last season I don't know why I said 10 years ago but like
[04:59:59] last season when they reworked Baron they had that patch note or
[05:00:02] something so i'm gonna get this dragon.
[05:00:34] My team doesn't want to, but I think it's better to go for this drake because we don't
[05:00:40] have waves
[05:00:45] like we don't have a midway and uh there's nothing else to do on the map right now
[05:01:02] like you don't have to force like ultra fast force the inhibs down we have three dragons we outscale them like you don't have any wards.
[05:01:16] Or, man, I have so much golds.
[05:01:19] I don't like sitting here with an infinite gold is your Cool. Nice! Not bad.
[05:02:16] Was resetting for dragon...
[05:02:19] Or getting dragon troll?
[05:02:20] I don't think so.
[05:02:21] I think the only other thing
[05:02:24] I could have done except for dragon
[05:02:25] was reset to spend gold because we had to wait for
[05:02:31] cassante to come out of base so we had the idea like i can't siege mid without Kassante there.
[05:02:40] Right? So it's like,
[05:02:41] if I walk... That's how I die.
[05:02:43] I need them to have a threat
[05:02:45] of something.
[05:02:48] At least in my opinion.
[05:02:49] I could be wrong but I think Dragon was fine.
[05:02:52] It was either reset with Baron buff
[05:02:54] and walk down mid with gold
[05:02:55] with Kassante or it was...
[05:03:00] Cause we did have a mid wave and a bot wave, but
[05:03:02] didn't have the team. So we would've
[05:03:04] had to wait for Kassanta anyway
[05:03:12] And he was one of our strongest people.
[05:03:12] So I don't know,
[05:03:14] I was just worried about...
[05:03:15] I mean,
[05:03:18] I probably could have gone mid and sacked Drake.
[05:03:21] Drake was definitely just like a safe option. I think I have solo queue PTSD.
[05:03:24] In competitive,
[05:03:25] you never drake there. If this
[05:03:27] was a competitive game, you'd probably never ever
[05:03:29] drake. But because it's solo queue
[05:03:32] I think that it's like
[05:03:34] I would have rather had the fallback
[05:03:36] insurance if that makes sense
[05:03:38] cause something can always
[05:03:40] happen in this stupid game.
[05:03:43] Especially in Masters, so like Masters players love to throw games.
[05:03:49] So like something could always go wrong in the CLO.
[05:03:52] So I was thinking of myself, like, okay, how can
[05:03:53] I secure that we can just do this shit?
[05:03:59] Because yeah, solo queue is more about
[05:04:01] sometimes you can just end the game.
[05:04:04] But sometimes I think it's better to be safe.
[05:04:10] This is the perfect example of what
[05:04:12] I was talking about earlier in the game.
[05:04:13] We get railed bot lane perfect example of what I was talking about earlier in the game, right?
[05:04:16] We get railed by lane by their lanes. It's just
[05:04:18] impossible for us to actually win that lane.
[05:04:21] That's why we were getting railed
[05:04:23] so fucking hard.
[05:04:26] But we outscaled them, right?
[05:04:27] Like Jinx outscales Nyla
[05:04:30] and Seraphine outscales Karma really hard.
[05:04:33] So we just outscale them
[05:04:34] and as soon as I get two items, which is exactly what happened,
[05:04:36] we just start winning fights.
[05:04:38] And then Ivern let us get back into the game.
[05:04:40] That Ivern threw that game so
[05:04:42] fucking hard, man.
[05:04:44] He had mid- winning and bot winning
[05:04:48] and he did like three really bad invades
[05:04:51] and every time he invaded we just caught
[05:04:53] him out and killed him
[05:04:55] like all of his invades?
[05:04:57] They threw the entire game.
[05:05:06] Is a good Nihil one of of the best late game champs.
[05:05:08] Only against certain comps.
[05:05:11] Like, Nylah can't function
[05:05:12] against our comp. Look at what our comp does.
[05:05:15] So, Nylah
[05:05:16] has a good lane phase versus us because we can't fight her back.
[05:05:20] But look at what our comp does against Nyla, right?
[05:05:24] We have Taliyah E so Nyla has trouble engaging because
[05:05:29] Talia E's her. She doesn't have cleanse, so she's gonna have
[05:05:33] trouble getting through Seraphine ulti
[05:05:37] She's going to have trouble getting through my traps.
[05:05:40] So we have like thousands of ways of stopping her engage, and we also have a really easy way of outranging her
[05:05:47] Like I outrange her Seraphine outranges her really hard.
[05:05:51] She can never fight
[05:05:52] Kassante, like Kassante just shits on her the whole game.
[05:05:55] So it's like
[05:05:56] Nyla is good but not in
[05:05:58] this game.
[05:06:06] Okay. good but not in this game like i think nyla's op if you're shutting somebody down early who has to be a lane bully or your uh playing versus somebody where your W gets a lot of value.
[05:06:14] So if you're versus like Draven, Tristana, stuff like that
[05:06:18] where your W has infinite value, the mitigation
[05:06:23] You're gonna smurf right? Like you you're going to smurf.
[05:06:24] You're just going to win the game.
[05:06:27] But if your verse is somebody who can outrange you
[05:06:28] like I'm playing Jinx Seraphine
[05:06:29] it doesn't do anything
[05:06:32] because I can just sit there late game with two items
[05:06:37] and I can just poke until they're forced to all in.
[05:06:41] And then when they're forced to all in,
[05:06:42] we can just mitigate their all-in with jungle top support.
[05:06:47] It's too hard to play the game for this guy. I think that's something
[05:07:03] That's really interesting to think about
[05:07:05] When you're looking at team comps and stuff like that
[05:07:07] I feel like people
[05:07:09] A lot of the time
[05:07:10] People don't understand
[05:07:13] That team comp doesn't matter until
[05:07:15] like probably grandmaster because if you look this guy's not a bad knight right
[05:07:20] like he's 200 rp 54 win rate like he's not bad at the champion.
[05:07:29] Like, good KDA...
[05:07:31] You know, whatever. The problem is
[05:07:33] when you get
[05:07:35] high enough ELO
[05:07:36] people know... when you get high enough elo,
[05:07:38] people know not only what your champ does
[05:07:40] but they know how to draft
[05:07:42] around your champions.
[05:07:45] Right?
[05:07:46] So it's like
[05:07:46] that's why you see Challengers.
[05:07:50] Like Challenger being so...
[05:07:52] Like another reason that Challenger and Grandmaster
[05:07:54] is so much harder than Masters
[05:07:55] is because in Masters people don't know how to...
[05:07:58] They know what Jinx does.
[05:08:00] They know what Seraphine does.
[05:08:01] They know what Nyla does.
[05:08:03] But they don't know how to draft a comp
[05:08:07] based on shutting down an important factor of the enemy comp.
[05:08:12] And once you get into high elo,
[05:08:14] like I'm talking about once you get into actual good players every game...
[05:08:18] They will literally pick something that completely
[05:08:20] fucks your champion from start to finish of the
[05:08:22] game, and
[05:08:24] they will know how to play for that
[05:08:26] situation. And in Challenger, you can lose in draft.
[05:08:39] I would say in Masters, you never lose in draft. I would say in masters,
[05:08:40] you never lose in draft very rarely.
[05:08:43] Like 1% of the time you'll lose in draft and masters and lower like
[05:08:46] masters and lower,
[05:08:47] like,
[05:08:47] you know,
[05:08:48] diamond gold,
[05:08:49] silver plat Emerald,
[05:08:50] all that shit.
[05:08:52] I don't think people like to say like, silver, plat, emerald all that shit. I don't think people like to say oh we're all AD
[05:08:54] or this draft sucks or whatever
[05:08:56] I'm going to be
[05:08:58] brutally honest with you guys
[05:08:59] if you guys are below Grandmaster in League, your draft
[05:09:02] does not fucking matter.
[05:09:05] Like, your champion doesn't matter, your draft
[05:09:07] doesn't matter, none of that shit
[05:09:08] matters to you if you are below Grandmaster
[05:09:10] and the reason is, is because
[05:09:12] you lack
[05:09:13] so many fundamentals of
[05:09:15] game at that point when you're in those elos
[05:09:17] that like, you trying to
[05:09:19] pick and choose based on draft wins
[05:09:21] and losses. You're going to lose more than
[05:09:24] you win trying to counter people because you don't know why or how
[05:09:27] to counter people. And you're still gonna make the same fundamental
[05:09:30] mistakes you made before.
[05:09:38] Right?
[05:09:40] You're still going to get caught, you're still going to die to a bad dive, a bad back,
[05:09:42] a bad trade.
[05:09:44] You're going to farm badly,
[05:09:45] you're going to be off an item.
[05:09:47] You're going to mess up.
[05:09:52] Also, I have
[05:09:53] no clue by the way why I picked Ashe.
[05:09:58] I just wanna clarify this real quick.
[05:10:01] I have no fucking clue why I just picked Ashe into this comp.
[05:10:05] Like I trolled myself so hard.
[05:10:09] Speaking of like shitty team comps...
[05:10:12] The rest of my team's good.
[05:10:15] Oh, you know what it was? I was autopiloting and talking to you guys right so
[05:10:20] like i was i should have picked zary here if you're wondering what you pick in this situation
[05:10:23] it's always sari just if you ever find yourself in a situation where like
[05:10:28] you have a first pick Yuumi and they picked Ezreal
[05:10:30] it's almost always
[05:10:33] Zeri from this
[05:10:34] uh
[05:10:35] spot we're in right now.
[05:10:44] But, like I said, it's never
[05:10:46] immobile champs unless you're comfortable.
[05:10:50] Like, if you aren't
[05:10:51] comfortable with an immobile champ
[05:10:53] like a Jinx, a Varus, something like that
[05:10:55] you don't pick it with
[05:10:57] Yuumi because what ends up happening is unless
[05:11:00] you play really well uh all of the power of the game is on
[05:11:05] you to not die right like yumi can add
[05:11:09] like a bunch of help to me.
[05:11:11] But the entire game I have all of the power.
[05:11:14] Yuumi is like the one support that gives you
[05:11:17] All of the agency in the lane.
[05:11:20] Normally supports have like
[05:11:21] 80% agency. Yuumi's
[05:11:23] the support that hands all of that agency
[05:11:25] to her AD carry because she
[05:11:27] just gives you stats.
[05:11:29] So because she gives you stats and like now it's like you are a stronger
[05:11:34] you are strong enough to 1v2 if you like dodge stuff or you
[05:11:38] understand like what your champ does etc that That's the premise of Yumi.
[05:11:44] So
[05:11:45] me picking Ashe
[05:11:49] I can play it
[05:11:50] right?
[05:11:51] I told you earlier today. Remember
[05:11:53] I said I wanted to be lazy
[05:11:55] So like, I'm not feeling the
[05:11:57] best there. I think I'm getting sick or something
[05:12:01] I'm feeling kinda brain fogged and just out of it.
[05:12:05] So, like really tired.
[05:12:08] Oh?
[05:12:20] Okay... 100% worth, by the way. But like... Perfect example! enemy.
[05:12:27] But like, perfect example right there.
[05:12:29] Perfect example boys right there.
[05:12:33] Like I
[05:12:33] should not have walked up like that without volleying that bush
[05:12:42] i just shouldn't also if you're wondering why didn't cleanse it's because the cleanse is worthless.
[05:12:48] Like, if I cleanse Luxnare she has already landed it and done the damage
[05:12:52] And I'm not getting Kited so...
[05:12:55] They don't have a way of stop they don't have a way of stop. They don't have exhaust
[05:12:57] or ignite. They have barrier heal, so it's like there's no value
[05:13:01] right in me doing that. That's why I held cleanse because
[05:13:05] it's just a completely worthless sum.
[05:13:08] The reason I took it is because they have a TF
[05:13:10] and later on in the game
[05:13:12] it's going to be too hard for me to dodge
[05:13:14] like Lux bindings
[05:13:16] and Hecarim bolts and shit, with TF pretty much just permanently
[05:13:19] stunning me and shit.
[05:13:27] ... so uh but bring the tools of war Hecarim is bot.
[05:14:09] I took Hawkshot to see if he started on...
[05:14:20] He's not dead.
[05:14:24] So close.
[05:14:28] We have to get level three here.
[05:14:31] Hecarim can skip camps and gank me right now. Oh, I suck.
[05:14:47] Damn, I should not have flashed.
[05:14:48] I should've saved it because there's no way
[05:14:50] I live there and I get Yuumi killed too.
[05:14:52] Dude, the Hecarim e thing is op that was my bad
[05:15:01] like the fact you can eat your flash is op
[05:15:03] that's on to me the reason i flashed just because like in my brain
[05:15:06] i was like okay maybe i can get my q auto on him and then like maybe as that happens
[05:15:19] but you know what I should have actually done if you guys want to know the actual play like looking in hindsight or whatever is I
[05:15:23] just kill Ezreal that's's actually what the play is,
[05:15:27] is you kill Ezreal because he has tear.
[05:15:29] Like, you get ganked by Hecarim,
[05:15:30] you just understand that like
[05:15:32] you're probably going to die.
[05:15:33] You have two options.
[05:15:34] You either back off when you hit level three
[05:15:35] because you know Hecarim's going to gank on that timer
[05:15:37] So, you have the timer of like, you back
[05:15:39] off and just don't die on the level
[05:15:41] three timer
[05:15:42] And then you never trade the fight. You just like trade
[05:15:45] the fact that they're low, you don't die
[05:15:46] Or you can take trade the fact that they're low you don't die
[05:15:47] uh or you can take the fight like that risk the fact that heck will be there
[05:15:51] which we know he will be and then uh you can
[05:15:57] uh kill the Ezreal too. that game in the spirit I'm just going to take small little trades, like you can see right there.
[05:16:33] The reason I took tier 2 boots on Ashe is because
[05:16:35] You see how I'm just like...I'm versus two
[05:16:37] skillshot champs? And you
[05:16:39] see how I can kind of like walk at them?
[05:16:43] I think I'm dead. Oh, that Ezreal is so bad. Thank God!
[05:17:36] We gotta back up. so so Yeah, I'm playing bad.
[05:17:38] No joke?
[05:17:40] I should have had so much better control there.
[05:17:45] I'm gonna back, but...
[05:17:47] I'm gonna get a Vamp Scepter this night.
[05:17:48] I'm gonna rush Bork.
[05:17:50] So my wave is fucked, right?
[05:17:52] Like,
[05:17:52] my wave's in a bad spot.
[05:17:54] But
[05:17:54] I'll be real with you, there are
[05:17:56] a few times where you just do not get to
[05:17:58] fix your wave.
[05:18:00] It is one of the worst feelings
[05:18:02] in the game when this happens to you.
[05:18:04] But you don't...
[05:18:05] I don't have a choice.
[05:18:07] Oh what the fuck?
[05:18:08] Because we see Hecarim's top right like we just saw
[05:18:11] him take grubs. The problem is he doesn't
[05:18:13] have to go top.
[05:18:14] On this timer he can choose to go top or bot because all of his
[05:18:17] bot camps and top camps are up. So let me explain what's going through my head
[05:18:21] right? What's going through my head is that I know
[05:18:25] all of his camps are up on his side of the map because he invaded my
[05:18:28] side of the map, which means that he didn't actually clear any of his camps.
[05:18:33] Which means he gets to make that choice to either go bot or go top and because he gets
[05:18:37] to make that choice, I can't greed my way up.
[05:19:20] ... move quickly so Damn, he actually killed my Yuumi. That's not good.
[05:19:22] Damn, if Yumi didn't troll that
[05:19:24] I'd actually kill...
[05:19:26] I'm not even kidding.
[05:19:27] If Yumi trolled
[05:19:28] I would've killed both
[05:19:29] if she didn't do that.
[05:19:31] She got off to try and block an sq but she up
[05:19:35] she took too much damage dude that actually sucks by the way.
[05:19:44] I'm gonna go grab Yuumi and then I'm going to arrow And they're not going to expect the arrow
[05:19:50] Okay, they expected the arrow because I hawk-shotted
[05:19:52] I should have just been comfortable in myself.
[05:19:55] Fuck.
[05:19:57] Or I should've aimed it better.
[05:19:58] I mean, I coulda landed that.
[05:20:00] I'm just playing bad today.
[05:20:02] Damn, that sucks though! We were one one we were like two minions off of six
[05:20:07] The reason I was taking that fight was because I duped everything
[05:20:11] Like uh, if you're wondering when you go to Geronimo
[05:20:14] why would you fight them
[05:20:15] that close to the turret
[05:20:16] blah blah blah
[05:20:16] it's because I juked
[05:20:18] the Lux Q
[05:20:18] the Lux E
[05:20:19] the Ezreal W
[05:20:21] and the SQ.
[05:20:23] Like, when you juke
[05:20:24] every single ability,
[05:20:25] Ashe has... And I knew that Lux had no Flash.
[05:20:31] Or no heal,
[05:20:31] I mean.
[05:20:34] Like, when you juke all the abilities, it's just like
[05:20:36] You gotta play around that
[05:20:37] Oh I am so dead.
[05:20:47] I'm not even gonna flash.
[05:20:50] Nah, I'm dead.
[05:20:50] Yeah, she's dead too.
[05:20:52] I don't know what I was thinking.
[05:20:53] That was 100% my bad.
[05:20:55] I should have just walked uh around like this because we didn't know where hecarim was
[05:21:03] and they had tfl and i wasn't thinking about that like i brain farted and i just straight up wasn't thinking about that.
[05:21:08] Like, I brain farted and I just sort of
[05:21:09] wasn't thinking about
[05:21:10] the TF ulti.
[05:21:15] This kind of sucks
[05:21:16] because...
[05:21:24] Um... This kind of sucks because we're getting like Giga weak-sided this game. And we are playing Ash Yumi, so it does feel bad to get weak sided but it is what it is it's not like I'm dead.
[05:21:44] Dude,
[05:21:45] I couldn't see the fucking...
[05:21:49] I'm not gonna lie,
[05:21:50] I am so frustrated
[05:21:51] because I couldn't see.
[05:21:53] Yumi didn't ward the bush.
[05:21:55] That one,
[05:21:56] I'm going to blame on Yumi
[05:21:57] because she didn't
[05:21:57] ward the bush.
[05:22:01] Like you see how she panicked and put like 50 wards down at the end?
[05:22:03] When I was here...
[05:22:05] Okay so when we were fighting
[05:22:07] and I arrowed Lux,
[05:22:09] I had to ward the bush right? I was standing here trying to auto her.
[05:22:13] I lost vision.
[05:22:15] So Yumi didn't immediately ward
[05:22:16] the bush, okay? So I warded it.
[05:22:18] Then when I walked down,
[05:22:20] the same exact problem happened
[05:22:22] where it wasn't warded.
[05:22:25] So I again
[05:22:27] lost my ability to kill her
[05:22:29] because I lost vision for
[05:22:30] a quarter of a second.
[05:22:33] That's the importance
[05:22:34] of keeping everything worded as the support
[05:22:36] when you're fighting in bushes,
[05:22:39] I can't do that myself.
[05:22:42] That's just a straight up like, we had to have that warded to fight. I am playing like mechanically kind of bad but... I'm holding this.
[05:23:16] Now you're ready to prowl!
[05:23:24] Lead the target... So yeah, like three of my deaths were avoidable.
[05:23:29] That last one we should have gotten a double kill.
[05:23:33] Makes me sad.
[05:23:34] Okay, we see Hek-Tom?
[05:23:44] Oh, fucking Tiet.
[05:23:48] Okay, well at least...
[05:23:52] ...Huei gets a mid wave. That way he needs to walk up and actually take points.
[05:24:05] This is a pretty big, pretty big unlucky game.
[05:24:12] We weaksided bot, TF camped bot and I didn't respect it twice.
[05:24:20] So, it's like a feels bad man.
[05:24:24] Because I could have just played ultra...
[05:24:28] This is why I think Zeri would've been like Ultra Farm. This is why,
[05:24:29] like,
[05:24:30] I think Zeri would've
[05:24:30] been perfect this game.
[05:24:32] With Ashe,
[05:24:33] you have to play
[05:24:33] like aggro in lane
[05:24:35] because Ashe
[05:24:35] is a lane bully.
[05:24:37] So I'm like,
[05:24:37] okay,
[05:24:38] I can win lane
[05:24:38] as Ashe really easily
[05:24:39] but I have to play aggro in that I'm like, okay, I can win lane as Ashe really easily.
[05:24:41] But I have to play aggro in that lane with
[05:24:43] Ashe and then
[05:24:44] there's just a bunch of little mistakes.
[05:24:49] Whereas if I'm Zeri this game I just have 10 CS a minute, no deaths, etc.
[05:24:59] That's why Zeri is so OP with Yuumi, because you can literally just perm scale.
[05:25:05] And you don't have to worry about actually pushing a lead.
[05:25:10] Like it's so broken. And it happened again where we didn't have a ward in the bush, by the way.
[05:25:28] I didn't have arrow!
[05:25:31] Like, I didn't have arrow until...
[05:25:33] They were ganking off my arrow timer.
[05:25:35] Which was really bad.
[05:25:37] So he ganked off my arrow timer.
[05:25:40] It wasn't up yet.
[05:25:41] And then when we were running at them after that arrow or whatever, he...
[05:25:46] We didn't pink ward the bush. So because it wasn't pinked
[05:25:50] The normal ward didn't work right?
[05:25:53] There's just a lot of like- these are really fundamental things that I think this is like
[05:25:57] This actually pretty good game for explaining why Masters players sit in masters.
[05:26:02] If you're curious because they're not bad players like they're not but they're making bad decisions
[05:26:10] on bad timers over forcing bad things and it's like uh And I made a bad decision once this game
[05:26:17] as well. Actually twice.
[05:26:24] Right?
[05:26:25] And because all of that's happening
[05:26:27] in succession that's like the biggest issue
[05:26:31] because we actually should have won when we caught the hecarim uh
[05:26:34] invading earlier we should have won the game right then and there.
[05:26:41] But we just played
[05:26:43] off-tempo all
[05:26:45] game, and we weren't playing as a team.
[05:26:50] I think we can still win because Ashe is OP, but...
[05:26:58] The enemy has been slain! so they don't get to int over and over again top side and and then push yes. They don't get to do that.
[05:27:22] Like I want a chance
[05:27:23] to play the game, you know?
[05:28:09] Like... Fuck. like fuck you guys I'm going to try and get the oh That was really big. We got the Lux Magi's, we got two shutdowns. Huge. is not pain it is surrender Hmm. I mean, honestly this is winnable.
[05:28:44] They only have two drakes.
[05:28:49] The enemy team's not that good from what I've seen.
[05:28:52] Like they're not mechanically gods or whatever.
[05:28:56] So like...they're just playing really easy comp. Because they all have point-click shit so they're just playing really easy comp.
[05:28:56] Cause like they all have point click shit
[05:28:58] so they're playing a real easy comp.
[05:28:59] I mean you saw in lane Lux landed what?
[05:29:02] Two binds on me the whole lane.
[05:29:04] So like, I know we can win.
[05:29:06] We just have to get
[05:29:07] to the point where
[05:29:09] we're on equal rounds.
[05:29:16] What do you think about
[05:29:16] Bork Trist?
[05:29:19] I don't like Bork Trisks.
[05:29:23] I've seen a lot of people
[05:29:25] do it.
[05:29:27] I don't like it personally.
[05:29:33] Like, maybe it's good if you need Bork.
[05:29:39] Right? If you need a B Bork it's probably okay.
[05:29:51] Oh no I'm dead.
[05:29:53] Dude, I keep getting baited by TF.
[05:29:56] Like, no joke.
[05:29:57] I'm just getting shit on by this TF, man.
[05:29:59] I baited that guy too.
[05:30:00] I shouldn't have been there.
[05:30:01] Like, it doesn't make sense.
[05:30:03] It's my bad.
[05:30:10] I don't know what it is about like brain sometimes, but if I'm not thinking about something,
[05:30:14] I just keep forgetting about the whole game.
[05:30:16] TF has a blind spot in my brain right now.
[05:30:20] I don't know why.
[05:30:26] Doesn't make sense. Okay... See, it's like one of those champs that you can't autopilot versus ever
[05:30:42] or you just die a thousand times like the champ's not op
[05:30:45] but he's definitely uh it's definitely like incredibly annoying because you have to
[05:30:52] like oh it's like nico tf is like niko you have to like oh it's like nico tf is like fucking niko you have to like turn your brain
[05:30:56] on the whole game it's like twitch nico shit like that or you just get railed down. I don't know if I can actually...
[05:31:22] We definitely have to get this Drake, but
[05:31:25] you don't know what
[05:31:29] I'm thinking.
[05:31:29] I actually think we
[05:31:30] could've maybe done
[05:31:30] Baron here.
[05:31:33] This is like one of
[05:31:33] those moments in
[05:31:34] solo queue where
[05:31:35] you can solo queue
[05:31:35] people.
[05:31:37] Where we know that they're going to set up for Drake
[05:31:39] and then you just walk to Baron and you can maybe sometimes
[05:31:41] get Baron. Like if it's not warded
[05:31:43] and shit.
[05:31:48] Oh yeah, I'm not going to that fight.
[05:31:52] That was just Viego being fucking stupid.
[05:31:55] I don't know why he was in his bot side jungle there.
[05:31:56] You split the map there by the way.
[05:31:58] You know they're on dragon or whatever?
[05:32:00] Or you just go to top side camps and you split the map?
[05:32:02] You never go into your bot side when you know they're all there?
[05:32:07] That's just like the dumbest shit I've ever seen. i'm I need to get the fuck out of here.
[05:32:34] I can get TF ulted.
[05:32:38] I can't even go for a kill on this Ggas because i'm just gonna get tf ulted
[05:32:53] i think I think I have to leave.
[05:32:56] Ekrem's pathing top
[05:32:57] and TF's pathing top.
[05:33:00] Wait, they're trying
[05:33:00] to do this maybe?
[05:33:01] I don't know what I'm watching.
[05:33:04] Oh here he is.
[05:33:16] Uh... I hope we can kill them. I kind of misplanned.
[05:33:18] He ulted me and i flashed but i
[05:33:23] ulted late
[05:33:26] i could have bolted so much sooner oh no
[05:33:30] wait they can kill them all though oh no
[05:33:33] gg dude i ah if i They can kill them all, no? Oh, no. GG.
[05:33:35] Dude, I... If I flashed and did it...
[05:33:37] If I ulted him under the turret, we'd win the game.
[05:33:40] Because that was such a bad play by Hec.
[05:33:43] Like, that was such a bad dive.
[05:33:45] I just didn't ult him fast enough.
[05:33:48] That's my bad.
[05:33:56] Like, actually... oh like actually just mechanic diff
[05:34:03] yeah we can fight this, by the way. so so
[05:34:34] dude i really want to win this or got the game because he's playing so well
[05:34:39] the zergot is actually playing so well and this fucking
[05:34:46] this uh this gragas is being so obnoxious We need to get vision on dragon, not bot side.
[05:35:05] Because we can get flanked from here.
[05:35:13] There's too many ways to die right now.
[05:35:21] Wait, this guy's trolling wait he's just gonna die
[05:35:29] They're on barbarren, but...
[05:35:34] We had to take the free juice, you know?
[05:35:40] We don't chase this. Oh, we do
[05:35:43] chase this.
[05:35:55] Yeah, that's why we didn't want to chase that. Urgot kind of griefed.
[05:35:57] Oh well, that's GG.
[05:35:59] Urgot did not need to make
[05:36:01] that play but I think he's just tilted.
[05:36:04] Like he's playing really well and wanted to make a play so he went for it
[05:36:08] We should have kept scaling and played safe
[05:36:12] Oh well... This game's kinda my fault.
[05:36:15] I think me and Yumi played well, but we got weak-sided
[05:36:19] And didn't play like we were being weak-sided
[05:36:23] That was the reason this game was hard because you can't control your junglers
[05:36:27] like no Viego shouldn't be weak sighting bot but I can't control that right
[05:36:32] you just have to play around how your junglers
[05:36:35] Play the game
[05:36:36] Cause like I said
[05:36:41] Most junglers just pick a side that they want
[05:36:43] A path to, they don't actually think about the game
[05:36:44] They pick a side they want a path to, and then they just do it.
[05:36:47] So it was kind of my bad.
[05:36:49] I should have just picked Zeri
[05:36:51] AFK farm
[05:36:52] didn't we win this game?
[05:37:09] ... because like I said,
[05:37:12] I don't actually think that they were better players than us by any means.
[05:37:13] I think that it was just a...
[05:37:32] TF sat bot and we didn't respect it. I think I'm going to ban Hecarim.
[05:37:35] I actually
[05:37:36] think if I go and look at my
[05:37:38] win rate versus Hecarim in the past like 30
[05:37:41] games, I think I lose versus Hecarim quite often.
[05:37:46] I think the champion is the strongest that's ever been right now, Hecarim.
[05:37:52] I think it's broken?
[05:37:55] Farms too quick does too much damage and has too mobile?
[05:37:59] Too much tempo for free?
[05:38:01] And not only that but every Hecarim one trick
[05:38:03] if you ban Hecarim they all int.
[05:38:10] Like Hecarim one tricks will int their ass off if you ban Hecarim, because they don't know what to do in the game. If their champs fans so Okay........ I hate first picking AD.
[05:40:14] It's so boring.
[05:40:17] Like, when you first pick AD,
[05:40:19] You can only pick like 3 ADs.
[05:40:22] You pick like Ashe, Ezreal, Jinx...
[05:40:28] I guess you could like blind Kai'Sa maybe. I've played versus Ezreal almost every game today.
[05:40:47] Which is funny because nobody's good at him.
[05:40:50] Like, even that Ezreal from last game wasn't very
[05:40:52] good.
[05:40:54] Like, Ezreal players kind of suck.. But you kind of saw last game how broken Ash is, right?
[05:41:22] Well, you guys saw that if you dodge one spell
[05:41:24] the enemy has to back up immediately.
[05:41:28] That's kind of why
[05:41:30] Ash is pick banned in High Elo.
[05:41:34] Like the fact that I walked at them
[05:41:36] in their minion wave
[05:41:37] and was like winning almost every trade...
[05:41:41] Ashe does too much damage right now.
[05:41:42] The volley...
[05:41:44] There's like a... I think there's like a really bad mix of things
[05:41:48] that make ash op at the moments it's like approach velocity op with her passive always up uh i think boot rush op in this meta
[05:42:04] volley with the
[05:42:06] Volley auto trade
[05:42:07] when like a lot of
[05:42:08] the AD carries can't
[05:42:09] trade back is really
[05:42:10] OP.
[05:42:16] The ability for her to go bork or kraken like first and second item that's op I wonder if Varus is good on the new patch.
[05:42:43] Because he got changed, right?
[05:42:45] They completely reworked him or whatever.
[05:42:47] I wonder if he's good.
[05:42:58] It's you? what's up hello
[05:43:04] what's up man how are you doing
[05:43:08] what's up, royalty?
[05:43:15] Sorry I didn't recognize you without that sub-icon next to your name. My bad!
[05:43:28] There it is! My bad. Broke, you're fine.
[05:43:55] I'm just making a joke bro, you're fine i'm just making a joke bro you're fun Oh Should have walked around
[05:44:03] welcome to the league of draven
[05:44:18] oh that's bad I mean,
[05:44:19] I can't play the game, bro.
[05:44:21] It is what it is.
[05:44:24] I'm not gonna use use sums there, because...
[05:44:26] So the problem that I just watched is Thresh took hook level 1.
[05:44:31] Blind hooked into the bush and then...
[05:44:34] Okay, I did learn a lot just now.
[05:44:36] My Thresh is 1000% auto-filled
[05:44:38] so I'm gonna play to farm.
[05:44:43] Like the simple fact that he
[05:44:44] didn't know how to play that level 1 tells me he's very autofilled.
[05:44:49] Because we win this level one VERY hard...
[05:44:54] So I'm going to PLAY like he's autofilled, and we are going to just scale.
[05:45:00] Which happens a lot because you get a lot of times in League where your supports
[05:45:03] are autofilled or they're bad or having a bad game.
[05:45:06] And like I said before because support controls
[05:45:08] the majority of the lane
[05:45:10] you just chill and farm
[05:45:12] Because like I said before
[05:45:14] You saw that one game with Niva earlier
[05:45:16] You saw the game earlier where we came back from the other deficit earlier
[05:45:20] league is not a game like the majority of players don't know what to do after
[05:45:25] like 20 minutes into the game a lot of them just kind of like want to perm
[05:45:29] fight. And if they can't just kill
[05:45:31] you, you can outscale them.
[05:45:37] ... Oh, that guy is dead.
[05:45:56] I think that's fine though, I mean...
[05:45:59] Did Thresh die? Yeah, but like did I live?
[05:46:01] Yeah we're chillin'. Whoa what is up there?
[05:46:05] That is Beigo trying to go behind me.
[05:46:09] That is an interesting choice. I
[05:46:30] Kind of see how i'm playing to like find where that viego is
[05:46:39] okay so right there uh rush had to block the stun.
[05:46:44] He walked past the Brand.
[05:46:47] You could say Geronimo why don't you just dodge it?
[05:46:48] But like I'm point blank hitting him.
[05:46:51] It's hard.
[05:46:53] I don't know what else to say, and it's really hard
[05:46:55] to dodge that. He made a really good hook though so I'm not gonna be too mad
[05:46:59] he played it well we just... you have to like teamwork with each other
[05:47:03] Like when Brand- When he hooks Brand like that
[05:47:05] and we go... Okay I don't know what Thresh is doing.
[05:47:10] Wait we kill this guy. Go go go.
[05:47:14] Just keep fighting. gogo chase.
[05:47:16] Yeah why are we backing off? Just go!
[05:47:24] I don't know why he ran away, that didn't make any sense.
[05:47:31] I do need help though because my wave is fucked.
[05:47:35] So i'm just trying to try and walk up
[05:47:36] and get xp
[05:47:46] wait that stun should not have fucking landed.
[05:47:52] Wait... I need to go rewatch the- Just walk in! Lantern him and walk in lantern him and walk in So, I don't know how that stun landed on me by the way.
[05:48:18] That Brandstun? I need to go watch
[05:48:20] it. Maybe it's the skin and I got tricked?
[05:48:25] I don't know.
[05:48:26] This is a rough game because this
[05:48:28] Thresh and this Yi are incredibly bad i'm talking like
[05:48:33] two of the worst players i've seen in a long time
[05:48:38] like bad games happen so um you So it is what it is.
[05:48:41] But I can feel the aura coming off this Yi and this Thresh
[05:48:45] And I can tell they're on massive losing streaks.
[05:48:50] I don't even have to look it up, I can tell.
[05:48:52] Because right there when we walked up
[05:48:55] to fight that wave...
[05:48:58] The Thresh the entire game
[05:49:00] he's not playing to stop game he's not playing to stop...
[05:49:03] He's not playing to block the stun. So every time
[05:49:07] we get into fights I'm trying to juke the stun but
[05:49:11] if you want a support tip that will make you an instantly better player,
[05:49:17] if you can stop a possible play that's, like, a risk?
[05:49:24] Do it.
[05:49:26] Like,
[05:49:27] if you can take out
[05:49:28] the risk of the play
[05:49:29] is what I'm saying, right?
[05:49:30] Like,
[05:49:30] if somebody's throwing
[05:49:31] a spell,
[05:49:32] if you can eat...
[05:49:32] Like, walk up to him!
[05:49:34] This is wild, right? Look at him!
[05:49:37] This Brandis
[05:49:38] walking forward
[05:49:40] into us and he has
[05:49:42] dodged... See?! exactly what i was saying
[05:49:46] he is this is why i can tell good supports from bad supports
[05:49:50] bad supports are like lol just dodge every spell
[05:49:53] you you need to be better. Good supports will
[05:49:56] be like, hey I'm going to go ahead and block
[05:50:00] this spell for you so that you don't have to dodge it and we can just take away the entire
[05:50:04] RNG of it. so Wait, I know that sounds like stupid because Geronimo you can't blame him for not doing
[05:50:36] that.
[05:50:37] I'm not saying it's his fault I'm getting hooked, I'm saying you can't blame him for not doing that. I'm not saying it's his fault
[05:50:38] I'm getting hooked,
[05:50:38] I'm saying you can't blame your AD carry
[05:50:40] for not dodging every single spell in the game
[05:50:45] if you have the ability to block it.
[05:50:47] That's like what I'm trying
[05:50:48] to say.
[05:50:49] Like, it's just stupid, right?
[05:50:52] It's like if you're playing a
[05:50:53] tanky champion and you can
[05:50:54] block a spell,
[05:50:55] you can't blame your fucking AD
[05:50:56] for not dodging it every time
[05:50:58] because, like, I can can dodge let's say i
[05:51:00] dodge 50 blitz hooks in a row right if
[05:51:03] like one hits me i'm still gonna get by a
[05:51:05] blood suck that one like what took people are going back oh you suck
[05:51:13] so it's like you should do everything in your power when you're playing league people have this
[05:51:18] idea that like their team needs to play perfect and they can make a thousand mistakes
[05:51:21] And it doesn't matter, right?
[05:51:23] League is a team game
[05:51:25] I think people forget in team games your job is just to help your teammates do their job as easily as possible.
[05:51:33] Like, if I blatantly run into 1v2 Brandon Ez
[05:51:37] and get hooked or stunned or something
[05:51:40] that's my fault, not Th not Thresh's fault, right?
[05:51:43] But if they walk up
[05:51:44] out of a minion wave egoing on
[05:51:47] us and Thresh doesn't want to walk forward
[05:51:49] so I have to dodge everything
[05:51:50] that's not exactly my fault, that's more of like a...
[05:51:53] He is putting an unnecessary amount of pressure on me to make a perfect play
[05:51:57] when he is not playing correctly to begin with.
[05:52:06] Like this right? I don't know what to even say here because they just ran into the enemy team to die.
[05:52:14] Remember when I said
[05:52:15] these people suck?
[05:52:16] I wasn't trying to be mean.
[05:52:18] These two just suck.
[05:52:29] Okay, i'm trying to care
[05:52:49] but it just is what it is. They're just bad. Now, I might be able to still carry. Because no matter how bad your team is...
[05:52:51] Like I said, you can sometimes scale and sometimes win
[05:52:55] but it's hard. Cause you can see my thresh is like
[05:52:59] checked out mentally he doesn't want to play
[05:53:01] he's landed some good hooks but he's like mentally not trying to win this
[05:53:04] game anymore and it's like really obvious
[05:53:10] so we have to give him like some hope by playing really well
[05:53:14] i'm just gonna sack this turret we can't we
[05:53:17] we can't
[05:53:18] fight this.
[05:53:21] He's not good enough,
[05:53:23] and they have too big of a lead, so I'm just gonna sac my turret.
[05:53:25] This is really bad,
[05:53:27] but I don't really have a choice. Why didn't the ulti?
[05:53:44] Like that right there, right?
[05:53:46] Why would Ori not ulti when she sees my uh my rocket coming stuff like that doesn't
[05:53:53] make sense it's like the oregano wants to hold her alt for absolutely no reason
[05:53:58] but it's like you might as well work together right? As a team.
[05:54:01] Because I'm using my...
[05:54:06] Oh that's bad.
[05:54:10] This is really awkward. But you kind of get what I'm saying,
[05:54:23] I hope. Like, I'm trying to
[05:54:24] not be toxic about saying this
[05:54:27] stuff because it's like...
[05:54:28] I don't want you guys to think I just hate my teammates.
[05:54:32] I do. I do hate them. I want to make that teammates. I do,
[05:54:33] I do hate them,
[05:54:33] I want to make that clear.
[05:54:34] I hate every single
[05:54:35] one of these people
[05:54:36] but
[05:54:36] for like
[05:54:38] teaching purposes
[05:54:39] I'm trying to
[05:54:40] just tell you
[05:54:40] why
[05:54:41] it should never this should
[05:54:46] never happen Which is like why I genuinely try really hard to say, if you are going to blame your team,
[05:55:10] You also need to be willing to play with your teammates as well.
[05:55:18] Like, there is no reason for Thresh to be here right now at 5 HP.
[05:55:23] Zero reason for him to be here.
[05:55:25] But lo and behold, he's standing here at 5 HP Zero reason for him to be here.
[05:55:29] But lo and behold, he's standing here at 5 HP.
[05:55:44] He should just go back. He's wasting time. The game might be winnable though. I mean, I don't know it's gonna be hard. I'm just thinking about our Wincon...
[05:55:48] I don't think the enemy is good enough to push their
[05:55:50] lead, so we might be able to win off of that.
[05:55:53] They have
[05:55:54] kind of a hard team comp to play.
[05:55:58] Like they have Ezreal,
[05:55:59] they have Brands...
[05:56:02] That fucker didn't...
[05:56:05] It's fine.
[05:56:06] They have Ezreal,
[05:56:07] they have Brands...
[05:56:08] So like, they have Ezreal, they have Brands... So like,
[05:56:10] they have a lot of outplay potential
[05:56:11] on their team
[05:56:12] for us.
[05:56:14] They do have Ornn though too
[05:56:16] which doesn't feel very good
[05:56:17] but
[05:56:18] that hurt doesn't feel very good but
[05:56:21] that hurt Man, he really went invis. I guess I could have ulted. That sucks man.
[05:56:45] I think Thresh should've used his ults like he didn't use the box and that 100% would have gotten us to kill,
[05:56:52] but maybe I could've ulted there?
[05:56:54] I don't know.
[05:56:56] Like what is this? Why is he standing here at
[05:56:58] half HP?
[05:57:00] Like this is what I mean.
[05:57:04] This guy is actively trying to lose.
[05:57:08] He is not trying to win.
[05:57:10] He made a really good hook on the enemy Viego.
[05:57:12] Didn't use his ulti.
[05:57:15] The guy lived at 1 HP.
[05:57:24] Like, my Yi isn't walking up. We're like just letting these guys bully us.
[05:57:28] This is not allowed. It is wild Like, them walking up this far is not allowed.
[05:57:45] It is wild to me that they're allowed to walk up that far
[05:57:50] this early into the game
[05:57:51] and we're not just killing them like we just did.
[05:57:56] That's crazy to me. I think a lot of people's inability, by the way to climb is they don't want to play games out that are hard.
[05:58:17] That's another really good thing to talk about
[05:58:21] if you have a game that feels hard
[05:58:25] not every solo queue game is going to be the most fun the
[05:58:29] most easy game in the world for you that's just the nature of video games
[05:58:33] and like anything right and if you're not willing to like
[05:58:36] actively try and win when you are behind,
[05:58:40] you will just not climb.
[05:58:43] I promise you, you won't climb.
[05:58:46] You can say like, oh, eventually I'll climb with a 51% win.
[05:58:50] You won't climb it. It will take you 300 games to go up 5 LP.
[05:58:54] And you'll just be up 5 LP.
[05:59:14] Like... You just have to get used to the idea of playing the game to win, even if the game doesn't look super easy and then figure out how you win play like the little mini game of like how do i win even though this game looks hard.
[05:59:25] I mean, Brand already threw a big shutdown at me, right? So we have that
[05:59:27] going for us.
[06:00:17] Okay. huge Huge. Nice! me and if NAR had balls and actually went in we win that by the way.
[06:00:22] I'm not even kidding, Gnar could have won us that game right then and there.
[06:00:26] He bitched out, that's what I'm talking about, he's already 0-4 right? This is what I was saying too, I've talked about a lot of stuff this game
[06:00:30] You're seeing...this is such a good game to explain why people won't be able to climb in games.
[06:00:38] It's not people's skill that holds them back, it's their mental ability
[06:00:42] to try and play the game.
[06:00:51] Like, look at this! I'm just being killed My Yi is just standing here
[06:00:55] Just go in! It doesn't make sense.
[06:01:01] What am I watching?
[06:01:03] All you have to do is
[06:01:05] go on the Brand after he throws his spell and you kill him
[06:01:09] but he's scared of something i don't know what he's scared of but like the nar the
[06:01:15] ye they're all scared but it doesn't make any sense to be scared because you're already losing
[06:01:21] like are you gonna lose harder
[06:01:24] like if you're ever nervous about about like making a bad play
[06:01:27] but you're you're like oh and five just make it
[06:01:29] like being on six doesn't change that
[06:01:33] you got to be willing to like play the
[06:01:35] game when you're behind
[06:01:37] to win games when you're behind.
[06:01:40] Like, everybody throws.
[06:01:42] That Brand and that Ez have been ego-fighting us on repeat for five minutes
[06:01:44] now. We've killed the
[06:01:46] Brand twice.
[06:01:48] We've killed the Brand twice. We've killed the branch twice, we've basically almost killed three people a bunch
[06:01:55] of times and if everybody's trying to win, we would have already been back in the driver
[06:02:00] seat of this game.
[06:02:05] Because like I said before,
[06:02:07] the game is not just a loss
[06:02:08] in solo queue.
[06:02:11] Everybody throws games and everybody lost in solo queue. Everybody
[06:02:12] throws games, and everybody
[06:02:13] trolls.
[06:02:16] We need wards badly.
[06:02:18] So I need to push mid-wave here,
[06:02:19] and then we need to get vision.
[06:02:22] Okay. mid wave here and then we need to get vision
[06:02:32] We need vision of a dragon.
[06:02:35] We can fight this
[06:02:44] okay oh Okay. Oh...
[06:02:48] Maybe my bad, I don't know. Thresh kinda ditched me.
[06:02:52] I mean, I made a good play. It was just kind of like...
[06:02:54] I had Thresh right here as I walked up and he walked to the left
[06:02:59] to help the dipshit Yi.
[06:03:01] Like, I don't think we should be helping the 1-6 Yi over
[06:03:03] the 7- 5, 2 item
[06:03:05] AD. But...
[06:03:09] It is what it is.
[06:03:11] I'll have to just play safer.
[06:03:17] Like, I'll have to just play safer Like I guess I just have to play safer so so so Fuck. Oh my god, I'm... I'm so close to the wall!
[06:03:58] I can't even see it!
[06:03:59] I don't know what's going on here.
[06:04:00] I think there is a bomb in this room.
[06:04:01] I don't know where that was.
[06:04:02] I don't remember.
[06:04:03] I don't have any idea.
[06:04:04] I don't know if I got hit by anything or not.
[06:04:05] I don't know how many times I've been hit with bombs.
[06:04:06] I don't know.
[06:04:07] I don't know.
[06:04:08] I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Fuck. Oh, I got her! No way.
[06:04:22] No, I suck!
[06:04:24] Oh, I suck.
[06:04:27] Man!
[06:04:28] I'm bad.
[06:04:29] I should've just hit back. I knew he could Man! I'm bad.
[06:04:30] I should've just hit back.
[06:04:32] I knew he could be in that bush,
[06:04:33] I was gonna trap it...
[06:04:36] I don't know,
[06:04:37] I don't have an excuse
[06:04:38] I just took the lazy route.
[06:04:40] It's fine. we got IE.
[06:04:41] Like, we're way back in the game now.
[06:04:45] Like, this game's definitely winnable
[06:04:47] now.
[06:04:49] Three items? If we can just get... If we can just get some control of waves,
[06:04:54] we could win the game super duper easy.
[06:04:59] Get some vision on Baron. get some control of waves we can win this game
[06:05:16] i have sums now too, so that's really good. Oh no!
[06:05:21] Wait kill this guy. so crazy
[06:05:52] i mean we need to look for something guys.
[06:06:02] I can't play the game.
[06:06:09] Did he really go over that? Damn it.
[06:06:11] I'm dead.
[06:06:12] Man, did he really E'd or W'd
[06:06:14] over the... I can't do anything.
[06:06:18] Like, I can't play the game.
[06:06:20] I just have Ornn sitting in my face
[06:06:21] and I can't get through him to the fight
[06:06:23] guys.
[06:06:28] I don't think my team understood that like, I wasn't able to play the game there because they were just ignoring me.
[06:06:30] Oh well.
[06:06:36] I think this is just a good thing for us to be able to go back and Oh, wow.
[06:06:41] I think this is just one of those games where I could have carried this, but I would have had to play perfect.
[06:06:46] Like our top jungle
[06:06:47] in support did not want to play.
[06:06:49] They were in...
[06:06:50] It's- they're tilted.
[06:06:51] They are all three really tilted and playing really bad.
[06:06:54] It just is what it is.
[06:06:56] This is part of the 20% of games that you cannot control.
[06:07:00] You will lose 20% of games regardless of being better or worse,
[06:07:04] just because...
[06:07:07] That's how League works. Yeah, they need to take a break though.
[06:07:26] They did not play that correctly.
[06:08:05] Okay.. Yeah, this guy is down bad. But he is not playing well.
[06:08:16] He's won three games in eight hours. He is literally...
[06:08:20] Jesus, what is that?
[06:08:33] It's what, 3-13.
[06:08:40] Ooh, being 3-13 in 10 hours is really bad.
[06:08:42] I don't think he's boosted.
[06:08:43] I think he's just tilted, man.
[06:08:45] Because he had good hooks.
[06:08:47] Like, he had some really good hooks but he does not
[06:08:47] uh... He does not know how to
[06:08:51] like, play
[06:08:52] the lane
[06:08:53] Like I think he's good.
[06:08:57] I think that Thresh is actually a decent player from how he was playing the game.
[06:09:00] I think he's just really tilted,
[06:09:02] so he's not thinking
[06:09:02] because he didn't block queues from brands.
[06:09:10] He didn't set up early vision,
[06:09:13] he wasn't playing to win after a bunch of different factors.
[06:09:21] It was just shit show.
[06:09:33] ... This guy is also really tilted. Because in theory, Yi shits on this comp by the way.
[06:09:45] Like if you're a really good Yi player I don't see how that comp ever kills you.
[06:09:50] No joke, I think you. Like, no joke.
[06:09:51] I think you just auto-win against this comp.
[06:09:53] Because like, Viego can never beat
[06:09:55] Yi 1v1. It's impossible, right?
[06:09:57] So like, Yi will always
[06:09:59] beat Viego 1v1.
[06:10:01] So if you're so like ye will always beat diego 1v1
[06:10:03] so if you ever get into a jungle fight you just win
[06:10:05] uh as soon the enemy only has like two
[06:10:07] stuns they can throw at you for
[06:10:09] stopping you and you if you play around that,
[06:10:13] you probably just auto-win.
[06:10:19] Like I said, it happens.
[06:10:21] It is what it is with this
[06:10:28] i think we played well considering like my teammates just gave up in champ select.
[06:10:34] I think we played well.
[06:10:36] I'm cool with it.
[06:10:43] I'm gonna ban Yi.
[06:10:44] There's two Yi one tricks
[06:10:45] that were playing against each other last game.
[06:10:49] I think if I ban Yi,
[06:10:50] I hit two people for the price of one.
[06:11:13] Okay. two people for the price of one If that's the same Thresh from last game,
[06:11:32] this will be great because I'll get my LP back Man, I'm kind of sad.
[06:11:34] We had two games in a row where...
[06:11:38] We had two games in a row that just felt unwinnable.
[06:11:42] That didn't feel good. I mean... How do we deal with that?
[06:11:55] Kog'Maw.
[06:11:58] I think Smolder is good, but
[06:12:00] he's only good against
[06:12:02] scaling comps.
[06:12:04] If they pick Zeri, you can pick Smolder.
[06:12:06] If they pick Jinx, you can pick Smolder. Stuff like that.
[06:12:11] Like if they pick
[06:12:11] Draven, good luck.
[06:12:14] Tristana, good luck.
[06:12:15] Ezreal, good luck. You're just going to get railed.
[06:12:20] But if they do
[06:12:20] pick...
[06:12:21] Smulder's not a bad pick
[06:12:23] if they do pick really
[06:12:25] weak laners. winners so. you you you you you you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:01] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:02] you
[06:13:07] you
[06:13:09] you
[06:13:11] you
[06:13:11] you... Yeah, but I think Dota has too many issues.
[06:14:02] Dota's issues are like the game
[06:14:04] is even less fun than League
[06:14:07] if you have a bad matchup.
[06:14:18] Like, if you pick bad shit in Dota It's like even less fun than League
[06:14:20] Because mechanics aren't as important
[06:14:21] So like comp is more important
[06:14:23] Which means it's even less fun
[06:14:26] Because then like If you get out drafted you just lose
[06:14:32] wait that doesn't sound fun like if I get out drafted in League I can still like sometimes pull out some
[06:14:45] my clutch shit right like look at last game last game we got out drafted my teammates sucked
[06:14:52] and i almost pulled out a victory it was close dangerous um I'll be omitting that little mishap from the expedition logs
[06:15:36] i don't even know what's happening but that was hilarious Some people call me a hero.
[06:15:48] Their word, not mine.
[06:15:50] But it does have a nice ring to it uh The gauntlets are show., the talents all me. Bro, I'm just messing up so much CS there.
[06:16:55] Why would he shoot it that way?
[06:16:56] I was positive he was shooting at me but okay Did I have fucked this lane phase up so bad?
[06:17:15] Like actually I What? I should have just backed, but
[06:17:29] I want to push this.
[06:17:35] I'm going to try and
[06:17:37] get the kill here. I think that's a good idea. I should just back, but I want to push this.
[06:17:44] The reason I should back is because their jungler's bot right now. oh a flare yeah
[06:17:58] i don't think i have enough gold. Do I 400, 900?
[06:18:01] Oh, I do! Okay.
[06:18:07] The reason I wanted to stay was
[06:18:09] to get that exact buy but I just got.
[06:18:11] The tier Sheen buy is like Ezreal's bread and butter of
[06:18:14] if you can ever go back
[06:18:17] and you buy a Tier Sheen on Ez,
[06:18:19] You've won the lane.
[06:18:20] Like even by both those at the same time that's his biggest
[06:18:22] power spike before he gets this item you just win the land at this point
[06:18:27] like the sheen it just makes you fanos like look at kog'Maw has boots.
[06:18:33] This is not going to be a good lane for them. uh so uh I should probably back. not even breaking a sweat uh uh wait we could probably just kill this guy.
[06:20:14] Yeah, Sion's behind us. That's why I didn't want to do that.
[06:20:28] My wave is in such a bad spot. Like, I have to fix this. So this is gonna suck.
[06:20:36] I don't have a choice.
[06:20:39] I don't care about dragon at all.
[06:20:40] I need to fix my wave.
[06:20:49] Man, what am I watching? oh I think
[06:21:15] I could have killed that guy.
[06:21:18] I'm almost six,
[06:21:19] so I think I'd kill them both right here.
[06:21:24] Fuck. Fuck
[06:21:30] I'm just playing bad We should dive this Kog. Nice.
[06:21:59] Huge.
[06:22:02] You're gonna have to ulti, man. Oh, okay.
[06:22:11] Let's just push the wave. Do I have Triforce if I stay?
[06:22:25] I do.
[06:22:27] Oh my god,
[06:22:28] the game's over.
[06:22:31] An eight-minute Triforce
[06:22:32] is fucking wild.
[06:22:36] This
[06:22:36] is... I can't explain how wild this is. This is... I can't explain how wild this is.
[06:22:40] I'm so fucking fed.
[06:22:47] If anyone has any of these priceless artifacts for sale...
[06:22:50] I can walk up and just get hooked, then still kill them both. the only thing that kind of sucks is...
[06:23:13] Oh, okay.
[06:23:17] I do have to be kinda careful.
[06:23:20] I don't know if i want to freeze this
[06:23:24] i mean i want to take bot turret so that like uh we can go help other lanes
[06:23:34] am i warded too soft Damn it!
[06:23:47] Okay, I could have gotten hooked and lived but I misplayed.
[06:23:51] I straight up misplayed.
[06:23:55] I straight up misplayed,
[06:24:00] because what happened was when I E'd forward even getting hooked didn't matter
[06:24:05] but I got hit by an r that's just my bad
[06:24:10] i mean why didn't she w
[06:24:18] okay the bad part about this is I just threw my lead and my team's doing kinda bad. So...
[06:24:20] I have to walk in.
[06:24:29] What the fuck did I just watch?... Like, I threw my lead and my team is like obviously just...
[06:24:42] It's another one of those games where my team is playing badly.
[06:24:45] So I have to not throw my lead
[06:24:49] like this game is on me to carry because my team's doing bad So I gotta walk in Damn, that one Q. Missed one Q and got fucked. That's just the Blade of the Runeking being OP.
[06:25:47] We should play for dragon.
[06:25:51] Don't.
[06:26:01] I'm gonna go mid mid somebody's gotta top
[06:27:53] push one midway, go to drake. oh uh uh uh so so I never miss, but I have been known a viral warning shot or two okay that's good that's good the reason that's good is because uh he just blew and
[06:28:01] i mean galio's dead all right not bad not bad we got the barrier we got that guy nobody died okay my accountant's way too good at his job Dude, this entire game is brought to you by the fact i misplayed one time
[06:28:53] that one time i gave that cog an 800 gold shutdown bro it's so tragic uh so You like how hard this fucking dipshit ass Thresh is trying against me now?
[06:29:37] Dude, I swear to god it's the losers. They will lose- they'll be on your team like... Like they'll give up mentally and shit.
[06:29:49] Right?
[06:29:49] Like, they go on...
[06:29:50] They're on your team.
[06:29:51] They, like, mentally give up, don't want to play anymore, etc.
[06:29:54] They go on the enemy team.'re still bad but they like sweat
[06:29:57] harder like it's like lcs finals like game five if they win their mom doesn't get murdered
[06:30:09] like i'm just like getting fucking ultra
[06:30:13] sweated on you know hmm
[06:30:35] dude how am i missing so many Qs today?
[06:30:45] What the fuck.
[06:30:46] I'm actually just missing so much crap. Oh, okay
[06:30:54] I mean I'm umma as fuck man
[06:31:02] Yeah, I can't really play the game right now, guys.
[06:31:12] Because I'm oom? I-I'm completely oom.
[06:31:24] I need like blue buff or some shit badly. Or a plant
[06:32:06] the so so What am I watching? oh guys you guys gotta let me go by by the
[06:32:08] way
[06:32:18] like all we should be doing is trying to get objectives right now.
[06:32:25] I need to go buy, but I have to stay on the map right now
[06:32:58] this actually kind of sucks it's a really awkward timer uh that was a warning I need to get Grudge.
[06:33:00] They have a really tanky team.
[06:33:04] Actually, I think I should go Lord Dom's but... Uh...
[06:33:04] I want the Lethality from the Grudge
[06:33:06] and plus everything else
[06:33:08] like with cut down i should be okay oh Dude, I'm curving my fucking hooks to the left.
[06:33:35] Why am i doing that?
[06:33:37] Like every one of my skill shots is
[06:33:40] like curved a bit you see that it's actually kind of weird I hope that wasn't a word. I don't think we do Baron here.
[06:34:04] I think we just wait and go get Grudge.
[06:34:07] Huh, I kind want some lifesteal,
[06:34:14] I might go...I might go BT next just to get some
[06:34:18] lifesteal. I could go Shogun too but oh you know what? I'm gonna go Shoujin too. Oh, you know what?
[06:34:22] I'm going to go Bork.
[06:34:24] I think it's actually Bork
[06:34:26] because they have so much HP.
[06:34:28] It might be Bork.
[06:35:52] The rarestreal Bork game. is so so so Oh, that would have been such a hope! uh How do I have, like, fucking aimbot and then I miss a
[06:35:54] Scion standing on-
[06:35:55] walking one mile an hour?
[06:36:30] ... standing on, like walking one mile an hour. so And we just do Baron right now, like this is free. Oh, they... Okay.
[06:36:31] Dude!
[06:36:33] If I had landed that ulti on Thresh
[06:36:34] That would have been such a fucking sick play
[06:36:37] I think it was a cool play
[06:36:39] But like
[06:36:40] The cherry on top would have been the ults.
[06:36:45] Man. Okay. That Thresh needs to take a break.
[06:37:13] Like, this guy is
[06:37:15] playing bad, forcing
[06:37:18] bad fights
[06:37:19] like
[06:37:23] oof.
[06:38:26] Bro, you need to take a break..... Man, it is so ungodly fucking hot right now in my house.
[06:38:26] I am... Good good god it's hot
[06:38:39] anybody else like in the US just fucking melting?
[06:38:44] Like dude, I don't have
[06:38:45] central air in my house right
[06:38:46] so we have like a series series of fans and we have one
[06:38:49] of those
[06:38:50] machines that
[06:38:52] sits on a window and pulls the air
[06:38:55] in it. Not an air conditioner but it's like
[06:38:57] you know it has like a tube
[06:38:58] I don't know how to phrase it It's like a... You know what? It has like a tube. I don't know how to phrase it.
[06:39:00] There's like... It's like a tube.
[06:39:02] It is an air conditioner, but it's like one of the
[06:39:04] air conditioners that goes on the window.
[06:39:06] But it's like... It sits on the ground.
[06:39:09] I don't know how to phrase it. It's not attached to the. I don't know how to phrase it.
[06:39:10] It's not, like...
[06:39:10] It's not attached to the...
[06:39:11] I-I don't know.
[06:39:13] But we have, like, one of those.
[06:39:14] It's pretty...
[06:39:14] It's-it's pretty good.
[06:39:15] Like, it's actually really good at cooling,
[06:39:17] like,
[06:39:18] th-the area.
[06:39:20] The problem is, like
[06:39:21] it only cools
[06:39:24] like the area
[06:39:25] and then spreads
[06:39:27] slightly to the rest of the house
[06:39:29] in my mom, I've been like...
[06:39:32] My mom, I put it in my mom's room because she was
[06:39:34] She's been sick.
[06:39:37] Dude, I am dying
[06:39:38] right now though.
[06:39:39] I'm sitting here actually just sweating in my chair.
[06:39:43] I don't know what to...I'm just drenched.
[06:39:54] I'm gonna get some water.
[06:39:57] Speak of the devil,
[06:39:58] I'm going to grab some water.
[06:39:58] I'll be right back. Okay.. Thank you..... you what's up guys? How is everybody's day going?
[06:41:31] What's up lads? You guys having a good day?
[06:41:44] I think we've had a pretty good day today.
[06:41:47] We fixed our MMR.
[06:41:58] And aside from, like, some of these absolutely,
[06:42:00] like, actually unwinnable games,
[06:42:24] I think we're playing pretty well Wait, I carried that Thresh at some point.
[06:42:28] Really? I didn't notice.
[06:42:38] It says
[06:42:38] I won, lost two games
[06:42:40] with him, 1-1 with him.
[06:42:53] So here's the first loss okay here's another loss.
[06:42:57] He was playing Viego and he got destroyed.
[06:43:08] And then this game, he played okay.
[06:43:12] I think this game we carried extremely hard though, me and Link.
[06:43:15] Like this game was just bot lane and mid lane taking over the game.
[06:43:50] ... Okay. Wait, this guy said he's autofilled to jungle.
[06:44:20] I'm not going to play with that An I-Landy viewer? what does that mean
[06:44:31] i think it might reach 50 fahrenheit and wait how do you say that name?
[06:44:34] Ray Rakejovek?
[06:44:55] I I signed Nick oh wait did I murder that name by the way right Javik. Yes? Okay, cool.
[06:44:57] As long as I know
[06:44:58] I murdered the name, I'm chill with it.
[06:45:07] Ha ha ha! heard the name, I'm chillin' with it. We're vibing. Ridiculously cool place,
[06:45:18] but everyone's related.
[06:45:22] Wait, so you got some Game of Thrones shit going on in Iceland?
[06:45:30] Like everybody's got the Game of Thrones family tree?
[06:45:50] Yeah. everybody's got like the game of thrones family tree 380,000 people.
[06:45:51] Wow that's not that much.
[06:46:07] Okay. I want to get... At some point in my life,
[06:46:09] I want to do some traveling stuff.
[06:46:11] I've never traveled
[06:46:12] to cool countries and shit.
[06:46:13] I kind of want to do that
[06:46:14] at some point.
[06:46:19] I think it would be fun.
[06:46:25] Experience some other countries'
[06:46:28] cultures and shits
[06:46:54] and like food that's not giga processed processed Fermented shark.
[06:48:50] Oh, I mean that sounds gross. Gross. Okay........ You've driven from one side of the country all the way to the other? Oh. In what?. I've never done a full
[06:49:16] America road trip.
[06:49:19] I think the furthest I've driven in America is to California
[06:49:24] from Colorado.
[06:49:28] I might be forgetting some other times or something, but I think that's the furthest It gets pretty wild
[06:49:44] driving for so long.
[06:49:48] I couldn't imagine doing, like, a road trip from like fucking New York to California or some shit.
[06:49:55] Like dude, my brain would break.
[06:49:59] That's just so much driving. What should I play?
[06:50:20] They banned Ezreal. What should I play?
[06:50:24] They banned Ezreal.
[06:50:50] I kinda wanna play Lucian, he sounds pretty fun. I think I have to take cleanse. Because they have Leona like set up into Zac.
[06:51:01] So if I get flashed, Leona Q'd or something and then Zac E's in, I i'm not gonna be able to play the game so
[06:51:08] oh yeah take cleanse so i don't get cc locked I was in Boston to Portland, New York to Texas. Jesus Christ!
[06:51:24] That sounds... that sounds
[06:51:26] oof
[06:51:27] dude
[06:51:33] I
[06:51:33] couldn't imagine driving during, like doing a road trip
[06:51:38] Like during the hot time of like the year or two
[06:51:41] I feel like you just die
[06:51:43] Like unless your car has like God tier AC...
[06:51:48] You would just die.
[06:52:00] Yeah! Yeah.
[06:52:01] More expensive, too. Okay. Your brother's car died during the... oh god.
[06:52:16] That sounds fun. Oh god.
[06:52:20] That sounds fun.
[06:52:22] Tappa.
[06:52:32] Tappa! I'm lying, it doesn't sound fun at all.
[06:52:33] That sounds fucking terrible.
[06:52:36] I might get off after this game, go make dinner and then see how I'm feeling
[06:52:38] and I might do a second stream.
[06:52:42] We'll see how I'm feeling and I might do a second stream. We'll see how it goes.
[06:52:45] I actually am really hungry.
[06:52:48] I don't know if it's like the heat
[06:52:49] or if it's like fucking
[06:52:50] what's going on, but yeah, I'm fucking starving
[06:53:09] You fucker You find a reason, reason things went wrong. Got to find the reason why my money's all gone this right this oh you might get run over or you might
[06:53:37] get shot
[06:53:42] hold it all the proof best get what you deserve! so I'm staring to the mist, and the mist stares back. I actually missed the CS.
[06:54:41] On fucking Lucian!
[06:55:30] This champion's CS is for himself! uh remember that is what i got trying to What? We should just kill this guy. Damn.
[06:55:45] What the absolute
[06:55:46] ever-living fuck?
[06:55:48] That was wild. wild I mean, we shouldn't hit this.
[06:56:08] We could just let it sit, but...
[06:56:10] What?
[06:56:13] Yeah, we can just let the waves sit I think.
[06:56:15] I can't tell. It's too hard to tell.
[06:56:19] I think it is pushing towards us though. I'm pretty sure.
[06:56:23] You know what's wild about that fight?
[06:56:27] We actually probably should have double killed him.
[06:56:32] Because I kind of did Leona
[06:56:33] really far up, cleansed the ignite and the stun
[06:56:36] ends or not to ignite it cleanse the stone instantly
[06:56:38] but she ignited after so i got hit with ignite and then i think i could have
[06:56:42] actually
[06:56:44] played it better A full heart's an easy target. Be-new-now!
[06:57:07] Wee-nuh-now!
[06:57:13] Pretty sure we could just kill them.
[06:57:16] But I think it depends a lot on my recon. it You have been slain.
[06:57:42] You have slain an enemy.
[06:57:46] No sunshine where I'm going from here. here Sorry for being kind of like
[06:58:13] boring today, by the way, chat.
[06:58:17] I just went for more
[06:58:18] of a chill stream today.
[06:58:21] Like I said, I'm feeling kind of sick so
[06:58:27] i don't have like a ton of energy you know we're just vibing hmm so pretty sure lee sin is to is in our jungle.
[06:59:16] He's either doing dragon and river up here to our left, or he's somewhere...
[06:59:23] Oh wow, he dodged that?
[06:59:27] Honestly, we're good. oh wow he dodged that honestly once i have cleanse i can play way more aggro okay he's on drake so Damn.
[06:59:52] Damn, if Rakan was paying attention...
[06:59:55] We actually double kill him.
[06:59:58] It's fine, though. An ally has been slain.
[07:00:00] Corgi shouldn't
[07:00:00] have even gone
[07:00:01] for the play.
[07:00:02] Like you just
[07:00:02] give Drake
[07:00:03] their red.
[07:00:04] Like Corgi
[07:00:05] never should
[07:00:05] have walked
[07:00:05] into river
[07:00:06] to do that.
[07:00:07] That doesn't
[07:00:07] make sense.
[07:00:09] And then Rakan should just watch me
[07:00:11] the whole lane because
[07:00:12] there's no value in him
[07:00:15] roaming to the dragon fight
[07:00:17] after the drake's fights over.
[07:00:26] Oh, okay.
[07:00:28] Well I mean that was really fucking stupid
[07:00:31] I was one minion off six
[07:00:33] literally dodged her ult and still
[07:00:35] got one shot
[07:00:39] I mean that's... like I don't even know what to say about that. That's disgusting.
[07:00:43] You should never die to, like...
[07:00:47] ...I don't know how to say it. There should never be a world where you can die to like something like that
[07:00:53] as an 80 carry when you dodge the biggest spell the enemy has
[07:00:59] like that to me is just wild
[07:01:06] like i dodge your ulti and i still get one shot under my turret
[07:01:11] i don't think that should ever happen bro so so so I don't know if I like this fight.
[07:02:03] Rakan does have ult, but
[07:02:04] my rumble is still top. He's been top for 10 minutes.
[07:02:14] Like I'll be honest
[07:02:15] like I kind of wanted to reset because Rumble... Lee Sin being bot again, which I'm almost positive this Lee Sin is still bot.
[07:02:23] It's brutal to fucking deal with an enemy has been slain
[07:02:42] we should check to see if he's in our jungle right now uh so I can't even get this plate.
[07:03:15] We still don't know where the fuck they are. so so Maybe I should have gone top air instead of being bot.
[07:03:52] And played for like grubs,
[07:03:53] I don't know.
[07:03:57] Wow,
[07:03:57] I missed the camp.
[07:04:00] I'm sad.
[07:04:05] I mean, of course. not gonna lie i just styled on them
[07:04:24] you guys. Double kill.
[07:04:44] NASA saved my ass, though.
[07:04:45] I'm not gonna lie. This guy did just save my fucking balls driving 28 hours straight sounds like
[07:05:09] if there was a way to torture somebody in hell that would be one of them
[07:05:22] okay I think one of the worst experiences I had driving was
[07:05:24] when I was moving
[07:05:26] all of my...
[07:05:28] When I moved in with my ex like 10 years ago,
[07:05:32] we had to...
[07:05:33] We didn't want to pay movers that go cross-country.
[07:05:36] And we had a bunch of furniture
[07:05:38] that our parents have given us
[07:05:41] so we uh hold on let me walk in for two seconds Okay, we're coming. So like I was saying...
[07:05:57] What had happened is that I remember
[07:05:59] I had to drive one of those like big ass trucks i'm talking like
[07:06:03] big it was it was a when i say furniture i mean like her parents have given us like
[07:06:09] like furniture Like furniture. Holy fuck.
[07:06:44] Anyway, like I was saying Moving on
[07:06:47] We filled like an entire
[07:06:49] Like you know
[07:06:50] Like a long
[07:06:51] Like a big ass
[07:06:52] It wasn't an 18 wheeler but it was
[07:06:55] a big ass fucking moving truck. You know the
[07:06:57] big ones from movies and shit?
[07:06:59] Not like the small little
[07:07:01] U-Hauls. We filled up a big one.
[07:07:03] And I had to drive
[07:07:05] one of those uh from kansas
[07:07:11] to colorado and i didn't know how to drive it
[07:07:20] like i had to figure out how to drive it
[07:07:24] and then like
[07:07:26] and i had to do it from
[07:07:28] Kansas to Colorado.
[07:07:32] Let me tell you,
[07:07:33] that was
[07:07:33] probably one of the most nerve-wracking
[07:07:37] times I've had
[07:07:39] just existing on
[07:07:41] the planet.
[07:07:45] ... Sorry, I was trying to talk and focus at the same time.
[07:07:54] It didn't work out well.
[07:07:56] But yeah,
[07:07:56] I think that was one of the most nerve-wracking
[07:07:58] like things i've done on the planet earth being alive
[07:08:01] because it's like you don't get to like normally you know
[07:08:04] like when you're driving a car like you can just chill
[07:08:07] most of the time right like? Like you have the moments
[07:08:09] where you have to focus on traffic
[07:08:11] or merging or stuff like that
[07:08:13] when you're in the city.
[07:08:15] But like when you're driving a truck
[07:08:17] and you don't know how to drive a truck really.
[07:08:20] And I'm talking like tens of thousands
[07:08:24] of dollars in furniture in the back.
[07:08:28] So I was full Like I'm trying really hard to like,
[07:08:30] so I was full focused for the entire drive
[07:08:37] from Kansas to Colorado.
[07:08:38] Like full-focused, like full focused.
[07:08:43] Like I didn't get to like autopilot my brain at all.
[07:08:45] Like I didn't even relax.
[07:08:48] I was just like full on,
[07:08:51] like there's dogs in the car.
[07:08:53] We took two dogs with us.
[07:08:56] So we had two dogs in the car.
[07:08:58] I was fucking driving the truck
[07:09:03] right truck. Right?
[07:09:05] And we have to deal with that, and I'm just
[07:09:07] dude, that was the worst drive
[07:09:09] I've ever made.
[07:09:12] Because like, I thought it was gonna be a fun experience. Because, like,
[07:09:12] I thought it was gonna be
[07:09:13] a fun experience.
[07:09:14] You're like,
[07:09:14] oh, you know,
[07:09:15] I'm 20...
[07:09:16] I'm 23.
[07:09:17] I get to...
[07:09:18] Like, we're moving
[07:09:18] into my first fucking
[07:09:19] apartment with
[07:09:21] my girlfriend
[07:09:22] and all this shit. Like oh my god
[07:09:24] it's gonna be great. And then like
[07:09:26] I'm like
[07:09:28] pissing myself.
[07:09:31] But I'm just
[07:09:32] stressed the entire time.
[07:09:35] And then, I remember we paid for movers to help us because there was so much crap.
[07:09:43] We had a lot of furniture, right?
[07:09:45] And so there was so much furniture and shits
[07:09:46] that we paid for the movers to help us
[07:09:49] because we got an apartment on the third floor.
[07:09:52] So we were on
[07:09:53] fucking third floor
[07:09:54] trying to carry up like couches and shit.
[07:09:57] It was it was insane.
[07:10:02] That was the most stressful motherfucking shit of all time.
[07:10:06] It was so stressful, man. Yeah, driving around like...
[07:10:20] You know in Colorado?
[07:10:22] I don't know if anybody's ever made that drive.
[07:10:23] But when you're driving into Colorado
[07:10:25] you have to you go through them uh
[07:10:29] depending on which way you come from sometimes there's like some bad roads it's not great But at least I didn't have to drive through...
[07:10:43] If I remember correctly,
[07:10:45] I didn't have to drive through the fucking...
[07:10:47] What's it called?
[07:10:49] Like really bad.
[07:10:53] But like really bad, like mountain part.
[07:10:58] Like when I was driving to...
[07:10:59] I actually didn't know my car had bad alignment
[07:11:02] until I drove through the...
[07:11:04] Have you guys ever driven
[07:11:05] from
[07:11:06] Colorado to
[07:11:09] West? Yeah. Colorado to like...
[07:11:11] West.
[07:11:13] Like you go from that pass,
[07:11:15] You know, like that highway?
[07:11:18] You go through Colorado and drive west?
[07:11:21] You hit, like... This area where, like,
[07:11:23] you're basically driving through mountains for,
[07:11:25] Like an hour.
[07:11:29] And I... funny story.
[07:11:31] I actually because I drove my car to California when I moved to Cali
[07:11:36] because I needed a car right?
[07:11:38] It was really funny because I didn't realize my alignment was off
[07:11:43] because i only ever drove my car you know short distances and i remember
[07:11:47] i'm like driving on the highway like doing these turns and and i was I was like, wait a second.
[07:11:53] Something feels fucking weird.
[07:11:56] And I realized
[07:11:57] my alignment was off.
[07:12:00] And I was like, that's weird.
[07:12:01] And so I remember I took it to the mechanic
[07:12:04] and they actually
[07:12:06] told me that, you know
[07:12:08] what's it called?
[07:12:10] The axle of your car or whatever. There's like a
[07:12:12] connector that connects it,
[07:12:15] the point of the alignment or whatever.
[07:12:17] It had been
[07:12:18] disconnected
[07:12:19] on my back tire.
[07:12:25] I was like,
[07:12:25] oh.
[07:12:27] That's not good.
[07:12:28] That's why that felt
[07:12:29] that way.
[07:12:32] They were like,
[07:12:33] yeah you probably
[07:12:33] shouldn't drive on those
[07:12:34] like,
[07:12:34] oh well I just drove all the way to Cali.
[07:12:38] And they were like, wow, okay.
[07:12:41] The tie rod, yeah,
[07:12:42] yeah, yeah. The tie rod.
[07:12:47] Because the fun fact is like my car was actually really nice for a long time.
[07:12:52] I have a 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse that I bought when I was 18.
[07:12:57] And it was actually a really nice car, right?
[07:12:59] When I bought it, it didn't have that many miles.
[07:13:01] It lasted me over 10
[07:13:03] years, so great car.
[07:13:05] But you know what sucked
[07:13:07] is there was one time
[07:13:09] I'm pretty sure
[07:13:10] I've told this
[07:13:11] story on stream before
[07:13:12] but like the reason
[07:13:13] my car was fucked up too
[07:13:14] I'll give you a little lore
[07:13:15] uh
[07:13:17] this was actually
[07:13:17] 2015 um give you a little lore. This was actually 2015
[07:13:19] right when I had broken up
[07:13:23] with my girlfriend,
[07:13:24] the one I was talking about moving in with.
[07:13:27] This was the first year,
[07:13:29] I think of TwitchCon
[07:13:30] that ever existed
[07:13:31] was in like 2015
[07:13:32] and
[07:13:33] I didn't know
[07:13:36] if I wanted to go
[07:13:37] to TwitchCon
[07:13:41] because I was a much bigger streamer back then too like i was getting like three to four thousand viewers straight like i was big right as a big streamer
[07:13:46] and i didn't know if i wanted to go to twitchCon, but all my viewers were like, hey, you should
[07:13:51] go. And I had a bunch of
[07:13:52] stream friends that wanted to hang out.
[07:13:56] And so it was like the night
[07:13:57] before TwitchCon
[07:13:58] I decided to buy a plane ticket.
[07:14:01] Because like, I was procrastinating
[07:14:03] and I was like, fine, I'll just go. So I
[07:14:05] ended up buying
[07:14:07] a plane ticket the night before TwitchCon, and I flew
[07:14:09] out at like... But my plane the only ticket they had was a 5am trip
[07:14:16] and i lived in colorado springs at the time and i had to fly that like dia
[07:14:20] so i had to make like a two-hour trip.
[07:14:24] And I was like, oh shit.
[07:14:25] So I leave at 3 AM
[07:14:28] It was like 6 AM flight.
[07:14:31] You guys get it.
[07:14:32] It was an early flight.m. flight. You guys get it, it was like an early
[07:14:33] flight.
[07:14:34] I leave at 3 a.m.,
[07:14:35] the problem
[07:14:37] was
[07:14:38] it had just
[07:14:39] like
[07:14:40] snowed
[07:14:42] and then melted on the street.
[07:14:45] And it was like 3 a.m.
[07:14:47] So,
[07:14:48] it was all black ice.
[07:14:49] I think that may have been
[07:14:51] the scariest moment
[07:14:52] I've ever had driving a car.
[07:14:54] I was alone, going 80 miles an hour
[07:14:57] down the highway trying to make it to the airport
[07:14:58] and I hit a patch
[07:15:00] of black ice going 80 on
[07:15:02] the highway.
[07:15:04] That was probably... going 80 on the highway. I've never...
[07:15:06] That was probably...
[07:15:08] If you've ever been in a moment like that,
[07:15:12] you understand what I'm talking about,
[07:15:13] but your body freaks the fuck out.
[07:15:17] You're like, oh god.
[07:15:19] And I immediately
[07:15:20] was like, what the fuck?
[07:15:22] Because I don't know how to
[07:15:24] explain this. I can draw it,
[07:15:26] I can draw what happened.
[07:15:29] But you know there's the highways right?
[07:15:31] And then you have like
[07:15:33] The highway here and then
[07:15:34] Like the highway here
[07:15:36] Right?
[07:15:37] And then,
[07:15:37] like one goes
[07:15:38] one way,
[07:15:39] the other goes
[07:15:39] the other way
[07:15:39] and then you have
[07:15:40] like the guardrails
[07:15:42] to protect
[07:15:44] You have
[07:15:45] like the little
[07:15:45] things here
[07:15:46] and then it's like the guard rail right on
[07:15:50] the highway so that you don't you know fall you don't like merge hair essentially
[07:15:56] you know what i'm talking about.
[07:15:59] I'm assuming most of you understand.
[07:16:01] So there's like the gate or whatever,
[07:16:03] right? The little metal thing that keeps you from going into the middle.
[07:16:04] So I'm driving on the
[07:16:06] highway and I hit the black ice.
[07:16:10] I'm lucky nobody
[07:16:11] was, like,
[07:16:13] on the highway with me.
[07:16:14] I was alone
[07:16:15] because it was 3 a.m.
[07:16:16] And I was driving in
[07:16:17] from fucking
[07:16:18] Colorado Springs.
[07:16:20] So,
[07:16:21] I start sliding, right?
[07:16:24] And I'm like here.
[07:16:25] I'm in the left lane.
[07:16:27] My car
[07:16:29] ends up... you know how like
[07:16:31] your car is like this, right?
[07:16:34] You have like the
[07:16:39] you know
[07:16:39] like the front of the car blah blah blah
[07:16:41] my car ends up
[07:16:43] sideways
[07:16:44] and I'm
[07:16:47] going down
[07:16:49] the road at 80 miles an hour sliding on black ice with my car facing this.
[07:16:59] So I was basically pissing myself because Because I didn't know how to actually, like...
[07:17:04] Fix this.
[07:17:06] Right?
[07:17:06] Because, like, I hit the ice and my card has shifted.
[07:17:08] So now I'm going down, like, facing diagonal.
[07:17:12] Right? And so
[07:17:14] I'm like, okay,
[07:17:17] I gotta remember what the fuck I'm supposed to do here.
[07:17:20] Luckily enough
[07:17:22] I didn't hit like the pavement and just flip.
[07:17:25] What ended up happening was...
[07:17:27] Well, I did take my foot off the gas, right?
[07:17:29] I like didn't hit the brakes because I...
[07:17:31] The way I got this was I tried to hit the brakes
[07:17:35] slightly because I saw the ice
[07:17:37] as I was hitting it
[07:17:39] and I slightly tapped the brakes
[07:17:41] and as I tapped the brakes my car shifted
[07:17:43] And that's when I was like, okay, there's ice.
[07:17:45] And so I didn't hit the brakes. You know,
[07:17:47] I was doing everything, like, the way I'm supposed to.
[07:17:50] But I'm, like... I'm going down
[07:17:51] the road fucking diagonal
[07:17:53] and I probably go, like... I don't go that far because
[07:17:56] I'm going 80 miles an hour. I'm going
[07:17:58] fucking fast as shit.
[07:18:00] I don't go that far but my car manages
[07:18:02] to slam into this guard
[07:18:04] rail
[07:18:04] so I don't like
[07:18:07] hit non-ice as
[07:18:09] going, my car manages
[07:18:11] to bounce off
[07:18:13] this fucking guard rail
[07:18:17] the left side of my car,
[07:18:18] right?
[07:18:18] The entire
[07:18:18] left side
[07:18:19] of my car
[07:18:19] just slams
[07:18:20] into this
[07:18:21] and bounces
[07:18:23] off over
[07:18:24] here.
[07:18:26] So like
[07:18:26] the guardrail
[07:18:26] did its job!
[07:18:28] That was great, I'm happy that guard rail
[07:18:30] was there let me tell you what
[07:18:32] But yeah so I bounce off this and end up
[07:18:34] over here
[07:18:36] And I'm in the middle of a street backwards my car is like facing like this now like my car's
[07:18:41] like facing this way because it like bounced and then did like a weird turn like the inertia like
[07:18:46] put me this way and i remember i was like dude i'm really happy uh nobody's
[07:18:50] on the road with me right now fun fact somehow my car like kept going.
[07:19:00] It didn't
[07:19:02] not work.
[07:19:04] It was smoking.
[07:19:07] My car was like...
[07:19:09] I think it was steam because it was so cold out i
[07:19:11] think it was steam because it wasn't actual smoke i think
[07:19:14] it was just steam like i think what happened is like the radiator got hit
[07:19:17] right and i think all the all the coolant in
[07:19:19] the radiator like hit the engine or something
[07:19:21] because there was steam coming
[07:19:23] off my car. So, I got out.
[07:19:25] I stood there for a bit. I was like, I can't have my
[07:19:27] car in the middle of the fucking road
[07:19:28] with black ice here. That's not a good idea so i stood there for
[07:19:33] like a minute i was like yeah i gotta move my car uh so there's like an overpass like over
[07:19:38] here you know like where you go and you get off the highway i go and i like pull my car around
[07:19:44] and i sit on this overpass to do like an inspection and i'm like okay what's going
[07:19:48] on right i like look at it i my mom. I go through all this.
[07:19:56] And I'm like, what the fuck's happening?
[07:19:59] And uh...
[07:20:01] Hold on.
[07:21:37] Okay. Hold on........ Sorry, I had aggro for a sec.
[07:21:39] So yeah, I check ongro for a sec. So yeah,
[07:21:40] check on the car, right?
[07:21:42] The car is like still...
[07:21:43] The car is
[07:21:46] like still...
[07:21:47] There's like steam coming off my car or smoke.
[07:21:52] I didn't know at this point what it was because it was dark,
[07:21:54] so I couldn't fucking tell what's happening.
[07:21:56] But I assumed it was steam because my car turned on.
[07:22:00] So I try and
[07:22:01] get out, I check it, I'm like okay
[07:22:03] the responsible
[07:22:05] thing to do here
[07:22:06] is to have my car towed back
[07:22:09] to my house
[07:22:10] and just not go to TwitchCon, right? That's the responsible
[07:22:15] thing to do. But I didn't do the responsible thing. So I think I'm retarded.
[07:22:23] I turned
[07:22:27] my car on, got back in my car
[07:22:30] drove to the airport after I had just gotten
[07:22:33] into an accident.
[07:22:35] After my car was like literally smoking
[07:22:37] drove to the airport
[07:22:39] parked my car in the garage
[07:22:45] and I went
[07:22:49] to TwitchCon............. Okay. Sorry about that.
[07:25:15] Uh...
[07:25:19] What was I saying? Oh yeah!
[07:25:22] So I just like went to TwitchCon
[07:25:24] and then I
[07:25:26] was gone for like four days
[07:25:31] came back
[07:25:31] car turned on fine
[07:25:33] it was completely fine came back, car turned on fine.
[07:25:36] It was completely fine and I remember I was like dude
[07:25:38] I should have my car looked at
[07:25:40] I took it to a
[07:25:42] mechanic they looked at it.
[07:25:45] They didn't tell me that rod
[07:25:49] that we were talking about before,
[07:25:50] they didn't tell me
[07:25:51] that it was disconnected
[07:25:53] the first time I took it to the mechanic.
[07:25:55] They didn't say that, they were just like no you're fine.
[07:25:58] They're like yeah there's an oil leak,
[07:26:00] this is leaking, you need to refill this fluid and there's an oil leak
[07:26:04] and I was like okay, leak. And I was like, okay,
[07:26:06] cool.
[07:26:08] And then so all that happened and then that was fine though.
[07:26:10] So I just kept driving my car for
[07:26:13] the next... This was 2015
[07:26:14] for the next year.
[07:26:17] And then I figured out
[07:26:18] the alignment was off
[07:26:19] when I drove to Cali.
[07:26:21] And I was like,
[07:26:22] oh that guy just didn't check
[07:26:23] that apparently.
[07:26:25] Cool. Anyway, cool.
[07:26:32] I will say going to TwitchCon
[07:26:33] worth it.
[07:26:35] I met a lot of
[07:26:35] cool people at that
[07:26:36] 2015 TwitchCon
[07:26:37] but that's where I met a lot of cool people at that TwitchCon, 2015 TwitchCon.
[07:26:41] That's where I met Loserfruit, Kathleen.
[07:26:42] That's where I met a bunch
[07:26:45] of
[07:26:46] streamer friends that I hadn't met before.
[07:26:51] So it was worth.
[07:26:53] I enjoyed it.
[07:26:57] It was a good time
[07:27:07] that's what yeah I'm gonna go off-stream anyway I'm gonna get off stream anyway.
[07:27:10] I'm gonna go make dinner.
[07:27:14] I am hungry.
[07:27:17] It's hot.
[07:27:18] I wanna go eat some water.
[07:27:21] Sit in front of the air conditioning for five minutes and
[07:27:28] make some dinner but uh yeah uh yo boys thanks for watching thanks for hanging out appreciate uh appreciate everything.
[07:27:32] I don't know if we had any resubs today? I think we had a few, but I appreciate the
[07:27:34] subs, the follows, all that shit.
[07:27:36] And I appreciate you guys just hanging out and
[07:27:38] watching the stream.
[07:27:40] You know, just chilling with me. Thank you so much.
[07:27:43] I hope you guys had a good time.
[07:27:55] I'll be back tomorrow at the same time as always.
[07:27:57] You know where to find me.
[07:27:59] Uh, you can follow my socials so that I get updates on stuff that I'm doing.
[07:28:01] I need to update them a little better
[07:28:02] but I've been- I've to update them a little better, but I've been
[07:28:03] pretty good
[07:28:04] about updating...
[07:28:06] Like,
[07:28:07] I actually
[07:28:07] have a TikTok
[07:28:08] that I've been
[07:28:09] doing.
[07:28:11] TikTok,
[07:28:13] Facebook, Twitter, Instagram twitter instagram discord all that but yeah
[07:28:19] i will see you guys tomorrow and if i don't say tomorrow i hope you have a good rest of your week
[07:28:32] thanks for watching guys have a good rest of your week thanks for watching guys have a good one bye-bye later dudes